Presentation type:
ITS – Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions

EGU25-834 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Disproportionate Impact of Compound Flood Events on Road Infrastructure Damage 

Raviraj Dave, Sushobhan Sen, and Udit Bhatia

The resilience of road infrastructure is vital for maintaining community mobility and ensuring the continuity of critical services, particularly in the face of escalating challenges posed by climate change. Among these challenges, the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events often manifest as floods, posing a substantial threat to urban road networks in low-lying coastal areas. These regions are especially vulnerable to multiple flood drivers, including tidal surges, streamflow, and precipitation. The co-occurrence of extreme rainfall with high tides and elevated streamflow levels amplifies flood inundation depths, yet the compound effects of these flood drivers on road infrastructure damage remain underexplored. This study proposes a quantitative framework to assess the dynamic interaction of compound flood events and their impacts on road infrastructure systems, with a focus on damage assessment. Using the extreme weather events of 2018 in Kozhikode, Kerala, India, as a case study, we integrate disparate flood hazards—pluvial (rainfall-induced), fluvial (streamflow), and coastal (storm tide)—to evaluate flood risk and road damage. A 1D-2D hydrodynamic modeling approach, coupled with depth-damage curves, quantifies the repair and maintenance costs for roads affected by compound flooding. Our findings reveal that pluvial flooding accounts for 93% of road damage, while fluvial and coastal flooding contribute 5.6% and 1.4%, respectively. This framework highlights the disproportionate impacts of different flood drivers and enables the identification of the primary contributors to road damage. Such insights can inform targeted adaptation strategies tailored to the unique needs of specific regions, enhancing infrastructure resilience against future flood events.

How to cite: Dave, R., Sen, S., and Bhatia, U.: Disproportionate Impact of Compound Flood Events on Road Infrastructure Damage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-834,, 2025.

EGU25-867 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Quantifying Subsurface Contributions to Compound Flooding in Coastal Urban Areas for Enhanced Resilience 

Manthan Sutrave, Ashish Kumar, Raviraj Dave, and Udit Bhatia

Coastal cities are increasingly affected by flooding due to the combined impacts of surface and subsurface water processes. Compound flood events, driven by changing groundwater levels, tidal surges, and riverine, pose substantial risks to urban infrastructure and livelihoods, particularly in low-lying coastal cities like Mumbai. Despite its critical importance, the role of groundwater dynamics in flood severity and its contribution to comprehensive flood risk assessments remain underexplored. In this study, we quantify flood risks induced by multiple drivers and their contributions to compound events. We integrate surface and subsurface flooding using MIKE+ and FEFLOW to simulate 1D-2D coupled hydrodynamic models, respectively. Mumbai serves as the study area due to its susceptibility to tidal surges, riverine, and groundwater flooding. By incorporating tidal, well, and streamflow data, our study quantifies the contribution of groundwater to surface flooding, offering a deeper understanding of the interplay between subsurface and surface water processes. Our findings lay the foundation for proactive groundwater management strategies and promote the development of resilient urban infrastructure, ultimately mitigating the impacts of flooding in vulnerable coastal areas.

How to cite: Sutrave, M., Kumar, A., Dave, R., and Bhatia, U.: Quantifying Subsurface Contributions to Compound Flooding in Coastal Urban Areas for Enhanced Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-867,, 2025.

EGU25-2538 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/HS12.2

Water surface slope variation in Vidrice polder resulting from pumping operation 

Domagoj Perokovic and Gordon Gilja

Surface drainage system within the polder is designed to collect internal inflow, resulting
from rainfall, and external inflow, resulting from sea water infiltration, that gravitates into
the canal network. Excess water that impedes agricultural production is cyclically
pumped out of the polder, lowering the water level below the root zone. Water level
monitoring in the main canal of the drainage network is set-up as continuous real-time
measurements of surface water levels and index water velocity using radars. The
Automated Continuous Monitoring System installed under the DELTASAL project
consists of surface water regime monitoring, water quality monitoring, soil salinity
monitoring, and the monitoring of weather conditions with sensors integrated to provide
synchronized real-time data. The data collected is available to the stakeholders, polder
users, and public through an online platform. Co-creation is central to the DELTASAL
project, involving stakeholders (research-oriented community, public administration, local
authorities, and farmers) in every phase, from problem identification to development of
guidelines to optimize the water regime for agricultural use. Through workshops
stakeholders exchange requirements of water quality and quantity, validate findings, and
discuss the potential solutions that are aligned with agricultural goals specific to the
polder. The overall goal is to provide functional prognostic model as a platform for polder
management. The participatory approach aims to foster collaborative decision-making,
improving the sustainability of the drainage system. The objective of this research is to
determine the relationship between canal surface slope, water volume, and pump flow
rate under different water regime management scenarios. The research uses surface
water levels in the canal and associated pump flow rates as primary inputs to develop a
drainage optimization model as a part of the water quantity/quality prognostic model.

How to cite: Perokovic, D. and Gilja, G.: Water surface slope variation in Vidrice polder resulting from pumping operation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2538,, 2025.

EGU25-6022 | Posters virtual | VPS29

Navigating the unexpected: The impact of disruptive events on mitigation scenarios 

Alaa Al Khourdajie, Alex Nikas, Natasha Frilingou, Shivika Mittal, Dirk Jan van de Ven, Panagiotis Fragkos, Haewon McJeon, Ed Byers, Ilkka Keppo, Glen Peters, David McCollum, Eleftheria Zisarou, Adam Hawkes, and Ajay Gambhir

Climate change mitigation strategies face disruption from multiple sources: extreme climate events, socioeconomic crises, geopolitical conflicts, technological breakthroughs, as well as the abrupt transitions and disruptive actions entailed by achieving the stringent Paris Agreement goals. While these disruptive events can fundamentally alter long-term mitigation scenarios, the current literature does not sufficiently assess their implications. Existing long-term mitigation scenario narratives and modelling frameworks, using Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), lack systematic approaches to analyse their impacts. To address this gap, we introduce the Disruptive Events-Resilient Pathways (DERPs) framework, which provides structured narratives to systematically explore and assess the resilience of climate actions to the impacts of external disruptions and entailed abrupt transitions. To operationalise this framework, we employ multiple IAMs to analyse case studies of distinct disruptions: intensifying heatwaves and droughts affecting energy systems, and the rapid uptake of Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS) technology. Our analysis highlights the inherent limitations of IAMs in capturing the full complexity of disruptive events. We offer novel methodological approaches to overcome them. Our results provide insights into the interplay between the impacts of disruptive events and mitigation scenarios.

We introduce a conceptual framework, alongside qualitative narratives and use cases for validation, to guide the development of Disruptive Events-Resilient Pathways (DERPs). This framework systematically explores the impacts of disruptive events on mitigation and adaptation strategies, allowing to evaluate their resilience to such disruptions. Similar to the widely-adopted SSP scenario framework, which maps socioeconomic developments onto the extent of challenges to mitigation and adaptation (O’Neill et al., 2017), the DERPs framework comprises two dimensions, thereby enabling breaking the developed spectrum into four blocks of narratives, plus an intermediate narrative that reflects current trends. We further reflect on the connection between the DERP and SSP frameworks in the discussion section below. 

The DERP dimensions and underlying narratives draw on concrete examples, to make the framework more comprehensive and comprehensible, but remain sufficiently generalisable to allow the framework to serve as a blueprint for conducting similar types of mitigation and adaptation analyses in the future. In determining the two dimensions of the DERP framework, we benefit from van Ginkel et al. (2020), who had proposed two dimensions for exploring how climate change tipping points can cause socioeconomic tipping points (SETPs). In the DERP framework, the focus shifts from climate change tipping points to disruptive events as the drivers of socioeconomic impacts, and on assessing societal resilience to these impacts. Accordingly, the two dimensions are defined as follows:

  • climate action effectiveness: this refers to significant and deliberate change in the way societies and systems transition towards mitigating, or preparing for (i.e. adapting to), climate change
  • resilience to socioeconomic impacts: this refers to the capacity to withstand unintended shifts in socioeconomic structures that may occur due to abrupt transitions or insufficient mitigation or adaptation failure, and the resulting climate change impacts. 


How to cite: Al Khourdajie, A., Nikas, A., Frilingou, N., Mittal, S., van de Ven, D. J., Fragkos, P., McJeon, H., Byers, E., Keppo, I., Peters, G., McCollum, D., Zisarou, E., Hawkes, A., and Gambhir, A.: Navigating the unexpected: The impact of disruptive events on mitigation scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6022,, 2025.

Planktonic bacteria and archaea play a key role in river nutrient biogeochemical cycling; however, their respective community assembly and how to maintain their diversity are not well know in dammed rivers. Therefore, a seasonal survey of planktonic bacterial and archaeal community compositions and related environmental factors was conducted in 16 cascade reservoirs on the Wujiang River and the Pearl River in southwest China to understand the above mechanisms. The result showed that deterministic processes dominated bacterial and archaeal community assembly. Planktonic bacteria and archaea in dammed rivers had different biogeographic distributions, and water temperature was a key controlling factor. Water temperature can directly or indirectly affect the microbial diversity. Planktonic bacterial diversity increased with increasing water temperature, while archaea showed the opposite trend; the overall diversity of bacteria and archaea was no significant changes with changeable water temperature. Abundant microbes had a stronger distance-decay relationship than middle and rare ones, and the relationship was stronger in winter and spring than in summer and autumn. The different responses of planktonic bacterial and archaeal diversity to water temperature could be due to their different phylogenetic diversity. This ultimately maintained the stability of total microbial community diversity. This study reveals the different responses of planktonic bacteria and archaea to water temperature and perfects the theoretical framework for planktonic microbial biogeography in dammed rivers.

How to cite: Liu, N., Wang, B., and Yang, M.: The different responses of planktonic bacteria and archaea to water temperature maintain the stability of their community diversity in dammed rivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6325,, 2025.

EGU25-6835 | Posters virtual | VPS29

Place attachment and relocation, a difficult combination 

Maria Teresa Carone, Carmela Vennari, and Loredana Antronico

Humans’ attachment to the place where they live is widely recognized. Nevertheless, landscapes can be characterized by aspects that make their communities prone to natural hazards. When a disaster occurs, the relocation of the people involved can be necessary. Such a relocation, however, can be opposed by interested communities, given the place attachment (PA) to the environment at risk. For this reason, a clear understanding of this aspect is mandatory to better calibrate risk adaptation measures involving relocation. In this work, a systematic review of the role of PA in the management of relocation measures was carried out. The review followed the PRISMA protocol (Preferred Re-porting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses). The findings indicate that generally, strong PA is associated with a low propensity for relocation, regardless of risk perception or awareness levels. This low propensity is related mainly to the fact that the place of relocation cannot satisfy the symbolic needs associated with the place of origin. On the other hand, PA is often linked to a greater propensity to take care of the place in which people live. Therefore, it can lead to the realization of adaptive behaviors. From this perspective, among scholars, there is consensus that PA needs to be considered in the construction of strategies for natural hazard management involving relocation. In addition, the literature shows that there have also been attempts to develop attachments to new relocation sites. These attempts have had mixed results. Therefore, it is even more important to further investigate the role of PA as a nonstructural measure to improve the resilience of populations affected by natural disasters.

This work was funded by the Next Generation EU - Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of ‘Innovation Ecosystems’, building ‘Territorial R&D Leaders’ (Directorial Decree n. 2021/3277) – project Tech4You - Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009

How to cite: Carone, M. T., Vennari, C., and Antronico, L.: Place attachment and relocation, a difficult combination, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6835,, 2025.

EGU25-8787 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Citizen Science in marine biodiversity unstructured monitoring  

Berta Companys, Ana Alvarez, Xavier Salvador, Sonia Liñan, and Jaume Piera

Citizen science in marine biodiversity monitoring encounters several challenges such as obtaining unstructured data which may lead to underestimate species presence or introduce spatial bias. In addition to those inherent to the marine environment. To address these challenges, efforts must be directed towards (1) enhancing participant engagement to increase the volume of data collected, and (2) developing methods to standardize the unstructured data obtained. 

As of December 2024th, over 260.000 observations have been recorded during the course of four years by more than 870 volunteer participants documenting over 2900 species, including some historical observations, in the Coastal region of Catalonia, located in the northeast of Spain. These observations have been reported and validated in the citizen science observatory MINKA (

This presentation will highlight the lessons learnt through the past four years, the opportunities and the remaining challenges to address. 

How to cite: Companys, B., Alvarez, A., Salvador, X., Liñan, S., and Piera, J.: Citizen Science in marine biodiversity unstructured monitoring , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8787,, 2025.

EGU25-9262 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Resilience: Global Insights and Implications for India 

Tashina Madappa Cheranda, Harini Santhanam, and Indu K Murthy

The Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus has emerged as a critical framework for addressing resource interdependencies and building resilience against climate change impacts. Despite its growing prominence, significant knowledge gaps remain, particularly in quantifying resilience and integrating cross-sectoral dynamics into actionable policymaking. This review synthesizes existing literature on the WEF nexus, focusing on its evolution, current trends, and resilience frameworks. Employing meta-analysis, this study quantifies key trends in WEF nexus resilience research, identifying dominant methodologies, geographic patterns, and gaps in policy and practice.

The findings reveal a global emphasis on conceptual frameworks and modelling approaches, with limited application to localized contexts, especially in India. To bridge this gap, this study highlights the need for policy coherence analyses and system dynamics modelling to assess resilience of the WEF-nexus under various climate scenarios. Thus, providing actionable insights for researchers and policymakers, emphasizing the importance of integrated, scalable, and data-driven approaches to enhancing the resilience of WEF systems.

How to cite: Cheranda, T. M., Santhanam, H., and Murthy, I. K.: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Resilience: Global Insights and Implications for India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9262,, 2025.

EGU25-11483 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Evaluating the Importance of Region-Specific Bioclimatic Datasets in Projecting the Future Distribution of Lissachatina fulica in Complex Landscapes 

Ruben Barragan, Paula Sosa-Guillén, Pierre Simon Tondreau, Juan Carlos Pérez, Francisco J. Expósito, and Juan Pedro Díaz

The invasive alien, African giant snail, Lissachatina fulica, considered as a pest, poses a significant threat to ecosystems, human health and agriculture across tropical and subtropical regions. Therefore, in order to address the challenge posed by the presence of this animal outside its original habitat it is essential to to understand its current and potential future distribution. Thus, this study, which highlights the critical role of regional bioclimatic datasets in improving the predictive accuracy of species distribution models (SDMs) particularly for invasive species in ecosystems with complex orography or climate, takes advantage of global and regional bioclimatic datasets to model the future distribution of L. fulica in the Canary Islands, emphasizing the influence of the archipelago’s complex orography and unique microclimates.

Our approach integrates two distinct datasets as input of the SDM Maxent. First, we used the global distribution of L. fulica from GBif and a list of bioindicators taken from the WorldClim and Chelsa datasets to train the model, which allowed us to capture the environmental niche of the species under various climatic conditions. We then applied the BICI-ULL dataset, a high-resolution bioclimatic dataset specifically developed for the Canary Islands that accounts for the intricate topography and varied microclimates of the archipelago, providing an unprecedented resolution for regional analyses. This dataset allows us to perform our projections in two different future periods, mid- (2041-2060) and end-of-century (2081-2100) and under two scenarios for greenhouse gas concentration, namely the CMIP5 representative concentration pathway 4.5 and 8.5 (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5).

The results indicate that while the current distribution of L. fulica in the Canary Islands is limited to the wetter areas of the archipelago, namely western islands such as La Palma and El Hierro and the north of Tenerife, future projections under the CMIP5 RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios reveal notable changes. For both temporal periods and driven by warming temperatures and changing precipitation patterns, habitat suitability shows a greater shrinkage remaining only a small favorable area in the northern part of La Palma. However, future projections performed with the global datasets show opposite results, that is, a large number of high-suitability zones throughout the entire archipelago in which the probability of the presence of L. fulica is very high.

The use of BICI-ULL allowed us to identify future patterns in the high-suitability zones that would have been overestimated using global datasets. This underscores the need of incorporating region-specific data when modeling species distributions in topographically complex areas such as oceanic islands. The findings highlight the importance of developing regional datasets, like BICI-ULL, that can capture microclimatic variability. Besides, this approach serves as a model for addressing similar challenges in other biodiversity-rich but vulnerable regions, contributing to the broader understanding of invasive species dynamics.

How to cite: Barragan, R., Sosa-Guillén, P., Tondreau, P. S., Pérez, J. C., Expósito, F. J., and Díaz, J. P.: Evaluating the Importance of Region-Specific Bioclimatic Datasets in Projecting the Future Distribution of Lissachatina fulica in Complex Landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11483,, 2025.

EGU25-11581 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Mapping Tea Plantations in Africa with Computer Vision 

Wyclife Agumba Oluoch, Lukas Drees, Jan Dirk Wegner, and David Wuepper

Tea, Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze is a globally significant crop, with approximately 6.6 billion cups consumed daily, making it the second most consumed beverage after water. It supports millions of livelihoods and contributes significantly to regional economies, particularly in Africa. Despite its importance, monitoring tea plantations in the continent remains manual as there are no spatially-explicit maps, thereby hindering efficient quantification of forest and biodiversity changes associated with tea cultivation, for instance. Here, we present the first high-resolution map of tea plantations in Africa, developed using computer vision techniques integrated with high-resolution satellite imagery and ground-truth polygons. Our approach achieves unprecedented spatial accuracy in delineating the area under tea cultivation with an overall accuracy of 97%. This milestone lays a foundation for spatially-explicit monitoring of tea plantations, enabling applications such as yield estimation, pest and disease detection, protected area encroachment analysis, carbon stock assessments, biodiversity impacts investigations, and evaluation of climate-driven range shifts, among others. 

How to cite: Oluoch, W. A., Drees, L., Wegner, J. D., and Wuepper, D.: Mapping Tea Plantations in Africa with Computer Vision, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11581,, 2025.

EGU25-11694 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Analysing the role of environmental communication with respect to CAQM policy on Delhi air quality 

Swamini Pandit, Gaurav Govardhan, and Sachin Ghude

Environmental communication is crucial in shaping the narrative around the aggravated issues like climate change, global warming, sea-level rise, air-pollution and pushing for impactful actions. With the burgeoning economy and rising population, the large democracy of India is facing a critical issue of air pollution in major cities, with Delhi consistently ranking first due to its persistently high air quality index (AQI) throughout the year. The Commission on Air Quality Management (CAQM) of India, a statutory government body, works diligently to improve the air quality of Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR). In July 2022, in accordance with the directives of the Honourable Supreme Court of India, CAQM launched the CAQM policy to find a permanent solution to air pollution, aiming to develop an inclusive policy addressing all sectors contributing to and affected by pollution. This study aims to explore the ways in which environmental challenges, such as air pollution, are conveyed to both citizens and policy makers through environmental communication. Upon analysing 277 news articles from eight leading news agencies, including four newspapers and four news channels, over a six-month period prior to the emergence of the CAQM policy in 2022, it was observed that news coverage is heavily concentrated during the post-monsoon season (with 68% of the analysed news articles concentrated in October and November). This period in North India is prominently under focus due to 'stubble burning' activities mainly occurring in the states of Punjab and Haryana. Hence, a strong connection between the news articles and active number of fire locations has also been found. However, it was found that news articles do not proportionately reflect fluctuations in the Air Quality Index (AQI), for example, no news articles were noted on December 23rd and 24th 2022, despite AQI values reaching 524 and 522 respectively. Similarly, from January to March 2022, news coverage was minimal despite high AQI levels, indicating that coverage is more linked to periods of higher fire activity in Punjab and Haryana, rather than AQI levels in Delhi. We also attempted to find a possible connection between the issues raised in the news media during the period of our interest and the CAQM policy that was formed in April 2022. It is noticed that, while the CAQM policy aimed to improve air quality and, consequently, public health, media coverage paid relatively less attention to the health implications (barely 56 articles mentioning health or mortality). The recommendations for a new policy did rise but again from November 10th to December 5th, with 96 articles published during this period, suggesting a period-specific coverage. This indicates that media reporting focuses heavily on stubble burning, whereas the CAQM policy treats it as just another pollution source, without special emphasis. Hence, for our case study, it is noted that the media's coverage of environmental communication seems to be less comprehensive and lacks depth compared to the detailed measures outlined in CAQM policy addressing air pollution.

How to cite: Pandit, S., Govardhan, G., and Ghude, S.: Analysing the role of environmental communication with respect to CAQM policy on Delhi air quality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11694,, 2025.

EGU25-11716 | Posters virtual | VPS29

DANUBIUS-RI, The International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems:  An RI for the river-sea challenges of the 21st Century  

Adrian Stanica, Andrew Tyler, Rory Scarrott, and Danubius Research Infrastructure Consortium

As a pioneering pan-European distributed research infrastructure, DANUBIUS-RI is unique to Europe and the international community, focused on interdisciplinary research on River-Sea systems.  At a time of unprecedented environmental and climate driven change, it is critical we understand the influence of land-sea interactions on coastal and ocean areas, how these will change with the intensification of extreme events and seek sustainable climate adaptation solutions. DANUBIUS-RI is a trans-disciplinary research gateway, enabling land-sea researchers with access to data, expertise, training and key study sites, along with their associated local assets. 

DANUBIUS-RI responds to the following major Research Priorities to assess:

  • Water Quantity: water stores and flows across River-Sea continua for sustainable water resource management and mitigate against extreme events.
  • Sediment Balance:    sediment dynamics in source-to-sink systems, to support sustainable sediment management.
  • Nutrients and Pollutants: independent and combined effects of nutrients and pollutants (in both water and sediments) at River-Sea System scales, to establish the critical thresholds needed for tracking progress towards good status.
  • Climate Change: ongoing impacts of Climate Change, and improve adaptation measures within and across River-Sea Systems.
  • Extreme Events: extreme event occurrence and impact severity on River-Sea Systems, for floods and droughts, to support cost-effective nature-based solution development, disaster mitigation, and management.
  • Protecting and Restoring Ecosystems and Biodiversity: how changing River-Sea Systems affect future ecosystem service provision, and their sustainability. Understand the relationship between biodiversity and connectivity across River-Sea Systems and its response to multiple stressors and support climate adaptation.
  • Digital Twin: and build high resolution, multi-dimensional digital representations of River-Sea Systems, that stakeholders.

Besides access to Open and FAIR Data, DANUBIUS_RI provides key interdisciplinary services encompassing in situ measurement, satellite EO observations, numerical modelling and management scenario development.

The Services are grouped in 7 major categories, working with you or on your behalf:

  • Digital and non-digital data, including metadata, data and archived samples .
  • Tools, methods and expert support, including access to facilities and equipment.
  • Measurement and analytical support, including physical, chemical, biological, biogeochemical, ecotoxicological, hydromorphological, sedimentological, and bathymetric sampling and analyses.
  • Diagnosis and Impact, through modelling and impact assessment analysesthat harness data from previous or expected results (diagnostic) or through forecasts and ‘what if’ scenarios (from models).
  • Solution Development, connecting you with the right partners across wide-ranging scientific expertise to develop solutions for your specific challenges.
  • Tests, Audit, Validation and Certification: We validate and quality assure outputs, and provide DANUBIUS Commons accreditation and Accredited Service Providers certification services.
  • Build capacity through the design/co-design, development and delivery of training courses for companies, innovators, authorities and researchers in the four areas of expertise (Observation, Analysis, Modelling, and Impact), and partner with you to organize bespoke conferences and workshops to address River-Sea System challenges.

The Research Infrastructure, accepted on the ESFRI Roadmap in 2016, is expected to become an operational ERIC during 2025.

How to cite: Stanica, A., Tyler, A., Scarrott, R., and Consortium, D. R. I.: DANUBIUS-RI, The International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems:  An RI for the river-sea challenges of the 21st Century , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11716,, 2025.

EGU25-12275 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Change in precipitation as a response to the Amundsen Sea Low characteristics in region of West Antarctica 

Larysa Pysarenko and Denys Pishniak

Climate change has led to the shrinkage of ice sheets and glaciers, contributing to sea level rise, particularly in regions like West Antarctica. Over the past several decades, this area has experienced one of the most pronounced increases in temperature and precipitation. Projections suggested increase in extreme precipitation by the end of the 21st century. Together with the expected deepening of the Amundsen Sea Low (ASL), these changes play a significant role in Antarctic ice sheet's mass in the future. This study aims to analyze a spatio-temporal precipitation variability and its extreme values in West Antarctica as a response to ASL characteristics. To analyze the relationships, we used a number of parameters describing ASL (average pressure field, the central pressure, the relative pressure at the center, longitude of the ASL, and the distance to the ASL center), and parameters for precipitation (daily totals and the 95th percentile) derived from the historical European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA5 reanalysis data. The study is focused on natural zones along the coast corresponding to glacial basins such as Getz Ice Shelf, Thwaites Glacier, Pine Island glaciers, and Abbot Ice Shelf. Relationships between precipitation and ASL characteristics were assessed using Spearman rank correlation coefficients in each grid cell of the studied domain. Overall, the highest 95th percentile values, approximately 35 mm, were observed along the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. These values decreased to 15 mm along the remaining coastline of West Antarctica and further to 5 mm over the continental areas. Extreme precipitation had well-detected seasonality, with maximum precipitation totals during the austral autumn/spring seasons. In average, extreme precipitation events covered approximately 4.7–4.9% of basin areas. Over the last 30 years, the tendencies of extreme precipitation intensified the observed spatial differences: the 95th percentile increased over more humid areas with a trend of 4 mm/decade and decreased in continental regions by 2 mm/decade. The meridional position of ASL impacts weather and precipitation over the region much more than changes in its latitudinal remoteness to the coast. The ASL movement towards the west caused decreased precipitation near the Amundsen Sea and increased over the Antarctic Peninsula. Extreme precipitation was more sensitive to changes in ASL location than total precipitation. This study will contribute to understanding the occurrence of extreme precipitation events under climate change.

How to cite: Pysarenko, L. and Pishniak, D.: Change in precipitation as a response to the Amundsen Sea Low characteristics in region of West Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12275,, 2025.

EGU25-13485 | Posters virtual | VPS29

Reducing the impact of severe weather on mass gathering events: the Lombardia, Italy, experience. 

Roberto Cremonini, Gian Paolo Minardi, Renzo Bechini, and Orietta Cazzuli

Severe weather events increasingly threaten the safety of mass gathering events (MGE), particularly open-air exhibitions and artistic performances. In 2015, Milano, Italy, hosted the World Expo from May to October. The exhibition was located 15 km away from Milano, covered 1.1 km2, and shaped as a long boulevard of 3 km length. Pools and waterways in and around the Expo area were elements of primary importance. During the 184 opening days, the attendance reached 21 mln visitors, with a daily average of 115,000 visitors. In 2017, the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude created the temporary, site-specific artwork known as The Floating Piers, built in 2016 at Lake Iseo, 75 km from Milano, Italy. It was made up of 70,000 square meters of yellow fabric supported by a modular floating dock system. These walkable piers connected Monteisola Isle to the lake coast. The floating piers exhibitions attracted 1.2 mln visitors over its 16-day run, with peaks of more than 100,000 visitors per day.

This work describes how the regional weather service planned and operated a dedicated monitoring and forecast weather service to reduce the impacts of severe weather during these two MGEs, increasing safety conditions for the visitors. Finally, Arpa Lombardia will be engaged in the weather forecast assistance for the next Winter Olympic Games in 2026, hosted in  Milano, Bormio, and Livigno.

How to cite: Cremonini, R., Minardi, G. P., Bechini, R., and Cazzuli, O.: Reducing the impact of severe weather on mass gathering events: the Lombardia, Italy, experience., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13485,, 2025.

EGU25-14032 | Posters virtual | VPS29

"AI-Integrated Operational Dashboard for Hail Defense Operational Systems" 

Samir Kumar, Satyanarayana Tani, Helmut Paulitsch, and Tobias Schreck

This study presents the design and implementation of a comprehensive Hail Operational Aircraft Information Dashboard system. This system, which aims at user-friendliness and a customizable visualization platform, is a helpful tool for enhancing decision-making and optimizing cloud seeding operations for hail suppression. It leverages real-time and historical data, making it accessible and easy to coordinate operations with flight crews. The dashboard display system's key functionalities include real-time flight monitoring, which displays critical flight parameters such as flight duration, cloud seeding duration, and flight path for operational aircraft. The system also offers insightful data visualizations that cover weekly, monthly, and seasonal trends of hail suppression efforts, providing a wealth of information that supports the users with a comprehensive understanding of the operations. The dashboard system features a user-friendly frontend interface developed with ReactJS, a high-performance backend run by the FastAPI Python framework for efficient data handling and API development, and SQLAlchemy as the object-relational-mapper to store all flight and hail suppression data.  Additionally, and as an innovative approach, this study explores the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for text-to-SQL (TTS) conversion, allowing users to submit natural language queries about hail operations, which the LLM translates into SQL queries to retrieve relevant data. The dashboard visual system incorporates additional parameters for operational decisions, such as flight altitude, fuel consumption data, and seeding information. This system is expected to significantly enhance situational awareness for flight crews, providing them with a comprehensive view of the operations. Previously, these users relied on disparate sources of information and less integrated tools to manage their operations. This heightened awareness will help coordinate unit and flight crews to make better decisions and improve hail suppression efforts.

How to cite: Kumar, S., Tani, S., Paulitsch, H., and Schreck, T.: "AI-Integrated Operational Dashboard for Hail Defense Operational Systems", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14032,, 2025.

Climate change poses significant challenges to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) through heat extremes, hydrometeorological extremes and sea level rise. The societal impacts of these climate hazards are closely connected to both quantifiable and non-monetary loss and damage across multiple sectors and to presently or potentially insurable risks. One type of insurance that has been explored in many developing country contexts but is particularly sensitive to the recurrence frequency of extreme events is climate index insurance (analogous to parametric insurance), in which the contract is based on a geophysical index, rather than verified material losses.

This study explores the historical risk of heat and precipitation extreme events in the small Caribbean Island nation of St. Kitts and Nevis over the period of available record (1981-2024) and the projected frequency and severity of such events over the next 50 years (2025-2075), using historical analysis, model data and Monte Carlo statistical simulation methods. Observational data will include merged station/satellite data from the products of the Climate Hazards Group at University of Santa Barbara (CHIRPS, CHIRP and CHIRTS) and may include local station data. Climate model data will include output from CMIP6 runs of the NMME and Copernicus model suites. The Monte Carlo methods used for estimating extreme event frequencies are based on earlier research (Siebert and Ward 2011, Siebert 2016). As climate risks increase, theoretical index/parametric insurance premiums are expected to increase.

            Since the frequency of threshold crossing extreme events is the primary basis for pricing index (parametric) insurance contracts, this study will explore the evolving price of relevant parametric insurance contracts for specified return liabilities (defined through recurrence interval). This project is being conducted by the company Climate Analytics and is funded by the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS). This methodology may inform the quantification of a national loss and damage policy and plan, in coordination with multiple stakeholders in St. Kitts and Nevis and the Caribbean Climate Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF).

How to cite: Siebert, A.: Potential Index Insurance Changes under Climate Change in St. Kitts and Nevis: A Case Study Using Monte Carlo methods, observational and GCM data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14530,, 2025.

EGU25-15035 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Assessing Heat Wave Vulnerability in India Using Machine Learning and Climate Model Insights 

Dr. G. China Satyanarayana

This study investigates the spatiotemporal characteristics of maximum temperatures and heat wave (HW) vulnerability across India under the context of global warming. Using high-resolution gridded surface air temperature (SAT) data (1951–2022) from the India Meteorological Department (IMD), three regions of maximum temperatures and distinct heat wave zones were identified, highlighting their divergence. Local radiative heating and anomalous wind flows from maximum temperature zones were identified as primary drivers of heat waves, with a notable increase in HW occurrences in southeast India post-1970, attributed to global warming. Machine Learning (ML) models, including Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), multiple linear regression, and support vector machines, were employed alongside CMIP6 climate models to predict maximum SAT for India (1981–2022). ANN outperformed other ML models with minimal biases and high accuracy, showcasing its capability to enhance HW predictability. Future projections (2023–2050) reveal a gradual rise on SAT during March–May, indicating heightened HW risks. Additionally, HW intensification during El Niño decay years was linked to anomalous anticyclonic circulations, reduced cloud cover, and enhanced shortwave radiation. This caused a rise in discomfort indices and extreme temperature hours, particularly in northwest and central India. Findings emphasize the critical role of ML techniques in improving HW forecasts and guiding adaptation strategies. These insights are vital for agriculture, health, urban planning, and disaster mitigation, equipping stakeholders to address escalating climate risks and societal impacts effectively

Keywords: Heat Waves (HW); Maximum Temperatures; Machine Learning (ML); Climate Change; Vulnerability Analysis

How to cite: Satyanarayana, Dr. G. C.: Assessing Heat Wave Vulnerability in India Using Machine Learning and Climate Model Insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15035,, 2025.

Understanding the hydrological impacts of  Land use (LU) changes and climate variability is vital for effective water resource management in river basins. This study uses the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to assess hydrological processes in the Shakkar watershed, a sub-basin of the Narmada River in Madhya Pradesh, India. The research quantifies the effects of LU changes and climate variability on key hydrological components, such as water yield, surface runoff, evapotranspiration (ET), and base flow, utilizing high-resolution MSWEP v2.8 precipitation data corrected with quantile mapping (QM). A multi-objective calibration approach incorporating Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) and Relative Volume Error (RVE) ensures accurate model parameterization. Variability trends in rainfall and streamflow across three decades (1989-2019) were assessed using the Mann-Kendall test and Sen's slope estimator. This study aims to bridge critical gaps in understanding the interplay between climate and LU changes, providing insights into their cumulative and individual impacts on water resources. Anticipated outcomes include identifying areas within the watershed most vulnerable to hydrological changes and supporting the development of sustainable water management strategies. The findings are expected to guide regional water resource planning and improve resilience against climatic variability by demonstrating the utility of advanced modeling techniques and high-resolution datasets in watershed management.

How to cite: Gopalakrishnan Balamurgan, B., Rientjes, T., and Tügel, F.: The effects of Land use  changes and climate variability on hydrological changes in the Shakkar watershed and supporting the development of sustainable water management strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17037,, 2025.

EGU25-18702 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS29

Experiences of citizen science and co-creation within the activities of the Italian chapter of the LOESS project 

Marco Peli, Stefano Barontini, and Giovanna Grossi

The water engineering group of the University of Brescia is active in the Horizon Europe project LOESS ( since its start in June 2023, together with other nineteen European –of which two Italian– partners. The final goals of the project are to raise awareness on the importance of soil and of its functions, to increase soil literacy across Europe and to help developing innovative educational materials and practices.
To do so, we –together with the other two Italian partners– created an Italian Community of Practice (CoP) and engaged it in providing an overview of the current level of soil–related knowledge and teaching programmes and materials, in order to identify the gap between educational offer and needs amongst different levels of the society (from pupils to students to citizens). The Italian CoP, led by the University of Brescia, is composed of 60 members from both the higher education and the research community, as well as from the primary and secondary education levels (teachers and pupils), the productive sectors (farmers and spatial planners), the politics world (local administrators) and the civil society (NGOs and associations). The CoP, or various sub–groups of people from it, has been involved in multiple activities since the start of the project, and this contribution intends to report on them.
In March 2022 we launched the WormEx II experiment, an ongoing educational experiment and a citizen–based participatory research (CBPR) performed in the garden of the Liceo Copernico High School in Brescia, in view of attracting the students’ attention on the hydrological role played by macropores, by observing some aspects of earthworm digging activity.
On World Soil Day 2023 we –together with the other two Italian partners– performed a widespread infiltration experiment involving classes from 5 Primary Schools over the Italian territory, i.e. one in Lombardy, two in Emilia Romagna, one in Sicily and one in Sardinia. A total of 140 students and 7 teachers took part in the experimental phase, after which they all joined a virtual meeting where around 50 students (between 4 and 20 per school) volunteered in reporting the experiment result to the CoP, which had previously contributed in the design of the experiment itself.
Between November and December 2024 we organised and conducted three co–creation events on Augmented Reality applications for soil health education in two 3rd-year classes of a local High School in the province of Brescia. The activity produced 22 projects created with a commercial app–prototyping tool from an international project partner.
Finally on 5 December 2024 we –together with the other two Italian partners– organized and hosted a dissemination event about World Soil Day, with considerations regarding the links between soil, peace and sustainability. The public event involved two Primary School classes (one in Emilia Romagna and one in Sicily) that reported on a previously–held laboratory activity on the topic, as well as university students and professors.
These activities showed how much our society is interested in taking an active part in research if allowed.

How to cite: Peli, M., Barontini, S., and Grossi, G.: Experiences of citizen science and co-creation within the activities of the Italian chapter of the LOESS project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18702,, 2025.

EGU25-3305 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

Assessment and Development of a Sustainable Development Strategy for Yasooj City Using the SWOT Model and SPACE Matrix 

arezoo salamatnia, jahanbakhsh balist, and Mehrdad Nahavandchi


Yasooj, with its rich cultural, historical, and musical heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and a young, educated workforce, is one of Iran's cities with significant potential to become a leading example of sustainable development. However, challenges such as weak urban management, lack of economic development, inadequate infrastructure, and natural constraints hinder its progress. In this context, assessing the current situation and providing solutions to enhance urban management and formulate sustainable development strategies are of great importance.

The objective of this study is to identify the capabilities and challenges of Yasooj's urban management and to develop a strategic vision for sustainable development, based on the SWOT model and the SPACE matrix. This research is applied-developmental in nature and employs a descriptive-analytical research method. The statistical population consists of 40 urban experts, and the required data were collected through field observations, reviews of comprehensive and detailed plans, and questionnaires.

Data analysis was conducted using the SWOT model, which identified the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Yasooj City. The findings indicate that the final score of the IFE matrix (internal factors of strengths and weaknesses) is 2.10, and the score of the EFE matrix (external factors of opportunities and threats) is 2.37, both of which are significantly below the average score of 2.5. The internal-external (IE) matrix analysis revealed that Yasooj is in a defensive (WT) position, requiring a review of management structures and the formulation of new operational plans.

Additionally, Yasooj's potential in tourism, agriculture, industry, and services has been identified as a key opportunity for sustainable development. To achieve sustainable development in Yasooj, urban management must revisit its structures and plans, focusing on enhancing inter-institutional cooperation and fostering greater citizen participation in decision-making processes.

Utilizing the city's natural, cultural, and social capacities, strengthening academic tourism through Yasooj University, hosting cultural festivals; and supporting agro-tourism are among the proposed solutions. Furthermore, Yasooj should aim to establish itself as a successful model of sustainable urban development by improving infrastructure, enhancing good urban governance, and fostering partnerships with the private sector and civil society.

Step-by-step and participatory planning, along with a thorough review of past strategies and the definition of clear visions, will contribute to achieving this goal. Establishing closer links between academic institutions and urban management will also play a key role in the successful implementation of development strategies.

Keywords: Sustainable Development, Yasooj City, SWOT Model, Urban Management, Tourism.

How to cite: salamatnia, A., balist, J., and Nahavandchi, M.: Assessment and Development of a Sustainable Development Strategy for Yasooj City Using the SWOT Model and SPACE Matrix, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3305,, 2025.

EGU25-6756 | Posters virtual | VPS30

Causal linkages of human migration flow networks: A regional analysis 

Rachata Muneepeerakul

Migration is one of human’s most drastic adaptation strategies against unfavorable conditions. With flows from and to origins and destinations, migration data are necessarily network data. Embedded within network data is interdependency among data points (flows) that renders some traditional statistical analyses, including causal inference techniques, inappropriate. To address this issue, we have developed a novel analysis, combining causal inference techniques with quadratic assignment procedure (QAP) to infer causal relationships from network data and applied it to the datasets that include migration flows and their potential drivers – these include socioeconomic, political, and environmental factors (e.g., flood and drought). We implemented this analysis for the African region data. The preliminary results are reported; the limitations and future work are discussed. We anticipate that this novel method will be applicable to a wide variety of network data in other fields.

How to cite: Muneepeerakul, R.: Causal linkages of human migration flow networks: A regional analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6756,, 2025.

Extreme warming events in Texas have far-reaching environmental, economic, and societal consequences, including impacts on agriculture, energy demand, public health, and infrastructure. These events underscore the urgent need for reliable prediction systems that can anticipate their occurrence and inform mitigation and adaptation strategies. In this study, we develop machine-learning-based models to predict extreme temperature events across Texas by identifying and modeling the key drivers of these phenomena. The predictive framework incorporates the influences of large-scale climate modes and processes from both the Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans, including the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Warm Pool (WP), and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). By integrating these climate indices with regional atmospheric and surface data, the model captures the complex interactions between large-scale climate variability and regional temperature extremes. The contributions of each climate mode are quantified and analyzed to determine their relative importance in driving warming events across different temporal and spatial scales. To ensure the robustness of the predictions, the model outputs are further validated against physical mechanisms linking large-scale climate modes to atmospheric circulation patterns. This validation process provides a mechanistic understanding of the statistical relationships uncovered by the machine-learning models, ensuring that the predictions align with established climate dynamics. The findings from this study enhance our understanding of regional climate dynamics in Texas and demonstrate the potential of machine-learning approaches for improving the predictability of extreme temperature events.

How to cite: Chen, A. and Zhao, J.: Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Extreme Temperature Events in Texas: Understanding the Role of Large-Scale Climate Modes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7566,, 2025.

Marine heat waves (MHWs) pose significant threats to coastal ecosystems, with particularly severe impacts in shallow waters where their magnitude is often amplified. The Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States, is highly vulnerable to these events, which have increased in frequency and duration in recent decades. MHWs in the Chesapeake Bay have critical implications for its ecological balance, including effects on fish populations, habitat degradation, and water quality. Despite their growing prevalence, the underlying causes of these events and the factors regulating their variability remain poorly understood. Our study employs machine learning approaches to elucidate the drivers of marine heat waves in the Chesapeake Bay and to quantify their contributions to these extreme temperature events. By incorporating a comprehensive set of potential predictors, including local air temperature, wind forcing, river discharge, and Atlantic Ocean temperature, the model reveals the key mechanisms driving the onset, intensity, and persistence of MHWs in the Chesapeake Bay. Advanced feature selection techniques isolate the most relevant variables, while model outputs are validated against observed data to ensure accuracy and robustness. Our results suggest that local air temperature and ocean temperature anomalies from the Atlantic Ocean are dominant in triggering MHWs. These findings shed light on the complex interactions between atmospheric, hydrological, and oceanographic processes in shaping extreme thermal events in estuarine systems.

How to cite: Li, C., Xiong, N., and Zhao, J.: Understanding Marine Heat Waves in the Chesapeake Bay: Drivers, Variability, and Predictive Insights Using Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7577,, 2025.

EGU25-9058 | Posters virtual | VPS30

Deep-Time Digital Twins: Integrating LithoPlates with the EarthBank Platform 

Fabian Kohlmann, Wayne Noble, Xiaodong Qin, Jamie Higton, Romain Beucher, Moritz Theile, Brent McInnes, and Dietmar Mueller

The dynamic nature of Earth's lithosphere necessitates comprehensive tools for integrating geological data with plate tectonic frameworks across vast spatiotemporal scales. To address this challenge, EarthBank, in collaboration with the Earthbyte Group and Lithodat, has developed LithoPlates - a cloud-based deep-time reconstruction tool designed to support the visualisation and analysis of geological features within their paleogeographic contexts. LithoPlates leverages Earthbyte’s GPlates Web Service, enabling users to access pyGPlates functionalities and advanced plate tectonic models, offering researchers an intuitive platform for spatiotemporal analyses.

LithoPlates incorporates ten plate tectonic models, including the latest model published in 2024, which extends reconstructions back to 1.8 billion years. These models are seamlessly integrated into EarthBank’s public geochemistry data platform, enabling researchers to explore the tectonic settings and geological histories of their area of interest. By applying age-specific filters, users can visualise data within any chosen reconstruction timeslice within 1Ma steps, facilitating precise spatio-temporal analyses of geological processes such as formation, deformation, and material transport across Earth’s surface.

The platform’s dual capability to analyse data in both present-day and palinspastic geography significantly enhances its utility for geoscientific research. LithoPlates supports the reconstruction of geochronological and thermochronological data, providing a robust framework for investigating the evolution of Earth’s lithosphere. Its integration with EarthBank’s relational database further enables on-the-fly analysis of both data and metadata, offering real-time insights into complex geological systems. Robust export functionalities are also present including an open REST API, enabling users to seamlessly integrate their data and share results for further analysis.


Future advancements for LithoPlates include the integration of additional plate tectonic models, enhanced visualisation tools, and advanced filtering capabilities to refine comparative analyses across multiple reconstruction scenarios. These updates will improve uncertainty quantification, allow for more sophisticated model-data fusion, and facilitate the analysis of geophysical and geochemical datasets within a unified paleogeographic framework. 

LithoPlates represents a transformative tool for advancing Earth system reconstructions by addressing key challenges in the integration of geological, geophysical, and environmental data. Its interdisciplinary approach aligns with the broader scientific goal of developing digital twins of our planet, contributing to fields as diverse as resource exploration, paleoclimatology, and environmental risk assessment.

This tool exemplifies the potential of combining advanced modeling techniques with expanding geochemical and geophysical datasets, offering a scalable solution for analyzing the spatiotemporal evolution of Earth’s lithosphere. By providing access to comprehensive plate tectonic models and enabling precise spatiotemporal analyses, LithoPlates paves the way for groundbreaking research in understanding Earth’s dynamic geological history and its implications for modern and future challenges.

How to cite: Kohlmann, F., Noble, W., Qin, X., Higton, J., Beucher, R., Theile, M., McInnes, B., and Mueller, D.: Deep-Time Digital Twins: Integrating LithoPlates with the EarthBank Platform, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9058,, 2025.

EGU25-9225 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

Decadal Climate Variability and Its Impact on Mangrove Ecosystems of the Southwestern Coast, India 

Soorya Sudesan, Uttam Singh, Pawan Shyamrao Wable, Sandeep Sasidharan, and Sreejith Kalpuzha Ashtamoorthy

The mangrove ecosystem, a wetland forest found in tropical and subtropical coastal regions, is influenced by key factors such as tide height, salinity, precipitation, and temperature. This study focuses on understanding the impact of these factor’s decadal changes on three mangrove vegetation patches (Kozhikode, Ernakulam, and Kollam) on the southwestern coast of India. For this study, the recent past (2012-2022) rainfall and temperature data from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and tide height data collected from INCOIS were used. Land surface temperature (LST) data based on MODIS and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Salinity Index (SI) based on Landsat 8 were extracted using Google Earth Engine. The average annual rainfall at Kozhikode, Ernakulam and Kollam are 2934 mm, 3082 mm and 2305 mm, respectively.  The land surface temperature has an almost similar seasonal trend across all three mangrove sites, varying between 25 °C  to 31 °C in different seasons. The annual average tide height is observed to be highest at Kozhikode (0.97 m) and lowest in Kollam (0.49 m), whereas the annual average SI is observed to be highest in Kochi (0.13) and lowest in Kozhikode (0.10).

Evaluating vegetation changes using the EVI is essential for assessing the system’s effectiveness in protecting coastal areas from floods and guiding the planning of restoration and protective measures. The correlation coefficient between EVI and other climate variables was used to understand its impact on vegetation. Salinity, monsoon rainfall and summer LST are observed to be negatively correlated with the EVI in all three study areas. In contrast, during the southwest monsoon season, the tide height and LST positively correlate with EVI. This study revealed that optimum rainfall, salinity, and LST conditions are favourable for its growth, beyond which it negatively impacts vegetation compared to the rise in the tide height.

How to cite: Sudesan, S., Singh, U., Shyamrao Wable, P., Sasidharan, S., and Kalpuzha Ashtamoorthy, S.: Decadal Climate Variability and Its Impact on Mangrove Ecosystems of the Southwestern Coast, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9225,, 2025.

Future climate projection data are increasingly employed to evaluate the potential impacts of global warming across a wide range of domains, including meteorological variables (e.g., temperature and precipitation), hydrological processes, ecosystems, human health, and societal activities. The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) provides an extensive dataset produced through international collaboration, incorporating multiple General Circulation Models (GCMs), diverse future scenarios, and numerous initial conditions. Despite the comprehensive nature of these datasets, most impact assessments rely on a limited subset of realizations, with no standardized methodology guiding their selection. This lack of consensus introduces potential biases into the outcomes of impact studies. This study quantitatively assesses the influence of realization selection on future climate impact assessments. Monthly precipitation and temperature data from CMIP6 were analyzed for both historical experimental periods and multiple Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) scenarios. Comparisons were conducted between outcomes obtained using all available realizations for each GCM and those derived from a single realization per GCM. Additionally, combinations of GCMs and realizations commonly used in prior studies were evaluated for their representativeness. The findings reveal that global average monthly precipitation is consistently higher when all realizations are utilized compared to scenarios based on a single realization. The inclusion of all realizations captures a broader range of variability, whereas subsets exhibit narrower variability and more localized trends. These results emphasize the significant impact of realization selection on future climate prediction outcomes. Moreover, an analysis of existing studies indicates that while selected datasets often reflect average trends, their overall representativeness requires further scrutiny. This research highlights the necessity of adopting uncertainty-aware methodologies in climate change studies. The findings offer valuable insights for improving the robustness and reliability of future climate impact assessments, paving the way for more informed decision-making in addressing climate change challenges.

How to cite: Nagata, K.: Quantitative analysis of the impact of realization selection on future climate change impact assessments using CMIP6 data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9648,, 2025.

EGU25-9680 | Posters virtual | VPS30

Temporal Fusion Transformers for Improved Coastal Dynamics Forecasting in the Western Black Sea  

Maria Emanuela Mihailov, Miruna Georgiana Ichim, Alecsandru Vladimir Chirosca, Gianina Chirosca, Lucian Dutu, and Petrica Popov

The paper investigates the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques, specifically Temporal Fusion Transformers (TFTs), to enhance the prediction of coastal dynamics along the Western Black Sea coast. We aim to bridge the gap between in-situ observations from five meteo-oceanographic stations and modelled geospatial marine data from the Copernicus Marine Service. TFTs are employed to refine predictions of shallow water dynamics by considering atmospheric influences, focusing on wave-wind correlations. Atmospheric pressure and temperature are treated as latitude-dependent constants, with specific investigations into extreme events like freezing and solar radiation-induced turbulence.  

The analysis utilizes a dataset of meteorological information collected by the Maritime Hydrographic Directorate (MHD) since 2015. The study relies on data gathered from seven automated weather stations at lighthouses along the Romanian coastline. The stations, part of the Romanian Navy - Marine Meteorological Surveillance Network, continuously gather meteorological parameters at specific ground-level heights, including wind speed and direction. The Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) wave reanalysis dataset for the Black Sea provides a comprehensive record of wave conditions with a spatial resolution of approximately 2.5 km and hourly temporal resolution.  

Explainable AI (XAI) is exploited to ensure transparent model interpretations and identify key influential input variables, including static, encoder, and decoder variables. Data attribution strategies address missing data concerns, while ensemble modelling enhances overall prediction robustness. The models demonstrate a significant improvement in prediction accuracy compared to traditional methods. This research provides a deeper understanding of atmosphere-marine interactions and demonstrates the efficacy of AI/ML in bridging observational and modelled data gaps for maritime safety and coastal management along the Western Black Sea coast.


Acknowledgements: The research of the M.E.M., P.P., M.G.I., and L.D. was conducted as part of the "Forecasting and observing the open-to-coastal ocean for Copernicus users" FOCCUS Project (, funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 101133911). Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

The presented results of the M.E.M., P.P., M.G.I., and L.D. have been carried out with financial support from the Sectorial Research-Development Plan of the Romanian Ministry of National Defence, PSCD 2021–2024 Project (097/2021, 092/2022, 097/2023, 097/2024): „Development of an integrated monitoring system to increase the quality of hydro-oceanographic data in the area of responsibility of the Romanian Naval Forces".
Thanks are extended to the relevant departments of INOE-2000 for their help through the "Core Program with the National Research Development and Innovation Plan 2022-2027" with the support of MCID, project no. PN 23 05/2023, contract 11N/2023.

How to cite: Mihailov, M. E., Ichim, M. G., Chirosca, A. V., Chirosca, G., Dutu, L., and Popov, P.: Temporal Fusion Transformers for Improved Coastal Dynamics Forecasting in the Western Black Sea , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9680,, 2025.

EGU25-13665 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

Monitoring the Impact of Urban Growth Scenarios on No Net Land Take of Wallonia, Belgium Using a Cellular Automata Model 

Anasua Chakraborty, Ahmed Mustafa, and Jacques Teller

The pressing demand for urbanised land due to the growing global population has led to increased land consumption, posing significant challenges to sustainable urban development. The European Union's No Net Land Take (NNLT) 2050 initiative aims to mitigate this issue by curbing urban expansion through urban densification or circular construction. Therefore, it is imperative to study the existing demand trajectory and their effects on the current development situation.

Wallonia, the southern region of Belgium, characterised by urban and peri-urban development, predominantly experience urban expansion. As a solution to that, government implemented various plans which focuses on revitalizing urban cores, addressing vacant buildings, and promoting the regeneration of central areas to prevent further urban sprawl. These ongoing urban pressures, makes it an ideal study area for conducting research on strategic planning.

In this study, we develop a Multinomial Logistic based Cellular Automata (MNL-CA) model calibrated using geophysical, accessibility, socioeconomic and spatial zoning data. Hereto, the model simulate futuristic urban growth until 2050 under two distinct scenarios:

  • Business-As-Usual where urban growth continues following the historical demand trends within existing policies.
  • Growth-As-Usual represents a scenario of latest observed built up demand trend along a constant rate .

The BAU scenario demonstrates a marked decline in urban expansion rates, stabilizing at 0 hectares per day by 2040. This trajectory reflects a shift toward densification and more spatially cohesive urban development. Meanwhile, the GAU scenario forecasts a sustained expansion rate of 2.51 hectares per day, resulting in a projected 49.20% increase in urban land by 2050. Together, these scenarios provide complementary insights: BAU serves as a valuable reference point for understanding controlled growth dynamics, while GAU offers a perspective for exploring the implications of constant expansion, thereby enhancing the robustness of future urban planning strategies.

While BAU offers a pathway aligned with policy goals, incorporating elements from GAU scenarios allows policymakers to "stress-test" urban strategies. This dual approach can enhance resilience and flexibility in urban planning, enabling better accommodation of future growth challenges while adhering to sustainability principles.

How to cite: Chakraborty, A., Mustafa, A., and Teller, J.: Monitoring the Impact of Urban Growth Scenarios on No Net Land Take of Wallonia, Belgium Using a Cellular Automata Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13665,, 2025.

EGU25-13827 | Posters virtual | VPS30

A Jupyter Notebook devoted to a multiparametric investigation of the Amatrice-Norcia Italian seismic sequence 2016-2017 

Dedalo Marchetti, Daniele Bailo, Jan Michalek, Rossana Paciello, and Giuseppe Falcone

Central Italy experienced a catastrophic seismic sequence that suddenly started on 24 August 2016 at 1:36:32 UTC with an Mw = 6.0 earthquake. Buildings damaged by the shaking of this event caused about 300 fatalities, and several towns (e.g., Amatrice, Accumuli, Arquata del Tronto) were destroyed entirely. A seismic sequence started from this event, and the largest event occurred more than two months later on 30 October 2016 at 6:40:17 UTC with magnitude Mw = 6.5. On 18 January 2017, a resurgent of the seismic sequence occurred with four events of magnitude equal to or greater than 5.0 in a Southern sector of the interested region (close to Capitignano/Montereale/Campotosto Lake). Then, the sequence followed a typical multi-year decay. The impact was huge, and from an energetic point of view, the event of 30 October 2016 was one of the largest recorded in the last 40 years in Italy.

Considering this particular case study, we developed a multidisciplinary and multiparametric Jupyter Notebook which can be run, e.g. in a Virtual Research Environment (VRE). The Open Source Code and friendly environment of Jupyter Notebook permit future users to adopt the same VRE to study other earthquakes.

The Jupyter Notebooks retrieves data mainly from the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) platform (Bailo et al., 2023,, integrating with other sources such as climatological archives and Swarm magnetic satellites of European Space Agency (ESA). EPOS is a European research infrastructure devoted to understanding plate tectonics through multidisciplinary and multiparametric studies. EPOS has already implemented a portal (, last accessed 10 January 2024) where users can retrieve data grouped into 10 disciplines (Thematic Core Services – TCS).

The Italian seismic sequence interests the extensional plate typical of the Central Apennine Mount Chain, and multiparametric data can help to understand the physical and chemical processes that could occur before and during the earthquake. The VRE relies on the results published by (Marchetti et al., 2019) but using updated algorithms such as the one used to study the Arabian Plate earthquake doublets (Ghamry et al., 2024, We will also include other atmospheric investigations of specific parameters (e.g., Piscini et al., 2017, Such previous studies propose evidence for anomalies in the organised chain of lithosphere, atmosphere, and ionosphere that were identified before the Italian seismic sequence 2016-2017.

These preliminary studies contribute to investigating the relations between geo-layers in our Earth’s system and the influence of seismic activity on them. Furthermore, this VRE adds a tool to the EPOS platform with potentially several applications, such as investigations of other significant earthquakes or other natural hazards, such as volcano eruptions.


How to cite: Marchetti, D., Bailo, D., Michalek, J., Paciello, R., and Falcone, G.: A Jupyter Notebook devoted to a multiparametric investigation of the Amatrice-Norcia Italian seismic sequence 2016-2017, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13827,, 2025.

EGU25-13886 | Posters virtual | VPS30

Comprehensive Risk Assessment at the Port of Manzanillo: A Model Based on PMBOK and Fuzzy Logic. 

Enrique Cardenas, Jorge Delgadillo-Partida, Ana Teresa Mendoza-Rosas, and Francisco Zarate-Ramirez

The Port of Manzanillo, Colima, serves as a pivotal infrastructure for Mexico’s international trade network. In response to increasing operational demands and advance modernisation efforts, an ambitious expansion into the Laguna de Cuyutlán has been proposed. This initiative includes the construction of specialised container terminals and supporting infrastructures. However, the area’s vulnerability to geological and hydrometeorological hazards—such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, tsunamis, landslides, and tropical storms—raises critical concerns regarding the durability and sustainability of these developments.

This study introduces a hybrid risk management approach that combines the principles of the PMBOK’s plan risk management methodology with the analytical precision of fuzzy set theory. Comprehensive historical data on natural hazards were systematically gathered from risk atlases, scientific research, and official reports. The model applies fuzzy membership functions to evaluate the likelihood and impact of risks. Additionally, tools like fuzzy Delphi, fuzzy DEMATEL, and fuzzy ANP facilitate the structured analysis and prioritisation of potential threats.

The primary aim is to create a robust system for addressing the uncertainties associated with complex risk environments. By integrating advanced analytical methods with established risk management practices, the model provides a foundation for designing effective mitigation strategies. These measures are essential for maintaining operational reliability, enhancing infrastructure resilience, and minimising socio-economic impacts. This research highlights the value of interdisciplinary methodologies that link scientific advancements with practical solutions, tackling the intricate challenges posed by climatic and geological extremes in dynamic contexts.

How to cite: Cardenas, E., Delgadillo-Partida, J., Mendoza-Rosas, A. T., and Zarate-Ramirez, F.: Comprehensive Risk Assessment at the Port of Manzanillo: A Model Based on PMBOK and Fuzzy Logic., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13886,, 2025.

EGU25-14016 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

Predicting GHG Emissions in Shipping: A Case Study Of Canada 

Abdelhak El aissi and Loubna Benabbou

Shipping remains a crucial element of global trade and commerce, facilitating over 90% of international trade by volume. The maritime industry’s advanced logistics chains are vital for the timely delivery of goods, supporting both economic growth and employment. However, it is also a significant source of pollution, accounting for approximately 3% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and contributing 13% of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and 12% of sulfur oxides (SOx). Additionally, shipping emits harmful pollutants, including particulate matter (PM), black carbon (BC), and methane (CH4). These emissions not only impact the global climate but also pose severe health risks to communities near shorelines, contributing to asthma, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, and premature death.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is actively engaged in mitigating these environmental impacts as part of its support for the UN Sustainable Development Goal 13, which addresses climate change in alignment with the 2015 Paris Agreement. The IMO has implemented several regulations to curb GHG emissions from shipping, beginning with mandatory energy efficiency measures introduced on July 15, 2011. Subsequent regulations include the Initial IMO GHG Strategy (2018) and the updated Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (2023). The 2023 strategy sets ambitious targets to achieve near-zero GHG emissions from international shipping by around 2050, with interim goals of reducing emissions by at least 20% by 2030 and 70-80% by 2040. It also aims to cut the carbon intensity of international shipping by at least 40% by 2030, measured as CO2 emissions per unit of transport work. As of January 1, 2023, ships are required to calculate their Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and establish an annual operational Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), with ratings from A to E indicating energy efficiency (International Maritime Organization).

In response to evolving regulations aimed at reducing GHG emissions, we propose a machine learning framework to improve emission predictions, with a particular focus on the Saint Lawrence River. Currently, emissions in the Canadian shipping sector are calculated a posteriori, with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) providing a national marine emissions inventory and a comprehensive visualization tool. This tool enables users to analyze shipping activities and emissions across Canada by filtering data through various parameters.

Our proposed work is designed to predict GHG emissions for vessels navigating the Saint Lawrence River, with plans for broader application across Canada. By employing a bottom-up methodology, we create a detailed emissions inventory based on individual vessel activities, leveraging Automatic Identification System (AIS) data to capture the spatiotemporal dynamics of shipping (Spire). To enhance accuracy, we incorporate vessel-specific information from CLARKSONS, including engine type, fuel type, and power, along with meteorological data such as current speed to account for external factors affecting emissions. Machine learning models, particularly deep learning techniques, are employed in the prediction phase, enabling the model to continually improve with new data. This scalable approach not only enhances environmental monitoring but also supports national efforts to reduce GHG emissions from marine transportation across Canada.

How to cite: El aissi, A. and Benabbou, L.: Predicting GHG Emissions in Shipping: A Case Study Of Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14016,, 2025.

EGU25-14039 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

A Hybrid Machine Learning Model For Ship Speed Through Water: Solve And Predict 

Ayoub Atanane, Zakarya Elmimouni, and Loubna Benabbou

The maritime transport industry faces a significant challenge: reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50% compared to 2008 levels. A crucial factor in calculating and optimizing these emissions is accurately predicting ship speed through water. While various models exist, few effectively combine both physical principles and machine learning approaches, leading to limitations in prediction accuracy.

The paper proposes a hybrid model with two main components: ''Solve'' Component: A physics-based approach that uses a Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) to determine the theoretical speed a ship would achieve in calm water conditions, based on fundamental physical principles and equations. ''Predict'' Component: A data-driven approach that takes the theoretical calm water speed and adjusts it based on real-world conditions using machine learning algorithms, producing actual speed predictions.

The Solve Phase centers around a differential equation relating three key parameters: propulsion power (P), draft (T), and speed through calm water (Vw), the equation takes the form:

The model uses a PINN to solve a differential equation that links propulsion power (P), draft (T), and calm water speed (Vw) to generate initial speed estimates. The PINN uses a loss function that incorporates both initial conditions and differential equation residuals. A major challenge arises because Vw is theoretical and cannot be directly measured. This issue is addressed using historical data by identifying periods when sea conditions were calm to use as training data.

The model creates a bridge between its solve and predict phases. In the first approach, focused on training data generation, the system utilizes the trained PINN to generate collocation points. From these points, it creates training triplets consisting of propulsion power (Pi), draft (Ti), and calm water speed (Vwi). This approach uses a straightforward mean squared error loss function to train the neural network. The second approach takes a different path by using propulsion power (P) and draft (T) as direct inputs to the neural network. What makes this approach unique is that it incorporates the PINN directly into the loss function. This integration allows physical principles from the differential equation to directly influence the predictions, creating a stronger connection between the physical model and the machine learning component.

The predict phase begins by taking the calm water speed predictions generated from the solve phase and enhances them by incorporating various real-world factors that affect ship movement. These factors include maritime conditions, meteorological data, and current conditions, providing a comprehensive view of the actual sailing environment. To process this combined data, we use machine learning algorithms such as Xgboost. The final output of this phase is the real speed through water (Vwr), which represents a more realistic prediction that accounts for all environmental factors affecting the ship's speed.

The model offers a groundbreaking approach to maritime speed prediction by generalizing across vessel types and integrating physical principles with machine learning. By incorporating operational and meteorological data, it provides more accurate speed predictions that optimize fuel consumption and support the maritime industry's greenhouse gas emission reduction goals, bridging environmental protection with operational efficiency.

How to cite: Atanane, A., Elmimouni, Z., and Benabbou, L.: A Hybrid Machine Learning Model For Ship Speed Through Water: Solve And Predict, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14039,, 2025.

The ongoing deglaciation driven by global warming and climate change has led to the occurrence of extreme weather and climate events including heatwave, cold wave, flash floods, cloud burst, GLOFs, etc. This resulted in the formation and expansion of numerous glacial lakes, particularly in the High Mountain Asia (HMA) region. Many of these lakes are at high risk of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs), which can release millions of cubic meters of water and debris, causing extensive damage to lives, property, infrastructure, agriculture, and livelihoods in remote and economically vulnerable downstream communities in Pakistan. This study focuses on Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) in Northern Pakistan to assess GLOF risk using multi-source data. Several vulnerable sites from the Pakistan Meteorological Department’s GLOF inventory were analyzed, seven of which are highly susceptible to GLOFs. A spatio-temporal analysis of these sites considered critical factors such as lake area and volume changes, elevation, slope, aspect, temperature and precipitation patterns, land use and land cover (LULC) changes, glacier and snow cover loss, proximity to fault lines, and impact zones through geospatial techniques, GIS analysis and cloud computing Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. Results indicate a significant decline in snow and glacier cover, coupled with an increase in land surface temperatures (LST), contributing to accelerated melting and heightened GLOF and flash flood occurrences. The study also estimates potential impacts on population, infrastructure, schools, forests, agriculture, and water quality in the Neelum Valley of AJK. The findings offer valuable insights for policymakers and disaster management authorities to devise targeted and effective risk mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Fatim Ali, S. S., Hussain Shah, S. W., and Rehman, S.: Leveraging Geospatial Techniques to Appraise the Potential Implications on Vulnerable GLOF Sites in High Mountain Asia: A Case Study of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Northern Pakistan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15239,, 2025.

EGU25-15382 | Posters virtual | VPS30

Event-Based Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Dust Storm Prediction 

kimia giahchin and mohammad danesh-yazdi

Dust storms pose significant environmental challenges in arid and semi-arid regions, causing serious health, environmental, and socio-economic impacts. Traditional dust modeling approaches, like numerical methods, often struggle to balance accuracy, computational efficiency, and data availability. This study employed a Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) model for event-based dust storm modeling, integrating the physical principles of dust dynamics with data-driven methods. We demonstrated the applicability of the above framework in the Lake Urmia Basin, where the lake desiccation and external dust sources have triggered local dust storms. To this end, we first analyzed ground-recorded PM10 and weather data to identify dusty days between 2004 and 2019. Next, we trained an initial neural network (NN) model with remote sensing data that describe meteorological and boundary layer characteristics at the locations of pollution monitoring stations. This approach allowed us to generate gridded PM10 data, overcoming the limitations posed by insufficient and non-continuous data for directly training PINN. Finally, the PINN model was trained and validated on 21 selected dust events from three stations chosen for their spatial distribution and sufficient availability of PM10 data throughout the events. Analysis revealed that the initial NN model achieved R² of 62% and mean absolute error (MAE) of 65  on the test data. The PINN model demonstrated substantial improvement with mean R² of 93% and mean MAE of 9  on the gridded PM10, and MAE of 39  when validated against ground observations. Furthermore, the model yielded lower prediction accuracy in urban compared to rural stations, which is attributed to the bias imposed by the influence of terrestrial and industrial pollutions. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of PINNs in tackling dust transport modeling challenges in data-sparse regions, providing a novel way to combine physical principles with data-driven techniques for large-scale environmental applications.


How to cite: giahchin, K. and danesh-yazdi, M.: Event-Based Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Dust Storm Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15382,, 2025.

EGU25-15571 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

Assessment Framework of Ecosystem Services and Functions of Interconnected Small WaterBodies in Slopeland 

Chuan-Kai Hsieh, Su-Chin Chen, and Min-Chih Liang

Different types of water bodies, such as streams, creeks, irrigation ponds, and paddies, form networks in low-elevation mountainous areas, referred to as Interconnected Small Water Bodies in Slopeland (ISWBS) in the context of Taiwan. Little is known about the ecosystem functions and conservation potential of ISWBS, and an assessment framework is proposed using an integration of remote sensing and field survey data. We analyze whether network characteristics, node characteristics, and landscape factors impact ecological functions and estimate the services related to sediment reduction, agricultural production, and biodiversity that ISWBS provides.

In this preliminary study, we focused on irrigation and natural ponds as important nodes within ISWBS. Monitoring stations were established to record the micro-climate factors of the ponds, and surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates were conducted in 2024. Using a framework of functional feeding groups, the ponds are categorized based on the relative abundance of collector-gatherers, which significantly affect the results of ordination. Community analysis shows little and non-significant relationships between community composition and environmental factors, namely variations in water depth, landscape indices, and irrigation use. However, some factors, such as water depth variation during low depth periods, total edge length, and canal connection, show potential to contribute to future analyses.

Regarding the remote sensing analysis, we find that the distance between nodes has decreased over the past 40 years. Nevertheless, no biodiversity records are available to determine the impact of landscape change. The effects of changing network characteristics on community composition and functional groups are unclear due to insufficient sampling of biodiversity data. Further biodiversity sampling and the study of network characteristics are critical to determine how ISWBS functions in ecosystem processes, especially for sediment detention and nutrient cycling at a landscape scale.

How to cite: Hsieh, C.-K., Chen, S.-C., and Liang, M.-C.: Assessment Framework of Ecosystem Services and Functions of Interconnected Small WaterBodies in Slopeland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15571,, 2025.

Environmental challenges have had a negative impact on African forest resources, which has subsequently adversely affected some ecosystem services that are required for the survival of people. We conducted a comparative study in the wet and dry woodlands in Zambia to establish the formation of tree growth rings and determine the relationship between the growth ring width and rainfall. Through the four successful Africa Dendrochronological Fieldschools that were conducted from 2021 to 2024, we collected samples from the wet miombo woodlands on the copperbelt province and the dry miombo and Baikiaea woodlands on the southern province of Zambia. From 2021 to 2023, we recorded 49 tree species from the wet miombo woodlands and found that the Fabaceae family plants had the highest species richness with 28.5%. We determined a series intercorrelation of 0.45 and average mean sensitivity of 0.465 from a master chronology of 14 tree species. The dendroclimatic study found a significant positive relationship (r-value =0.589, p-value = 0.0005) between ring width of a mixed species chronology of Brchaystegia longifolia and Julbernadia paniculata, and precipitation totals for Zambia’s wet season (October–April). In 2024, studies were conducted in the dry miombo and Baikiaea woodlands. Through this study, 16 distinct species were identified in the Baikiaea woodlands with Baikiaea plurijuga being the abundant species. We determined series intercorrelation of 0.31 and an average mean sensitivity of 0.50 from a mixed tree species from the Baikiaea woodlands. A precipitation correlation with Brachytegia longifolia from the miombo woodlands found that previous December and Current March precipitation have positive influence on tree growth. In both, dry and wet woodlands, we found that trees produce annual growth rings that are responsive to seasonal climate, and are useful for dendrochronology

How to cite: Ngoma, J. and the Justine Ngoma: A comparative study of the dendroclimatic potential of selected tree species of the tropical dry and wet woodlands of Zambia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16432,, 2025.

EGU25-18096 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS30

Modeling the Future of Laurisilva Forests: Integrating Regional and Global Bioclimatic Datasets for Projections Beyond the Canary Islands 

Paula Sosa-Guillén, Pierre Simon Tondreau, Rubén Barragán, Albano González, Juan C. Pérez, Francisco J. Expósito, and Juan P. Díaz

The laurel forest (laurisilva) represents a unique and biodiverse ecosystem currently confined to subtropical regions with specific climatic conditions. In the Canary Islands, these laurisilva forests, constrained to areas with high humidity and stable temperatures as the northern slopes of Tenerife, La Gomera, and La Palma, are of particular ecological importance hosting numerous endemic species. However, climate change poses a significant threat to these fragile habitats, with potential shifts in their distribution at both regional and global scales with new regions emerging as potential refuges for laurisilva forests. The main scope of this study is to explore the current distribution of laurisilva forests in the Canary Islands and projects to the future under different climate change scenarios for mid-century and end-century, its potential range in other archipelagos of Macaronesia and selected regions worldwide with similar climatic conditions.

Using Maxent as the primary modeling tool, we first trained the model by means of high-resolution bioclimatic indicators specifically designed for the Canary Islands, the so-called BICI-ULL dataset. This dataset was generated taking into account the intricate topography and diverse microclimatic patterns of the archipelago, providing a robust framework to delineate the current distribution of laurisilva. Once the model was trained, we used the global bioindicators from WorldClim and Chelsa to project the potential future distribution of laurisilva.

Thus, this methodology based on BICI-ULL allowed us to develop a detailed understanding of laurisilva distribution in the Canary Islands, while WorldClim and Chelsa facilitated the extrapolation of projections to broader geographic scales offering a framework for identifying potential refugia and new habitats for conservation planning of the laurisilva forests. These findings underline the importance of combining regional expertise with global datasets to inform conservation strategies for biodiverse but threatened ecosystems like laurisilva.

How to cite: Sosa-Guillén, P., Simon Tondreau, P., Barragán, R., González, A., Pérez, J. C., Expósito, F. J., and Díaz, J. P.: Modeling the Future of Laurisilva Forests: Integrating Regional and Global Bioclimatic Datasets for Projections Beyond the Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18096,, 2025.


Climate Change Impacts in the Transboundary Prespa-Ohrid watershed.

(The strategic impact identified in the SWOT analysis)

Brisilda Stafa1; Emanuela Kiri1

1 Institute of Geosciences, UPT, Tirana, Albania. 

This study investigates the impacts of climate change on open surface water in the transboundary Prespa-Ohrid Lake area using a SWOT analysis based on lake level and meteorological data. Rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and increased evaporation rates have been identified as critical factors influencing water levels, particularly in Prespa Lake. The SWOT framework helps in systematically evaluating the internal strengths and weaknesses of the region’s hydrological systems and external opportunities and threats posed by climate change.

Strengths include the availability of long-term lake level and meteorological data, which provide a robust foundation for assessing climate impacts and water management strategies. Weaknesses highlight the vulnerability of shallow lakes like Prespa to evaporation and reduced inflows, compounded by inconsistent monitoring across national borders. Opportunities lie in the potential for enhanced regional cooperation, ecosystem-based adaptation, and the development of sustainable water management policies that account for climate variability. However, the region faces significant Threats, including further reductions in water availability, degradation of water quality, loss of biodiversity, and socio-economic impacts on agriculture and tourism.

The study emphasizes the need for transboundary cooperation and adaptive strategies to mitigate these risks, with a focus on integrating climate and water data to guide future decision-making in the region.

Keywords: climate change, transboundary watershed, SWOT analysis, socio–economic impact. 

How to cite: Stafa, B. and Kiri, E.: Climate Change Impacts in the Transboundary Prespa-Ohrid watershed. (The strategic impact identified in the SWOT analysis), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18927,, 2025.

Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) is a proposed climate intervention that involves injecting aerosols (or aerosol precursors) into the stratosphere to reduce global warming and associated devastating impacts. In this study, I estimate the socioeconomic effects of future SAI using model results from the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Large Ensemble (GLENS-SAI) and the Assessing Responses and Impacts of Solar Climate Intervention on the Earth System (ARISE-SAI)  as inputs to the Climate Framework for Uncertainty, Negotiation, and Distribution Integrated Assessment model (FUND). GLENS-SAI and ARISE-SAI are an ensemble of SAI simulations between 2020 and 2100 (GLENS) and 2035-2064 (ARISE-SAI-1.5) using the Community Earth System Model, wherein SAI is simulated to offset the warming produced by a high-emission scenario (RCP 8.5) and a middle of the road (SSP2-4.5). FUND's components include agriculture, forestry, heating, cooling, water resources, tropical and extratropical storms, biodiversity, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality, vector-borne diseases, diarrhea, migration, morbidity, and rising sea levels. These aggregate impacts culminate in net damages, calculated as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). In both emission scenarios, global damages take a more linear trend in time, with up to 1% of global GDP loss under SSP2 - 4.5, as opposed to 6% under RCP8.5 (Figure 1). Under GLENS and ARISE SAI, damages follow a beneficial pathway, resulting in up to 0.6% and 1% savings of global GDP, respectively (Figure 1). Significant aspects of net damages include cooling and heating demand, agriculture, and water resources. Whereas cooling costs rise under both warming scenarios, savings accrue from avoided heating costs. However, SAI elicits the opposite effect. Additionally, the Dynamic Integrated Climate-Economy model, a neoclassical IAM, was tailored similarly to give further insight into damages. A nonlinear regression approach was then applied to climate and economic data to validate the results from the integrated assessment models. Finally, a cost-benefit analysis was performed on the GLENS and ARISE scenarios using operational and deployment cost estimates from Wagner and Smith (2018). SAI benefits (savings) are more than sufficient to cover the costs of operation and deployment. Even in the extreme case (GLENS-SAI), cost peaks at around 0.03% of global GDP (Figure 2). This analysis will be pivotal in advising policymakers on the economic outcomes and feasibility of SAI. 

Figure 1 ( Damages as a percentage of global GDP. Left: SSP2-4.5 and ARISE-SAI. Right: RCP8.5 and GLENS-SAI)

Figure 2 (SAI costs as a percentage of Global GDP. Blue: ARISE-SAI, Yellow: GLENS-SAI)



Smith, W., & Wagner, G. (2018). Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment. Environmental Research Letters, 13(12), 124001.

How to cite: Ansah, P.: Leveraging Integrated Assessment Models to Assess Socioeconomic Impacts of Potential Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19957,, 2025.

ITS1 – Digital Geosciences

For understanding localized hydrological and climatological processes, downscaling gridded precipitation data to finer spatial resolutions is a crucial prerequisite. For a densely populated country like India, accurate downscaled data is crucial for building resilience to climate change impacts, supporting adaptation efforts, and enhancing disaster management. In recent years, deep learning (DL) has emerged as a powerful tool for advancing Earth system modelling and climate data downscaling. This study presents a comprehensive intercomparison of deep learning architectures, for downscaling precipitation across India. A few efficient DL architectures from recent studies are chosen for intercomparison such as simple dense, simple convolutional neural network, Fast Super Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (FSRCNN), Super Resolution Deep Residual Network (SRDRN), U-Net, and Nest-U-Net. The experiments are designed in synthetic style by using coarsened ECMWF Reanalysis version 5 (ERA5; 1ox1o) daily variables as the inputs and high-resolution Indian Monsoon Data Assimilation and Analysis reanalysis (IMDAA; 0.12ox0.12o) daily precipitation as training labels and benchmarks for the evaluation. Training and validation are conducted for the period 1980-2014, afterwards the trained models are evaluated on data from 2015-2020. To reduce the biases induced by the highly positive-skewed precipitation data and to enhance the model performance on extreme events, a weighted mean absolute error is implemented for training. The performance of the DL models is also compared with the Bias Correction and Spatial Disaggregation (BCSD), a renowned statistical downscaling method. The results indicate that all deep learning DL models outperformed the BCSD method. Among the DL models, U-Net and Nest-U-Net demonstrated superior performance in capturing fine-scale precipitation patterns and extreme precipitation events, owing to their encoder-decoder architecture, which effectively learns spatial features at different scales. In contrast, the FSRCNN and SRDRN produced results with slightly lower precision than the U-Net models, but at a significantly reduced inference time, making them more efficient for faster data generation. The findings underscore the potential of deep learning for improving regional precipitation downscaling across India, offering a promising alternative to traditional statistical methods like BCSD in handling complex, non-linear relationships inherent in climate data.

How to cite: Murukesh, M. and Kumar, P.: Comparative analysis of deep learning architectures trained for downscaling gridded precipitation across India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-676,, 2025.

EGU25-1650 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

DiffScale: Towards Continuous Downscaling and Bias Correction in Subseasonal Wind Speed Forecasts 

Maximilian Springenberg, Noelia Otero Felipe, and Jackie Ma

Renewable resources are strongly dependent on local and large-scale weather situations. Skillful subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) forecasts -beyond two weeks and up to two months- can offer significant socioeconomic advantages to the energy sector. In particular, accurate wind speed forecasts result in optimized generation of wind-based electric power. This study aims to enhance wind speed predictions using a diffusion model with classifier-free guidance to downscale S2S forecasts of surface wind speed. We propose DiffScale, a diffusion model that super-resolves spatial information for continuous downscaling factors and lead times. Leveraging weather priors as guidance for the generative process of diffusion models, we adopt the perspective of conditional probabilities on sampling super-resolved S2S forecasts. We aim to directly estimate the density, associated with the target S2S forecasts at different spatial resolutions and lead times without auto-regression or sequence prediction, resulting in an efficient and flexible model. Synthetic experiments were designed to super-resolve wind speed S2S forecasts from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) from a coarse resolution to a finer resolution of data from ERA5, which serves as a high-resolution target, derived from reanalysis data. We achieve a significant increase in the quality of predictions, utilizing the proposed diffusion model for continuous downscaling and bias correction of the ECMWF forecasts.

How to cite: Springenberg, M., Otero Felipe, N., and Ma, J.: DiffScale: Towards Continuous Downscaling and Bias Correction in Subseasonal Wind Speed Forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1650,, 2025.

EGU25-2394 | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Machine Learning to Construct Daily, Gap-Free, Long-Term Stratospheric Trace Gases Data Sets 

Sandip Dhomse and Martyn Chipperfield

Understanding the complex relationship between trace gases as well as undestanding various source and sink pathways in the atmsophere need good qualtity continuous and reliable datasets. However, obtaining comprehensive long-term profiles for key trace gases is a significant challenge. We have initiated a new research strand to consrtuct  long term data using machine learning. Output from a  Chemical Transport Model (CTM) and observational data from satellite instruments (such as HALOE and ACE-FTS) is merged using machine learning. This integration results in the creation of daily, gap-free datasets for six crucial gases: ozone (O3), methane (CH4), hydrogen fluoride (HF), water vapour (H2O), hydrogen chloride (HCl), and nitrous oxide (N2O) from 1991 to 2021.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are a critical source of chlorine that controls stratospheric ozone losses. Currently, ACE-FTS is the only instrument that provides sparse but daily measurements of these gases. Monitoring changes in these ozone-depleting substances, which are now banned, helps assess the effectiveness of the Montreal Protocol. We have initiated the construction of gap-free stratospheric profile data for CFC-11 as a subsequent step.

We use a regression model to estimate the relationship between various tracers in a CTM and the differences between the CTM output field and the observations, assuming all errors are due to the CTM setup. Once the regression model is trained for observational collocations, it is used to estimate biases for all the CTM grid points. To enhance accuracy, we employed various regression models and found that XGBoost regression outperforms other methods. ACE-FTS v5.2 data (2004-present) is used to train (70%) and test (30%) the XGBoost performance.

Our results demonstrate excellent agreement between the constructed profiles and satellite measurement-based datasets. Biases in TCOM data sets, when compared to evaluation profiles, are consistently below 10% for mid-high latitudes and 50% for the low latitudes, across the stratosphere. The constructed daily zonal mean profile datasets, spanning altitudes from 15 to 60 km (or pressure levels from 300 to 0.1 hPa), are publicly accessible through Zenodo repositories.

     HCl :

In an upcoming iteration, we are enhancing the algorithm as well as add more species in the current setup. We believe these data sets would provide valuable insights into the dynamics of stratospheric trace gases, furthering our understanding of their behaviour and impact on the climate.


Dhomse, S. S., et al.,: ML-TOMCAT: machine-learning-based satellite-corrected global stratospheric ozone profile data set from a chemical transport model, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 5711–5729,, 2021.

Dhomse, S. S. and Chipperfield, M. P.: Using machine learning to construct TOMCAT model and occultation measurement-based stratospheri
c methane (TCOM-CH4) and nitrous oxide (TCOM-N2O) profile data sets, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 5105–5120,, 2023.

How to cite: Dhomse, S. and Chipperfield, M.: Machine Learning to Construct Daily, Gap-Free, Long-Term Stratospheric Trace Gases Data Sets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2394,, 2025.

EGU25-3610 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Uncertainty quantification through the climate analogue identification process by ClimaDist 

Chi-ju Chen, Pei-Chun Chen, Chien-Yu Tseng, and Li-Pen Wang

Analogue has been a widely-used concept in atmospheric science, particularly useful in weather forecasting and climate-related studies. The underlying idea is straightforward. An analogue is identified by determining its level of similarity to a reference weather or climate condition, traditionally, via computing a Euclidean distance. Recently, a deep-learning based framework, called ClimaDist, was proposed for climate analogue identification, found to outperform traditional Euclidean distance metrics. Despite the promising performance, similarly to many deep-learning models, it is challenging to estimate the uncertainty of the analogue searching process undertaken by ClimaDist. This hinders its applicability to real-world operations, especially for those requiring decision making.

To address this challenge, this study extends the capabilities of ClimaDist through incorporating a uncertainty quantification method, together with explainable AI (XAI) techniques. Specifically, the Evidential Deep Learning (EDL) approach is applied to the analogue searching process undertaken by the ClimaDist. This enables effective quantification of the uncertainty associated with data and model, respectively, while exploring their relationship with overall model performance. Two distinct scenarios are applied to these two models using data that were seen and unseen during the training processing. 

An experiment has been designed to verify the proposed approach using ERA5 data over a square domain centred at the Nettebach (Germany) covering the geographic range of 55°N to 47°N and 3°E to 11°E. Two ClimaDist models, one with the best validation performance and the other one best training performance, respectively, are used for comparison. These models are assessed based on the similarity of the found analogues and via under two distinct scenarios –with input data seen and unseen during the training process, respectively. Preliminary results suggest that the integration of uncertainty quantification enhances the interpretability and reliability of analogue identification, enabling improved downstream applications. Specifically, high model uncertainty can be highlighted by the proposed approach while fully unseen data is used as input. This not only provides valuable insight in knowing the capacity of the underlying model but also allows the optimization of resource usage.

How to cite: Chen, C., Chen, P.-C., Tseng, C.-Y., and Wang, L.-P.: Uncertainty quantification through the climate analogue identification process by ClimaDist, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3610,, 2025.

EGU25-4595 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Climate data interpolation with deep neural networks: a comprehensive dataset of historical and future climate for Africa 

Sarah Namiiro, Andreas Hamann, Tongli Wang, Dante Castellanos-Acuña, and Colin Mahoney

Databases of high-resolution interpolated climate data are essential for analyzing the impacts of past climate events and for developing climate change adaptation strategies for managed and natural ecosystems.  To enable such efforts, we contribute an accessible, comprehensive database of interpolated climate data for Africa that includes monthly, annual, decadal, and 30-year normal climate data for the last 120 years (1901 to present) as well as multi-model CMIP6 climate change projections for the 21st century. The database includes variables relevant for ecological research and infrastructure planning, and comprises more than 25,000 climate grids that can be queried with a provided ClimateAF software package. In addition, 30 arcsecond (~1km) resolution gridded data, generated by the software, are available for download ( The climate grids were developed with a three-step approach, using thin-plate spline interpolations of weather station data as a first approximation, subsequent fine-tuning with deep neural networks to capture medium-scale local weather patterns, and lastly dynamic lapse-rate based downscaling to a user-selected resolution, or to scale-free point estimates with the ClimateAF software package. The study contributes a novel deep learning approach to model orographic precipitation, rain shadows, lake and coastal effects, including the influences of wind direction and strength. The climate estimates were optimized and cross-validated with a checkerboard approach to ensure that training data was spatially distanced from validation data. We conclude with a discussion of applications and limitations of this database.

How to cite: Namiiro, S., Hamann, A., Wang, T., Castellanos-Acuña, D., and Mahoney, C.: Climate data interpolation with deep neural networks: a comprehensive dataset of historical and future climate for Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4595,, 2025.

EGU25-6462 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Using machine learning to distinguish km-scale climate models and observations on a regional scale 

Maximilian Meindl, Aiko Voigt, and Lukas Brunner

The use of machine learning (ML) for climate science has attracted considerable attention within the last few years. A number of recent studies have used ML to extract information from global climate data (e.g. regional downscaling), predict future states of the climate system and evaluate models against observations. In particular, Brunner and Sippel (2023) showed that low-resolution global climate models and observations can reliably be distinguished based on the global distribution of daily temperature, even after removing the mean model bias. ML is thus able to isolate fundamental differences between models and observations even in the presence of substantial internal variability. This raises the questions of whether ML can also distinguish between model and observational data on a regional scale, whether ML is as successful for km-scale models as for coarse-resolution models, and whether more complex bias correction methods reduce the success of ML.

To answer these questions, we use daily temperature fields over Austria, a topographically very complex domain. As training data, we use 200 different, randomly drawn days from each of the 13 ÖKS15 bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX models with an output resolution of 1km, resulting in 2600 samples labeled “model” which are matched by the same number of random days labeled “observation” from the SPARTACUS observation dataset. We use the binary classification approach to distinguish between the two classes of models versus observations. A logistic regression classifier is trained to determine the probability that a daily temperature field belongs to one of the two classes. In order to evaluate the ML algorithm subsequently, all days from the out-of-sample 10-year period 2005-2014 are used as test data.

The ML algorithm succeeds in correctly identifying the overwhelming majority of the test data for the setup used, resulting in an accuracy of 99%. The  results remain consistent even when a different sample of 2x2600 random training days is used. In contrast to more complex classifiers, such as a convolutional neural network (CNN), the learned coefficients from the logistic regression allow insights into the spatial patterns that are crucial for distinguishing between models and observations. While the performance of climate models is typically evaluated on climatological timescales, our results highlight that such classifiers can be used to identify patterns of structural model biases. Our method hence offers a computationally efficient approach for model evaluation, especially when handling km-scale climate model data on a regional domain.

Brunner L. and Sippel S. (2023): Identifying climate models based on their daily output using machine learning, Environmental Data Science,

How to cite: Meindl, M., Voigt, A., and Brunner, L.: Using machine learning to distinguish km-scale climate models and observations on a regional scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6462,, 2025.

North Atlantic sea surface temperatures (NASST), particularly in the subpolar region, exhibit some of the highest predictability across global oceanic systems. However, the relative contributions of atmospheric versus oceanic influences on the long term NASST variability remains ambiguous. In this study, we utilize neural networks (NNs) to assess the significance of various atmospheric and oceanic predictors in forecasting the state of NASST within the CANARI Large Ensemble, which employs the Met Office CMIP6 physical climate model (HadGEM3-GC3.1) at a high-resolution atmospheric scale (N216, approximately 60 km at midlatitudes) and a 1/4° resolution for oceanic data. The ensemble comprises forty members, driven by CMIP6 historical data and SSP3-7.0 scenarios for the period from 1950 to 2099. First, we evaluate the ability of the NNs to anticipate the phases of long term (multidecadal variability) using observational datasets, thereby investigating the consistency of physical processes influencing NASST variability between modeled predictions and real-world observations. Second, the research delves into how the interplay between oceanic and atmospheric predictors, alongside external forcings and internal variability (atmospheric noise), impacts the machine learning-based predictions and we use explainable AI techniques to identify the sources of predictability and to pinpoint physical mechanisms and regions crucial for accurate NN forecasts.


How to cite: Colfescu, I.: Explainable neural nets for disentangling sources of predictability in the North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (NASST), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6680,, 2025.

EGU25-7404 | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Stochastic recurrent neural network for modeling atmospheric regimes 

Andrei Gavrilov, Dmitry Mukhin, Semyon Safonov, and Roman Samoilov

Complex multiscale dynamics of the atmosphere in extratropical latitudes includes various persistent atmospheric regimes with the residence time up to several weeks. Identification, simulation and prediction of such dynamics remains one of the challenging problems. In this work we use a stochastic recurrent neural network (RNN) with specific architecture to address this problem, appealing to RNN’s ability to handle memory effects well. The proposed RNN connects two types of variables: (i) a low-dimensional representation of the physical variables via Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and (ii) Kernel PCA variables which serve to better represent the target atmospheric regimes [1]. The stochastic component of the RNN has a simple form which allows us to analytically write Bayesian log-posterior and log-likelihood functions to train and cross-validate the model given the particular dataset.
Using the observed and climate-model-generated winter geopotential height data in the Northern Hemisphere, we show that the proposed stochastic model is able to reproduce/predict various dynamical properties and distributions of the target regimes in the kernel space, as well as to reconstruct kernel variables from a low-dimensional representation of the original spatio-temporal field.

1. Mukhin et al. (2022). Revealing recurrent regimes of mid-latitude atmospheric variability using novel machine learning method. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 32(11). 

How to cite: Gavrilov, A., Mukhin, D., Safonov, S., and Samoilov, R.: Stochastic recurrent neural network for modeling atmospheric regimes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7404,, 2025.

EGU25-8105 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Streamflow forecasting in the Ebro river basin using Machine Learning (ML) and a physical mass constraint 

Inmaculada González Planet and Carmelo Juez

In hydrology, the use of machine learning (ML) has gained traction due to its ability to provide alternative or complementary approaches to traditional process-based modelling. These models identify numerical patterns in time series data without needing to solve conservation equations. This flexibility enables hydrological calculations in areas where data sources are incomplete or non-existent.
Studies benchmarking ML models (SVM, RNN, CNN) against process-based models have shown that ML models deliver promising results with lower computational cost and less information about the physical processes they are modelling. Consequently, they can effectively utilize spatially discretized physical data on a large scale.
This study designs a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network to learn sequential relationships between atmospheric, climatic and geographic features and daily streamflow data from 39 headwater gauging stations in the northern Ebro river basin. LSTM models include an internal state that can store information and learn long-term dependencies, enabling them to model sequential data effectively. However, the numerical patterns identified by LSTM models do not inherently respect universal physical laws, such as the conservation of mass.
To address the limitation, the Mass-Conserving LSTM (MC-LSTM) model has been employed and compared with the standard LSTM model. The MC-LSTM model introduces a modified cell structure that adheres to conservation laws by extending the learning bias to model the redistribution of mass.
This analysis highlights not only the high accuracy of LSTM models in predictive hydrologic modelling but also the critical importance of integrating physics-based features to enable ML models to effectively capture the hydrological dynamics of the basin.
Acknowledgments: This work is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) through the Horizon Europe 2021 Starting Grant program under REA grant agreement number 101039181-SED@HEAD.

How to cite: González Planet, I. and Juez, C.: Streamflow forecasting in the Ebro river basin using Machine Learning (ML) and a physical mass constraint, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8105,, 2025.

EGU25-8363 | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Causal Weighting for Climate Projections 

Gustau Camps-Valls, Kevin Debeire, Gherardo Varando, Jakob Runge, and Veronika Eyring

Accurate climate projections are critical for understanding climate change and to design adaptation and mitigation strategies. Weighting schemes that aggregate a range of climate model projections are widely used to provide more reliable estimates of future climate conditions. Recently, causal discovery has been successfully introduced in the weighting schemes to constrain uncertainties in climate model projections based on the performance and interdependence of climate models. However, the previous methodologies typically (and strongly) only utilize a single metric, the F1 score of performance and similarity between each climate model and observational data,  to compare the different models' causal structures. Here, we introduce alternative and more sophisticated causal weighting schemes inspired by the theory of kernel methods and Gaussian processes to compare causal graphs directly in suitable reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. In addition, we propose alternative causal weighting schemes that rely on interventions, graph-based distances, and counterfactual evaluations. We will evaluate the causal weighting strategies in various synthetic and CMIP6 model datasets. 

How to cite: Camps-Valls, G., Debeire, K., Varando, G., Runge, J., and Eyring, V.: Causal Weighting for Climate Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8363,, 2025.

EGU25-9358 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

A Highly Efficient Machine Learning-based Ozone Parameterization for Climate Models 

Yiling Ma, Luke Abraham, Stefan Versick, Roland Ruhnke, Peter Braesicke, and Peer Nowack

Atmospheric ozone is a crucial absorber of solar radiation and an important greenhouse gas. However, explicitly representing ozone in climate models is computationally expensive. A recent study introduced a simple linear machine learning-based ozone parameterization scheme (mloz) for daily ozone prediction based on temperature. Here we develop and implement the mloz in the UK Earth System Model (UKESM) for long-term idealized climate simulations. It produces stable ozone predictions over 50 years with a computational cost of less than 0.5% of the total runtime. The scheme accurately predicts ozone distribution, with climatology field errors of less than 10% in the stratosphere. It also realistically represents ozone variabilities, including seasonal and Quasi-Biennial Oscillation-related variabilities, despite a slight underestimation of amplitudes over the stratospheric polar regions. Additionally, we further demonstrated its generalizability by successfully transferring the mloz trained on UKESM to the ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic model (ICON). Over 30 years of climate sensitivity tests indicate that it can effectively represent the response of ozone to the sudden quadrupling of CO2, significantly outperforming the simplified linearized ozone photochemistry scheme (Linoz) in the troposphere. This implies that the mloz can be transferred to other climate models without a full chemistry module to enable an efficient explicit ozone simulation.

How to cite: Ma, Y., Abraham, L., Versick, S., Ruhnke, R., Braesicke, P., and Nowack, P.: A Highly Efficient Machine Learning-based Ozone Parameterization for Climate Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9358,, 2025.

EGU25-9742 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Downscaling precipitation simulations from Earth system models with generative machine learning 

Philipp Hess, Michael Aich, Baoxiang Pan, and Niklas Boers

Assessing precipitation impacts due to anthropogenic climate change relies on accurate and high-resolution numerical Earth system model (ESM) simulations. However, such simulations are computationally too expensive, and their discretized formulation can introduce systematic errors. These can, for example, lead to an underestimation of spatial intermittency and extreme events.
Generative machine learning has been shown to skillfully downscale and correct precipitation fields from numerical simulations [1].
However, these approaches require separate training for each Earth system model, making corrections of large ESM ensembles computationally costly.
Here, we follow a diffusion-based approach [2] by training an unconditional generative consistency model [3] on high-resolution ERA5 precipitation data. Once trained, a single generative model can be used to efficiently downscale arbitrary ESM simulations in an uncertainty-aware and scale-adaptive manner. Using three different climate models, GFDL-ESM4 [4], POEM [5], and SpeedyWeather [6], we evaluate the performance and generalizability of our approach.

[1] Harris, L., McRae, A.T., Chantry, M., Dueben, P.D. and Palmer, T.N., 2022. A generative deep learning approach to stochastic downscaling of precipitation forecasts. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14(10), e2022MS003120.
[2] Hess, P., Aich, M., Pan, B., and Boers, N., 2024. Fast, Scale-Adaptive, and Uncertainty-Aware Downscaling of Earth System Model Fields with Generative Machine Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.02774.
[3] Song, Y., Dhariwal, P., Chen, M., and Sutskever, I. 2023.  Consistency Models. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 32211-32252).
[4] Dunne, J.P., Horowitz, L.W., Adcroft, A.J., Ginoux, P., Held, I.M., John, J.G., Krasting, J.P., Malyshev, S., Naik, V., Paulot, F. and Shevliakova, E., 2020. The GFDL Earth System Model version 4.1 (GFDL‐ESM 4.1): Overall coupled model description and simulation characteristics. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12(11), e2019MS002015.
[5] Drüke, M., von Bloh, W., Petri, S., Sakschewski, B., Schaphoff, S., Forkel, M., Huiskamp, W., Feulner, G. and Thonicke, K., 2021. CM2Mc-LPJmL v1.0: biophysical coupling of a process-based dynamic vegetation model with managed land to a general circulation model. Geoscientific Model Development 14, 4117–4141.
[6] Klöwer, M., Gelbrecht, M., Hotta, D., Willmert, J., Silvestri, S., Wagner, G.L., White, A., Hatfield, S., Kimpson, T., Constantinou, N.C. and Hill, C., 2024. SpeedyWeather.jl: Reinventing atmospheric general circulation models towards interactivity and extensibility. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(98), 6323.

How to cite: Hess, P., Aich, M., Pan, B., and Boers, N.: Downscaling precipitation simulations from Earth system models with generative machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9742,, 2025.

EGU25-9753 | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Combining spatio-temporal neural networks with mechanistic interpretability to investigate teleconnections in S2S forecasts 

Philine Lou Bommer, Marlene Kretschmer, Fiona Spurler, Kirill Bykov, Paul Boehnke, and Marina M.-C. Hoehne

Subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) forecasts are crucial for decision-making and early warning systems in extreme weather. However, the chaotic nature of atmospheric dynamics limits the predictive skill of climate models on S2S timescales. Teleconnections can provide windows of improved predictability, but leveraging these external drivers to enhance S2S forecast skill remains challenging. This study introduces a spatio-temporal neural network (STNN) designed to predict weekly North Atlantic European (NAE) weather regimes at lead times of one to six weeks during boreal winter. The STNN integrates a stacked vision transformer (ViT) encoder and a long short-term memory (LSTM) decoder to capture short- and medium-range variability. By incorporating spatio-temporal data on the stratospheric polar vortex, tropical outgoing longwave radiation, and 1D NAE regime time series, the network can access patterns linked to teleconnections of key drivers of European winter weather. Its modular design enables the application of mechanistic interpretability, providing novel neuron-level insights into the prediction behavior. The improved predictive skill beyond lead week three and enhanced accuracy for specific regimes suggest novel learned patterns of external drivers. Using Activation Maximization (AM), we analyze these learned representations, and by incorporating gradient-based explanations of correct predictions, we infer additional insights into prevalent teleconnections. 


How to cite: Bommer, P. L., Kretschmer, M., Spurler, F., Bykov, K., Boehnke, P., and Hoehne, M. M.-C.: Combining spatio-temporal neural networks with mechanistic interpretability to investigate teleconnections in S2S forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9753,, 2025.

EGU25-11083 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Spatiotemporally Coherent Probabilistic Generation of Weather from Climate 

Jonathan Schmidt, Luca Schmidt, Felix Strnad, Nicole Ludwig, and Philipp Hennig

Local climate information is crucial for impact assessment and decision-making, yet coarse global climate simulations cannot capture small-scale phenomena. Current statistical downscaling methods infer these phenomena as temporally decoupled spatial patches. However, to preserve physical properties, estimating spatio-temporally coherent high-resolution weather dynamics for multiple variables across long time horizons is crucial. We present a novel generative approach that uses a score-based diffusion model trained on high-resolution reanalysis data to capture the statistical properties of local weather dynamics. After training, we condition on coarse climate model data to generate weather patterns consistent with the aggregate information. As this inference task is inherently uncertain, we leverage the probabilistic nature of diffusion models and sample multiple trajectories. We evaluate our approach with high-resolution reanalysis information before applying it to the climate model downscaling task. We then demonstrate that the model generates spatially and temporally coherent weather dynamics that align with global climate output.

How to cite: Schmidt, J., Schmidt, L., Strnad, F., Ludwig, N., and Hennig, P.: Spatiotemporally Coherent Probabilistic Generation of Weather from Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11083,, 2025.

EGU25-11668 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Whose weather is it? A fairness perspective on data-driven weather forecasting 

Leonardo Olivetti and Gabriele Messori

Recent years have seen rapid advancements in large-scale data-driven models for weather forecasting. Several of these models can now compete with, and in some respects outperform, physics-based numerical models for medium-range forecasting. They offer significant computational savings and potential forecasting accuracy improvements approximately equivalent to a decade of progress in traditional methods. This progress has prompted announcements from weather institutes across the world about plans to integrate AI-driven models into their operational workflows in the near future.

As data-driven models become integral to operational forecasting, critical questions about fairness and equity remain. Studies reveal substantial variations in forecast quality across regions, particularly for extreme weather. Unlike physical models, the disparities in data-driven models often stem from passive design decisions, such as inductive biases and weighting schemes, which may be reassessed and changed, if needed. Moreover, ensuring equitable access to these models, along with the means to effectively utilise and improve them, is essential so that both high- and low-income countries can share in their benefits.

This work explores fairness in data-driven weather forecasting, with a focus on outcome-based perspectives. We begin by defining fairness from both process and outcome viewpoints. We then analyse the performance of current data-driven models across different regions and socio-economic groups globally. Our findings reveal significant disparities that may exacerbate pre-existing socio-economic and climate-related vulnerabilities. To address these challenges, we advocate for a deliberate focus on fairness and equity in data-driven model development, emphasising the importance of active design choices to promote equitable outcomes.

How to cite: Olivetti, L. and Messori, G.: Whose weather is it? A fairness perspective on data-driven weather forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11668,, 2025.

EGU25-12129 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Uncertainty Quantification of Machine Learning Parameterisations 

Laura Mansfield and Aditi Sheshadri

Machine learning (ML) parameterisations for climate models are emerging as a promising approach for capturing subgrid-scale processes, which are not explicitly resolved in climate models due to limitations on resolution. These ML parameterisations are typically trained on datasets generated by high resolution climate models or existing parameterisations (“offline”), but evaluated based on their performance when coupled into an existing climate model (“online”). Quantifying uncertainties associated with ML parameterisations is crucial for gaining insights into the reliability of hybrid ML-climate models.

I will discuss uncertainties associated with an ML parameterisation for atmospheric GWs, focusing on the parametric uncertainties which originate during the training process. I will show how these can propagate when coupled online, becoming a significant source of uncertainty in climate model circulation that we must consider carefully when building ML parameterisations.  


How to cite: Mansfield, L. and Sheshadri, A.: Uncertainty Quantification of Machine Learning Parameterisations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12129,, 2025.

EGU25-12175 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

A deep learning approach to statistical downscaling and its potential to increase the resolution of the impact model simulations within ISIMIP 

Dánnell Quesada-Chacón, Inga Sauer, Matthias Mengel, and Katja Frieler

High-resolution climate projections are vital for understanding the local impacts of climate change in fields like agriculture, hydrology, energy production, and disaster risk management. However, Earth System Model (ESM) output often lacks the spatial detail needed to capture regional to local-scale variability, while showing large biases when compared to observational data. Statistical downscaling (SD) is commonly used to address such issues by refining the coarse spatial resolution of ESM output. While the current ISIMIP3 (Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project, third round) SD algorithm is robust and computationally efficient, it struggles with increasing differences between source and target resolutions. To address these limitations, we applied deep-learning-based SD methods to create a globally consistent, high-resolution dataset for near-surface climate variables.

Using the perfect prognosis approach, we combined ERA5 as large-scale atmospheric predictors with ERA5-Land as high-resolution predictands (target resolution of ~10 km) to create accurate transfer functions (TFs) that align with ISIMIP's requirements, such as trend preservation and inter-variable consistency. These TFs are subsequently applied to ESM output to generate downscaled climate forcings. The resulting framework is both scalable and computationally efficient, making it suitable for multi-model applications. The results were compared with similar methodologies and its improvements were demonstrated in a cross-validation framework, particularly in capturing local-scale features.

Our approach offers a robust tool for generating high-resolution climate data, providing valuable insights to researchers and decision-makers working on climate impact assessments and adaptation planning. This work contributes to the next iteration of ISIMIP and to OptimESM, targeting the CMIP7-based modeling framework. The derived high-resolution projections are designed to complement CMIP7 datasets, enabling the creation of downscaled ensembles that conform with ISIMIP's objectives and support a wide range of impact modeling applications.

How to cite: Quesada-Chacón, D., Sauer, I., Mengel, M., and Frieler, K.: A deep learning approach to statistical downscaling and its potential to increase the resolution of the impact model simulations within ISIMIP, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12175,, 2025.

EGU25-12646 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

A Novel Modeling Framework based on Empirical models, PSO, XGBoost, and multiple GCMs for the projection of Long-Term Reference Evapotranspiration 

Ali Elbilali, Abdessamad Hadri, Abdeslam Taleb, El Mahdi EL Khalki, Meryem Tanarhte, and Mohamed Hakim Kharrou

Estimation of the Reference Evapotranspiration (ET0) is critical in water resources management under climate change, especially for agricultural water management in arid and semi-arid regions. Thus, estimating baseline ET0 poses significant challenges, particularly in inadequate climatological monitoring regions. In this study, a hybrid modeling approach based on the incorporation of empirical models, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and XGBoost algorithm (Empirical-PSO-XGBoost) was developed and evaluated to forecast ET0 under limited climate variables. The results showed the Empirical-PSO-XGBoost outperformed the purely calibrated empirical and Temperature-PSO-XGBoost models for estimating monthly (daily) ET0 with NSE reaching 0.99 (0.86) and 0.98 (0.67) for the calibration and validation phases, respectively. Besides, up to 63 CMIP6 projections were coupled with Empirical-PSO-XGBoost for forecasting the long-term ET0 under SSP245 and SSP585 climate change scenarios. Thus, the simulation showed a significant increase in ET0 and seasonal patterns compared to the baseline ET0 where the change in range of [+5, +10] % is associated with probability values of 0.65 and 0.78 for SSP245 and SSP585, respectively. Overall, the developed framework is useful for implementing adaptation strategies to mitigate climate change effects on water resource allocation and agricultural management. It provides the ET0 associated with Exceedance probability for each month which is useful for assessing the water availability-related-risk in scheduling irrigation and sowing date of crops.

How to cite: Elbilali, A., Hadri, A., Taleb, A., EL Khalki, E. M., Tanarhte, M., and Kharrou, M. H.: A Novel Modeling Framework based on Empirical models, PSO, XGBoost, and multiple GCMs for the projection of Long-Term Reference Evapotranspiration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12646,, 2025.

EGU25-13061 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Surrogate impact modelling for crop yield assessment with nested RNNs 

Odysseas Vlachopoulos, Niklas Luther, Andrej Ceglar, Andrea Toreti, and Elena Xoplaki

Climate variability and change significantly influence crop production, presenting challenges that extend from understanding the basic crop growth principles to evaluating the effects of extreme weather events on crop development. Addressing this requires effective agro-management strategies guided by tailored climate services. However, a critical gap exists between scientific insights and their practical application. This study introduces and evaluates an AI-driven methodology designed to simulate crop growth and predict grain maize yields across Europe. Specifically, nested Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are tested as a computationally efficient surrogate model for the process-based ECroPS model developed by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. Traditional mechanistic crop models, like ECroPS, require numerous meteorological inputs and significant computational resources, limiting scalability for applications such as large-scale climate simulations or ensemble modeling that explore variables like climate projections and CO₂ effects. In contrast, the surrogate AI model relies on just three weather inputs—daily minimum and maximum temperatures and daily precipitation—trained using ECMWF-ERA5 reanalysis data. This streamlined approach demonstrates the potential to bridge the gap between resource-intensive crop modeling and scalable, data-driven solutions for climate impact assessments.

How to cite: Vlachopoulos, O., Luther, N., Ceglar, A., Toreti, A., and Xoplaki, E.: Surrogate impact modelling for crop yield assessment with nested RNNs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13061,, 2025.

EGU25-13234 | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

XAI finds signs of clouds in the Net Ecosystem Exchange of boreal forest  

Topi Laanti, Ekaterina Ezhova, Anna Lintunen, Steffen Noe, Markku Kulmala, Victoria Miles, and Keijo Heljanko

XAI finds signs of clouds in the Net Ecosystem Exchange of boreal forest 

Laanti, Lintunen, Noe, Miles, Heljanko, Kulmala, Ezhova  

We applied three distinct machine learning models (random forest, LightGBM, and XGBoost) to predict net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in boreal forests using site-level information and climatic variables from two Finnish stations, SMEAR I and II as well as one Estonian station, SMEAR Estonia. Our study focuses on explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) technique called Shapley values, to interpret how radiation and meteorological and biospheric variables influence NEE.  

Using XAI, we found that diffuse radiation enhancement of NEE is linked to type of cloudiness. Our Shapley value analysis revealed that at the same diffuse radiation level, NEE can be enhanced more under overcast sky than under clear-sky or broken cloudiness conditions. Under a certain parameter range, this seems to counterbalance the negative effect of reduction in PAR on photosynthesis under overcast sky. Furthermore, visualizing the interplay between PAR, cloudiness, and NEE based on seasonality highlighted subtle differences in how these parameters interact at northern versus southern sites. Importantly, the use of three distinct machine learning models that all showed similar results demonstrate that these observed relationships are consistent.  

Although the discovered relationships between radiation, cloudiness and NEE do not necessarily reflect true causality, they can guide further testing of possible causal hypotheses. By integrating XAI into NEE modeling with machine learning, we gain deeper insights into the physical and ecological processes shaping carbon fluxes. Such interpretability is vital for understanding NEE dynamics in boreal forests, particularly in the face of evolving climate scenarios where cloud cover, temperature, and moisture regimes shift and introduce complex feedback mechanisms. Integrating XAI thus provides a valuable framework for interpreting complex, potentially nonlinear drivers behind NEE and for exploring new avenues of causal investigation in ecosystem research. 

How to cite: Laanti, T., Ezhova, E., Lintunen, A., Noe, S., Kulmala, M., Miles, V., and Heljanko, K.: XAI finds signs of clouds in the Net Ecosystem Exchange of boreal forest , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13234,, 2025.

EGU25-13307 | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9 | Highlight

Causal climate emulation 

Julien Boussard, Sebastian Hickman, Ilija Trajkovic, Julia Kaltenborn, Yaniv Gurwicz, Peer Nowack, and David Rolnick

Making projections of possible future climates with models is essential to improve our understanding of the causes and implications of anthropogenic climate change. While Earth system models are currently the most complete description of the Earth system, these models are computationally expensive. Simpler models (emulators) are therefore useful to explore the large space of possible future climate scenarios and to generate large ensembles. One class of emulators are simple climate models (SCMs), which model the Earth system with simplified physics. A second class of emulators are statistical models, which learn relationships directly from correlations in climate model data. In this preliminary work, we seek to combine the benefits of the physical grounding of SCMs with those of purely statistical emulators, using tools from causal representation learning. The resulting causal climate emulator may allow exploration of the effect of various interventions on the Earth system, including the effect of changing forcings.


The goal of causal representation learning (CRL) is to simultaneously learn low-dimensional latent representations from high-dimensional data, and a causal graph between these latent representations. In the context of climate model data, we aim to infer latent variables representing regions with shared climate variability from fine-grid climate model data, and causal teleconnections between these regions, representing climate dynamics. We build on recent previous work by Boussard et al., which illustrated how a CRL method, Causal Discovery with Single-parent Decoding (CDSD), may be used for this task. CDSD is a continuous optimization method to learn a distribution over latent variables such that every grid-point observation is driven by a single latent variable, and a causal graph between these latents is also learned. 


We illustrate that on surface fields of monthly pre-industrial climate model data, CDSD learns physically-reasonable latent variables but learning a robust causal graph between the latent variables remains a challenge. We evaluate our models on synthetic data that approximate the spatiotemporal structures that we observe in climate model data. By autoregressively rolling out the model we can then generate an ensemble of future climate trajectories with the learned generative model. We develop a Bayesian filter to maintain a constant spatial spectrum throughout our autoregressive rollout, and show that it leads to stable climate prediction. Finally, we explore approaches for including the effect of forcings such as greenhouse gasses in the model.

How to cite: Boussard, J., Hickman, S., Trajkovic, I., Kaltenborn, J., Gurwicz, Y., Nowack, P., and Rolnick, D.: Causal climate emulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13307,, 2025.

EGU25-13717 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Leveraging Differentiable Programming and Online Learning for the design of Hybrid Numerical Models 

Said Ouala, Etienne Meunier, Ronan Fablet, and Julien Le Sommer

Earth system models (ESMs) are widely used to study climate changes resulting from both anthropogenic and natural perturbations. Over the past years, significant advances have been made through the development of new numerical schemes, refined physical parameterizations, and the use of increasingly powerful computers. Despite these advances, tuning ESMs to accurately reproduce historical data remains largely a manual process, and persistent errors and biases continue to challenge their accuracy. Reducing uncertainties in long-term climate projections and accurately estimating the spread of climate simulations continue to be critical challenges.

Recent advances in machine learning have motivated the development of learning-based methods for the calibration of ESMs. One emerging area of research is the design of hybrid modeling approaches, which combine a physical core with a machine learning model. Training these hybrid models end-to-end (or online) has the potential to unify various challenges in ESMs development, ranging from building subgrid scale parameterizations, to bias correction and parameter tuning.

Training hybrid models online requires working with an optimization problem that depends on the numerical integration of the system. Solving this optimization problem using gradient-based approaches requires the system to be differentiable, or to have access to the adjoint of the numerical model, which is not the case for most of the large-scale physical models. Beyond the need for differentiability, developing hybrid models requires interfacing a physical core that is implemented in low-abstraction languages that are running on CPUs, with AI-based models that are developed using high-abstraction, rapidly evolving languages that run on GPUs. While this interface is not a problem at inference time, doing this interface at calibration time, which is necessary when doing online learning, is not trivial as it would require an iterative communication between components that are implemented on different architectures.

In this work, we aim to investigate online learning and hybrid models to develop new computing paradigms, tools, and calibration methods for designing numerical models that are closely aligned with observations. We study the potential of online learning for deriving efficient and scalable solutions to the above-mentioned problems for applications that include both short-term forecasting and long-term simulations, which require stability considerations of the resulting hybrid systems. We explore learning configurations that include both fully differentiable and black-box physical cores. The latter configuration aims at evaluating the extent to which differentiable programming frameworks can upscale modeling capabilities in terms of accuracy, computational efficiency, and adaptability to represent diverse physical processes.

How to cite: Ouala, S., Meunier, E., Fablet, R., and Le Sommer, J.: Leveraging Differentiable Programming and Online Learning for the design of Hybrid Numerical Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13717,, 2025.

EGU25-13734 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Reconstructing 3D vertical cloud profiles using cloud dynamics 

Emiliano Diaz, Kyriaki-Margarita Bintsi, Giuseppe Castiglioni, Michael Eisinger, Lilli Freischem, Stella Girtsou, Emmanuel Johnson, William Jones, Anna Jungbluth, and Joppe Massant

Clouds influence Earth’s climate by reflecting sunlight and trapping heat, but their role in climate change remains uncertain, causing major unpredictability in models. Global 3D cloud data can improve predictions.

Observations from NASA’s CloudSat mission have advanced our understanding of cloud structures but are limited by long revisit times and narrow coverage. Imaging instruments offer broader, faster coverage but lack vertical information.

In [1] a deep learning approach addressed this challenge by combining MSG/SEVIRI satellite imagery with CloudSat profiles to extrapolate vertical cloud structures beyond observed tracks. Using geospatially-aware Masked Autoencoders, models were pre-trained on a year of MSG data (2010) and fine-tuned with CloudSat tracks as ground truth. This self-supervised training improved reconstruction, outperforming previous methods and simpler architectures [2].

In this work, we explore to what degree including information of the temporal dynamics of clouds can further improve the quality of the 3D cloud reconstruction. Instead of using a single image  as input we use a temporal sequence of MSG/SEVIRI images, spanning a period of several hours before and after the target cloud vertical profile. We use a combination of the geospatial encodings used in [1] and the temporal encoding used in [3] to embed these spatiotemporal MSG/SEVIRI cubes in rich, general purpose latent space. We then use a finetuning model as in [1] to map the embeddings into 3D radar reflectivity maps. 

We perform a sensitivity analysis to explore how the quality of the reconstruction varies as a function of the amount of temporal information included. We also explore the relative strengths of different pre-training strategies with respect to the quality of the 3D reflectivity reconstruction and cloud type segmentations. With this, we provide insights on self-supervised learning for atmospheric applications.


  • Stella Girtsou et al. “3D Cloud reconstruction through geospatially-aware Masked Autoencoders” 2024. arXiv: 2501.02035 [cs.CV]. URL:
  • Sarah Brüning et al. “Artificial intelligence (AI)-derived 3D cloud tomography from geostationary 2D satellite data”. en. In: Atmos. Meas. Tech. 17.3 (Feb. 2024), pp. 961–978.
  • Yezhen Cong et al. SatMAE: Pre-training Transformers for Temporal and Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery. 2023. arXiv: 2207.08051 [cs.CV]. URL:

How to cite: Diaz, E., Bintsi, K.-M., Castiglioni, G., Eisinger, M., Freischem, L., Girtsou, S., Johnson, E., Jones, W., Jungbluth, A., and Massant, J.: Reconstructing 3D vertical cloud profiles using cloud dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13734,, 2025.

EGU25-15256 | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Unravelling the role of increased model resolution on surface temperature fields using explainable AI 

Simon Michel, Kristian Strommen, and Hannah Christensen

Reducing climate model biases is crucial for decreasing uncertainties in future climate projections. Despite recent efforts, improvements between the latest generations of Earth System Models (ESMs) have been modest, primarily due to the continued reliance on subgrid-scale parametrizations. These parametrizations are necessary because the model resolutions in CMIP6 are too coarse to explicitly simulate too small-scale processes such as ocean mesoscale eddies and deep atmospheric convection, which significantly influence regional and global climate patterns. Recent advances in computational power have enabled higher-resolution models, allowing for some of these processes to be simulated explicitly, reducing the need for parametrization. Here, we combine a convolutional neural network (CNN) classifier and explainable AI (XAI) to investigate the role of increased resolution in simulating winter surface temperature fields. The CNN is used to classify ESMs with varying resolutions based on snapshots of their surface temperature fields, while the XAI approach explains which regions and features the CNN relies on to make these distinctions, providing deeper insights into ESM performance. Results indicate that models with similar ocean grids are more frequently confused by the CNN than those from similar modeling centers, emphasizing the crucial role of ocean resolution, particularly the presence of mesoscale eddies, in shaping climate simulations. Although the analysis is restricted to surface air temperature, the XAI approach offers a more nuanced understanding of model differences compared to traditional bias analyses. This methodology can be extended to other climate variables and ESM features, offering a powerful tool for enhancing model intercomparison and evaluating ESM performance.

How to cite: Michel, S., Strommen, K., and Christensen, H.: Unravelling the role of increased model resolution on surface temperature fields using explainable AI, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15256,, 2025.

EGU25-15363 | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Multivariate climate downscaling using deep learning models 

Pascal Horton, Maxim Samarin, Noelia Otero, Sam Allen, and Michele Volpi

Climate change is profoundly affecting ecosystems and societies. Impacts on hydrological regimes, water resources, and urban heatwaves are particularly important, emphasizing the need for a detailed understanding of these changes at local scales to inform effective adaptation strategies. Achieving this requires reliable, high-resolution projections of future climate conditions. However, current climate models operate at coarse spatial resolutions, limiting their ability to capture small-scale processes and extreme weather events. To bridge this gap, robust downscaling techniques are essential for refining the outputs of global and regional climate models.

We propose a multivariate super-resolution (SR) approach to downscale temperature and precipitation data in Switzerland to improve the representation of localized patterns, particularly in Alpine regions, while simultaneously capturing the interdependencies between temperature and precipitation, which are crucial for hydrological applications. We leverage advanced machine learning techniques, including Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Diffusion models, to overcome the limitations of classical methods in capturing inter-variable dependencies. These models provide an ensemble framework, providing multiple possible realizations, to account for downscaling uncertainties, resulting in more robust and reliable outputs for impact modeling and decision-making. We test different loss functions, like a regional CRPS, to allow for variability in the generated meteorological fields.

We compare the performance of GANs and Diffusion models along with the differences between univariate and multivariate settings. Our approach includes applying a multivariate bias correction prior to downscaling. The downscaled results are compared to a setting based on univariate bias correction. Additionally, we present the pipeline, which integrates bias correction and downscaling and is intended to be open source.

How to cite: Horton, P., Samarin, M., Otero, N., Allen, S., and Volpi, M.: Multivariate climate downscaling using deep learning models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15363,, 2025.

EGU25-15622 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Machine Learning Projections of Climate Change Impacts on Global Vegetation Dynamics 

Anh Kieu Nguyen and Walter Chen

Understanding the potential impacts of climate change on global vegetation dynamics is crucial for effective environmental management and biodiversity conservation. This study employs a machine learning-based framework to analyze historical NDVI data and project future vegetation growth under different climate scenarios. Utilizing the GIMMS NDVI dataset (1981–2000) for model training and CMIP6 climate projections (2021–2100) for scenario analysis, the study evaluates changes in vegetation growth across four Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). Results indicate a significant near-term increase in global mean NDVI (2021–2040) under all scenarios, followed by divergent trends. While SSP126 and SSP245 sustain modest increases, SSP370 and SSP585 show sharp declines in NDVI over the long term, driven by adverse temperature effects. Regional analyses reveal contrasting patterns: NDVI values in Africa, South America, and Oceania decline under most scenarios, while North America, Europe, and Asia exhibit potential increases, except under high-emission scenarios like SSP585. These findings underscore the importance of targeted interventions to mitigate climate impacts and highlight the role of machine learning in predicting vegetation responses to environmental changes. The study provides actionable insights for policymakers, emphasizing the need for sustainable land management practices and greenhouse gas reduction strategies to preserve global ecosystems.

How to cite: Nguyen, A. K. and Chen, W.: Machine Learning Projections of Climate Change Impacts on Global Vegetation Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15622,, 2025.

EGU25-16234 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Revisiting Earth’s Seasonality using Machine Learning Models 

Assaf Shmuel, Leehi Magaritz-Ronen, Shira Raveh-Rubin, and Ron Milo

Earth’s seasonality profoundly influences nearly every aspect of life on our planet. It plays a key role in driving vegetation cycles and shaping wildlife behavior. Seasonality also impacts human life significantly, affecting health, mood, social dynamics, and cultural patterns. Despite its importance, seasonality is still traditionally defined by astronomical seasons—equal-length divisions applied uniformly across the Earth. Although this division is simple and intuitive, it overlooks crucial seasonal patterns influenced by atmospheric weather. In this study, we propose a data-driven approach to redefining seasons using objective clustering. We develop an algorithm that segments various meteorological factors into meaningful seasonal clusters. Building on this algorithm, we objectively define seasons for each region globally and analyze the effects of Climate Change on these clusters. We find that seasonality is driven by different meteorological factors in different regions on Earth. Additionally, we observe that Climate Change has significantly altered the duration and onset of Earth’s seasons.

How to cite: Shmuel, A., Magaritz-Ronen, L., Raveh-Rubin, S., and Milo, R.: Revisiting Earth’s Seasonality using Machine Learning Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16234,, 2025.

EGU25-16360 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Limitations of Machine Learning Models in Extrapolating to a Changing Climate 

Christian Reimers, Reda ElGhawi, Basil Kraft, and Alexander J. Winkler

Machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) in particular, hold the potential to solve long-standing challenges in understanding and modeling the Earth system. Earth system model (ESM) development is reluctant to implement DL algorithms because they are considered intransparent, meaning it is unclear how these models extrapolate to unseen conditions, e.g., under a changing climate. Still, machine learning is often used to extrapolate into the future,  which can lead to misleading results.
We demonstrate these limitations and the dangers of performing naive extrapolation by using a set of deep neural networks to emulate simulated data of gross primary production (GPP). We use a process-based model (PBM) that simulates photosynthetic CO2 uptake as a product of radiation (PAR), stress from daily meteorology (fTmin , fVPD , fSM ), vegetation state (fPAR), and CO2 (εmax(CO2 )). It is given by

GPP = εmax (CO2 ) · PAR · fPAR · fTmin · fVPD · fSM + ε.                                                           (1)

The PBM contains many of the typical challenges when using ML for Earth’s system science. It accounts for stochastic noise (ε), is capable of exhibiting multi-year memory, and the predictors are highly correlated on multiple time scales. Further, this model exhibits interesting extrapolation behavior as some of the factors  (fTmin , fVPD , fSM , fPAR) saturate in extreme meteorological conditions while others (PAR, εmax ) do not. We feed the PBM with predictors obtained from historical and future climate simulations of a comprehensive Earth system model. The training dataset contains the predictors and predictions of the PBM for various locations in a similar climate zone but different continents and for the historical time frame (1850-present) together with a spurious predictor, namely, surface wind speed. To obtain a set of independent models, each of the co-authors separately implements a custom architecture, without knowing which predictor is which. This results in four different models, namely a linear model, a multi-layer perceptron, a long-short term memory (LSTM), and an attention-based model.
We find that all models show strong prediction performance in cross-validation (Normalized Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency (NNSE) > 0.9), decent performance when extrapolating to sites on different continents (NNSE > 0.7), but three out of four models show virtually no skill when predicting to a changed climate (NNSE < 0.6). Additionally, most models emit gradients in the same order of magnitude as the PBM when ignoring values where  some factors saturate. This indicates that the networks did not learn the saturation behavior from the data. Further, the model that extrapolates best is the LSTM, a model that has a built-in maximum output and, hence, has to saturate.
In conclusion, strong spatial generalization and cross-validation performance do not guarantee decent extrapolation for neural networks even in relatively simple, stable systems. These findings highlight the importance of selecting architectures in line with the expected extrapolation behavior when predicting Earth’s system processes under climate change conditions.

How to cite: Reimers, C., ElGhawi, R., Kraft, B., and Winkler, A. J.: Limitations of Machine Learning Models in Extrapolating to a Changing Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16360,, 2025.

EGU25-17278 | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Assessment of a Pan-European high-resolution downscaling through Deep Learning 

Ramon Fuentes-Franco, Mikhail Ivanov, Torben Koenigk, Kristofer Krus, Aitor Aldama Campino, and Fuxing Wang

The performance of a deep convolutional neural network in predicting near-surface air temperature (T2m) and total precipitation (P) over Europe is assessed, comparing its results with the Copernicus European Regional Reanalysis (CERRA) and the regional dynamical model HCLIM. The ML-model accurately captures broad seasonal temperature and precipitation patterns, with minor biases in summer and more pronounced warm biases in winter. While the model effectively reproduces the probability density functions (PDFs) of daily temperature and precipitation, it underestimates extreme cold events and the high precipitation extremes in some regions. Climate indices, including cold extremes (TM2PCTL), warm extremes (TM98PCTL), consecutive dry days (CDD), and consecutive wet days (CWD), highlight that the ML model aligns closely with CERRA. However, it slightly underestimates CDD and overestimates CWD, particularly in mountainous and Mediterranean regions. Analyses of spatio-temporal variability demonstrate high correlations with CERRA for temperature, exceeding 0.99 for spatial patterns and 0.95 for temporal correlations, while correlations for precipitation are lower, with underestimated temporal variability. The ML model generally outperforms HCLIM, particularly in aligning with observed data, although challenges remain in capturing extremes and reducing biases in certain regions. These results further highlight the potential of the ML model for regional climate downscaling and impact studies, while emphasizing the need for further refinement to enhance its representation of extreme events and improve spatial accuracy.

How to cite: Fuentes-Franco, R., Ivanov, M., Koenigk, T., Krus, K., Aldama Campino, A., and Wang, F.: Assessment of a Pan-European high-resolution downscaling through Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17278,, 2025.

EGU25-17628 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Exploring Terrain-Precipitation Relationships with Interpretable AI for Advancing Future Climate Projections 

Hao Xu, Yuntian Chen, Zhenzhong Zeng, Nina Li, Jian Li, and dongxiao Zhang

Despite the remarkable strides made by AI-driven models in modern precipitation forecasting, these black-box models cannot inherently deepen the comprehension of underlying mechanisms. To address this limitation, we propose an AI-driven knowledge discovery framework known as genetic algorithm-geographic weighted regression. Through this framework, we have constructed an iterative optimization of knowledge generation and utilization. On the one hand, new explicit equations are discovered to describe the intricate relationship between precipitation patterns and terrain characteristics. Experiments have shown that the discovered equations demonstrate remarkable accuracy when applied to precipitation data, outperforming conventional empirical models. Notably, our research reveals that the parameters within these equations are dynamic, adapting to evolving climate patterns. On the other hand, these previously undisclosed equations have contributed new knowledge about terrain-precipitation relationships, which can be embedded into the AI model for better interpretability and climate projection accuracy. Specifically, the unveiled equations can enable fine-scale downscaling for precipitation predictions using low-resolution future climate data. This capability offers invaluable insights into the anticipated changes in precipitation patterns across diverse terrains under future climate scenarios, which enhances our ability to address the challenges posed by contemporary climate science.

How to cite: Xu, H., Chen, Y., Zeng, Z., Li, N., Li, J., and Zhang, D.: Exploring Terrain-Precipitation Relationships with Interpretable AI for Advancing Future Climate Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17628,, 2025.

EGU25-17783 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Valid Prediction Intervals for Weather Forecasting with Conformal Prediction 

Thomas Mortier, Cas Decancq, Yusuf Sale, Alireza Javanmardi, Willem Waegeman, Eyke Hüllermeier, and Diego G. Miralles

In recent years, machine learning has emerged as a promising alternative to numerical weather prediction models, offering the potential for cost-effective and accurate forecasts. However, a significant limitation of current machine learning methods for weather forecasting is the lack of principled and efficient uncertainty quantification—a key element given the complexity of the Earth's climate system and the challenges in modeling its processes and feedback mechanisms. Inadequate uncertainty quantification and reporting undermines trust in and the practical use of current weather forecasting methods (Eyring et al., 2024).

Uncertainty quantification methods for weather forecasting typically use prediction intervals and can be categorized into Bayesian and frequentist approaches. Bayesian methods, while theoretically appealing, often involve restrictive assumptions and do not scale well to the complexity of spatio-temporal data. Frequentist approaches, such as ensemble-based methods, are widely used in weather forecasting and include techniques like perturbing initial states with noise (Bi et al., 2023; Scher et al., 2021), varying neural network parameters (Graubner et al., 2022), or training generative models (Price et al., 2023). However, most frequentist methods provide only asymptotically valid prediction intervals, which may not suffice in all weather forecasting applications.

Conformal prediction (CP) is a promising uncertainty quantification framework that delivers valid and efficient prediction intervals for any learning algorithm, without requiring assumptions about the underlying data distribution (Vovk et al., 2005). Despite its growing popularity in the machine learning and statistics communities, traditional CP methods are not tailored to spatio-temporal data in weather forecasting. This is due to challenges arising from spatial and temporal dependencies—such as spatial autocorrelation and temporal dynamics—that violate the exchangeability assumption underlying standard CP methods. Several recent studies attempted to address these challenges by introducing new CP algorithms specifically designed for various types of non-exchangeability (Oliveira et al., 2024). However, these adaptations face several limitations, including high computational complexity, asymptotic guarantees, and/or the need for recalibration of prediction intervals.

In this presentation, we will evaluate CP methods in the context of weather forecasting and discuss several limitations. In addition, we will highlight recent advances and discuss potential future directions that could address challenges underlying the use of CP in weather forecasting.


Eyring, V., et al. Pushing the Frontiers in Climate Modelling and Analysis with Machine Learning. Nature Climate Change, 2024.

Leutbecher, M., et al. Ensemble Forecasting. JCP, 2008.

Bi, K., et al. Accurate Medium-range Global Weather Forecasting with 3D Neural Networks. Nature, 2023.

Scher, S., et al. Ensemble Methods for Neural Network-based Weather Forecasts. JAMES, 2021.

Graubner, A., et al. Calibration of Large Neural Weather Models. NeurIPS, 2022.

Price, I., et al. Probabilistic Weather Forecasting with Machine Learning. Nature, 2025.

Vovk, V., et al. Algorithmic learning in a random world. New York: Springer, 2005.

Oliveira, R.I., et al. Split Conformal Prediction and Non-exchangeable Data. JMLR, 2024.

How to cite: Mortier, T., Decancq, C., Sale, Y., Javanmardi, A., Waegeman, W., Hüllermeier, E., and Miralles, D. G.: Valid Prediction Intervals for Weather Forecasting with Conformal Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17783,, 2025.

EGU25-17999 | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Towards a prototype hybrid ICON-ML model with physics-aware machine learning parameterizations 

Julien Savre, Mierk Schwabe, Arthur Grundner, Katharina Hefner, Helge Heuer, Janis Klamt, Lorenzo Pastori, Manuel Schlund, Pierre Gentine, and Veronika Eyring

Earth System Models (ESMs) are fundamental to understanding and projecting climate change. While they have demonstrated continuous improvements over the last decades, systematic errors and large uncertainties in their projections remain. A large contribution to these uncertainties stems from the representation of unresolved processes such as clouds and convection that occur at scales smaller than the model grid spacing. This impacts the models’ ability to accurately project global and regional climate change, climate variability, and extremes. High-resolution models with horizontal grid spacing of a few kilometers or less alleviate many biases of coarse-resolution models, but at high computational costs. Yet short simulations from high-resolution models can be used to inform machine learning (ML)-based parameterizations that are then incorporated into hybrid (physics+ML) ESMs. This new generation of hybrid models promises to reduce systematic errors and enhance projection capabilities compared to current state-of-the-art ESMs [1, 2]. In an effort to design a comprehensive hybrid ESM, the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic (ICON) model is equipped with a variety of physics-aware ML parameterizations, including moist convection, cloud cover and radiation. This talk will present an overview of the modelling activities undertaken within this framework, with a special focus on the developed ML-based cloud cover parameterization. This parameterization takes the form of an interpretable non-linear equation discovered through a combination of ML techniques including symbolic regression and sequential feature selection [3]. We demonstrate that, with this new parameterization, ICON runs stably over several decades and reduces global biases in cloud cover and radiation metrics. In addition, the new equation is controlled by only 10 free parameters that we automatically calibrate to achieve more accurate climate projections. This approach of discovering a low-dimensional data-driven equation for a parameterization with subsequent tuning of the hybrid model can be used in any host ESM provided suitable training data.



[1] Eyring, V., Collins, W.D., Gentine, P. et al., Pushing the frontiers in climate modeling and analysis with machine learning, Nat. Climate Change, doi:10.1038/s41558-024-02095-y, 2024.

[2] Eyring, V., Gentine, P., Camps-Valls, G., Lawrence, D.M., and Reichstein, M., AI-empowered Next-generation Multiscale Climate Modeling for Mitigation and Adaptation, Nat. Geosci., doi:10.1038/s41561-024-01527-w, 2024.

[3] Grundner, A., Beucler, T., Gentine, P. and Eyring, V., Data-driven equation discovery of a cloud cover parameterization, J. Adv. Model. Earth Sys., doi:10.1029/2023MS003763, 2024.

How to cite: Savre, J., Schwabe, M., Grundner, A., Hefner, K., Heuer, H., Klamt, J., Pastori, L., Schlund, M., Gentine, P., and Eyring, V.: Towards a prototype hybrid ICON-ML model with physics-aware machine learning parameterizations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17999,, 2025.

EGU25-18735 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Optimal Sensor Placement for Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth with Convolutional Neural Processes 

Paolo Pelucchi, Alejandro Coca-Castro, Tom R. Andersson, Jorge Vicent Servera, and Gustau Camps-Valls

Aerosols affect the Earth’s energy budget by both scattering and absorbing solar radiation. Measuring parameters that separately quantify the two components, such as the aerosol absorption optical depth (AAOD), is key to better understanding the aerosol direct climate effect. As most satellite instruments can only retrieve the total aerosol extinction signal, the most reliable source of global AAOD observations is the ground-based AERONET sensor network. AERONET comprises hundreds of stations worldwide; however, their spatial distribution is uneven and coverage remains sparse in many relevant regions. To effectively reduce our uncertainty related to absorbing aerosols and efficiently expand the network, new stations should be placed in locations that maximise measurement informativeness. In this study, we address the problem of optimal sensor placement using convolutional neural processes (ConvNPs). ConvNPs are meta-learning models that use convolutional neural networks to learn maps from heterogeneous input datasets to a context-dependent Gaussian predictive model. We train ConvNPs using reanalysis data to learn to model daily global AAOD from sparse point observations given at station locations and additional gridded auxiliary data. The model’s probabilistic predictions are then harnessed in an active learning framework to sequentially propose new observation locations that optimally reduce model uncertainty and improve the network's informativeness. Our subsequent analysis considers further practical factors that might trade off with informativeness in the selection of new station locations, such as cloudiness and remoteness. The resulting proposed placements identify locations that would optimally enhance ground-based AAOD observation and can inform and focus future network expansion efforts.

How to cite: Pelucchi, P., Coca-Castro, A., Andersson, T. R., Vicent Servera, J., and Camps-Valls, G.: Optimal Sensor Placement for Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth with Convolutional Neural Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18735,, 2025.

EGU25-19177 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Coupling a new convection parameterisation trained using high-resolution simulations to the Community Atmospheric Model 

Jack Atkinson, Paul O'Gorman, Judith Berner, and Marion Weinzierl

A commonly observed issue in general circulation models is biases in the frequency distribution of precipitation, including too much weak rain (the drizzle problem) and either too much or too little heavy precipitation.  High resolution models perform better on this front, but are restricted in the spatial and temporal scales they can simulate.

Previous work (Yuval, O'Gorman, Hill (2021)) demonstrated that training a neural network parameterisation on high-resolution convection-resolving simulations and deploying it within the same model running at lower horizontal resolution can maintain a good representation of precipitation. 

Our work builds on this seeking to redeploy the parameterisation within a global atmospheric model, the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM), as a deep convection scheme, with the aim of running stable simulations with improved precipitation prediction.  To do so requires interfacing the scheme to operate on a different vertical grid using a different system of variables to the original model in which it was trained.

In this talk we will present this work discussing the objectives alongside the challenges faced moving the parameterisation from one model to another.  We share the results from validation in single-column mode against field campaign observations, and of running the scheme globally in an aquaplanet configuration.  We will also discuss software architecture and engineering considerations when seeking to develop and redeploy portable machine-learnt parameterisation schemes.

How to cite: Atkinson, J., O'Gorman, P., Berner, J., and Weinzierl, M.: Coupling a new convection parameterisation trained using high-resolution simulations to the Community Atmospheric Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19177,, 2025.

EGU25-19180 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Enforcing Conservation Laws in Neural Operators for Earth System Modeling 

Alistair White, Valentin Duruisseaux, Boris Bonev, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, Anima Anandkumar, and Niklas Boers

Neural operators are transforming computationally intensive scientific disciplines such as weather forecasting and climate modeling, accelerating simulations by several orders of magnitude. However, they often fail to respect fundamental physical principles, such as conservation laws, during long autoregressive rollouts. We introduce an efficient correction layer that enforces global conservation constraints in neural operators. For initial conditions approximately satisfying the constraints, we prove that conservation can be guaranteed while only moderately increasing the total runtime. In a number of fluid dynamics experiments, our method produces physically realistic simulations while maintaining the computational advantages of neural operators. Our results enable the development of reliable and efficient climate model emulators by ensuring that crucial physical balance equations, such as mass and energy, are preserved during extended simulations.

How to cite: White, A., Duruisseaux, V., Bonev, B., Azizzadenesheli, K., Anandkumar, A., and Boers, N.: Enforcing Conservation Laws in Neural Operators for Earth System Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19180,, 2025.

EGU25-19397 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Stochastic diffusion model for large-scale temperature downscaling 

Marc Benitez Benavides, Mirta Rodríguez, Tomàs Margalef, Javier Panadero, and Omjyoti Dutta

Generative Deep Learning architectures, such as Diffusion models, offer an alternative to traditional physical modeling and regression models due to their ability to produce stochastic ensembles with a single run. Even though these models are capable of downscaling coarse data, they are often trained in contained regions, which can lead to severe spatial overfitting as the model learns location-specific patterns rather than generalizable physical relationships. In practice, the usability of the models is constrained to the area where they were originally trained, and their predictive capabilities degrade significantly when applied to regions outside the training domain, even if these regions share similar characteristics.
This study presents a one-step and two-step diffusion model capable of downscaling 2-meter temperature from ERA5 to higher-resolution grids in large areas, such as the Contiguous United States or Europe, without spatially overfitting. We use CONUS404, a reanalysis dataset created using simulations of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model over the Contiguous United States, as our target data and ERA5 and constants involved in the creation of CONUS404, such as altitude and land use, as our input. The model has been trained over the whole area using 10 years of 3-hourly data, and two years have been used for testing. To study the spatial generalization capabilities of the model, we reserve an area of the study region solely for testing and compute evaluation metrics separately for this area to ensure meaningful results. We compare the results of training in large and small areas and the number of years. In addition, we discuss the usefulness of ensemble prediction and the effect that the number of ensemble members has on the performance of the downscaling. Future steps include applying this methodology for downscaling EURO-CORDEX to EMO1 and multivariate downscaling.

How to cite: Benitez Benavides, M., Rodríguez, M., Margalef, T., Panadero, J., and Dutta, O.: Stochastic diffusion model for large-scale temperature downscaling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19397,, 2025.

EGU25-21270 | Orals | ITS1.1/CL0.9

Climate Prediction Based on Latent Space Dynamics 

Balasubramanya Nadiga and Kaushik Srinivasan

We consider a data-driven framework for climate prediction tasks in which the dynamics are learnt in a low-dimensional latent space. We rely on dimensionality reduction techniques --- linear principal component analysis and nonlinear autoencoders and their variants --- to then learn dynamical evolution  in the corresponding latent space using disparate methodologies --- linear inverse modeling, dictionary-based sparse regression, reservoir computing, neural differential equations, attention-based transformers, etc. In this setting, we seek to better understand the interplay between the spatial and temporal representations of variability and how they affect prediction skill.

Balu Nadiga, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Kaushik Srinivasan, University of California Los Angeles

How to cite: Nadiga, B. and Srinivasan, K.: Climate Prediction Based on Latent Space Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21270,, 2025.

EGU25-637 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

A Machine Learning Parametrisation for the Internal Gravity Wave Spectrum  

Yutao Zheng, Matthew Rayson, Nicole Jones, and Lachlan Astfalck

Understanding internal wave is essential, as they exert a profound influence on a multitude of oceanic processes, including mixing and the transfer of energy across a vast range of spatial scales. The phase of internal waves can undergo a rapid alteration during propagation, resulting in the formation of broad spectral peaks. In this study, we introduce a stochastic model designed to parametrise the spectral properties of coastal internal waves. This model employs a Lorentzian function to characterise the broad internal tide peaks and a Matern function for the energy continuum. The efficacy of our model is validated using long-term in-situ mooring temperature data from the Australian Northwest Shelf (NWS) and Timor Sea. By optimising the model parameters using debiased Whittle likelihood in the frequency domain, our approach is able to reproduce the spectrum of internal wave incoherent peaks and the continuum of energy down to the buoyancy frequency. The fitted parameters allow for a comparison of internal wave properties between sites, depths, and seasons. The decorrelation timescale, indicative of the extent of the phase shift, exhibited a median value between 3 and 5 days and demonstrated minimal variation across sites and depths. The depth variation for the energy continuum amplitude and the amplitude of the semidiurnal peak exhibited an internal wave mode-1-like structure, particularly at the deeper mooring sites. The greatest amplitudes were observed within the surface mixed layer and thermocline. The slope parameter of the continuum exhibited a median value slightly less than the content slope in Garret-Munk spectral model and demonstrated seasonal variation, with a more rapid decay of energy in the summer compared to winter. The parameters obtained through our method can be further utilised to construct more realistic internal tide boundary conditions using Gaussian processes, thereby enabling more sophisticated modelling of internal waves in coastal regions. 

How to cite: Zheng, Y., Rayson, M., Jones, N., and Astfalck, L.: A Machine Learning Parametrisation for the Internal Gravity Wave Spectrum , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-637,, 2025.

EGU25-766 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Estimation of global satellite-derived chlorophyll-a as function of sea-surface height using shallow neural networks 

David Rivas, Filippa Fransner, and Noel Keenlyside

Herein we apply Nonlinear Autoregressive models with exogenous Inputs (NARX) to estimate the interannual variability of satellite-derived chlorophyll-a (CHL) at a global scale, as function of sea-surface height (SSH) from a satellite product provided by Copernicus. A previous analysis shows that SSH is one of the top drivers of CHL in key regions of the tropical and south Atlantic, which is herein corroborated at a global scale, showing a significant CHL-SSH correlation in most of the world ocean between 60°S and 60°N (where the most continuous data series are available). This correlation, generally low for a linear estimation, opens the possibility to CHL reconstruction using higher-performance non-linear techniques like NARX. Herein the NARX model was generated with 10 neurons in the hidden layer, trained with a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, and applied to the CHL and SSH monthly composites from Oct 1997 to Sep 2024. A noise level of 0.57 for the model correlations was defined as the 95th percentile of 10,000 NARX-modeled random series. This noise level is exceeded by 97% of the CHL-anomaly series modeled for the 1997-2024 period. The NARX-model successfully reproduces the CHL interannual variability: 59% of the modeled CHL present correlations > 0.90. Then, the NARX-model can be potentially used to predict CHL beyond the training period. In this study’s next stage, the predictability of CHL will be evaluated using SSH for a post-training period, and an ultimate goal for the NARX-model will be a predictability assessment using numerical-model predictions. Thus, the proposed method opens the possibility for reconstruction and prediction not only for CHL but also for other related biogeochemical variables.

How to cite: Rivas, D., Fransner, F., and Keenlyside, N.: Estimation of global satellite-derived chlorophyll-a as function of sea-surface height using shallow neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-766,, 2025.

EGU25-1385 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Mapping ocean salinity data using Gaussian Mixture Modeling. 

Evéa Piedagnel, Taimoor Sohail, and Jan Zika

Understanding ocean salinity is crucial for tracking changes in the Earth's water cycle and climate. However, collecting accurate salinity data has been challenging due to limited observations, especially in certain regions. This study focuses on the development of a method to create 2-dimensional maps of ocean salinity and its trends on pressure surfaces from sparse observations. An unsupervised classification technique called Gaussian Mixture Modeling (GMM) is used to identify coherent regions where temperature and salinity are tightly related at constant pressure. By grouping similar ocean regions using GMM, we are able to predict missing salinity data and fill gaps in historical salinity records from 1970 to 2014. The results show that this approach effectively estimates past salinity data. In the South Atlantic, at a pressure of 539 dbar, the root mean square error of salinity and of the linear trend of salinity are 0.040 g kg⁻¹ and 2.1 10⁻³g kg⁻¹ yr⁻¹. The method could help fill in missing salinity observations and thus improve our understanding of the intensification of the global water cycle in response to climate change.

How to cite: Piedagnel, E., Sohail, T., and Zika, J.: Mapping ocean salinity data using Gaussian Mixture Modeling., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1385,, 2025.

EGU25-2550 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

ENSO Forecasts with Spatiotemporal Fusion Transformer Network 

Anming Zhao and Zhenhong Du

The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a global significant signal in marine science and exerts substantial climatic and socioeconomic impacts worldwide. However, the long-term prediction of ENSO remains a challenge because of its diversity, irregularity and asymmetry. Here, we develop a spatiotemporal fusion transformer network (STFTN), which designed a parallel encoder structure to effectively extract spatiotemporal information from sea surface temperature anomaly and Niño3.4 index simultaneously, thereby enhancing the precision of Niño3.4 index forecasts. STFTN leverages the attention mechanism within its parallel encoder structure to extract global characteristics and establish remote dependencies on targets. With this structure, STFTN displays better prediction accuracy in different lead months. Furthermore, the activation map used in STFTN visualizes the contribution of the predictors to the output which helps to comprehend the factors contributing to ENSO events. The results highlight the potential of our model of ENSO forecasts and comprehension. 

How to cite: Zhao, A. and Du, Z.: ENSO Forecasts with Spatiotemporal Fusion Transformer Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2550,, 2025.

EGU25-2635 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Regional Ensemble ENSO Prediction Based on Graph Neural Networks with Self-Attention 

Heng Xiao, Zhenya Song, and Lanning Wang

ENSO exerts profound impacts on global climate change through ocean-atmosphere interactions and serves as a critical factor in global climate prediction. However, its prediction remains challenging due to the complex spatiotemporal interactions and evolution processes, as well as the varying degrees of correlation and teleconnection across different geographical regions. To address this issue, this study proposes an advanced ENSO forecasting framework based on regional predictions and model ensemble. The framework leverages a graph self-attention mechanism (GAT) to learn and capture the spatiotemporal dependency signals of ENSO, which are then incorporated as physical constraints into a spatiotemporal graph convolutional neural network (STGCN) for regional predictions. Furthermore, machine learning algorithms, including XGBoost and SVR are employed to integrate the predictions from different regions. Experimental results based on reanalysis data demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed framework, achieving a correlation skill exceeding 0.8 within a 12-month lead prediction period, and significantly improving the computational efficiency by filtering key signals.

How to cite: Xiao, H., Song, Z., and Wang, L.: Regional Ensemble ENSO Prediction Based on Graph Neural Networks with Self-Attention, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2635,, 2025.

EGU25-2984 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Research on sea level inversion method from airborne radar altimeter  

Mengke Ren, Fangjie Yu, Xinglong Zhang, Junwu Tang, and Ge Chen

The airborne radar altimeter can be extrapolated to a variety of parameters, including sea surface height, sea surface wind speed, significant wave height, and the topography of land, sea ice and ice cap. However, the airborne radar altimeter observation data contains signal error terms such as airborne platform jitter and ocean waves, which will lead to a large bias in the observation data. Here, we propose a method based on the combination of bandpass filtering and adaptive feature AI analysis to achieve the inversion of high-resolution sea level anomaly (SLA) data from airborne radar altimeter aliased signals.

For the airborne altimeter along-track data, statistical analyses were first performed. After that, the along-track data are filtered to remove the influence of ocean waves signals and flight platform oscillations, and the secondary interpolation is fitted based on the interval of the airborne altimeter data. According to the sampling interval of the altimeter data, the mean sea surface (MSS) and tide data under the along-track are processed to obtain the corresponding SLA data. The same interpolation method is used to process AVISO and SWOT L3 data. Finally, through the deep learning framework, the adaptive feature AI analysis is constructed to invert the SLA data, optimise the model and achieve accurate SLA prediction. The experimental results show that the RMSE of the SLA of the airborne altimeter inversion data with the along-track SWOT L3 and AVISO data are 1.12cm and 0.44cm, respectively, and the airborne altimeter data can acquire more small-scale change signals. This study verifies the working mechanism of the new system payload and lays a solid data and algorithm foundation for the development of subsequent satellite payloads.

How to cite: Ren, M., Yu, F., Zhang, X., Tang, J., and Chen, G.: Research on sea level inversion method from airborne radar altimeter , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2984,, 2025.

The irregular and incomplete coverage of in-situ ocean temperature profile observations is a major problem for various scientific applications in ocean and climate research and operational fields. However, high-resolution gridded datasets are needed to support applications. Here, we explore a physics-informed machine learning approach based on partial convolutions with multi-branch U-Net neural network structure to reconstruct the subsurface temperature profile fields with 0.1°×0.1° weekly resolution in Western Pacific Ocean. The input data include in-situ temperature profile observations, high-resolution satellite remote-sensing products (including sea surface height, sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, etc.), and a coarse-resolution (1°× 1°) gridded subsurface temperature product (IAPv4). We show that the new reconstruction retained the large-scale features represented by the 1°× 1° temperature gridded data but added mesoscale features (because of the inputs of high-resolution satellite data). The application of physical constraints for subsurface vertical structure improves the reconstruction near thermocline. The root mean square error (RMSE) can be reduced by ~12% in the target region in average with greater improvements in the upper layer (0-700m). Further analysis shows the small-scale information is performed well also in the sparse observation coverage area with some typical mesoscale vortex features can be identified, and the features in the strait and offshore regions can be effectively improved compared with coarse resolution 1°× 1° temperature gridded data. The successful application of machine learning in this study provides confidence for the accurate reconstruction of high-resolution ocean and climate data, which can improve and complement the existing data assimilation and objective analysis methods for reconstructing multi-scale ocean information in complex regions.

How to cite: Wei, W., Cheng, L., and Tian, T.: Physics-Informed Machine Learning Reconstruction of High Resolution Ocean Subsurface Temperature Profiles From In-Situ and Satellite Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3468,, 2025.

Marine ecosystems are a vital component of the global carbon cycle. Our understanding of the cycle within the ocean relies on a combination of numerical models and satellite observations, which are combined through data assimilation (DA) methods. Here we developed a global ensemble DA system for marine ecosystem prediction using the NEMO-MEDUSA coupled ocean-biogeochemistry model and the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework. Unlike deterministic DA systems, the ensemble approach provides flow-dependent uncertainty estimates, improving the reliability of global marine ecosystem forecasts.

We applied this ensemble system to investigate the assimilation of a novel phytoplankton carbon product derived from satellite ocean colour observations. Compared to the widely used phytoplankton chlorophyll product, the phytoplankton carbon product demonstrated improved global error statistics and facilitated significant adjustments in unobserved components of the marine ecosystems, including ocean carbon fluxes. Our findings also reveal a discrepancy in the ratio of phytoplankton constituents between observations and model forecasts, highlighting the potential benefits of assimilating different ocean color products to enhance marine ecosystem prediction beyond typical error metrics. These results show the advantage of novel ocean colour products for marine ecosystem modeling and understanding.

How to cite: Chen, Y. and Partridge, D.: Phytoplankton carbon assimilation in a global ensemble marine ecosystem data assimilation system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3630,, 2025.

EGU25-3836 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Equation discovery for climate impact: symbolic regression to emulate climate impact indicators for unseen scenarios 

Erwan Le Roux, Pierre Tandeo, Carlos Granero Belinchon, Melika Baklouti, Julien Le Sommer, Florence Sevault, Samuel Somot, Antoine Doury, and Mahmoud Al Najar

Climate change risks are often assessed using climate impact indicators (CIIs) determined for various socio-economic scenarios. Ideally, for every scenario an impact model, e.g. an ecological model or a hydrological model, processes outputs of a climate model to produce CIIs. However sometimes, even if outputs of a climate model are available for all scenarios, computation costs of the impact model can limit the number of scenarios with available CIIs. 

To fill this gap, we propose to infer CIIs for unseen scenarios, i.e. scenarios not processed by the impact model, with an interpretable equation. This equation is discovered using symbolic regression on a scenario processed by the impact model. Specifically, we discover an equation that predicts CIIs based on climate impact drivers (CIDs), where CIDs are variables of the climate model averaged monthly and spatially.

In our application, the impact model is a biogeochemical model of the Mediterranean Sea driven by the same regional climate model for two scenarios: RCP4.5 and RCP8.5.  Our CII is the annual mean Net Primary Production (NPP) summed over an offshore area in the Gulf of Lion (located in the North-western Mediterranean basin), where NPP is the total rate of organic carbon production by photosynthesis of marine phytoplankton minus their respiration.

Preliminary results show that the discovered equation reproduces well the trend and the interannual variability of NPP for the testing scenario RCP4.5, unseen during the training. Indeed, the scenario RCP8.5 is preferred for training as it spans a wider range of climatological contexts. If our preliminary results are confirmed, we could extend our approach to a large ensemble of climate models, in order to characterize the uncertainty of CIIs.

How to cite: Le Roux, E., Tandeo, P., Granero Belinchon, C., Baklouti, M., Le Sommer, J., Sevault, F., Somot, S., Doury, A., and Al Najar, M.: Equation discovery for climate impact: symbolic regression to emulate climate impact indicators for unseen scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3836,, 2025.

EGU25-4043 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Object-oriented mesoscale eddy prediction 

Solène Dealbera, Pierre Tandeo, Carlos Granero-Belinchon, Stéphane Raynaud, and Brahim Boussidi

Mesoscale ocean eddies are dynamic structures controlling a significant proportion of water exchanges between the surface and the deep ocean, and therefore of heat, carbon and nutrient transfers. The eddy dynamics, i.e. changes in height, velocity and energy, are classically computed through complex ocean equations such as the quasi-geostrophic balance. However, those computations are time-consuming and slow down decision-making in operational situations. Some recent studies have managed to define eddy dynamics with simple properties - centroid position, amplitude, radius, current velocity, and horizontal displacement - and to predict their future evolution with machine learning models (Wang et al., 2020). We aim to implement a simple machine learning model to predict eddy properties that can reconstruct eddy dynamics and to include it in operational tools.

In this study, we simplified eddy structures, converting their 2D/3D gridded physical space into a parametric space, characterized by the eddy properties obtained with the AMEDA algorithm (Le Vu et al., 2017). Thus we considered eddies as 2D ellipse structures with additional properties - centroid position, amplitude, semi-axis of ellipse, rotation angle, maximal current velocity, and horizontal displacements. Explainable simple ML models were trained to learn the evolution of those parameters between two consecutive time steps. Here we selected two approaches of the least square regression model: the global linear regression on the whole training dataset and the local linear regression based on the nearest neighbors observations. Performances of each model are evaluated with the RMSE metric and compared to identify which model gives the most satisfactory results for eddy prediction. 

Our analysis shows better performances with the local linear regression. However, the choice of more adapted models or a better selection of eddy properties would enhance the prediction of eddies. The next steps to the inclusion of the model in operational tools will be the consideration of eddy interactions - splitting and merging -, the uncertainty quantification and the data assimilation of eddy dynamics with an object-oriented approach.


Wang, X., Wang, H., Liu, D., Wang, W., 2020. The Prediction of Oceanic Mesoscale Eddy Properties and Propagation Trajectories Based on Machine Learning. Water 12, 2521.

Le Vu, B., Stegner, A., Arsouze, T., 2018. Angular Momentum Eddy Detection and Tracking Algorithm (AMEDA) and Its Application to Coastal Eddy Formation. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 35, 739–762.

How to cite: Dealbera, S., Tandeo, P., Granero-Belinchon, C., Raynaud, S., and Boussidi, B.: Object-oriented mesoscale eddy prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4043,, 2025.

EGU25-4189 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Can diffusion model generate ocean states compatible with OGCM ?  

Etienne Meunier, Redouane Lguensat, Guillaume Gachon, David Kamm, and Julie Deshayes

Ocean General Circulation Models (hereafter OGCM) are critical to the study of past and present climate, and the production of future projections. Unfortunately, they require large amounts of computations at simulation time. On the other hand, deep learning emulators trained on reanalyses are starting to deliver accurate short-term predictions, using comparatively small computational resources, yet they struggle to deliver long term predictions, are not interpretable and do no't factor in the uncertainty in physical parameters. As a result, they cannot be used by climate scientists to understand mechanisms of climate variability, such as tipping points, nor adjustment processes to greenhouse gas emissions.

Aiming to take the best from each world and establish a close interaction between emulators and OGCM, we investigate whether an emulator can be used to provide state variables to an ocean model, which would then handle the temporal integration using physics equations. Namely, we trained a diffusion model on a large dataset of ocean variables produced by NEMO, analysed the newly generated states, propose metrics to assess their physical consistency, and use them as initial conditions of simulations to assess their compatibility (physical and numerical) with NEMO.

Overall, we want to determine whether unconstrained generative models are able to produce realistic solutions, and to assess the tolerance of OGCM to externally generated ocean states, what we consider as a first step towards building an hybrid OGCM.

How to cite: Meunier, E., Lguensat, R., Gachon, G., Kamm, D., and Deshayes, J.: Can diffusion model generate ocean states compatible with OGCM ? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4189,, 2025.

EGU25-4190 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Estimating the distance to the AMOC tipping point using convolutional neural networks 

Francesco Guardamagna, Sacha Sinet, and Henk Dijkstra

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a critical component of the Earth system and one of the most prominent tipping element. In a warming climate, the AMOC is at risk of collapse due to increased freshwater input in the North Atlantic. Such an extreme event could lead to severe consequences for the global climate, with strong socio-economics impacts. Such a tipping event has been demonstrated to occur in conceptual, intermediate complexity and, recently, in the Community Earth System Model (CESM). Therefore, Reliable early warning signals are required for detecting whether the AMOC is approaching a tipping point. To estimate the distance of the AMOC to tipping, we propose a novel methodology, based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which uses sea surface salinity and temperature across the Atlantic as input. First, we validate our approach within the model of intermediate complexity Climber-X, demonstrating its ability to generalize to different forcing rates and in the presence of noise. We also explore the use of alternative climate variables such as the full-depth salinity profile at 35°S. Second, we assess the generalization capability of our methodology to a model of higher complexity. To this end, we use the CNN trained on Climber-X and successfully apply it to the AMOC collapse recently simulated in the CESM model. To demonstrate the physical consistency of the CNN model and increase its interpretability, we identify the most relevant regions to estimate the distance of the AMOC to tipping via the Layer-wise Relevance propagation technique.

How to cite: Guardamagna, F., Sinet, S., and Dijkstra, H.: Estimating the distance to the AMOC tipping point using convolutional neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4190,, 2025.

EGU25-4191 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

A Deep Learn Emulator for Ocean Biogeochemical Modelling 

Nabiz Rahpoe and Raffaele Bernardello

The ocean's biogeochemistry is crucial for understanding the global ocean carbon cycle. Within the climate ocean model Nemo, the PISCES module (Pelagic Interactions Scheme for Carbon and Ecosystem Studies), is based on the numerical calculation of 24 different biological, physical and chemical variables which contribute to a complex bio-geo-chemical relationship to be able to estimate the net source and sinks of primary carbon production. In this work, we want to present the first steps toward using the Deep Neural Networks as a multi-variate problem trained on the model output to predict the next sequences and replace the module with an emulator solely based on machine learning (ML). 

How to cite: Rahpoe, N. and Bernardello, R.: A Deep Learn Emulator for Ocean Biogeochemical Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4191,, 2025.

EGU25-4300 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Performance Gains and Advantages of 4DVarNet in End-to-End Learning for Data Assimilation 

Shashank Kumar Roy and Ronan Fablet

The 4D variational assimilation (4DVar) framework is widely used in classical numerical weather prediction and geophysical data assimilation. However, a crucial assumption in 4DVar is that the model state that is close to the true state corresponds to the minimizer of the 4DVar cost function. Using a single-layer quasi-geostrophic (QG) model, we study scenarios where this assumption breaks down, particularly in the presence of model errors and suboptimal initialization. By introducing controlled perturbations in the initial conditions—we design experiments to investigate the sensitivity of 4DVar solutions. We find that minimizing the 4DVar score does not always correlate with achieving lower accuracy, suggesting the presence of local minima in the optimization process. 

4DVarNet, an end-to-end neural network based on variational data assimilation formulation, is trained in a supervised manner to solve the data assimilation task. This study aims to understand the advantage of trainable solvers that solve the same optimization problem using supervised learning, generating more accurate solutions efficiently. Through this case study based on observing system simulation experiments for sea surface geophysical fields, we show that supervised learning can overcome the minimization challenges of 4DVar when faced with observations that are irregular and highly sparse which are critical to address problems in ocean reconstruction. The advantage of learning allows 4DVarNet to discover hidden representations that are suitable for solving specific data assimilation tasks with better accuracy.

How to cite: Roy, S. K. and Fablet, R.: Performance Gains and Advantages of 4DVarNet in End-to-End Learning for Data Assimilation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4300,, 2025.

EGU25-4354 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Fourier Neural Operators for Emulating Ocean Models: Towards a Knowledge-Driven Machine Learning 

Vahidreza Jahanmard, Artu Ellmann, and Nicole Delpeche-Ellmann

Accurate forecasting of ocean dynamics is essential for understanding the distribution of heat, salinity, and nutrients in the ocean. While data-driven machine learning models offer promising solutions for ocean forecasting and emulating ocean models, they often lack physical consistency (i.e., adherence to the physical laws of fluid dynamics) and explainability. In this study, we introduce a deep neural network architecture leveraging Fourier Neural Operators (FNO) for efficient forecasting of ocean surface dynamics: sea level, temperature, and salinity. FNOs excel in learning resolution-invariant solutions of partial differential equations (PDEs), offering a scalable alternative to traditional physics-based models. Operating in Fourier space enables differentiation to be treated as multiplication, which is the basis of spectral methods used for solving PDEs, including the Navier-Stokes equations that govern hydrodynamic models. Therefore, it is intuitive that by directly parameterizing the integral kernel in Fourier space, the model can learn PDE solutions more efficiently. FNOs also enable training on low-resolution data and evaluation on high-resolution data, which helps minimize the growth of autoregressive errors.

Our model is trained on the Baltic Sea Physics Analysis and Forecast dataset to predict sea surface parameters, including sea level, temperature, and salinity. The Baltic Sea is a non-tidal, semi-enclosed sea with a complex coastline, shallow sea, significant salinity gradients, and permanent stratification, which makes it a unique and challenging testbed for ocean modelling. Input variables include the initial state, atmospheric forcing, and bathymetry, and the model is trained to predict ocean surface dynamics (sea level, temperature, and salinity) and learn the mapping from time t to t+1. In the inference step, the model is initialized with the initial sea surface inputs from an out-of-sample testing dataset and iteratively generates forecasts for τ time steps. Evaluation of the model demonstrates competitive forecasting skill compared to physical models, while significantly reducing computational costs. This study highlights the potential of FNOs to advance knowledge-driven machine learning models for ocean forecasting. These models, as cost-effective alternatives to high-resolution physical ocean models, can pave the way for more efficient, scalable approaches to understanding and predicting ocean dynamics.

How to cite: Jahanmard, V., Ellmann, A., and Delpeche-Ellmann, N.: Fourier Neural Operators for Emulating Ocean Models: Towards a Knowledge-Driven Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4354,, 2025.

EGU25-4485 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Developing a data and physics driven machine learning mesoscale eddy parameterisation for NEMO 

Thomas Wilder, Till Kuhlbrodt, and Ranjini Swaminathan

The eddy-permitting NEMO model (ORCA025) is known to exhibit sub-par Southern Ocean circulation features, such as a too weak Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport and cool and warm biases on the Antarctic shelf. The ORCA025 model sits in the numerical grey zone, which is where the horizontal grid resolution can only resolve mesoscale processes over part of the domain. In other parts of the domain, the eddies need to be parameterised, such as high-latitude regions. This difficulty in representing eddies has in-part contributed to the poor Southern Ocean circulation, leading to great uncertainty in key climate metrics such as carbon and heat transport, and the Antarctic ice mass balance. The key question is, how do we parameterise mesoscale eddies where they are most needed, without being detrimental to the resolved flow. Scale- and flow-aware parameterisations have been implemented in NEMO and have led to improvements in some flow characteristics. However, an alternative approach is to leverage data, physics, and machine learning to develop an improved eddy parameterisation.

As part of the project, AI4PEX, we aim to develop a data- and physics-driven mesoscale eddy parameterisation that better captures the dynamical feedback between mesoscale eddies and the large-scale ocean circulation, reducing model uncertainty. In our work, we will attempt to improve an eddy parameterisation that is available in NEMO, GEOMETRIC. To do this we will use a Neural Network trained on high resolution data from realistic global models ORCA12/ORCA36. To reduce the black-box nature of the Neural Network, we will design a loss function that is informed by the physics of mesoscale eddies. Initial investigation of the eddy parameterisation will take place offline in an idealised configuration.

How to cite: Wilder, T., Kuhlbrodt, T., and Swaminathan, R.: Developing a data and physics driven machine learning mesoscale eddy parameterisation for NEMO, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4485,, 2025.

EGU25-4573 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Data-driven approaches for accelerating ocean spin-up in coupled climate simulations 

Alessandro Sozza, Paolo Davini, and Susanna Corti

The spin-up of the ocean component is a critical step in coupled global climate simulations, allowing the model to achieve a physically consistent equilibrium by stabilising key variables such as temperature, salinity, and ocean currents. Without an adequate spin-up, residual drifts can undermine the accuracy and reliability of long-term climate projections. This study explores data-driven strategies to accelerate the spin-up, reducing computational costs while preserving the fidelity of simulated climate states. Using a low-resolution configuration of the EC-Earth4 Earth System Model (ESM), we tested few deterministic approaches to optimise the spin-up phase. A key method relies on iterative adjustments of the oceanic state by projecting multi-decadal trends in temperature and salinity. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis was employed to filter internal variability and generate new initial conditions that minimise numerical instabilities. Additionally, vertical stability was ensured to reduce energy imbalances and maintain physical consistency. Overall, our approach can significantly enhance the efficiency of spin-up processes in coupled climate models by at least a factor of two. These findings pave the way for the development of more sustainable and sophisticated strategies (e.g. exploiting machine learning and AI techniques) in climate modelling. Such advancements will be particularly helpful for high-resolution simulations, where achieving computational efficiency is critical.

How to cite: Sozza, A., Davini, P., and Corti, S.: Data-driven approaches for accelerating ocean spin-up in coupled climate simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4573,, 2025.

EGU25-4606 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Performance evaluation and optimization of a deep learning parameterization method trained from submesoscale-permitting ocean simulations 

Rin Irie, Helen Stewart, Masaki Hisada, and Takaharu Yaguchi

In the ocean, submesoscale physical phenomena O(100m) to O(1km) have been reported to play a key role in ocean oxygen ventilation, nutrient supply to the surface ocean, and carbon export, as well as the transfer of energy to larger scales [1]. However, due to limitations in computational resources, current ocean general circulation models are frequently run at resolutions on the order of O(10km) to O(100km) and cannot directly resolve submesoscale turbulence (i.e., subgrid-scale phenomena). Therefore, parameterization schemes are required to simulate these subgrid-scale phenomena.

Recent advances in machine learning have triggered the active exploration of data-driven approaches to parameterization for subgrid-scale phenomena that utilize data from observations and simulations. In previous studies [2, 3], the neural network is trained directly using the same variables as the neural network's output, such as viscosity and diffusivity coefficients. However, this approach does not guarantee that the inferred model parameters accurately represent the state of subgrid-scale phenomena they aim to reproduce. We propose a novel parameterization method for estimating diffusivity and viscosity parameters to parameterize subgrid-scale phenomena and have implemented this method in MITgcm, an ocean simulator [4, 5]. This method trains a neural network using the state variables (i.e., velocity fields, potential temperature, and salinity) derived from the simulation results at a resolution that can directly resolve subgrid-scale phenomena. Therefore, unlike previous studies, the diffusivity and viscosity parameters inferred by the trained network can reproduce the global state of subgrid-scale phenomena.

The ocean simulator MITgcm is implemented in Fortran, which does not have a built-in package to compute gradients within the neural network, in contrast to deep learning libraries (e.g., PyTorch) like Python. In our previous work [4, 5], we used a quasi-newton optimization method, which does not require computation of these gradients. However, the optimization performance of this method was limited. In this study, we use adjoint code within MITgcm to compute gradients for optimizing neural networks and examine the effect of different optimizers on training performance.


This work used computational resources of supercomputer Fugaku provided by the RIKEN Center for Computational Science through the HPCI System Research Project (Project ID: hp240394).

[1] M. Lévy et. al (2024), The impact of fine-scale currents on biogeochemical cycles in a changing ocean, Annual Review of Marine Science, 16(1), 191–215.
[2] Y. Han et. al (2020), A moist physics parameterization based on deep learning, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12(9), e2020MS002076.
[3] Y. Zhu et. al (2022), Physics-informed deep-learning parameterization of ocean vertical mixing improves climate simulations, National Science Review, 9(8), nwac044.
[4] R. Irie et. al (2024), Parameterizing ocean vertical mixing using deep learning trained from high-resolution simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, EGU24-2297.
[5] R. Irie et. al (2024), Optimizing a deep-learning model for parameterizing submesoscale phenomena in an ocean simulator, Workshop on Scientific Machine Learning and Its Industrial Applications.

How to cite: Irie, R., Stewart, H., Hisada, M., and Yaguchi, T.: Performance evaluation and optimization of a deep learning parameterization method trained from submesoscale-permitting ocean simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4606,, 2025.

EGU25-5478 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Identification of gas hydrate based on machine learning in the northern South China Sea  

Dongmei Tian and Shengxiong Yang

Gas hydrate is an important future alternative marine energy resource to fossil fuels, with the advantages of high energy, large reserves, wide distribution, and shallow burial. Accurate identification of gas hydrate reservoirs and estimation of hydrate saturation are the prerequisites for the development and utilization of gas hydrate resources. This research focuses on the difficult issues of hydrate identification, combined with the multidisciplinary technology of ocean-geology-artificial intelligence (AI). The effective hydrate formation identification technology method is studied and put forward based on the geophysical attributes. The method has been verified in the Dongsha area of the northern South China Sea. This study uses machine learning algorithms to analyze whether the sediment contains gas hydrates. Several commonly used machine learning algorithms are selected, such as random forest, Bagging, AdaBoost, and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). These algorithms are used to analyze the data of the P-wave velocity and density with high sensitivity to the change of hydrate. The parameters of different algorithm models are optimized through training, and the identification and classification effects of different algorithm models are compared. Finally, the results show that these algorithms could well distinguish whether there is hydrate in the sediment, among those, the KNN algorithm has a good application. The results show method based on machine learning can improve the identification accuracy of gas hydrate. The identification method of this research provides strong technical support for the subsequent exploration and development of hydrates.

How to cite: Tian, D. and Yang, S.: Identification of gas hydrate based on machine learning in the northern South China Sea , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5478,, 2025.

EGU25-5626 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Nighttime Ship Detection Using VIIRS DNB Data: An AutoML Approach 

Noh-hun Seong, Okchul Jung, Youeyun Jung, and Sae-Han Song

Nighttime ship detection plays a vital role in understanding oceanic patterns and human activities in marine environments. As an observational approach in ocean science, it enables researchers to monitor vessel distribution patterns, analyze maritime traffic flows, and collect valuable data about human interactions with marine ecosystems. While the VIIRS Day-Night Band (DNB) sensor enables nighttime vessel detection from space, conventional detection methods primarily rely on threshold-based techniques, which show limitations in handling complex environmental factors such as cloud coverage and varying atmospheric conditions. To overcome these challenges, this study presents an automated ship detection approach that combines VIIRS DNB imagery with AutoML techniques. Our AutoML framework automatically optimizes model parameters and features to adapt to various environmental conditions, providing more robust detection capabilities compared to traditional threshold-based methods. The methodology incorporates AIS data for model training and validation to enhance detection accuracy. Our experimental results demonstrate improved detection performance across diverse maritime environments and weather conditions, effectively addressing the limitations of conventional threshold-based approaches. This research contributes to advancing pattern recognition in oceanic observations by providing an automated approach for identifying vessel activities in nighttime satellite imagery.

How to cite: Seong, N., Jung, O., Jung, Y., and Song, S.-H.: Nighttime Ship Detection Using VIIRS DNB Data: An AutoML Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5626,, 2025.

EGU25-6069 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Mapping the global distribution of lead and its isotopes in seawater with explainable machine learning 

Arianna Olivelli, Rossella Arcucci, Mark Rehkämper, and Tina van de Flierdt

Since the late 1800s, and especially in the last century, the natural biogeochemical cycle of lead (Pb) in the ocean has been severely perturbed by anthropogenic emissions generated by the use of leaded gasoline, waste incineration, coal combustion and non-ferrous metal smelting. Lead and its isotopes are powerful tools to study the pathways of Pb pollution from land to sea and, simultaneously, investigate biogeochemical processes in the ocean. For these reasons, the study of Pb concentrations and isotope compositions of seawater is a core part of the international marine geochemistry programme GEOTRACES. However, the scarcity and sparsity of in situ measurements of Pb concentrations and isotope compositions do not allow for a comprehensive understanding of Pb pollution pathways and marine biogeochemical cycling on a global scale.

We present here three machine learning models developed to map seawater Pb concentrations and isotope compositions leveraging the global GEOTRACES dataset together with historical data. The models are based on the non-linear regression algorithm XGBoost and use climatologies of oceanographic and atmospheric variables as features from which to predict Pb concentrations, 206Pb/207Pb, and 208Pb/207Pb. Using Shapley Additive Values (SHAP), we found that seawater temperature, atmospheric dust and black carbon, and salinity are the most important features for mapping Pb concentrations. Dissolved oxygen concentration, salinity, temperature, and atmospheric dust are the most important features for mapping 206Pb/207Pb, while atmospheric black carbon and dust, seawater temperature, and surface chlorophyll-a for 208Pb/207Pb. The output of our models shows that (i) the highest levels of pollution are found in the surface Indian Ocean, (ii) pollution from previous decades is sinking in the North Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, and (iii) waters characterised by a highly anthropogenic Pb isotope fingerprint are spreading from the Southern Ocean throughout the Southern Hemisphere at intermediate depths. The analysis of the uncertainty associated with the mapped distribution of Pb concentrations, 206Pb/207Pb, and 208Pb/207Pb suggests that the Southern Ocean is the key area to prioritise in future sampling campaigns.

How to cite: Olivelli, A., Arcucci, R., Rehkämper, M., and van de Flierdt, T.: Mapping the global distribution of lead and its isotopes in seawater with explainable machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6069,, 2025.

Understanding the dynamics of phytoplankton communities in response to physical
environmental changes is essential for evaluating the impact of climate change on marine
ecosystems. Satellite observations provide a rich dataset spanning over two decades,
capturing physical sea surface parameters such as temperature, salinity, and sea surface
height, alongside biological insights such as ocean color. Ocean color data, in particular, is
processed to estimate sea surface chlorophyll-a concentrations — a widely recognized proxy
for phytoplankton biomass. Recent advancements in ocean color observation have further
enabled the characterization of phytoplankton community structure in terms of functional
groups or size classes.
However, linking satellite-derived physical parameters to biological indicators remains
challenging due to spatial and temporal variability.
Can physical data reliably predict patterns in ocean color, such as chlorophyll-a
concentrations and phytoplankton community structures, and potentially assess their
variations? This study addresses this question through a deep-learning approach, utilizing
an attention-based autoencoder model to learn relationships between physical variables and
ocean color data, including chlorophyll-a concentrations and phytoplankton size classes at
weekly and 1° spatial resolution.
Our trained deep-learning model effectively captures patterns and correlations between
physical parameters, chlorophyll concentrations, and phytoplankton size classes. It enables
detailed exploration of how physical factors influence biological variability across different
temporal scales. Utilizing a phytoplankton database spanning 1997–2023, this approach
demonstrates promising results in replicating chlorophyll concentrations, inferring
phytoplankton size classes, and shedding light on the potential links between physical and
biological data.
This study highlights the potential of machine learning for ecological research, contributing to
more accurate trend analyses. Understanding phytoplankton variability is critical for marine
ecosystem management, given their role in global carbon cycling. This methodology
underscores the value of deep-learning to anticipate phytoplankton dynamics under
changing environmental conditions.

How to cite: Ollier, L., ElHourany, R., and Levy, M.: Deep learning algorithm to uncover links between satellite-derived physical drivers and biological fields., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6755,, 2025.

EGU25-7180 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Calibration-driven parameterization development 

Navid Constantinou, Gregory Wagner, Adeline Hillier, Simone Silvestri, Andre Souza, Keaton Burns, Chris Hill, Jean-Michel Campin, John Marshall, and Raffaele Ferrari

We discuss the use of systematic ‘a posteriori’ calibration in the development of complicated (but theory-based) parameterizations. With ‘a posteriori’ calibration, model error is assessed using the results of forward simulations, thereby incorporating numerical error, numerical stability, model-specific implementation details,  and alleviating the need for explicit data for all parameterized model components. We show how calibration illuminates the parameterization development trade-off between reductions in model bias, producing better predictions, and increased parametric complexity, the latter which can decrease a model’s ability to extrapolate, increase both the data requirements and computational expense of the calibration. We illustrate the importance of a posteriori calibration by describing the iterative development of CATKE, a new parameterization we develop within CliMA for the fluxes associated with small- or "micro-scale" ocean turbulent mixing on scales between 1 and 100 meters. For calibration we use Ensemble Kalman Inversion to minimize the error between a set of large eddy simulations (="the truth") and predictions of the parameterization and this way find optimal values for the free parameters. Without systematic calibration we cannot make informed choices about parameterization development because we cannot distinguish between structural error and error due to non-optimal parameter values.

How to cite: Constantinou, N., Wagner, G., Hillier, A., Silvestri, S., Souza, A., Burns, K., Hill, C., Campin, J.-M., Marshall, J., and Ferrari, R.: Calibration-driven parameterization development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7180,, 2025.

EGU25-7671 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Global Climatology of Submesoscale Activity Using Machine Learning 

Leyu Yao and John R. Taylor

Submesoscale eddies are oceanic structures that occur on horizontal scales from 0.1-10 km, vertical scales from 0.01-1 km, and last from hours to several days. They are characterised by a Rossby number of Ro = ζ/f ~ O(1), where surface vertical vorticity ζ is similar to Coriolis frequency f. Submesoscale eddies are important in setting the stratification in the ocean surface mixed layer, mediating air-sea exchanges, and transporting energy between large and small scale motions. However, the study of submesoscale eddies on a global scale has been hindered by a shortage of global, long-term datasets. To fill this gap, we train and apply an unsupervised machine learning method adapted from the Profile Classification Model (PCM) to density profiles collected by Argo floats over global ocean from 2000-2021, producing the first global observational climatology of submesoscale activity. The adapted PCM identifies regions with high submesoscale activity using solely the density profiles and without any additional information on the velocity, location, or horizontal density gradients. The climatology shows that submesoscale activity peaks in spring in both hemispheres and lags behind the maxima of mixed layer depth by one month, suggesting that submesoscale eddies play important role in re-stratifying the mixed layer. Hotspots of submesoscale activity can be found in the Norwegian Sea and the Drake Passage in spring. This observational reconstruction of submesoscale activity enables the study of submesoscale distribution, seasonality, and inter-annual variation on a global scale.

How to cite: Yao, L. and Taylor, J. R.: Global Climatology of Submesoscale Activity Using Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7671,, 2025.

EGU25-8030 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Data-driven Ocean Forecasting Models with Multi-Scale Graph Neural Networks for 10-day Global Forecasting 

Yuta Hirabayashi, Daisuke Matsuoka, and Konobu Kimura

Accurate ocean forecasting models are crucial for both scientific research and practical application, such as understanding ocean dynamics and efficient ship route planning. While traditional numerical ocean models have proven effective, they require substantial computational resources due to the complexity of solving partial differential equations. In recent years, data-driven weather forecasting models have demonstrated their ability to provide accurate predictions at lower computational costs compared to conventional numerical weather prediction models while their application to ocean forecasting remains limited. 

This study explores a data-driven ocean forecasting model for 10-day global forecasting, employing a multi-scale graph neural network (GNN) to capture the multi-scale features of ocean variables while incorporating graph structures that account for land masks. To reflect the effects of atmospheric forcing, surface atmospheric variables are combined with ocean variables and used as GNN’s node input features. The model was initially trained on paired reanalysis data samples with a 1-day interval to minimize the mean squared error. Subsequently, it was fine-tuned using auto-regressive rollouts across multiple time steps. The forecasting process involves autoregressive steps, where the predicted ocean variables from the previous step and weather forecasting variables provided by an operational center are used as inputs for the next step.

Preliminary experiments comparing the proposed model with persistent forecasts showed the skillfulness of the proposed model. Sensitivity experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of atmospheric forcing by replacing weather forecasting data with climatological data. The evaluation was conducted over a one-year period across the global ocean employing reanalysis data as references. The results showed that using weather forecasting data improved the accuracy of surface ocean variable predictions compared to using climatology.  Specifically, the RMSE was reduced by 6.6%, 6.2%, and 1.0% for 3-day-ahead, 5-day-ahead, and 10-day-ahead forecasts, respectively, representing the median improvement across the period and variables.  The improvements varied across variables; for instance, salinity showed a consistent improvement of almost 1% across all lead times, whereas northward velocity showed greater improvements at shorter lead times, such as an improvement of 22% at 3-day-ahead forecasts.

The results indicate that it is crucial for data-driven ocean models to incorporate atmospheric forcing, similar to numerical ocean models. These findings suggest that the multi-scale GNN-based ocean forecasting model that integrates atmospheric forcing offers a potential approach for 10-day global ocean forecasting.

How to cite: Hirabayashi, Y., Matsuoka, D., and Kimura, K.: Data-driven Ocean Forecasting Models with Multi-Scale Graph Neural Networks for 10-day Global Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8030,, 2025.

EGU25-8349 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Modeling pCO2,sw in the Canary Islands region based on satellite measurements 

Melchor González-Dávila, Irene Sánchez-Mendoza, David González-Santana, David Curbelo-Hernández, David Estupiñan, Miguel Suarez de Tangil, Aridane G. González, and J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano

The improvement of remote sensing systems together with the emergence of new model fitting algorithms based on sophisticated methods, such as machine-learning techniques, have allowed the determination of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2,sw) in the Canary Islands waters based on mathematical modeling. Among all the fitted models, the most powerful one seems to be the bootstrap aggregation (bagging), giving an RMSE < 6 µatm (R2 > 0.95), although the multilinear regression (MLR), neural network (NN) and categorical boosting (CatBoost) also have a good predictive performance, with RMSE ranging from 9 to 13 µatm for 360 < pCO2,sw < 481 µatm. Using the most reliable model that uses sea surface temperature (SST), Chlorophyll a (Chla), and mixed layer depth (MLD), it was determined that during the period comprised between 2019 and 2024, the Canary basin behaved as a slight net sink of atmospheric CO2, with an average daily flux of -1.45 ± 0.08 mmol m-2 d-1, resulting in the sequestration of -2.59 ± 0.15 Tg CO2 yr-1.

How to cite: González-Dávila, M., Sánchez-Mendoza, I., González-Santana, D., Curbelo-Hernández, D., Estupiñan, D., Suarez de Tangil, M., González, A. G., and Santana-Casiano, J. M.: Modeling pCO2,sw in the Canary Islands region based on satellite measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8349,, 2025.

EGU25-9298 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Hidden Wrecks and Black Reefs: Harnessing AI to Unveil Maritime Mysteries and Environmental Risks 

Alexandra Karamitrou, Frase Sturt, and Petros Bogiatzis

Shipwrecks have long fascinated people with their stories of mysteries and hidden treasures. UNESCO estimates that more than three million shipwrecks lie undiscovered in the world’s oceans and lakes, yet less than 10% of these have been precisely located. Beyond their historical and archaeological significance, shipwrecks can pose significant environmental threats. Instead of treasures, they often conceal harmful substances like fuels and corroded heavy metals, which, if released, can harm surrounding ecosystems and nearby communities.

This study introduces an innovative artificial intelligence (AI) approach, leveraging convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and open-access remote sensing data, to detect and map shipwrecks in remote coral reefs. The method is designed to identify wrecks based on the environmental footprint they leave, referred to as "Black Reefs", even in cases where the shipwreck itself has completely degraded.

One of the primary challenges was the limited availability of known black reef locations, which restricted the training dataset. To address this, a supervised fully convolutional neural network architecture, called SimpleNet, was employed. This architecture is specifically suited for scenarios with small labelled datasets. From a shortlist of eight suitable reefs (e.g., Kenn, Nikumaroro, Kingman, Kanton, and Rose), five were used for generating training and evaluation data, while the remaining were excluded due to low-resolution imagery or cloud interference.

Image tiles of 256 x 256 x 3 bands were extracted from the training reefs, resulting in approximately 1,600 labelled images. For evaluation, small sections of Kenn and Rose reefs were used to train the model, while other portions served as test datasets. Training was conducted using the IRIDIS supercomputer at the University of Southampton, utilizing 12 CPUs, one node with 264 GB of memory, and MATLAB 9.6 (2019b). The training process took approximately two hours.

The results demonstrate that even with limited training data, the SimpleNet architecture, featuring just eight fully convolutional layers, can efficiently identify and classify black reefs, indicating the presence of shipwrecks. Moreover, the algorithm provides a tool for monitoring reef discoloration and assessing ecological impacts over time through time-series imagery.

This study underscores the potential of AI-driven methods to enhance shipwreck detection and environmental monitoring, offering an efficient, cost-effective solution for tackling the challenges posed by limited ground data and inaccessible regions.

How to cite: Karamitrou, A., Sturt, F., and Bogiatzis, P.: Hidden Wrecks and Black Reefs: Harnessing AI to Unveil Maritime Mysteries and Environmental Risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9298,, 2025.

EGU25-9778 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Level 4 global topography mapping with 4DVarNet 

Alice Laloue, Cécile Anadon, Anaëlle Treboutte, Maxime Ballarotta, Marie-Isabelle Pujol, and Ronan Fablet

The study of mesoscale oceanic eddy dynamics requires regular, high-resolution space-time grids of topography observations. However, most observations come from the constellation of altimetry satellites, which measure the topography along very fine and still very sparse tracks, and surface currents must therefore be calculated using level 4 topography maps. These level 4 maps used operationally are produced by methods based on objective analysis (OA, Le Traon et al., 1998), such as historically used in the DUACS production until end 2024, or variational resolution, such as MIOST (Ubelmann et al., 2022), but their spatial resolution limits the scales of dynamics that can be resolved. While OA and MIOST can capture mesoscale dynamics down to approximately 150–200 km, sub-mesoscale features remain inaccessible with these methods. 

Recent advancements in neural network-based mapping models have the potential to refine the resolution of mesoscale topography reconstruction. The NeurOST model developed by S. A. Martin (2024), for instance, improves the spatial resolution by 30% compared with existing conventional methods like OA, establishing itself as a state-of-the-art technique in level-4 topography mapping. While the 4DVarNet model developped by Febvre et al. (2024) has proven effective in Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSE) over the Gulf Stream, it has not yet been applied on real altimetric observations or on a global scale. 

In this study, we leverage the 4DVarNet model to estimate global surface current maps from both conventional nadir altimetry and SWOT KaRIn swath data. The model was trained on GLORYS12V1 reanalysis data over the Gulf Stream and the Agulhas Current, and subsequently applied to global altimetric observations, including SWOT KaRIn.  

Our results show that 4DVarNet-derived topography maps from nadir altimetry improve the effective resolution OA and over NeurOST in regions of high variability and strong currents, such as the Gulf Stream, Kuroshio, Agulhas and Brazil currents. The inclusion of SWOT KaRIn data further enhances the effective resolution and significantly reduces mapping errors. 4DVarNet's reconstructions also reveal more small-scale vortex structures and deformations compared to NeurOST. The resulting maps seem to improve our ability to observe eddy dynamics and their impact on energy transfer between different scales. 

Nevertheless, the model still needs many improvements to provide satisfactory topography on a global scale. Ongoing and future work includes further investigation into the contribution of additional geophysical variables to the topography reconstruction performance of 4DVarNet, such as bathymetry, sea surface temperature, salinity and ocean color, and the exploration of an unsupervised learning scheme for better generalization to real altimetric data. These developments aim to improve the model's applicability to diverse oceanic regions and enhance its ability in capturing sub-mesoscale eddy dynamics. 

How to cite: Laloue, A., Anadon, C., Treboutte, A., Ballarotta, M., Pujol, M.-I., and Fablet, R.: Level 4 global topography mapping with 4DVarNet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9778,, 2025.

Understanding the response to climate change of the Venice Lagoon is fundamental for the conservation and sustainable management of a vulnerable environment, with important ecological and socio-economic consequences. Deterministic dynamic models that can reproduce the behavior of the lagoon have a very high computational cost, that limits substantially their applicability, particularly considering the multiple and multidecadal simulations required to analyses climate change. This study explores the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to model the relationships between climate drivers and key parameters (temperature and salinity) of the Venice lagoon to understand their different dynamics within the lagoon environment. We carry on a sensitivity study on the various drivers utilized and examine the simultaneous presence of different response patterns within the lagoon. The analysis is based on the combination in situ observations of the lagoon water temperature and salinity with large-scale data from the Copernicus Marine Services’ reanalysis  to estimate how the main physical parameters of the lagoons are driven by key climatic drivers. The sensitivity analysis was conducted by excluding from the ANN or randomizing single drivers to assess their importance for describing the variability of the lagoon environment. This analysis allow to identify three clusters, defining three areas of the lagoon, whose differences that can be physically interpreted. The riverine cluster (central/northern lagoon) is influenced by the presence of small tributaries and, consequently, by local precipitation; The marine cluster is located in the part of the lagoon near the sea outlets, where salinity and temperature values are strongly influenced by marine salinity and temperature; The mixed cluster  (in the south lagoon) where both the marine and riverine regimes overlap with comparable effects on salinity and temperature.

Financial support from ICSC – Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing, funded by European Union – NextGenerationEU. Project code CN_00000033, CUP C83C22000560007 and  from NBFC – National Biodiversity Future Center, funded by European Union – NextGenerationEU. Project code CN_00000033, CUP F87G22000290001

How to cite: Bozzeda, F., Sigovini, M., and Lionello, P.: Using artificial intelligence for exploring the climatic drivers of the Venice Lagoon environmental variability and response to climate change., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9911,, 2025.

EGU25-10550 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Statistical inversion of surface tracers to infer fine-scale near-surface ocean currents 

Rick de Kreij, Andrew Zammit Mangion, Matt Rayson, Nicole Jones, and Andrew Zulberti

Measuring sea surface currents (SSC) directly is challenging. Instead, SSC are often inferred from indirect measurements like altimetry. However, altimetry-based methods only provide large-scale (>100 km) geostrophically-balanced velocity estimates of SSC. Here, we present a statistical inversion model to predict fine-scale SSC using remotely sensed sea surface temperature (SST) data. Our approach employs Gaussian Process (GP) regression, where the GP is informed by a two-dimensional tracer transport equation. This method yields a predictive distribution of SSC, from which we can generate an ensemble of surface currents to derive both predictions and prediction uncertainties. Our approach incorporates prior knowledge of the SSC length scales and variances that appear in the covariance function of the GP, which are then estimated from the SST data. The framework naturally handles noisy and incomplete SST data (e.g., due to cloud cover), without the need for pre-filtering.  We validate the inversion model through an observing system simulation experiment (OSSE), which demonstrates that GP-based statistical inversion outperforms existing methods, especially when the measurement signal-to-noise ratio is low.  When applied to Himawari-9 satellite SST data over the Australian North-West Shelf, our method successfully resolves SSC down to the sub-mesoscale. We anticipate our framework being used to improve understanding of fine-scale ocean dynamics, and to facilitate the coherent propagation of uncertainty into downstream applications such as ocean particle tracking.

How to cite: de Kreij, R., Zammit Mangion, A., Rayson, M., Jones, N., and Zulberti, A.: Statistical inversion of surface tracers to infer fine-scale near-surface ocean currents, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10550,, 2025.

EGU25-10637 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Reconstructing historical salinity fields over the 20th century using a data-driven method and Argo data 

Erwan Oulhen, Nicolas Kolodziejczyk, Pierre Tandeo, Bruno Blanke, and Florian Sévellec

Ocean salinity is a fundamental variable that determines seawater density and, therefore, stratification and oceanic dynamics. To understand how salinity is affected and how it contributes to ocean processes, its variability must be studied, particularly through in situ observations. Unfortunately, while temperature observations were limited during the 20th century, salinity observations were even sparser, as some instruments were designed to measure temperature only. The development of the Argo observing system since 2002 has improved sampling and reduced the disparity between both variables, enabling better assessment of salinity variability over the past 20 years at interannual to decadal scales. In this study, we estimate salinity covariability with temperature from the Argo period to reconstruct monthly subsurface salinity fields, in the tropical Pacific between 1930 and 2001, leveraging temperature observations. The analysis is performed using the data-driven RedAnDA method, which combines Data Assimilation, Analog Prediction, and Reduced-space Interpolation, first validated using synthetic data. We reconstruct the 20th century interannual variability of salinity associated with ENSO events both at the surface and in the subsurface. Notably, thanks to the coupling with temperature, the representation of stratification and its modulation by vertical salinity gradients is enhanced. This new method and product provide for the first time the possibility to extend the hydrological time series consistently in the past, offering potential new insights into mechanisms generating decadal variability in the Pacific.

How to cite: Oulhen, E., Kolodziejczyk, N., Tandeo, P., Blanke, B., and Sévellec, F.: Reconstructing historical salinity fields over the 20th century using a data-driven method and Argo data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10637,, 2025.

EGU25-10653 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Deriving benthic traits through deep learning methods 

Abel Dechenne, Séverine Chevalier, Marilaure Gregoire, Aida Alvera-Azcarate, and Alexander Barth

Through global warming, ocean deoxygenation is considered as a major concern since it consequently reduces the quality and the quantity of suitable habitats for marine life. Eutrophication plays a major role in its depletion which enhances respiration at different depths. Many species such as fishes, benthic worms or even plankton are affected by this phenomenon.

This study aims to get a better understanding of benthic worm species on the continental shelf of the Black Sea which is well known for high frequency oxic stresses. Our main objective is to map species through their biological traits (i.e. body length, burial depth, reproductive frequency…)  in order to assess their vulnerability towards environmental variations that occur at this location. 

Unfortunately, in the oceanographic field, one of the major issues is the sparsity of in-situ observations, especially when it comes to benthic biology. Therefore, we have decided to use a multivariate approach allowing us to use related datasets with significantly better spatial and temporal coverage. This multivariate approach is implemented using deep learning in order to get complete maps of traits on our domain. An adapted convolutional neural network allowing to capture non-linearities is used to reconstruct the traits repartitions. 

Thus, as an input for the neural network, we consider our traits dataset and environmental variables which are likely to enhance their reconstruction; Surface currents, particulate organic carbon, oxygen concentration and bathymetry are considered. A chosen period from 2008 to 2017 is selected. Traits datasets are located by stations (238) and were constructed through fuzzy coding and rescaled by their biomass. 

The neural network architecture is composed of an encoder and a decoder where the encoder considers a gappy and non-gridded dataset. The encoder uses a series of convolutional layers followed by max pooling layers which reduce the size of the dataset. The decoder does essentially the reverse operation by considering convolutional and interpolation layers. 

In order to avoid overfitting, the model has skip connections which ensure to keep information from the input dataset. For additional information please refer to Barth et al 2022. The model gives the reconstructed trait repartition and the standard error of the reconstruction.

This study will be helpful in the understanding of benthic traits repartition and will aim to link their patterns to environmental factors. This will help to get a deeper understanding of the ecological role and functions of this poorly known ecosystem. This work is carried in the frame of NECCTON European project.



How to cite: Dechenne, A., Chevalier, S., Gregoire, M., Alvera-Azcarate, A., and Barth, A.: Deriving benthic traits through deep learning methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10653,, 2025.

EGU25-11139 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Reconstruction of missing satellite data using a Probabilistic Denoising Diffusion Model applied to chlorophyll a concentration 

Alexander Barth, Julien Brajard, Aida Alvera-Azcárate, Bayoumy Mohamed, Charles Troupin, and Jean-Marie Beckers

Satellite observations provide a global or near-global coverage of the World Ocean. They are however affected by clouds (among others), which severely reduce their spatial coverage. Different methods have been proposed in the literature to reconstruct missing data in satellite observations. For many applications of satellite observations, it has been increasingly important to accurately reflect the underlying uncertainty of the reconstructed observations. In this study, we investigate the use of a denoising diffusion model to reconstruct missing observations. Such methods can naturally provide an ensemble of reconstructions where each member is spatially coherent with the scales of variability and with the available data. Rather than providing a single reconstruction, an ensemble of possible reconstructions can be computed, and the ensemble spread reflects the underlying uncertainty. We show how this method can be trained from a collection of satellite data without requiring a prior interpolation of missing data and without resorting to data from a numerical model. The reconstruction method is tested with chlorophyll a concentration from the Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) sensor (aboard the satellites Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B) on a small area of the Black Sea and compared with the neural network DINCAE (Data-INterpolating Convolutional Auto-Encoder).  The quality of the reconstruction is assessed using independent test data. 

The spatial scales of the reconstructed data are assessed via a variogram, and the accuracy and statistical validity of the reconstructed ensemble are quantified using the continuous ranked probability score and its decomposition into reliability, resolution, and uncertainty.

The diffusion method compared favorably against the U-Net DINCAE. The RMSE of the reconstructed data using the denoising diffusion model was smaller than the corresponding reconstruction of DINCAE. The main advantage of the diffusion model is, however, the ability to reproduce an ensemble of possible reconstructed conditions on the available data. Each of these reconstructions contains small-scale information comparable to the scales of variability in the original data, avoiding a common problem where the results of U-Net and autoencoders produce images that are too smooth, as the information on small scales can typically not be recovered under clouds with a certain extent. The overall conclusion is robust when applying this technique to other areas of the Black Sea.

The ensembles of reconstructed data generated by the diffusion model can be used, for example, in the detection of gradients and fronts in the satellite images or in the estimation of the error in derived quantities, where information on how the error is correlated in space is also needed.

How to cite: Barth, A., Brajard, J., Alvera-Azcárate, A., Mohamed, B., Troupin, C., and Beckers, J.-M.: Reconstruction of missing satellite data using a Probabilistic Denoising Diffusion Model applied to chlorophyll a concentration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11139,, 2025.

EGU25-11223 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Autoregressive denoising diffusion for predicting trajectories of floating objects in oceans 

Christian Donner, Shirin Goshtasbpour, Emanuele Dalsasso, Michele Volpi, Marc Russwurm, and Devis Tuia

Motivation The increasing amount of plastic debris in the oceans calls for quick action to prevent irreversibly damaging our world’s largest ecosystem. To this end, tracking plastic debris and understanding its dynamics could facilitate collection campaigns and help monitor the evolution of the threat. To achieve this goal, accurate models are necessary to predict the dynamics of floating objects at the ocean surface, which are subject to currents and winds. Physical models and remote sensing data estimate these influencing forces. However, using them directly in process-based models still leads to a significant gap between the true dynamics and the predicted trajectory. Hence, we aim to minimize this gap by resorting to data-driven machine-learning methods.

Data We can identify two different scenarios where the dynamics of floating objects differ: trajectories close to coastal regions and trajectories in the open ocean. As a consequence, we focus on two different datasets: the first aims to predict dynamics in coastal regions for 24 hours. The second focuses on open-ocean dynamics, where we try to predict trajectories for multiple days. As target variables, we use data from the Global Drifter program, which contains several thousand GPS-tracked free-floating buoys. The contextual information about the ocean surface current is extracted from Copernicus Marine and HYCOM. Wind data is taken from ERA5.

Approach We develop a denoising diffusion model that generates multiple trajectories based on surface current and wind, as provided by physical models. In contrast to the unstructured i.i.d. Gaussian noise in standard denoising diffusion, we use a more suitable process: Brownian motion noise, which has a small variance close to the start of the trajectories and increases with time. The denoiser model is autoregressive and based on a multilayer recurrent neural network that iteratively learns to remove the noise from random realizations of this Brownian motion.

Results We found that the model not only outperforms physical models on the coastal dataset but also provides a posterior distribution of the predicted trajectories, thus offering a measure of uncertainty without additional overhead.

How to cite: Donner, C., Goshtasbpour, S., Dalsasso, E., Volpi, M., Russwurm, M., and Tuia, D.: Autoregressive denoising diffusion for predicting trajectories of floating objects in oceans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11223,, 2025.

EGU25-11622 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Peeking Into a Marine Biogeochemical Model with an Autoencoder  

Gabriela Martinez Balbontin and Stefano Ciavatta

Biogeochemical models are computational approximations of systems of differential equations used to represent and predict biogeochemical constituents of the ocean. These might include carbon and nutrients cycles, and its interactions with biological components, such as different types of plankton. Unfortunately, these models tend to be constrained by their complex parametrization and computational cost, limiting their practical application and scalability.

Autoencoders are neural networks that are trained to learn a compressed representation of a dataset, typically with the goal of reconstructing the input to its original or a specified target dimension. But the bottleneck of this compression, or the latent space of the autoencoder, can offer interesting insights into the dominant features of the system.

Here we train different types of autoencoders to capture the main spatiotemporal dynamics from data modeled by the biogeochemical analysis BIO4 (based on NEMO-PISCES). This not only provides a basis for the development of computationally efficient emulators, but it can help us detect patterns and relationships that might not be immediately apparent in the high-dimensional output of the model. This offers interesting insights into how the model actually captures its constituting components. 

Such compressed representations can also be used for parameter sensitivity analysis, to develop data assimilation frameworks, and as tools for uncertainty quantification and outlier detection.

How to cite: Martinez Balbontin, G. and Ciavatta, S.: Peeking Into a Marine Biogeochemical Model with an Autoencoder , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11622,, 2025.

EGU25-11727 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Assessing the impact of the new mixed layer eddy parameterization based on machine learning in NEMO 

Marcela Contreras, Alexis Barge, Julien Le Sommer, Abigail Bodner, and Dhruv Balwada

Mixed layer eddies (MLE) are submesoscale structures, characterized by spatial and temporal scales of O(10 km) and O(1 day), generated by mixed layer instability under conditions of strong horizontal buoyancy gradient and weak stratification.  MLE produces mixed layer restratification, which has important implications for global ocean and climate dynamics. Existing parameterizations represent MLE effects with a streamfunction that depends on the horizontal buoyancy gradient, mixed layer depth, and the Coriolis parameter. Machine learning techniques have recently been proposed for improving existing MLE parameterizations. Bodner et al., (2024) proposed an approach for predicting submesoscale vertical buoyancy fluxes using a convolutional neural network (CNN), showing an improvement compared to previous parameterizations.

In this study,  we analyze the impact of a new MLE parameterization - based on Bodner et al. (2024) - in a global ocean model simulation performed with NEMO (eORCA25). The implementation of the CNN parameterization in NEMO is performed through EOPHIS ( The CNN simulation (MLE-CNN) is compared with a simulation with a standard  parametrization and a simulation without MLE parameterization. With the CNN parameterization, maximum winter mixed layer depths are reduced by 10% with respect to the simulation without parameterization, which is comparable to the reduction obtained with the standard parameterization. The CNN parameterization differs from the standard parameterization in terms of  spatial variability.  For example, in the tropical region, the CNN produces a vertical heat flux across the mixed layer that can reach twice the magnitude of the standard parameterization. Mixed layer depth from simulations will be compared with observations. 

How to cite: Contreras, M., Barge, A., Le Sommer, J., Bodner, A., and Balwada, D.: Assessing the impact of the new mixed layer eddy parameterization based on machine learning in NEMO, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11727,, 2025.

EGU25-12581 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Probabilistic Global Ocean Forecasting Through Diffusion-Based Ensembles 

Anass El Aouni, Giovanni Ruggiero, Quentin Gaudel, Simon Van Gennip, Yann Drillet, and Marie Drevillon

Accurate ocean forecasting is essential for a range of critical applications, from maritime safety to climate adaptation strategies. Given the inherent uncertainties in ocean dynamics, the ability to predict a range of probable ocean states is key to informed decision-making. Here, we present MerCast, a probabilistic ocean forecasting model designed to redefine global-scale prediction by quantifying uncertainty in ocean state estimates. Trained on decades of high-resolution reanalysis products, MerCast integrates diffusion models to generate ensembles of daily forecasts at 1/4-degree resolution, dynamically capturing local-global interactions while preserving fine-scale ocean features essential for accurate predictions.

MerCast's  performance is rigorously evaluated using an array of metrics tailored for stochastic forecasting systems, including ensemble spread, probabilistic error assessments, and metrics designed for process-oriented evaluations. Initial results highlight MerCast's skill in forecasting critical variables such as sea surface height, temperature, salinity, and ocean currents, with superior resilience to error accumulation over extended forecast horizons. This work establishes a foundational step toward integrating probabilistic methods in operational ocean forecasting, bridging the gap between efficiency, accuracy, and uncertainty quantification.

How to cite: El Aouni, A., Ruggiero, G., Gaudel, Q., Van Gennip, S., Drillet, Y., and Drevillon, M.: Probabilistic Global Ocean Forecasting Through Diffusion-Based Ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12581,, 2025.

EGU25-12879 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Global Seafloor Grain-Size Prediction: A Data-Driven Approach 

Joseph Renzaglia, Taylor Lee, and Adrianna Le

Big data has become increasingly important in marine geoscience, where in situ measurements are often limited, leaving large portions of the seafloor unsampled. To address this gap, we present a data-driven approach that leverages non-parametric machine learning algorithms—specifically, an ensemble of k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) and Random Forest regressors—to predict a global geospatial prediction of median grain size (D50) at a 2-arc minute resolution. Our methodology incorporates parametric uncertainty quantification in the form of distance-to-nearest-neighbor metrics in feature space, thereby creating spatially explicit uncertainty maps that highlight regions where additional data collection would most effectively improve model predictions. This emphasis on parametric uncertainty serves as a roadmap for data-driven exploration, reducing the time, energy, and cost associated with collecting or curating a comprehensive dataset.

We train the model on ~40,000 publicly available, seafloor grain size measurements and iteratively optimize hyperparameters based on prediction error and out-of-sample validation. The final model is a global prediction of seafloor grain size with a correlation of ~0.65 between observed and predicted grain size values. We also apply a ranked noise grid analysis to select predictor variables that minimize the overall predictive error, ensuring the feature set is robust and agnostic to human bias.

Regions with sparse data coverage or atypical geological conditions manifest as areas of high uncertainty, underscoring the need for targeted sampling. By mapping this uncertainty, our framework facilitates strategic data acquisition efforts and reduces curation time and cost. We demonstrate the impact of sampling high uncertainty regions on not only improving predictions in the newly sampled geographical location but are also geologically similar (close in parameter space) around the globe. In doing so, it demonstrates how the synergy between machine learning approaches and systematic data-driven exploration can enhance the dependency of global seafloor property models. Our predicted grain size map provides a proxy for further regional and global studies that rely on grain size measurements, while more broadly highlighting the transformative potential of machine learning methods to refine our approach to data exploration and curation.

How to cite: Renzaglia, J., Lee, T., and Le, A.: Global Seafloor Grain-Size Prediction: A Data-Driven Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12879,, 2025.

The effective spatial and temporal scales resolved by Earth System Models (ESMs) remain a key limitation in reducing uncertainties in climate projections. While increasing model resolution is computationally prohibitive, machine learning (ML)-based parameterizations offer a promising alternative. However, these approaches often face generalization challenges in ‘out-of-sample’ scenarios, leading to numerical instabilities when integrated into ESMs. In this study, we aim to tackle these challenges by developing a data-driven discretization neural network for multidirectional advection in ocean models. The canonical 1D advection problem is revisited by using neural networks to predict the coefficients of a three-node stencil trained on high-resolution solutions projected onto coarser spatial and temporal grids. Conventional discretizations generalize to all scalar fields, while the data-driven approach is, by construction, tied to the training data. First, it is shown that we can normalize inputs with min-max scaling to achieve generalization, while training on coarsened high-resolution data across multiple grid configurations reduces sensitivity to time steps and mesh resolution. We find that coarsening based on triangular test functions, instead of averaging, enables unique mapping of the fine-scale variations of high-resolution solutions, leading to monotonicity of the neural network. Hybrid ML discretizations that predict advective fluxes are investigated, with a focus on enforcing desirable numerical properties—such as monotonicity, accuracy, and stability. Finally, we aim to test the numerical and generalization properties of the new data-driven discretization on 2D geostrophic flows. These results provide guidance for the development of better end-to-end data-driven parameterizations and discretizations in ESMs.

How to cite: Nasser, A.-A. and Adcroft, A.: Generalizing machine-learned discretization for climate simulations: addressing ‘out-of-sample’ challenges for 2D data-driven advection discretization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12958,, 2025.

EGU25-13051 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Leveraging machine learning to parameterise ocean mesoscale eddies 

Kelsey Everard, Pavel Perezhogin, Dhruv Balwada, and Laure Zanna

The dynamics of the ocean are dictated by processes that occur over a wide spectrum of scales. Of particular importance are the motions that occur at and around the Rossby radius of deformation, between approximately 10 and 1000 km, so called mesoscale eddies. Mesoscales exchange energy with large-scale ocean currents, thus influencing global ocean circulation. Mesoscale eddies extract potential energy (PE) from the large scale via baroclinic instability, and transfer kinetic energy (KE) upscale via the backscatter effect (inverse cascade). Accurately capturing the global ocean circulation, and the role of mesoscale eddies, is imperative in the development of reliable climate models. However, the resolution required to resolve mesoscales and their contribution to the global ocean energy cycle is far too computationally expensive, particularly for long climate integrations or large ensembles. Thus, the contributions of mesoscale eddies to the energy cycle must be parameterised in terms of the coarse-resolution flow variables of climate models. 

Most parameterisations of mesoscale eddies have focussed on resolving individual aspects of the energy cycle. Our approach aims to simultaneously address the downscale transfer of PE and the upscale transfer of KE by leveraging high-resolution simulations and machine learning. This endeavour relies on a theoretical framework that projects the buoyancy flux onto the momentum equations, resulting in an eddy forcing captured by the divergence of the Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux tensor. We develop our parameterisation using the idealised two-layer double-gyre (DG) configuration of MOM6 (ocean component of GFDL + NCAR model). High-resolution DG data is used to train an artificial neural network offline on the correlation between spatially-filtered (large scale) flow features with EP fluxes (subgrid-scale forcing). This parameterisation is shown to improve the representation of the eddy energy cycle in a DG configuration of MOM6. Our results are part of an ongoing effort towards a comprehensive parameterisation capable of capturing the entirety of the mesoscale eddy energy cycle. 

How to cite: Everard, K., Perezhogin, P., Balwada, D., and Zanna, L.: Leveraging machine learning to parameterise ocean mesoscale eddies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13051,, 2025.

As an ocean and climate modeller, I propose to expose a few venues of ocean modelling where Machine Learning (ML) is expected to break through persistent challenges. My prime target is the numerical representation of the global ocean, with distinguishable coarse spatial scale (25 to 100 km) and long duration (at least 100 years). Observations are not sufficient (too sparse in space, particularly at depth, and too short in time, spanning only the last few decades) to be used directly as the sole ground truth. Hence it is compulsory to consider perfect model set-ups, besides training on observed database. Current challenges in ocean modelling that ML could contribute to solving, are the following : equilibration of simulations, quantification of sensitivity to parameters, parameterizations of unresolved processes (due to reduced spatial resolution and/or complexity) and quantification of structural uncertainties. I will introduce a few ML-based solutions to these challenges based on recent bibliography and my own activities. Overall, we need to build capacity in bridging the gaps between these centennial global ocean simulations, useful for climate applications, process models at regional scale, global ocean hindcasts (simulations with data assimilation), large eddy simulations and models of the past, present and future climate. To reach this goal, I advocate combining various ML architectures, factoring in uncertainties of every pieces of this hierarchy.

How to cite: Deshayes, J.: Ocean models for climate applications : progress expected from Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13540,, 2025.

EGU25-13573 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Enhancing sea surface height estimation using satellite-derived chlorophyll-a and temperature data via machine learning: a case study in the Gulf of Mexico 

Jorge Velasco-Zavala, Olmo Zavala-Romero, Julio Sheinbaum, Jose Miranda, Luna Hiron, Alexandra Bozec, Subrahmanyam Bulusu, and Eric Chassignet

Satellite observations provide indispensable data that is assimilated into numerical ocean models to correct errors and biases. Traditionally, sea surface height (SSH) from satellite altimeter tracks, sea surface temperature (SST), and more recently, sea surface salinity (SSS), have been assimilated into these models. Temperature and salinity are part of the governing equations of ocean dynamics, and SSH is directly derived from the state of the resolved ocean, making these variables a first choice for data assimilation. However, satellite-derived Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) data, which offer high-resolution information, is not typically assimilated. This is primarily because this variable is not solved by the physical models, and the biochemical models that simulate broader marine ecosystems, including phytoplankton dynamics and nutrient cycles which do estimate Chl-a, are computationally expensive and not used in operational models.

In this study, we utilize a ten-year free run of a biochemical ocean model of the Gulf of Mexico to simulate satellite observations, including altimeter tracks, SST,  SSS, and Chl-a. We trained and tested various machine learning architectures, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoregressive Convolutional Neural Networks (AR-CNNs), and Vision Transformers, to learn the relationship between these variables and the SSH. The trained models were then used to estimate sea surface height from the simulated observations to estimate the current and future state of the sea surface height, leveraging the autoregressive properties of one of the tested architectures. Our results demonstrate that this approach outperforms the traditional interpolations in metrics like the RMSE. Finally, we applied the best-performing models to real satellite observations, highlighting the potential of improving SSH estimation quality.

How to cite: Velasco-Zavala, J., Zavala-Romero, O., Sheinbaum, J., Miranda, J., Hiron, L., Bozec, A., Bulusu, S., and Chassignet, E.: Enhancing sea surface height estimation using satellite-derived chlorophyll-a and temperature data via machine learning: a case study in the Gulf of Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13573,, 2025.

EGU25-15061 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

OceanRep: A Foundation Model for Ocean Dynamics 

Kacper Nowak, Nikolay Koldunov, Thomas Jung, Sergey Danilov, Christian Lessing, and Ilaria Luise

OceanRep proposes a novel AI foundation model for ocean dynamics, a cornerstone for understanding and predicting climate change. Inspired by the success of AtmoRep, a deep learning model for atmospheric dynamics, OceanRep seeks to extend this framework to the ocean. In order to leverage transformer models and large-scale, multi-resolution oceanographic data (e.g., from ocean model FESOM2), the design is based on vision transformers, modified to handle four-dimensional data represented by space-time tokens, and with a U-net-type backbone to capture intricate interactions within the ocean system. For pre-training, BERT-style masking is used.

Preliminary results demonstrate OceanRep's ability to generate skillful week scale forecasts using data from a 1-degree resolution FESOM2 simulation. Ultimately, the project aims to create a robust model capable of simulating ocean and sea ice dynamics over decades. This will allow for extensive numerical experimentation and rapid generation of accurate "what-if'' scenarios. These capabilities hold immense value for climate adaptation strategies, policy development, and scientific exploration of the intricate dynamics governing the Earth system.

How to cite: Nowak, K., Koldunov, N., Jung, T., Danilov, S., Lessing, C., and Luise, I.: OceanRep: A Foundation Model for Ocean Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15061,, 2025.

Over the past decades, global ocean oxygen inventories have declined by 0.5–3.3% relative to historical averages, with significant uncertainties in data-sparse regions such as the South Pacific and Indian Oceans. These gaps hinder accurate estimates of deoxygenation rates, potentially leading to underestimation of its magnitude. In this context, gridded oxygen products are essential for assessing global and regional trends and projecting the impacts of deoxygenation on marine ecosystems. However, traditional Optimal Interpolation (OI) methods are known to underestimate ocean oxygen loss, particularly in poorly observed areas.

To address these limitations, we propose a novel approach to build a gridded oxygen concentration product. Specifically, we develop a neural network emulator of oxygen concentration based on temperature and salinity measurements. This neural network is then used to generate emulated oxygen concentration data, which are combined with dissolved oxygen measurements to produce a new global gridded oxygen concentration product spanning 1965 to 2022. We evaluate our product against climatological estimates from the World Ocean Atlas and other gridded oxygen products. Future work will leverage this gridded product to study the regional evolution of ocean deoxygenation, particularly in Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) regions.

How to cite: Lachkar, Z. and Ouala, S.: A Novel Global Gridded Ocean Oxygen Product Derived from Neural Network Emulators (1965–2022), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15255,, 2025.

EGU25-16391 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

AI-Driven Regional Downscaling for High-Resolution Oceanic and Atmospheric Forecasting 

Yuxiang Huang, Ruyan Chen, Liuqing Ji, and Sai Zhang

Accurate high-resolution forecasting of oceanic and atmospheric states remains a critical challenge. This study introduces an AI-based regional downscaling framework employing a U-Net deep learning architecture, trained on coarse-resolution simulations. By embedding physical constraints, the model effectively bridges scales, capturing fine-grained dynamics unresolved in traditional approaches.

The framework significantly enhances computational efficiency, reducing forecast times from hours to seconds per region while maintaining high accuracy. Its integration with data-parallel computing units enables scalable multi-region applications. Applied within a coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave-tide system, the model excels in reproducing extreme events and mesoscale dynamics.

This work highlights the potential of AI in offering scalable, precise solutions for forecasting, climate science, and disaster management.

How to cite: Huang, Y., Chen, R., Ji, L., and Zhang, S.: AI-Driven Regional Downscaling for High-Resolution Oceanic and Atmospheric Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16391,, 2025.

EGU25-16890 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

A Surrogate Model for Daily Sea Surface Current Fields Prediction Using CNN-UNET  

Amirhossein Barzandeh, Ilja Maljutenko, Sander Rikka, and Urmas Raudsepp

Precise forecasting of sea surface currents is crucial for diverse applications, including navigation, pollution control, and ecosystem monitoring. Traditional high-resolution hydrodynamic models like NEMO generate detailed short-term forecasts but are computationally expensive and resource-intensive. To overcome these limitations, we present sciCUN: a deep learning framework designed for surface current inference using CNN-U-Net architecture.

In summary, sciCUN utilizes the zonal and meridional wind components, mean sea level pressure, air temperature, and dew point temperature from ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) for the current day, along with the high-resolution zonal and meridional sea surface current velocity fields from the Copernicus Marine Service Baltic Sea Physics Reanalysis for the previous day, as input features. It then generates the high-resolution zonal and meridional sea surface current velocity fields for the current day.

As a case study, sciCUN was implemented in the Gulf of Riga domain. The model was trained to capture the influence of atmospheric forcing on preceding sea surface currents over a training period spanning 1993 to 2019. Its predictive performance was subsequently validated through a 4-year testing phase (2020–2023). Results showed that while prediction accuracy was slightly lower in coastal regions near river mouths and the Irbe Strait—areas where hydrodynamic models typically employ boundary conditions—sciCUN exhibited strong overall performance. The model achieved an average Euclidean distance of 2.30 cm/s between its predictions and reference data, with an average component-wise mean absolute error of 1.45 cm/s and correlation coefficient of 92.

How to cite: Barzandeh, A., Maljutenko, I., Rikka, S., and Raudsepp, U.: A Surrogate Model for Daily Sea Surface Current Fields Prediction Using CNN-UNET , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16890,, 2025.

EGU25-17009 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Deep Conditional Emulators for calibrating ocean vertical physics schemes 

Anne Durif, Gabriel Mouttapa, Julien Le Sommer, and Ronan Fablet

Differentiable programming has emerged as a powerful tool in geoscientific modelling, offering new possibilities for optimization and parameter calibration. However, this approach requires the underlying physical models to be differentiable in order to compute gradients and apply optimization algorithms. In practice, current-generation geoscientific models are generally not differentiable, which limits the use of variational approaches to calibrate their parameters. In the past few years, several strategies have been proposed to overcome this limitation.

Here, we explore the use of deep learning techniques for the calibration of vertical physics schemes of current-generation ocean models. We propose to build conditional emulators of single column ocean models to approximate the gradient of their solution with respect to their physical parameters. Our baseline is a single column ocean model, implemented in Jax, which provides a differentiable framework for the calibration of ocean vertical physics schemes. We leverage this framework to generate sets of simulations for the design of deep conditional emulators of the model, and assess their ability to approximate the gradient of the model in an inverse problem setting.

We focus on several idealized cases corresponding to different forcing conditions, starting from the Kato-Philips case. It describes the evolution of a water column with no heat flux and uniform wind friction velocity. We obtain various trajectories for uniformly sampled n-uplets defining the initial conditions, friction velocity, and physical parameters. With this dataset, we train and test different kinds of neural networks, exploring architectures and losses, to make the most of temporal and spatial dependencies.

Comparison with the fully differentiable baseline solution shows that deep conditional emulators are able to predict the system states both forward and backward, with different initial and forcing conditions, and can be used to calibrate ocean model  parameters. Our results therefore illustrate how deep emulators are a potential solution to take over the non-differentiability of existing geoscientific models, and  solve inverse problems for their calibration.

How to cite: Durif, A., Mouttapa, G., Le Sommer, J., and Fablet, R.: Deep Conditional Emulators for calibrating ocean vertical physics schemes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17009,, 2025.

EGU25-17211 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Extending the inputs of deep learning models to capture the mesoscale context and better predict phytoplankton community composition 

Enza Labourdette, Raphaëlle Sauzède, Lokmane Abbas-Turki, and Jean Olivier Irisson

Phytoplankton is a central component of marine ecosystems. It contributes to biogeochemical cycles by absorbing carbon through photosynthesis at the ocean surface and transporting it deeper through sinking and subduction—hence contributing to the biological carbon pump. Plankton also represents the first link in marine food webs, supporting a wide range of marine life, from other plankters to the most productive fisheries on earth.

Satellites can help monitor phytoplankton over large-scales thanks to ocean color sensors. Current products provide daily, 4 km-resolution fields of chlorophyll-a concentration (Chla, the most widely used estimator of phytoplankton biomass) as well as its distribution in a few groups, hence estimating broad community composition. To produce these operational maps, the concentration of pigments measured by HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography) from in situ samples is regressed on reflectances at a few wavelengths matched to those samples in space and time. While incredibly useful, these models still display 30% error for Chla and at least as much when predicting community composition.

Numerous studies have shown the importance of considering mesoscale ocean structures, such as fronts and eddies, as they have a significant influence on the production and distribution of phytoplankton. These structures span tens to hundreds of kilometers and can be observed through ocean color but also infrared and radio wave satellite data.

In this work, we develop a deep learning model to predict the concentration of three phytoplankton size classes: pico-, nano-, and micro-phytoplankton. The in situ values are derived from over 7000 HPLC measurements spanning the globe, from 1997 to 2021. We use a Multi-Layer Perceptron to naturally combine reflectances with other satellite-derived variables that describe ocean physics (sea surface temperature, sea level anomalies, etc.) as input. The MLP is preceded by convolutional layers to summarise arrays of the input variables covering dozens of kilometers around the in situ observations. These two approaches are meant to capture the effect of mesoscale oceanic structures on the abundance and composition of phytoplankton.

This approach improves the estimation of phytoplankton communities on a global scale. It paves the way for in-depth studies on the influence of mesoscale structure in specific oceanic regions. Furthermore, it lays the groundwork for the future integration of the temporal dimension into the model, enabling a more comprehensive representation of ecological dynamics.

How to cite: Labourdette, E., Sauzède, R., Abbas-Turki, L., and Irisson, J. O.: Extending the inputs of deep learning models to capture the mesoscale context and better predict phytoplankton community composition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17211,, 2025.

Sea surface height (SSH) data derived from satellite altimetry are widely used in data assimilation to enhance the representations of ocean currents and subsurface temperature and salinity structure. However, accurately projecting SSH onto subsurface temperature and salinity structures presents significant challenges. Consistent adjustment to temperature and salinity profiles are required to conserve the potential vorticity, which depends on the vertical density gradient. Otherwise, SSH assimilation can produce adverse effects (Fu and Zhu, 2011). Several methods have been proposed to address this issue, including the CH96(Cooper and Haines, 1996) method used by Chang et al (2023), which constructs pseudo profile derived from altimetry data by preserving density structures. However, when tidal forcing is applied to an ocean model, the CH96 method becomes challenging to use due to the significant difficulty in removing tidal signals. To overcome these limitations, this study proposes a Transformer-based machine learning approach to reconstruct T/S (Temperature and Salinity) profiles from SSH. Transformers are well-suited for capturing complex correlations through attention mechanisms (Vaswani et al., 2017), making them ideal for learning T/S profiles influenced by diverse and intricate variables. Monthly GLORYS data from 2010 to 2020 was utilized to train a model for reconstructing T/S profiles. The data was structured into 1/2° grids, where learning was conducted grid-by-grid to capture spatiotemporal variability. For improved accuracy and better incorporation of surrounding grid influences, a combination of 4D-Var techniques and CNNs was employed. This approach learns patterns by grouping four neighboring grids into a quadrilateral for joint training, ensuring that the final profiles account for interactions across grids. During prediction, the surface information of a target point is distributed to its four neighboring low-resolution grids to generate profiles, which are then interpolated into a high-resolution 1/12° grid. The final profile is computed using inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolation, prioritizing the influence of closer profiles for spatial consistency. Model performance was validated by comparing predicted profiles with low-resolution maps for 2021–2022 over the northwest Pacific region (10°S–45°N, 120°–170°E), achieving an RMSE of 0.55 for temperature and 0.12 for salinity. The model will be further validated against in-situ observational data. We plan to conduct experiments to investigate the impact of assimilation of the reconstructed profiles and compared against CH96-derived profiles to evaluate their accuracy and advantages.

How to cite: Lee, G.-M. and Kim, Y.-H.: Machine Learning-Based Reconstruction of T/S Profiles from Satellite-Derived SSH Using Transformer Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18226,, 2025.

EGU25-18713 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Toward a New Parameterization of Fine-Scale Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Based on a Machine Learning Approach 

Nicolas Ernout, Lionel Renault, Ehouarn Simon, Rachid Benshila, Sixin Zhang, and Julien Le Sommer

In the last decades, mesoscale air-sea interactions have received increasing interest from the scientific community. Mesoscale thermal (sea surface temperature influence, TFB) and mechanical (oceanic surface current influence, CFB) air-sea interactions have been shown to have a strong influence on the wind up to the troposphere and on ocean dynamics. However, from an oceanic perspective, running an atmospheric model is very expensive. To overcome this issue, we have developed a convolutional neural network (CNN) that aims to reproduce the mesoscale ocean-atmosphere interactions. Training was performed with simulated data from a realistic coupled ocean-atmosphere tropical channel simulation (45°S- 45°N) using NEMO for the ocean model, WRF for the atmosphere model, and the OASIS3-MCT coupler. As a first step, the CNN was trained over two energetic regions (the Agulhas Current and the Kuroshio) to predict mesoscale surface stress anomalies from large-scale atmospheric and mesoscale oceanic inputs. Validation over the Gulf Stream and other regions shows that the CNN successfully reproduces the surface stress anomalies associated with both TFB and CFB.  In a second step, to parameterize the mesoscale ocean-atmosphere interactions, we coupled the CNN to NEMO via an Eophis library (pyOASIS) and ran a simulation over the tropical channel configuration. In this talk, we will present our main results in terms of oceanic energetics and ocean-atmosphere energy transfer.

How to cite: Ernout, N., Renault, L., Simon, E., Benshila, R., Zhang, S., and Le Sommer, J.: Toward a New Parameterization of Fine-Scale Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Based on a Machine Learning Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18713,, 2025.

EGU25-18745 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8 | Highlight

Morays-community: a framework to share reproducible hybrid Machine Learning and Ocean modeling experiments. 

Alexis Barge, Etienne Meunier, Marcela Contreras, David Kamm, and Julien Le Sommer

The combination of Machine Learning (ML) with geoscientific models has become an active area of research, but many technical challenges still remain because of the heterogeneous nature of programming languages, library environments and hardwares. Much efforts have been made over the recent years to propose different frameworks to perform online deployment of ML components within geoscientific models. One common drawback to all these solutions is the complexity of the required software environment. The latter often relies on versioned libraries and codes, both for the geoscientific and the ML models. Thus, ensuring the reproducibility of hybrid geoscientific model experiments is challenging, as it requires describing several tools and how to deploy them. This becomes even more problematic as the number of coupling solutions for hybrid modeling increases and may be unfamiliar to the members of the different modeling communities.

Here, we introduce Morays as an example of a community-based workflow for sharing reproducible hybrid ocean model experiments. Morays uses a GitHub organization to host hybrid experiments material that leverage the OASIS coupler (, which is widely used in European climate models. Our framework is based on a Python library ( that facilitates the use of OASIS for deploying hybrid modeling pipelines bridging FORTRAN solvers and ML models implemented in Python. The geoscientific model and ML scripts are executed separately and exchange data through the coupling API. 

In this presentation, we will showcase several successful deployments of hybrid ocean model experiments with the NEMO ocean/sea-ice modeling framework. These experiments implement ML-based parameterizations and model correction schemes for improving different aspects of model solution (vertical physics, eddy parameterization, surface fluxes). All the experiments are shared openly in a dedicated GitHub organization (, as individual repositories following a standard template. We will present the material available to the community (tutorials, test cases), explain how to contribute, and discuss the broader perspective of reproducible workflow for future hybrid geoscientific models.

How to cite: Barge, A., Meunier, E., Contreras, M., Kamm, D., and Le Sommer, J.: Morays-community: a framework to share reproducible hybrid Machine Learning and Ocean modeling experiments., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18745,, 2025.

EGU25-18806 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Probabilistic Diffusion Models for Ocean Chlorophyll-a Prediction 

Mahima Lakra, Ronan Fablet, Lucas Drumetz, Elodie Martinez, Etienne Pauthenet, and Thi Thuy Nga Nguyen

Phytoplankton play a key role in maintaining marine ecosystems and regulating global carbon dioxide concentrations through photosynthesis. Thus, it is crucial to assess and understand their temporal variations. However, fluctuations of phytoplankton biomass on multi-decadal and longer timescales remain uncertain, in contrast to seasonal and interannual ones, due to the lack of long-term observations on a global scale and the uncertainties related to the complex balance of processes that control their fate. As phytoplankton growth depends on the availability of nutrients in the sunlit upper ocean, which is closely linked to the stratification of the ocean, one can assume that at first order changes in phytoplankton is related to changes in ocean and atmosphere dynamics.

Over the last few years, several conventional data-driven deterministic approaches have been trained from physical observations (used as predictors) to reconstruct satellite ocean color time series (i.e., Chlorophyll-a concentration, Chl, which is used as a proxy of the phytoplankton biomass) and investigate their multi-decadal variability. Deterministic methods, such as encoder-decoder architecture U-Net, LSTM, FourCastNet, are robust but tend to fail in capturing probabilistic uncertainty because they produce deterministic outcomes. Additionally, these methods struggle with handling extreme and highly complex real-world scenarios. This study proposes a novel application of score-based generative diffusion models to address these challenges and present a comparative analysis against U-Net and FourCastNet. Probabilistic conditional diffusion model has been pretrained on simulation data and subsequently fine-tuned to learn the parameters using satellite observation data. This generative model learns the inherited uncertainty by generating ensembles of possible Chl mapping and analyzing the variability within the ensemble. The model can then be sampled efficiently to produce realistic Chl ensembles, conditioned on physical predictors and the baseline model U-Net. The ensembles from the diffusion model show greater reliability and accuracy, particularly in extreme event classification.

Our results demonstrate that when conditioned with a U-Net (meaning this input together with eight physical predictors), diffusion behaves better than the baseline method, especially when the number of samples is increased. It is visible from the spatial maps of standard deviation that as the sample size increases, the model's predictions stabilize and become more concentrated around the mean which leads to a reduction in the spread of outcomes.

How to cite: Lakra, M., Fablet, R., Drumetz, L., Martinez, E., Pauthenet, E., and Nga Nguyen, T. T.: Probabilistic Diffusion Models for Ocean Chlorophyll-a Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18806,, 2025.

EGU25-19488 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

HYPE-CAFE: Towards a Hybrid Model for Improved Marine Primary Production Estimates 

Júlia Crespin, Vitus Benson, and Alexander J. Winkler

Marine Primary Production (MPP) is a key component in understanding ocean ecosystems and their atmospheric carbon sequestration capacity. However, numerous challenges exist for obtaining MPP estimates. Algorithm variability is a significant issue, since various MPP models (chlorophyll-based or carbon-based algorithms) yield divergent results. Furthermore, the lack of observational data and periodic vertical profiles of the surface ocean hinder the ability to validate and refine such models.

This work focuses on improving MPP estimations by extending the state-of-the-art Carbon, Absorption, and Fluorescence Euphotic-resolving (CAFE) net primary production model with machine learning techniques to overcome current limitations. To improve the model's accessibility and versatility to be extended with data-driven methods, the original C code was rewritten in Python, resulting in a more user-friendly version named PyCAFE []. Using PyCAFE, simulations of MPP from 2003 to 2023 were conducted, producing a comprehensive dataset for training, validation, and testing. First, we train a random forest (RF) model using 500 random locations to emulate PyCAFE and to test global upscaling of MPP estimates. Our results show that the RF model has a strong capability for extrapolating MPP predictions with high accuracy [R2=0.96]. Second, we develop a hybrid model approach to simulate MPP: the HYPE-CAFE model (HYbrid marine Primary production Estimates based on the Carbon, Absorption, and Fluorescence Euphotic-resolving model). HYPE-CAFE combines the physical processes of the PyCAFE model with a neural network predicting the light-use efficiency (LUE), i.e., MPP is calculated as the product of absorbed photons and the predicted LUE. Preliminary results indicate that HYPE-CAFE provides an improvement over the predictions made with the CAFE model alone, especially in regions with variable environmental conditions. However, the lack of observational data limits the learning process. Therefore, in a next step we test a transfer learning approach to improve MPP predictions by HYPE-CAFE.

In conclusion, this project paves the way for the development of advanced hybrid modeling approaches, such as HYPE-CAFE, for global MPP estimation, and offers a transformative avenue for deepening our understanding of global ocean productivity, particularly in the context of climate change.

How to cite: Crespin, J., Benson, V., and Winkler, A. J.: HYPE-CAFE: Towards a Hybrid Model for Improved Marine Primary Production Estimates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19488,, 2025.

EGU25-19563 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Understanding Drivers of Phytoplankton Variability in the Black Sea Using Convolutional Neural Networks 

Philip Alexander Hedlund Smith, Anshul Chauhan, Asbjørn Christensen, Michael St. John, Filipe Rodrigues, and Patrizio Mariani

Extreme marine biological events, such as harmful algal blooms and mass mortalities, are increasingly driven by climate variability and anthropogenic pressures, profoundly impacting marine ecosystems. The Black Sea, with its distinct stratification, salinity gradients, and diverse phytoplankton functional groups, is particularly vulnerable to these changes. Understanding and forecasting the interactions between physical, chemical, and biological variables in this region is crucial for effective ecosystem management.

We present a neural network-based surrogate modeling framework to analyze and predict the dynamics of the Black Sea ecosystem. A 3D convolutional encoder-decoder network is trained on simulation data (1950–2014) produced be the University of Liège, including daily basin-scale values of temperature, salinity, nutrients, chlorophyll, and phytoplankton biomass. The model processes time series of spatial maps as input and predicts chlorophyll concentrations and the distributions of phytoplankton functional groups for the subsequent two weeks.

This approach efficiently captures complex interdependencies between variables, offering a computationally efficient alternative to traditional process-based models. By perturbing input variables, the model identifies key drivers of chlorophyll variability, enabling rapid scenario testing to explore the impacts of environmental changes on the ecosystem.

Our findings demonstrate the potential of neural network-based surrogate models to advance understanding of phytoplankton dynamics and support decision-making in marine ecosystem management.

How to cite: Smith, P. A. H., Chauhan, A., Christensen, A., St. John, M., Rodrigues, F., and Mariani, P.: Understanding Drivers of Phytoplankton Variability in the Black Sea Using Convolutional Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19563,, 2025.

EGU25-19668 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Deep Learning Models to Identify Seasonal Drivers of Chlorophyll Changes in the Atlantic Ocean 

Anshul Chauhan, Philip Smith, Filipe Rodrigues, Asbjørn Christensen, Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli, Michael St. John, and Patrizio Mariani

Understanding the seasonal dynamics of plankton in the Atlantic Ocean is the first step towards the proper assessment of marine ecosystem health and productivity. Ocean colour and surface chlorophyll (chl-a) distribution serve as proxies for phytoplankton biomass, providing insights into marine food web dynamics and biogeochemical cycles. This study examines the response of the total chlorophyll concentration to physical drivers observable by remote sensing in the Atlantic Ocean using a combination of multivariate Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and deep learning models. The results show that the Sea Surface Salinity (SSS), Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT), and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) are found to be the predominant drivers of physical variability across the ocean, with distinct spatial patterns. The clustering of the principal components identifies regions characterised by distinct physical processes. Based on these clusters, we devised a Transformer Encoder model to predict chl-a concentrations in three distinct regions. The model outperformed climatological baselines, especially in the temperate and tropical regions, though accuracy varied seasonally, with higher accuracy in winter months and increased complexity in summer due to more dynamic oceanographic conditions. A SHAP-based sensitivity analysis showed that ADT and SSS dominate chl-a variability, particularly during summer months, while SST and wind stress also contribute significantly during transitional periods. The study highlights the necessity to account for both seasonal and regional differences in predictive modelling, and it underscores the importance of continuing to develop spatio-temporal models to improve forecasting accuracy for marine ecosystem management and conservation.

How to cite: Chauhan, A., Smith, P., Rodrigues, F., Christensen, A., Nardelli, B. B., John, M. St., and Mariani, P.: Deep Learning Models to Identify Seasonal Drivers of Chlorophyll Changes in the Atlantic Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19668,, 2025.

EGU25-19733 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

Systematic error correction in numerical ocean models with artificial neural networks 

Giovanni Nunziante, Andrea Storto, and Chunxue Yang

Systematic biases pose a significant challenge in ocean general circulation models, where numerical approximations, unresolved physical processes, and parameterization choices can lead to state-dependent errors. Addressing these biases is crucial for improving forecasts of the Earth’s climate system, yet remains nontrivial—particularly given the sparse nature of ocean observations, which complicates bias detection and correction.

One promising route is to harness analysis increments within a Machine Learning (ML) framework to learn state-dependent systematic errors from archived data assimilation corrections. For instance, neural networks can be used to train a model with the ocean state as input and the Data Assimilation corrections as output. By training on these increments, the ML model learns how errors systematically depend on the local physical state.

In our work, we use outputs from ocean reanalysis data using variational data assimilation and the NEMO ocean model. The ML-based correction is embedded in NEMO’s tendency equations as an additional forcing term, allowing the model to evolve more realistically by accounting for state-dependent systematic errors in temperature and salinity.

However, the sparsity of ocean observations can lead to “punctual” analysis increments that contain not only model biases but also noise from intermittent measurement coverage, errors, and initial-condition uncertainties. To mitigate this issue, we apply a two dimensional low-pass filter to remove high-frequency fluctuations in both the ocean fields and the analysis increments, preserving larger-scale patterns.

We adopt a feed-forward neural network (NN) that processes vertical profiles. By focusing on the ocean’s vertical stratification and processes, the network is trained on these filtered analysis increments and learns the non-linear relationships linking NEMO’s state variables (temperature, salinity) to the corrections identified by the variational scheme. Through this level-specific, column-oriented NN, the model more effectively adjusts for systematic errors.

In this poster, we present preliminary results on offline validation of the trained NN—predicting analysis increments on independent test data beyond the training period—without yet applying these corrections in a fully integrated forecast. Our preliminary findings show how well the NN reproduces systematic biases at various depths and in different oceanic regions, even under sparse data conditions and complex multi-scale dynamics. This demonstration highlights the potential of combining analysis increments with ML to systematically reduce model errors in next-generation ocean prediction systems, setting the stage for future work that integrates these learned corrections into an online, real-time workflow.

How to cite: Nunziante, G., Storto, A., and Yang, C.: Systematic error correction in numerical ocean models with artificial neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19733,, 2025.

EGU25-20725 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

A Dynamical System Approach for Finding Nonlinear Flow Structures in Double-gyre Circulation 

Elnaz Naghibi, Vasily Gryazev, and Sergey Karabasov

This work is dedicated to analysing the simulations of the quasi-geostrophic double-gyre model from dynamical systems point of view to discover nonlinear low-order structures in this turbulent regime. The double-gyre is simulated by a stratified quasi-geostrophic model which is solved using high-resolution CABARET scheme [1]. The statistically stationary simulations of the double-gyre model are considered for 400 years after a 100-year spin-up period. Double-gyre simulations are coarse-grained (symbolized) based on the Taken’s embedding theorem [2] which is proved promising for identifying nonlinear patterns from the stochastic background in the turbulent flow signals. To analyse the coarse-grained time series, Permutation Entropy [3-6] is deployed to quantify repetitive mutual ordering between subsequent time series values using the deviations from uniformity in the distribution of occurrences for symbolic ordinal patterns. Based on permutation entropy analysis, the large-scale double-gyre circulation and its eastward jet demonstrate highly nonlinear behaviour while smaller-scale eddies spread throughout the domain behave linearly.  The results of this dynamical system analysis are also compared with data-driven and multi-scale reduced-order models previously developed for this ocean circulation [7,8].


[1] Karabasov, S.A., Berloff, P. S. & Goloviznin, V. M. (2009). CABARET in the ocean gyres, Ocean Modelling, 30(2-3), 155–168.

[2] Takens, F. (2006, October). Detecting strange attractors in turbulence. In Dynamical Systems and Turbulence, Warwick 1980: proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Warwick 1979/80 (pp. 366-381). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

[3] Bandt, C., & Pompe, B. (2002). Permutation entropy: A natural complexity measure for time series, Physical Review Letters, 88, 174102.

[4] Rosso, O. A., Larrondo, H. A., Martin, M. T., Plastino, A., & Fuentes, M. A. (2007), Distinguishing noise from chaos, Physical Review Letters, 99 (15), 1–5.

[5] Kobayashi, W., Gotoda, H., Kandani, S., Ohmichi, Y., & Matsuyama, S. (2019). Spatiotemporal dynamics of turbulent coaxial jet analyzed by symbolic information-theory quantifiers and complex-network approach, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 29 (12), 123110.

[6] Gryazev, V., Riabov, V., Markesteijn, A., Armani, U., Toropov, V., & Karabasov, S. A. (2024). A Dynamical System Method for Finding Flow Structures from Jet LES Data. In 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024), 3087.

[7] Naghibi, E., Armani, U., Gryazev, V., Toropov, V., & Karabasov, S., (2024). Reconstruction of the North Atlantic Double-gyre Circulation with Genetic Programming, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Proceeding of ATSF Conference 2024.

[8] Naghibi, S. E., Karabasov, S. A., Jalali, M. A., & Sadati, S. H. (2019). Fast spectral solutions of the double-gyre problem in a turbulent flow regime. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 66, 745-767.

How to cite: Naghibi, E., Gryazev, V., and Karabasov, S.: A Dynamical System Approach for Finding Nonlinear Flow Structures in Double-gyre Circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20725,, 2025.

EGU25-503 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Effects of Climate Change on Residential Energy Structure 

MengTing Zhu, Mengqi Zhao, Rongqi Zhu, Fengqiao Mei, and Yang Ou

Climate change may influence energy demand, with shifts in energy needs not only altering the energy structure but also posing challenges to the sustainability and resilience of energy systems. These impacts could further complicate the feasibility of achieving decarbonization goals. Residential energy sector is a critical component of global energy consumption. As temperature fluctuates and weather variability intensifies, households will adapt energy use to maintain comfortable living conditions. Energy consumption may increase due to climate change, but the magnitude remains uncertain. Considering various income groups around the world, residents may react to climate change heterogeneously.

Traditionally, some models use Heating Degree Days (HDD) and Cooling Degree Days (CDD) to serve as index of temperature change, which are often calculated by formulas below, where i means gridded cell, j means region,  means daily temperature, and represents comfortable temperature,  means population. First, calculate gridded HDD/CDDs as the difference between daily temperature and comfortable temperature. Then aggregate the gridded daily HDD/CDDs to region.




However, calculation for HDD/CDDs still have several aspects that could be further improved. First, most temperature data used are predicted on SRES, and HDD/CDDs are assumed to be constant, so HDD/CDDs need to be updated to better reflect future climate change. Second, previous calculation always neglects the impact of crucial factors such as GDP when aggregating gridded temperature difference to regional level, only considering population distributional effects. Third, the difference resulted from income and climate also should be considered, for rich residents can afford more energy consumption, and long-term climate also impact response of people when faced with climate change.

Considering potential shortcomings mentioned above, we update the global HDD/CDDs of 32 regions in Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM). First, we use daily temperature data predicted by four climate models under different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) combining Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) scenarios from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6), thus bridging the gap between climate model and GCAM. For in GCAM climate input module, HDD/CDDs are calculated based on historical climate data and are lack of fine-scale calculation. Second, our calculation adopts two weighting methods considering influence of population and GDP distribution on residential energy demand respectively. Third, beyond global-scale calculation, we refine calculation for China to the provincial level.

Fig. 1 Research Framework

Based on the updated HDD/CDDs, we use GCAM to analyze how climate change impact residential energy demand, aiming to provide scientific support for formulating policies that address the challenges posed by climate change to energy system. Our analysis offers comprehensive insights into residential energy demand change under SSPs and RCPs scenarios, accounting for income heterogeneity. These findings are informative to design effective mitigation policies in the context of climate change.

How to cite: Zhu, M., Zhao, M., Zhu, R., Mei, F., and Ou, Y.: Effects of Climate Change on Residential Energy Structure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-503,, 2025.

Digital city contributes to improving resource allocation efficiency and quality of life, with a key component being the division of functional areas. This division directly influences the optimal allocation of urban spatial resources and the efficient operation of various services. However, a mismatch exists between virtual and physical city functions. For instance, many office activities do not occur in physical office spaces. In this study, Guangzhou is taken as the research area to quantify this mismatch in office spaces, utilizing mobile signaling data and POI (Point of Interest) data, and analyzing the factors influencing the mismatch. Mobile signaling data, combined with office software usage records, reveals the precise locations of office activities from a virtual perspective. POI data provides detailed records of physical office locations, while also encompassing other potential locations where office activities may take place. This study reveals the spatial characteristics and influencing factors of this mismatch in Guangzhou, provides scientific support for the development of digital cities.

How to cite: Jiang, H.: Quantifying spatial mismatch between virtual and physical office spaces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1372,, 2025.

EGU25-3332 | Orals | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Scaling Properties of Carbon Emissions in US Cities: Bigger is Better 

Kevin Gurney, Pawlok Dass, Jose Lobo, and Shade Shutters

The Vulcan Project version 4.0 emissions data product has generated all fossil fuel CO2 emissions across the US landscape, every hour, from 2010-2022 down to the scale of neighborhoods. From this complex landscape, we have extracted FFCO2 emissions for every urban area, following multiple commonly used urban definitions. The information extracted includes both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions with a wide array of “functional” attributes such as sector, fuel, vehicle class, building class, road class, and industrial sub-sector. Here, we analyze ~4000 US cities in terms of their size scaling properties. In particular, urban scaling properties provide novel insight into emergent properties such as the relationship between urban metabolism and urban size properties. This relationship varies by region and is indicative of the relationship between urban form and economies of scale including implications for infrastructural development and urban sprawl.

How to cite: Gurney, K., Dass, P., Lobo, J., and Shutters, S.: Scaling Properties of Carbon Emissions in US Cities: Bigger is Better, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3332,, 2025.

EGU25-4066 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Understanding and recognition of geo-scenes based on multimodal spatial semantics to monitor complex urban systems 

Hanqing Bao, Lanyue Zhou, and Lukas Lehnert

Urban geo-scenes (UGS) are an abstraction of the basic units of cities. Understanding and functional recognition of UGS is crucial to balancing and optimizing urban spatial layout, rationally allocating urban resources, and enhancing urban resilience and vitality. To construct UGS, urban geo-objects (UGO) e.g., derived from remote sensing must be combined with semantic information, which has seldom be done so far.  Consequently, this study designed a UGS recognition framework based on multimodal deep learning. First, we use very high-resolution satellite data to derive UGOs. Second, the self-built SE-DenseNet branch is used to mine deep physical visual features and social semantics from satellite image data and auxiliary data (POI, building footprints from UGOs). Finally, we build an urban fabric graph model to mine spatial semantics between UGOs.  In addition, a spatial semantic fusion module is introduced for the collaboration and interaction of multi-modal and multi-scale features. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in the complex Beijing and Shenzhen regions of China. The overall accuracy is 91.35% and 90.24% respectively, which is higher than the state-of-the-art multimodal methods. In addition, our study also emphasizes the key role of spatial relationships and distribution patterns of UGO in UGS recognition, and the addition of POIs and building heights improves the recognition accuracy. The multimodal UGS recognition framework based on urban fabric can more effectively understand urban functions, thereby achieving urban planning and management.

How to cite: Bao, H., Zhou, L., and Lehnert, L.: Understanding and recognition of geo-scenes based on multimodal spatial semantics to monitor complex urban systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4066,, 2025.

EGU25-4759 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Hybrid Intelligence and Explainable AI for Urban Growth Prediction Modelling 

Danish Khan and Nizamuddin Khan

The fast-evolving nature of urbanization and its complex patterns require precise and interpretable machine learning models to effectively predict urban growth. To address this challenge, this study introduces a novel framework combining Hybrid Intelligence and Explainable AI (XAI), specifically Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) to improve model performance, robustness, and transparency. Using a weighted ensemble technique, the proposed method systemically integrates linear, tree-based, and neural network models to propose a hybrid of Elastic Net, XGBoost, and Wide & Deep Neural Network (EN-XGB-WDN) frameworks for urban growth prediction. The methodology follows a multistep approach and includes the development of the hybrid model, its evaluation for binary classification, integration of SHAP-based feature analysis to identify key drivers of urban growth and improve model interpretability, retraining of the hybrid model to increase accuracy and reduce overfitting, and validation of the proposed framework using standard evaluation metrics including accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and AUC. The hybrid model achieves an overall accuracy of 87.34%, a weighted F1-score of 87.18%, and an AUC of 0.9442. The SHAP analysis revealed that Drive Time (DT), Distance from Roads (DfR), and Elevation are the most impactful features to understand the dynamics of urban growth. The findings revealed how variations in specific features, such as higher DT and lower DfR, significantly affect urban growth probabilities. The hybrid model also categorized urban growth probabilities into five classes: very low (40.62%), low (23.27%), moderate (15.38%), high (12.10%), and very high (8.63%), revealing spatial patterns of urban expansion. The framework combines hybrid ensemble methods with SHAP-based explanations to significantly enhance the predictive and explanatory power of urban growth models compared to the limitations of traditional approaches. This study highlights the efficiency of integrating hybrid machine learning and Explainable AI to understand and predict complex urbanization dynamics. The outcomes offer actionable insights for policymakers and urban planners, facilitating data-driven strategies for sustainable urban development. This research demonstrates the effectiveness of hybrid intelligence coupled with Explainable AI, offering a scalable and interpretable framework to better understand and predict urbanization patterns.

How to cite: Khan, D. and Khan, N.: Hybrid Intelligence and Explainable AI for Urban Growth Prediction Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4759,, 2025.

Urban geometry plays a key role in determining the urban climate through its complex shading and trapping effects on solar radiation. As a result, urban albedo is typically lower than rural albedo, suggesting a larger solar heat gain in urban areas. As cities grow larger and more heterogeneous in geometry, quantifying the impact of this variation on albedo at the city scale requires computationally efficient models that can also resolve the 3D geometry of real cities. To this end, we developed a simplified 3D urban radiation model and used it to examine the variations in albedo due to heterogeneous geometry in the city of Shanghai. The model reduces computational complexity from O(n²) to O(n) while maintaining an accuracy within 5% compared to traditional 3D models. The case study in Shanghai shows that albedo has a linear relationship with building height but varies nonlinearly with changes in building density. The lowest albedo occurs when the building density (λp) is around 0.2 and the building height-to-length (H/L) ratio is 6, while occurs at λp > 0.3 with H/L = 1. This suggests that optimizing building geometry could improve the urban climate and potentially being used to increase the utilization of solar energy.

How to cite: Zhou, H. and Wang, K.: Development of simplified 3D urban radiation model to examine the variations of albedo due to heterogenous geometry in the city of Shanghai, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4805,, 2025.

EGU25-5462 | Orals | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Remote sensing-driven analysis of hourly urban heat storage and its effects on urban heat islands in China 

Nana Li, Fengxiang Guo, Junxia Dou, Yanfei Ma, and Shiguang Miao

Urban heat storage (Qs) is an essential component of urban surface energy balance. Urban with 3D structure has larger surface area than rural and urban would absorb and release more energy than rural. Qs is the main factor for urban heat island (UHI) at nighttime. The quantitative contribution of Qs to UHI is still unclear, due to the lack of a spatio-temporal continuous Qs dataset. In this study, firstly, we developed an urban surface thermal inertia model considering diurnal variation of surface temperature (LST) using hourly LST of Himawari-8. Secondly, the hourly Qs at 2-km resolution in three urban agglomerations in China was simulated by a half-order time derivative method which derived from combining the one-dimensional heat diffusion equation and Fourier’s law for heat conduction, using the urban thermal inertia model and hourly Himawari-8 LST. Thirdly, the relationship between Qs and air temperature (Ta) was studied at different time scales (day and nighttime, four seasons) and different LCZs (local climate zones). The Ta was derived from the interpolation of dense automatic weather stations with more than 10000 sites in China. Finally, some urban heat mitigation measures were provided based on the above analysis. Based on the in-situ observation, the accuracy of urban thermal inertial in this study was higher than other model, RMSE, MAE, R2 were improved from 4.65 K, 3.58 K and 0.88 to 1.86 K, 1.53 K and 0.97. In addition, the simulated Qs were validated by the observed Qs (the minus of net radiation, sensible and latent heat flux from in-situ flux tower, and anthropogenic heat flux simulation) in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, R2 could be up to 0.92. The results showed that, Qs was more consistent with Ta at nighttime than daytime, with R2 of 0.96 and 0.1, respectively. That showed that Qs is the main factor for nighttime UHI in this study area. During nighttime, the high-rise building has higher Ta than low-rise building, due to higher Qs and release more energy than low-rise. In natural surfaces, water has larger Qs and higher Ta than dense trees. The loop (between hourly Qs and hourly Ta) shape were different at different LCZs, with different loop area and loop slope. Based on the loop area and slope, we found that high-rise building had higher UHI but varied quickly, however, low-rise UHI is lower but would last longer. The water surface in nighttime is also heat source and has a longer time UHI. Therefore, the high-rise building and water surface are not conductive to alleviating the nighttime UHI.

How to cite: Li, N., Guo, F., Dou, J., Ma, Y., and Miao, S.: Remote sensing-driven analysis of hourly urban heat storage and its effects on urban heat islands in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5462,, 2025.

EGU25-6392 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Do people-oriented urbanization catch up with land and population urbanization in China? 

Tianci Gu, Qingxu Huang, and Yiming Hou

China has undergone rapid urbanization in terms of population and land use in recent years. However, there are notable lags in "people-oriented" dimensions of urbanization, including urban social services, environmental sustainability, and equity. Here, considering the complex interactions of sub-components of urbanizations, we examined 16 "people-oriented" urbanization indicators across four dimensions - economic, social, environmental, and equity dimensions - from 2005 to 2020. Using methods such as paired t-tests and the evenness measurement, we analyzed and identified the dynamic relationships between these 16 indicators with population/land urbanization at multiple scales, including national, regional, urban agglomeration, and different city sizes. We found that between 2005 and 2020, China's urbanization indicators showed an overall upward trend, with changes ranging from 1.09 to 53.95 times. Among "people-oriented" urbanization indicators, economic and social indicators lagged behind land and population urbanization, while environmental indicators took the lead. The evenness index among indicators showed a "U-shaped" change pattern. Particularly since the implementation of China's New-type Urbanization Plan in 2014, the evenness index among indicators gradually increased from 35.43 to 37.39 in 2020, representing a 6.9% improvement. Looking forward, it is necessary to strengthen investment in social service systems and implement placed-based coordination strategies to promote further development and balanced growth of "people-oriented" urbanization.

How to cite: Gu, T., Huang, Q., and Hou, Y.: Do people-oriented urbanization catch up with land and population urbanization in China?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6392,, 2025.

EGU25-6870 | Posters on site | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Exploring Switzerland's Rural-Urban Continuum Through Unsupervised Learning 

Marj Tonini, Jingyan Yu, and Alex Hagen-Zanker

In recent decades, urban expansion across Europe has accelerated, driving the rapid growth of rural-urban interfaces. The increasingly complex and dynamic nature of territorial transitions calls for the timely development of classification systems designed to systematically organize areas along a spectrum, from distinctly urban to distinctly rural. Current classifications often rely on predefined criteria, such as population size and density, which may not fully capture the nuanced and evolving nature of transitions driven by the complex interplay of socioeconomic processes, demographic shifts, environmental factors, and dynamic geographic forces.

This research addresses existing gaps by employing modern data-driven approaches, including machine learning and clustering techniques, to develop adaptive typologies that integrate diverse demographic, socioeconomic, and environmental variables. Using Switzerland as a case study, the proposed methodology offers a dynamic and scalable framework for territorial classification, supporting the effective management of territorial transitions and landscape conservation in Alpine regions. The analysis leverages a multidimensional dataset derived from the 2020 official census, incorporating 18 variables that encompass demographic profiles, socio-economic, and the physical space characteristics.

We used Self-Organizing Map (SOM) combined with hierarchical clustering. SOM, a type of competitive learning neural network, reduces the complexity of high-dimensional data by mapping it onto a two-dimensional grid of neurons. Visual outputs, such as heatmaps, enhance the interpretation of trends and patterns, providing a clearer understanding of variables distributions and interrelationships. Afterward, the SOM output grid of neurons was aggregated into six distinct clusters, which were mapped onto the geographical space. This produced a visual representation of the spatial organization of territorial typologies along the rural-urban continuum in Switzerland at a detailed municipal level.

The data-driven clustering approach developed in this study proved effective in capturing the complex and diverse nature of Swiss territorial typologies. The key findings reveal a landscape marked by a complex rural-urban interface, extensive intermediate zones, and significant spatial fragmentation. These final six territorial typologies could be characterized as follows: urban centres, representing the main hubs at the highest level of the Swiss urban hierarchy; suburban areas, located near and well-connected to urban centres; two peri-urban areas, distinguished into aging-rural areas and rural-urban edge; rural-forest areas, situated at medium to high elevations, featuring a forested landscape and rural settings; unproductive areas, encompassing high-altitude regions and including critical Alpine glaciers.

How to cite: Tonini, M., Yu, J., and Hagen-Zanker, A.: Exploring Switzerland's Rural-Urban Continuum Through Unsupervised Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6870,, 2025.

Adequate sunlight exposure is crucial for human wellbeing, yet its accessibility in cities is significantly compromised by both could cover and complex three-dimensional (3D) urban structure. Here we adopted an analytical framework that integrated natural day length variations, cloud cover effects, and 3D urban structure to quantify actual sunlight duration in urban areas. By using high-resolution satellite products, fine-scale canopy height data, and detailed 3D building footprints, we mapped the spatiotemporal patterns of sunlight availability and quantified the relative contributions of cloud cover and urban structures on the loss of sunlight for Chinese cities. Our analysis reveals pronounced spatial disparities and trends in urban sunlight resources in China, underscoring the urgent need for evidence-based urban planning strategies that optimize natural light accessibility for sustainable urban development.

How to cite: Wu, X. and Chen, B.: Quantifying urban sunlight accessibility across Chinese cities: Impacts from cloud cover and three-dimensional (3D) urban structure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7638,, 2025.

EGU25-7834 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Advancing Urban Environment Studies in Murcia, Spain through an Automated Façade Image Classification Model 

Maria Isabel De La Cruz Luis, Sandra Martinez Cuevas, César Garcia Aranda, Maria del Carmen Morillo Balsera, and Enrique-Maria Poveda Lorente

Over the past few decades, the rapid growth of cities has evolved into a significant social, demographic, and architectural phenomenon, highlighting the vital importance of urban planning in fostering sustainable development. In this context, machine learning has emerged as a game-changing discipline, utilizing advanced algorithms to reshape traditional approaches to urban data management and analysis.This study combines Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Deep Learning techniques, and verified data from the General Directorate of the Spanish Cadastre to perform a comprehensive analysis of the urban environment through façade images in Murcia, one of Spain’s most dynamic metropolitan areas.Leveraging the clustering analysis of the studied variables, an automated binary classification model for façade images was developed using the pretrained EfficientNetB0 architecture in Python. To enhance interpretability, heat maps were generated to visualize the regions the model focuses on during classification. These heat maps reveal the critical features of the facades that guide the model’s decisions, providing valuable insights into the key factor influencing the classification process.The results were integrated into ArcGIS PRO, using the cadastral reference of the properties as a key attribute for a detailed spatial analysis. This approach revealed two significant areas linked to the metropolitan growth of Murcia, laying a strong foundation for future urban studies in the region.

Funding: Twin-ER: Earthquake Risk Pilot Digital Twin. Grant PID2023-149468NB-I00, funded by MCIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER/EU

How to cite: De La Cruz Luis, M. I., Martinez Cuevas, S., Garcia Aranda, C., Morillo Balsera, M. C., and Poveda Lorente, E.-M.: Advancing Urban Environment Studies in Murcia, Spain through an Automated Façade Image Classification Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7834,, 2025.

EGU25-8416 | Posters on site | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Measuring global human access to essential daily necessities and services 

Bin Chen, Shengbiao Wu, Andy Nelson, and Peng Gong

Equitable access to daily necessities and services is crucial for enhancing human quality of life and is integral to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. However, knowledge about global access to these essential resources remains limited and fragmented, primarily due to the absence of a comprehensive infrastructure inventory and scalable measures of accessibility. Here we compiled the most extensive global database of points of interest (POI) to represent six essential infrastructure categories—living, healthcare, education, entertainment, public transit, and work. We used refined 30-meter resolution friction surface data to map travel times to these critical infrastructures as a proxy for accessibility across the urban-rural continuum and assessed disparities across geographic, urbanization, and socio-economic contexts. Our results reveal that access to daily necessities and services is unevenly distributed in terms of total infrastructure, per capita availability, and travel time. Globally, only 38.7% (2.6 billion people) and 50.7 % (3.4 billion people) of the population resides within a 15-minute and 30-minute walking distance of essential daily necessities and services, respectively. These results highlight the urgent need to optimize strategies for planning, allocation, and management of critical infrastructure to promote inclusive and sustainable development.

How to cite: Chen, B., Wu, S., Nelson, A., and Gong, P.: Measuring global human access to essential daily necessities and services, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8416,, 2025.

Evaluating human interaction with environmental health determinants in space and time is fundamental to estimate personal environmental exposures. The increasing demand in an exposure assessment of entire populations requires to combine environmental variables at high resolution on large spatial extent, e.g. at nationwide or continental scale, with the space-time activity pattern of each individual in a study population.

Modelling population health and citizens' exposures is a complex process involving multiple procedural steps. One major step is to generate spatio-temporal information on environmental factors, either considered as beneficial for human wellbeing, for example, accessibility to green space or blue space, or considered as having negative health impacts such as the existence of air pollution, noise or heat. To capture the spatial variability these datasets need to be generated at high resolution. To allow for studies comparing cities, regions or countries, a geographical extent of subnational or larger size is required. In addition, data can be temporal to cover diurnal or seasonal variation of an environmental variable. Another major step is to use the environmental factors to as input to models calculating exposures for entire study populations, ranging from a few hundred participants up to millions of citizen. Here, socio-economic variables, mobility, different travel modes, and other daily activities with accompanying location changes need to be considered to mimic the space-time paths of each participant of a study population. These tasks require sufficient flexibility in both constructing environmental models as well as executing those eventually on HPC systems to break computational barriers of common workstations.

We present a computational framework for implementing both procedural steps and show the development of two European scale raster maps on a 25m grid and their subsequent usage to estimate human exposures to greenness visibility and noise. The maps were created with LUE (, an open-source modelling framework providing a Python package with currently 115 general-purpose operations for the construction of spatio-temporal simulation models. We implemented two custom focal operations that make use of the LUE framework. The first focal operation calculates for each raster cell the visible green area within a particular buffer size (c.f. Labib 2021, The second focal operation aggregates traffic-related noise within a particular buffer size, considering attenuation due to geometric divergence, atmospheric absorption, ground effects and diffraction.

We calculated visible green within a radius of 800m and noise within 1500m radius using 768 CPUs on eight HPC cluster nodes, and then used Campo ( for activity-based exposure assessment. The obtained exposure estimates can show considerable differences for different typical human activity patterns, such as homemaker or commuter, as well as a high spatial variability.

How to cite: Schmitz, O., de Jong, K., Shen, Y., and Karssenberg, D.: Assessing human exposures to environmental risk factors at continental-scale: accounting for short range variation in environmental factors and human activity patterns, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8801,, 2025.

Anthropogenic heat generated by building energy use contributes to the urban island and climate change. Quantifying high spatiotemporal resolution city scale building energy use (BEU) and anthropogenic heat emission (AHE) is necessary for understanding urban microclimate and sustainable development. However, the current shortage of such data is insufficient to support urban energy management and climate decision-making. We estimated BEU and AHE from buildings in Hong Kong using a GIS-based city-scale building energy model (GIS-CBEM) and investigated their spatiotemporal variations. First, all buildings were categorized into 11 types, and a prototype was developed for each type. These prototypes were then calibrated using annual building energy consumption data from surveys. We studied the energy use profile for each building prototypes under the Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) weather data. Then, we estimated hourly BEU and AHE for all buildings in Hong Kong at the individual building level. The study results unveiled the spatiotemporal variation of buildings in Hong Kong at high resolution and detected divergent structure of building end-use and fuel use for different building prototypes. We found that the total BEU of all buildings in Hong Kong peaked at 5.1 × 109 kWh in August, with 36.7% from HAVC system, while the lowest BEU was found in February at 3.5 ×109kWh, with 14.1% from HAVC system. Total AHE from all buildings reached a maximum of 8.1 × 109 kWh in July and minimum of 4.1 × 109 kWh in February. Our findings have critical significance in enhancing energy efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and promoting sustainable development.

How to cite: Liu, Q. and Zhou, Y.: Unveiling Spatial and Temporal Variations of Building Energy Use and Anthropogenic Heat Emissions in Hong Kong, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9314,, 2025.

Traffic congestion continues to challenge urban development, yet most research emphasizes large-scale factors such as road layouts and land use, overlooking localized visual aspects encountered by drivers. This study employs geographically weighted random forest, a non-linear and spatially explicit method, to explore how localized visual features—such as vehicle density, building structures, greenery, and road conditions—impact traffic congestion in Chicago. By integrating transport network dynamics with visual streetscape characteristics, the geographically weighted random forest approach captures spatial heterogeneity and complex interactions more effectively than traditional models. Results demonstrate that incorporating these multi-scale features improves model fit, revealing that greenery mitigates congestion, while dense urban structures and vehicle clusters exacerbate delays. These results highlight the potential of integrating visual characteristics of streetscapes into urban strategies to address congestion more effectively.

How to cite: Xu, M. and Weng, Q.: Modeling the Spatial Dynamics of Traffic Congestion Through Street-Level Visual Features: Evidence from Street View Images in Chicago, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9394,, 2025.

Exploring the effect of building morphology on Land Surface Temperature (LST) has received surging attention. In this process, a fundamental precondition is selecting an appropriate spatial statistical unit to calculate building morphological indices and corresponding LST. However, different units lead to divergent results, indicating they inevitably suffer from the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP), which brings large uncertainties. This study places special emphasis on proposing a new spatial unit, the Homogenous Unit of Building Morphology (HUBM), to re-describe building morphology and re-analyze its effect on LST with less uncertainty. Results show: (1) building morphology portrayed by HUBM maintains more spatial characteristics and remains relatively stable across scales, which is more consistent with the realistic building environment. (2) The relationship identified by HUBM shows building morphology is not strongly correlated with LST in essence and is regarded as more authentic due to the more objective portrayal of building morphology, while this relationship may be overestimated by previous common units. (3) The effect of building morphology on LST explored by HUBM also remains relatively stable across different scales (R2 fluctuation amplitude of 0.08, 0.12, and 0.08 in the spring, summer, and winter, respectively) compared to regular grids (R2 fluctuation amplitude of 0.18, 0.2, and 0.2), effectively alleviating the uncertainty associated with the MAUP. These findings provide new insights into re-examining the authentic effect of building morphology on LST, assisting in addressing urban heat island effects and promoting sustainable urban development. Moreover, HUBM can be applicable to other urban issues for mitigating MAUP.

How to cite: Yang, L., Yang, X., and Li, S.:  Is 3D building morphology really related to land surface temperature? Insights from a new homogeneous unit, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10149,, 2025.

EGU25-11618 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Measuring resilience of urban areas using public data and a reproducible approach 

Ekaterina Tarasova and Massimiliano Alvioli

With rapid urbanization, cities face critical sustainability challenges, including poverty, resource shortages, pollution, and climate impacts. The EU Cities Mission supports 112 cities in developing Climate City Contracts to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 [1], emphasizing strategic, cross-sectoral approaches and stakeholder collaboration. This study introduces a systematic and indicator-based assessment of urban resilience, utilizing EU-sourced environmental, OpenStreetMap, and a few nationally sourced data. The methodology incorporates 12 key indicators, mapped at high resolution for 83 Italian cities using open-source GIS software [3], ensuring full reproducibility and applicability to other European cities. The indicators are categorized into five classes:

(i) nature and biodiversity, including forest canopy coverage, native habitat areas, biodiversity, geodiversity [4], ecological corridors, and heat island effects [5];

(ii) natural hazards, including susceptibility to flooding, earthquakes, wildfires, and landslides [6];

(iii) air pollution, including concentration of PM2.5 and NO2;

(iv) transport, including availability of sustainable and affordable transport systems;

(v) social indicators, including population living in close proximity to green spaces or water sources, and public services.

This study evaluates the current state of Italian cities [7], identifies regional differences, and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each city individually, based on results provided by the urban indicators.

The software developed for this study is flexible, as the input data exists for the whole of Europe and it is easily extensible with modular scripts, to include additional indicators. The scripts processes data to produce spatially distributed results (raster maps) for each indicator in each class listed above and then summarize each indicator with a numerical figure.

Preliminary findings suggest significant regional variation in factors contributing to climate resilience and citizen well-being [8]. Cities in Northern Italy exhibit larger green space coverage but also higher air pollution levels. In contrast, Central Italy stands out for its high species biodiversity and geodiversity. Moreover, results uncover regional spatial patterns, offering actionable insights for policymakers to design locally informed and effective strategies. The findings contribute to advancing sustainability goals, supporting urban transformations toward enhanced resilience and reduced environmental impact. A comprehensive set of urban indicators, including those derived in this study and summarized into a single numerical output for each category, allows ranking of cities and promoting the adoption of data-driven strategies for sustainable development.



[1] United Nations (2023)

[2] Sarretta et al., Int. Arch. Ph. Rem. Sens. Spat. Inf. Sci. (2021)

[3] Neteler et al., Env. Mod. Softw. 31 (2012)

[4] Burnelli et al., Geomorphology 471 (2024)

[5] Morabito et al., Sci. Tot. Env. (2021)

[6] Loche et al., Earth-Science Reviews 232 (2022)

[7] Alvioli, Land. Urb. Plan. 204 (2020)

[8] Boeing et al., Lancet Global Health 10 (2022)

How to cite: Tarasova, E. and Alvioli, M.: Measuring resilience of urban areas using public data and a reproducible approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11618,, 2025.

EGU25-13131 | Posters on site | ITS1.3/NP0.2

  Large Temperatures in Water Distribution Pipes as a Water Quality Threat: Measurements and Modelling 

Claus Haslauer, Ilja Kroeker, Elisabeth Nißler, Sergey Oladyshkin, Wolfgang Nowak, Holger Class, and Esad Osmancevic

Due to climate change, new challenges arise in drinking water infrastructure planning and in the re-assessment of well-established urban drinking water utilities. We observed temperatures exceeding 25 °C in drinking water supply pipes, which pose a health threat and water quality problem, as these temperatures are favorable for microbial growth.

We set out to predict temperatures in drinking water supply networks. The key step to achieve this goal is to monitor and model soil temperatures and soil moisture derived from meteorological forcing functions. With meteorological observations and soil material properties, we describe the heat transport and water flow from the ground surface into the subsurface and from there into the pipes and with the water in the pipes.

In order to achieve this goal, we solved the heat and water balances jointly at the atmosphere-subsurface interface, using the open-source numerical simulation framework DuMuX. We were able to do this because of the available meteorological observations (e.g., radiation balance, precipitation intensity) next to the newly installed pipes. These balances provide a novel interface condition for heat transport and water flow modelling. We coupled the heat transport through the drinking water pipe walls to the drinking water in the pipes and to the subsurface transport processes.

At a pilot site, we installed typical drinking water pipes (PE and cast iron), backfilled with known material (typical gravelly conditions below roads and naturally existing sandy clay), and applied land-cover (asphalt and natural vegetation). We were able to reproduce the joint measurements of temperatures and soil moisture under various conditions (well-draining gravel vs. less-draining clayey material; vegetation vs. asphalt).

In this presentation, we demonstrate results of the multi-year measurement campaign, the results of 1D and 2D subsurface heat transport models coupled to dynamic hydraulic conditions in the drinking water pipes, and an innovative surrogate-based Bayesian active learning-assisted model calibration methodology.

This work presents an important first step towards predicting temperatures in drinking water supply pipes and will be directly relevant for chemical and biological processes that occur in non-isothermal conditions (e.g., due to climate change), for example, in relation to contaminant remediation. Our results are of relevance for drinking water supply companies, shallow geothermal design, and urban planning.

How to cite: Haslauer, C., Kroeker, I., Nißler, E., Oladyshkin, S., Nowak, W., Class, H., and Osmancevic, E.:   Large Temperatures in Water Distribution Pipes as a Water Quality Threat: Measurements and Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13131,, 2025.

Urban climate modelling tools like the Surface Urban Energy and Water balance Scheme (SUEWS) are indispensable for investigating complex surface–atmosphere interactions and guiding urban adaptation strategies. However, these models often present substantial barriers to use: they require extensive technical know-how, involve intricate input datasets, and can be time-consuming to set up and interpret. Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) hold promise for bridging this gap by transforming complex domain-specific tasks—such as data validation, simulation setup, and error diagnosis—into user-friendly interactive experiences.

In this study, we propose a novel workflow that leverages LLM capabilities—such as generative text, code suggestion, and context-driven troubleshooting—to streamline SUEWS usage and improve accessibility for researchers and practitioners:

  • Automated Model Configuration
    We explore the use of LLM-guided prompts to generate properly formatted SUEWS input files, such as specifying hourly meteorological forcing data (e.g., temperature, wind speed, and humidity) or land cover fractions required for accurate simulations. By conversing with the model about location, time range, and data availability, users can rapidly produce consistent and error-checked setup files, reducing manual edits that often lead to inconsistencies.

  • Interactive Error Diagnosis
    LLMs can parse error logs and suggest potential solutions in real time. For example, if SUEWS outputs an error related to missing albedo values for a specific land cover type, the LLM can pinpoint the source of the issue and suggest default values or a method for calculation based on site-specific conditions. For example, if a runtime error indicates a mismatch in the date format of meteorological input data, the LLM can identify the exact line causing the error, recommend the correct format, and provide a command or script snippet to rectify the issue. Through iterative dialogue, the model clarifies the root causes of typical setup or runtime issues, explaining how to fix them without requiring the user to trawl through detailed documentation.

  • Model Output Interpretation
    Interpreting large volumes of SUEWS output, such as energy balance components (net radiation, latent heat flux, and sensible heat flux) or water budget terms (runoff and evapotranspiration), can be daunting, especially for newcomers. LLMs can summarise key metrics—like energy flux partitioning and surface runoff patterns—and highlight discrepancies in data, thereby assisting in rapid analysis and scenario comparison.

Our findings indicate that an LLM-enabled approach substantially lowers the learning curve and operational overhead associated with SUEWS, while still maintaining scientific rigour. We piloted trial deployments in teaching and professional contexts, reporting improvements in both setup speed and user confidence. Future work includes refining the LLM’s domain-specific training to ensure physically consistent responses—such as maintaining energy balance across flux computations or ensuring water budget closure—and incorporating advanced visualisation plugins for immediate data interpretation.

By harnessing the dialogic strengths of LLMs, we aim to remove barriers to the complexity of urban climate modelling, ultimately broadening participation and fostering more informed decision-making in cities worldwide.

How to cite: Sun, T.: Remove Barriers to Accessible Urban Climate Modelling with Large Language Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13462,, 2025.

EGU25-13711 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Compound heat and ozone pollution in urban areas 

Chenghao Wang, Xiao-Ming Hu, and Jessica Leffel

The frequent occurrences of heat wave events and air pollution episodes have become pressing global concerns. Concurrent heat and ozone pollution events, in particular, have been widely documented across various regions and often result in more severe impacts compared to isolated stressors, leading to increased mortality and morbidity rates. However, our understanding of these compound events in urban environments, particularly their dynamics under different background climates and urban settings, remains limited. In this study, we systematically characterized the frequency, intensity, and duration of compound heat and ozone pollution events during warm seasons across all urban areas in the continental U.S. using long-term, high-resolution daily air pollution and air temperature datasets. Results suggest that urban heat waves, defined by daily maximum temperature, were more frequent, more intense, and longer lasting than their rural counterparts, primarily due to the urban heat island effect. In contrast, over half of the U.S. cities experienced fewer, less intense, and shorter ozone pollution episodes than surrounding rural environments. The spatially heterogeneous disparities in ozone pollution episodes among cities are mainly attributed to whether ozone production is limited by VOC or NOx, as revealed by time series analyses. Despite the overall decreasing trend of surface ozone concentrations during the last two decades, 89% of U.S. cities experienced more frequent compound heat and ozone pollution episodes than rural areas. Additionally, the cumulative heat and ozone intensities were higher in 91% and 88% of U.S. cities, respectively, than in their rural backgrounds. The duration of compound events tends to be shorter in urban areas. These findings highlight the dependence of such compound events on local and background conditions, emphasizing the need for locally tailored mitigation plans to reduce their impacts. This study also calls for detailed regional numerical simulations to elucidate the mechanisms driving these events.

How to cite: Wang, C., Hu, X.-M., and Leffel, J.: Compound heat and ozone pollution in urban areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13711,, 2025.

EGU25-13868 | Orals | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Knowledge Networks help address urban flooding and water-energy challenges  

Lilit Yeghiazarian and the Knowledge Networks Team

Cities are highly interconnected networks of networks (referred to as the Urban Multiplex) that include the power grid and transportation networks, surface water and groundwater, sewerage and drinking water systems, inland navigation and dams – all intertwined with the natural environment and socioeconomic and public health sectors. While the Urban Multiplex is physically and functionally connected, the data produced within its individual sectors are not. This prevents us from fully understanding how the Urban Multiplex is connected, and how failures triggered by external stressors like floods cascade.  

Knowledge Networks are an AI technology that (i) integrates Urban Multiplex data, (ii) produces real-time flood forecasts across the continental U.S., (iii) serves as the foundation to evaluate the total impact of floods on cities, and (iv) supports queries at the nexus of water and energy. This talk will describe the development of the Urban Flooding and Water-Energy Nexus Open Knowledge Networks that aim to provide actionable answers to questions such as:

  • Real-time flood mitigation and response: Will my neighborhood flood? Will I have access to water and power? Will this storm disrupt the power grid, drinking water treatment plant, or a bridge?


  • Long-term design, planning and research: What is the total socioeconomic impact of this flood? Which critical urban infrastructure will likely fail in a future flood? Which failures will affect the most people or the most vulnerable people? Are there vulnerable communities downstream of this coal mine?

The interdisciplinary team behind this project has brought together academic researchers, industry, federal government, U.S. National labs and local stakeholders. It is funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Convergence Accelerator Program that is structured to enable rapid advancement in highly complex problems of critical societal importance.

How to cite: Yeghiazarian, L. and the Knowledge Networks Team: Knowledge Networks help address urban flooding and water-energy challenges , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13868,, 2025.

EGU25-16365 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Redefining Urban Clusters: Combining Subjective Perceptions and Objective Data to Map Inequality 

Shubham Pawar, Tony Robertson, Armando Marino, and Craig Anderson

In recent decades, inequalities in economic, health, and education sectors have intensified spatial clustering of populations and resources, further reinforcing disparities within urban environment. Identifying these geographic boundaries is crucial for developing targeted policies to address inequality effectively. While traditional approaches to studying urban segregation rely primarily on socioeconomic indicators, this research introduces a novel methodology that combines subjective perceptions of the urban environment and objective characteristics of urban areas—such as land use and infrastructure—to identify distinct spatial clusters within Glasgow, a city with a varied socioeconomic landscape. Using MIT Place Pulse dataset of crowd-sourced streetscape perceptions, we developed a deep learning model to predict perception scores for new areas. These perception scores, along with image embeddings and land use information, enabled the geographic clustering of areas based on perceived and functional similarities. Our analysis reveals that perception-based boundaries often diverge from traditional census dissemination areas, suggesting that administrative boundaries may not fully capture the lived experiences of urban space. This research advances our understanding of urban inequality by demonstrating how perceived environmental qualities interact with physical infrastructure to shape distinct urban zones, providing policymakers with new tools for targeted intervention strategies.

How to cite: Pawar, S., Robertson, T., Marino, A., and Anderson, C.: Redefining Urban Clusters: Combining Subjective Perceptions and Objective Data to Map Inequality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16365,, 2025.

The rapid expansion of urban areas has led to significant environmental changes, most notably the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon, characterized by higher temperatures in urban areas compared to their rural counterparts. Addressing and mitigating UHIs is vital for public health, energy demand management, and enhancing urban livability, especially amidst global climate change. This study focuses on classifying Local Climate Zones (LCZs) in Taipei, Taiwan, using digital building data, satellite imagery, and urban morphological indices. LCZs offer a standardized framework to analyze urban morphology and its influence on local climates. By applying unsupervised clustering methods, we achieved a detailed classification of urban areas, enabling a data-driven exploration of their climatic and morphological characteristics.

To downscale and refine the analysis at the community level, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was employed to reduce data dimensionality and extract key features such as building coverage, vegetation index, and sky view factor. K-means clustering was then used to categorize urban morphological types, resulting in distinct LCZs across Taipei. Our findings reveal significant differences in environmental variables among clusters. These results highlight how urban morphology, including building density and vegetation cover, impacts local climate conditions. The study also emphasizes the role of thermal comfort, underscoring the complex interplay between urban form and environmental factors.

This research demonstrates the effectiveness of unsupervised classification methods in identifying urban climate zones and provides a practical framework for urban planning and climate adaptation. By enabling targeted interventions, such as greening strategies or ventilation optimization, the study contributes to enhancing urban sustainability and resilience. The findings underscore the importance of interdisciplinary approaches to address the multifaceted challenges of urbanization and climate change.

How to cite: Chen, W.-J., Juang, J.-Y., and Chien, S.-S.: Self-Organizing Local Climate Zones by Using Integrated information in Urban Community – a case study in DaXue Village, Taipei, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17835,, 2025.

Urban thermal environment is known to be strongly affected by the composition of urban land cover, with densely built-up areas characterised with distinctly higher temperatures than densely vegetated ones. These observations come from the analysis of relatively coarse land surface temperature (LST) satellite data and conclusions are typically derived for city districts or other variedly defined mapping units. Whilst these analyses provide useful insights to excess heat mitigation at city scales, these do not describe the nuance of the thermal response of the heterogenous urban form at local levels. This study investigated the relationship between LST of variedly configured immediate neighbourhoods of single patches of different land cover types (buildings, paved, grass, trees) extending from 0 to 100m away to determine the shape and type of urban features including water that contribute to the formation of cold and hot urban spaces. The study area comprised three English towns: Milton Keynes, Bedford, and Luton, collectively comprising a wide range of urban forms that are representative for England and other European towns located in the temperate climate zone. The analysis was carried out for two summer days a month apart, capturing the different thermal responses as temperatures rise over summer.  The microscale of the analysis was enabled by downscaled LST obtained from Landsat 8 thermal bands acquired at 100m resolution down to 2m, supported by high resolution spectral indices derived from very high resolution hyperspectral aerial imagery. Patch-level landscape metrics were used to describe the shape of the different patches of urban land cover derived from land cover map at 2m resolution. K-means analysis was used to determine groups of land cover patches of a given type with common thermal and spatial properties. Random forest regression algorithm was used to identify the important descriptors of LST for these groups and ANOVA analysis to determine statistically significant effects for various spatial configuration metrics. The findings suggested that the coldest patches of buildings, grass and paved were associated with highly aggregated patches of trees in the immediate neighbourhood, with PLADJ greater than 73 to 85% and COHESION greater than 93 to 97%, and buildings requiring somewhat lower aggregation levels than grass or paved. Hottest patches of these land cover classes were associated with PLADJ smaller than 63–69% and COHESION smaller than 83–87%, with elevation and distance to water being the most important factors, whose importance increased as the summer progressed. Overall, this study provided further insights into the spatial characteristics of patches of common land cover types in urban areas that contribute to the formation of particularly hot or cold urban spaces, which can facilitate the design of climate resilient cities.

How to cite: Zawadzka, J., Harris, J., and Corstanje, R.: The importance of spatial configuration of urban form in local temperature regulation investigated from very high resolution LST and land cover data and landscape metrics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19759,, 2025.

EGU25-20244 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.3/NP0.2

Comparing the effectiveness of Landsat-derived spectral indices for building age prediction in urban energy modelling 

Thomas Vigato, Letizia Dalle Vedove, Camilla Dalla Vecchia, Claudio Zandonella Callegher, and Samuele Zilio

The building stock accounts for 34% of global energy demand and 37% of CO₂ emissions related to energy and industrial processes. Additionally, the current increase in urbanization rates poses significant environmental challenges. Policy makers are becoming increasingly aware of these impacts, developing strategies aimed at improving energy efficiency and obtaining decarbonization of the built environment. Achieving these goals requires modeling actual building stock energy consumption patterns, future energy developing trends as well as the impact of energy retrofitting measures on CO₂ emissions. Urban Building Energy Models (UBEMs) and bottom-up engineering models have proven to be valuable tools. However, these models  require detailed and accurate building attributes related to physical properties (building geometry, height, building type, thermal transmittances, etc.), local climate (air temperature, humidity, solar radiation, etc.) and data related to occupants' energy behavior (occupants’ schedule, heating and cooling energy demand, efficiency of the system etc.). Among others, building construction year is one of the most relevant parameters since it is a key proxy for essential characteristics such as morphology, facade design, building materials, and energy efficiency. However, obtaining building construction year is particularly challenging as it is rarely available in public databases and, when available, the data are often incomplete or inconsistent. In this regard, remote sensing techniques can play a crucial role in the study and monitoring of the building stock. In particular, satellite images represent an excellent tool for the estimation of building age at local or regional scale given their extensive temporal and spatial coverage, as well as and the continuous updates of collections. The study focuses on the city of Parma, for which seven images covering the year range between 1985 and 2011 were selected. After a literature review, five built-up area extraction indices suitable for TM sensor were selected: Normalized Difference Built-up Area Index (NDBI), New Built-up Index (NBI), Band Ratio for Built-up Area (BRBA), Normalized Built-up Area Index (NBAI), and Vegetation Index Built-up Index (VIBI). In addition, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was also considered, leading to a total of six indices. To improve the ability of these indexes to discriminate urban surfaces from areas with similar spectral signature (bare soil, sand, rock, etc.) annual greenest pixel composite images were generated using Google Earth Engine. Indexes performance was then compared on each image evaluating Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) and Precision-Recall (PR) curves, as well as performance metrics such as F1-score and Area Under the Curve (AUC). The results indicate that the NDVI is the best- Finally, temporal series were derived from the classification of images from different years, enabling the assessment of urbanization growth over time and, consequently, the estimation of building ages.

This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005) – SPOKE TS 1


How to cite: Vigato, T., Dalle Vedove, L., Dalla Vecchia, C., Zandonella Callegher, C., and Zilio, S.: Comparing the effectiveness of Landsat-derived spectral indices for building age prediction in urban energy modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20244,, 2025.

Seismic data forms the backbone of what we understand in the subsurface, and seismic data interpretation is still usually done by hand. Automatic seismic interpretation with deep learning is very promising, but there the problem is a lack of labelled training data. In this study, we use forward stratigraphic modelling and show how forward modelling can be advantageously used in deep learning.

Specifically, we focus on shelf-edge trajectories as the geological representations of lateral and vertical shifts in sediments’ position through time. They provide continuous tracks of changes in relative sea-level as well as sediment stacking patterns and depositional geometries. Mapping these trajectories and measuring their changing angles help in quantifying the sequence stratigraphic analysis and predicting ancient depositional environments.

Here, we evaluate the ability of deep learning models, trained on synthetic seismic data, to identify clinoforms and their rollover points for shelf-edge trajectories mapping. The synthetic training dataset generated using geological processed-based forward modelling represents different depositional slope scenarios. Controlling the different parameters that govern shelf-edges and shelf-edge trajectories (such as bathymetry, sediment supply, eustatic sea-level changes and subsidence) gave us a better chance to mimic realistic and diverse depositional setting, which helps in generalizing the deep learning model. In addition, the ground truth (labels) for the created synthetic seismic data is automatically generated by the forward model, without the need of manual labelling seismic data.

Higher accuracy score on both validation and testing datasets demonstrates the power and effectiveness of using synthetic as training dataset. This study shows that synthetic data can play a major role in bridging the gap between traditional seismic interpretation and automating the process using machine learning. It also shows that forward modelling is a powerful technique to combine with data modelling, such as machine learning.

How to cite: AlGharbi, W., Bell, R., and John, C.: Forward Stratigraphic Modelling to Generate Synthetic Seismic Training Dataset for Deep Learning: A Case Study to Predict Shelf-Edge Trajectories, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-288,, 2025.

This study aims to develop a CNN-LSTM hybrid network model integrated with a coupled self-attention mechanism, based on deep learning techniques, to simulate flood processes in the Inner Harbor area of Macau. With global climate change and accelerated urbanization, Macau, a low-lying coastal city, frequently experiences urban flooding due to typhoons and heavy rainfall. While traditional hydrological and hydrodynamic models can accurately predict flooding processes, their computational intensity and lack of real-time responsiveness make them unsuitable for emergency disaster warnings. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a convolutional long short-term memory (ConvLSTM) model enhanced with a coupled self-attention mechanism. The model leverages an encoder-decoder structure to predict the evolution of flood processes under 4–10 hours of heavy rainfall in the Inner Harbor area of Macau.

The model integrates CNN components for extracting spatial features, LSTM components for capturing temporal features, and a coupled self-attention mechanism to dynamically reweight spatial-temporal representations, improving the model's sensitivity to key flood patterns. The encoder encodes input sequences into fixed-length vectors, while the decoder translates these vectors into target sequences. The self-attention mechanism ensures the model focuses on critical spatial and temporal regions, further enhancing prediction accuracy and robustness.

The training and testing datasets were constructed from simulation data generated by hydrological-hydrodynamic models and static geographical information data, following preprocessing and normalization. Evaluation metrics, including mean squared error (MSE), Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE), and relative error, were used to assess model performance. Results demonstrate that the proposed hybrid model, augmented by the coupled self-attention mechanism, effectively simulates maximum water depth distribution and flood evolution processes, achieving high consistency with hydrodynamic simulation data while providing improved predictive performance.

How to cite: Wangqi, L.: Flood Process Simulation in Macau's Inner Harbor Area Based on CNN-LSTM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2197,, 2025.

EGU25-4565 | Orals | ITS1.4/CL0.10

AI enhanced environmental modelling workflows: Towards Automated Scientific Exploration in Hydrology 

Darri Eythorsson, Kasra Keshavarz, Cyril Thébault, Mohamed Ahmed, Raymond Spiteri, Alain Pietroniro, and Martyn Clark

AI enhanced environmental modelling workflows: Towards Automated Scientific Exploration in Hydrology

Authors: Darri Eythorsson, Kasra Keshavarz, Cyril Thébault, Mohamed Ismaiel Ahmed, Raymond Spiteri, Alain Pietroniro and Martyn Clark

Modern hydrological modeling has evolved into a complex scientific endeavour requiring sophisticated workflows that span multiple scales, processes, and computational paradigms. While existing workflow solutions address specific technical challenges, the field lacks comprehensive frameworks that can support end-to-end modeling while maintaining reproducibility and scalability. This works introduces two complementary frameworks that aim to address these fundamental challenges: CONFLUENCE (Community Optimization Nexus For Large-domain Understanding of Environmental Networks and Computational Exploration) and INDRA (the Intelligent Network for Dynamic River Analysis).

CONFLUENCE implements a modular architecture that enforces workflow reproducibility through a unified configuration system while maintaining the flexibility needed to support diverse modeling applications. The framework provides comprehensive solutions for four critical workflow components: (1) flexible geospatial domain definition and discretization, (2) model-agnostic data acquisition and preprocessing, (3) extensible model setup and parameterization capabilities, and (4) comprehensive evaluation and optimization tools. This systematic approach enables efficient, reproducible, and transparent hydrological modeling across scales.

INDRA augments this foundation by implementing a network of specialized AI expert agents that support various components of the hydrological modeling workflow. Through structured dialogue between domain experts (including AI specialists in hydrology, hydrogeology, meteorology, data science, and geospatial analysis), INDRA provides context-aware guidance while maintaining complete provenance of modeling decisions and their justification. This AI-assisted approach helps address three critical challenges: (1) the growing complexity of modelling decisions, (2) the need for reproducible workflows and detailed documentation, and (3) the technical barriers limiting broader adoption of advanced modeling practices.

The integration of these frameworks aims to explore how automation and AI assistance can enhance rather than disrupt traditional modeling practices. By maintaining clear documentation of decisions and their justifications, these systems help build trust in model results while creating opportunities for recursive learning from previous modeling experiments. Our case studies, spanning scales from individual catchments to continental domains, showcase the frameworks' capabilities while highlighting their potential to transform how researchers’ interface with complex environmental modeling workflows.

This work aims to advance both operational and research oriented hydrological modeling practices, offering a foundation for reproducible, scalable, and interoperable modeling while maintaining scientific rigor and flexibility. The framework’s open-source nature and modular design create opportunities for community-driven development and extension, potentially accelerating scientific discovery in hydrological sciences.

How to cite: Eythorsson, D., Keshavarz, K., Thébault, C., Ahmed, M., Spiteri, R., Pietroniro, A., and Clark, M.: AI enhanced environmental modelling workflows: Towards Automated Scientific Exploration in Hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4565,, 2025.

EGU25-5159 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/CL0.10

RAIN: Reinforcement Algorithms for Improving Numerical Weather and Climate Models 

Pritthijit Nath, Henry Moss, Emily Shuckburgh, and Mark Webb

This study explores integrating reinforcement learning (RL) with idealised climate models to address key parameterisation challenges in climate science. Current climate models rely on complex mathematical parameterisations to represent sub-grid scale processes, which can introduce substantial uncertainties. RL offers capabilities to enhance these parameterisation schemes, including direct interaction, handling sparse or delayed feedback, continuous online learning, and long-term optimisation. We evaluate the performance of eight RL algorithms on two idealised environments: one for temperature bias correction, another for radiative-convective equilibrium (RCE) imitating real-world computational constraints. Results show different RL approaches excel in different climate scenarios with exploration algorithms performing better in bias correction, while exploitation algorithms proving more effective for RCE. These findings support the potential of RL-based parameterisation schemes to be integrated into global climate models, improving accuracy and efficiency in capturing complex climate dynamics. Overall, this work represents an important first step towards leveraging RL to enhance climate model accuracy, critical for improving climate understanding and predictions. Code accessible at

How to cite: Nath, P., Moss, H., Shuckburgh, E., and Webb, M.: RAIN: Reinforcement Algorithms for Improving Numerical Weather and Climate Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5159,, 2025.

EGU25-5991 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Physically-Enhanced Training of Neural Networks for Hydraulic Modelling of Rivers and Flood Events 

Gianmarco Guglielmo and Pietro Prestininzi

Machine Learning is gaining increasing attention from the scientific community in hydrological and hydraulic research. However, this field faces a consistent challenge in applying data-driven approaches due to the evident poor generalization capabilities, which are partly a result of inherent data scarcity.

We propose incorporating expert knowledge into data-driven models for river hydraulics and flood mapping by integrating physically-based information without relying on the underlying mathematical formulation (e.g., the calculation of the residuals of differential equations). This approach appears to be particularly valuable for flood simulations, where hydraulically relevant distributed parameters such as roughness, lithology, topography etc. pose significant uncertainties. The method is versatile and applicable to physical systems and scenarios in which the underlying mathematical formulation is not fully known, but expert knowledge enables the introduction of meaningful, physically-inspired constraints.

Specifically, the physical information is integrated into the model by including an additional term, weighted by the hyperparameter in the guise of a regularization term in the loss function :


Here, represents the data-driven error metric, while the physical loss term is an error metric that depends not only on the true and predicted outputs ( ), but also potentially on the inputs . Indeed, this term employs physical principles, laws, and quantities, which are not explicitly formulated in the original dataset. In this sense, we can note its similarity to data augmentation, a widely used technique in machine learning that extracts additional insights by offering alternative interpretations of the same dataset.

We clarify that this approach does not aim to replace numerical solvers or serve as an alternative numerical model, as Physics-Informed Neural Networks do: indeed, their similarity is limited to the formulation of the modified loss function.

We assessed the methodology and empirically quantified the effectiveness of the method in a simplified, well-controlled problem, evaluating the gain in generalisation capability of Neural Networks (NNs) in the reconstruction of the steady state, one-dimensional, water surface profile in a rectangular channel. We found improved predictive capabilities, even when extrapolating beyond the boundaries of the training dataset and in data-scarce scenarios. This kind of assessment is of great relevance to the application of NNs to flood mapping, where cases featuring values of the observed quantities falling out of the range of the recorded series need to be predicted.

New experiments have been also conducted on two-dimensional domains. The data-driven model was trained on a single catchment and tested on its ability to determine flooded areas in unseen catchments. Preliminary results show that an encoder-decoder model with convolutional layers exhibits improved generalization when a physical training strategy is employed. Future applications could include flood mapping for ungauged basins, leveraging similarities with other basins.

How to cite: Guglielmo, G. and Prestininzi, P.: Physically-Enhanced Training of Neural Networks for Hydraulic Modelling of Rivers and Flood Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5991,, 2025.

EGU25-9987 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Modelling Maize Yield and Agronomic Efficiency Using Machine Learning Models: A Comparative Analysis 

Eric Asamoah, Gerard Heuvelink, Ikram Chairi, Prem Bindraban, and Vincent Logah

Background: Agriculture is increasingly leveraging machine learning (ML) to enhance yield predictions and optimize agronomic practices. Maize, a staple crop in Ghana, offers a valuable case study for evaluating the effectiveness of diverse ML models in yield prediction and resource management.

Objective: This study aims to evaluate the predictive performance of four ML models namely Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN), and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) for maize yield and agronomic efficiency prediction. It also compares variable importance across these models to determine key explanatory variables.

Methods: The study utilized 4,496 georeferenced maize trial datasets from various agroecological zones in Ghana. Thirty-five explanatory variables included soil properties, climate, topography, crop management practices, and fertilizer application datasets. Model performance was evaluated using leave-one-out, leave-site-out, and leave-agroecological-zone-out cross-validation techniques. Metrics including Mean Error (ME), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and Model Efficiency Coefficient (MEC) were used to compare model accuracy, while a permutation-based approach was employed to assess variable importance.

Results: XGBoost emerged as the most accurate model, achieving the lowest RMSE for yield (639.5 kg ha⁻¹) and agronomic efficiency (11.6 kg kg⁻¹), particularly for nitrogen (AE-N). RF demonstrated competitive performance, while KNN and SVM yielded inconsistent results under rigorous cross-validation conditions. Key explanatory variables identified across models included nitrogen fertilizer, rainfall, and crop genotype, underscoring their critical role in yield and agronomic efficiency outcomes.

Conclusion: XGBoost was the most robust and accurate model for maize yield and agronomic efficiency predictions, offering a reliable tool for data-driven agricultural planning in diverse agroecological settings. The findings underscore the transformative role of advanced ML techniques in modern agriculture, particularly in optimizing staple crop production in sub-Saharan Africa.

How to cite: Asamoah, E., Heuvelink, G., Chairi, I., Bindraban, P., and Logah, V.: Modelling Maize Yield and Agronomic Efficiency Using Machine Learning Models: A Comparative Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9987,, 2025.

EGU25-10915 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Assessing the Geological Plausibility of Machine Learning Borehole Interpretations: A Case Study in the Roer Valley Graben 

Sebastián Garzón, Willem Dabekaussen, Eva De Boever, Freek Busschers, Siamak Mehrkanoon, and Derek Karssenberg

Expert interpretation of borehole data is a critical component of geological modelling, offering essential insights into the spatial distribution of geological units within the subsurface. For large-scale regional mapping efforts, expert interpretation of all available data is impractical due to the sheer volume of boreholes. Therefore, many 3D geological subsurface models rely only on a small portion of all available data. Machine learning (ML) models can be used to automate borehole data interpretation, increasing data density. However, these automated interpretations must adhere to strict spatial and stratigraphical relationships to be consistent with the established geological knowledge of the area. Using a dataset of 1,400 boreholes with expert interpretations from the Roer Valley Graben (Southeast Netherlands), we explore how ML models can be integrated into geological modelling workflows, highlighting the challenge of ensuring compatibility with geological principles and known spatial relationships. We evaluate the model performance using traditional metrics such as accuracy, Cohen's kappa and F1 Score and newly proposed geology-inspired metrics to quantify the ability of Random Forest and Neural Network models to interpret borehole data into lithostratigraphic units while preserving key geological relationships. Our results demonstrate that while many models achieve accuracy values of 75% to 80%, Neural Networks perform significantly better in capturing the expected sequential relationships between geological units, achieving up to 96% of geological transitions between geological units that are plausible, compared to 65% for the best-performing Random Forest model selected based on traditional metrics. This study underscores the need for domain-specific metrics in evaluating model performance and the potential for ML to increase the volume of data incorporated in subsurface models.

How to cite: Garzón, S., Dabekaussen, W., De Boever, E., Busschers, F., Mehrkanoon, S., and Karssenberg, D.: Assessing the Geological Plausibility of Machine Learning Borehole Interpretations: A Case Study in the Roer Valley Graben, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10915,, 2025.

EGU25-11031 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Mapping Alluvial Terraces in Watersheds Using Gaussian Mixture Model on Relative Height. 

Herbert Rakotonirina, Théophile Lohier, Anne Raingeard, Frédéric Lacquement, Julien Baptiste, and Hélène Tissoux

Alluvial terraces in watersheds are geomorphic features formed by river incision and sediment deposit, representing former floodplain levels. They serve as valuable records of fluvial dynamics, climatic changes, and tectonic activity. Mapping methods for terraces that rely on field-acquired data, often involving physical or chemical analyses, are not feasible for large-scale applications. When aiming to map at the national scale, the development of a methodology that eliminates the need for such detailed information enhances scalability and broadens applicability.

We proposed a semi-automatic predictive mapping method for watershed terraces using 25m Digital Earth Model (DEM) provided by the IGN (French geographical service) and derived variables such as curvature, slope, and the difference from a base level (Raingeard et al., 2019). This method demonstrated meaningful results in the Pyrenean Piedmont for the Baïse and Ousse rivers, with the predicted map showing strong alignment with the geological reality.

In this study, we propose an automated approach for identifying alluvial terraces using relative height. Relative height is defined as the difference between the elevation derived from a DEM and the base level. Our methodology is based on the hypothesis that terraces are represented as flat areas in the relative height, where pixels exhibit similar statistical distributions. To capture these patterns, we employ a Gaussian Mixture Model, a probabilistic framework that approximates data as a combination of multiple Gaussian distributions. In this context, each Gaussian distribution corresponds to a specific alluvial terrace.

We conducted experiments on the study areas used by Raingeard et al. (2019), and the results are consistent with both the semi-automatic method and the geological reality. These outcomes provide promising prospects for the predictive mapping of superficial deposits


Raingeard A., Tourlière B., Lacquement. F, Baptiste. J, Tissoux. H. Semi-automatic quaternary alluvial deposits mapping - Methodology for the predictive mapping of flat terrains within a watershed, by semi-automatic analysis of the Digital Elevation Model. INQUA 2019, Jul 2019, Dublin, Ireland. 2019.

How to cite: Rakotonirina, H., Lohier, T., Raingeard, A., Lacquement, F., Baptiste, J., and Tissoux, H.: Mapping Alluvial Terraces in Watersheds Using Gaussian Mixture Model on Relative Height., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11031,, 2025.

EGU25-11747 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/CL0.10

A new stochastic physics scheme incorporating machine-learnt subgrid variability 

Helena Reid and Cyril Morcrette

Stochastic parameterisations have seen widespread use in atmospheric models. These schemes represent uncertainty by adding terms that include a random noise component directly to the equations that describe the time evolution of the model. Stochastic parameterisation development thus involves the following questions: what are the sources of uncertainty, how do we represent them, and how precisely should we formulate stochastic terms to quantify them? Common methods to quantify the uncertainty inherent in parameterisation include applying multiplicative perturbations to physics tendencies (such that the larger the tendency due to subgrid processes, the more uncertainty we should have in the tendency) or applying perturbations to physical parameters (our physics schemes often rely on parameters whose values we do not know precisely, and have complicated nonlinear responses to perturbing this set of parameters, so perturbing each one within its own specified range during the model run allows this uncertainty to feed back into the model state).

In this work we present a different approach to stochastic parameterisation. We perturb the thermodynamic profiles that constitute the inputs to parameterisation schemes. The perturbations are scaled by the degree of subgrid inhomogeneity. A representation of the subgrid inhomogeneity is estimated by a machine learning model which has been trained on coarse-grained high resolution (dx=~1.5km) model output from the Met Office Unified Model. The scheme is implemented in LFRic, the UK Met Office’s next generation modelling system, and we present results of experiments ran in single column model mode.

How to cite: Reid, H. and Morcrette, C.: A new stochastic physics scheme incorporating machine-learnt subgrid variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11747,, 2025.

EGU25-12464 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Water table rise forecasting using machine and deep learning models in arid regions, Oman 

Hussam Eldin Elzain, Osman Abdalla, Ali Al-Maktoumi, Anvar Kacimov, and Mingjie Chen

Accurately forecasting water table rise (WTR) is essential for effective water resource management, infrastructure development, flood risk mitigation, and environmental conservation. This research employed multiple machine learning (ML) models, namely Ridge Linear Regression (RLR), Radial Basis Function Support Vector Machine (RBF-SVM), Linear SVM (LSVM), Random Forest (RF), and a hybrid deep learning Transformer (TR) with Bi-Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM), to forecast WTR one and two weeks ahead in the Muscat Governorate, Oman. A total of 19,465 high-resolution datasets, measured at half-hour intervals between December 2017 and January 2019, were utilized. The data were divided into training and testing sets, with 90% (17,976 datasets) used for training and the remaining 10% (1,489 datasets) reserved for testing. A two-way time series analysis was employed to analyze dynamic interactions between two time-dependent behaviors over time. Additionally, the rolling forecasting method was used alongside the models to capture patterns and provide updated predictions based on the most recent data trends. The results demonstrated that RLR outperformed both the individual ML models and the hybrid deep learning TR-BiLSTM models, as indicated by the NSE and RSR statistical metrics applied to the testing data. Furthermore, the one-week step-ahead forecasting achieved greater accuracy in predicting WTR compared to the two-week step-ahead forecast. However, the average computational time of the hybrid deep learning TR-BiLSTM models was notably higher compared to the standalone models. Linear models such as RLR and LSVM demonstrated accurate forecasting results due to their ability to prevent overfitting in correlated features and effectively capture the simplicity of the relationship between the data. The approach presented in this research can be effectively useful to various arid regions worldwide that are influenced by WTR.

How to cite: Elzain, H. E., Abdalla, O., Al-Maktoumi, A., Kacimov, A., and Chen, M.: Water table rise forecasting using machine and deep learning models in arid regions, Oman, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12464,, 2025.

EGU25-12601 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Differentiable Programming for Atmospheric Models: Experiences and Perspectives  

Maximilian Gelbrecht, Milan Klöwer, and Niklas Boers

Differentiable programming enables automatic differentiation (AD) tools to compute gradients through code without manually defining derivatives. AD tools can differentiate through entire software stacks, composing many functions and algorithms via the chain rule. With models that incorporate differentiable programming long-standing challenges like systematic calibration, comprehensive sensitivity analyses, and uncertainty quantification can be tackled, and machine learning (ML) methods can be integrated directly into the process-based core of earth-system models (ESMs) to incorporate additional information from observations. Through the advent of ML, several AD tools are gaining traction. A new generation of powerful tools like JAX, Zygote and Enzyme enable differentiable programming for models of varying complexity including highly complex coupled ESMs. Here we present an overview about the perspectives of differentiable programming for ESMs, using experience from two of our applications in atmospheric modelling. First off, we set up PseudoSpectralNet, a differentiable quasi-geostrophic model in Julia with Zygote. This is a hybrid model combining neural networks with a dynamical core, showcasing how the stability and accuracy of ML models is improved by integrating a process-based dynamical core into our model. Additionally, ongoing work uses Enzyme to achieve a differentiable version of the significantly more complex SpeedyWeather.jl atmospheric model. We will discuss advantages of both approaches and give an outlook into future possibilities with differentiable models. 

How to cite: Gelbrecht, M., Klöwer, M., and Boers, N.: Differentiable Programming for Atmospheric Models: Experiences and Perspectives , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12601,, 2025.

EGU25-13920 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Physics-Guided Deep Learning-Based Emulation of Subgrid-Scale Turbulence Parameterization for Atmospheric Large Eddy Simulations 

Sambit Kumar Panda, Todd Jones, Muhammad Shahzad, Anna-Louise Ellis, and Bryan Lawrence

Accurate representation of turbulent processes remains a critical challenge in atmospheric modelling. Large Eddy Simulations (LES) serve as valuable tools for understanding atmospheric turbulence by explicitly resolving energy-containing eddies while parameterizing smaller-scale motions through subgrid-scale (SGS) models. In their most complex forms, these SGS parameterizations can significantly influence LES performance and computational efficiency, making their improvement useful for advancing atmospheric modelling capabilities. Neural Network based emulation of such parametrizations have proven effective in reducing the computational cost, while maintaining accuracy and stability.

Building upon recent advances in physics-informed neural networks (NN) for atmospheric modelling and emulation of physics-based processes, we present a physics-guided NN architecture for emulation of the SGS turbulence parameterizations that introduces several key innovations. Our approach uniquely combines scale-specific normalization with multi-scale feature extraction through parallel convolutional paths, distinguishing it from existing physics-guided machine learning frameworks. The deep learning-based (DL) model also incorporates physically-motivated constraints across different spatial scales while simultaneously ensuring conservation of momentum and energy.

Unlike earlier studies that focus on single aspects of physical conservation, our architecture implements a comprehensive physics-informed framework that combines Richardson number gradient handling for stability constraints, with explicit treatment of diffusion and viscosity coefficients, and scale-specific normalization for different atmospheric variables. The model was trained on limited high-resolution Radiative-Convective Equilibrium (RCE) simulations from the Met Office-Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Cloud model (MONC), employing physics-based loss functions that enforce both conservation laws and stability constraints.

The training dataset consisted of 3-D diagnostics data from the RCE simulations, with a 64x64 km2 domain and 1 km grid spacing in the horizontal. While the original simulations had 99 vertical levels with varying vertical resolution, the DL model was trained on random slices (vertical levels) chosen from the original data volume. The inputs consisted of the resolved state variables like velocity components (u, v, w) from the previous time step, the perturbations to potential temperature, mixing ratios and Richardson number, whereas the targets for the DL model were the SGS tendencies of the model prognostic fields resulting from the Smagorisnky parameterization and the coefficients of viscosity and diffusion.

The DL model's cross-regime applicability was evaluated through multiple independent test cases: (200-second sampling frequency) and different atmospheric conditions from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program. The simulations from ARM atmospheric settings were mainly targeted at simulating shallow convection, with different grid/domain configurations. Results from the off-line tests demonstrate promising performance in predicting SGS and transport coefficients (viscosity and diffusion) across these varied conditions, particularly in maintaining physical consistency during regime transitions.

Our preliminary findings indicate that this enhanced multi-scale, physics-informed architecture can effectively learn SGS parameterizations from limited training data while maintaining physical fidelity across different atmospheric conditions and spatio-temporal resolutions. This approach demonstrates the potential for the development of high-fidelity, generalizable parameterizations for weather and climate models, suggesting a route forward for reducing the greater computational costs associated with more complex SGS parameterization schemes.

How to cite: Panda, S. K., Jones, T., Shahzad, M., Ellis, A.-L., and Lawrence, B.: Physics-Guided Deep Learning-Based Emulation of Subgrid-Scale Turbulence Parameterization for Atmospheric Large Eddy Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13920,, 2025.

EGU25-14742 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/CL0.10

NORi: A Novel, Physically-Principled Approach to Parameterization of Upper Ocean Turbulence using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations 

Xin Kai Lee, Ali Ramadhan, Andre Souza, Gregory Wagner, Simone Silvestri, John Marshall, and Raffaele Ferrari

Given our current computational resources, a state-of-the-art ocean model can achieve a grid resolution in the order of 10 km for realistic global simulations, meaning that small-scale convection and wind-driven mixing near the surface of the ocean with length scales of roughly 1 m cannot be explicitly resolved. However, these microturbulent processes play a fundamental role in setting the structure of the ocean stratification, govern air-sea fluxes exchange as well as tracer transport with the interior of the ocean. Therefore, we use parameterizations, models which approximate small-scale processes using large-scale variables, to represent their effects in climate simulations.

In this work, we propose NORi: a novel, physically-principled, and data-driven approach to parameterizing ocean vertical mixing using neural ordinary differential equations (NODEs). NORi uses neural ODEs (NO) to augment a simple eddy-diffusivity closure based on the local gradient Richardson number (Ri). The Ri-based diffusivity closure captures local convective- and shear-driven mixing, while the neural ODEs augment the base model with nonlocal entrainment fluxes due to convection using neural networks. NORi is designed for realistic seawater's nonlinear equation of state using TEOS-10 and explicitly represents temperature and salinity fluxes. When compared against high fidelity large-eddy simulations (LES) of different convective strengths, background stratifications, and shear conditions, NORi demonstrates excellent prediction and generalization capabilities. By design, NORi automatically satisfies tracer invariance and conservation. It also exhibits high numerical stability and accuracy owing to its online training paradigm, where neural networks are calibrated against time-integrated field variables of interest rather than on instantaneous, time-independent turbulent fluxes. When compared against other parameterizations, NORi produces deeper mixed layers which are in better agreement with the LES solution. NORi is implemented straightforwardly into Oceananigans.jl, the fastest ocean model to date without intermediate wrappers. This can be achieved owing to the cutting-edge paradigm of the Julia programming language as well as the simple, modern and flexible interface of Oceananigans.jl. Using large-scale simulations, we demonstrate that NORi is numerically stable for at least 100 years despite being trained with only a 2-day integration, is computationally efficient, and produces realistic fields which are comparable to existing parameterization.

How to cite: Lee, X. K., Ramadhan, A., Souza, A., Wagner, G., Silvestri, S., Marshall, J., and Ferrari, R.: NORi: A Novel, Physically-Principled Approach to Parameterization of Upper Ocean Turbulence using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14742,, 2025.

EGU25-15200 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Distilling Machine Learning's Added Value: Pareto Fronts in Atmospheric Applications 

Tom Beucler, Arthur Grundner, Sara Shamekh, Peter Ukkonen, Matthew Chantry, and Ryan Lagerquist

The added value of machine learning for weather and climate applications is measurable through performance metrics, but explaining it remains challenging, particularly for large deep learning models. Inspired by climate model hierarchies, we propose that a full hierarchy of Pareto-optimal models, defined within an appropriately determined error-complexity plane, can guide model development and help understand the models' added value. We demonstrate the use of Pareto fronts in atmospheric physics through three sample applications, with hierarchies ranging from semi-empirical models with minimal parameters (simplest) to deep learning algorithms (most complex). First, in cloud cover parameterization, we find that neural networks identify nonlinear relationships between cloud cover and its thermodynamic environment, and assimilate previously neglected features such as vertical gradients in relative humidity that improve the representation of low cloud cover. This added value is condensed into a ten-parameter equation that rivals deep learning models. Second, we establish a machine learning model hierarchy for emulating shortwave radiative transfer, distilling the importance of bidirectional vertical connectivity for accurately representing absorption and scattering, especially for multiple cloud layers. Third, we emphasize the importance of convective organization information when modeling the relationship between tropical precipitation and its surrounding environment. We discuss the added value of temporal memory when high-resolution spatial information is unavailable, with implications for precipitation parameterization. Therefore, by comparing data-driven models directly with existing schemes using Pareto optimality, we promote process understanding by hierarchically unveiling system complexity, with the hope of improving the trustworthiness of machine learning models in atmospheric applications.


How to cite: Beucler, T., Grundner, A., Shamekh, S., Ukkonen, P., Chantry, M., and Lagerquist, R.: Distilling Machine Learning's Added Value: Pareto Fronts in Atmospheric Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15200,, 2025.

The training of machine learning models for weather and climate on multiple datasets, including local high-resolution reanalyses and level-1 observations, is one of the frontiers of the field. It promises to allow for models that are no longer constrained by the capabilities of equation-based models, as is currently still largely the case when training on global reanalyses. For example, level-1 observations contain the feedback from arbitrary scale processes and hence do not suffer from the closure problem of equation-based models. Training on observations might hence lead to machine learning-based Earth system models with reduced systematic biases, in particular for long-term climate projections. Local reanalyses are only available for a small set of regions, mainly over Europe and North America. Appropriate training might allow one to generalize the detailed process information in these to other regions or even globally. 

In this talk, we present results on the effective training with a combination of global and local reanalysis as well as level-1 observations. We consider different pre-training protocols to learn the correlations between datasets, which is critical to obtain a benefit through their combination. We use a forecasting task as baseline and study the effectiveness of different variants of masked-token modeling and more sophisticated approaches that exploit the latent space of the machine learning models. We also study different fine-tuning strategies to extract a best state estimate from multiple datasets and to generalize regional datasets globally. For this, we build on the extensive results on fine-tuning of large language models that have been developed in the last years. Our results aim to determine general principles which combination of datasets is beneficial. We also perform a detailed analysis of the physical consistency and physical process representation in the model output. Through this, we believe our work provides an important stepping stone for the next generation of machine learning-based models for weather and climate.

How to cite: Lessig, C.: Towards next generation machine learning-based Earth system models that exploit a wide range of datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16817,, 2025.

Mesoscale atmospheric processes that are neither resolved nor parameterized in global climate models, such as slantwise convection, can have a significant impact on climate variability and change. An example of such mesoscale influence on the climate is shown by Wills et al. 2024,  who demonstrate that circulation responses to surface anomalies are increased through heat and momentum fluxes by mesoscale processes. To enable longer simulations in comprehensive global climate models that include information about subgrid mesoscale processes, a machine learning (ML) parameterization could be applied at relatively low computational cost. So far, such ML parameterizations have been primarily applied to idealized geographies (e.g., aquaplanets), and they have not targeted midlatitude mesoscale processes in particular.

In this work, we focus on midlatitude mesoscale processes over the Gulf Stream region, as simulated by variable resolution CESM2 simulations, which have 14-km resolution over the North Atlantic. Learning subgrid fluxes from this model allows a targeted parametrization of mesoscale processes leading to vertical fluxes, namely slantwise convection and frontogenesis. We use an artificial neural network to predict vertical profiles of subgrid fluxes of momentum, heat and moisture. The features (inputs) for the ML models in this work include coarse-grained atmospheric state variables at each grid point, such as the vertical profiles of horizontal winds, temperature and their horizontal shear as well as surface pressure. The vertical profile of the specific humidity and the value of convective available potential energy are included to assess the importance of moist dynamics in the determination of subgrid convectional fluxes. Our results show that moisture variables have a rather small impact, suggesting that the subgrid fluxes can be explained by dry dynamics. A greater importance is found in the horizontal differences of neighbouring momentum and temperature columns. This suggests that neighbouring column information may be essential in the prediction of subgrid-scale fluxes, e.g., through the action of shear instabilities or conditional symmetric instability. Combined with information about the vertical localization relationship of the inputs and outputs, the goal is to feed this information into an equation discovery approach, which could lead to deeper physical understanding of mesoscale momentum and energy fluxes in midlatitudes.


How to cite: Ismaili, E., Beucler, T., and Jnglin Wills, R.: Prediction and Understanding of Subgrid-Scale Vertical Fluxes by Missing Midlatitude Mesoscale Processes Using a Machine Learning Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17078,, 2025.

EGU25-17333 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Improving Oil Spill Numerical Simulations through Bayesian Optimization 

Marco Mariano De Carlo, Gabriele Accarino, Igor Atake, Donatello Elia, Italo Epicoco, and Giovanni Coppini

Accurate oil spill predictions are crucial for mitigating environmental and socioeconomic impacts. Numerical models, like MEDSLIK-II (De Dominicis et al., 2013), simulate oil advection, dispersion, and transformation, but their performance depends heavily on the configuration of physical parameters, often requiring labor-intensive manual tuning based on expert judgment.

To address this limitation, we integrate MEDSLIK-II with a Bayesian Optimization (BO) framework to systematically identify the optimal parameter configuration, ensuring simulations closely match observed spatiotemporal oil spill distributions. Our optimization focuses on horizontal diffusivity and drift factor parameters, using the Fraction Skill Score as the objective metric to maximize, thus reducing the overlap between simulations and observations.

The approach is validated on the 2021 Baniyas (Syria) oil spill, demonstrating improved accuracy, reduced biases and lower computational costs compared to the standalone numerical model.

By integrating BO with the MEDSLIK-II numerical model, our method enhances oil spill prediction capabilities and provides a transferable, physically consistent optimization framework applicable to a wide range of geophysical challenges.

This work is conducted within the framework of the iMagine European project, which leverages Artificial Intelligence, including AI-assisted image generation, to advance a series of use cases in marine and oceanographic science.



De Dominicis, M., Pinardi, N., Zodiatis, G., & Lardner, R. (2013). MEDSLIK-II, a Lagrangian marine surface oil spill model for short-term forecasting – Part 1: Theory. Geoscientific Model Development, 6, 1851–1869.

How to cite: De Carlo, M. M., Accarino, G., Atake, I., Elia, D., Epicoco, I., and Coppini, G.: Improving Oil Spill Numerical Simulations through Bayesian Optimization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17333,, 2025.

EGU25-17542 | Orals | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Replicating Sensible and Latent Heat Flux Diagnosis with Multilayer Perceptrons on Multi-Year Falkenberg Tower Data  

Martin V. Butz, Matthias Karlbauer, Frank Beyrich, and Volker Wulfmeyer

Vertical energy transport from the land surface into the atmosphere in the form of sensible and latent heat flux must be well represented in numerical weather prediction models to allow accurate estimates of near-surface atmospheric variables. Traditionally, these heat fluxes are parameterized relying on Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory (MOST), which is based on differences in wind speed, air temperature, and humidity between adjacent measurement or model levels. Recently, Wulfmeyer et al. (2024) estimated heat flux with machine learning at much higher accuracy compared to MOST. Their ML model proposed the incorporation of additional predictor variables when estimating latent heat flux (such as solar radiation), which stands in contrast to the classical MOST approach. However, the analysis in Wulfmeyer et al. (2024) is based on a rather short data period in August 2017 at three nearby locations in Oklahoma, USA, which limits the generalizability of the results. Here, we replicate and expand the findings from Wulfmeyer et al. (2024) on a dataset from the boundary layer field site (GM) Falkenberg of the German Meteorological Service over a period of twelve years, covering various seasons and synoptic weather situations. Our findings support the role of incoming shortwave radiation not only for latent but also for sensible heat flux estimates, particularly for other parts of the year. The results thus underline the potential to develop more advanced flux parameterizations beyond MOST. In future research, we intend to investigate the role of other predictor variables, such as vapor pressure deficit or soil moisture, to assess the generalizability of the relations, to judge their performance under extreme conditions, and to derive simple but universally applicable parameterizations.

How to cite: Butz, M. V., Karlbauer, M., Beyrich, F., and Wulfmeyer, V.: Replicating Sensible and Latent Heat Flux Diagnosis with Multilayer Perceptrons on Multi-Year Falkenberg Tower Data , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17542,, 2025.

EGU25-17958 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Towards a Hybrid Vegetation Model 

Maha Badri, Philipp Hess, Yunan Lin, Sebastian Bathiany, Maximilian Gelbrecht, and Niklas Boers

Vegetation plays a crucial role in the Earth's climate system via a number of key processes, affecting the exchange of carbon, water and energy between surface and atmosphere. The complex relationship between climate change and vegetation highlights the importance of accurate and reliable vegetation models that fully capture these interactions. 

Traditional vegetation models are primarily designed to operate on CPU architectures, which restricts their ability to exploit advancements in modern parallel computing architectures such as GPUs. Furthermore, limited process knowledge and the absence of direct observations and/or quantitative theories for certain processes hinder accurate representation of these processes, which introduces uncertainties in the model results, leading to discrepancies when compared to observations. The rigid structure of these traditional models also makes integration of new processes challenging and hinders the application of advanced optimization techniques for automatic parameter tuning and objective calibration using abundant observational data due to their non-differentiable nature.

This work follows a new paradigm in vegetation modeling that integrates the robustness of traditional models with the adaptive power of machine learning techniques. The goal is to combine reliable physical components with machine learning components. As opposed to classical vegetation models, the resulting hybrid model is differentiable and the parameters of both the physical and the neural network components can be optimized jointly and efficiently using observational data.

In the proposed hybrid vegetation model, machine learning can be used to improve the computational efficiency of the model by emulating computationally expensive routines. We have implemented the key processes related to photosynthesis in LPJ in Julia. This minimal model setup is used to explore the potential of machine learning to replace the computationally expensive root-finding algorithm used in computing the optimal ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 concentration, and hence stomatal conductance.

Machine learning can also be used for better process representation. The recently developed neural or universal differential equations offer a particularly promising methodological framework for learning the dynamics of carbon allocation to different vegetation pools using observations. The dynamics of carbon allocation to different plant components can be effectively modeled using a neural ODE approach, which utilizes observations of observable variables (e.g., Above Ground Biomass (AGB), Leaf Area Index (LAI)) to learn the dynamics of unobservable variables such as vegetation carbon pools.

How to cite: Badri, M., Hess, P., Lin, Y., Bathiany, S., Gelbrecht, M., and Boers, N.: Towards a Hybrid Vegetation Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17958,, 2025.

Modelling microplastic transport through porous media, such as soils and aquifers, is an emerging research topic, where existing hydrogeological models for (reactive) solute and colloid transport have shown limited effectiveness thus far. This perspective article draws upon recent literature to provide a brief overview of key microplastic transport processes, with emphases on less well-understood processes, to propose potential research directions for efficiently modeling microplastic transport through the porous environment. Microplastics are particulate matter with distinct physicochemical properties. Biogeochemical processes and physical interactions with the surrounding environment cause microplastic properties such as material density, geometry, chemical composition, and DLVO interaction parameters to change dynamically, through complex webs of interactions and feedbacks that dynamically affect transport behavior. Furthermore, microplastic material densities, which cluster around that of water, distinguish microplastics from other colloids, with impactful consequences that are often underappreciated. For example, (near-)neutral material densities cause microplastic transport behavior to be highly sensitive to spatio-temporally varying environmental conditions. The dynamic nature of microplastic properties implies that at environmentally relevant large spatio-temporal scales, the complex transport behavior may be effectively intractable to direct physical modeling. Therefore, efficient modeling may require integrating reduced-complexity physics-constrained models, with stochastic or statistical analyses, supported by extensive environmental data. This is a sub-project (focusing on microplastics in the environment) of the Digital Waters Flagship funded by the Research Council of Finland, where we aim to create a digital ecosystem for machine learning aided hydrological modelling of various hydrosphere processes across all environmental compartments, focusing particularly on the critical zone.

How to cite: Tang, D. and Yang, X.: Modeling microplastic transport through porous media: challenges arising from dynamic transport behavior, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18139,, 2025.

EGU25-18810 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Artificial Neural Network Approaches for Permeability Estimation 

Kyrillos Ghattas and Tamás Buday

Permeability should be dispersed conveniently to control the aquifer's type and quality. Permeability in a variety of porous media can be determined using different methods depending on the environment and the scope of the porosity media. These days, permeability of core samples and well logging data with greater aquifer heterogeneity, artificial intelligence algorithms are well-known for estimating permeability. Machine learning and artificial intelligence have gained popularity and credibility across all scientific fields. To address the dearth of resources in geosciences generally and hydrology specifically.

As soft computing techniques, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have demonstrated the capacity to estimate acceptable outputs with tolerable outcomes. The ANN model uses basic processing units, which are networks of interconnected neurons. The simplest approach is the Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network (FF-ANN). The Middle Jurassic Hugin Formation may have been deposited as a mouth bar setting during the period of general transgression, as evidenced by fluctuating permeability values brought on by changes in the sediment supply, which varying porosity values brought on by variations in the amount of clay and size of grains.

Keywords: Artificial Neural Network, Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network, Volve oilfield, Hugin Formation, Permeability estimation.

How to cite: Ghattas, K. and Buday, T.: Artificial Neural Network Approaches for Permeability Estimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18810,, 2025.

EGU25-19319 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/CL0.10

Emulation of sub-grid physics using stochastic, vertically recurrent neural networks 

Peter Ukkonen, Laura Mansfield, and Hannah Christensen

Machine learning (ML) has the potential to reduce systematic uncertainties in Earth System Models by replacing or complementing existing physics-based parameterizations of sub-grid processes. However, after decades of research, ensuring generalization and stability of ML-based parameterizations remains a major challenge.  We aim to minimize both epistemic and aleatoric sources of uncertainty via physically inspired, vertically recurrent neural networks (RNN) which offer key benefits such as parametric sparsity and efficient modeling of non-locality in a column. To address aleatoric uncertainty, we furthermore incorporate stochasticity and convective memory into the ML architecture. We present preliminary results using the ClimSim framework, where the physically inspired ML framework replaces a superparameterization in a low-resolution climate model.

How to cite: Ukkonen, P., Mansfield, L., and Christensen, H.: Emulation of sub-grid physics using stochastic, vertically recurrent neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19319,, 2025.

EGU25-1118 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Comparative Analysis of GCM Selection Approaches for Climate Change Impact Assessment in India 

Sachin Kumar, Mahendra kumar Choudhary, and Thomas Thomas

Reliable climate projections are crucial for informed decision-making in water resource planning and management. However, selecting suitable Global Climate Models (GCMs) remains challenging due to inherent uncertainties and computational constraints. This study introduces a novel hybrid approach for GCM selection, focusing on models that exhibit consistency in projecting future climate changes and skill in representing current climate conditions, including average climate, seasonal patterns, and climatic variations. GCM performance in simulating these critical properties was evaluated for rainfall, maximum temperature, and minimum temperature using the Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) metric, resulting in a structured 3×3 performance matrix for each GCM. The matrix distances, quantifying the disparities between each GCM's performance matrix and the ideal reference matrix, were used to represent overall model performance. GCMs were then ranked based on these differences using the Jenks natural breaks classification method to identify the top-performing models for ensemble construction. The proposed method was tested by selecting GCMs for Nigeria from 19 CMIP6 GCMs. Results indicate that 15 GCMs consistently projected future climate within a 95% confidence interval. Further evaluation reveals that ACCESS.ESM1.5, BCC.CSM2.MR, CMCC.ESM2, and MRI.ESM2.0 are the most suitable for simulating Nigeria's climate. The multi-model ensemble means of the selected GCMs projected a notable increase in rainfall by 10 to 40% over most of the country and maximum and minimum temperatures by 1.0 to 3.5°C and 0.5 to 4.0°C, respectively. The proposed approach offers an effective tool for GCM selection to enhance climate projection reliability.

How to cite: Kumar, S., Choudhary, M. K., and Thomas, T.: Comparative Analysis of GCM Selection Approaches for Climate Change Impact Assessment in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1118,, 2025.

EGU25-3831 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Historical stratospheric aerosol optical properties and volcanic sulfur emissions for CMIP7 Fast Track 

Thomas Aubry, Matthew Toohey, Anja Schmidt, Mahesh Kovilakam, Michael Sigl, Sujan Khanal, Man Mei Chim, Ben Johnson, Simon Carn, Magali Verkerk, Zebedee Nicholls, and Isabel Smith

Stratospheric aerosols, most of which originate from explosive volcanic sulfur emissions into the stratosphere, are a key natural driver of climate variability. They are thus one of the forcings provided by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) Climate Forcings Task Team for the CMIP7 Fast Track, a set of climate model experiments designed to deliver the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 7th assessment cycle. In this work, we document the final version of the stratospheric aerosol forcing datasets delivered to modelling groups for CMIP7 Fast Track. Our datasets cover the 1750-2023 period to meet to the need of modelling groups who might run extended historical simulations starting in 1750 instead of 1850. We produced one volcanic stratospheric sulfur emission dataset catering for the needs of models which have a prognostic interactive stratospheric aerosol scheme, as well as a stratospheric sulfate aerosol optical property dataset required by models that cannot interactively simulate stratospheric sufate aerosols. For the satellite era (from 1979 onwards), sulfur emissions and sufate aerosol optical properties are based on the MSVOLSO2L4 and GloSSAC datasets, respectively. For the pre-satellite era (1750-1978), the emission dataset is based on ice-core datasets complemented by the geological record for small-moderate magnitude eruptions not captured in ice-core records. Although inferring emissions of these eruptions from the geological record is highly uncertain, our approach minimizes an important bias in the pre-satellite era forcing, both in terms of mean and variability. The pre-satellite aerosol optical property dataset is directly derived from emissions using an updated version of EVA_H, a reduced-complexity volcanic aerosol model. This ensures methodological consistency between our emission and optical property datasets, and maximizes consistency with methodologies used in the paleoclimate (PMIP) and volcanic forcing (VolMIP) model intercomparison projects in CMIP6. We will present extensive comparison between our CMIP7 Fast Track dataset and the CMIP6 dataset. Last, we will discuss the main challenges to improve stratospheric aerosol datasets in the future and to move to high frequency (yearly or less) extension and update instead of an ad-hoc production for each CMIP phase.

How to cite: Aubry, T., Toohey, M., Schmidt, A., Kovilakam, M., Sigl, M., Khanal, S., Chim, M. M., Johnson, B., Carn, S., Verkerk, M., Nicholls, Z., and Smith, I.: Historical stratospheric aerosol optical properties and volcanic sulfur emissions for CMIP7 Fast Track, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3831,, 2025.

EGU25-4053 | Posters on site | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Research on Key Technologies of 3D Geological Model Rendering in Cloud Environment 

Yue Song, Zhenji Gao, Guoxi Song, and Jingchao Li

3D model is a 3D digital representation of objective things, which has been widely applied in fields like urban construction, disaster prevention and mitigation, medical research, biological science, industrial manufacturing, agricultural production, etc. As a special 3D model, 3D geological model possesses the characteristics of 3D model and plays a fundamental role in geological survey, mineral exploitation, underground engineering and smart city construction.With the development of intelligent sensing technology and 3D geological modeling technology, the scale of 3D geological model data increases exponentially. Meanwhile, with the pace of large-scale underground engineering and smart city continuing to increase, 3D geological model with fine large scenes is being eagerly required. The rapid growth of data and the refinement of large application scenes bring new challenges to the real-time dynamic visualization of 3D geological models. These challenges are mainly reflected in the new technical problems related to 3D geological model rendering.This study focuses on 3D geological model rendering and puts forward the corresponding solutions. The validity of the technology has been proved by the simulation test of cluster cloud environment consisting of 5 computers. The technique has been applied in the construction of 3D geological information and visualization system in transparent Xiong’an.Firstly, the data organization mode of two common structures of 3D geological model (3D geological structure model and 3D geological high-precision grid model) is analyzed, and a distributed storage strategy of 3D geological model based on MongoDB is proposed. Aiming at the characteristics of multi-layer data in z-direction of 3D geological structure model, an octree index mechanism is proposed to improve the efficiency of data scheduling according to the z-direction spatial information and layer information. The rendering optimization of a single node 3D geological model is studied. The rendering in the cloud environment still needs the cooperation of each sub-node. Therefore, the overall rendering efficiency in the cloud environment can be improved by adopting efficient rendering optimization strategies for the 3D geological model of each node and selecting an effective node scheduling strategies. Single-node 3D geological model rendering is mainly performed by transferring data from memory to GPU. The communication between memory and GPU is a bottleneck, which will affect the overall rendering efficiency. Through the strategies of visibility elimination, LOD establishment, data merging and instance rendering optimization, this thesis effectively reduces the number of drawing calls and communication times. How to optimize and improve the overall performance of 3D geological model rendering in cloud environment from a global perspective is studied, and a multi-level distributed SCMP framework is proposed, which integrates the advantages of cluster, GPU, distributed storage, etc., to maximize the distributed computing ability of existing machines and improve the rendering efficiency in cloud environment. From the experimental data, the node invocation optimization strategy with “GPU+CPU” can ensure that the frame rate of the four rendering nodes and the end-user scene in the cloud environment is stable at about 35 frames per second, and can achieve satisfactory cluster load balancing effect.

How to cite: Song, Y., Gao, Z., Song, G., and Li, J.: Research on Key Technologies of 3D Geological Model Rendering in Cloud Environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4053,, 2025.

EGU25-5383 | Posters on site | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Research and application of key technologies of geological data platform 

ning cui and zhenji gao

As a data-intensive science, earth system science has been focusing on the research of living environment and constituent element’s characteristics, including its forming time, location and evolution. With big data and AI boosting, there are more opportunities and challenges for geological research transformation. And it is more likely to improve geological survey and geological research by means of information method such as AI algorithm, methods, tools, software, and etc.. As for the storage, distribution and application of different format and discipline data, the key is to set up a series of rules and tools to realize the data services’ flexible using in security. It adopts hybrid data management framework to build up an unified index to support the spatial geological data finding. The matching platform is also developed to realize the geological achievements distribution. Moreover, it can significantly benefit faster and more efficient research. In all, the technique has been applied successful on Chinese geological survey information platform with great reuse adaptability on other platforms.

How to cite: cui, N. and gao, Z.: Research and application of key technologies of geological data platform, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5383,, 2025.

EGU25-5765 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.6/CL0.3

CMIP7 historical greenhouse gas forcing and steps towards sustained releases 

Zebedee Nicholls, Mika Pflüger, and Malte Meinshausen

Climate forcings are the input drivers to coupled climate models (AGOCMs) and earth system models (ESMs). They are routinely used as part of the coupled model intercomparison project (CMIP). Here we present the historical greenhouse gas forcing used in the seventh phase of CMIP (CMIP7) and compare it to its predecessors from CMIP6 and CMIP5. We show that revised methods and input data have had little effect on historical estimates of greenhouse gas forcing, but that greenhouse gas forcing has continued to increase since 2015 (the end of the CMIP6 historical experiment), even if forcing from some specific gases has decreased. Beyond the greenhouse gas forcings, there are a number of other forcings involved in CMIP. Following on from our involvement in the CMIP Forcings Task Team, we present an outline for moving towards sustained, roughly annual, releases of these forcings and discuss the challenges for realising this possibility.

How to cite: Nicholls, Z., Pflüger, M., and Meinshausen, M.: CMIP7 historical greenhouse gas forcing and steps towards sustained releases, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5765,, 2025.

With the major challenges posed by climate change and significant shifts in Earth systems, the need for high-precision and diverse climate predictions has grown. These predictions aim to explore a variety of scenarios, such as the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). Advances in computational power have enabled the development of sophisticated coupled physical-biogeochemical-ecological models of marine systems. However, these models remain computationally intensive and energy-demanding, raising questions about the appropriate level of complexity relative to the availability of independent data for accurate calibration, and calls for simplification to reduce execution time. Here, we aim to simplify the Eco3M-MED model, which is a complex biogeochemical model representing the low trophic levels (up to mesozooplankton) in the ocean through 37 state variables, and which is intended to be run at the scale of the Mediterranean basin.

Common simplification methods include conservation analysis, lumping, time exploration, and sensitivity analysis. Since most of these simplification methods reduce or even penalize the ability to interpret model results, or require complex implementation, we have chosen a simple, classic method, based on the local sensitivity analysis (One-Factor-At-A-Time, OFAT) method that does not impair this ability. This work's originality lies in the approach adopted to obtain different declinations of the reduced model. This approach indeed benefits from an original strategy for parametrizing the Eco3M-MED model, initiated several years ago and recently implemented in practice. This strategy consists of the construction of a set of consistent parameters, resulting in the establishment of relations between the so-called core parameters and dependent parameters. Core parameters are perturbed based on the level of knowledge of each parameter. The main objective of this study is to apply this novel approach to identify the biogeochemical processes that can be removed with minimal impact on model performance, thereby enabling model simplification and reducing computational costs. We also apply the principle that a single simplified model is not necessarily the best solution, and aim instead to derive a family of simplified models associated with different usage objectives, ensuring that the simplified model reproduces certain quantities well in particular.  The criteria used to derive a simplified model from the sensitivity analysis are also subject to analysis to identify their influence on the degree of simplification. Finally, the computational efficiency and accuracy of simplified models were compared with the full model to determine optimal simplification for specific applications. Future research will focus on performing global sensitivity analysis on high-impact core parameters to assess uncertainties in both the full and simplified models.

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Baklouti, M., and Brasseur, P.: Sensitivity-driven simplification of complex ecosystem models: Integrating mechanistic insights for cost reduction and predictive accuracy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6300,, 2025.

Earth system reconstructions are key to understanding past climate dynamics, environmental variability, and biogeochemical cycles, revealing how Earth responds to natural and human influences. These reconstructions require integrating geological, geophysical, and geochemical data with advanced computational models.

Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) enhance the processing of complex datasets, improving the accuracy and predictive power of Earth system reconstructions. To leverage this, we develope GeoGPT, a domain-specific LLM for geosciences, trained on open-source data. This open-source, non-profit project encourages broad collaboration among experts in broad branches of the geoscience and AI. GeoGPT helps advance Earth system reconstructions, offering deeper insights into Earth's past and future, and guiding responses to environmental challenges.

By harnessing the combined strengths of Geoscientists, AI experts, and the broader research community, GeoGPT aspires to unlock new avenues of exploration, accelerate breakthrough discoveries.

How to cite: Chen, H.: GeoGPT and Its Potential Applications for Earth system Reconstructions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7628,, 2025.

EGU25-9233 | Orals | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Reconstructing the Topographic Evolution of Active Margins Since the Devonian Using Artificial Intelligence 

Satyam Pratap Singh, Maria Seton, Sabin Zahirovic, and Nicky M. Wright

Active margin topography has profoundly shaped Earth’s climate, biodiversity, and natural resource distribution over geological time. However, reconstructing paleotopography in these regions remains challenging due to the sparse and uneven distribution of proxies like stable isotope paleoaltimetry, palynology, paleobotany, and thermochronology. These traditional methods often leave large spatial and temporal gaps, with uncertainties in paleoelevation estimates reaching up to 2,000–3,000 m. To address these challenges, we introduce an innovative workflow utilizing artificial intelligence to reconstruct paleotopography at active margins since the Devonian. Using Explainable Boosting Machines (EBMs), we identify key factors such as plate kinematics, mantle dynamics, and climate that govern active margin topography. Insights from the EBM analysis guided the development of a Random Forest (RF)-based regressor which was then used to predict paleotopography through time. Our RF model achieved a mean error of 554 m when validated against present-day ETOPO elevation data. Our model highlights time-evolving subduction flux, trench migration rates, and upper mantle temperature as the primary controls on active margin topography. To validate our approach, we compare our reconstructions with existing paleotopographic models and geological proxies in two regions: the Cenozoic Andes and Mesozoic-Cenozoic Eastern China. For the Andes, our model closely matches the existing reconstructions, highlighting a ~4,000 km rapid rise of the Altiplano since the late Oligocene, driven by an increase in subduction flux (from 0.03 km³/yr to 0.10 km³/yr) and a transition in trench migration from retreating (2 cm/yr) to stationary, likely due to slab anchoring. In Eastern China, our model predicts sustained high topography (>2,500 m) during much of the Cretaceous, attributed to high subduction flux (>0.12 km³/yr) from the Pacific Plate and an advancing trench. A subsequent shift to trench retreat (-2 cm/yr) in the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic led to back-arc extension and a decline in elevation to ~1000 m. Our study offers a transformative approach to bridging gaps in paleotopographic constraints, improving our understanding of the interplay between surface and interior processes. By providing a robust framework for reconstructing past landscapes, our model has significant implications for studying ecosystems, biodiversity evolution, and the metallogenesis of convergent margins.

How to cite: Singh, S. P., Seton, M., Zahirovic, S., and Wright, N. M.: Reconstructing the Topographic Evolution of Active Margins Since the Devonian Using Artificial Intelligence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9233,, 2025.

EGU25-10752 | Posters on site | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Preparing AWI-CM3 for CMIP7: Implementing anthropogenic aerosol forcing (MACv2-SP) 

Nadine Wieters, Jan Streffing, Helge Goessling, and Thomas Jung

Earth system modelling is an important instrument to investigate climate change in an integrated way, taking into account the interactions between the different compartments of the Earth system. It is also an important tool to perform climate projections for different climate scenarios in order to take appropriate mitigation and adaptation measures. Such climate simulations are coordinated internationally as part of the World Climate Research Programme’s (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 7 (CMIP7).

Climate forcings are key for defining the main drivers of climate change in climate simulations. A very important aspect of the CMIP7 intercomparison is that all participating models were run under similar experimental conditions. In particular, in using the same climate forcings in the different models.

The Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) will participate in the CMIP7 project with two state-of-the-art Earth system models AWI-CM3 and AWI-ESM3. This is being done as part of the German contribution to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CAP7). The AWI contribution to CAP7 includes the adaptation of the AWI-CM3 model to be able to use different forcing data (such as greenhouse gases, solar forcing, O3, and aerosol forcing) to fulfil the requirements of CMIP7. One task is therefore the implementation of the climate forcing dataset for anthropogenic aerosols MACv2-SP (currently available for CMIP6plus [Fiedler and Sudarchikova, 2024]) provided for CMIP7. For this purpose, an aerosol interface will be implemented in the AWI-CM3 climate model to read and process the aerosol forcing data provided by the MACv2-SP dataset.

In this presentation we will discuss the implementation of the MACv2-SP data into the AWI-CM3 climate model and present first results of the responses to these forcings.

How to cite: Wieters, N., Streffing, J., Goessling, H., and Jung, T.: Preparing AWI-CM3 for CMIP7: Implementing anthropogenic aerosol forcing (MACv2-SP), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10752,, 2025.

EGU25-11291 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Climate Models Underestimate Satellite Era Land-ocean Warming Contrast in the Tropics 

Masaki Toda, Sarah Kang, and Tiffany Shaw

General circulation models (GCM) can reasonably reproduce the global mean temperature trend during the historical period. In this study, we examine the performance of CMIP6 models in reproducing the changes in land-ocean temperature contrast between 1979-2014 during the comprehensive satellite observation era. The observed land-ocean warming contrast, defined as the land warming trend divided by the ocean warming trend, is completely outside the model spread of the historical scenario, indicating that the models severely underestimate land temperature increase relative to global mean temperature warming. Even when sea surface temperatures are prescribed to observations in AMIP experiments, the land warming trend remains outside the model spread, particularly between 15S and 15N. This was shown to be because GCM overestimates the increase in specific humidity on tropical land and underestimates the drying trend on tropical land. Since future projections over land have a significant impact on human activity, improving the representation of tropical land surface processes in GCMs is essential.

How to cite: Toda, M., Kang, S., and Shaw, T.: Climate Models Underestimate Satellite Era Land-ocean Warming Contrast in the Tropics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11291,, 2025.

EGU25-12178 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.6/CL0.3

 Economic consequences of CMIP diversity and targets for CMIP7 

Jonathan Rosser and David Stainforth

The CMIP ensembles represent a partial exploration of our uncertainty in the future physical climate under various scenarios for future greenhouse gas emissions. They are thus valuable tools for exploring the potential consequences of climate change for society. One aspect of this is the impact on global and national economies. In the economics literature this is often addressed through a “damage function” which relates economic damages to national, regional or global changes in temperature.

Here we will present an assessment of the economic damages implied by the CMIP6 ensemble for various nations/regions, different Shared Socio-Economic pathways, and, crucially, a variety of different damage functions. A number of important factors will be highlighted including:

  • The uncertainty in economic damages which arises from the chaotic nature of the climate system, characterised by those CMIP6 models with relatively large initial condition ensembles.
  • The relative consequences for economic assessments of uncertainty in the damage function, the choice of CMIP6 model (model uncertainty), chaotic uncertainty (initial condition uncertainty), and scenario uncertainty.
  • How these factors vary by country and region.


CMIP6 only represents a limited exploration of uncertainty in the physical climate response and there is also considerable uncertainty in the damage functions beyond that currently explored in the literature. These represent deep uncertainty. We will present plans for future work to embed more thorough explorations of epistemic uncertainty into future analyses, including the consequences of crossing tipping points. These considerations are valuable when considering the design and implementation of the CMIP7 project. What would be the most useful design characteristics if the target were economic assessments? We will address this question in terms of both the size of initial condition sub-ensembles, the diversity of models included, and the value of a mixture of higher and lower resolution model implementations.

How to cite: Rosser, J. and Stainforth, D.:  Economic consequences of CMIP diversity and targets for CMIP7, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12178,, 2025.

EGU25-12926 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.6/CL0.3

1950-control vs 1850-control: How do HighResMIP simulations relate to CMIP simulations? 

Michael Lai and Malcolm Roberts

A common set of simulation is important for intercomparison between different models. The ‘entry-card’ to participate in CMIP is to perform the baseline DECK simulations (1850-control, 1pctCO2, abrupt-4xCO2, historical-amip). However, performing the control and historical simulations from an 1850 baseline is prohibitively expensive for high-resolution, fully-coupled, general-circulation-models (GCMs). Therefore, HighResMIP chose to use a shorter experimental protocol based on 1950 conditions alongside a shorter spin-up length and simplified aerosols. Because of this difference in protocol, it is not clear exactly how the HighResMIP simulations relate to the other CMIP simulations. In this study we analyse the control and historical simulations of the HadGEM3-GC3.1 model, which performed control and historical simulations based on both 1950 and 1850 baselines. Our results show that the absolute temperature is sensitive to the different experimental protocol, but the anomalies are much more comparable. This opens an interesting discussion on whether climate change should be discussed in terms of absolute values or anomalies. The difference in the absolute value (and mean state) is largely due to the different aerosol scheme used in CMIP and HighResMIP for this particular model. The second phase of HighResMIP no longer require models to use Easy Aerosol, so modelling centres should use the same aerosol scheme if they would like their HighResMIP simulations to be comparable to CMIP simulations.

How to cite: Lai, M. and Roberts, M.: 1950-control vs 1850-control: How do HighResMIP simulations relate to CMIP simulations?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12926,, 2025.

EGU25-14119 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Constraints on regional projections of mean and extreme precipitation under warming 

Panxi Dai, Ji Nie, Yan Yu, and Renguang Wu

The projected changes in the hydrological cycle under global warming remain highly uncertain across current climate models. Here, we demonstrate that the observational past warming trend can be utilized to effectively constrain future projections in mean and extreme precipitation on both global and regional scales. The physical basis for such constraints relies on the relatively constant climate sensitivity in individual models and the reasonable consistency of regional hydrological sensitivity among the models, which is dominated and regulated by the increases in atmospheric moisture. For the high-emission scenario, on the global average, the projected changes in mean precipitation are lowered from 6.9% to 5.2% and those in extreme precipitation from 24.5% to 18.1%, with the inter-model variances reduced by 31.0% and 22.7%, respectively. Moreover, the constraint can be applied to regions in middle-to-high latitudes, particularly over land. These constraints result in spatially resolved corrections that deviate substantially and inhomogeneously from the global mean corrections. This study provides regionally constrained hydrological responses over the globe, with direct implications for climate adaptation in specific areas.

How to cite: Dai, P., Nie, J., Yu, Y., and Wu, R.: Constraints on regional projections of mean and extreme precipitation under warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14119,, 2025.

EGU25-14140 | Posters on site | ITS1.6/CL0.3

CMIP6 Models Properly Simulate the Emergence of Global Ocean Warming Pattern 

Huang-Hsiung Hsu and Yu-Lun Chen

The global sea surface warming pattern emerged since the early 1980s is characterized by a boomerang-shape warming in the western Pacific, the basin-wide warming in the Indian Ocean north of 30°S, and a triple-stripe warming in the North Atlantic. This pattern can be obtained with or without El Niño/La Niña signals, indicating the independence of El Niño/La Niña, and is the leading EOF with the El Niño/La Niña signals removed. A negative phase of this pattern started emerging in the early 1980s, switched to positive phase in the 1990s, and has been becoming more prominent for the past few years.

CMIP models have been found to have difficulty simulating observed global sea surface temperature (SST) trend, especially the cooling trend in the tropical eastern Pacific. However, the cooling trend in the tropical eastern Pacific in the past four decades is statistically insignificant in our trend analysis adopting a more stringent signal detection method (namely, the False Discovery Rate, FDR). By applying the same trend detection and EOF approach to the simulated SST in the historical simulations of forty CMIP6 models by removing El Niño/La Niña signals, we detected in the ensemble mean SST a trend pattern closely resembling the observed, which also changes from negative to positive phases in the late 1990s and continues becoming more positive into 2014. Whereas each model has slightly different performance in simulating this trend pattern, the ensemble time series of corresponding trend pattern in each model correctly reflects the emergence and enhancement of the warming pattern in the past four decades. However, this model ability seems to be masked by the large fluctuations of El Niño/La Niña, an intrinsic climate mode contributing large internal variability to the global domain, and its temporal fluctuations cannot be synchronized in the coupled models in the historical experiments, which are strongly driven by continuously increasing radiative effect of greenhouse gases concentration. On the other hand, The models seem to be capable of simulating the emergence of the global ocean warming pattern in response to the prescribed increasing greenhouse gas concentration.

How to cite: Hsu, H.-H. and Chen, Y.-L.: CMIP6 Models Properly Simulate the Emergence of Global Ocean Warming Pattern, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14140,, 2025.

GeoGPT is a non-profit domain-specific Large Language Model for geosciences, trained based on open-source data. It provides an effective solution to the challenges of managing large data volumes, complex formats, and low efficiency in the utilization of books and papers in the field of paleontology. Its powerful data extraction capabilities will significantly enhance the efficiency of extracting, analyzing, and building databases for data of various formats, sizes, and origins. This enables scientists to construct online fossil datasets and empowers paleontologists to develop innovative tools such as paleontological classification assistants. Not only does this accelerate scientific research progress, but it also makes the acquisition and application of paleontological data, such as invertebrate fossils, more convenient, ultimately driving comprehensive progress in the field of paleontology.

How to cite: Xiang, Z.: GeoGPT: Transforming Paleontology with AI-Powered Data Extraction and Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14239,, 2025.

One of the major challenges faced by the geotectonic community is how to determine the paleolongitude of continents and tectonic plates as we try to reconstruct Earth’s tectonic history back in time, because classic paleomagnetic record is only sensitive to paleolatitude.  Torsvik et al. (2014) previously used mantle structure as a reference frame for palaeolongitude constraints back in Earth history, assuming that the two equatorial and antipodal large low shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs) observed in present-day Earth’s lower mantle are fixed and stable ancient structures unrelated to plate tectonic history and subduction geometry. However, such an assumption is inconsistent with true polar wander (TPW) record (Li et al., 2004, 2023), the cyclic occurrence of global mantle plume activity coupled with the supercontinent cycle (Li et al., 2008; and Zhong, 2009), and geodynamic modelling results (Zhong et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2010; Flament et al., 2017).

In a recent paper of Li et al. (2023), we utilized palaeomagnetically interpreted TPW record, particularly inertia interchange true polar wander (IITPW) events, and global mantle plume record, to develop a dynamic global mantle reference frame that not only provides a first-order mantle dynamic evolution for the past 2 billion years, but also for the first time provides a way to trace the longitudinal change of continents and tectonic plates back in time. In particular, through the recognition of newly-defined type-1 and type-2 IITPW events coupled with plume record checking, we are now able to hypothesis that: (1) in periods with type-1 IITPW, the concerned supercontinent had developed its own degree-2 mantle structure (e.g., the antipodal LLSVPs divided by concurrent circum-supercontinent subduction girdle); (2) in periods with type-2 IITPW, a young supercontinent or multiple plates during the assembly of that supercontinent were moving over a legacy degree-2 mantle structure of the immediate ancestor supercontinent prior to the maturity of its own mantle structure. In our model, Nuna (lifespan 1600–1300 Ma) assembled at about the same longitude as the latest supercontinent Pangaea (lifespan 320–170 Ma), with an equatorial degree-2 mantle structure starting to exist as early as ca. 1700 Ma. Rodinia (lifespan 900–720 Ma) formed through introversion assembly over the legacy Nuna subduction girdle either ca. 90 to the west or to the east before the subduction girdle surrounding it generated its own degree-2 mantle structure by ca. 780 Ma (but not before 800 Ma). Pangea assembled over the subduction girdle of legacy Rodinian degree-2 mantle structure, with its own degree-2 mantle structure (the one we still observe today) formed no much earlier than 270 Ma.


Flament, N., Williams, S., Müller, R.D. et al., 2017. Nat. Commun. 8, 14164.

Li, Z.-X., Liu, Y. and Ernst, R., 2023. Earth-Sci. Rev. 238, 104336.

Torsvik, T.H., van der Voo, R., Doubrovine, P.V. et al., 2014. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 111 (24), 8735–8740.

Zhang, N., Zhong, S., Leng, W., Li, Z.-X., 2010. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 115(B6), B06401.

How to cite: Li, Z.-X.: Absolute longitudinal constraints for palaeogeographic reconstruction based on a dynamic mantle reference frame, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15897,, 2025.

EGU25-15908 | Posters on site | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Solar forcing for CMIP7 

Bernd Funke, Thierry Dudok de Wit, Margit Haberreiter, Daniel Marsh, Ilaria Ermolli, Doug Kinnison, Hilde Nesse, Annika Seppälä, Miriam Sinnhuber, Ilya Usoskin, Timo Asikainen, Stefan Bender, Theodosios Chatzistergos, Odele Coddington, Sergey Koldoboskiy, Judith Lean, Max van de Kamp, and Pekka Verronen

Back in 2017, solar forcing recommendations for the 6th round of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) were provided which covered, for the first time, all relevant solar irradiance and energetic particle contributions. Since then, this dataset has been extensively used in climate model experiments and has been tested in various intercomparison studies. Further, new datasets have been come available. An International Space Sciene Institute (ISSI) Working Group has been established to review these recent achievements in order to define the strategy for building a revised solar forcing dataset for the 7th round of CMIP. After receiving community feedback on this strategy, a historical solar forcing dataset for CMIP7 has been recently constructed. Major changes with respect to CMIP6 include the adoption of the new Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor (TSIS-1) solar reference spectrum for solar spectral irradiance and an improved description of top-of-the-atmosphere energetic electron fluxes, as well as their reconstruction back to 1850 by means of geomagnetic proxy data. Solar irradiance varaibility in the reference forcing dataset is based on historical reconstructions generated with the new empirical NASA NOAA LASP (NNL) Solar Spectral Irradiance Version 1 model, NNLSSI1. In adition, an alternative solar irradiance dataset, based on SATIRE, is provided for sensitivity experiments. In this talk we will discuss the applied modifications with respect to CMIP6 and their implication for climate modeling. Ongoing activities on solar forcing uncertainty quantification and the construction of future solar forcing scenarios will also be summarized.

How to cite: Funke, B., Dudok de Wit, T., Haberreiter, M., Marsh, D., Ermolli, I., Kinnison, D., Nesse, H., Seppälä, A., Sinnhuber, M., Usoskin, I., Asikainen, T., Bender, S., Chatzistergos, T., Coddington, O., Koldoboskiy, S., Lean, J., van de Kamp, M., and Verronen, P.: Solar forcing for CMIP7, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15908,, 2025.

EGU25-16299 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Reconstructing paleogeography using site-level apparent polar wander paths 

Bram Vaes and Douwe van Hinsbergen

Paleomagnetism provides the main quantitative tool for reconstructing Earth’s paleogeography. Apparent polar wander paths (APWPs), derived from paleomagnetic data, trace the motion of tectonic plates relative to the Earth’s rotation axis through geological time, providing a paleogeographic framework for studying the evolution of Earth’s interior, surface, and atmosphere. Traditionally, APWPs are calculated from study-mean paleomagnetic poles that are assigned equal weight, regardless of the number of paleomagnetic sites used to compute it and the uncertainties in the position or age of the pole. Here, we introduce the next generation of APWPs that are calculated from site-level paleomagnetic data instead of from study-mean poles. This alternative approach assigns larger weight to larger data sets and allows the incorporation of spatial and temporal uncertainties. We demonstrate the advantages of this new method with recently published APWPs based on compiled (Gallo et al., 2023) and simulated site-level data (Vaes et al., 2023). We show how the latter, a global APWP for the last 320 Ma, provides more reliable estimates of the apparent polar wander rate of all major tectonic plates, and discuss its implications for the rate and magnitude of true polar wander since 320 Ma. In addition, we introduce an online, open-source environment that provides user-friendly tools to compute site-level APWPs and to use them to quantify relative paleomagnetic displacements. We showcase how these tools are currently used to compute site-level APWPs, e.g., for the North China block and Tibetan terranes. Finally, we provide future directions for the construction of APWPs and highlight opportunities for improving their quality and resolution.

How to cite: Vaes, B. and van Hinsbergen, D.: Reconstructing paleogeography using site-level apparent polar wander paths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16299,, 2025.

EGU25-17597 | Posters on site | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Solar forcing for CMIP7: making of future scenarios 

Thierry Dudok de Wit, Bernd Funke, Margit Haberreiter, Dan Marsh, Ilaria Ermolli, Doug Kinnison, Hilde Nesse, Annika Seppälä, Miriam Sinnhuber, Ilya Usoskin, Timo Asikainen, Stefan Bender, Theodosios Chatzistergos, Odele Coddington, Sergey Koldoboskiy, Judith Lean, Max van de Kamp, and Pekka Verronen

The provision of solar forcing datasets for CMIP7 includes a dataset with scenarios from the present to 2300. This dataset contains daily values of the same variables as in the historical solar forcing for CMIP7, namely: solar spectral irradiance, medium energy electrons, solar energetic protons and galactic cosmic rays. In contrast to CMIP6, which had only two scenarios, for CMIP7 we will provide a large ensemble of scenarios to avoid selection bias.

Let us stress that we are providing scenarios, not forecasts: the reconstructions vary randomly in time, but their statistical and spectral properties are fully consistent with historical variations, providing realistic surrogates for solar forcing.

In this presentation we explain how historical observations are used to build these surrogate reconstructions. This process involves several steps, starting with the 14C reconstructions of past solar activity. These will be described in detail, together with the first version of the dataset. 

How to cite: Dudok de Wit, T., Funke, B., Haberreiter, M., Marsh, D., Ermolli, I., Kinnison, D., Nesse, H., Seppälä, A., Sinnhuber, M., Usoskin, I., Asikainen, T., Bender, S., Chatzistergos, T., Coddington, O., Koldoboskiy, S., Lean, J., van de Kamp, M., and Verronen, P.: Solar forcing for CMIP7: making of future scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17597,, 2025.

EGU25-18187 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Linking small- and large-scale Digital Twins: A concept  

Aiden Durrant, William D. Harcourt, Bernhard Höfle, Hannah Weiser, and Ronald Tabernig

A Digital Twin (DT) is a data-driven model of a physical entity with two-information flows that enables the direct interaction between both. DTs of the natural environment are typically constructed by fusing multi-modal measurements of some physical phenomena using Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods. The physical entity interacts with the DT through natural changes whilst the DT interacts with the physical entity through automated changes in sensing systems and through decision-making processes. Large-scale DTs of the Earth system are currently in development through initiatives such as Destination Earth (DestinE) whilst small-scale DTs for local monitoring are in development for numerous applications such as hazard warning, agriculture and eco-hydrology. Currently these systems are being developed independently yet combining them offers opportunities for calibrating large-scale DTs and improving the resolution of large-scale DTs by replicating the dynamics of smaller systems using AI methods. In this contribution, we develop a new concept through which to link small- and large-scale DTs in order to automate an agile sensing system that can respond to natural environmental variability and directly measure changes of interest. Large-scale DTs are built primarily through Earth Observation (EO) data and describe regional to global scale changes in the Earth system whilst small-scale DTs simulate local variability using in situ sensors such as Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLS). Linking the two means the large-scale DT can inform small-scale DTs by adapting their measurements (e.g. spatial and temporal resolution, focus area of interest, specific physical measurements) in response to regional changes in, for example, weather patterns. We focus on the following components: 1) using the small-scale DT to downscale the large-scale DT and ‘zoom’ into areas of interest; 2) using both the small- and large-scale DT to automatically detect changes in the environment and acquire new measurements without human intervention; and 3) using the small-scale DTs to calibrate large-scale DTs. With the increasing development of digital twin technology in the environmental sciences, our new concept will enable better integration of DTs and improve monitoring performance, which can improve decision-making. 

How to cite: Durrant, A., Harcourt, W. D., Höfle, B., Weiser, H., and Tabernig, R.: Linking small- and large-scale Digital Twins: A concept , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18187,, 2025.

EGU25-18925 | Posters on site | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Earth system responses to external forcings : opportunities from paleoclimate studies and the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) for CMIP 

Masa Kageyama, Chris Brierley, and Jean-Yves Peterschmitt and the the PMIP community

Paleoclimate information has played a key role in demonstrating how the Earth System responds to a variety of external forcings and how the earth’s climate is tightly related to atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. Although no strict analogue of possible future climate states exists, testing our understanding of the earth system, as embedded in earth system models, for conditions widely different from the historical period, is made possible by the existence of paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Since its start in 1995, PMIP, the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (, has fostered and coordinated model-model and model-data comparisons for key periods: the mid-Holocene, ~6000 years ago, the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), 21,000 years ago, the last two millennia, the last interglacial, the mid-Pliocene warm period (MPWP) were the key periods for PMIP4-CMIP6, with specific targets for each period. For instance, the enhanced monsoons and response of the northern high latitudes for the mid Holocene, the fate of Arctic sea ice and climate of the last interglacial, large spatial gradients and equilibrium climate sensitivity for the LGM and MPWP. In addition, each of these periods stood as reference for further PMIP experiments aimed to better understand the response of the climate system to external forcings.

For the next CMIP phase, PMIP continues to contribute studies on the responses to external forcings. This poster will present the targets for the FastTrack last interglacial experiment (abrupt-127k) as well as future opportunities related to other periods (e. g. Kageyama et al., 2024). We look forward to discuss with the CMIP and PMIP communities to plan further cross-cutting work and analyses.

Acknowledgements and cited reference.

We are acknowledging the help of the PMIP community in building PMIP over the years.

Kageyama M, et al., (2024) Lessons from paleoclimates for recent and future climate change: opportunities and insights. Front. Clim. 6:1511997. doi: 10.3389/fclim.2024.1511997

How to cite: Kageyama, M., Brierley, C., and Peterschmitt, J.-Y. and the the PMIP community: Earth system responses to external forcings : opportunities from paleoclimate studies and the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) for CMIP, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18925,, 2025.

EGU25-20295 | Orals | ITS1.6/CL0.3

CMIP7 solar forcing validation 

Margit Haberreiter and the CMIP7 Solar Forcing Validation Team

We present the CMIP7 solar forcing dataset and its validation both for the effects of solar irradiance and particle forcing. In particular we present the results from first simulation runs that use the new CMIP7 as well as the previous CMIP6 dataset for the period 2002-2012, covering two solar maxima and a deep solar minimum. Specifically, we present simulation runs carried out with the chemistry-climate models WACCM, SOCOL, EMAC, ICON and KASIMA to determine the response to the solar SSI and particle forcing. The performance of the CMIP7 recommendations with respect to atmospheric radiative heating and composition will be evaluated both compared to the CMIP6 recommendations, and to satellite observations of atmospheric trace gases. The different responses and their implications will be discussed.

How to cite: Haberreiter, M. and the CMIP7 Solar Forcing Validation Team: CMIP7 solar forcing validation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20295,, 2025.

EGU25-21621 | Posters on site | ITS1.6/CL0.3

Tibetan Plateau paleogeographic reconstructions during the India-Asia collision: from paleoelevation proxies to geodynamic models 

Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Jean-Charles Fidalgo, Kévin Moreau, Lucas Rivera, Zhantao Feng, Xiaomin Fang, Jérôme Lavé, and Alexis Licht

The past topographic evolution of the Tibetan-Himalayan orogen holds the key to understanding interactions between Earth, Climate and Life processes since deep times. This has been hindered so far by the lack of accurate paleogeographic reconstructions of the orogen through time based on well-dated reliable proxies of past elevations. In the sedimentary archives of the basins formed in the orogen during the collision, recovered fossil content including pollen, fish and mammals yielded first order estimates on elevations based on environmental conditions of nearest living relatives while leaf physiognomies provided more direct constraints. Stable isotope composition from ancient meteoric waters preserved in pedogenic carbonates and biomarkers have been recovered and interpreted in terms of paleoelevations assuming past meteoric lapse rates. Outside of the basins in the high massifs, synkinematic hydrous silicates preserving ancient rainfalls have been used for paleoaltimetry purpose, notably in the Himalayas. Despite these significant efforts, the new paleoelevation datasets have led more to controversy than consensus. Fierce debates currently involve several international groups. Widely different topographic growth scenarios have been proposed with end-members ranging from a high Plateau prior to the onset of the India-Asia collision (“Proto-Tibetan Plateau”), to a much more recent - mostly Miocene - uplift and the preservation of broad low elevation valleys late until the Neogene.

As part of the starting TIBETOP project (funded by the french ANR) we propose here a state-of-the-art review of paleoelevation proxies across the Tibetan-Himalayan orogen, ranging from surface records in sedimentary basins to deeper crustal rocks now exhumed in the relief and mountain belts bordering these basins. We present a compilation and reappraisal of the existing regional paleoelevation data including revised provenance, stratigraphy dating, and stable isotope data in basin records as well as structural context, exhumation and fluid-rock deformation interactions at different interfaces of the continental crust. The TIBETOP project thus aims to produce a set of interactive paleogeographic reconstructions through time with associated datasets constraining the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen since the India-Asia collision. These will be improved through the project to include new data and updated paleogeographic reconstructions made available to modelers of climatic, biotic and surface processes to enable testing the above cited fundamental hypotheses on the role of mountain and plateau building on Earth System processes over geologic time.

How to cite: Dupont-Nivet, G., Fidalgo, J.-C., Moreau, K., Rivera, L., Feng, Z., Fang, X., Lavé, J., and Licht, A.: Tibetan Plateau paleogeographic reconstructions during the India-Asia collision: from paleoelevation proxies to geodynamic models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21621,, 2025.

The integration of big data, cloud models, and extensive knowledge to drive new knowledge discovery through data is a new paradigm for research in the field of Earth sciences. Although the advancement of big data technologies and infrastructures has simplified data acquisition, deep-time geoscience still faces challenges such as fragmented data, difficulties in visualization, and insufficient computing power. To assist the broad community of geoscientists, we propose the "Deep Platform," a one-stop online research platform that utilizes cloud computing and advanced technologies. The platform provides open access to deep-time geoscientific data, knowledge, models, and computing power. It is designed to promote collaborative innovation and discovery among global geoscientists. The "Deep Platform" represents a significant advancement in geoscientific exploration, fostering global collaboration and advancing a data-driven research paradigm within the framework of open science.

How to cite: Hu, L.: DEEP Platform: Empowering Global Geoscientists  in Data-Driven Research Era, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21952,, 2025.

EGU25-1190 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.7/BG0.3

Unraveling Microbial Activity in Alpine Snow using metatranscriptomics: A 24-Hour Study of Diurnal Variations 

Francesca Schivalocchi, Sophie Darfeuil, Armelle Crouzet, Jean Martins, Dielleza Tusha, Jean Luc Jaffrezo, Christine Piot, and Catherine Larose

Understanding microbial activity in snowpacks is essential for unveiling the dynamics of cold ecosystems, yet little is known about how this activity changes between day and night. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a 24-hour study on a snowpack located in the French Alps, sampling snow at five-hour intervals across different layers —from the surface to the basal layer in contact with soil.

For each layer and time point, we sampled snow to assess microbial activity using omic techniques, like metagenomic and metatranscriptomics, coupled to the analysis of environmental parameters, including sunlight duration, snow pH and temperature. Our results revealed significant diurnal variations: sunlight, pH and temperature fluctuated throughout the 24-hour period, with microbial activity showing corresponding changes. For example, algae affiliated with Chlorella and Volvox, or fungi affiliated with Rhizophagus and Penicillium, showed different transcriptomic responses to diurnal changes in surface and basal samples. These findings highlight the influence of environmental factors on microbial processes in snow and provide the first insights into how microbial activity adapts to the diurnal cycle in snowpacks.

This study contributes to understanding microbial dynamics in snow-covered ecosystems, shedding light on the interplay between microorganisms and their environment over short temporal scales.

How to cite: Schivalocchi, F., Darfeuil, S., Crouzet, A., Martins, J., Tusha, D., Jaffrezo, J. L., Piot, C., and Larose, C.: Unraveling Microbial Activity in Alpine Snow using metatranscriptomics: A 24-Hour Study of Diurnal Variations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1190,, 2025.

The metabolic potential and activity of deep-sea microbes have not been fully explored by metatranscriptomics using the samples obtained by different sampling methods. Here, we report active deep-sea microbes obtained by the methods of Multiple in situ Nucleic Acid Collection (MISNAC), in situ microbial filtration and fixation (ISMIFF), in situ microbial filtration without fixation (ISMIFU) and the Niskin bottle at 1,038-m depth in the South China Sea. Higher biodiversity and different dominant active microbial taxa in the metatranscriptomes were detected in the MISNAC and ISMIFF samples, compared with the other two approaches. The transcriptional profiles of 40 conserved genes were similar between the MISNAC and ISMIFF samples, while expression of a quarter of these genes was not detected in the ISMIFU sample. Genes related to the CO oxidation and nitrification processes were highly transcribed in the MISNAC and ISMIFF transcriptomes, whereas genes for chemotaxis and low-oxygen adaptation were highly transcribed in the Niskin samples. Overall, our result highlights the importance of in situ sampling and preservation for more precise quantification of the ecological function of active deep-sea microbiomes.

How to cite: Wang, Y. and He, Y.: Transcriptional difference of deep-sea microorganisms under different sampling methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1494,, 2025.

EGU25-3250 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.7/BG0.3

Soil microbial community response to glacial rock flour amendment: insights from a microcosm experiment 

Kara Sampsell, Bastien Wild, Timothy Vogel, and Catherine Larose

The use of glacial rock flour as an agricultural soil amendment gained increasing interest due to its fine particle size, potential to deliver crop-essential nutrients, and capacity for Mg or Ca-rich silicates to enhance rock weathering to capture atmospheric CO2 in carbonate form. Additionally, some studies have observed that rock flour amendments can reduce N2O flux. Plant growth, carbon storage, and soil emissions are all influenced by microorganisms in soil, which actively participate in biotic weathering processes that release plant-essential nutrients like phosphate, potassium, and sulfur from minerals. Furthermore, microorganisms drive nitrogen and carbon cycling, which influences soil fertility and greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, the unknown impact of glacial flour application to soil microbial communities must be investigated. Our study aimed to assess a French agricultural soil microbial community responds to varying glacial rock flour application rates during a 12-week microcosm experiment. The granitic glacial flour selected for study originated from Mer de Glace (French Alps). To understand the microbial community’s response, we focused on taxonomic shifts, relative abundance of genes related to nitrogen cycling and nutrient access, and geochemical shifts between baseline and 12-week samples. We hypothesized that glacial flour amendment would select for a community that would reduce nitrogen losses through N2O and demonstrate improved ability to access flour-bound nutrients particularly at higher application rates compared to the control soil. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a 12-week microcosm study where glacial rock flour was added to 50 g of agricultural soil at rates of 0, 0.5, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 115, and 157 t ha-1. Each treatment had 12 replicates and one replicate per treatment was destructively sampled each week for analysis. For the higher application rates (30-157 t ha-1), a quartz powder control was included to account for potential changes in soil structure. Replicates remaining in the experiment were watered once per week up to 80% of water holding capacity to simulate agricultural irrigation or rainfall events. DNA was extracted from all samples for downstream analyses and subsamples from baseline and endpoint were retained for geochemical analyses. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was performed on the 16S and 18S genes to quantify bacterial and fungal abundance, respectively. Metabarcoding of the v3-v4 region of the 16S rRNA gene (rrs) was done to track taxonomic changes in the bacterial population over the course of the experiment. Inorganic nitrogen species were quantified in the baseline and 12-week samples. Preliminary results showed that bacterial communities exhibited differential growth in response to amendments above 5-10 t ha-1 compared to those below, with shifts occurring at week 4 and week 10 of the experiment. Glacial flour application of 30 and 50 t ha-1 resulted in the lowest percent loss of inorganic nitrogen from baseline to week 12 compared to other application rates. These initial findings indicate that glacial rock flour application rates may significantly influence the soil microbial community, with important implications for nitrogen cycling and nutrient accessibility.

How to cite: Sampsell, K., Wild, B., Vogel, T., and Larose, C.: Soil microbial community response to glacial rock flour amendment: insights from a microcosm experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3250,, 2025.

EGU25-4787 | Orals | ITS1.7/BG0.3 | Highlight

Organic matter variability in algal dominated habitats on the Western Greenland Ice Sheet  

Pamela E. Rossel, Runa Antony, Rey Mourot, Thorsten Dittmar, Alexandre M. Anesio, Martyn Tranter, and Liane G. Benning

Microbiological activity on glacier and ice sheet surfaces can be a major factor responsible for their darkening. Among microbes, pigmented snow- and glacial ice-algae increase light absorption, further accelerating melting and supporting the development of pigmented algal blooms on the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS). The relationship between carbon-fixing algae and carbon-respiring heterotrophic microorganisms influences the amount and composition of organic matter (OM). Yet, the dynamics of the OM derived from these microbes on the GrIS remain unclear. To address this gap, we incubated algae-dominated snow and ice surface samples in situ in vented bottles under light and dark conditions. We evaluated the initial microbial community composition (via 16S and 18S rRNA gene sequencing) and characterized the changes in both dissolved and particulate OM (DOM and POM) via ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. We show that glacier ice-algae habitats dominated by Ancylonema, have higher abundance of highly unsaturated and aromatic compounds resistant to bio- and photo-degradation. In contrast, snow-algae habitats dominated by Chloromonas, are enriched in bioavailable and more photosensitive unsaturated aliphatics and sulfur- and phosphorus-containing compounds. Light exposure increased water-soluble DOM compounds derived from POM, which accounted for large proportion of the initial DOM composition of both algae dominated habitats. Of these initial DOM pools, up to 50% were heterotrophically degraded in the dark, while light alone photodegraded less than 20%. The significant accumulation of light-absorbing aromatics from both POM and DOM pools at the end of the ice-algae experiments, emphasize ice-algae larger effect on altering glacier color compared to snow-algae, and thus on decreasing glacier albedo and accelerating melting.

How to cite: Rossel, P. E., Antony, R., Mourot, R., Dittmar, T., Anesio, A. M., Tranter, M., and Benning, L. G.: Organic matter variability in algal dominated habitats on the Western Greenland Ice Sheet , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4787,, 2025.

EGU25-7658 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.7/BG0.3

Understanding soil properties conducive for Coccidioides ssp. presence in the United States  

Yahaira D. Álvarez-Gandía, Cari Lewis, Bridget M. Barker, Jovani Catalán-Dibene, Kimberly A.  Kaufeld, Daniel Kollath, Antje Lauer, Heather Mead, Hanna Oltean, Marieke Ramsey, Adriana Romero-Olivares, Andrew W. Bartlow, and Morgan E. Gorris

Coccidioides immitis and C. posadasii are closely related fungal pathogens that cause coccidioidomycosis, a respiratory disease also known as Valley fever. In general, Coccidioides are regarded to grow in arid to semi-arid soils in North and South America. If a person inhales these spores, they can become sick with Valley fever. The soil properties conducive for the presence of Coccidioides are not currently well defined, including whether there are differences in the soil properties conducive for each species. Recent efforts, especially over the last decade, to collect soil samples positive for Coccidioides now provide the data to begin examining these questions. We compiled Coccidioides spp. occurrence data from both previous studies and studies published on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database to examine the generalized soil properties associated with the presence of the pathogen. We analyzed 13 different soil properties from the California Soil Resource Lab at University of California Davis database derived from USDA-NCSS soil data and one measure of ecoregions from the US Environmental Protection Agency. Comparing the two species, we found that C. immitis was present in soils with a statistically significant higher water holding capacity and silt content than C. posadasii. Additionally, C. immitis was found in soils with significantly higher soil organic matter and calcium carbonate content than C. posadasii. This may suggest that C. immitis is more likely to grow in wetter and more productive soils compared to C. posadasii. Understanding the soil properties conducive for each Coccidioides species will allow us predict areas prone to their presence, enabling the creation of higher resolution risk maps for Valley fever and preventative messaging to at-risk populations. 


How to cite: Álvarez-Gandía, Y. D., Lewis, C., Barker, B. M., Catalán-Dibene, J., Kaufeld, K. A.  ., Kollath, D., Lauer, A., Mead, H., Oltean, H., Ramsey, M., Romero-Olivares, A., Bartlow, A. W., and Gorris, M. E.: Understanding soil properties conducive for Coccidioides ssp. presence in the United States , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7658,, 2025.

EGU25-8846 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.7/BG0.3

Balancing Act: Groundwater microbiomes' resilience and vulnerability to hydroclimatic extremes 

He Wang, Martina Herrmann, Simon A. Schroeter, Christian Zerfaß, Robert Lehmann, Katharina Lehmann, Arina Ivanova, Georg Pohnert, Gerd Gleixner, Susan E. Trumbore, Kai Uwe Totsche, and Kirsten Küsel

Groundwater health is increasingly threatened by climate change, which alters precipitation patterns, leading to groundwater recharge shifts. These shifts impact subsurface microbial communities, crucial for maintaining ecosystem functions. In this decade-long study of carbonate aquifers, we analyzed 815 bacterial 16S rRNA gene datasets, 226 dissolved organic matter (DOM) profiles, 387 metabolomic datasets, and 174 seepage microbiome sequences. Our findings reveal distinct short- and long-term temporal patterns of groundwater microbiomes driven by environmental fluctuations. Microbiomes of hydrologically connected aquifers exhibit lower temporal stability due to stochastic processes and greater susceptibility to surface disturbances, yet they demonstrate remarkable resilience. Conversely, isolated aquifer microbiomes show resistance to short-term changes, governed by deterministic processes, but exhibit reduced stability under prolonged stress. Variability in seepage-associated microorganisms, DOM, and metabolic diversity further drive microbiome dynamics. While shifts in DOM influence the potential functions of the microbiome, its overall functional potential demonstrates high temporal stability and resilience over time, largely due to functional redundancy. These findings highlight the dual vulnerability of groundwater systems to acute and chronic pressures, emphasizing the critical need for sustainable management strategies to mitigate the impacts of hydroclimatic extremes.

How to cite: Wang, H., Herrmann, M., Schroeter, S. A., Zerfaß, C., Lehmann, R., Lehmann, K., Ivanova, A., Pohnert, G., Gleixner, G., Trumbore, S. E., Totsche, K. U., and Küsel, K.: Balancing Act: Groundwater microbiomes' resilience and vulnerability to hydroclimatic extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8846,, 2025.

EGU25-12311 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.7/BG0.3

Metabolic profiles of glacial ice algal-dominated habitats across the western Greenland ice sheet. 

Anirban Majumder, Carsten Jaeger, Jan Lisec, Pamela E Rossel, Martyn Tranter, Alexandre M Anesio, and Liane G Benning

The microbiologically-driven darkening of bare ice surfaces on the western Greenland Ice Sheet is significantly enhancing melting, contributing to sea level rise. Among microorganisms, purple-brown pigmented glacial ice algae (mainly members of Ancylonema alaskanum and Ancylonema nordenskiöldi) are key contributors to the ice surface darkening and the associated surface albedo reduction. It is known that the glacial ice algae actively replicate and spread across vast ice surface areas during the summer melt season. However, the metabolic pathways driving the glacial ice algal bloom development are still poorly understood. To address this knowledge gap, we used an untargeted endometabolomics approach to explore the dynamics and metabolic potential of glacier ice algal blooms and the role of the environment on their metabolic responses. We analyzed glacial ice algae-dominated surface ice samples from various locations across the western Greenland Ice Sheet using high-resolution mass spectrometry to annotate the metabolome of the algae-dominated samples. Combined with physical and chemical environmental data describing their constantly changing habitat (e.g., temperature, light response, cell numbers) we derived novel insights into the metabolic activity of the glacial ice algae and their biochemical adaptations to glacier conditions. Our data contribute to improving our understanding of the link between ice darkening and microbial activity.

How to cite: Majumder, A., Jaeger, C., Lisec, J., E Rossel, P., Tranter, M., M Anesio, A., and G Benning, L.: Metabolic profiles of glacial ice algal-dominated habitats across the western Greenland ice sheet., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12311,, 2025.

Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is increasingly recognized as a pivotal tool for tracking community health trends, including viral pathogens and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This study integrates the surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 genes and AMR in wastewater samples collected from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Dehradun, India, during the COVID-19 pandemic. By combining genomic and molecular analyses, this research offers a dual perspective on two significant public health threats: the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants and the escalating burden of AMR. Weekly wastewater samples were collected from eight WWTPs between June 2022 and July 2023. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was quantified using real-time PCR assays targeting N, S, and ORF-1ab genes. At the same time, AMR was assessed through 16S rRNA gene sequencing and qPCR to detect resistance genes across multiple antibiotic classes, including aminoglycosides, β-lactams, macrolides, and tetracyclines. Seasonal variations, gene abundance, and correlations between SARS-CoV-2 and AMR markers were analyzed to understand the dynamics of these health risks in the urban environment. In this respect, SARS-CoV-2 analysis revealed 68 distinct lineages, dominated by Omicron recombinant variants XAP, XBB.1.16.1, and XBB.1.22 in March and April 2023, making up more than 50% of the total abundance. Such variants carried mutations that could increase transmissibility, underlying the importance of wastewater monitoring in tracking viral evolution. Meanwhile, AMR surveillance highlighted significant seasonal trends in the abundance of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs). Tetracycline resistance surged to 34.35% during the monsoon season at the Kargi WWTP, compared to 12.98% in winter. In contrast, macrolide resistance peaked at 35.87% in winter and decreased to 15.35% during the monsoon season. Resistant genes, such as tetXermFblaOXA-50, and aadA1, were frequently detected, with aminoglycosides and tetracyclines consistently showing high resistance levels across sites and seasons. The simultaneous presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and ARGs in wastewater underscores the role of WWTPs as reservoirs and conduits for emerging public health threats. Climatic factors, anthropogenic activities, and proximity to healthcare facilities impact the distribution of resistant genes and viral variants.  Notably, the effective removal of SARS-CoV-2 genes in municipal WWTPs (~50% gene reduction) highlights the possibility of targeted interventions to mitigate pathogen spread. However, the continued presence of resistant genes despite treatment raises concerns about environmental and public health risks. This study illustrated the potential for integrated viral and AMR wastewater surveillance to deliver community health intelligence in real-time. Thus, by monitoring SARS-CoV-2 variants alongside AMR trends, WBE can be an early warning system for emerging health threats, informing public health policy and environmental management strategies.

Keywords: antimicrobial-resistance; Covid-19; resistant genes; wastewater-based epidemiology

How to cite: Dogra, S. and Kumar, M.: The co-occurrence of Viral Pathogens and Antimicrobial-Resistance (AMR) markers from urban wastewater treatment plants in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13669,, 2025.

Learning about the metabolic activities and adaptations of deep-sea microbes is a challenging task, because the collection and retrieval of samples from the deep ocean induce RNA degradation and alteration of microbial communities. Here, we employed a in situ DNA/RNA co-extraction device to collect 18 time-course nucleotide acid samples for winter and summer seasons in the South China Sea to generate metatranscriptomes and metagenomes with the minimal possible sampling perturbation. Between the two seasons, the most active eukaryotic microbes were Ciliophora, whereas the most abundant but inactive eukaryotic microbes were Retaria. In the winter, autotrophic microorganisms contributed to organic matter production by CO2 fixation associated with nitrification. In the summer, the primary source of energy originated from heterotrophic microorganisms that can utilize alkanes, aromatic compounds and carbohydrates, partially relying on anaerobic respiration in the particles. This may relate with nutrient source variations as reflected by the different levels of microbial network complexity between two seasons. Altogether, we uncovered the metabolic activities and adaptations of active microbial groups in two seasons with in situ metatranscriptomes, paving the way to identification of the real microbial contributors to element cycles in the deep ocean.

How to cite: He, Y., Baltar, F., and Wang, Y.: In situ sampling uncovers seasonal variability in community structure and metabolism of active deep-sea microbes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14323,, 2025.

EGU25-14807 | Orals | ITS1.7/BG0.3

Decoding Soil Microbiomes: Metagenomic Insights into Pesticide-Contaminated Agro-Ecosystems 

Durga Madhab Mahapatra, Shristi Sinha Roy, and Nishu Goyal

Abstract: Soil contamination from excessive pesticide use is a global issue, threatening human health and environmental sustainability. Pesticides disrupt soil microbiomes, leading to a decline in beneficial microorganisms, impaired nutrient cycling, and long-term ecosystem disturbances. Microorganisms play a crucial role in environmental preservation by breaking down xenobiotics, including pesticides. However, the pathways of pesticide degradation by microorganisms are not well understood due to limitations in current culturing techniques. To address this knowledge gap, we utilized 16S rRNA V3-V4 metagenomic sequencing to analyze farming soils in Dehradun with a history of pesticide application. Our results revealed a relative abundance of the phyla Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria in contaminated zones. Bacillus, Solibacter, and Nitrospira were the most prevalent taxa, indicating nitrogen and carbon fixation and regulation of biogeochemical cycles in extreme environments. Predictive metagenome analysis showed that core-degrading orthologs involved in membrane transport, the TCA cycle, carbohydrate metabolism, and xenobiotic degradation (such as atrazine and chlorocyclohexane degradation) were prevalent in contaminated soils. Our findings highlight the implications of abundant microbes in contaminated soils through comprehensive metagenomic approaches, paving the way for further research on gene expression frequencies and major enzyme assays for pesticide degradation.

Keywords: Metagenomics, Microbial diversity, Pesticide degradation, Taxonomy

How to cite: Mahapatra, D. M., Sinha Roy, S., and Goyal, N.: Decoding Soil Microbiomes: Metagenomic Insights into Pesticide-Contaminated Agro-Ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14807,, 2025.

EGU25-16283 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.7/BG0.3

Survival strategies of supraglacial algae-dominated communities in the transition from high light to continual darkness on the Greenland Ice Sheet 

Helen K. Feord, Christoph Keuschnig, Christopher B. Trivedi, Rey Mourot, Athanasios Zervas, Thomas Turpin-Jelfs, Martyn Tranter, Alexandre M. Anesio, Lorenz Adrian, and Liane G. Benning

Glacier ice algae of the streptophyte genus Ancylonema live on glaciers globally, including the Greenland Ice Sheet, and bloom despite low temperatures, low nutrient availability, and very high light intensities. In polar regions, the long polar night also imposes additional abiotic stressors. However, the cellular mechanisms responsible for Ancylonema’s resistance and adaptation to high light stress or to prolonged darkness during the polar winter are not known. We addressed this knowledge gap by evaluating the functional responses of a Greenland Ice Sheet Ancylonema-dominated microbiome to in-situ light conditions and continual darkness during a 12-day period using amplicon sequencing, metatranscriptomics, and metaproteomics. The microbial community did not substantially change during the 12 days of dark incubation; however, heterotrophs became more transcriptionally active in the dark. Metatranscriptomic and metaproteomic analyses showed that Ancylonema cells underwent high oxidative stress in the light. However, after 12 days in darkness, the algal cells retained functional photosynthetic machinery but downregulated their expression of early shikimate pathway enzyme transcripts. Transcriptional reprogramming linked to sugar uptake and phytohormone signalling was also identified in the dark, providing an insight into the first steps towards algal cell survival through the polar night. These results give us a novel understanding of the gene expression dynamics of glacier ice algae under changing light conditions, providing important clues regarding their adaptation to a harsh and extremely variable environment.

How to cite: Feord, H. K., Keuschnig, C., Trivedi, C. B., Mourot, R., Zervas, A., Turpin-Jelfs, T., Tranter, M., Anesio, A. M., Adrian, L., and Benning, L. G.: Survival strategies of supraglacial algae-dominated communities in the transition from high light to continual darkness on the Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16283,, 2025.

EGU25-18428 | Posters on site | ITS1.7/BG0.3

Deep Underground Long Term Evolution Experiments, a key to understand the impact of low doses on living organisms 

Vincent Breton, Giovanna Fois, Christophe Insa, Lydia Maigne, and David Biron

Deep Underground laboratories are unique environments for exploring the impact of ultralow radioactivity on living organisms. They also provide unique features for running long term controlled low-dose experiments.

Evolution is an on-going process, and it can be studied experimentally in organisms with rapid generations. The E. coli Long-Term Evolution Experiment (LTEE) is an ongoing study in experimental evolution begun by Richard Lenski at the University of California, which has been tracking genetic changes in 12 initially identical populations of asexual Escherichia coli bacteria since 24 February 1988 on more than 60.000 generations.

A first evolution experiment conducted at Modane Underground Laboratory with the same E. Coli strain and the same growth medium used by Richard Lensky and collaborators has shown no change in the fitness trajectory over 500 generations when radiative background was reduced by a factor 6 from 150 to 26 nGy/hr. Monte-Carlo simulation of the experimental set-up showed that 40K in the E. Coli culture medium (Davis Medium) was the almost exclusive source of radioactivity to the bacterial strains, representing 99% of the dose received.

Potassium has three naturally occurring isotopes: 39K (93.258%) and 41K (6.730%) are stable, while 40K (0.012%) is radioactive, with a half-life of 1.25 billion years. As 40K in the nutritive medium was the main obstacle to the reduction of the dose received by the bacterial strains during this experiment, depleting 40K in the potassium used to feed the bacteria would reduce significantly the dose received and allow exploring further the ultralow radioactivity frontier. Reciprocally, enriching the potassium in 40K would increase the dose absorbed by the bacteria without changing any other physico-chemical parameters.

We therefore propose to compare the fitness trajectories over 1000 generations of the same E. Coli strain using Davis Medium (DM) nutritive media either enriched or depleted in 40K. Although the isotopic composition of natural Potassium is very stable, potassium enriched in 39K and depleted 10 times in 40K can be purchased from commercial vendors for less than 10 € per milligram.  To enrich natural potassium in 40K, a promising approach is through neutron irradiation.

Repeating the same experiment using DM nutritive media that differ only by the isotopic composition of the potassium allows isolating the sole impact of radiation on the evolutionary path of the bacteria. Increasing 40K isotopic fraction increases proportionally the absorbed dose and radiation induced mutations are expected to modify the strain evolutionary paths when they exceed the spontaneous mutation rate.

These experiments could be performed in several Deep Underground Laboratories to compare the observed fitness trajectories and quantify the reproducibility of the observed evolutionary paths.  



How to cite: Breton, V., Fois, G., Insa, C., Maigne, L., and Biron, D.: Deep Underground Long Term Evolution Experiments, a key to understand the impact of low doses on living organisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18428,, 2025.

EGU25-18535 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.7/BG0.3

TotalRNA sequencing reveals active community and functional dynamics on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet 

Athanasios Zervas, Laura Perini, Helen Feord, Ate Jaarsma, Katie Sipes, Martyn Tranter, Liane G. Benning, and Alexandre M. Anesio

The ablation area of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is a biome driven by microbial activity. During the summer melt season, the weathering crust of the ice becomes a wet living skin dominated by eukaryotic glacier ice algae, particularly Ancylonema spp., which accelerate ice melt through their dark pigmentation. Cryoconite holes, formed by sediment melting into the weathering crust, also dominate the landscape of the ice surface. They are primarily inhabited by cyanobacteria as the main primary producers and also host a diverse community of bacterial, fungal and other microeukaryotic heterotrophs. This study investigates the active microbial communities and functionality of the weathering crust and cryoconites using Total RNA metatranscriptomics. With this approach, we describe the full diversity of ice surface microbial communities; assembling, annotating and analyzing jointly full-length 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA genes in addition to transcriptomes. We conducted a seasonal study over a 21-day period during the ablation season, sampling ice and cryoconite habitats. Samples were collected from five cryoconite holes and five 2-meter patches of the weathering crust ca 25km inland on the GrIS, near Ilulissat. Biomass from cryoconite holes and ice surfaces was collected at solar noon on seven sampling days during the summer. The findings highlight the dynamics and spatial variability of very different microbial communities between the weathering crust and cryoconite holes. Notably, the weathering crust is dominated by eukaryotic biomass, and spatial variability is significant; cryoconites are far more diverse, dominated by prokaryotic interactions and relatively stable temporally.  A snowfall in late summer provided a window of opportunity to show that cryoconites communities are robust, while the functionality of the weathering crust, including genes associated to carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling all responded to snowfall. The Total RNA approach in this study provides a powerful insight into the entire active microbial community and their functionality on glacial surfaces.

How to cite: Zervas, A., Perini, L., Feord, H., Jaarsma, A., Sipes, K., Tranter, M., Benning, L. G., and Anesio, A. M.: TotalRNA sequencing reveals active community and functional dynamics on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18535,, 2025.

EGU25-20154 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.7/BG0.3

Exploring microbial activity and metabolic requirement during the polar winter of the Arctic 

Harpreet Singh, James A Bradley, Timothy M Vogel, and Catherine Larose

The cryosphere encompasses a wide range of perennial microbial habitats including glaciers, lakes, seas, rivers, and soils. These habitats pose intrinsic seasonally-variable challenges for microbial populations, whose activity may be temporarily constrained. Microbial dynamics in these environments during the summer and (to a lesser extent) spring have been extensively studied, however the winter season remains largely unexplored. During the winter period, microbial activity may be constrained by freezing temperatures, limited availability of liquid water, and the absence of light and thus photosynthetic carbon input. Critical aspects of microbial activity, including metabolic processes, winter-specific community profiles, and their unique functional roles in ecological processes, are still poorly understood. To address this knowledge gap, we examined microbial activity during the winter months in a range of aquatic and terrestrial Arctic habitats. Using metatranscriptomic techniques, we identified active microorganisms and uncovered their core metabolic requirements for sustaining activity. We also employed BONCAT (bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging) to assess the ratio of live to dead microbes across different habitats and utilized qPCR and RT-qPCR to quantify organism abundance. Our results revealed significant differences in community composition, abundance, and activity across environments. Notably, glacial snow and lake slush snow exhibited high RNA-to-DNA ratios, with distinct differences in microbial diversity. Lake slush snow, in particular, displayed a more uneven microbial community compared to its snow counterpart. In contrast, soil showed very low activity despite a high DNA content. Among the ice cores, glacial ice exhibited both high diversity and moderate microbial activity. Overall, our findings suggest that microbial communities in winter are active, with activity levels varying across different habitats. These variations may be driven by factors such as differences in microbial seeding sources and the availability of free water. Despite limited energy reserves, we suggest that winter microbial communities contribute to the mineralization and recycling of biomass and elements, playing a crucial role in sustaining ecological processes in the Arctic cryosphere.

How to cite: Singh, H., Bradley, J. A., Vogel, T. M., and Larose, C.: Exploring microbial activity and metabolic requirement during the polar winter of the Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20154,, 2025.

Forest ecosystems play a pivotal role in maintaining ecological balance, serving as carbon sinks, biodiversity reservoirs, and providers of critical ecosystem services such as climate regulation and water cycle maintenance. Despite their importance, forests are increasingly threatened by deforestation, degradation, and climate-induced disruptions, leading to significant ecological and socio-economic consequences. Timely and accurate detection of forest disturbances is essential for formulating effective conservation policies, mitigating biodiversity loss, and ensuring sustainable forest management. This study presents a novel backscatter modeling framework designed to enhance the detection of forest disturbances across diverse and heterogeneous landscapes of the Indian subcontinent. Implementing the unique capabilities of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data, the framework integrates physical scattering mechanisms with vegetation structural variations, enabling precise monitoring of changes in forest cover. SAR's all-weather, day-and-night imaging capabilities make it particularly suitable for regions with frequent cloud cover and varied terrain, addressing key challenges faced by optical-only methods. The proposed methodology employs a hybrid approach that combines theoretical backscatter modeling with advanced machine learning algorithms for feature extraction and classification. This integration includes the strengths of both data-driven analytics and physics-based modeling, offering robust detection capabilities for both abrupt disturbances, such as clear-cutting and gradual changes like forest degradation. The framework's adaptability allows it to account for the complexities of diverse forest structures, dynamic seasonal variations, and landscape heterogeneity, making it a scalable solution for large-scale forest monitoring. Validation of the framework was conducted using multi-temporal SAR datasets and high-resolution optical imagery from key forested regions in the Indian subcontinent. The results highlight the framework’s superior sensitivity and accuracy compared to existing methods, demonstrating its ability to detect a wide range of disturbances with precision. This improved detection capability is critical for understanding the underlying drivers of forest changes and their ecological impacts. By addressing limitations in current forest monitoring techniques, this backscatter modeling framework provides a powerful tool for conservation and sustainable management. Its implementation has the potential to support policy-makers and environmental managers in formulating data-driven strategies for forest protection and restoration. Ultimately, the study underscores the framework’s transformative potential in enhancing forest resilience, promoting biodiversity conservation, and contributing to sustainable development in regions facing increasing environmental and anthropogenic pressures.

How to cite: Rai, K. and Singh, G.: Advanced Backscatter Modeling for Enhanced Detection of Forest Disturbances in the Indian Subcontinent, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-188,, 2025.

EGU25-2268 | Orals | ITS1.8/BG0.4

On the assessment and initialization of European forest state variables in Land Surface Models 

Marine Remaud, Jina Jeong, Guillaume Marie, Omar Flores, Kim Naudts, and Sebastiaan Luyssaert

Forest structure is shaped by forest management practices, land-use changes and forest disturbances including droughts, fires, storms and insect outbreak. It plays an important role in climate by modifying the carbon-water-energy exchanges with the atmosphere, and affects the capability of forests to undergo future disturbances in a changing climate. Given the importance of forest structure for the climate, land surface models are moving towards explicit representations of forest structure and management strategies. We present a new procedure to initialize forest diameters over Europe and document its implications for simulations of future forest carbon sinks. The simulated diameters for each grid cell covered by forests are initialized toward the diameter from a forest inventory. To this end, a 300-years semi-analytical spinup was carried out to bring the soil carbon and nitrogen pools into equilibrium until the European forests were clearcut. Then, a 150-years biosphere simulation over Europe was performed to build a look-up-table of simulated diameters. For each grid point, the year associated with the simulated diameter that is the closest to the observation is selected, enabling the production of new initial state files over Europe. The new initialization procedure makes the initial state of forest more realistic and therefore is expected to have significant influence on the evolution of the forest carbon sink. In this work, we will assess the effect of the initialization procedure on the simulated land carbon sink and we will evaluate the representation of the diameters in the ORCHDEE LSM. The method could be further extended to initialize other forest state variables such as height or aboveground biomass.

How to cite: Remaud, M., Jeong, J., Marie, G., Flores, O., Naudts, K., and Luyssaert, S.: On the assessment and initialization of European forest state variables in Land Surface Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2268,, 2025.

EGU25-6985 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Forest digital twin: coupling field data, mathematical modelling and 3D representation of a Mediterranean forests   

Riccardo Fornaro, Francesco Giannino, Duncan Nathaniel Heatfield, Valerio Minopoli, Alessandro Aquino, Angelo Rita, Antonio Saracino, and Luigi Saulino

Knowledge of forest ecosystem pattern and process responses to climate change and anthropogenic pressure requires innovative tools that combine monitoring and modelling of tree growth dynamics to account for a more sustainable management of forest resources and ecosystem services. In this context, Digital Twins (DTs) emerge as powerful tool to allow a better interpretation of complex models, summarizing a large amount of data and knowledge into a comprehensive 3D visualization. A Digital Twin is an evolving and comprehensive representation of a physical object, in our case trees, which involves three key elements: a digital representation of the object, an evolving set of data and a dynamic adjustment of the object data. However, due to the structural complexity of the forest stand, and the lack of adequate growth historical data series useful to build and validate the simulations, the full potential of Digital Twin frameworks has yet to be realized in forest field. Our work aims to develop a system that simulate forest growth and spatial patterns through a process-based single tree model and represent the outputs into a 3D immersive and interactive environment, able to reproduce the stand structure of Mediterranean forests. An individual based spatially explicit model has been developed to simulate the biomass growth within a time step of one year and while an immersive 3D dynamic environment enables the user to interact with trees (e.g. tree marking, logging). Competition among trees has been modelled computing the tree influence on surroundings space using a distance-biomass dependent approach. We implemented a set of allometric equations to convert tree biomass into size attributes (e.g. stem diameter, total height) to appropriately represent the modelled forest stand in the 3D environment. The use of DTs can assist forest experts and policymakers in managing complex systems like Mediterranean forests, by simulating several management scenarios and analysing their long-term impacts on forest ecosystem dynamics. Furthermore, process-based models coupled with an immersive 3D representation could help to better understand the forest ecosystem functioning.

How to cite: Fornaro, R., Giannino, F., Heatfield, D. N., Minopoli, V., Aquino, A., Rita, A., Saracino, A., and Saulino, L.: Forest digital twin: coupling field data, mathematical modelling and 3D representation of a Mediterranean forests  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6985,, 2025.

EGU25-7375 | Posters on site | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Outbreaks of invasive phloem feeding Toumeyella parvicornis modified fire behaviour and canopy surface reflectance in Mediterranean Pinus pinea forests 

Luigi Saulino, Antonio Pietro Garonna, Francisco Castro Rego, Angelo Rita, Alessandro Aquino, Greta Liuzzi, Riccardo Fornaro, Enrica Pinelli, Roberto Silvestro, Sergio Rossi, and Antonio Saracino

The continued introduction of non-native insect species, coupled with the rising threat of extreme wildfire events, poses significant risks to terrestrial ecosystems and the services they offer globally. However, the impact of invasive phloem-feeding insect species on fire severity is not well understood, particularly in terms of how they influence fire behaviour and the likelihood of crown fire ignition. Two experimental designs were set up to investigate how the alien tortoise scale (Toumeyella parvicornis) outbreaks have influenced fire behaviour dynamics and canopy surface reflectance in the Mediterranean P. pinea stands severely burnt in the summer of 2017. We combined Rothermel’s model for fire surface spread and Van Wagner’s crown ignition model to simulate fire behaviour and employed data from the Landsat 8 collection to detect canopy wilt symptoms related to T. parvicornis outbreaks. Simulating fire behaviour in single-storied P. pinea stands indicated that all predicted fires were surface fires. An uncertainty analysis concerning the inputs of the canopy fuel attributes model revealed that fires in thinned stands were entirely classified as surface fires. In contrast, in unthinned stands, only 62.7% were surface fires, with 37.3% categorised as conditional fire types. Among the Landsat 8 reflectance bands, only NIR, Green, and SWIR 2 were sensitive to the abundance of T. parvicornis. Based on these sensitive bands, two-band NIR-multiplied vegetation indexes were significantly associated with the abundance of T. parvicornis from the fall generation onward, when sooty mould consistently covered canopy needles. The divergence between observed and predicted fire behaviour underscores the need to investigate the processes and variables linked to T. parvicornis feeding activity on the trees to improve fire behaviour prediction. Understanding how insect outbreaks can modify fire behaviour in Mediterranean stands is crucial for effective management at stand and landscape levels. The satellite vegetation indexes based on sensitive reflectance bands represent an essential tool for an early recognition of insect outbreak distribution on large spatial scale.

How to cite: Saulino, L., Garonna, A. P., Rego, F. C., Rita, A., Aquino, A., Liuzzi, G., Fornaro, R., Pinelli, E., Silvestro, R., Rossi, S., and Saracino, A.: Outbreaks of invasive phloem feeding Toumeyella parvicornis modified fire behaviour and canopy surface reflectance in Mediterranean Pinus pinea forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7375,, 2025.

EGU25-12297 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Incorporating Insect Disturbances into Terrestrial Biosphere Model: Impacts and Challenges 

Yimian Ma, Sönke Zaehle, Albert Jornet-Puig, and Ana Bastos

Insect disturbances significantly impact multiple functions of forest ecosystems, yet their representation in terrestrial biosphere models remains limited. To address this gap, we developed an insect impacts module in the terrestrial biosphere model QUINCY (QUantifying Interactions between terrestrial Nutrient CYcles and the climate system model). The new module represents bark-beetle and defoliator impacts by introducing standing dead biomass pools and insect-mediated nutrient cycling pathways, and effectively capturing key processes such as snag decay, larvae pool dynamics, compensatory leaf growth, and carbon starvation due to over-defoliation. Model validation against multiple forest sites registering insect disturbances demonstrated good agreement with observed trends in forest dynamics, carbon fluxes, water and energy exchanges, and nutrient transformations during insect disturbances. Long-term simulations revealed that severe insect outbreaks can reduce ecosystem carbon storage by up to 6% for a horizon of 50 years, primarily due to accelerated nutrient leaching through litter decomposition. These results emphasize the critical role of insect disturbances in shaping vegetation carbon dynamics and highlight the importance of integrating these processes into global vegetation models. Our results further underscore the need for observational datasets, including field and satellite-based measurements, to constrain and improve model representations of insect disturbances. By advancing understanding of insect impacts and their interactions with climate, our study contributes to reducing uncertainties in projections of vegetation dynamics and the terrestrial carbon sink under future climate change.

How to cite: Ma, Y., Zaehle, S., Jornet-Puig, A., and Bastos, A.: Incorporating Insect Disturbances into Terrestrial Biosphere Model: Impacts and Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12297,, 2025.

EGU25-13405 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Effects of tree-tree competition on growth in post-disturbance, drought-prone montane forests  

Samira Garkisch, Clemens Geitner, and Alois Simon

The regeneration phase of forests is a crucial and vulnerable life stage in tree and forest development, which is likely to be intensified by climate change leading to increased drought events. In addition, the functioning of protective forests in mountain areas also needs to be continuously maintained or quickly restored after disturbances. It is widely thought that competition between trees negatively affects tree growth also in early live stages. Therefore, this study examines the effects of tree-tree competition on tree growth at a reforested post-disturbance site in the Northern Calcareous Alps. Despite high precipitation, the severe site conditions namely, shallow soils, steep slopes and southeastern aspect, result in drought-prone forests and site conditions likely to increase under climate change.

Following a windthrow, an experimental afforestation trail was established in 2010 with four coniferous and three broadleaved tree species. To calculate a distance-weighted competition index (CI), the tree height of the focal tree as well as the distances and heights of its three main competitors were measured in 2023. The CI was then calculated from the sum of distance-weighted ratios of the tree’s height to that of its competitors. Due to the high survival rate, this study focuses on results of the European larch (Larix decidua) and the Norway spruce (Picea abies).

Our results show that European larch has the highest growth rate, with mean tree height of 6.4 m after 12 growing seasons. Furthermore, a strong negative correlation (Pearson r = -0.789) is observed between its height and CI, suggesting that competition has a negative effect on growth. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test confirmed that tree height was significantly lower under high competition. The opposite was observed for Norway spruce, with a median tree height of 2.65 m with low CI and a tree height of 4.7 m at high CI values.

These results highlight the complex interactions in a mixed forest, where pioneer species such as European larch thrive under extreme site conditions and maintain their leading role in early succession stages. Norway spruce, however, appears to benefit from con- and interspecific clustering at this life stage, which we interpret as advantages of favourable microclimate under severe site conditions. These results highlight the dual role of competition: while it limits growth for some species, it can also create favourable microclimatic conditions for others. These different characteristics play a key role in restoration of forests and their ecosystem services after disturbance. Furthermore, the resilience of a mixed forest structure provides essential benefits during early succession and the crucial regeneration phase despite many challenges posed by climate change.

How to cite: Garkisch, S., Geitner, C., and Simon, A.: Effects of tree-tree competition on growth in post-disturbance, drought-prone montane forests , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13405,, 2025.

EGU25-13709 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.8/BG0.4

The impact of windthrow on carbon dynamics in temperate forests: a study case of Co. Laois in Ireland 

Bruna L. Longo, Brian Tobin, and Kenneth A. Byrne

Historic climatic data suggests that severe windstorms have been observed every 10-15 years in Ireland (Gallagher, 1974) and sometimes even more frequently, having a devastating impact on forests in the country. Such severe storms cause a significant number of trees to be uprooted or snapped (McInerney et al. 2016), a phenomenon commonly known as windthrow. Windthrow has extensive consequences for forest management, impacting the operations of forest for timber (wood volume shift to salvage wood, possible quality downgrade due to premature extraction, etc.), the dynamics of forests for nature (light availability, regeneration options, higher deadwood volume, etc.), the safety of forests for public use, the soil dynamics (especially for uprooted trees due to exposed soil), among others. In the context of climate change, natural disturbances such as windthrow might shift forests from carbon sinks to temporary carbon sources (Albrich et al. 2023). In order to understand the impact of windthrow on carbon dynamics in temperate forests, this work uses National Forest Inventory data from county Laois (Ireland) as a study case. Centrally located, county Laois has a forest cover (16.5%) higher than the national average (11.6%), and features diverse conditions, including varied soil types, forest types, as well as management purposes. This study models the impact of windthrow events on carbon pools in county Laois’ temperate forests using the CBM-CFS3 framework (Kurz et al. 2009). Varying disturbance intensities (25%, 50%, 70% and 100% of trees damaged by windthrow) are simulated, and their effects on carbon fluxes across biomass, soil organic carbon, and harvested wood products are analyzed. Management strategies, including salvage logging and natural regeneration, are evaluated to assess both immediate impacts and recovery potential, as well as their role in enhancing carbon resilience.


Albrich, K., Seidl, R., Rammer, W., & Thom, D. (2022). From sink to source: changing climate and disturbance regimes could tip the 21st century carbon balance of an unmanaged mountain forest landscape. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 96(3), 399-409.

Gallagher, G. (1974). Windthrown in state forests in the Republic of Ireland. Irish Forestry, 31(2), 14.

Kurz, W. A., Dymond, C. C., White, T. M., Stinson, G., Shaw, C. H., Rampley, G. J., Smyth, C., Simpson, B. N., Neilson, E. T., Trofymow, J. A., Metsaranta, J., & Apps, M. J. (2009). CBM-CFS3: A model of carbon-dynamics in forestry and land-use change implementing IPCC standards. Ecological Modelling, 220(4), 480-504. 

McInerney, D., Barrett, F., Landy, J., & McDonagh, M. (2016). A rapid assessment using remote sensing of windblow damage in Irish forests following Storm Darwin. Irish Forestry, 73, 19.

How to cite: Longo, B. L., Tobin, B., and Byrne, K. A.: The impact of windthrow on carbon dynamics in temperate forests: a study case of Co. Laois in Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13709,, 2025.

EGU25-14976 | Posters on site | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Short-Term Effects of Selective Cutting on Tree-Related Microhabitats in Cryptomeria japonica Plantations 

Xin Yue Li, Ching-Chu Tsai, Chuan Liu, and Su-Ting Cheng

Tree-related microhabitats (TreMs) are widely recognized in Europe as a strategy to enhance biodiversity in plantation forests. Selective cutting, a common forest management practice, helps maintain forest structure and ecological integrity while balancing economic and ecological needs. This study investigates the short-term effects of selective cutting on TreMs in Cryptomeria japonica plantations. We selected three 0.1 ha square plots within a C. japonica plantation in Xitou, managed by the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University, and conducted surveys before and six months after selective logging to assess changes in microhabitat availability and heterogeneity. Key TreMs indicators, including cavities, growth deformation, micro-soils, dead branches, bark injuries, and epiphytes, were measured, and a terrestrial LiDAR with a 5-meter grid resolution was used to monitor detailed changes in canopy cover. Modified Hill numbers (q0, q1, q2) were applied to quantify changes in the total types, abundance, and evenness of TreMs. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used to compare pre- and post-cutting effects. Results indicated significant increases in Hill numbers (q0, q1, q2), reflecting short-term changes in TreMs. Geometric mean ratios between pre- and post-cutting data showed minimal changes in cavities (0.91, CI: 0.74-1), a moderate increase in growth deformation (1.20, CI: 1-1.41), and no change in micro-soils (1.00, CI: 1-1). In contrast, significant increases were observed in dead branches (1.28, CI: 1.12-1.48), bark injuries (1.11, CI: 1.01-1.22), and epiphytes (1.56, CI: 1.41-1.71), with epiphytes showing the most pronounced change. LiDAR analysis revealed a reduction in canopy cover following logging, which was closely associated with variations in epiphyte abundance, highlighting an interaction between canopy openness and epiphyte colonization. As the first application of the European TreM inventory in Taiwan, this study underscores the importance of further research on microhabitats as indicators of forest ecosystem function and biodiversity at local scales and calls for adaptation of this approach to Taiwan's unique environmental conditions.

Keywords: Cryptomeria japonica Plantation, Tree-related microhabitats (TreMs), Selective cutting, terrestrial LiDAR, Hill numbers, Wilcoxon signed-rank tests.

How to cite: Li, X. Y., Tsai, C.-C., Liu, C., and Cheng, S.-T.: Short-Term Effects of Selective Cutting on Tree-Related Microhabitats in Cryptomeria japonica Plantations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14976,, 2025.

EGU25-15428 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Omission of organic layers in soil organic carbon models results in overestimation of carbon turnover rates: a 14C study of temperate and alpine forest soils 

Alexander Brunmayr, Margaux Moreno Duborgel, Luisa Minich, Benedict Mittelbach, Timothy Eglinton, Frank Hagedorn, and Heather Graven

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the largest terrestrial reservoir in the active carbon cycle, and it is predicted to be a crucial component of the terrestrial carbon sink in the present day and in future climate scenarios. However, commonly used SOC models have been shown to inadequately represent SOC turnover, as evidenced by their consistent overestimation of the radiocarbon (14C) content in forest soils. This implies that models have too fast turnover rates and do not accurately capture the persistence of carbon in the different soil pools. To reconcile observational data and modeling frameworks, we conduct a detailed 14C-based study of the SOC dynamics across climatic and environmental gradients in 54 forest sites in Switzerland. At each site, we gather 14C data for the organic layers and five chemical and density fractions in the mineral soil. Calibrating a novel SOC model with these layer- and fraction-specific 14C data reveals an improved representation of turnover times and environmental dependencies, contrasting with existing models. In particular, we find that, by ignoring organic carbon respiration in the organic layers, most existing soil models have to effectively increase the turnover rates of SOC to compensate for the strongly overestimated carbon inputs into the mineral soil. Our results have the potential to significantly improve the representation of SOC in models, particularly under climate and environmental change.

How to cite: Brunmayr, A., Moreno Duborgel, M., Minich, L., Mittelbach, B., Eglinton, T., Hagedorn, F., and Graven, H.: Omission of organic layers in soil organic carbon models results in overestimation of carbon turnover rates: a 14C study of temperate and alpine forest soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15428,, 2025.


Climate change poses a challenge for European forestry, requiring the selection of tree species adapted to future conditions. Analyzing this for a large country like Germany requires considering diverse regional environmental conditions in climate, soil, and management history. A promising approach is to utilize simulation models to derive potential natural vegetation (PNV) under climate change, which can help to identify robust candidate species for regions.


We employed the process-based forest landscape model iLand to investigate: (i) the impact of climate change on PNV species composition and carbon stocks  across regions in Germany, and (ii) regional adaptation deficits by comparing future PNV composition with current forest composition (derived from national inventory data). We defined 12 representative ecoregions via cluster analysis of climate, soil, and vegetation data. For each, we created generic landscapes (20-30k ha) reflecting regional environmental gradients. We used these landscapes to simulate PNV with iLand under historical and nine climate change scenarios. Changes in equilibrium species composition and attainable carbon stocks were calculated relative to historical climate simulations. Finally, we created high-resolution maps of future PNV in Germany by mapping the stands of our simulated landscapes to country scale. 


Our landscapes cover 95% of Germany’s forested climate and soil space (defined by the ratio of forest pixels, after removing outliers). Simulations identified regions particularly vulnerable to climate change, as well as those with the greatest mismatch between expected PNV and current forests. To account for regional differences in species suitability is crucial for developing climate change adaptation policies at the national level within Germany.


How to cite: Kerber, J., Seidl, R., and Rammer, W.: Mapping the Future of Germany’s Forests: Modelling Potential Natural Vegetation under Climate Change Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16504,, 2025.

EGU25-16695 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Mapping forest disturbances and their impacts on protection forests in South Tyrol (Italian Alps) 

Emilio Dorigatti, Marco Mina, and Ruth Sonnenschein

The intensity, frequency, and spatial distribution of forest disturbance regimes across Europe are shifting due to climate change. This raises concerns about the vulnerability of forest ecosystems and the impacts on the goods and services that they provide. Protection against natural hazards is a key service provided by forests in the Alps but current protective effects are threatened by the growing incidence of disturbance events such as windstorms, heavy snowfalls and drought. For planning effective management interventions, detailed information on the patterns of recent forest disturbances and quantifications of their impacts on protection forests are necessary. In our study we focused on a region in the Italian Alps (South Tyrol) with the aims of: i) providing a wall-to-wall disturbance map by agent type (wind, snow, beetles) and an analysis of the spatial patterns of disturbance agents and their interaction, and ii) quantifying the loss of protective effects in protection forests and areas with residual protection given by standing dead trees due to bark beetle.

We analyzed Sentinel-2 timeseries to map disturbances covering the period 2019-2023. We then applied a supervised machine learning classifier leveraging multisource predictors to attribute a disturbance agent to each disturbed patch. Afterwards, we explored the correlation between the areas disturbed by different agents and assessed the areas of protection forest which were affected by disturbances. For these areas, we performed a pixel-based classification to identify areas with residual protective effects given by standing dead trees (i.e., pixels with dead canopy but not downed or salvaged yet) due to recent bark beetle outbreaks.

Our results showed that, over a period of five years, disturbances affected 5.9% of the forests of the study area. Damages due to windthrow (1.6%) and snow (1.3%) had a comparable cumulated impact, while bark beetle caused much larger damages (3%). Snow-damaged areas correlated more strongly with bark beetle damage than wind disturbances. Notably, 5.6% of protection forests in the area were disturbed, with bark beetles causing disproportionately higher impacts compared to the other two agents. Overall, about 1.3% of protection forests still provide some level of protection because they are covered by standing dead trees. These are forests that will soon lose their protective function and should be given high priority in management planning. These findings provide the first detailed mapping of recent disturbances in the region and highlight critical areas where protection forests can no longer offer adequate hazard mitigation. By identifying forests most at risk of losing their protective function, we offer useful information for managers to plan near future interventions in these areas.

How to cite: Dorigatti, E., Mina, M., and Sonnenschein, R.: Mapping forest disturbances and their impacts on protection forests in South Tyrol (Italian Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16695,, 2025.

EGU25-18432 | Orals | ITS1.8/BG0.4

The Impact of Forest Management Strategies on Ecosystem Services in China 

Luyao Liu, Konstantin Gregor, Qiao-Lin Gu, Yage Liu, Anzhi Wang, and Anja Rammig

Forest ecosystems are vital for a multitude of ecosystem services including timber provision, climate change mitigation, local climate regulation, and provision of habitat for biodiversity. However, previous studies have primarily focused on individual ecosystem service indicators, with limited attention to the underlying biophysical mechanisms. Investigating multiple services under diverse strategies is critical for assessing their impacts on forest ecosystems. Therefore, in this study, we used the global dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS to simulate the temperate forests in China under scenarios of natural succession and forest management strategies. The natural succession refers to forest regeneration without any human intervention. We analyzed multiple ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, timber provision, water retention, and biodiversity. We found that (1) under management, forests exhibited short-term higher timber yields and economic benefits, but natural succession maintained higher long-term carbon sequestration; (2) density-based management strategies increased timber production and accelerated the forest regeneration in the short term. However, these activities temporarily increased evapotranspiration and reduced biodiversity due to habitat disturbance, which then affected ecosystem services, especially at the initial stages of harvesting; (3) integrated optimization strategies, focusing on tree species, density, and age structure, can optimize forest structure and enhance the multifunctional ecosystem services in the long term. Our study provides valuable insights into the diverse impacts of the management strategies on ecosystem service provision, offering guidance to policymakers and local stakeholders in balancing ecological conservation and economic priorities through sustainable forestry practices.

How to cite: Liu, L., Gregor, K., Gu, Q.-L., Liu, Y., Wang, A., and Rammig, A.: The Impact of Forest Management Strategies on Ecosystem Services in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18432,, 2025.

EGU25-18906 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Predicted Future Changes in the Mean Seasonal Carbon Cycle: Impacts of Climate Change 

elia vangi, Mauro Morichetti, Daniela Dalmonech, Elisa Grieco, and Alessio Collalti

Through photosynthesis, forests absorb significant amounts of CO₂ from the atmosphere while simultaneously releasing CO₂ back through respiration. The net carbon balance of a forest—whether it functions as a carbon sink (absorbing more CO₂ than it emits) or a carbon source (emitting more CO₂ than it absorbs)—depends on the relative magnitudes of these opposing carbon fluxes. The Mean Seasonal Cycle (MSC) provides a comprehensive view of the average carbon fluxes—Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), Gross Primary Production (GPP), and ecosystem respiration (Reco)—throughout the year.  

In this study, we assessed the ‘Three Dimensional–Coupled Model Carbon Cycle–Forest Ecosystem Module’ (3D—CMCC—FEM) ability to simulate key carbon fluxes. We validated the model against observed data and investigated whether the seasonal carbon sink/source dynamics patterns are affected under two climate change scenarios across five European forest sites. More specifically, daily observed meteorological (1997–2005) data for model validation come from the Fluxnet2015 Dataset, and future climate scenarios (2006–2099) are projected from three Earth System Models. These models are part of the Climate Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) and are driven by two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP), specifically RCP 2.6 and RCP 6.0. The five case studies selected to represent key European forest species are chosen for their presence in the Fluxnet network. These sites include: the temperate European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests at Collelongo, Italy (IT—Col), and Sorø, Denmark (DK—Sor); the maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) forest at Le Bray, France (FR—Lbr); the boreal Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest at Hyytiälä, Finland (FI—Hyy); and the temperate Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst) forest at Bílý Kříž, Czech Republic (CZ—Bk1). 

The model, validated under current climate conditions, confirmed the robust predictive ability in estimating NEE, GPP, and Reco across various forest species and climates. Under future climate scenarios, a consistent decline in forests Csink capabilities is observed, with a more pronounced reduction under RCP 6.0. This decline is particularly pronounced in evergreen forests, which showed a greater decrease in NEE than deciduous forests. Finally, it was found that the number of days when evergreen forests act as Csink increases over the years, with a forward shift of DoY to Csink and a backward shift of DoY to Csource. In contrast, deciduous forests maintain a relatively stable number of Csink (and Csource) days throughout the century (fixed DoY to Csink or Csource). The DoY for deciduous forests remains constant, as the earlier onset of the growing season, driven by warming temperatures, is offset by an earlier increase in respiration. This indicates that over the long haul, deciduous forests demonstrate greater efficiency in utilizing photosynthates than evergreen forests. 

How to cite: vangi, E., Morichetti, M., Dalmonech, D., Grieco, E., and Collalti, A.: Predicted Future Changes in the Mean Seasonal Carbon Cycle: Impacts of Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18906,, 2025.

EGU25-18956 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Advancing Tree Growth Prediction with Interactive and eXplainable AI for Tackling Climate Change 

Anahid Wachsenegger, Jasmin Lampert, and Refiz Duro

Understanding the intricacies of tree growth is crucial for understanding vegetation dynamics, optimizing carbon sequestration, preserving biodiversity, and enhancing climate adaptation within forest ecosystems. Leveraging primarily time-series data from dendrometers and weather stations provided by the International Cooperative Program for Forests (ICP-Forest), this study explores tree growth dynamics across diverse regions in Austria. Despite the value of this data, the nature of its collection introduces noise and errors, posing challenges for analysis. To address this, we employ advanced deep learning models within a machine and human interaction framework to predict tree growth, complemented by state-of-the-art explainability AI techniques (e.g., SHAP and LIME). By analyzing dendrometer and weather data, the study specifically investigates the impact of environmental components’ fluctuations over time on tree growth, offering valuable insights into forest ecosystem dynamics and their response to changing climatic conditions. We show that there is a strong correlation between soil moisture, temperature, and individual tree growth, emphasizing the importance of including these environmental factors in predictive models. Furthermore, we underscore the necessity of calculating tree competition parameters (estimated using terrestrial laser scanning data collected for the project), which play a vital role in accurately modelling tree dynamics and growth patterns.  Lastly, initial forecasting results demonstrated high accuracy, providing a robust foundation and serving as a baseline for developing more sophisticated machine learning models. These insights collectively can advance the understanding of forest dynamics and offer a pathway toward enhancing global vegetation models and more effective data-driven decision-making in forestry.

How to cite: Wachsenegger, A., Lampert, J., and Duro, R.: Advancing Tree Growth Prediction with Interactive and eXplainable AI for Tackling Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18956,, 2025.

A reliable assessment of forest resource stocks, productivity, and harvesting is a central goal of environmental monitoring programs. More specifically, evaluating appropriate management tools has become increasingly critical for assessing forest sustainability. Understanding how forests respond to various management tools is essential for developing and implementing sustainable strategies that enhance the resilience of forest ecosystems. Chestnut forest management practices differ across regions, with coppicing being one of the most common techniques. However, evidence from coppiced chestnut forests has raised concerns, particularly related to soil erosion and land degradation.

This study explores the use of advanced remote sensing and spectroscopic techniques to address two key aspects of land and soil degradation in Italian forests. The first objective is to utilize multi-temporal hyperspectral and multispectral satellite imagery to develop and test methods for identifying clearcut areas in chestnut forests resulting from coppice treatments, as opposed to other causes of bare soil, such as wildfires. The second objective focuses on monitoring the erosion impacts on land and soil degradation using mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy.

To achieve these goals, the study employed large-scale, multi-temporal satellite imagery from PRISMA, Sentinel-2, and Landsat 8, with a focus on developing a robust methodology for accurately delineating clearcut zones in chestnut forests located in central Italy (Campania). A pixel-based approach was used to differentiate between clearcut areas and pixels affected by other disturbances, beginning with a bare soil masking technique to create an annual bare soil composite image, followed by the delineation of clearcut zones.

In addition to remote sensing analysis, a comprehensive soil sampling campaign was conducted at active clearcut sites to evaluate the impact of chestnut management on soil degradation, with a focus on soil organic carbon content. Samples were collected from multiple locations within the clearcut areas to account for spatial variability. This dataset was used to identify areas vulnerable to soil erosion through MIR spectroscopy, offering valuable insights into soil function and the long-term impacts of management techniques on soil health.

The results show that the annual chestnut coppice clearcut areas were mapped with overall accuracies of 80%, 87%, and 92% for Landsat 8, PRISMA, and Sentinel-2, respectively. This approach enabled a detailed, high-resolution assessment of land use changes over time and the identification of clearcut zones due to coppice treatments. The use of MIR spectroscopy also facilitated the assessment and monitoring of erosion-prone areas within chestnut clearcuts.

The findings of this research have significant implications for forest management strategies, particularly regarding sustainable forest management and conservation. This study contributes to enhancing land management strategies by providing a deeper understanding of the environmental consequences of forest systems management techniques and highlighting the potential of remote sensing and spectroscopy for monitoring soil degradation.

How to cite: Mzid, N. and Terribile, F.: Integrating Remote Sensing and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy to Assess Land and Soil Degradation in Forest Ecosystems: Implications for Sustainable Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19324,, 2025.

EGU25-19761 | Orals | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Modeling Wildfire Risks and Forest Dynamics in Europe: Strategies for Climate-Resilient Management 

Colin Johnstone, Andrey Krasovskiy, Jo Hyun-Woo, Park Eunbeen, Dmitry Shchepashchenko, and Florian Kraxner

Wildfire risk is an escalating concern across EU territories, amplified by climate change and necessitating proactive management. Addressing this issue requires nature-based solutions, such as fuel management, forest conservation, and restoring fire-adapted ecosystems to their natural fire regimes. This study models forest growth across Europe under climate change and varying management strategies, presenting three scenarios aligned with potential policies. We focus on future wildfire dynamics and their impacts on forests, relying on high-resolution modeling of forest growth and burned areas.

We developed a new model for deadwood and litter dynamics and integrated it with models for forest growth and development and wildfire risks to simulate annual disturbances and post-disturbance management. The Wildfire Climate Impacts and Adaptation model (FLAM) identifies wildfire hotspots under historical, current, and future conditions and projects burned areas under various climate scenarios and management strategies. The Global Forest Model (G4M) simulates large-scale forest changes, accounting for growth, mortality, regeneration, and management activities like thinning, harvesting, and replanting.

Results from integrating and calibrating these models with observed fire events, harvest levels, biomass stocks, and other parameters will be presented. Three management scenarios reflecting key directions in forest management are proposed, linked to climate projections through 2070. This approach provides a robust framework for assessing the impacts of policies and legislation on wildfire dynamics across Europe, enhancing our ability to mitigate risks and adapt to changing conditions.

How to cite: Johnstone, C., Krasovskiy, A., Hyun-Woo, J., Eunbeen, P., Shchepashchenko, D., and Kraxner, F.: Modeling Wildfire Risks and Forest Dynamics in Europe: Strategies for Climate-Resilient Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19761,, 2025.

EGU25-19976 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Volume growth responses of Scots pine and Norway spruce to nitrogen fertilization: quantitative synthesis of fertilization experiments in Finland 

Johanna Jetsonen, Annamari Laurén, Heli Peltola, Katariina Laurén, Samuli Launiainen, and Marjo Palviainen

Nitrogen (N) fertilization can enhance carbon (C) sequestration in biomass in boreal forests, which has potential to work as a tool addressing climate change and promoting sustainable forest management. The effects of N fertilization on tree growth have been studied widely in boreal forests in Finland, but a quantitative synthesis is still lacking. Therefore, we performed a quantitative synthesis of the effects of N fertilization on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands across Finland, utilizing data from 9 published studies encompassing 108 Scots pine and 57 Norway spruce observations. Our research involved building multivariate linear regression models that reflect the annual volume growth response induced by N fertilization, incorporating factors such as N dosage, site fertility, and climatic conditions. The models demonstrated that the N dose is the most significant predictor of volume growth response, which is positively correlated with average precipitation but negatively correlated with time since fertilization. Notably, site fertility had significant influence on growth increment for Scots pine. These findings underscore the importance of site-specific precision fertilization schemes to sustainably enhance growth and carbon sequestration, addressing key management implications for boreal forest resilience. Furthermore, this work contributes to the broader framework of forest system modeling by integrating multiple environmental variables and offers insights into adaptive management strategies.

How to cite: Jetsonen, J., Laurén, A., Peltola, H., Laurén, K., Launiainen, S., and Palviainen, M.: Volume growth responses of Scots pine and Norway spruce to nitrogen fertilization: quantitative synthesis of fertilization experiments in Finland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19976,, 2025.

EGU25-20137 | Posters on site | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Advanced Monitoring Techniques and Modelling for Tree Growth under Influence of Climate Change 

Refiz Duro, Anahid Wachsenegger, Hanna Koloszyc, Anita Zolles, Carlos Landivar, Martin Gritsch, Günther Bronner, Larissa Posch, Albert Villalobos Gasca, Jasmin Lampert, Sean Cody, Franz Martin Rohrhofer, and David Conti

Changing climatic circumstances bring more frequent and intense extreme weather events that significantly impact forests in various ways. Since forests are the largest terrestrial sinks for carbon, and are among the richest biological environments on Earth, the goals of understanding the related challenges and improving the forest resilience is high on the agenda to mitigate climate change and save biodiversity. Achieving these goals requires access to data to derive vitality and health of trees, monitor and forecast tree growth, environmental conditions data, as well as suitable data modelling approaches.

Within our research, we exploited a wide set of data sources originating and ranging from remote sensing to in-situ measurement equipment allowing us to address the tree growth and health from different spatial and temporal points of view.

The data from dendrometers provided us with the high frequency (hourly), intraday variation of tree radial growth for assessing long-term growth and instantaneous changes in growth. These data are of extreme value, as no other means to monitor trees on such a high temporal resolution with a very high sensitivity exits. However, to understand the variations in these data, which directly show variation in the tree growth, especially in the context of extreme or sudden changes, they are evaluated within the environmental context. The environmental high-quality data were collected directly from forest sites selected from the Europe-wide Forest monitoring program (ICP-Forests), which has been providing high-quality data on the vitality and adaptability of trees, nutrient cycles, water balance, etc.  

Furthermore, satellite Earth Observation (EO) data for single-tree detection and monitoring forest disturbances like selective logging and drought impacts have been likewise exploited, to explore if they may have an impact on the individual tree growth. We show that a CNN-based U-Net model trained on Very High Resolution (VHR) imagery demonstrates strong potential for identifying tree crowns and validating changes in forest structure. However, challenges such as limited training data diversity and low resolution for small trees underscore the need for further refinements.

Finally, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) technique delivers single tree point-clouds not only allowing extraction of traditional tree features like diameters at different heights, tree height and crown dimensions, but also providing the possibility of statistical approaches for calculation of various metrics, e.g., point-cloud percentiles along the tree height and tree competition.

We describe the approaches on leveraging these, the challenges we have encountered (e.g., data gaps, errors in data, co-location), how we approached them,  and all in the context of developing predictive AI-based, climate sensitive tree growth models, to support forest management on a local, regional and national level, and thus empowering response to minimize potentially harmful consequences for modern societies in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

How to cite: Duro, R., Wachsenegger, A., Koloszyc, H., Zolles, A., Landivar, C., Gritsch, M., Bronner, G., Posch, L., Villalobos Gasca, A., Lampert, J., Cody, S., Rohrhofer, F. M., and Conti, D.: Advanced Monitoring Techniques and Modelling for Tree Growth under Influence of Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20137,, 2025.

According the the IPCC's 2023 Synthesis Report on Climate Change, global temperatures have risen approximately 1C since the the pre-industrial period, and there is significant uncertainty around future climate projections. Additionally, IPCC and related scientific literature find that the forestry sector is both vulnerable to and already feeling the effects of climate change. This work sets out to accomplish two goals. The first is contribute a new modeling approach that accounts of intra-annual changes in the variability of weather patterns on tree growth using signal processing and statistical modeling techniques. The second uses these models, in conjunction with climate projections, to develop a portfolio view of the forest through the lens of a changing and uncertain climate future. We leverage publicly available data from the USFS's Forest Inventory and Analysis Database, ORNL's DAYMET, and NASA's NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 to train models based on past observation and then simulate future growth based on 88 projections of future climate. Our models consider species-level reactions to site characteristics and weather patterns across the southeastern United States. 

Finally, we compare the performance of roughly 4.6 million forest compositions, across four species and two management scenarios, to explore the trade-off between expected return and the variance of said return in a Markowitz Portfolio Selection framework when optimiizing financial returns to timber and carbon production, respectively. Special attention is paid to the performance of different species and their relative prevalence in portfolios along the efficient frontier. 

How to cite: Baker, J. and Manner, R.: A Portfolio of Trees in a Changing Climate: Using Signal Processing and Individual Tree Growth Simulations to Develop Mean-Variance Tradeoff Frontiers for Forest Establishment in the Southern United States, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20362,, 2025.

EGU25-21265 | Posters on site | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Analysis of Species Composition and Distribution Changes in South Korean Forests Using the Individual Tree Data 

Moonil Kim, Jisang Lee, Jiwon Son, Youngjin Ko, and Mina Hong

The distribution and composition of tree species in forests play a pivotal role in forest ecology, management, and carbon cycling. Consequently, their assessment and prediction are of paramount importance for effective forest management planning and the formulation of climate change adaptation strategies, both at local and national scales. The primary objective of this study was to interpret and forecast patterns of tree species distribution changes observed within Korean forests. To achieve this goal, we utilized data from the 5th to 7th National Forest Inventory to construct basal area data for all tree species within each permanent plot. Subsequently, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the changing trends exhibited by each tree species. Additionally, we calculated climatic environmental indices highly relevant to tree species distribution using meteorological data provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration. Furthermore, a tree species distribution prediction model was developed by applying the Generalized Additive Model (GAM). Our analysis revealed that prominent tree species with a significant distribution presence in Korean forests included Pinus densiflora (36.2%), Quercus mongolica (14.6%), Quercus variabilis BL (11.0%), Quercus serrata Murray (4.3%), Pinus rigida (3.6%), Larix kaempferi (3.2%), Quercus acutissima (2.8%), and Pinus koraiensis (2.4%), based on basal area. Notably, Pinus densifloraQuercus mongolica, and Pinus rigida showed a consistent decline in forest area. Furthermore, the results from the GAM analysis highlighted a substantial correlation between changes in basal area among major tree species and climate indices, including the Warmth Index (WI), Precipitation Effectiveness Index (PEI), and Minimum Temperature of the Coldest Month Index (MTCI). Forest age also emerged as a closely associated factor. The findings of this study hold significant implications, as they enable us to anticipate future alterations in tree species distributions attributable to natural selection and climate change. In addition, this is the first research using the individual tree-level for develping the tree species distribution model in South Korea. 

∗This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute through Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime, funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (RS-2022-KE002294).

How to cite: Kim, M., Lee, J., Son, J., Ko, Y., and Hong, M.: Analysis of Species Composition and Distribution Changes in South Korean Forests Using the Individual Tree Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21265,, 2025.

EGU25-21432 | Posters on site | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Modelling Multiple Interconnected Hazards to Forests in a Changing Climate 

Barry Gardiner, Tam Do, Victor Jorquera Olave, Robin Bourke, and Marc Hanewinkel

Forests face increased threats from multiple hazards, with clear evidence of rising levels of disturbance across the world. In Europe part of this increased disturbance is from the increasing areas of forest across the continent, part is due to the management of the forests, and part is due to the changing climate. Recently the levels of damage have become alarming, with windstorms causing catastrophic damage, forest fires appearing in new and unexpected locations, and extended droughts followed by bark beetle infestations leading to very high mortality in Norway spruce across Central Europe.

The disturbance agents that affect forests are often linked together so that, for example, drought can lead to bark beetle outbreaks, windstorms will often lead to secondary damage from bark beetles, and dead wood from any disturbance can raise the fuel loading in the forest and increase the risk and intensity of any subsequent forest fires. Usually when forest risk has been studied or modelled each disturbance has been studied and modelled separately. In this paper we present a modelling effort to link together, in the R software environment, existing and new disturbance models for wind (fgr), bark beetles (IpsR), drought (SPEI) and forest fires (cffdrs). When coupled with climate sensitive growth models we are able to investigate predicted levels of damage until the end of the century for different climate scenarios. The disturbance models have been linked to the European Forest Dynamics Model (efdm) to assess levels of risk across Europe, and they have been linked to the 3-PG growth model (r3PG) to assess forest risk across Germany at a finer spatial scale. The results allow us to determine the effect of different forest management options and to search for optimal management approaches that can help in the development of more climate resilient forests.

How to cite: Gardiner, B., Do, T., Jorquera Olave, V., Bourke, R., and Hanewinkel, M.: Modelling Multiple Interconnected Hazards to Forests in a Changing Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21432,, 2025.

EGU25-21546 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.8/BG0.4

Describing the current forest state in the complex mountainous forest landscape of Austria 

Christoph Pucher, Klemens Schadauer, Mathias Neumann, Christian Hochauer, and Manfred Josef Lexer

The lack of consistent and accessible forest data in Europe still provides a challenge for large-scale assessments and simulation studies. Here we compare two approaches for providing a detailed description of the current forest state in the complex mountainous forest landscape of Austria. Approach A integrates point-based National forest inventory with climate and remote sensing data to produce detailed gridded forest information (forest type and structural attributes) at 1 x 1 km resolution. In addition to these data sets, approach B integrates high resolution (10 m) remote sensing tree species data, which has recently become available for Austria. A special focus lies on how the detailed tree species maps can be used to improve the description of the current forest state.

How to cite: Pucher, C., Schadauer, K., Neumann, M., Hochauer, C., and Lexer, M. J.: Describing the current forest state in the complex mountainous forest landscape of Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21546,, 2025.

EGU25-2634 | Orals | ITS1.12/HS12.1

Comparison of Models for Missing Data Imputation in Environmental Data: A Case Study of PM-2.5 in Seoul 

Ju-Yong Lee, Seung-Hee Han, Kwon Jang, Kyung-Hui Wang, Hui-Young Yun, and Dae-Ryun Choi

PM-2.5 is a critical pollutant for air quality evaluation and public health policymaking, necessitating accurate data for reliable analysis. However, environmental data often contain missing values due to equipment malfunctions or extreme weather conditions, which undermine the credibility of analysis and predictions. In particular, the frequent fluctuations of PM-2.5 levels in Seoul highlight the importance of addressing missing data issues.

This study systematically compares the performance of various missing data imputation methods for PM-2.5 data in Seoul, aiming to identify the optimal approach for medium- and long-term predictions. By generating and evaluating missing data during high- and low-concentration periods, this research differentiates itself from prior studies and enhances practical applicability.

A range of statistical and machine learning-based methods, including FFILL, KNN, MICE, SARIMAX, DNN, and LSTM, were applied to impute missing data. The performance of each method was evaluated over 6-hour, 12-hour, and 24-hour intervals using metrics such as RMSE, MAE, and correlation coefficients. The experimental design incorporated real-world air quality conditions by selecting data from periods of significant PM-2.5 variation.

KNN demonstrated balanced performance across all time intervals and yielded the best results for medium- and long-term predictions. FFILL showed excellent accuracy over short time intervals but exhibited declining performance as the interval length increased. Conversely, deep learning-based models, such as DNN and LSTM, showed relatively poor performance, indicating the need for further optimization to account for the characteristics of time-series data.

This study confirms that KNN is the most suitable method for PM-2.5 missing data imputation due to its simplicity and computational efficiency. These findings enhance the reliability of air quality data analysis and provide a valuable foundation for effective air quality management and policymaking. Furthermore, the results underscore the importance of selecting appropriate imputation methods to improve predictive accuracy and analytical reliability.

"This research was supported by Particulate Matter Management Specialized Graduate Program through the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute(KEITI) funded by the Ministry of Environment(MOE)“


How to cite: Lee, J.-Y., Han, S.-H., Jang, K., Wang, K.-H., Yun, H.-Y., and Choi, D.-R.: Comparison of Models for Missing Data Imputation in Environmental Data: A Case Study of PM-2.5 in Seoul, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2634,, 2025.

EGU25-5609 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/HS12.1

Use of synthetic time series datasets for quality control of meteorological data.  

Jose Araya, Yiannis Proestos, and Jos Lelieveld

With the advent of Machine Learning methods and the development of new techniques in data mining, knowledge representation and data extraction, new possibilities have emerged to address the shortcomings of data imperfection. In this context, there are different methods for producing synthetic time series, which vary across goals and disciplines. In certain situations, it can be challenging to obtain the relevant data required to test assumptions about the skill and performance of machine learning models. Synthetic data generation approaches provide an effective solution by enabling the testing of machine learning algorithms in the absence of real data.

Although data availability is seemingly ubiquitous these days, a paradox arises in situations where bureaucratic, practical, or technical limitations make it difficult for researchers to rely on the required data, particularly when accessing real measurements (e.g., time series data) for specific purposes.

Our preliminary study features a case in operational meteorology where synthetic data proves particularly useful, addressing challenges associated with limited or inaccessible real measurements. Specifically, we investigate the capability of machine learning algorithms to generate high-quality synthetic time series that can be applied in meteorological data processing and analysis. To achieve this, synthetic datasets were developed based on informed criteria that integrate dynamical features of near-surface temperature data, tailored to the unique geographic and environmental context of Cyprus. These criteria include key characteristics such as trends, extreme values, diurnal cycles and vertical temperature gradients, ensuring a realistic and comprehensive representation of near-surface temperature behavior. This approach facilitates the testing and validation of data-driven models in operational settings, providing a robust framework for evaluating their performance under controlled, yet realistic, conditions.

We characterized the general features of these synthetic datasets and evaluated their utility as benchmarks for data quality control purposes. Our findings underscore the potential value of synthetic datasets in operational meteorology, particularly in supporting the development and evaluation of robust, purpose-specific, machine learning algorithms. 

How to cite: Araya, J., Proestos, Y., and Lelieveld, J.: Use of synthetic time series datasets for quality control of meteorological data. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5609,, 2025.

Quantifying the long-term evolution of the water cycle at the basin scale requires the estimation and integration of time series for various hydrological variables, e.g. precipitation, runoff, groundwater, and soil moisture, to name a few. The availability of Earth observation data, along with advancements in computational modelling and the expansion of in situ data networks, has led to a diverse array of products designed to estimate these variables. As a result, selecting the most appropriate products has become a significant challenge. This challenge is further complicated by the fact that estimates for a given variable can vary considerably across different products due to the inherent complexity of the variable or the uncertainties associated with the measurement process.

This study aims to tap into this wealth of products to provide single estimates of the key basin-scale hydrological variables involved in the water mass balance equation dS/dt=P−E−Q, namely precipitation rate (P), discharge (Q), evaporation rate (E) and terrestrial water storage (S), for the period 1990-2023. The approach is two-fold:

  • To start, various products for P, E, and S are selected and pre-processed. The goal of this pre-processing is to address data gaps and extend certain products back to 1990. This is particularly relevant for water storage time series, as they depend on the GRACE and GRACE-FO missions, which was launched in April 2002 and suffer from numerous gaps. To tackle this issue, we jointly process the selected time series using low-rank matrix completion and approximation techniques. The key idea is to exploit the low-rank structure of the time series data matrix to recover the underlying noise- and gap-free matrix. In addition, we analyse the potential benefits of applying this pre-processing to the multi-channel Hankel data matrix in order to take into account the autocorrelation of the signals.
  • The second step combines the pre-processed products by solving a constrained least-squares problem to generate a single estimate for each variable. This approach minimizes water mass balance misclosure while maintaining the non-negativity of discharge (Q≥0) and ensuring that each variable’s final estimate lies within the convex hulls defined by their respective time series products.

We conduct an extensive numerical analysis of the proposed method across 46 basins worldwide, using a selection of five products for precipitation, four for evaporation and four others for terrestrial water storage. Our results demonstrate that a rank-3 or rank-4 matrix strikes a good balance between data fitting and extrapolation, often reducing the average mass balance misclosure. The Hankel structure generally yields more robust and accurate results, although the optimal Hankel parameter and rank are not straightforward to determine and require further investigation. Finally, we validate the merged products by comparing them to independent estimates and assessing improvements in misclosure reduction.

How to cite: Douch, K., Naylor, P., and Saemian, P.: Hydrological data fusion: Joint gap-filling and back reconstruction via low-rank matrix approximation and completion , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6651,, 2025.

EGU25-7012 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.12/HS12.1

Addressing Common Inconsistencies in Sewer Networks Data 

Batoul Haydar, Naneé Chahinian, and Claude Pasquier

In sewer networks, adding a new element involves multiple phases, including planning, installation, and ongoing maintenance. At each stage of the element's lifecycle—whether it is a pipe, a structure, or an apparatus—different stakeholders and experts are involved. Due to variations in data practices, maintaining accurate and standardized data becomes a significant challenge. However, managing these networks requires consistent and reliable data to ensure effective decision-making and operational efficiency.

These imperfections can stem from various reasons, including discrepancies in data collection methods, outdated or incomplete documentation, and human errors during data entry. Additionally, the integration of data from diverse sources, such as GIS systems, maintenance reports, and sensor networks, often lead to inconsistencies and redundancies, complicating data processing and analysis.

For large datasets, which are common in sewer networks, it becomes increasingly difficult to identify and address inconsistencies. To address this, we built an Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) system which provides a unified semantic view of the data facilitating data access and integration. The system consists of a conceptual layer that provides the controlled vocabulary of sewer networks, a data layer where Montpellier Metropole open data is stored in relational databases, and a mapping layer between the two. Through this framework, common inconsistencies were identified such as missing node connections, duplicate entries, and conflicting attribute values for a specific dataset.

How to cite: Haydar, B., Chahinian, N., and Pasquier, C.: Addressing Common Inconsistencies in Sewer Networks Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7012,, 2025.

EGU25-8379 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/HS12.1

Graphs as Tools for Wastewater Network Representation: Benefits and Insights 

Omar Et-targuy, Carole Delenne, Ahlame Begdouri, and Salem Benferhat

Wastewater networks are inherently interconnected systems, yet the Shapefile model commonly used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) fails to adequately represent their connectivity. This limitation arises from the non-topological nature of Shapefiles model, which store different components—such as manholes, pipes and pumps—in separate databases without preserving their real-world interconnections. Positional imprecision and the lack of explicit topological relationships further aggravate this issue, resulting in a representation that fails to reflect the interconnected nature of the objects. To address this problem, we propose a graph-based representation where network components are modeled as nodes and their connections as edges. This approach captures the true structure of wastewater networks while resolving disconnections and accounting for missing elements through the introduction of dummy nodes. Validation on real-world datasets demonstrates the efficacy of this method in delivering a cohesive and precise representation.

How to cite: Et-targuy, O., Delenne, C., Begdouri, A., and Benferhat, S.: Graphs as Tools for Wastewater Network Representation: Benefits and Insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8379,, 2025.

EGU25-10892 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.12/HS12.1

Enhancing the Representation of WastewaterNetwork Maps Using Graphs 

Ikram El miqdadi, Fatima Abouzid, Salem Benferhat, Nanée Chahinian, Carole Delenne, Aicha Alami Hassani, Hicham Ghennioui, and Jamal Kharroubi

Abstract—Accurate representation of wastewater networks is critical for effective urban infrastructure management. Extracting these networks from low-quality geographical maps presents significant challenges due to incomplete or ambiguous information. So far, we have developed a method for extracting wastewater network structures from geographical maps and representing them as graphs. This method includes detecting key network elements, such as manholes, their identifiers (using Optical Character Recognition, OCR), and pipelines connecting them. As part of this approach, we developed an efficient algorithm to accurately associate manhole identifiers with their corresponding nodes, achieving acceptable results despite the low quality of image maps. To address the issue of isolated nodes caused by undetected components, we introduced weighted edges in the graph to quantify the likelihood of connections between nodes. This enhancement improved the representation of incomplete graphs. Our current research focuses on two key challenges: creating more complete and reliable graph representations of wastewater networks and detecting arrows that represent the direction of wastewater flow.
Index Terms—Wastewater networks, Graphs, Object detection, Geographical Maps.

*Ikram El Miqdadi and Fatima Abouzid contributed equally to this work.

This research has received support from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation program under the MSCA (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions)-SE (Staff Exchanges) grant agreement 101086252; Call: HORIZON- MSCA-2021-SE-01, Project title: STARWARS (STormwAteR and WastewAteR networkS heterogeneous data AI-driven management). We would like to express our gratitude to ”Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole” and ”La  régie des eaux de Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole” for having provided us with data essential to this research.

How to cite: El miqdadi, I., Abouzid, F., Benferhat, S., Chahinian, N., Delenne, C., Alami Hassani, A., Ghennioui, H., and Kharroubi, J.: Enhancing the Representation of WastewaterNetwork Maps Using Graphs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10892,, 2025.

EGU25-12477 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/HS12.1

A Novel Hybrid Approach for Missing PM2.5 Data Imputation Using Optuna-Optimized Extreme Gradient Boosting 

Muhammed Denizoğlu, İsmail Sezen, Ali Deniz, and Alper Ünal

Conducting accurate air quality measurements is of critical importance for sustaining environmental and public health; however, gaps due to various reasons in respective datasets often undermine the reliability of subsequent processes.This study, therefore, aims at presenting a novel hybrid methodology that leverages the Optuna framework to optimize the hyperparameters of the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) model for imputing missing data within one of the most significant indicators of air quality, namely PM2.5 data. The proposed approach was systematically evaluated under varying data loss scenarios, using synthetic datasets generated under the Missing Completely at Random (MCAR) mechanism with missing rates of 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%. Traditional interpolation methods (such as linear and spline) and widely adopted machine learning techniques (i.e., random forest, multivariate adaptive regression splines) were also utilized to not only benchmarking but also ensuring a comparative environment. In this sense, three experimental configurations were examined: (1) imputation based solely on the PM2.5 time series, (2) integration of ERA5 reanalysis covariates and (3) inclusion of data from neighboring monitoring stations. The results indicate that the XGBoost-Optuna model outperformed its counterparts across all missing data scenarios, with R2 values of 0.852, 0.874, 0.862, and 0.866 for missing rates of 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively. These findings highlight the potential of the XGBoost-Optuna model as a robust tool for handling missing air quality data, ensuring enhanced accuracy across varying data gaps and scenarios.

How to cite: Denizoğlu, M., Sezen, İ., Deniz, A., and Ünal, A.: A Novel Hybrid Approach for Missing PM2.5 Data Imputation Using Optuna-Optimized Extreme Gradient Boosting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12477,, 2025.

EGU25-14054 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/HS12.1

Geologically Constrained CTGAN for Reliable Prediction of Tunnel Overbreak and Blasting Variables 

Yulin Xu, Naru Sato, Yoko Ohtomo, and Youhei Kawamura

Acquiring sufficient and reliable data for tunnel construction is challenging due to high costs, data scarcity, and the site-specific nature of geological conditions. This study introduces a Geologically Constrained Conditional Tabular GAN (CTGAN) framework to address these challenges by generating synthetic data that accurately reflects the geological characteristics of tunnels. Traditional approaches often overlook inherent geological variability, leading to synthetic data that lacks real-world relevance, particularly in industrial scenarios where each tunnel or its sections exhibit unique geological environments.

The proposed framework incorporates geological attributes defined by tunneling standards, including Face condition, Compressive strength, Weathering, and Crack/fissure characteristics. These attributes are categorized into levels that represent distinct geological states while maintaining consistency with practical engineering scenarios. A physical constraint module ensures logical relationships among these features, preserving the geological and physical validity of the generated data.

Designed for industrial applications, this approach enables the augmentation of limited real-world data with samples tailored to the geological characteristics of specific tunnels. It addresses data scarcity while avoiding the generation of artificially balanced samples, instead ensuring alignment with naturally occurring geological conditions. Initial results demonstrate that the constrained CTGAN effectively replicates field-observed patterns, providing a valuable tool for improving data-driven methodologies in tunnel construction and monitoring. This research highlights the importance of leveraging domain-specific constraints in generative models, contributing to reliable, context-aware data generation for geotechnical engineering applications.

How to cite: Xu, Y., Sato, N., Ohtomo, Y., and Kawamura, Y.: Geologically Constrained CTGAN for Reliable Prediction of Tunnel Overbreak and Blasting Variables, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14054,, 2025.

EGU25-16541 | Posters on site | ITS1.12/HS12.1 | Highlight

AI-Driven Analysis of Heterogeneous Wastewater Network Data 

Salem Benferhat, Nanee Chahinian, and Carole Delenne
This presentation explores the analysis of heterogeneous geospatial data from various sources through the application of artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Wastewater networks are used as a case study to address challenges such as data completion, multi-source integration, and managing diverse data formats, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), analog maps, and pipe inspection videos, all derived from real-world data. We will review some solutions developed under the European project Starwars (STormwAteR and WastewAteR networkS heterogeneous data AI-driven management). These solutions are based on innovative models and tools that employ logical and graph-based representations of heterogeneous data. Specifically, we aim to represent different data types — such as GIS, ITV inspection videos, and maps — as annotated graphs, incorporating the uncertainty stemming from incomplete or inconsistent information.

How to cite: Benferhat, S., Chahinian, N., and Delenne, C.: AI-Driven Analysis of Heterogeneous Wastewater Network Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16541,, 2025.

EGU25-18759 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.12/HS12.1

Data Imperfections in Environmental Epidemiology: A Case Study from Ecuadorian Amazon 

Mahmoud Hashoush and Emmanuelle Cadot

The effective utilization of data in research is often hindered by inherent challenges, including inconsistency, imprecision, missing information, and redundancy. Data imperfections are a ubiquitous challenge in scientific research, and environmental epidemiology is no exception. Environmental epidemiology relies heavily on the presence of high-quality data to establish robust associations between environmental exposures and health outcomes. This work will explore common data imperfections encountered in environmental epidemiology research, focusing on their impact on research findings and presenting strategies for mitigation. Examples from an ongoing project in the Ecuadorian Amazon will be used to illustrate these challenges and solutions. This study aims at investigating links between environmental exposure to gold mining and adverse birth outcomes in communities living in Ecuadorian Amazon. The present study underscores the substantial ramifications of outcome data imperfections, encompassing imprecision, inconsistency over time, and the existence of missing values. It also addresses exposure data imperfection, which may arise from its unavailability and the challenges associated with its detection, particularly when it comes to illegal mining. Moreover, we will discuss the challenges of integrating these two types of data and the measures that can be taken to mitigate the adverse effects of these shortcomings. We will present our findings and explore potential strategies for addressing these limitations, such as the use of remote sensing and spatial analysis tools. This research emphasizes the critical need for robust data collection and analysis methods to accurately assess environmental health risks and inform effective public health interventions.

How to cite: Hashoush, M. and Cadot, E.: Data Imperfections in Environmental Epidemiology: A Case Study from Ecuadorian Amazon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18759,, 2025.

EGU25-18833 | Posters on site | ITS1.12/HS12.1

Titre Predicting Changes in Sewer Pipeline Size from Inspection Videos Using Time Series Models 

Ti-Hon Nguyen, Carole Delenne, and Minh Thu Tran Nguyen
This presentation addresses the problem of predicting changes in sewer pipeline size from inspection videos. We specifically focus on inspection television (ITV) videos of wastewater pipes, which play a crucial role in the management and maintenance of urban networks. On one hand, they help identify anomalies that may affect the pipes, such as obstructions or degradations. On the other hand, they provide essential information about the structural properties of the pipes and networks, including their diameter and the direction of wastewater flow. We propose a classification algorithm for ITV videos, with a particular focus on detecting diameter changes within the pipes. This task is essential for predictive maintenance and hydraulic modeling of wastewater networks. We build on Video Vision Transformer (ViViT)-based methodologies for video classification, which allow for the effective capture of both spatial and temporal relationships between the different images or frames in the video data. We specifically describe different mechanisms for generating training datasets from a subset of manually annotated images. The experimental study shows promising results on real-world ITV video data.

How to cite: Nguyen, T.-H., Delenne, C., and Tran Nguyen, M. T.: Titre Predicting Changes in Sewer Pipeline Size from Inspection Videos Using Time Series Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18833,, 2025.

EGU25-19119 | Posters on site | ITS1.12/HS12.1

Exploiting Video Inspection Data in Wastewater Networks 

Salem Benferhat, Minh Thu Tran Nguyen, Nanee Chahinian, Carole Delenne, Neda Mashhadi, and Thanh-Nghi Do
In this presentation, we introduce an algorithm for extracting the structure of a wastewater network from a set of sewer inspection videos. This structure is represented as a directed graph of the pipes, automatically constructed from annotations present in the sewer videos. These annotations contain summary information about the inspection process. They include manhole identifiers, direction of inspection, direction of wastewater flow, distance travelled, date of inspection, name of the street where the pipe is located, etc. This graph, where the nodes represent manholes and the directed arcs represent pipes and wastewater flow, will provide valuable data to complement and compare with existing Geographic Information Systems. However, its construction is challenging due to the variable visibility of text in inspection videos, influenced by background brightness and irregular annotation positioning. By leveraging recurring annotations across multiple frames and using fusion strategies as well as regular expressions, we achieve reliable detection of key information such as street names and manhole identifiers, confirmed by experimental results on real wastewater inspection videos.

How to cite: Benferhat, S., Tran Nguyen, M. T., Chahinian, N., Delenne, C., Mashhadi, N., and Do, T.-N.: Exploiting Video Inspection Data in Wastewater Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19119,, 2025.

EGU25-21637 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.12/HS12.1

Geospatial uncertainties: a focus on intervals and spatial models based on inverse distance weightin 

Priscillia Labourg, Sébastien Desterck, Romain Guillaume, Jeremy Rohmer, Benjamin Quost, and Stéphane Belbèze

Processing geospatial data requires to manage many sources of uncertainties; some appear in classical inference problems, some others are specific to this setting. The goal of this work is to study the management of these uncertainties via standard intervals and sets when the inference model considered relies on inverse distance weighting as it is with ordinary kriging the most used method of interpolation. We provide a general discussion with examples, together with a study of the associated optimisation problems induced by different sources of uncertainty. We conclude by an illustration on a semi-synthetic use case, generated according to data recorded via real studies.

How to cite: Labourg, P., Desterck, S., Guillaume, R., Rohmer, J., Quost, B., and Belbèze, S.: Geospatial uncertainties: a focus on intervals and spatial models based on inverse distance weightin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21637,, 2025.

EGU25-578 * | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1 | Highlight

“Old Texts, New Tech, Better Theory”: Applying Machine Learning to Textual Weather Data from Historical Ship Logbooks  

Livia Stein Freitas, Theo Carr, Tessa Giacoppo, Timothy Walker, and Caroline Ummenhofer

During oceanic expeditions, pre-modern sailors meticulously recorded information about their longitude and latitude, the local wind conditions, and the state of the sea. For a long time, prior to precision instrumentation, sailors provided qualitative recordings of wind speed instead of quantitative (e.g.: “light breeze” instead of 5 meters/second). For that reason, this textual data requires additional processing before being usable for comparison with modern instrumental data or reanalysis products. In particular, the phrases used in wind descriptions can be classified using the Beaufort Wind Force Scale (codified in 1805), that consists of thirteen base wind force levels assigned a numerical value. Manually categorizing all the distinct and unique variations on the wind information can be ambiguous and time consuming. Because of historical weather data’s importance for climate science, we investigated if machine learning could speed up this process while producing accurate results.

Using a novel dataset of >100,000 (sub)daily maritime weather recordings from historical whaling ship logbooks housed across New England archives and covering the period 1820-1890, here we show that k-means nearest neighbors and density based spatial clustering models, while efficient, generate outputs with reduced accuracy when compared to the data classified by humans. However, there is a noticeable improvement in the quality of the clustering when we introduce the Beaufort Wind Force Scale’s thirteen categories as starting centroids. These results show that machine learning could be a useful tool for wind term processing and that well-placed human input aids in the accuracy of outcomes. Therefore, cross-validation methods are employed to help with the interpretability of the machine models utilized. Additionally, various neural network clustering models are evaluated regarding their efficacy, such as a two sliding windows text GNN-based (TSW-GNN) model, since its graph-based approach has demonstrated improved accuracy in classifying textual data as compared to language representation models.

How to cite: Stein Freitas, L., Carr, T., Giacoppo, T., Walker, T., and Ummenhofer, C.: “Old Texts, New Tech, Better Theory”: Applying Machine Learning to Textual Weather Data from Historical Ship Logbooks , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-578,, 2025.

EGU25-3038 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Augmenting Local LLMs with Specialized Tools for Scientific Workflows 

Mirko Mälicke, Alexander Dolich, and Lucas Reid

Large Language Models (LLMs) became wide-spread during only the last couple of years and are used in almost every scientific and non-scientific domain. Understanding opportunities, applications and limitations of LLMs is crucial for a risk-free, effective and useful implementation of LLMs into scientific workflows. We demonstrate that their effectiveness is maximized not through autonomous operation but through careful integration with specialized tools and contextual knowledge bases. 

Using local deployments of modern LLMs (QWen-2.5-coder, LLaMA, Mistral) comes with a number of benefits in a scientific context. Our approach employs vector embeddings for enhanced context retention and metadata databases for structured data access, enabling guided, context-aware interactions with the LLM. Local deployments allow for improved data handling and privacy, improved cost management and a higher degree of customization. Energy consumption can more easily be observed and managed, which can be a crucial property of such a system, especially compared to the newest generation of LLMs, which have extensive power  (and cost) requirements.

Opportunities and limitations are explored through two case studies: (1) an LLM-driven system that queries metadata databases to retrieve data from common open data sources and harmonizes patio-temporal subsets into data-cubes, and (2) a VBA-to-Python code translation project to preserve a legacy selection-system forest management software, which was developed in ACCESS / VBA over more than two decades. The LLM's translation process and reasoning are preserved in a vector database for consistent context maintenance and the original as well as the ‚new‘ code is searchable using the LLM to aid rebuilding a modernized software. 

Results suggest that this tool-augmented approach leads to a more reliable and maintainable solution compared to purely LLM-driven implementations, suggesting a new paradigm for integrating AI in scientific workflows where LLMs rather facilitate than replace domain-specific tools and human expertise.

How to cite: Mälicke, M., Dolich, A., and Reid, L.: Augmenting Local LLMs with Specialized Tools for Scientific Workflows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3038,, 2025.

EGU25-3179 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Encouraging interdisciplinary connections at EGU through text mining  

Jan Sodoge, Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho, and Mariana Madruga de Brito

An increasing volume of abstracts across geoscience is presented annually at the EGU General Assembly (GA). To manage thousands of abstracts, the conference is structured into divisions, thematic sessions, and individual sessions. However, creating rigid organizational boundaries that separate research contradicts commonly demanded interdisciplinary research: researchers may be only exposed to ideas within their peer group, reinforcing existing perspectives. Such phenomena of filter bubbles and selective exposure to information have been observed in various contexts to limit creativity and innovation. Yet, it persists and remains underexplored in the context of large scientific conferences like the EGU GA. 
In this contribution, we demonstrate how natural language processing allows for breaking the scientific silos to encourage interdisciplinary interaction at EGU GA. We use sentence embeddings (SBERT) to evaluate the semantic similarity between scientific abstracts and identify closely related ones. We analyzed 5,000 randomly selected abstracts per EGU GA, identifying the 10 most similar abstracts. The results show that participants who focus exclusively on abstracts within their thematic session potentially overlook 44% of the ten most relevant contributions to their research, underscoring the risk of missed interdisciplinary connections. Beyond those findings, we will outline existing projects and plans for improving the conference experience and making geoscience research more interdisciplinary.

How to cite: Sodoge, J., Carvalho, T. M. N., and de Brito, M. M.: Encouraging interdisciplinary connections at EGU through text mining , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3179,, 2025.

EGU25-4468 | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Theoretical-Deductive Content Analysis of Text as Data in Environmental Research 

Andreas Niekler, Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho, and Mariana Madruga de Brito

The increasing use of text as data in environmental research offers valuable opportunities, but the inherent biases within textual sources like news, social media, or disaster reports necessitate moving beyond purely descriptive analyses. While NLP techniques like topic modeling and categorical annotations can identify emergent patterns, they often fail to elucidate the underlying causal mechanisms driving observed phenomena, especially within the complex interplay of anthropogenic activities, societal structures, and environmental outcomes. The reductionist tendencies of NLP, especially when dealing with complex social phenomena, often neglect the nuances of language and context, leading to potentially trivial or superficial findings when results are merely validated post-hoc against existing literature. This highlights the missed chance to leverage the extensive existing literature on climate research, for instance, to inform the a priori development of theoretical frameworks that could guide the research process. This not only validates the variable constructs but also prevents the validation and discovery of findings solely based on detected patterns. Instead, it explicitly searches for patterns that are relevant and address the research question. In a way, it tests what is expected or unexpected, minimizing blind spots and positivist statements. This approach doesn't hinder exploratory approaches that yield new hypotheses; rather, it meaningfully combines them with the actual research question.

To address this, a theoretically grounded approach is crucial, moving from describing "what" to explaining "why." This entails embedding the research question within a robust theoretical framework, operationalizing key concepts into measurable variables, and developing a coding scheme that links these variables to their manifestations in the text. This coding scheme is not just an arbitrary set of labels, but a theoretically grounded codebook that ensures the validity of subsequent analyses. NLP then serves as an annotation tool, generating data that reflects these operationalized variables, with rigorous validation ensuring the annotations' accuracy. Instead of simply describing the distributional properties of these annotations, statistical modeling techniques can be used to test a priori hypotheses derived from the theoretical framework. By comparing models based on both statistical fit and theoretical plausibility, researchers can identify the most probable explanation for the observed relationships, thereby uncovering the causal mechanisms at play.

In this contribution, we exemplify this approach by utilizing LLM-based information extraction to annotate disaster impacts from scientific papers based on predefined and well understood classes and their textual representation. We employ Structural Equation Models, Exploratory Factor Analysis, and regression to test models derived by literature and compare their probability given the data, demonstrating how this method produces robust, explainable results that go beyond the surface-level findings of exploratory approaches and move towards a deeper understanding of complex environmental phenomena. This integrated approach allows researchers to not just identify patterns in large textual datasets, but to understand the reasons behind them and generate valid and reliable insights in the field of environmental research.

How to cite: Niekler, A., Carvalho, T. M. N., and de Brito, M. M.: Theoretical-Deductive Content Analysis of Text as Data in Environmental Research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4468,, 2025.

Advancements in map visualization technology offer innovative approaches for presenting geological information. Geographic data services like DataV Atlas enable users to generate professional geographic outputs through straightforward SQL queries, facilitating the integration, real-time updates, and analysis of multi-source data. This visualization not only deepens users' understanding of geological map data but also enhances the efficacy of data analysis.

In summary, the diverse data types within geological map databases and their applications across modern technological platforms provide critical support and innovative opportunities for geological research and resource management. As technology evolves, the utilization of geological data is expected to become even more varied, injecting new vitality into scientific inquiry and practical applications.

Furthermore, the Global Layer platform, a key component of the IUGS Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE) program, offers a comprehensive suite of online resources for exploring and analyzing Earth's geological history. This initiative empowers participants with skills to navigate extensive geological datasets, conduct online analyses, and engage in meaningful scientific research. It also highlights the impact of advancements in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and other technologies in enhancing data-driven geoscientific investigations.

Central to the Global Layer platform( is a globally significant geological map at a scale of 1:5 million, encompassing various geological attributes, including chronostratigraphic units, structural features, and seafloor morphology. The platform encourages public engagement through functionalities like data retrieval, interactive browsing, and image generation, facilitating a seamless user experience. During its implementation, extensive data sourcing on the DDE platform was conducted, tracing the provenance of global geographic data and acquiring supplementary geological maps and databases. This effort aimed to enrich geological and geophysical datasets for oceanic islands while optimizing vectorization processes to ensure data accuracy and integrity.

As the Global Layer platform promotes the digital dissemination of geological maps, it significantly enhances public awareness of geological and geographic sciences while encouraging environmental stewardship. This initiative is crucial for advancing societal progress and empowering the DDE community to embrace the future of geographic spatial analysis, unlocking the rich geological heritage of our planet.

How to cite: Song, Y., Yang, Y., and Wu, Z.: Advances in the Utilization of Geological Map Databases with Diverse Data Types on Global Layer Platforms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5669,, 2025.

Efforts worldwide aim to collect detailed information on the spatial and temporal distribution of natural hazards to improve our understanding of their occurrence and ultimately prevent their impacts. However, data on the location, timing, and impact of hazards remain scarce in many regions, even in the most exposed ones. Data collection methods are usually framed around earth observation approaches, sometimes combined with citizen science. Such approaches can be time-consuming, resource-intensive, and may fall short regarding data needs, especially at large scales. Combining these methods with complementary approaches could better address these challenges. We introduce a multilingual tool that uses natural language processing techniques to extract information on geo-hydrological hazards from online news articles. The tool is developed based on a worldwide application where we processed ~ 5.8 million articles published between 2017 and 2023 across 58 languages. The articles were extracted from GDELT (Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone), a global database monitoring events through online news articles. Using large language models, the tool analyzes articles at the paragraph level through three major steps: (1) filtering paragraphs for relevancy, (2) extracting information on the location (down to street level), timing, and impact, and (3) clustering information into events. This multilingual approach enabled the tool to extract and analyze 12.438 flood events, 1.312 landslide events, and 1.086 flash flood events globally for 2023 alone, providing ~ 20 times more data than current disaster databases and improving the coverage worldwide. In regions such as South and Central America, Europe, and Asia, where English is not the primary reporting language, non-English texts were the most important source of information. Especially in South and Central America, where non-English (primarily Spanish and Portuguese) paragraphs outnumbered English paragraphs by a factor of five. The proposed tool provides a new way to extract an unprecedented level of data on geo-hydrological hazards, forming a complementary source of information to existing methodologies. Beyond geo-hydrological hazards, the tool can be used to document other hazards, including earthquakes, wildfires, or volcanic activity. In addition, with this specific application, we provide a new extensive global dataset on impactful geo-hydrological hazards, which offers new opportunities for improving our understanding of these processes and their impact on continental to global scale.

How to cite: Valkenborg, B., Dewitte, O., and Smets, B.: A multilingual tool for the documentation of impactful geo-hydrological hazards using online news articles: a worldwide application, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6548,, 2025.

EGU25-6762 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Automated disaster event extraction to understand lessons learned: A large-scale text analysis on the scientific literature of floods, droughts, and landslides.  

Lina Stein, Birgit M. Pfitzmann, S. Karthik Mukkavilli, Ugur Ozturk, Peter W. J. Staar, Cesar Berrospi, Thomas Brunschwiler, and Thorsten Wagener

A natural hazard event that highly impacted a society might trigger a wave of post-disaster research analysis, which looks into the cause of the disaster, the types of impact, or any lessons learned to prevent similar events in the future. In short, post-disaster research contains valuable knowledge that should be utilized in disaster risk management. However, in the past 70 years, the scientific community published around 600,000 articles on hydro-hazards, such as floods, droughts, and landslides. Finding articles that describe specific disaster events and synthesizing their knowledge is not humanly possible anymore due to near exponentially increasing numbers of publications. However, recent advancements in large language models allow the analysis and extraction of described disaster events in the scientific literature.

Here we make use of the Wealth over Woe scientific abstract dataset (Stein et al. 2024), with abstracts that were automatically annotated for hydro-hazards and geolocation.  It allows us to track publication trends and to identify disaster events that triggered a wave of new research. We additionally make use of the large language model Llama 70B to extract specific hazard events mentioned in each abstract (e.g. 2003 summer drought in Europe, Pakistan flood in 2010, 2002 Elbe flood, etc.) as well as other described details surrounding the event.

While we know that hydro-hazard research is biased against low-income countries, exceptional disaster events can shift research priorities for several years. The additional funding can support valuable local post-disaster research. The named event recognition can therefore help us answer questions such as: What kind of hydro-hazards are studied in detail and where? What are the key research foci for post-disaster analysis? And are there regional differences to these answers?

How to cite: Stein, L., Pfitzmann, B. M., Mukkavilli, S. K., Ozturk, U., Staar, P. W. J., Berrospi, C., Brunschwiler, T., and Wagener, T.: Automated disaster event extraction to understand lessons learned: A large-scale text analysis on the scientific literature of floods, droughts, and landslides. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6762,, 2025.

EGU25-7059 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

LLM-Enhanced CMIP6 Search 

Boris Shapkin, Dmitrii Pantiukhin, Ivan Kuznetsov, Antonia Anna Jost, and Nikolay Koldunov

We present LLM-Enhanced CMIP6 Search, a Python-based tool built with LangChain and LangGraph frameworks that simplifies the discovery of and access to Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) climate data through natural language processing. By combining Large Language Models (LLMs) with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), our system translates user queries into precise CMIP6 search parameters, bridging the gap between researchers' information needs and CMIP6's structured metadata system. The tool employs a single LLM agent coordinating three specialized tools: a search tool that maps natural language to CMIP6 parameters (such as model, experiment, and variable identifiers), an access tool that both verifies data availability and generates ready-to-use Python code for retrieval, and an adviser tool that helps refine search criteria. To improve search accuracy, we developed a refined database of CMIP6 metadata descriptions, optimizing vector-based similarity matching between user queries and technical CMIP6 terminology, providing a foundation for more intuitive climate data discovery.

How to cite: Shapkin, B., Pantiukhin, D., Kuznetsov, I., Jost, A. A., and Koldunov, N.: LLM-Enhanced CMIP6 Search, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7059,, 2025.

EGU25-7072 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Institutional grammar as a text-based method for water governance analysis  

Chee Hui Lai and Jianshi Zhao

Water governance systems in many river basins require improvement to adapt to changes in environmental and socioeconomic landscapes. However, water governance reformation is a complex and challenging process. In particular, policymakers and water managers need a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental components that form the current water governance systems. Only then can new rules be introduced to alter the governance characteristics of these systems. This process is especially challenging in the case of interstate rivers that flow across multiple states, where governance systems are characterized by complex interstate water agreements and/or laws that cover various cross-state water management affairs and regulate stakeholders from different states. We use the institutional grammar (IG) to parse water agreements and laws, generating text-based data for assessing the institutional characteristics of interstate water governance systems. The IG decomposes written statements in the documents into different syntactic components. Based on these components, the functions of the statements can be identified and categorized into one of seven types of institutional rules, as defined by the rule concepts of the institutional analysis and development (IAD) framework. By analyzing these findings with indicators of governance characteristics, we are able to assess the allocation of water governance responsibilities and the degree of coordination within a water governance system to identify its institutional characteristics. We applied this method to analyze the water-related laws that form the governance systems of the Yellow River Basin (YRB) in China. The findings reveal that the YRB’s water governance system has undergone five major stages of structural evolution since 1987. During this process, the basin’s focus in water governance has shifted from flow regulation to water consumption governance, as well as expanding its governance scope to include interstate water administration and drought management. Currently, the YRB’s water governance systems are dominated by centralized governance structures characterized by the centralization of water governance responsibilities and a high degree of stakeholder coordination. The method demonstrates that text-based data generated through parsing water agreements and laws can systematically analyze the complex institutional characteristics of water governance systems. This research contributes to the advancement of text-based method for water governance analysis.

How to cite: Lai, C. H. and Zhao, J.: Institutional grammar as a text-based method for water governance analysis , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7072,, 2025.

EGU25-7690 | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Building a RAG system for querying a large corpus of conference abstracts 

Jens Klump, John Hille, Magda Guglielmo, and Brint Gardner

Of the generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) has attracted a lot of attention for its ability to support natural language queries into large text corpora with the help of Large Language Models (LLM). In a pilot project, we explored RAG and LLM finetuning as tools for exploring the abstracts of the EGU General Assembly as a text corpus.

To ingest the text corpus, we built a processing pipeline to convert the abstract corpus from XML to JSON in a structure that would make it easy to import the data into a vector storage system. For additional context, we added the association of an abstract with the scientific divisions of the EGU, including co-organisation between two or more divisions. This information was not available at the time of this project and had to be scraped from archived versions of the conference online programme.

The RAG system is designed to read various model formats, such as GGUF, GPTQ, and Transformers models. It also integrates with a vector storage solution to read and use conference abstracts to provide enriched responses. Its implementation uses Apptainer for containerised execution.

The first responses from the RAG system to natural language queries produced promising results. The inclusion of links to the source materials allowed us to compare the query response with the information in the source materials. However, evaluating generative AI models is not trivial since one query can produce multiple results. Using a well-understood text corpus and being able to trace the probable origin texts of the results allows us to evaluate the quality of the results and better understand the origin of deficient RAG responses.

How to cite: Klump, J., Hille, J., Guglielmo, M., and Gardner, B.: Building a RAG system for querying a large corpus of conference abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7690,, 2025.

EGU25-8220 | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

ClimSight: Leveraging LLMs for Revolutionizing Climate Services 

Ivan Kuznetsov, Antonia Anna Jost, Dmitrii Pantiukhin, Boris Shapkin, Maqsood Mubarak Rajput, Thomas Jung, and Nikolay Koldunov

ClimSight is an innovative open-source climate information system that integrates large language models (LLMs) with geographical and climate data to provide climate information to everyone, everywhere. This description builds upon the original paper [1] by presenting the system’s recent developments and updated methodologies. By leveraging high-resolution data, including local conditions and climate projections, combined with retrieval-augmented generation systems (based on climate reports, scientific literature, and other sources), and an agent-based architecture, ClimSight addresses the limitations of general-purpose LLMs in climate data analysis, ensuring accurate, reliable, and reproducible outputs. This presentation details the enhanced methodologies employed in ClimSight to deliver climate assessments for specific locations and activities. The system utilizes the LangGraph and LangChain packages to manage agents and LLM calls, providing flexibility in selecting different LLM models, with current implementations relying on OpenAI’s models. The effectiveness of ClimSight is demonstrated through selected examples and evaluations, highlighting its potential to democratize access to localized climate information.

[1] Koldunov, N., Jung, T. Local climate services for all, courtesy of large language models. Commun Earth Environ 5, 13 (2024).


How to cite: Kuznetsov, I., Jost, A. A., Pantiukhin, D., Shapkin, B., Rajput, M. M., Jung, T., and Koldunov, N.: ClimSight: Leveraging LLMs for Revolutionizing Climate Services, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8220,, 2025.

EGU25-13656 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

PANGAEA GPT: A Coordinated Multi-Agent Architecture for Earth System Data Discovery and Analysis 

Dmitrii Pantiukhin, Boris Shapkin, Ivan Kuznetsov, Antonia Anna Jost, Thomas Jung, and Nikolay Koldunov

PANGAEA GPT is a Large Language Model (LLM) multi-agent framework that aims to streamline the work of geoscientists with the diverse Earth system datasets held in the PANGAEA archive (, a widely used data repository in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Built on top of the LangChain library and the LangGraph framework, it uses a multi-agent collaboration approach with a centralized supervisor agent that interprets incoming user queries and then coordinates specialized agents according to task requirements. These specialized agents include the Search Agent, which performs data lookups via API requests to PANGAEA and locates related publications via Crossref (to further answer questions about what has been published based on a particular dataset). They also include an orchestra of Data Agents configured in different modes - such as "oceanographer," "ecologist," or "geologist" - to perform dataset-specific analyses. Each Data Agent operates within a dedicated Python environment that allows for code manipulation, data analysis, visualization, and iterative refinement of results. The Supervisor Agent then aggregates the output from these Data Agents and delivers a consolidated response back to the user (including generated analysis scripts). The current framework has been shown to excel at providing a list of relevant datasets, locating related publications, and performing statistical analysis upon user request, greatly simplifying data discovery and use for geoscientists. In addition to the rapid discovery, analysis, and visualization of heterogeneous datasets, a particularly valuable end goal of PANGAEA GPT is to generate concise documentation for historical or underutilized datasets that currently lack related publications, ensuring that their valuable information endures and drives further scientific discoveries.

How to cite: Pantiukhin, D., Shapkin, B., Kuznetsov, I., Jost, A. A., Jung, T., and Koldunov, N.: PANGAEA GPT: A Coordinated Multi-Agent Architecture for Earth System Data Discovery and Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13656,, 2025.

Since the mid-20th century, geology in South Korea has expanded rapidly, driven by interdisciplinary research. This study explores the key themes and historical trends of geological research in South Korea, analyzing interconnections among topics using a dataset of 10,380 research publications from 10 geological journals (1964 – 2024). Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) identified 18 distinct topics, categorized into emerging (n = 10), classic  (n = 3), and stable topics (n = 5). Additionally, the scope of the research topics was analyzed, revealing broad (n = 14) and narrow topics (n = 4). Topics were grouped into four clusters (“Engineering group”, “Environment group”, “Field survey group”, and “Chemistry group”) based on Euclidean distance, and network analysis visualized their relationships and interaction strengths. The study revealed shifts in research focus: “Economic geology”, “Petrology”, and “Stratigraphy” dominated before 1996, while “Environmental geology” and “Hydrogeology” gained prominence afterward. Among clusters, the “Engineering group” showed the strongest connections (mean weight = 5.18). These findings highlight the evolving focus of geological research in South Korea, providing insights into interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities and future research directions.

Acknowledgment: This research was supported by Global - Learning & Academic research institution for Master’s·PhD students, and Postdocs(LAMP) Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Ministry of Education(No. RS-2023-00301702).

How to cite: Kim, T. and Yang, M.: Exploring Geological Research Themes and Trends in South Korea Using Topic Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14874,, 2025.

EGU25-15507 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

FrevaGPT: A Large Language Model-Driven Scientific Assistant for Climate Research and Data Analysis 

Christopher Kadow, Jan Saynisch-Wagner, Sebastian Willmann, Simon Lentz, Johanna Baehr, Kevin Sieck, Felix Oertel, Bianca Wentzel, Thomas Ludwig, and Martin Bergemann

The chabot writing poems can do climate analysis? Large Language Models (LLMs) promise a paradigm shift as chat-based geoscientific research transformers (chatGRT) by removing technical barriers and empowering scientists to focus on deeper, more innovative inquiries. We introduce FrevaGPT, an LLM-driven “scientific assistant” integrated into Freva, the Free Evaluation System for climate data analysis on high performance computers. FrevaGPT automatically translates natural language questions into traceable, editable, and reusable scripts; retrieves relevant data and publications; executes the analyses; and visualizes the results - the scientist can focus on what matters most: science. By tapping into a wide repository of climate datasets, FrevaGPT ensures transparent, reproducible workflows and lowers the threshold for advanced data handling. Its co-pilot functionality not only delivers answers, tables, and plots, but also proactively suggests next steps, points to relevant climate modes and events, and presents associated scientific findings. Through integrated approaches to model evaluation and observational data comparisons, FrevaGPT accelerates scientific discovery and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration. Real-world use cases highlight FrevaGPT’s capacity to guide researchers beyond routine analysis, freeing them to explore innovative questions and deepen their understanding of complex climatic phenomena. As a pioneering application of LLMs in climate science, FrevaGPT illustrates how such tools can fundamentally reshape research processes, unleashing new possibilities for efficiency and creative exploration in the geosciences.


How to cite: Kadow, C., Saynisch-Wagner, J., Willmann, S., Lentz, S., Baehr, J., Sieck, K., Oertel, F., Wentzel, B., Ludwig, T., and Bergemann, M.: FrevaGPT: A Large Language Model-Driven Scientific Assistant for Climate Research and Data Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15507,, 2025.

EGU25-15719 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

An AI-Based Text-Mining Tool for flood impact data extraction from newspaper information 

Carlo Guzzon, Raül Marcos Matamoros, Dimitri Marinelli, Montserrat Llasat-Botija, and Maria Carmen Llasat-Botija

Spain and the Mediterranean coast are largely affected by flash floods, which are generated by intense, localized storms within smaller basins (Gaume et al., 2016). In Spain, floods are the country's primary recurring natural disaster, accounting for nearly 70% of the compensation amount issued by the Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros (CCS, 2021).  Improving early warning systems is crucial to reducing risks associated with floods. Comprehensive and up-to-date databases of past flood events serve as essential tools for developing such systems.

This study presents the implementation of an AI-based text-mining tool designed to automate the creation and updating of flood event databases using information extracted from newspapers. This tool is tailored to enhance and expand INUNGAMA, an impact database of flood events in the Catalonia region (Barnolas and Llasat, 2007), by extracting data from ‘La Vanguardia’, a major Catalan newspaper. The text-mining tool involves several steps, starting with the retrieval of potentially relevant news through keyword-based queries on the newspaper’s online archive. To eliminate irrelevant news, a natural language processing (NLP) model filters the initial dataset. Impact data of flood events are extracted by analyzing the newspaper text with an advanced NLP model; the extracted information is saved in a machine-readable and consistent format. Finally, the tool integrates the extracted data with the pre-existing INUNGAMA database, either by merging new information with existing events or by creating entries for previously undocumented events.

The tool was calibrated and tested using the INUNGAMA database. Its ability to download and filter relevant articles was assessed over six non-consecutive months, demonstrating excellent performance in identifying and distinguishing flood events. Furthermore, the AI model exhibited high accuracy in extracting impact data from the text when tested over one year of newspaper data.

The proposed AI-based tool offers a powerful solution for automating the creation and updating of flood impact databases, providing a solid foundation for developing early warning systems aimed at risk reduction. The text-mining tool is designed to complete the INUNGAMA database and to update it up to the present. Moreover, it can be adapted for creating new databases in other regions using different newspaper sources.


This research has been done in the framework of the Flood2Now project, Grant PLEC2022-009403 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European UnionNextGenerationEU/PRTR and the I-CHANGE Project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement 101037193.

How to cite: Guzzon, C., Marcos Matamoros, R., Marinelli, D., Llasat-Botija, M., and Llasat-Botija, M. C.: An AI-Based Text-Mining Tool for flood impact data extraction from newspaper information, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15719,, 2025.

EGU25-16268 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Leveraging Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing for hydrogeological insights from borehole logs 

Alberto Previati, Valerio Silvestri, and Giovanni Crosta

The advent of extensive digital datasets coupled with advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our ability to extract meaningful insights from complex patterns in natural sciences. In this context, the targeted classification of textual descriptions, particularly those detailing the granulometry of unconsolidated sediments or the fracturing state of rock masses, combining supervised deep learning and natural language processing (NLP) is a promising method to refine large-scale geological and hydrogeological models by enriching them with increased data volume.

Several databases are replete with qualitative geological data such as borehole logs, which, while abundant, are not readily assimilated into quantitative hydrogeological modeling due to the extensive time required to process the written descriptions into operationally significant units like hydrofacies. This conversion typically necessitates expert analysis of each report but can be expedited through the application of NLP techniques rooted in AI.

The primary objectives of this research are twofold: (i) to develop a robust classification model that leverages geological descriptions alongside grain size data, and (ii) to standardize a vast array of sparse and heterogeneous stratigraphic log data for integration into large-scale hydrogeological applications.

The Po River alluvial plain in northern Italy (45,700 km²) serves as the pilot area for this study due to the homogeneous shallow subsurface geology, the dense borehole coverage and the availability of a pre-labelled training set. This research demonstrates the conversion of qualitative geological information from a very large dataset of stratigraphic logs (encompassing 387,297 text descriptions from 39,265 boreholes), into a dataset of semi-quantitative information. This transformation, primed for hydrogeological modeling, is facilitated by an operational classification system using a deep learning-based NLP algorithm to categorize complex geological and lithostratigraphic text descriptions according to grain size-based hydrofacies. A supervised text classification algorithm, founded on a Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) architecture was meticulously developed, trained and validated using 86,611 pre-labelled entries encompassing all sediment types within the study region. The word embedding technique enhanced the model accuracy and learning efficiency by quantifying the semantic distances among geological terms.

The outcome of this work is a novel dataset of semi-quantitative hydrogeological information, boasting a classification model accuracy of 97.4%. This dataset was incorporated into expansive modeling frameworks, enabling the assignment of hydrogeological parameters based on grain size data, integrating the uncertainty stemming from misclassification. This has markedly increased the spatial density of available information from 0.34 data points/km² to 8.7 data points/km². The study findings align closely with the existing literature, offering a robust spatial reconstruction of hydrofacies at different scales. This has significant implications for groundwater research, particularly in the realm of quantitative modeling at a regional scale.

How to cite: Previati, A., Silvestri, V., and Crosta, G.: Leveraging Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing for hydrogeological insights from borehole logs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16268,, 2025.

As artificial intelligence finds more and more applications within scientific contexts, the question on how to utilize it without sacrificing scientific integrity comes up naturally. In this context, FrevaGPT is a novel system that leverages LLMs such as GPT-4o and GPT-4o-mini to enable users to perform advanced analyses. It allows the loading and analysis of climate datasets by the LLM and moves the basis of truth to generated code, which can be checked by the user. Its backend was developed and deployed using modern software components (e.g. Rust, Python, Podman), focussing on correctness and reliability. The backend of FrevaGPT and its API is presented and the way it integrates into the larger Freva ecosystem as well as the role it plays in the improvements of ad-hoc analyses for climate data is discussed. Additionally, a suite of scientific prompts is explored to evaluate the capabilities of GPT-4o and GPT-4o-mini and how they compare in climate data analysis tasks. The prompts differ both in difficulty and complexity as well as in the requested output type: from a single number, to a graph, to a plot. This evaluation revealed that while both models demonstrated potential, GPT-4o outperformed GPT-4o-mini in handling more complex tasks involving diverse knowledge domains and programming requirements. GPT-4o-mini exhibited a higher tendency for errors and struggled with issues such as mismatched data dimensions, yet it remained a competitive, cost-effective alternative for simpler tasks. The findings highlight FrevaGPT as a significant step towards integrating advanced AI technologies into Earth sciences, bridging the gap between computational complexity and accessibility. 

How to cite: Willmann, S., Ludwig, T., and Kadow, C.: Evaluation of GPT-4o and GPT4o-mini for Climate Data Analysis with a novel tool-call software connecting different LLMs with an HPC, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18345,, 2025.

EGU25-18732 | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

ReSoCIO: Towards geospatial visualization of Social Media Data by AI-driven Disambiguation. Application  to Crisis Management in the French Context. 

Aurélie Montarnal, Cécile Gracianne, Gaëtan Caillaut, Alexandre Sabouni, Anouck Adrot, Sylvain Chave, Loïc Rigart, Farid Faï, and Samuel Auclair

The increasing availability of social media data offers valuable opportunities for real-time crisis monitoring and disaster management. However, extracting actionable insights from these unstructured, multilingual, and often ambiguous data sources remains a significant challenge, particularly in non-English contexts. In this context, natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques are key tools to automated data extraction and enhance situational awareness for crisis managers, particularly during flash floods and earthquakes.

In crisis management, the rapidly processing and transformation of unstructured social media data into actionable information is essential for effective decision-making. While the literature  highlights the value of social media for improving the situational awareness of decision-makers, extracting relevant information remains resource-intensive, especially for most French crisis management units, which lack the necessary tools and resources. Although, several systems exist for extracting automatically information in social media, only few of them deal with French language. One of the main challenges with social media data lies in its inherent ambiguity including semantic variability (context-dependent meanings of words and idioms), informal language (abbreviations, typos, emojis, and neologisms), entity ambiguity (e.g., locations or organizations with identical names), and a high proportion of noisy or irrelevant content.  

The French ReSoCIO project addresses these challenges by bringing together experts in earth sciences, AI, social sciences and specialists and software developers in risk management and forecasting  to develop a novel approach to social data disambiguation for geospatial visualization of crisis situations. This study introduces an innovative pipeline that combines filtering, entity linking, and geolocation integration to enhance data disambiguation and tailored for real-time predictions. The pipeline first employs a supervised classifier to filter out unrelated tweets. Relevant messages are then processed through an entity linking module, where detected entities are disambiguated by matching them with Wikidata entries. This process leverages embeddings from Wikipedia and compares them with tweet embeddings using CamemBERT, enriching extracted data with contextual and geospatial information. The final step employs large language models LLMs to summarize and linked the extracted information, ensuring that stakeholders receive concise and accurate overviews validated against structured event reports. By characterizing and predicting the impacts and damages of crisis events, this pipeline provides a robust framework for transforming fragmented online data into structured, actionable knowledge.

The system's performance aligns with state-of-the-art models, effectively identifying entities that correspond with the spatiotemporal patterns of actual natural disasters. While this suggests the system's potential utility in enhancing situational awareness for crisis managers by providing timely and accurate geolocated information extracted from social media posts, experimental observation conducted during the ReSoCIO project confirms the contribution of this disambiguation pipeline to French crisis managers.

How to cite: Montarnal, A., Gracianne, C., Caillaut, G., Sabouni, A., Adrot, A., Chave, S., Rigart, L., Faï, F., and Auclair, S.: ReSoCIO: Towards geospatial visualization of Social Media Data by AI-driven Disambiguation. Application  to Crisis Management in the French Context., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18732,, 2025.

Water is both a key resource and a source of risks for society. Societal risks are posed, for example, by waterborne pollutant spreading with related water and environmental quality impacts and by weather extremes of floods and droughts. In its continuous movement through the landscape, the flowing water links the world's hydrological systems with the human-social systems that use the water and interact with it. The interactions are social-hydrological and imply important water resource and risk impacts and feedbacks. However, research has not yet comprehensively, in integrated quantitative and qualitative ways, studied the social-hydrological system coupling and the roles it plays for sustainable development across various world regions with different climate, societal and environmental conditions. This presentation outlines some key needs and linkage pathways for qualitative social perception and prioritization data along with quantitative data and modeling toward such research integration and big-picture science for the world's water system on land, its social-hydrological interactions, and the roles they play for local to global sustainability.

How to cite: Destouni, G.: Social perception and prioritization data for integrated big-picture science of water environmental change and sustainability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19884,, 2025.

EGU25-20074 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

GeoDaedalus: Automatic Geoscience Dataset Construction 

Anzhou Li, Zhenyuan Chen, Kewei Zhou, Keyi Yang, Chenxi Yu, Andre Python, Sensen Wu, and Zhenhong Du

Many subfields of Geosciences are currently experiencing the long-tail data distribution curse. While there are large head databases within the fields, they are updated slowly, are few in number, and have poor interoperability between the few existing ones. More often, data is generated by research groups through experiments, combined with other data collected on the same topic to form a small dataset, which is hidden in the scientific literature. These chaotic data organizing manners result in low utilization rates of new data in the scientific community, hindering the implementation of data FAIR principles. To contribute to improve the process chain of long-tail data collection and linking in science, we propose GeoDaedalus, a multi-agenic large language models (LLM)-based architecture for on-demand automatic geoscience dataset construction. Starting from the research needs, GeoDaedalus achieves end-to-end automation of the scientific data curation process through a series of processes, including online search, information matching & extraction, and data fusion. To access the efficiency and accuracy in data extraction in GeoDaedalus, we simulated different use cases such as those in Geochemistry, along with complete human expert data collection processes, and constructed the first benchmark for evaluating scientific data curation processes: GeoDataBench. Results from the latest multimodal LLMs to evaluate GeoDaedalus on GeoDataBench suggest better capabilities with lower economic costs, which may become a new benchmark for GeoDataBench. We propose a Python API package with an interpretable full-process transparent logging module suitable for GeoDaedalus' users to address the highly customized needs of scientific work. Although GeoDaedalus uses geoscience data as a sample, its relevant capabilities, once reorganized, can extend to other scientific fields, marking a solid step towards Open Science for the scientific community.

How to cite: Li, A., Chen, Z., Zhou, K., Yang, K., Yu, C., Python, A., Wu, S., and Du, Z.: GeoDaedalus: Automatic Geoscience Dataset Construction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20074,, 2025.

EGU25-252 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.16/AS5.4

A Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Data Bias-Adjustment Techniques Over Australia 

Alicia Takbash, Damien Irving, Justin Peter, Thi Lan Dao, Arpit Kapoor, Andrew Gammon, Andrew Dowdy, Mitchell Black, Ulrike Bende-Michl, Doerte Jakob, and Michael Grose

The National Partnership for Climate Projections (NPCP) aims to develop a consistent approach to deliver comparable, robust, fit-for-purpose future climate information to assess climate risks and inform adaptation planning. The NPCP climate projections roadmap identifies a number of priority areas of collaboration, including the delivery of national and regional downscaled climate projections. This involves selecting global climate models (GCMs), downscaling using regional climate models (RCMs), bias-adjusting model outputs, and conducting secondary and next-level analysis (e.g., impact modelling).

The focus on bias-adjustment is an acknowledgement of the fact that GCM and RCM outputs often show significant discrepancies when compared to observations. These systematic errors, or biases, can render raw outputs unsuitable for direct use in downstream impact models such as those for hydrology and agriculture, as well as in climate risk assessments. For the NPCP bias-adjustment intercomparison project, we evaluated various bias-adjustment techniques currently in use in the Australian climate research community. These include Equi-distant/ratio Cumulative Density Function matching (ECDFm), Quantile Matching for Extremes (QME), N-Dimensional Multivariate Bias Correction (MBCn), and Multivariate Recursive Nesting Bias Correction (MRNBC).

While previous studies have assessed some of these techniques for specific metrics and applications in Australia, our evaluation aimed to be broad and comprehensive. The participating techniques were applied to daily RCM data from the CORDEX-CMIP6 project for a baseline task, where bias-adjusted data were produced for the 1980-2019 period using 1980-2019 as a training period, as well as a cross-validation task, where data were produced for 1990-2019 using 1960-1989 for training. These bias-adjusted data were then compared to observations across Australia on various metrics relating to temperature and precipitation climatology, variability, statistical distribution and extremes. The impact of bias-adjustment on simulated trends was also assessed by producing bias-adjusted data for the 2060-2099 period. Additionally, we compared the bias-adjustment techniques with a simple quantile delta change approach and investigated scenarios where it may be sufficient to directly bias-adjust GCM data without the need for computationally expensive downscaling.

Based on the results of the intercomparison, the best-performing techniques were subsequently used by the Australian Climate Service (ACS) to bias-adjust outputs from the CORDEX-CMIP6 archive. This ensures the availability of a consistent set of high-resolution, bias-adjusted products for the Australian community to evaluate climate hazards and risks, and support adaptation planning.

How to cite: Takbash, A., Irving, D., Peter, J., Dao, T. L., Kapoor, A., Gammon, A., Dowdy, A., Black, M., Bende-Michl, U., Jakob, D., and Grose, M.: A Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Data Bias-Adjustment Techniques Over Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-252,, 2025.

EGU25-4123 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.16/AS5.4

Leveraging Deep Learning for Downscaling GOME-2 Atmospheric Data Using TROPOMI Observations 

Riccardo Ratta, Simone Mantovani, Maximilien Houël, Samuele Beccarini, Sebastiano Fabio Schifano, and Federico Fierli

The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment 2 (GOME-2) and the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) are two significant satellite-based instruments dedicated to monitoring Earth’s atmosphere. GOME-2, part of the MetOp platform, has been operational since 2006, and was originally developed to monitor the ozone layer in the atmosphere. However, its onboard spectrometer can also detect pollutant gases, including NO2, which we will use as an initial example in this study.

GOME-2 spatial resolution is very coarse: a single data point is representative of an area of approximately 40 km x 80 km, which provides a broad view of atmospheric composition at global scale but limits its effectiveness in capturing fine-scale variations over cities and other human activity areas.

This study investigates whether TROPOMI high-resolution data can be utilized to downscale GOME-2 observations, potentially yielding insights into atmospheric changes dating back to 2006. We explore the implications of this process on spatial and radiometric accuracy and consider its broader significance for the future of satellite observations.

Given the abundance of available training data, we propose a novel approach involving deep learning. In particular, we used a combination of Residual Dense Blocks (RDBs) which state-of-the-art studies have shown to outperform similar Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Generative Neural Networks (GNNs) but still relies on the convolution operation, unlike transformers architectures (e.g., Vision Transformers ViTs). Then, to effectively train our model, we addressed challenges such as the resolution disparity between GOME-2 and TROPOMI (approximately a factor of 10), which requires working with a large pixel space, significantly increasing the memory needed for training. And the significant issue of missing data in atmospheric acquisition, e.g., due cloud cover.

Aside from the technical challenges of developing such model, the output validation plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and scientific utility of our results. We therefore evaluated our model performance on an independent dataset to verify the consistency of absolute reported NO2 values.

The approach involved training the model on one year of data (2023) over 10 selected locations and evaluate its performance using the ground-based Pandonia Global Network (PGN), a network of well-calibrated instruments designed to provide high-quality measurements of atmospheric trace gases at specific locations.

Results show an improvement not only limited to the reconstruction of fine details but also on the agreement of the absolute reported NO2 value between PGN data and the output from our model. We are currently working on expanding the dataset to further test the limits of our approach at global scale. Another active research area is the extension of the proposed approach to other common trace gases common between the two instruments. We hope to enhance the utility of this approach for broader applications in atmospheric science and to highlight the potential of leveraging deep learning downscaling for atmospheric data.

How to cite: Ratta, R., Mantovani, S., Houël, M., Beccarini, S., Schifano, S. F., and Fierli, F.: Leveraging Deep Learning for Downscaling GOME-2 Atmospheric Data Using TROPOMI Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4123,, 2025.

EGU25-7043 | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4

Statistical downscaling applied to the CMCC Seasonal Prediction System 3.5 

Leonardo Aragão and Silvio Gualdi

The Italian Peninsula's climate is highly influenced by its complex topography and diverse regional weather systems, making high-resolution (HiRes) seasonal forecasting crucial for agriculture, water management, and energy sectors. Traditional seasonal prediction models, such as the CMCC Seasonal Prediction System (SPS3.5), provide valuable insights but lack the spatial resolution necessary to capture local-scale climatic details. Recent advances in Statistical Downscaling (SD) promise enhancing these coarse-resolution forecasts by generating more localised and accurate predictions. Thus, this study aims to provide a HiRes seasonal forecast for the Italian Peninsula by enhancing the SPS3.5 model through SD techniques tailored to the region's demand for finer-scale climate information.
The downscaling method involves a three-step process that utilises historical observational datasets and machine-learning techniques to refine SPS3.5 forecasts. The first regards the ground truth, composed of HiRes observational data from ERA5 reanalysis for 2m temperature (T2m), sea surface temperature, and 10m wind components, and from CHIRPS for precipitation. Then, SPS3.5 daily forecasts are spatially interpolated from 1º to 1/4° to match the observation data's grid. Finally, both data are combined through a machine-learning method based on the k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN) technique, which translates SPS3.5 into HiRes fields by matching forecasted conditions to observed patterns. The kNN algorithm utilises a set of k days of similar weather conditions (five predictors mentioned before) determined by the Euclidean distance to capture seasonally relevant weather analogues. Once the analogue days are defined, the kNN can forecast any meteorological field within the observational dataset. Finally, the SD method was accessed over the Italian Peninsula domain through cross-validation along the 24-year hindcast period available for SPS3.5 (1993-2016).
Preliminary results indicate that SD significantly enhances seasonal forecasts for the Italian Peninsula, achieving biases about 5-6 times smaller than the original SPS3.5 for all evaluated predictands. The main component of this improvement is the spatial accuracy promoted by downscaling, allowing the identification of domain characteristics unnoticed in SPS3.5. Even though the statistical indices show appreciable values for the domain as a whole when we evaluate smaller portions of this same domain, the original seasonal forecasts are still far from the desired. As expected, forecast bias increases with lead time also for kNN, with accuracy declining progressively from lead month 1 onward. For example, T2m bias increased from -0.14/-0.85°C in lead month 1 to -0.68/-1.41°C in month 6 (kNN/SPS3.5). This trend highlights the ongoing challenge of maintaining forecast skills over extended periods and the importance of adaptive correction strategies to extend lead-time reliability.
Integrating SD techniques with SPS3.5 outputs provides a promising solution for generating HiRes seasonal forecasts, offering valuable support for climate-sensitive applications by reducing forecast bias and enhancing spatial accuracy. This work demonstrates the potential of SD as an effective tool for bridging the gap between coarse seasonal forecasts and the localised weather information necessary for effective decision-making.

How to cite: Aragão, L. and Gualdi, S.: Statistical downscaling applied to the CMCC Seasonal Prediction System 3.5, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7043,, 2025.

EGU25-8914 | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4

Adjusting the Weather Generator for Use in Operational Forecasting Weather-Dependent Processes 

Martin Dubrovský, Miroslav Trnka, Lenka Bartošová, and Petr Štěpánek

Weather generators (WGs) produce synthetic weather series, which are statistically similar to the real world weather series. The generators are used in assessing responses of weather-dependent processes on climate change (CC) or variability. Individual types of generators may differ in various parameters: (a) they may be parametric or non-parametric, (b) single-site or multi-site, (c) they differ in number of weather variables being generated and (d) the time step. Choice of these parameters depends on the purpose of their use. For example, in agrometeorology, single site (4-6)-variate daily generators are used to assess CC impacts on crop yields, which may include assessment of the sensitivity of the yields to changes in various climate characteristics.

In this contribution, we present our approach to using the generator in crop yield forecasting. Specifically, the crop yields are simulated by crop models, while the input weather series consisting of observational data till day D0 (when the forecast is made) are seamlessly followed by the synthetic series produced by the parametric single-site daily weather generator M&Rfi. Two approaches were implemented in M&Rfi to produce such series: (1) In the first, “operational” mode, the synthetic series are “forced” to exactly fit the available weather forecast, which accounts for the possible uncertainties and spans for the rest of the growing season; to make a probabilistic crop yield forecast, large number of possible weather series realisations is produced. (2) In the second, “research” mode, we do not assume to have a specific weather forecast, but we rather assume to have a knowledge on the accuracy of the available weather forecasts, which may be expressed as a function of the weather forecast error on the lead time. Having this function, we may produce a large ensemble of possible weather forecasts and corresponding ensemble of synthetic weather series.

Our methodology of producing synthetic weather series, which fit available weather forecasts, may be applied also for other weather dependent processes, for example in hydrological applications.

Acknowledgements: The experiment was made within the frame of projects PERUN (supported by TACR, no. SS0203004000) and YiPeeO (supported by ESA, no. 4000141154/23/I-EF).

How to cite: Dubrovský, M., Trnka, M., Bartošová, L., and Štěpánek, P.: Adjusting the Weather Generator for Use in Operational Forecasting Weather-Dependent Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8914,, 2025.

EGU25-9167 | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4

Statistical downscaling of climate models for the Mediterranean region combining convolutional neural network and quantile delta mapping 

Marco D'Oria, Valeria Todaro, Daniele Secci, and Maria Giovanna Tanda

Regional climate projections are essential for guiding local governments in developing effective mitigation strategies. A common technique for downscaling General Circulation Model (GCM) outputs is dynamical downscaling, but its high computational demands have motivated the search for alternative approaches, including statistical downscaling. This study presents a two-phase statistical downscaling framework to improve the spatial resolution and accuracy of precipitation and temperature projections. In the first phase, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), trained to learn spatial patterns from ERA5 reanalysis data, is employed to refine the coarse grid of GCMs. In the second phase, bias correction is performed using a quantile delta mapping technique, with ERA5 still serving as the reference dataset. The resulting downscaling framework is applied to outputs from five GCMs participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) under two Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs): SSP1-2.6 and SSP3-7.0. This work is part of the OurMED PRIMA project, which focuses on the Mediterranean region, a recognized climate change hotspot. Results indicate substantial improvements in the accuracy of temperature and precipitation projections compared to other downscaling methods. The proposed approach effectively captures fine-scale spatial variability, a crucial aspect for regional climate studies in complex regions like the Mediterranean region. The downscaled climate data are used to assess climate extremes by computing the indices defined by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI). These indices can offer valuable insights into evolving climate trends and extremes throughout the 21st century. The proposed methodology demonstrates significant potential for broader applications in regions requiring high-resolution climate data to support adaptation strategies and policy development.

This work was supported by OurMED PRIMA Program project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation under grant agreement No. 2222. Valerio Todaro acknowledges financial support from the PNRR MUR project ECS_00000033_ECOSISTER.

How to cite: D'Oria, M., Todaro, V., Secci, D., and Tanda, M. G.: Statistical downscaling of climate models for the Mediterranean region combining convolutional neural network and quantile delta mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9167,, 2025.

EGU25-9367 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4

Three Decades of high-Resolution ERA5 Downscaling over the Italian domain: Validation and Applications in Hydrology, Meteorology, and Climate Analysis 

Mohsin Tariq, Francesco Cavalleri, Silvio Davolio, Michele Brunetti, Stefania Camici, Daniele Mastrangelo, and Paolo Stocchi

This study presents a detailed assessment of very high-resolution reanalysis data covering the entire Italian territory and the broader Alpine domain for the three-decade period 1990-2020. The dataset was generated using a dynamical downscaling of ERA5 reanalysis with the convection-permitting model MOLOCH, implemented at a fine grid spacing of 1.8 km.

Validation against high-resolution observational datasets (GRIPHO, ARCIS, and the ISAC-CNR precipitation and temperature dataset) and comparisons with similar downscaled reanalysis products (ERA5-LAND, CERRA, MERIDA-HRES, and SPHERA) confirm the dataset’s reliability in reproducing key meteorological variables, such as temperature and precipitation. Importantly, the dataset leads in capturing higher-order statistics, including intensity and extremes.

The dataset’s versatility is illustrated through multi-disciplinary applications. In hydrology, it enables high-resolution drought characterization; in meteorology, it supports the analysis of extreme weather events and orographic effects. In climate research, it provides valuable insights into long-term trends and variability.

This work underscores the importance of very high-resolution datasets in advancing our understanding of the complex interactions between natural processes and human activities, especially in regions with challenging topography like the Alps. It establishes a strong foundation for future research and practical applications, including disaster risk management, water resource planning, and climate adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Tariq, M., Cavalleri, F., Davolio, S., Brunetti, M., Camici, S., Mastrangelo, D., and Stocchi, P.: Three Decades of high-Resolution ERA5 Downscaling over the Italian domain: Validation and Applications in Hydrology, Meteorology, and Climate Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9367,, 2025.

EGU25-11322 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4

A Two-Stage  Downscaling Approach using Machine Learning and image super-resolution techniques for high-resolution seasonal climate forecasts in the Alpine region  

Suriyah Dhinakaran, Alice Crespi, Mariapina Castelli, Iacopo Ferrario, and Alexander Jacob

The Alpine region faces heightened risks from climate change due to its complex terrain and ecosystems, highlighting the significant global challenge posed by a warming climate. The region is particularly susceptible to the effects of global warming, which not only intensifies weather extremes but also significantly impacts hydrological processes. These changes increase the frequency and severity of extreme events like droughts and floods, further heightening the region's vulnerability. Accurate local climate predictions are essential for effectively managing these risks, as they provide the spatial and temporal precision necessary for hydrological simulations. Such high-resolution data enable detailed modelling of water availability, runoff patterns, and flood risks, facilitating improved planning and adaptation strategies. However, existing global datasets often lack the resolution needed for these assessments. To address this gap, this research aims to generate high-resolution seasonal climate forecasts specifically designed for the Alpine region, providing an essential tool for understanding climate variability, managing hazards, and supporting hydrological analyses. The study proposes a novel two-stage downscaling approach within the perfect prognosis framework to enhance the spatial resolution of ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts) SEAS5 (Seasonal Forecast System 5) seasonal forecasts from native 0.25°x0.25° to 1 km for the Alpine region. Key variables include daily temperature, precipitation, and downward surface solar radiation. In the first stage, pixel-by-pixel downscaling is performed though LGBM (Light Gradient Boosting Machine) regression applied to ERA5 reanalysis predictor fields matched against CHELSA-W5E5 (v1.1) fields, conservatively interpolated to 6-km resolution. Predictors are selected through feature importance analysis via cluster-based regression and is optimized for the 2005–2016 training period. The trained model is then applied to the 51 ensemble members of SEAS5 predictors, generating target variables at a 6 km resolution. In the second stage, the 6-km downscaled outputs, along with additional static predictors such as elevation, aspect, and cyclically encoded day of the year, are passed to a sliding-window Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network (ESRGAN). This image super-resolution technique trained and optimized using CHELSA-W5E5 at its native 1-km resolution, further refines the forecasts to produce high-resolution seasonal predictions with 51 ensemble members at 1 km resolution. The two-stage scheme was found to improve the downscaling performance with respect to the application of one-step method. The contribution will present the overall methodology and the results of the model evaluation. The outcomes of this study are expected to play a key role as critical inputs for a drought prediction module within the framework of the EU-funded interTwin project. This research has been funded by the European Union through the interTwin project (101058386).

How to cite: Dhinakaran, S., Crespi, A., Castelli, M., Ferrario, I., and Jacob, A.: A Two-Stage  Downscaling Approach using Machine Learning and image super-resolution techniques for high-resolution seasonal climate forecasts in the Alpine region , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11322,, 2025.

EGU25-11385 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.16/AS5.4

Statistical Downscaling and Emulators: Can Generative Machine Learning add Value to Extrapolation and Bias? 

Mikel N. Legasa, Redouane Lguensat, and Mathieu Vrac

Besides regional climate models (RCMs), there exist two main approaches to tackle the insufficient resolution of global climate models: emulators and statistical downscaling. While both approaches are similar in the techniques they use (statistical and machine learning, ML, methods), they differ in their objectives and underlying assumptions. Emulators are intended to provide a cost-effective alternative to RCMs by emulating their downscaling functions. Alternatively, statistical downscaling (SD) models learn the empirical (observed) relationships that link a set of key large-scale predictors, to the local high-resolution predictand of interest. There is a key tradeoff between these two approaches: emulators are unconstrained by observed climate records, yet they also inherit RCM biases; conversely, SD methods are able to produce potentially bias-free simulations (at least when driven by reanalyses), but with extrapolation constrained by observed relationships.

This tradeoff between extrapolation and bias is a key research perspective, especially when compounded with the usual additional challenges ML methods face, like representation of extremes or the temporal/spatial consistency of the predictions. Within this context, the added value of generative/stochastic methods is highly relevant and timely. Indeed, recent studies using deterministic ML methods (such as Wang et al. 2023; Doury et al. 2024) have highlighted that emulating high-resolution fields does require generative/stochastic approaches, specially when it comes to representing extreme weather events for complex variables like precipitation (Watson, 2022, 2023). However, while generative methods such as diffusion models may offer an advantage when it comes to simulating extremes (Addison et al. 2024; Aich et al. 2024), they are also subject to more potential instability (e.g., diffusion models are known to have hallucinations, Aithal et al. 2024), hence also increasing the biases.

In this study we aim to address the added value and potential downsides generative/stochastic ML methods can bring to the field of statistical downscaling and emulation, by targeting the tradeoff between extrapolation and bias. Therefore, we will address both already well-established generative deep learning techniques and the latest generation diffusion models, and focus on how well they fare when capturing aspects beyond mean statistics, including extremes, which are of particular interest in terms of climate impacts.


Addison, H. et al. (2024). Machine learning emulation of precipitation from km-scale regional climate simulations using a diffusion model. Preprint. DOI:

Aich, M. et al. (2024). Conditional diffusion models for downscaling & bias correction of Earth system model precipitation. Preprint. DOI:

Aithal, S. K. et al. (2024). Understanding Hallucinations in Diffusion Models through Mode Interpolation. Preprint. DOI:

Doury, A. et al. (2024). On the suitability of a convolutional neural network based RCM-emulator for fine spatio-temporal precipitation. Climate Dynamics, 62(9), 8587-8613. DOI:

Watson P. A. G. (2022). Machine learning applications for weather and climate need greater focus on extremes. Environmental Research Letters 17(11). DOI:

Watson, P. (2023). Machine learning applications for weather and climate predictions need greater focus on extremes: 2023 update. NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning.



This work is funded by the National Research Agency under France 2030 bearing the references ANR-22-EXTR-0005 (TRACCS-PC4-EXTENDING project) and ANR-22-EXTR-0011 (TRACCS-PC10-LOCALISING project).

How to cite: Legasa, M. N., Lguensat, R., and Vrac, M.: Statistical Downscaling and Emulators: Can Generative Machine Learning add Value to Extrapolation and Bias?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11385,, 2025.

EGU25-11589 | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4

A Comprehensive Approach for Evaluating Downscaled Climate Model Projections from Multiple Perspectives: A Case Study of Hydrological Germany 

Mohammad Hadi Bordbar, Philip Lorenz, Frank Kreienkamp, and Theresa Schellander-Gorga

Unprecedented climatic events have been occurring more frequently, highlighting the role of anthropogenic climate change and the need for accurate regional climate projections for adaptation planning. Such projections require high spatial resolution, typically achieved by downscaling global climate model outputs. However, evaluating climate model outputs remains challenging, as they represent statistical features of climate change and do not evolve consistently with observations.

In this study, we conduct an empirical statistical downscaling of a large number of historical (1951-2014) CMIP6 global climate projections using different configurations of the statistically downscaling method EPISODES. The domain covers Hydrological Germany, including Germany and its main rivers' basins. 

We provide a comprehensive assessment of the performance of each downscaled projection. We evaluate the statistical characteristics of each model run against observational data from four key perspectives. Specifically, we assess the performance of each projection for six key climate variables based on annual and seasonal climate means, as well as internal variability across various timescales. To estimate the ability of each run to capture the persistence of weather regimes, we also compare the lagged autocorrelation function across the entire domain for daily mean variables. Additionally, we divide our domain into nine zones and compute the histograms of daily mean variables. We use various widely adopted statistical metrics and have developed new indices. This approach enables a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of each realization from multiple perspectives, facilitating the identification of the optimal configuration of EPISODES, which can serve as a key tool for climate model evaluation.

How to cite: Bordbar, M. H., Lorenz, P., Kreienkamp, F., and Schellander-Gorga, T.: A Comprehensive Approach for Evaluating Downscaled Climate Model Projections from Multiple Perspectives: A Case Study of Hydrological Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11589,, 2025.

EGU25-13504 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.16/AS5.4

Downscaling a heat stress index in southern South America using deep-learning  

Candela Sol Glatstein, Rocio Balmaceda-Huarte, and Maria Laura Bettolli

Empirical-statistical Downscaling (SD) techniques are valuable tools able to generate high-resolution climate information needed to carry out impact studies. In this regard, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are promising SD techniques capable of handling large amounts of data and extracting relevant predictor information for each particular site. These characteristics of the CNN represent a major advantage over traditional SD methods, which typically rely on human-guided predictor selection. Notwithstanding, an adequate tuning of the CNN is key for optimising their potential.

In southern South America (SSA), CNNs has proven to be skilful in representing daily extreme temperatures and extrapolating into future scenarios. Although the selection of the activation function introduces a source of uncertainty in the future projections. 

In this context, this study aims to explore the use of CNNs as a statistical downscaling tool to simulate the wet bulb temperature (Tw) over SSA, a multivariate heat-stress index estimated from temperature and humidity. Tw has been widely used as a heat-stress proxy in different parts of the world, however, its characterisation and modelling in SSA remain as a pending task. To this end, four different CNN architectures regarding the activation function (ReLU or linear), domain size and configuration of the CNN layers were tested. All CNN models were trained during summer days using a cross-validation (CV) scheme in the period 1991-2020 and then evaluated in four unseen summers between 2021 and 2024. For comparison purposes, CNN models were similarly trained and validated to simulate maximum temperature (Tx). 

Overall, CNN models well represented all the features evaluated, including the heat-waves that took place in the summers evaluated independently. In particular, CNN models presents a better performance in simulating Tw than Tx with smaller errors in terms of mean and extremes aspects. Regarding the domain size, for both temperatures, the configuration with the smaller domain yields the best results. Also in this latter case, the reduction of the number of filter size in the last layer slightly improves the representation of Tx. When considering the large domain, the differences between the CNNs based on different activation functions increase, and CNN models with linear configuration outperform the ones with ReLu. 

The findings of this work reinforces the potential of CNNs for climate downscaling in SSA, especially for its use to simulate multivariate impact indices.

How to cite: Glatstein, C. S., Balmaceda-Huarte, R., and Bettolli, M. L.: Downscaling a heat stress index in southern South America using deep-learning , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13504,, 2025.

The large computational cost of Regional Climate Models (RCMs) means that only one ensemble member per climate model is typically downscaled; subsequently, internal variability uncertainty is generally not explicitly accounted for in coordinated regional climate downscaling efforts (e.g., CORDEX). Surrogate Artificial Intelligence-based emulators are several orders of magnitude faster than RCMs and have been well-tested in their ability to generate reliable regional climate projections. This study employs a Generative AI-based approach using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to downscale daily precipitation from a large ensemble of climate projections from CanESM5 (n=20) and ACCESS-ESM-1-5 (n=40) at a 12km resolution for New Zealand. We show that this AI-based approach can reproduce key features including rainfall extremes and their increases in future climates with useful accuracy. Similar to previous studies using low-resolution climate models, our results show robust future changes in winter precipitation across the ensemble members, but significant uncertainty during summer. The large ensemble of downscaled climate projections better samples extremely rare localized extreme events, which are not adequately sampled using a single ensemble member. Using this ensemble, we can calculate the relative contributions of internal variability and model structural uncertainty (both GCM and downscaling) in climate projections of local-scale impact-relevant weather events. Overall, our study highlights the significant potential of AI to complete dynamical downscaling and allow quantification of internal variability uncertainty at regional scales.

How to cite: Sherwood, S., Rampal, N., and Gibson, P.: Quantifying Internal Variability Uncertainty in Regional Climate Projections using Artificial Intelligence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14590,, 2025.

Global gridded land use projection data is essential for the investigation of various research topics in global environmental change. Such information is commonly provided by various integrated assessment models (IAMs) at a relatively coarse resolution. For example, the Land Use Harmonization 2 (LUH2) provided future global land use data at 0.25-degree for CMIP 6. However, the demand for higher resolution land use projection data has been increasing in recent years for more granular analysis of various topics. The Asia-pacific Integrated Model (AIM), which is a widely known IAMs for climate policy study, could so far provide global gridded land use data at 0.5-degree resolution under the SSP-RCP scenario framework. In this study, I constructed a downscaling framework for the AIM land use model system, that combines an empirical land use change model and a cross-entropy minimization method and aimed to downscale land use projection from half-degree to 5 arcminutes or even higher resolution. The empirical land use change model is estimated by multinominal logit regression method with historical data from 1995 to 2015, which allows the land use change driven by various biophysical and socio-economic factors and provides prior land use distribution information for the cross-entropy minimization process. Validation for the period of 2015 to 2020 showed the effectiveness of the downscaling model. This newly developed downscaling model could provide high-resolution gridded land use projection information for global environmental change research community.  

How to cite: Wu, W.: The development of a high-resolution global land use projection downscaling model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15262,, 2025.

EGU25-15411 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4

How to Make Downscaling Model Inputs Closer to Real Distribution Patterns? 

Zitong Wen, Lu Zhuo, Jiaqi Yu, and Dawei Han

Due to the excellent temporal continuity, reanalysis datasets are often used as input data for downscaling models. However, because of the relatively coarse spatial resolution, reanalysis datasets often exhibit significant value differences between adjacent pixels, making it challenging to accurately capture the distribution of meteorological parameters in heterogeneous urban areas. Although many downscaling studies have utilized reanalysis data, none have explored how to preprocess these datasets to achieve smoother patterns in the distribution of meteorological parameters at the urban level, making them closer to real distribution patterns. To address this limitation, this study proposes a novel iterative Gaussian filtering method. This method applies iterative Gaussian filtering while keeping the mean values unchanged within the coarse-resolution pixels to generate fine-resolution data with smoother distribution patterns. In this study, the 1-km land surface temperatures obtained from MODIS and its reprojected 0.1˚ resolution data are assumed to represent the true fine-resolution values and coarse-resolution values, respectively, to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results indicate that, compared to the coarse-resolution data, the fine-resolution data processed through iterative Gaussian filtering achieves higher accuracy, with RMSE and MAE improvements of 11.06% and 11.89%, respectively. The distribution patterns of the fine-resolution data are also closer to real distribution patterns than those of the coarse-resolution data. These findings suggest that our proposed method could serve as a valuable tool for enhancing the accuracy of downscaling models in future studies.

How to cite: Wen, Z., Zhuo, L., Yu, J., and Han, D.: How to Make Downscaling Model Inputs Closer to Real Distribution Patterns?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15411,, 2025.

EGU25-16520 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.16/AS5.4

AI for high-resolution climate data: downscaling climate projections and decadal predictions with a deep learning Latent Diffusion Model  

Elena Tomasi, Gabriele Franch, Sandro Calmanti, and Marco Cristoforetti

Over the past decade, advancements in high-performance computing have led Machine Learning (ML) to play a key role in enhancing Earth System Models (ESMs), enabling progress beyond the current state-of-the-art. Downscaling techniques to generate high-resolution data starting from the results of large-scale models are one of the most promising Deep Learning (DL) applications for ESMs. This approach offers a computationally efficient alternative to numerical dynamical downscaling, particularly for climate projections.  

In this study, we present the application of a state-of-the-art DL model to emulate the dynamical downscaling of 6-hourly climate data, focusing on precipitation and minimum and maximum temperatures. The model is trained to reconstruct fields at a 4 km resolution, starting from dynamical predictors at ~100 km resolution. Training data consists of coarsened ERA5 reanalysis data (Hersbach et al., 2018) as predictors and high-resolution target data from the COSMO-CLM dynamical reanalysis for Italy (Raffa et al., 2021). We utilize 40 years of 6-hourly data (1981–2020) for training. 

This training setup is designed to prepare the model for inference on low-resolution outputs from a selection of diverse climate projections and decadal predictions. The ultimate goal is to generate an ensemble of high-resolution projections that deliver additional insights, particularly into extreme values, at a fraction of the computational cost of regional climate models. 

The DL architecture employed is a recently developed Latent Diffusion Model applied with a residual approach (Tomasi et al. 2024), which has demonstrated exceptional performance in downscaling continuous variables, such as 2-m temperature and 10-m wind speed components. Results are compared against other ML models (e.g., UNET) and available numerical regional climate models for benchmarking. Preliminary results are presented, highlighting (i) the enhancements introduced by the LDM architecture compared to baseline models, (ii) its ability to reconstruct coherent structures and extreme values, and (iii) the added value of the high-resolution data obtained by the application of the LDM to low-resolution climate projections. 

How to cite: Tomasi, E., Franch, G., Calmanti, S., and Cristoforetti, M.: AI for high-resolution climate data: downscaling climate projections and decadal predictions with a deep learning Latent Diffusion Model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16520,, 2025.

EGU25-17918 | Orals | ITS1.16/AS5.4

Comparative Analysis of Daily Precipitation Using High-Resolution Reanalysis Data 

Esteban Rodríguez-Guisado, Jesús Gutiérrez-Fernández, María Ortega, Irene Rodríguez-Muñoz, Alfonso Hernanz, and Carlos Correa-Guinea

As part of its responsibilities within the Spanish National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC) 2021-2030, AEMET generates and makes available to the public, through its website, climate change scenario information for Spain using statistical methods. These methods require a robust and sufficiently long observational database to enable proper training and validation, which has traditionally constrained their application to temperature and precipitation. However, the adaptation community requires information on a broader set of essential climate variables to adequately characterise the impacts of climate change on each sector. Recent studies using Artificial Intelligence show potential to generate downscaled information for a broader set of variables. However, long records from other ECV are scarce, relying on reanalysis information for training the methods.

Advances in modelling, on the other hand, have made available regional reanalysis products sich as COSMO reanalysis (Bollmeyer et al., 2015), CERRA (Schimanke et al., 2021), and ERA5-LAND (Muñoz-Sabater et al., 2024). These types of products provide historical information on a wide range of Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), offering extensive spatial coverage and physical consistency.

This study evaluates the performance of various available reanalysis products as a preliminary step towards selecting the most suitable dataset for generating high-resolution scenario information for a comprehensive set of Essential Climate Variables. Despite the focus on a complete set of ECVs, the study will focus on precipitation, as it is the variable for which AEMET has the most comprehensive data network. Different domains across the Iberian Peninsula will be analysed, with particular 

How to cite: Rodríguez-Guisado, E., Gutiérrez-Fernández, J., Ortega, M., Rodríguez-Muñoz, I., Hernanz, A., and Correa-Guinea, C.: Comparative Analysis of Daily Precipitation Using High-Resolution Reanalysis Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17918,, 2025.

EGU25-18397 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4

Assessing the added value of statistical downscaling to the predictive skill of global subseasonal temperature forecasts during the Paris 2024 Olympics 

Eren Duzenli, Jaume Ramon, Verónica Torralba, Sam Pickard, Dragana Bojovic, Paloma Trascasa-Castro, and Ángel G. Muñoz

Global warming is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme temperature events, posing significant risks to human health during major outdoor events such as the Summer Olympics. Providing decision-makers with robust, high-resolution extreme temperature forecasts well in advance is crucial to anticipate risks on the health of both athletes and spectators. Global subseasonal forecasts can play a key role in addressing this challenge because they offer data with relatively high temporal resolution (i.e., weekly) several weeks ahead. However, the coarse spatial resolution of these forecasts limits their utility for the types of localized decision-making required for major events, necessitating the use of downscaling methods to improve resolution.

Although numerous downscaling approaches exist, their ability to skillfully downscale subseasonal data has not been systematically evaluated. To address this gap, this study assesses the performance of 27 statistical downscaling methods – including bias correction, linear regression, logistic regression, and analogs – in enhancing the spatial resolution of subseasonal temperature hindcasts. We use Climate Prediction System version 2 (CFSv2) data at 100 km resolution as the raw hindcast product and downscale these hindcasts to a 5 km resolution. The process is conducted separately for temperature hindcasts from models initiated 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks prior to the three target weeks of the Paris 2024 Olympics (starting from 22 July, 29 July and 5 August). In addition to using CFSv2 temperature outputs as predictors, we explore the added value of incorporating atmospheric patterns into the downscaling process. Models are constructed using both daily and weekly data, enabling a comparative analysis of performance across two temporal scales.

The results show that downscaling methods can successfully transfer the predictive skill of CFSv2 to the 5 km resolution. However, the choice of downscaling method is crucial to the performance, as some methods degrade the predictive skill of CFSv2, while others enhance it. Notably, methods that incorporate atmospheric patterns show promise in improving forecasts with longer lead times. Additionally, daily data models using analogs outperform their weekly counterparts, while regression-based methods perform better with weekly data.

In summary, this study demonstrates the potential of statistical downscaling to enhance coarse-resolution subseasonal temperature forecasts. However, it also highlights the significant variability in forecast skill depending on the choice of predictors and methods, which can either improve or degrade performance.

How to cite: Duzenli, E., Ramon, J., Torralba, V., Pickard, S., Bojovic, D., Trascasa-Castro, P., and Muñoz, Á. G.: Assessing the added value of statistical downscaling to the predictive skill of global subseasonal temperature forecasts during the Paris 2024 Olympics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18397,, 2025.

EGU25-19329 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.16/AS5.4

Statistical bias adjustment and the usability of climate information: a perspective on strategies and underlying assumptions 

Jakob B. Wessel, Fiona R. Spuler, Julie Jebeile, and Theodore G. Shepherd

Statistical bias adjustment of climate models has become widespread practice to bridge the usability gap of climate information for impact studies and other societal applications. However, the application of bias adjustment offers potential for misuse and comes with several fundamental issues which have been highlighted in the literature. In this tension between widespread use and fundamental issues, different strategies for the application of statistical bias adjustment have developed, ranging from selecting a consistent bias adjustment method across applications to ensure comparability, to applying an ensemble of available methods in a given case study. In this contribution, we examine the specific methodological assumptions of different approaches to bias adjustment, such as the relevance and potential for trend preservation, and propose an evaluative framework based on recent literature in philosophy of science to assess the understanding of usability underlying different approaches to bias adjustment. We find that both methodological assumptions about bias adjustment, as well as the understanding of usability in the context of climate information determine the choice of bias adjustment strategy in current practice. For example, global application of a bias adjustment method generates information that is salient and credible and thus usable mostly for the purpose of model intercomparison, whilst local adaptation improves credibility, but compromises on the ease-of-use. With neither the methodological assumptions nor the understanding of what usable climate information is and who it is generated for often explicitly stated in practice, we hope to contribute to enhanced methodological practice and reflection through this discussion.

How to cite: Wessel, J. B., Spuler, F. R., Jebeile, J., and Shepherd, T. G.: Statistical bias adjustment and the usability of climate information: a perspective on strategies and underlying assumptions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19329,, 2025.

EGU25-19866 | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4

Enhancing Bias Correction and Downscaling of Rainfall Pattern Over Taiwan with a Deep Learning Neural Network Over Complex Terrain 

Yi-Chi Wang, Chia-Hao Chiang, Wan-Ling Tseng, and Ko-Chih Wang

This study evaluates the application of a deep learning approach employing a multi-head attention mechanism within a deep neural network (DNN) framework to enhance bias correction and downscaling of the fifth-generation European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis rainfall datasets. The proposed Encoder-Decoder with multi-head Attention (EDA) model leverages gridded 5-km daily rainfall observations and auxiliary inputs, such as surface wind data and high-resolution topography, to generate local-scale daily rainfall estimates across Taiwan—a mountainous subtropical island with complex terrain.

The model's performance is assessed using mean rainfall patterns, rainfall statistics, extreme climate indices, and interannual variations during Taiwan's rainy seasons. Results demonstrate that the EDA model effectively corrects biases in low-intensity rainfall and resolves inaccuracies in orographic rainfall placement present in reanalysis datasets, outperforming conventional quantile-mapping methods. Additionally, the integration of auxiliary surface wind information significantly improves the model's downscaling accuracy across various metrics.

This study highlights the potential of deep learning architectures, particularly those incorporating attention mechanisms and auxiliary data, for statistical bias correction and downscaling in regions characterized by intricate interactions between synoptic and local circulations modulated by topography.

How to cite: Wang, Y.-C., Chiang, C.-H., Tseng, W.-L., and Wang, K.-C.: Enhancing Bias Correction and Downscaling of Rainfall Pattern Over Taiwan with a Deep Learning Neural Network Over Complex Terrain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19866,, 2025.

EGU25-21537 | Orals | ITS1.16/AS5.4

Global Location Transferability of Generative Deep Learning Models for Precipitation Downscaling 

Paula Harder, Christian Lessig, Matthew Chantry, Francis Pelletier, and David Rolnick

Generative deep learning models have shown remarkable skill in the probabilistic downscaling of climate and weather forecasts, with generative adversarial networks (GANs) as a particularly effective approach for precipitation downscaling. However, most existing methods are trained for specific regions, and their performance on unseen geographic areas remains largely unexplored. In our work, we evaluate the transferability of generative models to new locations outside their training domain. Using a global experimental setup, we employ ERA5 as the predictor dataset and IMERG as the high-resolution target dataset at 0.1° resolution. To systematically assess the performance across diverse regions, we design a hierarchical location split with 16 regions. We then train networks independently on the 16 regions and evaluate each of them on all others. Our findings provide insights on the robustness and limitations of generative models for global-scale precipitation downscaling, revealing challenges such as poor generalization to unseen orography and decreased performance in tropical regions, both for models applied in these areas and for those trained in the tropics and transferred elsewhere.

How to cite: Harder, P., Lessig, C., Chantry, M., Pelletier, F., and Rolnick, D.: Global Location Transferability of Generative Deep Learning Models for Precipitation Downscaling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21537,, 2025.

EGU25-1768 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Electrical Structure of the Crust and Mantle in Southwestern Australia 

Li Lili, Cai Hongzhu, Wang Xinyu, Liu Lichao, and Hu Xiangyun

Funding: This research is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42274085).

Abstract: The Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia, one of the world's oldest cratons, is rich in mineral resources and provides significant opportunities for research into geothermal energy, crustal dynamics, and mineral exploration. To investigate the electrical structure of southwestern Western Australia, we interpret magnetotelluric data using a finite element-based inversion algorithm we developed, complemented by Bouguer gravity anomaly data, and perform a detailed analysis of the crust-mantle electrical structure. We rigorously validate model sensitivity and cross-verify the inversion results with those obtained using ModEM and Bouguer gravity anomaly interpretations. Our findings identify the Darling Fault and the southern Manjimup Fault as critical structural boundaries that delineate distinct geological features in the study area. All three methods consistently reveal low-resistivity anomalies in the asthenosphere at depths shallower than 100 kilometers. By integrating these results with insights from seismology, gravity, geodynamics, and geochemistry, we suggest that significant geological activity occurs beneath the ancient crust of the Yilgarn Craton. The observed low-resistivity anomalies likely result from the influence of the Darling Fault, the southern Manjimup Fault, and early magmatic processes associated with the craton’s evolution.


How to cite: Lili, L., Hongzhu, C., Xinyu, W., Lichao, L., and Xiangyun, H.: Electrical Structure of the Crust and Mantle in Southwestern Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1768,, 2025.

EGU25-3456 | Posters on site | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Workshops, Personalised Training and summer school of Geo-INQUIRE EU-project - Enhancing cross-disciplinary research 

Mariusz Majdanski, Iris Christadler, Giuseppe Puglisi, Jan Michalek, Stefanie Weege, Artur Marciniak, Sylwia Dytłow, Fabrice Cotton, Angelo Strollo, Mateus Litwin Prestes, Helle Pedersen, Laurenciu Danciu, Marc Urvois, Stefano Lorito, Daniele Bailo, Otto Lange, and Gaetano Festa

The Geo-INQUIRE (Geosphere INfrastructure for QUestions into Integrated REsearch) project, supported by Horizon Europe, aims to improve geoscience research infrastructures and services to make high-level data and products available to the broad geosciences research community. The goal of the Geo-INQUIRE project is to encourage curiosity-driven research to understand Geosystem processes at the interface of the solid Earth, oceans and atmosphere using big data sets, high-performance computing methods and state-of-the-art facilities.

The project places great emphasis on supporting the dynamic development of data and services through the effective use of Research Infrastructures such as EPOS, EMSO, ECCSEL and ChEESE. Training, networking and community building are the key to supporting it. The methodology ensures the strengthening of the participation of both young and experienced researchers and the inclusion ofoften underrepresented communities. It incorporates also new and cross-cutting perspectives, while addressing current major environmental and economic challenges as well as stimulating curiosity-based and interdisciplinary research.

Project dissemination activities include a series of open online training and more specialized on-site workshops focusing on data, data products and software solutions. Scientists, early-career scientists and students are communities that are able to explore various fields of science related to the geosphere, even those not directly related to their field, with possible connection through research infrastructures. Through lectures and use cases, we show and teach how to use data and information from interdisciplinary research infrastructures. We raise awareness on the potential and possibilities of Research Infrastructures contributing to Geo-INQUIRE, as well as data integration and the importance of FAIR principles. The training offer is constantly updated on the project website

In autumn 2025 the second summer schools will be organised in Catania, Sicily, and will be dedicated to cross-disciplinary interactions of solid Earth with marine science and with atmospheric physics. The second call of the personalised training program, supporting short research stays, will be announced in 2025. Moreover, after the first two successful calls, the 3rd call for Transnational Access to Research Facilities is open until the end of February 2025. The final 4th call will open in late spring/early summer. Data and products generated through Transnational Access will be made available to the scientific community at large in strict adherence to the FAIR principles.

Geo-INQUIRE is funded by the European Commission under project number 101058518 within the HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01 call.

How to cite: Majdanski, M., Christadler, I., Puglisi, G., Michalek, J., Weege, S., Marciniak, A., Dytłow, S., Cotton, F., Strollo, A., Prestes, M. L., Pedersen, H., Danciu, L., Urvois, M., Lorito, S., Bailo, D., Lange, O., and Festa, G.: Workshops, Personalised Training and summer school of Geo-INQUIRE EU-project - Enhancing cross-disciplinary research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3456,, 2025.

EGU25-5533 | Orals | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Tectonic Influence on Ecosystem Dynamics in the Kenya Rift and Tanzanian Craton 

Simon Kübler, Beth Kahle, Mjahid Zebari, Chintan Purohit, Donjá Aßbichler, and Stephen Rucina

Whilst earthquakes cause destruction, the faults along which they occur are responsible for building varied landscapes and influencing ecosystems by controlling topography, hydrology, soil properties, and vegetation patterns. Faulting acts as both a water conduit and a hydrological barrier, channeling groundwater and creating localized zones of moisture retention. Surface faulting and the resulting topographic complexity contribute to heterogeneous vegetation patterns, with denser vegetation often developing along steep fault escarpments where grazing and agricultural activities are limited. Erosion along fault scarps enriches soils with nutrients and clays, supporting vegetation growth, while also posing risks such as the release of harmful substances like fluoride and arsenic, especially in geothermal regions.

We carry out a broad interdisciplinary study within the East African Rift System to explore the connections between tectonic processes and ecosystem dynamics. By combining geomorphological analysis, soil and geochemical studies, and remote sensing techniques, we investigate how faulting shapes soil fertility, hydrology, and vegetation patterns in these regions. Here, we focus on three illustrative case studies: the southern and central Kenyan Rifts and the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem.

In the southern Kenya Rift, fault-driven erosion and volcanic ash deposition around Lake Magadi enhance soil fertility, sustaining vegetation in this climatically vulnerable area. In contrast, uplifted footwalls and eroded substrates exhibit nutrient deficiencies, limiting ecological productivity. In the central Kenya Rift, near Lake Nakuru, elevated fluoride levels in ground- and surface water are among the highest globally and pose significant health risks to humans and animals. Fluoride concentrations are driven by the naturally high fluoride content in trachytic pyroclastics, which leach into the hydrological system through geothermal activity along active normal faults.

The Serengeti-Mara ecosystem is largely situated on the ancient continental crust of the Tanzanian Craton, where fault activity in the northern and southeastern sectors locally enhances soil moisture and vegetation stability. These tectonically influenced areas provide fertile hotspots within a landscape otherwise characterized by highly dynamic seasonal vegetation patterns. This patchy nutrient distribution is crucial for grazing animals, whose migrations are shaped by the shifting availability of fertile areas, driving ecological connectivity and long-term resource distribution.

Our studies highlight the dual role of fault activity in sustaining biodiversity while presenting challenges through earthquake activity and the release of potentially harmful elements. These findings contribute to a broader understanding of the interplay between geological processes and ecological resilience in tectonically active landscapes.


How to cite: Kübler, S., Kahle, B., Zebari, M., Purohit, C., Aßbichler, D., and Rucina, S.: Tectonic Influence on Ecosystem Dynamics in the Kenya Rift and Tanzanian Craton, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5533,, 2025.

During space weather events, electric currents in the magnetosphere and ionosphere induce telluric currents near the Earth’s surface, which in turn generate disturbances of the local magnetic field that perturb the detection systems of broad-band sensors. Seismologist consider this effect as noise masking low frequency seismic waves. However, records of this interference can become an opportunity to study in greater detail the evolution of magnetic events and their effects on Earth.

The May 2024 solar storm, the largest in recent decades, has provided an excellent opportunity to analyze these signals. Thanks to their wide global distribution and their availability through platforms such as EPOS, broad-band seismometers provide extensive coverage of the magnetic signals associated with the solar storm. As an example, more than 310 seismometers have clearly recorded the solar storm in Europe, compared to the few tens of magnetometers available in the Intermagnet network in the same region. This geomagnetic storm has been recorded by broad-band seismometers distributed around the world for a time interval of more than 55 hours. Signals related to magnetic field variations can be identified in seismic data for frequencies below 10 mHz, but are clearer between 1.5 and 5 mHz, the frequency band corresponding to Pc5 magnetic pulsations. In the case of magnetic and seismic signals acquired at close locations, there is an excellent correlation between the seismic records and the time derivative of the magnetic field. The number of seismological stations that detect the signals varies significantly between the various seismic networks analyzed, depending on factors such as the presence of magnetic insulation systems or the bandwidth of the sensor.

Our study shows that the recording of magnetic events in broad-band seismometers can be affected by local effects that modify their amplitude and/or polarity, making a detailed calibration of each seismometer necessary before using seismic data to model the waveforms and amplitudes of the magnetic pulsations. However, broad-band data facilitate the monitoring of the temporal variations of the magnetic field disturbances in a large number of sites around the world, hence providing valuable information to complement data acquired by magnetometers.

How to cite: Diaz, J.: On the use of broad-band seismometers to monitor the temporal evolution of magnetic storms; the case of the May 2024 solar storm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6076,, 2025.

EGU25-6796 | Posters on site | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Investing in Strategic Infrastructures for Geohazard Prevention in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: The CyCLOPS Integrated GNSS/InSAR Permanent Network and the Cyprus Ground Motion Service 

Chris Danezis, Dimitris Kakoullis, Kyriaki Fotiou, Christopher Kotsakis, Miltiadis Chatzinikos, Michael Eineder, Ramon Brcic, Nerea Ibarrola Subiza, George Ioannou, Marios Tzouvaras, and Diofantos Hadjimitsis

CyCLOPS is a strategic research infrastructure unit led by the Cyprus University of Technology Laboratory of Geodesy, designed in collaboration with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), and supported by government agencies and European initiatives. CyCLOPS is Cyprus’ first and only Tier-1/ Class-A permanent GNSS station network designed to monitor geohazards and densify global and regional frames in the country. Its main objectives are to precisely estimate ground displacements at the national level, bolster resilience to seismic and geological threats, and establish Cyprus as a dedicated calibration site for SAR satellite missions.

Co-located with highly precise tiltmeters, weather stations, and calibration-grade corner reflectors, this infrastructure provides millimeter-level positioning and velocity estimates, revealing critical insights into the island’s geodynamic regime. The CyCLOPS strategic research unit integrates GNSS data with InSAR products — DInSAR, PSI, and SBAS — to expand deformation spatial resolution beyond GNSS’s single-point observations. Using corner reflectors designed with the DLR, CyCLOPS enables multi-track calibration for ascending and descending satellite orbits, which are particularly important for studying tectonic shifts along the Eurasian-African plate boundary. To date, the infrastructure has identified the tectonic motion of Cyprus and monitored active landslides with considerable weekly velocity.

In addition to its permanent segment, CyCLOPS features a mobile segment equipped with GNSS stations of the same grade, tiltmeters, and electronic corner reflectors that can be swiftly deployed to areas prone to geohazard risks, such as landslides or rockfall zones. The Operations Center (OC) manages storage, analysis, and dissemination of both GNSS and InSAR data products. Leveraging a cloud-supported, mixed microservices architecture, the OC delivers daily positions of ground stations and their quality assessment, real-time alerts for abrupt events, and monitors the infrastructure operating status.

Beyond national priorities, another key objective of CyCLOPS is to support regional and global infrastructure initiatives. To that end, CyCLOPS already contributes three GNSS CORS to the European Plate Observing System (EPOS), and one station to EUREF’s EPN.

CyCLOPS+ marks the next expansion phase aiming to establish a continuously updated Cyprus Ground Motion Service (CyGMS) by densifying the existing network with at least five new Tier-1/Class A GNSS CORS sites, and more electronic corner reflectors (ECR-C) to enhance both real-time and post-processing analysis. An important outcome of CyCLOPS+ will be a robust national velocity model that will complement and calibrate the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) by filling spatial coverage gaps and addressing reference frame challenges. Finally, CyCLOPS+ aims to improve national disaster preparedness, inform infrastructure planning, and provide critical data to authorities responsible for safeguarding communities against seismic hazards, landslides, and other geological threats. Through close collaboration with government agencies and stakeholders, CyCLOPS+ aims to position Cyprus at the forefront of integrated ground motion monitoring in the Eastern Mediterranean region.


  • The authors would like to acknowledge the 'CyCLOPS+' (RIF/SMALL SCALE INFRASTRUCTURES/1222/0082) project, which is co-financed by the European Regional and Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation in the framework of the Cohesion Policy Programme "THALIA 2021-2027" and by national resources.

How to cite: Danezis, C., Kakoullis, D., Fotiou, K., Kotsakis, C., Chatzinikos, M., Eineder, M., Brcic, R., Ibarrola Subiza, N., Ioannou, G., Tzouvaras, M., and Hadjimitsis, D.: Investing in Strategic Infrastructures for Geohazard Prevention in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: The CyCLOPS Integrated GNSS/InSAR Permanent Network and the Cyprus Ground Motion Service, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6796,, 2025.

EGU25-6911 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Regional building damage assessment in 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake doublet based on strong-motion records 

Guan Chen, Siau Chen Chian, and Shengji Wei

An earthquake doublet with magnitudes Mw7.8 and Mw7.6 struck southeastern Turkey on February 6, 2023, causing widespread loss of life and property. To evaluate the seismic damage across 11 affected provinces, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of strong motions and building damage. Specifically, we analyzed the statistical and spatial ground motion intensity measures, along with special characteristics of near-fault pulse-like ground motion. Based on nonlinear seismic analysis, fragility functions were developed to assess the damage states of buildings, where five types of structures are adopted to represent the most common buildings and infrastructures in Turkish cities. Furthermore, the spatial distributions of ground motion intensities and building damage states were validated using official damage reports and field surveys. Results indicate that our model aligns well with these reports and surveys, provided that sufficient seismic records are available. Extensive building damage in the earthquake is primarily attributed to the high intensities of strong motion, construction quality and building resonance, with additional contributions from earthquake-induced geological and geotechnical hazards. Moreover, near-fault regions experienced greater damage due to stronger pulse-like ground motions, fault displacements, and geohazards, all closely associated with fault ruptures. By providing insights into special seismic impacts in near-fault regions and the real characteristics of ground motions, this work contributes to the advancement of ground motion modeling, seismic risk analysis, and disaster management, ultimately supporting the development of more resilient communities.

How to cite: Chen, G., Chian, S. C., and Wei, S.: Regional building damage assessment in 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake doublet based on strong-motion records, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6911,, 2025.

Case Study of Vertical Interoperability Between Research Tools Enabling an End-to-End Sample Workflow from Collection, to Management, to Archiving

Vertical Interoperability

In recent years, interoperability has taken the forefront of discussions on research data management, whether related to research tools, data, or metadata. When it comes to research tool interoperability, the focus so far has been horizontal, improving the flows between tools that serve the same category: GREI’s standardisation of generalist repository metadata [1], a DMP Common Standard [2].

However, the data and metadata is also going to flow vertically, across tools used in very different stages of the research process. These tools will naturally have different requirements, focuses, and functionality from each other, especially differing between domains. How can we enable information to flow between these tools while ensuring FAIR principles are upheld? How can we facilitate researcher processes while ensuring traceability and no metadata loss? What considerations need to be taken into account by institutions and tool developers to design a flexible solution that satisfies user needs? 

Case Study - Fieldmark, RSpace, repositories

In this presentation, we will provide an update on the development of our end-to-end, integrated research data management workflow for samples. We integrate three tools, covering sample collection, processing, storage, and archiving:

  • Fieldmark, an offline sample metadata collection tool
  • RSpace, an ELN and sample management system and RDM platform
  • Generalist and domain-specific data repositories

The presentation will also explain how consistent use of IGSN IDs (the material sample persistent identifier) in every tool and at every stage of the process acts as an integrating force and enhances data discovery.

We wish to present both practical recommendations, as well as higher-level reflections on how to approach thinking and developing vertical interoperability at an institution, and its benefits for researchers and RDM as a whole. We will also cover planned support for PIDINST. We hope that attendees will gain a strengthened mental model of how their tools ecosystem could interact, and how to approach building greater interoperability in their workflows.


[1] Curtin, L., Feri, L., Gautier, J., Gonzales, S., Gueguen, G., Scherer, D., Scherle, R., Stathis, K., Van Gulick, A., & Wood, J. (2023). GREI Metadata and Search Subcommittee Recommendations_V01_2023-06-29. Zenodo.


How to cite: Plankytė, V., Edmunds, R., and Macneil, R.: Case Study of Vertical Interoperability Between Research Tools Enabling an End-to-End Sample Workflow from Collection, to Management, to Archiving, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9046,, 2025.

EGU25-9063 | Posters on site | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Improving the findability of legacy laboratory data: enrich metadata using controlled vocabularies 

Laurens Samshuijzen, Otto Lange, Ronald Pijnenburg, Richard Wessels, and Maik Nothbaum

The EPOS TCS Multi-Scale Laboratories (MSL) collects and harmonizes both available and newly emerging laboratory (meta)data, thereby aiming to generate data products that are easily Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) for future research, notably into Geo-resources, Geo-storage, Geo-hazards and Earth System Evolution. Key for discovery of MSL data is the use of well-established and openly published controlled community vocabularies. These vocabularies provide all terms for a full contextual description of a conducted laboratory experiment (e.g., materials used, apparatus, etc.). To improve the findability of future data publications we provide (metadata) editor components which connect to the community vocabularies. These vocabularies themselves are openly accessible and ready for incorporation in existing data publication chains at data repositories.

Challenges arise especially with respect to legacy content stemming from the long tail of science, i.e. data that were published before the MSL community standards for metadata and vocabularies became available. In many of such cases the presence of standardized metadata for discovery and provenance is often limited. To improve the findability of these valuable but non-harmonized data publications we developed a strategy which makes use of the MSL vocabularies. With this strategy we demonstrate how controlled vocabularies can be used for filling metadata gaps in older data publications and as such can be useful not merely for new data publications, but for the improvement of FAIRness for older sets as well.

The first challenge we faced concerned the identification of relevant legacy content that had to be discovered within the large offering at repositories. Using controlled term recognition we were able to identify a large set of data publications that appeared to be relevant to the MSL community. The second issue to solve was the enrichment of metadata to improve the findability of the identified publications. The use of the MSL vocabularies in combination with a textual analysis of the collected abstracts and titles allowed for an hierarchical description of the data, the experiment itself, and the equipment used. The result was an improvement of the findability through an extension of the initial metadata.

The extended metadata is shared via the EPOS Platform ( and the MSL community data catalogue ( which guides users in finding data publications through the provision of hierarchical filtering options with increasing granularity. The methodology we describe could be applied in broader contexts within the solid Earth sciences.

How to cite: Samshuijzen, L., Lange, O., Pijnenburg, R., Wessels, R., and Nothbaum, M.: Improving the findability of legacy laboratory data: enrich metadata using controlled vocabularies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9063,, 2025.

EGU25-9291 | Posters on site | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Advancing cross-disciplinary FAIR data practices: Harmonization, assessment, and continuous improvement in Geo-INQUIRE 

Otto Lange, Laurens Samshuijzen, Enoc Martínez, Stefano Rapisarda, Javier Quinteros, Helle Pedersen, Angelo Strollo, Carine Bruyninx, Florian Haslinger, Marc Urvois, Laurentiu Danciu, and Anna Miglio

It is widely acknowledged that ‘putting FAIRness into practice’ with respect to cross-disciplinary data sharing demands overcoming domain-specific practices regarding data dissemination.  I.e., communities may rely on specialized standards for describing and sharing data (metadata, vocabularies, services) that do not always easily allow for successful reuse in other domains and may as such not be directly fitted for cross-disciplinary research. In the Geo-INQUIRE project ( the European ESFRI landmark research infrastructures EPOS, EMSO, and ECCSEL, the Center of Excellence ChEESE, and the ARISE infrasound community collaborate in overcoming cross-domain barriers, especially the land-sea-atmosphere environments, thereby exploiting innovative data management techniques. As such, one of the strategic priorities of the project is to ‘enhance FAIRness of all data and data products’ for the research infrastructures involved. This concerns not merely a one-time application of the FAIR principles as far as possible, but also measuring the impact for research communities through the establishment of a feedback loop and the measurement of appropriate performance indicators which must be taken from a feasible metrics framework for FAIRness. This approach allows for a constant improvement of data and data products from the FAIR perspective.

The challenges that follow from this ambition are three-fold: 1) In the light of the variety of specialized sub-communities there is the demand to decide about the distinction of intermediate levels for harmonization of metadata, vocabularies, and services design; 2) An instrument is required to perform the actual assessment on the basis of the adopted FAIR metrics framework (thereby following the harmonized standards at the appropriate level), and which must be ready for use by data and/or installation managers; 3) A feedback loop must be configured to support the monitoring of impact and improvement with respect to FAIRness.

To meet these challenges within Geo-INQUIRE we used valuable outcomes from external initiatives (e.g., FAIRsFAIR, GoFAIR). For the FAIR assessment we developed the Geo-INQUIRE FAIRness Assessment Pipeline, a system that evaluates the FAIRness of multiple datasets over time by means of the F-UJI tool in the background, while providing a GUI to analyze the results through multiple dimensions and levels of classification (e.g. discipline). Evaluation over time tracks improvement in a quantitative manner and provides a powerful instrument for creating increased awareness.

For the process of community harmonization at the appropriate intermediate levels we turned to the use of FAIR Implementation Profiles (FIPs). The results we share offer an interesting example of an approach that could easily be transferred to many different cross-disciplinary contexts.

How to cite: Lange, O., Samshuijzen, L., Martínez, E., Rapisarda, S., Quinteros, J., Pedersen, H., Strollo, A., Bruyninx, C., Haslinger, F., Urvois, M., Danciu, L., and Miglio, A.: Advancing cross-disciplinary FAIR data practices: Harmonization, assessment, and continuous improvement in Geo-INQUIRE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9291,, 2025.

The Earth System is a complex and dynamic system that encompasses the interactions between the atmosphere, oceans, land, and biosphere. Galaxy is an open, comprehensive, and sustainable web platform for understanding and analyzing data from the Earth System sciences, which is essential, for example, to study the impacts of climate change.

Therefore, Galaxy can be used as an IT toolkit for multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies with a set of tools for data visualization, analysis, and processing across various scientific fields such as oceanographic, atmospheric, land sciences, and more. By design, Galaxy manages data by sharing and publishing results, workflows, and visualizations, ensuring reproducibility by capturing the necessary information to repeat and understand data analyses. Thus, Galaxy for the Earth System sciences aim at directing users toward standardized tools that can be plugged into cross-domains workflows.

Fully integrated into the work area, the Galaxy Training network (available at is an initiative that aims at making the Galaxy platform accessible to a wide audience by providing free and open educational resources. It offers an extensive collection of detailed and reviewed tutorials authored by administrators, developers, and scientists. These tutorials serve as valuable resources for individuals seeking to learn how to navigate Galaxy, employ specific functionalities like tools or execute workflows for specific analyses. By mixing trainings and tools in the same friendly user webapp, Galaxy is a tool perfectly suited for open science.

As part of the FAIR-EASE project, we have deployed a Galaxy adaptation for Earth System studies ( with dedicated models, data, tools and data visualisation.  We want to use this opportunity to present during your session a set of workflows and trainings mixing in-situ and biogeochemical ocean data, atmospheric volcanoes data, and marine biodiversity data. Our goal is to showcase the possibility to have multiple scientific domains studied and visualise several data types of the same geographical area in one virtual research environment.

How to cite: Jossé, M. and Detoc, J.: Galaxy for Earth System Science: Integrating Data, Tools, and Training for Open Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9941,, 2025.

EGU25-10649 | Orals | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Optimizing Transnational and Virtual Access: A Data-Driven Framework for Managing Geoscience Research Infrastructure 

Juliano Ramanantsoa, Daniele Bailo, Jan Michalek, Sven Peter Näsholm, Rossana Paciello, and Angelo Strollo

The rapid evolution of cross-disciplinary research in geoscience has led to an exponential increase in complex data production, significantly challenging the data research experts as well as the data repositories management. This complexity is evident in large-scale data infrastructure projects like the EU-funded Geo-INQUIRE project, which includes five major Research Infrastructures (RIs) in geoscience, namely EPOS-ERIC, EMSO-ERIC, ECCSEL-ERIC, ARISE and ChEESE, offering both Transnational Access (TA) and Virtual Access (VA).

Integrating data from TA into a unified VA systems often presents challenges, particularly in multi-institutional projects. This process requires significant expert intervention and frequently results in excessive meetings and potential integration failures.

To address this, the current contribution proposes a novel data science-driven method targeting research infrastructure governance challenges. The approach introduces an automated analytical framework to guide the integration of TA assets into VA systems. Leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) for semantic embedding, the method transforms unstructured metadata from VA and TA sources into structured data vectorizations. This cohesive data frame then undergoes a series of similarity analysis techniques based on cross-semantic embedding evaluations. Using data from the multidisciplinary Geo-INQUIRE project, the method's is tested for its ability to manage complex asset integration across five major geoscience RIs.

The primary finding offers a preemptive framework streamlining connections for integrating TA assets into appropriate VA systems, facilitating decision-making on asset integration flow.

The resulting mapping not only optimizes TA-VA asset matching but also uncovers cross-connections between installations (services), inter-RIs, and potential multi-institutional collaborations. Furthermore, the research presents complex scenarios, through idealized simulations based on TA-VA metadata variable changes, proposing alternative integration pathways when minor asset adjustments or asset enhancements are implemented at the VA installation level.

This contribution is a proof-of-concept research based on a data-driven solution aimed at streamlining data integration in large-scale geoscience projects. It could potentially reduce expert intervention, enhance cross-disciplinary research opportunities, and improve overall efficiency in managing complex, multi-institutional data infrastructures.

How to cite: Ramanantsoa, J., Bailo, D., Michalek, J., Näsholm, S. P., Paciello, R., and Strollo, A.: Optimizing Transnational and Virtual Access: A Data-Driven Framework for Managing Geoscience Research Infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10649,, 2025.

EGU25-11539 | Posters on site | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

 EPOS-Norway – Research Infrastructure for Geohazards (EPOS-NG) 

Mathilde Sørensen and Juliano Ramanantsoa and the EPOS-NG team

The EPOS-Norway – Research Infrastructure for Geohazards (EPOS-NG) will be established, starting from spring 2025, with funding from the Research Council of Norway’s Infrastructure program. EPOS-NG aims to be the go-to infrastructure for research on geohazards in Norway (i.e., landslides, tsunamis, earthquakes, and cryospheric hazards). Complementary to EPOS ERIC and building on research infrastructure developed during EPOS-Norway (EPOS-N) phase 1, EPOS-NG will establish new pools of instruments that are easily accessible to all geoscientists in Norway. We will develop an enhanced and extended state-of-the-art data portal to provide nationwide access to a range of geoscience data as well as computational and visualisation services. The EPOS-NG instrument pools include rapid-deployable seismometers, ocean bottom seismographs, Distributed Acoustic Sensing and Distributed Temperature and Strain Sensing instrumentation, Transient Electromagnetic measurement capacity, piezometers, self-potential sensors and ground-based interferometric radar systems. The new instruments will facilitate research on a wide range of processes including seismicity, slope stability and landslides, groundwater and soil conditions, permafrost and cryospheric processes. Combined with new services for tsunami hazard assessment, as well as novel datasets on InSAR displacement trends and historical and palaeoseismological events, new links can be established through comprehensive, multidisciplinary studies. Effective data integration and visualisation will be achieved via the EPOS-N portal, which was developed in EPOS-N phase 1 and will be substantially enhanced in close dialogue with the users in EPOS-NG. The portal combines data from distributed monitoring networks, innovative services for advanced data analysis and national databases within geosciences into a single national e-infrastructure, following FAIR principles. EPOS-NG thus represents a unifying nationwide research infrastructure, including all the relevant physical infrastructures and providing a national hub for solid Earth science data and services.

How to cite: Sørensen, M. and Ramanantsoa, J. and the EPOS-NG team:  EPOS-Norway – Research Infrastructure for Geohazards (EPOS-NG), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11539,, 2025.

EGU25-12709 | Posters on site | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Advancing FAIRness and National Collaboration in Geosciences: The Role of EPOS-Spain in Open Science and Data Integration 

Adelina Geyer, Olaya Dorado, Noah Schamuells, José Luis Fernández-Turiel, and Claudia Prieto-Torrell

The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) ( is Europe’s foremost infrastructure for multidisciplinary and global research in Earth Sciences. Serving as a unique gateway, EPOS offers access not only to raw data but also to data products, services, software, and research facilities, facilitating inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration across the geosciences. EPOS-Spain ( plays a critical role in implementing EPOS at the national level, aligning its efforts with the broader goals of the EPOS framework while addressing specific national needs. It focuses on strengthening and integrating the Spanish nodes within EPOS’s thematic core services, while advancing Open Science principles by enhancing the accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of geoscientific data and services. EPOS-Spain has developed innovative digital infrastructures and implemented resources designed to improve the FAIRness (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) of geoscientific data. This commitment ensures that researchers within Spain can seamlessly discover, access, and utilize data, fostering greater collaboration and innovation at the national level. EPOS-Spain actively promotes the use of EPOS resources in national research projects, educational programs, and capacity-building initiatives, particularly benefiting Early Career Scientists. By engaging stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, including geologists, engineers, and policymakers, EPOS-Spain facilitates interdisciplinary workflows and collaborative approaches to address societal challenges such as risk mitigation and urban planning. These efforts are complemented by initiatives to strengthen ties among Spanish institutions, creating a robust and cohesive network of geoscientific research within the country.

Through its initiatives under the EPOS-SpN RED2022-134516-E project, EPOS-Spain strengthens researchers’ ability to integrate geoscientific data across disciplines and domains. Notable efforts include the development of educational and outreach materials, such as postcards and videos that explain FAIR principles and their application across various branches of geosciences. The EPOS-ES website is regularly updated and now features a dedicated blog that delves deeper into key concepts, enhancing accessibility and engagement. Additionally, EPOS-Spain organizes events like Summer Schools, which foster training opportunities and collaboration between Early Career Scientists and established researchers. Regular meetings with the national Thematic Core Services (TCS) facilitate continuous dialogue and integration within the geoscientific community. These efforts collectively contribute to fostering groundbreaking inter- and transdisciplinary studies, enabling innovative solutions to both scientific and societal challenges. By facilitating the discovery, sharing, and analysis of geoscientific data, EPOS-Spain exemplifies the transformative potential of integrated research infrastructures, advancing Earth Sciences while supporting the broader goals of Open Science.

These activities are supported by the EPOS-SpN RED2022-134516-E grant funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.

How to cite: Geyer, A., Dorado, O., Schamuells, N., Fernández-Turiel, J. L., and Prieto-Torrell, C.: Advancing FAIRness and National Collaboration in Geosciences: The Role of EPOS-Spain in Open Science and Data Integration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12709,, 2025.

EGU25-13128 | Orals | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

The Irpinia Near Fault Observatory: A Cutting-Edge Infrastructure Exploring the Interplay Between Earthquakes, Deep Fluids and Climate Forcing 

Gaetano Festa, Aldo Zollo, Luca Elia, Francesco Scotto di Uccio, Claudio Strumia, Simona Colombelli, Grazia De Landro, Titouan Muzellec, Matteo Picozzi, Antonio Scala, Nicola D'Agostino, Gilberto Saccorotti, Stefania Tarantino, Alister Trabattoni, Francesco Carotenuto, Antonio Giovanni Iaccarino, Mauro Palo, Raffaello Pegna, and Guido Russo

The Irpinia Near Fault Observatory (INFO) is a state-of-the-art infrastructure for monitoring seismic activity in the Southern Apennines, a region of high seismic hazard that experienced the 1980 M 6.9 Irpinia earthquake. Managed by the University of Naples, the observatory operates the dense ISNet seismic network,  including 30 strong-motion and short-period sensors, 9 broadband seismometers, as well as geodetic and geochemical stations from INGV. Data and products are openly shared through the EPOS platform and the FRIDGE community portal. INFO also serves as a testbed for the Geo-Inquire project, providing unique transnational access for geophysical surveys and real-time analysis.

Fifteen years of continuous seismic monitoring have uncovered a strong correlation between the hydrological loading of shallow karst aquifers, GNSS-measured surface deformation, changes in elastic properties of subsurface, and seismicity rates at depths where large historical earthquakes have nucleated. Velocity and attenuation tomography have further revealed the pervasive presence of deep fluids, with evidence of reservoirs likely containing CO₂ and brine.

Despite these findings, the background seismicity in the area appears sparse, with hypocenters distributed irregularly within the graben system bounded by the faults responsible of the 1980 earthquake. To better understand the microseismicity pattern and its relationship with the major fault structures, we deployed a temporary dense network of 20 arrays (10 stations each) for one year (DETECT experiment), alongside with a Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) system monitoring a 20 km fiber-optic cable.

Advanced machine learning detection techniques, applied to data from the dense monitoring network, expanded the standard seismic catalog by a factor of eight, producing a dataset comparable to a decade of traditional observations. The  enhanced catalog revealed that seismic events follow the seasonal hydrological loading, predominantly cluster at depth, forming small sequences of aftershocks (magnitude <1) that trace a 20–30 km long structure with a stepover. The DAS system has provided coherent recordings of deep phases, likely reflecting the interface between the carbonate plate and the crystalline basement. These insights have paved the way for the installation of permanent arrays and DAS systems in the area, expected for 2025, enhancing the observatory's capability to unravel the complex interplay between seismicity, deep fluids, and external forcing mechanisms.

How to cite: Festa, G., Zollo, A., Elia, L., Scotto di Uccio, F., Strumia, C., Colombelli, S., De Landro, G., Muzellec, T., Picozzi, M., Scala, A., D'Agostino, N., Saccorotti, G., Tarantino, S., Trabattoni, A., Carotenuto, F., Iaccarino, A. G., Palo, M., Pegna, R., and Russo, G.: The Irpinia Near Fault Observatory: A Cutting-Edge Infrastructure Exploring the Interplay Between Earthquakes, Deep Fluids and Climate Forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13128,, 2025.

EGU25-13208 | Orals | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Cross-fertilization across research infrastructures within Geo-INQUIRE: plans, ongoing activities and future perspectives 

Angelo Strollo, Fabrice Cotton, Mateus Litwin Prestes, Elif Türker, Stefanie Weege, Arnau Folch, Carmela Freda, Kety Giuliacci, Enoc Martinez, Aljaz Maslo, Klaus Tobias Mosbacher, Sven Peter Näsholm, and Ingrid Puillat and the Geo-INQUIRE project management board

The Geo-INQUIRE (Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated REsearch) project, launched in October 2022, fosters collaboration between several European research infrastructures, including three key ESFRI European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs), to enhance geoscientific research and innovation. We highlight here those activities within the project that promote synergies between EPOS ERIC (European Plate Observing System), EMSO ERIC (European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water Column Observatory), ECCSEL ERIC (European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure), ChEESE (Centre of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth) and the ARISE (Atmospheric Dynamics Research Infrastructure in Europe) infrasound community. 

The cross-fertilization approach makes use of EPOS's extensive geophysical and geological data, EMSO's ocean and seafloor observation capabilities, ECCSEL's expertise in carbon capture and storage technologies, ChEESE's advanced pre-exascale computing capabilities for hazard and risk assessment, and ARISE's atmospheric monitoring technologies. Through shared data platforms, interoperable tools and collaborative research workflows, Geo-INQUIRE advances the understanding of Earth processes in both terrestrial and marine domains. Key developments include improved assessments of selected geohazards, insights into marine ecosystems, responses to carbon sequestration, and the integration of innovative deep-sea and subsurface monitoring technologies.

These advances will be made possible by providing users with enhanced services integrating new multidisciplinary FAIR data, integrated workflows, training modules, transnational access at key testbed sites, and management policies and KPIs essential for infrastructure governance. This collaborative framework demonstrates how coordinated efforts between research infrastructures (ERICs) can strengthen the European geoscience research landscape and foster multidisciplinary approaches to address critical global challenges. The project highlights the importance of open data sharing and interoperability standards to maximise the societal and scientific impact of research infrastructures.

The presentation will describe the envisaged approach during the proposal preparation phase, the current state of play, and finally, highlight the challenges with the evolving landscape of the project, with use cases shifting from an early emphasis on FAIR data only to a growing focus on AI-driven applications. In addition, the project addresses the rapid updates of data management policies in different communities, while providing a common framework of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for data providers, infrastructure operators and other stakeholders. The scientific focus is also evolving during implementation, from an initial focus only on the land/sea interface to also preparing for future climate and biological applications through AI-ready geoscientific data and services, which are becoming a critical asset for understanding the drivers of climate change.

How to cite: Strollo, A., Cotton, F., Litwin Prestes, M., Türker, E., Weege, S., Folch, A., Freda, C., Giuliacci, K., Martinez, E., Maslo, A., Mosbacher, K. T., Näsholm, S. P., and Puillat, I. and the Geo-INQUIRE project management board: Cross-fertilization across research infrastructures within Geo-INQUIRE: plans, ongoing activities and future perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13208,, 2025.

EGU25-13529 | Orals | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1 | Highlight

Multidisciplinary exploitation of spaceborne DInSAR data for investigating volcanoes and seismic areas 

Francesco Casu, Manuela Bonano, Teresa Bortolotti, Sabatino Buonanno, Federica Casamento, Federica Cotugno, Claudio De Luca, Marianna Franzese, Adele Fusco, Riccardo Lanari, Michele Manunta, Fernando Monterroso, Pasquale Noli, Giovanni Onorato, Francesco Poggi, Yenni Roa, Pasquale Striano, Muhammad Yasir, Giovanni Zeni, and Ivana Zinno

Spaceborne Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR) is a widely exploited technique that allows measuring ground displacements with centimeter/millimeter accuracy at a large spatial scale. The recent availability of worldwide DInSAR measurements, as well as their standardization in terms of format and access procedures, has further pushed this technique toward its application and integration with other data sources for carrying out multidisciplinary analysis of natural and anthropogenic surface deformation phenomena. In the following, we show some examples carried out in volcanic and seismic areas, testifying the capability of the DInSAR technique to be exploited in multidisciplinary contexts.

For what concerns volcanic scenarios, we focus on the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) which is experiencing a continuous ground uplift since 2005, with a main radial pattern centered in the Rione Terra district of Pozzuoli. The analysis of detailed DInSAR measurements, retrieved by processing image time series acquired by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 and the Italian COSMO-SkyMed SAR constellations, allowed the identification of a geodetic anomaly in the Campi Flegrei long term uplift pattern, i.e. an area that shows a deficit in the uplift. The amount of this deficit has been analyzed by also considering other data sources, such as the seismicity of the area, showing a high correlation factor. In addition, the location and spatial extension of the anomaly have been further demonstrated to be related to the geology of the area. These findings provide intriguing insights into the volcanic evolution process and the related hazard.

With reference to the development of seismic analysis, we concentrate on EPOSAR, which is an operative service based on Copernicus Sentinel-1 data deployed by CNR-IREA, that allows generating, at the global scale and in a systematic way, co-seismic DInSAR ground displacement measurements once the satellite data are available after a major earthquake (Mw>5.5, ipocenter depth < 20km) occurrence. These products are automatically provided to the scientific community through the EPOS data portal according to a defined standard. The availability of these kinds of measurements also allowed the development, in collaboration with INGV, of a new service that operates in a cascade to the previous one and retrieves the seismic source that generated the earthquakes. To this aim, the DInSAR measurements are jointly exploited with the available seismic moment tensors provided by the main global seismic services (e.g., USGS and INGV). This automatic service is another example of multidisciplinary data integration and it is worth noting that it strongly benefits from the open access and interoperability policies adopted by the respective data providers.


This work has been carried out with the support of: IREA-DPC agreement; HE EPOS-ON (GA 101131592); PNRR MEET (IR00000025); PNRR CN-HPC (CN00000013); PNRR GeoSciences (IR00000037); PNRR MOST (CN00000023).

How to cite: Casu, F., Bonano, M., Bortolotti, T., Buonanno, S., Casamento, F., Cotugno, F., De Luca, C., Franzese, M., Fusco, A., Lanari, R., Manunta, M., Monterroso, F., Noli, P., Onorato, G., Poggi, F., Roa, Y., Striano, P., Yasir, M., Zeni, G., and Zinno, I.: Multidisciplinary exploitation of spaceborne DInSAR data for investigating volcanoes and seismic areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13529,, 2025.

EGU25-13550 | Orals | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Enhancing cross-domain data access in georesources and bridging EPOS and ECCSEL Research Infrastructures: contribution from Geo-INQUIRE project 

Marc Urvois, Salsabyl Benlalam, Franck Chan Thaw, Caroline Correia, Joanna Kocot, Marco Pantaloni, J. Román Hernández Manchado, Agnieszka Mtupa-Ndiaye, Volker Röhling, Jean Schmittbuhl, Andrea Travan, and Lucas Valarcher

The Geo-INQUIRE (Geosphere INfrastructure for QUestions into Integrated Research project - aims to foster the curiosity-driven research about solid Earth. Monitoring dynamic processes within the geosphere requires facilitated access to data, data products and services in a wide range of geoscientific disciplines.

A particular focus on georesources is addressed by using two operational research infrastructures, EPOS (European Plate Observing System) and ECCSEL (European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure) with innovative activities to extend and enrich the existing underlying thematic data services. While EPOS provides virtual access to data and information over large territories in Europe and worldwide, ECCSEL primarily produces local experimental datasets at lab facilities level in Europe. Four thematic communities teamed up to concretise the cross-domain scientific activities, both from the data provider and end user sides: EPOS -geology, induced seismicity, geodesy- and ECCSEL -permanent CO2 storage, temporary subsurface feedstock storage (H2 and derivates, heat, air, CO2), geothermal energy-.

Halfway through the project implementation, the collaborative work of the stakeholders results in strengthening the respective data contents and management structures enabling their connections. In France, the induced seismicity fact sheets recorded in the CDGP (Data Centre for Deep Geothermal Energy) are now better documented with geological maps and boreholes as well as geodesy and petrophysical properties. The anthropogenic hazards events capitalised and disseminated through the EPISODES platform offer access to episodes and information about boreholes located in their vicinity, being both the source of seismicity and monitoring locations. This enhanced virtual access to these induced events will soon be available on the EPOS data portal. The bridge between EPOS and ECCSEL research infrastructures is now enabled through the integration of a first set of boreholes and experimental data of two platforms in Norway and Italy to be accessible on the EPOS data portal through the national borehole database e-nodes.

The presentation will also expose how this cross-domain data access is enabled through semantic and technical interoperability in line with the FAIR principles to guarantee an efficient and reliable access to research contents.

How to cite: Urvois, M., Benlalam, S., Chan Thaw, F., Correia, C., Kocot, J., Pantaloni, M., Hernández Manchado, J. R., Mtupa-Ndiaye, A., Röhling, V., Schmittbuhl, J., Travan, A., and Valarcher, L.: Enhancing cross-domain data access in georesources and bridging EPOS and ECCSEL Research Infrastructures: contribution from Geo-INQUIRE project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13550,, 2025.

EGU25-15362 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Bringing in-situ data to light: A formal approach to bridging user needs and provider capacities for enhanced data availability 

Alba Brobia, Joan Masó, Javiera Crisóstomo, Carsten Iversen, and Jean-Philippe Aurambout

When referring to Earth Observation data, we consider two sides of the same coin: space-based data and in-situ data collected on or near to the ground. While satellite-derived data benefits from a consolidated data management and sharing practices, in-situ data is more complex, highly heterogeneous by nature, involving a wide range of actors and data sources, which creates significant challenges in making this data standardised, integrated and interoperable, and ultimately, accessible and usable.

Willing to address these challenges, the InCASE project —supported by the European Environment Agency and funded by the European Commission as a contribution to the Group on Earth Observations (GEO)— developed the Geospatial in-situ requirements (G-reqs) tool. Designed primarily to support GEO Work Programme activities but open to contributions beyond GEO, G-reqs acts as a database and a standard methodology to collect and manage user requirements for in-situ datasets.

The development of G-reqs was done with the hope that the content generated will help in identify shared requirements across domains, detect barriers and gaps, and act as a bridge between user demands and data providers by facilitating the matchmaking between the required and the produced data, or even to prioritize new in-situ data collection strategies. During the last year, the focus was on engaging with the user community to collect as many requirements as possible trying to avoid bias in particular theme, backgrounds, or geographic regions.

In this communication we analyse the content of the G-reqs and discuss to what extent it can fulfil the hopes described before via a series of showcases and statistical overalls. The presented approach demonstrates user-driven solutions and the significance of initiatives like GEO in advancing Open Science and extract new knowledge enabling cross-domain interaction for environmental research and decision-making.

How to cite: Brobia, A., Masó, J., Crisóstomo, J., Iversen, C., and Aurambout, J.-P.: Bringing in-situ data to light: A formal approach to bridging user needs and provider capacities for enhanced data availability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15362,, 2025.

EGU25-15535 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Greek earthquake impact database (GEID): AD 1800-2024 

Ioanna Triantafyllou, Ioannis Koukouvelas, and Efthimios Lekkas

Earthquakes can affect societies causing dramatic effects in both the built and the natural environments. Greece is characterized by the highest seismicity in the Mediterranean region, with a record of earthquakes and associated phenomena from antiquity up to the present. We organized for the first time a unified earthquake impact database covering the Greek territory from AD 1800 up to 2024, which include building damage and rates of fatalities and injuries. Data about earthquake secondary effects have also been inserted in the database concerning several types of ground failures, such as co-seismic landslides, soil liquefaction, surface fault traces, ground fissures, other environmental changes and tsunamis. The new Greek earthquake impact database (GEID), apart from the descriptive information of an earthquake, also provides parametric attributes such as earthquake epicentre, focal depth magnitude and intensity.   The GEID is of great importance since it may help in studies such as a better understanding of the seismic hazard and risk in Greece and its surroundings.

How to cite: Triantafyllou, I., Koukouvelas, I., and Lekkas, E.: Greek earthquake impact database (GEID): AD 1800-2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15535,, 2025.

EGU25-16779 | Posters on site | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

Three-dimensional high resolution joint inversion of gravity and magnetotelluric data  

Hongzhu Cai, Wang Xinyu, Li Lili, Huang Sining, Liu Lichao, and Hu Xiangyun

Funding: This research is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42274085).

Abstract:Gravity and magnetotelluric methods are pivotal geophysical techniques used to study the distribution of density and electrical conductivity within the Earth's interior. These methods have been widely used in multi-scale explorations for various engineering and academic applications. Considering the varying resolution capabilities of different geophysical methods in delineating near-surface geological structures, we propose a three-dimensional parallel joint inversion framework for gravity and MT data, based on Gramian structural constraints. The framework discretizes the inversion model with an unstructured tetrahedral mesh, enhancing the efficiency of forward modeling and sensitivity calculations for both gravity and MT data via a parallelized approach. To achieve sharper and more focused subsurface imaging, we incorporate a zero-order minimum entropy constraint into the objective function of the joint inversion. The objective function is minimized using the Gauss-Newton method, with model updates facilitated by the MINRES solver and line search techniques. Results from synthetic models show that joint inversion significantly improves the results for gravity and MT data, revealing a stronger correlation between residual density and resistivity. The zero-order minimum entropy constraint delivers more distinct model boundaries compared to traditional regularization method.


How to cite: Cai, H., Xinyu, W., Lili, L., Sining, H., Lichao, L., and Xiangyun, H.: Three-dimensional high resolution joint inversion of gravity and magnetotelluric data , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16779,, 2025.

EGU25-18507 | Posters on site | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

EPOS-GNSS Data Gateway: News and Novelties 

Mathilde Vergnolle, Jean-Luc Menut, Eric Marin-Lamellet, Guillaume Verbiese, and Imène Thiellement

The EPOS-GNSS Data Gateway (DGW) is the European thematic gateway to GNSS data distributed within the European Plate Observing System - EPOS framework. Thanks to this portal, all interested parties have free access to metadata and data from over 2,000 European GNSS stations.

The information system is based on a network of servers, the nodes, connected to a main server, the DGW. The main showcase is the DGW's graphical interface (, which enables all the data and metadata in the EPOS-GNSS data infrastructure to be browsed and downloaded. It conceals a complex system of multiple software enabling the integration and synchronization of metadata between the DGW and the nodes. The development and population of this system is the result of a team effort involving the development team, node managers and the node infrastructure and DGW operation coordination team (

New features for 2024 include the integration of two new nodes (CEGNxEPOS, Italy and SONEL, France), filling a gap in Central Europe (Northern Italy, Austria, Slovenia) and opening up to other scientific communities, such as those working on long-term sea level trends as part of GLOSS (Global Sea Level Observing System). Their deployment and population, at record speed, demonstrate the commitment of the new partners, the robustness of the system and the efficiency of the procedures. Next, the level of data completeness at the DGW in relation to the stations proposed to EPOS is becoming very good. Finally, the number of files not validated at the nodes, according to the EPOS-GNSS procedure, and therefore not transmitted to the DGW, is now very low.

On the other hand, there are some important novelties worth highlighting. All the monitoring tools needed to check that the entire system is working properly are now operational. These tools focus on monitoring all system elements and their interaction at the DGW, comparing metadata between the DGW and the nodes that highlights metadata and synchronization issues, monitoring availability statistics for each DGW-hosted service and user statistics. The system also now gives the opportunity to publish hourly High-Rate GNSS data that are accessible at both the DGW and the EPOS multidisciplinary platform. In early 2025, a new version of the graphical interface, developed using a different technology, will be deployed, enabling easier customization of the interface by node managers, in particular to better acknowledge all contributors to the EPOS-GNSS system.

How to cite: Vergnolle, M., Menut, J.-L., Marin-Lamellet, E., Verbiese, G., and Thiellement, I.: EPOS-GNSS Data Gateway: News and Novelties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18507,, 2025.

EGU25-20216 | Posters on site | ITS1.17/ESSI4.1

MEET hydrogeochemical monitoring platform for data analytics 

Carlo Cipolloni, Valerio Comerci, Antonio Scaramella, and Fabrizio Terzoni

ISPRA has developed a platform for the collection and analysis of data from a continuous hydrogeochemical monitoring network in the framework of MEET (Monitoring Earth’s Evolution and Tectonics) project, funded by the Ministry of Research (MUR) through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Mission 4, Component 2, Investment Line 3.1). The platform allows for near real-time transmission of physico-chemical parameters such as water level, temperature, and electrical conductivity from wells and springs monitored using automated instrumentation.

Hydrogeochemical data, when systematized and integrated with geophysical and geological parameters, are useful for understanding seismic and volcanic activity at different temporal scales, as well as for monitoring water quality and quantity, i.e. environmental protection purposes. Hydrological variations (piezometric levels, spring flow rates, chemical and temperature changes) can reflect changes in the stress field within the Earth's crust. For instance, significant hydrological variations were observed during major earthquakes such as L'Aquila (2009), Emilia (2012), and Amatrice-Norcia (2016), as well as during historical events. However, in non-volcanic areas of Italy, systematic and prolonged monitoring of these parameters is still lacking.

Recent advances in geophysical prospecting and the analysis of hydrogeochemical variations related to volcanic and seismic phenomena have provided valuable information for identifying possible precursors. The existing monitoring network will be expanded with new stations provided by INGV, located at sites identified by ARPAs.

The collected data will be stored in a hybrid cloud system, based in ISPRA, to ensure access, interoperability, and continuous sharing of data at a transnational level, complying with INSPIRE technical standards and the FAIR principle. A new architecture has been designed to collect historical and real-time data, ensuring high quality and compliance. This includes an innovative engine for data storage, validation, and querying, which serves as the core of the system.

The system uses a No-SQL database with native APIs, enabling the publication of data through interoperable OGC INSPIRE services and interactive access via a responsive platform. The choice of a flexible search engine was driven by the need to handle an increasing volume of real-time data while maintaining high performance. An ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) procedure was implemented to transform the relational model into a document-based model, optimizing indexing and enhancing system performance. This approach allows response times up to ten times faster than the previous system.

Data governance is a critical aspect: a well-documented process has been defined to ensure quality and efficiency throughout the entire production cycle. The integration of these technologies significantly enhances monitoring and analysis capabilities, contributing to the development of a national and transnational network for hydrogeochemical and environmental monitoring.

How to cite: Cipolloni, C., Comerci, V., Scaramella, A., and Terzoni, F.: MEET hydrogeochemical monitoring platform for data analytics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20216,, 2025.

The quasi-cyclic behavior of fault zones, which encompasses interseismic, coseismic, and postseismic phases, is essential for understanding the dynamic evolution of earthquakes. Examining the spatiotemporal evolution of surface deformation and fault slip distribution across different periods of an earthquake cycle, obtained through geodetic techniques, enables a systematic and precise understanding of earthquake deformation models. The 2020 Elaziğ earthquake and the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Sequence, both of which occurred along the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) in eastern Anatolia, provide a unique opportunity for studying the earthquake cycle and associated fault behavior. Historically, seismic activity along the EAF has demonstrated the fault’s capacity to produce significant earthquakes, with distinctive fault mechanisms varying across time and fault segments. In addition, approximately a decade of high-resolution surface deformation data obtained from InSAR, spanning five distinct periods in the earthquake cycle, is available for in-depth analysis.

Our objective was to provide a comprehensive characterization of present-day kinematic processes along the EAF, to gain insights into fault frictional properties and to assess potential future seismic hazards. To do so, we utilized high-resolution interferometric data to investigate fault slip evolution from March 2015 to June 2024. This temporally continuous deformation field allowed us to explore fault behavior and develop complete slip distribution models throughout the earthquake cycle, which includes an interseismic period (2015-2020), two postseismic periods (2020-2023 and 2023-2024), and three coseismic events. Initially, we conducted an InSAR time series analysis to capture the deformation fields across different periods of the EAF earthquake cycle. We then integrated high-resolution ground displacement data, aftershock distributions from the 2020 and 2023 earthquakes, and the Global Active Faults Database (GEM) to map the complex fault geometries of the EAF. These inputs facilitated the creation of triangular dislocation models for analyzing fault slip distribution at various periods of the earthquake cycle. Moreover, we examined the relationship between slip distribution and estimated frictional parameters along the EAF, followed by an assessment of seismic hazard potential.

Our analysis of slip evolution reveals that the postseismic fault slip following the 2020 and 2023 earthquakes primarily occurred in areas with minimal coseismic slip. We also identified four slip deficit regions, comprising both shallow and deep portions of the seismogenic faults. By integrating slip distributions and historical earthquakes, we calculated the total moment deficit rate for each fault segment, revealing that the Palu segment, as well as the central portions of the Erkenek and Sürgü-Çardak segment, possesses a high earthquake potential. These findings underscore the critical need for high-resolution and continuous monitoring of fault systems across different seismic periods, offering new insights into the dynamics of the earthquake cycle along the EAF.

How to cite: Han, B., Song, C., and Aoki, Y.: Fault spatial heterogeneity and seismic hazards revealed by geodetic observations of the East Anatolian Fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-95,, 2025.

EGU25-2657 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.21/NH13.9

A novel method to estimate the magnitude of bedrock landslide volumes with the index of rock resistance to weathering and erosion 

Chenglong Zhang, Wu Zhu, Mimgtao Ding, Trevor B Hoey, Bo Chen, Xinlong Li, Qiangong Cheng, and Jianbing Peng Peng

Landslide volume, as a principal factor in assessing the disaster-causing capacity of potential landslides, needs to be estimated accurately and quickly. At present, volume estimation of landslides is still dominated by traditional field surveys, and the method of using power-law correlations between landslide area and volume to estimate landslide volume is also imperfect. Scholars often ignored the crucial factor of the index of rock resistance to weathering and erosion (IRWE) of landslide bedrocks, leading to the uncertainty in index coefficients (γ), the applicable range of this method also needs to be further researched. In this paper, firstly, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Transportation Corridor (QTPTC) was divided into five sections based on IRWE of stratigraphic lithology, 183 landslides were selected from the landslide inventory along five sections. The power-law correlation between landslide area and volume in each section was fitted based on robust estimation. Secondly, power-law correlations were validated using cross validation and typical landslides in each section, and compared with γ values fitted in other literature. Through analyzing IRWE in the area where 183 landslides are located, γ values were found to be proportional to IRWE. Thirdly, the volume of 1928 landslides along QTPTC were estimated and River Blocking Coefficient (RBC) I_b was introduced to quickly screen out 88 active major disaster bodies along great rivers. Finally, we proposed a universal framework for volume estimation of landslides. The study will greatly save time in screening potential landslides, laying a solid foundation for early warning and achieving the purpose of landslide prevention and mitigation.

How to cite: Zhang, C., Zhu, W., Ding, M., Hoey, T. B., Chen, B., Li, X., Cheng, Q., and Peng, J. P.: A novel method to estimate the magnitude of bedrock landslide volumes with the index of rock resistance to weathering and erosion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2657,, 2025.

EGU25-3307 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Numerical investigation of large-slope planar failure considering entrainment effects: new insights into the 2009 JWS event 

Yinpeng Liu, Chuang Song, José Luis Pastor Navarro, and Jianbing Peng

 On 5th June 2009, a massive rapid long run-out rockslide occurred at the Jiweishan (JWS) area in Chongqing Municipality, China, which claimed 74 lives and injured an additional eight. Previous studies have applied numerical simulation to analyze the post-failure behavior of the JWS rockslide over the last decade, but the simulations conducted so far have not fully captured the lateral rock movements, the entrainment of slide mass on weathered blocks at the slope toe, and the subsequent deposition of the debris. This study majority was to simulate the planar failure at the initiation of the rockslide by three-dimensional (3D) numerical modeling to model the debris movement and deposition of the rockslide under the brittle failure of the key block at the front of the slope. The 3D topography and local joint sets are considered in the calculations, with the joint sets cutting the sliding rock mass into irregularly shaped blocks. The shoveling effects are considered to erode the hill ahead of the slope toe to expand the area of influence and match the actual topography. The 3D numerical modeling accurately captured the fundamental characteristics of the rockslide, resulting in a post-failure configuration closely resembling what was observed in the field.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Song, C., Pastor Navarro, J. L., and Peng, J.: Numerical investigation of large-slope planar failure considering entrainment effects: new insights into the 2009 JWS event, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3307,, 2025.

EGU25-4761 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

An interpretable multi-hazard machine learning model for county-level loss assessment of tropical cyclones 

Jinli Zheng, Weihua Fang, and Jingyan Shao

Reliable loss assessment of tropical cyclones (TCs) is critical for effective disaster emergency response. Existing methods often overlook the combined impacts of multiple hazards associated with TCs, such as wind, rainfall, storm surge, waves, and floods, which can decrease loss estimation accuracy. To address this issue, a novel assessment framework is proposed that integrates these multi-hazard effects to enhance disaster loss modeling. This framework begins by identifying multi-hazard features of TCs, including maximum gust wind (3s), total rainfall, daily rainfall, hourly rainfall, surge heights, significant wave heights, and daily runoff. Using a dataset of 1,341 county-level records, four machine learning algorithms—Categorical Boosting (CatBoost), Transformer, Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM)—are trained and optimized. The best-performing model is applied to assess the impact of feature variables and training samples. Additionally, shapley additive explanations (SHAP) are employed to interpret the model, providing insights into feature importance and relationships among hazards. Results indicate that CatBoost outperforms other algorithms, achieving an accuracy of 0.8196. Incorporating all feature variables results in a maximum performance improvement of 19.06% compared to using single, double, or triple hazards. The model demonstrates strong applicability across coastal and inland regions at the national scale, maintaining an accuracy above 0.79. By integrating SHAP analysis, this approach enhances model interpretability, offering valuable insights into factor contributions and inter-hazard relationships. The proposed framework improves the reliability of loss assessments and addresses the limitations of machine learning "black boxes," supporting more informed and effective disaster response strategies.

How to cite: Zheng, J., Fang, W., and Shao, J.: An interpretable multi-hazard machine learning model for county-level loss assessment of tropical cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4761,, 2025.

EGU25-4795 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Enhancing Dangerous Rock Mass Identification in Bare Rock Mountainous Areas Using Oblique Photography 

Ming He, Jianbing Peng, Penghui Ma, and Zhijie Jia

Large-scale key projects such as pumped storage, wind farm or infrastructure projects are gradually increasing in the higher altitudes bare rock mountainous areas in China due to the national strategy. The high-level dangerous rock mass widely distributed in these areas poses a great threat to engineering construction due to its huge-scale and concealment. However, the traditional geological survey method is difficult to obtain the complete feature information of dangerous rock mass efficiently and accurately. Therefore, we optimized the data acquisition parameters of the oblique photography of dangerous rock mass in this special geological environment, and formed a set of targeted data acquisition ideas. Then, based on the oblique photography model, the interpretation signs of dangerous rock mass are established, and a set of identification and classification theory is summarized. Using point cloud data, the automatic identification technology of dangerous rock mass structural plane is further studied. At the same time, the research also carried out the application practice based on the actual pumped storage project, and verified the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method.This study showed that oblique photography is a promising method for improving high-level dangerous rock mass identification efficiency in bare rock mountainous areas.

How to cite: He, M., Peng, J., Ma, P., and Jia, Z.: Enhancing Dangerous Rock Mass Identification in Bare Rock Mountainous Areas Using Oblique Photography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4795,, 2025.

EGU25-5516 | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Using Machine Learning and LAHARZ to Develop a Landslide Risk Analysis Model for Buildings 

Yu Mi Song, Youngjin Cho, and Ho Gul Kim

Despite the plethora of studies on landslide analysis and prediction, buildings are often the structures that endure the most tangible harm and must address the aftermath. In Korea, landslide damage attributable to climate change is escalating, particularly impacting buildings and residences. To mitigate this issue, it is imperative to forecast the areas where landslides are likely to occur and identify structures within their potential damage range. Consequently, this study aims to develop a landslide risk analysis model for buildings.

This landslide risk analysis model consists of three steps: (1) deriving landslide-susceptible areas, (2) deriving landslide damage areas, and (3) identifying buildings expected to be damaged by landslides.

To derive landslide-susceptible areas, data on past landslide occurrences and environmental variables related to topography, soil, vegetation, and climate were utilized. To enhance the reliability of the dependent variable, Pearson's correlation coefficient was employed to exclude variables with high intercorrelation. Machine-learning-based ensemble models—namely artificial neural networks (ANN), extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), and generalized linear models (GLM)—were then applied to analyze these landslide-susceptible areas. The area under the curve (AUC) for the final model’s accuracy analysis was 0.934, indicating a high degree of predictive accuracy.

To derive the landslide damage area, various runout models were considered, and LAHARZ was ultimately selected as the analysis tool. LAHARZ, developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), can simulate debris flow behavior and is frequently used for landslide damage analysis. In this study, potential landslide initiation points—identified from the landslide-susceptible area results—were combined with weather, topography, geology, soil, and vegetation data to determine the extent of debris flow damage in the event of a landslide.

In the final stage of the analysis, buildings located within the debris-flow damage area were extracted. To achieve this, building register information was geocoded and converted into spatial data, using the geocoding tool on a selected sample area. The analysis revealed that in 10 of the 19 potential landslide sites, buildings are situated within the damage range in the event of a landslide. However, in the remaining 9 sites, no buildings are damaged even if a landslide occurs. Consequently, a total of 67 buildings in the sample area are likely to be damaged. These include 14 apartments, 6 multi-family/multi-unit houses, 2 single-family houses, and 1 apartment complex. The model developed in this study can serve as a foundation for residents and building users to respond more effectively to potential landslide damage.

How to cite: Song, Y. M., Cho, Y., and Kim, H. G.: Using Machine Learning and LAHARZ to Develop a Landslide Risk Analysis Model for Buildings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5516,, 2025.

Oil and gas production can cause a drop in pore pressure within the reservoir, increasing effective stress and resulting in reservoir compaction. Subsurface reservoir compaction propagates to the Earth’s surface, manifesting as land subsidence, which can damage oil/gas production facilities and surface infrastructure. When oil and gas fields are situated in low-lying delta regions, land subsidence exacerbates the impact of flooding and inundation. A three-dimensional (3D) displacement field is expected over an oil/gas-producing field due to oil reservoirs' typically significant burial depth relative to their horizontal extent. In this study, we proposed a novel method to retrieve the complete 3D displacement field over producing oil/gas fields. By integrating multi-geometry InSAR line-of-sight (LOS) observations, we derived the vertical and east-west displacement components, while the north-south component was estimated based on an assumed physical relationship between horizontal and vertical displacements. We applied this method to the oil fields in Liaohe River Delta in Northeastern China and the Sebei gas fields in Northwestern China. The derived 3D displacement field reveals a circular subsidence bowl with a maximum subsidence rate of ~20 cm/year at the center, accompanied by a centripetal pattern of horizontal displacements with maximum rates of ~5 cm/year directed toward the subsidence center. The retrieved 3D displacements align well with predictions from geomechanical modeling, which assumes a disk-shaped reservoir undergoing a uniform reduction in pore fluid pressure. Finally, we highlight infrastructure damage caused by oil production-induced land subsidence and its impact on flood inundation in the low-lying Liaohe River Delta.

How to cite: Tang, W., Lei, Y., and Li, Y.: Production-induced three-dimensional surface displacement over oil/gas fields measured by InSAR and its induced environmental impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6419,, 2025.

EGU25-6452 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Combining Earth Observation and AI to advance multi-risk assessment of hot and dry events on crops in the Adige River basin  

Jacopo Furlanetto, Edoardo Albergo, Davide Mauro Ferrario, Marinella Masina, Margherita Maraschini, and Silvia Torresan

Cascading and compounding multi-hazard events pose increasing challenges, presenting serious direct and indirect threats to people, the environment, and economic assets. Addressing these events and building disaster risk reduction capacity is crucial. This requires not only leveraging novel technologies such as modern Earth Observation (EO) platforms and AI, but also integrating them into effective multi-risk assessment frameworks. This study, conducted within the ESA EO4MultiHazard project, aims to exploit EO data to deepen our understanding of how multi-hazard cascading impacts unfold in affected areas. Specifically, it focuses on cascading and compounding hot and dry events—namely, heatwaves and droughts—and their impacts on crop vegetation in the lower Adige River Basin, located in northeastern Italy. The Adige River serves as a critical resource for the area's intensive agriculture, as its waters supply a dense irrigation network, making it especially vulnerable to reduced water availability during hot and dry conditions. Multi-risk assessment methodologies involve several key steps, including the spatiotemporal identification of hazards and the assessment of exposure and vulnerability. The ultimate goal of this study is to use high-resolution EO data to enhance the understanding of the different risk dimensions and identify risk susceptible areas. The multi-hazard identification methodology was adapted from the Myriad-EU project and applied to the Adige River Basin to analyze hot and dry events over the past 74 years (1950–2023) using the E-Obs gridded dataset. This analysis enabled the identification of general drought and heatwave trends, as well as the most severe and relevant events to inform a more detailed EO analysis. The 2022 drought, a recent and highly severe event, was selected as a case study period. In situ data—such as information on the irrigation network, irrigation districts, river discharge, and crop species at the field level—were combined with EO data from Sentinel-2. This integration of high-resolution satellite imagery (up to 10 meters) with detailed ground information allowed for the detection of vegetation stress responses to hot and dry events, serving as proxies for crop impacts. This approach not only identifies the most susceptible areas to inform multi-risk assessments, but also lays the groundwork for applying AI methodologies to predict future impacts under various climate scenarios. By creating past and present-day susceptibility maps, this study advances our understanding of hot and dry event dynamics on crops, and it demonstrates the potential of integrating advanced analytical tools and EO data into a multi-hazard framework to pave the way for machine learning applications for future climate multi-risk assessment and adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Furlanetto, J., Albergo, E., Ferrario, D. M., Masina, M., Maraschini, M., and Torresan, S.: Combining Earth Observation and AI to advance multi-risk assessment of hot and dry events on crops in the Adige River basin , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6452,, 2025.

Landslides stand as a prevalent geological risk in mountainous areas, presenting substantial danger to human habitation. The slip surface, volume, type and evolution of landslides constitute crucial information from which to understand landslide mechanisms and assess landslide risk. However, current methods for obtaining this information, relying primarily on field surveys, are usually time-consuming, labor-intensive and costly, and are more applicable to individual landslides than large-scale landslide groups. To tackle these challenges, we present a novel method utilizing multi-orbit Synthetic Aperture Radar data to deduce the slip surface, volume and type of active landslides. In this method, the slip surface of landslides over a wide area is determined from three-dimensional deformation fields by assuming that the most authentic direction of the landslide movement aligns parallel to the slip surface, on the basis of which the volume and type of active landslides can also be inferred. This approach was utilized with landslide groups in Gongjue County (LGGC), situated in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, which pose grave peril to community members and critical construction along the upstream/downstream of the Jinsha River. Firstly, Synthetic Aperture Radar images were gathered and interferometrically processed from four separate platforms, spanning the period from July 2007 to August 2022. Then, three-dimensional displacement time series were inverted based on Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar observations and a topography-constrained model, from which the slip surface, volume and type were determined using our proposed method. Finally, the Tikhonov regularization method was applied to reconstruct 15-year displacement time series along the sliding surface, and potential driving factors of landslide motion were identified. Results indicate that 53 landslides were detected in the LGGC region, of which ~70% were active and complex landslides with maximum cumulative displacement along the sliding surface reaching 1.5 m over the past ~15 years. In addition, the deepest slip surface of these landslides was found to reach 114 m, with volumes ranging from 1.66×105 m³ to 1.72×108 m³. Independent in-situ measurements validate the reliability of the slip surface obtained in this study. More particularly, we found that the 2018 failure of the Baige landslide (approximately 50 km from LGGC) had caused persistent acceleration to those wading landslides, highlighting the prolonged impact of external factors on landslide evolution. These insights provide a deeper understanding of landslide dynamics and mechanisms, which is crucial when implementing early warning systems and forecasting future failure events.

How to cite: Chen, B., Song, C., and Peng, J.: Slip surface, volume and evolution of active landslide groups in Gongjue County, eastern Tibetan Plateau from 15-year InSAR observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9290,, 2025.

EGU25-11820 | Orals | ITS1.21/NH13.9 | Highlight

Land Subsidence in the Lower Rhine Embayment of Western Germany: A multi-decadal investigation from geodesy, geology, hydrology and finite element modeling 

Mahdi Motagh, Marzieh Baes, Pietro Teatini, Andrea Franceschini, Thomas R. Walter, Dibakar Kamalini Ritushree, Maoqi Liu, and Elsa Neumann

This contribution presents a comprehensive summary of the lessons learned from our studies on differential settlement and fault activation processes in the Lower Rhine Embayment of Western Germany. This region has hosted numerous mining operations and associated ground-water level adjustments for several decades. The remnants of several large, previously active open-pit mines are still visible today, as the land subsidence caused by mining-induced groundwater lowering continues to affect the landscape long after mining activities have ceased.

To understand the extent and progression of these effects, we  analyzed available leveling data collected since 1967, in conjunction with existing remote sensing observations from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS). This extensive dataset allows us to reconstruct a comprehensive history of ground deformation in the region. We then integrate these findings with other in-situ geotechnical and geological measurements to develop a 2.5D geomechanical model and simulate the impact of large-scale groundwater pumping on contemporary continuous (i.e., land subsidence) and discontinuous (i.e., earth fissuring) surface deformation. The poro-elastic contact mechanics model is based on the lithological map of a cross-section passing near the Bergheim, Hambach, and Inden open-pit mines. The model is constrained by lithological, hydrological, geodetic, and field observations.

Additionally, we present the results of our extensive field surveys conducted in affected areas, which document the consequences of subsidence-induced fault reactivation and differential settlement. These geotechnical phenomena have led to moderate to severe damage to buildings, structures, and underground infrastructure throughout the region. Our findings highlight the long-term challenges posed by mining-related subsidence, emphasizing the decade-long environmental impact of mining and the need for careful consideration of these effects in future land-use planning and mining operations.

How to cite: Motagh, M., Baes, M., Teatini, P., Franceschini, A., R. Walter, T., Ritushree, D. K., Liu, M., and Neumann, E.: Land Subsidence in the Lower Rhine Embayment of Western Germany: A multi-decadal investigation from geodesy, geology, hydrology and finite element modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11820,, 2025.

EGU25-12799 | Orals | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Groundwater Storage Loss, Land Degradation, Desertification and Loss of Biodiversity:  Insights from a Multi-Decadal Satellite and Field Surveys in Iran 

Mahmud Haghshenas Haghighi, Mahdi Motagh, Robert Behling, Sigrid Roessner, Bahman Akbari, and Hossein Akhani

A large portion of Iran is characterized by arid and semi-arid climates, making the region inherently vulnerable to environmental stress. Over the past five decades, this vulnerability has been significantly exacerbated by a combination of climate-change related natural factors and human-driven activities, including unsustainable agricultural practices, deforestation, and inefficient irrigation. Additionally, Iran’s over-reliance on groundwater resources has led to the over-extraction of aquifers and widespread land subsidence. Together, these factors are pushing the country towards a severe environmental crisis, evidenced by diminished agricultural sustainability, depletion of water resources, and loss of biodiversity.

While these issues have been recognized for some time, the spatial and temporal specifics of their progression have yet to be comprehensively analyzed on a national scale. This study presents the results of our investigation, which integrates multi-decadal satellite data and field surveys to explore and quantify the interconnections between unsustainable groundwater extraction, aquifer depletion, surface water diversion, and desertification across Iran.

In recent decades, the country’s heavy reliance on groundwater for agricultural, industrial, and domestic use has led to a dramatic decline in groundwater levels and significant land subsidence. Our multi-decadal analysis of satellite data from various Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors— including ERS, Envisat, ALOS, and Sentinel-1— reveals that approximately 56,000 km² (3.5%) of Iran is experiencing severe land subsidence, with certain areas sinking at alarming rates exceeding 35 cm per year. Recent surveys using Sentinel-1 data indicate that around 3,000 km² of land is subsiding at rates greater than 10 cm per year, underscoring the scale of the crisis.

We also conducted a spatiotemporal analysis of vegetation growth in relation to hydrometeorological factors across the country, using a variety of Earth Observation data, including MODIS, Sentinel-1/2, GRACE/FO, and ERA5-Land. This analysis aimed to assess the impact of irrigation practices and their relationship to water availability for sustainable development. Despite facing hydrometeorological water scarcity, Iran has seen an agricultural expansion of approximately 27,000 km² (9%) between 1992 and 2019, accompanied by the intensification of cultivation within existing agricultural areas. This is reflected in significant positive vegetation trends in 28% of the country’s croplands (around 48,000 km²), highlighting the central role of agriculture as the primary driver of groundwater depletion, water scarcity, and land subsidence.

The impact of groundwater depletion and running water disturbances also affects natural vegetation in playa and wetland ecosystems. This causes degradation of natural vegetation and emission of dust in most of the formerly permanent wetlands and associated steppes and loss of rare and endemic species. Dramatic cases have been documented in Turkman-Sahra (Golestan Province), Meyghan wetlands (Markazi Province), Tashk and Bakhtegan Wetlands (Fars Province). The halophytes and hygrohalophytes are highly sensitive to low changes of soil moisture and underground water level are largely threatened and even completely disappeared in recent years. Our findings highlight the importance of a multi-scale approach for effective water management in arid regions for creating resilient systems that support sustainable development from existing water resources.

How to cite: Haghshenas Haghighi, M., Motagh, M., Behling, R., Roessner, S., Akbari, B., and Akhani, H.: Groundwater Storage Loss, Land Degradation, Desertification and Loss of Biodiversity:  Insights from a Multi-Decadal Satellite and Field Surveys in Iran, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12799,, 2025.

EGU25-13938 | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Dataset Construction for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Multi-Buffer Zones, Clustering, and Stratified Sampling 

Paraskevas Tsangaratos, Aikaterini-Alexandra Chrysafi, Ploutarxos Tzampoglou, Aristodemos Anastasiades, Elena Valari, Vasilis Giannoglou, and Dimitrios Loukidis

Landslide susceptibility mapping is a vital tool for identifying areas vulnerable to slope instability and mitigating related hazards. A critical challenge in this process is constructing a robust, diverse, and balanced training dataset that accurately distinguishes landslide-prone areas from stable regions. This study proposes a methodology that integrates multi-buffer zoning, clustering-based sampling, and stratified sampling to enhance predictive accuracy and dataset representativeness.

The study was conducted in the Paphos district of Cyprus, an area of 552 km² that has experienced over 1,800 recorded landslides. The region’s geomorphological complexity, shaped by diverse topographic, geological, hydrological, and land-use conditions, makes it an ideal setting for advancing landslide susceptibility mapping techniques. A comprehensive dataset incorporating key environmental variables—such as slope, elevation, curvature, lithology, proximity to faults, and land cover—was compiled for analysis.

To develop the training dataset, documented landslide points were paired with non-landslide points generated from three spatial buffer zones: 250 m, 500 m, and 750 m around landslide sites. To further improve data diversity, clustering-based sampling grouped data points based on geomorphological and environmental similarities, while stratified sampling ensured proportional representation of critical variables in the dataset.

Three machine learning models—Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), and XGBoost—were employed to evaluate the predictive performance of datasets constructed using individual buffer zones, clustering, and stratification techniques. Model performance was assessed using metrics such as Accuracy, F1 Score, Cohen’s Kappa, and Area Under the Curve (AUC) to determine the effectiveness of each dataset.

The results revealed clear distinctions between datasets. The 750 m buffer dataset outperformed the others, with XGBoost achieving an Accuracy of 93.92%, F1 Score of 93.86%, Cohen’s Kappa of 87.84%, and AUC of 98.36%. This dataset effectively captured stable environmental conditions, improving model robustness and generalizability. The 500 m buffer dataset also performed well, with XGBoost achieving an Accuracy of 92.36% and an AUC of 97.66%, while the 250 m buffer dataset, exhibited slightly lower performance, with XGBoost achieving an Accuracy of 89.36% and an AUC of 95.77%.

The clustering-based sampling approach also demonstrated strong results, with RF achieving an Accuracy of 92.44% and an AUC of 97.19%, suggesting that grouping data points based on shared characteristics enhances model precision. Finally, the combined dataset, which integrated clustering-based and stratified sampling, yielded robust results, with XGBoost achieving an Accuracy of 93.74%, Cohen’s Kappa of 85.99%, and AUC of 97.99%.

In conclusion, the proposed approach demonstrates the value of integrating multi-buffer zoning, clustering, and stratified sampling into susceptibility mapping frameworks. This study not only advances our understanding of landslide processes in the Paphos district but also provides a scalable, reliable methodology for landslide risk assessment in other regions, contributing to more resilient landscapes and communities.

This research was funded by the European Commission, project reference: ENTERPRISES/0223/Sub-Call1/0229

How to cite: Tsangaratos, P., Chrysafi, A.-A., Tzampoglou, P., Anastasiades, A., Valari, E., Giannoglou, V., and Loukidis, D.: Dataset Construction for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Multi-Buffer Zones, Clustering, and Stratified Sampling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13938,, 2025.

EGU25-15477 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Exploring Flood Susceptibility in the Amazon River Basin Using Explainable AI 

Alena Gonzalez Bevacqua and Giha Lee

Floods, responsible for 44% of global natural disasters and impacting over 1.6 billion people between 2000 and 2019, are increasing in frequency and severity due to climate change and human activities. In the Amazon River Basin, this trend is evident with rising flood frequency and intensity since 2000, yet detailed flood susceptibility maps for the region remain scarce. To address this limitation, this study utilized Random Forest (RF) and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) to develop flood susceptibility maps for the Amazon River Basin. The analysis incorporated a flood inventory dataset along with fourteen conditioning factors, encompassing meteorological, hydrological, topographical, and geological variables. The multicollinearity among the variables was addressed through Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) analysis. The models' performance was evaluated using accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and Kappa score. To enhance the interpretability of both models, SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) was employed to identify and evaluate the key factors influencing the models' outcomes. Results confirmed the effectiveness of both models, with XGBoost delivering an accuracy of 0.91 and a Kappa score of 0.83, outperforming RF’s accuracy of 0.90 and Kappa score of 0.81. SHAP results revealed that for both models the most important factors were land use/land cover, rainfall, elevation, curve number, slope, drainage density, and soil. We assessed the robustness of the models by removing the least important features. Both models demonstrated stable performance, maintaining consistent accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-scores, with XGBoost surpassing RF. Ultimately, RF and XGBoost proved effective in generating accurate and reliable flood susceptibility maps for large regions like the Amazon River Basin, with SHAP offering significant insights into the interpretability of model outputs.



This research was supported by Disaster-Safety Platform Technology Development Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT. (No. 2022M3D7A1090338).

How to cite: Gonzalez Bevacqua, A. and Lee, G.: Exploring Flood Susceptibility in the Amazon River Basin Using Explainable AI, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15477,, 2025.

EGU25-16033 | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Geomorphological and Hydrological Analysis of Landslide-Prone Basins: A Case Study from Mount Pelion, Central Greece 

Aikaterini-Alexandra Chrysafi, Ioanna Ilia, Raffaello Albano, Wei Chen, Ioannis Matiatos, and Paraskevas Tsangaratos

Landslides rank among the most devastating natural hazards globally, causing widespread socio-economic disruptions and posing significant threats to human lives, infrastructure, and ecosystems. These events are primarily triggered by extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rainfall, and result from complex interactions between hydrological conditions, soil saturation, and terrain instability. This study focuses on southeastern Thessaly, specifically Mount Pelion in central Greece, a region with high geomorphological complexity and significant landslide susceptibility. Situated between the Aegean Sea and the Pagasetic Gulf, Mount Pelion’s diverse landscape, shaped by its unique climatic and geological features, makes it an ideal case study for exploring the relationships between morphometric and hydrological parameters and landslide activity.

The region's geological formations range from the Quaternary to the Triassic periods. While Quaternary deposits, composed mainly of sandy clays and gravels, are typically stable and found in torrent beds and coastal areas, the unstable Neo-Paleozoic to Triassic formations dominate the region. These formations, which include schists, quartzites, gneisses, and marbles, account for over 90% of historical landslides, highlighting their critical role in slope instability. 

This research presents a detailed geomorphological and hydrological analysis of 15 basins within the region, utilizing a variety of morphometric parameters. These include basin area, perimeter, elevation metrics, stream density, ruggedness indices, and shape indices like the Gravelius index and circularity ratio. Statistical analyses, including Pearson and Spearman correlation tests, were conducted to evaluate the influence of these parameters on landslide occurrences. The study also incorporated SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) analysis to quantify the global impact of key features on landslide susceptibility predictions. 

Positive correlations between landslide occurrences and variables such as basin area (p: 0.981), stream length (p: 0.964), and perimeter (p: 0.948) emphasize the role of large basins with extensive hydrological networks and complex boundaries in increasing landslide susceptibility. Elevation metrics, including maximum elevation (p: 0.765) and mean elevation (p: 0.713), further underscore the vulnerability of high-altitude terrains with steep slopes. Conversely, negative correlations were observed for compact basin shapes (Gravelius index: p: -0.745, s: -0.923) and lower relief ratios (p: -0.676, s: -0.773), indicating that compact and less steep basins are less prone to landslides due to efficient runoff and reduced infiltration. The SHAP analysis further identified basin area (F), relief ratio (Rv), stream flow length (SF), and ruggedness index (Rn) as the most influential features driving landslide risk, with high values of these parameters significantly increasing susceptibility. Features like maximum elevation (Hmax) showed moderate positive impacts, while perimeter (P) and stream length (SL) exhibited lesser influence.

In conclusion, this study offers a robust framework for understanding the geomorphological behavior of basins and its impact on landslide susceptibility. By linking key parameters to slope instability, it contributes to the development of effective mitigation strategies and supports sustainable management of landslide-prone regions. Insights from this analysis hold practical value for disaster risk reduction, resource management, and long-term resilience planning in geologically complex landscapes like southeastern Thessaly.

How to cite: Chrysafi, A.-A., Ilia, I., Albano, R., Chen, W., Matiatos, I., and Tsangaratos, P.: Geomorphological and Hydrological Analysis of Landslide-Prone Basins: A Case Study from Mount Pelion, Central Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16033,, 2025.

EGU25-16369 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Decadal high-resolution mapping of land subsidence driven by severe groundwater overdraft in Balochistan, Pakistan 

Manon Dalaison, Kristel Chanard, Romain Jolivet, Bryan Raimbault, and Najeebullah Kakar

Groundwater overdraft in arid and semi-arid regions poses a significant threat to sustainable water resources. In Balochistan, Pakistan, a region with limited precipitation (<400 mm/yr) but high reliance on groundwater for agriculture and urban supply, excessive water extraction has led to dramatic land subsidence in the inhabited valleys. These deformations, have been documented since the 1990s. Using two-dimensional Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) analysis, we generated high-resolution surface deformation maps to characterize subsidence and its evolution over the Kharan drainage system between 2014 and 2024. Subsidence rates exceed 15 cm/year in urban centers like Quetta, while surrounding agricultural valleys show variable deformation patterns, including seasonal motion of about 2 cm. To identify dominant deformation modes, we applied independent component analysis (ICA) to decompose temporal signals, linking them to precipitation variability, groundwater level changes, and land use dynamics. Our results also highlight the potential role of faults in modulating aquifer connectivity and deformation patterns. By combining spatio-temporal deformation analyses with meteorological and geographic data, we provide insights into groundwater recharge, aquifer behavior, and the sustainability of water resources in the face of ongoing population growth and climate change.

How to cite: Dalaison, M., Chanard, K., Jolivet, R., Raimbault, B., and Kakar, N.: Decadal high-resolution mapping of land subsidence driven by severe groundwater overdraft in Balochistan, Pakistan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16369,, 2025.

EGU25-16710 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Integration of Earth Observation data into land subsidence risk mapping: the Emilia Romagna region case of study (Italy) 

Leila GoliRaeisi, Roberta Bonì, Andrea Taramelli, Francesca Cigna, Pietro Teatini, Roberta Paranuzio, and Claudia Zoccarato

The availability of Earth Observation (EO) data, which are nowadays freely accessible to an increasing extent, has significantly advanced large-scale monitoring capabilities for geological hazards, particularly in terms of acquisition frequency and areal coverage. This progress has been especially evident in monitoring land subsidence. By the first quarter of 2022, the Copernicus European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) began providing ground displacement data at the European level, offering valuable insights into surface movements across the continent. Despite the growing use of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) for monitoring land subsidence, relatively few studies have focused on translating this EO data into comprehensive risk assessments.

The goal of this work is to develop a novel EO-based methodology for mapping land subsidence risks at regional scale. This methodology has been tested in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, an area historically affected by land subsidence due to both natural processes and anthropogenic factors. In this region, land subsidence rates have reached up to 7 cm/year since the 1950s.

To estimate the exposure and vulnerability of the region, we have utilized data from the World Settlement Footprint (WSF) Evolution and the Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL), both of which offer crucial insights into the human settlements and infrastructure that could be impacted by land subsidence. Moreover, we have exploited EGMS ground displacement data to estimate hazard levels associated with differential settlement. The resulting land subsidence risk map identifies four distinct risk levels, ranging from low to very high, across various areas of Emilia-Romagna. It offers a user-friendly product helping land use planners and local authorities to better understand and mitigate the potential impacts of land subsidence in the affected areas.

This work is funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU, component M4C2, in the framework of the Research Projects of Significant National Interest (PRIN) 2022 National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) Call, project SubRISK+ (; grant id. P20222NW3E), 2023-2025 (CUP B53D23033400001).

How to cite: GoliRaeisi, L., Bonì, R., Taramelli, A., Cigna, F., Teatini, P., Paranuzio, R., and Zoccarato, C.: Integration of Earth Observation data into land subsidence risk mapping: the Emilia Romagna region case of study (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16710,, 2025.

Forest anomalies (e.g., pests, deforestation, and fires) are common phenomena of the earth’s surface. Rapid detection of these anomalies is important for sustainable forest management and development. On-orbit remote sensing detection of multi-type forest anomalies using single-temporal images is one of the most promising methods for achieving it. Nevertheless, existing forest anomaly detection methods rely on time-series image analysis and are designed for a single type of forest anomaly. Here, a Forest Anomaly Comprehensive Index (FACI) was proposed to rapidly detect multi-type forest anomalies (i.e., pests, deforestation, and fires) using different thresholds and single-temporal Sentinel-2 images. First, the spectral characteristics of different forest anomaly events were analyzed to obtain potential band combinations for comprehensive anomalies detection. Then, the FACI form based on the potential bands was determined using images simulated by the LESS model. The threshold separability of FACI was compared to that of existing indices (NDVI, NDWI, SAVI, BSI, and TAI). In the evaluation, the thresholds for FACI and existing indices were determined using the interquartile method and 90 field survey samples, while their accuracy was quantitatively assessed with an additional 90 field survey samples and Sentinel-2 images. Finally, the evaluation results indicated that the overall accuracy of FACI in detecting the three forest anomalies was 88.3%, with the corresponding Kappa coefficient of 0.84. While all the overall accuracy of existing indices are below 80%, with Kappa coefficient less than 0.7. Meanwhile, a case study in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province confirmed the ability of FACI to detect different stages of pest infection, as well as the deforestation and forest fires using single-temporal satellite images. Overall, FACI represents a promising method for detecting multi-type forest anomalies in future real-time on-orbit satellite applications.

How to cite: Liang, D. and Cao, B.: A new remote sensing index for multi-type forest anomalies detection based on Sentinel-2 imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17103,, 2025.

EGU25-18110 | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Investigation of land subsidence in the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta 

Mi Chen, Pengfei Ge, Roberto Tomás, and Siyuan Cheng

Known as one of the world’s most dynamic deltas in terms of land-sea changes, the Yellow River Delta is rich in natural resources such as brine groundwater and oil. It is affected by tectonic movements, natural consolidation and compaction of loose sediments, and especially frequent anthropogenic activities. Consequently, various degrees of land subsidence occur, and the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta is one of the areas experiencing more intense land subsidence, presenting possible threats to the safety of local inhabitants and economic activities. Therefore, accurate monitoring and understanding the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of land subsidence in the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta are of great significance to mitigate geological impacts and economic losses in the region. In this work, land subsidence information in the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta was obtained using InSAR time series technology, based on Sentinel-1A/B data collected from January 2020 to December 2021. Additionally, multi-source data, including soft soil thickness, precipitation, oil field and brine mining areas, were incorporated to identify the influencing factors and asses their relative importance in land subsidence through random forest analysis and post-interpretation techniques. The results show that land subsidence in the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta presents uneven distribution characteristics, exhibiting maximum annual average subsidence rate exceeding -100 mm/year. The results of the random forest model indicate that the primary factors influencing land subsidence in the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta are brine groundwater extraction and the thickness of the soft soil layer. Meanwhile, the post-interpretation analysis demonstrates changes in the relationships between the different influencing factors and land subsidence.

How to cite: Chen, M., Ge, P., Tomás, R., and Cheng, S.: Investigation of land subsidence in the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18110,, 2025.

On December 18, 2023, a Ms 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck Jishishan, Gansu, China. The epicenter was located in the transition zone between the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Loess Plateau, with a maximum intensity of VIII, accompanied by numerous aftershocks. This resulted in the destruction and collapse of buildings and caused casualties, as well as multiple landslides and other geological disasters. Additionally, the earthquake triggered a severe liquefied mudflow in Zhongchuan Township, Gansu Province, burying 51 houses and causing over 20 fatalities. The formation process was puzzling as the mudflow source area was on a flat loess platform. To investigate the cause of the mudflow in Zhongchuan Township, we employed the active source multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method to obtain two high-resolution 2D S-wave velocity profiles of the subsurface structure in the mudflow source area. The profiles reached a depth of 30 m, with S-wave velocities ranging from 120 to 420 m/s, divided into four layers. From the 2D S-wave velocity profile perpendicular to the mudflow movement direction, significant changes in the stratigraphic structure were observed, leaving clear wave traces. The measured residual waveform frequency was 2.7 Hz, which was consistent with the predominant frequency of 2.4 Hz measured by microtremors, providing key evidence for the hypothesis that the earthquake caused resonance in the loess layer, leading to the liquefaction of the saturated loess layer. The liquefaction layer was located 12 m below the surface, with a thickness of about 10 m. The 2D S-wave velocity profile along the mudflow movement direction clearly demonstrated the flow characteristics and channels of the liquefied soil layer. These findings not only provide important foundational data for further study of such mudflows but also significantly aid in improving disaster prevention and mitigation strategies in the region.

How to cite: Li, Y. and Wang, J.: Fine S-wave velocity structure and genesis of mudflows in Zhongchuan Township, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18637,, 2025.

EGU25-19077 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Integration of two models, Mobility Digital Twin and Water Digital Twin – Matera Case Study 

Ida Giulia Presta, Giovanni Felici, Maurizio Vitale, Giuseppe Stecca, Carlo Gaibisso, Bruno Luigi Martino, Raffalele Albano, Ruggero Ermini, and Giordana Castelli

The Urban Intelligence approach views the city as a complex system that needs to be studied through the interaction of its different subsystems. Such complexity is addressed also in the virtual dimension, through the construction of Urban Digital Twins that allow to understand, control, and optimize the urban dynamics according to multidimensional objectives.

In this context, we describe here a model to assess and evaluate the risks incurred by pedestrians and vehicles in a city under severe and extreme rainfall events that results in increasing of surface runoff, causing pluvial floods. This study is motivated by the increasing frequency of extreme events that seriously challenge the urban infrastructures in historical cities where urban design dates back centuries and constraints to structural modifications of the urban texture are often present.

The approach is based on the design and integration of two models: first, a traffic macro-simulation model that integrates multi-objective demand and resources in an optimal and automated way; such model, also referred to as the Mobility Digital Twin, can predict vehicle and pedestrian flows over the segments of the city network. Second, a model of water dynamics over the same city network (Water Digital Twin), based on the morphological structure of the territory and on the 3D urban model, that integrates a hydrological-hydraulic coupled model that is able, starting from predetermined rainfall events, to estimate the water levels and flow rates in each portion of the investigated territory of rainfall.

The two models are jointly used to create scenarios for different weather conditions, simulate recovery policies, identify the system’s bottlenecks and design evacuation strategies, both at the strategic and at the operational level. The results of the experimentation will be analyzed and implemented within the SIT. Specifically, with Intelligent SIT, we define a framework for integrating data from diverse sources, including informative, participatory, and human-centric data, as well as outputs from Thematic Digital Twins and other sources. To accurately represent complex systems, we rely on detailed maps and in-depth spatial analysis, made possible through the capabilities of the SIT.

A prototype application of the approach is developed for the City of Matera, within the Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti project and the development of the city’s Urban Digital Twin. Preliminary results validate the potential contribution of the models adopted and have been used to support local authorities in the design of recovery strategies in the presence of extreme weather events and in the planning of  mitigation actions on the city road network.

Acknowledgments This research was supported by the “Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti di Matera” project.

How to cite: Presta, I. G., Felici, G., Vitale, M., Stecca, G., Gaibisso, C., Martino, B. L., Albano, R., Ermini, R., and Castelli, G.: Integration of two models, Mobility Digital Twin and Water Digital Twin – Matera Case Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19077,, 2025.

ITS2 – Impacts of Climate and Weather in an Inter-and Transdisciplinary context

Heatwaves and extreme precipitations are the two prevalent types of weather-related extreme events globally. Compared with univariate extremes, impacts of compound extreme precipitations preconditioned by heatwaves (CHEPs) on the society and economy can be amplified. Previous studies demonstrated that heatwaves can trigger extreme precipitations by enhancing atmospheric instability and moisture-holding capacity. Other studies projected future changes in CHEPs under various greenhouse gas emission scenarios. However, there is a lack of studies assessing the time of emergence (ToE) of CHEP change signals, especially for record-shattering events. Since current water resource management strategies and infrastructures are based on historical data, it is crucial to understand when hydro-meteorological conditions will surpass unprecedented levels to develop effective adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate change.

Here, we present a global analysis of ToE for record-shattering CHEPs as well as their exposed GDP and population (POP). Both the frequency and magnitude of observed CHEPs have substantially increased during the past 65 years at the global scale. Using climate models from Detection and Attribution Model Intercomparison Project, we find that rarer CHEPs are increasingly attributable to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, while aerosol emissions have a mitigating effect on their occurrences. To detect when historical record-shattering events will become normal, we develop a novel framework based on advanced Single Model Initial-condition Large Ensemble simulations. Our results indicate that CHEP hotspots, including East and Southeast Asia, North-central South America, and Central Africa, are likely to experience earlier ToE compared to other regions. In contrast, arid regions, such as North Africa, West Asia, and southwestern Australia, show no signs of ToE until at least 2100. GDP and POP exposure to such events reveal an alarming upward trend throughout the 21st century. By the late 21st century, 41% (29%) of sub-regions defined by the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are projected to experience GDP exposure exceeding 4,000 billion USD (at 2010 purchasing power parity) to record-shattering frequency (magnitude), while 34% (27%) are expected to have POP exposure exceeding 100 million under the SSP2-4.5 scenario. Record-shattering CHEPs pose a distinct threat to the economy between 21.75°N and 53.25°N, with the most significant impact between 35.25°N and 39.75°N. Compared to the GDP exposure, the POP exposure hotspots shift toward lower latitudes, with a broader range extending from 0.75°S to 53.25°N. Additionally, we classify areas based on the Human Development Index and income levels defined by the World Bank. The unequal distribution of GDP and POP exposure reveals the poorest and least developed countries will experience more extended impacts compared to wealthier nations. This study highlights the urgent need for region-specific mitigation and adaptation strategies to combat climate change, especially for the vast high-risk and low-income regions.

How to cite: Liu, J., Chen, J., and Yin, J.: Time of Emergence of Record-shattering Compound Extreme Precipitations Preconditioned by Heatwaves and Their Socio-economic Exposures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2350,, 2025.

EGU25-2385 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Accelerated Shifts from Heatwaves to Heavy Rainfall in a Changing Climate 

Jian Li, Shuo Wang, Jinxin Zhu, Dagang Wang, and Tongtiegang Zhao

Consecutive heatwave and heavy rainfall (HW-HR) events are occurring with increasing frequency in a warming climate. The time interval affects both environmental conditions and the regional recovery between two consecutive extreme events. However, the dynamics of the transition between consecutive HW-HR events remain poorly understood. In this study, we examine the changes in the time interval of consecutive HW-HR events in China from 1990 to 2019, using meteorological data from over 2,000 stations across mainland China. Our results reveal that the time interval has significantly shortened at 28.2% of the stations. The increased proportion of short-time events (STEs), defined by consecutive events with time intervals of 1 to 2 days, is the primary driver of this trend. From 1990 to 2019, the proportion of STEs increased significantly, at a rate of 2.2% per decade. We also find that climate change-induced anomalies in atmospheric variables during the consecutive HW-HR events may contribute to this rise in the proportion of STEs. Additionally, we assess changes in population exposure to STEs over the past two decades. Exposure has increased at more than three-quarters of the stations, with the increased STEs contributing to over 80% of the rise in exposure. Our findings highlight the need for policymakers to prioritize disaster response during consecutive HW-HR events and implement effective risk management strategies to mitigate population exposure to extreme events.

How to cite: Li, J., Wang, S., Zhu, J., Wang, D., and Zhao, T.: Accelerated Shifts from Heatwaves to Heavy Rainfall in a Changing Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2385,, 2025.

EGU25-4810 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Investigating the relationship between compound cold events and impacts on the Scottish rail sector.  

Kanzis Mattu, Christopher White, Hannah Bloomfield, and Joanne Robbins

Winter weather events can result in costly damages and severe disruption to affected regions. While compound events research has strongly focused on heat-related events, less focus has been placed on extreme cold hydrometeorological hazards. Cold events impact a range of sectors from energy and agriculture to transport and health. The rail sector is particularly sensitive to cold weather hazards resulting in service delays and cancellations. Snowfall can lead to blocked tracks, points failures and issues with electricity supply. Loss of traction, braking issues and frozen infrastructure can arise from ice formation. The impacts of these cold events can be amplified by the compounding effect of another meteorological variable, such as whether heavy precipitation is present or not, with subsequent impacts dependent on the nature of the cold event. For example, a cold-wet event could incur heavy snowfall, whereas a cold-dry event could result in extreme low temperatures and icy conditions. In this study, we analyse the occurrence of 10,000 rail incidents in Scotland over an extended winter period of October to March for 2006-2023 to investigate the relationship between impacts and compound cold events. We use an impact dataset from Network Rail to categorise high-impact days based on two classifications: (1) days with the highest number of aggregated incidents; (2) days with the highest number of accumulated customer minutes lost. Using daily gridded observations from HadUK-Grid at a 5 km resolution we then apply a localised percentile-based methodology to determine the occurrence of cold-dry and cold-wet events on these high-impact days. Initial results show that the majority of high-impact days consisted of incidents caused by severe snow and icing. Analysis reveal that these incidents occurred under hydrometeorological conditions that can be classified as cold-dry and/or cold-wet events. These findings highlight the importance of considering co-occurring hazards rather than single hazards. The results of this study provide a useful insight into compound cold events for rail sector early warning systems, with valuable information on cold weather event hazard characterisation and their associated impacts across varying timescales.

How to cite: Mattu, K., White, C., Bloomfield, H., and Robbins, J.: Investigating the relationship between compound cold events and impacts on the Scottish rail sector. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4810,, 2025.

EGU25-5209 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Surrogate flood models for compound flood risk assessments and early warning 

Dirk Eilander, Niels Fraehr, Tim Leijnse, and Roel de Goede

Probabilistic flood risk assessments (PFRA) and flood early warning systems (FEWS) are essential tools for managing and responding to disastrous flood events, particularly in coastal deltas where flooding is often compound, resulting from the interplay of coastal and riverine water levels and local rainfall. PFRA and FEWS require assessing the compound flood hazard under a broad range of plausible or forecasted hydro-meteorological conditions. While efficient hydrodynamic models for compound flooding have been developed, such as SFINCS (Leijnse et al. 2021; van Ordmondt et al. 2024), trade-offs in the model resolution or number of simulations or stochastic variables are often required for PFRA and FEWS, at the cost of model accuracy.

The physics-guided  hybrid  LSG model (Fraehr et al. 2022, 2023) uses a Sparse Gaussian Process model trained on Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) derived from simulations with a high- and low- resolution hydrodynamic model. For new events to simulate, the approach combines a simulation of the low-resolution hydrodynamic model with the trained surrogate model, to predict high-resolution water depths at low computational costs. While this model has successfully been applied for riverine flooding, it has not yet been used to predict compound flooding from multiple drivers.

This study tests the surrogate SFINCS-LSG model for compound PFRA and FEWS. We investigate the optimal choice of events to train the model and test the model for case studies in Brisbane, Australia and Charleston (NC), USA. We validate the surrogate model against the high-resolution SFINCS model for different historical compound events, hypothetical compound flood scenarios, and compound PFRA.

Based on preliminary results, we find that compared to the course-resolution SFINCS model, the surrogate model provides a significant improvement at very low computation costs, while compared to the high-resolution SFINCS model it achieves a large speedup with only a small drop in accuracy. While the results are promising for individual simulations, the surrogate model struggles to capture the transition zone based on the difference between model simulations. Nonetheless, the surrogate SFINCS-LSG models seem a promising approach to improve compound PFRA and FEWS.


Fraehr et al. (2022). Upskilling low-fidelity hydrodynamic models of flood inundation through Spatial analysis and Gaussian Process learning. WRR,

Fraehr et al (2023). Development of a fast and accurate hybrid model for floodplain inundation simulations. WRR,

Leijnse et al. (2021). Modeling compound flooding in coastal systems using a computationally efficient reduced-physics solver: Including fluvial, pluvial, tidal, wind- and wave-driven processes. Coastal Engineering,

van Ormondt et al. (2024). A subgrid method for the linear inertial equations of a compound flood model, EGUsphere [preprint],


How to cite: Eilander, D., Fraehr, N., Leijnse, T., and de Goede, R.: Surrogate flood models for compound flood risk assessments and early warning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5209,, 2025.

Cyclonic systems in the Eastern Mediterranean often produce compound extremes of heavy precipitation and strong winds, significantly impacting socio-economic systems. This study leverages traditional atmospheric analysis and dynamical systems theory to investigate these “wet” and “windy” extremes (Vakrat and Hochman, 2023). Using the co-recurrence ratio (α; De Luca et al., 2020) and persistence (1/θ; Faranda et al., 2017), we quantify atmospheric state dynamics and link them to extreme weather events. Results reveal that compound extremes exhibit higher co-recurrence and persistence than individual extremes, with anomalies in these metrics increasing the likelihood of extreme weather events by up to 18-fold. A case study of the mid-February 2012 Eastern Mediterranean compound event highlights the role of persistent upper-level dynamics in driving these extremes. Our findings emphasize the value of dynamical systems metrics in enhancing the predictability of compound extremes and their application to other regions and extreme weather events (Hochman et al., 2019). 


De Luca P, Messori G, Pons FME, Faranda D. Dynamical systems theory sheds new light on compound climate extremes in Europe and Eastern North  America. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 146: 1636–1650.

Faranda D, Messori G, Yiou P. Dynamical proxies of North Atlantic predictability and extremes. Scientific Reports 7: 41278.

Hochman A, Alpert P, Harpaz T, Saaroni H, Messori G. 2019. A new dynamical systems perspective on atmospheric predictability: eastern Mediterranean weather regimes as a case study. Science Advances 5(6): eaau0936. 

Vakrat, E. Hochman, A. 2023.Dynamical systems insights on cyclonic compound “wet” and “windy” extremes in the Eastern Mediterranean. Quarterly  Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 149(757): 3593–3606.


How to cite: Hochman, A. and Vakrat, E.: Understanding Cyclonic Compound “Wet” and “Windy” Extremes in the Eastern Mediterranean through Dynamical Systems Theory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5532,, 2025.

EGU25-6437 | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Severe convective outbreaks and heatwaves – a continental-scale compound event 

Monika Feldmann, Daniela I.V. Domeisen, and Olivia Martius

Recent summers in Europe were accompanied by significant convective storm outbreaks with widespread large hail, flash floods, and severe wind phenomena. Particularly severe outbreaks have occurred upstream of heatwaves. On a continental scale, this leads to considerable compound hazards from heatwaves and thunderstorm hazards. 

Utilizing reanalysis data, we investigate the link between heat anomalies and severe convective environments (SCE), which have the potential for severe convection. Our analysis reveals that SCE across Central and Western Europe are preceded by high temperatures and a slow-moving upper-level wave pattern. More strikingly, they reveal a strongly increased heatwave frequency downstream of SCE. Indeed, 75% of SCE are associated with a heatwave, usually ~500km downstream. The remaining 25% take place in much cooler, predominantly low-pressure situations, with less persistent SCE. Inversely, >80% of heatwaves are associated with upstream SCE. These heatwaves are significantly hotter by >1°C than those not associated with convection. 

This strong co-occurrence of severe convective outbreaks and heatwaves implies a dynamical link. From the large scale, the upper-level wave pattern may drive both the SCE through the advection of unstable airmasses and high wind shear in the prefrontal zone, as well as the heatwave by warm air advection, radiative heating, and a strong ridge. Further feedback between heatwaves and SCE is possible via diabatic heating processes and soil moisture feedback. 

How to cite: Feldmann, M., Domeisen, D. I. V., and Martius, O.: Severe convective outbreaks and heatwaves – a continental-scale compound event, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6437,, 2025.

EGU25-6508 | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

The impacts and future changes of near-freezing precipitation events in Québec 

Raphaël Rousseau-Rizzi and Philippe Roy

Near-freezing precipitation (NFP) events, a type of multivariate event compounding temperature and precipitation, are associated with widespread power outages. In a society undergoing an energy transition towards electrification, outages are associated with large impacts. Thus, understanding the impacts and the future evolution of NFP events in a changing climate is increasingly important. In this study, we first establish the relation between outages and NFP events, based on reanalysis data and on a Québec-based utility outage dataset. The highest density of outages in the region is found to occur in association with mixed precipitation near the freezing point. Next, daily NFP totals in various reanalyses are evaluated against Environment Canada weather stations in power-line-dense regions of Québec, to select a gridded reference. The Canadian Surface Reanalysis (CaSR) performs best and is selected. Then, a 28 member CMIP6 ensemble, bias-adjusted using CaSR, is used to evaluate future regional changes in the frequency of near-freezing precipitation events, as a function of time and as a function of local warming. In general, it is found that warmer areas south of Québec see a decline in the frequency of events, while colder northern areas see an increase. The number of days with near-freezing precipitations over 5 mm liquid equivalent varies non monotonically with annual temperature. This number will decrease by up to 40% south of Québec in the future and increase in the north. At the latitude of Montréal, the number of days may first increase and peak before decreasing again at the end of the century, as more wet snow turns to rain. However, rare events show a more uniform pattern of increasing intensity than NFP indicator, with slight decreases mostly near the coasts in the south. For Montréal, end of century NFP increases are more preeminent in ssp245, than in the warmer scenarios, which are likely further past the maximum risk. These findings on the impact of NFP events on the grid, as well as on the future evolution of these events, can directly inform the costly grid-hardening strategies considered for future adaptation.

How to cite: Rousseau-Rizzi, R. and Roy, P.: The impacts and future changes of near-freezing precipitation events in Québec, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6508,, 2025.

EGU25-9949 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Joint Occurrence of Extreme Rainfall and Storm Surge along the Croatian Coast: Exploring Seasonal Variations 

Marta Marija Gržić, Ivona Petković, Nevenka Ožanić, and Nino Krvavica

High storm surges, extreme sea waves, high river discharges and intense short-term rainfall are flood drivers that make densely populated coastal areas especially vulnerable to flooding. An additional increase of flood hazard and risk in coastal areas is expected due to changes in storminess, mean sea level rise, land subsidence and urbanisation. The simultaneous or consecutive occurrence of two or more flood drivers can lead to an event known as compound flooding.

In Croatia, compound flooding caused by the co-occurrence of high river discharges and storm surges is the only combination of compound flood drivers investigated to date. Consequently, other combinations of compound flood drivers remain unexplored. This study aims to address this gap by conducting further research on compound flooding in Croatia, specifically investigating the co-occurrence of extreme storm surges and rainfall along the Croatian coast. This study will provide insights into the compound flood potential due to extreme storm surges and rainfall at 42 locations along the Croatian coast. The rainfall data was obtained from rain gauge stations and the sea level data was obtained from Coastal Extremes in the Mediterranean Sea reanalysis and has been corrected by tide gauge data using machine learning.

High storm surges and heavy rainfall are flood drivers that often originate from the same weather system. Neglecting their seasonality can lead to a significant underestimation of the dependency and consequently the underestimation of the compound flood potential. With its pronounced seasonality, the Croatian coast is a great example for investigating seasonal correlation and co-occurrence of storm surges and rainfall. By disaggregating the time series into the individual seasons and analysing them separately, we gained a more detailed insight into the co-occurrence patterns of these flood drivers through maps with assigned correlation coefficients and a number of co-occurrences for each location.

As a result of this analysis, we will be able to identify the vulnerable areas with the highest probabilities of co-occurrence of high storm surges and intense rainfall more precisely. The selected locations will be eligible for a more detailed analysis of compound flood risk at the local level in future studies.

How to cite: Gržić, M. M., Petković, I., Ožanić, N., and Krvavica, N.: Joint Occurrence of Extreme Rainfall and Storm Surge along the Croatian Coast: Exploring Seasonal Variations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9949,, 2025.

EGU25-9994 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Spatiotemporal Variations and Potential Drivers of European Summer Heat Stress 

Qiyun Ma, Yumeng Chen, and Monica Ionita

Heat stress is projected to intensify with global warming, causing significant socioeconomic impacts and threatening human health. Wet-bulb temperature (WBT), which combines temperature and humidity effects, is a useful indicator for assessing regional and global heat stress variability and trends. However, the variations of European WBT and their underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Using observations and reanalysis datasets, we demonstrate a remarkable warming of summer WBT during the period 1958-2021 over Europe. We find that the increase in European summer WBT is driven by both near-surface warming temperatures and increasing atmospheric moisture content. We identify dominant modes of European summer WBT variability and investigate their linkage with the large-scale atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature anomalies. The first two leading modes of the European WBT variability exhibit prominent interdecadal to long-term variations, mainly driven by a circumglobal wave train and concurrent sea surface temperature variations. The last two leading modes of European WBT variability mainly show interannual variations, indicating a direct and rapid response to large-scale atmospheric dynamics and nearby sea surface temperature variations. We also present the role of global warming and changes in mid-latitude circulations in the variations of European summer WBT. Our findings can enhance the understanding of plausible drivers of heat stress in Europe and provide valuable insights for future climate adaptation planning.

How to cite: Ma, Q., Chen, Y., and Ionita, M.: Spatiotemporal Variations and Potential Drivers of European Summer Heat Stress, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9994,, 2025.

EGU25-10126 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Developing a flood typology for Denmark with practical applications for public warnings and communication 

Jonas Wied Pedersen, Jian Su, Ida Margrethe Ringgaard, and Morten Andreas Dahl Larsen

Denmark has experienced several significant compound flood events in recent years, and in parallel the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) has been developing a new flood warning system. This has led to a reassessment of how floods are conceptualized, predicted, and communicated. To support this, we here propose a framework for a flood typology tailored to both single-source and compound flood phenomena, with practical applications for public warnings and communication.

Our methodology builds upon the internationally acknowledged UNDRR/ISC hazard classes, which we filter for flood-related hazards relevant to Northern European coastal, lowland conditions. We then consider the organization of Denmark’s national agencies, local emergency response, and insurance structures. From this, we develop a flood typology for communication. As a part of the study, historical occurrences of compound flood phenomena are meticulously assessed by reviewing textual descriptions from a historical flood register (1990–2020) and conducting detailed case studies of recent events. Additionally, we examine the spatial and temporal overlap of flood-generating processes through a quantitative analysis of historical severe weather warning occurrences (2014–2024) addressing events of rainfall, storms, and sea levels.

Our findings reveal overlapping definitions within the UNDRR/ISC hazard classes, particularly regarding flood-generating processes and their geographic context. While DMI oversees severe weather warnings, observation networks are divided among four national agencies within the fields of: meteorology, oceanography, inland surface water, and groundwater. The emergency response in Denmark, as managed by 98 municipalities, is generally infrastructure-focused rather than flood-type-specific. For instance, urban water utilities often manage flood operations in cities. The insurance sector distinguishes between pluvial floods (private market) and fluvial or storm surge floods (covered by a national public disaster fund). We propose five general flood types for communication: (1) pluvial, (2) fluvial, (3) coastal, (4) groundwater, and (5) technological hazards (infrastructure failures of pumps, sluice gates, etc.). The historical flood register indicates two predominant compound flood types in Denmark: "coastal + fluvial" (driven by extratropical cyclones in winter) and "pluvial + fluvial" (caused by convective rainfall extremes in summer). It also shows that the key preconditioning variables include soil moisture, snow depth, and Baltic Sea water levels. The analysis of historical weather warnings reveals distinct regional patterns in compound flood risks. The detailed case studies provide storylines of how spatial compounding of flood types can overwhelm both national and local emergency responses. 

By integrating these insights, our study establishes a typology that is locally relevant for the Danish context, enhances the understanding of compound floods, and informs strategies for improved compound forecasting and communication.

How to cite: Pedersen, J. W., Su, J., Ringgaard, I. M., and Larsen, M. A. D.: Developing a flood typology for Denmark with practical applications for public warnings and communication, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10126,, 2025.

EGU25-10158 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Understanding coastal-pluvial compound floods associated with extra-tropical cyclones in Denmark  

Niels Agertoft, Jonas Wied Pedersen, Jian Su, Ida Margrethe Ringgaard, and Morten Andreas Dahl Larsen

Compound events leading to significant coastal flooding have become a major concern in recent years. Storm surges caused by extra-tropical cyclones and coastal precipitation are key drivers of such events. While previous research has developed various methods for storm tracking, these have not sufficiently focused on impact-relevant storm tracking that directly addresses coastal flood risks. Motivated by this research gap, we initiated our analysis by identifying storm surges from 1991 to 2021 and tracked associated low-pressure systems and the associated impact-related compound dynamics. This approach not only enables the understanding of storm impacts but also offers potential for application to downscaled regional climate-scale products.

As a case study, we use Denmark, known for its complex ocean-circulation patterns due the North-Sea/Baltic Sea interface, narrow straits and fjords, and diverse coastline orientation. We clustered 32 sea level stations in Denmark by analyzing the co-occurrence of extreme storm surge events in the period 1990-2023. We then tracked extra-tropical cyclones over Northern Europe using the CERRA mean sea level pressure dataset, by identifying minimas at each time interval and reconstructing tracks by minimizing the distance between candidate points, through the use of Mixed Integer Programming. Finally, we investigate coastal precipitation in different regions of Denmark, as defined by the clustering of sea water level stations, with precipitation estimates from the CERRA-Land dataset.

Our analysis successfully identified storm tracks associated with extreme storm surge events, which were categorized into four distinct clusters. Similarly, Danish water level stations were grouped into three clusters based on the co-occurrence of extreme surge events: (1) the West coast of Jutland, (2) Kattegat and Inner Danish water, and (3) Baltic sea coastlines. By examining the dominant storm track types and station clusters, we revealed significant differences in impacted regions associated with different storm tracks.

We conclude that storm tracks have markedly different impacts on the occurrence of storm surge events across the Danish sub-regions. Precipitation levels associated with these storm surge events, and type of storm track, can uncover the need to consider both storm track characteristics and regional vulnerabilities when assessing compound and multi-variate coastal flood risks as opposed to storm surges in isolation.

How to cite: Agertoft, N., Pedersen, J. W., Su, J., Ringgaard, I. M., and Dahl Larsen, M. A.: Understanding coastal-pluvial compound floods associated with extra-tropical cyclones in Denmark , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10158,, 2025.

EGU25-11037 | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Atmospheric Rivers and Compound Inland Flooding under Climate Change 

Mohammad Reza Najafi, Mohammad Fereshtehpour, Andrew Grgas-Svirac, and Alex Cannon

Compound Inland Flooding (CIF) arises from the interactions between multiple hydrometeorological drivers, often magnified by landfalling Atmospheric Rivers (ARs) along the Pacific Northwest coast and interior basins of North America. This study investigates the mechanisms behind two primary CIF types, Rain-on-Snow (ROS) and Saturation Excess Flooding (SEF), using the CanRCM4 large ensemble under global warming levels of +1.5°C, +2°C, and +4°C. By examining the joint occurrence of ARs with ROS and SEF across key sub-regions, including the Cascade Range, Sierra Nevada, and the Great Lakes Basin, we assess the probabilities, seasonal shifts, and hydrological impacts of CIFs in the 21st century. Results show distinct regional patterns, with ROS events projected to decrease in frequency across the Pacific Northwest and Great Lakes Basin but remain significant in high-elevation regions prone to seasonal snowmelt, such as the Canadian Rockies. Conversely, SEF events are projected to increase substantially, particularly in the eastern U.S. and southern Great Lakes, driven by intensified precipitation and persistently saturated soils. The findings indicate that under higher warming levels, the contribution of ROS to extreme runoff can decrease, while SEF-driven flood events become dominant. Signal-to-noise ratio analysis shows that internal climate variability contributes considerable uncertainty to CIF projections in transitional climate zones but is overshadowed by external climate forcing at higher warming levels, particularly in coastal regions. By capturing the compounded effects of precipitation extremes, snowmelt dynamics, and soil moisture conditions, this study underscores the necessity of integrating AR-driven compound events into regional flood risk management strategies. 

How to cite: Najafi, M. R., Fereshtehpour, M., Grgas-Svirac, A., and Cannon, A.: Atmospheric Rivers and Compound Inland Flooding under Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11037,, 2025.

EGU25-11126 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Impacts of Climate Change on Precipitation and Marine Heatwaves: Insights from High-Resolution Earth System Models 

Xiuwen Guo, Yang Gao, Shaoqing Zhang, Wenju Cai, Ruby Leung, Jakob Zscheischler, Luanne Thompson, Deliang Chen, Chuncheng Guo, Huiwang Gao, and Lixin Wu

This study investigates the impacts of climate change on marine heatwaves and extreme precipitation events associated with atmospheric rivers. First, our findings demonstrate that high-resolution models are more adept at simulating mesoscale eddies in the ocean, thereby facilitating more accurate predictions of future changes in marine heatwaves. Under climate warming, the intensity and annual days of marine heatwaves are projected to increase significantly. Even if organisms within large coastal marine ecosystems fully adapt to long-term mean warming, the escalating intensity of marine heatwaves would nonetheless pose substantial threats to these ecosystems. Furthermore, with global warming, the intensity and annual days of subsurface marine heatwaves are also expected to rise markedly on a global scale. This increase is primarily driven by the long-term rise in subsurface temperatures and changes in their variability. After accounting for the effects of long-term warming, the magnitude of increases in the intensity and annual days of subsurface marine heatwaves is notably greater than those at the surface, further exacerbating the risks posed by global warming to marine ecosystems.

Additionally, the study explores the influence of global warming on atmospheric river events in the Northern Hemisphere. High-resolution Earth system model simulations indicate that, under approximately 4°C of global warming, elevated sea surface temperatures enhance ocean-to-atmosphere moisture flux, thereby intensifying atmospheric river events. This intensification is projected to result in a doubling of the area affected by extreme precipitation events along the western coasts of Europe and North America. By disentangling the thermodynamic and dynamic contributions to intense precipitation associated with atmospheric rivers, the study identifies differences in the direction of vertical wind velocity changes as the primary source of regional disparities in dynamic contributions.

How to cite: Guo, X., Gao, Y., Zhang, S., Cai, W., Leung, R., Zscheischler, J., Thompson, L., Chen, D., Guo, C., Gao, H., and Wu, L.: Impacts of Climate Change on Precipitation and Marine Heatwaves: Insights from High-Resolution Earth System Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11126,, 2025.

EGU25-13057 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Causal Links Between El Niño–Southern Oscillation and European Compound Events: A Focus on False Spring Events 

Niklas Luther, Eduardo Zorita, Jürg Luterbacher, Odysseas Vlachopoulos, and Elena Xoplaki

Extreme weather and climate events are increasingly linked to severe socio-economic impacts, and their combination in space and/or time can further amplify these effects. This has heightened attention on compound events, which are combinations of multiple, potentially non-extreme climate events that collectively result in significant socio-economic consequences. A prominent example of a compound event in agriculture are false spring event. These occur when anomalous warm and wet conditions prevail in late winter, triggering early crop growth, followed by spring frost or severe drought. Such conditions can lead to substantial agricultural losses. To enable early warnings for such events, seasonal predictability is essential, as these phenomena typically unfold over a period of a couple of months. Seasonal predictability typically stems from slowly varying factors, such as sea surface temperatures and teleconnections, which influence the likelihood and timing of such events.

 One of the most globally influential teleconnections is the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), with well-documented influence on climate systems worldwide. ENSO's impact on European climate, particularly during late winter, has been extensively studied, raising the question whether ENSO could play a role in triggering false spring events. Investigating these mechanisms offers valuable insights into ENSO's influence on European climate and enhances the potential for improved seasonal predictions of such events. To identify these large-scale patterns and non-linear relationships with other teleconnection patterns and modes of variability, like the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), we employ advanced statistical techniques, such as Kernel Regularized Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis and Bayesian neural networks. By leveraging preimages and Accumulated Local Effect (ALE) plots, we uncover large-scale mechanisms relevant to European climate that exhibit strong interactions with the Niño3.4 region. Finally, we perform a causal analysis to trace the chain of interactions and pathways through which ENSO modulates European false spring events. 

 Our preliminary analysis focused on the first phase of the compound events, late winter. Results revealed significant interactions between the Niño3.4 region and atmospheric circulation patterns in the Euro-Atlantic region. These interactions involve a combination of well-known patterns such as the NAO, the East Atlantic/West Russia pattern, and the Scandinavian pattern. Second-order ALE plots obtained from a Bayesian neural network highlight that the interplay of these components can drive increasingly warm and wet conditions during late winter. These conditions create a favorable environment for the onset of false spring events, advancing our understanding of the mechanisms behind these impactful phenomena.

How to cite: Luther, N., Zorita, E., Luterbacher, J., Vlachopoulos, O., and Xoplaki, E.: Causal Links Between El Niño–Southern Oscillation and European Compound Events: A Focus on False Spring Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13057,, 2025.

EGU25-13893 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Patterns of Snow Drought Under Climate Change: From Dry to Warm Dominance 

Chuan Wang, Zhi Li, Nicolas Guyennon, Yaning Chen, and Yupeng Li

Global warming may trigger more frequent snow droughts (SD). SD can result from low total precipitation (dry-SD), from high temperature leading to less solid precipitation (warm-SD) or from the combination of both (dry-warm compound SD). Each of those SD type pose different ecological threats. Nevertheless, the regions dominated by SD types, transition patterns, and the future risks under climate change remain unclear. Here, we investigated the dominant SD types and clarify the transition patterns among the three SD types during the historical and the future period. The results suggest a global increase in SD frequency by about 1.5-fold and 2-fold under SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 respectively. Moreover, the shares of warm SD is increasing and may become dominant by 2050 and probability of dry-warm compound SD may reach 4–10 times that of the historical period. The global transition from dry to warm dominated SD is attributed to greenhouse gases. Those findings provide a scientific reference for addressing climate change risks on SD.

How to cite: Wang, C., Li, Z., Guyennon, N., Chen, Y., and Li, Y.: Patterns of Snow Drought Under Climate Change: From Dry to Warm Dominance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13893,, 2025.

EGU25-13915 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Spatial structures of emerging hot and dry compound events over Europe from 1950 to 2023 

Joséphine Schmutz, Mathieu Vrac, and Bastien François

Compound events (CE), characterized by the combination of climate phenomena that are not necessarily extreme individually, can result in severe impacts when they occur concurrently or sequentially. Understanding past and potential future changes in their occurrence is thus crucial. The present study investigates historical changes in the probability of hot and dry compound events over Europe and North Africa, using ERA5 reanalyses spanning the 1950-2023 period. Two key questions are addressed: (1) Where and when did the probability of these events emerge from natural variability, and what is the spatial extent of this emergence? This is explored through the analysis of “time” and “periods” of emergence, noted ToE and PoE, defined as the year from which and the moments during which changes in compound event probabilities exceed natural variability. The new concept of PoE allows for more in-depth signal analysis. (2) What drives the emergence? More specifically, what are the relative contributions of changes in marginal distributions versus in the dependence structure to the change of compound events probability? The signal is modelled with bivariate copula, allowing for the decomposition of these contributions. A focus on the dependence component is explored to quantify its effect on the signal’s emergence. 

The results reveal clear spatial patterns in terms of emergence and contributions. Five areas are studied in greater depth, selected for their similar signal behaviors. For example, the frequency of hot and dry events sharply increased in Maghreb and in the Iberian peninsula (ToE around 1980) and this rise is mainly due to a change in the marginals. Conversely, in eastern Europe the signal experienced a long PoE lower the natural variability, and this decline of CE probability is mainly driven by a change in the drought index. Although the dependence component is rarely the main contributor to PoE, it remains necessary to detect signal’s emergence. The date of ToE and the duration of PoE can be overestimated as well as underestimated (even more than 20 years) without considering this component. These findings provide new insights into the drivers of CE probability changes and open avenues for advancing attribution studies, ultimately improving assessments of risks associated with past and future climate change. 

How to cite: Schmutz, J., Vrac, M., and François, B.: Spatial structures of emerging hot and dry compound events over Europe from 1950 to 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13915,, 2025.

EGU25-14385 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Drought-flood abrupt alternation events and their impacts in China 

Wuxia Bi, Baisha Weng, Dawei Zhang, Fan Wang, Weiqi Wang, Wenqing Lin, Xin Qi, and Mingda Lu

Drought-flood abrupt alternation (DFAA), characterized by a period of persistent drought followed by sudden heavy precipitation at a certain level, has significant impacts on ecosystems and socioeconomic environment. As previous studies mainly focused on the monthly scale and regional scale, our study proposed a multi-indicator daily-scale method for identifying the DFAA occurrence. Then we applied the method on exploring the DFAA events over China from 1961 to 2018. The results show that: i) The DFAA events mainly occurred in the center and southeast of China. ii) The spatial coverage has a statistically significant (p < 0.05) increasing trend over China, of 0.355 %/decade. iii) The occurrence and spatial coverage of DFAA events increased by decades, and were mainly concentrated in summer (around 85%). Meanwhile, we conducted field experiments in typical area. The measurements revealed that DFAA events increased the soil nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in surface water.

How to cite: Bi, W., Weng, B., Zhang, D., Wang, F., Wang, W., Lin, W., Qi, X., and Lu, M.: Drought-flood abrupt alternation events and their impacts in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14385,, 2025.

EGU25-14749 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Structural and Transient Compoundness in Natural Systems 

Elisa Ragno and Carlo De Michele

In recent years, compound events, i.e., events resulting from the interaction between multiple physical drivers, have gained great attention in the scientific community especially as they can lead to greater impacts than events controlled by a main single physical driver. The majority of the studies relied on the use of statistical measures of dependence and multivariate analyses to show potential for compound events across diverse climatic and geographical regions. However, these approaches provide limited insights into the system being investigated and its behavior.

Here, we propose an approach to characterize the 'compoundness' of a system in terms of two components: structural compoundness, which refers to the overall tendency of physical drivers to jointly occur and interact, and transient compoundness, which refers to the specific occurrence or manifestation of interacting physical drivers. We provide example applications of the proposed characterization and discuss their implications for developing climate-resilient adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Ragno, E. and De Michele, C.: Structural and Transient Compoundness in Natural Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14749,, 2025.

Drought episodes combined with hot events usually trigger dramatic impacts on ecosystems and agricultural production. However, most existing studies on climate stress focus primarily on individual events, leading to a neglect of compound information. Based on various combinations of climate conditions, we investigate the impact of 6 modes of events, namely, compound dry and cold events, compound wet and hot events, compound dry and hot events (CDHEs), compound wet and cold events, droughts, and hot events, on maize yield in China. Evidence from both country–level and province–level yield data indicates that CDHEs have emerged as a major threat to maize yield, with higher yield reduction than the other 5 modes of climate events. Negative maize yield anomalies caused by CDHEs have increased over the past decades, partly due to the rising frequency, spatial extent, and severity of compound events. Moreover, the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has recently intensified yield losses associated with CDHEs. Findings from this investigation underscore the urgent need for adaptation strategies to prevent the occurrence of CDHEs, and to mitigate their impacts.

How to cite: Wu, X.: Increasing impact of compound dry and hot events on maize yield in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15475,, 2025.

EGU25-15803 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Future evolution of compound low wind and cold events in winter impacting the French electricity system in CMIP6 climate models 

François Collet, Julien Boé, Margot Bador, Laurent Dubus, and Bénédicte Joudier

With the expected rapid growth of renewables in the French power system, periods of prolonged low renewable energy generation are expected to have a greater impact on the power system, especially if compounded with high electricity demand. In particular, compound winter low wind and cold events are identified by the French electricity transmission system operator as events that can drive major risks to the future French power system. Using CMIP6 climate simulations, the scope of this study is to characterize the future changes of these climate compound events in the mid- and long-term and assess the associated uncertainties.

To identify compound low wind and cold events, a wind power capacity factor and an electricity demand indices are derived using near-surface wind speed and temperature data from CMIP6 models, including several Single Model Initial-condition Large Ensemble (SMILE), for the 1950-2099 period. Due to large differences between observed and modeled indices, bias adjustment is first applied to raw temperature and near-surface wind speed data. The benefit of multivariate bias adjustment over univariate methods is assessed.

First, we characterize the future changes of compound low wind and cold events frequency in the mid- and the long-term, and which of the marginal characteristics (i.e., cold or low wind events) primarily drive these changes. Then, we assess the associated uncertainties, including uncertainties from internal variability, climate models, emission scenarios, and bias correction methods. Finally, we identify the role of climate drivers, including the global warming level, and exposure drivers, including the installed wind power capacity and the electricity demand parameters. This work demonstrates the relevance of CMIP6 large ensemble of simulations and methodologies currently used in the compound weather and climate events community to assess future risks for the power system.

How to cite: Collet, F., Boé, J., Bador, M., Dubus, L., and Joudier, B.: Future evolution of compound low wind and cold events in winter impacting the French electricity system in CMIP6 climate models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15803,, 2025.

EGU25-16140 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Evaluation and projection of hot-dry compound extreme events in a warmer climate 

Miriam Fuente-Gonzalez, Rodrigo Manzanas, Javier Diez-Sierra, Adrian Chantreux, and Ana Casanueva

Compound extreme events are characterized by the combination of two or more events (not necessarily extreme) that can increase their respective individual impact. These phenomena can be of temporal nature (events that occur at the same time or in close succession), spatial nature (what happens in a place affects another) and/or multivariable nature (combination of several variables). This work focuses on the analysis of hot-dry compound extreme events —characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of high daily maximum temperature and low precipitation— and assesses their frequency, duration and severity.


For this purpose, both observational data (for a recent historical period) and climate model simulations provided by the CORDEX initiative, which gathers international efforts devoted to regional climate modeling, are considered. In particular, we use the CORDEX-CORE (CORDEX Coordinated Output for Regional Evaluations) ensemble, which comprises two Regional Climate Models (RCMs) driven by three Global Climate Models (GCMs) under two distinct emission scenarios, covering most continental CORDEX domains at 0.22º spatial resolution (approx. 25km). Systematic biases, typically present in these simulations, have been alleviated with the application of bias adjustment, using a semi-parametric, trend-preserving, quantile mapping method (ISIMIP). 


Our overall results show that hot-dry compound extreme events are enhanced over the next decades, with a general but region-dependent increase in frequency, duration and severity for different levels of global warming (+1.5, +2, +3 and +4 ºC, with respect to pre-industrial conditions), which can have important  impacts across various sectors such as health, economy, tourism and agriculture, among others. 


This work is part of Project COMPOUND (TED2021-131334A-I00) funded by MCIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. A. C. and R. M. acknowledge support from PID2023-149997OA-I00 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF/EU.


Keywords: compound events, regional climate models, climate change, extreme climate.

How to cite: Fuente-Gonzalez, M., Manzanas, R., Diez-Sierra, J., Chantreux, A., and Casanueva, A.: Evaluation and projection of hot-dry compound extreme events in a warmer climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16140,, 2025.

EGU25-16288 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

A generalized method for the analysis of non-stationary joint extremes based on the transformed-stationary extreme value analysis 

Mohammad Hadi Bahmanpour, Lorenzo Mentaschi, Alois Tilloy, Michailis Vousdoukas, Ivan Federico, Giovanni Coppini, and Luc Feyen

Extreme value analysis (EVA) includes a range of methods used to study the frequency and magnitude of rare but catastrophic events, with applications in science and engineering. These methods rely on mathematical theories that assume stable input data over time. However, many long-term datasets, especially those related to natural hazards, show clear changes over time (non-stationarity). With the availability of long-term climate records, there is a need for a reliable approach to analyze non-stationary extreme events that occur together (compound events), which is crucial for hazard assessment. This study introduces a method to analyze non-stationary joint extremes by combining Transformed-Stationary Extreme Value Analysis (tsEVA) with copula theory. This approach accounts for changes in the relationship between variables over time. The method includes sampling strategies to select relevant events, applying tsEVA for non-stationary univariate distributions, and using time-varying copulas to model the evolving relationships between variables. It thus considers all possible sources of non-stationarity that may affect joint extremes. The framework also incorporates statistical tools like the Mann-Kendall test to assess the significance of trends and Monte Carlo resampling for model validation and uncertainty analysis. Using this approach, the joint distribution of extremes in various natural hazards, such as river discharge, wave height, temperature, and drought, was successfully analyzed. The results highlighted the method's effectiveness in addressing diverse sources of non-stationarity and revealed dynamic patterns in variable interrelationships. Furthermore, the methodology developed in this study offers a viable tool for future research focused on generating statistically consistent hazard scenarios to support comprehensive risk assessments.

How to cite: Bahmanpour, M. H., Mentaschi, L., Tilloy, A., Vousdoukas, M., Federico, I., Coppini, G., and Feyen, L.: A generalized method for the analysis of non-stationary joint extremes based on the transformed-stationary extreme value analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16288,, 2025.


Abstract. Droughts significantly affect socioeconomic conditions globally. As a multifaceted phenomenon, droughts are assessed through various indices distinguished in meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological typologies, each designed to capture distinct aspects. So, there is a strong demand for comprehensive drought monitoring tools that integrate multiple aspects to offer a holistic view of drought conditions. Typically, when introducing a new composite drought index, it is evaluated in comparison to existing indices, however this approach cannot allow to evaluate its accuracy in actual conditions. Therefore, shifting the paradigm from model-by-model evaluations to impact-oriented analysis is crucial. This work introduces a drought index based on deep learning where economic losses induced by drought are used as a key metric in assessing the index performance. The introduced index is calculated using cutting-edge deep learning algorithms based on various drought-related variables. Different types of self-supervised learning models, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and Variational Autoencoders, are employed to enhance the model's accuracy and robustness. We use reanalysis data (ERA5) spanning from 1980 to 2022 for Italy, coupled with the EM-DAT database, to conduct impact analysis. The performance of each model is outlined based on their accuracy in estimating economic losses induced by droughts. 

Keywords: Drought Index, Deep learning, Autoencoder, impact-oriented analysis.


How to cite: Khosh Chehreh, M. and De Michele, C.: Development of a Composite Drought Index using deep learning: A Unified Framework for Multi-Dimensional Drought Characterization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16322,, 2025.

EGU25-17021 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Spatially compounding heat and precipitation extremes under omega blocking in Europe 

Magdalena Mittermeier, Yixuan Guo, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, Emanuele Bevacqua, and Erich Fischer

In early September 2023, Europe experienced a pronounced atmospheric omega-blocking event, which led to spatially compounding precipitation and heat extremes across Europe. Omega-blocking is characterized by a persistent anticyclone at its core, flanked by two low-pressure systems to the southwest and southeast. During the September 2023 event, the center of the omega block was positioned over Central Europe and Southern Scandinavia, which experienced a significant heatwave during the first week of September 2023. Conversely, regions on the southwestern flanks (Spain) and southeastern flanks (Greece, Bulgaria, and subsequently Libya) were affected by extreme precipitation events, leading to severe flooding.

We employ the method of ensemble boosting to explicitly simulate omega-blocking situations with spatially compounding extremes (heatwave and extreme precipitation) with the Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2). We therefore select analogs to the September 2023 event in a 30-member initial condition large ensemble of the CESM2 and use the model re-initialization approach of ensemble boosting to introduce slight perturbations to initial conditions 10 to 25 days prior to the event. This enables the generation of hundreds of coherent physical event trajectories, supporting the investigation of two key research questions: the first focuses on assessing the capability of the climate model to reproduce the 2023 event in its severity, while the second focuses on identifying the key characteristics of the omega block and its emergence that contribute to the most severe impacts on the ground.

In our talk, we introduce the research concept and address the following research questions: Is the CESM2 model capable of reproducing an omega blocking event with spatially compounding heat and precipitation extremes in the magnitude of the September 2023 event? Could the September 2023 event have been even more devastating by chance? What characteristics of the omega block and its emergence precondition the occurrence of the most extreme spatially compounding impacts in terms of heatwaves and extreme precipitation within the boosted ensemble?

How to cite: Mittermeier, M., Guo, Y., Suarez-Gutierrez, L., Bevacqua, E., and Fischer, E.: Spatially compounding heat and precipitation extremes under omega blocking in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17021,, 2025.

As global warming intensifies, high-latitude and mid-to-high-elevation watersheds are increasingly experiencing compound low-snow high-temperature events, posing serious challenges to water resources and ecosystem stability. However, the spatiotemporal characteristics of these events and their impacts on vegetation productivity and physiological processes remain insufficiently understood. In this study, drawing on multiple reanalysis datasets and hydrological models, we systematically evaluated the historical and future trajectories of low-snow high-temperature events across the Northern Hemisphere, including their potential lagged effects on ecosystems. By integrating diverse Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) datasets derived from observations, satellite products, and models—and employing an explainable causal machine learning framework—we identified key climatic and plant physiological drivers influencing GPP under these compound conditions. The findings highlight an increasingly frequent and persistent occurrence of low-snow high-temperature events, along with significant effects on vegetation functions, such as water-use efficiency, carbon uptake, and community structural adaptations. Overall, this research not only traces the upward trend of these compound events but also underscores their profound ecological implications, offering valuable insights for advancing global carbon cycle assessments and informing future climate adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Yang, Y.: Rising Compound Low-Snow High-Temperature Events: Drivers, Ecosystem Responses, and Future Outlook, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17066,, 2025.

EGU25-17367 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Cascading impacts across the coupled climate, ecological, agricultural and socioeconomic systems 

Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, Ana Bastos, and Gabriele C. Hegerl

The complexity of climate risk can lead to cascading impacts across the coupled climate, ecological, agricultural, and socioeconomic systems, which may involve potentially unprecedented outcomes and feedbacks, nonlinear behaviors or tipping points. While advances have been made in understanding such interconnected risks, particularly within specific disciplines, significant gaps remain in our understanding and modelling of such risks, and especially of how they cascade across systems. 

Several of such examples of cascading impacts can be found across the world, just in the last few years. The Australian bushfires of 2019-2020, fueled by extreme heat and prolonged drought, caused massive biodiversity loss, widespread air pollution, and significant economic damages. The 2021 Himalayan glacier collapse led to catastrophic flooding, infrastructure damage, and disruptions to local livelihoods, highlighting the fragility of mountain ecosystems in a warming climate. The global food and energy crisis of 2022, driven by geopolitical conflict and the disruption of supply chains compounded by low crop yields revealed the vulnerability of interconnected supply chains, with far-reaching implications for global stability. The 2024 DANA flooding in Spain, caused by a record-breaking atmospheric instability event and delayed emergency response, resulted in devastating loss of human lives and damage to infrastructure, agriculture, and urban areas, which eventually led to civil unrest in the region. All these examples underscore the need for comprehensive risk assessment, modelling and projection that better captures how shocks may compound and cascade across systems leading to high-impact outcomes larger than the sum of their parts. 

Existing frameworks and methodologies frequently fail to account for nonlinearities and worst-case outcomes or compartmentalize risks, in part to make an extremely complex problem simpler. This limits our ability to capture effects and impacts cascading to and from other sectors and systems, resulting in an incomplete understanding of the systemic nature of risk. Here, we assess to which extent cascading impacts have been included in impact assessments across sectors given our current methodologies and frameworks, to which extent our current methodologies and frameworks are insufficient for the task, and the cases where, even though current technology may allow it, cascading risks may have been overlooked. We reflect on recent examples of cascading impacts and their drivers, and outline critical directions for improving their integration into future risk assessments.

How to cite: Suarez-Gutierrez, L., Bastos, A., and Hegerl, G. C.: Cascading impacts across the coupled climate, ecological, agricultural and socioeconomic systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17367,, 2025.

EGU25-17762 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Understanding compound weather and climate risks facing electricity networks 

Colin Manning, Sean Wilkinson, and Hayley Fowler

Electricity networks are an important component of critical national infrastructure. Their failure, leading to power outages, can cascade through other infrastructure networks and compromise the function of other critical services. Electricity networks are facing a massive transformation to handle the increased demands placed on them by net zero commitments. Alongside this, future increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather will test electricity infrastructure that is already perceived to have insufficient resilience. Transforming networks as part of the net zero transition presents an opportunity to increase their resilience: this requires an understanding of the causes of network failures, the challenges that utility operators face in managing infrastructure risks, and the quantification of weather driven risks.

In this presentation, we present results from two projects. The first project used interviews and round-table discussions with energy industry experts in the UK to understand their needs from climate science as well as to uncover what they consider to be the largest weather and climate risks, the operational difficulties these present to electricity networks and what they believe to be low-regret options for enhancing climate resilience. The second project used statistical analysis to predict damage to electricity infrastructure from key weather hazards (windstorms, heat waves) and assessed how electricity infrastructure risks may change in the future using high-resolution 2.2 km climate simulations.

We discuss the main outcomes, strengths and limitations of both approaches and conclude that 1) expert elicitation provides a detailed and nuanced understanding of the range and severity of societal consequences produced by extreme weather and various compounding factors, and 2) probabilistic impact models that do not include multi-hazard and compounding effects underestimate the potential damages of extreme weather to electricity infrastructure – specifically the effects of wind direction, soil moisture and leaf cover during windstorms.

How to cite: Manning, C., Wilkinson, S., and Fowler, H.: Understanding compound weather and climate risks facing electricity networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17762,, 2025.

EGU25-18021 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Increasing frequency and intensity of compound droughts in the Amazon region 

Vanessa Ferreira, Allan Buras, Jakob Zscheischler, Miguel Machecha, and Anja Ramming

The Amazon rainforest, a critical global ecosystem, is increasingly threatened by climate change and extreme weather events. Over recent decades, the region has experienced record-high temperatures and unprecedented droughts. Compound drought and heatwave events (CDHWs), characterized by simultaneous dry and hot conditions, along with soil moisture (SM) deficits and high vapor pressure deficits (VPD), exacerbate ecosystem stress and intensify drought severity. This study investigates the climatology of CDHWs and compound low-SM/high-VPD events in the Amazon from 1981 to 2024 using the ERA5 dataset. Most compound events occurred during well-known drought years, including 1983, 1997/1998, 2010, 2015/2016, and 2023/2024. While compound events rarely impacted more than 20% of the region before 2010, subsequent years saw widespread effects, with the 2023/2024 drought ranking as the most extreme on record. During the austral summer of 2023/2024, CDHWs affected 70% of the Amazon's area, compared to 40% in 2015/2016. Similarly, low-SM/high-VPD conditions impacted 30% of the region in 2015/2016 and an unprecedented 60% in 2023/2024. Our results suggest an increase in the frequency, extent, and duration of compound extremes in the Amazon region, particularly over the last two decades, which could have critical implications for ecosystem resilience and climate adaptation strategies. The previous record compound event of 2015/2016 was particularly significant due to its ecological impacts, including tree mortality, biomass growth decline, and reductions in net primary productivity (NPP), gross primary productivity (GPP), and carbon uptake. Therefore, the ongoing record-breaking CDHW and low-SM/VPD conditions in 2023/2024 are expected to have even more severe impacts on the Amazon rainforest.

How to cite: Ferreira, V., Buras, A., Zscheischler, J., Machecha, M., and Ramming, A.: Increasing frequency and intensity of compound droughts in the Amazon region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18021,, 2025.

EGU25-18415 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Spatially compound and local extreme precipitation events: behaviors and trends  

Tiantian Xing and Carlo De Michele

Spatially compound extreme precipitation events can result in more severe impacts than individual extremes, posing significant challenges to both human and natural systems. Understanding their spatial distribution and trends is crucial for developing effective mitigation and adaptation strategies. In this study, we analyze multiple datasets, including reanalysis datasets (ERA-5, MERRA-2) and gridded networks derived from meteorological station data, to investigate long-term trends in precipitation over land and oceans at global, regional, and gridded scales. Using fixed thresholds, we assess the joint occurrence of extreme precipitation events and examine how these events change relative to temperature in different regions. 

Our findings show that the proportion of areas affected by spatially compound extreme precipitation events has increased significantly, particularly in tropical and coastal regions. Moreover, the growth trend in areas experiencing co-occurring extreme precipitation exceeds the trend observed at individual pixel scales, highlighting that focusing solely on pixel-scale changes underestimates the full extent of natural disasters caused by extreme precipitation. This synthesis underscores the escalating risks of compound climate extremes under global warming, driven by the complex interplay of joint precipitation occurrences. 

How to cite: Xing, T. and De Michele, C.: Spatially compound and local extreme precipitation events: behaviors and trends , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18415,, 2025.

EGU25-18746 | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Global Compound Climate Events: Intensified Air Pollution During Simultaneous Extreme Events 

Ana Russo, Virgilio Bento, Daniela Lima, and João Careto

The increasing frequency and intensity of extreme environmental and climatic stressors, such as heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, and air pollution episodes, highlight the urgency of understanding their interconnected nature. Traditionally studied in isolation, these stressors often interact in complex ways, amplifying their individual and cumulative impacts on ecosystems, economies, and public health. This study explores the global occurrence of compound events involving heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, and poor air quality, identifying their key drivers, spatial distribution, and associated consequences.

ERA5 reanalysis were used to identify drought periods using the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and detected heatwaves based on temperature anomalies. Fire activity was assessed using Fire Radiative Power (FRP) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra and Aqua satellites, while air pollution levels, specifically particulate matter (PM2.5), were derived from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) global reanalysis (EAC4). The co-occurrence of these phenomena was analyzed to pinpoint regions experiencing compound hot, dry, fire, and pollution events.

Our findings reveal distinct global hotspots where multiple stressors interact. Heatwaves and air pollution events were predominantly observed in regions such as India, the Arabian Peninsula, and eastern China. Meanwhile, the Brazilian Cerrado, northern Australia, and South African savannas frequently experienced simultaneous heatwave and wildfire occurrences. The Mediterranean region, particularly Greece, Portugal, and Italy, exhibited a high prevalence of concurrent heat, drought, wildfire, and air pollution episodes. Notably, in North America and Asia, PM2.5 concentrations reached significantly higher levels during simultaneous extreme events compared to isolated pollution occurrences.

The interplay of compound hot and dry conditions with wildfires, and ultimately with pollution events, presents critical challenges for public health and environmental management. The cascading effects of these interactions underscore the need for integrated approaches that encompass climate adaptation strategies, wildfire risk mitigation, and stringent air quality regulations. Understanding these linkages is essential for formulating policies that enhance climate resilience and safeguard communities against the escalating threats posed by climate-driven extreme events.

This research was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 This study was conducted within the scope of project (DHEFEUS) and supported by national funds through FCT. DL and AR acknowledge FCT I.P./MCTES for grants and, respectively.


How to cite: Russo, A., Bento, V., Lima, D., and Careto, J.: Global Compound Climate Events: Intensified Air Pollution During Simultaneous Extreme Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18746,, 2025.

EGU25-18782 | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Identifying climate related hazards relevant for the Norwegian Energy System  

Stephanie Mayer, Iva Ridjan Skov, Alessandro Mati, Tara Botnen Holm, Carlo Aall, and Camille Deciron

Renewable energy production plays a major role in Norway’s energy sector accounting for approximately 98% of the national electricity production. Unusually little precipitation in southern Norway in year 2021 resulted in reduced filling of the hydropower reservoirs. Accompanied with calm wind conditions over major wind-energy producing areas of Europe this led to exceptionally high electricity prices in Norway during winter 2021/2022.

As most renewable energy sources depend inherently on weather and climate condition, they are sensitive to large-scale weather regimes, natural climate variability, climate change and extreme weather events that can threaten the renewable energy system’s stability and reliability. By transitioning to more renewable sources such as hydro, wind and solar power, societies may expose themselves to an increased risk of potential instabilities and unreliability in the power supply. Within the SusRenew project we expand on the concept of compound events by looking at climate hazards that are specifically relevant for the energy system in Norway, and by looking at the possible joint occurrence of hazard pairs in different regions that are linked in the northern European energy system.

How to cite: Mayer, S., Ridjan Skov, I., Mati, A., Botnen Holm, T., Aall, C., and Deciron, C.: Identifying climate related hazards relevant for the Norwegian Energy System , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18782,, 2025.

Extreme compound events, defined as the “combination of multiple drivers and/or hazards that contributes to societal or environmental risk”, present a
growing concern for the scientists and the civil society (Zscheischler et al. 2020). Climate models provide physical simulations of the climate until 2100, which permits to better understand the evolution of the extreme events under climate change. This study proposes a novel modeling of bivariate extreme events using bivariate Generalized Pareto Distributions (biGPD), with Extended GPD for the univariate part (EGPD). This novel semi-parametric modeling is applied to an extreme event: the flooding of the Seine and the Loire watersheds in June 2016. This event is a spatially compound event between the accumulated precipitations over the two watersheds. The accumulation of rain over several days is approximated by the Antecedent Precipitation Index (API), and high values of API are considered to lead to flooding. This approach is compared to a more classic copula modeling over simulations in Jacquemin et al. (2025, submitted). As climate simulations often have statistical biases, they must be corrected using bias correction algorithms. This is also the case for their simulations of compound events. This study compares several multivariate bias correction algorithms (CDF-t, dOTC and R2D2) on this event. dOTC seems to perform better than R2D2 for extreme values. The proposed methodology illustrates how compound events can be analyzed, and their evolution in frequency projected. As a perspective, this method can be applied to more diverse compound events, and it could be generalized to events in higher dimensions.

Zscheischler, J., Martius, O., Westra, S., Bevacqua, E., Raymond, C., Horton, R. M., van den Hurk, B., AghaKouchak, A., Jézéquel, A., Mahecha, M.
D., et al.: A typology of compound weather and climate events, Nature reviews earth & environment, 1, 333–347, 2020.
Jacquemin, G., Vrac, M., Allard, D., and Freulon, X.: Estimating the return period of climate compound events using a non parametric bivariate Generalized Pareto representation. Submitted

How to cite: Jacquemin, G., Vrac, M., Allard, D., and Freulon, X.: Projecting frequencies of extreme rainfall compound events under climate change using bivariate extreme value modeling and multivariate bias corrections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19231,, 2025.

EGU25-19481 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Towards a storyline of compound flood events over Italy: the role of precipitation-soil moisture pre-conditioning 

Antonio Giordani, Claudia Butera, Paolo Ruggieri, and Silvana Di Sabatino

The urgency for deeper understanding compound hydro-meteorological extreme events is growing, as these events are increasingly recognized for their potential to exacerbate impacts compared to single hazards. Characterized by the concomitance of multiple natural hazards or drivers, compound events are further intensified by climate change, which influences their severity and increases their frequency of occurrence. These hydro-meteorological extremes pose a significant risk to terrestrial ecosystems and have devastating consequences for socio-territorial systems. In Italy, recent extreme events have highlighted this threat, as demonstrated by the unprecedented sequence of heavy precipitation events in 2023-2024 that led to widespread flooding in the region of Emilia Romagna in central-northern Italy. These low-probability events, which resulted in several fatalities and damages amounting to tens of billions of euros, were amplified by antecedent precipitation that saturated soils, significantly enhancing the runoff response and, consequently, flood severity and extension. Indeed, the pre-condition given by soil imbibition preceding heavy rainfall occurrences is crucial in determining the potential severity of the event, but its comprehensive understanding is still limited.

This study investigates the relationship between precipitation and soil moisture conditions in Italy, with the goal to quantitatively characterize their role in the occurrence of historical and plausible compound hydro-meteorological extremes. We employ state-of-the-art reanalysis datasets (ERA5 and ERA5-Land) to analyze a series of representative extreme precipitation events, focusing on their antecedent soil moisture conditions and estimating the typical temporal scales of the associated co-variation. The link between these hydro-meteorological quantities and riverine flood occurrences is assessed considering streamflow discharge data from EFAS hydrological reanalysis dataset. The prevailing large-scale conditions driving these events, in terms of the 500-hPa geopotential height and the integrated water vapor transport column, are explored to identify the key dynamical features responsible for the occurrence of compound flooding. Additionally, a large ensemble of seasonal numerical weather forecasts is employed to sample the phase space of precipitation-soil moisture conditions applying the so-called UNSEEN (Unprecedented Simulated Extremes using ENsembles) approach. Within this framework, the probability of compound precipitation-soil moisture extremes is assessed through a statistical event coincidence analysis to understand the dominant spatio-temporal patterns of their interaction; moreover, physical storylines of rare, yet plausible, extreme flood events will be built through ensemble pooling.

How to cite: Giordani, A., Butera, C., Ruggieri, P., and Di Sabatino, S.: Towards a storyline of compound flood events over Italy: the role of precipitation-soil moisture pre-conditioning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19481,, 2025.

EGU25-19486 | Posters on site | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Review article: The growth in compound weather events research inthe decade since SREX (2012-2022) 

Lou Brett, Christopher White, Daniela Domeisen, Philip Ward, Jakob Zscheischler, and Bart van den Hurk

Compound events occur when multiple drivers or hazards combine, creating societal or environmental risks, with high-impact occurrences such as simultaneous heatwaves and droughts often leading to more severe consequences than isolated incidents. A systematic review of 366 peer-reviewed papers published between 2012 and 2022 reveals an annual average increase of 60% in research focused on compound events, particularly for multivariate (co-occurring) events. Studies primarily focus on Europe, Asia, and North America, while significant gaps remain in Africa, South America, and Oceania. Key modulators, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation, along with event types like compound floods and high-temperature, low-precipitation events, are highlighted as the most studied within the literature. Recommendations from the review include expanding research in underrepresented regions and studying a broader range of typologies, events and modulators. Furthermore, it also calls for enhanced cross-disciplinary and sectoral collaboration to better understand and manage the growing risks posed by compound events in a changing climate.

How to cite: Brett, L., White, C., Domeisen, D., Ward, P., Zscheischler, J., and van den Hurk, B.: Review article: The growth in compound weather events research inthe decade since SREX (2012-2022), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19486,, 2025.

EGU25-19545 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.1/CL0.1

Amplified agricultural impacts from increasingly sequential heat extremes 

Raed Hamed, Carmen B. Steinmann, Qiyun Ma, Daniel Balanzategui, Ellie Broadman, Corey Lesk, and Kai Kornhuber

As the climate warms, interacting weather extremes such as sequential heat events pose complex risks to societies. Regarding the global food system, laboratory experiments suggest that crop exposure to spring heat may either confer tolerance or enhance vulnerability to subsequent summer heat events. We show, under historic conditions that hot springs benefit crop yield but amplify the impacts of summer heat by 3% to 36% across crops and regions compared to average spring conditions. This increasing sensitivity results in impacts outweighing hot spring benefits when summer temperature anomalies exceed 2-4°C. Analyzing projected temperature increases, we find an eight-fold rise in the frequency of sequential heat extremes under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 3-7.0. Accounting for the compounding effect of sequential heat on crop yields increases projected losses by 1 to 71% depending on crop and region. This underlines the emerging nonlinear risk of sequential heat extremes to food security, which can largely be avoided when limiting warming to 1.5°C globally.

How to cite: Hamed, R., Steinmann, C. B., Ma, Q., Balanzategui, D., Broadman, E., Lesk, C., and Kornhuber, K.: Amplified agricultural impacts from increasingly sequential heat extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19545,, 2025.

EGU25-397 | Orals | ITS2.2/CL0.16

Impacts of Global Warming on the Livelihoods of Himalayan Communities 

Saraswati Prakash Sati and Sandeep Kumar

The Himalayan region, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, diverse ecosystems, vibrant communities, and rich cultural heritage, is facing significant challenges due to the ongoing impacts of global warming. The region is experiencing accelerated temperature increases and altered weather patterns that have profound implications for both the environment and the communities that depend on it, in both direct and indirect ways. This study examines how global warming and changing weather patterns affect the livelihoods of Himalayan communities, which are closely linked to natural resources and traditional practices. Key impacts include loss of agricultural productivity, including horticulture and agroforestry, reduced water availability due to glacial retreat, increased frequency and intensity of forest fires, and increased risk of natural disasters such as landslides and floods. Rising temperatures are leading to a retreat of glaciers and thus to a decline in the availability of fresh water, an important resource for agriculture and daily life. Changes in precipitation patterns, including altered monsoon cycles and more frequent extreme weather events, further exacerbate water scarcity and disrupt the traditional farming practices that have sustained these communities for generations. In addition, the loss of crop yields and the increase in natural disasters such as landslides, flash floods, etc., caused by volatile weather and unstable glacier melt, are endangering lives and infrastructure. These disasters disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, especially those living in remote areas where access to emergency services and resources is limited. In response to these challenges, Himalayan communities are adopting adaptation strategies such as changing cropping patterns, diversifying livelihoods and increasing migration to urban centres in search of alternative income opportunities. However, these coping mechanisms are often inadequate due to a lack of financial support, limited access to climate-resilient technologies and a lack of policy responsiveness to local needs. This study highlights the need to understand the interactions between climate change, environmental degradation, and socio-economic systems in the Himalayas.

How to cite: Sati, S. P. and Kumar, S.: Impacts of Global Warming on the Livelihoods of Himalayan Communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-397,, 2025.

EGU25-1107 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/CL0.16

Habitat suitability modelling of endangered medicinal plant, Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. Ex Royle in the Western Himalaya 

Simran Tomar, Merja Helena Tölle, Shinny Thakur, Khilendra Singh Kanwal, Indra Dutt Bhatt, and Sunil Puri

Climate change is considered one of the major threats to species extinction. The impact of climate change on the distribution of Aconitum heterophyllum, an endangered species in the northwestern Himalayan state of Himachal Pradesh, remain largely unexplored. In this study, species occurrence data, bioclimatic variables and population distribution data were used to map the current and future distribution (2050 and 2070) of A. heterophyllum. The Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) based on Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) algorithm driven by climate data from the Global Circulation Model, HadGEM3-GC31-LL, which is statistically downscaled to 1 km spatial resolution was used for species distribution mapping. Here, we consider three future scenarios: Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) - SSP126, SSP245, and SSP585. The Bioclimatic variables (Bio 15), which is precipitation seasonality and elevation, were found to positively influence the distribution of A. heterophyllum in the studied locations. Precipitation seasonality ensures adequate water availability at cold and dry habitats. Also, higher elevations corresponded to high suitable habitats in the Himalaya. The SDM predicted a total suitable area of 1863.7 km2 A. heterophyllum in Himachal Pradesh. Under SSP126, which represents moderate development with minimal environmental degradation, the suitable habitat is projected to decrease by 51.28%by 2070. Under SSP245, which represents moderate development with more pronounced environmental degradation, the suitable habitat is predicted to decrease by 53.64%in the mean by 2070. Under SSP585, representing fossil-fuelled development and successful mitigation of environmental issues, the suitable habitat is predicted to decrease by 54.61% by 2070. Overall, the species is expected to loose 30.68–58.51% of its current habitat between 2050 to 2070, posing a significant extinction risk in the future. Based on the classified layers, the highly suitable areas were found to be overlaying within the Dhauladhar ranges, alpine regions of Pin Valley National Park, Killar ranges of Chamba, Great Himalayan National Park, Parvati glacier, Gramphu, Indrasan Peak and Inderkilla National Park. These regions were identified as areas for key conservation efforts and are crucial for implementing adaptive management strategies to enhance the protection and sustainable use of A. heterophyllum in Himachal Pradesh in the face of global climate change.

Keywords: Species Distribution Modelling, Northwestern Himalaya, Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, Climate change, Endangered

How to cite: Tomar, S., Tölle, M. H., Thakur, S., Kanwal, K. S., Bhatt, I. D., and Puri, S.: Habitat suitability modelling of endangered medicinal plant, Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. Ex Royle in the Western Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1107,, 2025.

EGU25-3410 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.2/CL0.16

A Climate-Driven Human Genetic Bottleneck in Africa 900 Thousand-Years Ago 

Shih-Wei Fang, Aneesh Sundaresan, Chiara Barbieri, Pasquale Raia, Jiaoyang Ruan, Ali Vahdati, Elke Zeller, Christoph Zollikofer, and Axel Timmermann

Mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT), a climate state underwent low temperature and dry condition, has been suggested as a candidate for a massive genomic bottleneck in African hominins ~0.9 million years ago (Ma). However, no sufficient evidence supports such attribution to climate deterioration for the human genetic bottleneck. Here, we use an agent-based model forced by realistic time-evolving climate conditions to investigate the population and genetic changes of African hominins. With our climate-driven model simulations, population collapses are found before and during the MPT due to reductions of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The corresponding climate changes and vegetation loss enhance the difficulty of habitation for African hominins in northern and southern Africa. The regional extinctions create population refugia in eastern and southern Africa serving as possible genetic pools for the emergence of Homo sapiens. Furthermore, culture evolution may reinforce the expansion and dispersal of African hominins during the climate recoveries after MPT and to enhance the chance of admixture of African genetic information.

How to cite: Fang, S.-W., Sundaresan, A., Barbieri, C., Raia, P., Ruan, J., Vahdati, A., Zeller, E., Zollikofer, C., and Timmermann, A.: A Climate-Driven Human Genetic Bottleneck in Africa 900 Thousand-Years Ago, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3410,, 2025.

EGU25-4065 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/CL0.16

High-performance computing for mechanistic prediction of biome distribution 

Capucine Lechartre, Victor Boussange, Jed Kaplan, Philipp Brun, and Niklaus Zimmermann

Predictive biome distribution models allow us to investigate how ecosystem dynamics may respond to climate change. A key challenge lies in capturing vegetation’s dynamic response, as plants react individually to climate shifts, forming and dissolving biomes over time. Therefore, models that predict the response of biomes to climate change must adopt a physiology-based approach rather than basing themselves on the apparent climatic distributions of biomes as they exist today. BIOME4, a widely used equilibrium vegetation model developed in 1999, incorporates key components that enhance its ecological realism such as a mechanistic approach driven by climate variables, explicit modeling of plant functional types (PFTs), sensitivity to CO₂ effects and soil-climate interactions, and bioclimatic limits. However, the model has been limited by its computational constraints, running at a coarse resolution of 55 km and relying on legacy Fortran code which leads to compiling challenges and lack of modern GIS compatibility. 

To address these issues, we implement BIOME4 in Julia, a high-performance and open-source computational language towards which a growing fraction of computational geoscientists are turning. In Julia, just-in-time compilation permits fast development while matching the speed of Fortran, and the use of a modern language allows interfacing with state-of-the-art GIS libraries. Moreover, Julia’s multiple dispatch allows for modularizing the model for future needs and Julia displays high expressivity, which means that it can represent a wide variety of ideas, making models developed in the language highly comprehensive. Thanks to the language improvements, our updated version allows for (1) full parallelization, reducing computation times on HPC systems, (2) improved scalability to handle global datasets at fine resolutions, and (3) enhanced maintainability and modularity for future adaptations. 

Using the CHELSA global climate dataset, we demonstrate how our novel BIOME4 version enables new applications. We present predictions of biome distribution at fine resolutions, resolving biome belts along ambiguous elevational gradients in coarse-scale applications. By isolating the individual effects of environmental variables such as temperature, precipitation, and CO₂, we show how BIOME4 facilitates attribution studies on the sensitivity of vegetation to drivers of change and the mechanisms underlying biome shifts. We show that the model can be used to explore climate change impacts through CO₂ fertilization effects or to investigate how changes in net primary productivity (NPP) of PFTs translate into shifts in biome distributions. With access to a wide range of climate scenarios, we provide examples of how one can now use BIOME4 to predict how future climate and CO₂ levels might induce shifts in plant functional type and biome distributions.

This work underscores the value of BIOME4 and the importance of modernizing legacy models to harness advances in computational capabilities, ensuring their relevance in predicting vegetation dynamic responses to climate change.

How to cite: Lechartre, C., Boussange, V., Kaplan, J., Brun, P., and Zimmermann, N.: High-performance computing for mechanistic prediction of biome distribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4065,, 2025.

EGU25-5079 * | Orals | ITS2.2/CL0.16 | Highlight

Vegetation responses to climate change: lessons from the past 1 Ma of Earth history 

Sandy P. Harrison and I. Colin Prentice

Records of vegetation and environmental change during the Late Quaternary period are numerous and globally distributed, and provide information on actual climate changes and ecosystem responses that have no parallel in recent times. Plants have shown remarkably little macroevolution, and apparently few extinctions, over the past 105–106 years – despite the Earth experiencing alternating warm and cold periods, the latter punctuated by multiple episodes of rapid (decadal to centennial) climate change accompanied by almost equally rapid biome shifts. The persistence of tree taxa in both temperate and tropical regions through multiple climatic cycles indicates considerable resilience to large changes in climate. Phylogenetic niche conservatism has favoured geographic or topographic range shifts, rather than adaptive evolution, as the principal mode by which plants have responded to climate changes on the glacial-interglacial scale. Nevertheless, a pervasive feature of the palaeorecord is the frequent appearance of “novel” communities and disappearance of others: biomes may shift, but community composition is transient. Past vegetation changes also record the effects of atmospheric CO2 concentration on photosynthetic physiology: high CO2 favoured forests and low CO2 favoured C4-dominated grasslands, due to the positive effect of CO2 on the water use efficiency of C3 plant leaves.

This “palaeoperspective” has several, under-appreciated implications for nature conservation in the face of continuing climate change. (1) Novel ecosystems are normal; the preservation of existing assemblages is unlikely to succeed.  (2) Rapid migration of plant species (including trees) is possible, likely facilitated by long-distance dispersal, and may be much faster than currently assumed. (3) Rising CO2 has likely been a primary cause of “woody thickening” in savannas, and will continue to promote the colonization of open vegetation by trees.

How to cite: Harrison, S. P. and Prentice, I. C.: Vegetation responses to climate change: lessons from the past 1 Ma of Earth history, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5079,, 2025.

EGU25-7855 | Orals | ITS2.2/CL0.16

Global 1-km habitat distribution for endangered species and its spatial changes under future warming scenarios 

Bin Li, Changxiu Cheng, Tianyuan Zhang, Nan Mu, Zhe Li, Shanli Yang, and Xudong Wu

Implementing biodiversity and climate actions for endangered terrestrial vertebrates is hampered by a lack of high-precision habitat maps. Therefore, we developed a dataset by linking the suitable land-use types and elevation ranges of each endangered terrestrial vertebrate species and mapping these factors onto our recently developed global land use and land cover maps, we generated the distribution of global 1-km habitat suitability ranges  distributions from 2020 to 2100 under varied climate warming scenarios for endangered terrestrial vertebrates (1,754 amphibians, 617 birds, 1,280 mammals, and 1,456 reptiles) and obtained the spatial evolution maps as compared to 2020 baseline. Validation of the 2020 data with actual observation data suggested that the HSR maps for 92% of amphibians, 94% of birds, 95% of mammals, and 91% of reptiles outperformed random distributions within IUCN's expert range maps and that the distribution of observation points closely aligned with species diversity maps. This dataset offers HSR maps for endangered terrestrial vertebrates and their spatial evolution under future warming scenarios, providing a solid basis for biodiversity conservation.

How to cite: Li, B., Cheng, C., Zhang, T., Mu, N., Li, Z., Yang, S., and Wu, X.: Global 1-km habitat distribution for endangered species and its spatial changes under future warming scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7855,, 2025.

EGU25-7948 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/CL0.16

Climate impacts on Late Quaternary megafauna: A global dynamical modelling approach 

Thushara Venugopal, Axel Timmermann, Pasquale Raia, Jiaoyang Ruan, Elke Zeller, Silvia Castiglione, and Giorgia Girardi

The Late Quaternary period was characterized by the widespread extinction of over 50% of global megafaunal species, followed by a rapid decline in biodiversity. The relative roles of adverse climatic conditions and the emergence of modern humans in these extinctions remain unresolved due to the sparsity of palaeoecological evidence. Here we present a new spatially explicit dynamical model (ICCP Global Mammal Model, IGMM) that simulates climate-induced changes in habitat suitability and biomass distribution of more than 2000 terrestrial mammal species, incorporating dispersion, competition, and predation as functions of time and across the globe. Forced with transient climate simulations for the Late Quaternary period, the model reproduces well the observed global distribution of mammal population biomass and species richness. The glacial-interglacial transitions, with the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in particular, were marked by dramatic changes in habitat suitability of mammals, followed by global modulations in population biomass, species composition and biodiversity. The present model may help elucidate the climate-ecological interactions that contributed to the loss of megafauna in the Late Quaternary period, providing insights into the potential drivers of future biodiversity crisis.

How to cite: Venugopal, T., Timmermann, A., Raia, P., Ruan, J., Zeller, E., Castiglione, S., and Girardi, G.: Climate impacts on Late Quaternary megafauna: A global dynamical modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7948,, 2025.

EGU25-11028 | Posters on site | ITS2.2/CL0.16

Climate Study Insights for the Tourism Sector: Analysis of Selected Pilot Regions in Croatia 

Kreso Pandzic, Tanja Lkso, and Izidora Marković Vukadin

Understanding the impacts of climate change on key economic sectors is essential for developing effective adaptation strategies. The tourism sector in Croatia, a country with diverse climatic regions, is particularly sensitive to changes in climate variables such as air temperature and precipitation. This study aims to analyze essential climate variables for the period 1961–2023 across different climatic regions of Croatia, including Varaždin (representing Northern Continental Croatia), LičkoLešće (Mountain region), and Mali Lošinj and Rijeka (Northern-Eastern Adriatic coastal areas).

In addition to linear trend and 5-year moving average analysis of climate variables for the period 1961-2023 a comparison between these variables was made for two 30-year standard climate periods:  1961-1990 and 1991-2020, respectively. A comparison of climate characteristics for cited two standard periods are compared with those for the period 2071-2100 using projection data of global climate models. Interpretation of the results is focused on their application to adaptation planning to mitigate impacts of global climate warming on touristic sector in Croatia.

The results emphasize the significance of shifting climate characteristics across these regions and their potential implications for tourism adaptation planning. By focusing on these changes, this study aims to support the development of robust strategies to mitigate the impacts of global warming on Croatia's tourism sector. Access to reliable climate data and projections is critical for ensuring the resilience and sustainability of this vital economic sector in the face of ongoing climate change.

Acknowledgment: This research was conducted in the scope of the research project COMMITMENT, financed by Institute for Tourism through Next Generation Fund (CroRis ID- 9574).

How to cite: Pandzic, K., Lkso, T., and Marković Vukadin, I.: Climate Study Insights for the Tourism Sector: Analysis of Selected Pilot Regions in Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11028,, 2025.

EGU25-12281 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/CL0.16

Measuring Climate Impact on Extinction Risk in Amphibians 

Claus Sarnighausen, Maximilian Kotz, and Sanam Vardag

The increasing relevance of climate change as a threat of species extinction is a pressing concern, as highlighted by the recent IUCN Red List assessment for amphibians. Based on the concept of the climate niche, i.e. conditions required for a stable population, recent studies have estimated the dramatic implications of different climate change scenarios on species. However, there is an ongoing discussion in the community which measures are best suited to quantify climate change impacts on extinction risk, given the available data.
In this study, we provide a consistent framework to evaluate three published measures on historical changes in extinction risk. The compared measures include a classical bioclimate envelope approach, an ensemble of species distribution models, and the average climate change within species' ranges. We train an advanced statistical model (random forest) to predict changes in extinction risk between 1980 and 2021 in 6,288 amphibian species. This analysis is controlled for factors such as geographical range area, human pressures, and other external threats.
We find that two measures based on the climate niche do not predict historical changes in risk, when other factors are controlled for. Also, we find that predictions of risk, based on average climate change, can be misleading when applied to future scenarios. These findings highlight the limitations and inherent uncertainties of predicting climate impact for a high number of species, given the standard datasets and tested methods.


How to cite: Sarnighausen, C., Kotz, M., and Vardag, S.: Measuring Climate Impact on Extinction Risk in Amphibians, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12281,, 2025.

EGU25-12467 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.2/CL0.16

Using paleoclimatic range reconstructions to analyse historical space shifts of Striped and Brown Hyenas 

Francisca Virtuoso, Lizzy Brouwer, Frank van Langevelde, Stephanie Dloniak, Anouschka Hof, Andrew Jacobson, Jente Ottenburghs, Florian Weise, Lars Werdelin, Michael Westbury, and Femke Broekhuis

Niche theory suggests that two species with similar ecological roles can coexist only if they exhibit sufficient differentiation in resource use; otherwise, competitive exclusion may occur. The striped and brown hyena share similar niches, particularly in terms of diet and habitat preferences. Today, the brown hyena’s range is restricted to Southern Africa, while the striped hyena occupies a larger area from Kenya to India. Yet, fossil evidence suggests that these species could have occupied wider, potentially overlapping ranges historically. Brown hyena fossils have been found in Kenya and Ethiopia, while striped hyena fossils appear as far south as South Africa. To investigate the potential historical range shifts of both species during the last 120,000 years, we developed maximum entropy species distribution models (package megaSDM). We used occurrence data collated by the IUCN SSC Hyena Specialist group and HadCM3/ HadAM3H simulated climatic, bioclimatic and vegetation variables as  predictors. Our results indicate that during the Last Glacial Maximum (~21,000BP), a potential corridor with high habitat suitability existed between their current ranges, suggesting that the striped hyena could have extended its range into southern Africa, supporting previous fossil findings. We found that habitat suitability for both species has declined over time, likely driven by changes in precipitation, temperature, and biome type. Both species show a preference for regions with relatively low annual precipitation (with 700 mm as a maximum threshold), moderate temperatures (12–18°C), and arid landscapes. These results imply that fluctuating Pleistocene climates, particularly cycles of wetter and drier conditions in East Africa, likely caused shifts in suitable habitats, contributing to the contraction of both species' ranges. Understanding these historical dynamics provides insights into the ecological and climatic factors that have shaped the current distributions of striped and brown hyenas, with implications for conservation and management in the context of future climate change.

How to cite: Virtuoso, F., Brouwer, L., van Langevelde, F., Dloniak, S., Hof, A., Jacobson, A., Ottenburghs, J., Weise, F., Werdelin, L., Westbury, M., and Broekhuis, F.: Using paleoclimatic range reconstructions to analyse historical space shifts of Striped and Brown Hyenas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12467,, 2025.

EGU25-12891 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/CL0.16

Human Thermal Indices and the Risk of Abrupt Population Disruption 

Saket Dubey and Shrikant Lahase

This study investigates the timing of abrupt disruptions to human populations resulting from extreme heat stress on a global scale. Utilizing data from 38 Global Climate Models (GCMs) under multiple Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs: 2.6, 4.5, and 8.5) within the CMIP6 framework, we project a suite of human thermal indices, including apparent temperature (indoor & outdoor), discomfort index, effective temperature, heat index, humidex, modified discomfort index, net effective temperature, simplified wet globe temperature, wet bulb globe temperature, and wind chill temperature, for both historical (1850-2024) and future (2024-2100) periods. Abrupt disruption is defined as a continuous period exceeding historical thresholds for at least five consecutive years.

Our analysis, conducted within Köppen-Geiger climate regions, reveals a concerning trend: the onset of abrupt disruption is projected to occur significantly earlier than previously anticipated across all SSPs. Even under the most optimistic mitigation scenario (SSP2.6), millions of people are projected to experience abrupt disruptions before 2050. By 2100, over 5% of the global population could be affected by these abrupt changes, with substantial regional variations.

Furthermore, our analysis incorporates population projections from SSPs to estimate the number of individuals impacted by these disruptions in each decade. Results indicate a substantial increase in the number of people exposed to extreme heat stress, with significant implications for human health, livelihoods, and societal stability.

These findings underscore the urgency of implementing robust adaptation strategies to mitigate the severe impacts of extreme heat on human populations. Such strategies should include investments in early warning systems, improved urban planning, and the development of heat-resilient infrastructure.

How to cite: Dubey, S. and Lahase, S.: Human Thermal Indices and the Risk of Abrupt Population Disruption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12891,, 2025.

EGU25-15791 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.2/CL0.16

The respective role of climate mitigation, sustainable land use and area-based conservation to curb future biodiversity loss 

Chantal Hari, Matthias Biber, Jonas Geldmann, Thomas Hickler, Myke Koopmans, Pablo Negret, Christopher Reyer, Alke Voskamp, Markus Fischer, and Édouard Davin

Increasing conservation efforts are required to avert biodiversity decline caused by climate and land use changes. In a recent study (Hari et al. 2024; preprint), we combined climate change scenarios (RCP2.6 and RCP6.0) and land use change projections to assess their impact on future species distribution for a large number of mammals, birds and amphibians. Future projections of land use change were derived from the Land Use Harmonization dataset v2 (LUH2), which does not make any explicit assumptions about the area under protection in these scenarios.

Here, we extend the scope of our future biodiversity projections by adding an additional layer of different protected area (PA) scenarios. In the first conservation scenario, we fix the PAs based on the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), thereby assuming that PAs will remain the same in the future as it is today. In a second category of scenarios, we create land use scenarios compatible with the Global Biodiversity Framework’s “30 by 30” target based on the spatially optimized dataset by Jung et al. (2021) combined with LUH2.

We show that combining climate mitigation measures with sustainable land use is more beneficial for biodiversity than any PA scenario alone. However, PA expansion significantly reduces species loss, particularly in biodiversity hotspots. While any level of area-based conservation yields notable biodiversity benefits, the 30% PA target proves especially effective under high-emission scenarios, preventing up to 11.2% more land use-driven species loss in regions such as West, Central, East and South Africa compared to scenarios without PAs.

How to cite: Hari, C., Biber, M., Geldmann, J., Hickler, T., Koopmans, M., Negret, P., Reyer, C., Voskamp, A., Fischer, M., and Davin, É.: The respective role of climate mitigation, sustainable land use and area-based conservation to curb future biodiversity loss, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15791,, 2025.

EGU25-16386 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.2/CL0.16

Major distribution shifts are projected for key rangeland grasses under a high-emission scenario in East Africa at the end of the 21st century 

Santos J. González-Rojí, Martina Messmer, Sandra Eckert, Amor Torre-Marin Rando, Mark Snethlage, Kaspar Hurni, Urs Beyerle, Andreas Hemp, Staline Kibet, and Thomas F. Stocker

Grassland landscapes are important ecosystems in East Africa, providing habitat and grazing grounds for wildlife and livestock and supporting pastoralism, an essential part of the agricultural sector. Since future grassland availability directly affects the future mobility needs of pastoralists and wildlife, we aim to model changes in the distribution of key grassland species under climate change. We combine a global and regional climate model with a machine learning-based species distribution model to understand the impact of regional climate change on different key grass species. The application of a dynamical downscaling step allows us to capture the fine-scale effects of the region’s complex climate, its variability and future changes.

Under present-day climate conditions, the arid lowlands of eastern and northern Kenya seem favourable to all studied grassland species. However, future climate change under the high-emission scenario RCP8.5 is expected to alter the distribution and composition of grassland ecosystems. While C. ciliaris and D. milanjiana, show a slight overall increase in habitat suitability, species such as C. dactylon, C. plectostachyus and C. mezianus are projected to experience notable range contractions. The Turkana region, in particular, is expected to be severely impacted, with a near-complete absence of the studied species under the high-emission scenario. These negative effects are likely driven by increased precipitation and seasonal temperature, which create unfavourable conditions for many grass species. Elevated regions present less favourable conditions for some of the considered species under present-day climate conditions. However, the projected higher temperatures will possibly help some of the grasses to conquer these regions. With this study we tried to anticipate the currently still uncertain changes in grass species, key for wildlife and livestock of pastoralists, under climate change. Our results are valuable for assessing the economic potential of the region and the sustainable long-term planning, for example when designing livestock and wildlife corridors or highway crossings.

How to cite: González-Rojí, S. J., Messmer, M., Eckert, S., Torre-Marin Rando, A., Snethlage, M., Hurni, K., Beyerle, U., Hemp, A., Kibet, S., and Stocker, T. F.: Major distribution shifts are projected for key rangeland grasses under a high-emission scenario in East Africa at the end of the 21st century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16386,, 2025.

EGU25-16593 | Orals | ITS2.2/CL0.16

Regional Contrasts in LGM to Holocene Warming Trends in the Terrestrial Arctic: Insights from Sedimentary Ancient DNA 

Ulrike Herzschuh, Thomas Boehmer, Kathleen Stoof-Leichsenring, Simeon Lisovski, Anne Dallmeyer, and Darrell Kaufman

A synthesis of proxy studies from the terrestrial Arctic reveals conflicting patterns regarding the extent and timing of the Holocene summer temperature maximum. This is unexpected, as summer insolation—acting at the hemispheric scale—is generally assumed to be the primary driver. Regional differences have largely been attributed to proxy-related uncertainties.

In this study, we introduce a new quantitative proxy for terrestrial climate change by leveraging sedimentary ancient DNA (plant metabarcoding) from lake sediments. Our dataset spans 22 sites across Siberia, Alaska, and western Canada, covering the last 26,000 years. The reconstruction error is notably low (<1°C) compared to other proxies.

Our findings indicate that the temperature maximum across all records occurred around 10,000 years ago, with temperatures averaging 1.5°C above the late Holocene mean and approximately 4°C warmer than the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) average. While the large-scale trend generally aligns with summer insolation patterns, we observed strong regional variations, particularly in areas affected by shelf flooding. These regions were relatively warm during the glacial period compared to the Holocene, as the sites were situated more distant from the coasts.

Importantly, our sedimentary ancient DNA-based reconstructions are validated by transient simulations using an Earth System Model (ESM) with adjusting land-sea mask which show similar pattern.

How to cite: Herzschuh, U., Boehmer, T., Stoof-Leichsenring, K., Lisovski, S., Dallmeyer, A., and Kaufman, D.: Regional Contrasts in LGM to Holocene Warming Trends in the Terrestrial Arctic: Insights from Sedimentary Ancient DNA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16593,, 2025.

Anthropogenic climate change is altering the distribution of mycotoxigenic fungi, including Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium spp., which produce harmful mycotoxins like aflatoxins and fumonisins that can contaminate food and feed supplies. These shifts impact agriculture, food security, and food safety, as fungal life cycles depend on temperature, humidity, and rainfall. Using high-resolution ERA5-Land data (1950–2021), we have calculated a daily Aflatoxin Risk Index (ARI) to identify high-risk regions and temporal trends. Results show a significant increase in the days with ARI >0.50 in southern Europe, particularly in Spain, Greece, and Italy, with expansion into central and northern Europe in recent decades. Future work will employ EURO-CORDEX and CMIP6 projections to assess fungal biodiversity changes under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs), addressing critical agricultural and health challenges posed by climate change.

How to cite: Raj, R., Rieder, H., Balkova, D., Battilani, P., and Leggieri, M. C.: Changes in the spatio-temporal distribution of climatic conditions suitable for mycotoxigenic fungal pathogens in Europe: Implications of Climate Change on Food Security, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16796,, 2025.

EGU25-17276 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.2/CL0.16

 Climate Models and Hominin Niches: Insights from the Last Glacial Cycle 

Deepak Kumar Chinnaswamy, Antje Schwalb, and Sebastian Wagner

Climate models are fundamental in shaping the narratives of the future impacts of humans on climate, yet their capacity to illuminate past climate impacts on humans remains largely unexplored. This study explores possibilities, challenges and limitations of using comprehensive Earth System  Models to reconstruct the climatic niches of hominins during the Last Interglacial (LIG) and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).

Hominin niches are primarily shaped by temperature and precipitation patterns, incorporating archaeological and environmental constraints. While paleoclimate reconstructions are commonly used, they are sometimes complemented by climate models. Intermediate Complexity Models are widely applied for their efficiency but lack the resolution and detailed processes offered by Earth System Models (ESMs) or Regional Climate Models (RCMs). Despite their advantages, ESMs and RCMs are computationally expensive for long-term simulations. Moreover, most studies rely on a single climate model, which can introduce significant biases. Here we utilize six Coupled Model Intercomparison Project sixth phase (CMIP6) models to highlight these biases and examine differences in the climatic niche patterns over Europe during the Last Interglacial (LIG), and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) compared to pre-industrial conditions.

LGM and LIG are the periods with contrasting background climates that humans have experienced. The models show good agreement in terms of mean climate but they tend to diverge during periods of higher variability (like LGM winters). The LIG climate had a larger temperature range with precipitation levels comparable to pre-industrial times over Europe. At the same time during the LGM, the temperature range was high, still, mean temperatures were subzero for half of the year with a similar amount of precipitation. While catabatic winds kept Europe colder during the LGM in the vicinity of the large Scandinavian Inland Ice Sheet, orbitally induced continental heating resulted in warmer LIG summers. However, Iberia and parts of Western Europe maintained moderate climate conditions during both periods. Although the CMIP6 suite of ESM models agrees with each other broadly, getting into specific aspects and regional characteristics can be ambiguous.

Our findings emphasize the need for multi-model approaches to elucidate biases and provide more robust insights into hominin climatic niches. Future research will explore regional variations across Europe, allowing a better understanding of past human-climate interactions.

How to cite: Chinnaswamy, D. K., Schwalb, A., and Wagner, S.:  Climate Models and Hominin Niches: Insights from the Last Glacial Cycle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17276,, 2025.

EGU25-18982 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.2/CL0.16

Protected areas desperately need climate connectivity 

Hui Dang

Over the past two decades, numerous efforts have been made to conserve biodiversity. However, official assessments from the Convention on Biological Diversity indicate that none of the proposed biodiversity conservation targets have been fully achieved. These efforts have often prioritized expanding protected areas, while overlooking the critical importance of climate connectivity, which is essential for species adaptation to climate change. Despite the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework stressing the importance of enhancing ecosystem connectivity to mitigate climate impacts, it remains frequently overlooked in early protected area planning. This oversight is a widespread issue across many countries.To reverse this alarming situation, we call for the establishment of a network of terrestrial protected areas with broad climate connectivity to enhance the resilience of species to climate change. The terrestrial network should include wildlife corridors, rich refuges for rare and endangered species, a variety of ecosystems and areas from low to high elevations. A more effective network of climate-resilient terrestrial protected areas will contribute greatly to the achievement of biodiversity conservation targets from local to global scales in the future.

How to cite: Dang, H.: Protected areas desperately need climate connectivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18982,, 2025.

While earlier studies documented long-term decreasing trends in heat-related mortality in most European countries, including the Czech Republic, recent research suggest a reversal in this trend during the last decade (2010-2019). This observation supports future climate projections that suggest growing impacts of heat on mortality in Europe and for the development of targeted heat prevention measures. In the first stage of this study, we used a detailed mortality database to analyze spatio-temporal variations in temperature-mortality relationships in NUTS3 regions of the Czech Republic from 1994 to 2020. The individual database allows for the comparison of temperature-mortality links among selected population groups, categorized by sex, age, and the primary cause of death. Daily mean temperature at the regional level was obtained from the ERA5 reanalysis. We applied distributed lag non-linear models (DLNMs) within a multilevel mixed meta-regression framework to identify variations in the relative risk of temperature-related mortality among selected regions and population groups through exposure-response functions (ERFs). In the final stage, high-resolution climate projection data EURO-CORDEX, driven by RCP scenarios were employed to estimate future dynamics of heatwaves in the Czech Republic and their connection with heat-relate mortality. These projections relied on ERFs derived in the first stage to assess impacts for each region and population group. Results of the analysis enabled us to identify population groups potentially most affected by climate change. Geographical demographic, and socio-economic characteristics of the NUTS3 regions were included in the meta-regression model to identify socio-economic modifiers of the temperature-related mortality patterns. The study's findings highlighted the importance of developing regional public health initiatives, and adaptation to climate change policies to safeguard vulnerable people from the growing effects of extreme temperatures.

How to cite: Naz, F., Dogan, T., and Urban, A.: Spatio-temporal variations in temperature-related mortality links and Future climate projections impacts in the Czech Republic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-398,, 2025.

EGU25-2802 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.3/CL0.12

Spatial inequalities of the effect of heat on health in Switzerland 

Garyfallos Konstantinoudis, Xinyi Chen, Connor Gasgoigne, and Marta Blangiardo

High ambient temperatures can cause unnecessary mortality, with the health effects of heat often being non-linear. Previous studies have shown that certain regions are more vulnerable. This study investigates the non-linear spatial vulnerabilities of heat exposure on all-cause mortality across small areas in Switzerland.

We retrieved daily all-cause mortality and annual population data (2011–2022) for 2,145 municipalities, disaggregated by age and sex, from the Swiss Federal Office for Public Health and the Swiss Office for National Statistics. Daily temperature estimates at 1 km resolution were obtained from the Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology and aggregated to the municipality level using population weights.

We developed a Bayesian Poisson hierarchical model to account for holidays, day of the week, long-term trends, and spatial correlation, allowing the heat effect to be both non-linear and spatially varying. We modelled spatiotemporal correlations using Gaussian priors with a structured covariance matrix. We considered a 3-day lagged temperature effect, and we focused on summer months (June–August). We further examined spatial inequalities using modifiers such as green space and deprivation.

During summer 2011–2022, we observed 160,027 deaths among individuals aged 65 years and older in Switzerland. The overall temperature-mortality association was J-shaped, with significant spatial disparities. Heat-attributable deaths were highest in northern Switzerland. Key contributors to spatial vulnerabilities included older age, lower green space coverage, and higher average temperatures.

This study presents a computationally efficient modelling framework to describe the spatial variation of heat effects across small areas in Switzerland. It highlights local disparities in heat-related health risks and emphasizes the need for targeted public health interventions to address spatial inequalities.

How to cite: Konstantinoudis, G., Chen, X., Gasgoigne, C., and Blangiardo, M.: Spatial inequalities of the effect of heat on health in Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2802,, 2025.

Background: Exposure to heat increases the risk of hospitalisation due to several causes, including cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and mental disorders. Older adults are especially vulnerable to heat, yet it is unclear which individuals are at a higher risk—for example, those with specific comorbidities (e.g., diabetes, Alzheimer’s), levels of dependency, or activity patterns. To address this knowledge gap, we assess the risk of emergency hospital admission (EHA) associated with heat among the older population of different characteristics during the warmer months (May to September) from 2019 to 2022 in Switzerland.

Methods: We collected individual-level EHA data linked to detailed health information gathered from homecare services (Spitex). For each admission, we calculated the population-weighted daily maximum temperature of the medical district of residence (Medstat regions) using 1km gridded temperature data. We employed an individual-level case time series design and assessed the association between EHA and heat using distributed lag non-linear models. We stratified the analysis by population subgroups according to individual characteristics, including comorbidities, levels of social interaction, and daily activity capacities.

Results: Overall, we observed a 13% increase in EHA risk during heat days (at the 99th temperature percentile, compared to the minimum hospitalisation temperature percentile [MHP]) (relative risk (RR): 1.13; 95% CI: 1.05-1.21). Older adults who did not receive assistance with daily activities and self-care had a higher risk of EHA than those receiving assistance. Furthermore, we observed that individuals with more frequent interactions with family members exhibited higher risk (1.15; 1.07-1.25) than those with low interaction levels (1.02; 0.84-1.23). A higher risk was also observed in individuals who spend less time alone (1.20; 1.10-1.32 vs. high time alone 1.02; 0.90-1.15)) and lived with a partner (1.26; 1.12-1.41 vs. living alone 1.05; 0.95-1.17). In terms of comorbidities, older individuals with cancer (1.36; 1.16-1.61), diabetes (1.15; 1.00-1.34), and dementia or Alzheimer’s disease (1.26; 1.05-1.51) had a higher risk of EHA associated with heat.

Conclusion: Our results indicate that individuals experienced varying EHA risks during heat days based on their self-care abilities, level of social engagement, and existing health conditions. These findings underscore the need for targeted public health measures considering individual risk factors.

How to cite: Lee, S. and Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M.: Who is more vulnerable among the most vulnerable? Assessing vulnerability profiles to heat in older adults in Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3118,, 2025.

EGU25-5214 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.3/CL0.12

The compound role of temperature and influenza in seasonal mortality patterns in Europe  

Ekaterina Borisova, Aleš Urban, Tomáš Janoš, and Joan Ballester

Seasonal mortality patterns are influenced by a complex interaction between climatic factors, such as temperature variability, and epidemiological factors, such as the incidence of influenza-like illnesses (ILI). However, the extent to which year-to-year variations in mortality attributable to cold weather and seasonal influenza affect population vulnerability to extreme temperatures in subsequent warm seasons remains poorly understood.

This study aims to assess the interaction between cold-season temperature variability and influenza activity on excess mortality in both cold and warm seasons. Specifically, we investigate how cold-season mortality patterns, driven by non-optimal temperatures and varying levels of ILI incidence, influence population vulnerability to extreme heat in the following summer.

We utilize daily weather and mortality data sourced from the EARLY-ADAPT dataset for the European region, along with weekly ILI counts obtained from the ERVISS surveillance system, spanning multiple years. Epidemic seasons were classified into high, moderate, or low influenza activity based on ILI thresholds (>67th, 33rd–67th, and <33rd percentiles, respectively). Using a two-stage mixed-effect meta-regression analysis, we investigate associations between temperature, influenza activity, and excess mortality during the cold season, as well as their potential influence on heat-related mortality in the following warm season.

Preliminary analyses suggest that the interaction between influenza incidence and low temperatures amplify seasonal mortality risks. This research sheds light on the complex relationship between climatic variability, respiratory infections, and seasonal mortality patterns, offering valuable insights for developing more effective public health strategies to mitigate temperature-related risks. These findings underscore the importance of integrating epidemiological and climatic data to enhance public health adaptation strategies in the face of climate change.


Keywords: DLNM, seasonal mortality, influenza, heat stress, temperature variability

How to cite: Borisova, E., Urban, A., Janoš, T., and Ballester, J.: The compound role of temperature and influenza in seasonal mortality patterns in Europe , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5214,, 2025.

As research on the health effects of climate change-related disasters often focuses on the immediate health effects on affected populations, we know less about how the consequences of disasters influence people’s health in the medium term after disasters have occurred. By examining how disasters affect drinking water sources in low- and middle-income countries, this paper aims to explore whether changes in drinking water sources depend on community resilience to disasters. Drinking water is an important determinant of health, as it directly affects a range of health outcomes resulting from water-borne diseases, including diarrhoea or chronic diseases connected to parasites, bacteria, or chemical contamination. We use data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) on the quality of the drinking water source and combine the data with the Georeferenced Disaster (GDIS) dataset and Getis-Ord Gi* hot spots of climate change. By matching all observations on relevant indicators such as healthcare access, state reach and climate exposure, we analyse the evolution of change in drinking water sources over the first couple of years after disasters. We expect to find the biggest changes after disasters in areas where the state reach and consequently, resilience, is low. In addition, we expect these changes to be more protracted in the areas experiencing more severe climate change impacts.

How to cite: Murau, L. and Rosvold, E. L.: The consequences of climate change-related disasters on the access to drinking water in low- and middle-income countries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5590,, 2025.

EGU25-7281 | PICO | ITS2.3/CL0.12

Effects of non-optimal temperature exposure on children and adolescents mortality risk in Brazil: small-area case time series approach. 

Ludmilla Viana Jacobson, Jony Pinto Junior, Mauricio Barreto, and Rochelle Schneider

Background: Since 2000, mortality from preventable causes among children under 5 years of age has been decreasing in Brazil. However, the effects of exposure to extreme temperatures are still a concern due to climate change. The aim of this study is to quantify the non-linear and delayed effects of non-optimal temperature exposure on children and adolescents from zero to nineteen years of age with mortality risk in Brazil using a case-time series analysis. Methods: A small-area analysis was performed using data on all non-accidental causes of mortality and air temperature for the 5570 municipalities within 27 Federation Units (FU`s) across Brazil between Jan 1, 2000, and Dec 31, 2019. First, we applied the case-time series design, modeling multiple municipalities-specific series within each of 27 FU and Regions (North, Northeast, Southeast, South, and Midwest) through a conditional Poisson regression. Temperature–mortality associations were modeled through distributed lag non-linear models (lag: 0-7 days). Then, a meta-regression was used to pool FU-specific estimates using area-level climatological, socioeconomic, and vulnerability predictors. Results: In Brazil, the annual mean deaths for the 0-19 age-specific group was 2,256 deaths. The total non-optimal temperature-attributable fraction of death was estimated at 2.8% (CI95%: 1.53%; 4.08%), of which 2.35% (CI95%: 1.06%; 3.66%) was attributable to heat exposure (temperatures above the optimum temperature or minimum mortality). The average point of minimum mortality was 27.2°C, corresponding to the 90th percentile of the pooled temperature distribution. The pooled curve suggests an increase in relative risk (RR) for hot temperatures with a steeper increase for extreme temperatures when compared to mild heat. Region-specific shapes for the mortality risk pooled curve vary, e.g., in the south and southeast regions U-shape and J-shape were observed, respectively. The heat effects were higher in the first 0-3 days of exposure, although the cold effects were higher after 3 days (except for the Northeast region where there was no cold effect). The multivariate Cochran Q test for heterogeneity was highly significant (p-value < 0.001), and the related I2 statistic indicates that 51% of the variability is due to true heterogeneity across FU`s. Part of this variability was explained by climate and social vulnerability composite indicators. The fractions of deaths attributable to heat exposure were significant (p<0.001) for all FU`s from the Midwest, Southeast, and South regions, varying from 0.8% to 2.6%. In the North, Rondônia (1.39%), Acre (1.44%), Amapá (2.96%), and Tocantins (1.60%) had a significant heat-attributable fraction of death. Also, in the Northeast, the FU`s with significant heat-attributable fractions were Sergipe (0.99%), Piauí (2.81%), and Maranhão (1.34%). Cold-attributable fraction of deaths were notable for all FU`s in the south region (Paraná = 2.54%; Rio Grande do Sul = 1.47%; Santa Catarina = 1.11%) and for São Paulo state (0.76%). The spatial distribution of heat-attributable deaths by municipality level suggests hot spots in the Tropical Brazil Central Climate Zone. Conclusion: This study showed significant risks and attributable deaths associated with non-optimal temperature for children and adolescents in Brazil. This approach yields results for municipality, state, and national levels.

How to cite: Viana Jacobson, L., Pinto Junior, J., Barreto, M., and Schneider, R.: Effects of non-optimal temperature exposure on children and adolescents mortality risk in Brazil: small-area case time series approach., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7281,, 2025.

EGU25-8254 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.3/CL0.12

Skilful forecasting of heat-realted mortality for the European summer of 2022 

Emma Holmberg, Marcos Quijal-Zamorano, Joan Ballester, and Gabriele Messori

Europe is a heatwave hotspot: numerous temperature records have been broken in recent summers, and roughly 60,000 and 50,000 heat-related deaths occurred in the summers of 2022 and 2023, respectively. With recent summers, like that of 2022, projected to become the new norm, there is a pressing need to further develop heat-health warning systems to help society adapt to a warming climate. Here, we forecast heat-related mortality by applying a statistical epidemiological framework to temperature forecasts extending up to two weeks in advance. Focusing on 2022, a recent and exceptional summer in Europe, we evaluate the skill of the daily heat-related mortality forecasts, and assess its association with temperature. For most of Europe, milder temperatures, close to the minimum mortality temperature, are associated with more skilful heat-related mortality forecasts. However, some of the hottest regions in Europe instead showed enhanced forecast skill associated with higher temperatures. This suggests that heat-related mortality forecasts could provide valuable information in European regions associated with high levels of heat-related mortality. Consequently, we advocate for local health authorities to include information from forecasts of heat-related mortality in their heat warning systems.

How to cite: Holmberg, E., Quijal-Zamorano, M., Ballester, J., and Messori, G.: Skilful forecasting of heat-realted mortality for the European summer of 2022, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8254,, 2025.

EGU25-8444 | PICO | ITS2.3/CL0.12

Rising Temperatures, Rising Risks: Heat-Related Mortality in Romania (2015–2024) 

Bogdan Antonescu, Raluca Turcu, Luminița Mărmureanu, and Dragoș Ene

Heatwaves constitute some of the most extreme meteorological phenomena, profoundly affecting public health. Notwithstanding global focus on heat-related mortality, research on this topic in Romania remains scarce. This study seeks to estimate the impact of heat-related mortality in Romania from the summers of 2015 to 2024, a timeframe characterised by rising temperatures and extreme weather phenomena. Utilising national mortality records that include data from all regions of Romania and a population of around 19 million, we estimate the fatalities related to heat throughout this timeframe. Initial findings indicate considerable variability in death rates among locations and demographic cohorts, with elderly women (80+ years) and men aged 0–64 years being the most impacted. Results demonstrate a significant effect in metropolitan areas and locales with inadequate adaptive strategies. These findings underscore the pressing necessity for improved heat monitoring systems, focused public health initiatives, and sustainable climate adaption strategies in Romania. This study constitutes one of the initial thorough examinations of heat-related mortality in Romania, providing essential information for policy formulation and public health strategy. Recent research have emphasised the rising frequency and severity of heatwaves in Romania. In the summer of 2023, a record-breaking heatwave persisted for 19 consecutive days in southeastern Romania, spreading into Ukraine. Furthermore, studies demonstrate that the duration, spatial range, and occurrence of heatwaves in Romania exhibit decadal fluctuations, with a significant acceleration in their rise following the 1990s. The increasing frequency of heat events highlights the necessity of examining heat-related mortality in Romania to guide appropriate public health responses and policy measures.

How to cite: Antonescu, B., Turcu, R., Mărmureanu, L., and Ene, D.: Rising Temperatures, Rising Risks: Heat-Related Mortality in Romania (2015–2024), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8444,, 2025.

EGU25-11896 | PICO | ITS2.3/CL0.12

Warming trends and impacts of recent heat waves on mortality in Apulia (souther 

Piero Lionello, Francesco Giangrande, Riccardo. Buccolieri, and Gianluca Pappaccogli

Global warming is expected to be large with respect the corresponding zonal mean in the Mediterranean region (50% higher than the mean global warming rate). Here we show some observed impact of the ongoing stage of this anomalously large warming on the population of Apulia, where annual temperature has been increasing since the mid of the last century with a trend of 0.18°C that has approximately doubled in the last 50years. This has resulted in a substantial increase of hot days and nights (TX90p and TN90p), whose frequency has often surpassed 25% since the end of the 20th century. The increase is maximum in summer, particularly in July with many years showing values higher than 3°C above the 1961-1990 average in the last two decades. This warming has produced a corresponding increase of heat waves with impacts on the population mortality in summer. Our analysis is based on the meteorological dataset of the regional network of weather stations (operated by Environmental Protection Regional Agency and Civil Protection Agency of the Apulia region) and the number of deaths provided by ISTAT (Italian National Institute of Statistics). Results clearly show that during summer heat waves mortalities exceed the long term average rate with approximately 10 excess deaths per million inhabitants during hot days when temperature anomalies reach 8°C.

This research has been carried out with financial support from PNRR ITINERIS IR0000032 - Missione 4, Componente 2, Investimento 3.1 “Fondo per la realizzazione di un sistema integrato di infrastrutture di ricerca e innovazione” funded by European Union – NextGenerationEU (CUP B53C22002150006) and from Financial support ICSC – Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing, funded by European Union – NextGenerationE Project code CN_00000033, CUP C83C22000560007

How to cite: Lionello, P., Giangrande, F., Buccolieri, R., and Pappaccogli, G.: Warming trends and impacts of recent heat waves on mortality in Apulia (souther, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11896,, 2025.

EGU25-12176 | PICO | ITS2.3/CL0.12

Developing epidemiological indicators to understand the burden of climate-sensitive infectious diseases on children  

Rachel Lowe, Georgina Eva Ceres Charnley, Dohyung Kim, and Rohini Sampoornam Swaminathan

The use of epidemiological indicators and platforms are an essential tool in infectious disease early warning systems and provide an interpretable snapshot of health risks globally to a range of end users including scientists, medical practitioners, policy makers, non-governmental organisations and the general public. Climate-sensitive infectious diseases (CSIDs) are a group of diseases which are considered to be at least in part driven by changes in climatic conditions, and include a range of water-borne, air-borne and vector-borne diseases, many of which are also zoonotic. There are a range of CSID indicators which have currently been developed and published, such as those presented in the Lancet Countdown and their regional reports, along with platforms such as EpiOutlook, to communicate indicator results and provide seasonal forecasts and projections. A demographic poorly served by most indicators and platforms for CSIDs are children, despite them facing a high burden of infectious diseases globally and being disproportionately impacted by climate change. In 2022, 13,400 children under the age of five died every day, with the greatest contributor to these deaths coming from infectious diseases. Climate change can impact children's development, including via CSIDs, leading to lifelong poor health outcomes. Here, we propose leveraging our existing knowledge of CSIDs and indicator development, to co-create indicators to specifically estimate exposure in children, in collaboration with UNICEF. We aim to take a global approach to investigate key vector-, water- and air-borne diseases which are both climate sensitive and have a high burden in children such as malaria, cholera and meningitis, respectively. The indicators will be based on threshold-based models of key climatic drivers for these diseases, and any additional risk factors, such as land use and travel. The models will use ERA5 global gridded climate datasets and Copernicus land use data, to provide an estimated proportion of the child population (<19 years old) which live in areas that are at risk of these key diseases. The results will be stratified by additional socio-economic factors which are important for many CSIDs, including the rural/urban populations and poverty according to UNICEF’s multidimensional child poverty data. We hope these indicators can be used in CSID platforms, or via standalone reports to provide additional insights into the impacts of climate change on children. 

How to cite: Lowe, R., Charnley, G. E. C., Kim, D., and Swaminathan, R. S.: Developing epidemiological indicators to understand the burden of climate-sensitive infectious diseases on children , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12176,, 2025.

EGU25-15737 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.3/CL0.12 | Highlight

Heat-related mortality in Europe during the summer of 2024: capacity of early warnings to anticipate the burden and prevent deaths 

Tomáš Janoš, Marcos Quijal-Zamorano, Elisa Gallo, Raúl Fernando Méndez Turrubiates, Nadia Denisse Beltrán Barrón, Fabien Peyrusse, and Joan Ballester

The year of 2024 was the warmest on record, both globally and in Europe, and the first to exceed 1.5°C in global mean temperature above the preindustrial level. Successive record-breaking temperatures in recent years emphasized the urgent need to develop and implement a new generation of impact-based early-warning systems (EWS), using epidemiological models to transform weather forecasts into health predictions (see

Here we combined the newly created daily continental mortality database of the EARLY-ADAPT project (, the open-access Eurostat weekly mortality database, ensemble weather forecasts from ECMWF, and temperature observations from ERA5-Land to (i) estimate the heat-related mortality burden during the summers of 2022-2024, and (ii) analyse the forecast skill of the novel heat-health EWS.

The record-breaking temperatures of the 2024 were associated with the highest heat-related mortality burden in Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Romania. Our analysis showed that the impact-based EWS can predict heat-related mortality burden at least six days in advance, even during exceptionally warm summers. However, when considering extreme temperatures (> 95th percentile), the temporal prediction window is shorter, with a lead time of 1-2 days. Overall, the novel heat-health EWS demonstrated a high capacity to distinguish between warning and non-warning days at least 7 days in advance in majority of European regions (area under the ROC curve > 0.8). The system performed generally better in Southern Europe where the most of summer heat-related deaths occur.

Our study provides key information for public health agencies to activate heat-health action plans at the right time, accounting for the different vulnerability of different population subgroups and regional differences in vulnerability to heat across Europe.

How to cite: Janoš, T., Quijal-Zamorano, M., Gallo, E., Fernando Méndez Turrubiates, R., Denisse Beltrán Barrón, N., Peyrusse, F., and Ballester, J.: Heat-related mortality in Europe during the summer of 2024: capacity of early warnings to anticipate the burden and prevent deaths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15737,, 2025.

EGU25-19055 | PICO | ITS2.3/CL0.12

Do heat prevention plans reduce heat-related mortality across Europe? 

Aleš Urban, Veronika Huber, Salomé Henry, Nuria Pilar Plaza, Shouro Dasgupta, Pierre Masselot, Ben Armstrong, and Antonio Gasparrini

Heat-health warning systems and action plans, referred to as heat prevention plans (HPPs), are key public health interventions aimed at reducing heat-related mortality. Despite their importance, prior assessments of their effectiveness have yielded inconsistent results.

We analysed daily mortality and mean temperature data from 102 locations in 14 European countries between 1990 and 2019. Using data from national experts, we identified the year of HPP implementation and categorised their development class. A three-stage analysis was conducted: (1) quasi-Poisson time series models were used to estimate location-specific warm-season exposure-response functions in three-year subperiods; (2) mixed-effect meta-regression models with multilevel longitudinal structures were employed to quantify changes in pooled exposure-response functions due to HPP implementation, adjusted for long-term trends in heat vulnerability; and (3) the heat-related excess mortality due to HPP was calculated by comparing factual (with HPP) and counterfactual (without HPP) scenarios. Estimates are reported by country, region, and HPP class.

HPP implementation was associated with a 25.2% [95% CI: 19.8%–31.9%] reduction in excess deaths attributable to extreme heat, corresponding to 1.8 [95% CI: 1.3–2.4] avoided deaths annually per 100,000 inhabitants. This equates to an estimated 14,551 [95% CI: 10,118–19,072] total deaths avoided across all study locations following HPP implementation. No significant differences in HPP effectiveness were observed by European region or HPP class.

Our findings provide robust evidence that HPPs substantially reduce heat-related mortality across Europe, accounting for temporal changes and geographical differences in risks. These results emphasise the importance of monitoring and evaluating HPPs to enhance adaptation to a warming climate.

How to cite: Urban, A., Huber, V., Henry, S., Pilar Plaza, N., Dasgupta, S., Masselot, P., Armstrong, B., and Gasparrini, A.: Do heat prevention plans reduce heat-related mortality across Europe?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19055,, 2025.

EGU25-19569 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.3/CL0.12

The influence of transient air pollution exposure on preterm birth: A case-crossover analysis with high spatio-temporal resolution assessment in the Rotterdam-Rijnmond region, The Netherlands  

Medha J Pfaff, Benjamin Y Gravesteijn, Nienke W Boderie, Sef van den Elshout, Lizbeth Burgos Ochoa, Loes CM Bertens, Famke JM Mölenberg, Fabio Porru, Alex Burdorf, and Jasper V Been

Air pollution, a leading risk factor for mortality, is linked to adverse birth outcomes, including preterm birth (PTB). This study investigated the association between the transient exposure to three pollutants (Particulate Matter with a diameter < 10 µm (PM10), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Ozone (O3)) and PTB during the week before delivery. As previous research in the study area mainly investigated chronic or long-term exposure to air pollution and is subject to confounding, the current work presents an important contribution to the literature.

This case-crossover-study included 13’058 singleton preterm deliveries (< 37 weeks) in the Rotterdam-Rijnmond region, the Netherlands, between 2003 and 2019. Daily averaged pollutant concentrations, derived through dispersion modelling by the local environmental service (DCMR) were spatiotemporally linked to the residence of birth parents. We conducted conditional logistic regression to derive odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association between an interquartile range (IQR) increase in pollutants and PTB across individual lag days. Moreover, we performed subset analyses based on season (warm vs. cold), socioeconomic status (SES; lowest vs. highest quintile) and spontaneous PTB cases only.

During the warm season (May-October), an interquartile range (IQR) increase in O3 was linked to a 3%, respectively 4%, rise in the odds of preterm birth (PTB) on the two days preceding delivery, for the general study population and the spontaneous PTB subgroup. For the low-SES subset, increased odds of PTB were observed by 9% on lag day 6 (ORlag6 1.09, 95% CI 1.02 -1.16).
In the cold season (November-April), an IQR increase in NO2 was associated with a 4-10% increase in PTB odds during the week before birth, peaking around lag days 1 and 2 (ORlag1 1.10, 95% CI 1.05-1.15; ORlag2 1.10, 95% CI 1.06-1.15). Meanwhile, the low-SES subgroup saw a 10% rise during the three days preceding delivery (ORlag1-3 1.10, 95% CI 1.00 – 1.19), whereas for the spontaneous PTB subgroup, a rise of 6% was found at lag6 (ORlag6 1.06, 95% CI 1.00, 1.12). Similarly to ozone, PM10 was associated with a slight increase in odds of 3% close to the delivery date (ORlag0-1 1.03, 95% CI 1.00, 1.06). No significant findings were derived for the subset analyses.  

The results suggest that short-term exposure to all three pollutants is associated with increased risk of PTB. Furthermore, the findings point to the heightened vulnerability of the low-SES and spontaneous PTB subgroups, despite their relatively small sample size. With the high spatiotemporal resolution of the utilized air quality data and the robust case-crossover design underlining the validity of the results, future studies should ideally incorporate information about time of onset of labor and indoor air quality data to tackle potential issues of non-differential exposure misclassification.  

How to cite: Pfaff, M. J., Gravesteijn, B. Y., Boderie, N. W., van den Elshout, S., Burgos Ochoa, L., Bertens, L. C., Mölenberg, F. J., Porru, F., Burdorf, A., and Been, J. V.: The influence of transient air pollution exposure on preterm birth: A case-crossover analysis with high spatio-temporal resolution assessment in the Rotterdam-Rijnmond region, The Netherlands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19569,, 2025.

Despite its minimal contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions, Nepal is facing significant climate challenges due to its diverse geography (1). The impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly evident in the country, exacerbating vulnerabilities in sectors such as energy, and public health. Climate change has caused rising temperatures, glacial retreat, altered rainfall patterns, and frequent extreme weather events, which not only threaten the environment but also pose serious risks to public health (2). Climate-sensitive health outcomes in Nepal include a range of diseases such as vector-borne, respiratory, and food and waterborne illnesses, along with undernutrition and mental health concerns (3). Nepal's energy sector relies heavily on hydropower, which makes up nearly 90% of the country’s electricity generation. However, climate-induced changes in water availability due to altered rainfall patterns and glacial melt pose a significant risk to hydropower production. In addition, rural households remain heavily dependent on traditional biomass fuels for cooking, contributing to indoor air pollution and respiratory diseases (4).

Building on existing evidence, this study aims to investigate the interconnected impacts of climate variability and energy insecurity on public health in Nepal. The primary objective is to synthesize evidence from health, climate, and energy sectors to assess how these factors jointly influence health outcomes, with a particular emphasis on identifying population vulnerabilities. Additionally, the research seeks to formulate evidence-based policy recommendations to improve energy security, enhance public health, and strengthen climate resilience. These recommendations will target the challenges of climate change and energy insecurity, promoting sustainable development and health equity in vulnerable communities.

This study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining an extensive literature review with expert consultations. The literature review draws on peer-reviewed articles, policy reports, and institutional publications to analyze the current and projected effects of climate change and energy insecurity on public health. The review emphasizes risk factors, vulnerabilities, and future scenarios. Expert consultations will be conducted to contextualize findings, validate key insights, and refine policy recommendations. This combined methodology aims to generate a holistic understanding of the synergistic impacts of climate and energy factors on health and inform actionable, resilience-focused strategies.

Preliminary findings highlight a strong link between energy insecurity and health outcomes, exacerbated by climate change. The study proposes a conceptual framework linking these factors and offer policy recommendations to address energy poverty, enhance resilience, and improve health outcomes in Nepal.


  • Tome J, Richmond HL, Rahman M, Karmacharya D, Schwind JS. Climate change and health vulnerability in Nepal: A systematic review of the literature since 2010. Vol. 17, Global Public Health. Routledge; 2022. p. 1406–19.
  • Dhimal M, Ahrens B, Kuch U. Climate change and spatiotemporal distributions of vector-borne diseases in Nepal - A systematic synthesis of literature. Vol. 10, PLoS ONE. Public Library of Science; 2015.
  • Dhimal M, Bhandari D, Lamichhane Dhimal M. Climate Change and Human Health: Vulnerability, Impact and Adaptation in Hindu Kush Himalayan Region. In 2023. p. 159–69.
  • National Statistics Office. National Population and Housing Census 2021: National Report. Kathmandu: Government of Nepal; 2023.

How to cite: Paudel, P. and Huang-Lachmann, J.-T.: Assessing the Interconnected Impacts of Climate Change and Energy Vulnerability on Public Health in Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21120,, 2025.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a cornerstone of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), has significantly enhanced economic connectivity, infrastructure, and mobility between China and Pakistan, with investments exceeding $60 billion. However, this rapid transformation raises critical questions about the intersection of climate, trade mobility, and public health. Increased connectivity under CPEC may amplify the risk of Japanese Encephalitis (JE), a zoonotic, mosquito-borne disease endemic to several Asian countries, including China. JE transmission is influenced by complex ecological and climatic factors, including temperature, precipitation, and land-use changes, which impact mosquito vectors (Culex tritaeniorhynchus) and their habitats.

This study evaluates the risk of JE outbreaks in Pakistan through a One Health framework, highlighting the interplay of climate, mobility, and health. Specifically, it focuses on cross-sectoral collaboration across public health, veterinary, and environmental agencies to mitigate emerging threats. Objectives include assessing JE transmission risks along CPEC and proposing climate-sensitive, One Health interventions for prevention and control.

The risk assessment integrates data from human health, veterinary, and environmental sectors using interdisciplinary methodologies:

  • Climate and environmental mapping of Culex breeding sites along CPEC using satellite imagery and meteorological data, identifying that over 50% of CPEC-associated regions, particularly in Sindh and Punjab, have optimal conditions for mosquito breeding due to rice paddies, irrigation systems, and seasonal climatic variability.
  • Analysis of trade and mobility data, showing a 240% increase in human and animal movement along CPEC, intensifying vector and amplifying host exposure.
  • Stakeholder interviews, revealing critical gaps in JE surveillance, real-time communication, and coordinated climate-informed response strategies.

Findings highlight that approximately 60% of identified high-risk areas are vulnerable to JE outbreaks, driven by favorable climatic and environmental conditions for vector proliferation. This underscores the urgent need for integrated strategies that account for climate variability and its impacts on vector dynamics.

Key recommendations include:

  • Developing GIS-based vector surveillance systems to monitor climate-driven changes in mosquito breeding habitats.
  • Establishing real-time data-sharing platforms for JE surveillance between China and Pakistan, incorporating climate and environmental data.
  • Promoting JE vaccination programs for vulnerable populations in high-risk, climate-sensitive areas.
  • Enhancing diagnostic and response capacity across public health and veterinary laboratories through climate-informed training initiatives.
  • Raising community awareness through public health campaigns on vector control, emphasizing climate adaptation strategies.
  • Formulating a joint JE outbreak preparedness and response framework, integrating climate projections, vector control, and rapid response teams.

This study demonstrates the critical need for interdisciplinary approaches to address health risks at the nexus of climate, trade mobility, and emerging infectious diseases. By integrating climate science into One Health strategies, the research underscores how transdisciplinary collaboration can build resilience against the multifaceted challenges of climate change and global connectivity.

How to cite: Ahmad, S. and Idrees, F.: From Trade Routes to Transmission Routes: Climate, Mobility, and Risk Assessment of Japanese Encephalitis Outbreak in Pakistan under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: A One Health Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-529,, 2025.

EGU25-687 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Association between exposure to fine particulate matter from different emission sources and mental health outcomes in India 

Payel Kundu, Sagnik Dey, Anand Krishnan, Santu Ghosh, Girish N Rao, Vivek Benegal, Mathew Varghese, and Gopalkrishna Gururaj

Growing evidence demonstrated that exposure to ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) increases mental health risk via neuroinflammation and oxidative stress. However, less is known about the relative contribution of PM2.5 originating from different emission sources on mental health, such as depression and anxiety, particularly in low- and middle-income countries like India. Therefore, we examined the associations of short- and long-term exposure to total and source-specific PM2.5 with depression and anxiety in Indian adults.

A cross-sectional analysis has been conducted in 12 Indian states using data from the National Mental Health Survey (NMHS), 2015-16, a nationally representative and population-based study in India. This study includes a total of 34,357 participants, 18 years and older. The 1-month and 12-month mean exposure to PM2.5 and its source originating from 8 emission sources were assessed using a 1 km x 1 km high-resolution satellite-derived database and the WRF-CMAQ model, respectively, at participants' residential addresses before the NMHS interview date. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) version 6.0.0 was used to evaluate depression and anxiety disorders in adults. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) were estimated for depression and anxiety per IQR increase in PM2.5 using a logistic mixed-effects regression model after adjusting for the individual and household level covariates.

In this study, the weighted prevalence of the current depressive and anxiety disorders among adults was 2.69% (95% CI-2.66-2.72) and 2.96% (95% CI-2.93-2.99), respectively. The estimated mean PM2.5 exposure for 1-month and 12-months was 55.8±19.6 and 44.3±13.5 µg/m3 respectively. Each IQR increase in PM2.5 exposure was significantly and strongly associated with depressive disorder (OR = 1.13; 95% CI: 1.05–1.21) for a 1-month exposure window and anxiety disorder (OR = 1.16; 95% CI: 1.07–1.26) for a 12-month exposure after adjusting for potential confounders. PM2.5 originating from different emission sectors was associated with mental health outcomes, with the strongest associations for power, transport, international transboundary, and domestic sources for at least one health endpoint, whereas agricultural sources showed protective associations with both outcomes. Subgroup analyses showed stronger associations among individuals with lower household incomes and lower education.

Our study suggests that interventions to reduce PM2.5 from key emitting sources may reduce the burden of mental health in India, although cohort studies are recommended to determine the causal relationship.

How to cite: Kundu, P., Dey, S., Krishnan, A., Ghosh, S., N Rao, G., Benegal, V., Varghese, M., and Gururaj, G.: Association between exposure to fine particulate matter from different emission sources and mental health outcomes in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-687,, 2025.

EGU25-2188 | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Time of Emergence and Future Projections ofExtremes of Malaria Infections in Africa 

Christian Franzke and Ruchi Singh Parihar

The spread of malaria is a major health burden, affects many people in Africa, depends on climate but also socio-economic conditions. Thus, it is important to gauge the impact of anthropogenic global warming on malaria and attribute anthropogenic causes. Here we compute the Time Of Emergence (TOE) of vector density and of the Entomological Inoculation Rate (EIR) in the SSP3-7.0 scenario using 50 bias-corrected members of Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2) Large Ensemble simulations. This reveals that vector density, which depends on climate conditions, and EIR, which depends on both climate and population density, will rise significantly and permanently above the pre-industrial background variability due to anthropogenic causes in Africa. Both the vector density and EIR have areas, mainly in central Africa, where anthropogenic causes have already significantly changed, and many more areas will experience anthropogenic caused changes in the 2030 and 2040s and towards the end of this century. Our simulations also show clear evidence that extremes of vector density and EIR increase in the future by almost 100%, suggesting that major malaria epidemic outbreaks will become much more likely. We also perform simulations with constant population and with no climate change which partly reveal underlying malaria dynamics. Our results highlight the need to prepare for an expansion and intensification of the malaria burden if no health interventions are being taken.

How to cite: Franzke, C. and Parihar, R. S.: Time of Emergence and Future Projections ofExtremes of Malaria Infections in Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2188,, 2025.

EGU25-2681 | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Impact of heat on neonatal mortality in India 

Sagnik Dey, Govind Gaur, and Sajeev Philip

While increasing heat is a direct impact of climate change on health, epidemiological studies are quite limited in India. Here we examined the impact of heat on neonatal (children less than 28 days) and very early (children died on the first day) neonatal mortality using the fifth round of the National Family Health Survey (NHFS-5) dataset for 2019-2021. For heat exposure, we used a global daily temperature dataset at 1-km by 1-km saptial scale. First, we evaulated the global temperature dataset with station-based measurements for India and found reasonable accuracy for further application. In the NHFS-5, health and demographic information was collected from 30456 clusters spanning across urban and rural India covering every district. The estimated very early neonatal mortality and neonatal mortality values were 17.1 and 23.4 per 1000 live births, respectively. We then assinged exposure to daily maximum and minimum temperature at household level, and using a generalized logistic regression model, estimated the effect of heat after adjusting for the covariates. For every 1 degree increase in maximum and minimum temperature, very early neonatal mortality increase by 2.7% (95% CI: 1.6-3.8) and 2.0% (1.0-2.9), respectively. We found larger effect of heat on neonates born in the 'poorest' households (3.3% and 3.0% highesr risk for every 1 degree increase in maximum and minum temperature) with the effect declining (but still significant) with an increase in wealth index. We also found larger effect on male child than on female child, and on neonates in rural region than in urban region, and the effect fizzles out with a few days lag. As temperature is expected to rise further due to climate change, adequate adaptation startegy is required to protect the most vulnerable group; without which India cannot meet the sustainable development goal of reducing very early neonatal mortality and neonatal below 7 and 10 per 1000 live births, respectively, by 2030.          

How to cite: Dey, S., Gaur, G., and Philip, S.: Impact of heat on neonatal mortality in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2681,, 2025.

EGU25-4125 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

The health effects of plastic burning particulate matter- the role of metals, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, environmentally persistent free radicals, reactive oxygen and chlorine species in inducing oxidative stress in human body 

Rizana Salim, Sukriti Kapur, Meredith Schervish, Kasey Edwards, Lena Gerritz, Ravikrishna Raghunathan, Sergey A. Nizkorodov, Sachin S. Gunthe, and Manabu Shiraiwa

Plastic burning can significantly contribute to the overall particulate matter (PM) burden in developing countries, where inadequate waste management and low public awareness often result in open refuse burning. However, their chemical composition and health-related properties are largely unelucidated. In this study, we generated PM through controlled combustion of five widely used plastic materials. Our findings reveal that metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) detected in the plastic samples may drive oxidative stress through ROS formation. We observed significant quantities of EPFRs and ROS in the aqueous extracts of the PM. Additionally, plastic burning PM showed excessively high levels of reactive chlorine species (RCS). The oxidative potential, a key metric for PM toxicity, was assessed using acellular assays- OP-DTT and OP-OH. A kinetic box model was employed to simulate OP-OH, focusing on the rate of hydroxyl radical (•OH) formation. The model integrated reactions involving PAHs, metals, EPFRs, ROS, and RCS, using rate constants from established literature. It reasonably predicted •OH formation rates for the five types of plastics tested. Our results suggest that radical production is driven by complex chemical mechanisms, including redox cycling of active components, ROS cycling, Fenton chemistry, and organic oxidation reactions. Given the widespread use of plastics and growing environmental concerns around plastic pollution, this study highlights the urgent need for stricter regulations and improved waste management practices, especially in developing countries. Further details will be presented.

How to cite: Salim, R., Kapur, S., Schervish, M., Edwards, K., Gerritz, L., Raghunathan, R., A. Nizkorodov, S., S. Gunthe, S., and Shiraiwa, M.: The health effects of plastic burning particulate matter- the role of metals, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, environmentally persistent free radicals, reactive oxygen and chlorine species in inducing oxidative stress in human body, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4125,, 2025.

EGU25-4778 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Impact of global warming on the anemia among women of reproductive age in the global south 

Shan Jiang, Chaohui Li, and Xudong Wu

Climate anomalies in a warming world can directly or indirectly affect public health across genders, particularly among vulnerable groups such as women of reproductive age. However, it remains unclear whether global warming may exacerbate the widespread public health challenge of anemia in women of reproductive age (WRA), especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) that are highly susceptible to socioeconomic, demographic, and geographical factors. In this study, we combined a high-resolution anemia prevalence dataset with climate data into a fixed-effect panel regression model to investigate the impact of global warming on anemia prevalence among WRA in LMICs between 2000 and 2018. We revealed how temperature variation affected anemia prevalence and examined whether these effects correlated to economic and policy developments. Furthermore, we projected future spatiotemporal trends of anemia prevalence among WRA in LMICs under diverse warming scenarios. These outcomes can help inform the decision-making of World Health Organization's strategies for anemia control and support the implementation of region-specific initiatives aimed at improving women's health.

How to cite: Jiang, S., Li, C., and Wu, X.: Impact of global warming on the anemia among women of reproductive age in the global south, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4778,, 2025.

EGU25-4878 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Cognitive impacts of Ground Level Ozone (GLO) exposure in Delhi: Estimating a risk in the highly polluted urban environment 

Pareshbhai Dineshbhai Parmar, Mina Chandra, Shubham Sharma, and Sri Harsha Kota

Recent research has reported an increase in Ground Level Ozone (GLO) concentrations in South Asia, with ongoing climate change being one of the contributing factors to this rise. In the lower-middle income economies such as India, studies related to cognitive impacts of GLO are insignificant and scarce. This time-series study aims to quantify the risk of cognitive disorders associated with ozone exposure for Delhi. The high-resolution gridded (5km*5km) daily maximum 8-hour mean ozone concentration data (MDA8) retrieved from WRF-Chem simulation were linked to geocoded-anonymized daily hospital admissions data of several cognitive disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety, Parkinson's disease, etc.). The WRF-Chem model was simulated for the Delhi domain over a four-year (2016-2019), for the same period hospital admissions data were collected. The generalized additive model (GAM) with Poisson distribution was utilized for examine an association of O3 exposure with cognitive disorders. The delayed effect of exposure was assessed employing 20-days lag. The results of relative risk (RR) against lag days showed inverted-U shape curve with highest RR of 1.0092 (95% CI: 1.0051-1.0134) on 10th lag day. The age-gender-stratified analysis revealed that females (RR: 1.0085, lag-day: 17) exhibited slightly higher risk compared to males (RR: 1.0071, lag-day: 9), while the younger demographic (age≤60 years) were at marginally elevated risks than elderly (age>60 years). In India, the mitigation measures and policies are predominantly aimed at reducing particulate matter pollution. The findings of this study are pertinent to present and future contexts, whereby evidences of intensifying effects of climate change on ozone are more pronounced than particulate matter. The research offers significant insights into the relationship between ‘public health’ and ‘air pollution’, contributing to the existing literature on highly polluted urban environment like Delhi.

Keywords: Ground level ozone (GLO); Cognitive impacts; Generalized Additive Model (GAM); WRF-Chem

How to cite: Parmar, P. D., Chandra, M., Sharma, S., and Kota, S. H.: Cognitive impacts of Ground Level Ozone (GLO) exposure in Delhi: Estimating a risk in the highly polluted urban environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4878,, 2025.

EGU25-5254 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Weed, Mosquito, Virus: The Ecological Triad Shaping Disease Transmission in Kenya 

Tasneem Osman, Tatenda Chiuya, Eric Fevre, and Christian Borgermeister


Background: Invasive alien plant species offer enormous ecological and public health risks worldwide, with Kenya experiencing some of the most severe consequences. Non-native flora outcompete indigenous species, reducing local biodiversity, agricultural production, and grazing areas, affecting food security and rural livelihoods. Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae), a highly invasive weed, poses considerable concern due to its capacity to alter ecological systems. Climate change exacerbates these difficulties by altering rainfall patterns and temperatures, enabling invasive species to spread and thrive. As a result, these modifications frequently increase mosquito-breeding areas, which exacerbates the transmission of malaria, dengue, and other arbovirus diseases. Female mosquitoes, the primary vectors of these pathogens, require either blood meals or plant-derived sugars, despite the widespread acknowledgment that arboviral illnesses are highly recognized as serious public health concerns, little is known about how invasive plant species affect mosquito populations or arboviral transmission. This study examines the influence of P. hysterophorus on mosquito vector abundance, diversity, and arbovirus dynamics in the Kenyan Rift Valley area.

Methods: Mosquitoes were collected from six villages with varying levels of P. hysterophorus infestation—three heavily invaded and three free from P. hysterophorus. Using a combination of trapping techniques, approximately 50,000 mosquitoes representing 48 species were captured and identified. This comprehensive survey evaluated mosquito abundance and diversity, providing critical insights into the ecological impacts of invasive alien species on arboviral vector populations.

Conclusions: The findings will elucidate the complex interplay between invasive alien plants, land-use changes, and mosquito vector dynamics, shedding light on the mechanisms driving arbovirus transmission. This study will inform precise vector control strategies and deepen our understanding of the ecological impacts of invasive species on public health, including their role in the spread of diseases. This study will not only guide more targeted vector control strategies but also enhance our understanding of the broader ecological and public health impacts of invasive species in Kenya, particularly in disease spread.

How to cite: Osman, T., Chiuya, T., Fevre, E., and Borgermeister, C.: Weed, Mosquito, Virus: The Ecological Triad Shaping Disease Transmission in Kenya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5254,, 2025.

EGU25-5618 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Developing a prediction model for the relationship between climate, water resources, and mosquito dynamics: application to a case study in  a human-impacted Mediterranean wetland 

Jeewanthi Sirisena, Pascale Stiles, Julia Rodriguez, Susana B. Berenguer, Frederic Bartumeus, Maria M. Costa, and Laurens M. Bouwer

Climate change is a key determinant of public health, influencing disease patterns, and public and environmental well-being. Mosquito population dynamics are largely determined by climatic factors and water availability. Therefore, understanding the linkage between local water resources and mosquito dynamics is crucial for better predicting current and future health risks, and informing effective disease control and health risk reduction. Here, we investigate how temporal and spatial distribution of water availability affects mosquito populations in a natural wetland area under current and future climate r scenarios. The study was conducted in the natural park of the  Aiguamolls de l’Empordà,  connected to La Muga and El-Fluvia river basins in Catalonia, Northeast Spain. Empirical data on river runoff and local water levels were collected from several discharge stations, while abundance estimates of mosquito populations were obtained from mosquito traps spread across the study area. The hydrological assessment is carried out with the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). This model uses observed rainfall and air temperature from the gridded earth observation dataset over Europe (E-OBS) to simulate streamflow and hydrological responses of the study area. Based on the in situ data and hydrological simulation outputs, we derive a relationship between water availability and mosquito population abundance that can be used to predict future disease risk in the study area. Our results will be integrated within the “Infectious Disease decision-support tools and Alert systems to build climate Resilience to emerging health Threats (IDAlert)” project funded by the European Union. This decision-support tool plays a critical role in targeted interventions in water management and the health sector, directly contributing to reducing health risks due to mosquito-borne diseases.

Keywords: Health risk, SWAT, Spatial and temporal distribution of water, Mosquito populations, IDAlert

How to cite: Sirisena, J., Stiles, P., Rodriguez, J., Berenguer, S. B., Bartumeus, F., Costa, M. M., and Bouwer, L. M.: Developing a prediction model for the relationship between climate, water resources, and mosquito dynamics: application to a case study in  a human-impacted Mediterranean wetland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5618,, 2025.

EGU25-6073 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Developing climate extreme indicators for EpiOutlook, a climate-informed subseasonal-to-seasonal forecast platform for epidemiological risks 

Georgina Eva Ceres Charnley, Emily Ball, Alba Llabrés-Brustenga, Adrià San José Plana, Aimee Colgate, and Rachel Lowe

EpiOutlook is an epidemiological indicator platform currently under development as part of the IDAlert project, a research consortium taking a OneHealth approach to understanding the impacts of climate change on the emergence and spread of infectious diseases in Europe and Bangladesh. The aim of the platform is to provide short-term early warning indicators of epidemiological risks, including those related to extreme weather and climate-sensitive infectious diseases (CSIDs). Currently, one climatic extreme indicator is operational for use in EpiOutlook which relates to drought, and makes use of the Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index. Here, we propose two new climate extreme indicators currently under development, one related to heat and a second related to flood risk. We make use of fine-scale climate data (0.25x0.25) to categorise grid cells by the two proposed indicators (heat and flooding), which can then be extrapolated to the scale of interest. The impacts of extreme heat on health are well documented (e.g., extreme low and high temperatures and humidity leading to more adverse health outcomes), particularly for vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and children. Less well established are specific temperature ranges which puts people at risk to the highest number of climate-related health risks including CSIDs. We propose making use of our current CSID indicators (malaria, tick-borne diseases, leishmaniasis, Vibrio spp., West Nile Virus and Aedes-borne diseases), all of which consider the impacts of temperature and humidity. We aim to categorise temperature and humidity ranges which create ideal conditions for the highest number of CSIDs, weighed against the non-communicable disease impacts such as heat stress/stroke and adverse pregnancy outcomes, to provide a comprehensive spatial and temporal outlook for the effects of heat on health. Flooding is a major climatic risk in Europe, leading to destruction of property and livelihoods and infectious disease risk. We aim to develop a simple categorisation of flood risk via fluvial and pluvial flooding over Europe, incorporating several elements of the traditional water balance model, but producing an output which will be more interpretable by a wider range of end users. Risk will be assessed based on precipitation, elevation, land cover, potential evapotranspiration/soil moisture, groundwater recharge rate, proximity to a river, and river runoff/flow. Coastal flooding will not be considered at this stage, due to different flooding mechanisms, and instead proximity to a coastline will be seen as preventative as a source of drainage. Flood risk will be validated using flood data, and if the categorisation is proved accurate in representing flood risk, the occurrence of a flood in the preceding years will be considered in the categorisation. We aim to use the results from the flood indicator to provide valuable input to a leptospirosis indicator, a water-borne disease which is closely related to flooding. We believe that these indicators will provide easy to interpret quantification of climate extremes which relate to health in Europe, useful for public health decision-makers to make necessary adjustments to the current and near future risks posed by climate change.

How to cite: Charnley, G. E. C., Ball, E., Llabrés-Brustenga, A., San José Plana, A., Colgate, A., and Lowe, R.: Developing climate extreme indicators for EpiOutlook, a climate-informed subseasonal-to-seasonal forecast platform for epidemiological risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6073,, 2025.

Vector-borne diseases are responsible for over 700,000 deaths annually and are expected to spread to new regions and become more frequent due to climate change. This is primarily because vectors (such as insects and ticks) are ectothermic ("cold-blooded") and highly influenced by environmental conditions.

We are broadly interested in better understanding how climate change, in combination with land use changes, will affect the spread and frequency of vector-borne diseases. This will be achieved by using machine learning models, such as random forest and deep learning algorithms, to predict disease spread and frequency. By adopting a One Health approach, where we consider human health as interconnected with animal and environmental health, we will integrate multiple data sources (e.g., climate, land use, socio-economic factors, human health, and animal health) to improve our predictions.

As an example, in the EU project Planet4Health, we will employ various machine learning models to predict outbreaks of vector-borne diseases (leishmania and mosquito-borne diseases) in the Iberian Peninsula. The project aims to identify the model that gives the most accurate and meaningful predictions, and later incorporate it as part of an early warning systems for predicting such outbreaks.  

How to cite: Fossen, E.: Using machine learning to predict vector-borne diseases in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6441,, 2025.

EGU25-7076 | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Impact of the atmospheric composition and climate changes on the evolution of diabetes in Central Italy: the Vitality project 

Piero Di Carlo, Eleonora Aruffo, Alessandra Mascitelli, and Piero Chiacchiaretta

In the framework of the Next Generation EU program, the Vitality project was founded to 
develop different research activities related to the sustainability and environmental protection. 
One of them, called One health: Telemedicine and Environment coordinated by the University 
‘G. d’Annunzio’, Italy, is focused on the impacts of climate changes and pollutant changes, on 
the evolution of some human health diseases. Here we report the infrastructure development to 
study how temperature and other meteorological parameters, air pollutant, such us ozone, 
nitrogen oxides, PM10, impact the evolution of diabetes. One of the main activities is putting 
together the last five years of meteorological and composition data and those of hospital 
admissions and clinical analyses of more that 13,000 patients. Another activity is to study the 
real life of diabetes patients monitoring continuously their physiological parameters, 
atmospheric parameters of the region where they live and indoor air quality of their houses. 
First results of the project, strengths and weakness will be discussed.

How to cite: Di Carlo, P., Aruffo, E., Mascitelli, A., and Chiacchiaretta, P.: Impact of the atmospheric composition and climate changes on the evolution of diabetes in Central Italy: the Vitality project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7076,, 2025.

EGU25-8023 | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Assessment of health risks due to climate change in Germany 

Irena Kaspar-Ott, Fabio Álvarez, and Elke Hertig

As part of the AdaptNet project, which aims to adapt and network general practitioner and specialist medical care to the health impacts of climate change, interactive maps are being produced for Germany that estimate current and future health risks. For heat, flooding, air quality, allergens, vectors and forest fires, it will be possible to obtain corresponding hazard levels at the level of districts and independent cities (corresponding to the NUTS3 regions in Germany). Estimating the health risks associated with climate change helps to avoid over- and under-adaptation of ambulant care to the consequences of climate change.

The methodology developed is based on the assessment of the most important factors for each hazard. The high spatial resolution requires a correspondingly high-resolution data base to be able to represent regional characteristics in the risk assessment. For the assessment of the current situation, data from recent years was used to include the already advanced climate change of the early 21st century. The future estimates refer to data around the year 2050.

The methodology was evaluated using two test regions (urban and rural). Very complex and data-intensive risk assessments were carried out for the two test regions and compared with a simpler approach, which was then applied to the whole of Germany.

When developing risk assessments relevant to emergency and disaster risk management in the health sector, WHO recommends that three factors be considered: hazard, exposure and vulnerability. We ensured that hazard and exposure were covered by factors in the risk assessment itself. Vulnerable groups were deliberately not included in the risk assessment, because they are individually targeted in an adaptation toolbox developed in the AdaptNet project.

How to cite: Kaspar-Ott, I., Álvarez, F., and Hertig, E.: Assessment of health risks due to climate change in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8023,, 2025.

EGU25-8028 | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Wealth inequality amplified the anthropogenic dust mortality 

Lulu Lian, Siyu Chen, and Jianping Huang

Unlike natural dust (NDust), which primarily affects sparsely populated areas, mitigating health disparities from anthropogenic dust (ADust) fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is crucial. ADust PM2.5 has significant effects on public health and socio-economic conditions. With internal economic inequality widening within countries globally, urbanization, and aging populations exacerbating social vulnerability, assessing the health burden of ADust PM2.5 pollution is crucial for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3.9. This study integrates annual population and economic data with dust (include ADust and NDust) PM2.5 concentrations to evaluate mortality due to this exposure and its relationship with income inequality. Our findings reveal a significant association between income inequality and mortality due to dust PM2.5 exposure, considering variables such as the Gini index, GDP per capita, and exposed population structure. Greater income inequality and significant demographic change amplify the public health impacts of dust PM2.5 pollution. Addressing wealth distribution inequalities is essential in pollution risk research and policy-making. Optimizing wealth distribution and enhancing control of ADust can effectively reduce health risks, fostering sustainable social development.

How to cite: Lian, L., Chen, S., and Huang, J.: Wealth inequality amplified the anthropogenic dust mortality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8028,, 2025.

EGU25-8258 | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Modeling climate drivers of the current and future spread of sand flies in Europe and neighboring countries with the use of wavelet transform analysis 

Suzana M Blesic, Milica Tosic, Vasilije Matic, Yoni Waitz, Oscar Kirstein, Maria Antoniou, and Carla Maia

We used wavelet transform cross-correlation analysis to inform the model of the number of sand flies as a function of meteorological and environmental variables. To that end we used historical sand fly monitoring datasets from several past and ongoing collaborations in Europe, Turkey and Israel (projects EDENext, VectorNet, CLIMOS and PLANET4HEALTH), and correlated those with the corresponding temperature, precipitation, and soil moisture data.

We were looking into how the number of these disease vectors depends on all these variables and were interested to define the time lags between the changes of the meteorological and environmental drivers and change (particularly rise) in numbers of sand flies. We were additionally interested in how the change in climatic suitability for sand fly development will influence their spread in Europe. Finally, we researched if the modelled behavior can be universal across the sand fly species, or should be developed separately by species, and climatic regions.

Our results should assist development of the early warning systems for the spread of sand fly borne diseases that can be used by public health authorities for efficient and effective preparedness.


Funding: The CLIMOS consortium is co-funded by the European Commission grant 101057690 and UKRI grants 10038150 and 10039289. The six Horizon Europe projects, BlueAdapt, CATALYSE, CLIMOS, HIGH Horizons, IDAlert, and TRIGGER, form the Climate Change and Health Cluster. The PLANET4HEALTH consortium is co-funded by the European Commission grant 101136652. The five Horizon Europe projects, GO GREEN NEXT, MOSAIC, PLANET4HEALTH, SPRINGS, and TULIP, form the Planetary Health Cluster.

How to cite: Blesic, S. M., Tosic, M., Matic, V., Waitz, Y., Kirstein, O., Antoniou, M., and Maia, C.: Modeling climate drivers of the current and future spread of sand flies in Europe and neighboring countries with the use of wavelet transform analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8258,, 2025.

EGU25-9016 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Modeling the perception of green and blue space using spatial exposure measurement methods 

Csilla Vamos, Anke Huss, Simon Scheider, and Roel Vermeulen

The perception of green and blue spaces has been widely recognized for its positive impact on health and can be assessed through surveys that capture individuals’ experiences of their surrounding environment. While such surveys provide data that can be seen as ground truth, their implementation is often constrained by privacy concerns, time limitations, and inefficiencies. To address these challenges, quantitative datasets—such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and land use data—can serve as inputs for spatial measurement methods, including buffer models, street view analyses, and viewshed analyses, to estimate green and blue space exposure. However, existing spatial measurement methods often fail to align with how people perceive green and blue spaces in their environment.

This study aims to address the question: How can green and blue space perception be modeled using spatial exposure measurement methods? To explore this, three spatial measurement approaches are applied: Euclidean buffer models, Streetview analyses, and viewshed analyses. These results are converted into Spearman correlation coefficients. Additionally, survey data collected in the Netherlands, where participants assessed green and blue spaces within their residential surroundings, are also analyzed using Spearman correlations. The correlations derived from spatial measurement methods are compared with those from the survey data to evaluate how well these methods capture perceived green and blue space exposure.

The findings aim to identify which spatial measurement methods best model individuals’ perceptions and offer insights into improving urban planning and policy. By enhancing the alignment between spatial models and human perception, this research contributes to more effective evaluations of green and blue space distribution in the Netherlands and highlights areas that may benefit from additional green and blue infrastructure.


How to cite: Vamos, C., Huss, A., Scheider, S., and Vermeulen, R.: Modeling the perception of green and blue space using spatial exposure measurement methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9016,, 2025.

EGU25-9655 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Number of Sultry Days in the Territory of Slovakia 

Kristína Szabóová

Sultriness is formed by the interaction of several weather factors. It is the state of the atmosphere when the water vapor pressure exceeds 18.7 hPa. This condition has adverse physiological effects on plants, animals and especially on the human body. For this reason, in this research, emphasis was placed on the time evolution of sultriness at the meteorological station Hurbanovo in the Slovak Republic. The paper will examine the 40-year period (1981 – 2020). The study is a continuation of the work of Štefan Kveták, who examined the previous 30-year period (1951 – 1980). We hypothesized that the number of sultry days is also increasing due to climate change. The basis of the whole assumption was hourly data from meteorological stations in the database of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute. As the scientific goals of the project, we preferred the categorization of sultriness according to various criteria, the evaluation of their frequency and time trends of occurrence, and we compared their development with the previous period.

How to cite: Szabóová, K.: Number of Sultry Days in the Territory of Slovakia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9655,, 2025.

EGU25-12304 | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

A worldwide study to estimate the relative risk to develop type 2 Diabetes Mellitus because of atmospheric pollutants exposure 

Eleonora Aruffo, Alessandra Mascitelli, Piero Chiacchiaretta, Federica Carrieri, Maria Pompea Antonia Baldassarre, Gloria Formoso, Agostino Consoli, and Piero Di Carlo

Exposure to atmospheric compounds increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. In our study, we will show a derived exposure-response curve from the relative risk to develop type 2 diabetes because of exposure to different pollutants, i.e. particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and ozone (O3). The curve is used to estimate a worldwide map of relative risk and the percentage of the attributable burden for each pollutant, using high resolution dataset of atmospheric pollutants from satellite observations. Finally, we will show the validation of the model comparing the modeled percentage of the numbers of patients that are affected by type 2 diabates also because of pollutants exposure with a regional analysis of the attributable patients affected by type 2 diabetes.

How to cite: Aruffo, E., Mascitelli, A., Chiacchiaretta, P., Carrieri, F., Baldassarre, M. P. A., Formoso, G., Consoli, A., and Di Carlo, P.: A worldwide study to estimate the relative risk to develop type 2 Diabetes Mellitus because of atmospheric pollutants exposure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12304,, 2025.

EGU25-12362 | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Leveraging AI, Large Language Models, and Co-Authorship Network Visualization to Globally Understand the Water-Energy-Food-Health Nexus 

Ilya Zaslavsky, Wael Al-Delaimy, Rabi Mohtar, and Christine Kirkpatrick

Jordan is one of the most water-scarce regions in the world, facing climate change impacts on water, energy, and food—the core components of the WEF Nexus. Health, as an additional dimension of the nexus, is being investigated through the NIH-funded Global Center on Climate Change, Water, Energy, Food, and Health Systems (GC3WEFH). A key component of the Center is its Data Hub, which focuses on providing analytical access to datasets that reflect the WEFH nexus components and assembling an open-source software ecosystem to support integrative research while adhering to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles.

This presentation demonstrates how large language models (LLMs) are transforming our ability to explore the complex interdependencies within the WEFH Nexus. By extracting insights from interdisciplinary sources—such as scientific articles, policy documents, and environmental and health datasets—LLMs provide powerful tools for integrated data analysis and decision-making across these critical domains. Built on the SuAVE (Survey Analysis via Visual Exploration, platform, the Data Hub catalog enables intuitive browsing, querying, and faceted searches of Jordan-specific datasets. To enhance accessibility, LLM-based applications are integrated into the hub, allowing natural language queries to generate tables, maps, and visualizations, revealing interrelationships among nexus indicators such as the effects of climate change on water quality and health outcomes. Additional tools evaluate the AI-readiness of datasets and implement strategies to improve their usability for machine learning applications. These innovations enable deeper insights into the WEFH Nexus, supporting simulations of system sustainability and assessing the health impacts of water, food, and energy-focused strategies in environmentally stressed regions.

To further understand the global research landscape of the nexus, we constructed and analyzed a global co-authorship network of research articles referencing all four nexus components in their titles or abstracts. Using OpenAlex, an open-access bibliographic database, and the network analysis extension of the SuAVE platform, we visualized and examined the evolution of research collaborations, emerging topics, and knowledge gaps. Our analysis revealed that over 60% of WEFH-related publications have been produced in the last four years, reflecting a rapidly expanding but still fragmented field. The co-authorship network exhibits higher clustering and fragmentation compared to more established research areas, such as the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, which is characteristic of emerging disciplines. Key topics identified within the WEFH Nexus emphasize sanitation, water quality, and water treatment (water); wellness, safety, and public health systems (health); crop yields, food security, and nutrition (food); and renewable energy and emissions reduction (energy).

While the United States leads global contributions, accounting for nearly 30% of publications in the field, significant opportunities remain to foster stronger global collaborations and reduce fragmentation in the network. The GC3WEFH is leading this effort through a multi-institutional, international collaboration focused on modeling the climate impacts on vulnerable communities in water-scarce areas of Jordan.

This work is supported by the US National Institutes of Health, Fogarty International Center, under award # 1P20TW012709-01.

How to cite: Zaslavsky, I., Al-Delaimy, W., Mohtar, R., and Kirkpatrick, C.: Leveraging AI, Large Language Models, and Co-Authorship Network Visualization to Globally Understand the Water-Energy-Food-Health Nexus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12362,, 2025.

EGU25-12913 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Impact of Heat Exposure during Pregnancy in Ethiopian Cities 

Desalew Meseret Moges, Per-Ola Olsson, Ebba Malmqvist, Masresha Tessema, Eleni Papadopoulou, and Kristoffer Mattisson

Impact of Heat Exposure during Pregnancy in Ethiopian Cities

Desalew Meseret Moges1*, Per-Ola Olsson2, Ebba Malmqvist3, Masresha Tessema1, Eleni Papadopoulou4, Kristoffer Mattisson3

1 Nutrition, Environmental Health and Non-communicable Disease Research Directorate, Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

2 Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, Sweden.

3 Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University, Sweden.

4 Global Health Cluster, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway.

Climate change poses a significant public health threat, particularly for vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and children. Heat stress, when the body struggles to regulate its internal temperature due to high temperatures, presents increased health risks during pregnancy. Exposure to heat stress during pregnancy can result in adverse health outcomes for both the mother and fetus, including preterm birth, low birth weight, stillbirth, and pregnancy complications. However, research on the effects of heat exposure in epidemiological studies remains limited and inconsistent in low-resource countries like Ethiopia. This is mainly due to a lack of comprehensive data and resources. These regions often face limited infrastructure, scarce ground monitors, unreliable data collection systems, and insufficient technological support.

To address these gaps, this heat exposure study, which is part of the EU-funded ENABLE (Enabling Environments for Non-communicable Disease (NCD) risk reduction in Ethiopia) project, with the overarching aim to investigate the impact of urban heat exposure on maternal health outcomes in four Ethiopian cities: Addis Ababa, Jimma, Adama, and Harar. The present study's primary objective is to utilize remote sensing data to evaluate heat exposure.

Land Surface Temperature (LST), which measures the Earth's surface temperature, and the Discomfort Index (DI), which combines air temperature and humidity, will be used to assess heat stress. Data will be collected from satellite sensors (Landsat, MODIS; Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), climate data (ERA5; the fifth generation of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts atmospheric reanalysis of the global climate), and ground measurement from PurpleAir monitors. Heat stress will be assessed using hot days or heat waves when LST and DI exceed the 95th, 97th, or 99th percentiles for two consecutive days. This will involve creating high spatial resolution maps of heat exposure hotspots in Ethiopian cities.

The results from the present study will later be used in the ENABLE project to assess individual exposure to heat stress and effects on pregnancy outcomes. The planned epidemiological studies will include pregnant women recruited within the ENABLE project, with a target enrollment of 5000 participants, following their pregnancies from initiation till birth. Pregnancy outcomes collected from hospitals and public health records will be linked to heat metrics using GPS data from maternal residential addresses. This research provides critical insights into the intersection of climate change and urban heat stress in Ethiopia. The results can potentially inform Ethiopia’s climate-resilient urban planning and maternal health policies.

How to cite: Moges, D. M., Olsson, P.-O., Malmqvist, E., Tessema, M., Papadopoulou, E., and Mattisson, K.: Impact of Heat Exposure during Pregnancy in Ethiopian Cities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12913,, 2025.

EGU25-13356 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Short-term health impacts of PM2.5 exposure on pediatric ambulance dispatches in India using air quality data developed by machine learning 

Ayako Kawano, Sam Heft-Neal, Srinivasa Janagama, Matthew Strehlow, and Eran Bendavid

Poor ambient air quality poses a significant global health concern. However, accurate measurement remains challenging, particularly in countries like India, where ground monitors are scarce despite high expected exposure and health burdens. This lack of precise measurements impedes understanding of changes in pollution exposure over time and across populations, limiting effective public health responses. India faces severe air pollution issues, with fine particulate matter (PM2.5) levels consistently exceeding the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, leading to various health problems, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, injuries, and deaths. Existing health impact research on PM2.5 in India is limited, particularly for pediatric populations in diverse and socioeconomically varied regions.

In this study, we developed an open-source daily PM2.5 dataset at a 10 km resolution for India from 2005 to 2023 using a two-stage machine learning model. This model integrates data from satellite sensors, meteorological variables, and land-use information, validated against held-out monitor data to generate accurate daily PM2.5 estimates. We then linked this dataset with over one million pediatric ambulance dispatch records across 11 states in India from 2013 to 2015 to investigate the short-term effects of PM2.5 exposure on pediatric emergency health outcomes. We employed a fixed-effects Poisson regression model combined with an instrumental variable (IV) approach to address potential endogeneity issues, such as reverse causality and omitted variable bias. The primary instrument used is thermal inversion, a meteorological phenomenon associated with elevated PM2.5 levels. Our outcome measure is the number of ambulance dispatches per 100,000 people per day, categorized by cause (illness or injury) to reduce misclassification bias. Our fixed-effects model controls for time-invariant differences and temporal confounders, isolating effects of PM2.5. Using thermal inversion as an instrument further confirms the robustness of the causal link between short-term exposure to PM2.5 and increased ambulance dispatches.

Our analysis reveals significant associations between short-term PM2.5 exposure and increased pediatric ambulance dispatches. For all-cause and illness-related calls, we observed more than a 2% increase in ambulance dispatches per 10 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 exposure, with cumulative lagged effects up to 7 days. Furthermore, for injury-related dispatches, there was more than a 5% increase associated with a 10 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 exposure, with cumulative effects observed within just 0 to 1 day of exposure. These findings emphasize the severe public health implications of PM2.5 exposure on vulnerable populations, particularly children, underscoring the necessity for stringent air quality regulations and public health interventions across India.

How to cite: Kawano, A., Heft-Neal, S., Janagama, S., Strehlow, M., and Bendavid, E.: Short-term health impacts of PM2.5 exposure on pediatric ambulance dispatches in India using air quality data developed by machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13356,, 2025.

EGU25-14502 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Analysing changes in temperature and pollen concentrations in Melbourne over 30 years 

Arzoo Dhankhar, Darsy Darssan, Sagnik Dey, Edwin R Lampugnani, and Nicholas J Osborne

Background: Climate change has been associated with changes in pollen allergenicity, plant phenology, and overall pollen production levels highlighting its potential implications for public health. These changes can further lead to shifts in the duration, timing, and intensity of pollen seasons, affecting both allergenic and non-allergenic plant species. 

Objective: We analysed changes in grass and other pollen concentrations, pollen seasons and daily maximum temperatures over 32 years (1990 to 2023) in Melbourne.

Methods: Daily pollen counts were collected at Parkville, Melbourne every year for three months, October to December. Pollen was categorized as grass and other with other being trees and weeds. Seasonal trend decomposition was used to analyse long term trends in daily maximum temperatures and daily pollen concentrations. Linear regression was used to analyse changes in start, end and duration of core pollen season.

Results and discussion: According to preliminary results, the daily maximum temperature increased (Est slope = 0.0001/day, p <0.01) in Melbourne over the study years while the daily pollen concentrations depicted decreasing trend (p < 0.01). Core pollen season in Melbourne had an earlier start date (Est slope = -0.34 day/year, p < 0.01) and a longer duration (p < 0.01) over the decades 1990 to 2023. The results suggest climate change might be affecting the pollen seasons but the effect on pollen concentrations may have been masked by other environmental and climatic factors. These insights could have significant implications for vulnerable population, healthcare, research and urban planning.

How to cite: Dhankhar, A., Darssan, D., Dey, S., R Lampugnani, E., and J Osborne, N.: Analysing changes in temperature and pollen concentrations in Melbourne over 30 years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14502,, 2025.

EGU25-15204 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

From climate variables to health information - Predicting and monitoring mosquito-borne disease outbreaks with AeDES2 

Javier Corvillo Guerra, Verónica Torralba, Carmen González Romero, Núria Pérez-Zanón, Alba Llabrés-Brustenga, Ana Riviére-Cinnamond, and Ángel Garikoitz Muñoz

Mosquito-borne arboviruses pose a grave threat to millions of people worldwide each year, with climate change rapidly expanding hotspots of deadly Aedes-related diseases. Aware of potential compound effects regarding other important diseases, it has become imperative for health authorities to maintain a detailed surveillance of key variables that can trigger Aedes-borne epidemic episodes. Disease transmission is generally conditioned by multiple socio-economic factors, and among them, the environmental suitability for vectors and viruses to proliferate is a necessary –although not sufficient– condition that needs to be closely monitored. As such, a comprehensive service that allows stakeholders to detect and predict environmental suitability on affected hotspots is crucial for communities to better prepare in the case of present and future outbreaks.

To this end, AeDES2 is a next generation climate-and-health operational service that reproduces and improves computation of Aedes-borne Diseases Environmental Suitability over its previous version (Muñoz et al., 2020), expanding its temporal and spatial scope while simultaneously enhancing observational and forecasting quality of Aedes-related disease transmissibility. Users can consult the historical evolution of the environmental suitability values on any grid point of interest, as well as the expected future evolution up to three seasons in advance. Aside from environmental suitability values, health authorities can additionally utilize AeDES2 to analyse the estimated percentage of population at risk –crucial for governing bodies to implement control measures in order to reduce the spread of the disease.

AeDES2 incorporates four different environmental suitability models, translating temperature and precipitation values into environmental suitability outputs while considering epidemiological factors for transmission probability. Its monitoring system generates an up-to-date 12-member ensemble reference, providing a continuously updated historical sequence of environmental suitability values. On the forecasting side, AeDES2 builds on its predecessor’s pattern-based multi-model calibration, by assimilating state-of-the-art calibration methods such as causality-based calibration or multi-calibration techniques, aiming to reliably reproduce key non-linear patterns that are used as predictors in the cross-validated forecast system.

How to cite: Corvillo Guerra, J., Torralba, V., González Romero, C., Pérez-Zanón, N., Llabrés-Brustenga, A., Riviére-Cinnamond, A., and Garikoitz Muñoz, Á.: From climate variables to health information - Predicting and monitoring mosquito-borne disease outbreaks with AeDES2, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15204,, 2025.

EGU25-16611 | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Predicting Vector-Borne Disease Risk using Earth Observation and Machine Learning: A Case Study in northern Italy 

Debhora Bonfiglio, Selene Bianco, Matteo Maragliano, Valeria Corcione, Giovanna Chiara Rodi, Stefano Marangoni, Paolo Roberto, and Andrea Mosca

Floodings exemplify the interconnection between climate change, environmental exposures, and human health. They are often characterized by the presence of stagnant water, which makes the habitat particularly favourable for the proliferation of vectors of arboviruses in during their reproductivity seasons. This poses significant threats to public health, because the geographical expansion of these vectors is responsible of an increase of the diffusion of imported infectious diseases such as dengue and chikungunya, together with other arbovirosis like West Nile, Usutu, Toscana virus infections and tick-borne encephalitis, which are endemic in Italy. This diffusion requires proactive monitoring and mitigation strategies. The monitoring of the distribution of these vectors is usually performed by installing attractive traps in the territory. However, the sites of these traps cannot be uniformly distributed over the territory. Therefore, it is useful to support them with other warning methods to identify areas with the ideal characteristics of ecological niches for these insects and thus at risk of becoming outbreaks for arbovirosis. 

The EASTERN project focuses on both direct and indirect consequences of flooding, by exploiting Earth Observation (EO) and meteorological data to implement Machine Learning (ML) models able to predict flood-related risks. One of the project’s use cases is dedicated to the implementation of ML-based predictive tools to identify areas suitable for vector proliferation, using meteorological parameters and satellite imagery.  

The meteorological parameters considered are humidity, temperature, wind speed and rain, which are known in literature as correlated with vector spreading. From optical imagery (Sentinel-2 constellation) ecological indexes like Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) are retrieved. Entomological data were collected by IPLA S.p.A. The species of mosquitos that have been considered are Aedes caspius and Culex pipiens. Around 50 trap sites located in the Piedmont region have been monitored every two weeks from June to October. Data used for model training are referred to years from 2017 to 2023. 

The amount of collected mosquitos for each species has been divided into classes. Separated predictive models have been trained for each species. The dataset is highly unbalanced. Since most of the collected data have values proximal to 0 and only few sites collect up to thousands of vectors, the effect of the imbalance has need neutralized. For both species, temperature, NDMI, NDVI, wind speed and humidity are the predictors with the highest feature importance for this model. 

The synergy between satellite imagery, meteorological data and ML models, can be considered a promising tool to monitor vectors’ populations and assess associated health risks, enabling targeted interventions and strategic placement of monitoring traps. Our approach addresses the gaps in traditional monitoring methods, particularly in data-limited regions, and will be useful to provide risk maps and early warnings in case of flooding, crucial for informed decision-making. 
EASTERN project received funding from Cascade funding calls of NODES Program, supported by MUR - M4C2 1.5 of PNRR funded by the EU - NextGenerationEU (Grant ECS00000036) 

How to cite: Bonfiglio, D., Bianco, S., Maragliano, M., Corcione, V., Rodi, G. C., Marangoni, S., Roberto, P., and Mosca, A.: Predicting Vector-Borne Disease Risk using Earth Observation and Machine Learning: A Case Study in northern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16611,, 2025.

EGU25-17438 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Malaria Transmission in Kenya's Lake Victoria Basin 

Henry Engelhardt, Mame Diarra Bousso Dieng, Maximilian Schwarz, Martin Volk, and Fred Fokko Hattermann

In large parts of Africa, including the Lake Victoria Basin, malaria continues to be a major public health challenge, causing significant morbidity and mortality despite advancements in treatment and prevention. Climate change has the potential to exacerbate the problem because the disease vectors depend on non-permanent open water bodies for mosquito breeding and certain temperature thresholds for larval development. Climate-induced changes in hydrology, such as shifts in the timing and intensity of rainy seasons, combined with rising temperatures, may extend malaria risk to higher altitudes and new areas, necessitating preventive measures to counteract new transmission patterns.

In this study, we assess the impact of climate change on malaria transmission in the Lake Victoria Basin in Kenya, focusing on changes in mosquito breeding sites and temperature. To improve the representation of the breeding sites, the malaria transmission model VECTRI was coupled with the eco-hydrological model SWIM, which was enhanced with a pond module to capture non-permanent water bodies. We evaluated the model performance using Sentinel-1 satellite-derived water occurrence data and malaria incidence data obtained from health records in Kenya's Lake Victoria basin. To obtain high-resolution insights into the future of malaria transmission, projections were made using an ensemble of nine CMIP6 GCMs, downscaled to 1 km using the CHELSA downscaling method, covering several SSP scenarios.

The results of the coupled approach were promising in simulating water occurrence patterns and malaria incidence, demonstrating its potential as a valuable tool for predicting the effects of climate change on malaria transmission by capturing the interplay between climate, hydrology, and malaria dynamics. This research can guide the development of targeted public health interventions and adaptation strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change in malaria-endemic and at-risk regions.

How to cite: Engelhardt, H., Dieng, M. D. B., Schwarz, M., Volk, M., and Hattermann, F. F.: Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Malaria Transmission in Kenya's Lake Victoria Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17438,, 2025.

EGU25-18273 | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Impacts of tropical deforestation on local climate and human health 

Carly Reddington, Callum Smith, Edward Butt, Jessica Baker, Beatriz Oliveira, Edmund Yamba, and Dominick Spracklen

Tropical deforestation causes local climate warming and is a potential risk to human health. Previous studies have shown tropical deforestation causes increased heat stress and reduces safe outdoor working hours, but the excess mortality due to warming from deforestation has not been quantified. Here we use remote sensing Earth observations to make the first pan-tropical assessment of the population-weighted warming due to tropical deforestation and the associated heat-related mortality burden. We focus our analysis on tropical deforestation that has occurred during 2001 to 2020. We use spatially explicit satellite datasets of annual forest cover change and land surface temperature to identify areas of surface warming that are co-located with forest loss and use data on population distribution to map population-weighted exposure to this warming. We use data on non-accidental mortality combined with relationships between heat exposure and excess mortality from the literature, to estimate the heat-attributable excess mortality due to nearby tropical deforestation. We examine how population exposure to deforestation-induced warming varies by region and by the degree of tropical forest loss. Overall, our analysis shows tropical deforestation during 2001 to 2020 exposed over 350 million people to local climate warming with population-weighted daytime land surface warming of 0.27°C. We estimate this warming results in around 28,000 additional deaths per year, accounting for 39% of the total heat-related mortality burden caused by global climate change and deforestation combined. The impacted populations (those living near deforested areas) are predominantly from lower-income groups, often traditional and indigenous communities, with limited access to adaptive measures to protect against the impacts of climate warming. Our analysis provides important evidence of the negative human health impacts of tropical deforestation at local, regional and national scales.

How to cite: Reddington, C., Smith, C., Butt, E., Baker, J., Oliveira, B., Yamba, E., and Spracklen, D.: Impacts of tropical deforestation on local climate and human health, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18273,, 2025.

EGU25-19538 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5

Storyline approaches to characterize population health impacts of future climate extremes 

Elena Raffetti, Gabriele Messori, and Maria Rusca

Building systems resilient to the societal and health impacts of future climate extremes requires actionable, context-based scenarios. Historically, public health and epidemiology have relied on retrospective analyses, which can be inadequate for preparing for unprecedented events.

To overcome this, we propose a methodology to develop context-based scenarios of health impacts (e.g. cardiovascular mortality) from future climate extremes also considering adaptation mechanisms (e.g. early warning system, health care improvements). This builds upon a methodology introduced by Shepherd et al. in 2018, which has been further developed for use on societal impacts including population health. The approach uses qualitative integration of various components to develop context-based scenarios. Here are some examples of these components:

  • Historical and Future Climate Data: Using historical climate data and numerical projections to create geographically situated scenarios of extreme weather events.
  • Analysis of Past Extremes: Considering health impacts from past extreme events of different magnitudes within the same geographic area.
  • Cross-contextual Analysis: Considering health impacts from past extreme events in different settings and conceptually applying those scenarios, while considering contextual differences.
  • Awareness: Considering the level of awareness within the population regarding climate extremes and their potential health impacts captured using semi-structure interviews, which can influence community preparedness and adaptation.

This approach is designed to leverage the insights from natural and critical social sciences while making room for methodological and epistemological differences. The integration of quantitative and qualitative data will occur through an iterative process, where both types of data complement each other in developing context-based scenarios. Quantitative data will provide the statistical foundation (e.g., projected cardiovascular mortality), while qualitative data will add depth by capturing social dynamics and adaptation strategies. The two will be synthesized in the final scenarios to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of climate extremes on different population groups.

How to cite: Raffetti, E., Messori, G., and Rusca, M.: Storyline approaches to characterize population health impacts of future climate extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19538,, 2025.

EGU25-19612 | PICO | ITS2.4/CL0.5 | Highlight

Building a pathway to improve climate and health research: the case of the TRIGGER project  

Silvana Di Sabatino and the TRIGGER Consortium

The TRIGGER project aims to delve into the complexity inherent in climate-health interactions to gather sound knowledge to advice on policy priorities at local and European levels in consideration of the projected climate change (CC) in Europe. Specifically, the project focuses on achieving a better integration between personal health protection and the environment in which choices at personal level can be made to mitigate climate-related health risks. To address this challenge, TRIGGER has envisaged activities in a wide range of disciplines (supported by the diverse expertise of its consortium) developed in several real-world environments to account for the diversity of climate and social, economic and cultural richness of the European continent. TRIGGER's engines are the Climate-Health Connections Labs (CHC Labs): five selected Labs built in European cities, strategically distributed from south to north Europe to capture the above-mentioned diversity. The role of CHCL is to act as hub for the various TRIGGER activities. Each represents a specific environment and climate-related risks ranging from heat waves to ai pollution. Each Lab co-design and implement clinical studies, namely the CrossCLAVIS (cross-sectional study), the LongCLAVIS (longitudinal study) and a retrospective study (RetroCLAVIS) to gather new information about climate-related health conditions and use refined climate and health indicators to understand criticalities and work on mitigation of those. In this presentation we report on the progress achieved so far. The focus will be on the methodology to derive meteo-climate downscaled data and to provide examples of improved estimate of health risks through a number of selected indicators. The specific indicators refer to those calculated at the CHCL level based on output of downscaled simulations and health data collected during the CrossCLAVIS study. 

 This study is funded by the Horizon Europe TRIGGER project (grant no. 101057739) 

How to cite: Di Sabatino, S. and the TRIGGER Consortium: Building a pathway to improve climate and health research: the case of the TRIGGER project , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19612,, 2025.

Extremes in the Earth System are significant drivers of adverse population health outcomes. To fully understand potential future impacts on our health, Earth System Models (ESMs) and their output are increasingly integrated with and connected to Planetary Health applications.

To emphasize the role of ESM in understanding interactions between natural systems and their implications for human health, we conduct a systematic literature review focusing on the linkage between Earth System Modeling and Planetary Health applications.  By analyzing the use of ESM data in health applications, we identify variables across different Earth System spheres, evaluate their reliability, and highlight gaps in translating ESM outputs into health applications. Variables such as temperature, precipitation, and air quality are explored for their direct and indirect effects on health outcomes, including increased risks of infectious diseases, heat stress, and malnutrition.

The reviewed studies employ diverse Earth System Models (ESMs) and dynamic downscaling techniques to project future health scenarios, mainly relying on simple linkage rather than fully coupling Planetary Health applications. Key findings reveal substantial increases in mortality and morbidity rates linked to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, exacerbated by prolonged exposure to extreme heat and degraded air quality. For instance, regional analyses indicate significant health risks in densely populated urban areas and low-income regions, emphasizing the need for tailored mitigation strategies. Notably, applications such as simulating the impacts of heatwaves on mortality in Europe and assessing adaptation measures like green space-based cooling systems exemplify the need for integration of ESM and Planetary Health.

Our synthesis highlights the critical interplay of socioeconomic, demographic, and Earth System factors in shaping health vulnerabilities, underscoring the importance of intersectionality in climate health research. Advancing the integration of ESM and Planetary Health is crucial for promoting climate resilience and equity in health outcomes.

How to cite: Thiele-Eich, I., Rahmen, M., and Falkenberg, T.: Linking Earth System Modeling and Planetary Health: A Systematic Literature Analysis of Interactions and Impacts on Human Health, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19710,, 2025.

Since the early 2000s, the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) has witnessed a rising number of violent attacks from insurgent groups, as well as confrontations among armed militias. Often, civilians and their means of subsistence are the primary targets. While various geographical factors are suspected to influence the timing and location of conflicts, there remains a lack of consensus on what predictors must be considered for conflict modeling efforts. This research explores the importance of socioeconomic and environmental predictors for conflict in the LCB. We present a quantitative assessment of how these variables inform a machine learning model aimed at predicting conflict events in the region. We utilize documented conflicts in the LCB, as recorded in the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data, for both training and testing the model. The model is based on Earth observation-derived environmental and socioeconomic features from time series data spanning the last two decades. We analyze means, anomalies, and trends for each month and across the entire time series of environmental factors, which include air temperature, precipitation, potential and total evapotranspiration, soil moisture, surface water extent, and gross primary productivity in both irrigated and unirrigated areas. Additionally, we incorporate means, anomalies, and trends of socioeconomic factors such as population density, the Subnational Human Development Index, and the number of ethnic claims in specific areas. We also consider the means, anomalies, and trends of prior conflicts as indicators of a region's general instability. All these parameters are used in a random forest regression model to forecast conflict occurrence. We identify which features are significant to the model for each experiment using Shapley Additive Explanations for individual features. Our results indicate that it is crucial to consider both socioeconomic and environmental variables when discussing potential future conflicts. The quantitative insights highlighting the relative importance of factors across various domains can serve as a foundation for developing integrated approaches in future conflict modeling research. Therefore, we believe this information is valuable for researchers and stakeholders in sustainable development.

How to cite: Sogno, P., Höser, T., Fokeng, R. M., and Kuenzer, C.: What drives conflict in the Lake Chad Basin? –  Assessing the impact of environmental and socioeconomic factors using Earth observation and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4852,, 2025.

EGU25-6509 | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10 | Highlight

Extreme event attribution: a utilisation perspective for decision-making communities 

Amy Waterson, Michael Sanderson, Mark McCarthy, and Louise Wilson

Extreme event attribution (EEA) science estimates the influence of human and natural drivers on extreme weather. Collectively the field has demonstrated that human-caused warming has contributed to an increased likelihood and intensity of a range of extreme weather events across most inhabited regions. The geographically uneven nature of attribution capability globally presents ethical challenges for using attribution science in an equitable way and a range of recommendations on the extent to which EEA can inform decision and policy making have been made.

As an interdisciplinary team of climate attribution scientists and climate knowledge brokers we build on the discussion around the role for EEA across a range of decision-making contexts.  We provide a novel ‘use case’ perspective, with a focus on how EEA can inform media and communication, humanitarian applications, adaptation action and risk management, legal challenge, and the Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage.

We explore the relative capabilities and limitations of different EEA methods within these use cases and identify how evidence gaps vary regionally. In particular, we focus on those gaps relevant to countries that face technical, computational or other capacity barriers to conducting and utilising EEA assessments.

We provide an example of an approach for bridging across disciplines to support practitioner and decision-making communities with the utilisation of scientific research relevant to their operating contexts. Ultimately the aim is to support the infrastructure necessary for climate attribution science to inform effective climate adaptation and mitigation action, accounting for the inherent limitations and uncertainties.

How to cite: Waterson, A., Sanderson, M., McCarthy, M., and Wilson, L.: Extreme event attribution: a utilisation perspective for decision-making communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6509,, 2025.

Climate change poses significant risks to economic systems and corporate financial performance, yet a critical gap remains in understanding how these risks evolve into economic disruptions and financial stability challenges. This study investigates the pathways through which physical risks, such as extreme weather events and rising global temperatures, and transition risks, including policy shifts, regulatory changes, and technological advancements, disrupt key economic elements like supply chains, resource availability, and market dynamics. It also examines how these disruptions propagate into financial risks increasingly reflected in corporate financial statements and disclosures. A central focus is the integration of standardized frameworks, particularly the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) S2, to assess their role in addressing climate-related risks. The TCFD framework provides a structured approach for companies to disclose climate risks and opportunities, focusing on governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics. At the same time, IFRS S2 builds on these principles to establish a global baseline for sustainability-related financial disclosures, enhancing transparency and comparability across industries and regions. By mapping how climate risks impact economic and financial systems, the study evaluates the effectiveness of these frameworks in helping organizations identify vulnerabilities, improve corporate reporting consistency, and enhance resilience against disruptions. The findings provide actionable insights into how climate-related risks challenge economic stability and corporate performance while offering strategies for policymakers, businesses, and investors to mitigate risks, promote sustainability, and safeguard financial stability in an increasingly climate-vulnerable world.

How to cite: Lin, S. and Tung, C.: Bridging Climate Risks and Financial Stability: Analyzing Economic Disruptions and Corporate Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7523,, 2025.

EGU25-7850 | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Updating Australia’s Flood Guidance for Climate Change 

Rory Nathan, Conrad Wasko, and Seth Westra

Design flood estimation is the process of calculating either a peak flow, volume, or level with a defined probability of exceedance or average recurrence interval for the purposes of infrastructure design, planning, or decision making. The methods to be used for calculating a design flood are generally prescribed in national-level flood guidance documents. While traditionally these documents have assumed that historical data is stationary and hence representative of the future planning horizon, this assumption is no longer valid. Climate change is affecting various flood risk drivers including increasing extreme rainfalls and changing antecedence moisture conditions, resulting in altered flood exceedance probabilities. There are now mandatory requirements for corporate reporting of climate related risks. The net result is that flood guidance across the world is being updated for climate change.

While state-of-the-art regional climate modelling is invaluable for developing projections of extreme rainfall and other flood risk drivers, there are limitations associated with any single line of evidence that suggest a structured approach for evidentiary synthesis is needed. This issue is compounded in Australia, a large geographic area with relatively low population density, meaning that high-resolution regional climate modelling is only feasible in high-priority regions. Moreover, the purpose of design flood guidance is to inform flood estimation practice, and thus care is needed to ensure information is presented in a form that can be integrated into standard flood estimation practice. To this end, an approach to updating Australian flood guidance was developed to include the following elements: (1) expert elicitation (2) stakeholder engagement (3) a scientific review of literature relevant to design flood estimation, and (4) guidance preparation with stakeholder engagement to close the feedback loop. The methodology included a meta-analysis to aggregate information on extreme rainfall changes across multiple lines of evidence. The meta-analysis concluded that hourly extreme rainfalls intensify by 15% per degree of global warming while daily rainfall intensify by 8% per degree of global warming.

The updated guidance resulted in several novel outcomes. Uplift factors are recommended to be applied to design rainfalls up to and including the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP), and factors are provided to adjust loss rates and temporal patterns used in hydrological modelling. To estimate current flood risks it is recognised that the intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves based on historic data needs to be adjusted upwards to account for the embedded trend due to global warming. While not user requests could be met, for example additional guidance on the choice of temperature projection, overall, the adopted methodology ensured that the update met the user needs while being consistent with the current science.

How to cite: Nathan, R., Wasko, C., and Westra, S.: Updating Australia’s Flood Guidance for Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7850,, 2025.

EGU25-10140 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.5/NH13.10

High-resolution fully distributed hydrological modelling of flash floods based on convection-permitting regional climate model data: An integrated modelling framework 

Oakley Wagner, Diana Rechid, Olaf Conrad, Jürgen Böhner, and Laurens M. Bouwer

Spatial resolution is a key factor in the modelling of convective rainfall extremes and their environmental impacts under current and future climate. Rapid developments in the field of high-performance computing have advanced dynamical downscaling of climate simulations to convection-permitting scale. Such high-resolution regional climate models hold great potential for improved modelling of convective processes through refined depiction of land surface properties and solving of the vertical momentum equation. However, these simulations currently operate on scales (~ 3km) still too coarse to serve as direct input for hydrological modelling of flash floods in fast responding catchments with diverse land use/ land cover (LULC). We investigate the added value of such uncorrected convection-permitting regional climate model (CPRCM) data for hydrological impact modelling in a catchment of medium topographic complexity in Germany and suggest an outline for an integrated modelling framework for very high-resolution simulation of hydrometeorological extremes.

The study compares reanalysis-driven hourly precipitation simulations from the non-hydrostatic model ICON-CLM 2.6.4 at 3 km resolution (ICON3km) and its nest model ICON-CLM 2.6.4 with parametrised convection at 11 km (ICON11km) to adjusted radar data upscaled to respective resolution over a study area of 13,210 km² embedded between the Leipzig Lowlands and the Elster/ Ore Mountains in East Central Germany. While ICON3km alleviated the drizzle bias, it strongly overestimated heavy precipitation both in intensity and frequency. As a result, discharge computed using the distributed, physically based hydrological model WaSiM for the enclosed small to medium-sized catchments (107 to 529 km²) of the Weiße Elster river basin showed a strong positive bias when simulated based on uncorrected ICON3km data. The results suggest a necessity of bias correction of the CPRCM data before use in flash flood modelling.

In fast responding catchments with diverse LULC, hydrological impact simulations require meteorological data on an even finer scale than provided by common CPRCM setups. We suggest an integrated modelling framework for rural catchments, combining statistically downscaled CPRCM data and fully distributed hydrological models. An adequate representation of cultivated steep catchment slopes is implemented by high-resolution parametrisation of surface, vegetation and soil properties, as gained from freely available remote sensing and cadastral data. Key hydrological processes, such as Hortonian overland flow and saturation, are accounted for through process-based representation in an open-source modelling environment. The framework is envisioned to be applied i.a. for local flood hazard assessment and for the study of drivers of runoff dynamics under current and future climatic conditions. Furthermore, it is to be employed for the assessment of the effectiveness of selected agricultural runoff countermeasures under different climate change scenarios.

How to cite: Wagner, O., Rechid, D., Conrad, O., Böhner, J., and Bouwer, L. M.: High-resolution fully distributed hydrological modelling of flash floods based on convection-permitting regional climate model data: An integrated modelling framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10140,, 2025.

EGU25-10936 | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Assessing the Impact of Climate and climate Change on Wine Grape Productivity in Italy: The Role of Convection-Permitting Models 

Giorgia Fosser, Laura T. Massano, Marco Gaetani, and Cécile Caillaud

Italy is a world leader in viticulture and wine business. However, the sector is facing challenges due to climate change, underscoring the necessity for reliable localised data on the future impacts of climate change on viticulture. The km-scale climate models, known as convection-permitting models (CPMs), are proven to provide a more reliable representation of atmospheric fields in high-resolution compared to coarser resolution models, but their use for impact studies is still limited. Here, we fill this gap by exploring the use of climate models, including CMP, in simulating wine grape productivity at a local scale in Italy.

In particular, the study utilises a range of temperature- and precipitation-based bioclimatic indices to analyse the potential impact of climate variability on viticulture. The indices are derived from the E-OBS dataset, the high-resolution climate reanalysis product SPHERA, the CNRM climate model at both regional (CNRM-ALADIN) and convection-permitting (CNRM-AROME) scale. The analysis employs both single and multiple regression approaches to establish the correlation between the productivity data provided by two Italian wine consortia and the bioclimatic indices over the period 2000-2018. The findings indicate a robust correlation between productivity and temperature-based bioclimatic indices, particularly within the context of northern Italy, with the multiple regression approach explaining between 45% and 64% of the total variability in productivity, depending on the case.

Climate models appear to be a useful tool for explaining productivity variance. The added value of CPM is evident when precipitation-based indices are relevant in controlling the yield variability. Moreover, one of the main advantages of using climate models, rather than re-analysis or observational data, is the possibility to examine future scenarios. Therefore, the CNRM-AROME simulation, driven by ERA-Interim, is used to build a multiple regression model for wine grape productivity in Italy in the period 1986-2005. The statistical model is then used to predict the future yield (2090-2099) under the RCP 8.5 emission scenario. The results are expected to provide valuable insights that will be useful for future adaptation strategies in the viticultural sector and pave the way for more widespread use of the CPMs in impact studies.

How to cite: Fosser, G., Massano, L. T., Gaetani, M., and Caillaud, C.: Assessing the Impact of Climate and climate Change on Wine Grape Productivity in Italy: The Role of Convection-Permitting Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10936,, 2025.

EGU25-12151 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Precipitation event profiles in a sub-hourly convection-permitting climate model ensemble 

Marie Hundhausen, Hayley J. Fowler, Hendrik Feldmann, and Joaquim G. Pinto

Apart from the rainfall depth, the impact of an extreme precipitation event is influenced by its temporal profile, including the timing, magnitude, and duration of the peak intensity, which often occur on sub-hourly time scales. It is therefore crucial to accurately represent this time scale in climate models to increase the confidence in projected climate change signals of extreme precipitation.

High-resolution climate projections at the convection-permitting (CP) scale have been shown to improve the representation of precipitation intermittency, intensity, and diurnal cycle, and this greatly improves their representation of extreme precipitation at sub-daily time scales. However, previous studies of CP simulations have often been limited to hourly model outputs, and little is known about their representation of sub-hourly extreme precipitation.

Our study investigates sub-hourly precipitation in the KIT-KLIWA ensemble - a CP climate model ensemble over Germany with a resolution of 2.8 km. It is driven by 3 CMIP5 GCMs that are coupled to the regional climate model COSMO-CLM. We use a novel event-based approach to compare modelled extreme precipitation events at a temporal resolution down to 5 mins with station and radar observation networks in Germany for the historical period (1971-2000).

Our results show the benefit of using an event-based analysis for the understanding of modelled precipitation biases in CP climate model simulations. Moreover, we find that key features of the temporal precipitation event profiles - including the 5-min peak intensity and the timing of the bulk precipitation - are reproduced by the CP climate model simulations.

How to cite: Hundhausen, M., Fowler, H. J., Feldmann, H., and Pinto, J. G.: Precipitation event profiles in a sub-hourly convection-permitting climate model ensemble, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12151,, 2025.

EGU25-12334 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Integrating climate change impact modelling and local stakeholder participation for water resources management on the Katari River Basin, Bolivia 

Jose Pablo Teran Orsini, Afnan Agramont Akiyama, Leonardo Villafuerte, and Guadalupe Peres-Cajias

The Katari River Basin (KRB) is increasingly vulnerable to climate change, which affects water availability, water quality, and ecosystems. Economic activities are amplifying these issues by increasing water demand and pollution. Local indigenous communities are particularly impacted by these challenges, which arise from a combination of climate change effects, pollution, and poor water management practices. The absence of clear strategies for adaptation or mitigation further exacerbates these vulnerabilities. This study integrates impact modelling with a participatory framework for water resource management, the Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA). It combines climate projections from regional climate models of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP), hydrological modelling using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+), and stakeholder engagement across diverse sectors of the basin. This approach allows to identify present and future challenges in the KRB and establishes adaptation pathways to reduce vulnerabilities. The first phase of the implementation of the CRIDA framework involved a workshop where maps were created by stakeholders highlighting challenges such as droughts, floods, water pollution, erosion, and solid waste transport. Collaborative discussions fostered empathy and a shared commitment to identifying solutions. Furthermore, modelling results indicate drying trends during the dry season and intensified wet periods, heightening risks of droughts, floods, and water scarcity. These findings, shared with stakeholders, enabled them to anticipate how current challenges may evolve and to develop informed strategies for resilience. This work establishes a critical foundation for adaptive water management by incorporating stakeholder insights and informed decision-making. Future discussions as part of CRIDA between local communities, municipal governments, and Bolivia’s Ministry of Environment and Water will benefit from this shared understanding of the KRB’s climate risks, challenges, and potential adaptation solutions. Moreover, the developed hydrological model will serve as a ‘’stress-testing’’ tool, whereby proposed solutions can be evaluated to find the most effective one.

How to cite: Teran Orsini, J. P., Agramont Akiyama, A., Villafuerte, L., and Peres-Cajias, G.: Integrating climate change impact modelling and local stakeholder participation for water resources management on the Katari River Basin, Bolivia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12334,, 2025.

EGU25-12428 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Assessment of the thermal capacity of urban parks to mitigate the urban heat island in the main cities in Romania 

Alexandru-Constantin Corocăescu, Lucian Sfîcă, Pavel Ichim, Adrian Grozavu, Ruben Miron, and Maria-Andreea Baltag

It is well known that urban parks cause a cooling effect on the urban climate and have a decisive role in the formation of the Park Cool Island (PCI) effect. Urban parks can help lower the Land Surface Temperature (LST), and consequently mitigate the effects of the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI).
Parks in Romanian cities vary in size, shape, vegetation density, and configuration, all of which influence their ability to produce a cooling effect. In the current study, various parks in Romania's major cities have been investigated to understand their capacity to locally alleviate/buffer the UHI effect and contribute to more comfortable thermal urban environments. In the present study, we also aimed to develop an algorithm to classify the cooling efficiency of parks. This algorithm incorporates various aspects, such as urban metrics (distance to the center of the urban heat island or UHI boundaries, distance to the center of densely built-up areas), urban built-up conditions (areas with extensive impervious surfaces, paved, asphalted, and concreted areas), or urban land cover (the percentage of the total area occupied by water bodies, wooded, grassed areas). 
To be able to extract the percentage of the total area occupied by wooded, grassed, paved, asphalted, and concreted areas, a number of biophysical indices that aim to evaluate the amount of urban vegetation or the percentage occupied by different types of natural or artificial surfaces were used, such as the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), SAVI (Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index), LAI (Leaf Area Index), NDII (Normalized Difference Impervious Index), NDBI (Normalized Difference Building Index).
Overall, the analysis of multiannual Land Surface Temperature (LST) data extracted from Landsat 8-9 thermal bands in summer 2024 reveals that Romanian urban parks generally exhibit cooler and more stable thermal profiles compared to surrounding urban areas. The thermal difference between the different urban parks and the surrounding urban areas ranged between 1.5-3.5°C. This significant variation in the cooling effect depends strongly on the position of the parks within the urban landscape and the relation to the UHI boundaries (quasi-central, peripheral, or bordering), the compositional (ratio of green or artificial surfaces), and configurational (area, shape index) characteristics and tree density.
Parks with a quasi-central position in the urban landscape, with an area of more than 30 ha, a percentage of green areas of more than 70%, a rounded or slightly rectangular shape, and a high tree density generated the most substantial cooling effects, with temperature differences of up to 3.5-4 °C. The analyzed urban parks also generate a temperature gradient effect, whereby temperatures gradually rise as one moves away from the park into the surrounding urban environment. As a key finding, we outline that in Romanian cities, the cooling effect on air temperature decreases by approximately 1.3-1,6°C per 10 meters from the park's edge. 
    In conclusion, this research demonstrates the vital role of urban parks in mitigating UHI effects in Romania's main cities, emphasizing the need for strategic urban planning that maximizes their cooling potential.

How to cite: Corocăescu, A.-C., Sfîcă, L., Ichim, P., Grozavu, A., Miron, R., and Baltag, M.-A.: Assessment of the thermal capacity of urban parks to mitigate the urban heat island in the main cities in Romania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12428,, 2025.

EGU25-14266 | Posters on site | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Enhancing Agricultural Resilience in Vanuatu through Climate Information Services: Insights from the Van-KIRAP Project 

Jong Ahn Chun, Sugyeong Park, Imgook Jung, Seongkyu Lee, Ji Hyun Kim, Pakoa Leo, Moirah Matou, and Sunny Seuseu

The Vanuatu Klaemet Infomesen blong Redy, Adapt mo Protekt (Van-KIRAP) project demonstrated the transformative role of tailored climate information services in building resilience to climate variability and change. Focused on key sectors such as agriculture, water, fisheries, tourism, and infrastructure, the project integrated advanced tools and methods to empower decision-makers, communities, and individuals. Under Van-KIRAP I, the project aimed to enhance decision-making capacities by developing the OSCAR system, an agro-meteorological information platform, alongside tools like the Crop-Climate Diary (CCD) application. These tools leveraged experimental trials, model calibration for crops like taro and cassava, and APCC’s seasonal climate forecasts to deliver actionable insights. The results enhanced farmers’ ability to optimize crop yields and adapt to climate-related challenges. Based on the success of OSCAR, efforts are underway in collaboration with the Vanuatu government and SPREP to develop OSCAR-II, with a focus on strengthening community engagement and expanding to include cash crops, under Van-KIRAP II through the One Pacific Programme funded by the Green Climate Fund. This planned initiative aims to further improve localized decision-support systems, farmer engagement, and the integration of crop-climate insights into broader resilience strategies. The success of Van-KIRAP emphasized the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration, sustained capacity building, and scaling of proven methods to other vulnerable regions in the Pacific. Recommendations include strengthening regional partnerships, investing in localized climate infrastructure, and refining user-centric tools to address community-specific needs. These efforts highlighted how climate information services can drive sustainable development and enhance resilience in the face of a changing climate.

How to cite: Chun, J. A., Park, S., Jung, I., Lee, S., Kim, J. H., Leo, P., Matou, M., and Seuseu, S.: Enhancing Agricultural Resilience in Vanuatu through Climate Information Services: Insights from the Van-KIRAP Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14266,, 2025.

EGU25-15968 | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Making sense of uncertainties: Ask the right question 

Alexander Gruber, Claire E. Bulgin, Wouter Dorigo, Owen Embury, Maud Formanek, Christopher Merchant, Jonathan Mittaz, Joaquín Muñoz-Sabater, Florian Pöppl, Adam Povey, and Wolfgang Wagner

Climate change solutions rely on data from numerical models, remote sensing, and ground observations. Improvements in modeling (such as convection-permitting models) and measurement technology (such as new remote sensing instruments) lead to an ever growing confidence in our understanding in processes and changes in the climate system. However, all data have---and will remain to have---an associated uncertainty, and it is crucial that these uncertainties are taken into account when designing data-informed climate change solution.

Data producers usually strive to provide reliable uncertainty estimates alongside their products that should help inform decisions that are based on these products. However, data users often struggle to make sense of uncertainty information, because it is usually expressed as the statistical spread in the observations (for example, as random error standard deviation), which does not relate to an intended use of the data. That is, data and their uncertainty are usually expressed as something like “x plus/minus y”, which does not answer the really important question: How much can I trust “x”, or any use of or decision based upon “x”? As a consequence, uncertainties are often ignored altogether, and model predictions or observational data taken at face value.  

In this talk, we demonstrate how looking at deterministic estimates from models or Earth observations alone can be misleading, and that any decisions based on these estimates are unlikely to be the best course of action. We then show how typical data representations like “the state of this variable is “x plus/minus y” can be transformed into more meaningful, actionable information, i.e., statements such as “the data and their uncertainties suggest that we can be “z” \% confident that…”. Finally, we discuss how such an approach can help data users make better decisions and design more reliable climate change solutions, thus maximizing the socioeconomic merit of Earth system science data. Adopting such an approach will be a transdisciplinary endeavour that requires close dialogues between data producers and decision makers.

How to cite: Gruber, A., Bulgin, C. E., Dorigo, W., Embury, O., Formanek, M., Merchant, C., Mittaz, J., Muñoz-Sabater, J., Pöppl, F., Povey, A., and Wagner, W.: Making sense of uncertainties: Ask the right question, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15968,, 2025.

EGU25-16274 | Posters on site | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Future sub-daily extreme precipitation: can a stochastic method based on temperature shifts agree with explicit simulations from an ensemble of convection-permitting models? 

Petr Vohnicky, Rashid Akbary, Eleonora Dallan, Nadav Peleg, Francesco Marra, Giorgia Fosser, and Marco Borga

Extreme sub-daily precipitation can trigger natural disasters such as flash floods, urban floods, and debris flows, causing significant damage to infrastructure, homes, and livelihoods. With rising global temperatures, the atmosphere’s increased moisture-holding capacity enhances the potential for more intense and frequent extreme precipitation events. Sub-daily precipitation extremes are already increasing in magnitude, and the associated recurrence intervals are decreasing. A key component of climate change adaptation and resilience is quantifying the likelihood that future sub-daily extreme precipitation will exceed historical levels under different climate scenarios. Convection-permitting models (CPMs) are capable of resolving the physical processes driving precipitation extremes at high spatial and temporal resolutions. However, CPM simulations are computationally expensive and are available for a limited number of future scenarios. A recently proposed stochastic framework (TENAX) leverages temperature-precipitation scaling relationships and projected changes in daily temperature during wet days to estimate changes in extreme sub-daily precipitation. Can such a stochastic approach based on climate model simulations of temperature during wet days deliver projections of sub-daily extreme precipitation comparable to explicit simulations from CPMs?

This study evaluates the performance of TENAX in comparison to an ensemble of CPM simulations from the CORDEX-FPS Convection project over north-eastern Italy. Using historical (1996–2005) and far-future (2090–2099) CPM simulations under the RCP8.5 scenario and in-situ measurements of precipitation and temperature, we compare the return levels estimated using TENAX with the ones estimated with an extreme value method (SMEV) from the CPM ensemble. We assess two approaches for the application of TENAX: first, we train the model using CPM hourly precipitation and temperature for the historical period; then we train it using in-situ observations of the same quantities. In both cases, we project future return levels based on the changes in mean and variance of the daily temperature during the wet days as projected by the CPMs.

This analysis examines the potential of TENAX as a computationally efficient alternative to CPMs, as one of its key advantages is the ability to project sub-daily precipitation extremes even in the absence of CPM simulations, expanding its applicability to regions or scenarios where CPMs are not yet available.

How to cite: Vohnicky, P., Akbary, R., Dallan, E., Peleg, N., Marra, F., Fosser, G., and Borga, M.: Future sub-daily extreme precipitation: can a stochastic method based on temperature shifts agree with explicit simulations from an ensemble of convection-permitting models?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16274,, 2025.

EGU25-18666 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Transdisciplinary Approaches for Climate-Resilient Adaptation: Insights from the Delta Wealth Project 

Ana Restu Nirwana, Yara Maljers, Laura Piedelobo, and Teun Terpstra

The Netherlands’ Southwest Delta (SW-Delta) faces complex challenges as climate change and sea level rise (SLR) intensify conflicts between flood protection infrastructures, ecological health, and economic activities. Consequently, integrating multiple disciplines and across sectors to address competing needs and interconnected challenges is becoming crucial. The Delta Wealth project, funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), aims to develop adaptive climate adaptation strategies that enhance the long-term SW-Delta’s resilience by balancing a safe, ecologically healthy, and economically prosperous. This study aims to identify and evaluate the approach employed by the Delta Wealth project to bridge scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders in developing resilience strategies that balance ecology, safety, and economy, resulting in co-creating adaptive, scientifically sound, practical, and socially accepted resilience measures. We employed a literature review, interviews with researchers, biweekly meetings, expert meetings, project documentation analysis, and storyline communication to evaluate the opportunities and limitations of the collaborative methods applied by the Delta Wealth project. Our findings reveal that the Delta Wealth project applies a transdisciplinary approach, an approach that integrates diverse disciplines, practitioners, and stakeholders, and utilizes methods like co-creation processes, stakeholder engagement, and digital storyline tools to balance ecology, safety, and economy in the SW-Delta. They establish a science-policy-society interface (Learning Community), iteratively integrating knowledge produced by ongoing PhD students from different universities with multiple disciplines, including 1) flood risk management, 2) freshwater availability and salinization, 3) ecology, 4) social welfare, and 5) societal support. Research organizations like Deltares collaborate on expertise in freshwater, hydraulic, and flood risk modeling. Governmental institutions, including the Province of Zeeland, Rijkswaterstaat, and Waterboard Scheldestromen, provide insights into regional environmental management, national water management, flood defenses, and coastal protection. Private sector companies like HKV and Boskalis offer inputs on technical expertise in hydraulic engineering and flood defense design. Non-governmental organizations such as Het Zeeuwse Landschap and Bureau Waardenburg provide perspectives on environmental consultancy, ecological impacts, and landscape conservation. Stakeholder organizations, including Zeeuwse Land- en Tuinbouworganisatie (ZLTO) and Gebiedsoverleg Zuidwestelijke Delta, represent the agricultural sector and regional governance, respectively. They use ArcGIS StoryMaps, an interactive web platform based on simple narratives, visuals, and maps to communicate their findings. Our study demonstrates that their approaches effectively facilitate collaboration across sectors and support the development of climate adaptation strategies that acknowledge and navigate priorities. However, future research should broaden stakeholder engagement by prioritizing key disciplines and stakeholders and increasing the frequency of interactions through collaborative digital tools for more efficient communication. This paper provides insights and lessons that could be applied in other delta regions facing similar challenges and in similar transition processes to a long-term strategic delta planning approach.

Keywords: Climate Adaptation, Sea Level Rise, Transdisciplinary Approach, Stakeholder Engagement, Climate Resilience Strategies, Delta Wealth Project

How to cite: Nirwana, A. R., Maljers, Y., Piedelobo, L., and Terpstra, T.: Transdisciplinary Approaches for Climate-Resilient Adaptation: Insights from the Delta Wealth Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18666,, 2025.

The EU’s CBAM is the first Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism introduced in the world. By putting a fair price on the carbon emitted during the production of carbon-intensive goods that are entering the EU from non-EU countries, the CBAM aims to prevent EU producers from being put at a competitive disadvantage to imports from countries where carbon is not priced and, eventually, to encourage cleaner industrial production in non-EU countries. Therefore, we may say that the ultimate goal of CBAM is to promote corporations’ efforts in carbon reduction. Currently, six industries are subject to carbon border adjustment.While the potentials of CBAM receive great attention from governments, practitioners, and scholars, there are also many criticisms and skepticisms about the effectiveness of CBAM. One major skepticism is whether CBAM can actually promote significant carbon reduction. However, since CBAM will not be applied in its definite regime until 2026, there are few empirical studies that evaluate its effectiveness and impact. Therefore, the objective of this study is to empirically test the effectiveness of CBAM and the financial impacts of CABM on the affected firms.

The research design is based on the assumption that, since it takes significant time for corporations to effectively reduce their carbon footprint, corporations will invest efforts in carbon reduction and gradually exhibit lower carbon emissions well before 2026 if CBAM is going to be an effective mechanism or policy. We used the panel data from 2019 to 2022 to empirically analyze 144 firms that belong to those six industries that are subject to carbon border adjustment; 73 of them have been exporting to the EU (i.e., CBAM-affected) and 71 have not (non CBAM-affected).

In terms of policy effectiveness, we hypothesize that CBAM is effective. Empirically, if CBAM is an effective policy, the degree of carbon reduction of the CBAM-affected corporations after the announcement of CBAM in 2021 will be higher than that of non-affected corporations. In terms of the CBAM’s impacts on firms’ financial performance, based on the increasing trend in green consumerism, we hypothesized that the increased sales of the CBAM-affected firms due to green production will outweigh the cost of carbon reduction, yielding better financial performance. Empirically, if the hypothesis is true, the financial performance improvement of the CBAM-affected corporations after the announcement of CBAM in 2021 will be higher than that of non-affected corporations.

The empirical results show that, while both CBAM-affected and non-affected firms exhibit “similar” level of carbon reduction before 2021, the year of announcing CBAM, the CBAM-affected firms exhibit “higher degree” of carbon reduction than the non-affected firms after the announcement of CBAM. Therefore, we conclude that the data supports that CBAM is an effective policy in terms of reducing the carbon emissions of the CBAM-affected firms. The results also show that, while both CBAM-affected and non-affected firms exhibit “similar” level of financial performance before 2021, the CBAM-affected firms exhibit “higher degree” of financial performance improvement than the non-affected firms after the announcement of CBAM.

How to cite: Ho, S. P., Wang, C.-S., and Lai, W. Z. H.: The Effectiveness of EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the Financial Impacts of CBAM on the Affected Firms: An Empirical Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19681,, 2025.

Modelers often use “off the shelf” climate projections from downscaled Global Climate Models (GCMs) to simulate the effects of climate change on biophysical processes such as wildfire regimes. Many downscaled GCMs are available at the scales relevant for biophysical modeling (e.g., 4-km resolution). When it is too computationally intensive to run biophysical models using all GCMs, modelers may select a subset of GCMs to represent different climate futures. These models are often chosen to bookend a range of climate changes. This “model selection” process typically focuses on a limited number of future climate characteristics (e.g., temperature and precipitation trends) while ignoring others, such as the timing of drought. An equally important concern when simulating multiple study areas, is that model selection is conducted at the encompassing regional scale and then applied to smaller landscapes within the region. However, if time series characteristics vary among GCMs and/or spatially within regions, then the drivers of biophysical projections may be misattributed. To investigate the extent and effects of these concerns, we quantified how multiple time series characteristics vary among 20 downscaled GCM projections from the statistically downscaled Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) dataset for four watersheds in the Sierra Nevada Ecoregion, and assessed how each GCM’s time series characteristics vary between watershed and regional scales. We then simulated how each of the 20 GCMs influenced fire regimes in one of the watersheds using the biophysical, fire regime model RHESSys-WMFire. Finally, investigated how different time series characteristics influenced fire size, number of fires, and the timing of fires.

            We found that in some GCMs, periodic events occurred at the regional scale but not in all of the watersheds, whereas in others the inverse was true. When analyzing how different GCMs influenced fire regime projections, we found that even when two GCMs had similar temperature and precipitation trends, they could still produce very different fire regimes due to differences in other time series characteristics, such as precipitation variability. Our study demonstrates that it is essential for biophysical modelers to incorporate robust time series and spatial analyses into their GCM model selection approach in order to confidently interpret the mechanisms driving their climate change projections.

How to cite: Cale, A. and Hanan, E.: Reckoning with complexity: robust time series and spatial analyses are critical when selecting GCM models for biophysical modeling studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20648,, 2025.

Climate action (SDG 13) and reducing inequalities (SDG 10) are central goals of sustainable development. However, the distribution of climate risks and carbon emissions across regions is uneven, and this disparity poses significant challenges in global climate change governance. To address this issue, this study defines the concept of climate risk and introduces the "Mismatch Responsibility Index" to quantify the imbalance between carbon emissions (carbon footprint) and climate risk burdens. The study further examines the socio-economic and technological factors that drive this imbalance. The key findings include: (1) Climate risks and carbon footprints exhibit significant spatial and temporal variability, with the gap between cities expanding over time; (2) In China, more than half of the prefecture-level cities experience a significant mismatch in climate responsibility, with underdeveloped regions facing disproportionately high climate risks; (3) The main factors contributing to this mismatch are energy consumption patterns, population size, and the level of technological innovation. Further policy analysis indicates that local government policies, the promotion of regional green energy transitions, and technological innovation are essential to narrowing the gap in responsibility distribution. (4) Using simulations of different policy scenarios, the study proposes several recommendations, including strengthening local government climate policies, supporting green energy transitions, promoting technological innovation, and reallocating international climate finance. These measures are expected to reduce regional disparities in climate responsibility and contribute to more equitable climate governance.

How to cite: Li, Y., Liu, X., Hasi, E., Ji, R., Zhang, S., and Hao, Y.: The Climate Risk and Regional Carbon Emission Responsibility in China from the Perspective of "Mismatch Responsibility": Temporal-Spatial Variability and Driving Factors Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-383,, 2025.

Floods, as one of the most devastating natural disasters, have far-reaching impacts on property, safety, and mental health. This study employs Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to explore the pathways linking flood experiences to psychological distress, focusing on mediating factors such as property loss, recovery efforts, and socioeconomic conditions. Drawing on data from the 2021 floods in Germany, the analysis provides insights into how direct and indirect factors interact to shape mental health outcomes.

Flood experience is conceptualized as direct exposure to flood hazards, including water depth, flow velocity, and contamination. These factors collectively capture the intensity and severity of the flood event. Key findings reveal that flood experience significantly predicts property loss (Estimate = 0.254, p < 0.001) and direct impacts such as self-injury, family injury, and uncertainty about the safety or whereabouts of family members or close friends during flood, which, in turn, exacerbate psychological effects. These direct impacts, alongside property loss, drive psychological impacts, measured through post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) screening and ongoing mental health effects, including persistent thoughts about the event and whether it continues to affect individuals' daily lives (Estimate = 2.227, p = 0.006). Socioeconomic factors, such as income and property ownership, influence recovery efforts, which mitigate psychological distress (Estimate = 0.294, p < 0.001). While recovery efforts mitigate distress (Estimate = 0.294, p < 0.001), property loss remains a substantial stressor. The total indirect effect of flood experience on psychological burden (Estimate = 0.304, p = 0.002) underscores the cumulative impact of material loss, immediate threats, and recovery challenges.

The model achieves strong fit indices (χ²/df = 2.15, RMSEA = 0.048, CFI = 0.925), validating its conceptual framework. These findings emphasize the critical role of flood experience in shaping mental health outcomes and the need for holistic disaster response strategies that address immediate impacts and foster long-term psychological recovery. By emphasizing both direct and cascading effects, this study informs policies aimed at enhancing resilience and mental health support in flood-prone areas.

How to cite: Pham, T. T. T. and Sairam, N.: Understanding the Psychological Impacts of Flooding: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach from the 2021 German Floods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-830,, 2025.

EGU25-1449 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Health and Economic Costs of Future Extreme Heat Risk 

Shupeng Zhu, Yida Sun, Daoping Wang, and Dabo Guan

Evidence shows an ongoing increase in the frequency and severity of global heatwaves, raising concerns about the future impacts of climate change and the associated socio-economic costs. Here, we develop a disaster footprint analytical framework by integrating climate models, epidemiological and hybrid input-output, and computable general equilibrium global trade models to estimate the mid-century socioeconomic impacts of heat stress. We consider health costs related to heat exposure, the value of heat-induced labor productivity loss, and indirect losses due to economic disruptions cascading through supply chains. We find that the global heatwave days would increase by 104% in 2060 compared to 2022 under SSP585, and the global average annual number of heat-induced deaths would increase to around 1.12 million (0.85 ~ 1.39 million). For economic impacts, we show that the global annual incremental loss increases exponentially from 0.03±0.01 (SSP245) ~ 0.05±0.03 (SSP585) percentage points during 2030 – 2040 to 0.05±0.01 ~ 0.15±0.04 percentage points during 2050 – 2060. By 2060, the expected global economic losses reach a total of 0.6% ~ 4.6% with losses attributed to health loss (37%~45%), labor productivity loss (18%~37%), and indirect loss (12%~43%) under different SSPs. Small and medium-sized developing countries in Southeast Asia and Africa suffer the most from heat risks as well as regional supply chain disruptions.

How to cite: Zhu, S., Sun, Y., Wang, D., and Guan, D.: Health and Economic Costs of Future Extreme Heat Risk, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1449,, 2025.

EGU25-3401 | Orals | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Reconsidering the macroeconomic damages of severe warming 

Timothy Neal, Ben Newell, and Andy Pitman

Projections of macroeconomic damage from future climate change tend to suggest mild to moderate impacts. This leads to welfare-optimal climate policies in Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) that recommend very slow emissions reductions over the coming decades, in sharp contrast with the ambitions of the Paris Agreement. These econometric models assume that weather impacting a single country is all that affects the economy of that country. We examine whether the addition of global weather conditions in the empirical modelling of economic growth affects the projections of the impact of climate change on global GDP. In effect, we explore whether the interconnectedness of the global economy makes individual countries vulnerable to weather changes that impact other countries. Using three influential econometric models we add global weather to the regressions. We find that this leads to significant worsening of the projections of macroeconomic damage for given future emissions scenarios. Damage to world GDP in 2100 under SSP5-8.5, averaged across both econometric models and climate models increases from ~11%  under models without global weather to ~40% if global weather is included. Further, we demonstrate that when the damage function used in IAMs is estimated from empirical models augmented with global weather conditions, they reduce the welfare-optimal amount of climate change from ~2.7C to ~1.7C which is consistent with the Paris Agreement targets. Our results highlight the need for econometric modelling and climate science’s understanding of extreme events to be integrated much more consistently to ensure the costs of climate change are not underestimated. 

How to cite: Neal, T., Newell, B., and Pitman, A.: Reconsidering the macroeconomic damages of severe warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3401,, 2025.

EGU25-4445 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Impact-Based Hail Forecasts for Switzerland in the scClim Project 

Valentin Gebhart, Timo Schmid, and David N. Bresch

Hail is a main contributor to weather-related damages to buildings, cars, and agriculture in Switzerland, demanding actionable information on hail risks and forecasts across sectors. The research project scClim addresses this demand by establishing a seamless model chain from observing, modelling and forecasting hail events to the quantification of hail impacts, including simulations to compare hail occurrence in current and future climate.

Within the project, we study several types of impact-based hail forecasts and warnings for Switzerland, addressing the interests of different stakeholder groups. We employ ensemble weather forecasts by the Swiss Meteorological Office combined with (a) impact-informed vulnerability thresholds to produce local hail warnings, and (b) information about exposed assets and their calibrated vulnerability to produce aggregated hail impact forecasts. While the impact-based forecasts would have to be thoroughly validated before operational use, the forecast products highlight how varying demands of different stakeholder groups shape the forecast product and the provided information.

How to cite: Gebhart, V., Schmid, T., and Bresch, D. N.: Impact-Based Hail Forecasts for Switzerland in the scClim Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4445,, 2025.

The aging agricultural labor force presents significant challenges to farm productivity and sustainability, particularly when compounded by climate change. This issue is especially critical in countries like Thailand, where the agricultural workforce is aging rapidly. Notably, 2.84 million older adults are engaged in the agricultural sector, representing 59.2% of all older adults participating in the economy. A Swiss Re Institute (2021) study ranked Thailand as the fifth most vulnerable country to GDP impacts from climate change. Furthermore, projections indicate that climate change could inflict cumulative damages on Thailand's agricultural sector, totaling 0.61–2.85 trillion baht from 2011 to 2045, averaging 17.9–83.8 billion baht annually. Without adequate preparation, Thailand risks significant economic downturns driven by agricultural productivity and production losses.


Effective local governance is one of the most crucial determinants of coping with the crisis above. This study used a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative research included a survey of 2,500 older farmers in 2024 from three provinces in Thailand: Chiang Rai in the northern region, Buriram in the Northeastern region, and Uthai Thani in the central part, where extreme drought exists. The qualitative approach involved focus groups with older farmers and in-depth interviews with policymakers and older farmers.


The findings revealed that flexible and adaptable local governance is among the most critical factors contributing to the resilience of older farmers. Drought management for older farmers in Thailand requires coordination among multiple agencies with distinct roles, emphasizing the need for integration to ensure effective communication. Agencies must collaborate to share information and coordinate efforts to disseminate accurate, comprehensive, and timely information. Examples include broadcasting weather forecasts from the Meteorological Department, coordinating cloud-seeding operations, and providing water and resource management guidance through the Irrigation Department. More importantly, its communication strategies must specifically target older farmers. Various communication channels should be utilized, particularly platforms that older farmers can readily access, such as community radio, village loudspeakers, and local media. Additionally, digital platforms and social media can be leveraged to inform younger family members, who can relay the information to older adults. To ensure accessibility, communication materials should be simple, straightforward, and audience-specific. This includes tailored communication, such as using local dialects or translating complex information into user-friendly formats, as older farmers may have difficulty understanding formal language or technical terms. This effectively supports their resilience in drought.  After implementing drought management measures, the government must assess the effectiveness of its communication strategies. This evaluation should determine whether the information was delivered efficiently to older farmers and identify gaps or barriers in the communication process. Based on these insights, necessary adjustments should be made to enhance future communication efforts, ensuring they are tailored to this demographic's needs, preferences, and limitations.

Keywords: Adaptive Governance, Older Farmers, Risk Reduction, Resiliency, Drought

How to cite: Swangsilp, S.: Local Governance for Enhancing Resilience to Climatic Challenges Among Older Farmers: A Case Study from an Extreme Drought-Prone Area in Thailand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5150,, 2025.

EGU25-5881 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Past and Projected Climate Extremes Impacts on Human Development  

Marta Mastropietro, Jonathan Spinoni, and Massimo Tavoni

Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme events and hazards, posing serious risks to societies and ecosystems worldwide. These phenomena do not only threaten economic systems but also broader dimensions of human well-being, including inequality, health, and education. Despite a growing recognition of these risks, the global mechanisms linking climate extremes to human development remain poorly understood. Furthermore, besides GDP, explicit estimation of future climate change damages and extremes on socio-economic projections remain limited. 

In this study, we focus on the impacts of climate extremes on human development, analyzing their effects on three main components of the Human Development Index (HDI): life expectancy, expected years of schooling, and gross national income per capita. Using a dataset covering 1,773 sub-national regions over three decades from 1990 to 2020, we employ high-resolution climate data to examine immediate and lagged socio-economic responses to extreme events and hazards, particularly rainfall extremes, heatwaves, and droughts. By exploiting fixed effects panel modeling, our approach accounts for the simultaneous inclusion of multiple extremes in damage functions and evaluates the integration of an adaptation proxy to capture regional differences in vulnerability.

Finally, we apply the derived impact functions to Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) scenarios, providing projections of climate-driven damages on HDI across different development and climatic narratives, capturing the key climatic and social uncertainties. 


How to cite: Mastropietro, M., Spinoni, J., and Tavoni, M.: Past and Projected Climate Extremes Impacts on Human Development , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5881,, 2025.

The "Early Warning for All" initiative, launched at COP27, aims to ensure global coverage by early warning systems (EWS) for hazardous weather, water, or climate events by 2027. This study evaluates the effectiveness of EWS in Northeast China focusing on six meteorological disasters: heavy rain, cold waves, high winds, high temperatures, hail, and frost over the past five years.

We analyze the evolution in the timeliness and content of early warnings, correlating these with the integration of new technologies. Our findings reveal significant variations in EWS performance across different disaster types and geographical areas. For instance, while some systems provide warnings with substantial lead times for events like heavy rain and cold waves, others, particularly for hail and frost, show less temporal advance or accuracy.

This research highlights the disparity between scientific advancements in EWS and their practical application, underscoring the need for improved communication and decision-making processes within the warning system framework. We discuss the reasons for these imbalances, such as technological adoption rates, regional infrastructure variances, and policy implementation challenges.

Our study suggests that while technological capabilities have advanced, the translation into operational EWS effectiveness remains uneven. We propose several strategies to bridge the gap between scientific potential and operational reality, aiming to enhance the third pillar of EWS—effective communication and decision-making. These insights are crucial for refining EWS to better protect communities from natural hazards, contributing to the global aim of universal early warning coverage by 2027.

Keywords: Early Warning Systems, Meteorological Disasters, Northeast China, Timeliness, Accuracy, Communication Strategies, Decision-Making, Climate Resilience

How to cite: li, C.: Enhancing Timeliness of EWS with new technology: A case study in Northeast China , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7739,, 2025.

EGU25-8356 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Assessing the impact of hail on wheat production in Europe under climate change 

Ruoyi Cui, Raphael Portmann, Iris Thurnherr, and Pierluigi Calanca

Hailstorms have shown rising severity and frequency in recent years, posing a growing threat to crops and presenting significant challenges for the agricultural and insurance sectors in the face of climate change. As part of an interdisciplinary project (scCLIM, Seamless coupling of kilometer-resolution weather predictions and climate simulations with hail impact assessments for multiple sectors), this study focuses on assessing the impact of future hail occurrence on wheat across Europe.

We utilize results from high-resolution climate simulations with a grid spacing of 2.2 km, which were conducted using the COSMO regional climate model for both current and future climate. The future climate simulation, targeting a 3°C global warming scenario, was performed using the pseudo-global warming approach. Hail activity was simulated using the hail growth model HAILCAST, which was embedded within COSMO. A model of wheat phenology was used to estimate the wheat harvest dates based on COSMO outputs, enabling an assessment of the present and future exposure of wheat to hail.  By integrating high-resolution climate simulations with a crop phenology model, this approach bridges the gap between agricultural production and climate risks associated with extreme events. 

In this contribution, we examine the temporal and spatial alignment between hail events and crop development, with a particular focus on assessing the sensitivity of future risk of hail damage to wheat with respect to the interplay between changes in hail occurrence and earlier harvest dates. The results reveal regional variations in hail impacts on wheat across Europe, offering valuable insights into crop management, climate change adaptation strategies, and risk assessment within the insurance sector.

How to cite: Cui, R., Portmann, R., Thurnherr, I., and Calanca, P.: Assessing the impact of hail on wheat production in Europe under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8356,, 2025.

EGU25-8464 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Data requirements for assessing global socio-economic wildfire impacts and risks 

Carmen B. Steinmann, Jonathan Koh, Chahan M. Kropf, David N. Bresch, and Stijn Hantson

Wildfires are an emerging peril in traditional natural hazard risk assessment. Increasingly extreme fire behavior, unprecedented mega-fires and rising economic damages are commonly attributed to a combination of climatic shifts, expansion in areas where human development meets natural landscapes (wildland-urban interface), and an accumulation of fuel. 

Remote sensing products provide the most comprehensive data source for the global assessment of wildfires and their impacts. However, scientists and practitioners in Disaster Risk Reduction are faced with several fire products from different satellite missions, whose differences, advantages and limitations can be difficult to assess and understand, especially for users outside the remote sensing domain. At best, this issue complicates the process of identifying the most appropriate dataset, making it a challenging and time-consuming endeavor; at worst, it can result in inaccurate results. 

We address these issues by offering a concise overview of remote sensing fire products and clarifying terms that are interpreted differently across scientific communities, with a focus on their application in risk assessment. Our analysis centers on products representing burned area and active fire locations. While burned area products leverage several satellite overpasses and reflect the area affected by large fires best, active fire location products provide the fire radiative power, a measure of the fire intensity, which is an important metric linked to impacts. 

We present a historic wildfire hazard set, which combines burned area data and fire radiative power recorded by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite product for the years 2002–2023. We join this hazard set with exposure datasets (representing physical assets and population) and damage records to calibrate socio-economic vulnerabilities to wildfires. This forms the basis for estimating wildfire impacts and risks, necessary for prioritising adaptation options and the pricing of insurance.

How to cite: Steinmann, C. B., Koh, J., Kropf, C. M., Bresch, D. N., and Hantson, S.: Data requirements for assessing global socio-economic wildfire impacts and risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8464,, 2025.

EGU25-8483 | Orals | ITS2.6/CL0.4

 A return period-based early warning index for extreme precipitation  

Jessica Keune, Francesca Di Giuseppe, Fredrik Wetterhall, and Chris Barnard

Extreme precipitation events often lead to local or downstream flooding and can have devastating impacts from infrastructure damage to loss of life. As climate change progresses, these events have become increasingly frequent and intense, posing significant challenges to societies. While warning systems for fluvial flooding such as the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) exist, localised downpours over impermeable urban areas remain difficult to predict. Even in countries with advanced early warning systems, precipitation intensity is often underestimated, leading to misrepresentations of potential impacts. Further, many localised flood events driven by very intense precipitation are not predicted at all.  

Here, we present a novel warning index that predicts the likelihood of extreme precipitation and targets localised urban and pluvial flooding, thereby addressing a gap in existing warning systems. The presented warning index is based on a novel set of return period forecasts for extreme precipitation, that enable a correction of model biases. The index then estimates a risk through the mapping of likelihood and potential impacts, incorporating a fuzzy neighborhood approach that accounts for displacement errors in the prediction of extreme events as a function of lead time. Through this risk approach, the warning index aims to capture extreme but less probable events to improve the warnings’ reliability. Here, we present results for the 30 activations from the Copernicus Emergency Management System Rapid Mapping (CEMS RM) in 2024. The index shows reliable and actionable warnings for localised flooding events, offering significant advancements in risk management and preparedness for extreme precipitation impacts. 

This work was developed in the context of the Horizon Europe CENTAUR project

How to cite: Keune, J., Di Giuseppe, F., Wetterhall, F., and Barnard, C.:  A return period-based early warning index for extreme precipitation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8483,, 2025.

EGU25-8731 | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

A simple approach for developing storylines of flood impacts under various global warming levels 

Martina Kauzlaric, Lukas Munz, Markus Mosimann, Olivia Martius, and Andreas Paul Zischg

The past few years have seen increasingly frequent and intense floods, culminating in 2024 with a year characterized by widespread and devastating inundations worldwide. In Europe despite major advancements in flood forecasting and flood protection measures undertaken in the past, in2024 heavy rainfall events resulted in severe flood impacts and massive socio-economic losses, claiming over three hundred lives. Extreme precipitation, breaking observed records, is expected to have an increased likelihood under global warming all the more we should question and scrutinize our knowledge about the frequency and severity of floods. Reliable estimates of these are challenging even for the current climate conditions, and disaster gaps can lead us to an underestimation of the risks. The use of the UNSEEN method (Thompson et al. 2017) has been proved to be very valuable in estimating both, unprecedented but plausible extreme floods and droughts.

Here we present a simple method to expand the UNSEEN method to develop storylines under various global warning levels. We selected precipitation scenarios with different spatial patterns for estimated return periods between 100 and 1000 years from pooled re-forecasts from ECMWF (ENSext and SEAS5), providing 8400 years of plausible weather sequences. The selected climate scenarios are perturbed by increasing the precipitation intensity according to the Clausius-Clapeyron relation for five different global warming levels, and used to run coupled hydrologic-hydraulic simulations. The results show that record-breaking, high-impact river floods are possible under the current atmospheric conditions, and climate change substantially aggravates flood impacts, as the relative increase in peak discharge can be significantly larger than the increase in precipitation, leading to a disproportionally high flood impact increase. The development of storylines of extreme flood events with a high spatial and temporal resolution are a valuable tool to explore, describe, and communicate extreme events and their dynamics. Such instruments are key for developing an informed vision and comprehensive protective measures in terms of flood risk management and emergency response.



Thompson, V., Dunstone, N. J., Scaife, A.A., Smith, D. M., Slingo, J. M., Brown, S. and Belcher, S.E.: High risk of unprecedented UK rainfall in the current climate. Nat Commun 8, 107,, 2017.

How to cite: Kauzlaric, M., Munz, L., Mosimann, M., Martius, O., and Zischg, A. P.: A simple approach for developing storylines of flood impacts under various global warming levels, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8731,, 2025.

EGU25-8932 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Impact of Climate Extremes on Power Systems 

Sanja Duvnjak Zarkovic and Gabriele Messori

Society has become more dependent on reliable electricity infrastructure to function normally. The ascending trend of blackouts in recent years suggests that today’s power system is becoming increasingly vulnerable to severe weather and puts an accent on an emerging issue that deals with power system resilience. Resilience, in this context, refers to the system's capacity to limit the extent, severity, and duration of service disruptions following extreme events.

To better understand and improve power system resilience, this study presents a comprehensive analysis of outage statistics in Sweden from 2007 to 2021, utilizing data from Energiföretagen Sverige. The findings reveal that approximately 26% of all outages are attributable to weather-related events, affecting nearly one-third of customers and contributing significantly to customer outage durations. These disruptions directly undermine the reliability and resilience of the power grid.

This research examines the correlation between specific weather phenomena—such as storms, heavy snowfall, and high winds—and the frequency and severity of power outages. The analysis identifies a strong connection between severe weather patterns and prolonged outages, particularly in rural and forested regions where overhead power lines are more vulnerable. By analyzing spatial and temporal patterns, this study identifies vulnerable areas within Sweden's power infrastructure and emphasizes the need for targeted resilience strategies. Proposed measures include enhanced vegetation management, infrastructure reinforcement, and the adoption of advanced grid technologies to mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events. These insights contribute to developing a more robust and reliable electricity system, better equipped to withstand future climate challenges.

How to cite: Duvnjak Zarkovic, S. and Messori, G.: Impact of Climate Extremes on Power Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8932,, 2025.

EGU25-8933 | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Climate Risk Analysis for Marmara Region, Türkiye 

Ayşegül Ceren Moral, Cemre Yürük Sonuç, and Yurdanur Ünal

Assessing climate risk due to climate change for the present and future periods has been the focus of both academic and applied research in recent years, reflecting its critical importance. In this study, we evaluated climate risks for the Marmara Region in northwestern Türkiye by integrating high-resolution climate projections with socio-economic data, aiming to inform and support regional climate policies.

To achieve this, we generated climate projections at a 0.025° x 0.025° resolution using the convection-permitting COSMO-CLM model, driven by EC-Earth3-Veg from CMIP6. These projections cover both the reference period (1995–2014) and a future period (2050–2059) under the SSP3-7.0 scenario) for a broader western part of Türkiye. The Marmara Region was selected as a focal area due to its vital economic significance, its diverse and densely populated urban centers, and its extensive agricultural areas. This approach allows for a comprehensive assessment of climate impacts on a region with critical socio-economic importance, providing actionable guidance to inform policy development and adaptation strategies.

We conducted a comprehensive climate risk assessment by integrating hazard data with components of sensitivity, vulnerability, and adaptive capacity components, which were derived from reliable socio-economic datasets provided by institutions such as the Turkish Statistical Institute and the Turkish State Meteorological Service. For the weighting phase, we employed multiple methodologies, including the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and variance-based distribution methods, to investigate their respective contributions to the final risk evaluation.

Preliminary findings reveal city-level climate risks for both the present and future periods, offering critical insights for key vulnerabilities and areas of concern. These results provide essential guidance for regional policymakers, enabling the identification of specific risk hotspots and developing targeted strategies that address the region-specific challenges. These results serve as a foundation for developing targeted strategies to mitigate climate risks, strengthening resilience, and enhance adaptation capacity in the Marmara Region.

How to cite: Moral, A. C., Yürük Sonuç, C., and Ünal, Y.: Climate Risk Analysis for Marmara Region, Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8933,, 2025.

EGU25-9152 | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Healthcare organizations under heat stress: Risk assessment and solutions in Austria  

Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek, Katharina Ledebur, Andrea Hochebner, Martin Schneider, and Peter Klimek

The increase in the number of heat days caused by climate change leads to intensified thermal heat stress for the human population, especially for vulnerable groups such as the elderly, children, and people with chronic illnesses. As climate change progresses, the demand for healthcare services will rise sharply in the coming years, considering that the number of heat days (Tmax > 30 °C) and tropical nights (Tmin > 20 °C) has already doubled or tripled in recent decades in Austria.

A transdisciplinary team of health, climate, and complexity scientists is needed to comprehensively investigate the effects and risks of climate change, with the focus on heat, on the health system. In a first step, the correlations between meteorological conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.) and health outcomes are analysed. To assess the effect of heatwaves on hospital admissions and deaths, data of daily maximum temperature, deaths, and hospital admissions per care region in Austria for the months June-September of the period 2007-2019 are used. In the detailed analyses, various definitions of heat waves, latency periods, and other factors are examined.

The investigated correlations between prevailing climate conditions and their effects on health are used to investigate future climate scenarios with respect to their conditions. Thus, projections can be made about imminent risks for people and consequently healthcare organisations. For this purpose, the different impacts of heat stress on staff, clients and management assessed with the participating healthcare organizations of the research project. Climate impact chains are developed and applied to ensure a systemic understanding of the risk, exposure and vulnerabilities. Derived adaptation measures  are subsequently identified at an institutional level. In addition, areas are identified in which the institutions have no influence and need support, for example through urban planning (e.g. greening and unsealing of outdoor areas not owned by the institutions, shaded path to an existing cooling center).

The results of the correlation analysis show significantly higher risk ratios for deaths in hospitals and for hospital admissions during heatwaves. This applies both to the population as a whole and to elderly people (>= 75 years). However, the increased burden is not only noticeable for clients, but also for healthcare staff, as analysed with the healthcare organisations within climate impact chains. The results indicate that there are some fields of action in which the institutions can take measures, such as regular training on the topic of heat, adapted uniforms, or adapting work processes and medication during heatwaves.

However, there are also areas in which healthcare organisations are dependent on the support and implementation of measures at city/regional level. For example, Nature-based solutions (Nbs) such as large-scale greening and unsealing are measures to reduce heat stress in the long term, thus reducing the strain on people – positively impacting health conditions. Furthermore, outdoor retreats are created in this way, reducing the burden of poor living standards.

How to cite: Bügelmayer-Blaschek, M., Ledebur, K., Hochebner, A., Schneider, M., and Klimek, P.: Healthcare organizations under heat stress: Risk assessment and solutions in Austria , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9152,, 2025.

EGU25-9793 | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Early Warning System for Tree-Fall Hazards on Railways: An Example of a System Developed for the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administrator 

Michal Bíl, Vojtěch Nezval, Richard Andrášik, Jan Kubeček, Vojtěch Cícha, and Zdeněk Lepka

An early warning system (trees on railway tracks) has been developed to assist the national rail infrastructure administrator (Správa železnic, SZ) in managing the hazard of tree falls. A forecast of the tree-fall hazard on a 3-hour basis for the following three days is provided. The model incorporates data from weather forecasts (Aladin model) and a tree-fall susceptibility layer which delimits the locations where falling trees are capable of crossing railway tracks.

The tree-fall susceptibility layer is prepared from the raster of a normalized digital surface model. One-meter cells contain information about the absolute height of the surface above the relief model. All non-vegetated areas (all types of buildings, tall objects, bridges, masts, etc.) and areas with low vegetation that do not pose a hazard are filtered out. Impact zone buffers are defined for the remaining vegetation areas according to the actual height of the vegetation. The final output is a proportion of the length of railway lines per unit section which are threatened by falling vegetation. contains tree fall evidence for recording, presenting, and exporting incidents. The forecast is based on a regression model programmed in R (server solution Project R). A multivariate logistic regression was chosen as the most suitable approach to construct the model according to cross-validation results and practical requirements. The following characteristics were selected as explanatory variables in the logistic regression: maximum daily wind gust, soil saturation index, snow index, the occurrence of thunderstorms, the season, the range of altitudes in the vicinity of the rail track, the median height of trees along the railway tracks, and the length of the rail track section with trees along the rail track.

The hazard level of tree falls is calculated for the "hectolines" (i.e., 100-meter segments) of the railway track. These are then aggregated into three levels of administrative units defined by SZ. The hazard level is calculated for three-hour intervals, covering a 45-hour forecast period – resulting in 15 time slots for each hectoline (the rail network in Czechia consists of 94,759 hectolines). The forecast is updated four times a day as new meteorological data become available.

The data is stored in a database and presented in the form of graphs, tables, and an interactive map. Hazard information can be found on the map: the tree-fall hazard level is represented by a five-level colour scale for individual administrative units. When zooming in, the risk is shown in relation to the hectolines. A timeline is located at the bottom of the screen, allowing users to switch between different time slots or aggregated time windows. Clicking on an administrative unit or hectoline will display the forecast and details for the selected element. The map also offers additional thematic layers — fallen trees, a layer showing vegetation susceptibility to falling onto the railway track, a tree health layer (derived from the Sentinel-2 data), and a forest tree species layer.

How to cite: Bíl, M., Nezval, V., Andrášik, R., Kubeček, J., Cícha, V., and Lepka, Z.: Early Warning System for Tree-Fall Hazards on Railways: An Example of a System Developed for the Czech Railway Infrastructure Administrator, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9793,, 2025.

One of the pressing challenges of our time is bridging the gap between climate science and decision-making to effectively manage risks from climate change, with weather and climate extremes being central to climate-related risk. Traditional climate science predominantly employs probabilistic approaches, generating large model ensembles to explore likely ranges of future conditions. While valuable, this approach often neglects low-likelihood, high-impact events that pose profound risks to society [1].

Strengthening the connection between climate science and decision-making is increasingly critical, particularly as the frequency and severity of extreme weather events rise. Integrated risk assessment and management require a holistic approach encompassing robust knowledge of potential impacts, hazard identification, risk monitoring, early warning and effective communication. While uncertainties in climate projections and predictions are unavoidable, they should not result in decision paralysis. Instead, the focus should be on interdisciplinary collaboration and enhancing links between climate science and decision-making through a better and more decision-relevant understanding of climate impacts [2].

This talk will address recent approaches, highlighting the importance of bridging disciplines and incorporating user-needs to address the complex challenges posed by climate risks. For instance, event-based storylines considering high-impact events, integrating system vulnerability and exposure to better assess risk will be discussed. When co-developed by climate scientists and stakeholders, storylines informed by physical climate and impact modeling provide actionable insights tailored to specific contexts.



[1] Sillmann J, Shepherd TG, van den Hurk B, Hazeleger W, Martius O, Zscheischler J, 2021: Event-based storylines to address climate risk, Earth’s Future, 9, doi: 10.1029/2020EF001783.

[2] Sillmann J, Raupach TH, Findell KL, Donat M, Alves LM, Alexander L, Borchert L, Borges de Amorim P, Buontempo C, Fischer EM, Franzke CL, Guan B, Haasnoot M, Hawkins E, Jacob D, Mahon R, Maraun D, Morrison MA, Poschlod B, Ruane AC, Shampa, Stephenson T, van der Wel N, Wang Z, Zhang X and Županić J, 2024: Climate extremes and risks: links between climate science and decision-making. Front. Clim. 6:1499765. doi: 10.3389/fclim.2024.1499765.

How to cite: Sillmann, J.: Climate Extremes and Risk: Connecting Climate Science and Decision-Making via Interdisciplinary Approaches Focusing on Climate Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9881,, 2025.

EGU25-11120 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Knowledge Diversity for Climate Change Adaptation: A Social-Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS) Approach to Mental Models 

Pablo Herreros Cantis, Svetlana Khromova, Marta Olazabal, Timon McPhearson, Johannes Langemeyer, and Marc Neumann

As the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events continue to increase due to climate change, risk mitigation has become a critical aspect of climate change adaptation in cities. The impacts of extreme weather events in cities are extremely diverse. Consequently,  integrative, systems-based approaches have been praised given their capacity to structure holistic risk assessments, account for both qualitative and quantitative data, and for accounting for the interactions between system components. Given the diversity and complexity of urban systems, interdisciplinary knowledge integration is critical in order to account for varied perspectives related to the impacts of extreme weather events on urban systems. Despite advances made to integrate different strands of knowledge through systems-based approaches, few methods exist to contextualize, analyse and evaluate its diversity. Assessing knowledge diversity exposes varying ways in which stakeholders identify and problematize the impacts of extreme weather events uncovering knowledge gaps and dominant knowledge framings that might hinder risk governance processes.  This study presents a novel methodology that integrates mental models and the social-ecological-technological systems (SETS) framework to assess and compare individual stakeholder perceptions of urban systems under the lens of an extreme weather event. By classifying system components and interactions into social, ecological, and technological domains, mental models enable the visualization of knowledge diversity, as well as the identification of potential gaps and silos in stakeholder understanding. The methodology is applied to New York City as a case study, engaging 20 stakeholders from diverse disciplines and sectors involved in mitigating the impacts of extreme precipitation. Findings reveal significant variability in how stakeholders emphasize SET domains and interactions. This methodology offers a transferable framework for assessing knowledge diversity in urban climate adaptation, emphasizing the importance of reflecting on stakeholder perspectives to identify gaps and synergies. By supporting more holistic and inclusive co-production processes, this approach provides a theoretical and empirical foundation for advanced modelling efforts that are capable of addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change in urban environments.

How to cite: Herreros Cantis, P., Khromova, S., Olazabal, M., McPhearson, T., Langemeyer, J., and Neumann, M.: Knowledge Diversity for Climate Change Adaptation: A Social-Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS) Approach to Mental Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11120,, 2025.

EGU25-12074 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Enhancing crop yield simulations under extreme climate events using a hybrid model 

Baoying Shan, Haiyang Qian, Xiaoxiang Guan, and Carlo De Michele

Crop models currently have a limited capacity to accurately simulate the impacts of extreme climate events (ECEs), and there is considerable uncertainty across different models. Consequently, the assessment of food security risks from future climate extremes based on existing frameworks is less reliable. To address this issue at global scale, we are developing an advanced hybrid model that integrates process-based crop models with information on the occurrence of extreme climate events and a deep learning framework. Specifically, our model uses outputs from multiple crop models provided by the third round of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP 3a) as the initial input. The second input will consist of the daily occurrence of four types of extreme events: two related to temperature (heatwaves and coldwaves) and two related to precipitation (droughts and pluvials). We employ a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network with an attention mechanism designed to dynamically capture the varying impacts of ECEs at different crop growth stages. The results are expected to offer a more precise simulation and deeper understanding of how ECEs affect food security. This study highlights the potential of AI-hybrid modeling to enhance the accuracy of crop impact assessments under climate change.

How to cite: Shan, B., Qian, H., Guan, X., and De Michele, C.: Enhancing crop yield simulations under extreme climate events using a hybrid model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12074,, 2025.

EGU25-12539 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

A bottom-up approach to climate risk from the Global South: the case of the CONICET Argentina My Climate Risk Hub 

Lucía M. Cappelletti, Julieta Cánneva, Leandro Díaz, Maria Florencia Fossa Riglos, Carla Gulizia, Valeria Hernández, Chiara Incicco, María Sol Hurtado de Mendoza, Julia Mindlin, Dalia Pansa, Natalia Pessacg, Camila Prudente, Juan A. Rivera, Federico Robledo, Daira A. Rosales, Romina C. Ruscica, Anna A. Sörensson, and Nadia Testani

In order to advance new theoretical and practical integration of Earth and Social Sciences to address the climate crisis and its impacts on society, the World Climate Research Programme has created the My Climate Risk (MCR) Lighthouse activity. The goal of MCR is to develop and mainstream a bottom-up approach to climate risk. To progress in this path, MCR has assembled regional centres (‘Hubs’) from institutions/researchers with knowledge in the field of climate risk and that allow this approach to be taken to local and regional scales. These Hubs comprise a variety of forms and modes of operation depending on the local interests and needs. In March 2022, the MCR CONICET Argentina Regional Hub was created ( Through MCR CONICET Argentina Regional Hub its members learn, participate and motivate a scientific-technical and social perspective to promote adaptation and face climate extremes in Argentina employing the co-production of knowledge, storylines and multiple lines of evidence.

This work aims to share initiatives and projects from the Global South that are rooted in inter- and transdisciplinary dialogue and the inclusion of actors and institutions of the region, to address climate risk research. The case studies presented here address Argentina's need to improve hydrometeorological services availability, accessibility and interpretation. The first case study presents the coproduction cycle that led to a subseasonal novel local prediction product in northeastern Argentina, co-produced between climatologists, anthropologists and family farming actors within the framework of the CLIMAX project. The successful experience of this development highlights the importance of involving local communities in the development of climate information products that can be socially appropriated. A case of use of climate storylines as a tool for improving decision making is presented. Physical Climate Storylines was put in dialogue with Socio-anthropological Narrative Analysis around a drought event in Southeastern South America. Finally, the strategy of multiple lines of evidence is used, showing results of the “A River All Waters” project, which integrated transversal lines of work to address the impact of climate change on the Chubut River in Argentine Patagonia. This project shows a reduction in precipitation and an increase in temperature since 1960, which caused a decrease in river flows. These three case studies showed the need to explore novel methodologies that favour a bottom-up approach to regional and local climate risk.

How to cite: Cappelletti, L. M., Cánneva, J., Díaz, L., Fossa Riglos, M. F., Gulizia, C., Hernández, V., Incicco, C., Hurtado de Mendoza, M. S., Mindlin, J., Pansa, D., Pessacg, N., Prudente, C., Rivera, J. A., Robledo, F., Rosales, D. A., Ruscica, R. C., Sörensson, A. A., and Testani, N.: A bottom-up approach to climate risk from the Global South: the case of the CONICET Argentina My Climate Risk Hub, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12539,, 2025.

EGU25-13534 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Hamburg Pluvial Flood Risk Map 

Malte von Szombathely, Jörn Behrens, Franziska S. Hanf, Marc Lennartz, Benjamin Poschlod, Anastasia Vogelbacher, and Jana Sillmann

The "Hamburg Pluvial Flood Risk Map" aims to improve our understanding of the drivers, dynamics and interactions of climate-induced (disaster) risks in Hamburg. Following the risk framework of the IPCC, we calculate a risk index based on hazard, exposure and (social) vulnerability. In this sense, we combine data from the previously published Social Vulnerability Index (von Szombathely et al., 2023) with novel meter-scale hydraulic simulations of urban flooding provided by the heavy rain hazard map of the city of Hamburg (BKG/FHH 2023). We have enhanced the modeling of social vulnerability by applying the TOPSIS method and the Shannon Entropy procedure. and propose a high-resolution exposure modeling designed for urban flooding, with different exposure layers threatening health and restricting mobility and accessibility. We show that fundamentally new spatial patterns emerge for pluvial flood risk in Hamburg, which differ from familiar socio-economic urban structures and at the same time differ clearly from a pure representation of the hazard. Presented through high-resolution spatial maps, this analysis aids in identifying adaptation needs and prioritizing policy measures for climate change adaptation.


BKG/FHH 2023. Eine Starkregen-Gefahrenkarte für Deutschland.

von Szombathely M., Hanf F. S., Janka B., Meier L., Ossenbrügge J., Pohl T. 2023. An Index-Based Approach to Assess Social Vulnerability for Hamburg, Germany: International journal of disaster risk science. 14, 5, p. 782-794 13 p. DOI: 10.1007/s13753-023-00517-7

How to cite: von Szombathely, M., Behrens, J., Hanf, F. S., Lennartz, M., Poschlod, B., Vogelbacher, A., and Sillmann, J.: Hamburg Pluvial Flood Risk Map, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13534,, 2025.

EGU25-14763 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Impact of climatic variability on vegetable price in China during colder months 

Yun Qiu and Jin-soo Kim

Vegetables are full of nutrients that are difficult to obtain from meat or grains, such as vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, but they are vulnerable to abiotic stress, making it difficult to obtain consistent yields. Climate extreme events have caused a decline in vegetable production, often leading to elevated vegetable prices. Here, we investigate how climatic factors influence vegetable price changes in China, focusing on colder months when extreme weather impacts are more pronounced. We found three major patterns in vegetable consumer price index (VCPI) data, including data from 31 provinces in China from 2003 to 2023. The first empirical orthogonal function (EOF) mode shows that vegetable prices in all provinces vary together, and this is linked with temperature variations in China. The second EOF mode has a north-south dipole spatial pattern, and it is linked to low-temperature events in southern China, which are closely linked to Arctic warming during colder months and central Pacific La Niña occurrences, especially in December. In addition to temperature, precipitation also affects vegetable prices, with cold rain and snow contributing to VCPI increases resulting from the third EOF mode. Also, the third mode, showing an east-west dipole pattern, is associated with eastern Pacific El Niño occurrences during January and February. Major VCPI patterns and relevant climate factors will facilitate the prediction of vegetable prices on a seasonal time scale and can be used as scientific evidence to prepare for a surge in vegetable prices by combining with seasonal climate forecasts. As China accounts for half of the world’s vegetable production and fluctuations in its vegetable prices can profoundly affect global food security, our findings would be useful to support stable vegetable production, ensure food security, and minimize economic losses globally.

How to cite: Qiu, Y. and Kim, J.: Impact of climatic variability on vegetable price in China during colder months, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14763,, 2025.

EGU25-15952 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Cross-Sectoral Climate Change Risk Hotspots in Europe: Insights from CROSSEU Case Studies 

Shreya Some, Kirsten Halsnæs, Sorin Cheval, Dana Micu, Per Skougaard Kaspersen, Mihai Adamescu, Georgia Arhire, Marco Borga, Alvaro Calzadilla, Sandrine Charousset, Olivier Dessens, Vladut Falcescu, Cristiano Franceschinis, Relu Giucă, Denisa Igescu, Katie Jenkins, Nicholas Vasilakos, Kristian Nielsen, Argentina Nertan, and Boutheina Oueslati and the et al.

This work investigates how the damages in cross-sectoral climate change risk hotspots can be assessed drawing on methodologies developed and applied to eight case studies conducted within the EU CROSSEU project. Hotspot analysis represents several key challenges in the assessment of the impacts of climate hazards and the focus here is on extreme climate events rather than on the impacts of gradual climate change. Hotspots are defined as areas where climate events are likely to generate high potential damages. The hotspot identification methodology provides a framework for identification of context specific vulnerabilities due to a combination of factors, including the magnitude of extreme climate events (physical aspects), the presence of critical infrastructure and vulnerable populations (socio-economic aspects), and the sector specific vulnerabilities as well as interconnectedness of different sectors (cross-sectoral aspects). The identification of hotspots is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative data, including climate projections, socio-economic data, and stakeholder consultations.

The hotspot methodological framework is applied to a range of case study sectors and geographical settings. The case studies cover heat waves in Czech Republic and United Kingdom; drought in regions of Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania; floods in Denmark, Germany, and Italy; and snow avalanches in the Alps and Carpathian Mountains. While three other case studies addressed climate change impacts and spillover effects in the Lower Danube region and across Europe- particularly on renewable energy infrastructure and agriculture.

In terms of physical vulnerabilities, the case studies demonstrate that Prague and Southern Moravia in the Czech Republic, and London in the UK, are hotspots for heat-related mortality and morbidity, and specific social and structural vulnerabilities in these areas are related to high population densities, aging populations, and the urban heat island effect.  Several regions in Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania are identified as hotspots for drought. The economic vulnerability of these regions is primarily due to the reliance of agriculture on rainfed water sources. Coastal cities in Southern Denmark and Northern Germany are vulnerable to storm surges, impacting thousands of residents by disrupting daily life, socioeconomic activities, restricting movement and even necessitating temporary relocation. The mountainous areas of the Trentino Alto Adige region in Italy are hotspots for debris flows and flash floods, and are vulnerable due to their low-lying coastal areas, high population densities, and critical infrastructure. The Italian Alps and the Făgăraș Mountains in the Romanian Carpathians are hotspots for snow avalanches with potential high economic losses for tourism. The Lower Danube region is a hotspot for both droughts and floods, posing significant risks to a unique biodiversity ecosystem, as well as to agriculture, energy infrastructure, and human settlements.

This hotspot analysis in the CROSSEU project provides key comparative risk assessment measures, contributing to the establishment of effective adaptation strategies in the EU and also at regional levels.

This research received funds from the project “Cross-sectoral Framework for Socio-Economic Resilience to Climate Change and Extreme Events in Europe (CROSSEU)” funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Programme, under Grant agreement n° 101081377.

How to cite: Some, S., Halsnæs, K., Cheval, S., Micu, D., Skougaard Kaspersen, P., Adamescu, M., Arhire, G., Borga, M., Calzadilla, A., Charousset, S., Dessens, O., Falcescu, V., Franceschinis, C., Giucă, R., Igescu, D., Jenkins, K., Vasilakos, N., Nielsen, K., Nertan, A., and Oueslati, B. and the et al.: Cross-Sectoral Climate Change Risk Hotspots in Europe: Insights from CROSSEU Case Studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15952,, 2025.

EGU25-16239 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Bridging Risk Knowledge and Operational Outcomes through Retrieval-Augmented Generation and Knowledge Graphs for Early Warning Systems 

Jean-Baptiste Bove, Roberto Rudari, Eva Trasforini, Mirko D'Andrea, Lorenzo Massucchielli, and Antonio Gioia

In emergency management, the gap between scientific risk knowledge and operational decision-making remains a persistent challenge for early warning systems. While vast amounts of data—ranging from risk assessments to historical event records—are available, they are often underutilized due to the complexity and fragmentation of information sources. This research proposes an innovative approach to bridge this gap by integrating Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) with domain-specific knowledge graphs to enhance situational awareness and decision support in emergency operations centers.

The proposed solution focuses on developing a graph-based RAG pipeline that interacts with an external repository of risk data on Italy, specifically tailored for emergency response personnel, including civil protection agencies and the Italian Red Cross. The repository incorporates emergency plans, historical events, risk assessments, civil protection guidelines and legislation, and real-time updates from external sources such as news and media. By structuring the data through a knowledge graph aligned with established risk frameworks (e.g., RISK INFORM), the system enables precise, explainable, and contextual information retrieval.

Key features of the tool include an explainability module for transparency, a PDF parser for document integration, and a web interface that allows users to interact with the system through natural language queries. For example, an analyst responding to severe floods in Northern Italy could query the system for demographic data, flood risk hotspots, and critical infrastructure at risk, receiving actionable insights grounded in both historical and live data.

The project demonstrates how AI-driven approaches, when combined with structured domain knowledge, can make early warning systems more effective by improving accessibility, scalability, and interoperability across sectors. The use of knowledge graphs ensures data explainability and traceability, addressing key challenges in emergency management, such as trust in AI outputs and timely decision-making. The platform, currently under development, aims to serve as a proof-of-concept for future applications in multi-hazard early warning systems.

This research contributes to the evolving field of AI-enhanced early warning systems, offering a novel, trans-disciplinary methodology that combines data science, emergency management, and humanitarian operations to improve anticipatory action and disaster preparedness.

How to cite: Bove, J.-B., Rudari, R., Trasforini, E., D'Andrea, M., Massucchielli, L., and Gioia, A.: Bridging Risk Knowledge and Operational Outcomes through Retrieval-Augmented Generation and Knowledge Graphs for Early Warning Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16239,, 2025.

EGU25-16945 | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Integrating value systems and place-based characteristics into climate risk assessments

Cristobal Reveco and Lola Kotova

EGU25-17829 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Closing the Insurance Gap – Enhancing Access to the CAT Bond Market 

Kai O. Bergmüller, Victor Wattin Håkansson, Samuel Juhel, David N. Bresch, and Chahan M. Kropf

Low- and middle-income countries are often vulnerable to extreme weather events and simultaneously have limited access to insurance markets, leaving damages largely uncovered. To address the issue, the World Bank advocates for a risk-layering approach. Part of this approach is the issuance of catastrophe bonds (CAT bonds), especially for high-risk layers and when capital requirements are substantial. However, access to the CAT bond market remains limited. Market entry of potential issuers, but also investors, is hindered by the extensive, and most often, expensive technical knowledge needed. Additionally, high investor premium demands pose a great challenge for low- and middle-income countries, a situation likely to worsen with climate change intensification.
We propose three interdependent solutions to enhance countries and investors access to the CAT bond market. First, we develop an open-source and -access CAT bond tool and implement it within the CLIMADA environment, an open-source global risk assessment platform. The tool allows for the design and evaluation of either potential or already existing CAT bonds and was tested in a tropical cyclone insurance case study in Samoa. Second, we propose a multi-country CAT bond design, which pools risk across nations. We apply this design to a case study of tropical cyclone risk in Small Island States (SIDS). We find that such pooling allows to decrease both capital requirements and premiums by up to 27% and 17%, respectively, while still offering competitive returns to investors. Third, we introduce a financial scheme addressing premium support, capital supply, and greenhouse gas reduction incentives. We apply the scheme in a case study to the SIDS utilizing the previously developed CAT bond tool and the presented pooling approach. These solutions together aim to expand access to risk transfer for vulnerable countries, offering a more
sustainable and affordable pathway to disaster resilience.

How to cite: Bergmüller, K. O., Håkansson, V. W., Juhel, S., Bresch, D. N., and Kropf, C. M.: Closing the Insurance Gap – Enhancing Access to the CAT Bond Market, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17829,, 2025.

EGU25-18200 | Posters on site | ITS2.6/CL0.4

Assessment of Climate Fragility in Myanmar based on high-resolution regional climate model simulations 

Martina Messmer, Santos J. González-Rojí, Nay Chi Mo Aung, Glenn Hunt, and Sonia Leonard

Myanmar is highly vulnerable to climatic changes in extreme weather such as increased precipitation and extreme temperatures. During the dry season of the last two years, Myanmar has already suffered such events. High-resolution climate model simulations are urgently needed to understand the complexity of future impacts of extreme weather and climate change in Myanmar. While global climate model simulations cover the region with a horizontal resolution of around 100 km, most regional climate models available over this region have a resolution of up to 25 km. This is still not enough to accurately assess the vulnerability to climate change for such a diverse country with complex topography, and thus, new high-resolution simulations are needed to understand the effect of climate change on regional to local scales.

We are conducting dynamically downscaled climate simulations across a large part of Myanmar using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Downscaled climate data are generated for five simulation periods: one for the present (1981-2010) and two for each of two future periods (2031-2060 and 2071-2100), under both the intermediate-emission shared socioeconomic pathway (SSP2-4.5) and the very high-emission pathway (SSP5-8.5). The simulations are performed at a high spatial (5 km) and temporal resolution. Through these simulations, we can achieve more realistic precipitation patterns and detailed information on local precipitation and temperature extremes, considering also the daily cycle. 

We will present our preliminary findings from the downscaled modelling of weather extremes and information about heat stress and drought indices. This will provide insight into potential impacts on food security and fragility to climate change in general, both of great implications for local society and economy.

How to cite: Messmer, M., González-Rojí, S. J., Mo Aung, N. C., Hunt, G., and Leonard, S.: Assessment of Climate Fragility in Myanmar based on high-resolution regional climate model simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18200,, 2025.

The private sector and industry are increasingly accessing physical climate data to a) identify and disclose climate risk as required by regulations and b) seek to estimate and limit both present and future economic impacts of physical risk on their business.

Projections of physical climate risk and associated changes in estimates in losses are typically provided to private sector stakeholders in isolation from the wider social and systemic picture. Whilst individual private sector stakeholders can take some measures to minimise impacts from climate hazards, a collective approach in conjunction with local communities and the public sector may be more effective, in terms of both risk reduction, and upfront cost.

We provide physical climate storylines and narratives as a complement to the typical physical risk data provided to private stakeholders. We work with many private stakeholders and are seeking interdisciplinary discussion and collaboration with a view to exploring and quantifying the cost- benefit of individual stakeholder action versus collective action.

How to cite: Sagoo, N. and Leach, N.: Exploring how physical climate storylines and narratives impact private stakeholder behaviour, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20300,, 2025.

EGU25-1994 | Orals | ITS2.7/BG0.5

Ecosystem heterogeneity is key to limiting the increasing climate-driven risks to European forests 

Giovanni Forzieri, Hervé Jactel, Alessandra Bianchi, Jonathan Spinoni, Deepakrishna Somasundaram, Luc Feyen, and Alessandro Cescatti

The rise in forest disturbances due to climate change poses a serious threat to key forest ecosystem services, yet impact and adaptation assessments are scarce at European scale. Here we estimate the forest biomass loss in Europe due to fires, windthrows and insect outbreaks over 1979-2018 and evaluate potential adaptation benefits by integrating machine learning with disturbance data and satellite products. Results show an average overall annual biomass loss of 41.6±5.3 Mt at European level subject to a significant rise of 2.3±0.3 Mt year-1, largely influenced by climate change (72-98%). The contribution of insect outbreaks appears prominent (79%) compared to windthrows (20%) and fires (1%) and linked to their upsurge after year 2000. However, impacts vary greatly across Europe depending on local environmental conditions. We estimate that enhancing ecosystem heterogeneity could reduce biomass loss by about 18% and such action should therefore be fostered in forest adaptation policies.

How to cite: Forzieri, G., Jactel, H., Bianchi, A., Spinoni, J., Somasundaram, D., Feyen, L., and Cescatti, A.: Ecosystem heterogeneity is key to limiting the increasing climate-driven risks to European forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1994,, 2025.

EGU25-3177 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.7/BG0.5

Vulnerability of the terrestrial ecosystem to climate change in China 

Wei Yuan, Shaojie Mu, and Shuang-Ye Wu

Climate change has significant impacts on the structure and stability of terrestrial ecosystems. China has implemented several restoration projects since the mid-20th century and has experienced a substantial greening trend under climate change. However, the assessment and evaluation of the ecosystem vulnerability in China remains limited. Here, we evaluated the characteristics of ecosystem vulnerability from 1982 to 2020 in China in terms of its exposure, sensitivity, and resilience based on a multiple auto-regression approach. We analyzed the drivers and mechanisms of ecosystem vulnerability from multiple perspectives in different land cover types and climate zones. The results show that ecosystem vulnerability follows a similar spatial pattern to the exposure risk, especially in the eastern plains where the flat topography leads to the relatively higher climate risk. The agro-pastoral ecotone shows relatively high vulnerability due to higher exposure and sensitivity to climate change. The terrestrial ecosystem becomes more vulnerable to climate change when warming rates exceeding 0.04 oC/a and precipitation decrease for more than -5 mm/a. For different land cover types, croplands and forests show relatively high vulnerability and are attributed mostly to exposure and sensitivity respectively. Although grasslands show medium vulnerability on average, their sensitivity to climate change shows greater spatial variation. The transition zone between semi-arid and sub-humid climates is more vulnerable to climate change, but the humid region displays lower exposure and sensitivity because of sufficient water supply hence low sensitivity to precipitation change. Higher variability in temperature and precipitation in high-exposure and high-sensitivity areas compared to low-exposure and low-sensitivity areas, but higher variability in NDVI is mainly found in low-resilience areas. This study contributes to the understanding of terrestrial ecosystem vulnerability in China and highlights the urgency of climate mitigation actions.

How to cite: Yuan, W., Mu, S., and Wu, S.-Y.: Vulnerability of the terrestrial ecosystem to climate change in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3177,, 2025.

EGU25-3495 | Posters on site | ITS2.7/BG0.5

Digital twin technology used for assessment of ecosystems state in a climate change conditions in Romania 

Florian Bodescu, Simona Marculescu, Iulia Radu, Florina Dediu, Ioan Theodor Bodescu, and Alina Radutu

Biodiversity and ecosystems monitoring and services evaluation are part of all major European and international policy making initiatives and actions, the GEO BON, UN SDGs and the EU green deal are probably the most important. Following the prepare-design-demonstrate approach of the EU climate change adaptation mission, after the mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services process (MAES) implementation in Romania by our team through project Demonstrating and promoting natural values in support of decision-making processes in Romania - Nature4Decision-Making - N4D,   we have focused on  developing a set of remote sensing based indicators for assessing ecological conditions adapted to ecosystems, for five study cases one for each biogeographical region in Romania (alpine, continental, steppe, panonic, marine Black Sea). The analysis was performed in respect of the general objective of Exploitation of Satellite Earth Observation data for Natural Capital Accounting and Biodiversity Management - EO4NATURE project, to develop state-of-the-art concepts and standardized methods for addressing environmental challenges related to climate change. The specific objectives directly address the goals related to the Horizon EU mission like answering the ecosystem monitoring needs by integrating Copernicus Sentinel and other satellite data for deriving useful information for ecosystem assessment (ecosystem condition, ecosystem services). The developed framework can be used for a large amount of past, present and future EO data organized in data cubes to evaluate time series of indicators variability and to conclude for physical, chemical, composition, structural, functional and inter-ecosystemic states to express the vulnerability and resilience of ecosystems. The obtained results from EO4NATURE are part of main scientific and research initiative from Romania based on Competence Center for Climate Change Digital Twin Earth for forecasts and societal redressment: DTEClimate.

How to cite: Bodescu, F., Marculescu, S., Radu, I., Dediu, F., Bodescu, I. T., and Radutu, A.: Digital twin technology used for assessment of ecosystems state in a climate change conditions in Romania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3495,, 2025.

EGU25-4388 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.7/BG0.5

Assessing the impact of lightning on regional disturbance regimes across a tropical forest gradient 

Ian McGregor, Jeffrey C. Burchfield, Cesar Gutierrez, Matthew W. Chmielewski, Helene C. Muller-Landau, Phillip M. Bitzer, Stephen P. Yanoviak, and Evan M. Gora

The first comprehensive investigation into the ecological effects of lightning revealed that it is a major driver of tropical plant mortality, gap formation, and biomass carbon turnover in a mature tropical forest. These findings demonstrated the capacity of lightning to influence forest dynamics, but those data are restricted to a single mature forest at a spatial scale (~15 km2) that is much smaller than the scale at which the atmospheric processes controlling lightning operate (10s to 100s of km). Given evidence that lightning and severe storm frequency is increasing with climate change, we need large-scale studies of lightning effects across multiple forest types to understand the future forest dynamics and carbon budgets. Here we present the results from the first regional study of lightning ecology, wherein we use an array of electric field change meters (FCMs) to track lightning strikes in real-time over 20,000 km2 in central Panama. This network provides direct measurements of each strike’s intensity with high detection efficiency and a precision accuracy of < 30 m. The ecological effects of these lightning strikes were quantified using subsequent field surveys, validated at medium-scales (15 km2) using drone imagery, and upscaled to quantify regional disturbance regimes by integrating the FCM, drone, and field data.


This is the first spatially-explicit record of a regional disturbance regime for any given driver of tree mortality in a tropical forest. We show that lightning exhibits strong patterns of spatiotemporal aggregation. Based on these patterns, we estimate the study area and duration needed to accurately capture the contributions of lightning to plant mortality and biomass carbon dynamics, which is much larger than a typical forest plot (1 ha) and longer than a typical study time-frame for this size plot (10 years). Using field data describing the ecological effects of lightning, we then estimate the absolute contributions of lightning to biomass carbon turnover across the study regions, including 8,000 km2 of tropical forest. We then test if regional patterns of lightning-caused disturbance predict regional variation in forest structure and carbon storage. We expect our findings will be key to more accurate carbon accounting and the development of mechanistic demographic vegetation models.

How to cite: McGregor, I., Burchfield, J. C., Gutierrez, C., Chmielewski, M. W., Muller-Landau, H. C., Bitzer, P. M., Yanoviak, S. P., and Gora, E. M.: Assessing the impact of lightning on regional disturbance regimes across a tropical forest gradient, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4388,, 2025.

EGU25-5124 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.7/BG0.5

Normalised representation of terrestrial vegetation response to extreme weather events 

Yana Savytska, Viktor Smolii, and Kira Rehfeld

Since the beginning of the industrial era, the climate of our planet and the human environment have been changing rapidly. Therefore, known and new types of extreme events have been and will continue to be a challenge. An example of a climate challenge is climatological extremes. In recent decades, extreme weather events such as wildfires, floods, droughts, and heat waves have increased across the globe. These extreme events can disturb and alter ecosystems over timescales ranging from minutes to months. However, the recovery and adaptation processes often take far longer than the extreme events. While the intensity of adaptation efforts may vary, they inevitably follow disturbances.

Here, we focus on the recovery dynamics of vegetation in different types of ecosystems after droughts and heat waves, which are the most damaging types of weather extremes. The study covers the last decades period and is based on satellite data.

Disturbance-induced changes in terrestrial ecosystems affect photosynthetic activity, reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) fixation. We hypothesise that, in return, the temporal dynamics of atmospheric CO2 fixation by vegetation may indicate different stages of ecosystem recovery - normal ecosystem state (before extreme), imbalance phase, post-extreme phase, recovery phase, or collapse. We find such an approach helpful for understanding the time frames of the phases and capturing phase transitions and general ecosystem states in near real-time.

The identification of vegetation recovery stages is influenced by several factors, including environmental conditions and seasonal cyclicity. To ensure the effectiveness of an automated approach, a unified phase-stage representation for comparability and analysis of CO2 uptake is required.

To achieve this, we divide daily CO2 uptake values by their maximum values observed during a year without significant droughts and heatwaves. We have chosen the observation period from 1993 to 2005, which includes a European drought in 2003 and the periods before and after it. As a result of normalisation, stronger ecosystem recovery will correspond to values around “1” and weaker recovery - to a range around “0”. Negative values could indicate the dominance of CO2 emissions or ecosystem degradation processes.

Vegetation indices, such as NDVI, can be employed as markers of transformation scope to identify the beginning and end of the vegetation growth period activity. This allows us to represent the time scale in a normalised relative interval – [0;1].

The results are a first step towards a normalised representation of the response of terrestrial vegetation to further study the dynamics of its recovery from extreme weather events.

How to cite: Savytska, Y., Smolii, V., and Rehfeld, K.: Normalised representation of terrestrial vegetation response to extreme weather events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5124,, 2025.

Ecological restoration, as a component of sustainable development, can mitigate ecosystem degradation and improve ecological diversity. Accurate identification of ecological restoration priority areas (ERPAs) is essential for developing restoration practice. However, few studies have considered both ecosystem reference conditions and vulnerability during ecological restoration. In this study, a comprehensive framework of ERPA identification was developed by integrating ecosystem reference conditions and vulnerability. Using the Jialing River Basin (JRB), a representative basin of the Yangtze River, as a case study, our results revealed that under average climate conditions, the areas with high values of ecosystem reference conditions were mostly in the eastern and southeastern mountainous areas of the JRB, whereas the potential areas for ecological restoration were concentrated in the central northern and southern basin. Additionally, regions with high ecosystem vulnerability were found in the northern mountainous areas and southern urban areas and were scattered along major tributaries. Overall, the identified ERPAs were predominantly in the central northern and southern urban areas, with some scattered areas in the central basin, accounting for 9.61% of the JRB. Consequently, the JRB can be divided into four regions with targeted management strategies to address ecosystem degradation and implement restoration activities. Moreover, we suggest that the proposed framework for identifying ERPAs is used for clarifying restoration objectives, assessing the ecological baseline, and offering a scientific reference for large-scale ecological restoration efforts.

How to cite: Wang, H., Zhao, Z., and Wu, X.: Integrating ecosystem reference conditions and vulnerability to identify ecological restoration priority areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5527,, 2025.

EGU25-5664 | Orals | ITS2.7/BG0.5

The importance of non-climatic factors in climate risk assessments for ecosystems  

Ana Bastos, Eleanor Butler, Laura Eifler, Tiago Ermitão, Yimian Ma, Mirco Migliavacca, Franziska Müller, Sebastian Sippel, Myriam Terristi, Chenwei Xiao, and Xin Yu

High-impact events driven by weather extremes, such as large-scale drought-induced mortality, crop failure, mega-fires, and widespread tree mortality are expected to intensify under climate change in many regions. While the importance of climate change in increasing the frequency or intensity of many such events has been demonstrated by climate attribution studies, non-climatic factors such as landscape structure and composition, diversity, biotic agents, disturbance history, etc., shape ecosystem resistance and ability to recover from such events.

Quantifying the role of non-climatic factors on observed impacts is challenging, since they are often of second order importance, given the signal of weather extreme anomalies. Nevertheless, quantifying the importance of such non-climatic factors and how they are influenced by human activities is crucial to anticipate potential loss of resistance/resilience and to support effective adaptation strategies to ongoing climate change. Here, we discuss the importance of non-climatic factors for climate risks based on historical events and show how the ecoclimatic event framework can be adapted to support the attribution of climatic vs. non-climatic factors in climate risk assessments for ecosystems.

How to cite: Bastos, A., Butler, E., Eifler, L., Ermitão, T., Ma, Y., Migliavacca, M., Müller, F., Sippel, S., Terristi, M., Xiao, C., and Yu, X.: The importance of non-climatic factors in climate risk assessments for ecosystems , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5664,, 2025.

EGU25-5795 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.7/BG0.5

A novel Approach For Automatically Identifying and Evaluating Climate Stress Thresholds in Potato Yields 

Mojtaba Saboori, Mojtaba Naghdyzadegan, Ritesh Patro, and Ali Torabi Haghighi

The stability of agricultural production, critical for global food security, is increasingly threatened by climate variability and extreme weather events. This study focuses on identifying and evaluating climate-induced stress thresholds for potato yields in Finland and the Netherlands, two regions with contrasting climatic and agronomic conditions. A comprehensive dataset spanning multiple decades was analyzed using advanced machine learning techniques, including Random Forest modeling, SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) values for feature importance, and Partial Dependence Plots (PDPs) to detect key climate indicators and their thresholds. By classifying yields into shocked, normal, and boosted categories based on detrended yield percentiles, the study pinpoints the specific climatic conditions that transition potato yields into stress states. District-level analyses highlight spatial variations, with northern Finland and southern Netherlands particularly sensitive to compound climatic extremes, emphasizing the need for localized adaptation strategies. Findings reveal distinct regional stressors: in Finland, excessive June precipitation (>69 mm) consistently emerged as a critical driver of yield reductions, while in the Netherlands, extreme July temperatures (>31.5°C) and deviations in warm-day counts were the dominant stressors. This research is the first to identify climate-induced stress thresholds by accounting for the nonlinear and interactive effects of multiple climate factors. The findings provide actionable thresholds for policymakers and farmers, enhancing climate resilience and ensuring sustainable agricultural practices under future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Saboori, M., Naghdyzadegan, M., Patro, R., and Torabi Haghighi, A.: A novel Approach For Automatically Identifying and Evaluating Climate Stress Thresholds in Potato Yields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5795,, 2025.

EGU25-5866 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.7/BG0.5 | Highlight

Projected exposure of terrestrial vertebrates to different extreme climate events reveals high vulnerability to multiple hazards 

Stefanie Heinicke, Karim Zantout, Hjalmar S. Kühl, Christopher P.O. Reyer, Sandra Zimmermann, Maik Billing, Simon N. Gosling, Manolis Grillakis, Stijn Hantson, Akihiko Ito, Sian Kou-Giesbrecht, Aristeidis Koutroulis, Benedikt Mester, Hannes Müller Schmied, Sebastian Ostberg, Kedar Otta, Yadu Pokhrel, and Katja Frieler

Climate change is intensifying extreme climate events, fundamentally altering ecosystem disturbance regimes. Impacts on biodiversity are typically assessed using climate model outputs (i.e., temperature, precipitation) or by focusing on one type of extreme event. For this study, we used a new dataset covering four climate extremes (droughts, heatwaves, river floods, and wildfires) derived from the output of five climate models and six climate impact models for future projections under three climate scenarios (SSP1-2.6, SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5) from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP Phase 3b). We assessed the exposure of 33,936 terrestrial vertebrate species (amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles). We also compiled published evidence on how species respond to extreme events. Heatwaves emerged as the most prevalent threat, with over 70% of species' geographic ranges projected to be exposed by 2050 (SSP3-7.0 scenario) - a 60% increase from 2000 levels. More than 21,000 species face heatwave exposure in 75% of their range. Wildfire exposure is projected to affect more than 20% of species ranges by 2050, increasing to 30% by 2085, with more than 5,000 species exposed in 50% of their range by mid-century. Notably, our findings indicate substantial multi-hazard exposure, with approximately 30% of species’ geographic ranges facing at least two types of extreme events by 2050. Hotspots are species-rich areas in the tropics. More than 70 species, mostly amphibians and reptiles, are projected to be exposed to a high frequency of three types of events over 75% of their range. Most of these species already have declining populations and are listed as threatened on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Our study highlights the importance of studying the impacts of extreme events on biodiversity in a multi-hazard context. The combination of high exposure with documented negative impacts - such as heat stress mortality, reproductive failure, or wildfire injury – is of particular concern for already threatened species. This underscores the urgency of developing targeted interventions for vulnerable species.

How to cite: Heinicke, S., Zantout, K., Kühl, H. S., Reyer, C. P. O., Zimmermann, S., Billing, M., Gosling, S. N., Grillakis, M., Hantson, S., Ito, A., Kou-Giesbrecht, S., Koutroulis, A., Mester, B., Müller Schmied, H., Ostberg, S., Otta, K., Pokhrel, Y., and Frieler, K.: Projected exposure of terrestrial vertebrates to different extreme climate events reveals high vulnerability to multiple hazards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5866,, 2025.

Over the last decade, several extreme weather events contributed to considerable loss and degradation of forest ecosystems throughout central Europe [1]. For future forest protection an in-depth understanding of these disturbances and their interactions is crucial to target the transformation and adaptation of forests [2]. The vulnerability of forest stands to disturbances is determined by the interaction of a large number of environmental influences and their characteristics. The influencing variables are interrelated at multiple dimensions and scales [3]. Due to the complexity of cause-effect relationships in forest ecosystems and the multitude of factors involved, stress response of forests and trees has not been fully decoded as yet and hence remains a research topic of growing importance for climate adaptation [4].

The recording of small-scale ecological phenomena and their dynamics requires spatially and temporally continuous high-resolution data to retrieve explicit information, which cannot fully be covered by current terrestrial monitoring networks e.g., the ICP Forests crown conditions survey or national forest inventories. The combination of satellite time series analysis and change detection algorithms can detect forest vitality changes across time and space at a high resolution in order to extract disturbance signatures with event-specific patterns from phenological time series [5].

In this study, we use forest disturbance recordings of forest fires, storm damage, and forest defoliation or dieback induced by insects, fungal pathogens, or drought from the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), the Database of wind disturbances in European forest (FORWIND), the Database of European Forest Insect & Disease Disturbances (DEFIS2), and the Global Drought Observatory (GDO) as well as MODIS phenological time series ranging from 2001 to 2023 to gather disturbance sequences and compile a pan-European disturbance interaction chronology map in order to identify forest disturbance hotspots in Europe, extract disturbance interaction related signatures from phenological time series and quantify the interaction effects in terms of disturbance specific changes in forest vitality over space and time.



[1] Patacca, M, Lindner, M, Lucas‐Borja, ME, Cordonnier, T, Fidej, G, Gardiner, B, ... & Schelhaas, MJ (2023). Significant increase in natural disturbance impacts on European forests since 1950. Global change biology, 29(5), 1359-1376.

[2] Bolte, A, Ammer, C, Löf, M, Madsen, P, Nabuurs, GJ, Schall, P, ... & Rock, J (2009). Adaptive forest management in central Europe: climate change impacts, strategies and integrative concept. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 24(6), 473-482.

[3] Sanders, TGM, Spathelf, P, & Bolte, A (2019). The response of forest trees to abiotic stress. In Achieving sustainable management of boreal and temperate forests (pp. 99-128). Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. DOI:10.19103/AS.2019.0057.05

[4] Ammer, C, Fichtner, A, Fischer, A, Gossner, MM, Meyer, P, Seidl, R, ... & Wagner, S (2018). Key ecological research questions for Central European forests. Basic and Applied Ecology, 32, 3-25.

[5] Gnilke, A, & Sanders, TGM (2022). Distinguishing abrupt and gradual forest disturbances with MODIS-based phenological anomaly series. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 863116.

How to cite: Gnilke, A., Stadelmann, C., and Sanders, T.: Disentangling multi-event forest disturbances and interaction effects using pan-European records and satellite-based phenological time series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6299,, 2025.

Intensified water stress driven by greenhouse gas-induced warming plays a pivotal role in regulating terrestrial vegetation growth across arid-to-humid transition zones, with significant implications for the global carbon cycle. However, the shifting sensitivity of the vegetation productivity to a warming climate remain poorly understood. Since the early 2000s, Northern East Asia (NEA) has experienced pronounced reductions in gross primary production (GPP), primarily attributed to notable soil moisture (SM) decreases and water vapor deficit (VPD) increases. Our findings demonstrate distinct ecosystem responses along aridity gradients: vegetation growth in arid regions is predominantly influenced by SM, while VPD exerts a stronger influence in semi-arid to humid zones under warming and drying conditions. These results highlight the complex and regionally varied responses of vegetation dynamics across aridity gradients. As climate variability intensifies and drylands expand, understanding these sensitivities becomes essential for predicting ecosystem vulnerability and assessing vegetation responses to future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Wang, Z.: Aridification enhancing vegetation sensitivities to soil and atmospheric dryness in northern East Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7667,, 2025.

Climate change is responsible for the increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme meteorological events, including windstorms, which are expected to cause greater damage to both natural and human resources. In European forests, wind damage is already the first cause of timber loss. Additionally, in the Alps context forests provide protection against gravitational hazards, a function that could be completely or partially compromised in case of wind damage. Thus, identifying the most wind-vulnerable forests is crucial to actively manage them and possibly increase their resistance to such events.

To address this challenge, various physically and statistically based models have been developed to estimate forest vulnerability to windstorms. Such models consider both stand and single tree parameters to derive the critical wind speed (CWS), defined as the wind speed threshold above which damage is likely to occur. While the CWS quantifies the forest wind vulnerability, assessing the probability of forest damages requires the probability of occurrence of a given windstorm event. Moreover, the latter could be influenced by climate change given that the regime of windstorm events is expected to change in the future.

In this study, we assess the forest wind vulnerability of the Rocca Pietore municipality area, using high-resolution LiDAR data to extract detailed stand and individual tree characteristics. These data are input into the semi-mechanistic ForestGALES model to calculate the CWS. The probability and the magnitude of wind damages are calculated using km-scale Convection Permitting Models (CPMs) from CORDEX-FPS on Convective Phenomena over Europe and the Mediterranean (FPS Convection). Specifically, we used wind data from the CPMs ensemble for both historical and future conditions. The study shows the critical maps of likelihood of forest wind damages under current conditions and the future scenario RCP8.5, highlighting changes across the study region and identifying the more exposed areas.

This study underscores the importance of integrating high-resolution forest and climate data to assess the vulnerability of natural resources against windstorms. By combining detailed forest characteristic data with advanced climate projections, the adopted approach provides valuable insights for forest management and climate adaptation planning.

How to cite: Baggio, T., Fosser, G., and Lingua, E.: Assessing future wind vulnerability of mountain forests using high-resolution remote sensed and climate data: a pilot study in the Italian Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8452,, 2025.

The European “Floods” Directive requires river basin district authorities to identify flood prone areas and potential adverse consequences on built and natural environments. However, there are few examples of methods to assess flood impact to environment at the spatial scale of river basin districts. Moreover, the lack of data concerning the environmental impacts occurred during past floods constrains their identification as well as the definition of empirical vulnerability models.

This work examines the environmental impacts of the 2023 floods in Emilia-Romagna (Italy), through the collection, analysis and georeferencing of information available on newspaper and social media after the event. The analysis highlights that damage to natural ecosystems is often overlooked compared to direct economic losses. The floods caused significant harm, including the release of pollutants, destruction of natural habitats, and disruption of ecosystem services. The most affected areas were water resources, aquatic ecosystems, and terrestrial habitats, with primary effects such as pollution, submersion, and erosion. Specific damages included bathing bans due to water contamination, interruption of bird nesting, fish and bivalve deaths, and alterations in coastal ecosystems. The impacts were spatially concentrated in coastal areas and river deltas, with temporal variability. Some effects, like bathing bans, were resolved within 30-45 days, while others, such as nesting disruption and soil contamination, had longer-term consequences. Assessing these impacts remains challenging due to the lack of systematic monitoring and shared methodologies. Natural resilience dynamics and indirect effects, including health and economic consequences, are also poorly understood. We conclude that a greater interdisciplinary focus is needed to understand and integrate environmental impacts into flood risk management. Future research should address specific ecosystem vulnerabilities and develop metrics for assessing damage based on ecosystem services.

Reference: Arrighi, C. and Domeneghetti, A.: Brief communication: On the environmental impacts of the 2023 floods in Emilia-Romagna (Italy), Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 673–679,, 2024.

Acknowledgements: This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005)

How to cite: Domeneghetti, A. and Arrighi, C.: Environmental impacts of a flood: an overlooked problem - Evidences from the 2023 Italian floods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10528,, 2025.

EGU25-10928 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.7/BG0.5

Modelling Biomass Projections in Grasslands of Central Spain Under Climate Change Scenarios 

Marcos Aragón Pizarro, Carlos G. H. Díaz-Ambrona, Ana M. Tarquis, Andrés F. Almeida-Ñauñay, and Ernesto Sanz

Grasslands are vital ice-free ecosystems that provide essential ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, biodiversity preservation, and pollination. However, these systems face significant threats from rising temperatures and reduced precipitation, necessitating a deeper understanding of their dynamics to inform sustainable management. This study investigates the potential changes in grassland biomass under future climate scenarios, offering insights into long-term trends and adaptive strategies.

The study focuses on grasslands in the Community of Madrid, central Spain, covering approximately 41% of the territory. To analyze biomass variations, we established a 5x5 km grid across the region, selecting research areas based on proximity to soil pits and a minimum grassland coverage of 40% per grid cell. Observational climate data (1975–2021) and future projections (2022–2100) were used, derived from SSP-2.6, SSP-4.5, SSP-7.0 and SSP-8.5 scenarios based on Shared Socioeconomic Pathways.

Biomass calculations are estimated using the SIMPAST model. This model, designed to predict biomass under varying climatic conditions, required inputs such as hydrological balance, solar radiation, and an initial seed count. Vegetation species and biomass measurements are being conducted from September to May 2024–2025 to refine and evaluate model accuracy and assess water use efficiency across the three study areas.

Preliminary results reveal significant spatiotemporal variations in grassland biomass, linked to projected changes in temperature and precipitation patterns. The findings underscore the importance of adaptive management strategies tailored to specific climate scenarios to maintain grassland ecosystem services.

Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge the support of Project “Garantía Juvenil” scholarship from Comunidad de Madrid, as well as Universidad Politécnica project Clasificación de Pastizales Mediante Métodos Supervisados - SANTO (project number: RP220220C024).

How to cite: Aragón Pizarro, M., Díaz-Ambrona, C. G. H., Tarquis, A. M., Almeida-Ñauñay, A. F., and Sanz, E.: Modelling Biomass Projections in Grasslands of Central Spain Under Climate Change Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10928,, 2025.

EGU25-11659 | Posters on site | ITS2.7/BG0.5

Rising summer heatwave exposure of global peak vegetation productivity 

Zhiqin Tu, Jianyang Xia, Jiaye Ping, Cuihai You, and Xingli Xia

Projected increases in both frequency and intensity of heatwaves during the 21st century pose significant risks to terrestrial ecosystems. Yet, the extent to which these heatwaves threaten peak vegetation productivity, a fundamental driver of terrestrial carbon uptake, remains largely unknow. Here, we used sun-induced fluorescence, a proxy of vegetation productivity, to find all peaks in the vegetation growth during 2001 to 2018 and employed daily maximum temperature to detect spatiotemporal contiguous heatwaves. The study revealed vegetation growth peaked in summer across 86.06% of the Northern Hemisphere and 58.25% of the Southern Hemispheare, with 32.25% of global vegetated areas experiencing heatwaves every year. The temporal dynamics analysis showed that the global advance of vegetation growth peak (48.33%) and the increase of heatwave days (42.67%) both presented large spatial heterogeneity. We found that over half of the global vegetated areas (52.16%) experienced at least one peak of vegetation growth exposed to heatwaves, with the total affected area expanding by approximately 72,700 km² per year. The response of peak growth to heatwave depended on the background climate. These findings highlight the intensifying risk of heatwaves to global vegetation productivity, with potentially severe consequences for land carbon uptake and the resilience of ecosystems to climate change.

How to cite: Tu, Z., Xia, J., Ping, J., You, C., and Xia, X.: Rising summer heatwave exposure of global peak vegetation productivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11659,, 2025.

The effects of tropical cyclones on phytoplankton biomass and community structure in the coastal ocean vary with storm characteristics (i.e., wind v. runoff) and with prior conditions of the ecosystem (i.e., stratified v. well-mixed water column). A recent meta-analysis suggests that phytoplankton are sensitive to rainfall delivered to coastal ecosystems and show tradeoffs between resistance and resilience to these pulse disturbance events. Since 2019, monthly sampling data has been collected at 2 nearshore estuarine sites along the south-central Louisiana coast for water quality, phytoplankton biomass, and community composition. Since 2022, data has been collected from 5 estuarine sites via continuous sondes measuring abiotic variables (including nitrate at 1 site) and biomass of total phytoplankton (as chlorophyll-a) and freshwater cyanobacteria (as phycocyanin) every 15 minutes. Eleven named tropical cyclone systems have impacted the Louisiana coast since 2019, while additional flood (2019), unnamed storm (2024), and drought (2023) events also occurred. In 2024, Hurricane Francine made landfall in Terrebonne Parish. In the 1-2 days around landfall, a site 120 miles west showed a substantial, but temporary, increase in biomass. Conversely, a site 160 miles east showed little change during the storm, but biomass increased one week after landfall as falling salinity indicated runoff. Insights from individual pulse disturbances on phytoplankton dynamics, along with aggregated responses to disturbance characteristics, will be further discussed in this presentation.

How to cite: Stauffer, B., Piwowarski, E., Lombardi, M., and Perry, S.: Phytoplankton responses to tropical cyclone events: insights from discrete and continuous water quality monitoring in Louisiana estuaries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14460,, 2025.

EGU25-16241 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.7/BG0.5

Quantifying ecosystem resilience to extreme events: a comparison of single and multiple cropping systems 

Miriam Rodriguez, Katharina Waha, and Wolfgang Buermann

The stability of managed land systems is increasingly threatened by the rising frequency and severity of extreme events caused by climate change. To maintain productivity and adapt to these changing conditions, these systems must build resilience to adverse impacts. Detecting and understanding the effects of such events is essential for assessing the effectiveness of different management strategies in promoting ecosystem resilience.

In this study, we identify extreme events using model- and observation-based Gross Primary Production (GPP) data. To identify these extremes, the GPP anomalies are calculated and then a statistical technique is used to identify extreme events. Using statistical methods including regression models, the most relevant events are then attributed to meteorological drivers, such as temperature and precipitation. Based on these results, we define a stability measure rooted in the recovery time after an extreme event. This approach is applied to three scenarios: (1) a control experiment considering only GPP influenced by climate, (2) GPP influenced by both climate and land use/land change in single cropping areas, and (3) GPP in multiple cropping areas.

These results will help us contrast whether management strategies can mitigate the impacts of extreme events, and identify which types of events and areas may benefit most from potential targeted interventions to increase ecosystem resilience.

How to cite: Rodriguez, M., Waha, K., and Buermann, W.: Quantifying ecosystem resilience to extreme events: a comparison of single and multiple cropping systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16241,, 2025.

EGU25-17497 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.7/BG0.5

Assessing carbon fluxes following non-invasive and clear-cut management responses to widespread drought mortality of a Scots Pine plantation 

Markus Sulzer, Simon Haberstroh, Thomas Plapp, Thomas Seifert, Dirk Schindler, Christiane Werner, and Andreas Christen

In recent years, frequent dry and hot summer periods in Central Europe have caused irreversible damages to many forest ecosystems. The consequences are widespread tree mortality, including forest ecosystems in the Upper Rhine Valley. We compare two management responses to a highly impacted, mature Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) plantation in the Upper Rhine Valley at the ICOS Site DE-Har by assessing annual and seasonal carbon fluxes in the first seven years following the management response.

At the non-invasively managed site, >60% of all former Pinus sylvestris trees died since 2018 and consequently the canopy opened up considerably. Dead and fallen trees were generally not removed. The site has undergone a significant regime change in which increased sunlight under the damaged/missing tree crowns has accelerated growth of a deciduous understory (mainly Tilia cordata, Carpinus betulus, and Fagus sylvatica among others). At the clear-cut site, all Pinus sylvestris trees were fully removed in autumn 2017, and new saplings consisting of various broad-leaf trees, more suited for hot and dry weather conditions (including Acer platanoids, Corlyus colurna, Carpinus betulus), were planted in spring 2018 and 2019. Due to extreme drought, almost all of the saplings died shortly after they were planted and the area now consists of grasses, shrubs and a few deciduous trees.

We use concurrent eddy covariance measurements at the non-invasively managed site since 2019 and at the clear-cut site since 2021 to quantify the effect of the two management responses on net CO2 fluxes and partitioned gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco). On average over the period from 2019 to 2024, the non-invasively managed site has been a small CO2 source (NEE = +75 g C m-2 year-1), compared to 20 years ago, when the mostly healthy forest was still a considerable CO2 sink.  Typically, the non-invasively managed site is a CO2 source during winter and autumn and a CO2 sink in spring and summer, except for the hot and dry summer of 2022. On average over the period from 2021 to 2024, the clear-cut site has been a substantial CO2 source (NEE = +460 g C m-2 year-1), mainly because of higher values of Reco. The NEE data of the clear-cut site also show a yearly cycle, with higher values in winter and autumn and lower values in spring and summer, nevertheless the clear-cut site was a CO2 source in all seasons during the last four years. The highest annual NEE values at both sites can be found in the hot and dry year 2022. Seven years after the clear-cut, both sites are still CO2 sources and it is uncertain whether and when either of these sites will become a CO2 sink.

How to cite: Sulzer, M., Haberstroh, S., Plapp, T., Seifert, T., Schindler, D., Werner, C., and Christen, A.: Assessing carbon fluxes following non-invasive and clear-cut management responses to widespread drought mortality of a Scots Pine plantation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17497,, 2025.

EGU25-18303 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.7/BG0.5

Vegetation response components to drought regimes attributes in the Mediterranean Basin 

Matilde Torrassa, Mara Baudena, Edoardo Cremonese, and Maria J. Santos

Climate models project increasing frequency and intensity of droughts in the Mediterranean Basin, increasing the threat to Mediterranean ecosystems. The lack of water may result in plant wilting and cavitation, reduced resistance to disease and pests, stronger competition between species, and increased wildfire frequency, among many other ecological processes that might be affected. Water-limited ecosystems, like those in the Mediterranean Basin, although adapted to water scarcity, may be particularly vulnerable to extreme droughts. 

The objective of this research is to examine the impact of drought regimes on the response and resilience of Mediterranean ecosystems. We expect to detect a nonlinear relationship between drought regimes and vegetation response as successive drought events cumulate on stronger impacts on ecosystem resilience. To test this hypothesis, we employed an event-based approach to drought regime analysis, for which at each event we measured duration, intensity, severity, and time since the last event as drought attributes. Droughts are detected using the Standardized Evapotranspiration-Precipitation Index (SPEI) at different time scales (3, 6 and 12 months), with precipitation and potential evapotranspiration data retrieved from global downscaled re-analyses of the CHELSA database. We have analyzed the response of vegetation to drought events by extracting the temporal components of resistance, recovery, and resilience. The vegetation response is evaluated using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and Near-infrared Reflectance of Vegetation (NIRV) spectral indices from the MODIS multispectral sensor as proxies of vegetation functioning.  

We examined the 2001-2018 time series for several ecoregions in the Mediterranean Basin to detect the functional shape of the vegetation response curve for this region. Our preliminary results suggest that vegetation response components and drought regime attributes can characterize different aspects of the two variables. Furthermore, the distribution of the vegetation response over drought regimes exhibits multimodal patterns, thereby supporting the hypothesis of a nonlinear relationship. This suggests that the drought response modelling approach used is challenging but promising. 

How to cite: Torrassa, M., Baudena, M., Cremonese, E., and Santos, M. J.: Vegetation response components to drought regimes attributes in the Mediterranean Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18303,, 2025.

Monsoon rains trigger pulsed flows from tributaries, which in turn impact the structure of riverine food webs. However, the mechanisms driving food web dynamics in tributaries in response to these pulsed flows are not yet fully understood. We employed carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes of macroinvertebrates and fish to quantify changes in the trophic base and diversity, food chain length, and food web trophic niches before and after the monsoon in two tributaries of the northeast Asian monsoon region. The δ13C and δ15N values of primary basal resources (leaf litter and biofilms) were consistent before and after the monsoon, with a notable increase in δ15N values from forest streams to agricultural channels. Consumer δ13C and δ15N values remained stable over time but exhibited a longitudinal increase due to greater nutritional contributions from local resources. Community isotopic niche metrics were consistent across locations and seasons, while trophic niches diverged between watersheds and closely overlapped seasonally in isotopic space. These results highlight the significant impact of agricultural inputs on downstream channel food webs and demonstrate the limited effect of monsoonal rains on altering the longitudinal trajectory of trophic niches across tributaries.

How to cite: Kang, H. Y. and Kang, C.-K.: Longitudinal trends in a community trophic niche in temperate tributaries across forested and agricultural watersheds pre- and post-monsoon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20177,, 2025.

EGU25-20573 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.7/BG0.5

Vulnerability assessment of the Deepor Beel, a Ramsar wetland in Northeast India, to changing climate 

Bhaswatee Baishya and Arup Kumar Sarma

Wetlands are complex ecosystems that sustain livelihoods and provide diverse ecological services, making them exceptionally susceptible to climate change. This study evaluates the vulnerability of Deepor Beel, a Ramsar site in Northeast India, and identifies key assets for conservation. Five target assets were selected based on their representation of the wetland, significance for ecological processes, potential threat to Ramsar status, and sensitivity to change. These assets are the catchment and its hydrological regime, migratory birds, aquatic vegetation, fisheries, and tourism. The vulnerability assessment was based on climate data, obtained from CMIP6 GCMs. Twelve GCM models were downscaled and bias-corrected using the Inverse Distance Weighting method and linear scaling for Deepor Beel's most degraded watershed. A Multicriteria Decision-Making (MCDM) approach and rating metric determined the overall rank of each GCM. Multi-model ensembles, employing the random forest algorithm, were used for climate projections from the top five GCMs. The projections indicated a relative increase in rainfall during the monsoon (June-September) and a decrease during winter (October-January). Additionally, a decrease in temperature was observed during the monsoon and pre-monsoon (February-May) periods, while an increase was noted during winters. A comprehensive questionnaire survey was conducted to assess the sensitivity and exposure of assets to climate threats, allowing impact calculations using an impact scoring matrix. The adaptive capacity was similarly assessed to determine vulnerability using a vulnerability scoring matrix. Migratory birds were found highly vulnerable during future monsoon and winter periods. These findings will help decision-makers preserve assets critical to maintaining Deepor Beel's Ramsar status.

Keywords: Ramsar Wetland, vulnerability, Multicriteria Decision-Making, CMIP6 Global Circulation Model (GCM) 

How to cite: Baishya, B. and Sarma, A. K.: Vulnerability assessment of the Deepor Beel, a Ramsar wetland in Northeast India, to changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20573,, 2025.

EGU25-1126 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Landscapes of Resilience: Visual Narratives from Bangladesh’s Vulnerable Coastal Communities  

Shapla Singha and Md. Mehedi Hasan

Landscapes of Resilience: Visual Narratives from Bangladesh’s Vulnerable Coastal Communities

Bangladesh’s coastal regions, vulnerable to climate change, are not only areas of environmental concern but also rich repositories of cultural, social, and economic heritage. This study explores the resilience of these communities through a blend of visual storytelling and empirical research, with a specific focus on the pivotal roles of women as custodians of cultural heritage and community cohesion. Women in these regions navigate complex challenges, including risk perception, property rights, and governance, while actively contributing to the preservation of traditions and fostering communal resilience amidst environmental adversities. The study utilizes multiple-medias artworks, animations, and a documentary titled "Land, Life, and Woman" to delve into how land tenure systems, customary practices, and climate risks intersect to shape individuals’ decisions to remain rooted despite escalating environmental challenges. Central to the research is documenting women’s lived experiences and advocating for inclusive and sustainable approaches to climate adaptation, land governance, and cultural preservation. By integrating art and science, the study bridges the gap between global climate policy narratives and localized adaptation strategies, offering a deeply humanized perspective on climate resilience. The study adopts a mixed-method approach, encompassing visual media analysis to examine depictions of community resilience, qualitative interviews with women in vulnerable deltaic communities to understand their challenges and strategies, and documentary research to contextualize findings within broader governance frameworks. Through this interdisciplinary approach, the research highlights the critical influence of land tenure systems on community resilience, the interplay of state policies, international agreements, and customary practices in shaping governance, and the invaluable contributions of women in preserving cultural heritage while navigating climate challenges. The accompanying documentary vividly portrays these dynamics, illustrating the resilience and adaptability of individuals in delta regions. Aligned with the EGU 2025 theme of climate adaptation and sustainable development, this presentation contributes a unique perspective that merges visual storytelling with empirical research, emphasizing the socio-cultural dimensions of climate resilience. It underscores the importance of integrating local narratives into global climate adaptation strategies and advocates for equitable, sustainable approaches that empower marginalized groups while addressing climate risks. By documenting and visually representing these stories, the study not only contributes to the discourse on climate resilience but also emphasizes the transformative potential of integrating artistic expression with research to foster understanding and inspire action.

How to cite: Singha, S. and Hasan, Md. M.: Landscapes of Resilience: Visual Narratives from Bangladesh’s Vulnerable Coastal Communities , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1126,, 2025.

Drought is a costly experience shared by different human societies, and many of its far-reaching impacts on various components of socio-ecological systems tend to be exacerbated by increasingly frequent and intensive compound heatwaves. To provide a historical and systematic perspective of climate-society interplays in different socio-environmental contexts, this study selected Germany (DE) and Jing-Jin-Ji Region of China (JJJ) as study areas, which are dominated by marine and monsoon climates, respectively. Based on climate reconstructions and multilingual written documents, comparisons on three pairs of compound drought-heatwave events (CDHWs) in agrarian societies (DE 1834 / JJJ 1832 events), during industrialization (DE 1921 / JJJ 1920 events), and in recent years (DE 2018 / JJJ 1997 events) were conducted, focusing on pathways to food security, water security, and health. Overall, social development, rather than distinct climate systems or cultural backgrounds, was identified as the main contributor to differences between events.

(1) FOOD SECURITY: In different events, pathways to food insecurity can mostly be summarized as the impact chain of precipitation deficits → natural system (insect plague, soil moisture) → production system (crop performance) → consumption system (price) → food security. Heatwaves here aggravated existing drought impacts on natural system and production subsystem. Reactive actions to balance food supply and demand after harvest failures were commonly observed in many cases. However, it was not until entering modern societies that survival-threatening manifestation (i.e., food crisis) and subsequent health and/or social issues (e.g., starvation, displacement, crimes) were averted, thanks to stronger  interventions at earlier links in the impact chain (e.g., retain soil moisture, compensate for harvest losses by techniques or imports).

(2) WATER SECURITY: Under different circumstance, a common impact chain leading to water insecurity was also recognized, namely precipitation deficits → natural system (surface water and groundwater) → infrastructure subsystem (water facilities) → water security. Heatwaves here not only exacerbated hydrological deficits in natural system but also stressed infrastructure subsystem by increasing water consumption. Water transport, storage and restriction were temporary measures commonly taken at different development stages, while long-term actions towards sustainable water management and resilient water supply were peculiar to modern societies. Nevertheless, survival-threatening manifestation (i.e., insufficient drinking water) was still reported in recent years, as abovementioned efforts were either difficult to maintain in prolonged CDHWs or took time to be effective. This suggested a greater need for anticipatory adaptation.

(3) HEALTH: Heatwaves has replaced drought as the dominant climatic impact-driver of mortality in recent CDHWs, with a short impact chain of extreme heat → health. Different from the creeping nature of drought, heat manifests as a direct shock to individuals, which means that the time-honored coping strategy of gradually restoring supply-demand balance for scarce resources is less applicable in this case. Currently, prevailing interventions in heat threats to health in both study areas are developing warnings systems for extreme weathers, giving advice on heat protection, adjusting working hours, and changing consumption habits. However, none of them is sufficient to avoid heat-induced mortality, which implied a common adaptation gap on the warming planet.

How to cite: Zhang, D., Glaser, R., and Kahle, M.: Comparative study on societal impacts of and responses to compound drought-heatwave events: six cases in Germany and Jing-Jin-Ji Region (China) since the 19th century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1832,, 2025.

The record-shattering North American Pacific Northwest heatwave of June 2021 had catastrophic physical and social impacts on human mortality and morbidity, agriculture, critical infrastructure, cryospheric and hydrologic systems, and wildfire (White et al., 2023).  As a result, the 2021 heatwave was an unprecedented event of global significance; however, due to its extremity and rarity, it is difficult to contextualize how the serious regional impacts vary as a function of social and climatological state.  In other words, how would the impacts of such an event differed if the same magnitude and location of event were to have occurred in the past or future?

Here, we take advantage of archive newspapers to address this knowledge gap and to provide a detailed account of the pan-societal impacts of an extreme 1941 Pacific Northwest heatwave, which was recently identified as being of comparable relative magnitude to the 2021 event (Malinina and Gillett, 2024).  We use hundreds of articles from 17 North American news publications spanning a three-week period including before, during, and after the heatwave.  We find extraordinarily detailed news coverage of the heatwave, with articles reporting: human mortality and morbidity, including deaths that were directly (e.g. heat stress) and indirectly (e.g. high-risk behaviours to cool down) caused by the heatwave; behavioral responses, including altered intra-city mobility; policy responses, including water restrictions in response to water shortages; impacts on agricultural systems, including a high degree of spatial heterogeneity in changes to both production and trade; and physical impacts, including heatwave-caused storms, wildfires, and flooding.  The news coverage also offers valuable context for the heatwave in terms of regional and global events at the time, and policy responses are directly linked to broader global conflict (e.g. decisions regarding wildfire and lumber operations are linked to Canadian efforts in World War II). 

We demonstrate that archive newspapers can offer a remarkable level of detail in characterizing extreme events in the mid-20th century, especially those that occurred in periods or places with limited physical data, and we are able to use these historical insights to better understand the broader context and impacts of modern extreme events.



Malinina, E and Gillett, N. The 2021 heatwave was less rare in Western Canada than previously thought. Weather and Climate Extremes 43, 100642 (2024).

White, R.H., Anderson, S., Booth, J.F. et al. The unprecedented Pacific Northwest heatwave of June 2021. Nat Commun 14, 727 (2023).

How to cite: Anderson, S. and Chartrand, S.: The unprecedented Pacific Northwest heatwave of 1941: Digitized newspapers to understand far-reaching physical and social impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3818,, 2025.

EGU25-3876 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Climate, Livelihood Insecurity, and Conflict over Fishing Access in Southern Bangladesh 

Ma Suza, Jeroen Warner, Katherine Nelson, and Han van Dijk

Artisanal fishing, a traditional livelihood passed down through generations, has become increasingly insecure due to various climatic and non-climatic factors. Despite its significance, there is still limited research on how climate-related challenges interact with pre-existing livelihood vulnerabilities, and even fewer studies explore whether these combined effects heighten the risk of violent conflict for small-scale fishers. To address this gap, a qualitative approach using life history interviews was employed to collect data on the perception of small-scale fishermen (N=30) who reside on Hatiya Island, a sandbar in Southern Bangladesh.  These interviews captured fishers’ perceptions of climate impacts, debt trap, livelihood insecurity, violent conflicts, and coping strategies. The findings reveal that shifting climatic patterns—affecting fish populations and availability—exacerbate existing vulnerabilities, a trend reflected not only in Hatiya but also across Bangladesh and beyond. Our analysis highlights that the interplay of climate impacts, poverty, lack of alternative livelihoods, restricted access to credit, poor governance, and fishing bans significantly increases the livelihood vulnerability of small-scale fishers. However, small-scale fishers' primary concern lies not in the decreasing availability of fish stocks but in the challenges posed by the restricted access to fishing grounds. Extreme livelihood insecurity drives fishers’ decisions to engage in illegal fishing and consequently face violence from enforcers of fishing ban regulations. Despite such violence, many fishermen persist in pursuing their livelihoods for lack of a feasible alternative. However, this persistence comes at a cost, as it fuels deep-seated grievances towards the authorities.

How to cite: Suza, M., Warner, J., Nelson, K., and van Dijk, H.: Climate, Livelihood Insecurity, and Conflict over Fishing Access in Southern Bangladesh, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3876,, 2025.

Urban greenspace (UG) is vital for urban climate regulation and public health, drawing increasing attention to greenspace exposure (GE) at different levels. However, limited understanding persists regarding human mobility-related GE, particularly the fine-grained dynamics of travel-related GE and the potential influence of environmental conditions such as weather and air pollution. This study examines how environmental conditions impact daily travel-related GE among urban residents, utilizing dockless bike-sharing data from Beijing, China. Firstly, spatiotemporal dynamics and inequalities in GE during travel were assessed using a population-weighted exposure model and the Gini index. Next, the effects of environmental conditions were evaluated through multiple models, including Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression and machine learning approaches: Random Forest (RF), Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM), Categorical Boosting (CatBoost), and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost). The deep learning network Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model was also included to account because of its effectiveness in processing time-series data. Model performance was evaluated using Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), R-squared (R²), and cross-validation. Finally, SHapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP) and Partial Dependency Plots (PDP) were employed to analyze nonlinear effects and variable interactions. Results showed that XGBoost outperforms other models and is more applicable to small sample datasets than deep learning. Findings revealed that weather and air pollution significantly influenced GE during travel in addition to temporal factors (e.g., hour of the day, day of the week). Higher temperatures and lower humidity were associated with increased GE levels and reduced inequality. Severe ozone pollution events reduced GE levels but also lowered inequality. No significant impact of particulate matter (PM) on GE was observed due to the absence of severe haze events during the study period. These findings provide valuable insights for urban greenspace planning and strategies to promote healthy travel behaviors.

How to cite: Xu, X. and Poslad, S.: Evaluating the impact of environmental conditions on urban residents’ greenspace exposure during daily travel: An explainable machine learning approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4869,, 2025.

EGU25-5815 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.9/NH13.7

The politics of natural disaster responses 

Rens Chazottes

The increasing frequency of natural disasters due to climate change has intensified pressures on societal well-being. In such times, understanding the institutional features that enable efficient, objective, and neutral disaster recovery is crucial. Recent studies have highlighted the severity of government oversight in disaster relief, often favoring co-partisan groups in developing and clientelistic countries. Disaster recovery systems are particularly vulnerable to the politics of post-disaster fund allocation. However, scholars have suggested that institutional design can counteract these dynamics, with France's mandatory disaster insurance system frequently cited as a model. In this study, we assess the extent to which France's mandatory disaster insurance system has been manipulated for electoral gain during presidential and munipal elections. Utilizing data from the CatNat national repository and municipal elections from 1980 to 2024, we employ a regression discontinuity design to examine how partisanship alignment between local and national governments affects both the demand and the supply side of disaster recognition and the response time. Our preliminary findings indicate that partisan alignment correlates with a higher demand for disaster recognition. However, the French institutional system appears effective in mitigating political distortions, as we find no significant evidence of partisanship influencing disaster relief. This article sheds light on the effectiveness of institutional design in reducing political distortions during the disaster recovery phase.

How to cite: Chazottes, R.: The politics of natural disaster responses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5815,, 2025.

EGU25-6933 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Everyday adaptation to summer heatwaves: A global perspective 

Shiv Yucel, Yuan Liang, Donggen Wang, and Tim Schwanen

Unprecedented heatwaves have become characteristic of summers worldwide, with devastating impacts on people’s health, well-being, and livelihoods. In light of this urgent threat, government institutions across the globe are developing guidelines and planned interventions to increase resilience to heatwaves – measures which require an understanding of how people adapt to extreme heat within the constraints of daily life. Existing studies have used large-scale mobility data to characterize heatwave adaptation at a population-level, though these studies skew towards cities and regions in high-income countries, have diverse methodologies which limit generalizability to other contexts, and focus on ‘activity level’ changes without discerning which activities are being altered. Addressing these gaps, this study combines ERA5 climate re-analysis, cell phone mobility, and socio-economic data across Brazil, China, France, India, Nigeria, Turkey, and the USA during 2022 heatwaves. For the first six countries, Google Community Mobility Reports data is used in multi-level modeling to explore changes to various everyday activities during heatwaves (home, work, transit, grocery/pharmacy, retail/recreation, parks). In China, Baidu data on intra-city activity levels is analyzed in a complementary multi-level model. Strong patterns of withdrawal towards the home occur during heatwaves, varying with climatic, temporal, and contextual factors. These common patterns result from diverse activity substitutions across countries and simultaneously occur alongside changes towards other non-home activities. This internationally comparative study highlights the global nature of heatwave adaptation, the importance of context-specific adaptive responses, and the value of considering heatwave adaptation through the lens of people’s everyday activities.

How to cite: Yucel, S., Liang, Y., Wang, D., and Schwanen, T.: Everyday adaptation to summer heatwaves: A global perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6933,, 2025.

EGU25-9993 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Rural-to-Urban Migration and Projection of Extreme Weather Events: A Case Study of Republic of Serbia 

Tijana Jakovljevic and Natalija Miric

The second half of 20th century is marked by mass migration from rural to urban areas worldwide as well as in Republic of Serbia. This trend continues in the 21st century usually as a consequence of pull factors of urban areas (education and job opportunities, affordable healthcare system, comprehensive cultural content, etc.), but also of push factors of rural areas (hard and unstable work in the agricultural sector, poverty, lack of education and health system, etc.). Some of extreme climate events (e.g. droughts, floods) speed up the migration process. In this research, the data that show the increase of urban population and decrease of rural population from 1981 to 2022 are presented. Also, Copernicus Corine Land Cover data are used to present the change of land use from 1990 to 2018. The most densely populated municipalities and municipalities with the highest percentage of agricultural areas are extracted with the aim to consider how sever those communities will be affected by extreme weather events. Future climate projections data (two scenarios RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) are used to express the number of tropical days and nights, heath wave index, number of days with precipitation over 30mm, highest five days precipitation amount, consecutive dry days index and hydro-thermal coefficient. The purpose of this research is to determine did people migrate to urban areas that will be more affected by extreme weather events in 21st century than the rural regions they moved from and how sever agricultural regions will be affected by droughts and floods as a consequence of lack and intensive precipitation. The data used in this research are downloaded from the Digital Climate Atlas of Serbia, Copernicus Land Monitoring Services and documents published by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. QGIS Open Software is used for data analyses.

How to cite: Jakovljevic, T. and Miric, N.: Rural-to-Urban Migration and Projection of Extreme Weather Events: A Case Study of Republic of Serbia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9993,, 2025.

The "information deficit model" in the context of climate change refers to the idea that public skepticism or lack of action regarding climate change is primarily due to a lack of knowledge about the scientific facts, and that providing more information to the public will therefore effectively change their attitudes and behaviors towards climate change mitigation and adaptation. This study challenges the assumptions of the information deficit model by highlighting how community history, geopolitics, and vulnerability shape climate change attitudes in Down East, a rural coastal region in North Carolina with a formerly natural-resource-based economy. Residents are largely working class living in generational homes. Through a set of coded interviews with residents, we identified several key features of climate change denial and disengagement. We are working with local partners to develop pathways for climate risk conversations and project development. It is hoped that lessons learned can be exported to other rural, unincorporated areas of the US.
The study area is an unincorporated section of Carteret County adjacent to Cape Lookout National Seashore in eastern North Carolina. It is arguably one of the most sea level rise and storm vulnerable regions of the United States’ East Coast. Data collected by the Sunny Day Flooding Project show that high tide flooding inundated roads around 133 days in 2024. Sea level rise has lifted the local water table high enough that forests are dying and in-ground wastewater treatment systems (septic) are failing. Tropical storms routinely damage property and cut the community off from emergency access.
Despite these obvious changes and vulnerabilities, climate denialism and disengagement remain prevalent in the politically conservative, unincorporated communities of Down East North Carolina. Respondents frequently expressed concerns about government regulation, issues of scale, personal autonomy, and responsibility. A common theme was distrust in top-down governmental actions to address climate change, which often manifested as grievances regarding inadequate disaster relief efforts. In this politically conservative environment, disaster-related language tends to elicit stronger responses than discussions framed explicitly around climate change. For slow-onset events, such as recurrent high tide flooding, climate change discourse is less effective in guiding local decision-making. Although environmental oral traditions are traditionally viewed as a positive indicator of climate change awareness, this study found that they can generate varied beliefs. Interviewees with family histories in the fishing industry often invoked intergenerational knowledge to emphasize faith in a cyclical and balanced environment, underscoring a laissez-faire environmental ethic. Overall, we found that climate change denial in rural coastal communities is a complex phenomenon that cannot be fully explained by information deficit models. Given these gaps, future climate communication strategies should pursue avenues of reciprocal education and attentive listening. To this end, we have engaged with a local cultural heritage center to begin a conversation with local residents through schools, churches and civic organizations. Ultimately, the goal is to address climate change impacts through conversations surrounding storm impacts, while developing adaptation projects that address storm-driven flooding and sea level rise simultaneously.

How to cite: Young, R., Hinton, T., and Amspacher, K.: Understanding the reluctance of some rural communities to connect climate change with increasing hazard exposure., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11482,, 2025.

EGU25-12584 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Take refuge! Using mobile phone data to evaluate Blue-Green Infrastructure's attractiveness as Heat Retreat Locations 

Isabela Burattini Freire, Lucas Gobatti, João Paulo Leitão, and Martin Behnisch

As anthropogenic impacts on the global climate intensify, heatwaves are becoming increasingly severe, frequent, and prolonged worldwide. In parallel, the rapid pace of urbanization underscores the urgent need to understand the impacts of extreme temperatures on the well-being of urban populations. In this study we leverage mobility information from mobile phone data to analyze occupancy patterns in Zurich’s leisure facilities during hot summer and heatwave days. Our goal is to characterize city dwellers’ heat alleviation strategies towards active and passive cooling facilities. Additionally, we identify key infrastructural features of open public spaces contributing to thermal comfort and areas’ attractiveness. Our findings suggest that bathing sites serve as primary heat retreat destinations in Zurich, where major increases in areas’ attractiveness are observed during the hottest days of the year. Moreover, while local conveniences, transport connectivity and cultural amenities influence baseline open public spaces’ attractiveness, seasonal variations are more strongly governed by temperature regulation features, such as waterfront extent, vegetation canopy, and the presence of artificial water structures. Our study highlights water as an essential component of cities’ adaptation to heat, emphasizing its importance in enhancing urban resilience. Mobility data offers valuable insights into collective behavioral responses to climate constraints, supporting data-driven strategies to identify, enhance, and promote effective heat retreat locations within urban environments.

How to cite: Burattini Freire, I., Gobatti, L., Leitão, J. P., and Behnisch, M.: Take refuge! Using mobile phone data to evaluate Blue-Green Infrastructure's attractiveness as Heat Retreat Locations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12584,, 2025.

EGU25-12640 | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Weather Generator Based on Generative AI for Interdisciplinary Probabilistic Downscaling Using Convection-Permitting Model Outputs and Potential Utility in Equitable, Community-focused Climate Scenario-ing 

Kwok Pan Chun, Ana Mijic, Luminita Danaila, Rosmeri Porfirio da Rocha, Thanti Octavianti, Liling Huang, Jesus Fernandez, Leonardo Aragao, Yasemin Ezber, Emir Toker, Andreas Hartmann, Yongping Wu, Luis Alejandro Morales Marin, C. Bayu Risanto, Li Cheng, and Lindsey McEwen

Convection-permitting model outputs offer significant opportunities for training statistical downscaling approaches. The Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) on the urban environment and regional climate change ensemble simulations provide valuable insights into the uncertainties of numerical atmospheric models. Traditional weather generators, based on the Maximum Likelihood for the Generalised Linear Model approach, have been instrumental in modelling precipitation occurrence and amount. This study advances the statistical downscaling method by integrating Generative AI approaches, using deep learning to create stochastic precipitation ensembles.

Compared to deterministic simulations, this new probabilistic approach allows for an exploration of the nonstationary statistical properties influenced by regional climate conditions through more feasible nonlinear representation for the weather generator parameters by deep learning. Emphasis is placed on the importance of probabilistic and agnostic methods in exploring, interpreting, and explaining uncertainties.

Findings related to temperature variations for daily precipitation extremes attribute the roles of sensible and latent heat, which are further interpreted through regional processes. The integration of generative AI highlights the stochastic uncertainties in weather generators, emphasising the need for consistency between deterministic convection-permitting model outputs and observational data. By examining scaling relationships, the interpretability and explainability of model outputs, particularly concerning energy balance processes, are demonstrated.

Through interpretable and explainable statistical downscaling, the approach to modelling precipitation extremes based on maximum likelihood theory fosters international collaboration in the Climate Collaboratorium* project (IIRCC; ‘Exploring climate solutions with interactive theatre)This includes contributions from Canada, Germany, the UK, and the US, aimed at providing accessible science that can inform climate decisions in partnership with social science/arts and humanities researchers, tailored to place-based user needs. Advocacy for responsible AI in atmospheric and water sciences facilitates interdisciplinary climate adaptation and mitigation with Taiwanese and Brazilian communities. This approach promotes transparency and fairness through explainable and interpretable climate scenarios. By incorporating immersive experiences and smart decision-making processes, the pathway for human oversight remains central to fair climate action to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 13.


How to cite: Chun, K. P., Mijic, A., Danaila, L., Porfirio da Rocha, R., Octavianti, T., Huang, L., Fernandez, J., Aragao, L., Ezber, Y., Toker, E., Hartmann, A., Wu, Y., Marin, L. A. M., Risanto, C. B., Cheng, L., and McEwen, L.: Weather Generator Based on Generative AI for Interdisciplinary Probabilistic Downscaling Using Convection-Permitting Model Outputs and Potential Utility in Equitable, Community-focused Climate Scenario-ing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12640,, 2025.

EGU25-14636 | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Examine the Survey Bias Caused by Local Warming Effect 

Liang-Yu Hsu, Shin Chen, Yi-Shiue Tsai, Wan-Ling Tseng, and Jen-Ho Chang

The survey method is a common tool in environmental social science research, used to widely collect public or participant perspectives on environmental issues, and analyze variables such as attitudes, backgrounds, and actions. However, the reliability and validity of the survey method have long been challenged. For instance, self-reported questionnaires often lead to self-enhancement bias, and recalling historical experiences may rely on the availability heuristic, enhancing the influence of recent events.

Previous studies have proposed the local warming (or weather) effect, which suggests that there will be response bias caused by current weather conditions, such as the recent temperature when surveying, which can influence the beliefs and risk perceptions about climate change. However, these kinds of responses are unstable, especially when emotion takes place; they fail to predict long-term actions or habits. This will cause overlooked research, potentially leading to exaggerated claims of effect sizes.

To test the bias caused by the local warming effect, this study utilizes data from the 2020 Taiwan Social Change Survey: Environment, which surveyed over 2,000 residents across Taiwan about environmental issues. The survey recorded participants' administrative districts and interview times. We selected variables that might be influenced by temperature, including environmental concern (from Protection Motivation Theory), environmental justice (from the Norm Activation Model), temporal distance and spatial distances (from Construal Level Theory), and high and low-cost environmental action willingness (from Low-Cost Hypothesis). We examined the regression relationships between these variables and absolute temperatures and temperature anomalies over 3-day/1-week/1-month/1-year before surveying.

The results indicate that Environmental concern is influenced by absolute temperatures across all time scales and temperature variations over one week to one month. Environmental justice is affected by absolute temperatures within a month and 1-week~1-month temperature anomaly. Temporal distance is positively impacted under all temperature scenarios, while spatial distances are influenced by absolute temperatures within a month.

Regarding environmental actions, both high-cost and low-cost actions are influenced by absolute temperatures within a month, and 1-month ~ 1-year temperature anomaly. Mediation analysis reveals that 3-day absolute temperatures influence environmental action willingness through the mediating of environmental justice and environmental concern. On the other hand, the mediation effect of environmental concern does not appear under 1-week ~ 1-year absolute temperatures.

To confirm that temperature only induces changes temporally, we also examined questions focusing on past habitual behaviors. Results show that environmental information browsing is influenced only by monthly to yearly temperature scales, while environmental actions are only affected by yearly temperatures.

In conclusion, our findings suggest that responses obtained through questionnaires are significantly influenced by recent weather and may not fully reflect participants' long-term stable conditions. However, if temperature anomalies are long enough, it still has the potential to affect environmental habits.

How to cite: Hsu, L.-Y., Chen, S., Tsai, Y.-S., Tseng, W.-L., and Chang, J.-H.: Examine the Survey Bias Caused by Local Warming Effect, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14636,, 2025.

EGU25-14756 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Ten Years of Extreme Weather Events and Their Influence on Climate Beliefs and Behaviours Across Australia 

Omid Ghasemi, Matteo Malavasi, Charlie Ransom, and Ben Newell

This study aimed to explore the relationship between extreme weather events and subsequent shifts in climate-related beliefs and behaviors. Leveraging public datasets, we analyzed the impact of chronic weather anomalies (i.e., temperature and precipitation deviations from long-term averages) and acute disasters (e.g., wildfires, hurricanes, floods) on pro-climate beliefs, Green Party voting, and solar panel installations at the postcode level across Australia between 2013 and 2022. The results revealed that long-term temperature deviations were associated with stronger climate change beliefs, while long-term precipitation deviations predicted higher Green votes and greater solar panel uptake. Long-term exposure to acute disasters also positively influenced climate belief and Green voting. These results provide valuable insights for researchers, policymakers, and community leaders working to build climate-resilient societies.

How to cite: Ghasemi, O., Malavasi, M., Ransom, C., and Newell, B.: Ten Years of Extreme Weather Events and Their Influence on Climate Beliefs and Behaviours Across Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14756,, 2025.

Extreme weather events are increasing in frequency and severity due to climate change. This has prompted some scholars to speculate that these increasingly severe and frequent direct experiences with the impacts of climate change might catalyze greater climate concern, action and policy support, including among more conservative populations that tend to oppose climate policy. However, evidence for the impact of extreme weather events on climate-related attitudes and behaviors is mixed, often correlational, and has tended to focus on climate concern. We extend this literature by using an original longitudinal panel dataset to assess the relationship between severity of recent hurricane experience and various outcome measures, including climate concern and adaptation and mitigation behaviors and policy preferences. This data, and the within-between analytical framework that we adopt, allow us to address concerns about endogeneity that arise in correlational analyses of hurricane experience by focusing on within-person changes overtime before and after an event; assess not only hurricane experience but also how the effects of experience vary with two measures of severity; and examine variation in responses to different outcomes (e.g. mitigation vs. adaptation). Overall, we find that experiencing a hurricane leads to changes in climate-related outcomes, but the effects are nuanced and vary with the specific outcome variable and measure of severity we adopt. Critically, the longitudinal results differ substantially from the cross-sectional results, which imply a strong, positive and significant effect of experience on climate worry, reported behaviors, and policy preferences, highlighting the importance of longitudinal data.

How to cite: Constantino, S.:  Longitudinal Evidence on the Mixed Effects of Hurricane Experience on Behaviors and Policy Preferences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15049,, 2025.

Climate has been shown to influence migration, yet the mechanisms through which climate events lead to migration as well as the heterogeneous effects on different population groups remain poorly understood. This study addresses these gaps by exploring two key questions: (i) Who are the rural climate migrants in low- and middle-income countries? and (ii) Why do they migrate?. We examine changes in consumption levels and inequalities as potential mechanisms linking climate events to migration, employing the Roy-Borjas model to explain the self-selection of climate migrants based on skills and wealth. Using ERA5 weather data combined with 45,000 household observations from South Africa, Tanzania, Malawi, and China over two to four years, our fixed-effects models reveal that rising temperatures and declining precipitation drive rural-to-urban migration by reducing rural consumption and increasing consumption inequality. Our findings indicate that less educated individuals from middle-income households are more likely to migrate in response to climate events. These results underscore the heterogeneous effects of climate change on different population groups and highlight the need to (i) better understand the impacts of climate migration on affected households and (ii) develop targeted support for vulnerable populations who may become trapped by liquidity constraints.

How to cite: Lohr, S. and Šedová, B.: Climate-related rural-to-urban migration: Empirical evidence on the economic drivers in low-and middle-income countries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16388,, 2025.

EGU25-16494 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Persistent underexposure of high-income groups to extreme climate events in Europe over the 21st century 

Mehdi Mikou, Améline Vallet, Céline Guivarch, and Aglaé Jezequel

Human-induced greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for the rise in global temperatures and changes in the frequency, intensity, and spatial extension of extreme climate events. These climate changes pose significant social challenges and are projected to exacerbate existing economic inequalities. Despite numerous studies assessing the distributive impacts of climate change, there are only a few focusing on exposure, an important dimension of climate risk. Using a new high-resolution gridded dataset of per capita disposable income, we explore the evolution of income-based inequalities in exposure to extreme events related to 5 hazards: heatwaves, cold spells, wilfires, coastal and riverine flooding. Considering both warming scenarios and alternative development pathways, our results show that, high-income groups within countries remain mostly underexposed to extreme events, exhibiting average exposure levels lower than those experienced by low-income groups over the 21st century. This work highlights the existence of climate inequalities in Europe and offers valuable insights for policymakers seeking to design fair climate adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Mikou, M., Vallet, A., Guivarch, C., and Jezequel, A.: Persistent underexposure of high-income groups to extreme climate events in Europe over the 21st century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16494,, 2025.

EGU25-17551 | Orals | ITS2.9/NH13.7 | Highlight

Mitigating humanitarian impacts of climate-related disasters  

Nina von Uexkull, Ellen Berntell, Frida Bender, Lisa Dellmuth, and Tanushree Rao

In a rapidly warming world, disasters are escalating in frequency and intensity. Climate-related hazards pose serious threats to affected populations, with low- and middle-income countries being at greatest risk and experiencing most disaster-related deaths. While the devastating impacts of these hazards are well documented, how to mitigate such impacts is less well-understood. This paper aims to address this limitation in aid and disaster impact research by examining the effects of aid on disaster fatalities across various types of climate-related hazards. Our analysis focuses on climate-related disasters recorded by the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) (CRED 2023), including information on the number of disaster fatalities – the primary dependent variable in this study. We use the geo-coded version of EM-DAT (GDIS) (Rosvold and Buhaug 2021) and calculate meteorological hazard measures for droughts, extreme temperature, floods, and storms. We further account for population exposure, local development (SHDI), compound events, and armed conflict.  The paper will make two contributions: First, we provide the first global analysis of drivers of subnational disaster impacts by using an original meteorological reanalysis of hazard severity 1990-2018. Second, we combine novel subnational aid data from GODAD (Bomprezzi et al. 2024) with hand-coded UN disaster aid flow data at the disaster-event level (Dellmuth et al. 2021), allowing us to study how different types of aid shape the humanitarian impacts of disasters. By addressing critical gaps in understanding how aid can reduce disaster fatalities, this work provides urgently needed insights into mitigating human vulnerability in an era of escalating climate risks.


Bomprezzi, Pietro, Axel Dreher, Andreas Fuchs, Teresa Hailer, Andreas Kammerlander, et al. 2024. “Wedded to Prosperity? Informal Influence and Regional Favoritism.”

CRED. 2023. “EM-DAT: The International Disaster Database.” Brussels, Belgium.

Dellmuth, Lisa M., Frida A.-M. Bender, Aiden R. Jönsson, Elisabeth L. Rosvold, and Nina von Uexkull. 2021. “Humanitarian Need Drives Multilateral Disaster Aid.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (4).

Rosvold, Elisabeth L., and Halvard Buhaug. 2021. “GDIS, a Global Dataset of Geocoded Disaster Locations.” Scientific Data 8 (61).


How to cite: von Uexkull, N., Berntell, E., Bender, F., Dellmuth, L., and Rao, T.: Mitigating humanitarian impacts of climate-related disasters , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17551,, 2025.

EGU25-17558 | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Floods do not sink prices, historical memory does: How flood risk affects the Italian housing market  

Marco Pangallo, Anna Bellaver, Lorenzo Costantini, Ariadna Fosch, Anna Monticelli, and David Scala

Flooding poses a significant risk in Italy, with over 10% of the population and buildings located in areas prone to floods. Recent events, such as the catastrophic 2023-2024 Emilia-Romagna floods, highlight the recurring and uneven nature of this risk, affecting certain parts of Italy much more than others. Despite the substantial threat, little research exists on how flood risk impacts the Italian housing market due to limited data availability. This study aims to fill that gap by analyzing a novel dataset of 550,000 mortgages issued by Intesa Sanpaolo, covering 15% of Italian mortgage-financed transactions between 2016 and 2024. The dataset is representative of the Italian housing market and provides detailed information on sale prices, buyer income, and home characteristics. We spatially matched the Intesa Sanpaolo data with flood risk maps from ISPRA and flood event data from Copernicus to evaluate the impact of floods and flood risk on the housing market.

With hedonic regressions and a difference-in-difference design, we find that (i) specific floods do not decrease home prices in areas at risk; (ii) it is the repeated exposure to floods in flood-prone areas that leads to the largest price declines; (iii) responses are heterogeneous by income and age. More specifically, our analysis of the catastrophic 2023 Emilia-Romagna flood and other major flood events shows that only the prices of directly hit homes had a temporary decline, while homes at risk but not directly affected did not change price. At the same time, we find that homes at risk sell at 1% less than homes not at risk at the national level, but this price reduction increases to 4% in the regions most frequently affected by floods. To explain these findings, we provide evidence that it is the historical memory of floods, not specific events, that leads to a price penalty for at-risk homes. This hypothesis is corroborated by our socio-demographic analysis. In frequently flooded regions, young buyers (with limited exposure to prior floods) do not request any price reduction for settling in risky areas. Conversely, experienced buyers command a further 0.5% discount to assume the flood risk. This is accompanied by a difference in the income profile of the buyers. Young buyers settling in risky areas have incomes 2.5% higher than the average young buyer, while we observe 3% lower incomes for experienced buyers settling in risky areas.

This research contributes to the broader literature by first looking at how historical memory of floods affects the housing market across the age and income distribution. Our study is also the first to provide systematic evidence from Italy, a context where flood risk management and institutional frameworks differ significantly from countries like the U.S. and U.K. The results emphasize the importance of cultural and institutional factors in understanding how flood risk affects housing markets and socioeconomic outcomes.

How to cite: Pangallo, M., Bellaver, A., Costantini, L., Fosch, A., Monticelli, A., and Scala, D.: Floods do not sink prices, historical memory does: How flood risk affects the Italian housing market , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17558,, 2025.

EGU25-18250 | Orals | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Global flood displacement risk assessment 

Lauro Rossi, Daria Ottonelli, Tatiana Ghizzoni, Eva Trasforini, Sylvain Ponserre, and Roberto Rudari

This work presents the results of a global flood displacement risk assessment, using an enhanced probabilistic methodology. Existing studies have typically focused solely on housing damage as a driver of displacement. This methodology expands on that by incorporating the likelihood of losing means of livelihood, as an additional driver of displacement. This new methodology is applied globally for the first time, across two different climate scenarios: current climate conditions (1979–2016) and future long-term projections (2061–2100). The estimated global average annual displacement under current conditions exceeds 13 million and doubles under the long-term pessimistic climate scenario (without considering population growth and other socioeconomic evolutions). This consistent approach ensures comparability of results across countries, and the findings can serve as a baseline for implementing displacement risk adaptation and management measures. This methodology, applied here to displacement, also offers a framework for more objectively assessing disaster-affected populations, a key target of the Sendai Framework.

How to cite: Rossi, L., Ottonelli, D., Ghizzoni, T., Trasforini, E., Ponserre, S., and Rudari, R.: Global flood displacement risk assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18250,, 2025.

EGU25-18555 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Impacts of compound extreme events on human behavior: A systems dynamics approach  

Catherine Li, Alex Koberle, and Ana Russo

The two-way feedback system between the climate and human systems is essential to consider for effective adaptation to future climate challenges. This two-way feedback encompasses human contribution to the increase in extreme events in the climate system as well as the range of consequences extreme events inflict on humans, particularly on their behavior. Studies indicate that the simultaneous occurrence of two or more climate extremes referred to as compound climate extremes, is increasing, similarly to that of individual extreme events. While localized research has highlighted the influence of extreme events on human behaviors via climate risk perception, climate change beliefs, and response/preparedness behavior, there is a lack of literature considering the effect of compound extreme events on human behavior. Compound climate extremes amplify the devastating, multi-sectoral impacts of extremes, making it crucial to understand how compound extremes influence human behavior to better predict, prepare for, and respond to future extremes.

In this study, we investigate the future impacts of compound extremes on human behaviors on a global scale, using a highly aggregated two-way (climate-human) feedback driven model known as 'Feedback-based knowledge Repository for Integrated Assessments' (FRIDA v2.0) (WorldTrans, 2024). FRIDA models climate risk perception as a combination of two outputs from its climate module: extreme event exposure and the global surface temperature anomaly. Climate risk perception is feed into specific process-based sub-modules such as animal product or energy demand, which underlie individual human decisions in different areas. In addition to the climate risk perception, the demand sub-modules are dependent on a descriptive norm and perceived accessibility.

This study is expected to provide insights on human behavioral change in avenues such as diet, transport, heating or cooling as a result of compound extreme event exposure and awareness; and ultimately offer a foundation for improved prediction, preparedness, and policy design to mitigate future impacts on both human and climate systems.

This work is supported by WorldTrans – TRANSPARENT ASSESSMENTS FOR REAL PEOPLE, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2.5 – Climate Energy and Mobility programme under grant agreement No. 101081661 and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, FCT, IP/MCTES through national funds: UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 

How to cite: Li, C., Koberle, A., and Russo, A.: Impacts of compound extreme events on human behavior: A systems dynamics approach , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18555,, 2025.

EGU25-18676 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

High-resolution Insights into Africa's Escalating Flood Risks and Socio-economic Vulnerability 

Ho-Minh-Tam Nguyen, Abubaker Omer, Hongtak Lee, Yoong-Joo Kwon, and Hyungjun Kim

Many low- and middle-income countries in Africa face heightened flood risks and significant socio-economic impacts due to climate change, despite contributing minimally to global emissions. However, current flood datasets often lack the necessary resolution (above 250m) and duration to focus effectively on floods in these regions, complicating climate mitigation and adaptation efforts. This study aims to develop long-term, high-resolution spatiotemporal datasets to better characterize flood patterns and their socio-economic impacts across Africa. Using satellite imagery from Landsat and Sentinel-2, we mapped monthly flood inundation extents from 1984 to 2024, producing a flood dataset with a high spatial resolution of 30m to 10m for the entire African continent. We integrated these flood data with socio-economic metrics—population, GDP, and displacement figures—to assess socio-economic vulnerability across African countries. The results show that most African countries have witnessed an increase in affected population by floods over the past 40 years, with Comoros rising by 11.5% of the total population, Madagascar by 6.9%, Liberia by 5.7%, and Congo by 4.3%, identifying these countries as hotspots. In the last decade alone, flood-induced displacements have affected nearly 15 million people, predominantly in low-income countries, while upper-middle-income countries have shown better resilience in flood response. With the growing prevalence of floods and their uneven socio-economic repercussions, these high-resolution datasets are indispensable for shaping effective climate adaptation and mitigation measures, enabling precise and targeted actions. Policies should focus on strengthening flood response capacities and prioritizing support for socio-economically vulnerable regions to minimize flood-related consequences.

How to cite: Nguyen, H.-M.-T., Omer, A., Lee, H., Kwon, Y.-J., and Kim, H.: High-resolution Insights into Africa's Escalating Flood Risks and Socio-economic Vulnerability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18676,, 2025.

EGU25-20896 | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

The impact of natural disasters on social resilience and the health of the population 

Tinna Kristbjörg Halldórsdóttir and Urður Gunnarsdóttir

On December 18, 2020, the village of Seyðisfjörður, located on the East coast of Iceland, was struck by a significant mudslide. This event followed an extended period of unusual rainfall, atypical for a season generally dominated by snowfall. Such weather anomalies are likely linked to climate change, contributing to rising temperatures, increased precipitation, intensified wind and more frequent flooding over recent years. The mudslide destroyed ten residential structures and necessitated the evacuation of the village's approximately 700 residents for one week. A subsequent study was conducted to evaluate the effects of this natural disaster on the social resilience and overall well-being of the community. Social resilience refers to the ability of a community to adapt to challenges and recover from adverse events, which can mitigate long-term consequences, including demographic decline. The effects of the mudslides imposed significant challenges on the residents of Seyðisfjörður, altering their perceptions of the surrounding mountainous landscape and environment. Data collection for the study involved interviews with residents, focusing on their physical health, trauma symptoms, and reactions to the landslide. Findings revealed that nearly half of the interviewees scored in the harmful stress range for post-traumatic stress as assessed by the PSS-4 scale. Additionally, heightened apprehension regarding weather conditions, particularly rainfall, aggravated and prolonged psychological distress among community members. Nevertheless, residents expressed general satisfaction with the clean-up and replanting efforts, noting positive psychological effects from these initiatives. It is imperative to continue monitoring developments in Seyðisfjörður while prioritizing the needs and well-being of its residents moving forward.

How to cite: Halldórsdóttir, T. K. and Gunnarsdóttir, U.: The impact of natural disasters on social resilience and the health of the population, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20896,, 2025.

Near-surface air temperature (Ta) is crucial for glacio-hydrological modeling, yet measuring
and modeling it in glacierized regions is challenging due to spatial variability. On-glacier Ta
data is scarce in the Himalaya, and in these regions, katabatic winds significantly influence
Ta, and linear extrapolation of Ta from off-glacier does not perform well. This study focuses
on the Chhota Shigri Glacier in the Western Himalaya, examining how local wind systems,
particularly katabatic and valley winds, influence Ta and glacier mass balance (MBs). Using
data from nine on-glacier and three off-glacier weather stations during the summer of 2022,
the study highlights interactions between winds and Ta variability across the glacier surface.
Katabatic winds, which accounted for 89% of the observed data, cooled near-surface Ta by
up to 2°C compared to temperatures extrapolated using linear lapse rates (LRs). This cooling
effect, most pronounced during midday, significantly influenced the glacier's thermal regime
and highlighted the limitations of linear LRs in capturing Ta variability. The piecewise linear
regression approach (SM10 model), incorporating katabatic wind effects, was applied to
extrapolate on-glacier Ta. Modeled Ta (SM10) and extrapolated Ta (using LRs) were used in
a temperature index model to simulate point mass balance (MBs) and compare with in-situ
MB observations (using stake data). When validated against in-situ measurements, LR-based
models overestimated point MBs by up to 92%, while the SM10 model reduced the errors to
just 8%.
These results highlight the crucial role of local winds in regulating glacier surface
temperatures and emphasize the need to account for the katabatic wind effect in MBs
modeling. This study enhances the integration of observed Ta into glacio-hydrological
models by analyzing the “glacier cooling effect,” advancing the understanding of glacier-
atmosphere complex interactions in the Himalayan terrain and improving the accuracy of
melt and mass balance studies.

How to cite: Kaushik, H. and Azam, M. F.: The Role of Observed Air Temperature and Local Winds in Glacier Mass BalanceModeling: Chhota Shigri Glacier, Western Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1186,, 2025.

Iron (Fe) as a limiting nutrient has profound impacts on ecosystems and the global biogeochemical cycle. Field observations were made at the atmosphere—snowpack interface in various glaciers of the Tibetan Plateau. The formand chemical properties of the Fe detected were investigated in laboratory using TEM‐EDX measurements, to obtain insights in the content and sources of Fe in aerosol pollutants in glaciers, as well as micro‐structure changes and their environmental effects, as well as interface transformation dynamics. We find that Fe occurs in forms of aggregated and single particulates with diameter d < 5 μm. The Fe particulates collected from different locations show clear spatial heterogeneity, with fly ash and soot constituting the major components of anthropogenic Fe. The concentration of Fe aggregates with pollutants (e.g., sulfate and nitrate) is dominant in regions close to the areas of human activity. Moreover, in the remote areas of the interior plateau, an increased concentration of mineral Fe particles is found in the aggregates. These observations are crucial to elucidate the evolution processes of pollutant‐Fe mixing, from generation or emission through anthropogenic activities to accumulation in remote areas and modification of Fe occurrence form during transportation. Our results also show that, during interface deposition, soluble Fe particle concentration increased by 13.8% on average, as Fe solutes with sulfate‐coating enhances of the dissolution of Fe in fly ash‐soot and minerals—a process that produces large quantities of ultrafine Fe particle under reductive dissolution in snowpack. Overall, these changes significantly contribute to enhancing the bioavailable iron content in the study areas affecting thereby the glacier ecosystem.

How to cite: Dong, Z.: Iron Variability Reveals the Interface Effects of Aerosol‐Pollutant Interactions on the Glacier Surface of Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1457,, 2025.

Asian dust has significant impacts on atmospheric systems and global biogeochemical cycles. In this study, we applied the U isotopic method to trace sediments based on their comminuting age, analyzing the uranium isotopes of cryoconite samples from various glaciers in western China, including the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and Tianshan Mountains. We aimed to explore the spatial variability of the ( 234U/ 238U) activity ratio and residence time, as well as the transport mechanism of the dust cycle in the region. Additionally, we used Nd-Sr isotopes data from our previous work to jointly determine the provenance. Our results indicate that the average ( 234U/ 238U) activity ratios in southern TP glaciers are higher, with mean range of 0.981–0.993, while those in northeastern TP locations are lower, with mean of 0.974. This suggests a decreasing trend from south to north. In the Tianshan region, the ( 234U/ 238U) activity ratio is higher in central areas compared to eastern areas, with a mean range of 0.984–0.996, indicating a decreasing trend from west to east. U-Sr-Nd isotopes analysis showed that dust provenance is from multiple sources, including long-range transported and local dust inputs from the glacier basins, mainly originating from the TP surface and central Asian arid regions. Using the end-member mixing model analysis and meteorological data, we interpret that the cryoconite dust in eastern Tianshan and Qilian Mountains comes from a complex mixture of the southern Gobi, northern TP surface dust, and Taklimakan and Alxa arid deserts. In contrast, the glacial dust in southern TP locations originates mainly from the plateau surface dust. Our findings suggest that the uranium isotopes in high-altitude glaciers are primarily influenced by the origins of dust, which are affected by related atmospheric circulation. We also developed a conceptual model to illustrate the complete process of U isotopic fragmentation and migration changes during dust production, transport, and deposition in the TP region.

How to cite: Jiao, X.: Provenance of Aeolian Dust Revealed by ( 234U/ 238U) ActivityRatios in Cryoconites From High-Altitude Glaciers in WesternChina and Its Transport and Settlement Mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1464,, 2025.

Zinc (Zn) exerts a significant influence on the global environment, terrestrial ecosystems, and human health. The application of Zn isotopes (δ66Zn) has been suggested as a potent tool for tracing environmental contamination. However, studies focusing on Zn isotope tracing within the cryosphere areas are notably limited. Here we present the first dataset on Zn isotopes in glacial cryoconite, based on observations over a large regional scale in High Asian Mountains (including Tibetan Plateau (TP) and its surroundings of western China). The results showed that glacial cryoconite had a general heavy Zn isotopic signature in various TP locations, with δ66Zn values ranging from -0.22‰ to +0.87‰. Employing the MixSIAR model, the overall Zn contribution source to the cryoconite was mineral dust (36%) > coal burning (33%) > non-exhaust traffic emissions (22%) > industrial smelting (10%). We ascertained that anthropogenic sources account for the primary contribution (about 60-73%) of Zn inputs in all glacial locations, with coal burning emerging as the foremost anthropogenic contributor (mean 33%). Anthropogenic Zn in various TP locations was primarily derived from Zn emissions resulting from coal combustion, though it is also predominantly influenced by industrial smelting source in cryoconite of the Tianshan Mountains. Our results aligned with coal combustion data from the energy inventory of western China, suggesting that regional coal burning likely represents the foremost source of atmospheric Zn pollutant emission and deposition in the High Asia mountain glaciers.

How to cite: Rui, W.: Zn Isotope Tracing Unveils Primary Anthropogenic Zn Sources in Glacial Cryoconite of the High Asian Mountains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1472,, 2025.

EGU25-2034 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

Characterization and Impacts of Pre-Monsoonal Dust Events on Aerosol Optical Properties and Snow Albedo in the Indian Himalayas 

Amit Singh Chandel, Chandan Sarangi, Karl Rittger, Rakesh K. Hooda, and Antti-Pekka Hyvärinen

Dust storms are significant atmospheric events that play a crucial role in altering the regional and global climate system. In this study, we investigate the characteristics and impacts of pre-monsoonal dust loading events over the Indian Himalayas using a combination of satellite observations and in situ aerosol measurements conducted at Mukteshwar, a representative high-altitude site. Ten prominent dust events were identified through satellite-derived aerosol optical depth (AOD) and corroborated with ground-based observations. These events were further classified into two categories based on air mass back-trajectory analysis: Mineral Dust Events (MDEs) and Polluted Dust Events (PDEs). MDEs are characterized by long-range transported dust plumes, primarily from arid regions such as the Thar Desert and the Middle East, traversing the lower troposphere before reaching the Himalayas. Conversely, PDEs are linked to short-range transported dust plumes that originate from the arid western Indian subcontinent but travel through the highly polluted Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) boundary layer before reaching the Himalayan foothills.

The study reveals substantial enhancements in aerosol loading and optical properties during these dust events. During both MDEs and PDEs, the mass concentration of coarse particles (2.5-10 µm) increased by approximately 400% (from 24±15 µg/m³ to 98±40 µg/m³), while the extinction coefficient increased by 175% (from 89±57 Mm⁻¹ to 156±79 Mm⁻¹) compared to background conditions. However, there were significant differences in aerosol optical properties between MDEs and PDEs. Single Scattering Albedo (SSA) and Absorption Ångström Exponent (AAE) showed contrasting trends: SSA and AAE increased during MDEs, indicating dominance of mineral dust particles with relatively low light absorption properties, while they decreased during PDEs, highlighting a more substantial contribution from light-absorbing aerosols such as black carbon (BC).

Notably, black carbon concentrations and aerosol absorption coefficients exhibited a twofold increase during PDEs compared to background levels, whereas minimal changes were observed during MDEs. These contrasting aerosol characteristics critically impact snow albedo reduction (SAR) over the Himalayas. SAR during PDEs was nearly double that of background conditions, driven primarily by the enhanced absorption of solar radiation by black carbon and other light-absorbing aerosols. Although SAR also increased during MDEs, the magnitude of change was comparatively lower.

Our findings highlight the dual nature of dust storms impacting the Indian Himalayas: long-range transported MDEs dominated by mineral dust and short-range transported PDEs enriched with black carbon and anthropogenic pollutants. Both categories significantly alter the aerosol optical properties and have distinct yet substantial effects on snow albedo and subsequent glacier melting processes. These findings highlight the necessity of thorough modeling and observational research to more accurately estimate the long-term effects of dust-induced snow albedo reduction on the Himalayan region.

How to cite: Chandel, A. S., Sarangi, C., Rittger, K., Hooda, R. K., and Hyvärinen, A.-P.: Characterization and Impacts of Pre-Monsoonal Dust Events on Aerosol Optical Properties and Snow Albedo in the Indian Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2034,, 2025.

EGU25-3234 | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

High Arctic snow, ice, and particle samples to investigate dust and black carbon occurrence close to Longyearbyen, Svalbard  

Outi Meinander, Pavla Dagsson-Waldhauserova, Jafar Fathi, Miriam Kosmale, Leena Leppänen, Roman Juras, Jan Kavan, Ondrej Jankovsky, Vojtěch Moravec, and Ali Nadir Arslan

Svalbard is one of the hot spots of Arctic Amplification, i.e., fastest warming places on Earth. Most often dust and black carbon (BC, soot) investigations in Svalbard have been carried out in clean remote areas and investigations close to the settlement and coal mines are rare. Therefore, our investigation focused on the vicinity of Mine 5 and Mine 7 (coal mining) and on the Longyearbyen settlement surroundings, as well as on samples collected from a nearby glacier. Dust storms have been observed in Svalbard (e.g., 11 September 2024).

During 22-28 April 2024, the Faculty of Environmental Sciences - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and University of Arctic (UA) Thematic Network on Nordic Snow Network (established from Nordic Snow Network project funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers) organized an educational Polar Winter School (PWS) in Svalbard. Several research and educational activities were carried out. Here we present our work related to dust and black carbon and results from the samples that we collected during the PWS. In the field, the snow surface was often observed visually dark, either due to soot (black) or dust (tones of grey and brown), depending on the location. Dark impurity layers (with ice) were observed and sampled from a deep snowpack nearby the Mine 7. The glacier samples appeared visually clean.

The samples were transported from Svalbard to the laboratory of the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, Finland, mainly as snow and ice. In Finland, these samples were melted and filtered. Thereafter, the particle and filter samples were investigated with multiple methods for their dust and BC (soot particle) properties at FMI and at the University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT), Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic. For example, our soot samples (loose particle sample no. 7, and quartz filter sample no. 7 from a dirty ice layer close to the Mine 7) particle volume size distributions had a peak at 200 µm, and rectangular, non-spherical shapes (observed using scanning electron microscopy). The presence of C (74.6 Wt%), O (13.2 Wt%), Zr (4.5 Wt%) Fe (4.4 Wt%) and <1 Wt% of Si, S, Al, Ca, Mg, Na and K were detected using SEM/EDS by UCT. In addition to dust and BC results, we demonstrate how to utilize remote sensing observations to better understand our field work environment and our data.

We gratefully acknowledge all the PWS participants, as well as Faculty of Environmental Sciences - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Science -  University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, UArctic Thematic Networks on High Latitude Dust (HLD) and Nordic Snow Network, Norway grants within EEA funds, Czech Arctic Research Station and Summit Trade.

How to cite: Meinander, O., Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P., Fathi, J., Kosmale, M., Leppänen, L., Juras, R., Kavan, J., Jankovsky, O., Moravec, V., and Nadir Arslan, A.: High Arctic snow, ice, and particle samples to investigate dust and black carbon occurrence close to Longyearbyen, Svalbard , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3234,, 2025.

EGU25-3301 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

Air temperature control on snow erosion at a high-elevation site in the Eastern European Alps 

Tiziana Lazzarina Zendrini, Luca Carturan, Michael Lehning, Federico Cazorzi, Mathias Bavay, and Nander Wever

Snow accumulation on glaciers typically exhibits high spatial and temporal variability, especially on high-elevation and exposed areas, where wind action (e.g., preferential deposition, redistribution, erosion) can deeply modify snow accumulation patterns. Yet, wind action remains one of the most challenging processes to account for in glacier mass-balance models. In fact, the latter often treat snow accumulation by assuming a simple proportionality with precipitation, overlooking the influence of wind and its variability in space and time.

A critical issue, among others, regards the susceptibility of the snowpack to wind erosion. This susceptibility is controlled by the metamorphism of snow, which depends on the surface energy balance and time. In this study, we investigate how the susceptibility to erosion at the Alto dell’Ortles glacier (3905 m a.s.l., Eastern Alps, Italy) responds to high-elevation meteorological conditions. More in detail, on Mt. Ortles we focus on the influence of air temperature as it might lead to important feedbacks regulating snow accumulation and its seasonality in the context of climate change.

Few works exist in the scientific literature addressing the relationship between snow susceptibility to erosion and air temperature. We address this knowledge gap by calculating the energy and mass balance at a site close to the summit of Mt. Ortles, using the physically based process-oriented SNOWPACK model, which explicitly accounts for snow erosion by wind. The model is driven by meteorological data from an automatic weather station (AWS) located on the glacier’s upper accumulation zone (3830 m a.s.l.) and precipitation data recorded at the nearby Solda AWS (1907 m a.s.l.). The model is evaluated against automatic snow depth measurement series and periodic mass balance observations spanning 2011–2015.

This approach enables the systematic assessment of snowpack susceptibility to wind erosion under varying air temperature, considering its effects during the formation of snow layers and during their permanence at the glacier surface. In particular, we observe increasing resistance to wind erosion for increasing mean temperature during the permanence of a layer at the surface. The results enable to shed light on the long-term behaviour of this high-elevation glacial site, which shows persistent net snow accumulation despite ongoing atmospheric warming. 

This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-Generation National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005).

How to cite: Zendrini, T. L., Carturan, L., Lehning, M., Cazorzi, F., Bavay, M., and Wever, N.: Air temperature control on snow erosion at a high-elevation site in the Eastern European Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3301,, 2025.

Black carbon (BC), a short-lived aerosol produced by incomplete combustion of biomass and fossil fuels, exerts profound influences on local, regional, and global cryosphere through snow albedo feedback mechanisms. Accurately estimating BC concentration in the cryosphere using satellite surface reflectance is a pivotal objective of snow optical remote sensing. Over the past two decades, numerous endeavors have developed various retrieval algorithms for cryosphere's BC and conducted small-scale validations to prove their feasibility. However, few studies have focused on evaluating how these algorithms address the enormous challenges of global BC concentration quantification, which has led to the community's limited knowledge of BC loading in snow globally. Considering the mounting obstacles to achieving carbon neutrality goals and the increasing prevalence of global wildfires, it is imperative to extend state-of-the-art black carbon retrieval algorithms to the global scale to achieve more refined quantitative mapping of snow pollutants with enhanced generalizability. To bridge this gap, this work employs six advanced cryospheric snow BC remote sensing algorithms rooted in analytical asymptotic radiative transfer theory to retrieve global BC abundance. The study comprehensively optimized the covariates used by the six commonly adopted BC direct retrieval algorithms from three aspects: inherent optical properties of ice crystals and BC, snow microstructure and scattering characteristics, and BC's intrinsic physical properties. This research quantified uncertainties using over 20,000 high-quality BC concentration measurements (including thermal, optical, and thermo-optical methods) from the global cryosphere (including Asia, Europe, America, and the Polar Regions) and further analyzed the optimal configuration for remote sensing retrieval of BC. Overall, through large-scale critical evaluation of the current state-of-the-art snow BC concentration remote sensing retrieval scheme, this work revealed the tremendous potential of using satellites to quantify BC abundance in the cryosphere, providing a new perspective for estimating the carbon sequestration capacity of the cryosphere.

How to cite: Ji, W., Hao, X., and Shao, D.: Quantifying Black Carbon Retrieval in Snow Surface: Remote Sensing, Modeling, and Observations Perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5541,, 2025.

EGU25-5819 | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

Meteorological Impact of Glacier Retreat and Proglacial Lake Temperature in Western Norway 

Kristine Flacké Haualand, Tobias Sauter, Jakob Abermann, Simon de Villiers, Alexander Georgi, Brigitta Goger, Isaac Dawson, Sigurd D. Nerhus, Benjamin A. Robson, Kamilla H. Sjursen, Daniel J. Thomas, Moritz Thomaser, and Jacob C. Yde

Glaciers are retreating worldwide, yet little is known about the influence of these changes on local weather and climate in glacial landscapes. Changes in glacier extent and proglacial lakes alter the thermodynamic forcing in glacier-lake-valley systems that may be of similar or greater importance for future microclimate than direct effects of global warming. To study the impact of these changes, we combine the first set of high-density spatiotemporal observations of a glacier-lake-valley system at Nigardsbreen in western Norway with high-resolution numerical simulations from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The sensitivity of the thermodynamic circulation to glacier extent and proglacial lakes is tested using glacier outlines from 2006 and 2019 as well as varying lake surface temperature. The model represents the evolution of glacier flow and cold air pools well when thermal forcing dominates over large-scale forcing. During a persistent down-glacier flow regime, the glacier-valley circulation is sensitive to lake temperature and glacier extent, with strong impacts on wind speed, convection in the valley, and interaction with mountain waves. However, when the large-scale forcing dominates and the down-glacier flow is weak and shallower, impacts on atmospheric circulation are smaller, especially those related to lake temperature. This high sensitivity to meteorological conditions is related to whether the flow regime promotes thermal coupling between the glacier and the lake. The findings of this study highlight the need for accurate representation of glacier extent and proglacial lakes when evaluating local effects of past and future climate change in glacierized regions.

How to cite: Haualand, K. F., Sauter, T., Abermann, J., de Villiers, S., Georgi, A., Goger, B., Dawson, I., Nerhus, S. D., Robson, B. A., Sjursen, K. H., Thomas, D. J., Thomaser, M., and Yde, J. C.: Meteorological Impact of Glacier Retreat and Proglacial Lake Temperature in Western Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5819,, 2025.

EGU25-5894 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

Saharan dust impacts on Argentière glacier surface mass balance during the 2022 extreme melt year 

Léon Roussel, Marie Dumont, Marion Réveillet, Delphine Six, Marin Kneib, Pierre Nabat, Kévin Fourteau, Diego Monteiro, Simon Gascoin, Emmanuel Thibert, Antoine Rabatel, Jean-Emmanuel Sicart, Mylène Bonnefoy, Luc Piard, Olivier Laarman, Bruno Jourdain, Matthieu Lafaysse, Matthieu Vernay, and Mathieu Fructus

Saharan dust depositions frequently color alpine glaciers in orange. Along with other light absorbing particles, dust lowers snow albedo, increases the melt rate of snow, and lowers the surface mass balance of glaciers. Since the surface mass balance drives the evolution of alpine glaciers, assessing the impact of impurities helps understanding the current and future evolution of alpine glaciers. Here, we quantify the impact of impurities on glacier surface mass balance taking into account mineral dust. To do so, we used the SURFEX/ISBA-Crocus snow model, that explicitely accounts for the evolution of impurities content within the snowpack and computes their effect on albedo with the TARTES two stream radiative transfer model.  Over the Argentière Glacier (Mont-Blanc area, France), our modeling show that considering the impact of mineral dust leads to a decrease in the glacier-wide annual surface mass balance by around 0.25 m w.e. on average for the period 2019-2021, but it reaches the double during the exceptionnal melt of 2022 (around 0.5 m w.e.) on average over the whole glacier, and up to 1.00 m w.e. locally. This highlights the importance of accounting for the impact of mineral dust when simulating the surface mass balance of mountain glaciers, and the need to understand how this contribution varies at the mountain range scale and for different periods of times.

How to cite: Roussel, L., Dumont, M., Réveillet, M., Six, D., Kneib, M., Nabat, P., Fourteau, K., Monteiro, D., Gascoin, S., Thibert, E., Rabatel, A., Sicart, J.-E., Bonnefoy, M., Piard, L., Laarman, O., Jourdain, B., Lafaysse, M., Vernay, M., and Fructus, M.: Saharan dust impacts on Argentière glacier surface mass balance during the 2022 extreme melt year, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5894,, 2025.

EGU25-6410 | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

The Role of Light Absorbing Particles in Snow and Ice on Svalbard: A Focus on Dust 

Susan Kaspari, Elisabeth Isaksson, Jean-Charles Gallet, Jack Kohler, Andy Hodson, William Hartz, Oscar Orme, Andrea Spoloar, Federico Scoto, Biagio Di Mauro, and Geir Moholdt

The Arctic is warming as much as four times the global rate, with warming particularly pronounced on Svalbard. This warming is leading to reductions in snow, glaciers and sea ice and a potential increase of local dust emissions. In addition to climate warming, another factor that can contribute to snow and ice melt is the deposition of light absorbing particles (LAP). LAP include black carbon, dust and biogenic impurities.  When deposited on snow and ice surfaces, LAP reduce albedo, increase energy absorption, and can accelerate snow and ice melt.  Numerous studies have investigated black carbon in snow and ice cores from Svalbard, but less work has been done on dust, and measurements of snow dust concentrations and dust deposition rates are sparse.  Recent studies have called for an assessment of the impacts of climate change on dust emissions and the cryosphere in the Arctic, as decreases in seasonal snow cover and duration, glacier retreat, and warming temperatures are all hypothesized to lead to an increase in dust sources and emissions, and subsequent deposition of dust on snow and ice surfaces.

We present LAP results from snow and firn core samples that were collected from spatially distributed Svalbard glaciers between 2021-2025. The samples were analyzed for black carbon using a Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2), dust concentrations via gravimetric filtration and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), dust spectral reflectance using a spectroradiometer, and dust composition and mineralogy via X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and a scanning electron microscope with a Back Scatter Electron (BSE) detector.  Results indicate that dust concentrations vary seasonally with low concentrations during the winter and higher concentrations during the summer-fall, and there are spatial variations in dust concentrations and dust optical properties that are likely associated with variations in local dust sources. Modeled albedo reductions indicate that LAP albedo reductions are dominated by dust, with smaller albedo reductions from black carbon. Changes in dust emissions and dust deposition spatially and temporally in response to a changing climate on Svalbard are also considered.

How to cite: Kaspari, S., Isaksson, E., Gallet, J.-C., Kohler, J., Hodson, A., Hartz, W., Orme, O., Spoloar, A., Scoto, F., Di Mauro, B., and Moholdt, G.: The Role of Light Absorbing Particles in Snow and Ice on Svalbard: A Focus on Dust, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6410,, 2025.

EGU25-6724 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

Proxies of Amazon Climate in a Peruvian Ice Core 

João Gomes Ilha, Elena Barbaro, Carlo Barbante, Jefferson Cardia Simões, and Paul Mayewski

The Amazon rainforest, the largest in the world, is a big producer of aerosols. They can be of either natural or anthropic origin. The forest is also responsible for controlling much of the weather in South America. Approximately 70 km distant, in the Cordillera Vilcanota, in the Peruvian Altiplano, lies the biggest tropical ice cap in the world at an altitude of about 5674 meters above sea level. In 2022, an ice core was drilled at the Summit Dome, by the Climate Change Institute (University of Maine) as part of a joint US-Brazil-Italy collaboration, recovering the entirety of the ice cap thickness at that point in an ice core 128.3 meters-long recording possibly the last 2 thousand years of South American tropical climate. The ice core is being analyzed for levoglucosan, organic acids and major ions to understand if it could be a reliable site for studying Amazon changes in the past. The first 35 meters of which 18 meters represent the superficial firn pack have already been analyzed. The preliminary results indicate that much of the ionic signal is preserved within the most superficial sections of the ice cap both for the inorganic ionic species (such as Na+, Ca2+, NH4+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO42-, NO3-) and the organic species (MSA, C1-formic, C2-acetic, C2-glycolic and C2:C7 diacids). Further analyzes are still being made and should bring progress on the state of the ice core geochemistry, revealing other processes and enhancing the knowledge whether Amazon signal is recorded in such an isolated environment.

How to cite: Gomes Ilha, J., Barbaro, E., Barbante, C., Cardia Simões, J., and Mayewski, P.: Proxies of Amazon Climate in a Peruvian Ice Core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6724,, 2025.

EGU25-9461 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

Intra-seasonal trends of cryoconite bacterial communities on an Alpine Glacier  

Alessandro Cuzzeri and Birgit Sattler

In the current context of climate change, the study of cryospheric environments is becoming increasingly important. While it was originally believed that these natural systems were unable to support life, it is now well known that they represent microbial biodiversity hot spots. To better understand the dynamics and drivers that regulate the cryospheric microbial communities inhabiting cryoconite holes throughout the melting season, 60 samples were collected from an alpine glacier (Jamtalferner, Austrian Alps), consisting of sediment and supernatant water from June to September 2022. The present study harnesses the power of long-read Nanopore 16S rRNA sequencing, flow cytometry for cell counting in supra-glacial water, and a technique for estimating bacterial productivity of cryoconite sediment based on 3H-Leucine incorporation.

The results of bacterial abundance and productivity showed numbers ranging from 64.000 (early July) to 300.000 cells/mL (early August). Levels of bacterial productivity were shown peaking in early June and early August (ranging from 10-8 - 10-5 gC/g ww·h), especially at the beginning of the season and during late July - early August, but, unlike the community structure, they suggest no distinctive trends. On the other hand, the significance of the observed trends in microbial ecology was investigated by means of Generalized Linear (Mixed) Models. It revealed a globally increasing diversity along the season for all alpha diversity indices, and a strong presence of cyanobacteria, mainly belonging to the family Leptolyngbyales, which decreased along the season in favor of Proteobacteria (Polaromonas sp.) and Bacteroidetes (fam. Chitinophagaceae). This highlights a fully-fledged ecological succession despite the harsh environmental conditions and the relatively short intra-seasonal time frame.

The ongoing climate change scenario represents a clear threat to the communities inhabiting the supraglacial environments due to the faster ice melting rates observed on low altitude glacial tongues. While the long-term repercussions are somewhat difficult to envision and quantify, what we currently know is that the (deriving) functional losses encompass different aspects, such as carbon fixation by cyanobacteria (estimated in the tens of thousands of tons worldwide for non-Antarctic cryoconites alone). Also, bacteria are able to degrade persistent organic pollutants from agricultural use like pesticides, or, more generally, to handle a variety of compounds as growing substrates, due to the otherwise environmental scarcity they are subjected to. In this sense, along with the ice, a plethora of filter ecosystems are quickly disappearing. The natural continuation of our study is to directly analyze the expressed activities compared to the genomic potential shown by these communities (genomics versus transcriptomics), extending the field of application to extreme latitudes (East Antarctica). Finally, to pinpoint the provenance of the various components of the aforementioned communities, sampling the bioaerosols insisting on these glacial areas and backtracking the air masses’ trajectories will provide us with the last piece of the puzzle, to understand the assembly processes that lead to the observed ecological configurations.

How to cite: Cuzzeri, A. and Sattler, B.: Intra-seasonal trends of cryoconite bacterial communities on an Alpine Glacier , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9461,, 2025.

EGU25-9826 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

Flow structure and turbulence characteristics on a mid-latitude glacier 

Giordano Nitti and Ivana Stiperski

Mountain glaciers are a perfect laboratory to study the interaction between the mountain atmosphere, including the multiscale processes developing within it, and the stably stratified ice surfaces. Due to their setting within mountain valleys, the structure of the glacier boundary layers is a result of a complex interplay between the surface thermal forcing, the thermally and dynamically driven multiscale mountain flows and the larger scale flow aloft. This complex flow structure plays an important role in glacier microclimates and surface energy and mass balance of glaciers. However, few datasets of atmospheric measurements over the whole surface of a glacier are available to probe this complex interaction and spatio-temporal variability. In August and September 2023, the Second Hintereisferner Experiment (HEFEX II), a three-week measurement campaign took place on the Hintereisferner glacier in the Austrian Alps to address these challenges. The glacier was instrumented with 18 surface weather stations, of which 10 were equipped with two or three levels of turbulence measurements.

The data from this extensive dataset is used to characterize the surface atmospheric flow over the glacier and investigate its turbulent properties. Using a clustering method on the vertical profiles from one tower at the upper part of the glacier tongue, we show that different classes of katabatic flows, as well as some perturbed flows related to the impact of synoptic flows during strong synoptic winds periods, and the passage of a cold front take place during the campaign. We also show that these different types of flow show characteristic horizontal wind and temperature structure across the glacier tongue. The results thus suggest that it is possible to recover the type of flow from one multi-level measurement location and extend it consistently to the whole surface of the glacier, meaning that a well-chosen point on the glacier is correctly representing the spatial structure of the flow. The surface measurements are then used to explore the turbulence structure during the different flow regimes, and estimate the surface energy balance over the glacier and calculate the melt rate. The calculated melt rates are consistent with ablation measurements. The results indicated that the different clusters are associated with different melt rates and surface energy balance contributions, with katabatic flows having a large radiative contribution and synoptically perturbed flows having large sensible and latent heat contribution.

How to cite: Nitti, G. and Stiperski, I.: Flow structure and turbulence characteristics on a mid-latitude glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9826,, 2025.

Common turbulence parametrization in numerical weather prediction models and traditional boundary layer theory are predominantly designed for horizontally homogeneous flat terrain and only consider vertical transport processes. However, these assumptions fail in valleys, where the horizontal constrictions to the flow as well as prevalent surface heterogeneity mean that horizontal terms in the budget equations (e.g. advection, horizontal flux divergence) become important. Over a mountain glacier, in addition, the acceleration of the katabatic wind downslope, a decrease in wind speed from the centerline towards the margin due to lateral variation in the forcing (glacier ice vs. rocky sides), and horizontal temperature gradients necessitate consideration of horizontal terms in the budgets of mean and turbulent quantities.

Here we investigate the importance of horizontal term in the budgets of momentum, heat, TKE and sensible heat flux, for deep katabatic flows over the Hintereisferner glacier in Austria. The analysis is based on data collected during the three-week Hintereisferner Experiment (HEFEX) field campaign that took place in the summer of 2018, where four turbulence towers were installed in an along- and across-glacier transect, allowing the estimation of horizontal terms in the down-glacier and cross-glacier direction. Towers were equipped with two levels of turbulence sensors, and one level of mean wind and temperature sensors. The focus of the study is on deep flows where both turbulence observational heights were below the potential jet maximum height, so that all the estimated budget terms are located within the same layer.

The results indicate that, for certain selected periods with deep flow, horizontal terms have an important contribution to the budget equations. The largest contribution comes from the horizontal advection terms, and they are shown to enhance TKE destruction by buoyancy and TKE production by advection and shear over Hintereisferner. These results highlight the importance of considering horizontal processes to correctly capture the flow dynamics in complex terrain.

How to cite: Staudinger, I. and Stiperski, I.: Exploring the importance of horizontal transport terms in a katabatic flow over a glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9840,, 2025.

Polar Regions are the most fragile regions on our Earth, where small changes can have tremendous impacts on local and global climate. Black Carbon and High Latitude Dust (HLD) were recognized as important climate drivers in Polar Regions (AMAP, 2015; IPCC SROCC, 2019). HLD has impacts on climate, such as effects on cryosphere, cloud properties, atmospheric chemistry and radiation, and marine environment.  

In 2024, many extreme events causing severe air pollution were observed and measured in Iceland, Svalbard and Antarctica. In Iceland, we measured i. tens of severe dust storms at multiple locations, resulting in long-range transport to Scandinavia, Faroe and British Isle, and Svalbard; ii. two Saharan dust plumes causing air pollution in Iceland, and iii. Black/Organic Carbon haze from burning mosses around the eruption in Reykjanes Peninsula, transported >300 km to Northeast Iceland. Several dust storms were measured also in Antarctic Peninsula. In Svalbard, aerosol measurements revealed high concentrations of dust, coal dust and Black Carbon, while dirty snow evidenced the occurrences of Snow-Dust Storms, similarly to Iceland.        

The 2024 HLD measurements are part of the long-term in-situ measurements conducted occasionally in deserts of Iceland since 2013 and Antarctic deserts of Eastern Antarctic Peninsula since 2018. Severe Icelandic dust storms exceeded particulate matter (PM) concentrations (one-minute PM10) of 50,000 ugm-3 in the past. However in 2024, the instruments were overloaded (maximum concentration 150 mgm-3) several times. Antarctic summer was not as severe as in 2021-2022 when hourly PM10 means in James Ross Island exceeded 300 ugm-3. Saharan dust plumes in Iceland caused increase of PM10 (PM2,5) concentrations to 200 (50-100) ugm-3 in November 2024.

The August 2024 eruption in Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland caused a biomass burning haze at locations > 300 km with significantly reduced visibility and smoke smell. The cause was burning mosses around the fresh lava. Air pollution in terms of Black Carbon (BC) concentrations was severe. Particle number concentrations of Black Carbon increased from background of 0-10 particles per cm3 to 10 000 particles per cm3. Some particles exceeding the sizes > 1 µm. Particulate matter (PM1) mass concentrations had exceeded 25 µgm-3 for 12 hours. These HLD and BC events were not captured by most of the models or remote sensing products except for the DREAM and SILAM models.

The year 2024 was extreme in terms of variability and frequency of air pollution events in Iceland. The air pollution observed in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, seems to be common based on the industrial background of the town. Long-term daily aerosol measurements are therefore needed at more locations at high latitudes than available. More in-situ observations around HLD sources would confirm that background air quality is not better than at industrial or some urban stations, such as in Iceland during the CAMS NCP project.

More information at the Icelandic Aerosol and Dust Association (IceDust) websites (,, UArctic Network on High Latitude Dust (, NORDDUST (, and CAMS NCP Iceland (, Field campaigns were partially funded by Orkurannsoknasjodur, National Power Agency of Iceland.  

How to cite: Dagsson Waldhauserova, P., Meinander, O., and members, I.: In-situ aerosol measurements in Iceland, Antarctica and Svalbard in 2024, including plumes of High Latitude Dust and Saharan Dust, and Black Carbon haze , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11911,, 2025.

EGU25-16660 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

Concentrations of organic carbon, elemental carbon and mineral dust in the snow cover between 2016 and 2024 at Sonnblick Observatory, Austria 

Daniela Kau, Marion Greilinger, Andjela Vukićević, Jakub Bielecki, Johannes Zbiral, and Anne Kasper-Giebl

Light-absorbing aerosols, including elemental carbon and mineral dust, reduce the albedo of snow covers after deposition. This enhances melting, reducing the duration of the snow cover. Mineral dust additionally introduces various elements to the deposition area, e.g., Fe and Ca. In thermal-optical analysis, which is frequently applied to snow samples after melting and filtration over quartz fibre filters, these Fe-oxides contained in mineral dust lead to a bias in the classification of elemental and organic carbon [1]. Especially for remote environments like glaciers, the correct quantification of both compounds is of interest.

We quantify organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC) via thermal-optical analysis (TOA) in the snow cover collected at the glaciers surrounding the remote high-altitude Global Atmosphere Watch station Sonnblick Observatory (3106 m a.s.l.), located in the Austrian Alps. Samples were collected between 2016 and 2024 with a resolution of 20 cm, providing a continuous data set covering 9 years. We identify samples, which contain mineral dust, using the temperature dependent change of optical properties as previously described and assess the Fe loading directly from TOA data for the current data set. Up to 44 % of samples in the annually collected snow covers were identified to be affected by mineral dust, which is deposited after long-range transport. To counter the influence of mineral dust on OC and EC data, we evaluate those samples using a linear approach and quantify the changes in OC and EC concentrations in the annual snow covers when considering or neglecting the influence of mineral dust on TOA. We analyse the corrected EC data for trends.

Using elemental data of the snow samples collected at Sonnblick Observatory and approaches from literature, we discuss the possibility to deduce the mineral dust loading directly from TOA data.

[1] Kau, D., et al. (2022). Thermal–optical analysis of quartz fiber filters loaded with snow samples–determination of iron based on interferences caused by mineral dust. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 15(18), 5207-5217.

How to cite: Kau, D., Greilinger, M., Vukićević, A., Bielecki, J., Zbiral, J., and Kasper-Giebl, A.: Concentrations of organic carbon, elemental carbon and mineral dust in the snow cover between 2016 and 2024 at Sonnblick Observatory, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16660,, 2025.

EGU25-16744 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6 | Highlight

Atmospheric Connections: Wildfire Aerosols and Their Role in Andean Tropical Glacier Dynamics  

Christian Alonso Riveros Lizana and Wilson Suarez Alayza

This research examines the relationship between wildfire aerosol deposition—primarily from Amazonian fires—and the accelerated retreat of tropical glaciers in the Andes. Covering approximately 1,409 km² and supplying water to over 30 million people, these glaciers have experienced significant shrinkage since the 1970s. This decline is driven by rising average temperatures (1–2 °C) and the deposition of light-absorbing particles (LAPs), notably black carbon (BC).
Black carbon deposition on glacier surfaces reduces albedo, increasing absorbed solar radiation and enhancing glacier melt rates. BC-induced albedo reductions range from 0.04% to 3.8%, contributing to a positive radiative forcing of up to +3.2 W/m². Annually, 5–20% of glacier mass loss can be attributed to this darkening effect. BC concentrations spike during El Niño events, when atmospheric conditions promote Amazonian wildfire activity and enhance aerosol transport to high-altitude glaciers.
Amazonian wildfires account for approximately 70% of BC emissions deposited in the Andes, peaking at 50 teragrams of BC per fire season due to agricultural expansion and slash-and-burn practices. Atmospheric transport models (e.g., WRF-CHEM) and field measurements highlight the role of meteorological systems such as the South American Monsoon System (SAMS), the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), and the South American Low-Level Jet (SALLJ) in moving aerosols over 2,000 km during the dry season (July–October). This process leads to BC concentrations in glacier snowpacks reaching up to 1,092 ng/g.
The combined effects of albedo reduction and increased radiative forcing exacerbate glacier melting, with significant implications for water resources, food security, and ecosystem stability in regions reliant on seasonal glacier runoff. Observed melt rates range from 0.1 to 0.4 meters of ice thickness per year, with peaks during El Niño episodes.

How to cite: Riveros Lizana, C. A. and Suarez Alayza, W.: Atmospheric Connections: Wildfire Aerosols and Their Role in Andean Tropical Glacier Dynamics , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16744,, 2025.

EGU25-17274 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

Parameterisation of summertime surface winds near mountain glaciers 

Krishnanand Jayan, Argha Banerjee, Himanshu Kaushik, Mohd. Farooq Azam, Chandan Sarangi, and Ramachandran Shankar

Glaciers in mountain valleys create unique local climates consisting of glacier winds, valley winds and slope winds. These local winds together with the synoptic winds mediate the turbulent heat fluxes between the glacier surface and the atmosphere, and contribute up to one-third of the total glacier melt. The knowledge of on-glacier wind speed distribution is required to estimate these fluxes, which can be either obtained through weather stations or climate reanalysis products. Weather station data is sparse on glaciers due to logistic reasons. Large scale climate models on the other hand, fail to capture these local winds entirely due to their coarse resolution. Hence we develop a parameterisation for summertime hourly wind speed at any glacier around the world using freely available large scale climate and topographic data. We calibrate and validate this parameterisation using station data from 25 near-glacier weather stations around the world. Our method reduces the prediction errors of wind speed and turbulent heat fluxes by a factor of 1.6 and 3 respectively, as compared to the state-of-the-art climate data product. This will help improve the glacier- to basin- scale melt and runoff estimates by regional and global models.


How to cite: Jayan, K., Banerjee, A., Kaushik, H., Azam, M. F., Sarangi, C., and Shankar, R.: Parameterisation of summertime surface winds near mountain glaciers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17274,, 2025.

Local snow accumulation in alpine terrain is highly influenced by wind-driven redistribution of snow. Accurate knowledge of the small-scale flow field and the interactions between the snow and the atmosphere are therefore necessary to better simulate and understand glacier mass balance. To bridge the gap between an explicit treatment in high-resolution numerical simulations and computational feasibility for (multi-)seasonal assessments, we introduce SNOWstorm (the SNOW drift Sublimation and TranspORt Model), a deep-learning based model to predict high-resolution near-surface winds, snow redistribution and drifting snow sublimation from low-resolution atmospheric input and high-resolution topography. The model has a stacked U-Net shape architecture and is trained with data from large-eddy simulations (dx=50 m) in a semi-idealized environment. The numerical simulations for the training data set are performed with the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) using a coupled drifting snow module. The surface topography and atmospheric conditions used in WRF reflect the variability seen in alpine terrain over a winter season.

Here we present the basic design of the model, possibilities for applications in the future, as well as first assessments of case studies coupling the model to real-world atmospheric input.

How to cite: Saigger, M. and Mölg, T.: SNOWstorm – A new emulator model for near-surface winds and drifting snow in glaciological applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17454,, 2025.

EGU25-17840 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

Cryosphere-Atmosphere Interactions on the Edge: The Ice Cliff Boundary Layer 

Marie Schroeder, Rainer Prinz, Lindsey Nicholson, Jakob Abermann, Jakob Steiner, Michael Winkler, and Ivana Stiperski

Land-terminating ice cliffs are rare features of the cryosphere, displaying unique atmosphere-cryosphere interactions due to their vertical nature. Although the ice cliff surface is small compared to the total glacier surface, the mass balance of the vertical face can play a decisive role in glacier ablation, due to the cliff's altered exposure to radiative fluxes and modulation of turbulent heat fluxes. Understanding the boundary layer fluxes over these vertical ice walls is therefore essential for accurately modeling the melt of the cliff and other related processes. Our research addresses this gap by analyzing turbulence and microclimate data collected from ice cliffs in two distinct climatic regions: northern Greenland and Kilimanjaro.

The dataset from Greenland includes low-frequency temperature and humidity observations from the vertical ice face and its surroundings, allowing us to characterize the microclimate of ice cliffs in polar environments. The Kilimanjaro site was additionally equipped with high-frequency instrumentation. These measurements provide reliable insights into the boundary layer structure and turbulent fluxes of heat and moisture. Therefore, using data from this site, we aim to evaluate whether heat and moisture fluxes calculated from low- and high-frequency measurements are consistent. This allows us to determine whether the low-frequency data is sufficient to calculate turbulent fluxes at sites without high-frequency instrumentation. The insights gained from these analyses can help improve the representation of turbulent fluxes in ice cliff melt models.

In summary, this work contributes to the broader understanding of cryosphere-atmosphere interactions at vertical ice cliffs, offering valuable insights into the boundary layer processes that control their melt under varying climatic conditions.

How to cite: Schroeder, M., Prinz, R., Nicholson, L., Abermann, J., Steiner, J., Winkler, M., and Stiperski, I.: Cryosphere-Atmosphere Interactions on the Edge: The Ice Cliff Boundary Layer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17840,, 2025.

EGU25-18365 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

Quantifying the light-absorbing impurities and their seasonal variability in snow in the Arctic and their impact on accelerated melting 

Anna-Marie Jörss, Sebastian Zeppenfeld, Andreas Herber, Alia Khan, Sally Vaux, and Zsófia Jurányi

Black carbon (BC) is a key contributor to modifications in the radiation budget of snow-covered surfaces. By reducing snow albedo, BC accelerates melting and triggers feedback processes between the atmosphere and cryosphere. Its primary sources are anthropogenic, including incomplete combustion in diesel engines, biomass burning, and agricultural activities.

Despite its significance, data on BC concentrations in the central Arctic remain sparse, with most studies focusing on continental regions or the spring and summer seasons. Due to its low concentrations, BC is challenging to detect via remote sensing, emphasizing the need for direct in-situ measurements.

To investigate the temporal and spatial distribution of BC in snow from the central Arctic, snow samples collected during the year-long MOSAiC expedition (2019/2020) were analyzed using a Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2). This dataset provides a unique opportunity to assess BC concentrations throughout an entire year, including the winter season, and to examine its role in altering snow surface albedo and its subsequent effects on the radiative budget. Additionally, bipolar comparisons are made using measurements from Neumayer Station III in Antarctica.

High salinity in snow samples, originating from sea ice such as the MOSAiC samples, compromises the accuracy of SP2 analysis by leading to an underestimation of BC concentrations. To address this issue, test samples with well-known BC concentrations and varying salinity ranges were created to evaluate the extent to which salinity influences measurements with the SP2. These experiments form the basis for developing correction factors essential for analyzing the MOSAiC samples.

Corrected BC concentrations are incorporated into the 1-dimensional radiative transfer model SNICAR (Snow, Ice, and Aerosol Radiative Model) to quantify the radiative forcing induced by BC. This study provides insights into the seasonal variability of BC in the Arctic and highlights its role in the climate system, offering valuable data for improving future climate models and understanding polar feedback mechanisms.

How to cite: Jörss, A.-M., Zeppenfeld, S., Herber, A., Khan, A., Vaux, S., and Jurányi, Z.: Quantifying the light-absorbing impurities and their seasonal variability in snow in the Arctic and their impact on accelerated melting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18365,, 2025.

Mountain glaciers are important components of the global climate system, playing a crucial role in regional hydrology, energy balance and atmospheric dynamics. These systems are highly sensitive to climate change, and small-scale processes such as localised thermodynamic adjustments can trigger rapid feedback mechanisms that significantly alter large-scale atmospheric conditions. Observing and directly interpreting these adjustments is challenging due to non-linear and often opaque cause-effect relationships mediated by intermediate steps. This complexity limits the predictability of meteorological and cryospheric phenomena in mountainous regions. Addressing these challenges requires a holistic analysis that does not rely on assumptions of linearity or simple correlations.
To overcome these obstacles, we use high-resolution numerical atmospheric simulations to study the interactions between glacier microclimates and the free atmosphere, as well as the feedbacks that occur across scales. Using transfer entropy, we uncover the causal relationships driving these feedbacks, identify directional influences between mass and energy fluxes, and analyse how localised processes propagate across micro-, meso- and synoptic scales. For example, our analysis shows how changing glacier geometries affect microclimates and regional energy balances, which in turn drive mesoscale atmospheric circulation patterns.
This presentation highlights key insights from these simulations, in particular the role of glacier-atmosphere interactions in shaping elevation-dependent warming and energy flux dynamics. By advancing computational techniques to better analyse scale coupling in complex terrains, this work addresses unresolved questions in climate research. Ultimately, it provides a way to improve the predictability of cryospheric and atmospheric phenomena in high mountain regions.

How to cite: Sauter, T.: Exploring Scale Interactions and Feedback Mechanisms in Glacier-Atmosphere Dynamics in Mountain Regions: Insights from High-Resolution Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19772,, 2025.

EGU25-20381 | ECS | PICO | ITS2.12/CR7.6

Validation of ICON-LES from HEFEXII field campaign observations 

Alexander Georgi and Tobias Sauter

In August 2023, the HEFEX II (HinterEisFerner-EXperiment) campaign was conducted in the Austrian Alps to investigate multi-scale exchanges between the atmosphere and glaciers. The campaign combined data from numerous automatic weather stations (AWS) and Eddy-Covariance (EC) stations operating over four weeks and an intensive three-day observation utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and LIDAR technology. These measurements provided detailed insights into various atmospheric parameters, including temperature, humidity, wind information, and heat fluxes, across spatial and temporal scales.

The collected data serves as a valuable resource for validating high-resolution ICON-LES (Large Eddy Simulation) models with a horizontal resolution of 51 meters. This validation is performed both qualitatively and quantitatively, focusing on capturing the spatio-temporal variability of the measured atmospheric parameters. Through this process, the campaign aims to refine model parameterization to enhance simulation accuracy, particularly for the complex and dynamic processes governing atmosphere-glacier interactions.

Preliminary results confirm that ICON-LES simulations exhibit strong agreement with observed data. These findings support the potential of ICON-LES as a reliable tool for modeling atmosphere-glacier interactions, paving the way for climate impact studies in alpine regions. This study highlights the synergy between advanced observational techniques and high-resolution modeling, advancing our understanding of atmosphere-glacier dynamics and their broader climatic implications.

The HEFEX campaign demonstrated the effective application of UAVs in atmospheric research. These platforms demonstrated their capability to collect high-resolution, flexible, and precise data in challenging high-elevation environments. By integrating UAV observations with traditional measurement methods, the campaign underscores their growing importance in complementing and extending stationary observations.

Overall, the HEFEX campaign contributes to advancing understanding of atmosphere-glacier processes, improving numerical weather prediction models, and showcasing innovative observational techniques in atmospheric science.

How to cite: Georgi, A. and Sauter, T.: Validation of ICON-LES from HEFEXII field campaign observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20381,, 2025.

ITS3 – Environment and Society in Geosciences

EGU25-927 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Co-creation processes for conservation and ecosystem services management 

Marta Silva, Ana Matias, Beatriz Bharwany, Inês Carneiro, Ana Sousa, Óscar Ferreira, Katerina Kombiadou, Sara Moreno Pires, and A. Rita Carrasco

Coastal wetland governance involves the institutions, people, policies, laws, and norms that guide decision-making and responsibilities affecting coastal wetlands and their users. The unique wetland ecosystems motivate conservation efforts, while their natural resources can become targets of exploitation, leading to multiple conflicting interests. Co-creation processes between stakeholders, as a practice of collaborative management, can help mitigate conflicts but it requires the willingness to compromise, mutual understanding, and effective dialogue. The current work explores a co-creation process under the scope of an ongoing science-for-policy project, aimed at defining sustainable adaptation pathways for wetlands conservation and carbon sequestration management in the Ria Formosa lagoon. Co-creation methodologies are being employed at various stages, and include the exchange of information (maps, fact sheets, management plans, directives, etc.) and focus groups with involved partners, i.e., researchers, regional decision-makers, and managers. The scientific development of the project, including data collection and modelling scenarios is being guided by the choices made collaboratively between all stakeholders. Three methodologies are being used to evaluate the level of partner engagement and effectiveness of the collaboration: 1) analysis of qualitative information gathered at the beginning and end of the process; 2) monitoring the communication between stakeholders; and 3) analysis of the stakeholder’s perspectives on strategic plans and other documents, shown formally at focus groups meetings or through informal conversations. The results of this co-creation process are relevant to a) the research of methodologies best suited to co-participatory management practices for Natural Parks and b) the establishment of foundations in evidence-based land management foundations.

Acknowledgements: This study contributes to the project C-Land (CEXC/4647/2024), funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, and RestLands (ID 705677) funded by Planet Labs.

How to cite: Silva, M., Matias, A., Bharwany, B., Carneiro, I., Sousa, A., Ferreira, Ó., Kombiadou, K., Moreno Pires, S., and Carrasco, A. R.: Co-creation processes for conservation and ecosystem services management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-927,, 2025.

EGU25-1444 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

The Role of Landscape Features in Enhancing Cultural Ecosystem Services 

Agnieszka Nowak-Olejnik, Joanna Hibner, Joanna Hałys, and Marcin Rechciński

Green spaces offer a variety of cultural ecosystem services that enhance the well-being of visitors. However, the specific landscape features that influence the provision of specific benefits are not yet fully understood. Factors such as the location of green spaces (e.g., mountain/rural, peri-urban, urban), the composition and configuration of landscape elements, and their seasonality likely play a significant role. Furthermore, challenges such as climate change, land use changes, pollution, and over-tourism may reduce the ability of these areas to provide cultural ecosystem services.

This study aimed to explore which landscape and spatial features enhance or hinder the provision of cultural ecosystem services. We conducted 35 semi-structured interviews with visitors to six green spaces located across a rural-urban gradient: two mountain areas in the Carpathians, two peri-urban spaces near Kraków, Poland, and two urban green spaces in Kraków.

Our findings reveal that visitors reported experiencing cultural ecosystem service benefits in all green spaces, though the intensity of these benefits varied by location. Landscape features had different impacts depending on the type of benefit. For some benefits, such as relaxation, greenery in general was the key element, while for others, such as strengthening social bonds, infrastructure features were more important. In addition, seasonality was crucial for certain benefits, such as educational or aesthetic values. Personal factors also played a crucial role in the perception of some benefits like social bonds, spirituality, or education.

By understanding the role of landscape features in enhancing cultural ecosystem services, we can develop land management strategies that prioritize human well-being while preserving other crucial services of green spaces, particularly regulatory ones, in the context of climate change and other global challenges.

The study was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (OPUS-21; grant no. 2021/41/B/HS4/00648).

How to cite: Nowak-Olejnik, A., Hibner, J., Hałys, J., and Rechciński, M.: The Role of Landscape Features in Enhancing Cultural Ecosystem Services, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1444,, 2025.

EGU25-2061 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Merging economics, environmental science, and local knowledge to inform lake decision-making  

Danielle Spence, Helen Baulch, and Patrick Lloyd-Smith

Freshwater lakes are increasingly threatened by cultural eutrophication, caused by human activities such as agriculture and sewage outflows that over-fertilize waterbodies with nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, often triggering harmful algal blooms (HABs). Addressing these issues—which are both complex and costly—requires informed decision-making. Economic valuation of lake ecosystem services can contribute to informed decision-making by estimating the benefits of lake restoration and identifying acceptable trade-offs amongst ecosystem services—especially when designed using economics, environmental science, and local knowledge. We present a case study of collaboration with a community using an economic tool known as a discrete choice experiment survey to assess community preferences and willingness to pay for restoring a Canadian lake facing worsening water quality. Results show economic benefits of restoration far outweigh the costs, as well as strong preferences for non-use ecosystem services like biodiversity, highlighting the collective value placed on lake health in this community and contributing to targeted management efforts. These results contribute to the growing literature showing substantial benefits to society from restoring lakes, and showcase the value of drawing on multiple ways of knowing to guide environmental decision-making.

How to cite: Spence, D., Baulch, H., and Lloyd-Smith, P.: Merging economics, environmental science, and local knowledge to inform lake decision-making , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2061,, 2025.

EGU25-3127 | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

The Blame Game in Water Extractivism: Case studies from Chile 

Ricardo Ayala, Pedro Hervé-Fernández, and Majid Labbaf Khaneiki

How do key stakeholders shift blame for water crises, leaving local communities to shoulder the consequences? Using Chile as the backdrop, we debunk the layers of blame narratives in three case studies—avocado farming, forestry and rural gentrification. Through a sociohydrological lens, the study makes a case for rethinking how we manage water and hold stakeholders accountable. Water extractivism isn’t just about moving water from one place to another—it’s about who controls it, who benefits, who’s left behind and who is blamed for it all. Chile offers a prime example, where decades of neoliberal policy have prioritised corporate profits over people’s basic human rights. The paper aims to unpack the complex dynamics of water governance by looking at how social and political forces shape water injustice.

Blame as a Strategy

Powerful stakeholders often deflect responsibility. Some common tactics include discrediting critics (i.e., environmental activists are dismissed as obstacles to progress), twisting the narrative (i.e., painting a rosier picture of industrial practices) or pushing neoliberal ideals (i.e., communities are told to ‘reinvent themselves’). As a result, the root causes—flawed policies and overwhelming corporate power—are left unaddressed, while the blame is shifted onto affected communities for their hardships.

Three case studies

We explored three real-world examples from Chile. Each one provides insights into how water extractivism plays out and how blame gets passed around.

  • i) Avocado, or "Green Gold": Avocados are celebrated as a superfood, but in Chile, they’ve become a symbol of water injustice. In regions like Valparaiso, intensive avocado farming consumes staggering amounts of water, leaving little for local communities. With groundwater depletion, families struggle for drinking water while depending on avocado jobs. Meanwhile, industry leaders frame water scarcity as a "management issue," without addressing their disproportionate use.
  • ii) Forestry model: Chile’s forestry boom, fuelled by exotic species like eucalyptus and pine, was hailed as an economic success. But these fast-growing plantations have come at a cost, including ecological fallout (i.e., reduced stream flows, eroded soils and disappearing biodiversity), victims of extractivism being left out of the equation (i.e., small farmers and Indigenous forest-dependent communities) or deflection of responsibility (i.e., emphasising companies’ GDP contributions).
  • iii) Urban-Rural Migration: The rise of remote work and affordable housing in rural areas has led to a surge in rural gentrification. But this trend isn’t without consequences, as shown by the total collapse of water bodies such as Aculeo Lake, once a thriving reservoir. This results from a combination of unregulated housing, agricultural demands and poor planning. Responsibility, however, is concealed by using an ‘easy’ scapegoat (i.e., climate change), overshadowing policy failures.


We uncovered common strategies being used in public discourse to both avoid responsibility and project responsibility onto others – key to address for effective water governance. Such strategies gaslight the victims of extractivism, instilling the belief that they themselves are responsible for their water poverty. By exposing how blame is weaponised, the paper calls for accountability to support fairer governance.

How to cite: Ayala, R., Hervé-Fernández, P., and Labbaf Khaneiki, M.: The Blame Game in Water Extractivism: Case studies from Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3127,, 2025.

EGU25-3497 | Posters on site | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Taking care of the Earth with an eco-centric approach based on minimal entropy production 

Jeannine de Caluwe, Guido J.M. Verstraeten, and Willem W. Verstraeten

Promoting biodiversity can be managed in two ways, i.e. by protecting species, and by improving the environment of the specific ecosystem, also called the boundary conditions for species. Species protection is an energetic approach for a sustainable transition of biotic energy in the food pyramid. The contribution of ecosystem protection to biodiversity is formulated in the energy-like niche approach of an ecological community of trophic similar species. Hubbel analysed in his monograph “The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography” the dispersion approach based on the migration and off spring of species within a specific ecosystem inspired by Fisher (1943) and the Island Biography of MacArthur and Wilson (1967). This is the entropy-like approach because the mean result of the species distribution is formalized by a lognormal distribution which implies the statistical Shannon entropy with the standard deviation as substantial parameter.

Why should we, humans, protect biodiversity? Is it purely for aesthetic arguments since all species – just like humans – have a role in the food pyramid? Is it because any non-human biological life is entitled with intrinsic or inherent moral values as claimed by a specific eco-philosophy school called Deep Ecology? Perhaps, there are more scientifically based arguments for good sustainable maintenance of our Earth?

The entropic approach and enlarged biodiversity is supported by Penrose´s claim that biologic life is lowering the entropy production rate of Earth. Out of the thermodynamic equilibrium, the Earth’s Helmholtz Free Energy is balancing around a minimum value enabling to produce an environment (boundary condition) for biotic life. Its entropy must be at minimum value given a constant mean temperature. As a consequence, minimum entropy implies maximum order so that any ecosystem tends to maximum biodiversity given the local boundary conditions for life. Can the entropy argument be considered as a pure eco-centric inspired ecological care in contrast to the energy/food argument which is definitely based on Enlightened anthropocentrism? We will elaborate about this during the presentation. To conclude, the minimal entropy production of the Planet can be considered as the reference physical standard to aim at for taking care of ecosystems and biodiversity.

How to cite: de Caluwe, J., Verstraeten, G. J. M., and Verstraeten, W. W.: Taking care of the Earth with an eco-centric approach based on minimal entropy production, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3497,, 2025.

Whether or not we acknowledge the Anthropocene as a geological epoch (AWG 2024) – it is obvious that humanity has altered the Earth’s face and it is certain that our behaviour will worsen bioclimatic conditions and resources in the future. Thus, it is inherent that environmental issues are also societal and cultural issues. Industrial societies have not only caused damage to the environment but virtually colonised past and present – Nature, other cultures, even our own. Do we refrain from “colonising the future”, an assertion by the early German-Austrian futurologist Robert Jungk over 70 years ago (Jungk 1954)? Is the Australian philosopher Roman Krznaric right in claiming: “We treat the future like a distant colonial outpost devoid of people, where we can freely dump ecological degradation, technological risk and nuclear waste, and which we can plunder as we please” (Krznaric 2020)?  We are obsessed over instantaneous benefit what Krznaric labels the “tyranny of the now”, a kind of presentism that is one of the underlying characteristics of our behaviour. Well, we cannot undo what we did, but we might change – with one essential prerequisite: to overcome our fallacy to focus on (our) present.
As historians of Nature, geoscientists are sensitive to the long term. The controversial environmental issues of nuclear waste, special waste, carbon  storage (cf. Flüeler 2023) or “forever chemicals” are symptomatically longlasting. This contribution aims to explore how society and technology may find sustainable ways to cope with these issues in the long future. They not only need long-term safety demonstrations but also long-term institutional arrangements and engagement of scientists, engineers, waste producers, public administrators, NGOs and the public. This includes an adequate transfer of knowledge, concept and system understanding, experience and documentation to these audiences. Substantive and institutional approaches were investigated (Flüeler 2024) and are developed, such as criteria and means for individual “long-term” literacy and resilience, constitutions or declarations, legislations, governments, custodians like “guardians for future generations” or “councils for the future”, other collaborative approaches, knowledge bases or platforms and networks  – goal- and process-centred, from personal to social to political levels. The Copernican principle for space stating that humans are not privileged observers of the universe (Peacock 1999) must be enlarged to time, for environmental policy and governance are only sustainable if they are long-term.


AWG, Anthropocene Working Group 2024.
Flüeler, T. 2023. Governance of Radioactive Waste, Special Waste and Carbon Storage. Literacy in Dealing with Long-
Term Controversial Sociotechnical Issues. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham.

Flüeler, T. 2024. Decolonising the future – how come and how? Geosciences, waste and long-term issues. 22nd Swiss
Geoscience Meeting, Basel.

Jungk, R. 1954. Tomorrow Is Already here. Simon & Schuster, New York (orig. German: Die Zukunft hat schon begonnen.
Scherz, Bern, 1952).

Krznaric, R. 2020. The Good Ancestor. How to Think Long-term in a Short-term World. WH Allan, London.

Peacock, J.A. 1999. Cosmological Physics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

How to cite: Flüeler, T.: How to abandon the ‘tyranny of the now’? Decolonising the future of the Anthropocene. Geosciences, waste and the long term, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3562,, 2025.

The concept of co-design is often cited in connection with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Still, collaboration across disciplines is uncommon, despite the urgency to address fundamental questions about how society can cope with and adapt to climate and environmental changes.

Social sciences encompass the study of human society and social relationships, including fields like economics, law, psychology, and politics. Thus, integrating social scientists into the research design of human-centred environmental studies is a logical consideration.

With the increased digitisation of society and research, new opportunities have emerged for more engaging collaboration among disciplines through data sharing, reuse, blending, and enrichment. There is, however, a prerequisite: the data must be trustworthy, well-curated, and interoperable.

CESSDA ERIC (, the umbrella organisation of European Data Archives in the Social Sciences, has accumulated expertise in FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) research data management, curation and long-term preservation over the past 50 years. CESSDA promotes the DDI (Data Documentation Initiative) standard ( and has recently adopted the DDI-CDI (Cross-Domain Integration), a standard for cross-disciplinarity work.

As a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), CESSDA, along with 27 other pan-European research infrastructures, has gained visibility among European decision-makers as a strategic asset for European research. This collective presence provides a framework for collaborative development and knowledge sharing in community practices, tools, policies, and standards.

Collaboration between social science research and other disciplines is facilitated through five Science Clusters. In particular, SSHOC (the Social Science and Humanities Open Cloud - and ENVRI (Environmental Research Infrastructures- approaches can serve as a template for a) researchers to establish national or local modes of cooperation to pool resources or exchange knowledge; b) advancing standard agreements among research domains and beyond; c) supporting cross-disciplinarity initiatives such as OSCARS ( or the WorldFAIR project (; and d) engaging with existing national or new data research infrastructures.

How to cite: Wolff-Boenisch, B.:  Social and Earth System Sciences – A Not-So Unlikely Pair in the Quest of Tackling Human-Centred Challenges , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4397,, 2025.

Tourism provides substantial socio-economic benefits, such as increased income, improved quality of life, and job opportunities for local residents, it also poses challenges to sustainable environmental management. Our research highlights the relationship between tourism development and its effects on river water quality at Vinh Loc District (Vietnam), a UNESCO site. Using surveys and interviews with local residents and visitors, the study assesses the current status of river water quality and identifies gaps in the existing tourism management strategies. Furthermore, the study critically examines the role of local government policies in balancing tourism growth and environmental sustainability, emphasizing the importance of effective water resource management. The findings of this study underline the need for improved policy frameworks and management practices to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of tourism while promoting sustainable development. By addressing these challenges, the research aims to provide actionable recommendations to enhance river water quality and support sustainable tourism in Vinh Loc District (Vietnam). 

How to cite: Loan, V. T.: Impact assessment of tourism activities on water river quality: case study Vinh Loc district, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4885,, 2025.

EGU25-6369 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.1/CL0.14

The Impact of Urban Greenspace Changes Using a Systems Thinking Approach and Interactive Tools 

Maya Clinton, Felix Sinnott, Angel Harper, Branislav Kaleta, Stephen Campbell, Jolanta Burke, and Jimmy O' Keeffe

The VNiC-Health project, funded by Research Ireland, uses a systems thinking approach to model the impact of urban greenspace changes on ecosystem services and public health. By integrating environmental and health data, this project provides urban planners with a powerful tool to explore how different land-use changes—such as tree growth, mowing reductions, or other land-use alterations—affect key ecosystem services like carbon sequestration, air quality, and flood risk management.

Central to the tool is the use of the national land cover map, which enables precise modeling of greenspace types and land uses across urban areas. This map forms the basis for understanding how changes in land management practices can influence the surrounding environment and health outcomes. The model allows users to visualise and simulate various scenarios, such as the effects of increasing tree cover or reducing mowing, and observe their impacts on the environment and public health in real time.

The project’s technical backbone is a systems dynamics model developed in Vensim, which incorporates data from literature and real-world inputs. To make the tool user-friendly and accessible, an interactive front-end interface was created, enabling stakeholders—ranging from urban planners to community members—to input their own data and test potential solutions. The tool’s visualisation capabilities help to translate complex systems dynamics into actionable insights.

Through participatory mapping and collaboration with local stakeholders, including residents and healthcare professionals, the project ensures that the model’s design reflects real-world needs and is accessible to a wide range of users. Ultimately, this approach offers a new way for urban planners to incorporate environmental changes and health data into the decision-making process, helping to create healthier, more sustainable cities.

How to cite: Clinton, M., Sinnott, F., Harper, A., Kaleta, B., Campbell, S., Burke, J., and O' Keeffe, J.: The Impact of Urban Greenspace Changes Using a Systems Thinking Approach and Interactive Tools, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6369,, 2025.

Gross ecosystem product (GEP) assessment can convert physical quantities of nature’s contribution into monetary units, so that measure regulating nature's contribution to people (NCP) with a unified standard to support decision-making. The nature's contributions and people's needs are often spatial mismatch, while most of assessments lacked the integration of NCP and GEP in a spatial flow view, which is not conducive to the cross-regional policy making of "who benefits, who pays". Taking six typical cities of the Loess Plateau as a case, we valued the GEP of four material NCPs and three regulating NCPs from 2000 to 2020. We established spatial flow allocation methods for water supply, soil retention, sandstorm prevention to decompose the GEP contributions of the three regulating NCPs to the neighboring and downstream cities, so as to combine the nature's contributions located in the middle reaches and the neighboring and downstream people's needs in the form of monetary value. The results show that the GEP of the six cities in the Loess Plateau grew from 20.22 billion Yuan in 2000 to 36.98 billion Yuan in 2020, with the material NCP growing from 10.54 billion Yuan to 26.95 billion Yuan, and the regulating NCP growing from 9.67 billion Yuan to 10.03 billion Yuan. In the extraterritorial flow of regulating NCPs, GEP for water supply NCP and soil retention NCP flowed to downstream of the Yellow River, GEP for sandstorm prevention NCP flowed to neighboring cities to the east and south of the study area. The flow of NCPs exhibited spatial heterogeneity, with the city benefiting from the greatest variety of NCP types differing from the city benefiting from the highest flow value of NCPs. The assessment demonstrates the feasibility of integrating the NCP and GEP indicator systems to spatially guide cross-regional payment for ecosystem services policy.

How to cite: Wang, S. and Liu, Y.: A monetary valuation of the spatial flow of nature’s contributions to people in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7967,, 2025.

Understanding and enhancing the synergies between ecosystem services (ESs) and social governance are crucial for achieving sustainable social development. This study proposes a methodological framework to analyze the coupling coordination – representing the synergy – between the networks of water related ESs (flood regulation, water conservation, and soil retention) and their social governance. Shanxi Province, China served as the case study context. Results revealed that precipitation, landscape, and land use and land cover (LULC) were key drivers of spatiotemporal changes in water-related ESs within this semi-arid region. Spatially, flood regulation and soil retention services were generally higher in mountainous areas, while water conservation services predominated in the plains. Temporally, from 2010 to 2020, flood regulation and soil retention services showed notable increases, whereas water conservation services experienced a small decline. Trade-offs between the ESs were comprehensively driven by precipitation, landscape structure, and LULC dynamics. The Coupling coordination degree (CCD) between the networks of the water-related ESs and their social governance was found to be low, indicating significant spatial mismatches between social governance and the distribution of water-related ESs. Further results show that, the CCD exerted a measurable impact on the performance of these services. Specifically, flood regulation and soil retention services increased linearly with CCD, while water conservation services exhibited a U-shaped with CCD. This study proposed a novel social-ecological network approach to exploring the fostering synergies, this framework offers practical insights to promote win-win solutions for enhancing all water-related ESs in semi-arid regions.

How to cite: Lin, Y., Peng, J., Lin, Y., and Yu, S.: A social-ecological network approach to exploring synergies between water-related ecosystem services and social governance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7988,, 2025.

Environmental concern plays a central role in researching possibilities for reducing environmentally critical behaviour and reducing the ecological footprint. It has been found that both individual and context factors are related to environmental concern. Significantly, personal and national wealth has been found to be related to environmental concern. On the individual level, environmental concern is also related to political attitudes, gender, age, education, and social trust. On the national level, environmental concern, in addition to economic wealth, is related to population density. Much attention has recently been given to extreme weather events and other natural disasters, realizing that some of them are occurring more often or have more severe consequences due to global climate change. The relationship of these disasters with public opinion about environmental issues is complex to analyze. One problem is that public attention is sometimes only of short duration. Another is that attention is dependent on media coverage. However, increasing the number and severity of environmental disasters may lead to increased general awareness about environmental problems, and thus, investigating this issue on a long-term scale is promising. With data from the International Social Survey Programme, a period from 1993 to 2020 with four waves can be investigated. It contains survey questions about environmental concern, behavioral intention, attitudes toward the economy, and demographic information about the respondents. In addition, the individual-level survey questions from ISSP 2020 can help investigate if disasters affecting the individual's neighbourhood have an influence on environmental concerns. On the national level, information from the World Bank about GDP, population density, urban population, and income inequality can be included. Also, on the national level, data from EM-DAT ( is used to analyze the relationship between natural disasters (e.g., storms, floods, extreme weather events, etc) in a country and the level of environmental concern. EM-DAT gives information about the number and relevance of disasters across the world from 1900 to the present, covering disasters that have at least ten fatalities, a hundred affected people, a declaration of emergency, or a call for international assistance.

How to cite: Zenk-Möltgen, W.: Investigating how the occurrence and impacts of natural disasters are related to environmental concern, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8443,, 2025.

EGU25-9346 | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Valuing Natural Capital in Communities for Health  

Jimmy O'Keeffe, Felix Sinnott, Maya Clinton, Stephen Campbell, Branislav Kaleta, Angel Harper, and Jolanta Burke

Society and the natural environment are deeply interconnected. The decline in the quality and extent of our natural capital (NC) and the ecosystem services we depend on poses a significant challenge to our ability to withstand and adapt to shocks caused by climate change, population growth and environmental changes. Urbanisation has led to substantial environmental degradation, increasing flood risk, urban heat and air pollution while significantly impacting societal health and wellbeing. According to the WHO and the European Commission, there is an urgent need for innovative solutions including for multidisciplinary teams to collaboratively address the mental health and wellbeing crisis. This has also been highlighted as an essential step in addressing the environmental emergencies we face.

The VNiC-Health (Valuing Natural Capital in Communities for Health) project advances a novel, adaptable framework and systems modelling tool for evaluating urban natural capital by integrating health and wellbeing impacts with the natural environment. Developed using a stakeholder led participatory systems modelling approach, the framework uses physiological, psychological, and environmental data to quantify the links between NC quality, human health, and wellbeing. Pilot studies in Dublin's Ballymun community demonstrated that high-quality NC significantly improves emotional, psychological, and physiological health, whereas low-quality spaces negatively affect wellbeing. These findings underscore the importance of integrating high quality natural capital into urban planning and healthcare strategies.

How to cite: O'Keeffe, J., Sinnott, F., Clinton, M., Campbell, S., Kaleta, B., Harper, A., and Burke, J.: Valuing Natural Capital in Communities for Health , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9346,, 2025.

EGU25-9354 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Integrating Natural Capital into Urban Policy: A Systems Approach to Addressing Global Climate and Biodiversity Challenges 

Felix Sinnott, Jimmy O'Keeffe, Maya Clinton, Jolanta Burke, Stephen Campbell, Branislav Kaleta, and Angel Harper

The twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss represent intricate, multifaceted global challenges. Addressing these issues effectively necessitates interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sectoral coordination. However, entrenched knowledge silos and fragmented policy frameworks often hinder the implementation of cohesive strategies. Considering the benefits provided by Natural Capital (NC) within decision-making provides an approach to quantify the value of ecosystem services and their contributions to human well-being, environmental health, and economic stability. Despite its potential, urban design and management frequently lack robust methodologies to assess these benefits.

This research introduces the VNiC-Health framework, a system dynamics model designed to embed Natural Capital within urban planning and policy. The model evaluates the contributions of blue-green spaces (BGS) to ecosystem services and human well-being through a novel metric informed by positive health psychology and biosensor data. Using an Irish urban case study, the model simulates alternative management scenarios to explore their long-term impacts, providing a roadmap to support strategic investment in BGS to mitigate urban challenges, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve public health outcomes, directly supporting global targets such as the EU Biodiversity Strategy, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and the One Health approach.

This study highlights the critical need for integrated tools and approaches that transcend policy silos to address interconnected environmental and societal issues. By framing Natural Capital as a cornerstone of urban sustainability, the VNiC-Health model showcases its potential to advance holistic solutions that align with international climate and biodiversity objectives. It underscores the necessity of embracing innovative, evidence-based tools to drive global progress toward resilience and sustainability.

How to cite: Sinnott, F., O'Keeffe, J., Clinton, M., Burke, J., Campbell, S., Kaleta, B., and Harper, A.: Integrating Natural Capital into Urban Policy: A Systems Approach to Addressing Global Climate and Biodiversity Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9354,, 2025.

Groundwater is a critical resource. Globally, 42% of irrigation, 36% of domestic, and 27% of industrial water needs are met by groundwater. However, over-extraction and unregulated use by anthropogenic activities and climate change have resulted in resource depletion, impacting 60% of livelihoods, 48% of food security, and 70% of environmental sustainability. According to GSDA, 2022, in semi-arid regions like Parbhani district, Maharashtra, India, groundwater scarcity is exacerbated by unplanned drilling and declining aquifer levels. The district's reliance on Deccan traps basaltic formations, a depth to the water level of more than 20 mbgl and an average rainfall of 656 mm reflect the gap and potential for effective groundwater recharge. Beyond resource management, this research addresses gender disparities tied to groundwater scarcity. In Parbhani, due to the migration of men in search of better livelihood opportunities, there is a 36 % increase in the feminization of agriculture which has placed women at the center of irrigation and agricultural activities, and groundwater depletion has heightened their drudgery. Women spend over two to four hours daily fetching water, limiting education, health, and economic empowerment opportunities. By improving groundwater availability, this study aims to alleviate women’s labor burdens, enhance their livelihoods, and promote gender equity.
This study integrated hydrogeological, geospatial, and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques to map groundwater recharge potential zones. Thematic layers such as geomorphology, geology, land use/land cover, drainage density, lineament density, soil, and slope were analyzed using a weighted overlay technique through social experts based on an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is further overlayed with an irrigation map of the district. The results identified high, moderate, and low recharge potential zones. The study has shown that slope (26.5%), geology (24.3%), and lineament density (15.5%) contributed the most significant weightage in determining recharge suitability. High recharge potential zones were primarily located in flatter terrains with favorable geomorphological and geological conditions, while low potential zones were associated with steeper slopes and poor lineament density. Based on the results, periodic derivation of existing water bodies and the promotion of efficient cropping patterns are recommended. The construction of water recharge structures through a public participatory approach and MGNREGA schemes including check dams, percolation tanks, and farm ponds are recommended to enhance water availability, livelihood, and gender equity for sustainable water resource management. This approach also demonstrates a replicable framework for addressing groundwater depletion challenges in similar semi-arid regions.

Keywords: Groundwater recharge zones, Public Participatory approach, livelihood, women

How to cite: Yadav, M. and Chinnasamy, P.: Groundwater Recharge Management for Livelihood Enhancement andGender Equity in Semi-Arid Regions: A Hydrogeological and ParticipatoryApproach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9537,, 2025.

EGU25-11950 | Posters on site | ITS3.1/CL0.14

A Climate and Social-Ecological Analysis of Locust Infestation Since the Mid-17th Century in the Chinese Dynasty 

Zheng-Hao Wang, Kuan-Hui Elaine Lin, Wan-Ling Tseng, Cheng-Wei Lin, Hsin-Cheng Huang, and Pao K Wang

Since ancient time, locusts have been regarded as a devastating pest, posing serious threats to human societies and agricultural production. Numerous studies have shown that the drivers of locust infestation are closely related to climate and environmental conditions, but the mechanism has been under studied. The Chinese dynasties possess a rich and extensive quantity of historical documents, ranging from official historical books to local chronicles, particularly during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). These documents provide detailed accounts of various natural disasters, including locust infestations and their impacts on agrarian societies, as well as the social phenomena triggered by these events. The purpose of this study is to investigate the drivers of locust infestations by integrating perspectives from both climate and social systems, and to analyze the contributing factors and interactions influencing these infestations.

We collected locust data and climate indices from the REACHES database in the Qing dynasty (Wang et al., 2018), along with relevant social data such as population, governmental efficacy, crop harvest and conflict from the SIER (Societal Impact Events Records) database (White et al., 2024). To capture both frequency and severity of locust infestations, we constructed a locust infestation index and conducted sensitivity tests to ensure the stability of this index. Then we converted all data into 1° X 1° latitude/longitude resolution for conducting regression and correlation analyses, to identify the determinant factors in each cell and to categorize the spatial features. We aim to clarify the associations between locust infestations and their climatic and societal driving factors from the long-term data in the historical perspective.

How to cite: Wang, Z.-H., Lin, K.-H. E., Tseng, W.-L., Lin, C.-W., Huang, H.-C., and Wang, P. K.: A Climate and Social-Ecological Analysis of Locust Infestation Since the Mid-17th Century in the Chinese Dynasty, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11950,, 2025.

EGU25-12223 | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

The societal consequences of “little” floods everywhere 

David Stainforth and Raphael Calel

If there is to be sustained, large-scale action to tackle climate change, there will have to be sustained, long-term, buy-in for that action from populations and electorates. This requires the link to be clearly made between global change (e.g. the target to limit global warming to less than 2oC above pre-industrial levels) and local impacts as they may be felt by individuals. In the media this link is often made via the consequences of extreme events such as floods, wildfires, and droughts; stark images of such events in the media are a significant part of the public narrative around climate change. Nevertheless, devastating though such events may be, it is easy, and perhaps reasonable, to believe that you as an individual might not be affected; you might well not get hit by a flood or a wildfire; you might “get lucky”. With many other political and social issues facing electorates it is perhaps not surprising therefore that action on climate is rarely voters’ top priority1.

However, this framing of the threats of climate change in terms of the risks of direct impacts, misses the essence of the relationship between physical climate change and society. In a recent paper2, Calel and Stainforth argue that changing physical risk profiles are likely to strain the underlying fabric of our societies in many ways. For instance, whether or not you are directly affected by climate extremes or other climate change impacts, the consequences of such events represent a drain on our economies which will necessarily lead to higher taxes and/or the reduction of funds for other priorities such as education, health care, infrastructure etc. The consequences will thus be felt across our societies, even by those not hit by floods or wildfires.

Calel and Stainforth call for more effort to be invested in bringing together expertise across the social and physical sciences to paint better pictures of the complex consequences of changing disaster risks for the whole of society. This in turn would enable more broadly relevant representations of climate change in the media and in public and political discourse. Given the complexity of the system and the deep uncertainties inherent in climate predictions3, storyline approaches4 will be a key tool for these trans-disciplinary approaches and for subsequent communication and engagement with decision makers.

These arguments will be presented and elaborated upon in this presentation.



1 See, for instance, for a survey of the most important issues facing the UK.

2 Calel, R., Stainforth, D.A. Little floods everywhere: what will climate change mean for you?. Climatic Change 178, 1 (2025).

3 Stainforth, D., “Predicting Our Climate Future: What we know, what we don’t know and what we can’t know”, Oxford University Press, 2023.

4 Shepherd, T.G., Boyd, E., Calel, R.A. et al. Storylines: an alternative approach to representing uncertainty in physical aspects of climate change. Climatic Change 151, 555–571 (2018).

How to cite: Stainforth, D. and Calel, R.: The societal consequences of “little” floods everywhere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12223,, 2025.

EGU25-12693 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Social Networks of Institutions and Legal Processes: Case of Hydropower, Fish and Water Permits 

Thomas Banafa and Marko Keskinen

Hydropower dams obstruct fish migration and typically require regulatory measures to mitigate or compensate for the losses in fish stock. These can be in the form of monetary payments or structural measure like fish passages. In Finland, these measures are provisioned in water permits which historically have been de-facto permanent as no practical legal instruments have existed to alter or review the permits. Changes in national legislation, however, have allowed the permit-issuing authority to review and alter the measures upon application. Altering the measures presents a conflict between two vital interests: the restoration of river courses and fish populations, and power production and energy security.
We explore this conflict by using a social network model to analyse the institutional setting of three regulatory processes aiming to alter water permits and the compensatory measures provisioned therein. This is approached through two research questions: what the legal framework is, and how is it utilized by relevant stakeholders. Our case is three major hydropower plants in Finland where the permit authority has reviewed the permits following legal argumentation from proponents of opposing interests. We first analyse and code the relevant legislation using Institutional Grammar (IG) Framework, which systematically represents and examines institutional and governance rules. Second, we transform the coded syntactic IG components into a social network consisting of nodes, edges, flows, and protocols. Finally, we use natural language processing (NLP) to parse the permit application documents, revealing how stakeholders —such as permit holders (power companies), fisheries authorities, and municipalities— utilize the network through legal argumentation.
The study increases the understanding of the ways the actors operating in the same governance context —in this case hydropower and its fisheries impacts— utilise the legal framework to promote their differing interests. Methodologically the study contributes to the fields of Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Policy Analysis in several ways. First, it allows for the systematic analysis of extensive policy and legal documents with the help of NLP, thus significantly reducing manual labor. Second, its network conceptualization includes protocols and flows, which are often overlooked in SNA studies. Finally, it further bridges IG with SNA by linking more syntactic components of IG with network theory allowing analysis of both the existing institutional setting and its operationalization. The method demonstrates how computational methods can be used to analyse the dynamics of environmental conflict through social and legal perspective.

How to cite: Banafa, T. and Keskinen, M.: Social Networks of Institutions and Legal Processes: Case of Hydropower, Fish and Water Permits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12693,, 2025.

EGU25-12759 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Examining Race and Class Disparities in Urban Heat: Towards Environmental Justice in Urban Planning 

Jayati Chawla, Vandana Varma, and Susanne Benz

Climate change and urbanization contribute to uneven distributions of heat exposure that disproportionately affect disadvantaged communities resulting in environmental (in)justice. While studies in the USA highlight the elevated heat exposure faced by low-income and ethnic minority groups, similar insights are lacking for other countries. This knowledge gap impedes a comprehensive understanding of environmental (in)justice experienced by various socio-economic and ethnic groups and hampers the identification of inadequacy in urban planning policies.

This research seeks to bridge the gap between social and environmental sciences to address environmental (in)justice by establishing a link between extreme heat (at both regional and country level) and socio-economic disparities within individual municipalities or counties. So far our analysis covers Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Germany and the U.K. Using remotely sensed satellite data for Land Surface temperature mapping for summer and Census data of countries, the analysis explores various socio-economic indicators—such as education levels, age demographics, and the proportion of foreign populations.

By recognizing the unequal distribution of urban heat and its disproportionate impact on vulnerable communities, there emerges a critical mandate to prioritize equitable urban planning policies. This research underscores the urgency for policymakers and urban planners to prioritize environmental justice interventions and integrate strategies that aim to reduce race and class disparities concerning urban heat. The research also serves as a model for similar analyses globally fostering inclusive, equitable and resilient urban landscapes.

How to cite: Chawla, J., Varma, V., and Benz, S.: Examining Race and Class Disparities in Urban Heat: Towards Environmental Justice in Urban Planning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12759,, 2025.

EGU25-13162 | Posters on site | ITS3.1/CL0.14

After the Peace Agreement: a review of the interplay of conflict, socio-economic factors and deforestation in Colombia 

Estefanía Muñoz, Santiago Botía, Alejandro Salazar, Jesús A. Anaya, Nicola Clerici, Lina M. Estupinan-Suarez, Isabel Lopera, Solveig Richter, Carlos A. Sierra, and Andrés Tangarife-Escobar

Colombia's forests, covering over half the country's land, are crucial ecosystems facing significant threats from multiple drivers, including infrastructure expansion, agricultural development, and illegal activities. This complex deforestation issue is deeply intertwined with Colombia's socio-political landscape, particularly influenced by its history of armed conflict and the recent peace agreement with FARC guerrillas in 2016. The complexity of the interconnected drivers makes developing effective forest protection strategies challenging, highlighting the intricate relationship between Colombia's political history, economic development, and environmental conservation. In this study, we conducted a systematic literature review examining the complex interplay between forest degradation, socio-political dynamics, and economic development in Colombia before and after the peace agreement. The review incorporated perspectives from environmental and social study disciplines, inspecting top-down and bottom-up scaling approaches to analyze the multifaceted scenarios that emerged during this period.

Our literature review on armed conflict and deforestation in Colombia reveals a growing interest from environmental and social sciences in understanding the impacts that the Colombian civil conflict and the 2016 peace agreement have had on the environment. Since the peace agreement, there has been a notable rise in research on this topic. We found that in environmental sciences, top-down analyses are more frequently employed, while in social sciences bottom-up methods are preferred. Interestingly, the number of interdisciplinary studies combining both methods is increasing. Multiple methodologies confirm that deforestation increased after the peace agreement, especially in the Andes and Amazon regions, but also in the Chocó and Llanos biogeographical regions. The power vacuum left by the guerrilla, not filled by governmental institutions, is widely acknowledged as a key source of important drivers of uncontrolled forest loss, such as land grabbing and illegal cattle ranching. External factors such as international demand for gold and illegal drugs continue to fuel deforestation and social conflict, with international aid programs to local farmers often proving ineffective. Although Colombia's situation may appear unique, the complex interplay of social, economic, political, and environmental factors offers valuable insights for understanding similar global dynamics in other conflict-prone regions.

How to cite: Muñoz, E., Botía, S., Salazar, A., Anaya, J. A., Clerici, N., Estupinan-Suarez, L. M., Lopera, I., Richter, S., Sierra, C. A., and Tangarife-Escobar, A.: After the Peace Agreement: a review of the interplay of conflict, socio-economic factors and deforestation in Colombia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13162,, 2025.

Natural gas (NG) infrastructure spans across the United States and its communities. An expansive system of transmission pipelines (midstream level infrastructure) connects development and extraction sites (upstream level infrastructure) with local distribution systems (downstream level infrastructure). NG releases occur across the upstream, midstream, and downstream levels of the supply chain as a combination of operational and fugitive emissions or leaks (i.e. intentional and unintentional releases, respectively). Given its Methane (CH4) composition, NG release across the supply chain poses a significant climate concern. This has prompted increasingly robust characterizations of intentional and unintentional releases across the NG supply chain. Meanwhile, there exists a growing appreciation for the localized environmental burdens associated with the location and management of NG infrastructure, and the ways in which these burdens are inequitably distributed across communities in the US.

Many states in the U.S. are beginning to impose data collection and reporting mandates on their NG companies, leaving research groups with rich data sets that can be used for Environmental Justice analyses to further characterize equity concerns as they exist across the U.S. NG system. Here, we present the results of our Environmental Justice focused analyses of leak report data provided to us by four local distribution companies. We discuss concerning patterns found in the data set, and we contextualize our approach and findings within a larger data driven framework that aims to create relationships that sustain data collection and reporting, and that centers the role of communities and environmental advocacy groups in the process of data collection and communication of results. In doing so, we hope to demonstrate an example of how a quantitative approach may be informed by and used to address issues of Social and Environmental Justice.

How to cite: Taylor, A. and von Fischer, J.: A quantitative approach towards recognizing and addressing Environmental Justice concerns in the U.S. Natural Gas System: Applied to data from local distribution companies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13691,, 2025.

The Agricultural Production Potential in China and the basic geographical endowment patterns revealed by geographical boundaries such as the Hu Huanyong Line (Population boundary line in China), the Great Wall(Boundary line of agricultural and pastoral areas in China), and the Qinling-Huaihe line(North-South boundary line in China, and their relationship with food production and population distribution are worthy of exploration. Research findings indicate that there is a significant geographical differentiation in the agricultural production potential of China, with a general trend of higher potential in the southeast and lower potential in the northwest. The Heihe-Tengchong Line and Qinling-Huaihe Line serve as a dividing line for agricultural production potential in China, with a decreasing trend on the eastern side and a significant increasing trend on the western side. Specifically, the eastern region is characterized by "warming and drying" conditions, whereas the western region is marked by "warming and wetting," resulting in distinct differences in agricultural productivity between the two regions. from 1960s to 2010s, the proportion of total grain output, cultivated land area, and grain yield per hectare in the western region of the Hu Huanyong Line exhibited a significant upward trend nationwide. Simultaneously, the share of the total population in the eastern region decreased year by year, with rural population experiencing a rise followed by a decline. In contrast, the proportion of the population, particularly the rural population, in the western region steadily increased. These regional differences can be attributed to the combined effects of climate change, agricultural production potential. This study systematically analyzes the changes in agricultural production potential in eastern and western China and their relationship with grain output and population dynamics. It provides new insights into understanding regional agricultural development disparities and offers theoretical guidance for future agricultural policies and coordinated regional development.

How to cite: Xia, H. and Yin, J.: The Potential of Agricultural Production in China and Relationship with the Spatiotemporal Changes in Grain Production and Population, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15210,, 2025.

Just Transition, as a critical concept balancing environmental sustainability and social equity, emphasizes achieving recognitional justice, procedural justice, and distributional justice during the low-carbon transition process. However, existing policies and research often overly focus on distributional justice, neglecting the identification of vulnerable groups and the assessment of their potential impacts. This study shifts the focus to recognitional justice, particularly on identifying potentially affected vulnerable groups and highlighting the impacts they may face, aiming to establish inclusive and equitable transition strategies.

This research integrates Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to examine greenhouse gas emission hotspots across the entire life cycle of crops, aiming to evaluate the challenges and impacts faced by stakeholders in the supply chain under net zero transition pathways. Based on a preliminary literature review, the study identifies the field sowing stage as the major greenhouse gas emission hotspot in the life cycle of crops. To address this issue, the research incorporates a review of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices and employs quantitative methods to evaluate the environmental and social impacts of adopting CSA on stakeholders. Using the rice supply chain as a case study, the research not only identifies the environmental benefits of low GHG agricultural practices but also explores the distribution of impacts among vulnerable groups and their adaptive strategies.

This study contributes by establishing a framework integrating Just Transition with Life Cycle Assessment, providing theoretical support and empirical insights for policy design and practical operations in agricultural sustainability transitions.

How to cite: Lee, M. and Tung, C.: Establishing and Applying a Framework for Agricultural Just Transition: A Case Study of the Rice Production, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15468,, 2025.

EGU25-15944 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Attitudes towards urban lawns and meadows and short-term environmental effects of transforming lawns into meadows in Helsinki metropolitan area 

Beñat Olascoaga, Anna Oldén, Kristiina Karhu, Anne Duplouy, Panu Halme, Annukka Vainio, and Susan Clayton

Urbanisation and biodiversity loss in urban sprawling areas diminish human-nature interactions, which could hinder nature conservation initiatives (Soga & Gaston, 2026). To evaluate whether a more biodiverse urban greenspace promotes human-nature interactions, we developed a survey to explore attitudes towards urban lawns and meadows among residents of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

About 70% of survey respondents were willing to participate in transforming a lawn into a meadow. Consequently, six lawns were transformed into meadows via voluntary participation (Trémeau et al. 2024). Biodiversity parameters, greenhouse gas dynamics and soil physicochemical properties between control lawns and transformed meadows were compared over three consecutive years, starting the year prior to the transformation. Since transformations, vegetation richness and diversity increased over time in transformed meadows, unlike in lawns, yet evenness decreased. Transformed meadows provided resources for 35 species of bees. Neither total ecosystem respiration rates nor nitrous oxide and methane fluxes differed between the two greenspace types. Similarly, none of the soil physicochemical properties differed between meadow and lawn soils. Neither meadow soil microbial communities nor bacterial or fungal biomasses significantly differed from those found in lawn soils, suggesting that any possible change in soil aspects takes a longer time to respond to changes in aboveground plant communities and management.

In parallel, we measured respondents’ environmental identity (EID), environmental concern (EC) and experiences of nature (EoN). We developed a pool of 26 EoN items and scaled them within six dimensions: observing/interacting, consumptive/appreciative, self-directed/other-directed, separate/integrated, solitary/shared and positive/negative (Clayton et al. 2017). We analysed EoN dimensionality via structural equation modelling and determined the best model to contain all except a consumptive/appreciative dimension. There were significant correlations between EoN and respondents’ EID and EC, yet correlations suggest EoN is a distinct construct from EID and EC.

This study combines social and environmental sciences to explore nature experiences and attitudes, illustrating a case of the potential that easy citizen-based transformations have on enhancing urban biodiversity and human-nature interactions.



Clayton et al. 2017. Transformation of experience: toward a new relationship with nature. Consev Lett 10(5): 645–651.

Soga & Gaston. 2016. Extinction of experience: the loss of human–nature interactions. Front Ecol Environ 14(2): 94–101.

Trémeau et al. 2024. Lawns and meadows in urban green space – a comparison from perspectives of greenhouse gases, drought resilience and plant functional types. Biogeosciences 21: 949–972.

How to cite: Olascoaga, B., Oldén, A., Karhu, K., Duplouy, A., Halme, P., Vainio, A., and Clayton, S.: Attitudes towards urban lawns and meadows and short-term environmental effects of transforming lawns into meadows in Helsinki metropolitan area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15944,, 2025.

EGU25-16955 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2024. Conditions for Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation 

Anna Pagnone, Anita Engels, Jochem Marotzke, Beate Ratter, Eduardo Gonçalves Gresse, Andrés Lopéz-Rivera, and Jan Wilkens

This contribution presents the findings of the Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2024, an extensive interdisciplinary assessment of the plausiblity of sustainable climate change adaptation. In light of insufficient social momentum toward decarbonization and the physical realities of regional climate variability and extreme events, adaptation is increasingly crucial. However, it is important to recognize that not all adaptation measures are inherently sustainable; some may inadvertently heighten vulnerabilities, particularly in the long term.

Our assessment links the plausibility of deep decarbonization to ten social drivers identified within the realms of politics, law, economics, and culture. We evaluate the global dynamics of these drivers to determine how they support or impede a low-carbon transition aimed at achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This investigation underscores the complex interplay between social dynamics and physical processes in shaping conditions conducive to sustainable climate change adaptation.

The analysis of physical processes explores the interactions between regional variability and extreme climatic events, providing a scientific foundation for understanding the differing regional and local demands for adaptation to anticipated climate scenarios. Our findings stress the necessity of explicitly accounting for internal variability to improve predictions related to extreme events. The quality of such predictions is influenced by the inherent uncertainties and limitations of climate models. Addressing these uncertainties is vital for communities as they navigate the challenges of climate change adaptation.

To further investigate the contextual conditions that influence sustainable adaptation, we conducted nine case studies in urban, rural, and coastal settings across diverse regional contexts. These case studies—focused on Hamburg, São Paulo, Ho Chi Minh City, Lower Saxony (Germany), Kunene (Namibia), the Nepal Highlands, the German North Sea coast, Taiwan, and the Maldives—examine barriers to sustainable climate change adaptation, seeking localized responses to the question: “Under what conditions is sustainable climate change adaptation plausible?”

The assessments reveal that climate change adaptation is fundamentally a localized and socially embedded process, shaped by politico-administrative dynamics and socio-cultural dimensions such as social inequality, gender issues, and varying epistemologies. Our comprehensive analysis of the case studies offers insights into diverse adaptation strategies, categorized as coping, incremental, and transformative responses. A significant finding is the predominance of coping and incremental adaptations, underscoring the influence of governance, technical path dependencies, and potential lock-ins, which pose the risk of maladaptation in evolving physical conditions.

The implications of this analysis highlight the critical need to bridge implementation gaps through climate action strategies that incorporate legally binding, accountable objectives. Furthermore, the promotion of participatory governance and the integration of diverse ways of knowing and addressing natural contingencies and hazards into climate action are essential for fostering effective adaptation.

Engels, Anita, Marotzke, Jochem, Ratter, Beate, Gonçalves Gresse, Eduardo, López-Rivera, Andrés, Pagnone, Anna and Wilkens, Jan. Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2024: Conditions for Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2024.

How to cite: Pagnone, A., Engels, A., Marotzke, J., Ratter, B., Gonçalves Gresse, E., Lopéz-Rivera, A., and Wilkens, J.: Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2024. Conditions for Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16955,, 2025.

Climate services seek to provide information that enables climate-informed decision making by non-climate scientists. Often, especially where climate services are co-produced, boundary agents (typically social scientists) act between these groups to facilitate the seamless flow of knowledge in both directions and create climate services that are scientifically accurate and apt for building climate resilience. Or at least that is the idealised aspiration. 

In practice, developing climate services that are both useful and used involves contending with a wide range of factors beyond the project boundaries, ranging from the current limitations of climate science to societal power (im)balances and to the fitness of purpose of any service to a decision context. Different actors involved in developing and using climate services view them in different ways and hold different preferences on what constitutes a successful climate service. Thus, creating criteria to evaluate a climate service has an inherent subjectivity and designing a holistic evaluation framework requires drawing out these perspectives and preferences from decision-makers, climate scientists and boundary agents, and then bringing them together. 

Impetus4Change (I4C, is a Horizon Europe project joining 18 institutions from 8 countries that aims to improve the quality and usability of near-term climate information in cities and regions. Throughout the entirety of the project we are simultaneously co-producing climate services in four Demonstrator cities: Barcelona, Bergen, Paris, and Prague. This involves three stages: co-exploring the problems, solutions and realities that decision makers face; co-designing mock-ups of climate services and then co-developing these through Adaptalabs (highly interactive, transdisciplinary hackathons). The entire process is co-evaluated to capture lessons learned and combine these with detailed analysis of climate adaptation knowledge networks to explore the services’ replicability.

This presentation will cover the steps taken to generate tailored frameworks for evaluating urban climate services, including the generation of ideas from 60 participants of the first Adaptalab, the synthesis of pillars of the framework, and the tailoring of these pillars to each of the four Demonstrator cities. Using the Barcelona case study as an example, we show that actor perspectives on what is important vary not just in terms of what to assess, but also when. We conclude with examples of how we might evaluate different aspects of the co-production process, its outputs and its outcomes and our experiences operationalising the framework.

How to cite: Pickard, S., Bojovic, D., Baulenas, E., and Saklani, S.: Co-evaluating urban climate services: perspectives from climate scientists, decision makers and boundary agents on what makes “good” services, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18189,, 2025.

EGU25-18308 | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Digital twin politics: Unlocking the full potential of digital twins for sustainable ocean futures  

Alice Vadrot, Carolin Hirt, Felix Nütz, Emil Wieringa Hildebrand, and Wenwen Lyu

Environmental challenges demand not only technological innovation but also critical interdisciplinary approaches that bridge the gap between science, society, and policy. The concept of Digital Twins of the Ocean (DTOs) exemplifies this intersection and offers a promising approach to monitoring progress in achieving environmental targets including in the areas of marine biodiversity, deep-seabed mining, fishing, shipping and plastic pollution.  

Despite a rapidly expanding range of potential DTO applications, research into their social and political dimensions remains underdeveloped. This gap is particularly concerning, as we argue that DTOs are inherently contested, ambiguous and political: Firstly, DTOs can risk exacerbating global inequalities, given the unequal capacities to develop, access, and utilize ocean data, information, and DTO models and technologies. Secondly, they introduce a range of legal and political challenges, including uncertainties around data access, ownership, security, and sharing. Thirdly, to ensure ethical use of DTOs, they require a robust framework of norms, rules, and values. All these aspects, we argue, remain neglected amid the current “twin rush.” 

To address these aspects and the overall lack of empirical social science research on the development and use of digital twins, the ERC project TwinPolitics (grant agreement No 101124903 – TwinPolitics – ERC-2024-STG) at the University of Vienna re-conceptualizes DTOs as a socio-technical relation shaped by specific institutional, political, and economic conditions within a hybrid environment of research, data, and observation. TwinPolitics seeks to unpack the emergence of so-called “digital twin politics” in international environmental governance by tackling key questions: How and why are DTOs developed by governments and utilized in marine scientific research? How are they designed to inform decision-making? To what extent are they, or could they be, integrated into multilateral governance? 

By exploring how social science perspectives can deepen our understanding of DTOs, this presentation is particularly fitting for this session as it highlights the essential interplay between environmental and social sciences in addressing global sustainability challenges. 

How to cite: Vadrot, A., Hirt, C., Nütz, F., Wieringa Hildebrand, E., and Lyu, W.: Digital twin politics: Unlocking the full potential of digital twins for sustainable ocean futures , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18308,, 2025.

EGU25-19257 | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Helicopter Research in the Geosciences 

Marco Van De Wiel

Helicopter research, also called parachute research or neo-colonial research, occurs when research in a country –typically a low or medium income country– is conducted by researchers from outside that country, with no or little involvement of local researchers. The target country thus serves as a location worthy of research, but only to the extent that data, samples or measurements can be obtained there by the foreign researchers. All other aspects of the research process –problem formulation, research design, data analysis, publishing of results– occur abroad.

Helicopter research is problematic because researchers in the target country do not benefit from the research conducted within their country. Instead, the benefits of the research (prestige, career progression, future funding opportunities) all accrue to the foreign researchers – typically from more privileged, better funded, better resourced countries. Helicopter research thus perpetuates historical power imbalances, stifles investment in local academic capacity building, and thereby maintains dependencies on external expertise, facilities and resources.

Here, I present an analysis of published literature to evaluate spatial patterns and temporal trends in the occurrence of helicopter research within the geosciences over the last 50 years, focussing on geology, geomorphology, hydrology and quaternary sciences. Over 19000 papers addressing geoscientific research in developing countries are identified, and their author affiliations extracted to evaluate contributions with and without local authors. The data is then analysed to: (i) identify countries/regions that are less prone or more prone to helicopter research; (ii) assess temporal trends in the prevalence in helicopter research in the geosciences; and (iii) identify changes in the geopolitical characteristics of helicopter research in the geosciences. Although focussing on geosciences in a broad sense, the general findings are thought to transcend disciplines and be equally applicable to other disciplines.

How to cite: Van De Wiel, M.: Helicopter Research in the Geosciences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19257,, 2025.

EGU25-19330 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Agent-based modelling of social processes in land use change: Which influence have socio-psychological factors on shifts in land use intensity? 

Ronja Hotz, Calum Brown, Yongchao Zeng, Thomas Schmitt, and Mark Rounsevell

Understanding land use change dynamics is crucial for sustainable transformation, as land-use intensity affects ecosystem services and socio-ecological resilience. While much modelling effort has focused on economic and biophysical drivers, the role of psychological and social factors in shaping land use trajectories remains underexplored. However, empirical evidence suggests that socio-psychological factors significantly influence land managers' decision-making alongside economic considerations. To address this gap, we present a novel, generic model for social processes that we incorporate into a large-scale agent-based modelling framework for land use change. Our approach combines agent-based modelling with social network analysis, using the Theory of Planned Behaviour to simulate land managers' decisions on land use intensification or extensification. We examine how attitudes, social influences, network characteristics, and demand-driven competition impact land use outcomes and ecosystem service provision. Using a global sensitivity analysis, we identify key drivers shaping land manager distribution across intensities. Our findings reveal that the demand for ecosystem services is the most influential factor for the abundance of high- and low-intensity land managers. However, once psychological and structural barriers - contributing to an overall inertia to adopting new behaviour - are removed, attitudes toward sustainable practices become the primary driver for low-intensity land use. Social influence significantly increases the prevalence of medium-intensity land use, particularly at the spatial border between high- and low-intensity managers. As adoption surpasses a critical mass, medium-intensity practices rapidly expand, while high-intensity practices decline. Social influence also drives spatial clustering of similar land-use intensities, reflecting homophily within land use communities where neighbouring managers adopt comparable strategies. These local clustering effects reinforce dominant practices, creating path-dependent transitions that are difficult to reverse. In contrast, distant social ties have minimal impact, emphasizing the importance of local network effects. We conclude that incorporating social processes into land use models leads to distinct behaviours, revealing threshold and lock-in dynamics. Our approach offers a generic method for enhancing land use models with social dynamics, providing a more holistic understanding of future trajectories and potential sustainability transitions in the land system.

How to cite: Hotz, R., Brown, C., Zeng, Y., Schmitt, T., and Rounsevell, M.: Agent-based modelling of social processes in land use change: Which influence have socio-psychological factors on shifts in land use intensity?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19330,, 2025.

An advanced environmental information system is essential for the sustainable conservation and management of national land, leading to the increased utilization of the Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM). However, following the scale enhancement to 1:5,000 in 2021, the Weakness evaluation item has included unsuitable data, resulting in an overestimation of grade 5 areas. This study aims to refine the Weakness evaluation item by revising the data used, focusing on the Chungcheongnam-do(CN) region. A revised model was developed by extracting only areas where Urban areas and Planned Management areas of Zoning District and Urbanized Areas of Land Cover(level 3) overlap, excluding previously included data such as farm roads, drainage ditches, and forest paths within Land Cover(level 3). As a result, the proportion of grade 5 areas decreased by 17.78 percentage points, while non-graded areas increased by 14.74 percentage points, indicating a more accurate reflection of the current conditions. Cross-comparison with other environmental and ecological indicators confirmed the relevance of the improved assessment. The revised model was found to maintain consistency within the ECVAM. This study enhances the accuracy and completeness of the Weakness evaluation item, supporting the utility of ECVAM and contributing to sustainable environmental land management.


This paper was supported by Technology Development Project for Creation and Management of Ecosystem based Carbon Sinks (RS-2023-00218243) through KEITI, Ministry of Environment.

How to cite: Ha, E., Jang, R.-I., Lee, S.-W., Yoon, J.-H., and Jeong, S.-W.: Improvement of Weakness Evaluation Item of Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM) for the Integrated Management of Land and Environmental Planning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19377,, 2025.

EGU25-19411 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Environmental History, Policy, and Carbon Flows and Stocks in Berlin, Germany 

Christopher Ryan and Galina Churkina

Research related to the physical sciences often lacks thoughtful specificity related to the research context. In particular, Berlin, Germany’s diverse political history has had significant impact on its built environment and urban form. Environmental concerns have a long history in Berlin, with early discourse focused on public health and green space availability related to the dense tenement blocks resulting from the Hobrecht Plan (1862), which dictated the form of the city’s early expansion. The rise of German nature and homeland protection movements in the late 19th and early 20th century included many anti-urban sentiments, and while Nazi plans to redevelop Berlin with green corridors radiating out from the center never materialized, a third of the city would be destroyed and the city split into two. This destruction left numerous voids across the city, yielding a unique and characteristic ruderal or wasteland ecology. Particularly after the fall of the wall, many former railyards and airports were converted to parks and greenspaces. With legal requirements at the international (UN Climate Agreement), national (The 2023 Climate Protection Program of the Federal Government), and city (Berlin Climate Protection and Energy Transition Act) level related to reducing CO2 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the specific pathways that Berlin will take are dictated by this complicated urban history. As patterns of urban biogeochemical cycling are a legacy of both manifested form and ideological histories within any given context, Berlin offers a unique history in which to understand urban carbon cycling. Potential sites for carbon sinks such as soils, vegetation, and buildings, and existing sites of emissions including industry, buildings, and transportation, all exist within this historic context of urban transformation and redevelopment, with future visions for the city being extensions of a longer socioenvironmental and political narrative. This research offers a methodological framework for integrating historical analysis, policy, and biogeochemical data for improving understandings related to urban carbon cycling. In applying this framework to Berlin, insight is gained in how the city can improve urban planning and policy implementation, particularly for the goal of reducing CO2 and GHG emissions.

How to cite: Ryan, C. and Churkina, G.: Environmental History, Policy, and Carbon Flows and Stocks in Berlin, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19411,, 2025.

EGU25-20291 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.1/CL0.14

Empowering Woman in Coastal Community To Fight Climate Crisis  

Aplena Elen Bless, Agustina Sylvani Morimuzemdi, Desi Edowai, Marlon Huwae, Antoni Unggirwalu, Afia Tahoba, and Krisma Lekito

Globally, there are many examples of women’s knowledge and expertise being overlooked by scientists, decision makers, and even community organisations. Women’s work is often regarded as domestic and thus less significant than men’s work, even when women’s work involves managing mangroves, sustaining diverse communities of life, and educating the next generation. This is also the case in Papua, where outsiders are often seen as the real experts in conservation and development. When women’s expertise is minimised over a long period of time, women may not see themselves as experts, and thus not assert their knowledge and authority when they might. So, we see our project as both helping to reveal and document knowledge that has historically been ignored, and affirming for Indigenous women and communities that women’s work with mangroves is a critical form of expertise that should inform current and future responses to the climate crisis.”

How to cite: Bless, A. E., Morimuzemdi, A. S., Edowai, D., Huwae, M., Unggirwalu, A., Tahoba, A., and Lekito, K.: Empowering Woman in Coastal Community To Fight Climate Crisis , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20291,, 2025.

Objective: Given the urgency of tools for managing risks associated with climate change, this study aimed to build integrated indicators of vulnerability, exposed population, and climate threat (IVPA) for Brazilian municipalities in 2022, assess their spatial distribution, and assess their association with hospital admissions for primary care-sensitive conditions (CSAP). Method: In the vulnerability dimension, the indicator incorporated simple indicators in sub-dimensions of the driving force, pressure, state, exposure, and effect. The relationship between these simple indicators was assessed according to a Spearman correlation matrix and the principal components technique. The composite threat indicator was the average yearly heat index, calculated from 2006 to 2021. Two other simple threat indicators were evaluated: the yearly maximum temperature and relative humidity (ERA5-Land). The demographic density indicator represented the exposed population dimension. The composite indicators were calculated using geometric means and categorized into quintiles: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. The future impacts of IVPA were investigated considering the CORDEX-CMIP5 mean projections of maximum temperatures in 2021 to 2040 and 2041 to 2060 in a pessimistic scenario (RCP8.5), compared to the historical period defined as 1986 to 2005. Generalized linear models were used to estimate the associated risks of IVPA on hospital admissions. Results: The North region had the highest percentage of municipalities classified as very high IVPA (72%). The South (59%) and Southeast (24%) regions had the highest percentage of municipalities classified as very low. Almost 70% of the municipalities in the North had a very high heat index. For all CSAP, the critical IVPA situation increased the risk of hospitalization. For example, the risk of hospitalization for angina was approximately 8 times higher in locations classified as high or very high IVPA; for asthma and hypertension, these risks were approximately 3 times higher, respectively. For future periods, most municipalities in Brazil increased the value of their IVPA indicator compared to the historical period, indicating that the population's risk situation could be worse. Conclusion: The IVPA highlighted Brazilian municipalities vulnerable to climate threats, weighted by population density, and their significant association with hospital admissions. The worse the municipality's situation regarding IVPA, the greater the risk of hospitalization due to CSAP.

How to cite: Jacobson, L., Pinto Junior, J., Oliveira, B., Ignotti, E., Schneider, R., and Hacon, S.: Vulnerability and Climate Threat Indicators and associations with morbidity due to primary care-sensitive conditions: An integrated health and environment proposal for Brazilian municipalities., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20569,, 2025.

EGU25-1395 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

SIREN: a citizen science project for the recovery of the Italian hydrological data 

Paola Mazzoglio, Miriam Bertola, Alvise Mattozzi, Tommaso Listo, Luca Princivalle, Chiara Sacco, Luca Lombardo, Alberto Viglione, Francesco Laio, and Pierluigi Claps

As part of the SIREN project (Saving Italian hydRological mEasuremeNts), a citizen science initiative hosted on the Zooniverse platform (, thousands of volunteers are contributing to the digitization of the hydrological yearbooks produced in the past by the Italian National Hydrological and Mareographic Service. These yearbooks represent an invaluable repository of hydrological data but remain difficult to access due to their paper-based format. Moreover, the quality of these old books is deteriorating due to ageing, with fading ink and handwritten corrections that make the digitization with optical character recognition software challenging.
The involvement of citizens in the project serves a dual purpose: their participation enables a reliable interpretation and digitization of these historical data in a shorter time frame, while simultaneously raising public awareness of environmental issues such as hydrological risk and water resource management.
To better understand the profiles of the volunteers engaged so far and to broaden the project's reach to a wider segment of the population, an anonymous survey was conducted in recent months.
Initial data analysis reveals a diverse range of participants. One group consists of users with technical or scientific backgrounds in line with the project topic. Another group is motivated by the opportunity to contribute to a public utility initiative, putting into practice their skills and previous knowledge. The survey has also provided valuable insights into the participants' interests, their motivations for contributing, and their understanding of the project's significance.
Since students from high schools and universities seemed to be underrepresented, several workshops and dissemination events were planned to increase the scientific impact among youth. These activities were performed as part of the IMPETUS Accelerator, a seven-month structured programme that aims at maximising the scientific, social, economic, democratic, and environmental impacts towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Green Deal targets.
This collaborative effort highlights the potential of citizen science to bridge gaps in hydrological data accessibility and awareness, fostering a community of engaged individuals committed to preserving and utilizing this invaluable historical resource.
Thanks to this initiative, for the first time, a complete dataset of daily discharge measurements will be available for the Italian territory.

How to cite: Mazzoglio, P., Bertola, M., Mattozzi, A., Listo, T., Princivalle, L., Sacco, C., Lombardo, L., Viglione, A., Laio, F., and Claps, P.: SIREN: a citizen science project for the recovery of the Italian hydrological data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1395,, 2025.

EGU25-2698 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Acqua Sorgente a nationwide citizen science project to monitor and study the Italian water springs 

Matteo Nigro, Marco Luppichini, Viviana Re, Stefano Natali, Elena Pilosu, Raffaele Marini, Marco Barbieri, Riccardo Bernasconi, Andrea Del Sarto, Sergio Peduzzi, Carlo Alberto Garzonio, Giuseppe Priolo, Lorenzo Bassi, Mario Vaccarella, Gian Carlo Nardi, Giovanni Zanchetta, Roberto Giannecchini, Alessandra Pollo, and Alessio Piccioli

Groundwater is the most abundant reservoir of available freshwater and both communities and ecosystems are strongly dependent on it. In Europe, groundwater abstraction accounts for more than half of all tapped water.

Water springs are the surface manifestations of groundwater and their physical and chemical characteristics can carry information on hydrodynamic processes, aquifer lithology, soil properties, and climatic conditions. Both natural ecosystems and human communities are deeply reliant on the availability of spring water, which is extensively exploited for drinking water supplies. Also, springs are crucial geographical and cultural elements of all territories and can constitute biodiversity hotspots, hosting numerous plant species and providing water to downstream ecosystems.

Groundwater recharge, and consequently the permanence of water flow from springs, is closely linked to meteorological and climatic conditions that influence processes such as precipitation, evapotranspiration, and others.

Current climate trends in Europe suggest declining groundwater recharge across many regions, threatening ecosystems and communities. These challenges are compounded by human activities, which can lead to the disappearance and pollution of natural springs.

It is therefore essential to collectively adopt measures for the protection of springs that combine community awareness initiatives with community collaboration for monitoring activities at a large scale. Citizen science is a crucial approach for these purposes, contributing to clarify current scientific issues through active participation in science.

In April 2024, the Italian Alpine Club (Club Alpino Italiano, CAI) launched the nationwide citizen science project, Acqua Sorgente. Leveraging CAI’s extensive network of over 800 local sections throughout Italy and 350,000 members, the project aims to: i) create and maintain an open-source national database of springs monitoring data; ii) foster community awareness on issues related to springs and water resources.

Through CAI-developed applications, participants can record information such as the location, photographs, flow rate, electrical conductivity, and temperature of springs. Springs’ electrical conductivity and temperature are acquired by trained volunteers equipped with portable probes provided by the Alpine Club. The database already contains more than 800 validated springs’ monitoring data (

Preliminary hydrological and hydrogeological analyses were developed on the collected data and included, but are not limited to: analysis of main drivers of springs’ temperature and electrical conductivity; springs’ role in sustaining a good conservation status in vegetation; interpolation of springs’ temperature and electrical conductivity at national scale. The analyses were integrated with a socio-hydrogeological questionnaire targeted to understand  water resources and spring water perception.

Furthermore, the project is engaged in dissemination activities to promote water awareness, including public events and educational programs for schools combining theoretical and practical lessons.

This presentation will share reflections on the efforts and challenges involved in developing and sustaining such a large-scale citizen science project. Lastly, we hope to foster potential collaborations for research activities related to springs and water resources, which the Acqua Sorgente project aims to support.

How to cite: Nigro, M., Luppichini, M., Re, V., Natali, S., Pilosu, E., Marini, R., Barbieri, M., Bernasconi, R., Del Sarto, A., Peduzzi, S., Garzonio, C. A., Priolo, G., Bassi, L., Vaccarella, M., Nardi, G. C., Zanchetta, G., Giannecchini, R., Pollo, A., and Piccioli, A.: Acqua Sorgente a nationwide citizen science project to monitor and study the Italian water springs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2698,, 2025.

EGU25-2828 | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Potential and limits of Citizen Science in assessing ecosystem services of European wetlands 

Gabriele Weigelhofer, Eva Feldbacher, Clara Rosenberger, Zorica Srđević, Alma Mikuska, Dubravka Čerba, Johanna Weidendorfer, Sophie De Haney, Dušanka Cvijanović, Djuradj Milošević, Krisztina Borsósné Gulyá, Tamás Miklós, Milica Stojković Piperac, Maja Novković, Jasna Grabić, Senka Ždero, Barbara VLaičević, and Ivana Turković Čakalić

Assessing the state of ecosystem service wetlands provides is an essential prerequisite for protecting and restoring wetlands. Citizen Scientists' (CS) involvement in these assessments assists wetland managers and scientists in data collection, functions as an important component of wetland education, and enhances citizens’ stewardship. However, not all methods developed for citizen scientists are equally suited to support these aspects, requiring the assessment of both their potential and limits.

In our Horizon Europe project Restore4Life (, we compared Citizen Science methods for assessing water quality, above- and below-ground organic carbon stocks, and plant biodiversity with scientific methods regarding data quality, explanatory power of data, and applicability. We analyzed the suitability of these methods to provide reliable and valuable data for wetland assessments and enhance people's awareness of the importance and sensitivity of wetlands. Our seven study sites included lowland and mountain river floodplains, lake floodplains, and peatlands. We wanted to answer the following questions:

  • How well can CS data distinguish different wetland habitats? Which parameters have the largest potential to show differences among wetland habitats?
  • How well do CS data reflect scientific data? Which methods/parameters fit well, and which do not?
  • How can CS methods be improved to deliver the precision needed for wetland assessments?

Our preliminary results show that the activities significantly increased the participants' environmental education and awareness of wetlands. However, wetland assessment using CS faces several challenges, such as, e.g., restricted access to protected or flooded areas and a limited internet connection, hampering the use of online Apps and GPS. Water quality assessments by non-scientists were especially problematic in organic-rich waters typical for wetlands. Untrained citizen scientists also had problems recognizing cultivated tree species within forests, distinguishing between herbaceous plants and young trees, and determining plant species. Furthermore, citizen scientists showed a strong bias toward selecting easily accessible and less diverse sites for species and above-ground organic carbon determinations, which were not always representative of the respective floodplain forest habitat. Restore4Life is funded by the European Union.

How to cite: Weigelhofer, G., Feldbacher, E., Rosenberger, C., Srđević, Z., Mikuska, A., Čerba, D., Weidendorfer, J., De Haney, S., Cvijanović, D., Milošević, D., Gulyá, K. B., Miklós, T., Stojković Piperac, M., Novković, M., Grabić, J., Ždero, S., VLaičević, B., and Turković Čakalić, I.: Potential and limits of Citizen Science in assessing ecosystem services of European wetlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2828,, 2025.

EGU25-4527 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Citizen science data, marine plastics, and SDG monitoring: How to build trust in citizen science data and methodologies among diverse actors with varying needs and motivations? 

Dilek Fraisl, Linda See, Rachel Bowers, Omar Seidu, Kwame Boakye Fredua, Anne Bowser, Metis Meloche, Sarah Weller, Tyler Amaglo-Kobla, Dany Ghafari, Juan Carlos Laso Bayas, Jillian Campbell, Grant Cameron, Steffen Fritz, and Ian McCallum

The accumulation of plastic litter in marine environments presents a major environmental challenge to sustainability and is central to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the vast size of oceans and the widespread nature of marine plastic litter make its monitoring difficult. Citizen science offers a promising solution, providing valuable data for SDG monitoring and reporting, however, there has been no evidence of its use to date. In this presentation, we share how Ghana became the first country to integrate citizen science data into their official statistics and the official monitoring and reporting of SDG indicator 14.1.1b for marine plastic litter. This effort also helped to bridge local, community level data collection with national and global monitoring and policy agendas, aligning with the SDG framework. The data have already contributed to Ghana's Voluntary National Review and been reported in the UN SDG Global Database, helping to inform national policies.

In this presentation, we will focus on the process of validating citizen science data and integrating it into official monitoring and reporting, involving key stakeholders at local, national, and global levels, such as government agencies, the UN, civil society organizations, citizen science networks, and academia. This approach offers a model for other countries and citizen science initiatives interested in adopting similar methods for official monitoring and policymaking. A central theme will be how citizen science projects can be designed to foster collaboration and trust among diverse stakeholders, including governments, UN bodies, and local communities. We will highlight our success and lessons learnt, and showcase how knowledge production through citizen science can strengthen sustainability efforts, influence effective policy, and highlight the value of participatory sciences.

How to cite: Fraisl, D., See, L., Bowers, R., Seidu, O., Fredua, K. B., Bowser, A., Meloche, M., Weller, S., Amaglo-Kobla, T., Ghafari, D., Laso Bayas, J. C., Campbell, J., Cameron, G., Fritz, S., and McCallum, I.: Citizen science data, marine plastics, and SDG monitoring: How to build trust in citizen science data and methodologies among diverse actors with varying needs and motivations?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4527,, 2025.

EGU25-6446 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Ecorc’Air: A Citizen Science Project for the Biomonitoring of Vehicular Air Pollution in Paris, France  

Aude Isambert, Claire Carvallo, Christine Franke, Laure Turcati, Yann Sivry, Sophie Coural, Mélina Macouin, Sonia Rousse, and Frédéric Fluteau

For several decades now, air pollution has been a key concern for experts, public authorities and city dwellers, who are the first to be affected. Airborne particulate matter (PM) is indeed well known to cause adverse health effects. However, urban air quality stations are too sparse to provide a detailed picture of the distribution of pollution. Since PM is also deposited on the surfaces of urban tree, tree bark can then act as an alternative passive trap. Its magnetic properties make it possible to measure the amount of metal particles deposited on them and to estimate the pollution caused by motorized traffic around the trees. Here we present the citizen science project Ecorc’Air, in which volunteers collect fragments of plane tree bark, which are then sent to laboratories and used for a range of analyses. Since its launch in 2016, the project has led to the production of annual maps showing detailed concentrations of metal particles in Paris with fine spatial resolution. The concentration of fine metal particles decreases as the distance between trees and the road increases, with parked cars potentially acting as barriers to protect pedestrians from PM. There is a growing interest and involvement of city dwellers, especially those involved in local associations, to act in favor of environmental research, a trend also observed in other European cities. Municipalities can also provide support by considering citizen science as an additional source of data for quantifying air quality and a means of communicating with their residents on environmental issues.

How to cite: Isambert, A., Carvallo, C., Franke, C., Turcati, L., Sivry, Y., Coural, S., Macouin, M., Rousse, S., and Fluteau, F.: Ecorc’Air: A Citizen Science Project for the Biomonitoring of Vehicular Air Pollution in Paris, France , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6446,, 2025.

EGU25-8287 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Building Arctic Resilience through Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence in Marine Pollution Control 

Victor Lion, Arnab Muhuri, Natascha Oppelt, Apostolos Papakonstantinou, Christine Liang, Barbara Jóźwiak, Adam Nawrot, Élise Lépy, and Thora Herrmann

The Arctic is one of the most vulnerable regions on Earth concerning climate change and is increasingly affected by pollution from human activities. The ICEBERG project (Innovative Community Engagement for Building Effective Resilience and Arctic Ocean Pollution-Control Governance in the Context of Climate Change) is a multidisciplinary initiative funded by the European Union. It focuses on assessing types, sources, distributions, and impacts of pollution on ecosystems and coastal communities across the European Arctic. Case studies in West Svalbard, South Greenland, and North Iceland are being used to develop community-driven strategies to enhance resilience and reduce pollution. The project addresses a range of pollutants, including macro-, micro-, and nanoplastics, ship emissions, sewage, persistent organic pollutants, and heavy metals. 

As part of ICEBERG, our team from the Earth Observation and Modelling (EOM) group at Kiel University deployed time-lapse cameras to monitor the accumulation of marine litter along Arctic beaches. Using machine learning, we aim to automate the detection and classification of marine litter, offering new insights into its types, sizes, and seasonal variations. The results will be combined with drone-based data and coastal marine observatory artificial intelligence processing, which aims to map and monitor the spatiotemporal trends of marine litter in specified areas. By leveraging the high temporal mapping capabilities of small drones with machine learning algorithms, combining both will offer a comprehensive and advanced method for mapping marine litter across various spatial and temporal scales.

In the initial phase of ICEBERG, we deployed an autonomous camera system in West Svalbard to collect year-round data from an uninhabited site, while we held community consultation meetings in Iceland and Greenland to introduce the project and jointly explore opportunities for citizen science collaborations. By adopting a citizen science approach, we are actively partnering with academic & non-academic actors, including local and Indigenous stakeholders and non-governmental organizations in Iceland and Greenland who are supporting the installation and maintenance of the cameras. Additionally, through partnerships with high school teachers and students, we are also engaging young people to raise awareness of ongoing pollution challenges and explore actionable measures for mitigation and adaptation. By developing an interactive data-sharing platform, citizen scientists have the opportunity to upload their observations of any kind of pollution, serving as data crowdsourcing along with the data from the time-lapse cameras and drones. ICEBERG empowers communities to actively contribute to the process of identifying pollution sources, monitoring coastal litter, and developing meaningful interventions. 

We will present our innovative approach for monitoring pollution on Arctic beaches, emphasizing the role of community engagement and potential future co-created solutions. By integrating artificial intelligence tools and fostering local collaborations, ICEBERG offers a sustainable and inclusive approach for addressing environmental challenges in vulnerable Arctic regions. Our presentation will highlight the use of citizen science to enhance Arctic resilience and governance, share preliminary time-lapse data from Svalbard and Iceland, and explore the opportunities and challenges of community engagement in Arctic environmental monitoring.

How to cite: Lion, V., Muhuri, A., Oppelt, N., Papakonstantinou, A., Liang, C., Jóźwiak, B., Nawrot, A., Lépy, É., and Herrmann, T.: Building Arctic Resilience through Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence in Marine Pollution Control, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8287,, 2025.

EGU25-8304 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

AI-Driven Marine Citizen Science: SECOSTA’s Blueprint for SeabedExploration 

Eider Loyola Azanza, Álex Herrada Mederer, Joan Puigdefàbregas, Joan Villalonga Llauguer, Damià Gomis Bosch, Francesc Bonin Font, and Gabriel Jordá Sánchez

The Balearic Islands are home to a rich diversity of seabeds, yet their distribution and evolution remain challenging to map and study, which has become a priority in the EU-marine strategy directive. The SECOSTA project contributes to bridge this gap by integrating advanced machine learning with citizen participation, driving both scientific progress and community engagement.

Central to SECOSTA’s success is its hands-on, co-creation approach, where high school students actively design, build, and deploy low-cost, innovative tools for marine research, including beach profilers, bathymetric probes, tide gauges, and bathythermographs. A standout example is the Arduino-based seabed exploration platform, collaboratively constructed by students under the supervision of the SECOSTA team. This device integrates a GPS chip, datalogger, and submersible camera mounted on a floating platform, enabling efficient collection of high-resolution, geo-referenced seabed imagery in shallow coastal waters. Designed for ease of use, the platform can be towed by a small craft, such as a kayak or paddleboard, or by a swimmer, allowing students to gather invaluable data on underwater habitats.

The project focuses on classifying and characterizing critical marine ecosystems, such as Posidonia oceanica, alongside benthic species, sediment patterns, and marine debris. Students label collected images using Roboflow to build a robust dataset, which is then used to train a convolutional neural network inspired by U-Net, a leading architecture for image segmentation. By engaging in every step—from designing the tool to enrichening the dataset used to train the AI—students gain a deep understanding of both scientific and technological processes, while developing a sense of ownership over the outcomes. 

Since its launch in 2018, SECOSTA has engaged over 7,500 students from 33 educational institutions, generating actionable insights for coastal management and fostering longterm community capacity. These achievements have been made possible through close collaboration between researchers, students, and local government, highlighting the importance of transdisciplinary partnerships in addressing complex environmental challenges. By blending participatory methods with cutting-edge AI applications, the project exemplifies how co-creation can empower communities to take an active role in tackling issues like climate change and biodiversity loss.

This presentation will explore SECOSTA’s co-creation methodologies, the technical specifications of its seabed exploration platform, and the lessons learned from integrating students into environmental monitoring and AI-driven marine research. SECOSTA exemplifies the transformative power of citizen science, where education, technology, and sustainability converge to inspire the next generation of scientists and stewards of the natural world.

How to cite: Loyola Azanza, E., Herrada Mederer, Á., Puigdefàbregas, J., Villalonga Llauguer, J., Gomis Bosch, D., Bonin Font, F., and Jordá Sánchez, G.: AI-Driven Marine Citizen Science: SECOSTA’s Blueprint for SeabedExploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8304,, 2025.

EGU25-8498 | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Exploring inter- and transdisciplinary research on land use under climate change in the tropical Andes of Quito: the role of landscape history and local knowledge 

Elisabeth Dietze, Ann-Kathrin Volmer, Alejandra Valdés-Uribe, Liseth Pérez, Michał Słowinski, Elizabeth Velarde, Jessica Budds, Natalia Carpintero, Andrea Carrión, Lisa Feist, Agnieszka Halaś, Carlos Larrea-Maldonaldo, Patricio López, Maria Fernanda López-Sandoval, Melany Ruíz-Urigüen, Rosa Linda Tapia, Marek Więckowski, Leo Zurita-Arthos, and Ana Mariscal

Global challenges resulting from climate change, resource depletion, and land use change require local solutions that acknowledge the configuration and history of its landscapes and the related social-ecological processes. Particularly sensitive to climate change are high-mountain tropical regions. The Andean ecoregion, where Ecuador’s capital Quito is located, is home to c. 3 million people and host globally-important biodiversity hotspots. These include near-urban cloud forest remnants and unique páramo grasslands, characterized by their organic rich soils and water storage capacity of utmost importance for irrigation and drinking water in rural and urban areas.

We would like to discuss how we explored the potential to: 1) initiate inter- and transdisciplinary research on land use and landscape dynamics under global and local change, and 2) co-design this research by identifying the most pressing subtopics in the area surrounding Quito. Our research team includes researchers from Ecuadorian, German, and Polish research institutions as well as members of NGOs. Within these group, we had two in-person, a few online meetings and a three-week field visit that included two community-oriented workshops in summer 2024. We exchanged scientific and local perspectives, including those from community and NGO contexts, on “landscape” as a potential conceptual framework. Discussions focused on methodologies on “how to research together” and the exchange of knowledge on human and natural history, all within the context of a decolonial/political ecology framework.

We furthermore explored lakes and sedimentary deposits as archives for historical landscape dynamics, land use change and their transformation over time, as well as current ecosystem functioning using vegetation surveys with state-of-the-art remote sensing and field mapping. As a result, we identified future study areas and pressing topics that our inter- and transdisciplinary research can focus on, i.e., wildfires that intensify under climate change, water quality, soil erosion and volcanic eruption risks. With this initial phase of transdisciplinary research, we recognize high potential to co-create actionable knowledge that addresses the interconnectedness between societal and natural (or more-than-human) systems, and to contribute to tackling ongoing and future land use challenges in the tropical Andes.

How to cite: Dietze, E., Volmer, A.-K., Valdés-Uribe, A., Pérez, L., Słowinski, M., Velarde, E., Budds, J., Carpintero, N., Carrión, A., Feist, L., Halaś, A., Larrea-Maldonaldo, C., López, P., López-Sandoval, M. F., Ruíz-Urigüen, M., Tapia, R. L., Więckowski, M., Zurita-Arthos, L., and Mariscal, A.: Exploring inter- and transdisciplinary research on land use under climate change in the tropical Andes of Quito: the role of landscape history and local knowledge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8498,, 2025.

EGU25-9803 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Drones, Open-Source Tools, and Open Science for Participatory Land Administration in Namibia’s Informal Settlements 

Christian Riedel, Menare Royal Mabakeng, and Joseph Lewis

Namibia's rapid urbanization has led to an increase in informal settlements, with an estimated 40 % of the country's urban population living in these communities. These settlements are characterized by unregulated land occupation, limited access to municipal services, and a lack of tenure security. The prevalence of poor housing conditions in informal settlements contributes to prevailing cycles of poverty, social exclusion, and vulnerability to environmental hazards. In order to support socio-economic progress, existing research emphasizes the need for inclusive urban planning, secure land tenure, and infrastructural development. Despite community-driven efforts, such as negotiations for group land ownership, water management, and participatory informal settlement profiling and household mapping by organizations like the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia, various challenges that hinder sustainable improvements remain. At the municipal and national levels, these challenges include insufficient geospatial data for planning and cadastral purposes.

To address these issues, we rely on advancements in open-source geospatial software and the capabilities of commercial drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAVs). Together, these advancements allow for removing barriers when generating high-resolution geospatial data products. UAVs offer high-resolution imagery with centimeter-level accuracy that can potentially be employed for cadastral purposes, and their deployment is faster and more cost-effective compared to conventional field surveying methods. At the same time, open-source software, specifically OpenDroneMap, allows for the generation of geospatial data products, such as orthophotos, digital elevation models, and textured 3D models from captured drone images without additional licensing costs.

In this study, we conducted drone flights over informal settlements in Okahandja, a town in central Namibia that has not yet been mapped by the municipality. We conducted the fieldwork in close collaboration with the municipality and the informal settlements' residents, and drone flights were enabled by financial support from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. Our team surveyed ground control point markers, visible in the drone imagery, using real-time kinematic positioning based on existing cadastral ground control points outside the informal settlements to improve georeferencing. As a result, we generated orthophotos and digital elevation models with centimeter-level georeferencing accuracy and an image resolution of 6 cm/px, which is sufficient for layout planning and cadastral applications. We shared the data products with the municipality of Okahandja, with technical support from the Namibia Housing Action Group, and published the orthophotos on the OpenAerialMap platform under a CC-BY 4.0 license to encourage broader use by stakeholders, such as researchers, local authorities, NGOs, and community organizations. As a result, the data generated supports the community-driven land formalization process.

Our work highlights the potential of combining UAVs, the availability of open-source geospatial tools, and open science principles to address critical challenges within Namibia's informal settlements. The procedure provides high-resolution data for the municipalities' planning and cadastral needs and supports participatory informal settlement upgrading efforts. By enabling community involvement through open science, we show how technological advancements and good scientific practice can enhance participatory decision-making in land administration - particularly where the scope for shaping outcomes by governance structures alone is limited.

How to cite: Riedel, C., Mabakeng, M. R., and Lewis, J.: Drones, Open-Source Tools, and Open Science for Participatory Land Administration in Namibia’s Informal Settlements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9803,, 2025.

EGU25-9814 | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

 Iberia in a Grain of Sand – IBERARENUM 

Daniel Rey and Kais Jacob Mohamed and the Iberarenum Citizen Science Team

The project "Iberia in a Grain of Sand – IBERARENUM," led by the Marine Research Center (CIM) of the University of Vigo, exemplifies the transformative potential of citizen science for advancing ocean literacy and addressing pressing environmental challenges. This initiative engages the Spanish public in creating the first National Sand Bank, cataloging biogeochemical compositions of beach sands, and fostering societal involvement in coastal monitoring and climate change adaptation. By harnessing public participation in sampling campaigns and using open-access geospatial databases, IBERARENUM bridges scientific research and community action.

Targeting hydological basin representative sites along Iberian diverse 3,300 km coastline, the project standardizes data collection through educational tools, including online tutorials, field manuals, and video guides, prioritizing inclusivity. Collaborations with schools, fisheries, and associations for individuals with diverse abilities ensure broad and meaningful participation. The project highlights gender equity by featuring women scientists in its outreach.

Through interdisciplinary collaboration, IBERARENUM delivers high-resolution sedimentological data that illuminate coastal dynamics, ecosystem services, and climate-driven vulnerabilities. Results are disseminated via interactive maps, public exhibitions, and educational materials, promoting scientific literacy and empowering communities to co-create knowledge. Its innovative framework integrates FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles, facilitating data sharing across scientific and non-scientific audiences.

Aligned with the UN Decade of Ocean Science and Sustainable Development Goals, IBERARENUM strengthens the citizen-science nexus to address climate resilience and biodiversity conservation. This initiative serves as a replicable model for integrating research, education, and public engagement, advancing both societal and scientific capacities to tackle coastal and climatic challenges.

How to cite: Rey, D. and Mohamed, K. J. and the Iberarenum Citizen Science Team:  Iberia in a Grain of Sand – IBERARENUM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9814,, 2025.

EGU25-11706 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Public engagement in field data collection for flood and landslide risk mitigation 

Giuseppe Esposito, Daniela Molinari, Simone Sterlacchini, Marco Zazzeri, Debora Voltolina, Ginevra Chelli, Rosa Maria Cavalli, Marco Milella, and Paola Salvati

The turning of geo-hydrological processes into disasters can be facilitated by the lack of awareness among people at risk. Accordingly, living in areas prone to floods or landslides with a general unpreparedness both in terms of self-protection behavior and long-term risk mitigation strategies, can lead to the loss of human lives and significant damage. Engaging citizens in disaster risk reduction is one of the main challenges to enhance resilience of communities. To this aim, various approaches are being developed including public engagement in citizen science activities. This approach allows people to be involved in different phases of the scientific process, enhancing their knowledge about natural processes and risk perception.   

The HYRMA (Hydrogeological Risk Assessment through Collaborative Mapping) is a European Union financed project to promote direct participation of citizens in scientific research focusing on disaster risk reduction. The main goal of the project is to implement collaborative data collection to acquire, store, analyze, and share geo-localized data about hazard, exposure, and physical vulnerability of buildings located in selected landslide- and flash flood-prone areas of Italy. Researchers and citizens are connected by user-centered web applications designed through a bottom-up approach and made available free of charge on mobile devices. These web applications can be used by citizens in the field to collect different kinds of geo-localized data, by filling digital forms based on a very intuitive and user-friendly interface, as well as by capturing photographs and reporting notes or comments. The forms included in the web applications are developed considering hazards of the study sites, with the support of local stakeholders. The forms, specifically, allow collect datasets for the following purposes: 1) damage estimation in the aftermath of geo-hydrological events, or to assess physical vulnerability of buildings in areas at risk; 2) reporting real-time information on flood events.

In order to test the first version of the forms, students of public and private secondary schools were trained and engaged by researchers with the support of their teachers and volunteers of the local Civil Protection groups. Differently-abled students with specific interests in practical activities including the use of digital tools were also involved. The first tests provided encouraging results on several aspects, together with criticisms that are being exploited to improve some sections of the web applications. Students demonstrated an easy and intuitive use of the web applications and, interestingly, they well understood the research aims and citizen science principles. This preliminary feedback suggests a successful use of the participatory approach implemented in the HYRMA project for raising awareness of people at risk, and encourages similar activities with other citizen categories.

This project has received funding from the European Union – Next Generation EU, under grant agreement 2022NRAW3Z_PE10_PRIN2022.

How to cite: Esposito, G., Molinari, D., Sterlacchini, S., Zazzeri, M., Voltolina, D., Chelli, G., Cavalli, R. M., Milella, M., and Salvati, P.: Public engagement in field data collection for flood and landslide risk mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11706,, 2025.

EGU25-11843 | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Shaping climate action and solutions with local communities: the experience of Adaptation AGORA and CLIMAS projects under the umbrella of the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change 

Paola Mercogliano, Alfredo Reder, Arianna Acierno, Marina Mattera, Marianna Adinolfi, Marta Ellena, Antonella Mele, Julian Vicens, Ferran Bertomeu, Nil Alvarez, David Laniado, Anna Maria Kotrikla, Kyriaki Maria Fameli, Amalia Polydoropoulou, Havva Ebrahimi Pour, and Floridea Di Ciommo

Addressing the complex challenges posed by climate change requires innovative approaches that prioritise communities as active participants in shaping solutions, especially in adaptation context. The Adaptation AGORA project, funded by Horizon Europe, exemplifies this by integrating citizen needs and perspectives into climate adaptation planning across diverse European regions through participatory methodologies. Similarly, the CLIMAS project focuses on how citizens can directly contribute to formulating actionable policy recommendations for climate adaptation through Climate assemblies and the tools needed to run these assemblies. CLIMAS integrates citizen science and living labs as transformative tools to co-create inclusive policies that enhance participatory decision-making processes. 

Both projects support the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change by leveraging best practices, innovative tools, policy instruments, and governance mechanisms to engage communities in climate action and deliberative democracy meaningfully. Together, they address the challenges of climate change with integrated methodologies aimed at driving social and political transformation. In addition, both projects share a commitment to promoting citizen science, building community capacity through workshops and training, and fostering knowledge sharing. They also emphasise the use of participatory methodologies to co-create solutions and integrate citizen-generated data into policy and planning processes.

The CLIMAS project focuses on an innovative toolkit designed to integrate citizen science into different phases of climate assemblies, providing citizens with experiential knowledge and co-developing policy recommendations. This toolkit was developed through a co-creation process led by the Ebre Bioterritori Living Lab in Catalonia, which acted as a hub for collaboration among policymakers, climate assembly organisers, scientists, local communities, and citizens. Through this process, key citizen science projects and activities were identified to catalyse meaningful actions in climate assemblies. The toolkit was subsequently tested in the Chios Living Lab and during two climate assemblies held in Riga (Latvia) and Edermünde (Germany). Early results demonstrated the toolkit’s potential to enhance citizen engagement, promote collaborative and bottom-up learning, and bridge the gap between scientific evidence and participatory decision-making for climate action. 

Adaptation AGORA, on the other hand, focuses on direct community engagement in local adaptation processes and emphasises societal transformation through transdisciplinary approaches. The project is developing a roadmap for large-scale citizen engagement, aimed at ensuring long-term impact and policy transferability while prioritising climate justice, gender equality, and equity. For instance, in the Italian pilot, Rome’s Climate Adaptation Strategy was co-designed through an iterative dialogue with citizens, reflecting their active role in shaping climate solutions. Across its four pilot regions, Adaptation AGORA has facilitated workshops and focus groups that brought together diverse stakeholders—including underrepresented and vulnerable groups—to co-design and implement actionable strategies. Between January and February 2024, Adaptation AGORA organised final co-creation workshops in each pilot region, engaging citizens, civil society organisations, academics, experts, and policymakers to develop and co-create adaptation measures and innovative engagement methodologies.

This presentation will showcase the activities and outcomes of Adaptation AGORA’s co-creation workshops in the pilot regions, discuss the challenges and opportunities encountered, and highlight the complementarity between Adaptation AGORA and CLIMAS in fostering resilient, inclusive, and community-driven climate adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Mercogliano, P., Reder, A., Acierno, A., Mattera, M., Adinolfi, M., Ellena, M., Mele, A., Vicens, J., Bertomeu, F., Alvarez, N., Laniado, D., Kotrikla, A. M., Fameli, K. M., Polydoropoulou, A., Pour, H. E., and Di Ciommo, F.: Shaping climate action and solutions with local communities: the experience of Adaptation AGORA and CLIMAS projects under the umbrella of the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11843,, 2025.

In recent years, sustainability science has increasingly emphasized the integration of transdisciplinary knowledge and sustainability transitions, alongside approaches to facilitate transformative change for sustainable development. This highlights the critical importance of practices and facilitation methods in addressing the current challenges of sustainability. To tackle the complex environmental and climate challenges of today, it is essential to integrate local communities and stakeholder participation into practical solutions for real-world problems. Moreover, further research is still required to clarify the intricate connections, governance, and management interactions between social and ecological systems.

This study focuses on the Wu-Fu community as its research site and adopts a participatory action research (PAR) approach, where the researcher also assumes the role of a local actor to actively facilitate the planning and construction of ecological refuge ponds in farmland areas. Through the establishment of a local communication platform, the study promotes participatory co-design, ensuring community members' engagement and sense of ownership throughout the design process to achieve long-term sustainable management. Lastly, the study employs the lens of actor-network theory (ANT) to explore the complex networks between human society and nature in the local context. It also integrates the InVEST model to quantitatively evaluate the ecological refuge ponds' contributions to habitat quality, ecological benefits, and local development. Addressing the dual needs of agricultural production and ecological conservation, this research proposes a scientifically grounded and practice-oriented strategic framework to establish a successful model of coexistence between society and nature.

How to cite: Chen, H. C.: Participatory Co-design Model for Facilitating Local Community in Harmony with Nature: A Case Study on Wu-Fu Farmland Ecological Refugia Pond, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11857,, 2025.

EGU25-12137 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

A Model Framework for Integrating Bi-national Community-Engaged, Culturally Responsive Partnerships into Sustainability Education 

Caitlyn Hall, Kenneth Kokroko, Aaron Bugaj, Nadia Mexia-Alvarez, Adrian Munguia-Vega, Laura Horley, and Lysette Davi

Solving today’s environmental challenges requires interdisciplinary collaboration, cultural understanding, and community engagement. We present a model framework designed to integrate these critical elements into sustainability-focused education, tested through immersive projects in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. This framework connects students with real-world challenges, empowering them to co-create actionable, community-driven solutions.

The model framework consists of three core components:

  • Interdisciplinary Teamwork: Students collaborate across disciplines to analyze sites, develop master plans, and design context-specific solutions.
  • Cross-Cultural Learning: Through site visits, shared projects, and dialogue, students deepen their understanding of how social, economic, political, and environmental factors shape sustainability decision-making.
  • Civic Engagement: Partnerships with local organizations and community members ensure that student designs align with lived experiences, priorities, and pressing local challenges.

This model framework emphasizes cultural responsiveness, teamwork, and real-world application, preparing students to address complex environmental challenges with creativity and inclusivity. By adopting this framework, educators can foster interdisciplinary collaboration, enhance cultural understanding, and strengthen community connections within environmental and geoscience education.

How to cite: Hall, C., Kokroko, K., Bugaj, A., Mexia-Alvarez, N., Munguia-Vega, A., Horley, L., and Davi, L.: A Model Framework for Integrating Bi-national Community-Engaged, Culturally Responsive Partnerships into Sustainability Education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12137,, 2025.

This Canadian Community Science Liaison (CSL) programme (based at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta) incorporates place- and curriculum-based Citizen Science projects into Kindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms. The first module created, the Geological Bumblebee Programme (GBBP), had >800 Grade 2-9 students build and install ~400 bumblebee boxes to monitor and learn about local bumblebee populations. In southern Alberta there are 23 Bumblebee species, with box occupation rates above 30%, and colonies ranging from a few individuals to over 200. One student stated that “I used to be scared of bumblebees, but now I recognize their importance for pollinating”. We now have ethics clearance to start a longitudinal study of the impacts of the GBBP on students, their families and their teachers.

A new module on permafrost is now being trialled in Inuvik, Northwest Territories, in honour of the newly established International Union of Geological Sciences Geoheritage Site across the Mackenzie Delta Region. The permafrost module was co-created with a Grade 3 teacher, and Aurora Research Institute staff including the outreach coordinator, and two permafrost scientists. This participatory collaborative research starts with students doing some background research, then going into the field and collecting data, followed by evaluating and synthesising the data in the classroom. Activities include the use of geological and aerial maps, making their own pingo (ice cored hills), inputting data into applications such as Survey123 and the ‘good old fashioned’ measuring with a ruler.

These place- and curriculum-based citizen science projects engage students while getting them out on the land, which is an important connection for the Indigenous communities across the Mackenzie Delta Region (Innuvialuit and Gwich’in in Inuvik). The data they collect will be used by scientists, while creating opportunities for schools to compare their results across permafrost regions, especially essential in a world with a changing climate. Schools in permafrost regions could also present their results to their southern counterparts to educate about permafrost and the impacts of climate change. This is particularly important in a country like Canada where 90% of the population lives within 300km of the southern border with the United States and most Canadians do not get the opportunity to visit the Northern Territories. One of the expected outcomes is for the students participating in this module to develop their own pride of place whilst illustrating the uniqueness of where they live. 

How to cite: Dubois Gafar, A. and Boggs, K.: Citizen Science to ‘science with society’: an example from the Canadian Community Science Liaison programme, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12384,, 2025.

EGU25-14698 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Think before you link (with citizen scientists): Design thinking methodologies for citizen engagement 

Christine Yiqing Liang, Uta Ködel, Claudia Schütze, and Peter Dietrich

Design thinking is an approach typically used in product innovation and marketing that puts empathy for the end-user at the centre of the design process. Design thinking is a human-centred process that emphasizes creativity and collaboration, leading to facilitation of citizen engagement through improved recruitment and retention of participants. Here we present two case studies that use design thinking methodologies to better understand the citizen scientists involved.

CityCLIM (a European Union Horizon 2020 funded project) applied a stakeholder analysis technique called the Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) to better understand the motivations of the citizen scientists participating in a data collection campaign for urban climate. The project specifically identified a target group consisting of citizens who ride a bicycle primarily for commuting or as a hobby, with specific requirements in terms of route, duration and frequency. Using the VPC allowed organisers to formulate a targeted recruitment, participation, and communication strategy. This strategy is beneficial for retaining and motivating citizen scientists, but also for ensuring high quality spatial and temporal environmental data for the project.

The ICEBERG project (a European Union Horizon 2020 funded project) applied a product design technique called Empathy Mapping, which provides deeper insights into the citizen’s and community’s needs, rather than thinking from the researcher's point of view. Empathy Mapping was used to identify barriers to implementing a community-based environmental monitoring program, in order to brainstorm solutions and opportunities for participation. These insights (some of which draw from experiences of the consortium members working with the case study communities) were used to reflect on researcher conduct when engaging the community and planning citizen participation activities.

How to cite: Liang, C. Y., Ködel, U., Schütze, C., and Dietrich, P.: Think before you link (with citizen scientists): Design thinking methodologies for citizen engagement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14698,, 2025.

The "Superchar" project aims to develop a nutrient-release biochar derived from sewage sludge, promoting sustainable agricultural practices while addressing pressing environmental and food security challenges. By leveraging sewage sludge as a feedstock, this initiative not only offers a cost-effective and accessible solution but also addresses the complexities associated with managing potentially contaminated human waste. The Superchar is engineered to increase soil carbon stocks, sequester atmospheric CO2, and serve as a slow-release fertilizer for phosphorus and potassium, thus enhancing food security in vulnerable communities. Our approach emphasizes the importance of community engagement by establishing a local value chain, especially in rural areas where phosphorus scarcity poses significant problems. The innovative technique of "mineral doping" involves pyrolyzing phosphorus-rich sewage sludge with potassium-rich organic materials to produce water-soluble potassium phosphates, facilitating the recovery of vital nutrients for agricultural use. We have created five different biochars from sewage sludge, chicken manure, and pyrolyzed straw, processed at a controlled temperature of 650°C. These biochars are currently undergoing evaluation in a series of flow-through column experiments designed to simulate real-world conditions. Each column assembly of washed sand and biochar undergoes regular hydration and sampling, allowing us to meticulously monitor parameters such as temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, and nutrient release. Moreover, we are collaborating with Mosan (, a non-governmental organization working at Lake Atitlán in Guatemala, to assess the effectiveness of mineral doping and the impact of biochar on crop growth. If proven successful, the Superchar model promises not only a low-tech, economically viable solution for carbon sequestration and sustainable fertilization but also creates pathways for regenerative agricultural practices, vital for addressing climate change and promoting socioeconomic development. Our findings hold the potential to revolutionize negative emission technologies, thereby advancing agricultural nutrient management strategies that align with sustainable development goals. This project serves as a prime example of how community engagement and innovative research can lead to transformative outcomes in the realms of climate resilience and food security.

How to cite: Vorrath, M.-E., Buss, W., Mijthab, M., and Anisie, R.: Poo for future: Community Engagement through Biochar Innovation by Utilizing Sewage Sludge for Enhanced Agricultural Practices and Climate Resilience , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14814,, 2025.

EGU25-15480 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Passive air monitoring using bark: A participatory science approach to metal recycling impacts in West Africa 

Melina Macouin, Yann-Philippe Tastevin, Claire Dutrait, Laure Laffont, Laurence Delville, Jean-François Leon, Moustapha Bassimbé Sagna, Mayoro Gueye, Eva Schreck, Loïc Drigo, Eva Vedel, Lucile Bauchard, Moïse Kantenga Luongwe, Sonia Rousse, Laurent Cassayre, and Béatrice Milard

Recycling metals like iron and lead appears essential for sustainable development, yet it often has severe consequences for the quality of life in communities near recycling sites. Citizen science and transdisciplinary approaches—uniting researchers from the physical, natural, and social sciences, with citizens and non-academic partners—are increasingly recognized as vital to addressing such complex Anthropocene challenges. However, the role of co-produced knowledge in fostering the sustainable transformation of affected territories remains to be fueled by inspiring examples.

We present here the AirGeo project, a community-based participatory research initiative addressing the environmental and social impacts of metal recycling activities in West Africa, with a specific focus on air pollution. We focus on Sebikotane, Senegal, a rapidly urbanizing city located 45 km from the capital, Dakar, and home to three recycling plants specializing in steel and lead batteries. The project aims to co-produce, evaluate, and share data on air quality in this understudied area. The transdisciplinary team encompasses experts in geosciences, aerology, anthropology, literature, and botany, alongside artists, municipal authorities, NGOs, and local citizens, who are actively involved as non-academic partners.

We will present the use of passive bio-sensors made from tree bark, combined with environmental magnetism and geochemistry, to produce air quality data. Furthermore, the project leverages arts—forum theater, live sketching, literature, and design—as innovative tools to translate scientific concepts and disseminate knowledge. By combining participatory science with artistic expression, the AirGeo project exemplifies a novel approach to addressing environmental issues and promoting future sustainable transformations for this area.

How to cite: Macouin, M., Tastevin, Y.-P., Dutrait, C., Laffont, L., Delville, L., Leon, J.-F., Bassimbé Sagna, M., Gueye, M., Schreck, E., Drigo, L., Vedel, E., Bauchard, L., Kantenga Luongwe, M., Rousse, S., Cassayre, L., and Milard, B.: Passive air monitoring using bark: A participatory science approach to metal recycling impacts in West Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15480,, 2025.

EGU25-15689 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Science is We: towards co-equal power sharing in scientific knowledge production 

Tessa Maurer, Wiyaka Bennett, Philip Saksa, and Edoardo Cremonese

Co-created and participatory science has been recognized within the research community as a means to further applied science, improve uptake of research findings, and enhance the scientific community's ability to respond to urgent socioenvironmental challenges like climate change. However, many of these participatory methods are still limited by the Western science community's traditional notions of "knowledge production" and "original research". What is frequently neglected are options that seek collaboration beyond that research process or involve the production of knowledge that is, by the research community's standards, not publishable. Based on our experiences as scientists and practitioners in the ecological sciences and conservation, both within and beyond academia, we present examples of co-creation and applied science processes with and within local and Indigenous communities, utility companies, finance and investment professionals, and policy makers to illustrate the need for and potential impact of work that pushes the boundaries of what is frequently considered by researchers as "science." Many traditional examples of science co-creation involve the insertion of public or community input at one or more points within a standard research process (e.g. community consultation to identify research questions, citizen science to assist with data collection, or production of communications materials to disseminate findings). Even when attempted, longer-term, iterative processes of co-creation are often limited by grant timelines and publishing requirements that tend to work on the short-to-medium scale. We posit that the historic segregation of the academic sciences from "practical" work and the lived experiences of most people continues to limit our ability to produce effective, useful, and culturally responsive research and that to truly be co-creators requires a more fundamental shift towards co-equal power sharing within knowledge production endeavors. In this discussion, we aim to open a dialogue about how and under what circumstances the research community can broaden our understanding of science, incorporating other ways of knowing and moving past knowledge production as a primarily academic endeavor. 

How to cite: Maurer, T., Bennett, W., Saksa, P., and Cremonese, E.: Science is We: towards co-equal power sharing in scientific knowledge production, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15689,, 2025.

EGU25-16396 | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Engaging Schools and Communities in Geothermal Monitoring: Theoretical Framework and Case Studies from the DeepStor Research Infrastructure (Germany) 

Judith Bremer, Jérôme Azzola, Katharina Schätzler, Florian Bauer, and Thomas Kohl

A climate-neutral transformation of the heating sector is essential for the energy transition, and geothermal energy offers substantial potential to achieve climate protection targets. While the importance of the energy transition is widely recognized, deep geothermal projects often face challenges resulting from unfavorable public perception. Induced seismicity, in particular, raises public concerns and significantly influences social acceptance. Several factors contribute to these concerns, including inadequate or poorly communicated information about the complex scientific processes involved, ineffective dialogue between project developers and local communities, and limited opportunities for public participation in research or project development. To address these concerns, effective communication and active public participation in projects are identified as key solutions. This study presents a conceptual framework for participatory monitoring of geothermal projects and explore its influence on factors related to risk perception and technology acceptance. We focus on a citizen science approach that enables non-experts to actively participate in seismic measurements around a geothermal project through various formats, using plug-and-play seismometers. The individual, societal, and scientific implications of this approach are examined by integrating and connecting established sociological concepts within the context of deep geothermal energy. The conceptual framework is illustrated through a case study conducted within the DeepStor project, where Raspberry-Shake© seismometers serve as a central tool for fostering dialogue and collaboration with citizens and schools, enabling joint seismic data collection and hands-on learning experiences. We present results of initiatives where we are using the tool in educational projects and public science events, while preparing it for distribution to volunteers interested in contributing to the measurement network. The sociological and geophysical benefits of the initiative are discussed in relation to the conceptual framework. The findings of this study can provide guidance for a successful integration of participatory and co-creation approaches into geothermal research and industrial applications.

How to cite: Bremer, J., Azzola, J., Schätzler, K., Bauer, F., and Kohl, T.: Engaging Schools and Communities in Geothermal Monitoring: Theoretical Framework and Case Studies from the DeepStor Research Infrastructure (Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16396,, 2025.

EGU25-16868 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Co-Creating Solutions: Enablers and Barriers to Participatory Solid Waste Governance in Small Towns of the Global South 

Rakendu Suresh Kumar and Natarajan Chitralekha Narayanan

Solid waste governance in India has traditionally relied on linear, centralised capital-intensive systems such as landfills and incineration. These approaches have led to severe environmental degradation, public health crises, and the marginalisation of informal waste sectors. Despite democratic decentralisation efforts, the persistence of top-down governance has stifled local governments' ability to address these challenges effectively. Furthermore, unlike large cities, smaller towns face significant technical, financial, and institutional capacity constraints in developing context-specific solid waste management solutions.

The situation in South Indian state of Kerala mirrored this trajectory until widespread protests and legal interventions in the early 2010s prompted a shift towards decentralised solid waste governance. In response to these systemic failures, Alappuzha municipality in Kerala pioneered a participatory, decentralised waste management model. Supported by wide-ranging citizen engagement, expert collaboration, and political leadership, this initiative improved waste management practices and inspired the state’s 2018 Solid Waste Management Policy. However, as the model was scaled up across cities, the focus shifted from the process to the outcomes, reducing success to a few indicators, such as elimination of waste dumping spots and implementation of household-level on-site treatment systems. This shift overlooked participatory processes and highlighted the persistent institutional capacity deficits and socio-political complexities, mandating the need for sustainable participatory governance frameworks.

To address these challenges, CANALPY was launched in 2017. This transdisciplinary initiative, jointly undertaken by the Centre for Policy Studies, IIT Bombay, and the Kerala Institute of Local Administration, focuses on capacity building, knowledge co-production and community-led solutions. By integrating local knowledge with academic knowledge, CANALPY created ‘deliberative platforms’ for dialogue and collaboration, addressing issues of sanitation, water pollution, and solid waste management. Being closely associated with CANALPY since its formation, the authors trace the evolution of participatory solid waste governance in Alappuzha, analysing the drivers, enabling conditions, and challenges associated with co-creation. It highlights how CANALPY has facilitated knowledge sharing, bridged capacities, and informed policy-making. At the same time, it critically examines socio-political and institutional barriers while scaling up.

It was found that while knowledge co-production facilitates dialogue and collaboration, consensus building is crucial to translate knowledge into actionable outcomes. Without consensus, deliberative processes risk becoming prolonged exercises without tangible results, a notable critique of existing participatory research. Additionally, the study highlights the unsustainability of voluntarism in the long term. Participation often depends on individuals with intrinsic motivation or altruistic tendencies, leading to disengagement as such efforts fail to be institutionalised. Socio-political dynamics, including power imbalances and inequities, further restricts inclusive participation. To address these barriers, the importance of aligning incentives with participants' motivations is emphasised. Context-specific incentives, such as social recognition, skill-building opportunities proved effective in sustaining long-term engagement. Institutionally, the need for adaptive frameworks that bridge gaps between local governance structures, community aspirations, and academic collaborations was evident. The work demonstrates that academia can serve as a transformative platform for participatory governance by addressing these socio-political and institutional challenges. It offers a replicable framework for advancing transdisciplinary approaches to solid waste governance in small towns in Global South.

How to cite: Suresh Kumar, R. and Narayanan, N. C.: Co-Creating Solutions: Enablers and Barriers to Participatory Solid Waste Governance in Small Towns of the Global South, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16868,, 2025.

What are soils, and how do they influence our lives? The project “Boden entdecken” (German: discovering soil) aims to further this discussion. Boden entdecken is based in South-Eastern Brandenburg (circa 130 km South of the Berlin in Upper Lusatia, Germany), where environment and society are characterised by centuries of lignite mining and the current transformation towards an end of open cast mining by 2038.

Two approaches are pursued to support a public debate on the role of soils in our society, their properties, and potentials for different land uses.

First, citizens discovered real soils themselves. Soils are always near, but little is actually know about them. From May to September 2024, teams of citizens were invited to discover the soils of their surrounding themselves. Eighteen team, including over 60 participants of various backgrounds, actively looked under the surface. 38 mineral soil profiles of 55 cm depth were dug and investigated by them. An app and a little kit developed in the project were used, and soil properties were analysed in the field. The field analysis is a simplified approach based on the Müncheberg soil quality rating (Müller et al. 2007). For each soil profile an assessment, a score, is directly reported after the field investigation. All results can be accessed by the participants and landowners on the website of the project. Additionally, all results were scientifically evaluated. To validate the results, twelve of the soil profiles were additionally analysed and sampled by soil scientists.

Secondly, the local media and networks are used to raise interest and to bring together stakeholders. The main communication and outreach of the project occurs via social media (Instagram and Facebook). However, in-person events, meetings and interviews play a crucial role in engagement of landowners and citizens with soil science. They proved essential in this project and provided a platform for exchange and feedback.

Here we like to present sone lessons learnt in the project: Which project methods proved useful in engaging landowners and citizens? What motivated them to participate in “discover their soils”?

Müller, L.; U. Schindler; A. Behrendt; F. Eulenstein and R. Dannowski. The Muencheberg soil quality rating (SQR) – Field manual for detecting and assessing properties and limitations of soils for cropping and grazing. (2007): 1-103.

How to cite: Klemm, J. and Gerwin, W.: Soil and Citizen Science – engaging citizens, landowners, and scientists (Brandenburg, Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17330,, 2025.

EGU25-18223 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.2/EOS1.9

Co-constructing future land use scenarios for a equity and cooling Antananarivo, Madagascar 

Rui Han, Robert Marchant, and Jessica Thorn

Scenario is a promising approach to support future land use optimization and urban sustainable development. Despite an increasing number of scenarios literature undertaken in Sub-Saharan Africa, a little investigation is made into urban green infrastructure injustice and the associated temperature cooling service in Madagascar. Madagascar experiences a complex interplay of challenges of astonishing urbanisation, entrenched poverty, and significant vulnerability to climate change. To anticipate the future of urban development in a highly uncertain socio-economic context, we engaged stakeholders from a dynamic urban region in Antananarivo in a participatory scenario planning process to co-create salient, diverse, plausible, credible, and legitimate scenarios. Stakeholders with researchers developed four normative visions for the future for 2030 aligned with the SDGs and African Union Agenda 2063. Based on stakeholder input, combined with planning documents and analyses of historical dynamics, scenarios were translated into spatially explicit representations of how each of the four narratives would shape land cover by 2063. Four storylines were entitled: (1) a loveable future that by 2063, Antananarivo could transform into a thriving modern city with more equitable access to green infrastructure, restored wetland corridors, expanded public infrastructure, and intensified and modernised agricultural zones, (2) a development prioritised over the environment world, where the drive for profit leads to urban expansion, loss of green spaces, and fragmentation of agricultural land, (3) a worst tomorrow, which we can see the landscape is marked by environmental degradation, as lush natural spaces, rivers, and crop fields are replaced by buildings due to population growth, land privatisation, and rural-to-urban migration, increasing heat extreme events, and (4) a run-away scenario, that results in significant conservation, with agricultural and bare land converted to forest and savanna, but at the cost of lower economic development. Our “bottom-up” urban planning strategy, incorporating stakeholders' perspectives, is essential to fostering an equitable, cool, and green environment for the future of African urban forests and vegetated landscapes.

How to cite: Han, R., Marchant, R., and Thorn, J.: Co-constructing future land use scenarios for a equity and cooling Antananarivo, Madagascar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18223,, 2025.

Achieving long-term effectiveness in natural disaster risk management needs a multifaceted approach. This approach should integrate the disaster’s impact with the region's social, economic, and physical characteristics. A variety of models have been developed to measure the disaster’s impact and propose risk reduction solutions. However, finding the optimal local solution is challenging. To enhance the sustainability of these solutions, it is crucial to consider the local pressing issues, which may be social, economic, cultural, or physical in nature. These issues manifest in the decision criteria when determining the most appropriate risk mitigation or management strategies. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods are instrumental in evaluating suitable solutions by integrating the outputs of risk assessment models with local priorities, which are represented as rankings of the decision criteria. Since the local experts and community representatives have the most practical information regarding regional issues, their input is essential in ranking the decision criteria. Various preference elicitation methods can be employed to capture experts’ perceptions on important issues.

When it comes to disaster risk mitigation and management, the elicitation of stakeholders’ collective perception on important issues is challenging. Different experts with different backgrounds, concerns, and visions for the future can have different perceptions on important issues that should be addressed by the disaster risk mitigation solution. This difference of opinion can lead to conflict of priorities. Since the disaster risk mitigation and management solutions are usually led to policy making or implementation of those solutions, the existing conflicts can have a negative impact on the effectiveness of these solutions. As such, it is vital to address these conflicts and elicit the collective priorities of local stakeholders.

In this research, a Simos-based silent negotiation process is developed for eliciting the stakeholders’ collective priorities for natural disaster risk mitigation and management. The developed process is designed to engage the representatives of local communities and other experts and decision-makers and systematically direct them to compromise on less important issues. The designed process benefits from different methods to increase robustness. By directing participants to compromise on their less important issues, this process provides the collective local priorities in mitigating disaster risk. Furthermore, it can gauge the level of conflicts among the stakeholders at the end of the silent negotiation. Additionally, it creates equal opportunity for all the participants to raise concerns and argue their point of view. This creates the opportunity to address issues and concerns from different communities.

The process is developed and implemented in the Horizon Europe project MEDiate (Multi-hazard and risk-informed system for Enhanced local and regional Disaster risk management). The MEDiate project is dedicated to creating a decision-support system (DSS) for disaster risk management that considers the complexities of multiple interacting natural hazards and fits the final disaster risk management solution to the characteristics, priorities, and concerns of the local communities and decision-makers. The MEDiate framework is implemented on four different testbeds (Oslo (Norway), Nice (France), Essex (UK), and Múlaþing (Iceland)), each of which has a different multi-hazard pair and different socio-economic characteristics.

How to cite: Yeganegi, M. R., Komendantova, N., and Danielson, M.: Engaging and Conflict-Resolution preference elicitation in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Localized Mitigation Actions in Disaster Risk Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18473,, 2025.

We present a collaborative citizen science initiative carried out with high school students from EES N° 3 “Florentino Ameghino”, Chillar, Argentina, as part of a paleoenvironmental research project in lake sediment cores of Laguna La Barrancosa (37°19’ S, 60°06’ W). Students actively participated in collecting and analysing a sediment core spanning the past 500 years. Together, we conducted measurements of magnetic susceptibility, dry density, and organic matter, aiming to reconstruct past environmental changes and emphasize the importance of preserving this site as a vital ecological resource.
The project was made possible through the Neville Shulman Award, which provided funding to support research that increases local community engagement in environmental projects. This grant allowed us to design an initiative that combined scientific research with a participatory and educational approach, empowering the local community and fostering a sense of environmental stewardship.
Through hands-on experiences in both their school laboratory and advanced facilities at the University, students not only gained technical skills but also developed a deeper understanding of how agriculture that dominates the region´s landscape has influenced the lake's ecosystem. This project empowered students to reflect on their relationship with the environment they inhabit. Particularly given that, many of the students' families are involved in agriculture and often visit the lake for fishing.
These experiences offered all of us a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between local knowledge and academic science. For the students, this marked their first interaction with professional research and their first experience visiting a university. One of the most inspiring outcomes was the impact this project had on the students’ aspirations. Their exposure to scientific methods, combined with the support and encouragement of researchers, motivated many to consider pursuing higher education. The project opened new possibilities and demonstrated the accessibility of academic paths, planting seeds for future scientific curiosity and engagement. At the same time, it prompted us as scientists to reflect on how we do science and how to effectively communicate our work to diverse audiences.
Students presented the results during Chillar's annual town celebration, where they sparked valuable discussions about the region’s history and environmental challenges. Among the ideas that emerged was a new initiative to connect the observed environmental changes with the area’s archaeological history in future research. This underscores the richness and relevance of integrating local perspectives into scientific endeavors.
This presentation will delve into the outcomes of this collaboration, including lessons learned, best practices, and challenges faced during the process. It will also highlight the mutual benefits of co-creation, where both scientific research and community engagement are enriched, illustrating how participatory approaches can transform environmental awareness and promote inclusive, impactful science with long-lasting effects.

How to cite: Achaga, R. and Santiago, C.: Connecting Communities and Science: A Collaborative Paleoenvironmental Project in Laguna La Barrancosa, Argentina, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20165,, 2025.

EGU25-4545 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Comparative Insights from Living Labs: Driving Sustainable Urban Behaviors through Participatory Science 

Ivan Marchesini and the I-CHANGE D3.7 Team

Urban areas face a wide range of climate-related challenges, including air pollution, waste management, extreme weather events, and the need for sustainable mobility. These challenges demand need to be addressed through tailored (or customised) approaches that account for local socio-economic context and that empower citizens to play an active role in climate adaptation and mitigation actions.

This study compares the outcomes of multiple Living Labs (LLs) operating in diverse socio-economic and environmental contexts across Europe and other regions. Each LL focused on specific urban climate challenges, such as promoting sustainable transportation to reduce emissions or monitoring air quality through participatory science. To better understand what drives individuals to adopt sustainable behaviors, focus groups and surveys were conducted across the LLs. These tools allowed the identification of key factors - be they local or personal - that influence people's willingness to embrace pro-environmental practices.

Results reveal significant variability in how citizens respond to interventions, shaped by local conditions such as infrastructure, cultural factors, and environmental priorities. Across the LLs, the research sought to identify key drivers that encourage individuals to adopt more sustainable behaviors. Such drivers include experiencing climate-induced disasters, enhancing personal competencies, and gaining social approval. Barriers such as limited resources and skepticism toward systemic solutions were also identified and addressed.

This comparative analysis highlights the potential of participatory science not only to collect valuable environmental data but also to act as a catalyst for behavior change. By integrating citizen contributions into localized strategies, the LLs demonstrated how tailored interventions can effectively motivate sustainable practices.

The contribution highlights the critical need to understand the factors that motivate individuals to adopt sustainable behaviors across diverse local contexts. It provides actionable recommendations for designing interventions that empower citizens, reduce climate risks, and foster resilience in urban areas globally.

How to cite: Marchesini, I. and the I-CHANGE D3.7 Team: Comparative Insights from Living Labs: Driving Sustainable Urban Behaviors through Participatory Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4545,, 2025.

Several personalized carbon footprint and lifestyle calculators have been developed that can be accessed via a web browser or smartphone applications to raise awareness and educate individuals on promoting sustainable behavioural change. This study uses citizens in an experimental setting in Hasselt (Belgium) (n=55) and Karachi (Pakistan) (n=65) to develop further insights about the capabilities of five largely used smartphone-based applications. These applications are Earth Hero, Klima, Yayzy, Carbon Neutral & CO2 Meter, and 2zero-Sustainable Living. Citizens are invited to download a particular app on their smartphone, and other details of the experiment are provided in an initial workshop. For example, a timeframe of three months is given for the app to be used regularly for at least 10 minutes per day. After three months, participants were invited again to workshops, where a structured discussion was held in a focus group setting to understand the behavioural change capabilities of a particular app.  Participants from Hasselt (Belgium) and Karachi (Pakistan) exhibited diverse responses due to socio-cultural, economic, and infrastructural differences, highlighting the contextual adaptability of each application. EarthHero and Klima, which emphasized actionable sustainability tips, resonated well with users seeking direct and practical interventions. After three months, the structured focus group discussions revealed marginal behavioural change patterns, such as increased awareness of personal carbon footprints, reduced energy consumption, and shifts toward eco-friendly habits like public transport use or waste reduction. These changes were more pronounced among participants in Belgium than in Karachi, mainly due to the limited availability of sustainable alternatives. An issue of access to reliable local data has emerged, especially in Karachi, for quantifying footprint. Participants requested more user engagement features in the apps that increase peer interactions, such as leaderboard, community formation, etc. The findings could provide valuable insights into the role of technology in sustainability education, offering recommendations for app developers to improve user engagement and for policymakers to integrate such tools into broader environmental awareness campaigns.

How to cite: Adnan, M., Outay, F., Ahmed, A., and Ahmed, A.: Carbon Footprint Apps as Catalysts for Climate-Friendly Behavioural Change:  Insights from Citizen Science Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6486,, 2025.

EGU25-8084 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11

CLIMATE OBJECTIVE: I-CHANGE and UIF amateur photographers' alliance for climate  

Antonio Parodi, Luca Ferraris, Nicola Loglisci, Marina Mantini, Lara Polo, Antonello Provenzale, Rita Visigalli, and Elisa Poggi

I-CHANGE addresses climate challenges by actively involving communities in environmental monitoring activities. The objective of the project is to empower individuals and communities to make informed decisions that reduce their environmental footprint, thus contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. I-CHANGE equips individuals with tools, and sensors allowing to collect and analyze data to assess the impact of personal and community choices on the environment. The digital camera, in cooperation with the Unione Italiana Fotoamatori (UIF,, has emerged as a crucial tool to involve the public and promote participation in climate change topics. UIF has enabled the participation of 176 authors and collected over 1500 images through photographic competitions: the result is a wonderful photography book ready to be downloaded for entertainment and educational purposes ( 

How to cite: Parodi, A., Ferraris, L., Loglisci, N., Mantini, M., Polo, L., Provenzale, A., Visigalli, R., and Poggi, E.: CLIMATE OBJECTIVE: I-CHANGE and UIF amateur photographers' alliance for climate , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8084,, 2025.

EGU25-9057 | Orals | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Fostering Environmental Awareness Through Innovation: Outcomes from the I-CHANGE Project 

Antonio Parodi, Nicola Loglisci, Massimo Milelli, Silvana Di Sabatino, Erika Brattich, Teresa Carlone, Carlo Cintolesi, Pinhas Alpert, Gabriel Campos, Yoav Rubin, Paolo Mazzetti, Antonella Galizia, Ivan Marchesini, Anna Molter, Grace D'Arcy, Juan Esteban Quintero-Marín, Maria Carmen Llasat, Laura Esbri, Gert-Jan Steeneveld, and Esther Peerlings and the I-CHANGE Team

The I-CHANGE project addresses the critical challenges posed by climate change, focusing on active citizen participation and the enhancement of public awareness through evidence-based methodologies. This paper presents the key achievements of the project, which include the organization of diverse community-oriented initiatives aimed at fostering environmental awareness, the deployment and testing of advanced environmental monitoring sensors, and the development of cutting-edge digital tools, such as an interactive dashboard and the ChallengeYeti mobile application. Additionally, the project analyzed extensive data collected through awareness raising campaigns with surveys on individual environmental behaviour, offering valuable insights into the drivers of environmental consciousness. The results underline a significant increase in awareness levels among participants, the effectiveness of technological solutions in promoting engagement, and the relevance of comprehensive data analysis in understanding and addressing climate-related challenges. I-CHANGE proposes a scalable and replicable model that combines technological innovation and inclusive citizen engagement to support climate adaptation and mitigation efforts. 

How to cite: Parodi, A., Loglisci, N., Milelli, M., Di Sabatino, S., Brattich, E., Carlone, T., Cintolesi, C., Alpert, P., Campos, G., Rubin, Y., Mazzetti, P., Galizia, A., Marchesini, I., Molter, A., D'Arcy, G., Quintero-Marín, J. E., Llasat, M. C., Esbri, L., Steeneveld, G.-J., and Peerlings, E. and the I-CHANGE Team: Fostering Environmental Awareness Through Innovation: Outcomes from the I-CHANGE Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9057,, 2025.

EGU25-9596 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11

MeteoTrackers (MT) in Citizens Science -A New Era in Micrometeorology or just an Instrument for education?Lessons from MT operations within I-CHANGE EU project  

Pinhas Alpert, Gabriel Campos, Nitsa Haikin, Yoav Rubin, Massimo Milelli, Antonio Parodi, and Nicola Loglisci

The I-CHANGE (Individual Change of HAbits Needed for Green European transition, 2021-2025) project promotes the active participation of citizens to address climate change. It engages citizens and local stakeholders to take part in science initiatives and support more sustainable behaviour. To this aim, a set of Living Labs located in very different eight cities of socio-economic contexts (Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bologna, Dublin, Genova, Hasselt, Jerusalem and Ouagadougou), were chosen. The I-CHANGE Living Labs address different environmental issues all employing Meteotrackers (MT) in order to perform high-resolution meteorological measurements.

With recent emergence of new types of near-surface meteorological data that are exploding in their big numbers and cover much higher resolution than classical or World Meteorological Organization (WMO) data, much interest is naturally given to the quality and validation of this crowdsourcing data. The present note focuses on MeteoTracker (in brevity, MT) data collected by citizens walking or biking and travelling.

The present note suggests a practical methodology for operating MTs, along with the suggestion of the potential emergence of a new era in micrometeorological measurements that allows high resolution, both spatial and temporal. Micrometeorology in the sense of obtaining data on the scales of ~1 m, ~1 min and ~0.1 deg for temperature etc. A great challenge in such measurements is that there are a multitude of factors influencing surface observations and it is a complex task to define which factors, as well as their potential synergies, are involved, or just which are dominant. Thus, allowing better understanding of the synergies among several microscale factors. Such factors include, among many others, land cover temporal/spatial variations of agriculture, water, soil moisture, trees, urban area, isolated buildings, as well as topographical variations, solar insolation, cloudiness, aerosols, mesoscale dynamical effects, synoptics.

The basic concept here is that although these new data types are still involved with operation challenges and several error types, the very large amounts of MT data compensate when compared to classical measurements. A few examples, based on many measured days, are demonstrated here.

I-CHANGE is funded by EU Horizon 2020 grant 101037193.

How to cite: Alpert, P., Campos, G., Haikin, N., Rubin, Y., Milelli, M., Parodi, A., and Loglisci, N.: MeteoTrackers (MT) in Citizens Science -A New Era in Micrometeorology or just an Instrument for education?Lessons from MT operations within I-CHANGE EU project , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9596,, 2025.

EGU25-9681 | Orals | ITS3.4/AS4.11

The I-CHANGE Dashboard: A tool for raising awareness and triggering behavioural change 

Sasa Vranic, Joy Ommer, Milan Kalas, Paolo Mazzetti, Antonella Galizia, Antonio Parodi, Roberto Roncella, Enrico Boldrini, and Simon Smart

As urban areas face increasing threats from climate change, citizen science has emerged as an important tool to engage communities in monitoring and responding to environmental challenges, thus filling in the gap which existing tools are not addressing appropriately. Citizen science initiatives are essential for engaging citizens in climate action, involving them in environmental observations and monitoring human impacts. These participatory initiatives between science and society have gained popularity across various fields, including sociology, astronomy, and environmental protection. By involving students, citizens, and stakeholders, these initiatives foster a sense of ownership and empowerment, encouraging continued engagement and collaboration.

This paper introduces a dashboard developed within the Horizon 2020 project I-CHANGE, designed to involve citizens in the collection and analysis of environmental data. The dashboard empowers urban residents to use low-cost sensors and crowdsourced observations to gather vital information on air quality and climate variables. Co-designed with scientists and stakeholders, the dashboard provides an intuitive platform for citizens to view, understand, and interpret complex collected data. By presenting crowdsourced data in a meaningful manner, the dashboard bridges the knowledge-action gap, fostering greater public awareness and environmental consciousness. Such participatory approach increases the level of understanding of urban climate risks and strengthens adaptation strategies by integrating local insights and vulnerabilities.

Through the active involvement of citizens in data collection, the dashboard promotes hands-on experience with the real effects of climate change, leading to increased awareness and climate-friendly behaviours. This engagement is essential for achieving climate mitigation goals and advancing Europe's climate adaptation strategies. The paper discusses the design, implementation, and data integration of the dashboard, highlighting its role in combating misinformation and supporting community-driven climate action.

How to cite: Vranic, S., Ommer, J., Kalas, M., Mazzetti, P., Galizia, A., Parodi, A., Roncella, R., Boldrini, E., and Smart, S.: The I-CHANGE Dashboard: A tool for raising awareness and triggering behavioural change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9681,, 2025.

EGU25-10030 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Indoor heat in Amsterdam during a heatwave: Comparing observed indoor air temperatures from a professional network and from a citizen science approach 

Gert-Jan Steeneveld, Esther Peerlings, Saša Vranic, Joy Ommer, and Milan Kalas

Ongoing climate change is increasing summertime temperatures, and frequency and intensity of heatwaves in Europe, which can threaten human health. Relatively little is known about how quickly outdoor heat penetrates into residences during heatwaves. Long-term and systematic networks recording indoor temperatures are challenging to install and maintain, and therefore scarce. We first report on crowdsourced indoor air temperature data in residences in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) during a heatwave event in September 2023. These data complement professional long-term indoor air temperature observations in 92 houses in Amsterdam. Second, we document the lessons learnt in the design and execution of this citizen science activity. 571 indoor temperature records were collected through the citizen science crowdsourcing approach, with a median value of 28.0 °C on the warmest day in the study period, while outdoor mean minimum and maximum temperatures reached 20.6 °C and 31.1 °C respectively. The results indicate that the crowdsourcing approach reports temperatures that are significantly higher than the professional approach, which supports the need for professional indoor networks. Finally, local media attention was critical in reaching a wide audience.

How to cite: Steeneveld, G.-J., Peerlings, E., Vranic, S., Ommer, J., and Kalas, M.: Indoor heat in Amsterdam during a heatwave: Comparing observed indoor air temperatures from a professional network and from a citizen science approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10030,, 2025.

EGU25-10110 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Our Climate Story: Exploring local climate challenges and solutions through serious gaming 

Joy Ommer, Catharina Dörr, Antonella Galizia, Mattia Fortunati, Caroline Bertram, and Milan Kalas

Cities are disproportionately affected by climate change due to their dense populations, concentrated infrastructure, and unique urban microclimates, which can exacerbate climate risks such as heatwaves, air pollution, and flooding. The European Climate Adaptation Strategy emphasises the importance of local-level action, community engagement, and innovative tools to foster resilience. In this context, Our Climate Story - a serious game developed under the H2020 I-CHANGE project - serves as an interactive and educational tool to raise awareness, promote sustainable behaviours, and empower citizens to address urban climate risks collaboratively.

Urban climate risks pose significant threats to public health, particularly for vulnerable populations. This current and future challenge underscores the need for a deeper understanding of local vulnerabilities and susceptibilities, which often go beyond what is captured by traditional data-driven risk mapping. Our Climate Story bridges this gap by combining participatory science methods with storytelling and gaming.

The serious game incorporates participatory mapping, a method that invites players to co-create a visual representation of their city, identifying local hazards such as flood-prone areas, pollution hotspots, and heat islands. This mapping process allows participants to draw on their experiences and local knowledge as well as enhance intergenerational learning. In addition, Our Climate Story encourages participants to brainstorm solutions such as enhancing public transportation or adopting Nature-based Solutions to mitigate hazards. These discussions encourage active involvement, critical thinking, and collaborative decision-making.

The participatory nature of Our Climate Story goes beyond simply raising awareness. It instils a sense of responsibility for the environment by making the impacts of climate change tangible and personal. Players witness how their actions such as choosing sustainable transportation or reducing waste contribute to mitigating climate risks. This approach aligns with the European Union’s goals of promoting greater environmental awareness but also citizen-driven action.

By integrating scientific concepts with interactive gameplay, Our Climate Story demonstrates that addressing urban climate risks requires not only top-down policy interventions but also bottom-up community engagement and co-created solutions. It showcases the potential of participatory science and gamification to bridge the gap between knowledge and action, inspiring both individual and collective efforts to build climate-resilient cities.

How to cite: Ommer, J., Dörr, C., Galizia, A., Fortunati, M., Bertram, C., and Kalas, M.: Our Climate Story: Exploring local climate challenges and solutions through serious gaming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10110,, 2025.

EGU25-10492 | Orals | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Mapping urban heat islands in Padua (Italy): perspectives and trends of climate extremes in a changing climate 

Salvatore Eugenio Pappalardo, Andrea Santaterra, Francesco Facchinelli, Carlo Zanetti, Massimo De Marchi, and Alessandro Ceppi

The Mediterranean Basin is widely recognized as a significant hotspot for the impacts of climate change. Extreme meteorological events, such as heatwaves, exacerbate the phenomenon of urban heat islands (UHI), dramatically increasing climate risks, particularly in high-density urban areas. The combined effects of heatwaves and UHI are negatively impacting urban infrastructure and public health in numerous metropolitan regions.
This study aims to identify, quantify, and map UHI in the city of Padua (Northeast Italy) over recent decades, with a focus on climate extremes related to heatwaves, such as tropical nights and hot days.
The research analyzes and geovisualizes thermal anomalies in the complex urban environment, emphasizing sealed surfaces, rural areas, and watercourses. A reference dataset from an official weather station in Legnaro, operated by ARPA-Veneto, provides comprehensive data spanning 30 years (1993–2022). To gain a broader perspective on temperature variations across the urban area, the study also incorporates high-resolution data (100 m) from the ERA5 climate model for the period 2008–2017. Additionally, three citizen-science meteorological stations from the Meteonetwork association—located in distinct urban contexts (Portello, Basso Isonzo and Montà districts)—contribute localized climatological data, with particular emphasis on the exceptionally hot summer of 2022, recorded as the hottest on record.
The findings highlight the significant impacts of climate extremes on the city and its residents, including a detailed estimation of the urban population exposed to these conditions.

How to cite: Pappalardo, S. E., Santaterra, A., Facchinelli, F., Zanetti, C., De Marchi, M., and Ceppi, A.: Mapping urban heat islands in Padua (Italy): perspectives and trends of climate extremes in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10492,, 2025.

EGU25-10503 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11

 ChallengeYeti App: Bridging the Knowledge-Action Gap through Gamification and Digital Engagement  

Milan Kalas, Joy Ommer, Sasa Vranic, Muhammad Adnan, Carlo Trozzi, Laura Polo, Erika Brattich, Silvana Di Sabatino, and Antonio Parodi

Climate change mitigation campaigns aim to raise awareness, increase knowledge, and communicate actions for reducing carbon footprints. Unfortunately, these top-down campaigns often fail to engage the public effectively. To address this issue, the I-CHANGE project developed the ChallengeYeti app, an innovative solution designed to fill the knowledge-action gap by empowering and motivating citizens to take climate action through participatory and gamification approaches. 

The ChallengeYeti app leverages digital tools and gamification to foster behavioural change. Rooted in the COM-B theory of behaviour change, the app focuses on three components: capability, opportunity, and motivation. By incorporating game elements, the app stimulates intrinsic motivation through social interaction and extrinsic motivation through competition and rewards. This approach ensures long-term user engagement and sustainable impact. 

Unlike traditional carbon footprint calculators that focus on specific aspects such as transport or energy efficiency, the ChallengeYeti app offers a comprehensive platform for tracking both avoided and produced carbon footprints. The app presents data in a clear and understandable format, enabling users to grasp the context and take informed actions. Additionally, the app promotes user engagement through a series of challenges and the creation of communities, fostering competition and collective action. 

How to cite: Kalas, M., Ommer, J., Vranic, S., Adnan, M., Trozzi, C., Polo, L., Brattich, E., Di Sabatino, S., and Parodi, A.:  ChallengeYeti App: Bridging the Knowledge-Action Gap through Gamification and Digital Engagement , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10503,, 2025.

EGU25-10602 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11

The I-CHANGE Environmental Impact Hub (EIH) 

Roberto Roncella, Enrico Boldrini, Fabrizio Papeschi, Paolo Mazzetti, Simon Smart, Thomas Hodson, Saša Vranic, Antonella Galizia, Nicola Loglisci, and Antonio Parodi

The I-CHANGE (Individual Change of HAbits Needed for Green European transition) project is a 3.5-year Innovation Action initiative, funded under the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme, concluding in April 2025. It aims to engage citizens actively in environmental monitoring and climate action, demonstrating that individual behavioral changes, facilitated through citizen science initiatives utilizing sensors and monitoring devices, can significantly reduce environmental footprints. The project establishes Living Labs (LLs) as collaborative spaces where researchers and communities engage in scientific discourse, sharing insights and outcomes.

Central to I-CHANGE is the Environmental Impact Hub (EIH), a comprehensive data infrastructure designed to collect data, provide tools, and support initiatives facilitating citizens to participate in environmental monitoring and action. The EIH is a data hub that effectively shares, manages, and processes diverse datasets, ensuring interoperability and usability of heterogeneous data. It supports machine-to-machine interactions to facilitate the development of desktop and mobile applications through dedicated service interfaces and APIs. The EIH is built of discrete components, including the Data and Information Broker - based on the pre-existing Discovery and Access Broker (DAB) - which facilitates seamless discovery and access to diverse data sources, including in-situ measurements, citizen-provided data, and European infrastructures; the Citizen Observatory Archive which ingests, quality-checks, and stores observations generated by the LLs; the Dashboard which supports visualization of environmental data and empowers citizens to monitor and understand their environmental impact with intuitive and user-friendly interfaces, near real-time analytics, and actionable insights, enabling users to explore the environmental consequences of their actions and track improvements over time. The EIH offers multiple interfaces to support a wide range of use cases and interaction types. These include geospatial interfaces adhering to standards (such as those from OGC and ISO), a Web API for easy web development integration, and a RESTful API for exchanging JSON data across various platforms.

I-CHANGE is predicated on the belief that citizens and civil society play a central role in environmental protection and climate action. As direct involvement of private citizens is considered essential to drive meaningful shifts towards more sustainable behavior, I-CHANGE presents a comprehensive effort to engage citizens in environmental monitoring and action, by providing both advanced technological platforms and participatory Living Labs. The EIH supports this vision by providing the underpinning technical infrastructure. By facilitating access to diverse data and tools, and promoting citizen involvement, I-CHANGE aims to empower individuals to make informed decisions that contribute to environmental sustainability, mitigating environmental challenges, and advancing climate action.

How to cite: Roncella, R., Boldrini, E., Papeschi, F., Mazzetti, P., Smart, S., Hodson, T., Vranic, S., Galizia, A., Loglisci, N., and Parodi, A.: The I-CHANGE Environmental Impact Hub (EIH), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10602,, 2025.

EGU25-11243 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Integrated modelling chain for tailored traffic policy interventions 

Francesco Barbano, Erika Brattich, Muhammad Adnan, Carlo Trozzi, Enzo Piscitello, Rita Vaccaro, Carlo Cintolesi, Antonio Parodi, and Silvana Di Sabatino

Urbanization brings a set of challenges that demand innovative and comprehensive solutions. Among these, sustainable mobility and air pollution mitigation are the most pressing ones, both tackled by the European Green Deal that advocates for Europe's climate neutrality by 50. The EU framework only sets the target goal for air quality and pollutant emissions, but the single member states are empowered to define their mobility strategy and define national and local policies. Therefore, a proper design and implementation of strategic initiatives must be tailored to the needs of local settlements and communities. Numerical models offer the possibility to test realistic strategies and evaluate their benefits by simulating realistic scenarios, including individuals’ and communities’ behavioural changes in response to strategy implementation. This study proposes an integrated modelling chain developed within the I-CHANGE (Individual Change of Habits Needed for European Green Transition) EU Horizon 2020 project to estimate the role and impact of behavioural change for the mitigation of CO2, greenhouse gases, short-lived climate forcers and air pollutants associated with road traffic. The modelling chain is modular and suitable to simulate the current status and hypothetical policy scenarios: it composes of an activity-based model, deriving the traffic flow generated by the citizens’ daily habits, an emission model, extrapolating the emission inventory of the target atmospheric compounds which are finally used by a dispersion model to derive the air pollutants concentration and spatial distribution. Rooted in numerical models at the state-of-the-art and well-consolidated analytical methods, citizens sustain the chain will and stakeholder needs to frame the necessary policy interventions. ntions. The outcome of the modelling chain is twofold: (i) bringing evidence on the efficiency of designed mitigation strategies and (ii) demonstrating to the public that mitigation can be pursued, incentivizing the necessary behavioural change it might require.  

The methodology here presented is applied to evaluate four policy scenarios tested in the city of Bologna (IT), Dublin (IE) and Hasselt (BE). The output allows to elaborate potential advantages and disadvantages in terms of mobility, air quality and behavioural change the cities would face. Specifically, the policy scenarios envision new bicycle infrastructure in designated areas (policy 1), Low Emission Zones in the city centre (policy 2), time-based restrictions on car and private vehicle usage near schools (policy 3) and flexible working hours/working from home schemes (policy 4). Depending on the scenario, policies implementation can introduce notable impacts on (local) concentrations. Specifically, policy scenarios tend to lead to lower peaks of pollutant concentration levels in the areas where policies are implemented, counterbalanced by minor concentration increases in other areas. These insights facilitate evidence-based policy adjustments, enabling decision makers to address the complexities of urban development while fostering resilient, inclusive, and environmentally conscious communities.  

How to cite: Barbano, F., Brattich, E., Adnan, M., Trozzi, C., Piscitello, E., Vaccaro, R., Cintolesi, C., Parodi, A., and Di Sabatino, S.: Integrated modelling chain for tailored traffic policy interventions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11243,, 2025.

EGU25-11392 | Orals | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Drivers and Barriers to Sustainable Behaviors Among Youth in Climate-Vulnerable Urban Areas: Insights from Chiavari, Italy 

Simone Sterlacchini, Debora Voltolina, Umberto Mezzacapo, Christian N. Gencarelli, Giuseppe Esposito, Alessandro Mondini, Paola Salvati, Selene Tondini, Teresa Carlone, Alessandro Sarretta, Antonella Galizia, and Ivan Marchesini

Urban areas, increasingly exposed to climate change, demand innovative strategies for public engagement and adaptive behavior. This research investigates the drivers and barriers influencing sustainable behaviors among young people in Chiavari, Italy, a climate-vulnerable city frequently impacted by extreme weather events such as floods and wildfires. Utilizing the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation-Behavior (COM-B) model, this study sheds light on the personal, social, and contextual factors shaping pro-environmental behaviors, offering a framework for participatory science to address urban climate challenges.

Quantitative surveys and focus groups involving over 470 secondary students (ages 15–17) and 117 young adults (ages 18–35) reveal distinct patterns of awareness, motivation, and behavioral change. A critical finding is the role of lived experience: young adults, many of whom experienced Chiavari’s severe flash floods in 2002 and 2014 or nearby wildfires, exhibit heightened sensitivity and awareness compared to students, who were too young to remember or directly experience these events. This suggests that direct exposure to extreme weather events significantly enhances motivation and fosters a deeper understanding of the importance of sustainable behaviors. "Capability" (knowledge and skills) emerges as the cornerstone for fostering motivation, while substantial barriers—including limited educational integration, insufficient resources, and inadequate community infrastructure—hinder the translation of awareness into impactful actions.

The research highlights the value of participatory tools in bridging knowledge-action gaps. School-driven discussions, citizen science projects, and locally contextualized interventions emerge as critical avenues for empowering youth. Focus group insights reveal that perceived social disapproval, the absence of practical tools, and skepticism about systemic effectiveness (e.g., EU climate goals) further challenge sustainable behavior adoption. However, nearly 70% of students express readiness to adopt sustainable mobility options, such as public transportation and cycling, underscoring their potential as agents of change in climate-resilient urban planning.

Findings advocate for participatory science to elevate awareness and foster local climate adaptation. This approach integrates simple yet effective community tools and data-driven insights to create actionable interventions. The COM-B framework proves instrumental in identifying leverage points, such as linking extreme event experiences (floods and wildfires) to awareness campaigns or targeting reflective motivations to enhance community engagement. Moreover, the research suggests that localized interventions incorporating cultural and socio-economic nuances significantly enhance the efficacy of sustainable behavior programs.

How to cite: Sterlacchini, S., Voltolina, D., Mezzacapo, U., Gencarelli, C. N., Esposito, G., Mondini, A., Salvati, P., Tondini, S., Carlone, T., Sarretta, A., Galizia, A., and Marchesini, I.: Drivers and Barriers to Sustainable Behaviors Among Youth in Climate-Vulnerable Urban Areas: Insights from Chiavari, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11392,, 2025.

EGU25-12498 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11

The I-CHANGE MOOC: ensuring cross-fertilisation and knowledge-sharing on citizen science for climate action and risk prevention beyond European Living Labs. 

Juan Esteban Quintero-Marín, Anna Mölter, Nicola Loglisci, Lara Polo, Muhammad Adnan, Maria Carmen Llasat, Laura Esbrí, Francesco Barbano, Erika Brattich, Carlo Cintolesi, Selene Tondini, Teresa Carlone, Silvana Di Sabatino, Gert-Jan Steeneveldg, and Esther E.M Peerlings

The I-CHANGE project aims to demonstrate that individual behavioural change through awareness generated by citizen science activities can ultimately contribute to a collective reduction in environmental footprints. The project, which operates through Living Labs (LLs), has as one of its main challenges to take the learning accumulated in 3.5 years beyond the LLs and reach as many people as possible. To maximise the project's learnings, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) was developed. Its objectives include enhancing knowledge of: 1) the global context of climate change, 2) critical local climate change issues and related natural hazards in each LL, 3) the significance of behavioural change, and 4) the role of citizen science in climate awareness and action, as well as accessing information produced by I-CHANGE and other open sources of citizen science data. The I-CHANGE MOOC was co-developed collaboratively by project partners and offers concise and practical lessons encapsulating key project learned lessons. 

The methodology for designing the MOOC involved a first scoping meeting, in which a preliminary table of contents was designed and feedback was received from the project partners. The table of contents was shared and improved over several months. The MOOC topics were distributed among the different LLs according to their local climate-change-related hazards, resulting in specific content about heatwaves, air pollution, and flooding authored by renowned academics. The structure of each topic has been designed innovatively, with three short sections covering the three topics: The Science (defining the issue and its causes), The Action Tools (description and utility of the technological tool used to address specific environmental challenges through citizen science) and The Change (specific actions that citizens can take to tackle this problem and successful examples from the project). 

The MOOC was a successful way to summarise key learnings, maximise the media produced in the project, and disseminate some of the dissemination outputs, including animated videos, interviews, a serious game, the Citizens4Climate dashboard, and the YetiApp for calculating environmental footprints. The production of the MOOC took a total of 8 months from the first draft to publishing the course online. Some of the challenges during the process involved synthesising a large amount of information, writing informative yet concise and engaging texts, and making decisions about accessibility and language. Challenges in the dissemination stage are associated with the number of participants expected to be reached. 

The MOOC is hosted on the Thinkific platform and became publicly available on October 24, 2024. Dissemination efforts are ongoing through the project's social media channels and European citizen science portals. To meet project goals, a target audience of 1,000 participants has been established to be monitored using Thinkific analytics. Further work will continue to disseminate the MOOC to various sectors of society. and the international English-speaking audience. 

How to cite: Quintero-Marín, J. E., Mölter, A., Loglisci, N., Polo, L., Adnan, M., Llasat, M. C., Esbrí, L., Barbano, F., Brattich, E., Cintolesi, C., Tondini, S., Carlone, T., Di Sabatino, S., Steeneveldg, G.-J., and Peerlings, E. E. M.: The I-CHANGE MOOC: ensuring cross-fertilisation and knowledge-sharing on citizen science for climate action and risk prevention beyond European Living Labs., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12498,, 2025.

EGU25-13390 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Citizen science in action: air pollution campaigns and thermal comfort assessment from I-CHANGE Day  

Maria-Carmen Llasat, Laura Esbrí, Montserrat Llasat-Botija, Yolanda Sola, Edson Plasencia, Carlo Guzzón, Gert-Jan Steeneveld, Esther Peerlings, Bio Mohamadou Torou, Muhammad Adnan, Anna Mölter, Juan Esteban Quintero, Pinhas Alpert, Gabriel Campos, Lara Polo, Nicola Loglisci, Carlo Citolesi, Erika Brattich, Silvana Di Sabatino, and Antonio Parodi and the I-CHNAGE Living Labs teams

Citizen science has become an essential tool for addressing urban climate challenges, engaging communities, and fostering behavioural change. The I-CHANGE project (Individual Change of HAbits Needed for Green European transition) integrates participatory approaches across eight international Living Labs (LLs) to enhance urban climate resilience and encourage shifts toward sustainable behaviours. As part of this effort, the I-CHANGE Day initiative promoted awareness and action through coordinated citizen-led experiments 

The event featured two major activities: (1) the Air pollution campaign with Smart Citizen Kits (SCKs) and (2) the Temperature and humidity perception experiment. Both activities were co-designed with LL leaders, whose expertise included urban heat, air quality, sociology, and citizen science, ensuring adaptability across diverse socio-cultural contexts. 

The SCK campaign deployed 14 low-cost sensors in five cities (Barcelona, Bologna, Dublin, Genoa, and Ouagadougou) at representative urban locations volunteered by LL participants and stakeholders. These sensors measured air quality parameters, including particulate matter and CO₂ levels, during a common monitoring period. Data were integrated into the I-CHANGE dashboard to foster discussions on air pollution among LL participants. Results highlighted the critical role of urban green spaces in mitigating air pollution, evidenced by lower pollutant levels in these areas. Community involvement was key, with local stakeholders participating in sensor installation and data interpretation workshops. 

The Temperature and Humidity Perception Experiment engaged over 100 participants in seven LLs (Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bologna, Dublin, Genoa, Hasselt, and Jerusalem). Using portable MeteoTracker devices while biking or walking, participants mapped temperature and humidity in their neighbourhoods, recorded thermal comfort perceptions, and identified vulnerable areas. Discrepancies between perceived and measured temperature, particularly in highly urbanized areas, provided valuable insights for urban planning and climate resilience strategies. 

Both activities demonstrated the transformative potential of citizen science for understanding and addressing urban climate risks. By fostering hands-on engagement, I-CHANGE Day not only enhanced climate literacy but also inspired community-driven solutions for sustainable urban living. This initiative underscores the importance of integrating participatory approaches in scientific research to promote collective climate action. 


The I-CHANGE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement 101037193. 

How to cite: Llasat, M.-C., Esbrí, L., Llasat-Botija, M., Sola, Y., Plasencia, E., Guzzón, C., Steeneveld, G.-J., Peerlings, E., Torou, B. M., Adnan, M., Mölter, A., Quintero, J. E., Alpert, P., Campos, G., Polo, L., Loglisci, N., Citolesi, C., Brattich, E., Di Sabatino, S., and Parodi, A. and the I-CHNAGE Living Labs teams: Citizen science in action: air pollution campaigns and thermal comfort assessment from I-CHANGE Day , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13390,, 2025.

EGU25-17092 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Best Practices for Citizen Engagement in Climate Change Adaptation 

Eulàlia Baulenas and Samuel Pickard

Effective citizen engagement is pivotal in driving successful climate change adaptation efforts. This study is part of the Mission Adaptation AGORA project (A Gathering place to cO-design and co-cReate Adaptation), which aims to strengthen citizen engagement in climate adaptation by developing innovative methodologies and frameworks that enhance public participation. By focusing on co-creation and knowledge-sharing, AGORA supports the development of climate-resilient communities through the integration of diverse perspectives and local insights. Here, we present the results of our efforts to synthesize findings from two years of research – including expert surveys, interviews, and peer-learning workshops – to identify best practices and challenges in citizen engagement initiatives (CEIs). Our analysis, which covers a wide variety of participatory approaches to citizen engagement, highlights the necessity of a few universal principles to follow in order to foster effective participation. These include setting clear objectives, investing in tailored communication strategies, taking goal-dependent design choices, and the mindful consideration and involvement of the different actors involved in all stages of preparing, carrying out and participating in the CEI. Additionally, the study underscores the importance of understanding contextual factors, such as local socio-economic conditions or the familiarity  of the local political system with  deliberative democratic processes, when designing and implementing impactful CEIs. Despite good intentions and intensive research and hands-on experience attempting to overcome them, we find that persistent challenges remain, particularly in reaching marginalized groups and translating engagement outcomes into policy actions. 

Our recommendations stemming from this study aim to provide adaptable engagement frameworks that strengthen democratic processes, inclusivity, and climate resilience, offering practical guidance for policymakers and practitioners seeking to engage citizens in the field of climate adaptation. By creating tailored guidance depending on the intended goal and context, we hope to inform design choices of a wide range of citizen engagement approaches, ranging from awareness raising and ideation, to citizen science and knowledge co-production, to shared decision making for climate adaptation action. 

How to cite: Baulenas, E. and Pickard, S.: Best Practices for Citizen Engagement in Climate Change Adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17092,, 2025.

EGU25-18817 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Community-Centric Rainfall Monitoring for Climate Awareness and Urban Flood Mitigation Advocacy 

Salman Khan, Nasim Eslamirad, Payam Sajadi, and Fiachra O’Loughlin

Accurate rainfall measurement, particularly at high spatiotemporal resolution, is crucial for urban flood monitoring. However, traditional methods of obtaining rainfall data are often inaccessible, costly, or inadequate for capturing localised flooding events. Low-cost weather stations (LCWS) can provide a viable solution, promoting public awareness and engagement with climate-related issues, including flooding, amidst growing urbanisation. This study shows the important role individual citizens can play in monitoring rainfall and contributing to flood mitigation measures. A total of 40 LCWS were deployed across Dublin to monitor rainfall at 5-minute intervals. The recorded rainfall data were compared with measurements from three nearby reference stations (RefS) operated by Met Éireann, as well as satellite rainfall data from the Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP), focusing on extreme events and hourly scales. Various performance indicators, were used to evaluate the accuracy of LCWS relative to the RefS. Overall, LCWS demonstrated closer alignment with the RefS, achieving higher CC (0.43 vs 0.26) and Probability of Detection (POD) (0.49 vs 0.23) values, along with lower Percent Bias (14.7 vs -48.3%) and False Alarm Ratio (FAR) (0.27 vs 0.38) values, compared to the GSMaP data. Moreover, POD values (FAR values) showed a decreasing (increasing) trend with distance from the RefS, representing the spatial variability of rainfall. Additionally, citizens’ engagement was assessed through a survey with preliminary results revealing that nearly 60% of homeowners observed intense rainfall events being recorded by their stations during the study period. 78.6% of respondents reported an increased interest in climate change and urban flooding, while 57% expressed a growing interest in advocating for climate action and urban sustainability due to their participation in this project. These findings underscore the potential of LCWS in participatory monitoring and their ability to drive advocacy for climate action and urban flood mitigation.

How to cite: Khan, S., Eslamirad, N., Sajadi, P., and O’Loughlin, F.: Community-Centric Rainfall Monitoring for Climate Awareness and Urban Flood Mitigation Advocacy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18817,, 2025.

EGU25-20709 | Orals | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Flying Thermometers: How Urban-Dwelling Bats Help Map Urban Heat Islands  

Alexandra Chudnovsky, Aya Goldshtein, Limor Shashua-Bar, Yovel Yovel, and Oded Potchter

This study introduces a novel approach to reconstruct Urban Heat Islands (UHI) by leveraging urban-dwelling bats as biologically-assisted samplers (BAS), offering a unique perspective similar to urban residents. Using Egyptian fruit bats equipped with temperature loggers, we mapped spatial air temperature (Tair) profiles across diverse urban environments. To evaluate the feasibility of this method, we employed mixed-effects models and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) to analyze the influence of urban features on Tair distribution. Vegetation emerged as a critical factor in mitigating urban heat, with winter Tair differences of 2–5 °C observed between dense urban areas and adjacent vegetative or open spaces. A prominent UHI hotspot was identified in winter over the Ayalon highway, while differences were less pronounced during summer nights due to coastal cooling from sea breezes. Preliminary results further reveal a unique 3D perspective of UHI: Tair variations above dense urban areas were smaller compared to vegetative zones.

This approach demonstrates that urban bats, as local "residents," can act as efficient agents for atmospheric monitoring, complementing low-cost citizen science initiatives to gather environmental data. However, challenges associated with crowdsourced data collection, such as ensuring data accuracy, coverage, and integration with bat-derived scans, highlight the need for robust data validation frameworks. Despite these challenges, the synergy between bats and citizen science offers valuable insights into local vulnerabilities and informs targeted mitigation strategies, particularly during nocturnal hours when UHI effects are most pronounced.


How to cite: Chudnovsky, A., Goldshtein, A., Shashua-Bar, L., Yovel, Y., and Potchter, O.: Flying Thermometers: How Urban-Dwelling Bats Help Map Urban Heat Islands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20709,, 2025.

EGU25-21112 | Orals | ITS3.4/AS4.11

A cross European participatory approach to addressing urban climate risks, lessons learned from the Adaptation AGORA’s pilot regions 

Riccardo Biondi, Alfredo Reder, Paola Mercogliano, Arianna Acierno, Marina Mattera, Marianna Adinolfi, Marta Ellena, and Antonella Mele

Urban areas and their populations across Europe are increasingly dealing with climate change effects, including increased risks of flooding, rising sea levels, heatwaves and more severe storms, which disproportionately affect vulnerable populations. Urbanization further amplifies these effects by significantly altering landscapes and influencing local atmospheric conditions. Addressing these complex dynamics requires a comprehensive understanding of the intricate interplay between urbanization and climate change. Sustainable solutions must integrate climate considerations and resilience measures into urban planning, ensuring cities can adapt to the evolving environmental pressures. 

Adaptation AGORA project engages citizens through participatory methodologies and co-creation strategies to foster, among others, urban climate adaptation initiatives and resilience. By enhancing knowledge and raising awareness among planners, policymakers, and stakeholders, it becomes possible to integrate climate-responsive strategies into the planning process of climate-resilient infrastructure.

Recently in a peer-to-peer learning exchange event, Malmö (pilot city within Adaptation AGORA) and Valencia (one of the project’s Followers), have shared challenges, tools and practices aimed at addressing heat vulnerability and fostering the engagement of vulnerable communities in heatwaves preparedness and response. These initiatives have explored strategies to reduce the impacts of extreme heat, especially on vulnerable populations. Cities need to embed heat adaptation into urban infrastructure and planning, including among others low-tech cooling solutions, and upscaling cooling shelters. By sharing insights and learning from one another, cities like Malmö and Valencia are paving the way for equitable and innovative approaches to urban heat resilience. Their experiences underscore the importance of cross-sector collaboration and community participation in tackling the climate challenges of the future.  

In Rome, another AGORA pilot city, citizens joined the consultation process of the City’s climate adaptation strategy, offering their contribution to the development of the plan. This participatory approach incorporated community insights and needs  into local vulnerabilities, enhancing the relevance and impact of proposed measures. Workshops, focus groups, and collaborative discussions in Rome fostered a deeper understanding of urban climate challenges and empowered communities to play an active role in shaping adaptation solutions.

This presentation will highlight AGORA’s participatory approach to addressing urban climate risks, with a focus on pilot initiatives and community engagement in adaptation planning. It will explore and discuss best practices for involving communities in sustainable adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Biondi, R., Reder, A., Mercogliano, P., Acierno, A., Mattera, M., Adinolfi, M., Ellena, M., and Mele, A.: A cross European participatory approach to addressing urban climate risks, lessons learned from the Adaptation AGORA’s pilot regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21112,, 2025.

EGU25-21125 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Digital tools for capacity building, a tangible support for citizens to tackle climate disinformation and be more resilient 

Massimo Milelli, Paola Mercogliano, Alfredo Reder, Arianna Acierno, Marina Mattera, Marianna Adinolfi, Marta Ellena, Antonella Mele, Jorge Barba, Spyridoula Markou, and Adam Doulgerakis

Misinformation and disinformation present significant barriers to addressing climate change and effectively communicating risks. While misinformation refers to false or inaccurate information shared without intent to mislead, disinformation involves deliberately false narratives designed to deceive and manipulate. Both phenomena distort public perception, erode trust in scientific and institutional sources, and delay critical action. When people encounter conflicting or false information, they may struggle to discern credible guidance, making them less likely to act appropriately. Furthermore, both phenomena can polarize public opinion, making collective action more difficult. To counter them, it is essential to provide clear, reliable, and timely information while promoting media literacy.

Effective communication must proactively address false narratives while promoting clear, evidence-based messaging that empowers informed decision-making. The empowerment of citizens' role is closely linked to strengthening citizen resilience against climate change disinformation, which is one of the main focuses of the Adaptation AGORA project. Adaptation AGORA supports the overall objectives of the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change by advancing best practices, innovative approaches, policy instruments and governance mechanisms. These efforts aim to effectively engage communities and regions in climate actions, accelerating and upscaling adaptation processes for building a climate resilient Europe.

In this framework, the project developed a "Digital AGORA", as an integrated discussion and learning space, a living environment co-designed with stakeholders. This resource hub hosts two “Digital Academies” to support citizens and stakeholders to access open-source climate data for adaptation and tackle climate change disinformation.

The AGORA Digital Academy against Climate Change Disinformation is designed to equip participants with reliable, fact-checked data and information from credible sources, enhancing their critical thinking and their ability to counter misleading narratives. Furthermore, the project has been developing a mobile app to tackle climate disinformation. The gamified mobile app aims to support the education of citizens on climate change adaptation and counter disinformation campaigns through an entertaining and engaging approach. The app will be officially released in April 2025. 

The Academy emphasizes improving media literacy and critical thinking skills among citizens, policymakers, and other stakeholders. Through interactive training modules and educational materials, participants gain the tools needed to identify and address the spread of disinformation. Using interactive tools, workshops, and adaptable communication frameworks, they are equipped to apply these skills in their own communities, ensuring that solutions are both actionable and relevant.

This presentation will focus on the AGORA Digital Academy against Climate Change Disinformation as a case study, illustrating its efforts to tackle the growing challenge of disinformation. Drawing on experiences from pilot regions, it will explore effective practices and key takeaways, with a focus on challenges such as cognitive biases, the role of media and enhancing media literacy, and socio-political dynamics.

By emphasizing inclusivity and collaborative approaches, the Adaptation AGORA project demonstrates the power of community engagement in combating misinformation. This session will present innovative tools and methods developed by the AGORA team to support informed decision-making and build resilience against climate disinformation.

How to cite: Milelli, M., Mercogliano, P., Reder, A., Acierno, A., Mattera, M., Adinolfi, M., Ellena, M., Mele, A., Barba, J., Markou, S., and Doulgerakis, A.: Digital tools for capacity building, a tangible support for citizens to tackle climate disinformation and be more resilient, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21125,, 2025.

EGU25-21602 | Orals | ITS3.4/AS4.11

Unveiling the climate – health nexus through citizen science: the TRIGGER Climate Health ConnectionLabs 

Maria Carelli, Erika Brattich, Igor Dienberger, Valerio Carelli, Emmanouil Galanakis, Eleni Dimitriou, Andreas Hoffmann, Muhammad Saleem Pomee, Elke Hertig, Alberto Spadotto, Enora Bruley, Anna Scolobig, Anna Pulakka, Sylvain Sebert, and Silvana Di Sabatino

The TRIGGER Horizon Europe project aims to enhance evidence-based connections between climate change and health threats and human well-being.

As clearly emerging in the EXPOSOME paradigm on which the project is rooted, the interactions among climate, health and ecosystems are multiple and complex, and research aiming at identification, monitoring, and quantification of impacts of climate change on human health requires the application of novel and transdisciplinary approaches. To this aim, TRIGGER has envisaged activities in a wide variety of disciplines developed in different real-world contexts considering the climatic, social, economic, and cultural richness of the European continent.

Specifically, TRIGGER has identified a set of five demonstration labs, the Climate Health Connection Labs (CHCLs) in which citizens are part of a codesign mechanism to directly monitor health, weather-climate, environmental and socio-economic data.

These labs operate in five strategically selected cities, Augsburg, Bologna, Geneva, Heraklion, and Oulu, chosen to reflect diverse climatic, socio-economic, and cultural contexts.

The objectives of the TRIGGER CHCLs are to:
• Investigate the complex interplay between climate change and health.
• Define a common language to foster collaboration among stakeholders, including medical, professionals, policymakers, climatologists, patient associations, and citizens, addressing local challenges.
• Provide a platform for interdisciplinary research and robust stakeholder engagement.

To achieve these ambitious aims, the CHCLs implement three interconnected clinical studies—RetroCLAVIS, CrossCLAVIS, and LongCLAVIS, which collectively provide a comprehensive understanding of the climate-health interplay. Each study contributes unique insights while building upon the others to create an integrated, multi-layered approach to identifying risk profiles and actionable interventions.

• Retrospectively analyzes pre-existing lifelong health and environmental data.
• Identifies long-term trends and emerging health threats, providing a temporal context to complement acute and longitudinal findings.

• Serves as the foundation by analyzing cardiovascular and respiratory disease patterns in real-time across diverse European settings.
• Investigates molecular and microbiological mechanisms, such as the respiratory microbiome and mitochondrial DNA.
• Provides baseline data to inform and validate hypotheses in RetroCLAVIS and LongCLAVIS.

• Extends CrossCLAVIS findings through a longitudinal study enrolling 300 healthy volunteers.
• Use wearable technology and citizen science to capture detailed data on health, personal and environmental exposures over a one-year period.
• Explores molecular and microbiological pathways underlying climate-driven disease susceptibility.

In this complex scenario, the Bologna CHCL specifically examines how extreme heat and air pollution could trigger cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. This lab combines cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, to analyze environmental exposures and health threats using harmonized datasets.

Overall, this work will present how the CHCL approach in the TRIGGER project provides an innovative, user-centered framework that integrates interdisciplinary collaboration and stakeholder engagement. By enabling capacity-building and deepening the understanding of the climate-health connection, the CHCLs deliver critical insights and practical mitigation and adaptation solutions, advancing societal preparedness for the challenges posed by climate change.

How to cite: Carelli, M., Brattich, E., Dienberger, I., Carelli, V., Galanakis, E., Dimitriou, E., Hoffmann, A., Pomee, M. S., Hertig, E., Spadotto, A., Bruley, E., Scolobig, A., Pulakka, A., Sebert, S., and Di Sabatino, S.: Unveiling the climate – health nexus through citizen science: the TRIGGER Climate Health ConnectionLabs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21602,, 2025.

Understanding how hydrological conditions influence public sentiment toward climate and environmental issues is essential for effective policy-making and communication strategies. This study adopts a co-creation approach by integrating hydrological data with insights from social media, engaging multiple stakeholders in the process of knowledge generation. Utilizing a multi-year dataset, we analyze daily weather parameters—specifically focusing on temperature and precipitation—alongside social media comments pertaining to environmental discussions.

Sentiment analysis methods, including both VADER and transformer-based machine learning models, are employed to identify and quantify negative sentiments within these comments. Additionally, time series analysis techniques such as Error-Trend-Seasonality (ETS) decomposition and LSTM neural networks are applied to forecast climatic conditions and assess their impact on sentiment patterns over time. This allows us to examine how adverse hydrological conditions, such as increased precipitation or extreme weather events, heighten negative public sentiment regarding climate issues.

Sentiment analysis methods are employed to identify and quantify negative sentiments within these comments, allowing us to examine patterns over time. By incorporating public perceptions expressed on social media, we co-create a more comprehensive understanding of how hydrological phenomena impact society.

Preliminary results indicate a significant association between adverse hydrological conditions, such as increased precipitation or extreme weather events, and heightened negative public sentiment regarding climate issues. By exploring this relationship, we aim to uncover how changes in weather impact public perceptions and attitudes toward the environment, facilitating mutual learning between scientists and the public.

This research bridges hydrological sciences and social media analytics, contributing to an interdisciplinary and participatory understanding of the societal impacts of hydrological phenomena. The insights gained will inform policymakers and stakeholders, aiding in the co-development of proactive communication strategies and interventions that address public concerns related to climate and weather. Through this collaborative approach, we demonstrate how integrating diverse knowledge systems can enhance water resources management and environmental decision-making.

Keywords: Hydrology, Public Sentiment, Climate Change, Social Media Analysis, Environmental Communication

Presentation: 2024 - Water and Surrounding Sentiment: Evidence from Andros for Greece Summer Symposium,

How to cite: Kaziyev, U. and Hakimdavar, R.: Analyzing Public Response to Hydrological Stress through Machine Learning and Social Media Sentiment: Evidence from Andros, Faroe, Mauritius and Samoa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-89,, 2025.

EGU25-1569 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.5/HS12.2

Co-designing Next-Generation Water Monitoring System for Sustainable Water Management in Kashkadarya, Uzbekistan 

Muhammad Khalifa, Zafar Gafurov, Uktam Adkhamov, Botirjon Abdurahmanov, Shavkat Kenjabaev, and Maha Al-Zu’bi

Kashkadarya Province in Uzbekistan faces persistent water management challenges, including accelerating water scarcity, unstandardized and inefficient water reporting, climate change impact, transboundary complexities, and outdated irrigation systems. Traditional water monitoring methods fall short of providing the integrated insights required for effective decision-making. To address these challenges, we launched a participatory co-design initiative to conceptualize a next-generation water monitoring tool tailored to the province’s unique needs.  This study employs participatory methodologies to engage a diverse range of stakeholders - water managers, policymakers, and technical experts- in the tool’s design process. The approach began with stakeholder mapping and needs assessment surveys to identify critical gaps and set priorities in water management practices. Iterative discussions during a consultative workshop and focus group sessions informed the development of a conceptual framework for the tool. Key functionalities identified include enhanced water monitoring, improved allocation mechanisms, drought monitoring, and early warning systems, all leveraging data integration, interactive dashboards, and cloud-based predictive analytics. The co-design approach fosters mutual understanding and collaboration between stakeholders and researchers, emphasizing usability, accessibility, and scalability.  By actively involving stakeholders, the process has strengthened ownership, institutional coordination, and capacity building, even in the prototype design phase. This initiative underscores the transformative potential of inclusive, co-creation-driven solutions to address water management challenges in drylands, moving from fragility to resilience. The Kashkadarya case serves as a model for innovative and context-specific socio-hydrological solutions, with implications for addressing similar challenges in drylands globally.

How to cite: Khalifa, M., Gafurov, Z., Adkhamov, U., Abdurahmanov, B., Kenjabaev, S., and Al-Zu’bi, M.: Co-designing Next-Generation Water Monitoring System for Sustainable Water Management in Kashkadarya, Uzbekistan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1569,, 2025.

To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the marine industry and mitigate global warming, ammonia is being considered as a premising alternative to traditional fossil fuels. As one of the world’s busiest ports, Singapore is actively exploring ammonia bunkering as part of its decarbonization strategy. However, before initiating ammonia bunkering operations, an environmental impact assessment (EIA) addressing potential ammonia leakage is crucial.

This study employs a coupled eutrophication model with nine biogeochemical variables integrated into a high-resolution hydrodynamic model of Singapore’s coastal waters to evaluate the potential marine environmental impacts of ammonia releases during bunkering. This model is calibrated using hourly sea surface level data from Tanjong Pagar and dissolved oxygen measurements from Kusu Island, demonstrating robust performance in simulating diurnal variations in biogeochemical variables and the tidal dynamics, with a horizontal resolution ranging from 60 to 300 meters and a temporal resolution of 3 minutes.

Using coral and fish as key receptors in the Singapore Strait, ammonia concentration thresholds for 50% lethality within 48 hours (LC50) were from the literature: 0.057 mg N/L for coral (LC50Coral) and 2.1 mg N/L for fish (LC50fish). Sensitivity experiments were conducted to evaluate the spatial extent and duration of ammonia toxicity under different scenarios, varying release locations, flow rates, timings. Results indicate that ammonia dispersion near jetties is slower due to weaker currents and structural obstructions, resulting in localized impacts on coral that can persist for one to several days, depending on release volume. Conversely, in deep water areas with stronger currents and obvious tidal influence, ammonia disperses more rapidly, with coral toxicity effects lasting only a few hours. Furthermore, the magnitude of toxicity increases with higher release volumes, and release time significantly influences the plume’s direction, affected area, and duration, thereby altering its impact on marine life. The study also examines changes in nitrate concentrations and the potential for eutrophication associated with ammonia release. These findings provide critical insights into the environmental risks of ammonia bunkering in the Singapore Strait and inform mitigation strategies to minimize ecological impacts.


How to cite: Wang, Z., Tkalich, P., Mengli, C., and Christy, E.: Potential Marine Environmental Impacts of Ammonia Releases during Bunkering: A Simulation Analysis Using a Coupled Eutrophication and Hydrodynamic Model in the Singapore Strait, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1869,, 2025.

EGU25-4586 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/HS12.2

Methodological Proposal for Participatory Water Monitoring in Andean-Amazon Basins: The case of Mulato River, Colombia. 

David Román-Chaverra, Claudia-Patricia Romero-Hernández, and Javier Rodrigo-Ilarri

This research proposes a new methodology for participatory water monitoring in Andean-Amazonian watersheds, taking as a case study the Mulato river basin, Colombia. The main objective is to develop an approach that strengthens sustainable water management and the resilience of local communities to the challenges of climate change.

The proposal establishes a participatory process that actively involves local communities, with emphasis on the inclusion of women and minority groups, in the design and implementation of a water monitoring system. This system will integrate water quality and quantity indicators, as well as traditional knowledge and the specific needs of the watershed.

Through the development of this methodology, we seek to strengthen territorial appropriation through community training strategies in water data collection and analysis techniques. It also promotes the active participation of communities in decision-making related to water resource management.

It is expected that the results of this research will contribute to the development of innovative tools and strategies for a more sustainable management of water resources in the Andean-Amazon region, strengthening the resilience of communities to the impact of climate change.

Key words: Participatory water monitoring, Andean-Amazon basin, gender, equity, local communities, climate change, water management.

How to cite: Román-Chaverra, D., Romero-Hernández, C.-P., and Rodrigo-Ilarri, J.: Methodological Proposal for Participatory Water Monitoring in Andean-Amazon Basins: The case of Mulato River, Colombia., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4586,, 2025.

EGU25-5868 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.5/HS12.2

Co-Creating a Safe Operating Space Framework for Water Resources: Insights from the Danube Basin case study 

Silvia Artuso, Emilio Politti, Katarina Cetinic, Peter Burek, Sylvia Tramberend, Mikhail Smilovic, and Taher Kahil

Significant increases in water withdrawals over the past century have driven severe environmental challenges worldwide, including water scarcity, declining water quality, and the loss of freshwater biodiversity. These challenges are projected to intensify due to climate and societal changes in the coming decades. To address these issues, it is critical to define a Safe Operating Space (SOS) for water resources that ensures a sustainable and adequate water supply, meeting quality standards for both human needs and natural ecosystems.

Building on the Planetary Boundaries framework, the concept of Safe Operating Space (SOS) has emerged in the last decades to assess sustainable resource use within the Earth’s carrying capacity while maintaining human well-being. Within the Horizon Europe SOS-Water project, we are working to define the SOS for the entire water resources using in an integrated approach incorporating modelling, monitoring, development of advanced indicators and inclusive stakeholder engagement based on true collaboration. SOS-Water works with stakeholders in four case studies in Europe and overseas (Danube, Rhine, Jucar and Mekong basins) to co-create future scenarios and management pathways.

The results of SOS-Water will improve knowledge of water resource availability and improve water planning and management at local, regional and global levels. This will ensure equitable water distribution across societies, economies, and ecosystems, fostering resilience, social equity, and economic efficiency.

This proposed talk will showcase the application of the SOS-Water framework to the Danube Basin, with a focus on its inclusive and iterative participatory approach which actively engages stakeholders in co-defining visions, water values, and management options. We will present insights from the first stakeholder workshop, showcasing how these contributions shaped the preliminary SOS framework for the basin. Additionally, we will outline how this co-creation process will continue to define adaptation pathways and guide sustainable water management practices to address critical water challenges in the Danube Basin.

How to cite: Artuso, S., Politti, E., Cetinic, K., Burek, P., Tramberend, S., Smilovic, M., and Kahil, T.: Co-Creating a Safe Operating Space Framework for Water Resources: Insights from the Danube Basin case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5868,, 2025.

EGU25-6008 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/HS12.2

Integrating Field Data, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning for Enhanced Soil Moisture Prediction in Semi-Arid West Africa 

Meron Lakew Tefera, Ethiopia B. Zeleke, Mario Pirastru, Assefa M. Melesse, Giovanna Seddaiu, and Hassan Awada

Soil moisture plays a pivotal role in driving hydrological, ecological, and agricultural processes. Yet, its accurate estimation remains a significant challenge, particularly in data-scarce and semi-arid regions of West Africa. This study presents a comprehensive approach that integrates field measurements, high-resolution remote sensing data, and advanced machine learning techniques to enhance soil moisture prediction in small-scale agricultural systems. By combining innovative downscaling methods with deep learning models, the proposed framework effectively captures both the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture and its complex temporal dynamics, addressing a critical gap in existing methodologies. The predictive framework demonstrated outstanding performance, achieving a Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) of 0.854, reducing root mean square error (RMSE) by 33%, and exhibiting negligible bias when compared to conventional approaches. These metrics highlight its capability to provide more accurate and reliable predictions, even in the context of limited ground-based observations. Moreover, the study underscores the significant impact of soil conservation practices, such as stone bunds, on enhancing soil moisture retention. The analysis revealed that these interventions are particularly effective on steep slopes and in areas with lower moisture accumulation potential, offering valuable insights for sustainable land and water resource management. By bridging the gap between coarse-resolution satellite observations and the fine-scale data needs of localized agricultural systems, this study delivers a scalable and adaptable solution for soil moisture monitoring. The integration of cutting-edge technologies with on-the-ground insights not only enhances predictive accuracy but also provides a robust framework for improving agricultural resilience and water management in semi-arid environments. These findings emphasize the transformative potential of leveraging modern tools and multidisciplinary approaches to address pressing challenges in soil moisture estimation and agricultural sustainability, paving the way for more informed decision-making in vulnerable regions.

How to cite: Tefera, M. L., Zeleke, E. B., Pirastru, M., Melesse, A. M., Seddaiu, G., and Awada, H.: Integrating Field Data, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning for Enhanced Soil Moisture Prediction in Semi-Arid West Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6008,, 2025.

EGU25-7182 | Orals | ITS3.5/HS12.2 | Highlight

Collaborative explorative scenario-development as an initiator of transformative thinking: challenges and opportunities 

Britta Höllermann, Joshua Ntajal, Adrian Almoradie, and Mariele Evers

In Ghana, the metropolitan areas of Accra and Kumasi, along with rural regions in the White Volta catchment, are increasingly affected by river and heavy rain flooding. The interplay between climate extremes, urbanization, and land use planning presents a complex challenge for various stakeholders including policy-makers, water resource managers, disaster managers, local community leaders, and residents of flood-prone areas. These groups must navigate this array of pressures to reduce the risk from flooding while also sustaining livelihoods.

However, the policies and measures implemented to adapt to these conditions can have varied impacts, potentially triggering feedback loops that may foster shifting of vulnerabilities, rebounding vulnerabilities and/or eroding sustainable development. This situation highlights the need for a transformative approach in managing flood risks.

This presentation discusses the potential and limitation of collaborative explorative scenario-development as a method to stimulate transformative thinking among stakeholders. It examines the effectiveness of this approach in shifting focus from project-based efforts to more transformative actions, while also accommodating the unique needs of different communities and stakeholder groups.

How to cite: Höllermann, B., Ntajal, J., Almoradie, A., and Evers, M.: Collaborative explorative scenario-development as an initiator of transformative thinking: challenges and opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7182,, 2025.

EGU25-11823 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/HS12.2

Interview based mixed-method characterization of drought impacts: Case study in North-Western Italy 

Emanuele Mombrini, Benedetta Rivella, Alberto Viglione, and Stefania Tamea

Drought stress on local and regional water systems is of increasing concern to authorities, especially in the wake of severe drought periods since the start of the century. This is particularly true in North-Western Italy, which faced previously unprecedented drought impacts, including the need for provisioning local water systems via tanker trucks, from the end of 2021 through 2023. The need for developing responses to such emerging issues calls for the gathering of all available knowledge regarding previous drought events to make conscious and informed choices in the future. In particular, much knowledge can be gained by studying how professionals in the water sector addressed previous water stress conditions, which impacts they faced and how well such impacts can be represented through the study of already available meteoclimatic data. Furthermore, understanding how water providers characterise the multidimensional and systemic condition of drought can shed light on how and why certain responses are taken, and help in the co-development of useful strategies. The study presents an application of a mixed-method approach, conducted through semi-structured interviews to employees of water-providing firms in the Cuneo Province, Piedmont. The method aims at obtaining both quantitative and qualitative data on drought impacts, as well as qualitative data on the interviewees and their perception of the drought phenomena, bridging the gap between the data-driven representation and the embedded experience of drought conditions. 

How to cite: Mombrini, E., Rivella, B., Viglione, A., and Tamea, S.: Interview based mixed-method characterization of drought impacts: Case study in North-Western Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11823,, 2025.

A graphical cost-effectiveness tool has been developed to communicate flood-mitigation plans and measures to decision-makers. In its simplest form, the tool is based on flood hydrograph and water level data at a critical location along a river stretch, for a design flood expressed in terms of its return period. A three-panel graph is made with water-level data in quadrant three, a rating curve in quadrant two and a hydrograph in quadrant one, sharing axes with the adjacent quadrant(s). After establishing a water-level threshold of flooding, a discharge-threshold follows. The discharge over time above that threshold defines the flood-excess volume to be mitigated to avoid flood damage. Expressed as a square lake of 2m depth and 100m’s or 1000m’s side length, the fraction of each flood-mitigation method is overlayed on this square-lake chart, plus its costs, costs per percentage and total costs. Choices can be made by comparing square-lake graphs for each mitigation scenario [1]. Where possible, more complicated cost-effectiveness assessments can be based on ensemble simulations of flood forecasts with various flood-mitigation measures, and made by including uncertainties.

Info-gap theory [2] will be applied in an idealised Haigh Beck case study, a stream of ~2000m length and ~100m decline that flows into the River Aire (UK). The beck has caused floods with combined-sewer overflows during severe rainfall, in a neighbourhood near the beck’s mouth and upstream of the Leeds-Liverpool canal, flooding several apartments (e.g., on May 6th, 2024). Proposed mitigation measures are inflow into canal C1, an upstream bund B2 and flood-plain storage FP3, combined into cost-competitive mitigation scenarios C1 and a B2-FP3 combination [3]. Challenging is that crucial pieces of information, on costs and risks (of failure), are missing for informed decision-making, either because organisations refuse to provide the information, the data are lost or do not exist. Info-gap theory will be used to deal with these true or Knightian uncertainties. An info-gap is the gap between what one knows and what one needs to know for reliable decision-making. Info-gap theory aims to quantify decisions with a high robustness, concerning decisions on flood-mitigation scenarios that satisfy performance requirements over a range of unanticipated eventualities. In this study, it is comprised of (a) a cost model, (b) a performance criterion (costs below a threshold) and (c) model uncertainty intervals. Furthermore, costs of scenario B2-FP3 are known, but the value of co-benefits for scenario C1 are unknown while its base costs are somewhat known. This use of info-gap theory to facilitate cost-effectiveness decisions is novel and practical. Alternatively, the unknown uncertainty (pertaining to (c)) in the flood-excess volume can be used as decision support, a type of application of info-gap theory found in, e.g., [4].

[1] Bokhove, Kelmanson, Kent, Piton, Tacnet 2020: Water 12(3), 652.
[2] Marchau, Walker, Bloemen, Popper 2019: Decision making under deep uncertainty. Chapters 1, 5 and 10 (e.g. by Y. Ben-Haim) on info-gap theory. Springer. 405 pp.
[3] Knotters, Bokhove, Lamb, Poortvliet 2024: Cambridge Prisms: Water 2, e6.
[4] Hine, Hall 2010: Water Resources Research 46. W01514. https://doi:10.1029/2008WR007620

How to cite: Bokhove, O.: Info-gap assessment of cost-effectiveness for flood-mitigation scenarios: Haigh Beck case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12211,, 2025.

EGU25-12376 | Orals | ITS3.5/HS12.2

Bridging knowledge systems in the Amazon through co-creation for resilient water management 

Rodolfo Nóbrega, Sabina Ribeiro, Amy Penfield, Shirley Famelli, Rayanne Costa, Magali Nehemy, Evan Bowness, Ulisses Bezerra, Sabrina Oliveira, Carlos Galvao, Aldrin Perez-Marin, and John Cunha

The Amazon rainforest stands at the forefront of socio-ecohydrological challenges, with ever-growing extreme events such as droughts and floods disrupting ecosystems and local communities. Addressing these issues requires co-creative and transdisciplinary approaches that blend scientific knowledge with the lived experiences and expertise of diverse stakeholders. Here, we present three distinct co-creation initiatives in the Amazon, each at a different stage of development, to illustrate the transformative potential, complexities and opportunities of participatory water resources management. First, the PAB-Brasil 2024 (Brazilian Action Plan for Combating Desertification and Mitigating Drought) demonstrates the importance of multi-level co-creation in policy-making. This initiative employed a decentralised and inclusive participatory methodology, with regional seminars designed as spaces for dialogue and collaborative knowledge production. Drawing from popular education principles inspired by Paulo Freire’s critical pedagogy, the seminars in this project integrated traditional knowledge from Indigenous, Quilombola, i.e. descendants of Africans who resisted enslavement and established autonomous communities, and rural communities with scientific expertise. The process involved structured group dynamics, thematic discussions, and collective drafting of policy recommendations aimed at addressing land degradation and safeguarding water resources. The outcomes contribute to a national strategy that reflects regional needs and aligns with global frameworks such as the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. Secondly, The 3R Project, now in its implementation phase, addresses land-use pressures within the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve in the state of Acre, Brazil, where deforestation and unregulated cattle ranching compromise water access. The methodological approach combines stakeholder interviews, spatial mapping, and policy analysis to understand the socio-political drivers of water scarcity. The project’s participatory framework prioritises local stakeholder voices, proposing the use of actor-centred workshops to collaboratively design land management solutions that mitigate water scarcity while fostering sustainable livelihoods. The initiative also builds on long-standing community relationships, ensuring that legal, social, and cultural perspectives inform the strategies. Finally, the T-SECA Project (Transdisciplinary Social Ecohydrology for Community Adaptation), in its design development phase, exemplifies a community-led research approach. Centred in the Mundurukú Indigenous territory in Pará, this initiative aims to use participatory visual social science methods such as photovoice and videovoice to capture local narratives of changes in water dynamics in the environment. In this project, community members will co-direct research priorities by documenting their lived experiences of floods and droughts through visual media. The team integrates these insights with scientific ecohydrological data, such as precipitation, streamflow, and groundwater levels, supplemented by isotope tracing to understand water sources and flows. The goal is to co-develop adaptation plans tailored to the community's needs, with outputs intended to support large-scale implementation. These three initiatives reaffirm the need for iterative, inclusive, and place-based co-creation processes in hydrology and water management. By prioritising mutual learning and power-sharing among scientists, policymakers, and local stakeholders, these initiatives aim to promote actionable solutions that are both scientifically robust and socially grounded. This presentation invites discussion on how co-creation can be scaled and diversified in hydrological sciences to address complex water challenges across diverse socio-ecological contexts.

How to cite: Nóbrega, R., Ribeiro, S., Penfield, A., Famelli, S., Costa, R., Nehemy, M., Bowness, E., Bezerra, U., Oliveira, S., Galvao, C., Perez-Marin, A., and Cunha, J.: Bridging knowledge systems in the Amazon through co-creation for resilient water management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12376,, 2025.

Floods are recurring natural disasters in the province of Quebec, with recent major events in the springs of 2017, 2019, and 2023, when snowmelt and heavy rainfall converged. These events not only caused significant property damage and population displacement but also posed serious risks to public health, especially in areas where drinking water is sourced from private wells that may be vulnerable to contamination. Critical risk factors include the proximity of wells to rivers, the presence of contaminants in floodwaters, and surface pollutants on flood-prone lands, which can infiltrate drinking water sources during floods. This interdisciplinary project evaluates the spatial risk of potable water contamination and consumption in the Stoneham-et-Tewkesbury region, QC, through a combined approach involving natural and social sciences.
The natural science component involves assessing the water quality of residential wells during baseline and flood periods, and conducting spatio-temporal analyses to: 1) identify factors influencing contamination risk; 2) assess duration of contamination post-flood; and 3) determine the lateral extent of contamination. To do so, water samples collected over 15 field campaigns were analyzed for a variety of geochemical, isotopic and microbiological parameters. Although the chemical quality of well water was generally acceptable, microbiological contamination (e.g., total coliforms and E. coli) frequently exceeded safety thresholds.
The social dimension of the project explores: 1) riverside residents' risk perception in relation to their well water quality during floods; 2) their water consumption practices during floods; and 3) the views of various stakeholders (riverside residents, municipality, regional water agencies) regarding roles, responsibilities and approaches to promote safe water consumption. This was achieved through semi-directed interviews conducted with seven residents participating in the well sampling campaigns, and three organization representatives.
The results of this study aim to strengthen the resilience of flood-prone communities by integrating scientific data, local knowledge and community feedback to develop practical recommendations to reduce the contamination risks and promote safe water use during flood events. The results will be shared through workshops organized with residents and the municipality of Stoneham-et-Tewkesbury, as well as local water organizations. Results will also be shared with the Quebec Department of Environment to provide feedback on adequacy of the current government guidelines regarding well water consumption during floods.
Keywords: Floods, human health, contamination, interdisciplinary, social, drinking water, groundwater, community, spatial assessment, risks.

How to cite: Ben Arous, Y., Bordeleau, G., Lavoie, R., and Roy-Michel, C.: Potential contamination of drinking water in private wells during floods in southern Quebec, Canada: an integration of water geochemistry, risk perception and behavioural changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14121,, 2025.

EGU25-14154 | Orals | ITS3.5/HS12.2

Representing people’s behavior during floods for simulation of human-floods feedbacks through agent based modelling 

Oscar Link, Vicente Saenger, Jorge Hurtado-Pidal, and Rocío Coloma

Representing people’s behavior during floods in agent based modelling is a challenging task for a realistic simulation of human-floods feedbacks. Previous research identified different long-term feedbacks that may lead to complex phenomena such as the so-called coping strategies, levee effects, call effects, adaptation effects, poverty traps, and status quo effect. In this work, we develop a methodology based on results from survey analysis to specify behavioral rules for capturing long-term feedbacks between humans and floods with agent based models. As a conceptual framework, we use the typology of flood behavior composed by the four categories: levee effect, learning effect, status quo, and good students effect, which depend on the frequency and magnitude of floods, as well as on the adaption and resilience of the people. The survey was conducted during 2024 in five regions of Chile, with 1007 respondents. A study case considering three localities along the Carampangue river, in the Central part of Chile, is presented. An agent based model of the study case is developed, considering the period 1970-2020. Results illustrate the capabilities of agent based models to capture human-floods feedbacks.

How to cite: Link, O., Saenger, V., Hurtado-Pidal, J., and Coloma, R.: Representing people’s behavior during floods for simulation of human-floods feedbacks through agent based modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14154,, 2025.

Freshwater is a critical resource, which is also the reason for why water have been altered by humans for centuries. During the last decades due to population growth, socio-economic development and climate-related effects the societal challenges related to water have amplified. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are often highlighted as a key response to these challenges. However, according to Seddon et al., (2020), a major challenge with nature-based solutions is “inflexible and highly sectorized forms of governance”, which is why the cross sectoral Water Councils, voluntary and participatory organisations bringing together a range of stakeholders at the water-shed level regulated under the EU Water Framework Directive, potentially have a unique position to overcome the challenges. While NbS are identified as solutions for the interconnected social, economic and environmental challenges, literature points towards the approach taken (O’Brien et al., 2022).  

This is a case study which develop, facilitate and assess a dialogue process of co-creation of a new water management plan in Kävlinge Water Council between 2023-2025 related to NbS-challenges. The study aims to analyse the transformational changes throughout the dialogues. Kävlinge Water Council is situated in the south of Sweden, a heavily cultivated area largely affected by the wetland drainage in the 19th century. This water council is also a pioneer in implementing NbS. However, during the last decade, water availability has fluctuated in the region, creating conflict of interest among stakeholders. The study uses a multi-level stakeholder co-creative process including meetings with civil servants respectively politicians, industry stakeholders and landowners. The process is designed by a transdisciplinary team of researchers and civil servants. Material about participants perspective on the design of the process as well as its end-product: A new water management plan, is collected through interviews workshops and surveys. 

The preliminary results show that the process is engaging and leads to in-depth discussions on the present and future water management in the catchment. Politicians and civil servants to some extent have different focuses on necessary challenges and changes. So far, two out of five dialogues have been facilitated. Dialogue one focused on a general identification of challenges while dialogue two focused on a broader spectrum of solutions and evaluation of solutions. The upcoming dialogues will focus on organisation, urban versus rural communities, financing and communication. The study also plans to incorporate dialogue with higher-level stakeholders such as national and regional authorities and citizens. We believe this type of iterative process has the potential to level the implementation of NbS, specifically in water councils throughout Sweden, but particularly in Kävlinge Water Council. We also believe that the result can be incorporated in regional and national water policy to level the implementation of NbS, the EU Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive. 

Seddon, N., Chausson, A., Berry, P., Girardin, C.A.J., Smith, A., Turner, B., (2020). Understanding the value and limits of nature-based solutions to climate change and other global challenges. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci. 375, 20190120.  

How to cite: Enström, E. and Alkan Olsson, J.: The Transformative Potential of Water Councils – A Case Study of Kävlinge Water Council in the South of Sweden  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15387,, 2025.

EGU25-15452 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.5/HS12.2

Quantifying Flood Regulation Dynamics: A Systematic Approach 

Kaihao Zheng and Peirong Lin

Floodplain urbanization shapes exposure to floods, and necessitates the deployment of structural water infrastructure (e.g., dams) to mitigate the exposure. While the flood regulation capacity of a basin is traditionally assessed by the total capacity of its infrastructures, the changing hydro-climatic factors and increasing floodplain urbanization creates continuously evolving demands on the system. These changes highlight flood regulation as a complex and multivariate challenge, yet a systematic framework to capture these dynamic interactions remains underdeveloped. This study introduces a novel quantification framework that models the key elements and the dynamics of flood regulation. Specifically, we quantify the floodplain urbanization pattern by the cumulative distribution function of Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND), and estimate the pressure it poses on the infrastructures under different flood magnitudes (e.g., 100-year and 500-year floods) under different flood exposure levels. To test the proposed approach, we apply it to the Ganjiang River Basin in China, focusing on the interactions between Ji’An city and the upstream Wan’An Dam. We find that during a 100-year flood with urban expansion up to 2015, the Wan’An Dam must operate at 42.5% capacity to limit flood exposure in Ji’An to below 5%. The effectiveness of our framework is supported by validating results against historical flood data from the Ganjiang River Basin. Moreover, our analysis reveals a monotonic increase in flood regulation pressure as both urban exposure levels and flood magnitude rise. We further define a characteristic curve that synthesizes the interactions among all components of the system, which offers a systematic illustration of the dynamics at play. Our proposed framework represents the first standardized quantitative approach for assessing multivariate flood regulation dynamics, offering a valuable tool for probing into the complex interplay of flood regulation under changing climate and urbanization conditions at large scales.

How to cite: Zheng, K. and Lin, P.: Quantifying Flood Regulation Dynamics: A Systematic Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15452,, 2025.

EGU25-17906 | Orals | ITS3.5/HS12.2

Co-Creation of a Real-Time Platform for Integrated Water Resource Management: Combining Stakeholders’ Engagement, Modelling and Digital Tools at Farm and basin Scale 

Marta Debolini, Simone Mereu, Matteo Funaro, Andrea Borgo, Lisa Napolitano, Guido Rianna, Vangelis Constantianos, Alexandros Kandarakis, Francesco Martini, Josep Pijuan Parra, Lluis Vine Rius, Serena Marras, Kamel Nagaz, Fathia ElMokh, Naem Mazahrih, and Ihab Jomaa

Agriculture is the most water-consuming sector in the Mediterranean region, accounting for up to 70% of total uses in southern regions. Addressing this high demand while fostering socio-economic growth necessitates improving irrigation efficiency and water productivity. However, the dual pressures of climate change and population growth threaten water availability and increase agricultural water demand. Effective water resource management faces challenges, including sectoral policy conflicts, fragmented governance, inefficient water use across overlapping domains, and the lack of integrated digital tools to optimize water allocation and monitor usage effectively. Digital transformation in the water sector is pivotal for sustainable Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). Advanced digital tools enable comprehensive monitoring, analysis, and decision-making within a unified framework, enhancing cross-sectoral coordination and supporting sustainable growth. However, for these tools to impact water governance, they must be user-friendly and collaboratively developed with stakeholders and end-users from diverse fields to ensure acceptance and practical application.

For these reasons, we carried out this work, aiming to develop a real-time digital platform for irrigation optimization and water resource management, leveraging Living Labs to ensure the tools meet local needs and challenges and then combining digital innovation and participatory methods to enhance IWRM and sustainable irrigation at farm and basin scales. The work employs a suite of innovative tools, including IoT sensors for real-time monitoring, Web of Things technology for interoperability, and advanced modeling tools for efficient operations and decision support. Two interactive dashboards were developed: one for farm-level irrigation management and the other for basin-scale decision-making. Real-time data collected through sensors is stored in a OGC SensorThings compliant database, enabling models to estimate crop water requirements and assess sectoral water consumption. The platform has been developed and tested in four Mediterranean case studies: Italy's Tirso River Basin, Jordan's Central  Jordan River Basin, Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, and Tunisia's Jeffara Plain. These regions face acute water scarcity and climate challenges, making them ideal testbeds for the proposed solutions. Living Labs in these areas facilitate collaboration with farmers and decision-makers, ensuring that tools are tailored to local needs. Two series of workshop were conducted in the four pilot areas: the first aimed at collecting local needs and expectation from the digitalization of the water accounting, and the second focused on presenting initial platformn advancement refining functionalities based on local feedback, training end-users, and assessing the tools effectiveness. This feedback loop ensures continuous improvement and alignment with stakeholders' expectations. Simultaneously, data were collected both from installed sensors and from existing monitoring tools, in order to calibrate the irrigation model at farm scale and the hydrological model at basin scale.

The integration of digital tools with participatory engagement enables simulation of complex interactions between environmental and socio-economic factors over different timeframes. This holistic approach enhances decision-making and informs policy recommendations, supporting climate change adaptation and sustainable water resource management in the Mediterranean region.

This work is conducted as part of the ACQUAOUNT PRIMA Project, which aims to advance digital innovation and participatory approaches for sustainable water resource management in the Mediterranean region.

How to cite: Debolini, M., Mereu, S., Funaro, M., Borgo, A., Napolitano, L., Rianna, G., Constantianos, V., Kandarakis, A., Martini, F., Pijuan Parra, J., Vine Rius, L., Marras, S., Nagaz, K., ElMokh, F., Mazahrih, N., and Jomaa, I.: Co-Creation of a Real-Time Platform for Integrated Water Resource Management: Combining Stakeholders’ Engagement, Modelling and Digital Tools at Farm and basin Scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17906,, 2025.

EGU25-18751 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.5/HS12.2

The Global Oasis Knowledge Hub 

Jessica Hetzer, Rainer Krug, Mechthilde Falkenhahn, and Aidin Niamir

Oases are valuable ecosystems with millions of people depending on their ecosystem services. However, scientific knowledge of oases is scattered due to the diverse and spatially dispersed nature of their local conditions. Here we present "The Global Oasis Knowledge Hub", an open access literature database specifically focused on bringing together knowledge from various sources. Freely publicly available, it contains over 12,000 entries drawn from reviewed key literature, providing a valuable resource of oasis knowledge at its core, as well as closely related topics, that the global research community could utilize. The Global Oasis Knowledge Hub will be frequently updated with new literature, regularly expanding the repository of key references, supporting a deeper understanding of oasis ecosystems. In addition, the code used to create this knowledge hub is openly available on GitHub, allowing users to create their own customised knowledge hubs based on key literature. This initiative improves the accessibility of literature and facilitates knowledge sharing for researchers, policy makers and practitioners.

How to cite: Hetzer, J., Krug, R., Falkenhahn, M., and Niamir, A.: The Global Oasis Knowledge Hub, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18751,, 2025.

The rapid expansion of dam construction highlights the need to understand the impact of human regulation on river ecosystems and surrounding communities. This study focuses on the Lower Yellow River Basin, a region severely affected by water scarcity, flooding risks, and low ecological resilience. The Xiaolangdi Reservoir, completed in 1999, was designed to address these challenges. Through a comprehensive analysis of the reservoir’s effects on downstream hydrology, geomorphology, ecology, and human activities, we evaluate its effectiveness and explore the interaction between natural processes and human interventions. Our findings indicate that reservoir operations have transformed the river channel from a braided to a meandering form, enhancing flood transport capacity by 79%. While sediment scouring has partially mitigated sediment interception, helping reduce coastal erosion in the Yellow River Delta. However, altered seasonal flow patterns have created water shortages for irrigation and environmental flows, exacerbating conflicts between human and environmental water requirements. Riverbed incision has decreased water diversion efficiency, contributing to groundwater over-extraction with depletion rate of -31.9 mm/year. Additionally, Degradation of tidal flats caused by sediment deficiency has threatened migratory shorebirds, with its populations declining by an average of 1,573 individuals annually.  This study also indicate that the influence of hydrological factors is diminishing over time, while local human activities are having a growing impact on the system. To mitigate future risks, we advocate for the adoption of adaptive, localized, and nature-based management strategies, including the restoration of riparian wetlands, dynamic water allocation, and enhancement of delta resilience through hydrological connectivity and living shorelines. This research offers valuable insights for sustainable water resource management in the Lower Yellow River and other regions facing similar issues.

How to cite: Wu, X.: Evolution of the socio-hydrological system in the Lower Yellow River under human regulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19753,, 2025.

Water resources are under immense pressure in the Anthropocene, requiring innovative and collaborative approaches to ensure sustainable management. The EU-funded TALANOA-Water project embodies a transdisciplinary framework, engaging a diverse array of stakeholders—scientists, policymakers, local communities, NGOs, businesses, and others—in iterative co-creation processes to tackle complex water challenges in six pilot water laboratories in the mediterranean area (Egypt, France, Italy, Lebanon, Spain, and Tunisia). This presentation highlights the project's outcomes in leveraging participatory approaches to co-construct actionable water management solutions under climate change and socio-economic uncertainties.

Guided by the Talanoa Dialogue principles of inclusivity, mutual learning, and transparency, the project co-developed socio-hydrological scenarios that integrate diverse perspectives and knowledge systems. These scenarios were tested using a multi-system modeling framework collaboratively designed with stakeholders to enable robust policy evaluation and enhanced water management. The framework incorporates climatic, hydrologic, agronomic, micro- and macro-economic modules, interconnected through protocols that allow feedback between systems while preserving model specificity and precision. Prioritizing models already familiar to stakeholders—even though not always state-of-the-art—ensured greater usability and trust in the process. Modeling efforts

Key outcomes include co-designed models and participatory tools, such as serious games developed and applied in four pilot labs, that improve decision-making, foster stakeholder trust, and address trade-offs among competing water uses. Additionally, a meta-analysis of co-creation approaches conducted within the project offers valuable insights into their effectiveness, barriers, and enablers, shedding light on their transformative potential for integrated water resource management.

How to cite: Sapino, F.: Co-Designing Water Management Through the TALANOA Dialogue, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20303,, 2025.

EGU25-21682 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.5/HS12.2

River Management and Community-Driven Tourism: Harnessing Cultural Ecosystem Services at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia 

Idea Wening Nurani, Franck Lavigne, and Emmanuèle Gautier

Merapi is known as one of the world’s most active and densely populated volcanoes. Despite the constant threat it poses, local residents continue to live on its slopes, largely because of the vital ecosystem services that support their livelihoods. One of the cultural ecosystem services provided by the rivers around Merapi volcano is recreation, including at Krasak river which has been impacted by Merapi's eruptions from 2010 to 2023. This study aims to identify the development of tourism destination along the Krasak River as part of ecosystem services. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the head and representatives of the Grojogan Watu Purbo management team in Merdikorejo village, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Content analysis was used to examine the operation of the site and its connection to local knowledge of the river. The research findings show that the community tried to seek alternative sources of income by utilizing the beauty of the sabo dam built in their village. Since 2017, they prepared this tourist spot and in 2019, visitors began to arrive. Many visitors come to enjoy the view of the cascading waterfalls created by the sabo dam on the Krasak river, especially for taking selfies and enjoying the sunset in the countryside. For safety reasons, a simple communication network has been established, involving the hamlet (dusun) head, management team, and operational staffs, to monitor the river’s flow, especially during heavy rainfall. The presence of water hyacinth or twigs carried by water is an indicator of high-water discharge, signalling the potential for flooding or lahar. The colour of the river water also reflects mining activities upstream. For them, the flow of the river is important in attracting the visitors. Although they do not have yet a specific program in river monitoring and conservation, they have already cooperated with Disaster Management Agency and Tourism Agency in Regency level in terms of Early Warning System and site management. Strengthening communication and cooperation with other tourism managers along the Krasak River and involving communities in neighbouring villages would be beneficial for the sustainable management of the volcanic river.

How to cite: Nurani, I. W., Lavigne, F., and Gautier, E.: River Management and Community-Driven Tourism: Harnessing Cultural Ecosystem Services at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21682,, 2025.

EGU25-21844 | Posters on site | ITS3.5/HS12.2

Towards Sustainable Solutions: Assessing Rural Access to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation in Atyrau, Kazakhstan 

Kamshat Tussupova, Zhanerke Bolatova, Raikhan Beisenova, Galiya Omarova, and Yerlan Kabiyev

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to advance sustainable social and economic progress globally. Out of Kazakhstan´s about 20 million people, 7.5 million people reside in 6,500 rural settlements, with 6.5 million in 3,900 settlements connected to centralized water supply systems. About half of all households rely on private boreholes and public standpipes. Additionally, 80% of rural households use outdoor toilets, with just 3% connected to sewer systems, highlighting significant disparities in water and sanitation access. Consequently, safe access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for rural people is the most important priority for Kazakhstan regarding SDGs. However, there is large discrepancy between official statistics and the actual conditions highlighting urgent needs for accurate baseline data to better reflect the realities of water and sanitation access in Kazakhstan. For this purpose, we used structured questionnaires to assess water access, sanitation services, and a multinomial logistic regression analysis to examine the factors influencing households' willingness to pay (WTP) for individual water supply systems in Atyrau households. Water sources, sanitation availability, and household practices were investigated offering insights into sustainable water and sanitation management. Indoor taps served 44.2% of households, while 60.5% used centralized systems for drinking water. Daily interruptions affected 19.9%, with 23.0% dissatisfied with quality. Outdoor toilets were used by 79.6%, and 43.7% relied on pit-filling. While 82.5% of respondents favored free individual water supply installations, only 11.6% were willing to pay the $426 installation cost, highlighting financial constraints. Consequently, there are persistent challenges in ensuring safe drinking water and sanitation in rural areas of Kazakhstan. Infrastructure gaps, poor water quality, and reliance on outdoor toilets pose health risks. Financial constraints further limit access. Targeted investments, improved oversight, and community engagement are critical for sustainable solutions aligned with the SDGs.

How to cite: Tussupova, K., Bolatova, Z., Beisenova, R., Omarova, G., and Kabiyev, Y.: Towards Sustainable Solutions: Assessing Rural Access to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation in Atyrau, Kazakhstan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21844,, 2025.

EGU25-101 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Modeling micronekton diel vertical migration contribution to carbon export in the mesopelagic zone 

Hélène Thibault, Frédéric Ménard, Jeanne Abitbol-Spangaro, Jean-Christophe Poggiale, and Séverine Martini

Micronekton is a diverse group assemblage of marine animals, described as active swimmers ranging from 2 to 20 cm. Micronekton organisms perform diel vertical migrations, feeding on nutrient-rich surface waters during the night and migrate several hundred meters at sunrise to deep waters, where they digest their food, generating an active transport of carbon. These organisms play a significant but often overlooked role in carbon sequestration within the ocean. Current models generally do not take into account the contribution of the entire community of micronekton to the carbon budget or include a large number of parameters that are difficult to test. Using a one-dimensional trait-based model with a limited number of parameters, we simulated the diel vertical migrations of micronekton and their carbon production through respiration, fecal pellets, excretion, and dead bodies. The model relies on three state variables which are the biomass of the preys, i.e. mesozooplankton, the biomass of the consumers and their gut content. During the night, micronekton reside near the surface to feed. At dawn and dusk, they swim to stay at depth during the day to escape predation from their visual predators. In the model, migrations are triggered by the gradient of light. Our model allowed us to explore the biotic and abiotic variables influencing the active transport of carbon in the mesopelagic zone, where organisms experience low light levels. The functional approach highlighted the importance of size and taxonomy, in particularly considering fish, crustacean, and cephalopod as key factors controlling the efficiency of carbon transport. Several metabolic parameters accounted for most of the variability in carbon production (organic and inorganic) and transport efficiency, mostly linked to respiration rates. Our results suggest that in temperate regions, migrant organisms are responsible for an important vertical transport of carbon. This active export showed strong seasonal variations with a maximum reached in summer. However, in the context of global warming, the evolution of the impact of micronekton on carbon sequestration remains uncertain. This underscores the imperative for future research to deepen our understanding of micronekton metabolism and vertical dynamics through a functional approach and in relation to their environment.

How to cite: Thibault, H., Ménard, F., Abitbol-Spangaro, J., Poggiale, J.-C., and Martini, S.: Modeling micronekton diel vertical migration contribution to carbon export in the mesopelagic zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-101,, 2025.

EGU25-2912 * | Orals | ITS3.7/BG0.6 | Highlight

Making Space for Water: Nature-based Solutions with Beavers 

Alan Puttock, Holly Barclay, Matt Holden, Peter Burgess, and Richard Brazier

Beavers are ecosystem engineers and were once widespread across Europe and North America. They are now being reintroduced to much of their native range. A growing body of evidence has shown the return of the beaver can provide multiple benefits, including for biodiversity, natural flood management and drought resilience (Brazier et al., 2021, Puttock et al., 2021). However, the return of beavers to intensely managed and highly populated anthropogenic landscapes can also bring management challenges. Pragmatic evidence based policies are required to maximise the benefits and minimise the conflicts associated with the return of the beaver.

Results will be presented from the Making Space for Water Programme which aims to support land managers to create a network of nature rich wetlands across South West England, increasing resilience to hydrological extremes. This project led by Devon Wildlife Trust, in partnership with the University of Exeter and local landowners works with wild beavers to deliver natural solutions to address societal challenges. Case studies will be presented discussing how we have combined geospatial analysis, on the ground expertise and stakeholder engagement to prioritise sites where the Nature-based Solution benefits of beavers may be greatest and direct opportunities exist for least risk.


Brazier, R. E., Puttock, A., Graham, H. A., Auster, R. E., Davies, K. H., & Brown, C. M. L. (2021). Beaver: Nature’s ecosystem engineers. In Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water (Vol. 8, Issue 1, p. e1494). John Wiley and Sons Inc.

Puttock, A., Graham, H. A., Ashe, J., Luscombe, D. J., & Brazier, R. E. (2021). Beaver dams attenuate flow: A multi‐site study. Hydrological Processes, 35(2), e14017.


How to cite: Puttock, A., Barclay, H., Holden, M., Burgess, P., and Brazier, R.: Making Space for Water: Nature-based Solutions with Beavers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2912,, 2025.

 Karst landscapes, characterized by their distinctive geomorphology and biodiversity, also host rich cultural heritage represented by traditional villages. These villages reflect the complex interplay between human activity and the environment, shaped over centuries by geological, ecological, and cultural factors. However, karst regions face critical challenges such as ecological degradation, rocky desertification, and cultural homogenization, which threaten both biological and cultural diversity.This study conducts a multidimensional analysis of traditional village distribution across China’s karst landscapes and selects the Miaoling mountainous region as a representative area to explore integrated conservation strategies. Adopting a bio-cultural diversity framework, the research emphasizes the dynamic interactions between biodiversity and cultural heritage.A comprehensive evaluation of bio-cultural diversity was performed using an indicator-based approach. Biodiversity was assessed through factors such as karst lithologic development, habitats of endangered species (Andrias davidianus, Rhinopithecus brelichi, Abies fanjingshanensis, and Taiwania flousiana), and ecosystem services, including carbon storage, soil conservation, and habitat quality. Cultural diversity was analyzed based on the distribution of traditional villages, agricultural and intangible cultural heritage, historical relics, and ethnic minority communities. Priority conservation zones were spatially identified using the Zonation model.Results highlight that the central and western Miaoling regions, especially the Beipan River basin, demonstrate high biodiversity due to well-preserved karst habitats and the presence of critical species. Culturally, traditional villages—predominantly inhabited by Miao, Dong, and Bouyei ethnic groups—are clustered in areas with elevations of 600–800 meters and slopes less than 5°, such as Moon Mountain, Leigong Mountain, and along the Beipan and Douliu Rivers, reflecting their close relationship with the karst environment.Despite these overlaps, nearly half of the region exhibits limited coordination between biological and cultural diversity, with an average coupling coordination degree of 0.611. Higher coordination zones are concentrated in central Miaoling, while the eastern and western regions remain fragmented. Priority conservation zones, covering 2,286.76 km², are primarily located in small watersheds and agroforestry systems, revealing a fragmented spatial distribution.To address these challenges, a “source-corridor-network” conservation strategy was proposed, consisting of 29 primary corridors, 76 secondary corridors, and 25 key nodes to enhance connectivity and resilience. Additionally, a multi-stakeholder adaptive management framework was introduced, emphasizing policy support, community participation, and the integration of conservation with sustainable development.This study underscores the critical value of integrating bio-cultural diversity in conservation planning for karst regions. By bridging geosciences, ecology, and cultural studies, it provides strategic insights for global biodiversity and restoration initiatives, contributing to holistic and sustainable conservation practices in the face of climate change and anthropogenic pressures.

How to cite: Li, X., Yang, Q., and Tarolli, P.: Integrating Bio-Cultural Diversity for Sustainable Conservation in Karst Landscapes: Insights from the Miaoling Mountainous Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4862,, 2025.

EGU25-7942 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Enhanced detriment to ecosystem carbon pools by global change factors and herbivory 

Changlin Xu and Biao Zhu

Ecosystem carbon pools are being rapidly transformed by global change factors (GCFs) and trophic interactions within ecosystems. However, despite mounting evidence for the individual impacts of GCFs and herbivores on ecosystem carbon pools, the extent to which these factors interact to transform ecosystem carbon dynamics remains a major uncertainty, impeding efforts to guide ecosystem-based approaches by leveraging trophic managements to climate change adaption. By curating terrestrial and aquatic GCFs and trophic interactions full-factor paired experiments globally (544 paired observations from 121 studies), we revealed that the combined effects of GCFs and herbivores on ecosystem carbon pools were more detrimental than their individual effects, and these synergistic stressors of GCFs and herbivores posited slightly different impacts on vegetation and soil carbon pools, with a more detrimental effect on plant aboveground biomass and microbial biomass carbon. Furthermore, these negative combined effects were amplified in low-latitude regions, and aridity contributed the highest power for explaining the variability in these interactions, suggesting that these effects were more likely to harm ecosystem carbon stocks in regions with higher temperatures or stronger evapotranspiration. Overall, our findings underscore that the interplay between abiotic and biotic stressors can substantially undermine ecosystem carbon sequestration capacity, particularly in already vulnerable regions, calling for a reevaluation of current climate change mitigation strategies to explicitly account for and manage trophic interactions.

How to cite: Xu, C. and Zhu, B.: Enhanced detriment to ecosystem carbon pools by global change factors and herbivory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7942,, 2025.

EGU25-8555 | Posters on site | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Coexistence Dynamics and Behavioral Analysis of Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) in Peri-Urban Forest Ecosystems 

Raul Gheorghe Radu, Mihai Fedorca, Ancuta Fedorca, and Stefan Petrea

Advancements in GPS radiotelemetry have facilitated the collection of extensive data on elusive wildlife species, including brown bears (Ursus arctos), for which direct observations are frequently impractical. Grounded in the premise that individual animals often exhibit temporally consistent behavioral traits, this study investigates habitat use, movement patterns, and resting behaviors of 50 brown bears inhabiting peri-urban forest ecosystems. In total, 61,562 GPS locations were recorded and linked to ecological covariates such as forest type, elevation, slope, land cover, forest biomass, deadwood availability, forest disturbance, and proximity to roads, water, impervious surfaces, and forest edges. The dataset underwent thorough cleaning to remove incomplete and erroneous points, followed by chronological ordering to capture diurnal and seasonal variability. Each location was classified into one of four seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn) and further categorized into diel periods (dawn, day, dusk, night), adjusted according to season.

Movement analyses incorporated diel cycles, seasonal variation, sex, age, and the presence of cubs. Using clustering algorithms, we identified resting clusters and active movement segments at various spatial scales, subsequently quantifying home ranges across demographic groups and time frames. To ensure robust insights, large temporal and spatial gaps were omitted, and continuous trajectories were used to calculate key metrics, including travel time, distance, elevation change, and slope.

Mixed-effects models indicated significant seasonal and diel effects on bear velocity, with faster travel observed in summer and at dusk, and slower movement in winter and during daytime—particularly in higher-elevation and more rugged terrain. Although demographic factors (sex, age, presence of cubs) exerted limited influence on velocity itself, they were associated with variation in home range sizes and resting cluster distribution. By spatially linking GPS data and movement segments to ecological parameters, this investigation provides a comprehensive perspective on the interplay between landscape structure and bear behavior.

Through this integrative approach, our findings show both active and stationary bear behaviors in human-influenced habitats. By identifying critical periods and key habitats for resource acquisition and rest, these results may offer practical insights for conservation efforts and promote coexistence in peri-urban landscapes.

How to cite: Radu, R. G., Fedorca, M., Fedorca, A., and Petrea, S.: Coexistence Dynamics and Behavioral Analysis of Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) in Peri-Urban Forest Ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8555,, 2025.

EGU25-9242 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Closing Biodiversity Monitoring Gaps: A Workflow for Validation and Quality Assessment of Citizen Science Location Data for Amphibian and Reptile Monitoring in Private Gardens  

Anna Iglseder, Christoph Leeb, Florian Danzinger, Claudia Meixner, Dominik Linhard, Christian Lettner, and Markus Hollaus

Worldwide, amphibians and reptiles are among the most threatened animal classes. In Austria, more than half of the 21 amphibian and 15 reptile species are classified as endangered, critically endangered, or at risk of extinction, primarily due to habitat loss and destruction. Close to nature designed and managed gardens can serve as valuable refuges, yet they remain largely unexplored in systematic monitoring. 
The “BIOM-Garten” project leverages citizen science to collect monitoring data from private properties in Austria, which are otherwise inaccessible to conservation scientists, helping to close critical gaps in amphibian and reptile monitoring. Citizen scientists use a browser-based reporting platform to submit data on species occurrence, including location, address, photos, details of sightings, and detailed descriptions of their gardens. However, inaccuracies or ambiguities in user-reported locations can hinder the scientific usability of the data.
To address these issues, we developed a workflow that integrates reported data with OpenStreetMap as well as cadastral and municipal datasets to optimize geolocation and assess data quality. By combining address information, pinned map locations, and image  data of reported species recorded by cameras and mobile phones, we optimize the point location of each entry and assign uncertainty levels and a quality class to ensure scientific accuracy for subsequent environmental modeling.
In the first project year, following the platform's launch in June 2024, we received more than 700 reports. These submissions were successfully processed, geocoded, and classified, showcasing the platform's effectiveness in engaging citizen scientists and generating high-quality research data. Of the valid reported species sightings, 63% could be located at the parcel level, 29% at the municipality level, and 8% of the data had to be discarded due to insufficient localization.

How to cite: Iglseder, A., Leeb, C., Danzinger, F., Meixner, C., Linhard, D., Lettner, C., and Hollaus, M.: Closing Biodiversity Monitoring Gaps: A Workflow for Validation and Quality Assessment of Citizen Science Location Data for Amphibian and Reptile Monitoring in Private Gardens , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9242,, 2025.

EGU25-10337 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Functional responses of oligochaetes and chironomids to restoration-induced changes in connectivity- A case study in the Donau-Auen National Park  

Sonia Steffany Recinos Brizuela, Andrea Funk, Wolfram Graf, Anthony Basooma, and Thomas Hein

Lateral connectivity, as a cornerstone of floodplain ecosystems, shapes hydrogeomorphological features, supports floodplain functions, and initiates new habitat formation processes such as fine sediment and deadwood dynamics. However, anthropogenic activities have increasingly disrupted connectivity in large-river floodplains, leading to terrestrialization processes and significant declines in freshwater biodiversity. Restoration efforts in the Upper Danube River aim to enhance hydrological connectivity within the river-floodplain system to mitigate habitat isolation and terrestrialization. Evaluating the outcomes of these efforts requires understanding the interplay between connectivity, environmental factors, and freshwater biodiversity responses.

Using the available information from a river-floodplain stretch in the Donau-Auen National Park, we compared the responses of oligochaetes and chironomids to side-channel reconnection measures across control and impacted sites before (reference period), in the short term and the long term after restoration. We applied a Before-After x Control-Impact (BACI) design to analyse the direct effect of restoration-induced habitat changes on the taxonomic and functional composition and diversity of these indicator groups. A graph theoretical approach followed by applying Partial Least Squares Regressions was used to determine the overall effect of connectivity change on the functional diversity of the indicator groups.

The BACI analysis revealed the positive effects of restoration on oligochaete taxonomic and functional diversity. However, we observed that terrestrialization processes dominate over the long term, outweighing the impacts of restoration. Variations in species traits such as longitudinal zonation, body size, dispersal strategy, drift propensity, and adult lifespan showed short-term restoration effects for both groups, returning to pre-restoration conditions in the long term. For oligochaete functional diversity, connectivity was influential shortly after restoration, while environmental factors became more significant over time.

Our findings underscore the importance of incorporating functional trait responses into restoration assessments to inform the management of protected areas. We highlight the need for restoration measures to refine strategies that enhance floodplain connectivity in the long term to ensure lasting effects on aquatic biota and recommend continuous monitoring to understand better the role of connectivity in influencing ecological processes and their cascading effects on freshwater communities.


This research acknowledged support from the EU Projects i-CONN’ H 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (grant agreement number 859937), DANSER (grant agreement No 101157942), H2020 MERLIN (grant agreement No 101036337), HEU DANUBE4ALL project (grant agreement no. 101093985), and AquaINFRA (grant No 101094434). Furthermore, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and the Christian

How to cite: Recinos Brizuela, S. S., Funk, A., Graf, W., Basooma, A., and Hein, T.: Functional responses of oligochaetes and chironomids to restoration-induced changes in connectivity- A case study in the Donau-Auen National Park , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10337,, 2025.

EGU25-11704 | Posters on site | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Modeling the effects of rewilding on soil carbon dynamics and greenhouse gas mitigation in Europe 

Yue Cheng, Jeppe A. Kristensen, Liza Le Roux, Frederik N. Philipsen, Joanne O’ Keeffe, Klaus S. Larsen, Carsten W. Müller, Jesper R. Christiansen, and Lars Vesterdal

Rewilding has emerged as a transformative restoration approach, promoting ecosystem self-regulation by restoring key processes like trophic complexity and reducing human influence. As a nature-based solution, rewilding plays a vital role in both climate adaptation and mitigation, offering pathways to address challenges like biodiversity loss and carbon sequestration. Trophic rewilding, in particular, focuses on reintroducing keystone species such as large herbivores to restore ecosystem functionality. While rewilding's impacts on biodiversity and aboveground carbon dynamics are increasingly documented, its influence on soil carbon storage—particularly the underlying dynamics—remains poorly understood. Large herbivores can influence soil carbon both directly and indirectly through mechanisms such as trampling, defoliation, and defecation. Trampling alters soil bulk density and porosity, affecting soil aeration and microbial activity. Defoliation simulates biomass removal, redistributing aboveground carbon inputs to the soil. Defecation contributes to nutrient cycling and modifies the C/N ratio in soils. Despite observational studies, laboratory experiments, and meta-analyses pointing to these mechanisms, there is a lack of comprehensive modeling frameworks to capture their cumulative effects on soil carbon dynamics.

Here we used LPJ-GUESS, a dynamic vegetation model (DGVM), to simulate rewilding scenarios across Europe, from single points to regions. The point estimates are based on data from sites in Poland and Denmark; the Białowieża Forest (BIA) in Eastern Poland, one of Europe's last lowland primeval forests, where 23 years of herbivore exclusion has allowed undisturbed regeneration within fenced areas, and the Mols Laboratory (ML), a former agricultural landscape in Denmark rewilded since 2016. These sites represent two stages of a ‘Northern European rewilding trajectory’: BIA as a late-successional system, and ML as a system in a state of early secondary succession. Preliminary results indicate that the model performs well in simulating single-point scenarios of passive rewilding and realistic land-use and land-cover changes (LUCC). Comparisons with global MODIS and FLUXNET-derived daily GPP data yield R² values of 0.86 for Białowieża and 0.84 for Mols.

Building on this, we aim to enhance LPJ-GUESS by representing animal-driven processes such as trampling, defoliation, and defecation in the model, to compare the impact of trophic (animal introductions) and passive rewilding (land abandonment), continued agriculture, and traditional grassland nature management (mowing) on carbon dynamics. Future work will explore the regional impacts of large herbivores on soil carbon dynamics and greenhouse gas fluxes through advanced modeling and field data integration. This research will contribute to understanding the role of large herbivores in ecosystem restoration and carbon cycling, supporting the emerging discipline of zoogeoscience.

How to cite: Cheng, Y., Kristensen, J. A., Roux, L. L., Philipsen, F. N., Keeffe, J. O., Larsen, K. S., Müller, C. W., Christiansen, J. R., and Vesterdal, L.: Modeling the effects of rewilding on soil carbon dynamics and greenhouse gas mitigation in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11704,, 2025.

EGU25-11846 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.7/BG0.6

To graze or not to graze: comparing soil carbon and nitrogen storage and cycling under trophic rewilding, passive rewilding and conservation mowing  

Joanne O'Keeffe, Aidan Ovesen, Frederik N. Philipsen, Jesper R. Christiansen, Klaus S. Larsen, Sebastian K. Rojas, Yamina Micaela Rosas, Troels Munck, Jeppe A. Kristensen, Liza Le Roux, Yue Cheng, Carsten W. Mueller, and Lars Vesterdal

Rewilding has emerged as a prominent ecological restoration approach in recent decades. It is aimed at restoring natural processes, improving ecosystem functioning, and enhancing biodiversity with minimal human interference necessitated. Different approaches to rewilding exist, including trophic and passive rewilding. Trophic rewilding involves the active introduction of species, most often large herbivores. The latter approach involves passive management with minimal human interference. Being a nascent strategy available to ecosystem managers, comparative empirical research in the context of rewilding is lacking, especially relating to soil functions like carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling and storage.

In this study, we investigated whether the choice of trophic versus passive rewilding had an impact on the quantity and cycling of C and N stored in soils. Additionally, we compared these two approaches to annual mowing and removal of biomass, a typical conservation management strategy for grasslands.

Permanently fenced passive rewilding and conservation mowing plots were established within a trophic rewilding project at Mols Bjerge, Denmark in spring 2017. Plots delineated adjacent to these represented trophic rewilding. Exmoor ponies and Galloway cattle were introduced the previous year and continue to freely roam the 120 ha site with minimal human intervention. The area has previously been used for sheep and cattle grazing research, primarily on aboveground biodiversity. In August 2024, we collected soil samples from three layers (0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, and 10-20 cm; n = 216) in each treatment replicated at 8 locations within the study site. Additional topsoil (0-5 cm; n=72) samples were retrieved from each plot for analyses of microbial activity.

Bulk density, organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), and pH were determined in samples from all depths. Microbial biomass C and N, respiration, microbial activity and diversity, and net N mineralization rates were analysed in the topsoil samples. Based on preliminary results, trophic rewilding was characterised by the largest stocks of C and N to 20 cm with mean values of 3.62 kg m-2 and 0.27 kg m-2, respectively. Passive rewilding and conservation mowing resulted in mean C stock values 11% and 19% lower compared to trophic rewilding, with similar results for N stocks. In contrast, soil C/N ratios were significantly higher under conservation mowing compared to the rewilding treatments. The lowest levels of microbial biomass C, specific (normalised for OC content) C mineralization, and net N mineralization were associated with trophic rewilding, suggesting that nutrient turnover rates are comparatively suppressed. EcoPlate™ results similarly showed reduced microbial activity, as well as diversity, under trophic rewilding with significantly higher results under mowing. These results demonstrate that the decision to include or exclude animals in land management strategies can have a consequential impact on C and N storage and the driving processes related to their cycling in soil. Therefore, this decision should be considered carefully in land management policy development.

How to cite: O'Keeffe, J., Ovesen, A., Philipsen, F. N., Christiansen, J. R., Larsen, K. S., Rojas, S. K., Rosas, Y. M., Munck, T., Kristensen, J. A., Le Roux, L., Cheng, Y., Mueller, C. W., and Vesterdal, L.: To graze or not to graze: comparing soil carbon and nitrogen storage and cycling under trophic rewilding, passive rewilding and conservation mowing , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11846,, 2025.

EGU25-12447 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Herbivory-induced alteration of ecosystem biogeochemistry: the case of domestic sheep herbivory in the Norwegian mountains  

George Furey, Gunnar Austrheim, Line Tau Strand, Jan Mulder, James Speed, and Vegard Martinsen

Herbivory can have a major impact on the stocks and fluxes of elements in an ecosystem. As herbivores forage for limiting nutrients, the preferential consumption of certain plants over others shifts plant community composition. The well-defended plants that can resist herbivory have specialized traits often leading to lower quality litter that is slow to decompose. The dominance of well-defended species promotes a greater quantity of low-quality litter to enter the soil which then can slow the mineralization of limiting elements. When soil fertility is low, increased dominance of well-defended plant species can slow nutrient cycling leading to an herbivory-induced deceleration of ecosystem biogeochemistry. Here we present results from a 23-year fencing experiment in the south-western mountains of Norway that compares the effect of high density grazing with the effect of excluding domestic sheep. We complement the experiment with a series of natural and human-created islands in two hydroelectric reservoirs that have excluded sheep-grazing for at least sixty years and therefore can serve as a natural control. The low-alpine site (~850–1050 m) is characterized by a wet oceanic climate with a nutrient-poor granitic parent material creating a mixture of sandy soils of histosols, gleysols and podzols often with moist, deep, and acidic O-horizons.

We discovered that herbivory impacted both the plant community and ecosystem biogeochemistry in the stocks, concentrations, and ratios of silicon (Si) and phosphorus (P) in plants and soils. Our results demonstrate that sheep herbivory was associated with the dominance of herbivory-resistant grass Nardus stricta while the ungrazed islands harbored herbivory-susceptible grasses and forbs such as Deschampsia flexuosa and Solidago rigida. N. stricta was found to have low quality plant leaves with a high Si to P ratio (Si:P). Its dominance scales this high Si:P stoichiometry to the bulk aboveground plant biomass leading to a higher stock of Si under mainland herbivory compared to the island control. In comparison, the island vegetation was found to be relatively enriched in P. There were no treatment differences in the Si:P ratio between the mainland fencing treatment. N. stricta remained dominant inside many fences, suggestive of negative feedback towards the high-grazing state; however, one site transitioned to low Si:P ratio plant biomass with high D. flexuosa abundance and was classified with the islands. The present case suggests a mechanism of plant-soil-herbivory interactions where herbivory, through increasing dominance of a well-defended plant species, impacts ecosystem biogeochemistry via Si and P. Our empirical results inform theory on the role of herbivores in generating stabilizing negative feedback among ecosystem states that can aid to scale and implicate zoogeochemistry into Earth system models. We will discuss our results in the context of theory that describes herbivory-induced deceleration of ecosystem nutrient cycling. A deep understanding of herbivory-induced plant-soil feedbacks, expanded to include the stoichiometry of elements beyond carbon and nitrogen, is essential for efforts to model animals in the Earth system.   

How to cite: Furey, G., Austrheim, G., Tau Strand, L., Mulder, J., Speed, J., and Martinsen, V.: Herbivory-induced alteration of ecosystem biogeochemistry: the case of domestic sheep herbivory in the Norwegian mountains , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12447,, 2025.

Evaluating how land cover is being transformed is essential to identify patterns necessary to infer the change trajectories and the driving factors. This study considers the case of Nigeria, where various natural ecosystems are being converted and for which a current national scale assessment at high spatial resolution is lacking. Producing 30 m Landsat-based time-series data, we analyze change among land cover types (i.e. tree-covered area, grassland, wetland, waterbody, cropland, artificial surface, and otherland) across seven agroecological zones. The annual change intensity was assessed at multi-levels across three time-intervals (i.e. 1986-2000, 2000–2013, 2013–2022). Distinguishing between natural land cover and human activity-related land-use, we estimate the extent of change signifying how humans have appropriated natural land cover (HANLC) over almost four decades. Focusing on major processes of observed change patterns, transitions between categories were aggregated into three HANLC classes for each time point (i.e. 1986, 2000, 2013, 2022). The HANLC classes are: 1) Cropland expansion, 2) Settlement and infrastructure development (SID), and 3) Natural regeneration and afforestation (NRA) comprising areas of NLC recovery. The first and second classes are areas where HLU expanded into NLCs. We then estimated the extent and changes of HANLC during the three time-intervals. The latter formed the basis for identifying the drivers and processes underlying the observed HANLC changes across AEZ and at the national level.

Insights from analysis at the interval level reveal that land transformation accelerated from 2.7% yr−1 during 1986 – 2000 to 3.3% yr−1 during 2000 – 2013 and peaked at 4.5% yr−1 during 2013 – 2022 in all agroecological zones (e.g. rainforest, mangrove), except in Sudan savannah and Sahel savannah where speed was higher in 2000–2013 as grasslands were increasingly cultivated. Cropland expanded almost two-fold (22% to 37%), whereas tree-cover declined from 50% to 31% and wetland from 7% to 3.7% over the 23 years. Much loss of natural land cover (e.g. tree-cover, grassland, and wetland) to cropland occurred in 2000–2013 (22%) when most irrigation schemes in Nigeria were established. In contrast, the loss of mostly natural land cover to settlement (0.6%) during 1986 – 2000 increased to 0.9% in 2000–2013 and to 2.0% in 2013–2022. Of all agroecological zones, the mangrove zone was most disturbed as its persisting land cover areas reduced from about 80% during 1986 – 2000 to 69% in 2000–2013 and to 5% in 2013–2022. The amount of persisting land cover increased in the Sudan savannah at 16% in 1986 – 2000, 44% in 2000–2013 and 49% in 2013–2022. Processes of human-appropriated natural land cover in Nigeria are related to urbanization and cropland expansion into natural areas with some instances of natural regeneration, especially in croplands and abandoned settlement areas. Studies to identify measures to halt the high rate of conversion of natural land covers to croplands are thus needed.

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How to cite: Akinyemi, F. O. and Ifejika Speranza, C.: Human-appropriated natural land cover in Nigeria are related to urbanization and cropland expansion from 1986 to 2022, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13362,, 2025.

Yak dung is an input to the carbon (C) and nutrient cycles that maintain ecosystem functions on the Tibetan Plateau. Yak dung is C and nutrient-rich excreta that is conducive to the growth and metabolic activities of bacterial communities, thus predicting that more bacterial than fungal processes are responsible for the degradation of yak dung. A three-year yak dung degradation experiment in a yak-grazing alpine rangeland was designed to investigate the changes in dung moisture content, chemical and enzymatic properties, and bacterial and fungal communities during degradation, as well as to explore how these parameters may regulate the degradation of yak dung. After three years of decomposition, yak dung had a 79 % reduction in mass, and most of the mass loss occurred within the first 2 years. Cellulosic polymers, especially cellulose and hemicellulose, determined the rate of yak dung degradation. The main changes in dung bacterial communities occurred during the first 2 years of degradation, largely related to changes in moisture and available substrates (e.g., dissolved organic C, dissolved organic nitrogen (N), ammonium, nitrate, and available phosphorus). In contrast, dung fungal communities did not change until 1.5–3 years of degradation, in response to the total substrates (e.g., total C and N). The relative abundances of ProteobacteriaBacteroidotaFirmicutesBasidiomycota, and Ascomycota, and the activities of endo-cellulases, exo-cellulases, β-1,4-glucosidase, and β-1,4-xylosidase, which were associated with cellulose and hemicellulose degradation, decreased during decomposition. The relative abundances of Actinobacteria, and activities of peroxidases and polyphenol oxidase were positively correlated with dung lignin content. Structural equation modeling suggested that degradation of lignocellulose in dung was mainly the consequence of bacterial community activities. Additionally, moisture was the most important abiotic factor influencing lignocellulose degradation, as it can directly affect dung substrate availability, and ultimately bacterial communities and associated enzyme activities. As the microbial degradation of lignocellulose in yak dung is strongly related to moisture, any change to the rainfall pattern in the future is expected to influence yak dung degradation in this alpine region.

How to cite: Jiao, Y. and Zhang, Z.: The Impact of Yak Dung Deposition on Litter Decomposition and Multi-Nutrient Cycling in Grassland Ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13489,, 2025.

EGU25-14859 | Orals | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Macrofaunal diversity in high-bottom current environments at the Vesturdjúp Seamounts (Northern Irminger Sea, Iceland) 

Nico Augustin, Jan Oliver Eisermann, Linus Budke, David Thor Odinsson, Froukje M. van der Zwan, Evelyn R. Garcia Paredes, Viktoria Strizek, Mikołaj Prejc, Christian Hübscher, and Dominik Palgan

The Vesturdjúp Basin is located at the northeastern edge of the Irminger Sea, bordered by southern Greenland to the west, the Denmark Strait and Iceland to the north, and the Reykjanes Ridge to the east. To the south, it opens into the North Atlantic Ocean. The basin’s bathymetry is characterized by large sediment rafts shaped by intense bottom-water currents, a distinctive ocean floor fabric, and numerous cone-shaped volcanoes1. In the summer of 2024, Meteor Expedition M201 explored the seamounts of the Vesturdjúp Basin1. In addition to a comprehensive geological sampling and geophysical program, all studied volcanoes were surveyed using a towed camera system (OFOS – Ocean Floor Observation System). A total of 21 dives were conducted, covering 24.3 km of seafloor and resulting in over 65,000 still images and 38 hours of video footage. Observations revealed that lithified sediments and some manganese crusts extensively cover the seamounts of the Vesturdjúp Basin, with occasional rocky outcrops accompanied by abundant talus material and drop stones. No evidence of recent lava was detected. However, the seamounts host diverse and vibrant ecosystems that vary with depth and, more notably, with current exposure. While some seamounts show sparse macrofaunal presence, many are rich in species, such as sea pens, corals, diverse sponges, crinoids, crustaceans, octopods, and fish. This study presents the faunal diversity of the Vesturdjúp Basin seamounts, highlighting how species distribution and abundance appear to be more influenced by current dynamics and sedimentation patterns - particularly south of the Denmark Strait in the northern Irminger Sea - than by the geological features of the volcanoes.

1Augustin, N.,  Palgan, D., Hübscher, C.P., van der Zwan, F.M., et al., (2024) Volcanism in the Vesturdjúp Basin - Flank Igneous System or Intraplate Volcanism Off-Shore Western Iceland, Cruise No. M201, 09. June - 18. July 2024, Reykjavik (Iceland) - Praia da Vitoria (Azores, Portugal), METEOR-Berichte, M201, 1-91,

How to cite: Augustin, N., Eisermann, J. O., Budke, L., Odinsson, D. T., van der Zwan, F. M., Garcia Paredes, E. R., Strizek, V., Prejc, M., Hübscher, C., and Palgan, D.: Macrofaunal diversity in high-bottom current environments at the Vesturdjúp Seamounts (Northern Irminger Sea, Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14859,, 2025.

EGU25-16310 | Posters on site | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Aboveground Vegetation and Soil Fauna Activity - Land Use effects on Soil Biodiversity 

Oren Shelef, Zenawi Tadesse, Jonathan Fireman, Roza Belayneh, and Moshe Coll

Soil fauna, particularly its microarthropod content, is key to soil functioning. However, the interactions of agricultural practices and the functioning of its soil biodiversity are not fully understood. We evaluated how vegetation cover affects microarthropod diversity in three Mediterranean agroecosystems - almond and olive orchards and a vineyard in Israel. Soil samples were collected from vegetated and non-vegetated areas and analyzed using the Soil Biological Quality method (QBS-ar). Higher QBS-ar, higher microarthropod richness, and distinct assemblage composition were measured in vegetated soils compared to soils without vegetation. Acari, Collembola, Diplura, Coleoptera, Chilopoda, and Symphyla were identified by indicator value analysis as biological indicators of vegetation cover. These findings highlight the positive impact of vegetation cover on soil biodiversity in agroecosystems, which is likely to support ecosystem services. Such research can aid Mediterranean farmers, land managers, and policymakers develop sustainable soil management practices that balance biodiversity conservation with agricultural productivity. Developing soil fauna bioindicators and indexes can be essential to monitoring soil status. Such monitoring tools can support establishing solid scientific knowledge to inform practitioners and policymakers on how to implement sustainable management solutions.

How to cite: Shelef, O., Tadesse, Z., Fireman, J., Belayneh, R., and Coll, M.: Aboveground Vegetation and Soil Fauna Activity - Land Use effects on Soil Biodiversity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16310,, 2025.

EGU25-17028 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Large herbivores as geomorphic agents: insights from a systematic review and meta-analysis  

Grace Moore, Gemma Harvey, Tim Newbold, and Alex Henshaw

Large herbivores acting as ‘ecosystem engineers’ (e.g. pigs, deer, cattle, bison, ponies) have diverse effects on geophysical and ecological systems and are increasingly being incorporated in landscape restoration and rewilding projects through species (re)introductions. Through their physical behaviours such as trampling, grazing, wallowing and rootling, large herbivores can alter soil properties, vegetation structure and hydrological processes, contributing to landscape-scale changes. Despite their growing inclusion in rewilding projects, particularly in temperate regions, the geomorphic impacts of large herbivores remain poorly understood.

This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to synthesise the evidence base on the geomorphic impacts of large herbivores in rewilding and other environmental settings and identify the nature and magnitude of their impacts. Using systematic searches of Scopus and Web of Knowledge, 13,733 studies were initially identified and screened down to 461 studies for full-text review. Studies meeting key inclusion criteria (terrestrial environments, temperate biomes, relevant to rewilding settings) were retained for synthesis and meta-analysis of effect sizes.  The presentation will explore the evidence base in terms of geographic distribution of studies across species, ecosystems and countries and identify key gaps.  Through meta-analysis of effect sizes, it will explore the directionality and magnitude of large herbivore effects on key geomorphic processes across a range of environments relevant to rewilding. These findings provide new insights into the role of animals in shaping ecosystems.

How to cite: Moore, G., Harvey, G., Newbold, T., and Henshaw, A.: Large herbivores as geomorphic agents: insights from a systematic review and meta-analysis , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17028,, 2025.

EGU25-17711 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Effects of different nature management strategies on soil GHG fluxes: Trophic rewilding, passive rewilding and mowing 

Frederik N. Philipsen, Joanne O'Keeffe, Klaus S. Larsen, Jeppe A. Kristensen, Elizabeth Le Roux, Yue Cheng, Carsten W. Müller, Lars Vesterdal, and Jesper R. Christiansen

Nature-based solutions to climate change, e.g. restoring ecosystem processes that translocate GHG from the atmosphere to biomass, are recognized as cost-effective methods to simultaneously mitigate climate change and reverse ecosystem degradation. The importance of large ungulates as part of nature-based solutions has been emphasized due to their critical role in maintaining and improving diversity in ecosystems, while the extent of large ungulate-mediated effects on radiative forcing and greenhouse gas balance is unclear due to lack of observations and apparent context-dependencies across biomes. We particularly lack direct measurements of large ungulate-mediated feedbacks on soil GHG fluxes despite their substantial influence on atmospheric concentrations of GHG’s. Large ungulates shape their environments e.g. via biomass consumption, alteration and redistribution, seed dispersal and trampling, affecting plant diversity and productivity as well as soil physicochemical conditions. Together, these impacts may govern the direction and magnitude of soil GHG fluxes.

Here, we present a study conducted in a Danish rewilding area, where cattle and horses were released for year-round grazing in 2016. Within the 120 ha area, we studied eight fenced experimental blocks located in common broom (Cytisus scoparius) dominated shrublands on well-drained sandy soils. We aimed to detect effects of three treatments resembling possible nature management strategies: Trophic rewilding (large ungulate presence) passive rewilding (large ungulate absence) and annual mowing (traditional nature management) on soil GHG fluxes. We were particularly interested in identifying the ungulate-mediated effects on soil physicochemical parameters that drive soil GHG fluxes. Our experimental approach included both chamber measurements in the field and laboratory incubations of intact soil cores. During both types of campaigns, we measured fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O. To elucidate mechanistic relationships, we also measured soil parameters related to physical structure, soil C & N concentrations, and N mineralization rates.

Initial results from our incubation experiment suggest that trophic rewilding increased soil respiration, which is in contrast to field measurements that showed higher respiration rates from passive rewilding plots. The former result may be attributed to higher soil C concentrations under trophic rewilding, and the latter to greater autotrophic respiration under passive rewilding. Conversely, CH4 uptake rates and N2O emissions were reduced under trophic rewilding, which could partially be explained by changes soil structure and nitrification rates. Annual mowing management exhibited similar responses in CO2 and CH4 fluxes to trophic rewilding, while the production of N2O was substantially reduced compared to the other management types. Our study demonstrates that introducing large ungulates in nature management may influence soil GHG fluxes, highlighting their role in soil biogeochemical processes and nature-based climate solutions.

How to cite: Philipsen, F. N., O'Keeffe, J., Larsen, K. S., Kristensen, J. A., Le Roux, E., Cheng, Y., Müller, C. W., Vesterdal, L., and Christiansen, J. R.: Effects of different nature management strategies on soil GHG fluxes: Trophic rewilding, passive rewilding and mowing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17711,, 2025.

EGU25-17877 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.7/BG0.6

From Fields to Flora: Decoding Historical Land-Use Intensification and Its Impact on Danish Plant Biodiversity 

Nele Lohrum, Anne-Cathrine Storgaard Danielsen, Morten Graversgaard, Signe Normand, and Tommy Dalgaard

Biodiversity degradation in intensive agricultural landscapes has been a pressing issue, as agricultural systems cover a significant portion of land and greatly influence habitats crucial for species diversity. Understanding the impact of historical agricultural land use on recent biodiversity is essential to uncovering legacy effects and developing strategies for ecological restoration and long-term sustainability. Plant diversity is critical for maintaining ecosystem functionality, enhancing resilience, and supporting sustainable agriculture. However, the extent to which agricultural intensification has impacted biodiversity remains poorly quantified. This study investigates how historical land-use changes have influenced biodiversity in Denmark by combining historical land-use data with records from Flora Danica, a comprehensive dataset documenting the occurrence and distribution of Danish plants. By analysing spatial and temporal patterns, we aim to address the effect of agricultural intensification and land-use changes on recent biodiversity patterns or biodiversity richness.
The research explores the legacy effects of historical agricultural land use at selected hotspots of change and how these insights can inform sustainable future management practices and biodiversity restoration. Our approach provides a unique opportunity to link historical developments with present-day biodiversity richness – or poorness offering valuable knowledge on the timeframes of degradation and potential restoration. These findings are crucial for addressing contemporary challenges in biodiversity conservation and sustainability. This study emphasises the importance of historical perspectives in ecological research and highlights the need for integrative approaches to safeguard biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.

How to cite: Lohrum, N., Storgaard Danielsen, A.-C., Graversgaard, M., Normand, S., and Dalgaard, T.: From Fields to Flora: Decoding Historical Land-Use Intensification and Its Impact on Danish Plant Biodiversity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17877,, 2025.

EGU25-20230 | Posters on site | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Assessing the Impact of Anthropogenic Seismic Activity on Wildlife in Protected Areas 

Lara Boudinot, Thomas Lecocq, Feras Almasri, Paula Koelemeijer, Robert Montgomery, and Beth Mortimer

Globally, the encroachment of human activities on protected areas is accelerating, posing new challenges for biodiversity conservation. As the United Nations’ 2030 goal of protecting 30% of the planet's landmass for nature draws closer, understanding the lesser-known dimensions of human disturbances becomes critical. Anthropogenic seismic noise, such as that produced by mining, oil drilling, and heavy infrastructure development, represents a largely unexplored but potentially substantial threat to sensitive ecosystems. Recent studies have revealed that large mammals, including elephants, are sensitive to seismic waves, detecting seismic signals and potentially using them for long-distance communication.

This research explores the interplay between seismology and conservation biology by investigating the impact of seismic noise from extractive operations on wildlife spatial behavior and habitat use in Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda. Using seismometers, camera traps, and machine learning models, this study uncovers correlations between seismic activity patterns and shifts in large mammal movements. The findings highlight how seismic disturbances propagate into wildlife behavior, contributing to an emerging understanding of how human activities affect ecosystems beyond visible or audible dimensions. By bridging the fields of geophysics and biodiversity conservation, this research underscores the need for holistic environmental impact assessments in protected areas and provides a foundation for mitigating seismic noise effects on biodiversity.


How to cite: Boudinot, L., Lecocq, T., Almasri, F., Koelemeijer, P., Montgomery, R., and Mortimer, B.: Assessing the Impact of Anthropogenic Seismic Activity on Wildlife in Protected Areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20230,, 2025.

EGU25-20330 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.7/BG0.6

Post-gypsum mining landscapes in Germany - Unveiling Biodiversity  

Saskia Knispel de Acosta

In light of European and international mandates to protect natural areas for biodiversity conservation, unused or abandoned areas are increasingly recognized as valuable resources. This study investigates the botanical and structural diversity of mining areas and surrounding landscapes across four major gypsum mining regions in Germany. Over the course of a year, we analysed 66 study transects across 24 mining sites, categorizing them based on their structure and usage. Our results indicate that vascular plant diversity in restored post-mining landscapes is significantly higher than in the surrounding undisturbed areas. This research underscores the importance of these disturbed landscapes for Red List species and the potential of recovering gypsum-mining sites in Germany to protect biodiversity. Furthermore, our findings highlight the critical role of management strategies, with particular emphasis on renaturation and recultivation as effective techniques to enhance the nature conservation value of abandoned sites.

The study also reveals the significant influence of management interventions on the ecological development of these landscapes. Renaturation, involving the restoration of natural habitats, was found to be more beneficial for biodiversity than recultivation, which often involves returning areas to agricultural or forestry use. We advocate for long-term management plans in renaturation areas, as these are essential for sustaining species diversity, particularly for areas undergoing ecological succession. Regular mechanical disturbance, applied in a mosaic pattern every 3–5 years using methods such as grazing, brush cutting, or heavy tillage, can further improve biodiversity outcomes. Additionally, after mining activities cease, the creation of a diverse range of landscape structures—such as steep walls, shallow water areas, rubble piles, and stone slabs—can support a variety of species.

This study contributes to our understanding of the potential for post-mining landscapes to serve as important habitats for biodiversity conservation. It also provides practical recommendations for nature conservation organizations, municipalities, and the mining industry. By fostering partnerships and implementing long-term renaturation concepts, we can improve the ecological restoration of mining areas and ensure their role in biodiversity protection.

Keywords: gypsum mining, biodiversity, time-for-space concept, disturbance ecology, post-mining landscapes, nature conservation, Red List species, ecological restoration

Implications for Practice:
The trends observed in renatured and recultivated areas have significant implications for future management plans, particularly those aimed at preserving and promoting floristic and faunal biodiversity. We recommend:

  • Long-term management plans are crucial for renaturation areas but not strictly necessary for recultivated sites.
  • Regular mechanical disturbance should be applied in a mosaic pattern every 3–5 years.
  • A variety of landscape structures should be created after the dismantling of extraction sites.
  • Renaturation is preferable to recultivation for biodiversity development

How to cite: Knispel de Acosta, S.: Post-gypsum mining landscapes in Germany - Unveiling Biodiversity , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20330,, 2025.

EGU25-197 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Land-cover changes in mountain areas increasing fatalities from landslides: A Global Perspective 

Seckin Fidan, Tolga Gorum, Abdullah Akbas, Bikem Ekberzade, and Ugur Ozturk

Landslides are one of the most devastating geohazards that cause substantial loss of life and socio-economic damage in mountainous areas worldwide every year. Landslides are becoming more common due to increased anthropogenic disturbance, threatening sustainable development in mountainous environments. Population pressure and associated land cover changes are expected to increase the frequency and impacts of landslides. However, only a small number of studies have investigated this on a global scale. Here, we examine the interactions between land cover change, population change, landslide, and landslide fatalities across mountain areas of 46 countries based on income level. We calculate a ~60-year-long land cover change and a 45-year-long population change rate and create linear regression models to assess their relationship with landslides and landslide fatalities. Our results show that there is a significant relationship between land cover and population changes in mountainous areas. Also, land cover change in lower-middle and low-income countries, where the degree of change and human intervention is notably higher, occurs at a greater rate and intensity compared to other income groups. Furthermore, our findings indicate that landslide and fatalities density increase substantially as land cover change increases, again in lower-middle and low-income countries. This observation points toward change in land cover as a critical factor in landscape dynamics and highlights human pressure as a pre-conditioning/triggering factor for fatal landslides. Consequently, the high spatial overlap between fatal landslides and land cover change highlights critical areas where it is essential to prioritize landslide mitigation measures to protect vulnerable mountain environments and maintain resilient societies, particularly in lower-middle and low-income countries.

How to cite: Fidan, S., Gorum, T., Akbas, A., Ekberzade, B., and Ozturk, U.: Land-cover changes in mountain areas increasing fatalities from landslides: A Global Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-197,, 2025.

EGU25-8744 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Analysis of changes in land cover in the Kyrgyz Republic using remote sensing data. 

Koisun Darylkan kyzy, Kobogon Atyshov, and Lukas Lehnert

Accurate information about land cover is essential for scientific research, monitoring, and reporting to achieve sustainable development in a region. In the mountainous areas of the Kyrgyz Republic, land cover changed heavily due to anthropogenic activities over the past years. Remote sensing is one of the key methods for monitoring such changes, because there is a lack of data due to its remoteness and harsh environmental conditions. The purpose of this study is to analyze changes in land cover in the Kyrgyz Republic using remote sensing data. In this study, we use a series of Sentinel-2 images with high spatial resolution over time of land cover to create a set of annual maps from 2017 to 2024 for all nature protection territories of the Kyrgyz Republic, which are listed in the IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature). These data sets allow us to analyze the development of trends in land cover changes in the studied territories since 2017 with high spatial and temporal detail. An analysis of land cover changes will be carried out, paying special attention to anthropogenic changes (as well as changes in glaciers, glacial lakes, etc.). Since land use and land cover (LULC) have changed dramatically due to anthropogenic activities, especially in places where the tourist infrastructure is developed and the flow of tourists is significant. These data provide valuable information on vegetation growth, deforestation and land degradation, which are essential for effective environmental management and sustainable development of the Kyrgyz Republic.

How to cite: Darylkan kyzy, K., Atyshov, K., and Lehnert, L.: Analysis of changes in land cover in the Kyrgyz Republic using remote sensing data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8744,, 2025.

EGU25-10608 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Framework for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies in Mountain Environments 

Chiara Guarnieri, Sofia Koliopoulos, Paolo Pogliotti, Daria Ferraris, Gianluca Filippa, Federico Tagliaferro, Luca Mondardini, Fabrizio Sapone, and Marta Galvagno

Climate change has profound impacts on mountain ecosystems, making it imperative for local authorities to implement effective mitigation and adaptation strategies in order to improve the resilience of these important environments. In the Aosta Valley (Western Italian Alps) region, composed by mountainous terrain for 100% of its territory, regional and local stakeholders are actively committed to address climate change challenges. However, the complexity of the mountainous landscape, combined with the socio-economic needs of local communities, creates unique difficulties in defining and implementing policies that effectively address both environmental and societal resilience.

In this work we present the coordinated framework developed by the Aosta Valley Region to integrate mitigation, adaptation, and sustainability measures. Key policy initiatives include a status quo of climate change in Aosta Valley (Rapport Climat), a road map for mitigation at 2040 (Fossil Fuel Free), adaptation (Regional Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation (SRACC)) and sustainability policies (Regional Strategy for Sustainable Development (SRSVS)), and lately the Regional Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (PRACC). This framework provides pathways to find innovative solutions including the active participation of scientists, stakeholders and citizens. Notably, the SRACC and PRACC policies are based on an interdisciplinary approach, focusing on specific actions that needed to be implemented in a short- or long-term vision for several socio-economic sectors. These documents also address cross-cutting challenges to define the priority efforts.

In this context, the European Project Agile Arvier, especially through the Green Lab, aims to strengthen science-based polices communication to raise awareness and actively involve the population to foster the capacity to implement effective solutions in the mountains. The communication strategy will be oriented in positive terms, transmitting adaptation tools, focusing on the potential of the territory, thus enabling mountain communities to adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change while achieving long-term sustainability.

These coordinated efforts underscore the importance of integrating scientific knowledge, policy frameworks, and societal engagement to address the complex challenges of climate change in mountain environments.

How to cite: Guarnieri, C., Koliopoulos, S., Pogliotti, P., Ferraris, D., Filippa, G., Tagliaferro, F., Mondardini, L., Sapone, F., and Galvagno, M.: Framework for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies in Mountain Environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10608,, 2025.

The Cenozoic intensive uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and its northeastward expansion have had an important impact on the tectonic evolution, landform changes, and atmospheric circulation in the Asian interior. However the plateau uplift process is controversial, especially when did the initial time of the deformation on the northeastern plateau. The Cenozoic deposits in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau provide an ideal record for understanding the uplift and the geomorphic evolution in NW China. In this study, we measured U-Pb age spectra of detrital zircons collected from sand layers within the borehole WW-01 from the Wuwei Basin in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, which ages of sand layer in the borehole WW-01 ranges from 10.34-0.09 Ma. Based on the long-term source variations of provenance of sands in the Wuwei Basin, combined with the existing structural and sedimentological data, our work reveals the Cenozoic uplift and geomorphic process of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Our results indicate that: (1) The dominant provenance of sediments in the Wuwei Basin was derived from Qilianshan Orogenic Belt (QOB) at 10.34-9.51 Ma, 8.18 Ma, 2.02-0.09 Ma, and the Alxa Block (AB) at 8.69 Ma and 8.14-4.51 Ma. (2) The two dominant provenance area transitions at 9.51-8.69 Ma and 8.18-8.14 Ma were controlled by the closely related to the pre-existing landforms of the basin and its periphery. And the two provenance transitions of 8.69-8.18 Ma and 4.51-2.02 Ma were prevailing in the uplift of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. (3) Provenance analysis, integrated with the sedimentary and structural analysis, shows that the initial uplift of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau in the Cenozoic was ca. 8.25 Ma, and the last uplift occurred at ca. 2.58 Ma, corresponding to the geomorphological formation of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau.

Keywords: Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, Wuwei Basin, geomorphic evolution, uplift, Zircon U-Pb age, provenance analysis

How to cite: Shi, W., Dong, S., and Zhao, Z.: Late Cenozoic Geomorphic process in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from U-Pb age spectra of detrital zircons in the Wuwei Basin, NW China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10949,, 2025.

EGU25-11060 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Predicting bankfull channel dimensions through Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression and Random Forest in intermittent Mediterranean streams.   

Antonio Jodar-Abellan, Mistral Van Oudenhove, Joris De Vente, Carolina Boix-Fayos, and Joris Eekhout

Hydrological and soil erosion models are often used to assess the impacts of global change and potential adaptation strategies on flood risks and sediment transport. These hydrology and sediment transport models require channel dimensions as input to quantify flood frequency, runoff, flow velocity, sediment detachment and deposition processes. Especially for large-scale applications, channel dimensions (width and depth) are difficult to obtain. Therefore, simple empirical relations have been developed, relating channel dimensions with catchment area or bankfull discharge, disregarding other important factors affecting these dimensions.   

Here we present an advanced combined methodology to obtain reliable estimates of channel dimensions for the large Mediterranean Segura catchment (16,000 km2), based on linear statistical regression and machine learning techniques. First, a training dataset of channel dimensions (width and depth) was prepared using a LiDAR high resolution digital elevation model (2 m resolution) and aerial photos (50 cm resolution) for 151 channel segments across four representative large sub-catchments. For each channel segment, 30 variables characterising the upstream catchment were obtained from available spatial data sources (e.g. soil type, slope, annual precipitation). The obtained training dataset was used in a combination of Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression and Random Forest to predict channel width and depth. Best results were obtained with the RF model using the variables selected through the stepwise MLR process, as RF models composed only by these MLR predictor variables showed nodes with more purity rather than RF formed by the complete set of independent variables. Most important variables for prediction of channel width were Calcareous lithology, mean annual temperature, extreme precipitation, and alluvial soils. For channel depth, the most important variables were extreme precipitation, channel slope, and mean annual temperature. Model validation indicated good results for prediction of channel width (R2 0.75) and depth (R2 0.66). These results provide further insights into the factors affecting channel dimensions, and seems to be a promising approach to obtain channel dimensions for hydrological and sediment transport modelling in large catchments.

We acknowledge funding for the XTREME project from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and ‘Agencia Estatal de Investigación’ (PID2019-109381RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), and for the LandEX project (PCI2024-153454) financed by the European Commission, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the Spanish Research Agency (AEI 10.13039/501100011033/EU) in the framework of the European Water4All Partnership 101060874. A. Jodar-Abellan (JDC2022-049314-I) and J.P.C. Eekhout (IJC2020-044636-I) acknowledge financial support from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral grants.

How to cite: Jodar-Abellan, A., Van Oudenhove, M., De Vente, J., Boix-Fayos, C., and Eekhout, J.: Predicting bankfull channel dimensions through Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression and Random Forest in intermittent Mediterranean streams.  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11060,, 2025.

EGU25-11437 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Perceptions of Earthquake Risks and Climate Change: A Case Study of Dho Tarap, Dolpo in the Mountain Region of Nepal 

Shakti Raj Shrestha, Jeanne Fernandez, Nistha Nakarmi, Garima Nakarmi, and Nyima Dhargey

Increasingly, there is an onus on incorporating indigenous perspectives in research, especially in relation to climate change and disasters. This paper aims to add to this discussion through a novel approach by comparing perceptions of climate change risks against seismic hazard risk in the mountain regions of Nepal. A case study was done in Dho Tarap Valley, situated at 4080m where two larger village clusters out of three were surveyed for data collection. In total, 204 out of 220 households were surveyed through total sampling. In addition, interviews of four relevant stakeholders (a monk, a local government representative, a local leader, and an academic) were carried out through snowball sampling.

According to results, Dho Tarap is a homogenous, Buddhist (100%) society where the primary profession is agriculture (86%) and where lack of formal education (77%) is the norm. The locals perceive that, in the last 10-20 years, the temperature has increased (81%) and there is less snow now than before (97%). But changes in rain patterns were less conclusive. Most locals did not understand what climate change meant (72%) and have done ‘nothing’ if not for ‘prayers’ to address observed changes in weather patterns. In contrast, locals were knowledgeable about earthquakes, and 56% of the population considered themselves to be aware of earthquake risks. Additionally, 54% of the population did not believe that Dho Tarap is exposed to future seismic risks. The indigenous population considered earthquakes as a hazard risk whereas changes in weather patterns were not associated with climatic hazards but mostly attributed to local human activities. These results shed light into indigenous views of climate change and natural hazards. This difference in perception on earthquake risks and climate change risks highlights the necessity to cater disaster management strategies that considers local perceptions of risks.


How to cite: Shrestha, S. R., Fernandez, J., Nakarmi, N., Nakarmi, G., and Dhargey, N.: Perceptions of Earthquake Risks and Climate Change: A Case Study of Dho Tarap, Dolpo in the Mountain Region of Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11437,, 2025.

EGU25-11438 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Mountain Grasslands under Climate Stress: Drivers, Trends, and Future Projections 

Mulun Na, Giulia Zuecco, and Paolo Tarolli

Mountain grasslands are crucial ecosystems that provide essential services such as carbon storage, water regulation, and biodiversity conservation. However, these ecosystems are increasingly under threat from changing climatic conditions and human activities. This study explores the historical and future dynamics of vegetation in mountain grasslands worldwide, using a combination of diverse datasets and machine learning tools. For historical trends, spanning the years 2000 to 2021, we analyzed ERA5 climate reanalysis data and global Human Modification (gHM) indices to evaluate the combined impacts of climate variability and human pressures. Future scenarios were developed using climate model projections from CMIP6 and vegetation coverage data, giving us a better understanding of potential changes under different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). We used machine learning techniques, such as Random Forest, XGBoost, and LSTM, to identify key drivers of vegetation changes. SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) helped interpret the contributions of these factors. Our findings reveal that factors like near-surface temperature, evaporation, and human influence play a significant role in shaping vegetation patterns. Over the past two decades, while many grasslands have remained stable, substantial degradation was observed in regions such as South Africa, North America, and Western Asia due to water stress and expanding land use. On the other hand, recovery was seen in areas like Central Europe and Asia, where efforts like reforestation and improved land management have made a positive impact. Looking ahead, future trends vary across scenarios. Under SSP126, vegetation remains mostly stable, whereas SSP245 predicts more variability and localized stress. SSP585 presents a mixed picture: while some regions benefit from longer growing seasons and higher CO2 levels, others face significant degradation due to extreme climatic events and water scarcity. In areas heavily influenced by human activity, tipping-point dynamics could lead to irreversible losses in vegetation and ecosystem function. This study underscores the complex interplay of climate and human activities in shaping mountain grasslands. It emphasizes the urgent need for sustainable land management and climate adaptation strategies to mitigate risks, protect these ecosystems, and ensure their continued provision of critical services.

How to cite: Na, M., Zuecco, G., and Tarolli, P.: Mountain Grasslands under Climate Stress: Drivers, Trends, and Future Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11438,, 2025.

The high-elevation Tibetan Plateau encompasses ~2.5 million km3 and represents a major orographic barrier that influences global atmospheric circulation. Precipitation and glacier melt in the mountain regions surrounding the plateau are a water resource for more than 1.4 billion people. Over the Cenozoic, the rise of the plateau surface induced dramatic regional changes in the atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, and hydrosphere. Present-day global warming has significantly impacted the interactions between these different spheres in ways we are only beginning to understand.

This presentation investigates how past and present climate change have impacted the Plateau’s permafrost, hydrology, and ecosystems. This is done using atmospheric general circulation models and a compilation of existing climate, hydrologic, cryosphere, biosphere, and geologic studies documenting environmental change from decadal and glacial-interglacial timescales back to the middle Miocene. Results indicate that warmer and wetter periods in the geologic past led to a flourishing of plateau ecosystems. However, recent anthropogenic-induced warming and wetting of the plateau have led to the opposite effect and degradation of many plateau ecosystems in former permafrost environments.  This contrast in environmental ‘health’ between the geologic past and the present day is interpreted to result from anthropogenic disturbances of plateau environments via changes in grazing practices.

Looking towards the future, two pathways are identified that could lead to either favourable greening or unfavourable degradation and desiccation of plateau ecosystems. Both paths are plausible, given the available evidence. The key to which environmental pathway future generations experience lies in what if any, human intervention measures and management strategies are implemented.

Related references:

Ehlers, T. A., Chen, D., Appel, E., Bolch, T., Chen, F., Diekmann, B., Dippold, M. A., Giese, M., Guggenberger, G., Lai, H.-W., Li, X., Liu, J., Liu, Y., Ma, Y., Miehe, G., Mosbrugger, V., Mulch, A., Piao, S., Schwalb, A., Thompson, L. G., Su, Z., Sun, H., Yao, T., Yang, X., Yang, K., and Zhu, L.: Past, present, and future geo-biosphere interactions on the Tibetan Plateau and implications for permafrost, Earth-Science Reviews, 234, 104197,, 2022.

Li, J., Ehlers, T. A., Werner, M., Mutz, S. G., Steger, C., and Paeth, H.: Late quaternary climate, precipitation δ18O, and Indian monsoon variations over the Tibetan Plateau, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 457, 412–422,, 2017.

Mutz, S. G., Ehlers, T. A., Werner, M., Lohmann, G., Stepanek, C., and Li, J.: Estimates of late Cenozoic climate change relevant to Earth surface processes in tectonically active orogens, Earth Surface Dynamics, 6, 271–301,, 2018.

How to cite: Ehlers, T. A.: Geo-biosphere Interactions Across the Tibetan Plateau In Response to Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12128,, 2025.

EGU25-12521 | Posters on site | ITS3.8/NH13.16

 Assessing the role of climate and mountain fluvial erosion in sediment supply for Pleistocene dune formation in the Pacific subtropical semiarid coast of Chile  

Juan-Luis García, Andrea Quilamán, Paula Castillo, Maira Oneda Dal Pai, Laura Gana, Marco Pfeiffer, and Christopher Luethgens

To present the Quaternary eolian stratigraphic record along the Pacific coast of subtropical semiarid Chile (35-28ºS) has been mostly studied regarding their paleoclimate significance, nonetheless other main environmental factors are known to affect dune evolution at the millennial to multimillennial time scale, including sediment (i.e., mineral sand) supply linked to glacial and fluvial erosion and transport, eustatic sea level, coastal drift, ocean storminess, wind intensity, others. In Chile, Pleistocene to Holocene dated dunes occur on tectonically elevated marine terraces and to the north of heavily loaded sediment river outlets to the Pacific Ocean. Rhythmic development of clay-rich Bt paleosols punctuate the dune stratigraphy and denote multimillennial conspicuous humidity changes linked to the latitudinal migration of the southern westerly wind belt. Here, we present new post-IR infrared stimulated luminescence 225 ºC (pIRIR225) and provenance Zr ages from fluvial, dune and paleodune sediments in the Pupío coastal mountain fluvial catchment, and discuss a basin conceptual model in order to asses the role of Pleistocene climate change, fluvial erosion & transport of sediments, sea level, and coastal drift in the paleodune formation of coastal semiarid Chile.

How to cite: García, J.-L., Quilamán, A., Castillo, P., Oneda Dal Pai, M., Gana, L., Pfeiffer, M., and Luethgens, C.:  Assessing the role of climate and mountain fluvial erosion in sediment supply for Pleistocene dune formation in the Pacific subtropical semiarid coast of Chile , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12521,, 2025.

EGU25-14013 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Debris flows sediment volume in hyper-arid mountain catchments 

Alex Garcés, Germán Aguilar, Santiago Montserrat, Bruno Villela, Diego Pinto, Tamara Contreras, Diego Iturra, Marcia Paredes, and Albert Cabré

Intense rainfall in hyper-arid mountain catchments usually triggers debris flows that can transport large volumes of sediment. Determining the debris flow volume is critical for developing strategies to manage and control debris flow hazards in mountain environments. This work estimates the sediment volumes available in the catchments and compares them with the transport capacity of these catchments. Both volumes are contrasted with field observations of past events in the Atacama Desert. The thickness of sediment stored in channels and hillslopes is estimated based on field observations, linking them to the channel width and the slope of the hillslopes, respectively. The transportable volume is calculated considering a design rainfall with a return time of 100 years, the contributing area of the catchments, a runoff coefficient, and the equilibrium concentration that is a function of the slope of the catchments. The results indicate that 40% of the sediment available in channels and 6% available on slopes represents the transportable volume for the design rainfall. 

How to cite: Garcés, A., Aguilar, G., Montserrat, S., Villela, B., Pinto, D., Contreras, T., Iturra, D., Paredes, M., and Cabré, A.: Debris flows sediment volume in hyper-arid mountain catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14013,, 2025.

EGU25-14171 | Posters on site | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Land System Analysis of Llaca Lake: A Tropical Moraine-Dammed Supraglacial Lake in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru 

John Maclachlan, Rodrigo Narro Perez, Luzmila Dávila Roller, Carolyn Eyles, and Akalya Kandiah

The tropical Andes are experiencing rapid deglaciation due to climate warming, resulting in the formation and evolution of moraine-dammed glacial lakes. These lakes, while significant for hydrological and ecological processes, also pose a growing hazard due to the potential for glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). This study focuses on Llaca Lake, a moraine-dammed supraglacial lake situated in the Cordillera Blanca of Perú, which serves as a representative case study for understanding the dynamics and hazards associated with these tropical alpine environments.

Using an integrated landsystem approach, we analyzed geomorphological, hydrological, and sedimentological processes shaping Llaca Lake and its surrounding landscape. High-resolution satellite imagery, drone-based surveys, and in situ field measurements were combined with GIS analysis to map key geomorphological features, including the moraine complex, ice-contact zones, and sediment pathways. Additionally, bathymetric surveys were conducted to delineate the lakebed morphology and evaluate its storage capacity and potential flood risk.

Results indicate that Llaca Lake has undergone significant expansion over recent decades, with notable retreat of the adjacent Llaca Glacier. This retreat has exposed a dynamic moraine system characterized by steep, unstable slopes and active mass-wasting processes. Sedimentological analysis reveals that the moraine complex is composed of poorly sorted, unconsolidated material, increasing its susceptibility to breach or failure. Hydrological modeling highlights the lake's dependence on glacial meltwater inputs, which are projected to decline with ongoing glacier retreat, altering downstream water availability and ecosystem services.

Hazard assessment of Llaca Lake underscores the potential for GLOF events triggered by slope instability, ice calving, or seismic activity, all of which are exacerbated by the fragile geomorphic and climatic setting. Vulnerability mapping identified downstream communities, infrastructure, and ecosystems at risk, emphasizing the need for proactive monitoring and risk mitigation strategies.

This study highlights the value of a landsystem framework for understanding the interplay of geomorphic, hydrological, and climatic processes in shaping tropical moraine-dammed lakes. Llaca Lake serves as a critical case study for addressing broader implications of glacial retreat in the tropical Andes, including water security, ecosystem resilience, and disaster risk reduction. The findings contribute to regional efforts in sustainable water management and hazard mitigation, offering transferable insights for other rapidly deglaciating mountain systems worldwide.

By integrating multi-disciplinary methods and a holistic perspective, this research advances our understanding of the complex dynamics of moraine-dammed glacial lakes and their role in tropical alpine environments in a warming world.


How to cite: Maclachlan, J., Narro Perez, R., Dávila Roller, L., Eyles, C., and Kandiah, A.: Land System Analysis of Llaca Lake: A Tropical Moraine-Dammed Supraglacial Lake in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14171,, 2025.

EGU25-15208 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Interdisciplinary Integration in Alpine Social-Ecological Systems Research 

Hanna Salomon, Julie Dölker, Louis König, Jasmin Krähenbühl, Veronika Schick, Chantal Schmidt, Harald Bugmann, Sabine Hoffmann, Eva Lieberherr, Ivana Logar, Brian McArdell, Peter Molnar, Fritz Schlunegger, Astrid Zabel, and Jialin Zhang

The inter- and transdisciplinary research project TREBRDIGE (formally titled Transformation toward Resilient Ecosystems: Bridging Natural and Social Sciences) focuses on watershed management in Alpine regions in Switzerland. centuries, check dams have been constructed in streams to control erosion and flooding, while intensive forest management in these areas has further influenced both flood and erosion processes. The maintenance of flood management infrastructure requires high financial investments and at the same time affects the resilience of the ecosystems. The aim of TREBRIDGE is to identify alternative policy and management approaches of watersheds in Alpine regions. Such approaches aim on the one hand to increase the resilience of Alpine ecosystems in coping with extreme weather events and on the other hand meet societal needs regarding natural resource use and protection.

The transdisciplinary aspect of TREBRIDGE focuses on creating and assessing alternative policy and management to explore different scenarios which are co-created in collaboration with researchers, policymakers, as well as national, regional, and local actors. We focus on three case study areas in the Swiss Alps: Alptal (Canton Schwyz), Gürbetal (Canton Bern) and Illgraben (Canton Valais). All case studies are prone to varying natural hazard risks but have a in place.
The interdisciplinary aspect of TREBRIDGE takes a holistic view on watershed and forest functioning by assembling inter-​ and transdisciplinary scholars, geologists, geomorphologists, hydrologists, ecologists, economists, and policy analysts. To combine the socio-economic, ecological and geohydrological dimensions, we followed a structured method to develop a conceptual framework. The framework represents a comprehensive social-ecological system view and bridges three types of knowledge (systems, target, and transformation) as well as diverse disciplinary perspectives. Our poster contributes to this session in three ways: 1) We describe what steps can be taken to develop a conceptual framework when dealing with complex social-ecological systems that are influenced by drivers and processes of global change. The framework supports integration of diverse types of knowledge and perspectives from different disciplines. 2) We briefly present how such a framework could look like using the TREBRIDGE project as an example. 3) We outline how such a conceptual framework can be applied in interdisciplinary research settings to facilitate knowledge integration across disciplines.

How to cite: Salomon, H., Dölker, J., König, L., Krähenbühl, J., Schick, V., Schmidt, C., Bugmann, H., Hoffmann, S., Lieberherr, E., Logar, I., McArdell, B., Molnar, P., Schlunegger, F., Zabel, A., and Zhang, J.: Interdisciplinary Integration in Alpine Social-Ecological Systems Research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15208,, 2025.

EGU25-18916 | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Glacier retreat dominates surface warming by land cover change in Switzerland 

Dirk Scherler, Deniz Gök, and Hendrik Wulf

Between 1985 and 2018, 12% of Switzerland’s area changed its land cover, with significant impacts on land surface temperatures. Similar to other industrialized countries, settlements have grown, mostly at the expense of farmland, resulting in additional heating due to vegetation loss and surface sealing. Landsat-derived LST trends at 100 m spatial resolution show that the strongest warming from land cover change is associated with glacial retreat. Over the last four decades, ice loss has led to an average warming rate of 0.05 K/yr relative to surfaces with stable ice cover. Although land cover changes associated with the concurrent expansion of vegetation result in relative surface cooling, this is insufficient to counter the warming caused by ice retreat. The combination of relative surface cooling and warming due to land cover changes that occur in response to climate warming may contribute to the observed phenomenon of elevation-dependent warming. Furthermore, surface warming near the retreating ice is likely to affect the microclimate, possibly accelerating glacier retreat and promoting heat propagation to greater depths, which may lead to permafrost thawing and destabilization of steep rocky slopes.

How to cite: Scherler, D., Gök, D., and Wulf, H.: Glacier retreat dominates surface warming by land cover change in Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18916,, 2025.

EGU25-19947 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.8/NH13.16

 The risks of mountain activities: tourism accidents in the Ceahlau Massif (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) 

Maria Cristina Cimpoeșu, Lucian Roșu, and Adrian Grozavu

Tourism-related accidents in mountainous regions represent a significant concern for public safety organizations worldwide. This study examines accident patterns and risk factors in the Ceahlau Massif, Eastern Carpathians, Romania – which attracts many tourists yearly due to its accessibility and popularity – employing a mixed-methods approach to analyze the typology, frequency, and spatio-temporal distribution of tourist accidents across various hiking trails.The methodology integrated qualitative and quantitative techniques, including systematic literature review, institutional data collection, and semi-structured interviews with both safety experts and tourists. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were utilized for cartographic analysis, while mathematical statistics and spatial measurement tools, specifically the Lorentz curve and Gini coefficient, were employed to evaluate distribution patterns and causal mechanisms of accidents.Results revealed distinct temporal and spatial patterns in accident occurrence. Temporal analysis demonstrated a significant seasonal variation, with accident frequencies peaking during summer months, particularly August. The spatial distribution of accidents showed marked heterogeneity across different trails, with one of the route exhibiting the highest accident frequency. Injury typology analysis indicated that fractures and sprains were the predominant forms of trauma, suggesting a correlation between trail difficulty and accident severity. Statistical analysis of accident distribution revealed significant spatial clustering, with a Gini coefficient indicating substantial inequality in accident distribution across different trail segments. This spatial concentration of accidents correlated strongly with specific topographical features and areas of high tourist density. Notably, the study identified a significant relationship between accident occurrence and tourist preparedness, with poorly equipped visitors showing higher vulnerability to injury.These findings have important implications for mountain safety management. The clear temporal patterns suggest the need for enhanced safety measures during peak tourist seasons. The spatial concentration of accidents along specific routes indicates the necessity for targeted infrastructure improvements and may inform the strategic positioning of emergency response resources. Future research directions could include detailed analysis of weather-related factors and the development of predictive models for accident occurrence based on visitor numbers and environmental conditions. Additionally, comparative studies with other mountain regions could help establish broader patterns in tourist safety management.

How to cite: Cimpoeșu, M. C., Roșu, L., and Grozavu, A.:  The risks of mountain activities: tourism accidents in the Ceahlau Massif (Eastern Carpathians, Romania), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19947,, 2025.

The Alpine region experiences climate change at an accelerated pace compared to the rest of Europe, leading to profound and measurable impacts across all geospheres. To monitor, understand, and forecast these developments, European alpine observatories and research facilities have formed the interdisciplinary and cross-border Virtual Alpine Observatory Network (VAO). This collaborative network aims to unify and amplify individual research efforts, focusing on the comprehensive analysis and prediction of climate change effects throughout the Alpine Arc.

By exploring individual monitoring datasets for transnational patterns, the VAO creates a collective knowledge base that transcends the limitations of isolated understanding. This approach fosters innovative insights into the interconnected dynamics of the Alpine environment and enhances the ability to address climate challenges at a regional and global scale.

This study highlights the VAO network's expansion, its extensive data availability across Europe, and its potential for facilitating groundbreaking spatial analyses of geodata from various observatory stations. The findings illustrate the power of collaborative research in advancing climate science and informing strategies for environmental resilience.

The VAO network is substantially funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection.

How to cite: Kraushaar, S., Stammberger, V., and Krautblatter, M. and the VAO board members: More than the sum of its parts: Acting to better observe, understand, forecast and react to climate change in a combined Network of European High-Altitude Research Stations: The Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20113,, 2025.

EGU25-20609 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Climate change vulnerability and adaptation among mountain guides in the Canadian Rockies 

Katherine Hanly and Graham McDowell

This study characterizes the vulnerability of mountain guides to climate change in the Canadian Rockies. Using semi-structured interviews (n=30) and one focus group (n=4 participants) with guides based in the region, we assess the extent to which guides have observed climate-related cryospheric change, evaluate the relevance of these changes to their guiding practices, and examine their responses to changing climatic conditions. Findings demonstrate that 100% of guides have observed climate-related changes in the mountain cryosphere of the Canadian Rockies, leading to an increase in objective hazards (90%), restrictions in when and where guides can operate (75%), and alterations in route character (63%). Guides experience of these changes varied according to the type of guiding services they provide and their livelihood characteristics. In response, guides have adapted using temporal (100%), spatial (100%), and activity substitutions (83%), dedicating more time to research and planning (87%), and managing client expectations (53%). In using these adaptation strategies, guides in the region encountered both barriers and limitations. we elucidate the consequences of these impediments and discuss potential strategies for reducing or eliminating such barriers and limits to adaptation in a mountain guiding context. This study serves as a benchmark for tracking lived experiences of climate change amongst mountain guides in the Canadian Rockies, and offers insights for the development of interventions aimed at enhancing the resilience of mountain guiding communities in the face of evolving environmental challenges.

How to cite: Hanly, K. and McDowell, G.: Climate change vulnerability and adaptation among mountain guides in the Canadian Rockies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20609,, 2025.

EGU25-21510 | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

A coupled-human-landscape model for understanding resilience patterns and pathways of mountain communities 

Annemarie Polderman, Andrea Kehl, Andreas Mayer, Pia Echtler, Matthias Schlögl, Sven Fuchs, and Margreth Keiler

The coupled human-landscape system (CHLS) conceptual model, developed by Hossain et al. (2020), integrates natural and social processes using system dynamics to capture interactions and feedbacks between socio-economic and biophysical systems. This model enables the assessment of mountain communities’ risks and resilience to natural hazards. However, further development of the model is necessary to deepen understanding of key interactions and feedbacks. The goal is to refine the CHLS model as a “blueprint” for providing insights into future trajectories of mountain community risk and resilience, while also broadening perspectives on hazard and risk management by integrating adaptation strategies into the context of governance arrangements.

The ACRP project EMERGENCE explores how transdisciplinary knowledge co-creation within a multi-scale assessment framework—encompassing climate triggers, geomorphometric characteristics, mitigation efforts, and exposure dynamics—enhances understanding of the processes driving torrential loss events and the resilience of mountain communities. This approach bridges the gap between conceptual human-landscape interaction modelling and the practical knowledge of stakeholders in hazard risk management. The insights gained inform adaptation strategies that are tailored to stakeholder needs.

We present how Austrian experts in hazard and climate risk management identified damage triggers and examined their interactions within the CHLS framework. These efforts contributed to refining the model at the conceptual or numerical level, or by enhancing its basic assumptions. This process has strengthened the CHLS model’s capacity to provide insights into future trajectories of mountain community resilience and adaptation strategies.



Hossain, M.S., Ramirez, J.A., Haisch, T., Speranza, C.I., Martius, O., Mayer, H., & Keiler, M. (2020). A coupled human and landscape conceptual model of risk and resilience in Swiss Alpine communities. Science of the Total Environment, 730, 138322.

How to cite: Polderman, A., Kehl, A., Mayer, A., Echtler, P., Schlögl, M., Fuchs, S., and Keiler, M.: A coupled-human-landscape model for understanding resilience patterns and pathways of mountain communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21510,, 2025.

EGU25-51 * | Orals | ITS3.9/ERE6.6 | Highlight

Low latency carbon budget analysis reveals a large decline of the land carbon sink in 2023 and 2024 

Philippe Ciais, Piyu Ke, Stephen Sitch, Frederic Chevallier, and Zhu Liu

In 2023, the CO2 growth rate was 3.37 ± 0.11 ppm at Mauna Loa, 86% above the previous year, and hitting a record high since observations began in 1958[1], while global fossil fuel CO2 emissions only increased by 0.6 ± 0.5%[2,3]. This implies an unprecedented weakening of land and ocean sinks, and raises the question of where and why this reduction happened. Here we show a global net land CO2 sink of 0.44 ± 0.21 GtC yr-1, the weakest since 2003. We used dynamic global vegetation models, satellites fire emissions, an atmospheric inversion based on OCO-2 measurements, and emulators of ocean biogeochemical and data driven models to deliver a fast-track carbon budget in 2023. Those models ensured consistency with previous carbon budgets[2]. Regional flux anomalies from 2015-2022 are consistent between top-down and bottom-up approaches, with the largest abnormal carbon loss in the Amazon during the drought in the second half of 2023 (0.31 ± 0.19 GtC yr-1), extreme fire emissions of 0.58 ± 0.10 GtC yr-1 in Canada and a loss in South-East Asia (0.13± 0.12 GtC yr-1). Since 2015, land CO2 uptake north of 20°N declined by half to 1.13 ± 0.24 GtC yr-1 in 2023. Meanwhile, the tropics recovered from the 2015-16 El Niño carbon loss, gained carbon during the La Niña years (2020-2023), then switched to a carbon loss during the 2023 El Niño (0.56 ± 0.23 GtC yr-1). The ocean sink was stronger than normal in the equatorial eastern Pacific due to reduced upwelling from La Niña's retreat in early 2023 and the development of El Niño later[4]. Land regions exposed to extreme heat in 2023 contributed a gross carbon loss of 1.73 GtC yr-1, indicating that record warming in 2023 had a strong negative impact on the capacity of terrestrial ecosystems to mitigate climate change. The presentation wil also cover the new budget of the year 2024

How to cite: Ciais, P., Ke, P., Sitch, S., Chevallier, F., and Liu, Z.: Low latency carbon budget analysis reveals a large decline of the land carbon sink in 2023 and 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-51,, 2025.

The Pearl River Delta (PRD) is one of China's most ecologically diverse regions, characterized by extensive aquaculture activities, particularly in fish ponds. These aquaculture systems play a vital role in the region's carbon cycling; however, their contribution to the overall carbon balance remains poorly quantified. This study aimed to estimate phytoplankton carbon concentration in fishponds within the PRD using Sentinel-3's Ocean and Land Color Instrument (OLCI) data. To enhance the accuracy of reflectance values, atmospheric correction was performed using the SeaDas software, thereby ensuring more reliable data for subsequent carbon retrieval. An algorithm based on key OLCI bands (Oa08, Oa09, and Oa017) was applied to predict phytoplankton carbon concentration from 2016 to 2024.

The study investigated spatiotemporal variations in phytoplankton carbon contributions to the regional carbon cycle. Preliminary results revealed notable differences in phytoplankton carbon concentration across different fishponds, with higher concentrations observed in regions with elevated chlorophyll-a levels. In particular, the phytoplankton carbon concentration is substantially higher in summer than in winter, a pattern that could drive local carbon flux variations and influence regional carbon sequestration dynamics, especially during algal bloom events.

This study underscored the potential of satellites, particularly Sentinel-3 OLCI, for estimating carbon fluxes in aquaculture areas. The findings provided valuable insights into the carbon cycle dynamics of the PRD and enhanced our understanding of carbon sequestration in small fishpond ecosystems. These results are valuable for improving local environmental management practices, and applicable for future study on carbon dynamics in similar aquaculture systems, and can.

How to cite: Lin, R.: Retrieval of Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration in Fishponds in the Pearl River Delta Using Sentinel-3 OLCI imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1906,, 2025.

EGU25-4692 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.9/ERE6.6

Estimating the carbon benefits of agroforestry lands in Africa 

Minxuan Sun, Wei Li, Martin Brandt, and Philippe Ciais

Agroforestry is considered as a land-use practice that sequesters carbon or reduces emissions without compromising food production or biodiversity. However, current research relies on field site observations or coarse tree canopy cover maps, resulting in biases in estimating the carbon benefits from agroforestry on a large scale. Here, we produced an agroforestry map at 100 m resolution for 2019, using high-resolution tree canopy cover data, accounting for spatial arrangements of tree interactions within the agroforestry land. We mapped the agroforestry lands with scattered and linear trees on cropland and validated the mapping results against the ground-based sites collected from literature and Google Earth maps. The overall accuracy and precision of the agroforestry map are 79.96% and 70.08%, respectively. By combining our agroforestry map and cropland extent data, we found that agroforestry provides a carbon benefit of 0.8 ± 0.1 Mg C ha-1 compared to near-monocultures, with African agroforestry stored an additional 59.38 Tg C across 71.14 million hectares.

How to cite: Sun, M., Li, W., Brandt, M., and Ciais, P.: Estimating the carbon benefits of agroforestry lands in Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4692,, 2025.

EGU25-4785 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.9/ERE6.6

Mapping the accumulated carbon storage of global tidal marshes from 2001 to 2020 at a 1-km resolution 

Zimeng Ge, Moran Wang, Yongjuan Xie, and Xudong Wu

Tidal marshes are among the most effective carbon sinks in the world. Land cover losses and degradation in recent years, however, have severely impacted the carbon sequestration capacity of tidal marshes. Yet, few studies assessed the spatiotemporal variations in the carbon sequestration capacity of tidal marshes over an extended period or explored their driving factors. By developing a spatially-explicit dataset of tidal marsh accumulated carbon storage (2001–2020) at a 1 km resolution, this study captured the global and regional spatiotemporal dynamics and further analyzed the impact of different drivers affecting losses in accumulated carbon storage across various regions. The findings can help identify vulnerable areas needing restoration efforts and thus promote the sustainable management of tidal marsh ecosystems.

How to cite: Ge, Z., Wang, M., Xie, Y., and Wu, X.: Mapping the accumulated carbon storage of global tidal marshes from 2001 to 2020 at a 1-km resolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4785,, 2025.

Limiting climate warming to 1.5 °C requires reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon dioxide (CO2) removal (CDR). While various CDR strategies have been explored to achieve global net-zero GHG emissions and account for legacy emissions, additional exploration is warranted to examine more durable, scalable, and sustainable approaches to achieve for no or limited overshoot of 1.5°C warming. Here we show that preserving woody debris in managed forests can remove gigatons (Gt) of CO2 from the atmosphere sustainably. Woody debris is produced from logging, sawmill, and abandoned woody products, and can be preserved in deep soil to lengthen its residence time (a measure of durability) by thousands of years. Preserving the yearly produced woody debris in managed forests has the capacity to remove 769-937 Gt CO2 from the atmosphere cumulatively from 2025 to 2100 if its residence time is lengthened for 100-2,000 years and 5% CO2 emissions is reduced for preservation operation. This translates to a reduction in global temperatures between 0.35 - 0.42°C. Given the large potential, relatively low cost and long durability, future efforts should be focused on establishing large-scale demonstration projects for this technology in a variety of contexts, with rigorous monitoring of CDR, its co-benefits and side-effects.

How to cite: Luo, Y.: Preserving woody debris in managed forests can remove gigatons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4859,, 2025.

EGU25-6043 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.9/ERE6.6

Variability in Amazon rainforest gross primary productivity co-determined by fire emissions from the arc of deforestation 

Adrià Descals, Ivan Janssens, and Josep Peñuelas

Tropical rainforests are an important sink of carbon (C). However, the ability of tropical rainforests to remove C from the atmosphere is constrained by nutrient availability. Specifically, phosphorus (P) has been identified as a limiting nutrient for tropical forest growth. One potential source of incoming P fluxes in tropical rainforests is the deposition of particles from distant wildfires and prescribed fires. Savannah and deforestation fires release substantial amounts of particles that can be transported towards the equator by trade winds and, subsequently, be deposited into tropical rainforests. 

In this study, we aim to quantify the impact of distant fire-emitted nutrients on the spatial variability of gross primary productivity (GPP) of the Amazon rainforests. To achieve this, we used data on black carbon deposition from MERRA-2, as a proxy for the deposition of fire-emitted nutrients, and an ensemble of solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) datasets, as a proxy for GPP. We fitted a Random Forest regression to predict the spatial variability in SIF using black carbon deposition along with climate and soil variables as input. Subsequently, we applied SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) and other variable importance techniques to evaluate the relevance of black carbon deposition in predicting the spatial variability in SIF.

Our results show that trade winds transport fire emissions from the Amazon arc-of-deforestation towards the southern part of the Amazon rainforest, creating a north-south gradient in nutrient deposition across the undisturbed rainforest. Black carbon deposition emerged as the most relevant predictor of SIF, accounting for 21.9% of the total variable contributions. In addition, the spatial distribution of SHAP values revealed that the southern Amazon experiences the most substantial positive effect of black carbon deposition on SIF. These findings confirm earlier results from field measurements conducted in a tropical lowland forest in Africa and generalize the impact of distant savannah and deforestation fires on gross primary productivity across the Amazon rainforest. Our findings indicate that distant fire emissions can alleviate nutrient limitations in undisturbed tropical forests, with potential implications for global carbon budgets.

How to cite: Descals, A., Janssens, I., and Peñuelas, J.: Variability in Amazon rainforest gross primary productivity co-determined by fire emissions from the arc of deforestation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6043,, 2025.

EGU25-6456 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.9/ERE6.6

Quantifying the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Check Dams: A Baseline Study Using Precipitation Events 

Pin-Han Chen, Hao-Che Ho, and Hong-Yuan Lee

Greenhouse gas reduction and carbon sequestration are crucial strategies for addressing climate change. However, extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall and typhoons trigger soil erosion and landslides that severely impact the environment. These events not only release substantial greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and water bodies through large-scale collapses but also significantly delay ecosystem recovery and carbon sequestration processes. As climate change intensifies, the potential benefits of soil and water conservation engineering in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing carbon sinks have gained increasing attention. Check dams, as one of the key engineering structures for stabilizing sediment and preventing slope disasters, play a vital role in preventing large-scale landslides. While research on sediment stabilization mechanisms of check dams is well-established, studies on their organic carbon sequestration benefits remain limited. In particular, the temporal dynamics of carbon mechanisms are not well understood, making it difficult to provide solid scientific evidence for the carbon sequestration benefits of check dams.

This study uses precipitation events as a baseline to investigate the effects of check dam engineering on soil carbon sequestration and explores the mechanisms of carbon flow and sequestration from watershed soil erosion to sediment deposition within check dams. The research methodology involves selecting watersheds with fragile geology susceptible to erosion for sample collection and analysis. By examining changes in sediment organic carbon content before and after precipitation events, we analyze the transformation and sequestration mechanisms of organic carbon during erosion and deposition processes. Furthermore, through precipitation event simulations, we quantify soil erosion rates in watersheds and assess carbon loss and retention during sediment deposition in check dams to establish a simple and feasible method for sampling and carbon sequestration calculation.

The study aims to reveal the carbon sequestration benefits of check dams during sediment stabilization processes and, through baseline establishment, develop an economical and scientific method for estimating carbon sequestration capacity. This method can be applied to large-scale assessments of carbon sequestration benefits of check dam projects across different regions, providing new scientific perspectives and empirical evidence for the role of soil and water conservation engineering in climate change mitigation. This research not only helps deepen our understanding of the carbon sequestration benefits of check dams but also provides crucial references for policy formulation and engineering planning, further promoting the integration and implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Keywords: Check dam, Carbon sequestration, Watershed management, Soil erosion

How to cite: Chen, P.-H., Ho, H.-C., and Lee, H.-Y.: Quantifying the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Check Dams: A Baseline Study Using Precipitation Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6456,, 2025.

Soil and water loss caused by debris flows and landslides represents a common hazard in mountainous regions. Check dams, as crucial disaster prevention structures, have recently been recognized for their potential carbon sequestration benefits beyond their primary disaster mitigation function. Traditionally, these structures reduce the intensity of debris flows and landslides by promoting sediment deposition and mitigating upstream erosion. Research indicates that check dam areas demonstrate significant potential for soil organic carbon sequestration, offering a new perspective on climate change mitigation, even after reaching their sediment retention capacity while continuing to stabilize riverbeds and slopes.

Taiwan has implemented diverse check dam designs, ranging from traditional closed concrete structures to specialized types such as slit dams, notched dams, and steel pipe dams. While these designs are carefully selected based on topographical conditions, hydrological characteristics, and engineering requirements, systematic research on how different check dam types influence soil organic carbon sequestration remains limited. This study aims to develop a rapid assessment framework for evaluating carbon storage potential across various check dam designs. Our methodology encompasses three key components: first, classifying check dams based on their scale, material properties, structural types, and spatial configuration; second, employing remote sensing techniques and satellite imagery analysis to evaluate sedimentation characteristics of different check dam types; and finally, developing a universal carbon storage assessment model that integrates land use patterns and soil classification data.

To ensure model accuracy and reliability, we will conduct field surveys and sampling analyses for validation. This research seeks to provide reference guidelines for carbon sequestration benefit assessment in future check dam planning and design. Beyond addressing current literature gaps, our findings will offer new perspectives on the multiple benefits evaluation of soil and water conservation engineering in mountainous regions.

Keywords: Check dam types, Carbon sequestration, Remote sensing, Sediment retention

How to cite: Xu, Y.-H. and Ho, H.-C.: Development of a Rapid Assessment Framework for Carbon Sequestration Potential in Various Check Dam Designs: A Case Study from Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6775,, 2025.

EGU25-7673 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.9/ERE6.6

Previously ignored climate benefits from afforestation in China 

nan meng and wei li

Afforestation connects isolated forests into larger contiguous forests, reducing forest fragmentation. This process restores previously fragmented edge areas by transforming edge forests into interior forests (termed transformed forests). However, the extra climate benefits of these transformed forests beyond afforestation itself remain unclear. Here, we estimate the carbon gain and the biophysical effects of the transformed forests by afforestation in China using multiple high-resolution remote sensing data. Planted forests area (89.6 M ha) accounts for 35.5% of the total forest area in China in 2015, transforming 51.8 M ha edge forests into interior forests. It increases aboveground biomass carbon (AGC) by 0.3~0.4 Pg C in the transformed forests, compared to the AGC increase of 2.1~2.3 Pg C in the planted forests. These transformed forests also induce a biophysical cooling effect of -0.020±0.015 °C. Combining the biogeochemical effects from increased AGC and the biophysical effects, the transformed forests provide an overall cooling effect of -0.026 °C, representing an extra 25.2% of the direct climate benefits of afforestation. Our study reveals the previously ignored extra climate benefits resulting from reduced forest fragmentation alongside afforestation, offering new perspectives on mitigating climate warming through afforestation.

How to cite: meng, N. and li, W.: Previously ignored climate benefits from afforestation in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7673,, 2025.

Some 20 years ago, The Forest Identity framework was introduced to describe systematic changes to national forest stock (i.e., carbon) as a function of rates of change to forest area, density, and biomass over 1990-2005.  Observations noted that most wealthier countries were increasing forest density, as well as forest area to a lesser degree, while most poorer countries were losing forest area without change to forest density.  In the context of global forest change, this framework rightfully raised the profile of forest management, complementing the Forest Transition model focused instead on agriculture, human settlement, and forest expansion into non-forest lands.  Since the 1990s and early 2000s, forest management and stocks have likely shifted in many poorer, typically tropical regions, altering trends to forest density relative to forest area: tree plantations have matured but also expanded, including as a proportion of total forest gains; net natural afforestation has occurred in certain regions, typically alongside forest conversion; atmospheric carbon fertilization has possibly enhanced forest density generally; and primary forest loss has often trended upward, including due to forestry in some countries (e.g., India).  At the same time, forest-change scholars have recognized, if begrudgingly, that conjoint trends to forest density, biomass, and area define more a varied, and more meaningful, array of nominal ‘forest transitions’ compared to the classical forest-transition model.  In this context, we revisit the Forest Identity framework and update its summarization of global forest change.  We reveal systematic shifts to the rates of change to forest density, biomass, and area between 1990-2005 and 2005-2020 for all countries globally.  Distinct couplings of density-area trends are identified, defining groups of countries with common trajectories of forest-stock change.  The primary driver(s) of shifts to these trajectories are explored to summarize general underpinnings of current forest (stock) change globally.

How to cite: Sloan, S.: The Forest Identity Redux: Systematic Changes to National Forest Carbon Stocks Globally, 1990-2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8106,, 2025.

EGU25-10737 | Posters on site | ITS3.9/ERE6.6

Decomposing forest carbon density: Stem number vs. tree size 

Pekka Kauppi and Pekka Nöjd

Forests consist of trees, as the FAO defines: “Land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 meters and a canopy cover of more than 10 percent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. It does not include land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban land use”. The carbon density of forest vegetation varies by two orders of magnitude spatially between regions. It is important to analyze spatial and temporal trends in carbon density to assess the global or regional rates of change of the carbon sink of forested vegetation.

Here we show, how the number of tree stems and the size of an average tree have changed in Finland since the 1920´s. It turns out that the number of both small and large trees has increased in nearly all sub-regions in Finland. The change has been most pronounced for largest trees in southern boreal forests.

We discuss ecological and management changes driving the number vs. the average size of trees, asking whether a change of tree size is likely to sustain longer than change in the number of tree stems.


How to cite: Kauppi, P. and Nöjd, P.: Decomposing forest carbon density: Stem number vs. tree size, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10737,, 2025.

EGU25-11842 | Orals | ITS3.9/ERE6.6

Industrialization and the climate impact of land systems: the case of Austria, 1830-2020 

Simone Gingrich, Julia Le Noë, Martin Schmid, Karlheinz Erb, and Christian Lauk

Industrialization has not only resulted in surging emissions from fossil energy combustion, it has also fundamentally altered the role of land use in greenhouse gas budgets. Most notably, a shift from deforestation to reforestation has coincided with industrialization in many countries of the world, while agricultural intensification has led to increasing agricultural emissions, but declining emissions intensity of agricultural products. Using Austria, a small European industrialized country as an example, and adopting a long-term socio-ecological perspective covering the period 1830-2020, this contribution presents how industrialization has shaped the climate impact of land use, and how it affected biomass production in forestry and agriculture. It explores the socio-political context and drivers of land-use change based on qualitative and quantitative analyses, and discusses challenges and opportunities for land-based climate-change mitigation today.

How to cite: Gingrich, S., Le Noë, J., Schmid, M., Erb, K., and Lauk, C.: Industrialization and the climate impact of land systems: the case of Austria, 1830-2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11842,, 2025.

Russia, the largest country on Earth, spans 17.1 million km² and contains 21% of the world’s forests. Between 1975 and 2020, the country experienced warming at a rate 2.5 times the global average, accompanied by moderate but uneven increases in precipitation. All natural zones of the northern hemisphere are represented within Russia’s borders, and two-thirds of its territory is underlain by permafrost. This permafrost contains over 500 Pg of carbon within the upper 3 meters, including vast stores of methane and hydrates in northern Pleistocene “yedoma” deposits, presenting a potential risk of a "methane bomb" under intensive warming. Climate variability has increased since the mid-1970s, driving changes in natural disturbance regimes, particularly in forests. Additionally, social and economic upheavals following the October Revolution (1917) and the collapse of the Soviet Union (1992) have hindered Russia’s transition to sustainable forest management.

Comprehensive land-cover data for Russia have been available since 1960, coinciding with the country’s first forest inventory. Since the 1980s, the widespread use of remote sensing has accelerated the accumulation of information about ecosystem functioning, particularly regarding forests and their biospheric roles. Extensive databases, models, and maps have been developed to improve understanding of carbon budgets. Over the past 30 years, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis has advanced a methodology for comprehensive and verifiable carbon accounting (CVCA) for Russia, based on principles of applied systems analysis. This approach integrates diverse datasets—including ground-based and remote sensing data—on terrestrial ecosystems, climate, soils, landscapes, management, and disturbances. The Integrated Land Information System (ILIS), which incorporates a Hybrid Land Cover (HLC) GIS with a 150-meter resolution, serves as the spatial foundation for this methodology. The ILIS-HLC system has resolved key informational and methodological challenges in carbon accounting for Russian forests and enabled the integration of bottom-up (landscape-ecosystem) and top-down (atmospheric inversion) approaches within the CVCA framework.

This presentation examines the primary drivers influencing the carbon budget of Russia’s terrestrial ecosystems from 1960 to 2020, with a focus on forests. Key topics include: (1) The impacts of climate change on ecosystem sustainability and productivity. (2) The dynamics of natural and anthropogenic disturbances, particularly wildfires and biogenic factors. (3) The role of management in transitioning Russian forests toward sustainable forest management practices.

The analysis shows that Russia’s terrestrial ecosystems have acted as a net carbon sink of 500–600 Tg C/year over the past three decades, largely due to forest ecosystems, though this sink decreased by the late 2010s. The presentation also discusses uncertainties within the CVCA framework and highlights areas requiring further research and refinement.

How to cite: Shvidenko, A., Schepaschenko, D., and Kraxner, F.: Drivers Affecting the Carbon Budget of Russian Terrestrial Ecosystems (1960–2020): Climate Change, Management, and Disturbances, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13452,, 2025.

EGU25-13456 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.9/ERE6.6

Upscaling CO2 fluxes from the UK's agriculturally drained peatlands using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning 

Asima Khan, Muhammad Ali, Joerg Kaduk, and Heiko Balzter

Drained peatlands are responsible for 5.6% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions, yet the conventional algorithms for quantifying CO2 fluxes are not well-calibrated and validated within these ecosystems. In the UK, drained peatlands serve as key agricultural areas but account for approximately 24% of the country’s peatland emissions. Reducing emissions from agriculturally drained peatlands is a vital component of the UK’s net zero strategy, and monitoring CO2 dynamics in these ecosystems is essential for meeting net zero targets by 2050. To support these efforts, we evaluate the potential of remote sensing data integrated with machine learning methods to upscale carbon fluxes (GEP, TER, and NEE) measured by eddy covariance flux towers in agriculturally-drained peatlands of the Fenland, UK, for the first time. We used moderate-resolution data from Landsat and Sentinel 2 in combination with meteorological parameters and soil carbon data to train a Random Forest model capable of predicting CO2 fluxes at the field scale. The model showed an overall accuracy of 77\%, with an R2 of 0.81 and RMSE of 2.23 kgCO2/m2/yr for predicting partitioned fluxes. NEE, calculated as the difference between modeled GEP and TER achieved an R2 of 0.78 and RMSE of 1.61 kgCO2/m2/yr. The model showed the highest predictive accuracy in managed grasslands and showed weaker performance in the arable site on deep peat and specific crop types (e.g., sugar beet and leek). On an unseen eddy covariance site, the model effectively captured the seasonal pattern of NEE but showed deviations from observed seasonal averages in winters (+0.75 kgCO2/m2/yr) and spring (+1.42 kgCO2/m2/yr). We demonstrate the applicability of the model by upscaling field-level annual and seasonal fluxes across the Fenland, where the average NEE in 2023 showed high spatial variability (ranging from 3.79 to -9.2 kgCO2/m2). This work enables the creation of a baseline NEE scenario for any field of interest within lowland peatlands of the UK, which can be monitored over time to evaluate the efficacy of restoration efforts, such as partial or complete rewetting of grasslands, as well as the impact of changes in management practices. Overall, this assessment establishes a foundation for advancing CO2 flux modeling in drained peatlands and demonstrates the potential of remote sensing and machine learning approaches to support greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation efforts in the UK’s peatland ecosystems.

How to cite: Khan, A., Ali, M., Kaduk, J., and Balzter, H.: Upscaling CO2 fluxes from the UK's agriculturally drained peatlands using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13456,, 2025.

EGU25-14754 | Posters on site | ITS3.9/ERE6.6

Changes in ecosystem carbon budget and resilience system in South Korea 

Cholho Song, Whijin Kim, Moonil Kim, Chul-Hee Lim, Hyun-Ah Choi, and Woo-Kyun Lee

planetary boundaries and earth system changes, especially focusing on biosphere integrity, land system change, and biogeochemical flows. In addition, many terms were observed, such as water, climate, emission, pollution, resource, carbon, and cycle, in many global research on planetary boundaries and Earth System Boundaries. Understanding these changes and implementing the resilience concept into the local level study was very important, so this study firstly aims to understand carbon budget changes and their impacts on the resilience system in South Korea. Therefore, this study utilized the biome-BGC process-based model for net primary productivity (NPP) estimation and the Ko-G-Dynamics model for understanding the carbon budget. Overall NPP was estimated at 4.66 Mg C ha-1 in pine tree stands and 6.21 Mg C ha-1 in oak tree stands during 2011-2100. When we spit the time changes, the NPP values of pine and oak tree stands were 4.14 and 5.07 Mg C ha-1 during 2011-2040, and it slightly increased during 2041-2070 to 4.78 and 6.50 Mg C ha-1. However, NPP values were changed to 0.50 Mg C ha-1in pine tree stands, but 7.49 Mg C ha-1in oak tree stands during 2071-2100. In addition, the decrease of the pine trees was also observed in the Ko-G-Dynamics modeling. This indicates that the threshold of ecosystem resilience will be observed in 2070. The current global warming will severely affect pine trees although there are some fertilizer effects and increasing stand site index in South Korea like the case of the oak trees. Therefore, we need to keep track of the changes and to link with these changes with resilience system understanding to handle ecological sustainability.

How to cite: Song, C., Kim, W., Kim, M., Lim, C.-H., Choi, H.-A., and Lee, W.-K.: Changes in ecosystem carbon budget and resilience system in South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14754,, 2025.

EGU25-18195 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.9/ERE6.6

A Study on India’s Biospheric Carbon Sink Potential with Changing Climate 

Smrati Gupta and Yogesh K. Tiwari

With the increasing concern about the anthropogenic emissions lead a globally changing climate, this is a study on the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) being absorbed by plants and ecosystems in India, focusing on a process called Gross Primary Productivity (GPP). About 30% of CO2 emissions caused by human activity are absorbed by forests and other land areas. This research explores how regional land-use changes, climate, and weather conditions affect its GPP. The study uses FLUXCOM and climate model simulation from the recent past to the future to analyze both past and future CO2 absorption trends in India, a country especially vulnerable to climate change. Recent data show that the ability of plants in India to absorb atmospheric CO2 in the form of primary productivity (GPP) has increased. Recent past data from the FLUXCOM experiment shows the regional disparity in selected locations of India, with the Western Ghats region showing the highest increase in GPP in the recent past. While the historical data of CMIP models show an annual GPP growth of 2.37 gC per m² per year, the future projections under high emissions scenarios (SSP585 of CMIP6) suggest this could rise to about 6 gC per m² per year. However, this trend is not uniform across India. Areas like the Northeast, Indo-Gangetic Plains, and Western Ghats are seeing the most significant increases, while some southern regions show little or no growth in the future.

The study also looks at the changes in land use—such as forest loss or crop expansion concerning the spatial distribution of the GPP from the climate model simulations. It is seen that the climate models predict that more rainfall could further impact GPP trends. This research helps improve our understanding of how vulnerable regions like India's ecosystems are responding to climate change, and it emphasizes the need to use real-world data to make climate models more accurate for future predictions.

How to cite: Gupta, S. and Tiwari, Y. K.: A Study on India’s Biospheric Carbon Sink Potential with Changing Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18195,, 2025.

EGU25-1305 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

From Pole to Pole: Integrating Research Infrastructures with POLARIN 

Veronica Willmott Puig and Nicole Biebow

The polar regions, characterized by their extreme environments and critical role in global climate systems, present unique challenges for scientific research. Addressing the complexities of these areas requires not only advanced research infrastructures (RI) but also collaborative frameworks that bridge the Arctic and Antarctic. POLARIN stands at the forefront of this effort, fostering integrated access to polar RIs and facilitating multidisciplinary research.

This presentation highlights how POLARIN enhances the availability and coordination of polar RI, building on lessons learned from international initiatives such as INTERACT and ARICE. By streamlining proposal processes, harmonizing data collection standards, and implementing FAIR data principles, POLARIN supports a cohesive and efficient approach to polar research.

Case studies will be showcased to demonstrate the real-world application of POLARIN’s integrated RI framework, illustrating its role in facilitating studies on diverse topics such as climate change, ice dynamics, and biodiversity. These examples underscore the value of POLARIN in breaking down logistical and disciplinary barriers, enabling scientists to conduct comprehensive, collaborative research with greater reach and impact.

We also discuss the challenges encountered, including the need for sustainable funding. Future perspectives will be presented, outlining steps to enhance transnational access and training opportunities to strengthen polar sciences.

How to cite: Willmott Puig, V. and Biebow, N.: From Pole to Pole: Integrating Research Infrastructures with POLARIN, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1305,, 2025.

This contribution offers an overview of European collaborative efforts toward increased understanding and risk-focused mitigation strategies through the EU-funded ERIES (European Research Infrastructures for European Synergies, project. ERIES provides transnational access to advanced experimental facilities across Europe and Canada, fostering knowledge development in structural, seismic, wind, and geotechnical engineering. The paper outlines the project’s organisational framework, primary research goals, and thematic areas of focus.

Illustrative case studies currently underway at the EUCENTRE Foundation in Pavia, Italy, are shown to demonstrate the scope of research supported by ERIES. These examples showcase how foundational research enabled by this funding initiative can significantly enhance understanding of seismic damage in structures. The project addresses critical issues such as mainshock-aftershock sequences in seismic risk analysis and the refinement of experimental loading protocols. Additionally, in-situ dynamic testing of base-isolated structures offers a unique chance to assess these mitigation devices’ operational performance, furthering innovative experimental approaches.

In essence, ERIES is a key platform for fostering research collaboration across Europe, particularly in structural, seismic, wind, and geotechnical engineering in addition to the wealth of experimental data that will be produced as a result. Through its framework and transnational access opportunities, ERIES enables impactful research that improves the understanding of structural damage and informs risk assessment practices, with broad societal benefits.

How to cite: O'Reilly, G. and Calvi, G. M.: ERIES: Advancing frontier knowledge in earthquake, geotechnical and wind engineering through experimental research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2484,, 2025.

AQUARIUS is a four-year Horizon Europe-funded project providing transnational access to a comprehensive and diverse suite of integrated research infrastructures. The project will run from March 2024 - February 2028.

AQUARIUS will target and support research and innovation activities that contribute to the objectives, regional scope and implementation of the EU Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030.’ The Mission Implementation Plan has informed the thematic (Mission objectives) and geographic (Mission Lighthouse regions) scope of AQUARIUS. Two Super Integration Calls will be launched throughout the project. The first call (now closed) targeted themes and scientific challenges of each of the four lighthouse regions. The second call (open from 2 September – 28 October 2025) will be adapted to the outcomes of the first call and focus on new emerging issues.

The impressive catalogue of 57 research infrastructures available include: research vessels, mobile marine observation platforms (autonomous underwater and surface vehicles, gliders, remotely operated vehicles, and ferry boxes), aircraft, drones, satellite services, fixed freshwater and marine observatories, experimental facilities, and data infrastructures.

AQUARIUS will also provide scientific & technical training together with training on data management and stewardship and virtual access and analytics. Floating universities, summer school courses and marine internships for early career scientists will be organized as well as webinars, videos and other training materials. All training materials will be shared on the AQUARIUS online training repository.

AQUARIUS will implement best practices in open science & open data making all data FAIR. Scientific teams will be invited to make use of the Blue-Cloud Virtual Research Environment and all metadata & data will become part of the leading European & global data infrastructures such as EMODnet, Copernicus and EOSC.

More details about the AQUARIUS Transnational Access, the application process and training opportunities will be presented during the presentation.

How to cite: Ní Chonghaile, B., Fitzgerald, A., Strobel, A., and McMeel, O.: AQUARIUS - integrating research infrastructures - connecting scientists - enabling transnational access for healthy and sustainable marine and freshwater ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2542,, 2025.

EGU25-2813 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

ENVRI-Hub Advancing Integrated Environmental Research and Policy 

Anca Hienola, Ulrich Bundke, Alex Vermeulen, Angeliki Adamaki, Marta Gutierez, Federico Drago, Magdalena Brus, Daniele Bailo, Claudio Dema, and Zhiming Zhao

The ENVRI-Hub, currently enhanced within the ENVRI-Hub NEXT project, is a transformative platform for integrating Environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRIs) across four sub-domains:  atmosphere, marine, terrestrial, and biodiversity. As a virtual gateway for a variety of ENVRIs - spanning from those in the ESFRI roadmap to several ERICs - the Hub supports streamlined discovery and access to multidisciplinary data, tools, services, knowledge, and training, thus providing a foundation for advancing evidence-based environmental research, policy, and governance. In this function, ENVRI-Hub NEXT was chosen by the ENVRI Science Cluster to act as the Cluster’s Open Science Competence Center (CLOCC) fulfilling the specifications defined by the Horizon Europe Project OSCARS.

This presentation explores the strategic role of the ENVRI-Hub in aligning RIs with European and global policy objectives, such as the European Green Deal, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the EOSC Federation (and upcoming Horizon Europe themes). By enabling discovery and access to harmonized datasets and, services to compute and Essential Environmental (e.g. Climate) Variables, the Hub provides policymakers and stakeholders with actionable insights to address pressing global challenges, including climate change, biodiversity loss, and sustainable resource management. Building on these efforts, the ENVRI Community has begun assessing the requirements for the development of an ENVRI EOSC thematic Node. The ENVRI EOSC Node would act as a dedicated gateway, connecting the ENVRI-Hub’s wealth of environmental data and services with the broader EOSC Federation to further strengthen collaborative efforts.

The ENVRI-Hub is more than a technical solution; it is envisaged to drive innovation in governance and policy frameworks. By fostering interoperability and adhering to FAIR principles, it ensures that environmental data and services are scientifically robust, accessible, and usable for decision-making. This integrated approach strengthens the links between science and policy, enabling more coordinated and impactful responses to environmental crises.

How to cite: Hienola, A., Bundke, U., Vermeulen, A., Adamaki, A., Gutierez, M., Drago, F., Brus, M., Bailo, D., Dema, C., and Zhao, Z.: ENVRI-Hub Advancing Integrated Environmental Research and Policy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2813,, 2025.

RI-URBANS (Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality (AQ) Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS) is a research project supported by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme, H2020-GD-2020 (grant 10103624) that connects the atmospheric observation expertise from Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Research InfraStructure (ACTRIS), with the urban air quality observation capacities of the regulatory air quality monitoring networks. It is specifically connected to the new European AQ Directive (NAQD) 2024/2881/CE published on 20 November 2024.

RI-URBANS focuses on the infrastructures to measure emerging pollutants for AQ and the well-being of the citizens. Particularly, service tools (STs) for novel pollutants, such as ultrafine particles (UFP), UFP-number size distribution (PNSD), black carbon (BC) and elemental carbon (EC), as well as ammonia (NH3) and numerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and measurements of tracers of potential toxicity of PM (oxidative potential (OP) of particulate matter PM), are provided for urban supersites in order to support scientific understanding of their effects on health and the environment. The NAQD in Art 10 has introduced the measurements of these new pollutants in a new network of AQ supersites.

To facilitate implementation of the new air quality directive, RI-URBANS developed a series of Service Tools (ST). In essence, they are guidance documents that RI-URBANS have reviewed, in some cases developed, tested, and recommended for advanced AQ assessment in urban areas. These tools can be used to assess AQ in accordance with RI-URBANS AQ monitoring and modelling recommendations for novel pollutants. These recommendations include protocols for measuring the above advanced AQ variables (derived from ACTRIS and CEN or, in specific cases, proposed, when not available), mapping protocols, emission inventories, modelling tools, measuring vertical profiles, and suggested epidemiological approaches to evaluate the health effects of new pollutants.

RI-URBANS has produced 16 STs on the above pollutants, but also on source apportionment of PM, UFP-PNSD, BC, VOCs and OP, as well as on modelling, urban mapping and vertical profiles.

These STs have been tested during one year in 5 pilot studies, where 11 cities were involved. With the results of these demonstration studies final guidance documents were elaborated for each ST. Furthermore, available long-term datasets on the above pollutants have been compiled and interpreted. Thus, in each ST guidance document the added value of measuring the specific pollutant/variable/parameter is also shown.

The electronic file of the guidance documents of the individual STs can be downloaded at

We present here the 16 STs and how we interacted with the AQ stakeholders for co-designing these and how we have disseminated the guidance documents and influenced elaboration, discussion and implementation of the NAQD as far new pollutants are concerned.

How to cite: Querol, X. and Petäjä, T.: RI-URBANS: New air quality parameters for an advanced policy assessment in urban Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3187,, 2025.

The FAIR2Adapt European-funded project (grant number: 101188256) aims to transform data into actionable knowledge to shape effective Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) strategies. By collaborating with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), we leverage its broad range of services and resources, aligning with the EOSC interoperability framework and the FAIR Implementation Framework Catalogue of Resources. This collaboration enhances the accessibility, interoperability, and usability of crucial environmental data, supporting the development of climate adaptation strategies across Europe.

The project spans diverse case studies, such as investigating radionuclide dispersal in the Arctic, monitoring coastal water quality through the RiOMar project, and addressing urban climate-induced stressors in Hamburg. These case studies are built on a FAIR-by-design approach, utilizing technologies such as RO-Crate for implementing FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs), which ensure compliant data packaging and sharing, and nanopublications for representing research outputs in a reusable, formalized format. We also leverage I-ADOPT, a semantic bridging framework, and tailored FDO services to enhance collaboration and facilitate open data sharing.

By fostering collaboration between private and public sectors, we emphasize integrating research data with practical adaptation measures, enabling the reuse of FAIRified data (including datasets, software, workflows, and machine learning models) to meet regulatory requirements, such as the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities. This approach supports cohesive climate risk assessments across multiple EU regions, demonstrating how FAIR and open data sharing can drive effective adaptation strategies. The project also aligns with the EU Mission’s objective of enhancing climate resilience in European regions and communities.

Through transfer cases and collaboration with other initiatives, FAIR2Adapt aims to demonstrate its scalability and applicability beyond the project’s completion, extending its impact to a wide range of climate adaptation scenarios. Stakeholder engagement and capacity-building activities will be key in raising awareness and devising customized solutions, ensuring that the project’s outcomes are grounded in the practical needs of local communities and policymakers.

In summary, FAIR2Adapt contributes to the EOSC mission by fostering data sharing and collaboration, and by building a scalable, extensible framework for data sharing that can be adapted to future climate adaptation challenges. Its impact will span scientific advancement, economic resilience, social-environmental well-being, and responsive policy development, promoting multidisciplinary cooperation, enhancing trust in science, and stimulating a climate-smart economy. Ultimately, FAIR2Adapt seeks to construct a more resilient, inclusive, and knowledge-based society capable of efficiently tackling the challenges of climate change.

How to cite: Fouilloux, A. and Magagna, B.: FAIR2Adapt: Advancing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies through FAIR and open  data sharing and Research Infrastructures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5215,, 2025.

ReMade@ARI (REcyclable MAterials DEvelopment at Analytical Research Infrastructures) is a Horizon Europe project, which offers comprehensive analytical services for research focusing on the development of new materials for the circular economy [1]. In contrast to the currently dominating linear economy, in which materials are taken from the Earth, turned into products and thrown away as waste at the end of their life, the circular economy aims to design products that are more durable, reusable, repairable and recyclable.

In order to address this challenge, the most significant European analytical research infrastructures have joined forces in the ReMade@ARI project to provide a support hub for materials research focused on exploring the properties and structures of recyclable materials.

ReMade@ARI offers coordinated access to over 50 research infrastructures across Europe, including electron microscopy facilities, synchrotrons, free electron lasers, neutron sources, high magnetic field laboratories and ion or positron beam facilities. An application for complementary measurements at various facilities is possible within one proposal, providing a simplified path for access in the form of interdisciplinary and correlative research. For proposal submission, an easy-to-use application portal is used for proposals from both academic and industrial users.

Assistance provided by the project ReMade@ARI goes far beyond infrastructure access. ReMade@ARI also offers advanced scientific support for users throughout their entire projects – and beyond! Senior scientists, facility experts and young researchers contribute scientific knowledge and extensive support to provide user services [2]. Particular attention is given to the implementation of comprehensive support mechanisms for researchers and developers from industry [3]. For industrial users, ReMade@ARI also provides grants, as well as fast-track experiments (dedicated for small and medium enterprises) to provide them with technical expertise from research and technology organisations for challenging problems.

The offer of ReMade@ARI is complemented by a series of workshops and training events to help circular economy researchers, aiming to develop and improve their skills in instruments and techniques offered within the project.



[2] (for scientific support)

[3] (for industrial support)

How to cite: Facsko, S.:  ReMade@ARI: a hub for materials research for the circular economy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5753,, 2025.

Today there is severe lack of in situ observations in the Arctic Ocean which are needed to understand the physical, biogeochemical, and ecological processes and support the development of ocean forecasting services. These services will be important as ship traffic, tourism and other marine industries develop in the region. To sustain long-term observations in the Arctic, robust platforms equipped with autonomous sensors are required to collect high-quality measurements in the whole water column from the seafloor to the sea ice surface. In the present HiAOOS project, we demonstrate the integration of different observing systems in the central Arctic Ocean, including ice-based observatories with subsurface instruments, floats drifting under the ice, and bottom-anchored ocean moorings with oceanographic, acoustic sources and hydrophones. The HiAOOS observations will be used for research on sea ice, physical oceanography, ocean acoustics, marine ecosystems, and geohazards (e.g.detection of earthquakes). The acoustic transmissions will be used for geo-positioning of floats, and acoustic thermometry . Collaboration between subsea industry and ocean research communities will be further developed and plans for IPY 2033-34 will be outlined.

How to cite: Sagen, H.: An overview of the High Arctic Ocean Observation System (HiAOOS), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5979,, 2025.

EGU25-6091 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

The main challenges faced by research infrastructures in maintaining their performance in a multidisciplinary context : the Data Terra case study 

Marina Ripon, Sébastien Payan, Patrice Henry, Anne Puissant, Frédéric Huynh, Erwann Quimbert, Emmanuel Chaljub, Emilie Deschamps-Ostanciaux, Isabelle Biagiotti, and Ghislaine Abbassi

Data Terra is a research E-Infrastructure in the field of Earth systems and the environment. Observing, understanding and modelling the Earth system in an integrated manner as it undergoes global change is a fundamental research challenge and a necessity for many environmental and socio-economic applications. Accessing, processing and combining these data in an integrated and dynamic manner is essential for addressing societal issues.

The main challenges facing research infrastructures to maintain their performance include sustaining  the systems in place, as well as effective governance models to manage interdisciplinary contexts. At the same time, technological adaptation must meet growing needs for high-performance computing and massive storage, while responding to major societal challenges.

The Data Terra research infrastructure is made up of several data and services hubs, each representing a compartment of the Earth system : AERIS for Atmosphere, THEIA for Land Surfaces, FormaTerre for Solid Earth, ODATIS for Ocean and PNDB for Biodiversity.

In order to face these challenges,  Data Terra Research Infrastructure aims to create a global, integrated platform for Earth system observation data, services and products through these five data and services hubs by this following:

  • Promoting access to multi-source data
  • Develop interoperable services covering the entire data cycle
  • Meet FAIR criteria for all Earth system compartments and their interactions
  • Coordinate, federate and optimize all existing institutions, facilities and resources in the field within a single research infrastructure
  • Implement integrated, multidisciplinary approaches to the use of Earth observation research data
  • Support international and European initiatives as well as public policies for sustainable development

In this presentation we will focus on the AERIS hub and its work in supporting the various Research Infrastructures in the atmosphere area and implementing atmosphere data and services in  various multidisciplinary projects. 



How to cite: Ripon, M., Payan, S., Henry, P., Puissant, A., Huynh, F., Quimbert, E., Chaljub, E., Deschamps-Ostanciaux, E., Biagiotti, I., and Abbassi, G.: The main challenges faced by research infrastructures in maintaining their performance in a multidisciplinary context : the Data Terra case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6091,, 2025.

EGU25-6909 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

SUBMERSE: turning submarine telecommunications cables into planetary sensors. 

Chris Atherton, Frederik Tilmann, and Ramaz Kvatadze and the SUBMERSE Project Consortium

The internet relies on submarine telecommunication cables that criss-cross our oceans, connecting countries and continents. Yet, the oceans remain among the most underexplored areas of our planet. The SUBMERSE project (SUBMarinE cables for ReSearch and Exploration) aims to utilise existing technologies to retrofit fibre optic cables as sensors for monitoring planetary processes beneath the waves, achieved by attaching fibre optic interrogators at landing stations.

Running for over two years, the project has achieved notable successes in developing innovative technologies and analytical techniques. These advancements have expanded the use of telecommunication cables for fibre sensing and enabled the creation of data products, primarily in geoscience and marine science.

For instance, we have developed an automated, machine-learning-based algorithm for analysing earthquake waveforms and measuring ocean surface gravity waves using seafloor Distributed Acoustic Sensor (DAS) recordings. Furthermore, new DAS technologies have been introduced, such as the ability to monitor relative temperature changes via submarine cable fibres. The project has also demonstrated the harmonious coexistence of DAS with active telecommunications traffic on the same fibre and successfully deployed state-of-polarisation (SOP) measurements synchronised with an atomic clock in one of the most remote locations in the world.

However, geopolitical events and incidents involving suspected targeting of critical submarine infrastructure have posed challenges to international data sharing. While adhering to the FAIR principles, we address the evolving complexities of sharing data that may contain sensitive information alongside valuable research content. To mitigate these risks, we have implemented robust AI software and processes to securely clear data for research purposes.

This presentation will detail the activities, achievements, and challenges of the SUBMERSE project, which strives to develop a pilot research instrument and provide a blueprint for continuous monitoring of Earth's systems across and between continents.

How to cite: Atherton, C., Tilmann, F., and Kvatadze, R. and the SUBMERSE Project Consortium: SUBMERSE: turning submarine telecommunications cables into planetary sensors., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6909,, 2025.

EGU25-7284 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

Towards a digital twin of the urban atmosphere for decision support 

Femke C. Vossepoel, Sam Pickard, Maarten van Reeuwijk, Marion Samler, Natalie Theeuwes, and Nele Veldeman

Since the atmosphere is omnipresent, it plays a vital role in the complex interactions with other Earth and societal systems. This is especially true in urban areas, where over 4 billion people currently reside, a number expected to grow to 70% of the global population by 2050[1]. Human interventions in the urban environment – including spatial planning, the development of green, blue and grey infrastructure, and mobility choices – interact with climate and meteorological variables to influence the health and well-being of urban dwellers and the liveability of our cities. Such complexity makes it challenging for existing infrastructures to provide robust evidence to support stakeholders who make these decisions. Thus, a digital twin tailored to stakeholder needs that brings together internationally disparate expertise and high-quality research infrastructures would be highly beneficial.

UrbanAIR[2], started in January 2025, strives to develop such a digital twin that supports urban decision-makers as they contend with design dilemmas stemming from the impacts of climate change and air quality on citizen health and socio-economic wellbeing. It is a highly interdisciplinary consortium, bringing together computer scientists, environmental modellers, communication specialists, social scientists and software developers. On the technical side, UrbanAIR will include a cascade of atmospheric models, ranging from the global scale, linking via the mesoscale to very high-resolution simulators at the neighbourhood or street level. By starting from the perspective of the decision-maker and fostering co-creation, we will configure the models to generate scenarios that address key dilemmas and support a balanced evaluation of decision criteria. In this presentation, we will present our plans for integrating the different simulation and decision-making components. We will pay specific attention to the integration of observations into the simulator and to uncertainty quantification through emerging data assimilation and machine-learning techniques.

The resulting dynamic, user-friendly workflow and tools will be integrated into the Destination Earth infrastructure[3], empowering municipalities and industries to make informed choices on urban planning and design to better prepare for climate change adaptation and hazard exposure. By testing the tools in a variety of real-world settings, the research infrastructure of UrbanAIR will pave the way for effective climate adaptation and hazard mitigation in a more general sense, transforming urban planning and design into a proactive, tool-based, approach for a safer, healthier, and more resilient future.

[1] World Bank,, accessed 13 January 2025

[2] UrbanAIR is part of the work programme HORIZON-INFRA-2024-TECH-01-03: New digital twins for Destination Earth.


How to cite: Vossepoel, F. C., Pickard, S., van Reeuwijk, M., Samler, M., Theeuwes, N., and Veldeman, N.: Towards a digital twin of the urban atmosphere for decision support, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7284,, 2025.

EGU25-9073 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

Fostering Curiosity-Driven Research on the Solid Earth: the Geo-INQUIRE project 

Fabrice Cotton and Angelo Strollo and the Geo-Inquire core team


Since 2022, researchers from 51 European institutions have been collaborating on Geo-INQUIRE, a multidisciplinary Horizon Europe project. This initiative aims to enhance, provide access to, and integrate key datasets, big data streams, and High-Performance Computing (HPC) tools critical for studying temporal variations in the solid Earth, forecasting multi-hazards, and analyzing interactions between the solid Earth and its surrounding environments, including the ocean and atmosphere. The project integrates, harmonizes and supports the efforts of several ERICs and European Consortium (EPOS-ERIC, ECCSEL-ERIC, EMSO-ERIC, CHEESE, ORFEUS, EFEHR)

Geo-INQUIRE seeks to overcome cross-domain barriers, particularly in the land-sea-atmosphere continuum, by leveraging cutting-edge data management techniques, advanced modeling and simulation methods, developments in AI and big data, and the extension of existing data infrastructures. The project focuses on disseminating these resources to the wider scientific community, aligning them with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) framework.

Although many of these resources already exhibit a high level of maturity, Geo-INQUIRE ensures their advancement to the highest scientific standards by targeting improvements in availability, quality, and spatial and temporal resolution. The initiative emphasizes adherence to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles, the adoption of open standards and licenses, and fostering cross-disciplinary interoperability.

Integration of diverse datasets, including new observables, products, and services, is optimized through targeted activities in seven test beds. These test beds also serve as venues for workshops and summer schools, facilitating hands-on training and engagement with project resources.

We will highlight key scientific achievements, such as participation by over 2,300 scientists in seminars and training activities, as well as improved access to new datasets. Additionally, we will explore novel collaborative frameworks designed to increase diversity among participants and encourage interdisciplinary research. Finally, we will address the challenges and ongoing efforts required to develop infrastructures that support FAIR principles and are adapted to machine learning-driven scientific advancements.


How to cite: Cotton, F. and Strollo, A. and the Geo-Inquire core team: Fostering Curiosity-Driven Research on the Solid Earth: the Geo-INQUIRE project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9073,, 2025.

EGU25-11130 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

Towards Harmonised Environmental Research: The Role of ITINERIS in Integrating Italian Research Infrastructures 

Lucia Saganeiti, Quinzia Palazzo, Giuseppe Gargano, and Carmela Cornacchia

Environmental challenges, such as pollution, land-use transformations, climate change and their consequences on biodiversity and ecosystem stability, represent some of the most urgent issues facing society today.

Given the complexity of such problems, a multi-disciplinary approach to the Earth System is essential to provide quantitative knowledge to be translated into concrete, efficient, timely and applicable strategies. This approach involves integrating and combining field observations, experimental activities in the laboratory, data analysis and modelling tools across different environmental domains, with Research Infrastructures (RIs) playing a crucial role in delivering the systematic and coherent information required for high-level research.

According to the National Research Infrastructure Plan (PNIR) 2021 - 2027, Italy actively participates in the main pan-European environmental RIs and hosts numerous RIs of national relevance, occupying a privileged position to make a significant contribution in the environmental domain. In fact, in Italy, RIs in the environmental domain account for 17% of the total including European, global and national RIs.

However, the diversity and variety of these RIs requires coordinated efforts to foster their integration, connection and harmonisation in order to maximise their impact on environmental research and sustainability strategies.

To achieve this coordination and build a unified framework for environmental research in Italy, 22 RIs have joined forces under the ITINERIS (Italian Integrated Environmental Research Infrastructure System) thematic network. ITINERIS focuses on facilitating the observation and study of Earth system processes across the atmosphere, marine, terrestrial biosphere, and geosphere domains.

A key aspect of ITINERIS is the ITINERIS HUB, a single access point that integrates and expands the array of resources available in the catalogues across the participating RIs, enhance accessibility, and foster multidisciplinary collaborations among the scientific community and various public and private stakeholders, nationally and internationally.

This study presents a comprehensive analysis of existing RI resource catalogues, evaluating their structure, scope, and criteria for resource selection.

The analysis assesses consistency, identifies gaps and overlaps, and evaluates the metadata schemas and search functionality of the catalogues to ensure harmonisation into the ITINERIS HUB.

The analysis provides a detailed resource mapping of each RI, highlighting alignment with the resource categories defined by ITINERIS, such as providers, services, datasets, research products, training resources and virtual research environments (VREs). The maturity and accessibility of resources are assessed using standardised metrics and visualized through tabular and visual formats, including radar charts, providing a clear overview of the current status of each catalogue.

Results of this study show a considerable variability in the maturity levels of the RIs' catalogues: some have fully developed and resource-rich catalogues, others have partial catalogues with a limited number of resources, while some are still in the early stages of development or have no entries at all.

This systematic analysis identifies gaps and proposes targeted solutions for better integration and harmonisation in the ITINERIS HUB, paving the way for a more cohesive, efficient and accessible research ecosystem.

Acknowledgement: the research has been funded by EU - Next Generation EU Mission 4,  Component 2 - CUP B53C22002150006 - Project IR0000032 – ITINERIS - Italian Integrated Environmental Research Infrastructures System 

How to cite: Saganeiti, L., Palazzo, Q., Gargano, G., and Cornacchia, C.: Towards Harmonised Environmental Research: The Role of ITINERIS in Integrating Italian Research Infrastructures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11130,, 2025.

EGU25-11250 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

Integrating Advanced Research Infrastructures for Environmental Challenges: Insights from EXCITE²’s Transnational Access Program  

Geertje ter Maat, Richard Wessels, Selene van der Poel, and Oliver Plümper

The EXCITE² Network integrates 19 cutting-edge research facilities across 12 European and associated countries, offering transnational access to advanced imaging and analytical technologies, including electron and X-ray microscopy, spectroscopy, and data processing. This infrastructure enables researchers to address key environmental challenges, such as sustainable resource extraction, environmental toxicity, and climate change mitigation. 

EXCITE²’s Transnational Access (TA) program follows a structured, transparent process that includes multiple phases: preparatory, proposal submission, review, operational, and reporting. The TA process ensures that researchers from diverse backgrounds, including early-career scientists and those from underrepresented regions, can access world-class facilities. Proposals undergo rigorous peer review, with priority given to scientific excellence, technical feasibility, and inclusivity. The Facility Access System (FAST) manages all aspects of the workflow, from call advertisement to proposal evaluation and execution, ensuring efficiency and equal opportunity. 

This contribution will showcase EXCITE²’s progress in fostering international collaboration, its adoption of innovative services such as remote access and AI-driven imaging, and its commitment to open science and FAIR data principles. Additionally, key case studies and lessons learned from implementing the TA program will be presented, offering insights into how structured transnational access can drive innovation and tackle complex environmental challenges. 

How to cite: ter Maat, G., Wessels, R., van der Poel, S., and Plümper, O.: Integrating Advanced Research Infrastructures for Environmental Challenges: Insights from EXCITE²’s Transnational Access Program , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11250,, 2025.

EGU25-11359 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

iMagine: AI-Powered Image Analysis for Aquatic Science 

Ilaria Fava, Gergely Sipos, Dick Schaap, Álvaro López García, and Valentin Kozlov

The EC-funded iMagine project aims to revolutionise aquatic science research by providing open access to AI-powered image analysis tools and resources. Focused on the theme of "Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters," iMagine addresses the growing need for efficient analysis of vast amounts of image data generated from diverse sources like underwater cameras, drones, microscopes, and satellites.

iMagine operates the iMagine AI Platform", a computational platform built upon the AI4OS framework and supported by AI4EOSC. Hosted on OpenStack clouds within the EGI e-Infrastructure Federation, the platform offers significant GPU and storage capacity to handle the dynamic needs of various research projects. It provides a complete suite of tools for the entire machine learning lifecycle, including image annotation, preprocessing, a deep learning model catalogue, model training and evaluation, and model inference for scientific end-users. This comprehensive approach facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing between AI experts and aquatic science researchers.

The platform's core functionalities include:

  • A generic computational platform supporting the development of AI-based image analysis services for the aquatic science community.
  • Development of AI-based image analysis services addressing various scientific challenges within aquatic research.
  • Provision of labelled image datasets, enabling AI models' training and retraining.
  • Sharing of best practices, disseminating knowledge related to imaging data and AI-driven image analysis in aquatic sciences.

iMagine supports a diverse range of use cases, demonstrating the power of AI for image analysis in aquatic research. These use cases tackle critical issues including floating litter classification and quantification, plankton taxonomic identification, ecosystem statistics generation, oil spill movement and spread prediction, underwater audio data analysis to track vessel activity, and coral reef health monitoring.

The iMagine Competence Centre, consisting of AI experts, domain scientists, and image data owners, facilitates collaboration between use cases and platform providers. The Competence Centre organises regular meetings, training sessions, and feedback collection to refine AI models and ensure the development of robust online services for end-users.

To further enhance data quality, reproducibility, and scientific progress, iMagine adheres to best practices in data management, quality control, and model development. All use cases contribute to publicly available image datasets on Zenodo, allowing for model validation, retraining, and the development of new models. iMagine actively collaborates with other prominent projects like EOSC, AI4EU, and Blue-Cloud 2026 to maximise its impact and promote the broader adoption of AI-powered solutions within the aquatic science community.

How to cite: Fava, I., Sipos, G., Schaap, D., López García, Á., and Kozlov, V.: iMagine: AI-Powered Image Analysis for Aquatic Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11359,, 2025.

EGU25-11542 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

JERICO - The pan-European Coastal Ocean Observing System 

Laurent Delauney, Laurent Coppola, Dominique Durand, Nathaniel Bensoussan, Annaig Le Guen, Alain Lefebvre, Lucie Cocquempot, Philippe Riou, and Alexandre Epinoux

JERICO (The European Coastal Ocean Observing System) is a pan-European research infrastructure committed to observing, analyzing, understanding, and forecasting changes in coastal marine systems. It encompasses a wide range of scientific disciplines, including physical oceanography, biogeochemistry, marine biology, and hydrology. Its objective is to provide integrated solutions to address key scientific challenges related to climate change, anthropogenic pressures, extreme events, biodiversity loss and the sustainable management of coastal resources.

JERICO’s scientific vision is to create a coherent observation framework to enhance the understanding of coastal ecosystems by combining multidisciplinary data and innovative approaches. Its mission is based on delivering high-quality observations, FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data, and access to advanced services and technologies, while strengthening international scientific collaboration.

JERICO pushes the boundaries of science by integrating new interdisciplinary dimensions with a multiplatforms approach. This includes fixed and moving platforms with the development of real-time physical, biological and chemical observations (e.g., smart sensors, marine robots), the transition to systems fully compatible with artificial intelligence, and the design of environmentally friendly infrastructures. These advancements enable better monitoring of essential oceanic variables and support the sustainable management of coastal ecosystems within the framework of the European Green Deal.

The multidisciplinary impact of JERICO is significant. It builds bridges between marine, terrestrial, and atmospheric disciplines, addressing critical gaps in the European scientific landscape. It bridges coastal and open-ocean data, fostering synergies with existing RIs. To enhance coordination, JERICO established links with several RIs, including DANUBIUS, ICOS, EMBRC, and EMSO. These partnerships strengthen synergies, improve data interoperability, and support joint initiatives addressing coastal and environmental observation challenges.

How to cite: Delauney, L., Coppola, L., Durand, D., Bensoussan, N., Le Guen, A., Lefebvre, A., Cocquempot, L., Riou, P., and Epinoux, A.: JERICO - The pan-European Coastal Ocean Observing System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11542,, 2025.

EGU25-11863 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

EU funding to integrate cutting-edge methodological and technological solutions, enabling the development of a next-generation network of Near Fault Observatories across Europe (project TRANSFORM²) 

Panagiotis Elias, Gaetano Festa, Lauro Chiaraluce, Pascal Bernard, George Kaviris, Christos Evangelidis, Efthimios Sokos, John Clinton, Alexandru Marmureanu, Simona Colompelli, Mariano Supino, Dimitris Paronis, Vassilis Karastathis, Men-Andrin Meier, Semih Ergintav, Alessandro Vuan, Tomas Fischer, Sebela Stanka, Dimitris Paliatsas, and Anna Serpetsidaki
A Near Fault Observatory (NFO) is a natural laboratory undergoing active, and complex geophysical processes at or in proximity to densely populated urban areas. NFOs bound relatively small areas and provide researchers from various disciplines (e.g. geophysics, geodesy, and geochemistry) the opportunity to access and (re-)use a vast wealth of data and derive scientific products. This allows a better understanding of the multi-scale, physical/chemical processes, responsible for earthquake generation. This can only be achieved by the acquisition of continuous, long-term, high-resolution multidisciplinary data and the application of consistent, reliable state-of-the-art data processing.

Six NFOs in Europe have been identified by the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) as long-term Research Infrastructures; three additional NFOs are in observer status. NFOs target the enhanced understanding of the mechanics of earthquakes to unravel the anatomy of complex seismogenic faults.
The TRANSFORM² project has the ambitious goal to improve and transform the existing NFOs, by integrating cutting-edge methodological and technological solutions, paving the way for the next generation of NFOs across Europe. This will be achieved by:

  • Conducting tests, horizon scanning and feasibility studies, performing gap-analysis and assessing user needs in order to gain knowledge of the available state-of-the-art sensor equipment, evaluating its appropriateness and applicability for their deployment in the NFOs.
  • Accelerating sensor development and testing where possible.
  • Creating, developing, and applying workflows that will revolutionize the capacity of NFOs to detect and characterize seismicity and ongoing seismic sequences in real-time, leveraging machine learning as well as the existing and next-generation instrumentation.
  • Establishing new paradigms in Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) that are optimized for the dense      NFO networks. Assessing the developed workflow’s suitability on EEW applications targeting the decision-makers and, consequently, society.
  • Transforming the interaction with stakeholders and decision-makers, underpinned by a deeper understanding of their needs and demands and ultimately the benefits that they can gain from the RIs.
  • Assessing the capacity and opening of new pathways for the existing NFOs to function as powerful test-beds for the development, calibration, and testing of new measuring equipment and systems.
  • Identifying possible funding mechanisms and sources and providing recommendations to national administration authorities and the European Commission on potential calls for the long-term sustainability of the RIs. 

Finally, a ‘white book’ will be created to document how data, products and services from the next-generation Research Infrastructure (RI) can be exploited for the benefit of different target stakeholders, such as the research community, the local authorities, and the society, and propose ways for a sustainable funding of the RI in the future.
TRANSFORM² is funded by the European Commission under project number 101188365 within the HORIZON-INFRA-2024-DEV-01-01 call.

How to cite: Elias, P., Festa, G., Chiaraluce, L., Bernard, P., Kaviris, G., Evangelidis, C., Sokos, E., Clinton, J., Marmureanu, A., Colompelli, S., Supino, M., Paronis, D., Karastathis, V., Meier, M.-A., Ergintav, S., Vuan, A., Fischer, T., Stanka, S., Paliatsas, D., and Serpetsidaki, A.: EU funding to integrate cutting-edge methodological and technological solutions, enabling the development of a next-generation network of Near Fault Observatories across Europe (project TRANSFORM²), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11863,, 2025.

Addressing complex and interlinked environmental challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and socio-ecological transformations requires a collaborative, transdisciplinary, and data-driven approach. In response, the European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure (eLTER RI) implements a 'whole system' approach at the continental scale. This presentation introduces eLTER RI as a platform for research based on long-term, high-resolution data collection across diverse ecosystems, enabling the disentanglement of fast disturbances such as storms, from slow-onset processes like climate warming. A central building block is the eLTER Standard Observations framework, which harmonises data collection across 65 variables on five ecosystem spheres (geo- & pedosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, socio-econosphere and lower atmosphere), major abiotic, biotic and socio-ecological characteristics and fluxes (matter, energy, water). The framework ensures consistency and comparability of data across sites, facilitating the development of large-scale data products and cross-site comparisons. Case studies, including the impacts of landscape management on pollinators and trends in benthic invertebrate populations caused by changing natural and anthropogenic pressures, demonstrate the value of standardised, long-term observations for understanding environmental processes and supporting continental-scale analyses. The presentation also addresses the challenges of upscaling site-specific observations to broader trends and the integration of socio-economic data to better understand human-environment interactions. By linking ecological and socio-economic factors, eLTER RI provides insights that inform evidence-based decision-making and policy development. Addressing scientists, infrastructure operators, data managers, policymakers, and stakeholders alike, we will highlight the critical role of integrated research infrastructures in advancing environmental science and tackling pressing global challenges.

How to cite: Mirtl, M. and Bäck, J.: eLTER RI as integrative and collaborative framework enabling multi- and transdisciplinary research in terrestrial, freshwater and transitional water ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12217,, 2025.

EGU25-12642 | Posters on site | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

Harmonizing Access to Research Infrastructures: Insights from ACTRIS and ECORD within the ITINERIS Project 

Annalisa Iadanza, Rosa Maria Petracca Altieri, Angelo Camerlenghi, Simone Gagliardi, and Carmela Cornacchia

The Italian Integrated Environmental Research Infrastructures System (ITINERIS) project is building the Italian Hub of Research Infrastructures (RI) and aims to facilitate the coordinated provision of wide, streamlined access to data and services from the national nodes of 22 RIs across the atmosphere, marine domain, terrestrial biosphere, and geosphere domains.

A significant effort is being made to harmonize the access practices across the participating RIs to ensure that all users can experience uniform, simplified and efficient access to the wider and integrated set of advanced RIs’ services.

An analysis of current access policies and practices confirmed that RIs in ITINERIS share many aspects, largely because they follow the EU Charter of Access to Research Infrastructures and are mostly funded by the EU. However, some noticeable differences were identified, for instance, in the cases of ACTRIS (Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) and ECORD (European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling), where harmonization poses both an opportunity and a challenge.

Access in ACTRIS is centrally managed by the Service and Access Management Unit (SAMU) of the Head Office and is provided following user request in response to a standard or rolling call. User requests undergo a selection process, which consists of 3 steps of review based on eligibility (by the SAMU), feasibility (by the provider), and scientific merit (by external experts). Special procedures streamline the process in particular cases, depending on the type of user (private sector users, public authorities, international networks) or the contingent situation (exceptional situations and extreme events requiring researchers to conduct essential experiments, measurements, or analyses).

ECORD, a distributed RI in the geosphere domain, operates as an independent consortium of 15 members with a centralized management structure and as a member of the International Ocean Drilling Programme (IODP3). Its access model reflects this dual nature: drilling and legacy assets proposal submission is not subject to membership; access to expeditions is merit-based and weighted against the annual quota of the national member; access to training services is excellence-driven and subject to the membership fee; access to research grants and scholarships is an excellence-driven initiative for ECORD-based early-career scientists; upon request, access to samples/data after the expiration of the moratorium period is wide, unrelated to membership, and free of charge.

Given this heterogeneous context, the development of a shared Access Management Plan, which provides for harmonized access practices and a national framework for access for the ITINERIS RIs, is based on enhancing common principles and elements in the processes. The plan is meant to integrate the persisting differences, which stem from the unique characteristics of the various infrastructures, access methods, and services provided, into a common and non-conflicting scheme. The harmonized process is articulated in: user application, eligibility and feasibility confirmation, and expert evaluation.

Acknowledgement: the research has been funded by EU - Next Generation EU Mission 4, Component 2 - CUP B53C22002150006 - Project IR0000032 – ITINERIS - Italian Integrated Environmental Research Infrastructures System

How to cite: Iadanza, A., Petracca Altieri, R. M., Camerlenghi, A., Gagliardi, S., and Cornacchia, C.: Harmonizing Access to Research Infrastructures: Insights from ACTRIS and ECORD within the ITINERIS Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12642,, 2025.

EGU25-12663 | Posters on site | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

The role and challenges of LifeWatch ERIC in the European Environmental Research Infrastructure landscape.  

Jacco Konijn, Christos Arvanitidis, and Zhiming Zhao

LifeWatch ERIC provides integrated solutions for current constraints and impediments which negatively affect biodiversity and ecosystem research, such as the pressing need for increasingly diverse, open and FAIR compliant data, advanced models, reproducible analytical services and other research products. It also creates the collaborative and democratic research space in the form of the Virtual Research Environments (VREs) to host the above products.

To this end, LifeWatch ERIC has developed advanced tools and technologies, like MyLifeWatch, the LifeBlock (blockchain-based service) for the integration and traceability of research resources and products; discovery, access and provenance; implementation of FAIR principles.

NaaVRE (Notebook as a Virtual REsearch Environment) and Tesseract are additional novel and innovative technologies to build customizable Virtual Labs in the distributed Cloud infrastructure.

LifeWatch ERIC has played a leading role in the ENVRI community from the first initiatives since 2011. It supported the development of the ENVRI Reference Model describing the entire data management cycle and currently contributes to the ENVRIHubNext project by offering user training and skills as well as stakeholder engagement. Through its partner University of Amsterdam, LifeWatch ERIC contributes to the construction of the ENVRI Knowledge base and advanced search engine. 

In the OSCARS project where several clusters of European (ESFRI) Research Infrastructures collaborate, LifeWatch ERIC represents the ENVRI cluster in building up the Cluster Competence Centers.

The challenges of LifeWatch ERIC are manifold. Although firmly established, the constant need for collaboration with our ENVRI partners is essential to offer holistic and interdisciplinary solutions to environmental research. Long term funding is a constant challenge in this  period of political uncertainty for the science and its impacts on policy and society. New emerging technologies like AI are needed to be implemented to keep up with technological standards. This can only be done in a concerted way with the allies in ENVRI, to support Environmental Science and policy in the best possible way, considering the big societal challenges like for instance climate change, biodiversity loss, food security and health.

We will discuss these challenges, offer possible ways forward and ways to further engage with the ENVRI community and policy makers at the European level on opportunities for sustainable future cooperation.

How to cite: Konijn, J., Arvanitidis, C., and Zhao, Z.: The role and challenges of LifeWatch ERIC in the European Environmental Research Infrastructure landscape. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12663,, 2025.

EGU25-16219 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3 | Highlight

IRISCC: Advancing Environmental Science through Integrated Services for Climate Change Risks 

Päivi Haapanala, Magdalena Brus, Nikolaos Nikolaidis, Jaana Bäck, Niku Kivekäs, Werner Kutsch, Dick Schaap, Klaus Steenberg Larsen, Rosa Maria Petracca Altieri, Cathrine Lund Myhre, Katrine Korsgaad, Sanna Sorvari Sundet, and Janne Rinne

The IRISCC (Integrated Research Infrastructure Services for Climate Change risks, project delivers scientific and knowledge-based services aimed to support society’s capacity to address and strengthen resilience to climate change. IRISCC will establish a comprehensive service catalogue for research, innovation, training, and digital services related to climate risks. The project represents a significant step forward in the integration and operationalisation of 14 national and international research infrastructures (RIs) including many RIs being part of the Environmental RI community ENVRI.

IRISCC brings together almost 80 partners representing disciplines from natural science to social sciences. IRISCC will establish a “one-stop-shop” focusing on fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and providing open and FAIR climate change related RI services. These services include transnational access to research facilities and virtual access to harmonised data, as well as standardised methodologies and cutting-edge tools for understanding climate change driven risk and their determinants (hazard, exposure, and vulnerability). Aligned with the session’s emphasis on integrative approaches, IRISCC demonstrates how collaborative frameworks across research domains can enhance the capabilities of environmental RIs. The project’s development of shared standards and interoperable tools exemplifies the harmonisation and innovation necessary to address global environmental challenges.

By EGU 2025, IRISCC will have launched its first suite of services, marking a milestone in the project's contribution to advancing environmental science and resilience-building efforts. This presentation will showcase the newly released IRISCC services and the applications of the follow up service releases in advancing research on climate risks, disaster risk reduction, and cross-sectoral environmental integration. It will also discuss the collaborative efforts within the ENVRI community and beyond (RIs from data, health and social sciences), emphasising the role of integrated RIs in delivering actionable knowledge to researchers, policymakers, and society.

By offering transnational and virtual access and facilitating the interaction with key stakeholders through its service design laboratories, IRISCC aligns with the session's focus on the future evolution of research infrastructures. Its approach not only supports multidisciplinary research but also strengthens the pathways for translating scientific advancements into effective policies and practical solutions.

IRISCC is funded by the European Union (project number 101131261). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

How to cite: Haapanala, P., Brus, M., Nikolaidis, N., Bäck, J., Kivekäs, N., Kutsch, W., Schaap, D., Larsen, K. S., Petracca Altieri, R. M., Lund Myhre, C., Korsgaad, K., Sorvari Sundet, S., and Rinne, J.: IRISCC: Advancing Environmental Science through Integrated Services for Climate Change Risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16219,, 2025.

EGU25-16321 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

GEORGE –scientific success-story about the collaboration between three European Research Infrastructure Consortiums (ICOS, EMSO and EURO-ARGO) developing novel tools for observational gaps and future needs. 

Janne-Markus Rintala, Socratis Loucaides, Matt Mowlem, Laurent Coppola, Edouard Leymarie, Ute Schuster, Tobias Steinhoff, Simo Cusi, Richard Sanders, Ingrid Puillat, Nadine Lanteri, Maria Luhtaniemi, Yann-Hervé de Roeck, Tomi Männistö, Nea Pirttinen, and Werner Kutsch

Climate Change is the biggest environmental challenge of the 21st century. Novel sensors are needed to improve our understanding of carbonate chemistry and a concerted scientific effort to compile different requirements, such as needs to know how the carbon observations measured from various parts of the oceans differs. ICOS, EURO-ARGO and EMSO ERICs are all open and accessible world-class sustainable research infrastructures, with enhanced international cooperation that are crucial to foster innovation in the field which have joined their forces together to improve ocean carbon observations.

We will present an overview of the current progress of the GEORGE-project. We will also open discussion about some of the key concerns about the foreseeable long-term future concerns and challenges, such as the data integration, and sustainable funding of the measurement stations which will hinder the integration and implementation of these developed technologies to be an elemental part of the existing observational networks.

How to cite: Rintala, J.-M., Loucaides, S., Mowlem, M., Coppola, L., Leymarie, E., Schuster, U., Steinhoff, T., Cusi, S., Sanders, R., Puillat, I., Lanteri, N., Luhtaniemi, M., de Roeck, Y.-H., Männistö, T., Pirttinen, N., and Kutsch, W.: GEORGE –scientific success-story about the collaboration between three European Research Infrastructure Consortiums (ICOS, EMSO and EURO-ARGO) developing novel tools for observational gaps and future needs., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16321,, 2025.

Making vertical profiles of water column properties from ships, a process known as hydrography, is one of the oldest ways of observing the ocean, conducted by nearly every coastal state. The presence of scientists on ships, the high levels of power available and the high quantities of water available from modern CTD rosettes allow hydrographic programmes to measure a  great range of parameters, with great precision. As a result hydrographic observations remain the bedrock of the modern ocean observing system, against which many other campaigns are referenced and calibrated, giving us key information on the evolution of key issues such as eutrophication, ocean acidification, ocean carbon storage and hypoxia. Despite (and potentially because of) the longevity of this way of observing the ocean through(?) organized hydrographic observations, represented within GOOS via the GO-SHIP programme, lacks formal presence in the EU Research infrastructure landscape and as a consequence many of the issues that confront European hydrographers including training, best practices and data are not systematically addressed and improved as they are in other RIs. In 2021 we initiated the EuroGO-SHIP project to rectify this with a major focus on addressing these gaps and formulating a concept for how a European component to the international GO-SHIP programme could exist within the EU RI landscape. This presentation will report on this project, highlighting key insights regarding how addressing these gaps can lead to a material improvement in our ability to measure and respond to key societal issues and how the services needed to do this can be sustained in the next generation of RI construction.


How to cite: Weber, R. and McDonagh, E.: EuroGO-SHIP: developing a concept for an ocean observing research infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16525,, 2025.

EGU25-17933 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

New Digital Twin for Destination Earth: TerraDT – Digital Twin of Earth System for Cryosphere, Land Surface, and Related Interactions 

Narayanappa Devaraju, Jenni Kontkanen, Jenni Poutanen, Juha Tonttila, Hendryk Bockelmann, Hauke Schmidt, Nikolay Koldunov, Daniel Klocke, Etienne Tourigny, Maria Giuffrida, Mario Acosta, Harri Kokkola, Thomas Zwinger, Anton Laakso, and Sara Garavelli

Reliable, high-resolution information on regional and local climate impacts is crucial for effective climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. The European Commission Destination Earth (DestinE) initiative aims to address this need by creating advanced Digital Twins (DTs) of the Earth, including the Climate Adaptation Digital Twin (Climate DT), which provides km-scale climate information over multiple decades. However, the ability of the Climate DT to support actionable impact assessments is limited by its incomplete representation of critical Earth system components.

To overcome these limitations, we present TerraDT, a Horizon Europe-funded research project focused on developing a state-of-the-art Digital Twin of the Earth system with a specific emphasis on the cryosphere, land surface, and their interactions. TerraDT aligns with the DestinE vision of creating interoperable and interactive DTs and advances Earth system modeling by enhancing the representation of land ice, sea ice, aerosols, and land surface processes at global km-scale resolution.

TerraDT features a modular and scalable infrastructure with a generic coupling interface that supports the integration of novel components, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)-based emulators. This framework enables more accurate climate projections and impact assessments, while user-oriented models provide actionable insights into cryosphere and land-surface-related challenges. The project pursues three primary objectives:

  • Develop TerraDT to improve climate projections and impact assessments for enhanced decision-making. 
  • Enhance the DestinE infrastructure by creating a modular, scalable, and interoperable TerraDT platform with advanced software, high-performance computing, and data handling capabilities. 
  • Foster user uptake by engaging the scientific community and stakeholders in public and private sectors, ensuring a user-centric approach to development and deployment. 

TerraDT is designed for full integration into the DestinE framework, ensuring compatibility and enhancing the overall ecosystem’s capability to guide climate adaptation and mitigation efforts.

By delivering improved accuracy in modeling the cryosphere and land-surface interactions, TerraDT positions itself as a transformative enhancement to DestinE. Its innovative infrastructure, combined with its focus on modularity and user engagement, ensures TerraDT provides robust, actionable climate projections to policymakers and stakeholders worldwide, fostering a more resilient and sustainable future.

How to cite: Devaraju, N., Kontkanen, J., Poutanen, J., Tonttila, J., Bockelmann, H., Schmidt, H., Koldunov, N., Klocke, D., Tourigny, E., Giuffrida, M., Acosta, M., Kokkola, H., Zwinger, T., Laakso, A., and Garavelli, S.: New Digital Twin for Destination Earth: TerraDT – Digital Twin of Earth System for Cryosphere, Land Surface, and Related Interactions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17933,, 2025.

The European Network for Earth System Modelling Research Infrastructure (ENES-RI) is a
cornerstone of climate science, providing essential datasets for understanding and
addressing climate change. However, the growing complexity and volume of climate model
datasets pose challenges that demand innovative, interdisciplinary solutions. To address
these challenges, "ENES-RI" is being integrated into the Framework of Integrated Research
Infrastructure Services for Climate Change Risks (IRISCC), establishing a unified ecosystem
of Research Infrastructures for data access, processing, and analysis.

This integration introduces three key advancements:
1. Harmonized data access and authentication: Federated systems ensure secure,
standardized global access while maintaining data integrity and compliance with
management policies.
2. Data-proximate processing services: On-site data analysis minimizes large-scale
transfers, improving efficiency, and supporting high-performance workflows.
3. An integrated services platform leveraging JupyterHub: This platform combines
streamlined data access, computational tools, and visualization capabilities enabling
collaborative and interdisciplinary research across diverse domains.

A central objective is to incorporate ENES-RI into the IRISCC services catalog, enabling
seamless discovery and utilization of distributed climate research resources. This effort
fosters collaboration, streamlines workflows, and addresses challenges in managing large-
scale climate data. Practical use cases illustrate how this framework empowers researchers
to conduct advanced climate risk assessments and contribute to global mitigation efforts.
This integration represents a pivotal advance toward a more efficient, collaborative, and
impactful research ecosystem for addressing climate change.

How to cite: Khan, I. and Kindermann, Dr. S.: Streamlining Climate Model Data Access: Integrating ENES-RI into the IRISCC Framework for Climate Change Risks Research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18651,, 2025.

EGU25-18839 | Posters on site | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

Co-UDlabs project: collaborative Research Infrastructures research and innovation in the field of urban drainage 

Jose Anta, Jean-Luc Bertrand-Krajewski, Elodie Brelot, Thomas Brüggemann, Francois Henri Leon Raymond Clemens-Meyer, Antonio Manuel Moreno-Rodenas, Jesper Ellerbæk Nielsen, Jörg Rieckermann, and Simon Tait

Urban drainage systems (UDS) are critical man-made infrastructures that directly interface with natural aquatic systems and control and convey wastewater and stormwater to both centralised and distributed facilities where they can be safely treated, reused whenever possible, or returned to the natural environment. UDS are crucial for protecting public health by limiting contact between people and pathogens, and for safely managing stormwater, reducing pollutants’ impact and urban flooding risks. However, urban settlements around the world face major urban drainage challenges: aging and deteriorating infrastructures, pathogens and other emergent pollutants entering streets and properties via sewer flooding, and natural surface waters being contaminated and their ecological status degraded by sewer overflows and contaminated surface runoff. These challenges are aggravated by global trends such as rapid urbanisation and climate change.

In this changing environment, more innovation and research are urgently needed to tackle these challenges, and large-scale research infrastructures (RIs) are essential to test, validate, and replicate new and effective, ground-breaking approaches. As water utilities, authorities and practitioners have traditionally been cautious innovation adopters, full or near-full scale testing has become essential to support and mainstream innovative solutions.

Co-UDlabs is a H2020-INFRAIA project that has developed Europe’s first network of RIs in the field of urban drainage systems. Launched in 2021, the project has successfully conducted 31 Transnational Access (TAs) projects across 16 large-scale field and laboratory facilities and seven different European research infrastructure providers. Co-UDlabs TA programme has involved more than 220 user-group members from 26 different countries and over 120 research and institutions and stakeholders, with industry users making up 33% of all participants.

By showcasing early and consolidated results of the studies conducted in its TA programme, Co-UDlabs will show how research network synergies and cooperation can allow researchers, utility providers, local governments, and regulators with access and control over all UDS processes and stages. These results include insights from UD processes such rainfall-runoff, surface wash-off, stormwater infiltration and evapotranspiration, wastewater collection systems, and their interactions with urban surfaces and soils, as well as the operation of infrastructure such as pipelines, pumping stations, overflow structures, and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS).

The TA programme and its collaborative framework were complemented by tailored research activities aimed at strengthening quality and quantity of UDS services offered at the European level. These activities shed light and developed innovative approaches to asset deterioration through machine-learning techniques, long-term resilience and sustainability of UDS via more robust, autonomous, and interconnected smart monitoring techniques and digital water data analysis tools. Co-UDlabs also began building a set of harmonised and replicable access tools to data collected in project activities, all consistent with established FAIR data principles. This presentation will cover all aspects above — RI accessibility, scientific cooperation, and data-based community-building — to show how crucial cross-institution and multidisciplinary synergies across research infrastructures will be when addressing key challenges of the present and the near future.

How to cite: Anta, J., Bertrand-Krajewski, J.-L., Brelot, E., Brüggemann, T., Clemens-Meyer, F. H. L. R., Moreno-Rodenas, A. M., Nielsen, J. E., Rieckermann, J., and Tait, S.: Co-UDlabs project: collaborative Research Infrastructures research and innovation in the field of urban drainage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18839,, 2025.

EGU25-19387 | Posters on site | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

Towards a comprehensive user strategy for Integrated Research Infrastructures advancing environmental science: Insights from the ITINERIS project 

Simona Loperte, Simone Gagliardi, Giuseppe Gargano, Rosa Maria Petracca Altieri, Francesca Ricciardi, Corrado Russo, and Carmela Cornacchia

In a global scenario marked by polycrises, environmental challenges are increasingly intertwined with social and economic issues, exacerbated by geopolitical instability. Climate change, environmental degradation, and resource depletion demand innovative and coordinated solutions supported by robust and accessible research tools. Research Infrastructures (RIs), as envisioned by ESFRI, play a pivotal role in addressing these interconnected challenges by fostering innovation, advancing science, and providing high-quality research services. To maximize their societal and scientific impact, a dynamic, user-driven strategy is essential for effectively engaging a broad and diverse user community.

The ITINERIS project—an Italian initiative to create an integrated environmental research infrastructure system across atmospheric, marine, terrestrial, and geospheric domains—aims to strengthen the role of Italian RIs in addressing global environmental challenges. Through an innovative, user-centric approach, ITINERIS enhances accessibility, fosters cross-disciplinary collaboration, and ensures alignment with European standards such as the FAIR principles and the European charter for access to research infrastructures. This effort seeks to establish a model for how RIs can address pressing environmental and societal challenges.

This contribution focuses on the preliminary activities for the development of the ITINERIS user strategy. A comprehensive analysis of user needs and the maturity level of participating RIs in terms of user engagement and access policies has been implemented through a rigorous methodological approach—including empirical surveys, stakeholder consultations, and desk research—to serve as the basis for the strategy. Results highlight the current state of user strategies and access frameworks across ITINERIS partners. The findings reveal significant opportunities for harmonizing methods, enhancing data accessibility, fostering collaboration across diverse scientific and industrial sectors and mostly to understand the future directions of environmental research based on the evolving user needs. Periodic enhancement of the user profiles and detailed categorizations of user demands will help further future development and customization of services, effective standardized procedures for physical, remote, and virtual access ensuring equity and efficiency in resource utilization, and improved satisfaction. Ultimately, the development of a digital platform offering access to data, tools, and facilities will directly contribute to the achievement of user strategy outcomes by ensuring that ITINERIS effectively addresses the evolving needs of the environmental research community, promoting seamless interdisciplinary research and maximizing the impact of its research infrastructure. Innovative strategies are also being implemented to enhance RI accessibility for the Third Sector, schools, and municipalities.

These outcomes underscore the importance of a user-driven approach as a foundational element for the long-term sustainability of RIs and for maximizing their societal value.

ITINERIS’ achievements not only provide a blueprint for advancing environmental research but also highlight the potential of RIs to drive transformative change. By paving the way for an integrated, efficient, and responsive environmental research ecosystem, ITINERIS demonstrates how integrated infrastructures can support cutting-edge science, inform policymaking, and contribute to a sustainable future.

Acknowledgement: the research has been funded by EU - Next Generation EU Mission 4, Component 2 - CUP B53C22002150006 - Project IR0000032 – ITINERIS - Italian Integrated Environmental Research Infrastructures System.


Keywords: Research Infrastructures, Environmental Challenges, ITINERIS, User Strategy, Sustainability, Access Policies, Integrated Research, Decision Support.

How to cite: Loperte, S., Gagliardi, S., Gargano, G., Petracca Altieri, R. M., Ricciardi, F., Russo, C., and Cornacchia, C.: Towards a comprehensive user strategy for Integrated Research Infrastructures advancing environmental science: Insights from the ITINERIS project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19387,, 2025.

The INTEGRATED CARBON OBSERVATION SYSTEM, ICOS, is a European-wide research infrastructure observing greenhouse gases and the carbon cycle. ICOS produces standardised data on greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, as well as on carbon fluxes between the atmosphere, the ecosystems and oceans. This information is essential for predicting and mitigating climate change. ICOS was on the first ESFRI Roadmap in 2006 and became an ERIC (the legal entity for European Research Infrastructures) in 2015. 

During these almost two decades of its existence, ICOS went through a number of crucial steps of its life cycle:

The design phase was mainly characterized by defining the parameters to observe and standardising the methods of observation, by developing a governance model, and by finding long-term resources for implementation and operation of the research infrastructure.

During the implementation phase a complex fabric of national funding needed to be coordinated in order to establish the observational networks which was combined with a process of ensuring the compliance of each station with the agreed standards. In addition, the data life cycle from a single instrument to a diverse user community had to be designed and established. In this context, exchange of experience within the ENVRI community, supported by a series of cluster projects was very helpful.

ICOS is now in its operational phase supporting many scientific users with open data. It has one of the highest ‘FAIR data index’ within the ENVRI community. The data are used in many scientific fields, they are essential for climate models and are used directly in communication and dissemination to policy makers e.g. at Conferences of Parties (COPs) within the UNFCCC.

ICOS is currently exploring how to widen the impact of its observations by developing services for scientific or societal users. Services for climate actions in cities or services for scientifically sound carbon dioxide removal certificates are two examples.

Throughout its lifetime, the further development of ICOS has been supported by a number of EU projects. The strategic management of the project portfolio and the orverarching experience how these projects have supported the development of ICOS will be explained in the presentation.

How to cite: Kutsch, W. L.: The Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) supporting climate science and climate action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19484,, 2025.

EGU25-19522 | Orals | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

Advance Marine Research Infrastructures Together (AMRIT) 

Laurent Mortier and the The AMRIT Consortium

Ocean Observing is essential to developing the scientific knowledge we need to assess ongoing changes in the ocean, their impact on climate, biodiversity and beyond and to take action. As the ocean is global, it requires a federated approach so that marine Research Infrastructures (MRI), organisations, researchers and stakeholders can work together to meet this major challenge. In Europe, the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) framework aims to coordinate and integrate European communities and organisations operating, supporting and maintaining ocean observing infrastructures and activities, fostering collaboration and innovation. It brings Europe’s diverse ocean observing communities together to foster collaboration, strengthen coordination and integration, promote sustained ocean observing and understanding while attracting marine innovation and development.

Marine research infrastructures have been developed through European calls for tender and national funding over the last 20 years, but the lack of coordination and collaboration has resulted in a fragmented framework for effectively meeting EOOS objectives. To set the path towards a more unified and structured European Ocean Observing System, Horizon Europe has launched a series of call for the Consolidation of the RI landscape – development of complementarities, synergies and/or integration between a set of pan- European research infrastructures.

Horizon Europe has allocated more than €5 million to AMRIT - Advance Marine Research Infrastructure together - to strengthen operations at sea and support the development of the EOOS, drawing on the extensive experience and operational capabilities of Europe's established and project-based marine research infrastructures.

A functioning EOOS requires high-quality monitoring of activities, standardised tools to describe these activities (metadata) and support for the wide variety of operators. To do so, AMRIT will develop tools to support operators and facilitate the monitoring of their activities, maintained as part of AMRIT’s final product, the EOOS Technical Support Centre. It will centralise and harmonise metadata flows to provide a single, central access point for all ocean observation activities, improve data reliability, facilitate data use and optimise activities at sea.

How to cite: Mortier, L. and the The AMRIT Consortium: Advance Marine Research Infrastructures Together (AMRIT), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19522,, 2025.

EGU25-20178 | Posters on site | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

DANUBIUS Austria: Advancing River Observatory Networks to Explore Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics in the Upper Danube 

Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze, Silke-Silvia Michelitsch, Daniel S. Hayes, Nadija Cehajic, Marcel Liedermann, Helmut Habersack, Christian Griebler, Gabriele Weigelhofer, and Thomas Hein

River networks are interconnected systems comprising streams, rivers, floodplains, and groundwater bodies. They are highly sensitive to multiple pressures on global, regional, and local scales. Changes within these systems do not only compromise ecosystem integrity and functionality but also jeopardize critical ecosystem services and water resource availability, with significant societal consequences.

DANUBIUS Austria aims to establish a network of advanced river observatories in the Upper Danube River catchment to generate high-resolution, long-term biogeochemical and biological data. These observatories will enable the analysis of long-term trends and short-term fluctuations in surface water and coupled surface–groundwater systems driven by global change. Mechanistic understanding of how climate change, land-use intensification, and local human activities affect biogeochemical fluxes and aquatic ecosystem processes will be enhanced by this network.

DANUBIUS Austria focuses on two key observational regions: (1) the pre-alpine Ybbs River network to investigate system changes across altitude and land-use gradients, and (2) the Danube main stem and its adjacent floodplains within the Danube Floodplain National Park to examine lateral and vertical exchange processes, matter fluxes, and morphodynamics. Observational sites in these regions will be equipped with advanced instruments for automated, high-frequency monitoring of environmental, morphological, hydrochemical, and biological parameters, including nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and suspended sediment flux, along with optical analyses of dissolved organic matter (DOM) using automated water sampling systems. These sites will be supported by field surveys, experiments, and laboratory analyses, emphasizing changes in organic carbon cycling and microbial responses to stressors. Additionally, data management and dissemination systems, along with protocols for operation, strategies, and data utilization, will be developed and implemented.

The scientific vision of DANUBIUS Austria is to provide innovative and internationally relevant insights into aquatic ecosystems within the pre-alpine Upper Danube catchment. This knowledge will support the sustainable management of river systems and associated water resources. The infrastructure will be integrated into the pan-European “European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures” (ESFRI) research framework DANUBIUS-RI as the “Upper Danube Austria and pre-alpine network of tributaries” supersite.

How to cite: Bondar-Kunze, E., Michelitsch, S.-S., Hayes, D. S., Cehajic, N., Liedermann, M., Habersack, H., Griebler, C., Weigelhofer, G., and Hein, T.: DANUBIUS Austria: Advancing River Observatory Networks to Explore Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics in the Upper Danube, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20178,, 2025.

EGU25-20393 | Posters on site | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

A pilot to showcase the interaction of National public authorities with the European Atmospheric Research Facilities 

Eleni Athanasopoulou, Ariane Dubost, John Wenger, and Sabine Philippin

Air pollution persists as a major urban pressure for citizens, in conjunction with climate change impacts on health and the environment. Following the latest WHO recommendations for air quality (2009), the European Union has now revised the Ambient Air Quality Directive, introducing -among others- the monitoring of emerging pollutants, such as ultrafine particles, black carbon and the volatile organic compounds. The human power of the observational platforms of the key European atmospheric networks (e.g. ACTRIS, ICOS) has long-term experience and expertise in dealing with these pollutants. The trans-national access of public authorities to this knowledge and infrastructure is key to unlock their potential to meet the emerging official obligations. This case study has been based on a systematic effort to explore user needs and provider capacities with respect to the atmospheric environment, as surveilled by the authorities and studied by the research community in Europe. The liaison between key stakeholder and observational networks, in the frame of the ATMO-ACCESS project, has enabled the identification of user requirements and of provider opportunities, as well as the favorable modalities of access. The study culminated in a targeted, trans-national series of remote training activities, which accommodated more than 100 participants representing around 70 public authorities around the globe. Insights and lessons learned from the yearlong engagement process and the dedicated pilot implementation will be shared during the conference.

How to cite: Athanasopoulou, E., Dubost, A., Wenger, J., and Philippin, S.: A pilot to showcase the interaction of National public authorities with the European Atmospheric Research Facilities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20393,, 2025.

EGU25-21509 | Posters on site | ITS3.11/ERE6.3

Sensing on Fiber Optic Submarine Cables – Opportunities within Polar Connect  

Julia Muchowski, Olaf Schjelderup, Magnus Friberg, and Erik-Jan Bos

Recent technological advancements enable the use of fiber optic submarine cables as sustainable environmental research infrastructure complementing the existing ENVRI community with a deep ocean component. Submarine communication cables can cover large distances across remote areas, making them ideal platforms to collect environmental and scientific data from the deep ocean. Here, we will show how present and future fiber optic sensing technologies (such as Distributed Acoustic Sensing DAS across repeaters, SMART repeaters, and quantum sensing) can facilitate multidisciplinary research by opening a multitude of novel environmental monitoring and research opportunities in the fields of oceanography, geophysics, marine biology, and climate studies. Fiber optic sensing can for instance improve early warning systems for natural hazards, provide oceanographic data on ocean currents, water properties, and ocean turbulence to feed numerical climate and weather models, and serve as a tool for marine mammal tracking.  

On the example of Polar Connect, we will present the status and development of a future integrated infrastructure in the Arctic Ocean. Polar Connect is an international cooperation with the goal of building a submarine communication cable system between Northern Europe and East Asia – on the shortest possible path across the Arctic Ocean. Utilising technological advancements, Polar Connect will in a collaborative effort enable the sustainable collection of year-around, long-term, real-time environmental data in the Central Arctic Ocean. An important part of Polar Connect is to ensure data management of the collected environmental data, utilising standardised formats, and FAIR data principles while providing the needed security and restrictions. Please contact us to contribute to shaping future sensing on Polar Connect. The Polar Connect developments are co-funded by the European Union through the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF2 Digital) funded projects ‘North Pole Fiber’ (22-EU-DIG-NPF) and ‘Polar Connect Step 1’ (23-EU-DIG-PC1).

How to cite: Muchowski, J., Schjelderup, O., Friberg, M., and Bos, E.-J.: Sensing on Fiber Optic Submarine Cables – Opportunities within Polar Connect , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21509,, 2025.

EGU25-6 | Orals | ITS3.12/BG0.8 | Highlight

Mutualisms weaken the latitudinal diversity gradient among oceanic islands 

Camille Delavaux, Thomas Crowther, James Bever, Patrick Weigelt, and Evan Gora

The latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) dominates global patterns of diversity, but the factors underlying the LDG remain elusive. Here, we use a unique global dataset to show that vascular plants on oceanic islands exhibit a weakened LDG and explore potential mechanisms to explain why. Our results show that traditional physical drivers of island biogeography – namely area and isolation – contribute to the difference between island and mainland diversity at a given latitude (i.e., the island species deficit), as smaller and more distant islands experience reduced colonization. However, plant species with mutualists are underrepresented on islands, and we find that this plant mutualism filter explains more variation in the island species deficit than abiotic factors. In particular, plant species that require animal pollinators or microbial mutualists like arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi contribute disproportionately to the island species deficit near the equator, with decreasing contributions with distance from the equator. As such, plant mutualist filters on species richness are particularly strong at low latitudes where mainland richness is highest, weakening the LDG of oceanic islands. These results provide empirical evidence that mutualisms, habitat heterogeneity, and dispersal are key to the maintenance of high tropical plant diversity and mediate the biogeographic patterns of plant diversity on Earth.

How to cite: Delavaux, C., Crowther, T., Bever, J., Weigelt, P., and Gora, E.: Mutualisms weaken the latitudinal diversity gradient among oceanic islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6,, 2025.

Forests, which contain a large share of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity, have and are still being converted for various land-use. Assessment of human impact on forest biodiversity requires knowledge of the baseline state – the biodiversity found in natural ecosystems. Primary forests, which have had little to no direct human impacts, may represent this baseline state. In this systematic literature review we assess the effect of forest management on the species richness of multiple taxonomic groups (epiphytic lichen, understory vascular plant, saproxylic beetle) at the European scale, while using primary forests as references. By reviewing European studies comparing species richness in primary and managed forests, we quantified effect sizes and summarized the comprehensiveness, representativeness, and scale of existing research. Our review identified a shortage of large-scale studies and large variability in study designs, limiting our ability to confidently compare and generalize findings across Europe. Hence, using the current European literature, it is challenging to assess the effect of forest management on species richness. To enable more robust analyses at this spatial scale, increased efforts to map primary forests and adopt standardized biodiversity assessment guidelines across Europe may be helpful.

How to cite: Volle, C., Blennow, K., and Ahlström, A.: Using Primary Forests as Baselines to Assess the Effect of Forest Management on Biodiversity: A Multi-Taxonomic European Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-322,, 2025.

EGU25-419 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.12/BG0.8

Reindeer grazing counterbalances the treeline expansion in the Scandinavian subarctic 

Liyenne Hagenberg, Femke Pijcke, Tim Horstkotte, Johan Olofsson, and Matthias Siewert

Herbivory may offset climate change driven treeline expansion into the tundra. This study quantifies the effects of reindeer grazing on mountain birch recruitment and growth in the treeline ecotone in the Scandinavian sub-arctic in an area with contrasting grazing regimes for the past 20 years. We measured seedling density and the allometry of trees below, at, and above the treeline as well as vegetation composition along 20 transects crossing the treeline. Additionally, we investigated nutrient loading of soils and its effects on adult tree growth rate. Our results show that the treeline in the area grazed in winter may be responding to climate forcing by expanding diffusely into the tundra, while no treeline expansion was observed under the year-round grazing regime. High grazing pressure also reduced the numbers of tree basal shoots and the number of leaves below reindeer browsing height (<2 m). Additionally, we found a shift in ground layer vegetation composition in the area grazed year-round. Our results suggest that reindeer grazing at high density and when occurring during the growing season has the potential to stabilize the treeline locally, as well as significantly modify field layer vegetation composition in the treeline ecotone.

How to cite: Hagenberg, L., Pijcke, F., Horstkotte, T., Olofsson, J., and Siewert, M.: Reindeer grazing counterbalances the treeline expansion in the Scandinavian subarctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-419,, 2025.

EGU25-470 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.12/BG0.8 | Highlight

Climate change impacts on the Arctic tundra-forest ecotone – present and future 

Millicent Harding, Robert Baxter, and Daniel Donoghue

The forest-tundra ecotone (FTE) is the transition zone between the northern boreal forest and Arctic tundra. In response to climate warming, boreal forests may, as in the past, migrate northwards with potential consequent increases in tree growth, canopy density, and stand productivity. Or they may perhaps remain stationary or even retreat. Such outcomes may then influence energy balance as well as above and below ground carbon stocks and hence feedback to Earth’s climate system. 

The Fennoscandian Arctic climate spans from predominantly oceanic in the west to continental in the east. Forest advance may not be uniform across this east-west transition. How climate and microclimate interact leading to advance, stationarity, or retreat of the boreal forest is being investigated. Approaches include a novel combination of remote sensing, terrestrial laser scanning plus microclimate data in combination with machine learning and ecological models is utilised to predict future forest extent under climate warming. 

How to cite: Harding, M., Baxter, R., and Donoghue, D.: Climate change impacts on the Arctic tundra-forest ecotone – present and future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-470,, 2025.

Modelling of the current and potential distribution of Reynoutria japonica Houtt. in the territories of 14 European countries, including Ukraine, has been conducted using the maximum entropy approach in the Maxent software package. The changes in the distribution area and ecological niche have been forecast based on two climate change scenarios up to 2100. Based on 19 170 records R. japonica of the database GBIF, it has been demonstrated that Europe is suitable for the establishment of this taxon, including mountainous areas. The distribution of species in Germany and Ukraine by biotopes depending on climate change has been studied. It has been found that the range will expand into northern zones by 13.6% or 17.0%, depending on the scenario. However, the contraction of the distribution area in the southern regions amounts to 26%, resulting in a slight contraction of the range (by 9-13%) by 2100 due to a reduction in the distribution areas in the southern regions of Europe, where maximum air temperatures will increase. The most important climatic variables affecting distribution are temperature variability throughout the year (seasonality) due to the significant difference in temperatures in summer and winter, the average temperature of the driest quarter, isothermality (the ratio of the mean annual temperature to the mean annual temperature range), the average temperature and precipitation of the warmest quarter, particularly the temperature variability throughout the year and precipitation in the warmest quarter, which are limiting factors for distribution. The minimum temperature of the growing season will affect the distribution in forecasts up to 2060, but this parameter does not have a limiting effect under current climate conditions. An assessment and forecast of the increasing harmful impact of Reynoutria taxa on ecosystems and biodiversity, considering climate changes and the impact of military actions in Ukraine, has been given. A general algorithm for controlling Reynoutria Houtt invasions have been developed, which can be used at the state and interstate levels. The risks of Reynoutria taxa invasions have been assessed, including specific threats to the territory of Ukraine, which will contribute to significant invasions of representatives of this genus in the future. The results are important for early detection, assessment and monitoring, management of the spread of the taxon in protected areas, and urban green infrastructure.

For the first time, a risk assessment and climate modelling of the distribution of R. japonica have been conducted in Europe and Ukraine and are important for threat assessment and effective ecosystem management and prevention of threats to the destruction or restructuring of biodiversity.

How to cite: Miroshnyk, N.: Climate modelling of the Reynoutria japonica Houtt. distribution for 14 European countries. Impact on biodiversity, the need for risk management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2751,, 2025.

EGU25-2841 | Posters on site | ITS3.12/BG0.8

Comparing ecological relevance of climate velocity indices 

Stéphane Goyette, Laure Moinat, Jérôme Kasparian, and Iaroslav Gaponenko

Climate change has been shown to induce shifts in species distribution areas. These shifts are
driven not only by climate parameters, but also by short-term weather events, topography and other
non-climate factors. Furthermore, the estimation of magnitude of the climate change velocity requires
assumptions regarding its direction, since the two-dimensional velocity vector is not fully constrained
by temperature, which is a scalar. Furthermore, the definition of the magnitude and direction of the
climate velocity is not univocal; assumptions are needed, based on physical as well as mathematical
arguments. The well-known gradient-based definition of climate change [1] has limitations and in
particular local divergences [2]. This has recently prompted the introduction of an alternative method
that aims to maximise the regularity of the velocity field. This method is known as Monte-Carlo
iTerative Convergence Method (MATCH) [3].
The ecological relevance of these methods for specific purposes necessitates assessment. Here, we
asses them against observed shifts in species distribution ranges. The present study includes both ma-
rine and terrestrial species, including North American birds as determined by the Audubon Christmas
Bird Count and the NOAA fisheries survey along the North American coast. The centroid of each
species distribution range is determined at decade-long time ranges and over the entire survey period.
The shifting velocity of these centroids are computed with respect to the latitudinal, longitudinal
and vertical (respectively elevation and depth) directions. The isotherm shift is calculated using the
gradient-based and the MATCH methods for ground and sea-surface temperatures at each observation
The results obtained demonstrate a significant positive correlation between latitudinal and ver-
tical (depth or height) shifts calculated with the MATCH approach, as evidenced by the analysis of
bird species in the western part of the North American continent and marine species. Conversely, no
correlation was found between longitudinal shifts and climate shifts calculated with either method.
These findings suggests that the MATCH approach generates velocity fields that are more relevant
ecologically. It may help to anticipate species range shifts and adapt conservation strategies accord-

[1]. S. R. Loarie et al. Nature 462, 1052 (2009)
[2]. J. Rey, G. Rohat, M. Perroud, S. Goyette, J. Kasparian, Env. Res. Lett. 15, 034027 (2020)
[3]. I. Gaponenko, G. Rohat, S. Goyette, P. Paruch, J. Kasparian, Sci. Rep., 12, 2997, (2022)

How to cite: Goyette, S., Moinat, L., Kasparian, J., and Gaponenko, I.: Comparing ecological relevance of climate velocity indices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2841,, 2025.

EGU25-2993 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.12/BG0.8

The Biodiversity Footprint of Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry 

Chen-Wei Hsu and Ching-Pin Tung

Biodiversity loss has emerged as one of the most pressing challenges of our time, threatening the stability of ecosystems and their capacity to sustain life on Earth. The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024 underscores biodiversity loss as a critical risk to global economic resilience. Taiwan, commanding 30% of global semiconductor manufacturing capacity in 2024 and ranking as the world's second-largest producer, plays a pivotal role in the global supply chain. However, current research lacks a comprehensive understanding of how the industry's operations impact Taiwan's biodiversity across terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems. This study analyzes the biodiversity footprint of Taiwan's semiconductor industry using corporate sustainability reports and governmental environmental statistics from 2020 to 2023. The research examines Taiwan's semiconductor supply chain, from IC design to wafer manufacturing and packaging services, through leading companies including TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company), UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation), and ASE Group (Advanced Semiconductor Engineering). The study employs the ReCiPe methodology to quantify key biodiversity-related pressures such as habitat loss from land use transformation; freshwater ecosystem disruption from water consumption and wastewater discharge; and atmospheric deposition effects on sensitive ecosystems. The analysis provides a comprehensive view of how these pressures cumulatively affect Taiwan's terrestrial, freshwater, and marine biodiversity. As the first comprehensive biodiversity impact assessment of Taiwan's semiconductor industry, this research provides practical tools to evaluate and mitigate biodiversity risks, supports investor nature-related risk assessments, and establishes a scientific foundation for policy-driven biodiversity conservation. The assessment establishes quantitative linkages between industrial activities and biodiversity outcomes while providing strategic pathways toward nature-positive transformation in the semiconductor industry, advancing the critical balance between industrial development and ecosystem resilience.

How to cite: Hsu, C.-W. and Tung, C.-P.: The Biodiversity Footprint of Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2993,, 2025.

EGU25-6250 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.12/BG0.8

Roadmap for identifying priority areas to monitor the effects of climate change on European rivers 

Julie Crabot, Jukka Aroviita, Helena Bayat, Angela Boggero, Núria Bonada, Thibault Datry, Sami Domisch, Maria Joao Feio, Mathieu Floury, Riccardo Fornaroli, Virgilio Hermoso, Jonathan Jupke, Alex Laini, Heikki Mykrä, Narcis Prat, Ralf Schaefer, Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, and Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles

There is an urgent need for planning actions to mitigate biodiversity loss worldwide, which involves developing assessment methods to help decision-makers identifying areas most at risk and prioritizing action.  This requires robust data and analyses but it also implies thinking about realistic and cost-effective measures. Fresh waters host an important part of global biodiversity but freshwater organisms are expected to be profoundly impacted by the predicted increase in water temperatures and discharge alterations associated with climate change. However, available models focus mostly on changes in air temperature, potentially failing to incorporate these impacts. Given that freshwater biodiversity is declining at an alarming and exponentially increasing rate, there is an urgent need to monitor the potential effects of climate change. Here, we modeled the distribution of freshwater macroinvertebrates across Europe for present and future conditions including recently available data on water temperature and discharge. We also included other environmental variables that might be relevant in understanding the current spatial distribution of invertebrates (e.g. geology, adjacent land use). We used 40 datasets of standardized monitoring protocols of freshwater invertebrates spanning 23 years. Then a score of the vulnerability to climate change was attributed to each taxon based on the models. Finally, the average community indicator calculated for all European rivers allowed us to identify relevant regions for monitoring climate change using a planning conservation tool.

How to cite: Crabot, J., Aroviita, J., Bayat, H., Boggero, A., Bonada, N., Datry, T., Domisch, S., Feio, M. J., Floury, M., Fornaroli, R., Hermoso, V., Jupke, J., Laini, A., Mykrä, H., Prat, N., Schaefer, R., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., and Cañedo-Argüelles, M.: Roadmap for identifying priority areas to monitor the effects of climate change on European rivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6250,, 2025.

EGU25-7264 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.12/BG0.8

Improving high latitude vegetation representation in the ORCHIDEE land surface model by introducing shrub PFTs 

Anna Kirchner, Efrén López-Blanco, Vladislav Bastrikov, Sebastiaan Luyssaert, Philippe Peylin, and Anne Sofie Lansø

High-latitude terrestrial ecosystems are significantly affected by anthropogenic climate change. One of the most notable observed ecological responses is an expansion of shrubs across tundra ecosystems. These shifts in plant composition influence tundra carbon and energy balances, modify snow and soil dynamics, and have broader implications for regional and global climate systems. However, due to multiple interacting processes involving ecosystem CO2 and energy fluxes, permafrost, soil moisture, nutrient availability and interactions with snow cover, the net climate impact of shrubification, including its feedback potential and future trajectory, remain highly uncertain.

Land surface models can contribute to reducing those uncertainties and improving understanding of interactions, drivers and responses of tundra shrubification, but this requires an adequate representation of the involved ecosystems and processes in the models. However, the diversity of high-latitude ecosystems and processes is underrepresented in many global land surface models, including the ORCHIDEE land surface model. The current ORCHIDEE model version lacks key tundra plant types such as shrubs, limiting its ability to account for their role in high-latitude carbon and energy budgets, as well as to simulate tundra vegetation shifts and climate feedback processes, including shrubification. Instead, boreal trees are simulated in areas where shrubs dominate, resulting in a significant overestimation of aboveground biomass in high latitudes.

This work introduces two new plant functional types (PFTs) into the ORCHIDEE model—tall deciduous shrubs and evergreen dwarf shrubs - enhancing its representation of tundra vegetation. Their implementation is heavily based on observational data of shrub plant traits, growth form, biomass and CO2 fluxes across the tundra region, which are used for calibration of model parameters and validation. The successful introduction of two shrub plant functional types with realistic growth form, carbon allocation and carbon fluxes into the ORCHIDEE model considerably improves its representation of high latitude vegetation, including its estimate of carbon stored in tundra biomass. Furthermore, it lays the foundation to simulate observed and future shrubification processes, their interactions with snow and permafrost dynamics and their climate impacts and feedbacks, which will be an important contribution to improve understanding of drivers and impacts of tundra vegetation change.


How to cite: Kirchner, A., López-Blanco, E., Bastrikov, V., Luyssaert, S., Peylin, P., and Lansø, A. S.: Improving high latitude vegetation representation in the ORCHIDEE land surface model by introducing shrub PFTs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7264,, 2025.

EGU25-10369 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.12/BG0.8

Phenological impacts on the dynamics of non-invasive and invasive species communities in mountainous ecosystems 

Ruiling Liu, Kun Guo, Franz Essl, and Wenyong Guo

Alien plants are increasingly expanding from low to high elevations, threatening native communities in mountainous ecosystems. Understanding the mechanisms driving these invasions and their ecological impacts is essential for effective management and biodiversity conservation. Plant phenology, a sensitive indicator of environmental change, plays a pivotal role in facilitating plant colonization along environmental gradients. Although phenological niche differentiation between non-invasive and invasive plants has been observed, its impacts on invasion success and native community diversity remain underexplored. In this study, we conducted nine surveys from March to September across 35 plots along an altitudinal gradient in the Tianmu Mountain National Nature Reserve, Zhejiang Province. We recorded species composition, cover, and 10 functional traits to investigate temporal dynamics in community dissimilarity, ecological strategies, diversity and stability. Temporal patterns of non-invasive and invasive groups were compared across high and low elevations to infer the underlying community assembly processes. Our results revealed significant temporal shifts in community components, with diversity following an inverted U-shaped trajectory: non-invasive groups peaked in September, while invasive groups peaked in May. Both non-invasive and invasive groups showed decreasing species turnover over time, with higher community-weighted ruderal scores compared to competitive and stress-tolerant scores at both high and low elevations. Environmental variation between high and low elevations mediated relationships among community components, particularly diversity and stability. Distinct differences in community structure between non-invasive and invasive groups suggest divergent assembly mechanisms. Notably, invasive groups exhibited increasingly clustered phylogenetic patterns over time, decoupled from more divergent functional trait patterns. By integrating multidimensional community variables, this study provides a comprehensive view of annual dynamics and structural differences between non-invasive and invasive groups. It highlights the critical role of environmental change and phenological niche differentiation in shaping community dynamics, offering valuable insights into predicting community reorganization under future scenarios of climate change and alien plant invasion.

How to cite: Liu, R., Guo, K., Essl, F., and Guo, W.: Phenological impacts on the dynamics of non-invasive and invasive species communities in mountainous ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10369,, 2025.

EGU25-10691 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.12/BG0.8

Global impacts of agricultural production on terrestrial biodiversity: Quantifying biodiversity losses and transboundary effects 

Can T. Nguyen, Davina Vačkářová, and Jan Weinzettel

Agricultural production is a primary driver of degrading terrestrial biodiversity through crop cultivation and livestock grazing, which appropriates an extensive global land. These impacts may even go beyond the national territories and embody transboundary effects through international trade. This study utilizes the Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII) as a proxy to quantify terrestrial biodiversity loss associated with crop and livestock production. It allocates BII losses to individual crop and livestock commodities while assessing the spatial impacts of land conversion on biodiversity (measured in affected areas, km²), thereby enabling a more detailed biodiversity footprint analysis. The findings highlight that agricultural production induces approximately 2.6 million km2 of BII loss (1.9% global land), mostly from Asian and African continents, which are evenly dominated by crops and livestock. The crops and livestock vary by region, but cereal crops and meat cattle are the primary contributors to biodiversity loss worldwide. BII losses from crops have been steadily increasing, while those from livestock have been decreasing since the beginning of the last decade. The standardized BII loss allocated to total production reveals that the production in Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa, Western Asia, and Russia implies higher biodiversity loss in their productions than in other regions. The FAO international trade data between countries is incorporated to indicate that about 10.5% of the total BII losses are linked to international trade in 2020. Asia and Southern Africa are net importers of biodiversity losses, while North America, Australia and New Zealand, South America, and Eastern Europe are the net exporters of biodiversity losses through their crop and livestock commodities.

This study is the preliminary effort to analyze biodiversity loss embodied in international trade before it will be comprehensively tracked by multi-regional input-output analysis. The research findings highlight the significant global impact of agricultural production on terrestrial biodiversity, which emphasizes the need for targeted regional and international policies to mitigate biodiversity loss, particularly through sustainable agricultural practices and responsible trade frameworks.  


How to cite: T. Nguyen, C., Vačkářová, D., and Weinzettel, J.: Global impacts of agricultural production on terrestrial biodiversity: Quantifying biodiversity losses and transboundary effects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10691,, 2025.

EGU25-12001 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.12/BG0.8

NordBorN: a research and educational platform to understand borealization in the Nordic region 

Mariana Verdonen and Isabel C. Barrio and the NordBorN team

Climate and land use changes are driving biome boundary shifts worldwide, with higher latitudes experiencing an expansion of boreal forest species into the tundra—a process known as borealization. This phenomenon includes treeline advancement, shrub expansion, changes in ecosystem structure and function, and the spread of non-native species. These shifts have significant implications for the functioning of Nordic terrestrial ecosystems and their capacity to deliver ecosystem services. The Nordic Borealization Network (NordBorN) is a five-year NordForsk-funded project that aims to address these challenges by fostering collaboration among six Nordic universities and three associated partners. NordBorN seeks to advance research excellence in terrestrial ecology by investigating the processes, drivers, and consequences of borealization, while also establishing a training hub for the next generation of Nordic researchers. By facilitating mobility, co-supervision of graduate students, and collaborative research initiatives, NordBorN will provide critical insights and capacity building to understand and manage the ecological and societal impacts of borealization in Nordic ecosystems.

How to cite: Verdonen, M. and Barrio, I. C. and the NordBorN team: NordBorN: a research and educational platform to understand borealization in the Nordic region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12001,, 2025.

EGU25-12056 | Orals | ITS3.12/BG0.8

Borealization of terrestrial ecosystems: patterns, drivers and consequences  

Isabel C. Barrio and the NordBorN team

As the Northern latitudes of the planet warm, species are moving northward, a process that has been referred to as borealization. While this term has been mainly applied to the marine realm, similar patterns are described for terrestrial ecosystems but a common terminology is lacking. We define the term tundra borealization as shifts in species composition with climate change and land use change from the boreal forest into the tundra biome. Land use changes interact with climate change to lead to species and community reorganization in northern biomes, and borealization can have important consequences to food webs and ecosystem functions. There is growing evidence of borealization of plant and animal communities in tundra ecosystems and there are different methods that can be used to quantify borealization. Yet, metrics to assess borealization need to be standardized. Bringing together different definitions and lines of evidence for tundra borealization, we aim to emphasize this important ecological process and rapidly evolving area of research.

How to cite: Barrio, I. C. and the NordBorN team: Borealization of terrestrial ecosystems: patterns, drivers and consequences , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12056,, 2025.

EGU25-12514 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.12/BG0.8

Arctic biodiversity responses to climate change impacts in the Canadian Beaufort Sea  

Inda Brinkmann, Matt O'Regan, Bennet Juhls, Paul Overduin, Lisa Bröder, Negar Haghipour, Jorien Vonk, Julie Lattaud, Taylor Priest, Dustin Whalen, Atsushi Matsuoka, André Pellerin, Daniel Rudbäck, Maria-Emilia Rodriguez-Cuicas, Katharina Schwarzkopf, Blanda Matzenbacher, Thomas Bossé-Demers, Michael Fritz, and Peter D. Heintzman

The Arctic is experiencing unprecedented rates of warming. Arctic coastal environments are particularly vulnerable to the consequences: thawing of permafrost, decline of sea ice, and increased fluxes of sediment, organic carbon and nutrients across the land-ocean interface. These effects of global climate change drive significant transformations in coastal biogeochemistry and ecosystems, with severe implications for local communities. However, the responses of nearshore Arctic ecosystems to these changes, as well as involved mechanisms and driving forces, remain poorly constrained. The 'Fluxes from Land to Ocean: How Coastal Habitats in the Arctic Respond' (FLO CHAR) project focuses on the Mackenzie Delta region of the Beaufort Sea and asks the question: How does modern climate change alter land-ocean dynamics and the biodiversity of coastal ecosystems? A key objective is to explore biodiversity shifts and ecosystem functioning over the past millennium, to gain long-term perspectives of ecosystem dynamics in response to climate-driven changes. This is achieved through marine sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) analyses, utilizing state-of-the-art metabarcoding approaches and shotgun metagenomics. Establishing baseline data of coastal biodiversity in the Beaufort-Mackenzie region during the Late Holocene will allow to put modern biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics in a long-term context. Further, key diversity shifts will be assessed in the context of paleoenvironmental and -geochemical records to assess potential responses to climate change impacts, such as sea ice dynamics and land-ocean organic matter fluxes. The outcomes of the project will offer a critical framework for assessing future directions of Arctic coastal environments, and developing sustainable management and adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Brinkmann, I., O'Regan, M., Juhls, B., Overduin, P., Bröder, L., Haghipour, N., Vonk, J., Lattaud, J., Priest, T., Whalen, D., Matsuoka, A., Pellerin, A., Rudbäck, D., Rodriguez-Cuicas, M.-E., Schwarzkopf, K., Matzenbacher, B., Bossé-Demers, T., Fritz, M., and Heintzman, P. D.: Arctic biodiversity responses to climate change impacts in the Canadian Beaufort Sea , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12514,, 2025.

EGU25-12826 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.12/BG0.8

From benthic functional biodiversity to the mapping of ecosystem functions: a case study over the Black Sea northwestern shelf 

Séverine Chevalier, Olivier Beauchard, Adrian Teaca, Tatiana Begun, Luc Vandenbulcke, Karline Soetaert, and Marilaure Grégoire

Keywords: macrozoobenthos, functional biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, benthic-pelagic coupling, northwestern shelf of the Black Sea, modelling.

Benthic biodiversity is of global significance for the provision of ecosystem services and the mediation of global biogeochemical cycles. For instance, the macrozoobenthos plays a key role in marine carbon and nutrient cycling. Yet, current ocean biogeochemical models oversimplify or ignore life at the seafloor and its variability. The absence of detailed spatial distribution of the functions of the benthos, at large-scale (e.g., coastal and shelf scales), partly explains why benthic life characteristics are not taken into account in model formulation of benthic-pelagic exchanges. This lack of knowledge critically prevents our ability to predict the impact of climate change on the functioning of benthic life and its feedback on marine ecosystem and the biogeochemical budget of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus.

Here, we propose to scale up benthic biodiversity data from field sampling to the evaluation of ecosystem functions at large-scale (e.g., carbon sequestration, denitrification), relevant for ecosystem-based management. In our study, we include mechanistic and statistical models to map functional benthic biodiversity in relation to environmental drivers, and ultimately to incorporate its variability into current ocean model.

In more details, we compile macrozoobenthos occurrence from 210 sampling stations, covering constrained benthic habitats, over the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea. We use a functional approach of the biodiversity meaning that species are defined by their traits (e.g., dwelling depth and mobility) with an effect on ecosystem functioning. Then, species traits are upscaled at the community level by crossing species observations and their traits. From punctual values, we map continuous distribution of traits as a proxy of ecological processes (e.g., biomixing and biodeposition), precursors of ecosystem functions. We use a neural network to reconstruct maps of traits by linking them to environmental drivers, provided by a biogeochemical model, at high temporal and spatial resolution, run in an operational mode by Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS). We use a combination of dozen biogeochemical (e.g., bottom oxygen and flux of organic carbon to the bottom) and physical drivers (e.g., bottom temperature and shear stress) as preliminary predictors of the distribution of traits. Then, we choose the best selection of predictors for our trait distribution models.

Our key findings show that bottom oxygen and stock of organic carbon are strong predictors for the distribution of traits at shelf-scale. Specifically, areas with high suspended materials and nutrients, such as near the Danube Delta, show deeper burrowing depths and greater mobility in benthic communities meaning potentially higher impact on sediment biomixing. In contrast, permanently hypoxic waters are characterized by very low sediment biomixing potential and very low benthic biodiversity.

Thanks to the maps of ecosystem functions, we adapt the parametrization of a current diagenetic model (e.g., depth of mixed layer, bioturbation coefficient) to incorporate the variability of the functional benthic biodiversity. A diagenetic model constrained by seafloor biodiversity, will constitute a significant step for the development of ocean models considering the impact of environmental changes on benthic life and its ability to deliver key marine ecosystem functions.

How to cite: Chevalier, S., Beauchard, O., Teaca, A., Begun, T., Vandenbulcke, L., Soetaert, K., and Grégoire, M.: From benthic functional biodiversity to the mapping of ecosystem functions: a case study over the Black Sea northwestern shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12826,, 2025.

EGU25-14430 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.12/BG0.8

Forest expansion threatens Arctic tundra ecosystems: A process-based modeling perspective 

Rodrigo Souto-Veiga, Philipp Porada, Ramona Julia Heim, Norbert Hölzel, Simeon Lisovski, Ulrike Herzschuh, Stefan Kruse, Sarah Haupt, Antonia Ludwig, and Hannes Feilhauer

Arctic tundra ecosystems are changing fast due to warming and more intense land use. In the SQUEEZE project, which focuses on identifying key Arctic regions for nature conservation, we are using a process-based vegetation model called LiBry (currently configured for mosses and lichens) to see how forest expansion and climate change might affect tundra biodiversity and functions in the future. In our initial simulations, we compared treeline conditions in 2020 and 2300 under RCP8.5, keeping other climate variables the same so we could look at forest invasion specifically. We found a drop in non-vascular plant biomass (from 0.65 Gt to 0.51 Gt), net primary productivity (from 0.26 Gt yr1 to 0.19 Gt yr1), and functional diversity. This suggests that increased tree cover may reduce future diversity and productivity of tundra plant communities, which might impact crucial processes such as permafrost protection.

As a next step, we plan to include shrubs, grasses, and other vascular plants in LiBry, using trait data from sources including the TRY database. By considering different stressors — forest invasion, climate change, grazing, and fire management — our work will enable more informed decisions about conservation across the Arctic. These simulations will ultimately support TundraProtect, a conservation tool aimed at prioritizing key areas for protection while addressing increasing economic pressures in the Arctic.

How to cite: Souto-Veiga, R., Porada, P., Heim, R. J., Hölzel, N., Lisovski, S., Herzschuh, U., Kruse, S., Haupt, S., Ludwig, A., and Feilhauer, H.: Forest expansion threatens Arctic tundra ecosystems: A process-based modeling perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14430,, 2025.

The growth of population and economic development led to the rapid development of corporation. However, being the benefactor of ecosystem service, directly or indirectly, if the corporations fail to acknowledge the inevitable impacts of business activities on the natural environment, it could lead to the ongoing degradation of natural ecosystems, which is detrimental to environmental sustainability. Therefore, it is essential for corporations to assess nature-related risks.

This study took Qisda Corporation as case, employed the framework of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) in tandem with the biodiversity questionnaire to locate, evaluate and assess risks in order to determine material risks faced by the corporation. These material risks were subsequently analyzed under different climate change scenarios introduced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The variations of risk severity were examined under the scenarios of SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5.

The results indicated that Qisda would encounter the most severe climate adaptation challenges under the SSP5-8.5 scenario, while the SSP1-2.6 scenario represents the most optimistic outlook. In response, Qisda implemented biodiversity and no-deforestation policies as well as conducting biodiversity assessments. By examining corporate operational strategies, this study aims to inspire corporations to act proactively, integrate the industry value chain, and establish comprehensive measures and mechanisms to address climate change and preserve biodiversity. In addition, the results of this study can serve as an empirical foundation for corporate biodiversity risk management and provide reference material for sustainable development efforts.

Key Words: Sustainable development, Scenario analysis, Climate change, TNFD, Corporation risk management

How to cite: Liu, C.-L., Chan, H.-C., Liang, S.-H., and Liao, Y.-T.: Analyzing Operational Risks and Response Strategies of Qisda Corporation Using Nature-Related Financial Disclosures and Climate Change Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14881,, 2025.

EGU25-18871 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.12/BG0.8

Changes of macroinvertebrate in the glacial-fed river system Vestari-Jökulsá (Iceland) between 1996 and 2022 

Alicia Madleen Knauft, Martin Reiss, Gísli Már Gíslason, Jón S. Ólafsson, Iris Hansen, Ragnhildur Þ. Magnúsdóttir, and Peter Chifflard

The ongoing retreat of glaciers driven by climate change is predicted to significantly alter the ecological dynamics of glacier-fed streams, including changes in macroinvertebrate community composition. Previous studies suggest that increased water temperatures and altered channel stability due to glacial retreat initially decrease α-diversity due to elevated runoff, followed by an eventual rise in diversity and upstream shifts of species. Additionally, β-diversity is expected to decrease along the stream as highly adapted species near the glacial snout face changing conditions. However, few studies have confirmed these predictions yet, and most focus on temperate mountainous regions rather than Arctic environments.

To improve our understanding of these processes, an ongoing long-term research project investigates macroinvertebrates along the Vestari-Jökulsá (Iceland), an Arctic glacier-fed river draining the Satújökull glacier (Hofsjökull). In 1996 and 1997, Gíslason et al. (2002) studied longitudinal changes in macroinvertebrate communities and hydro-physical and hydro-chemical parameters in this river network to detect glacial influence as a function of distance from the glacier terminus. This dataset offers a unique opportunity to detect and compare the impact of current glacier retreat on macroinvertebrate communities, as well as hydro-physical and hydro-chemical parameters in this pro-glacial ecosystem over a long time period.

Data sampling will be conducted at 12 identical or comparable sites along the Vestari-Jökulsá and reference rivers in the area. Measured parameters include conductivity, temperature, discharge, sediment load, pH, macroinvertebrate diversity and density, nutrients, dissolved ions, chlorophyll α, and dissolved organic carbon content and composition through absorbance and fluorescence analyses. Hydrometric and hydro-chemical approaches will identify water sources (e.g., glacier meltwater, snowmelt, groundwater, rainfall, and stream water) at various spatial and temporal scales.

Fauna sampling was conducted in accordance with established methods in the ongoing long-term project. Near the glacier terminus, no recent invertebrate fauna was found. Approximately 83 individuals were identified at different life stages of insects (larvae, pupae, and imago). Most individuals belonged to Chironomidae (non-biting midges), with Diamesa spp. typically present. Diamesa species are specifically adapted cold-stenothermal kryal inhabitants. We also identified individuals from Simuliidae (black flies), Phoridae (humpbacked flies), and Scathophagidae (dung flies).

In the ongoing project, investigations will continue until the end of 2025 to obtain robust data for assessing long-term changes. This research aims to explore relationships between macroinvertebrate community diversity and environmental variables, identifying key drivers of ecological change. By evaluating Arctic systems' responses to glacier retreat, the study will offer critical insights into the resilience and adaptability of macroinvertebrate communities under rapid climatic shifts.

How to cite: Knauft, A. M., Reiss, M., Gíslason, G. M., Ólafsson, J. S., Hansen, I., Magnúsdóttir, R. Þ., and Chifflard, P.: Changes of macroinvertebrate in the glacial-fed river system Vestari-Jökulsá (Iceland) between 1996 and 2022, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18871,, 2025.

EGU25-19674 * | Orals | ITS3.12/BG0.8 | Highlight

Exploring the role of agricultural trade in the future of nature and people 

David Leclere, Amanda Palazzo, Charlotte Janssens, Samantha Hill, Esther Boere, Bettina Meinhart, and Petr Havlik


Agricultural trade was an important driver of habitat and biodiversity loss in the recent decades (Chaudhary & Kastner 2016). Yet, it might also have increased land use efficiency and the net biodiversity impacts are heterogeneous across regions, commodities and spatial scales (Kastner et al. 2021, Roux et al. 2021). Trade greening is identified as a key leverage point to reverse global biodiversity declines (Chan et al. 2020), and future trade could be deeply affected by the food system sustainability transition needed to reach ambitious goals for climate, biodiversity and people (Leclère et al. 2020). To explore uncertainties in the co-evolution of agricultural trade and biodiversity in the coming decades, we used the GLOBIOM partial equilibrium model of the agricultural, forestry, bioenergy and aquaculture sectors (Havlík et al. 2014) to quantify a set of scenarios.

A first scenario dimension contrasted a future baseline prolongating historical trends (Middle of the Road Shared Socioeconomic Pathway SSP2, Popp et al. 2016) with additional efforts towards bending the curve of global biodiversity loss (Leclère et al. 2020) including increased conservation and restoration alone, or cumulated with a faster convergence of agricultural yields, reduced waste and increased share of plant-based products in diets. These scenarios are first combined with the standard SSP2 trade setup, and then combined with three alternative future trade variants as a second scenario dimension (Enhanced trade liberalization, Frictions and reconfigurations, Trade greening).

Preliminary results showed positive future socio-economic impacts and negative future environmental impacts in a scenario prolongating historical trends. Assuming an exacerbated liberalization worsened environmental impacts for mixed effects on socio-economic indicators, while trade frictions & reconfiguration would have mild environmental gains and negative socio-economic impacts as compared to the baseline. Trade Greening could have moderate positive impacts on all metrics as compared to the baseline. Relatively high levels of future increases in trade flows were found despite lower environmental impacts when assuming additional conservation and supply-side efforts. However, assuming additional demand-side efforts was more disruptive, with much larger environmental gains and food security risk reduction as compared to the baseline, but also much smaller future increases in agricultural value added and trade flows.


Chan, KMA et al. (2020) Levers and leverage points for pathways to sustainability. DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10124

Chaudhary, A, Kastner, T. (2016) Land use biodiversity impacts embodied in international food trade. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.03.013

Kastner, T et al. (2021) Global agricultural trade and land system sustainability: Implications for ecosystem carbon storage, biodiversity, and human nutrition. DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2021.09.006

Roux, N et al. (2021) Does agricultural trade reduce pressure on land ecosystems? Decomposing drivers of the embodied human appropriation of net primary production. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106915

Leclère, D et al. (2020) Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity needs an integrated strategy. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2705-y

Havlík, P et al. (2014) Climate change mitigation through livestock system transitions. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1308044111

Popp, A et al. (2016) Land-use futures in the shared socio-economic pathways. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.10.002

How to cite: Leclere, D., Palazzo, A., Janssens, C., Hill, S., Boere, E., Meinhart, B., and Havlik, P.: Exploring the role of agricultural trade in the future of nature and people, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19674,, 2025.

Heavy metal pollution poses significant threats to global ecosystems, impacting biodiversity, soil and water quality, and human health. Traditional remediation methods often fall short, especially in ecologically sensitive regions. In response, phytoremediation offers a sustainable solution, leveraging plant species that naturally absorb heavy metals. This study explores the effectiveness of phytoremediation in Pin Valley National Park, Himachal Pradesh, India, integrating advanced remote sensing techniques—proximal, airborne, and space-borne data collection—to assess contamination levels and monitor environmental changes from 2010 to 2023. Proximal sensing utilized a spectroradiometer for high-resolution spectral data collection, while drones facilitated vast coverage, and satellites (Landsat-8, Landsat-9, and Sentinel-2) provided extensive temporal and spatial data. Vegetation and environmental health were analyzed using various indices, including the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Red Edge (NDRE), and Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI). These indices indicated plant vigor and environmental degradation. The Heavy Metal Index, Iron-Oxide Index, and Hydrothermal Index measured contamination levels, revealing significant correlations between heavy metal concentrations and vegetation stress markers. Results indicated a notable relationship between high NDVI values and low heavy metal concentrations, underscoring the efficacy of phytoremediation. Species like Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) and hemp (Cannabis sativa) emerged as key players in metal uptake, with Brassica juncea showing biomass lead accumulation of up to 2,500 mg/kg and Cannabis sativa exhibiting cadmium uptake of 900 mg/kg. The study identified minimal levels of heavy metals, such as Yttrium (3-11 ppb), Strontium (20-32 ppb), and Cadmium (0.045-0.170 ppb), across site locations.The application of remote sensing technology enabled precise mapping of metal concentrations and plant health, optimizing phytoremediation efforts. Longitudinal data revealed increasing NDVI values in reclaimed areas, rising from 0.35 to 0.65, indicating improved vegetation health and cover. Corresponding reductions in Heavy Metal Index values confirmed a decrease in contamination levels. This underscores remote sensing's critical role in ongoing environmental monitoring—rapidly identifying contamination hotspots, optimizing plant selection, and efficient resource allocation while ensuring reliable results across various scales. In conclusion, this research validates the effectiveness of combining phytoremediation with remote sensing technologies to address heavy metal contamination. The study’s framework is adaptable to various ecological contexts and contaminant profiles, highlighting its potential as a practical tool for environmental restoration worldwide. The findings contribute significantly to academic knowledge while offering actionable insights for policymakers and environmental managers dedicated to preserving ecosystems and promoting ecological resilience and sustainability. Continued refinement of these technologies will enhance global efforts to combat heavy metal pollution and support sustainable land management practices.

Keywords: Environmental Monitoring, Metal contamination, Phytoremediation, Pin Valley NP, Hyperspectral, Normalized Difference Red Edge Index (NDRE), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Strontium, Rubidium, Yttrium

How to cite: Sharma, D. and Galodha, A.: Advanced ecosystem restoration: Blending phytoremediation with satellite-based and non-imaging based remote sensing in the Himalayas of PIN Valley National Park, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20611,, 2025.

Megaliths are monumental structures that rank among the most fascinating and spectacular artefacts of European prehistory. The word “megalith” is derived from the Greek: megas, meaning “great” and lithos, meaning “stone,” thus literally translating to “a great stone.” The term “megalith” was first employed in the early 19th century to denote such monuments. Numerous megalithic constructions emerged not only across Europe but also in other parts of the world, including Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Oceania. In Europe, their chronology spans approximately from 5000 to 2000 BC, though their development persisted longer in some Mediterranean regions. For over 500 years, these monumental structures have captivated antiquarians and archaeologists alike, serving as key subjects of inquiry into prehistoric societies. The cultural context of megaliths is exceptionally intriguing. These monuments held immense significance not only for their creators and their immediate descendants but also for societies hundreds or even thousands of years later. Megaliths have inspired a wide range of emotional responses, awe, curiosity, fascination and fear. These reactions are reflected in diverse sources, such as archaeological evidence, written texts, iconography, folklore and toponymy. The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate, through selected examples from across Europe, how megaliths have persisted in cultural traditions and collective human consciousness. Furthermore, it explores their transformation into one of the most enduring and significant elements of European archaeological heritage. 

How to cite: Matuszewska, A.: Life after Life. Cultural Context and Perception of Megaliths in Prehistory and Modern Times Based on Selected Sources. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2003,, 2025.

From the soils that sustain our crops to the homes we've built, the technology we rely on, our biological makeup, and even the tea or coffee you drink, rocks have had a profound influence on human life for as long as we have existed. No wonder rock has inspired art, folklore, beliefs and scientific study across the ages. Stories of Mother Earth were passed down by our ancestors, who spoke of creation, destruction and a deep connection with the rhythms of our planet. But today these whispers risk being quietened forever. We have stolen from the earth and the people who have revered it, causing destruction and erasure in pursuit of wealth and progress. It has never been more urgent to ensure the stories held by rock are preserved and heard once more.

The Whispers of Rock is a new book (released in the USA and UK on 4th September 2025) which explores how the wisdom that lies in the 'whispers' we hear from rock can personally connect us with land and nature leading to a more empathetic and ethical relationship with our planet. Blending together different ways of knowing from scientific research, ancient wisdom, spiritual and cultural practice from across the world, this new work offers the hope of reconnection with the earth, as we recognise and appreciate our role in the continuous cycle of creation and reinvention. 

How to cite: Khatwa, A.: The Whispers of Rock: How different ways of knowing can enhance our understanding of the Earth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2149,, 2025.

The Dartmoor massif, occupying 954 km2 of central Devon (SW England), is dominated by Variscan granite with a narrow aureole of Devonian-Carboniferous metasediments. Rising to around 500-600m asl, typically 250-300m above its hinterland, this difference in geology and altitude has led to the development of a very distinct landscape. In particular, extreme climate cycles of the Quaternary, fluctuating from humid, warm temperate to glacial created the perfect environment for landscape evolution, with phases of periglacial solifluction acting on deeply pre-glacially and interglacially weathered bedrock leading to widespread tor formation – the region being famous for the development of models for such processes. Crucially, the generally thin, acidic and poor soils, extensive areas of surface rock - have meant that human intervention in the landscape - especially cultivation - has been limited and consequently extensively areas of periglacial features remain spectacularly well-preserved. In addition, the high relief gives the massif a distinctive climate to much of the surrounding area, being cooler, wetter and more prone to mist and cloud. When combined with the distinctive landforms and landscapes such as tors, block-fields, valley mires and blanket bog – the latter often with an important Holocene climate record- it is not surprising that Dartmoor is a land of myths and legends with a strongly geomorphological inspiration. Although the origins of many of these stories will be pre-Christian, they have been lost and too often assigned an evil character connected with devils and witches, as a way of ‘burying’ any latent connection with ancient gods and spirits… Hints of some of these origins exist in Saxon words and place names such a local name for the (or ‘a’?) devil, ‘dewar’, or spectral hounds known as ‘wisht’. However, as settlements on the moor date back to at least the Neolithic have been identified, some of these legends will undoubtedly have much older origins. These early farming cultures, however, had the most dramatic effect on the landscapes of Dartmoor, leading to an almost complete deforestation, hence re-exposing periglacial landforms and landscapes, but also leading to an irreversible deterioration of surviving soils due to leaching and acidification, especially as a result of subsequent climate cooling and increased rainfall. These changes led to an abandonment of many higher moor settlements during the Middle Ages and hence only some lower areas of the moor, have been modified by post 17th century enclosure, and much of the area remains as open moorland revealing a wide range of well-preserved landforms. Some ancient myths and legends also persist, however, as they have inspired classic literature and ultimately film and television, most famously Arthur Conan-Doyle’s, Sherlock Holmes story,  ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’, where a spectral dog and ancient curse haunt an aristocratic family.   Today, the unique features of Dartmoor are protected by a wide range of conservation designations from site and feature-specific to whole landscape as a National Park.

How to cite: Page, K. and Migoń, P.: Dartmoor, SW England – a uniquely well-preserved Pleistocene periglacial landscape and an inspiration for myth and legend, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2777,, 2025.

EGU25-4153 | Orals | ITS3.13/NH13.18 | Highlight

Devils, Missionaries, Bandits and Refugees - Geomythology of the Chřiby Mountains (SE Czechia) 

Lucie Kubalíková, Piotr Migoń, Karel Kirchner, and František Kuda

The Chřiby Mountains are a low-altitude, isolated mountain range in the Czech part of the Carpathians. Although the regional relief is not particularly conspicuous, many myths, legends and folk stories are associated with various minor geodiversity elements such as crags, springs, more distinctive terrain elevations, and valleys. They represent three types: (1) myths that directly explain the origin of a landform or a phenomenon; (2) stories that use a geodiversity element as a backstage of a supposedly historical event, and certain properties of the site are included as an important component of such a story; (3) other types of stories such as fake news, incorrect scientific interpretations, or popular tales. Altogether, 55 different sites with geomythological aspects were identified from an overview of regional literature. Sandstone crags, as the most striking landforms in the flysch landscape, feature in more than half of all stories, but only some of them are linked with the presence or activity of supernatural forces (devils, dwarves). Most stories recorded in the Chřiby area relate to various supposedly historical events, involving rulers of the Great Moravia kingdom in the 9–10th century, early Christian missionaries, religious refugees during the counterreformation period, and bandits. These old stories, passed from one generation to another, inspired the search for material traces of those events during the period of national revival in Czechia in the 19th century, leading to many erroneous interpretations of natural features as anthropogenic structures. The distinctiveness of the Chřiby area within the flysch Carpathians is manifested through many stories related to the period of Great Moravia, which have significantly contributed to the local identity. The mythical aura still surrounds the area and makes it a popular tourist destination, which is both an opportunity and challenge for geoscientific interpretation.

How to cite: Kubalíková, L., Migoń, P., Kirchner, K., and Kuda, F.: Devils, Missionaries, Bandits and Refugees - Geomythology of the Chřiby Mountains (SE Czechia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4153,, 2025.

EGU25-5845 | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Great glacial giants: erratic boulders of northern Poland as witnesses of the Pleistocene ice age and beyond 

Karol Tylmann, Piotr P. Woźniak, Vincent Rinterknecht, and Robert Piotrowski

Erratic boulders are among the most spectacular geological phenomena left in the landscape by past ice sheets. In Central Europe, the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (FIS) advanced and retreated several times during the Pleistocene, depositing thick layers of clastic sediments and fragments of Scandinavian bedrock of various sizes, including large erratics. Northern Poland, in particular, features a landscape rich in erratic boulders deposited by the last FIS around 24–15 ka. These large erratics are fascinating geological objects, providing valuable information about the flow directions of the last FIS (through petrographic properties) and the timing of the ice sheet's retreat (via cosmogenic nuclide inventories). They also hold significant societal importance, serving as natural resources, providing notable landmarks, and serving as a fantastic source for geomythology.

In this study, we present the occurrence and characteristics of erratic boulders within the area covered by the last and penultimate glaciations in northern Poland. Large erratics were identified using books, maps, and catalogues dedicated to environmentally protected sites (e.g., lists of natural monuments). We compiled all available information about large erratics into a GIS database and screened it to identify the largest in situ boulders potentially suitable for surface exposure dating with cosmogenic ¹⁰Be. In subsequent phases of our study, these boulders were used as key dating sites for reconstructing the chronology of the last FIS retreat in northern Poland. Additionally, some of these boulders hold significant cultural importance for local communities, paving the way to legends and myths, serving as esoteric places, or becoming locations commemorating important historical events.

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (grants No. 2023/49/N/HS3/02181 and 2022/46/E/ST10/00074).

How to cite: Tylmann, K., Woźniak, P. P., Rinterknecht, V., and Piotrowski, R.: Great glacial giants: erratic boulders of northern Poland as witnesses of the Pleistocene ice age and beyond, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5845,, 2025.

EGU25-5937 | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Stone footprints of giants in the young glacial landscape of Pomerania (NW Poland and NE Germany) 

Dariusz Brykała, Eva Becker, and Jakub Jaszewski

To understand the surrounding world - for millennia man has tried to interpret natural hazards, geological processes and geomorphological forms. This attempt to understand and order the surrounding environment manifested itself in the emergence and long functioning of legends and beliefs (Juśkiewicz et al., 2025). This applied to the entire spectrum of the world that surrounded humans. One unique example of narratives specific only to Pomerania (NE Germany and NW Poland) are the legends written down by ethnographers at the turn of the 20th century relating to the so-called Hünenhacken - stone imprints of the heels of giants. Although they are indisputably the products of human hands - so far their purpose has not been clarified. They are most often considered the prehistoric and early historical grinding objects - the so-called “trough mills” or “grinding troughs.” Found in megalithic tombs and in agricultural fields among other erratic boulders, they were collected by local people, secondarily used to feed domestic animals, and even built into the walls of Christian churches as stoups - containers for holy water (Becker, 2020). The authors identified dozens of examples of such “sacred” use in Germany and Poland.

Communities that are looking back to ancient tales and legends for their own local identity and uniqueness - are paying attention to the mystery of these unusual stones. Because they were made of erratic boulders - mainly Fennoscandian granites - they have great potential to become important artifacts of Pomerania's geocultural heritage.

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (Grant No. 2019/35/B/HS3/03933).


Becker, E. (2020). Das Mahlsteinmuseum Neu-Kleinow : Von Reibplatten, Handmühlen und Hünenhacken. Norderstedt: Books on Demand.

Juśkiewicz, W., Jaszewski, J., Brykała, D., Piotrowski, R., Alexander, K.M. and Juśkiewicz, K.B. (2025). Supernatural beings of Pomerania: postmodern mapping of folkloristic sources.  Journal of Maps 21 (1): 1-15,

How to cite: Brykała, D., Becker, E., and Jaszewski, J.: Stone footprints of giants in the young glacial landscape of Pomerania (NW Poland and NE Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5937,, 2025.

EGU25-6023 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Geocultural significance of millstones within the Southern Baltic Lowlands 

Zachariasz Mosakowski, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Czubla, Robert Piotrowski, and Olaf Juschus

We can say that the economy from medieval times till the beginnings of 20th century was managed in a nearly zero-waste manner. Every tool or utensil was used until it was worn out. In many cases, this „useless” items were re-used, often in an original or unobvious way. The great examples are quern stones and millstones, which were expensive both to produce or to buy. On Southern Baltic Lowlands they were mostly made in situ of commonly available materials, such as erratics brought in by Scandinavian ice sheet in Pleistocene. For thousands of years quern stones were one of the most common, and at the same time, most important tools used to meet one of the basic needs – food production. It is therefore not surprising that there was a specific emotional bond between man and these stones. These works of human creativity were immortalised in folklore[1] and often carried symbolic values – for example, in a biblical meaning millstone symbolises death, rebirth or transformation. Semi-finished or worn millstones were used as altars, ciboria, grave stones on Jewish and Christian cemeteries, as well as a material for monuments and sculptures. They also were embedded into church walls, which is a local phenomenon in Northern Poland and Northeastern Germany[2]. In recent years, however, they have also become a desirable material for creation of small architecture in public and private places, like parks or gardens. Some of them can be found in museal collections or in lapidaries, where they serve as geoeducational or geoturistic objects.

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (Grant No. 2019/35/B/HS3/03933).

[1] Piotrowski, R. and Wróblewska, V. (2024). “Memory of stones”. The motif of millstones production from erratic boulders in folk narrations from northern Germany and Poland: between a memory of craft and an object of memory. Fabula 65 (3-4): 334-355,

[2] Czubla, P., Brykała, D., Dąbski, M., Gierszewski, P., Błaszkiewicz, M., Mosakowski, Z. and Lamparski, P. (2024). Unobvious geoheritage in sacral buildings: millstones in churches of NE Poland from a geological and geomorphological perspective, Geographia Polonica 97 (3), 327-354,

How to cite: Mosakowski, Z., Brykała, D., Czubla, P., Piotrowski, R., and Juschus, O.: Geocultural significance of millstones within the Southern Baltic Lowlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6023,, 2025.

EGU25-6226 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Past knowledge, legends and inspirations for the future. The geo-cultural value of erratic boulders in the Southern Baltic Lowlands  

Robert Piotrowski, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Czubla, and Karol Tylmann

Past knowledge, legends and inspirations for the future. The geo-cultural value of erratic boulders in the Southern Baltic Lowlands

Erratic boulders represent an important element of the Southern Baltic lowland landscapes. A network of dependencies and interactions developed between erratic boulders and humans. These relationships were both pragmatic and symbolic. Erratic boulders were attributed supernatural qualities – they were revered, perceived through the lens of demonic worldviews, and associated with epiphanies and manifestations of beings/entities deemed dangerous to humans (Juśkiewicz et al. 2025). Since the Neolithic period, erratic boulders were used in sepulchral rituals (Matuszewska 2022, 402, 408). Stone tombs were constructed from them, symbolizing the ‘stone sky,’ a concept present in Indo-European cultures. Erratic boulders were also used as a source of building materials and millstones. In the latter case, narratives exist in which the process of material extraction and production was linked to the supernatural (Piotrowski & Wróblewska 2024).

Erratic boulders with distinctive forms were given names, and their origins were interpreted. Most commonly, they were associated with giants or devils who transported them from distant lands, including Norway and Sweden. These interpretations, strikingly similar to contemporary data, are a compelling example of pre-scientific intuition. Analyzing these narratives helps uncover the cultural phenomenon of erratic boulders.

The combination of traditional local knowledge, legends, and contemporary scientific data provides a comprehensive – both holistic and inclusive – understanding of the geo-cultural phenomenon that erratic boulders represent. Only by integrating geological values with both tangible and intangible cultural values can a new geo-cultural quality be achieved, enhancing their significance. The geo-cultural potential of erratic boulders offers an excellent foundation for creating local and regional branding. Erratic boulders can be utilized in geo-cultural tourism, education, and regional promotion.

A holistic approach that combines geological and cultural values not only deepens our understanding of the phenomenon of erratic boulders but also creates opportunities to use them as symbols of local and regional identity.


Juśkiewicz, W., Jaszewski, J., Brykała, D., Piotrowski, R., Alexander, K.M., and Juśkiewicz K.B. (2025). Supernatural beings of Pomerania: postmodern mapping of folkloristic sources.  Journal of Maps 21 (1): 1-15.

Matuszewska, A. and Schiller, M. (2022). Is It Just the Location? Visibility Analyses of the West Pomeranian Megaliths of the Funnel Beaker Culture. Open Archaeology 8: 402–435,

Piotrowski, R. and Wróblewska, V. (2024). “Memory of stones”. The motif of millstones production from erratic boulders in folk narrations from northern Germany and Poland: between a memory of craft and an object of memory. Fabula 65 (3-4): 334-355,

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (grants No. 2023/49/N/HS3/02181 and No. 2019/35/B/HS3/03933).


How to cite: Piotrowski, R., Brykała, D., Czubla, P., and Tylmann, K.: Past knowledge, legends and inspirations for the future. The geo-cultural value of erratic boulders in the Southern Baltic Lowlands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6226,, 2025.

Since when together with A. Negrete we theorized the efficaciousness of using geo-myths in a classroom for Earth education purposes (Lanza, T. &Negrete, A. 2007) we have experimented the use of them in different science narratives context. We have used geo-myths in science theatre experiences (Lanza, T. et al 2014), including open-air museum (Lanza, T. 2014). More recently, we have involved scholars of secondary schools for readapting myths and transforming them in fairy-tales for primary school children (Lanza,T.& D’Addezio, G. 2021). The students came from the Classical high school and for this reason they had a suitable background for our purposes. At the same time, it was an opportunity for them to learn about the geology of the area where they live and to pass it on to the little ones through their work.   At present we have a repertory of five fairy –tales that we use during outreach events. The next step will be to involve students from Art high schools to illustrate the content in an original way in anticipation of future editorial products for primary school teachers. 

How to cite: Lanza, T. and D'Addezio, G.: Fairy-tale planet: readapting geo-myths for primary school children to expand the knowledge of the Earth., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6621,, 2025.

EGU25-7083 | Orals | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Stories of Alpine neoglaciation: Scientific framings by isotope datings and scenarios of rapid climate change 

Andrea Fischer, Azzurra Spagnesi, Pascal Bohleber, David Wachs, Daniela Festi, Martin Stocker-Waldhuber, and Thomas Reitmaier

Mythological narratives of reglaciation are found in story collections all over the Eastern Alps. For glaciers like the Marmolada (IT), Übergossene Alm, Gurgler Ferner (AT) and many others, almost identical story lines describe heavy thunderstorms during summer that covered fertile alpine pastures with large amounts of snow. Snow that did not melt in the following years, burying huts, hay storage barns and people. Snow heights could range from buried cooking huts, which can be as low as 1.5 m to hay storage barns of several metres height. Interestingly, there is still an ongoing discourse whether Ötzi, the ice man, was covered by such a type of event after dying on snow-free ground, based on radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis, as well as on an analysis of his last meal. As historical pendant to prehistoric findings, the written history of mining activities, together with dendrochronological findings, shows that mining sites were buried under snow and ice during the Little Ice Age.

From a glaciological perspective, the potential course and pace of reglaciation is significant for several reasons. First, the variability of snow cover and extreme events is important for the interpretation of Alpine (and potentially discontinuous) ice cores. Second, the chance of an Alpine reglaciation at the end of this century is small, but cannot be ruled out, so that it is vital to understand the potential course and role of mean and extreme precipitation events. Moreover, finding out whether those myths could be tied to volcanic events would help to capture the potential information that has survived for centuries in oral tradition. A prominent and recent example of climate events alive in oral tradition is the story of 1816, the year without summer. Third, in terms of hazard research, events as described in the mythological narratives could highlight major issues for modern mountain societies.

Geoarchives, such as ice cores, dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating, can help to verify hypotheses derived from the myths by constraining a potential timing. Datings of the oldest ice of Weißseespitze and Schladminger Glacier confirm a reglaciation of the Eastern Alps, with the timing depending on elevation. In addition, radiocarbon dating of organic material close to recently deglaciated summits points to potential periods of reglaciation, the latest one occurring at lower elevations just before the Little ice Age. By that time the Alps had already been converted to Christianity, so the religious framing with reference to Christian festivities could fit that outermost and recent layer of those stories.

In the light of the modelling scenarios pointing to a potential sudden change in Atlantic ocean currents, with rapid climate changes for Northern and Central Europe, the key features of the myths could reoccur: Heavy thunderstorm events during summer in warm air bringing in a cold front with extreme precipitation, followed by a lasting drop in summer mean temperature or decreased solar radiation, with a snow cover that fails to melt for years. Myths like that could offer a potential synoptic scenario related to global climate change.

How to cite: Fischer, A., Spagnesi, A., Bohleber, P., Wachs, D., Festi, D., Stocker-Waldhuber, M., and Reitmaier, T.: Stories of Alpine neoglaciation: Scientific framings by isotope datings and scenarios of rapid climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7083,, 2025.

EGU25-7137 | Orals | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Integrating Spatial Analysis and Community Knowledge for Identifying Flood-Prone Areas in Tamil Nadu, India 

Nigam Dave, Vaishnavi Pratishtha, Shrishti Kushwah, Pranshu Joshi, and Batul Kakkai

The dual forces of a warming climate and rapid urban growth are increasingly rendering cities vulnerable to flooding. Despite warnings embedded in oral histories and folk literature, indigenous knowledge is often overlooked, leaving cities to grapple with annual floods and underscoring the urgent need to identify critical areas for urban planning. This study addresses the issue in Tamil Nadu's coastal regions, employing proximity analysis, a GIS-based technique, to identify flood-prone areas by examining the spatial relationships among water bodies, settlements, and infrastructure. By integrating geospatial data with historical flood narratives and community oral histories, the research grounds technical findings in local experiences. The results highlight spatial vulnerability patterns, stressing the importance of protective zones and informed policy recommendations, including zoning laws, infrastructure planning, and community adaptation. This study adopts an interdisciplinary approach, combining insights from humanities and urban planning to bridge technical analysis with local knowledge, demonstrating how digital humanities can enhance sustainable flood management and climate resilience.

How to cite: Dave, N., Pratishtha, V., Kushwah, S., Joshi, P., and Kakkai, B.: Integrating Spatial Analysis and Community Knowledge for Identifying Flood-Prone Areas in Tamil Nadu, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7137,, 2025.

Geomythology is a hybrid discipline combining geology and mythology, invented in 1973 by geologist Dorothy Vitaliano. It aims to glean scientific information from legends and stories. One set of legends that has been fruitfully examined from a geomythological perspective is the Arthurian tales. While most mainstream historians believe that King Arthur never existed, there are facets of truth related to some of these narratives that have to do with natural, often geological, phenomena. This poster explores some of these connections by synthesizing current research on the topic, then offering hypotheses on the subject. Regarding present research, one claim is that the global volcanic winter caused by the eruption of the volcano Ilopango (El Salvador) in 535-536 A.D. may have influenced the Arthurian stories, particularly those of the alleged battles in which the monarch fought. A second claim is that Arthur’s favorite hunting dog, Cavall, who took part in the hunt for the great boar Twrch Trwyth, putatively left a mark in stone during one hunt. This mark may in fact have been caused by erosion or was the print of a large mammal such as a bear, mis-identified as that of a massive canine. A third conjecture pertains to the king’s battle against the monster of Mont Saint Michel, an episode recorded in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of Britain. Originally published in 1136, the History was a best-seller in the middle age and a key source of Arthurian lore. According to Geoffrey, Arthur slew a noxious giant who was terrorizing the island, and the method by which he kills the ogre may owe something to the practice of trepanation, a medieval surgical procedure in which a hole was drilled or bored into a skull. Fourth, the supposed bones of the king, which were unearthed during an 1191 exhumation of his corpse (in Glastonbury, England), may in fact have belonged to that of a large mammal. Summing up, while Arthur’s existence has never been proven, the stories surrounding him may shed light on geological and osteological events.

How to cite: Burbery, T.: Using Geomythology to Examine the Claims of the King Arthur Legends , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7160,, 2025.

EGU25-7189 | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18 | Highlight

Supernatural beings as creators of young-glacial landscape of Pomerania 

Jakub Jaszewski, Włodzimierz Juśkiewicz, Dariusz Brykała, Robert Piotrowski, Km Alexander, and Kacper Bogusz Juśkiewicz

Elements of the landscape and conceptions of the supernatural world often formed inseparable correlates. Erratic boulders, end moraines, eskers, kames, and peat bogs evoked interest as well as fear. They were associated with uncanny events and were also places where demonic figures resided. These symbolic landscape creations for the young glacial area in Pomerania were presented in the form of a map.

The 1:720,000 map ‘A New and Extensive Geographical Description of Supernatural Phenomena in Polish and German Pomerania’ (POMERANIÆ POLONICÆ ET GERMANICÆ PHÆNOMENA SUPERNATURALIA NOVA ET EMPLA DESCRIPTIO GEOGRAPHICA) presents the spatial distribution of supernatural beings along the Polish-German borderland (Juśkiewicz et al. 2025). Depicted phenomena include devils, spirits, wild hunters, gnomes, will-o'-the-wisps, giants, dragons, mermaids, ghosts, werewolves, apparitions, and nightmares, based on the 19th and 20-century folkloric sources compiled into a geospatial database. The map combines GIS and linocut techniques with graphic symbols inspired by Renaissance cartography, including decorative cartouches and vignettes. Integrating modern cartometric methods with traditional styles, the map is both artistic and rich in information on cultural beliefs, blending historical and contemporary cartography for a unique perspective on folklore in this culturally diverse region.

The final form of the map was created in a multi-stage process. For twelve depictions of supernatural beings, along with the title cartouche, general sketches were generated first using AI tools. After re-composition and corrections, they were transferred to the linoleum matrix. Following the carving, the matrices were printed and the prints scanned. In the final stage, the cartographic component developed using GIS tools was assembled with scans of linocuts and Renaissance ornaments using 2D graphics editing software.



Juśkiewicz, W., Jaszewski, J., Brykała, D., Piotrowski, R., Alexander, K.M., and Juśkiewicz K.B. (2025). Supernatural beings of Pomerania: postmodern mapping of folkloristic sources. Journal of Maps 21 (1): 1-15.


This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (grant No. 2023/49/N/HS3/02181).

How to cite: Jaszewski, J., Juśkiewicz, W., Brykała, D., Piotrowski, R., Alexander, K., and Juśkiewicz, K. B.: Supernatural beings as creators of young-glacial landscape of Pomerania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7189,, 2025.

EGU25-8101 | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Traces of supernatural beings or attempts to produce millstones from erratic boulders? 

Piotr Czubla, Dariusz Brykała, Paweł Pogodziński, Karol Tylmann, and Robert Piotrowski

The young glacial landscape of the Southern Baltic Lowlands contains a large number of erratic boulders with which local folk tales are associated (Juśkiewicz, et al. 2025; Piotrowski & Wróblewska 2024). There are motifs referring to the origin of the boulders and all kinds of traces - cracks, scratches, depressions, cup marks, holes were interpreted as the effect of supernatural interference. They were seen as traces of a devil's chain or of being struck by a devil's whip. Depressions and holes were interpreted as the marks of claws, hooves or even the devil's buttocks or a giant's hand. In the case of some of these boulders, the belief that they had a cultic purpose became firmly established, e.g. as pre-Christian sacrificial altars (so-called Opfersteine) or solar cult objects. Local names for these stones alluding to the intervention of saints, angels or demonic beings have survived to the present day. We will try to identify both anthropogenic and natural processes that led to the formation of microforms on the surface of the boulders, considered 'supernatural' in folk tradition.

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (Grant No. 2019/35/B/HS3/03933).


Juśkiewicz, W., Jaszewski, J., Brykała, D., Piotrowski, R., Alexander, K.M. & Juśkiewicz, K.B. (2025). Supernatural beings of Pomerania: postmodern mapping of folkloristic sources.  Journal of Maps 21 (1): 1-15,

Piotrowski, R. & Wróblewska, V. (2024). “Memory of stones”. The motif of millstones production from erratic boulders in folk narrations from northern Germany and Poland: between a memory of craft and an object of memory. Fabula 65 (3-4): 334-355,

How to cite: Czubla, P., Brykała, D., Pogodziński, P., Tylmann, K., and Piotrowski, R.: Traces of supernatural beings or attempts to produce millstones from erratic boulders?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8101,, 2025.

EGU25-13289 | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18

ToPoTown: Tourism Potential of Townships - example of Katatura, Windhoek, Namibia 

Ralf Löwner and Sam Mwando

ToPoTown analyzes the feasibility of using precarious housing conditions for sustainable tourism in the “Katatura” township in Windhoek, Namibia. The focus is on economic feasibility, environmental relevance and acceptability among the population. Tourism should lead to an improvement in living conditions, which in turn has a positive impact on environmental conditions. With GIS-supported inventories, surveys of new data and their spatial analyses, the feasibility and environmental situation is being researched and at the same time a database is being created that can be used as a starting point for a web-based portal solution for structured resource management.

With just under 500,000 inhabitants, Windhoek is home to almost 20% of Namibia's total population. The city is experiencing rapid growth due to people whose hopes for work and a better life are based on its proximity to the capital. As a result, the urban area continues to expand. Overall, the living conditions of around 60% of Windhoek's inhabitants can be described as extremely precarious. Katatura is Windhoek's best-known and oldest suburb. It was created in the 1950s during apartheid in order to forced relocate the colored population from the city center according to ethnic groups. The City of Windhoek's pilot program to encourage the owners of historic houses in Katutura, which were built between 1959 and 1960, to exchange them for new, modern houses represents a unique opportunity to preserve Windhoek's cultural heritage and at the same time boost the local economy through tourism. Based on these buildings - which are very important for the people's consciousness - tourism could develop, which would help to improve the precarious situation of the inhabitants. This would also have very strong environmental aspects, as the disastrous pollution and land degradation resulting from this living situation could be significantly mitigated.

The aim of ToPoTown is to assess the feasibility of sustainable tourism, research the environmental conditions and thus create a database on the country's socio-cultural and natural resources. The content focus relates to the following points:

  • Inventory (socio-cultural and natural parameters)
  • Perspective of the residents
  • Environmental aspects (e.g. land use, pollution, degradation)
  • Designation of potential tourist centres

In terms of methodology, the focus is on analyzing remote sensing data in order to obtain information about relevant natural (e.g. climate, soils, terrain morphology, water) and technical parameters (e.g. water supply, health, infrastructure, electricity). On the other hand, socio-cultural parameters are collected through extensive qualitative and quantitative surveys. The results lead to the realization of a GIS with emotional aspects (“emotional GIS”). Finally, based on these principles, a site location analysis is developed as a generic model for a multi-criteria analysis to identify potential tourist centers.

ToPoTown provides an excellent starting point for conducting similar studies in other regions of Namibia and southern Africa, focusing on the following specific aspects of the regions:

  • Cultural-historical parameters,
  • Natural resources and environmental conditions,
  • Colonial historical parameters.

How to cite: Löwner, R. and Mwando, S.: ToPoTown: Tourism Potential of Townships - example of Katatura, Windhoek, Namibia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13289,, 2025.

Under increasing geopolitical tensions between important breadbaskets and climate extremes, the co-existence of weather and geopolitical extreme events can lead to devastating agricultural production losses. These losses can affect the entire food supply chain and lead to food shortages and price increases in regional markets. This work models these events’ impacts taking the Russian-Ukrainian war and the extreme heat waves of Summer 2022 as a case study. Four(4) war scenarios are considered such as the invasion phase, the peak of the war, Ukraine’s resistance, sanctions against Russia, and refugee crises in Europe. Using data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Statista, WITS, and Acclimate production value losses. Results show that the agricultural sectors of southern European countries such as France, Italy, and Spain were most affected by the extreme events, although the direct impact of refugees was lower compared to their northern counterparts. Strict sanctions against Russia coupled with Ukraine’s resistance will benefit EU food markets, but at the same time the agricultural sectors of smaller nations and weaker economies, particularly those of Russia’s allies, will be highly vulnerable. We suggest that their impact on weak economies should not be overlooked when developing and adopting conflict resolution measures.

How to cite: Arreyndip, N. A.: On the coincidence of weather extremes and geopolitical conflicts: Risk analysis in regional food markets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-36,, 2025.

EGU25-117 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.14/ERE6.5

Food trade disruption after global catastrophes 

Florian Ulrich Jehn, Łukasz Gajewski, Johanna Hedlund, Constantin Arnscheidt, Lili Xia, Nico Wunderling, and David Denkenberger

The global food trade system is resilient to minor disruptions but vulnerable to major ones. Major shocks can arise from global catastrophic risks, such as abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios (e.g., nuclear war) or global catastrophic infrastructure loss (e.g., due to severe geomagnetic storms or a global pandemic). We use a network model to examine how these two scenarios could impact global food trade, focusing on wheat, maize, soybeans, and rice, accounting for about 60% of global calorie intake. Our findings indicate that an abrupt sunlight reduction scenario, with soot emissions equivalent to a major nuclear war between India and Pakistan (37 Tg), could severely disrupt trade, causing most countries to lose the vast majority of their food imports (50-100 % decrease), primarily due to the main exporting countries being heavily affected. Global catastrophic infrastructure loss of the same magnitude as the abrupt sunlight reduction has a more homogeneous distribution of yield declines, resulting in most countries losing up to half of their food imports (25-50 % decrease). Thus, our analysis shows that both scenarios could significantly impact the food trade. However, the abrupt sunlight reduction scenario is likely more disruptive than global catastrophic infrastructure loss regarding the effects of yield reductions on food trade. This study underscores the vulnerabilities of the global food trade network to catastrophic risks and the need for enhanced preparedness.

How to cite: Jehn, F. U., Gajewski, Ł., Hedlund, J., Arnscheidt, C., Xia, L., Wunderling, N., and Denkenberger, D.: Food trade disruption after global catastrophes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-117,, 2025.

EGU25-137 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.14/ERE6.5

Energy justice across income groups in China residential sector under decarbonization 

Rongqi Zhu, Ying Zhang, Jon Sampedro, Hancheng Dai, and Yang Ou

Energy justice is a top priority for government under decarbonization, which can mitigate the potential negative impacts of decarbonization on marginalized groups. The sheer scale and diversity of China’s economic and social development across provinces necessitate a nuanced examination of energy justice. In particular, disparities in both energy accessibility and affordability are pronounced within the residential sector. Under decarbonization, the inequitable distribution is likely to be exacerbated by the potentially increased costs of energy. Such inequity in income groups in low-carbon transition suggests a strong need for a better understanding of the implications of decarbonization for energy justice. While some studies have considered income inequality at national or sub-national level, the group disparities in income call for a granular exploration to understand the intricacies of energy justice at the residential-level.
Here we develop a new version of GCAM-China (GCAM-China-Mul, Fig.1), featuring an expanded set of 21 income groups in the building sector, to explore energy burden and fairness for different income groups. This multiple-consumer feature is important because the demand and elasticity for residential energy are non-linear in response to income, which in turn, drives different future demand and responses under decarbonization. This analysis aims to address the following questions: what the distributional effects of decarbonization policies on these different income groups and the resulting residential energy justice disparity across the groups. 
Fig.1 Research framework. The colored boxes represent the modeling capabilities developed for this study. There are 21 heterogeneous income groups (resid_urban_d1-d10, resid_rural_d1-d10 and a commercial consumer group) on the demand side and the energy consumption by fuel is further disaggregated to 57 representative typical and high-efficiency technologies.

This multiple consumer feature is conceptually built upon similar structures in GCAM and GCAM-USA, with two additional contributions: First, significant urban-rural income gap based on China’s condition is considered. Second, we employ high-resolution residential-level data from China Family Panel Studies to calibrate the model. About decarbonization scenarios, we set net-zero or close to net-zero at the national level and building sector level, and cross-cutting each other to form four scenarios. In combined scenarios, we can achieve national-level decarbonization as well as building sector deep decarbonization. 

We found that national-level constraints primarily reduce indirect emissions, but achieving deep mitigation in the building sector requires combining these with sector-level constraints. The socioeconomic impacts of decarbonization highlight significant disparities: low-income groups face more pronounced negative effects, while high-income groups benefit more from positive outcomes. Additionally, urban and rural areas exhibit distinct energy transition pathways. These findings highlight the necessity of targeted interventions to achieve a just energy transition.


How to cite: Zhu, R., Zhang, Y., Sampedro, J., Dai, H., and Ou, Y.: Energy justice across income groups in China residential sector under decarbonization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-137,, 2025.

EGU25-349 | Orals | ITS3.14/ERE6.5

Water scarcity approach in arid regions: A quantification approach incorporating non-conventional and virtual water resources 

Ahmed Sefelnasr, Muhammad Al Rashed, Mohsen Sherif, Dalal Alshamsi, Amjad Aliewi, and Abdel Azim Ebraheem

Previous research on the water scarcity across the world has either ignored or undervalued the contributions that non-traditional and virtual water resources make to the subject of water security. On the other hand, the impacts of society, institutions, the economy, and technology are only taken into consideration by a small number of the water stress indices that are currently published. The terms "availability," "accessibility to services," "safety and quality," and "water management" were used to characterize the new water security framework that was developed and implemented in this work. In this context, and for the purpose of managing water demand in arid regions, a recently constructed framework that makes use of metric concepts has been developed. The paradigm that had been developed was applied to the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) as examples of dry states that had sound economies, advanced human development, and extensive virtual trade. It has been discovered that a high level of societal resilience to food security makes it possible to make use of virtual water commerce in order to attain water security. To determine the degree to which conventional water supplies are being depleted, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) uses the ratio of freshwater extraction to freshwater availability. The data that were obtained illustrated the severity of the effect that water depletion has on the availability of water in various nations, with the values ranging from 2% (in Oman) to 56% (in Kuwait). The degree of water stress in each country was determined by computing the ratio of the quantity of water that was extracted from freshwater resources to the amount of water that could be renewed from traditional water sources. In Bahrain, the reported values were about 0.4, whereas in Kuwait, they were over 22. The assessed water stress values indicated a minimum of 0.13 in Kuwait, which implies a significant dependence on non-conventional water resources coupled with minimal domestic food production in order to achieve water security. This is because the unconventional and abstracted nonrenewable groundwater volumes from the overall water demand in the GCC were taken into consideration.

How to cite: Sefelnasr, A., Al Rashed, M., Sherif, M., Alshamsi, D., Aliewi, A., and Ebraheem, A. A.: Water scarcity approach in arid regions: A quantification approach incorporating non-conventional and virtual water resources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-349,, 2025.

 Enhancing the sustainability of the food-energy-water nexus (FEW Nexus) is essential for achieving sustainable development in drylands. Matching the supply and demand of related ecosystem services can be an effective way to realize long-term sustainable management of the FEW Nexus. However, few studies have simultaneously incorporated both the supply and demand of ecosystem services into the analysis of the relationship between them and FEW Nexus sustainability. Therefore, this research takes the West Liaohe River Basin in the arid region of China as a case study. Based on a localized FEW Nexus sustainability evaluation index system, the FEW Nexus sustainability and the supply-demand matching characteristics of the corresponding ecosystem services in the West Liaohe River Basin from 2005 to 2015 were assessed. The relationship between them was analyzed quantitatively through the methods of coupling coordination degree and geographical detector. The results showed a synergistic improvement in both FEW Nexus sustainability and the supply-demand situation of combined ecosystem services. The supply of food production and water yield were able to meet their demands adequately from 2005 to 2015, with a strengthening surplus, leading to an overall surplus and gradual improvement in the integrated ecosystem services. This surplus synergistically promoted the process of FEW Nexus sustainability. The results of the geographical detector indicate that the supply-demand ratio of carbon sequestration was the main factor influencing FEW Nexus sustainability. Areas with higher FEW Nexus sustainability tended to have larger deficits in carbon sequestration, which was more evident in areas with high levels of urbanization. Therefore, the key to enhancing FEW Nexus sustainability in the basin is to balance the supply of and demand for carbon sequestration services. Overall, the present study not only provides a basis for strengthening the management of the supply-demand of ecosystem services associated with FEW to achieve regional sustainable development, but also offers insights into how the growing demand for the FEW Nexus is exerting pressure on the balance between supply and demand of related ecosystem services.

How to cite: Wang, K.: Unraveling the complex interconnections between food-energy-water nexus sustainability and the supply-demand of related ecosystem services, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2107,, 2025.

EGU25-6637 | Orals | ITS3.14/ERE6.5

Tackling air pollution inequalities through integrated assessment models: a pathway to environmental justice 

Arthur Elessa Etuman, Taos Benoussaid, and Isabelle Coll


Air pollution remains a critical challenge in urban environments, as it exacerbates health inequities and disproportionately affects marginalized communities. Although Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) have advanced in recent years, they still struggle to capture the urban and social dimensions of air quality. This research addresses that gap by integrating detailed spatiotemporal and socio-economic data into an urban-scale modeling platform. The aim is to highlight pollution-driven disparities and guide policies that foster environmental justice.



This work relies on an integrated modeling approach centered on the OLYMPUS model (Elessa Etuman et al., 2018, 2023), designed to simulate urban air pollution exposure at high resolution and evaluate associated socio-environmental impacts.


First, demographic data from large-scale surveys are used to build a synthetic population, reflecting socio-economic and spatial heterogeneities. Next, transportation patterns—including both passenger and freight—are derived through mobility matrices that combine national surveys with FRETURB-SIMTURB modeling. These results inform the energy demand assessment, which accounts for building use and daily schedules to estimate sector-specific energy consumption.


Using these outputs, an emissions inventory is established following European Environment Agency standards, with refined spatial and temporal allocation achieved through advanced statistical scaling techniques. The CHIMERE model (Menut et al., 2013) then simulates air quality at neighborhood scale. Finally, a detailed exposure assessment links emissions data to individuals by merging high-resolution pollution maps with daily mobility patterns and demographic profiles. This step identifies vulnerable subpopulations based on socio-economic status, residential location, and travel habits.



By pinpointing the underlying drivers of air pollution inequalities, this study underscores the need for urban policies that explicitly consider social diversity and personal habits. Drawing on integrated modeling results, we see that targeted interventions—such as improving access to clean public transport, restructuring mobility habits —can lower exposure risks. These strategies become most powerful when they address the specific needs of vulnerable populations, thereby reducing environmental health disparities.



Addressing air pollution inequalities is vital for achieving environmental justice and sustainable urban development. By incorporating socio-economic and spatial heterogeneities into a comprehensive modeling framework, this research demonstrates that policies shaped around individuals’ real-world practices offer the most promising path to fairer and more effective outcomes. Ensuring that each policy is designed to both reduce overall pollution and narrow social gaps will help advance healthier, more equitable urban environments.



Benoussaïd, T., 2023. Analyse socio-spatiale de l’exposition des populations à la pollution atmosphérique en zone urbaine, par une approche de modélisation dynamique basée sur l’individu et intégrant les pratiques de mobilité.

Elessa Etuman, A., Coll, I., 2018. OLYMPUS v1.0: Development of an integrated air pollutant and GHG urban emissions model - Methodology and calibration over the greater Paris. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 1‑29. 

Elessa Etuman, A., Coll, I. 2023. Integrated air quality modeling for urban policy: A novel approach with OLYMPUS-CHIMERE. Atmospheric Environment, 315: 120134.

Menut, L., et al. 2013. CHIMERE 2013: a model for regional atmospheric composition modelling. Geosci. Model Dev., 6(4): 981‑1028.


How to cite: Elessa Etuman, A., Benoussaid, T., and Coll, I.: Tackling air pollution inequalities through integrated assessment models: a pathway to environmental justice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6637,, 2025.

EGU25-7391 | Orals | ITS3.14/ERE6.5

Integrating Equity into Integrated Model Simulations with Emulators and Visualizations 

Noelle Selin, C. Adam Schlosser, and Anthony Wong

While there is growing interest in and appreciation of the importance of incorporating representation of distributional impacts in integrated assessment models, the computational burden of incorporating dynamic representations at appropriate scale has historically limited the incorporation of multiple endpoints relevant to equity in model analyses. We introduce new methodological directions to illustrate potential for future modeling of equity and related aspects, drawn from the work of MIT’s Center for Sustainability Science and Strategy (CS3). Through an example of air quality, we show how a fast emulator that can provide spatially-resolved fields from a complex atmospheric chemistry model can be integrated with projections from the MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis (EPPA) model to quantify the human health impacts of climate and air quality policies together. We then show how visualizations can incorporate analysis of other dimensions of equity, including socio-economic and demographic considerations, through the System for the Triage of Risks from Environmental and Socio-economic Stressors (STRESS Platform). We conclude by illustrating how these approaches can be extended to other sustainability related domains, enabling integrated analysis of multiple aspects of human well-being simultaneously.

How to cite: Selin, N., Schlosser, C. A., and Wong, A.: Integrating Equity into Integrated Model Simulations with Emulators and Visualizations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7391,, 2025.

Unveiling the Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Development Goals in China: Identifying the Main Causal Relationships

       Accelerating the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires understanding their main causal relationships at the national and sub-national levels, which will help to identify key impediments and opportunities to enhance policy coherence across sectors. However, current research on SDGs causal interactions at sub-national level remains limited. This study constructed causal networks of SDGs in China and its 31 provinces from 2000 to 2020 applying Multi-spatial Convergence Cross Mapping (MCCM) and network analysis methods, analyzed the main causal features of China’s SDGs in synergy/trade-off effects and their spatial differences. The results showed that, from 2000 to 2020, causality of SDGs exhibited a ratio of 5:2 in synergistic and trade-off effects, establishing a robust foundation for SDGs implementation. In 28 provinces, the main causality in synergy involved SDG4 and SDG17, the bidirectional causality between them was the key causal feature in 18 provinces. The main causal pair in trade-off across 13 provinces involved SDG12 and SDG15, indicating that trade-off causality between resource use, ecological protection and other SDGs remained a major challenge for achieving SDGs. Meanwhile, neighboring provinces exhibited similar loop characteristics, and prioritizing high-frequency indicators including SDG4.c.1, SDG17.8.1, SDG4.2.2, SDG9.c.1, SDG4.a.1, and SDG11.7.1 within synergistic loops was key for SDGs development. This study provides a comprehensive insight for future China and its administrative region priorities and is significant for promoting policy coherence and SDG system coordination.

How to cite: Zhou, T. and Huang, C.: Unveiling the Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Development Goals in China: Identifying the Main Causal Relationships, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7542,, 2025.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) take the global challenges into a new phase, calling for reasonable resources management from holistic perspectives. This study develops a novel integrated modelling framework for sustainable agricultural energy-water-food nexus (EWFN) management, with the objectives of maximum social welfare of water resources allocation, maximum hydroelectric generation, maximum grain crop production, maximum positive farmland ecosystem service value, and minimum negative farmland ecosystem service value. The proposed framework is capable of: (1) balancing benefit efficiency and allocation equity using social welfare function; (2) reconciling conflicting targets among socio-economic, resource, and eco-environmental spheres; (3) generating sustainable water and land resources allocation strategies considering complex and uncertain environment. The optimization model directly contributed to achievement of SDG 2 (food security), SDG 6 (water security), SDG 7 (energy security), SDG 8 (economic growth), and SDG 13 (climate change mitigation), whilst indirectly supported other SDGs by providing safe energy, clear water, and nutritious food, and sustainable management. The proposed model was applied to the Zhanghe Reservoir irrigation area, located in the Yangtze River Basin, central China. Flexible water and land resources allocation schemes among different sectors, crops, and periods were generated, as well as managerial insights into what efforts should be done were provided for decision-makers. After optimization, efficiency-equity tradeoff was balanced with social welfare index reaching [0.94, 0.99]. Optima results show that GHGs emission contributed majority of the total loss, which cannot be totally neutralized by carbon sequestration, causing negative eco-environmental impacts of [2.3, 3.4] ×108 CNY. The proposed model performs well on generating robust and coordinated solutions according to scenarios analysis and models comparison. The proposed approach has potential on achieving SDGs in agricultural EWFN system, and is portable to other agriculture-centered areas suffering from similar resources crisis.

How to cite: Yue, Q.: Optimization approach for achieving sustainable development goals in agricultural energy-water-food nexus system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11334,, 2025.

EGU25-12797 * | ECS | Orals | ITS3.14/ERE6.5 | Highlight

Breaking Barriers with Patterns: New Tools for Integrating Distributional Justice into Global Mitigation Scenarios 

Karl Scheifinger, Elina Brutschin, Caroline Zimm, Kian Mintz-Woo, Jarmo Kikstra, Shonali Pachauri, Joeri Rogelj, Keywan Riahi, Piotr Żebrowski, Benjamin Sovacool, Thomas Schinko, Sean Low, and Livia Fritz

Global mitigation scenarios allocate resources in ways that align with specific climate targets under varying assumptions. These allocations inevitably raise questions of distributional justice. With scenarios becoming a major tool for global climate policy, the distributional implications of global mitigation scenarios are increasingly central to international political debates and negotiations. However, the scenario community lacks tools to systematically and transparently incorporate considerations of distributional justice in scenario development. This research addresses this gap by operationalizing philosophical concepts of distributional justice, referred to as justice patterns.

The justice patterns examined in this study include Aggregate Utilitarian (core idea: everyone benefits), Egalitarian (equal outcomes for all), Prioritarian (priority to those worst-off), Sufficientarian (ensuring everyone reaches a minimum threshold), and Limitarian (ensuring no one exceeds a maximum threshold). With two concrete applications we demonstrate that these justice patterns provide a useful framework for integrating distributional justice considerations in scenario development.

First, we quantify justice patterns to analyse the distributional logic of energy service access in scenarios from the AR6 database. Our findings reveal that Prioritatrian and Egalitarian patterns are the most prominent in AR6 scenarios, while Sufficientarian and Limitarian patterns remain underexplored, leaving a gap in the scenario space.

Second, we introduce an open-source web application that visualizes justice patterns as idealized trajectories, allowing stakeholders to explore and express their preferences for justice patterns in varying contexts. We demonstrate the tool’s potential to guide scenario development in a small pilot study.

We conclude by advocating for future scenario studies to systematically incorporate diverse justice patterns to examine potential conflicts between mitigation strategies and justice considerations. Furthermore, we recommend extending assessments beyond energy services to encompass non-material dimensions critical to socially acceptable futures, such as freedom and power. By operationalizing justice patterns, this research establishes a foundation for comprehensive scenario assessments on distributional justice and systematic stakeholder engagement.

How to cite: Scheifinger, K., Brutschin, E., Zimm, C., Mintz-Woo, K., Kikstra, J., Pachauri, S., Rogelj, J., Riahi, K., Żebrowski, P., Sovacool, B., Schinko, T., Low, S., and Fritz, L.: Breaking Barriers with Patterns: New Tools for Integrating Distributional Justice into Global Mitigation Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12797,, 2025.

EGU25-14963 | Posters on site | ITS3.14/ERE6.5

Actively Implementing an Agricultural Climate Information Delivery Chain through the ToT Program in the Van-KIRAP Project 

Ji Hyun Kim, Sugyeong Park, Imgook Jung, Seongkyu Lee, Pakoa Leo, Moirah Matou, Sunny Seuseu, and Jong Ahn Chun

The Vanuatu Klaemet Infomesen blong Redy, Adapt mo Protekt (Van-KIRAP) project, funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF), aims to enhance climate resilience in Vanuatu through sustainable climate information services. At its core is the OSCAR (tailOred System for Climate services for AgRiculture) system, which provides actionable climate data to support decision-making in agriculture. To ensure sustainable management, the project implemented a Training of Trainers (ToT) program for key Vanuatu stakeholders, including government officials and agricultural extension workers. The program included a four-week intensive training in South Korea, focusing on OSCAR’s operation, climate dynamics, agricultural impacts of climate change, and the generation of Agrometeorological Bulletins for farmers. This initiative enabled participants to independently manage OSCAR while fostering innovative ideas for its expansion and improvement. Key outcomes included enhanced capacity to integrate climate data into agricultural practices, develop tailored advisory services, and ensure the system’s long-term sustainability. Moving forward, the project emphasizes collaboration with women’s organizations and NGOs to promote gender equity and inclusion in climate adaptation efforts. Expanding OSCAR’s reach to marginalized communities and fostering broader stakeholder engagement will further amplify its impact. Van-KIRAP showcases a participatory approach to building sustainable climate services, offering a replicable model for other vulnerable regions.

How to cite: Kim, J. H., Park, S., Jung, I., Lee, S., Leo, P., Matou, M., Seuseu, S., and Chun, J. A.: Actively Implementing an Agricultural Climate Information Delivery Chain through the ToT Program in the Van-KIRAP Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14963,, 2025.

EGU25-16792 | Orals | ITS3.14/ERE6.5

Scenarios for a Sustainable Blue Food System in North Norway 2040: Insights from the CoastShift Project 

Tamer Abu-Alam, Vera Helene Hausner, Sigrid Engen, Charlotte Teresa Weber, Lena Schøning, Alexandra Kate Abrahams, and Cristina-Maria Iordan

As Northern Norway navigates the interdependencies between sustainable food production and environmental stewardship, including protecting biodiversity, future trajectories for its blue food systems offer critical insights into addressing food security challenges. This study explores four distinct scenarios for the North Norway region's blue food systems by 2040, highlighting how governance, technology, and community-driven initiatives can shape sustainable pathways under the influence of the EU Taxonomy. 

The scenarios include: (1) Regenerative, Locally Focused Systems, prioritizing biodiversity restoration, circular economies, and decentralized governance; (2) Centralized High-Tech Industrial Production, emphasizing innovation, large-scale aquaculture, and global food trade; (3) Economic Growth Without Transition, focusing on market-driven strategies with limited environmental considerations; and (4) Conservation-Driven Approaches, centered on ecosystem restoration and environmental protection driven by environmental government. 

The study utilizes participatory scenario planning, stakeholder engagement through Three Horizons and World Café workshops, and PESTLE analysis to critically evaluate these scenarios. It explores the impacts of climate change, resource governance, legal frameworks, and various drivers, barriers, and enablers, as well as the role of sustainable energy transitions. 

This presentation aims to explore and discuss the different scenarios to identify which scenarios are most desirable and which are most likely to occur.  

This work contributes to the session by providing a regional perspective on the future blue food security nexus, highlighting how interdisciplinary collaboration, governance reforms, and innovative solutions can strengthen resilience. 

How to cite: Abu-Alam, T., Hausner, V. H., Engen, S., Weber, C. T., Schøning, L., Abrahams, A. K., and Iordan, C.-M.: Scenarios for a Sustainable Blue Food System in North Norway 2040: Insights from the CoastShift Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16792,, 2025.

EGU25-18754 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.14/ERE6.5

The expansion of planting area dominates the long term changes of water footprint for cotton in Xinjiang 

Xinru You, Shengli Liu, Tong Li, Tauseef Iqbal, and Xiongfeng Ma

Keywords: water footprint; cotton; spatial-temporal dynamics; climate change; xinjiang

Introduction: Cotton stands as a cash crop with high water consumption, yielding necessary benefits for human beings. However, more that 90% of cotton productivity in China are cultivated in Xinjiang, a water scare region, challenged the sustainability of agricultural development. Efforts on supply and demand of water resource for cotton in such region is critical for sustainable water management, but remains unresolved.

Material and Methods: Taking cotton cultivated in Xinjiang from 2001 to 2020 over counties as a case, we employed water footprint concept that based on virtual water to depict the spatial-temporal trend of water footprint, spatial clustering patterns of water footprint over county. We further identified the contributions of climate change, planting area, and inputs of fertilizer application to the changes of water footprint over regions.

Results: From 2001 to 2020, the average annual water footprint of cotton production in Xinjiang was 9.75 Gm³, with blue, green, and grey water footprints contributes 6.78 Gm³, 1.01 Gm³, and 1.96 Gm³, respectively. The overall water footprint exhibited an initial increase followed by a subsequent decrease, reaching its peak in 2014. Notably, the distribution of water footprints associated with cotton production varied across the study regions, with the average annual water footprints for cotton production in Southern Xinjiang and Northern Xinjiang recorded at 6.91 Gm³ and 2.84 Gm³, respectively. Over the study period, primary concentrations of the total water footprint of cotton were observed in the southern Tianshan Mountains, with no significant shifts in spatial aggregation at the county scale. The expansion of cotton cultivation areas and excessive fertilizer applications emerged as the main factors influencing the long-term dynamics of the cotton water footprint contributing 8.30 Gm³ and 1.26 Gm³ respectively, to the overall water footprint variation. Furthermore, climate change led to a reduction of 0.85 Gm³ in the water footprint of cotton production. The water footprint per unit yield of cotton within the study area exhibited a declining trajectory over the past two decades, with the average annual water footprint per unit yield calculated at 4845.91 m³/t.

Conclusions: the expansion of the planting area emerges as the primary driving force behind the dynamic shifts in the water footprint of cotton production in Xinjiang. Despite the overall increase in total cotton production, there is a notable downward trend in the water footprint per unit yield of cotton. This study provides a theoretical basis for balancing the sustainability of water use and the optimization of spatial patterns of cotton.

How to cite: You, X., Liu, S., Li, T., Iqbal, T., and Ma, X.: The expansion of planting area dominates the long term changes of water footprint for cotton in Xinjiang, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18754,, 2025.

EGU25-19690 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.14/ERE6.5

Comparing cost-optimal to policy-driven scenarios for a decarbonised European energy system 

Natasha Frilingou, Dirk-Jan Van de Ven, Russel Horowitz, Clàudia Rodés Bachs, Shivika Mittal, Alexandre Torne, Evelina Trutnevyte, Konstantinos Koasidis, and Alexandros Nikas

The transition to a low-carbon economy in the EU requires a balance between collective ambition and national priorities. Comparing bottom-up trajectories of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) with top-down EU-wide targets offers valuable insights into the “cost of non-coordination” and its implications for equitable effort-sharing among Member States. In this study, we derive the energy system transformations required at the EU Member State level to achieve the EU’s net-zero target and examine how these transitions differ between EU-level and state-level policies in the short term. Our scenarios are based on (a) the emissions reduction policies, including those outlined in the ‘Fit for 55’ package as well as the NECPs, following which emissions constraints are set at both the EU and Member State levels (policy-driven), and (b) cost-optimal model pathways achieving equivalent GHG emission mitigation as (a) at both levels but without any explicit policies modelled (target-driven). We use two well-established integrated assessment models, GCAM-Europe and TIAM-EU, and soft-link them with a detailed electricity system model (EXPANSE) to additionally derive future trajectories of electricity demand, final energy mix, electricity and storage capacities, investments in transmission and distribution infrastructure, and electricity prices. Finally, we assess how the European (and national) energy systems differ between the two scenarios as well as how effort-sharing varies among Member States when comparing the optimal pathways derived at the EU level to those developed for individual Member States.

How to cite: Frilingou, N., Van de Ven, D.-J., Horowitz, R., Rodés Bachs, C., Mittal, S., Torne, A., Trutnevyte, E., Koasidis, K., and Nikas, A.: Comparing cost-optimal to policy-driven scenarios for a decarbonised European energy system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19690,, 2025.

EGU25-19844 | Posters on site | ITS3.14/ERE6.5

Exploring the Role of the Coastal Marine Environment within the WEFE Nexus 

Alexandra Spyropoulou, Jerome El Jeitany, Tommaso Pacetti, Giannis Adamos, Chrysi Laspidou, and Enrica Caporali

The water-energy-food-ecosystem (WEFE) nexus is critical for sustainable resource management, yet its application in marine and coastal environments remains underexplored, despite its increasing relevance in marine ecosystem services (MES). This study addresses this gap by presenting an in-depth analysis of the marine WEFE nexus, with a particular emphasis on the Mediterranean region. A conceptual framework is developed to integrate MES as dynamic contributors to the interconnected elements of the WEFE nexus. Using a synthesis of existing literature, key feedback mechanisms are identified, enabling the mapping of distinct interlinkages that originate from ecosystem services and extend across nexus dimensions. This mapping provides insights into the systemic dependencies of marine resources and their influence on water, energy, food, and ecosystem interdependencies. Graph theory is employed to represent these links, offering a network-based perspective that identifies critical pathways within the nexus. By highlighting pivotal dependencies, this approach deepens our understanding of the marine WEFE nexus, emphasizing its complexity and interconnectivity.

How to cite: Spyropoulou, A., El Jeitany, J., Pacetti, T., Adamos, G., Laspidou, C., and Caporali, E.: Exploring the Role of the Coastal Marine Environment within the WEFE Nexus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19844,, 2025.

EGU25-19869 | Orals | ITS3.14/ERE6.5

Assessing Water Security in Central American Transboundary Basins: A Watershed Prioritization Framework 

David Zamora, Gustavo Ayala, Sebastián Aedo, Yesica Rodríguez, and Tania Santos

Water-related risks are increasing for resource-based livelihoods in the Southern Hemisphere and tropical regions. Water security as a concept has not been extensively reviewed and assessed for rural and urban livelihoods in this context. Although there are studies related to water security, the evidence and approaches to assess water security in transboundary basins are scarce, and several of these focus on defining levels of water security in terms of water scarcity, but does water availability alone guarantee water security? Historically, transboundary water resources management has been based on discourses of water security as a national security issue rather than a collaborative approach. This nationalistic use of water as a threat or power strategy weakens relations between nations and hinders cooperation. To meet these challenges, studies suggest the consolidation of transboundary institutions responsible for monitoring water conditions and serving as conflict mediators between riparian countries.

An example of this transboundary framework is the tri-national cooperation process that has been developed for environmental management and sustainable development in the Upper Lempa River basin (ULRB), located in a key part of the Trifinio Region is made up of the countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. The legal framework of the Treaty between these three countries, called “Agua Sin Fronteras – 2006-2024”, recognized the relevance of community participation in landscape management. However, the characterization of the biophysical variables and processes in each country in the ULRB is different in terms of data availability (i.e., space and time) and its homogeneity (i.e., kind of variable), which difficult to assess water security as a transboundary tool. To solve these weaknesses and gaps, we proposed a Water Security Index (WSI) with an approach to measure multiple indicators of hydrological risk relative to context specific water needs, including water availability, quality and sustainability. We followed the logic of the Pressure-State-Response (PSR) model to select indices that can be spatialized in different time steps. The WSI estimates the level of water security on a scale of 0 to 1, where 0 corresponds to the least favorable condition in terms of adequate quantities of water of acceptable quality for sustaining livelihoods, human well-being, and development socioeconomic; and 1 is the most favorable condition. The WSI was evaluated based on the results of a hydrological model (WEAP) under different climatic conditions (i.e., wet, dry, and normal). This evaluation allowed us to identify critical sub-basins (i.e., hot spots) for each condition and prioritized sub-basins with a high degree of vulnerability in all three conditions combined to support ecosystem services and human well-being. Through the analysis of the WSI index, 25 priority hot spots were identified as priority for intervention considering the resulting WSI in the combined conditions of which 11 are recurrent in the three conditions.

How to cite: Zamora, D., Ayala, G., Aedo, S., Rodríguez, Y., and Santos, T.: Assessing Water Security in Central American Transboundary Basins: A Watershed Prioritization Framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19869,, 2025.

With the growing focus on the concept of net-zero carbon reduction, the application performance of steel slag asphalt concrete has attracted increasing attention. However, numerous factors at construction sites influence construction quality, and steel slag, as a recycled material, often raises concerns about the stability of its construction quality. In this study, steel slag asphalt concrete (with a steel slag content of 39%) was evaluated on two experimental roads located on heavy traffic routes: Experimental Road A and Experimental Road B. Both roads are situated at similar distances from the asphalt mixing plant, allowing for an analysis of temperature changes and performance stability across different conditions. Experimental Road A’s length is 2,395 meters, while Experimental Road B’s length is 640 meters, with both roads surface layers having a pavement thickness of 5 cm. This study monitored temperature variations during the transportation and paving processes as well as road smoothness and rut depth over 18 months after opening to traffic. Results indicated that the average temperature drop during transportation was 14.6°C for Experimental Road A and 16.8°C for Experimental Road B, with an identical average paving temperature of 166.5°C for both. These findings suggest stable temperature control during transportation and paving. Performance analysis under heavy traffic over 18 months revealed that the standard deviation of pavement smoothness increased by 0.9 mm for both experimental roads. Meanwhile, the maximum rut depth increased by 5.5 mm for Experimental Road A and 5.4 mm for Experimental Road B. The results show that steel slag asphalt concrete exhibited excellent load-bearing capacity and stability across different experimental roads.

How to cite: Lin, D.-F., Wang, W.-J., and Chen, L. Y.: Evaluation of Temperature Stability and Pavement Performance of Steel Slag Asphalt Concrete Based on an Experimental Roadway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1174,, 2025.

In the 1860s, humanity entered the electrical era, characterized by the widespread use of artificial light. This development created conditions for nighttime social and economic activities, significantly expanding the temporal and spatial range of human engagement and fostering the growth of a vibrant nighttime economy, which has become an important indicator of urban vitality in modern society. However, the rise of artificial lighting also increases risks to human health and the environment. Research highlights that blue light, a high-energy segment of the visible spectrum emitted by artificial light sources, is particularly concerning. Studies have linked blue light exposure to skin cancer, retinal damage, and increased melanin production, leading to various health complications. Although significant advancements in remote sensing technology support research on nighttime light, studies specifically examining human exposure to blue light are still limited. The main reason is the constraints of available multispectral nighttime light images. In this study, we leverage the latest open-source multispectral nighttime glimmer image obtained from the SDGSAT-1 to create a 40-meter resolution RGB nighttime light products for China. We then focus on extracting the blue light component and analyze its spatial characteristics in relation to human exposure. We uncover several key findings: 1) Overall, blue light exposure in China exhibits a dispersed distribution of high-value areas, with notable local concentrations. 2) In urban regions, new urban developing areas have higher blue light exposure compared to older areas, and commercial areas have higher exposure level than residential and industrial areas. 3) In China, the Greater Bay Area (GBA) stands out with exceptionally high blue light exposure relative to other metropolitan regions.  This research enhances our understanding of the relationship between artificial light pollution and residents' living spaces. Furthermore, the findings provide valuable recommendations for urban planners and policymakers in developing protective measures and industry standards for nighttime light sources, ultimately contributing to sustainable urban development.

How to cite: Huang, Y. and Chen, B.: Nighttime Light Color Characteristics and Blue Light Exposure in China based on SDGSAT-1 Glimmer Image, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5560,, 2025.

EGU25-5566 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.15/HS12.3

The spatiotemporal dynamics of global urban expansion: Evidence from 2D urban area and 3D urban building volume 

Yiming Hou, Qingxu Huang, Tianci Gu, and Guoliang Zhu

Accurate and comprehensively quantification of the dynamics of urban expansion is important for improving land use efficiency and sustainability in the context of rapidly urbanization in urban critical zones. However, existing studies still lack the understanding of the long-term dynamics of global urban expansion from both two-dimensional and three-dimensional expansions. In this study, we quantified the spatiotemporal dynamics of global urban expansion from 1990 to 2020, and used machine learning models and the SHAP method to explore the potential driving factors of urban expansion. The results show that the world as a whole has been expanding continuously over the past 30 years, with 5567 cities expanding to varying degrees, accounting for 74.3% of the total number of cities. Among them, the speed of urban expansion in South Asia is faster than that in other regions (2D UEI = 1.48, 3D UEI = 1.27). In addition, global urban expansion has shown an overall trend from a slow growth to a fast growth, and then a gradually decelerating growth. From the perspective of urban expansion type, the number of cities with vertical expansion is the largest, accounting for 32.8% of the total number of cities in the world, followed by cities with horizontal expansion and cities with unclear expansion. In addition, urban infrastructure construction and socioeconomic factors played important roles in urban expansion, among which population density can explain 55.1% of the variations of the two-dimensional urban expansion, and per capita urban building volume can explain 33.8% of the variations of the three-dimensional expansion. This study can provide a scientific basis for formulating urban planning according to local conditions and improving urban land use efficiency.

How to cite: Hou, Y., Huang, Q., Gu, T., and Zhu, G.: The spatiotemporal dynamics of global urban expansion: Evidence from 2D urban area and 3D urban building volume, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5566,, 2025.

EGU25-8456 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.15/HS12.3

Tracking Volatile Organic Compounds in Urban Wastewater Systems: A Critical Concern for Endocrine Disruptor Regulation 

Priyansha Gupta, Shiwangi Dogra, Siddhant Dash, and Manish Kumar

Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are major contributors to the release of volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), many of which pose significant risks to human health through both non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic pathways. These chemicals, along with plastic-derived compounds, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), have emerged as critical environmental pollutants. Their widespread release through urban wastewater systems, combined with their hydrophilic nature and limited removal efficiency in conventional WWTPs, allows these pollutants to persist throughout the water cycle, often contaminating drinking water supplies. Despite increasing global awareness of the environmental and health risks associated with these contaminants, data on their occurrence, transport, and fate in Mexico's wastewater systems are still limited. To address this knowledge gap, the present study analyzed 54 VOCs in wastewater samples collected from 17 WWTPs across different provinces of Mexico. Among these, 38 VOCs were detected at significant levels, with the highest concentrations recorded for Toluene (21.39 µg/L), 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane (28.02 µg/L), followed by p-Isopropyltoluene (27.24 µg/L), and Trichloromethane (17.56 µg/L). Additionally, pesticides and related chemicals such as 2-Chlorotoluene, Naphthalene, 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, and n-Butylbenzene were prevalent, underscoring the extensive use of these compounds in agricultural practices. These chemicals not only bioaccumulate in soil but can also leach into groundwater systems, exacerbating contamination risks and increasing their persistence in the environment. Furthermore, many of the detected compounds, such as Toluene, its derivatives, and Trichloromethane, are known endocrine disruptors (EDCs) capable of causing hormonal imbalances, drug resistance, and reduced primary productivity in ecosystems. Their bioaccumulation in organisms and persistence in water further exacerbate their environmental impact, making them critical candidates for regulatory scrutiny. Therefore, this study underscores the urgent need for enhanced regulatory monitoring and management strategies targeting VOCs and EDCs in Mexico’s wastewater systems. By providing valuable insights into the prevalence and distribution of these hazardous pollutants, the findings highlight the importance of incorporating pesticides and PPCPs into comprehensive monitoring frameworks. Such efforts are essential for mitigating the environmental and health impacts of these contaminants and ensuring the sustainable management of water resources. The results also offer a foundation for developing targeted interventions aimed at reducing pollutant loads in wastewater and preventing their long-term accumulation in aquatic ecosystems.


How to cite: Gupta, P., Dogra, S., Dash, S., and Kumar, M.: Tracking Volatile Organic Compounds in Urban Wastewater Systems: A Critical Concern for Endocrine Disruptor Regulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8456,, 2025.

EGU25-8458 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.15/HS12.3

Changes in the retention of pharmaceuticals by soil as an indicator of soil organic matter decomposition 

Lili Szabó, Zoltán Szalai, Anna Vancsik, Attila Csaba Kondor, Zoltán Dévény, Fruzsina Gresina, Balázs Vajna, Csaba Maller, and László Bauer

Using freshwater and greywater for irrigation introduces pharmaceuticals (PhACs) into arable lands that lack organic matter replenishment, thus altering soil composition and affecting PhACs retention throughout the vegetation period. We conducted an incubation experiment representing a simulated vegetation period using Black Soil, which covers about 21% of the world's agricultural areas. We used PhACs with diverse physicochemical properties that cover a wide range of the characteristics typical of PhACs accumulating within the rhizosphere such as carbamazepine (CBZ), 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2), and diclofenac-sodium (DFC) and their metabolites (trans-10,11-Dihydro-10,11-dihydroxy carbamazepine (TCBZ), estrone (E1), estriol (E3), 17β-estradiol (BE2), 17α-estradiol (LE2), and 5-hydroxydiclofenac (5HODFC)). We performed separated fixed-bed experiments (15 columns) to determine the main sorption properties of PhACs at the beginning, middle and end of the simulated vegetation period. In parallel, we were monitoring the changes in soil organic matter (SOM), characterized by the indicator physicochemical parameters (e.g. soil organic carbon (SOC), the ratio of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to SOC and the composition of soil aliphatic and aromatic compounds). We also analysed the properties of the SMC (e.g. acidic phosphatase-, dehydrogenase enzyme activity, and the composition of the communities). Chemometric modelling has allowed us to visualize how the physicochemical properties of PhACs shape the sorption processes at different decomposition stages of SOM. With these data, we estimate how parent compounds and their metabolites are retained and released by the ever-changing organic matter medium, which might be used to simulate the temporal mobility of PhACs in agricultural systems, thereby aiding in the management of soil nutrient replenishment.

The enzyme activity showed that the microbial community was continuously transforming the soil organic carbon, leading to its decrease. During the incubation period, representing the early stages of the vegetation period, the hydrophobicity and van der Waals surface area of PhACs affected soil retention strength. By this period's end, the Hydrogen-bond donor/acceptor ratio shaped the sorption processes. The physicochemical property that dominates the adsorption clearly indicates the transformation of the available functional groups. We demonstrate the necessity of considering soil conditions over time rather than relying on a single observation, as it is inherently limited in its ability to represent the soil's actual state.

This research was supported by OTKA K142865, NKFIH 2020–1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2021-00309; 2021–1.2.4-TÉT-2021-00029, HUSK_2302_1.2_070 INTERREG and DKOP-23_03.

How to cite: Szabó, L., Szalai, Z., Vancsik, A., Kondor, A. C., Dévény, Z., Gresina, F., Vajna, B., Maller, C., and Bauer, L.: Changes in the retention of pharmaceuticals by soil as an indicator of soil organic matter decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8458,, 2025.

EGU25-8662 | Posters on site | ITS3.15/HS12.3

The SewerNet domain ontology: on clarifying and harmonising terminology 

C. Maria Keet, Batoul Haydar, and Nanée Chahinian

Wastewater network management is being digitised and integrated across municipalities. A shared understanding and terminology of the systems is important both for modern urban water management and modelling climate-induced stressors on the network. Ontologies are a well-known mechanism to record the shared understanding. While several ontologies exist that focus on the water, and several exist on service infrastructure, there is a gap in the ontology landscape about wastewater services infrastructure. 

We are currently developing an ontology about wastewater networks and a first version is publicly available at Key aims for the use of the ontology in our project are data integration, ontology-based query answering the detect incoherent data in wastewater network databases, and document annotation, but, it being a domain ontology, SewerNet is usable also for other types of ontology-mediated information systems. In this talk, we focus on interesting discrepancies and lack of clarity in non-ontological resources we used for the development, such as the INSPIRE EU directive and the RAEPA geostandard, that needed to be harmonised in the ontology. Examples include pipe versus conduit, disambiguation between maintenance plans and individual repair actions, precision/uncertainty in the measurements, circulation mode.  The use of a foundational ontology (DOLCE) to assist structuring content was perceived beneficial, as well as the ontological questions to align to the DOLCE entities, which helped probing the nature of the entity and elucidate assumptions about terms. 

How to cite: Keet, C. M., Haydar, B., and Chahinian, N.: The SewerNet domain ontology: on clarifying and harmonising terminology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8662,, 2025.

EGU25-8688 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.15/HS12.3

From pollution to prediction: Modelling contamination scenarios and their impact on the retention of pharmaceuticals dynamics in a Black Soil 

László Bauer, Zoltán Szalai, Fruzsina Gresina, Anna Vancsik, Attila Csaba Kondor, and Lili Szabó

Treated wastewater and sewage sludge contain frequently persistent organic micropollutants (OMPs) that tend to accumulate during wastewater treatment. Long-term impacts of these pollutants on human health, plant productivity and ecosystem functioning are of concern, as they can accumulate and alter the soil-water-plant continuum. The introduction of OMPs during the early vegetation period alters the soil-colloid system's physicochemical properties, reshaping the availability and nature of adsorption sites. The joint mechanism of action (combined accumulation and interaction) of OMPs influence subsequent interactions between the soil and newly introduced contaminants, requiring later OMPs to establish different intermolecular reactions with the soil's organic and mineral phases. As a result, the soil's retention capacity and sorption dynamics evolve throughout the vegetation period, driven by the cumulative effects of prior contamination. Consequently, PhACs exhibits different transport, accumulation and bioaccumulation behaviour during the vegetation period, which is shaped by the changing contaminated and uncontaminated soil environment.

In this study, we investigated how contamination introduced at the start of a simulated vegetation period influences the retention capacity of Phaeozem and its effects on the sorption activity of pharmaceuticals (PhACs). Specifically, we investigated the impacts of ciprofloxacin (CPX), difenoconazole (DFZ), and PhACs such as (carbamazepine (CBZ), 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2), diclofenac sodium (DFC), trans-10,11-dihydro-10,11-dihydroxycarbamazepine (TCBZ), estrone (E1), estriol (E3), 17β-estradiol (17β-E2), 17α-estradiol (17α-E2), 5-hydroxydiclofenac (5-HODFC)) separately, as well as their combined effects, under different contamination scenarios. Fixed-bed experiments simulated vegetation period scenarios to evaluate changes in retention capacity, while chemometric modelling was used to analyse adsorption-desorption interactions. Our research additionally, tracked changes in soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics and enzymatic activities (phosphatases and dehydrogenases) indicative of microbial community functions throughout the vegetation period. According to the statistical modelling, OMPs significantly alter the quantity of SOM in the rhizosphere under different contamination scenarios, as well as its quality, including the ratio of aliphatic, aromatic, and phenolic lignin compounds. These changes represent a significant transformation in the adsorbent, reshaping the initial competitive groups of adsorbates (PhACs). Throughout the simulated vegetation period, shifts in the dominant physicochemical properties of the adsorbates drive dynamic changes in the sorption behaviour and bioavailability of PhACs. This research highlights the complex and scenario-dependent interactions between soil composition and contaminants, offering insights for predicting the environmental impacts of pharmaceutical pollution in agricultural systems.

This research was supported by OTKA K142865, NKFIH 2020–1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2021-00309; 2021–1.2.4-TÉT-2021-00029, HUSK_2302_1.2_070 INTERREG and DKOP-23 _03.

How to cite: Bauer, L., Szalai, Z., Gresina, F., Vancsik, A., Kondor, A. C., and Szabó, L.: From pollution to prediction: Modelling contamination scenarios and their impact on the retention of pharmaceuticals dynamics in a Black Soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8688,, 2025.

EGU25-10888 | Orals | ITS3.15/HS12.3

Microplastic Pathways: Investigating Vertical and Horizontal Movement from Riverine Environments to Oceans 

Kanchan Deoli Bahukhandi, Shalini Arya, Nitin Kamboj, and Kanika Dogra


Microplastics (MPs) contamination is a global and pervasive problem in the riverine ecosystem, where rivers serve as conduits, transporting microplastics from land-based sources to the ocean. MPs transport is influenced by physical characteristics and hydrodynamics, with high-density MPs likely to be near riverbeds, while low-density particles float over river surfaces. The transport of MPs occurs either due to settling (horizontal transport) or gravity-driven (vertical transport). This study investigates the intricate relationships between sediment transport, hydrological processes, and the behavior of various MPs, with a particular focus on their vertical and horizontal migration in riverine environments. Additionally, the study highlights how the physicochemical properties of MPs influence their transport within these systems. Several removal methods have been developed to mitigate microplastic pollution, including coagulation/sedimentation, adsorption, ultrafiltration, biodegradation, and photocatalytic degradation. These techniques have proven effective in eliminating microplastics composed of polymers such as polystyrene (PS), polyethylene (PE), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Among the solutions, biochar and microbial agents stand out as promising, eco-friendly alternatives. Therefore, this study also emphasizes the importance of the development of effective removal of MPs to protect aquatic ecosystems.

Keywords: Microplastics; Riverine; Ocean pollution; Vertical; horizontal movement


How to cite: Bahukhandi, K. D., Arya, S., Kamboj, N., and Dogra, K.: Microplastic Pathways: Investigating Vertical and Horizontal Movement from Riverine Environments to Oceans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10888,, 2025.

EGU25-11927 | Orals | ITS3.15/HS12.3

Improving the understanding of the functioning of water bodies in the urban critical zoneAn observation platform of an urban lake in the Greater Paris region 

Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Yoann Cartier, Arthur Guillot – Le Goff, Alice Marquet, Mohamed Saad, and Philippe Dubois

In urban areas, water bodies provide a number of ecosystem services that are particularly crucial: flood control, preservation of biodiversity, formation of cool islands, recreational activities, landscape quality, etc.

Lakes and ponds are part of the urban critical zone. Many of them have been created in the recent decades as sand-pit lakes or retention ponds. Sand-pit lakes are the result of sand and gravel extraction for the construction of towns. Retention ponds have been implemented to limit flooding risks and to reduce the pollution peaks associated with heavy rainfall. Actually, in the context of climate change, urbanisation which is associated with the imperviousness of soils, increases the run-off processes.

Moreover, the large interface between the aquatic and terrestrial environments makes these urban lakes fundamental ecosystems for maintaining biodiversity in the city.

The hydrodynamics, ecological functioning and fate of contaminants in the water column of these lakes are very important environmental issues. In order to better understand the physical and biogeochemical processes at stake and to which extent they may be affected by climate change, autonomous monitoring stations can provide long-term, high-frequency, reliable datasets. These data are also very useful for the calibration of numerical model parameters.

The monitoring station implemented in Lake Creteil, in a highly urbanised area of the Greater Paris region (France) is presented. The surface area of the lake is 0.4 km2, average depth 4 m, maximum depth 6 m. The lake is fed by groundwater flowing from the Marne to the Seine and by the stormwater network of an urban catchment (1 km2). This observation platform is part of an OSU (Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers) and is also associated to the French SNO OBSERVIL (Service National d’Observation) network.

The instrumented buoy is equipped with underwater probes to measure physical and biogeochemical parameters and a weather station. Underwater measurements are performed every 15 minutes and meteorological measurements every 10 minutes. Temperature probes (CS225 Campbell) are deployed at five different depths: 0.5 m, 1.5 m, 2.5 m, 3.5 m and 4.5 m. At 1.5 m depth, a multiparameter probe (YSI Exo3) measures oxygen, conductivity, chlorophyll-a and phycocyanin. The weather station measures the wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, rainfall height, short and longwave radiations.

The lake data are exported to a local database via a GSM protocol. The data is visualized on a web dashboard using the open-source Grafana software. On the dashboard, the timeseries of the underwater and the meteorological measurements are displayed in a panel and the short-term (2 days) forecast of the variables obtained by a neural network model are plotted as gauge charts.

The results of the timeseries analysis are presented to illustrate how some physical and biogeochemical processes occurring in the lake (e.g. thermal stratification, peak of phytoplankton biomass, anoxia of the deep layers…) have been quantified. The use of the data for parameter calibration and validation of hydro-ecological numerical models is also presented.

How to cite: Vinçon-Leite, B., Cartier, Y., Guillot – Le Goff, A., Marquet, A., Saad, M., and Dubois, P.: Improving the understanding of the functioning of water bodies in the urban critical zoneAn observation platform of an urban lake in the Greater Paris region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11927,, 2025.

EGU25-12103 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.15/HS12.3

A rapid and cost-effective method for assessing sediment volumes and accumulation rates in stormwater infiltration facilities 

Milèna Chabert, Damien Tedoldi, Gautier Large, Abdelkader Lakel, Alexandre Fardel, Gislain Lipeme Kouyi, Aurore Gasc, Emilie Nguyen, and Vincent Chatain

As soil artificialization and climate change continue to accelerate, effective stormwater management has become essential to mitigate flooding and preserve water resources, leading to the widespread development of stormwater management facilities based on infiltration (e.g., basins, swales, trenches, raingardens). Runoff carries suspended particles, which act as vectors for various micropollutants that can be potentially harmful or toxic to aquatic life. These facilities promote the retention of such pollutants through sedimentation and/or filtration. However, the layer of deposited sediment can, over time, impair their functioning (e.g., hydraulic regulation and contaminant mitigation). Inadequate management of sediment can thus negate the benefits of these facilities and lead to higher maintenance costs. Given the increasing implementation of stormwater infiltration facilities, accurately characterizing sediment accumulation is crucial for anticipating future maintenance needs across urban territories. However, to date, most existing methods, based on continuous measurements of flow rates and turbidity and/or stormwater sampling, are unsuitable for routine assessments across multiple sites.

This study proposes a rapid and cost-effective approach to evaluate sediment accumulation rates in stormwater infiltration facilities. The total accumulated volume over a known period is estimated by measuring sediment height along a tailored grid, combined with geostatistical interpolation. A detailed analysis of the dry bulk density of stormwater sediments, ranging from 0.4 to 1.2 g/cm³, also enables mass estimation, while knowledge of the accumulation duration allows the calculation of the average annual accumulation rate. The reliability of the method in delivering accurate estimates of the average annual particle load for urban catchments was verified by (i) comparing the results with continuous monitoring data from a pilot site over several years, and (ii) applying the method to nine sites in France and comparing the results with literature data.

Particle load estimates from this dataset showed significant variability, typically ranging from 50 to 2000 kg/ha impervious surface/year. In areas with lower sediment accumulation potential (e.g., residential areas or low-volume parking lots), loads generally do not exceed 1000 kg/haimp/yr, while more productive areas (e.g., high-traffic roads or heavy industrial sites) can reach up to 2000 kg/haimp/yr. These values can be translated into filling rates for facilities (cm/yr) by considering the degree of system centralization, defined by the ratio of infiltration area to catchment area. This rate tends to be several times higher in a centralized basin (almost 10 cm/yr) than in a source infiltration system (up to 1 cm/yr). However, spatially distributed measurements revealed heterogeneous accumulation patterns linked to hydraulic functioning, enabling targeted sediment removal as a prudent and cost-effective solution.

This approach enables the estimation of sediment accumulation rates across various urban catchments and provides an indirect method for quantifying contaminants that tend to associate with particles. Efficient in terms of both time and cost, this method supports the strategic planning of maintenance operations across diverse urban contexts, including densely populated cities and environmentally sensitive areas. By enhancing the long-term effectiveness of stormwater infiltration facilities, it helps prevent water contamination and mitigate risks to fragile ecosystems.

How to cite: Chabert, M., Tedoldi, D., Large, G., Lakel, A., Fardel, A., Lipeme Kouyi, G., Gasc, A., Nguyen, E., and Chatain, V.: A rapid and cost-effective method for assessing sediment volumes and accumulation rates in stormwater infiltration facilities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12103,, 2025.

EGU25-13211 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.15/HS12.3

Leaching of PFASs from PFAS-Impacted Construction Materials: An Experimental and Modeling Study 

Fatemeh Hamidi, Ankit Sharma, Elisabeth Fries, Jochen Mueller, Phong Thai, Lachlan Jekimovs, Stephanie Fiorenza, Kevin Toth, Brandon Steets, Jared Ervin, Lori E. Tunstall, and Christopher P. Higgins

The extensive use of aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) at US military facilities has led to significant contamination of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) of the subsurface. So far, PFASs contamination at firefighting training areas (FTAs) has been mostly studied in groundwater and soil, neglecting the contribution of leaching from PFASs-contaminated construction materials such as concrete and asphalt into the adjacent environment. Previous studies measured PFASs concentrations reaching up to mg/kg in concrete and asphalt at FTAs and leaching substantial levels (up to μg/L) into runoff water.

Our study investigates the PFASs leaching behavior from AFFF-impacted construction materials, focusing on concrete and asphalt sourced from military sites. The primary objectives include evaluating PFAS leaching rates and duration under various weathered and stabilizer-treated conditions and assessing the effectiveness and potential longevity of reforming techniques and sorbent materials in mitigating PFAS contamination in surface runoff. These data are critical for estimating stormwater treatment lifecycle costs and comparing treatment with other remedial alternatives, such as excavation and disposal. Dynamic rainfall simulations were conducted on intact PFAS-contaminated cores to replicate field conditions. Preliminary results indicate that biochars hold significant potential as sorbents when integrated into concrete formulations, effectively adsorbing PFASs and improving the concrete matrix. Additionally, we hypothesize that rainfall contact time on concrete and asphalt surfaces plays a critical role in influencing PFAS concentrations, a hypothesis which will be tested through both laboratory experiments and modeling efforts. To support this, a funnel prototype was developed to assess the effects of slope and contact time on PFAS leaching profiles. These findings provide important insights into PFAS leachability under varying conditions and highlight the environmental implications of reusing PFAS-impacted construction materials across various industries, including PFAS manufacturing and chrome plating.

The results underscore the critical need for additional leaching experiments to advance sustainable reuse practices for PFAS-impacted construction materials. Such efforts are essential for developing cost-effective source control strategies and lifecycle comparisons to inform broader remediation frameworks in both military and industrial applications.


Keywords: PFASs-impacted construction materials, Leaching behavior, Dynamic rainfall simulation, Concrete and asphalt reuse, Sorbent materials.

How to cite: Hamidi, F., Sharma, A., Fries, E., Mueller, J., Thai, P., Jekimovs, L., Fiorenza, S., Toth, K., Steets, B., Ervin, J., Tunstall, L. E., and Higgins, C. P.: Leaching of PFASs from PFAS-Impacted Construction Materials: An Experimental and Modeling Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13211,, 2025.

EGU25-13816 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.15/HS12.3

Variability of Biocide Emissions from Building Facades Based on Meteorological Data 

Rim Saad, Marie-Christine Gromaire, Adele Bressy, Chancibault Katia, and Chebbo Ghassan

Biocides are used extensively in urban settings for façade coatings, roof waterproofing, and termite control. During rainy weather, they are released into building runoff, causing negative impacts on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Prior studies mainly focused on laboratory experiments or small-scale contexts. Urban-scale modeling, however, has rarely been explored. This is due to the complexity of biocide behavior, the spatiotemporal variability of emission factors, and the limited knowledge about biocide use and existing stocks within the urban critical zone. Our objective is to assess the stock potential and emission potential of biocides from building envelopes in the Parisian conurbation. We also aim to develop and implement a model at the urban scale to evaluate the fluxes of biocides emitted in runoff water from building facades. One of the main factors that significantly influences the emissions is the wind-driven rain (WDR), which directly affects the volume of water runoff on building facades. Since emissions strongly depend on WDR, precise modeling needs adequate meteorological data, especially for extensive metropolitan regions. Our research focuses on the Île-de-France region, a heterogeneous and extensive urban area. This study examines the variability in meteorological data—namely precipitation, wind speed, and wind direction from nine stations located across the area (Acheres, Le Bourget, Longchamp, Magnanville, Orly, Paris Mont-Souris, Roissy, Trappes, and Villacoublay). By analyzing the data from these stations, we seek to quantify the variability in meteorological conditions across the area; evaluate the influence of these variations on cumulative biocide emissions; and assess the potential enhancement of accuracy and reliability in emission estimations by the combination of data from various stations.

To estimate biocide runoff from facades, we will develop scenarios on COMLEAM, a software program created by HSR (Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil) that simulates the leaching of hazardous compounds from building materials subjected to environmental conditions. The scenario used considers a building with eight façades oriented in primary compass directions made of render matte containing encapsulated terbutryn. Leaching behavior is approximated using mathematical functions from experimental data. As our investigation will not include an experimental component, we will depend on those suggested by COMLEAM, particularly the logarithmic function, which has been shown to be the most effective for characterizing biocide emissions. The emission function applied for terbutryn follows a logarithmic relationship derived from field studies in Zurich.

The findings demonstrate WDR's strong effect on biocide emissions, with important variation between measurements of each station. Two extremes were identified: Roissy had the highest cumulative WDR (200 L/m² from South-West) and emissions (~11,000 mg), whereas Acheres had significantly lower WDR (70 L/m² from South-West) and emissions (~7,000 mg). The others had comparable findings, with a total WDR of 140 L/m² and emissions of 10,000 mg over 10 years. These results also highlight the importance of the measurement station's location, as open-space stations (e.g., Roissy) exhibited higher WDR due to reduced shielding. From this study, we deduce that using large-scale meteorological data introduces biases, making meteorological parameter refinement essential for improving accuracy.

How to cite: Saad, R., Gromaire, M.-C., Bressy, A., Katia, C., and Ghassan, C.: Variability of Biocide Emissions from Building Facades Based on Meteorological Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13816,, 2025.

Urbanization and its diverse forms and patterns have become central to global research as the world shifts its focus toward building sustainable, resilient, and livable cities. As urban areas grow in size and population, unplanned development frequently leads to inefficient land use, unsustainable spatial transformations, environmental degradation, and inadequate urban services. Addressing these challenges is critical to global sustainability, particularly when viewed through the lens of the urban critical zone—a dynamic space where human activities and natural systems interact, influencing resource flows and urban resilience.

Delhi, the National Capital Territory of India, exemplifies these challenges and opportunities, making it an ideal case study for urbanization. As one of the world's fastest-growing metropolitan regions, it has undergone rapid demographic and spatial transformations, characterized by unique patterns of urban sprawl and rural-urban transitions. Understanding Delhi’s urban growth trajectory provides valuable insights into managing similar dynamics in other rapidly urbanizing regions.

This study examines the urban growth patterns of Delhi over the period 1990 to 2024 using satellite imagery and GIS to analyze spatial and temporal dynamics. The study adopts a multi-method approach to capture the complexities of urban growth. The three-growth mode hypothesis (infill, edge-expansion, and leapfrogging) is applied to identify and quantify distinct spatial dynamics of urbanization. Urban Field Intensity (UFI) analysis highlights areas experiencing maximum growth, while the Normalized Difference Expansion Index (NDEI) is used to assess sprawling or shrinking tendencies of the city over time. Future urban growth for the years 2030 and 2050 is projected using spatial simulation techniques, integrating historical growth trends, population dynamics, and land-use data to predict potential urban transformations. Additionally, field visits to critical zones—including rapidly transforming rural areas, infill-dominated regions, and outlying development zones—were conducted to validate spatial analyses and explore human-environment interactions. These combined approaches provide a comprehensive framework to evaluate urban growth and its implications for sustainability.

The results reveal that Delhi's urban growth is predominantly characterized by edge-expansion, with intermittent infill and leapfrogging patterns. Declining NDEI values across the study period indicate increased sprawl, posing sustainability challenges. UFI analysis highlights significant land transformation in rural areas, with specific zones experiencing up to a 60% increase in urban activity. The adjacent counter-magnet cities of Ghaziabad, Noida, Faridabad, and Gurugram significantly influence the region's urban dynamics. Field observations corroborate these findings, revealing acute infrastructure deficits in transition zones, particularly in water supply, transportation networks, and waste management. These insights underscore the urgency of targeted interventions to address sustainability challenges in Delhi’s sprawling urban regions.

This study underscores the need for region-specific strategies that harness sprawling tendencies to achieve sustainable urban growth. By advocating for the "make room" paradigm, it emphasizes urban planning approaches that integrate the interactions between human activities and critical biophysical processes to enhance resilience in rapidly growing urban areas.

Keywords: Urbanization, Urban sprawl, Sustainability, Urban critical zone, Spatial analysis

How to cite: Dutta, R. and Punia, M.: Exploring Urban Sprawl and Sustainability in the National Capital Territory of Delhi: Patterns, Challenges, and Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14911,, 2025.

EGU25-16803 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.15/HS12.3

The toxic effects of Ibuprofen on aquatic freshwater plants: case study.  

Hanna Kornacka, Magdalena Sitarska, and Mirela Wolf-Baca

Ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), is used primarily for its analgesic and antipyretic effects. Its widespread popularity is attributable to its convenient availability. High levels of use worldwide and ineffective wastewater treatment result in ibuprofen becoming present in surface waters. Within the environment, it demonstrates bioaccumulation properties, exerting negative impacts on the development and functioning of aquatic organisms. The present study evaluates the effects of ibuprofen on plants of the Lemna minor species, which are commonly found in freshwater and are a popular model organism in ecotoxicology due to their rapid response to environmental stress and high sensitivity to the presence of pollutants. As part of the research, an analysis was conducted of the effects of different concentrations of ibuprofen on key parameters such as: biomass, chlorophyll content and leaf area. The analysis of both the obtained data and the existing literature suggests that the effect of ibuprofen on Lemna minor might vary depending on the specific experimental condition, such as the concentration of the pharmaceutical or the duration of exposure. The results obtained in this research clearly indicate that high levels of ibuprofen in the aquatic environment have a significant toxic effect on Lemna minor. The observations included progressive necrosis and chlorosis of leaves, as well as a marked inhibition of biomass growth, which suggests a significant reduction in the plant's growth capacity.

How to cite: Kornacka, H., Sitarska, M., and Wolf-Baca, M.: The toxic effects of Ibuprofen on aquatic freshwater plants: case study. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16803,, 2025.

Urbanization and soil impermeabilization disrupt the natural water cycle, producing stormwater runoff that carries contaminants such as hydrocarbons, trace metal elements (TMEs), and pesticides (Makepeace et al., 1995). These pollutants, originating from urban surfaces, can harm aquatic ecosystems and groundwater. While stormwater management systems have been developed to control runoff hydraulics, their effectiveness in protecting water quality remains underexplored. The role of colloidal fractions and nanoparticles in the dynamics of contaminants in water infiltration structures must be examined in order to better control the risks of groundwater contamination. This study aims to address this by investigating TMEs in two sites.

The critical zone concept, originally applied to natural environments, must be adapted for urban areas where human activities and infrastructure shape biogeochemical processes. This research examines TME behavior in the industrial and residential areas of the Lyon region, which have similar impermeability but different land uses, to assess how these factors influence TME distribution. Initially, stormwater runoff from both sites is broadly characterized, identifying TMEs in total and dissolved forms. This screening helps determine potential environmental risks and differences in pollution loads between industrial and residential sites. By comparing total and dissolved TME concentrations, we can assess whether these elements are bound to particles or remain in the dissolved phase, impacting their mobility and environmental risks.

Using ultrafiltration, the study further explores how TMEs are transported by separating them into different size fractions: particulate (>0.45 µm), colloidal (0.45 µm – 3 kDa), and dissolved (<3 kDa) phases. Special attention is given to the colloidal phase, which plays a critical role in adsorbing and stabilizing contaminants (Sen and Khilar, 2006). Due to their small size and large surface area, colloids are key vectors for contaminant mobility, directly influencing the fate of pollutants in urban environments.

This research contributes to the urban critical zone concept by examining TME behavior across different land uses and size fractions. It fosters interdisciplinary dialogue by addressing biogeochemical processes in urban environments and their interaction with human activities. By evaluating both total concentrations and size distribution, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of TME behavior in urban runoff, advancing efforts to mitigate environmental impacts in sustainable urban development. Through its focus on pollutant fluxes and contaminant distribution, this work supports a systemic approach to managing urban stormwater and improving water quality.

References :

Makepeace, D. K., Smith, D. W., & Stanley, S. J. (1995). Urban stormwater quality: summary of contaminant data. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 25(2), 93-139.

Sen, T. K., et Khilar, K. C., 2006, Review on subsurface colloids and colloid-associated contaminant transport in saturated porous media. Advances in colloid and interface science, 119(2-3), 71-96.



How to cite: Potreau, S., Blanc, D., and Gautier, M.: Characterizing Trace Metal Distribution in Urban Stormwater: Focus on Particulate, Colloidal, and Dissolved Fractions in the Lyon Metropole, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17176,, 2025.

EGU25-17816 | Posters on site | ITS3.15/HS12.3

Monitoring evapotranspiration on a green roof : feedback from two summer periods.  

David Ramier and Fabrice Rodriguez

The greening of cities has become a major component of current urban development policies. This greening is taking new and variable forms, and is increasingly associated with rainwater management techniques. This vegetated surfaces increase can potentially encourage evapotranspiration. Increasing this process has a twofold advantage. On the one hand, It provides stormwater runoff reduction benefits and, on the other, it promotes cooling in the urban environment. However, in order to better quantify and optimise evapotranspiration, it is necessary to be able to assess it for different kind of urban surfaces. In an urban environment, where surfaces are very heterogeneous, it is therefore necessary to have continuous measurements, over the long term (several seasons) and, if possible, on different types of surfaces with relatively small areas: just a few dozen m².

In order to document the capacity of urban vegetated surfaces to evapotranspire, a study carried out in 2022 and 2023 on a green roof, emblematic of urban greening solutions, tested the Eddy Covariance (EC), energy budget closure (EB) and a transpiration chamber (Ch) methods for measuring evapotranspiration on this type of surface and continuously estimated the evapotranspiration of this roof. Moreover, with the aim of eventually being able to compare the evapotranspiration of different urban vegetated  surfaces, we also looked at the evaporative fraction in relation to water availability and net radiation.

The results show that EB method tends to overestimate evapotranspiration in relation to the Eddy Covariance, whereas Ch tends to underestimate it. The evaporative fraction of this green roof is generally quite low, averaging 0.2, but can exceed 0.5 on some days. This evaporative fraction is also highly variable over the measurement period.

This shows that for this type of vegetated surface, their capacity to use the energy available for evapotranspiration is generally quite low and not constant. While a higher water content favours high evaporative fractions, this is not always sufficient. Average net radiation of at least 300W.m-2 also seems necessary. If these conditions are met, there must also be other conditions favourable to evapotranspiration, not observed here, but linked to the physiology of the vegetation.

How to cite: Ramier, D. and Rodriguez, F.: Monitoring evapotranspiration on a green roof : feedback from two summer periods. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17816,, 2025.

EGU25-19030 | Posters on site | ITS3.15/HS12.3

Reactivity of inorganic sorbents in wetland conditions for organic micropollutant removal 

Martina Vítková, Adam Sochacki, Barbora Böserle Hudcová, Natalia Donoso, Sylvie Kříženecká, and Jan Vymazal

The variety of contaminants entering the environment is constantly expanding. Their amounts, properties, and behaviour are highly individual, including their ability or rate of degradation, affinity for sorbents, etc. Constructed wetlands represent nature-based solutions, which have proven to be efficient for wastewater treatment and elimination of some of the emerging micropollutants. However, the current systems are not designed for the removal of slowly degradable compounds. On the other hand, reactive surfaces of Fe-based or Mn-based sorbents can be favourable for sorption of persistent pollutants or enhanced degradation of more complex organic compounds. Therefore, the main idea of our research is to increase the retention and degradation potential of the constructed wetlands for the compounds of emerging concern using appropriate inorganic amendments. During the development, optimisation, and testing of a model wetland treatment system we focused on the reactive solid-water(-plant) interfaces using the column experimental scale, both planted and unplanted. Iron hydroxides or manganese oxides were applied as amendments. Experimental vertical flow constructed wetlands, saturated and unsaturated, were supplied with artificial domestic wastewater containing 31 organic micropollutants at concentrations of 10 or 50 µg/L. The results showed that under unsaturated conditions, constructed wetlands exhibited total organic micropollutant removal ranging from 93 to 95%. Under saturated conditions, the total removal was lower: 63%, 61%, and 77% for the variants with sand, Mn oxides, and Fe hydroxides, respectively. Compared to sand-based wetlands, Fe and Mn amendments significantly enhanced compound removal under saturated and unsaturated conditions. In addition to pollutant removal efficiency, solid phase transformations under the given conditions were investigated using X-ray diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy combined with elemental analyses. Overall, investigating the reactive interface of inorganic sorbents in constructed wetland conditions is essential for understanding the underlying mechanisms and optimising the amendment use for appropriate stimulation of abiotic and biotic processes.

How to cite: Vítková, M., Sochacki, A., Böserle Hudcová, B., Donoso, N., Kříženecká, S., and Vymazal, J.: Reactivity of inorganic sorbents in wetland conditions for organic micropollutant removal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19030,, 2025.

EGU25-19071 | Orals | ITS3.15/HS12.3

Fate of emerging organic contaminants in the hyporheic zone of an anthropogenically impacted stream 

Edinsson Muñoz-Vega, Mathias Bockstiegel, Mohammad Sajjad Abdighahroudi, Kai Ihle, Juan Carlos Richard-Cerda, Carolin Bertold, Minyi Yin, Marcel Reusing, Holger Lutze, Christoph Schüth, and Stephan Schulz

Rivers and streams worldwide are increasingly impacted by emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) as a result of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents discharges and human and industrial activities. Within this context, the hyporheic zone (HZ), which is the interface between surface water and groundwater, is often regarded as a critical compartment for EOCs attenuation. This is due to processes such as sorption onto soil organic and mineral phases, as well as biotransformation mediated by the diverse microbial communities present in such environments. However, the distinction between these two attenuation pathways is frequently hindered by the highly variable hydrochemical conditions encountered in field studies. To address this issue, we conducted a series of laboratory experiments designed to replicate the natural conditions of the HZ of a heavily polluted stream in the Hessian Ried, Germany.

The experimental setup consisted of a set of three different column experiments, each performed in triplicate. To achieve this, we collected nine undisturbed soil cores of 25 cm from the riverbed of the Landgraben, a stream impacted for decades by industrial and domestic WWTP effluents. The experiments differed in the feeding solution. For the first set of columns, we used real river water, collected every two weeks, stored refrigerated and replenished every three days to avoid changes in chemical composition. For the second group we spiked the inflow water with a cocktail of five pesticides not detected in the river water but commonly used in the area for pest control, to investigate their fate in the HZ. Finally, for the last set of triplicates, we used tap water free of EOCs as inflow water to characterize desorption processes. Samples were regularly collected from the inflows and outflows of all columns to generate breakthrough curves of EOCs over a total duration of 300 pore volumes, with flow rates adjusted to replicate residence times observed in the field. A total of 28 EOCs were analyzed using LC-MS/MS, covering a broad spectrum of physicochemical properties, including ionic speciation and polarity, which are key factors controlling the fate of EOCs in soils.

Our results showed that many of the analyzed compounds are highly mobile in the HZ and not attenuated. This is attributed in some cases to high polarity (e.g., candesartan, gabapentin, hydrochlorothiazide, valsartan acid) and in others to the saturation of sorption sites (e.g., metoprolol, sitagliptin). Only a few compounds exhibited evidence of transformation (e.g., diatrizoic acid, iopromide, sulfamethoxazole). Compounds with medium polarity and with negative or neutral speciation were slightly attenuated, primarily through sorption (e.g., carbamazepine, diclofenac, irbesartan, 1,2,3-benzotriazole). Overall, our findings suggest that the HZ of a long-term polluted stream is capable of mitigating only a small fraction of EOCs, posing a significant risk to surface and groundwater bodies.

How to cite: Muñoz-Vega, E., Bockstiegel, M., Abdighahroudi, M. S., Ihle, K., Richard-Cerda, J. C., Bertold, C., Yin, M., Reusing, M., Lutze, H., Schüth, C., and Schulz, S.: Fate of emerging organic contaminants in the hyporheic zone of an anthropogenically impacted stream, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19071,, 2025.

Soil aquifer treatment (SAT) using secondary treated wastewater effluent (STWW) as infiltration feedwater is an increasingly discussed measure to mitigate groundwater level decline. It may also act as an additional treatment stage for the attenuation of emerging organic compounds (EOCs), e.g., pharmaceuticals and industrial agents, which STWW effluent still contains in varying amounts. Hence, understanding the behaviour of EOCs in SAT systems, both in the unsaturated and saturated zone, prior to implementation and operation, is of high importance. For that purpose, sand tank experiments are one possibility to study under controlled conditions the attenuation potential of natural and amended soils with e.g., permeable reactive layers.

Therefore, we designed and built novel large-scale sand tank experiments, consisting of three individual, L-shaped, tanks made from HDPE (Horovitz et al., 2024). All three tanks were packed with fine-medium quartz sand. The vertical part acts as unsaturated infiltration zone. The horizontal part consists of a saturated zone with continuously flowing groundwater in the lower part and an unsaturated zone above. The infiltration zone of two tanks were amended with one reactive layer each (biochar and compost, both mixed with the fine-medium quartz sand). The third tank acted as reference without reactive layer. Native groundwater from LNEC campus was used for continuously laterally flowing groundwater. The feedwater was a real STWW effluent from a Lisbon wastewater treatment plant. The groundwater flow rate was set to achieve a retention time of approx. one month for the STWW inside the tanks. In total, six infiltrations were performed over approx. eight months. Our setup allowed us to take samples both in the unsaturated and saturated zones. Additionally, the tanks are equipped with high-resolution oxidation-reduction potential sensors, both in vertical and horizontal direction, being an important parameter for the degradation of some EOCs.

Our results showed that for the tank setup, amended with a biochar layer, all 22 EOCs were fully attenuated, while for the tank containing a compost layer 14 EOCs (1,2,3-Benzatriazole, 4,5-Methyl Benzatriazole, Amisulpride, Atenolol, Carbamazepine, Cetirizine, Ciprofloxacin, Diclofenac, Hydrochlorothiazide, Iopromide, Irbesartan, Metoprolol, Sitagliptin, and Venlafaxine) were attenuated with varying percentage. In contrast, for the reference tank, only a decrease of eight EOCs (Amisulpride, Atenolol, Ciprofloxacin, Iopromide, Irbesartan, Metoprolol, Sitagliptin, and Venlaflaxine) could be observed.

Our results show that the implementation of tailored permeable reactive layers in SAT systems could substantially improve the quality of STWW during infiltration regarding EOCs, leading to a greater confidence in applying this technology.


Horovitz, M., Muñoz-Vega, E., Knöller, K., Leitão, T.E., Schüth, C., & Schulz, S., (2024). Infiltration of secondary treated wastewater into an oxic aquifer: Hydrochemical insights from a large-scale sand tank experiment. Water Research 267, 122542.

How to cite: Horovitz, M., Muñoz-Vega, E., Abdighahroudi, M. S., Leitão, T. E., Schüth, C., and Schulz, S.: Behaviour of 22 emerging organic compounds from secondary treated wastewater effluent in soil aquifer treatment – Assessing the attenuation potential of biochar and compost reactive layers in a large-scale sand tank experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20034,, 2025.

EGU25-21779 | Orals | ITS3.15/HS12.3

Exploring Critical Zone Processes for Sustainable Water Management: The Case of Circus Lake Park, Bucharest 

Oana Luca, Irina Moraru, Traian Ghibus, Omid Zonouzi, Mukupa Miller, Radu Gogu, Alexandru Gheorghe, and Vlad Demianovschi

Urban areas face increasing environmental challenges from rapid urbanization, climate change and anthropogenic pressures. These disrupt natural hydrological cycles, leading to critical problems such as rise and fall groundwater levels with a series of chained consequences. Our study applies a critical urban zone approach (Bucharest district) to start within a framework of an accurate urban groundwater balance to analyze biophysical and chemical processes in the urban environment, focusing on the Circus Lake Park in Bucharest. The site presents a complex setting shaped by decades of anthropogenic alterations, including extensive excavation, infrastructure development, and impervious surfaces that disrupt natural hydrological processes. Climate-induced changes in precipitation patterns combined with the infrastructure modifications exacerbate these challenges, reducing groundwater recharge and lowering the lake levels. By incorporating alternative water resource (AWR) solutions, our study aims to establish sustainable water management strategies tailored to the existing urban ecosystem.

The methodology integrates field experiments, laboratory analysis, and hydrological modeling to address water scarcity and pollution challenges. Infiltration tests using several methods quantified the hydraulic conductivity of heterogeneous anthropogenic urban unsaturated zone. Chemical and biological analyses of water samples from rainfall, and street runoff assessed parameters such as dissolved oxygen, heavy metals, and nutrient concentrations. An experimental filtration system comprising sand, gravel, and activated charcoal layers was designed and tested to evaluate its efficacy in treating stormwater. Hydrological and hydrogeological models were developed to simulate rainfall, runoff, and infiltration processes, enabling the assessment of aquifer recharge potential.

The results underscore the value of the critical zone approach in addressing the multifaceted challenges of urban water management. The findings reveal the effectiveness of integrating scientific methodologies with practical interventions to mitigate the impacts of urbanization and climate change. Nature-based solutions, such as stormwater filtration and aquifer recharge, demonstrate their effectiveness in adapting urban ecosystems to these pressures. Circus Lake Park serves as a replicable model, providing a blueprint for cities around the world to implement sustainable water management strategies. Beyond technical interventions, this study emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and stakeholder involvement. Local authorities, water operators and community organizations were actively involved, ensuring that the proposed solutions align with social, economic and environmental priorities. This collaborative approach fosters wider acceptance and ensures long-term sustainability of interventions.

The research highlights the critical importance of integrating diverse scientific, technical, and social perspectives to advance urban sustainability frameworks. By linking theoretical insights with practical applications, this study demonstrates how critical zone processes can contribute to adaptive and efficient water resource management in urban contexts. Future research should focus on scaling these strategies and evaluating their long-term ecological and social impacts to further inform global urban resilience efforts.

How to cite: Luca, O., Moraru, I., Ghibus, T., Zonouzi, O., Miller, M., Gogu, R., Gheorghe, A., and Demianovschi, V.: Exploring Critical Zone Processes for Sustainable Water Management: The Case of Circus Lake Park, Bucharest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21779,, 2025.

EGU25-5708 | Orals | ITS3.16/ERE6.4

AGEMERA: Integrating Non-Invasive Geophysical Technologies, AI, and Social Strategies for Sustainable Critical Raw Material Exploration in Europe 

Jari Joutsenvaara, Eija-Riitta Niinikoski, Marko Holma, Leena Suopajärvi, Md Ariful Islam, Georg Meissner, Ari Saartenoja, Barbara Štimac Tumara, Attila Nemethy, Catalina Vrabie, and Karin Käär

The AGEMERA project (Agile Exploration and Geo-Modelling for European Critical Raw Materials), funded under the Horizon Europe programme and recognised as a Horizon Europe Technology Success Story (European Commission: European Health and Digital Executive Agency, 2024), supports the EU's green and digital transitions by addressing challenges in the supply of critical raw materials (CRMs) (European Commission, 2024).

AGEMERA advances CRM exploration by integrating geological, technological, and social strategies. It enhances understanding of mineral deposit models through systematic research approaches, including data collection, synthesis, and modelling. By refining mineral system models, AGEMERA aims to identify overlooked CRM deposits and promote sustainable mining practises in the EU (Holma et al., 2022)

From a technological perspective, AGEMERA employs non-invasive methods such as muography, ambient noise seismology (Romero and Schimmel, 2018), and drone-based electromagnetic surveys (Pirttijärvi et al., 2014) to minimise environmental and societal impacts. These methodologies are supported by the AGEMERA AI engine, a cloud-based platform that integrates diverse datasets through AI Knowledge Packs (Stimac Tumara and Matselyukh, 2024).  The platform facilitates efficient data processing, targeting, and visualisation via a natural language interface.

The project emphasizes social local (non)acceptance and the integration of community perspectives in mining practices through tools like surveys and participatory methods. Educational initiatives, including university courses, public events, and an online game, aim to increase awareness of CRMs’ societal importance and encourage responsible resource management.

Key deliverables include:

  • Enhanced models for CRM exploration.
  • Non-invasive geophysical methodologies.
  • AI-driven data integration platforms.
  • Tools to evaluate and address community acceptance of mining.
  • Educational resources to support sustainability awareness.

Aligned with the EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act (European Commission, 2024), AGEMERA promotes sustainable CRM supply chains and reduces reliance on imports. By integrating geological, technological, and societal dimensions, AGEMERA contributes to Europe’s transition to a low-carbon, circular economy.

The project receives funding from the Horizon Europe programme (Grant agreement ID: 101058178).


European Commission: Regulation (EU) 2024/1252 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 April 2024 establishing a framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials and amending Regulations (EU) No 168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, (EU) 2018/1724 and (EU) 2019/1020Text with EEA relevance., 2024.

European Commission: European Health and Digital Executive Agency: An insight into successful raw materials projects – EU Horizon technology success stories – Vol. 4, Publications Office of the European Union,, 2024.

Holma, M., Korteniemi, J., Casini, G., Saura, E., Šumanovac, F., Kapuralić, J., and Tornos, F.: Agile Exploration and Geo-modelling for European Critical Raw Materials - Introduction to the AGEMERA project, 51–54, 2022.

Pirttijärvi, M., Zaher, M. A., and Korja, T.: Combined Inversion of Airborne Electromagnetic and Static Magnetic Field Data., Geophysica, 50, 2014.

Romero, P. and Schimmel, M.: Mapping the basement of the Ebro Basin in Spain with seismic ambient noise autocorrelations, J Geophys Res Solid Earth, 123, 5052–5067, 2018.

Stimac Tumara, B. and Matselyukh, T.: AGEMERA AI: Innovative AI solution for responsible resource exploration, in: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 628, 2024.


How to cite: Joutsenvaara, J., Niinikoski, E.-R., Holma, M., Suopajärvi, L., Islam, M. A., Meissner, G., Saartenoja, A., Štimac Tumara, B., Nemethy, A., Vrabie, C., and Käär, K.: AGEMERA: Integrating Non-Invasive Geophysical Technologies, AI, and Social Strategies for Sustainable Critical Raw Material Exploration in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5708,, 2025.

EGU25-10000 | Orals | ITS3.16/ERE6.4

Integrating Mineral System Modelling and Mineral Prospectivity Mapping with Open-Source Tools: Insights from the EIS Horizon Europe Project 

Vesa Nykänen, Hafsa Munia, Tobias Bauer, Andreas Knobloch, Guillaume Bertrand, Juha Kaija, and Joy Cremesty

The Exploration Information System (EIS) is an initiative focused on advancing mineral systems modelling and mineral prospectivity mapping through open-source tools. This 36-month project is a collaboration among 17 partners across six EU member states and beyond, integrating expertise from academia, research institutes, industry, and service providers. The EIS project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 1010557357.

EIS addresses the EU’s need for critical raw materials (CRMs) by developing innovative data analysis and modelling tools. Central to the project are the "EIS Toolkit" and "EIS QGIS Wizard," open-source platforms designed to enhance exploration efficiency, reduce environmental footprints, and strengthen sustainable resource management. These tools leverage advanced methodologies, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, to refine prospectivity analysis and predictive mapping across diverse mineral systems, such as VMS (Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide), granite-related lithium-tin-tantalum-tungsten, and IOCG (Iron Oxide Copper-Gold).

This presentation will showcase the EIS project’s objectives, methodologies, and key achievements, such as the development of the mineral systems library, software tools and selected case studies. Furthermore, it will discuss the project’s contributions to the EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act goals, emphasizing cross-sector collaboration and open-access innovation. By aligning research, industry, and societal goals, EIS demonstrates how EU-funded projects can foster sustainability, economic resilience, and resource efficiency in the raw materials sector.

How to cite: Nykänen, V., Munia, H., Bauer, T., Knobloch, A., Bertrand, G., Kaija, J., and Cremesty, J.: Integrating Mineral System Modelling and Mineral Prospectivity Mapping with Open-Source Tools: Insights from the EIS Horizon Europe Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10000,, 2025.

EGU25-11174 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.16/ERE6.4

Designing a Tool for Identifying and Integrating Stakeholders in the Circular Economy 

Yen-Yi Chou, Ching-Pin Tung, and Chyi-Rong Chiou

The transition to a circular economy (CE) signifies a profound shift in the manner by which global environmental challenges are addressed. Rather than adhering to the conventional linear model characterized by "take, make, dispose," the CE frameworks prioritize resource efficiency, waste reduction, and regenerative processes, thereby requiring systemic transformations across value chains and production systems. Although CE frameworks present substantial opportunities for advancing sustainable development, their implementation is often impeded by various constraints, including institutional inertia, fragmented value chains, and inadequate collaboration among various stakeholders.

This study examines the critical role of stakeholder engagement in surmounting these challenges. Stakeholders—including policymakers, industry leaders, consumers, and non-governmental organizations—are essential for aligning diverse interests and promoting collaborative strategies. Employing a mixed-methods design that integrates a systematic review of existing CE literature with semi-structured interviews of both internal and external stakeholders, the research identifies pivotal drivers for CE adoption, such as regulatory incentives, heightened consumer demand for sustainable products, and technological innovations.

Building on the study’s findings, an accessible stakeholder engagement framework was developed to facilitate collaboration and communication across interdisciplinary and cross-cultural teams. This framework comprises three primary modules: stakeholder identification, collaboration strategies, and performance evaluation. It facilitates the systematic mapping of stakeholder roles, offers practical strategies for fostering partnerships, and introduces explicit metrics to assess environmental, social, and economic outcomes. Preliminary assessments suggest that this effectively addresses knowledge gaps and reinforces stakeholder engagement across diverse industries and regions.

By recognizing the multifaceted nature of the circular economy (CE) and emphasizing inclusivity, this study provides a comprehensive and pragmatic perspective on CE implementation. Its findings offer actionable guidance for organizations endeavouring to embed CE principles within their operational practices, thereby enhancing international cooperation and furthering sustainable development on a global scale.

How to cite: Chou, Y.-Y., Tung, C.-P., and Chiou, C.-R.: Designing a Tool for Identifying and Integrating Stakeholders in the Circular Economy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11174,, 2025.

EGU25-12558 | Orals | ITS3.16/ERE6.4

MultiMiner: New Earth Observation data processing algorithms for mineral exploration and mine site monitoring 

Maarit Middleton, Pauliina Liwata-Kenttälä, Martin Schlok, Matthieu Molinier, Kati Laakso, and Jonas L'Haridon

Earth Observation (EO), as a tool to improve efficiency of mineral exploration and mine site monitoring, requires easily accessible robust highly automated data processing algorithms. The Horizon Europe funded Research and Innovation Action project “Multi-source and Multi-scale Earth observation and Novel Machine Learning Methods for Mineral Exploration and Mine Site Monitoring” (MultiMiner, 2023–2036) develops innovative machine learning solutions to support the critical raw material (CRM) independency of EU. We develop and utilize self-supervised or weakly supervised machine learning solutions which require a low number of in situ reference data. This presentation showcases the recent advancements of the MultiMiner project and highlights of application of the novel machine learning algorithms in selected case studies for mineral exploration and mine site monitoring.
In the MultiMiner project, robust, transferable, scalable and automated tools are developed for mineral exploration. These tools are based on multi-source EO data at multiple data scales and platforms and are implemented into a stand-alone software. The tools include a Mineral Mapping Algorithm (MMA) to perform an automatic spectral feature extraction from deposit-type related reference spectra from a customized reference mineral spectral library. Additionally, workflows to perform automated machine learning interpretation of the multiscale EO data mapping results are developed to produce value added mineral maps of alteration zone or proxy minerals. Finally, a Mineral Prospectivity Wizard GUI is developed, facilitating multi-scale mineral mapping and automatic data interpretation in a guided step-by-step process to analyse EO data even usable for non-remote sensing experts.  The developed algorithms are expected to improve accuracy and time-efficiency of direct mineral identification of CRMs and other raw materials.
To reduce disruptions to mining operations and monitor environmental aspects of operating and closed mine sites, MultiMiner creates timely mine site monitoring methods. A novel Generic Mine Site Monitoring (GMSM) algorithm, capable of combining multi-source EO data at various temporal, spatial and spectral resolutions, and requiring only a limited amount of in situ data, is developed. The GMSM algorithm leverages EO foundation models for different modalities, and includes support of temporal information as well. The GMSM algorithm can automatically monitor impacts of mining on the environment, such as water quality and acid mine drainage mapping, or combined monitoring of atmospheric and surface dust. Furthermore, success of rehabilitation activities, including monitoring the revegetation status and Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) dismantling are researched. EO-based solutions for improving mining safety and mitigating operational risks are proposed in terms of ground moisture monitoring and open pit and TSF dam stability monitoring.
To unlock the potential of EO data, including Copernicus Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, EnMAP, drone-borne hyperspectral, radiometric and multiband SAR as well as in situ collected spectral data, we present case studies to demonstrate and validate the use of the MultiMiner machine learning -based algorithms at five test sites in Europe. The acquired field data are harmonized following project-specific guidelines and subsequently, the metadata of the thus acquired field data are safeguarded in a project database. In the presentation, we give a brief overview of the guidelines and the database.  

How to cite: Middleton, M., Liwata-Kenttälä, P., Schlok, M., Molinier, M., Laakso, K., and L'Haridon, J.: MultiMiner: New Earth Observation data processing algorithms for mineral exploration and mine site monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12558,, 2025.

EGU25-12572 | Posters on site | ITS3.16/ERE6.4

Enhancing Sustainable Raw Material Use: A Collaborative Approach to Developing the Mineral Sector in Eastern and Northern Finland 

Jouni Pihlaja, Juho Kupila, Juha Kaija, and Hannu Panttila

The global transition towards clean energy, electrification of transport, and sustainable development relies heavily on strategic and critical raw materials. In Europe, increasing self-sufficiency in raw material production has become crucial to securing the industrial foundation for the green transition. Eastern and Northern Finland have intensified collaboration among regional, national, and international actors to promote sustainable raw material use. At the regional level, Mining Hubs spearhead the development of the mineral industry, while Finland’s new mineral strategy is focusing on advancing the mineral and battery cluster, fostering a circular economy, and enabling clean and digital transitions. At the European level, the Critical Raw Materials Act seeks to ensure a secure, diversified, and sustainable supply chain while strengthening the EU's strategic autonomy. 

In this multi-level framework, research and innovation (R&I) and training organizations play a pivotal role in fostering cooperation. Key institutions in Eastern and Northern Finland, including the Geological Survey of Finland, the University of Oulu, and Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, have united under the project “Development of the mining sector in Lapland, Northern Ostrobothnia, and Kainuu”. A two-year project, launched in September 2024, will promote competence development, R&I innovation, and corporate engagement to strengthen the regional mining sector and its contributions to sustainable development.  To achieve the project's objectives, various workshops will be held, and participation in conferences and events at both national and international levels has been and will be undertaken to develop networks and cooperation. Activities will include, among others, organizing a Super Cluster event to bring together actors and projects from mining sector, alongside the OECD Mining Regions and Cities event in June 2025 in Rovaniemi, Finland.

The project has been part-funded by the European Union Just Transition Fund (JTF) in collaboration with the participating organizations. Total budget is approximately 517 000€ and implementation period from September 2024 to August 2026.

How to cite: Pihlaja, J., Kupila, J., Kaija, J., and Panttila, H.: Enhancing Sustainable Raw Material Use: A Collaborative Approach to Developing the Mineral Sector in Eastern and Northern Finland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12572,, 2025.

The GoldenRAM (G-RAM) project will provide easy exchange of accurate information on Raw Materials in the European Union and partnering countries for organizations engaged in the mining industry and public stakeholders. The project will develop an Earth Observation Platform (G-RAM platform) leveraging novel Artificial Intelligence (AI) Natural Language processing in combination with advanced, proprietary Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Packs (AIKPs) which simplify complex computation workflows and provide seamless access to a unique and validated combination of geological and remote sensing data, domain expertise, and multipurpose mapping technologies for geological and mining industry stakeholders. Especially, the introduction of AIKPs plays an important role in advancing the TRL of state-of-the-art solutions and enabling their wider adoption among the industry and stakeholders. The G-RAM platform will be demonstrated in 6 field trials creating a compelling value proposition for implementation across the mining industry value chains and improving responsible and sustainable supply of CRMs to Europe.

How to cite: Paavola, M.: GOLDENRAM - EO Platform supporting critical raw materials industry in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15265,, 2025.

EGU25-15740 | Posters on site | ITS3.16/ERE6.4

Predicting Acid Mine Drainage Indicators Using Drone Data andMachine Learning Techniques 

Fahimeh Farahnakian and Nike Luodes

Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) poses significant environmental challenges, especially in mining-disturbed areas where sulfide-rich rocks oxidize, releasing acidic water with high concentrations of metals and sulfates. This issue underscores the urgent need for innovative and sustainable approaches to monitor and mitigate its effects on water quality and ecosystems.

To address these challenges, we integrated drone-derived multispectral data with machine learning (ML) techniques to predict key AMD indicators, including iron concentration, pH, and sulfate content. This approach enables efficient, high-resolution environmental monitoring, offering a scalable alternative to traditional resource-intensive methods. Our study, conducted in the Outokumpu mining area of Finland, demonstrates the potential of combining advanced technologies with strategic environmental management.

Given the limited availability of field-measured water quality samples (10 samples from three AMD-affected lakes and one non-AMD lake), we employed a novel data augmentation strategy. This included a window-based spatial data expansion method and the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE), significantly enhancing dataset variability and model robustness. These innovations align with the EU’s vision of leveraging cutting-edge technology for environmental resilience and sustainability.

Our findings highlight how integrating drone technology, ML, and data augmentation fosters a sustainable and efficient monitoring framework for AMD-affected regions. This approach aligns with the broader goals of the European raw material value chain, contributing to environmentally responsible resource management and innovation. By promoting cross-sector collaboration and showcasing the applicability of advanced monitoring techniques, our work supports the EU’s strategic objectives for a circular economy and sustainable development.

Acknowledgments: This work is part of the Secure and Sustainable Supply of Raw Material for EU
Industry (S34I) project, n.101091616, funded by European Health and Digital Executive Agency

How to cite: Farahnakian, F. and Luodes, N.: Predicting Acid Mine Drainage Indicators Using Drone Data andMachine Learning Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15740,, 2025.

EGU25-16884 | Orals | ITS3.16/ERE6.4

DEXPLORE: Recognizing European potential for hosting deep land primary CRM by combining new mineral models and advanced exploration and visualization techniques 

Catalina Hernandez-Moreno, Myriam Montes-González, Valantis Tsiakos, Georgios Tsimiklis, Pier Carlo Ricci, Roula Mourmouri, Tony Hand, Iakovos Yakoumis, Javier Olona Allué, Brayner García, Alvar Soesoo, Jesús García-Nieto, and Luis Villa

The new “environmental technologies,” such as electric vehicles, batteries, and wind turbines—essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieve the EU goal to be climate-neutral by 2050 —will require over 400% more Critical and Strategic Raw Materials (CRM and SRM, respectively) by 2050 compared to today. However, EU’s domestic supply of primary CRM and SRM —including basic metals, industrial minerals, and aggregates—accounts for less than 3%. This creates a significant supply risk, as Europe depends on third countries for the green transition.

To achieve European resource security, actions must be taken to diversify supply from primary and secondary CRM and SRM sources and enhance resource independence, efficiency, and circularity, including sustainable product design. However, despite advances in exploration technology, the discovery rate of ore deposits continues to decline, while the supply from shallow deposits is nearing depletion. Under these circumstances, new ore models based on sophisticated deep-land exploration techniques, analysis, and interpretation, are becoming increasingly important.

DEXPLORE aims to reduce Europe’s reliance on non-EU countries for CRM and SRM by developing an advanced surface-to-subsurface exploration package including innovative techniques, such as geochemical and optical methods, mineral UAV-assisted detector, Earth Observation tools, and deep-land geophysics capable of exploring up to 600 meters deep.

With three pilot zones — fluorite mineralization at northern Spain, VSHMS deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Cu, Ni, Zn), and graphitic and sulfide-bearing gneisses of the N-E Estonian Precambrian basement (Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, Mo)— DEXPLORE aims to develop updated ore models. This will be achieved through an advanced surface-to-subsurface exploration package and an extended reality (XR) platform that integrates geological, remote sensing, and geophysical data. The project seeks to enhance decision-making, increase public awareness of the critical role of CRMs in the green transition, and promote sustainable resource sourcing.

DEXPLORE brings together 13 partners—11 beneficiaries and 2 affiliated entities—from 4 European countries: Spain, Greece, Estonia, and Italy. Each partner contributes top-notch expertise in their field, playing a distinct role in the project, which reflects its multidisciplinary nature of the project.

How to cite: Hernandez-Moreno, C., Montes-González, M., Tsiakos, V., Tsimiklis, G., Ricci, P. C., Mourmouri, R., Hand, T., Yakoumis, I., Olona Allué, J., García, B., Soesoo, A., García-Nieto, J., and Villa, L.: DEXPLORE: Recognizing European potential for hosting deep land primary CRM by combining new mineral models and advanced exploration and visualization techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16884,, 2025.

The Euorpean Union's Horizon program has recently funded the SEMACRET project for the sustainable exploration of critical raw materials. This is of particular importance as the EU seeks to increase its energy and mineral self-sufficiency and decrease its dependence on an external and potentially volitile supply chain. Among the technical challenges of novel resource identification and development, there are also many social aspects of exploration that must be understood and appreciated if the social license to explore is to be gained and resource exploration projects are to move forward. Understanding stakeholder perspectives, concerns, priorities, and values is crucial to developing policies and programs that will result in the accomplishment of these goals. That is why SEMACRET has a working package dedicated to exploring these facets of resource development within member states, local communities, and in social media. In particular, attitudes expressed on social media can be difficult to understand due to the volume of information, the ambiguous status of users as stakeholders, and the semi-anonymous nature of social media interactions. To address these challenges, researchers from SEMACRET's social science working package have worked to develop a machine learning application that uses natural language processing techniques to identify, differentiate, and understand perspectives on local mineral exploration expressed on social media. This presentation explains the methodology (latent Dirichlet allocation) and shows results from the four EU member states (Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic and Finland) that are the focus of SEMACRET's exploration research.

How to cite: Bahr, K.: Social Media Attitudes about Mining for the Green Transition in Europe Using Machine Learning Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18372,, 2025.

EGU25-19058 | Posters on site | ITS3.16/ERE6.4

Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Africa and the Supply of Critical Raw Materials CRM to European Markets 

Eberhard Falck, Vitor Correia, Marko Komac, and Zenzi Awases

This paper revisits the challenges and opportunities artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) may pose for an evolving supply-web for mineral raw materials seen as critical for the EU. Artisanal and small-scale mining operations are often associated with poor operational health & safety (OHS), lasting environmental impacts, and poor governance, if not criminality. ASM is also characterised by a high degree of externalisation of environmental and social costs and risks due to its largely opportunistic nature. To the contrary, one of the overarching policy-goals of the EU is to ensure a fair, responsible, sustainable and sustained supply of critical raw materials. A wide variety of minerals have attained economic importance only in recent years, but are not found in economic quantities in Europe. The globally increasing demand for them means that not only precious metal, diamonds and gem-stones are of interest to ASM anymore, but also the less rich fringes of occurrences mined by large-scale mining (LSM) companies. Thus, we can expect to see more ASM mined critical raw materials in the EU supply-webs.

In order to not leave such mine products to less scrupulous competitors on the market, EU downstream actors and policy-makers have to consider how to align ASM with our environmental, social and governance (ESG) expectations while recognising the motivations of people for engaging in ASM activities. An extensive review of the literature on ASM in Africa in particular and of relevant aid and donor programmes has been undertaken to better understand motivations, constraints and ‘business models’ used with a view to reduce their degree of externalisation of costs and risks.

Key findings include: a) Formalisation of ASM should be seen as an end goal rather than a starting point, b) Acknowledging that ASM is a subsistence activity that does not fit into the business development philosophy of traditional money lenders and donor agencies, c) Sustainable ASM business models require real and sustained economic incentives aligned with ESG improvements, an d) Re-thinking of risk assessment and management by traditional money-lenders and training of ASM to better understand their concerns and constraints, as lack of funding is a major constraint.

Three ‘business models’ seem to be most promising strategies to integrate ASM activities into the EU value-webs while maintaining our ESG expectations: a) Fostering symbioses between LSM and ASM with a view to constructive collaboration, b) Fostering the association of ASM operators to increase collective bargaining power and collective improvement, and c) Building up of mineral raw materials clusters that covers more elements of the value-webs and associated economic activities, including the construction of supporting infrastructure.

How to cite: Falck, E., Correia, V., Komac, M., and Awases, Z.: Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Africa and the Supply of Critical Raw Materials CRM to European Markets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19058,, 2025.

EGU25-20971 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.16/ERE6.4

DeepBEAT - Innovative Geochemical Approaches for Sustainable Exploration of Deep-Seated Mineral Resources 

Anne Wollenberg, Solveig Pospiech, and Sandra Birtel

The growing demand for critical raw materials, such as rare earth elements, cobalt, and lithium, is driven by their indispensable role in renewable energy technologies, battery systems, and advanced electronics. As near-surface deposits of these materials are increasingly depleted, the focus of mineral exploration is shifting to concealed and deep-seated deposits, which present significant challenges in both detection and extraction. This study presents a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to advancing surface-based geochemical exploration techniques, enabling more precise targeting of hidden mineral resources while minimising environmental impact and maximising sustainability.

Central to this research is the integration of advanced exploration technologies with innovative geochemical methods. The project emphasises the development of refined surface geochemical techniques to identify subtle anomalies in elemental composition that signal the presence of deep ore systems. By combining geochemical data with geophysical evidence, the study aims to provide a holistic understanding of ore-forming processes and their surface expression. Recent advances include the application of ultra-high-resolution analytical chemistry, cost-effective and efficient sampling strategies, and the exploration of new phyto-geochemical media. Furthermore, UAV-assisted biogeochemical sampling introduces an innovative dimension, enhancing the accessibility and precision of data collection in challenging terrains.

A key feature of the project is the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted 3D mineral prospectivity modeling, which enables the integration of diverse datasets to produce highly accurate predictive models. This technological synergy not only improves the resolution of mineral targeting but also significantly reduces exploration costs and environmental impacts by optimizing sampling strategies and minimizing invasive practices.

The DeepBEAT project also addresses the broader societal and environmental dimensions of mineral exploration. By focusing on sustainable methodologies, the research prioritizes minimizing ecological disruption while fostering transparency and acceptance among stakeholders. The outcomes of this study contribute to advancing global capabilities for securing critical raw materials, which are essential for achieving a sustainable, technology-driven future.

Overall, this work pushes the boundaries of surface geochemical exploration by uniting state-of-the-art analytical, geophysical, and data-processing technologies. The results provide a transformative framework for the precise and sustainable detection of deep-seated mineral systems, laying the foundation for a responsible and resilient raw materials supply chain.

How to cite: Wollenberg, A., Pospiech, S., and Birtel, S.: DeepBEAT - Innovative Geochemical Approaches for Sustainable Exploration of Deep-Seated Mineral Resources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20971,, 2025.

The European Commission´s Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) sets multiple benchmarks 
for reducing Europe’s dependency on a few third countries for strategic/critical raw 
materials. Vanadium (V) and titanium (Ti) have received less attention than other CRMs 
such as the battery raw materials, or the light/heavy rare-earth elements that have been 
central to many previously funded projects. However, the situation for vanadium and 
titanium is no different to that of the popular CRMs: there is no domestic vanadium or 
(refined) titanium metal production in the EU, making the EU critically dependent on 
imports. To help achieve the benchmark of 10% domestic extraction in CRMA, AVANTIS 
will develop a low-carbon, multi- grade under/unexploited, vanadium-bearing 
titanomagnetite (Ti-V-Fe-(P)) deposits and mining wastes.  
Europe has a multitude of unexploited, low-grade V-bearing titanomagnetite deposits in 
Finland, Sweden, Greenland, Norway, Poland and Ukraine. However, these deposits have 
a complex “spiderweb-like” mineral assemblage. Without selective blasting, selective 
fragmentation and pre-concentration technologies to separate the Ti-rich ilmenite grains 
from the V-bearing magnetite, these deposits are not economically viable. Supported by a 
bespoke forensic geometallurgy, AVANTIS develops a novel selective blasting approach 
that allows for rock excavation in view of increased mineral liberation at the blasting stage, 
and reduced energy demand in the crushing and grinding stages. In addition, AVANTIS 
designs tailored, water-free and water-lean pre-concentration technologies that can 
produce two distinct pre-concentrates: (1) ilmenite-rich, Ti-pre-concentrate and (2) 
ilmenite-free, V-pre-concentrate. The water-lean method is also tailored to process V/Ti-
bearing mining wastes from historical/on-going operations. It is expected that the resulting 
flowsheets have a low net water consumption and reduced GHG intensity of extraction. 
AVANTIS strengthens the “responsible mining in Europe”-paradigm, increasing society’s 
trust in domestic CRM production. 

How to cite: Luukkanen, S.: AVANTIS - Sustainable, decarbonised vanadium, titanium and iron extraction from Europe’s low-grade vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite deposits  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21197,, 2025.

EGU25-21282 | Orals | ITS3.16/ERE6.4

Sustainable exploration for orthomagmatic ore deposits, progress of the HEU SEMACRET project 

Shenghong Yang, Ana Jesus, and Semacret Consortium

The SEMACRET project aims to develop socially and environmentally responsible exploration methods for green transition (Critical) Raw Materials (PGE, Co, V, Ti, Ni, Cu, Cr) hosted by ultramafic-mafic orthomagmatic mineral systems. The primary focus is on refining ore deposit models following the mineral systems approach, optimising regional-scale exploration targeting, and developing efficient local scale exploration methods. There are 4 reference sites serving as case studies for testing these methodologies, including Lapland in Finland, the Beja area in Portugal, the Ransko area in the Czech Republic, and the Suwalki and Sleza areas in Poland.

The project has refined multiple geochemical proxies to identify the key source (mantle) component and degree of melting for generating metal rich magmas, in both rift and orogenic belts settings. Using computational modelling, magma transportation on a whole-crustal scale and within the upper crust have been modelled. High temperature experimental studies and thermodynamic modelling have been applied to constrain the metal precipitation mechanisms. All these provide fundamental clues for guiding mineral exploration in both regional and local-scale exploration.

Regional exploration targeting for orthomagmatic mineral deposits involves the compilation of mineral system models for Ni-Cu-rich conduit-type and PGE-Cr-V-rich layered mafic intrusion systems, supplemented by the insights gained from geological modelling. We applied new deep penetration geodata as predictor proxy in the modelling. These predictor maps are then integrated using a knowledge-driven approach for prospectivity modelling. The implication for future upscaling is to build up a GIS based deep penetration geophysical database across Europe from dispersed sources, as part of the European Geological Data Infrastructure, to facilitate the utilization of these data for guiding mineral exploration. In addition, an innovative outliner detection method has been developed which can be applied for identifying occurrence of mineral deposits.

Local-scale exploration focuses on creating an integrated solution that combines innovative methods to identify high potential areas at the deposit scale to be applied in brownfield exploration. The project developed innovative geophysical inversion methods. These include 3D inversion for electromagnetic (EM) data of sulfide ores taking into account induced polarization (IP), and joint inversion of EM and ground IP data in QGIS plug-in, advanced modelling algorithms of full tensor magnetic gradiometry (FTMG) data and 3-component passive seismic modelling. Novel environmentally friendly surficial geochemistry tools based on upper soil horizons and plant geochemistry are also being explored. In addition, machine learning-based resource modelling and 3D prospectivity modelling are under development. Many of these technologies have potential for future upscaling. Different technologies can be integrated and combined with litho-geochemical modelling, for an optimized solution for the best practice on different mineralization styles.

Sustainable mineral exploration needs to promote social awareness on the significance of raw materials. In SEMACRET, social community events, interview and machine learning based social media analyses have been carried out to understand the attitudes towards exploration and mining from different stakeholders. Mineral source data on key raw materials hosted in orthomagmatic mineral systems have been collected across Europe, and conversion to UNFC code is on going.


How to cite: Yang, S., Jesus, A., and Consortium, S.: Sustainable exploration for orthomagmatic ore deposits, progress of the HEU SEMACRET project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21282,, 2025.

EGU25-21362 | Orals | ITS3.16/ERE6.4

Mining spectral signatures for mineral resource exploration. Results from the EU S34I Project. 

Mercedes Suarez, Ángel Santamaría, José Daniel Ramírez, Juan Morales, and Vaughan Williams

The combination of mineralogical, geochemical, and spectroscopy data in the visible, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared (VNIR-SWIR) wavelength ranges provides the determination of mining spectral signatures. These signatures enable the identification and classification of geological materials present in a specific mineral deposit. Beyond their use in remote sensing studies focused on the studied area, mining spectral signatures have broader applications in exploration and extraction processes. They provide a rapid, cost-effective way to classify samples according to ore content, without the need for reagents or harmful chemicals.


This paper presents the methodology and the results of the determination and validation of the mining spectral signatures during a pilot study conducted in the Aramo Plateau (northern of the Iberian Peninsula), included in the S34I project (Secure and Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials for EU Industry). Mineralization of Co, Cu, and Ni in this area have been known since the last century, associated with the alteration of carbonates due to fluid circulation linked to tectonic activity in the region.


Through the analysis of 133 samples, 11 mineralogical associations were identified. Of these, 9 (7 corresponding to rocks and 2 to soils) were distinguishable from one another using VNIR-SWIR spectroscopy, so each association was assigned a characteristic spectral signature. Three of these groups were related to the higher Co content. These spectral signatures were subsequently validated through X-ray diffraction analysis of the samples. The validated spectral signatures enabled the fast mineralogical characterization of 550 samples and their classification according to their Co, Cu and Ni content.


 The methodology developed here is easily transferable to other mineral resource exploration studies.        



How to cite: Suarez, M., Santamaría, Á., Ramírez, J. D., Morales, J., and Williams, V.: Mining spectral signatures for mineral resource exploration. Results from the EU S34I Project., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21362,, 2025.

EGU25-214 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Lake sediments act as a sink of microplastics in the High-Altitude Himalayan Dal Lake, India 

Jaffer Yousuf Dar, Raj Mukhopadhyay, Irfan Bhat, Satyendra Kumar, and Rajender Kumar Yadav

Plastic debris is a growing concern in freshwater ecosystems worldwide. This study investigates the presence, characterization, and quantification of microplastics (MPs) in Dal Lake, a known urban Himalayan lake in India, located at an altitude of 1583 meters and covering 24 km². The analysis revealed MP concentrations in surface water ranging from 140±20 to 846±136 particles per liter, and in sediments, from 2616±1016 to 12966±496 particles per kilogram (dry weight). The higher accumulation of MPs in sediments suggests they act as a long-term sink for these particles, trapping them over time. The MPs found exhibited three main morphologies: fragments, films, and lines, indicating the breakdown of larger plastic debris. Around 90% of the detected MPs in both water and sediment were smaller than 500 µm, with polyethylene and polypropylene being the most common polymers identified. Pollution levels were assessed using a count-based index, which indicated higher contamination in sediments compared to surface water, with sediment contamination being approximately 2.05 times higher. This places the lake in hazard category II, suggesting significant ecological risks. The primary sources of MP pollution in Dal Lake appear to be domestic waste, tourism activities, and urban runoff, all of which introduce plastics into the water system. This study highlights the widespread and pervasive nature of MP pollution in high-altitude freshwater ecosystems like Dal Lake.

How to cite: Yousuf Dar, J., Mukhopadhyay, R., Bhat, I., Kumar, S., and Yadav, R. K.: Lake sediments act as a sink of microplastics in the High-Altitude Himalayan Dal Lake, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-214,, 2025.

EGU25-461 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Critical reassessment of microplastic detection methodologies and abundances in the marine environment 

Janika Reineccius, Juliana A. Ivar do Sul, and Joanna J. Waniek

Microplastics (MPs) pose a growing concern in the marine environment, but their global prevalence remains largely unknown due to the absence of precise and standardized detection methods. This is because current techniques used to quantify MPs in marine field studies can feature methodological inaccuracies or limitations, which collectively prevent a global and reliable MP pollution status for being drawn. These inaccuracies are related, for example, to the exclusion of particle sizes within the broad range of MP size intervals or to the level of identification of polymer types by using spectroscopic analysis or specific extraction methods. Once these inaccuracies have been considered and addressed, the reported MP abundances can be recalculated. This resulted in a significant underestimation of the global pollution levels regarding MPs in the 10–5000 µm size range. MP abundances are then shown to be up to 15 times higher than in the data presented in the public domain in marine waters and up to 11 times higher within marine sediments. This study emphasizes the critical need for global and integrated MP studies and encourages current and future MP researchers to adopt standardized protocols for MP analysis to avoid misleading outcomes.

How to cite: Reineccius, J., Ivar do Sul, J. A., and Waniek, J. J.: Critical reassessment of microplastic detection methodologies and abundances in the marine environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-461,, 2025.

EGU25-2452 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Two sides of the same coin: Weathering differences of plastic fragments in coastal environments around the globe 

Bo Hu, Huahong Shi, Mui-Choo Jong, João Frias, and Lei Su

Plastic debris in coastal environments usually undergo weathering due to various environmental conditions. However, the weathering effects on exposed and shaded sides of the same plastics are underexplored. In this study, 1573 plastic fragments were collected from 15 coastal sites worldwide between December 2021 and December 2022, and weathering experiments were conducted outdoors. The field investigation showed significant two-sided weathering differences of plastic fragments. The weathering morphology included biota, cracks, delamination, discoloration, etc. The weathering degree was assessed with three metrics, i.e., line density (0–58 mm/mm2), surface loss (0–92 %), and texture index (0−2). The 3D magnitudes of these three metrics revealed the two-sided weathering differences of plastic fragments. Specifically, 43 % of the samples had magnitudes > 5, indicating significant differences. Outdoor simulations suggested that sun-exposed sides developed more cracks, pores, and bubbles, while shaded sides remained smoother. After 12 months, the line density increased from 2.85 to 9.23 mm/mm² for polyethylene (PE) and 4.16–8.47 mm/mm² for polypropylene (PP) (p < 0.05). The carbonyl index increased from 0.50 to 1.70 (PE), from 0.18 to 1.10 (PP), and from 0.45 to 1.57 (polyvinyl chloride). This increase indicated oxidative degradation on sun-exposed sides. Our results highlighted the uneven degree of weathering on both sides of the same plastic fragment due to different environmental factors. The study provided critical insights for creating more accurate models to predict plastic degradation, which will help inform global strategies to reduce plastic pollution.

How to cite: Hu, B., Shi, H., Jong, M.-C., Frias, J., and Su, L.: Two sides of the same coin: Weathering differences of plastic fragments in coastal environments around the globe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2452,, 2025.

EGU25-3706 | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Advancing Plastic Pollution Monitoring Through Enhanced Protocols and Deep Learning: applicability and effectiveness in real-world scenarios (Le Stang, France) 

Sébastien Rohais, Camille Lacroix, Kevin Tallec, Denis Guillaume, Abdelaziz Snoussi, and Philippe Kopecny

Plastic pollution is pervasive across all environmental compartments, from mountain ranges to abyssal plains. Among these, beaches—and particularly the wrack line—are recognized as critical sites for monitoring plastic pollution. Established programs, such as the French monitoring program (RNS-mP-P), track meso- and large microplastics along beaches. Building on these efforts in the context of the Free LitterAT Interreg project, this study aims to develop a complementary tool to accelerate and expand data acquisition and formatting for monitoring plastic pollution.

A new acquisition protocol was firstly designed. A survey site was selected in Brittany, France (Le Stang), where Cedre has been conducting active monitoring since 2018. Data were collected between January 2023 and July 2024, with seasonal surveys yielding a comprehensive dataset of 2,169 measurements. The study site comprised a 100-meter stretch along the wrack line, examined using quadrats of 20x20 cm, 40x40 cm, and 80x80 cm, spaced at 1-meter intervals. Photos were captured using a dedicated device designed for consistent replication over time and space.

Then, an integrated processing phase evaluated human factor influences and database representativeness to support deep learning solutions. Photos were interpreted and meso- to large microplastics were classified into five categories: Fiber, Film, Foam, Fragment, and Pellet. Three independent users labeled the data, organizing it into training and validation datasets.

Thirdly, a convolutional neural network (U-Net) was employed to analyze the dataset. A tailored training, testing, and validation strategy was established to optimize the use of the unique dataset.

Results were finally benchmarked against the existing RNS-mP-P networks for microplastic monitoring, and recommendations were proposed. For example, the 20x20 cm quadrat setup, spaced every 2–5 meters, emerged as the best compromise for ease and efficiency in the study context.

This proof-of-concept demonstrates the feasibility of integrating advanced methodologies into existing monitoring frameworks. The approach not only enhances data acquisition but also facilitates large-scale implementation through professional and citizen science initiatives.

The findings underscore the potential of combining field monitoring protocols with machine learning to create effective, scalable strategies for environmental plastic pollution monitoring.

How to cite: Rohais, S., Lacroix, C., Tallec, K., Guillaume, D., Snoussi, A., and Kopecny, P.: Advancing Plastic Pollution Monitoring Through Enhanced Protocols and Deep Learning: applicability and effectiveness in real-world scenarios (Le Stang, France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3706,, 2025.

EGU25-4026 | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

What rejecting the Anthropocene means for the microplastic research community? 

Juliana Assunção Ivar do Sul, Janika Reineccius, and Joanna Waniek

It is well known that the Anthropocene Working Group proposed the addition of the Anthropocene as a time interval to the International Chronostratigraphic Chart (ICC). Despite the existence of a substantial body of evidence pointing to the end of the Holocene epoch and the subsequent entry into the Anthropocene, the proposal was formally rejected by a vote of the members of the Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy in March 2024. Following this rejection, a significant number of studies have continued to be published within the Anthropocene, and the scientific community has continued to use the term. Microplastics which have been in manufacture since around the mid-20th century, are regarded as potential indicators of the Anthropocene strata. Microplastics, which have been manufactured since around the mid-20th century, are considered potential indicators of Anthropocene stratigraphy. Microplastics are characterised by their small size (< 5 mm) and variability in physical and chemical properties. This includes variations in size, shape, colour, polymer type and chemical additives. They are characterised by a long lifespan in ecosystems, which is in line with other novel materials (e.g. concrete) and chemical compounds (e.g. persistent organic pollutants) that are recognised markers in the context of the Anthropocene. However, it is not straightforward to integrate microplastics with other established markers in the context of the Anthropocene. For example, the identification of microplastics within sedimentary layers is challenging. Visual analysis alone has been shown to consistently overestimate the number of microplastics, as it is difficult to distinguish them from natural particles. When spectroscopic techniques (e.g. FTIR, Raman) are used, identification is dependent on the libraries used for identification. Potential post-burial changes in polymer chemistry, for example, can lead to misinterpretation of results. In general, the failure of microplastic researchers to consider the taphonomic processes that control the pathways of microplastics after they reach the sea, as well as the diagenetic processes after their deposition and burial, leads to a simplification of the expected profiles of microplastics in sediments. Thus, there are a number of issues that remain to be explored within the microplastics-Anthropocene issue. Taken together, they have the potential to improve our understanding of the use of microplastics as markers of the Anthropocene. The rejection of the Anthropocene for formal inclusion in the ICC provides an opportunity for the microplastics scientific community to explore the issue in depth and ultimately accept microplastics as indicators of the Anthropocene when it is reconsidered for formal inclusion in the geological time scale.

How to cite: Assunção Ivar do Sul, J., Reineccius, J., and Waniek, J.: What rejecting the Anthropocene means for the microplastic research community?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4026,, 2025.

EGU25-4217 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Numerical Modelling of the Concentration of Microplastics in Lakes and Rivers in Kazakhstan 

María-Elena Rodrigo-Clavero, Natalya S. Salikova, Lyudmila A. Makeyeva, Zinep M. Shaimerdenova, and Javier Rodrigo-Ilarri

This research presents a detailed numerical modeling study focused on estimating the concentration of microplastics (MPs) in freshwater ecosystems. The research covers three lakes (Kopa, Zerendinskoye, and Borovoe) and the Yesil River, applying differential equations to model the spatial distribution and seasonal variations of MP concentrations. The methodology integrates field survey data collected during three different seasons (spring, summer, and autumn) from both sediment and water samples.

The MP concentrations were found to follow an exponential decay pattern from the shore toward the center of the lakes, with higher concentrations near the shoreline. The modeling framework is calibrated using regression analysis, which provides the best-fit parameters for the distance-concentration curves. The study employs sensitivity analysis to justify the decay coefficient, resulting in a selected value of k = 0.09. Model performance is assessed using statistical metrics such as the root-mean-square error (RMSE) and the coefficient of determination (R²), ensuring accuracy in predicting MP concentrations across different environ-mental compartments.

The findings highlight significant seasonal and spatial variations in MP concentrations, emphasizing the need for comprehensive monitoring. The study's results contribute valuable insights into the environmental behavior of MPs in freshwater systems and support efforts to develop effective management strategies to mitigate pollution.

How to cite: Rodrigo-Clavero, M.-E., Salikova, N. S., Makeyeva, L. A., Shaimerdenova, Z. M., and Rodrigo-Ilarri, J.: Numerical Modelling of the Concentration of Microplastics in Lakes and Rivers in Kazakhstan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4217,, 2025.

EGU25-4267 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Measuring the Transport of Floating Plastic Debris Using Vessel-Based Optical Data and Artificial Intelligence 

Mattia Romero, Yannick Pham, Laura Gómez Navarro, Robin de Vries, and Bruno Sainte-Rose

The North Pacific Garbage Patch (NPGP) is known for accumulating floating plastic debris, but little is known on the dominating mechanisms that form its spatial heterogeneity in concentration. Submesoscale processes are likely to be the main drivers of such heterogeneity, especially if their effect on transport is object-specific. Dynamics at these spatial scales remain largely unresolved to date in ocean circulation models, therefore, current studies have to rely on in-situ measurements. The authors present a new method that measures floating plastic debris’ horizontal transport over small scales along vessels’ trajectories. The method applies particle tracking velocimetry on objects detected by an optical artificial intelligence algorithm during The Ocean Cleanup’s campaigns. Given the method’s sensitivity to the vessel’s movement, a Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to estimate object position errors with and without the presence of waves. The same method is applied to overlapping samples of drone-based optical data and the results are compared across measuring devices. Measurement accuracy depends on factors such as sea state, object distance from the vessel, and tracking duration. A first application on a subset of manually classified objects is presented. The ability to estimate floating plastic debris’ transport from in-situ measurements, combined with the collection of meteorological and oceanographic data, will likely gather insightful information on object-specific small scale dynamics in the region of interest. This is not only valuable for research purposes, but essential to assess and improve clean-up efforts.

How to cite: Romero, M., Pham, Y., Gómez Navarro, L., de Vries, R., and Sainte-Rose, B.: Measuring the Transport of Floating Plastic Debris Using Vessel-Based Optical Data and Artificial Intelligence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4267,, 2025.

EGU25-4361 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Quantifying uncertainties in visual observations of floating riverine plastic 

Paul Vriend, Thijs Bosker, Yvette Mellink, Frank Collas, Felipe Moscoso Cruz, Nadieh Kamp, Sylvia Drok, Martina G. Vijver, and Tim H. M. van Emmerik

Accurate and reliable monitoring data are crucial for the design of effective reduction and mitigation strategies for riverine macroplastic (>0.5 cm) pollution. One common approach to collect monitoring data is the visual observation method, where floating plastics are counted from bridges to estimate plastic flux. However, this method lacks robust uncertainty analyses, resulting in suboptimal monitoring strategies and unknown error margins. The goal of this study was to quantify these uncertainties and develop a practical workflow to optimize monitoring strategies applicable across different watersheds. Four key design elements that contribute to uncertainty are: cross-sectional coverage, observation time, observation frequency, and recovery. Through a case-study on the Dutch Rhine-Meuse delta we show how these uncertainties can be quantified, and how these insights can be used to optimize a monitoring strategy for a given monitoring goal. By improving the efficiency and effectiveness of monitoring protocols, these insights enhance data quality and reliability, ultimately supporting efforts to mitigate the environmental impacts of macroplastic pollution.

How to cite: Vriend, P., Bosker, T., Mellink, Y., Collas, F., Moscoso Cruz, F., Kamp, N., Drok, S., Vijver, M. G., and van Emmerik, T. H. M.: Quantifying uncertainties in visual observations of floating riverine plastic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4361,, 2025.

EGU25-4400 | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Monitoring plastic debris in urban stormwater: fluxes and management issues 

Romain Tramoy, Bruno Tassin, Lauriane Ledieu, Rachid Dris, and Johnny Gasperi

Sewage systems may be the preferred pathways for plastic debris from urban areas to the natural environment during wet periods. Some French local authorities are trying to prevent this leakage into the environment by equipping combined sewer (mixed of stormwater and wastewater) or stormwater outfalls (separate sewer systems) with nets. More than a curative solution, these devices represent a unique opportunity to monitoring urban litter, including plastic debris, as close as possible to their source of emission, i.e., urban areas. Since 2020, nets are being (or have been) in used in French cities. In several cities, anthropogenic litter from the nets was collected, washed, air dried and sorted according to the J-list classification (Fleet et al., 2021), which is the updated European classification first developed for marine and riverine litter (MSFD Technical Subgroup on Marine Litter, 2013). Results show that urban waters are a major source of macroplastics for rivers, with mass flows per capita within the orders of magnitude of those estimated in French rivers (1-10 g/cap/yr). In addition, mass flows and items categories differ relative to the type of sewage systems, land use and local specificities. In combined sewer, wipes are by far the main waste found in nets often followed by tobacco-related products and sweet wrappers from roadways. In stormwater run-off, tobacco-related products and sweet wrappers are the main categories by numb, but bottles (in metal, glass and plastic) rank TOP 5 by mass. Acquiring those data is a very harsh task and a dedicated technical platform is under development to extend monitoring at the national level (or beyond) over the long term.


How to cite: Tramoy, R., Tassin, B., Ledieu, L., Dris, R., and Gasperi, J.: Monitoring plastic debris in urban stormwater: fluxes and management issues, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4400,, 2025.

EGU25-5179 | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Micro- and Mesoplastic Monitoring on Beaches: Understanding Seasonal and Spatial Distribution Patterns 

Inga Retike, Inta Dimante-Deimantovica, Jānis Bikše, Maija Viska, Māris Skudra, Anda Prokopovica, Sanda Svipsta, and Juris Aigars

Despite growing research on microplastic contamination in beach environments, the factors influencing pollution distribution remain poorly understood. This study aims to bridge this knowledge gap by investigating microplastic pollution across 11 Latvian marine beaches (northeastern Europe). The study area experiences a four-season climate and is influenced by the Gulf of Riga and the Baltic Sea. Beaches were selected based on prior research (Dimante-Deimantovica et al., 2023), and data collection took place from autumn 2022 to summer 2023.

Microplastic samples were collected seasonally - autumn, winter, spring, and summer - across three distinct 100 m transects at each beach: the waterline (closest to the sea), the mid-section (between the waterline and vegetation), and the area in front of vegetation or bluffs (farthest from the sea). The results revealed seasonal variations in microplastic abundance, with higher pollution levels observed in autumn and winter compared to spring and summer. Furthermore, plastic particle distribution was uneven across the transects, with vegetation occasionally acting as a barrier for microplastic accumulation. Rounded particles are wind-transported and gather near vegetation, while longer particles accumulate already in the first transect near the sea. This study emphasizes the importance of year-round sampling to ensure accurate pollution assessments in environments with pronounced seasonality. Considering seasonal variability is also crucial when interpreting and comparing existing monitoring results.

The research is supported by GRANDE-U project “Groundwater Resilience Assessment through iNtegrated Data Exploration for Ukraine” (NSF Awards No. 2409395/2409396) and Latvian Environmental Protection Fund project No. 1-08/37/2022.

Reference: Dimante-Deimantovica, Inta et al. (2023) The baseline for micro- and mesoplastic pollution in open Baltic Sea and Gulf of Riga beach. Frontiers in Marine Science. 

How to cite: Retike, I., Dimante-Deimantovica, I., Bikše, J., Viska, M., Skudra, M., Prokopovica, A., Svipsta, S., and Aigars, J.: Micro- and Mesoplastic Monitoring on Beaches: Understanding Seasonal and Spatial Distribution Patterns, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5179,, 2025.

EGU25-6652 | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Transport and Fluxes of Microplastics to Deep-Sea Sediments via Turbidity Currents through the Congo Canyon 

Florian Pohl, Lars Hildebrandt, Megan L. Baker, Peter J. Talling, Joris T. Eggenhuisen, Sophie Hage, Sean C. Ruffell, Daniel Proefrock, Ricardo Silva Jacinto, Maarten S. Heijnen, Stephen M. Simmons, and Martin Hasenhündl

Plastic pollution is a growing global concern, with significant implications for marine ecosystems. While microplastics (<5 mm) are abundant in shallow marine environments, their transport pathways and fluxes to the deep sea remain poorly understood. Submarine canyons, such as the Congo Canyon off West Africa, act as major conduits for sediment and associated pollutants, including plastics, to the deep-sea environment. These canyons are frequently flushed by fast gravity-driven sediment flows called turbidity currents capable of transporting vast quantities of material over distances of >1,000 km. These are the longest sediment flows yet measured in action on Earth, and they eroded and carried a mass of terrestrial organic carbon similar to that buried each year in the global oceans. However, despite their significance in natural particle transport, it remains unclear how efficiently they carry anthropogenic particles, such as microplastics, to the deep sea.

This study presents the first dataset that directly measures microplastics transported by turbidity currents. A sediment trap moored 156 km offshore in the Congo Canyon, at a water depth of 2,172 m, captured sediments from eight (0.5-1 m/s) turbidity current events occurring between September and December 2019. Microplastics were extracted and analyzed for their number, size, shape, and polymer composition using Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) imaging. Microplastic flux estimates were calculated to quantify the transport capability of these flows.

The results demonstrate that turbidity currents are highly efficient in transporting microplastics, with concentrations reaching up to 13,266 particles per kg of sediment. PET (polyethylene terephthalate) and rubber were the most abundant polymer types, likely due to their higher density and resistance to degradation. Variability in microplastic abundance across different flow events appears to be influenced by differences in sediment sources and flow dynamics. Annual fluxes of microplastics transported through the Congo Canyon are estimated to be approximately 50,000 kg, underscoring the significant role of turbidity currents in redistributing microplastics on the deep seafloor. These microplastics may accumulate in canyon floors and distal lobes, forming potential sinks.

This research provides critical insights into the mechanisms governing the deep-sea transport of microplastics and highlights the importance of submarine canyons in global plastic pollution dynamics.

How to cite: Pohl, F., Hildebrandt, L., Baker, M. L., Talling, P. J., Eggenhuisen, J. T., Hage, S., Ruffell, S. C., Proefrock, D., Silva Jacinto, R., Heijnen, M. S., Simmons, S. M., and Hasenhündl, M.: Transport and Fluxes of Microplastics to Deep-Sea Sediments via Turbidity Currents through the Congo Canyon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6652,, 2025.

Understanding the distribution and dynamics of plastic litter in the environment is important but remains underexplored, particularly the resemblance of its transport and deposition to sediment dynamics. The present study examines plastic litter accumulation from a sedimentological perspective, using as case study a part of the northeastern coast of Sicily (southern Italy). The aim is to understand the dynamics responsible for plastic accumulation in the area and identify its sources. To achieve this, the research uses a multidisciplinary approach analyzing meteorological data, aerial imagery and deploying a machine-learning algorithm. The findings indicate that flash floods are the primary contributors to plastic accumulation in this area. Along the coast, there is a spatio-temporal variability in the accumulation patterns, with higher amounts of litter near torrential river mouths after flash floods. Precipitation data show that litter-laden floods could be formed with rainfall values as low as 30 mm if the intensity is high enough. The algorithm revealed that these accumulations show a high dominance of polystyrene, accounting for 72% of the detected litter, followed by 10.2% yellow foam and 9.06% of PET bottles. Based on this composition, the source of plastic is associated with the input from nearby towns through the torrential rivers rather than a maritime origin (e.g. fisheries). This study highlights the importance of considering river floods when investigating the plastic dynamics in the environment, as well as the potential of using drone imagery and machine learning to help address this problem.

How to cite: Oh, J., Leluschko, C., Tholen, C., and Gugliotta, M.: Flash-flood-driven accumulation of plastic on beaches investigated by use of aerial imagery and machine learning: an example from the eastern coast of Sicily, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6667,, 2025.

EGU25-7033 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Uncollected Urban Plastic Waste in Bandung: A Geo-Referenced Material Flow Analysis Revealing Spatial Inequalities and Management Challenges 

Giulia Frigo, Claudia Binder, Gregory Giuliani, and Christian Zurbrügg

With an ever-increasing population and growing consumption, plastic waste management has become one of the most challenging global problems. Both mismanagement and illegal dumping pose significant environmental and public health risks, leading to severe issues such as the release of harmful chemicals and heavy metals into the air through burning, and significant ocean pollution from riverine plastic discharge. Indonesia is estimated to be one of the top emitters of riverine plastics and a significant portion of the country’s municipal solid waste is either burned or uncollected. Despite the recognized importance of tackling mismanaged plastic waste, comprehensive data on plastic waste flow remain largely unavailable. This study presents a plastic Material Flow Analysis (MFA) in Bandung, Indonesia, using a bottom-up, geo-referenced approach to tackle the absence of data.

Our methodology involves quantifying the volume of uncollected waste and identifying its specific locations through georeferenced mapping and spatial analysis. The findings reveal that household plastic waste consumption ranges from 14 to 20 kg per capita per year. On average, over 50% of plastic waste is sent to landfills, 20-25% is source-separated and recycled, 12% remains uncollected, and 1-2% is burned. Limited infrastructure and collection capacity result in higher rates of uncollected waste and burning. These mismanaged waste hotspots are often located near riverbanks or open spaces adjacent to households.

Accessibility analysis indicates that areas with higher uncollected waste are farther from waste collection points and lack adequate infrastructure, including roads and transport systems, increasing reliance on informal disposal methods such as burning and dumping. This suggests that mismanaged waste is not only an environmental issue but also a predictor of social inequalities within cities, as affected communities often face poor living conditions and inadequate access to basic services such as clean water. By providing data-driven insights and actionable recommendations, this research contributes to the development of sustainable and equitable waste management strategies in Indonesia. Furthermore, this study tests the utility of applying a bottom-up georeferenced Material Flow Analysis to measure plastic waste flows, contributing to the growing body of research in this field.

How to cite: Frigo, G., Binder, C., Giuliani, G., and Zurbrügg, C.: Uncollected Urban Plastic Waste in Bandung: A Geo-Referenced Material Flow Analysis Revealing Spatial Inequalities and Management Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7033,, 2025.

EGU25-7294 | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Microplastic Concentration in the Truckee River, United States 

Monica Arienzo, Hannah Lukasik, Rachel Kozloski, Mervin Wright, and Brittany Kruger

Microplastics (MPs) are an emerging contaminant that is found throughout the environment. In this study we sought to quantify and characterize MPs along the Truckee River, located in the western United States. The Truckee River begins in the Sierra Nevada, flows to Lake Tahoe, a lake known for its clarity and pristine water quality and continues to Pyramid Lake. The Truckee River basin is utilized for its drinking water and all-season recreation throughout the watershed. Additionally, the Truckee River system is an important aquatic habitat for endangered and endemic species. For these reasons, assessing the MPs present in this system is essential for determining risks to human and aquatic health.

Samples were taken along the Truckee River starting downstream of Lake Tahoe’s outlet sampling above and below major areas of land use change: urban population centers, wastewater treatment facilities, confluences, and agricultural areas at a total of 6 sampling sites in the fall of 2022 and 8 sampling sites during the spring of 2023. Two seasons were analyzed to capture the low flow (fall) and high flow (spring) discharge periods along the Truckee River. MP results were compared to a variety of spatial data to understand the concentration of MPs in the Truckee River, potential sources of MPs to the river from land use, and whether MP concentrations vary with seasonal flow changes. We show that MP concentrations vary with discharge and number of stormwater drainages. We also show the plastic types reflect commonly used single-use plastics.

How to cite: Arienzo, M., Lukasik, H., Kozloski, R., Wright, M., and Kruger, B.: Microplastic Concentration in the Truckee River, United States, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7294,, 2025.

EGU25-7837 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Comparison of False Positive Case in Coastal Debris Using Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Models 

YeBeen Do, BoRam Kim, YongGil Park, and TaeHoon Kim

Deep learning-based object detection models, such as YOLO and DETR, have been actively studied for monitoring coastal debris. While recent models exhibit minimal differences in quantitative accuracy and performance, the underlying algorithms and methodologies for object detection vary across models. Consequently, detection outcomes can differ based on the type of the debris and the characteristics of the coastal environment. Nonetheless, there is a notable lack of studies that provide a quantitative analysis of these findings. Therefore, this study analyzed the false positives of coastal debris using the YOLOv10 and RT-DETR models to identify the detection characteristics of each model. To ensure comparable performance between the two models, hyperparameters were fine-tuned to achieve a mean Average Precision (mAP) exceeding 0.9. A dataset of approximately 350,000 coastal debris images (sourced from was utilized to train both models, with an 8:2 split between training and validation sets. Coastal debris was classified into 11 categories: Glass, Metal, Net, PET Bottle, Plastic Buoy, Plastic ETC, Plastic Buoy of China, Rope, Styrofoam Box, Styrofoam Buoy, and Styrofoam Piece. To analyze the detection characteristics of the trained models, images of coastal with various types of debris were collected using UAVs. False positive objects were classified and systematically analyzed based on the detection results of the collected coastal debris images using the two model. The analysis of false positives revealed that the YOLOv10 model exhibited a 72% false positive rate for Styrofoam buoys, attributed primarily to the significant impact of object color and shape. In the RT-DETR model, false positive rates were observed at 22% for seaweed and 20% for Styrofoam buoys, with object color and surface composition as key contributing factors. Based on these findings, it is recommended to consider the characteristics of the coastal and the distributed debris when selecting a deep learning model for coastal debris detection. Future studies on precise classification of coastal debris and diverse environmental data will facilitate the selection of optimal deep learning models for specific field conditions.

How to cite: Do, Y., Kim, B., Park, Y., and Kim, T.: Comparison of False Positive Case in Coastal Debris Using Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7837,, 2025.

EGU25-7930 | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Comparison of Coastal Debris Interpretability Across Different GSD Levels in Drone Imagery 

BoRam Kim, YeBeen Do, YongGil Park, and TaeHoon Kim

Recent studies have increasingly utilized drones for remote sensing, driven by the widespread distribution of marine debris along coastal areas. When monitoring coastal debris using drones, flight altitude is a critical factor that directly impacts both the quality of image data and the monitoring duration. However, designing monitoring systems based solely on altitude may lead to variations in spatial resolution (GSD) caused by differences in camera specifications across various drone models. Such variations in GSD levels impact the interpretability of debris within the imagery. This study evaluates the interpretability of coastal debris at different GSD levels determined by drone specifications and flight altitudes. Based on prior studies, we collected data at four altitudes by GSD: 18.6 m (GSD: 0.5 cm/pixel), 27.9 m (GSD: 0.75 cm/pixel), 37.2 m (GSD: 1.0 cm/pixel), and 46.5 m (GSD: 1.25 cm/pixel). Coastal debris types were categorized into eight classes, defined based on the top 10 most frequently identified debris types over a four-year period in Korea. We also assessed the quality and interpretability of coastal debris data under varying spatial resolutions of drone imagery, with a particular focus on the eight defined categories. Interpretability was assessed based on the National Image Interpretability Rating Scales (NIIRS), developed by Image Intelligence, which defines four interpretability levels: I (Identify), B (Distinguish), D (Detect), and N (Not Detect). The results demonstrated that the interpretability of coastal debris varies depending on debris type, color, and size with changes in GSD. Furthermore, the detectable categories of debris were defined for each GSD level. Through this study, it is expected to support decisions on appropriate GSD settings and monitoring methods for different coastal debris survey objectives and conditions. The findings may also help in developing national policies for managing coastal debris.


How to cite: Kim, B., Do, Y., Park, Y., and Kim, T.: Comparison of Coastal Debris Interpretability Across Different GSD Levels in Drone Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7930,, 2025.

EGU25-8260 | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Monitoring Beach Litter in the Mediterranean Sea Using the REMEDIES Mobile App 

Milica Velimirović, Jan Puhar, Annamaria Vujanović, Meivis Struga, Kledisa Çela, Alae-eddine Barkaoui, Antonios Eleftheriou, Andrea Camedda, Sylvain Petit, Marko Petelin, Davide Poletto, Tamara Bizjak, and Andreja Palatinus

The Mediterranean Sea region's coastal zones are densely populated, with 427 million inhabitants, and attract a significant number of tourists. This high level of human activity, combined with the region's topography and inadequate waste management in many countries, has led to the accumulation of plastic debris in the Mediterranean Sea and its connected rivers. Plastic litter is prevalent in the rivers, on beaches, and in the sea, where it accumulates due to the limited flow to the Atlantic Ocean.

This study aims to address the issue of plastic pollution in the Mediterranean Sea by implementing novel approaches for monitoring and detecting marine litter. The primary objective is to report on the monitoring activities of beach macro litter (>2.5 cm) on six beaches in six Mediterranean countries (Italy, Slovenia, Albania, Greece, Morocco, France) during 2024. Seasonal monitoring was conducted together with volunteers four times per year using the REMEDIES mobile app, in accordance with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This app facilitates the collection of data on the localization, types, quantities, materials, and sources of macro litter on beaches, thereby contributing to efforts to mitigate plastic pollution, protect marine life, and preserve the ecological balance in the Mediterranean region.

This comprehensive approach aims to provide a clearer understanding of the extent and sources of plastic pollution, enabling more effective strategies for its reduction and management. By leveraging technology and international collaboration, this study seeks to make a significant impact on the health of the Mediterranean marine environment.


The authors acknowledge financial support from the European Union’s HORIZON EUROPE innovation program for the project REMEDIES awarded under Grant Agreement No. 101093964.

How to cite: Velimirović, M., Puhar, J., Vujanović, A., Struga, M., Çela, K., Barkaoui, A., Eleftheriou, A., Camedda, A., Petit, S., Petelin, M., Poletto, D., Bizjak, T., and Palatinus, A.: Monitoring Beach Litter in the Mediterranean Sea Using the REMEDIES Mobile App, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8260,, 2025.

EGU25-8279 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

A cross-sensor approach for marine litter detection with self-supervised learning 

Emanuele Dalsasso, Marc Russwurm, Christian Donner, Robin de Vries, Michele Volpi, and Devis Tuia

Marine litter is a growing ecologic, economic, and societal concern that must be addressed at a global scale. Floating material aggregates under the effect of oceanic processes to form so-called “windrows”, used as proxies for marine litter. Windrows reach sizes that make them visible for high-resolution optical satellites. Most recently, the availability of labeled datasets of Sentinel-2 images (MARIDA, FloatingObjects) has enabled the use of deep learning for large-scale marine litter monitoring: a segmentation model can be trained in a supervised manner to predict the presence of floating objects. 

However, the temporal resolution of Sentinel-2 (up to 6 days between consecutive acquisitions) limits the operational impact of such tools. Within this context, PlanetScope images can be leveraged to fill the temporal gaps of Sentinel-2 even at a higher spatial resolution: PlanetScope images have a higher spatial resolution than Sentinel-2 (3m vs. 10m) and are acquired daily. Nevertheless, there is a lack of labeled PlanetScope images for the specific purpose of marine debris detection.

To address this gap, we propose a cross-sensor training strategy that allows a model to transfer knowledge from Sentinel-2 to PlanetScope without extra supervision. In particular, we leverage self-supervised learning to pre-train a model that learns a common latent space between the two sensors. Sensor-specific embedding layers project their features into a common U-Net model, itself trained to remove noise from the input images as a self-supervised learning task. Thanks to this self-supervised task, the model learns the semantics of the data without requiring any labels. Next, the model is fine-tuned on labeled Sentinel-2 images, as in most recent deep learning solutions. Since self-supervised cross-sensor pre-training has forced the model to learn a common representation between the two satellite sources, while learning to identify marine litter on Sentinel-2 images, the model co-learns to segment PlanetScope data. Thus, at prediction time, the model can be directly applied to PlanetScope images with excellent results.

We evaluate the performances of the developed model on a manually annotated validation set of PlanetScope images: both visual inspection and quantitative assessment highlight the significant improvement of the proposed model, compared against a fully supervised model trained on Sentinel-2 only. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed pre-training strategy as a promising solution to enable continuous large-scale mapping of marine litter on optical satellites.

How to cite: Dalsasso, E., Russwurm, M., Donner, C., de Vries, R., Volpi, M., and Tuia, D.: A cross-sensor approach for marine litter detection with self-supervised learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8279,, 2025.

EGU25-8418 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Remote Sensing for Monitoring Macroplastics in Rivers: The Case of The Sarno River, Italy 

Ashenafi Tadesse Marye, Cristina Caramiello, Dario De Nardi, Domenico Miglino, Gaia Proietti, Khim Cathleen Saddi, Chiara Biscarini, Salvatore Manfreda, Matteo Poggi, and Flavia Tauro

Given the exponential rise in global plastic production and its significant ecological and socio-economic impacts, monitoring macroplastics in rivers has become a central focus of water management efforts. However, standardized monitoring methodologies have not kept pace with the increasing volume of plastic waste entering aquatic systems worldwide. This resulted in a critical shortage of spatially and temporally refined data on macroplastic pollution circulating in inland waters. Recent advancements in remote sensing technologies such as satellites, unmanned aerial systems (UASs) and camera systems coupled with crowd-sourced data and automated detection using machine and deep learning, offer promising opportunities for versatile monitoring solutions. Towards improving monitoring practices, we reviewed emerging remote sensing methods and tools to tackle macroplastic identification in riverine environments. Our investigation highlights that overcoming the challenges of remote sensing-based river macroplastics monitoring requires further efforts to integrate multiple platforms and prioritize long-term monitoring strategies. The RiverWatch project exemplifies these advancements by developing an innovative infrastructure for detecting buoyant plastics in rivers. Utilizing fixed cameras along river networks and mobile cameras, including those operated by citizens via smartphones, RiverWatch employs advanced computer vision algorithms to analyse collected data. Focused on the Sarno River, among the most polluted rivers in Italy, this project harnesses low-cost, adaptable technologies and empowers citizen science through the RiverWatch mobile app, enhancing both spatial and temporal monitoring resolution. The project aligns with the broader goals of offering scalable and harmonized monitoring solutions. Furthermore, it serves as an example of integrating emerging technologies into standardized methodologies, bridging the gap between research advancements and practical applications for global riverine systems.

How to cite: Marye, A. T., Caramiello, C., De Nardi, D., Miglino, D., Proietti, G., Saddi, K. C., Biscarini, C., Manfreda, S., Poggi, M., and Tauro, F.: Remote Sensing for Monitoring Macroplastics in Rivers: The Case of The Sarno River, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8418,, 2025.

The extent of aging in microplastics (MPs), widespread across the globe, is a critical factor in evaluating their adverse impacts and behavior. These synthetic particles undergo weathering during dispersion, primarily through photo-oxidation induced by ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, which leads to the formation of oxygen-containing functional groups and increases the potential for fragmentation into smaller-sized MPs. Time-relevant physicochemical changes of MPs can be quantified by the carbonyl index (CI), which serves not only an indicator for assessing the weathering (i.e., aging) extent of MPs, but also provides insights into the sources and/or transport pathways of MPs in different regions and compartments. In the present study, we compared the CI values of two prevalent MP polymers (PE and PP; ≥100 μm in cut-off size) transectionally collected from source regions (wastewater, river water, agricultural soils, and sand beach) to coastal region (inner- and outer-part of Incheon/Kyeonggi (I/K) bay at the Han River mouth), marginal seas (seawater of the Korean South Sea, the East China Sea, and the East Sea), the Northwestern Pacific, and the polar region (Arctic and Antarctic). Their CI values were also compared with those measured under accelerated UV light exposure in laboratory. Riverine and marine floating MPs were collected from the surface water using a manta-net, and all FT-IR spectra were obtained by the same instrument and procedure. PE in agricultural soils showed significantly higher CI values in outer soils than inner soils of greenhouse (0.32±0.16 vs. 0.25±0.16, respectively) (p<0.001). Meanwhile, much lower PE-CIs than those in soils were observed in the influent (0.13±0.10) and effluent (0.12±0.12) of sewage wastewater with no significant difference between the two wastewater (p>0.05), indicating low UV exposure. Compared to the potential two sources, the PE in downstream water of the Han River exhibited much closer CIs (0.33±0.26) to those in neighboring soils than in wastewater, suggesting the importance diffuse source in riverine MPs. Floating PE particles in coastal seawater of I/K bay exhibited the significant separation of their CIs between the inner (0.32±0.17) and outer part (0.04±0.08) of the bay (p<0.001), suggesting different sources in each region. Relatively aged PEs found in inner-bay near river mouth may have a fluvial origin associated with diffuse source, while very fresh PEs in outer-bay off the coast may have originated from the mechanical abrasion of fishing gear and/or greywater. PE-CI found in soil, river water, and inner-bay seawater corresponds to the value observed after approximately 1.2 years of natural sunlight exposure in ambient air. Unlike PE, PP exhibited less distinct separation in its CI across compartments. This is believed to be a result of the more weathering-prone PP breaking apart, leading to the formation of fresh surfaces. Our findings underscore that CI can be effectively utilized to identify the sources and/or dispersion pathways of microplastics. Additional results, including those from marginal and open seas, will be presented separately.

Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. RS-2024-00356940).

How to cite: Shin, J.-H., Kim, S.-K., and Tian, Z.: Inter-Compartment Comparison of Weathering Extent of Microplastics Using Carbonyl Index and Its Application in Source Identification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8519,, 2025.

EGU25-8527 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Methodological Assessment of Macro- and Mesoplastics Pollution in Rivers 

Stephanie B. Oswald, Paul Vriend, Ad M. J. Ragas, Margriet M. Schoor, and Frank P. L. Collas

Globally, plastic pollution in aquatic environments has been considered one of the major contemporary environmental challenges. Even though environmental effects associated with plastic pollution have been largely known, research on plastic concentrations mainly focuses on the marine environment. In recent years, an increasing number of studies reported environmental consequences and concentrations of plastic particles in freshwater systems comparable to those found in marine ecosystems. The observed abundance of plastic particles in ecosystems may be influenced not only by their actual presence in the aquatic environment but also by factors such as sampling methods and identification processes. Facing that, in this study, we assessed the variation in macro- and mesoplastics abundance and composition in the river Rhine collected using a larvae net, a trawl net, and a stow net. Additionally, we highlighted the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats through a SWOT analysis of the used methods for plastic monitoring. During trawl net and stow net monitoring, more unique macro- and mesoplastics categories were found in comparison with simultaneous larvae net monitoring. However, the main categories follow the same patterns among methods, and the relative abundance per category per method slightly differs. Overall, the SWOT analysis pointed towards a better performance of the trawl net for plastic monitoring in the river Rhine. The outcome of the current study can be used to support policymakers, industry, and the scientific community to devise a successful monitoring strategy for macro- and mesoplastics pollution in rivers that best aligns with the specific monitoring goals and the environmental conditions of the target area.

How to cite: Oswald, S. B., Vriend, P., Ragas, A. M. J., Schoor, M. M., and Collas, F. P. L.: Methodological Assessment of Macro- and Mesoplastics Pollution in Rivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8527,, 2025.

EGU25-8604 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Measuring micro- and nanoplastics in agricultural soils by py-GC/MS-IRMS 

Mariana Vezzone, Reinhard Pucher, Christian Resch, Maria Heiling, and Gerd Dercon

Plastic materials and their associated additives have emerged as critical environmental concerns, particularly within agricultural systems. These materials not only affect soil properties but also pose potential risks of absorption by plants, thereby facilitating the trophic transfer of contaminants. The measurement of nanoplastic particles (NPs) presents challenges due to their small size and low concentrations. While techniques such as micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (µFTIR) and micro-RAMAN are commonly used for identifying microparticles, they lack the capability to quantify NPs (<1µm). Many analytical techniques have limited detection limits, which makes it difficult to accurately measure low concentrations of nanoplastic particles (NPs), such as those present in plants. An alternative approach involves labelling or doping micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) or their additives, enabling their screening and characterization in laboratory environments. This strategy, particularly when combined with stable isotopes, allows for tracing the biological fate of MNPs and their additives in plants and organisms. While this method is currently impractical for field trials due to its cost and analytical challenges, it can be only practically applicable in controlled laboratory experiments. Here we tested extraction methods for determining MNPs by pyrolysis associated with gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and isotope ratio mass spectrometry (py-GC/MS-IRMS) using polymers labelled with stable isotopes (13C). Detection methods for additives are being refined to identify potential markers for tracking the dynamics of MNPs in the environment. Compound-specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA) can provide valuable information on the fate of polymers, polymer additives and the characterisation of the products of plastic decomposition. The poster will present a preliminary comparative evaluation and optimization of extraction and detection methods for MNPs using py-GC/MS-IRMS, focusing on the application of stable isotope-labelled polymers (¹³C). Key findings will demonstrate the challenges and potential of these methodologies for quantifying and characterizing MNPs in laboratory trials.

How to cite: Vezzone, M., Pucher, R., Resch, C., Heiling, M., and Dercon, G.: Measuring micro- and nanoplastics in agricultural soils by py-GC/MS-IRMS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8604,, 2025.

EGU25-9858 | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Transport of microplastics driven by turbidity currents developing over bedforms  

teresa serra, Mirco Mancini, Jordi Colomer, Marianna Soler, and Luca Solari

The industry of plastics has grown exponentially over the last 70 years (Williams and Rangel-Buitrago, 2022). Although plastics are appropriately disposed, they have entered the natural environments, becoming an emerging contaminant. Due to both sunlight and mechanical abrasion due to waves and currents, plastic material degrades, breaking down into small plastic particles known as microplastics (MPs) when they have sizes below 5 mm (Sun et al., 2022). MPs are transported in suspension from their sources by rivers reaching the ocean. In their way, they can interact with suspended sediments (Mancini et al., 2023). For example, turbidity currents are mechanisms that transport sediment from continental landscapes into coastal areas and therefore into oceans (Pohl et al., 2020). Turbidity currents can transport particles in suspension due to the turbulence produced at the head of the current (Serra et al., 2025). Therefore, they can also transport MPs in suspension into the ocean. However, the transport capacity of turbidity currents is expected to depend on the granulometry of the bed. In the current work, the transport of MP by turbidity currents developing over beds of different granulometry (from bare soil to pebbles) is under study in a laboratory lock gate set up. Two different types of MPs (fragments and fibers) and two polymers (PET and PVC) were considered. Fibers with diameters of 45 mm and 25 mm and lengths of 5 mm and 3 mm were used. All these conditions accounted for a total of 27 experiments. The horizontal distance up to where MPs were transported was found to increase with the velocity of the gravity current and decrease with the settling velocity of the MPs. The granulometry of the bed had a slight impact on the velocity of the gravity current. However, the shape of the MPs particles impacted on the transport of MPs in such a way that the more elongated the particles (small Corey Shape Factors) resulted in longer distances. This can be caused by the alignment of elongated particles like fibers with the streamlines of the flow. A non-dimensional model of the MP transport as a function of the main parameters such as the granulometry of the bed, the settling velocity of MPs, the height of the water column and the shape of the MP particles (through the Corey Shape Factor) is proposed.


Williams, A., Rangel-Buitrago, N. 2022. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 176, 113429.

Sun, J., Zhen, H., Xiang, H., Fan, J. and Jiang, H. 2022. Science of The Total Environment. 838, 156369.

Mancini, M., Serra, T., Colomer, J., Solari, L. 2023. Science of the Total Environment. 890, 164363.

Pohl, F., Eggenhu7isen, J.T., Kane, I.A., Clare, M.A. 2020. Environmental Science and Technology. 54, 4180-4189.

Serra, T., Soler, M., Colomer, J. 2025. Sedimentary Geology. 476, 106802.

How to cite: serra, T., Mancini, M., Colomer, J., Soler, M., and Solari, L.: Transport of microplastics driven by turbidity currents developing over bedforms , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9858,, 2025.

EGU25-10271 | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Uniting Global Efforts to Combat Microplastic Pollution in Agricultural Soils: A Call for Harmonized Protocols and Collaborative Action 

Maria Heiling, Mariana Vezzone, Chunhua Jiang, Gerd Dercon, and Sergejus Ustinov

Microplastics (MP), defined as plastic particles ranging from 1 to 5000 µm, have become a significant environmental concern due to the drastic increase in plastic use. Agricultural soils are highly susceptible to MP contamination from both direct and indirect sources such as plasticulture, biosolids application, irrigation systems, and atmospheric deposition. These contaminants disrupt soil physical and biological functions, altering porosity, water retention, and microbial communities essential for nutrient cycling, ultimately impairing plant productivity. MPs also act as vectors for associated pollutants, raising concerns about their transfer to the food chain and potential health risks. Despite these critical impacts, agricultural soils have received far less attention than aquatic systems.

The global diversity of soil types poses challenges to the development of standardized protocols for sampling, extraction, and analysis of MPs. Existing methods often lack reproducibility and comparability across regions, hindering effective management strategies. To address these challenges, a harmonized, globally applicable framework is needed. This framework should consider soil properties and ensure reliable identification and quantification of MPs through standardized procedures for sampling, density separation, and polymer-specific analysis, while accounting for particle size and shape. Such protocols will provide a reliable foundation for MP monitoring in soils, while remaining adaptable for diverse research applications.

The Soil and Water Management & Crop Nutrition Laboratory (SWMCNL) in Seibersdorf, in collaboration with international experts, has conducted research on MPs. This includes soil incubation experiments using isotopes to monitor organic matter stability and MP degradation. Additionally, methods for extracting MPs from various soil types, including both conventional and biodegradable plastics, area being developed and tested. Recent work has focused on preparing protocols based on methods from the MINAGRIS project, in collaboration with Coordinated Research Project (CRP) experts. These protocols integrate density separation, organic matter removal, and microscopic analysis and provide improved MP recovery rates, particularly for particles larger than 300 µm. Additionally, emphasis was placed on determining the isotopic changes of δ13C by EA-IRMS due to the extraction procedure. This is to support research involving carbon isotopes, such as in incubation experiments. These methodological advances are important steps towards establishing a robust and scalable Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for MP research in soils.

Furthermore, in collaboration with the International Network on Soil Pollution (INSOP) from FAO, we aim to develop global working groups focused on MP extraction, identification and quantification of MPs in soil. INSOP’s overall aim is to stop soil pollution and achieve the global goal of zero pollution, covering assessment and remediation, as well as impacts on the environment and human health. INSOP also aims to strengthen technical capacities, legislative frameworks, and promotes the exchange of experiences and technologies for sustainable soil management and remediation.

Aligned with the UN Plastics Treaty, this initiative aims to enhance Member States’ technical capacities to address soil pollution and provide tools for evidence-based policymaking. By integrating harmonized monitoring protocols with adaptable research frameworks, we can better understand MP impacts on agricultural soils and support global efforts to mitigate plastic pollution.

How to cite: Heiling, M., Vezzone, M., Jiang, C., Dercon, G., and Ustinov, S.: Uniting Global Efforts to Combat Microplastic Pollution in Agricultural Soils: A Call for Harmonized Protocols and Collaborative Action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10271,, 2025.

EGU25-11487 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Characterizing the temporal trends in the concentration and composition of microplastics over the 20th century to present in the Chesapeake Bay region 

Kameron Finch, Tina Dura, Austin Gray, Jessica DePaolis, Andrew Allard, Ted Docev, Allison Montgomery, Piyali Roy, Maddi Williams, Brandon Hatcher, and Reide Corbett

Plastic production first began in the early 20th century, with production rapidly growing from the mid-20 century to present day. Intertidal ecosystems, such as wetlands and estuaries, serve as significant sinks for microplastics (particles < 5 mm) due to daily tidal inundation, natural sediment accumulation processes, and inputs from atmospheric, marine and freshwater sources. Despite documented microplastics in coastal waters and sediments, quantitative studies on how their concentration and composition has changed over time are scarce. Here, we analyzed sediment cores from intertidal wetlands on both the bayside and seaside of the Chesapeake Bay to quantify microplastic concentrations and characterize polymers. We collected two 50-cm sediment cores from a bayside wetland in the Saxis Wildlife Management Area and a seaside wetland on Wallops Island National Wildlife Refuge. Microplastics were isolated, enumerated, and characterized in 1-cm intervals. Polymer characterization was conducted using a µRaman mass spectrometer. 210Pb and 137Cs analyses provided a chronology of the sediment sequences, showing that ~40 cm core depth corresponds to 1900 and ~15 cm corresponds to 1963. Data from bayside marsh revealed an increase in microplastics concentrations from the bottom (~0.47 particles/g and 5.7 fibers/g) to the top (~2.3 particles/g and 10.8 fibers/g) of the core. Dominant polymers shifted from polystyrene and nylon at the bottom to polyethylene terephthalate at the top. At the seaside marsh, preliminary data shows an overall lower concentration of microplastics (<1 particle/g) with no discernable pattern throughout the core. Dominant polymers shifted from polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, and polyamide at the bottom to polystyrene at the top. At both sites, microplastics were present in sediments from the early 20th century, however, at the bayside location, early microplastics are consistent with polymers in use during that period, while at the seaside location, the microplastic concentration and composition suggest possible sediment mixing due to bioturbation. Future work will aim to explore the potential relationship between microplastics and geochemical cycling in both the bayside and seaside marshes, as well as work to constrain the amount of microplastics entering both locations via atmospheric deposition. 

How to cite: Finch, K., Dura, T., Gray, A., DePaolis, J., Allard, A., Docev, T., Montgomery, A., Roy, P., Williams, M., Hatcher, B., and Corbett, R.: Characterizing the temporal trends in the concentration and composition of microplastics over the 20th century to present in the Chesapeake Bay region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11487,, 2025.

Marine and coastal pollution is a major challenge along Ghana’s maritime boundaries. Many of Ghana’s coastlines are popular sea turtle nesting sites that have been severely damaged due to the abundance of plastic and other waste along the beaches.

Though waste management facilities are presently available, these facilities are insufficient in coping with the amount of waste produced in the country; hence, waste is dumped along the beaches and into the ocean. Public interest and awareness in marine environmental cleanliness are relatively non-existent. Plastic Punch is a non-profit organization launched in January 2018 in Accra, Ghana, with the goal of protecting the coastal environment and biodiversity; against plastic waste via citizen science to inspire behavioral change and sustainable waste management solutions as well as raising awareness of the dangers of single-use plastics.

Plastic Punch has developed a multifaceted approach to achieve societal engagement, centred around large volunteer-based, community beach clean-ups that are held regularly at various Ghanaian beaches. The waste collected is sorted by type (e.g. bottles, bottle caps, plastic sachets, and shoes), and recorded for data analysis to advocate for policy direction notably the Extended Producer Responsibility regime and phasing out problematic plastics, and subsequent recycling. Marine pollution continues to remain a global issue, and with the active participation of local communities via citizen science throughout the planet, effective positive change can become a reality.

How to cite: Quarcoo, R.: Combating marine plastic pollution via societal engagement: Plastic Punch and Citizen science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12265,, 2025.

EGU25-12591 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Quantifying Floating Litter Fluxes with a Semi-Supervised Learning-Based Framework 

Tianlong Jia, Riccardo Taormina, Rinze de Vries, Zoran Kapelan, Tim H.M. van Emmerik, Paul Vriend, and Imke Okkerman

Supervised deep learning methods have been widely employed by researchers and practitioners to detect floating macroplastic litter (plastic items >5 mm) in (fresh)water bodies. However, their potential to quantify litter fluxes in rivers with wide cross-sections remains underexplored. Additionally, supervised learning (SL) models also face practical challenges, including the dependency on extensive labeled data, and low detection performance for small litter items.

To overcome these issues, we propose a semi-supervised learning (SSL)-based framework for quantifying cross-sectional floating litter fluxes. This framework includes four steps: (1) developing a robust litter detection model using SSL methods, (2) collecting images of river surfaces from multiple locations along the target river cross-section using cameras, (3) applying the developed model to detect and count litter items in images, and (4) post-processing the detection results to quantify cross-sectional litter fluxes. In the first step, we first pre-trained a Residual Network with 50 layers (ResNet50) on a large amount of unlabeled data (≈500k images) using a self-supervised learning method, Swapping Assignments between multiple Views of the same image (SwAV). Then, we fine-tuned a Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (Faster R-CNN) with the ResNet50 backbone on a limited amount of labeled data (1.1k images with 1.3k annotated litter items). We introduced a Slicing Aided Hyper Inference (SAHI) method to enhance accuracy of Faster R-CNN in detecting small litter.

We evaluated the in-domain detection performance of SSL models using images from canals and waterways of the Netherlands, Indonesia and Vietnam. Additionally, we assessed the zero-shot out-of-domain detection performance of SSL models, and litter flux quantification performance of the proposed framework on a case study in the Saigon river in Vietnam (including the Thu Thiem and Binh Loi locations). The assessment of out-of-domain detection performance was conducted with and without SAHI method. We benchmarked our results against the SL methods using the same Faster R-CNN architecture with ImageNet pre-trained weights. The results show that the SSL models significantly outperform baseline benchmarks, with an in-domain F1-score increase of 0.2, and a zero-shot out-of-domain median F1-score increase of 0.14 for Thu Thiem and 0.07 for Binh Loi. The SSL-based framework quantifies litter fluxes nearly twice as high as the baseline SL-based framework, offering estimates that align more closely with human-measured litter fluxes. Furthermore, the SAHI method correctly identifies 54 additional small litter items (with areas below 1,000 cm²) in the case study, compared to the results obtained without the SAHI method.

Our findings underscore a promising pathway for developing a robust framework for macroplastic flux measurement by integrating a foundation model, a transformative approach driving the current artificial intelligence revolution across diverse domains. By scaling our proposed framework with larger and more diversified datasets, we can make significant progress in developing advanced monitoring systems to tackle the global challenge of plastic pollution.

How to cite: Jia, T., Taormina, R., de Vries, R., Kapelan, Z., van Emmerik, T. H. M., Vriend, P., and Okkerman, I.: Quantifying Floating Litter Fluxes with a Semi-Supervised Learning-Based Framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12591,, 2025.

EGU25-13279 | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Riverine Microplastic Fluxes 

Andrew Gray, Clare Murphy-Hagan, Samiksha Singh, Win Cowger, and Hannah Hapich

Globally, rivers have been found to contain high concentrations of microplastics and are also the major conveyors of microplastic pollution to the ocean. This has engendered an increased focus on microplastic sources, transport, and fate in riverine systems. But how should we design microplastic monitoring plans for rivers if our goal is to quantify concentration, character, and flux? Here we present the results of microplastics monitoring campaigns conducted on several riverine systems draining coastal watersheds in Southern California and discuss lessons learned as well as future directions to support flux-based monitoring of microplastics. Key topics include consideration of microplastic distribution across the water column, sampler performance, concentration and character dependency on discharge/time, and by extension – effective discharge.

How to cite: Gray, A., Murphy-Hagan, C., Singh, S., Cowger, W., and Hapich, H.: Riverine Microplastic Fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13279,, 2025.

EGU25-13851 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

The assessment of microplastic and microfibres in freshwater systems through different sampling methods reveals causes of incomparability. 

Miguel Jorge Sánchez-Guerrero-Hernández, Rocío Quintana, Sandra Manzano-Medina, Mercedes Vélez-Nicolás, Gert Everaert, Ana Isabel Catarino, Mariana N. Miranda, and Daniel González-Fernández

Around twenty years of studies on microplastic pollution have revealed a major environmental concern. However, far from understanding the presence of microplastics in environmental matrices, abundances among studies differ highly. This is not only caused by the inherent variability of this pollution in aquatic ecosystems, but also because the use of different methodologies adds large uncertainties. This study assesses microplastics data and examines the differences induced by the methods used. A literature mining was performed in Web of Science to find relevant studies on microplastics in freshwater aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Out of 501 relevant (peer-reviewed) articles found in freshwater systems, 200 articles were selected for analysis, i.e., those offering data results per sample rather than summarizing per areas or studies. Such selection comprised 4297 samples from freshwater systems in the five continents. A wide range of concentrations of microplastics was detected worldwide (spanning 8 orders of magnitude). Grouping microplastic concentrations by sampling methods (nets, pumps, and bulk sampling) narrowed the variability distributions, particularly for nets. To elucidate the driving variables behind these changes, factors associated to each method were examined, showing that the main differences in the methods and concentrations obtained were related to the amount of water volume sampled, the mesh size (or minimum size reported), and whether microfibres were considered in the studies. Concentrations were highly and negatively correlated with the volume sampled (cor = -0.82; p < 0.001). This pattern was maintained within each sampling method. Differences of several orders of magnitude were found in the abundances obtained depending on the volume sampled, irrespective of the sampling instrument used. While the typical particle size distribution indicates that the smaller the particles, the larger the number, this was not the case when lower sampling volumes (< 0.1 m3) were grouped by minimum size reported. Furthermore, analysis by particle type (microplastics particles versus microfibres) showed a predominance of microplastics particles in the higher volume samples, while this was not observed in the lower volume samples. Depending on the method used, when microfibres are reported, the variability in abundances may not reflect environmental distributions, adding large variability and differences in particle size distributions and type of microplastics. Results obtained from lower volume sampling may be biased, e.g., influenced by cross-contamination of microfibres, because small variations in particle counts could magnify errors when extrapolated to larger volumes. This study shows that concentrations of microplastics can be comparable, regardless of sampling approach used, if the limitations of the methodology are known in relation to the volume sampled, the size spectrum reported and whether microfibres are counted.

How to cite: Sánchez-Guerrero-Hernández, M. J., Quintana, R., Manzano-Medina, S., Vélez-Nicolás, M., Everaert, G., Catarino, A. I., Miranda, M. N., and González-Fernández, D.: The assessment of microplastic and microfibres in freshwater systems through different sampling methods reveals causes of incomparability., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13851,, 2025.

EGU25-14600 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

A novel approach for the quantification of the mass of micro and nanoplastic particles from filter samples 

Patrick Martens, Monica Arienzo, and Judith Chow

The widespread use and improper disposal of plastics have led to significant pollution in oceans, rivers, and landfills by these materials. This pollution threatens biodiversity and the health of ecosystems. Improperly disposed, large plastic waste may breakdown into small microplastics (5mm), which enter the food chain through ingestion by wildlife and thus also poses a serious concern to humans.

Traditionally, the detection of these particles is almost exclusively carried out by spectroscopic methods, such as infrared and Raman spectroscopy, while electron microscopy and thermoanalytical methods are not widely used tools in microplastic studies. This leads to major knowledge gaps in the degradation and environmental fate of plastic pollution, particularly for nanoplastic particles since the most used spectroscopic and visual detection methods have lower spatial resolution of ca. 20 µm (FTIR) and 1 µm (Raman), leading to a lower size cut-off. This leaves a gap for thermoanalytical methods, which can analyze plastic particles regardless of their size and are able to build a relationship, effectively trading information on polymer-specific particle size distributions for information on the mass of particles of a certain polymer.

We present a novel approach that combines a multiwavelength carbon analyzer with a photoionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer for analysis of microplastic particles from quartz fiber filters. The temperature of the oven of the carbon analyzer is continuously ramped with ca 20 °C min-1 to trigger the thermal decomposition of different plastic polymers (Figure 1 top panel). The major fraction of the evolving pyrolysis gas is passed over MnO2 substrate, which is held at 850°C for complete oxidation of carbonaceous gases. The forming CO2 is transferred to a non-dispersive infrared spectrometer for quantification of the total carbonaceous material. A minor fraction of the evolving pyrolysis gas from the decomposition of the plastic is sampled by a photoionization mass spectrometer upstream of the MnO2 substrate to capture the chemical composition of the evolving gases. The information of the mass spectrometer is used for specifying and quantifying individual polymer types.

Figure 1 Deconvolution of a mixture of polystyrene particles (blue), polyethylene terephthalate (yellow), and high-density polyethylene (red-orange) by the photoionization mass spectrometer. The top panel shows the sequential evolution of the individual polymers during analysis, and the lower panels show the polymer specific mass spectra used to identify the individual plastic types.

How to cite: Martens, P., Arienzo, M., and Chow, J.: A novel approach for the quantification of the mass of micro and nanoplastic particles from filter samples, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14600,, 2025.

EGU25-15419 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Evaluating Riverine Litter Monitoring Methods: A Comparative Study of Visual and Camera-Based Approaches 

Jur van Wijk, Paul Vriend, Riccardo Taormina, and Thomas Mani

Riverine litter pollution poses substantial environmental challenges, necessitating effective monitoring techniques to assess and mitigate this environmental impact. Existing methods for monitoring riverine litter vary widely in quality, cost, ease of implementation and performance. The difference of these factors for different monitoring techniques remains underexplored, limiting the ability to effectively monitor floating litter flux over long time periods.

This study addresses this gap by evaluating four methods for riverine waste monitoring: (1) visual observations by human observers, (2) manual counting from camera images, (3) manual counting of AI-filtered camera images, and (4) fully automated AI-based counting of camera images. The evaluation focuses on two key objectives: assessing how well each method's recovery rate aligns with ground truth data and comparing plastic flux estimates derived from each method.

To this end, experiments are conducted in a semi-controlled waterway (lock). During these experiments, plastic litter is released in the water at random intervals to simulate natural litter transport. Human observers located on a bridge over the water count the floating litter and record data using the JRC Floating Litter Monitoring app. Simultaneously, high-resolution cameras capture images of the floating litter for the three camera-based methods. The flux estimates, as well as the implementation and the scalability of the different methods will be compared, to assess their overall effectiveness in monitoring. The study will provide insights into the strengths and limitations of each monitoring method, offering a basis for selecting the most suitable approach for various scenarios. This comparative evaluation will bridge a critical research gap, contributing to the development of more efficient monitoring strategies for addressing plastic pollution in waterways.

How to cite: van Wijk, J., Vriend, P., Taormina, R., and Mani, T.: Evaluating Riverine Litter Monitoring Methods: A Comparative Study of Visual and Camera-Based Approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15419,, 2025.

EGU25-15691 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Integrating participatory science with official programmes using Bayesian machine learning to estimate beach macroplastic pollution in Spain 

Niclas Rieger, Estrella Olmedo, Beatriz Sánchez Fernández, Pilar Zorzo, Estibaliz López-Samaniego, Vanessa-Sarah Salvo, Laura Corredor, and Jaume Piera

The integration of participatory science (PS) data into official monitoring frameworks offers a promising pathway to enhance the spatial and temporal coverage of environmental assessments. Significant efforts have been made within the framework of the Spanish National Marine Strategy, which transposes the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (56/2008/EC), to integrate citizen science data, particularly regarding the impacts of macroplastics. In this study, we analyze the methodological challenges and potential efficiencies of integrating official monitoring programme data on marine litter on beaches with participatory science data in Spain using Bayesian machine learning.

Leveraging a flexible Gaussian Process Regression framework, we model the spatial distribution of beach litter pollution along the Spanish coastline, accounting for the differing uncertainties inherent to the two data sources. This data-driven approach enables us to produce robust estimations of macroplastic pollution levels with associated uncertainty maps and identify locations where PS contributions significantly reduce the uncertainty of official monitoring efforts. Preliminary results include spatial predictions of marine beach litter density, uncertainty quantification along Spanish coastlines, and insights into the added value of PS data for underrepresented regions.

Beyond providing actionable insights for Spain, this study presents a globally adaptable blueprint for the assimilation of participatory science data into official environmental monitoring programmes. The present study demonstrates the potential of combining machine learning, official monitoring programmes and participatory science to achieve actionable science, with the aim of strengthening policy, optimising resource allocation and enhancing coastal management practices on a global scale.

How to cite: Rieger, N., Olmedo, E., Sánchez Fernández, B., Zorzo, P., López-Samaniego, E., Salvo, V.-S., Corredor, L., and Piera, J.: Integrating participatory science with official programmes using Bayesian machine learning to estimate beach macroplastic pollution in Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15691,, 2025.

EGU25-16100 | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Microplastic incorporation into soil aggregates: Insights from two-year field experiments in European agricultural topsoils 

Melanie Braun, Max Gross, Christina Bogner, Larissa Hennig, Rene Heyse, Rachel Hurley, Johannes Leonhardt, Virtudes Martínez-Hernández, Luca Nizzetto, Ribana Roscher, Paula E. Redondo-Hasselerharm, Vera Schlierenkamp, Salla Selonen, Helena Soinne, and Wulf Amelung

Agricultural plastic mulch films are widely used in vegetable production to optimise soil temperature, moisture retention and weed control. However, they are also an important pathway for plastics to enter the soil, where they degrade over time into microplastics (MPs). The fate of these MPs in soil is still uncertain, however it is assumed that embedment in soil aggregates will protect MPs from further degradation.

The aim of this study was to investigate i) how much of the MPs from biodegradable and conventional films in European topsoils are occluded within soil aggregates, ii) if soil properties control this occlusion, and iii) whether certain sizes and shapes of MPs are favoured for the embedment.

To answer these questions, we analysed samples from field plot trials in Finland, Spain and Germany where MPs (< 1 mm) derived from recycled low-density polyethylene and starch - polybutylene adipate terephthalate films were incorporated into topsoil (0-10 cm) at a concentration of 0.05%. Barley was grown there in two consecutive years and soil samples were taken immediately after harvest.

Free MPs and MPs embedded in soil aggregates were separated using a combination of plastic extraction (density separation and organic matter digestion) and aggregate separation techniques (ultrasonication and shaking). The size and shape of MPs were analysed using a UNet model applied to digital microscopic images.

Our results showed that up to 80% of MPs are embedded in soil aggregates, with the highest proportions found in Spain, followed by Germany and Finland. Significant differences in the distribution of MPs inside and outside aggregates were observed in both Spain and Finland. The clay content had a significant effect on the occlusion of the MP in the aggregates. MPs embedded in aggregates were on average 2.5 times smaller than those outside, with most of them being smaller than 100 µm. We conclude that large portions of MPs are embedded in soil aggregates, how this affect their fate must now be analysed (see Groß et al., (EGU 2025): Microplastic degradation in agricultural soils across Europe: Comparative study of MPs inside and outside soil aggregates over two years).

How to cite: Braun, M., Gross, M., Bogner, C., Hennig, L., Heyse, R., Hurley, R., Leonhardt, J., Martínez-Hernández, V., Nizzetto, L., Roscher, R., Redondo-Hasselerharm, P. E., Schlierenkamp, V., Selonen, S., Soinne, H., and Amelung, W.: Microplastic incorporation into soil aggregates: Insights from two-year field experiments in European agricultural topsoils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16100,, 2025.

EGU25-16101 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Microplastic alteration in agricultural soils across Europe: Comparative study of MPs inside and outside soil aggregates over two years 

Max Groß, Wulf Amelung, Rafaela Debastiani, Larissa Hennig, Rachel Hurley, Matthias Mail, Virtudes Martínez-Hernández, Luca Nizzetto, Paula Redondo-Hasselerharm, Torsten Scherer, Salla Selonen, Helena Soinne, and Melanie Braun

Soils are considered to be a major sink for microplastics (MPs) in the environment, with the application of agricultural mulch films being one of the most important pathways to enter soil. Once in the soil, plastic particles are exposed to various environmental factors leading to MP ageing, characterised by morphological and structural changes. Soil aggregates can play a crucial role for these degradation processes, potentially preserving MP within them.

Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the degradation differences between MPs originating from mulching films inside and outside of soil aggregates over a two-year exposure period in European agricultural topsoils.

To do so, we analysed samples from field plot trials in Finland, Spain and Germany where MPs (< 1 mm) derived from recycled low-density polyethylene and starch - polybutylene adipate terephthalate films were incorporated into topsoil (0-10 cm) at a concentration of 0.05%. Barley was grown there in two consecutive years and soil samples were taken immediately after harvest.

Free MP and MP embedded in soil aggregates were separated using a combination of plastic extraction and aggregate separation techniques, ensuring that these methods did not alter the surface or structure of the MPs. The degradation state was assessed using a correlative multimodal approach, including scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), nano-computed tomography (nano-CT) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).

Exposure to soil resulted in significant ageing effects of MPs, such as surface cracking, increased oxygen content and the formation of new functional group, a higher proportion of pores, and the attachment of microorganisms. Notably, the ageing effects were more pronounced for MPs outside the aggregates compared to those embedded in the aggregates. In addition, differences were observed that were influenced by the specific conditions in each country. The results of this study reflect the complexity of environmental ageing, which depends on the soil conditions in each country. In conclusion, aggregates protect MPs from degradation, favouring plastic accumulation in the soil.

How to cite: Groß, M., Amelung, W., Debastiani, R., Hennig, L., Hurley, R., Mail, M., Martínez-Hernández, V., Nizzetto, L., Redondo-Hasselerharm, P., Scherer, T., Selonen, S., Soinne, H., and Braun, M.: Microplastic alteration in agricultural soils across Europe: Comparative study of MPs inside and outside soil aggregates over two years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16101,, 2025.

EGU25-16127 | Posters on site | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Large-scale spatial analysis of sources and transport mechanisms of plastic litter to Icelandic beaches 

Jonathan Dick, Sarah Dalrymple, and Timothy Lane

Beaches are known sinks of plastic waste at the macro to micro scales but our understanding of the processes driving this is poor due to differing sources and complex transportation mechanisms ranging from windblown deposition of ocean bound plastic to direct deposition from nearby anthropogenic activities. Additionally, while studies are numerous and have pointed to complex sources and transportation/deposition mechanisms they have often suffered from limited spatial extents or taken place over large time scales.

This study presents a large spatial scale snapshot survey of beach macro and mesoplastic litter from beaches around the coast of Iceland. Beaches were selected to cover a wide variety of different attributes including geomorphology, aspect, and land uses with the aim of allowing investigation of sources and supply mechanisms without the impact of changing meteorological conditions. Beaches were surveyed for plastic using an OSPAR and quadrat-based sampling methodology with quadrats employed to sample for mesoplastic (5-25mm) particles within the sediment that would otherwise be missed during a standard OSPAR survey. Collected plastic particles were measured, weighed, and identified where possible, with polymer types determined through laboratory FTIR analysis. Statistical analyses combined these results with environmental and geographical data to investigate the sources and transport mechanisms driving plastic deposition.

The results revealed large variability in plastic litter numbers and density on the beaches ranging from 0 to >20 items per m2, with the greatest plastic litter concentrations being identified in the more remote locations sampled. The sources of plastic to beaches also showed variability, with some beaches having larger fractions of plastic attributable to terrestrial activities or near-by industrial uses. Analyses highlighted a complex range of sources and transportation mechanisms related to prevalent wind directions, anthropogenic activities, and even sediment calibre. Additionally, results also highlighted a relationship between beach management and concentrations of mesoplastic litter within the sediment suggesting that even infrequent beach litter management may lead to significantly smaller plastic pollution concentrations within beach sediment.

How to cite: Dick, J., Dalrymple, S., and Lane, T.: Large-scale spatial analysis of sources and transport mechanisms of plastic litter to Icelandic beaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16127,, 2025.

Quantifying plastic pollution is a key activity to unlock: understanding of plastic transport processes; verification of modelling efforts; baseline estimations at river basin level; performance measurement of cleanup efforts; and others. Visual counting and visual classification are cornerstone methodologies to quantify macroplastic fluxes in rivers, providing comparable datasets and replicable methodologies. This study compares monitoring conducted in 50 locations over the past 10 years; it includes some datasets already published while others are novel. This is a growing dataset, part of ongoing monitoring efforts. Most data collection was done so far in Southeast Asia (>50% of surveys), while efforts in Central America (appr. 16%) were done mostly within the same river basin in Guatemala. The dataset covers 37 rivers and also include a few surveys in North America, Europe and Africa (appr. 7%). Most of the surveys were conducted in natural waterways, with widths varying between 6 and 550 meters, while at least 40% were up to 100 meters in width. In this study, we compare these datasets in terms of fluxes and composition and assess what they can tell about plastic pollution and its correlation with the environment (e.g. precipitation, flow regime, tides). We also discuss opportunities and shortcomings in the methodology and its applicability in such diverse contexts. The main outlook is that these findings reflect the diversity of fluxes and composition across different river systems. These methodologies can be a cost-effective tool to bridge the gap in quantifying plastic pollution across the globe, whilst other techniques (e.g. camera-driven, GPS drifters), can cover its limitations or complement the efforts.

How to cite: Assumpção, T. H., Higgins, D., Correia, R., and Pinson, S.: Exploring visual counting and visual classification as monitoring tools to quantify macroplastic emissions: findings from 50 campaigns across the globe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17725,, 2025.

EGU25-18045 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

The value of Crowd-sourced data in Image-based River Plastic Detection 

Khim Cathleen Saddi, Domenico Miglino, Aung Chit Moe, Cristina Caramiello, Matteo Poggi, Ilja van Meerveld, Tim H. M. van Emmerik, and Salvatore Manfreda

Recent advances in hydrological monitoring using different camera systems provide a huge potential in long-term monitoring of plastic transport, which is necessary to find the plastic sources and to monitor any progress in efforts to reduce riverine plastic transport. The high interest in using machine learning in different environmental monitoring applications allowed the fast development of models aimed to translate manual visual to computer vision monitoring. However, there is still a lack of robust plastic image datasets that could support machine learning models to detect different plastic classes (i.e., plastic bag, plastic bottle, plastic straw, etc.) that are found in the environment. 

In this study, we aimed to identify which data features could be useful to enhance the capabilities of the YOLO series of models (i.e., YOLO World, YOLO NAS, YOLOv8, YOLOv10, YOLOv11) initially trained using a merged dataset (999 images, 15,212 annotations, and 13 plastic classes) taken from different countries (Indonesia, The Netherlands and Vietnam). In addition, we used crowd-sourced images data of river plastics collected with the CrowdWater app (, a citizen science app that allows users to report plastic pollution in water bodies. The data was fed to the models for detection 0 (first plastic detection which generates initial labels for iterative training later), in which those learned are considered redundant and unlearned essential–auto image curation. These labels were validated through manual label curation and adjustment. The essential data was added to the existing dataset to fine tune the set of models and the auto image curation will be run again for at least 10 iterations. The performance of these models has been compared for the base dataset (existing and all crowd data) and the optimized dataset (existing and curated crowd data). 

This work leverages the value of utilising crowd-sourced diverse data, without the need for a big dataset or a complex algorithm architecture, to implement river plastic detection from local to global scale in the future.


Keywords: river plastic monitoring, crowdwater, image-based object detection

How to cite: Saddi, K. C., Miglino, D., Moe, A. C., Caramiello, C., Poggi, M., van Meerveld, I., van Emmerik, T. H. M., and Manfreda, S.: The value of Crowd-sourced data in Image-based River Plastic Detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18045,, 2025.

Introducing RUMBA: Revealing underwater macroplastic pollution using acoustic backscatter


Session: ITS3.19/HS12.4: Advances in plastic pollution monitoring across the Geosphere 


The ever-increasing production of (single use) plastics has led to enormous amounts of pollution, threatening ecosystems, livelihood, safety and human health. Large quantities of the littered plastics are trapped in or transported by rivers. Methods for monitoring plastics in rivers mostly focus on floating or deposited plastics, while recent studies show that a substantial proportion of plastics are transported below the water surface. At this stage, mainly nets and heavy machinery are used, making them labor-intensive, expensive and invasive. They are therefore limited to occasional spot measurements.


The RUMBA project aims to detect underwater macroplastic pollution (>5 mm) in rivers using acoustic backscatter. While acoustic sensor shows promise for plastic detection (Boon et al., 2023), a comprehensive understanding of how backscatter varies with item characteristics (size, shape, composition, and orientation) under different environmental conditions is still needed. We will test this during controlled, semi-controlled, and uncontrolled settings in Europe and Asia.


In this poster presentation we will discuss the aims of RUMBA:(1) identify and distinguish the most common underwater macroplastics, (2) develop an automated detection method, (3) apply and validate the method in field conditions, and (4) use unique historical datasets to uncover trends in plastic transport in Dutch rivers.


We anticipate that the results from RUMBA have the potential to provide continuous and/or cross-sectional estimates of underwater plastic transport in rivers, along with measurements of current and sediment concentration. By providing insights into the impact of past interventions on plastic pollution and enabling accurate identification of sources and sinks of plastic litter, this approach could support more effective mitigation and remediation efforts.



Boon, A., et al. (2023). Detection of suspended macroplastics using acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) echo. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 1231595.

How to cite: Liese, N., van Emmerik, T., Waldschlager, K., and Ton, H.: Introducing RUMBA: Revealing underwater macroplastic pollution using acoustic backscatterIntroducing RUMBA: Revealing underwater macroplastic pollution using acoustic backscatter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18257,, 2025.

EGU25-19847 | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Improving monitoring, analysis and reporting to assess plastic pollution: a matter of comparability 

Daniel González-Fernández, Miguel Jorge Sánchez-Guerrero-Hernández, Mercedes Vélez-Nicolás, Rocío Quintana, Sandra Manzano, Miranda Stibora, Ana Isabel Catarino, Mariana Nogueira Miranda, and Gert Everaert

It has been two decades since scientists started reporting microplastic data in the marine environment. During that time, research on plastic pollution in aquatic systems has evolved rapidly and expanded from the ocean to upstream sources in the river basins. Despite the progress made in acquiring new data and knowledge, the issue of harmonizing methodologies for monitoring, analysis and reporting plastic pollution remains open, hindering data comparison. In the case of microplastic studies, intrinsic questions persist nowadays, e.g., representativeness of samples, minimum and maximum size of items, item size distributions, contamination of samples, meaningful polymer analyses, etc., although these issues were identified a decade ago [1] . In this work, we assessed current issues related to monitoring, analysis and reporting plastic pollution, based on a global literature review (ca. 600 studies) via the Riverine Litter Database (RLDB) implemented under the Horizon Europe Project INSPIRE, and propose a ‘requirement list’ on how to process field data to improve reporting for comparability of results.

We identified that, during monitoring, sampling size was frequently not adapted to answer the scientific question in place, meaning the samples were too small to cover in a representative way the selected size ranges (micro-, meso-, and macroplastic), hindering assessment of both spatial and temporal variability. Analyses were often incomplete, lacking essential information such as particle size distribution and polymer identification based on statistical requirements. As a general overview, we highlight that, besides the quality of the monitoring and analysis methodologies, data reporting was missing important metadata and data in many studies. Some of that missing information would imply elementary data, like GPS location, date, sample size and number of particles identified per sample. Furthermore, a large part of our ‘requirement list’ for data reporting was mostly not accessible or had not been considered during the sample analyses, which would include reporting on particle size and mass distributions, concentrations per size bins (beyond distinguishing only among micro-, meso- and macroplastics concentrations), or making accessible raw data at particle level for microplastics or harmonised item classification for macroplastics. Such details would facilitate framing the significance of the results of each study and improve comparability. In INSPIRE, we implement a data processing framework following a common guideline with elementary and advance requirements for data harmonization to improve reporting of results for extended comparability, making existing data more accessible and reusable.

How to cite: González-Fernández, D., Sánchez-Guerrero-Hernández, M. J., Vélez-Nicolás, M., Quintana, R., Manzano, S., Stibora, M., Catarino, A. I., Miranda, M. N., and Everaert, G.: Improving monitoring, analysis and reporting to assess plastic pollution: a matter of comparability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19847,, 2025.

EGU25-20432 | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

Comparison of Atmospheric Microplastic in remote and urban locations in Norway; occurrence, composition and sources 

Dorte Herzke, Natascha Schmidt, Dorothea Schulze, Sabine Eckhardt, and Nikolaos Evangeliou

Ocean currents originating in the south of Europe have been proposed to function as major transport routes of microplastics from the more densely populated southern areas in Europe to the Arctic. However, given the limited empirical data and lack of harmonized methodologies for sample collection, little is known about the role urban sites play as emission sources. Here we present the outcomes of a study applying passive and active air-samplers for wet and dry deposition on two remote monitoring stations, Ny Ålesund (Svalbard) in the High Norwegian Arctic, and at Birkenes in mainland Norway in 2022, 2023 and 2024. We complement the results with samples collected in three Norwegian cities (Tromsø, Trondheim and Oslo). Bi-weekly samples were collected during the period of June-December in 2022 and 2023 for the Norwegian onshore samples and during June 2021 and 2023 for the arctic offshore samples. In 2024 we sampled from January to December with the same approach. We used full metal bulk precipitation samplers and suspended air samplers (Innovation NILU’s Atmospheric Microplastic Collector).

All samples were handled under strict QA/QC requirements, with all sample treatment occurring in controlled conditions of clean rooms and laminar flow cabinets. After filtration on a GF/F filter, polymer determination was performed by pyr-GC/MS (Frontier lab multi shot pyrolizer EGA/PY 3030D connected to a Frontier lab AS 1020E Auto shot sampler connected to a ThermoScience TSQ9000 GC/MS/MS). All samples were accompanied with field and procedural blanks. Results were further analysed with respect to their spatial origin and long-range transport using the Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART.

MP concentrations in deposition samples were more than 10000-times higher than in active samples, and Arctic samples were in general lower than samples from the Norwegian mainland.


Rubber from car tires and Nylon dominated most samples, followed by PMMA and PVC. While tire wear particles (TWP) and Nylon dominate in the Norwegian mainland samples, contribute almost every of the measured polymers to the samples from Zeppelin station, Svalbard. MP concentrations in deposition samples were more than 10-times higher than in active samples, and remote samples were lower than samples from the urban sites. The prevalence of TWP in most samples, and especially in urban samples, indicates the important role TWP play in the overall inventory of atmospheric microplastic. Seasonal variations could be observed at all sites as well, with increasing microplastic concentrations found in the fall. Results were further analysed with respect to their spatial origin and long-range transport using the Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART. Seaspray, roaddust and agricultural sources were among the main sources identified by the model.


How to cite: Herzke, D., Schmidt, N., Schulze, D., Eckhardt, S., and Evangeliou, N.: Comparison of Atmospheric Microplastic in remote and urban locations in Norway; occurrence, composition and sources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20432,, 2025.

EGU25-21807 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.19/HS12.4

The urban microplastic footprint: investigating the distribution and transport 

Inês Leitão, Loes van Schaik, Antonio Ferreira, and Violette Geissen

Plastic pollution has become an escalating global issue, with large quantities of plastics being produced and taking a long time to degrade in the environment. Once in the environment, plastics break down into microplastics (<5 mm), which have been detected in various environmental compartments worldwide. Microplastics contribute to pollution in water, air, and soil, with consequences for the normal functioning of the ecosystems, and have been linked to human health concerns. The growing urban population has exacerbated pollution, particularly in cities. Urban areas are significant pollution sources, with roads, industrial activities, wastewater and landfills serving as key hotspots. Pollutants like microplastics are transported from these sources through pathways such as wind and rain, making it difficult to quantify, manage, and remediate them – an ongoing challenge recognized by the European Commission.
Experts emphasize that green urban areas can act as natural filters for pollutants, including microplastics, by capturing them in vegetation. These areas can help control the transport of pollutants. While much is known about microplastic contamination, further investigation is needed into their presence in soils, their transport mechanisms, and the role of vegetation in filtering microplastics, particularly in urban environments.
This study focuses on (1) the spatial distribution of microplastics in urban soils across different land uses, and in runoff and streams waters, (2) their transport via atmospheric deposition and wind erosion, and (3) their deposition in vegetation, including grass and tree leaves. Coimbra, a medium-sized city in central Portugal, serves as the case study. Soil, sediment, water, and vegetation samples were collected from Coimbra and analyzed at Wageningen University & Research labs. Microplastics were extracted using density separation with Sodium Phosphate solution (~1.4 g cm−3) and filtration methods, then visualized under a stereo microscope and identified using u-FTIR.

How to cite: Leitão, I., van Schaik, L., Ferreira, A., and Geissen, V.: The urban microplastic footprint: investigating the distribution and transport, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21807,, 2025.

EGU25-12575 | Posters on site | ITS3.20/AS4.19 | Highlight

Artificial Intelligence as  a tool for upholding human rights in disaster management: A Case Study of Wayanad landslides 

Dr Sanju v k, Dr sajikumar n l, and saina s asok

Artificial intelligence as a tool for upholding humanrights in disaster management: A case study of wayanad landslides

            Dr n l  sajikumar ,Associate Professor, Government Law College, Kerala, India

                    Dr Sanju.V.K Associate Professor, GovernmentLaw College, Kerala, India

                   saina S Asok, LL.M, Arbitration, Jindal Global Law School, Haryana, India


The study is based on the report and assessment of materials collected from various sources with respect to the landslide disaster in Waynad ,Kerala, India  that occurred in 2024,wherein there were loss of human lives as well as property that resulted in huge commercial loss endangering human rights. This incident led the researchers to explore the application of artificial intelligence in detecting the possibility of such disasters and protecting the human rights of the people.

Approximately 24% of the Earth's land features uneven surfaces, which are home to around 12% of the global population. In areas characterized by such irregular landscapes, the likelihood of soil and rock mass movement, referred to as landslides, is significantly increased due to the direct effect of gravity. In this scenario the researchers intend to explore the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing human rights protection during disaster management, focusing on the Wayanad landslides in Kerala,, the Gods own country in India. . In India, areas like Wayanad in Kerala are prone to landslides due to their unique topography and climatic conditions. A Case Study of Wayanad Landslides natural disasters pose significant threats to human rights, particularly in vulnerable regions of the world The catastrophic landslides in Wayanad in 2024   underscored the necessity for innovative disaster management approaches that leverage technology to protect lives and uphold human rights. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a pivotal tool in disaster management, offering predictive analytics, resource optimization, and effective response strategies. This article explores the potential of AI in enhancing disaster management practices, specifically focusing on the case of the Wayanad landslides and its implications for human rights .Disasters can severely infringe on human rights, including the right to life, health, and a safe environment. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction emphasizes the need to integrate human rights considerations into disaster risk reduction and management strategies. In the case of Wayanad, the landslides resulted in widespread destruction of homes, displacement of communities, and loss of life, highlighting the urgent need for effective disaster preparedness and response mechanisms. In this scenario the researchers intent to introspect the need for leveraging Artificial intelligence technology to forecast landslides  for an early warning systems employing AI algorithms can significantly improve response times and enable communities to evacuate before disasters strike, thereby protecting lives and minimizing human rights violations.

Keywords-Artificial intelligence-Landslides-Waynad-Disaster management-Human Rights

How to cite: v k, D. S., n l, D. S., and s asok, S.: Artificial Intelligence as  a tool for upholding human rights in disaster management: A Case Study of Wayanad landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12575,, 2025.

EGU25-16460 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.20/AS4.19

Advanced Diagnostic and Forecast System of Icing Conditions for UAV Operational Safety 

Satyanarayana Tani, Helmut Paultisch, Robin Deutsch, Arno Fallast, Thomas Neubauer, Markus Kucera, and Reinhard Puffing

The increasing use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) across various sectors underscores the necessity for thorough testing under diverse meteorological conditions to ensure operational safety and reliability. The IFIRE project, led by AIRlabs Austria in collaboration with Pegasus Research & Development GmbH, Graz University of Technology, and FH JOANNEUM, addresses this important challenge by focusing on assessing UAV performance in adverse weather conditions, particularly in relation to icing.

The primary objective of the project is to enhance aviation safety and efficiency by integrating advanced weather diagnostic and forecasting capabilities into UAV operations. A comprehensive methodology is proposed, which includes developing a sophisticated weather forecast model, machine learning approaches, conducting flight tests to collect critical data, and evaluating natural icing conditions at the Steinalpl test site in Austria. IFIRE aims to establish new safety and reliability benchmarks for UAVs by creating a state-of-the-art flight-testing area specifically designed for natural icing conditions. The multidisciplinary consortium brings together technical, regulatory, environmental, and operational expertise to address the challenges of UAV testing in icy environments. Information on the initial phase of the project and future steps will be presented.

How to cite: Tani, S., Paultisch, H., Deutsch, R., Fallast, A., Neubauer, T., Kucera, M., and Puffing, R.: Advanced Diagnostic and Forecast System of Icing Conditions for UAV Operational Safety, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16460,, 2025.

EGU25-17964 | Posters on site | ITS3.20/AS4.19

City Climate Monitoring System for Zürich, Basel and Tallinn 

Heinrich Walter Denzer, Karl Grutbrod, Nico Bader, and Sebastian Schloegl

A fully automated IoT measurement network was installed in these 3 cities' urban areas (as well as in the surrounding rural areas), measuring air temperature and precipitation at typically ≥50 different locations selected according to scientific and social criteria, covering all local climate zones and points of interest, in places where the (much more costly) official WMO-standard stations can not operate due to technical restrictions. Where available, data from existing measurement systems were be integrated into the processing chain. The real-time IoT monitoring system was calibrated with local WMO-standard quality-controlled measurements,  utilised satellite data and micro-scale models developed by meteoblue,  to generate special city climate maps (e.g., heat maps which detect and visualise the urban heat island effect at the spatial resolution of 10 m, cold air flow maps, or precipitation risk maps). The real-time monitoring system and resulting maps were integrated into existing city management platforms.

Applications include using these data with a surface energy balance model to calculate possible options for climate change adaptation measures (e.g., roof greening, irrigation, de-sealing of surfaces) for urban hot-spots, to select the best adaptation strategies for parts of the city. Additionally, the effectiveness of  climate change adaptation measures in the process of being implemented can be tracked, so the economic effectiveness of the measures can be assessed, by comparing with other locations where no adjustment took place.

The combination of IoT network and Microscale modelling provides better results of modelling, cold air flow tracking and  measuring adaptation effectiveness at a significantly lower cost of implementation and operation than alternative methods.

How to cite: Denzer, H. W., Grutbrod, K., Bader, N., and Schloegl, S.: City Climate Monitoring System for Zürich, Basel and Tallinn, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17964,, 2025.

This presentation shows the role of weather informatics in addressing critical societal challenges by integrating meteorological science with advanced data analytics and user-centric geospatial visualization tools. Key innovations include high-resolution weather forecasting, radar and satellite data processing, and real-time sensor network integration with robust visualization platforms designed to meet operational demands.

At the core of this approach is the Weather Image Information System (WIIS), a weather informatics platform created to process, analyse, and share extensive volumes of meteorological image data. By integrating diverse data sources—including satellite systems, ground-based radars, and real-time sensor networks—WIIS generates high-resolution imagery, enabling precise monitoring of weather patterns. This system offers interactive geospatial maps, dynamic weather animations, and customizable overlays, facilitating detailed analysis of atmospheric phenomena and enhancing real-time situational awareness.

WIIS also provides advanced decision-support capabilities, allowing users to set customizable alert thresholds for severe weather events. These features enable proactive disaster preparedness, safeguard operational continuity, and support critical infrastructure in the energy and transport sectors.

How to cite: Paulitsch, H. and Tani, S.: Advancing Weather Informatics for Meteorological Data Management and Decision Support Systems in the Energy and Transport Sectors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18359,, 2025.

ITS4 – Risk, Resilience and Adaptation

EGU25-821 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Development and Validation of a Tipping Element Emulator Integrated into a Simplified Climate Model to Simulate the AMOC Collapse 

Amaury Laridon, Victor Couplet, Wim Thiery, and Michel Crucifix

Despite its potential future collapse and profound impacts, assessing the tipping dynamics of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) remains a significant challenge. Complex models such as Earth System Models (ESMs) and Earth System Models of Intermediate Complexity (EMICs) introduce substantial uncertainties in identifying tipping points. To address this, recent research has focused on developing conceptual models based on non-linear dynamics to capture the tipping behavior of the system. However, existing conceptual models typically simulate the AMOC response to a single temperature forcing, whereas it is well established that the AMOC is also influenced by freshwater flux.

In this study, we develop and validate an AMOC Tipping Calibration module that incorporates two forcing parameters: global mean temperature and freshwater flux. This module is designed as an emulator for the AMOC response within cGenie, an EMIC. Following validation, the emulator is integrated into SURFER, a simplified climate model that enables rapid and efficient simulations of AMOC trajectories under various scenario-based pathways. Our results show that incorporating both forcing parameters improves the accuracy of AMOC trajectory predictions. The methodology used to develop the two-parameter emulator is generalizable and can be applied to other tipping elements. By facilitating a greater number of simulations than complex models while maintaining calibration to them, this tool represents a significant advancement in exploring and understanding the potential future behaviour of the AMOC and other tipping elements.

How to cite: Laridon, A., Couplet, V., Thiery, W., and Crucifix, M.: Development and Validation of a Tipping Element Emulator Integrated into a Simplified Climate Model to Simulate the AMOC Collapse, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-821,, 2025.

EGU25-859 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3 | Highlight

Reconciled warning signals in observations and models indicate a nearing AMOC tipping point  

Yechul Shin, Ji-Hoon Oh, Niklas Boers, Sebastian Bathiany, Marius Årthun, Huiji Lee, Tomoki Iwakiri, Geon-Il Kim, Hanjun Kim, and Jong-Seong Kug

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), as recorded in paleoclimate proxies, is one of the climate systems with a potential abrupt transition. Increasing identification of statistical signals—critical slowing down—in observational fingerprints empirically raises concerns that the system may be approaching a tipping point. However, state-of-the-art Earth System Models (ESMs) rarely project an abrupt collapse of AMOC, and its loss of stability has yet to be thoroughly investigated, leaving it unclear whether warning signals of AMOC tipping is overlooked in ESMs or exaggerated in fingerprints. Here, a warning signal over the deep convection site of AMOC is consistently identified in both observations and ESM, and we present that the currently observed signal is reconciled with the modeled one, with warming exceeding the Paris Agreement goal. This warning signal is in accordance with physical stability of the AMOC, the AMOC-induced freshwater convergence into the Atlantic basin, is overestimated in the ESM, so that it projects a delayed tipping point. These results suggest that the observed AMOC is approaching a tipping point akin to the projections of models simulating a much warmer Earth, underscoring potentially overlooked risks in ESMs assessments.

How to cite: Shin, Y., Oh, J.-H., Boers, N., Bathiany, S., Årthun, M., Lee, H., Iwakiri, T., Kim, G.-I., Kim, H., and Kug, J.-S.: Reconciled warning signals in observations and models indicate a nearing AMOC tipping point , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-859,, 2025.

In this paper, I explore how to assess technologies’ potential to aid a sustainable transformation via societal tipping points. I do this by providing a definition of sustainability that combines justice, well-being, and the value of nature with insights from value-sensitive design and the technology assessment literature. This exploration serves as an additional consideration for the developing societal tipping point scholarship. I argue that research surrounding societal tipping points can be meaningfully bolstered through philosophical reflection on the inherent ethical implications of sustainability, and the value-ladenness of technological development. There is a salient push within various strands of climate adaptation and sustainable transition scholarship towards systems thinking. In order to reorient society within the Anthropocene, and to adapt to a destabilized climate, such scholarship argues that the underlying subsystems society currently relies on need to change. Conceiving societal structures, such as institutional, political, and financial arrangements, the various planetary spheres (bio-, cryo-, hydro-, atmo-, and geosphere), and the techno-scientific infrastructure as interdependent systems has heuristic and practical allure. As a heuristic, it allows researchers and policymakers to account for the numerous interrelated systems that affect climate change and environmental degradation. Practically, this heuristic should enable the identification of impactful and sustainable action. Knowing how the subsystems interoperate, what drives them, and what function they provide, accordingly serves as a baseline to identify possible leverage points to change them. Conceptually mirroring climate tipping points, there is growing interest in societal tipping points as possible catalysts for decisive climate action. This interest is premised on the idea that societal tipping points within a currently unsustainable global societal-ecological-technical system can be identified and operationalized in order to tip the system (or subsystems) into a sustainable direction This premise raises at least two critical issues that have so far received little attention. First, the question arises what tipping towards a more sustainable system would look like. The concept of sustainability is arguably vague, especially when it comes to its aptness in describing climate action. Answering this question requires a reflective and ethically thick conception of sustainability, which in turn, needs to represent a future-oriented conception of justice, well-being, and nature. Second, it is crucial to reflect on the interdependent ways in which technological development and the implementation of new technologies affect the societal values and norms that drive them, since technology plays a central role for achieving societal tipping points. If technology is seen as a an accelerator and facilitator for a sustainable transition, the value-ladenness that technological innovation comes with needs to be addressed. Importantly, some technologies that seem sustainable on the surface, may actually entrench and enforce existing unsustainable modes of behavior and policies. Accordingly, this paper expands on the societal tipping points literature by proposing a concept of sustainability that serves as a means to assess the potential of technologies to facilitate sustainable tipping.

How to cite: Hofbauer, B.: Can We Tip Sustainably? Ethical Considerations on the Role of Sustainable Technology in Societal Tipping Points, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2923,, 2025.

EGU25-3514 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Critical Salinity as an early warning of Tipping Point in the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre 

Lucas Almeida and Didier Swingedouw

The subpolar gyre (SPG) of the North Atlantic plays a pivotal role in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and climate through various teleconnections. This study examines the tipping point in thisregion within CMIP6 projections using three models: CESM2-WACCM, MRI-ESM2-0, and NorESM2-LM. These models, selected for exhibiting tipping patterns in at least one emission scenario, reveal distinct yet converging patterns of change, suggesting a destabilization of the subpolar region driven by shifts in salinity, temperature, and density profiles. A consistent feature across the models is pronounced freshening in the upper 150 meters of the water column. This results in a strong stratification, accompanied by cooling in the top 250 meters and warming between 150 and 1500 meters. The resulting enhancement in water column stability leads to a marked reduction in mixed layer depth (MLD). These changes disrupt vertical mixing, weaken nutrient transport, and alter regional circulation dynamics, with cascading effects on marine ecosystems and climate feedback mechanisms. We employed a density-based approach that accounts for the combined effects of temperature and salinity on water density to identify the critical surface salinity leading to the tipping of the SPG. This critical salinity represents a threshold for the salinity level beyond which density-driven stratification results in a stable water column. For stability to break, surface salinity must exceed this critical salinity. All three models consistently identify a critical salinity threshold of approximately 33.8 g·kg⁻¹. When surface salinity drops below this threshold, the subpolar region experiences rapid cooling, reduced convection, and potentially irreversible transitions. The tipping point of the SPG is preceded by an expansion of areas in the SPG where surface salinity falls below this critical threshold, accompanied by a decrease in MLD. To complement our analyses, we used the ISAS dataset to assess how far the system is from an SPG tipping point. Our next step is to establish an observable spatial pattern of early warning. Our findings underscore the vulnerability of the North Atlantic subpolar region to salinity-driven tipping points, which may lead to potentially irreversible transitions. This highlights the critical need for precise monitoring and advanced modeling of salinity dynamics to enhance predictability in future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Almeida, L. and Swingedouw, D.: Critical Salinity as an early warning of Tipping Point in the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3514,, 2025.

EGU25-3532 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Social norms and groups structure safe operating spaces and exhibit regime shifts in renewable resource use in a social-ecological multi-layer network model 

Max Bechthold, Wolfram Barfuss, André Butz, Jannes Breier, Sara Constantino, Jobst Heitzig, Luana Schwarz, Sanam Vardag, and Jonathan Donges

Social norms are a key socio-cultural driver of human behaviour and have been identified as a central process in potential social tipping dynamics. They play a central role in governance and thus represent a possible intervention point for collective action problems in the Anthropocene, such as natural resource management. 
A detailed modelling framework for social norm change is needed to capture the dynamics of human societies and their feedback interactions with the natural environment. To date, resource use models often incorporate social norms in an oversimplified manner, as a robust and detailed coupled social-ecological model, scaling from the local to the global World-Earth scale, is lacking. 
Here we present a multi-level network framework with a complex contagion process for modelling the dynamics of descriptive and injunctive social norms. The framework is complemented by social groups and their attitudes, which can significantly influence the adoption of social norms. We integrate the modelling concept of norms together with an additional individual social learning component into a model of coupled social-ecological dynamics with a closed feedback loop, implemented in the copan:CORE framework for World--Earth modelling.
We find that norms generally bifurcate the behaviour space into two extreme states (sustainable vs. unsustainable) divided by regime shifts. Reaching a sustainable (i.e. safe) state becomes more likely with low thresholds of conforming to sustainable norms, as well as lower consideration rates of own resource harvesting success. The success of a generic social norm intervention is also found to be highly dependent on the group topology and exhibit a phase-transition like shape under certain conditions. The regime shifts in thresholds, individual learning and norm intervention hint at exploitable underlying tipping processes.
Our findings suggest that explicitly modelling social norm processes together with social groups enriches the dynamics of social-ecological models and determines safe operating spaces. Consequently, both should be taken into account when representing human behaviour in coupled World--Earth models.

How to cite: Bechthold, M., Barfuss, W., Butz, A., Breier, J., Constantino, S., Heitzig, J., Schwarz, L., Vardag, S., and Donges, J.: Social norms and groups structure safe operating spaces and exhibit regime shifts in renewable resource use in a social-ecological multi-layer network model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3532,, 2025.

EGU25-6613 | Posters on site | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Spatial variance and spatial skewness as leading indicators of regime shifts in global forests 

Matteo Mura, Deepakrishna Somasundaram, Mirco Migliavacca, Vasilis Dakos, Alessandro Cescatti, and Giovanni Forzieri

Forests have considerable potential to influence the stability of the Earth system and mitigate climate change by influencing biogeochemical and biophysical processes. Tree cover, as the primary layer of exchange for carbon, energy and water cycles, play a critical role in such dynamics. However, the persistence and functionality of forests are highly dependent on their resilience to the ongoing rapid changes in natural and anthropogenic pressures. Experimental evidence of a sudden increase in tree mortality across different biomes is rising concerns about the ongoing changes in forest resilience and the associated risks to the climate mitigation potential of forests. Previous global-scale assessments of forest resilience have focused on the use of critical slowing down indicators, such as temporal autocorrelation and variance. These studies have provided important insights, but they can only partially capture the effects of stochastic disturbances and forest management.  

In this study, we explore the potential of spatial statistical indicators (SSI), such as spatial variance and skewness, as early warning signals of regime shifts in global forests. To this aim, we first derive tree cover values for the 2000-2023 period at 0.05-degree spatial resolution for the whole globe by combining multiple satellite observations. We then, develop a machine learning model to disentangle the climate effects on tree cover distributions and elucidate the underlying mechanisms. SSI are ultimately computed on the residuals of the machine learning model and their spatial and temporal variations analysed.

Results show, along with a widespread erosion of tree cover, an increase in both SSI prominently in tropical and boreal forests over the observational period. According to the stability theory, the simultaneous increase in these metrics indicates a rising instability of the system by reflecting an alteration of the shape of the basin of attraction. Such patterns appear largely driven by the increase in stochastic perturbations and human pressures which are not detected using traditional critical slowing down indicators. Overall, this study contributes to better understand the recent dynamics in forest resilience and its underlying mechanisms that can lead to critical transitions. Considering the expected intensification of natural pressures in view of climate change, it is becoming urgent to identify adaptation measures to preserve the long-term stability of global forests and the provision of their ecosystem services.

How to cite: Mura, M., Somasundaram, D., Migliavacca, M., Dakos, V., Cescatti, A., and Forzieri, G.: Spatial variance and spatial skewness as leading indicators of regime shifts in global forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6613,, 2025.

EGU25-7369 | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Detection of global-scale tipping using climate networks  

Maura Brunetti, Jérôme Kasparian, and Laure Moinat

The climate system is prone to various tipping mechanisms at the global scale, such as the abrupt changes induced by the potential shutdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Thus, it is essential to develop robust Early Warning Signals (EWSs) to assess the risk of crossing tipping points. Classically, EWSs are statistical measures based on time series of climate state variables, and their spatial distribution is not exploited. However, spatial information is crucial to identifying the starting location and development of a transition process. Methods that use spatial information become particularly relevant in the current era, when satellite observations with high spatiotemporal coverage produce huge amounts of data.

We use complex networks constructed from several climate variables (like surface air temperature, specific humidity and cloud cover) on the numerical grid of climate simulations. Using the pyUnicorn Python package [1], we construct networks based on linear and nonlinear spatial correlations of time series at each grid point. We seek for network properties that can serve as EWS when approaching a state transition at the planetary scale, as obtained by the MIT general circulation model in a coupled-aquaplanet configuration for CO2 concentration-driven simulations.

We show that network indicators such as the normalized degree, the average length distance and the betweenness centrality are capable of detecting tipping points at the global scale [2]. We assess and compare the applicability as EWS of these indicators to traditional methods. Moreover, we analyse climate networks’ ability to identify nonlinear dynamical patterns. Finally, we discuss the generalisation to network indicators that include causal relationships.


[1] J. Donges et al., Unified functional network and nonlinear time series analysis for complex systems science: The pyunicorn package, Chaos 25, 113101 (2015)

[2] L. Moinat, J. Kasparian, M. Brunetti, Tipping detection using climate networks, Chaos 34, 123161 (2024)

How to cite: Brunetti, M., Kasparian, J., and Moinat, L.: Detection of global-scale tipping using climate networks , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7369,, 2025.

EGU25-10019 | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Optimal climate policies under the shadow of social tipping 

Michael Kuhn, Gernot Wagner, and Stefan Wrzaczek

We propose a framework that allows to integrate social (tipping) dynamics into a DICE-style IAM model, in which a policy maker determines abatement effort and savings. The policy maker maximizes the sum of social welfare and a political penalty/reward, depending on whether the majority of the population opposes (penalty) or supports (reward) more ambitious abatement policies. The social process itself depends inter alia on observable climate impacts. We provide numerical simulations that illustrate the impact of the tipping process on policy choices which in turn are built around a total cost of carbon that embraces both the "classical" social cost of carbon and a political cost of carbon. Our initial findings illustrate (i) the considerable scope for political penalties (rewards) to stifle (boost) abatement policies; (ii) an incentive for the policy maker to distort policies in a way that boosts political support; and (iii) a considerable deviation between the total cost of carbon and the social cost of carbon. We argue how the model can be used for the purpose of understanding climate policy making from a "social dynamics" perspective.

How to cite: Kuhn, M., Wagner, G., and Wrzaczek, S.: Optimal climate policies under the shadow of social tipping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10019,, 2025.

EGU25-10648 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Assessing the Probability of CO2-Driven AMOC Collapses Using Rare Event Algorithms in PlaSIM-LSG 

Matteo Cini, Valerian Jacques-Dumas, and Henk A. Dijkstra

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a key tipping element of the climate system due to its influence in regulating the meridional transport of heat and freshwater. Its stability is influenced by the interplay between external forcings (such as greenhouse gasses increase) and internal climate variability. Due to limitations on the deterministic predictability of the AMOC asymptotic state, the concept of a “probabilistic safe operating space” has been proposed. For this purpose, rare-event techniques, specifically the Giardina–Kurchan–Tailleur–Lecomte (GKTL) and Trajectory-Adaptive Multilevel Splitting (TAMS) algorithms, offer promising tools for testing the multistability of the system and assessing this probability at lower computational costs than traditional Monte Carlo methods.  Here, using the intermediate complexity model (PlaSIM-LSG), we estimate the probability of AMOC collapse in sensitivity experiments at different CO2concentrations and under RCPs scenarios. In particular, TAMS has been applied in order to assess the probability of reaching a low circulation state of the AMOC associated with a 1°C temperature anomaly over central and western Europe. Our findings from sensitivity experiments, consistently with previous studies, indicate that for a wide range of CO2 concentrations (500-600 ppm), the probability of an AMOC collapse is significantly different from zero (1-10% within 150 years). While such a collapse is unlikely to happen within the 21st century, it becomes likely to happen by 2150 in higher emission scenarios. It is important to note that PlaSIM-LSG does not account for the North Atlantic freshwater flux from Greenland melting which introduces a stabilizing bias for the AMOC-on state. Accounting for this mechanism would likely increase the probability of an AMOC collapse. These results underscore the importance of probabilistic assessments in understanding AMOC stability and highlight the potential for rare-event algorithms to provide insights into the statistical properties of tipping point.

How to cite: Cini, M., Jacques-Dumas, V., and Dijkstra, H. A.: Assessing the Probability of CO2-Driven AMOC Collapses Using Rare Event Algorithms in PlaSIM-LSG, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10648,, 2025.

EGU25-10788 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Manifesting tipping points in pro-environmental behaviour for climate change mitigation 

Thomas Elliot, Jonathan Donges, Massimo Pizzol, and Ilona Otto

Achieving ambitious climate change targets, such as limiting global warming to 1.5°C, requires both political and social determination. Bottom-up pro-environmentalist behaviours can facilitate crossing social tipping points (STPs), resulting in new social norms with lower impact on global warming. While the passing of  STPs has been described qualitatively, it remains poorly understood how the climate benefits of this phenomenon can be quantified. 
Here, we introduce a stylised system dynamics model that couples socio-ecological contagion with global warming via greenhouse gas emission pathways to estimate the impact of crossing social tipping points on greenhouse gas mitigation and global warming. . This is explored through two examples of bottom-up and top-down mitigation interventions.
Results indicate that a STP could be crossed before 2050. While neither bottom-up nor top-down interventions alone are likely to achieve the 1.5°C target, their combined effect significantly reduces overshoot. This represents a significant step towards understanding how both bottom-up and top-down interventions can be harnessed to mitigate global warming. Our research underscores the importance of bottom-up pro-environmental movements, emphasizing their crucial role in not only reducing personal carbon footprints but also alleviating the burden on technological top-down interventions. This evidence of the benefits of promoting socio-ecological contagion should bolster the determination of individuals and community grassroots groups. Additionally, it should encourage top-down interventions to acknowledge and support the complementary role of collective action.

How to cite: Elliot, T., Donges, J., Pizzol, M., and Otto, I.: Manifesting tipping points in pro-environmental behaviour for climate change mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10788,, 2025.

EGU25-10947 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Causal effect estimation for robust detection of critical slowing down 

Alexandrine Lanson and Jakob Runge

A tipping element is a system that may pass a tipping point, that is, a threshold value of an environmental stressing condition at which a small disturbance can cause an abrupt shift of the tipping element from one state to another, accelerated by positive feedbacks. For example, under rising temperatures and increasing deforestation, the Amazon rainforest could tip from a forest state to a savanna state; one feedback involved is that fewer trees means less evapotranspiration, thus less rainfall and, finally, less trees. Therefore, the fewer trees, the harder it is for the remaining forest to adapt and survive. This phenomenon is called critical slowing down: approaching a bifurcation, a tipping system's resilience decreases, resulting in increasing autocorrelation and variance. The latter indicators are thus often measured to detect bifurcation-induced tipping and are called early-warning signals (EWS).

Let us describe the dynamics of a tipping element Y with the following equation: dY/dt = f(Y, r) + η, with r the environmental stressing condition involved in the tipping behavior and η some noise (e.g., climate variability). Deriving EWS directly from Y's time series relies on the assumption that the noise η is not correlated (white-noise), otherwise any trend in η's autocorrelation would be incorporated in Y's autocorrelation, even if not related to the tipping behavior contained in f(Y, r). In the Amazon rainforest example, increasing deforestation due to human activity is a part of r with a long-term effect, while e.g. ENSO also influences the forest but on short time scales and with sometimes opposite effects depending on its phase (El Niño/La Niña/neutral), and would be part of η.  If for example El-Niño's autocorrelation increases with time, the rainforest autocorrelation might also increase regardless of whether the forest is approaching the bifurcation point or not, therefore the autocorrelation would no longer reflect changes in the forest resilience.

To know how far the system is from the bifurcation point, we want to measure Y's internal autocorrelation (excluding noisy influences η, considering only f(Y, r)), and thus to answer the question: "If we intervene in the system and set the value of Y at time t-1, how does Y evolve at time t?" This defines the direct causal effect of Yt-1 on Yt and comes under the heading of causal inference: we look at the influence of setting Yt-1=yt-1 on Yt, whatever the values of the other variables causing Y, which is fundamentally different from a direct measure where the value of Y at time t-1 is, in the general case, dependent on the state of the other variables. To measure how the direct causal effect of Yt-1 on Yt  evolves with time (with changing r), we use causal effect estimation, which quantifies the causal effect of hypothetical interventions in a system from observational data --the interventional distribution being rarely available in the majority of systems--- and an assumed causal graphical model that allows us to derive an adjustment expression that controls for confounders. We demonstrate the method on an ideally forced simulated system and discuss potential applications.

How to cite: Lanson, A. and Runge, J.: Causal effect estimation for robust detection of critical slowing down, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10947,, 2025.

EGU25-11175 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Tipping the AMOC: Impacts of Tropical Cyclones in a Changing Climate 

Nicolas Colombi, Chahan M. Kropf, Friedrich A. Burger, Simona Meiler, Kerry Emanuel, Thomas L. Frölicher, and David N. Bresch

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is one of the most critical tipping elements in Earth’s climate system, with its collapse posing far-reaching implications for weather dynamics and extremes, sea level rise, and Northern Hemisphere cooling. Although it is considered a low-probability but high-impact scenario, recent studies suggest that the AMOC may already be on a trajectory towards collapse. Moreover, current climate models struggle to fully capture the complex interactions between Greenland ice sheet melting and the AMOC slowdown, adding further uncertainty to climate projections. Artificial hosing experiments in the North Atlantic, project the weakening of the AMOC to increase sea surface temperature in the Southern Hemisphere and the tropics, particularly in ocean basins where tropical cyclones form. This warming, combined with rising sea levels and changes in vertical wind shear, could create conditions that promote the development of tropical cyclones and amplify their impacts. Although several studies have explored the relationship between tropical cyclone activity and AMOC weakening, the associated socioeconomic impacts remain uncertain. The goal is to investigate the direct and indirect socioeconomic impacts of tropical cyclones under future climate scenarios characterized by a weakened and fully collapsed AMOC. Will tropical cyclones affect areas that were previously unaffected? Will tropical cyclones' activity intensify, leading to greater societal impacts? To answer these questions, two sets of five-member ensemble simulations were performed for a 2°C stabilization emission scenario using the GFDL ESM2M, with and without induced AMOC collapse. These simulations were then coupled with the MIT coupled statistical-dynamical tropical cyclone model to simulate tropical cyclone activity under these conditions, and the probabilistic climate risk modeling platform CLIMADA was used to analyze the socioeconomic impacts. We anticipate this study to be a stepping stone in a broader ongoing effort to assess the socioeconomic impacts of extreme weather events triggered by tipping points.

How to cite: Colombi, N., Kropf, C. M., Burger, F. A., Meiler, S., Emanuel, K., Frölicher, T. L., and Bresch, D. N.: Tipping the AMOC: Impacts of Tropical Cyclones in a Changing Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11175,, 2025.

EGU25-12221 | Posters on site | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Challenges and solutions on identification of high-performance black plastics for closed-loop car recycling   

Andréa de Lima Ribeiro, Margret Fuchs, Yuleika Madriz, and Richard Gloaguen

Plastics represent, in volume, up to 50% of materials present in modern vehicles with most of them being black. Consequently, black plastics are a key material stream to be managed in end-of-life vehicles (ELV) waste. The EU directive on ELV, updated in 2023, introduces new rules covering all aspects of a vehicle life cycle, from its design and market placement until its final treatment as ELV. These new specific criteria now put pressure on car manufacturers and black plastic recyclers to boost circularity in the production and recycling chains, including:

  • Improving circular design of vehicles to facilitate removal of materials, parts and components for reuse and recycling;
  • Ensuring that at least 25% of the plastics used to build a new vehicle comes from recycling (of which 25% from recycled ELVs).

The first step required to improve the circularity of ELV polymers is to identify the main polymer types present in the stream with optical sensing. Current identification workflows are successfully employed by the plastic-waste recycling industry, based on material-specific signals present in the visible-to-near infrared (VNIR) and short-wave infrared (SWIR) ranges (400–2500 nm). Nevertheless, VNIR/SWIR sensors are unsuitable for identification of black plastics due to the strong signal absorption by dark pigments in this spectral region. In recent years, novel hyperspectral sensors operating in mid-wave infrared (MWIR, 2700–5300 nm) have been successfully employed for identification of black plastics. Yet, the automotive industry requires high-performance materials which led to the development and use of very specific polymer variants, including multi-polymer blends (e.g. ABS/PC), polymer subtypes (e.g. PA6 and PA6.6), and functional additives (e.g. glass fiber, talc, carbon black). Consequently, the identification of the usual polymer classes is not adapted to meet the minimum quality requirements for recycling and, hence, not adequate for future use for car material streams (closed loop). 

Such complexity is justified by the need for high performance and functionality of materials in automotive applications, but impacts recyclability and ultimately leads to downcycling. In order to ensure that high-purity black plastics are obtained at the end of the recycling operation, at the standards needed by the automotive industry, it is necessary to go beyond the identification of main polymer types. 

In this contribution, we address the current challenges and propose solutions to identify the important high-performance polymers used by the automotive industry that could be recycled. Further, we evaluate the suitability of current industrial optical sensing techniques for identification of black plastics originated from ELV waste. We also propose solutions for the identification of plastics with highly-complex composition present in ELVs such as multi-polymer blends (e.g. ABS/PC), polymer subtypes (e.g. PA6 and PA6.6), and functional additives (e.g. glass fiber, talc, carbon black).

How to cite: de Lima Ribeiro, A., Fuchs, M., Madriz, Y., and Gloaguen, R.: Challenges and solutions on identification of high-performance black plastics for closed-loop car recycling  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12221,, 2025.

EGU25-13560 | Posters on site | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Vegetation resilience and sensitivity in complex dynamic vegetation models 

Sebastian Bathiany, Lana Blaschke, Andreas Morr, and Niklas Boers

Resilience is typically defined as the ability of vegetation to recover from external perturbations such as fires or droughts, and it can be quantitatively measured by the rate of recovery following such events. Resilience can also be assessed indirectly, even in the absence of large perturbations. One key metric for this is autocorrelation. A loss of resilience over time, often referred to as "slowing down," can be detected as an increase in autocorrelation. In simple one-dimensional dynamical systems, a reduction in resilience is also associated with increased sensitivity of the system's stable state to external conditions.

Recent studies, using indicators such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD), have found that resilience tends to be higher in wetter regions of tropical forests compared to drier regions, and that resilience has been decreasing across large parts of the Amazon rainforest. Additionally, empirical recovery rates after disturbances have been found to correlate with autocorrelation, supporting the practical relevance of theoretical expectations. However, it remains unclear which specific vegetation properties and processes determine the observed patterns.

Here we use idealized simulations with the state-of-the-art dynamic vegetation model LPJmL and explore how the resilience of natural forests and its indicators depend on (i) climate, (ii) vegetation composition (i.e., the mix of plant functional types), (iii) the vegetation property (variable) being considered, and (iv) the nature of the perturbation(s). We find that autocorrelation qualitatively aligns with the recovery time from large, negative perturbations that affect all tree types similarly.

However, there are exceptions where the factors listed above can influence the relationship in unexpected ways. Specifically, for some tree types and climate regimes, recovery rates and autocorrelation do not align with each other, nor with the forest's sensitivity to climate change. For example, perturbations that alter the relative abundance of tree types can lead to different recovery rates compared to those affecting all tree types uniformly. Moreover, vegetation variables that recover quickly when perturbed in isolation (e.g., fluxes like net primary productivity) may still co-evolve with slower variables they depend on (e.g., carbon stored in trees). We identify key mechanisms behind these features in the model and test their relevance by simulating a more realistic setup, using observed climate data within a geographically realistic domain. We also discuss the relevance of these mechanisms in the real world.

Our findings highlight the need to better understand the nature of disturbances and trends in ecosystems, as well as the mechanisms captured by satellite-derived indicators. This knowledge, along with improved resilience monitoring, will be crucial for making reliable predictions about how ecosystems will respond to human-induced changes.

How to cite: Bathiany, S., Blaschke, L., Morr, A., and Boers, N.: Vegetation resilience and sensitivity in complex dynamic vegetation models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13560,, 2025.

EGU25-13620 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Optimizing Plastic Identification in E-Waste Recycling through Hyperspectral Imaging and Transformer-Based Machine Learning Models 

Elias Arbash, Andréa de Lima Ribeiro, Margret Fuchs, Pedram Ghamisi, Paul Scheunders, and Richard Gloaguen

The rapid growth of the electronics market, driven by high demand for new technologies, has shortened the lifespan of electronic products, leading to a surge in electronic waste (E-waste). Comprising 25% plastics, E-waste contains unrecovered critical and toxic materials, necessitating advanced recycling strategies. HeliosLab, an infrastructure combining imaging sensors and robotic chemical analyses, was developed at the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg. HeliosLab integrates spectroscopy-based modalities such as RGB and hyperspectral imaging (HSI) across multiple wavelength ranges that can be used to optimize E-waste sorting. The complexity of the hyperspectral data, compounded by multisensory integration, requires sophisticated automated algorithms to efficiently process large volumes of data and extract critical material features. These advancements ensure scalable, fast, and automated detection solutions for industrial-scale E-waste recycling operations.

We are developing smart and novel processing methodologies utilizing state-of-the-art (SOTA) machine learning hyperspectral imaging (HSI) classification models. In this study, we focus on Transformer-based architectures, known for their self-attention mechanisms that effectively capture contextual relationships between their input tokens, which enables unique spatial-spectral feature detection, relevant to remote sensing and HSI applications. Such an approach significantly advances automated polymer identification. 

To test the model’s performance on unseen data and evaluate the generalization performance of those SOTA models in industrial-like environments, multiscene datasets are required. We acquired a new multiscene HSI polymer dataset in the near visible (NIR) to the short-wave infrared (SWIR) (400-2500 nm) using hyperspectral cameras available at HeliosLab. The initial deployment highlighted the challenges related to both, the data quality and quantity, as well as regarding methodological frameworks. This led us to develop a tailored Transformer-based topology capable of detecting polymer fingerprints using novel refined extractions of the spatial and spectral features. Our research and advancements contribute to the automation and optimization of polymer detection in E-waste recycling, paving the way for improved resource recovery and environmental sustainability.

How to cite: Arbash, E., de Lima Ribeiro, A., Fuchs, M., Ghamisi, P., Scheunders, P., and Gloaguen, R.: Optimizing Plastic Identification in E-Waste Recycling through Hyperspectral Imaging and Transformer-Based Machine Learning Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13620,, 2025.

The global climate system continues to change under the influence of human activities. Of particular concern is the difficulty of continuing human activities due to irreversible and long-term abrupt changes caused by the global climate system exceeding its tipping point. Climate systems that have the potential to exceed the tipping point are called tipping elements and are being studied. Among them, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays a central role in the movement of materials through the ocean and is connected to many other tipping elements. While there is concern that the AMOC may decrease in strength due to rising temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean, freshwater inflow due to melting ice in the Arctic region has been investigated as a stabilizing factor. Therefore, it is important to comprehensively consider these influences when evaluating the AMOC tipping point.


In the AMOC modelling, Stommel’s two box model describes its nature well. Although, it does not treat freshwater input from multiple estuaries. We have applied three box model (TBM) [1] which divide the Atlantic Ocean into three elements with double estuaries. Freshwater inflows to the Arctic Ocean due to ice sheet thawing in Greenland and permafrost thawing in Siberia were calculated using AWI-ESM [2] and CMIP6 [3] data, respectively. In addition, temperature differences between the southern and northern Atlantic regions were calculated by MRI-ESM2.0 [4].

We also adopted the method of analyzing the time-series behavior of the AMOC as a stochastic process, as in Ditlevsen et al. (2010) [5]. Finally, we estimated the age of AMOC decay based on the analytical AMOC behavior by TBM and by identifying the parameters of the Langevin equation.


[1] E. Lambert, T. Eldevik, P.M. Haugan “How northern freshwater input can stabilise thermohaline circulation”, Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 68 (1) (2016), p. 31051

[2] Ackermann, L., Danek, C., Gierz, P., and Lohmann, G. “AMOC Recovery in a multicentennial scenario using a coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet model”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, 2020.

[3] Wang, S., Wang, Q., Wang, M., Lohmann, G., & Qiao, F. (2022). ”Arctic Ocean freshwater in CMIP6 coupled models” Earth’s Future, 10(9)

[4] Yukimoto, Seiji; Koshiro, Tsuyoshi; Kawai, Hideaki; et al. (2019) “MRI-ESM2.0 model output prepared for CMIP6 ScenarioMIP ssp585”

[5] Ditlevsen, P. D. and Johnsen, S. J.: Tipping points: Early warning and wishful thinking, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L19703, 2010

How to cite: Kono, K. and Fukuda, T.: Instability analysis of the AMOC with varying freshwater input and sea water temperature in the Atlantic Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14805,, 2025.

EGU25-15540 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Increased climate tipping risks from temperature overshoots 

Nico Wunderling, Annika Högner, Tessa Möller, Paul Ritchie, Johan Rockström, Norman Steinert, and Jonathan F. Donges

In Paris 2015, the global community agreed to keep global warming well below 2.0°C aiming to limit it to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. However, recent research has shown that overshooting this temperature guardrail is becoming increasingly likely and several climate data teams across the world recorded 2024 as the first individual year with a global warming level above 1.5°C.

Such temperature levels endanger critical components of the Earth system, the so-called climate tipping elements such as the Greenland and West Antarctic Ice Sheet, The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or the Amazon rainforest. In this presentation, we will show the latest evidence on how overshooting temperature targets increases tipping risks. In particular, we will discuss the role of overshooting the 1.5°C and 2.0°C for the stability of critical Earth system components, and also assess the likelihood for climate tipping cascades beyond these global warming levels.

How to cite: Wunderling, N., Högner, A., Möller, T., Ritchie, P., Rockström, J., Steinert, N., and Donges, J. F.: Increased climate tipping risks from temperature overshoots, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15540,, 2025.

EGU25-16872 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

The link between topography and climate extinction risks in mountain ecosystems 

Bert Wuyts, Dirk Karger, Jan Sieber, and Victor Boussange

Populations in mountain ecosystems face the risk of extinction due to climate change. Yet, how these risks will materialise remains unclear because many ecological parameters are unknown. We show that progress can be made by examining how habitats get fragmented and isolated as populations shift to higher elevations. When this shift is slow relative to dispersal, the amount of aggregation and connectivity between habitat fragments determine the warming threshold beyond which populations cannot sustain themselves. If the shift is rapid compared to dispersal, there is also a critical warming rate beyond which populations cannot track their preferred range and go extinct. Through simulations and analyses of stochastic spreading processes on real and artificial landscapes, we investigate how mountain topography, warming rates, and demographic mechanisms affect extinction thresholds. Understanding the link between mountain topography and extinction risks may enable targeted interventions to mitigate these risks, especially in areas with fragmentation bottlenecks.

How to cite: Wuyts, B., Karger, D., Sieber, J., and Boussange, V.: The link between topography and climate extinction risks in mountain ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16872,, 2025.

EGU25-16943 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Satellite-based early warning system of critical transitions in forest ecosystems at living lab scale 

Deepakrishna Somasundaram, Agata Elia, Matteo Mura, Mark Pickering, and Forzieri Giovanni

Critical transition is an increasingly widespread phenomenon in global forest ecosystems, yet predicting its occurrence remains a challenge due to limited understanding of the underlying mechanisms and the variability in empirical relationships between forest health and external perturbations that can lead to critical transitions.

In this study, we demonstrate that the temporal loss of resilience, quantified in terms of critical slowing down (CSD) indicators, can serve as an early warning system (EWS) for critical transitions in forest ecosystems. CSD indicators are analyzed by integrating MODIS satellite data-derived vegetation dynamics and disturbance events from 2000–2021 at 500 m. We applied this approach to 13 living labs distributed across Europe, South America, and China, covering a wide range of environmental gradients and forest management types. Results show that CSD indicators can efficiently capture spatial and temporal variations in critical transitions in near real time. These findings highlight the potential of this EWS for improving forest critical transition predictions as well as providing practical insights for management and adaptation strategies in the context of climate change and at a spatial scale appropriate for decision makers.

How to cite: Somasundaram, D., Elia, A., Mura, M., Pickering, M., and Giovanni, F.: Satellite-based early warning system of critical transitions in forest ecosystems at living lab scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16943,, 2025.

EGU25-17534 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Assessment of a potential regime shift in global terrestrial water storage 

Casimir Fisch, Lukas Gudmundsson, Dominik L. Schumacher, and Sonia I. Seneviratne

Tipping points have been identified in several components of the Earth system, raising concerns about abrupt and potentially irreversible changes under climate change. A recent analysis of GRACE satellite data reveals a sudden and unprecedented decline in terrestrial water storage (TWS) during 2015–2016, coinciding with a major El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event (Rodell et al. 2024). This decline suggests a recent net drying of the land and raises the hypothesis of a regime shift in the global terrestrial water system. Potential mechanisms include enhanced evapotranspiration, intensifying drought frequency and severity, and land–atmosphere feedbacks. Early warning signals, such as increased autocorrelation and variance observed prior to the decline, support this hypothesis.

To evaluate the significance and rarity of the observed transition, we develop a detection methodology and apply it to both observational estimates and climate model simulations. By analysing fully coupled pre-industrial control simulations, historical simulations, and AMIP-style experiments with prescribed sea surface temperatures, we aim to disentangle the roles of anthropogenic climate change and specific modes of climate variability (e.g., ENSO) in driving this transition. Furthermore, we explore the potential for transitions to alternative states in global TWS. Our work establishes a framework for understanding abrupt changes in TWS and their implications for the terrestrial water cycle in a warming climate.


Rodell, M., Barnoud, A., Robertson, F.R. et al. An Abrupt Decline in Global Terrestrial Water Storage and Its Relationship with Sea Level Change. Surv Geophys 45, 1875–1902 (2024).

How to cite: Fisch, C., Gudmundsson, L., Schumacher, D. L., and Seneviratne, S. I.: Assessment of a potential regime shift in global terrestrial water storage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17534,, 2025.

EGU25-17704 | Posters on site | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Socio-metabolic class conflicts in the Anthropocene 

Ilona M. Otto

The Anthropocene epoch is characterized by an excessive use of natural resources and energy that drives the environmental destruction of the planet. However, large inequalities exist among different social groups that benefit to various degrees from the use of resources and energy, as well as among those suffering from the negative impacts of environmental destruction. In this paper, we systematically analyze these differences and discuss a social stratification theory based not only on differences in terms of possessions or social status, but also on differences in how these groups can control and benefit from the planetary material cycles and energy flows or suffer the consequences of environmental degradation. Referring to consumption data, we propose six global socio-metabolic classes and show distinctive patterns in the energy use of these classes. More research is needed to reveal differences in the use of natural resources essential for maintaining the biosphere integrity, such as land, water, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Targeted policy measures that address excessive appropriation of energy and natural resources are needed, as are expansions in infrastructure and institutional change that supports the wellbeing of humankind, and especially of the most marginalized classes.

How to cite: Otto, I. M.: Socio-metabolic class conflicts in the Anthropocene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17704,, 2025.

EGU25-17856 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Amazon precipitation response to an AMOC shutdown in a km-scale atmospheric model  

Keno Riechers, Cathy Hohenegger, Hauke Schmidt, Monika Esch, and Bjorn Stevens

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is considered one of the Earth’s climate tipping elements. Concerns have been raised that global warming could increase the freshwater input into the North Atlantic at high northern latitudes and thereby abruptly interrupt the deep water formation that fuels the AMOC’s lower limb and is necessary to maintain the overturning. To assess the risks such an AMOC tipping scenario poses to societies, it is essential to understand how an AMOC collapse feeds back into the climate system as a whole. It is of particular interest whether an AMOC tipping would have a stabilizing or destabilizing effect on other climate tipping elements. In this context, we studied the impact of an AMOC shutdown on the Amazon Rainforest, which is itself thought to be at risk of undergoing a transition to a savanna state. We forced a km-scale atmosphere-only model with sea surface temperatures from a second lower-resolution coupled climate model simulation that features a collapsed AMOC state. Previous studies indicate that land-atmosphere interactions are different in such convection-resolving models compared to CMIP-type models, possibly affecting the response of precipitation to large-scale perturbations. In general, our simulation confirms the global AMOC-collapse induced precipitation and temperature anomaly patterns also seen in coupled climate model hosing experiments. Most prominently these comprise a cooling and drying of the North Atlantic region and a corresponding southward shift of the tropical rainbelt. However, upon closer examination, we find that over land the signal is attenuated, and in particular precipitation patterns over the Amazon Rainforest appear to be remarkably robust against an AMOC shutdown. This, in turn, means that a tipping of the AMOC would to a first degree neither have a stabilizing nor destabilizing effect on the Amazon Rainforest.

How to cite: Riechers, K., Hohenegger, C., Schmidt, H., Esch, M., and Stevens, B.: Amazon precipitation response to an AMOC shutdown in a km-scale atmospheric model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17856,, 2025.

EGU25-18362 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Advancing the pathway towards natural capital based assessment for industrial and financial sectors 

Ming-Kuang Chung, Kuanhui Elaine Lin, and Wan-Ling Tseng

The relationship between nature and industry has been constantly contested for decades, regardless of the warning on the Earth as transformed by human action (Turner, B. L., et al., 1993) which address the unprecedented changes in the biosphere that have taken place over the last 300 years. Accumulation of the human impacts has also led to the degradation of the atmosphere resulting in anthropogenic warming that have brought tremendous threats to societies. While standing at the tipping point, international societies have made substantive advancement to push industrial and financial sectors taking responsibility in carbon accounting and climate risk assessment (i.e., TCFD). The relationship between climate and industry is complex, but the threat from both of them on biodiversity and natural capital (NC) loss is even devastating. In 2021, the initiative of Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) was launched and the TNFD Recommendations and Guidance is released in 2023. With a broader focus on the industrial and financial sector dependence and impact on the NC, TNFD contains a big range of ambiguity in developing methodology. Meanwhile, climate risk is regarded as a driving force of ecosystem change in the assessment. How to access relevant data, in suitable spatial and temporal resolution, to quantify the NC related dependency and risk becomes the most fundamental challenge before tipping elements and tipping interactions can be identified to facilitate a social and industrial transformation. 

This study collaborates with a listed high-tech company in Taiwan to assess the relationship between its value chain and NC following the LEAP approach. We have developed a high-spatial-resolution database to identify the dependencies and impacts on NC across different operational locations. Meanwhile, we conduct materiality assessments through internal questionnaires, examining the significance of different types of NC to business operations from the perspectives of Consequences rating and Likelihood rating. Finally, we aim to establish TNFD risk matrices by integrating the assessment results from spatial and materiality assessments, with the hope of helping enterprises to identify NC requiring immediate attention and action.

Overall, the integrated TNFD assessment method combining spatial and materiality analyses serve as tipping elements between enterprises and NC; it may help enterprises systematically quantify their dependencies and impacts on NC, thereby identifying operational locations and types of NC that require priority action. Meanwhile, high-resolution spatial databases can support enterprises in defining the locations, scope, and even causes of NC issues, which in turn can help identify key external stakeholders and initiate new engagements. This integrated assessment approach has the potential to address the methodological gaps in TNFD development and to provide a concrete empirical foundation for business operational transformation, helping enterprises to develop early adaptation and response strategies when facing global ecosystem changes.

How to cite: Chung, M.-K., Lin, K. E., and Tseng, W.-L.: Advancing the pathway towards natural capital based assessment for industrial and financial sectors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18362,, 2025.

EGU25-18552 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

News from TIPMIP 

Sina Loriani, Donovan Dennis, Jonathan F. Donges, and Ricarda Winkelmann

The Tipping Point Modelling Intercomparison Project (TIPMIP) is an international intercomparison project that aims to systematically advance our understanding of tipping dynamics in various Earth system components, and assess the associated uncertainties. By connecting and evaluating various models, TIPMIP will fill critical knowledge gaps in Earth system and climate modelling by improving the assessment of overall anthropogenic forcing and long-term commitments (irreversibilities). In this contribution, we report on the status of the project, highlighting recent advances including the finalisation of experimental protocols and first results. Moreover, we provide an overview on the established scientific infrastructure and next steps, inviting the tipping points modelling community for contributions.

How to cite: Loriani, S., Dennis, D., Donges, J. F., and Winkelmann, R.: News from TIPMIP, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18552,, 2025.

We are transitioning towards a climate state on Earth featuring rapid changes in response to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and land-use change, with severe observable and projected impacts on the occurrence of extreme weather events and increasing risk of crossing large-scale tipping points. Neither the transition nor the long-term climate state has been observed by (human-made) measurements before, making information on past climatic states increasingly more important to help anticipate future Earth System change. Paleoclimate records have enormously expanded over the past decades, and provide extremely rich information about physical, cryospheric, biological, and ecological processes on many spatial and temporal scales. Yet, it has been difficult so far to directly transform this knowledge on past processes into a more confident evaluation of future projections for the Earth system. In this contribution, I will summarise lessons learned from past climate change on our understanding of climate variability, abrupt changes and climate response to greenhouse gas changes and other forcing. For example, generalizations of classical measures such as equilibrium climate sensitivity can be useful in the palaeoclimate and future context for understanding the response of a climate state to radiative forcing beyond the linear regime, i.e. when (part of) the climate system is close to a tipping point. Finally, this contribution will present the ambition and programme of the starting EU-HORIZON project Past-to-Future (P2F) aiming at developing, expanding and using the wealth of paleoclimate data to improve existing Earth System Models in terms of their ability to describe possibly exotic, out of sample, climate states and the transition pathways towards them from current conditions.

How to cite: von der Heydt, A.: Past to future: Towards fully paleo-informed future climate projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19085,, 2025.

EGU25-19501 | Posters on site | ITS4.1/NP0.3

ISOTIPIC: Greenland ice sheet potential for tipping with the Earth System Model UKESM-ice 

Charlotte Lang, Robin Smith, Steve George, Robert Marsh, and Bablu Sinha

As part of a project exploring the relation between the Greenland ice sheet stability and the AMOC, we present coupled climate and ice sheet simulations of Greenland with the Earth System Model (ESM) UKESM, a state-of-the-art ESM capable of representing the interactions between ice sheets and the atmosphere and their co-evolution (UKESM-ice; Smith et al., 2021).
Recent large ensemble exercises indicate that there is no sign of non-linear volume change or irreversibility at the scale of the Greenland ice sheet in UKESM-ice, even at high warming levels and despite large ice losses.
We present new simulations exploring Greenland's potential for tipping with modified (snow and ice sheet) parameters and including a recently developed scheme for the marine forcing of outlet glaciers, which was previously omitted from UKESM-ice and prevented the representation of the direct influence of the ocean on the Greenland ice sheet. Results show linear trends of (large) ice volume change at the scale of the ice sheet but local evidence of accelerating melt along the South West margin.
Next steps in the project include providing fresh water from UKESM-ice surface runoff and solid discharge of icebergs to investigate their effect on the strength of the AMOC in NEMO simulations and using a new high resolution NEMO dataset as ocean forcing of the ice sheet in UKESM-ice. 

How to cite: Lang, C., Smith, R., George, S., Marsh, R., and Sinha, B.: ISOTIPIC: Greenland ice sheet potential for tipping with the Earth System Model UKESM-ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19501,, 2025.

EGU25-19773 | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

 Navigating multiscale social tipping dynamics to stabilise Earth’s climate 

Andrew Ringsmuth, Andrew Tilman, Jordan Everall, Emanuele Campiglio, Magdalena Pieler, Sara Constantino, and Ilona Otto

Mounting evidence that human activities are driving Earth’s climate toward dangerous tipping points has raised the question of whether these may be averted by quickly reaching tipping points in human societies. Prior work on social tipping dynamics has focused mainly on defining its key features, identifying and characterising important social tipping elements, and operationalizing interventions for triggering individual elements. However, the success of climate-stabilizing interventions will depend on their timing and coordination across multiple tipping elements that operate on different characteristic time scales, and these coupled dynamics are currently not understood. In this work we explore the challenges of intervention timing and the potential to coordinate subsystem tipping cascades in a multiscale system to achieve a timely whole-system transition. We develop a stylized model in which the changing climate is coupled to a network of social tipping elements such as public support for climate action, political policymaking, financial investment in energy technologies, and energy infrastructure substitution, each with its characteristic dynamics and time scales. We study how intervention timing interacts with tipping cascades between subsystems and derive principles for navigating the system to the desired state. Additionally, we analyze the effects of `windows of opportunity’ - unpredictable system shocks that are likely to become more frequent as climate change intensifies - on our model transformation pathways, and ascertain how these may be exploited to disrupt system-stabilizing feedbacks and synchronize subsystem changes. Our findings emphasise the importance of a complexity-based understanding of human agency and governance of the world-Earth system.

How to cite: Ringsmuth, A., Tilman, A., Everall, J., Campiglio, E., Pieler, M., Constantino, S., and Otto, I.:  Navigating multiscale social tipping dynamics to stabilise Earth’s climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19773,, 2025.

EGU25-19783 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Global stability of the AMOC under CO2 forcing: Boundary crisis, long transients and oscillatory edge states 

Reyk Börner, Oliver Mehling, Jost von Hardenberg, and Valerio Lucarini

There is growing concern that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), a vital Earth system component, could weaken or even collapse under climate change. Despite the severe potential impacts associated with such a transition, it remains extremely challenging to reliably estimate the proximity to a critical threshold and to predict the AMOC's fate under future anthropogenic forcing. We argue that a global viewpoint on the dynamics beyond the detection of early-warning signals is needed for a robust risk assessment. Here we explore the phase space of an intermediate-complexity earth system model, PlaSim-LSG, featuring a multistable AMOC. For two different atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, we explicitly compute the Melancholia (M) state that separates the strong and weak AMOC attractors found in the model. The M state is a chaotic saddle embedded in the basin boundary between the competing states (an edge state). We show that, while being unstable, the M state can govern the transient climate for centuries. The M state exhibits strong AMOC oscillations on centennial timescales driven by sea ice and oceanic convection in the North Atlantic. Combining these insights with simulations under future CO2 forcing scenarios (SSPs), we demonstrate that in our model the AMOC undergoes a boundary crisis at CO2 levels projected to be reached in the next decade. Near the crisis, the AMOC behavior becomes highly unpredictable. Founded in dynamical systems theory, our results offer an interpretation of the so-called stochastic bifurcation recently observed in a CMIP6 earth system model under the same time-dependent forcing scenario.

How to cite: Börner, R., Mehling, O., von Hardenberg, J., and Lucarini, V.: Global stability of the AMOC under CO2 forcing: Boundary crisis, long transients and oscillatory edge states, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19783,, 2025.

EGU25-20396 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Dynamics-informed deep learning for tipping point forecasting 

Carla Roesch and Christina Last

As the world enters a period of accelerated climate change, we require the rapid development of an early warning system (EWS) that identifies whether climatic conditions will result in reaching a tipping point. Tipping points represent critical thresholds where a small disturbance can cause a significant, qualitative shift in a system's state that can have crucial effects on human livelihoods. The impacts of political developments on future emission pathways, highlights the need for warning systems focused on climate risk communication that can be deployed and updated easily by policy teams with data pertaining to representative emission profiles. We are developing an early warning system to detect tipping points using a combination of observational and model data. In this abstract, we introduce the Tipsy-API platform; a dynamics-informed deep learning model to forecast relevant thresholds of the Greenland ice sheet and Atlantic Meridional Ocean Circulation. Following the objective of a “real time” warning system, our framework  iteratively updates forecasts with new observations to adjust the tipping point prediction accordingly. Finally, the framework will be deployed online and be available as an API, which we aim to be interactive and iteratively updated once new information about future warming becomes available. This ongoing work attempts to understand and address the requirements of a UK Government R&D funding agency, with the remit of engaging in high risk and high reward climate research. Thus, our project aims to both reduce uncertainty about tipping points and to allow for necessary open communication with policy makers and other relevant stakeholders.

How to cite: Roesch, C. and Last, C.: Dynamics-informed deep learning for tipping point forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20396,, 2025.

EGU25-21133 | Orals | ITS4.1/NP0.3

Slowing Down of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Due to Excess Freshwater: Insights from Turbulence-Resolving Simulations 

Bahman Ghasemi, Bishakhdatta Gayen, Catherine Vreugdenhil, and Taimoor Sohail
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays a crucial role in the global climate system by transporting heat, salt, and nutrients across ocean basins. Its stability hinges on the complex interplay between temperature and salinity, although the precise contributions of these factors remain unclear. This highlights the need for systematic investigations to better understand and predict AMOC behavior in a changing climate. In this study, we use turbulence-resolving simulations with a laboratory-scale model of the North Atlantic Ocean to examine how thermal, salinity, and wind forcing influence large-scale ocean circulation. By varying the relative impacts of salinity and temperature forcing, we find that increasing salinity forcing slows the AMOC by weakening deep convection and shifting the subtropical gyre southward. This slowdown reduces northward heat and salt transport, leading to warming and salinification in the northern subtropics and cooling in subpolar regions. Salt-finger convection further amplifies subtropical warming and salinification. On the other hand, a sufficiently strong thermal forcing in a weakened AMOC state can trigger a significant rebound in AMOC strength. Wind stress was also found to enhance both the AMOC and gyre strength. Future climate projections indicate that freshwater forcing will become increasingly significant, and our results suggest that greater salinity forcing will further slow the AMOC and reduce meridional tracer transport. These findings are essential for improving large-scale ocean models and advancing our understanding of temperature-salinity feedback mechanisms in global ocean circulation.


How to cite: Ghasemi, B., Gayen, B., Vreugdenhil, C., and Sohail, T.: Slowing Down of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Due to Excess Freshwater: Insights from Turbulence-Resolving Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21133,, 2025.

The water demands in thermal power plants are only going to increase due to Environmental Control Technologies (ECTs) such as Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) and Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS). These ECTs are necessary to adhere to the regional environmental regulations or to commit to the global climate pledges. This work focuses on thermal power generation in Rajasthan viz. arid and highly water-stressed region of India. The main objective of this work is to do a comprehensive assessment of water demands for ECT-equipped thermal power plants and their satiety in the face of climate change, intra-annually. Two climate change scenarios namely, SSP2-RCP 4.5 and SSP5-RCP 8.5 are considered. The Integrated Environmental Control Model (IECM v11.5) was used to quantify the monthly water withdrawals and the region's water availability was estimated using the extended Budyko framework. The results showed that after dry/ wet FGD addition, the plant operation water withdrawals rose by 200 to 400 l/MWh compared to the base plant. In the case of CCS implementations, the increments were found to be 2000-4000 l/MWh intra-annually with summer months being more water-intensive for both climate change scenarios. Further, the overall water availability decreased by 20% in the SSP2-RCP4.5 and 30% in the SSP5-RCP8.5 scenario, respectively. Consequently, November to June months were found to be water-deficient months for thermal power generation in both climate change scenarios.  These results entail careful planning of water management and corresponding adaptation measures. The upgradation of the boiler from sub-critical to supercritical and ultra-supercritical and the replacement of cooling technology from wet tower to hybrid or air-cooled condenser can lead to substantial water savings of 500 – 3000 l/MWh for the regional climatology. However, it comes with certain trade-offs such as an increase in CO2 emissions and a reduction in efficiency. The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) is also an important factor in the decision-making. While shifting to water-efficient adaptation measures there is only a marginal increase in the LCOE; the decision-making becomes more crucial when ECT additions are considered as they increase the LCOE considerably. Therefore, policy instruments like the government’s subsidy intervention can play a successful role in adopting such measures.

How to cite: Shinde, R., Shastri, Y., and Rao, A. B.: Assessing the impacts of climate change on thermal power plants equipped with Environmental Control Technologies (ECTs): Challenges and adaptation measures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-668,, 2025.

EGU25-1032 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Projected Impact of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection on Rainfall dynamics over West Africa using ARISE Dataset. 

Temitope Samuel Egbebiyi, Samuel Toluwalope Ogunjo, Vincent Olanrewaju Ajayi, Kwesi Akunmeyi Quagraine, Victor Ayomide Arowolo, and Chris Lennard

Agricultural production is highly dependent on rainfall dynamics (onset, cessation, length of rainy season) in the West African region, whose livelihood and economy are highly dependent on rainfed agriculture. The impact of global warming has been shown to lead to reduction and variability in rainfall over the region. However, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection has been proposed as one of the potential strategies to cool down and limit future global warming to 1.5ºC by injecting aerosol into the stratosphere. Nevertheless, how this strategy may affect rainfall onset and cessation and drought response to SAI, notably across the agroecological zone of West Africa, remains unclear. The present study examines the impact of global warming and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) rainfall onset, cessation and drought regimes over West Africa. In the study we examined the potential impact of climate change and SAI on the onset and cessation of rainfall and drought regimes over West Africa using TAMSAT observation dataset and ARISE dataset for SSP2-45 with and without aerosol injection. Our result showed that climate intervention may lead to an early onset and cessation over the coastal area of West Africa compared to TAMSAT but delayed (early) onset (cessation) in the savannah and Sahel zones. The results implied a shift in the rainfall duration may be expected over the coastal area, while a decrease in rainfall duration may be expected over the Savannah and Sahel zones. For the drought regime, our result revealed an increase in extremely wet periods may be expected relative to the observation across the three zones. On the other hand, a decrease in extremely dry periods may be expected over the coastal and savannah zones but an increase in the Sahel zone. This study will enhance our understanding of the impact of climate geoengineering on rainfall dynamics in West Africa and its effect on agricultural production and food security in the region. 

How to cite: Egbebiyi, T. S., Ogunjo, S. T., Ajayi, V. O., Quagraine, K. A., Arowolo, V. A., and Lennard, C.: Projected Impact of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection on Rainfall dynamics over West Africa using ARISE Dataset., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1032,, 2025.

This paper identifies the procedural justice and outcome justice of the energy transition by analyzing the differences within sample groups and exploring how the digital economy guides the cross-production-stage and cross-regional allocation of factors, influencing the energy justice transition. The research finds that the development of the digital economy significantly promotes energy justice transition. Digital economy drives the cross-border allocation of factors, fostering environment-biased technological progress, especially energy-saving biased technological progress, in energy-lagging cities, which reduces clean energy development and operation costs, thus facilitating energy justice transition. Higher public environmental concerns and cleaner energy levels amplify the positive impact of the digital economy on energy justice transition, while higher urban economic burdens exert a significant inhibitory effect. Further analysis reveals that accelerating the low-carbon energy transition in energy-lagging cities through the digital economy negatively affect urban unemployment and wage levels, with the transitions in low-carbon energy structure having a more pronounced impact. However, the procedural justice of energy transition significantly narrows the economic development gap between resource-based cities and other cities.

How to cite: Yukihara, T. and Sun, Q.: The role of digital economy in promoting energy justice----Evidence from procedural justice and outcome justice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2375,, 2025.

EGU25-3291 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Co-designing Impact Chains to assess people’s habitability in the Vosges Massif (France) and adapt to multiple climatic risks   

Silvia De Angeli, Stefano Terzi, Marc Zebisch, Gilles Drogue, and Simon Devin

Climate change, compounding with non-climatic stressors, threatens the human habitability of Earth’s environments. The complex interplay of multiple drivers increases uncertainty, challenging stakeholders to make long-term decisions. Enhancing decision-makers' knowledge and awareness is key to navigating this uncertainty and developing effective adaptive strategies. While habitability has been recently recognised as an important condition in adaptation studies, its definition and conceptualisation are still under discussion. Moreover, traditional studies dealing with habitability mostly apply a top-down approach and focus on its material aspects, such as housing, food, and water, while overlooking local knowledge and needs of the affected communities, who better know what makes their place acceptable to live in.

The Vosges Massif, located in north-eastern France, is a mountainous region with moderate peaks, encompassing diverse ecosystems, such as alpine meadows, temperate forests, wetlands, agricultural land, and water bodies, all of which are sensitive to climate change impacts. Climate shifts, such as warmer winters, affect key industries in the area, like tourism, agriculture, and forestry. The region’s small rural communities are particularly vulnerable to these changes, highlighting the need for insights into effective adaptation strategies and economic resilience to ensure their long-term habitability and sustainability.

For these reasons, the Habi(Li)ter project, funded by Lorraine Université d'Excellence and supported by Eurac Research, addresses the challenge of understanding and enhancing human habitability in the face of multiple climatic risks in the Vosges Massif area. During the project, we will develop a comprehensive conceptual framework to analyse current and future habitability, focusing on the interactions between climate drivers (e.g., changes in snow and water precipitation, variations of temperature regime), and socio-economic vulnerability, (e.g., demographic shifts, tourism pressure, dependence on climate-sensitive economic sectors), and the resulting impacts on multiple sectors (e.g., tourism, energy, forestry). In particular, we will implement the Impact Chains conceptual models to identify and represent the causal pathways affecting human habitability. The Impact Chains will be informed by different data sources, including interviews with academic experts in relevant domains, risk storylines developed in participatory workshops with non-academic actors, insights from literature and newspapers, and statistical and spatial data analyses. Adopting a transdisciplinary approach, we will engage with both local academic and non-academic actors to co-define key dimensions and indicators of local habitability, integrating expert input, stakeholder engagement, and outputs from a survey conducted across the region. Furthermore, reference Representative Concentration Pathways and Shared Socio-economic Pathways will be downscaled to develop plausible future local narratives, including potential adaptation trajectories and their implications for habitability. The framework will be then updated to reflect future spatial and temporal dynamics, providing a flexible tool for assessing both present and future habitability.

Overall, the project aims to develop a comprehensive framework for context-specific, community-driven adaptation strategies in the Vosges Massif. Habitability is the key to ensure adaptation options which are centred on local needs, vulnerabilities, and socio-economic aspirations. This methodology can be applied to similar regions, like Alto Adige in Italy, offering insights for broader adaptation in mountainous and peri-mountainous areas across Europe.

How to cite: De Angeli, S., Terzi, S., Zebisch, M., Drogue, G., and Devin, S.: Co-designing Impact Chains to assess people’s habitability in the Vosges Massif (France) and adapt to multiple climatic risks  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3291,, 2025.

Flooding, exacerbated by climate change, remains a significant threat to socio-economic stability and environmental sustainability, particularly in vulnerable regions such as Bayelsa State in Nigeria.

This research evaluates the current state of community awareness and engagement in flood risk management in Nigeria and the United Kingdom. It investigates how different socio-economic and demographic factors influence community participation and preparedness in both countries

Thus, in alignment with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, this study underscores the critical importance of proactive and community-centered approaches to flood disaster risk reduction (DRR), emphasizing the need for pre-flood preparation to mitigate risks during and after flood events.

This research adopts a mixed-methods approach, incorporating semi-structured interviews with 60 participants—including flood-affected residents, volunteer groups, and government officials in Bayelsa—and archival research on advanced flood risk management practices in the United Kingdom. By using mixed-methods research, including surveys, interviews, and case studies, the chapter identifies critical gaps in awareness and engagement and proposes targeted strategies to enhance community involvement in flood risk reduction.

The findings reveal significant systemic vulnerabilities in Bayelsa’s flood management framework, including fragmented coordination, limited government support, and inadequate integration of local knowledge into institutional strategies. A striking 90% of participants reported no prior involvement in flood drills, while 69% lacked access to critical flood risk information. These challenges are compounded by socio-economic constraints such as financial limitations, low literacy levels, and limited infrastructure, all of which hinder effective community engagement.

Conversely, the UK demonstrates effective flood management practices aligned with the Sendai Framework's priorities, including robust early warning systems, participatory governance, and sustained investment in resilience-building initiatives. By leveraging interdisciplinary collaboration, the UK offers practical models for integrating socio-economic and physical risk components into comprehensive DRR strategies.

This study proposes transformative, context-specific strategies for Bayelsa State, including the development of localized flood awareness platforms, enhanced early warning systems that combine modern technologies (e.g., mobile alerts) with traditional communication methods, and regular community-led flood simulations. These strategies directly address the Sendai Framework’s goals to substantially reduce disaster-related mortality, economic losses, and the disruption of critical infrastructure by fostering inclusive and participatory processes.

Furthermore, the research emphasizes the seamless integration of citizen knowledge with institutional expertise, a core principle of the Sendai Framework, to enhance risk-informed decision-making and adaptive capacity. The findings advocate for a shift towards proactive, pre-flood preparation measures that empower communities with the knowledge, tools, and organizational capacity needed to minimize the cascading impacts of flood disasters and accelerate recovery.

By anchoring its recommendations within the Sendai Framework’s focus on understanding disaster risk, strengthening governance, and investing in DRR for resilience, this study contributes to global efforts to mitigate the effects of climate-induced hazards. It reinforces the critical role of local communities as central stakeholders in DRR, advocating for scalable and replicable strategies that bridge policy and practice. This research not only provides actionable insights for policymakers and practitioners but highlights the broader relevance of pre-flood preparation in advancing sustainable, inclusive flood disaster risk management worldwide.

How to cite: Bomabebe, F. and Rivas-casado, M.: Evaluating Challenges in Community Awareness and Engagement Practices for Proactive Flood Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR): A Comparative Study between Nigeria and the United Kingdom to Enhance Flood Resilience in Nigeria  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3299,, 2025.

As global changes and human activities intensify, extreme drought events are becoming increasingly frequent. The entire process of drought disasters typically involves multiple stages, such as the risk assessment of drought occurrence, along with the response measures and influencing factors at various stages-before, during, and after the occurrence of drought disasters. However, existing assessments often focus on a single process of drought, and the definition of drought resilience remains unclear. Drought resilience is the result of the interplay between climatic, socio-economic, and hydraulic engineering factors, enabling a multi-process evaluation of drought conditions. This paper defined drought resilience based on the three components of resilience: "defensive capacity, recovery capacity, and adaptive capacity," and developed a comprehensive assessment framework for drought resilience from the perspective of the entire drought process, termed the "Climate-Drought Response" framework. This assessment framework employs the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) to characterize regional climate features and assesses regional drought response capacity using a combination weighting method based on both subjective and objective factors through game theory. It integrates the characteristics of disaster-prone climates with drought response capacity to evaluate regional drought resilience comprehensively, analyzing the ability to defensive, recovery, and adaptive to drought disasters, as well as its alignment with regional climate features. This framework addresses the limitations of previous quantitative drought assessments that primarily focused on risk identification or mitigation measures, often neglecting the flexibility of the system to recover from drought to a normal state. It is applied to evaluate the drought resilience of three cities in the Jiaodong Peninsula of East China, aiming to provide insights for the development of economically viable drought management strategies. The results indicate a declining trend in the SPEI across the Jiaodong Peninsula, suggesting that future climate conditions may become increasingly arid. Most regions exhibit moderate to fairly strong drought resilience, effectively responding to slight drought events. However, their resilience is insufficient to cope with moderate to extreme droughts or prolonged drought events, particularly in Qingdao and Weihai. Although the overall capacities of "defensive capacity, recovery capacity, and adaptive capacity" show an upward trend, the resilience values are declining, indicating that the increases in some drought response components are insufficient to offset the negative effects of increasingly arid climate conditions. To effectively enhance drought resilience in the Jiaodong Peninsula, the primary task is to strengthen the supplementation of local conventional water sources with water transfers and unconventional water sources, while Qingdao and Weihai must further improve its water supply capacity to ensure water security during drought periods.

How to cite: Wang, Y.: Assessment of Regional Drought based on Resilience Concept - A Case Study of Jiaodong Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6711,, 2025.

EGU25-6980 | Orals | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Seasonal predictability of coastal risks from climate modes compounded effects 

Julien Boucharel, Rafael Almar, Fei-Fei Jin, Sen Zhao, Malte Stuecker, and Boris Dewitte

Extreme weather and climate events result from complex interactions between physical processes at different scales. The convergence of multiple factors, including large-scale environmental conditions and local climate variability, can amplify the effects, resulting in significant societal impacts. Coastal regions are particularly vulnerable to sea level rise and changes in coastal water levels (CWL) due to climate variability, ocean circulation, and atmospheric conditions. The El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) are key drivers of interannual CWL variability in the Northern hemisphere, influencing storm activity, flooding, and erosion, with ENSO affecting the Pacific and NAO the Atlantic. While studies have extensively analyzed their independent effects, their combined influence on coastal hazards remain underexplored. This study uses diverse observational datasets to assess the modulation of extreme CWL and associated hazards by different phases of ENSO and NAO. We show that the frequent occurrence of La Niña conditions, although relatively weak in terms of severity, and the comparatively rare but exceptionally strong extreme El Niño events make the world's coastlines more vulnerable to flooding overall. However, the picture is different regionally, especially in the Euro-Atlantic sector, where the co-occurrence of El Niño events and different phases of the NAO tends to exacerbate extreme CWL compared to the local NAO variability alone due to the strengthening of the Pacific-Atlantic jet stream teleconnections either in the high or mid latitudes, depending on the ENSO type and the NAO phase. These results highlight the climate modes’ compounded risks to coastal populations that allows us to produce skillful seasonal forecasting of coastal hazards using the newly developed XRO model.

How to cite: Boucharel, J., Almar, R., Jin, F.-F., Zhao, S., Stuecker, M., and Dewitte, B.: Seasonal predictability of coastal risks from climate modes compounded effects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6980,, 2025.

Water has consistently been one of the globe’s most vital strategic resources, serving as both a catalyst for peace and a potential source of strife. Amidst growing environmental catastrophes and pervasive droughts, water has become a pivotal factor in geopolitical maneuvers. The Middle East countries especially Iran, confronted with a critical water shortage, is grappling with internal resource management issues while simultaneously experiencing escalating tensions with neighboring nations over shared water supplies. This dilemma is particularly evident in the transboundary river basin with nations such as Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Iraq, and it has the potential to worsen regional tensions and conflicts.

This study examines the impacts of agricultural development and climate change over the past four decades on six major water basins in Iran, aiming to identify key water-related conflict zones and explore the intersection of water issues with political, economic and social divisions. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was used to assess the severity of drought in these basins throughout the period of 1980-2020. Statistical analysis of groundwater resources and dam data reveals the negative effects of human activities on water availability. Despite being situated in a semi-arid region, Iran has built more than 400 dams in the past four decades across various basins, primarily to expand irrigated agriculture and generate hydroelectric power. The results of this study show that drought conditions in Iran began to intensify in the late 1990s. During particularly severe drought years, such as 1999, 2000, 2001, 2008, and 2010, the abstraction of groundwater resources especially deep and semi-deep wells increased dramatically.

Concurrently, neighboring countries in transboundary basins such as Euphrates-Tigris River Basin, located in the west of Iran and Hirmand (Helmand) River Basin, located in the east of Iran have expanded their own irrigated areas, which has heightened tensions between Iran and its neighbors. The worsening water crisis is likely to exacerbate both internal and regional conflicts, with potential consequences for Iran’s national security and foreign policy.

Regional and international collaboration, along with the development of sustainable agricultural practices and integrated water resource management systems, will be critical to ensuring sustainable environmental development in the Middle East, especially for Iran. Addressing these challenges in a cooperative manner can mitigate future conflicts and promote long-term stability in the region. Enhancing water conservation and efficiency in agriculture, strengthening water governance and policy reforms, fostering climate adaptation and resilience, promoting transboundary water cooperation, and advancing innovative water treatment technologies are all crucial components for ensuring sustainable development in the region.

How to cite: Talebi, R. and Aydin, Y.: The Water Crisis and Geopolitical Dynamics in Iran: Regional Strains and Transnational Consequences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10352,, 2025.

This paper aims to advance our scientific understanding of optimizing flood productivity in climate-impacted regions through integrated interventions at strategic and operational levels. In arid and semi-arid regions of Africa and Asia, short-duration floods cover about 50 million cultivable hectares and support some 100 million farming families. Such flood-dependent systems have long been overlooked due to concerns over unreliable water supply. However, with increasing climate change impacts and water scarcity, there is growing recognition of the potential for sustainable growth that short-duration floods can offer.


This paper is based on a study conducted as part of a three-year USAID-supported initiative (2022–2024) focused on promoting economic growth and peace in the Gash Agricultural Scheme (GAS) in the water-stressed eastern region of Sudan. GAS, the largest flood-dependent scheme in the country, covers 100,800 hectares and could support the water and food security needs of over a quarter of a million agro-pastoralists. It relies on the ephemeral Gash River, which originates from the Ethiopian and Eritrean highlands and flows sporadically between July and October. Over the past two decades, climate-induced changes have led to fluctuations in the river's flow, affecting its timing, frequency, and volume, which has ranged between 650 million and 1.2 billion m³ annually.


The study conducted water balance analyses using a 16-year dataset of Gash River flow, irrigated area, and the evapotranspiration demand of the major sorghum crop. Data collection included field measurements, surveys, remote sensing, and CropWat modelling. The analysis revealed that the current three-year rotation-based irrigation system, capping cultivated land at 33,000 hectares annually, is excessively risk-averse. While this strategy reduced conflicts by consistently delivering promised land, it increased GAS's vulnerability to flood damage. The floodwater use efficiency over the past decade was around 26%, leaving significant amounts of floodwater untapped, which caused damage to infrastructure and agricultural land.


The three-rotation system also led to inadequate infrastructure maintenance due to infrequent land tillage, allowing the invasive mesquite tree to overtake 70,000 hectares in the past 20 years, reducing the sorghum cropped area and contributing to reduced agricultural productivity. The water balance analysis suggests a shift to a two-year rotation system, cultivating approximately 50,000 hectares annually while maintaining risk aversion. This change could increase annual agricultural production from about 50,000 to 75,000 tons at the current sorghum yield of 1.5 tons/ha without significant infrastructural or farming improvements. Introducing integrated interventions that combine improved canal maintenance, better field water distribution, and effective coordination of farmer organizations could increase the cultivated area of large irrigation plots (ranging from 420 to 756 hectares) from 40% to 70%. These interventions could increase sorghum yield by two-thirds to 2.5 tons/ha and triple water productivity to 0.24 kg/m³.


Keywords: Floodwater Optimization, Climate-induced Changes, Integrated Interventions, Improved and Resilient Crop and Water Productivity

How to cite: Zenebe, M.: Optimizing Climate Resilient and Productivity in Flood Dependent Agricultural Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10950,, 2025.

EGU25-11304 | Orals | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Outcomes of RED ROSES project: A Comprehensive Approach to Cross-Border Natural Disaster Resilience 

Amaya Fuenzalida Velasco, Ivan Marchesini, Nathalie Marçot, Célia Mato, Paola Reichenbach, Simone Sterlacchini, Debora Voltolina, Massimo Melillo, Anouk Ardot, Jérémie Chaligné, Gilles Filleau, Leïla De La Vassière, Lorenzo Massucchielli, Matilde Sangalli, Corinna Vulpiani, and Salomé Ritouret

Climate change challenges our communities to build resilience in the face of natural disasters that do not stop at frontiers. In this context, the European RED ROSES project appear as an initiative of cooperation between France and Italy in the cross border region to strengthen prevention, monitoring and response capabilities of civil society actors in addressing specific natural disasters (floods, landslides and wild fires) in the context of climate crises. Multiple actors are involved on this effort providing essential information and collaboratively creating a data ecosystem where local and national authorities, natural hazard risk experts, humanitarian workers and crisis management operators interact and exchange data to respond to emergencies.

For sharing these data, we designed and implemented the RED ROSES Digital Geospatial Ecosystem (DGE) prototype, in first instance as a tool for quick response of French and Italian Red Crosses. The DGE was built orchestrating multiple geospatial open source software (including the GIS3W suite) and storing  data  at local and central nodes, which can be remotely administrated by authorized users.

We selected relevant data on this scope: catalogues of past landslides, floods and wildfires, as well as their respective hazard maps. Part of these data were translated and harmonised to facilitate their use on the cross border region. Near real-time data are also available, such as weather from meteorological agencies and satellite images from Copernicus European agency. The platform also include data on exposed elements (such as population distribution, roads, rail maps, etc.) and data collected by volunteers in the field using an orchestrated Kobo Toolbox instance. Additionally, a Decision Support Systems (DSS) devoted to support the Red Cross operative procedures before during and in the aftermath of a natural disaster has been designed and deployed .

We conducted a initial test of the RED ROSES DGE in October 2024 during a joint exercise organized by the Red Cross, incorporating  COVALEX and RED ROSES projects, in Bresso (Italy). The exercise featured a simulated emergency triggered by a Medicane (Mediterranean hurricane) impacting the cross border region, and presented to the Red Cross volunteers. The scenario was designed to replicate real-world crisis conditions and evolved dynamically through its phases, requiring participants to analyze risks, anticipate impacts, and respond to complex challenges in real time. The initiative underscored the importance of territorial risk prevention, seamless coordination, and evidence-based decision-making across borders.

The RED ROSES DGE prototype is currently in the engineering phase and will soon be ready for deployment in real-world conditions within the territory for which it was designed (the cross-border area between France and Italy). Furthermore, it can be adapted for implementation in other relevant border or international contexts.

How to cite: Fuenzalida Velasco, A., Marchesini, I., Marçot, N., Mato, C., Reichenbach, P., Sterlacchini, S., Voltolina, D., Melillo, M., Ardot, A., Chaligné, J., Filleau, G., De La Vassière, L., Massucchielli, L., Sangalli, M., Vulpiani, C., and Ritouret, S.: Outcomes of RED ROSES project: A Comprehensive Approach to Cross-Border Natural Disaster Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11304,, 2025.

As climate change intensifies, urban landscapes face unprecedented challenges, including desertification and its ecological and economic impacts. In response, the City of Boulder, Colorado, has initiated a project aimed at identifying vulnerabilities within Boulder County's landscapes and developing a user-friendly web-based tool for non-technical audiences. This tool will serve as a crucial resource for public and private land managers, community leaders, and policymakers to inform effective land management strategies and increase resilience to extreme drying. The project's core objectives include: (i) mapping significant risks and vulnerabilities to raise awareness and target conservation efforts, (ii) quantifying potential ecological and economic costs associated with desertification alongside the benefits of regenerative land management practices, and (iii) establishing key indicators and methodologies to evaluate landscape resilience. By harnessing existing data from ground-based measurements and remote sensing technologies, the initiative aims to produce a comprehensive assessment of land parcel risks and resilience dynamics. A strong emphasis on user-centered design ensured that the resulting tool is accessible and engaging while effectively communicating complex scientific data. The approach incorporates iterative development, informed by feedback from stakeholders, to create a resource that aligns with the diverse needs of the Boulder community.

How to cite: Aggett, G.: Enhancing Climate Resilience in Boulder County: A Comprehensive Approach to Desertification Risk Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12828,, 2025.

Background: Coastal regions are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change on food production. In Bangladesh, with over 170 million people, food insecurity due to climate change shocks and extreme events is a growing concern. This study investigates climate change perceptions, agricultural technology use, socio-economic conditions, and household food security among farmer households in coastal Bangladesh.

Methodology: To explore the connections between food security, climate change shocks, and agricultural technology use, we applied various statistical tests to analyze predictive and explanatory variables. Using binary logistic regression, we examined the causes and dynamics of climate change risk perceptions and agricultural technology adoption. Key indicators included the Food Consumption Score (FCS) and the Household Food Insecurity Assessment Scale (HFIAS), which relate to farmers’ adaptation to climate change, asset management, climate change risks, and socio-demographic factors. Our survey covered 406 farmer households in the Khulna and Bagerhat districts of Bangladesh. We employed cluster and stratified sampling strategies for data collection. Additionally, we analyzed temporal data from 1991 to 2021, focusing on annual average mean and maximum temperatures, and rainfall patterns to assess weather trends.

Results: The binary logistic regression reveals significant differences between food-insecure and food-secure individuals in terms of gender, education, occupation, family size, HFIAS scores, household income, and farmland area, while age, distance to market, and agricultural income show no significant differences. For technology use among farmers, significant differences are found in gender, agricultural income, food security, household income, and farmland area, but not in age, distance to market, family size, or education. Correlation values (R=0.35) and (P=0.0058) indicate a moderate positive correlation between year and temperature, showing a statistically significant warming trend over the past three decades in the Khulna-Bagerhat region. The values (R=0.28) and (P=0.029) indicate a weak positive correlation between year and maximum temperature, suggesting a slight but statistically significant warming trend with year-to-year fluctuations. Annual and maximum precipitation show variability but are not statistically significant over the past decades.

Conclusion: The results show that farmers in Khulna and Bagerhat districts struggling with climate change need support from policymakers to adopt more resilient practices. This study can help design local training programs, raise climate change awareness, and improve sustainable farming techniques, which can be replicated in similar areas.

How to cite: Mamun, M. A. A. and Hao, P.: Household Food Security of Farmers in Coastal Bangladesh: Insights into the Effects of Climate Change Perceptions, Agricultural Technology Use, and Weather Parameter Fluctuations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14062,, 2025.

EGU25-14203 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Multi-Objective Optimization for Evaluating the Benefits of Land Use Types in Urban Runoff Management 

Mengjia Zhao, Dongkun Lee, and Hyemee Hwang

Land use types have emerged as a key focus in sustainable urban planning, offering a pathway to manage urban runoff and enhance ecological benefits. This study evaluates the performance and trade-offs of various land use types within a multi-objective optimization framework. The primary objectives are to minimize urban runoff, reduce construction and maintenance costs, and maximize ecological benefits such as carbon sequestration and vegetation cover.

The study employs a multi-objective optimization approach using a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) to determine the optimal land use types configuration under budget and spatial constraints. By balancing hydrological, ecological, and economic objectives, the optimization framework generates Pareto frontier solutions that can be used as a reference for decision-making.

This study is tailored to the urban context of South Korea, where rapid urbanization has increased flood risk and environmental stress. By adopting a multi-objective optimization approach, this study provides a decision support tool for urban planners and policymakers, highlighting the trade-offs between competing objectives and providing flexible solutions based on local conditions.

In conclusion, this study establishes a replicable sustainable urban runoff management framework that is applicable to Korea and other urban areas around the world. The combination of GIS-based analysis, land use types assessment, and optimization techniques ensures a powerful approach to address urban flooding while advancing ecological and economic objectives. The findings contribute to the development of resilient cities that can mitigate flood risks, improve ecological conditions, and support sustainable urbanization strategies.

How to cite: Zhao, M., Lee, D., and Hwang, H.: Multi-Objective Optimization for Evaluating the Benefits of Land Use Types in Urban Runoff Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14203,, 2025.

EGU25-15934 | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Silicon seed inoculation improves growth, physiological mechanisms, grain and biological yields in maize hybrids under heat stress at vegetative and tasseling stages 

Muhammad Habib-Ur-Rahman, Ijaz Hussain, Rao Muhammad Ikram, Muhammad Baqir Hussain, Munir Hoffmann, and Reimund P. Roetter

Heat stress, next to drought, is one of the major constraints to maize growth, development and sustainable yield in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Hence, there is a dire need to explore strategies that alleviate adverse effects of heat stress. In this regard, silicon (Si) is an important plant nutrient which may support crop in alleviating heat stress-induced damages by modulating plant defense mechanisms. Si seed inoculation can be an ecofriendly mitigation strategy to ameliorate adverse effects of heat stress in maize. Yet, to date, limited knowledge is available on how Si modulates plant defense mechanisms to induce heat tolerance in maize. Therefore, a consecutive two years field trials were conducted in arid climatic conditions to evaluate the effects of six Si seed inoculation levels (0.00 to 6.00 mM) on the phenological, physiological, growth, antioxidant mechanisms, and yield components of (heat tolerant and heat sensitive) maize hybrids under normal temperature regime and heat stress conditions at the sixth leaf and 50% tasseling growth stages over a period of 8 consecutive days. Previously, the maize hybrids were selected on the basis of traits performance through screening in the glasshouse where hybrids were tested at different heat stress levels at sixth leaf stage-V6. Results showed that when the heat stress was imposed at sixth leaf stage then seed inoculation with 4.5 mM Si produced significant better cob length (15.0 cm, 16.7 cm), grains per cob (480, 500), thousand grains weight (211.6 g, 224.3 g), grain yield (6.58 t ha-1, 7.11 t ha-1) and biological yield (13.1 t ha-1, 14.5 t ha-1),  respectively for 2023 and 2024 growing seasons (years) as compared to other Si levels. Whereas, the same Si inoculation also produced the maximum cob length, grains per cob, thousand grains weight, grain yield (6.24 t ha-1, 6.74 t ha-1) and biological yield (13.7 t ha-1, 15.2 t ha-1), respectively for both growing seasons as compared with other Si inoculation when heat stress imposed at 50% tasseling stage. These results owing to increased physiological mechanism, growth, antioxidant activities, and osmolytes accumulation under heat stress conditions. Moreover, the interactive effects of heat stress and hybrids revealed that the maize hybrid DK-6103 (prior defined as heat tolerant) produced more grain yield (6.02 t ha-1, 6.50 t ha-1) and biological yield (11.4 t ha-1, 12.6 t ha-1), respectively during both years when the heat stress was imposed at six leaf stage. While, hybrid SW-1080 produced on an average 13.5% and 14.8% less grain and biological yields, respectively as attained by DK-6103. Therefore, the Si seed inoculation (4.5 mM) may be good strategy to alleviate the adverse effects of the heat stress in maize hybrids. Future studies are also needed to explore the role of Si in alleviating the adverse impacts of combined drought and heat stress under contrasting environmental conditions.

Keywords: Sixth leaf and tasseling phenological stages, physiological mechanism, antioxidants, grain yield, arid and semi-arid climatic regions

How to cite: Habib-Ur-Rahman, M., Hussain, I., Ikram, R. M., Hussain, M. B., Hoffmann, M., and Roetter, R. P.: Silicon seed inoculation improves growth, physiological mechanisms, grain and biological yields in maize hybrids under heat stress at vegetative and tasseling stages, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15934,, 2025.

EGU25-16040 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Long-Term Variations in Summer Circulation Over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East 

Harikishan Gandham, Hari Prasad Dasari, Thang M Luong, Raju Attada, Waqar Ul Hassan, Pajeesh Athippatta Gopinathan, Md Saquib Saharwardi, and Ibrahim Hoteit

This study examines the climatological and long-term (1980–2019) variations in summer circulation patterns (June–August) over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region, utilizing ERA5 global atmospheric reanalysis data. The summer climate of the EMME is influenced by the development of several prominent atmospheric circulation features: (1) a pronounced east-west pressure gradient, resulting from elevated mean sea level pressure over the eastern Mediterranean (EM) and a thermal low over the Arabian Peninsula (AP); (2) significant subsidence spanning the EM, northern Africa, and the AP; and (3) the presence of a warm core over the EM, linked to downward temperature advection. These atmospheric features are closely linked to the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) system. Diabatic heating from ISM rainfall initiates westward-propagating equatorially trapped Rossby waves of the Gill-type, which interact with westerlies to influence the summer circulation over the EMME.

Analysis indicates a notable decline in the intensity of these atmospheric patterns over the study period, signaling an overall reduction in the strength of the summer circulation. Despite this, ISM activity has intensified in recent decades, underscoring a growing mismatch between the remote driver (ISM) and the EMME as a responsive region. Further examination reveals a significant weakening of the subtropical westerly jet and associated westerlies during summer, which appears to have reduced subsidence over the region and contributed to the observed decline in circulation strength. As a result, both Etesian winds over the EM and Shamal winds over the northern AP have experienced marked reductions in frequency. The diminished summer wind systems have led to an unusual rise in human-perceived temperatures and a reduction in dust activity.

How to cite: Gandham, H., Dasari, H. P., Luong, T. M., Attada, R., Ul Hassan, W., Athippatta Gopinathan, P., Saharwardi, M. S., and Hoteit, I.: Long-Term Variations in Summer Circulation Over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16040,, 2025.

EGU25-16534 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12 | Highlight

Integrated Approaches to Assessing the Impacts of Multirisk events initiated by Natural Hazards 

Sirel Colon Useche, Corinne Curt, Pascal DiMaiolo, Aurelie Arnaud, and Camille Negri

The occurrence of disasters related to natural hazards has increased in recent decades due to the growing exposure of urban population and effects of climate change. This context can increase highly complex risks and create multidimensional vulnerabilities. Technological risks further aggravate these considerations, especially as the distance between inhabited and industrial areas has been decreasing over time and as the number of infrastructures and their interrelationships has been increasing. All those complex systems, which could act in combination - with or without coincidence in time, could impact potentially dependent elements at risk. Indeed, under certain conditions, different combinations of natural and technological hazards are likely to occur, e.g., an earthquake followed by a tsunami, floods impacting facilities, domino effect between industries, cascade effect between infrastructures. When these complexities are not properly accounted for by decision-makers, it can lead to ineffective or even misguided risk management strategies. This situation is visible in South of France (SF), a region prone to natural hazards such as forest fires, torrential floods, marine submersion, etc. Moreover, the analysis of 31 semi-structured interviews with local, departmental, and regional actors involved in risk management across three SF territories has shown that the current risk management approach facilitates an effective transition to a multi-risk strategy. However, the existing tools are insufficient and require improvements to ensure effective multi-risk management. This study seeks, by integrating different approaches (dependability analysis, multi-hazard modeling, geographical representations), to assess the potential consequences of the multi-risk events in and local scale considering the Influence of territorial specificities and stakeholder areas of intervention. We analyze the complex cause-and-effect interrelationships of the critical infrastructures (e.g. transportation networks, energy systems, water supply, and emergency services) exposed to hazardous events and estimate the resulting disruptions to basic services for the population. We use an example of a virtual coastal city typical of the South of France, exposed to phenomena like flood, submersion and technological risk to simulate various scenarios of multi hazards in order to integrate, describe and quantify their cascading impacts

How to cite: Colon Useche, S., Curt, C., DiMaiolo, P., Arnaud, A., and Negri, C.: Integrated Approaches to Assessing the Impacts of Multirisk events initiated by Natural Hazards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16534,, 2025.

EGU25-16728 | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

GLOBCOASTS_JRC: A Flexible Framework for Real-Time Coastal Risk Assessment Based on Waterline Changes 

Thomas Saillour, Evangelos Voukouvalas, Amélie Arias, Rafael Almar, Vincent Regard, and Peter Salamon

The estimation of the land-sea interface, or waterline, variability due to high energetic events - i.e. potentially inducing extreme coastal level and erosion- constitutes an important component for the comprehensive risk assessment of the global coastal zone. The large spatial scales and the requirement for real-time coastal risk assessment pose the need for timely forecasts of the key driving processes, in conjunction with the human stakes, exposed population, infrastructures and properties, at risk. Moreover, the interplay between the involved physical processes necessitates the inclusion of a large number of plausible scenarios, useful for the involved decision makers. We present a flexible and low computational-cost framework for the real-time estimation of the global waterline change and associated coastal risk. This framework utilizes satellite-derived probabilistic water level data for the global ocean, combined with state of the art wave and hydrological numerical data and up-to-date satellite observations of the waterline. This information is integrated with high spatial resolution exposure data, providing in real-time the assessment of the imminent risk at the global coastal zone. The outcome of the proposed approach may serve as an additional forecast tool for a first-pass risk assessment, facilitating both short-term and long-term risk mitigation studies.

How to cite: Saillour, T., Voukouvalas, E., Arias, A., Almar, R., Regard, V., and Salamon, P.: GLOBCOASTS_JRC: A Flexible Framework for Real-Time Coastal Risk Assessment Based on Waterline Changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16728,, 2025.

EGU25-17145 | Orals | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Clustering methods for decision making: application to flood risks and radiological emergencies 

Irène Korsakissok, Youness El Ouartassy, Laure Raynaud, and Yann Richet

In case of natural and / or technological disaster, decision making relies on predictions based on available information, monitoring data and model-based forecasts. Uncertainties are particularly high in emergency situations, with scarce information and strong time constraints [1].

Uncertainty quantification and propagation methods are well established and used in numerous applications such as meteorological forecasting and risk evaluation in various domains (seismic hazard, flooding, environmental consequences of radioactive or chemical releases…). However, there are still challenges in taking these uncertainties into account for decision making, particularly in case of emergency. These challenges are of different natures, shared among different domains and types of risks: (1) how to properly account for all sources of uncertainties, including deep uncertainties that cannot be quantified, inherent to crisis situations? (2) how to fit this uncertainty evaluation within the time constraints of emergency response? (3) how to present and communicate these evaluations in an understandable and practical way for decision makers, accounting for interpretation biases?

We propose a scenario-based approach that combines meta-modelling, to generate many simulations in a short time, with a clustering method that allows to select a few situations or “scenarios”, described by their probability of occurrence and associated impact. This approach is illustrated on two applications: flooding risk [2] and nuclear emergency [3]. This method will be applied in the Natech project within the France 2030 Risks-IRIMA program, to a marine submersion in the Gironde estuary combined with nuclear and industrial accidents. The aims will be (1) to include decision-oriented parameters (such as population or critical infrastructures) in the clustering process, (2) to involve stakeholder panels in the design of evaluation products, (3) to better understand how cognitive biases will affect the decision-making process for different kinds of risks and evaluation products.

[1]          P. Bedwell et al., ‘Operationalising an ensemble approach in the description of uncertainty in atmospheric dispersion modelling and an emergency response’, Radioprotection, vol. 55, no. HS1, Art. no. HS1, 2020, doi: 10.1051/radiopro/2020015.

[2]          C. Sire, R. Le Riche, D. Rullière, J. Rohmer, L. Pheulpin, and Y. Richet, ‘Quantizing Rare Random Maps: Application to Flooding Visualization’, J. Comput. Graph. Stat., pp. 1–16, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.1080/10618600.2023.2203764.

[3]          Y. El-Ouartassy, I. Korsakissok, M. Plu, O. Connan, L. Descamps, and L. Raynaud, ‘Combining short-range dispersion simulations with fine-scale meteorological ensembles: probabilistic indicators and evaluation during a 85Kr field campaign’, EGUsphere, vol. 2022, pp. 1–35, Aug. 2022, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-2022-646.

How to cite: Korsakissok, I., El Ouartassy, Y., Raynaud, L., and Richet, Y.: Clustering methods for decision making: application to flood risks and radiological emergencies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17145,, 2025.

EGU25-17819 | Orals | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Leveraging digital innovation for drought resilience: Impact-based forecasting and early warning systems 

Elena Xoplaki, Monique Kuglitsch, and Juerg Luterbacher

Drought is among the most complex and impactful natural hazards, with profound consequences for ecosystems, agriculture, water resources, and human livelihoods. Addressing drought resilience requires a shift beyond simply predicting the occurrence and location of droughts toward understanding and managing associated risks, mitigating cascading effects such as wildfires and food insecurity, and strengthening adaptive capacity.

Digital technologies, including artificial intelligence and Digital Twins, offer transformative opportunities in this context. These tools enable the processing of extensive datasets, scenario simulation, and the generation of actionable insights to enhance early warning systems. Impact-based forecasting, supported by these innovations, facilitates proactive decision-making across sectors such as water management, agriculture, and disaster mitigation. Case studies from arid regions, including the Mediterranean, demonstrate the potential of these approaches to support timely and targeted interventions.

Despite the potential of digital technologies, significant challenges remain. Issues such as data governance, the establishment of global standards, ethical considerations, and equitable access to advanced tools are critical to ensuring effective and inclusive solutions. Addressing these challenges requires an integrated approach that aligns technological innovation with policy frameworks, governance structures, and societal priorities.

The integration of multi-hazard frameworks, exemplified by systems such as MedEWSa (, highlights the importance of advanced forecasting tools in managing drought risks and their cascading effects. This approach contributes to building resilience in arid regions and supports global efforts to adapt to a changing climate.

How to cite: Xoplaki, E., Kuglitsch, M., and Luterbacher, J.: Leveraging digital innovation for drought resilience: Impact-based forecasting and early warning systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17819,, 2025.

EGU25-18218 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Drought-induced TREE MOrtalities and REwilding in Apulia (TREEMORE) 

Roberto Ingrosso, Mara Baudena, Francesco Cozzoli, Valerio Lembo, Piero Lionello, Enrica Nestola, Francesco Salvatore Rocco Pausata, Gregorio Sgrigna, Shivangi Tiwari, and Roberta D'Agostino

In the last 30 years the Mediterranean region has increasingly been subjected to prolonged droughts, a phenomenon expected to worsen due to the rising levels of anthropogenic emissions. Although the scientific community has reached an emerging consensus regarding the physical processes driving these extreme events - such as the increased frequency and duration of atmospheric blocking and the expansion of subtropical zones - the broader impacts of water shortages on vegetation and feedback mechanisms within the climate-environment system remain poorly understood. Current evidence suggests that drought may lead to widespread tree mortality, heightened wildfire risks, and a gradual transformation from Mediterranean ecosystems to vegetation types typically associated with semi-arid environments. Apulia region, in Southern Italy has been selected as the study region, as it offers a unique case study to assess the consequences of extensive olive trees die-off after the spread of the pathogen/bacteria Xylella fastidiosa. We will investigate the effect of die-off and of different potential replanting strategies on the regional atmosphere. The study involves three different vegetation scenarios with a total of 12 new high-resolution sensitivity experiments under low and high-emission conditions (RCP2.6 or SSP1-2.6 and RCP8.5 or SSP5 8.5). One scenario will act as a reference with the current vegetation state. A deforestation scenario, accounting for 100% desertification, will represent the worst-case scenario. A regreening scenario will represent the afforestation/rewilding with native Mediterranean vegetation over the whole region. For this work, we will employ the regional version of the Global Environmental Multiscale Model (GEM) over the Euro-Cordex domain and the high-resolution Regional Climate Model (RegCM5, Giorgi et al., 2023) in convection-permitting setup, configured for the Southern Adriatic region over the domain 39.5°N - 42°N, 14.5°E - 18.5°E. The simulations will facilitate an in-depth analysis of the climatic effects of altered vegetation cover, focusing on key variables such as mean and extreme temperatures and precipitation, moisture distribution, and convection. We aim at identifying climate resilient planting strategies (e.g. restoring the historical land use, olive groves, or the native mediterranean vegetation) in Apulia, as a potentially practical approach to counteract or alleviate the effects of future compound extreme events, including severe droughts and heatwaves. 


How to cite: Ingrosso, R., Baudena, M., Cozzoli, F., Lembo, V., Lionello, P., Nestola, E., Pausata, F. S. R., Sgrigna, G., Tiwari, S., and D'Agostino, R.: Drought-induced TREE MOrtalities and REwilding in Apulia (TREEMORE), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18218,, 2025.

EGU25-18950 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Navigating the Path to Sustainability: Case Study Insights from Taiwan’s Semiconductor Sector 

Huishan Hu, Bouwen Lin, and Syuanjyun Sun

        As global attention to climate change intensifies, industries face unprecedented pressure to transition towards sustainability while maintaining economic competitiveness. Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, which constitutes 22.3% of the global market and contributes 15.27% to Taiwan's GDP, exemplifies this dual challenge. This study investigates the sector's sustainability transformation, emphasizing the interplay between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) frameworks, regulatory compliance, and market-driven pressures.

        Employing a case study methodology, this research delves into the complex dynamics shaping the sustainability trajectory of the semiconductor industry. Key challenges include compliance with evolving international regulations such as Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) from EU and carbon pricing initiatives in Taiwan. These frameworks compel companies to adopt stringent greenhouse gas inventory protocols and transition to low-carbon production models. Concurrently, supply chain demands from global technology leaders, exemplified by Apple’s 2030 carbon neutrality mandate, necessitate a comprehensive decarbonization of production processes and the integration of renewable energy sources. Public awareness of environmental issues further intensifies the need for businesses to align with consumer expectations for sustainability.

        The findings underscore the critical role of advanced technological tools and data- driven strategies in facilitating the transition. Enhanced supply chain transparency, the adoption of clean energy solutions, and the cultivation of sustainability-oriented expertise emerge as pivotal enablers. Moreover, addressing the environmental footprint of semiconductor manufacturing—characterized by significant energy and water consumption, as well as emissions of high-global-warming-potential gases—requires

innovative approaches that balance environmental responsibility with operational efficiency.

        This study contributes to the growing body of literature on sustainable industrial practices by offering a nuanced understanding of the strategic pathways available to high-impact sectors. By situating Taiwan’s semiconductor industry within the broader context of global sustainability efforts, this research provides actionable insights for policymakers and industry stakeholders. The implications extend beyond Taiwan, offering a replicable model for fostering resilience and competitiveness in the face of escalating climate imperatives.

Keywords: Semiconductor Industry, Sustainability Transition, ESG, Decarbonization, Green Supply Chain, Case Study

How to cite: Hu, H., Lin, B., and Sun, S.: Navigating the Path to Sustainability: Case Study Insights from Taiwan’s Semiconductor Sector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18950,, 2025.

EGU25-19316 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Towards robust design of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation 

Adam Mubeen, Laddaporn Ruangpan, Zoran Vojinovic, and Jasna Plavšić

One of the key issues of this century is climate change and its adverse effects. As the incidence hydrometeorological hazards rise more and more communities are exposed to their risks. It is becoming increasingly evident that existing infrastructure is not enough for providing the necessary levels of protection. The size of pipes in drainage systems, stormwater storage, and reservoirs cannot be increased indefinitely to reduce the impact of these events. An alternative that has been becoming more mainstream for risk reduction is NBS. They have proven to be effective over different scales from small urban systems such as green roofs, rain gardens and porous pavements to large-scale measure that include floodplain restoration, retention ponds, and riparian forest buffers.

NBS provide not only the benefit of risk reduction. They can be designed with multifunctionality in mind to provide co-benefits of increased biodiversity, carbon sequestration, pollution reduction and more. Their performance is strongly rooted in the design choices. With the predicted changes in the risk landscape, integrating flexibility and robustness in its design becomes increasingly important.

The principle of robust design has been used in engineering and manufacturing for a long time. Taguchi (1986) pioneered the concept of robust parameter design, an approach for designing long lasting and durable systems. The concept of robust design was further developed to include robust control (Saleh et al. 2003, Spiller et al. 2015) as a means of controlling how a system reacts to a disturbance, by active control. Mens et al. (2011) defined robustness as a system’s ability to function over a large range of magnitude of disturbance. Robust design approaches may be adopted in the design of NBS to ensure that the system remains fail-safe, to ensure that the exceedance of design conditions do not have devastating consequences. These concepts have been applied in the design of climate adaptation actions, but there is limited research in its application in the design of large-scale NBS.

This research advances our knowledge in robust design, by using robust parameter to design to design fail-safe NBS, by defining criteria for measuring robustness and using hydrodynamic modelling and GIS multicriteria analysis to measure the effectiveness of robust design using the RECONECT case study area Tamnava basin. This is an ongoing study. 

How to cite: Mubeen, A., Ruangpan, L., Vojinovic, Z., and Plavšić, J.: Towards robust design of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19316,, 2025.

EGU25-20578 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Optimizing Flood Risk Mitigation under Uncertainty: Towards Bridging Theory and Practice 

Mara Ruf and Daniel Straub

Flood risk management is undergoing a fundamental shift from a purely flood protection-based approach to a more comprehensive risk management strategy. This shift was promoted by the recognition that existing flood protection measures have proven insufficient in mitigating the severe consequences of recent flood events across Europe. Despite this growing awareness of the need for integrated flood risk management, practical implementation faces significant challenges. The complex interplay of local protection measures, downstream effects, potential flood protection failures and inherent uncertainties complicates the assessment of the long-term impact of individual decisions on overall flood risk.

In practice, decisions on flood mitigation measures are often based on local expert judgment, political considerations, or general guidelines, rather than a coordinated, catchment-wide evaluation. This fragmented approach, which focuses on local effectiveness, overlooks the large-scale, interconnected dynamics of flood risk, leading to suboptimal outcomes at larger scales. To address these challenges, we develop a flood risk model capable of identifying globally optimal solutions for flood mitigation strategies. However, the direct application of these optimal solutions to real-world contexts is not straightforward. In countries such as Germany, persistent challenges remain in the context of political, stakeholder, and institutional dynamics. The hierarchical decision-making structures in these countries complicate the integration of global optimization solutions into practice.

In this contribution, we present the current state of our proposed flood risk model as well as a simplified optimization example, providing a foundation for discussions on how to translate these insights into the hierarchical structures of flood risk management practice.

How to cite: Ruf, M. and Straub, D.: Optimizing Flood Risk Mitigation under Uncertainty: Towards Bridging Theory and Practice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20578,, 2025.

EGU25-269 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.6/CL0.11

High resolution economic modelling for climate risk assessments: An application to coastal storm surges in Norway 

Francis Barre, Evert Bouman, Edgar Hertwich, and Daniel Moran

We introduce a novel multisectoral and point-level economic model, demonstrated through a case study assessing the Norwegian economic exposure to coastal flooding.

An important prerequisite for accurately characterizing economic impacts from climate change is a spatial inventory of economic activity and value creation. Current options for creating spatial inventories of economic activity are limited. The main product that has been used for assessing economic exposure to hazards are gridded GDP models, which rely on proxies such as nighttime lights. However, they suffer from coarse spatial resolution and lack sectoral detail. They cannot capture building-level exposure and are constrained by biases, such as saturation in urban cores and unrealistic homogeneity in densely populated areas. While asset-level datasets offer high spatial precision, they are typically restricted to specific sectors (location of infrastructure, schools, residential buildings…), making them unsuitable for comprehensive, multi-sectoral analyses that are necessary for a full national-scale evaluation. These limitations highlight the need for a more integrated approach that combines fine spatial resolution with economic comprehensiveness and sectoral differentiation.

To bridge this gap, we present a novel, high-resolution mapping of national GDP that achieves fine spatial granularity while maintaining comprehensive sectoral differentiation. Our approach disaggregates national gross value added (GVA) to the point level using a public business register. We integrate this model with meter-scale flood hazard maps to quantify direct GDP and employment exposure to flooding. Additionally, we leverage an input-output analysis framework, specifically the hypothetical extraction method (HEM), to estimate indirect economic exposure, revealing how disruptions could propagate through intersectoral linkages.

To demonstrate the utility of this approach, we evaluate economic exposure to coastal flooding in Norway under a range of scenarios, from present-day extreme events to future projections under SSP3-7.0 for the year 2100. Results reveal the scale of both direct exposure at fine spatial scales and the broader systemic risks posed by intersectoral economic linkages. Our findings underscore the critical need for high-resolution, sectorally differentiated economic data to support the development of robust mitigation and adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Barre, F., Bouman, E., Hertwich, E., and Moran, D.: High resolution economic modelling for climate risk assessments: An application to coastal storm surges in Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-269,, 2025.

Understanding the spatiotemporal variations and driving forces of groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) resilience can provide scientific evidence for GDEs protection under natural and anthropogenic perturbations. However, the differences in the spatiotemporal variations of GDEs and non-GDEs resilience and their responses to climatic and anthropogenic disturbances are still unclear. Here, we applied lag-1 month temporal autocorrelation (AR(1)) based on kernel Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (kNDVI) to explore the spatiotemporal pattern of GDEs and non-GDEs resilience, and used propensity score matching (PSM) to identify the difference. XGBoost and Shapley model are applied to spatially quantify the marginal contributions from each single drivers. We found that over a third of both GDEs and non-GDEs experienced a shift from an increasing to a declining resilience trend from 1982 to 2022, with the resilience decline in GDEs being 7.5% slower than in non-GDEs. GDEs resilience are mostly responsive to precipitation and VPD, while non-GDEs resilience are mostly responsive to temperature and PET variations. Plant biodiversity significantly boosts GDEs resilience, which has a different impacting threshold compared with non-GDEs resilience. The impact of stocking density on resilience is much higher in GDEs than in non-GDEs. These findings highlight the urgent need for policy interventions to protect and manage groundwater and plant biodiversity in GDEs to maintain its resilience.

How to cite: Wu, T. and Liu, Y.: The resilience of global groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) declined less than non-GDEs in the last forty years under differentiated spatial driving forces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1845,, 2025.

EGU25-4495 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Nature-Related Financial Risks Assessments framework for Company and Industry Archetype: Metrics Review 

Maganizo Kruger Nyasulu, Hassan Sheikh, Christophe Christiaen, Philippa Lockwood, Jean-Pierre Jean-Pierre, Emmy Wassenius, and Calvin Quek

Nature degradation directly impacts company portfolio performance by disrupting ecosystem services critical to operations (such as water availability, pollination, etc.), while on the other hand company activities (such as deforestation, pollution, and resource extraction) significantly contribute to nature's degradation. This reciprocal relationship has intensified the need for robust methodologies to assess the underling nature-related financial risks as a pathway to allow companies to engage in mitigation and adaptation activities. While various approaches are currently in use, both business-focused (e.g nature value at risk) and nature-centered (e.g earth system index), significant gaps remain in harmonised methodologies that are comprehensive, user-friendly, and replicable, especially within biodiversity and ecosystems services at company level. An examination of existing approaches and contextual applications to company or industry archetype reveals both advantages and limitations in representing the double-materiality of risk associated with businesses. Here, we explore a potential framework for companies at the sector archetype that can assist in assessing current and potential nature-related financial risks. This is done by integrating NRFR metrics multidimensionally from the perspective of nature-related dependencies, exposures, and pressures across high climate impact industry archetypes, including agriculture, energy, and the built environment. However, the inherent challenges in representing complex and adaptive systems like nature through a metric approach should be held with caution. Regardless, this approach offers optimal direction on which companies can adopt for their individual NRFR assessments.

Keywords: Risk Assessment, Nature degradation, nature-related financial risks, business

How to cite: Nyasulu, M. K., Sheikh, H., Christiaen, C., Lockwood, P., Jean-Pierre, J.-P., Wassenius, E., and Quek, C.: Nature-Related Financial Risks Assessments framework for Company and Industry Archetype: Metrics Review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4495,, 2025.

Climate-related disasters often disproportionately impact the welfare of poor or marginalized households. However, the distributional impact of disasters on household welfare i.e., how these impacts vary across socioeconomic groups, remains underexplored in climate risk assessments. Further, existing frameworks often fail to capture the multidimensional nature of these impacts, such as disruptions to education, health services, food, livelihoods, work and well-being. These frameworks also fail to represent the temporal dynamics of impacts, particularly how they evolve during and after a disaster event. These limitations pose a challenge to develop quantitative models that adequately inform equitable policy responses. 

To address this gap, our research examines how multiple impact channels of disasters influence household welfare over time. Using high-frequency, longitudinal survey from Malawi (from the World Bank's Living Standard Measurement Study (LSMS)), this study analyses over 1,600 households across all districts of Malawi over 21 survey rounds (2021-2024). This timeframe includes major events like Cyclone Freddy in February 2023 and widespread floods in February 2024. The survey covers diverse indicators serving as proxies for household welfare, such as access to essential services, employment, food insecurity, price fluctuations (food, fuel, transport), and subjective welfare. Using descriptive statistics, regression models and time series analysis, we aim to highlight the diverse pathways through which disasters exacerbate socio-economic vulnerabilities, examining how these impacts vary across different regions and over time. 

Preliminary results draw attention to the complex relationship between climate-related hazards and differential household-level impacts, both spatially and across households. For example, food price responses show a sharp surge in the cost of domestically produced staples, such as maize, in flood-impacted areas due to Cyclone Freddy. Additionally, subjective welfare responses reveal that households in rural regions were disproportionately affected. Unlike their urban counterparts, rural families struggled to acquire sufficient food, fuel and other essential goods for their households, as higher prices reduced their purchasing power and further undermined their well-being. 

By capturing these spatiotemporal dynamics, our study increases our understanding of disaster impacts on household welfare. Our study paves the way for integrating these impact pathways into quantitative climate risk assessment models, ultimately aiming to make more informed and equitable decisions in disaster risk management. 

Keywords: Climate-related disasters, household welfare, high-frequency data, distributional impact, multidimensional impact pathways, temporal dynamics 

How to cite: Bansod, S., Verschuur, J., and Comes, T.: High-frequency survey data reveal complex impact pathways of climate-related disasters on household welfare in Malawi , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5930,, 2025.

EGU25-6470 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Shock Tracker: A living database of shocks 

Emmy Wassénius and Giulia Rubin

There is mounting evidence that we are living in a time of turbulence, with many disruptive events becoming increasingly common and intense. In these times, understanding the dynamics of past shocks can help us better prepare and potentially prevent severe impacts in the future. The Shock Tracker is a living database of cases, encompassing everything from wildfires, to floods, disease outbreaks and conflict. The case studies are formulated as storylines, describing the event and its multiple drivers and impacts, through a standardized reporting protocol. The database currently has over 100 documented cases and, thanks to its living nature, it is growing every day. The cases are submitted by people from diverse backgrounds who become part of our growing Shock Tracker Network. All cases then undergo rigorous review before being added to the final archive. There is a particular focus in the protocol on how the shock was shaped by the interactions between people and nature. Through the case studies, the Shock Tracker highlights how anthropogenic climate change contributed to shock events, where mild but multiple drivers led to extreme impacts, and what the role of human action and agency were in both driving and mitigating these events and their impacts. The Shock Tracker is therefore a collection of cases that show that climate-induced events are already happening and are not only a future problem, that they are not only caused by extreme conditions, and that they are not only natural but often triggered by social decisions. We hope that the Shock Tracker can be a source of both direct learning from past events to better prepare us for the future and a useful resource for academic research into the patterns of drivers and impacts of shocks.

How to cite: Wassénius, E. and Rubin, G.: Shock Tracker: A living database of shocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6470,, 2025.

EGU25-6917 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Local-resolution risk assessment for tropical cyclones: toward global adaptation  

Itxaso Odériz and Iñigo Losada

Between 1998 and 2017, tropical cyclones (TCs) caused 233,000 deaths, affected approximately 726 million people globally, and led to an average of 9.3 million human displacements annually between 2017 and 2020 (Kam et al., 2024). Within countries impacted by TCs, economically disadvantaged populations are disproportionately affected (Jing et al., 2024). Adaptation to TCs is impregnated with uncertainty within a global context where coastal adaptation efforts are unbalance distributed (Magnan et al., 2023).

While adaptive capacity varies widely at subnational levels (Magnan et al., 2023), adaptive information is provided at the national level or, at best, at the second administration level (e.g., states). There is a lack of local adaptation information specifically related to TCs. As part of the TRANSCLIMA project (, we developed global, local risk indicators at the fourth administration level, based on changes in TC characteristics, exposed population, and TC-related adaptive capacity.

This study identifies TC regions where changes in intensity and frequency are observed. Based on these changes, regions where minor or major TCs shift and assesses whether TCs may become an unprecedented hazard, leading to emergent risks. These hazard indicators resulted from analysing TC characteristics under two climatological periods: a baseline climate (1980-2017) and a future high-emission climate scenario, Shared Socioeconomic Pathway SSP8.5 (2015-2050). We used synthetic tracks datasets of four Global Climate Models (CMCC, CNRM, EC-Earth, and HadGEM3)  (Bloemendaal, et al., 2022). Population data were obtained from the fourth version of the gridded population of the world with a 1 km resolution of the Socioeconomic Data and Application Center for the base year 2000 and for the years 2040 and 2050 under the SSP5 scenario (Center For International Earth Science Information Network-CIESIN-Columbia University, 2017), calculated for each coastal locality (Odériz et al., 2024). We assessed the adaptive capacity of each TC region using an index that combines local adaptive capacity, such as indicator local experience based on IBTrACS data (Knapp, 2018; K. R. Knapp et al., 2010). Additionally, we proposed a national-level insurance coverage indicator and a national-level adaptation readiness indicator.

Using this global, local-resolution risk assessment, we provided a detailed overview of the adaptation status of countries, considering subnational levels, that can be used to identify hotspots for financial adaptation plans.

How to cite: Odériz, I. and Losada, I.: Local-resolution risk assessment for tropical cyclones: toward global adaptation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6917,, 2025.

EGU25-7026 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Climate risk ownership in the age of asset management 

Viktor Rözer

With a recent green climbdown in global finance including the world’s largest money manager BlackRock leaving the high-profile Net Zero Asset Managers group, the debate on the financial risks from climate change is reignited. While there is an agreement on the catastrophic potential of unmitigated climate change itself, many important players in the global financial system have reevaluated to what degree climate risk equals investment risk. A key point in this debate is who owns the financial risks from climate change and who is subsequently responsible for managing them. This study looks into the question of climate change risk ownership by examining two megatrends unfolding in the global financial system over the last three decades: the financialization of climate change and the parallel evolution of the asset management industry. The analysis shows how the interconnection between these two trends has resulted in a financial system where climate risk disclosure demanded by newly introduced regulations such as TCFD and intended to enhance risk management, actually enables private entities to shield profits from climate-related losses, while leaving systemic risks unaddressed. Drawing on the literature from the financialization of nature, risk ownership, and climate risk assessment, the study highlights how technological advancements in climate risk models and government incentives for low-carbon investments create adverse selection and moral hazards for both physical and transition risks from climate change. Introducing the concept of ‘climate risk ownership’ through case studies on renewable energy investments and disaster insurance, the study highlights the gaps in the management of the financial risks of climate change between public and private entities.

How to cite: Rözer, V.: Climate risk ownership in the age of asset management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7026,, 2025.

EGU25-10005 | Posters on site | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Interactions of physical climate risk and nature risk for ESG information disclosure in the financial sector 

Taro Kunimitsu, Anne Sophie Daloz, Erik Kusch, and Jana Sillmann

There have been rapid developments in mandatory Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) information disclosure in recent years. Under the requirements that have been developed, companies, including financial institutions, are required to analyse not only the climate risk they face but also the risk from biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation, and their interactions with climate risk. For EU nations and other European nations including Norway, companies are subject to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requirements that came into effect last year and require such disclosures. Many financial institutions lack the expertise to sufficiently manage these requirements and need support not only to satisfy the requirements, but also to proactively manage their assets against the risks they face.

Under such regulatory developments, we have been working with financial institutions in Norway to support their ESG information disclosure activities, focusing on physical climate risk, nature risk, and their potential connections. In this talk, we highlight our approach, focusing on the opportunities we see for both financial institutions and the scientific community. These will be presented through a case study we conducted, focusing on data flow and availability, methodologies developed on bridging climate and nature research, and on the limits we faced as academic researchers. The collaboration has led to the development of methods that could position the financial institutions as leaders in the sector regarding risk management and building resilience towards climate and nature risk. Given the disclosure requirements, transparent methods and coherent data generation on physical and transition risks will be an opportunity for enhancing awareness of climate and nature risk, and for getting a comprehensive picture of the economic impacts of climate change (including the impacts of extreme events) and the benefits of avoided impacts via mitigation and adaptation actions.

How to cite: Kunimitsu, T., Daloz, A. S., Kusch, E., and Sillmann, J.: Interactions of physical climate risk and nature risk for ESG information disclosure in the financial sector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10005,, 2025.

EGU25-11087 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Business-level flood insurance coverage and adaptation under climate change in the Netherlands 

Michiel Ingels, Wouter Botzen, Jeroen Aerts, Jan Brusselaers, and Max Tesselaar

Floods cause large disruptions to society by causing both direct and indirect damages. These impacts will be further exacerbated by climate change and socioeconomic development. In addition to direct impacts, businesses may face indirect losses resulting from disruptions to their operations, adding extra complexity to business risk assessments. Additionally, business closures can have far-stretching economic repercussions. Flood insurance is an instrument to reduce the impact of floods for businesses by spreading the risk over space and time. While the (future-) increase in flood damages puts pressure on businesses, insurance systems tailored to businesses remain underexplored.

This research applies and extends the ‘Dynamic Integrated Flood Insurance’ (DIFI) model to analyse flood insurance for businesses in the Netherlands, taking into account both insurance against direct damages and insurance against business interruption damages. We analyse the responses of various insurance systems to changes in flood risk. These systems include voluntary insurance, solidarity-based insurance, and public-private partnership insurance. In addition, we assess the effect of adaptation on the viability of flood insurance by allowing businesses to take building-level measures to reduce their flood risk.

To facilitate the insurance analysis, flood damages are estimated using an object-based approach that takes high resolution (25m x 25m) inundation maps as input. To simulate the insurance uptake, company-level financial data obtained from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce is used in a subjective expected utility framework. This module is calibrated on actual insurance uptake numbers and takes risk misperception into account. DIFI simulations until 2080 show how premiums, insurance uptake, and policyholder adaptation efforts develop over time for various insurance market structures. These projections provide valuable insights into the viability and effectiveness of different insurance market structures in the face of climate change and shifting socioeconomic conditions.

The novelty of this research lies not only in incorporating businesses into the insurance analysis, but also in introducing a focus on business interruption damages, offering a more comprehensive perspective on flood impacts for businesses. Initial results reveal that, in certain sectors, flood-related business interruption damages are nearly as high as, or even exceed, direct damages. These findings offer new insights into the impact of flooding on businesses and the challenges of insuring such damages.

Consequently, the findings are relevant for policymakers and insurers by identifying which insurance market structures are more resilient to the increasing flood risk, providing guidance on designing financially sustainable insurance framework. Moreover, the study highlights the need for targeted insurance incentives to encourage business-level adaptation, and it informs decisions regarding potential government involvement in the insurance system to ensure equitable access to flood insurance.

How to cite: Ingels, M., Botzen, W., Aerts, J., Brusselaers, J., and Tesselaar, M.: Business-level flood insurance coverage and adaptation under climate change in the Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11087,, 2025.

EGU25-13433 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Towards a Taxonomy of Systemic Risks 

Paul Einhäupl, Benjamin Hofbauer, and Pia-Johanna Schweizer

Systemic risks, emerging from dynamic interactions among natural, technological, and societal systems, pose multifaceted challenges to modern, interconnected societies. These risks emerge from the complex, interdependent relationships between various system elements and can lead to cascading effects across multiple domains. The complexity, non-linearity, and transboundary nature of these risks require a systems thinking approach for effective governance. This presentation introduces a taxonomy of systemic risks, categorizing elements, clarifying relationships, and fostering interdisciplinary dialogue to improve risk understanding and response strategies.

By systematically categorizing SR based on core elements, relationships, and characteristics, the taxonomy facilitates structured data collection and enables comparative analysis across diverse risk scenarios. It facilitates the identification of shared features and distinct differences among systemic risks, supporting more effective research and informed policymaking. Moreover, the taxonomy’s adaptive design ensures its continued relevance, allowing it to evolve as systemic risks change due to shifting societal, technological, and environmental dynamics. Thus, grounded in Forrester’s iterative system dynamics approach, the taxonomy evolves alongside systemic risk assessment, capturing new patterns and dynamics while remaining applicable across diverse contexts. This flexibility enables both granular analysis of specific risks and comparative studies across multiple domains.

An exemplary application of the taxonomy demonstrates its utility, while ongoing research critically evaluates its strengths and limitations. This work also explores the ethical implications of the taxonomy, critically assessing the normative assumptions underlying risk classification. This approach ensures that the taxonomy supports inclusive and equitable risk governance, recognizing diverse values and interests across stakeholders.

By identifying leverage points and key indicators, the taxonomy helps detect and mitigate systemic risks by efficiently pinpointing areas where interventions are most effective. It offers practical insights for developing resilience and improving decision-making by facilitating more targeted and efficient data collection. Hence, the taxonomy’s full potential will unfold as it is populated with data, enabling more effective interventions through a deeper understanding of systemic risks.

The proposed taxonomy is a significant contribution to SR research and governance, offering a structured framework and a first step towards a holistic assessment framework targeted at systemic risks. It holds the potential to improve responses to climate extremes and compound events, driving data-informed decision-making, and contributing to sustainable development, climate change resilience, and disaster risk reduction.

How to cite: Einhäupl, P., Hofbauer, B., and Schweizer, P.-J.: Towards a Taxonomy of Systemic Risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13433,, 2025.

EGU25-14413 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.6/CL0.11

 Nature-positive Climate Risk Transfer & Financing: A Systematic Review​ 

Alina Bill-Weilandt, David Lallemant, Vivien Chan Khim Sun, Meherwan Patel, and Perrine Hamel

Nature-based Solutions (NBS) for climate resilience offer great opportunities to address the crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation in an integrated way. Innovative climate risk transfer and financing instruments have emerged to scale up financing for NBS. Nature-positive finance models play a key role in closing the adaptation and nature finance gaps. This systematic review structures the evidence on mechanisms emerging from academic literature and practice that combine ‘NBS for climate resilience’ and ‘risk transfer and financing mechanisms’ and their effectiveness and economic viability. The review follows the reporting guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 statement. We identified 104 academic publications (based on a screening of over 2000 studies listed on Web of Science and Scopus) and 132 non-academic publications that mentioned a risk transfer or financing mechanism, a Nature-based Solution, and hazard regulation benefits of the intervention. One key contribution of the review is an inventory with over 70 examples of risk transfer and financing mechanisms that incentivize investments in NBS for climate resilience. In addition, the systematic review highlights knowledge gaps and needs for further research in this field, including the quantification of co-benefits, disaggregation of benefits by socio-economic characteristics, and consideration of equity / inequity in the distribution of risks and benefits.

How to cite: Bill-Weilandt, A., Lallemant, D., Chan Khim Sun, V., Patel, M., and Hamel, P.:  Nature-positive Climate Risk Transfer & Financing: A Systematic Review​, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14413,, 2025.

EGU25-15169 | Orals | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Increasing fiscal stress from compound hazard risk across the globe: how can innovative finance options build resilience? 

Reinhard Mechler, Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler, Muneta Yokomatsu, and Qinhan Zhu

Strong evidence on mounting disaster and climate-related risks across the globe and first evidence on adaptation limits indicate that conventional approaches are challenged in terms of effectively preventing disasters and deliver on the Paris climate ambitions - even in an only 1.5oC warming world, which is, however, being exceeded. At the same time countries and communities across the world are already today stressed by current risk associated with hydrometeorological and geophysical hazards. Prior work on country extreme event risk has identified fiscal thresholds for multiple single hazards, where government’s ability to provide relief to the affected population and rebuild post-event has been exhausted leading to long-term declines in socio-economic development indicators. While in a changing climate, hazards are increasingly compounding (floods, windstorms, landslides etc.), it has been less clear what this may mean for risk and risk management overall.

Building on state-of-the-art disaster and climate risk modelling, we develop global insight on fiscal stress arising compound hazard risk. We probabilistically identify fiscal risk thresholds (“financing gaps”) for single and compound hazard risk from flood, cyclone, earthquake, tsunami and landslide hazards. The analysis shows that compound hazard risk leads to lower, i.e. more frequently occurring, gap return period year events, which may incur fiscal crises. For many (61) vulnerable countries this means such events may occur more often than every 10 years (equivalent to annual probability larger than 10%). As well, according to our analysis 54 low income, emerging and advanced economies would face such thresholds more often than once in 50 years (annual probability of larger than 2%). 

In this context, policy responses ought to be ramped up including consideration for risk prevention and risk finance.  In terms of risk finance, as part of the Bridgetown initiative and Loss&Damage discourses the enhanced use of IMF's Special Drawing Right (SDR) entitlements has been discussed as a means to increase resilience of the most vulnerable countries. We show that the use of SDR can soften the impact from disasters. If low income and emerging economies are allowed to access 10% of their SDR entitlements post disaster, the chance of fiscal crises can be pushed out by 19 years for low income and by 12 years for emerging economies (change in annual probability of 5 and 8 percentage points, respectively. With international debate on climate finance gaining momentum, we suggest the international community ought to further consider the innovative use of climate finance mechanism to help build climate and disaster resilience.

How to cite: Mechler, R., Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Yokomatsu, M., and Zhu, Q.: Increasing fiscal stress from compound hazard risk across the globe: how can innovative finance options build resilience?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15169,, 2025.

EGU25-15331 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Assessing infrastructure criticality using input-output table and network analysis 

Tan Phan and Marcello Arosio

Despite substantial progress in understanding infrastructure interdependencies and their economic implications, quantifying the criticality of infrastructure and its vulnerabilities to climate impacts remains challenging. Existing models often oversimplify the consequences of infrastructure failure, assuming total cessation of activities, which can lead to unrealistic risk assessments and inefficient resource allocation. This study addresses these gaps by focusing on the criticality of four infrastructure groups, energy, water, information and communication technologies (ICT), and transport, regarding economic activities and material transactions (input-output relationship). Leveraging data from the OECD Input-Output tables, the research identifies key infrastructure-related sectors based on the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC Rev.4) and analyzes their roles within the economy. The research begins by examining the intermediate inputs provided by infrastructure-related sectors (sectors of which activities are related to the critical infrastructure services, e.g., land transport, water supply) to all sectors across the 11 largest economies, determining which infrastructure sectors or groups generate the highest monetary flows. Subsequently, network analysis is used to evaluate the structural importance of these sectors by measuring their centrality within the economic network. To further explore their criticality, the study simulates disruptions to individual and combined infrastructure groups, assessing their impacts on network topology and economic connectivity. The findings highlight the pivotal role of the transportation and energy sectors, which together account for 70% of infrastructure-related expenditures in the economy. Among these, the energy sector emerges as the most central and influential, underscoring its critical function across all industries. A disruption in energy infrastructure could result in a 12% reduction in in-strength centrality across the network, emphasizing its widespread economic impact. Transportation infrastructure, while essential for manufacturing industries, demonstrates its criticality in enabling production and logistics. Similarly, ICT infrastructure is shown to be indispensable for service-oriented sectors, reflecting its growing importance in the modern economy. The water sector, while less centralized in its role, exhibits a dispersed yet significant influence across various industries, underscoring its essential but less direct contribution. Overall, the study advances our understanding of the economic significance and interdependence of critical infrastructure groups, providing a robust framework to evaluate their roles, vulnerabilities, and potential impacts on economic activities.

How to cite: Phan, T. and Arosio, M.: Assessing infrastructure criticality using input-output table and network analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15331,, 2025.

EGU25-15930 | Posters on site | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Navigating systemic risk 

Pia-Johanna Schweizer and Sirkku Juhola

In many risk domains, such as occupational health and safety, transportation, and food safety, modern risk governance is a success story. Despite these advancements, risk governance still struggles with systemic risk in the context of extreme climate and weather events, associated disasters and emergent risks. Systemic risk affects entire systems on which society depends, such as the health care system or the energy system. Systemic risk can be defined as “the risk or probability of breakdowns in an entire system, as opposed to breakdowns in individual parts or components” (Kaufman & Scott, 2003, p. 371). Connectivity between systems is the key enabler for systemic risk to manifest through cascading effects. Systemic risks originate and evolve in the nexus of tightly-coupled dynamic systems. The convergence of systemic risks with conventional risks as well as one systemic risk with another systemic risk challenges the established modes of risk analysis and governance that still rest to a large extent on differentiation and compartmentalisation.

Governance of systemic risk is concerned with the analysis of tightly coupled systems, their various interdependencies, and the resulting dynamics. Risk analysis here investigates feedback mechanisms between components of a system at the intra-system level and at the interaction with other systems at the inter-system level which result in transboundary cascading effects. In addition, governance of systemic risk is also concerned with procedural considerations of governance. Tentative, experimentalist and adaptive governance concepts, together with inclusive risk governance approaches, provide stepping stones for governance of systemic risks.

The presentation will analyse the governance challenges around systemic risk relating to issues of complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity. Based on an extensive literature review and drawing on the case studies of the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, a risk governance framework for systemic risks will be proposed that aims to address these challenges.

How to cite: Schweizer, P.-J. and Juhola, S.: Navigating systemic risk, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15930,, 2025.

EGU25-16825 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Assessing the Likelihood of High-Impact Co-Occurring Weather Extremes in Europe 

Judith Claassen, Marleen de Ruiter, Wiebke Jäger, Elco Koks, Adrian Champion, James Daniell, and Philip Ward

Co-occurring weather extremes can cause significant damage across various sectors. For instance, low spring precipitation combined with a summer heatwave may lead to crop failures, wildfires, drinking water shortages, increased mortality rates, and reduced energy production. Conversely, prolonged high precipitation on already saturated soils can trigger widespread flooding, which, when combined with extreme wind, may result in additional impacts such as fallen trees obstructing critical roads and railways.

Traditionally, these extremes have often been modeled independently in risk analyses. However, neglecting the interactions between extremes can lead to a significant underestimation of risk.

To better understand the likelihood of co-occurring weather extremes, stochastic weather data offers the ability to generate a wide range of weather scenarios beyond the historical record. Using a newly developed copula-based stochastic weather model, this research estimates the likelihood of high-impact co-occurring extreme weather events. By analysing European case studies of extreme weather conditions, such as hot and dry periods or wet and windy events, we identify the prevailing factors during these events that resulted in financial damage. The stochastic weather data allows us to assess the frequency and likelihood of these extreme conditions, providing critical insights into their potential recurrence and allows for a better management of the associated financial risk.

How to cite: Claassen, J., de Ruiter, M., Jäger, W., Koks, E., Champion, A., Daniell, J., and Ward, P.: Assessing the Likelihood of High-Impact Co-Occurring Weather Extremes in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16825,, 2025.

Today's decisions on climate change mitigation affect the damage that future generations will bear. Discounting future benefits and costs of climate change mitigation is one of the most critical components of assessing efficient climate mitigation pathways. We extend the DICE model with stochastic discount rates to reflect the uncertain nature of discount rates. Stochastic rates give rise to a stochastic mitigation strategy, resulting in all model quantities becoming stochastic.

We show that the optimization procedure of the DICE model induces intergenerational inequality: lacking a mechanism to regulate burden, future generations have to bear higher costs from abatement and damage relative to GDP.

Further, we show that considering uncertainty of discount rates and their feedback to abatement policies, which can be interpreted as successive re-calculation, increases intergenerational inequality (and adds additional risks).
Motivated by this, we consider additional financing risks by investigating two modifications of DICE. We find that allowing financing of abatement costs and considering non-linear financing effects for large damages improves intergenerational effort sharing. To conclude our discussion of options to improve intergenerational equity in an IAM, we propose a modified optimization to keep costs below 3 % of GDP, resulting in more equal distribution of efforts between generations.

How to cite: Fries, C. and Quante, L.: Intergenerational Equitable Climate Change Mitigation: Negative Effects of Stochastic Interest Rates; Positive Effects of Financing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16844,, 2025.

EGU25-17348 | Posters on site | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Leveraging Empirical Insurance Data for Climate Risk Assessment 

Quentin Hénaff and Andréa Poletti

The insurance sector faces escalating costs from both ordinary and catastrophic weather events. According to the IPCC, insurance acts as a crucial “risk-spreading mechanism”, redistributing the financial impacts of natural hazards across policyholders and society. The insurance sector also provides empirical data and expert assessments of hazard-related damages, fostering advancements in scientific research. 
Generali France, a local subsidiary of Assicurazioni Generali, has operated in mainland France and overseas since 1832. Through its Climate Lab and Reinsurance Department, we are collecting and analyzing natural hazard claims not only for regulatory purposes but also as part of its internal research and development initiatives. Our claims database comprises approximately 400,000 records collected over the last decade (2014–2024), linked to an annual exposure dataset of 1.5 million policies. 
The catalog was constructed though meticulous steps of data collection, standardization and enhancement. A date, geolocation, economic variables such as reported damages or insured values is associated to each claim which is then categorized by lines of business, natural hazards, weather-related events and triggered coverages. Such modular structure enables an analysis at multiple levels, from individual claims to aggregated data by reinsurance event or geographical area. The financial impact of each peril can thus be studied precisely: loss ratios, destruction rates, event costs both observed and net of (re)insurance protection. 

The database was designed under the assumption of relatively stable climatic variability and was cross-referenced with external data sources which ensure accuracy and reliability. As an illustration, hurricane Irma 2017 in the Caribbean, hailstorms of 2022, French South-East floods in 2015 and extra-tropical storm Ciaran in 2023 are clearly visible. 
Such approach should foster collaboration between the insurance sector and geoscience to address climate risks. By leveraging Generali France’s claims data, researchers can validate regional climate models, quantify the financial impacts of natural disasters, and improve socioeconomic projections at local and national scales.  

How to cite: Hénaff, Q. and Poletti, A.: Leveraging Empirical Insurance Data for Climate Risk Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17348,, 2025.

EGU25-17797 | Posters on site | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Assessing the financial impacts from drought and heat induced crop yield losses 

Kai Kornhuber, Yi-Ling Hwong, and Corey Lesk

Climate variability and weather extremes can have large impacts on local crop production. Droughts and heat extremes have been identified as main drivers on crop yield variability and therefore might pose a threat to global food security under future emission scenarios. In addition, instability may arise from associated financial losses in countries in which the economy is heavily reliant on income from agricultural production.

Using latest ISIMIP3a/b data, we assess the relative importance of drought, soil moisture, mean temperature and extreme heat for regional crop variability and establish a simple statistical model for future crop yield projections under different climate futures and associated impacts on national economies.

How to cite: Kornhuber, K., Hwong, Y.-L., and Lesk, C.: Assessing the financial impacts from drought and heat induced crop yield losses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17797,, 2025.

Natural disasters often result from compound events, where multiple interacting drivers converge across spatial and temporal scales, significantly amplifying their severity. The concept of compound events has gained increasing attention in recent literature, offering opportunities to enhance disaster understanding, while also presenting challenges and open issues for modern risk assessment frameworks. Traditional classification systems, which primarily focus on single hazards, often fail to capture the complex interconnections and cascading effects that define compound events. This study investigates the potential for reclassifying disasters from a compound perspective, leveraging insights derived from existing databases. By analyzing patterns of hazard interactions and co-occurrence, the research underscores the critical need for a paradigm shift in disaster classification. It highlights the limitations of conventional approaches in representing the multidimensional nature of risks and the cascading impacts that emerge from compound hazards. Reclassifying disasters from a compound perspective not only enriches our knowledge of hazard dynamics but also provides actionable pathways for improving risk assessment, informing adaptive policies, and enhancing resilience to the growing complexity of environmental challenges. In an era of rapid climatic and socio-environmental changes, such an approach is crucial for effective disaster preparedness and mitigation strategies.

How to cite: De Michele, C. and Banfi, F.: Reclassifying disasters in a compound perspective: Insights from existing databases, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18319,, 2025.

Southeast Asia is becoming more and more vulnerable to extreme weather events and especially flooding due to its susceptibility to tropical cyclones, storm surges and heavy rainfall, as demonstrated by the frequency and magnitude of catastrophic events like those in 2020. This vulnerability is driven by many factors, including growing population, rapid urbanization and extensive land use changes driven by agricultural expansion, especially in Cambodia, which is situated in one of the most flood-vulnerable zones in mainland Southeast Asia. In this region, flood hazards have caused severe damages on households and on infrastructures, such as roads and bridges, causing extensive impacts on the national economy. These challenges are expected to intensify in the future due to climate change, particularly through compound events such as the interactions between riverine flooding and tropical cyclones. Despite these growing risks to critical infrastructures, two crucial gaps persist in the current practice: the integration of both direct damages and indirect impact assessments, and the understanding of the economic impacts of compound events, particularly on how these events could potentially amplify economic disruptions. In order to address these gaps, this study presents a framework that is able to bridge direct and indirect impact modeling through the combination of the open-source CLIMADA platform with the agent-based model Disrupt-SC, thanks to their spatially explicit nature. CLIMADA is adopted to quantify direct infrastructure damages from flooding events, while Disrupt-SC, simulates the cascading effects through transport and supply chain networks, including rerouting, price adjustments, and product shortages. In particular, this framework is particularly suitable to analyze the economic impacts of spatially and temporally compounding hazards. To test its applicability, the framework is applied to Cambodia. Using high-resolution data on households, firms, and trade flows we mapped the cascading effects of critical infrastructure network disruptions during compound events, enabling a comprehensive evaluation of both immediate damages and the propagation of economic impacts through supply chains. In particular, the analysis reveals crucial infrastructure components whose disruption during compound events could trigger country-wide economic impacts. This methodology offers a comprehensive framework for understanding flood impacts and their propagation through interconnected systems, contributing to more effective adaptation strategies in vulnerable and developing countries and providing decision-makers with actionable insights for prioritizing infrastructure resilience investments in Cambodia's most vulnerable regions.

How to cite: Nobile, E. G. L. and Colon, C.: Assessing the cascading economic impacts of critical infrastructure failures on supply-chains: a case study of Cambodia floods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19090,, 2025.

EGU25-19269 | Posters on site | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Making Sense of Multiple Stressors, Coupled Hazards, and Systemic Risks: How can we advance inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to vulnerability with a translator model? 

Alexandre Pereira Santos, Miguel Rodriguez Lopez, Yechennan Peng, and Jürgen Scheffran

Hazard impacts in the Anthropocene increasingly spill over different spatio-temporal scales, societal sectors, and risk types (e.g., from natural drivers to technological failures). Recent research efforts point towards broadening the risk systems outlines to rise to this challenge. They also indicate a need for further depth, capturing the emergent aspects and managing the (information) complexity of the risk systems at hand. These two efforts have so far been achieved separately, and holistic approaches remain costly and rare. We thus present a review of systemic risks, multiple stressors, and coupled hazards, and a four-stage framework that responds to the identified challenges. The four stages include an initial co-design stage, followed by a quantitative spatio-temporal risk assessment. A bottom-up thematic analysis follows and an agent-based model wraps up the framework, connecting scales, social sectors, and mixing evidence. We implemented the framework to analyse COVID-19 in Brazil and our mixed top-down and bottom-up evidence markedly differentiates exposure and vulnerability across social classes. Since the framework’s publication, our work has adapted the framework to the climate domain, drawing from the lessons learned to overcome disciplinary siloing, taking cross-sectoral losses into account, and tracking feedback between environmental and social factors. We believe these innovations are key for promoting evidence-based and context-sensitive policies essential for fairer and more effective adaptation.

How to cite: Pereira Santos, A., Rodriguez Lopez, M., Peng, Y., and Scheffran, J.: Making Sense of Multiple Stressors, Coupled Hazards, and Systemic Risks: How can we advance inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to vulnerability with a translator model?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19269,, 2025.

EGU25-19540 | Orals | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Climate-linked bonds 

Daniel Dimitrov, Dirk Broeders, and Niek Verhoeven

Climate-linked bonds are an innovative financial tool designed to address the growing challenges of climate change. These bonds, ideally issued by governments and supranational organizations, adjust their payouts based on measurable climate variables, such as average temperatures or greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations. By directly linking financial returns to climate outcomes, climate-linked bonds provide a strong incentive for issuers to align their actions with climate change mitigation goals. The instrument not only signals a government’s commitment to addressing climate risks but also offers investors a mechanism to hedge against the long-term economic consequences of climate change.

This paper introduces an asset pricing model for climate-linked bonds, demonstrating the growing demand for these instruments amid anticipated long-term climate risks. We evaluate the factors that facilitate risk-sharing and highlight how these bonds provide favorable  terms to counterparties willing to assume climate risks, while offering long-term hedging opportunities to those seeking protection against such risks.

For governments, climate-linked bonds offer an opportunity to integrate climate accountability into their fiscal frameworks. Because the financial cost of servicing these bonds goes down with better climate outcomes, their issuance incentivizes governments to adopt robust climate policies to reduce emissions and mitigate long-term risks. Additionally, climate-linked bonds formalize the implicit role of governments as insurers of last resort, providing a structured mechanism for managing climate-related damages while enhancing fiscal predictability.

At the same time, climate-linked bonds provide investors with long-term financial protection against climate risks. Unlike alternative dynamic hedging strategies, which can be complex and costly, climate-linked bonds offer a streamlined and efficient way to mitigate exposure to climate uncertainties. As their yields are less correlated with traditional market cycles, this also makes them a valuable addition to long-term investment strategies.

Furthermore, climate-linked bonds contribute to the resilience of the financial system by addressing the ``insurance gap,'' the large portion of climate-related damages that remain uninsured. By providing a pre-emptive financial mechanism to manage these risks, climate-linked bonds reduce reliance on ad-hoc government interventions and ensure a more systematic approach to addressing the economic costs of climate change. In addition, the market-driven pricing mechanism of these bonds embeds climate risks into financial valuations, facilitating price discovery and helping to establish a term structure for long-term climate risks. This feature thereby provides valuable insights into how the market perceives climate challenges and the potential effectiveness of mitigation strategies. 

Despite their benefits, implementing climate-linked bonds comes with challenges. Designing bonds tied to clear and actionable climate metrics, such as GHG concentrations or temperature anomalies, is critical to ensure their effectiveness and credibility. Standardizing these metrics across countries and markets is equally important to foster a robust and liquid global market for climate-linked bonds. Additionally, international coordination is necessary to address the inherently global nature of climate change and ensure that the bonds incentivize collective action rather than enabling free-riding. Market liquidity is another key consideration, as a liquid market attracts diverse investors and allows the bonds to meet varying maturity needs, from short-term hedges for insurers to long-term instruments for pension funds.

How to cite: Dimitrov, D., Broeders, D., and Verhoeven, N.: Climate-linked bonds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19540,, 2025.

EGU25-19673 | Orals | ITS4.6/CL0.11 | Highlight

“Boosted” realities: exploring the plausible limits of extreme weather through ensemble forecasts 

Nicholas Leach, Shirin Ermis, Erich Fischer, Olivia Vashti Ayim, Aidan Brocklehurst, Kelvin Ng, and Gregor Leckebusch

High-impact low-likelihood extreme weather events and their impacts are of considerable interest to a variety of stakeholders across both the public and private sectors. Within the financial sector, there has been a focus on understanding how these kinds of extremes may change in the future, and quantifying the impact of such changes. However, we suggest that significant effort is still needed to fully assess the present day risk from such extremes, especially given the recent increase in apparently “unprecedented” extremes.

Within academic research, the “UNSEEN” framework has recently gained traction as one approach to understanding the limits of extreme weather. However, this framework has typically focussed on using seasonal forecast simulations as they explore a wider range of longer-scale modes of climate variability than near-term forecasts. Using seasonal forecast simulations, however, places limits on the direct applicability to local extremes and introduces challenges resulting from model drift. Here, we present a corresponding approach using state-of-the-art medium-range reforecasts to explore the extreme upper tail of the weather distribution, inspired by the ensemble boosting methodology, which has thus far been implemented within relatively coarse resolution climate models. A key feature of basing our analysis on weather forecast simulations, as opposed to high resolution climate model simulations, is that the events produced are explicitly linked to the weather that actually occurred. We can analyse dynamically what would have had to happen differently for the UNSEEN extreme to become reality — and therefore assess how plausible it is and find the key synoptic precursors.

These “boosted realities” are of wide utility - they provide physically consistent event storylines which can be used for emergency management and infrastructure design, or for the validation of the upper tail of event sets produced by the natural catastrophe models used in insurance. These plausible extremes could be ideal candidates for generating so called “Tales of Future Weather”, through the application of recently developed approaches in extreme weather attribution.

How to cite: Leach, N., Ermis, S., Fischer, E., Vashti Ayim, O., Brocklehurst, A., Ng, K., and Leckebusch, G.: “Boosted” realities: exploring the plausible limits of extreme weather through ensemble forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19673,, 2025.

Over the past 30+ years, Moody’s/RMS has been at the forefront of catastrophe modelling, developing and supporting models for the global (re)insurance market. Those granular, bottom-up models bring together carefully calibrated stochastic simulations of extreme events with detailed assessments of the vulnerability of a wide range of building types. For any given portfolio of assets, loss distributions that incorporate a variety of local market considerations can be generated. Those models have been validated against extensive geophysical observations and against hundreds of billions of dollars of granular damage and building-specific claims data.

In this context, Moody’s/RMS has developed a novel bottom-up approach to assess the financial impacts of climate change for the broader financial sector, which leverages the respective strengths of catastrophe models and climate change model output. The ‘Climate on Demand Pro’ platform provides physical and financial risk metrics at both location- and portfolio-levels, which includes the impacts of portfolio concentration or diversification. Those metrics are provided globally, across the 21st century, for various climate scenarios and for six acute and chronic climate perils (tropical cyclones, wildfires, inland floods, coastal floods, heat stress and water stress), as well as earthquake risk. For acute perils and in core insurance markets, model development and validation benefits from the availability of the full-fledged RMS stochastic catastrophe models. However, for chronic perils (heat stress and water stress), a different approach has been used to generate the hazard and vulnerability components of the model.

This presentation will provide an overview of the methodology underpinning the heat stress model in ‘Climate on Demand Pro’, with a specific focus on the hazard and vulnerability components. Detailed results for key regions across various climate scenarios will be discussed, with a specific focus on the impact of urban heat islands on financial losses. It will be shown that heat stress could play a sizable role in future climate risk profiles. Finally, a brief overview of other features currently in development will be provided.

How to cite: Roy, K. and Khare, S.: Bottom-Up Assessment of the Financial Impacts of Climate Change: Heat Stress Modelling in the ‘Climate on Demand Pro’ Platform, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19680,, 2025.

EGU25-20093 | Orals | ITS4.6/CL0.11

Climate finance needs under macroeconomic and climate uncertainty:damage functions integration in IAM 

Adriano Vinca, Jarmo Kikstra, Marina Andrijevic, Edward Byers, Setu Pelz, Matt Gidden, Volker Krey, and Keywan Riahi

The economic impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly important in thecontext of chronic physical risks, but they are often assessed in isolation from the costsof mitigation, potentially skewing perceptions of mitigation efforts. Such impacts areunevenly distributed across regions, resulting not only in immediate economic lossesbut also in reduced capacity for long-term adaptation and mitigation.This work aims to advance integrated assessments of climate impacts and mitigationcosts and explore the underlying uncertainty through climate scenarios and by linkingdifferent econometric damage functions (Burke et al., 2018, Waidelich et al. , 2024, Kotzet al. , 2024) with an integrated assessment model (IAM).Using the Rapid Impact Model Emulator to link macroeconomic impacts to temperaturelevels, the MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM IAM to assess energy-land-climate responses, and theMAGICC climate model, we assess regional and global economic risks and mitigationcosts, highlighting the feedback loops between economic damages, energy, emissions,and climate outcomes.We show how climate-related losses could constrain socio-economic development,particularly in low- and middle-income regions that are most vulnerable to climatechange impacts. We further extend the analysis by incorporating principles of equity toallocate regional mitigation costs and illustrative contributions to a Loss and Damage(L&S) Fund based on historical and projected emissions, recognising the historicalresponsibility of high-income countries. This nuanced approach provides insights intoglobal and regional financial needs for both mitigation and addressing global loss anddamage, which are critical for equitable international climate agreements.This work aims to refine the quantitative assessment of climate risk by exploringuncertainty at different levels using scenarios, multiple macroeconomic models andprobabilistic output from the MAGICC climate model, thus providing confidenceintervals for both the costs of climate change and the actions needed to mitigate it.

How to cite: Vinca, A., Kikstra, J., Andrijevic, M., Byers, E., Pelz, S., Gidden, M., Krey, V., and Riahi, K.: Climate finance needs under macroeconomic and climate uncertainty:damage functions integration in IAM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20093,, 2025.

The world’s cities are growing rapidly, and by 2030, over 60% of the global population is expected to live in urban areas. As per a report by the Global Commission on Economy and Climate, Indian urban centers will home over 600 million of the country’s population by this time. Due to high concentration of people, the most adverse impacts of climate change-induced extreme events on infrastructures crucial to society and challenges of cascading and compound events will possible be in these areas, according to the World Bank. In this context, it is of the greatest urgency that a city is able to increase ‘actionable’ climate resilience strategies to avoid risks to the society due to climate change-induced extreme events in addressing the challenges of cascading and compound events.

Alluring on the theories of ‘actionable as development’ and in-depth examines of rolling development initiatives in the smart metropolitan city of India, this study explores the factors that promote or hamper ‘actionable’ resilient strategies for extreme events in the urban water cycle for hydroclimatic risks and vulnerabilities in urban systems of cascading and compound events on infrastructures crucial to society, such as health centers, transport infrastructure, sewage, storm water drainage and solid waste management.

The smart city of Patna (population 3 million) is one of the fastest growing cities in India. Based on the primary and secondary data, developmentally oriented project case studies that addresses the city’s most urgent extreme events risks in transportation, sewage, storm water drainage and solid waste management, it recommends a contingent ‘actionable’ resilient strategies approach as most-suited to such resource-constrained environments to the climatic risks in cascading and compound events. Such an approach has the ability to overcome essential local resource constraints, institutional limitations, while increasing the likelihood of adoption of ‘actionable’ resilient strategies oriented projects under the climate extremes in water cycle and risks to the society in addressing the challenge of climate change.

This research work identifies several factors-among them, developing collective partnerships to conduit technical deficits, taming local organizational structures to create internal resources, and constructing political consensus for climate action-as crucial for successful ‘actionable’ resilient strategies for climate change-induced extreme events in the urban water cycle and risks to the society.

Such contingent ‘actionable’ approaches may thereby deliver a blueprint for instant, realistic, and cost-effective feasible applications in similar smart cities in India and in comparable developing regions of the world. It recognizes the key fragile urban systems in the smart city, which are already, impacted by infrastructural, governance, economic, social, cultural and political issues and may be aggravated by climate change-induced extreme events.

This study concludes that the rudimentary measures, which are needed just to address city’s non-climatic risk concerns, are necessary as a stepping-stone to transformative pathways for addressing the uncertainties associated with climate change-induced extreme events for sustainable and resilient development of the resource constrained smart metropolitan city of India.

Keywords: Climate extremes, Crucial infrastructure, Urban water cycle, Hydroclimatic risks and vulnerabilities, Fragile urban systems and Actionable resilient strategies

How to cite: Mandal, S. K. and Rani, S.: Impact of Climate Change-Induced Extreme Events on Infrastructures Crucial to Society: Understanding Risk Assessment and ‘Actionable’ Resilient Strategies for the Resource Constrained Smart Metropolitan City of India , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-211,, 2025.

Global coastal catchments are uniquely vulnerable to flooding due to the interplay of multiple flood drivers, including intense rainfall, storm surges, and tidal influences. These regions face particularly complex challenges because the nature and magnitude of flood risks vary significantly with seasonal changes. During the monsoon season, prolonged and heavy rainfall often leads to widespread inundation, whereas in the post-monsoon period, compounded effects of residual waterlogging, storm-tides, and episodic rainfall events create equally severe but distinctly different flood scenarios. This study, for the first time, develops an integrated framework to quantify and compare flood risks during these seasons, advancing flood management literature with a novel approach. A sophisticated 1D-2D coupled hydrodynamic flood model is employed to generate high-resolution flood hazard maps by simulating the compound interactions of rainfall and storm tides. Simultaneously, flood vulnerability is assessed at the finest administrative scale using a comprehensive suite of physical and socio-economic indicators. A Bivariate Risk Classifier framework is introduced to integrate hazard and vulnerability assessments, enabling nuanced spatial representation of risks through choropleth maps. Two novel indices are developed to enhance the understanding of multi-hazard flood risks: the Area Index, which highlights the spatial extent of risk, and the Multi-Hazard Risk Index, which captures the compound and marginal contributions of hazards and vulnerabilities. These indices provide critical insights into the varying nature and magnitude of flood risks during monsoon and post-monsoon periods. Our findings reveal a significantly higher proportion of villages falling into medium to very high hazard classes during the post-monsoon season, a critical insight that would remain obscured under conventional methodologies. Vulnerability assessments highlight that the majority of coastal villages exhibit severe vulnerability levels, driven largely by dense populations of illiterate and non-working residents. This research demonstrates that flood risks differ markedly between seasons, with varying degrees of impact on infrastructure and human systems. The integrated framework and incisive indices proposed herein offer actionable insights to support tailored, long-term flood management strategies aimed at mitigating risks and enhancing resilience in coastal floodplains.

How to cite: Thakur, D. A. and Mohanty, M. P.: How Divergent Are Flood Risks During Monsoon and Post-Monsoon Seasons? Revealing Contrasting Impacts over Coastal Multi-Hazard Catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-418,, 2025.

EGU25-548 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Maximum Entropy Modeling for Multi-Hazard Spatial Distribution: A Case Study of Flood-Triggered Sinkholes 

Hedieh Soltanpour, Kamal Serrhini, Joel C Gill, Sven Fuchs, and Solmaz Mohadjer

Recent decades have seen a growing availability of detailed geo-environmental data, coupled with powerful open-access software and machine-learning algorithms, driving significant advancements in natural hazard forecasting. Exploring cutting-edge machine-learning techniques is essential to understanding their strengths and limitations, which vary with factors such as data quality, hazard types, and the complexity of variable relationships. In this study, we extend the application of the Maximum Entropy model (MaxEnt) initially applied to ecological research to a novel context by characterising a common multi-hazard scenario in karst settings (i.e., flood-triggered sinkholes). While MaxEnt has been widely used by ecologists to model species distributions, its application in natural hazard modelling, particularly for hidden hazards like sinkholes in karst regions, remains underexplored.

Here, we applied MaxEnt to forecast the spatial probability distribution of flood-triggered sinkholes. Model inputs included past sinkhole occurrence data and geo-environmental factors such as topography, local geology, hydrology, and flood hazard. The model was validated using 70% of the sinkhole inventory for training and the remaining 30% for testing, with performance assessed using the Area Under the Curve of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUC-ROC).

The resulting susceptibility map highlights areas up to 1 km south of the Loire River and low-elevation zones as most vulnerable to flood-triggered sinkholes. Our findings demonstrate that this multi-hazard scenario mapping approach is a valuable tool for identifying flood-triggered sinkholes in Val d’Orléans and other karst regions worldwide, supporting effective land-use planning. By applying MaxEnt at different spatial scales, we also identified limitations affecting the model’s final accuracy, which provide insights for future improvements.

How to cite: Soltanpour, H., Serrhini, K., Gill, J. C., Fuchs, S., and Mohadjer, S.: Maximum Entropy Modeling for Multi-Hazard Spatial Distribution: A Case Study of Flood-Triggered Sinkholes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-548,, 2025.

In historically hot-arid climates like Ahmedabad, the urban environment amplifies thermal discomfort across seasons, with extreme heat dominating summer and a notable drop in wintertime temperatures. These seasonal contrasts highlight the need to evaluate how green infrastructure (GI) affects biophysical conditions and thermal comfort throughout the year. We specifically examine the effects of three GI interventions—green roofs, permeable pavements, and bioretention cells—that are feasible for cities with limited space availability and have been adopted as measures to reduce urban flooding. Our study investigates how these individual GIs influence the thermal responses of diverse population groups during both summer and winter, acknowledging the varied physiological and demographic sensitivities to seasonal extremes. Using high-resolution (3 meters) ENVI-met simulations for representative summer and winter days, we assess the thermal comfort of individuals of varying ages, genders, and social strata, using parameters like clothing insulation, metabolic rate, body weight, and surface area. We also account for seasonal shifts in thermal comfort definitions, where summer emphasizes mitigating heat stress and winter addresses cold exposure. Our results demonstrate significant seasonal differences in how GIs modulate microclimate and influence thermal responses, with implications for equitable urban design. By addressing seasonal and demographic variability, this study provides actionable insights for tailoring GI strategies to improve thermal comfort year-round in hot-arid urban contexts.

How to cite: Borah, A. and Bhatia, U.: Seasonal Variations in Thermal Comfort: Assessing Biophysical Impacts of Green Infrastructure in a Hot-Arid Urban Setting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-914,, 2025.

EGU25-1417 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Compound climate risk analysis of European ports 

Alberto Fernandez-Perez, Jasper Verschuur, Javier L. Lara, Iñigo J. Losada, Raghav Pant, and Jim W. Hall

Ports are highly susceptible to compound climate events due to their coastal locations, which subject them to various interacting climate hazards. This study develops a novel multi-impact risk assessment framework that accounts for both the likelihood of simultaneous climate hazards (accounting for temperature, sea level, wind, precipitation and wave extremes) and their compounded effects on complex port infrastructure systems. Beyond evaluating potential physical damages to infrastructure and assets, the methodology also examines operational downtimes and yield losses triggered by these events, providing a comprehensive view of their cascading impacts.

Applied to the European port system, the framework underscores the critical role of compound effects in climate risk assessment. The findings reveal that these compound impacts can constitute up to 50% of annual repair costs and 20% of profit losses from downtime. Additionally, the synergistic interactions between hazards increase compound risks by 10%, emphasizing the non-linear nature of these threats. Spatial variability is also significant, with certain regions exhibiting clustered hazards and risks. Such insights are pivotal for guiding targeted and coherent strategies to reduce climate impacts at regional and supra-national levels.

By incorporating probabilities of joint hazards and their interactions, this approach pushes the boundaries of traditional coastal infrastructures’ risk assessment, offering more actionable insights for adaptation in coastal and port systems. Its application at the European scale demonstrates the importance of considering compound climate events in decision-making processes to improve resilience in critical infrastructure sectors.

How to cite: Fernandez-Perez, A., Verschuur, J., L. Lara, J., Losada, I. J., Pant, R., and Hall, J. W.: Compound climate risk analysis of European ports, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1417,, 2025.

EGU25-2860 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Heatwaves Intensify Power Shortages in Developing Countries 

Yixu He, Yida Sun, Tianyang Lei, Dabo Guan, Xiang Gao, and Ning Zhang

Global electricity generation depends on cooling-reliant plants (78%), but rising temperatures could reduce their output. Steam-cycle air-cooling (ST-AC) technology, which is poorly adapted to high temperatures, is widely used in power plants in developing countries (40.7%) compared to developed ones (25.2%). However, few studies have evaluated the performance of different cycle-cooling technologies under heat stress. Here, we developed a Global Power Plant Dataset comprising 109,110 thermal and nuclear power units across six fuel types and seven cycle-cooling technologies, resulting in 32 distinct fuel-technology combinations. We then assessed the impact of heatwave events on these fuel-technology combinations at the plant level, and the effects of generation losses on residents under three SSP (Shared Socioeconomic Pathways) - RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) scenarios. From 2030 to 2060, losses are expected to reach 1205.4 (±255.1) TWh under SSP5-8.5, accounting for 5.2% (±1.1%) of the annual global output of thermal and nuclear plants, which is 1.4 to 2.4 times higher than under SSP2-4.5 and SSP1-1.9. Vulnerable plants, including India’s coal-fired ST-AC Mundra plant, Congo’s gas-fired gas turbine Côte Matève plant, and Mexico’s oil-fired steam-cycle once-through cooling Lopez Mateos plant, could experience losses that put millions of residents in these regions at risk of electricity accessibility. Identifying these vulnerable plants would support developing countries' efforts to adapt their power sectors to a warming future.

How to cite: He, Y., Sun, Y., Lei, T., Guan, D., Gao, X., and Zhang, N.: Heatwaves Intensify Power Shortages in Developing Countries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2860,, 2025.

Floods are among the most destructive natural disasters, resulting in significant loss of life and property for millions of people around the world. Extreme flood events in the foothills of the Himalayan ranges and their forelands are closely linked to heavy monsoonal rainfall, steep slopes, and excessive surface runoff from the uphills. Floods hazards in Nepal have become increasingly devasting due to improper land use planning, unplanned settlement distribution, deforestation, land degradation in the upstream watershed, topography, geological setting and climate change. Nepal was hit by an unprecedented late monsoon rainfall, causing widespread landslides and flooding across the country in September 2024y, resulting in significant loss of life and property. This study investigated the use of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) with Ground Range Detected (GRD) scenes  for rapid and robust flood detection during the September 2024 flood events in Kathmandu valley and the surrounding areas. The study area is of utmost interest as it comprises diverse geographical setting on the basis of topography and geological setting and these floods events have a significant impact on settlement, infrastructure and other environmental processes. In the study, a standard workflow was applied for the pre-processing of both the products. Based on the application of pre- and post-SAR imagery, this study estimated the extent of flood inundation, highlighting the major impacted area based on pre- and post-land cover map of the study area using machine learning (ML) algorithms and compare the changes with spectral indices. The change detection and Normalized Difference Flood Index (NDFI) was evaluated using threshhold value of temporal Sentinel-1 GRD data. High resolution Google Earth imagery was used for the accuracy assessment of pre flood environment; post flood site data was evaluated from field visit. Greater level of flood impacts were noted both within the Kathmandu valley (Kathmandu. Bhaktapur, Lalitpur district) and outside the valley Banepa, Dhulikhel, Panauti, Namobuddha, Roshi local area of Kaverepalanchok district; Sunkoshi, Golanjor , Phikkal local areas of Sindhuli district of the study area. The overall accuracy of flood inundation mapping was 95 % and the accuracy of land cover map was evaluated about 88 %. A detailed land use/ cover map of the study area was prepared to present the changes post-flood environment using Sentinel -2 Multi-spectral imagery. Further, Permanent water body (PWB) using Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) algorithm and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were prepared for the evaluation of the post-flood impact area . Overall, the analysis inferred that watershed level flooding vulnerability results from natural factors like heavy rainfall and topography, which are further intensified by human activities such as infrastructure development, urbanization and poor land management.

How to cite: Rimal, B., Tiwary, A., and Rijal, S.: Application of Sentinel-1 and 2 Imagery for Rapid and Robust Flood Detection: A Case Study of Flood Event in Nepal., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3210,, 2025.

EGU25-4042 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Urban climate challenges: An integrated approach to mitigating flood risks and heat stress. 

Jesús Soler, Montserrat Martinez, Robert Goler, Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek, Martin Schneider, and Andrea Hochebner

The impact of human-induced climate change on our living conditions is becoming increasingly evident, causing damage to infrastructure and posing a threat to human lives. The challenges urban environments face, home to approximately two-thirds of the global population, extend beyond rising temperatures to include altered precipitation patterns. Cities are particularly vulnerable due to their predominantly sealed surfaces, which exacerbate climate change effects such as increased heat and intensified rainfall events, in contrast to natural areas with different characteristics like albedo, heat capacity, and infiltration rates.

The KNOWING project focuses on two significant climate impacts: flooding (both fluvial and pluvial) and its effects on infrastructure and heat and its impact on public health. Granollers City serves as an urban case study for flood and heatwave analysis. Two models, PALM-4U [1] and ICM-Infoworks [2], are employed to evaluate potential adaptation measures for current and future climate change impacts.

PALM-4U, an urban climate model, is used to quantify the impact of greening initiatives on urban heat load. ICM-Infoworks assesses adaptation measures to mitigate pluvial and fluvial flooding. Both models rely on land use data, and the proposed changes to address heat (such as greening and unsealing) often coincide with those aimed at reducing flooding (like retention areas and unsealing).

The PALM-4U model considers interventions such as increased tree cover, new recreational parks, river renaturalization, and building-related measures like green roofs and retrofitting. These interventions, which lead to increased unsealing and improved infiltration, also help reduce flood risk and can be incorporated into the ICM-Infoworks model to quantify their impact on flooding. By evaluating the effectiveness of the same interventions using two different models and addressing two distinct climate risks (heat and flooding), this approach allows for a comprehensive assessment of climate change adaptation strategies.


KNOWING has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement n° 101056841.

[1] Maronga, B., Banzhaf, S., Burmeister, C., Esch, T., Forkel, R., Fröhlich, D., Fuka, V., Gehrke, K. F., Geletič, J., Giersch, S., Gronemeier, T., Groß, G., Heldens, W., Hellsten, A., Hoffmann, F., Inagaki, A., Kadasch, E., Kanani-Sühring, F., Ketelsen, K., Khan, B. A., Knigge, C., Knoop, H., Krč, P., Kurppa, M., Maamari, H., Matzarakis, A., Mauder, M., Pallasch, M., Pavlik, D., Pfafferott, J., Resler, J., Rissmann, S., Russo, E., Salim, M., Schrempf, M., Schwenkel, J., Seckmeyer, G., Schubert, S., Sühring, M., von Tils, R., Vollmer, L., Ward, S., Witha, B., Wurps, H., Zeidler, J., and Raasch, S. (2020). Overview of the PALM model system 6.0, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 1335–1372.

[2] Mohd Sidek, Lariyah & Jaafar, Aminah Shakirah & Majid, Wan & Basri, Hidayah & Marufuzzaman, Mohammad & Fared, Muzad & Moon, Wei. (2021). High-Resolution Hydrological-Hydraulic Modeling of Urban Floods Using InfoWorks ICM. Sustainability. 13. 10259. 10.3390/su131810259.

How to cite: Soler, J., Martinez, M., Goler, R., Bügelmayer-Blaschek, M., Schneider, M., and Hochebner, A.: Urban climate challenges: An integrated approach to mitigating flood risks and heat stress., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4042,, 2025.

Tropical cyclones are becoming increasingly frequent and intense. In urban areas, the risks induced by strong winds can be amplified due to the alteration of urban airflow caused by complex urban structures. Understanding the impact of urban morphology and approaching wind conditions on urban wind environments is of great importance for enhancing urban resilience to climate change and mitigating the catastrophic effects of tropical cyclones. To address this, the present study employs Embedded Large Eddy Simulation (ELES) model to simulate the flow field within a realistic urban building complex, analyzing the probability density function of pedestrian-level wind (PLW) environments and the associated wind-induced risks. Results reveal that PLW conditions deteriorate significantly with increasing upstream terrain roughness, given a fixed reference wind speed under typhoon conditions. Specifically, normalized time-averaged and gust velocities at pedestrian level can reach up to 1.0 and 2.0, respectively, for an upstream terrain roughness length of 0.30 m, compared to 0.5 and 1.0 for a roughness length of 0.01 m. In contrast, building morphology shows limited influence on PLW under typhoon conditions, even when the average building height is halved.  These findings offer valuable insights for climate-adaptive urban design and the development of sustainable cities capable of withstanding the impacts of tropical cyclones.

How to cite: Chu, R. and Wang, K.: Simulating the urban wind-induced risks under typhoon conditions using ELES model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4813,, 2025.

EGU25-5802 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Improving the spatial mapping of historical climate impacts by integrating hazard and exposure layers 

Shijie Li, Malcolm N. Mistry, Ni Li, Karim Zantout, Gabriele Messori, Jacob Schewe, Wim Thiery, and Giovanni Forzieri

Historical impacts of hydro-climate extremes collected in existing global disaster databases are typically recorded at the country or subnational administrative level. Such coarse spatial resolution strongly masks the spatial variability of phenomena and limits the assessment of the potential underlying environmental and human drivers. Here, we develop a new global spatially explicit database of impacts of hydro-climate extremes by integrating hazard and exposure layers. We focus on fatalities and economic damage caused by heatwaves, cold waves, droughts, and floods occurred over the 1981-2019 period. Impact records following the occurrence of hydro-climate extremes are initially derived from existing disaster databases. For each reported impact we identify those grid cells, within the administrative unit under consideration, that experienced a hydro-climate hazard at the time of the recorded event. Spatiotemporal dynamics of hydro-climate hazards are derived using the flood-fill algorithm applied to ETCCDI indicators retrieved from ERA5-Land reanalysis data. This allows us to identify spatially coherent patterns of hydro-climate extreme conditions within a three-dimensional data cube (space-time). The reported impact is finally distributed across grid cells subject to hydro-climate hazard and using local GDP and population density as weights retrieved from high resolution global products. Results are confronted with independent observational and modeled assessments of hydro-climate impacts. This new database offers a unique contribution to improving the quantitative estimation of global socioeconomic vulnerabilities to hydro-climate extremes and the consequent risks associated with climate change.

How to cite: Li, S., Mistry, M. N., Li, N., Zantout, K., Messori, G., Schewe, J., Thiery, W., and Forzieri, G.: Improving the spatial mapping of historical climate impacts by integrating hazard and exposure layers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5802,, 2025.

EGU25-5828 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Future Atmospheric Icing Conditions for Energy Infrastructure over Fennoscandia Resolved with a High-Resolution Regional Climate Model 

Oskari Rockas, Pia Isolähteenmäki, Marko Laine, Anders Lindfors, Karoliina Hämäläinen, and Anton Laakso

Societies nowadays are increasingly reliant on electricity, underscoring the need for reliable energy production. In cold climates, ice accumulation can cause significant harm to structures such as power transmission lines, leading to power loss or, in the worst case, the collapse of wires or transmission towers. Thus, as climate change is expected to impact winter weather conditions in northern Europe, its effects on atmospheric icing occurrence over Fennoscandian region is a crucial area of study. We utilize an ice accretion model based on ISO 12494, driven by outputs from the high-resolution regional climate model HCLIM, to analyze in-cloud icing conditions over two twenty-year periods: mid-century (2040-2060) and end-of-century (2080-2100). The regional outputs are bounded by two global climate models (EC-EARTH and GFDL-CM3) under the RCP 8.5 emission scenario. We present the modelling results for in-cloud icing conditions over northern Europe compared to the control period (1985-2005).  The analysis is done over several altitudes, which allows consideration of the effect on transmission power lines in terms of corona losses, as well as on ice formation affecting wind power production.

This work is supported by EU HORIZON-RIA project n:o 101093939, RISKADAPT - Asset Level Modelling of Risks in the Face of Climate Induced Extreme Events and Adaptation.

How to cite: Rockas, O., Isolähteenmäki, P., Laine, M., Lindfors, A., Hämäläinen, K., and Laakso, A.: Future Atmospheric Icing Conditions for Energy Infrastructure over Fennoscandia Resolved with a High-Resolution Regional Climate Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5828,, 2025.

EGU25-7047 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Performance of a deep learning generative surrogate model for flood inundation forecasting 

Chanyu Yang and Fiachra O'Loughlin

Conventionally, models used for flood inundation forecasting are typically physically based and computationally intense. This limits their suitability for operational flood inundation forecasting where high-resolution data are critical. Deep Learning (DL) models have been proven to be able to reduce the computational burden while maintaining acceptable accuracies. However, some DL surrogate models often require complex model architectures that result in high computational costs to capture flood dynamics across the entire domain.

With the recent development of advanced DL models, generative models have the potential to overcome the need for computationally expensive model architecture and to be useful in flood inundation forecasting. Generative models can: generate synthetic data, capture complex relationships between different variables (e.g., hydrological, meteorological and topographical estimates) and allow for domain transferability. In this study, we developed a deep generative model as a surrogate model for flood inundation forecasting and investigated its performance under various spatial and temporal resolutions. The initial results indicate that increasing spatial resolution has a bigger impact on model training time compared to increasing temporal resolution; however, does not impact model prediction time. Additionally, the model accuracy tends to increase with the increase in resolution at the expense of computational costs. Enlarging the computation sub-domain can shorten the overall model run time and improve model accuracy but it's subject to hardware capacity. These findings indicate that the proposed generative surrogate model has the potential for operational flood forecasting.

How to cite: Yang, C. and O'Loughlin, F.: Performance of a deep learning generative surrogate model for flood inundation forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7047,, 2025.

EGU25-9039 | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Probabilistic modeling of multiple spatial hazards: application to agricultural droughts, hydrological droughts and fire weather. 

Benjamin Renard, Renaud Barbero, Issa Goukouni, Jean-Philippe Vidal, Louise Mimeau, Carina Furusho-Percot, Iñaki García de Cortázar-Atauri, Maël Aubry, Thomas Opitz, and Denis Allard

In France, year 2022 witnessed severe drought conditions, with very low flows in rivers starting already during the spring season and widespread wildfire occurrences in summer. In recent years, similar occurrences of consecutive droughts and wildfire hazards have been observed in other climatic regions of the world, including Greece, Portugal, Canary Islands, Canada, California, Australia, etc. These hazards can induce numerous strong socioeconomic impacts in areas such as agriculture, silviculture, energy, ecology, drinking water, civil protection, tourism, etc., and form a complex system of multiple drivers and risks interacting over space and time. Both the individual and the joint probabilities of occurrence of these multiple hazards driving the risks are expected to evolve with climate change. 

Characterizing the severity of such multiple hazards in probabilistic terms is challenging due to the multivariate nature of the problem, and the fact that each hazard has spatial structure and heterogeneity. In this presentation, we develop a relatively parsimonious stochastic model and estimation procedure to describe the joint space-time variability of three indices: (1) the Soil Wetness Index (SWI), used to characterize agricultural droughts (i.e. soil dryness); (2) River streamflow (Q), used to characterize hydrological droughts; (3) the Fire Weather Index (FWI), used to characterize fire-prone weather conditions. All indices are used at a monthly time step over the 1958-2023 period. SWI and FWI are derived from the SAFRAN atmospheric reanalysis and are available over Metropolitan France on a regular 8*8 km spatial grid (8597 pixels). Streamflow Q is measured at 232 streamgauging stations. 

The statistical model is based on a causal diagram where we postulate that agricultural drought (SWI) is a precursor for both hydrological drought (Q) and fire-prone conditions (FWI). The space-time distribution of SWI is therefore modeled first using a dimensionality-reduction method to provide a parsimonious description of the space-time variability of SWI. The distribution of Q is then modeled conditionally on the average value taken by SWI on each river catchment, using a generalized additive model for location, scale and shape (GAMLSS) regression. Similarly, the distribution of FWI is modeled conditionally on the value taken by SWI on the same pixel with a GAMLSS regression.

Despite its simplicity, the stochastic model is shown to appropriately reproduce several key properties of the three studied hazards, in particular their joint probability of occurrence, their long-term trends and the distribution of the spatial extent or the duration of multi-hazard events. Future work will apply the model to future projections in order to estimate how these properties evolve under climate change. We finish by discussing the relevance of the proposed approach when extrapolated to extreme levels and whether or not this simple approach is adapted to other types of multiple hazards, such as heat + humidity or storm surge + flooding.

How to cite: Renard, B., Barbero, R., Goukouni, I., Vidal, J.-P., Mimeau, L., Furusho-Percot, C., García de Cortázar-Atauri, I., Aubry, M., Opitz, T., and Allard, D.: Probabilistic modeling of multiple spatial hazards: application to agricultural droughts, hydrological droughts and fire weather., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9039,, 2025.

EGU25-9504 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Use of time lags for sampling combined flood and heavy rainfall events 

Felix Simon and Christoph Mudersbach

Research on compound events is crucial due to their increasing frequency and severity in a changing climate. These events, such as simultaneous heatwaves and droughts or concurrent storm surges and heavy rainfall, can lead to cascading impacts that far exceed the damage caused by individual extremes. Understanding the interactions and dependencies between multiple extreme factors is essential to accurately assess risks, improve predictive models and enhance resilience strategies.

In this context, particular attention must be paid to small headwater catchments, where there is a causal relationship between heavy rainfall and river flooding. In the following analyses, this relationship is examined using precipitation data from the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)-RADKLIM and ERA5-Land reanalysis, as well as corresponding discharge gauges in Germany. The influence of different catchment characteristics, such as topography, on the relationship between precipitation and runoff is analysed. Sampling is a critical component for further analysis, particularly for determining joint probabilities of occurrence. This study utilises simultaneous time series of precipitation and runoff to achieve this objective. The maximum discharge within a specified period following an extreme precipitation event is determined, with the time lag between the determination of the maximum value playing a pivotal role. The present analyses provide a comprehensive illustration of the variations between different time intervals. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the influence of this parameter on the relationship between heavy rainfall and runoff in a catchment area, and to discuss the effects this has on the determination of the joint probability of occurrence. The joint probability of occurrence is determined using the correlation coefficient and corresponding copula functions.

How to cite: Simon, F. and Mudersbach, C.: Use of time lags for sampling combined flood and heavy rainfall events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9504,, 2025.

EGU25-9734 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Landslide Risk and Urban Development: The Response of Ali Mendjeli to Constantine's Geological Challenges 

Ikram Saidi, Mohamed Abdelkader, and Klára Czimre

Landslides are a significant global hazard, posing serious risks to both human life and infrastructure, particularly in regions with unstable geological conditions. In Constantine, Algeria, landslides have been a persistent challenge, severely impacting urban areas and creating significant challenges for city planning and development. As a response to these challenges, the city of Ali Mendjeli was established 15 kilometers south of Constantine. This relocation was driven by two primary factors: managing the city's growth to prevent uncontrolled expansion and addressing the frequent landslides and natural disasters that rendered many homes unsafe. Ali Mendjeli was selected for its flat terrain and elevated position, making it ideal for urban development. The city was designed to accommodate displaced residents, mitigate landslide risks, and manage urban sprawl. In Constantine, areas with slopes ranging from 10%-20% (accounting for 45.46% of landslides) and 5%-10% (32.10%) were particularly vulnerable, prompting the relocation of residents to Ali Mendjeli. Since its establishment, Ali Mendjeli's population has grown rapidly, from 64,483 in 2008 to 243,214 in 2020, highlighting the demand for housing and infrastructure. The city's development illustrates how landslide risks in Constantine influenced population growth, providing a safer environment for displaced residents and accommodating a growing population. To investigate the landslide phenomena in Constantine, we conducted field observations to assess impacted areas and mitigation efforts. This was supported by secondary data, including a literature review, statistical population data, the Master Plan for the Development and Urbanism of Ali Mendjeli, and relevant legislation from the Official Journal of the Algerian Republic (SGG). The development of Ali Mendjeli serves as a case study demonstrating how geological hazards like landslides shape urban expansion. It highlights the importance of urban planning in managing these risks and highlights the role of interdisciplinary collaboration in fostering safer, more stable communities.

Keywords: Landslide Risk, Geological Hazards, Urban Planning, Urban Resilience, Population Relocation, Population Growth, Algeria.

How to cite: Saidi, I., Abdelkader, M., and Czimre, K.: Landslide Risk and Urban Development: The Response of Ali Mendjeli to Constantine's Geological Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9734,, 2025.

The RISKADAPT project addresses the growing challenges caused by extreme weather phenomena on critical infrastructure. This study contributes to the project by assessing the hydrodynamic loads on the piers and abutments of the Polyfytos Bridge, located at the Polyfytos Lake, Greece. Specifically, it evaluates the discharge rates, water flow velocities, and water levels under present and future climate projections to understand the potential risks to this critical asset from climate-induced flooding. Climate change, through its effects on temperature and precipitation patterns, disrupts the hydrological cycle, resulting in altered river runoff regimes. The study employs hydrological and hydraulic modeling techniques to assess these impacts on critical infrastructure. A hydrological model is used to convert different precipitation scenarios into river discharges, considering present and future climate projections. Next, the hydraulic model simulation provides water flow parameters, which are the basis for estimating the risk of scour formation around the Polyfytos Bridge piers. The modeling was conducted using the HEC-RAS software. For the first phase, the study utilized extreme precipitation data with three return periods (50, 100, and 1,000 years) for present and future climates. Historical data were drawn from global extreme precipitation (GPEX) datasets, and future projections were sourced from the EURO-CORDEX dataset, encompassing 48 combinations of global circulation and regional climate models. These data were used to predict the impact of future climate scenarios on extreme discharges, with some projections indicating a decrease in extreme discharges, while others predict an increase of 48%, 46%, and 30% for the events with return periods of 50, 100, and 1,000 years, respectively. In the second phase, hydrological results were used to generate hydrographs, which served as an input for the hydraulic simulations at the Polyfytos Lake inflow. The hydraulic modeling provided key parameters, such as water depth, surface elevation, flow velocity, and discharge, essential for further scour analysis. Results indicated that the hydrodynamic loads on the bridge piers were relatively low, even under extreme flood events. Water flow velocities remained below 0.5 m/s during the 100-year flood event, suggesting a low risk of scour formation that could compromise the bridge’s stability. The analysis of future climate scenarios showed varying impacts on discharge rates, with some indicating an increase in extreme discharges. However, the conclusion was that the Polyfytos Bridge is not significantly susceptible to scour, even under the most extreme projected climate conditions.

How to cite: Skerjanec, M. and Rak, G.: Evaluating hydrodynamic loads on bridge piers: a pilot case study of the RISKADAPT project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10232,, 2025.

EGU25-10321 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6 | Highlight

An approach to modeling interactions between extreme weather events during multi-hazard events 

Alex de La Cruz Coronas, Beniamino Russo, Barry Evans, Albert Chen, and Jess Penny

The IPCC AR6 report outlined that global warming can grow the number of multi-hazards worldwide, with particular emphasis on coincident heatwaves and droughts, followed by wildfires; and floods and extreme sea level episodes leading to extensive costal floods (IPCC, 2023). To fully understand and increase preparedness against this kind of events the, a holistic multi-hazard and multi-sectoral perspective is needed (Russo et al., 2023; UNDRR, 2015). Coincident storm surges and extreme rainfall events present significant challenges for flood management as the interaction between both hazards can lead more severe scenarios: Storm surges result in temporary increase of sea level, while pluvial flooding overwhelms urban drainage systems due to excessive runoff. During storm surges, elevated sea levels can intrude into drainage systems of coastal cities through outfall pipes or block gravitational drainage. The backwater may reduce the network's capacity and potentially cause upstream flooding. This combination of factors can lead to more extensive flooding in low-lying coastal areas. However, there is limited knowledge about how to model this phenomenon.

A "one-way" coupling approach is proposed to assess this multi-hazard scenario. This method involves defining abnormal boundary conditions of model components. Outfall boundary conditions representing the extreme sea level retrieved from a hydrostatic storm surge model are used to simulate seawater intrusion into drainage network. Extreme high sea level boundary conditions are applied to account for the marine water overflow. The approach requires accurate topographic surveys of system outfalls and high-resolution digital terrain models, which can be challenging due to limited data availability. The final outputs are flood maps showing water depth and velocity in the affected areas.

Multi-hazard modelling of combined floods requires a previous joint probability assessment of occurrence of the single hazards involved.  Copula’s refer to a mathematical approach for the coupling/modelling the dependence between two or more random variables and have been used for this purpose as they allow to determine the complex dependency between random environmental variables. Therefore, they allow to evaluate the likelihood of coincident occurrence of multi-hazard events with specific return periods, and thus determine the intensity of the rainfall and the extreme sea level that would affect a region simultaneously. This information is essential to model scenarios of interest to understand the risk posed by these events and model the risk-reduction effect of different adaptation measures. Utilising Copulalib library in Python and inferring relationship between historic data variables based on their respective marginal distributions, synthetic data is generated.


Flood maps in liaison with sectoral impact assessment models allow to quantify the effect on a variety of risk receptors considering exposure information and vulnerability functions such as economic damage curves  or vulnerability curves. In addition, the holistic framework considered in ICARIA accounts for the cascading effects that the failure of one system can have on other interconnected services.

How to cite: de La Cruz Coronas, A., Russo, B., Evans, B., Chen, A., and Penny, J.: An approach to modeling interactions between extreme weather events during multi-hazard events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10321,, 2025.

EGU25-10877 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Assessment of Transportation System Disruption and Accessibility to Critical Infrastructure During Flooding: Swords, Ireland Case Study 

Sangeeta Sangeeta, Hrishikesh Dev Sarma, Rui Teixeira, and Beatriz Martinez-Pastor

Natural disasters, such as flooding, can cause significant social, environmental, and economic damage to communities. Transportation infrastructure plays a crucial role in flood response and recovery, but flooding can disrupt road functionality, leading to both direct and indirect negative impacts, including loss of access to essential services.

This paper presents a case study on the impact of flooding on transportation networks and the accessibility of critical amenities, such as health centers and fire stations, in Swords, Ireland. Using network analysis methods, including shortest path and criticality analysis, the study evaluates how flooding disrupts access from each small area (SA), defined as the lowest level of geography for statistical purposes, to these key services. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the accessibility of health centers and fire stations, assessing travel time indicators and road criticality to identify areas that become more vulnerable during flooding.

The study considers flood risk zones, including Flood Zone A (high risk of flooding with a greater than 1% chance of river flooding) and Flood Zone B (moderate risk of flooding with a 0.1% to 1% chance of river flooding). The methodology supports the development of a real-time decision support system, allowing decision-makers to explore different flood scenarios and identify vulnerable areas and populations. This approach can inform strategies for mitigating road network failures, such as temporarily relocating critical services and improving flood resilience. The results reveal varying impacts on road networks due to different environmental conditions, with significant losses in both road segments (edges) and access points (nodes), affecting critical service accessibility. In Flood Zone A, 6 critical locations were found to be inaccessible, while in Flood Zone B, this number increased to 15. The findings highlight the risk that many essential services in the area face during flooding. This research provides valuable insights for guiding infrastructure investments and hazard mitigation strategies to enhance community resilience and ensure equitable access to critical services during flood events.

How to cite: Sangeeta, S., Sarma, H. D., Teixeira, R., and Martinez-Pastor, B.: Assessment of Transportation System Disruption and Accessibility to Critical Infrastructure During Flooding: Swords, Ireland Case Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10877,, 2025.

EGU25-11131 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Assessing Coastal Flood Risks to European Critical Infrastructure under Different Global Warming Levels 

Khin Nawarat, Johan Reyns, Michalis Vousdoukas, Eamonn Mulholland, Kees van Ginkel, Luc Feyen, and Roshanka Ranasinghe

European coastal regions host an extensive network of roads and railways that support economic activity and urban development. The European Union is working to complete its Trans-European Transport (TEN-T) core network by 2030, the extended core network by 2040, and the comprehensive network by 2050. A large share of this infrastructure development will happen in coastal areas. Global warming is expected to lead to large increases in coastal flood risk. For the European transport systems, this potential increase remains largely unknown. There is a clear need for better risk assessments to ensure sustainable infrastructure planning and management. Traditional risk assessment methods typically use gridded land use maps to quantify affected transport networks, treating them as raster data. This approach tends to overestimate risks. Additionally, uncertainties associated with damage functions and asset valuation further reduce confidence in risk quantification. Our study treats transport infrastructure as vector data and integrates type-specific damage functions and asset valuations for roads and railways to provide a fully probabilistic assessment of coastal flood risk to Europe’s roads and railways for global warming levels spanning 1.5°C to 4°C. Our findings show that, on average, approximately 1,500 km of European transport networks are exposed to coastal flooding annually under baseline (1980-2020) climate conditions, causing estimated damages of up to €730 million per year. Risks rise substantially with increasing global warming. If global warming reaches 1.5°C or 2°C above the pre-industrial levels by the end of 21st century, the expected annual damage is projected to increase by ~55% compared to baseline. At 3°C of global warming, damages would rise by ~85%, and at 4°C, by ~100%, compared to baseline. The countries most affected across all considered warming levels in absolute numbers include the UK, Italy, Norway, France, and Denmark. Our results indicate that most European countries will need to allocate a greater share of their transport budgets to manage growing coastal flood risks with increasing global warming. Limiting global warming to the Paris Agreement’s targets offers significant financial benefits.

How to cite: Nawarat, K., Reyns, J., Vousdoukas, M., Mulholland, E., van Ginkel, K., Feyen, L., and Ranasinghe, R.: Assessing Coastal Flood Risks to European Critical Infrastructure under Different Global Warming Levels, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11131,, 2025.

EGU25-11887 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Enhancing Infrastructure Resilience and Risk Management through the CIPCast Decision Support System 

Alfredo Reder, Alessandro Bonfiglio, Alessandro Pugliese, Mattia Scalas, Antonio Di Pietro, Chiara Ormando, Angelo Stefani, Celina Solari, Clemente Fuggini, Arianna Verga, Cristina Attanasio, and Florencia Victoria De Maio

Monitoring, detecting, and responding to critical situations is becoming increasingly essential in light of the challenges that the built environment faces, such as heat-related stresses, floods, and droughts, further intensified by climate change. Enhancing the protective role of the built environment and improving the safety and quality of life for its occupants is crucial for the present and future. The MULTICLIMACT Horizon Europe project (GA 101123538) offers innovative solutions across three scales to address these challenges: building, urban, and territorial. Through the development of design practices, materials, technologies, and digital solutions, the project strengthens construction resilience, preparedness, and responsiveness to disruptive events, thereby improving safety and quality of life. Central to this objective is the development of an innovative platform for the prevention and damage estimation of extreme natural events across multiple scales—from individual buildings to entire regions—called the CIPCast Decision Support System. The current version of CIPCast, developed within MULTICLIMACT, integrates a wide range of data, including seismic events, weather forecasts, climate projections, Points of Interest, and Critical Infrastructure components. CIPCast analyses risk to vulnerable assets (e.g., buildings, substations, water towers) by applying established damage metrics. Additionally, it assesses the impact of restoration actions on interconnected systems, contributing to resilience assessment through social, economic, and operational indicators in real or simulated scenarios.

This study examines the use of some frameworks to assess potential damage to buildings and transportation infrastructure caused by heat-related stresses and floods, with a case study focusing on the Marche Region in Italy. For heat-related stresses, the focus is on railways and roads, critical components of transportation networks (Mulholland and Feyen 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.crm.2021.100365). Railways, susceptible to buckling under extreme heat, are assessed by combining maximum rail temperature maps with probability functions derived from the CWR-SAFE model (Kish and Samavedam 2013). This approach evaluates vulnerability based on temperature variations and track characteristics. Similarly, roads are analysed for asphalt softening using the Performance Grade (PG) metric, which defines the operational temperature range of asphalt. By integrating PG with exposure and maintenance factors, the study pinpoints areas prone to accelerated degradation, emphasising the importance of targeted maintenance. The study also examines damage caused by flooding, considering river, pluvial, and coastal floods. Damage estimation relies on probabilistic functions that correlate water depth with damage levels, as described by Huizinga et al (2017, doi: 10.2760/16510), and Karagiannis et al. (2019, doi: 10.2760/007069). These models have been applied to buildings, roads, and electric substations, enabling a comprehensive understanding of flood impacts. The frameworks adopted have been tailored, when possible, for real-time and medium-to-long-term applications, making them versatile tools for addressing both immediate risks and long-term planning needs. By delivering detailed predictions of physical damage and indirect socio-economic effects, CIPCast empowers decision-makers, such as Civil Protection agencies, to plan precise interventions, strengthen resilience to climate stress, and minimize service disruptions, ultimately enhancing safety, well-being, and quality of life for communities.

How to cite: Reder, A., Bonfiglio, A., Pugliese, A., Scalas, M., Di Pietro, A., Ormando, C., Stefani, A., Solari, C., Fuggini, C., Verga, A., Attanasio, C., and De Maio, F. V.: Enhancing Infrastructure Resilience and Risk Management through the CIPCast Decision Support System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11887,, 2025.

EGU25-12473 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Web GIS Application for Natural Hazards Risk Assessment Based on Incomplete Data 

Hélder Peixoto, Michel Jaboyedoff, and Marc-Henri Derron

Natural hazards have a significant impact on global populations causing fatalities and damage to agriculture, buildings, and infrastructure. With climate change, such hazards are expected to become more frequent and severe, especially in Alpine regions. The 10 deaths that occurred in Switzerland in the summer of 2024 illustrate these problems, in regions where the hazard estimated in the past is probably no longer relevant. This project aims to develop a WebGIS application for natural hazard risk assessment using open-source technologies and free data from Swiss platforms, introducing uncertainty in the parameters used to estimate the risk. This approach is similar to Cat-models.

The application was built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and plugins like Bootstrap, Leaflet, AGGrid, and Chart.js. Data was sourced from Swiss official platforms, and six methodologies were used to estimate potential damage by assessing building vulnerability, which can be adjusted based on expert opinions for specific areas. Moreover, statistical techniques were implemented to address missing building data.

Results include total damage values per year, exportable in CSV format, and exceedance probability curves shown in histograms and graphs. Different approaches are used to calculate risk, introducing different types of uncertainty depending on the type of input data and approach, e.g. the standard Swiss risk method, which provides only one risk value, is also used to generate exceedance curves. These results were consistent with those from those Swiss assessment tools. This probabilistic approach is standard in the insurance and reinsurance industries and for planners and decision-makers.

This study leverages open-source technologies, demonstrating that different models can be applied to various geographical areas depending on data availability. Future enhancements, such as a mobile app for assessing building attributes like height, construction type, and materials, would further increase the accuracy of damage estimates.


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How to cite: Peixoto, H., Jaboyedoff, M., and Derron, M.-H.: Web GIS Application for Natural Hazards Risk Assessment Based on Incomplete Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12473,, 2025.

EGU25-12580 | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Exploring the potential of dimensionality-reduction techniques for impact-based flood mapping 

Vasilis Bellos, Ioannis Tsoukalas, Panagiotis Kossieris, Carmelina Costanzo, and Pierfranco Costabile

Flood nowcasting at detailed, fine spatiotemporal scales is crucial for the deployment of reliable warning systems, especially in built-up environments where the majority of socio-economic activity is concentrated. These environments are also characterized by significant complexities that require sufficient detail, up to street level. The derivation of flood maps for early warning systems can be organized via three main pillars: a) nowcasting of rainfall at high spatiotemporal resolution, typically obtained from weather radars; b) deployment of physics-based mechanistic simulators, typically based on 2D Shallow Water Equations; c) utilization of High-Performance Computing (HPC) facilities to handle the associated significant computational effort and make practically feasible the computational process. However, even with such infrastructure, there are still limitations mainly arising from: a) model errors, either related with the epistemic or the deep uncertainty of real-world randomness; b) the required simulation time which can still be prohibitive for the development of operational nowcasting tools, especially for large case study areas. The first limitation is addressed through impact-based approaches, in which uncertainties are compensated through the translation of the natural variables derived by the model (i.e. water depths and flow velocities) into classified hazard zones. With respect to the second limitation, surrogate modelling, and particularly the relevant Machine Learning (ML) techniques, promises a potential remedy to the high computational burden, since it enables the development of fast emulators based on the results derived by the mechanistic (accurate, yet slow) simulators. However, the high spatiotemporal variability of flood-related variables, as exhibited in detailed scales increases significantly the dimensionality of the problem, hampering the application of such techniques in real-world operational conditions. To address this, herein we explore the use of dimensionality-reduction techniques such as, Single Value Decomposition (SVD) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which are widely employed, for similar purposes, in the domain of data science. The feasibility of such methods is investigated via impact-based flood maps derived by a detailed mechanistic simulator in real-world conditions.

How to cite: Bellos, V., Tsoukalas, I., Kossieris, P., Costanzo, C., and Costabile, P.: Exploring the potential of dimensionality-reduction techniques for impact-based flood mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12580,, 2025.

EGU25-14649 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Evaluating the Spatial Generalizability of ML- and DL-Based Surrogate Models for Flood Depth Prediction 

Oveys Ziya, Laxmi Sushama, and Husham Almansour

Two-dimensional hydrodynamic models are widely used for flood modeling; however, their computational complexity limits their application for real-time flood forecasting and iterative frameworks requiring a large number of model runs. To address this, previous research has focused on developing surrogate models using machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques to predict flood depth. Despite advancements, many of these models lack spatial generalizability and are constrained to the specific locations where they were trained. This study compares the performance of four surrogate models developed using three traditional ML methods (Random Forest, XG-Boost, and Least-Squares Support Vector Machine), which do not inherently account for spatial relationships and a DL method (U-Net) to evaluate their generalizability to unseen locations for identical rainfall hyetograph. The dataset used for this study was generated using a calibrated HEC-RAS flood model for Montreal Island. To enhance model performance and capture relationship between spatial characteristics and flood depth, the modeling framework incorporates multiple explanatory variables: depth to water sinks, curvature, flow accumulation, slope, elevation difference between pixel and focal mean, roughness index, topographic position index, topographic wetness index, and surface elevation. Results demonstrate superior performance of the DL-based method compared to the traditional ML approaches considered, attributed to its capacity to capture the spatial correlation of flood depths between neighboring cells. The performance of the models over unseen locations show root mean squared error (RMSE, in m) and mean absolute error (MAE, in m) of 0.336 and 0.184 for RF, 0.341 and 0.181 for XG-Boost, 0.336 and 0.183 for LS-SVM, and 0.197 and 0.105 for U-Net models, respectively. These findings are consistent with previous studies that highlight the challenges of achieving spatial generalizability in surrogate models and show the competitive accuracy of the U-Net model. While the DL-based surrogate model exhibits limitations in accurately predicting high flood depths, which are critical for flood-induced damage assessment, these results underscore both the potential of DL-based surrogate models for efficient and spatially transferable flood modeling and the need for further research to improve predictions of extreme flood depths and extend the model’s generalizability to unseen hyetographs.

How to cite: Ziya, O., Sushama, L., and Almansour, H.: Evaluating the Spatial Generalizability of ML- and DL-Based Surrogate Models for Flood Depth Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14649,, 2025.

EGU25-14663 | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Assessing Critical Facility Accessibility and Road Network Criticality Under Flood-Induced Failures: A Resilience-Based Framework for Climate Change Adaptation 

Sangeeta Sangeeta, Hrishikesh Dev Sarma, Beatriz Martinez-Pastor, Helen McHenry, and Rui Teixeira

Critical infrastructure, including transportation, energy supply, telecommunications, water supply, and government and emergency services, is essential for sustaining societal functioning and the well-being of people. Ensuring accessibility to critical facilities, such as health centers and fire stations, is particularly crucial for supporting life-saving and life-sustaining activities during and after disasters.

Flooding, a frequent and costly natural hazard, presents significant challenges to infrastructure accessibility. With climate change, the frequency and intensity of coastal and fluvial flooding are projected to increase, highlighting the need for a deeper understanding of its impacts on critical facilities. Ensuring these facilities remain accessible during and after flooding protects vulnerable populations and facilitates life-saving activities.

This study examines the impact of flood-induced disruptions on accessibility to health centers in Ennis, Ireland, under three scenarios: the Present Day, Mid-Range Future Scenario (MRFS), and High-End Future Scenario (HEFS). These scenarios reflect the anticipated increases in flood frequency and intensity for both coastal and fluvial flooding under future climate conditions. High-resolution flood maps are used to simulate the spatial extent of flooding and its effects on the road network.

A comprehensive framework is developed to assess accessibility loss and road criticality, integrating both physical and social vulnerabilities. This framework is designed to monitor the deterioration of territorial accessibility to critical infrastructure as a result of the cumulative elimination of road sections due to flooding. It incorporates a betweenness centrality (BC) metric to identify essential road segments that connect communities to critical services, helping to pinpoint areas most vulnerable to disruption. This approach enables the identification of key routes that are crucial for maintaining access to critical services during and after flooding events, enhancing preparedness and resilience. Social vulnerability is evaluated through a Social Vulnerability Index, emphasizing the disproportionate impacts on vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, children, low-income households, the disabled, and those with bad and very bad health conditions.

The results reveal significant reductions in accessibility across all scenarios, with disparities worsening under future climate conditions. In the MRFS, the frequency and extent of accessibility disruptions increase compared to the present day, with travel times to health centers rising significantly, reflecting moderate climate impacts. In the HEFS, the situation becomes more dire, with a large portion of critical roads becoming impassable, and travel times to health centers and fire stations increasing substantially in the worst-affected areas.

These findings highlight the urgent need to improve infrastructure and implement proactive planning to address access challenges caused by flooding. Recommendations include upgrading critical roads, establishing real-time flood response systems, and temporarily relocating services during extreme flood events. By integrating social vulnerability into planning, this research offers practical guidance for fostering equitable community resilience and ensuring uninterrupted access to essential services during future climate-related disruptions. Emphasizing a resilience-based approach, the study provides actionable insights for policymakers and stakeholders in Ennis and similar urban areas to develop sustainable solutions that address both the physical impacts of flooding and the associated social vulnerabilities, underscoring the critical role of climate change adaptation strategies in safeguarding critical infrastructure and protecting vulnerable populations.

How to cite: Sangeeta, S., Sarma, H. D., Martinez-Pastor, B., McHenry, H., and Teixeira, R.: Assessing Critical Facility Accessibility and Road Network Criticality Under Flood-Induced Failures: A Resilience-Based Framework for Climate Change Adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14663,, 2025.

EGU25-14728 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Enhancing Flood Resilience of Urban Drainage Networks by Identifying Blind-Spots in Logically Interconnected Systems 

Samuel Park, Hyeong Gyu Kim, Sumin Jung, David J. Yu, Hoon C. Shin, Wootae Kim, Shilong Li, Eungyeol Heo, and Jeryang Park

The growing interconnectivity of critical infrastructure systems in urban areas has escalated cascading failure risks, where disruptions in one system propagate to others. Urban drainage networks, essential for pluvial flood risk reduction, can paradoxically be vulnerable due to their interconnected network structure. While existing studies focus on physical and geographical interdependencies, the role of ‘logical interdependencies’—rooted in the numerous nested institutional policies, contingency plans, and emergency response protocols— still remains unclear. This highlights the necessity of an integrated approach that combines complex network theory and automated text analysis tools to identify hidden vulnerabilities, or "blind-spots." Logical interdependencies within urban drainage networks play a crucial role during urban flooding, where institutional gaps or human errors may inadvertently align to amplify disaster risks. To address this issue, we hypothesize that: (1) logical interdependencies can influence failure propagation, but adaptive management of blind-spots can enhance resilience; and (2) text-mining tools can effectively identify and analyze these blind-spots through institutional analysis. By adopting a multidisciplinary approach that integrates network theory and institutional analysis, this research aims to uncover critical blind-spots in logical interdependencies. The findings will provide valuable insights for enhancing sustainable stormwater management and strengthening the flood resilience of interconnected urban water infrastructure systems against coupled disaster risks.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (RS-2024-00356786) and Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute grant funded by the Ministry of Environment (RS-2023-00218973).

How to cite: Park, S., Kim, H. G., Jung, S., Yu, D. J., Shin, H. C., Kim, W., Li, S., Heo, E., and Park, J.: Enhancing Flood Resilience of Urban Drainage Networks by Identifying Blind-Spots in Logically Interconnected Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14728,, 2025.

EGU25-15647 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Analysis of flood compound events in the Andalusian Costa del Sol. A ClimEmpower Case Study 

Patricia Molina López, Beniamino Russo, and Felice D'Alessandro


Coastal urban areas, particularly those in the Mediterranean coast, face an increasing probability of compound flooding into both current and projected climate change conditions (Bevacqua et al, 2019). In the Costa del Sol Occidental region of southern Spain, multi-hazard flood events—encompassing pluvial, coastal, and fluvial hazards—interact to produce significant impacts on populations, economies, and ecosystems. Research (IPCC, 2023; Zscheischler et al., 2018) highlights that the combined effects of multiple hazards on human and economic assets often exceed the sum of their individual impacts. This interplay results in greater flood depths and wider extents than those caused by single hazards occurring independently.
Despite these challenges, there is a lack of understanding and comprehensive tools in the region that account for the interdependencies of these hazards, particularly the compounding effects of pluvial flooding combined with coastal hydrodynamics. The aim of this research is to fill this gap by developing a multi-hazard risk model that takes into account the  interplay among pluvial flooding, coastal inundation, and the influence of ephemeral rivers in the region.
This study is part of the EU-funded ClimEmpower project, which focuses on enhancing resilience in five Mediterranean regions that are highly vulnerable to climate risks. ClimEmpower aims to provide tools, datasets, and indicators to address climate risks, enabling stakeholders to make more informed decisions regarding climate adaptation strategies.
The case study focuses on the Costa del Sol, a region located in the province of Málaga (Andalusia) in southern Spain. It encompasses 11 municipalities covering a total area of approximately 800 km2 and distributed along more than 100 km of coastline. The case of Costa del Sol will develop an integrated approach that combines 1D/2D sewer modeling (MIKE Urban) with coastal hydrodynamic simulations (MIKE Zero), addressing both pluvial and coastal flooding mechanisms under both present and future climate scenarios using a loosely-coupled approach. 
The research will also assess the probability of occurrence of compound flooding events and will update the IDF curves, which are crucial for designing urban drainage systems and planning flood mitigation measures. To achieve this, high-resolution pluviometric data (sub-hourly data) was requested to authorities such as Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET), the basin Authority and the Andalusian Environmental Information Network (REDIAM).
A key challenge in this study regards data collection. Sewer network data is often incomplete or unavailable due to the management of different water utilities across the 11 municipalities of the study area. To overcome these data gaps, the study will apply a gap-filling methodology developed under the EU-funded ICARIA project (Moumtzidou et al., 2024). Additionally, the project will develop a social media crowdsourcing methodology to collect information about events that will be used to calibrate the models.
This research is expected to provide local authorities with essential tools for flood risk management and climate adaptation, empowering them to design more resilient urban environments and flood management strategies to address increasing compound events.


This research is part of the ClimEmpower project, funded by the Horizon Europe program of the European Union under Grant Agreement No.101112728 (

How to cite: Molina López, P., Russo, B., and D'Alessandro, F.: Analysis of flood compound events in the Andalusian Costa del Sol. A ClimEmpower Case Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15647,, 2025.

EGU25-16747 | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

An RBF Approach for Enhanced Surrogate Modeling of a Debris Flow 

Damiano Pasetto, Deependra Kumar, Eleonora Spricigo, Mario Putti, and Antonia Larese

In the last decades we have observed a rapid growth of extreme hydrological events, such as floods and rock/debris or mud flows affecting more and more frequently our lives. The detailed physical description of these viscous fluids is fundamental to understand the caused stress on possible flood control structures, such as levees, dams, check dams. However, its simulation through high fidelity physics-based computational models, using for example the Material Point Method (MPM), is extremely computationally demanding, thus limiting the application to real system monitoring.

The development of surrogate models to efficiently replicate the relevant features of the flow is of paramount importance to make a substantial step in the direction of real-time computations, required in any early warning system and to develop mitigation strategies.

Surrogate models have gained significant attention in recent years, especially with the advent of machine learning and the development of neural network-based methods, such as Fourier Neural Operators and Deep Operator Networks, among others. 
Here we consider surrogates based on Kernel methods, which demonstrated distinct advantages over widely used neural network-based approaches and provide rigorous error analysis. As fractal functions are pivotal in addressing nonlinear and irregular problems, we propose using the recently developed fractal RBFs as kernel of the surrogate model.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we consider a 2D debris flow along a 5m flume as a test scenario, where the outputs of interest are the position of the front and the velocities as functions of the fluid density and the inclination angle of the slope. 
Our results explore the accuracy and computational efficiency of the fractal RBF surrogate model compared to other kernel-based approaches.

How to cite: Pasetto, D., Kumar, D., Spricigo, E., Putti, M., and Larese, A.: An RBF Approach for Enhanced Surrogate Modeling of a Debris Flow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16747,, 2025.

Experiences with climate change-induced events incentivise research on prevention and management of the effects. Risk assessment is an important tool to envisage risks related to climate change and the socio-economic impacts. Therefore, insight into socio-economic impacts is crucial. In this paper a meso and micro perspective will be used to analyse the socio-economic impacts of climate change in the case of Cattinara hospital in Trieste, Italy. The meso perspective encompasses the findings of the development of a spatial microsimulation model aimed at estimating geographical distributions of relevant socio-economic indicators for regions affected by climate induced events. It also includes the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to map the outputs as well as econometric analysis of the model outputs. The simulation outputs (i.e. the attributes of the synthetic individuals) can include a wide range of policy relevant variables such as earned income, employment status and sector, age, well-being measures and perceptions on various aspects of individuals’ lifes among others. The findings show that a fully operational hospital is positively and significantly linked to the happiness levels of municipalities. However, partially operational hospitals do not exhibit a statistically significant relationship with happiness when we control for municipalities’ socio economic characteristics.

The micro perspective comprises the findings of a survey distributed among technicians, practitioners of the Cattinara hospital and representatives of civil society organisations of the municipality of Trieste and others. The findings demonstrate that hospitalized people are most vulnerable and exposed to the health impacts that may be created by likely climate change-induced damage to the Cattinara hospital, followed by hospital personnel. Damage to the hospital building is the most relevant economic impact that might be created by climate change extreme events, followed by the impacts on the whole hospital’s supply chain. The impacts on the logistics associated with public services provision in relation to the likely need for transferring patients to other healthcare facilities and/or to the temporary hospital’s closure are the most relevant.

While the meso perspective on climate change impact indicates that a partically functioning hospital is important assuming that access to health care will be continued, the micro perspective on climate change impact points out that the hospital’s building and supply chain have to be taken into account as well in risk assessment of climate change-induced events.

How to cite: Winnubst, M.: Meso and micro perspective on climate change impacts, the case of Cattinara hospital Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17562,, 2025.

EGU25-17571 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Regional Flood Assessment of Bridges Using Open Data 

Eleonora Perugini, Sotirios Argyroudis, Enrico Tubaldi, and Stergios-Aristoteles Mitoulis

The escalating risk of flooding attributed to climate change poses significant threats to infrastructure, particularly bridges, which are critical components of transportation networks. As severe weather events become more frequent, the damage to these structures has profound economic and social implications, impacting not only infrastructure maintenance costs but also community safety and mobility. Recent flood events have clearly shown the severe impact of extreme flooding on bridges and society. In September 2020, a major flood impacted Karditsa County in Greece causing over €30 million in direct losses due to damage to infrastructure and tens of bridges suffered substantial damage or complete failure. In July 2021 over one hundred bridges were damaged during the exceptional flood event in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany. In September 2022, the Marche and Umbria regions in Italy were affected by an extreme flood and over 30 bridges were severely damaged. In August 2023, Slovenia also witnessed the most devastating floods ever recorded. In 2024, Europe experienced several floods caused by prolonged heavy rainfall, among which Storm Boris impacted numerous countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

Traditional assessments of resilience often focus narrowly on individual bridges, neglecting the interconnected nature of transportation networks. However, this approach overlooks how the failure of a single bridge can disrupt an entire network, amplifying the impact of natural disasters. To enhance overall system resilience, this work proposes a network-scale perspective analysis using Open Data and addressing the complexities and uncertainties associated with data gaps such as bridge characteristics, vulnerability data or accurate hazard intensity measures. The proposed approach helps to prioritise bridge structures that are particularly vulnerable to flooding and define a robust methodology for assessing network resilience concerning flood hazards.

The methodology is applied in a critical part of the road network of the Region of West Macedonia (Greece) using representative fragility functions and flood maps at regional scale. The results demonstrate the potential of Open Data as a valuable resource for conducting large-scale resilience analyses for critical infrastructure, enabling the identification of vulnerabilities and the prioritisation of interventions even in regions with limited access to proprietary or detailed data. This innovative approach not only aims to improve the understanding of network resilience in the face of climate change but also seeks to inform policymakers and stakeholders in making data-driven decisions for future infrastructure development and maintenance.

How to cite: Perugini, E., Argyroudis, S., Tubaldi, E., and Mitoulis, S.-A.: Regional Flood Assessment of Bridges Using Open Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17571,, 2025.

EGU25-18067 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Effectiveness and trade-offs of green versus gray coastal infrastructure in flood resilience 

Madison Cicha, Gabrielle Rabelo Quadra, Bjorn Robroek, and Christian Fritz

As climate change contributes to sea level rise and storms intensifying around the world, coastal communities are becoming increasingly exposed to flood risks. Therefore, coastal flood protection and resilience is more important than ever. To achieve such protection, we must understand the benefits and drawbacks of various types of infrastructure built to insulate these communities from flooding. In this literature review, we examine and report on the current knowledge surrounding green, or natural, versus gray coastal infrastructure and its effectiveness specifically in regards to flood resilience. We also further explore and synthesize findings of the ways in which certain structures may affect, positively or negatively, other ecosystem services in these areas.

How to cite: Cicha, M., Rabelo Quadra, G., Robroek, B., and Fritz, C.: Effectiveness and trade-offs of green versus gray coastal infrastructure in flood resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18067,, 2025.

EGU25-18988 | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Precipitation-induced landslides in data-scarce sites: challenges and applications in the French Pyrenees 

Yannick Thiery, Bastien Colas, and Guitet Jeremie

Landslides are ubiquitous geomorphological phenomena occurring in various parts of the world, not only in mountainous regions with irregular terrain but also in areas with more moderate relief (e.g., cuesta fronts, plateau slopes, rocky coastal zones). Each year, they cause significant damage to populations and infrastructure. A large majority of landslides are triggered by precipitation.

Currently, there is a growing implementation of early warning systems for these rapid and sometimes destructive events. These tools represent a powerful alternative to mitigate human losses and reduce infrastructure damage. However, such tools rely on precise landslide data catalogs, including accurate location and timing. This information is essential to produce susceptibility maps and establish triggering thresholds. These thresholds enable the construction of destabilization scenarios to assist authorities during crises or emergencies while facilitating prediction and prevention efforts for local populations.

Unfortunately, in many cases, even when landslides are well-located, there remain significant uncertainties regarding their occurrence dates (ranging from weeks to months or years). For instance, the French national database reports that only 21% of landslides are dated to the nearest day, while 69% are dated beyond a month. These temporal limitations complicate the establishment of usable triggering thresholds and reduce the effectiveness of warning tools.

Since 2019, the French Pyrenees have experienced an increase in rainfall events associated with significant geomorphological manifestations on slopes, such as superficial landslides. These phenomena have impacted infrastructure, notably roads and tracks, causing traffic interruptions, as recently observed in the Aspe Valley. Some areas not previously identified as susceptible to landslides highlight the need to improve knowledge and prediction of these events.

This contribution presents a methodology applied to two sectors in the French Pyrenees (Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Hautes-Pyrénées) to establish triggering thresholds probabilities using a recent landslide catalog. The limited and recent temporal data availability raises questions about their relevance. To address this constraint, a strategy was developed to define probabilities associated with specific rainfall episodes and establish vigilance thresholds. These thresholds were spatially applied and coupled with landslide susceptibility maps to obtain triggering probabilities under given meteorological conditions. This methodology represents a first step toward the development of a warning tool for rainfall-induced landslides in the Pyrenees.

How to cite: Thiery, Y., Colas, B., and Jeremie, G.: Precipitation-induced landslides in data-scarce sites: challenges and applications in the French Pyrenees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18988,, 2025.

EGU25-19818 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Assessing the risk of a power transmission tower and its possible adaptation options to climate change in a Nordic Climate. 

Dimitrios Bilionis, Theodora Karali, Alexios Camarinopoulos, and Georgia Karali

The EU-funded RISKADAPT project (GA: 101093939) introduces an innovative, modular, and user-friendly platform, PRISKADAPT, developed in collaboration with end-users to facilitate systemic, risk-informed decision-making for adapting to climate change (CC)-induced compound events. With a focus on structural systems, this study showcases results from one of RISKADAPT's four pilot initiatives, specifically targeting the energy transmission grid in a Nordic climate. Power grid infrastructure is a cornerstone of modern society, underpinning daily activities such as work, communication, transportation, and leisure. The uninterrupted distribution of electricity is essential, with power transmission lines, comprising conductors and steel towers, serving as the "highways" of electricity. Consequently, ensuring their high performance and resilience is of paramount importance. Experience of past events has shown that extreme weather events such as hurricanes, tornados or ice accretions (especially in combination with high winds) may cause failures, usually collapses, of power transmission towers leading to possible long power outages with significant socioeconomical impact. For this reason, evaluating the risk of power transmission infrastructure under adverse weather conditions is crucial. Moreover, climate change makes such risk evaluation more challenging due to the modification of extreme weather trends in terms of frequency and intensity. The aim of this study is to present a risk assessment framework of a steel power transmission tower used in a Nordic climate. More specifically, a 22.20 m high guyed portal frame transmission tower used by the Finnish power operator (Fingrid) is analyzed and its risk, expressed in terms of annual probability of failure, is evaluated under the combination of wind and ice accretion. Different versions of the tower are assessed such as: “as-built” tower using conventional steel, deteriorated versions assuming section loss due to aging (e.g., steel corrosion), restored cases of the deteriorated versions by using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) plates, and finally rebuilding options of the tower using High Strength Steel (HSS). For all the above versions of the tower, the fragility, which is the probability of failure, under different combinations of wind speed and ice thickness is estimated and corresponding curves (fragility curves) are produced. Then, in order to estimate the risk of the tower, the fragility estimations will be combined with the hazard. The hazard refers to the probability of occurrence (or exceedance) of wind speed and ice thickness combinations that is provided by appropriate probability distributions (i.e., Generalized Extreme Value - GEV). It should be also noted that for specifying the hazard various climate models for past and future periods are used considering possible effects of the climate change. Finally, a comparison of the risk results of all tower types and climate-change scenarios considering also the associated financial costs and environmental impacts (e.g., CO2 emissions) is made. All in all, the work presented herein constitutes a framework for evaluating the performance of steel transmission towers and possible adaptation options against climate change. Thus, it could be useful as a decision tool for stakeholders, such as power companies or grid operators in evaluating different options and determine their strategy for grid maintenance, uprates or upgrades.

How to cite: Bilionis, D., Karali, T., Camarinopoulos, A., and Karali, G.: Assessing the risk of a power transmission tower and its possible adaptation options to climate change in a Nordic Climate., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19818,, 2025.

EGU25-20041 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Impact of sea level rise on the extreme hydrodynamic effects on coastal cultural heritage 

Denis Istrati, Rauof Sobhani, Charalampos Georgiadis, Sevasti Chalkidou, Federico Feliziani, Gian Marco Marmoni, and Salvatore Martino

Sea level rise (SLR), driven by climate change, poses a significant threat to coastal cultural heritage (CH) sites by exacerbating the intensity and frequency of extreme hydrodynamic events such as storm surges and wave impacts. These intensified processes can lead to accelerated erosion, structural instability, and increased vulnerability of CH sites. Over time, the cumulative effects of rising seas and amplified hydrodynamic forces may result in irreversible damage to these invaluable assets, threatening their historical, cultural, and economic significance. Despite growing awareness of these risks, a comprehensive understanding of the specific hydrodynamic effects associated with SLR on CH sites remains limited, creating a critical gap in developing effective mitigation strategies tailored to their preservation.

As part of the Horizon Europe project TRIQUETRA, this study investigates the effects of SLR on extreme hydrodynamic impacts imposed on coastal CH through advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The Volume of Fluid (VOF) method is employed to model air-water interactions and track the evolution of waves and surges under varying sea level scenarios. Key hydrodynamic parameters, such as wave height, pressure distribution, and force intensity, are analyzed across multiple sections representative of the CH site with diverse cliff morphologies. Sensitivity analyses are conducted to ensure the robustness of the numerical framework and to explore the influence of different SLR scenarios on wave dynamics and their subsequent effects on coastal structures.

The results reveal that even moderate increases in sea level significantly amplify wave forces and pressure distributions on coastal structures, particularly under extreme weather conditions. The findings also demonstrate that specific morphological features, such as steep slopes or structural irregularities, affect the impact of hydrodynamic forces. This intensification poses a severe threat to the stability of CH sites, emphasizing the urgency of integrating SLR projections into comprehensive risk assessments and conservation planning to mitigate long-term impacts effectively. By advancing the understanding of SLR-induced hydrodynamic effects, this research provides a critical framework for assessing vulnerabilities and developing site-specific mitigation measures. The insights gained are essential for protecting coastal CH sites from the compounded effects of climate change.

Acknowledgments: This work is based on procedures and tasks implemented within the project “Toolbox for assessing and mitigating Climate Change risks and natural hazards threatening cultural heritage—TRIQUETRA”, which is a Project funded by the EU HE research and innovation program under GA No. 101094818.


How to cite: Istrati, D., Sobhani, R., Georgiadis, C., Chalkidou, S., Feliziani, F., Marmoni, G. M., and Martino, S.: Impact of sea level rise on the extreme hydrodynamic effects on coastal cultural heritage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20041,, 2025.

EGU25-20176 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Building Systemic Risk Assessment Tools for Climate Adaptation Assessment in the Caribbean – Case Study for Jamaica 

Raghav Pant, Frederick Thomas, Tom Russell, Jayaka Campbell, Adam Taylor, Rodane Samuels, and Jim Hall

The Caribbean islands are extremely vulnerable to extreme storms and floods. Infrastructure systems, including energy, transport and water supply networks, are often disproportionately exposed and vulnerable to such extremes. Climate hazard impacts can be propagated through infrastructure networks far away from places where the extreme event hit. Post-disaster repairing and replacing of infrastructures can take months or even years, denying people of essential services and adding to financial burdens on governments. Caribbean countries have large stock of existing infrastructure, mostly not been designed to cope with the threat of climate change. New infrastructure is also needed in the Caribbean islands, to spur sustainable economic development. Most of the Caribbean islands are small, where space is limited, and hence investments made in hazard prone areas cannot be avoided. It is therefore essential that extreme climate change is factored into infrastructure planning right from the outset.

To address the above challenges systemic spatial risk assessment is needed to map locations of vulnerable infrastructure assets and quantify their socio-economic impacts. Such systemic risk assessment involves: (1) Assembling multi-hazard datasets under different climate scenarios – including return period maps and probabilistic event sets; (2) Creating spatial network flow models of interdependent energy and transport systems – that could help understand flow rerouting during disruptions; (3) Mapping infrastructure vulnerability hotspots to quantify direct damages from hazards; (4) Quantifying indirect economic losses through network disruptions; (5) Creating effective resilience interventions for risk reduction; (6) Optimisation of resilience intervention by comparing systemic resilience costs and benefits to help prioritise investments in long-term climate adaptation.

The proposed application of the problem is presented through a Jamaica Systemic Risk Assessment Tool (J-SRAT), which is a decision support platform for evaluation and prioritisation of policies and options to reduce climate risks and losses and enhance infrastructure resilience. The tool is being used to build capacity within the Government of Jamaica (GoJ) and other relevant public and private stakeholders for infrastructure risk analysis and adaptation decision making. We present the on-going advances made for Jamaica and its wider applications for the Caribbean Islands.

How to cite: Pant, R., Thomas, F., Russell, T., Campbell, J., Taylor, A., Samuels, R., and Hall, J.: Building Systemic Risk Assessment Tools for Climate Adaptation Assessment in the Caribbean – Case Study for Jamaica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20176,, 2025.

EGU25-20289 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

PRISKADAPT: An integrated platform for risk-informed climate adaptation of structural systems 

Stephanos Camarinopoulos, Theodora Karali, Ioannis Kourentzis, Saimir Osmani, Miltiadis Kontogeorgos, Mata Frondistou, Günter Becker, Dimitrios Bilionis, and Apostolos Parasyris

The EU-funded RISKADAPT project (GA: 101093939) aims at addressing the challenges posed by Climate Change (CC)-induced compound events. The project delivers a novel, integrated, modular, interoperable, customizable, and user-friendly platform, PRISKADAPT, developed in close collaboration with end-users. This platform supports systemic, risk-informed decision-making for adapting to climate events at the asset level, with a focus on structural systems. By integrating advanced datasets, models, and analytical tools, PRISKADAPT provides a solution for assessing risks, exploring adaptation measures, and enhancing infrastructure resilience in a changing climate. Central to PRISKADAPT is its robust Data Management System (DMS), which acts as a central repository and processing hub for critical datasets. It is engineered to handle data from external modules, and various other sources, ensuring a flexible and adaptable approach to data integration. This capability allows users to draw insights from diverse datasets, enabling more precise decision-making. The system also leverages algorithms and models to identify trends, risks, and optimize adaptation strategies, ensuring that the platform remains relevant and responsive to evolving climate challenges. Complementing the DMS is the intuitive User Interface (UI), designed to serve as the primary interaction point for stakeholders. The UI offers tailored visualizations, decision-support tools, and functionalities to accommodate diverse user roles and permissions. Administrators gain comprehensive control over system configurations, enabling efficient management of complex workflows and customization of the platform to specific needs. End-users, on the other hand, benefit from interactive modules that facilitate data exploration, structural assessments, and actionable insights, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions. Through PRISKADAPT, users can visualize assets’ administrative and structural details, including Building Information Management (BIM) models. The platform allows exploration of climatological and environmental data, assessment of material degradation, and comprehensive structural risk evaluations. Risk assessments incorporate various climate and environmental scenarios, including as-is conditions and potential adaptation measures (what-if scenarios). The platform’s outputs combine structural risk data with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analyses, and social impact evaluations, delivering a holistic total (technical and social) risk assessment to users. This integration ensures that adaptation strategies are not only effective but also economically and socially viable. The Model Information System (MIS) is another critical feature of PRISKADAPT, enabling users to evaluate and compare adaptation measures. By simulating the effectiveness, and impact of different strategies under various scenarios, the MIS helps stakeholders develop tailored adaptation plans that address specific vulnerabilities. Additionally, PRISKADAPT includes authoring tools for designing module interdependencies using functional flow block diagrams. These tools enable administrators to manage workflows, supporting dynamic and modular system configurations. Users can leverage PRISKADAPT in its entirety or integrate their own datasets and models for climate change forcing, structural analysis, lifecycle assessment, and cost evaluations. This flexibility supports the creation of new end-to-end analyses or the enhancement of existing workflows. By empowering users with precise, data-driven insights and a scalable architecture, RISKADAPT promotes sustainable and resilient infrastructure, paving the way for proactive planning and an adaptive future in the face of climate uncertainty.

How to cite: Camarinopoulos, S., Karali, T., Kourentzis, I., Osmani, S., Kontogeorgos, M., Frondistou, M., Becker, G., Bilionis, D., and Parasyris, A.: PRISKADAPT: An integrated platform for risk-informed climate adaptation of structural systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20289,, 2025.

EGU25-20745 | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Numerical downscaling at very high resolution of wind extreme events on tall buildings  

Carlo Cintolesi, Petros Ampatzidis, Bidesh Sengupta, Francesco De Martin, Andrea Petronio, and Silvana Di Sabatino

The current trend of climate change has many implications in a variety of aspects that heavily impact human activities and society. These include an increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, including highly energetic storms with highly energetic winds, which can damage economic, social or health-critical structures and activities. Although the probability of structural damage to buildings is very low, the loss of functionality represents a real risk that is currently underestimated in risk management plans.  

This work presents an operative methodology for estimating the impact of very strong wind on tall buildings, based on up-to-date numerical simulation techniques for environmental fluid dynamics. The methodology proposed is applied to a real case study in the framework of the Horizon Europe RISKADAPT project. A downscaling strategy is implemented to coupling a meteorological model at the regional scale (i.e. the Weather Research and Forecast model) with high-resolved numerical simulations of the type of Computational Fluid Dynamics (i.e. RANS and LES approaches). The former provides realistic information on the key atmospheric variables during an extreme event; the latter will be set up with these variables to reproduce the wind flow around and at the building with high accuracy. Hence, the output is a high-fidelity reproduction of the local wind circulation and the atmospheric load on buildings, along with the turbulent content of wind. The method is applied to the case study of the public Hospital of Cattinara (Trieste, Italy) which, due to its peculiarity, is particularly exposed to strong Bora winds, typical of the region.   

This study is funded by the Horizon Europe RISKADAPT project (grant no. 101093939) 

How to cite: Cintolesi, C., Ampatzidis, P., Sengupta, B., De Martin, F., Petronio, A., and Di Sabatino, S.: Numerical downscaling at very high resolution of wind extreme events on tall buildings , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20745,, 2025.

This study delineated an SWOT analysis of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) within the context of heritage cities, utilizing an Internal-External (IE) matrix and an impact/uncertainty grid to ascertain the strategic positioning of NBS. The Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) score of 2.900 indicated a predominantly favorable internal environment for NBS, underscored by significant strengths such as 'Reconnecting Humanity with Nature' and 'Integration of Multiple Values'. Conversely, it also underscores weaknesses, most notably in 'Quantifying NBS Ecosystem Services'. Parallelly, the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) with a score of 2.797 suggested a moderately conducive external environment. Opportunities such as 'Gaining Wide Recognition and Support' and 'Enhancing Environmental Protection Awareness' are prevalent, albeit counterbalanced by threats including 'Insufficient Funding' and 'Competition with Multiple Alternatives'. The analysis posited the necessity of harnessing internal strengths to optimize external opportunities while simultaneously mitigating weaknesses and external threats. A proposed Strength + Opportunity (SO) strategy focuses on interdisciplinary policy development, community-centric NBS design, and establishment of participatory platforms underpinned by legislative support. Additionally, a Weakness + Opportunity (WO) strategy advocates for resource optimization, fostering public-private partnerships, and constructing regulatory frameworks conducive to resource-sharing within heritage communities. NBS in heritage cities are strategically poised for growth, contingent upon the effective utilization of inherent strengths and external opportunities. The analysis accentuated the imperative for dynamic, responsive strategies to internal capabilities and external environmental factors, advocating for a holistic, adaptable, and integrative approach in NBS to foster sustainable, resilient, and culturally vibrant urban ecosystems.

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How to cite: Wang, M. and Zhao, J.: Strategic Integration of Nature-Based Solutions in Historic Urban Landscapes: A SWOT Analysis Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-336,, 2025.

EGU25-681 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Conceptualizing a multi-risk Bayesian Network model to identify nature-based management solutions to face water quality degradation in a changing climate 

Elena Allegri, Francesc Maynou, Angelica Bianconi, Elisa Furlan, Silvia de Juan, Hung Vuong Pham, Andrea Critto, and Antonio Marcomini

Water quality (WQ) deterioration in marine-coastal areas (MCA) is among the main threats affecting socio-economic systems and ecosystem functioning, calling for urgent actions to preserve ecosystems’ resilience. Nature-based Solutions (NBS) improve ecosystem resilience and biodiversity, transforming nature management while providing environmental and societal benefits. Yet, little is known on NBS capacity in reducing WQ deterioration due to climate and human-induced pressures in MCA. Understanding this nexus requires establishing functional relationships between marine ecosystems status and climate and human drivers exerting pressures over them. In this study, the relationship between climate change (CC) impacts on marine-coastal ecosystems is unravelled through a spatio-temporal Bayesian Network (BN) model, which allows estimating the adverse effects of human-induced and climate pressures on seagrass meadows (Posidonia oceanica) along the Apulia region coast (Italy). To this aim, both anthropogenic (e.g., land use, MPAs) and environmental data (e.g., nutrients, temperature, transparency, depth, etc.) were integrated in the BN model, and jointly combined at the coastal water bodies scale, as framed within the WFD, and elicited by expert knowledge. Baseline environmental conditions were compared against multiple ‘what-if’ scenarios, representing different climate conditions, under RCP4.5 and 8.5, and nature-based management schemes. Key results emphasize the main variables (and the spatial extent) affecting the status of seagrass meadows, primarily depth, water transparency, and the presence/absence of protection actions along MCA, both on land and sea. On the other hand, results from scenario analysis highlight that under RCP4.5 the environmental conditions remain more suitable for seagrass habitat survival and growth, compared to RCP8.5 in both short (2050) and long (2100) term. Furthermore, the integration of management actions, primarily linked to land-use changes and widening of MPAs, would benefit WQ conditions for Posidonia oceanica health status, while contributing to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (as part of Agenda 2030), and the Good Environmental and Ecological Status as required by relevant EU acquis.

How to cite: Allegri, E., Maynou, F., Bianconi, A., Furlan, E., de Juan, S., Pham, H. V., Critto, A., and Marcomini, A.: Conceptualizing a multi-risk Bayesian Network model to identify nature-based management solutions to face water quality degradation in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-681,, 2025.

EGU25-1077 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Areas through Nature-Based Solutions and Risk Assessment 

Fabienne Horneman, Ignacio Gatti, Silvia Torresan, Elisa Furlan, Tom Bucx, Mindert de Vries, and Andrea Critto

Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) are increasingly embedded in policies for climate change adaptation, highlighting NBS’s capacity to mitigate the risks of negative external impacts or provide buffers against shocks. For instance, the European Green deal promotes the integration of NBS by providing a new narrative involving biodiversity, Ecosystem Services (ES) and, indirectly, all four priorities of Sendai Framework. The selection of suitable NBSs should be based on their ability to reduce the magnitude, duration, or frequency of climate hazards considering their effectiveness under present and future conditions, while simultaneously delivering valuable co-benefits. However, empirical evidence on NBS performance is lacking – especially for coastal and transitional environments where there is limited site-specific evidence - and although harmonization efforts are being developed, e.g. the IUCN global standards, internationally recognized NBS standards have not yet been adopted into policies. The REST-COAST ( project aims to address these issues by demonstrating that upscaled coastal restoration can provide a solution to climate change adaptation through the provisioning of regulating ES such as reduction of erosion risk, reduction of flood risk, climate change mitigation and water quality purification. This is being elaborated by developing a risk analysis, initiated by a systematic review to expand the evidence-base for NBS implementation through identifying coastal NBS performance indicators. This review indicated that performance is most frequently evaluated based on environmental and physical indicators, e.g., vegetation cover, carbon sequestration, morphological changes, sediment, and nutrient dynamics, measured in-situ at the habitat scale. Nevertheless, to assure their long-term effectiveness of NBSs it is crucial to consider their suitability and scalability in relation to multi-hazard scenarios. Therefore, highlighting the importance of modelling and new data technologies, which allow the exploration NBS’s effectiveness for climate change adaptation and risk reduction through the evaluation of transformative pathways – a complete set of interventions, including NBSs and grey infrastructure, at the macro scale. To do so, a conceptual risk framework for the Venice lagoon (Veneto region, Italy) is being developed that will integrate the NBS performance indicators with climate scenarios and NBS intervention strategies to evaluate risk reduction through ES provisioning. This framework will provide the basis for the development and implementation of a Bayesian Network for risk modelling, integrating data regarding historical observations, past numerical modelling, and climate change projections, as well as co-created adaptation pathways for the Venice Lagoon. Co-creating these what-if adaptation strategies, based on a shared desired future and climate change projections, has the potential to bring together stakeholders and decision-makers to better understand, estimate and evaluate the effect of NBS interventions. Through exploring these research inquiries, this work aims to support the establishment of better guidelines for coastal and transitional adaptation management and development.


The REST-COAST project is funded under the Horizon2020 grant agreement No. 101037097.

How to cite: Horneman, F., Gatti, I., Torresan, S., Furlan, E., Bucx, T., de Vries, M., and Critto, A.: Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Areas through Nature-Based Solutions and Risk Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1077,, 2025.

We live in an urban century, with projections indicating that by 2050 around 2.4 billion more people worldwide will live in cities. Similarly, urbanization in Europe is expected to increase from 72% in 2015, to 83.7% in 2050, while built-up areas are expected to cover more than 7% of the continent's total surface. At the same time, the effects of climate change are increasingly being noticed in urban settings. These impacts include hydro-meteorological events such as storms, floods, and landslides representing 64% of the damages reported from natural disasters in Europe since 1980, while climatological events, such as extreme temperatures, account for an additional 20%. In this context, Nature-based Solutions (NBS) have gained significant importance for climate change adaptation and mitigation, and are increasingly implemented in urban plans and strategies.

Although the integration of NBS into urban planning instruments is a priority in climate policies, there are still limitations that hinder the decision-making process and particularly the selection of efficient NBS for addressing specific environmental challenges. There is a significant gap in understanding the urban socio-ecological processes and dynamics associated with the regulating ecosystem services of NBS, including the benefits they provide, their quantification, and their valuation for effective integration into urban planning.

This study applies a systems-thinking approach to analyzing climate change impacts on cities by focusing on three key environmental challenges: air pollution; urban heat island effect; and urban flooding and runoff. The ecosystem service processes associated with these environmental challenges were identified and analyzed through a literature review employing a citation-chasing approach, based on relevant articles from the last decade. As a result, three models were designed using causal loop diagrams (CLD), one for each environmental challenge, thereby recognizing the key conditions and drivers of these socio-ecological processes. Key causal connections were then grouped into five domains defined as Climate, People, Water, Soil and Vegetation. Finally, these domains were reviewed and described in terms of their controllable and uncontrollable factors, with an emphasis on identifying priority factors to be integrated into urban adaptation strategies.

These results provide a theoretical framework for supporting the transformation of cities into more resilient environments in response to recurrent climate events. Accordingly, future studies are expected to explore urban environmental issues through an integrated approach, enhancing existing models and tools to support the selection of effective and efficient NBS. This will facilitate informed decision-making and accelerate the transition to climate adaptation.

How to cite: Elliott, S., Staes, J., and Vrebos, D.: Targeting key factors when adapting cities to climate change - A practical visualization and analysis of urban socio-ecological processes using causal loop diagrams., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2098,, 2025.

EGU25-2139 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Implementing the System of Environmental Economic Accounting-Ecosystem Accounting: A Systematic Review  

Miguel Inácio, Eglė Baltranaitė, Luís Valença Pinto, Marija Meisutovic-Akhtarieva, Damià Barceló, and Paulo Pereira

The environmental degradation observed in the last decades has triggered governments and international institutions to take action to halt biodiversity loss. For this, natural capital assessment is essential. The System of System of Environmental Economic Accounting-Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EA) was established by the United Nations (UN) as a global standard for integrating economic and environmental statistical data. Nevertheless, only some attempts were made to identify where this approach was conducted. In this study, we systematically review the studies, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis method. The results showed an increasing number of publications in the last decade. Most of the studies were conducted in Europe and Oceania. Regarding the types of SEEA-EA accounts, most studies focus on the extent of ecosystems and the monetary ecosystem services accounts. However, most do not provide essential information in the context of SEEA-EA, like opening/closing accounting tables, definition of reference conditions and results validation. The most studied ecosystem types were forests and woodlands; most of the works assessed more than one ecosystem type. Most ecosystem extent studies utilised national and international land use maps and remote sensing data. The results for ecosystem condition showed that most studies assess condition using indicators that fall out of the typology proposed in the SEEA-EA. They are mainly using biophysical indicators. Physical ecosystem services accounts were compiled by combining qualitative (e.g., expert elicitation) and quantitative (e.g., process-based modelling) methodologies, and studied mainly focusing on regulating & maintenance ecosystem services. Monetary ecosystem services accounts were compiled using economic methodologies such as market price and avoidance costs. The results obtained are essential to understanding the status of SEEA-EA implementation regarding the analysed ecosystem types, helping to reveal current gaps and future research needs. Furthermore, the implementation of SEEA-EA can serve as a basis to support the operationalisation of Nature Based-Solutions, safeguarding ecosystem condition and sustainably providing ecosystem services.

How to cite: Inácio, M., Baltranaitė, E., Valença Pinto, L., Meisutovic-Akhtarieva, M., Barceló, D., and Pereira, P.: Implementing the System of Environmental Economic Accounting-Ecosystem Accounting: A Systematic Review , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2139,, 2025.

EGU25-2714 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

The public perception of green, hybrid and grey flood protection measures in three European countries 

Nejc Bezak, Pavel Raška, Jan Macháč, Jiří Louda, Vesna Zupanc, and Lenka Slavíková

Various flood risk mitigation measures such as green, hybrid and grey measures can be applied to reduce flood risk, which is expected to increase in the future due to climate change. While recent studies on flood risk perception have provided robust empirical evidence of social and regional differences in risk perception, comparative studies on the perception of flood risk management measures are lacking. Across Europe, there are significant differences in the preferred approaches to flood risk management and the identified barriers to their application. As part of this study, we examined the perception of various flood risk management measures in Slovenia, Czechia and the Netherlands. The following concepts were taken into consideration: effectiveness, feasibility and acceptability.

The public perception survey was conducted in the three countries via a self-administered online survey with the support of the external company (Bezak et al., 2024). In all three countries, a representative sample (n = 1000) was taken into account considering spatial and socio-demographic characteristics (quota sample). The selected flood risk management measures were divided into three categories: green, grey and a combination of green and grey (hybrid). The visual appearance (green, grey and hybrid), the extent of ecosystem services provided (zero, substantial and in-between) and the construction effort required (substantial, minimal and medium) were used to classify the measures. During the survey, respondents were only shown the drawing of the measure, not the description or the name of the measure. The following measures were considered: rain garden, wetland, tree trench, retention pond, cistern, dam (Bezak et al., 2024). In addition, three groups of experts were also included in the survey in Slovenia: water engineers, researchers working in the field of water management and agricultural workers.

In terms of individual flood protection measures, respondents (general public) in all three countries tend to view conventional grey measures (i.e., dams and cisterns) as more effective and acceptable, but more difficult to implement. This is in contrast to green and hybrid measures, which are considered feasible but less effective and acceptable. The degree of perceived effectiveness, feasibility and acceptance varies from country to country (Bezak et al., 2024). A similar perception was also noted by three expert groups in Slovenia, where researchers were the only group to consider green measures (i.e., wetlands) more effective than grey measures (i.e., dams). While water engineers and agricultural workers had similar perception as the general public, with water engineers clearly preferring classic flood risk management solutions such as dams. 

While specific projects and initiatives can benefit from knowledge of the individual determinants of flood risk perception, transnational policies and strategies should pay more attention to the specific patterns of perception in individual countries.



Bezak et al., 2024. Investigating the public perception of green, hybrid and grey flood risk management measures in Europe. Progress in Disaster Science, 23, 100360, 10.1016/j.pdisas.2024.100360.


Acknowledgment: The research was conducted within the project [Evaluation of hazard-mitigating hybrid infrastructure under climate change scenarios] co-granted by Slovenian Research Agency (J6-4628) and Czech Science Foundation (22-04520L). 

How to cite: Bezak, N., Raška, P., Macháč, J., Louda, J., Zupanc, V., and Slavíková, L.: The public perception of green, hybrid and grey flood protection measures in three European countries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2714,, 2025.

EGU25-3755 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Public Preferences for Nature-Based Solutions: Differences according to exposure in 6 European countries  

Meike Jungnickel, Alice Wanner, and Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider

Nature-based solutions are part of climate adaptation plans in many European cities. In recent years much research has been conducted supporting the effectiveness of urban nature-based solutions, however previous studies also have shown that multifaceted aims are difficult to achieve. Potential environmental benefits have to be balanced with related costs and spatial requirements environmental. These trade-offs underline that planning urban nature-based solutions involves choices. Therefore, this research builds upon a discrete choice experiment (DCE) which was conducted in 6 European countries focusing on cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants. The presented study, which was based on research as part of the UPSURGE project (Horizon 2020), sought to understand European urban residents’ preferences for urban nature-based solutions. The survey presented trade-offs such as the type of green area, the effectiveness in terms of air-quality, temperature reduction and biodiversity as well as monetary and time payments to participants. In total 5,990 residents from Greece, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, the UK and the Netherlands participated in the survey. 

The results show generally similar patterns of preferences across citizens from all 6 countries regarding type of nature-based solutions and their effectiveness. Yet, different exposures to the impacts of climate change are reflected in the preference for effectiveness of the green areas for instance regarding temperature reduction. Furthermore, differences in preferences regarding the willingness to pay, biodiversity enhancement and participation are evident between the countries. Transferring the obtained results in a decision support tool, allows for the configurations of nature-based solutions which will be accepted by the majority of population in European countries. 

Overall, the results emphasize the need for customization of nature-based solutions to the local context and importance of communicating the expected benefits. Incorporating the results in public participation processes, enables the definition of priorities and the design governance mechanism to guarantee long-term success of nature-based solutions.

How to cite: Jungnickel, M., Wanner, A., and Pröbstl-Haider, U.: Public Preferences for Nature-Based Solutions: Differences according to exposure in 6 European countries , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3755,, 2025.

EGU25-4278 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Indigenous water management amid global changes: Reviving ancient Oasis irrigation systems in Southeastern Morocco 

Athmane Khettouch, Yassine Ait Brahim, Mohammed Hssaisoune, and Lhoussaine Bouchaou

The Khettara system is an ancient hydraulic infrastructure designed to collect and transport groundwater by gravity from the water table to irrigate oasis fields. This energy-efficient system, widely used in North Africa, particularly in Algeria (Foggara) and Morocco (Khettara), is celebrated for its sustainability and its potential to enhance drought resilience and combat desertification. Established as early as the 14th century, the Khettara system continues to function, despite facing significant natural and anthropogenic challenges. In Morocco, the indigenous water mobilization technique is found in two major oasis ecosystems in southern Morocco: Drâa and Tafilalet designated as the Biosphere Reserve (RBOSM) by UNESCO in 2000. Around these millennia-old agrosystems, successive civilizations developed resource management and governance practices, particularly in water allocation. Known as Al Orf or Azref, these regulations emphasize the protection, maintenance, and sustainable use of water resources where precipitation ranges from 50 to 120 mm per year. However, since the 1970s, the Khettara system has been in decline due to competition from motorized and solar-powered pumps, worsening droughts, and the migration of younger generations away from agriculture. This shift has led to growing inequality, individualism, and a breakdown in the collective labor and governance structures that sustained the system for centuries. Modern technologies, while initially promising, have proven unsustainable in many cases. In response, the Moroccan government undertook initiatives between 2008 and 2011 to restore certain abandoned Khettarat in the Tafilalet oases, integrating them into cultural tourism routes, particularly the Mejhoul circuit. This initiative, although still nascent, offers a promising pathway for collaboration among local communities (nomads, oasis inhabitants, and cooperative associations), researchers (hydrologists and hydro-sociologists), and stakeholders (local water policymakers and the tourism sector). Such efforts aim to preserve and revitalize this cultural and environmental heritage, which remains at risk. 

How to cite: Khettouch, A., Ait Brahim, Y., Hssaisoune, M., and Bouchaou, L.: Indigenous water management amid global changes: Reviving ancient Oasis irrigation systems in Southeastern Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4278,, 2025.

EGU25-4608 | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Cost-benefit and equity analysis of nature-based solutions in Haiti, India, Indonesia and Uganda 

Marta Vicarelli, Anamaria Georgescu, and Karen Sudmeier-Rieux

This study performs an economic efficiency and equity analysis of four recent Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) interventions in Haiti, India, Indonesia, and Uganda. Our analysis aims at contributing to the development of methodological best practices for assessing both the economic-effectiveness and the distributional impacts of nature-based solutions, with a particular focus on marginalized or underserved communities. Nature-based solutions (NbS) are emerging as possible strategies to mitigate disaster risk while providing additional benefits to biodiversity and sustainable economic growth. However, there is limited scientific evidence about the cost-effectiveness and equity outcomes of NbS. For each ecosystem-based intervention examined we performed an economic efficiency assessment through a quantitative cost-benefit analysis (CBA). Our estimates show that at the 5th year since the project implementation, the interventions in Haiti and India generated positive net benefits, assuming hazard-related yearly losses in properties and GDP per capita in the project areas as low as 0.5 %. We observe the same outcomes in Indonesia and Uganda at the 10th year since the project implementation, assuming yearly losses equivalent to 1 % or higher and adopting a 3 % discount rate. When we include additional benefits from carbon capture and sequestration and pollution reduction the CBA net benefits estimates are positive at the 10th year mark for every discount rate adopted. Extensive qualitative interviews of local stakeholders corroborate the CBA results and provide insights on the numerous additional benefits experienced, which in the future could be measured and monetized if monitored over time. A qualitative analysis of the distributional effects of the interventions was performed to complement the economic efficiency assessment. This equity analysis indicates an enhancement in inclusivity, economic equality, participation, and capacity building among local stakeholders. In particular, the Eco-DRR interventions implemented resulted in significant education, health, safety and economic improvements for women, children, and economically vulnerable members of the local communities.

How to cite: Vicarelli, M., Georgescu, A., and Sudmeier-Rieux, K.: Cost-benefit and equity analysis of nature-based solutions in Haiti, India, Indonesia and Uganda, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4608,, 2025.

EGU25-5333 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

How long does vegetation take to reach peak cooling in São Paulo (Brazil)? 

Marina da Nova Reuter, Lucas Gobatti, João Paulo Leitão, and Renato Vicente

With urbanisation, cities face increasing temperatures, which are further increased by climate change. In this context, urban greenery can be a strategy to reduce surface temperatures in cities, providing cooling through shade and evapotranspiration. However, little is known about how long different types of urban greenery take to reach their maximum surface temperature reduction capacity in different climates across the world. To fill this gap, we previously developed a method using remote sensing data to quantify this time span, calling it “Cooling Establishment Time” (CET). To increase the number of case studies to those previously investigated in Zurich (Switzerland), our main challenges are to automate the identification of green areas, their selection, and quantification of their cooling dynamics through time in a computationally effective way. As a starting point, this ongoing research quantified the Cooling Establishment Time of green areas in São Paulo (Brazil), generating new information about this time measurement in a different climatic and urban context. São Paulo’s green areas took around 6 to 20 years to reach peak Land Surface Temperature reduction, which were longer than the time spans identified in Zurich. This contrast may be explained by the differences in local predominant vegetation and built environment. We expect to generate a dataset of green areas’ Cooling Establishment Times throughout different cities in the world, leading to a better understanding of what drives the temporal dynamics of vegetation cooling. Such results can be useful for policymakers to best plan green areas, improving heat mitigation and adaptation strategies depending on local environmental conditions and social needs.

How to cite: da Nova Reuter, M., Gobatti, L., Leitão, J. P., and Vicente, R.: How long does vegetation take to reach peak cooling in São Paulo (Brazil)?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5333,, 2025.

EGU25-5913 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Assessing the implementation process of Ecosystem-based Adaptation in coastal urban areas  

Mar Riera Spiegelhalder, Luís Campos Rodrigues, and Adrián Ferrandis Martínez

Nature-based solutions (NbS) are regarded as an umbrella concept for actions focused on nature conservation and restoration, offering a range of social, economic, and environmental benefits. When specifically dealing with climate change adaptation, the term Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is also applicable. This research investigates EbA as a strategy to tackle the escalating climate challenges faced by coastal urban areas, including changing water regimes, and more frequent and severe floods and droughts. The study develops a decision-support framework aimed at guiding local governments in successfully implementing EbA. It highlights the importance of proposing protocols to evaluate the EbA implementation process in coastal urban areas. This framework is based on three core areas: governance systems, policy framework, and sustainable funding, with a set of indicators proposed for each area.  

Within governance systems, the framework highlights the necessity of horizontal (within the same governance level) and vertical (across different administrative levels) cooperation. Political support, scientific expertise, and co-creation with local stakeholders are essential for integrating EbA into planning processes. Moreover, flexible governance structures enable institutions to adapt and ensure the sustainability of interventions. 

Under policy framework, the framework proposes incorporating EbA into climate adaptation plans, urban policies, and international agreements, enhancing its uptake. Alignment between local regulations and broader strategic objectives, such as the EU Green Deal or the UN Sustainable Development Goals, reduces conflicts and supports EbA prioritization. 

Sustainable funding is critical for scaling EbA. This study explores innovative mechanisms such as Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), ecological fiscal transfers, and fiscal incentives. These mechanisms complement traditional funding sources, such as local budgets and EU grants, to ensure long-term viability of EbA solutions. 

The decision-support framework was tested across ten EbA initiatives of Spain and Portugal, focusing on coastal urban areas vulnerable to flooding. Examples include wetland restoration, urban farming, and green corridors in cities such as Lisbon, Barcelona, and Santander. The assessment revealed common challenges in implementing EbA measures, such as bureaucratic delays, governance misalignments, and limited fiscal incentives. However, successful cases demonstrated the importance of political support, horizontal cooperation, and stakeholder involvement. 

While EbA are increasingly recognized at the EU level, its local implementation remains limited. Addressing governance challenges, aligning policies, and securing diverse funding sources are crucial for scaling EbA interventions. The assessment conducted in this study underscores the need for adaptive governance and the inclusion of diverse stakeholders in planning and execution of EbA. In addition, the research emphasizes the importance of adopting a systemic approach to incorporate EbA into local adaptation strategies, enhancing the resilience and stability of coastal cities. This research aims to contribute to a better understanding of how EbA can foster climate adaptation and urban resilience, offering practical tools to bridge the gap between policy and practice. 

How to cite: Riera Spiegelhalder, M., Campos Rodrigues, L., and Ferrandis Martínez, A.: Assessing the implementation process of Ecosystem-based Adaptation in coastal urban areas , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5913,, 2025.

EGU25-6314 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Can Blue-Green Infrastructure Used For Stormwater Management Mitigate Urban Heat? 

Giovan Battista Cavadini, Gabriele Manoli, and Lauren Cook

Due to their multifunctionality, blue-green infrastructure (BGI) such as bioretention cells and green roofs are increasingly adopted to manage stormwater and mitigate urban heat. Despite their multifunctional potential, current studies simulating BGI benefits tend to focus on a single objective, often overlooking how the proposed designs would perform across multiple functions. As a result, the heat mitigation potential of stormwater-focused BGI is not yet well understood.

The goal of this study is to assess the impact that BGI primarily used for stormwater management, such as bioretention cells, porous pavements, and green roofs have on 2 m air temperature during the hottest hours of the day. To do so, we employ a microclimate model (Urban Tethys-Chloris, UT&C) to simulate over 20 BGI scenarios in three street canyon types—urban, residential, and industrial - in a town near Zurich, Switzerland. We also explore how properties affecting the stormwater management (e.g., variations in coverage, vegetation types, and soil properties) can alter canyon temperatures. Using measurements collected during the summer of 2024, the model was calibrated and validated (RMSE of 2.2°C and r2 of 0.84).

Results show that BGI elements replacing impervious surfaces on the ground provide the greatest cooling effects (0.4 to 1°C of cooling). For example, bioretention cells replacing impervious surfaces achieved a temperature reduction of up to 1°C in urban street canyons. Porous pavements, though without vegetation, also contribute to cooling by allowing stormwater infiltration and direct evaporation, reducing temperatures by an average of 0.4°C. In contrast, replacing existing vegetation with bioretention cells slightly increased temperatures, likely due to soil properties that improve stormwater infiltration, resulting in drier topsoil layers and reduced evaporative cooling. Green roofs had negligible impact on 2m air temperature, likely because their cooling effect did not extend far enough to influence the street canyon. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated that dense vegetation, characterized by high albedo, a large leaf area index, and high evapotranspiration capacity, notably lowers temperatures compared to sparse vegetation with low albedo and limited evapotranspiration. Future work will assess how these results change under different scenarios, including with other types of BGI related to stormwater management, irrigation schemes, and in a future, more extreme climate. Overall, this work offers a deeper understanding of multifunctional BGI designs, highlighting potential trade-offs between stormwater management and heat reduction. By addressing these complexities, it supports a more holistic integration of BGI benefits in urban planning strategies.

How to cite: Cavadini, G. B., Manoli, G., and Cook, L.: Can Blue-Green Infrastructure Used For Stormwater Management Mitigate Urban Heat?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6314,, 2025.

EGU25-6629 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Are water-related Nature-based Solutions (NbS) assessed to their full multi-benefit potential? A systematic literature review. 

Taha Loghmani-Khouzani, Emmanuel Dubois, Susanna Ottaviani, Livia Serrao, and Eleanor Starkey

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) leverage and mimic natural processes to address societal and environmental challenges. In recent years, they have attracted global interest for their significant contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals, offering integrated approaches to address multiple dimensions of resilience and sustainability in the context of global change. This potential is particularly promising in complex and rapidly evolving urban environments, where water resources represent both managing hazards and protecting resources. However, assessing and quantifying the full potential and impacts of NbS remains challenging, as their impacts span multiple disciplines and depend on local socio-geographical contexts and initial implementation goals. Holistic assessment frameworks are urgently required[ES1]  to demonstrate performance, capture the diverse effects of NbS along the process-impact chain, and enable stakeholders to monitor progress over time. This study presents a systematic literature review to map the current state of the art in NbS performance evaluation. 111 articles were reviewed to assess whether NbS evaluation methods associated with urban water resources provide holistic and transferable approaches while addressing the complexity of human-natural systems. Preliminary results indicate that most studies focused on existing sites where NbS were considered for implementation, often using modeling approaches. Performance evaluations spanned 16 parameter categories, with the majority addressing quantitative and qualitative hydrological aspects, consistent with the authors’ disciplinary backgrounds. Although many methods demonstrated reusability and supported decision-making processes, most studies assessed limited parameters, partly due to modeling assumptions. Notably, social aspects were frequently acknowledged, particularly regarding the involvement of local governments during the implementation phase. The results of this literature review can support scientists in developing robust assessment frameworks and provide stakeholders with a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art in NbS multi-benefit characterization. This, in turn, will provide stakeholders with greater confidence to invest in NbS, upscale their use, and influence NbS policies.

How to cite: Loghmani-Khouzani, T., Dubois, E., Ottaviani, S., Serrao, L., and Starkey, E.: Are water-related Nature-based Solutions (NbS) assessed to their full multi-benefit potential? A systematic literature review., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6629,, 2025.

The EU-Water4All project INTERLAYER, 2024-2027, aims to develop cumulative adaptation strategies in the complex interlink between surface and groundwater management, using water retention measures to reduce water runoff and fill-up groundwater storages, thereby minimizing hydroclimatic extreme events’ impacts in water quantity and quality. Water retention is explored through Slow Hydrology measures, guided by terrain and water balance analysis, and related to land use (especially agriculture), water quality and biodiversity from a synergistic perspective to facilitate robust future River Basin Management Plans. Future climate simulations are produced locally in order to ensure that the proposed measures improve the resilient, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events.

The concept of Slow Hydrology is tested in four living lab watersheds. The key questions are: (i) how can excess water be stored to reduce water velocity during flash floods, using field topography and drainage systems to increase detention and infiltration strategically in the catchment; (ii) how can water availability during dry periods be improved, considering the water needs for human activities without compromising biodiversity conservation, water quality or ecosystem services; (iii) how can the suggested nature-based solutions influence the local biodiversity and provide benefits and co-benefits to local population and stakeholders. The living labs represent contrasting European edaphoclimatic regions with different geologic characteristics and land uses:

Portugal, Guadiana River - This living lab covering 136 km2 in the Toutalga sub-basin is dominated by intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES), characterized by flash flood and dry-phase periods. The basin has a hot summer Mediterranean climate.

Denmark, Vaerebro River - The catchment of the Vaerebro river is 153 km2 and the river itself is 35 km long, having its source in a biodiversity-rich bog area. This living lab has a mixed land use with small and medium-sized villages, many spare-time farmers, and some agriculture, before discharging to Roskilde Fjord. It allows for a source-to-sea approach in a,region with a continental humid and warm summer climate.

Austria, Liesing River - The Liesing river with a catchment of 112 km2, the Liesing is often affected by strongly fluctuating water flows. During dry periods, the Liesing carries very little water. However, during heavy or prolonged rainfall, the Liesing can quickly turn into a river with high water levels.  The catchment can be divided in a forest-dominated area followed by an urban river section.  in a region with a continental humid and warm summer climate. 

Romania, Danube River - Spanning 77 km² along the Danube River floodplain between Salcia and Maglavit, this site features agricultural lands, wetlands, and peri-urban areas, with an elevation under 100 meters. It experiences a continental humid climate with hot summers. Protected under the Natura 2000 site, it also lies near other important conservation zones. The key challenges include drainage, water abstraction, urban development, deforestation, and rising temperatures, disrupting the hydrological balance and increasing drought risk.

How to cite: Potes, M. and the INTERLAYER team - Water4All project: The complex INTERLink of safeguarding wAter availabilitY and quality to mitigatE and adapt to hydroclimatic extRemes – INTERLAYER project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6771,, 2025.

EGU25-7342 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Planning and Evaluating NATure-Based Solutions within local authoritiEs – the PENATE project 

Pierre-Antoine Versini, Auguste Gires, Didier Techer, Rémy Claverie, David Ramier, Joana Guerrin, Maylis Desrousseaux, Nicoleta Schiopu, Aline Brachet, Maeva Sabre, Alexandre Fardel, Natalia Rodriguez, Lionel Sindt, Alicia Adrovic, Sébastien Tassin, Michel Carrière, Vincent Perrier, Hervé Caltran, Guillaume Simon, and Sophie Schuster

This poster aims to present the French ANR PENATE project, which has just started. PENATE seeks to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) as a strategy for adapting urban environments to climate change. To this end, it aims to develop multi-scale, multi-criteria, context-sensitive, and adaptive evaluation tools and methods tailored for local authorities.

The project is supported by a multidisciplinary consortium, bringing together expertise in hydrology, microclimatology, ecology, public policy, and law, and involving both research organizations and operational stakeholders. It includes several pilot sites where NbS are currently under monitoring. The project addresses key challenges such as mitigating urban heat islands, managing stormwater and flooding, improving quality of life, and ensuring ecological continuity across territories.

To achieve these objectives, PENATE aims to:

  • Analyze and understand the legal, institutional, and technical constraints tied to implementing regulatory and strategic frameworks, and explore how NbS can address these challenges.
  • Link the intrinsic properties of vegetation with their effects on thermo-hydraulic processes in NbS infrastructure through a functional traits-based approach.
  • Develop digital tools capable of simulating the multifunctionality of NbS and evaluating their performance across different scales within complex territories.

The outcomes of PENATE are designed to support the integration of NbS into regulatory frameworks such as Local Urban Development Plans (PLUi), Climate Air Energy Plans (PCAET), and the Zero Net Artificialization (ZAN) objective. The project will provide local authorities with a dedicated diagnostic and decision-support tool to guide land-use planning and facilitate the implementation of NbS.

How to cite: Versini, P.-A., Gires, A., Techer, D., Claverie, R., Ramier, D., Guerrin, J., Desrousseaux, M., Schiopu, N., Brachet, A., Sabre, M., Fardel, A., Rodriguez, N., Sindt, L., Adrovic, A., Tassin, S., Carrière, M., Perrier, V., Caltran, H., Simon, G., and Schuster, S.: Planning and Evaluating NATure-Based Solutions within local authoritiEs – the PENATE project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7342,, 2025.

EGU25-8496 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Interventions on land drainage for climate change adaptation – a conceptual case study 

Jiří Černý and Petr Fučík

A significant part of built single-purpose land drainage is considered as disproportionate, including peat as well as non-waterlogged soils or submontane areas across Europe.  Bearing in mind the ratio of drained farmland in Europe and the USA (17-87%), there persist an unmet potential to design and physically implement appropriate, within land consolidations or similar activities underutilized interventions on the existing land drainage, both on tiles and ditches. Among these interventions, there are many types of Nature Based Solutions (NBS), applicable on agricultural drainage systems or drained land, like constructed wetlands, biofilters, drainage blinding, two stage ditches, controlled drainage, canals revitalization and management. The principles, efficiency and limitaitons of these NBS are documented to some extent (e.g. the WOCAT SLM DATABASE, experimental catchments and sites), nevertheless, the proposals and implementation in practice is unsystematic and so the related real-life operational experience is rather vague.

This study presents a preliminary results from the Lovečkovicko case study (LCS), Northern Bohemia, the Czech Republic, aiming at introduction of practically applicable approaches for analyses and feasible yet conceptual proposals of measures on land drainage. The LCS, consisting of eight tile-drained cadastral units with heterogeneous natural and agricultural conditions, manifold history and various interrests of different stakeholders, stands for a representative example for the application of diverse methods for land drainage systems identification and proposals of related measures. Drainage, soil, geomorphological, landuse and land ownership characteristics and water retention / quality aspects were considered for the delineation and conceptual proposals of the different NBS.

This work also discuss the readilly available, whole country, regional or local necessary related data as well as the need for more detailed data acquisition or monitoring. These data and information should especially serve for the thorough justification and design of the proposed measures, as well as for the precise quantification of the NBS efficiency from the perspective of water balance and water quality as well as from the NBS investment and management costs point of view.

How to cite: Černý, J. and Fučík, P.: Interventions on land drainage for climate change adaptation – a conceptual case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8496,, 2025.

EGU25-9041 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Demonstration and modelling of Nature-based Solutions to enhance the resilience of Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystems and landscapes: DRYAD EU Project 

Javier Samper, Maria Paula Mendes, Fabio Salbitano, Maciek Lubczński, Ana Andreu, Christiaan Van der Tool, Alain Francés, Anastasio Villanueva, Anastasia Pantera, Victor Rolo, Costantino Sirca, Tamara Rodríguez, and Rafael Pimentel

Mediterranean agrosilvopastoral ecosystems (MAEs), such as the Dehesa/Montado in Spain (SP)/Portugal (PT), Meriagos in Italy (IT) and valonia oak forests in Greece (GR), provide essential environmental services and play a significant role in supporting local communities, their economies, and well-being. However, the MAEs are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change effects, including rapid warming and heat waves, prolonged droughts with intermittent and sudden heavy rainfall and mediterranean hurricanes (medicanes) and wildfires. Water table decline, groundwater flow depletion, tree mortality, poor tree natural regeneration, soil degradation, decrease of biodiversity, and drastic modification of habitat pattern are the major direct consequences of the above-mentioned changes. Addressing these issues requires tailored sustainable solutions and transformative actions to support local communities and authorities in building climate resilience. The DRYAD project supports the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change by demonstrating climate-resilient nature-based solutions (NbS) tailored to MAEs. DRYAD aims to enhance MAE resilience to climate change through locally adapted NbS designed in collaboration with farmers and other stakeholders. The DRYAD project is centered around the development, testing and demonstration of NbS in five Demonstration Regions (DRs). The most promising NbS will be transferred to the three Replication Regions (RR).  Furthermore, DRYAD supports a multi-level and cross-sectoral integrated and adaptive management governance by developing a Decision Support System (DSS). DRYAD mobilizes regional and local authorities and stakeholders, research entities, private/public foundations, companies and citizens and involves them in co-creation, co-implementation, and co-validation processes through Living Labs. This will lead to the creation of widely re-applicable NbS with long-lasting impacts. The project envisages the development of tools and implementation guidelines to promote sustainable and climate-resilient practices and facilitate regional adaptation plans, contributing to the Nature Restoration Law regarding resilient nature and climate adaptations. DRYAD will address a range of NbS across different spatial scales and under various management and climate scenarios. The proposed approaches consider the complex interactions within natural systems, the diverse land uses and practices in MAEs, the intricate governance structures, and the diverse interests of stakeholders. The objectives and expected outcomes of DRYAD are presented with special emphasis on its novel technological developments which include: 1) Real-time and cost-effective monitoring solutions using in-situ LoRaWan and remote sensing (RS) data for NbS implementation in pilot demonstration areas (PDAs); 2) Development of a web-based geospatial database management system (GDMS) for managing space/time field and RS data; 3) Performing integrated ecohydrological models by coupling SCOPE, STEMMUS and MODFLOW6 codes to assess drought-related plant-soil-surface water-groundwater interactions; 4) Using models to support the novel NbS implementations; 5) Upscaling of NbS from local (PDA) to regional (DR) scales; 6) Replication of NbS in RR; 7) Development of a DSS and its embedding in GDMS; and 8) Dissemination of DRYAD results via a DSS, operational on computers and mobile phone apps.

Acknowledgments: This research was performed within DRYAD Project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement 101156076.

How to cite: Samper, J., Mendes, M. P., Salbitano, F., Lubczński, M., Andreu, A., Van der Tool, C., Francés, A., Villanueva, A., Pantera, A., Rolo, V., Sirca, C., Rodríguez, T., and Pimentel, R.: Demonstration and modelling of Nature-based Solutions to enhance the resilience of Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystems and landscapes: DRYAD EU Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9041,, 2025.

EGU25-9205 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

From Runoff to resilience Multifunctional Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Stormwater Management: Comparative Insights from Barcelona, Boston, and Rotterdam 

Svetlana Khromova, Pablo Herreros Cantis, Matthew Eckelman, Gara Villalba Méndez, Svea Busse, Giulia Benati, and Johannes Langemeyer

In response to the growing challenges posed by climate change and rapid urbanization, this research investigates the intricate dynamics of stormwater-related urban hazards. It emphasizes the risks and needs arising from environmental injustice, high-intensity rainstorm events, limited combined sewer system capacities, and the prevalence of impervious surfaces.  A cross-comparative analysis is conducted in three coastal cities—Barcelona, Boston, and Rotterdam—each with distinct climates and policy frameworks, but facing shared challenges in urban stormwater management. The study advocates for tailored Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to address these issues while incorporating diverse perspectives to comprehensively evaluate their effectiveness.

The study underscores the urgency of integrating detailed risk assessments with strategic NBS planning to bridge the gap between current urban water management practices and the evolving needs for environmental resilience and societal well-being. A comprehensive framework is established for assessing climate-change-induced hydrological risks, implementing NBS, collecting evidence, and providing actionable guidance to decision-makers.

Adopting a Social-Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS) framework, the research explores the interactions among these interdisciplinary domains. First, it employs a novel methodology that integrates SETS vulnerability, hazard, and exposure factors into a spatially explicit risk score, offering nuanced insights into the impacts of water-related hazards on urban communities (IPCC, 2012; IPCC, 2022). Second, it develops baseline and themed NBS scenarios alongside site potential maps, presenting a systematic and replicable methodology for identifying suitable NBS implementation areas within urban environments. These scenarios account for SETS constraints, categorizing areas from fully feasible to infeasible. Third, the study evaluates the mitigation potential of NBS in reducing vulnerability while enhancing co-benefits, such as thermal comfort, recreation, water storage, habitat provision, and improved water quality.

The findings highlight the multifunctionality of NBS in complementing traditional grey infrastructure while strengthening urban resilience. By integrating natural elements, NBS delivers a wide range of ecosystem services that benefit urban populations. This study emphasizes the critical importance of flexible, forward-thinking, and equitable planning to adapt to climate change.

How to cite: Khromova, S., Herreros Cantis, P., Eckelman, M., Villalba Méndez, G., Busse, S., Benati, G., and Langemeyer, J.: From Runoff to resilience Multifunctional Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Stormwater Management: Comparative Insights from Barcelona, Boston, and Rotterdam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9205,, 2025.

EGU25-9359 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Early detection of vulnerability to drought: a Nature-Based solution for Dehesas (Spanish Oak Savannas) 

Ana Andreu, Maria Jose Muñoz-Gómez, MPat González-Dugo, Antonio J. Molina, Pablo González-Moreno, Francisco J. Ruiz-Gómez, María J. Polo, Cristina Aguilar-Porro, Guillermo Palacios, Javier Samper, and Rafael Pimentel

Dehesas, a biodiversity-rich Mediterranean agro-silvopastoral ecosystem with seasonal water availability, are highly sensitive to changes in both climatic conditions and management practices. While droughts naturally occur, climate change exacerbates water scarcity, leading to i) low and unpredictable pasture and tree production, ii) decreased pasture quality and shrub encroachment, iii) oak tree decline, mortality, and lack of natural regeneration, and iv) increased soil exposure to degradation and nutrient losses. These impacts jeopardize the long-term ecological and economic sustainability of dehesas, creating significant profitability challenges for rural communities.

Given the high degree of human intervention in dehesa, management practices are closely linked to the water fluxes, influencing the vulnerability to stressors. Integrating water availability projections into management planning and promoting sustainable water use are critical strategies to enhance the resilience of these systems. 

Under the umbrella of the European project DRYAD (“Demonstration and modelling of Nature-based solutions to enhance the resilience of Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystems and landscapes”), we are developing process-based Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) aimed at improving ecosystem management to mitigate vulnerability to drought. These NBS focus on monitoring pasture productivity and tree mortality in relation to water stress to include these linkages in management strategies. Key outputs include composite risk and recurrence indexes integrating Earth Observation and forecasting alongside a human intervention factor represented as a coefficient of change to assess the impacts of management strategies.

The NBSs are being tested in two pilot areas in Andalusia, Spain, with a view to replication and upscaling in other Mediterranean regions. Different scales will be assessed, ranging from on-farm to watershed levels, to determine the optimal management depending on the water stress conditions. Close collaboration with stakeholders is needed to ensure the effective implementation of these solutions, addressing practical needs and facilitating adoption. This approach contributes to the long-term resilience of dehesas by supporting sustainable practices, enhancing ecosystem services, and bolstering rural livelihoods.   

Acknowledgments: This research was performed within DRYAD Project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement 101156076. This work is part of the grant RYC2022-035320-I, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FSE+

How to cite: Andreu, A., Muñoz-Gómez, M. J., González-Dugo, M., Molina, A. J., González-Moreno, P., Ruiz-Gómez, F. J., Polo, M. J., Aguilar-Porro, C., Palacios, G., Samper, J., and Pimentel, R.: Early detection of vulnerability to drought: a Nature-Based solution for Dehesas (Spanish Oak Savannas), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9359,, 2025.

EGU25-9615 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Evaluating stakeholders’ perception for inclusive climate actions and NBS acceptance 

Mihai-Răzvan Niță, Alina Constantina Hossu, Cristian Ioan Iojă, Maria Alexandra Calotă, and Gabriela Cristina Mitincu

The present study explores the perceptions of diverse stakeholders about the potential of nature-based solutions to address inclusive climate actions (actions that tackle simultaneously climate change and inequalities). We performed surveys and in-depth interviews with 20-30 cross-sectoral stakeholders from five case studies of European cities (Bucharest, Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Turin and Skelleftea) aiming to understand how individual values, behaviors and dependent factors shape perceptions of climate risks and NBS acceptance.

Stakeholders were identified in a previous analysis and included personnel from governmental authorities, individual experts and specialists, non-state actors and general public. We included in the analysis a system of ranking of climate risks, but also detailed information about typologies of NBS of relevance to local conditions.

Results are being analyzed in both qualitative and quantitative approaches, and allowed us to identify: (i) high presence of specific climate risks (such as extreme heat in Bucharest); (ii) the preference of hybrid solutions as the most effective for mitigating climate risks; (iii) local and stakeholder-specific drivers and barriers to the effective implementation of NbS; (iv) the need for more collaborative planning for developing inclusive solutions.

The collection of different perceptions of stakeholders will inform a City Declaration discussed with cooperation partners during a reflection session that will support evidence-based decision making for more inclusive NbS and contribute together with other activities to an evidenced-based system for decision support. This research is part of the research project Driving Urban Transition - GREEN-INC (GRowing Effective & Equitable Nature-based Solutions through INClusive Climate Actions).

How to cite: Niță, M.-R., Hossu, A. C., Iojă, C. I., Calotă, M. A., and Mitincu, G. C.: Evaluating stakeholders’ perception for inclusive climate actions and NBS acceptance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9615,, 2025.

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have emerged as a vital approach to climate adaptation, offering ecological, economic, and social benefits. Beyond addressing risks such as flooding and heatwaves, NbS practices have demonstrated the critical role of social and political enablers in ensuring their success and scalability. These enablers, embedded within NbS initiatives, provide valuable insights for designing broader climate adaptation strategies replicable across diverse urban contexts.

The Adaptation Gap Report 2024 highlights the need to address persistent systemic challenges, including gaps in governance and social inclusion, which limit the scalability of climate adaptation efforts. Building on this context, this research examines NbS practices from China and Europe to analyze and present the key dimensions of social and political enablers embedded in successful NbS initiatives. These enablers are categorized into four critical dimensions:

  • Educational and Capacity-Building Infrastructure: Programs that enhance technical expertise and community awareness lay the foundation for effective NbS implementation and long-term sustainability.
  • Institutional Arrangements: Governance frameworks that enable cross-sectoral collaboration ensure that NbS are seamlessly embedded into urban planning and policy strategies.
  • Community Engagement: Inclusive approaches that prioritize local participation create trust, foster ownership, and align NbS initiatives with community needs, enhancing their long-term sustainability.
  • Leadership and Vision: Strong leadership at both municipal and grassroots levels facilitates stakeholder alignment, resource mobilization, and the sustained scaling of NbS.

This study provides a structured framework for understanding how these dimensions contribute to the effectiveness of NbS and their scalability. It argues that broader climate adaptation actions can benefit from their transformative potential by integrating social and political enablers into NbS design and governance.

This research underscores the importance of prioritizing non-structural enablers alongside technical innovations to bridge the systemic barriers identified in global reports. By scaling lessons learned from NbS, this study offers actionable pathways for advancing resilient and adaptive urban systems worldwide.

How to cite: Dai, K. G.: Enabling Factors for Scaling Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Climate Adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9726,, 2025.

Urban areas often suffer from increased air pollution, adverse heat-island effects, limited offer of green spaces, and declining biodiversity. Addressing these issues is critical for sustainable urban development, considering the observed global growth rate of urban population and the observed increase of severe weather episodes associated with climate change. Incorporating urban green spaces (UGS) and nature-based solutions (NbS) in urban planning can mitigate these issues, as highlighted by the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Both UGS and NbS provide relevant ecosystem services (ES), including e.g., air and water quality regulation, and recreation.

Landscape components are essential in the design of UGS and NbS, as they can directly affect the diversity and effectiveness of ES provided, which are particularly relevant regarding both regulating and cultural ES. Thus, UGS design and the integration of NbS to address the highlighted issues must always consider user preferences on landscape elements to ensure effective multifunctionality, optimizing both regulating and recreating services. This study examines users' perceptions regarding the influence of 13 landscape components on the usage preferences of 10 different landscape units in a large UGS in Oporto, Portugal. The study was based on a face-to-face survey, addressing stationary park users (n=500) engaged in diverse activities during the summer period.

The results showed significant differences between landscape units for the relevance attributed to the different landscape components and for all socio-demographic variables (excluding variable gender). Landscape units with different landscape components showed different levels of relevance for the users. E.g., units with water elements tended to show higher relevance rates regarding well-being dimensions. Relevance for social and emotional well-being was tendentially rated higher than for physical well-being, suggesting that, even for those users engaged in sports activities, the social aspect of engaging in a group activity was highly relevant and positive. Through a factor analysis, we identified five major factors influencing user preferences, associated – and aggregating – different landscape elements: Comfort and security, Landscape diversity, Water presence, Recreational facilities, and Open spaces for activities. The results regarding landscape diversity also support the idea that psychological motivation is a strong driver for action. We propose a set of concrete actions addressing several aspects (e.g., multifunctional design, shadow coverage, vegetation diversity, incorporation of water features) that can contribute to an improved UGS design and integration of efficient NbS, addressing ecological and social needs.

This research was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), through the PhD grant SFRH/BD/149710/2019 attributed to the first author.

How to cite: Valença Pinto, L., Inácio, M., and Pereira, P.: User preferences for landscape components in an urban park – Contributions for the design of recreation-inclusive NbS from Oporto (Portugal), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10091,, 2025.

EGU25-11336 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Unraveling the mechanism of 3D auxiliary structures in plant seedlings protection: Optimizing salt marsh restoration in coastal zone 

Zhaohui Li, Yuan Xu, Xianye Wang, Jian Shen, Siyuan Ma, Xiangqian Chu, Zhiyuan Zhao, and Lin Yuan

Salt marshes ecosystems, located between the sea and land, provide various valuable ecosystem services and constitute a sustainable nature-based coastal protection. However, these vegetated ecosystems have suffered extensive loss  or severe degradation globally, primarily due to anthropogenic disturbances and climate change. This has led to a decline in ecosystem services and a reduction in ecological functions. To reverse this degradation, numerous efforts have been carried out worldwide to conserve and restore these coastal vegetated ecosystems, thereby providing nature-based solutions to mitigate climate change. Biodegradable 3D auxiliary structures have been widely implemented as a nature-based solution to facilitate the salt marsh plant establishment, enhance sedimentation process, and promote natural recovery process. However, the mechanisms by which 3D auxiliary structures protect saltmarsh seedlings remain underexplored, with limited targeted designs and comparative studies across various substrates. Here, we mimic key emergent traits that locally suppress physical stress by using biodegradable establishment structures. We then conduct a flume experiment designed to measure detailed hydrodynamic and sediment key parameters in order to study the mechanism of 3D auxiliary structures in plant seedlings protection. Our process-based analyses indicated that aboveground 3D structures protect seedlings by reducing flow velocities, thereby decreasing plant bending angles. Meanwhile, belowground 3D auxiliary structures stabilizes substrates by increasing incipient velocities and reducing erosion rates. This study highlight the importance of considering and facilitating bio-abiotic interactions in salt marsh restoration, as well as understanding the specific conditions at the restoration site. It not only enhance our understanding of salt marsh restoration mechanisms but also bridges a critical gap between ecological engineering and climate adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Li, Z., Xu, Y., Wang, X., Shen, J., Ma, S., Chu, X., Zhao, Z., and Yuan, L.: Unraveling the mechanism of 3D auxiliary structures in plant seedlings protection: Optimizing salt marsh restoration in coastal zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11336,, 2025.

EGU25-12248 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Reconciling Flood Resilience and Agricultural Challenges: Exploring the Multifunctional Potential of a Small Dry Retention Reservoir 

Nejc Golob, Rozalija Cvejić, Weninger Thomas, Zeiser Anna, Peter Strauss, and Vesna Zupanc

Flood risks are escalating globally due to urbanization and climate change, which disrupt natural hydrological processes and diminish landscape resilience. Traditional grey infrastructure, such as concrete channels, dams, and levees, often sacrifices ecological integrity for flood protection. In contrast, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) offer an integrated approach combining flood mitigation with enhancing ecosystem services, biodiversity, and societal benefits. However, implementing NBS poses challenges, including balancing diverse stakeholder interests, land-use conflicts, and the need for effective policy integration.

This study examines the impacts of urbanization on flood protection and stakeholder perceptions in the Glinščica watershed, central Slovenia, with a focus on the Brdnikova dry retention reservoir. Designed primarily for agricultural use while protecting downstream urban areas, the reservoir exemplifies the complexity of multifunctional land use. Historical land-use changes in the Glinščica watershed, derived from a comparison of the Franciscean cadastre land use with current land use data, show a 1472% (505 ha) increase in built-up areas since the 19th century, accompanied by declines in meadows and pastures (62%; 373 ha), arable land (40%; 79 ha), and forests (7.4%; 53 ha). These transformations have increased flood risk, degraded biodiversity, reduced food security, and shifted public perceptions of land and water management.

Results show that renaturation efforts to restore ecological value of the altered landscape of Brdnikova reservoir are gaining recognition among various stakeholders. These initiatives promote multifunctional land use by creating diverse microhabitats within the reservoir (e.g species-rich meadows and wet microhabitats). On the other hand landowners managing agricultural land within the Brdnikova reservoir frequently face challenges including flooding and sedimentation, which leads to crop losses, reduction in soil productivity, and financial burdens associated with land restoration and sediment removal. Such disruptions that limit or complicate agricultural activities often lead to resistance against further measures among private land owners. The lack of meaningful involvement of farmers in planning processes and inadequate financial compensation mechanisms further deepen the divide and limit the willingness of landowners to support the implementation of multifunctional land use within the reservoir.

To address these challenges effectively, it is essential to adopt transdisciplinary approaches that integrate historical analyses, local knowledge, and scientific expertise of different fields. Transparent compensation mechanisms that fairly address the direct and indirect impacts on farmers are critical to building trust and fostering cooperation. Only through balanced and inclusive strategies sustainable outcomes that harmonize flood protection, agricultural productivity, and ecological conservation can be achieved.


Acknowledgements: This research was funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) with a grant to the Ph.D. student Nejc Golob, project ARIS BI-AT-22-23-019, LIFE ReStart and OEAD WTZ SI 01/2023.

How to cite: Golob, N., Cvejić, R., Thomas, W., Anna, Z., Strauss, P., and Zupanc, V.: Reconciling Flood Resilience and Agricultural Challenges: Exploring the Multifunctional Potential of a Small Dry Retention Reservoir, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12248,, 2025.

EGU25-13147 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Growth modelling as a tool to support nature-based solution for natural hazard protection  

Maximilian Dorfer and Magdalena von der Thannen

Soil and Water Bioengineering methods for natural hazard control, slope stabilization and river regulation processes are widely used and a viable alternative to common civil engineering techniques as part of nature-based solutions (NbS). The knowledge on the effects of different design schemes and the dynamic development of vegetation regarding is mostly handled through expert knowledge and a comprehensive approach for the design regarding the performance and management phase is still not fully implemented in the application of the diverse techniques. Therefore, this study aims to create a concept for a vegetation model to predict the development on pioneer stands and as a further consequence the performance of used techniques. The further goal includes the development of a conceptual basis for a vegetation growth model for NbS, which emphasizes on the spatial and temporal level of the modelling process and the calculation of the main vegetation parameters height, diameter and crown width. The concept is tested on three different study sites with pioneer stands of Robinia pseudoacacia (Black Locust) in Lower Austria to generate control results for the further adaptation of the model concept. Applied vegetation growth models (forest models, succession models and gap-models) are used for the conceptualization and verified for the requirements of NbS specific techniques. The development of a flowchart provides an overview of the elaborated framework and requirements for the ecological and biological parameters regarding the time and space criteria of a NbS model. The main result is the development of an adequate competition modelling that can depict the dynamic suppression mechanisms within pioneer vegetation stands and is capable for further development. The first 10-year simulation run with a yearly interval serves initially as a medium-term prediction and provides an insight into the further adjustment of the establishment module and review of the competition module. The results show the need in NbS with regard to long-term monitoring, data generation and the uniform documentation of the solutions. 

How to cite: Dorfer, M. and von der Thannen, M.: Growth modelling as a tool to support nature-based solution for natural hazard protection , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13147,, 2025.

EGU25-13410 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Public Perceptions of Nature-Based Coastal Management Solutions in the UK 

Avidesh Seenath, Scott Mark Romeo Mahadeo, and Jade Catterson

Nature-based coastal solutions (NBCS) are gaining prominence among coastal scientists as sustainable strategies to address long-term challenges in coastal zones. However, their implementation will reshape coastal landscapes, requiring careful engagement with the public, whose socio-cultural values are directly affected by such changes. We, therefore, explore public perceptions, preferences, and perceived effectiveness of various coastal management strategies, with a focus on NBCS, using the UK as a case study. We carry out an online survey of > 500 UK residents, collecting data on demographics, place of residence, and views on coastal management. Using inductive coding, statistical analysis, and geospatial techniques, we identify a general consensus on the need for coastal management but find divergent preferences. While NBCS are the most preferred option, traditional hard defences are perceived as the most effective. Respondents with coastal management or engineering experience express greater confidence in the effectiveness of NBCS, whereas coastal residents prefer hard defences. Despite the ecological benefits of NBCS – e.g., enhanced coastal protection, carbon sequestration, and increased biodiversity – public understanding of their potential effectiveness remains limited. To advance NBCS adoption as a sustainable solution, greater engagement with local stakeholders is crucial. Tools such as systems mapping could support the development of inclusive and effective coastal management policies.

How to cite: Seenath, A., Mahadeo, S. M. R., and Catterson, J.: Public Perceptions of Nature-Based Coastal Management Solutions in the UK, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13410,, 2025.

EGU25-14622 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Carbon Dioxide Increase and Sea Level Rise Dominate the Natural Growth of Mangroves 

Sheng Huang and Karina Yew-Hoong Gin

Mangroves are essential blue carbon ecosystems with substantial potential to mitigate global warming. While human activities undeniably exert significant influence on mangrove growth, natural variables also play an important role in shaping their dynamics. Many studies focus on the effects of individual or limited factors on mangrove natural growth independent of anthropogenic deforestation, but comprehensive and large-scale assessments, particularly those considering both terrestrial and marine perspectives, remain scarce. This study examines 59 administrative areas worldwide by screening high-resolution satellite products and coastal observation records. After excluding the interference of human activities, we quantify natural mangrove changes from 1985 to 2023 using the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), and evaluate the impacts of various terrestrial and marine factors, including carbon dioxide concentration, skin temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, sea level, salinity, and water temperature. Our results reveal that the EVI of naturally growing mangroves has increased by an average of 0.26±0.18% per year over the past nearly four decades, with no significant sign of deceleration, and remains commonly higher than that of adjacent non-mangrove vegetation. The annual EVI of mangroves is effectively modeled by the key environmental variables using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM), with an average determination coefficient (R2) of 0.65±0.20. Among these variables, terrestrial-based carbon dioxide increase and marine-based sea level rise are the primary drivers of natural mangrove growth. This study deepens our understanding of the natural dynamics of mangrove growth and the long-term potential of nature-based coastal solutions.

How to cite: Huang, S. and Gin, K. Y.-H.: Carbon Dioxide Increase and Sea Level Rise Dominate the Natural Growth of Mangroves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14622,, 2025.

EGU25-14791 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Quantifying the co-benefits of urban parks (heat mitigation, air pollution, and thermal comfort) 

Soheila Khalili, Laurence Jones, and Prashant Kumar

Urbanisation has led to numerous challenges for human sustenance, which have been aggravated by progressive climate change. Green Infrastructure (GI), which involves working with nature has gained increasing recognition as a multifunctional approach to address urban heat island challenges, including heat mitigation, thermal comfort enhancement, and air pollution reduction. However, it is crucial to establish the multi-benefits of GI in the early stages of the design process to effectively evaluate their impact. Whilst there are scientific studies showing the singular benefit of GI (e.g., heatwave reduction), studies have rarely quantified their multi-benefits. As a result, GI is often undervalued, constituting a barrier to its implementation. This study aims to evaluate the co-benefits of urban parks for reducing the harmful effects of urban heating, improving thermal comfort, and reducing air pollution using mobile monitoring measurements. To achieve this, a comprehensive monitoring campaign was conducted, collecting data inside an urban park and surrounding area to find out the extent of co-benefits provided by urban parks.

The data for this study was collected via mobile monitoring along a fixed route during summer. Meteorological parameters and air pollutant levels were measured using a set of different sensors. The study's findings reveal significant benefits provided by the urban park environment. The mean air temperature during morning runs recorded 18.2°C within the park, compared to 19.6°C in the surrounding built-up area, demonstrating a 1.4°C (7.1%) reduction. In the afternoon, the average temperature within the park was 24.6°C, contrasting with 27.0°C in the built-up area, highlighting a 2.4°C (8.9%) decrease. These results underscore the park’s role in mitigating urban heat, especially during the hotter parts of the day. Furthermore, the park environment exhibited lower average particulate matter (PM) levels than the built-up area. PM10 and PM1 levels decreased by 1 µg/m³ (8%) and 0.2 µg/m³ (9.7%) respectively during morning runs, while the afternoon runs showed a 0.6 µg/m³ (13.3%) reduction in average PM2.5 values within the park. Additionally, CO2 levels were reduced by 22 ppm (4.5%) during morning and afternoon runs in the park compared to the built-up area.

These findings demonstrate the substantial reduction in air temperature and pollutants, such as CO2 and PM, with increasing distance from the built-up area towards the park. Understanding the interactions within and around urban parks regarding temperature, air pollution gradients, and thermal comfort compared to surrounding built environments is paramount. These insights can inform urban planning and design strategies to create healthier and more sustainable cities, thereby addressing contemporary urban challenges and fostering the well-being of urban populations. 

How to cite: Khalili, S., Jones, L., and Kumar, P.: Quantifying the co-benefits of urban parks (heat mitigation, air pollution, and thermal comfort), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14791,, 2025.

One of the pressing challenges we observe in fast expanding urban areas especially in Global South are linked to the retreat of nature, infrastructure development negatively impacting urban blue and green spaces (BGS), along with growing vulnerability due to climate change. With the rapid rate of urbanisation, there is growing interest in protecting BGS as important Nature based Solutions (NbS) by securing ecosystem services and refuge to biodiversity.

Unlike energy and water efficiency, which yield clear financial benefits, ecological services and biodiversity co-benefits are often undervalued. This undervaluation reduces incentives for institutions to prioritize them. A promising NbS approach in fast sprawling urban areas is to implement biodiversity friendly practices in stable land-use areas such as large privately or publicly owned/managed campuses. There is evidence that a very large proportion of the country’s birds, bats and butterflies are reported to be found in educational campuses across India. While, there are evidence that these campuses help in mitigating heat stress besides sequestering carbon and helping in reducing urban risks due to lack of sufficient evidence, campus-based biodiversity conservation is likely to be seen as a co-benefit rather than a primary driver of impact. To fill the gap present stud we summarize evidence from across India and  bring in insights from two Indian urban educational campuses viz. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur and the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru.

We use satellite derived land surface temperature (LST) to quantify and map negative temperature anomalies (cooling) with respect to spatial average in these campuses in years with different levels of summer temperature. Observations and measurements on biodiversity, ecosystem services including carbon sequestration, microclimate, and ground water from these campuses are linked to campus management including integration of blue, green and grey infrastructure.

Several such campuses can include educational, governmental and defence establishments, multinational corporations as well as hospitality and other service providers can function as long term urban ecological observatories to understand the long-term impact and benefits of NbS apart being early warning networks for tracking environmental and ecological change across time and space, thereby enabling large areas as pivotal NbS at the city and country level. This improves the ease of implementation and have a positive impact on biodiversity, a key indicator of ecological health to promote ecosystem services, and also human health. We endorse urban campuses and their role as potential NbS by serving as catalysts for transformational urban development. This approach links biodiversity conservation with climate adaptation and deep de-carbonisation, crucial for sustainable economic development. A network of several campuses should be developed through the formulation and implementation of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) that focuses on climate action. Designating campuses under a new category of conservation area called other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECM) will help emphasizing the relevance of campuses and, driving policy and investment changes for resilience building following NbS. An NbS roadmap leveraging the integration of blue, green, and grey infrastructure and emphasizing the concepts of co-existence with biodiversity and ecological restoration can emerge from campuses.

How to cite: Dhyani, S. and Krishnaswamy, J.: Integration of blue, green, and grey infrastructure in Urban campuses as a Nature based Solution for resilience and harnessing co-benefits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16048,, 2025.

EGU25-16602 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Role of blue and green spaces in mitigating heat stress and providing biodiversity co-benefits in South Korea and India  

Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Soojeong Myeong, and Shalini Dhyani

Cities and urbanizing spaces combine heat stress from both heat island effect due to the built environment, loss of blue and green spaces as well as global warming. South Korea and India offer contrasting socio-economic and development situations, climate regimes, some similar but many dissimilar urban contexts, but both face the increasing vulnerability from heat stress. Blue and green spaces as nature-based interventions bring the potential to cool cities, support native biodiversity and provide other diverse ecosystem services as co-benefits.

Blue and green spaces (BGS) are potential nature-based solutions in fast urbanising cities for mitigating heat stress through evaporation as well as transpiration besides sequestering carbon and helping in reducing urban risks.  The effectiveness of BGS in mitigating heat stress and other ecosystem services in both countries depends on size, shape, weather, and climate variables, especially humidity, the socio-economic as well as governance context.

We use satellite derived land surface temperature (LST) to quantify and map negative temperature anomalies (cooling) with respect to spatial average across a few cities in India and South Korea in years with different levels of summer temperature, especially due to El Nino.  We analysed the diverse types of blue and green spaces in four metropolitan cities Bangaluru, Nagpur in India while, Seoul and Sejong in South Korea for understanding the impact of BGS.

The geometry landscape and political ecology of existing urban blue and green infrastructure can help inform future planning for blue and green spaces as adaptation and developing resilient cities in the warming urban environment. 

How to cite: Krishnaswamy, J., Myeong, S., and Dhyani, S.: Role of blue and green spaces in mitigating heat stress and providing biodiversity co-benefits in South Korea and India , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16602,, 2025.

EGU25-17893 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Quantifying the Co-Benefits of Nature-Based Solutions: A Choice Experiment Approach to Flood Risk Adaptation in the Netherlands 

Guillermo García Álvarez, Laurine de Wolf, Wouter Botzen, Max Tesselaar, Andrea Staccione, Peter Robinson, and Jeroen Aerts

The increase in frequency and severity of climate risk events highlights the need for investing in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Nature-based solutions (NBS) have proven to be effective at limiting the impacts of different climate risks. Despite their proven effectiveness, there is little investment in NBSs as a climate change adaptation solution. A cause for this NBS finance gap is the diversity of NBS benefits, many of which are difficult to quantify in monetary units. Without an accurate understanding of co-benefits, the societal return on investment of NBS would likely be undervalued and less attractive in investment decisions when compared with traditional solutions in cost-benefit analyses. 


By means of a novel choice experiment, this study aims to improve the monetary quantification of NBS co-benefits. A survey was distributed in the Netherlands to over 2,000 respondents, with a deliberate oversampling of participants from Limburg, a region that suffered from devastating floods in 2021. We employ a co-creation approach involving local stakeholders for our experimental design and for the selection of NBS solutions presented in the experiment. Additional topics explored through our choice experiment include land use change and environmental preferences of respondents in their trade-offs. We also assess how respondents' perspectives on equity and redistribution impact willingness-to-pay to protect higher risk areas and lower-income households through publicly funded policies. 


Findings from the choice experiment show monetary values assigned to different benefits of NBSs for flood risk reduction, and how respondent characteristics may influence these values. Additionally, we assess how the valuation of NBS-benefits differs between areas that were recently flooded compared to low-risk areas. Results from this study can be coupled with a flood risk model to obtain a comprehensive figure of benefits of NBSs as a flood adaptation measure, which may be applied in cost-benefit analyses or other decision-making tools by policymakers and institutional investors.

How to cite: García Álvarez, G., de Wolf, L., Botzen, W., Tesselaar, M., Staccione, A., Robinson, P., and Aerts, J.: Quantifying the Co-Benefits of Nature-Based Solutions: A Choice Experiment Approach to Flood Risk Adaptation in the Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17893,, 2025.

Nature-based Solutions for climate change adaptation can be implemented at various scales, from large natural parks to small green patches in the middle of more urbanised area. Each of these solutions can be considered as part of a larger green infrastructure. The size and shape of the different green patches, as well as the connectivity and proximity among them can be gathered under the notion of the spatial configuration of this green infrastructure. As a tool for landplaning, it would be useful to better understand how this spatial configuration can play a role in the conservation of biodiversity and the providing of the different expected ecosystemic services. A set of indicators derived from landscape ecology, mathematics and signal processing were used to characterize five dimensions of the spatial configuration: evenness, core area, isolation, roughness and fragmentation. These indicators are computed at different scales on land use and land cover data from a French conurbation. First results show that these different indicators bring complementary information and can be useful to establish a new typology of green infrastructures. A multiscale analysis will bring further information on the relevance of such indicators and at which scale they are the most useful. Subsequently, these spatial configuration indicators will be correlated with the results of ecosystemic services simulations to better understand how to optimize the ecological performances of green infrastructures.

How to cite: Valide, L., Bonin, O., and Versini, P.-A.: Characterizing green infrastructures multi-scale spatial configuration to better understand their ecological performances, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18017,, 2025.

EGU25-18604 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

RAMSHEEP procedures using nature-based solutions for protecting infrastructure against climate threats 

Alfred Strauss, Sergio Fernandes, Erik Kuschel, Michael Obriejetan, Tina-Maria Vorstandlechner, Rosemarie Stangl, and Johannes Hübl

With the increasing frequency and intensity of climate-induced hazards, ensuring the safety and resilience of Europe's critical infrastructure is paramount to maintain economic flows, human well-being, and social stability throughout the continent. Whilst merely grey and technical solutions and approaches have been reaching their limits recently, Nature-based Solutions have gained attention in terms of supporting, re-integrating and restoring ecosystems, in order to raise their service potential and to reduce risks of hazard-related damage. However, established critical infrastructure and natural hazard assessment approaches need to be brought in line with NbS potential consideration, integral approaches respectively integration of NbS are needed in order to provide decision support and adapt to climate-change-related demands.

We present a concept for a decision support tool based on the RAMSSHEEP-method. Our contribution evolves from the participation in the  NATURE-DEMO project that aims to develop an advanced digital decision support platform that integrates climate projections, asset exposure, NbS catalogue portfolios, and advanced simulations to optimise the efficiency of NbS implementations. The RAMSSHEEP method is employed in this context to evaluate the protection of critical infrastructure, using performance indicators (PIs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of NbS. The method includes hazard characterization tools, grey infrastructure characterization tools, and nature-based characterization tools for a comprehensive assessment. The evaluation considers various factors, including safety, reliability, security, economy, environment, health, and politics. By pioneering a scalable, digitally-enabled, and validated framework for implementing NbS,  The adaptation of the RAMSSHEEP approach aims to synthesise and link the assessment of natural hazards, critical infrastructure risk and NbS potential. 

How to cite: Strauss, A., Fernandes, S., Kuschel, E., Obriejetan, M., Vorstandlechner, T.-M., Stangl, R., and Hübl, J.: RAMSHEEP procedures using nature-based solutions for protecting infrastructure against climate threats, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18604,, 2025.

EGU25-18622 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

The barriers and enablers influencing the transformative potential of existing interventions across the biodiversity-climate-planetary health nexus within cities: A Systematic Review 

Sara Camilleri, Milutin Stojanovic, Thea Wübbelmann, Christopher Raymond, Timon McPhearson, Mark Mansoldo, Benjamin Mifsud Scicluna, Elena Mannich, Anna Giulia Castaldo, Christopher Kennedy, Claudio Nigg, Eamon Callan, Jalali Mohammad, Kai Gensitz, Nadina Galle, Nadja Kabisch, Tadhg E Macintyre, and Mario V Balzan

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) offer transformative pathways enabling environmental, social and economic benefits while building resilience, improving biodiversity and providing human well-being. A mixed-methods systematic literature review is carried out within the Horizon Europe project GoGreenNext to a) evaluate how synergistic solutions involving nature, climate, and health within urban settings are conceptualised in peer-reviewed literature, and b) identify barriers and enables influencing the uptake of these synergistic solutions in cities. Following standardised literature searches a corpus of 898 peer reviewed articles were considered with data being extracted from 495 articles. Here we aim to present preliminary results from this review, identifying strengths and weaknesses in terms of uptake of synergistic solutions that address different links within the biodiversity-climate-health nexus. Specifically, we characterise NbS interventions that can be considered as synergistic solutions and identify societal challenges and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) addressed by these interventions. Additionally, we conceptualise the barriers and enablers as social, ecological and technological factors influencing the transformative potential of existing interventions (e.g. NbS) across the 3-way nexus within urban settings.

How to cite: Camilleri, S., Stojanovic, M., Wübbelmann, T., Raymond, C., McPhearson, T., Mansoldo, M., Mifsud Scicluna, B., Mannich, E., Castaldo, A. G., Kennedy, C., Nigg, C., Callan, E., Mohammad, J., Gensitz, K., Galle, N., Kabisch, N., Macintyre, T. E., and Balzan, M. V.: The barriers and enablers influencing the transformative potential of existing interventions across the biodiversity-climate-planetary health nexus within cities: A Systematic Review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18622,, 2025.

EGU25-18744 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

A holistic framework for scaling-up Nature-based Solutions: From local context to evaluation 

Fabien Chatelier, Awais Naeem Sarwar, Salvatore Manfreda, and Seifeddine Jomaa

Nature-based solutions (NbS) have been increasingly recognized as beneficial tools for addressing various environmental and societal challenges. However, despite their growing importance, NbS are primarily funded through public finance, with significant funding gaps hindering their widespread implementation. This gap is projected to widen due to increasing multisectoral interaction of environmental systems. NbS face several barriers that prevent their scalability, including limited financing, technical challenges, and a lack of integrated, multi-disciplinary approaches. Existing research on NbS predominantly employs a single-disciplinary framework, limiting the development of comprehensive, multisectoral, and multi-scale business models that integrate private sector participation, as public funding alone is insufficient.

This study proposes a novel methodology to bridge this gap by outlining a five-step process for the implementation of NbS, including: i) Local context analysis, ii) NbS Co-design, iii) NbS Impacts, iv) Business models, and v) Monitoring and evaluation. The methodology employs a circular process, designed for iterative application, ensuring that local contexts and identified societal challenges remain addressed throughout each cycle of implementation. This approach aims to develop a robust, integrative framework for NbS, ensuring that all stakeholders and local players, particularly the private sector, are engaged and that the true value of ecosystem services is internalized.

By quantifying and valuating the impacts of NbS on landscapes and stakeholders, this methodology enables a better understanding of the full value of natural spaces. It promotes a shift in stakeholder perception, viewing nature not just as a public good but also as a valuable investment for the private sector. The financial participation of stakeholders helps internalize the externalities associated with natural ecosystems, such as water quality degradation and carbon sequestration. The implementation of this methodology can significantly bridge the research gap in NbS finance, leading to improved financial mechanisms, new opportunities for private finance, increased private sector involvement, and ultimately, a more sustainable and scalable approach for long-term implementation. The methodology will be presented and discussed.

Acknowledgment: This work was supported by the OurMED PRIMA Program project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation under grant agreement No. 2222.

How to cite: Chatelier, F., Naeem Sarwar, A., Manfreda, S., and Jomaa, S.: A holistic framework for scaling-up Nature-based Solutions: From local context to evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18744,, 2025.

EGU25-18974 | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15 | Highlight

Towards an understanding of the limits of extreme event  studies on Nature Based Solutions 

Martin Seidl, Santiago Sandoval, Jérémie Sage, Marie-Christine Gromaire-Mertz, Stephane Laporte, and Yann Ulanowski

The European project GreenStorm ( focuses on nature-based solutions for urban stormwater management (NBSSW) and addresses the question of their implementation, performance and resilience for current and future climate extremes. It emphasizes the hydrological and thermal benefits of these devices as well as the stress suffered by their vegetation during extreme events in 5 participating European cities. The project proposes to identify effective, resilient designs accepted by the practitioners and citizens, but also the levers to promote their implementation on a city scale and maximize the associated benefits.

A part of the project consists of monitoring and modelling of NBSSW performance under actual but also future climate extremes. To perform such assessment, the project collaborates with the demonstrator facility SenseCity (, which consists of two 400m² platforms each composed of a ring road and small housing, equipped with sensors. One of these platforms simulates a 10 meter long "canyon" street with 4-meter-high walls and trees on both sides.  This street is also equipped with two NBSSW for runoff management: storm water trees and a rain garden. The platforms can be covered by a climatic chamber to simulate physically different climate scenarios. The aim of this proposition is to discuss the potential and the limits of real scale climate simulation focused on NBS for storm water management.

Two climate scenarios were elaborated and tested, the reference climate corresponding to an average late summer climate at the location (Paris conurbation) and the extreme climate corresponding to heat waves observed in 2022 at SenseCity.  The scenarios were obtained from statistical analysis of daily cycles of air temperature and humidity at the facility and compared to the climatic projections for 2023-2050 for the strongest CO2 emission scenario (RP8.5) employing 9 different climatic models (from SMHI, IPSL, MP, DMI, CLM, HadGEM, CNRM and KNMI models). Finally, these scenarios were adapted to the technical limits of the climate chamber. The essay was composed of two daily cycles of reference climate followed by three daily cycles of extreme condition to finish with three daily cycles of reference climate before withdrawing of the climate chamber.

The vegetation in the raingarden and of the stormwater trees were daily monitored for leaf pigments and the nitrogen balance index (DUALEX® SCIENTIFIC, Force-A,) and for leaf stomatal conductance and transpiration (LI-COR LI600). The measurements were completed by on-line sap flow (Implexx) for the trees and soil moisture measurements (Campbell) for both equipment.

First results indicate the suitability of conductance and sap flow measurements to follow the climate change and the important effect the applied gradients may have on vegetation.

The presentation will detail the methodology of the climate scenario creation and present, based on the results obtained, the potential and limits of such type of climatic chamber experiments.

How to cite: Seidl, M., Sandoval, S., Sage, J., Gromaire-Mertz, M.-C., Laporte, S., and Ulanowski, Y.: Towards an understanding of the limits of extreme event  studies on Nature Based Solutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18974,, 2025.

EGU25-19018 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Nature-based Solutions to Address Global Societal Challenges: Benefiting People and Nature 

Naomie Kayitesi, Pengbin Wang, Dorsa Sheikholeslami, Katherine Anderson, and Charles Karangwa

The global crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation have been catching the attention of governments, communities, and organizations worldwide, underscoring the urgent need for integrated and scalable solutions. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) provide a transformative approach to addressing these challenges while delivering benefits for both people and nature. Defined as “actions to protect, manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems, which address societal challenges, effectively and adaptively, providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits”. NbS have demonstrated their capacity to generate multi-dimensional impacts. For instance, mangroves avert USD 57 billion in annual flooding damages, NbS can provide one-third of the climate mitigation needed to meet the Paris Agreement goals, and the global benefits of ecosystem services from NbS focused on climate are estimated at USD 170 billion annually. These figures underscore the economic, ecological, and societal value of integrating NbS into sustainable development strategies.

IUCN has been at the forefront of advancing NbS for over two decades, developing the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions to guide their design, implementation, and evaluation. This standard, comprising 8 criteria and 28 indicators, ensures that NbS are effective, equitable, and adaptable to diverse contexts. The potential of NbS to address global societal challenges—including climate change, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem degradation—will be explored, with a focus on how NbS can advance the objectives of the three Rio Conventions (UNFCCC, CBD, and UNCCD). These solutions also align with many international frameworks such as the Paris Agreement, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF), and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which also foster resilient and sustainable communities.

How to cite: Kayitesi, N., Wang, P., Sheikholeslami, D., Anderson, K., and Karangwa, C.: Nature-based Solutions to Address Global Societal Challenges: Benefiting People and Nature, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19018,, 2025.

EGU25-19110 | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Development and technical design of state-of-the-art Nature-based Solutions for 5 urban sites under development in the EU 

Natalène Penin, Marie Toubin, Yves Ennesser, Laureline Monteignies, and Laura Nolier

The project technical assistance is funded under the Support Facility of the Natural Capital Finance Facility (NCFF), Ref : AA-011030-001. It is a financial instrument blending EIB funding with European Commission (EC) financing funded by the Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE programme). The overall objective of the NCFF is to provide a proof of concept demonstrating to the market, financiers and investors, the attractiveness of such projects and thereby develop a sustainable flow of capital from the private sector towards the financing of natural capital and achieving scale of such investments.

For the present project, the Fund management has been entrusted by the EIB to Ginkgo. Created in 2010 in partnership with Edmond de Rothschild Private Equity, Ginkgo has become a leading investment franchise dedicated to sustainable urban regeneration in Europe. The strategy of the franchise consists in acquiring a portfolio of well-located brownfield sites, remediating the land using innovative and environmentally respectful remediation approaches and redeveloping the sites into new inclusive and sustainable neighbourhoods.

The overall objective of the project is to remediate and redevelop selected sites in and around urban areas inside the EU. The redeveloped sites include commercial space and housing of which a certain share will be social housing units. The redeveloped areas take the local urban planning considerations into account and pursue an integrated approach with the objective of developing neighbourhoods that are resilient and offer a high quality of life for their future citizens.

The main focus of the project is on advising the Fund in the development of resilient neighbourhoods embedding nature-based solutions (NbS) and suggesting biophilic NbS design. The Service Provider (Egis) works alongside the Fund’s architect team and environment experts on a selected set of five projects located in the following cities: Amsterdam, Florence, Porto, and Paris (2 sites). NbS are integrated with the objective of strengthening the resilience to climate change impacts, to promote biodiversity and to maximise the quality of life of the new neighbourhoods. The practical design advice is based on an integrated approach that embeds NbS and where possible creates linkages with other green areas (biodiversity promoting green corridors). The design advice is based on in-depth climate risk and biodiversity assessments of the sites.

In addition to the support in developing and integrating NbS, Egis also develops a knowledge sharing package allowing the Fund to share best practices with different audiences (public authorities, municipalities, peers, final clients). Based on the 5 selected projects and the NbS implementation process within the general approach of Ginkgo towards brownfield urban redevelopment, this knowledge sharing package will serve as a best practice reference document in the sector and for less experienced developers.

The project is currently being finalized. The aim of the present paper is to present the methodological approach for the NbS selection, supported by case-studies on the five pilot sites.

How to cite: Penin, N., Toubin, M., Ennesser, Y., Monteignies, L., and Nolier, L.: Development and technical design of state-of-the-art Nature-based Solutions for 5 urban sites under development in the EU, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19110,, 2025.

EGU25-19206 | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

HIBOU 2030: an integrated method for the Hybrid assessment of the Interactions between the BiOdiversity, the nature-based solutions, and the Urban system 

Nicoleta Schiopu, Aline Brachet, Alexandre Fardel, Georgios Kyriakodis, Emeline Bailly, Bruno Fies, and Maeva Sabre

The objective of this paper is to present the integrated method HIBOU 2030, which is employed to assess the efficiency of the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and their alternatives (e.g. grey, hybrid solutions) for urban projects. The HIBOU 2030 method aligns with international initiatives, such as the Science-based targets Network for nature[1] that promote the integrated assessment approaches. The HIBOU 2030 method is thus design to place the urban system integrating the NBS and theirs alternatives at the core of its approach, with the objective of contributing to several of the action-oriented global targets for 2030 outlined in the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)[2] such as: Target 11 - Restore, Maintain and Enhance Nature’s Contributions to People, the Target 12 - Enhance Green Spaces and Urban Planning for Human Well-Being and Biodiversity and the Target 14 - Integrate Biodiversity in Decision-Making at Every Level.

HIBOU 2030 is based on the hybridization of several area of expertise (e.g. Life Cycle Assessment, ecology, urban planning, etc.) and its fundamental principles are as follows: 1) interactions (both positive and negative ) between biodiversity, NBS and the urban project occur on the project site (in situ) but also on global scale (ex-situ) 2) the multifunctionality of NBS is one of the answers to numerous urban challenges and it must be taken into account in the analysis of the results; 3) the integrated approach necessitates the establishment of a shared semantics among the various fields of expertise; a common macro-model to characterize the system to be assessed and the different development options; the interdependence of results for each issue. Consequently, a parameter variation to address one of the questions will inherently influence the others.

HIBOU 2030 method and its associated toolset facilitate the assessment the urban project’s contribution to the following urban challenges: 1) the climate change (1 indicator); 2) the biodiversity in situ and ex situ (8 indicators). These indicators are designed to address as much as possible of the five pressures on the biodiversity: global warming, land use change, pollution, overexploitation of resources, introduction of invasive species; 3) the stormwater management (1 indicator); 4) the urban heat island (UHI) mitigation (1 to 3 indicators); 5) the urban quality for the citizens, based on a qualitative assessment grid considering 24 criteria.

HIBOU 2030 is a tool used to conduct expertise and research studies, thereby supporting various stakeholders’ analyses and decision-making processes concerning construction and renovation actions for buildings and urban projects. Continuous improvement is achieved through the collection and analysis of feedback from its use in various European contexts.



How to cite: Schiopu, N., Brachet, A., Fardel, A., Kyriakodis, G., Bailly, E., Fies, B., and Sabre, M.: HIBOU 2030: an integrated method for the Hybrid assessment of the Interactions between the BiOdiversity, the nature-based solutions, and the Urban system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19206,, 2025.

EGU25-19462 | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

What works best where? Balancing multiple environmental and socio-economic demands for integrating trees into agricultural settings 

Josie Geris and Julie Rostan and the FARM TREE and RivyEvi Project teams

Agroforestry (integrating trees with crops or livestock) is widely considered as a ‘climate smart’ or ‘nature-based’ regenerative farming solution with multiple benefits. These include improvements to biodiversity, flood and drought mitigation, carbon storage, farm productivity, and resilience to climate change. However, whether and how these benefits are achieved and who benefits from them depends on a wide range of environmental, landscape and socio-economic factors. Scotland has significant potential for tree planting in rural environments, but this is relatively unexplored. Government aims to substantially increase agroforestry, but such expansion must be carefully planned to enhance ecosystem services, while avoiding unintended impacts. This complex task demands a multidisciplinary approach and tools to evaluate various factors and their interplay within the landscape, aiding decision-makers in exploring different options.

Here, we aimed to investigate the environmental and socio-economic potential and barriers for different types of agroforestry across diverse landscapes in Scotland. To help decision making and lower barriers for tree expansion on farmland with environmental benefits, we explored optimal planting scenarios in different settings. We conducted > 30 farmer interviews to evaluate the factors relating to adoption of agroforestry practices. We also developed a novel coupled carbon and hydrological model to assess the environmental effects of various agroforestry scenarios across Scotland. For riparian planting as a specific type of agroforestry, we then collaborated with > 100 stakeholders to explore the complexity of prioritising additional research needs and addressing national-level barriers to implementation.

While there is significant interest among farmers to integrate trees on their land, barriers such as insufficient knowledge on planting strategies, limited awareness of grant schemes, and inflexible policies persist. Overall, our results revealed that depending on motivation, socio-economic factors and business models, optimal planting scenarios can be vastly different. This is also constrained by site specificity, where additional evidence is needed by stakeholders to determine optimal tree placement and density to maximise multiple benefits. Modelling results aligned with the importance of selecting tree species and spatial planting designs based on site specific conditions. However, generally, for a finite number of trees, distributing broadleaved species over larger areas yields greater carbon storage and hydrological benefits per tree compared to planting them in dense clusters.

Finally, results were incorporated into the development of an interactive spatial multi-criteria mapping tool aiming to identify suitable and best locations for agroforestry in the landscape. The outcomes of this work support decision makers to deliver multiple objectives and improve accessibility and implementation of agroforestry as a nature-based agricultural solution with relevance to other parts of the UK and Europe.

How to cite: Geris, J. and Rostan, J. and the FARM TREE and RivyEvi Project teams: What works best where? Balancing multiple environmental and socio-economic demands for integrating trees into agricultural settings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19462,, 2025.

EGU25-19723 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Nature-based Solutions to address climate and societal challenges in small and medium-sized islands 

Mario V Balzan, Erika Igondová, Elisa Serra, Aristides Moustakas, and Mark Mansoldo and the Author List

Small and medium islands (SMI) are particularly vulnerable to climate change, natural hazards, and the overexploitation of their limited resources. While islands exhibit diverse social, economic, and environmental characteristics, SMI often face reduced capacity to address these vulnerabilities due to their relatively small populations, sensitive and open economies, limited natural resources, constrained land area, dependence on external markets despite their isolation, as well as governance and institutional challenges that can limit the effective implementation of policies. Here, we present preliminary results from a systematic literature review of NbS on SMI, sourced from peer-reviewed and grey literature, including a total of 280 NbS case studies, which are intended to be presented in the form of an open-access compendium as part of the EU Cost Action CA21158 SMILES. Most SMI NbS case-studies were carried out in coastal and marine ecosystems and forest ecosystems, focused on ecosystem restoration, and tended to be funded by public authorities, while fewer case-studies were found from, for example, agricultural, freshwater and urban ecosystems. SDG13, 14 and 15, targeting nature conservation and climate action, were the most commonly addressed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) although several SDGs were often addressed together. Moreover, multiple co-benefits were identified for different NbS categories when addressing biodiversity loss and climate change adaptation and mitigation 

How to cite: Balzan, M. V., Igondová, E., Serra, E., Moustakas, A., and Mansoldo, M. and the Author List: Nature-based Solutions to address climate and societal challenges in small and medium-sized islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19723,, 2025.

EGU25-19729 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Nature-Based Solutions and beyond: the DesirMED’s approach for transformative climate adaptation in the Mediterranean region 

Elisa Furlan, Elena Allegri, Christian Simeoni, Hung Vuong Pham, Angelica Bianconi, and Margaretha Breil

The escalating impacts of climate change demand a paradigm shift in the way we adapt and mitigate risks while transforming societal systems. Traditional approaches often focus on what to transform, neglecting how transformation occurs. DesirMED project addresses this gap by integrating scientific, social, and governance stakeholders to develop transformative climate adaptation strategies. Centered on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), the project aims to preserve ecosystems, enhance climate resilience, and sustainably manage resources while emphasizing that “people lie at the heart of transformation”. Indeed, to drive this transformative change not only data and digital tools can support this intricate shift, but deliberative processes, embracing scenario planning and visioning that acknowledge and respect diverse needs, livelihoods, worldviews and cultures, should be considered. Aligned with this mantra, DesirMED adopts a bottom-up, multidisciplinary approach involving eight Mediterranean regions committed to testing and demonstrating a multidimensional portfolio of adaptation solutions. The focus is on prioritizing NBS while aligning regional adaptation goals with transformative strategies. Central to this approach is the definition of landscape archetypes, which integrate climate hazards, NBS strategies, governance frameworks, and the interactions among ecosystems and key community systems to support a systemic approach to climate adaptation. This novel framework is further strengthened by deliberative processes, scenario planning, and inclusive stakeholder engagement, fostering the behavioral shifts and collaborative actions critical to driving a systemic shift,  while adopting  evidence-informed NBS and aligning regional adaptation pathways with societal and environmental objectives. By bridging silos and integrating diverse perspectives, DesirMED provides actionable insights for decision-makers, supporting transformative change that enhances resilience across Mediterranean regions. Best practices from DesirMED case studies are presented, highlighting their role in advancing transformative climate adaptation pathways. These examples illustrate how integrated, evidence-based approaches can enhance resilience, foster sustainable resource management, and align local adaptation efforts with broader societal and environmental goals, offering valuable insights for NBS scaling-up framework for the Mediterranean region and beyond.

How to cite: Furlan, E., Allegri, E., Simeoni, C., Pham, H. V., Bianconi, A., and Breil, M.: Nature-Based Solutions and beyond: the DesirMED’s approach for transformative climate adaptation in the Mediterranean region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19729,, 2025.

The international and national strategic guidelines establish "Nature Positive" scenarios that represent a strategic response to the ecological transition of urban settlements using ecosystem and nature-based solutions. In Italy, the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change establishes the implementation of actions to mitigate the climate risks, through green and grey measures and appropriate effectiveness indicators, which increase the adaptive capacity of systemic socio-economic systems. However, the methodology and operational methods with which to apply these measures at the local scale are still to be developed with respect to local specificities.

In Italy there are several knowledge, financial, technical and regulatory gaps that prevent or slow down the application of these actions at the local scale by Public Administrations.

Among the technical gaps, the adoption of approaches to the planning and design of public spaces emerges which is not yet able to operationally integrate climate adaptation and reducing impacts required at the local scale by national guidelines.

The paper analyses the case of the city of Naples, where for some years the PA has been including climate risk-oriented design criteria within its land governance tools.

The city of Naples, due to its settlement, typo-morphological, environmental and geological characteristics, is affected by the coexistence of climate risk phenomena and by specific conditions of climatic vulnerability of the built environment and the population, with reference to the impacts of heat waves and intense rainfall.

Outdoor spaces, can significantly affect the ability to reduce climate vulnerability at the building and urban scale, while bringing environmental benefits.

Moreover, urban public facilities designed with climate risk–oriented criteria, can be a network of urban spaces effective in counteracting climate impacts.

The aim of the experimentation is to develop a tool to support decision makers and upgrade knowledge and the ability of the PA to apply climate adaptation measures (MASE, 2023). This tool informs the climate risk-oriented planning and design process, with reference to the role of public spaces in reducing climate impacts in urban areas.

The experimentation, conducted using GIS databases, identifies the areas intended for neighbourhoods' equipment most impacted by the effects of heatwave and flooding climate phenomena. Based on the study of the feasibility conditions of the interventions, those suitable for the application of appropriate NBS solutions in open spaces for the reduction of climate vulnerability are taken into consideration.

Through the network analysis method applied in a GIS environment, the areas characterized by favourable proximity conditions are identified in which to prioritize climate adaptation interventions, as continued network of outdoor spaces, to reduce climate vulnerability. The identified NBS solutions are applied, and their effectiveness is verified.

The experimentation develops an operational tool for the Public Administration to select the priority areas of intervention among the urban neighbourhoods' facilities, obtaining an advance in quantitative approach to urban facilities, enhanced as a network of open spaces that provides environmental benefits.

The experimentation are developed in PRIN Research 2022 PNRR Call "REACT - _Regenerative processes Enhancement to Address decision makers toward Climate-proof Transition of southern metropolitan areas".


How to cite: Verde, S., Dell'Acqua, F., and Losasso, M.: Innovative Tool for Public Administration: a Decision Support for Effective Climate Adaptation in Urban Areas through Nature-Based Solutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20003,, 2025.

EGU25-20408 | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Harnessing Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) for Societal Resilience to Floods 

Alison Sneddon, Aaron Pollard, and Tamir Makev

Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (eco-DRR) exemplifies the transformative potential of nature-based solutions (NBS) by bringing together disaster risk reduction, climate adaptation, and human development needs. As a cornerstone of NBS, eco-DRR leverages the sustainable use, restoration, and conservation of ecosystems to reduce disaster risks while enhancing ecological and social resilience. Beyond physical hazard mitigation, eco-DRR addresses sources of vulnerability by improving food and water security, diversifying livelihoods, fostering social cohesion, and empowering communities.

This research highlights a paradigmatic shift from hazard-centric interventions toward integrated, transdisciplinary approaches that address the root causes of vulnerability—such as poverty, inequality, and governance. It examines the interplay between ecological, social, and economic dimensions to mitigate flood risks effectively.

New findings from GOAL’s current research draw on case studies across African, Latin American, Caribbean, and South Asian contexts to explore:

  • The root causes, dynamic pressures, and unsafe conditions driving flood-related social vulnerabilities.
  • The effectiveness of eco-DRR interventions in reducing vulnerabilities and building resilience.
  • Contextual factors influencing eco-DRR's scalability and success in diverse environments.

This presentation underscores the potential of eco-DRR as a scalable, sustainable NBS for flood adaptation. By integrating participatory approaches, citizen science, and cross-sectoral collaboration, it offers actionable insights for advancing interdisciplinary strategies, fostering global climate resilience, and embedding NBS principles in sustainable development.

How to cite: Sneddon, A., Pollard, A., and Makev, T.: Harnessing Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) for Societal Resilience to Floods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20408,, 2025.

EGU25-21786 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

 Modelling the influence of trees in urban areas as a nature-based solution for increasing urban resilience to pluvial flooding 

Steffi Urhausen, Deborah Hemming, Deanne Brettle, Emma Ferranti, and Sarah Greenham

The goal of the EU CARMINE project ( is to help urban and surrounding metropolitan communities to become more climate resilient. The project focuses on heat, wildfires, flooding, pollution and drought and covers eight case study areas distributed across Europe. One such case study covers Birmingham, and the surrounding West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) area in the UK where pluvial flooding, related to extreme precipitation events, has been identified as a high priority climate-related hazard. High-resolution (~2km spatial resolution and hourly temporal resolution) climate/land surface modelling with the Joint UK Land-Environment Simulator (JULES) model is being used to quantify the influence of different scenarios of tree planting (tree density and species) on major climate hazards across the case study area, particularly pluvial flooding and extreme surface heat. JULES outputs are also being used with other relevant data to develop Digital Twin models to enable rapid assessment of pluvial flood and surface heat risks and timely guidance on ‘hot spot’ locations to inform flood and heat mitigation measures implemented by local maintenance teams. We present initial results from the modelling of pluvial flood risk and how this is influenced by different scenarios of tree cover across the area.

How to cite: Urhausen, S., Hemming, D., Brettle, D., Ferranti, E., and Greenham, S.:  Modelling the influence of trees in urban areas as a nature-based solution for increasing urban resilience to pluvial flooding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21786,, 2025.

EGU25-782 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

The Influence of Vegetation and Surface Changes on Urban Heat Island Dynamics 

Pritipadmaja Pritipadmaja and Rahul Dev Garg

Urban Heat Islands (UHIs) exacerbate the challenges of rising temperatures in urban areas, increasing heat stress and thermal discomfort for urban dwellers. This study focuses on Bhubaneswar, a city in eastern India experiencing significant recent urbanisation, to analyse the effectiveness of greening efforts on dynamics of UHIs. For that, Land Surface Temperature (LST) was derived from Landsat 8 and 9 data spanning 2013 to 2024 to evaluate UHI pockets, persistence UHI and reduced UHI areas along with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Bare Soil Index (BSI), to investigate the relationship between vegetation cover, bare surfaces, and influence on UHI dynamics. The analysis identified persistence UHI in industrial zones, including the airport and bare land areas. Conversely, newly formed UHI pockets emerged along national highways and dense built-up areas. The study also identified reduced UHI areas, regions that exhibited intense UHI effects in earlier years but showed no UHI presence by later years. These areas show the positive impact of greening initiatives and surface changes over the past decade. NDVI analysis revealed a significant increase in vegetation in reduced UHI areas, indicating the positive impact of initiatives. In contrast, persistent UHI areas, exhibited lower NDVI values, underscoring the lack of vegetation and its role in sustaining high LSTs. BSI analysis further complemented these findings, showing a notable reduction in bare surfaces within reduced UHI areas compared to persistent UHI zones. The results highlight the critical role of vegetation in moderating UHI effects. This study underscores the importance of integrating green infrastructure into urban planning to address the growing UHI effects in cities. The results highlight the need to expand greening efforts to effectively manage UHI effects in urban areas.

How to cite: Pritipadmaja, P. and Garg, R. D.: The Influence of Vegetation and Surface Changes on Urban Heat Island Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-782,, 2025.

Over the past decade, there has been a significant increase in studies leveraging satellite-derived land surface temperature (LST) data to evaluate the cooling efficiency of urban vegetation, especially in multi-city studies. This surge reflects growing interest in understanding the role of green infrastructure in mitigating urban heat, and the computational power to easily process global satellite imagery. However, LST differs fundamentally from air temperature, the latter being more directly linked to human thermal comfort and health. Moreover, heat stress is a complex phenomenon that is influenced not only by air temperature but also by humidity, wind, and radiation.

In this presentation, I will provide a comprehensive overview of my past and ongoing research assessing urban vegetation's cooling efficiency. We will explore studies employing satellite-derived LST, gridded urban-resolving air temperature estimates, and crowdsourced air temperature and humidity measurements, highlighting the strengths and limitations of these approaches. Additionally, I will discuss the role of radiation in shaping urban heat stress and examine how vegetation interacts with radiation to modulate the urban microclimate. By synthesizing insights from multiple methodologies and considering the interplay of diverse environmental factors, this talk aims to offer a nuanced understanding of how urban vegetation contributes to thermal regulation and human well-being.

How to cite: Chakraborty, T. (.: How relevant is satellite-derived land surface temperature for assessing the cooling efficiency of urban vegetation?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2592,, 2025.

EGU25-2873 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Distribution of Urban Heat Island effect and News attention in Taiwan’s major cities 

Tsz Kin Lau and Kai-Hsaing Huang

      Due to the seriousness of global warming and climate change, climate-related mitigation and adaptation have become one of the biggest concerns worldwide, including Taiwan. Therefore, Urban Heat Island (UHI) mitigation and adaptation are important in Taiwan, which is beneficial for outdoor thermal comfort and citizen’s health. Although there is a different seriousness of the UHI effect in Taiwan’s major cities, most of the news attention is focused on Taipei City, the capital of Taiwan, which may underestimate the climate issues in other cities. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the UHI effect in the 5 major cities in Taiwan, and also their climate-related news attention, using big data analysis and Geographical Information System (GIS). First of all, meteorological data in the above cities in recent years was collected and the UHI distribution in different cities was interpolated through GIS. Then the UHI intensity (UHII) of different cities in recent years was further calculated, to present the seriousness of the UHI effect in different cities. On the other hand, climate-related news in Taiwan in recent years was obtained and filtered from Google using a web crawler. After that, the relationship between UHII and news attention was further analyzed. For the results, the UHI effects in different cities were investigated, and the hotspots were identified, which were mainly distributed downtown with more commercial and residential areas. Moreover, the UHII in different cities in recent years was further investigated. The strongest UHII can be found in Taipei City in 2023, and the UHII of most of the major cities increased in recent years, which presented the deterioration of climate conditions in different cities. However, there is no strong correlation between UHII and news attention. Although the amount of climate-related news increased with the increasing UHII, most of the news attention focused on the climate issues in Taipei City, which is significantly higher than other cities. The above phenomenon may cause less climate-related policy attention in other cities because of the less news attention. Moreover, policymakers may make UHI mitigation and adaptation strategies based on the climate and urban conditions in Taipei City because of the higher news attention, which may be less suitable for other cities. According to the above findings, spatial and climate injustice can be observed and should be further discussed and addressed, to ensure sustainable development in Taiwan. In summary, this study investigated the UHI effect and UHII in Taiwan’s major cities and further discussed the uneven climate-related news attention distribution in Taiwan. The results can remind the public and policymakers in Taiwan to further concern about the climate issues in cities apart from Taipei City, which is beneficial for UHI mitigation and adaptation in Taiwan.

How to cite: Lau, T. K. and Huang, K.-H.: Distribution of Urban Heat Island effect and News attention in Taiwan’s major cities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2873,, 2025.

EGU25-5169 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Street green space for urban heat reduction: a globally-relevant, local climate zone-specific empirical assessment 

Giacomo Falchetta, Steffen Lohrey, Niels Souverijns, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, and Leila Niamir

Urban transformative adaptation is increasingly crucial to minimize the adverse impact of climate change, also in the context of the ongoing global urbanization. Street green space (SGS) represents a key strategy in the solution space due to its capacity to reduce urban heat burden through shade and evapotranspiration. Yet, estimating the cooling efficiency of street trees is highly dependent on the location-specific climate zone, the within-city differences in urban form, as well as on the data and metrics used to measure the urban microclimate and green space density. Moreover, the bulk of previous studies have used remotely sensed land-surface temperature, the use of which is widely criticized for quantifying heat stress.

Here we conduct a 100-meter resolution empirical assessment in a globally relevant pool of cities and with a local climate zone (urban form) within-city stratification to re-evaluate the role of street green space in adapting to urban heat in different urban contexts. We measure local heat load using different metrics (wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT), and average, maximum and minimum 2-meter air temperature), which are calculated from the hourly output of the UrbClim urban climate model for 143 cities across the world, and we use estimates of the Green View Index (GVI) as a street-based measure of tree canopy cover.

Using random-effects regression models and controlling for a set of confounding factors in the statistical relation (such as population density, water bodies, and buildings height), we find that street green space is an effective strategy to reduce urban heat, but its effectiveness is highly context- specific, depending on both the local climate and the urban form. Our results can serve to inform the global discourse on transformative change of cities to achieve both adaptation goals (e.g. by reducing health impacts of urban heat or the risk caused by urban hydrological hazards), as well as energy use reduction and emission mitigation targets (e.g. cooling energy needs), also in the light of the upcoming IPCC AR7 special report on cities and climate change.

How to cite: Falchetta, G., Lohrey, S., Souverijns, N., Schleussner, C.-F., and Niamir, L.: Street green space for urban heat reduction: a globally-relevant, local climate zone-specific empirical assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5169,, 2025.

EGU25-5898 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Evolution of the Urban Heat Island in İstanbul from 1965 to 2023: Trends, Migration, and Climate 

Enes Birinci, Hüseyin Ozdemir, and Ali Deniz

İstanbul is located in the northwest of Türkiye and is the largest city in the country by population, with an estimated 16 million inhabitants. It also serves as the country's principal economic hub. Consequently, the city is experiencing significant migration both from other regions within Türkiye and from abroad. Moreover, urbanization in İstanbul is accelerating, driven in part by the increasing influx of refugees. As urbanization and population growth continue, the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect has significantly intensified, leading to increased precipitation and more frequent heat waves. To investigate this phenomenon, a set of criteria was applied to select meteorological stations from the 44 stations across Istanbul. Six stations were chosen for analysis: Florya, Kireçburnu, Kumköy, Şile, Göztepe, and Kumköy station. These stations were selected to represent urban and rural environments, allowing for a comparative analysis of UHI. The temperature differences between urban and rural stations were analyzed to investigate the UHI effect. A non-parametric Mann-Kendall test was conducted to assess long-term trends in temperature data from these stations, covering the period from 1965 to 2023. For Florya, an urban station in Istanbul, the lowest recorded temperature was 10.18 °C in 1965, which increased to 11.4 °C in 2006, and further rose to 13.51 °C in 2023. In contrast, for Şile, a rural station, the lowest temperature was 10.19 °C in 1965, rising to 10.34 °C in 2006, and increasing substantially to 12.16 °C in 2023. The Mann-Kendall test for the period between 1965 and 2023 indicated a significant upward trend, with a critical value of 1.96 for the 95% confidence level. These results suggest that temperature increases in both urban and rural areas are statistically significant, with both Florya and Şile stations showing a significant increase in temperature during the mid to late 1990s. This study will continue by investigating each station using Mann-Kendall statistical analyses and examining the UHI effect. By summarizing these findings across all sections, the study will also contribute to understanding the potential climate cooling effects associated with UHI migration measures.


Keywords: Urban Heat Island; Climate Change; İstanbul; Urbanization; Refugee Influx; Mann-Kendall Test

How to cite: Birinci, E., Ozdemir, H., and Deniz, A.: Evolution of the Urban Heat Island in İstanbul from 1965 to 2023: Trends, Migration, and Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5898,, 2025.

Urban heat islands significantly challenge environmental sustainability and public health, creating localized areas within cities with higher temperatures. Addressing these issues requires predictive tools for precise temperature forecasts to aid urban planning and policy decisions. Although satellite-based land surface temperature (LST) monitoring has potential, data from the ESA Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission face two key limitations: inadequate spatial resolution for urban-scale differentiation (1 km per pixel bidaily LST measurements) and the disparity between land surface and air temperatures.

This research introduces a machine learning model designed to predict maximum daily air temperatures at a spatial resolution of 20 meters per pixel, sufficient for the recognition of temperature differences between individual city blocks. For each day the inference is run, the model produces a seven-day temperature forecast. Our technology utilizes a visual transformer-based architecture, which distinguishes itself by being more compact and computationally efficient than traditional convolutional neural networks (CNNs), achieving a mean absolute error (MAE) of 2°C across seven-day temperature predictions for three major European cities.

The model uses multiple remote sensing and weather forecast data. The first input is LST data fromSentinel-3. It also uses NDVI data from Sentinel-2, sensitive to vegetation health and density. Meteorological data include forecasted temperature, pressure, humidity, wind, and more. For topographic data, two sources are used: the Digital Elevation Model for terrain altitude and the Copernicus Urban Atlas for land use classification. All input data is resized to the required dimensions and combined into a single 3D tensor for the model. Circular encoding is used to incorporate the day of the year and time of day of the Sentinel-3 passage. All inputs, except for the weather data, are stacked and combined with the weather data for the predicted day, then passed to the model. This process is repeated for each of the seven days to generate the temperature predictions.


Temperature measurements used for target for ML training are sourced from on ground stations and processed into a 2D matrix, with pixel values showing the average maximum temperature recorded by each station within the pixel's area. Pixels with no active stations are marked as invalid. For each valid pixel, the mean squared error (MSE) loss between the model's predicted temperature and the ground truth is computed to update the model weights. An encoder-decoder architecture is used to translate these multidimensional inputs into a set of two-dimensional temperature maps. The chosen encoder is a Mixed Transformer model (MiT), and the decoder is a simple cascade of convolution-upsample.

The model is embedded in a continuous pipeline for uninterrupted operation. Its daily workflow automatically retrieves data, preprocesses it, and generates temperature mappings. Seven-day temperature forecasts are uploaded to a dashboard, presenting predictions as overlays on urban landscapes. This solution is part of UP2030, a project supported by the EU's Horizon Europe program, which guides cities through socio-technical transitions towards climate neutrality.

How to cite: Innocenti, L.: Forecasting Urban Heat Islands: A Neural Network Approach Using Remote Sensing Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6578,, 2025.

Urbanization poses significant challenges to climate resilience, particularly in rapidly expanding cities like Kolkata in India. The extensive land use and land cover (LULC) changes resulting from unplanned urban growth have intensified urban climatic issues, notably the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) and Urban Aerosol Pollution Island (UAPI) effects. This study investigates the impact of Kolkata's urbanization over the past 20 years (2000–2020), focusing on the interplay between LULC changes and the exacerbation of SUHI and UAPI phenomena. The findings reveal that the transformation of green spaces into built-up and impervious areas has significantly contributed to rising Land Surface Temperatures (LST) and deteriorating air quality. In contrast, regions with higher vegetation cover consistently recorded lower LST, often remaining below 30 °C, even in densely urbanized zones. Keeping temperatures below 30 °C reduces heat stress and mitigates emissions and are essential for achieving global health priorities and the Paris Agreement goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. This highlights the critical role of urban greening in mitigating these adverse effects. A tailored vegetation strategy is proposed, categorizing urban areas based on road types—national highways, state highways, and residential roads. Using the i-Tree application, the study identifies suitable tree species for urban greening initiatives, considering Kolkata's unique climatic conditions, including temperature, growing season length and height constraints to achieve desired pollutant removal and eight other environmental factors. By aligning greening efforts with these classifications, the study demonstrates how nature-based solutions can effectively reduce SUHI and UAPI impacts while enhancing urban sustainability. This research underscores the importance of strategic vegetation planning to counteract the negative impacts of urbanization in tropical cities like Kolkata. By addressing LULC changes with targeted urban greening measures, cities can enhance their resilience to extreme climatic events and improve overall environmental quality.

Keywords: LULC, SUHI, UAPI, Urban Greening, Nature-Based Solutions

How to cite: Yenugula, R. and Kuttippurath, J.: Strategic Urban Greening to Mitigate Urban Heat and Pollution Islands: A Nature-Based Approach for the Megacity Kolkata, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7849,, 2025.

EGU25-8046 * | ECS | Orals | ITS4.14/NH13.3 | Highlight

Challenges created by the Austro-Hungarian Empire: Heat reduction through nature-based solutions in Vienna and Budapest 

Alice Wanner, Bakul Budhiraja, Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider, Jennifer McKinley, and Meike Jungnickel

Dense and urbanized European capitals under the Austro-Hungarian empire were developed at the end of the 19th century. In both Vienna (Austria) and Budapest (Hungary), the historic city defense structures were developed into dense, prestigious housing areas with at least four stories. While important cultural heritage, many historically built-up areas are now a challenge for heat reduction and urban planning. In Central Europe, nature-based solutions are being eyed as measures to tackle urban heat islands and the unequal distribution of green areas across cities. In Vienna and Budapest, the local populations are facing growing climate change impacts in the form of heatwaves and tropical nights, which are expected to negatively affect health and wellbeing.
     Combining the results of urban heat modelling with the results of a survey with an integrated discrete choice experiment conducted in Budapest and Vienna, this study investigated which geographical parts of the cities are more affected than others, which citizens are the most vulnerable and how they perceive their own affectedness. By combining data on actual and perceived impacts of the temperature, urban areas are identified which are in greater need of nature-based solutions. By identifying the residents of these areas, vulnerable social groups requiring city administration’s attention and support are identified and policy recommendations are given.
     In both Budapest and Vienna heat is felt more intensely and impacts health to a greater extent in neighborhoods with limited access to and poor-quality green areas, while neighborhoods with ample access to public and private green areas are not as strongly impacted by high temperatures. However, residents of Budapest stated to have more experience with heat waves and respondents indicated much higher rates of heat negatively effecting both their wellbeing and their health. This feeling was not confirmed by the heat models – meaning that the difference between perceived heat and actual temperatures is higher in Budapest.
     For urban planners the results of this study translate into setting clear planning priorities and goals specific to their residents’ needs: To gain the greatest possible benefits for residents and reduce urban heat island effects, nature-based solutions targeting heat reduction should be placed in neighborhoods which demonstrate high heat perception based on social analysis and heat modeling. By using this approach, planners will address both climate change and its impacts on the population in urban environments.

How to cite: Wanner, A., Budhiraja, B., Pröbstl-Haider, U., McKinley, J., and Jungnickel, M.: Challenges created by the Austro-Hungarian Empire: Heat reduction through nature-based solutions in Vienna and Budapest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8046,, 2025.

Urban Heat Islands (UHIs) significantly impact urban climate resilience, with both beneficial and adverse effects depending on seasonal and spatial factors. This study evaluates the influence of cool roofs and green roofs, designed to mitigate summer UHI intensity, on winter UHI dynamics in Seoul, Korea. A deep learning framework, incorporating temporal and spatial models, was developed to forecast UHI intensity and propose balanced seasonal mitigation strategies.

The temporal model used meteorological data collected from 54 Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) over a 10-year period (2014–2023) and accounted for variables such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. The spatial model incorporated GIS-derived data, including building density, vegetation coverage, and road imperviousness, along with satellite-obtained albedo and radiance information. Both models were combined into a hybrid system to predict seasonal UHI patterns.

According to previous research, cool roofs alleviated the urban heat island intensity in summer by an average of 2.5°C, and green roofs showed a mitigation effect of 1.8°C. These two strategies had the greatest impact mainly during the noon hour (12:00–15:00). On the other hand, cool roofs in winter had the side effect of increasing heating energy demand by about 5%, but green roofs offset this effect, limiting temperature drops to an average of 1°C and suppressing additional heating demand to 2%. Spatial analysis indicated that high-density urban areas were the main targets of mitigation strategies, with marked differences in seasonal UHI characteristics.

This research provides actionable insights for urban climate resilience planning, demonstrating the potential of deep learning models to inform policy and design interventions. The findings underscore the importance of spatially and temporally adaptive strategies, such as targeted cool roof and green roof installations, to achieve sustainable urban heat management across seasons.

This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry &Technology Institute (KEITI) through "Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime.", funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE) (RS-2022-KE002102)

This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute(KEITI) through Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime Program, funded by Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE)(RS-2023-00221110)

How to cite: Jun, S., Kim, S. H., and Lee, D. K.: Evaluating the Seasonal Effects of Cool Roofs and Green Roofs on Urban Heat Island effect Using Deep Learning Models in Seoul, Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8968,, 2025.

EGU25-10425 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Cooling down urban green spaces in a future climate 

Yuxin Yin, Gabriele Manoli, and Lauren Cook

Climate change is leading to an increase in urban heat, posing a threat to both humans and biodiversity. Urban green spaces (UGS), such as parks and gardens, have been shown to be cooler than surrounding areas, providing respite for city residents and habitat for many species. However, in a future, hotter climate, it is unclear whether UGS will maintain temperatures cool enough to support both species and human tolerances. The goal of this study is to evaluate how the microclimate conditions of UGS will be altered under climate change and what strategies are most effective to maintain their cooling effect under such conditions. To do so, we used a microclimate model (UT&C) to simulate air temperature, thermal comfort and other relevant variables within 15 urban green spaces across three Swiss cities (Zurich, Geneva and Lugano) under historical and future climate conditions. All models, validated using data collected summer of 2023, show good predictive performance for air temperature and surface temperature (R2 = 0.61 to 0.97). Future climate data for the 2080 decade was obtained from the COSMO-CLM convection permitting model under RCP 8.5 and bias-corrected to the station scale. Scenarios incorporating the five vegetation parameters most relevant to thermal comfort - leaf area index, ground vegetation coverage, albedo, tree height, and tree coverage - were developed and assessed for their effectiveness in mitigating temperature increases in a future climate.

Preliminary results for Zurich show that the ambient air temperature in the summer months is expected to increase by 1.6°C on average by 2080 compared to 2023. The UGS with current vegetation properties is expected to cool the air temperature by 0.2 °C on average. Although unable to offset the increase in temperature due to climate change, increasing the fraction of ground vegetation is the most effective solution, cooling by up to 1.3 °C. The remaining alterations were less effective, with some even increasing the temperature with respect to the baseline scenario (no change in vegetation properties). Future work will confirm the generalizability of these findings with a comparison across all UGS and cities. Overall, this study provides insights into the adaptive management of urban green spaces for both humans and biodiversity in the face of climate change.

How to cite: Yin, Y., Manoli, G., and Cook, L.: Cooling down urban green spaces in a future climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10425,, 2025.

EGU25-10918 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Considering climate justice in NbS planning for metropolitan heat risk reduction? A participatory GIS approach 

Jose Manuel Urrutia II, Carl C. Anderson, and Christian Albert

Urban heat islands (UHI), which can be exacerbated by extreme heat events, pose a growing risk to metropolitan regions worldwide. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are an adaptive solution to UHI. However, the equitable distribution of NbS benefits to address UHI can be obstructed if stakeholders are not sufficiently engaged in a participatory and just planning process. Excluding justice considerations weakens the ability of NbS to deliver benefits to those most vulnerable to heat and may create or entrench existing environmental and socioeconomic disparities. In the case of addressing UHI in metropolitan regions, there is a strong need for NbS planning approaches for heat that can account for landscape diversity while strengthening the equitable distribution of NbS benefits. However, planning approaches depend on the decision-making and preferences of relevant stakeholders, who may be more or less interested in ensuring equitable outcomes.

There is a lack of research on understanding how stakeholders are currently integrating climate justice into NbS preferences and decision-making. This research addresses this critical gap by assessing the degree of climate justice consideration in NbS planning for heat across several European metropolitan regions representing different biogeographical and climatic regions. We use surveys to investigate stakeholder preferences for NbS to address urban heat, as well as which NbS benefits and implementation criteria should be prioritized in planning. Participatory geospatial mapping is also deployed to better understand stakeholders’ perceptions of where and why current NbS in their metropolitan regions are effective against heat risk and to identify areas that need NbS benefits. Through these methods, we assess the relative strength of stakeholders’ consideration of climate justice in their preferences and perceptions. We present our methodology and preliminary results which lead to a research agenda on climate justice and participatory NbS planning.

How to cite: Urrutia II, J. M., Anderson, C. C., and Albert, C.: Considering climate justice in NbS planning for metropolitan heat risk reduction? A participatory GIS approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10918,, 2025.

EGU25-11323 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Rising Urban-Rural Temperature Gradient in Indian Cities: Analysis and Characterization 

Divya Thakur and Chandrika Thulaseedharan Dhanya

Urbanization and regional climate change-induced warming, known as the Urban Heat Island effect, result in urban areas experiencing temperatures 1–4 °C higher than their rural counterparts. This phenomenon poses significant risks to biodiversity, human health, and regional climate systems, necessitating an in-depth understanding of its spatiotemporal patterns and characterization to inform effective adaptation strategies. In this study, we investigated the diurnal and seasonal dynamics of  Surface Urban Heat Island intensity (SUHII) for 141 Indian cities over two decades (2001-2022) using MODIS satellite-derived Land Surface Temperature (LST), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), evapotranspiration (ET), and Land Use Land Cover (LULC) data. We employed the urban-rural method to calculate SUHII, used the Mann-Kendall Test and Theil-Sen slope estimator to identify trends, while five-year interval analyses captured the evolution of SUHII hotspots. Further,  to characterize SUHI variability, we used a Multilevel Modeling (MLM) approach, incorporating time-varying NDVI and ET, alongside city size as a time-invariant factor. Our findings reveal a significant rising trend in nighttime SUHII across most cities, while five-year average change analyses highlight emerging daytime SUHI hotspots during both summer and winter seasons. The MLM approach explained more than 90% of SUHII variability in both seasons. While SUHII generally showed negative associations with ΔNDVI and ΔET across most cities, except in warm deserts, city size exhibited a negative yet weak association. Overall, our findings demonstrate the escalating SUHI effect in Indian cities and underscore the importance of vegetation and water dynamics in regulating urban thermal environments at a regional scale. These insights emphasize the urgent need for sustainable local-scale urban planning to mitigate the adverse impacts of SUHI on ecosystems and human well-being.

How to cite: Thakur, D. and Dhanya, C. T.: Rising Urban-Rural Temperature Gradient in Indian Cities: Analysis and Characterization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11323,, 2025.

EGU25-11841 | Orals | ITS4.14/NH13.3

ISPRS-SELPER: Tackling Urban Heat Islands in Latin America through Collaborative Research 

Fabiola D. Yépez-Rincón, Luz A. Rocha-Salamanca, Laurent Polidori, Héctor J. Hernández-Palma, Miriam Antes, Alfredo Cuello, Miguel E. Alva-Huayaney, Hilcea S. Ferrerira, Roberto E. Huerta-Garcia, Nelly L. Ramirez-Serrato, José L. Bruster-Flores, Ivone G. Zapata-Wah, Victor H. Guerra-Cobián, and Adrián L. Ferrino-Fierro

Latin America is among the most urbanized regions in the world. SELPER,  a Latin American  non profit organization is interested in contributing to a better understanding of climate-related problems using Earth Observation and remote sensing data. This collaborative research by ISPRS and SELPER researchers responds not only to the intensification of the urban heat island (UHI) effect caused by the rapid development of cities in recent decades, but also recognizes the importance of preserving and restoring critical blue-green infrastructure to mitigate the effects of climate change. 

During a first stage, the study focused in 16 major Latin American megacities present at 6 countries, collectively home to approximately 73 million people: São Paolo (22.62), Mexico City (22.28), Buenos Aires (15.69), Río de Janeiro (13.73), Bogotá (11.51), Lima (11.2), Santiago (6.9), Belo Horizonte (6.25), Guadalajara (5.42), Monterrey (5.12), Brasilia (4.87), Recife (4.26), Porto Alegre (4.21), Medellin (4.1), Salvador (3.96) and Curitiba (3.81). Each city was mapped and analyzed using Google Earth Engine and remote sensing data. The analysis included Land Surface Temperatures (LST) and Local Climate Zones (LCZ) for the years 2003, 2008, 2018 and 2021. Preliminary results explored the UHI distributions and the impact of different levels of urban development by LCZ.  

First-stage acchievements indicate, that these megacities exhibit: (1) a diffuse urban model, (2) urban heat islands are spatially and temporally located, (3) compromised green-blue infrastructure during the last decades, and (4) differences in construction materials and morphological changes among surface structures. 

Collaboration is needed. For the second stage the researcher's group is developing green-blue infrastructure models for each city, such as the Urban Canopy Model (UCM), Riparian Infrastructure Model (RIM) and/or Urban Green Areas (UGA). These models will be based on a fusion of Earth Observation, remote sensing data and local knowledge. Moreover, important information will be retrieved, such as meteorological local station data and socioeconomic information. 

In summary, collaborative efforts could achieve potential results to create the basis for implementing preventive policies for sustainable planning, promoting climate justice, and adopting nature-based solutions in Latin American megacities.

How to cite: Yépez-Rincón, F. D., Rocha-Salamanca, L. A., Polidori, L., Hernández-Palma, H. J., Antes, M., Cuello, A., Alva-Huayaney, M. E., Ferrerira, H. S., Huerta-Garcia, R. E., Ramirez-Serrato, N. L., Bruster-Flores, J. L., Zapata-Wah, I. G., Guerra-Cobián, V. H., and Ferrino-Fierro, A. L.: ISPRS-SELPER: Tackling Urban Heat Islands in Latin America through Collaborative Research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11841,, 2025.

EGU25-11884 | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Research on the cooling effect of trees at public squares in Germany 

Somidh Saha and Mira Guenzel

The increasing frequency of heat waves due to global warming, coupled with the urban heat island effect (UHI), poses significant risks to human health in cities, particularly in highly frequented areas such as public squares. As urbanization continues and temperatures rise, effective heat mitigation strategies are essential. Trees, with their cooling effects through shading and evapotranspiration, offer a key solution by reducing air and surface temperatures, thereby improving thermal comfort in urban environments.

This study investigates the cooling potential of trees in public spaces in Karlsruhe, Germany, a region in the heat-prone Upper Rhine Valley. It examines how tree characteristics - such as trunk height, diameter at breast height, and crown volume - and site factors - such as sky view factor, tree view factor, and leaf area index - influence the heat index, which measures thermal comfort. An essential aspect of the study was to assess the correlation between surface temperature and heat index, allowing the prediction of heat index from satellite-derived land surface temperatures. The novelty of this research lies in its integrative approach, combining tree characteristics and site factors and focusing on an under-researched region.

Field measurements were taken at eight public squares with varying tree cover and size during July and August 2024. Data collected included surface temperatures, tree-level variables, and site metrics, which were statistically analyzed with the heat index using correlations and simple linear regressions.

The results showed that squares with higher tree cover had significantly lower heat index values, indicating improved thermal comfort. Larger trees with higher trunk heights were particularly effective in reducing heat stress. The study also found that a lower sky view factor and a higher tree view factor correlated with reduced heat stress, highlighting the critical role of tree canopies in cooling public squares through shading. In addition, surface temperature was strongly correlated with heat index, suggesting that satellite-derived temperature data could be used to estimate thermal comfort in urban squares.

In conclusion, this research highlights the critical role of trees in mitigating the UHI effect in public squares, where heat stress can significantly impact public health. The results provide valuable insights for urban planning, demonstrating that targeted greening strategies, such as maintaining large trees, increasing canopy cover and frequency of large trees, can improve thermal comfort in public squares. In the future, cities can use satellite-derived land surface temperatures to accurately model and predict heat index, enabling more efficient and cost-effective planning to address heat-related challenges and create more sustainable, liveable public spaces.

How to cite: Saha, S. and Guenzel, M.: Research on the cooling effect of trees at public squares in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11884,, 2025.

EGU25-12933 | Orals | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Modeling Decreased Intensity and Mortality of the 2003 European Heatwave with Nature-based Solutions of Evaporative Cooling 

Theodore Endreny, Marco Ciolfi, Anna Endreny, Francesca Chiocchini, and Carlo Calfapietra

Nature-based solutions offer significant potential to mitigate the impacts of urban heatwaves if urban trees and their soils can capture unused stormwater and create evaporative cooling. This study employed the i-Tree Cool Air soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer model to evaluate the effects of increasing neighborhood tree cover to a minimum of 30% in all neighborhoods of 10 Italian cities during the extreme summer of 2003. The analysis introduced a heatwave degree day (HWDD) metric to quantify reductions in heatwave intensity and duration, which were mapped alongside excess mortality attributed to heatwaves in the baseline scenario. Results reveal that transitioning from the average baseline tree cover of 8.2% to 30% would decrease HWDDs by 32.5%, with reductions varying from 15.8% in Cagliari to 84.1% in Bologna. Correspondingly, excess mortality among adults aged 65 and older would decline by 29.3%, sparing an estimated 574 lives from the 1962 killed by the 2003 heatwaves. The study also highlights spatial variability in mortality reductions, reflecting neighborhood-specific differences in tree cover, developed area, and population density. Enhanced tree cover improved ecosystem services, with a median annual increase in value of $11 million per city, generated by reductions in air pollution (53%) and stormwater runoff (33%), and increases in carbon sequestration (14%). This research underscores the transformative impact of urban greening in mitigating heatwave risks and highlights its utility for informing urban planning policies aimed at climate adaptation and public health.

How to cite: Endreny, T., Ciolfi, M., Endreny, A., Chiocchini, F., and Calfapietra, C.: Modeling Decreased Intensity and Mortality of the 2003 European Heatwave with Nature-based Solutions of Evaporative Cooling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12933,, 2025.

Urbanization induces complex interactions between socioeconomic activities and environmental changes, as reflected in the increase of Night-Time Light (NTL) and the decline of Fractional Vegetation Cover (FVC). While NTL is a key indicator of economic growth and infrastructure expansion, its concurrent association with vegetation loss exacerbates urban heat island (UHI) effects. Although substantial progress has been achieved in examining the individual impact of urbanization on land surface temperature (LST), studies investigating the simultaneous trends of NTL and FVC and their combined effect on LST remain limited.

This study utilized a 20-year (2000–2020) remote-sensed dataset to investigate the spatial and temporal interactions among NTL, FVC, and LST anomalies in East Asian megacities, especially Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. Trends in NTL and FVC were analyzed using the Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s slope methods, while LST anomalies were examined to evaluate relationships with NTL and FVC. The analysis specifically focused on summer months to comprehensively evaluate urban heat island effects. Furthermore, NSGA-II optimization was employed to identify the optimal NTL and FVC ranges that best capture LST trends and explore city-specific urban green space planning patterns.

The results reveal distinct nonlinear relationships between night-time light, fractional vegetation cover, and land surface temperature. LST responses varied depending on the increased balance between NTL and FVC. LST showed a more moderated response in regions where NTL and FVC increased proportionally, suggesting that vegetation can partially mitigate urbanization's thermal impacts through a synergistic effect. Conversely, areas with disproportionately high NTL increases and limited FVC growth exhibited heightened LST sensitivity, reflecting the restricted capacity of vegetation to offset the thermal stress caused by rapid urban expansion.

In Shanghai, rapid urbanization has resulted in a substantial increase in land surface temperature (LST), underscoring the city's heightened vulnerability to urban development. In contrast, both Seoul and Shanghai exhibited more moderate declines in LST in areas where urban green space initiatives were implemented. However, despite Shanghai's extensive urbanization, the expansion of urban green spaces, as quantified by the rate of change in the Fraction of Vegetation Cover (FVC), has been comparatively limited relative to other cities. Furthermore, over the past 20 years, the frequency of FVC and NTL increases demonstrated a more substantial correlation with LST increases than the intensity. These findings highlight the pronounced spatiotemporal heterogeneity in urban environments, emphasizing disparities in environmental stress and recovery potential driven by varying interactions between NTL and FVC.

This research suggests key indicators, such as the balance between NTL and FVC, to guide the development of cooling strategies in urban planning. The findings highlight the potential of integrating vegetation restoration into urban planning as a critical approach to achieving global sustainability goals, particularly SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities) and SDG 13 (climate action).

How to cite: Kim, E. and Kim, J.: How Do Urban Green Spaces Influence Land Surface Temperature Dynamics in Urbanizing Areas?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14258,, 2025.

EGU25-14989 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Implementing the 3-30-300 Rule in Indian Cities: A Framework for Addressing Urban Challenges 

Shruti Lahoti, Manu Thomas, Pankaj Kumar, Shalini Dhyani, and Prajakta Shende

The accelerating impacts of climate change, including escalating urban temperatures and the heightened occurrence of extreme weather events, present formidable challenges for rapidly growing cities, particularly in the Global South. Nature-based solutions (NBS) present transformative pathways to address these issues, offering sustainable approaches to enhance resilience, mitigate urban challenges, and improve the well-being of urban residents. Urban Green Spaces (UGSs) are central to these solutions, providing climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.

This study investigates the applicability of the 3–30–300 rule—a recently proposed guideline for equitable urban greening—through case studies in two Indian cities, Nagpur and Jaipur. The guideline advocates for three visible trees per residential building, 30% neighborhood UGS cover, and at least one hectare of UGSs within 300 meters of residences. A GIS-based analysis of land cover maps was conducted to assess public UGS availability, proximity, and provisioning gaps, addressing the 30-300 components. Household surveys measured the visibility of trees to evaluate the "three visible trees" component. A zone-specific analysis explored the potential of applying the 3–30–300 rule to mitigate challenges urban areas face, such as the Heat Island phenomenon and increased urban flooding—exacerbated by rapid urbanization and climate change.

This research develops a replicable and scalable methodological framework, enabling its application to other cities undergoing rapid urban transitions. By quantifying the benefits of equitable urban greening, the study provides urban planners and policymakers with actionable insights and tools for informed decision-making. Highlighting the potential of integrating NBS into mainstream urban planning, the study positions the 3–30–300 rule as a practical and effective guideline for addressing urban sustainability and resilience challenges, particularly in resource-constrained cities of the Global South.

How to cite: Lahoti, S., Thomas, M., Kumar, P., Dhyani, S., and Shende, P.: Implementing the 3-30-300 Rule in Indian Cities: A Framework for Addressing Urban Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14989,, 2025.

EGU25-18144 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Evidence-based urban green infrastructure planning in humid subtropical neighbourhoods to enhance outdoor thermal comfort 

Sana Javaid, Kameswara Yashaswini Sista, Hala Mohamed, and Stephan Pauleit

Strategic urban green infrastructure (UGI) planning is crucial to mitigate heat stress and foster climate-responsive urban areas that promote liveability, especially in hot and humid subtropical regions. However, paucity of empirical data on UGI-based heat mitigation has led to a dearth of effective urban green spaces in most Indian cities. This study, therefore, aims at developing actionable, evidence-based UGI planning strategies to enhance outdoor thermal comfort (OTC) by taking the case of two typical residential typologies in Dehradun, India. The selected neighbourhoods represent 1-2 storeyed plotted individual houses and 3-4 storeyed row block housing, respectively and include three urban settings: housing park, roadside plantation and private gardens or shared courtyards, for a more focussed analysis.

Context-specific ‘Quality and Quantity’ of UGI are critical for its cooling performance. This necessitates a need to understand the performance of subtropical tree species based on their traits, their placement in the aforementioned urban settings and the role of canopy cover in maximising OTC. Moreover, the comparative performance of trees and UGI types like green roofs and green walls needs to be understood in realistic neighbourhood settings particularly in Indian context. Therefore, we investigate the ‘Right: UGI type, Tree species, Planting arrangement and Canopy cover’ approach using microclimatic simulations on validated ENVI-met software.

The simulation results indicate that trees are significantly more effective in improving human outdoor thermal comfort as compared to green roofs and green walls. The existing trees on the study sites reduce average PET (Physiological Equivalent Temperature) between ~2-9°C under dry and well-irrigated soil conditions during the daytime heat hours (10 a.m. -5 p.m.). Besides, the cooling potential of different tree species varies with their morphological characteristics, and the dense canopy (high LAD) trees have maximum cooling impact during peak heat stress. The impact of LAD becomes even more pronounced in combination with tree height and canopy width due to more widespread shade and evapotranspiration. The simulation results also highlight the influence of planting arrangement on shade, wind speed, and direction on the site. The tree arrangements parallel to the wind and facilitating evenly distributed shade have greater impact on enhancing OTC. Another finding substantiates the beneficial role of increasing overall canopy cover on the site. However, the combined impact of greening strategies like ‘right tree in the right place’ is more beneficial, even in the case with lesser canopy cover than the existing one. This could be particularly beneficial in urban areas with land scarcity.

Therefore, the study provides several empirical evidences that confirm the significance of UGI in improving OTC, as well as a holistic approach for strategizing UGI planning for neighbourhood climate adaptation. The findings of this study can be useful for landscape planners, policymakers and similar actors in comparable urban and climatic contexts. Future research can also test the impact of vegetation diversity on heat stress mitigation to further promote biodiversity and resilience in urban areas. Role of all the UGI types can also be assessed for other ecosystem services, such as stormwater management, for comprehensive climate adaptation.

How to cite: Javaid, S., Sista, K. Y., Mohamed, H., and Pauleit, S.: Evidence-based urban green infrastructure planning in humid subtropical neighbourhoods to enhance outdoor thermal comfort, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18144,, 2025.

Despite the increasing trend of temperatures due to climate change, urban areas often experience higher temperatures than rural areas, a phenomenon commonly referred to as the Urban Heat Island (UHI). Heat waves are becoming more frequent in Turku, Finland (humid continental climate zone), and longer and warmer days are being experienced in summer than in nearby rural areas. The use of heat-absorbing materials in construction, increased impervious surfaces, higher emissions of CO2, and lack of blue-green regions in the urban territory, etc., are found to accelerate this phenomenon. Green infrastructure or urban green parks are expected to moderate temperature fluctuations by absorbing less heat and providing cooling through evapotranspiration, thereby slowing down temperature changes in urban environments.

In this research, the impact of urban greenery to mitigate UHI during heatwaves in the city of Turku, South-West Finland, was studied. We exploited spatially and temporally comprehensive temperature observation data over the urban area, and precise land use data to analyze the relationships between UHI and UG. A total of 22 temperature monitoring stations, recording temperatures every 30 minutes from 2002 to 2024, were used. The land cover in 2022 was obtained from an open 2m resolution land cover dataset produced by SYKE (Finnish Environment Institute). Satellite images were used to detect the change in land cover since 2002.

Statistical methods were used to find temperature-increasing trends at each logger station point to observe and analyze how urban greenery can influence or control temperature fluctuations. The neighborhood of several logger stations underwent changed land use (forestry to residential blocks with impervious surfaces). How this urbanization influenced the microclimate change in the city will be analyzed. Also, changes in the duration and magnitude of heat waves from 2002 to 2023 are expected to be studied.

Nature-based Solutions (NBS), especially urban green (UG) infrastructures, are becoming popular also in Nordic countries to increase climate change resilience, reduce the risk of urban flooding, improve public well-being, better immune systems, and urban biodiversity. However, not many studies have been done examining urbanization, UG, heatwaves, and UHI, especially in humid continental climate zones. This study aims to deepen the understanding of the effect of urban greenery on UHI, and how they control temperature in neighborhoods during heatwaves in Turku. The outcomes of these results may help city planners design city expansion in a way that makes it resilient to future climate change-intensified heatwaves in the same climate zone.

How to cite: Asif Rifat, A., Suomi, J., Sörensen, J., and Kasvi, E.: Assessing the potential of Urban Greenery to adapt to climate change intensified UHI during heatwaves in Humid Continental Climate climate zones using Long-Term Data and Geospatial Analysis., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18768,, 2025.

Urban Heat Island is a significant urban climate phenomenon, particularly during extreme heat events, with profound impacts on environmental sustainability and human well-being. This study investigates UHI dynamics in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region during the summers of 2019–2024 using FY-3D satellite-derived Land Surface Temperature (LST) data. Employing Dynamic Equal-Area UrbanHeat Island Classification (DEA) combined with the Beijing local standards, UHI intensity was quantified and classified into five levels to analyze spatiotemporal variability and transitions across intensity levels. The results reveal a pronounced UHI intensification in 2023, with cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, and Rwanda exhibiting intensity values exceeding 2K. High-intensity UHI zones expanded significantly, particularly in southern Hebei, while 2022 and 2024 showed similar, lower-intensity patterns. These findings provide strong evidence supporting the occurrence of record-breaking localized temperatures in the BTH region during 2023. This study underscores the value of FY-3D data for precise UHI monitoring, offering robust quantitative assessments and spatial distribution insights. The findings lay a foundation for developing effective heat mitigation strategies and sustainable urban planning in rapidly urbanizing regions.

How to cite: Zhou, T.: Multi-level heat island monitoring in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region during the summers of 2019-2024 using FY-3D LST data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19202,, 2025.

The proactive and science-based regulation of excessive urban heating is an urgent priority. However, a theoretical-practical disconnect persists between urban thermal environment research and applicable urban planning strategies, hindering the effectiveness of mitigation and adaptation tools. To address this gap, this study developed a theoretical framework to assess the feasibility of urban cooling regulation within urban planning systems. It proposed a two-pronged and planning-driven approach of controlling the heat source' and increasing the cooling source for sustainable urban cooling, and using the daily mean temperature-humidity index (DMTHI) to capture humidity and daily land surface temperature dynamics. A case study from the main urban area of Wuhan, China, validated this approach, identifying heat stress hotspots in the old city center and peripheral heavy industrial parks. The key indicators for urban cooling in Wuhan were the mean building density, percentage of industrial land area, and percentage of green space. By clustering the spatial variations in the regression coefficients of each indicator using the K-means method, the 'controlling heat source' strategy identifies five regulation zones: building form control, comprehensive control, land use control, industrial and building density control, and building density-dominated control. The 'increasing cold sources' strategy identifies four regulation zones: NDVI-dominated cooling, integrated greenspace cooling, LPI_G-dominated cooling, and PLAND_G-dominated cooling. These site-specific plans improve the efficacy of urban cooling regulation. This study provides insights for mitigating urban heat stress and supports heat-resilient urban planning development.

How to cite: Yin, C., Yan, J., and Feng, S.: From measurements to regulations: An actionable approach for sustainable urban cooling via heat-resilient urban planning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20376,, 2025.

EGU25-5801 | PICO | ITS4.15/NH13.8

Evaluating the immediate impact of a risk awareness activity: playing the tabletop game “Safe Haven – Landslides” 

Michele Calvello, Maria Vittoria Gargiulo, Laurens J.N. Oostwegel, and Guido Rianna

Effectively assessing the impact of risk communication efforts is a significant challenge in the field of natural hazards. In this context, we present an evaluation framework used to measure the effectiveness of Safe Haven – Landslides, a serious game designed to raise awareness and promote understanding of landslide risk.

To quantify the game’s impact, we developed pre- and post-experience questionnaires aimed at assessing participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and understanding of landslide hazard and risk before and after engaging with the game. The questionnaires included a series of questions designed to measure changes in risk perception, comprehension of mitigation strategies, and overall awareness of landslide dynamics and management strategies.

The results were analysed by comparing pre- and post-game responses, providing valuable insights into how the game influences participants’ understanding of landslide risks. Early findings suggest significant improvements in knowledge retention and a deeper understanding of the highlight the potential of game-based approaches in promoting proactive risk management and resilience.

This study contributes to the ongoing discussion on how to effectively evaluate the impact of risk communication initiatives. It also proposes a framework for assessing the effectiveness of educational and outreach activities aimed at enhancing public awareness of natural hazards.

How to cite: Calvello, M., Gargiulo, M. V., Oostwegel, L. J. N., and Rianna, G.: Evaluating the immediate impact of a risk awareness activity: playing the tabletop game “Safe Haven – Landslides”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5801,, 2025.

Flood risks in the Himalayan Mountains are exacerbated by climate change, underdevelopment, and rapid urbanization. Traditional "predict-and-control" approaches and top-down frameworks prove to be inadequate in addressing the multifaceted nature of flood resilience. While existing literature focuses on technical aspects of flood resilience, such as risk assessment and providing physical reinforcements, it lacks a holistic consideration of social, environmental, geographical, and technical dimensions. This study adopts a transdisciplinary approach by integrating Grid-Group Theory with Participatory System Dynamics Modelling (PSDM), fostering a comprehensive understanding of diverse perspectives and enabling collaborative development of flood resilience solutions. A mixed-methods field campaign was conducted in high-risk areas, involving stakeholder engagement in 13 workshops, 25 site observations, and 63 interviews. Preliminary findings revealed that a significant emphasis (83%) has been placed on engineering resilience in current planning and decision-making, with limited consideration for ecological (17%) and a complete absence of socio-ecological resilience. Critical interdependencies and root causes were identified through the development of a system dynamics model, highlighting leverage points for improved resilience outcomes. This research contributes to the expanding body of knowledge surrounding resilience planning and decision-making, collective action methods, and the application of system dynamics modelling. Valuable insights are offered for developing more holistic and effective flood resilience strategies in the Himalayan context.

How to cite: Essa, S.: Improving Flood Resilience Planning and Decision-making in the Himalayas: A Collective Action Approach with System Dynamics Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6624,, 2025.

EGU25-11929 | ECS | PICO | ITS4.15/NH13.8

On integrating complex hazard dependencies into descriptive disaster scenario generation approaches 

Bernhard Garn, Antonis Troumpoukis, Klaus Kieseberg, Iraklis A. Klampanos, and Dimitris E. Simos

Disaster scenarios play a crucial role in research and preparedness efforts, providing a basis to derive valuable insights into potential future disaster evolvements and impact. Scenarios are composed of events, which can be either hypothetical or derived from dedicated disaster databases that track disasters that have occurred in the past (e.g., By leveraging historical data from such dedicated disaster databases, researchers have applied various statistical methods to analyze past events and their complex dependencies [1]. However, since the reality and impact of disasters are increasingly interconnected, involving multi-hazards and cascading effects, a shift towards sophisticated scenario generation methods that can capture these complex dependencies is necessary.

Building upon existing descriptive disaster scenario modeling approaches that utilize combinatorial sequence methods [2,3], we enhance the scenario generation of a disaster framework [4] with the explicit integration of complex-dependencies between hazards. We present how inter-event dependencies, event sequences that have occurred in the past as well as cascading-effects identified in the literature can be integrated into a descriptive disaster scenario generation approach. We conclude with a vision for embedding the proposed dependency-aware descriptive scenario generation approach into the bigger picture of disaster management strategies.


SBA Research (SBA-K1) is a COMET Centre within the COMET – Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies Programme and funded by BMK, BMAW, and the federal state of Vienna. COMET is managed by FFG.
Moreover, this work was partly funded by the European Union under the DEP programme, Grand Agreement 101083472 and by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy under FFG No FO999908355.
Additionally, this work has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) under grant agreement No 101146490.


[1] Claassen, J.N. et al.: A new method to compile global multi-hazard event sets. Sci Rep 13, 13808 (2023).

[2] Garn, B. et al.: Combinatorial Sequences for Disaster Scenario Generation. Oper. Res. Forum 4, 50 (2023).

[3] Troumpoukis, A. et al.: Exploring Constraint-Based Approaches for Disaster Scenario Generation. Submitted for publication (2025)

[4] Garn, B. et al.: From Design of Experiments to Combinatorics of Disasters: A Conceptual Framework for Disaster Exercises. In: Simos, D.E., Rasskazova, V.A., Archetti, F., Kotsireas, I.S., Pardalos, P.M. (eds) Learning and Intelligent Optimization. LION 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13621. Springer, Cham.

How to cite: Garn, B., Troumpoukis, A., Kieseberg, K., Klampanos, I. A., and Simos, D. E.: On integrating complex hazard dependencies into descriptive disaster scenario generation approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11929,, 2025.

EGU25-11974 | ECS | PICO | ITS4.15/NH13.8

Canary Islands Volcanic Risk Reduction Strategy 

Javier Páez-Padilla, Nemesio M. Pérez, Luca D'Auria, and Pedro A. Hernández

The Canary Islands are the only Spanish territory exposed to volcanic risk. The recent eruption on La Palma has highlighted the exposure and vulnerability of our society to volcanic hazards. As a result, the Tajogaite eruption (2021) should mark a turning point in our management of volcanic risk in the Canary Islands, despite the progress made in the last 25 years to reduce volcanic risk in the archipelago.

This new direction should be adopted through a Canary Islands Volcanic Risk Reduction Strategy, an operational tool that serves as a framework for addressing and responding to the challenges faced by the Canary Islands due to volcanic risk. It would also serve as a driver and coordinator of various sectoral policies and as a means of raising awareness among citizens, businesses, and administrative bodies. Three basic ideas or pillars (scientific knowledge, public engagement, and consensus) will serve as the foundation for the development of this important tool.

Citizen participation would involve inviting all sectors of society that can and should play a role in volcanic risk management (scientists, public administration authorities, politicians, emergency experts, land-use planners, journalists, etc.). The idea behind broad citizen participation is that each sector can debate and provide its perspective on volcanic risk management. The strength of this debate, through a SWOT analysis, lies in the fact that only those observations emerging from consensus can be described.

In summary, our society needs a Canary Islands Volcanic Risk Reduction Strategy because volcanic risk is increasing in our archipelago.

How to cite: Páez-Padilla, J., Pérez, N. M., D'Auria, L., and Hernández, P. A.: Canary Islands Volcanic Risk Reduction Strategy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11974,, 2025.

EGU25-13207 | ECS | PICO | ITS4.15/NH13.8

The role of trust in influencing natural hazard resilience 

Joshua Nicholas, Clive Oppenheimer, Amy Donovan, Louie Bell, and Maximillian Van Wyk de Vries

Resilience plays a critical role in reducing risk and preventing disasters by enabling communities to withstand and recover from the impacts of hazards. While resilience is at the heart of disaster risk reduction literature, there is a lack of consistency in defining the factors that influence it. The ‘risk perception paradox’ presents the phenomenon where individuals may recognise that a hazard poses a significant threat, yet do not take action to protect themselves; ‘trust’ is one factor that has been used in efforts to better explain people’s actions. The research regarding trust and resilience has been conducted in many countries, through the lens of different hazards, explores different types of trust, considers different 'trusting' institutions, and importantly arrives at varying conclusions reflecting the complex interaction between trust, resilience, and culture.

While there is a growing body of research studying trust and resilience, these studies have predominantly focussed on flood hazards, trust in governments, and preparedness as the only metric by which to measure resilience; these studies are also centred in North America, Asia, and Europe. There is a need for trust and resilience research to be conducted in the context of small island developing states (SIDS) and from a multi-hazard perspective; in this context, multi-hazard refers to both the susceptibility of multiple hazards an area faces, and the cascading/ triggering/ interconnected relationships between various hazards. Our research aims to understand the importance of trust in informing disaster resilience on the island of Dominica in the Caribbean.

To generate a framework through which to understand the general trends of the relationship between trust and resilience, we have conducted a systematic literature review of relevant articles from January 2000 to February 2024. Through the Scopus and Web of Science databases, 67 relevant articles from 24 countries were selected. These studies provide a global perspective on the role of trust in natural hazard resilience through diverse methodologies and covering a range of hazard types. The review finds that resilience has multiple definitions and can generally be categorised into personal preparedness, risk perception, willingness to evacuate, and community support. Our findings show that trust in different institutions can be associated with both increases and decreases in resilience, and that limited studies are looking at the role of trust in mitigation infrastructure, media, emergency services, scientists, and personal beliefs.

In Dominica, we have conducted fieldwork to understand who people place trust in for disaster management and how these patterns of trust differ for different hazards. We conducted a mixed-methods study comprised of interviews (n = 101) and a quantitative survey (n = 539 – ~1% of the national population).  In this research, we present how our trust/ resilience framework can be applied to highlight regional patterns in the trust-resilience dynamic. This framework can be applied to other SIDS as a tool to identify patterns between trust and disaster resilience.

How to cite: Nicholas, J., Oppenheimer, C., Donovan, A., Bell, L., and Van Wyk de Vries, M.: The role of trust in influencing natural hazard resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13207,, 2025.

Historia magistra vitae” – History is life’s teacher. Back in his days (I century BCE), Cicero knew very well what he meant: Lessons gleaned from events of the past can be revelatory when trying to decipher contemporary life. Little did Cicero know that, in our days (like, 22 centuries past), his wise words could not have resonated more, given our efforts to portray concomitant hazards and contribute to forecast oncoming events – adverse and beneficial ones alike.

As a succession of recurring events – from kingdoms to wars – and their long-term, long-range repercussions through time and space – from discoveries to migrations – the history of humans and the Earth system should inform, and help steer, contemporary societies and stakeholders as a collective, shared inheritance of knowledge. In this respect, geosciences appear to be premier, extraordinary tools to help provide insight of global, crucial remit. Borne as they were to originally decipher an elusive, very long-gone past, the geosciences embrace masses and forces, processes and shapes, elements and bonds. They straddle foundational elements – not just those identified by Aristotle (Earth, Water, Air, and Fire) but, rather, those around which life itself revolves, or that can impede or altogether inhibit it.

For that very life to thrive, strategic knowledge (that is, of relevance for today and for tomorrow’s choices) of the natural past is an indispensable ‘survival kit’ to bridge into oncoming challenges, straddling the social, human, and economic dimensions. Today’s echoes of Cicero’s maxim indeed prove far more complex than in past centuries, as long as the Earth system is being burdened in unprecedented fashion by environmental stressors over a peaking global population. The resulting, interwoven factors – both ancient and novel – range from human nature to societal contradictions, with regions of the world that inherit storied vulnerabilities, exposed to hazards with evolving space-and-time patterns, in part yet unclear.

Yet, the complexities of human life, dismaying as they may appear in contemporary societies, are neither really new nor truly surprising. Precisely because global societies exude complexities cutting through geographies and economies that strain human perceptions and models, knitting together knowledge and societal advancement appears to require monumental efforts and dedicated, sensitive science throughout society, where intellect and intelligence are (or should be) interpellated as some of the most revealing accomplishments of humans: understanding, sharing, building.

How to cite: Fracassi, U.: Earth, Wind, and Fire – plus Water: From strategic knowledge to intelligence for humans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13681,, 2025.

The explosion of the Deepwater Horizon, an oil tanker of BP, caused a large amount of crude oil spill in 2010. In South Korea, two large-scale marine pollution accidents occurred: 'sea prince oil spill accident' off the coast of Busan in 1996 and 'Hebei Spirit oil spill accident' off the coast Taean in 2007. Marine accidents during transport cause widespread direct and indirect damage, such as human damage, property losses, economic damage, and environmental pollution. Especially, in case of large-scale oil spill occurs, it has a serious adverse effect on the environment around the affected area, such as population outflow, regional economic downturn, and intensification of community conflict. The probability of marine pollution accidents is increasing due to changes in the trade environment, such as the expansion of world seaborne transportation volume, as well as enlargement and speeding up of ships. In addition, the potential risk of marine pollution accidents is increasing due to the expansion of marine areas use, such as the installation of offshore plants, and the deterioration of weather conditions caused by climate change. In order to mitigate the damage from oil spills during maritime transportation, it is necessary to prepare safety management strategies based on risk prediction. The purpose of this study is twofold: ⅰ) to propose a risk estimating approach of oil spill accident by constructing a probabilistic risk matrix (4×4) using the Markov chain process. ⅱ)  to compare the risks by sea area, including major ports in South Korea: Central, West, South, East, and Jeju. Analysis data was used with detailed marine pollution accidents provided by the Korea Coast Guard. 84 months of accident data were collected over 7 years from 2017 to 2023. In this study, the risk matrix proposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) was used, and the levels of the risk matrix was divided into 4: attention, caution, alert, and serious, as specified in the crisis alerts management manual of marine pollution accidents in South Korea. The risk of each sea area could be quantified by comprehensively considering the monthly occurrence frequency of accidents and the volume of oil spills. In addition, by applying the probability value through Markov chain process to the risk matrix, the uncertainty of the risk analysis data could be reduced and risk level could be classified more clearly and quantitatively based on accident data. The results can be used as basic data for decision-making on the allocation of resources and budgets for policies to prevent marine pollution accidents.

How to cite: Cho, H., Kim, D., and Jeong, J.: A risk estimation of marine oil spills by major ports and sea areas in South Korea : Using Markov chain and risk matrix, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15679,, 2025.

Would I help you if I needed to save myself? Hard times are known to bring out the true nature of people, but in disaster scenarios, are people driven to only protect themselves or also to help others?

Disasters have health consequences. Recent events highlighted the need to provide urgent care to victims. In disaster scenarios, the help of informal actors is crucial (Fredriksen, 2021), as they are often the first on-site and give the help needed while waiting for a formal response, often delayed (Gingerich, 2015). Typically, a disaster will lead to a surge of patients who require immediate care despite inaccessible and disrupted formal healthcare infrastructures (Labrague, 2023). The challenge of patient logistics with informal actors is, therefore, rapidly transporting those in need of care to locations where they can be treated (Villa, 2014).

But, these responses come with a risk. While the priority is given to helping others, some prefer to protect themselves, which is a common aspect of the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT), looking at the influence of threat and coping appraisal on disaster responses to inform if you would be protecting yourself or not (Rogers, 1975). While focusing on self-protection, PMT overlooks the incentive to protect or not others, which could be driven by personal values and emotional factors known to be influenced by environmental changes like disasters (Balla, 2014). This altruism and the dynamic nature of disasters would be an addition to the PMT.

In our study, we inform PMT approaches by adding altruism and motivation to help others in times of disaster across various time phases of the disaster response. We include the first informal response conducted by communities, followed by the formal response, including healthcare professionals and emergency responders. We show the main factors influencing altruistic behaviours through survey data, looking back at the response to the 2021 European Floods.

This study explores the presence of altruism in individuals in the context of patient logistics. Through this, we aim to advance the knowledge of PMT by incorporating altruism and emotional motivations, offering new insights into community disaster response behaviours. The findings suggest that disaster response strategies should focus on self-protection and promote community-driven efforts and trust in formal and informal systems. We are therefore proposing a consolidated PMT approach as a starting point for discussion and leading further empirical work on the role of altruism in patient logistics in disasters.

How to cite: Magana, J., Comes, T., and Hinrichs-Krapels, S.: Including Local Initiatives, Behaviours and Altruism in Disaster Responses : Patient Logistics through Protection Motivation Theory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18574,, 2025.

The effectiveness of disaster resilience measures in the context of sustainable development depends on various factors, including government policies and interventions across sectors, community and civil society engagement, information dissemination and mobilisation of resources. It is crucial to consider diverse stakeholders from different disciplines to fully appreciate their integral role for developing and implementing suitable strategies.

Previous studies across various domains highlight the interdependence of scientific outcomes, government policies, and community involvement for sustainable development. However, the linkages of stakeholders and disciplines with the interconnected dynamics of science, policy, and community engagement in disaster resilience is not adequately studied. This underscores the need to understand and document how different stakeholders and disciplines can collectively contribute to disaster resilience and sustainable development. 

The Indo-Pacific region is prone to several disasters, including floods, droughts, cyclones, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and forest fires. Research tours (supported by Japan Foundation and Australian Institute of International Affairs) were undertaken in Japan, Australia, Fiji, and Tonga by the Indo-Pacific Cooperation Network members, to comprehend disaster resilience measures in these countries. The study employs a systematic literature review and stakeholder consultations in each region to learn about their overall approach to disaster resilience and map key findings against Sustainable Development Goals. It identifies how selected Indo-Pacific regions have integrated transdisciplinary knowledge and sustainability principles into their disaster resilience plans and actions. The study features good practices and investigates key indicators of disaster resilience for cross-disciplinary knowledge creation and coordinated actions directed towards sustainable development in the selected Indo-Pacific regions.

The study results in a guiding framework, indicating the importance of disaster resilience efforts incorporating transdisciplinary knowledge and sustainable development approach. It offers strategic recommendations to enhance disaster preparedness, response and recovery efforts with the framework as a baseline, for the complex science-policy-community nexus. The study serves as a valuable reference for Indo-Pacific regions seeking to embed transdisciplinary knowledge into policies and actions, ultimately improving access to resources, support mechanisms, infrastructure, and communication which empower communities for disaster resilience.

How to cite: Tailor, F.: Transdisciplinary and sustainable development perspectives for disaster resilience: Lessons learnt from selected Indo-Pacific regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19361,, 2025.

Nature encompasses diverse values, including intrinsic, instrumental, and relational dimensions, which shape human interactions with ecosystems. Understanding local perceptions of these values is a crucial first step in ecosystem service assessments (ESA), ensuring alignment with community priorities. ESA has the potential to enhance disaster risk management (DRM) by providing essential ecological information that is often overlooked, despite the close interconnection between social and ecological systems in disaster contexts. However, the practical integration of ESA into DRM strategies remains limited due to a lack of clear examples and actionable entry points for policymakers. Existing research highlights the need for implementation-focused studies that connect ESA information a with real-world DRM applications. This study addresses the multi-hazard risks faced by Thừa Thiên-Huế province in central Vietnam by exploring how ESA can contribute to innovative, ecosystem-based DRM approaches. The research focuses on identifying entry points for integrating ecosystem service (ES) information into DRM policies, specifically through the 2020–2025 Natural Disaster Risk Management Plan (2365/QĐ-UBND), the province's key policy document outlining priorities and strategies for disaster risk reduction. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study has three specific objectives: (1) identifying the ecosystem values most appreciated by the residents of Huế—whether intrinsic, instrumental, or relational—through household surveys; (2) assessing the capacities of different land cover types to provide ES using a participatory ES Matrix approach; and (3) analyzing DRM policy documents with MAXQDA to identify actionable entry points for embedding ESA findings. Preliminary results suggest that residents prioritize instrumental ecosystem values, such as regulating and provisioning services, which align with local needs for hazard mitigation and vulnerability reduction. The ES Matrix reveals that evergreen broad-leaved forests provide the highest levels of ecosystem services. Furthermore, the policy analysis identifies key entry points for integrating ESA into DRM, grouped across various DRM phases. This study bridges critical knowledge gaps by linking ecosystem service supply with actionable DRM policies in Thừa Thiên-Huế. The findings advocate for the integration of ESA into DRM strategies, enhancing resilience to multi-hazard risks in the region and providing a replicable model for other vulnerable regions globally.

How to cite: Ortiz Vargas, A., Schinkel, U., Sett, D., Bachofer, F., Walz, Y., and Sebesvari, Z.: Bridging ecosystem services and disaster risk management: Entry points for integrating ecosystem information into policy frameworks, the study case of Thua Thien-Hue province in central Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19937,, 2025.

This poster explores the use of serious games as a comprehensive approach to disaster risk reduction and resilience, bridging gaps between physical and social sciences, policy, and practice amidst the complex and uncertain context of climate change. Developed under the DIRECTED project in collaboration with local stakeholders, these games integrate diverse technical and social science perspectives by combining DIRECTED Data Fabric scenarios with Speculative Design. This integration enhances our capacity to mitigate and adapt to complex disaster risks while promoting interdisciplinary approaches to disaster risk management and climate change adaptation.

Key Objectives:

  • Enhancing understanding of risk governance contexts, challenges, and opportunities for integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk management amidst uncertainty.
  • Developing "future-making" skills that translate gaming insights into real-world applications, equipping stakeholders to work across disciplines to tackle complex challenges.

The poster will share insights from our scenario-based, gamified Tabletop Exercise, illustrating their potential to address bureaucratic hurdles, disciplinary silos, and unclear responsibilities. With the DIRECTED Rhein-Erft Real World Lab, we co-created a speculative scenario based on model data from the 2021 floods in German federal states—particularly North Rhine-Westphalia—enhanced with projections of future climate change impacts. Using this case study, we will demonstrate how gameplay can enhance imagination, foresight, and collaboration. By exploring participants' contexts and constructing meaning around "what if?" scenarios—rooted in the unique experiences and perspectives of real people—these exercises inspire innovative solutions. Furthermore, they introduce new ways of working that support resilient pathways for risk governance and climate adaptation.

This transdisciplinary approach highlights the role of serious games in fostering dialogue, sparking creativity, and generating actionable insights across science, policy, and practice to address multi-risk challenges.

How to cite: Ng, N.: Understanding complexity: co-producing serious games to address multi-risk challenges., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20253,, 2025.

This presentation reflects on the stakeholder engagement and knowledge co-production process across the Pilots in the MYRIAD-EU project, which aims to provide useful tools and approaches for creating forward-looking disaster risk management pathways that assess trade-offs and synergies across sectors, hazards, and scales. Knowledge co-production in MYRIAD-EU focused on two dimensions: the internal collaboration between project partners and the iterative co-production of knowledge between researchers and stakeholders. In this talk, we briefly introduce the framework and focus on the co-production steps leading to the finding of two focus group (FG) sessions takin place in 2023 and 2024. In these sessions, stakeholders from Scandinavia, Veneto, the Danube, the North Sea, and the Canary Islands actively participated in testing and implementing several methods, tools, and frameworks.

FG1 focused on initial stakeholder interactions, highlighting key challenges such as the rising awareness of climate change impacts, including extreme precipitation events in Scandinavia and the multi-risk nature of past storms in Veneto. Feedback from these sessions underscored the importance of clear communication, sectoral knowledge exchange, and social justice considerations in addressing climate resilience. The collaborative nature of FG1 was reflected in positive stakeholder engagement, with participants providing valuable input for scenario co-creation and testing.

Building on FG1, FG2 sought to deepen sectoral integration and refine the tools developed in the project. While securing stakeholder engagement required continuous efforts from Pilot Leads, the integration of sector-specific experts helped further co-develop disaster risk management pathways. In Veneto, the discussion centred on the Vaia storm, providing a better understanding of cross-sectoral impacts and management actions. Challenges, such as stakeholder fatigue in Scandinavia and mismatched expectations in the Canary Islands, highlighted the ongoing need for adaptable engagement strategies and clear communication of project capabilities.

The use of co-production tools, including structured interviews, interactive surveys, participatory mapping/systems thinking, scorecards, storylines and scenario-building facilitated discussions and provided valuable opportunities for stakeholders to directly influence the development of tools and strategies for disaster risk management. These sessions revealed the importance of iterative feedback, flexibility in engagement, and the need to continuously adapt methods to ensure effective collaboration. The findings underscore that successful knowledge co-development requires the integration of diverse stakeholder knowledge, effective communication of project capabilities, and adaptable co-production strategies tailored to the specific regional and sectoral contexts.

How to cite: Ciurean, R. L.: Reflections on Stakeholder Engagement, Co-Production Methods, and Knowledge Co-Development in the MYRIAD-EU Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21264,, 2025.

EGU25-1744 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Minutes Matter for Risk to Life in Disasters - the experience from Aotearoa, New Zealand 

Mathew Darling, Thomas Robinson, Benjamin Adams, Thomas Wilson, and Caroline Orchiston

Human casualties related to rapid-onset natural hazards are usually proportional to the number of people directly exposed. Yet population mobility makes  exposure difficult to assess due to temporal and spatial  variability. Population exposure is a crucial dimension of risk, and often the dynamics of exposure are overlooked in disaster risk assessment and subsequent management. Here, we quantify how disaster risk in Aotearoa New Zealand changes across multiple temporal and a highly resolved spatial scales due to dynamic population mobility and observe the significant influence it has on resulting risk.

We present a unique dataset from the highly touristic Piopiotahi Milford Sound in New Zealand using longitudinal data over a 790-day period, including throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We demonstrate how minute-by-minute population changes of up to 1000-people within 5 minutes can dramatically affect the risk posed by a landslide-triggered tsunami in the fiord. During our study period, the societal risk fluctuated by two to three orders of magnitude, underscoring how dynamic population movement translates to the potential doubling of fatalities in a tsunami. Using an established threshold for acceptable risk, our dynamic approach reveals that the societal risk was only acceptable during the strictest COVID-19 lockdown measures, after which it became increasingly unacceptable as population mobility resumed.

This New Zealand case study demonstrates that integrating high-resolution dynamic population data into disaster risk assessment can significantly improve assessments of risk, particularly in rapidly changing or high population mobility contexts. Understanding these dynamics is essential for developing effective risk reduction strategies and adaptation plans. Our findings show that incorporating longitudinal high-resolution data on dynamic exposure substantially improves assessment accuracy and reduces inherent uncertainty of dynamic disaster risk, especially in popular touristic areas and where population shifts are frequent and significant.

How to cite: Darling, M., Robinson, T., Adams, B., Wilson, T., and Orchiston, C.: Minutes Matter for Risk to Life in Disasters - the experience from Aotearoa, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1744,, 2025.

Wetlands are of global importance in providing essential ecosystem services but are also sensitive to climate change and human activities. Monitoring and assessing wetland vulnerability are crucial for ecological conservation and management strategies. However, the framework of wetland vulnerability assessment and the underlying mechanisms have not been well studied. In this study, the spatiotemporal variations in wetland vulnerability on the Qinghai‒Tibet Plateau (QTP) between 1990 and 2020 were investigated based on the ecosystem pattern-process-function framework. The key driving factors were identified by partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) and multiscale geographically weighted regression (MGWR) models. Our results showed that the wetland ecosystem pattern index (EPI), ecosystem process index (EPOI), ecosystem function index (EFI), and wetland vulnerability index (WVI) all demonstrated an increasing pattern from northwest to southeast. Between 1990 and 2020, the mean WVI values gradually decreased from 0.616 to 0.588, indicating a steady improvement in the wetland ecosystem on the QTP. Rapid urbanization increased the EPOI, while rugged topography increased both the EPI and EPOI, and the increase in hydrological abundance enhanced the EFI, which in turn contributed to an increase in the WVI. Conversely, climatic conditions led to a reduction in the EPI, which in turn resulted in a significant decrease in the WVI. Therefore, although urbanization and topographical and hydrological factors have somewhat exacerbated the WVI on the QTP, variable climatic conditions have driven the decline in wetland vulnerability in the last three decades. Furthermore, our results indicated that the proposed framework could provide a comprehensive approach for wetland vulnerability assessment and useful implications for wetland conservation and management.

How to cite: zhao, Z., Fu, B., Lü, Y., and Wu, X.: Variable climatic conditions dominate decreased wetland vulnerability on the Qinghai‒Tibet Plateau: Insights from the ecosystem pattern-process-function framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2456,, 2025.

EGU25-2620 | Orals | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Integrating Hazard, Vulnerability, and Exposure into Flood Risk Assessment in Dynamic Coastal Urban Landscapes 

Wanyun Shao, Hemal Dey, Annyca Tabassum, and Md. Munjurul Haque

Integrating hazard, vulnerability, and exposure into a comprehensive assessment of flood risk is critical for sustainable disaster management and building community resilience in coastal urban environments. This presentation synthesizes findings from four investigations to explore the interplay between hazards, vulnerability, and exposure in diverse coastal settings along the U.S. Gulf Coast. First, an analysis of Mobile Bay, Alabama, spanning 2000–2020, illustrates shifting patterns of social vulnerability amidst rapid urbanization and changes in land use and land cover (LULC). Hotspot and cluster analyses identify regions requiring special policy attention to mitigate heightened disaster risks. Second, a similar spatiotemporal analysis of vulnerability in relation to LULC changes in Harris County, Texas during the same period (2000-2020), reveals comparable patterns, highlighting areas where rapid urbanization has amplified vulnerability. Third, a flood risk model for Harris County integrates flood susceptibility mapping using machine learning with a social vulnerability index, exposing discrepancies with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) 100-year floodplain estimations. Finally, building on insights from the first three studies, a novel conceptual and methodological framework is proposed, integrating flood hazard, social vulnerability, and exposure into flood risk assessment for Tampa Bay, Florida. This framework employs multiple machine learning techniques to provide a more nuanced flood risk evaluation. Collectively, these findings underscore the necessity of integrating social and environmental datasets in flood risk assessments over time to improve resource allocation and foster long-term community resilience.

How to cite: Shao, W., Dey, H., Tabassum, A., and Haque, Md. M.: Integrating Hazard, Vulnerability, and Exposure into Flood Risk Assessment in Dynamic Coastal Urban Landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2620,, 2025.

EGU25-4213 | Orals | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Institutional vulnerability as a key risk driver 

Maria Papathoma-Koehle, Sven Fuchs, Spyridon Mavroulis, and Michalis Diakakis

Following a series of catastrophic events (floods, wildfires etc.) in Greece over the last few years (2023-2024), it has become clear that institutional issues such as legislation, accountability, political decisions, and participation have been the driving forces behind the vulnerability of communities to climate change-related hazards. An institutional vulnerability framework is used as a basis to analyse these institutional issues and their relationship to adverse outcomes. Institutional vulnerability refers to weaknesses in institutions that affect our capacities to resist, cope with and recover from the impacts of natural hazards. Efforts to reduce negative consequences and loss of natural hazards should include recognising and addressing these vulnerabilities as well as their impact on our physical robustness and coping capacities.  The framework is based on four pillars: socio-cultural, socio-political, legislative and regulatory, and fiscal economic. The socio-cultural pillar includes the level of community participation, the use of traditional methods of dealing with natural hazards as well as early warning systems that include vulnerable groups. The socio-political pillar is associated with accountability issues regarding the management of natural hazards and the management of critical infrastructure. The legislative and economic pillar includes European and national legislation related to accountabilities, land use planning, adaptation and risk transfer mechanisms. Finally, the fiscal economic pillar has to do with the national budget allocation and the financing of public bodies.

The results of this qualitative analysis show the link between individual vulnerability dimensions (physical, social, economic, environmental, etc.) and institutional issues, as well as the importance of considering institutional vulnerability as an “umbrella dimension” in vulnerability analysis. The study lays the foundation for further research to develop methodologies for assessing institutional vulnerability, but also to examine more closely the interaction between institutional issues and other dimensions of vulnerability.

How to cite: Papathoma-Koehle, M., Fuchs, S., Mavroulis, S., and Diakakis, M.: Institutional vulnerability as a key risk driver, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4213,, 2025.

EGU25-5997 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.16/NH13.4

A multi-hazard spatiotemporal exposure assessment for buildings in Austria 

Pia Echtler, Sven Fuchs, Margreth Keiler, and Matthias Schlögl

The paper­ presents a nationwide, spatially explicit, object-based assessment of buildings and citizens exposed to riverine flooding, torrential flooding, snow avalanches and multi-hazards in Austria. The assessment was based on two different datasets, (a) hazard information, which provides input for the exposure of the elements at risk, and (b) information on the building stock, which was combined from different spatial data available at the national level. Hazard information was compiled from available local scale hazard maps. The building stock information included information on the location and size of each building, as well as the building category and the construction period and year. In addition, this dataset has an interface with the population register, allowing the number of primary and secondary occupants to be retrieved for each building.

The results of the study challenge the commonly held assumption that exposure levels will inevitably increase as a result of continued population growth and the associated increase in property values. It is shown that this assumption needs to be carefully examined against the background of regional differences in the development of the building stock. While some regions in Austria have experienced asset growth well above the national average, others have experienced below-average growth patterns. These differences reflect not only the different topography of the country, but also the different economic activities and development priorities of the regions. The temporal assessment of exposure has revealed significant differences in the dynamics of exposure to different hazard categories compared to the total building stock.

In conclusion, the property-based assessment presented in this study is proving to be an important and effective tool for conducting nationwide exposure assessments. It provides a robust framework for identifying and addressing one of the most important non-climate risk drivers. Consequently, the insights generated by this approach should play a central role in operational risk management and the formulation of adaptive strategies to enhance resilience in the face of evolving climate change challenges. By revealing the complex dynamics of hazard exposure and asset growth, the study highlights the need to integrate such assessments into long-term planning and policy development.

How to cite: Echtler, P., Fuchs, S., Keiler, M., and Schlögl, M.: A multi-hazard spatiotemporal exposure assessment for buildings in Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5997,, 2025.

EGU25-6075 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Assessing landslide risk on heterogeneous agricultural landscape in rural Himalayas 

Pritha Ghosh, Somnath Bera, and Shivam Priyadarshi

Agriculture is the main livelihood and food security source in India's rural Himalayas. At the same time, frequent landslides are increasing the risk of agriculture, particularly under the changing scenario of climate. However, a few studies explored the impact of landslides on the agricultural land in the Himalayan region. Therefore, the study focuses on two-fold objectives: i.e. (i) to analyze the impact of landslides on losing agricultural land, and (ii) to assess the risk of agricultural land to landslides. We consider the Darjeeling Himalayas of India as a case study of this research. The study area is composed of diverse agricultural lands such as tea plantations, pomiculture, and cropland. To achieve these objectives, a detailed landslide inventory database is generated that covers landslides from 2001 to 2024. We develop a GIS-based framework of the risk assessment using five indicators namely the susceptibility index of landslides, temporal probability index of landslides, total affected area index of landslides, proximity index of landslides, and recovery index of agricultural land. The study considers each village as a unit of analysis. Further, a composite risk index was developed by aggregating the five indexes.  Further, the spatial pattern of risk is analyzed using hot spot and cold spot analysis. The study found varying impacts and risks of landslides on tea plantations and frame land. The study will help to develop sustainable agricultural policy in the rural Himalayas.

Key words: Landslides; Risk index; Agricultural land; GIS; Hot-spot analysis; Darjeeling

How to cite: Ghosh, P., Bera, S., and Priyadarshi, S.: Assessing landslide risk on heterogeneous agricultural landscape in rural Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6075,, 2025.

EGU25-9293 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Understanding Controls on Disaster Risk 

Chakshu Gururani, Ugur Ozturk, and Thorsten Wagener

Climate change, rapid urbanization, and socioeconomic inequalities exacerbate uncertainties in risk assessments by altering hazard intensities, exposure distributions, and vulnerability dynamics. Understanding the drivers of risk requires moving beyond static and siloed risk assessments to frameworks that capture the dynamic interactions between risk components. Sensitivity analysis helps identify which variables are most influential, providing the foundation for landslides and floods risk models that can adapt to the uncertainties. We aim to develop a conceptual framework for integrating sensitivity analysis into risk assessments to facilitate nuanced risk evaluations considering transient risk controls.

We will create a risk index by combining key factors representing hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. We will evaluate the non-linear relationships and complex interactions among these factors using machine learning models. We will quantify the contribution of each variable to the risk outcomes. We will test the proposed framework using high-resolution global datasets on flood and landslide hazards, population grids, building heights, and socioeconomic vulnerability. This procedure will enhance model interpretability and help determine the most influential drivers. The planned methodology should be scalable to other hazard types and urban contexts, providing a flexible approach for future risk assessments.

This work highlights the importance of rethinking disaster risk frameworks to inform more responsive and adaptive risk reduction strategies. By emphasizing risk sensitivity, our goal is to support evidence-based policymaking and resource allocation, strengthening preparedness and resilience in urbanizing landscapes.

How to cite: Gururani, C., Ozturk, U., and Wagener, T.: Understanding Controls on Disaster Risk, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9293,, 2025.

Cities are increasingly vulnerable to extreme heat events due to climate change, particularly in densely populated urban areas where heat exposure is intensified by the urban heat island effect. Traditional assessments of heat exposure often rely on static metrics, such as fixed thermal environmental data or residential population maps, which fail to account for the dynamic nature of human mobility. It remains unclear whether human mobility exacerbates or alleviates urban heat exposures of populations in cities, especially in high-density urban areas. This study integrates anonymized mobile phone location data with environmental heat indices to analyse spatiotemporal heat exposure patterns in Singapore. By analysing human mobility patterns with mobile phone data at a fine-grained spatial resolution, we identify hotspots of human activity and heat exposure during specific times of the day, such as work hours and evening commutes. The results highlight significant differences between static and dynamic heat exposure assessments, emphasizing the critical role of mobility in shaping the spatial-temporal patterns of heat exposure. This work provides practical guidance for urban climate adaptation, including the strategic placement of heat shelters, prioritization of urban greening in activity hotspots, and improved zoning policies. Our findings also contribute to enhancing urban resilience and public health outcomes in response to the challenges of climate change.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Zhou, J., and Stouffs, R.: Unveiling Dynamic Heat Exposure Patterns: The Intersection of Human Mobility and Environmental Heat Metrics Using Mobile Phone Data in Urban Areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9373,, 2025.

EGU25-10801 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Assessing Coastal Hazards and Mitigation Strategies for Vulnerable Communities in India 

Pragnya Priyadarsini Pradhan and Vittal Hari

Tropical cyclone-related losses are projected to increase globally due to climate change and socio-economic factors, with storm surges posing a significant threat to coastal regions. Enhanced preparedness among coastal populations is essential to reduce the impact of this trend. This study evaluates storm surge hazards and risks using a multi-attribute decision-making method and develops risk maps based on empirical data. The integration of hazard, vulnerability, and exposure indices highlights the eastern coast (Bay of Bengal) as the region with the highest present risk. Risk levels are comparatively lower along the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean coasts, but they still pose substantial threats, particularly in urbanized and low-lying areas. Additionally, by offering data-driven insights into risk management, the analysis facilitates the development of adaptable infrastructure and land-use planning for coastal resilience. Future research will focus on refining the hazard component to enhance the accuracy of risk assessments.

How to cite: Pradhan, P. P. and Hari, V.: Assessing Coastal Hazards and Mitigation Strategies for Vulnerable Communities in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10801,, 2025.

EGU25-11613 | Posters on site | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Advanced multi-risk analysis of the overall status of river-crossing bridges in the Potenza Province (southern Italy): the Tech4You Research Project 

Aurelia Sole, Beniamino Onorati, Giuseppe Francesco Cesare Lama, Carmine Limongi, Domenica Mirauda, Anamaria De Vincenzo De Vincenzo, Francesco Sdao, Giuseppe Santarsiero, Ruggero Ermini, Mario Bentivenga, Valentina Picciano, Maurizio Diomedi, Ivo Giano, Benedetto Manganelli, and Raffaele Albano

The “Guidelines for the classification and management of risk, safety assessment and monitoring of existing bridges” (Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Higher Council of Public Works, Annex DM 204/2022) are based on a general multilevel approach for the assessment of the attention class of existing river-crossing bridges.

This study reports the activities developed within the broader interest of the Tech4You Research Project, which aims at developing an innovative monitoring, assessment and management prototype system for the hydraulic, seismic, structure-foundation, and landslide risks of existing river bridges as follows: (i) a smart methodology for landslides census and landslide risk assessment, (ii) an application for the assessment of hydraulic and structural status of river-crossing bridges and, finally, (iii) design of a Decision Support System for emergency managers to identifying and prioritizing engineering actions.

The Pilot Area is embodied by the upper portion of the Agri river watershed belonging to the territory under the jurisdiction of the Potenza Province (southern Italy).

The Research Group focuses on structure-foundation, geomorphological and river engineering traits surveyed at the examined watercourses during a paramount field campaign of measurements. The hydraulic risk associated with river-crossing bridges was evaluated by considering overtopping or vertical freeboard lack, local and general scour phenomena. In this study, different hydrological analysis methods were evaluated for the assessment of the flood peak discharges characterizing the catchment areas pertaining to river-crossing bridges. Then, the bed sediments observed in the field were rigorously analyzed to characterize the grain-size distributions from HD imagery to obtain reliable values of hydraulic roughness coefficients related to the examined watercourses. Also, this study reports the findings of scour depths at both bridge piers and abutments. Further analyses will be performed based on the measurements obtained from the multi-risks monitoring system (i.e., instrumentation and data management). In addition, the effects of the seismic, structure-foundation, and landside risks on the examined river-crossing bridges were classified. 


This work was funded by the Next Generation EU - Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of 'Innovation Ecosystems', building 'Territorial R&D Leaders' (Directorial Decree n. 2021/3277) - project Tech4You - Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009. This work reflects only the authors’ views and opinions, neither the Ministry for University and Research nor the European Commission can be considered responsible for them.

How to cite: Sole, A., Onorati, B., Lama, G. F. C., Limongi, C., Mirauda, D., De Vincenzo, A. D. V., Sdao, F., Santarsiero, G., Ermini, R., Bentivenga, M., Picciano, V., Diomedi, M., Giano, I., Manganelli, B., and Albano, R.: Advanced multi-risk analysis of the overall status of river-crossing bridges in the Potenza Province (southern Italy): the Tech4You Research Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11613,, 2025.

On October 29, 2022, a tragic crowd crush incident occurred in Itaewon, Seoul, South Korea, during Halloween celebrations. 159 people died. In addition to this incident, South Korea has been experiencing new types of disasters that were previously unencountered. South Korea considers disasters into natural and societal categories. Natural disasters refer to calamities caused by natural phenomena, such as typhoons, floods, and heavy rainfall. Social disasters, on the other hand, include incidents such as fires, collapses, explosions, and large-scale traffic accidents, which can lead to significant damage and paralyze national functions. 

Accordingly, South Korea government manages large-scale safety incidents that can arise not only from natural phenomena but also from the malfunctions of social systems. Particularly, cascading and complex damages, such as physical damage caused by typhoons leading to power outages due to accumulated impacts, are treated as critical management concerns. To effectively manage and analyze risks at a national level, it is essential to incorporate the characteristics of natural and physical phenomena occurring within the country, along with measures to mitigate their intensification, into a risk management framework. This requires a framework capable of multidimensionally assessing the potential risks and cascading impacts of disasters, enabling a comprehensive risk management approach.

Therefore, this paper proposes a complex disaster risk management framework that leverages a risk management framework to comprehensively analyze the cascading and complex risks and damages of disasters, considering the characteristics of disaster risk management in Korea. Disaster safety management in South Korea focuses on identifying and mitigating various risks, including societal impacts such as dam breaches, road disruptions, and power outages, in anticipation of hazards like typhoons. To effectively manage these risks, it is necessary to conduct a systematic evaluation of the potential extreme damage scenarios that may result from these hazards. For instance, in the case of Seoul, which is exposed to super typhoons with strong winds and heavy rain, disaster management requires not only preparedness for the primary impacts of typhoons but also for secondary impacts scenarios that may result from the initial damage. In other words, a risk management framework is needed to analyze the cascading effects on other facilities when vulnerable facilities in the exposed area are damaged and these damages are considered secondary hazards.

This study proposes a framework that redefines the damage resulting from the interactions between the vulnerabilities of exposed areas (or facilities) and the response capacity of the state or facilities as a secondary hazard(or new risk factors) thereby enabling the management of complex and interconnected disaster risks. This proposed risk management framework allows for a detailed analysis of the causal chains leading to disaster-related damages and facilitates the reevaluation of previously considered impacts as secondary hazards, enabling the identification of complex and cascading risks. The proposed risk management framework is intended to be integrated into a web-based system in the future. This system will enable users to visualize the causal interactions among hazard factors, exposure, damage (as new hazards), response capacity, and vulnerability.

How to cite: Choi, D., Seo, K., and Jeong, J.: A Risk Management Framework for Disaster in Korea: Application to Disaster Damage Scenario Planning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14664,, 2025.

In recent years, the emergence of novel, unidentified diseases on a global scale has posed a significant threat to national healthy systems and public safety. In the case of such unidentified infectious diseases, as the cause is often unknow during the initial outbreak, it becomes more difficult to respond effectively in the early stages. Consequently, there has been an increasing emphasis on evaluating the impact of policies implemented during the response phase of outbreak, rather than solely focusing on prevention and preparedness. Infectious diseases have the potential to escalate from localized outbreak into national and even global crises. It also exhibits a cascading pattern of damage, significantly impacting not only the healthcare sector but also socioeconomic condition. As a result, nations have developed unique healthcare and public systems, accompanied by respective legal frameworks. The outcomes of these systems vary significantly based on their level of preparedness. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated how different countries responses to infectious diseases can lead to vastly different outcomes in terms of confirmed cases and the resulting damage. Although it is challenging to definitively rank the effectiveness of different countries responses to the pandemic given their unique characteristics, the significance of having a well-defined diseases response policy is widely acknowledged. 

South Korea faced five distinct waves of COVID-19  infections, each presenting unique challenges. The country responded to these crises with tailored policies, ultimately allowing for a shift towards a “With COVID-19” approach after the fifth wave. South Korea had established a robust infectious disease response system through previous outbreak like SARS and MERS. The country’s innovative approaches to COVID-19, including drive-through, testing and rapid diagnostic development, drew international acclaim. Nevertheless, ir remained challenging to completely to completely eliminate vulnerabilities in responding to entirely new infectious diseases. 

This research seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of South Korea’s infectious disease response policies by focusing on five trigger by rapid surges in COVID-19 cases. Although is desirable to quantify the precise influence of individual policies on disease transmission, the inherent unpredictability of pandemics, such as the variability in susceptible populatinos, outbreak location, and transmission dynamics, often necessitates the simultaneous implementation of multiple interventions. Consequently a holistic approach is essential to analysis the overall impact of these policies. This research seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of various policies implemented at different phases of the outbreak in mitigation the spread of the infectious disease and to draw lessons for future infectious diseases reponse strategies in South Korea.

How to cite: Seo, K., Choi, D., and Jeong, J.: An Analysis of South Korea Government Infectious Disease Response Policies: Focusing on the Cascading Impacts of COVID-19, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14946,, 2025.

Vulnerability has been acknowledged as a dynamic concept since the Pressure and Release model of Blaikie et al. (1994), as well as by other well-known models that integrate this risk component. Nevertheless, it is only within the past three years that new conceptual and operational frameworks have emerged, revitalising the study of vulnerability dynamics. To date, these efforts remain largely disconnected from the concept of systemic vulnerability, which is seldom defined in the literature or is typically restricted to the vulnerability that comes from the interconnectivity of different systems. Here, we posit that using the dynamics of vulnerability as a lens to study systemic vulnerability holds a significant potential for advancing in disaster risk research.

In this study, we develop a connectivity-based Multi-hazard Systemic Vulnerability Model, drawing on our previous conceptual framework for analysing the augmentation of vulnerability due to hazard impacts and misfiring adaptation options. This framework is complemented by a tool we previously developed to capture this augmentation and provide it with the needed organisational and visual support, namely Enhanced Impact Chains. The model also integrates in-depth structural equations and multiple regressions, and it is validated through a robust validation procedure including three distinct validation procedures.

The case study at hand focuses on two impactful and recent hazards that affected Romania in 2020-2021, namely river floods and the COVID-19 pandemic. To implement the Multi-hazard Systemic Vulnerability Model, we constructed five Impact Chains, three for the flood events in 2020, 2021, and 2022, one for the flood events of this entire period, and one multi-hazard Impact Chain that integrates both the hydrological and epidemiological hazards referring to 2020-2022.

Key results show that vulnerability acts as both a passive (subject to change) and active (driving change) agent. It can initially contribute to hazard impacts, get augmented by them, and continue to reinforce these impacts afterwards. Another highlight is that vulnerabilities can slow down or hinder the implementation of adaptation measures. Reinforcement feedbacks are vital to understanding the progression of multi-hazards, especially forward from the point where impacts cease to be the results of hazards alone, but are amplified by systemic vulnerabilities that were left unaddressed by mitigation options or were even amplified by such measures that failed.

Considering the findings from the model, we propose a new definition of systemic vulnerability: the stable core of vulnerability that persists across time and space, regardless of mitigation efforts and societal progress. This definition highlights the epigenetic nature of vulnerability, showcasing that systemic vulnerability results from the incapacity of a system to assimilate environmental changes, which initiates vulnerability augmentation and leads to positive feedback loops.

Marking the first scientific work aiming to acquire an in-depth understanding of systemic vulnerability within multi-hazard contexts, this model sets the stage for developing the next generation of conceptual and operational frameworks to analyse changes in vulnerability.

How to cite: Iuliana, A., Andra-Cosmina, A., and Daniela, D.: Next steps in capturing vulnerability dynamics: Introducing a connectivity-based model on systemic vulnerability to multi-hazards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15397,, 2025.

EGU25-16280 | Posters on site | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Comparative analysis of building exposure using static and dynamic flood hazard approaches 

Konstantinos Karagiorgos, Lars Nyberg, Tonje Grahn, and Hundecha Yeshewatesfa

The effective management of flood risk is dependent upon the accurate assessment of hazard and exposure, in order to support disaster preparedness and mitigation strategies. This study evaluates changes in building exposure estimates by comparing static and dynamic flood hazard analysis methods. Static approaches assume uniform flood conditions across basins, whilst dynamic hazard models incorporate the spatial variability of flood magnitudes, providing a more comprehensive representation of flood risks.

Utilising building inventory datasets, this research examines exposure under different flood scenarios and return periods. The findings reveal substantial variations in building exposure when employing dynamic hazard models, particularly in basins characterised by spatially variable hydro-meteorological conditions. The study highlights the implications of these differences for flood risk management practice and demonstrates the limitations of static hazard models in large-scale flood risk assessments.

The study makes a significant contribution to the advancement of flood risk analysis by providing a quantitative assessment of the benefits of dynamic hazard modelling. It highlights its potential to improve the accuracy of exposure assessments and to inform equitable flood risk management strategies. The findings can guide policy makers, urban planners and stakeholders in developing more targeted and resilient flood mitigation measures.

How to cite: Karagiorgos, K., Nyberg, L., Grahn, T., and Yeshewatesfa, H.: Comparative analysis of building exposure using static and dynamic flood hazard approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16280,, 2025.

EGU25-19474 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Enhancing Multi-(Hazard-)Risk Assessment and Management through Integrated Approaches 

Nicole van Maanen, Marleen de Ruiter, and Philip Ward

Understanding risk components—such as vulnerability, exposure, and hazard interactions—requires approaches that integrate diverse perspectives and data sources. This abstract presents insights from the MYRIAD-EU and EO4Multihazards projects, which combine top-down Earth Observation (EO) data with bottom-up stakeholder-driven insights to enhance multi-(hazard-)risk assessment and management.

Top-down EO methods, including satellite imagery and remote sensing, provide large-scale data on hazard monitoring, environmental changes, and exposure dynamics. Complementing this, stakeholder interviews in five pilot regions (Veneto, Canary Islands, Scandinavia, Danube, and North Sea) capture local knowledge of risk drivers, vulnerabilities, and hazard interactions. Integrating these approaches bridges critical gaps, such as the dynamic nature of vulnerabilities and their socio-economic dimensions.

This combined methodology creates a more nuanced, context-sensitive understanding of multi-(hazard-)risk. It highlights the importance of incorporating qualitative, ground-level insights into traditionally quantitative frameworks. Achievements include better identification of vulnerability drivers, improved data integration, and tailored strategies for local and regional risk reduction.

By uniting bottom-up and top-down perspectives, this approach provides a comprehensive framework for understanding risk dynamics, fostering collaboration across disciplines, and advancing adaptive, inclusive strategies for disaster risk reduction in an evolving climate.

How to cite: van Maanen, N., de Ruiter, M., and Ward, P.: Enhancing Multi-(Hazard-)Risk Assessment and Management through Integrated Approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19474,, 2025.

EGU25-2116 | Posters on site | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Global spatially explicit modeling of urban growth under diverse SSP-RCP scenarios 

Xuecao Li, Guojiang Yu, Shirao Liu, Mengqing Geng, Yuyu Zhou, and Peng Gong

We are entering the Anthropocene, a period characterized by widespread urbanization and growing concerns about sustainable development goals. Remotely sensed observations provide valuable insights into historical urban dynamics, but this data is limited to the satellite era. To address this, we employed a cellular automata model along with long-term satellite observations of urban extent to both hindcast urban dynamics from 1870 to 1990 and project future trends from 2020 to 2100 under the diverse Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). Additionally, based on urban form, we estimated the compounded thermal environment within urban areas, driven by both urbanization and climate change, in a spatially explicit manner. The resulting scenario datasets can support interdisciplinary research in areas such as public health and energy consumption.

How to cite: Li, X., Yu, G., Liu, S., Geng, M., Zhou, Y., and Gong, P.: Global spatially explicit modeling of urban growth under diverse SSP-RCP scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2116,, 2025.

EGU25-3834 | Orals | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

ICARIA RAF App – A user-friendly and holistic web tool to strengthen climate resilience of critical urban and natural assets and services 

Anabela Oliveira, Ana Mendes, Rita Salgado Brito, and Maria Adriana Cardoso

To protect urban and natural environments and promote their transition towards climate resilience, the EU-funded ICARIA project is developing a suite of innovative and comprehensive tools, available as Web interfaces (Russo et al., 2023). This paper explores the IT challenges behind the ICARIA RAF App, a tool for holistic resilience assessment.

This comprehensive web application offers an integrated and forward-looking approach to climate change impact management.  It draws upon the efforts of the RESCCUE project (RESCCUE RAF, Cardoso et al., 2019, and RAF App, Lopes et al., 2020), devoted to city climate resilience. This App extends previous work by integrating natural spaces and their climate change mitigation and adaptation capabilities and ecosystem services, by extending spatial scales from cities to regions, to address climate concerns at larger scales. Urban services and their interdependencies are still included. The usefulness of the App serves both management actions and capacity building, being used frequently in training actions. The App can be accessed at and registration is required before accessing the tool.

The use of technologies for quick and dynamic access to data and for producing instant results was necessary. The ICARIA RAF App relies on a web framework, developed in Django, a Python-based framework using HTML, JavaScript and Python for the web interface (Figure 1a). The Django framework supports various database management systems. In this application, the information made available in the interface is stored using PostgreSQL, a powerful, open source database with many features for securely storing and scaling complex data workloads.

The App allows for different user profiles, guaranteed through an authentication procedure. Users with administration permissions can manage regular users and app components, add new metrics and oversee and implement app deployments across distinct areas. Regular users can access their own studies but have several facilities to streamline new deployments, such as the cloning service, and technical support to assist with data input, such as the filtering of resilience metrics according to their typology or complexity.

The App is organized along the different resilience dimensions to be assessed, detailed according to the resilience objectives, criteria and metrics (Figure 1b). The users can select the desired resilience objective and criterium and address the correspondent metrics (Figure 1c). As data is inserted, the information is processed instantly, and resilience development levels, from incipient to progressing and advanced, are automatically calculated to generate a report (Figure 1d), to identify resilience strengths and weaknesses and plan improvements.

Figure 1 – a) App architecture, b) menus for navigation, c) and d)) Selected results available at the App.


Cardoso, M.A., Brito, R.S., et al (2019) Resilience Assessment Framework – RAF. Description and implementation. RESCCUE project Deliverable D6.4.

Lopes; P., A. Oliveira; C. Pereira; R. S. Brito; M. A. Cardoso; et al., RESCCUE RAF App – Using Technology to Mitigate Climate Change Urban Impacts, 2020. 43rd MIPRO, 1651-1655, doi: 10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245231

Russo, B.; de la Cruz Coronas, À.; Leone, M.; Evans, B.; Brito, R.S. et al 2023. Improving Climate Resilience of Critical Assets: The ICARIA Project. Sustainability15, 14090.

How to cite: Oliveira, A., Mendes, A., Salgado Brito, R., and Cardoso, M. A.: ICARIA RAF App – A user-friendly and holistic web tool to strengthen climate resilience of critical urban and natural assets and services, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3834,, 2025.

EGU25-6177 | Posters on site | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Synergistic nature of sustainable development solutions centred on heat stress in the urban system 

Heidelinde Trimmel, Sibel Eker, Deepthi Swamy, Ryan Tan, and Leila Niamir

The increased frequency of extreme weather events – a consequence of both man-made climate and land-use changes – pushes city governments to implement measures to ameliorate the impacts on city inhabitants. While governments are working to develop solutions to address heat, drought, and flooding, these challenges are often tackled separately through differing disciplinary lenses. However, individual measures may either compete with or complement one another; and it is critical to gain a better understanding of this interactions.

In this research, we use systems mapping approach to combine the varying disciplinary perspectives of urban climate measures. We aim to identify critical areas where improved information flows could enhance decision-making and policy integration. Here, we use a systems map to point out how a few active measures can act as leverage to ameliorate heat stress while having synergetic effects on other sustainable development goals and increasing the system's resilience against extreme events. The work is partly based on results of the project Imp_DroP (Impact of longer Drought Periods on Climate in Greater Vienna: appropriate Mitigation measures) and discussions with stakeholders. The system borders are defined as the actual city borders during summer heat and drought condition. The system includes all important geophysical parameters as well as planning solutions in the building sector, traffic planning and urban open space design that are known and discussed to mitigate heat stress.

Important levers driving change are cooler building envelopes, (tree) shade in pedestrian areas, and increasing water-holding capacity, which can contribute to both a reduction in local temperatures and a decrease in the city's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. Both indoor and outdoor thermal comfort are considered, as they are highly connected. Irrigation volumes and anthropogenic heat emissions are tackled as well as competition for public space and roof area.

From a system level perspective, a set of balancing loops could be identified in and across subsystems that can help in understanding and facilitating sustainable urban development. While ‘simple’ technical solutions can be of isolated nature (fixing only one problem and likely causing unintended side effects), other solutions such as increasing the availability of urban open space for pedestrians and vegetation are more difficult to implement, but have a reinforcing character, the potential to solve multiple problems across the system including enabling higher quality urban environments.

How to cite: Trimmel, H., Eker, S., Swamy, D., Tan, R., and Niamir, L.: Synergistic nature of sustainable development solutions centred on heat stress in the urban system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6177,, 2025.

EGU25-6238 | Posters on site | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Improving understanding of interactions in climate change mitigation and adaptation: Insights from three EU projects DISTENDER, KNOWING and NEVERMORE. 

Roberto San Jose, Alessia Torre, Mattia Leone, Juan Luis Perez-Camanyo, Marianne Buegelmayer-Blaschek, Ivan Ramos, and Kristin Tovaas

Three Horizon Europe projects - DISTENDER, KNOWING and NEVERMORE - have been launched to improve the understanding of the complex interactions between climate change impacts, risks and the design and implementation of mitigation and adaptation strategies. These projects aim to develop methodologies and tools that support the formulation of effective climate strategies, thereby improving decision-making processes. Together, they will generate: (1) new knowledge on earth system dynamics and improved climate prediction capabilities; (2) a better understanding of how socio-economic factors interact with climate factors to shape future scenarios; (3) innovative methods and context-specific knowledge for integrating adaptation and mitigation strategies; (4) sector-specific guidelines for implementing climate actions; and (5) policy recommendations relevant to multiple scales of governance. DISTENDER (DevelopIng STratEgies by integratIng mitigatioN, aDaptation, and participation to climate changE Risks) focuses on the co-development of integrated adaptation and mitigation strategies by combining local knowledge with global and regional data through participatory approaches. Its Decision Support System (DSS) will provide guidelines, tools and policy recommendations to promote adaptive and resilient climate strategies. KNOWING (Framework for defining climate change mitigation pathways based on integrated understanding and assessment of climate impacts, adaptation strategies and societal transformation) aims to develop a holistic modelling framework that quantifies the interaction between climate impacts, risks, mitigation and adaptation, providing critical support to region-specific policies and actions. NEVERMORE (New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdeling fRamework towards a climatE neutral and resilient society) focuses on physical modelling and assessment of climate impacts and risk while maintaining coherence at National, EU and local levels. Its integrated modelling framework, supported by practical ICT tools, will facilitate decision-making to improve climate resilience. The three projects contribute to a comprehensive analysis of the local climate situation through risk and vulnerability assessments including also the adaptive capacity. Local-scale climate and socio-economic projections are used to estimate future impacts and emissions, helping to identify region-specific adaptation and mitigation actions. These actions are assessed and prioritised based on costs, co-benefits and trade-offs between multiple objectives.

How to cite: San Jose, R., Torre, A., Leone, M., Perez-Camanyo, J. L., Buegelmayer-Blaschek, M., Ramos, I., and Tovaas, K.: Improving understanding of interactions in climate change mitigation and adaptation: Insights from three EU projects DISTENDER, KNOWING and NEVERMORE., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6238,, 2025.

EGU25-6735 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Enhancing the usability of climate services for adaptation action - the example of the Climate Register 

Kevin Laranjeira, Jan-Albrecht Harrs, Laura Dalitz, and Bente Tiedje

Enhancing the usability of climate services for adaptation action - the example of the Climate Register

Climate change-related challenges can differ greatly in different regions due to natural, structural and socio-economic factors. Therefore, adaptation solutions should address the regional specific spatial and societal challenges. The RegIKlim project (Regional Information on Climate Action) addresses this need by developing climate information for local climate action. Within RegIKlim six model regions across Germany develop and implement climate service products for local decision support. The two cross-cutting research projects NUKLEUS and WIRKsam support the model regions by providing high resolution climate model data (3 km grid) and by channeling climate adaptation research to develop usable tools and information at the interface between regional climate modeling and impact modeling.

The common goal of WIRKsam and NUKLEUS is to develop a web-based climate information platform, the Climate Register, that focuses specifically on the support of climate adaptation action. The proposed poster presentation aims to present the concept of the Climate Register, based on a thorough needs assessment. Specific objectives of the Climate Register are to provide high-resolution climate model and geo data, climate services developed in the model regions as well as guidance and interpretations documents.

Co-developed tools and relevant additional information aim to support decision-making of regional climate adaptation. Furthermore, scientifical methods for developing measurable local adaptation targets and improving the practical relevance of climate services (e.g. how climate services help to draw up an adaptation strategy) will be included. In this regard, the Climate Register pursues a one-stop-shop approach. The contribution is intended to inform about the activities of the RegIKlim funding measure and to stimulate discussion about how data and information can be effectively used for regional climate adaptation action and the corresponding decision-making process.

How to cite: Laranjeira, K., Harrs, J.-A., Dalitz, L., and Tiedje, B.: Enhancing the usability of climate services for adaptation action - the example of the Climate Register, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6735,, 2025.

EGU25-7610 | Posters on site | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

The Role of Financial Institutions in Net-Zero Transition: Building a Knowledge Map for Climate Transition Assessment 

Chin-Chieh Liu, Jung-Hsuan Tsao, I-Wen Liu, Wei Hung, and Tsai-Chia Tsai

With the trend of the net-zero transition, the financial industry plays a critical role in providing capital and accelerating the global transition to net-zero. However, the transition is a gradual process. This study proposes a framework for climate transition assessment called "Net-Zero Transition Knowledge Map". The framework provides financial institutions with a reference for evaluating corporate net-zero transition performance, supports net-zero strategy implementation, and drives economic transition.

The construction of the knowledge map involves identifying and mapping knowledge requirements to provide a suitable process for analyzing and presenting. Integrating industry characteristics on climate, this study analyses corporate transition performance by collecting and systematically evaluating indexes of climate transition.

The proposed framework integrates quantitative and qualitative analysis from the industry level to individual enterprises through four key steps: first, identifying industry characteristics by analyzing the type of industries, with a focus on restrictive or sensitive sectors on climate, and conducting value chain analysis to assess involvement in high-carbon activities or potential transition technologies. Second, comprehensive indicators should be collected to establish clear data sources and foundations for assessment. Third, establish benchmarks through general and industry-specific metrics. Finally, assess corporate transition maturity by evaluating current performance and future transition plans.

This study contributes a practical assessment model by integrating corporate climate goals and industry-specific net-zero transition characteristics on a science-based. It provides strategy references for financial institutions and offers strong support for promoting economic systems toward a net-zero transition.

Keywords: transition finance, climate risk assessment, knowledge map

How to cite: Liu, C.-C., Tsao, J.-H., Liu, I.-W., Hung, W., and Tsai, T.-C.: The Role of Financial Institutions in Net-Zero Transition: Building a Knowledge Map for Climate Transition Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7610,, 2025.

As global warming and climate change intensify, electricity consumption is increasing every year, and extreme weather phenomena such as heat waves in particular are causing irregular energy consumption, which is adding serious difficulties to predicting and managing electricity supply. In 2022, during the heat wave period in Korea when temperatures approached 40 degrees Celsius, electricity demand surged, which put a great burden on the power grid, and there were repeated instances of unstable power supply. This situation carries the risk of causing an emergency such as a large-scale power outage.
This study aims to analyze the probability distribution of power consumption to analyze these problems more precisely and to suggest ways to improve power management.
The study analyzed the impact of various weather conditions and temperature changes on energy consumption using the EnergyPlus building energy model. The entire Korean Peninsula was divided into 425 grids at 0.25º intervals, and temperature and power data for each grid were constructed. Through this, the differences in energy consumption changes by region across the entire Korean Peninsula were reflected, providing basic data for more precise power management.
The results of this study will provide useful statistical information on regional energy consumption and contribute to establishing power management strategies to effectively respond to changes in energy demand due to climate change. In addition, the significance of this study is to provide practical assistance in increasing the accuracy of energy resource management through risk analysis according to future population movement and regional development.

How to cite: Kang, H., Ahn, S., and Moon, W.: Analysis of regional energy composition changes in Korea during high temperature cases using EnergyPlus model simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7878,, 2025.

EGU25-7886 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Analysis of Building Energy Consumption Under Climate Variability 

Soohyun Ahn, Woosok Moon, and Hyomin Kang

The relationship between climate variability and building energy consumption is critical for understanding future energy demand. This study examines the impact of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on building energy patterns in South Korea, with a focus on seasonal cooling and heating demands. By integrating long-term ERA5 reanalysis data (1979–2023) into a building energy simulation framework, we identified significant trends driven by climatic oscillations.

When the PDO is in its negative phase, cooling energy demand in summer increases while heating energy demand in winter decreases, reflecting a shift in energy requirements due to regional climate anomalies. Conversely, the positive PDO phase results in reduced cooling demand and heightened heating demand, reversing these trends. These findings provide critical insights into the dynamic interplay between large-scale climate patterns and building energy consumption, highlighting the necessity of adaptive energy strategies to mitigate the effects of climate variability.

Our results underscore the importance of including regional climate variability, such as PDO and ENSO phases, in building energy analyses to enhance predictive accuracy and inform sustainable energy policy development. The implications of these insights extend to infrastructure planning, enabling more resilient and efficient energy systems amidst a changing climate.

How to cite: Ahn, S., Moon, W., and Kang, H.: Analysis of Building Energy Consumption Under Climate Variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7886,, 2025.

EGU25-7940 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Enhancing transport modelling with microclimate simulations: an interdisciplinary approach to climate adaptation modelling within the KNOWING project 

Andrea Hochebner, Benjamin Kokoll, Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek, Martin Schneider, and Markus Straub

As climate change is an urgent global threat, the EU’s Green Deal aims to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050, while ensuring fair and sustainable implementation. Achieving this goal requires both mitigation and adaptation measures, with a focus on understanding the interactions and trade-offs between them. One major shortcoming of current modelling approaches is the omission of interactions between domain-specific models from various fields, as they often differ in their modelling approaches. However, this is crucial in understanding the full impact of mitigation and adaptation measures, as their impact cascades into many sectors.

Among other demonstrator regions within the KNOWING project, future scenarios for the city of Tallinn (Estonia), incorporating traffic related mitigation and heat related adaptation measures are modelled in close exchange with city representatives. The traffic and transport sectors are simulated with a state-of-the-art multimodal tour-based transport model, which aims to depict passenger and freight transport activities and traffic flows for a typical workday for the status-quo, 2030, 2040 and 2050. To understand the microclimate as well as to identify heat stress hotspots of the city, the state-of-the-art model PALM-4U is used. A hot summer day with boundary conditions from a mesoscale climate model is applied to the status-quo city as well as a Tallinn of 2030, 2040 and 2050.

To capture the impact of the transport scenarios to the microclimate simulationstransport infrastructure changes have been implemented as land-use changes within PALM-4U. Desealing of street lanes as well as parking lots and added street greenery within the future scenarios is applied in PALM-4U based on the modelled changes in transport infrastructure. Vice versa, the transport model is also impacted by the microclimate model, as street canyons with high heat stress during the daytime might be avoided by cyclists and pedestrians alike.

This results effectively in a quantification of exposure for pedestrians and cyclists for each link, allowing to define additional weights for these passages within the transport model. These weights account for a disutility for pedestrians and cyclists within destination choice, mode choice and route assignment procedures. As the typical working day traffic is simulated for the entire year and the heat day simulation is only valid for some summer days, the weights derived from microclimate model are only applied as statistically appropriate for each future scenario.

Many further interactions and linkages between the two modelling approaches are still omitted, however the possible enhancement of the transport model with heat stress information from the climate model lays an important foundation for further understanding the intersectoral impacts of climate adaptation measures and adds additional value in transit-orientated development.

How to cite: Hochebner, A., Kokoll, B., Bügelmayer-Blaschek, M., Schneider, M., and Straub, M.: Enhancing transport modelling with microclimate simulations: an interdisciplinary approach to climate adaptation modelling within the KNOWING project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7940,, 2025.

EGU25-9435 | Posters on site | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Integrated pathways of local adaptation and mitigation towards climate neutrality and resilience – Experience from the KNOWING project 

Paolo Scussolini, Marianne Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek, Giovanna Pisacane, Pierre Chopin, Miguel Ángel Esbrí, Joshua Kiesel, and Callum Blacow

In a race against time to limit climate change and to prepare for its consequences, global societies need to find effective strategies to simultaneously mitigate greenhouse gas emission and adapt to a changing climate. The European Commission mandates that all member states become carbon neutral by 2050; however, the specific actions towards these objectives are left to regional authorities, presenting complex challenges for local stakeholders and decision-makers. How can carbon emission be reduced or sequestered, while adapting to the growing risk of climate extremes, and while securing the well-being and prosperity of citizens? How to plan the adoption of sufficient measures in the coming decades, while preventing spill-over effects across sectors and objectives? Project KNOWING develops and implements a new methodology to explicitly address these challenges. Together with four regions – Granollers (Spain), Naples (Italy), South Westphalia (Germany) and Tallinn (Estonia) – we co-create sets of specific interventions for adaptation and for mitigation. We use ~12 domain-specific, state-of-the-art computer models, to simulate future localized climate hazards and to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected interventions. We then integrate the results of these model into a system dynamics framework, which enables us to quantify the collective effect of all interventions towards the stated goals, and to chart pathways of action until 2050. We will present the approach, the solutions to the emerging challenges, and preliminary results for our four regions.

How to cite: Scussolini, P., Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek, M., Pisacane, G., Chopin, P., Esbrí, M. Á., Kiesel, J., and Blacow, C.: Integrated pathways of local adaptation and mitigation towards climate neutrality and resilience – Experience from the KNOWING project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9435,, 2025.

Climate change requires transformative adaptation and mitigation measures across all sectors of society, to ensure the ambitions established under the Paris Agreement. However, the implementation of measures can also have wider-reaching trade-offs in other sectors or for competing objectives. These unintended effects require methods that can capture both the direct and ripple effects of interventions, in terms of co-benefits and trade-offs.

South-Westphalia is a majority forested (spruce-dominated) sub-region of North Rhine-Westphalia in western Germany, where societal actors are pursuing solutions to meet the climate mitigation goals linked to the Paris Agreement while ensuring those solutions would be compatible with future climate. Given its typicality compared to many European forests, successes in South-Westphalia could apply to other similar regions across Europe.

The research objective is to explore how different options for measure selection and timing in forested regions perform regarding carbon sequestration and future climate resilience while comparing their trade-offs for competing objectives in other sectors. This is accomplished using CLUMondo (a land system model) and a carbon model to simulate the impact of changes in forest composition and management strategies on surrounding land-uses and carbon sequestration. The land-use map outputs of these management scenarios are then evaluated per timestep for their changes in carbon stock, total sequestration compared to t0, and sequestration increment. Furthermore, the effects on competing land-uses such as timbre from logging or yield from agriculture are evaluated to contextualise the effectiveness of measures/scenarios. The scenarios to be tested include a reference scenario (BAU), and alternative scenarios: afforestation with climate-adapted species; climate-adapted mixed forests; permanent forestry; and wind turbines. For each scenario, the speed and timing of measure implementation are tested for gradual, fast and instant implementation. The alternative scenarios aimed to reach carbon neutrality between the yearly emission from the local population (1.4 million people) of 2.95 Mt C (German emission per capita statistics multiplied by population) and the carbon sequestration increment per time-step by 2050.

Among the scenarios tested, afforestation with climate-adapted species showed good potential for sequestration, with a range of 2.06-2.7 Mt C sequestered per timestep in 2050 (depending on the speed of implementation), representing 69-92% of yearly emissions from South-Westphalia (3-4 times the reference scenario at 22%). However, the land-consuming nature of afforestation had large trade-offs for agricultural yields with a 77%  and 34% reduction in cropland and pasture areas respectively. Therefore, afforestation in smaller amounts would ideally be better combined with other less land-consuming measures such as wind turbines to meet carbon sequestration goals at a lesser trade-off cost. The size of the impact from the pace of measure implementation on the final results in 2050 highlights the importance of prompt policy-making to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

How to cite: Blacow, C., Verburg, P., and Chopin, P.: Evaluating Measure Selection and Timing for Carbon Sequestration, Stock Resilience, and Cross-Sector Trade-offs in Forested Regions: Insights from the KNOWING Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10440,, 2025.

EGU25-10512 | Orals | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Advancing Climate Resilience: Insights from a European Survey on Regional Climate Risk Assessment 

Gloria Mozzi, Fulvio Biddau, Michaela Bachmann, Davide Serrao, Majid Niazkar, Jaroslav Mysiak, Dana Stuparu, Anna Pirani, and Jeremy Pal

The European landscape for climate risk assessment (CRA) is characterized by significant heterogeneity, reflecting diverse methodologies, datasets, and community practices across regions. This complexity highlights the need for harmonised yet adaptable frameworks capable of accommodating local and regional contexts, integrating diverse knowledge systems, and fostering cross-sectoral collaboration to promote climate-resilient development through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches.

As part of the Horizon 2021 CLIMAAX project, a comprehensive survey was conducted to capture the state of regional CRA practices across Europe. The survey covered four different key dimensions: (i) guiding principles, (ii) technical approaches, (iii) participatory practices, and (iv) bottlenecks and best practices in CRA implementation.  As of December 2024, responses were collected from 53 experts and practitioners spanning 23 European countries.  The findings revealed that 31% of respondents incorporate both current and future climate scenarios into their CRA for various hazards, while 25% rely solely on current conditions. Among climate scenarios, RCP4.5 emerged as the most used for mid-century assessments (2050s), while RCP8.5 was favoured for end-of-century projections.

The survey also examined stakeholder engagement across different stages of CRA, including co-design, collaboration, consultation, and information-sharing. In this regard, research institutions emerged as the most frequently-engaged stakeholders, with nearly half of respondents reporting active collaboration. In contrast, citizens, local authorities, and vulnerable groups were less involved, particularly in the active phases of the co-creation, underscoring some challenges of integrating participatory processes at local levels.

Some of these key insights from the CLIMAAX CRA survey were used to inform the development of an open-source CRA framework and a toolbox. These resources are designed not only to conduct CRA at a local level but also to bridge the gap between science, policy, and society. Adaptable to regional contexts, they promote integration across sectors and knowledge systems, addressing both technical and social dimensions of climate-resilient development.

The survey findings underscore the importance of integrating diverse methods, co-creation practices, and open data to develop equitable and context-specific climate solutions across Europe. By adopting more inclusive participation, leveraging open-source tools, and building capacity in climate scenario integration, European regions can advance more equitable and effective CRA practices, fostering resilience across diverse hazard and vulnerability contexts.

How to cite: Mozzi, G., Biddau, F., Bachmann, M., Serrao, D., Niazkar, M., Mysiak, J., Stuparu, D., Pirani, A., and Pal, J.: Advancing Climate Resilience: Insights from a European Survey on Regional Climate Risk Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10512,, 2025.

EGU25-10811 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

How different SSPs will affect air quality and human health: the DISTENDER project framework 

Silvia Coelho, Vera Rodrigues, and Joana Ferreira

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that air pollution causes seven million deaths annually. As climate change is expected to affect future air quality patterns, understanding the links between air pollution, climate change, and their health impacts remains a pressing research challenge. Addressing this challenge, this study, conducted within the HE Project DISTENDER, explores potential health impacts attributable to air pollution under four Shared Socio-Economic Pathways (SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, SSP5-8.5) across five European regions: Austria, the EURAF region (Montado-Dehesa in the Iberian Peninsula), the North-east Netherlands, metropolitan area of Turin (Italy), and urban area of Guimarães (Portugal). These diverse case studies span different characteristics in terms of sectors, scale, climate impacts, environmental, socioeconomic and cultural factors, and climate policy goals, enhancing the replicability of findings.

Air pollutant concentrations (PM10, PM2.5, NO2) were assessed using the Gaussian model URBAIR®, configured with spatial resolutions ranging from 9000 to 500 meters, depending on the domain. Simulations were performed for each year from 2015 to 2049 in two rounds. In Round1, the URBAIR simulations were using as input data the meteorological variables provided by the statistical downscaling of CanESM5, EC-EARTH3, and MPI-ESM1-2-HR global climate models (GCMs), for the selected SSPs scenarios, keeping land use and air pollutants emissions as in the present. In Round2a, the same meteorological variables of Round1 were used, but only considering EC-EARTH3 GCM, and land use and air pollutants emissions were changed according with each SSP narrative.

For both rounds, following the European Environmental Agency methodology and according to the WHO guidelines, concentration-response functions for different morbidity and mortality health indicators were used to estimate health impacts of long-term exposures, considering the modelled concentrations by grid cell and pollutant, together with population data stratified by age and sex. For Round1 population was kept as in the present, and in Round2a was updated following the SSP narratives.

In General, results indicate distinct trends in mortality and morbidity indicators related to air pollution for the coming years, depending on the case study and the GCM used. For Round1, for all case studies and GCMs, the SSP5-8.5 scenario (the one with higher climate change impacts) is the one that presents the highest number of cases for both mortality and morbidity. However, in Round2a, for each case study, it is possible to verify relevant differences between the results linked with each SSP scenario, as well as high interannual variability. These differences relative to Round1 are mainly determined by changes in: (i) land use; (ii) emissions; and (iii) population.

This study underscores the need for interdisciplinary methods to support climate-resilient development at regional and local levels. The analysis of multiple SSPs scenarios allow for a more complete view of the interactions between climate and air quality policies, allowing to support decision makers in the development of ‘win-win’ strategies that simultaneously improve air quality and limit climate change. The findings provide a basis for scalable strategies that address context-specific climate impacts and foster systemic transformations, supporting decision-makers in advancing resilient and sustainable development pathways.

How to cite: Coelho, S., Rodrigues, V., and Ferreira, J.: How different SSPs will affect air quality and human health: the DISTENDER project framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10811,, 2025.

EGU25-11861 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Co-development of semi-quantitative climate resilient development pathways for the city of Logroño, Spain 

Gaby S. Langendijk, Sadie McEvoy, Ad Jeuken, Marjolijn Haasnoot, Saioa Zorita, and Nieves Pena

As cities work towards becoming more resilient, they encounter a range of challenges related to adaptation, mitigation, and sustainable development. Often, these challenges are addressed in silos, with efforts focusing either on isolated aspects or on just two of the three objectives at a time, leaving a truly integrated approach unmet. Climate Resilient Development Pathways (CRDP) aim to integrate adaptation, mitigation, and sustainable development over time, taking into account (deep) uncertainties about climate change and other sources of uncertainty. These pathways support the integrated planning and execution of climate action, while maximising synergies and minimising trade-offs between adaptation, mitigation, and sustainable development.

A novel systematic approach has been developed to operationalise CRDP, using the well-established method for adaptation pathways, “Dynamic Adaptive Pathways Planning (DAPP)”, as a starting point. This novel approach, CRDAPP, starts by envisioning multiple desirable futures and understanding the decision context and current policy objectives and actions for adaptation, mitigation and development. Thereafter, the synergies and trade-offs are assessed between the different climate actions, and policy relevant tipping points are identified – meaning points in time when new actions will be required. Next, alternative pathways are formulated of desirable actions for climate resilient development over time. The final outcome is a pathways map, as well as an implementation and monitoring plan.

To date, the novel CRDAPP approach has only been applied qualitatively. In this study, we demonstrate how the approach can be used to develop semi-quantitative pathways co-created with the city of Logroño, Spain. Special focus is placed on showing how existing climate services and tools can support the development of CRDP with substantive quantitative scientific evidence, e.g. for identifying combined hotspots for climate risks and social vulnerability, or for understanding the effectiveness of different measures, both crucial aspects to develop CRDP. Tools for quantitatively evaluating the interactions between adaptation, mitigation, and sustainable development objectives and measures are also explored for Logroño. However, we identify the development of tools and services that offer a quantitative assessment of these interactions as an area requiring further research, to progress towards fully quantified CRDP.

Throughout the co-development process, the municipality of Logroño gained valuable insights into the range of options for achieving resilient urban futures over time, as well as strategies for sequencing measures in the context of climate change. The climate resilient development pathways provide helpful support to the municipality in advancing integrated climate action planning, aligning adaptation, mitigation, and sustainable development efforts.

How to cite: S. Langendijk, G., McEvoy, S., Jeuken, A., Haasnoot, M., Zorita, S., and Pena, N.: Co-development of semi-quantitative climate resilient development pathways for the city of Logroño, Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11861,, 2025.

EGU25-12563 | Orals | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

UCCRN City Solutions Case Study Atlas  

William Solecki

The UCCRN (Urban Climate Change Research Network) City Solutions Case Study Atlas (City CSA) is an innovative initiative designed to advance urban climate action by creating a dynamic, interactive platform that visualizes and geo-localizes diverse climate solutions. The City CSA bridges critical knowledge gaps, particularly in the Global South, on current climate solution actions being implemented at the local level in previously underrepresented regions by compiling a comprehensive repository of case studies from a broad spectrum of stakeholders—including policymakers, researchers, city networks, and Indigenous communities. This project will result in the development of an online interactive platform featuring dynamic map visualisation that enables users to explore case studies by region and by cities, filter cases based on specific variables, and create flexible city groupings. Projections for temperature, precipitation, and sea level rise for case study cities will be developed. Additionally, remote sensing data will provide insights into urban landscapes, land use changes, and environmental conditions. The City CSA will serve as a high-quality resource for cities and urban practitioners, promoting equitable knowledge exchange, facilitating climate adaptation and mitigation efforts globally, and enabling cross-regional learning and collaboration for urban climate resilient development. The City CSA will also serve as a rigorous evidence base for a variety of applications including the upcoming IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. 

How to cite: Solecki, W.: UCCRN City Solutions Case Study Atlas , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12563,, 2025.

EGU25-14524 | Posters on site | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Assessing nitrogen load on a trade-oriented subtropical island in Japan by the concept of food nitrogen footprint 

Kosuke Hamada, Sadao Eguchi, Nanae Hirano, and Kei Asada

Various human activities generate reactive nitrogen (Nr, all forms of nitrogen except di-nitrogen [N2]); food production is one of the primary emission sources. Chemical fertilizer, which we can generate artificially, is indispensable to meet the world population's demand. However, excessive fertilizer use leads to nitrogen leaching into water bodies and N2O emissions harming the environment. To overcome the problems, we should reuse organic resources such as manure instead of chemical fertilizers. Moreover, it is known that the present meat-dominant food style produces more Nr load on the environment than a plant-based diet. Therefore, customers’ food choice also significantly affects the nitrogen balance. To explore measures of Nr load mitigation both on the produce and customer sides, we applied the concept of food nitrogen footprint to a subtropical island in Japan—Ishigaki Island, as a case study. Agriculture and tourism are the primary industries on the island. The main products are sugarcane, pineapple, beef, and calf; most of them are exported. The food for the inhabitants relies on the import. We used the statistical data from 2022 for the calculation. The results showed that Nr loss from the island’s food system was 41.7 kgN per capita; 58% and 33% of the Nr load were related to the exported and imported food, respectively, indicating trade-oriented characteristics. Most of the Nr influx was chemical fertilizer and imported food and feed. The results indicated that reducing chemical fertilizer use and importing food and feed would effectively mitigate the Nr loss in the Island’s food system. By conducting scenario analyses, it was revealed that manure use reduced Nr loss on the island (13% reduction), and changing import food from a meat-dominant into a plant-dominant reduced mainly the Nr loss in overseas, where imported food produced (26% reduction). This indicated that both production and consumers’ choices are necessary to reduce Nr loss not only on the island but also in overseas. These findings contribute to maintaining the global nitrogen balance.

How to cite: Hamada, K., Eguchi, S., Hirano, N., and Asada, K.: Assessing nitrogen load on a trade-oriented subtropical island in Japan by the concept of food nitrogen footprint, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14524,, 2025.

EGU25-17552 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Interdisciplinary Pathways for Sustainable Management of Geological Resources: A Case Study in Flanders 

Alexander Van Overmeiren, Hanne Lamberts-Van Assche, Alejandra Tovar, Kyra Verbruggen, Carolin Wallmeier, Luka Tas, Wouter Deleersnyder, Jose Rodriguez, Hannelore Peeters, Kris Piessens, Alex Daniilidis, Phil Vardon, Brent Bleys, Anne Bergmans, Thomas Hermans, Matthias Buyle, and Tine Compernolle

The subsurface is often overlooked in the field sustainable natural resources management, even though it provides us with supporting, provisioning, regulating and cultural geosystem services. Additionally, the subsurface can contribute to the transition towards a more sustainable society by, for examples, storing energy and extracting geothermal energy. Currently exploitation of the subsurface occurs on a first-come-first-served basis, which might lead to inefficiencies and inequities.

The need for sustainable development policies becomes progressively more essential, as subsurface exploitation is expected to increase. Six challenges are defined for sustainable use of geological resources: value pluralism, overexploitation, geological interferences, inequalities, multi-actor economies and uncertainties. To formulate scientifically sound advice for policymakers, it follows that expertise to tackle these challenges comes together.

Addressing the diverse knowledge requirements to solve complex problems evidently necessitates interdisciplinary collaboration. This collaboration has its own opportunities, including enhanced creativity and the ability to address complex issues. However, challenges frequently arise. For instance, difficulties emerge in finding consensus due to a wide array of viewpoints, accepted assumptions which are not shared in other disciplines, and a need to learn about each other’s fields. Such issues can cause friction when working on problems collectively. This paper proposes a novel framework for effective interdisciplinary collaboration, based on ongoing research within the DIAMONDS project. We present  interdisciplinary methods and approaches  for sustainable development of the subsurface.

We aspire to grapple with challenges related to geological resource use by building an interdisciplinary team, developing an integrative framework and studying a stakeholder-validated case. The identified challenges form a guideline to establish which expertise is necessary to study sustainable subsurface management. Once adequate expertise is found, the integrative framework, as detailed below, supports the team in integrating their knowledge and research outcomes. Firstly, we highlight the need for repeated interaction. This requires sustained consortium meetings, which address previously outlined interdisciplinary challenges. Additionally, we aim to increase the validity of our research by performing a stakeholder mapping and engaging key stakeholders to ensure adequate representation. Secondly, our management practices aim to support collaboration, both within the project (e.g. consortium, researcher and one-on-one meetings) and with external stakeholders. Interactions with stakeholders are tailored to their expertise, ranging from interviews with a technical focus to workshops discussing equitable ownership of segments of the subsurface. Finally, all insights are synthesized and serve as input to flexible methodologies which allow integration across disciplines. For example, causal loop diagrams show causal connections, possibly crossing disciplines, when describing the subsurface system.

This framework on interdisciplinary collaboration is applied to a stakeholder-validated case study. It examines two potentially interacting shallow subsurface activities: aquifer thermal energy storage and groundwater extraction. This paper describes our interdisciplinary approach and the methods we applied to the case.

How to cite: Van Overmeiren, A., Lamberts-Van Assche, H., Tovar, A., Verbruggen, K., Wallmeier, C., Tas, L., Deleersnyder, W., Rodriguez, J., Peeters, H., Piessens, K., Daniilidis, A., Vardon, P., Bleys, B., Bergmans, A., Hermans, T., Buyle, M., and Compernolle, T.: Interdisciplinary Pathways for Sustainable Management of Geological Resources: A Case Study in Flanders, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17552,, 2025.

EGU25-17709 | Orals | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Air quality and health impacts of co-created climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies 

Joana Ferreira, Sílvia Coelho, João Basso, Hélder Relvas, Myriam Lopes, Peter Roebeling, and Ana Isabel Miranda

Over the next decades, the effects of climate change are expected to worsen, posing greater risks to human health. Integrated mitigation and adaption strategies are urgent and should involve local and regional authorities at different levels where their expertise can make a difference. Moreover, developing and implementing tools and initiatives with the collaboration of citizens, researchers, and policymakers on specific climate change adaptation and mitigation measures would increase their ability to respond, and reduce their overall risk and vulnerability.

The ongoing DISTENDER Horizon Europe project aims to assess the effectiveness and robustness of different adaptation and mitigation measures by the development of a set of cross-sectoral and multi-scale modelling tools for impact assessment and economic evaluation framework that will feed a Decision Support System (DSS) to support decision making towards climate resilience. The DSS will include a tool that allows policy-makers to rank strategies, which have been previously assessed against a set of cross-sectorial climate change related indicators. This work will focus on the emissions, air quality and health related indicators (2 out of 14) that have been evaluated for the modellable strategies over a wide range of 330 strategies, for different European case studies, covering different sectors (agriculture, energy, transport and mobility, etc). The strategies were based on existing or new regional or local policies and challenges, and on the co-design by stakeholders in co-creation workshops, and were assessed by a modelling approach from emissions to health impacts and trade-offs for the future.

The methodology to evaluate the strategies, after a preliminary screening to identify which could be modelled, consisted of different steps, starting by the interpretation of each strategy and translation into a quantifiable effect on emissions, followed by its air quality and health simulation. The outputs were expressed as a percentage reduction or increase of health effects compared to the reference, that allowed to score the strategies from 1 (high increase) to 5 (high reduction) where 3 means no effect.

The results indicated that none of the strategies would lead to negative effects on health which was expected since most of them were mobility measures designed to reduce air pollution. The highest positive impacts were found for mobility strategies related to the drastic reduction of private cars and promotion of carbon neutral public transportation in urban areas. These outcomes will be part of the decision matrix of 14 indicators to be included in the DSS and help policy makers to select more efficiently the most adequate, robust and cost-benefit mitigation and adaption measures to tackle climate change risks in their regions.

How to cite: Ferreira, J., Coelho, S., Basso, J., Relvas, H., Lopes, M., Roebeling, P., and Miranda, A. I.: Air quality and health impacts of co-created climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17709,, 2025.

EGU25-18351 | Orals | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Rapid flood risk assessment and adaptation planning for climate resilient developments: a Rio de Janeiro case study 

Hans Gehrels, Dirk Eilander, Willem Tromp, Athanasios Tsiokanos, Sarah Rautenbach, Kathryn Roscoe, João Paulo Fraga, and Patrícia Ney de Montezuma

Climate resilient development must be risk-informed to protect citizens, homes, and infrastructure from climate risks. Especially, urban floods underscore the vulnerability of cities and the complex challenges in managing growth and development. 

Here we present two tools to support flood risk assessment and adaptation planning.  HydroFlows  (developed in the UP2030-HE project) provides modular workflows for standardized and reproducible probabilistic flood risk modelling and assessments based on a cascade of climate, hydrological, hydrodynamic and socio-economic impact models. The tool generates flood hazard and risk maps for various climate and urbanization scenarios. First, a rapid first-order flood risk screening can be performed based on global datasets at any given location, which can be refined further with local data where available. FloodAdapt leverages HydroFlows-generated data to bring the power of flood and impact modelling to a wider group of practitioners, such as policymakers and city staff, enabling them to explore different mitigation and adaptation strategies hands-on through a user-friendly graphical interface. This tool supports the economic and social evaluation of measures such as floodwalls, urban greening, water storage, elevating homes, buyouts, and floodproofing under diverse flood events and future conditions. 

The Acari River basin in Rio de Janeiro, a densely populated and flood-prone region, has experienced significant floods, including a major event in January 2024 affecting 78,000 people. These floods caused extensive damage to homes, infrastructure, and public services. Despite ongoing efforts to improve drainage and build protective infrastructure, rapid urbanization and climate-related heavy rains continue to pose challenges. While the city has high-quality data, there is a need for comprehensive flood models to assess and predict flood risks. By combining these local datasets with public global data and our tooling, we were able to analyse how our tools can contribute to more informed, effective flood risk management and support climate resilient development.  

How to cite: Gehrels, H., Eilander, D., Tromp, W., Tsiokanos, A., Rautenbach, S., Roscoe, K., Fraga, J. P., and Ney de Montezuma, P.: Rapid flood risk assessment and adaptation planning for climate resilient developments: a Rio de Janeiro case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18351,, 2025.

EGU25-19139 * | Orals | ITS4.19/ERE6.9 | Highlight

HiWalk and HiBike – active mobility indices as tool to facilitate systemic traffic transition in cities 

Kirsten v. Elverfeldt, Sebastián Block, Jonas Kemmer, Emily Charlotte Wilke, Moritz Schott, Maria Martin, Veit Ulrich, Ashwin Chandran, Danielle Gatland, Ingolf Bayer, Anna Buch, Charlie Hatfield, Satvik Parashar, and Dominik Neumann

Achieving climate neutrality requires a socio-ecological transformation of the mobility sector. Consequently, urban traffic infrastructure must be redesigned to promote and support active mobility. By analysing multiple criteria extracted from open-access geodata via OSM (OpenStreetMap), we can assess the current state of the urban traffic infrastructure and evaluate the walkability and bikeability of streets and neighborhoods. HeiGIT’s walkability and bikeability indices – HiWalk and HiBike – provide traffic planners, decision-makers, NGOs, and the general public with quantitative insights into how well a city's traffic infrastructure supports active mobility.

In recent years, numerous walkability and bikeability indices have emerged, focusing primarily on accessibility metrics. However, these anlyses often assume that all streets are equally suitable for active mobility, overlooking the specific needs of groups such as the elderly, young children, people with disabilities, and risk-averse cyclists.

It is therefore essential to address two critical gaps: (a) providing detailed information on the suitability of urban environments for active mobility, and (b) ensuring that traffic infrastructure transformation is inclusive. To meet these needs, we collaborate with practitioners and NGOs to co-create street-level indices of walkability (HiWalk) and bikeability (HiBike). Our goal is to offer practical applications that go beyond general index values for cities or neighborhoods. By assessing bikeability and walkability at the street-level, we can better inform routing engines and support accessibility analyses of inclusive “15-minute cities“.

HiWalk and HiBike consist of indicators that assess the user-friendliness, attractiveness, and safety of paths and streets. They evaluate factors such as the presence of sidewalks and cycling lanes, surface smoothness, and surface material types. HiBike also incorporates information on street-side parking from OSM to identify streets where cyclists may be at risk of “dooring”. Both indices are entirely based on open data and can be adapted to various urban settings worldwide.

Since HiWalk and HiBike are still under development, our presentation will focus on the main challenges we have encountered, including (1) their application for cities with different cultural, socioeconomic, and environmental contexts, and (2) the variability in the quality and completeness of OSM data. These challenges underscore the benefits of our co-creation approach in enhancing the indices' usability and impact on policy.

How to cite: v. Elverfeldt, K., Block, S., Kemmer, J., Wilke, E. C., Schott, M., Martin, M., Ulrich, V., Chandran, A., Gatland, D., Bayer, I., Buch, A., Hatfield, C., Parashar, S., and Neumann, D.: HiWalk and HiBike – active mobility indices as tool to facilitate systemic traffic transition in cities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19139,, 2025.

EGU25-19198 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Climate and non-climate risk assessment framework for built environment assets 

Guglielmo Ricciardi, Alfredo Reder, Mattia Scalas, Carmela Apreda, and Paola Mercogliano

There is an urgency of planning, designing and retrofitting the Built Environment in order to be adaptable to present and future risks induced by climatic and non-climatic hazards. The assessment of risk and resilience in the Built Environment requires understanding the inseparable relationship between physical spaces and their users across different scales. Key Performance Indicators provide a quantitative approach to assessing risk and resilience, enabling a systematic evaluation of diverse factors within the Built Environment. The MULTICLIMACT Horizon Europe project (GA 101123538) offers innovative solutions across three scales to address these challenges: building, urban, and territorial. Through the development of design practices, materials, technologies, and digital solutions, the project strengthens construction resilience, preparedness, and responsiveness to disruptive events, thereby improving safety and quality of life. Central to this objective is the development of a set of quantitative Key Performance Indicators to assess the level of risk and resilience of AS IS asset condition and future TO BE possible scenarios in the Built Environment. The study, developed within MULTICLIMACT, identifies key factors that influence risk and resilience, including people, buildings, infrastructure, cultural heritage, urban and territorial systems under climate-related and non-climate-related hazards, such as earthquakes. Rooted in international guidelines and standards, and validated through engagement with experts in the Built Environment, the quantitative indicators facilitate comprehensive assessments across various scales, users, and systems to inform policies, strategies, actions, solutions and projects. Key contributions include the identification of quantitative Key Performance Indicators for risk factors—hazard, exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity—and resilience qualities such as robustness, rapidity, resourcefulness, and redundancy. The study also considers resilience dimensions, including environmental, economic, physical, digital, human, and well-being aspects. These indicators address critical gaps in existing frameworks, offering actionable insights for policymakers, designers, and practitioners to evaluate current conditions and envision future scenarios for new developments or regeneration projects. The findings emphasize the importance of holistic approaches that integrate human well-being, environmental sustainability, and cultural preservation into resilience planning and design. This work provides essential tools for quantifying and enhancing resilience, supporting evidence-based decision-making to reduce the level of risks and increase the level of resilience to escalating climatic and non-climatic hazards.

How to cite: Ricciardi, G., Reder, A., Scalas, M., Apreda, C., and Mercogliano, P.: Climate and non-climate risk assessment framework for built environment assets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19198,, 2025.

Exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is responsible for millions of premature deaths globally each year. Wildfires are a major source of PM2.5, creating dangerously high levels of air pollution across extensive regions. Current public health recommendations for wildfire-related PM2.5 exposure include staying indoors and using portable air cleaners or central air systems with adequate filtration. We addressed the gaps in understanding central air system usage during wildfires by studying smart thermostat data from approximately 5,000 California homes during the 2020 wildfire peak, proving that these systems are not effectively utilized for improving air quality. We explored the potential health benefits of optimizing central air system operation using smart thermostats and air quality data through modelling and simulation. An automated optimization approach could decrease indoor PM2.5 exposure by up to 30% compared to standard air conditioning use, and up to 56% during peak wildfire smoke days. While this increased operation incurs an additional energy cost of about $5 per month per household (totalling $75 million), it is partially offset by an estimated 51% reduction in premature mortality, which translates to $29 million in monetized health benefits. Replacing a MERV 10 filter with a MERV 13 filter and reducing house leakage further reduces indoor PM2.5 concentrations. Overall, using a central air system with proper filtration can be as effective as using four portable air cleaners for on average house. The greatest potential for reducing health risks associated with PM2.5 exposure through an automated optimised system is in lower-income areas. This study reveals that existing technologies and infrastructure, often overlooked, could significantly improve protection for building occupants from wildfire smoke. Finally, to assist end users in mitigating risks in indoor environments, we developed a software tool to optimize the control of automated central air conditioning systems and portable air cleaners.

This project was funded by the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS – Award Number: 2021-0000000055) and the Center for the Built Environment (CBE) at the University of California, Berkeley. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant (PIONEER - grant no. 844526). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-01-03 (healthRiskADAPT - grant no. 101157458)


How to cite: Dallo, F.: Health Benefits of Optimized Control of Air Conditioning Systems and Portable Air Cleaners During Wildfire Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20226,, 2025.

EGU25-20410 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Fostering Climate-Resilient Development through Collaborative Practices: Insights from the CLIMEMPOWER Project in Sicily.  

Venera Pavone, Giulio Zuccaro, Gigliola D'Angelo, Ivan Murano, Nicola Addabbo, Pietro Colonna, and Vincenzo Petruso

Addressing the intertwined challenges of climate change requires embedding principles of climate-resilient development — carbon neutrality, adaptation, and well-being — into sectoral and cross-sectoral transformations. However, conventional approaches often fail to deliver the systemic change required to meet these goals at regional and local levels. This paper presents findings from the CLIMEMPOWER project, a Horizon Project that applies science-driven methodologies with community priorities to support climate-resilient development in five South European regions (Andalusia, Central Greece, Sicily, Cyprus, Osijek-Baranja County).

The paper presents the process of establishing the Community of Practice in Sicily, a region particularly vulnerable to climate-induced risks such as heatwaves, pluvial flooding, and drought. The CoP (established by the Sicilian Region with the support of Plinivs) engaged policymakers, public officials at regional and metropolitan levels, and researchers in a collaborative effort to address these pressing challenges. Through the co-design process, a key priority emerged: the development of tools to assess and ensure the climate-proofing of investments to be submitted for EU funding under the 2021–2027 financial programs.

To achieve this objective, the collaborative efforts can be viewed from a dual perspective: on one hand, climate models, based on detailed analyses of hazards and expected impacts, provide science-driven insights that help institutions in making informed decisions to enhance regional resilience. On the other hand, to address the priorities of local governments and institutions in allocating resources for new infrastructure or the renovation of existing ones, the models identify vulnerabilities and offer recommendations to identify the climate benefits and social, economic co-benefits that can be achieved based on the proposed actions.This process ensures that investments align with long-term climate resilience goals and that climate risks are considered early in the development and design stages.

These initiatives aim to improve the region's ability to allocate resources efficiently, prioritizing actions that are capable of simultaneously delivering significant social, economic, and environmental co-benefits for local communities. The study emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and stakeholder engagement to achieve equitable and effective climate transitions, providing actionable insights for researchers, policymakers, public officials and practitioners striving to operationalize climate resilience and enhance regional adaptive capacities.


How to cite: Pavone, V., Zuccaro, G., D'Angelo, G., Murano, I., Addabbo, N., Colonna, P., and Petruso, V.: Fostering Climate-Resilient Development through Collaborative Practices: Insights from the CLIMEMPOWER Project in Sicily. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20410,, 2025.

EGU25-20576 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.19/ERE6.9

Transferring an agent-based model to simulate land use and climate change adaptation in a contested, water-stressed region in southern Spain 

Bastian Bertsch-Hörmann, Claudine Egger, Benedikt Grammer, Pablo F. Méndez, Ricardo Díaz-Delgado, and Veronika Gaube

Land-use is facing multi-dimensional challenges, among other things stemming from climate change and extreme weather events, taxing socio-economic and market conditions, changing societal and consumer trends, as well as complex subsidy regimes and environmental regulations. These combined challenges require land users to increasingly adapt their management strategies and decision-making routines. To test for potential effects of these challenges on patterns of land-use change requires models that incorporate systemic feedbacks between land users and their environmental, socio-economic and political framework conditions. To this end, we developed the agent-based model SECLAND-ABM, simulating land-use change resulting from decision-making processes of individual farm agents (i.e. agricultural holdings). The model enables to link biophysical and societal drivers of land-use change and, through subsequent (soft) coupling with biodiversity or ecosystem models (e.g., SDM, LDNDC), their effects on ecosystem change.

The first model version was developed for the alpine LTSER Platform Eisenwurzen in Austria. The focus of the present study is to transfer SECLAND-ABM to a new study region, the LTSER Platform Doñana in southern Spain. This region represents a completely different environmental, agricultural and socio-economic context, comprising a unique and well-protected wetland ecosystem surrounded by a complex matrix of mostly intensive and mono-functional agriculture. This mediterranean socio-ecological system is critically impacted by climate change as well as excessive anthropogenic land and water use, threatening local biodiversity and agricultural production.

The transfer of agent-based models between study regions is rare and often constricted by the need for a broad range of quantitative and qualitative data, as well as by a lack of flexibility in adapting the model logic to new types of agents and their behaviors and interactions. Therefore, we further developed the SECLAND-ABM to enable its transfer to other study regions. This development represents a significant methodological innovation in the field and the present study provides a proof-of-concept generating critical insights for further progress.

To implement the model transfer we require different data sets spanning the natural and social science domains (i.e., geo-spatial, environmental, census and qualitative data), describing the local land system and its land users’ behaviors. Subsequently, we define model agents and their decision options congruent within this new context and create distinct scenario conditions to test for the effects of potential changes in the biophysical, socio-economic and political frameworks.

This presentation aims to provide (i) a short description of the SECLAND-ABM and its main components, (ii) a brief overview of the LTSER Platform Doñana and its core challenges connected to land use and climate change, as well as (iii) a spotlight on the status-quo of model transfer, particularly related to the collection of input data, the specification of model agents and their decision options, and the definition of scenario conditions.

How to cite: Bertsch-Hörmann, B., Egger, C., Grammer, B., Méndez, P. F., Díaz-Delgado, R., and Gaube, V.: Transferring an agent-based model to simulate land use and climate change adaptation in a contested, water-stressed region in southern Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20576,, 2025.

The rapid urbanization of landscapes and the impacts of climate change are profoundly transforming urban ecosystems, with signifiant implications for ecosystem services that benefit human health and well-being. The restoration and conservation of urban ecosystems play a crucial role in enhancing climate resilience, as they address three interrelated dimensions: mitigation, multi-hazard adaptation, and the generation of socio-economic and environmental co-benefits. These actions also support additional ecosystem services essential to urban well-being. Among these, regulating services—such as carbon dioxide (CO₂) mitigation—are particularly critical in addressing the effects of climate change. In fact, trees and plants play a well-recognized role in sequestering CO₂ during their growth by storing it in woody biomass, including trunks, roots, and branches [1] [2].

In this context, one of the main challenges for urban designers and planners lies in effectively integrating vegetation into urban and neighborhood-scale projects. To address this, the implementation of designer-friendly digital tools in practitioners workflows can be very useful for several aspects, reducing  knowledge gaps, streamlining complex data management, and facilitating the application of environmental science principles in design workflows [3] [4].

The study presented led to the development of a computational tool in the Grasshopper3D working environment (McNeel). This tool allows users to quantify the CO₂ storage potential of specific tree species in urban environments, considering their growth stages and species-specific characteristics. This quantification represents a preliminary step toward creating a comprehensive tool for the design and management of urban green spaces. The tool is intended to guide professionals in adopting planning approaches that integrate ecosystem service evaluations. Additionally, it offers a foundation for assessing socio-economic and environmental co-benefits, such as improved public health, enhanced community inclusion, increased biodiversity, and better air quality.

An experimentation of the tool was conducted in the San Giovanni a Teduccio neighborhood as part of the Erasmus+ UCCRN_Edu project. This densely populated urban area faces significant environmental challenges. The analysis quantified the contribution of existing trees to CO₂ storage, providing critical data to improve environmental quality and enhance ecosystem services within the neighborhood.



  • McPhearson, T., Karki, M., Herzog, C., Santiago Fink, H., Abbadie, L., Kremer, P., Clark, C. M., Palmer, M. I., and Perini, K. (2018). Urban ecosystems and biodiversity. In Rosenzweig, C., W. Solecki, P. Romero-Lankao, S. Mehrotra, S. Dhakal, and S. Ali Ibrahim (eds.), Climate Change and Cities: Second Assessment Report of the Urban Climate Change Research Network. Cambridge University Press. New York. 257–318
  • European Environment Agency (EEA), (2022), 'Nature-based solutions in Europe: Policy, knowledge and practice for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction', Climate Change and Law Collection, pp. 40, 44-48, doi:10.1163/9789004322714_cclc_2021-0190-608
  • Nocerino, G., Leone, M.F. (2024). WorkerBEE: A 3D Modelling Tool for Climate Resilient Urban Development. In: Calabrò, F., Madureira, L., Morabito, F.C., Piñeira Mantiñán, M.J. (eds) Networks, Markets & People. NMP 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1189. Springer, Cham.
  • Nocerino, G., Leone, M.F. (2023), Computational LEED: computational thinking strategies and Visual Programming Languages to support environmental design and LEED credits achievement. Energy Build. 278, 112626,

How to cite: Nocerino, G. and Tedesco, S.: Integrating Digital Solutions into Urban Planning: A Computational Tool for CO₂ Storage and Green Space Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20622,, 2025.

In China's drylands, deserts and areas prone to desertification constitute 44% of the landscape. The desert-oasis transition zone serves as a critical buffer between the desert interior and the oasis, playing an essential role in managing and preventing desertification. Despite its importance, the question of whether ecosystem functions exhibit multistability and experience regime shifts from functional to desertified states remains unresolved, particularly concerning the relationship between changes in vegetation patterns and ecosystem state transitions at the desert edges of arid and hyper-arid regions. In this study, we examined the stability landscapes of ecosystem multifunctionality and vegetation patterns in response to decreasing precipitation at both the inter-desert scale and within individual deserts, as the distance from the oasis to the desert interior increases. We compared the precipitation and distance thresholds for abrupt changes in vegetation pattern indices with those for regime shifts in ecosystem multifunctionality. Our analysis revealed that ecosystem multifunctionality can exist in both functional and desertified states when precipitation ranges between 104.37 mm and 152.56 mm. However, when precipitation drops below 104.37 mm, a complete shift from a functional to a desertified state occurs. The average precipitation threshold for abrupt changes in vegetation pattern indices—such as the size, shape complexity, and connectivity of vegetation patches, flow length, spatial skewness of the landscape, and the power law range, cutoff, and plexpo of the vegetation patch size distribution—is 201.69 ± 34.87 mm, which is higher than the threshold for ecosystem multifunctionality regime shifts. At the scale of individual deserts, changes in vegetation patterns precede regime shifts in ecosystem multifunctionality. These findings suggest that vegetation pattern indices can serve as early warning indicators for desertification in extremely arid desert-oasis transition zones. This study contributes to the enhancement of early-warning systems and supports the monitoring of desertification processes.

How to cite: Li, C. and Zhou, W.: Vegetation patterns as early warning signals for shifts in ecosystem multifunctionality in the desert-oasis transition zone of China’s drylands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1786,, 2025.

Abstract: Climate models often predict that more extreme precipitation events will occur in arid and semiarid regions, where plant phenology is particularly sensitive to precipitation changes. To understand how increases in precipitation affect plant phenology, this study conducted a manipulative field experiment in a desert ecosystem of northwest China. In this study, a long-term in situ water addition experiment was conducted in a temperate desert in northwestern China. The following five treatments were used: natural rain plus an additional 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the local mean annual precipitation. A series of phenological events, including leaf unfolding, fruit setting (onset, summit and end), fruit ripening (onset, summit and end) and leaf coloration of the locally dominant shrub Nitraria tangutorum were observed from 2012 to 2018. The results showed that on average, over the seven-year-study and in all treatments water addition treatments advanced the leaf unfolding date by 1.29–3.00 days, but delayed the leaf coloration date by 1.18–11.82 days. Therefore, the length of the growing season was prolonged by 2.11–13.68 days. However, water addition treatments had no significant effects on all six fruiting events in almost all years, and the occurrence time of almost all fruiting events remained relatively stable compared with leaf phenology. The inter-annual variations of fruiting events were driven by the preceding flowering events rather than temperature or precipitation.

How to cite: Bao, F.: Contrasting responses of fruiting phenology and folia phenology to water additiontreatments in the Desert Shrub Nitraria tangutorum, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2220,, 2025.

EGU25-3466 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.20/NP0.4

Exploring the impacts of active faulting & tectonics on the vegetation cover of the dynamic Serengeti-Mara and Ngorongoro ecosystems of East Africa through spectral index analysis 

Chintan Purohit, Alina Ludat, Alfred Said, Revocatus Machunda, Tobias Hank, Beth Kahle, and Simon Kuebler

The study of how topographic and geological complexities drive vegetation dynamics over extended timescales, provides critical insights into the interactions between landscapes and ecosystems. Our study area encompasses the Greater Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem (GSME) in the Kenya-Tanzania transboundary region, renowned for its ecological richness and dynamic environments, most famously as the setting for the world’s largest terrestrial mammal migration. We focus on two case study regions: the Mara River Basin (MRB) and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) to investigate localized interactions between geological, topographic, and ecological processes. The ecosystems are supported by a healthy and diverse vegetation cover, impacted by natural as well as anthropogenic factors. MRB is bounded in the north by active normal faulting dominated by Utimbara and Isuria faults whereas NCA is centred on Ngorongoro Crater, a large volcanic caldera. The tectonics of NCA is well-studied but subrecent faulting of Utimbara and Isuria was previously unrecognised and the impacts of these faults on uplift, subsidence and tilting of MRB has been revealed only recently. Previous studies have explored the relationship between precipitation and vegetation dynamics in the region. Limited research has focused on soil properties, primarily examining the effects of volcanic ash on the southeastern sector of GSME. However, the role of tectonics in influencing vegetation and, by extension, the broader ecosystem remains underexplored. We used remote sensing data (Landsat 5, 7, 8 and Sentinel 2) to create a time series analysis from the years 1984 until 2024 to examine the changes in the vegetation cover in the study area. Landsat 7 & 8 and Sentinel 2 data were processed in Google Earth Engine whereas those from Landsat 5 & 7 using Erdas Imagine. The normalised differential vegetation index (NDVI) shows a clear difference in vegetation cover during wet and dry seasons throughout the four decades for both the regions. MRB, which is covered by Quaternary sediments, has a higher vegetation cover throughout the year. NCA is affected by intermittent ash eruptions from Oldoinyo Lengai and has a vegetation cover, which varies at differing altitudes within the region and also shows a considerable seasonal variation at lower altitudes. Additionally, there is a significant difference in precipitation between MRB and NCA. In such a scenario, the vegetation cover in both the regions is likely to be a function of the interaction between the inherent soil properties and precipitation. Interestingly, stable vegetation also persists along active faults. Fault escarpments and fault-bounded wetlands provide seasonally stable vegetation cover, potentially due to localized influences on hydrology and soil properties and may serve as refugia during dry seasons. Our preliminary results highlight the need to integrate geo-tectonic analysis into broader ecosystem studies to better understand their role in sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem resilience.

How to cite: Purohit, C., Ludat, A., Said, A., Machunda, R., Hank, T., Kahle, B., and Kuebler, S.: Exploring the impacts of active faulting & tectonics on the vegetation cover of the dynamic Serengeti-Mara and Ngorongoro ecosystems of East Africa through spectral index analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3466,, 2025.

EGU25-3816 | Orals | ITS4.20/NP0.4

The origin of the elongated fairy circles in the Giribes Plains, northwest Namibia 

Hezi Yizhaq, Stephan Getzin, Itzhak katra, Nina Kamennaya, Yehuda Peled, and Ehud Meron


Fairy circles are exceedingly regularly spaced barren circular patches in arid landscapes, typically encircled by a ring of taller grasses. These vegetation patterns occur in Southwestern Africa and Australia and have also been suggested to occur in North Africa, Middle East and Madagascar. The enigmatic origins of fairy circles in arid landscape shave intrigued ecologists and sparked heated debate about the two main competing hypotheses: the termite origin and vegetation self-organization hypotheses.

In the southern part of the Giribes Plains, Kunene region, northwest Namibia, fairy circles form in a distinctive, chain-like arrangement along drainage lines that run from north to south, closely aligned along a slope. These fairy circles are unusual in their extreme elongation, with the most extreme case measuring 32.5 meters long and only 7.7 meters wide. In contrast, the fairy circles in the rest of the Giribes outside the drainage lines are typically circular and exhibit a highly ordered, hexagonal pattern. Based on field work, remote sensing and mathematical modeling we explain the formation of these unique fairy circles.

The soil in the matrix between the circles is covered by physical crust, with some areas featuring a thin biocrust. This is the only place in Namibia where soil crust developed in the matrix. This crust causes the matrix soil to be nearly four times more compact than the soil within the fairy circles. The sand within the fairy circles is coarser (D50 ~600 µm) compared to the matrix soil (D50 ~300 µm), which supports the formation of the crust. Interestingly, sand in fairy circles not aligned with the drainage lines is also coarser (D50 ~450 µm). Hydraulic conductivity, measured using a mini-disk infiltrometer, is three to four times greater within the fairy circles than in the surrounded matrix.

Building on these field observations, we hypothesize that the elongated shape of the fairy circles results from anisotropic soil water diffusion. Water diffuses more readily along the drainage lines than in the surrounding matrix, causing the fairy circles to expand more rapidly along the watercourses than laterally. To test this hypothesis, we used the mathematical model of Zelnik et al. (2015), which simulates biomass and soil water densities under varying water-soil diffusion coefficient ratios, r (r=1outside the drainage lines and r>1 inside the fairy circle) and precipitation rates .

The simulations indicate that, for moderate diffusion ratios and varying precipitation rates, elongated fairy circles form along the drainage lines, while circular fairy circles emerge when the diffusion ratio is lower. The results agree with remote sensing analysis of images take from a drone.  The stability of the pattern to different precipitation rates and r values was also studied. These results support the hypothesis that anisotropic soil water diffusion contributes to the elongated shape of the fairy circles in the Girbies plain, although other factors may also play a role. Indirectly our work supports the self-organization hypothesis for the origin of fairy circles.  The formation of the crust in the matrix remains is still an open question for future research.


How to cite: Yizhaq, H., Getzin, S., katra, I., Kamennaya, N., Peled, Y., and Meron, E.: The origin of the elongated fairy circles in the Giribes Plains, northwest Namibia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3816,, 2025.

Dryland aeolian landscapes are among the most vulnerable ecosystems under accelerating climate shift and land-use changes, where complex interactions between vegetation, soils, and landforms play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem resilience and services. This study integrates remote sensing, field surveys, and numerical modeling to explore the coevolution of vegetation and aeolian landforms over the past four decades in East Asia’s arid regions, with a particular focus on the feedback mechanisms driving landscape stability in the arid zones under climatic and human forcing.
Analyses of aeolian landforms and climate systems in northern China reveal that declining wind speeds, associated with global terrestrial stilling, have significantly slowed dune migration rates over the past few decades, while widespread vegetation recovery has stabilized dune fields and mitigated desertification. Restoration practices, such as straw checkerboards, have accelerated vegetation recovery, increasing biodiversity and stabilizing soils, though soil fertility remains low compared to natural systems. Dust activity, an integral component of aeolian systems, have been suppressed in these areas, largely due to both climatic shifts and these large-scale restoration projects. Finally, high-resolution satellite images and field observations highlight how vegetation expansion modifies dune morphology through processes such as vegetation anchoring and sand transport alteration, leading to transitions from active to stabilized states. Conceptual models of vegetated dune morphodynamics provide insights into the role of vegetation-soil-landform feedbacks in shaping the arid landscapes.
This study emphasizes the interconnectedness of climate systems, vegetation dynamics, soil properties, and aeolian processes in maintaining ecosystem resilience and restoring ecosystem services. By linking dune morphologies and vegetation dynamics to thresholds of stability and nonlinear responses to climatic and anthropogenic pressures, the findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how dryland ecosystems adapt and evolve. These insights support more effective strategies for soil conservation, landform stabilization, and the restoration of ecosystem functions in the face of ongoing climate and land-use changes.

How to cite: Xu, Z., Wang, L., and Pang, X.: Deciphering Aeolian Landscape Dynamics: Vegetation Recovery and Dune Stabilization under Climatic and Human Influences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4912,, 2025.

EGU25-5142 | Posters on site | ITS4.20/NP0.4

Accounting for Vegetation Feedbacks in Hydrological Models Using a New Vegetation-aware Evapotranspiration Formulation 

Carlos Brieva, Eliana Jorquera, Juan Quijano, George Kuczera, Patricia Saco, Jose Rodriguez, and Golam Kibria

Streamflow in several catchments in eastern Australia has decreased considerably (up to 40%) over the past 20 to 30 years, despite stable rainfall levels. This decoupling of streamflow and rainfall undermines the predictive accuracy of rainfall-runoff models used by catchment managers, which typically rely on the assumption of a stable relationship between these variables. Similar non-stationarity in streamflow has been observed in other catchments in the world, and evidence suggests that vegetation processes may be driving this non-stationarity due to increases in temperature and CO2. Current rainfall-runoff models fail to capture the impact of these vegetation changes on evapotranspiration (ET). While these models account for ET's dependence on soil moisture, they do not consider changes in vegetation biomass and health, which can significantly alter ET and, consequently, runoff.

This contribution presents a methodology for estimating a vegetation-aware ET based on the Penman-Monteith equation and emulators that can account for changes in vegetation biomass and health. The emulators are developed using data from the Australian and New Zealand Flux Research and Monitoring network (TERN OzFlux). This network provides extensive measurements of energy, carbon, and water exchanges across various ecosystems, from which vegetation effects can be estimated under different environmental conditions, and across different vegetation types. Through this research we aim to contribute to understanding evapotranspiration dynamics and offer a reliable and simple tool for estimating vegetation effects, ultimately adding it to more realistic rainfall-runoff simulations.

How to cite: Brieva, C., Jorquera, E., Quijano, J., Kuczera, G., Saco, P., Rodriguez, J., and Kibria, G.: Accounting for Vegetation Feedbacks in Hydrological Models Using a New Vegetation-aware Evapotranspiration Formulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5142,, 2025.

Salt-tolerant Tamarix chinensis roots are crucial in preserving wetland soil and carbon  sequestration, which is essential for wetland ecology. Soil-water-salt conditions influence the growth of these roots in coastal saline areas, but the specific factors and their effects remain unclear. Using principal component and partial least square structural equation modelling (SEM) methods, we studied T. chinensis root features in six Yellow River delta communities. Results showed varied root features across locations, with larger roots further inland. Root growth negatively correlated with soil texture and salinity and positively with groundwater levels. Soil texture and salinity decreased with distance from the coast, while groundwater increased with distance from the Yellow River. This suggests that geographical location influences soil water-salt conditions, impacting root characteristics. The principal component analysis–derived root feature index captured 56.7% of root feature variation. SEM revealed geographical locations indirectly influence root features, with the Yellow River’s proximity primarily affecting them through groundwater and coastal distance influencing via soil sand content and salinity. The study underscores the importance of these findings for wetland conservation and ecology.

How to cite: lizhu, S.: Soil spatial heterogeneity created by river–sea interaction influences Tamarix chinensis root features in the Yellow River Delta, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5353,, 2025.

EGU25-5452 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.20/NP0.4

Mapping Shrub Fractional Abundance: A Multi-Scale Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Framework for Arid Ecosystem Monitoring 

Zhonghua Liu, Xin Cao, Josep Peñuelas, Adrià Descals, Dedi Yang, Lingli Liu, Yanjun Su, Liangyun Liu, Jin Chen, and Jin Wu

Shrubs, characterized by their multiple dwarf stems, are a dominant plant functional type in arid and semi-arid regions, which cover 40% of Earth's land surface. These ecosystems are fragile and highly susceptible to climate change and human disturbances. The abundance of shrubs serves as an important indicator of ecosystem health, and their projected increase due to CO₂ fertilization and warming climates could significantly alter ecosystem functioning, exacerbate desertification, and impact essential ecosystem services. Monitoring shrub fractional abundance—the proportion of vegetative cover occupied by shrubs—is crucial for understanding these dynamics and guiding sustainable management practices. However, mapping shrub fractional abundance over large areas presents challenges due to their small crowns, sparse distribution, and high density, rendering traditional field surveys and conventional satellite remote sensing techniques inadequate. In this study, we propose an innovative two-step approach that integrates sub-meter resolution Google Earth (GE) imagery with decametric-resolution Sentinel-2 time-series data for accurate and scalable shrub fractional mapping. Our methodology consists of two main steps: (1) a semi-automatic process that uses GE imagery to delineate 1.31 million shrub crowns and generate high-quality training data, and (2) a machine learning model that combines spectral and phenological features from Sentinel-2 data to upscale GE-derived shrub fractional abundance across diverse arid and semi-arid landscapes in Inner Mongolia, China. The model achieved strong predictive accuracy (= 0.70), with phenological features—particularly during early May, mid-June, and late September—proving critical for distinguishing shrubs from seasonal vegetation. These periods correspond to key phenophases, including germination, peak growth, and senescence of grasses, which contrast with the perennial phenology of shrubs, highlighting the significance of phenology in differentiating shrubs from dynamic seasonal vegetation. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of integrating multi-scale remote sensing data with machine learning to address existing limitations in shrub monitoring. This approach provides a scalable and transferable framework for global mapping of shrub fractional abundance, offering valuable insights into shrub encroachment and its implications for ecosystem health in the context of changing climatic and anthropogenic conditions.

How to cite: Liu, Z., Cao, X., Peñuelas, J., Descals, A., Yang, D., Liu, L., Su, Y., Liu, L., Chen, J., and Wu, J.: Mapping Shrub Fractional Abundance: A Multi-Scale Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Framework for Arid Ecosystem Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5452,, 2025.

Badlands are characterized by highly eroded, rugged landscapes with steep slopes, limited vegetation, and significant soil degradation. In badlands, vegetation plays a key role in erosion mitigation by intercepting runoff and acting as a significant factor in soil stability. However, vegetation dynamics in such an environment are determined by geomorphological factors like slope, erosion, sediment flux, and climatic conditions, characterized by temperature and precipitation patterns.

This study evaluates the significance of such drivers of vegetation transition within the badland systems using a State-and-Transition Model (STM) approach. This model predicts vegetation dynamics as a function of two basic processes: extinction (loss of vegetation) and colonization (vegetation growth over a barren patch of land). It is forced with vegetation states at four different time points (i.e., 1982, 1994, 2015, and 2021), while climate variables (e.g., temperature and precipitation), and sediment fluxes are averaged for the periods between these states. Geomorphological parameters (i.e., topographic elevation and slope) are assumed to be constant throughout the simulation period. It estimates vegetation transition probabilities using logistic regression. The model parameters are optimized through Bayesian methods (i.e., Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm) for climate conditions and geomorphology in the Laval catchment in the Draix-Bléone critical zone observatory, southeastern France. Model performance is quantified through repetitive training and testing to ensure the soundness of the predictions.

The results indicate that colonization is negatively impacted by higher slopes and annual sediment fluxes and is supported by increasing mean annual temperatures and summer precipitation. In contrast, vegetation extinction is driven mainly by geomorphic disturbances (e.g., slope and sediment fluxes during extreme events), while climatic factors seem to have little impact on vegetation extinction in this study area. Indeed, the forward prediction model, initiated using the 1982 vegetation state with best-fit parameters as forcing, resulted in a reasonably close match of the predicted states to the conditions observed, i.e., those of 1994, 2015, and 2021, which had an accuracy of ~0.8, with uncertainties of around ~0.35.

The present study integrates both geomorphological and climatic data to develop valid interpretations concerning environmental factors responsible for vegetation dynamics within badland topography, adding to an improved understanding of the ecosystem dynamics of these sensitive environments.

How to cite: Sharma, H., Le Bouteiller, C., and Boulangeat, I.: Geomorphic and climate-driven vegetation dynamics in badlands – A case study from Laval catchment, Draix-Bléone critical zone observatory, SE France, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6012,, 2025.

EGU25-7446 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.20/NP0.4

Impact of Roads on Vegetation Dynamics in the Semi-Arid Baringo County, Kenya 

Nicodemus Nyamari, Sophie Nitschke, Tanja Kramm, Dennis Otieno Ochuodho, Georg Bareth, and Christina Bogner

The semi-arid lowlands of Baringo County, Kenya provide numerous ecosystem services to pastoral and agro-pastoral communities. However, these services have been significantly impacted by gradual changes in land cover, climate change, shrub encroachment, and invasion of grasslands by species like Prosopis juliflora. This study aimed to investigate how changes in land cover and roads affect vegetation dynamics between 2000 and 2024. This period was chosen due to the availability of consistent satellite-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data for time series analysis. Using the Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise (CEEMDAN), we analyzed NDVI data for five land cover classes, namely: natural shrubland, artificial grassland, forest, irrigated land, and Prosopis-infested areas. The impact of roads was assessed by calculating the instantaneous energy of high-frequency Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) at buffer distances of 100, 250, 500, 1000, and 1500 meters from the roads in natural ecosystems. The results revealed diverse NDVI trends for different land cover classes. Forest exhibited mixed trends, with some pixels showing positive trends while others remained stable over time. Irrigated agricultural land indicated an increase in trend until 2017, after which it plateaued. Shrubland and artificial grassland maintained steady NDVI values with modest positive trends. Prosopis-infested areas exhibited a positive trend from 2000 to 2017, followed by a decline, likely linked to community-led invasion management efforts. The positive NDVI trends observed in forests and natural shrublands may be attributed to an increased invasion of Prosopis. Seasonal variations were associated with climatic conditions. Statistical analysis indicated that distance from the road had a significant difference on instantaneous energy but with a small effect size. These findings contribute to understanding how infrastructure and land use changes influence vegetation, providing valuable insights for sustainable management of semi-arid rural landscapes.

How to cite: Nyamari, N., Nitschke, S., Kramm, T., Otieno Ochuodho, D., Bareth, G., and Bogner, C.: Impact of Roads on Vegetation Dynamics in the Semi-Arid Baringo County, Kenya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7446,, 2025.

EGU25-7458 | Posters on site | ITS4.20/NP0.4

Effects of climate and human activities on mangrove wetland evolution. 

Eliana Jorquera, Jose Rodriguez, Patricia Saco, Steven Sandi, Juan Quijano, and Angelo Breda

Mangrove wetlands are one of the most significant and vulnerable ecosystems in the world, providing a wide range of services including habitat, flood control and carbon storage, among others. Their vulnerability under climate change scenarios has been well documented, but recent works have shown that coastal wetlands have the capacity to accrete following the trend of SLR under particular circumstances. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) plays a critical role in the accretion mechanisms that support wetland survival.

Wetlands in the Pacific Islands are among the most vulnerable areas to climate change and they receive considerable sediment from croplands (sugarcane) of their inland catchments. This contribution focuses on mangrove wetlands at the mouth of rivers draining into the Great Sea Reef. The objectives of our research are to evaluate the sediment loads from the catchment upstream of the coastal wetlands and to model the ecogeomorphological feedbacks among catchment, wetland and coastal reef lagoon under current conditions and future climate change scenarios. The methodology simulates the hydro-sedimentological behaviour of the watershed, under current and future scenarios with changes in land use (cropland expansion/management) and extreme events (cyclones). The output of this simulation constutute the input for the eco-geomorphological coastal wetland modelling.

This integrated modelling approach provides a better understanding of the main processes and feedbacks among vegetation, sediments and hydrodynamics within the coastal wetland, considering its interactions with the adjacent terrestrial (catchment) and aquatic (reef lagoon) ecosystems.

How to cite: Jorquera, E., Rodriguez, J., Saco, P., Sandi, S., Quijano, J., and Breda, A.: Effects of climate and human activities on mangrove wetland evolution., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7458,, 2025.

EGU25-9937 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.20/NP0.4

Efficient and realistic modelling of individual runoff events in ecohydrological systems  

Karl Kästner and Christoph Hinz

The different temporal scales of surface flow and vegetation growth represent a major challenge when simulating the dynamics of ecohydrological systems. The much faster surface flow is therefore commonly simplified by treating it as stationary and linearizing the equations. While the simplified equations can be solved efficiently, they do not resolve individual runoff events. However, the sequence of events can be relevant for the dynamics of dryland vegetation. The nonlinear flow during individual precipitation events can be resolved by employing more sophisticated numerical methods, such as adaptive-time stepping and implicit time-integration. However, this requires the iterative solution of a sequence of discrete linear systems at each time step. This is complicated by asymmetry of the discrete system, originating from the advection of the flow. Here, we explore strategies for the efficient simulation of the nonlinear flow during individual precipitation events when modelling vegetation dynamics over centuries.

How to cite: Kästner, K. and Hinz, C.: Efficient and realistic modelling of individual runoff events in ecohydrological systems , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9937,, 2025.

EGU25-11850 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.20/NP0.4

Vegetation patterning dynamics induced by non-local connections 

Sara Filippini, Jost von Hardenberg, and Luca Ridolfi

Spatial self-organization is a common response of arid and semi-arid ecosystems to water stress. It may result in periodic patterns such as dots, gaps and labyrinths, or in more irregular arrangements such as scale-free patterns, characterised by a power law distribution of patch sizes. As pattern formation occurs over large spatial domains, in the order of km2 , it is often subject to heterogeneous environmental and soil conditions, which may lead to the anisotropic diffusion of resources.

In our project, we study the effects of anisotropic diffusion on pattern formation through the modelling of vegetation dynamics on complex network topologies. 


We employ the well-known reaction-diffusion vegetation model by Gilad et al. [1], in its simplified two-equation version by Zelnik et al. [2]. Two partial differential equations describe the dynamics of soil water and biomass densities.

In our implementation, the diffusive terms refer to network Laplacia, which allows us to the modify the topology on which the model operates.

When the diffusion networks of both water and biomass are regular two-dimensional lattices, we reproduce the observed progression of periodic patterns from gaps to labyrinths to dots for decreasing precipitation. 

To increase the complexity and connectivity of the network we implement the Watts-Strogatz small-world network model [3], in which a controlled number of random shortcuts is drawn over the two-dimensional lattice. Thus the number of shortcuts in the water and biomass diffusion networks become model parameters which may be used as proxies of heterogenous conditions affecting the diffusion of water and biomass respectively.


Our preliminary results show that an increase in anisotropic diffusion (number of shortcuts) has similar effects to an increase in isotropic diffusion in regards to the global variables of the ecosystem, such as average water and biomass densities. However, a small-world network topology induces the formation of steady-state non-periodic patterns, included scale free patterns, in a certain interval of network connectedness. 

Further, these steady-state scale free patterns appear unstable to the expansion of the largest gaps, leading to rapid desertification following a disturbance that may originate from grazing or human intervention. Hence, we uncover the existance of a bistability between two non-periodic patterns with very different ecological value. 


[1] E. Gilad, J. von Hardenberg, A. Provenzale, M. Shachak, and E. Meron. Ecosystem Engineers: From Pattern Formation to Habitat Creation. Physical Review Letters, 93(9):098105, 2004.

[2] Y. R. Zelnik, E. Meron, and G. Bel. Gradual regime shifts in fairy circles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(40):12327–12331, 2015. 

[3] M. E. J. Newman and D. J. Watts. Scaling and percolation in the small-world network model. Physical Review E, 60(6):7332–7342, 1999.


How to cite: Filippini, S., von Hardenberg, J., and Ridolfi, L.: Vegetation patterning dynamics induced by non-local connections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11850,, 2025.

Dryland vegetation forms spatial patterns as an adaptation to water stress, driven by the uneven distribution of resources. While these patterns aid plant survival, herbivore grazing adds pressure, increasing desertification risks through vegetation loss and soil erosion. We present a novel model integrating vegetation patterning and herbivore grazing dynamics to explore their feedback loops over time. The model accounts for herbivore behaviors, including foraging, movement, and vegetation preferences. Using numerical continuation methods, we analyze solutions such as uniform and patterned vegetation-herbivore dynamics. A key finding is the emergence of traveling waves, where vegetation and herbivores propagate across the landscape. Herbivore distribution within these waves is asymmetric, causing uneven grazing stress. Surprisingly, this dynamic reduces overall grazing impact, enhancing vegetation sustainability compared to uniform grazing. Understanding these dynamics is vital for food security in drylands. By balancing herbivore populations and preserving vegetation, these interactions help mitigate drought and population growth challenges.

How to cite: Singha, J.: Traveling vegetation-herbivore waves can sustain ecosystems threatened by droughts and population growth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19596,, 2025.

EGU25-19726 | Orals | ITS4.20/NP0.4

Towards Standardising Runoff Connectivity Assessment at the Hillslope Scale in Drylands Using Structural Trait (De)composite. 

Eva Arnau-Rosalen, Emilio Rodriguez-Caballero, Angel Marques-Mateu, Matilde Balaguer-Puig, Jorge Lopez-Carratala, Adolfo Calvo-Cases, Roberto Lazaro-Suau, and Elias Symeonakis

Hydrological connectivity at the hillslope scale is a complex, spatially explicit phenomenon where surface and subsurface processes converge and interact, including infiltration, runoff, and lateral flow occurring during a singular rainfall event under specific antecedent soil moisture conditions.

In drylands, where Hortonian runoff generation prevails, such complexity has been conceptually simplified for operational purposes by using connectivity as a proxy for assessing ecosystem "health" or land degradation. Grounded in the current source-sink paradigm, a binary scheme of vegetation (pure sinks) and bare (pure sources) areas is used to distribute potential overland flow according to topography. The connectivity character is then distilled through the concept of Flow Length, with different metrics proposed under this rationale.

Despite this operational simplicity, the quantification of connectivity has yet to reach a standardized status, hindering intercomparison studies and the establishment of assessment baselines for land degradation.

Within the same framework umbrella, we recognize its shortcomings and propose decomposing the connectivity issue into three spatially explicit traits, each representing distinct structural features that emerge at the hillslope scale. This analytical approach aims to separately evaluate the contributions of vegetation patterns and flow routing, without the constraint of the hillslope shape. Facing the challenge of integrating these traits into a unified, synthetic metric for assessing runoff connectivity, we discuss several alternatives. The study is conducted at the experimental site in Benidorm (Alicante, Spain), using UAS-derived orthophotos and DEMs, where lateral variations within a small catchment serve to test the suitability of the proposal. This methodological proposal aims to advance the conceptual discussion toward developing a standardized approach for runoff connectivity evaluation and to inform land degradation assessments in drylands.

How to cite: Arnau-Rosalen, E., Rodriguez-Caballero, E., Marques-Mateu, A., Balaguer-Puig, M., Lopez-Carratala, J., Calvo-Cases, A., Lazaro-Suau, R., and Symeonakis, E.: Towards Standardising Runoff Connectivity Assessment at the Hillslope Scale in Drylands Using Structural Trait (De)composite., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19726,, 2025.

EGU25-20458 | Orals | ITS4.20/NP0.4

 Vegetation pattern formation and community assembly under drying climate trends 

Induja Pavithran, Michel Ferre, Bidesh Bera, Hannes Uecker, and Ehud Meron

Drying trends driven by climate change and water stress pose significant threats to ecosystem functioning and the services they provide to humanity. To better understand ecosystem response to drying trends, we study a mathematical model of plant communities that compete for water and light. We focus on two major responses to water stress: shifts in community composition to stress-tolerant species and spatial self-organization in periodic vegetation patterns. We calculate community bifurcation diagrams of spatially uniform and spatially periodic communities. The bifurcation diagram reveals that as precipitation decreases, spatially uniform community shift from fast-growing to stress-tolerant species. However,  a reverse shift back to fast-growing species occurs when a Turing bifurcation is traversed and patterns form. We further find that the inherent spatial plasticity of vegetation patterns, in terms of patch thinning along any periodic solution branch and patch dilution in transitions to longer-wavelength patterns, buffers further changes in the community composition, despite the drying trend, and yet increases the resilience to droughts. Response trajectories superimposed on community Busse-balloons highlight the roles of the initial pattern wavelength and of the rate of the drying trend in shaping the buffering community dynamics. We discuss the implications of these results for dryland pastures and crop production.

How to cite: Pavithran, I., Ferre, M., Bera, B., Uecker, H., and Meron, E.:  Vegetation pattern formation and community assembly under drying climate trends, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20458,, 2025.

ITS5 – General ITS sessions

EGU25-326 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

IODP Expedition 403, Eastern Fram Strait Paleo-Archive: challenges and achievements of the last IODP expedition 

Renata Giulia Lucchi, Kristen K. St John, and Thomas A. Ronge and the IODP Exp-403 Science Party

The Fram Strait gateway connecting the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans is an area of high importance for understanding relationships between ocean currents and ice sheet dynamics during past climate transitions; such information is valuable for informing predictive models of future global change. IODP Expedition 403 was motivated by the necessity of retrieving continuous, high-resolution depositional sequences containing the record of the paleoceanographic characteristics of the warm, northward flowing West Spitsbergen Current (WSC) and the cryosphere evolution of the paleo-Svalbard Barents Sea Ice Sheet (SBSIS). Over 5.3 km of sediment records were recovered by drilling 7 sites located along the (S to N) pathway of the WSC, and at (E to W) proximal to distal settings relative to the paleo-SBSIS terminus. The initial age models based on paleomagnetic reversals and microfossils indicate the recovery of expanded Pleistocene and Pliocene sequences in the paleo-SBSIS proximal zone, and in the more distal setting, with recovery of 600+ m sequences that extend into to the mid-Pliocene and the early Pliocene/late Miocene. Preliminary comparisons between lithologies and well-established lithofacies from shallow piston cores of the western Svalbard margin, suggest that the Exp403 site records can be used to constrain the history of shelf edge glaciation, paleo-meltwater events, iceberg calving events, and warm periods dominated by persistent bottom water flow. Physical properties data support this tentative conclusion and suggest that orbital patterns and marine isotope stages (MIS) can be depicted in the records from all site locations despite the diagenetic overprint that complicates the identification of primary depositional signals and stratigraphy. We report also about the challenges faced during Exp-403, the last expedition of the RV JOIDES Resolution under the historical ODP/IODP international program.

How to cite: Lucchi, R. G., St John, K. K., and Ronge, T. A. and the IODP Exp-403 Science Party: IODP Expedition 403, Eastern Fram Strait Paleo-Archive: challenges and achievements of the last IODP expedition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-326,, 2025.

EGU25-2373 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Plio-Pleistocene Glacial-Interglacial Climate Variability as Recorded in the North-Atlantic Björn and Gardar Drift Sediments 

Matthias Sinnesael, Rhea Irwin, Ahmed Magzoub, Ross Parnell-Turner, Anne Briais, and Leah LeVay and the Expedition 395 Scientists

International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 395 recovered near-continuous sedimentary records from several major contourite drift bodies in the North Atlantic Ocean. These drifts deposits are influenced by deep-water currents, and studying their composition can inform us on past changes in ocean circulation. Drift sedimentation is a dynamic process that can lead to spatial variation in deposition and preservation through time. Here, we correlate on a glacial-interglacial timescale new IODP Expedition 395 records with Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) records previously cored nearby to assess the degree of variability between sites on the same drift body. We correlate IODP Site U1554 with ODP Site 984 for Björn Drift, and IODP Site U1564 with ODP Site 983 for Gardar Drift. Variations in magnetic susceptibility measured on sediment cores show striking resemblances between the paired sites. The clearly expressed glacial-interglacial scale variability enables astronomical tuning of the records. Furthermore, we explore the possibility of using multiple volcanic ash layers as additional markers for stratigraphic correlation. This work will contribute to the construction of high-resolution age models for the Expedition 395 records, as well as to a better understanding of the evolution of Björn and Gardar Drifts through space and time.

How to cite: Sinnesael, M., Irwin, R., Magzoub, A., Parnell-Turner, R., Briais, A., and LeVay, L. and the Expedition 395 Scientists: Plio-Pleistocene Glacial-Interglacial Climate Variability as Recorded in the North-Atlantic Björn and Gardar Drift Sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2373,, 2025.

EGU25-4722 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

An over 500,000 years lacustrine core in the high-altitude lake Nam Co of the Tibet Plateau 

Liping Zhu, Torsten Haberzettl, Junbo Wang, Hendrik Vogel, Leon Clarke, Andy Henderson, Volkhard Spiess, Jianting Ju, and Marie-Luise Adolph

Located in the heart of the Tibetan Plateau, Nam Co is a closed lake spanning over 2,000 square kilometers and situated at an elevation exceeding 4,700 meters. The sediment thickness within the lake exceeds 700 meters, providing comprehensive insights into the climate and environmental conditions covering several glacial and interglacial cycles. With the support of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) and China's Second Tibet Integrated Expedition Project (STEP), the Namcore drilling project aims to achieve: (1) Reconstructing the long-term climate change history across multiple glacial-interglacial stages and elucidating its relationship with global atmospheric circulation patterns; (2) Investigating the evolution and resilience of high-altitude terrestrial and lacustrine ecosystems under glacial and interglacial climate conditions; (3) Understanding the metabolic factors influencing lake sediment microbial communities in various glacial-interglacial environments; (4) Providing fundamental observation data on paleomagnetic changes to simulate the paleomagnetic field prior to the Holocene epoch. Depending on a stable and wind-resistant drilling barge manufactured in China, and a skilled drilling team as well as the long-term used drilling equipment provided by ICDP, the field campaign was successfully conducted from June 6 to July 17 of 2024, resulting in the retrieval of a total length of 950 meters of lake core. The deepest depth reached by the drill exceeded 510 meters. Based on seismic survey data, it is anticipated that the age of the lake core surpasses MIS 13 stage (approximately 550,000 yrs BP). Furthermore, the average resolution achieved is as high as 10 yrs cm-1. A combination of multiple dating methods will be employed in order to establish a robust deposition time series. 14C will be utilized for sediments less than 50,000 yrs BP while OSL and post-IR IRSL method will be employed to date back approximately 200,000 yrs BP. For more older deposits, amino acid racemization (AAR), uranium/thorium ratio (U/Th), cosmic ray Beryllium isotope (10Be/9Be), as well as geomagnetic polarity analysis, thermochronology assessment and cyclic stratigraphy will be integrated to obtain reliable chronological sequences of cores. Proxies will be utilized to indicate climate and environmental changes, such as geochemical indicators, pollen, biomarkers, sedaDNA, environmental magnetic indicators, etc. for reconstructing paleo-temperature, precipitation, water level, vegetation, aquatic biodiversity and other changes in the lake basin. The relationship between these changes and atmospheric circulation changes and glacial activities in the lake basins will be also discussed.

How to cite: Zhu, L., Haberzettl, T., Wang, J., Vogel, H., Clarke, L., Henderson, A., Spiess, V., Ju, J., and Adolph, M.-L.: An over 500,000 years lacustrine core in the high-altitude lake Nam Co of the Tibet Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4722,, 2025.

EGU25-6556 | ECS | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Seismic cyclostratigraphy: hypothesis testing for orbital cyclicity at ODP Site 1084 using seismic reflection data 

Jonathan Ford, Angelo Camerlenghi, Michele Rebesco, Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben, and Estella Weigelt

Orbital forcing may be preserved as cyclical variation in acoustic impedance in marine sediments due to paleoclimate-related changes in grain size, sorting and lithology. If seismic images of such deposits have the relevant bandwidth, this cyclicity may be imaged as distinct peaks in the power spectra of the seismic traces. In principle this could allow the application of cyclostratigraphic techniques to seismic data. It is still unclear, however, if in practice the statistical power is high enough to reliably discriminate orbital cyclicity from seismic data alone, and how the false detection rate compares to directly sampled data such as outcrop, drill core or borehole logs.

In this study we compare the discriminatory power for cyclostratigraphic analyses between seismic data and an equivalent borehole log. We develop a method for spectral background estimation that accounts for some of the amplitude and frequency filtering effects inherent to seismic data. We forward model the seismic response using 1-D visco-acoustic full-wavefield seismic modelling that includes the contribution of multiples and seismic absorption, which we combine with Monte Carlo ensemble modelling using sedimentary noise models to quantify the discriminatory power of both seismic and borehole significance testing approaches.

We demonstrate this on two examples: i) a simplified model with constant background velocity, sedimentation rate and known seismic source wavelet, and ii) a real-world example based on ODP Site 1084 (Cape Basin, ODP Leg 175). We observe in both cases that the sensitivity and specificity (related to the true and false detection rates) for the seismic case are strongly dependent on the spectral frequency, compared to the largely frequency-independent results for the borehole cyclostratigraphy. For the ODP Site 1084 example we observe a seismic spectral peak corresponding to 95 kyr eccentricity with an uncalibrated confidence level of >95%. Our Monte Carlo ensemble modelling, however, shows that the false positive rate at this frequency and confidence level is around 25%, compared to around 5% for the equivalent borehole cyclostratigraphy. We also demonstrate eccentricity modulation and bundling analysis (TimeOpt) applied to the seismic data, which can successfully invert for the sedimentation rate for the simplified seismic synthetic example.

Our results suggest that reliably identifying Milanković cyclicity from seismic data is possible but is strongly dependent on the sedimentation rate, the geophysical properties of the subsurface and the spectral frequency in question. Where the age model is known (i.e., from a co-located borehole) and an orbital signal is well-preserved in the acoustic impedance, for typical airgun seismic bandwidths, sedimentation rates around 20 cm ka-1 and seismic velocities around 1600 ms-1 it should be generally possible to identify eccentricity and obliquity cyclicity in seismic data. This opens the door to widespread use of seismic cyclostratigraphy to identify the preservation of cyclicity directly from seismic data, to extrapolate astronomically-tuned age models away from (and below) boreholes and to screen for the preservation of cyclicity prior to drilling. Similar principles could be applied to other methods such as sub-bottom profilers to identify, for example, higher frequency precessional cyclicity.

How to cite: Ford, J., Camerlenghi, A., Rebesco, M., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., and Weigelt, E.: Seismic cyclostratigraphy: hypothesis testing for orbital cyclicity at ODP Site 1084 using seismic reflection data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6556,, 2025.

EGU25-7417 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Sensivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to 2° Celsius of Warming. The SWAIS2C project 

Tina van de Flierdt, RIchard Levy, Gavin Dunbar, Huw Horgan, Denise Kulhanek, Molly Patterson, and the SWAIS2C Science Team

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is currently experiencing accelerated mass loss. It contains enough ice to raise global sea levels by up to five meters if completely melted. Yet we do not know under which environmental conditions a total collapse will occur.

Here we present an overview of the SWAIS2C (Sensivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to 2 Degrees Celsius of Warming)  project. The project aims to unravel past and present factors influencing WAIS dynamics and to reconstruct WAIS response to warmer temperatures, including those exceeding the +2°C target outlined in the Paris Climate Agreement. SWAIS2C (ICDP project 5072) targets two sites, chosen to obtain geological data close to the centre of the WAIS to improve model-based projections of future sea level contributions from Antarctica. The first site is close to the grounding line of the Kamb Ice Stream site (KIS3) and sensitive to ocean forcing of ice shelf and ice sheet collapse. The second site on the Crary Ice Rise (CIR) demarks a pinning point of the ice shelf and offers a complementary view on processes that can (de)stabilise the WAIS. Data obtained at these sites will enable us to answer the overarching question under which climatic conditions we will lose the WAIS.

 In the first two field seasons of the SWAIS2C project in 2023/24 and 2024/25, equipment was traversed more than 800 km across the Ross Ice Shelf to the remote KIS3 field site. Hot water drilling was successfully completed in both years and penetrated ~580 m of ice to provide access to the 55 m deep ocean cavity and seafloor beneath. Oceanographic measurements were made beneath the ice shelf,  videos of the seafloor and ice shelf were recorded, and a long-term oceanographic mooring was installed. Gravity and hammer coring during both seasons yielded a total of 9.5 m of unconsolidated diamict sediment, including the longest sediment core from the Siple Cost, measuring 1.92 m. All of the cored material was x-rayed in the field. During each drilling season, one or two cores were extruded in a sterile environment and sampled for microbiology, geochemistry, pore water or ancient DNA work.

Deep drilling was attempted in both years using the Antarctic Intermediate Depth Drill (AIDD). In our first season, Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) formed part of our sea riser. It was chosen for its light weight and thermal properties, but deployment proved challenging. In our second season, we replaced the GRE sea riser with HRQ steel pipe. We successfully lowered the sea riser to the sea floor, which marked a major project milestone. After deploying 450 m of NQ drill string inside the riser, we had to call off operations, just a couple of hours short of retrieving our first sediment core. Our next drilling attempt will be at Crary Ice Rise in 2025/26, where we hope to recover 200 m of sediment core, and perform a range of geophysical surveys.

Deep field work in Antarctica is challenging, but the questions we are trying to answer for humanity are worth it.

How to cite: van de Flierdt, T., Levy, R., Dunbar, G., Horgan, H., Kulhanek, D., Patterson, M., and SWAIS2C Science Team, T.: Sensivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to 2° Celsius of Warming. The SWAIS2C project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7417,, 2025.

EGU25-7975 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Sequence and cyclostratigraphic analysis of Paleocene carbonate sediments in the Chicxulub impact crater: Implications for sea level change and climate dynamics 

David De Vleeschouwer, Katherine O’Malley, Christopher M. Lowery, Sean P.S. Gulick, and Michael T. Whalen

The early Paleogene represents a greenhouse Earth experiencing large-scale global environmental changes after the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction. Understanding climate and ocean dynamics during this recovery phase is challenging due to the scarcity of continuous, carbonate-rich sedimentary records. The Paleocene interval of International Ocean Discovery Program−International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (IODP-ICDP) Site M0077 from within the Chicxulub crater provides such an archive. Sequence and cyclostratigraphic analyses reveal condensed and rhythmic bedding, transitioning between marl or argillaceous wackestone and foraminiferal packstones. These 5−33-cm-thick cycles document low-amplitude sea-level changes or local environmental shifts in the Chicxulub basin associated with sea level. The cycles exhibit retrogradational, progradational, or aggradational facies stacking patterns, indicative of transgressive, highstand, and shelf margin systems tracts. Progradational packages align with global sea-level events, suggesting a eustatic driver. Cyclostratigraphy on the sediments’ color reflectance reveals 10 cm and 20 cm periodicities, interpreted as 41 k.y. obliquity and 100 k.y. eccentricity signatures. These climate-driven cycles resemble Paleogene hyperthermals, intensifying the hydrologic cycle and erosion of fine-grained siliciclastic sediments in the Chicxulub hinterland. Thereby, hyperthermals correspond to marl or argillaceous wackestone facies. Moreover, sequence boundaries tend to correspond to minima in the 1.2 m.y. obliquity modulation cycle. This longer-term astronomical control on sea level and climate offers insights into potential drivers of eustatic sea-level change in the Paleocene greenhouse world. The phase relationship between sea level and the 1.2 m.y. obliquity cycle indicates increased water storage in continental reservoirs during periods of astronomically suppressed seasonality (i.e., 1.2 m.y. obliquity minima). Thus, the carbonate sedimentological study of the Paleocene Chicxulub sequences provides unique insights into both local and global environmental dynamics.

How to cite: De Vleeschouwer, D., O’Malley, K., Lowery, C. M., Gulick, S. P. S., and Whalen, M. T.: Sequence and cyclostratigraphic analysis of Paleocene carbonate sediments in the Chicxulub impact crater: Implications for sea level change and climate dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7975,, 2025.

EGU25-8141 | Posters on site | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Installation of Borehole Observatories at Reykjanes Ridge with the sea floor drill rig MARUM-MeBo70 

Tim Freudenthal, Kopf Achim, Bergenthal Markus, and Zabel Matthias

Based on site-survey work during research expedition M183 (2022), the sea floor drill rig MARUM-MeBo70 was deployed in summer 2023 on the research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN (MSM119) in order to install observatories for the investigation of hydrothermal circulation in young oceanic crust. In-situ heat flow and fluid chemistry had inferred crustal fluid circulation along the ridge flank. The expedition went to the southernmost tip of Reykjanes Ridge – a part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. We were able to set two pairs of observatories in 1500 and 1700 m water depth, respectively. At each site two holes with 103 mm diameter were drilled through a 5 to 30 m sediment cover and an additional 5 to 13 m into the underlying ocean crust. The drill string was lifted by one drill pipe before a last prepared rod – the observatory rod - was screwed onto the drill string. The observatory rod sealed the drill pipe from sea water and was equipped with temperature sensors. One type – the injection observatory – also contained a system for releasing a tracer to the base of the borehole where it has contact to the fluid circulation system within the upper ocean crust. The second type – the monitoring observatory – was installed in a distance of a few tens of meters and contained an additional osmo-sampler for sampling the fluids from the upper crustal aquifer the base of the bore hole. The osmo-samplers will be recovered during an upcoming expedition in September 2025 (research expedition M213). This experiment will help to better understand the relevance of hydrothermal circulation in the flanks of ocean ridges for the exchange of elements and heat  between the ocean crust and the oceans. 

How to cite: Freudenthal, T., Achim, K., Markus, B., and Matthias, Z.: Installation of Borehole Observatories at Reykjanes Ridge with the sea floor drill rig MARUM-MeBo70, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8141,, 2025.

EGU25-8251 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Deep Dust – An ICDP Drilling Project to Probe Continental Climate from the Late-Paleozoic  Icehouse to the end-Permian Hothouse 

Georg Feulner, Gerilyn S. Soreghan, Heather Bedle, Kathleen Benison, Sylvie Bourquin, Natsuko Hamamura, Linda Hinnov, Andrea Moscariello, Anders Noren, Lily Pfeifer, Jahandar Ramezani, Amalia Spina, and Christian Zeeden

The Permian witnessed some of the most profound climatic, biotic, and tectonic events in Earth’s history. Global orogeny leading to the assembly of Pangea culminated by middle Permian time, and included multiple orogenic belts in the equatorial Central Pangean Mountains, from the Variscan-Hercynian system in the East to the Ancestral Rocky Mountains in the West. Earth’s penultimate global icehouse peaked in early Permian time, transitioning to full greenhouse conditions by late Permian time, constituting the only example of icehouse collapse on a fully vegetated Earth. The Late Paleozoic Ice Age was the longest and most intense glaciation of the Phanerozoic. Reconstructions of atmospheric composition in the Permian record the lowest CO2 and highest O2 levels of the Phanerozoic, with average CO2 levels comparable to the Quaternary, rapidly warming climate. Fundamental shifts occurred in atmospheric circulation: a global megamonsoon developed, and the tropics became anomalously arid with time. Extreme environments are well documented in the form of voluminous dust deposits, acid-saline lakes and groundwaters, extreme continental temperatures and aridity, and major shifts in biodiversity, ultimately culminating in the largest extinction of Earth history at the Permian-Triassic boundary.

The Deep Dust project seeks to elucidate paleoclimatic conditions and forcings through the Permian at temporal scales ranging from millennia to Milankovitch cycles and beyond by acquiring continuous core in continental lowlands known to harbor stratigraphically complete records dominated by loess and lacustrine strata. Our initial site is in the midcontinental U.S.— the Anadarko Basin (Oklahoma), which harbors a complete continental Permian section from western equatorial Pangaea. We will also address the nature and character of the modern and fossil microbial biosphere, the chemistry of saline lake waters and groundwaters, Mars-analog conditions, and exhumation histories of source regions. Importantly, data from Deep Dust will be integrated with Earth-system modelling. This is crucial for putting the (necessarily local) drill core data into the broader global context and for understanding relevant mechanisms and feedbacks of the Permian Earth system.

How to cite: Feulner, G., Soreghan, G. S., Bedle, H., Benison, K., Bourquin, S., Hamamura, N., Hinnov, L., Moscariello, A., Noren, A., Pfeifer, L., Ramezani, J., Spina, A., and Zeeden, C.: Deep Dust – An ICDP Drilling Project to Probe Continental Climate from the Late-Paleozoic  Icehouse to the end-Permian Hothouse, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8251,, 2025.

EGU25-9036 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

The International Ocean Drilling Programme (IODP3) 

Gilbert Camoin and Nobu Eguchi

The International Ocean Drilling Programme (IODP3)

After decades of unified international programmes, from DSDP to the International Ocean Discovery Program that ended on 30 September 2024, post-2024 scientific ocean drilling initiatives will see a transition from a single international programme operated by independent platform providers to independent ocean drilling programmes.

Through a two-year long process of exchange of views and ambitions, ECORD and Japan agreed to build a joint scientific ocean drilling programme: the International Ocean Drilling Programme - IODP3(IODP-cubed).

IODP3 consists of an international scientific collaboration addressing important questions in Earth, Ocean, Environmental and Life sciences described in the ‘2050 Science Framework: Exploring Earth by Scientific Ocean Drilling, based on the study of rock and/or sediment cores, borehole imaging, in-situ observatory data, and related geophysical imaging obtained from the subseafloor.

IODP3 will adopt a transparent, open, flexible, and international modus operandi, programme-wide standard policies and guidelines, sustainable management, and publicly accessible knowledge-based resources.

IODP3 will implement and fund two types of expeditions: offshore expeditions and Scientific Projects using Ocean Drilling ARChives (SPARCs).

Proposals supporting these expeditions will be submitted through a bottom-up process to the IODP3 Science Office by teams of proponents belonging to the international research community. All proposals will be evaluated by the Science Evaluation Panel (SEP) in a fair, open, and transparent manner, in terms of both scientific excellence and completeness and quality of the site characterization data packages. The Safety and Environment Advisory (SEA) Group will provide independent advice regarding potential safety and environmental issues associated with the proposed IODP3 drill sites.

IODP3 offshore expeditions and SPARCs will be scheduled by the MSP Facility Board (MSP-FB), based on their scientific merit and operational constraints within the limits of the available resources.

Offshore expeditions will be implemented by the IODP3 Operators, the ECORD Science Operator (ESO) and/or JAMSTEC-MarE3, following an expanded Mission Specific Platform (MSP) concept by diversifying drilling and coring technologies and applying them to all drilling environments, as determined by scientific priorities, operational efficiency, and better value for money. The duration of IODP3 expeditions will be flexible and be determined by scientific requirements and available funds.

Land-to-Sea Transects (L2S), requiring scientific drilling at both onshore and offshore sites to be implemented jointly with the International Scientific Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) are one of prime objectives for IODP3.

Scientific Projects using Ocean Drilling ARChives (SPARCs) are international and multidisciplinary projects that have objectives originating from or that are based on ocean drilling archives (i.e. cores, samples, and data from current and past scientific ocean drilling programmes) without new drilling or other operations at sea. Each SPARC will have a funded duration of three years and will receive €300,000 for its implementation.

How to cite: Camoin, G. and Eguchi, N.: The International Ocean Drilling Programme (IODP3), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9036,, 2025.

EGU25-9111 | ECS | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Decrypting Milanković-driven sedimentary rhythms in nearshore strata of the Archean Moodies Group, South Africa 

Nina Wichern, Dennis Schreiber, Marcello Gugliotta, Christoph Heubeck, and David De Vleeschouwer

To advance the next generation of astronomical solutions, there is a need to establish constraints on the Earth-Moon distance and the related precession and obliquity parameters throughout Earth's history. These constraints can be derived by extracting precise precession and/or obliquity signals from geological records. The recently drilled ICDP BASE cores from the Moodies Group in the Barberton Greenstone Belt (South Africa) provide a unique opportunity to determine an Earth-Moon distance datapoint at 3.2 Ga using cyclostratigraphy. In this study, we present initial cyclostratigraphic results from BASE Site 5A, which represents a relatively deeper and quieter depositional environment with finer-grained sediments compared to other ICDP BASE drill sites. To detect a potential Milanković signal, we performed time-series analyses on a suite of elemental proxies obtained via XRF core scanning, tracing temporal changes in redox conditions and siliciclastic input.

BASE Site 5A reveals superimposed cycles of 4–6 meters and 30–50 meters, visible in both redox-sensitive elements and siliciclastic elemental proxies. However, interpreting this sedimentary cyclicity is challenging due to the absence of radio-isotopic age constraints at this site. Existing U-Pb ages from the Barberton Supergroup suggest extremely high sedimentation rates of approximately 25 to 1000 cm/kyr for the Moodies Group as a whole (Heubeck et al., 2013). Given that Site 5A was selected for its finer-grained sediments, its sedimentation rates may be on the lower end of this range. Additionally, variations in lithology, ranging from sandstones of varying grain sizes to jaspilites and siltstones, complicate sedimentation rate estimates and duration calculations for this interval. Nevertheless, preliminary evolutive time-series analyses (evolutive harmonic analysis, evolutive TimeOpt and eASM) suggest no significant sedimentation rate changes, except near the stratigraphic top of the record. Sedimentation rates estimated by these evolutive analyses range from 35 to 55 cm/kyr, corresponding to a total duration of 820–1300 kyr for the 450-meter-long Site 5A core. Based on these derived sedimentation rates, the 4–6-meter cycles could potentially correspond to precession, while the 30–50-meter cycles may reflect short ~100-kyr eccentricity cycles. However, we emphasize that these interpretations are preliminary and remain inconclusive. At this stage, these results provide only an indication of potential astronomical Milanković forcing, which will require thorough scrutiny against additional sedimentological and statistical analyses before an inference on Earth-Moon distance can be made.

Heubeck, C., Engelhardt, J., Byerly, G. R., Zeh, A., Sell, B., Luber, T., and Lowe, D. R.: Timing of deposition and deformation of the Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa): Very-high-resolution of Archaean surface processes, Precambrian Research, 231, 236–262,, 2013.

How to cite: Wichern, N., Schreiber, D., Gugliotta, M., Heubeck, C., and De Vleeschouwer, D.: Decrypting Milanković-driven sedimentary rhythms in nearshore strata of the Archean Moodies Group, South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9111,, 2025.

EGU25-10354 | Posters on site | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

The Gulf Coast Repository: Instrumented Facility for Analysis of Scientific Ocean Drilling Cores 

Laurel Childress, Michelle Penkrot, Lisa Crowder, and Mitchell Malone

With the conclusion of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), the laboratories and instruments of the JOIDES Resolution (JR) are now operational in the newly renovated laboratory space of the Gulf Coast Repository (GCR) at Texas A&M University. The facility is available to academic researchers (U.S. and abroad), as well as commercial customers. This includes individual researchers, small and large research teams, and legacy projects such as Scientific Projects using Ocean Drilling ARChives (SPARCS). The instrumented facility can be used to make new measurements on the over 150 km of core housed at the GCR. Additionally, the facility can process new cores acquired by future scientific ocean drilling coring projects conducted from mission-specific platforms, on cores collected from other coring projects, and on discrete geologic samples. The instrumented GCR maintains an almost identical suite of analytical capabilities as those that were available on the JR. This includes multi-sensor loggers for measuring P-wave velocity, magnetic susceptibility, density, natural gamma ray counts, and color reflectance. Imaging and X-radiography loggers, a superconducting rock magnetometer, microscopes and SEM-EDS, as well as ICP-OES, CHNS, and XRD analysis are also available. The previous GCR instrumentation, including two XRF core scanners and a new hyperspectral scanner remain available. Other peripheral devices, such as a core splitter, allow for the processing of new cores. Workshops, educational and training exercises can also be held at the GCR. To provide long-term viability and equitable access to instrumentation, a user-fee model will support maintenance and repair of instruments and replacement of consumables. Combined with experienced technical and science staff, the instrumented GCR will facilitate new scientific ocean drilling research, training, and outreach opportunities in the onshore environment.

How to cite: Childress, L., Penkrot, M., Crowder, L., and Malone, M.: The Gulf Coast Repository: Instrumented Facility for Analysis of Scientific Ocean Drilling Cores, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10354,, 2025.

EGU25-10999 | Posters on site | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Chemical and thermal state of oceanic lithosphere reconstructed by petit-spot mantle xenoliths from the northwestern Pacific 

Norikatsu Akizawa, Akira Ishikawa, Yuka Niwa, Olivier Alard, Yoann Greau, Naoto Hirano, and Shiki Machida and the YK20-14S/YK21-07S/YK24-10S scientific teams

The oceanic lithosphere cools as it spreads away from the mid-ocean ridges, and subducts into the mantle at the subduction zones. In the context of Earth’s material cycle, quantitative chemical and thermal state of the oceanic lithosphere is desired to be estimated to elucidate material flux into the mantle. As a step toward reconstructing the chemical and thermal state of oceanic lithosphere, we present geochemical data set of mantle xenoliths from petti-spots in the northwestern Pacific, where no seismic anomaly is imaged. The petit-spot-borne mantle xenoliths provide us unique chemical and thermal information avoiding modifications derived from the mantle plumes.

The petit-spot mantle xenoliths include lherzolites, harzburgites, and dunites collected at petit-spot Sites A and B in the northwestern Pacific, using deep-submergence vehicle Shinkai 6500 during four expeditions of YK05-06, YK20-14S, YK21-07S, and YK24-10S. They are small in size ranging from 1 to 5 cm in diameter, except for a lherzolite with 15 cm-long diameter. The peridotites show variation in terms of the presence of spinel and garnet, and degree of melt depletion. Some of the peridotites include fine-grained mineral aggregates, which are broken-down products after pyrope-rich garnets considering their average bulk chemical compositions. Rare-earth elements (REE) of clinopyroxene are evaluated with a one-dimensional, steady-state, decompressional melting model. The results indicate that fractional melting in the garnet-stable region is required before conventional fractional melting in the spinel-stable region. Geothermobarometric pressure-temperature estimation results indicate that the peridotite xenoliths were derived from ~2.5 GPa where asthenosphere/lithosphere boundary is expected based on the geophysical investigations.

Abyssal peridotites recovered from the mid-ocean ridges are known to undergo melting from the garnet-stable region to the spinel-stable region. Thus, depleted spinel dunite/harzburgite layer is expected to be perched atop fertile spinel/garnet harzburgite-lherzolite layers as a melting column in the mid-ocean ridge. Since the petit-spot peridotite xenoliths cover a long range of the oceanic stratigraphy deep down to the lithosphere/asthenosphere boundary, we present more detailed chemical and thermal state of the whole oceanic lithosphere in the presentation. In addition, we attempt to present a perspective vision for future petit-spot drilling.

How to cite: Akizawa, N., Ishikawa, A., Niwa, Y., Alard, O., Greau, Y., Hirano, N., and Machida, S. and the YK20-14S/YK21-07S/YK24-10S scientific teams: Chemical and thermal state of oceanic lithosphere reconstructed by petit-spot mantle xenoliths from the northwestern Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10999,, 2025.

EGU25-11443 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Consolidation state of sediments in the Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field, Greece: Evidence for excess pore pressure caused by huge eruptions and mass wasting (IODP Expedition 398) 

Takeru Yoshimoto, Yuzuru Yamamoto, Michael Manga, Sarah Beethe, Iona McIntosh, Adam Woodhouse, Shun Chiyonobu, Olga Koukousioura, Tim Druitt, Steffen Kutterolf, and Thomas Ronge and the IODP Exp. 398 Scientists

The consolidation state of sediments provides crucial information about the pore pressure in sediments, as well as the loading and unloading history of sedimentary basins. We performed consolidation tests on mudstones and calcareous oozes just below the thick volcaniclastics in the Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field, Greece. These sediments were sampled from the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 398 in the Christiana, Santorini, and Kolumbo (CSK) volcanic field.

To understand the in-situ stress and pore pressure, we compared the preconsolidation stress (pc) from the consolidation test with the in-situ effective overburden stress (σ’v) calculated from the shipboard bulk density measurement of core samples. The overconsolidation ratio (OCR = pc/σ’v) is used to identify the state of underconsolidation (OCR < 1) or overconsolidation (OCR > 1) at each drill site.

In the IODP Sites U1589, U1590 and U1593 in the Anydros Basin, underconsolidation states were identified in the interval 200-600 m below sea floor (OCR = 0.59 to 0.85). A maximum of 40% of the effective in-situ overburden is supported by the excess pore pressure at 200 mbsf. These underconsolidated intervals are overlain by >200 m of volcaniclastics derived from the Santorini and the Kolumbo volcanoes. Therefore, the rapid sediment supply (0.8-1.0 m/ky) from the submarine volcanoes apparently leads to the excess pore pressure, which can make sedimentary basins unstable.

On the other hand, measurements from IODP Sites U1591 and U1598 in the Christiana Basin, and Sites U1592 and U1599 in the Anafi Basin showed normal consolidation (i.e., OCR = 1) and overconsolidation (OCR =1.27-2.52) states. Sediments which showed overconsolidation are mostly composed of dolomitic mudstones. The effect of cementation is identified from their consolidation curves, implying that the intergranular bonding contributes to the overconsolidation of sediments. In the presentation, the maximum amount of erosion is calculated to explain the overconsolidation states in the Cristiana and Anafi basins.

How to cite: Yoshimoto, T., Yamamoto, Y., Manga, M., Beethe, S., McIntosh, I., Woodhouse, A., Chiyonobu, S., Koukousioura, O., Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., and Ronge, T. and the IODP Exp. 398 Scientists: Consolidation state of sediments in the Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field, Greece: Evidence for excess pore pressure caused by huge eruptions and mass wasting (IODP Expedition 398), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11443,, 2025.

EGU25-11595 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

New results from IODP Expedition 401 and their implications for the next phase of IMMAGE Land-2-Sea drilling 

Wout Krijgsman, Rachel Flecker, Emmanuelle Ducassou, Trevor Williams, and Expedition 401 Science Party

IMMAGE is a Land-2-Sea drilling project designed to recover a complete record of Atlantic-Mediterranean exchange from around 8 million years ago, to its current configuration with a gateway through the Gibraltar Strait. The aim of the project is to evaluate the influence of Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange on local, regional and global climate before, during and after the formation of a salt giant – the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC). This is being achieved by targeting Miocene offshore sediments on either side of the Gibraltar Strait with IODP Expedition 401 and recovering Miocene successions from the two precursor connections now exposed on land in southern Spain and northern Morocco with ICDP.

Expedition 401 (December 2023-February 2024) drilled three Atlantic sites (U1385, U1609 and U1610) and one in the Alborán Sea (U1611). The Atlantic sites record strong precessional cyclicity in NGR and XRF data. These records have been astronomically tuned and correlated with Mediterranean Late Miocene-Pliocene sequences that include the MSC. Changes in the character of the Atlantic signals correlate with Mediterranean-Atlantic gateway changes associated with progressive restriction of exchange that led to evaporite precipitation in the Mediterranean and the abrupt termination of the MSC with the Zanclean deluge.

The influence of gateway changes in the Alborán Basin are less obvious. The Messinian sequence recovered from the Site U1611 includes 150 m of near continuous subaqueous sediments through the MSC. Initial sedimentological, faunal and geochemical results suggest during the Miocene the basin was mostly highly stratified with anomalous but not extreme salinity even during the MSC. Sediments deposited by bottom currents which are commonly associated with gateway exchange only occur in the Pliocene. This suggests that the Gibraltar Strait only started functioning as the Mediterranean-Atlantic gateway from 5.33 Ma and that during the Messinian the Mediterranean-Atlantic connection must have been elsewhere. Future ICDP drilling of the fossil gateways through Morocco and Spain are required to identify and characterise this enigmatic gateway.

How to cite: Krijgsman, W., Flecker, R., Ducassou, E., Williams, T., and 401 Science Party, E.: New results from IODP Expedition 401 and their implications for the next phase of IMMAGE Land-2-Sea drilling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11595,, 2025.

EGU25-11809 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

ICDP project DOVE: Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys to decipher (a)synchroneities of glaciations around the Alps 

Flavio Anselmetti, Milos Bavec, Christian Crouzet, Markus Fiebig, Gerald Gabriel, Eva Mencin Gale, Giovanni Monegato, Andrej Novak, Frank Preusser, Giancarlo Scardia, Pierre Valla, and Dove Scientific Team

The ICDP project DOVE (Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys) Phase-1 investigates a series of drill cores from glacially overdeepened troughs at several locations along the northern front of the Alps. These basins provide an excellent but yet underexplored archive with regard to the age, extent, and nature of past glaciations. Drilling operations started in 2021 when two sites were drilled in the Northern Alpine foreland. In addition, DOVE analyses included four legacy sites providing a combined 1750 m of cored Quaternary sediment and over 40 m of underlying bedrock cores. A unified characterization of the sedimentary infill of these troughs allowed recognition of various orders of glacial sequences, which were defined by depositional pattern (lithology, sedimentology, geotechnics), wire-line logging data (petrophysics) and seismic data (seismic sequence stratigraphy and facies analysis). Several geochronological methods were employed and luminescence dating proved to allow assigning the glacial sequences to respective marine isotope stages (MIS).

This glacial sequence stratigraphy is interpreted in terms of glacial advance and retreat cycles into basins carved by this or by older glaciations. All drilled overdeepened glacial troughs contain more than one glacial advance-retreat leading to a stacked preserved record of past ice advances. Correlation of the glacial sequence stratigraphy across the northern Alpine arch emphasizes that most sediments were deposited during MIS 6, indicating a strong erosional and depositional pulse during the penultimate glaciation with two-to-three ice advances. Some troughs contain older sequences (i.e. MIS 8) indicating that MIS 6 might have reoccupied pre-existing basins formed by older glaciations. Erosion and infilling patterns during MIS 2 clearly contrast that from MIS 6 and older glacial cycles as many troughs remained underfilled since the Last Glaciation Maximum (LGM) and contain still lakes today. Moreover, it is important to note that during the last glacial cycle, a desynchrony of glaciations has been observed across the Alps, i.e. more extensive glaciation during MIS 4 as well as an earlier onset of the last glacial advance in the western Alps. This can be explained by shifts of the polar front over the North Atlantic that caused different regional maxima of precipitation, which triggered spatial offsets in the timing of past glaciations.

Overall, the overarching pattern emerging from DOVE Phase-1 so far is the dominance of MIS 6-dated sedimentary fills of overdeepenings with older sequences only preserved in a few selected sites. MIS 6 played obviously a key role in landscape evolution along the northern margin of the Alps. This consistent pattern is very surprising and poses the question if it also occurs around the entire Alpine arch, or whether it is restricted to the northern Alpine sections that were covered in DOVE Phase-1. Thus, a prolongation within DOVE Phase-2 is currently planned to comprise four sites in overdeepened troughs in the southern and western areas (Slovenia, Italy, France).

How to cite: Anselmetti, F., Bavec, M., Crouzet, C., Fiebig, M., Gabriel, G., Mencin Gale, E., Monegato, G., Novak, A., Preusser, F., Scardia, G., Valla, P., and Scientific Team, D.: ICDP project DOVE: Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys to decipher (a)synchroneities of glaciations around the Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11809,, 2025.

EGU25-11853 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Morphology of the Belize Barrier Reef as indicators for postglacial Atlantic sea-level changes 

Siro Hosmann, Stefano C Fabbri, Flavio S Anselmetti, and Eberhard Gischler

The mixed carbonate-siliciclastic barrier and atoll reef system offshore Belize is the largest modern tropical reef complex in the Atlantic Ocean, highly sensitive to past and future sea-level changes. The deglaciation and increasing temperatures after the Last Glacial Maximum caused a rise in sea level characterized by multiple melt-water pulses and stillstands, which left their characteristic marks in the morphology and growth pattern of the Belize Barrier Reef. Such postglacial sea-level change indicators provide thus critical details to reconstruct how sea level rose from the full glacial to Late Holocene levels. We present a study that was done within the framework of the active IODP proposal “Postglacial Atlantic sea-level and climate reconstruction through drilling the Belize Barrier Reef (BBRdrill)”. To gain better insight into the morphological details, we acquired a high-resolution (1 x 1 m) topographic dataset of the Belize Barrier Reef with a state-of-the-art multibeam bathymetric device. Moreover, by investigating the entire point cloud of sonar reflections, we were even able to visualize the rarely investigated overhanging reef walls in great detail.

Concise morphological features indicating stagnant or slow-change phases were mapped in detail. They comprise elongated ridges at various water depths, indicating reef build-up to past sea level, which are aligned in single or multiple parallel lines, connecting hook-like structures, or complex honeycomb patterns. We hypothesize that older, postglacial and glacial reefs are stacked more or less vertically below the outermost ridge and the wall. The walls contain various erosional notches indicating still stands of sea level causing enhanced erosion in the quasi-vertical structure. This vertical stacking of the barrier reef crests gets affected towards the submarine outflow area of the English Cay Channel, where turbid waters likely challenged reef growth so that the aggradation eventually stopped and reefs drowned forming a reef line deepening towards the channel.

We provide a statistical distribution of features indicative for sea levels over 100 km length of Belize Barrier Reef, indicating the different slow-downs or stillstands of sea levels since the last glacial maximum. Several levels of erosional notches could be mapped at water depths of ~ -60 to -110 m, whereas the single or multiple reef crest occurs within a range of ~ -15 to -40 m water depth relating to sea levels ~13-16 ka and ~8-11 ka, respectively. The bathymetric distribution of notches and reefs suggests also the existence of a vertical tectonic displacement in the reef.

"BBRdrill" proposes to drill these morphological features in order to i) reconstruct the LGM and postglacial sea-level rise in the western Atlantic ii) reconstruct environmental parameters using corals, coralline algae, and cryptic microbialites; iii) elucidate reef paleoecology in relation to postglacial sea-level rise and associated environmental changes; and iv) assess microbial life in a barrier-reef system.

How to cite: Hosmann, S., Fabbri, S. C., Anselmetti, F. S., and Gischler, E.: Morphology of the Belize Barrier Reef as indicators for postglacial Atlantic sea-level changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11853,, 2025.

EGU25-12058 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Tyrrhenian magmatism and mantle exhumation: first results from IODP Exp. 402 

Nevio Zitellini and the Exp. 402 Science Party

We report the first results of the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 402 in the Tyrrhenian Sea (February 9 to April 8, 2024).  Almost 40 years have passed since the discovery of exposed mantle west of Iberia by ODP but key questions remain unanswered, such as the nature of the mantle, whether it is subcontinental or formed by ultraslow seafloor spreading, or how models can explain the apparent lack of melting. Since then, the mantle has only been probed at mid-ocean ridges, because obtaining samples and data from drilling in magma-poor COTs is a major challenge, as the exposed mantle is typically buried under kilometers of sediment.

The Tyrrhenian Basin is the youngest of the western Mediterranean, formed from the Middle Miocene to recent times by continental extension associated with the ESE-SE rollback of the subducting slab and with the migrating Apennine subduction system. The Tyrrhenian is an outstanding location to test COT formation models by drilling because of its thin sedimentary cover, the presence within a few tens of kilometers of the conjugate pair of COT margins, and the availability of high-quality geophysical data suggesting the presence of serpentinized mantle rocks in its center. A surprising key feature of the basin is the lack of seafloor spreading after mantle exhumation, which allows for the first time a close look into the early stages of the exhumation process.

The main objective of the IODP Exp. 402 was to determine the nature of the geological basement in the central part of the Tyrrhenian Basin and in the conjugate margins to the west and east. The objectives included the kinematics of the opening, the deformation mechanisms of the crust and mantle, and the relationship of the melted products to the exhumed mantle.

The samples and data collected during Exp.402 provide an extensive new data set to determine mantle heterogeneity, the nature and history of melt production and impregnation, and the extent and evolution of serpentinization and carbonate formation; to constrain the geometry and timing of deformation that led to mantle exhumation; to study fluid-rock interactions between seawater, sediment, and the serpentinizing mantle; and to constrain geodynamic models of rifting and COT formation.

How to cite: Zitellini, N. and the Exp. 402 Science Party: Tyrrhenian magmatism and mantle exhumation: first results from IODP Exp. 402, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12058,, 2025.

EGU25-13173 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

21st Century Drilling Workshops Project - Building capacity in the digital domain using scientific ocean drilling legacy material 

Anna Joy Drury, Gerald Auer, Beth Christensen, Junichiro Kuroda, Yusuke Kubo, David De Vleeschouwer, Thomas Westerhold, Ursula Röhl, Laurel Childress, and Minoru Ikehara and the 21st Century Drilling Workshops Team Members (in alphabetical order)

The success of 55+ years of scientific ocean drilling through the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and its predecessors has provided the international scientific ocean drilling (ISOD) community with a wealth of legacy material and data. These physical and digital archives are stored in the three IODP core repositories and several programme databases. Greater utilisation of legacy archives is anticipated as ISOD enters its next phase starting in 2025. For instance, advances in dedicated Earth Science software now make it possible to generate digital representations of cores and use these as a primary data source (e.g., through packages like Code for Ocean Drilling Data, or CODD; Wilkens et al., 2017). There is significant scope for integrating these “virtual cores” and data derived from them following the re-analysis of physical “legacy core” stored in IODP’s core repositories. This integration offers one pathway to increase the capacity and utilisation of legacy material in the future.

The 21st Century Drilling Workshops Project aimed to test best practices for the re-analysis and integration of physical and digital IODP/ODP/DSDP legacy material through four global workshops hosted at all three core repositories. These workshops also tested best practices for training early career researchers in hands-on core analysis. Finally, the linked workshops also addressed the scientific objectives of tracing changes in ice-rafted debris (IRD) and biological responses to shifting Antarctic fronts in the Southern Ocean due to Miocene ice volume variability. To achieve this, the four workshops targeted five sites spread across the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific sectors of the Southern Ocean.

The first workshop was hosted as part of J-DESC’s RECORD ReC23-01 at the Kochi Core Centre (KCC, Japan) in August 2023. Two ECORD MagellanPlus 21st Century Drilling Workshops were held at the Bremen Core Repository (BCR, Germany) in April and November 2024. The final USSSP 21st Century Drilling workshop was held in February 2025 at the Gulf Coast Repository (GCR, USA). RECORD ReC23-01 investigated DSDP Site 266 (Indian Ocean Sector), MagellanPlus Workshop 1 and 2 respectively investigated ODP Site 704 and ODP Sites 1090 and 1092 (Atlantic Ocean Sector), while the USSSP Workshop will investigate a Pacific Sector site. The target sites were carefully chosen to address the scientific objectives while ensuring coverage of sites spanning IODP’s entire history. This approach enabled the workshops to identify potential differences in the analytical requirements of legacy material depending on the age of the cores.

Through the four workshops, we have brought together ~80 researchers (early career to experienced) from a wide range of IODP and non-IODP countries. Though linked by common goals, each workshop had its own specific focus and developed a path tailored toward participant needs and site-specific requirements. By conducting the workshops sequentially, we had the opportunity to evaluate our approaches and adapt them as appropriate. Here, we aim to illustrate initial research highlights alongside several case studies highlighting best practice approaches for investigating digital and physical legacy material to provide powerful research and training opportunities for the next generation researchers engaged with ISOD.

How to cite: Drury, A. J., Auer, G., Christensen, B., Kuroda, J., Kubo, Y., De Vleeschouwer, D., Westerhold, T., Röhl, U., Childress, L., and Ikehara, M. and the 21st Century Drilling Workshops Team Members (in alphabetical order): 21st Century Drilling Workshops Project - Building capacity in the digital domain using scientific ocean drilling legacy material, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13173,, 2025.

EGU25-13865 | ECS | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Synthesis of the laboratory frictional properties of a major shallow subduction zone: the Nankai Trough, offshore SW Japan 

Junli Zhang, Daniel Faulkner, Hanaya Okuda, John Bedford, Matt Ikari, Anja Schleicher, and Takehiro Hirose

The Nankai Trough subduction zone, located off the southern coast of southwestern Japan, has a well-documented history of large Mw > 8 earthquakes and significant tsunamis (e.g., Ando, 1975; Garrett et al., 2016). This region has been the focus of extensive research, including numerous scientific ocean drilling expeditions conducted through the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP), the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), and the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP).

In this study, we compile all available friction data and shipboard routine X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses from across the Nankai Trough. Our findings reveal that while individual friction studies show systematic variations related to mineralogy (e.g., Ikari et al., 2018), temperature (e.g., den Hartog et al., 2012), and pore-fluid pressure (e.g., Bedford et al., 2021), only the correlation between friction and clay mineral content is consistently observed across the entire dataset. Specifically, the friction coefficient measured over velocity scales from nanometers per second to millimeters per second generally remains below 0.6, which is lower than the typical ‘Byerlee’ friction value of 0.85 under normal stress conditions below 200 MPa (Byerlee, 1978), and exhibits an inverse correlation with clay mineral content. The rate-and-state friction parameter (a-b) varies significantly between -0.01 and 0.02, showing no clear relationship with clay mineral content. This lack of correlation is likely due to the diverse experimental conditions across different studies. However, it is notable that velocity-weakening behavior becomes less frequent at the higher end of this velocity scale (>10 μm/s), which may help explain the widespread occurrence of slow slip events in the Nankai Trough. In contrast, samples tested at higher velocity scales (centimeters per second to meters per second) display pronounced frictional weakening, with the friction coefficient dropping to very low values (~0.1) once slip velocities exceed 0.1 m/s.

The wide variation in experimental friction data reflects the complex and heterogeneous frictional properties of the Nankai Trough and aligns with the diverse seismic behaviors observed in the region. The dataset compiled in this study serves as a robust basis for constraining the frictional characteristics of the shallow portion of the Nankai Trough subduction zone.

How to cite: Zhang, J., Faulkner, D., Okuda, H., Bedford, J., Ikari, M., Schleicher, A., and Hirose, T.: Synthesis of the laboratory frictional properties of a major shallow subduction zone: the Nankai Trough, offshore SW Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13865,, 2025.

EGU25-14232 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

After IODP: The Next Phase of U.S. Scientific Ocean Drilling 

Carl Brenner and Kevin Johnson

Scientific ocean drilling has a rich history in the United States, beginning with Project Mohole in 1961. In 1966, the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded the establishment of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP), which, beginning in 1968, carried out coring expeditions aboard the purpose-built drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, managed by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The program became international in 1975 when the Federal Republic of Germany, United Kingdom, France, Japan, and the Soviet Union joined DSDP.

DSDP concluded in 1983 and was succeeded by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). The workhorse vessel for ODP (1985-2003) and the subsequent Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP-1; 2003-13) and International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP-2; 2013-24) was the JOIDES Resolution (JR), owned by Siem Offshore and leased and managed by Texas A&M University. Expeditions during IODP-1 and IODP-2 were also implemented by the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling using a mission specific platform model, and by Japan aboard the riser-equipped drilling vessel Chikyu.

Because of a long-term decline in available funds, the lease agreement for the JR ended in 2024; thus, for the first time in more than 50 years, the U.S. is without a dedicated platform for scientific ocean drilling. In this presentation we describe U.S. plans for a Subseafloor Sampling Program (S3P) to succeed IODP-2. S3P will follow a mission specific platform approach. Proponents will submit drilling proposals directly to NSF, which will employ a semiannual review panel to evaluate them in the context of the internationally developed guiding document, “2050 Science Framework: Exploring Earth by Scientific Ocean Drilling.” In addition, the U.S. community is developing a list of near and intermediate term science priorities through the FOCUS (“Future Ocean Drilling in the U.S.”) workshop effort.

A newly created Scientific Drilling Coordination Office (SODCO) will identify and procure appropriate platforms for projects that are positively reviewed and selected for drilling; it is hoped that up to two expeditions per year can be implemented. SODCO will also assist the U.S. community through planning and training workshops, pre-drilling activities, support for technological innovation, and science communication and outreach. A robust advisory committee structure will ensure that the U.S. subseafloor sampling effort is open, broad-based, community-driven, and motivated by achieving the highest quality science at acceptable risk.

International collaboration in ocean drilling remains a priority for the U.S. For example, NSF is contributing significant funds toward IODP3/NSF Expedition 501 (New England Shelf Hydrogeology) and will support the participation of around a dozen U.S. scientists. Similarly, the U.S. is interested in providing opportunities for non-U.S. scientists aboard S3P expeditions. The exact mechanisms and policies for mutual participation remain to be developed; the U.S. will take a flexible approach that emphasizes transparency, reciprocity, and the interests of potential partners.

How to cite: Brenner, C. and Johnson, K.: After IODP: The Next Phase of U.S. Scientific Ocean Drilling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14232,, 2025.

EGU25-14554 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

China's Scientific Ocean Drilling: Past and Future 

Shouting Tuo, Wentao Wang, and Zhimin Jian

China has been an active participant in scientific ocean drilling programs over the past decades, significantly contributing to advances in marine science, talent development and technological innovation. With the officially conclusion of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) in 2024, China is gearing up for a new phase of ocean exploration. This presentation will comprehensively review China's achievements in ocean drilling and outline its ambitious future plans.

Under the leadership of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a new China Multifunctional Platform (CMP) will be established. The CMP will be jointly operated by the Science Center at Tongji University and the Platform Center at the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey. It will operate with high flexibility, selectively deploying appropriate drilling ships or subsea drilling rigs such as the DV Meng Xiang for deep-water drilling, the "Haiyang Dizhi Shihao" for shallow-water drilling, and the "Hainiu" for shallow target layer drilling, based on specific scientific goals and drilling requirements.

China's ocean drilling strategy is founded on the principles of openness and inclusivity. Proposals for drilling missions will be solicited globally, evaluated by an international panel of experts, and the best projects will be selected for implementation. In keeping with the tradition of scientific ocean drilling programs, all data and samples collected during China-led expeditions will be shared openly, enabling scientists from around the globe to contribute to groundbreaking research. China's commitment to international cooperation extends to maintaining and expanding partnerships with current IODP members, including the United States, Japan, 14 European countries, Canada (ECORD), Australia and New Zealand (ANZIC), India, and others. By broadening the scope of collaboration, China aims to create opportunities for more countries, particularly developing nations, to engage in ocean drilling and contribute to the collective understanding of our oceans.

How to cite: Tuo, S., Wang, W., and Jian, Z.: China's Scientific Ocean Drilling: Past and Future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14554,, 2025.

Since 2004, the U.S. office of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) has utilized the JOIDES Resolution (JR) and its related facilities and scientists to reach out to educators and the general public in efforts to raise awareness and knowledge about the interdisciplinary fields of the program, including climate and ecosystem evolution, palaeoceanography, the deep biosphere, sustainable georesources, deep crustal and tectonic processes, geodynamics and geohazards. Over these past few decades, IODP has strived to not just push the bounds of scientific knowledge, but also make these findings accessible to the public. Towards these goals, the program has hosted the School of Rock (SOR) professional development program – focusing on the training and education of educators – as well as Onboard Outreach Officers (professional education and outreach personnel embedded into expedition science parties). Together, these two programs have generated a vast library of resources – developed through partnerships with shipboard educators and scientists – available to educators worldwide. Topics addressed range from seafloor spreading and plate tectonics, to microbiology and climate change. The materials are easy to filter (e.g. by grade level) to meet the needs of learners in varied settings.

The JR’s Onboard Outreach (OOO) program has also served as a pivotal bridge between the scientific endeavors of the JOIDES Resolution and the public. This program evolved significantly over the past 15 years, leveraging both advancements in technology and changing needs and attitudes towards public outreach. Through the efforts of Outreach Officers, the importance of deep sea ocean drilling has been disseminated to the general public on a global scale.

School of Rock has also served as a fruitful generative vehicle for new ideas, including a community-driven, travelling informal exhibit program, and mechanisms for developing long-lasting relationships between K12 educators and university faculty.  Beyond its legacy of a significant body of educational resources, SOR has also impacted how professional development is done by serving as a template for teacher/researcher collaboration and exchange of knowledge —  spawning and inspiring new programs such as STEMSEAS and JR Academy (for undergraduate students). In this presentation, we will share highlights of this legacy, plans for the future of scientific ocean drilling education and outreach in a post-JR world, and new efforts to shape the next generation of geoscientists.

How to cite: Cooper, S., White, L., and Thesenga, D.: IODP Education and Outreach: An Enduring Legacy from Two Decades of IODP programming and opportunities in the U.S. and beyond, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14962,, 2025.

EGU25-15640 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

The GeoLaB-1 well 

Fiorenza Deon, Jen Carsten Grimmer, Julia Mitzscherling, Said Kamrani-mehni, Rüdiger Giese, Florian Bauer, Xheni Garipi, Lukas Seib, Ali Dashti, Noah Louis Schmidt, Navid Bahrami Dashtaki, Stefan Lüth, Ingo Sass, Thomas Kohl, Bastian Rudolph, and Olaf Kolditz

The exploration well GeoLaB-1 will be drilled in February 2025 into the Tromm pluton in the Odenwald (SW Germany) with a maximum depth of 500 m. An only 20-30 cm thin veneer of Quaternary sediments is expected on top of a few m of weathered granite, followed by massive granites and quartz-monzonites until final depth. The drilling plan involves full coring and a comprehensive logging program of the Tromm pluton. Drilling is accompanied by 2D-seismic, gravimetric, geoelectric, and magnetic surveys. The cores will provide basic information about the compositional heterogeneities of the Tromm pluton, particularly their mineralogy, fracture network, hydrothermal alteration, and their microbiology with depth. The focus of the investigations will be on petrography and mineralogy, petrophysical properties, quantitative analysis of fracture networks, the native upper crustal microbiome, hydrochemistry, hydrotesting, and geomechanical modelling. Borehole completion includes implementation of glass fiber optic cables and geophones for later monitoring.

The results will influence the site selection and design for the construction of the GeoLaB research underground infrastructure. Furthermore, it will allow the evaluation of potential future impacts from tunnel construction and laboratory operation.

How to cite: Deon, F., Grimmer, J. C., Mitzscherling, J., Kamrani-mehni, S., Giese, R., Bauer, F., Garipi, X., Seib, L., Dashti, A., Schmidt, N. L., Bahrami Dashtaki, N., Lüth, S., Sass, I., Kohl, T., Rudolph, B., and Kolditz, O.: The GeoLaB-1 well, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15640,, 2025.

EGU25-16325 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Insights into geophysical downhole logging data from the ICDP project ‘The Nam Co Drilling Project, Tibet (NamCore)’ 

Arne Ulfers, Torsten Haberzettl, Junbo Wang, Liping Zhu, Leon Clark, Andrew C. G. Henderson, Hendrik Vogel, Jianting Ju, Marie-Luise Adolph, Mathias Vinnepand, Christian Zeeden, and the NamCore Science Team

The Tibetan Plateau is part of a region often referred to as the ‘Third Pole’ because its ice fields are the world’s largest outside the polar regions.  Almost one third of the world's population depends on the water supply from the Tibetan Plateau and future climate change will have a large impact on the region, affecting the water cycle, water resources, ecology and the economy. To assess predictive climate model scenarios, it is crucial to improve our understanding of the timing, duration and intensity of past climatic variability and its environmental impact in this sensitive area over long geologic time scales. For this, we use a sequence of lacustrine sediments from the Tibetan Plateau, which was acquired during the drilling campaign for the international ICDP project ‘The Nam Co Drilling Project, Tibet (NamCore)’ that was carried out in June/July 2024. The lake is located 4700 m above sea level, has a maximum depth of approximately 100 m, and covers an area of more than 2000 m2. In contrast to much younger and often incomplete climate archives on the Tibetan Plateau, the sedimentary sequence of Nam Co contains continuous information on climate history with age estimations of more than one million years. The investigation of this sequence will cover several cycles of glacial and interglacial stages.

The LIAG Institute for Applied Geophysics completed geophysical downhole measurements at the drill site in the central area of the lake. This involved multi-tool logging of two boreholes down to a depth of 185 m and 360 m below lake floor, respectively. Preliminary analyses reveal several lithological units that can be characterised by their physical properties. In addition, certain sections exhibit cyclic variations in the sedimentary sequence. This is beneficial for cyclostratigraphy and time series analyses, which in turn can lead to the creation of a robust time-depth scale.

Information on depositional age and lithology will be combined to derive statements on the relationship between aridity and precipitation in the past and to interpret these in the context of global climate development.

How to cite: Ulfers, A., Haberzettl, T., Wang, J., Zhu, L., Clark, L., Henderson, A. C. G., Vogel, H., Ju, J., Adolph, M.-L., Vinnepand, M., Zeeden, C., and NamCore Science Team, T.: Insights into geophysical downhole logging data from the ICDP project ‘The Nam Co Drilling Project, Tibet (NamCore)’, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16325,, 2025.

EGU25-16330 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Multiple interglacial sequences in a Darwin-type barrier-reef lagoon: Implications for paleoclimate, sea-level changes and subsidence since the Late-Pleistocene 

Martin H. Felder, Siro Hosmann, Gilbert Camoin, Anton Eisenhauer, Eberhard Gischler, Cindy De Jonge, Katrina Kremer, David Lecchini, Glenn Milne, Hendrik Vogel, and Flavio S. Anselmetti

Charles Darwin described in 1842 the island of Bora Bora (Society Islands, Central South Pacific) as key example for a subsiding basaltic oceanic island with related reef development. He recognized that the Bora Bora lagoon developed between an outer barrier reef with a sand apron and an inner fringing reef attached to the shore of the volcanic island. In order to quantify past sea-level and paleoenvironmental changes and island subsidence, the lagoonal sediments were cored in 2024 in the context of the Bora2coring project. Previous shorter cores indicated that the Holocene lagoonal sediments are of a mixed-carbonate-siliciclastic nature: the carbonate fraction is formed in-situ in the shallow-water depositional environment, whereas the siliciclastic fraction originates from the volcanic island. A recent seismic survey documented that below the Holocene sequence, several stacked depositional sequences occur, which must reflect the combined effect of sea-level fluctuations and ongoing island subsidence. To unravel the complex depositional history, a full suite of sedimentological, paleontological, petrophysical and geochemical analysis of the cores are conducted. In addition, samples of recent soil and lagoonal sediment will provide a data set to calibrate the measured proxies from the cores.

A total of 33 m of sediment cores were recovered and spliced into a composite section with a length of 18.2 m. The composite section reveals variable lithologies. A 4.5 m thick Holocene carbonate mud overlays a stiff, red to grey-bluish mottled, carbonate-free clay, forming the next underlying sequence. Coarse-grained carbonate sediments reappear at a depth of 9 m. Below this second carbonate unit, carbonate-free, grey-to-brown clay occurs, with occasional interbeds of white carbonate. Downcore, the clay becomes reddish again.

These sediments will be interpreted in the context of the interplay between sea-level, island subsidence and resulting accommodation space. A permanent connection to the open ocean seems to have existed only during the Holocene. In contrast, the deposition of siliciclastic fines during glacial phases suggests a distal alluvial or even shallow lacustrine depositional environment with no carbonate production within the lagoon. The occurrence of carbonates in 9 m depth indicate an older marine transgression and regression cycle presumably during an interglacial period overlying another glacial sequence.

All the different analyses will eventually merge toward an improved knowledge of island subsidence and the chronology and amplitudes of sea-level changes. The siliciclastic fines will additionally serve as an excellent proxy for hydroclimate-dependent weathering and erosion processes on the island.

How to cite: Felder, M. H., Hosmann, S., Camoin, G., Eisenhauer, A., Gischler, E., De Jonge, C., Kremer, K., Lecchini, D., Milne, G., Vogel, H., and S. Anselmetti, F.: Multiple interglacial sequences in a Darwin-type barrier-reef lagoon: Implications for paleoclimate, sea-level changes and subsidence since the Late-Pleistocene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16330,, 2025.

EGU25-16584 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Preliminary assessment of IODP Expedition 405 JTRACK in the Japan trench: investigating slip and tracking fault healing after a Mw9 earthquake 

Marianne Conin, Shuichi Kodaira, Patrick Fulton, James Kirkpatrick, Christine Regalla, Kohtaro Ujiie, Natsumi Okutsu, Lena Maeda, Sean Toczko, and Nobu Eguchi and the IODP Expedition 405 Scientists

IODP Expedition 405 “Tracking Tsunamigenic Slip Across the Japan Trench” (JTRACK) was a challenging but successful 4-month expedition (September 6 to December 24, 2024 – 56 scientists) that revisited and drilled the large co-seismic slip region of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake, 12 years after IODP Expedition 343 “JFAST” had done so. One of the expedition’s primary objectives is to evaluate temporal variations in stress state, fluid flow, and physical properties in the thirteen years since the Tohoku-oki earthquake. This will allow an assessment of how faults heal and reload after a major earthquake, and the role of fluids in such processes. The second objective is to investigate the compositional, structural, mechanical, hydrological, and frictional properties of the rocks in and around the shallow plate boundary, to assess the role of each of those components on the plate boundary location and slip behavior, and to understand the long-term evolution of this prism. Two sites were successfully drilled. At Site C0019, located ~8km landward of the trench axis, drilling intersected the frontal prism, décollement, and subducted plate at the JFAST location. Drilling at Site C0026 intersected the sediment sequence and underlying oceanic crust of the incoming Pacific Plate, thus serving as a reference site. Operations consisted of: 1) collecting logging while drilling (LWD) data at C0019 and C0026 from the seafloor to oceanic crust; 2) coring at C0019 through the entire frontal prism, décollement, and oceanic crust, and at C0026 through the incoming sediment sequence; 3) installing temperature sensors in two borehole observatories to characterize fault zone hydrogeology by re-instrumenting the existing observatory in borehole C0019D (JFAST observatory) and the developing and instrumenting a new observatory borehole C0019P (JTRACK observatory). Overall, Expedition 405 was a huge operational success. Under 7 km of water, it successfully recovered cores from multiple shallow hydraulic piston coring system (HPCS) holes at each site, as well as three deep small-diameter rotary core barrel (SD-RCB) holes at Site C0019 to ~950 mbsf and one SD-RBD hole at Site C0026 to ~300 mbsf. Together, the boreholes provide continuous records of the subsurface from the seafloor to the deep sedimentary rocks and mafic volcanic rocks of the oceanic crust, documenting the Pacific oceanic plate as never before. The plate boundary fault zone was drilled and sampled in multiple holes, providing a unique dataset from an active fault zone that constrains its lateral heterogeneity. Measurements and observations made provide key data to evaluate the controls on shallow tsunamigenic slip and the temporal variations in stress and physical properties and conditions that occur following a great subduction zone earthquake. Overall, the range of data gathered during the expedition is vast, encompassing sedimentary and volcanic processes, paleoseismology, paleoclimate and paleo-oceanography, earthquake mechanics, and tectonic processes at convergent margins.

How to cite: Conin, M., Kodaira, S., Fulton, P., Kirkpatrick, J., Regalla, C., Ujiie, K., Okutsu, N., Maeda, L., Toczko, S., and Eguchi, N. and the IODP Expedition 405 Scientists: Preliminary assessment of IODP Expedition 405 JTRACK in the Japan trench: investigating slip and tracking fault healing after a Mw9 earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16584,, 2025.

EGU25-16604 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

From the lower crust towards the crust–mantle transition zone: Initial results from the ICDP DIVE project 

Othmar Müntener, Hetényi György, Greenwood Andrew, Ziberna Luca, Zanetti Alberto, Pistone Mattia, Giovanelli Donato, and Venier Marco and the DIVE Drilling Project Science team

We report initial results from the first phase of the ICDP-funded ‘Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano zonE‘ (DIVE) project in Val d’Ossola (northern Italy). Characterized by pronounced geophysical anomalies, the exposed Ivrea-Verbano Zone offers unique opportunities to test geophysical and petrologic models about the lower continental crust (LCC) and its transition to the upper mantle. From October 2022 to April 2024 two boreholes of respectively 578.5 and 909.5 m depth were drilled using continuous diamond double tube wireline coring. Core recovery was ~100% for both boreholes. During and after drilling, geophysical logs were acquired, providing natural and spectral gamma ray, magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity (SPR and DLL), spontaneous potential, sonic, acoustic and optic televiewer data. Retrieved rock cores were described and classified by the DIVE drilling project science team and later shipped to the BGR Rock Core Repository in Spandau-Berlin, where core density and magnetic susceptibility were measured with a multi-sensor core logger followed by XRF scans.

Here we summarize core descriptions, initial geochemical results, geophysical logging data, drill hole fluid chemistry and gas compositions, and preliminary microbiological investigations. The two boreholes sampled two fundamentally different compositions of the lower continental crust: one (5071_1_B) mostly consists of metasedimentary rocks and a few amphibolites, and the second hole (5071_1_A) mostly captures a variety of gabbroic rocks with intercalations of granulite facies metasediments, pyroxenite, and intrusive gabbronorite. This is in agreement with the expected structural positions but allow to study the continental lower crust across numerous spatial scales.

In borehole 5071_1_A, several zones of ultramylonites, cataclasites, fault gauges and pseudotachylites were recovered documenting important episodes of semi-brittle behaviour of the LCC after assembly in the Lower Permian. Along the entire drillholes fractures and open cracks were observed and sampled, some of them filled with precipitates of quartz, carbonates, sulfides, graphite, and oxides.

Continuous monitoring of borehole fluids and gases provide evidence of varying gas mixtures including H2, CH4, and CO2, indicating diverse fluid sources and microbial activities in the deep crust. At the current stage, we are evaluating the biotic and abiotic contributions. Some of these open fractures are potentially promising hosts for microbial communities and are currently under investigation. Additional samples for microbiological studies were taken every 20 m from the drillcores and are currently cultivated for further investigations and also analyzed for bulk rock major and trace elements.

The two drillholes of DIVE provide unprecedented details of the variability of lower continental crust. Metasedimentary sections of the drilled LCC are important reservoirs for volatile and radiogenic heat producing elements, while dominantly mafic sections of the lower continental crust are depleted in these elements. Measured seismic velocities and densities are affected by numerous fractures but metasedimentary rocks are uniformly lower in density (2.5-2.8 g/cm3) compared to the mafic section (2.8-3.4 g/cm3) indicating that the lowermost part of the drilled section enters the continental crust–mantle transition zone.

How to cite: Müntener, O., György, H., Andrew, G., Luca, Z., Alberto, Z., Mattia, P., Donato, G., and Marco, V. and the DIVE Drilling Project Science team: From the lower crust towards the crust–mantle transition zone: Initial results from the ICDP DIVE project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16604,, 2025.

EGU25-17257 | ECS | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

A million years of contrasting climate system influences shaped potential hominin habitats across Africa – Novel perspectives from Lake Bosumtwi (Ghana, West Africa) 

Mathias Vinnepand, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, William Gosling, Anders Noren, Mohammad Paknia, Thomas Wonik, Mathieu Martinez, Simona Pierdominici, Jochem Kück, Arne Ulfers, Sylvester Danour, Kweku Afrifa, and Christian Zeeden

After the climatic and environmental context of hominin evolution in East Africa centred the spotlight for decades, West Africa gains increasing interest considering a pan-African early human history. However, long and continuous continental climate records from this area illuminating regional hydroclimatic impacts and differences across Africa are missing. This is a major shortcoming as fundamental offsets in W-E hydroclimates are expectable that may have influenced human dispersal. Here we present the million-year-old hydroclimate record from Lake Bosumtwi in tropical West Africa, suggesting that this area has been strongly impacted by hemispheric system interactions (N-S-Atlantic, 100 ka cycles) and local insolation including half-precession. Comparing our findings with records from tropical East Africa governed by an Indian Ocean signal (20 ka, 400 ka cycles), we can confirm strongly contrasting hydroclimatic trends. To understand the meaning of these, we compare hydroclimatic signals from Lake Bosumtwi and Chew Bahir (tropical East Africa) providing us with important relative (moister-dryer) information with climate model output data delivering mean annual precipitation (MAP) estimates. This reveals striking similarities between the considered geoscientific data and climate models raising confidence that the MAP estimates can be reliably used to infer supported biomes. Whilst modelled MAP at Lake Bosumtwi varies between 1050 mm (wet savannah) and 1550 mm (rainforest), Chew Bahir may have been characterised by thorn to dry savannah conditions (550-750 mm/a). In this context, cross-Africa climate modelling suggests that large W-E savannah corridors supporting migration of large mammals and humans spread during periods, when the differences between MAP at both end-members have been low. In contrast, these corridors are interrupted by conditions supporting rainforests, when δMAP is high. These phases coincide with major steps in the evolution of the mega-fauna and hominins providing us with a basis for discussing new perspectives on climate and human co-evolution scenarios.

How to cite: Vinnepand, M., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Gosling, W., Noren, A., Paknia, M., Wonik, T., Martinez, M., Pierdominici, S., Kück, J., Ulfers, A., Danour, S., Afrifa, K., and Zeeden, C.: A million years of contrasting climate system influences shaped potential hominin habitats across Africa – Novel perspectives from Lake Bosumtwi (Ghana, West Africa), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17257,, 2025.

EGU25-20836 | Orals | ITS5.1/SSP1.7

Unravelling Greenland Ice Sheet and Arctic climate history over the last 30 Million years – Results from IODP Expedition 400 

Paul C. Knutz, Anne Jennings, and Laurel B. Childress and the IODP Expedition 400 Scientists

Understanding the history of the northern Greenland Ice Sheet (NGrIS) and its connection to long-term changes in the Arctic is crucial for assessing glacial instability thresholds and the cryosphere's response to greenhouse gas emissions. To fill knowledge gaps in the evolution of the GrIS and its climate role, IODP Expedition 400 collected sedimentary records from Sites U1603–U1608 along the northwest Greenland margin and into Baffin Bay. These sites recover a range of deep ocean-to-shelf depositional settings and lithofacies which form proximal archives of NGrIS evolution through the late Cenozoic era.  Across six sites, 2299 meters of core material were recovered, and wireline logging was conducted at four sites. The expedition targeted high-accumulation contourite drifts within, and below, a well-mapped trough mouth fan system. At Site U1607, deep time objectives were achieved with cores extending to 978 meters below the seafloor, capturing Miocene and late Oligocene sediments. This presentation summarizes the initial results in alignment with the key scientific objectives pursued by the expedition scientists: (1) evaluating near-complete NGrIS deglaciations during the Pleistocene and mid-Pleistocene orbital shifts, (2) examining NGrIS expansion timing and links to Pliocene marine heat transport, and (3) studying climate-ecosystem conditions under higher atmospheric CO2 levels over the past 30 million years. The X400 shipboard results, and the ensuing post-cruise research, will enable the assessment of the forcings—oceanic, atmospheric, orbital, and tectonic—affecting the GrIS over various timescales and improve models of glacial inception and interglacial transitions.

How to cite: Knutz, P. C., Jennings, A., and Childress, L. B. and the IODP Expedition 400 Scientists: Unravelling Greenland Ice Sheet and Arctic climate history over the last 30 Million years – Results from IODP Expedition 400, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20836,, 2025.

EGU25-614 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Evaluating a Parameterization for Sublimation of Blowing Snow with In-situ Observations in the Arctic 

Lukas Monrad-Krohn, Maximilian Maahn, Markus Frey, and Stephen J. Déry

Surface albedo, sea ice growth and glacier mass balance in the Arctic are all heavily dependent on snow and thus also impacted by blowing snow through redistribution and increased sublimation. The sublimation of blowing snow is significantly higher than that of ground snow due to the larger surface area of the suspended snow crystals and the continuous entrainment of dry air. Thus, sublimation of blowing snow impacts the exchange of energy, moisture and particles between the snow and atmosphere in windy conditions.

Because of the difficulty of modelling such a small-scale process for large areas, parameterizations of sublimation of blowing snow are necessary for snow mass balance and aerosol production studies. The widely used Déry and Yau (2001) parameterization has only been evaluated with model data from the Canadian Prairie, but never for other surface types, where it is applied, or with in-situ observations. Therefore, the goal of this work is to evaluate the parameterization by Déry and Yau (2001) with observations from the MOSAiC expedition in the central Arctic and the Intensive Observation Period for Water (IOP4H20) field measurements in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard.

Here we show observations of blowing snow events that were detected and characterized by a snow particle counter and the Video In-Situ Snowfall Sensor (VISSS). During these events, measurements of latent heat fluxes from eddy covariance systems are used to evaluate the parameterized sublimation rate. To address challenges with eddy covariance observations in snowy conditions and calculating column-integrated values the observations are complemented with the 1D-column PIEKTUK-D blowing snow model.

In this way, comparing the parameterization with observations brings insights into its uncertainty or possible limitations for two different surface types and thereby improves the estimation of the accuracy of snow mass balance and aerosol production studies that apply this parameterization.

How to cite: Monrad-Krohn, L., Maahn, M., Frey, M., and Déry, S. J.: Evaluating a Parameterization for Sublimation of Blowing Snow with In-situ Observations in the Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-614,, 2025.

EGU25-731 | ECS | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Simulating aerosol and cloud properties over coastal Antarctica in a high resolution regional model 

Zhangcheng Pei, Sonya Fiddes, Marc Mallet, Simon Alexander, Kalli Furtado, Calum Knight, Greg Roff, Daniel Smith, Alain Protat, Adrian McDonald, and John French

Global climate models and reanalysis products have revealed large downwelling shortwave radiation biases over the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. The biases are hypothesized to be caused by the incapability of models to accurately simulate the frequent occurrence of low-level mixed-phase clouds in these regions. It’s crucial to elucidate the intricacy of cloud microphysics and aerosol-cloud interaction in climate models over the Southern Ocean and Antarctica in order to better simulate the climate system.

In this study, we use the ground-based observations colleted at Davis, East Antarctica to assess the capability of the high-resolution regional Unified Model (UM) to reproduce precipitating clouds off coastal Antarctica. We found the default configuration of the model can generally simulate the phase, vertical structure, and timing of clouds while exhibiting biases in the simulated water path and surface radiation fluxes compared to observations. A series of sensitivity tests with changed cloud and aerosol properties were conducted. The key findings suggest that: (1) Current monthly aerosol climatology implemented in the UM for cloud droplet activation largely underestimates aerosol concentrations, leading to fewer cloud droplets and worse radiation biases; (2) Increasing the cloud droplet number concentrations to a maximum satellite-based value doesn’t have a significant impact on liquid water path (LWP) and radiation biases; (3) A more realistic ice nucleating particle parameterization significantly increases the LWP and reduces temperature and radiation biases at coastal Antarctica. Moreover, preliminary results from coupling CASIM and GLOMAP aerosol schemes in the UM evaluated with ship-based observations over high-latitude Southern Ocean will be presented.

How to cite: Pei, Z., Fiddes, S., Mallet, M., Alexander, S., Furtado, K., Knight, C., Roff, G., Smith, D., Protat, A., McDonald, A., and French, J.: Simulating aerosol and cloud properties over coastal Antarctica in a high resolution regional model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-731,, 2025.

EGU25-752 | ECS | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Local Production of Arctic Sea Spray Aerosol in the Fall-Winter Transition 

Emily J. Costa, Cara Waters, Jessica A. Mirrielees, Hailey E. Kempf, Jun Liu, Jamy Y. Lee, Andrew L. Holen, Judy Wu, Andrew P. Ault, and Kerri A. Pratt

The Arctic is rapidly warming, causing reductions in sea ice extent and thickness. This is resulting in increasing areas of open water, which can act as a source of sea spray aerosol generated by bubble bursting at the sea surface. Changing local marine biogeochemistry is expected to have an increasing impact on the Arctic aerosol population. However, measurements of the Arctic atmosphere under these changing conditions are challenging and limited, especially during the fall-winter transition, when sea ice freeze-up is delayed. As such, there is little knowledge of how the changing ecosystem will influence the regional atmosphere and climate. To investigate Arctic sea spray aerosol particles during the fall-winter transition, we present measurements of individual particles collected during the November – December 2018 Aerosols in the Polar Utqiaġvik Night (APUN) field campaign in coastal Utqiaġvik, Alaska. The morphology and chemical composition of individual atmospheric particles ranging in diameter from 0.1–1.8 μm were measured using computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (CCSEM-EDX) and Raman microspectroscopy. CCSEM-EDX was used to identify individual sea salt aerosol particles and investigate their elemental composition, with an emphasis on quantifying organic carbon content. Using Raman microspectroscopy, we identified marine-derived organics within the individual sea salt aerosol particle coatings. The majority of the sea spray aerosol particles were identified as being produced from nearby open water, rather than being long-range transported. These measurements of sea spray aerosol during the coastal Arctic fall-winter transition will further our understanding of the connections between delayed sea ice freeze-up, seawater microbiology, and aerosol particle composition in the changing Arctic environment.  

How to cite: Costa, E. J., Waters, C., Mirrielees, J. A., Kempf, H. E., Liu, J., Lee, J. Y., Holen, A. L., Wu, J., Ault, A. P., and Pratt, K. A.: Local Production of Arctic Sea Spray Aerosol in the Fall-Winter Transition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-752,, 2025.

The rapid warming of the Arctic, driven by glacial and sea ice melt, poses significant challenges to Earth's climate, ecosystems, and economy. Recent evidence indicates that the snow-darkening effect (SDE), caused by black carbon (BC) deposition, plays a crucial role in accelerated warming. However, high-resolution simulations assessing the impacts from the properties of snowpack and land‒atmosphere interactions on the changes in the surface energy balance of the Arctic caused by BC remain scarce. This study integrates the Snow, Ice, Aerosol, and Radiation (SNICAR) model with a polar-optimized version of the Weather Research and Forecasting model (Polar-WRF) to evaluate the impacts of snow melting and land‒atmosphere interaction processes on the SDE due to BC deposition. The simulation results indicate that BC deposition can directly affect the surface energy balance by decreasing snow albedo and its corresponding radiative forcing (RF). On average, BC deposition at 50 ng g-1 causes a daily average RF of 1.6 W m-2 in offline simulations (without surface feedbacks) and 1.4 W m-2 in online simulations (with surface feedbacks). The reduction in snow albedo induced by BC is strongly dependent on snow depth, with a significant linear relationship observed when snow depth is shallow. In regions with deep snowpack, such as Greenland, BC deposition leads to a 25–41% greater SDE impact and a 19–40% increase in snowmelt than in areas with shallow snow. Snowmelt and land‒atmosphere interactions play significant roles in assessing changes in the surface energy balance caused by BC deposition based on a comparison of results from offline and online coupled simulations via Polar-WRF/Noah-MP and SNICAR. Offline simulations tend to overestimate SDE impacts by more than 50% because crucial surface feedback processes are excluded. This study underscores the importance of incorporating detailed physical processes in high-resolution models to improve our understanding of the role of the SDE in Arctic climate change.

How to cite: Zhang, Z., Zhou, L., and Zhang, M.: A numerical sensitivity study on the snow-darkening effect by black carbon deposition over the Arctic in spring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2025,, 2025.

EGU25-3641 | ECS | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Evaluation and Attribution of a Warm Winter Bias Over Arctic Sea Ice in a Climate Model 

Nicolas Michalezyk, Guillaume Gastineau, Martin Vancoppenolle, and Clément Rousset

Biases of the winter near-surface temperature over Arctic sea ice have been reported in climate models, increasing uncertainties in future sea ice and Arctic climate projections. Mitigating these biases in future model versions requires proper evaluation and understanding of their origin. To progress on these matters, we focus on the near surface air temperature simulated in the atmosphere-only and coupled configurations of the IPSL-CM6A-LR climate model. To establish a reliable baseline for evaluating simulations, we identified a linear relationship between the mean surface air temperature from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 5th generation reanalysis (ERA) and their bias relative to in situ observations from Soviet North Pole drifting stations. This relationship is then used to correct the ERA5 data. We find the winter near-surface temperature bias in the atmosphere-only IPSL-CM6A-LR configuration turns from cold to warm once ERA5 is linearly corrected, reaching +2.2°C over Arctic multiyear ice. The bias increases to +4.8°C in the fully-coupled configuration. Using a pan-Arctic energy budget evaluation, the warm bias in IPSL models is explained by an excessive poleward atmospheric heat transport. In the coupled configuration, the warm bias is increased by the too small sea ice extent, which also acts to reduce the overestimated atmospheric heat transport and leads to a too small poleward oceanic heat transport and surface energy budget. The methods developed here could be used in multi-model evaluations to further progress in understanding and reducing biases in climate models.


How to cite: Michalezyk, N., Gastineau, G., Vancoppenolle, M., and Rousset, C.: Evaluation and Attribution of a Warm Winter Bias Over Arctic Sea Ice in a Climate Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3641,, 2025.

EGU25-5474 | ECS | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3

The importance of oceanic emissions for modelling Arctic aerosols and clouds 

Rémy Lapere, Louis Marelle, Antoine Haddon, Nadja Steiner, Jean-Christophe Raut, and Jennie L. Thomas

Emissions of primary aerosols and aerosol precursors from the ocean are key for the Arctic climate. Among those, secondary aerosols from oceanic dimethylsulfide (DMS) are a key species for aerosol-radiation and aerosol-cloud interactions. However, the representation of DMS in atmospheric models is challenging, which generates large uncertainties in the Arctic aerosol budget. In this work we evaluate the sensitivity of simulated Arctic aerosols and clouds in the WRF-Chem atmospheric chemistry model, over a complete annual cycle, to (1) the representation of DMS chemistry in the atmosphere and (2) the oceanic DMS concentration product used as boundary condition. For (2), we compare the results obtained using the Lana et al. (2011) global climatology versus dedicated simulations of the Arctic Ocean biogeochemistry with NEMO-CSIB.
        We find that aerosol number concentrations can change by up to more than 100%, including over sea ice, depending on the model configuration, with a greater sensitivity to the chemistry mechanism than to the oceanic DMS product. This change is negative in the summer, which leads to decreased cloud droplet number and increased (decreased, respectively) shortwave (longwave, respectively) radiation at the surface over sea ice. The opposite effect is found in late spring and autumn. Overall, we find that using a more complex chemistry and better description of Arctic Ocean DMS has an impact on the surface energy budget of +4 W/m2 on average for the year 2018, both over sea ice and the open ocean. This configuration also performs best compared to observations. Additional experiments evaluating the changes of aerosol number under future oceanic DMS concentrations, potential emissions of DMS through sea ice, and the role of methanesulfonic acid (MSA) nucleation in summertime aerosol number concentration are presented. 
        This work demonstrates the importance of accurately modeling DMS for simulations of the Arctic aerosol budget and climate, and the value-added of forcing atmospheric models with ocean biogeochemistry simulations.

How to cite: Lapere, R., Marelle, L., Haddon, A., Steiner, N., Raut, J.-C., and Thomas, J. L.: The importance of oceanic emissions for modelling Arctic aerosols and clouds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5474,, 2025.

Stable boundary layers (SBL) commonly form during the Arctic polar night, but their correct representation has been posing major challenges for numerical weather prediction (NWP) systems. To enable innovative model verification, we performed measurements of the lower atmospheric boundary layer with airborne fiber-optic distributed sensing (FODS), a tethered sonde, and ground-based eddy-covariance measurements. Here we contrast findings across two representative synoptic forcings leading to structurally different inversion types in a fjord-valley system in Svalbard, namely inflow and outflow conditions during the arctic polar night in early 2024. The strong gradients of the inversions are accompanied by an increased temperature variance, which is related to enhanced buoyancy fluctuations. The observed vertical temperature and wind speed profiles are compared to two configurations of the HARMONIE-AROME system with different horizontal resolutions at 2.5 km and 0.5 km.

The higher-resolution model captures cold pool and low-level jet formation during weak synoptic forcing and valley outflow, resulting in a well-represented vertical temperature profile down to the snow surface, while the coarser model exhibits a warm bias in near-surface temperatures of up to 8 K due to underestimated inversion strength. During changing background flow to valley inflow conditions, the higher-resolution model is more sensitive to misrepresented fjord-scale wind directions and performs less well, while the coarser NWP system has a seemingly better agreement with the observations lending to the underrepresented interaction with the topography.

The results indicate the importance of the ratio between nominal horizontal model resolution and valley width to represent stable boundary layer features in a physically meaningful manner. Our results underline the substantial benefit of the innovative spatially resolving FODS measurements for model verification studies as well as the importance of model and topography resolution for accurate representation of stable boundary layers in complex terrain.

How to cite: Thomas, C., Mack, L., Kähnert, M., Jonassen, M., Batrak, Y., Remes, T., and Pirk, N.: Investigating Stable Boundary-Layer Temperature Profiles Observed from Fiber-Optic Distributed Sensing on a Tethered Balloon and comparing them against NWP Systems at Different Resolutions for an Arctic Fjord-Valley System in Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7195,, 2025.

EGU25-7289 | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Lagrangian pathways connecting the Weddell and Bellingshausen Seas 

Vladimir Maderich, Roman Bezhenar, Igor Brovchenko, Dias Fabio Boeira, Cecilia Äijälä, and Petteri Uotila

This study aims to assess the connectivity of currents around the Antarctic Peninsula and identify the structure of flows carrying particles from the Eastern to Western Antarctic Peninsula continental shelves. We use circulation data for the Weddell and Bellingshausen Seas from the “Whole Antarctica Ocean Model” to obtain and analyse particle trajectories using the “Probably A Really Computationally Efficient Lagrangian Simulator” (Parcels) model. In addition to the main Parcels kernels and a previously developed kernel that ensures the conservation of the number of particles during flow around irregularities in the bottom relief and the lower edge of ice shelves, we have also developed a kernel to simulate convection in the ocean upper mixed layer. Around 170,000 virtual particles were released at a depth of 10 m during a year with a spatial step of 1° in two shelf and slope sectors in the southern Weddell Sea where depth is less than 1500 m. The first sector covers a shelf area between 71°S and 77°S adjacent to the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. The second sector covers a shelf area between 70°S and 65°S adjacent to the Larsen Ice Shelf.  The pathways of water masses were characterised by the visitation frequency (the percentage of particles P that visit each 10×10 km grid column at least once in a modelling period of 20 years). The proportion of particles crossing 58°W (tip of the Antarctic Peninsula) is 21% of the total amount, while the proportion of particles turning northeast is 70%.  The smaller sector, adjacent to the Larsen Ice Shelf, is the main source of particles transferred to the Bellingshausen Sea (51%). In contrast, particles released in the larger sector were mostly transported to the northeast (75%). Only 3.4% of the released particles were transported to the west of 80°W, while the Amundsen Sea (105°W) is reached only by 0.1% of released particles. This indicates a virtual lack of connectivity between the ocean circulation from the Weddell to the Amundsen Seas.

How to cite: Maderich, V., Bezhenar, R., Brovchenko, I., Boeira, D. F., Äijälä, C., and Uotila, P.: Lagrangian pathways connecting the Weddell and Bellingshausen Seas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7289,, 2025.

EGU25-7504 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Integrated Analysis of Airborne In-situ Cloud and Aerosol Microphysics Data during the 2022 Chemistry in the Arctic: Clouds, Halogens, and Aerosols (CHACHA) Field Campaign 

Sara Lombardo, Vanessa Selimovic, Sara Lance, Sarah Woods, Daun Jeong, Andrea F Corral, Natasha Garner, Peter Peterson, Carol Costanza, Katja Bigge, Tim Starn, Brian H Stirm, Armin Sorooshian, Jose D Fuentes, William R Simpson, Paul B Shepson, and Kerri Pratt

The Chemistry in the Arctic: Clouds, Halogens, and Aerosols (CHACHA) field project featured a wide collaboration from six universities to enhance the scientific understanding of multiphase halogen chemistry in the Arctic that took place in Utqiaġvik, Alaska during February-April 2022. This project was spurred by the pursuit of strengthening our understanding of how Arctic Sea ice loss and fossil fuel extraction affects atmospheric halogen chemistry.

In this study, cloud flights from the University of Wyoming King Air are evaluated closely to assess the ambient conditions relevant to the Arctic boundary layer during flights targeting clouds emanating from open leads in the Arctic sea ice. During these flights, the Particle into Liquid Sampler (PILS) was utilized using a Roger’s inlet and Counterflow Virtual Impactor (CVI) with low volume (1.5 mL) samples being collected. This study aims to introduce a methodological basis for prioritizing samples and identifying samples that can be safely grouped together to maximize the chemical analysis possible. Instruments are used for this method include Aerosol microphysics data from instruments including Condensation Particle Counters (CPC), Portable Optical Particle Spectrometer (POPS), and Passive Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer Probe (PCASP) and cloud microphysics data from a Cloud Droplet Probe (CDP) and Two-Dimensional Stereo (2D-S). Ultimately, this work is a key step in chemical analysis of cloud flights that will be used to better understand multiphase Arctic halogen chemistry by constraining a Lagrangian chemical box model and cloud parcel modeling.

How to cite: Lombardo, S., Selimovic, V., Lance, S., Woods, S., Jeong, D., Corral, A. F., Garner, N., Peterson, P., Costanza, C., Bigge, K., Starn, T., Stirm, B. H., Sorooshian, A., Fuentes, J. D., Simpson, W. R., Shepson, P. B., and Pratt, K.: Integrated Analysis of Airborne In-situ Cloud and Aerosol Microphysics Data during the 2022 Chemistry in the Arctic: Clouds, Halogens, and Aerosols (CHACHA) Field Campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7504,, 2025.

The Asian Water Towers (AWTs), centered on the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding regions, provide vital water resources for over two billion people but are experiencing rapid glacier retreat. Understanding how atmospheric processes, particularly vertical moisture transport, drive this retreat remains challenging. To address this gap, we conducted a decade of ground-based and tethered balloon observations at key AWTs’ sites. Since 2017, tethered balloon measurements have reached altitudes of up to 9,000 m a.s.l., yielding unique vertical profiles of temperature, relative humidity, water vapor stable isotopes, methane, carbon dioxide, and black carbon at Lulang, Nam Co, Muztagh Ata, and the northern Everest base camp. Our findings reveal how the westerlies and Indian monsoon interact with local moisture sources above and in the atmospheric boundary layer, offering insight into seasonal mixing processes. These observations emphasize the need for comprehensive three-dimensional monitoring of atmospheric water vapor isotopes to refine weather forecasts, strengthen climate projections, and enhance regional water security under a changing climate.

How to cite: Gao, J. and Yao, T.: Unraveling the Atmospheric Water Cycle over the Asian Water Towers through water vapor isotopic observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8439,, 2025.

EGU25-10134 | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3

From the Arctic to Antarctica: Observations of vertical aerosol distribution from tethered balloon measurements 

Julia Schmale, Roman Pohorsky, Michael Lonardi, Yolanda Temel, Joanna Dyson, Radiance Calmer, and Lionel Favre

Vertical profile measurements of aerosol properties in the lower atmosphere still constitute a major observational gap. Focusing on the polar regions, where the planetary boundary layer often forms temperature inversions that inhibit vertical mixing of the lowermost atmosphere, surface measure-ments can often not represent aerosol properties further aloft. However, understanding vertical aerosol distribution is critical for several reasons. From a climate perspective, in the Arctic and Antarctic, cloud formation is often sensitive to aerosol availability. Because clouds strongly influence the surface radiation budget and primarily exert warming, it is important to understand aerosols at cloud level.

Overall, understanding the thermodynamic structure of the lower atmosphere and the dynamics of vertical mixing is critical to answer questions on cloud formation. In situ measurements that describe the (thermo)dynamic, aerosol and cloud variables are indispensible to understand relevant process mechanisms and to improve models that typically struggle to simulate polar lower atmospheric aerosols. 

Here we present results obtained with the Modular Multiplatform Compatible Air Measure-ment System (MoMuCAMS). MoMuCAMS can observe particle number size distributions (8-3000 nm) and overall concentrations, aerosol absorption, cloud droplet size distributions, and trace gas mixing ratios (CO2, CO, O3). Based on filter measurements, aerosol chemical composition and INP number concentrations can be obtained. Wind speed and direction, as well as temperature and relative humidity and video images are recorded.

We deployed MoMuCAMS up to 800 m with a payload of ~20 kg in Fairbanks, Alaska (Jan-Feb 2022), Pallas, Finland (Sep-Oct 2022), the Arctic Ocean (May-Jun 2023), southern Greenland (Jun-Aug 2023), and at Neumayer, Antarctica (Dec 2024 – Feb 2025). Overall, more than 350 profiles were flown. This contribution synthesizes observations of aerosol properties below, in and above clouds, and vertically resolved contributions of local and long-range transported particles.

How to cite: Schmale, J., Pohorsky, R., Lonardi, M., Temel, Y., Dyson, J., Calmer, R., and Favre, L.: From the Arctic to Antarctica: Observations of vertical aerosol distribution from tethered balloon measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10134,, 2025.

EGU25-10762 | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Using Arctic field data and remote sensing BrO data to constrain blowing snow sea salt aerosol production parameterizations 

Xin Yang, Ananth Ranjithkumar, Markus Frey, Eliza Eliza Duncan, Daniel Partridge, Thomas Lachlan-Cope, Xianda Gong, Kouichi Nishimura, Kimberly Strong, Alison Criscitiello, Marta Santos-Garcia, Kristof Bognar, Xiaoyi Zhao, Pierre Fogal, Kaley Walker, Sara Morris, Qidi Li, Yuhan Luo, Bianca Zilker, and Andreas Richter

Field evidence has confirmed a new sea salt aerosol (SSA) source on sea ice, which may significantly affect polar boundary layer chemistry and polar winter climate. While the SSA production rate from blowing snow has been previously parameterised (Yang et al., 2008) and then validated by measurements at both Poles, some key parameters involved are not yet fully constrained, leading to uncertainties when using numerical models to compare with field measurements and assess their environmental and climate impacts. In this presentation, we focus on two key parameters: blowing snow size distribution and snow salinity, which determine SSA production in number and size, respectively. We aim to constrain these factors using the latest field data, supported by remote sensing BrO data and modelling. Blowing snow particles typically follow a two-parameter gamma distribution function with shape factor (alpha) and scaling factor (beta) varying over a large range. However, our recent work focusing on the Arctic Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition data showed that at a given height, beta values increase with wind speeds, while alpha gradually approach a constant value of 1.9 at higher wind speeds (e.g. larger than 10 m/s). This is the first time that we derive such a relationship for blowing snow, which further affirms the aerosol production mechanism from blowing snow and helps elucidate the underlying processes involved. Accordingly, we parameterised the blowing snow particle size distribution as a function of wind speed, accounting for variable wind speeds during storms. In addition, supported by a chemistry transport model (p-TOMCAT), we examined the sensitivities of SSA mass and reactive bromine release rate (in association with the SSA production) to representative snow salinities derived from observations in the central Arctic and coastal regions (at Eureka, Canada). Mean winter/springtime snow salinities that best represent the Arctic were derived by comparing the modelled BrO with ground-based multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) and air-based satellite-based GOME-2 BrO data at Svalbard and Eureka.   

How to cite: Yang, X., Ranjithkumar, A., Frey, M., Eliza Duncan, E., Partridge, D., Lachlan-Cope, T., Gong, X., Nishimura, K., Strong, K., Criscitiello, A., Santos-Garcia, M., Bognar, K., Zhao, X., Fogal, P., Walker, K., Morris, S., Li, Q., Luo, Y., Zilker, B., and Richter, A.: Using Arctic field data and remote sensing BrO data to constrain blowing snow sea salt aerosol production parameterizations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10762,, 2025.

As part of the EU project CRiceS, options have been explored for the improved parameterizations in Earth System Models (ESMs) of air-sea gas exchange and heat exchange in the presence of sea ice. One approach explored the impact of sea ice cover with respect to gas exchange by introducing an "effective sea-ice concentration" (SIC) parameter, that moderates the traditional bulk formula for gas transfer as defined by Wanninkhof (2014), allowing for an increased permeability under sea ice conditions without altering the sea-ice state. Another approach explored the young ice (thin ice) parameterization of increased heat permeability, based on a formula determined by the bulk salinity calculated as a prognostic state variable by the sea-ice model. In this study, both of theses formulations have been implemented in the NorESM2-MM model system, whereby we can explore the combined effect of these parameterizations, and compare with the reference CMIP6 model output.

How to cite: Torsvik, T.: Evaluating new sea-ice parameterizations in NorESM for air-sea gas and heat exchange, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10763,, 2025.

EGU25-10952 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Aerosol Number Concentration and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Variability During Warm and Moist Intrusions into the Arctic 

Berkay Dönmez, Jakob Boyd Pernov, Eija Asmi, Tak Chan, Radovan Krejci, Andreas Massling, Sangeeta Sharma, Henrik Skov, Peter Tunved, Alfred Wiedensohler, Kay Weinhold, Athanasios Nenes, and Julia Schmale

Recent case studies highlight that warm and moist air intrusion events are significant sources of aerosol particles in the Arctic, influencing cloud properties and thus the resulting radiative forcing in the region. However, the contribution of these short-lived events to different aerosol size modes, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), and droplet number concentrations remains unconstrained. Here, we investigate the multi-annual aspects of intrusion impacts on aerosol properties using data on aerosol number size distributions, CCN, total particle number concentrations, and optical properties from multiple Arctic stations, including Alert, Tiksi, Utqiaġvik, Villum, and Zeppelin, covering the period 2010-2020.

Preliminary results suggest that particle concentrations change significantly during intrusion episodes, with variations across seasons and stations. For instance, contrary to previous studies, number size distribution data indicate a distinct decrease in accumulation mode concentrations during wintertime intrusion episodes relative to non-intrusion periods at several Arctic stations. In summer, this pattern reverses, although not uniformly across stations. Additionally, at Zeppelin, the average of the yearly mean CCN concentrations during intrusions is increased by 13% compared to non-intrusion periods, with some years showing increases exceeding 40%.

We explore the potential drivers of these observed number size distribution patterns and derive potential source contribution function and removal mechanisms along the trajectories, employing the Lagrangian analysis tool LAGRANTO.

How to cite: Dönmez, B., Pernov, J. B., Asmi, E., Chan, T., Krejci, R., Massling, A., Sharma, S., Skov, H., Tunved, P., Wiedensohler, A., Weinhold, K., Nenes, A., and Schmale, J.: Aerosol Number Concentration and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Variability During Warm and Moist Intrusions into the Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10952,, 2025.

Field studies in the high and mid latitudes have demonstrated that snowpack emissions of reactive trace gases driven by photolysis alter regional atmospheric composition, the fate of pollutants and the polar ice core archive of past environmental change. Of particular interest are reactive nitrogen and halogen species released by surface snow, which in turn influence atmospheric levels of O3 and hydroxyl radicals (OH and HO2). Previous field campaigns at South Pole and Dome C showed that surface-near air on the high East Antarctic Plateau in summer is highly oxidising due to the interplay of photolytic snow emissions, a shallow boundary layer and cold temperatures.  However, open questions remain regarding the atmospheric oxidant budget above polar snow. Here we present recent observations carried out as part of the ISOL-ICE project at Kohnen Station (75ºS 0ºW) in austral summer 2017, located at a similar latitude as Dome C. Concurrent measurements of nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2), atmospheric particulate nitrate collected on filters, O3, slant-column bromine oxide (BrO), actinic flux and atmospheric turbulence were carried out for the first time at Kohnen. The bulk ion composition of in surface snow and shallow pits was measured as well.

While diurnal cycles of NOx and turbulent diffusivity were similar to previous observations at Dome C, a distinct and strong diurnal cycle of surface O3 with an amplitude of more than 10 nmol mol-1 was detected. O3 showed also a negative correlation with BrO in the lower atmosphere. These observations may imply O3 photochemical source/sink processes, which are stronger than seen previously on the East Antarctic Plateau. We discuss the role of O3 precursor emissions from the sunlit snowpack and vertical mixing with a view of the implications for our understanding of O3 above polar snow.

How to cite: Frey, M., Winton, H., Savarino, J., and Juranyi, Z.: Unusually strong diurnal variability of ozone (O3) above summer snow in East Antarctica – a discussion of pre-cursor snow emissions and atmospheric transport, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12209,, 2025.

EGU25-12366 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Arctic response to high-latitude effusive volcanic eruptions depends on the climate state 

Tómas Zoëga, Trude Storelvmo, and Kirstin Krüger

Effusive volcanic eruptions are relatively gentle compared to explosive eruptions, resembling boiling stews rather than fireworks. They often last weeks, or even years, and can emit large amounts of gases into the lower atmosphere, among them sulphur dioxide. Through these emissions, they can impact climate via formation of sulphate aerosols and subsequent impacts on clouds. This was, for example, observed during the 2014-15 Holuhraun eruption in Iceland.


Volcanic eruptions with considerable effusive components have been common during the historical period in Iceland (the last ca. 1100 years), with roughly 20% of the more than 200 identified eruptions being either purely effusive or mixed effusive-explosive. The largest of those (e.g. 10th-century Eldgjá and 1783-84 Laki) occurred prior to the industrial revolution, when anthropogenic influences on the climate were smaller than they are today. As different atmospheric conditions modulate the cloud and climate responses to aerosol perturbations, a large pre-industrial effusive eruption might have different climate impacts were it to happen today or in the future. Here we use an Earth system model to simulate the surface climate response to an idealized Icelandic effusive volcanic eruptions, similar to 2014-15 Holuhraun, under pre-industrial (1850; PI), present day (2010; PD), and future (2090, SSP3-7.0; Ft) climate conditions and find that this is indeed the case.


The modulating effects of the climate state are especially prominent in the Arctic. During winter, we simulate stronger Arctic surface warming under PI conditions, compared to PD and Ft, as the background PI clouds are thinner and hence more transparent to longwave radiation. During summer, we find that the sea ice area significantly modulates the surface cooling in the Arctic, with more Arctic sea ice under PI conditions resulting in weaker surface cooling compared to PD and Ft conditions. We further model a significant increase in sea ice area, as a result of volcanic perturbations, during summer and fall across climate states through increased shortwave cloud shielding.


The different surface air temperature responses in the Arctic between different climate states are rather due to a warmer climate as a result of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, with subsequent changes in cloud properties (during winter) and decreased sea ice (during summer), than changes in the background aerosol state.

How to cite: Zoëga, T., Storelvmo, T., and Krüger, K.: Arctic response to high-latitude effusive volcanic eruptions depends on the climate state, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12366,, 2025.

EGU25-12992 | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3

How well do downscaled Global Climate Models represent SMB in Antarctica? 

Clément Cherblanc and Ruth Mottram

Surface Mass Balance (SMB) is a critical forcing of the long term contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) to sea level. While most GCMs do not produce SMB as an output, several RCMs, including a new ensemble produced in the PolarRES project do and are used to provide forcing for ice sheet models. There are significant spatial variations between regional climate models forced with reanalysis. RCMs also inherit biases from forcing GCMs when run for historical and future climate pathways which may exacerbate or cancel out biases within the RCM. Since the previous intercomparison, there has been significant regional model development and an expansion of datasets that can be used for evaluating these. We assess the SMB estimates of downscaled GCM and reanalysis simulations over Antarctica, compared to a new updated observational database for the historical period. Our ensemble compares 19 SMB products, generated from 4 different GCMs downscaled by 6 RCMs and SMB models, to observations of SMB gathered in the 2024 SUMup dataset. As 8 datasets do not explicitly calculate SMB, we approximate SMB by subtracting evaporation and melt from precipitation with these models. The various simulations are all pan-Antarctic at resolutions from 11 to 27 km, and span periods from 24 to 64 years, between 1950 and 2023. Fidelity of models to observations varies from product to product. As would be expected given they assimilate observational data, reanalyses perform better overall, with minor biases, whereas climatological SMB from GCM-forced runs  are usually too dry (5/9 GCM, 5/19 total). This is a significant bias in GCMs that will have an impact on modelled future evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. One notable exception is the HIRHAM RCM forced by UKESM. In this case opposing biases appear to cancel out, giving the lowest t-statistic and one of the highest correlation coefficients in the intercomparison, while having the most comparison points due to the length of the simulation. The mean yearly accumulation of the models is 2100 Gt/year on the grounded AIS (Zwally’s mask) with most models predicting about 2000 Gt/year and 3 potential outliers predicting over 2500 Gt/year. Our analysis demonstrates that assessing model performance based on reanalysis driven simulations may provide misleading evidence of model performance for future projections. There are still large divergences in the spatial variability of modelled SMB. We also show the need for observational data with a wide spread in time and space.

How to cite: Cherblanc, C. and Mottram, R.: How well do downscaled Global Climate Models represent SMB in Antarctica?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12992,, 2025.

EGU25-13063 | ECS | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Evolution of the size and composition of ice nucleating particles within the synoptic context of the Arctic melt onset 

Camille Mavis, Sonja Murto, Julia Kojoj, Heather Guy, Paul Zieger, Ian Brooks, Michael Tjerström, Sonia Kreidenweis, and Jessie Creamean

The Arctic region is undergoing rapid changes caused by a warming climate and positive radiative feedback loops associated with rapidly-declining sea ice. Clouds play a key role in melt onset timing and annual extent of sea ice loss by modifying the amount of radiation that reaches the surface. The characteristics of Arctic mixed-phase clouds, including lifetime and partitioning of cloud particle phase, are sensitive to ice nucleating particles (INPs), a cloud-active aerosol capable of initiating freezing of cloud droplets at temperatures above homogeneous freezing (-38 °C). INP concentration and freezing temperature (T) are necessary parameters for modeling and validating observations of cloud ice. Observations of INPs are therefore critical for reducing the uncertainties associated with aerosol-cloud interactions for predicting the future Arctic climate. We present an overview of temperature-resolved INP concentrations observed during the ARTofMELT (Atmospheric rivers and the onset of sea ice melt) expedition from May-June 2023. Included in this overview are concentrations of INPs from total aerosol filters (collected continuously on the icebreaker Oden and directly on the sea ice downwind of open leads) and from size-resolved aerosol collected on Oden. Information regarding particle size is pertinent for revealing the aerosol populations acting as INPs and, alongside back-trajectory and meteorological data, their sources. The concentration of INPs from the Oden total aerosol filters reached a maximum of ~1 L-1 at the coldest detectable temperature (-29 °C) and a minimum of ~0.0001 L-1 at temperatures near -10 °C. The total aerosol filters deployed on the ice were less effective at detecting the warm-temperature (rarest) INPs due to the shorter sampling periods. However, an INP maximum of ~1000 L-1 at T = -29 °C was reached on May 11 downwind of a lead, potentially due to wave breaking in strong winds. The total concentrations of INPs from the size-resolved samples were lower than the concentrations observed from both locations with total aerosol filters, likely due to the size cut-off in the size-resolved samples (0.34-12 μm in particle diameter). The variability in INP size distribution showed associations with wind speed and direction. At T = -20 °C, the largest size stage (2.96-12 μm) had the highest fraction of INPs during a period at the beginning of the expedition that encompassed a series of surface cyclones (May 11-18). The INP number concentrations in the smallest smallest size stage (0.15-0.34 μm) eclipsed those on the largest as a larger storm passed the Oden on May 13. Further analysis into INP size and composition, from heat and chemical treatments of samples, will be used to assess their sources.

How to cite: Mavis, C., Murto, S., Kojoj, J., Guy, H., Zieger, P., Brooks, I., Tjerström, M., Kreidenweis, S., and Creamean, J.: Evolution of the size and composition of ice nucleating particles within the synoptic context of the Arctic melt onset, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13063,, 2025.

EGU25-14691 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Effects of advanced atmosphere-sea ice exchange coefficient in the Korean Integrated Model (KIM)  

Jin-Yun Jeong and Myung-Seo Koo

The Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS) is developing a spatio-temporal integrated coupled modeling system that is capable of forecasting from one week to two months. This system is based on the Korean Integrated Model (KIM) and incorporates the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) framework to simulate ocean and sea ice components. While the coupled model’s mid-term prediction performance is comparable to that of the atmosphere-only model, it exhibits a significant cold bias in the polar regions when evaluated against reanalysis data such as ECMWF reanalysis version 5 (ERA5).
Polar regions, characterized by sea ice, present unique challenges due to the complex interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean. In winter, reduced sea ice formation allows more heat to transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere, further warming the air. Accurate simulation of these regions requires a further understanding of atmosphere-sea ice interaction. In this study, sensitivity tests of the atmosphere-sea ice exchange coefficient were conducted to optimize the momentum and heat transfer in the Arctic and Antarctic. The exchange coefficients were fixed at 0.0014 in the control run, while two parameterization methods, modulating sea ice roughness length, were applied to the experimental run. The results revealed opposing outcomes: one method caused atmospheric warming, while the other resulted in cooling, implying significant uncertainty in calculating the heat exchange coefficient. Further analysis of atmospheric and sea ice dynamics within the coupled KIM will determine the most suitable parameterization approach for accurate polar region simulations.

Acknowledgements. This work was carried out through the R&D project “Development of a NextGeneration Numerical Weather Prediction Model by the Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS)”, funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA2020-02212).

How to cite: Jeong, J.-Y. and Koo, M.-S.: Effects of advanced atmosphere-sea ice exchange coefficient in the Korean Integrated Model (KIM) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14691,, 2025.

EGU25-15432 | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Vertical measurements of aerosols in the high Arctic during the winter-spring transition using a tethered balloon.  

Radiance Calmer, Lionel Favre, Berkay Dönmez, Joanna Dyson, Roman Pohorsky, Bjarne Jensen, Andreas Massling, Henrik Skov, Lise Lotte Sørensen, Sven-Erik Gryning, Varun Kumar, and Julia Schmale

Aerosol number size distributions, along with thermodynamic and dynamic parameters, were measured from the surface to 600 m using a tethered balloon, the Helikite. The field measurements were carried out at Villum Research Station in Northern Greenland from 23rd March to 2nd May 2024. During the transition from winter to spring, three types of atmospheric regimes were identified: (1) a background regime with a profile of uniformly distributed aerosols, represented by low particle number concentrations as well as number size distributions along the vertical axis similar to the surface number size distribution, (2) a winter-type regime characterized by a pollution layer observable at altitudes above 500 m and not observed at the surface, (3) new particle formation episodes in late April and beginning of May, which accompanied a warm airmass intrusion event that had trigged surface melt. Most of the profiles presented a temperature inversion below 200 m, and a low-level jet was sometimes visible between 50 m and 100 m. These recently acquired measurements helped to clarify when ground-based aerosol observations were representative for higher altitude aerosol populations. By capturing a warm airmass intrusion, a comparison could be established with previous events to better understand its impact on the Arctic climate.

Aerosol number size distributions from the Helikite ranged from 8 nm to 3 µm measured with a Miniaturized Scanning Electrical Mobility Sizer (mSEMS, Brechtel) and a Portable Optical Particle Spectrometer (POPS, Hendix). Wind speed and direction were obtained with a SmartTether (Anasphere), and temperature and relative humidity with SHT85 sensors (Sensirion). Observations from the Helikite were complemented by measurements from the Villum Research Station with a ceilometer (Vaisala CL51) for cloud heights, a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS, TSI) for surface aerosol number size distributions and a stand-alone condensation particle counter (CPC, TSI) for number closure, and a 9-meter meteorological mast (temperature, relative humidity, wind, shortwave radiation). Back trajectories from the Lagrangian Analysis Tool LAGRANTO were also used to shed light on the warm airmass intrusion event. 

How to cite: Calmer, R., Favre, L., Dönmez, B., Dyson, J., Pohorsky, R., Jensen, B., Massling, A., Skov, H., Sørensen, L. L., Gryning, S.-E., Kumar, V., and Schmale, J.: Vertical measurements of aerosols in the high Arctic during the winter-spring transition using a tethered balloon. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15432,, 2025.

EGU25-16059 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Exploring local and long-range aerosol source contributions to summertime CCN in Southern Greenlandic fjord systems 

Joanna Dyson, Nora Bergner, Lionel Favre, Benjamin Heutte, Mihnea Surdu, Julian Weng, Marta Augugliaro, Patrik Winiger, Athanasios Nenes, Kalliopi Violaki, Silvia Henning, and Julia Schmale

The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) discharges ~1000 Gt yr-1 of freshwater into Arctic coastal oceans in the form of meltwater runoff and glacial discharge, with the majority entering the ocean via fjords. Fjordic ecosystems lie at the nexus of various facets of the environment, the ocean, land, cryosphere, atmosphere and biosphere, all of which are especially sensitive to climate change exacerbated by the rising global temperature. With the increase in length and intensity of the summer melt periods, both marine and land-terminating glaciers are slowly receding leaving altered downstream ecosystems in their wake. As glaciers recede, glacial outwash plains become exposed and the potential of sediment aerosolization increases. Concurrently, triggered by increasing melt-water discharge, marine biological productivity is changing, due to the evolving fjord dynamics, stratification, and composition.  Hence, the composition and sources of atmospheric aerosols responsible for the cloud formation in this region are evolving and we expect this to influence both the Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) and Ice Nucleating Particle (INP) populations. In addition to natural aerosols sources, also local anthropogenic activities can contribute to the CCN and INP populations. Furthermore, distant emissions e.g., from north American boreal forest fires, occasionally reach Greenlandic Fjord systems and can have significant impact on the aerosol properties. 

In this presentation we aim to provide an overview of the processes which influence aerosol populations in Greenlandic fjord systems during Arctic summer. We will show results from a comprehensive and extensive field campaign in the Kujalleq province of Southern Greenland (60.91°N, 46.05°W) in June-August 2023. We will present aerosol size distributions, particle number concentrations, and scattering and absorption measurements from both ground-based and tethered-balloon measurement platforms. We will explore the following questions:

  • What are the local and regional sources of aerosols leading to the formation of CCN in Southern Greenland?
  • What is the current contribution of anthropogenic activities to the aerosol budget and how does this compare to the contribution from natural sources?
  • How do long-range transport, new particle formation and ground-level fog events affect the concentration and vertical distribution of aerosols and subsequent CCN formation?

How to cite: Dyson, J., Bergner, N., Favre, L., Heutte, B., Surdu, M., Weng, J., Augugliaro, M., Winiger, P., Nenes, A., Violaki, K., Henning, S., and Schmale, J.: Exploring local and long-range aerosol source contributions to summertime CCN in Southern Greenlandic fjord systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16059,, 2025.

EGU25-17925 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Evaluating natural aerosol sources from the Arctic Ocean during the onset of sea ice melt 

Julia Kojoj, Gabriel Pereira Freitas, Camille Mavis, Jessie Creamean, Fredrik Mattsson, Lovisa Nilsson, Jennie Spicker Schmidt, Kouji Adachi, Tina Santl-Temkiv, Erik Ahlberg, Claudia Mohr, Ilona Riipinen, and Paul Zieger

Aerosol-cloud interactions remain one of the most significant challenges in accurately estimating human-induced radiative forcing, as well as projecting the future climate. To address this uncertainty, establishing the baseline levels of natural aerosols in various environments is crucial. The polar regions are ideal locations for studying natural aerosols due to their distances from anthropogenic influences, yet observations in these regions are relatively limited. Specifically, the role of oceans and sea ice in controlling aerosol concentrations, influencing cloud formation, and determining cloud phase remains unclear. A key component is biological aerosol particles that participate in the formation and microphysical modulation of Arctic mixed-phase clouds. Yet, many questions regarding their Arctic sources, emission processes, and ice nucleating properties remain.

We present a detailed study of potential natural sources of aerosols in the high Arctic over the pack ice during the ARTofMELT expedition (May–June 2023). We collected samples of snow, sea ice, seawater, and the sea-surface microlayer (SML) and utilized the comprehensive aerosol instrumentation setup on-board to analyze them immediately after collection for their chemical, microphysical, and fluorescent properties. After the expedition, further analysis of the samples was conducted including measurements of ice-nucleating properties and biological cell quantification.

Our results show that during the late Arctic spring, heightened biological activity in the seawater and the SML increased emissions of fluorescent primary biological aerosol particles (confirmed by increased cell count) and organic-coated sea salt particles. However, concentrations of ice-nucleating particles in liquid samples did not follow the same trend. We will present the clear distinctions found in the biological, chemical, and physical properties of all sample types, and the effect of salinity on the aerosolization process and ice nucleating activity. These results provide valuable information for future studies aimed at improving the source attribution of natural Arctic aerosols, helping to reduce uncertainties in their representation in models, and understanding their influence on Arctic mixed-phase clouds. 

This work is currently in discussion at Freitas et al. (2024).

Freitas GP, Kojoj J, Mavis C, Creamean J, Mattsson F, Nilsson L, Schmidt JS, Adachi K, Šantl-Temkiv T, Ahlberg E, Mohr C. A comprehensive characterisation of natural aerosol sources in the high Arctic during the onset of sea ice melt. Faraday Discussions. 2024. DOI: 10.1039/D4FD00162A 

How to cite: Kojoj, J., Pereira Freitas, G., Mavis, C., Creamean, J., Mattsson, F., Nilsson, L., Spicker Schmidt, J., Adachi, K., Santl-Temkiv, T., Ahlberg, E., Mohr, C., Riipinen, I., and Zieger, P.: Evaluating natural aerosol sources from the Arctic Ocean during the onset of sea ice melt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17925,, 2025.

EGU25-19566 | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Emission patterns and trends of primary marine organic aerosol in the Arctic 

Bernd Heinold, Anisbel Leon-Marcos, Manuela van Pinxteren, Sebastian Zeppenfeld, Moritz Zeising, and Astrid Bracher

Primary marine organic aerosol (PMOA) is a significant contributor to aerosol concentrations in remote oceanic regions, influencing aerosol-cloud-climate interactions. In the Arctic, sea ice retreat and summer ice loss are key drivers of potential increases in marine aerosol emissions. This study uses an extended version of the aerosol-climate model ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3 to investigate the emission patterns and trends of primary marine organic aerosol in the Arctic from 1990 to 2019 in large detail, considering changing climate and ice conditions. Using the offline results of the biogeochemistry model FESOM2.1-REcoM3, three aerosol-relevant biomolecule groups - polysaccharides (PCHO), amino acids (DCAA), and polar lipids (PL) - are modelled. Their atmospheric transfer is parameterized with OCEANFILMS, which was implemented into the aerosol-climate model ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3 to advance the marine emission scheme. Of the modelled organic groups, PCHO is most abundant in seawater, while PL dominates aerosol particles due to its higher air-seawater affinity. Seasonal variations in both the ocean and aerosol concentrations are pronounced, peaking between May and June, then gradually decreasing by late summer. The modelled PMOA seasonal patterns show reasonable agreement with ground-based measurements, considering the uncertainties in model assumptions and observations. Regional differences within the Arctic are evident in the initiation of biomolecule production in seawater and aerosol emissions. Long-term trends in Arctic PMOA emissions, analysed in this study, reveal a strong dependence on sea ice changes. Over the 30-year period, emissions have increased by at least 24%, with variations among biomolecules and regions. PCHO shows the most pronounced trend.

How to cite: Heinold, B., Leon-Marcos, A., van Pinxteren, M., Zeppenfeld, S., Zeising, M., and Bracher, A.: Emission patterns and trends of primary marine organic aerosol in the Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19566,, 2025.

EGU25-21585 | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3

Towards Improved Polar Biogeochemistry: Integrating an Explicit Sea-Ice Biogeochemical Model in NEMO/SI3 

Marie Lou Bachélery, Iael Perez, Tomas Lovato, Letizia Tedesco, and Momme Butenschön

Ongoing rapid changes in sea-ice cover require a more accurate representation of their interactions with marine biogeochemistry and cascading impacts on the global carbon cycle. Yet, despite the critical role of polar biogeochemical processes, assessing these interactions remains challenging as sea ice and snow are often treated as biogeochemically inert in most large-scale and climate models.

To address this gap, we present a novel integration of the Biogeochemical Flux Model in Sea Ice (BFMSI) within the three-dimensional global NEMO/SI3 system. This innovative coupling explicitly accounts for dynamic interactions between sea-ice physical properties and biogeochemical processes.

To evaluate this implementation, we perform two sensitivity experiments: one assuming a fixed biologically active layer in the sea ice and another where the thickness of this layer dynamically adjusts based on sea-ice permeability, as derived from the sea-ice model. Model results for 2000–2021 are compared against available observations, providing a brief performance assessment. The two experiments are also analyzed to evaluate the sensitivity of ice and under-ice biogeochemical properties to the biological active layer parameterization and the representation of the light transmission through the ice/snow.

These results aim to provide insights into the interplay between sea-ice properties and ocean biogeochemical processes, informing future studies on the role of sea-ice biogeochemistry in shaping the global carbon cycle and its response to ongoing climatic warming. 

How to cite: Bachélery, M. L., Perez, I., Lovato, T., Tedesco, L., and Butenschön, M.: Towards Improved Polar Biogeochemistry: Integrating an Explicit Sea-Ice Biogeochemical Model in NEMO/SI3, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21585,, 2025.

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