Presentation type:
NH – Natural Hazards

EGU25-1930 | ECS | Orals | NH10.6 | Arne Richter Awards for Outstanding ECS Lecture

Climate impacts and where to find them: insights from text mining 

Mariana Madruga de Brito

Climate extremes, such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves, often trigger compound and cascading impacts due to interdependencies between coupled natural and social systems. Yet, our knowledge of these interactions remains limited mainly due to the lack of comprehensive impact data. Research typically considers only one isolated impact, system, socioeconomic sector, and/or hazard at a time, often ignoring dependencies between impacts as well as how they interact with response and adaptation measures.

Against this backdrop, the unprecedented abundance of digital texts and cutting-edge machine-learning tools has opened new research avenues for impact assessment research. In this talk, I will demonstrate how we can leverage natural language processing (NLP) and large language models on different text types to infer how climate extremes impact society. I will discuss the potential of unconventional data sources, such as meeting minutes, newspaper articles, and reports, to monitor the consequences of extreme events in near real-time.

How to cite: Madruga de Brito, M.: Climate impacts and where to find them: insights from text mining, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1930,, 2025.

Integrated flood risk management requires an extension from hazard to risk analysis and an involvement of various stakeholders including the general public. Since no standard protocols for collecting data about flood-affected societies are in place, post-disaster surveys have been initiated to gain information from affected residents and companies. Using the most damaging flood events that have occurred in Germany since 2000 as examples, the lecture will address how data collected from flood-affected people have been used a) to develop and improve loss models, b) to better understand how and why people adapt to flood risk, c) to evaluate how people respond to warnings, d) to provide insights into flood-related health impacts and e) to comprehend how people recover from flood impacts. Since flood processes in Germany between 2002 to 2024 differed considerably, it will be addressed how much the flood type – in particular slow-onset river flooding, flash floods and pluvial floods – influence impacts and coping mechanisms. Research outcomes have informed flood early warning systems, risk communication and recovery programs in Germany and beyond. However, surveying or interviewing flood-affected people might also put an additional burden on them. Hence, the lecture will discuss some ethical considerations about collecting data in (highly) affected areas as well as some pros and cons of cross-sectional versus longitudinal survey designs. Finally, transfer to other regions and hazards will be highlighted.

How to cite: Thieken, A.: More than two decades of post-disaster household surveys to improve flood risk management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6429,, 2025.

EGU25-1572 | Orals | NH1.2 | Highlight | Sergey Soloviev Medal Lecture

On the Use of Drought Indices for Drought Severity Assessment 

Sergio Martín Vicente Serrano

This lecture provides a critical analysis of drought indices, emphasizing their role in evaluating drought severity while addressing the challenges associated with their application. It highlights the inherent complexity of drought assessment, given the multifaceted nature of drought phenomena, the various types of drought, and the intricate mechanisms underlying their development. A central focus is the distinction between drought and aridity, as well as between drought metrics and indices—concepts that are frequently misunderstood or conflated.

Particular attention is given to atmospheric drought indices, especially those incorporating atmospheric evaporative demand (AED). These indices are crucial for assessing water stress but have faced criticism for certain limitations. One notable issue is the "index-impact gap," where atmospheric drought indices often indicate more severe droughts than those reflected in hydrological and ecological metrics derived from Earth System Models (ESMs), particularly in future climate scenarios. Atmospheric indices do not directly account for soil moisture or vegetation dynamics. Nonetheless, AED reflects atmospheric conditions rather than direct water reservoirs and fluxes, making AED-based indices valuable for understanding atmospheric drivers of drought. This value is reinforced by AED's critical role in intensifying drought through increased evaporation, heightened plant water stress, and reduced photosynthesis.

The lecture further focuses into the uncertainties inherent in ESM projections of ecological and hydrological variables, such as soil moisture and runoff. These uncertainties arise because ESMs often underestimate drought severity due to challenges in simulating complex hydrological and physiological processes. The difficulties stem from limitations in modelling plant physiology, water cycles, and ecosystem responses, compounded by biases in key variables such as evapotranspiration. While ESM outputs are valuable for drought assessments, relying exclusively on them risks producing misleading conclusions.

This issue connects with the role of rising atmospheric CO₂ concentrations, a factor commonly incorporated into ESM simulations, which adds another layer of complexity. Elevated CO₂ levels can enhance plant water-use efficiency and photosynthesis but also introduce uncertainties regarding their impacts on evapotranspiration and soil moisture. These dynamics generate complex feedbacks with AED and other variables, further complicating drought severity assessments, particularly in future ESM simulations.

To address these challenges, the lecture advocates for an integrated approach that combines atmospheric drought indices with hydrological and ecological metrics. Such an approach ensures that the intensifying role of AED under global warming is neither overlooked nor overstated, thereby improving the accuracy of drought assessments, especially in the context of future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Vicente Serrano, S. M.: On the Use of Drought Indices for Drought Severity Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1572,, 2025.

EGU25-395 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Impact of Geoengineering in Offsetting Climate Change-Induced Dam Break Risk 

Anubhav Goel and Vemavarapu Venkata Srinivas

Dam safety is a primary concern for countries worldwide, as dam failure can have catastrophic consequences, including fatalities and losses to the economy, ecology, and environment. In recent decades, there has been growth in consensus that climate change has enhanced the risk to dams due to floods triggered by more frequent and intense extreme precipitation events. It necessitates reviewing the Probable Maximum Floods (PMFs) considered for planning and designing large dams and updating them for different speculated climate change scenarios to determine the projected future changes in dam break risk. Global initiatives, such as the Paris Agreement, are focused on developing strategies to limit the increase in global temperatures well below 2°C (preferably 1.5°C) above pre-industrial levels by 2050. However, significant discrepancies have been identified between the current global greenhouse gas emissions trajectory and the reductions needed in emissions to achieve the Paris Agreement's target. To bridge this gap, geoengineering climate intervention methods such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) and Solar Dimming (SD) have been proposed as potential solar radiation management (SRM) options to offset climate change effects. The latest Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP6) provides simulations from a suite of climate model experiments designed to assess the effect of potential SRM methods, including SAI and SD. To shed light on the effectiveness of geoengineering, this study assesses the impact of the current generation climate models (from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6, CMIP6) and geoengineering models (from GeoMIP6) on Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) and the corresponding Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) at a typical large dam (Hemavathi) located in the Cauvery River basin in India. The current PMF of the dam is compared with future projections of the same derived corresponding to a CMIP6 high forcing scenario (SSP585) and two GeoMIP (G6sulphur and G6solar) scenarios. For both near and far future periods, the PMF hydrograph’s peak for the SSP585 scenario (GeoMIP6 scenarios) is significantly (marginally) greater than that of the current PMF of the dam. It indicates that geoengineering methods can offset climate change's impact on PMP and the corresponding PMF (depicting hydrological risk) at dams, which is of significance as worldwide many large dams have completed their design life.

How to cite: Goel, A. and Srinivas, V. V.: Impact of Geoengineering in Offsetting Climate Change-Induced Dam Break Risk, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-395,, 2025.

EGU25-654 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Spatiotemporal quantification and trajectory modelling of land displacements in Western Greece using recent InSAR and GNSS observations 

Konstantinos Fasoulis, Jonathan Bedford, Cristian Garcia, Panagiotis Hadjidoukas, and Christoforos Pappas

Detecting and monitoring ongoing surface deformation with satellite geodesy is fundamental for the analysis of geophysical processes and geohazards. Here, we focused on the area of Western Greece, due to its complex geophysical setting, characterized by numerous faults and high seismicity, and we quantified the spatiotemporal patterns of land displacements in the area from 2018 to 2022. We analysed Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data with Multi-temporal Interferometric SAR (MT-InSAR) techniques and calibrated the derived estimates using velocity time series from multiple permanent Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations available in the area. The derived displacement time series were also compared with openly available data from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) and, jointly, were used to map possible active fault areas. In addition, trajectory modelling was performed in both MT-InSAR and GNSS velocity time series through the Greedy Automatic Signal Decomposition (GrAtSiD) algorithm, in order to identify seasonal loading and therefore improve detection of accelerations in tectonic or anthropogenic motion. Overall, the study explores recent geodetic observations with state-of-the-art data analysis techniques, and, building upon previous literature, offers a comprehensive spatiotemporal assessment of land displacements in Western Greece, with implications for scientific and engineering applications.

How to cite: Fasoulis, K., Bedford, J., Garcia, C., Hadjidoukas, P., and Pappas, C.: Spatiotemporal quantification and trajectory modelling of land displacements in Western Greece using recent InSAR and GNSS observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-654,, 2025.

EGU25-664 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Dynamic Flood and Erosion Modeling for the Sabarmati River Using RUSLE and GEE 

Nensi Sachapara, Manan Patel, Hasti Dhameliya, Keval Jodhani, Nitesh Gupta, Dhruvesh Patel, and Sudhir Kumar Singh

Dynamic Flood and Erosion Modeling for the Sabarmati River Using RUSLE and GEE

Nensi A. Sachapara a(0009-0000-9510-6198), Manan Patel a(0009-0004-4712-3531) , Hasti Dhameliya b(0009-0003-8908-7906)
Keval H Jodhani c (0000-0002-3800-2402), Nitesh Gupta c(0000-0003-0471-0133) , Dhruvesh P. Patel d (0000-0002-2074-7158) Sudhir Kumar Singh e  (0000-0001-8465-0649)

aUnder Graduate Student, Civil Engineering Department, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, 382481, Gujarat, India.  (; )

bUnder Graduate Student, Biomedical Engineering Department, LD College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, 382481, Gujarat, India. (

cAssistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, 382481, Gujarat, India. (,

dDepartment of Civil Engineering, School of Technology, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, 382007, Gujarat, India (

6 K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Studies, IIDS, Nehru Science Centre, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj-211002, Uttar Pradesh, India (


Abstract: Flooding and soil erosion are major environmental challenges impacting the Sabarmati River Basin (SRB), adversely affecting its ecology, agriculture, and infrastructure. This study employs the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform to comprehensively analyze flood-prone areas and soil erosion using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model. High-resolution datasets from USGS Earth Explorer and GEE are integrated with remote sensing and geospatial technologies to assess the basin's vulnerabilities. Flood-prone regions were identified by analyzing historical rainfall (maximum annual rainfall of 1,667.15 mm in 2017), hydrological patterns, and topographic features. The RUSLE model quantified soil erosion, incorporating factors such as rainfall erosivity (R factor: 11,202.65–29,243.64 MJ mm ha⁻¹ h⁻¹ yr⁻¹), soil erodibility (K factor: 0.20–0.20004 t ha h ha⁻¹ MJ⁻¹ mm⁻¹), slope length and steepness (LS factor: 0–0.499), land cover (C factor: 0.327–1.078), and conservation practices (P factor: 1). Results indicate critical hotspots of soil erosion, with losses peaking at 1,232.33 t/ha/year in the northern SRB. Flood hazard mapping revealed that low-lying areas with recurrent flood events align with regions experiencing high rainfall and sediment transport. The overlap between high soil erosion and flood-prone zones highlights the need for integrated management strategies. These risks have significant socio-economic implications, including diminished agricultural productivity, infrastructure damage, and community displacement. This dual analysis underscores the efficacy of GEE for rapid environmental assessments, providing actionable insights for policymakers to prioritize interventions. The findings align with Sustainable Development Goals 13 (Climate Action) and 15 (Life on Land), suggesting for adaptive strategies to mitigate flood and erosion risks and promoting sustainable resource management in vulnerable regions.

Keyword: RUSLE, GEE, Flood Hazard, SDG 13 & 15, Sabarmati Basin


How to cite: Sachapara, N., Patel, M., Dhameliya, H., Jodhani, K., Gupta, N., Patel, D., and Singh, S. K.: Dynamic Flood and Erosion Modeling for the Sabarmati River Using RUSLE and GEE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-664,, 2025.

Improved and affordable prediction techniques are required because the growing frequency of shallow landslides caused by shifting weather patterns poses severe dangers to ecosystems, infrastructure, and communities. Although comprehensive monitoring systems are available, their high costs and complexity often make them impractical in resource-constrained regions. This study aims to evaluate the predictive potential of volumetric water content (VWC) measurements for shallow landslides and leverage machine learning techniques to develop cost-effective prediction models. The study employed one-dimensional modified column tests to simulate various scenarios (e.g., soil densities, drainage conditions) using a one-meter-high acrylic column to measure VWC, pore water, and air pressure. Key findings include the identification of VWC-related parameters (e.g., steady-state VWC and its gradient) as effective predictors of slope failure. When integrated with ML models, these parameters demonstrate the potential for enhancing prediction accuracy. This study provides a pathway to developing cost-effective early warning systems for slope instability, offering a practical solution for improving safety, using volumetric water content measurements to protect infrastructure, and enhancing resilience in landslide-prone regions, mainly where comprehensive monitoring systems are infeasible.

How to cite: Avzalshoev, Z., Ahmad, W., and Ahmad, T.: Using volumetric water content measurements with the implementation of machine learning for monitoring shallow landslides induced by rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-851,, 2025.

In recent years, the variety of satellite data that can be used for analysis in the event of a disaster has increased. At the same time, there is a need to process different satellite data using a unified analysis method, especially when extracting mudslide scars that have been newly exposed after a sediment disaster. Nonetheless, comparative studies focusing on spatial resolution, a potential factor affecting applicability and accuracy, have been lagging. Therefore, this study targeted the area surrounding Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture, which was the site of extensive sediment outflows due to heavy rainfall in August 2022. Specifically, the mudslide scar was estimated by calculating NDVI difference values (ΔNDVI) for four types of optical satellite data with different spatial resolutions. The data was extracted over a wide area and the effects of differences in spatial resolution on the applicability of the extraction method and the extraction rate were clarified. The relationship between precision and recall can be approximated by the quadratic equation y=ax2+bx+c, and there was a trade-off relationship between the two metrics; as the threshold value rose, precision increased while recall decreased. The optimal NDVI threshold for maximizing the F-measure ranged from 0.20 to 0.25. The medium-resolution satellite platforms Planet and Sentinel-2 had higher F-measure values, and the efficacy of NDVI extraction was not proportional to the fineness of the spatial resolution. The reason for this was that the area distribution of the mudslide scar in the target area was dominated by relatively small areas with a mode of 42 m2 and a median of 253 m2, which were considered to increase precision and recall. Consequently, selecting a spatial resolution that matches the area of the mudslide scar in the target area is considered to be effective.

How to cite: Akita, H.: Differences in applicability of mudslide scars estimation methods due to different spatial resolutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1357,, 2025.

EGU25-1523 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Assessing the Potential of Traditional Stone Weirs in Stormwater Management Through Integrated EO, In-situ and Crowdsourcing Data 

Panagiotis Michalis, Stylianos Kossieris, Efthymios Papachristos, Konstantinos Petrakos, Fanourios-Nikolaos Sakellarakis, Georgios Tsimiklis, and Angelos Amditis

Nature-based solutions (NBS) employ natural processes to mitigate climatic risks and evolving environmental challenges, offering sustainable, cost-effective alternatives to traditional grey infrastructure. Traditional stone weirs are considered multifunctional and environmental friendly structures contributing to sustain ecosystems and protect communities from water-related hazards. This type of NBS has shown potential to mitigate flood impacts through controlled water flow and sedimentation retention by reducing both water velocity and erosion during peak flows, with main objective to enhance community resilience to climate change. During CARDIMED project a network of 120 traditional stone weirs will be developed and applied in Sifnos island (Greece) strategically placed across two main streams aimed at mitigating flood risks, recharge aquifers, enhancing biodiversity, and supporting small-scale agricultural water use, tailored to the unique arid ecosystems of the Greek islands.

This study aims to monitor the efficiency of stone weir NBS in order to quantify climate adaptation benefits, particularly in relation to stormwater regulation, with application area Sifnos island (Aegean sea, Greece). The analysis utilises an integrated monitoring approach which couples remote sensing observations with in-situ data collected through monitoring stations, off-the-shelf sensors, and crowdsourcing participatory campaigns. Earth Observation techniques based on Sentinel-2 are employed to derive relevant vegetation and water indices (i.e. NDVI, NDWI), enabling to assess of vegetation health, soil water availability, and land surface dynamics. These are expected to be complemented by high-resolution datasets from Copernicus Contributing Missions, such as WorldView and Pleiades imagery, to enhance spatial and temporal resolution at locations of interest. EO techniques are validated by in-situ data derived from monitoring systems installed at strategic locations which provide localized, real-time measurements of hydrological, meteorological, and ecological parameters under different climatic conditions. The proposed methodology has the potential to provide key information about the quantified impacts from the application of stone weirs but also an understanding about their scalability as sustainable solutions for enhancing climate resilience at regional scale.


This research has been funded by European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under CARDIMED project (Grant Agreement No. 101112731) (Climate Adaptation and Resilience Demonstrated in the MEDiterranean region).

How to cite: Michalis, P., Kossieris, S., Papachristos, E., Petrakos, K., Sakellarakis, F.-N., Tsimiklis, G., and Amditis, A.: Assessing the Potential of Traditional Stone Weirs in Stormwater Management Through Integrated EO, In-situ and Crowdsourcing Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1523,, 2025.

EGU25-3920 | Posters virtual | VPS12

A Deep Learning-Based CAE-LSTM Model for Enhanced Long-Term Prediction of Flood Wave Propagation 

Zheng Han, Guanping Long, Changli Li, Yange Li, Bin Su, Linrong Xu, Weidong Wang, and Guangqi Chen

Predicting the dynamics of flood processes is paramount for effective disaster prevention and mitigation. Recently, Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have been employed for flood dynamic prediction, demonstrating commendable performance in wave propagation forecasting. However, PINNs, which rely on traditional fully connected neural networks, exhibit certain limitations. Notably, their capacity for learning long-term wave propagation processes remains insufficient, and they struggle to generalize across diverse, previously untrained scenarios.In this study, we propose an innovative model that integrates a Convolutional Autoencoder (CAE) with a Long Short-Term Memory network (LSTM) to overcome these challenges. Drawing inspiration from the finite-difference method employed to solve the Shallow Water Equations (SWE), the CAE-LSTM model adeptly captures and predicts flow characteristics from both spatial and temporal dimensions. The CAE harnesses the power of convolutional neural networks to extract spatial features and generate compact latent representations, thereby reducing the complexity inherent in the physical system. Meanwhile, the LSTM captures the temporal dependencies within the latent feature space, enabling the prediction of the dynamic process based on time-series data.The efficacy of this model was validated through three classical two-dimensional dam-break scenarios. In the 60-second rolling prediction case, the accuracy of CAE-LSTM surpassed that of PINNs by approximately 60%, while its computational efficiency was enhanced by a factor of approximately 100. These results underscore the potential of CAE-LSTM to effectively capture the intricate dynamic behaviors of fluids, thereby offering a robust tool for predicting flood dynamics.

How to cite: Han, Z., Long, G., Li, C., Li, Y., Su, B., Xu, L., Wang, W., and Chen, G.: A Deep Learning-Based CAE-LSTM Model for Enhanced Long-Term Prediction of Flood Wave Propagation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3920,, 2025.

EGU25-4693 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of a River Section under Extreme Discharge Conditions from a Tropical Storm: The Santa Catarina River Case Study, Mexico 

Rosanna Bonasia, Mauricio De la Cruz-Ávila, Héctor Alfonso Barrios Piña, and Francisco Javier Castillo Guerrero

In this study, the hydrodynamic behavior of a section of the Santa Catarina River in Nuevo León, Mexico, during Tropical Storm Alberto was investigated. A three-dimensional numerical simulation of river flow was performed using unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations coupled with the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method to model the water-air interface. The computational domain was constructed based on the specific area Digital Elevation Model (DEM), accurately capturing the river's morphology, with a structured mesh refined near the riverbed to resolve localized velocity gradients. The simulations focused on high-density water flows induced by extreme precipitation, analyzing key parameters, including velocity distribution, turbulence intensity, and effective viscosity, to evaluate the performance of turbulence models in replicating fluvial dynamics. Validation was achieved using velocity data derived from video footage of the storm, tracked via motion analysis techniques and compared against simulation outputs to ensure accuracy.

The comparative study included the Spalart-Allmaras, standard k-ε, realizable k-ε, and standard k-ω turbulence models. A sensitivity analysis and mesh independence verification ensured robust numerical predictions validated against field data obtained from video-derived velocity measurements.

Findings reveal distinct model performance under varying turbulence conditions. The realizable k-ε model captured peak effective viscosity (μeff) values of up to 820 kg/m·s at low turbulence intensities, demonstrating its suitability for flows with strong energy gradients and lower dissipation rates. Conversely, the standard k-ω model excelled under high turbulence intensity, effectively resolving dissipation dynamics and exhibiting μeff ​ values between 150–500 kg/m·s. These results highlight the capacity of these models to represent different aspects of riverine hydrodynamics, although neither achieved full optimization across all conditions.

Velocity profiles showed significant gradients near the riverbed, where high shear stress and energy dissipation dominated, reinforcing the importance of mesh refinement in capturing localized effects. Turbulence intensity exhibited a sharp decrease in shallow areas and near structural boundaries, directly influencing μeff ​ distributions.

While the evaluated turbulence models provided reliable frameworks for simulating complex fluvial flows, further refinements are needed. Incorporating advanced turbulence models, such as Reynolds Stress Models (RSM) or Large Eddy Simulations (LES), could enhance predictions, particularly for cases involving sediment transport and fluid-structure interactions.

This study contributes to the development of robust methodologies for river modeling under extreme conditions, with practical implications for flood management, hydraulic structure design, and sediment transport assessments. Future research should explore the performance of these models in simulating freshwater flows, assess their application under varying sediment concentrations, and investigate their capability to account for fluid-structure interactions related to bridge columns and other critical infrastructure.

How to cite: Bonasia, R., De la Cruz-Ávila, M., Barrios Piña, H. A., and Castillo Guerrero, F. J.: Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of a River Section under Extreme Discharge Conditions from a Tropical Storm: The Santa Catarina River Case Study, Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4693,, 2025.

EGU25-4951 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Application of Virtual Reality in Debris Flow Control Engineering Planning 

Yuan-Fang Tsai, Chi Gao, Hsin-Yuan Wei, and Mao-Chen Yang

On 1 November 2000, an intense rainfall event triggered a catastrophic debris flow in the Dacukeng Creek region of Ruifang Township in Taiwan, resulting in seven fatalities, one missing person, and extensive damage to residential structures and farmland. This disaster underscored the critical need for integrated debris flow mitigation strategies and rigorous engineering interventions within a comprehensive regional disaster prevention framework. In response, the present study developed a multifaceted approach combining high-resolution UAV-based terrain mapping, advanced numerical modeling, and immersive virtual reality (VR) simulations to quantitatively characterize debris flow dynamics and facilitate stakeholder engagement in risk assessment and mitigation planning. First, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were utilized to capture high-precision topographic data, which were processed with ContextCapture to generate a detailed 3D photogrammetric model. Next, FLO-2D simulations were employed to approximate debris flow rheology, analyzing flow depth, velocity, and inundation extents under various rainfall intensities. The resulting data were subsequently imported into Blender to create dynamic 3D visualizations illustrating potential flow pathways and associated hazards. Finally, a VR-based debris flow mitigation platform was constructed in Unity, featuring six degrees of freedom for user movement and interactivity. This platform enables engineers, policymakers, and community stakeholders to virtually navigate realistic hazard scenarios and evaluate the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of different structural and non-structural mitigation measures. By merging cutting-edge computational modeling with immersive visualization, the proposed framework allows for enhanced comprehension of debris flow mechanisms, fosters more productive communication among diverse stakeholders, and supports evidence-based policymaking. The real-time and interactive nature of the VR environment promotes deeper public engagement, improves collaborative planning, and ultimately strengthens regional resilience against debris flow hazards.

How to cite: Tsai, Y.-F., Gao, C., Wei, H.-Y., and Yang, M.-C.: Application of Virtual Reality in Debris Flow Control Engineering Planning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4951,, 2025.

EGU25-5029 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Geologic and morphologic characteristics of Nergeeti landslide, Imereti, Georgia 

George Gaprindashvili, Merab Gaprindashvili, Anzor Giorgadze, and Otar Kurtsikidze

The fatal rock avalanche type landslide occurred in the northern part of the village Nergeeti (Imereti region) on February 7, 2024, which destroyed private houses, damaged a road, water supply, gas pipelines and different infrastructure objects, moreover, 9 persons lost their lives. The study area is located in the Khanistskali river valley and tectonically represents a frontal part of the Adjara-Trialeti fold-and-thrust Belt. Here, it is represented the data based on a detailed field investigation conducted to characterize the landslide body and identify its parameters (using a UAV). Slope is represented by the Middle Eocene (Zekari suite) volcanic and sedimentary rocks such as - tuffs, volcanic sandstones, volcanic breccias, and clays. These sediments are overlaid by the Quaternary diluvium-colluvium deposits. According to the local meteorological station, the total amount of precipitation during February 5-7 was 81 mm, which represents 46% of the entire month’s precipitation, generally. The AMSL of a main scarp and a base of the landslide body varies from 378 to 215 meters. Based on a DTM and field investigations, the total area of the landslide mass is 4.45 ha, while the height of a main scarp reaches up to 30 meters. The width in the upper part is 45-50 meters, while in the lower parts, it widens up to 140-160 meters. Moreover, nearby living 7 families were recommended to be moved to a low-risk area by the specialists of the Department of Geology of the National Environmental Agency. Event once again clearly shows the importance of integrating and advancing interdisciplinary methods in studying geohazards in a rapidly changing environment.

How to cite: Gaprindashvili, G., Gaprindashvili, M., Giorgadze, A., and Kurtsikidze, O.: Geologic and morphologic characteristics of Nergeeti landslide, Imereti, Georgia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5029,, 2025.

EGU25-7494 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Risk evaluation of rainfall-triggered landslides on multiple scales of Japan 

Yoshinori Shinohara

Landslide risk is the product of landslide hazards, exposure, and vulnerability. Spatial and temporal variations in risk and its three components of rainfall-triggered landslides were examined on multiple scales in Japan. Landslide fatalities in Japan decreased between the 1940s and the 1990s. The factors affecting the decrease changed the decrease in household members, increase in people evacuated, and change in the structure of houses to the increase in forest maturity and implementation of structural measures. Similar trends were also found in Kure City with three destructive landslide events in 1945, 1967, and 2018. However, the timing of the main contributions was different from that in Japan overall. In Japan, landslide frequency (i.e., landslide hazards) also decreased with time. Based on a model estimating landslide frequency from the forest age components and rainfall, a larger contribution of the increase in forest maturity to landslide frequency than rainfall was demonstrated on the national scale. Factors determining the number of landslide disasters were examined using generalized linear models on prefectural scales. The factor differed among the three landslide types (i.e., steep-slope failure, deep-seated landslide, and debris flow). For all types, rainfall and the number of landslide-prone areas were selected with positive coefficients: the accretionary complexes geological type with negative coefficients. In addition, forests and land for buildings were selected for steep-slope failures with negative and positive coefficients, respectively, which were not selected for deep-seated landslides and debris flows. The historical and future populations in landslide-affected areas (i.e., landslide exposure) were examined in all municipalities of Japan. The population in the landslide-affected areas continuously decreased during the analysis period. The decrease was gentler than those in landslide risk, hazards, and vulnerability, suggesting that the effects of landslide exposure on temporal changes in landslide risk were less than those of landslide hazards and vulnerability, on the national scale. Finally, the mortality rate in collapsed-houses by landslides was examined from 2014 to 2027. The database for victims and survivors in collapsed houses was developed mainly based on newspapers. The floor number, gender, and type of trigger affected the mortality of landslides. These evaluations can be used to develop strategies for the mitigation of landslide disasters.

How to cite: Shinohara, Y.: Risk evaluation of rainfall-triggered landslides on multiple scales of Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7494,, 2025.

EGU25-7529 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Dynamic susceptibility assessment of glacial debris flows on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau under future climate change scenarios 

Fumeng Zhao, Wenping Gong, Sivia Biachini, and Yaming Tang

Glacial debris flows are prevalent across the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, driven by climate change-induced glacier retreat in this region. This retreat has facilitated an increased frequency of debris flow events, underscoring the need for a comprehensive understanding of their susceptibility to enhance hazard mitigation strategies. However, significant gaps remain in integrating climate change projections and glacier retreat dynamics into susceptibility assessments. This study presents a novel method for predicting the susceptibility of glacial debris flows under future climate change scenarios on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. The proposed approach incorporates dynamic variables into susceptibility modeling, including annual precipitation, average annual temperature, projected glacier extents, and anticipated land cover changes. The analysis utilizes combined scenarios from Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) and Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs), specifically SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5, to evaluate the impacts of future climate conditions. Results indicate a notable increase in the number of glacier catchments with very high annual average temperatures from SSP1-2.6 to SSP5-8.5, particularly in the eastern portion of the study area, while annual precipitation exhibits minimal change. Land cover projections for 2030 suggest a shift from shrubland to bare land, signaling land degradation. Additionally, glacier retreat is evident, with a growing number of catchments projected to have a glacier area percentage below 0.05% by 2030. The susceptibility analysis reveals an increase in glacier catchments with high and very high susceptibility from SSP1-2.6 to SSP5-8.5. Notably, the number of catchments with very high susceptibility under SSP5-8.5 exceeds that of 2010 and closely resembles 2020 levels. These findings emphasize the escalating risks posed by climate change and glacier retreat, providing critical insights for developing adaptive hazard mitigation strategies in the region. 

How to cite: Zhao, F., Gong, W., Biachini, S., and Tang, Y.: Dynamic susceptibility assessment of glacial debris flows on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau under future climate change scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7529,, 2025.

Collection of data from landslides monitoring is crucial for a sustainable risk management. With this aim, the integrated monitoring systems combining in situ and remote sensing techniques provide a comprehensive understanding of landslide activity. One of the tasks of the Innovation Ecosystem "Tech4You - Technologies for Climate Change Adaptation and Quality of Life Improvement" focuses on analysing case studies to compare different landslide types, their associated monitoring networks and the displacements entity.

A key objective is to create a catalogue of displacements for typifying landslides. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive literature review was conducted. Only landslides with displacement data over time were considered. The catalogue records the landslide type, location, monitoring system, sensor type, installation year, monitoring period, and main dimensions.

A notable challenge in this research was the limited availability of raw displacement data. Many studies present monitoring results in graphical form, often as images, making numerical data extraction difficult. To overcome this, software tools and artificial intelligence (AI) methods have been employed to analyse graph images and extract numerical values. However, AI often encounters limitations in accurately interpreting and extracting numerical values from diverse graph formats. While AI offers rapid initial analyses, the use of dedicated software guarantees precision in data extraction. The combined workflow of inspection, validation, and software application ensures reliable outcomes, making the process more efficient than manual or traditional methods.

The catalogue now includes more than 60 classified landslides, and research on new case studies is always ongoing. For this reason, and to overcome the limitation of the reduce number of studies with associated data, this work serves as encouragement to increase the number of cases registered in the database.

A specialized digital tool will be developed to integrate in a general platform and utilize collected landslide displacement data. This platform aims to: i) support local and national public institutions, ii) facilitate widespread access to and utilization of the data for monitoring and mitigating landslide risk, and iii) assist in the identification and classification of landslides with characteristics similar to those catalogued in the database.


This work was funded by the Next Generation EU - Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of Innovation Ecosystems', building 'Territorial R&D Leaders' (Directorial Decree n. 2021/3277) - project Tech4You – Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009. This work reflects only the authors’ views and opinions, neither the Ministry for University and Research nor the European Commission can be considered responsible for them.

How to cite: Vennari, C., Coscarelli, R., and Gullà, G.:  Populating a catalogue with displacement vs. time data: a tool for typifing landslides kinematic and a support for sustainable risk management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8988,, 2025.

EGU25-9062 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Runout Mechanism of Flow-like Landslides Based on Granular Flow Physics 

Xiong Tang, Siming He, Lei Zhu, Huanhuan Zhang, Michel Jaboyedoff, and Zenan Huo

Characterized by sudden occurrence, high velocity and long runout distance, flow-like landslides pose great threats to human communities. In essence, flow-like landslides can be regarded as the flow of granular materials under different topographic conditions, driven by external triggers or internal state changes. During the movement of landslides, the motion behavior transitions from a solid-like state to a fluid-like state, finally resulting in its extreme mobility. Based on the granular flow physics, we investigate the dynamic process of flow-like landslides from a rheological perspective, thereby exploring the motion transition from a solid-like state to a fluid-like state and its hypermobility feature. We utilize an elastic viscoplastic constitutive model to capture the changes in the motion behavior of landslides during their movement. This model accounts for both the elastic response of the material under low-strain conditions and the viscoplastic behavior under large strains, and incorporates both stress and strain rate dependencies, which help in describing the progressive transition from a solid-like deformation to a fluid- like flow. For practice, numerical analyses of column collapse are conducted using the Material Point Method (MPM), a numerical technique well-suited for simulating large deformations. Moreover, a typical flow-like landslide in China, the Luanshibao landslide, is well studied to investigate its long runout mechanism.

How to cite: Tang, X., He, S., Zhu, L., Zhang, H., Jaboyedoff, M., and Huo, Z.: Runout Mechanism of Flow-like Landslides Based on Granular Flow Physics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9062,, 2025.

This short paper presents preliminary results ofstudy aimed at evaluating the effects of tree cutting as a predisposing factor of debris-flow triggering (Lepri et al., 2024). The study area (Nottoria, Perugia, Italy) was affected by debris flow events in 2012 and in 2015.

The material of the debris flow source area is classified as calcareous pebbles in a marly-clayey matrix, with very angular grains.

Woody beeches and oaks’ roots, with diameters varying between 0.5 and 2 mm were found in the retrieved soil samples.

In-situ investigations on the material involved in the debris flows, consisting of corkscrew tests, water content and suction monitoring, lidar drone is in progress, jointly with geotechnical laboratory experiments.

In this abstract we present the results of corkscrew tests.

The equipment presents a rotating arm at the end of which there is a load cell and a steel screw (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Corkscrew equipment.

The screw has a height H4 = 125 mm, a diameter dcs = 40 mm, a helix diameter = 6 mm and an helix pitch of 28 mm.

The peak strength was recorded using a 300 kg load cell (Steinberg systems – SBK-KW-300KG).

The corkscrew was driven into the ground by manual rotation, after which the load cell is connected, and the soil sample is pulled out by using a lever system. The load cell provides the pullout force Tmax.

The shear stress along the lateral surface of the soil sample is then calculated following equation (1) provided by Meijer et al. (2018):


Corkscrew tests were performed at increasing depths (0–125, 125–250, 250–375 mm). Once the soil sample was extracted, the roots content was assessed and the water content and suction measured.

Figure 2 shows the location where corkscrew tests were performed, while the results are plotted in Figure 3 in terms of peak shear stress against the horizontal effective stress.

Figure 2. Corkscrew tests location


  • a)    b)

Figure 3. a) Extracted rooted sample; b) Results from corkscrew tests: shear stress vs vertical effective stress



Lepri, A., Fraccica, A., Cencetti, C., and Cecconi, M. (2024a). A preliminary study on the possible effect of deforestation in debris flows deposits, EGU24-15726, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024.

Lepri A., Fraccica A., Cecconi M., Pane V. (2024b). Effetti del taglio di vegetazione sull'innesco di una colata detritica a Nottoria (PG): caratterizzazione geotecnica preliminare. Incontro Annuale dei Ricercatori di Geotecnica 2024- IARG 2024 - Gaeta, 4-6 Settembre 2024.

Meijer, G.J., Bengough, A.G., Knappett, J.A., Loades, K.W., Nicoll, B.C. (2018). In situ measurement of root-reinforcement using the corkscrew extraction method. Can. Geotech. J. 55 (10), 1372–1390. (

How to cite: Lepri, A.: Preliminary results of in situ corkscrew tests in coarse-grained debris with vegetation roots , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9090,, 2025.

EGU25-9241 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Challenges in rockfall modelling in active tourism gorges: The case study of Caminito del Rey (Malaga, Spain) 

Roberto Sarro, Jorge P. Galve, Mónica Martínez-Corbella, Francisco J. Fernández-Naranjo, Pablo Vitali Miranda-García, Juan López-Vinielles, Paula S. Jerez-Longres, Alejandro Ruiz-Fuentes, Marta Béjar-Pizarro, Carolina Guardiola-Albert, José Miguel Azañón, and Rosa M. Mateos

Rockfall modelling in Caminito del Rey (Málaga, Spain) represents a scientific and technical challenge due to the high geomorphological complexity of the environment, characterized by vertical cliffs, numerous overhangs, and complex geometries. In this context, within one of Malaga’s most visited tourist attractions (more than 300,000 people per year), a comprehensive study was required to address challenges across all phases, from the detailed characterization of the inventory to trajectory modelling. To address these difficulties, the most advanced technology currently available for remote data adquisitation (UAV, LIDAR and satellite) and three-dimensional modelling was used, along with the development and application of ad hoc methods and techniques specifically tailored to this study.

The high-precision georeferenced digital rockfall inventory had to tackle issues such as data heterogeneity, limitations in the available documentation, and errors related to mapping accuracy of the trail layout. On the other hand, the modelling process required a multiscale approach, examining all sections of Caminito del Rey with a focus on detailed scales for individual blocks. Custom input data were obtained for this purpose: (i) elevation models accounting for overhangs and both gorge walls; (ii) source areas for rockfalls derived using probabilistic approaches; (iii) block size estimation based on lithology type; and (iv) calibration and validation of the three coefficients maps in narrow and vertical sections (i.e., dynamic rolling friction, normal energy restitution, and tangential energy restitution) that simulate energy loss by a boulder when rolling and bouncing at impact points.

Reducing uncertainty in each input dataset is essential not only for improving the reliability and accuracy of analytical models but also for effectively establishing preventive measures. Furthermore, it plays a key role in identifying critical areas that require continuous monitoring. This abstract was supported by the KINGSTONE project, the Rockfall Susceptibility Study in Caminito del Rey (a collaboration among IGME-CSIC, the University of Granada, the University of Jaén, and the Caminito del Rey UTE), and the SARAI project (PID2020-116540RB-C21), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.

How to cite: Sarro, R., Galve, J. P., Martínez-Corbella, M., Fernández-Naranjo, F. J., Miranda-García, P. V., López-Vinielles, J., Jerez-Longres, P. S., Ruiz-Fuentes, A., Béjar-Pizarro, M., Guardiola-Albert, C., Azañón, J. M., and Mateos, R. M.: Challenges in rockfall modelling in active tourism gorges: The case study of Caminito del Rey (Malaga, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9241,, 2025.

EGU25-9926 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

High-Resolution 3D MPM Simulation of the 2011 Akatani Landslide 

Zenan Huo, Xiong Tang, Michel Jaboyedoff, Yury Podladchikov, and Masahiro Chigira

The Akatani landslide, located on the Kii Peninsula of Japan, is a catastrophic deep-seated landslide triggered by intense rainfall during Typhoon Talas in 2011. The landslide mass travels a considerable distance, forming a landslide dam at the slope foot. Its instability is primarily attributed to the rapid reduction of shear strength in sandstone–mudstone (shale) materials and elevated pore water pressure. In this study, a fully three-dimensional physical model based on the Material Point Method (MPM) is applied for the first time to investigate the Akatani landslide. By employing the high-performance solver MaterialPointSolver.jl, an advanced numerical simulation is conducted, integrating geotechnical parameters from ring shear tests, pore pressure characteristics, and field-based geological and topographical data. The proposed model effectively replicates the rainfall-triggered reactivation of the landslide along pre-existing sliding surfaces identified through the Sloping Local Base Level (SLBL) [1, 2]. It captures the failure process, from initial instability to rapid downslope movement and channel blockage, under a coupled solid–fluid framework. Comparisons with field observations and previous LS-Rapid simulations demonstrate the high accuracy and applicability of this modeling approach. These findings provide essential insights for understanding the dynamic mechanisms of deep-seated rainfall-induced landslides, evaluating secondary disaster risks, and developing effective disaster mitigation strategies.


[1]. Chigira, M., Tsou, C. Y., Matsushi, Y., Hiraishi, N., & Matsuzawa, M. (2013). Topographic precursors and geological structures of deep-seated catastrophic landslides caused by Typhoon Talas. Geomorphology, 201, 479-493.

[2]. Jaboyedoff, M., Chigira, M., Arai, N., Derron, M. H., Rudaz, B., & Tsou, C. Y. (2019). Testing a failure surface prediction and deposit reconstruction method for a landslide cluster that occurred during Typhoon Talas (Japan). Earth Surface Dynamics, 7(2), 439-458.

How to cite: Huo, Z., Tang, X., Jaboyedoff, M., Podladchikov, Y., and Chigira, M.: High-Resolution 3D MPM Simulation of the 2011 Akatani Landslide, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9926,, 2025.

This short communication presents a new low-cost capacitive Soil Water Content (SWC) sensor, originally developed, whose application in situ in natural rooted soils could be of some interest for its impact in geotechnical engineering applications. It is very well known that in recent years, significant advancement has been made in laboratory and field testing for the understanding of the hydro-mechanical coupled behaviour of unsaturated soils. The complexity in characterizing such behaviour increases when the role of vegetation and the presence of organic matter is considered. The amount of literature on water content (SWC) measurements and related sensors is huge and involves several scientific fields. Among indirect methods to evaluate the SWC, time domain reflectometer (TDR), time domain transmissometer (TDT) and impedance sensors, such as resistive and capacitive, are the most common. Capacitive sensors are usually directly dependent on soil apparent dielectric constant Ka which increases with SWC. They have a little sensitivity compared to TDR/TDT, however, they find several applications due to their lower cost. Vegetation affects the hydrology and the effects of plant evapotranspiration may induce some changes in the water content and soil suction and therefore the soil water retention properties. The mutual interaction among roots and soils is very variable, depending on roots-type and soil type; the beneficial influence due to the reduction of water content/degree of saturation, due to the capacity of the plant system to absorb water from the surrounding soil and transfer it to the atmosphere through transpiration is also acknowledged in the literature. Therefore, quantifying root-induced modification in soil hydraulic properties, including SWRC, is vital to predict correctly the hydrology and, hence, for the analysis of slope stability of shallow soil covers. In this note, a new low-cost capacitive sensor, characterized by an interdigit layout and produced following a PCB process, is introduced (Figure 1).

The performance of this device are under evaluation with laboratory activities: several tests have been performed preparing samples of different-type granular materials at different SWC keeping constant the dry density: natural sandy soils, glass beads, and ground coffee mixtures were investigated. The electrical capacitance and conductance of the sensor were measured in the 10 – 100 kHz frequency range by using the HP 4275A LCR meter. Some results are shown in Figure 2. It is shown that the sensor response is affected by the measurement frequency. Moreover, a saturation behaviour is highlighted for both the capacitance and conductance at increasing SWC. The sensor impedance is affected also by the electrical conductivity of the medium surrounding the sensor, e.g. solid grains, water and organic materials, and for this reason the SWC estimation requires a correction to minimize the impact of water salinity. The experimental activity performed in the laboratory is a preliminary investigation aimed at identifying an analytical model of the electrical behaviour of the sensor. Once the model is defined, the sensor could be integrated with a portable system to be validated for in-situ applications.


How to cite: Papini, N.: A new low-cost and low-power capacitive sensor for soil water content measurements: preliminary analysis for possible application in rooted soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12296,, 2025.

EGU25-12404 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Assessing Flood Susceptibility using Geospatial Techniques and Analytical Hierarchy Process in an Indian Catchment 

Amina Khatun, Samujjal Baruah, and Chandranath Chatterjee

Being a natural calamity, flood poses serious threat to the livelihood of all living beings. Due to the adverse effects of climate change and anthropogenic activities, significant changes in the occurrence of extreme floods are happening day-by-day. An accurate flood susceptibility map plays a crucial role to adopt proper adaptation and mitigation strategies in protecting the vulnerable communities. This study performs a flood susceptibility mapping of the Jagatsinghpur district lying in the delta region of the Mahanadi River basin in the eastern part of India. This river basin has suffered from numerous recurring floods of variable extremities since the 1960s. A major concern arose when the frequency of extreme floods in this delta increased drastically post the 2000s. This study considered several key factors affecting flood occurrence like rainfall, topographic wetness index, land use/land cover, distance from river, elevation, slope and drainage density. The map layers of all these factors are integrated in the Geographic Information System (GIS) platform, wherein the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to develop and evaluate the flood susceptibility maps. The findings suggest that more than one-third of the study area falls into the low to high flood susceptibility zone. Nearly 40% of the area is under very low to low zone, and a small portion fell under the high to very high flood prone zone. The study serves as a preliminary study towards flood risk management and provides critical insights for the decision makers to develop appropriate disaster risk reduction strategies and strengthen the flood management policies.

How to cite: Khatun, A., Baruah, S., and Chatterjee, C.: Assessing Flood Susceptibility using Geospatial Techniques and Analytical Hierarchy Process in an Indian Catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12404,, 2025.

EGU25-12497 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Rainfall Interpolation Analysis in the Ijzer Basin Based on Neural Networks 

Wanghao Xiao

Accurate spatial distribution of rainfall during extreme weather events is crucial for hydrological analysis and flood forecasting. Despite the availability of numerous neural network-based models for spatiotemporal rainfall interpolation, challenges remain due to the limited number of rain gauges and the presence of missing values in the recorded data. These limitations introduce significant uncertainties into existing models. This study focuses on the Ijzer Basin in Belgium, using 20 years of data collected at 15-minute intervals, including rainfall, humidity, and temperature measurements et. etc. By training several neural network models on these data, we aim to identify the most accurate model for rainfall interpolation. Results indicate that Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks demonstrate superior performance compared to other models in capturing the spatial distribution of rainfall.

How to cite: Xiao, W.: Rainfall Interpolation Analysis in the Ijzer Basin Based on Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12497,, 2025.

EGU25-13226 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Evaluating the Efficiency and Predictive Accuracy of Temporal Susceptibility Models for Co-Seismic Landslides Using Real-Time Validation: A Case Study from the NW Himalayas 

Malik Talha Riaz, Saad Wani, Muhammad Basharat, Muhammad Tayyib Riaz, and Akshay Raj Manocha

The Himalayan region, characterized by its rugged terrain, distinctive geography, and active tectonics, ranks among the most landslide-prone zones globally. Landslide susceptibility and hazard mapping are critical tools to mitigate future risks and devise effective management strategies. This study uses data-driven statistical approaches to evaluate co-seismic landslide susceptibility in District Hattian, NW Himalayas, Pakistan. A comprehensive co-seismic landslide inventory comprising 349, 393, and 735 landslide events from 2005, 2007, and 2012, respectively, was utilized to train, test and validate predictive models. 
Thirteen landslide causative factors (LCFs), including topographic, environmental, geologic, and anthropogenic variables, were analyzed to determine their influence on landslide occurrence. Three data-driven statistical models i.e., Weight of Evidence (WoE), Information Value (IV), and Frequency Ratio (FR) were employed to develop landslide susceptibility maps (LSMs). Model training used 70% of the landslide inventory, while 30% was reserved for validation. Model performance was evaluated using Receiver Operating Characteristic-Area Under Curve (ROC-AUC) metrics and predictive accuracy assessments. Among the models, the WoE approach outperformed well among the other models as ROC-AUC SRC scores of 84.4, 84.2, and 85.3 for 2005, 90.4, 86.4, and 87.2 for 2007, and 81.9, 86.7, and 85.9 for 2012 for WoE, FR, and IV models, respectively. PRC scores of the WoE, FR, and IV models were recorded as 85.7, 89.4, and 82.5 for 2005, 87.5, 77.5, and 80.4 for 2007, and 80.7, 88.3, and 87.7 for 2012. For the validation of long-term predictivity, efficiency models are checked by comparing the generated LSMs with newly recorded landslide events. The 2005 model was validated using 2007 data, the 2007 model with 2012 data, and the 2012 model with 2024 data. Results revealed a gradual decline in the predictive accuracy of the LSMs model of all three approaches over time; however, WoE consistently outperformed from the IV and FR models, maintaining robust predictive capabilities even after 12 years.
This study highlights that landslide-prone zones in District Hattian exhibit persistent mass movement activity and underscores the urgent need for proactive landslide management to minimize life loss and economic damage in this tectonically active region. The integration of advanced susceptibility modelling techniques with real-time validation offers a reliable framework for hazard assessment and risk mitigation. Policymakers and stakeholders are encouraged to implement targeted interventions, such as optimized land-use planning, the establishment of early warning systems, and increased community awareness programs, to enhance resilience against landslide hazards in the NW Himalayas.

How to cite: Riaz, M. T., Wani, S., Basharat, M., Riaz, M. T., and Manocha, A. R.: Evaluating the Efficiency and Predictive Accuracy of Temporal Susceptibility Models for Co-Seismic Landslides Using Real-Time Validation: A Case Study from the NW Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13226,, 2025.

EGU25-13798 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Unveiling environmental dimensions of hydrological drought in Southern Spain using open-source data and machine learning techniques 

Paula Serrano Acebedo, Natalia Limones Rodríguez, and Mónica Aguilar Alba

Drought is an increasing hydroclimatic threat in the Mediterranean, profoundly impacting water resources and ecosystems. Andalusia (Spain) is highly vulnerable due to climatic variability and prolonged dry periods. Effective drought management requires methods to assess impacts on groundwater and surface water systems, which in turn threaten ecological and socio-economic resilience. While socio-economic impacts are more analysed, environmental effects are overlooked due to delayed onset or unclear links to drought. However, drought-induced degradation of natural resources and hydrology-linked ecosystem services can exacerbate challenges in agroforestry, livestock, and tourism. Examining the environmental dimensions of hydrological drought risk is therefore essential.

This research takes a first step in analysing the impacts of drought on water-related ecosystem services. It specifically investigates hydrological and hydrogeological anomalies and examines their spatial and temporal dynamics across varying levels of drought severity. This study defines hydrological anomalies by leveraging high-resolution, open-access data from Copernicus and other datasets available on Google Earth Engine. These include estimates of soil moisture, groundwater storage, terrestrial water storage, flows and evapotranspiration that can be obtained from GLDAS 2.2, FLDAS, CERRA-Land, etc. In situ measurements, such as piezometric and streamflow records, are also integrated to validate findings and provide a robust basis for analysis of the impacts on water systems. Machine learning algorithms are then used to model the complex linkages between the identified hydrological anomalies and the climatic conditions, measured with well-known drought indices like the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) at different scales.

A pilot study in an Andalusian sub-basin with minimal anthropogenic influence serves as a testbed for developing a scalable methodology to evaluate the impacts of short and long-term drought conditions on groundwater and surface water. In line with related relevant research, correlation analyses run for this pilot highlight strong associations between hydrological variables and drought indices. A rapid response of surface water systems to short-term droughts is observed, while groundwater displays delayed, yet significant changes linked to drought, reflecting its buffering capacity and resilience.

This research highlights the potential of tested datasets for assessing drought impacts on water systems and demonstrates the value of open-source hydrological data for improving drought risk assessment and predictive tools. However, the study also reveals limitations regarding spatial resolution, which constrain detailed-scale assessments. On the one hand, the follow-up research will expand the performed analysis to additional sub-basins across Andalusia to compare results. On the other hand, similar modelling methodologies will be applied to understand how the identified droughts and associated anomalies in surface and groundwater systems propagate, leading to a reduction in the provision of ecosystem services. This will include exploring ecological impacts such as failures to maintain ecological flows, declines in extension of wetlands, or anomalies in primary productivity and ecosystem functioning in natural areas.

How to cite: Serrano Acebedo, P., Limones Rodríguez, N., and Aguilar Alba, M.: Unveiling environmental dimensions of hydrological drought in Southern Spain using open-source data and machine learning techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13798,, 2025.

EGU25-13829 | Posters on site | NH3.12

Performance and Future Directions of the USGS Near-real-time Earthquake-triggered Ground Failure Product 

Kate E. Allstadt, Eric M. Thompson, David J. Wald, Heather E. Hunsinger, Kirstie L. Haynie, Michael Hearne, Paula M. Bürgi, Sonia M. Ellison, Davis T. Engler, Kishor S. Jaiswal, Kristin Marano, and Kuo-wan Lin

Within minutes of any major global earthquake, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Ground Failure product (GFP) provides summary alert levels and spatial estimates of landslide and liquefaction hazard and population exposure. Since the GFP went live in September 2018, 187 events have had an elevated alert level (yellow, orange, or red), indicating limited to extensive hazard and exposure. These events include well-known ground-failure triggering earthquakes such as the 2023 Türkiye-Syria earthquake sequence, the 2021 Nippes, Haiti earthquake, as well as numerous other events. In many cases, the GFP proved to be valuable by estimating the potential extent of these hazards and their overlap with the local population.  In this presentation, we discuss how the product has performed since it was deployed and how it has been used for situational awareness, planning, and reconnaissance. Significant users of the GFP include scientists, the media, emergency responders, and the public. We also discuss operational considerations, such as how moving the GFP to the cloud has improved speed and reliability. We conclude with an overview of enhancements under development, such as model regionalization, road obstruction estimation, fatality estimation, ongoing hazard information, model updating, and integration into other USGS impact products, such as Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) and ShakeCast.

How to cite: Allstadt, K. E., Thompson, E. M., Wald, D. J., Hunsinger, H. E., Haynie, K. L., Hearne, M., Bürgi, P. M., Ellison, S. M., Engler, D. T., Jaiswal, K. S., Marano, K., and Lin, K.: Performance and Future Directions of the USGS Near-real-time Earthquake-triggered Ground Failure Product, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13829,, 2025.

EGU25-14551 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Estimation approach for T-year hydrological events using non-stationary data 

Rina Ohashi, Chiharu Mizuki, and Yasuhisa Kuzuha

As stated in The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, heavy rainfall events of unprecedented scale have occurred in recent years increasingly in terms of both frequency and intensity because of global climate change. As a matter of course, greater attention must be devoted to flooding caused by heavier-than-ever rainfall events. This flooding includes both levee breach and inland water rise effects.

In Japan, T-year hydrological events, such as 100-year-rainfall events with a return period of 100 years as estimated from frequency analysis, have been used conventionally as targets of river improvement plans. In fact, "Guidelines for Small and Medium-Sized River Planning” have been consulted when hydrological quantities are estimated. Nevertheless, the flow chart in the guideline drawn by the MLIT (*) has been discounted completely in work by Kuzuha et al. (2021, 2022a,b,c). In fact, it is most inappropriate to use the SLSC as the criterion for validating stochastic models; it is also inappropriate for usage of the Jack-knife or bootstrap method. Mizuki and Kuzuha (2023) present related supporting details.

As described in this paper, we intend to present other issues which must be urgently resolved: The fact that the precipitation population has not been stationary. It must be regarded as non-stationary because of global climate change.

Explanations of frequency analysis based on the non-stationarity of the precipitation population have been presented in the literature by Hayashi et al. (2015) and by Shimizu et al. (2018). We have considered different approaches than theirs. Ours predict future T-year hydrological events under the condition of non-stationary precipitation population, as presented below. In other words, those approaches can be adapted to recent quite heavier rainfall data.

  • We use d4PDF data (2015) data. In fact, d4PDF data were calculated using climate simulations of 50 ensemble members. Each ensemble member has climate data obtained during 1951–2010: we can use annual maximum rainfall of 3,000 years. We specifically examined the area around Kumano city, Mie prefecture and analyzed the annual maximum around Kumano.
  • First, we calculated the annual maximum 1-hour precipitation at Kumano described above.
  • For example, there are 50 annual maximum 1-hour precipitation events in 1951, because there are 50 ensemble members. Therefore, we can estimate 100-year rainfall in 1951 using 50 data and the Gumbel distribution. We can estimate time-variational 100-year rainfall during 1951 and 2010.
  • The blue line in the figure shows the time variational 100-year rainfall between 1951 and 2010.
  • The orange line represents future 100-year rainfall calculated using the triple exponential smoothing method.

At the presentation, we intend to show other approaches which can be useful to predict future 100-year precipitation.


* MLIT: The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan

How to cite: Ohashi, R., Mizuki, C., and Kuzuha, Y.: Estimation approach for T-year hydrological events using non-stationary data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14551,, 2025.

EGU25-16734 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Rockfall susceptibility and trajectory simulations for enhanced monitoring and early warning systems along roads: the Maratea landslide case study 

Luigi Massaro, Gaetano Falcone, Gianfranco Urciuoli, and Antonio Santo

On the 30th of November 2022, a major rockfall event occurred in the Triassic dolostones of Castrocucco cliff (Maratea, Southern Italy), mobilising a volume of about 8000 m3 (Minervino Amodio et al. 2024) and destroying the underlying SS18 national road with no fatalities. The SS18 has critical importance in an area of high tourist, landscape, and historical interests, and determined the planning of a bypass tunnel to avoid the cliff, which has been affected by recurring instability events in the last decades (Pellicani et al. 2016). However, before the tunnel could be completed, the safe reopening of the road was critical for the region. For this reason, a high-resolution monitoring system was developed, enabling the timely road closure to the traffic in case of new failure (Santo and Massaro 2024).

In this study, we describe the geo-structural investigation and reconstruction of the rockfall kinematics and triggering factors, as well as the susceptibility analysis carried out to develop the monitoring system that allowed the road to reopen. Such a system consisted of a network of sensors placed in the areas and on the rock blocks that showed high levels of susceptibility to rockfalls. The data collection was performed through field and digital surveys. The latter was carried out on Virtual Outcrop Models (VOM) following drone photo acquisition. Successively, the rock block trajectories were simulated under static and seismically induced conditions with different block volume scenarios. These results, integrated with the real-time deformation data recorded by the sensors, will enhance the mitigation plan further. Moreover, the developed methodological approach and workflow could be applied to similar situations where critical road infrastructures lie in areas of high susceptibility to rockfall.



Minervino Amodio A, Corrado G, Gallo IG, Gioia D, Schiattarella M, Vitale V and Robustelli G (2024) Three-dimensional rockslide analysis using unmanned aerial vehicle and lidar: The Castrocucco case study, Southern Italy. Remote Sensing, 16 (12), 2235. doi: 10.3390/rs16122235

Pellicani R, Spilotro G and Van Westen CJ (2016) Rockfall trajectory modeling combined with heuristic analysis for assessing the rockfall hazard along the Maratea SS18 coastal road (Basilicata, Southern Italy). Landslides, 13: 985-1003. doi: 10.1007/s10346-015-0665-3

Santo A and Massaro L (2024) Landslide monitoring and maintenance plan along infrastructure: The example of the Maratea major rockfall (Southern Italy). Landslides. doi: 10.1007/s10346-024-02409-3

How to cite: Massaro, L., Falcone, G., Urciuoli, G., and Santo, A.: Rockfall susceptibility and trajectory simulations for enhanced monitoring and early warning systems along roads: the Maratea landslide case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16734,, 2025.

EGU25-17185 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Geomorphological transformation and prediction of urban meander loop: A case study of Barak River, India 

Wajahat Annayat, Sandeep Samantaray, and Zaher Mundher Yaseen

Barak River is one of the highly meandering rivers in India causing several problems to society during flooding events. In this study geomorphological changes of an urban meander loop, situated at the main city of Silchar Assam, India was carried out. Based on the adopted analysis, it was found that meander length, meander width, meander ratio, wavelength showed an increasing trend while sinuosity and radius of curvature shows a decreasing trend.  The land use and land cover were also analyzed of this urban meander loop and found that settlement increased gradually by 16.1798 % and waterbodies, dense vegetation and agricultural land decreased by 0.5732 %, 2.5832 % and 13.1558%, respectively. Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model was employed for the prediction and the results recommended that shifting of channel in the urban meander loop fluctuated unexpectedly either to rightwards or leftwards. Observed and predicted values of showed a determination coefficient (R2 = 0.8). The final step of the research was to generate the predicted values of channel shifting up to 2030.      

How to cite: Annayat, W., Samantaray, S., and Yaseen, Z. M.: Geomorphological transformation and prediction of urban meander loop: A case study of Barak River, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17185,, 2025.

EGU25-17719 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Quantifying pre-collapse dynamics of hanging rock-ice masses using remote sensing datasets 

Lydia Sam, Anshuman Bhardwaj, and Peace Temadri

Changing climate is enhancing the occurrence and intensity of natural disasters, profoundly impacting human lives, livelihoods, infrastructure, and economic growth. Modelling and prediction of deadly high-mountain slope failure hazards such as snow, ice, and rock avalanches have always been challenging. Current in-situ sensor-based approaches for slope failure predictions of hanging glaciers and rock faces are quite limited in their spatial continuity and extent and there is also a research gap on linking the pre-collapse slope movements with subsequent avalanche runouts. Earth observation datasets can offer a viable alternative for quantifying and monitoring pre-collapse dynamics at larger spatial scales. For the catastrophic 2021 rock-ice collapse in Chamoli, India, several studies had reported some anomalous movements weeks-to-months prior to the collapse. However, we need more analyses to understand how common such pre-collapse anomalous movements are before we can even start considering investigating them as potential precursors for effective avalanche predictions. To fill this research gap, using satellite remote sensing datasets and digital elevation models, we investigated several high-mountain slope failure events (e.g., Piz Scerscen in 2024, Piz Cengalo Bondo in 2017) of varying magnitudes and nature (i.e., rockfall, rock-ice avalanche, and ice avalanche) in different topographical and climate settings. While we were able to quantify pre-collapse dynamics for these events, we also observed variations in the occurrence and magnitude of anomalous movements prior to the events. These preliminary findings are encouraging and the future research and results from such analyses can bridge the knowledge gap on the detection and modelling capabilities, ultimately enhancing resilience to mountain hazards.

How to cite: Sam, L., Bhardwaj, A., and Temadri, P.: Quantifying pre-collapse dynamics of hanging rock-ice masses using remote sensing datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17719,, 2025.

EGU25-20010 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS12

Drought vulnerability assessment in Sweden 

Claudia Canedo Rosso, Elin Stenfors, Claudia Teutschbein, and Lars Nyberg

Sweden, known for its abundant water resources, has recently experienced drought events with significant socio-economic and environmental impacts, revealing existing vulnerabilities in the society. Future climatic projections indicate changes in precipitation and temperature patterns, stressing the need for improved drought risk management. The vulnerability component of risk is often less studied than the hazard component, primarily due to its inherent complexity. Drought vulnerability is highly context-dependent, shaped by the interplay of social, ecological, and hydroclimatic factors. In the context of a changing climate, assessing drought vulnerability is becoming increasingly important. However, such assessments are scarce in Nordic regions.

To address this gap, this study quantifies vulnerability factors related to coping capacity, adaptive capacity, and susceptibility, and integrates them to map drought vulnerability hotspots across Sweden. Based on a stakeholder-validated set of vulnerability factors for water-dependent sectors (including agriculture, forestry, energy, water supply, and environmental management), municipal-level data sources were screened to identify and quantify relevant vulnerability indicators. A probabilistic approach was employed to assess the sensitivity of regional vulnerability patterns to the weighting of vulnerability factors. The resulting spatial distribution of relative vulnerability reflects the heterogeneous socio-hydrological systems across municipalities and highlights the importance of sustainable local economic adaptation to water availability in reducing sensitivity and mitigating drought impacts. Our vulnerability assessment provides valuable insights for local and regional planners, supporting the effective allocating of resources and the development of targeted drought mitigation strategies at municipal level. The findings underscoring the need for context-specific assessments to account for regional and sectoral differences in drought vulnerability. Furthermore, the results emphasize the complexity of drought risk and the challenges of integrating diverse vulnerability factors in diverse socio-hydrological contexts.

How to cite: Canedo Rosso, C., Stenfors, E., Teutschbein, C., and Nyberg, L.: Drought vulnerability assessment in Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20010,, 2025.

EGU25-20680 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Landslide evaluation applying electrical tomography techniques: study case San José de Aloburo, Pimampiro,Imbabura 

Brenda Mayacela-Salazar, Raisa Torres-Ramirez, and Richard Perez-Roa

Landslides affect millions of people annually in the mountainous regions of Latin America, resulting in significant economic, human and structural losses (Carrasco et al., 2011). The San José de Aloburo landslide, located in Imbabura-Ecuador, occurred in November 2021, significantly changing the landscape as well as the increase of the substantial damage to the locality. Vásquez et al. (2021) characterized it as a complex rotational landslide, highlighting its geomorphological and stratigraphical particularities. This study aims to integrate geophysical and geological approaches to further analyze the internal structure and physical properties of the materials involved in the landslide.

The methodology included the application of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) profiles (Perrone, 2014), using low-cost equipment, suitable for the economic context of the region. It allowed to identify variations in the subsurface resistivity. Stratigraphic columns were constructed also to analyze the interlaying and composition of the displaced geological strata. In addition, a granulometric analysis was carried out on a representative sample to evaluate the particle size distribution.

The results reveal significant variations in resistivity associated with the distribution of the displaced materials and the presence of complex internal morphology. Likewise, the integration of geophysical and geological data allowed a more precise delineation of the rupture zone, the depth of displacement and the characteristics of the materials involved. These findings provide valuable information for understanding landslide processes in the region and monitoring this type of events with the additional advantage of being economically accessible.

Keywords: Landslides, Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Geophysical Integration


Carrasco, J., et al. (2011). Impactos del cambio climático, adaptación y desarrollo en las regiones montañosas de América latina. Ministerio
de Relaciones Exteriores, Gobierno de Chile-Alianza para las Montañas-FAO-Banco Mundial.

Perrone, A., et al. (2014) Electrical resistivity tomography technique for landslide investigation: A review. Earth-Science Reviews, 135 , 65-82.

Vázquez, Y., et al. (2021). Informe técnico sobre el movimiento en masa ocurrido en san José de Aloburo (noviembre/2021), Pimampiro,

Imbabura. Escuela de Ciencias de la Tierra, Energía y Ambiente, Yachay Tech.

How to cite: Mayacela-Salazar, B., Torres-Ramirez, R., and Perez-Roa, R.: Landslide evaluation applying electrical tomography techniques: study case San José de Aloburo, Pimampiro,Imbabura, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20680,, 2025.

EGU25-21656 | Posters virtual | VPS12

Centrifuge modelling of a roto-translational landslide in stiff clay formation 

Xin Peng, Xuan Kang, and Wei Wu

Roto-translational landslides are characterized by two movement types at different landslide parts, i.e., rotational movement at the headscarp and translational movement at the toe. They are widely distributed in clay formations with planar or subhorizontal layers, posing threats to human life and infrastructure. Due to the different shapes of the sliding surfaces, the kinematics of roto-translational landslides show complicated patterns with varying spatial and temporal distributions. Forecasting the rapid sliding of roto-translational landslides presents challenges, as they often manifest as unnoticed slowly movement. The sliding surfaces of the roto-translational landslides feature concave-upward shape at the landslide head and a planar shape at the landslide accumulation zone, leading to complex deformation mechanisms. Roto-translational landslides usually exhibit creep deformation along sliding surfaces, showing transverse cracks on the ground surfaces. However, the scarcity of experimental data has significantly hindered a deep understanding of their failure mechanisms. Our research probes into the rotational failure phenomena of landslides in stiff clay formations, utilizing geotechnical centrifuge modelling and laboratory creep tests. Our findings reveal that rotational failures in model slopes are exclusively triggered under conditions of an undrained boundary at the basal shear zone. The post-failure behaviour is characterized by a settlement at the slope crest and a pronounced bulge at the toe, resulting in complex rotational movements along the basal sliding surface. Moreover, our laboratory experiments illuminate the creep behaviour of shear-zone materials under undrained conditions. In particular, samples with a high initial water content under sustained loading are highly susceptible to a quick transition into tertiary creep, leading to accelerated failure. These experimental insights substantially advance our understanding of the rotational failure patterns observed in clay-based landslides.

How to cite: Peng, X., Kang, X., and Wu, W.: Centrifuge modelling of a roto-translational landslide in stiff clay formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21656,, 2025.

EGU25-408 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Seismic risk assessment using 3D physics-based seismic hazard: A case study for Shimla city 

Sukh Sagar Shukla, Romani Choudhary, and Dhanya Jaya

The seismic risk assessment has gained significant popularity in recent years due to the increasing development of infrastructure and urbanization in seismically active locations across the globe. Earthquakes pose serious issues as natural events because of their unpredictability and the extensive harm they may do to infrastructure, buildings, and people's lives. Ground motion at the time of the earthquake can depend on several local sites and event characteristics, such as the size of the seismic event, the depth of the earthquake focus, the distance from the epicentre, the local geology and soil conditions. However, traditional probabilistic seismic hazards using ergodic ground motion models do not consider these variations, leading to a further less accurate damage or risk assessment. Hence, the present work aims to perform a comprehensive seismic risk assessment by incorporating three-dimensional physics-based numerical modelling, which explicitly incorporates the path and site-specific characteristics that cater for non-ergodicity. Here, physics-based ground motion has been simulated for controlling events corresponding to typical sites present in Shimla city, Himachal Pradesh, India. Furthermore, to assess the associated risk for the region exposure, data of the building inventory of Shimla has been gathered using Google Street View (GSV) images, and for the classification of the building inventory to different building typologies, deep machine learning-based Convolution neural network (CNN) models are trained. The developed CNN model has shown great precision in identifying the building class for the region. After classification, suitable well-known fragility functions are mapped to each class, and subsequent risk is calculated. Finally, the results developed using physics-based hazard are compared with the conventional empirical approach. The study results will provide the respective stakeholders with the technical knowledge for the region's hazard and subsequent risk.

How to cite: Shukla, S. S., Choudhary, R., and Jaya, D.: Seismic risk assessment using 3D physics-based seismic hazard: A case study for Shimla city, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-408,, 2025.

EGU25-454 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Perception of the 2021 floods and their mental health, and social well-being among older adults in the Ahr Valley, Germany 

Chen Song, Funda Atun, Justine Blanford, and Carmen Anthonj

Protecting human health is a fundamental priority in contemporary society. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Constitution, "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."  While the physical health of older adults often receives considerable attention after flooding events, their mental and social well-being remains underexplored. 

The 2021 floods in the Ahr Valley, Germany, had a devastating impact on local communities, particularly on older adults who are more vulnerable to the aftermath of natural disasters. This study explores the perceptions of floods among individuals aged 65 and older, focusing on their mental health and social well-being. Using a mixed-methods approach, we conducted surveys and in-depth interviews to collect first-hand data on their experiences and coping mechanisms. Our findings highlight the multifaceted challenges faced by this population, including heightened psychological distress, disruption of social networks, and concerns over long-term recovery.

This research underscores the need for targeted interventions to address the mental and social health needs of older adults in disaster-affected areas. By enhancing scientific understanding of the complex interplay between natural disasters and public health, the study aims to inform policymakers, healthcare providers, and social workers, ultimately improving the quality and effectiveness of post-disaster health services for older adults.

How to cite: Song, C., Atun, F., Blanford, J., and Anthonj, C.: Perception of the 2021 floods and their mental health, and social well-being among older adults in the Ahr Valley, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-454,, 2025.

The Nearest Neighbour declustering technique is utilized to differentiate dependent events, such as aftershocks and foreshocks from independent events, such as isolated and mainshocks events . The estimated background field could either be stationary or non-stationary over time and may exhibit patterns that depend on both space and time. Any residual deviations from a time-stationary and spatiotemporally-independent Poisson point field could offer insights into regional loading processes and merit further investigation (Zaliapin and Ben-Zion, 2020). We apply the adopted technique on the Southern California region, an area that includes four significant events with magnitudes greater than 7, over the years 1981- 2021 and the catalog's completeness ranges between magnitudes 2 to 3 (Zaliapin and Benzion, 2020). For generating the complete background set, both outdegree and closeness centrality yielded nearly identical mainshock node counts for background detection in our study region, highlighting the robustness of these centrality measures.   In a tree network, hierarchy identification might not be straightforward, but utilizing centrality can aid in placing elements accurately. Higher centrality values indicate a simpler structure compared to lower centrality values. Although the traditional highest magnitude method produces results almost similar to those of the centrality measure from network analysis, the network-based approach offers new possibilities for future research in the study of earthquake sequences and their evolution. In a spatially inhomogeneous, temporally homogeneous Poisson process (SITHP), there is a strictly positive probability that two events may occur arbitrarily close to each other  and NN method works better for declustering with this condition (Luen and Stark, 2012). In this study, three temporal statistical tests have been conducted: the Conditional Chi square(CC) test, the Brown-Zhao(BZ) test, and the Kolmogorov smirnov (KS) test on the complete background set. It was found that the KS test, which assumes the time series follows a uniform distribution and does not require any adjusting parameters, is more reliable than the other two tests(requires more tuning constants). For almost all magnitude cut-offs, the temporal tests fail the null hypothesis; however, for a magnitude of 3.4, the temporal test is satisfied, but the space time test ( Luen and Stark test) fails the null hypothesis. For the nearest neighbour (NN) method, the null hypothesis is rejected for all magnitude ranges in our study region. Consequently, it can be concluded that NN declustering is not effective for this dataset or the number of data points is low. Notably, the Luen and Stark space time test yielded a value of 0 for most magnitudes, except for magnitudes 4 and 4.2. This suggests two potential scenarios: either the earthquakes are inadequately declustered, leading to some background events being overlooked or there is another possibility that this model is not fit for the Poisson process and suggesting a need for an alternate conditional model.


Luen, B., & Stark, P. B. (2012). Poisson tests of declustered catalogues. Geophysical journal international, 189(1), 691-700.

Zaliapin, I., & Ben‐Zion, Y. (2020). Earthquake declustering using the nearest‐neighbour approach in space‐time‐magnitude domain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(4), e2018JB017120.

How to cite: seal, A. and Jana, N.:  Statistical Analysis on Background Seismicity of Southern California Region: Application of Nearest Neighbour Declustering and Network  Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-693,, 2025.

According to the well-known Lithosphere Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) mechanism, tectonic activity during the earthquake preparation period produces anomalies at the ground level which propagate upwards in the troposphere as Acoustic or Standing gravity waves. Thus observing the frequency content of the ionospheric turbidity in a well extended area, in space and time, around an earthquake event we will observe a decrease of the higher limit of the turbidity frequency band. In this article we review the repeated observational results of TEC turbulent band upper limit (TBUL) on the occasion of strong earthquakes. Regorus earthquake risk estimation can not be extracted from our result since the characteristics of each event is diferent(i.e Magnitude ,epicentral distance of  the nearest GPS station ect..). Nevertheless continuous monitoring of the TEC (TBUL) fo and the alarming for further investigation by comparing with the TBUL of distant stations and with the results of  seismical monitoring, as well as with the results of other near earth surface precursor methods,  if the  TBUL tend to around 0.001Hz..

How to cite: Contadakis, M. E.: Ionospheric turbulence modulation by intense seismic activity as a tool of  Earthquake risk mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1196,, 2025.

EGU25-2768 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Estimating drought impacts on crop yield using AI and EO 

Hempushpa Sahu, Pradeep Kumar Garg, Saurabh Vijay, and Antara Dasgupta

Climate change has intensified droughts in many parts of the world, severely impacting different sectors. In particular, the agricultural sector is highly sensitive to precipitation deficits and the resulting soil moisture deficit, leading to a drastic reduction in crop productivity. There is an urgent need to ensure access to food for a growing population in future, making it essential to address agricultural drought induced crop yield losses. Multimodal satellite and reanalysis climate data archives, coupled with advancements in machine learning, offer a promising avenue to address this issue, but studies are often limited to the calculation of drought indices. In order to produce actionable insights and allow for time to prepare for drought-related food production deficits, specific information on crop losses is needed. Therefore, this study demonstrates the potential of the machine learning algorithm Random Forest (RF) for annual crop yield forecasting using multimodal datasets, for two agriculturally important drought-prone regions in India and Germany. Using 11 climate variables from ERA5 data and PKU GIMMS NDVI (version 1.2) from 1990 to 2021, an RF model was trained to predict crop yields for two common crops across the study sites. The model was evaluated at different spatial scales and the spatial transferability of the model was also tested, using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE; absolute error metric) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE; relative error metric). Feature importance was also assessed across scales and across different study sites, using the mean decrease in impurity as a post-hoc explainability tool. Results show that different features are important for accurate crop yield predictions in different regions, for different crops, and across different space-time scales. Spatial transferability requires retraining the model with local data, due to the strong influence of local climatic and agricultural conditions as well as data availability. Findings pave the way for long lead time predictions of drought impacts on agricultural productivity purely open source data, contributing directly to improving global food security equitably, as the methods are equally applicable in data-rich and data-poor contexts. 

How to cite: Sahu, H., Garg, P. K., Vijay, S., and Dasgupta, A.: Estimating drought impacts on crop yield using AI and EO, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2768,, 2025.

This study investigates the collective narratives of informal settlement communities in Southeast Asia through the lens of participatory mapping, thereby elucidating geonarratives that encapsulate their lived experiences of extreme urban heat. As urban environments increasingly confront the challenges of rising temperatures—particularly evident in cities such as Bangkok in Thailand, and Quezon City in the Philippines—the integration of community perspectives into risk assessments becomes paramount. The heightened vulnerability of informal settlements to these climatic stressors necessitates a thorough examination of the insights provided by residents. Through participatory mapping exercises and focus group discussions, this research actively engages community members in articulating their lived experiences and adaptive strategies in response to extreme heat. The findings reveal that while these communities develop coping mechanisms to mitigate the impacts of heat, such strategies may inadvertently intensify their vulnerabilities and impose additional burdens. The geonarratives that emerge from these collective stories illustrate the interplay between vulnerabilities and adaptive capacities, illuminating the complexities of resilience. By fostering an inclusive participatory framework, this research enables community members to identify the local conditions and challenges that shape their resilience and coping strategies. By prioritising the voices of marginalised populations, this study underscores the necessity of integrating community insights into urban planning and climate adaptation strategies, thereby enhancing resilience in the face of escalating climate risks.

How to cite: Macagba, S. F. A. and Delina, L.: Geonarratives of Resilience and Coping: Understanding Lived Experiences of Urban Extreme Heat in Southeast Asia’s Informal Settlement Communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2880,, 2025.

Quantifying the vulnerability of roads caused by debris flows is crucial for regional hazard mitigation in remote areas. However, the changing climate has increased the uncertainties in providing reliable vulnerability assessment due to the altered pattern of rainfall. Such change has induced the increased frequency and magnitude of debris flows, impacting the safe operation of highways. In this case, a reliable method was developed to help on the improvement of vulnerability quantification with the involvement of AI and Flo-2D simulation techniques before applying this proposed framework to a case study in the Gyirong Zangbo Basin, Tibet, China. In detail, a deep learning model was developed to estimate the physical vulnerability of roads in the event of a future debris flow with the consideration of a series of factors, including spatial locations of roads to the debris-flow channel, debris-flow catchment area (Ac), length of main channel (L), topographic relief (R), mean slope of main channel (J), and rainfall (P). After that, debris-flow simulations were performed to validate the physical vulnerability assessment results, which can further benefit the accurate quantification of economic loss on a regional scale. Here, in addition to the direct loss of the damaged roads, the indirect loss caused by the damaged roads was also estimated using a complex network theoretical approach that account for regional socioeconomic development and the time needed for road restoration. Overall, this study can form part of an early warning system to assist on the effective management of debris flows on a regional scale in mountainous areas.

How to cite: Qiu, C.: Vulnerability quantification of roads caused by future debris flows in mountainous areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3505,, 2025.

This study addresses slope stability challenges at the All-India Radio Telecommunication Tower site in Kodagu, Coorg, Karnataka, India. The hillock supporting the tower exhibited signs of instability following the monsoon of 2022, prompting the need for effective reclamation strategies to prevent future landslides. A detailed spatial analysis was conducted using open-source Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and the Scoop 3D spatial Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) tool to identify critical regions susceptible to failure. To ensure robust and sustainable slope stabilization, geocell retaining walls were selected as an innovative solution. This technique promotes biotechnical stabilization by integrating structural reinforcement with natural vegetation, aligning with sustainability principles. The three-dimensional geometry of the proposed solution was modelled, and Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations were performed using PLAXIS 3D to evaluate the design’s performance under static and pseudo-static conditions, both with and without reinforcement. The analysis revealed that the geocell-based retaining system significantly enhances the slope's stability, achieving a Factor of Safety improvement of more than 10%. This solution not only addresses immediate stability concerns but also aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 9 and 11, emphasizing resilient infrastructure and sustainable urban development. The study concludes by recommending the implementation of this hybrid geocell retaining system to effectively mitigate future landslides and protect the telecommunication tower site.

How to cite: Menon, V. and Kolathayar, S.: Innovative Geocell-Based Slope Stabilization for Sustainable Protection: A Case Study of a Radio Tower Site in Kodagu, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3939,, 2025.

Mining conflicts sustainable environment and causes disturbances for the livelihoods of people. Given the adverse impact on environment, indigenous community including Sami people and domesticated reindeer, it is of critical importance to peruse mining expansion and reclamation in Lapland, Finland. For the first time, this study employs a spatial-temporal deep learning architecture called ConvoLSTM, which enables accurate predictions of mining activities by capturing spectral, spatial, and temporal dependencies. Our custom model integrates a 2-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (2D-CNN) with a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) component. Using 10-meter Sentinel-2 imagery, we generated time-series land use/land cover (LULC) maps from 2015 to 2024 to track changes in mining extent. The performance of the spatial-temporal model was carefully evaluated against a Random Forest (RF) and a standalone 2D-CNN model, where it achieved superior accuracy. In the post-analysis phase, the Change Vector Analysis (CVA) technique was applied to quantify the magnitude and direction of change in mining activities over the past decade. The unique contribution of this study lies in implementing a custom spatial-temporal deep learning model to map decade-long mining activities and detect changes using publicly available satellite data. The resulting time-series maps demonstrate significant conversion of forest land and bare soil into mining areas, highlighting the rapid expansion of mining activities in Lapland which indicates a growing environmental concern in the arctic-boreal forest region. These findings offer critical insights and a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, and reindeer herders, facilitating informed decision-making for sustainable environmental management and natural resource conservation in Finland.

Keywords: Mining Mapping, Environmental Impact, Remote Sensing, Deep Learning, CVA. 

How to cite: Hasan, I. and Liu, D.: Quantifying Surface Mining Expansion and Reclamation Using Deep Learning-based ConvoLSTM Model and Satellite Images: A Case Study in Lapland Region of Finland., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4913,, 2025.

EGU25-5524 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Application of Radon-Deficit Technique for Site Characterization and Machine Learning Integration: Case Studies and Emerging Insights 

Fernando Barrio-Parra, David Lorenzo Fernández, Alessandra Cecconi, Humberto Serrano-García, Miguel Izquierdo-Díaz, and Eduardo De Miguel García

The radon-deficit technique has proven to be a valuable tool for environmental site characterization, particularly in detecting subsurface organic contamination. This work highlights its successful application in two contaminated sites, validated by consulting firms and supported by independent data collection campaigns. In the first case study, the technique effectively identified previously undetected DNAPL (Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid) accumulations and optimized the placement of monitoring wells. Similarly, in the second case, radon-deficit data delineated areas potentially impacted by LNAPL (Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid) contamination, refining the sampling approach and complementing existing geochemical methods.

Building on these findings, a study is underway to integrate long-term radon data with machine learning (ML) techniques. By analysing environmental variables such as soil moisture, temperature, and atmospheric conditions, this approach aims to reduce the uncertainties inherent in radon-deficit data interpretation. Preliminary results indicate that ML models, such as Random Forest and Artificial Neural Networks, can enhance the predictive accuracy and reliability of the technique, paving the way for standardized protocols in site assessments. This integration represents a significant step toward more robust and scalable applications of radon-deficit methods in environmental monitoring.

How to cite: Barrio-Parra, F., Lorenzo Fernández, D., Cecconi, A., Serrano-García, H., Izquierdo-Díaz, M., and De Miguel García, E.: Application of Radon-Deficit Technique for Site Characterization and Machine Learning Integration: Case Studies and Emerging Insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5524,, 2025.

EGU25-7204 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Pseudo–Global Warming climate projections at convection-permitting resolution in the Macaronesia region 

José Barrancos, Judit Carrillo, Pierre S. Tondreau, Francisco J. Expósito, Juan C. Pérez, Albano González, and Juan P. Díaz

In territories with complex orography such as the Macaronesian archipelagos of Madeira, Azores, Canary Islands, and Cape Verde, the spatial resolution of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) is not sufficient to account for all the atmospheric phenomena that occur in these archipelagos with such a complex microclimatic structure. This research presents a climatic dataset at a spatial resolution of 3x3 km2 in all the Macaronesian archipelagos derived from high-resolution regional climate simulations performed with Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, applying the pseudo-global warming (PGW) method. The dataset is focused on the following parameters: temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, wind, and cloud coverage. Meteorological stations (ECAD and METAR) and reanalysis ERA5 data were used for the validation of the model results in the recent past period (1982–2019). We worked with two periods for future projections (2030–2059 and 2070–2099) under two representative scenarios (SSP2.6 and SSP8.5). These indicators include annual and seasonal statistics and variability for each parameter. The dataset aims to support regional climate adaptation strategies, contributing to the broader scientific understanding of climate in insular environments.

How to cite: Barrancos, J., Carrillo, J., Tondreau, P. S., Expósito, F. J., Pérez, J. C., González, A., and Díaz, J. P.: Pseudo–Global Warming climate projections at convection-permitting resolution in the Macaronesia region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7204,, 2025.

EGU25-7731 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Accuracy Analysis of Photogrammetry and LiDAR Point Clouds Using an iPhone 13 Pro Max 

Gabriela Vidal, Nelly Lucero Ramírez, Mariana Patricia Jácome, Néstor López, Thalía Alfonsina Reyes, and Fabiola Doracely Yépez

Subsidence is a geological phenomenon that continuously affects Mexico City. Over time, the impact of this phenomenon has been extensively studied using various methodologies, primarily at a regional scale. In recent years, efforts have shifted toward mapping subsidence at a local scale using technologies such as photogrammetry and LiDAR. These studies aim to establish a reference database to validate or complement regional-scale initiatives.

Field-based studies on subsidence often involve identifying problematic areas and analyzing topographical changes and structural damage over time. However, it is crucial to quantify and understand the limitations and capabilities of these techniques to establish a reference framework and ensure the reliability of the obtained data. Currently, precision methodologies are within everyone's reach thanks to technologies like photogrammetry and LiDAR from smartphones.

To achieve this, two controlled experiments (one conducted in the field and one in a laboratory setting) were carried out, in which 3D reconstructions of a box with known dimensions were made. Ten photogrammetry and ten LiDAR surveys were performed to compare the measurements obtained from the digital model with those taken from the physical object.

In the laboratory experiments, the average percentage error using photogrammetry was 1.03% (0.20 cm). Specifically, the error for a 16-cm-tall box was 1.44% (0.27 cm), while for a 20-cm-tall box, it was 0.61% (0.12 cm). For LiDAR, the average percentage error was 1.51% (0.27 cm), with errors of 1.50% (0.26 cm) for the 16-cm box and 1.52% (0.27 cm) for the 20-cm box. In field experiments, photogrammetry yielded an average percentage error of 0.88% (0.3 cm), whereas LiDAR showed an average error percentage of 2.17% (0.62 cm).

These findings confirm LiDAR and photogrammetry's potential for high-precision subsidence monitoring, providing a robust and accessible validation method. Utilizing mobile devices such as the iPhone 13 Pro Max extends the reach of these methodologies, enabling more accessible and practical research in urban contexts where subsidence poses significant challenges to infrastructure and quality of life.

How to cite: Vidal, G., Ramírez, N. L., Jácome, M. P., López, N., Reyes, T. A., and Yépez, F. D.: Accuracy Analysis of Photogrammetry and LiDAR Point Clouds Using an iPhone 13 Pro Max, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7731,, 2025.

This study presents the site characterization of 133 selected stations in the National Accelerometer Network of Greece. All available earthquake recordings for various distances, magnitudes and azimuths around the station are compiled and processed to estimate a stable and reliable average Horizontal -to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (eHVSR). The earthquake records used have magnitude range 4 ≤ M < 6, with focal depth ranging from 0 to 40km and hypocentral distances 12 km ≤ Rhyp ≤ 300 km. Using the Diffuse Filed Concept for earthquakes (DFCe), and incorporating limited a priori geological information, available for the area around the station, the estimated eHVSRs were utilized in an inversion framework to estimate the best misfit velocity profiles down to seismological bedrock (where Vs>=3km/sec). Comparisons of these estimated velocity profiles with existing ones for the selected stations based on other geophysical or/and geotechnical methods, revealed good agreement, encouraging broader application of this methodology for the rest of stations.

In accordance with recommendations from the SERA project, seven key indicators were calculated for each of the 133 stations and are presented as follows: (1) Resonance frequency (f0), (2) Shear wave velocity of the uppermost 30 meters (Vs30), (3) Surface geology description, (4) Current EC8 site class, (5) Depth of the seismological bedrock (H3km/s), (6) Depth of the engineering bedrock (H0.8km/s) and (7) VSZ full profiles where available. Such comprehensive site characterization of accelerometer stations enhances regional and international strong-motion databases (e.g. ESM db) and contributes to exploiting earthquake recordings to their full potential for engineering and seismological applications.

How to cite: Chatzianagnostou, E. and Theodoulidis, N.: 1D Site characterization of National Accelerometer stations in Greece based on earthquake recordings and the Diffuse Filed Concept (DFCe), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8382,, 2025.

EGU25-8599 | Posters virtual | VPS13

The Italian Space Agency Contribution to CEOS WGDisasters for Disaster Monitoring and Response 

Antonio Montuori, Deodato Tapete, Laura Frulla, Lorant Czaran, Andrew Eddy, Maria Virelli, Gianluca Pari, and Simona Zoffoli

The Working Group on Disasters (WGDisasters) has been established since 2013 by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS, to ensure the sustained coordination of disaster-related activities undertaken by the CEOS Agencies as well as to act as an interface between CEOS and the community of stakeholders / users involved in risk management and disaster reduction.

In this framework, CEOS WGDisasters has initiated, promoted and supported a series of concrete actions for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Disaster Risk reduction (DRR) oriented to disaster monitoring, preparedness and prevention. These actions have been translated in single-hazard Pilot and Demonstrator projects (currently focusing on fires, floods, landslide, volcanoes and seismic hazards) as well as multi-hazards projects as the Recovery Observatory (RO) and Supersites for Geohazard Supersites and Natural Laboratories (GSNL).

Since 2012 ASI participates and contributes to the above-mentioned initiatives in terms of project selection and evaluation (as part of Data Coordination Team); data provision of COSMO-SkyMed, SAOCOM (only within the ASI Zone of Exclusivity defined in agreement with CONAE within SIASGE program) and PRISMA images; scientific activities in DRM and RO projects.

In coordination with WG members and CEOS Agencies, ASI has delivered more than 20.000 EO products until now and is actively involved in demonstrating novel scientific products based on a tailored exploitation of COSMO-SkyMed radar images. Several showcases will be presented at the time of the conference dealing with volcano monitoring (e.g. Mount Agung in Indonesia, Sierra Negra at Galapagos, St. Vincent in Caribbean), seismic activities (e.g. 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake), multi-hazards “Supersite” initiatives (e.g. Reykjanes Peninsula, Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes in Hawaii, Nyamuragira and Nyiragongo volcanoes) and RO initiative (e.g. 2016 Hurricane Matthew and 2021 Hurricane Grace in Haiti).

How to cite: Montuori, A., Tapete, D., Frulla, L., Czaran, L., Eddy, A., Virelli, M., Pari, G., and Zoffoli, S.: The Italian Space Agency Contribution to CEOS WGDisasters for Disaster Monitoring and Response, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8599,, 2025.

EGU25-11004 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Modeling Human-Caused Wildfire Ignition Probability Across Europe 

Pere Joan Gelabert Vadillo, Adrián Jiménez-Ruano, Clara Ochoa, Fermín Alcasena, Johan Sjöström, Christopher Marrs, Luís Mário Ribeiro, Palaiologos Palaiologou, Carmen Bentué-Martínez, Emilio Chuvieco, Cristina Vega-García, and Marcos Rodrigues

This communication presents a unified modeling framework for human-caused wildfire ignitions across representative European regions (pilot sites, PS), aiming to enhance understanding of ignition drivers and support wildfire risk management. Our approach models ignition probability at a fine spatial resolution (100 m), identifies key influencing factors, and enables cross-regional comparisons.

We calibrated Random Forest models using historical fire records and geospatial datasets, including land cover, accessibility, population density, and dead fine-fuel moisture content (DFMC). Models were developed individually for each PS and compared to a comprehensive model integrating all PS. Spatial autocorrelation effects on model performance were also evaluated.

Model performance was robust, with AUC values ranging from 0.70 to 0.89. DFMC anomaly emerged as the most influential variable across all PS. Among human-related factors, proximity to the Wildland-Urban Interface was most significant, followed by distance to roads, population density, and wildland coverage. The full model achieved an AUC of 0.81, highlighting mean DFMC and anomaly as dominant ignition drivers modulated by accessibility and population density. Local model performance, however, dropped by 0.10 AUC in regions such as Southern Sweden and Attica, Greece.

These findings underscore the importance of integrating fine-scale spatial and environmental data for wildfire ignition modeling. The developed models provide valuable insights into wildfire ignition hazards and support the implementation of targeted mitigation policies in fire-prone European landscapes.

How to cite: Gelabert Vadillo, P. J., Jiménez-Ruano, A., Ochoa, C., Alcasena, F., Sjöström, J., Marrs, C., Ribeiro, L. M., Palaiologou, P., Bentué-Martínez, C., Chuvieco, E., Vega-García, C., and Rodrigues, M.: Modeling Human-Caused Wildfire Ignition Probability Across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11004,, 2025.

EGU25-14209 | Posters virtual | VPS13

A digital twin for management of landslides and slope incidents on strategic road infrastructure 

Silvia García, Paulina Trejo, and Berenice Ángeles

In 2023, Otis strengthened from a slight tropical storm into a major hurricane (Category 5) within only about 12 hours before it made landfall. The storm slammed into Mexico's coast with maximum sustained winds of over 165 mph and hurricane-force winds extending up to 30 miles from its center. The SICT (Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation) warned of a total closure of the Mexico-Acapulco highway in the Chilpancingo-Acapulco section. Faced with reports of hundreds of landslides through the lines, the SICT deployed more than 1000 workers, 100 vehicles and 300 pieces of heavy machinery in the hope of “restoring traffic as soon as possible and providing safety to users.” Unfortunately, predictions could not anticipate close enough the Otis destructive force.

Ensuring the proper functioning of road infrastructure is a fundamental aspect in risk management. Landslides have the potential to impair critical transportation infrastructure, particularly road networks in the hilly regions in Mexico. Recognizing the extremely changing climate conditions in the Mexican Pacific coasts are becoming increasingly difficult to predict, in this research advanced technologies are integrated into an intelligent digital scenario to simulate and control this linear infrastructure before, during and after extreme rainfalls occur.

The strategic roads digital twin comprises i. dynamic susceptibility maps, ii. satellite radar information of control points (the landslides pathologies are easily detected through them), iii. an artificial intelligence slope stability calculator (in near real-time) for pointing incipient instability, and iv. a semi-immersive scenario for analyzing future states based on the information of pluvial stations and control points, once this information is analyzed with the intelligent calculator. For communicate the input conditions, the aggravating factors and the future responses, a digital twin of potentially affected road sections (detected on the dynamic maps) is developed. Simulate scenarios before rainfall increases, help to make informed maintenance and risk prevention decisions in road infrastructure in areas with high geotechnical complexity and strong seasonal rainfall patterns. Exploiting precalculated extremely dangerous conditions, this digital twin can serve as an early warning system because it is programmed for immediate communication of graduated alarms that announce the proximity to dangerous states.

How to cite: García, S., Trejo, P., and Ángeles, B.: A digital twin for management of landslides and slope incidents on strategic road infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14209,, 2025.

EGU25-14311 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Ranking of extreme drought events in the Amazon Basin between 1980 and 2024 

Ronaldo Albuquerque, Djacinto Monteiro dos Santos, Vitor Miranda, Célia Gouveia, Margarida Liberato, Ricardo Trigo, Leonardo Peres, and Renata Libonati

The Amazon Basin (AB), the largest hydrographic basin in the world, spans across seven countries in South America. It constitutes a highly intricate system, rich in natural resources, and is marked by substantial biological heterogeneity. The AB plays a pivotal role in the regulation of environmental processes, serving a key component of the global hydrological cycle and climate systems. Understanding the increasing frequency, intensity and spatial extent of extreme drought events in this region is vital for safeguarding the regional ecosystem. This study aims to classify extreme drought events in the AB using the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), derived from ERA5 reanalysis data, covering the period from 1980 to 2024. To assess both agricultural and hydrological droughts, this research incorporates the accumulation periods of 6 and 12 months (SPEI-6 and SPEI-12). The ranking methodology accounts for various SPEI time scales, the extent of the affected area, and the average SPEI intensity within that area. The results highlight that the 2023/24 drought episode was the most intense ever recorded in the AB, with over 90% (80%) of the region affected for the month of January for SPEI-6 (SPEI-12), surpassing known past mega-events, such as the 2005, 2010 and 2015/16 episodes. These extreme conditions were observed across all timespans. Specifically, for January 2024 under the SPEI-6 and for September 2024 under the SPEI-12, more than half of the AB was categorized as experiencing exceptional drought, as established by the 1st percentile of the SPEI distribution. Furthermore, the results underscore the persistence of consecutive periods of drought, especially since the beginning of 2020. With the climate projections indicating continued warming in the region, increased evapotranspiration and lower rates of rainfall are expected, potentially leading to even drier periods. This marks the significance of studies focused on understanding the development and impacts of droughts, as they play a critical role in the mitigation of future environmental risks.

How to cite: Albuquerque, R., Monteiro dos Santos, D., Miranda, V., Gouveia, C., Liberato, M., Trigo, R., Peres, L., and Libonati, R.: Ranking of extreme drought events in the Amazon Basin between 1980 and 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14311,, 2025.

EGU25-15456 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Numerical study of  2018 Baige landslides induced geohazards chain and dynamic proesses 

Yunxu Xie, Gongdan Zhou, Kahlil Fredrick Ermac Cui, xueqiang Lu, and nanjun Li

Geohazard chains in watersheds often involve a series of interconnected events, such as landslides that propagate along slopes, intrude into river channels, form landslide dams, and result in dam breaches and outburst flooding. Because the sub-processes within a geohazard chain are coupled, one or more of these events can trigger subsequent ones, leading to larger spatial and temporal scales than isolated disasters. This results in more destructive power and a wider impact area. In this study, a numerical case study focuses on the most recent geohazard chain event: the 2018 Baige landslide in Sichuan Province, China. This event can be divided into several sub-processes based on the coupling order within the chain. The first landslide formed a landslide dam, followed by another landslide at the same location, which overlapped with the first, creating a higher dam. This ultimately led to a larger-scale dam breach and outflow.
To simulate this sequence, a series of validated depth-averaged models for geohazard chains was employed, along with a standard LxF central differencing scheme to retain high resolution and avoid Riemann characteristic decomposition. The landslide propagation was modeled using a visco-inertial friction law. The numerical predictions were verified against field measurements from the literature, demonstrating the feasibility of using μ(K) visco-inertial rheology to simulate large-scale landslides and landslide dam formations. The overtopping failure of the two overlapping landslide dams and the subsequent outburst flooding were successfully simulated using the proposed model. Maximum discharge results indicate the model's capability to capture the interaction between dam breaches and outburst floods. The numerical findings, validated by existing literature, provide a reliable assessment for emergency relief and hazard mitigation. This modeling framework is expected to contribute to improved mitigation strategies for geohazard chains.

How to cite: Xie, Y., Zhou, G., Cui, K. F. E., Lu, X., and Li, N.: Numerical study of  2018 Baige landslides induced geohazards chain and dynamic proesses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15456,, 2025.

EGU25-15531 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Spatio-temporal analysis of forest fires in Croatia 

Diana Škurić Kuraži and Ivana Herceg Bulić

Although the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), provided by the Copernicus Emergency Management Service, offers three different methods for determining forest fire danger, the Canadian method is usually used and accepted in Croatia. The Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) estimates the forest fire danger level based on meteorological parameters (air temperature, humidity, wind speed and precipitation amount) related to 12 UTC for the given day at the meteorological station or to a grid point of a numerical weather prediction model.

Thanks to the EFFIS statistics portal, it is possible to see the extent to which Croatia has been at risk from forest fires in recent years based on the areas burned and the number of fires. The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) provides a much more detailed overview of the burned areas. The combination of data from the Climate Change Service and the Emergency Management Service can provide a better overview of forest fires in Croatia. The forest fire danger levels are analyzed spatially between different regions such as the continental, mountainous and Adriatic parts of Croatia. In order to find an appropriate duration of the fire season, the forest fires within and outside the fire season are listed. The aim of the spatio-temporal analysis is to show the most endangered areas and the seasonal trend of forest fires in Croatia.

How to cite: Škurić Kuraži, D. and Herceg Bulić, I.: Spatio-temporal analysis of forest fires in Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15531,, 2025.

EGU25-16116 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Daily Data-Driven Emulation of the Fire Weather Index: Deep Learning Solutions for Wildfire Risk Prediction 

Óscar Mirones, Jorge Baño-Media, and Joaquín Bedia

Wildfires are an intensifying global challenge, driven by climate change, which increases their frequency, severity, and spatial extent. Accurate wildfire risk assessment and forecasting are essential for effective mitigation, resource allocation, and long-term planning. The Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) is a widely used fire danger rating system that integrates four primary daily meteorological variables—24-hour accumulated precipitation, wind speed, relative humidity, and temperature—into six components representing fuel moisture, ignition probability, and fire spread potential. Its temporal "memory" feature, which tracks moisture changes over time, makes it particularly valuable for capturing wildfire dynamics.

However, the FWI reliance on specific daily input data at noon poses challenges for its application in regions or scenarios lacking such precise temporal measurements. To address this limitation, FWI proxies computed using daily mean data offer a practical alternative. Yet, these proxies often lack the fidelity required to fully replicate the FWI values.

This study focuses on enhancing the emulation of the original FWI using daily mean data and other proxy variables by leveraging advanced deep learning techniques. We explore a spectrum of architectures, ranging from conventional machine learning models to state-of-the-art approaches like convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (ConvLSTM) networks. These models are tailored to capture the spatial and temporal complexities of wildfire behavior while maintaining robustness in the face of variable data availability.

Our research centers on the Iberian Peninsula, a Mediterranean region highly vulnerable to extreme wildfire events. By utilizing high-resolution, geo-referenced datasets, we validate the ability of these models to emulate the original FWI with high accuracy. To enhance model interpretability, we integrate eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques, providing actionable insights into the decision-making processes and addressing concerns about the "black box" nature of deep learning.

This work demonstrates how daily data, combined with cutting-edge deep learning methods, can effectively emulate the FWI, offering a scalable and reliable solution for wildfire risk prediction in regions where traditional inputs are unavailable. The proposed models bridge the gap between limited data availability and the growing need for precise fire danger indices, enabling improved assessment and planning for wildfire-prone regions.

By advancing the science of wildfire modeling through daily data-driven approaches, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of spatial and temporal wildfire dynamics. It highlights the potential of integrating geoscience, climatology, and artificial intelligence to develop practical tools for wildfire risk mitigation, resilience, and decision-making in a rapidly changing climate.


Acknowledgments: This research work is part of R+D+i project CORDyS (PID2020-116595RB-I00) with funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. O.M. has received the research grant PRE2021-100292 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033.

How to cite: Mirones, Ó., Baño-Media, J., and Bedia, J.: Daily Data-Driven Emulation of the Fire Weather Index: Deep Learning Solutions for Wildfire Risk Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16116,, 2025.

EGU25-17470 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Earthquake Shaking Simulation Workflow for Urgent Computing Services: Challenges and Advances 

Marisol Monterrubio-Velasco, Christian Boehm, Arturo Iglesias, Gina Diez, Cedric Bhihe, Leonarda Esquivel, Natalia Zamora, Katinka Tuinstra, and Josep de la Puente

Urgent Computing (UC) refers to the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC) and High-Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) modules during or immediately following emergencies. It typically integrates complex end-to-end workflows with scalable computing resources, where multiple model realizations are necessary to account for input and model uncertainties, all under strict time-to-solution constraints. Enabling urgent HPC in unpredictable events such as earthquakes can significantly enhance resilience and response efforts. The temporal horizon for UC usually spans from minutes to a few hours, providing decision-makers with rapid estimates of the potential outcomes of emergency scenarios. In particular, high-resolution synthetic ground motions for earthquakes can complement the tools used by seismological services for impact analysis. Here, the Urgent Computing Integrated Services for Earthquakes (UCIS4EQ) is proposed as an innovative UC seismic workflow designed to rapidly generate synthetic estimates of the consequences (such as synthetic time histories, shakemaps, PGA/PGV, among other proxies) of moderate to large earthquakes (M > 6). Over the last six years, UCIS4EQ has been developed from scratch and received contributions within the framework of three European projects (DT-GEO, eFlows4HPC, and ChEESE CoE). In this work, we demonstrate the technological maturity of UCIS4EQ and its operational readiness in collaboration with the Mexican Seismological Service (SSN). Furthermore, this work addresses the challenges we face to reach operational maturity addressing the specific requirements of a seismological service for an urgent computing framework providing reliable outcomes for decision making with global coverage.

How to cite: Monterrubio-Velasco, M., Boehm, C., Iglesias, A., Diez, G., Bhihe, C., Esquivel, L., Zamora, N., Tuinstra, K., and de la Puente, J.: Earthquake Shaking Simulation Workflow for Urgent Computing Services: Challenges and Advances, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17470,, 2025.

To address the challenge of inconsistent line-of-sight (LOS) deformation datum derived from interferometric measurements of different Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images—and the significant variation in LOS direction between near-range and far-range within the same image—this contribution proposes an InSAR deformation datum  connection method with a fixed LOS direction. The method combines Bayesian inference and the Markov Random Field (MRF) model, integrating InSAR and GNSS deformation data to achieve unified deformation datum for adjacent and even different-orbit SAR interferometric results.

A simulation experiments, using Sentinel-1 imaging parameters and GNSS velocity field data, and a real-world validation with InSAR data of the 2023 Southern Turkey earthquake are conducted. In the simulation, the root-mean-square error  of LOS displacement rate difference in the overlapping regions of adjacent-track SAR images decreased 99%. In the real-world experiment, the root-mean-square error of displacement difference reduced from 20 mm to 8 mm, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method.

We have three key contributions:(1) Unified Deformation datum: Successfully realize an InSAR deformation datum connection with fixed LOS direction in SAR images; (2) Adjacent-Track Stitching: Achieve seamless stitching of adjacent-track SAR deformation results from a single data source; (3) Real-Data Validation: Reduce the mean displacement difference in overlapping regions of adjacent-track SAR images of the 2023 Southern Turkey earthquake from 20 mm to 8 mm.

How to cite: Bian, W., Motagh, M., and Wu, J.: InSAR Deformation Datum Connection with A Fixed Line-of-Sight Direction: A Bayesian inference and the Markov Random Field (MRF) model integration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19686,, 2025.

EGU25-19948 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Entrainment-driven changes in runout deposition of debris flows at small scale  

Neelima Satyam, Nikhil Kumar Pandey, and Benjamin Basumatary

Entrainment plays a vital role in shaping debris flow deposits, influencing their morphology and dynamics. Our study utilized a small-scale flume experiment to investigate the effects of water content (w/c), sediment composition, and bed morphology on granular flow behavior. Sixteen experiments were conducted with varying w/c levels (20–50%) and erodible bed configurations, analyzing deposit morphology in terms of width, thickness, and runout length. The results revealed distinct morphological patterns across different w/c levels. At low w/c levels (20–24%), deposits formed broad, shorter lobes with minimal scouring, resulting in cone-shaped structures. Moderate w/c (~28%) increased flow mobility, leading to thicker deposits near the flume bed due to reduced entrainment. At higher w/c levels (30–50%), deposits shifted farther downstream, characterized by greater entrainment volumes and extended runout distances. While higher w/c reduced deposit thickness, it significantly increased deposit width, highlighting the combined effects of w/c and entrainment. The study identified a clear relationship between entrainment and flow mobility, with greater entrainment volumes producing wider and flatter deposits. Water content was found to be the primary factor influencing deposit thickness, emphasizing its critical role in sediment transport dynamics. The deposits were poorly sorted and exhibited a bedding structure similar to natural debris flows, validating the experimental approach. This research presents an effective and scalable method for studying granular flow behavior over erodible beds, offering valuable insights into sediment transport processes and bridging mesoscale experiments with practical applications in natural hazard mitigation and geotechnical engineering.

How to cite: Satyam, N., Pandey, N. K., and Basumatary, B.: Entrainment-driven changes in runout deposition of debris flows at small scale , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19948,, 2025.

EGU25-20251 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Surface Urban Heat Island in Bolzano (Italy): Evaluating the Role of Morphometric and Biophysical Characteristics 

Camilla Dalla Vecchia, Letizia Dalle Vedove, Thomas Vigato, Claudio Zandonella Callegher, and Fabio Giussani

Urbanization continues to accelerate, driving global warming change and, at more local scale, land cover changes. In cities, new surface materials, buildings, roads and changes to the surface morphology alter airflow and heat exchange between the urban surface and the atmosphere. As a result, cities are almost always warmer than their surroundings rural area in a phenomenon known as Urban Heat Island (UHI) that could represent a hazard for city inhabitants. Consequently, it is important to evaluate the magnitude of the UHI and understand the urban characteristics involved in its formation process.

The aim of the present study is to assess the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) in Bolzano urban area evaluating its correlation with the urban morphology and its biophysical characteristics. The indices considered to describe the urban morphology are Building Coverage Ratio (BRC), Building Volume Density (BVD), Mean Building Height (MBH), Green Space Ratio (GRS), and Sky View Factor (SVF) at 30 m resolution. The biophysical indices considered are albedo, Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and Land Surface Temperature (LST) at 30 m resolution.

The morphological indices were calculated starting from building, green area, land cover data, and DEM, whereas biophysical indices were derived from Landsat 8/9 OLI/TIRS satellite images. Two images, one for the summer season and one for the winter season, were selected based on air temperature and absence of clouds: 07/19/2022 during a 7-days period of very high temperatures and 02/14/2021 during a 7-days period of very low temperatures. Subsequently, a linear model analysis was fitted, setting the Urban Heat Island Intensity (UHII) as the dependent variable and the morphological and biophysical indices as independent variables.

Results showed how some indices were positive or negative correlated with the UHII both in summer and winter, whereas other had a different behavior depending on the season.
Results regarding summer period highlighted UHII positive correlations with most of the morphological indices and negative correlation with most biophysical indices. In contrast, in winter, all the biophysical indices were positive correlated with the UHII. Moreover, most morphological indices were positive correlated with it.

Understanding which urban characteristics impact more in the SUHI formation is crucial for improving city environment and people health and this study set a first step into it.

This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005) – SPOKE TS 1.

How to cite: Dalla Vecchia, C., Dalle Vedove, L., Vigato, T., Zandonella Callegher, C., and Giussani, F.: Surface Urban Heat Island in Bolzano (Italy): Evaluating the Role of Morphometric and Biophysical Characteristics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20251,, 2025.

EGU25-20476 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS13

Chamoli Glacial Burst: Investigating the vulnerability of the Himalayan geology with the support of Forensic Analysis 

Pritam Ghosh, Bastian Van den Bout, Cees Van Westen, and Funda Atun

The Chamoli Glacial flood happened in the Indian state of Uttarakhand on the 7th of February 2021. This disaster was triggered by a rockslide-induced glacial burst near the Ronti peak. The event unleashed a massive debris flow that devastated the area’s critical infrastructure, including the Rishiganga and Tapovan Vishnugad hydropower projects. The event underscored the vulnerability of the fragile Himalayan geology, challenges in development, disaster preparedness and early warning systems.

PARATUS project's forensic approach is based on the combination of three specific forensic methodologies: Investigation of Disasters (FORIN), Post Event Review Capability (PERC), and Detecting Disaster Root Causes (DKKV). The forensic analysis investigates the disaster’s causes, multi-dimensional impacts and responses, highlighting the key vulnerabilities across physical, socio-cultural, economic and institutional dimensions. The study identifies poor infrastructure resilience, environmental degradation and limited emergency response capacity as major contributors to the severity of the disaster. Cascading effects such as sedimentation and artificial lake formation further exacerbated the risks. The immediate aftermath saw significant disruptions in transportation and communication networks, hindering rescue operations despite the swift deployment of ground and aerial relief to the affected population.

In the recovery phase, coordinated efforts under India’s National Disaster Management Plan facilitated relief and reconstruction. However, challenges associated with the long-term rehabilitation of the people affected by the disaster still persist. The governmental institutions are currently focusing on building resilience through slope stabilization, improved early warning systems and sustainable infrastructure development. Addressing systemic vulnerabilities, including governance gaps and socio-economic inequities remains a critical step toward mitigating future risks. This forensic analysis builds on existing scientific literature and institutional reports revealed by the Government of India to assess and emphasize the necessity of integrating multi-hazard approaches and localized strategies for disaster risk reduction in vulnerable mountainous regions like the central Himalayas.

How to cite: Ghosh, P., den Bout, B. V., Westen, C. V., and Atun, F.: Chamoli Glacial Burst: Investigating the vulnerability of the Himalayan geology with the support of Forensic Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20476,, 2025.

EGU25-20966 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Cataloging historical tsunami marigrams from microfilm images 

Aaron Sweeney and Erik Radio

The U.S. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) has more than 3,700 tsunami marigram (tide gauge) records in both image and paper format, capturing worldwide observations of more than 390 tsunami events from 1854 to 1994. The majority of these tsunami marigram records were scanned to high-resolution digital TIFF images during the U.S. NOAA Climate Data Modernization Program (CDMP) which ran from 2000 to 2011. Additional, uncatalogued physical records exist on microfilm rolls and paper at the David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC) in Boulder, Colorado, USA. For many tsunami events prior to 1994, data resides only on the marigram records, making them of great historical significance. Six of the 13 uncatalogued microfilm rolls have been scanned by NCEI to produce 3,548 TIFF images. During 2025, we will be working to catalog, archive, and make these images discoverable and accessible online. We will identify any duplicates by comparing to the existing catalog of marigrams already archived at NCEI. Given the large number of uncatalogued images, we are exploring automated approaches to harvesting metadata from the images to aid in cataloging. We will present the project background, goals, and initial results of this effort.

How to cite: Sweeney, A. and Radio, E.: Cataloging historical tsunami marigrams from microfilm images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20966,, 2025.

EGU25-21040 | Posters virtual | VPS13

Effects of Drainage Network on the Identification of Landslide-Susceptible Areas Using the TRIGRS Model 

Marcio Augusto Ernesto de Moraes, Rodolfo M. Mendes, Cassiano Antonio Bortolozo, Daniel Metodiev, Maria das Dores S. Medeiros, Márcio R. M. Andrade, Tatiana S. G. Mendes, and Roberto Q. Coutinho

Gravitational mass movements are recurrent events in Brazil, usually triggered by intense rainfall. When such rainfall events occur in urban areas, particularly on slopes, they often result in disasters, causing loss of human lives, social impacts, and economic damage. Thus, mapping and monitoring landslide susceptible areas are extremely important, as well as the implementation of a system capable of predicting their occurrence in advance. In this context, this study aims to assess the efficiency of the TRIGRS numerical model as a component of a prediction system for landslides on urban slopes. As a first step, the influence of the drainage network, which is altered due to urbanization on slopes, will be analyzed in relation to the safety factor, moisture profile, and pore pressure. The drainage network was calculated using a digital terrain model derived from LIDAR data. The TRIGRS model was applied to a small watershed located in the municipality of Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil. During the 72 hours analyzed period, two heavy rainfall events stroke the area and landslides were registered. The registered landslides show the model efficiency on the identification of the most susceptible areas, because they happened in areas identified by TRIGRS as extremely susceptible to landslides. The combined geotechnical and geophysical methodology for soil characterization and the use of more realistic drainage network feeding the TRIGRS has shown to be useful urban planning and early warning systems. This study is part of Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) Project coordinated by GEGEP/UFPE, with the participation of Cemaden, and in collaboration under development with the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). It aims to implement a methodological procedure.

How to cite: Ernesto de Moraes, M. A., M. Mendes, R., Bortolozo, C. A., Metodiev, D., das Dores S. Medeiros, M., R. M. Andrade, M., S. G. Mendes, T., and Q. Coutinho, R.: Effects of Drainage Network on the Identification of Landslide-Susceptible Areas Using the TRIGRS Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21040,, 2025.

NH1 – Hydro-Meteorological Hazards

Compound hazards, such as the sequential occurrence of Tropical Cyclones (TC) and humid heatwaves in close succession, are more destructive than individual and isolated occurrences of each hazard. While landfalling TCs cause catastrophic consequences from storm surges, strong winds, heavy rain, and pluvial flooding, they are often compounded by anomalous heat. The TC-heat joint occurrence raises significant concerns for public health and critical infrastructure, particularly since powerful TCs may lead to major power outages. For example, TC Remal in May 2024 damaged the coastlines of India and Bangladesh, bordering the Bay of Bengal (BoB), impacting > 10 million people without access to electricity and shelter, with an estimated damage totaling $600 million. For the eastern coast of India, with many small to large port cities, including two major urban agglomerates, Kolkata and Chennai, with populations > 10 million, the likelihood of TC-heat joint occurrence has not been assessed so far. We analyze 251 landfalling TCs on the eastern coast of India between 1982 and 2023. We show that ~16% of terrestrial humid heatwave peaks are compounded by the landfalling TCs, and ~8% of moist heat follows TCs. Further, we show the relative increase in peak wet-bulb temperature in TC-compounded heatwaves is as high as around 7−10% in pre-monsoon (April−May) and post-monsoon (October−December) seasons compared to heatwaves not compounded by the TCs. An anomalous rise in TC-compounded heatwave peaks is more pronounced and often exceeds terrestrial heatwave peaks during the post-monsoon season. Although the annual counts of landfalling TCs over BoB show a decreasing trend, our observational analysis of precursor coincidence rate confirms the increased likelihood of TC-compounded humid heat stress, preconditioned by strong to severe marine heat waves. The derived insights highlight a need to prepare adaptation planning for unprecedented compound tropical cyclones and extreme heat hazards when such sequential hazards are expected to occur more frequently in a warming climate. 

How to cite: Ganguli, P. and Lin, N.: Mapping Compound Hazard Potential of Tropical Cyclone and Anomalous Heat in Eastern Coast of India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-215,, 2025.

EGU25-772 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1

Dynamical Diagnostics of the Prolonged May-June 2024 Heatwave Over India: Evaluation and Validation using IMD’s GFS Model.  

Hemadri Bhusan Amat, Nitin Lohan, and Dushmanta Ranjan Pattanaik

The unprecedented heatwave over India in May- June 2024 has raised significant concerns regarding its underlying dynamics and potential impacts. This study investigates the prolonged heatwave event by combining dynamical diagnostics and numerical simulations using the Global Forecast System (GFS) model used by the India Meteorological Department (IMD). We first analyze the synoptic conditions and large-scale atmospheric patterns contributing to the persistence and intensity of the heatwave. The dynamical diagnostics reveal the role of Hadley Cell expansion, blocking high-pressure systems and regional thermodynamic conditions in sustaining extreme temperatures. Further, IMD’s GFS model products evaluate and validate the heatwave event, focusing on capturing temperature anomalies' spatial and temporal evolution. The model outputs are validated against observational data, demonstrating high accuracy in reproducing the critical characteristics of the heatwave. The results indicate that the combined effect of rapid solar insolation and anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns played a crucial role in the development and persistence of the heatwave. The study also highlights the importance of high-resolution numerical simulations in understanding complex meteorological phenomena and provides insights into improving heatwave prediction and preparedness strategies. This comprehensive analysis of the May-June 2024 heatwave over India would contribute to the broader understanding of extreme weather events in the context of climate variability and change.

How to cite: Amat, H. B., Lohan, N., and Pattanaik, D. R.: Dynamical Diagnostics of the Prolonged May-June 2024 Heatwave Over India: Evaluation and Validation using IMD’s GFS Model. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-772,, 2025.

EGU25-817 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1

Identification and characterization of 2024 Heat waves in Burkina Faso. 

Noba Wendkuni Ghislain, Guigma Kiswendsida H., Poan Dazangwende E., and Béré Thomas R.

The West African Sahel has suffered an unprecedented hot season in the first half of 2024. This preliminary observational study characterises this extreme heat in the urban context of Ouagadougou, one of the major cities in the region where significant death casualty was reported. Using data from the national meteorological agency and the European reanalysis (ERA5), the study investigated both the daytime (Tmax) and nighttime temperatures (Tmin) with the 1991-2020 as reference period. The results show that the average monthly Tmax anomaly ranged from 1.42 °C in January 2024 to 2.41 °C in June 2024, versus -0.4 °C in  January 2024 and 2.05 °C in June 2024 for Tmin, showing that the heat was more important in 2024 than in the historical period. Using the heat wave definition of the Burkina Faso Red Cross heat wave early action protocol, a total of four (one) daytime (nighttime) heat waves were recorded in the city between March and May. This is to be compared with a historical frequency of one event every four years. The longest daytime heat lasted six days with Tmax reaching a maximum of 44.5°C. The unique nighttime heat wave was twice as long as the longest daytime heat wave, persisting for 13 days between late April and early May, a record in the city. From a spatial perspective, the heat was not evenly distributed as some neighbourhoods were significantly hotter than the rest of the city. Furthermore, the initial findings of a household survey conducted in the city corroborated the unprecedentedness of the situation as most respondents reported having never experienced such heat levels in the past with considerable impacts on their health and livelihoods. These results underscore the need for more efforts towards heat wave risk management in African cities.

How to cite: Wendkuni Ghislain, N., Kiswendsida H., G., Dazangwende E., P., and Thomas R., B.: Identification and characterization of 2024 Heat waves in Burkina Faso., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-817,, 2025.

EGU25-3128 | Orals | NH1.1

Emergence of new heat stress hotspots over the West Africa 

Ivana Cvijanovic, Benjamin Sultan, Asse Mbengue, and Christophe Lavaysse

We calculate the hourly wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) values for the last 50 years over Western Africa to assess the emergence of new heatwave hotspots and the interplay between moist and dry heatwaves. In the formulation used, WBGT is derived using the grided data from ERA5 and ERA5-HEAT: 2-m air temperature, relative humidity, 10-m wind speed and mean radiant temperature (a measure of incidence of radiation on a body), and is thus representative of outdoor conditions.

We find that the heat stress estimated through WBGT does not peak over the same geographical regions as the air temperature, suggesting an important role of humidity in intensifying heatwaves over certain regions. While the highest temperatures are reached in the northern Sahel and Saharan regions, the highest heat stress values are found further to the south, in the region bordering Senegal, Mauritania and Mali and in southwest Niger. These are the same regions where the WBGT threshold of 33 °C (conditions dangerous even at resting metabolic rates (MR) < 115 W) have recently been crossed for up to 40 hours per year.

The duration of exposure to WBGT > 30 °C (conditions dangerous at light physical activity, MR < 180 W) has been increasing over almost the entire West Africa, at rates from 30 to 100 hours/decade. Over the Senegal - Mauritania - Mali border and southern Niger, exposure to WBGT > 33 °C has been increasing by 1-4 hours/decade.

Dangerous WBGT thresholds can be crossed at a wide range of temperatures and are often not associated with the highest temperature percentiles. For example, in Niamey, a WBGT of 30 °C has been crossed in the temperature range from ~ 29 to 44 °C, in Thies (Dakar) and Ouagadougou from ~ 28 to 43 °C, and in Abidjan from ~ 28 - 36 °C.  In September 2019 and July 2020, in Niamey we find the first occurrences of air temperatures below 36 °C being associated with very dangerous heat stress values (WBGT > 33 ° C).

We conclude that for much of continental West Africa, and particularly for the Senegal - Mauritania - Mali border region and southern Niger, extreme heat alerts should at a minimum include indicators accounting for temperature and humidity, in order to capture the dangerous moist heatwave conditions occurring at temperatures well below the highest temperature percentiles. More complex indicators that additionally account for wind and radiation are very desirable for estimates of outdoor safety.

How to cite: Cvijanovic, I., Sultan, B., Mbengue, A., and Lavaysse, C.: Emergence of new heat stress hotspots over the West Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3128,, 2025.

EGU25-3676 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1

Extreme heatwaves in Europe 1950-2021: analysis of the links between meteorology, population, and impacts 

Lou Mandonnet, Aglaé Jézéquel, Fabio D'Andrea, and Améline Vallet

Heatwaves have become more frequent and more intense under the influence of climate change, resulting in increased impacts on human health, infrastructure and economic activities. However, heatwaves climatic characteristics do not always inform properly on the actual human and material impacts resulting from heatwaves. In other terms, heatwaves with a high intensity in the climatological sense may not be equivalently as intense in terms of impacts. In this study, we empirically investigate, in Europe, the link between the climatic characteristics of heatwaves and their impacts, as listed in the EM-DAT disaster database. We apply indices available in the literature to characterize heatwaves for the 1950-2021 period found in the ERA5 and E-OBS datasets. We also propose new indices, combining meteorological and demographic data, that we compare to the existing ones, and to the heatwave’s impacts. We show that including demographic data in the heatwaves indices is key to ensure that heatwave climatic indices reflect more accurately the impacts of heatwaves. We also investigate the top 10 heatwaves that are considered extreme based on our best performing index but are not in the impact data-base and find references of their impacts for 8 of them, meaning that this type of methodology could be used to enrich existing impact databases by flagging events of interest.

How to cite: Mandonnet, L., Jézéquel, A., D'Andrea, F., and Vallet, A.: Extreme heatwaves in Europe 1950-2021: analysis of the links between meteorology, population, and impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3676,, 2025.

Increased frequency of extreme urban heat and its exposure to urban populations is one of the challenges presented by climate change, especially in urban clusters. Due to the rapid but unequal development, heat exposure disproportionately increased in the underdeveloped regions compared to the developed regions in urban agglomeration. To address this issue, it is crucial to clarify the spatial pattern of heat health risk (HHR) inequality for urban heat resilience. However, analyses for the disparity of HHR inequality often used a single scale, neglecting important spatial context effects at other scales. Moreover, the rationale of HHR inequality remains unclear. Here, we took the well-developed and highly urbanized Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region as a case study and employed multiscale approaches to examine how and why the HHR inequality varied at and within the regional scale. We first assessed HHR using a comprehensive assessment framework at a 1km grid level. Then, we quantified the inequality between regions using local Moran's I and KS distance. Therefore, we utilized the Gini coefficient and Bayes quantile regression to quantify inequality and identify its drivers within the regional scale. Finally, we proposed a conceptual framework to inform policymaking in regions with different patterns of multiscale equality. Our results found that the HHR in YRD exhibited significant spatial inequality at the regional scale (Moran’s I=0.562, P<0.001) and within the regional scale (Gini coefficient: 0.27-0.54). Higher population concentrations and building densities often led to higher HHR. In high HHR areas, intra-regional inequality was often lower due to high and coordinated socioeconomic levels (Gini coefficient: 0.27-0.34). Additionally, in areas with low and medium levels of risk, healthcare resource availability and local temperatures had a greater impact on intra-regional inequities, which varied at different levels of inequality. This study contributes to a better understanding of multiscale HHR inequality, which helps optimize heat risk management strategies and regional sustainable development.

How to cite: Wu, H., Zhao, C., Zhu, Y., and Pan, Y.: A multiscale examination of heat health risk inequality and its drivers in mega-urban agglomeration: A case study in the Yangtze River Delta, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4661,, 2025.

EGU25-4780 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1

Dynamic assessment of heat stress risks among the aging population in China 

Chuwei Liu, Siyu Chen, Jianping Huang, Chao Zhang, Lulu Lian, Yunchao Jiang, and Xingxing Tu

Heat stress events in China are becoming increasingly frequent and severe, exacerbated by the nation’s rapidly aging population. Elderly individuals, as a particularly vulnerable group, face heightened risks and have a reduced ability to withstand such hazards. However, research on the long-term dynamics of heat stress risks among the elderly remains limited. This study addresses this gap by employing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) risk framework to evaluate the evolving heat health risks for the elderly in China since the start of the 21st century. By integrating satellite remote sensing, meteorological observations, and socio-ecological statistics, the study captures the dynamic interplay between hazards, vulnerabilities, and exposure. The findings reveal that the combination of rising heat hazard days and a worsening aging population has led to a steady increase in the elderly population exposed to heat stress, amplifying both vulnerability and exposure risks over time. Regional disparities in comprehensive risk are striking, driven by differing levels of aging and socio-economic development across China. The central region consistently exhibits the highest and fastest-growing comprehensive heat risk, while the northwest and northeast maintain the lowest risk levels. Conversely, socio-economically advanced provinces in the east, such as Shanghai and Beijing, show declining risk levels due to significant reductions in vulnerability facilitated by rapid social progress. This study provides a dynamic and regionally nuanced perspective on the intersection of aging and heat stress risks, offering critical insights to inform targeted policies and resource allocation. Its findings hold particular relevance for developing countries navigating the dual challenges of climate change and aging populations.

How to cite: Liu, C., Chen, S., Huang, J., Zhang, C., Lian, L., Jiang, Y., and Tu, X.: Dynamic assessment of heat stress risks among the aging population in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4780,, 2025.

EGU25-5617 | Orals | NH1.1

Meteorological drivers of humid heat extremes across the global (sub)tropics 

Cathryn Birch, Lawrence Jackson, Guillaume Chagnaud, Anistia Hidayat, Chris Taylor, Jack Law, and John Marsham

Humid heat is a serious risk to human health, reducing the body’s ability to cool through sweating. The intensity, frequency and impact of humid heat extremes will increase under climate change, particularly in tropical and sub-tropical ‘hot spots’, such as equatorial Africa and the Indian subcontinent, which are highly populated, and already very hot and humid. Research on the meteorological drivers of humid heat extremes is immature compared to that for dry heatwaves. Here an overview of the latest results from the Humid heat extremes in the Global (Sub)Tropics (H2X) project will be presented. We have shown that rainfall is a key ingredient for humid heat, and its role varies depending on the type of land-atmosphere coupling regime. In moisture-limited environments, mostly in the semi-arid sub-tropics, humid heat extremes occur during or immediately after rainfall through increased evaporation into a shallower boundary layer. In energy-limited environments, mostly in the moist tropics, humid heat extremes occur during the easing of rainfall through increased solar heating. Our most recent work focuses on atmospheric waves as a source of predictability. Equatorial Kelvin waves modulate humid heat, where the convergent phase of the wave (in the 850hPa winds) brings rainfall, followed by increased solar heating in the divergent phase. A similar process occurs over the Sahel region of west Africa within African Easterly Waves. We have also performed a set of idealised experiments with the Met Office Unified Model to quantify the role of surface moisture sources such as lakes, wetlands, and patches of wet soil from rainfall on evaporation, mesoscale circulations, and humid heat. Our results are valuable for identifying processes that must be well represented in weather and climate models for accurate weather forecasts and climate projections, and for informing early warning system development.

How to cite: Birch, C., Jackson, L., Chagnaud, G., Hidayat, A., Taylor, C., Law, J., and Marsham, J.: Meteorological drivers of humid heat extremes across the global (sub)tropics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5617,, 2025.

EGU25-6084 * | Orals | NH1.1 | Highlight

Estimates of labour productivity loss from climate model projections of extreme heat: Implications for financial services   

Aidan Starr, Sally Woodhouse, Nicholas Leach, James Brennan, Graham Reveley, Claire Woodcock, Karthik Ramesh, Joe Stables, Laura Ramsamy, Patricia Sullivan, and Victor Luis Padilha

Extreme heat can substantially impact worker productivity, causing fatigue, loss of focus, and illness in the workplace. As extreme heat increases under climate change, substantial reductions in labour productivity are expected. According to some models, economic costs from decreased worker productivity will be larger than any other climate related impacts, and corporations are therefore interested in understanding their potential exposure and vulnerability to heat stress in the future. Workplace regulations (e.g. ISO) and epidemiological studies have previously been combined to develop continuous functions relating workplace heat stress to labour productivity. In this work, we utilise productivity loss functions with climate model projections for future extreme heat exposure to assess changes in labour productivity loss. We present a new modelling framework for providing labour productivity loss projections for several scenarios (SSPs), work intensities (low, moderate, and high), and regions, specifically designed for financial services. We include a model of air conditioning availability, with which the productivity loss estimates can be scaled according to the likely adoption and use of cooling systems in the workplace.  

How to cite: Starr, A., Woodhouse, S., Leach, N., Brennan, J., Reveley, G., Woodcock, C., Ramesh, K., Stables, J., Ramsamy, L., Sullivan, P., and Padilha, V. L.: Estimates of labour productivity loss from climate model projections of extreme heat: Implications for financial services  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6084,, 2025.

EGU25-6795 | Posters on site | NH1.1

Spatial distribution of heat vulnerability in Toronto, Canada 

Karen Smith, Shuchen Bu, Fadi Masoud, and Alexandra Sheinbaum

The frequency, intensity and duration of heatwaves are expected to increase in Toronto, Canada due to both climate change and the urban heat island effect. This poses a greater health risk to those who are most vulnerable to heat among a population of almost three million residents. Therefore, designing and implementing appropriate heat management measures requires information about how heat vulnerability is distributed across the city. To fill the knowledge gap, two distinct methods are examined in this study to quantitatively measure the spatial distribution of heat vulnerability in Toronto. Both heat vulnerability indices (HVIs) consist of three dimensions, exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity, that are aggregated from remotely sensed land surface temperature measurements and socio-economic census data. The first method uses principal component analysis to derive an HVI, while the second, simpler method assigns equal weight to each input variable to derive an HVI. The HVIs display a similar U-shaped pattern of high heat vulnerability across Toronto, with low heat vulnerability areas primarily located along the Lake Ontario shoreline and throughout the fluvial ravine system. Further cluster analysis reinforces this spatial pattern. Notably, this study highlights that low-income tower block communities are significantly more vulnerable to heat than the city average. The qualitative consistency between the two HVI methods allows for ease of adoption of the simpler, equal-weight method for future use by the city. Integration of HVI updates into municipal operations can allow city planners and managers to monitor and visualize heat vulnerability consistently over time, develop decision-support tools for heat emergency preparedness and response and assess the effectiveness of heat adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Smith, K., Bu, S., Masoud, F., and Sheinbaum, A.: Spatial distribution of heat vulnerability in Toronto, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6795,, 2025.

EGU25-8553 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1

Higher coastal heat stress maxima in storm-resolving GCMs 

Cosimo Enrico Carniel, Jonathan Douglas Wille, and Erich Fischer

Heat stress and extreme humid heat pose an escalating threat to many regions worldwide, particularly along coastal regions in the Middle East, where conditions can occasionally reach life-threatening levels.  Projections indicate that humid heat extremes will become more frequent and intense as global temperatures rise. We analyze humid heat extremes in the two first-ever fully-coupled, multi-decadal, high-resolution (~10 km) Earth System Models (ICON and ECMWF-IFS) projections performed within the H2020 Next Generation Earth Modelling Systems (nextGEMS) project.  

We here demonstrate that extreme humid heat events tend to be substantially underestimated at the resolution of CMIP6 models, especially in coastal hotspot regions where localized dynamics play a significant role. We focus on the Red Sea, Persian Gulf and Mediterranean coasts, which are hotspots for humid heat and areas characterized by dense populations and critical relevance for economic activity and assess the added value 10-km global coupled models in simulating extreme Wet Bulb Temperature (TW), a critical metric that combines air temperature and humidity. 

We demonstrate that at the higher resolution of the nextGEMS Storm-Resolving Models TW maxima are more than 2–3°C higher than at the coarser resolution commonly used within the CMIP6 models. Furthermore, the coarser resolutions often fail at capturing localized extremes and the effects of topography, particularly in coastal areas. Additionally, the findings reveal that onshore wind convergence plays a pivotal role in amplifying TW maxima by enhancing moisture accumulation and limiting atmospheric mixing. These results underscore the indispensable role of Storm-Resolving models in accurately assessing extremes and providing actionable insights for adaptation strategies in regions with significant human and economic vulnerabilities. 

How to cite: Carniel, C. E., Wille, J. D., and Fischer, E.: Higher coastal heat stress maxima in storm-resolving GCMs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8553,, 2025.

EGU25-8843 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.1

Development and Application of the Warm Spell Magnitude Index daily (WSMId) in historical European heatwaves 

Aristotelis Liakakos, George Zittis, Evangelos Tyrlis, and Panos Hadjinicolaou

Heatwaves and prolonged periods of extremely high temperatures are increasingly recognized for their significant impact across various regions and societal sectors, such as energy resources management, human health or agriculture. So far, the scientific community has focused on better understanding summer heatwaves with the use of various definitions and climatic indices. In this context, we introduce the Warm Spell Magnitude Index daily (WSMId) for extending beyond the warm period. This index is designed to capture the characteristics of consecutive days with anomalous high temperatures throughout the year, ultimately allowing us to investigate the various drivers behind prolonged periods of extreme heat.

WSMId builds upon the Heat Wave Magnitude Index daily (HWMId) by Russo et al. (2015), adapting a similar mathematical framework to identify heatwave-like events across multiple seasons. Calibration is based on the ERA5 reanalysis, focusing on the most intense summer European heatwaves of the past decades. Through this exercise, we aim in ensuring that the new index can meaningfully quantify episodes of anomalous warmth in non-summer periods, such as “false spring effects,” “extended summer periods,” and clustering of heatwaves.

This work could allow us to explore the underlying drivers behind these phenomena, aiming at enhancing our understanding of regional heatwave dynamics and their broader implications. We envision that WSMId will offer as a valuable tool for climate scientists, with potential applications in seasonal forecasting, development of climate adaptation strategies, and impact studies.



Russo, S., Sillmann, J., & Fischer, E. M. (2015). Top ten European heatwaves since 1950 and their occurrence in the coming decades. Environmental Research Letters, 10(12), 124003.

How to cite: Liakakos, A., Zittis, G., Tyrlis, E., and Hadjinicolaou, P.: Development and Application of the Warm Spell Magnitude Index daily (WSMId) in historical European heatwaves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8843,, 2025.

EGU25-9670 | Posters on site | NH1.1

Aerosol Modulated Heat Stress in South Asia 

Yue Meng, Tom Matthews, Ting Sun, and Peter Irvine

There is mounting evidence that heatwaves are increasing in frequency and duration around the world. South Asia is highly vulnerable to heatwaves due to its high heat exposure and limited adaptive capacity. Besides, South Asia is also a global aerosol hotspot. Many governments in South Asia plan to reduce aerosol emissions. However, any change to aerosol concentrations may also modify heatwave characteristics through ‘direct’ influences on the radiation budget and surface heat fluxes, and through ‘indirect’ impacts, such as on cloud formation and atmospheric circulation. Hence, lowering aerosol concentrations – while good for human respiratory health – may increase heat stress.

Previous studies have shown that aerosols can affect heat stress by influencing temperature, humidity, wind speed and radiation. However, the process of how aerosols affect heat stress has not been explained in detail. Our research intends to reveal the specific process of aerosols affecting heat stress from the perspective of surface energy balance, using WRF model as the initial methods. Improving understanding of the mechanisms of aerosol influence on heatwaves will help improve the long-range prediction capability for extreme heat. The results from the research will also be of interest to policy makers and disaster risk reduction communities, as it will help characterize the evolving public health burden to expect as temperature rises and aerosol loadings change in the future.

Our preliminary results show that the presence or absence of aerosol emissions affects surface temperature, 2-m temperature, and sensible heat flux in South Asia, with different patterns being observed during the daytime and nighttime.

How to cite: Meng, Y., Matthews, T., Sun, T., and Irvine, P.: Aerosol Modulated Heat Stress in South Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9670,, 2025.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment (AR6) report, continued global warming and changes in the climate system will increase the likelihood of severe impacts on both people and ecosystems. Accurately assessing the impacts of extreme heat has become a pressing research challenge, particularly as heatwave and heat-health warning systems evolve. Identifying key indicators of heat-related mortality and morbidity is critical to mitigating these impacts. Despite its importance, a comprehensive national-level assessment of heat vulnerability in India remains underdeveloped, leaving a significant research gap in heatwave disaster management. Moreover, the notion of vulnerability has evolved continuously, especially with updates in IPCC assessments, and it varies across communities, societies, regions, and countries and changes over time. This study analyses district-level (640 districts) vulnerability in India based on multiple methodologies, including the Simple Average Method, the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), the Principal Component 1 (PC1) method, and the Cutter and Finch (2008) approach, supported by a refined set of vulnerability indicators. Key data sources include the Census of India (CoI), alongside other datasets. The spatial distribution of vulnerability indicates that North and Eastern India are the most susceptible to heat related vulnerability. In the context of India’s agrarian economy, this mapping is crucial for supporting the livelihoods of farmers and outdoor workers, who are among the most susceptible to extreme heat events. This study underscores the urgent need for a robust, methodologically comprehensive national heat vulnerability assessment to guide targeted policy interventions and enhance resilience against the escalating threat of extreme heat in India. The vulnerability map developed will serve as a foundational tool for creating a comprehensive risk map by integrating hazard and exposure, enabling targeted interventions to mitigate heat-related risks.  

Keywords: Heatwave, Heat Stress, India, IPCC, Vulnerability.

How to cite: Shilin, A. and Karmakar, S.: Unveiling Heat Vulnerability Across India: A Multi-Method Analysis of District-Level Indicators in the Context of Climate Change., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10921,, 2025.

EGU25-12454 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1

Temporal Evolution and Intensification of Extreme Heatwaves in Brazil’s capitals: Insights from the XHW Index (1950–2024) 

Vitor Luiz Galves, Marcio Cataldi, Leandro Alcoforado Sphaier, and Louise da Fonseca Aguiar

The increase of heatwaves has been observed due to the influence of a changing climate on the planet. Among populations, this phenomenon is associated with a rise in various types of cardiovascular diseases, particularly among vulnerable groups such as the elderly and individuals with pre-existing conditions. This presents a growing concern for healthcare systems and urban management. Although the literature predominantly highlights these events on the European continent, it is known that heatwaves are not confined to this region. Thus, the objective of this study is to evaluate the temporal evolution of the phenomenon through an index developed by LAMMOC/UFF to detect extreme heatwaves in the 26 Brazilian capitals and the Federal District. For this purpose, ERA5 reanalysis data from January 1950 to September 2024 were utilized. The index was calculated hourly and aggregated on a daily and monthly basis. Initially, the Mann-Kendall test was employed to assess the trends in the time series. It was observed that 19 of the analyzed cities exhibited a positive trend, two showed no trend (Florianópolis and Fortaleza), and six coastal cities (primarily in northeastern region, except for Teresina and Recife) located in a region with barotropic conditions did not show occurrences of extreme heat waves during the study period. Subsequently, a correlation matrix between the time series was analyzed, along with clustering, identifying three distinct groups: one less affected by extreme heat waves, a second intermediate group with a positive trend, and a third group that exhibited the most significant positive trends. The time series were then divided, applying a clustering technique, into three distinct periods: 1950–1974 (P1), 1975–1999 (P2), and 2000–2024 (P3). This allowed the calculation of the average accumulated values for these three periods across all evaluated cities to observe the percentage differences. For instance, from P1 to P3, in the southeastern region, the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo presented an approximate 613% and 643% increase in extreme heatwave occurrences, while in the south region, Porto Alegre had an increase of 557%. In the midwest, Campo Grande and Cuiabá presented an increase of 983% and 671% and in the northeast Recife and Teresina presented an increase of 217% and 257%. Furthermore, the third cluster displayed the highest trends and averages, encompassing most cities of the Northern region. Therefore, cities such as Macapá, Rio Branco, Manaus and Belém experienced an increase of  3154%, 1339%, 1100% and 1028%, respectively. Notably, it was observed that this third cluster predominantly comprised cities in the northern region of the country, situated within the Amazon biome. These findings call for further investigation into the relationship between this trend and factors such as increasing deforestation and forest fires in the region. These alarming results highlight the urgent challenges in environmental, healthcare, and urban management driven by climate change and extreme events, emphasizing the need for investments in municipal health, resilience, and climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Galves, V. L., Cataldi, M., Alcoforado Sphaier, L., and da Fonseca Aguiar, L.: Temporal Evolution and Intensification of Extreme Heatwaves in Brazil’s capitals: Insights from the XHW Index (1950–2024), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12454,, 2025.

EGU25-12585 | Orals | NH1.1

Quantifying the Escalation of Heatwave Events in Spain: A Study Based on the new XHW Index 

Marcio Cataldi, Vitor Luiz Victalino Galves, Leandro Alcoforado Sphaier, and Ginés Garnés-Morales

Since the early 2000s, Spain has experienced a consistent increase in the frequency and severity of heatwaves. Studies indicate that the number of days with extreme heat summer temperatures has increased, particularly in regions such as Andalusia, Valencia, and Madrid. The 2003 heatwave, regarded as a pivotal event in Europe, resulted in over 70,000 additional deaths across European countries, with Spain contributing almost 20% to this statistic (approximately 13,000 deaths). Further studies emphasise that extreme heatwave events, like the 2003 episode, are no longer exceptional phenomena but are becoming recurrent, even in areas where such events were rare before 1980. These extreme heatwave episodes can pose a serious risk to human health, even leading to severe heat illnesses such as heatstroke, hyperthermia, and critical dehydration. Furthermore, they can also exacerbate pre-existing pathologies like cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. This results in a substantial increase in hospitalisations and even fatalities. This study aims to employ a novel Extreme Heatwave (XHW) characterization index, based on the human body's response to water loss during such events, to evaluate the temporal evolution of these occurrences across Spain, with a special focus on the 13 most populated cities (> 300,000 inhabitants). The analysis utilised ERA5 reanalysis (~25 km resolution) for the period 1950–2024. The results showed that, through the application of a k-means clustering technique, XHW occurrences in Spain could be categorised into three distinct periods: 1950–1977 (P1), 1978–2002 (P2), and 2003–2024 (P3). For this assessment, the daily XHW index values were accumulated monthly and then annually at each grid point of the reanalysis data subsequently interpolated using Bilinear Interpolation for the 13 Spanish cities. The highest percentage increases in cumulative XHW index values were observed in Andalusia, exceeding 1000% in certain grid points when comparing the sums of P3 and P1. Some regions and cities, such as Madrid and Barcelona, experienced virtually no XHW episodes during P1, but these became relatively frequent (in over 80% of the years) during P3. In certain cities and regions, particularly in the Southwest of the country, it was found that during P3, one in every four summer days, on average, presented an XHW index value greater than zero. The results revealed and quantified an alarming scenario regarding the increased intensity and frequency of XHW episodes in Spain. This trend is compounded by the broader context of climate change, which coincides with the warming of the North Atlantic Ocean near the western coast of the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean Sea along the remaining coastal regions of the country. Such developments are likely to exacerbate this situation further in the coming years, potentially precipitating a severe crisis in the Spanish public healthcare system. 

How to cite: Cataldi, M., Victalino Galves, V. L., Alcoforado Sphaier, L., and Garnés-Morales, G.: Quantifying the Escalation of Heatwave Events in Spain: A Study Based on the new XHW Index, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12585,, 2025.

EGU25-12625 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1

Assessing changes in heat index associated with climate variability in Sahelian Cities 

Kagou Dicko, Emmanuel Tanko Umaru, Souleymane Sanogo, Ralf Loewner, and Appollonia Aimiosino Okhimamhe

Temperature rise, amplified by climate change, has a direct impact on human health, exacerbating the risk of heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke and dehydration. The ((HI) is a parameter that combines air temperature and relative humidity to assess the degree to which the human body perceives heat. In this study, we used the Steadman Man-Kendall HI equation, Sen's slope estimator to evaluate monthly and annual heat index trends for Kano and Bamako between 1992 and 2022. The results indicated that the heat index exhibited a positive trend of 0.01°C yr-1, although this trend was less statistically significant with a p-value greater than 0.05. In contrast, a significant negative trend was observed in Bamako, with an annual change of approximately -0.06°C yr-1. It was also observed that the highest heat index values, demonstrating the risk of heat exhaustion, were recorded between April and May, ranging from 30 and 41°C in Kano and 31 to 42°C in Bamako. In contrast, December, January, and February were the coolest months for both cities, with HI values ranging from 23 °C to 28°C in Kano and 25 °C to 28°C in Bamako. These findings underscore the need for policymakers to adopt adaptive strategies to address the health challenges posed by the extreme Heat Index in vulnerable regions.

How to cite: Dicko, K., Umaru, E. T., Sanogo, S., Loewner, R., and Okhimamhe, A. A.: Assessing changes in heat index associated with climate variability in Sahelian Cities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12625,, 2025.

EGU25-12636 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.1

Intensified Heat Stress Risks at Indian Mass Gathering Sites Due to Climate Change 

Sanjiban Dutta, Dhrubajyoti Samanta, and Pranab Deb

Mass gatherings in India, encompassing religious and cultural events, draw millions of participants annually and are increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, particularly intensifying heat stress during summer months. This study evaluates the projected risks of heat stress at six prominent locations: Ajmer, Amritsar, Delhi, Haridwar, Prayagraj, and Ujjain. Wet-bulb temperature (Tw), a reliable indicator of heat stress, is used to assess the impacts of rising temperature and humidity levels. Simulations from dynamically downscaled bias-corrected Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) datasets, under SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, are used from to capture the spatiotemporal variability of heat stress throughout the 21st century. Results indicate a substantial increase in maximum Tw during the summer months (March to June) across all sites. By mid-century, Tw is projected to reach or exceed “danger” levels, with Prayagraj and Delhi identified as high-risk zones. Extreme danger thresholds are anticipated at these locations by the late 21st century under the SSP5-8.5 scenario. Haridwar, while showing the lowest risk among the study sites, is not immune to the impacts of heat stress. Focusing on the intersection of climate change and public health in densely populated regions, the findings highlight the urgent need for adaptation and mitigation strategies to protect public health during future mass gatherings in India.

How to cite: Dutta, S., Samanta, D., and Deb, P.: Intensified Heat Stress Risks at Indian Mass Gathering Sites Due to Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12636,, 2025.

In this study we assess the occurrence of summertime heatwaves (HW) and their underlaying atmospheric drivers under current and past climate conditions for Sweden using a weather regime classification based on optimized fuzzy rules. It uses daily mean 500hPa geopotential height of ERA5 reanalysis at 0.5° spatial resolution as atmospheric input data for the period of 1940 to 2022. Daily anomalies of 500hPa geopotential height at each grid over the Euro-Atlantic region have been computed as daily deviations from the long-term climatology of 1981-2010. Daily mean temperature from station data over the same 30-year period, distributed in the whole of Sweden, serve as predictand to reflect the variability of local climate. They help to optimize pre-defined fuzzy rules describing individual weather regimes (WRs). A set of twelve temperature-induced WRs are classified as daily timeseries for the years of 1940 to 2022.

HWs are investigated using the Excess Heat Factor (EHF) and the NDQ90 index when daily maximum temperature exceeds the 90th percentile over the reference period based on ERA5 reanalysis data. The EHF is a measure of heatwave intensity related to human health impacts and consists of two indices describing the deviation of the three-day mean air temperature from the long-term 95th percentile-based climatology and the short-term anomaly of the previous 30 days. The Chi-square test is used to study the significance of the classified WR along with the co-occurrence of a HW. 

For the case-study of Stockholm, 985 HW events are detected by the NDQ90 index from 1940 to 2022 during May to August. Nearly 83% of detected HWs is found to coincide with the occurrence of four types of anticyclonic WRs. One type of anticyclone explains nearly 40% of the detected summertime HW events. During August, it particularly explains 47% of detected HWs. It is likely because of the strong high-pressure system situated over the North Sea and southern Scandinavia that caused the warmer-than-average temperatures over northern Europe. Similar results are found when using the EHF. In addition, we present how this approach can be extended to investigate the linkages of leading WRs and the occurrence of detected HWs in major European cities. 

How to cite: Klehmet, K. and Yang, W.: Current and past atmospheric heat wave precursors for Sweden: A Machine Learning-based weather regime approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13141,, 2025.

EGU25-15014 | Posters on site | NH1.1

Examining the Eastern European extreme summer temperatures of 2023 from a long-term perspective: the role of natural variability vs. anthropogenic factors  

Monica Ionita-Scholz, Petru Vaideanu, Bogdan Antonescu, Catalin Roibu, Qiyun Ma, and Viorica Nagavciuc

Amidst unprecedented rising global temperatures, this study investigates the historical context of heatwave (HW) events in Eastern Europe. The record-breaking 2023 summer, featuring a HW lasting for 19 days in the south-eastern part of Romania, extending up to Ukraine, necessitates a deeper understanding of past extreme events. Utilizing statistical methods on long-term station data spanning from 1885 to 2023, we aim to detect and analyze historical HWs, particularly focusing on events predating 1960. This extended timeframe allows for a more comprehensive assessment of noteworthy extremes compared to recent decades. We used both a percentile-based threshold and a fixed absolute temperature threshold to identify HW events. Our analysis identifies two critical periods with increased HW frequency and intensity: 1920–1965 and 1980–2023, respectively, highlighting the most extreme events in August 1946, August 1952, July 2012, June 2019, and August 2023. Furthermore, reanalysis data shows that historical HWs, similar to the 2023 event, were associated with large-scale European heat extremes linked to high-pressure systems and they were accompanied by extreme drought, thus leading to compound extreme events. We find that while a clear trend emerges towards more frequent HWs from the 1980s onward, the analysis also uncovers substantial HW activity on daily timescales throughout the 1885-1960 period. Moreover, we highlight the intertwined impacts of climate change and multidecadal internal variability on HW patterns, with evidence suggesting that both contribute to the increasing frequency and intensity of these extreme events. Attribution analysis reveals that the extreme summer temperatures observed in 2023, would not have been possible in the absence of anthropogenic climate change. Regardless of future warming levels, such temperatures will occur every year by the end of the century. Our research highlights the value of extending the historical record for a more nuanced understanding of HW behavior and suggests that extreme heat events, comparable to those experienced in recent decades, have occurred throughout the analyzed period.

How to cite: Ionita-Scholz, M., Vaideanu, P., Antonescu, B., Roibu, C., Ma, Q., and Nagavciuc, V.: Examining the Eastern European extreme summer temperatures of 2023 from a long-term perspective: the role of natural variability vs. anthropogenic factors , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15014,, 2025.

EGU25-16229 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1

Assessing the Effects of Extreme Heat on Health, Agriculture, and Ecosystemsin Morocco under different levels of climate warming 

Sara Essoussi, Zine El Abidine El Morjani, and Abderrahmane Sadiq

In recent decades, ecosystems have faced extreme climatic events, such as high temperatures, which have significantly impacted human health, wildfires, and agricultural losses. These heat extremes are expected to continue increasing in frequency and intensity, necessitating a deeper understanding and close monitoring of these events.

The primary objective of this study is to quantify and compare the sectoral impacts of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C global warming scenarios on human health, agriculture, and wildfire risks using high-resolution climate simulations. Health impacts were assessed using the Health Heat Index (HHI), while wildfire risk was analyzed using the Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI), which evaluates the duration and frequency of fire seasons in terrestrial ecosystems. Agricultural impacts were quantified by estimating crop heat stress during thermal-sensitive periods, calculating anthesis heat stress (AHS), and normalizing production damage indices.

These analysis reveals a significant increase in areas exposed to critical levels of heat stress, affecting human health, ecosystems, and food security. Our results show a significant rise in risks measured by the HHI And the analysis of the FFDI reveals also an extension in the duration and frequency of fire-prone seasons. In agriculture, the assessment of heat stress during sensitive periods, particularly through the Anthesis Heat Stress Index (AHS), highlights worsening production losses.

These findings highlight the urgency of adopting ambitious mitigation strategies to minimize risks to vulnerable populations and preserve ecosystems and food security.

How to cite: Essoussi, S., El Morjani, Z. E. A., and Sadiq, A.: Assessing the Effects of Extreme Heat on Health, Agriculture, and Ecosystemsin Morocco under different levels of climate warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16229,, 2025.

The impacts of extreme heat and other climate extremes have intensified with climate change, compounded by international pressures from geopolitical tensions that exacerbate socioeconomic inequalities and harm human wellbeing. This study examines factors affecting life expectancy in the United Kingdom, focusing on the relative influence of socioeconomic characteristics and climate change variables, such as heat and flood exposure. The primary research question explored whether wealth could offset the adverse effects of climate change on life expectancy. The analysis covered various age groups, from 0–9 years to 80–89 years, across UK local authority regions. For instance, among 40–49-year-olds, the life expectancy gap between low- and high-life expectancy regions in England was 2 years, 9 months, and 24 days (84.0 vs. 85.97 years). Socioeconomic factors and climate change indicators, including heatwave occurrence, accounted for 77% of this disparity, while extreme rainfall showed no significant effect. The findings highlight that climate change, particularly through the rising frequency of heatwaves, has significantly influenced life expectancy in certain UK regions. This highlights the critical need to address the interplay between climate risks and socioeconomic inequalities to safeguard public health and wellbeing.

How to cite: Brimicombe, C. and Otto, I.: Heat exposure can reduce life expectancy even across wealthy regions: a UK case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16500,, 2025.

As climate change intensifies, heat extremes pose an increasing threat to human health, leading to heightened morbidity and mortality particularly among vulnerable populations.

Physiological evidence demonstrates that high humidity exacerbates heat strain by impairing the body’s ability to thermoregulate through sweat evaporation. Therefore, metrics such as the wet bulb temperature, which combine both temperature and humidity effects, are commonly used to assess heat-related health risks, highlighting tropical and other humid regions as particularly at risk, while regions dominated by dry heat in the mid-to high latitudes appear comparatively less affected.

However, the tens of thousands of excess deaths caused by prolonged exposure to high ambient temperatures during e.g. recent record-breaking European heatwaves in 2003 and 2022 suggest that heatwave characteristics beyond temperature and humidity might need to be accounted for to accurately capture severe health impacts under dry heat conditions.

Here, we propose to enhance global heat stress assessments by addressing emerging spatio-temporally compounding features of heat extremes, which could greatly aggravate health impacts but due to their complexity are often not considered. Preliminary results will be presented from our efforts to develop a standardized, impact-focused heat stress metric that provides more robust and consistent assessments across diverse regional and climatic settings by integrating the cumulative effects of prolonged and sequential heat exposure.


How to cite: Langer, R. and Kornhuber, K.: Towards Improved Global Heat Stress Projections by Accounting for Spatio-Temporally Compounding Risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19232,, 2025.

EGU25-19725 | Orals | NH1.1

The effectiveness of heat alerts issued by national weather services in preventing heat-related mortality in Europe 

Veronika Huber, Mahulena Kořistková, Susanne Breitner-Busch, Hanna Feldbusch, Alexandra Schneider, and Aleš Urban

Recent research has elucidated that the implementation of heat-health prevention plans has been effective in reducing heat-related mortality in Europe. However, it remains largely unresolved whether heat alerts issued based on weather forecasts, which constitute a core element of these plans, independently contribute to the observed mortality reductions. In this contribution, we will present preliminary results from a study based on daily heat alert data and all-cause mortality series from major cities in several European countries, including Germany, Poland, and Portugal. We used random forest classification to identify days, which would have likely experienced a heat alert in the time period before the implementation of the early warning system. Subsequently, we applied time-series regression methods, including distributed lag non-linear models, combined with a difference-in-difference approach to assess whether actual heat alerts are associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality. City-specific results were pooled using mixed-effect meta-regression techniques. Based on a reduced dataset analysed so far, we found strong geographic heterogeneity, with evidence for a protective effect of heat alerts seen only in part of the cities. The pooled relative risks were close to 1, suggesting that the implementation of heat alerts alone cannot explain the mortality reductions associated with the introduction of more comprehensive heat-health prevention plans. Future research will need to investigate other elements of heat-health prevention plans to identify the most effective preventive measures as Europe faces further escalating heat due to climate change.

How to cite: Huber, V., Kořistková, M., Breitner-Busch, S., Feldbusch, H., Schneider, A., and Urban, A.: The effectiveness of heat alerts issued by national weather services in preventing heat-related mortality in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19725,, 2025.

EGU25-20371 | Posters on site | NH1.1

Heat Waves over the Balkans: A statistical analysis, towards a predictive ML model 

Hristo Popov and Oleg Stepanyuk
A heat wave is a period marked by prolonged and unusually high surface temperatures compared to typical conditions. These events often occur when a high-pressure system intensifies and persists over a region for several days or even weeks. Severe heat waves, like those in the Balkans (2007), France (2003), and Russia (2010), are linked to increased mortality rates, health risks, reduced personal productivity, and significant economic consequences, particularly due to compromised agricultural yields. In the Balkan region, extreme air temperatures are often associated with anticyclones originating from the Azores high-pressure system or ridges and the advection of hot air from the south and southwest.
In this study, we conduct a statistical analysis of the frequency, duration, and intensity of heat waves over the Balkan Peninsula during the period from 1950 to 2024, utilizing historical satellite data and reanalysis datasets.
We conduct correlation analysis between meteorological data from the Balkans and the Mediterranean/Atlantic regions using advanced machine learning models (LSTMs and transformers) to uncover complex temporal and spatial interactions. This approach aims to identify the physical factors driving heat waves in the Balkans with enhanced accuracy, contributing to the development of improved heat wave forecasting models

How to cite: Popov, H. and Stepanyuk, O.: Heat Waves over the Balkans: A statistical analysis, towards a predictive ML model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20371,, 2025.

EGU25-20537 | Orals | NH1.1

Storylines for month-long heatwaves and associated heat-related mortality impacts over Western Europe 

Ana Maria Vicedo Cabrera, Samuel Luthi, Veronika Huber, Mathilde Pascal, Urs Beyerle, Maria Pyrina, Daniela Domeisen, and Erich Fischer

Countless heat records were broken in recent years, leading to thousands of heat-related deaths. This raises the question of how much worse heat-related mortality could become in coming years if a potential worst-case heatwave lasts for several weeks or reaches unprecedented intensity. Here, we develop impact storylines for worst-case heatwaves and associated heat-related mortality in France, Germany, and Switzerland. 

We compare several physical climate storyline approaches to quantify plausible extreme heatwaves and combine these with empirical heat-mortality relationships. The storylines are based on (a) using a Single-Model Initial Condition Large Ensemble (SMILE), (b) ensemble boosting, and by looking for the most extreme events (UNSEEN approach) in the initialized (c) 45-day sub-seasonal re-forecast and (d) 7-months seasonal forecasting system using the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System (IFS).

In all four approaches we find physically consistent week-long heatwaves possible in the climate of 2020 that exceed the observed 7-day record temperatures by more than 5°C and associated mortality impacts exceeding the observed maximum by 30-90%. Even more severe consequences would arise from possible five-week heat periods of unprecedented intensity, which would lead to more than a doubling of impacts. Developing these impact storylines can inform the stress-testing of socio-economic systems for preparing appropriate emergency response capacities.

How to cite: Vicedo Cabrera, A. M., Luthi, S., Huber, V., Pascal, M., Beyerle, U., Pyrina, M., Domeisen, D., and Fischer, E.: Storylines for month-long heatwaves and associated heat-related mortality impacts over Western Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20537,, 2025.

The extent to which changes in labour force outcomes can be attributed to historic climate change is currently unknown. Here, we combine robust estimates of the impact of climatic stressors on labour supply, labour productivity, and a combined metric of the two - effective labour, with novel historic climate forcing data to quantify the effect of historic climate change on labour. We do this at the global and regional level, taking explicit account of heterogeneity of working conditions. Glob- ally, effective labour in outdoor working conditions was 1.8 percentage points lower in 1901-2019 than it would have been without climate change. The attributable declines have increased over time, rising to 3.6 percentage points between 2001 and 2019. The highest declines have been in the relatively lower-income regions of Western Africa, South-Eastern Asia, and Middle Africa, where climate change has increased workforce inequalities. We also estimate the economic effects through impacts on GDP and find up to a 12% GDP loss for some regions. Our findings can help improve the design of better labour protections, improve worker health, enhance productivity and economic growth, and inform better climate adaptation and resilience.

How to cite: Dasgupta, S.: Attribution of historical changes in labour outcomes to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20600,, 2025.

EGU25-347 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

Dynamic and thermodynamic contribution to the October 2019 exceptional rainfall in West Central Africa 

Kevin Kenfack, Francesco Marra, Zéphirin Yepdo Djomou, Lucie Angennes Djiotang Tchotchou, Alain Tchio Tamoffo, and Derbetini Appolinaire Vondou

Exceptional rainfall hit West Central Africa in October 2019. We analyzed regional moisture and Moist Static Energy (MSE) budgets to understand the underlying mechanisms, focusing on dynamic and thermodynamic effects. The moisture budget analysis revealed that precipitation anomalies were primarily driven by dynamic effects. In the north of the region, horizontal moisture advection induced by horizontal wind anomalies dominated, while vertical moisture advection was key in the south. Thermodynamic effects, though secondary, contributed up to 35% in the north and 15% in the south. The MSE balance showed that anomalous vertical motion was dominated by dynamic effects in the north, particularly wet enthalpy advection induced by horizontal wind anomalies. West of the Congo Basin, increased net energy balance was the primary driver of vertical motion changes. Horizontal and vertical MSE advection appeared less significant. Strong MSE balance anomalies in the north were linked to its meridional component, especially meridional wind anomalies in the dynamic effect and meridional latent heat anomalies in the thermodynamic effect. Our findings suggest that both dynamic and thermodynamic effects must be considered to adequately anticipate such extreme events. Understanding these mechanisms could enhance forecasts and projections, ultimately improving the region's resilience to extreme weather.

How to cite: Kenfack, K., Marra, F., Yepdo Djomou, Z., Angennes Djiotang Tchotchou, L., Tchio Tamoffo, A., and Appolinaire Vondou, D.: Dynamic and thermodynamic contribution to the October 2019 exceptional rainfall in West Central Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-347,, 2025.

Extreme precipitation events are climatic hazard phenomena that can lead to riverine floods, flash floods, and landslides, posing significant threats to society and the environment. In this study, we examine the effects of climate change on the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Our analysis focuses on daily precipitation simulations at a spatial resolution of approximately 50 km, provided by both regional and global climate models. Detecting changes in extreme precipitation events is challenging due to their high variability in time and space. Therefore, we employ the Simplified Meta-statistical Extreme Value (SMEV) method, an advanced extreme precipitation frequency analysis approach that enables a more robust frequency analysis of extreme precipitation by reducing uncertainty compared to traditional methods. We find that, while average precipitation levels exhibit heterogeneous changes across the MENA region, a general intensification of extreme precipitation is expected. Notably, the intensification is stronger for rarer events. Our results also indicate that changes in both average and extreme precipitation across the MENA region are spatially non-uniform, with some areas experiencing intensification while others show a downward change, with regional variability in change strength. The strongest intensification in extreme precipitation is projected over central Africa and the northern Arabian Sea region. We also find that the regional patterns in extreme and average precipitation changes are not always aligned. Notably, mean annual precipitation is expected to decline over the Mediterranean, while extreme precipitation return levels are projected to intensify in much of the area.

How to cite: Goldschmidt, Y., Marra, F., and Morin, E.: The impact of climate change on the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events in the Middle East Nort Africa (MENA) region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-460,, 2025.

Previous studies, based on satellite optical data and VLF network observations, determined that lightning superbolts (SBs) that have exceptionally high peak currents occur predominantly over the oceans. Satellite measurements were categorized according to optical intensity out of which the highest 1% were categorized as SBs and occurred predominantly over the NW Pacific near the coast of Japan. In contrast, VLF measurements were categorized according to their energy, out of which the highest 0.001% of the cloud-to-ground lightning strikes (CG) were categorized as SBs and occurred predominantly over the oceans (>90%) and during the wintertime of the northern hemisphere.

This study analyzed the spatial-temporal distribution of 3.8·109 CG strokes observed during 2018-2023 by the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN). It was determined that the proportion of high peak current (Ipeak) CG over the oceans compared to land was greater than 1 starting at PC>80 kA and no more than ~2 for PC=180-310 kA. Above 200-kA, 67% of the CG occurred over the oceans. The percent of PC>200 kA from the total CG (PC>2 kA) is ~0.3%. The percent of the total CG is 0.001% at PC~935 kA, where the sea-to-land ratio is only ~1.2. Over the annual cycle, CG with PC>200 kA was not observed at all during the months of May-September in both hemispheres, while during the rest of the year, most of the events over land occurred in the southern hemisphere at a ratio of 4.4:1 relative to the northern hemisphere, while over the oceans there was a 1:1 ratio between hemispheres. Finally, the hourly distribution of CG over land with PC>200 kA is consistent with the shape of the Carnegie curve as determined for lightning in general in previous studies. The hourly distribution over the oceans exhibits a higher number of events from midnight until 06:30 local time and is relatively constant and low throughout the daytime until 17:30 and afterward increases up to the midnight maximum frequency. These results demonstrate the small contribution of CG with PC>200 kA over the oceans to the atmospheric electric field variations in the Carnegie curve. 

How to cite: Asfur, M., yair, Y., and Silverman, J.: The sea-land ratio of extremely strong cloud-to-ground lightning is significantly smaller than previously estimated, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-793,, 2025.

The Middle East, with its diverse and complex geographical and environmental conditions, is one of the world's most vulnerable regions to climate change making it particularly susceptible to extreme precipitation events (EPE). These events often are driven by complex interactions between tropical and extratropical weather systems, seasonal variability, and atmospheric rivers. This study presents a specified probability map of extreme precipitation events across the Middle East region. It highlights areas at a higher risk due to heavy rainfall events and extreme events like flash floods.

The study includes 80 years of ERA5 reanalysis data (1941–2020) and three high-resolution AR6 models under two scenarios: the middle-of-the-road scenario (SSP2-4.5) and the pessimistic, high-emissions scenario (SSP5-8.5) for the period 2021–2050. By considering the trends of 10 certain indices (EPIs) based on both historical precipitation data and future projections, The findings categorize areas into four distinct risk levels, ranging from no risk to high risk. The statistical significance of EPIs was assessed using the nonparametric Mann–Kendall test.

Extreme precipitation events in the Middle East are influenced by various climatic and meteorological factors, and certain areas are more susceptible to these events. The outcome of this analysis show several regions of high risks in north and west part of Iran, northern and central Turkey, central Iraq, and eastern Saudi Arabia. Regions closer to the Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf exhibit higher vulnerability, while low-to-medium risk regions involve parts of Syria, Jordan and southern Iran. Countries such as Egypt and southern Saudi Arabia have just a very slight chance of hazard. In the SSP2-4.5 scenario, the general risk map closely resembles the risk based on historical data. However, in the pessimistic scenarios, most regions that were in the low-to-medium risk classes shift toward high risk.

These findings give confidence to the potential impacts of flooding and infrastructure challenges in regions unfamiliar to dealing with heavy rainfall. This information is important for water management strategies that are part of preparing for climate change impacts, which clearly emphasize the rise in extreme weather patterns across the Middle East. 

Keywords: Precipitation, Extreme events, Heavy rainfall, Risk assessment, Middle East

How to cite: Fakour, P. and Ustrnul, Z.: Assessing Susceptible Areas for Extreme Precipitation in the Middle East: Insights from Historical Data and Their Shifts Under Future Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-903,, 2025.

EGU25-1044 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Understanding Compound Dry-Hot Events in New Delhi: HistoricalTrends and Projections under +2°C and +4°C Warming Scenarios 

Vaishnavi Sahu, Somil Swarnkar, and Chaitanya Raj

Compound Dry and Hot Events (CDHEs) are increasingly recognized as critical
challenges of the 21st century, marked by the simultaneous occurrence of prolonged
dry periods and high temperatures. These events, more severe than individual
extremes, adversely impact water resources, agriculture, public health, and
infrastructure. Globally, CDHEs are becoming more frequent, longer, and intense,
particularly in climate-sensitive regions, including India. Urban areas like New Delhi,
with its high population density, limited water resources, and susceptibility to extreme
weather, are particularly vulnerable. This study examines CDHEs in New Delhi over 66
years (1958–2023) using monthly precipitation and temperature data from the
TerraClimate database. Standardized indices like the Standardized Compound Event
Indicator (SCEI), Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), and Standardized
Temperature Index (STI), along with the joint probability density function (JPDF), are
applied to assess trends in frequency and severity. The analysis reveals a marked
increase in CDHEs post-1990, linked to regional climate changes, accelerated
urbanization, and evolving land-use patterns. Future projections under +2°C and +4°C
global warming scenarios indicate a substantial rise in both the frequency and severity
of CDHEs, posing critical threats to urban systems, including water scarcity, heat stress,
and economic losses. The results also suggest potential interactions between extreme
temperatures and declining rainfall, which could amplify the vulnerability of socio-
economic sectors. This research underscores the urgent need for integrated climate
adaptation and mitigation strategies tailored to urban environments. By linking historical
patterns of CDHEs with future projections, the study provides a comprehensive
perspective on hydroclimatic extremes in New Delhi. These findings are crucial for
informing urban planning, resource management, and policymaking aimed at enhancing
resilience against the cascading impacts of compound extremes in a rapidly warming

How to cite: Sahu, V., Swarnkar, S., and Raj, C.: Understanding Compound Dry-Hot Events in New Delhi: HistoricalTrends and Projections under +2°C and +4°C Warming Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1044,, 2025.

EGU25-1572 | Orals | NH1.2 | Highlight | Sergey Soloviev Medal Lecture

On the Use of Drought Indices for Drought Severity Assessment 

Sergio Martín Vicente Serrano

This lecture provides a critical analysis of drought indices, emphasizing their role in evaluating drought severity while addressing the challenges associated with their application. It highlights the inherent complexity of drought assessment, given the multifaceted nature of drought phenomena, the various types of drought, and the intricate mechanisms underlying their development. A central focus is the distinction between drought and aridity, as well as between drought metrics and indices—concepts that are frequently misunderstood or conflated.

Particular attention is given to atmospheric drought indices, especially those incorporating atmospheric evaporative demand (AED). These indices are crucial for assessing water stress but have faced criticism for certain limitations. One notable issue is the "index-impact gap," where atmospheric drought indices often indicate more severe droughts than those reflected in hydrological and ecological metrics derived from Earth System Models (ESMs), particularly in future climate scenarios. Atmospheric indices do not directly account for soil moisture or vegetation dynamics. Nonetheless, AED reflects atmospheric conditions rather than direct water reservoirs and fluxes, making AED-based indices valuable for understanding atmospheric drivers of drought. This value is reinforced by AED's critical role in intensifying drought through increased evaporation, heightened plant water stress, and reduced photosynthesis.

The lecture further focuses into the uncertainties inherent in ESM projections of ecological and hydrological variables, such as soil moisture and runoff. These uncertainties arise because ESMs often underestimate drought severity due to challenges in simulating complex hydrological and physiological processes. The difficulties stem from limitations in modelling plant physiology, water cycles, and ecosystem responses, compounded by biases in key variables such as evapotranspiration. While ESM outputs are valuable for drought assessments, relying exclusively on them risks producing misleading conclusions.

This issue connects with the role of rising atmospheric CO₂ concentrations, a factor commonly incorporated into ESM simulations, which adds another layer of complexity. Elevated CO₂ levels can enhance plant water-use efficiency and photosynthesis but also introduce uncertainties regarding their impacts on evapotranspiration and soil moisture. These dynamics generate complex feedbacks with AED and other variables, further complicating drought severity assessments, particularly in future ESM simulations.

To address these challenges, the lecture advocates for an integrated approach that combines atmospheric drought indices with hydrological and ecological metrics. Such an approach ensures that the intensifying role of AED under global warming is neither overlooked nor overstated, thereby improving the accuracy of drought assessments, especially in the context of future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Vicente Serrano, S. M.: On the Use of Drought Indices for Drought Severity Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1572,, 2025.

EGU25-1600 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Database of windstorm impacts in Europe, 1950–2020 

Paweł Terefenko, Dominik Paprotny, Jakub Śledziowski, and Andrzej Giza

Extreme windstorms are among the most destructive and costly extreme weather phenomena in the European region. Extreme wind speeds can directly damage or destroy structures like power pylons. Indirect damages are caused by falling trees, which can break power lines or block roads and railways. Assessing long-term trends in windstorm losses and attributing them to climatic and socio-economic changes requires comprehensive and systematic collection of historical information. Here, we present windstorm impact data for Europe that is part of the HANZE (Historical Analysis of Natural HaZards) database.

The dataset covers windstorms that have occurred in 42 European countries between 1950 and 2020. The data was obtained by extensive data-collection from more than 800 sources ranging from news reports through government databases to scientific papers. The dataset includes 1358 events characterized by at least one impact statistic: area affected (forest felled by wind), fatalities, persons affected (loss of electricity) or economic loss. Economic losses are presented both in the original currencies and price levels as well as inflation and exchange-rate adjusted to the 2020 value of the euro. The spatial footprint of affected areas is consistently recorded using subnational units corresponding, to the European Union’s Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS), level 2 and 3. Daily start and end dates, information on causes of the event, notes on data quality issues or associated non-wind impacts, and full bibliography of each record supplement the dataset. The database can be viewed, filtered and visualized online: The dataset is designed to be complementary to HANZE-Exposure, a high-resolution model of historical exposure changes (such as population and asset value), and be easily usable in statistical and spatial analyses, including multi-hazard studies.

How to cite: Terefenko, P., Paprotny, D., Śledziowski, J., and Giza, A.: Database of windstorm impacts in Europe, 1950–2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1600,, 2025.

Severe convective weather systems, characterized by their small spatial scale and rapid, violent development, frequently give rise to disasters such as rainstorms, lightning, gales, and hail. Accurate forecast of such systems has long been a challenging issue of weather forecasting and a dilemma for disaster prevention and mitigation in Shanghai. This research introduces an intelligent forecasting technology for severe convective rainfall systems in Shanghai, encompassing adaptive radar observation of strong convection targets, identification and prediction of typical convective features, machine learning-based correction of numerical prediction errors, and system integration.

In this technology, to address the problem of unbalanced samples with a scarcity of heavy rainfall cases, an autoencoder for noise reduction and ordinal boosting regression module is designed. A FocalLoss method is employed to weight the Loss function, thereby transforming the regression task of precipitation values into multiple classification tasks. An adaptive scale selection method is constructed to better represent the heavy rainfall system. In this method, the spatio-temporal scales of convective systems are adaptively selected, enabling targeted correction of heavy rainfall prediction.

Finally, an intelligent monitoring and early warning system capable of predicting the three-dimensional structure and evolution of strong convective systems has been established and put into operation. This system was evaluated during the flood seasons of 2022-2023. The results indicate that the TS score for 24-hour heavy rainfall (50mm) was significantly enhanced compared to the operational numerical weather prediction system of Shanghai Meteorological Service (SMS). This technology has been extended to application in urban disaster prevention and mitigation.

How to cite: Ma, L.: An Intelligent and Targeted Forecasting Technology for Severe Convective Rainfall Systems in Shanghai, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1914,, 2025.

Storm surges are the most severe type of marine disaster affecting the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), and storm surge forecasting under the background of typhoons remains challenging. In this paper, we propose an operational coupling model (including the global–regional assimilation and prediction system [GRAPES] atmospheric model and the finite volume coastal ocean model [FVCOM]) to predict typhoon-induced storm surges in the GBA, namely, the Greater Bay Area Storm Surge Prediction System (GBASSP), and verified its performance. The highest horizontal resolution of the GBASSP is 80 m, and it has the following advantages. (i) It can provide early warning and forecasting for storm surge at least 2 days before typhoon landfall. (ii) For the next 24-hour forecast of a single typhoon, the maximum storm surge error is only 5 cm, while the mean absolute error of the maximum storm surge of the GBASSP is 19.7 cm. The difference in the occurrence time of the maximum storm surge between observations and the GBASSP is within 1 h. (iii) Comprehensively compared to other storm surge prediction models, the GBASSP performs well and has the best forecasting skills. The relative and root mean square errors of the GBASSP are 5.9% and 21 cm, respectively, the smallest of all the comparative models used in this study. In addition, the average absolute error is between those of the other models.

How to cite: Zhou, M.: A real-time storm surge prediction system for the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area under the background of typhoons: model setup and validation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1929,, 2025.

Flash floods represent the most devastating natural hazard in Mediterranean Spain, resulting in significant fatalities and economic losses. Their characterization has been hindered by the absence of a comprehensive database. This study addresses this challenge by compiling and analyzing data using established methodologies. The analysis is structured into two parts. The first part explores extreme daily rainfall patterns in Mediterranean and semi-arid climatic zones during the extended warm season. It utilizes data from 99 flash floods to investigate spatial and temporal distributions and derive envelope curves. The findings reveal that the spatial and temporal patterns of extreme flash floods closely align with those of extreme daily precipitation. The envelope curves are consistent with other regions. In the semi-arid region, flash floods exhibit higher magnitudes, but its envelope curve declines more steeply with increasing drainage size, reflecting distinct climatic and physiographic factors. The second part examines 13 major flash flood events using high-resolution hydrometeorological data. These events are characterized based on climate, basin morphology, precipitation, runoff ratio, lag time, and flashiness. The results confirm previous observations regarding relief ratio, rainfall intensity, and flashiness. However, runoff coefficients are lower than those in other European regions due to the high initial soil storage capacity, which prolongs lag times in smaller basins. In larger basins, flow hydraulics lead to reduced lag times that fall below the lower limit of the European envelope curve. These findings contribute to the expansion of the European flash flood database and provide insights for enhancing flood risk management strategies in Mediterranean Spain.

How to cite: Amengual, A.: Study of Extreme Flash Flood Events in Mediterranean Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2174,, 2025.

EGU25-2629 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Drought propagation dynamics and driving factors from a nonstationarity perspective 

Meng Dai, Ping Feng, Jianzhu Li, and Xiaogang Shi

Drought is one of the most complex natural disasters, which has serious socioeconomic and ecological impacts across the world. With a changing climate, not only drought events have occurred more frequently, but also the characteristics of drought propagation have been changed. Under the joint effects of climate change and human activities, the assumption on the stationarity of hydrological time series has been overturned, which is of great significance in the field of hydrology. However, the current research on drought propagation is generally based on the assumption of sequence stationarity, in which related results may be biased. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a nonstationary standardized drought index to explore the dynamics of drought propagation and its driving factors for further understanding the mechanism of drought propagation. The Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale, and Shape (GAMLSS) were applied in Luanhe River Basin to construct a time-varying drought index. The seasonal propagation characteristics from meteorological to hydrological drought were examined based on conditional probability, and the moving window was utilized to explore the dynamic change of propagation characteristics. The driving factors were investigated by using the variable importance in projection. The results indicated that using a time-varying drought index was more reasonable than using a stationary assumption; the propagation time showed a significant downward trend; hydrological drought was more likely to be triggered by meteorological drought in autumn and winter; and the precipitation, decreasing runoff, and increasing evaporation were the main factors affecting the seasonal propagation characteristics. These findings are valuable for clarifying the nonstationary characteristics of drought propagation and its seasonal dynamics, providing scientific support for drought early warning systems.

How to cite: Dai, M., Feng, P., Li, J., and Shi, X.: Drought propagation dynamics and driving factors from a nonstationarity perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2629,, 2025.

EGU25-4083 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Evaluating Satellite-Derived Precipitation Products for Drought Monitoring in Morocco 

Abdessamad Hadri, Mariame Rachdane, Kaouthar Iazza, El Mahdi El Khalki, Ismaguil Hanadé, and Mohamed Elmehdi Saidi

Meteorological drought poses significant challenges in Morocco, underscoring the need for accurate precipitation data to monitor and assess drought characteristics, particularly given the limited availability of ground-based measurements. This study evaluates the utility of two Satellite Precipitation Products (SPPs) for drought monitoring across Morocco: the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS) and the Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CDR). The assessment utilizes the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Ground-based monthly precipitation data from 27 stations spanning 1987 to 2017 served as the reference for evaluating the satellite-derived products. SPEIs derived from the SPPs and reanalysis data were compared with those based on ground observations to analyze drought trends and characteristics across Morocco. Performance metrics, including correlation coefficient (CC), mean error (ME), root mean square error (RMSE), relative bias, and mean absolute error (MAE), were used for evaluation. The findings show a strong correlation between satellite-derived and observed precipitation data, with low estimation errors overall, though RMSE values indicate some dispersion, particularly in mountainous regions. Both CHIRPS and PERSIANN-CDR effectively capture drought occurrences and characteristics across Morocco, albeit with slight discrepancies compared to ground-based data. PERSIANN-CDR exhibits particularly high accuracy in simulating drought events, and both products effectively illustrate the progression and trends of droughts, providing valuable tools for drought monitoring and management in Morocco.

How to cite: Hadri, A., Rachdane, M., Iazza, K., El Khalki, E. M., Hanadé, I., and Saidi, M. E.: Evaluating Satellite-Derived Precipitation Products for Drought Monitoring in Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4083,, 2025.

EGU25-4336 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Windstorm Hazard and Risk Maps for the Netherlands in a Changing Climate 

Maria del Socorro Fonseca Cerda, Hans de Moel, Jeroen Aerts, Wouter Botzen, and Toon Haer

Extratropical cyclones (ETC) generate hazardous weather conditions, such as windstorms, which often result in substantial societal impacts. The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) has developed high-resolution wind climatology for the Netherlands using downscaled reanalysis data (2.5 × 2.5 km2) from 1979 to 2021, and they created ensembles for various climate scenarios based on IPCC projections. While these datasets offer valuable insights into windstorm hazards (e.g., maximum wind gust, maximum hourly wind speed), further evaluation of trends and probabilistic analysis are needed to create hazard maps tailored to specific return periods.

Our study addresses this research gap by exploring the application of extreme value theory (EVT) to windstorm hazard data to assess the likelihood of extreme wind speeds at specific locations. We analyse thresholds, seasonal variations, and storm frequency trends. Historical records and projections are analysed. A key novelty is the use of high-resolution post-disaster insurance claims data on the losses of windstorm. These data are used to create a risk model that converts windstorm hazards into quantifiable risks, such as expected annual damage and high-resolution risk maps (2.5 × 2.5 km2). This risk-based approach provides insights for stakeholders and decision-makers, aiding in the design of strategies to mitigate and adapt to windstorm impacts.

How to cite: Fonseca Cerda, M. S., de Moel, H., Aerts, J., Botzen, W., and Haer, T.: Windstorm Hazard and Risk Maps for the Netherlands in a Changing Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4336,, 2025.

EGU25-4416 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Physical Processes Leading to Extreme Day-to-day Temperatures Changes: Future Climate 

Kalpana Hamal and Stephan Pfahl

Extreme temperature changes from one day to the next, whether warming or cooling, have profound impacts on human health, ecosystems, and socio-economic, and their potential future changes can result in even more significant challenges. In the previous study, we quantified the physical processes—advection, adiabatic, and diabatic heating or cooling—that drive extreme day-to-day temperature (DTDT) changes in present-day climate. However, the role of these processes in projected changes of DTDT extremes under future warming scenarios has remained unexplored. This study addresses this gap by examining these processes globally using the Community Earth System Model (CESM) Large Ensemble under a high-emission scenario together with Lagrangian backward trajectory calculations. The findings reveal that reduced temperature changes due to advection and altered diabatic processes primarily drive the projected decreases in DTDT extremes in the extratropics during December-February (DJF) and June-August (JJA). In contrast, increases in DTDT extremes in the tropics are primarily caused by enhanced local processes, such as radiative heating during DJF, and mostly by intensified diabatic processes during JJA, with advection playing a minor role. Therefore, there is a strong need for adaptive strategies and informed decision-making in response to climate change, particularly in underdeveloped countries in the tropics and subtropics.

How to cite: Hamal, K. and Pfahl, S.: Physical Processes Leading to Extreme Day-to-day Temperatures Changes: Future Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4416,, 2025.

EGU25-4516 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Meteorological conditions leading to a catastrophic, rain-induced landslide in Cameroon in October 2019 

Derbetini A. Vondou, Marlon Maranan, Andreas Fink, and Peter Knippertz

After an exceptionally wet October 2019, the city of Bafoussam in the Cameroon Highlands was hit by a devastating landslide on 29 October, resulting in around 50 deaths. This study examines the atmospheric drivers leading up to this fatal event on a sub-monthly scale. Leveraging long-term station rainfall data from Bafoussam and the nearby city of Dschang, three marked wet spells during October 2019 are identified, the multi-day rainfall amounts of which exceed the maximum value within the historical data of the stations. Using ERA5 reanalysis data of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts to explore the meteorological background, favourable conditions in each of these wet spells were created by moist southwesterlies from an anomalously warm eastern equatorial Atlantic, induced by cyclonic-anticyclonic vortex couplets over the eastern Gulf of Guinea. The release of the intense rainfalls is associated with strong moisture flux convergence (MFC), likely through an interaction between the southwesterlies and prevailing easterlies from central Africa. On the large scale, the Saharan heat low, extending anomalously far to the northeast towards Libya during large parts of October 2019, appears to have facilitated the recurrence of such vortex couplets by establishing an environmental setting usually found during peak monsoon in August. Eventually, a tropical-extratropical interaction caused the wettest period of the month over the Cameroon Highlands. Dry and initially cool airmasses were advected equatorward from the Mediterranean towards the study region, generating the last strong episode of MFC linked with the landslide event. Subsequently, tropical-extratropical interactions were also involved in the termination of the rainy season. This study highlights not only the importance of the extratropics for rainfall variability in the African inner tropics, but also points to the hitherto understudied role of recurring vortex couplets over western tropical Africa and the Gulf of Guinea for multi-day wet spells.

How to cite: Vondou, D. A., Maranan, M., Fink, A., and Knippertz, P.: Meteorological conditions leading to a catastrophic, rain-induced landslide in Cameroon in October 2019, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4516,, 2025.

EGU25-4698 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Medicane Daniel in Greece: A Model Evaluation Study 

Amalia Nikoleta Chantziara and Ioannis Kioutsioukis

The present research poster considered  a comprehensive case study of the medicane ‘Daniel’. The storm  struck Central Greece, particularly Thessaly, between September 4-7, 2023. The event was primarily triggered by omega blocking, where a high-pressure system became trapped between two low-pressure zones, leading to severe weather conditions and extreme precipitation. The following severe flooding caused loss of lives, widespread destructioon of road infrastructure, property damage and devastation to agricultural lands.

 A combination of upper-air and surface data was employed to perform in-depth analysis of the atmospheric dynamics before, during, and after the event. Wind patterns, pressure systems, and temperature variations, which contributed to the formation and intensification of the medicane were the key meteorological factors taken into consideration. The Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) was utilized in various simulation scenarios to simulate the event’s behavior, providing valuable insights into its development, progression and the associated extreme weather conditions.

Overall, the case study highlights the critical importance of an deeper understanding of the meteorological factors driving such phenomena, as well as the role of simulations in forecasting and minimizing their impacts. Hopefully, the present effort will contribute to the further implementation of robust early-warning systems and enhance governmental preparedness to safeguard citizens from future extreme weather events.

How to cite: Chantziara, A. N. and Kioutsioukis, I.: Medicane Daniel in Greece: A Model Evaluation Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4698,, 2025.

EGU25-5729 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

Flood risk from AI-based, seasonal weather forecasts for the River Elbe 

Alison Poulston, John Ashcroft, Marius Koch, and Georg Ertl

Inland flooding is one of the costliest natural hazards, inflicting substantial economic and societal damage annually, with floods causing almost USD 5 billion of insured losses across Europe in 2023 alone. Due to its proximity to major cities such as Berlin and Hamburg, a significant proportion of European exposures are vulnerable to extreme events over the Elbe River catchment. These risks need to be robustly quantified both to ensure adequate societal preparedness and so that (re)insurers are sufficiently well capitalised, which highlights the need to estimate the tails of the flood risk distribution.  As fluvial flooding is driven by the frequency, duration, and intensity of weather events, standard approaches to assess flood use extreme value theory to extrapolate from observations and simulate new and unprecedented weather events and thus river response. These methods often fall short in generating spatially coherent and physically plausible weather events, particularly those that differ substantially from the historical record, limiting flood risk estimation. 

Ensembles of weather forecasts over extended lead times could offer a promising alternative to statistical extrapolation by generating a diverse set of realistic weather outcomes. While this is not computationally feasible with numerical forecast models, artificial intelligence (AI) weather models, particularly FourCastNet based on Spectral Fourier Neural Operators (FCN SFNO), can rapidly produce large ensembles of weather forecasts while maintaining stability over long lead periods. Crucially, FCN SFNO enables forecasts to decouple from their initial conditions, facilitating the generation of numerous plausible, unseen weather events.  

Leveraging NVIDIA Earth-2, a platform for developing AI augmented weather forecasting pipelines, we demonstrate the use of the FCN SFNO-based huge ensemble (HENS) pipeline to generate a counterfactual analysis of winter seasons for the Elbe basin. Our AI-driven weather simulations are integrated with hydrological models to connect the weather events and the subsequent river response. The resulting ensemble improves our estimate of present-day flood risk, driven by a wide array of physically plausible flood events that are grouped into seasonally coherent blocks. Our approach not only surpasses the limitations of standard statistical methods but also offers an efficient, scalable, and reliable framework for flood risk estimation and management globally.  

How to cite: Poulston, A., Ashcroft, J., Koch, M., and Ertl, G.: Flood risk from AI-based, seasonal weather forecasts for the River Elbe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5729,, 2025.

EGU25-6378 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Multiscale analysis and simulations of an extreme rainfall event in Northeast Brazil with the MPAS model 

Matheus Lyra, Dirceu Herdies, Helber Gomes, Jayant Pendharkar, Maria Cristina Silva, Fabricio Silva, Heliofábio Gomes, Mayara Lins, Silvio Nilo Figueroa, José Mantovani Jr, Enver Ramirez, Mario Quadro, William Coelho, Éder Vendrasco, and Leonardo Calvetti

Extreme rainfall events are becoming increasingly frequent in Northeast Brazil (NEB). The state of Alagoas, located on the eastern coast of the region, is one of the most affected areas in recent years, with records of high-magnitude events over the past four years. These events cause significant socioeconomic impacts, resulting in considerable human and material losses, underscoring the importance of a deeper understanding to mitigate short-term risks better. This study aims to investigate the synoptic and mesoscale conditions driving the extreme precipitation event occurred on May 6-7, 2024, which rainfall totals surpassed 270 mm/day across multiple areas of Alagoas, marking the highest 24-hour rainfall accumulation in the region this century. The study also evaluated the ability of the global Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) to perform simulation for the extreme precipitation event, using a variable grid of 60-3 km and convection-permitting parameterization through two microphysics schemes: WSM6 and Thompson. Infrared channel (10.35 µm) images from the GOES-16 satellite were used to monitor the cloudiness development. ERA5 global reanalysis data were utilized to evaluate the synoptic conditions as a first analysis step. Observed precipitation data from MERGE/INPE, S-band meteorological radar, and rain gauges operated by CEMADEN were used to analyze accumulated precipitation. Synoptic analysis, through streamlines, revealed strong wind shear between 200 and 850 hPa, which was responsible for developing a Squall Line that propagated and reached Alagoas on May 6. The propagation of eastward-moving cloudiness towards the study area was observed on the same day, resulting from an Easterly Wave Disturbance (EWD) identified through the transport of kinetic energy originating near the African continent (1°E; 20°S). The displacement and intensification of this system towards NEB were confirmed by the intense vertical integrated moisture transport convergence (1000–200 hPa) over time, enhancing convection as it encountered the mesoscale system over the continent. As confirmed by anomalies, Sea Surface Temperature (SST) played an essential role in intensifying vertical motions, which were unusually high for this time of year. Overall, the EWD trough axis propagating along the trade winds, combined with intense moisture convergence, symbolized the intensification of upward movements in the region, where the dynamic conditions necessary for the development of the extreme precipitation event were established. The simulations showed that the MPAS underestimated the intensity of precipitation associated with the extreme event, although the simulations predicted values exceeding 50 mm/day in the most affected area. The results show similar performance in reproducing weather variables, with slightly better results for the WSM6 run. Preliminary results provide valuable insights into the performance of MPAS, emphasizing the need for further evaluation using additional physical parameterizations and alternative model configurations to enhance its predictive accuracy.

How to cite: Lyra, M., Herdies, D., Gomes, H., Pendharkar, J., Silva, M. C., Silva, F., Gomes, H., Lins, M., Figueroa, S. N., Mantovani Jr, J., Ramirez, E., Quadro, M., Coelho, W., Vendrasco, É., and Calvetti, L.: Multiscale analysis and simulations of an extreme rainfall event in Northeast Brazil with the MPAS model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6378,, 2025.

EGU25-8859 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

The influence of extreme flood event on redistribution of potentially toxic elements: a preliminary results from a former mining area 

Martin Gaberšek, Mateja Gosar, Miloš Miler, and Špela Bavec

The climate change and related phenomena is one of the biggest challenges of today’s civilisation. The data shows an upward trend of occurrence of meteorological, hydrological, and climatic phenomena worldwide, with the largest increase observed in extreme hydrological phenomena, such as floods and mass movement. Intense rainfall and resulting floods can lead to erosion and transport of large amount of natural and anthropogenic material and thus influencing the spatial distribution of chemical elements on Earth surface. The redistribution of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) is of special concern as they are largely persistent, non-biodegradable, and many are known to accumulate along the food chain. The environmental consequences of remobilization and redistribution of pollutants during flood events are not yet widely recognized and understood.


An extreme rainfall and floods severely affected Slovenia (EU) at the beginning of August 2023, resulting in more than 10,000 landslides and spatial redistribution of large quantity of sediments, including heavily polluted ones. One of the most affected areas was the Carinthia region at the north of Slovenia. This area is strongly impacted by a 300-years of lead and zinc mining in the Mežica area. Although the mining activities have ceased 30 years ago, the environment (e.g., soil, floodplains) is still heavily contaminated with Pb, Zn, Cd, Mo, and other PTEs, and there are several mine waste deposits prone to erosion. The Geological Survey of Slovenia has been studying the geochemical characteristics of the wider Mežica area for several decades. Levels of PTEs in stream sediments were regularly monitored (every 3 years) since 2013.  


To determine the potential influence of extreme rainfall and floods on redistribution of PTEs in the environment that have been previously contaminated with PTEs, the following samples in the Mežica area in 2023 were collected: (1) stream sediment samples before the extreme weather event in August as a part of regular monitoring, (2) repeated samples of stream sediment after heavy storm at the end of July and after the extreme event in August at selected monitoring locations, (3) flood sediment samples along the Meža Valley after the extreme weather event in August. All samples were prepared (dried at 35 °C and sieved <0.125 mm) and analysed (determination of PTEs levels by ICP-MS after aqua regia digestion) by the same methods.


The comparison of PTEs levels in stream sediments from a decade long monitoring with flood sediment and stream sediment sampled after an extreme flood event illuminate the complexity of redistribution processes during such events, which may result in increase or decrease of PTEs levels. For example, the median levels of As, Cd, Mo, Pb, and Zn in flood sediments were higher than their median levels in stream sediment during usual hydrological conditions indicating erosion of contaminated areas and mine waste deposits dominated over erosion of non-contaminated materials. On the other hand, levels of PTEs at some specific sampling locations were much lower after the extreme flood event than before, indicating higher erosion of non-contaminated materials that may lead to the dilution effect.

How to cite: Gaberšek, M., Gosar, M., Miler, M., and Bavec, Š.: The influence of extreme flood event on redistribution of potentially toxic elements: a preliminary results from a former mining area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8859,, 2025.

EGU25-8964 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Hailstorm characterization with a synergistic active and passive, GEO and LEO observation strategy 

Elsa Cattani, Federico Vermi, Giulio Monte, Aida Galfione, Alessandro Battaglia, and Sante Laviola

Convection is a vital process which helps to redistribute energy in the Earth atmosphere and is often conducive to cloud formation connected to severe weather events worldwide. Hail production can occur in these severe events highly impacting infrastructures and properties. Italy and the Mediterranean Basin in general are witnessing an increasing trend in the number of occurrences of such events in the last decades, thus calling for an advancement in the observational capability and retrieval methodologies for the analysis of convective storm associated to hail production.

This work focuses on the analysis of few case studies occurred in Italy in August and September 2024. The aim is to evaluate the complementarity and the effectiveness of active and passive, GEO and LEO satellite instruments and satellite-based retrieval algorithms in convection and hailstorm identification. Convective clouds are analysed through the convection products from the EUMATSAT Satellite Application Facility in support to nowcasting and very short range forecasting computed using Meteosat Rapid Scan Service (RSS) data. Further information about updrafts and overshooting tops is acquired from the EarthCARE Cloud Profiling Radar (i.e., reflectivity and vertical velocity of cloud particles). The Multi-sensor Approach for Satellite Hail Advection (MASHA), a new multi-instrument technique conceived for real-time tracking of hail-bearing clouds, completed the set of analysis tools. It combines the hail probabilities computed through the Global Precipitation Measuring PMW sensor constellation, with the high temporal rate acquisition of GEO infrared brightness temperatures (IR-BT) from the Meteosat RSS. Exploiting constantly updated relationships between spatio-temporal co-located IR-BTs and PWM hail probabilities, MASHA monitors the evolution of hail-bearing systems at high spatio-temporal resolution (i.e., 4-5 km and 5 min., respectively).

How to cite: Cattani, E., Vermi, F., Monte, G., Galfione, A., Battaglia, A., and Laviola, S.: Hailstorm characterization with a synergistic active and passive, GEO and LEO observation strategy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8964,, 2025.

EGU25-9333 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Hail Hazard in the Mediterranean (H2Med) 

Sante Laviola, Enrico Arnone, Giorgio Budillon, Giulio Monte, Elsa Cattani, Nicola Cortesi, and Vincenzo Capozzi and the other authors of the Hail Hazard in the Mediterranean (H2Med) PNRR Project

How does climate change impact extreme events and which is the future change of their dynamics? How will the ongoing and future changing climate control the evolution and intensification of severe storms? These are among the most frequent and significant questions for the scientific community, stakeholders and decision-making structures. The project tackles these open issues by investigating hailstorms in the Mediterranean region through the synergistic application of satellite observations, meteorological reanalysis and climatic modelling. Focusing on determining the atmospheric variables most relevant for the formation and intensification of hail-bearing storms, we delineate specific metrics describing the hail formation potentially applicable at operational level. The proposal stems from the 22-yearlong database of hail episodes described by Laviola et al. (2022), whereby events associated with large and extreme hail (above 2 and 10 cm in diameter, respectively) were preliminarily identified and shown to be on a 30% increase trend. Extending and refining this climatology at daily scale, the large-scale and mesoscale atmospheric scenarios that trigger hail events in the central Mediterranean area are investigated through a cluster analysis with the use of meteorological reanalysis data in the recent past. Hail-prone conditions are associated with the optimization of a hail-proxy index based on environmental variables extracted from global and regional reanalysis products. Such index and the reference hail-prone conditions are then be investigated in the ensemble of climate model projections to outline the future evolution of hail-precursors triggering and sustaining deep convection over the Mediterranean basin to the end of the century. This investigation will be also exploited to identify the environmental key variables controlling hail hazards in the recent past, and prospect future changes of storm extremization. The first-year results presented in this work delineate a new paradigm of knowledge for better understanding the effects of climate change on hailstorms by using hail-bearing convective systems as a driver for evaluating the potential impact of future changes in the Mediterranean basin. 

Laviola S., G. Monte, E. Cattani, V. Levizzani, 2022: Hail Climatology in the Mediterranean Basin Using the GPM Constellation (1999-2021). Remote Sensing, 14(17), 4320.

How to cite: Laviola, S., Arnone, E., Budillon, G., Monte, G., Cattani, E., Cortesi, N., and Capozzi, V. and the other authors of the Hail Hazard in the Mediterranean (H2Med) PNRR Project: Hail Hazard in the Mediterranean (H2Med), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9333,, 2025.

EGU25-9621 | Orals | NH1.2

Multi-sensor Approach for Satellite Hail Advection (MASHA): a new technique to support the nowcasting of hailstorms 

Sante Laviola, Federico Vermi, Giulio Monte, and Elsa Cattani

The Multi-sensor Approach for Satellite Hail Advection (MASHA) is a new multi-instrument technique conceived for real-time tracking of hail-bearing clouds. MASHA can identify hail clouds from satellite measurements and monitor the evolution of hail-bearing systems every 5 min, combining the strength of the MicroWave Cloud Classification-Hail (MWCC-H) method to detect hail through the whole GPM sensor constellation (Laviola et al., 2020a-b) with the high temporal rate of the Meteosat Rapid Scan Service (MSG-RSS). This opens the way to operational applications of MASHA method by offering an unprecedented support to the nowcasting of hailstorms and to regional numerical weather predictions.

Recent applications experimented the ingestion in the MASHA scheme of lightning strikes and radar hail indices. This new configuration of the final products significantly refines the reconstruction of hail maps when the GPM constellation overpasses are missing. The result is a near-real time, more consistent and high-resolution hail map described by a proper Hail Severity Index (HSI). Recent applications demonstrate the ability of the MASHA technique to identify severe flash flood events in mountain catchments. These results draw new perspectives to optimally investigate hydro-meteorological events over mountain areas where more traditional methodologies might underestimate the severity of events. Thus, the MASHA scheme provides a useful tool in support to nowcasting systems of hailstorms and severe weather over complex areas.


Laviola S., V. Levizzani, R. R. Ferraro, and J. Beauchamp: Hailstorm Detection by Satellite Microwave Radiometers. Remote Sens. 2020a, 12(4), 621;

Laviola S., G. Monte, V. Levizzani, R. R. Ferraro, and J. Beauchamp: A new method for hail detection from the GPM constellation. A prospective for a global hailstorm climatology. Remote Sens. 2020b, 12(21), 3553;

How to cite: Laviola, S., Vermi, F., Monte, G., and Cattani, E.: Multi-sensor Approach for Satellite Hail Advection (MASHA): a new technique to support the nowcasting of hailstorms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9621,, 2025.

EGU25-9626 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

A flood forecasting method in the Francolí River Basin by using a distributed hydrological model and an analog-based precipitation forecast 

Daniel Carril Rojas, Carlo Guzzon, Luis Mediero, Luis Garrote, Maria Carmen Llasat, and Raul Marcos Matamoros

The recent flood event in Valencia (Spain) in October 2024 has revealed the need for real-time flood forecasts. Flood forecasts are based on meteorological forecasts that supply the feasible precipitation for the coming hours and a hydrological model to simulate the rainfall-runoff processes in the catchment. Distributed hydrological models require several parameters to simulate basin processes, though estimating their values accurately in each cell remains a challenge. Calibration processes that compare the hydrological model results with observations, in order to identify the best model parameter values, usually have an inherent uncertainty due to errors in the data, initial conditions and the simplified nature of the models. Furthermore, usually there is not a single set of parameter values that can characterise the hydrological response in all flood events. Therefore, the model calibration should consider diverse flood events, to optimize model performance under varying conditions.

This study presents the calibration and application of the Real-time Interactive Basin Simulator (RIBS) distributed hydrological model combined with precipitation forecasts based on the analog method to supply flood forecasts in the Francolí River Basin located in the Catalonia region in Northeast Spain.

First, observed rainfall and streamflow data recorded at gauging stations in the catchment for a set of real flood events have been used to calibrate the RIBS model. Five flood events were identified and used in the hydrological model calibration. The Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) coefficient showed good agreement between observed and simulated hydrographs for some events with values in the range 0.6179-0.9114.

Second, an ensemble of spatially distributed precipitation forecasts were used as input data to the calibrated hydrological model in the Francolí catchment. A set of five past events were used. A set of 10 meteorological analogs associated with the flood event was generated for each of the events analysed. The search for meteorological analogs was conducted using the 500 hPa and 1000 hPa geopotential height fields as predictors, and the similarity metric was based on a combination of Euclidean distance and Pearson spatial correlation. The generated set of analogs for each event can be used as an ensemble for generating a probabilistic precipitation field forecast for the region. The accuracy and reliability of the analog forecasts were assessed comparing the hydrological model outputs with the streamflow and precipitation observations at the gauging stations considered in the study. The best analog for each event obtained a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) value ranging from 0.894 to 6.344, emphasizing performance variability.

The method proposed supplies a probabilistic flood forecast at the Francolí catchment outlet. This method improves the knowledge about the hydrological catchment response in flood events, supplying a probabilistic forecast. The method proposed enables more accurate flood predictions that can be used to supply informed response actions.

How to cite: Carril Rojas, D., Guzzon, C., Mediero, L., Garrote, L., Llasat, M. C., and Marcos Matamoros, R.: A flood forecasting method in the Francolí River Basin by using a distributed hydrological model and an analog-based precipitation forecast, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9626,, 2025.

EGU25-9798 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Convective indices and their trends on days with observed large and severe hail in Serbia 

Dragana Vujovic and Vladan Vuckovic

Hail is a weather phenomenon that can cause significant damage to material goods, crops, infrastructure, and motor vehicles, resulting in human injuries. Large and severe hail is often associated with severe convective storms, which are strongly related to atmospheric instability and the formation of intense thunderstorms. Predicting these thunderstorms, including their initial timing, location, and intensity, remains one of the most challenging aspects of modern weather forecasting. Current numerical weather forecast models often fall short in resolution, making accurate forecasting difficult. Therefore, meteorologists use convective indices as additional tools to predict thunderstorm development; these indices are considered valuable predictors for forecasting the occurrence of thunderstorms.

Convective indices are calculated from radiosondes' vertical temperature and water vapour profiles. In this research, we analysed 13 convective (or stability) indices derived from radiosonde measurements collected at the meteorological station Košutnjak in Belgrade, Serbia (φ = 44°46′ N, λ = 20°25′ E, h = 203 m above sea level) during days when at least one rocket-launching station, as part of the hail suppression system of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMZ), reported occurrences of large and severe hail. Data for the warm season (April to October) at 12 UTC was gathered from 2002 to 2020. The term 12 UTC was selected based on the fact that approximately 96% of all hail events in Serbia, recorded from 1975 to 2009, occurred between 12:00 and 24:00 local time (UTC + 1). To statistically assess if there is a monotonic upward or downward trend, the Mann–Kendall test was used. If there is a trend, its magnitude is calculated using the Sen’s slope.

Recently, discussions about extreme weather conditions have increased. In response, we have focussed our attention on convective indices related to the occurrence of large and severe hail, defined as hailstones with a diameter of 21 mm or more. During the period analysed, days with such extreme hail accounted for 20% of all hail days. From 2005 to 2020, we identified significant monotonic trends in six out of thirteen convective indices: a decreasing trend for the Lifted Index (LI) and Boyden Index (BI), and increasing trends for the Severe Weather Threat Index (SWEAT), K Index (KI), Totals (TT), and Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE). We could not conclude that days that meet the previously established threshold criteria for stability indices are becoming more frequent.

The number of hail days featuring hailstones with diameters between 21 mm and 30 mm and between 36 mm and 50 mm has been decreasing over time. Yet, the calculated coefficients of determination for both linear regression equations (R² = 0.108 and R² = 0.068, respectively) indicate that these trends are not significant. The number of days with hailstones between 31 mm and 35 mm also did not increase significantly (R² = 0.024). The overall frequency of extreme hail days has therefore not increased.


This research was supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, No. 7389, Project „Extreme weather events in Serbia - analysis, modelling and impacts” - EXTREMES

How to cite: Vujovic, D. and Vuckovic, V.: Convective indices and their trends on days with observed large and severe hail in Serbia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9798,, 2025.

EGU25-10730 | Orals | NH1.2

Future changes in the occurrence of large hail events in the Mediterranean region 

Nicola Cortesi, Enrico Arnone, Claudio Cassardo, Giulio Monte, Vincenzo Capozzi, and Sante Laviola

Hail-proxy indices have been developed over the past years to overcome shortages in hail parameterization in meteorological and climate models. They are mainly focused on reconstructing hail climatology or the frequency of occurrence of hail events during the present or past climate (Prein and Holland 2018, Torralba et al, 2023). Because of their sensitivity to spatio-temporal resolution, they are, however, not specifically designed to simulate long-term changes in the occurrence of large hail events under future climate scenarios.

In this study, we present a novel methodology tailored for CMIP6 climate models under various SSPs scenarios, and in synergy with higher resolution ERA5 reanalysis. Our approach is based on 34 commonly employed hail predictors: their probability distribution functions (pdf) are compared to the hail-conditioned pdf during observed large hail events (hail diameter >2 cm), in order to identify all 3-hourly intervals during the hail season (April to November) in which hailstones might form. These intervals are then combined with coarser GCM trends (individually for each quantile of the pdf) to project future changes in the frequency of hailstorms. The proposed technique provides a simple yet robust framework for assessing future changes in the occurrence of large hail events.

Such a trend-based scaling was rigorously validated using a multi-model ensemble of CMIP6 historical daily simulations and ERA5 reanalysis data. In order to assess the method over the Mediterranean basin and nearby lands, the newly released satellite dataset MASHA was exploited (Laviola et al, 2022). MASHA is the first large hail dataset derived from passive microwave observations; it offers a 3-hourly time resolution and a 1°×1° spatial resolution over the whole Mediterranean basin [5W-35E, 25N-50N] during 1999-2023.

Results of the assessment revealed a good agreement between the simulated and observed average monthly frequency of large hail events and their intradaily variability, highlighting the reliability of the index and its usefulness for climate change projections.


How to cite: Cortesi, N., Arnone, E., Cassardo, C., Monte, G., Capozzi, V., and Laviola, S.: Future changes in the occurrence of large hail events in the Mediterranean region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10730,, 2025.

EGU25-10792 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Modeling dunnian runoff dynamics during flood events in the Loing watershed (France) 

Lise-Marie Girod, Nicolas Flipo, and Nicolas Gallois

Flood events are significant hydrological phenomena that can lead to severe human and economic damages. In the Seine River basin (France), the floods of May-June 2016 resulted in four fatalities and economic losses estimated between 0.8 and 1.25 billion euros, according to the French reinsurance fund. This event followed an unusually wet month of May, marked by intense rainfall concentrated in the southern part of the basin, primarily within the Loing River watershed. At the outlet of this watershed, an unprecedented peak discharge of nearly 500 m3.s-1 was recorded, with a return period now estimated to be between 400 and 1,000 years. The latest IPCC report emphasizes the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events driven by climate change, highlighting the need for a better understanding of the hydrological processes leading to major floods to improve forecasting and mitigation efforts.

Given that flood dynamics typically result from a combination of processes including river overflow, subsurface runoff and groundwater discharge, a coupled surface and groundwater hydrological application of the Loing River watershed is currently being developed. The CaWaQS modeling platform is used to (i) simulate the key hydrological processes within each component of the Loing hydrosystem (soil, river system, vadose zone, and aquifer system) and (ii) generate daily key variables of interest, such as distributed discharge and hydraulic heads. The simulation of surface flow processes relies on a reservoir-based conceptual approach, utilizing sets of seven calibration parameters (or production-functions), distributed according to the intersection of soil and land use types. An initial simulation solely based on production-function parameters inherited from the CaWaQS-Seine basin regional application (15 production-functions, 105 parameters) led to largely underestimated flows. As a result, local specificities such as the extensive artificial drainage of arable lands was incorporated through four additional functions, bringing the total number of parameters to 133. Bayesian inversion and frequency analysis of observed discharge data were used to calibrate AET fluxes and effective rainfall partionning into runoff and infiltration flows, although this approach was still insufficient to accurately represent flood dynamics. To address this, the CaWaQS source code was enhanced to explicitly incorporate Dunne-type runoff processes related to soil saturation. A new calibration was based on analogies between physical and conceptual parameters, reducing the number of parameters requiring adjustment from 57 to just 2: drainage efficiency and kinematic porosity. These two parameters, initially not spatially discretized, are calibrated using an automated screening procedure.

This revised conceptualization and its associated fitting methodology enable the simulation of runoff processes triggered by soil saturation and drainage in agricultural areas, providing a differentiated assessment of their impact on the hydrosystem. It also allows a more accurate representation of flow dynamics during flood events.

How to cite: Girod, L.-M., Flipo, N., and Gallois, N.: Modeling dunnian runoff dynamics during flood events in the Loing watershed (France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10792,, 2025.

EGU25-10875 | Orals | NH1.2

Forecasting Cut-Off Lows Events with MPAS: A Study of Valencia's Historic Rainfall in October 2024      

Reginaldo Ventura de sa, Marcio Cataldi, Eloisa Raluy Lopez, Leandro Cristian Segado Moreno, Jonas Von Ruette, Alberto Sanchez Marroquin, and Bernat Chiva Polvillo

Between 29 and 30 October 2024, Spain experienced one of the most intense and destructive natural disasters in its history, predominantly affecting the Valencian Community but also parts of the Murcia region and the province of Albacete. The floods impacted approximately 75 municipalities, affecting over 400,000 inhabitants, damaging around 100,000 homes and 137,000 vehicles, and resulting in a total of 232 fatalities across Spain, 224 of which occurred in the province of Valencia alone. This extreme meteorological event not only recorded the highest rainfall accumulation in Spain’s history, with 771.8 mm in just 14 hours at the Túris station in Valencia but also highlighted inefficiencies in the authorities’ ability to convey extreme danger alerts to the population. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) issued the alert at 07:36 on 29 October, but it was passed on by the local authorities only 20:11, approximately 12 hours after the event started and the onset of precipitation, which significantly increased the risk to the population. In this study, simulations were conducted using the NCAR/MPAS model with a global resolution mesh of approximately 92 km, which converged to a finer mesh centred on Spain with a resolution of 25 km. The resolution increase was smoothed due to the numerical scheme used by the model, which employs Voronoi hexagons. The MPAS was initialised with initial conditions from the NCEP/NOAA dataset, obtained at 00Z for the period 23–29 October 2024. The study aimed to evaluate how far in advance it would have been possible to predict the configuration and position of the centre of the Cut-Off Low (DANA), the atmospheric phenomenon responsible for the extreme precipitation totals. The goal was to determine how early the risk associated with the DANA could have been identified, regardless of the precipitation totals forecasted by the model, focusing solely on the atmospheric phenomenon itself. The MPAS simulations revealed that as early as 24 October, the DANA configuration could be identified, based not only on the position of its vorticity centre at 500 hPa but also on the intense moisture transport at 850 hPa originating from the Mediterranean, which surface temperature was approximately 2–3°C above its average, directed towards the Valencian region. This pattern persisted in all simulations initialised between 24 and 29 October, with some precipitation cores showing accumulations of 200–300 mm between 29 and 30 October in the Valencian region. Thus, this study encourages reflection on the extent to which meteorology should rely on precipitation totals forecasted by atmospheric models when issuing alerts and warnings, or whether such alerts could instead be guided by the configuration of specific atmospheric phenomena. This approach could potentially increase lead times, as forecasting wind fields generally involves lower uncertainty compared to precipitation. Such an increase in lead time could be crucial to save lives in extreme weather events like this one.

How to cite: Ventura de sa, R., Cataldi, M., Raluy Lopez, E., Cristian Segado Moreno, L., Von Ruette, J., Sanchez Marroquin, A., and Chiva Polvillo, B.: Forecasting Cut-Off Lows Events with MPAS: A Study of Valencia's Historic Rainfall in October 2024     , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10875,, 2025.

Global warming will lead to strong drought challenges in China. Exploring the spatiotemporal patterns of and changes in meteorological drought in China in the future is therefore of great significance for minimizing drought risks and for mitigating agricultural losses. It is crucial to consider the drought seasonality and aggregation while exploring the spatiotemporal patterns of and changes in meteorological drought in China. This study applied the ST-Moran scatterplot method to identify the drought spatiotemporal aggregation areas (DSTAAs) in China during 2021-2100 under three Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5 emission scenarios). Based on the identification results, we further analyzed the spatiotemporal patterns of and changes in drought in different seasons, agricultural regions, and time periods in China, and the detailed drought conditions on the Northeast China Plain. The results highlight that: (1) The drought will abate, become slightly worse, and become significantly worse over time under the SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5 scenarios. (2) Seasonally, the main drought seasons exhibit a transition trend from spring-winter to summer-autumn over time. As the emission level increases, this transition trend becomes increasingly evident. Detailed results in the Northeast China Plain confirm this seasonal transition trend in China and indicate that droughts in the major grain-producing areas in summer require more attention for preparedness and mitigation. (3) Spatially, the Northeast China Plain, Qinghai Tibet Plateau, and the northern arid and semiarid region have the largest number of significant DSTAAs. These results will support relevant institutions in formulating strategies for drought preparedness and mitigation.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Cheng, C., and Yang, J.: More evident trend of main drought seasons transition from spring‑winter to summer‑autumn in future China with higher emission scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10884,, 2025.

EGU25-10932 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Insights from personal weather stations in the rainfall dynamics preceding and during the 29 October 2024 Valencia floods 

Nathalie Rombeek, Markus Hrachowitz, Davide Wüthrich, and Remko Uijlenhoet

On 29 October 2024 torrential rainfall exceeding locally 300 mm within less than 24 h, triggered devastating flash floods in the province of Valencia in Spain. Rainfall sums equivalent to more than half a year’s total precipitation occurred within just a few hours.  In this region, more than 150 low-cost weather observation devices, referred to as personal weather stations (PWSs), are located. The network density of PWSs in this region is seven times higher than that of the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET), being able to provide more detailed insights in the rainfall dynamics. Another advantage is that rainfall observations from PWSs are available near real-time for everyone.

In this study we used rainfall observations from PWSs to get local insights into the rainfall event of October 29. Several PWSs measured already more than 180 mm of rainfall in parts of the Magro catchment (1661 km2) in the morning, consequently generating a flash flood in the upstream parts of this rapidly responding catchment. Areal rainfall maps, based on interpolating the PWS data, indicated daily catchment averaged rainfall sums exceeding 150 mm d-1 across an area of more than 2500 km2. Daily rainfall sums recorded by the PWSs showed a slight underestimation of the rainfall with a bias of 4% and a high correlation (r = 0.96) when compared to reported rainfall from AEMET.

This presentation shows the relevance of utilizing PWSs for near real-time rainfall monitoring and potentially flood early warning systems.

How to cite: Rombeek, N., Hrachowitz, M., Wüthrich, D., and Uijlenhoet, R.: Insights from personal weather stations in the rainfall dynamics preceding and during the 29 October 2024 Valencia floods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10932,, 2025.

EGU25-11513 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Cascading effects of extreme storms and floods: Evidence on impact propagating mechanisms. 

Michalis Diakakis, Ioannis Kapris, Marilia Gogou, Andromachi Sarantopoulou, Christos Filis, Panagiotis Nastos, Emmanuel Vassilakis, Aliki Konsolaki, and Efthymis Lekkas

The increasing frequency and severity of extreme storms and floods in the Eastern Mediterranean under climate change pose significant challenges for modern societies. These events often trigger cascading effects that extend far beyond the immediate disaster zone, disrupting interconnected systems such as power, transportation, and communication networks. Despite advancements in flood risk management and growing awareness of cascading hazards, the mechanisms driving these interdependencies and their broader impacts remain poorly understood. This study investigates the cascading effects triggered by the catastrophic Storm Daniel, which struck Thessaly, Greece, in September 2023, as a case study to explore the nature, scale, and ways of impact propagation.

This work also provides an analysis of cascading effects, based on evidence on historical storm and flood disaster impacts in the Mediterranean region, identifying the interactions between primary hazards (flooding, landslides, erosion) and secondary consequences as well as the diverse sectors that suffer impacts. The analysis reveals different propagation mechanisms of these effects, highlighting the vulnerability of interconnected systems as well as the vulnerability of the natural and the built environment. The cascading effects identified underscore systemic risks of modern societies posed by extreme events, particularly in urban areas with dense, interdependent, and critical infrastructure.

The findings contribute to the growing body of literature on cascading disasters, addressing critical knowledge gaps in understanding how extreme weather events propagate through modern societal systems. These insights are particularly relevant in the context of climate change, which is expected to amplify the frequency and intensity of such events.

How to cite: Diakakis, M., Kapris, I., Gogou, M., Sarantopoulou, A., Filis, C., Nastos, P., Vassilakis, E., Konsolaki, A., and Lekkas, E.: Cascading effects of extreme storms and floods: Evidence on impact propagating mechanisms., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11513,, 2025.

EGU25-11548 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

Enhancing Hydrological Insights for Tropical Cyclones Using Satellite Precipitation Data. 

Alka Tiwari, Keith Cherkauer, Frank Marks, Wen-wen Tung, and Dev Niyogi

The frequency and severity of extreme meteorological and hydrological events, including tropical cyclones (TCs), are being reshaped by global climate change, posing significant challenges to infrastructure resilience and disaster management. This study evaluates the performance of satellite-derived quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs) for hydrological applications during landfalling TCs, focusing on the interplay between localized rainfall and flooding. Using globally available datasets, we analyze eight TCs, including Hurricane Charley (2004) and Hurricane Michael (2018), to address three critical questions: (i) the reliability of satellite QPEs during TC scenarios, (ii) variability among gridded precipitation products (ground-based, radar, and satellite), and (iii) the implications of these differences for surface hydrology and flood risk.

Results indicate that the IMERG, satellite product underpredicts precipitation at higher quantiles but aligns well with ground-based and radar-derived products at lower quantiles. Urban areas exhibit the largest discrepancies in runoff estimates, with errors up to 18 mm, while agricultural and forested regions show more stable performance. Along TC tracks, IMERG reliably estimates hydrological variables in 90% of scenarios, with errors ranging from 0 to 10 mm. These findings underscore the utility of satellite QPEs like IMERG in understanding and forecasting short-term hydrological impacts of TCs, even amidst variations in precipitation intensity and location.

This research highlights the critical role of satellite precipitation products in addressing global disparities in real-time flood prediction systems, informing infrastructure planning, and mitigating societal vulnerability to extreme events. It contributes to the broader effort of enhancing early warning systems and proactive disaster risk management in the face of evolving climate extremes.

How to cite: Tiwari, A., Cherkauer, K., Marks, F., Tung, W., and Niyogi, D.: Enhancing Hydrological Insights for Tropical Cyclones Using Satellite Precipitation Data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11548,, 2025.

EGU25-11977 | Orals | NH1.2

Can physically-based models represent changes in hydrological processes expected during megafloods? 

Duncan Faulkner, Irina Rohrmueller, and Helen Griffith

Recent years have seen floods of unprecedented intensity, leading to large loss of life, including in Spain (October 2024), Libya (September 2023) and Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands (July 2021). The potential for conventional methods to underestimate extreme events was vividly and tragically illustrated in the devastating flooding of the Ahrtal associated with the latter event.

As well as the intensification of rainfall resulting from global heating, the anomalous behaviour of extreme floods may result from changes in hydrological processes, such as a transition to infiltration excess overland flow (Mushtaq et al, 2023). There is evidence of a large reduction in response time as rainfall intensity increases, for some catchments (Faulkner and Benn, 2019).

Empirical methods of flood frequency estimation have potential for estimating extreme floods (Bertola et al.,2023; Merz et al., 2022). However, they have limited ability to deal with changes in the physical processes of flood generation. Similarly, conceptual hydrological models can struggle to represent the impact of heterogeneous, nonlinear or otherwise complicated processes.

We investigate and benchmark the ability of a physically-based model (SHETRAN) to simulate extreme events beyond the range of observed conditions, examining how it represents changes in hydrological processes as the rainfall becomes more extreme, up to the probable maximum precipitation. Using a case study in the headwaters of the River Wye in Wales, UK, we find that the model represents the expected acceleration and intensification of runoff-generating processes. It does so partly by routing more runoff over the ground surface.

The findings are important for testing the resilience of society to extreme hazards, in a time of rapid environmental change.


Bertola, M., Blöschl, G., Bohac, M. et al. (2023). Megafloods in Europe can be anticipated from observations in hydrologically similar catchments. Nat. Geosci. 16, 982–988.

Faulkner, D. and Benn, J. (2019). Reservoir flood estimation: the way ahead. Dams and Reservoirs,

Merz, B., Basso, S., Fischer, S., Lun, D., Blöschl, G., Merz, R., et al. (2022). Understanding heavy tails of flood peak distributions, Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR030506.

Mushtaq, S., Miniussi, A., Merz, R., Tarasova, L., Marra, F., & Basso, S. (2023). Prediction of extraordinarily high floods emerging from heterogeneous flow generation processes. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL105429.

How to cite: Faulkner, D., Rohrmueller, I., and Griffith, H.: Can physically-based models represent changes in hydrological processes expected during megafloods?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11977,, 2025.

EGU25-13018 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Empirical estimate of intraseasonal and interannual variability of occurrence of tornadoes 

Aqsa Muhammadi and Piero Lionello

Tornadoes are significant meteorological hazards, causing extensive damage to infrastructure and loss of life. Their small spatial scale (approximately 1km or less), short lifespan (order of 1000s) and, highly nonlinear chaotic behaviour makes their prediction problematic using current operational weather predictions and climate models. Developing methods to overcome these limitations is crucial for providing reliable early warnings and forecasts through civil protection services and determining whether human-induced climate change will affect the frequency and intensity of tornadoes. We estimate the expected occurrence of tornadoes using a set of empirical formulas based on meteorological parameters extracted from the ERA5 reanalysis for the period 2000-2024 and compare these estimates to the actual number of observed tornadoes, as recorded by the Strom Prediction Center (SPC) ( for USA  and the European Severe weather database (ESWD) for Europe. The formulas incorporate WMAX (updraft maximum parcel vertical velocity, linked to the Convective Available Potential Energy CAPE), WS700 (the wind shear in the lower troposphere), LCL (the lifting condensation level), SRH900 (low-level storm relative helicity) and provide a probability for the occurrence of tornadoes (see Ingrosso, et al. for details). Results show a good capability of reproducing the seasonal cycle of tornadoes in the USA and some skill to simulate their interannual variability, with a score depending on season and larger in spring. Results are not satisfactory for tornadoes in Europe. Reasons for this partial failure need a further investigation. This study is carried out with the financial support of ICSC – Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing, funded by European Union – NextGenerationEU… Project code CN_00000033, CUP C83C22000560007.

How to cite: Muhammadi, A. and Lionello, P.: Empirical estimate of intraseasonal and interannual variability of occurrence of tornadoes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13018,, 2025.

EGU25-13170 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Variability of Extreme Precipitation Duration Coefficients in Chile: Implications for Hydraulic Design 

Franco Ricchetti and Ximena Vargas

An important challenge associated with climate change is the increase in the intensities of extreme precipitation events, which produce severe flooding and cause substantial damage to hydraulic infrastructure. This intensification has been particularly evident in recent decades and is attributable to increased daily precipitation and the temporal concentration of rainfall over shorter durations. This results in increased precipitation pulses and, consequently, higher rainfall intensities. In Chile, the National Water Agency (DGA) published standardized duration coefficients in the year 1993, which may no longer align with the current climatological period, potentially underestimating the design parameters for extreme storms.

Using ERA5 reanalysis data, this study investigates changes in duration coefficients for extreme storms across a large area of Chile, covering latitudes from 17°S to 43°S. Two climatological periods are defined: the first from 1964 to 1993, that represent the past climatology, and the second from 2004 to 2023 that represent the current climatology. For each period, duration coefficients are computed by identifying annual extreme precipitation events for specific durations and normalizing these by annual maximum daily precipitation totals. Representative duration coefficients are computed for each period, taking the averages and the 90% exceedance probability envelope, reflecting an adverse scenario. The obtained coefficients are compared with those published by the National Water Agency, and change factors are computed for each hourly duration, using both representative coefficients. The computations were performed for each of the 31 stations with available historical data to enable comparative analysis.

The results indicate that the average 24-hour duration coefficients closely align with the 1.1 value suggested in the national design guidelines. However, significant variance is observed across the years of analysis, with the spatial mean of the exceedance envelope reaching 1.3. In northern Chile, characterized by the Atacama Desert and the Altiplano, ERA5 systematically underestimates short-duration coefficients associated with convective storms. Regarding changes in duration coefficients between the two climatological periods, an increase of up to 20% is observed in central Chile for durations shorter than six hours.

These findings highlight the critical need to regularly update duration coefficients in the context of a changing climate to ensure robust hydraulic infrastructure design and to mitigate risks associated with underestimation in regions experiencing intensified extreme events.

How to cite: Ricchetti, F. and Vargas, X.: Variability of Extreme Precipitation Duration Coefficients in Chile: Implications for Hydraulic Design, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13170,, 2025.

EGU25-13270 | Orals | NH1.2

An unusual Rain-on-Snow event preconditioning the catastrophic fate of the village La Bérarde, French Alps, June 2024 

Simon Filhol, Marie Dumont, Pascal Hagenmuller, François Doussot, Eckert Nicolas, Simon Gascoin, and Antoine Blanc

On June 21st, 2024, the iconic village of La Bérarde, in the centre of the massif Les Ecrins, French Alps, was destroyed by the mountain stream “Les Etancons”, that flooded the houses  and deposited more than 200,000 m3 of raw material. This catastrophic event was caused by the concomitance of rapid warming with a heavy rain on top of a snowpack unusually thick in a glaciated watershed ranging from 1700 m to 4000 m a.s.l. during which a glacial lake drained simultaneously. Using observations (in-situ and remotely sensed) and the Météo-France modelling chain S2M, reanalysing meteorological and snow conditions in mountainous areas, we  characterize a posteriori this rain-on-snow event and evaluate its contribution to the flood as well as its genuine nature within the last 65 years. Change in precipitation extremes was estimated by fitting a time dependent Generalized Extreme Value model within a Bayesian framework on available data. This analysis suggests an intensification of extreme precipitation in the studied  high alpine region which is undergoing profound landscape changes with permafrost thawing and glacial retreat leading to favorable conditions for the formation of glacial lakes. This concomitance of intense meteorological events within a rapidly changing landscape is a striking reminder of how climate change is reshaping flood risk in high alpine regions.

How to cite: Filhol, S., Dumont, M., Hagenmuller, P., Doussot, F., Nicolas, E., Gascoin, S., and Blanc, A.: An unusual Rain-on-Snow event preconditioning the catastrophic fate of the village La Bérarde, French Alps, June 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13270,, 2025.

EGU25-13283 | Orals | NH1.2

Projections of extreme rainfall and floods in Mediterranean basins from an ensemble of convection-permitting models 

Philippe Lucas-Picher, Nils Poncet, Yves Tramblay, Guillaume Thirel, and Cécile Caillaud

Floods have major impacts in the Mediterranean regions, but their evolution with climate change is unclear. This issue is related to the inadequacy of climate and hydrological models in terms of spatial and temporal resolutions to simulate flash floods over small basins. This study explores future flood scenarios of 12 Mediterranean basins using meteorological forcings from an ensemble of high-resolution convection-permitting climate models. Results indicate an overall increase in flood intensity across all basins, particularly for the most severe events, but also a strong spatial variability of the climate change signal given the geographic location and catchment characteristics. There is a good agreement between the models towards an increase of hourly rainfall extremes, but these changes are not well correlated with changes in floods, indicating that rainfall intensity alone is a poor predictor of future floods. An overall conclusion towards an increase of floods in this region is limited by the short length of the available high-resolution climate simulations. Longer time series are required to better assess the robustness of the projected changes.

How to cite: Lucas-Picher, P., Poncet, N., Tramblay, Y., Thirel, G., and Caillaud, C.: Projections of extreme rainfall and floods in Mediterranean basins from an ensemble of convection-permitting models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13283,, 2025.

EGU25-15165 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

Heat Wave Assessment in Iran's Vulnerable Locations Incorporating Climate Change Scenarios 

Mohammad Ehsan Mirzaei, Ardalan Izadi, and Karim Alizad

Climate change and heat waves are among the most pressing challenges impacting water resources and intensifying wildfire occurrences worldwide. Understanding and predicting these extreme temperature events is crucial for developing effective mitigation strategies. To address this need, we conducted a comprehensive study focusing on heatwave prediction across Iran. This project utilized a novel approach, combining global climate change models with advanced statistical techniques such as copula functions [1]. This methodology enabled the detailed examination and correlation of three critical heatwave parameters: intensity, duration, and frequency. By establishing these interrelationships, the study provided a robust framework for predicting future heatwave characteristics [2].

The projections from our study reveal alarming trends for the future. Under various Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs), including SSP2.6, SSP4.5, and SSP8.5 [3], the intensity, duration, and frequency of heatwaves are expected to increase significantly by the year 2100. Specifically, the SSP8.5 scenario, which assumes high greenhouse gas emissions and limited mitigation, predicts the most dramatic escalation in these parameters. These findings underscore the urgent need for climate-resilient infrastructure and adaptive planning to safeguard public health, ensure the functionality of essential services, and minimize economic and environmental damage.

The integration of global climate models with copula-based statistical analyses proved to be a powerful tool in capturing the complex dynamics of heatwaves. This approach not only enhanced the accuracy of predictions but also provided valuable insights into the probabilistic behaviour of heatwave events under changing climatic conditions. By leveraging these insights, policymakers and planners can make informed decisions to mitigate risks and enhance resilience against future climate extremes.

Given the accelerating pace of global climate change, the implications of this research extend beyond Iran, offering a framework that can be adapted and applied to other regions facing similar challenges. Proactive measures, informed by predictive models such as ours, are essential to address the multifaceted impacts of heatwaves, from public health crises to disruptions in water and energy systems [4]. This study highlights the critical importance of integrating climate science with policy and infrastructure planning to build a sustainable and resilient future.


1        Chen, L., Guo, S., Chen, L., and Guo, S.: ‘Copula Theory’, Copulas and its application in Hydrology and Water Resources, 2019, pp. 13-38

2        Mazdiyasni, O., Sadegh, M., Chiang, F., and AghaKouchak, A.: ‘Heat wave intensity duration frequency curve: A multivariate approach for hazard and attribution analysis’, Scientific reports, 2019, 9, (1), pp. 14117

3        Usta, D.F.B., Teymouri, M., and Chatterjee, U.: ‘Assessment of temperature changes over Iran during the twenty-first century using CMIP6 models under SSP1-26, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5 scenarios’, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2022, 15, (5), pp. 416

4        Marx, W., Haunschild, R., and Bornmann, L.: ‘Heat waves: a hot topic in climate change research’, Theoretical and applied climatology, 2021, 146, (1), pp. 781-800

How to cite: Mirzaei, M. E., Izadi, A., and Alizad, K.: Heat Wave Assessment in Iran's Vulnerable Locations Incorporating Climate Change Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15165,, 2025.

EGU25-15246 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

Exploring the Typhoon-Drought Interplay in Taiwan 

Truong-Vinh Le and Yuei-An Liou

Taiwan's semiconductor industry is a significant contributor to the global semiconductor market and requires substantial water resources for its operations. The severe drought during 2020−2021, which garnered global attention, highlighted the importance of understanding water dynamics. This study examines the link between typhoon activity and drought severity. We analyzed tropical cyclone best-track data and satellite-based precipitation records from 1981 to 2020, using anomalies, correlation matrices, and wavelet coherence to investigate the typhoon-drought relationship, seasonal variations, and long-term trends. Our results reveal a complex relationship: typhoon characteristics near Taiwan, such as frequency, duration, path length, and intensity, positively correlate with drought occurrence and severity on 2- to 4-year cycles. Conversely, in the broader Western North Pacific (WNP), typhoon duration and path length correlate negatively with Taiwan’s drought indices, driven by large-scale atmospheric patterns. Notably, WNP typhoon duration and path length exert a stronger influence on Taiwan’s drought conditions than typhoon frequency, demonstrating significant coherence with multi-year and decadal drought trends. These findings illuminate the intricate dynamics between typhoon activity and drought patterns, offering valuable insights for hydrological management and disaster preparedness in typhoon-prone regions.

How to cite: Le, T.-V. and Liou, Y.-A.: Exploring the Typhoon-Drought Interplay in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15246,, 2025.

Droughts, as severe climatic phenomena, pose substantial risks to sensitive areas globally. In Taiwan, where critical sectors such as semiconductor manufacturing are particularly vulnerable, the effects of droughts are of great concern. Various satellite indices have been developed to monitor drought status. The Temperature-Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI), based on the Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Fractional Vegetation Cover (FVC), has been extensively used. The newly-proposed Temperature-Soil Moisture Dryness Index (TMDI), derived from the LST–Normalized Difference Latent Heat Index (NDLI) trapezoidal space, presents a more effective alternative to the TVDI. This study enhances TMDI by incorporating the novel Fractional Surface Water Availability (FSWA), focusing on better edge definition in the LST–FSWA space for drought monitoring. The capabilities of these indices were evaluated against metrics such as Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL)-based evapotranspiration (ET), Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI), Gross Primary Productivity (GPP), and in-situ precipitation. Notably, the TMDI showed stronger correlations with ET (r = –0.94) and CWSI (r = 0.93) compared to other indices. Moreover, the TMDI closely aligns with CWSI and GPP and is most responsive to precipitation (r = –0.60). Leveraging CWSI classifications, a novel TMDI threshold is proposed to assess drought conditions across southwestern Taiwan from 2014 to 2021. Generally, the TMDI effectively captures spatiotemporal drought patterns, providing essential insights for water management, irrigation planning, and the achievement of sustainable development goals.

How to cite: Thai, M.-T. and Liou, Y.-A.: Advanced Techniques for Enhanced Drought Monitoring Utilizing the Temperature-Soil Moisture Dryness Index (TMDI), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15247,, 2025.

EGU25-18369 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Winds of change: Mapping Extreme Windstorm Events in Sweden 

Eleni Georgali and Konstantinos Karagiorgos

It is evident that windstorms rank among Europe's most destructive natural hazards; however, they have received comparatively less attention from researchers. This can be attributed partly to the absence of a consensus on windiness trends and the variability in reported events depending on the databases used. Research on windstorms is predominantly concentrated in Central Europe, and the assessments conducted are often lacking in detail.

The present study aims to address this gap by establishing a new Swedish windstorm database. The database is based on the 99th percentile of wind gusts, with the objective of identifying extreme events. While lower percentile thresholds (e.g., the 98th) are commonly employed, they have been deemed inadequate for regions such as Scandinavia, prompting the selection of a higher threshold. The 99th percentile has been determined to ensure that Sweden's distinctive climatic and geographical conditions are sufficiently captured in the data.

The employment of this more accurate methodology is instrumental in facilitating a more profound comprehension of the impact of windstorms in Sweden. The identification of areas susceptible to risk assumes a pivotal role in informing efficacious disaster preparedness and mitigation strategies, given the propensity of windstorms to inflict considerable damage.

How to cite: Georgali, E. and Karagiorgos, K.: Winds of change: Mapping Extreme Windstorm Events in Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18369,, 2025.

EGU25-18379 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Post-event assessment of extreme events within an evaluation system framework 

Jens Grieger, Torben Kunz, Etor E. Lucio-Eceiza, and Uwe Ulbrich

The ClimXtreme program[1,2], funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research, consists of 25 subprojects investigating extreme events in central Europe focussing on heat/drought, extreme precipitation and wind storms. Extreme events occurring during project runtime are assessed within the research program by forming a post-event assessment group (PostAG). This group aims at rapid response using both pre-defined methods and workflows as well as cutting edge methods of the research program.

The basis for the assessment is the evaluation framework Freva (Free Evaluation System Framework)[3,4] which provides an efficient possibility to handle customisable evaluation systems of large research projects. Several projects and institutions are already using this framework for educational or research purposes. Among them is worthy to mention the  Freva instance hosted at the German weather service (DWD) which allows an exchange of methods and assessment workflows between research projects and the DWD. The Freva instance of ClimXtreme[5], hosted at DKRZ, enables the possibility to access more than 10 million data files from models (e.g. CMIP, CORDEX) and observations (e.g. ERA5, HYRAS, stations). Near-realtime data of observations are operationally updated for the PostAG assessment.

This contribution shows an interplay of the evaluation framework and scripted workflows to rapidly assess extreme events directly after their occurrence with pre-defined methods (e.g. plugins) providing the option to easily expand the analysis by new methodologies developed by the research program.



How to cite: Grieger, J., Kunz, T., Lucio-Eceiza, E. E., and Ulbrich, U.: Post-event assessment of extreme events within an evaluation system framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18379,, 2025.

EGU25-18944 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Evaluating approaches to identify winter heat wave events and their hydrological impacts in Sweden 

Uzair Akbar Khan, Claudia Teutschbein, Faisal Ashraf, and Foon Yin Lai

While warm season heat waves are extensively studied, winter heat waves, which are extended periods of above-average temperature during winter months, largely remain overlooked. These events can disrupt typical water availability patterns and degrade water quality, particularly in regions already facing environmental stress.

The identification of heat waves varies depending on the context and objective. For example, variable percentile thresholds are used to study heat wave mechanisms, while fixed temperature thresholds are often applied to assess their ecological impact. In the context of biogeochemical processes that govern contaminant retention and mobilization, variations in surface and groundwater flow can be particularly important.

We analyzed the CAMELS‐SE dataset, which includes long-term observations of daily temperature, precipitation and streamflow from 1961 to 2020 across 50 sites in Sweden, along with local groundwater measurements, to identify and quantify heat-wave events using various approaches, and explore their correlation with observed surface and groundwater flow variability.

The main objective of the study is to determine the timing, duration, frequency, and magnitude of winter heat waves in Sweden, and to assess trends in surface and groundwater flows associated with these events. We also explore whether certain specific geographical regions in Sweden are more vulnerable to the effects of winter heat waves.

How to cite: Khan, U. A., Teutschbein, C., Ashraf, F., and Lai, F. Y.: Evaluating approaches to identify winter heat wave events and their hydrological impacts in Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18944,, 2025.

With the ongoing expansion of urban development into underground spaces and the increasing occurrence of extreme rainfall events, the risk of flooding in these areas has heightened. Stairs, as critical connections within underground spaces, markedly influence water inflow and evacuation during flooding events. Therefore, the impact of different stair types on the hydrodynamic characteristics of water flow in underground spaces is worth studying. This paper constructed physical models of stairs at various underground locations to investigate two types of stairs and their hydrodynamic characteristics and the risk. The findings revealed that at low flow velocities, both stair types lowered water flow in the upper section; at medium flow velocities, the main impact was observed in the lower section; and at high flow velocities, the reduction effects were weaker. For the stair types allowing lateral outflow, increasing the lateral slit height enhanced outflow volume, thereby decreasing water flow on the stairs. However, excessively high slit gaps did not substantially increase lateral outflow and may introduce safety hazards, such as the risk of children falling through. Additionally, a comprehensive analysis of flow velocity and water depth reveals that, in addition to the higher risk in the lower section, particular attention must be given to the turning point between the stair and the rest platform. The intricate vortex flow pattern at this location, characterized by elevated flow velocities and water depths, results in a risk level surpassing that of the jet flow.

How to cite: Dai, Z. and Huang, G.: An experimental investigation into the effects of underground stairs types on hydrodynamics characteristics and risk., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-402,, 2025.

EGU25-535 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.3

Floods and Large Wood in Rivers: Exploring Their Dynamic Interactions Through Numerical Modelling and Field Data on the Allier River 

wafae ennouini, Elisabetta Persi, Diego Ravazzolo, Gabriella Petaccia, Stefano Sibilla, Borbála Hortobágyi, and Hervé Piégay

Flood events are among the most devastating natural hazards, presenting multi-risks to infrastructure, ecosystems, and communities. Beyond the immediate impact of inundation, the entrainment and transport of large wood (LW) during these events amplify their destructive potential. Mobilized LW can obstruct critical infrastructure such as bridges, leading to increased backwater effects, exacerbating flooding, and causing structural damage. However, LW also plays a vital ecological role, contributing to habitat formation, nutrient cycling, and riverine biodiversity. As such, it cannot simply be removed without ecological consequences. Understanding the dynamics of LW entrainment, transport, and deposition is crucial for balancing flood risk reduction with the preservation of ecosystem functions.

This study addresses the challenge of modeling LW dynamics in rivers, with a specific focus on the Allier River in France. For this purpose, the study utilizes the ORSA2D_WT model, an Eulerian-Lagrangian two-way coupled approach, which integrates the two-dimensional Shallow Water Equations (SWE) with the Discrete Element Method (DEM). This hybrid model allows for a representation of entrainment thresholds, transport pathways, and inelastic collisions between LW elements and obstacles such as riverbanks and infrastructure.

This research integrates extensive field data, numerical simulations, and experimental findings to enhance predictions of wood mobilization during flood events. Field data collected from the Allier River, France (2020–2024), provides a robust basis for model improvement. This dataset includes Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-tracked LW positions over multiple years, high-resolution Digital Terrain Models, granulometric sediment analyses and LW characteristics such as size, shape, density and burial conditions.

By combining numerical simulations with extensive field data, this study aims to refine the model’s ability to predict LW mobilization and transport across different flood scenarios, from moderate flows to extreme flood events. Furthermore, the study seeks to enhance the understanding of how environmental factors, such as LW properties and sediment dynamics, influence LW behavior during floods. The outcomes of this research will contribute to the development of a more accurate and reliable hydrodynamic model coupled with a LW transport model, offering insights into how the dynamics of LW affect riverine systems during flood events.

How to cite: ennouini, W., Persi, E., Ravazzolo, D., Petaccia, G., Sibilla, S., Hortobágyi, B., and Piégay, H.: Floods and Large Wood in Rivers: Exploring Their Dynamic Interactions Through Numerical Modelling and Field Data on the Allier River, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-535,, 2025.

EGU25-697 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.3

A new physically-based numerical model to simulate flood triggered oil spills 

Paola Di Fluri, Matthew Wilson, and Alessio Domeneghetti

Floods are the most common natural disaster, and recent studies suggests that their frequency and magnitude will increase due to climate change. Factors such as demographic growth, urbanization, and land consumption contribute to heightened vulnerability for structures, infrastructure, and populations, elevating the risk of cascading incidents. In this context, flood events can lead to multiple simultaneous releases of hazardous materials, causing severe harm to both the environment and human health. In these cases, the term Natech accident is used, referring to industrial accidents triggered by natural events, for which a multi-risk approach is required. Natech accidents caused by floods require particular attention, as the high velocities of water can rapidly transport pollutants to areas far from the point of emission. The need to focus on this issue is further justified by the fact that many chemical and petrochemical plants are in flood-prone areas, making them particularly vulnerable to the risk of failure following a flood. In the context of emergency management, having access to rapid-response models for assessing the fate and transport of spills is crucial for evaluating their trajectory and for planning recovery interventions. Additionally, these models are key for generating risk maps for various spill scenarios. Within Natech risk management, particular attention is given to oil spills in water, as they introduce additional complexity due to the unique behaviour of this substance in water and their potential toxicity, as well as the risk of cascading events (i.e. environmental contamination, fires, explosions). The need to develop specific models for simulating oil spills in floodwaters is particularly important, as the existing literature provides numerous models for offshore spills, but knowledge regarding fluvial systems is still limited.

This study presents the initial results from the implementation of oil spill routing within the CAESAR-LISFLOOD flood inundation model, which addresses the challenge of solving a simplified shallow water equations using a straightforward numerical approach. This results in a model that is computationally efficient while still being grounded in a solid physical framework. The model is enhanced with a module that simulates the dispersion of oil in floodwaters, accounting for the key processes that influence oil movement in a river system. This implementation allows the model to track the behaviour of an oil slick after a spill in areas with complex topography. It provides valuable insights into the dynamics of the spill, the changes in the slick’s thickness over time, and the extent of the affected area. The model was tested on a case study in Italy, where several simulations were performed for multiple spill scenarios, demonstrating the model’s effectiveness, its ability to accurately simulate the oil spill propagation, as well as its computational efficiency.

How to cite: Di Fluri, P., Wilson, M., and Domeneghetti, A.: A new physically-based numerical model to simulate flood triggered oil spills, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-697,, 2025.

EGU25-767 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.3

Physics-Informed Neural Networks: A Novel Framework for Solving 1D Saint-Venant Equations 

Santosh Kumar Sasanapuri, Dhanya Chadrika Thulaseedharan, and Gosain Ashwini Kumar

The Saint-Venant equations are extensively employed to model water flow in channels, particularly when a comprehensive analysis is necessary. This study presents a mesh-free approach utilizing Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) to address the 1D Saint-Venant equations under diverse initial and boundary conditions. PINNs provide substantial benefits compared to conventional hydrodynamic models by enabling predictions at any location within the computational domain without the necessity for predefined computational points or cross-sections. This versatility is especially advantageous for applications necessitating elevated spatial resolution or dynamic adaptability. In contrast to traditional machine learning (ML) methods, Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) do not necessitate labelled data. Their loss function integrates the residual error of the governing partial differential equations (PDEs) with initial and boundary conditions, thereby ensuring predictions that are physically consistent. This addresses the interpretability deficit frequently linked to machine learning models. The constructed PINNs architecture was evaluated on four test cases that exemplify various channel geometries and flow conditions. The first scenario pertains to a horizontal bed exhibiting a constant upstream velocity. The second case analyses a rectangular channel with a constant slope and dynamic inflow, whereas the third and fourth cases comprise channels with changing slopes and widths. These scenarios reflect real-world water transport channels. In cases 1 and 2, the maximum depth error was ±0.08 m relative to numerical solutions, with the most significant errors occurring at the points of initial water arrival. In cases 3 and 4, the maximum depth errors were ±0.2 m and ±0.4 m, respectively. These findings indicate that PINNs can accurately reproduce numerical solutions without the necessity of a computational mesh. The adaptability of PINNs in sampling collocation points eliminates the necessity for re-simulating the model when results are needed at new locations. This study underscores the efficacy of PINNs for real-time water resource management and flood forecasting, particularly where conventional methods may be computationally expensive or inflexible. Future research will investigate the expansion of the PINNs framework to encompass higher-dimensional Saint-Venant equations and the incorporation of stochastic inputs to address uncertainties in flow conditions.

How to cite: Sasanapuri, S. K., Chadrika Thulaseedharan, D., and Ashwini Kumar, G.: Physics-Informed Neural Networks: A Novel Framework for Solving 1D Saint-Venant Equations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-767,, 2025.

EGU25-1056 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.3

Seepage Dynamics in Homogeneous Earthen and Rockfill Dams: Insights from Experimental Modeling Under Transient Conditions. 

Subodh Shrivastava, Vishwas N Khatri, and Srinivas Pasupuleti

This study investigates the seepage behavior of homogeneous earthen and rockfill dams during transient conditions, focusing on the temporal variation in seepage discharge as influenced by material composition and structural characteristics. Using experimental modeling, seepage rates were analyzed over 200 minutes, revealing distinct patterns between the two dam types. For the earthen dam, the initial seepage rate was approximately 1 cm³/sec. This discharge decreased steadily over time, stabilizing at around 0.5 cm³/sec by the end of the observation period. The consistent decline reflects the lower permeability of earthen materials, which results in a controlled redistribution of water as the hydraulic gradient diminishes and seepage pathways stabilize. In contrast, the rockfill dam exhibited significantly higher initial seepage rates, starting at 2.5 cm³/sec due to its highly porous structure and larger void spaces that facilitate rapid water movement. Over the 200-minute observation period, the seepage rate decreased gradually, stabilizing at approximately 1.2 cm³/sec. This slower decline and higher stabilization point highlight the greater permeability of rockfill materials, allowing prolonged seepage flow before reaching equilibrium. The comparison of seepage dynamics underscores the impact of dam material properties on hydraulic performance under transient conditions. Earthen dams, with their steady reduction in seepage, are wellsuited for scenarios requiring controlled seepage management. However, the need for proper drainage systems to handle pore pressure buildup remains critical. Conversely, rockfill dams are effective at managing high initial seepage rates but may require additional seepage control measures, such as enhanced drainage systems or impermeable barriers, to ensure long-term stability and prevent structural compromise. These findings emphasize the importance of designing tailored seepage management strategies that account for the unique material properties and structural behaviors of each dam type. For earthen dams, measures to manage gradual seepage and stabilize pore pressures are essential, while for rockfill dams, addressing prolonged seepage flow and high initial rates is critical. This study provides valuable insights into the optimization of dam designs to enhance safety and efficiency, particularly under dynamic hydraulic conditions such as fluctuating reservoir levels or rapid drawdown scenarios. By highlighting the contrasting seepage behaviors of earthen and rockfill dams, this research contributes to the development of resilient and efficient water-retaining structures capable of withstanding diverse environmental and operational challenges.

How to cite: Shrivastava, S., N Khatri, V., and Pasupuleti, S.: Seepage Dynamics in Homogeneous Earthen and Rockfill Dams: Insights from Experimental Modeling Under Transient Conditions., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1056,, 2025.

Efficient evacuation during storm floods remains a critical challenge for coastal cities, primarily due to its dynamic and complex nature involving flood progression, human behavioral uncertainties, and emergency resource constraints.  Current evacuation models inadequately capture these multifaceted dynamics, limiting effective emergency planning. This study introduces an Agent-based Dynamic Coastal Flood Evacuation (DCFE) model that comprehensively simulates the interactions among flood dynamics, human behavioral responses, GIS-based transportation networks, and shelter systems.  Using Shanghai as a case study, we evaluate city-scale evacuations during a 1,000-year return period storm event. Our analysis shows that issuing warnings 12 hours before flood peak reduces casualty rates by over 25% compared to scenarios without early warning, while optimized decision-making can double evacuation efficiency. The results further reveal critical spatial disparities in evacuation performance due to inequitable shelter distribution. This integrated approach provides practical guidelines for enhancing evacuation strategies in coastal megacities worldwide.


How to cite: Yang, Y.: Dynamic Flood Evacuation Modelling for Coastal Cities: A Case Study of Shanghai, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1829,, 2025.

EGU25-1924 | Posters on site | NH1.3

mLSTM deep learning model to map flood hazard in an arid catchment   

Hamid Gholami, Shayesteh Firouzy, Aliakbar Mohammadifar, and Shahram Golzari

Flood hazard map is necessary to develop strategies for mitigation of flood damages and sustainable management of catchments especially in drylands with flash flood and megafloods. Here, we applied multiplicative long short-term memory (mLSTM) deep learning model to map flood hazard in an arid catchment – Shamil-Minab plain – in southern Iran. In order to, variables controlling flood hazard consisting of variables extracted from digital elevation model (DEM) (e.g., curvature, plan curvature, profile curvature, slope, stream power index (SPI), topographic position index (TPI)), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), hydrological variables (e.g., river density, distance from river), land use, lithology and soil types were mapped spatially. An inventory map for flood was generated according to field survey and historical data. Inventory map provides training and test datasets for building the predictive flood models. Finally, mLSTM model used to map flood hazard in the study area, and its performance was assessed by accuracy measures. The results shown that 27%, 19.7% and 26% of total area were belonged to very low, low and moderate hazard classes, whereas high and very high hazard classes were occupied 15.9% and 11.4% of total study area, respectively. The combination of our suggested methodology with MCDM models can be useful to map flood risk, and to mitigate destructive consequences of floods in drylands.

How to cite: Gholami, H., Firouzy, S., Mohammadifar, A., and Golzari, S.: mLSTM deep learning model to map flood hazard in an arid catchment  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1924,, 2025.

EGU25-2360 | Posters on site | NH1.3

Utilizing AR6 Daily Rainfall Data to Assess Climate Change Impacts on Flood Risk in Miaoli County, Taiwan 

Wen-Cheng Liu, Hong-Ming Liu, and Wei-Che Huang

This study utilized AR6 daily rainfall data for Miaoli County, Taiwan, sourced from the National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR) through the "Taiwan Climate Change Projection Information and Adaptation Knowledge Platform" (TCCIP). Flood hazard maps were generated for the baseline period (1995–2014) and future projections (2081–2100), considering four greenhouse gas emission pathways: SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5. Social vulnerability composite index data for Miaoli County, developed by NCDR under the "Disaster Reduction Dynamic Data" initiative, were utilized to construct vulnerability maps. Village-level population data were retrieved from the Miaoli County Household Registration Service Platform to create exposure maps. By integrating hazard, vulnerability, and exposure data, flood disaster risk levels for each village were assessed. The results reveal that flood disaster risk in Miaoli County escalates with increasing greenhouse gas emissions under future scenarios. These findings highlight a growing vulnerability to flooding in the county, emphasizing the need for proactive measures. The outcomes of this study provide critical insights for the Miaoli County Government, supporting the identification of high-risk villages and the prioritization of resources for flood mitigation infrastructure. This strategic approach aims to effectively reduce the threat of flood disasters under changing climate conditions.

How to cite: Liu, W.-C., Liu, H.-M., and Huang, W.-C.: Utilizing AR6 Daily Rainfall Data to Assess Climate Change Impacts on Flood Risk in Miaoli County, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2360,, 2025.

EGU25-3314 | Posters on site | NH1.3

Mapping fluvial flood hazard at catchment and municipal scale: a case study from Slovakia 

Matej Vojtek and Jana Vojteková

Fluvial floods occur when the water level in a watercourse rises and exceeds the capacity of the river banks, thus flooding the adjacent floodplain. The aim of this study is to map and assess fluvial flood hazard at catchment scale as well as municipal scale using the rainfall-runoff modeling, hydraulic modeling, and geographic information systems (GIS). As the study area, we selected the Gidra River Basin, which is located in western Slovakia. Moreover, we selected twelve municipalities from the studied basin based on the condition that urban area of the municipality is completely or partially located in the studied basin, i.e. can be significantly affected during a fluvial flood event. The Stochastic Rainfall Generator model was used to synthetically generate rainfall time series based on the observed annual maxima daily rainfall from the Častá and Cífer rainfall stations for the period 1990 – 2020. In order to calculate the design peak discharge with 100-year return period, we used the Continuous Simulation Model for Small and Ungauged Basins. The estimated design peak discharges were calculated for five cross-sections in the Gidra River Basin, which were considered independent for hydraulic modeling. Hydraulic modeling was performed with 1D steady-state flow conditions using the Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System. We modeled selected river sections of the main Gidra River and its tributary named Štefanovský potok. Both river sections were selected because they are listed as critical river sections for possible occurrence of fluvial floods in the last cycle of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment in Slovakia from 2018, which was elaborated under the Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on the assessment and management of flood risks. The obtained results from the catchment-scale hydraulic modeling, i.e. flood extent, flow depth, and flow velocity for Q100 flood scenario, created the basis for the subsequent municipal-scale assessment. In order to distinguish the flood hazard at municipal scale, we calculated the fluvial flood hazard index (FFHI) using the flood extent, average flow depth, and average flow velocity in each municipality as indicators. First, we normalized the values of these indicators using the maximum method and then we used equal weighting of indicators to combine them to the final FFHI. Based on the obtained results, the highest fluvial flood hazard was recorded in the municipalities of Cífer, Budmerice, and Jablonec, which are located in the central part of the studied basin, but also in the municipalities of Píla and Častá at the upper part of the basin. The resulting FFHI at municipal level was compared with the number of previous fluvial floods in the studied municipalities in the period 1996 – 2024, where a very good agreement was achieved. Acknowledgment: Funded by the EU NextGenerationEU through the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Slovakia under the project No. 09I03-03-V03-00085.

How to cite: Vojtek, M. and Vojteková, J.: Mapping fluvial flood hazard at catchment and municipal scale: a case study from Slovakia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3314,, 2025.

EGU25-3596 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.3

Flood Risk Assessment Using Morphometric and Hydrological Analysis in Afghanistan: An Integrated RS and GIS Approach 

Qutbudin Ishanch, Kanchan Mishra, Christiane Zarfl, and Kathryn Fitzsimmons

The increasing frequency and severity of climatic-driven extreme events such as heavy precipitation, floods, and droughts have raised global concerns due to their substantial social, economic, and environmental impacts. Among these, floods are considered the most devastating, causing extensive damage to life, property, and infrastructure.

This study focuses on assessing flood risks in Afghanistan, a country highly vulnerable to climatic disasters due to decades of conflict, environmental degradation, and limited mitigation capacities. Using remote sensing (RS) data and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques, the study evaluates flood hazard and vulnerability as key components of flood risk at the sub-basin and provincial levels. Principal component analysis (PCA) is employed to identify governing environmental, climatic and social indicators of flood risk. Additionally, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to rank and prioritize the relative importance of various indicators in the hazard and vulnerability index, ensuring logical consistency through a systematic evaluation and minimizing bias by reducing subjective influence in decision-making.

The findings reveal that the eastern and northeastern regions of Afghanistan, mainly overlying the Amu and Kabul River basins, are severely exposed to very high flood hazards. This is primarily due to the combined effects of precipitation, topography, and drainage characteristics, all of which contribute to rapid runoff and increased flooding potential. The vulnerability assessment indicates that the densely populated rural areas in the northern and eastern regions are more susceptible to flood risk. Significant land use changes further intensify vulnerability, increasing the exposure of communities to flooding.  Overall, the study identifies key flood-prone areas, providing essential guidance for policymakers. These findings offer a roadmap for resource allocation with an aim of developing targeted mitigation strategies, ultimately enhancing community preparedness and building a sustainable adaptive capacity to manage future flood risks effectively.

How to cite: Ishanch, Q., Mishra, K., Zarfl, C., and Fitzsimmons, K.: Flood Risk Assessment Using Morphometric and Hydrological Analysis in Afghanistan: An Integrated RS and GIS Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3596,, 2025.

EGU25-5380 | Posters on site | NH1.3

Development of Integrated Coastal Inundation Prediction Maps Considering Multiple Factors and Climate Change Impacts 

Hwa-Young Lee, Kwang-Young Jeong, Wan-Hee Cho, Jong-Jib Park, Gwang-Ho Seo, and Patrick Hogan

Coastal flooding is caused by a complex interplay of various factors, including storm surges, wave overtopping, river flooding due to heavy rainfall, and inland water inundation. To predict and prepare for potential coastal flooding, coastal inundation predicton maps estimating flood depth and area under various hypothetical scenarios have been developed and utilized. However, most existing coastal inundation predicton maps have limitations in comprehensively considering the diverse factors contributing to coastal flooding. This study aims to overcome these limitations by incorporating multiple flood-inducing factors in coastal areas. Specifically, numerical modeling using ADCIRC and empirical formulas from EurOtop 2018 were applied to predict flooding caused by storm surges and wave overtopping. Additionally, 660 to 735 hypothetical typhoon scenarios were developed and applied for different coastal regions. To account for the impacts of future climate change, sea-level rise projections based on the SSP 5-8.5 climate scenario for the year 2100 were also included. The resulting coastal inundation predicton maps, which integrate multiple factors, were developed for four return periods: 50, 100, 150, and 200 years. These maps can serve as essential tools for developing disaster prevention policies and assessing coastal flood risks, contributing to minimizing flood damage in coastal regions.

How to cite: Lee, H.-Y., Jeong, K.-Y., Cho, W.-H., Park, J.-J., Seo, G.-H., and Hogan, P.: Development of Integrated Coastal Inundation Prediction Maps Considering Multiple Factors and Climate Change Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5380,, 2025.

EGU25-6551 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

Fast flood modelling for pluvial flood management in Innsbruck, Austria 

Martina Hauser, Nikolaus Rauch, Maziar Gholami Korzani, Ana Deletic, and Manfred Kleidorfer

Fast flood modelling for pluvial flood management in Innsbruck, Austria

The increasing frequency and intensity of precipitation events leads to urban flooding, often causing significant damage to infrastructure and property. This phenomenon, known as pluvial flooding, arises when heavy precipitation exceeds the capacity of urban drainage systems, leading to surface water accumulation. Climate change is expected to exacerbate this issue, emphasizing the urgent need for efficient predictive models to mitigate the associated risks and impacts.

Traditional hydrodynamic models, such as coupled 1D-2D simulations, offer highly detailed flood assessments by simulating both surface runoff and sewer network interactions. However, these models are computationally demanding, requiring significant resources and time, making them unsuitable for real-time flood forecasting and decision-making during extreme weather events.

To address these limitations, fast flood models like the dynamic CA-ffé model, based on Jamali et al. (2019) and further developed by Gholami Korzani and Deletic (2023), provide a practical alternative. These models efficiently integrate surface flow and sewer network dynamics, enabling accurate flood forecasting at a much lower computational cost. Previously validated in smaller Australian catchments, the dynamic CA-ffé model has demonstrated its ability to provide timely and accurate urban flood simulations, significantly improving flood forecasting and risk management.

To address flooding challenges in Innsbruck, a larger, mountainous catchment area (~50 km²), the dynamic CA-ffé model was adapted based on the model approach of Gholami Korzani and Deletic (2023). This model approach combines a cellular automata-based 2D simulation with a 1D sewer network model using SWMM (Stormwater Management Model). By synchronizing data exchanges between surface runoff and sewer discharge at regular intervals, the model achieves faster and more accurate flood predictions, enabling high-resolution urban flood forecasting.

Adapting the model to Innsbruck required adjustments to account for the city's complex mountainous terrain and boundary conditions. Additional case-specific modifications were implemented to ensure compatibility with the larger and more challenging catchment area. The model was tested using historical flood events and validated against fire brigade records and photo documentations, as no prior citywide flood models were available for comparison.

The model's fast computation times allow the simulation of different flood scenarios, including assessments of the effects of climate change. These simulations will help to identify flood risks and inform heavy rainfall management strategies. Initial results confirm the model's ability to simulate urban-scale flooding, while highlighting challenges in adapting the approach to larger and more topographically complex study areas, such as land-use based runoff coefficients and the use of multiple rain gauges for precipitation data.



BlueGreenCities (project No. KR21KB0K00001), funded by the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund from October 2022 until September 2025

Early Stage Funding (project: FFMFF) funded by the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the University of Innsbruck from November 2023 until October 2024.



Gholami Korzani, M., Deletic, A., 2023. Dynamic CA-ffé: a hybrid 1D/2D fast flood evaluation model for urban floods. Sydney.

Jamali, B., Bach, P.M., Cunningham, L., Deletic, A., 2019. A Cellular Automata Fast Flood Evaluation (CA-ffé) Model. Water Resources Research 55, 4936–4953.


How to cite: Hauser, M., Rauch, N., Gholami Korzani, M., Deletic, A., and Kleidorfer, M.: Fast flood modelling for pluvial flood management in Innsbruck, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6551,, 2025.

EGU25-7327 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

Canada-wide Modelling – Analysis of Model Accuracy to Drive Appropriate Use and Risk Reduction Program Development 

Jennifer Pellerin, Sarah Hayes, Karl Chastko, Mike Ballard, Robin Bourke, and Julie Van de Valk

In many countries, continental and global scale flood hazard modelling methodologies are employed to provide an understanding of flood hazard over large geographical areas and at multiple return periods, flood generating mechanisms, and future climate change scenarios.  These models are commonly used for estimating flood hazard in areas where high resolution flood mapping is unavailable, and for estimating portfolio risk for insurers and the financial sector. However, these products are generally lower accuracy and precision than local (e.g. regulatory, engineering-level) maps, and therefore the limitations and appropriate use cases of continental and global scale mapping should be understood when using these products to understand flood hazard and flood risk.  

Public Safety Canada (PS) has the mandate to keep Canadians safe from a range of risks and is working towards several soon-to-be launched flood resilience policy programs that depend upon a consistent, Canada-wide characterization of flood risk, and has accordingly procured multiple flood hazard models. PS bridges policy work to data science and engineering practices by conducting quantitative risk analysis, using Canada-wide flood hazard models, robust exposure data, and damage estimation methodologies. 

PS has done extensive testing of Canada-wide flood hazard models, including quality control and evaluation, to better understand their limitations and uses, and to support quantitative risk analysis for PS and other federal departments and agencies. This presentation will describe the results of PS’s evaluation and use of global models, including performance assessment against a set of comparable regulatory-quality flood maps across Canada and recommendations for appropriate use cases. These findings will contribute to a future partnership between PS and an academic research consortium to develop a made-in-Canada, open source, Canada-wide flood hazard model that will leverage data and expertise developed across government and other sectors.

How to cite: Pellerin, J., Hayes, S., Chastko, K., Ballard, M., Bourke, R., and Van de Valk, J.: Canada-wide Modelling – Analysis of Model Accuracy to Drive Appropriate Use and Risk Reduction Program Development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7327,, 2025.

EGU25-8031 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

KAN-Enhanced LSTM for Accurate and Scalable Flood Forecasting: A Case Study of the Mahanadi Basin 

Somrita Sarkar, Anamika Dey, Chandranath Chatterjee, and Pabitra Mitra

Floods are globally catastrophic, with profound impacts on India’s environment, agriculture, and infrastructure. Between 1953 and 2010, floods annually affected 7.2 million hectares and 3.2 million people. Odisha, particularly the Mahanadi basin, ranks seventh in flood vulnerability, with over 90\% of its annual rainfall occurring during the monsoon. Synoptic systems from the Bay of Bengal exacerbate rainfall, causing frequent and severe floods. Despite existing forecasting systems, downstream regions remain inadequately protected, highlighting the need for more accurate predictive mechanisms.

Recent advancements in Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) offer new opportunities for flood forecasting. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models excel at capturing intricate temporal patterns in rainfall and streamflow data, outperforming conventional methods. Innovations like hybrid LSTMs and Spatio-Temporal Attention (STA) mechanisms enhance their performance, while novel architectures such as Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCNs) and Bi-LSTMs improve long-term predictions.

This study introduces a Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN)-enhanced LSTM model for five-day-ahead flood prediction in the Mahanadi basin. KAN leverages learnable activation functions and spline representations, improving accuracy, interpretability, and computational efficiency. Evaluated against traditional LSTMs using metrics such as Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), time-to-peak prediction, and convergence speed, the KAN-enhanced model consistently outperformed standard LSTMs. It demonstrated a 12\% improvement in NSE, superior peak timing, and 20\% faster convergence, offering crucial advancements for early warning systems.

By integrating KAN's ability to model non-linear relationships with LSTM’s strength in sequential data analysis, this framework addresses complex hydrological dynamics, providing reliable flood forecasts. These findings underscore the potential of KAN-enhanced architectures to revolutionize flood prediction, offering scalable and interpretable solutions for flood-prone regions.

How to cite: Sarkar, S., Dey, A., Chatterjee, C., and Mitra, P.: KAN-Enhanced LSTM for Accurate and Scalable Flood Forecasting: A Case Study of the Mahanadi Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8031,, 2025.

EGU25-8185 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.3

Mapping embankments and merlons in the Upper Seine River basin : A GIS-based approach for comprehensive floodplain dynamics. 

Juliette Dereppe, Virginie Laurent, and Gilles Arnaud-Fassetta

There is currently no pre-existing map of embankments, dikes, levees and merlons in the Upper Seine River basin as existing data is limited to specific local studies. Developing a comprehensive map of these features is needed for effective flood risk management and planning. Embankments and merlons play a significant role in shaping the basin’s hydrological and geomorphological dynamics, influencing water flow patterns, floodplain connectivity, and sediment transport. Accurate mapping enables authorities to identify areas where these structures may exacerbate flood risks or disrupt natural floodplain functions, which are essential for mitigating flood impacts. Leveraging advancements made in GIS and LiDAR DEM data, an automated tool was developed to detect and map these features within the floodplain. Their detection was made possible by extracting morphometric parameters related to relative height, slope, and convexity. The mapped features were then characterized to evaluate their potential impact on flood dynamics. This characterization considers three parameters: the valley’s width, the embankment’s position within the valley and its elevation. The tool demonstrates encouraging outcomes, with good detection accuracy and a characterization protocol consistent with field observations. These findings establish a scalable methodology that can be applied to geomorphologically similar regions, providing a framework for improved floodplain management.

How to cite: Dereppe, J., Laurent, V., and Arnaud-Fassetta, G.: Mapping embankments and merlons in the Upper Seine River basin : A GIS-based approach for comprehensive floodplain dynamics., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8185,, 2025.

EGU25-8901 | Orals | NH1.3

Balancing complexity and efficiency in coastal flood risk modelling 

Emma Raven, Joshua Charge, Hannon Liam, Slater James, and Williams Rhiannon

As climate change drives sea level rise and raises critical questions about the design and efficacy of flood defences, there is an increasing demand for high-resolution coastal flood data. As a commercial provider of flood risk data to the insurance and banking sector, we have users that emphasise accuracy. For instance, these users seek not only to determine if floodwaters might reach a property but also whether they will exceed the height of the doorstep. While advancements in flood modelling continue to meet these growing needs, a persistent challenge remains: how can we balance the need for high accuracy with the practical constraints of production costs and the need for timely data delivery?

Focussing on coastal flood mapping examples in the UK, our presentation will compare outputs from two ends of the modelling spectrum: complex full hydrodynamic modelling and a simplified projection approach. Simplified approaches often face criticism for their limitations, but we will argue that they can provide valuable – as well as timely and efficient – outputs, when applied appropriately and with a clear understanding of their constraints.

This work aims to explore the importance of balancing advanced and simplified techniques, offering insights into the factors that most significantly influence flood modelling outputs. For example, we examine whether the choice of input data (e.g., the terrain data, the extreme sea levels) has a greater impact on results than the modelling approach itself (hydrodynamic compared to projection modelling techniques). By highlighting the trade-offs and opportunities, we aim to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of how to optimise coastal flood risk data production to meet user needs.

How to cite: Raven, E., Charge, J., Liam, H., James, S., and Rhiannon, W.: Balancing complexity and efficiency in coastal flood risk modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8901,, 2025.

In lowland areas that are susceptible to flooding, for example due to river levee breaches, the presence of linear elements such as levees of minor channels or road/railway embankments can significantly influence the inundation dynamics. Being more elevated than the surrounding land, these embankments can provide an obstacle to flood propagation, reducing the flood extent, but sometimes increasing the water depths. To obtain accurate flood simulations, and hence reliable flood hazard maps, the correct representation of embankments in the computational domain is therefore crucial.

Numerical simulations for flood hazard assessment usually rely on the unrealistic assumption that the minor embankments in the floodable area are able to withstand the interaction with floodwaters without collapsing. However, especially when overtopped, these elements can be eroded or collapse, no longer limiting the flood propagation. The assumption of “non-erodible” embankments can thus lead to misestimating the flood hazard, but studies in literature about this issue are lacking.

In this work, a preliminary analysis on how flood hazard mapping in lowland areas can be influenced by the possible failure of minor embankments is carried out, focusing on a case study in Italy. The results of two-dimensional numerical simulations of flood scenarios performed considering the minor embankments either as non-erodible or as erodible are compared. The most important problem in simulating the case of erodible embankments is the difficulty in including failure criteria to predict their collapse. While this is indeed a limitation for roads and railways, for which the large variability in building materials and structure prevents the definition of reliable failure criteria, it can be presumed that the available models developed to predict the breaching of earthen dams/levees can be applied to the levees of irrigation and drainage channels as well. For this reason, the study focuses on an area that is crossed only by the earthen levees of minor channels, and a simple erosion model that can automatically predict the breaching of these elements due to overtopping is adopted. The scenario considered for the analysis is the inundation induced by a levee breach in a nearby river.

Results show that, when assuming “non-erodible” embankments, the flood extent can be underestimated, while the maximum water depth and the flood hazard classification can be overestimated upstream of the erodible embankments and underestimated downstream. Moreover, the flood arrival time can be anticipated in the downstream areas. Overall, despite being case-specific, the analysis suggests that the unphysical assumption of “non-erodible” embankments in lowland areas can significantly influence the flood hazard assessment, possibly underestimating it, and this limitation should be kept in mind by flood risk management authorities.

This work is part of the project "MORFLOOD" (PNRR-M4C2 - I1.1-Avviso MUR n.104 del 02-02-2022 - PRIN2022 - Project code 2022SJ2NJ9 - CUP Code D53D23004860006 - Funded by the European Union-NextGenerationEU).

How to cite: Dazzi, S.: Failure of minor embankments in inundated areas: influence on the flood hazard estimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9269,, 2025.

EGU25-9325 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

Global automated calibration procedures for the FastFlood and FastSlide rapid hazard models 

Bastian van den Bout, Faheed Kolaparambil, Sanskriti Katarya, Cees van Westen, and David Meijvogel

Calibration and validation are necessary steps in the field application of physically-based models for floods and landslides. These processes validate the model assumptions and adjust the parameterization to align with historical observations. However, calibration remains a time-consuming task due to the lack of globally available datasets directly linked to the calibration schemes of physically-based models.

As part of the and rapid modeling platforms, we have developed a built-in calibration scheme that leverages global observational datasets and data-driven approaches. This approach links the results of global calibration datasets to a standardized calibration scheme for flood and landslide models, enabling automatic calibration globally based on these datasets.

In this paper, we outline the setup, global dataset processing workflows, and the initial outcomes of this research. The global datasets are derived from multiple observation types. For example, discharge data for return period events in rivers is based on GloFAS reanalysis data, bias-corrected using an extreme-value analysis performed globally on GRDC discharge station time series. Flood extents from the Global Surface Water Explorer are included but corrected for the underrepresentation of flash flood events in the observational data. For landslide processes, landslide inventory collections and data-driven global landslide susceptibility maps are utilized to provide built-in calibration functionality.

To streamline the calibration process, specific automated schemes have been developed to preprocess these global datasets, enabling direct comparison with model outputs without user intervention. Furthermore, we explore some initial results of this calibration scheme, comparing its accuracy and relative performance against other calibration methods.

How to cite: van den Bout, B., Kolaparambil, F., Katarya, S., van Westen, C., and Meijvogel, D.: Global automated calibration procedures for the FastFlood and FastSlide rapid hazard models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9325,, 2025.

Hydrodynamic models solving various forms of the shallow water equations are commonly used to assess flow depths and velocities during floods. Recent advances have extended these models to incorporate elements of the catchment such as sewer systems, culverts, bridges, and weirs. However, many flood models still represent buildings as raised elevations or with increased roughness coefficients, blocking water from entering building areas. This can lead to an overestimation of flood depths and extents, as these storage areas are not considered. Until now, the cumulative effects of flow into buildings on city-scale inundation have not been simulated using physically based models. This study develops and implements a building indoor-inundation model, comparing it with simulations that neglect this effect (storage and retention inside buildings) to quantify the differences in flood depth and extent.

A hydrodynamic model was coupled with the indoor-inundation model to estimate flow into and out of buildings (through windows, doors, etc.). This model incorporates building geometry, including walls, doors, and stairwells, to determine flow throughout the building. It also accounts for the transition between pressurized and non-pressurized flow, allowing water to move from lower to upper floors. The building indoor-inundation model was coupled with the 2-D diffusive wave model P-DWave, which simulates surface flood inundation outside the buildings. Water is exchanged between the two models at run-time in a bi-directional manner, with water flowing both into and out of the buildings.

Flood simulations were conducted for the city of Baiersdorf in northern Bavaria, which experienced flash floods in 2007 caused by heavy rainfall, resulting in over 86 million euros in damages. The event was recreated using the dual-drainage model PD-Wave/SWMM to simulate interactions between overland flow and the sewer system. Three test cases were modeled: buildings represented with increased roughness coefficients, buildings raised above the floodplain, and buildings modeled using the presented hydrodynamic approach. The results show that modeling the flow into and out of buildings has a moderate to significant impact on both flood depths and extents, highlighting the importance of including building inundation in urban flood modeling.

How to cite: Johnson, T. G. and Leandro, J.: Assessing the Impact of Building Indoor-Inundation on Flood Depth and Extent at City Scale: A Novel 2-D Coupled Hydrodynamic and Building Inundation Model for Urban Flood Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10398,, 2025.

EGU25-10951 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

Probabilistic flood modelling with multi-scale hydraulic-based graph neural networks 

Roberto Bentivoglio, Elvin Isufi, Sebastian Nicolaas Jonkman, and Riccardo Taormina

Traditional flood modelling approaches, which rely on deterministic methods, often fail to account for the inherent uncertainties of flood events, such as discharge estimates or flood defence parameters. Probabilistic flood modelling addresses this gap by quantifying the likelihood of various scenarios, based on the probability of occurrence of its inputs. However, the large number of required numerical simulations makes this framework computationally expensive. In this study, we explore the use of a multi-scale graph neural networks inspired by finite volume methods to accelerate probabilistic flood simulations. This approach is applied to several dike rings in the Netherlands - regions enclosed by levees - considering uncertainties in dike breach locations and inflow discharges. To improve the reliability of the model, we select among the output simulations only the ones that approximately preserve the total flood volumes over time, as calculated from the inflow boundary conditions. Our model generates thousands of flood scenarios with orders-of-magnitude speedups compared to traditional methods. The resulting output maps provide the expected frequencies of inundation extents for specific water depths, offering a robust tool for efficient and comprehensive flood risk assessment.

How to cite: Bentivoglio, R., Isufi, E., Jonkman, S. N., and Taormina, R.: Probabilistic flood modelling with multi-scale hydraulic-based graph neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10951,, 2025.

EGU25-12481 | Orals | NH1.3

Evaluating Flood Vulnerability in the Loukous Basin, Northern Morocco: Integrating Machine Learning, Remote Sensing, and Climate Change Impacts 

Oussama Mekkaoui, Moad Morarech, Imad En-negady, Tarik Bouramtane, and Hamza Akka

This study investigates flood-prone areas in the Loukous Basin, Northern Morocco, utilizing machine learning and remote sensing techniques to analyze and map zones at risk. Renowned for its agricultural significance, the region features low-lying, flat terrain, an active river system, and oceanic influences, all of which exacerbate flooding risks. Additionally, climate change poses increasing challenges, intensifying extreme weather events and altering precipitation patterns that further threaten this vulnerable region. The research aims to enhance flood prevention strategies and mitigate economic and human losses by identifying and prioritizing highly vulnerable zones. Results consistently highlight significant flood susceptibility along the Loukous River and its adjacent plains, areas characterized by lowland topography, high drainage density, proximity to canals, and intensive agricultural activity. While spatial variations exist among the models, a strong consensus emerges regarding zones of low and very high vulnerability, emphasizing the need for tailored interventions. These findings provide critical insights for integrating agricultural development planning with flood risk management in the Basin of Loukous. They underscore the importance of adaptive strategies that consider the compounded effects of climate change, such as improved land-use practices, enhanced drainage systems, and sustainable water management. This study establishes a robust scientific foundation for implementing targeted measures to reduce flood impacts, safeguard livelihoods, and build resilience in this economically vital and environmentally sensitive region, with broader implications for similar flood-prone areas worldwide.

How to cite: Mekkaoui, O., Morarech, M., En-negady, I., Bouramtane, T., and Akka, H.: Evaluating Flood Vulnerability in the Loukous Basin, Northern Morocco: Integrating Machine Learning, Remote Sensing, and Climate Change Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12481,, 2025.

Floods are considered one of the most damaging natural disasters known to humankind, and their severity has increased significantly due to the impacts of climate change and global warming in recent decades. Floods have become more unpredictable and erratic due to the influence of extreme hydroclimatic events. Therefore, obtaining near-real-time and accurate flood inundation maps of such events is essential for effective flood emergency response. These can be achieved easily by leveraging multi-source satellite imagery and remotely sensed data. The freely accessible satellite imagery and remotely sensed products can provide essential information that can significantly reduce the resources needed to create flood inundation maps and improve the accuracy of mapping and monitoring systems. This study integrated high-resolution satellite imagery and multiple remote sensing data to improve the flood inundation mapping technique in a data-scare South Asian watershed. The study considered the 2008 Bihar flood caused by the embankment breach of the Koshi River as a case study. This study used Landsat satellite's surface reflectance data to map the flood inundation using the commonly used water index known as the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI). MNDWI is a commonly used water classification technique to detect open surface water features using surface reflectance data sensed by the satellite. Further, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), permanent water bodies, and Height Above the Nearest Drainage (HAND) datasets are used to mask the MNDWI map (initial flood inundation map) and improve the accuracy of the inundation map. In addition, different thresholding values of the final masked MNDWI map are applied to obtain more accurate and robust flood inundation maps with fewer false positive and false negative pixels.

How to cite: Aryal, A., Sinha, R., and Lakshmi, V.: Improving the Flood Inundation Mapping Technique using Satellite Imagery and Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of the Bihar Flood Caused by the Koshi Embankment Breach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12576,, 2025.

EGU25-13123 | Posters on site | NH1.3

Reconstruction of the September 2024 extreme flood on the Lamone River in Northern Italy 

Alessia Ferrari, Giulia Passadore, Renato Vacondio, Luca Carniello, Mattia Pivato, Elena Crestani, Francesco Carraro, Francesca Aureli, Sara Carta, and Paolo Mignosa

Over the last twenty years, floods have represented the most predominant natural disasters occurred worldwide. Just in 2024, more than 15 European countries from Italy to Poland and from Spain to the Czech Republic experienced severe floods leading to catastrophic impacts. Between September 17 and 20, the Lamone River basin in the Emilia-Romagna Region in Northern Italy was hit by extreme precipitations and a levee-breach-induced inundation caused the flooding of urban settlements and crops near the Traversara village, an area already affected by huge floods no later than May 2023.

In the present work, the hydrological model Rhyme (River HYdrological ModEl) and the hydrodynamic model PARFLOOD are adopted to reconstruct the hydrological processes that occurred over the watershed and the dynamic of the flooding event. The spatially explicit Rhyme model enabled the description of the rainfall-runoff processes at the catchment scale by using as meteorological forcing hourly rainfall, daily cumulative potential evapotranspiration, and daily average temperatures. Due to the availability of a 16 year-series of water levels recorded at a gauging station located at the basin outlet and stage-discharge relationships, the model was calibrated from 2008 until 2024 using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm.

The flow hydrographs estimated by the hydrological model for the September 2024 event were then provided as inflow conditions to the hydrodynamic model PARFLOOD, which is a 2D parallel finite volume scheme. The breach opening on the left levee of the Lamone River was modelled by adopting a geometric approach and information about the breach characteristics (e.g. opening time and length) was provided through direct observations. The resulting flooding maps showed that after a few hours of overflowing, the levee-breach-induced flood affected the village of Traversara, urban settlements, crops, and vineyards in less than 10 hours. Moreover, the numerical results highlighted how minor channel embankments spread in the domain confined the flood propagation to the west, thus avoiding the flooding of a highly densely populated area.

Over the last two years, the Lamone River basin was affected by extreme precipitations that in many gauge stations exceeded the 500-year return period and broke historical records. Focusing on the September 2024 event, the close match between the resulting flooded areas and the observed ones, and the fair agreement between the water levels recorded at three gauge stations along the river and the resulting ones, highlighted the capability of the numerical models here adopted to support the assessment of extreme events and increase the preparedness for at-risk populations.

How to cite: Ferrari, A., Passadore, G., Vacondio, R., Carniello, L., Pivato, M., Crestani, E., Carraro, F., Aureli, F., Carta, S., and Mignosa, P.: Reconstruction of the September 2024 extreme flood on the Lamone River in Northern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13123,, 2025.

Bridges worldwide face significant risks from flood-related hazards, with hydraulic actions being the primary cause of structural damage, service disruption, and catastrophic failure. Bridge owners and regulatory agencies must assess multiple hydraulic risks, including scour, uplift forces, drag effects, debris impact, and deck displacement, all of which can compromise the load-carrying capacity of a bridge. The assessment of hydraulic actions on highway bridges in many parts of the world still relies on simplified or qualitative methods, whereby hydraulic models are yet to be embedded within guidance.

In the United Kingdom, the CS469 standard governs the assessment of hydraulic actions on highway bridges, providing guidance for risk evaluation and management strategies. The CS469 methodology calculates hydraulic flow characteristics at critical cross-sections within channels and bridge crossings utilising Bernoulli theorem and specific energy. While computationally efficient, this simplified approach relies on non-physical approximations. This fundamental limitation introduces substantial uncertainty into risk and vulnerability assessments, potentially compromising the reliability of management decisions.

This study presents an alternative approach utilising 2D HEC-RAS hydraulic models with bridges modelled as 1D elements within flow areas. The proposed methodology crucially maintains compatibility with existing data requirements from CS469 while adhering to open-source principles, requiring only publicly available data or information from existing assessments. This approach ensures cost-effectiveness and accessibility for bridge management teams while providing significantly improved accuracy.

Comparative analyses between the 2D HEC-RAS model and traditional CS469 calculations for six case study bridges revealed substantial differences in hydraulic response. The 2D model showed water depths up to 138% higher and flow velocities 64% lower than CS469 estimates. These differences significantly impact scour risk assessments, with HEC-RAS models typically predicting scour depths up to 2.3m lower (averaging 1.5m reduction) compared to simplified equations, resulting in more realistic risk classifications.

While hydraulic vulnerability assessments showed limited variation, the CS469 approach only considers threshold values without quantifying effects. Our findings demonstrate that numerical hydraulic simulations provide more accurate risk estimations with comparable resource requirements, suggesting that future revisions of risk assessment guidelines should prioritise this methodology. This advancement would enhance the accuracy and reliability of bridge risk assessments, ultimately improving infrastructure resilience and safety management strategies.

How to cite: Panici, D., Kripakaran, P., and Brazier, R.: A comparative analysis for assessment of hydrodynamic actions at bridges of 2D hydraulic models and traditional highway standards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13884,, 2025.

EGU25-15096 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

Unraveling Hydrometeorological Drivers of Floods: A Data-Driven Analysis Across India's River Catchments 

Vaibhav Tripathi, Rahul Deopa, and Mohit Mohanty

The risk associated with river floods has escalated significantly due to the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events, compounded by the complex interplay of flood-generating mechanisms under a changing climate. Accurately estimating flood risks poses a formidable challenge, as these mechanisms often interact and exhibit varying influences across spatial and temporal scales. An in-depth understanding of flood-generating processes is critical for improving hydrological modeling, flood frequency analysis, and risk management strategies in diverse climatic regions. Despite India being one of the most flood-prone countries globally, a systematic classification of hydrometeorological flood-generating processes remains largely absent. Understanding the role of catchment and climate attributes in flood generation is crucial for advancing our ability to predict and manage flood risks. This study proposes a robust framework to classify flood-generating processes into three primary categories: long rainfall floods, short rainfall floods, and excess rain floods. The analysis focuses on major river basins across India, offering insights into region-specific flood dynamics. To achieve this, we leverage the CAMELS-IND dataset, a comprehensive repository of hydrological and meteorological data, covering 471 catchments across India from 1980 to 2020. Using a peaks-over-threshold (POT) approach, we identify significant flood events and assess their characteristics. We then employ a Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM) model, an advanced machine learning algorithm known for its efficiency and accuracy, to evaluate the contribution of various climate and catchment attributes in triggering these floods. To enhance interpretability, we integrate Shapley additive explanations (SHAP), which provide a localized and global understanding of the model's predictions, highlighting the relative importance of each attribute. Our findings underscore the dominant role of climate attributes, such as precipitation intensity, antecedent soil moisture, and temperature, in determining the spatial distribution of flood-generating processes across diverse climatic zones. Catchment attributes, including soil type, slope, and land use, also contribute but to a lesser extent. These insights have significant implications for flood risk management, particularly in ungauged catchments, and can enhance the accuracy of hydrological and hydrodynamic models under changing climatic conditions.

How to cite: Tripathi, V., Deopa, R., and Mohanty, M.: Unraveling Hydrometeorological Drivers of Floods: A Data-Driven Analysis Across India's River Catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15096,, 2025.

EGU25-15323 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.3

Large-scale Urban Drainage Modelling for Hong Kong Island 

Andrea Canlas, Li Min Zhang, and Jian He

The rising likelihood and severity of flooding caused by climate change heightens the demand for detailed and precise hydrodynamic models. Flood modeling commonly involves analyses done either in a simplified watershed-scale 1D model, a detailed local-scale 2D model, or a combination of both approaches. However, the laborious setup and high data requirements hinder detailed watershed-scale modeling, particularly in urban areas like Hong Kong, where intricate drainage systems pose additional challenges. Alternative methods have been developed to consider underground drainage capacity such as subtracting the water volume held by pipes from the surface runoff and representing it with an equivalent infiltration rate. However, these methods do not give sufficient information on the flow movement underground. Enabled by Hong Kong’s extensive datasets, this study attempts the integration of the digitized urban drainage system into a watershed-scale hydrodynamic model. Hong Kong Island, with a land area of 99.5 square kilometers, is set as the study area. This domain covers 35,259 conduits, 32,622 junctions, and 31 rain gages. A case study is adopted using the September 2023 black rainstorm event to demonstrate the model’s capability to map surface flood inundations and describe the dynamics of the underground drainage system at once. Observed flood depths during the event are then used for results validation. Large-scale urban drainage models like this may aid decision makers in flood risk assessment and emergency action planning.

How to cite: Canlas, A., Zhang, L. M., and He, J.: Large-scale Urban Drainage Modelling for Hong Kong Island, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15323,, 2025.

Flood forecasting and reservoir flood control operation are important technical to realize the "four pre" of basin flood control. Taking Shanxi reservoir, Baizhangji reservoir and Zhaoshandu drinking water project in Feiyun River Basin in Zhejiang Province as examples, this paper analyzes the spatial relationship and hydraulic connection of various water conservancy projects in the basin, and establishes a distributed Xin'anjiang model for flood forecasting at important nodes in the basin, which is used as the input of the flood control joint optimization operation model of reservoir groups and solves the model. The results show that during the period of defending against the typhoon Megi, the flood control joint optimization operation of reservoir group considering flood forecast information can further play the potential of reservoir flood control, and the peak shaving effect of Zhaoshandu section in the downstream is obvious.

How to cite: Ren, M., Zhang, Q., and Zhao, L.: Research and application of joint optimal operation of reservoir group flood control considering flood forecast information, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15522,, 2025.

EGU25-15732 | Orals | NH1.3

A transferable multicriteria methodology for flood risk assessment: two case studies in Greece and Cyprus 

Alexia Tsouni, Constantinos Panagiotou, Stavroula Sigourou, Josefina Kountouri, Vasiliki Pagana, Panayiotis Dimitriadis, Theano Iliopoulou, G.-Fivos Sargentis, Christodoulos Mettas, Evagoras Evagorou, Romanos Ioannidis, Efthymios Chardavellas, Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou, Marcos Julien Alexopoulos, Nikos Mamasis, Demetris Koutsoyiannis, Diofantos Hadjimitsis, and Charalampos (Haris) Kontoes

Floods are the most frequent disasters, affecting the largest number of people. In 2023, 164 floods were recorded worldwide, killing 7763 people, affecting 32.4 million people, and resulting in 20.4 billion USD losses (CRED 2023 Disasters in Number report). To mitigate flood risk, decision makers and civil protection authorities need reliable information on flood risk assessment, covering all disaster management stages.

In the framework of a Programming Agreement with the Prefecture of Attica, NOA/IAASARS/BEYOND, in cooperation with NTUA/ITIA, developed a holistic multiparameter methodology that was implemented in five flood-stricken river basins at high spatial resolution. The research teams collected all available Earth Observation data, spatial data and technical studies; conducted detailed field visits; and modified the DEM and land cover accordingly. Following rainfall-runoff modeling and hydraulic modeling, the flood hazard was assessed for different scenarios. Vulnerability was considered a weighted estimation of population density, population age, and building characteristics on the basis of the population-housing census at the building block level. Exposure was based on the land value. Flood risk was eventually assessed on the basis of the combination of flood hazard, vulnerability, and exposure. Moreover, critical points, which were identified from the field visits, were also crosschecked with the flood inundation maps. Finally, refuge areas and escape routes were proposed for the worst-case flood scenario. This innovative methodology was applied, among other methods, in the Mandra river basin and was validated with the results of the urban flash flood, which took place in 2017, the deadliest flood in Greece in the last 40 years. BEYOND developed a user-friendly web GIS platform in which all the collected and produced data, including flood risk maps, critical points, refuge areas and escape routes, are made available.

This flood risk assessment methodology was applied, following adaptation, in the Garyllis river basin in Cyprus, within the framework of the EXCELSIOR project, as part of the collaborative activities between ECoE and BEYOND. Data were collected from multiple sources, including satellite missions, governmental portals, in situ measurements, and historical records, at different resolutions. The collected data were calibrated via onsite visits and discussions with relevant actors, harmonized in terms of spatial and temporal resolution and used as inputs to estimate the flood hazard for different return periods. The vulnerability levels of the study area were quantified via the weighted linear combination of population density, population age, and building characteristics at the road level. The exposure levels were quantified in terms of the land value. Flood risk levels were estimated as a product of hazard, vulnerability and exposure levels. The validity of the proposed methodology was evaluated by comparing the critical points identified during the field visits with the estimates of the flood risk levels. Consequently, escape routes and refuge regions are recommended for the most extreme scenario.

This work supports relevant authorities in improving disaster resilience and in implementing the EU Floods Directive 2007/60/EC, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the UN SDGs, and the UN Early Warnings for All initiative.

How to cite: Tsouni, A., Panagiotou, C., Sigourou, S., Kountouri, J., Pagana, V., Dimitriadis, P., Iliopoulou, T., Sargentis, G.-F., Mettas, C., Evagorou, E., Ioannidis, R., Chardavellas, E., Dimitrakopoulou, D., Alexopoulos, M. J., Mamasis, N., Koutsoyiannis, D., Hadjimitsis, D., and Kontoes, C. (.: A transferable multicriteria methodology for flood risk assessment: two case studies in Greece and Cyprus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15732,, 2025.

EGU25-16109 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.3

Protective role of a gravel-beach nourishment on built-up area during an extra tropical storm (Fiona, September 2022) 

Charles Caulet, Pascal Bernatchez, François Savoie-Ferron, Philippe Sauvé, Sylvain St-Onge, and Renaud McKinnon

Faced with climate change and the increasing pressure exerted by marine dynamics on the coastline (notably coastal erosion and marine submersion), adapting impacted territories has become a major challenge. Several solutions exist to protect coastal communities. In Quebec, numerous beach nourishments have been completed or are currently underway. This type of solution is increasingly being implemented (Hinkel et al., 2013). However, follow-up studies are necessary to better quantify their impact on the coast, particularly through multidisciplinary approaches (socio-economic, ecological, geomorphological, etc.).

In September 2022, an extratropical storm (Fiona) significantly affected Quebec's coastline. A heritage site of importance (Havre-Aubert, Îles-de-la-Madeleine) experienced significant marine submersion. A beach nourishment had been carried out shortly before this event. In-situ measurements were taken a few days before and after the storm, allowing for the creation of an exceptional dataset on the storm and its impacts on the site.

This dataset was used to perform various numerical simulations with the open-source morphodynamic model XBeach (Roelvink et al., 2009). This model allows for different computation modes: phase-averaged or phase-resolved, as well as a specific mode for gravel beaches (XBeach-G, McCall et al., 2014). All these configurations were used to simulate this storm event with and without the beach nourishment. The results of these simulations are compared and discussed.

Our results show that the nourishment played a protective role by significantly reducing marine submersion and damage to infrastructure. Under the impact of the storm, the nourishment rapidly adjusted towards a Dean-type equilibrium profile. A reprofiling of the nourishment was observed without significant sediment loss offshore.


Hinkel, J., Nicholls, R. J., Tol, R. S., Wang, Z. B., Hamilton, J. M., Boot, G., ... & Klein, R. J. (2013). A global analysis of erosion of sandy beaches and sea-level rise: An application of DIVA. Global and Planetary change, 111, 150-158.

McCall, R. T., Masselink, G., Poate, T. G., Roelvink, J. A., Almeida, L. P., Davidson, M., & Russell, P. E. (2014). Modelling storm hydrodynamics on gravel beaches with XBeach-G. Coastal Engineering91, 231-250.

Roelvink, D., Reniers, A., Van Dongeren, A. P., De Vries, J. V. T., McCall, R., & Lescinski, J. (2009). Modelling storm impacts on beaches, dunes and barrier islands. Coastal engineering56(11-12), 1133-1152.

How to cite: Caulet, C., Bernatchez, P., Savoie-Ferron, F., Sauvé, P., St-Onge, S., and McKinnon, R.: Protective role of a gravel-beach nourishment on built-up area during an extra tropical storm (Fiona, September 2022), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16109,, 2025.

EGU25-17337 | Orals | NH1.3

Sensitivity of global flood modelling frameworks to input parameter choices 

Anthony Cooper and James Savage

Understanding flood hazard at scale requires consistently generated flood maps. To build flood maps at scale, automated frameworks must be used that can take input data, transform this into hydrodynamic simulations and process it into output flood maps.

This transformation from inputs into simulations can be influenced by the design of the framework and the choices made by modellers as to how the transformations are made. These choices can be influenced by quality and availability of input data, availability of computational resources and desired outputs. There may not be clear objectively better options, so subjective choices have to be made. Understanding the sensitivity of these choices is key in both making them, and rating the uncertainty of the outputs.

Here we present the outputs from some of the sensitivity testing undertaken when developing a global model framework including both their influence on flood hazard and their influence on other deciding factors (such as computational cost) made when building a global flood map. This presentation includes results from tests that were shown to develop key or interesting results, such as:

  • How rivers are split into separate simulations
  • Minimum size of fluvial river assessed
  • Length of pluvial storm assessed

How to cite: Cooper, A. and Savage, J.: Sensitivity of global flood modelling frameworks to input parameter choices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17337,, 2025.

EGU25-17641 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

Assessing Flood Risk and Mitigation Strategies in the Mahanadi Delta Using 2D Hydraulic Modelling 

Vikram Pratap Singh and Soumendra Nath Kuiry

Flooding ranks among the most devastating natural disasters, often triggered by excessive rainfall, river overflow and storm surges. The consequences can be catastrophic, leading to loss of lives, displacement of communities, demolition of infrastructure, and prolonged economic setbacks. Accurate real-time flood forecasting is essential for providing early warnings, optimizing resource allocation, and implementing mitigation measures. Flood mapping and modelled water levels strongly depend on the river network's connectivity, channel geometry, and interactions with the floodplains. The Mahanadi Delta region in the Odisha state of India is such a dynamic area where the main river splits into several distributaries as it flows downstream, eventually merging with the Bay of Bengal. In this study, a 2D hydraulic model, HEC-RAS, has been utilized to simulate water levels, velocities, and water surface elevations over time for the purpose of identifying overflowing banks and floodplains. To enhance connectivity and improve floodplain representation, surveyed cross-sections of the river network have been merged with an improved Carto-set digital elevation model (DEM). The model has been calibrated and validated using data from various flood years. The flood extent from the model was compared with the satellite-derived flood extent obtained from Sentinel-1. Different performance matrices are used to investigate the model accuracy. The years 2011, 2014, and 2022 witnessed major flood events in recent times.  These events are then simulated, major flood-prone stretches and floodplains are identified, and mitigation measures have been suggested. Developing a modelling framework capable of capturing the movement of water in river networks and floodplains of the Mahanadi River enables disaster management authorities to improve their preparedness and response strategies, significantly reducing potential damage and loss of life.

Keywords: Flood, Mahanadi delta, HEC-RAS, Sentinel-1, Flood mitigation.

How to cite: Singh, V. P. and Kuiry, S. N.: Assessing Flood Risk and Mitigation Strategies in the Mahanadi Delta Using 2D Hydraulic Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17641,, 2025.

EGU25-18066 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.3

On the Use of the Distributed Hydrological Model QT-DREAM to Reproduce the Frequency Distribution of Observed Flood Peaks in Puglia and Basilicata (Southern Italy) 

Federica Mesto, Andrea Gioia, Rocco Bonelli, Martina Ciccone, Silvano Dal Sasso, Luciana Giuzio, Margherita Lombardo, Salvatore Manfreda, Maria Rosaria Margiotta, Biagio Sileo, Pasquale Perrini, Vincenzo Totaro, Vito Iacobellis, Mauro Fiorentino, and Vera Corbelli

The design of flood hydrographs for specific return periods is crucial in hydrological studies, especially in poorly-gauged watersheds. Exploiting the background of the distributed grid-based hydrological model DREAM, to estimate flood hydrographs for assigned return periods we propose the QT-DREAM, which incorporates high-resolution geomorphological data to reduce structural uncertainty compared to traditional empirical models. By combining Hortonian and Dunnian infiltration models, QT-DREAM allows a spatially-distributed assessment of runoff generation based on local climatic and geomorphological characteristics. QT-DREAM was applied on twenty gauged catchments located in Puglia and Basilicata regions (Southern Italy), characterized by climates ranging from semi-arid Mediterranean to humid continental. Flood hydrographs were generated by the model for nested sub-basins for return periods of 30, 200, and 500 years and compared with those calculated using runoff maps of the entire basin. Results demonstrate that the QT-DREAM model successfully reproduces the frequency distribution of observed peak floods, ensuring consistency between peak discharges estimated at sub-basin and entire basin scales. This study provides a significant contribution to the development of indirect methodologies for flood estimation in poorly-gauged watersheds, with potential implications for hydraulic risk assessment and flood mitigation planning. In particular, model outputs can be integrated with two-dimensional hydrodynamic models to provide detailed flood hazard mapping, enhancing its applicability for basin-scale flood risk assessment and mitigation.

How to cite: Mesto, F., Gioia, A., Bonelli, R., Ciccone, M., Dal Sasso, S., Giuzio, L., Lombardo, M., Manfreda, S., Margiotta, M. R., Sileo, B., Perrini, P., Totaro, V., Iacobellis, V., Fiorentino, M., and Corbelli, V.: On the Use of the Distributed Hydrological Model QT-DREAM to Reproduce the Frequency Distribution of Observed Flood Peaks in Puglia and Basilicata (Southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18066,, 2025.

EGU25-19363 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

FloodGuard: An AI-Powered Tool for Flood Risk and Vulnerability Mapping in Ungauged Basins. 

Jorge Saavedra Navarro, Ruodan Zhuang, Cinzia Albertini, Caterina Samela, and Salvatore Manfreda

Floods are among the most impactful natural phenomena affecting society. The associated risks are influenced by factors such as urban expansion into high-risk areas, modifications to rivers and watersheds (e.g., artificial channels, flow redirection, and structures like dams and dikes), and the effects of climate change, including more frequent and severe events. In recent years, the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in climate and weather risk assessment has gained increased attention due to its ability to handle numerical and categorical variables, uncover nonlinear relationships, and achieve high performance.
In this study, we introduce FloodGuard, an AI-powered tool for flood vulnerability and risk mapping. FloodGuard employs the concept of regionalization in ungauged basins and leverages a flood inventory derived from satellite imagery (e.g., Copernicus Emergency Mapping Service) over extensive areas (e.g., national or continental scales). The methodology selects the most relevant historical flood events and transfers this information to train a Random Forest machine learning model for estimating flood extent and producing a flood exposure map. Inputs to the model include the Geomorphic Flood Index (GFI), the Elevation, the Horizontal Distance to the Nearest River, Precipitation, the NDVI, and information on Land Use and Lithology. Flood prediction map is evaluated using maps generated from hydrological and hydraulic models. To assess vulnerability, we apply a geomorphic approach proposed by Manfreda and Samela (2019). This approach estimates flood depth, which is useful for estimating fast vulnerability levels. Finally flood risk is estimates with a GIS-based model.
The primary objective of this study is to provide a preliminary simple tool to estimate a flood risk and provide risk maps. At the same time, this study evaluates evaluate the transferability of machine learning models from regions with flood records to ungauged areas using satellite observations. Limitations include uncertainties inherent to machine learning models and the lack of association with specific return periods. Preliminary results across Italy demonstrate that the Random Forest model achieves high performance (AUC > 0.9) and exhibits robust generalization capabilities (e.g., combined error (rfp + (1-rtp)) of 0.58).

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Flood risk, Flood vulnerability, GFI. 

This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-Generation EU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan -NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 -D. D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005). 

How to cite: Saavedra Navarro, J., Zhuang, R., Albertini, C., Samela, C., and Manfreda, S.: FloodGuard: An AI-Powered Tool for Flood Risk and Vulnerability Mapping in Ungauged Basins., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19363,, 2025.

EGU25-20503 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

A GIS-Based Evacuation Route Planning in Flood Inundated Area of Satkania, Chattogram 

Maruf Ahmed, Nahid Sultana Anny, Sharfaraj Khadem, and Tasnim Ara Baten

Flooding is a common and devastating disaster that happens recurrently in Bangladesh. Climate change, rapid urbanization, and inadequate drainage systems have exacerbated this event in recent years. In 2023, Satkania upazila in Chattogram district was severely affected by flood. Additionally, communities weren’t prepared for this flood, as they hadn’t faced any kind of flood in recent years, as reported by field observation. That severity helped to select Satkania upazila as a study area for this research. This study focuses on developing a GIS-based evacuation route plan to mitigate the adverse impacts of flooding by ensuring safe and efficient evacuation during emergencies. To identify high-risk and low-risk zones, Sentinel-1 SAR imagery was used to create an inundation map. Frequent and severe flooding criteria were used to find the high-risk zones. This area is designated as an assembly point where people can gather before moving to safer places. Low-risk zones were identified as suitable locations for emergency shelters to ensure people's safety during disaster events. ArcGIS network analyst tools are used to perform closest facility analysis and service area analysis. For this analysis, road network, elevation data, and building density were integrated with ArcGIS network analysis. Closest facility analysis helped to optimize the evacuation routes based on minimum travel time and shortest distance. To determine zones to locate emergency shelters, a service area analysis was performed to improve accessibility for vulnerable populations. The inundated map showed that 11.78% area was inundated during the 2023 flood. According to the network analysis, the assembly point that is closest to the emergency shelter is more accessible in both time and distance cases. A total of 3 out of 14 suggested emergency shelters were within 30 min, 7 within 60 min, 3 within 90 min, and 1 within 90 min walk from the assembly point. In terms of distance from the assembly site, there are 3 emergency shelters within 1000 m, 7 within 2000m, 3 within 3000 m, and 1 within 4000 m distance. The result showed the effectiveness of GIS-based route planning to minimize flood causalities and enhance disaster preparedness. This study provides actionable insights to design targeted interventions and response strategies for local governments and disaster management authorities.

How to cite: Ahmed, M., Anny, N. S., Khadem, S., and Baten, T. A.: A GIS-Based Evacuation Route Planning in Flood Inundated Area of Satkania, Chattogram, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20503,, 2025.

EGU25-21109 | Orals | NH1.3 | Highlight

Integrating Multi-Hazard Scenarios for Enhanced Flood Risk Management 

Bruce D. Malamud

Flooding is increasingly exacerbated by cascading and compounding risks, necessitating a systematic understanding of natural hazard interrelationships and the influence of anthropogenic processes on these dynamics. Integrating multi-hazard scenarios into flood hazard, impact, and risk models provides a more comprehensive understanding of flood risks by considering interactions such as earthquake-triggered landslides and rainfall-induced flooding, alongside the impacts of urbanisation, land-use change, and climate change. This approach enhances decision-making frameworks, enabling more effective preparation and response. Here, we first illustrate hazard interaction matrices as a methodology to systematically identify potential triggers and secondary hazards by synthesising evidence from local and global literature. We then highlight multi-hazard scenarios through examples from Nairobi (Kenya), İstanbul (Türkiye), the Kathmandu Valley (Nepal), and the Philippines, where frequent and high-magnitude hazards underscore the critical importance of preparedness and mitigation. Effective flood risk management also requires interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and practitioners, leveraging disaster science methodologies to assess hazard relationships, enhance response strategies, and build resilient communities.

How to cite: Malamud, B. D.: Integrating Multi-Hazard Scenarios for Enhanced Flood Risk Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21109,, 2025.

Floods are one of India’s most catastrophic natural disasters, causing extensive loss of life and property. Recent research highlights that compound floods—arising from the interplay of multiple drivers—pose greater risks than individual flood events. Although compound flood drivers like precipitation and storm surge, precipitation and runoff, and others have been the focus of recent research globally, very limited research has been done on these flood drivers in India. To address this gap, we conducted a comprehensive compound flood analysis of Peninsular India river basins from 1980 to 2023, utilizing precipitation, runoff, and soil moisture data. Extreme events were identified using a certain percentile threshold (95th and 99th percentiles) for all the parameters and each parameter was initially subjected to a univariate analysis. The preliminary results indicate that individual drivers provide limited insights of these flood drivers. To address this, we employed a bivariate copula-based approach to estimate joint distributions at varying percentiles (25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentile). The analysis using copula was focused to determine of exceedance probability, conditional probability, joint return period, and conditional return period for the paired variables: precipitation-runoff, precipitation-soil moisture, and runoff-soil moisture pairs, respectively. Our results illustrate that, especially in instances where there are multiple contributing components, bivariate analyses provide deeper insights into comprehending the complexity of flood dynamics. Additionally, it has been observed that some regions in our research region had shorter return durations and higher exceedance probabilities, suggesting that compound flood events of lower severity occur frequently. Identical patterns were noted for conditional return durations and conditional probabilities. These results underscore the critical importance of understanding the interconnections among flood drivers for effective flood risk estimation. Our study provides valuable insights for enhancing India’s flood management strategies by identifying disaster-prone regions and informing policymakers in the development of targeted mitigation measures.

How to cite: Mukherjee, A., Poonia, V., and Swarnkar, S.: Probabilistic Evaluation of Compound Flooding in Peninsular India: A Copula-Based Analysis of Precipitation, Runoff, and Soil Moisture , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-386,, 2025.

EGU25-847 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.4

Seasonality change in ERA5 convective precipitation in the Greater Alpine Region. 

Giovanni Saglietto and Olivia Ferguglia

Convective precipitation plays a crucial role in extreme weather events, significantly influencing regional hydrological patterns, especially in topographically complex areas such as the Greater Alpine Region (GAR). Despite its importance, the study of convective precipitation remains limited due to its high spatial and temporal variability, which poses challenges for accurate observation and representation in climate models. Reanalysis datasets, such as ERA5, offer a valuable resource for overcoming these challenges, providing consistent, high-resolution data derived from both observational records and model outputs. However, the convective component of precipitation in ERA5 remains insufficiently explored, particularly regarding extreme events and seasonal trends. This study investigates the convective component of precipitation in the GAR using the ERA5 reanalysis dataset, focusing on extreme precipitation and their seasonality. By applying extreme precipitation indices from the ETCCDI framework, we identify a significant increase in the convective fraction of precipitation in recent decades, particularly during summer extreme events, along with an extension of the summer convective season. Trends in monthly precipitation are found to be largely driven by changes in the convective component, emphasising its growing influence on regional precipitation patterns. Additionally, the study is extended to CMIP6 global climate models, providing further insight into the representation of convective precipitation in climate projections. This work contributes to advancing the understanding of convective processes in climate models, emphasizing a critical gap in the current representation of precipitation in mountainous regions.

How to cite: Saglietto, G. and Ferguglia, O.: Seasonality change in ERA5 convective precipitation in the Greater Alpine Region., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-847,, 2025.

EGU25-973 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.4

Elevation dependent effects of precipitation on river discharge at different spatio-temporal scales 

Vikas Kumar Kushwaha, Luca Lombardo, Anna Basso, Alberto Viglione, and Enrico Arnone

The link between climate extremes and river floods is complex and greatly affected by regional characteristics. River discharges are highly dependent on elevation and size of catchment in mountainous regions. This study explores the effects of orography on the precipitation-discharge relationship in the Greater Alpine Region (GAR). We make use of  daily discharge data and several reanalysis and observation datasets. The region is stratified into low (LE), and high (HE) elevation categories to assess variations in discharge responses. The correlation of discharges with precipitation at HE shows stronger relationship during the autumn season (September-November), while LE exhibits a stronger association in summer (June-August). Coarser resolution (>0.25o) datasets show degradation of the association of precipitation with river discharge at both elevation categories,  although with a larger sensitivity of HE  to decreasing spatial resolution (i.e. 0.10o to 1o degree) as compared to the LE category. Significant sensitivity to spatio-temporal scales is found also in the intensity and duration of the climate extremes (ETCCDI indices) and their relationship with discharges in the GAR. This study emphasizes the advantages of high-resolution, multi-scale approaches to understand the intensity and duration of climate extremes and their impacts on river discharges. An improved framework integrating climate and orographic indices is essential to identify the complex relationships governing flood extremes in the GAR. The improved framework will contribute to the development of diagnostic tools and enhance the skill of future flood extreme projections by climate models.

How to cite: Kushwaha, V. K., Lombardo, L., Basso, A., Viglione, A., and Arnone, E.: Elevation dependent effects of precipitation on river discharge at different spatio-temporal scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-973,, 2025.

EGU25-1036 | ECS | Orals | NH1.4

Reliability of Climate Information to Forecast Season-Ahead Flood Quantiles for Indian Catchments 

Abinesh Ganapathy and Ankit Agarwal

Forecasting floods (peak flows/quantiles) with significant lead time is crucial for effective water resources management. Traditionally, it has been carried out by forcing meteorological drivers onto the hydrological models. However, season-ahead flood forecasting remains challenging due to the limitations of weather forecasting models and the complexities associated with multiple model-chain linkages. Thus, to circumvent this, we applied a climate-informed approach to forecast season-ahead flood quantiles. Briefly, a climate-informed model comprises 1) selection of predictands, 2) identification of suitable large-scale climate predictors that control the predictands, and 3) derivation of a statistical link between predictands and predictors. In our study, we condition the probability distribution parameters of flood samples with large-scale climate predictors, focusing specifically on sea surface temperature (SST) patterns. The rationale behind this approach lies in the established linkage of SST in the Pacific and Indian Oceans to the Indian Monsoon system. To minimise the anthropogenic signals, we restricted our analysis to the gauging stations without significant reservoir influences by filtering the stations with reservoir indices less than 0.1. Both linear and nonlinear relations between the climate predictors and predictands have been applied in this study. Bayesian inference is used to estimate the parametric values of the Climate-Informed model. Furthermore, the selection of the suitable climate predictor and the nature of their relationship to a specific gauge is based on the widely applicable selection criterion (WAIC). WAIC computes log posterior predictive density and adjusts the overfitting using the effective number of parameters; the model with the least WAIC value is preferred. We assessed the skill of the climate-informed model on flood quantile forecasting by performing a leave-one-out cross-validation technique. Various performance metrics, including both deterministic and probabilistic measures, have been used to assess the prediction skill of the model in reference to the stationary model. Overall, our results suggest that for the majority of the gauges, climate indices have the potential to forecast flood-quantiles season ahead. While this initial forecast can inform decision-makers regarding expected flood quantiles, it is recommended that this method be complemented with traditional approaches that account for local catchment behaviour.

How to cite: Ganapathy, A. and Agarwal, A.: Reliability of Climate Information to Forecast Season-Ahead Flood Quantiles for Indian Catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1036,, 2025.

In recent years, extreme runoff has been affected by increasing climate change, which causes non-stationary behaviors in extreme runoff series. Climate change is driven by external forcing and internal variability. However, the role of these two factors in runoff variability remains unclear. Taking the historical period as the baseline, this study employs four Single-Model Initial-Condition Large Ensembles (SMILEs) to investigate future changes in extreme runoff represented by annual maximum 1-day runoff (AM1R) over China and to evaluate the impacts of external forcing and internal variability on these changes. A decomposition-based non-stationary frequency analysis method is proposed to estimate the frequency changes of extreme runoff events, which incorporates components of runoff influenced by external forcing and internal variability. Two shared socioeconomic pathways (i.e., SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5) are selected for the future. The results show that the catchments with increased AM1R are more than those with decreased AM1R under SSP-2.4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios for all SMILEs, with the catchments showing decreased AM1R mainly in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and northeastern China. The impact of external forcing on runoff is stronger than that of internal variability at more than 35% and 62% of catchments for all SMILEs under SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, respectively. The catchments with significant trends of AM1R are mainly in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau under the SSP2-4.5 scenario, while those are mainly in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and southwestern China under the SSP5-8.5 scenario. For changes in the frequency of extreme runoff events, corresponding to the 50-yr return level of AM1R in the historical period, the return period is projected to become shorter in at least 66% of catchments for all SMILEs under the two scenarios. The study indicates that extreme runoff events are likely to become more frequent in the future, which is important for the flood prevention policy.

How to cite: Liu, Y. and Chen, J.: Extreme runoff variation and non-stationary frequency analysis based on external forcing and internal variability decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2720,, 2025.

EGU25-3278 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.4

Atmospheric moisture linkages to flood inducing Multiday extreme precipitation in India 

Deepak Pandidurai, Akash Singh Raghuvanshi, and Ankit Agarwal

Extreme precipitation events are becoming more frequent and intense worldwide, significantly elevating the risk of devastating floods. India, as a hydrologically vulnerable region, experienced recurrent floods that lead to substantial economic losses and fatalities. This study explores the atmospheric drivers and moisture linkages responsible for multi-day extreme precipitation events that resulted in meteorological floods across India. Severe meteorological flood events were identified across India using the Dartmouth Flood Observatory (DFO) database. The study examines the interplay between Integrated Vapor Transport (IVT) & Integrated Water Vapor (IWV) at different vertical layers of the atmosphere, and precipitation at hourly timescales. Results highlight the critical role of elevated moisture transport in the lower atmosphere, which intensifies prior to flood events. Spatial analysis reveals a strong correspondence between IWV and precipitation patterns, suggesting that IWV provides a more consistent spatial signal for extreme precipitation events than IVT. The findings indicate that sustained moisture influx alone is insufficient to trigger extreme precipitation. However, its interaction with local atmospheric instability and synoptic-scale disturbances creates a conducive environment for prolonged precipitation, culminating in floods. This study underscores the importance of atmospheric moisture dynamics in driving extreme precipitation events and calls for deeper investigation into regional moisture budgets to improve flood prediction and mitigation strategies. 

Keywords: Meteorological floods, Atmospheric moisture transport, Multi-day extreme precipitation, Flood drivers. 

How to cite: Pandidurai, D., Raghuvanshi, A. S., and Agarwal, A.: Atmospheric moisture linkages to flood inducing Multiday extreme precipitation in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3278,, 2025.

EGU25-3512 | Orals | NH1.4

Shifting Flood Regimes Under Contradictory Precipitation Trends 

Efrat Morin, Yair Rinat, Moshe Armon, Yaniv Goldschmidt, Raz Nussbaum, and Francesco Marra

Global warming is driving an increase in extreme precipitation events across many regions worldwide, often leading to intensified flooding. However, other changing precipitation characteristics may counterbalance this effect. These include reductions in total event precipitation, precipitation coverage area, duration, and frequency. The interplay of these often-contradictory trends remains poorly understood, with limited mapping and quantification available.
Through a series of studies focusing on the eastern Mediterranean region, we identify this area as susceptible to these contrasting precipitation trends. Our research reveals a decline in average precipitation and the number of wet days, alongside an increase in extreme precipitation events for return periods ranging from 10 to 100 years. Furthermore, storm total precipitation, coverage area, and duration decrease while conditional precipitation intensities rise.
When these trends are incorporated into hydrological models to simulate catchment responses and flood impacts, the role of soil moisture emerges as a critical factor in flood regulation. Due to lower precipitation amounts and wet days number, average soil moisture decreases. Despite heightened precipitation intensity, this leads to diminished runoff in most cases. Additionally, smaller storm sizes reduce runoff-contributing areas, resulting in lower flow discharges within concentrating channels. However, urbanization amplifies these dynamics, as urban areas are more sensitive to increased precipitation intensities due to limited soil moisture regulation. Consequently, in future climate scenarios, the largest runoff events produce higher peak discharges and total runoff compared to historical conditions. In contrast, lower-intensity events exhibit reduced peak and total runoff. These effects are intensified as urban impervious surfaces expand, making precipitation intensity a dominant driver of urban runoff.
Our findings suggest that floods are not universally intensifying, even in the context of more extreme precipitation. The dampening effects of other precipitation properties can offset flood magnitudes, highlighting the complexity of flood behavior under changing climate conditions.

How to cite: Morin, E., Rinat, Y., Armon, M., Goldschmidt, Y., Nussbaum, R., and Marra, F.: Shifting Flood Regimes Under Contradictory Precipitation Trends, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3512,, 2025.

EGU25-4110 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.4

Weather Regimes and Extreme Precipitation in the Great Alpine Region 

Ilaria Tessari, Ignazio Giuntoli, and Susanna Corti

This study investigates the relation between Euro-Atlantic large-scale atmospheric circulation and extreme precipitation events (EPEs) in the Great Alpine Region (GAR). We analyze the connection between weather regimes (WRs)—recurrent and quasi-stationary circulation patterns—and EPEs to assess temporal and spatial variations.

The analysis covers the period 1940–2023, using daily geopotential height data at 500 hPa and daily total precipitation data from ERA5 reanalysis. WRs classification mainly follows the methodology outlined by Grams et al. (2017), enabling year-round characterization of atmospheric patterns, which are then linked to average precipitation and EPEs, defined as precipitation exceeding the 95th percentile of the distribution and an intensity greater than 15 mm/day (Q95R15).

Our results show diversities in the average precipitation patterns over the GAR when different regimes occur. In particular, Scandinavian Trough (ScTr), Greenland Blocking (GrBL), Scandinavian Blocking (ScBL) and Atlantic Ridge (AR) seem mostly connected with average precipitation, whose intensity varies according to the season.

Relating WRs and extreme precipitation, we observe that spatially the association between WRs and EPEs varies across GAR sub-regions and depends on the season. We detect higher frequencies of occurrence for ScTr, GrBL, ScBL, AR and Atlantic Trough (ATr) when precipitation above Q95R15 occurs. For instance, during autumn (SON), EPEs are primarily linked to ScTr, ScBL and AR regimes; during winter (DJF) we observe ScTr, GrBL, ScBL, AR and ATr instead. During spring (MAM) and summer (JJA) a clear association is elusive up to now, needing further analysis to be clarified.

Investigations into different sub-periods are ongoing, in order to obtain more insights about how decadal changes due to forced and/or internal variability in the Euro-Atlantic circulation affect the occurrence of EPEs in the GAR.

How to cite: Tessari, I., Giuntoli, I., and Corti, S.: Weather Regimes and Extreme Precipitation in the Great Alpine Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4110,, 2025.

EGU25-4431 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.4

Impact attribution of European floods: towards an operational system 

Dominik Paprotny, Aloïs Tilloy, Paweł Terefenko, Matthias Mengel, and Anaïs Couasnon

Floods are an ever-present risk to society and economy in Europe, influenced by both climatic and socioeconomic drivers. An accurate and timely attribution of impacts is important for risk management, “loss and damage” debate and public communication in context of climate change. Here, we discuss the opportunities and challenges of operationalizing attribution for European flood impacts in the framework of Horizon Europe project “Compound extremes attribution of climate change: towards an operational service” (COMPASS). The prospective operational service would build upon the framework for attribution of historical flood impacts for 42 European countries. The work so far includes an extensive modelling chain covering both riverine and coastal floods that can reconstruct temporal changes in hazard, exposure and vulnerability to quantify their influence on the observed flood impacts. It considers drivers such as climate change, catchment alteration, population and economic growth, land use change, and evolution of flood precaution and adaptation. High-resolution datasets with long time series are used to first reconstruct each flood event under the factual (historical) scenario, and then under counterfactual scenarios in which a particular climatic or socioeconomic driver is set to 1950 conditions. In this way, the role of each driver can be quantified relative to a common temporal benchmark. In total, 1729 impactful floods occurring between 1950 and 2020 were attributed to the various drivers, highlighting the role of not only climate change (hazard), but particularly population growth (increase in exposure) and adaptation (decrease in vulnerability). Further integration with available operational services, primarily the Copernicus Climate Change Service, would enable timely input data processing for the hydrological and hydrodynamic modelling of riverine and coastal flooding. The approach will be extended to multihazard events, which will be showcased through the use case of extra-tropical cyclone Xynthia, which resulted in major impacts from both coastal flooding and extreme wind speeds in France in 2010.

How to cite: Paprotny, D., Tilloy, A., Terefenko, P., Mengel, M., and Couasnon, A.: Impact attribution of European floods: towards an operational system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4431,, 2025.

EGU25-6938 | Posters on site | NH1.4

Attribution of the July 2021 flood event in the Ahr region to anthropogenic climate change 

Viet Dung Nguyen, Bruno Merz, Li Han, Heiko Apel, Xiaoxiang Guan, Heidi Kreibich, and Sergiy Vorogushyn

Flood event attribution, including the analysis of extreme precipitation and flood peaks, is crucial for understanding how anthropogenic climate change influences these events. This study employs an unconditional attribution approach to quantify changes in the likelihood of the July 2021 flood in the Ahr region, western Germany, in a factual world representing the current climate compared to a pre-industrial counterfactual world without anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.

To achieve this, the non-stationary weather generator nsRWG, conditioned on large-scale circulation patterns (CPs) and regional mean daily temperature (t2m), is used to generate 100 realizations of synthetic precipitation and temperature data over a 30-year period for both worlds. The CPs, derived from the classification of mean sea level pressure, and t2m are obtained from the ERA5 reanalysis dataset for the factual world and from natural historic simulations of several CMIP6 GCMs for the counterfactual world. The nsRWG-generated data are further disaggregated to an hourly resolution and fed into the hydrological model mHM, set up for the Ahr basin, to simulate streamflow and derive hourly peak flow. The simulated extreme precipitation and peak flows are analyzed to estimate the likelihood of the July 2021 flood event in each climate state, forming the basis for calculating the probability ratio between the two worlds.

Our model-based results indicate that the likelihood of 1-day and 2-day extreme precipitation of the Ahr event is on average 1.28 and 1.63 times higher, respectively, in the current climate. The flood peak appears to be 1.07 times more likely in the present climate compared to the counterfactual world. These findings suggest that anthropogenic climate change has notably increased the likelihood of events like the July 2021 flood. The use of a weather generator in combination with a hydrological model paves the way towards hydrologic event attribution and sets the stage for further research into attribution of flood impacts.

How to cite: Nguyen, V. D., Merz, B., Han, L., Apel, H., Guan, X., Kreibich, H., and Vorogushyn, S.: Attribution of the July 2021 flood event in the Ahr region to anthropogenic climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6938,, 2025.

EGU25-7489 | Orals | NH1.4

Using global temperature as a covariate to project flood risk 

Conrad Wasko, Lalani Jayaweera, Michelle Ho, Rory Nathan, Declan O'Shea, and Ashish Sharma

Flood estimates used in engineering design are commonly based on intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves derived from historical extreme rainfall. Under global warming, extreme rainfall is increasing, threatening the capacity of existing infrastructure. Hence, there is a need to update our methods of engineering design, namely our design rainfall intensities, for climate change.

One way of adjusting our design inputs for climate change is to incorporate covariates into the fitted probability distributions that describe extreme rainfall. To this end, here we evaluate which large-scale climate driver is best for modelling non-stationarity in IDF curves up to the 100-year design return level. The climate drivers we evaluate include global and continental mean temperature, continental diurnal temperature range, continental dewpoint temperature, continental precipitable water, the Indian Ocean Dipole, the El Niño Southern Oscillation, and the Southern Annular Mode.

Based on the Akaike Information Criteria, precipitable water is the superior covariate, irrespective of storm duration. However, when quantile changes across the historical period are inspected, we find that global temperature is best able to adequately capture the variability in changes across both storm duration and annual exceedance probability. We finish with presenting a case study where extreme rainfalls are projected using a global mean temperature covariate. The implications for flood risk are that, under 4ºC of global warming, flood risk increases by a multiple of eight.

How to cite: Wasko, C., Jayaweera, L., Ho, M., Nathan, R., O'Shea, D., and Sharma, A.: Using global temperature as a covariate to project flood risk, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7489,, 2025.

Floods induced by rainstorm events (RSEs) are among the most frequent natural disasters and have a significant impact on ecosystems and human society. While most extensive researches have investigated the magnitude, frequency, and risk of floods, understanding the spatiotemporal evolution of contiguous flood-causing rainstorm events remains largely unexplored in China. Here, we collected historical flood disaster data from the Statistical Yearbook, news reports, and government sources and examined the evolution patterns of spatiotemporally contiguous flood-causing RSEs across China from 2000 to 2020, utilizing the connected component three-dimensional algorithm. Our results indicate that floods mostly occur in southern China (SC), followed by northern China (NC), with less frequency in northwestern China (NWC) and the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (TP). The flood-causing RSEs tend to occur with longer durations and higher magnitudes in SC and NC, while in NWC and TP, they are primarily characterized by short-term precipitation processes with lower magnitudes. Moreover, the flood-causing RSEs exhibit distinct evolutionary patterns in different subregions. In NWC and TP, RSEs generally move eastward and southeastward, with relatively longer lifespans, traveling longer distances at faster moving speeds, but covering smaller areal extent and lower accumulated rainfall amounts. In contrast, in both SC and NC, flood-causing rainstorm events are mainly moved in two directions, namely westwards and eastwards. These events have shorter average lifespans, and travel shorter moving distances at slower moving speeds, but have a larger areal extent and huge accumulated rainfall amounts. Our findings significantly enhance our understanding of flood-causing rainstorm characteristics in China.

How to cite: Wang, J. and Guan, X.: Spatiotemporal evolution patterns of flood-causing rainstorm events in China from a 3D perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7964,, 2025.

EGU25-8219 | ECS | Orals | NH1.4

Does a changing climate lead to a higher flash flood hazard? 

Paul Voit, Maik Heistermann, and Harald Rybka

Does a changing climate lead to a higher flash flood hazard?

Flash floods pose a significant natural hazard and are triggered by high-intensity precipitation events occurring in small and steep catchments. The short lead time, high flow velocity, and transportation of debris and sediment of these floods can lead to devastating impacts. 

With the warming climate, the intensity and extent of precipitation events are likely to increase, consequently leading to an expected increase of flash flood hazard. But what do we have to expect, and how can we adapt to future climate scenarios? Simulating extreme rainfall is still highly uncertain under climate change. Because of their coarse spatio-temporal resolution, global circulation models are not suited to investigate the impacts of a warming climate on flash floods. However, new convection-permitting models (regional climate models) for the first time now offer an appropriate spatia-temporal resolution (3x3 km, 1 hour) for flash flood modelling. Based on the COSMO-CLM (COSMO model in CLimate Mode, Rockel et al., 2008; Sørland et al., 2021), we modelled the runoff in all small-scale catchments in Germany for the periods 1971-2000, 2001-2019, and for the period 2030-2100, which is based on the RCP8.5 scenario.

Our results reveal that half of the catchments would produce a flood peak of factor 1.5 or higher under the RCP8.5 scenario compared to the present period (2001-2019) and further enable us to estimate and compare return levels of flood peaks for the RCP8.5 scenario and shed light on regional differences within Germany. This study is the first comprehensive analysis of the (flash) flood response to a warmer climate in Germany.


Rockel, B., A. Will, A. Hense, 2008: The regional climate nmodel COSMO-CLM (CCLM). Meteorol. Z. 17, 347–348, DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2008/0309.

Rybka, Harald, et al. "Convection-permitting climate simulations with COSMO-CLM for Germany: Analysis of present and future daily and sub-daily extreme precipitation; Convection-permitting climate simulations with COSMO-CLM for Germany: Analysis of present and future daily and sub-daily extreme precipitation." Meteorologische Zeitschrift 32.2 (2023): 91-111.

Sørland, S.L., C. Schär, D. Lüthi, E. Kjellström, 2018: Bias patterns and climate change signals in GCM-RCM model chains. Env. Res. Lett. 13, 074017, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/aacc77.

How to cite: Voit, P., Heistermann, M., and Rybka, H.: Does a changing climate lead to a higher flash flood hazard?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8219,, 2025.

EGU25-10340 | Posters on site | NH1.4

Impacts of rainfall variability on river discharges characteristics : A Case Study in Chenyulan Watershed, Taiwan, China 

Wen-Shun Huang, Jinn-Chyi Chen, Kuo-Hua Chien, Xi-Zhu Lai, and Yue-Ting Lai

In this study, the variations of rainfall and river discharges were analyzed in the Chenyulan watershed in Nantou County, central Taiwan. The hydrological data, including rainfall, daily discharges and yearly maximum instantaneous discharge, were collected from the Neimaopu hydrology station for the period from 1972 to 2022, covering approximately 50 years. According to the data analysis, when the rainfall exceeds the average, the river discharges in the Chenyoulan catchment increases, with larger rainfall events leading to more significant changes. Upon comparing the long-term data, it was found that the maximum instantaneous discharge occurred on August 1, 1996, during the Herb Typhoon. Though this event did not coincide with the historical maximum for total rainfall, rainfall intensity or average rainfall intensity, it resulted in the maximum instantaneous discharge.


 All of the rainfall events, daily average discharge and yearly maximum instantaneous discharge are preliminarily analyzed as follows: 1. Rainfall in the catchment shows a positive correlation with river discharge; 2. The increase in rainfall characteristics in the catchment and the increase in discharge are not linearly related; 3. The non-linear reasons for the relationship between rainfall and maximum instantaneous discharge are preliminarily summarized as being related to soil conditions, different rainfall intensity locations and the runoff coefficients of various catchment units; 4. This study will subsequently estimate the average runoff coefficient of the catchment based on the relationship between individual rainfall and discharge, and conclude rational formula.

How to cite: Huang, W.-S., Chen, J.-C., Chien, K.-H., Lai, X.-Z., and Lai, Y.-T.: Impacts of rainfall variability on river discharges characteristics : A Case Study in Chenyulan Watershed, Taiwan, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10340,, 2025.

EGU25-10885 | ECS | Orals | NH1.4

On the Changing Role of Climatic Drivers to River Basin Scale Flooding 

Nanditha Jayadevan Sobhana and Vimal Mishra

Floods result from the interplay of climatic drivers, catchment characteristics and river system dynamics. The observed shift to extreme climatic events necessitates a better quantification of their impact on flood generation. Improving our current understanding of flood generation processes in the observed climate provides a pathway to improve flood projections in a warming climate.

This presentation will share insights from our work on river basin scale flooding in India. Using a physical hydrological model, we conducted an event-scale analysis of high flows across multiple river basins in India. The results highlight the significant role of antecedent catchment moisture, as well as the duration and spatial extent of precipitation events, in driving river basin scale flooding. The study also examines and distinguishes the relative importance of large-scale moisture transport, and origin, persistence and direction of propagation of low-pressure systems in triggering localized and widespread floods. Furthermore, we find that prominent flood drivers in a warming climate are similar to those observed in the historical period. Careful attribution of observed flood changes, combined with a thorough assessment of changes in key drivers, is essential for deriving reliable projections of future flood risk.

How to cite: Jayadevan Sobhana, N. and Mishra, V.: On the Changing Role of Climatic Drivers to River Basin Scale Flooding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10885,, 2025.

EGU25-11534 | ECS | Orals | NH1.4

Floods and moisture excesses induced by atmospheric blocking are related at the long-term scale in Europe 

Diego Hernandez, Miriam Bertola, David Lun, Bodo Ahrens, James McPhee, and Günter Blöschl

Among weather-related extreme events in Europe, floods are one of the most disastrous and costliest. Atmospheric blocking episodes (i.e., persistent, quasi-stationary, and self-preserved weather systems that propagate very slowly and interrupt the usual westerly flows) are part of the main weather regimes in the Euro-Atlantic and have been associated with notable flood events across Europe. So far, the relationship between blocking and some high-impact extreme weather events has been established, including the modulation of the odds of heavy precipitation. Yet, a long-term continental relationship between blocking and flooding remains unrevealed, and in particular, the way atmospheric blocking translates into floods. For the 1960-2010 period, this study analyses a pancontinental database of maximum discharge, atmospheric and soil variables from ERA5 and ERA5-Land reanalyses, and a gridded binary blocking index derived from ERA20C. Preliminary results indicate mixed positive and negative anomalies in mean precipitation and wet-spell frequencies in response to blocking, depending on the region. Nonetheless, robustly across Europe, the anomalies in wet-spell duration and total precipitation depth are generally positive under blocking conditions. We present the spatial patterns across Europe induced by atmospheric blocking in anomalies of, e.g., streamflow maxima, rainfall maxima, and root zone moisture excess maxima, pointing out that the patterns between streamflow maxima and moisture excess maxima are significantly correlated but not in the case between streamflow maxima and rainfall maxima. Hence, this research suggests that the effect of atmospheric blocking on floods is acting at the level of the interaction between rainfall and soil moisture. The outcomes presented here unveil a continental and long-term impact of atmospheric blocking in relevant variables for flood generation.

How to cite: Hernandez, D., Bertola, M., Lun, D., Ahrens, B., McPhee, J., and Blöschl, G.: Floods and moisture excesses induced by atmospheric blocking are related at the long-term scale in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11534,, 2025.

EGU25-12781 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.4

The role of extratropical cyclones in flooding in Quebec, Canada, from 1990-2020 

Clarence Gagnon, Daniel Nadeau, Alejandro Di Luca, and François Anctil

Out of all weather-related hazards, flooding has the most widespread impact globally, and the province of Quebec is no exception. In the past decades, dozens of riverside municipalities have felt the socio-economic consequences of flooding firsthand. Most of Quebec is characterised by a cold and humid continental climate, with precipitation year-round. Here, river flooding often takes place in the spring, due to snowmelt. Although important, snowmelt alone is not the only factor influencing flooding in the mid-latitudes. By bringing heavier than normal precipitation with them, extratropical cyclones are also known to be key contributors. The relationship between extratropical cyclones and flooding have been extensively studied on the West Coast of North America, but remains largely unexplored in eastern Canada. Thus, this study aims to link flooding events that have happened in the past 30 years in Quebec to their triggering extratropical cyclones and identify possible characteristics (genesis locations, trajectories, lifetime, progression speed, or precipitation intensity) that set these systems apart. Coupled with financial aid claims data, highlighting the differences between regular vs flood-inducing extratropical cyclones coming through Quebec can help describe the region’s flooding history and better prepare for future events. We also explore the involvement of atmospheric rivers in these extreme events. This analysis is performed using three databases. First, the Quebec Floods Financial Aid Claims Database provides the 14360 financial aid claims filed by individuals or businesses for material loss following flooding, from 1990-2022. Each claim contains the location of the damaged infrastructures, watershed involved, and closest river section. Second, the North American Extratropical Cyclone Catalogue provides extratropical cyclone tracks derived from the ERA5 reanalysis, available every hour from 1979-2020, and includes variables of interest such as precipitation and near surface wind-speeds. Third, the Global Atmospheric River Scale Database gives the occurrence and scale (based on integrated water vapor transport and duration of event) of atmospheric rivers every 6 hours from 1979-2020. By grouping the financial aid claims by location and date, 385 events were identified. Through this analysis, 550 extratropical cyclones (storms) of interest were identified and ranked according to their associated percentage of cumulated rain during the event. Five zones of storm genesis locations were identified: western Canada, Great Lakes and Ontario, US Northern East Coast and Quebec, Central US, and US East Coast. The genesis location of weaker storms was uniformly distributed among the five regions. However, most of the remaining 108 more intense storms were coming from two genesis locations: Central US (48%), and US East Coast (25%). For these two genesis zones, trajectories of stronger storms were found to be different from those of weaker storms. For example, tracks were more likely to move over land going up the US East Coast and go over the Great Lakes when coming from Central US. As for atmospheric rivers, their involvement in flood-events was found to be very high in the winter, and minimal in the summer. The combination of data used in this method offers new insights for investigating flooding events.

How to cite: Gagnon, C., Nadeau, D., Di Luca, A., and Anctil, F.: The role of extratropical cyclones in flooding in Quebec, Canada, from 1990-2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12781,, 2025.

Convection-permitting regional climate models (CPRCMs) are increasingly recognized for their ability to improve extreme precipitation predictions, yet their application to hydrological modeling in complex terrains remains uncertain. This study evaluates the performance of CPRCMs in predicting hydrological extremes in two basins in Western Norway: Røykenes, dominated by rainfall-induced floods, and Bulken, characterized by snowmelt-induced floods. We compare the capabilities of a high-resolution convection-permitting model (HCLIM3, 3 km resolution) with a coarser regional climate model (HCLIM12, 12 km resolution) in driving two hydrological models: the physically based Weather Research and Forecasting Model Hydrological system (WRF-Hydro) and the conceptual Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) model. Performance was evaluated based on precipitation, temperature, runoff, and hydrological extremes. We found that HCLIM3 exhibited significantly better performance in estimating annual maximum 1-day (Rx1d) and 1-hour (Rx1h) precipitation, with reduced biases compared to HCLIM12. It also showed added value in capturing the probability density distribution of daily and hourly precipitation, as quantified by the Distribution Added Value (DAV) metric. However, both HCLIM3 and HCLIM12 displayed cold biases, especially in mountainous areas. Besides, in the rainfall-dominated Røykenes basin, WRF-Hydro outperformed HBV in simulating extreme flood magnitudes across return periods (5, 10, 20, and 50 years). However, in the snowmelt-dominated Bulken basin, cold biases in HCLIM3 and HCLIM12 introduced uncertainties in snowmelt timing, leading to larger errors. The added value of HCLIM3 was observed in hourly discharge in the Røykenes basin. However, this benefit was less pronounced in the snowmelt-dominated Bulken basin, where temperature sensitivities significantly influenced snowmelt processes. Biases in HCLIM3 and HCLIM12 meteorological forcing propagated through hydrological models, leading to discharge errors, as highlighted by DAV metrics. This research highlights the importance of applying bias correction to CPRCM simulations to improve hydrological modeling of extreme events, especially in mountainous terrains where biases in temperature and precipitation critically affect hydrological processes.

How to cite: Li, L. and Xie, K.: Evaluating the added value of convection-permitting regional climate models in simulating hydrological extremes over basins in western Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13633,, 2025.

EGU25-15024 | Posters on site | NH1.4

The case of flash floods in Montsià county (Catalonia, Spain): from the source of precipitate water to thunderstorm cells  

Raül Marcos-Matamoros, Mari Carmen Llasat, Ramon Pascual, Tomeu Rigo, Damián Insúa-Costa, and Alfredo Crespo

The latest IPCC report (2022) projects an increase in climate risks for all regions of the world, both in frequency and intensity. In particular, on the Spanish Mediterranean coast, catastrophes such as the Gloria event in January 2020, or the tragic floods that occurred in October 2024 in Valencia and Castile-La Mancha, are aligned with these projections. On a smaller geographical scale, flash floods that occurred in the Montsià county (southern Catalonia) in 2018, 2021 and 2023 also point to an increase in frequency in this in this 733 km² region located at the south of the Ebro Delta. This region is a paradigmatic example of a Mediterranean region with a high flood risk. Firstly, it has a high flash flood hazard, as a result of its abrupt orography with steep slopes that favours the existence of numerous steep torrents, as well as the rise of humid air masses from the Mediterranean, especially when they hit perpendicular to the coastline, which helps trigger convection and gives rise to intense rainfall. Likewise, the geographical region in which it is located is favourable to the entry of humid air from remote sources, which contribute to the increase in the intensity and amount of precipitation. Secondly, it has a high flood exposure despite the low population density, but which is multiplied by four in summer and early autumn in some municipalities. Thirdly, it has a high flood vulnerability, a consequence of being divided into three hydrographic basins, managed by three different administrations, which makes coordination difficult, especially regarding flood prevention. This is combined with a low-risk awareness both socially and individually that is joined to the difficulty of predicting and nowcasting the convective events that give rise to the severe flash floods that the region frequently experiences.

During the catastrophic flooding event of October 18–20, 2018, the maximum precipitation recorded in the Montsià region was 312.2 mm, and a daily rainfall of 209.6 mm, with a peak of 30-minute rainfall of 52.4 mm. On September 1, 2021, 251.9 mm were recorded over three hours, with a peak of 30-minute rainfall of 72 mm.  On September 3, 2023, very heavy rainfall was recorded once again in Montsià, with a maximum rainfall of 206 mm/24h and a peak of 30-minute rainfall of 61.4 mm.  In this study we characterize these three catastrophic flash flood events taking into account the complexity that local scale phenomena may have. For this reason, the characteristics of the thunderstorms that gave rise to the catastrophic flash floods are analyzed, to then go on to understand the synoptic and mesoscale context and finish with the search for the moisture source fields at global scale. In order to ascertain whether this increase in frequency in recent years responds to a significant trend, a spatio-temporal analysis in extreme rainfall indicators has been made. To do this, information from multiple data sources has been integrated, including meteorological station observations, weather radar products, lightning detection networks, high-resolution mesoscale model outputs.

How to cite: Marcos-Matamoros, R., Llasat, M. C., Pascual, R., Rigo, T., Insúa-Costa, D., and Crespo, A.: The case of flash floods in Montsià county (Catalonia, Spain): from the source of precipitate water to thunderstorm cells , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15024,, 2025.

EGU25-15233 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.4

A distributed rainfall-runoff model to explore the connection between floods and climate extremes in the European Alps 

Anna Basso, Luca Lombardo, and Alberto Viglione

Given the current warming trend of our climate system, the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events are expected to have a significant impact on flood dynamics. The Clim2FlEx project aims in this evolving context to assess how floods of different natures are linked to climate extremes under potential future climate scenarios.

This work focuses on the European Alps, an optimal natural laboratory for this topic due to the complex hydro-meteorological processes occurring in the region and its unique position at the intersection of the Mediterranean and continental Europe.

The methodology uses an innovative and integrated version of the TUWmodel, combined with a machine-learning-based regionalization approach, HydroPASS. Once the regional model is validated, it will enable hydrological runoff predictions for both current and future scenarios across the Greater Alpine Region. Based on these simulations, we aim to identify flood events in time and space, linking them to climate extreme indices and, ultimately, to the large-scale climatic phenomena driving their dynamics.

At the EGU, we will present the results obtained regarding the performance of the regional model, along with the steps taken, and those planned, for developing the spatio-temporal event detection strategies.

How to cite: Basso, A., Lombardo, L., and Viglione, A.: A distributed rainfall-runoff model to explore the connection between floods and climate extremes in the European Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15233,, 2025.

EGU25-16468 | Posters on site | NH1.4

Synthetic Design Hydrographs Under Current and Future Climate for Local Bridge Scour Assessment 

Kristina Potočki, Damir Bekić, Nejc Bezak, Tobias Conradt, Damir Pintar, Marko Šrajbek, and Martina Lacko

One of the major challenges in hydrological research for estimating design flood events is accounting for the influence of climate change. These changes are reflected in increasingly frequent and intense fluctuations in river water regimes and sediment transport, indirectly affecting riverbed erosion processes. Therefore, assessing the long-term impacts on the lifespan of hydraulic structures (e.g., bridges) is crucial, requiring a comprehensive analysis of the interrelationship between climate change indicators, flood wave characteristics (including peak flow and hydrograph shape), and local riverbed erosion.

The SERIOUS project (Synthetic dEsign hydrographs undeR current and future clImate for local bridge scOUr aSsessment) aims to methodologically link synthetic design hydrographs (SDH) derived from statistical bivariate analysis under current and projected future climate conditions in the continental parts of the Danube River basin to the assessment of climate change impacts on bridge scour at selected pilot sites. The project objectives are to: (1) establish a methodological framework for determining control SDH based on literature reviews and available data in selected pilot areas; (2) apply and improve supervised and/or unsupervised machine learning algorithms to categorize different SDH types based on their shapes and/or topologies; (3) calibrate a regional hydrological model to evaluate climate change projections using historical discharge and water level data from the selected pilot areas; (4) investigate changes in SDH under climate change projections; and (5) develop a methodological framework for evaluating climate change impacts on bridge scour depth. These objectives are supported by the IAHS "Helping Decade" initiative (Working Group 11.1). The proposed project is expected to improve methodologies for determining SDH, serving as critical inputs for designing various engineering structures.



This work has been supported in part by the Croatian Science Foundation under the project SERIOUS (IP-2024-05-1497) and the “Young Researchers’ Career Development Project – Training New Doctoral Students” (DOK-2020-01-5354).

How to cite: Potočki, K., Bekić, D., Bezak, N., Conradt, T., Pintar, D., Šrajbek, M., and Lacko, M.: Synthetic Design Hydrographs Under Current and Future Climate for Local Bridge Scour Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16468,, 2025.

EGU25-17369 | Orals | NH1.4 | Highlight

Controls on the temporal evolution of extreme precipitation in Austria 

Klaus Haslinger, Korbinian Breinl, Lovrenc Pavlin, Georg Pistotnik, Miriam bertola, Marc Olefs, Marion Greilinger, Wolfgang Schöner, and Günter Blöschl

The temporal evolution of extreme precipitation is expected to be influenced by the broader impacts of climate change. This is generally considered to be due to the increased water-holding capacity of a warmer atmosphere, as well as alterations in atmospheric circulation patterns. However, gaining a comprehensive understanding of how extreme precipitation has changed in the past has been a challenge due to limited historical data and inherent uncertainties, particularly when examining short-duration rainfall events such as those occurring within a one-hour period.

By analyzing rainfall gauge data from Austria collected during the twentieth century, we observe significant decadal-scale variations in daily extreme precipitation. These variations suggest that the frequency and intensity of daily extreme events are highly variable over time. In contrast, our analysis of hourly extreme precipitation reveals a more consistent and noticeable upward trend over the past four decades. This trend corresponds with the increase in global temperatures, showing a 7% rise in hourly extreme precipitation for every 1°C of warming, which is in line with the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship. This increase in hourly extreme precipitation is consistent across both the northern and southern regions of the Alps, indicating that the effects of warming are widespread across Austria. On the other hand, daily extreme precipitation appears to be more strongly influenced by atmospheric circulation patterns, with a more notable correlation to decadal-scale variations in these patterns. These atmospheric circulation shifts are responsible for driving the weather systems that generate extreme precipitation events, particularly on the daily timescale.

In summary, our findings suggest that thermodynamic changes, such as the increase in temperature, have a more pronounced impact on hourly extreme precipitation than on daily extremes. This highlights the distinct processes at play for different timescales, where the short-term (hourly) extreme events are more closely tied to the fundamental thermodynamic properties of the atmosphere, while longer-term (daily) extremes are influenced more by large-scale atmospheric circulation dynamics.

How to cite: Haslinger, K., Breinl, K., Pavlin, L., Pistotnik, G., bertola, M., Olefs, M., Greilinger, M., Schöner, W., and Blöschl, G.: Controls on the temporal evolution of extreme precipitation in Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17369,, 2025.

EGU25-19877 * | Orals | NH1.4 | Highlight

Blocking patterns are crucial in producing recent extreme summer floods 

Hayley Fowler, Paul Davies, Anna Whitford, Stephen Blenkinsop, Christopher White, and Christoph Sauter

Extreme weather events often, but not exclusively, occur when the jet stream is highly disturbed and the atmospheric circulation becomes blocked, allowing long-lasting, quasi-stationary and self-sustaining atmospheric weather regimes to develop. The interactions of subtropical, warm and moist air with polar, cold and dry air within the structure of the atmospheric block may then provide the local ingredients for these highly impactful weather events, including persistent rainfall from cut-off low pressure systems causing floods like those in Central Europe in 2024, or in Germany in 2021, or in Greece or Spain in 2023, or short-duration downbursts leading to serious flash flooding as occurred in Liguria, Italy in Oct 2023 breaking the European record for hourly rainfall. This talk will draw on evidence from several published and unpublished studies to examine the mechanisms for such events, from global drivers, through synoptic scale weather regimes to local-scale processes. Identifying the causal pathways for hydroclimatic extremes is important for developing improved methods for event attribution, and for improving climate model projections, since even high-resolution climate models poorly simulate key mechanisms driving these events and likely underestimate future changes.

How to cite: Fowler, H., Davies, P., Whitford, A., Blenkinsop, S., White, C., and Sauter, C.: Blocking patterns are crucial in producing recent extreme summer floods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19877,, 2025.

EGU25-20525 | Posters on site | NH1.4

Modeling of Ice-jam Flooding: Integrating SUMMA with River Ice Processes for Climate Change Impacts 

Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt, Mohammad Ghoreishi, and Darri Eythorsson

Ice-jam flooding linked with the interactions of hydrological and cryosphere processes is a serious threat to riverine communities in cold regions. This work uses the coupling of the Structure for Unifying Multiple Modeling Alternatives (SUMMA) hydrological model, which represents a wide range of hydrological processes, and the mizuRoute river routing model with that of a river ice model (i.e., RIVICE model) to project of ice-jam floods under changing climatic conditions. In fact, SUMMA and mizuRoute simulate streamflow, which is then passed to RIVICE to model ice formation and dynamics. The dynamics of streamflow simulated by SUMMA / mizuRoute include comprehensive representation of various hydrological processes, while the RIVICE model considers the processes of ice formation, frazil ice dynamics, and accumulation. This coupled modeling framework is applied to the Klondike River in Yukon, Canada, one of the regions historically affected by ice-jam flooding. This study uniquely integrates these models to enable projection of future ice-jam flood scenarios. The simulations are driven by climate projections from the CMIP6 datasets, enabling comprehensive assessments of future freeze-up events and associated flood risks at high spatial and temporal resolution. This work contributes to the increasing value of integrated hydrological and cryospheric modeling, improving flood risk assessments and informing adaptive strategies, such as improved forecasting systems and infrastructure design, for community protection in cold regions.

How to cite: Lindenschmidt, K.-E., Ghoreishi, M., and Eythorsson, D.: Modeling of Ice-jam Flooding: Integrating SUMMA with River Ice Processes for Climate Change Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20525,, 2025.

Northeast India (NEI) plays a key role in national development and environmental security due to its ecological diversity, socioeconomic significance, and strategic importance. In addition to being highly susceptible to climatic extremes, it's crucial for the region to build resilience against such challenges. The NEI, a region traditionally known for its heavy rainfall during the monsoon months (June–September), has witnessed a significant shift in its climatic patterns. The monsoon season, once characterized by consistent rainfall, has now transformed into a flood-drought cycle occurring within the same year. Intense bursts of rainfall lead to widespread flooding, followed by prolonged dry spells that verge on drought conditions. While NEI's vulnerability to flooding has been extensively studied, its susceptibility to drought remains underexplored, despite its growing relevance in the region. Therefore, this study presents a spatial drought vulnerability mapping framework designed to enhance this resilience in NEI, including Bangladesh (NEIB)—a geographically and climatologically intertwined region encompassing diverse landscapes from mountains to coastal plains. The study assesses drought vulnerability for the historical period (1981–2014) and projects future vulnerability (2015–2100) under four Shared Socio-Economic Pathways (SSPs), considering different climatic and socio-economic factors. A total of 16 factors like precipitation, temperature, drainage density, land-cover, surface soil-moisture, population density, etc. are used in this integrated framework. These factors fall under four main categories – hydrology, meteorology, socioeconomics, and agriculture, which employ two Multi-Criteria Decision-Making methods: an Analytical Hierarchy Process and a Weighted Aggregate Sum Product Assessment. Out of all the factors, precipitation emerged as the most influential one, followed by potential evapotranspiration and temperature. The spatial drought vulnerability mapping categorizes the NEIB region into five levels of vulnerability: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. Interestingly, none of the regions in the NEIB fall into the very low or very high vulnerability categories. Regions such as Tripura, Mizoram, West Bengal, and Bangladesh are categorized as highly vulnerable, while Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, and Meghalaya demonstrate greater resilience. Future projections indicate a significant shift in vulnerability patterns. Towards the end of the century (2071–2100), under the SSP585 scenario, the area classified as having moderate vulnerability is expected to decrease from ~85% in the historical period (1981–2014) to approximately ~70%, while the proportion of the region categorized as highly vulnerable is anticipated to rise from ~9% to ~25%. Both the methods demonstrated high accuracy and reliability, achieving Area Under the Curve values above 80% based on Receiver Operating Characteristic curves. A sensitivity analysis via the Stillwell Ranking Method indicated comparable performances by criteria suggesting the robustness of the framework that can be applied to other parts of the world. The findings from such a framework will be helpful to promote the need for actions to mitigate future increases in drought severity in susceptible areas, while the resilience of less-impacted regions might be utilized to derive adaptive measures. As challenges from climate continue to evolve, this study provides valuable information for policymakers and stakeholders seeking to increase regional resilience and achieve sustainable development.

How to cite: Rudra Paul, A. and Maity, R.: Spatial Drought Vulnerability Mapping for Regional Climate Resilience: A study over India’s Northeast including Bangladesh, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3949,, 2025.

    The Taoyuan Tableland has faced a significant shortage of water resources due to booming socio-economic development in the past decades. The Shihmen Reservoir built in 1964 has been gradually unable to support the Taoyuan Tableland's agricultural and public water demands. By analyzing 1995-2014 rainfall data with the 3-month Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI-III), seven extreme meteorology drought events with the SPI-III less than -2 were found. Using the 0.05° statistically downscaled daily rainfall data provided by the Taiwan Climate Change Projection and Information Platform Project (TCCIP), it is expected to have 40 extreme meteorology drought events in 2041-2060. More drought events in the changing climate will further worsen the water shortage. It is urgent to develop adaptation measures for water resources management to enhance the climatic resilience of the Taoyuan Tableland. Agricultural ponds have been used for temporary water storage to support irrigation for more than 70 years, even earlier than the construction of the Shihmen Reservoir. Deepening agricultural ponds to provide distributed water storage capacity over the tableland is considered one of the effective adaptation measures to reduce the impacts of drought. This study focuses on how to systematically integrate and enhance the capacities of agricultural ponds to achieve a better climate-resilient Taoyuan Tableland.

    Components of the Taoyuan Tableland’s water supply-demand system, including the Shihmen reservoir, agricultural ponds, agricultural districts, and water treatment plants, were integrated to build a water-resource system-dynamic model (WRSDM). Baseline (1995-2014) and SSP5-8.5 projections of 2041-2060 were obtained from the TCCIP. The Taiwan Water Resources Assessment Program to Climate Change (TaiWAP) was used to simulate flow discharges for running the WRSDM. The Deficit Percent Day (DPD) index and the Total Agricultural Deficit (TDAg) index are used to evaluate public and agricultural water shortages, respectively. The availability indicator calculated as the ratio of the average time without water shortage to the summation of average time without water shortage and average time of water shortage is used to represent the mean duration of no water shortage in the water resources system. Compared to the baseline (1995-2014), the average TDAg will increase by 10.25% and the availability indicator of public water will decrease by 21.51% due to more drought events in the mid-future (2041-2060). By deepening agricultural ponds by 2 meters, the availability indicator of public water will increase by 0.42% in the mid-future which is better than the case without applying any adaptation measure and indicates water shortage impacts to the domestic and industry sectors can be reduced. In addition to deepening agricultural ponds, different adaptation measures (e.g., rotated irrigation schedules, dry farming, reclaimed water, etc.) will be assessed to provide an optimized combination for adaptation policy recommendations in our future studies.

How to cite: Lin, T. Y., Li, M. H., and Jian, C. B.: Assessing Climate Change Impact and Water Resources Adaptation Measures of the Taoyuan Tableland in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6162,, 2025.

EGU25-8837 | PICO | NH1.5

Practices to include assessments of future climate change in flood risk management in Germany and the Benelux countries  

Sergiy Vorogushyn, Elena Macdonald, Bruno Merz, Jeroen Aerts, Benjamin Dewals, Jaap Kwadijk, Kymo Slager, Patrick Willems, and Davide Zoccatelli

Ongoing climate change, resulting in heavier rainfall and potentially higher flood peaks, can challenge flood risk management in many European regions. In particular, flood design values and flood hazard and risk maps can be challenged by future climate conditions. The devastating July 2021 floods in western Europe highlighted the need for transboundary cooperation in adapting flood risk management to climate change. In the JCAR-ATRACE Initiative (Joint Cooperation programme on Applied scientific Research – Accelerate Transboundary Regional Adaptation to Climate Extremes), we review and synthesize how climate change information is integrated into flood risk management in regions of Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. We assess whether regions have published flood policy papers, developed future climate and flood scenarios, and translated these scenarios to flood hazard and risk maps and/or flood design values. Our findings reveal that while all 17 sub-national regions have adaptation plans addressing climate change, only 6 regions have developed future flood projections, with even fewer (3) incorporating climate-adjusted design values and only one providing flood hazard and risk maps under future climate scenarios. Practices vary widely: for example, Flanders in Belgium uses a full range of emission scenarios (CMIP5 RCP2.6 to RCP8.5), while Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in Germany rely on the high-end scenario (CMIP5 RCP8.5) only. The Netherlands adopts a robust approach using 33 CMIP6 global climate models and a dynamic adaptation pathway framework to address uncertainties. Some regions like Saxony in Germany argue that the spread of projections is too large to derive design values and emphasize the need for standardized scenarios and methods. In summary, our synthesis highlights substantial gaps in incorporating climate change projections into flood risk management and significant regional variation in approaches. The synthesis will hopefully contribute to cross-border learning and foster uptake of climate change adaptation in flood risk management in Europe.

How to cite: Vorogushyn, S., Macdonald, E., Merz, B., Aerts, J., Dewals, B., Kwadijk, J., Slager, K., Willems, P., and Zoccatelli, D.: Practices to include assessments of future climate change in flood risk management in Germany and the Benelux countries , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8837,, 2025.

EGU25-10500 | PICO | NH1.5

Masters of the Meuse: Navigating water scarcity in a shared river basin  

Maarten van der Ploeg and Tami de Lange

Title: Masters of the Meuse: Navigating water scarcity in a shared river basin

Water management in transboundary river basins is one of the most pressing challenges in the face of climate change and competing sectoral demands. Masters of the Meuse is a serious game designed to simulate the complexities of water allocation and governance in the international Meuse River basin, shared by France, Flanders, Wallonia, the Netherlands, and Germany. By assuming the roles of national water managers, players experience firsthand the intricacies of balancing diverse priorities while preventing regional conflicts caused by water scarcity.

Why Participate?
The Meuse River supports nature, agriculture, industry, drinking water, energy production, recreation and cargo shipping. Over 7 million people in the Netherlands and Flanders rely on the Meuse for drinking water, highlighting the river's critical importance. Competing demands, compounded by climate change, increasingly strain the availability and quality of water resources, making effective and transboundary management more urgent. The game provides an interactive platform to explore the complexities of balancing regional priorities, ensuring sustainable water use, and promoting stability. It is especially valuable for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders in water management.

The game aims to:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of transboundary water governance.
  • Provide an immersive experience in managing water scarcity in the context of climate change and to Illustrate the importance of balancing economic, ecological, and societal priorities.
  • Stimulate the international dialogue on how to manage water resources equitably and sustainably and foster collaboration and negotiation skills for conflict prevention.

Gameplay and Insights
Participants represent countries in the Meuse River Basin, each with distinct water needs. The game unfolds over five rounds, each presenting key decisions:

  • Water allocation: Distribute limited resources across sectors and river systems.
  • Negotiation: Collaborate with neighbouring countries to address cross-border challenges and prevent conflict.
  • Event and climate impacts: Respond to disruptions like extreme weather or droughts.
  • Conflict management: A shared Conflict Tracker monitors tensions. If one country’s demand exceeds supply, the entire region faces a collective loss.



Success in the game hinges on finding innovative and collaborative solutions that balance national interests with the shared goal of regional stability. This experience simulates the real-world challenges of managing shared water resources in an unpredictable climate.

Relevance to EGU 2025
Masters of the Meuse offers a unique opportunity for researchers, policymakers, and educators to explore the intersection of science, policy, and society. It highlights how hydroclimatic factors, governance frameworks, and negotiation dynamics interact in shared water systems.

The Meuse River represents the broader challenge of managing shared natural resources globally. By engaging with these issues, participants gain valuable insights into collaborative decision-making and sustainable water use practices.

Join Us
Discover how Masters of the Meuse translates scientific challenges into actionable insights and equips participants with the tools to address the complexities of transboundary water governance. Join us on-site at EGU 2025 in Vienna to experience the game and participate in discussions on its potential applications for research, education, and policymaking.

Together, let’s master the challenges of the Meuse and beyond!

How to cite: van der Ploeg, M. and de Lange, T.: Masters of the Meuse: Navigating water scarcity in a shared river basin , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10500,, 2025.

EGU25-10808 | PICO | NH1.5

Flood risk assessment of agricultural areas along the Niger river upstream Niamey 

Daniele Ganora, Muhammad Abraiz, Elena Belcore, Giorgio Cannella, Mohamed Housseini Ibrahim, Marco Piras, Francesco Saretto, Maurizio Tiepolo, and Riccardo Vesipa

Much of the food supplied to the city of Niamey (1.5 million inhabitants), the capital of Niger, comes from 150 large commercial horticultural sites and 10 vast irrigated perimeters distributed along the Niger River upstream of the city. These areas are threatened by floods, such as the one that devastated paddy fields and horticultural areas in August 2024. To address this problem, a detailed assessment of the river flood risk, expressed in monetary terms, is urgently needed to complement the early flood warning system.

This activity is part of the SLAPIS Sahel project, which aims to develop a more general framework for flood risk management applied to the transboundary Sirba river basin and the nearby Niger river, with the active participation of the water authorities of Burkina Faso and Niger. In this context, this work focuses on the flood risk analysis of the Niger River upstream of the city of Niamey in a multidisciplinary way. To this aim, a hydrological study of the basin was carried out, taking into account the two types of floods that affect the area: floods due to the local rainy season, and dry season events caused by floods upstream in the Guinea-Conakry basin. A hydraulic model was then used to map the extent of flooding, allowing to study the impact and expected damage to the target areas. Daily satellite imagery was used to assess the extent of recent floods and the characteristics of the exposed areas. All these activities were repeated for both the wet and dry seasons, as agricultural production changes and the impacts are different.

This analysis supports the cost-benefit assessment of possible defense structures.

How to cite: Ganora, D., Abraiz, M., Belcore, E., Cannella, G., Housseini Ibrahim, M., Piras, M., Saretto, F., Tiepolo, M., and Vesipa, R.: Flood risk assessment of agricultural areas along the Niger river upstream Niamey, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10808,, 2025.

EGU25-11137 | ECS | PICO | NH1.5 | Highlight

Comparing the effectiveness of upstream nature-based solutions with building-level adaptation measures: a case study for the Geul river 

Veerle Bril, Jens de Bruijn, Hans de Moel, Tarun Sadana, Tim Busker, Wouter Botzen, and Jeroen Aerts

In July 2021 large flooding took place in North-Western Europe. The Geul river, which is shared between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, was one of the flooded catchments, with total damages estimated to be €250 million. Since then, there has been a call for additional flood risk reduction measures in the area, including transboundary nature-based solutions in upstream parts of Belgium and local scale flood-proofing of buildings in The Netherlands.

The main novelty of our study is to make an economic trade-off between upstream nature-based solutions (NBS) and downstream building-level measures. For this, we further develop GEB, a coupled agent-based hydrological model and integrate the hydrodynamic model SFINCS into GEB. Furthermore, to calculate high-resolution risk estimates for buildings, we use object-based exposure data from OpenStreetMap and empirically derived vulnerability curves using survey data at the building level. The model allows us to 1) understand current flood risk in the Geul catchment at the object-level and 2) evaluate the effect of several flood risk reduction measures. The model validation shows good performance against observations of flood extent (CSI=0.66), flood depth, and damage of the July 2021 flood.

We then quantify the risk reduction of several nature-based solutions (wetland restoration, reforestation, retention ponds and the conversion of agricultural land to natural grassland) and building-level adaptation measures (wet-proofing and dry-proofing). Moreover, we examine the effect of upstream nature-based solutions on downstream communities. Finally, we perform a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to gain insight into which combinations of measures are most desirable. Our results show that NBS are especially effective for less extreme floods with high return periods (<1/25). For extreme floods (>1/25), benefit-cost ratios (BCR) may drop to 0.25 or lower. However, these numbers do not account for co-benefits (e.g. tourism). The results can be used by policymakers to design effective flood risk management strategies.

How to cite: Bril, V., de Bruijn, J., de Moel, H., Sadana, T., Busker, T., Botzen, W., and Aerts, J.: Comparing the effectiveness of upstream nature-based solutions with building-level adaptation measures: a case study for the Geul river, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11137,, 2025.

EGU25-12019 | PICO | NH1.5

Drought impacts and community adaptation: perspectives on the 2020-2023 drought in East Africa  

Teun Schrieks, Rhoda Odongo, Ileen Streefkerk, Hans de Moel, Tim Busker, Toon Haer, David MacLeod, Katerina Michaelides, Michael Singer, Mohammed Assen, Anne van Loon, and George Otieno

The Horn of Africa drylands (HAD) encompassing Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia recently endured an unprecedented multi-year drought from 2020 to 2023, causing devastating impacts. This study investigates these impacts and the dynamics of human adaptation in response to the drought, comparing it to earlier drought events (i.e., 2016-2018) to identify key lessons. First, drought impact data—covering milk production, trekking distances to water sources, and internally displaced persons (IDPs)—are analyzed over time to provide a detailed overview of drought dynamics. Second, household survey data (n=752) are used to examine community perceptions of the drought period and their adaptation strategies. Finally, agent-based modelling (ABM) simulations explore the interactions between mitigation, adaptation decisions, and drought impacts. The results reveal that, on average, the 2020-2023 drought had more severe impacts than the 2016-2018 drought, although the latter exhibited greater variability in impacts. Communities have adopted various adaptation measures to cope with drought effects; however, limited knowledge and financial resources remain significant barriers to scaling these efforts. ABM simulations indicate that enhancing extension services can boost the adoption of adaptation strategies, leading to increased crop and milk production. Additionally, the simulations suggest that water harvesting can mitigate drought impacts upstream, though it may reduce water availability downstream. These findings highlight the critical need for sustained investments in adaptation measures, timely and well-informed decision-making, and region-specific interventions while carefully considering the trade-offs associated with these strategies. 

How to cite: Schrieks, T., Odongo, R., Streefkerk, I., de Moel, H., Busker, T., Haer, T., MacLeod, D., Michaelides, K., Singer, M., Assen, M., van Loon, A., and Otieno, G.: Drought impacts and community adaptation: perspectives on the 2020-2023 drought in East Africa , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12019,, 2025.

The Meuse River Basin, like many transboundary river systems, faces a growing number of challenges, exacerbated by climate change, rapid urbanization and population growth. These pressures not only strain water resources, but also increase the frequency and intensity of hydroclimatic extremes such as floods and droughts. In July 2021, floods in Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Germany caused more than 220 deaths and more than 46 billion euros in economic losses. Post-flood assessment reports revealed significant gaps in communication and coordination, especially across borders. The Meuse River Basin is also increasingly affected by droughts, with river discharges below 20 m3/s recorded at Eijsden (Netherlands) in 2018 and 2022. Amid these challenges, there is a heightened focus on alternative solutions to manage these risks, such as detention basins, floodplain restoration, and nature-based approaches, which could significantly affect land use and resource management. The integration of such local measures presents a valuable opportunity, but also demands careful consideration of how different countries within the basin approach land and water governance.

A major barrier to more effective flood and drought management lies in the fragmented nature of data integration and modeling infrastructure. Evaluation reports have pointed to significant communication and coordination gaps, particularly across borders. They found that disparate data sources are often not sufficiently coordinated or shared across the regions that make up the basin, making it difficult to design and implement unified policies. This lack of integration complicates decision-making, creates gaps that hinder the development of cohesive strategies that are essential for managing the basin’s shared resources, increases the likelihood that conflicting measures will be taken in different jurisdictions, undermining the overall resilience of the basin. Although the International Meuse Commission (IMC) acts as platform for exchange and coordination of river basin water management strategies and guarantor of compliance with EU directives like the Water Framework Directive, it lacks the authority and capacity to ensure efficient information exchange among riparian regions. At present, regions and countries turn to bi- or multilateral agreements and projects independently of the IMC. The Netherlands for instance deploys great diplomatic efforts Belgium in an attempt to improve information sharing with Belgium.

This paper examines the relevance and effectiveness of a river basin organization in a basin where regions tend to prefer bilateral agreements and action guided by local implementation visions. It compares the advantages and disadvantages of a governance structure based primarily on bilateral relations with the river basin approach. It reflects on the IMC framework ostensibly regulated by the Water Framework Directive and its failure to add value to effective transboundary river basin cooperation.

Key Words:

Climate change adaptation, international basin cooperation, knowledge co-production, policy integration, transboundary water governance

How to cite: Telle, A. and Bréthaut, C.: Assessing Fragmented Governance and Data Integration Challenges in the Meuse River Basin: A Review of Transboundary Cooperation Effectiveness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14407,, 2025.

EGU25-15373 | PICO | NH1.5

Cross-border hydrological hazard and risk differences in the case of the Prut River for Romania and the Republic of Moldova 

Mihai Niculita, Tatiana Bunduc, Iurii Bejan, Ioana Chiriac, Elena-Oana Chelariu, Aliona Botnari, Andreea Fedor, and Mihai Ciprian Margarint

In hazard-to-risk assessment, often given the same natural hazard situations, risk is generalized in terms of scenarios and vulnerability. In reality, even in the same natural hazard situations, vulnerability can be different, considering different natural, social, political and economic aspects. This is also the case of the Prut floodplain, which has long been a hard political border and where two different socio-economic regimes have shaped human-environment interactions over the last 55-75 years. Despite the joint construction of the Stânca-Costești reservoir, predominantly downstream the Romanian side built dikes, after the Second World War, resulting in a lower theoretical vulnerability. On the Moldovan side, the dyke network is not very extensive and especially in the floods after 2000, the vulnerability and risks were greater. We mapped the dike network on both banks of the Prut River on LiDAR data and synthesized the post-2000 flood impact to establish a vulnerability estimation framework.

How to cite: Niculita, M., Bunduc, T., Bejan, I., Chiriac, I., Chelariu, E.-O., Botnari, A., Fedor, A., and Margarint, M. C.: Cross-border hydrological hazard and risk differences in the case of the Prut River for Romania and the Republic of Moldova, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15373,, 2025.

EGU25-15747 | ECS | PICO | NH1.5

Learning from the past to inform flood risk management: Analysis of public survey data in Belgium on flood early warning and response during the July 2021 flood 

Heather J. Murdock, Daniela Rodriguez Castro, Benjamin Dewals, Anna Heidenreich, and Annegret H. Thieken

In July 2021 an intense and rapid onset rainfall event resulted in severe flooding in Belgium as well as neighbouring countries of Germany, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. The region of Wallonia in Belgium was severely affected with the Vesdre River valley in the province of Liège being particularly hard-hit, with 39 reported fatalities there. The warning system was significantly criticised in the aftermath of the event. Hence, this work addresses the flood forecasting warning and response system (FFWRS) performance in Belgium for the July 2021 flood with a focus on Wallonia. The analysis is based on an online survey (n=550) and addresses the reception of official warnings, interpretation and trust in the warnings, and response behaviour. We investigate which variables may influence behaviour and situational factors which leads to people receiving an official warning in time before the flood including flood severity experienced and risk perception. We find that among the respondents in Wallonia 33% reported that they had not been warned and while 28% were warned through official channels, many did not know how to respond. From a similar survey conducted in Germany we see comparable results, suggesting that there were similar cross border challenges. A first regression analysis of the Belgian data suggests that respondents whose household was highly affected were less likely to receive an official warning in time which is consistent with testimonies reporting that inhabitants in severely affected areas were particularly surprised by the flood. We also investigate the role of risk perception and flood warning. This points to some of the challenges with effectively early warning for flash floods. Our analysis highlights the need to improve Belgium's flood warning system by ensuring timely issuance of warnings and enhanced public understanding. In addition, with a comparison of results to the Germany data we discuss common challenges but also important differences.

How to cite: Murdock, H. J., Rodriguez Castro, D., Dewals, B., Heidenreich, A., and Thieken, A. H.: Learning from the past to inform flood risk management: Analysis of public survey data in Belgium on flood early warning and response during the July 2021 flood, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15747,, 2025.

EGU25-17200 | ECS | PICO | NH1.5

Integrating conceptual risk models with an adaptation pathways approach to assess and manage systemic drought risks across sectors and boarders 

Edward Sparkes, Davide Cotti, Ananya Ramesh, Saskia Werners, and Michael Hagenlocher

To tackle systemic drought risks, both short-term and long-term decision making that anticipates climate change and balances the varying needs and availability of water across different sectors is required. Adaptation pathways are a promising approach which can enable this, by indicating how to implement adaptation options progressively depending on how drought risks emerge under different hydrological and societal conditions. However, for adaptation pathways to be effective for managing systemic drought risks, they need to take into consideration cross-sectoral and cross-border effects, and therefore be informed by risk assessments that identify vulnerabilities and underlying risk drivers across multiple sectors. In this presentation we showcase research from the recently published World Drought Atlas, demonstrating how conceptual models of drought risks can integrate with a pathways approach to manage shared impacts and drivers of drought risks across different sectors.

Individual Drought Impact Chains derived from literature were developed for five impacted systems at the global level (water supply, agriculture, hydropower, inland navigation and ecosystems). These were brought together to create a systemic conceptual model that identified cross-sectoral and cross-border impacts and shared underlying drivers and root causes of drought risks across systems. We then showed how different risk management and adaptation measures, which are often designed for a single system, can have positive effects across different, interconnected systems by tackling these shared risk drivers and root causes. The chosen measures covered diverse sectoral needs, focusing on water resource management, land-use management and governance aspects, and included grey infrastructure, early warning systems, Nature-based Solutions and community-based approaches. Finally, the measures were brought together in a pathways approach, demonstrating how different clusters of measures, when implemented progressively and in consideration of one another, can strengthen co-benefits and create synergies across systems. The pathways show how combing measures can be more effective against increasing levels of risk, and also when measures cease to be effective and a shift to a new pathway is needed. The pathways framework additionally supports the timing of when measures should be considered for implementation, avoiding less desirable adaptation decisions until absolutely necessary.

While this methodology was developed in the context of managing systemic and cross-border drought risks, the measures and pathways also have high relevance for flood management. This signals that such an approach cold equally be developed for systemic flood risks, or for managing hydrological extremes from both floods and droughts. By integrating adaptation pathways with a cross-sectoral conceptual model of risks, dynamic adaptation planning is supported that connects the vulnerabilities of multiple systems with prospective, forward looking risk management. This helps to reduce uncertainty and manage trade-offs in decision making. Such an approach shows the benefits of taking a systemic lens towards the management of drought risks.

How to cite: Sparkes, E., Cotti, D., Ramesh, A., Werners, S., and Hagenlocher, M.: Integrating conceptual risk models with an adaptation pathways approach to assess and manage systemic drought risks across sectors and boarders, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17200,, 2025.

EGU25-17389 | PICO | NH1.5

Stress testing landscapes’ response to climatic extremes with and without sponge measures 

Laddaporn Ruangpan, Angela Klein, Christian Albert, Alejandro Dussaillant, Kymo Slager, and Ellis Penning

With global climate change, it is not only getting warmer but precipitation patterns are also shifting. This leads to more intense or prolonged precipitation as well as periods with reduced or no precipitation. Stress testing, a technique originally from engineering, assesses the stability of an object under adverse conditions and has been widely used in the financial sector to evaluate the impact of interacting drivers of change and to plan actions to minimize risks in a standardized and transparent manner.  In the water sector, stress testing has also recently been employed in the Netherlands to map out the vulnerabilities of landscapes and the assets in it to weather extremes. This research aims to advance this stress testing methodology to aid dialogues on improving climate resilience of landscapes. The developed framework serves as a systematic evaluation process designed to assess a system’s behaviour under progressively increasing stress levels linked to a wider variety of hydro-meteorological events. It lists key stressors driving the system and proposes indicators to evaluate performance under stress, including system responses expressed as extend of floods and droughts, shifts in water quality and biodiversity values, and socioeconomic impact. In this research, the methodology is applied by conducting hydrological model experiments to simulate flood and drought scenarios in transboundary catchments. Using a range of stress tests, we explore landscapes’ sensitivity to variations in precipitation patterns and initial conditions. Additionally, the study evaluates potential sponge measures designed to mitigate system stress and enhance its resilience before critical failures occur. By testing these measures, the study assesses their capacity to reduce system pressure, improve adaptability, and enhance resilience to extreme events to limit critical failure or significant operational disruptions.

How to cite: Ruangpan, L., Klein, A., Albert, C., Dussaillant, A., Slager, K., and Penning, E.: Stress testing landscapes’ response to climatic extremes with and without sponge measures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17389,, 2025.

EGU25-18504 | ECS | PICO | NH1.5

Understanding low flow genesis in the International Meuse Basin 

Deborah Dotta Correa, Micha Werner, and Norbert Cremers

More frequent and more severe low flow events under a changing climate pose significant challenges to water management and impact various sectors such as agriculture, water supply, navigation, energy and recreation. Low flow events naturally occur as a result of periods of drought. While the generation and propagation of low flows will depend on basin characteristics, these are also influenced by human actions, which can aggravate or attenuate their intensity and duration. Here, we focus on understanding of the genesis and propagation of low flows in the Meuse Basin, a transboundary basin shared by France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, and the Netherlands. Characteristics of the different sub-basins of the Meuse were analysed using an extensive 40-year observed streamflow dataset collated from multiple providers across the basin (e.g., Rijkswaterstaat, SPW, EauFrance, ELWAS-WEB, Vlaanderen Waterinfo, Waterschap Limburg). The collated dataset is used to identify low flow periods by comparing daily streamflow to a 20% non-exceedance seasonally adjusted threshold. The degree of human influence is then determined by contrasting indices such as low flow duration and deficit volume between a benchmark naturalised time series and the human-influenced time series. The storage capacity of sub-basins is analysed through annual and seasonal baseflow volumes as well as sub-basin recession constants. The study revealed that sub-basins like the Rur, Amblève and Chiers are high baseflow contributors, though significant human influences are found. This contrasts with the Upper Meuse, which has a lower human influence, albeit with a limited baseflow contribution. Aggravation of low flows due to human influences can be linked to agricultural land use and water abstractions in the basin as well as reservoirs though these can either aggravate or attenuate low flows, depending on how these are operated. These findings provide important insights into the genesis of low flows and water storage in the Meuse. This understanding lays the foundation for proposing tailored adaptation measures at the sub-basin level depending on its characteristics that have the potential to increase the overall basin storage potential and optimise water management; including through Nature-Based Solutions, improved reservoir operations and other infrastructural interventions.

How to cite: Dotta Correa, D., Werner, M., and Cremers, N.: Understanding low flow genesis in the International Meuse Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18504,, 2025.

EGU25-20048 | PICO | NH1.5

PASSAGE: strengthening PAStoral livelihoodS in the African Greater horn through Effective anticipatory action 

Pedram Rowhani, Chloe Hopling, Ahmed Mohamoud, Dominic Kathiya, Gift Mashango, and Maurine Ambani

Using transdisciplinary approaches, PASSAGE brings together a diverse team with the aim of addressing several gaps by co-developing with pastoral communities, local government, and the civil society, inclusive and cross-scale risk narratives and anticipatory action (AA) plans based on predictive multi-hazard impact-based forecasts to effectively build the resilience of pastoral communities. PASSAGE particularly focuses on the transboundary regions within the region as these host the most vulnerable pastoral communities with acute malnutrition levels. 

The current food insecurity over the Greater Horn of Africa region is deeply alarming, with millions among the pastoral communities particularly affected. Whilst this evolving food security crisis has been well monitored and forecasted, the extent of early actions has been demonstrably insufficient to save lives and livelihoods. The goal of PASSAGE, a CLARE-funded project, is to co-produce knowledge for action with all sections of pastoral societies. The project is driven by research questions and activities, which include identifying indicators and triggers that best capture the impacts of drought and extreme temperature on diverse socio-ecological landscapes; estimating the cascading impacts of these hazards on pastoral livelihoods; evaluating the most effective AA to build the resilience of pastoral communities at phased lead times; and defining mechanisms for coordinated transboundary AA plans. The project is at its midway point and we will be sharing some exciting results. 

How to cite: Rowhani, P., Hopling, C., Mohamoud, A., Kathiya, D., Mashango, G., and Ambani, M.: PASSAGE: strengthening PAStoral livelihoodS in the African Greater horn through Effective anticipatory action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20048,, 2025.

Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) are bursts of energetic X- and gamma-rays which are emitted from thunderstorms as the Bremsstrahlung radiation of relativistic electrons. Recently, the ALOFT (Airborne Lightning Observatory for FEGS and TGFs) mission has shown that the emission of such energetic radiation, also including gamma-ray glows and flickering gamma-ray flashes, is more abundant than previously thought. This raises the question how the relativistic electrons and photons interact with the atmosphere and whether they have an impact on the chemical composition while propagating through the atmosphere, potentially relevant for the production of greenhouse gases. The propagation and interaction of relativistic particles with the atmosphere can be studied with particle Monte Carlo collision models requiring cross sections as an input. Whilst there are well established data for photoionization, Compton scattering and pair production, we lack cross sections for photoexcitation, photodissociation or the excitation of air molecules through relativistic electrons which contribute to the chemical activation of the atmosphere. In order to fill this gap of data, we here present a novel numerical tool calculating cross sections for energetic particles propagating in air. We provide an overview of the code structure and present benchmarking cases against well-known cross sections. Additionally, we will present a first application by calculating cross sections for photodissociation for a wide range of energies. In the end, we will give an outlook how this will allow to pave the path for more realistic simulations of energetic phenomena in our atmosphere, relevant for chemical processes.

How to cite: Köhn, C. and van Gemert, H.: Towards the investigation of chemical effects of energetic electrons and photons in the atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1217,, 2025.

EGU25-1630 | Posters on site | NH1.6

On the influence of lightning distance on the atmospheric electric field 

Konstantinos Kourtidis, Athanassios Karagioras, Ioannis Kosmadakis, and Vassiliki Kotroni

The influence of lightning on the atmospheric electric field (potential gradient, PG) is examined at Xanthi, NE Greece. The data span one year, 01/06/2011 - 31/05/2012. The influence of lightning distance on PG is large, and is evident up to distances of 50 km. At distances shorter than 1 km, the 1-min absolute PG values mean increase is 10 kV/m, while 1-sec values may increase above 20 kV/m for lightning distances below 10 km. It appears that PG increases linearly with decreasing lightning distance. Lightning can cause both positive and negative PG values. It is found that negative PG values increase faster than positive ones as the lightning distance decreases, and mean negative values are at any distance up to 50 km 20% higher than the mean positive ones. It is also examined how synoptic weather types influence lightning frequency and PG values. Circulation Weather Types (CWT) that produce more lightning near Xanthi are ones associated with high 500 hPa geopotential heights over the area and high thickness of the 850-500 hPa isobaric surfaces. Thgey are encountered predominantly during summer, and to a lower extend during spring and autumn. During such systems, when lightning was detected at distances shorter than 100 km from the site, the mean absolute values of PG were 1-1.2 kV/m.

How to cite: Kourtidis, K., Karagioras, A., Kosmadakis, I., and Kotroni, V.: On the influence of lightning distance on the atmospheric electric field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1630,, 2025.

The appearance of transient luminous events (TLEs) in the mesosphere is known to be associated with strong (almost exclusively) positive cloud-to-ground (+CG) strokes with large charge moment change (CMC) values in tropospheric thunderstorms. Nevertheless, despite numerous observational campaigns from ground and space-based platforms, robust theoretical models, and laboratory experiments, there are lingering open questions concerning the exact circumstances for the appearance of sprites, among which is the cause for the observed delay in sprite appearance relative to the onset of the current in the parent stroke. Curiously, seemingly identical +CG discharges with the same CMC that should lead to a mesospheric discharge do not initiate sprites, while sometimes even weaker +CG discharges are able to do so. Previous studies aiming to resolve this issue have investigated different effects, such as mesospheric inhomogeneities, the presence of meteoritic ablation products, discharges in neighboring cloud cells, associative detachment of electrons from atomic oxygen ions, and long continuing currents. Here, we investigate the properties of the parent +CG's continuing current by suggesting piecewise-varying discharge time dependence. We present the results of simulations using a 3D quasi-electrostatic model (Haspel and Yair, 2024) with various patterns of the parent flash discharge current. We show how short, moderate, and long delayed sprites can be incepted due to piecewise-varying discharge current time dependence, and how discharges possessing low iCMC values can still produce electric fields in the mesosphere with magnitudes above the conventional electrical breakdown field. The model is validated by simulating two sprite events observed from the International Space Station during the ILAN-ES campaigns in April 2022 (on AX-1) and February 2024 (on AX-3), showing how a delayed sprite is incepted by a prolonged piecewise pattern of the current in the parent +CG flash.


Haspel, C. and Y. Yair (2024), Numerical Simulations of the region of possible sprite inception in the mesosphere above winter thunderstorms under windshear. Ad. Spa. Res.., 74, 11, 5548-4468, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2024.08.050

How to cite: Yair, Y. and Haspel, C.: Simulating the possible regions of delayed sprite inception above thunderstorms using piecewise-varying lightning current time dependence , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2357,, 2025.

EGU25-3614 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Enhancing Lightning Resilience: Predictive Models and Infrastructure Protection for UK Electric Power Systems 

Xue Bai, Xinyuan He, Martin Fullekrug, Chenghong Gu, Mingyi Xu, Bohan Li, Laiz Souto, Tinashe Chikohora, and Douglas Dodds

The UK’s goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050 requires the construction of extensive new power infrastructure to accommodate low carbon energy technologies (e.g., offshore wind, nuclear) while mitigating climate risks. Lightning activity poses severe risks to power system security and can result in significant economic losses (Ofgem, 2019; Bialek, 2020). These risks must be mitigated as effectively as possible as new power grid infrastructure is built in the coming years and climate scenarios.

To represent lightning activity, this study employs a newly developed thunder hour dataset from Earth Networks, with a spatial resolution of approximately 5.5 km, specifically designed for climate research (DiGangi et al., 2022). Ten years of monthly historical UK thunder hour data from Earth Networks are analysed to identify lightning climatology trends and support the development of a long-term predictive lightning model. This study differentiates itself from previous UK lightning research by focusing directly on lightning risks impacting the UK’s power grid infrastructure, aiming to offer actionable insights for risk mitigation during the planning of future power assets for National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET).

Historical lightning damage hotspots are identified by linking power system fault records with spatiotemporal lightning activity characteristics such as peak current and lightning duration from lightning detection and location networks. Analysing lightning activity’s impact on power system line trippings helps improve the grid’s reliability and safety (Li et al., 2024). The novelty of this research lies in its integration of lightning hotspot analysis, informed by lightning climatology trends, with asset distribution to pinpoint high-risk areas for electrical infrastructure, validated through power system failure case studies. These findings offer a basis for improved disaster prevention and mitigation strategies, enhancing grid resilience and safety.



The authors acknowledge the support for the KERAUNIC project (ref: NIA2_NGET0055, National Grid Electricity Transmission, 2024), which focuses on improving the understanding of lightning-induced damage to UK power systems. This research is part of an innovation effort funded through the Network Innovation Allowance (NIA).


Bialek, J. (2020). What does the GB power outage on 9 August 2019 tell us about the current state of decarbonised power systems? Energy Policy, 146, 111821.

DiGangi, E., Stock, M., & Lapierre, J. (2022). Thunder Hours: How Old Methods Offer New Insights into Thunderstorm Climatology. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103, E548-E569.

Li, M., Cheng, S., Wang, J., Cai, L., Fan, Y., Cao, J., & Zhou, M. (2024). Thunderstorm total lightning activity behaviour associated with transmission line trip events of power systems. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7(1), 148.

National Grid Electricity Transmission. (2024). Knowledge Elicitation of Risks to Assets Under LightNing Impulse Conditions (KERAUnIC).

Ofgem. (2019). Investigation into 9 August 2019 Power Outage. Retrieved from

How to cite: Bai, X., He, X., Fullekrug, M., Gu, C., Xu, M., Li, B., Souto, L., Chikohora, T., and Dodds, D.: Enhancing Lightning Resilience: Predictive Models and Infrastructure Protection for UK Electric Power Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3614,, 2025.

EGU25-4072 | Orals | NH1.6

Upcoming broadband electromagnetic balloon measurements related to terrestrial gamma ray flashes and gamma glows  

Ivana Kolmasova, Ondrej Santolik, Sébastien Celestin, Eric Defer, and Radek Lan

Thunderclouds and lightning produce high-energy radiation over a wide range of time scales. Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) are brief emissions lasting ~100 µs, consisting of photons with energies ranging from 20 keV to 40 MeV. Simultaneous ground-based measurements of electromagnetic fields and gamma-ray emissions have found TGFs to be associated with the evolutionary phases of both intracloud and cloud-to-ground lightning discharges.

Gamma-ray glows, on the other hand, last from a few seconds to several tens of minutes, typically coincide with the passage of thunderclouds, and are sometimes abruptly terminated by nearby lightning. Photons emitted during gamma-ray glows share the same energy spectrum as TGFs but are less intense. It was recently discovered that thundercloud regions can glow for hours and that gamma glows are more dynamic phenomena than originally thought.

Both types of gamma-ray emissions are believed to be generated via bremsstrahlung by energetic runaway electrons accelerated in the strong electric fields within thunderclouds. However, the connection between TGFs and gamma-ray glows remains not fully understood.

Until now, the only simultaneous gamma ray and radio wave measurements were conducted onboard an airplane during the ALOFT campaign. The TARANIS mission, which was intended to carry a unique set of electromagnetic, particle, gamma ray, and optical instruments, was unfortunately lost due to the failure of the Vega launcher in 2020.

The STRATELEC balloon project (part of the French-US STRATEOLE-2 project of long-duration balloon flights at the tropical tropopause), with precise synchronization of broadband electric field measurements and a gamma-ray detector, will provide a unique opportunity to correlate individual photon detections with electromagnetic pulses emitted by various lightning processes. These coordinated measurements could help answer the following questions:

  • a) At which stage of the evolution of lightning discharges are TGFs produced?
  • b) Which types of intracloud discharges produce detectable high-energy radiation?
  • c) What are the differences in the electromagnetic signatures of lightning processes associated with TGFs and gamma glows?
  • d) What are the temporal variations in electromagnetic emissions associated with gamma glows?
  • e) Are flickering TGFs truly radio silent?

In this presentation, we introduce the FPGA-based radio receiver RIP (Radio Instrument Package), developed for the STRATELEC balloon project. The receiver is designed to capture and analyze the electromagnetic signatures of various lightning phenomena associated with gamma-ray production, including leader pulses, initial breakdown pulses, compact intracloud discharges, and dart-stepped leader pulses. The anticipated launch is late 2026.

How to cite: Kolmasova, I., Santolik, O., Celestin, S., Defer, E., and Lan, R.: Upcoming broadband electromagnetic balloon measurements related to terrestrial gamma ray flashes and gamma glows , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4072,, 2025.

EGU25-4688 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6

Correction of Parallax Shift Effect Based on Cloud Top Height for FY-4A LMI 

Yuansheng Zhang, Xiushu Qie, Dongjie Cao, Jing Yang, and Dongfang Wang

The Lightning Mapping Imager (LMI) onboard the Fengyun-4A (FY-4A) satellite is the first independently developed satellite-borne lightning imager in China. It enables continuous lightning detection in China and surrounding areas, regardless of weather conditions. The FY-4A LMI uses a Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) array for lightning detection, and the accuracy of lightning positioning is influenced by cloud top height (CTH). In this study, we proposed an ellipsoid CTH parallax correction (ECPC) model for lightning positioning applicable to FY-4A LMI. The model utilizes CTH data from the Advanced Geosynchronous Radiation Imager (AGRI) on FY-4A to correct the light-ning positioning data. According to the model, when the CTH is 12 km, the maximum deviation in lightning positioning caused by CTH in Beijing is approximately 0.1177° in the east–west direction and 0.0530° in the north–south direction, corresponding to a horizontal deviation of 13.1558 km, which exceeds the size of a single ground detection unit of the geostationary satellite lightning imager. Therefore, it is necessary to be corrected. A comparison with data from the Beijing Broadband Lightning Network (BLNET) and radar data shows that the corrected LMI data exhibit spatial distribution that is closer to the simultaneous BLNET lightning positioning data. The coordinate differences between the two datasets are significantly reduced, indicating higher consistency with radar data. The correction algorithm decreases the LMI lightning location deviation caused by CTH, thereby improving the accuracy and reliability of satellite lightning positioning data. The proposed ECPC model can be used for the real-time correction of lightning data when CTH is obtained at the same time, and it can be also used for the post-correction of space-based lightning detection with other cloud top height data.

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Qie, X., Cao, D., Yang, J., and Wang, D.: Correction of Parallax Shift Effect Based on Cloud Top Height for FY-4A LMI, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4688,, 2025.

EGU25-4814 | Posters on site | NH1.6

The STRATELEC (STRatéole-2 ATmospheric ELECtricity) project 

Eric Defer, Serge Soula, Sébastien Célestin, Yanis Hazem, François Trompier, Ivana Kolmašová, Ondrej Santolík, Radek Lán, Jean-Jacques Berthelier, Elena Seran, Michel Godefroy, Albert Hertzog, and Stéphanie Venel

About 45 lightning flashes occur per second all around the Earth with a predominant distribution over the continents and along the inter-tropical band. While different types of Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) induced by lightning flashes can be produced above the thunderstorms, Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes (TGFs) are bursts of high-energy photons originating from the Earth’s atmosphere in association with thunderstorm activity with a great majority of TGFs occurring in the inter-tropical region. In addition to those radiation bursts, another type of high-energy emission, so-called gamma ray glows, has been observed inside thunderstorms corresponding to significant enhancements of background radiation that last for more than a few seconds. All these connected phenomena remain to be documented both remotely and on an in-situ manner. Balloon-borne missions offer the required in-situ close-range high-altitude measurements of the ambient electrostatic field, conductivity, TGF radiation and lightning occurrence for a better understanding and modeling of these complex phenomena and of their effects on the Earth atmosphere and the global atmospheric electrical circuit.

The STRATELEC (STRatéole-2 ATmospheric ELECtricity) project (Defer et al., 2022), funded by CNES, aims at deploying within the Stratéole-2 framework (Hertzog and Plougonven, 2020) new atmospheric electricity instrumentation on several stratospheric balloons to:

  • Document the electrical state of the atmosphere and the production of high-energy radiation through in-situ and remote sensing measurements to reach better understanding and better modeling capabilities of the processes occurring during thunderstorms,
  • Identify state-of-the-art and emerging technologies to populate the STRATELEC instrumentation package with new sensors in the perspective of their operation on stratospheric balloons, high altitude aircraft and even low-level drones to eventually propose new balloon and/or space mission concepts,
  • Contribute to additional scientific returns on any space mission dedicated to lightning detection (e.g. MTG-LI, GOES-GLM) and more generally to the study of the convection in the Tropics and of electrodynamic couplings in the terrestrial atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere system.

First, we will remind the scientific objectives of the STRATELEC project. Then we will provide an update on the different scientific and technical activities, including the development and the testing of STRATELEC instruments, but also the data analysis méthodology. Finally, we will discuss the way forward for the upcoming and final Stratéole-2 campaign (winter 2026-2027), as well as some initial thoughts on future balloon campaigns.


Hertzog A., and R. Plougonven (2020), Stratéole-2 : des ballons longue durée pour étudier la tropopause tropicale, La Météorologie - n° 108 - février 2020.

Defer, E., et al. (2022), An Overview of the STRATELEC (STRatéole-2 ATmospheric ELECtricity) Project, 25th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, 1-5 May 2022, Biarritz, France.


How to cite: Defer, E., Soula, S., Célestin, S., Hazem, Y., Trompier, F., Kolmašová, I., Santolík, O., Lán, R., Berthelier, J.-J., Seran, E., Godefroy, M., Hertzog, A., and Venel, S.: The STRATELEC (STRatéole-2 ATmospheric ELECtricity) project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4814,, 2025.

EGU25-5416 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6

Lightning statistics and spatial distribution in South Korea in 2023 

Kyeongyeon Ko, Sunwoo Chu, Kyung-Yeub Nam, and Kwang-Ho Kim

An analysis of lightning strike statistics and spatial distributions in South Korea was conducted throughout 2023 to archive records and to support weather research through the use of radar data. The annual lightning strikes reached 73,341, demonstrating a twofold increase from 36,750 in the previous year but still below the 10-year (2014-2023) average of 93,380. Temporal analysis shows summer recorded the highest number of lightning strikes at 55,258, accounting for 75.35% of annual occurrences, a pattern consistent with the 10-year average. June, October, and December exhibited higher strikes than the 10-year average, while February, March, and August showed significantly lower activity. Spatial distribution examination identified Gyeongsangbuk-do as the dominant region with 12,892 strikes constituting 17.58% of the total. In contrast, Daejeon Metropolitan City recorded the lowest count with 270 strikes, equivalent to 0.37%. The grid investigation revealed high activity zones over the West Sea and around Seoul and Busan, representing increased strikes compared to the 10-year average. Ground-to-cloud discharges prevailed, with high intensities recorded over the South Sea relative to other regions. The five days with the highest number of lightning strikes were identified as 27 June, 11 July, 12 July, 26 July, and 26 October, followed by an analysis of regional strike distribution for each date. This study contributes to an improved understanding of lightning climatology in South Korea, enhancing meteorological forecasting capabilities.

This research was supported by the "Development of radar based severe weather monitoring technology (KMA2021-03121)" of "Development of integrated application technology for Korea weather radar" project funded by the Weather Radar Center, Korea Meteorological Administration.

How to cite: Ko, K., Chu, S., Nam, K.-Y., and Kim, K.-H.: Lightning statistics and spatial distribution in South Korea in 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5416,, 2025.

EGU25-5624 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6

Characterizing continuing current lightning using multi instrument observations 

Pablo Antonio Camino-Faillace, Francisco José Gordillo-Vazquez, Francisco Javier Pérez-Invernón, Joan Montanya, Janusz Mlynarczyk, Neubert Torsten, Olivier Chanrion, and Nikolai Østgaard

Lightning flashes with continuing current (CC) are a type of cloud-to-ground (CG) flash that pose significant risks, including air quality degradation, damage to electrical systems and the igniting of wildfires.  Understanding CC lightning is important for mitigating its effects and assessing its potential connection to climate change.

In this study, we used a combination of space-based instruments (ASIM and GLM) and ground-based networks (ENTLN and ELF) to systematically identify CC lightning across the Contiguous United States (CONUS) from June 1, 2018, to December 31, 2021.

ASIM, aboard the International Space Station, provides high-resolution optical measurements at dual wavelengths (337.0 nm and 777.4 nm), while GLM offers continuous geostationary monitoring of optical emissions at 777 nm. Ground-based systems like ENTLN and ELF provide complementary radio data.

We utilized two distinct methods to classify lightning flashes as CC or no CC. The first relied on the predictive models of Fairman and Bitzer (2022), based on the optical signal of GLM, while the second utilized a metric derived from Extreme Low Frequency (ELF) magnetic signals.

We found clear differences between optical properties in ASIM dual-wavelength (337.0~nm, 777.4~nm) light curves associated with CC and no CC lightning, indicating potential for identifying CC flashes using ASIM optical recordings.

Results reveal optical and electromagnetic differences between CC and no CC lightning. First, CC flashes have longer-lasting optical emissions, higher power densities, and elevated total energy levels compared to no CC flashes. Second, the processed ELF radio signal can sense the presence of CC and the electrical polarity of lightning flashes. These findings highlight the value of combining space-based optical and ground-based ELF measurements to improve detection and classification of CC lightning.

How to cite: Camino-Faillace, P. A., Gordillo-Vazquez, F. J., Pérez-Invernón, F. J., Montanya, J., Mlynarczyk, J., Torsten, N., Chanrion, O., and Østgaard, N.: Characterizing continuing current lightning using multi instrument observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5624,, 2025.

EGU25-5745 | Orals | NH1.6

Search for in situ signatures of electric activity on Mars 

Baptiste Chide, Ralph Lorenz, Franck Montmessin, Sylvestre Maurice, Yann Parot, Ricardo Hueso, German Martinez, Alvaro de Vicente-Retortillo, Xavier Jacob, Mark Lemmon, Bruno Dubois, Pierre-Yves Meslin, Claire Newman, Tanguy Bertrand, Agnès Cousin, and Roger Wiens

Electrical discharges such as lightning are among the most energetic and remarkable phenomena in planetary atmospheres. Both laboratory experiments and modeling studies have predicted that triboelectric charging of wind-blown particles in dust events on Mars should lead to significant electrification. However, there have been no direct measurements of a Martian electric field or observations of discharges. Here, using acoustic recordings from the SuperCam microphone onboard the Perseverance rover, we report evidence for an atmospheric discharge in a dust devil, based on the electromagnetic and acoustic signatures observed in the microphone signal. This is the first direct detection of a triboelectric discharge in the Mars atmosphere. It shows that the electric field in a dust devil can reach 25 kV/m, which is the expected breakdown threshold of the Mars atmosphere. Electrical discharges on Mars may have implications for dust dynamics, the chemistry of oxidants and methane in the atmosphere, and ultimately robotic and human exploration.

How to cite: Chide, B., Lorenz, R., Montmessin, F., Maurice, S., Parot, Y., Hueso, R., Martinez, G., de Vicente-Retortillo, A., Jacob, X., Lemmon, M., Dubois, B., Meslin, P.-Y., Newman, C., Bertrand, T., Cousin, A., and Wiens, R.: Search for in situ signatures of electric activity on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5745,, 2025.

EGU25-5799 | Orals | NH1.6 | Highlight

Characterisation and localisation of lightning by a flotilla of stratospheric balloons. 

Thomas Farges, Gael Burgos, Daniel C. Bowman, Olaf Gainville, Sarah A. Albert, and Alexis Le Pichon

On 3 August 2021, Sandia launched a flotilla of four Heliotrope solar hot air balloons (Bowman et al., 2020) from Belen regional airport in New Mexico (USA) to coincide with the launch of the Boeing Starliner rocket. These Heliotrope balloons allow level flights between 15 and 25 km altitude for several hours from sunrise to sunset. Despite the cancellation of the rocket launch, the microbarometers on board these balloons were able to record in the stratosphere the acoustic signals emitted by eight chemical explosions and the lightning that occurred in a thunderstorm cell. This storm cell was located between 10 and 40 km from three of the four balloons.

In this presentation, we first identify the individual signals that may be due to lightning. For this we use the method proposed by Farges and Blanc (2010) for ground-based thunder measurements and by Lamb et al. (2018) for the first stratospheric balloon lightning measurements. Signal analysis has enabled us to (i) confirm that the acoustic energy of thunder decreases as the inverse square of the distance, and (ii) identify that the electrostatic mechanism of thunder production in the infrasonic range (Wilson, 1921; Dessler, 1973; Pasko, 2009) is indeed present when the observer is located just above or just below the thundercloud. One of the balloons was equipped with two microbarometers separated vertically by around 30 m. The time difference between the two microbarometers for the arrival of signals from a flash of lightning is characteristic of the angle of incidence of the wave. It can be seen that this time difference evolves as expected as the balloon moves away from the storm cell.

Finally, we show for the first time that with a network of three sensors located in the stratosphere, it is possible to give a 3D localization of the first arrival of lightning signals. An equivalent acoustic source inside the cloud is clearly identified when the discharge is of the intranuage type, whereas the acoustic source is located between the ground and the cloud when the discharge is of the cloud-to-ground type.

SNL is managed and operated by NTESS under DOE NNSA contract DE-NA0003525.

How to cite: Farges, T., Burgos, G., Bowman, D. C., Gainville, O., Albert, S. A., and Le Pichon, A.: Characterisation and localisation of lightning by a flotilla of stratospheric balloons., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5799,, 2025.

EGU25-5994 | Posters on site | NH1.6

UHU - another experiment to observe lightning and TLEs from the ISS 

József Bór, Yoav Yair, Tibor Hegedüs, and Zoltán Jäger

Several successful attempts have been made so far to utilize the uninterrupted view on the atmosphere from space and discover yet undocumented features of lightning activity and transient luminous events (TLEs), most recently THOR and ILAN-ES (2022-2024). As Hungary is considering sending an astronaut to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2025, an experiment has been proposed that aims at further enriching the existing set of space-borne targeted observations of nighttime electrical phenomena in the atmosphere. This is to be accomplished by an optical camera which is directed to preselected thunderstorm targets by the astronaut. This would be the UHU experiment which has been named after the Eurasian eagle-owl, a nighttime predator bird known for its extremely silent flight and exceptionally sharp eyes. The experiment is planned to be supported by a ground-based global observation and data collection campaign. One utterly desired achievement of the experiment and the accompanying observation campaign would be obtaining optical records of one or more TLEs taken simultaneously from the ISS and from a ground location. The experiment would also serve to elevate public awareness about the benefits of monitoring atmospheric electric parameters in studying the atmosphere and the near-Earth space environment. In this contribution, the motivation and the scientific aims behind organizing yet another TLE observation experiment from the ISS are presented and planning of the experiment as well as the supporting observation campaign are described.

How to cite: Bór, J., Yair, Y., Hegedüs, T., and Jäger, Z.: UHU - another experiment to observe lightning and TLEs from the ISS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5994,, 2025.

EGU25-6249 | Orals | NH1.6

Electromagnetic model of M-components 

Petr Kaspar, Ivana Kolmasova, Thomas Marshall, Maribeth Stolzenburg, and Ondrej Santolik

M-components are transient enhancements of the channel luminosity occurring simultaneously with the continuing current phase of the cloud-to-ground lightning. They are initiated by the connection of the in-cloud channel to the grounded channel. We have developed a new model of M-component processes, which is based on the numerical solution of the Maxwell’s equations together with the Poisson’s equation for a given thundercloud charge structure. We compute the radiated electric and magnetic fields at various distances from the lightning channel. We model a microsecond-scale electric field pulse emitted during the connection of the in-cloud channel to the grounded channel and compare its waveform with measurements conducted in Florida. The modeled current waveforms at various heights above the ground are the outputs of our model and we compare them with measured luminosity curves. We also show how the M-component simulation results depend on the parameters of the model.

How to cite: Kaspar, P., Kolmasova, I., Marshall, T., Stolzenburg, M., and Santolik, O.: Electromagnetic model of M-components, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6249,, 2025.

EGU25-6293 | Orals | NH1.6

Total lightning for the early warning: Severe weather signatures from the real-time Lightning Mapping Array network in Catalonia 

Nicolau Pineda, Ferran Fabró, Oriol Rodríguez, David Romero, Oscar van der Velde, Jesús Alberto López, and Joan Montanyà

Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) networks detect very-high-frequency (VHF, 60–66 MHz) emissions from lightning channels inside clouds. This enables the mapping of lightning in three dimensions. The use of real-time LMA data has proven beneficial for forecasting and warning about impending severe weather. Beyond the standard analysis of cloud-to-ground lightning information, the ability to visualize 3D total lightning has provided forecasters with greater knowledge of storm-scale processes.

A network of more than 20 LMA stations has been established in Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula) thanks to a partnership between the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). Since it began real-time operations during the summer of 2023, it has grown to become Europe's largest LMA network.

To complement classic severe weather signatures observed in weather radar (e.g., storm splitting, BWER, TBSS) and in satellite imagery (e.g., overshooting tops, v-shape), we put our focus here on severe weather signatures observed with the LMA network during the thunderstorm seasons of 2023 and 2024 in Catalonia. Indeed, lightning distribution and evolution can portray complementary information in real-time surveillance, adding confidence to the forecaster and therefore reinforcing the decision-making when issuing alerts for imminent severe weather.

How to cite: Pineda, N., Fabró, F., Rodríguez, O., Romero, D., van der Velde, O., López, J. A., and Montanyà, J.: Total lightning for the early warning: Severe weather signatures from the real-time Lightning Mapping Array network in Catalonia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6293,, 2025.

EGU25-7039 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Assessing the Role of Continuing Current in Fire-Igniting Lightning Strokes with Space-Based Measurements 

Francisco Javier Perez-Invernon, Jose V. Moris, Francisco J. Gordillo-Vázquez, Yanan Zhu, and Jeff Lapierre

Lightning is a primary driver of natural wildfires globally. In mid- and high-latitude regions, summer thunderstorms are key precursors of lightning-ignited wildfires, contributing substantially to the total burned area. While the influence of meteorological conditions and fuel availability on wildfire occurrence is relatively well understood, the role of the electrical characteristics of lightning in ignition probability remains uncertain. In particular, it is unclear whether the presence of a continuing current lasting tens to hundreds of milliseconds is essential for ignition or whether it significantly affects ignition probability compared to meteorological factors and fuel availability.

In this study, we investigate the factors that increase the probability of wildfire ignition in Contiguous United States (CONUS). We investigate the meteorological conditions during the occurrence of fire-igniting flashes, the value of fire danger indices, the presence of continuing currents detected from space by the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), and the polarity of the strokes provided by the Earth Networks Lightning Total Network (ENTLN). We found that the lightning ignition efficiency of fire-igniting strokes with continuing current is slightly higher than that of lightning without continuing current. In particular, we report that strokes with continuing currents may have a higher potential to produce wildfires than cloud-to-ground strokes without continuing currents when the conditions for fire ignition and spread are less favorable. Additionally, we find that lightning strokes with continuing currents are associated with smaller burned areas, likely due to less favorable conditions for fire spread.

How to cite: Perez-Invernon, F. J., Moris, J. V., Gordillo-Vázquez, F. J., Zhu, Y., and Lapierre, J.: Assessing the Role of Continuing Current in Fire-Igniting Lightning Strokes with Space-Based Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7039,, 2025.

EGU25-7073 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Space-Based Observations of Lightning Initiation: A Multisystem Case Study Combining Optical and Electromagnetic Data 

Andrea Kolínská, Ivana Kolmašová, and Ondřej Santolík

By combining space-based data from the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) aboard the International Space Station (ISS) with broadband ground-based electromagnetic measurements, we investigate the relationship between electromagnetic emissions from lightning processes and their optical signatures, focusing on the lightning initiation phase. Our case study is based on data from the SLAVIA (Shielded Loop Antenna with Versatile Integrated Amplifier) magnetic detectors at various European locations, as well as on data from the lightning location systems ENTLN (Earth Networks Total Lightning Network), WWLLN (World Wide Lightning Location Network), EUCLID (European Cooperation for Lightning Detection), and from the SAETTA Lightning Mapping Array. Our analysis of 11 lightning flashes from 2020-2023 reveals that the light emitted during the preliminary breakdown stage can be clearly observable from the low Earth orbit, highlighting the potential for space-based systems to detect and study the lightning initiation processes.

How to cite: Kolínská, A., Kolmašová, I., and Santolík, O.: Space-Based Observations of Lightning Initiation: A Multisystem Case Study Combining Optical and Electromagnetic Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7073,, 2025.

EGU25-8351 | Orals | NH1.6

A new global gridded lightning dataset with high spatial and temporal resolution 

Yuquan Qu, Matthew W. Jones, Esther Brambleby, Hugh G.P. Hunt, Francisco J. Pérez-Invernón, Marta Yebra, Li Zhao, Jose V. Moris, Thomas Janssen, and Sander Veraverbeke

Lightning is a key atmospheric phenomenon that modulates atmospheric chemistry and impacts terrestrial carbon dynamics through the ignition of wildfires and direct tree mortality. Despite its importance, there is a data gap in publicly available global lightning datasets with high spatial and temporal resolution for scientific use. In this study, we present our progress towards creating a global gridded lightning dataset derived from Vaisala’s Global Lightning Detection Network (GLD360), covering the period from 2019 to 2024, with potential annual updates thereafter. This dataset is produced through a systematic gridding procedure that converts raw GLD360 lightning event data into 0.1º hourly, 0.25º daily, and 0.5º monthly gridded values. It includes key variables such as positive and negative cloud-to-ground and intra-cloud stroke count/density, stroke peak current, stroke location uncertainty, and flash count/density, making it valuable for a wide range of scientific applications. We are evaluating the gridded dataset using local lightning detection networks in Alaska (USA), Spain, South Africa, and the New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory (Australia). Meanwhile, we are comparing stroke density with the Global Lightning Climatology (WGLC) dataset derived from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) and flash density with the Lightning Imaging Sensor/Optical Transient Detector (LIS/OTD). The dataset could be particularly useful for advancing studies on lightning climatology, the role of lightning in wildfire ignition, thunderstorm identification, and other related topics. Its high spatial and temporal resolution also supports regional studies of lightning-related hazards and ecosystem impacts. Our goal is to make this dataset publicly available to the scientific community to facilitate new insights into the role of lightning in the Earth system.

How to cite: Qu, Y., Jones, M. W., Brambleby, E., Hunt, H. G. P., Pérez-Invernón, F. J., Yebra, M., Zhao, L., Moris, J. V., Janssen, T., and Veraverbeke, S.: A new global gridded lightning dataset with high spatial and temporal resolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8351,, 2025.

EGU25-8563 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

ASTRAPÉ: Atmospheric STReamer And relativistic Particle Engine – a GPU-based particle code for pre-exascale supercomputing  

Elloïse Fangel-Lloyd, Pierre Gourbin, Saša Dujko, Mathias Gammelmark, Sven Karlsson, Angel Ricardo Jara Jimenez, and Christoph Köhn

While thunderstorm processes, such as the acceleration of electrons to relativistic energies, are widely studied, the computational challenges involved have made definitive proofs difficult to acquire. High precision in electric discharge simulations is achieved by resolving particles individually, via for example Monte Carlo methods, rather than by applying a fluid approximation; however, this is computationally expensive, and the multiscale nature of thunderstorm processes incurs additional difficulties. To address these challenges, we have developed the Atmospheric STReamer And Relativistic Particle Engine (ASTRAPÉ), a fully 3D GPU-based Monte Carlo particle-in-cell code capable of tracing approximately 109 computational particles, modeling all relevant electron-molecule collisions and solving the Poisson equation to include space charge effects. We will present the particulars of the GPU implementation, along with benchmarking against existing data and performance metrics. Additionally, we will discuss code optimization for LUMI (Large Unified Modern Infrastructure), Europe’s first pre-exascale supercomputer, which allows for exceptionally fast streamer simulations. Finally, we will discuss how ASTRAPÉ  can be used to study the generation of relativistic electrons in thunderclouds. 

How to cite: Fangel-Lloyd, E., Gourbin, P., Dujko, S., Gammelmark, M., Karlsson, S., Jara Jimenez, A. R., and Köhn, C.: ASTRAPÉ: Atmospheric STReamer And relativistic Particle Engine – a GPU-based particle code for pre-exascale supercomputing , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8563,, 2025.

EGU25-8887 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Towards a hybrid model to simulate lightning and associated energetic events in various atmospheres 

Pierre Gourbin, Elloise Fangel-Lloyd, Saša Dujko, Mathias Gammelmark, Sven Karlsson, Angel Ricardo Jara Jimenez, Hannah van Gemert, and Christoph Köhn

Thunderstorm processes represent a challenge for numerical models, as they involve numerous processes of various scales, and explosive events producing exponentially increasing numbers of particles in a very short span of time. A phenomenon called a Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanche can occur under the right conditions, and lead to the production of a Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash (TGF), spanning over tens of microseconds, and during which up to 1017 electrons and photons are produced for the most intense ones, the weaker ones still producing 1012 to 1015 energetic photons. While Monte Carlo models are often used to simulate such processes, runtime typically scales with particle number, which leads to poor performance without a way to limit the number of particles computed. On the other hand, a fluid model may be adapted to deal with large particle densities, but it will struggle to deal with the extreme energies and electric fields, and will lose track of the physics of individual particles, which becomes relevant when submitted to such extreme parameters.

In order to accurately and efficiently simulate all these processes, we are developing a fully parallelized 3-D hybrid model. The code is optimised for massively parallel usage on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), and uses the AMReX library, a software framework for massively parallel, block-structured codes, allowing us to run in parallel with implemented adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), which further improves the accuracy of the model.

With this model, we are aiming at obtaining a better understanding of lightning processes and TGFs, not only in the current Earth atmosphere, but also in the atmosphere of other celestial bodies, and in mixtures likely to have existed in the environment of Primordial Earth.

How to cite: Gourbin, P., Fangel-Lloyd, E., Dujko, S., Gammelmark, M., Karlsson, S., Jara Jimenez, A. R., van Gemert, H., and Köhn, C.: Towards a hybrid model to simulate lightning and associated energetic events in various atmospheres, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8887,, 2025.

EGU25-8909 | Orals | NH1.6

LOFAR Observations of Dart Leader Starts 

Brian Hare, Olaf Scholten, Martin Lourens, Paulina Turekova, Steve Cummer, Joseph Dwyer, Ningyu Liu, John Pantuso, Caitano Da Silva, Chris Sterpka, and Sander ter Veen

Dart leaders are a poorly understood lightning phenomenon where a current pulse propagates quickly (~10^7 m/s) along a previously established, now decayed, plasma channel, resulting in a re-heating of the channel. It is not understood how dart leaders propagate or how they get started. Therefore, in this work we have imaged the beginning of multiple dart leaders with the LOFAR radio telescope. We have observed two interesting phenomena related to the start of dart leaders. Firstly, we regularly observe other discharges, such as needles or `mini’ dart leaders, hundreds of microseconds before the start of the dart leader. The `mini’ dart leaders are particularly fascinating, as they propagate up side branches over a few hundred meters (towards the positive leader branch tip) before stopping. The main dart leader then initiates after the `mini’ dart leader. The exact connection between these preceding discharges (needles and mini-darts) and the main dart leaders, if one triggers the other, or why mini-darts ought to occur at all, are difficult to understand. In addition, previous work has shown that dart leaders tend to start with an exponential rise in VHF power and speed. In this work we find that some dart leaders have a period at their beginning where they propagate relatively slowly with weak VHF emission before a period of exponential growth. In one particular case, a dart leader initiated on a side branch, propagated slowly (~5x10^6 m/s) and weakly for about for about 100 µs until it connected with the main leader branch, and only then accelerated to a high speed (~ 1.7x10^7 m/s) over a period of about 50 µs. Finally, we will attempt to relate our measurements to recent hypothesis that dart leaders are a new kind of propagation that essentially amounts to a heating wave; the dart leader charge pushes a weak current in-front of it that heats up the plasma channel which in turn allows the current to increase further and the main charge packet to move forward.

How to cite: Hare, B., Scholten, O., Lourens, M., Turekova, P., Cummer, S., Dwyer, J., Liu, N., Pantuso, J., Da Silva, C., Sterpka, C., and ter Veen, S.: LOFAR Observations of Dart Leader Starts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8909,, 2025.

EGU25-9121 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6 | Highlight

Nowcasting Thunderstorms to Protect Lives in Africa 

Vlad Landa, Colin Price, and Yuval Reuveni

Central Africa is widely recognized as the most active region for thunderstorms globally, with the highest frequency of lightning strikes occurring near Kifuka in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where over 150 lightning flashes per square kilometer are recorded annually. The absence of accessible early warning systems in many developing countries significantly amplifies the risks associated with lightning. For instance, on August 28, 2020, a catastrophic lightning strike near the Uganda-Democratic Republic of Congo border resulted in the deaths of nine children, with a tenth succumbing while being transported to the hospital. Moreover, the detrimental effects of lightning on critical sectors—such as livestock, forestry, power utilities, aviation, high-tech industries, and public safety—are increasingly evident. A discernible rise in lightning-related fatalities has been observed, potentially attributable to population growth, which increases exposure to thunderstorms, or to changes in thunderstorm frequency driven by climate change. Regardless of the underlying causes, the risk posed to the African population remains significant and appears to be intensifying.

Building on the recent advancements of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs)—which have demonstrated superior performance over adversarial and autoencoder-based frameworks in applications such as image generation, text-to-image synthesis, precipitation nowcasting, and weather forecasting—this research introduces an innovative nowcasting system. The proposed system predicts lightning probabilities up to six hours in advance, with 30-minute intervals, offering a probabilistic and life-saving early warning mechanism tailored for Central Africa.

Specifically, we investigate the potential of DDPMs for lightning nowcasting by adapting spatiotemporal frameworks originally developed for precipitation nowcasting. In essence, diffusion models learn the underlying data distribution Ρ(Χ), where Χ represents the spatiotemporal probability density function of lightning. This is achieved by training the model to reverse a predefined noising process that progressively corrupts the target data with Gaussian noise. Here, the diffusion process has been extended to condition on auxiliary data Υ, such as satellite-derived wavelength imagery, constituting the approach suitable for spatiotemporal conditional nowcasting Ρ(ΧΥ).

As a data source, we leverage recent datasets from the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) Lightning Imager (LI) over Africa and the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN) to train the model that locally characterizes the stochastic nature of lightning events.

How to cite: Landa, V., Price, C., and Reuveni, Y.: Nowcasting Thunderstorms to Protect Lives in Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9121,, 2025.

EGU25-9498 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

A Nowcasting Method for Severe Convective Weather Based on Array Radar and Lightning Jumps 

Mingyi Xu, Xiushu Qie, Ye Tian, Martin Fullekrug, Chenghong Gu, Xue Bai, Shuqing Ma, Yan Liu, Chenxi Zhao, Xinyuan He, Bohan Li, Laiz Souto, Tinashe Chikohora, and Douglas Dodds

Convective weather, often associated with heavy precipitation, hail, lightning, and other hazardous phenomena, is highly unpredictable, short-lived, and localized, making forecasting and early warning particularly challenging. The formation of lightning is closely tied to the thermodynamic and microphysical processes within severe convective weather systems (e.g., Qie et al., 2021). Not only does it pose a significant threat to human life and properties, but it has also been recognized by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) as a major hazard to power systems, communication networks, buildings, and electronic devices.

Since the mid-20th century, Doppler weather radars have been widely used to monitor hazardous weather by identifying precipitation, storm structures, and movement. Advances in radar technology, especially the introduction of array weather radar, have further enhanced the precision and timeliness of severe weather nowcasting. Unlike traditional single-antenna radars, array radars use multiple small antennas to form a large, flexible antenna array for rapid and precise beam control. This distributed phased-array system excels in detecting fine-scale flow and intensity fields, offering powerful tools for studying small-scale convective phenomena (e.g., Adachi et al., 2016).

This study utilizes array radar data from Foshan, Guangdong, China, high-precision lightning location data, and ground-based meteorological observation data to identify, track, and forecast severe convective weather. Based on a radar dual-threshold convective storm tracking and identification algorithm (e.g., Tian et al., 2019), combined with a lightning jump algorithm (e.g., Schultz et al., 2017), this nowcasting method monitors the lightning variation characteristics within strong convective cells (CCs), providing indices for severe convective weather. By comparing results with observations and optimizing algorithm parameters, the method improves hit rates, reduces false alarms, and achieves an average lead time of ~22 minutes with a hit rate over 80%, as demonstrated by case studies. This method can be effectively applied to enhance the monitoring and early warning capabilities for severe convective weather, thereby mitigating the impact of lightning and reducing lightning-related disasters for critical infrastructure, particularly power systems.



This work was jointly supported by the KERAUNIC project (ref: NIA2_NGET0055, National Grid Electricity Transmission, 2024) under the Network Innovation Allowance (NIA), the Arctic Pavilion Open Research Fund of Nanjing Joint Institute for Atmospheric Sciences under Grant BJG202410 and the China Scholarship Council program under Grant 202305330027.



Adachi, T., Kusunoki, K., Yoshida, S., et al. (2016). High-speed volumetric observation of a wet microburst using X-band phased array weather radar in Japan. Monthly Weather Review144(10), 3749-3765.

National Grid Electricity Transmission. (2024). Knowledge Elicitation of Risks to Assets Under LightNing Impulse Conditions (KERAUnIC).

Qie, X., Yuan, S., Chen, Z., et al. (2021). Understanding the dynamical-microphysical-electrical processes associated with severe thunderstorms over the Beijing metropolitan region. Science China Earth Sciences, 64, 10-26.

Schultz, C. J., Carey, L. D., Schultz, E. V., & Blakeslee, R. J. (2017). Kinematic and microphysical significance of lightning jumps versus nonjump increases in total flash rate. Weather and forecasting32(1), 275-288.

Tian, Y., Qie, X., Sun, Y., et al. (2019). Total lightning signatures of thunderstorms and lightning jumps in hailfall nowcasting in the Beijing area. Atmospheric Research230, 104646.

How to cite: Xu, M., Qie, X., Tian, Y., Fullekrug, M., Gu, C., Bai, X., Ma, S., Liu, Y., Zhao, C., He, X., Li, B., Souto, L., Chikohora, T., and Dodds, D.: A Nowcasting Method for Severe Convective Weather Based on Array Radar and Lightning Jumps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9498,, 2025.

EGU25-9659 | Orals | NH1.6

Measuring self-induced corona discharges of individual aerosol particles in an optical trap  

Andrea Stoellner, Isaac Lenton, Caroline Muller, and Scott Waitukaitis

            Although cloud electrification and lightning have been studied for hundreds of years, the field still deals with many open questions [1]. One of the most puzzling examples is that of lightning inititation – neither the mechanism by which a cloud generates enough charge to cause lightning nor the process by which lightning itself is triggered are well understood. In our experiment we aim to gain insight into both questions on the scale of a single particle. We utilize optical tweezers to levitate individual aerosol particles and observe their charging and discharging dynamics over days-to-weeks time periods and with elementary-charge resolution. Our approach allows us to study these processes without losing information to ensemble averages or external interference from other particles or substrates [2], and is applicable to solid and liquid particles in the micrometer size range. Using multi-photon absorption from the trapping laser [3] we can charge the trapped particle at different rates and to different values, observing every charging and discharging event along the way. Additionally, the experiment allows us to control the relative humidity around the particle and to fully discharge the particle using air ions. By studying the charging behavior of the particle and the spontaneous discharges it experiences, we hope to contribute to a better understanding of the microphysical processes involved in lightning initiation and adjacent electrical phenomena in the atmosphere.

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Starting Grant (A. Stoellner, I. Lenton & S. Waitukaitis received funding from ERC No. 949120, C. Muller received funding from ERC No. 805041).

[1] J. R. Dwyer and M. A. Uman, Physics Reports 534, 147 (2014).
[2] F. Ricci, M. T. Cuairan, G. P. Conangla, A. W. Schell, and R. Quidant, Nano Letters 19, 6711 (2019).
[3] A. Ashkin and J. M. Dziedzic, Physical Review Letters 36, 267 (1976).

How to cite: Stoellner, A., Lenton, I., Muller, C., and Waitukaitis, S.: Measuring self-induced corona discharges of individual aerosol particles in an optical trap , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9659,, 2025.

EGU25-9775 | Orals | NH1.6

Prediction of Lightning-Ignited Wildfires On A Global Scale based on Explainable Machine Learning Model 

Colin Price, Assaf Shmuel, Oren Glickman, Teddy Lazebnik, and Eyal Heifetz

Wildfires pose a significant natural disaster risk to populations and contribute to accelerated climate change. As wildfires are also affected by climate change, extreme wildfires are becoming increasingly frequent. Although they occur less frequently globally than those sparked by human activities, lightning-ignited wildfires play a substantial role in carbon emissions and account for the majority of burned areas in certain regions. While existing computational models, especially those based on machine learning, aim to predict lightning-ignited wildfires, they are typically tailored to specific regions with unique characteristics, limiting their global applicability. In this study, we present machine learning models designed to characterize and predict lightning-ignited wildfires on a global scale. Our approach involves classifying lightning-ignited versus anthropogenic wildfires globally over a long timespan, and estimating with high accuracy of over 91% the probability of lightning to ignite a fire based on a wide spectrum of factors such as meteorological conditions and vegetation. Utilizing these models, we analyze seasonal and spatial trends in lightning-ignited wildfires shedding light on the impact of climate change on this phenomenon. Our findings highlight significant global differences between anthropogenic and lightning-ignited wildfires. Moreover, we demonstrate that, even over a short time span of less than a decade, climate change has steadily increased the global risk of lightning-ignited wildfires. We also find that models trained to predict lightning-ignited wildfires and models trained to predict anthropogenic wildfires are very different. This dramatically reduces the predictive performance of models trained on anthropogenic wildfires when applied to lightning-ignited ignitions, and vice versa. This distinction underscores the imperative need for dedicated predictive models and fire weather indices tailored specifically to each type of wildfire.

How to cite: Price, C., Shmuel, A., Glickman, O., Lazebnik, T., and Heifetz, E.: Prediction of Lightning-Ignited Wildfires On A Global Scale based on Explainable Machine Learning Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9775,, 2025.

EGU25-10228 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Investigating vertical distribution of charge in fog through tethered balloon measurements and modelling 

Caleb Miller, Keri Nicoll, Chris Westbrook, and R. Giles Harrison

Fog, a reduction in visibility caused by water droplets suspended in the atmosphere, is a weather phenomenon which is linked to atmospheric electrical changes. Measurements of the potential gradient (PG) in particular have been shown to be useful for predicting fog, which has important applications for the aviation industry. The underlying theory behind these changes in PG during and before fog events is still an area of active research. Previously, in many studies of fog and atmospheric electricity, it has been assumed that fog droplets are neutral, for simplicity. However, it is well known that many clouds contain significant layers of space charge, and it is likely that fog droplets may also be charged. In this work, the distribution of charge in fog is studied using both numerical modelling and real-world measurements.

Numerical investigations use an earth-electrode model, in which it is assumed that the earth is a negatively charged surface and that there is a vertical electric field in the atmosphere above the surface. Using a system of 1D electrostatic equations, the steady-state distribution of vertical charge can be found, both in clear air and in a foggy air with prescribed aerosol. The results of these simulations provide the expected electrical charge in an idealised setup, which show appreciable space charge near the surface of the earth, as well as a rapidly decreasing PG with height.

Real-world measurements of the vertical charge distribution in fog up to 55m are made using a miniature electrode sensor and battery powered datalogger which is attached to a tethered balloon. The electrode current is amplified, and changes are apparent if the balloon passes through a sharp vertical gradient in space charge. As a result, vertical profiles of the magnitude and polarity of space charge in the fog layer can be measured and then compared with the modelled ideal case. In this presentation, we will show the measurements made during several fog cases with this setup.

A better understanding through modelling and measurements of the space charge in fog will help to identify cases where PG is especially well suited to fog prediction.

How to cite: Miller, C., Nicoll, K., Westbrook, C., and Harrison, R. G.: Investigating vertical distribution of charge in fog through tethered balloon measurements and modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10228,, 2025.

EGU25-10264 | Orals | NH1.6

Trend-based scaling for high-resolution lightning in climate projections  

Enrico Arnone, Nicola Cortesi, Sara Rubinetti, Stefano Dietrich, and Marco Petracca

New geostationary satellites, together with ground networks, now provide high-resolution, continuous lightning observations, offering unprecedented insights into lightning activity across vast areas of the globe. In contrast, global climate models (GCMs) lack the spatial resolution and physical processes required to simulate lightning directly, leading to the need for parameterizations and scaling methods. In this study, we present a novel trend-based scaling approach that bridges the gap between coarse-resolution GCM output and high-resolution lightning flash rates to improve projections of lightning activity by the end of the century. The scaling method employs machine learning techniques to identify the atmospheric parameters that best reproduce observed current lightning activity, which are then combined with coarser GCM trends (individually for each quantile of the distribution) to project future lightning changes.

Italy was selected as a case study, using the past 15 years of lightning observations from the LINET network to identify lightning predictors among atmospheric parameters from the ERA5 reanalysis. The best predictors identified include a combination of convective available potential energy, relative humidity, temperature gradients, wind velocity and shear, geopotential height, and freezing level. This model accurately reproduces the spatial distribution and temporal variability of current lightning activity. Trend scaling from multiple future climate scenarios was then applied using CMIP6 projections to evaluate changes in lightning activity across different regions and time periods. 

Our results show that trend-based scaling significantly improves the spatial distribution and intensity of projected lightning flash rates compared to traditional parameterizations. This work provides a practical framework for integrating lightning projections into climate impact studies, enhancing the reliability of lightning future changes under various climate scenarios. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it can be applied to reanalysis datasets of any resolution, offering a flexible tool for assessing lightning-related risks in a warming world.

How to cite: Arnone, E., Cortesi, N., Rubinetti, S., Dietrich, S., and Petracca, M.: Trend-based scaling for high-resolution lightning in climate projections , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10264,, 2025.

EGU25-10378 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

A parameter-space exploration of the Relativistic Discharge Model mapping for which conditions ALOFT’s Flickering Gamma-ray Flashes are produced 

Øystein Håvard Færder, Nikolai Lehtinen, David Sarria, Martino Marisaldi, and Nikolai Østgaard

During the ALOFT flight campaign, July 2023, a novel type of multi-pulse gamma-ray emission from thunderclouds was systematically recorded. Referred to as flickering gamma-ray flashes (FGFs), this type of emission is not linked with lightning leaders and does not coincide with detectable radio emissions [1].

A promising candidate theory for explaining this phenomenon is the relativistic feedback discharge (RFD) developed by Dr. J. Dwyer and his group [2]. Fully self-consistent 3D Monte-Carlo calculations of RFD [3], which take the field quenching by produced currents into account, are quite computationally intensive. In fact, the full physics of RFD has barely been explored outside Dwyer’s group.

Therefore, we developed an independent numerical model especially made to evaluate the capability of the RFD theory to reproduce FGFs. Despite its simplification into a set of spatially-independent ordinary differential equations (ODEs), it applies the most relevant physics: ionisation, electron dynamics, attachment processes, relativistic runaway electron avalanche (RREA), and feedback akin to Dwyer’s theory. The ODEs that we end up solving are analogous to a complexified Lotka-Volterra model which describes a system with oscillations.

In this presentation, we introduce a 0.5D model (i.e., with indirect account of the spatial size of the RREA region) and demonstrate its ability to reproduce emission light curves very alike FGFs under realistic conditions, given the right set of parameters (see below). Furthermore, we show that the same model also reproduces light curves alike terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs, both single and multiple pulses) and gamma-ray glows (GRGs) for different sets of parameters but still under realistic conditions, hence proving this model to be even more general than originally intended.

With this, we performed a parameter-space exploration, using our model and systematically applying different values for 1) the initial (background) internal electric field strength of the cloud, 2) the characteristic growth time of the external electric field, 3) the vertical size of the high-field region in the cloud, and 4) the maximum change of the external field. The results, as shown in parameter-space diagrams, are qualitatively as expected. TGFs tend to occur for relatively small high-field regions. For larger high-field regions, the model reproduces GRGs in the case of slowly increasing external fields while FGFs and weak TGFs in the case of rapidly increasing external fields. The amplitude and the number of pulses typically scale with the maximum change of the external field. Finally, increasing the value of the initial internal electric field leads to a decrease in the minimum required change in the external field needed to reproduce FGFs, multi-pulse TGFs and GRGs.



[1] Østgaard, N., Mezentsev, A., Marisaldi, M., Grove, J. E., Quick, M., Christian, H., Cummer, S., Pazos, M., Pu, Y., Stanley, M., et al., “Flickering gamma-ray flashes, the missing link between gamma glows and TGFs”, Nature (2023).

[2] Dwyer, J. R., “Relativistic breakdown in planetary atmospheres,” Physics of Plasmas, vol. 14, no. 4, p. 042901 (2007).

[3] Liu, N., Dwyer, D., “Modeling terrestrial gamma ray flashes produced by relativistic feedback discharges”, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), Vol. 118, no. 5, p. 2359-2376 (2013)

How to cite: Færder, Ø. H., Lehtinen, N., Sarria, D., Marisaldi, M., and Østgaard, N.: A parameter-space exploration of the Relativistic Discharge Model mapping for which conditions ALOFT’s Flickering Gamma-ray Flashes are produced, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10378,, 2025.

From rubbing a balloon on one's hair to the dramatic display of volcanic lightning, the triboelectric effect is a widespread phenomenon where contact between objects leads to an exchange of electric charge. Despite its ubiquity, our understanding of the underlying physics remains largely phenomenological. Among the many open questions, one is particularly relevant to earth science and astrophysics: why do objects made of the same material continually exchange electric charge? This effect is especially pronounced in systems involving grains or powders, where frequent collisions can result in a significant buildup of electrostatic potential energy. Such processes can influence the dispersal range of aerosols in the atmosphere, determine whether protoplanetary dust will coalesce, and even trigger thunderstorms during volcanic eruptions or forest fires. Using acoustic levitation, we isolate individual grains and conduct controlled collisions with a substrate, measuring the charge by observing the grain's behavior in electric fields. This method can accurately resolve individual collision events, allowing us to investigate various proposed charging mechanisms and explore in detail what causes the breaking of symmetry between positively and negatively charging samples. We determine that slight variations in surface composition due to molecules recruited from the atmosphere can lead to drastic changes in the charging behavior.

How to cite: Grosjean, G. and Waitukaitis, S.: Investigating the origins of static charge in granular systems of silica and other oxides using acoustic traps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10837,, 2025.

EGU25-10850 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

LOFAR Lightning Data: Accuracy in Polarization Reconstruction 

Paulina Turekova, Brian Hare, Olaf Scholten, Marten Lourens, Steven Cummer, Joseph Dwyer, Ningyu Liu, Chris Sterpka, and Sander ter Veen

The polarization of VHF radio signals emitted by lightning can help shed light on the intricate science of lighting propagation, through the direction of the corona VHF emission. However, this lightning radio polarization is not easily measured and, thus, understood. Employing the LOFAR radio telescope, we use a near-field beamforming algorithm (TRI-D) that coherently sums antenna voltages while accounting for the antenna function. This allows us to reconstruct VHF source location and polarization in 3 dimensions. In this work, we evaluate the accuracy of these unparalleled results. Performing a Monte Carlo error analysis, we simulate the antenna voltage signal resulting from a point-like dipole, which is then reconstructed with the imager. The difference between the input and the reconstructed source parameters gives us an approximation of the polarization error bars. We find that the polarization error is at maximum 12 degrees. This value fluctuates with varying source location and angle suspended between the polarization vector and the radial vector. We are testing the polarization reconstruction accuracy for radio point-like sources, background noise, and extended sources. We will present a comprehensive report on these results and their interpretation, our technique, and the imaging algorithm.

How to cite: Turekova, P., Hare, B., Scholten, O., Lourens, M., Cummer, S., Dwyer, J., Liu, N., Sterpka, C., and ter Veen, S.: LOFAR Lightning Data: Accuracy in Polarization Reconstruction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10850,, 2025.

EGU25-11142 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Lightning Assimilation based on a 2D-to-3D Bayesian method for Vertical Velocity and Water Vapor 

Di Shaoxuan, Qie Xiushu, and Han Wei

Lightning can indicate the location of strong convection in thunderstorms. We develop a lightning data assimilation observational operator based on a 2D-to-3D Bayesian method, which converts the 2D lightning distribution into vertical velocity profiles and RH profiles for each grid point in the plane. The new lightning observational operator provides a good representation of the shape and peak height of the instantaneous vertical velocity profiles in thunderstorms, rather than using a fixed or long-term averaged profile distribution. After 1-hour forecasting, experiments that assimilated both vertical velocity and water vapor still maintained a close vertical distribution to the observations in the lower layers. It also shows significant improvement in heavy rainfall forecasting within 1 hour, with a notable increase in precipitation scores. The improvement in heavy rainfall prediction primarily lies in the positive adjustment of the location of intense rainfall and the enhancement of rainfall intensity.

How to cite: Shaoxuan, D., Xiushu, Q., and Wei, H.: Lightning Assimilation based on a 2D-to-3D Bayesian method for Vertical Velocity and Water Vapor, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11142,, 2025.

EGU25-11832 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6

High resolution imaging of negative leader propagation with LOFAR 

Marten Lourens, Brian Hare, Olaf Scholten, Paulina Turekova, Steve Cummer, Joe Dwyer, Ningyu Liu, Chris Sterpka, and Sander ter Veen
The propagation of negative leaders is poorly understood and one of the top questions in lightning research. In the optical, negative leaders are observed to propagate in steps similar to those seen in laboratory experiments, with an average velocity between 105 and 106 m/s. Step formation occurs via a luminous section formed in front of the leader tip, referred to as a “space stem”. This space stem grows bi-directionally and eventually connects with the leader channel, resulting in a surge of current, a luminosity wave traversing back up the channel, and a burst of negative corona streamers emitted from the new tip.
In the VHF, stepping is also observed, but emission associated with space stems has so-far not been identified. Instead, a propagating front of VHF pulse sources is observed, which exhibits a filametary structure at high altitudes.
In this work, we leverage the high tempo-spatial resolution of the LOFAR radio telescope and the high sensitivity and completeness of a new near-field beamforming algorithm (TRI-D) to construct detailed three-dimensional images of negative leader propagation. The spatial resolution of the resulting images is better than 1 m and the time resolution is 100 ns. Studying the distribution of VHF pulse sources, we hope to improve our conceptual understanding of negative leader stepping. Specifically, we want to show whether there is any evidence for space stems and better understand the distribution and interaction of streamers. Here, I present the initial findings of this research.

How to cite: Lourens, M., Hare, B., Scholten, O., Turekova, P., Cummer, S., Dwyer, J., Liu, N., Sterpka, C., and ter Veen, S.: High resolution imaging of negative leader propagation with LOFAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11832,, 2025.

EGU25-12324 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Simulating Electric and Magnetic Fields from Dust Devils 

David Reid, Karen Aplin, and Nicholas Teanby

Dust storms have been observed to generate significant DC electric fields. Dust devils specifically are a subset of dust storm, with an ordered sense of rotation about a central axis. Observations in Arizona and Nevada have recorded both electric and magnetic fields associated with dust devils. These electromagnetic signatures are important for future space exploration, with charged dust presenting issues for solar power generation and optics as well as the possibility of communication disruption. The likelihood of lightning from dust devils also has implications for the origin of life, and the chemical composition of the Martian surface and atmosphere.

Building upon terrestrial observations of dust devils, and other properties of triboelectrically charged particles, a lumped particle methodology for the generation of electromagnetic fields based on fundamental laws of physics is presented. In this model, the particle motion is constrained to a simple harmonic motion, tracing a circle in 2D, with parameterised relationships for the height variation of the dust devil, the charge profile with grain height and the velocity of the rotational motion determined.

Results from the simulation of a dust devil with 3.5 metre radius are compared to the measurements from a terrestrial dust devil of the same size. With a tuned surface electron density input to an event-driven tribocharging model, calculated electrical and magnetic fields are within a factor of two of the measured values. An idealised 3.5 m radius dust devil with its centre passing directly over magnetic and electric field sensors, has an electric field approaching the terrestrial breakdown field strength. This is consistent with recent observations of electric discharge in the vicinity of a dust devil in the UAE. The vertical and horizontal variation of the electric and magnetic field in the vicinity of the dust devil can now be predicted, and the model can readibly be used to interpret field observations on Earth, lander measurements on Mars, and predict signals in future instrument deployments to inform sensor design.

How to cite: Reid, D., Aplin, K., and Teanby, N.: Simulating Electric and Magnetic Fields from Dust Devils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12324,, 2025.

EGU25-12365 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6

Comparing lightning Superbolts detected independently in the optical and VLF ranges 

Navot Yehieli, Colin Price, and Yoav Yair

This study investigates the phenomenon of “Superbolts”, High-intensity lightning flashes – by examining their occurrence and correlations across multiple lightning monitoring networks. Given inconsistencies in Superbolt definitions in prior research, this study addresses the feasibility of establishing a universal definition for Superbolts and analyzes the inherent challenges to do so.


A statistical methodology was used to study Superbolts occurrence across three datasets: the ISS Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS), the World-Wide Lightning Localization Network (WWLLN), and the Earth Networks Total Lightning Networks (ENTLN). This study employed current peak power and energy thresholds to propose statistical-based thresholds for Superbolts radiance and used spatial and temporal matching criteria to examine the correlation between the occurrence of Superbolts in different detection methods.


This study identified notable divergences between spatial and temporal distributions of Superbolts across different systems. Both LIS and WWLLN datasets show high-density regions of superbolts over the Maritime Continent of Asia, South America, and South Africa, but disparities appear around Australia, Central America, and northern regions. Moreover, temporal analysis shows a seasonal dependency, with LIS data indicating higher Superbolt incidence in summer, contrasting with WWLLN's peak during winter. While WWLLN data partially align with Kirkland's "three Superbolt chimneys" (1999), the observed high-density regions differ substantially from those presented in Holzworth et al. (2019). Correlation analysis between ENTLN and LIS datasets showed insignificant matching in Superbolts occurrence.


These findings underscore the inherent challenges to establish a universal definition for Superbolts, especially when comparing data from optical-based and RF-based monitoring networks. Challenges include differences in temporal and spatial coverage, detection biases due to atmospheric conditions, and non-unique matching of flashes. Hence, system-specific or statistical based thresholds may provide a more feasible alternative. Future research should include meteorological data, such as clouds cover and optical-depth, and explore the relationships between global lightning distribution and Superbolts formation.

How to cite: Yehieli, N., Price, C., and Yair, Y.: Comparing lightning Superbolts detected independently in the optical and VLF ranges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12365,, 2025.

EGU25-12436 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

A new multi-year data set of Potential Gradient variations at a suburban site in Northeastern Germany  

Gayane Karapetyan, Reik V. Donner, Keri Nicoll, and Hripsime Mkrtchyan

We report the characteristics of a new multi-year atmospheric electricity data set obtained in a suburban area in Northeastern Germany, a region where comparable measurements have been missing so far. Specifically, a CS110 electric field mill (Campbell Scientific) operates since March 2021 as part of a small weather station located at the Herrenkrug campus of Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences in Magdeburg, Germany (52.13939°N, 11.67628°E) at an altitude of approximately 50 m a.s.l. Continuous measurements have since been undertaken at 1-minute temporal resolution, providing valuable data on local atmospheric Potential Gradient (PG) variability and their linkages with Global Electric Circuit (GEC) characteristics.

PG values recorded at the site range from -1 to 1 kV/m. Typically, during undisturbed weather conditions, diurnal variation of the PG  shows a single maximum and ranges between 5 and 20 V/m. On most days, there is a noticeable drop around 6-7 UTC, followed by a maximum around 14-15 UTC. Measurements from Magdeburg demonstrate an unusually small range of daily variations compared to other sites. While theoretically expected PG values under fair weather conditions should be around 100 V/m, the local instrument has never reached such values. Recent PG measurements performed at three different stations of the GLOCAEM network with an identical instrument showed median PG values in a range between 60 and 240 V/m during unperturbed conditions (Nicoll et al. 2019), while our measurements exhibited a median value of only 13.5 V/m, demonstrating that both PG median amplitude and variability obtained at the site are smaller than would be expected. 

To further investigate this issue, a short campaign with parallel measurements using an identical reference instrument has been undertaken during summer and fall of 2024. Since the original field mill is located inside a fenced area, it might be expected that the surrounding metallic fence negatively affects the measurements. By conducting parallel measurements with the reference field mill also being placed inside the fenced area, we however did not find significant systematic effects of the fence on the measured PG values. 

A second series of measurements was conducted at about 200 m distance from the original field mill, where the surrounding area was relatively clear from any trees and built infrastructure. Measurements at this site have been obtained under different weather conditions. While there exists considerable co-variability between both sites during most of the day, we found much larger, even qualitative differences between both instruments arising during sunrise and sunset. 

The results of our parallel measurements contribute to identifying discrepancies between co-located electric field measurements, which have also been reported in other previous studies, and clarifying the underlying root causes. To this end, the reference measurements during daytime have been used to determine a statistical correction for the values obtained with our primary instrument, which will be further employed for calibrating our ongoing measurements. The thus obtained long-term time series of local PG variations provides a new dataset allowing further detailed studies of atmospheric electricity variations in suburban areas of Central Europe.

How to cite: Karapetyan, G., Donner, R. V., Nicoll, K., and Mkrtchyan, H.: A new multi-year data set of Potential Gradient variations at a suburban site in Northeastern Germany , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12436,, 2025.

EGU25-13218 | Posters on site | NH1.6

Thermodynamic-Aerosol Relationships of Thunderstorm Environments in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region 

Mace Bentley, Jo-Jinda Sae-jung, Zhuojun Duan, and Tobias Gerken
Bangkok, Thailand is a tropical asian megacity with high aerosol concentrations and frequent thunderstorm activity. This investigation examines relationships between thermodynamics, aerosols, and thunderstorms using lightning stroke counts as a metric of intensity. The investigation incorporates data from the aerosol robotic network (AERONET), ERA-5 reanalysis, ground-based air quality stations, and total lighting stroke data from Vaisala Inc.’s GLD360 network.
Results indicate that aerosol relationships with thunderstorm intensity are robust and, when examined in concert with instability, evidence suggests aerosols can augment lightning. Thermodynamic instability is also positively correlated with stroke counts in thunderstorms. Particulate matter (PM10) concentration is significantly higher in thunderstorms containing more than 100 strokes, supporting the potential role of aerosols in promoting non-inductive charge processes. The emergence of a “boomerang” effect appears as aerosol optical depth (AOD)  increases. Evidence suggests that higher AOD initially promotes, then limits, instability and thunderstorm intensity. 

How to cite: Bentley, M., Sae-jung, J.-J., Duan, Z., and Gerken, T.: Thermodynamic-Aerosol Relationships of Thunderstorm Environments in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13218,, 2025.

EGU25-13547 | Orals | NH1.6

Understanding variability in atmospheric electricity measurements at Sodankyla, Finland 

Keri Nicoll, Owen O'Neill, Caleb Miller, Jussi Paatero, and Thomas Ulich

High latitude measurements of the atmospheric Potential Gradient (PG) can provide valuable information on understanding sources of variability in the Global Electric Circuit (GEC).  The influence of solar activity on electrical processes (such as ionisation) is much greater at high latitudes, allowing the mechanisms by which space weather affects atmospheric electricity to be studied. The often cleaner environment, which means that PG measurements are not dominated by variations in local aerosol concentrations, also means that processes related to changes in near surface ionisation (e.g. from radon) can be studied.

Measurements of PG have been made at a high latitude site in Sodankyla, Finland (67°22' N, 26°38' E) since 2017 using a Campbell Scientific CS110 Electric Field Mill.  Sodankyla is a heavily instrumented site for meteorological, geophysical and auroral research and so a wealth of additional observations are available to support PG analysis.   This research provides an overview of 7 years of PG measurements at Sodankyla, including analysis of the typical fair weather diurnal variation, which demonstrates clear evidence of the GEC signal, with a morning minimum and evening maximum,  with significantly larger PG values during summer months than winter.  This work will also analyse the diurnal and seasonal variability in PG at Sodankyla alongside the variability in co-located ionisation measurements, comprising observations of Radon222, as well as “external” radiation from a gamma ray spectrometer which is sensitive to gamma emission from natural radioactivity as well as galactic cosmic rays.  This work will contribute to understanding around how conductivity variations resulting from changes in local ionisation rate contribute to diurnal and seasonal variability in PG at clean air sites.

How to cite: Nicoll, K., O'Neill, O., Miller, C., Paatero, J., and Ulich, T.: Understanding variability in atmospheric electricity measurements at Sodankyla, Finland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13547,, 2025.

        Most tropical cyclones (TCs) landfalling Southern China originated from the Northwest Pacific (NWP) and tracked over the South China Sea (SCS) before landfall. The internal structures such as convective characteristics of the tropical cyclones may change as the TCs translate from the open ocean (NWP) to the enclosed sea (SCS) due likely to the impacts from nearby landmass. This study compares the lightning activity and convective structures, as well as the large-scale environments, of TCs over the NWP and SCS to better understand the structural changes and underlying physical mechanisms. It is interesting that TCs over SCS are much more electrically active than NWP TCs (especially in the outer rainbands), even though the NWP TCs precipitate heavier. Multi-satellite observations suggest that the NWP TCs have a deeper layer of ice particles, producing heavier surface rainfall; however, the SCS TCs own more large ice particles or supercool liquid in the mixed-phase region, which is essential for charge separation thus lightning production. It is surprising that the thermodynamic conditions (e.g., SST and atmospheric instability) of the NWP are more favorable for convective development than SCS. A few factors may contribute to higher lightning activity in SCS TCs, including stronger vertical wind shear, thinner warm cloud depth and higher aerosol optical depth, all may help to produce asymmetric intense convection and active mixed-phase processes. Furthermore, SCS TCs display a marked lightning maximum in the front quadrants of the moving direction, but NWP TCs are less so, likely because the thermodynamic and aerosol impacts from land are stronger in the SCS. Lightning in the SCS TCs is also more asymmetric relative to the vertical wind shear than the NWP TCs, which is featured by a maximum in the right of the downshear region of the outer rainband (opposite to the precipitation pattern). 

How to cite: Xu, W. and Xie, Y.: Contrasting Lightning Activity and Convective Structures between Tropical Cyclones over Open Ocean and Enclosed Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14349,, 2025.

EGU25-14876 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Evaluating Microphysics, Cumulus, and Lightning Parameterization Schemes in WRF Model for Thunderstorm Simulation Over East India 

Vn Rinuragavi, Rupraj Biswasharma, Nandivada Umakanth, and Sunil Pawar

   Lightning originates from electrical discharges driven by the non-inductive charging mechanism within thunderstorms. The charge separation in these regions is governed by the surrounding convective environment, storm dynamics, and microphysical processes, including updraft velocity and ice content, which intensify the storm's electric field. In recent decades, advances in understanding cloud microphysics, charge separation mechanisms, and thundercloud electrical structure have significantly improved lightning forecasting. The selection and tuning of parameterization schemes, particularly for microphysics (MP), cumulus (Cu), and lightning (LP) processes, play a critical role in enhancing model performance and accuracy.

   This study uses various parameterization schemes to evaluate the performance of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model in simulating lightning and thunderstorm events. A severe thunderstorm event on May 14, 2022, over eastern India (West Bengal and Jharkhand), which recorded a peak 30-minute flash count of ~8000 flashes observed by the Indian Lightning Location Network (ILLN) was simulated in the WRF model. A total of 57 combinations of MP, Cu, and LP schemes were tested, using three nested domains (27 km, 9 km, 3 km) and analyzed the output of the inner domain (3 km). Seven MP schemes (WSM-6, Goddard, Thompson, Milbrandt, Morrison, WDM-5, WDM-6), two Cu schemes (Kain-Fritsch, Multi Kain-Fritsch), and two LP schemes (LP1: vertical velocity-based; LP2: 20 dBZ reflectivity-based) were assessed. 

   Results show better performance of LP2 over LP1 with higher correlation and lower standard deviation with the observed flash counts. For cumulus parameterization, Kain-Fritsch (KF) turned off for the inner domain, and achieved strong performance (correlation: 0.75–0.95) with lower RMSE and standard deviation. Among MP schemes, Morrison, Goddard, and WDM-6 consistently performed well across different combinations. The best-performing simulations included Goddard (LP2, KF on), Morrison (LP2, KF on), WDM-6 (LP2, KF off), and WDM-5 (LP2, KF on), achieving correlations of 0.94, 0.93, 0.91, and 0.91 with observed flash counts, respectively. This study underscores the WRF model's capability in simulating lightning activity with optimal parameterization combinations, particularly LP2 and KF schemes. These findings provide promising results for real-time lightning forecasting, aiding in mitigating lightning-related hazards.

How to cite: Rinuragavi, V., Biswasharma, R., Umakanth, N., and Pawar, S.: Evaluating Microphysics, Cumulus, and Lightning Parameterization Schemes in WRF Model for Thunderstorm Simulation Over East India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14876,, 2025.

EGU25-14901 | Orals | NH1.6

Characterization of thunderstorms in South China that produced gigantic jets in a burst manner 

Gaopeng Lu, Hailiang Huang, and Yiwei Zhao


Since the summer season of 2020, with the contributions from amateurs sited at different places mainly in the southern part of China, we have obtained the optical observations (most in colorful mode with relatively high image resolution) for nearly 1000 transient luminous events (TLEs). One of the major findings is that the coastal thunderstorms typically originating from somewhere in South China Sea could produce a burst of gigantic jets (GJs) during a special stage of its lifetime. We selected three thunderstorm cases of this situation and combine all available observational datasets (such as satellite brightness temperature, lightning detection, and radar reflectivity, etc.) to characterize the parent thunderstorms from several different perspectives. The general results regarding the features of thunderstorms in South China capable of producing GJs including a burst of overshooting thundercloud top penetrating the local tropopause, active lightning activity between the major charge regions, and also the elevated bottom of the thunderstorms. More detailed analyses regarding the genesis of GJ outbreak during a short time period of these thunderstorms are being implemented.

How to cite: Lu, G., Huang, H., and Zhao, Y.: Characterization of thunderstorms in South China that produced gigantic jets in a burst manner, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14901,, 2025.

EGU25-15529 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Towards predicting lightning and TLE’s in exoplanetary atmospheres  

Marrick Braam, Assaf Hochman, Thaddeus Komacek, Denis Sergeev, Yoav Yair, Roy Yaniv, Meirion Hills, and Daniel Mitchard

Electrical processes such as lightning and transient luminous events (TLEs) are important drivers of chemical processes in planetary atmospheres, including potentially facilitating the formation of important prebiotic molecules. The numerous extrasolar planets discovered present a huge diversity in environmental conditions to explore the possible emergence of electrical processes. To this end, we adapt general circulation models to simulate these exoplanet atmospheres and study the potential emergence of electrical processes. Here, we present results from simulations of tidally locked rocky exoplanets with the Met Office Unified Model. Lightning parameterisations that use bulk cloud properties - such as cloud-top height, frozen water content, and graupel flux - are initially used to infer lightning flash rates. For tidally locked exoplanets, we find that lightning is limited to the permanent dayside hemisphere, with substantial spatial and temporal variations. We then discuss methods to determine the charge structure and thus electric field strengths in the atmospheres, that can be used to infer whether lightning flashes can be followed by TLEs. Finally, we put the electrical processes into context of the atmospheric chemistry and potential observational consequences.

How to cite: Braam, M., Hochman, A., Komacek, T., Sergeev, D., Yair, Y., Yaniv, R., Hills, M., and Mitchard, D.: Towards predicting lightning and TLE’s in exoplanetary atmospheres , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15529,, 2025.

EGU25-15628 | Posters on site | NH1.6

The difference between multiple TGFs and FGFs 

Nikolai Ostgaard, Anders Fuglestad, Andrey Mezentsev, Martino Marisaldi, David Sarria, Torsten Neubert, Olivier Chanrion, Freddy Christiansen, Frencisco Gordillo-Vazques, and Alejandro Luque

Atmosphere Space Interaction Monitor (ASIM) has been in operation since 2018 to observe Terrestrial Gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) and optical signals from lightning. ASIM has two payloads, the Modular X- and Gamma-ray Sensor (MXGS) and the Modular Multi-Spectral Imaging Assembly (MMIA). MXGS consists of two detector layers, one pixelated detector in the low energy range (50 keV to 400 keV) and another in the high energy range (300 keV to >30 MeV), with temporal resolution of 1µs and 28 ns, respectively.  MMIA has three photometers (337 nm, 180-230 nm, 777 nm) and two cameras (337 nm and 777 nm). During nighttime we observe both the TGFs and the lightning that produced them.


Multiple and double TGFs  separated by 1-2 ms have frequently been observed by ASIM. Here we present double TGFs, which  were all associated with  optical pulses from a hot leader (777 nm). Furthermore the first and second pulses come from the same location, indicating that the double TGFs are produced by the same leader as it propagates upward.


A related but different gamma-ray phenomenon was observed during the ALOFT campaign in 2023, when more than 25 Flickering Gamma.ray Flashes were observed. The FGFs are trains of pulsed gamma-ray emissions, each pulse lasting typically 1-2 ms and the entire FGF last about 50-100 ms. The FGFs have no associated detectable optical or radio signal, which differentiate them from the multi-TGFs. The FGFs observed during the ALOFT campaign were all too weak to be seen from space.


However, in May 2024 ASIM passed over pulsed gamma-ray emissions which was identical to the FGFs seen by ALOFT, but contrary to the ones observed by ALOFT,  this FGF was bright enough to be seen from space.

Unfortunately, the FGF occurred  during day-time over the coast of West Africa, so no optical data were available - and radio coverage is also very poor in this region.

How to cite: Ostgaard, N., Fuglestad, A., Mezentsev, A., Marisaldi, M., Sarria, D., Neubert, T., Chanrion, O., Christiansen, F., Gordillo-Vazques, F., and Luque, A.: The difference between multiple TGFs and FGFs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15628,, 2025.

EGU25-15696 | Orals | NH1.6

A statistical study of lighting-induced electron precipitation (LEP) events observed by the CSES-01 satellite 

Coralie Neubüser, Roberto Battiston, William Jerome Burger, Francesco Maria Follega, Emanuele Papini, Alessio Perinelli, Mirko Piersanti, and Dario Recchiuti

The CSES-01 satellite, with its versatile set of payloads, is able to detect short bursts of lightning-induced electron precipitation (LEP) simultaneously with injected up-going whistler waves. The electron bursts are identified individually for each telescope of the low-energy detector of the high-energy particle package (HEPP-L) within the energy range from 100 to 250 keV. The whistler wave detection is based on the power spectral density of the magnetic field in the frequency range from 1 to 10 kHz, measured by the search coil magnetometer (SCM). The wave and particle observations of CSES-01 are complemented by the ground-based lightning network of the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN). The found LEP events occur within ≤120 ms of the causative lightning discharge. A statistical study of the LEP events has been performed, which includes a background estimation for the wave-particle correlation. The identified LEP events are found to be shifted significantly polewards of the initial lightning and extend over some 1000 km longitudinally. In addition, it was found that the distance from the LEP event to the lightning decreases as the absolute lightning latitude increases. This finding is in agreement with models of electron interaction with obliquely propagating lightning-generated whistlers and observations from previous missions.

How to cite: Neubüser, C., Battiston, R., Burger, W. J., Follega, F. M., Papini, E., Perinelli, A., Piersanti, M., and Recchiuti, D.: A statistical study of lighting-induced electron precipitation (LEP) events observed by the CSES-01 satellite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15696,, 2025.

EGU25-15838 | Orals | NH1.6

New Class of Gamma-Ray Flashes Indicate Gamma Glow Reset through Fast Streamer Discharge. 

Andrey Mezentsev, Nikolai Østgaard, Martino Marisaldi, Steven Cummer, Yunjiao Pu, Eric Grove, Mason Quick, Hugh Christian, Marni Pazos, Mark Stanley, David Sarria, Timothy Lang, Cristopher Schultz, and Richard Blakeslee

Recent aircraft campaign over the Caribbean region in July 2023, called ALOFT, resulted in several discoveries that significantly improved our understanding of atmospheric gamma-ray phenomena. It was demonstrated that strong convective systems produce strong, long lasting electric fields that generate highly dynamic gamma-ray glow emissions. About 600 individual glows, arranged in tens of glowing episodes were recorded, a certain part of which show abrupt decrease in photon flux due to some electrical discharge leading to reduction of the electric field in the active region. Many of those abruptly reset glows bear a bright terrestrial gamma-ray flash (TGF) at the very apex of the gamma-ray glow. All these TGFs are closely followed by a fast streamer discharge recorded as a positive narrow bipolar event (NBE) in radio and as a strong optical pulse in the 337 nm blue light emission with very little contribution in the 777.4 nm red light emission. This indicates that the +IC leader is not involved in this process, contrary to “conventional” leader-related TGFs usually observed from space. The partial discharge of the active volume and the gamma glow reset is achieved through the fast streamer discharge. The TGFs associated with this gamma glow reset process have very short rise time, short duration peak phase, and low fluence, which makes them undetectable from space and kept them undiscovered until the ALOFT campaign.

How to cite: Mezentsev, A., Østgaard, N., Marisaldi, M., Cummer, S., Pu, Y., Grove, E., Quick, M., Christian, H., Pazos, M., Stanley, M., Sarria, D., Lang, T., Schultz, C., and Blakeslee, R.: New Class of Gamma-Ray Flashes Indicate Gamma Glow Reset through Fast Streamer Discharge., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15838,, 2025.

EGU25-16145 | Posters on site | NH1.6

Optical and radio emissions from different high-energy electron acceleration mechanisms 

Nikolai Lehtinen, Øystein Håvard Færder, David Sarria, Andrey Mezentsev, Martino Marisaldi, and Nikolai Østgaard

Electric fields in thunderclouds can accelerate electrons to relativistic energies, which leads to bremsstrahlung production of gamma radiation. This radiation was recently recorded by the ALOFT experimental aircraft campaign [1], and may be classified into various types according to their lightcurve shapes, for example, flickering gamma flashes (FGF), single and multiple terrestrial gamma flashes (TGF), and extended gamma-ray glows (GRG). Electromagnetic field in radio and optical range was also recorded, and has different features for the enumerated gamma radiation types.

The relativistic runaway electrons may be produced in various ways. We consider two different mechanisms: (1) electrons are accelerated from low energies in high fields at the tips of long streamers, and (2) runaway electrons grow in large-scale (km-size) avalanches sustained by relativistic feedback mechanism [2].

The first mechanism (long streamers) is analyzed using the novel Streamer Parameter Model (SPM) [3]. This model had been shown to agree with experiments for laboratory-size streamers, and here it is applied to streamers exceeding several meters in length. Such long streamers may describe the fast positive and negative breakdown (FPB/FNB), experimentally observed in thunderstorms. The long streamers, compared to regular laboratory-observed streamer, are predicted to have higher (subluminal) velocities, higher electric fields at the tip, and wider tips. These factors all facilitate production of large quantities of relativistic runaway electrons and, therefore, efficient radiation of x-rays in the form of short pulses, which may be observed as TGF. The currents radiate a short electromagnetic pulse similar to the observed narrow bipolar events (NBE).

The second mechanism (large-scale feedback) is analyzed using the recently developed 0.5D FGF model [4] which is a dynamic model of electric field and cloud conductivity connected through production of relativistic runaway electrons, secondary electrons and ions. This model describes a system in which oscillations may be excited by changing external field [2]. For various set of parameters (such as the system size, and time scale and strength of the external field change), as analyzed by [4], one may obtain gamma radiation lightcurves similar to all the observed types listed above. Charge redistributions and electric currents, for certain sets of parameters, may produce detectable electromagnetic fields.

For both mechanisms, we also calculate optical radiation excited by secondary electrons and estimate its detectability.

[1] N. Østgaard et al, Flickering gamma-ray flashes, the missing link between gamma glows and TGFs. Nature, 634, p. 53-56, 2024. doi:10.1038/s41586-024-07893-0.

[2] N. Liu and J. R. Dwyer. Modeling terrestrial gamma ray flashes produced by relativistic feedback discharges. J. Geophys. Res.–Space, 118 (5), p. 2359-2376, 2013. doi:10.1002/jgra.50232.

[3] N. G. Lehtinen (2021). Physics and Mathematics of Electric Streamers, Radiophys Quantum El, 64, p. 11-25, doi:10.1007/s11141-021-10108-5.

[4] Færder et al, this session.

How to cite: Lehtinen, N., Færder, Ø. H., Sarria, D., Mezentsev, A., Marisaldi, M., and Østgaard, N.: Optical and radio emissions from different high-energy electron acceleration mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16145,, 2025.

EGU25-16240 | Posters on site | NH1.6

Evidence of gamma-ray glows observed in the relativistic feedback regime during the ALOFT 2023 flight campaign 

David Sarria, Nikolai Østgaard, Martino Marisaldi, Andrey Mezentsev, Nikolai Lehtinen, Ingrid Bjørge-Engeland, Anders Fuglestad, Timothy J. Lang, and Mark A. Stanley and the The ALOFT Team

In July 2023, the ALOFT flight campaign deployed an ER-2 research aircraft that flew at 20 km altitude above thunderstorms, carrying an extensive suite of instruments. The campaign observed numerous gamma-ray glows exhibiting complex and highly dynamic morphologies (Marisaldi et al. 2024). This study focuses on two specific glow events recorded on July 29th, 2023, between 20:30:20 and 20:31:40 UTC over Florida. By combining Monte Carlo simulations with observations from hard-radiation instruments and ground-based interferometers, we can estimate the multiplication factor required, based on cosmic-ray secondary electrons, to produce gamma-ray glows of the observed magnitude (exceeding 7 times the background level on the ALOFT-BGO detector).

Our analysis reveals multiplication factors of seed electrons (cosmic-ray secondaries) significantly exceeding a factor 5000, occurring multiple times and persisting for periods of several seconds. According to previous studies (Dwyer et al. 2007; Kelley et al. 2015), such high multiplication factors indicate substantial contribution from the Relativistic Feedback Discharge mechanism. Using the methodology established by Kelley et al. (2015), we estimated that the discharge currents resulting from the relativistic process during high-intensity phases of the glow could range in the tens to hundreds of amperes. These values substantially exceed those previously reported by Kelley et al. (2015) and could be large enough to significantly influence the thunderstorm's charging rate.

This study provides evidence that the Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanche process, amplified by the relativistic feedback mechanism, could compete with conventional discharge mechanisms in certain thunderstorm conditions.


  • Marisaldi, M., Østgaard, N., Mezentsev, A., Lang, T., Grove, J. E., Shy, D., Heymsfield, G. M., Krehbiel, P., Thomas, R. J., Stanley, M., Sarria, D., Schultz, C., Blakeslee, R., Quick, M. G., Christian, H., Adams, I., Kroodsma, R., Lehtinen, N., Ullaland, K., Yang, S., Qureshi, B. H., Søndergaard, J., Husa, B., Walker, D., et al. (2024). Highly dynamic gamma-ray emissions are common in tropical thunderclouds. Nature.
  • Kelley, N. A., Smith, D. M., Dwyer, J. R., Splitt, M., Lazarus, S., Martinez-McKinney, F., Hazelton, B., Grefenstette, B., Lowell, A., & Rassoul, H. K. (2015). Relativistic electron avalanches as a thunderstorm discharge competing with lightning. Nature Communications.
  • Dwyer, J. R. (2007). Relativistic breakdown in planetary atmospheres. Physics of Plasmas.

How to cite: Sarria, D., Østgaard, N., Marisaldi, M., Mezentsev, A., Lehtinen, N., Bjørge-Engeland, I., Fuglestad, A., Lang, T. J., and Stanley, M. A. and the The ALOFT Team: Evidence of gamma-ray glows observed in the relativistic feedback regime during the ALOFT 2023 flight campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16240,, 2025.

EGU25-16451 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6

Investigating the termination mechanisms of gamma-ray glows observed during the ALOFT aircraft campaign 

Ingrid Bjørge-Engeland, Nikolai Østgaard, Martino Marisaldi, Andrey Mezentsev, Anders N. Fuglestad, David Sarria, Nikolai Lehtinen, Timothy J. Lang, Christopher Schultz, Hugh Christian, and Mason G. Quick

During the Airborne Lightning Observatory for FEGS and TGFs (ALOFT) campaign conducted in the summer of 2023, hundreds of gamma-ray glows were observed. Numerous glow regions, each consisting of several individual glows, were observed as the aircraft passed over active thunderstorms (Marisaldi et al. 2024). We will investigate the mechanisms behind the termination of the individual glows, focusing on whether specific types of discharges are responsible or if the glows terminate themselves. We will combine observations from different instruments onboard the aircraft, including gamma-ray detectors, electric field change meters and photometers. Lightning discharges will be characterized by optical emissions and data from on-board electric field change meters. We also couple this with detections by the ground-based lightning location network GLD360.



  • Marisaldi, M., Østgaard, N., Mezentsev, A., Lang, T., Grove, J. E., Shy, D., Heymsfield, G. M., Krehbiel, P., Thomas, R. J., Stanley, M., Sarria, D., Schultz, C., Blakeslee, R., Quick, M. G., Christian, H., Adams, I., Kroodsma, R., Lehtinen, N., Ullaland, K., Yang, S., Qureshi, B. H., Søndergaard, J., Husa, B., Walker, D., et al. (2024). Highly dynamic gamma-ray emissions are common in tropical thunderclouds. Nature.


How to cite: Bjørge-Engeland, I., Østgaard, N., Marisaldi, M., Mezentsev, A., Fuglestad, A. N., Sarria, D., Lehtinen, N., Lang, T. J., Schultz, C., Christian, H., and Quick, M. G.: Investigating the termination mechanisms of gamma-ray glows observed during the ALOFT aircraft campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16451,, 2025.

EGU25-17913 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6

Tree and Forest Traits Influencing Lightning Strike Probability 

Bianca Zoletto, Masha Van der Sande, Peter Van der Sleen, Dennis Babaasa, Aventino Nkwasibwe, Evan Gora, Martin Sullivan, and Aida Cuni-Sanchez

Lightning is a significant disturbance agent in tropical forests, with ecological impacts including tree mortality and influencing forest structure and carbon dynamics. Our research explores the environmental and tree-specific factors affecting the probability of a tree being struck by lightning in Afromontane forests. We surveyed 89 kilometers of transects across ridges, slopes, and valleys in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, and recorded 94 lightning strikes.

Our findings reveal that topography significantly influences strike probability, with ridges experiencing the highest strike density (2.0 strikes/km) compared to slopes (1.4 strikes/km) and valleys (0.25 strikes/km). Elevation alone was not a significant predictor when topography was included, suggesting that a tree's relative position in the landscape plays a crucial role.

At the individual tree level, struck trees were not always the tallest within a 20-meter radius plot. Only 30% of struck trees had the largest diameter at breast height (DBH), and 19.5% were the tallest, highlighting the influence of factors beyond size. However, struck trees exhibited a higher median DBH and a greater proportion of emergent canopy trees compared to controls. Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) identified DBH (Estimate = 0.025, p < 2.39e-06) and canopy exposure (Estimate = 1.20, p = 2.04e-08) as significant predictors of strike probability.

These results suggest that lightning strikes are influenced by a combination of environmental and tree-specific traits, including topographical context, DBH, and canopy exposure. Our findings contribute to understanding lightning as a selective agent in tropical forests, with implications for forest dynamics and carbon storage.

How to cite: Zoletto, B., Van der Sande, M., Van der Sleen, P., Babaasa, D., Nkwasibwe, A., Gora, E., Sullivan, M., and Cuni-Sanchez, A.: Tree and Forest Traits Influencing Lightning Strike Probability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17913,, 2025.

EGU25-18036 | Posters on site | NH1.6

Testing the hypothesis of lightning initiation by runaway air breakdown with ALOFT data 

Martino Marisaldi, Nikolai Østgaard, Andrey Mezentsev, David Sarria, Nikolai Lehtinen, Ingrid Bjørge-Engeland, Anders Fuglestad, Øystein Færder, Timothy J. Lang, Mason Quick, Richard Blakeslee, Hugh Christian, J. Eric Grove, Daniel Shy, Steven A. Cummer, Yunjiao Pu, and Marni Pazos

Lightning initiation is one of the top unsolved problems in atmospheric electricity. Runaway electron breakdown of air has been suggested to play a key role in lightning initiation, by locally enhancing the ambient electric field above the conventional breakdown threshold. The recent results from the ALOFT flight campaign have shown a tight interconnection between highly convective cores, lightning activity, and high-energy particle acceleration observed as a wide range of gamma-ray phenomena (gamma-ray glows, Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes, and the recently reported Flickering Gamma-ray Flashes). Thanks to the combination of simultaneous, high-sensitivity gamma-ray, optical and radio measurements, the ALOFT dataset provides a unique opportunity to investigate the lightning initiation problem and test the runaway breakdown hypothesis. Here we focus on the lightning discharges observed within the field of view of the gamma-ray instrument and not associated to any detectable gamma-ray enhancement. We will try to answer the following questions: how many discharges are there unambiguously not associated to gamma-rays? What are the characteristics of these discharges? What can we infer about the hypothesis of lightning initiation triggered by runaway air breakdown?

How to cite: Marisaldi, M., Østgaard, N., Mezentsev, A., Sarria, D., Lehtinen, N., Bjørge-Engeland, I., Fuglestad, A., Færder, Ø., Lang, T. J., Quick, M., Blakeslee, R., Christian, H., Grove, J. E., Shy, D., Cummer, S. A., Pu, Y., and Pazos, M.: Testing the hypothesis of lightning initiation by runaway air breakdown with ALOFT data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18036,, 2025.

EGU25-18046 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Comparing Upward Negative Stepped Leader and Preliminary Breakdown Pulses 

Toma Oregel-Chaumont, Mohammad Azadifar, Antonio Šunjerga, Marcos Rubinstein, and Farhad Rachidi

The study explores the characteristics of upward negative stepped leader pulses recorded at the Säntis Tower in Switzerland. Analysis of simultaneous channel-base current and 14.7-km vertical electric field data revealed two distinct types of pulses associated with upward negative stepped leaders [2].
Category A pulses were characterized by bipolar electric field signatures with initial positive half-cycles, correlated with negative unipolar current pulses. The E-field pulses had an average duration of 23.7 (± 11.7) μs and exhibited time-dependent characteristics, including increased frequency and slower risetimes.
Category B pulses were characterized by unipolar (positive or negative) or bipolar field signatures that lacked correlation with any major current pulses. These had narrower temporal widths compared to Category A pulses.
As discussed in Azadifar et al. 2018 [3], notable similarities exist between these two categories and, respectively, “Classical” and “Narrow” Preliminary Breakdown Pulses (PBPs) observed in the initial stages of downward negative leaders [6].
Herein, we present a statistical analysis of 45 Category A pulses from 5 Type-II upward positive flashes, which confirms their similarity to Classical PBPs, particularly in regards to key characteristic timescales reported in the literature, such as the aforementioned pulse duration [1,4,5,6,10], 10-90% risetime (6.1 ± 3.6 μs) [1,9], and zero-crossing time (11.9 ± 6.1 μs) [1,9]. In this dataset, 7 (~16%) of these bipolar pulses were observed to be inverted (with a negative initial half-cycle), and were excluded from this preliminary analysis, though it is of note that a similar phenomenon has been observed in downward stepped leaders as well [8].
The temporal widths of the initial and second half-cycles were observed to be linearly correlated (with correlation coefficient ρ = 0.77), as were their peak amplitudes (ρ = -0.80). Further linear correlations were found to exist between the peak E-field and current amplitudes (R2 = 0.74), as well as their risetimes (R2 = 0.73), with E-field pulses generally rising faster than current pulses. To the best of our knowledge, these specific relationships have not been reported in the literature, though correlations between PBP amplitude and: duration [7], and return stroke peak current [10] have been observed.
These findings enhance our understanding of upward lightning phenomena and associated electromagnetic radiation, revealing parallels with the Breakdown, Intermediate, and Leader stages of downward negative flashes. This study contributes to the ongoing debate about the underlying physical mechanisms of lightning initiation and propagation, and highlights the need for further research in this area. Observational studies are specifically recommended to validate these correlations and refine proposed modeling frameworks.



[1] Adhikari & Adhikari (2021). Scientific World Journal, 2021, 1–9.

[2] Azadifar et al. (2015). XIII SIPDA, 32–36.

[3] Azadifar et al. (2018). 34th ICLP, 1–6.

[4] Cai et al. (2022). Atmospheric Research, 271, 106126.

[5] Granados et al. (2022). TecnoLógicas, 25(55), e2343.

[6] Nag & Rakov (2008). JGR: Atmospheres, 113(D1).

[7] Nag et al. (2009). Atmospheric Research, 91(2–4), 316–325.

[8] Ogawa (1993). Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 13(2), 121–132.

[9] Shi et al. (2024). Remote Sensing, 16(20), 3899.

[10] Zhu et al. (2016). Atmosphere, 7(10), 130.

How to cite: Oregel-Chaumont, T., Azadifar, M., Šunjerga, A., Rubinstein, M., and Rachidi, F.: Comparing Upward Negative Stepped Leader and Preliminary Breakdown Pulses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18046,, 2025.

EGU25-18235 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Assimilation of Rainfall and Total Lightning Data for Nowcasting Torrential Rainfall During Summer Thunderstorms in Japan 

Debrupa Mondal, Yasuhide Hobara, Hiroshi Kikuchi, and Jeff Lapierre

Recently, detailed spatio-temporal analysis, using X-band multi-parameter radar-derived 3D volume scan and total lightning data in Japan, have revealed the peak in-cloud (IC) lightning occurs ~10 mins before maximum ground precipitation for individual cells of a summer thunderstorm (TS) producing torrential rain. This study investigates the potential of utilizing the total lightning data for monitoring and short-term prediction of torrential rain during three summer TS events causing heavy rainfall over Japan: an isolated TS, a TS possessing a merging of two cells, and a splitting TS cell. We construct simple linear regression models using (1) only ground precipitation volume (PV) and (2) a combination of ground PV and IC pulse rate. These models are continuously updated with the latest observations of IC and ground PV values to predict the one-step and multi-step ahead values of ground rainfall. We demonstrate a promising approach for short-term prediction of ground rainfall, by simultaneous application of the current and historical data of IC pulse rate and PV, which showed high accuracy (cross-correlation coefficient between observed and predicted PV was 0.84~0.94).

How to cite: Mondal, D., Hobara, Y., Kikuchi, H., and Lapierre, J.: Assimilation of Rainfall and Total Lightning Data for Nowcasting Torrential Rainfall During Summer Thunderstorms in Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18235,, 2025.

EGU25-19743 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6

First Simulations of Lighthing Optical Observations during Daytime in the Context of the C³IEL Mission 

Antoine Rimboud, Eric Defer, Céline Cornet, François Thieuleux, and Didier Ricard

For over two decades, optical observations from low Earth orbit satellites have enabled the creation of the first global map of lightning activity. Today, the latest generation of geostationary meteorological satellites, such as the European Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) Lightning Imager (LI), is equipped with lightning imagers. Additionally, instruments like the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) and the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) on board the International Space Station detect optical lightning signals across various wavelengths, ranging from near-UV to near-IR, with cameras and photometers.

Understanding the radiative transfer of light generated by lightning discharges within clouds is crucial for interpreting detected optical signals. In this work, the three-dimensional radiative transfer code 3DMCPOL (Cornet et al., 2010) is adapted to simulate realistic lightning waveforms and images. The 3DMCPOL code simulates light propagation through three-dimensional atmospheres using the Monte Carlo method, originally for solar or thermal sources. A realistic four-dimensional (time and space) lightning source was implemented (Rimboud et al., 2024), and its detection by ground-based or space-borne photometers and cameras.

The methodology will first be detailed, focusing on how realistic imagery observations are simulated using geometric models of the Lightning Optical Imager (LOI) developed by the French space agency for the French-Israeli C³IEL (Cluster for Cloud Evolution, Climate, and Lightning) mission currently under development. Then, simulations of realistic daytime LOI observations will be presented using the microphysical outputs of the French cloud-resolving model Meso-NH for the cloud description. First results on the necessary acquisition frequency for background scenes and the impact of tilted observations on lightning detection, will be discussed from these simulations.

How to cite: Rimboud, A., Defer, E., Cornet, C., Thieuleux, F., and Ricard, D.: First Simulations of Lighthing Optical Observations during Daytime in the Context of the C³IEL Mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19743,, 2025.

EGU25-20073 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

High-Speed Ultraviolet and Visible Optical Emission Spectroscopy of High-Voltage Impulses Representing Lightning 

Meirion Hills, Daniel Mitchard, and Nicolas Peretto

To better understand lightning interactions with the atmosphere, a high-speed (streak) spectrograph was used to characterise various high voltage impulses representing lightning. A Marx generator was used to produce 1.2/50 μs high voltage impulses, according to the IEC 60060 standard, ranging from 60 kV to 160 kV. The atomic emission spectrum was captured using a high-speed streak system at resolutions of 0.35 μs/pixel to 0.14 μs/pixel. Spectral data were first recorded over a broad range of 250 to 990 nm, covering a part of the ultraviolet spectrum, full visible spectrum and into near-infrared. Then three smaller bands were chosen for high resolution spectral data to enable the identification of key atomic emission lines such as Oxygen-I, Nitrogen-I and II, and Argon-I from the atmosphere, as well as Tungsten-I from the experiment electrodes. It was observed that an increase in high voltage lead to greater spectral intensity with more prominent lines, as expected, indicating an increase in energy transfer into the surrounding atmosphere. Subsequent analysis of the data resulted in both temperature and energy measurements of these arcs. Such spectral signatures have important implications for refining atmospheric electricity models and better understanding risks associated with lightning, particularly for built infrastructure, such as struck power lines and wind turbines, but also natural features, like forests and woodland. It is the intention that this work will progress onto the study of spectra from laboratory generated lightning arcs.

How to cite: Hills, M., Mitchard, D., and Peretto, N.: High-Speed Ultraviolet and Visible Optical Emission Spectroscopy of High-Voltage Impulses Representing Lightning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20073,, 2025.

EGU25-21014 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Exploring the Effect of Wind Farms on Lightning and Storm Development 

Jacquelyn Ringhausen, Elizabeth DiGangi, Jeff Lapierre, and Yanan Zhu

With the growing use of alternative energy generation such as wind turbines, it is important to understand their effect on the environment and, in turn, on storms. One environmental parameter that could be directly impacted by wind turbines is lightning, since tall objects can enhance lightning development. Additionally, wind turbines can potentially alter the boundary layer of storms, which can cause changes in the low-level winds within the storms and affect their evolution. Several studies have been performed focusing on the lightning trends directly over specific wind farms, the attachment and upward development of lightning from turbines, and the protection of wind turbines from lightning in general; however, few studies have performed large-scale analysis of the effect turbines have on lightning and storms. This study analyzes the trends in lightning not only occurring over the wind farms but surrounding the wind farms on both a storm level, and at larger temporal and spatial scales. For this analysis, the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN) and the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) provide extensive lightning datasets covering CONUS, while radar data from the Multi Radar Multi Sensor (MRMS) platform offers information on storm development.  Preliminary results show a potential change in both the lightning patterns and characteristics, as well as radar echoes with storm passage over wind farms, indicating some effect may be present.

How to cite: Ringhausen, J., DiGangi, E., Lapierre, J., and Zhu, Y.: Exploring the Effect of Wind Farms on Lightning and Storm Development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21014,, 2025.

EGU25-21146 | Orals | NH1.6

TOTEM: The Top of Thunderstorms Experimental Module 

Torsten Neubert, Olivier Chanrion, and Francisco J. Gordillo-Vazquez

TOTEM is a payload for observation of the fast processes of electrical activity at the top of thunderstorm clouds and for evaluation of a new camera technology with high time resolution and dynamic range, yet with low weight, data rate and power consumption. The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Module (ASIM) on the International Space Station (2018- ) discovered high levels of blue electrical corona activity in thunderstorm cloud tops reaching into the stratosphere. The discharges represent a new pathway of perturbations to greenhouse gas concentrations at high altitudes, which affect the atmosphere's radiative properties up to 5 times more than in the lower troposphere.  However, the altitude of events and clouds are poorly resolved with the nadir-pointing instruments of ASIM. With instruments pointing at a slanted angle, TOTEM will measure the activity – and the cloud structure where they are found – with < 300 m altitude resolution to understand their regional and global impact on greenhouse gas concentrations. The instruments include neuromorphic cameras that allow image reconstruction at up to 100.000 frames per second. TOTEM is developed by an international network of scientists and engineers. It is studied under a contract with ESA. TOTEM can be implemented on the International Space Station (ISS) or other low-Earth Orbit platforms.


How to cite: Neubert, T., Chanrion, O., and J. Gordillo-Vazquez, F.: TOTEM: The Top of Thunderstorms Experimental Module, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21146,, 2025.

Thunderstorms are components of typhoons, linear precipitation bands and supercells, which cause severe wind and flood damage and lightning strikes. Observationally tracking the time variation in their development and decay, which is directly linked to precipitation, is important for understanding and predicting precipitation and lightning discharge activity. However, general C-band radars for meteorological use cannot observe cloud particles, and Ka-band radars require a large amount of money for maintenance because the consumable parts are expensive, and there are also limits to high-resolution observations in the vertical direction because it takes time for spatial scanning. Furthermore, it is difficult to track the occurrence and initial growth of cumulonimbus clouds from the horizontal resolution problem because the cloud top altitude cannot be geometrically obtained from geostationary meteorological satellites. The central Tokyo area is facing the risk of flooding due to the limits of its drainage capacity, and it is an urgent issue to accurately grasp the movement of thunderstorms.

Our research group has achieved results in the measurement of electrostatic fields and lightning discharge radio waves associated with thunderstorm activity in the Metro Manila, as well as in 3D cloud measurement using aircraft and satellites. In this study, we will make use of this experience to construct a system that monitors the charge separation within thunderstorm and the time-dependent changes in the three-dimensional shape of clouds. We will do this by deploying three sets of cloud stereo imaging equipment that combines field-mil electric field sensors and multiple digital cameras to surround an area with a diameter of approximately 20 km in the center of Tokyo.

How to cite: Takahashi, Y.: Development of a thunderstorm monitoring system based on atmospheric electric fields and 3D cloud imaging on the ground, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21153,, 2025.

EGU25-21157 | Posters on site | NH1.6

Bottom-dominated negative dipole charge structure in thunderstorms over Tibetan Plateau    

Xiushu Qie, Dongxia Liu, Fengquan Li, Zhuling Sun, Shanfeng Yuan, and Rubin Jiang

The Tibetan Plateau stands as the highest plateau globally, showcasing distinct geological and climatic characteristics. Thunderstorms there usually shows unique structural and spatiotemporal features compared to those in low-altitude plains, and they typically exhibited small size, short duration, lower charging and flash rate. Using the data from the accurate lightning VHF interferometer, electric field mill, fast/slow antenna and C-band radar, evolution of charge structure of thunderstorms involved in lightning discharge are investigated. Different from the lower-altitude thunderstorm usually starting from a positive dipole charge structure in the middle upper portion of cloud, the charge structure inside thunderstorm usually evolves from an initial inverted dipole charge structure. In the mature stage, it may keep the inverted dipole in the whole life cycle of the thunderstorm, or exhibit a bottom heavy tripole charge structure with a large lower positive charge center (LPCC). Under different magnitudes of the LPCC, various lightning discharges including -IC, +IC, -CG and bolt-from-blue flashes are generated, indicating the crucial effects of LPCC on the lightning discharge types.

How to cite: Qie, X., Liu, D., Li, F., Sun, Z., Yuan, S., and Jiang, R.: Bottom-dominated negative dipole charge structure in thunderstorms over Tibetan Plateau   , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21157,, 2025.

EGU25-21881 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Comprehensive Lightning Observation Using VHF Interferometer and LHAASO

Shanfeng Yuan, Xiushu Qie, Zhuling Sun, Jizhou Feng, Zhengqi Wang, Zifan Huang, and Shaoxuan Di

EGU25-720 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

How “leaky” should a leaky dam be? Insights from physical modelling at a white-water rafting course 

Anthony Jones, Julia Knapp, Sim Reaney, and Ian Pattison

Leaky dams, particularly those constructed from large woody material, are increasingly implemented in headwater streams to reduce runoff rates by enhancing channel roughness, slowing flow velocities, and creating temporary water storage during high-flow events to desynchronise flood peaks within catchments. Despite significant progress in modelling the hydraulic and hydrological effects of leaky dams through flume experiments and field studies, design guidance for the construction of leaky dams still needs to be improved. A key challenge in optimising designs is the limited availability of high-resolution pre- and post-intervention data in the field, particularly for extreme flood events, which constrains systematic evaluations of leaky dam performance. Enhanced observational studies are critical to validate the effectiveness of leaky dams and refine design strategies.

This study presents a controlled field experiment conducted at the Tees Barrage International White Water Centre, Stockton, UK, utilising a 300-meter white water rafting course to simulate flow events and evaluate the performance of three leaky dams under a range of flow conditions (up to 8.8 m³/s). Two dam designs were tested: (1) engineered dams constructed from pre-cut commercial timbers with consistent dimensions and (2) natural dams made from locally sourced pine timbers. The "leakiness" of the dams was systematically varied by adjusting timber spacings in increments of 10 mm to 100 mm.

Results demonstrate that both leaky dam designs effectively delayed flood peaks compared to the no-dam scenario. Engineered dams outperformed natural dams, delivering greater flood peak delays with better control of cross-sectional blockage. Smaller timber spacings further enhanced peak delays, with engineered dams achieving a 345-second delay and natural dams a 219-second delay relative to the no-dam scenario. Additionally, the study highlights the likely impact of debris accumulation over time on dam performance.

This research underscores the value of controlled artificial channels for generating precise, repeatable data on leaky dam performance under extreme flow conditions and provides a high-resolution dataset for in-channel hydrodynamic modelling. The findings advocate for further design-focused testing to optimise leaky dam configurations for improved flood mitigation, offering valuable insights for practitioners and researchers.

How to cite: Jones, A., Knapp, J., Reaney, S., and Pattison, I.: How “leaky” should a leaky dam be? Insights from physical modelling at a white-water rafting course, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-720,, 2025.

EGU25-833 | Orals | NH1.7

Assessing the Ecosystem Services of Urban Green Space Based on Vegetation Model: Nature-Based Solution Approach in Delhi, India 

Pallavi Saxena, Ronak Raj Sharma, Saurabh Sonwani, and Anju Srivastava

Urban green spaces, an important component of nature-based solutions play a significant role in maintaining urban ecosystem sustainability by offering some ecosystem services. In this study, high-resolution satellite images were used to acquire the spatial distribution of urban green space, an advanced pre-stratified random sampling method was used to collect the vegetation information of Deer Park (urban green space) located in southern part of Delhi, India and i-TREE Eco vegetation model is used to assess the vegetation structure and ecosystem services like air quality improvement, rainfall interception, carbon storage and sequestration that can be use as an important sustainable tool to mitigate climate change and air pollution in Delhi. The modelling results showed that there were 250 trees with 2.072 acres of tree cover in this area. The most common tree species are Azadirachta indica, Erythrina lysistemon and Cassia fistula and there are 21% of trees which are having diameter less than 15.2 cm. In 2024, all trees in urban green space, Deer Park, could store about 73.96 tons of carbon, sequester about 3.196 tons of gross carbon, remove 30 tonnes of air pollutants/year and avoid 1.528 thousand gallon/year of runoff and oxygen production of 8.522 tons/year. This study outlines an innovative and sustainable method to observe the advantage of urban green space in Delhi by taking the Deer Park as one of the site with various ecosystem services to better understand their roles in regulating urban environment. This nature-based solution approach could help urban planners and policymakers to adopt this urban green space structure approach in Delhi which will further help in mitigating climate change mitigation, air pollution mitigation and maximize ecosystem services provision.

How to cite: Saxena, P., Sharma, R. R., Sonwani, S., and Srivastava, A.: Assessing the Ecosystem Services of Urban Green Space Based on Vegetation Model: Nature-Based Solution Approach in Delhi, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-833,, 2025.

The increasing prevalence of impervious surfaces coupled with intense rainfall has exacerbated urban waterlogging, nonpoint source pollution, and ecosystem degradation. Nature-based solutions (NbS) have emerged as effective strategies for urban stormwater management. This study proposes a four-objective simulation-optimization framework, integrating the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) with the NSGA-II algorithm, to optimize NBS layouts while accounting for ecosystem service value (ESV). Six NbS scenarios were evaluated in a case study in Beijing, China. Results indicated that rain garden scenarios outperformed others in maximizing ESV, particularly through enhanced net carbon sequestration. Sensitivity analysis revealed that pollution control rate exhibited greater variability than runoff reduction rate, and achieving simultaneous improvements in these metrics often incurred higher costs and reduced ESV. The optimal solution achieved a 51.95% runoff reduction rate, 87.35% pollution control rate, an ESV of 2.78 × 10⁵ CNY, and a cost of 40.14 × 10⁶ CNY. This framework provides a robust reference for harmonizing cost-efficiency, water quality and quantity control, and ecosystem service enhancement in urban stormwater management.

How to cite: Fang, D.: Multi-Objective Optimization of Nature-Based Solution Layouts for Enhanced Ecosystem Services, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-913,, 2025.

EGU25-1168 | Posters on site | NH1.7

Assessing Nature-Based Solutions using the HEC-RAS modelling system: a review  

Ramtin Sabeti, Thomas Rodding Kjeldsen, Matt Chambers, Hamed Moftakhari, Ioanna Stamataki, and Solomon Simmonds

Nature-based solutions (NBS) have gained increasing attention in flood management since the early 2000s as sustainable alternatives or complements to conventional flood defence strategies. Based on a systematic review of 1,080 published studies, we provide recommendations for implementing common NBS intervention types in flood management using the HEC-RAS modelling framework. The review considered published case studies ranging from small catchments of approximately 0.09 km² to large river basins exceeding 2,400 km².

The potential interventions explored include reforestation/afforestation, floodplain reconnection, wetland restoration, channel re-meandering, and the hybridization or removal of grey infrastructure. The recommendations detail how to adjust key parameters within HEC-RAS to effectively represent these interventions. For instance, increasing Manning's roughness coefficients can simulate the added vegetative roughness from reforestation. Likewise, modifying the digital elevation model allows for the representation of floodplain reconnection, benching, or channel modifications. By offering quantifiable methods and a clear linkage between interventions and hydraulic parameters, this work equips practitioners and researchers with the necessary tools to model flood mitigation strategies using NBS within HEC-RAS. To generalise the findings beyond HEC-RAS and make them applicable to other hydraulic modelling platforms, each intervention is linked to specific terms in the governing equations: conservation of mass and momentum equations, highlighting how parameters such as friction slope are affected.

How to cite: Sabeti, R., Rodding Kjeldsen, T., Chambers, M., Moftakhari, H., Stamataki, I., and Simmonds, S.: Assessing Nature-Based Solutions using the HEC-RAS modelling system: a review , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1168,, 2025.

EGU25-1420 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

Nature-based solutions for coastal ecological restoration during rapid urbanization process under strategic planing and policy support: Case study of Chaoyang Port Coast, Weihai City, China 

Shasha Liu, Feng Cai, Michael Wagreich, Nelson Rangel-Buitrago, Yongzhi Peng, Tianyu Zhang, and Pengkai Wang

In Anthropocene, human activities have caused a lasting, substantial and often irreversible changes to the earth system. Coastal erosion and inundation are natural hazards that threaten the safety of humans’ properties and lives. Adaptive actions to combat coastal erosion generally rely on single method of Nature-based solutions (Nbs)—hard structures, soft engineering, or vegetation. However, instances of multiple Nbs being employed together are seldom studied, particularly in morphologically complex coasts. This paper briefly reviews the current governmental policy context in China (at national, provincial and urban levels) for climate adaptation in coastal zones and presents a local implementation process involving multiple Nbs applications at Chaoyang Port Coast in Weihai city. The analysis reveals that integrated policies and city orientation drive the coastline protection and necessitate the adoption of nature-based solutions. It also demonstrates that integrated management measures (including beach remediation, gabion seawalls, and coastal shelter belts) can create a relatively stronger ecological disaster risk reduction system in morphologically complex coastal regions. Furthermore, the paper discusses the impacts of strategic planning and policies on coastal environment, technical advancements for coastal protection, and future challenge for sustainable development. Recommendations for ensuring the success of long-term coastal environment recovery include sustained political support, active public participation in local economic growth, and the advancement of Nbs technologies. Through insights from coastal management policies and nature-based solutions, our study not only highlights China’s commitment to environment governance but also provides a practical paradigm for shoreline management applicableto coastal cities in China and other coastal nations worldwide.

How to cite: Liu, S., Cai, F., Wagreich, M., Rangel-Buitrago, N., Peng, Y., Zhang, T., and Wang, P.: Nature-based solutions for coastal ecological restoration during rapid urbanization process under strategic planing and policy support: Case study of Chaoyang Port Coast, Weihai City, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1420,, 2025.

EGU25-1422 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7

Gazelle Valley Park – A case study of a dual urban nature-based solution for flood mitigation in a Mediterranean climate 

Yoav Ben Dor, Galit Sharabi, Sabri Alian, Raz Nussbaum, Efrat Morin, Elyasaf Freiman, Amanda Lind, Inbal Shemesh, Amir Balaban, Faygle Train, and Elad Levintal

Due to increasing flood risks related to climate change and urbanization, solutions addressing environmental challenges must be more effectively integrated into urban environments. Green spaces and blue-green infrastructure, which combine water, vegetation, and recreational areas, can contribute to both flood risk mitigation while addressing the urban heat island effect, ultimately enhancing the quality of life in cities. These facilities also promote biodiversity and ecological resilience, supporting stable ecosystems while providing green and open recreational spaces even in the heart of bustling urban areas. The Gazelle Valley Urban Nature Park, located in the densely populated metropolitan area of Jerusalem, Israel’s capital, serves as a prime example of such efforts. The establishment of this park is considered a groundbreaking social and environmental achievement, made possible by the struggle of residents, local activists, social organizations, and the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel. Built to the highest ecological design standards, the park has quickly become a popular destination for both residents and visitors, offering a model for integrating eco-hydrological solutions into urban landscapes. As part of an ongoing study, water inflow and its quality within the park’s water system are monitored. The park’s water system, which is fed by stormwater during the wet season (winter) and treated wastewater during the dry season (summer), is tracked through online monitoring using a low-cost open-hardware station. When combined with sampling and laboratory analyses, online measurement helps assess water composition and water quality dynamics in order to evaluate the impact of an urban nature-based solution on water quality. This study also tests the applicability of low-cost open-hardware technology for environmental monitoring in aquatic ecosystems, while examining the effectiveness of nature-based solutions in improving the water quality of stormwater and treated wastewater in urban settings.

How to cite: Ben Dor, Y., Sharabi, G., Alian, S., Nussbaum, R., Morin, E., Freiman, E., Lind, A., Shemesh, I., Balaban, A., Train, F., and Levintal, E.: Gazelle Valley Park – A case study of a dual urban nature-based solution for flood mitigation in a Mediterranean climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1422,, 2025.

EGU25-2521 | Posters on site | NH1.7

The feasibility studies of mitigation measures for landslides located above the Koroška Bela settlement in Northwest Slovenia 

Mateja Jemec Auflič, Tina Peternel, Yusuf Oluwasegun Ogunfolaji  , and Nejc Bezak

This study represents the feasibility study on landslide mitigation measures above the settlement of Koroška Bela in northwestern Slovenia. The settlement of Koroška Bela is very densely populated (about 2,100 inhabitants) and has a well-developed industry and infrastructure. The area above Koroška Bela has been recognized as one of the most active landslide-prone areas in Slovenia. It attracts attention due to historical evidence of past debris flows in recent geological history. The first recorded event occurred in the 18th century and caused the partial or complete destruction of more than 40 buildings and devastated cultivated areas in the village of Koroška Bela. In recent decades, two more events have occurred: In April 2017, part of the Čikla landslide turned into a debris flow, and in August 2023, the reactivation of the Urbas landslide led to the disruption of alarm systems and the triggering of emergency sirens. Each event was associated with prolonged and intense rainfall.

To reduce the landslide risk in Koroška Bela, a comprehensive engineering, geological and hydrogeological characterization of landslide-prone areas was required to prepare feasibility studies for mitigation and remediation strategies. So far, no specific remediation measures have been implemented, as the existing check dams do not have the necessary capacity to effectively manage sediment and debris flows.

Our findings highlight the need for holistic mitigation measures in order to protect residents and infrastructure. Key areas include stabilizing the Čikla and Urbas landslides and controlling sediment transport in the associated torrent systems. Given the complexity of these landslides, we propose a combination of traditional gray engineering (structural) measures alongside with hybrid solutions that integrate both gray and green elements. For debris- flow management, gray measures such as debris- flow barriers and flexible barriers are essential. To stabilize landslide-prone areas, hybrid solutions combining torrent channel works, drainage systems, and vegetative stabilization should be implemented.

As these landslides are situated in mountainous areas designated as Natura 2000 protected area, mitigation measures should incorporate green design principles that support both visual integration and ecological functions.

Acknowledgments: This research was funded by Slovenian Research And Innovation Agency through research project “J6-4628 - Evaluation of hazard-mitigating hybrid infrastructure under climate change scenarios” and research program “P1-0419 - Dynamic Earth”. Additional financial support was provided by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, and the Municipality of Jesenice.


How to cite: Jemec Auflič, M., Peternel, T., Oluwasegun Ogunfolaji  , Y., and Bezak, N.: The feasibility studies of mitigation measures for landslides located above the Koroška Bela settlement in Northwest Slovenia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2521,, 2025.

EGU25-3855 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7

Nature-based solutions for attenuating hydrometeorological hazards in coastal regions: Effectiveness and quantification approaches 

Mohammed Sarfaraz Gani Adnan, Abiy S. Kebede, Kwasi Appeaning Addo, Ashraf Dewan, Tuhin Ghosh, Christopher J. White, and Philip J. Ward

Deltaic coasts, with their fertile soils and diverse ecosystems, are critical for agriculture, trade, fisheries, energy supply, and manufacturing. However, these regions are highly susceptible to hydrometeorological hazards, including storms, flooding, and extreme temperature events. Anthropogenic climate change has exacerbated the frequency and intensity of such hazards, posing significant societal and environmental challenges. While traditional hard engineering structures (e.g., levees, dykes, sea walls) have been the primary approach to coastal protection, these solutions often increase hazard complexity and risks while requiring substantial financial investments. In contrast, nature-based solutions (NbS) have emerged as cost-effective and sustainable alternatives or complements to traditional engineering approaches, demonstrating their potential to mitigate and adapt to coastal hydrometeorological hazards.
Quantifying the effectiveness and potential of NbS in attenuating hydrometeorological hazards in coastal regions remains challenging due to the complexity in spatiotemporal dynamics of hazards and variations in assessment methods (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, or mixed). Despite numerous studies on NbS in coastal and deltaic contexts, there is a lack of comprehensive evaluations addressing the types of NbS, their geographical applications, methodological robustness, and confidence in their effectiveness in addressing hydrometeorological hazards. This study bridges these gaps by systematically reviewing 330 peer-reviewed English-language articles published between 2008 and 2024, identified using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol. The review focuses on five key hydrometeorological hazards in coastal and deltaic regions globally: storms, floods, extreme temperatures, extreme precipitation, and droughts. NbS are evaluated as substitutes, complements, or safeguards to hard engineering structures, considering both real-world and hypothetical case studies. A comprehensive framework, adapted from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is employed to evaluate NbS based on three criteria: (1) robustness of evidence (e.g., mechanistic understanding, model validation), (2) the level of agreement (e.g., consistency of findings supporting NbS effectiveness), and (3) confidence (integrating robustness and agreement). 
The findings provide key typologies of NbS applications across different hydrometeorological hazards, with a predominant focus on storms and floods, while extreme temperatures and droughts receive comparatively less attention. Most studies evaluate the effectiveness of NbS options such as mangroves, coastal wetlands, dunes, and coral reefs in safeguarding coastal areas from hydrometeorological threats, often drawing insights from real-world case studies. Studies on floods and storms frequently employ numerical or hydrodynamic modelling, using indicators such as flood depth, extent, velocity, wave height, and wave energy. These studies consistently demonstrate high confidence in the effectiveness of NbS in attenuating storm and flood hazards in coastal and deltaic regions, attributed to their robust methodologies and consistent findings. 
The study highlights the effectiveness of NbS in mitigating coastal hydrometeorological hazards varies geographically, influenced by local factors such as geomorphology, hydrology, and human activities. Numerical or hydrodynamic modelling, supplemented by cost-benefit analyses and validated with observational data, is recommended for robust quantification of NbS benefits and trade-offs. These findings provide a foundation for future research and offer actionable insights for policymakers and practitioners, facilitating the integration of NbS into coastal hazard management as viable substitutes or complements to hard engineering measures.

How to cite: Adnan, M. S. G., Kebede, A. S., Addo, K. A., Dewan, A., Ghosh, T., White, C. J., and Ward, P. J.: Nature-based solutions for attenuating hydrometeorological hazards in coastal regions: Effectiveness and quantification approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3855,, 2025.

EGU25-4245 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7

Using remote sensing to parameterise a leaky barrier hydraulic unit   

Hannah Champion, Elizabeth Follett, Barry Hankin, and Mike Hopkins

A canopy-resistance based debris factor, CA (Follett et al., 2020), can be used to model the head-loss from flows passing through and over a leaky barrier. The advantage over a Mannings coefficient typically used in hydraulic modelling is the debris factor is a direct construct from physical factors characterising the bulk properties of the woody debris, including frontal area and bulk density. The debris factor has been established to be a robust predictor of head-loss across a range of flows. The aim here has been to quantify CA from remotely sensed data based on photogrammetric techniques estimating the required physical characteristics. To do this we have worked with a leading specialist UK surveyor, Storm Geomatics, who surveyed two small watercourses (Nethercote and Paddle brook) near Shipston-on-Stour, England.    

A HEC-RAS 2D-only hydraulic model driven by design rainfall has been setup with 37 features in Nethercote Brook. The debris factor was first estimated based on photographic lookup and then refined to be based on analysis of photogrammetric data. For each unit a rating equation is generated given the estimate of CA which governs the head losses. The intention is that this process will become automated, such that a hydraulic unit for the leaky barrier can be generated automatically.  

An equivalent reach-scale Mannings roughness (see Follett and Hankin, 2022) is also considered with a view to using in other catchments more easily based on the type of modelling typically undertaken. In a further UK case study, in the intensively monitored Eddleston Water catchment, the reach-scale roughness approach was also tested for leaky barriers in Middle Burn, applying a Mannings uplift based off photographs taken of the leaky barrier construction. Here CA is estimated and the equations to convert to a reach-scale equivalent Mannings is used.  

As 3d point-cloud data from photogrammetry becomes more widely available, the intention is to make it easier to quantify CA and use the canopy resistance-based equations to generate a hydraulic unit for use in e.g. HEC-RAS 2D directly. This will help quantify the effectiveness of a range of nature-based solutions from large wood to woody debris barriers to slow the flow.  

Follett, E., Schalko, I., & Nepf, H. 2020. Momentum and energy predict the backwater rise generated by a large wood jam. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL089346. 10.1029/2020GL089346 

Follett, E., Hankin, B., 2022. Investigation of effect of logjam series for varying channel and barrier physical properties using a sparse input data 1D network model. Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 158, 2022, 105543, ISSN 1364-8152, 

Hankin, B., Hewitt, I., Sander, G., Danieli, F., Formetta, G., Kamilova, A., Kretzschmar, A., Kiradjiev, K., Wong, C., Pegler, S., and Lamb, R. 2020: A risk-based, network analysis of distributed in-stream leaky barriers for flood risk management. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 2567–2584, 2020 . 

How to cite: Champion, H., Follett, E., Hankin, B., and Hopkins, M.: Using remote sensing to parameterise a leaky barrier hydraulic unit  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4245,, 2025.

EGU25-4972 | Orals | NH1.7 | Highlight

An Integrated Catchment-Scale Approach to Urban River WaterQuality Using Constructed Wetlands 

Ana Mijic, Fangjun Peng, Saumya Srivastava, Barnaby Dobson, and Leyang Liu

Urban catchments include land, groundwater, sewer, river, and other water components. Together, these elements form a complex, integrated urban water system. Managing river water quality in such systems is particularly challenging due to built (grey) infrastructure, which increases pollutant impact through impervious surfaces and increases stormwater runoff, limiting natural filtration processes. In response, many cities have begun to adopt constructed wetlands (CWs) as natural (blue-green) infrastructure to improve river water quality at the catchment scale. Despite their growing use, several challenges persist, including how to quantify the impact of CWs on river water quality, optimise the design of multiple wetlands, and apply these insights to catchment[1]wide planning. This study addresses these challenges by introducing an integrated planning and design framework for CWs aimed at improving water quality across urban catchments. Specifically, the framework focuses on (1) assessing pollutant removal by CWs, (2) designing CWs locally, and (3) integrating CWs into larger catchment plans.

To develop and test this approach, we first created a CW module within the Water Systems Integrated Modelling (WSIMOD) framework, enabling the simulation of interactions between CWs and other water components in urban catchments. We then applied this module to the Pymmes and Salmon Brook catchments in the UK to evaluate river water quality before and after constructing CWs. Next, we used the model to explore various design variables (e.g., area, size, configuration) for placing new CWs within each sub-catchment, quantifying their effectiveness in improving river water quality. Finally, we propose a guiding principle for CW planning based on these findings, illustrating how different spatial layouts affect the achievement of nitrogen and phosphorus targets within sub-catchments.

How to cite: Mijic, A., Peng, F., Srivastava, S., Dobson, B., and Liu, L.: An Integrated Catchment-Scale Approach to Urban River WaterQuality Using Constructed Wetlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4972,, 2025.

EGU25-5705 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

Modelling the effect of a vegetated mid-channel bar on large wood accumulation at bridge piers 

Elisabetta Persi, Wafae Ennouini, Dana Karimikordestani, Diego Ravazzolo, Gabriella Petaccia, and Stefano Sibilla

Wood is a key-component of river ecosystems, but it is also regarded as a detrimental element that may increase the hydraulic risk. For example, large accumulations of wood and fine vegetation at bridge piers can reduce the bridge span and generate afflux, potentially extending flooded areas. Such vegetation is generally transported during floods, originating from landslides, debris-flow and bank erosion. Additionally, river re-naturalization and nature-based solutions like large wood addition or the building of vegetation patches, may inadvertently contribute to wood transport. Therefore, both natural events and human interventions can increase the amount of transported wood, potentially increasing associated hydraulic risks.

While several studies have addressed the risks related to wood accumulation at bridge piers, significantly less attention has been given to wood accumulation processes at natural structures, like vegetated bars. Similarly to bridge piers, stable vegetated islands can trap wood, fostering its accumulation, reducing or delaying its mobility and protecting the downstream areas.

The present contribution analyses the influence of a mid-channel vegetated bar on large wood transport in the Adda River (Italy) employing the two-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical model ORSA2D_WT, which includes large wood transport dynamics. The vegetated island is located just upstream of a four-pier bridge. Its effect in terms of trajectory deviation, accumulation at the bar, and wood-pier interaction is analyzed by simulating different scenarios of flow, and large wood abundance and positioning.

The results highlight that the presence of stable non-erodible vegetation on a bar upstream of the bridge reduces the interaction between the wood and the piers, thus reducing the probability of accumulation. In addition, the ORSA2D_WT model aids in identifying which piers are most subject to impacts from transported wood, thus facilitating maintenance strategies. The proposed approach could be applied to other natural or human structures, to assess their efficacy in sheltering downstream critical sections from wood accumulation.

How to cite: Persi, E., Ennouini, W., Karimikordestani, D., Ravazzolo, D., Petaccia, G., and Sibilla, S.: Modelling the effect of a vegetated mid-channel bar on large wood accumulation at bridge piers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5705,, 2025.

EGU25-6088 | Posters on site | NH1.7

Evaluating the Effects of Different Adaptation Strategies to Climate and Land Use Change upon Water Fluxes in the Ave Watershed, Portugal 

Morteza Zargar, Zryab Babker, Tim G. Reichenau, and Karl Schneider

The increasing variability and extremes of hydrological cycles driven by climate change present critical challenges to water resource availability, raising the likelihood of floods and droughts. Understanding the potential impacts of changing climate patterns on future water resources is essential for developing effective adaptation strategies. Within the framework of the DISTENDER project (EU Horizon-ID 101056836), we focus on assessing the resilience of European watersheds to climate stressors by modeling future water scenarios and identifying sustainable water management practices.

This research comprehensively examines the impact of climate and future land use changes on extreme events in Ave Watershed in Northern Portugal using the MIKE SHE hydrological model. Future climate change projections (2021 to 2050) and Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) were obtained from CMIP6 and were statistically downscaled. Annual 1-day and 3-day high runoff were used as a proxy for the extreme high runoff characteristics. We then evaluate three adaptive strategies for those impacts:

  • Nature-based solutions: Restoring wetlands identified in the "Extended Wetland Ecosystem data," implementing sustainable agricultural practices, and adopting low-impact development methods like green and sponge cities.
  • Technical solutions: Introducing new reservoirs in sub-watersheds lacking reservoirs to simulate cumulative effects of rainwater retention, check dams, or other storage infrastructures.
  • Hybrid approach: Combining nature-based and technical solutions to maximize the benefits of water resources management.

The climate effects show an increase in the future 1-day and 3-day flood magnitudes across all gauges and return periods. The 100-year 1-day flood in Ave River is projected to range between 496 m³/s (33% increase in SSP 3-7.0) and 721 m³/s (94% in SSP 5-8.5), compared to 372 m³/s during the reference period (1980-2020). Future land use maps for 2020–2050 were generated using the CORINE land cover and the iCLUE model based on different SSPs. Incorporating these maps into the hydrological model shows further intensification of extreme events. For instance, using the 2050 land use map, the 100-year 1-day flood is expected to range 664 m³/s (77% in SSP 3-7.0) and 866 m³/s (133 % in SSP 5-8.5) compared to the reference period. Simulations of the adaptation strategies show that nature-based solutions can reduce flood peaks by 22–32%, while technical solutions achieve 20–46% reductions, depending on the SSP. The hybrid approach demonstrates the most efficient adaptation solution, reducing flood peaks by 37–67%. For SSPs 2-4.5 and SSP 3-7.0, the hybrid approach brings flood peaks close to those observed during the reference period.

By analyzing these strategies individually and collectively, the study identifies the hybrid approach as the most effective for enhancing resilience to extreme events and ensuring the sustainability of water resources. Efficacy analyses of adaptation options are essential to guide a stakeholder dialog and facilitate the necessary transformation. DISTENDER provides a methodological framework to identify and develop climate adaptation and mitigation strategies by integrating these results into a decision-support system.

Keywords: Adaptation strategies, Climate change, Land use, CMIP6 Climate Model, MIKE SHE, Ave catchment

How to cite: Zargar, M., Babker, Z., Reichenau, T. G., and Schneider, K.: Evaluating the Effects of Different Adaptation Strategies to Climate and Land Use Change upon Water Fluxes in the Ave Watershed, Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6088,, 2025.

Flooding is one of the great issues of our time and is the most damaging environmental hazard globally, costing over €40 billion a year in Europe alone. Solving the problem is a huge challenge. Climate change, resulting in wetter winters and more intense summer storms, is aggravating flooding. Meanwhile, demand for land to feed and house growing populations leads to increasing concentrations of people and assets in areas exposed to flooding, and ongoing land use change continues to increase the severity and frequency of flooding.

Traditionally flooding has been managed primarily through large, engineered structures, but these structures are costly to install and maintain, and often provide flood reduction benefits to the detriment of the environment, e.g., having a negative effect on wildlife and biodiversity. These consideration have, in recent years, driven a move away from such structures to multiple small-scale nature-based interventions distributed across the landscape, an example of which is the leaky barrier (LB). LBs can be used to mitigate flood risk and provide other benefits such as reducing diffuse pollution. Yet, LBs are poorly understood.

At present, there is no accepted way of representing LBs in models, although there have been attempts to put multiple LBs into hydraulic models of catchment systems. Modelling approaches include using high values of Manning’s n to represent LBs; modelling them as reductions in cross-sectional area; using combined weir/sluice gate equations; and using an equivalent ‘outlet pipe diameter’, defined by the amount of flow able to flow under, through or around the barrier as a parameter to represent leakiness. These models provide useful clues as to how combinations of features may behave in aggregate, but it is far from clear what sort of LBs they represent and there is high uncertainty associated with the results obtained.

The research discussed here combines physical and mathematical modelling to improve understanding of LB behaviour. Hydraulic flume experiments are conducted which model a range of naturally occurring and constructed LBs, including upright obstructions as a model of growing vegetation and horizontal obstructions as an analogue of log jams, woody debris barriers and beaver dams, all of which often form horizontal, or nearly horizontal, obstructions to the flow. Experiments show that barrier design has a big impact on the hydraulics. It is shown that some existing approaches, such as using an equivalent ‘outlet pipe diameter’ or a high Manning’s n were not able to capture the observed behaviour. This raises a series of questions about the sensitivity of hydraulic behaviour to various design parameters and what is required to model LBs adequately.

Data from the simplest design: the single horizontal barrier, was used to inform a finite volume model of the flume and LB. The combined weir/sluice gate equations are shown to provide a good model of a single horizontal barrier. However, the behaviour of the other LB designs is significantly different and cannot be represented adequately using this model.

How to cite: Hewett, C.: Unravelling the hydraulics of leaky barriers: physical and mathematical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6152,, 2025.

EGU25-6721 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

Experimental insights into the abrasion of large wood in rivers 

Jiangtao Yang, Frank Seidel, and Mário J. Franca

When transported in rivers, large wood interacts with one another and with flow, sediment, and river boundaries, leading to their physical degradation. This degradation, causing mass of loss and changing of the geometry of the wood, is relevant to various fluvial processes, including bed morphology evolution, aquatic habitat variation, changes to the local environment, and the carbon cycle. The physical degradation of large wood can be categorized into two main types processes, based on wood types and the characteristics of the wood physical motion: abrasion and debranching. Field observations suggest that abrasion primarily occurs through collision and shearing during transport, affecting large trunks as well as fragmented branches. In contrast, debranching results from the rotation of large woods and collisions with the riverbed, with the extent of this process closely tied to the wood's structural properties.

Previous studies have largely focused on large wood transport, the formation of logjams, and the bio-chemical degradation of smaller wood components (such as sticks and leaves) within aquatic habitats. While these studies have deepened our understanding of wood characteristics and their interactions with the environment, physical wood degradation during transport remains underexplored. This degradation affects wood transportation, logjam formation and failure, and aquatic habitats. Therefore, a more detailed understanding of the physical degradation process is crucial for advancing research on large woods in rivers.

Here we introduce a laboratory-based tumbling machine experiment to investigate the abrasion process of large woods during river transport. Preliminary tests examine the relationship between wood abrasion and the potential energy of water flow. Wood samples, with diameters of 10–15 cm and a diameter-to-length ratio of 0.5, were selected from various tree species. Experiments were conducted under different water depths and flow velocities. Our methodology includes measuring the basic physical properties of the wood samples, using motion sensors, and combining 3D printed sensors to monitor their movement characteristics. Additionally, Surface from Motion (SfM) is employed to capture changes in the wood samples' Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) before and after the experiments, enabling precise quantification of degradation volume and patterns.

Preliminary results will be discussed considering the level of observed wood abrasion, size alterations, and debarking of the wood surfaces. Specifically, the influence of water depth and relative flow velocity on wood abrasion will be discussed. Wood abrasion will be quantified using specific indicators, allowing us to define distinct degradation patterns and their mechanisms. The potential findings will highlight the connection between river flow energy and physical wood abrasion, offering preliminary insights into the mechanisms underlying wood abrasion in rivers. 

Keywords: Large wood; wood abrasion; debarking process; experimental design; wood abrasion pattern

How to cite: Yang, J., Seidel, F., and Franca, M. J.: Experimental insights into the abrasion of large wood in rivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6721,, 2025.

EGU25-6733 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

A Framework for Evaluating the Long-Term Efficiency of Coastal Nature-Based Solutions: Assessing Surface and Subsurface Processes 

Valentina Uribe Jaramillo, Arjen Luijendijk, and Perry de Louw

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are widely known as effective strategies for enhancing coastal resilience to climate change. However, assessing their long-term efficiency remains challenging due to the complex interacting processes within coastal systems and the uncertainties associated with future climate scenarios.

Many existing frameworks for evaluating coastal NbS focus on single-domain systems, often simplifying key processes to reduce the complexity of modeling. However, coastal systems are inherently complex and include not only surface processes but also the subsurface groundwater domain. Therefore, to successfully integrate NbS into landscape planning and study their long-term efficiency, it is essential to understand the entire system, and to quantify the relevant interactions between surface and groundwater processes and their influence over the system’s resilience.  

This research introduces a framework to evaluate the long-term efficiency of coastal NbS by identifying key surface and subsurface (groundwater) processes and trade-offs and synergies within the system. The framework is designed for application in coastal systems characterized by sandy beaches and sedimentary aquifers and its applicability is demonstrated through a case study on the island of Terschelling. For the case study, two NbS are evaluated: (1) a beach nourishment from 1993 and (2) the potential implementation of Managed Artificial Recharge (MAR). The long-term efficiency and resilience to climate change of these solutions are quantified using ecosystem, geomorphological, and hydrological indicators through numerical modelling (using Delft3D and Modflow) and scenario-based analysis.

Additionally, the study highlights the importance of understanding how NbS may require time to enhance the system’s resilience or lead to unexpected impacts under future climate conditions. Providing a better overview of trade-offs and synergies can reduce the uncertainty related to the long-term component, facilitating the uptake of NbS as a sustainable coastal management solution.

How to cite: Uribe Jaramillo, V., Luijendijk, A., and de Louw, P.: A Framework for Evaluating the Long-Term Efficiency of Coastal Nature-Based Solutions: Assessing Surface and Subsurface Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6733,, 2025.

EGU25-9562 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

Evolution and evaluation of Stormwater Parks in Sweden 

Sofia Hallerbäck, Erik Persson Pavlovic, Cecilia Alfredsson, and Magnus Johansson

This study addresses the challenge of balancing ecosystem needs with rapid urban expansion by evaluating the relatively new phenomenon in Sweden of Stormwater Parks. These blue-green infrastructure parks are proposed as solutions for flooding and water pollution by enhancing ecosystem services and creating green recreational spaces. However, it is crucial to assess the potential and pitfalls of any new type of infrastructure, as well as to evaluate the effects from a multispecies justice perspective. This study presents a novel mixed methods approach to critically assess the multifunctionality of green infrastructure and nature-based solutions. The methods include data collection from implemented Stormwater Parks across Sweden, analysis of past and present aerial photos, field visits, and policy analysis. The study demonstrates the potential of using Carole Bacchi’s “What’s the problem represented to be?” approach to deconstruct nature-based solutions. The findings from the review highlight the importance of problematizing which issues and whose challenges a nature-based solution overlook or address.

How to cite: Hallerbäck, S., Persson Pavlovic, E., Alfredsson, C., and Johansson, M.: Evolution and evaluation of Stormwater Parks in Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9562,, 2025.

EGU25-10713 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7

A symbolic regression approach to illuminate the water-energy-food-ecosystem interlinkages in a rainwater harvesting system 

Kyriakos Kandris, Nikolaos Markatos, Chrysanthi Elisabeth Nika, and Evina Katsou

Nature-based solutions (NBS) are increasingly considered as components of strategies aiming to address climate-related challenges, since their impact expands across more than one aspect of the water, energy, food, and ecosystems (WEFE) nexus. Therefore, searching for tangible evidence on the impact of NBS requires addressing the complexities of the WEFE nexus, which is characterized by dynamic and highly nonlinear relationships. These complexities may challenge traditional modeling approaches, which would rely heavily on human intuition and the cumbersome integration of individual sub-models.

Driven by the continuous improvement of monitoring capabilities, the increase of computational power, and the emergence of efficient algorithms, data-oriented solutions gather momentum in the efforts to identify dynamic systems in a multitude of domains. Nonetheless, such solutions are rarely adopted by the nexus community.

In this work we aim to investigate the potential of data-driven approaches to identify the underlying dynamics of systems that exhibit properties commonly encountered in many WEFE nexus systems, such as nonlinearity, high dimensionality and non-stationarity (e.g., the exposure to extreme events).

To unravel these complexities, we employed a symbolic regression (SR) approach within a case study of a rainwater harvesting system operating in Mykonos, Greece. This system is designed to collect, treat, and store rainwater for agricultural reuse. A sub-surface collection system captures rainwater, diverting it into two storage tanks. The collected water irrigates an agricultural field using precision irrigation, optimizing water usage and minimizing waste. The system integrates components of the WEFE nexus, enhancing water security through rainwater collection and treatment, promoting energy security by reducing reliance on groundwater abstraction, improving soil quality, and enhancing food security through sustainable agricultural practices.

A one-year long dataset was generated from a set of individual process-based sub-models that simulate diverse components of the nexus, including (a) the system’s water balances (comprising infiltration, surface runoff and evapotranspiration), (b) water quality dynamics in the storage tanks, (c) energy consumption, and (d) plant growth dynamics, based on the estimated water stress and nutrient limitations that affect growth and yield. To mimic real-world conditions, we introduced random noise and incorporated missingness, simulating the variability and incompleteness of observational data. SR was applied to the dataset, aiming to inversely estimate the equations that describe the functional behavior of the NBS. SR employs a multi-population evolutionary algorithm, which navigates within the space of analytic expressions in search of accurate and parsimonious models.

The results unveiled parsimonious expressions that captured the dynamics of the system across different external hydrometeorological forcings with reasonable accuracy. These equations provided interpretable insights into the mechanisms underpinning this rainwater harvesting system, resonating, at the same time, with existing scientific understanding. This approach is an example of the potential of data-driven methodologies to enhance the understanding of NBS and their capacity to address multifaceted challenges. Even if a globally valid analytical expression for such systems is probably infeasible, this work managed to set-up a data-driven methodology for deciphering the WEFE nexus at a local scale, providing also a tool for optimizing NBS performance and informing decision-making.

How to cite: Kandris, K., Markatos, N., Nika, C. E., and Katsou, E.: A symbolic regression approach to illuminate the water-energy-food-ecosystem interlinkages in a rainwater harvesting system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10713,, 2025.

EGU25-10852 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7

Effect of engineered logjams on hydrodynamics and fish response 

Felix Broß, Clémence Dorthe, Kelken Chang, Filippo Coletti, and Isabella Schalko

Due to human interventions such as river channelization, the diversity of the flow, sediment, and wood regimes in rivers has decreased. A common measure to locally reestablish flow heterogeneity are nature-based solutions such as logjams with the aim to create or increase habitats for aquatic organisms such as fish. To optimize the design of nature-based solutions and to leverage the habitat creation for fish, we need to create a better understanding of the underlying flow and turbulence characteristics due to nature-based solutions. 

Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate how different logjams affect the flow and turbulence properties. High-speed imaging was used to characterize the flow field at the surface and at a vertical plane at the channel centerline. The experiments investigated logjams differing in solid volume fraction, submergence level, as well as log alignment. All tested parameters altered the wake region. The results of the log alignment indicate that a random arrangement can lead to an evenly reduced velocity in the wake and lower turbulence levels. In contrast, a regular arrangement can lead to jets going through the structure and entering the wake unblocked, resulting in higher turbulence levels. The different turbulence levels may have implications for fish response. 

As a next step, field measurements are planned to complement laboratory experiments. Selected engineered logjams will be investigated at a restored river reach at the Emme River in Switzerland. Specifically, flow measurements will be obtained through drone images and Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry and compared to results of fish abundance. 



How to cite: Broß, F., Dorthe, C., Chang, K., Coletti, F., and Schalko, I.: Effect of engineered logjams on hydrodynamics and fish response, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10852,, 2025.

EGU25-11362 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

Inorganic carbon unexpected driver of carbon sink response in an established beaver wetland 

Lukas Hallberg, Joshua Larsen, Annegret Larsen, Raphael d’Epagnier, Sarah Thurnheer, Natalie Ceperley, Bettina Schaefli, and Matthew Dennis

Riparian zones are critical links between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, controlling the biogeochemical fluxes and thus the fate of carbon (C) in stream networks. However, long-standing anthropogenic modifications of waterways have resulted in significant losses of riparian connectivity. Following re-introduction of beavers across Europe, the resulting reconnection of riparian interfaces shows a high potential for improving water quality and C sequestration. Beaver dam construction gives rise to sequential shifts in lotic and lentic conditions that support high capacities for C deposition and increase the C produced by aquatic primary producers. However, due to inconsistent system boundaries and the overlooking of certain C pathways, our current understanding of C budget dynamics in beaver wetlands remains incomplete.

In this study, we quantified the annual C budget in an established beaver-impacted reach in Switzerland. Inputs and outputs of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) loads were modelled from biweekly water sampling and flow monitoring, in conjunction with measurements of gaseous C fluxes from soil, water and dead trees. Sediment storage of deposited C fractions was quantified in soil samples that were subsequently analysed with Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Biomass C storage was estimated at a plant species level by combining biomass surveys in field with multispectral imagery from drone remote sensing. Following hydrology and bathymetry measurements, the reach water balance was established by quantifying in- and outflow, wetland storage, subsurface storage and infiltration, and evapotranspiration.

We found large reductions in DIC loads along the reach, representing the main driver of the wetland's overall C sink response. The water balance partitioning further demonstrated that subsurface pathways were the primary sink of DIC, which was removed through transient and permanent storage, and deeper infiltration. Carbon dioxide (CO2) mineralisation in non-inundated soils was the dominant source of C emissions from the system. However, the limited release of CO2 from water surfaces showed that only a negligible fraction of DIC was released via this pathway. Instead, the annual accumulation of inorganic C in sediments suggests that DIC immobilisation in sediments, in conjunction with deeper infiltration, can be a significant C sink.

These results show that established, semi-confined beaver wetlands primarily regulate C dynamics via hydrological processes, overriding biogeochemistry and riparian feedbacks from primary productivity. It further stresses their high sensitivity to shifts in the C sink-source balance, and the importance of including inorganic C to elucidate their full impact on C sequestration in stream networks.

How to cite: Hallberg, L., Larsen, J., Larsen, A., d’Epagnier, R., Thurnheer, S., Ceperley, N., Schaefli, B., and Dennis, M.: Inorganic carbon unexpected driver of carbon sink response in an established beaver wetland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11362,, 2025.

EGU25-11975 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

Quantifying the impacts of rewilding on hydrological extremes (floods and droughts) 

Adam Hartley, Gemma Harvey, and Alex Henshaw

Rewilding is a type of Nature-based Solution and has increased in popularity in recent years with rewilding projects rapidly increasing in number across Europe. Different definitions of rewilding have been proposed but it generally refers to large-scale, whole-ecosystem approaches to landscape restoration which can include the reintroduction of missing species. Rewilding has the potential to influence hydrological extremes (floods, droughts), which are expected to intensify with climate change, but the evidence base is limited. To address this gap, this project combines systematic literature review and meta-analysis of published data, an audit of existing publicly available hydrological data for rewilding projects and hydrological and hydrodynamic modelling of rewilding scenarios, calibrated using real-world data from two UK projects.

In this presentation we will share an analysis of published studies that indicates rewilding-driven landscape changes are likely to slow the flow of water through landscapes and attenuate flood peaks. In contrast, research on low flow outcomes is limited and outcomes are more complex. We will also illustrate that existing hydrological monitoring networks in the UK need to be expanded in order to effectively monitor the impact of rewilding projects on hydrological extremes. Preliminary results from modelling rewilding outcomes at UK rewilding projects will also be discussed.

How to cite: Hartley, A., Harvey, G., and Henshaw, A.: Quantifying the impacts of rewilding on hydrological extremes (floods and droughts), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11975,, 2025.

EGU25-12732 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7

Nature-Based Solutions for Reducing Floods and Droughts in Small Rivers 

Elisie Kåresdotter, Amir Rezvani, and Zahra Kalantari

The increasing frequency and intensity of floods and droughts driven by climate change present significant challenges for water management. Small streams, which are crucial for maintaining ecosystem services, biodiversity, and local water management, are especially vulnerable to these changes. Nature-based solutions (NBS), including wetland creation and rewetting, stream meandering, and riparian zone restoration, have shown great potential for mitigating both floods and droughts by enhancing water retention and reducing hydrological connectivity. This case study focuses on Trelleborg, a coastal city in southern Sweden, where several community-driven NBS projects have been implemented to manage its small rivers and streams. By combining qualitative data from expert interviews with quantitative spatial data analysis, this study aims to evaluate the performance of various NBS in Trelleborg's unique environment. Focusing on Trelleborg’s small streams provides a valuable opportunity to understand how localized NBS initiatives can enhance resilience to climate change while delivering multiple co-benefits. The implemented interventions have not only reduced risks associated with hydrological extremes but also contributed to co-benefits such as improved biodiversity and the creation of new recreational areas. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of stakeholder involvement in understanding local socio-economic contexts and diverse perspectives, which is essential for assessing and designing effective NBS projects for future implementation. The findings can inform future NBS initiatives in similar contexts, offering actionable insights into their design, implementation, and performance.

How to cite: Kåresdotter, E., Rezvani, A., and Kalantari, Z.: Nature-Based Solutions for Reducing Floods and Droughts in Small Rivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12732,, 2025.

EGU25-12955 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

A Novel Framework for the Assessment of the Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Effectiveness in the Reduction of Hydro-Meteorological Risks 

Luigi Brogno, Francesco Barbano, Laura Sandra Leo, and Silvana Di Sabatino

The identification of suitable and common methods and tools to evaluate the effectiveness of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as adaptation measures for hydro-meteorological risks still remains an open challenge. NbS effectiveness is a complex concept whose evaluation needs to take into account also the reduction of the exploitation of both natural and economic resources, the achievement of the implementers’ and stakeholders’ intent at the design phase, and the provision of co-benefits. The following contribution aims to integrate the NBS concept in a novel hydro-meteorological risk framework reported by Brogno et al. (2024) 1. Starting from Crichton’s Risk Triangle, the framework allows the estimate of the risk as the sum of the economic losses and equivalent CO2 emissions resulting from hazardous events that may affect the healthcare system, social relationships, ecosystems, agro-food production, infrastructure safety, and cultural and natural heritage. The final output as a cost per day is a quantitative and pragmatic estimate to facilitate the decision-making process. In addition to presenting the framework, this contribution aims to show practical examples of how the proposed framework can be adopted as a tool for the assessment of NbS effectiveness in hydro-meteorological risk reduction. In particular, bio-geophysical quantities can be used to integrate the contribution of NBS intervention as a local modification of both the hazard characteristics and the predisposition of the exposed elements to be affected by the occurrence of hazardous events. These bio-geophysical quantities need to be directly influenced by NbS and affect in turn the targeted risk processes. The framework can also include the NbS life cycle into the risk assessment, accounting for the greenhouse gas emissions along with the implementation, maintenance, and restoration costs resulting from an NbS intervention. The comparison of the average framework outputs over several hazardous events before and after an NbS intervention can provide an assessment of the long-term NbS effectiveness.


1 Brogno, L., Barbano, F., Leo, L. S., Di Sabatino, S., (2024). A novel framework for the assessment of hydro-meteorological risks taking into account nature-based solutions. Environmental Research Letters, 19(7), DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad53e6

How to cite: Brogno, L., Barbano, F., Leo, L. S., and Di Sabatino, S.: A Novel Framework for the Assessment of the Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Effectiveness in the Reduction of Hydro-Meteorological Risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12955,, 2025.

EGU25-15942 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7

Analyzing variability and possible trends in NDVI for urban water management: A remote-sensing approach for long term monitoring of green infrastructure 

Franziska Sarah Kudaya, Albert König, and Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch

The changing climate creates challenges for green spaces everywhere. A special case is presented by the urban tree, which has several harsh environmental conditions to deal with, i.e. compacted soil, polluted rainwater, etc. Climate adaptation strategies for cities involve the urban tree as a nature-based solution due to its high potential for heat island mitigation and reducing surface runoff. Managing water resources efficiently is receiving more attention with measures including alternative resources for irrigation or incorporating more drought-resistant species, while the effects of changing macro- and micro-climatic conditions on urban trees are only now becoming subject of scientific scrutiny. 

There are several important indicators for evaluating a tree’s living conditions and its water demand at a certain location. One such indicator is the start and end of the growing season. As temperatures rise, plants are seen to have shorter dormancy periods, resulting in earlier flowering and longer growing seasons, increasing both water demand and susceptibility to damage.  

In this study, we compare the growing cycles of urban trees across varying locations in the city of Graz during a period of over 20 years. Tree specific information is taken from the city’s tree register which gives important information about species, age and location of urban trees. Growing cycles are evaluated using a remote sensing approach where NDVI-timeseries are then calculated for the selected areas using openly available satellite imagery to identify changes in dormancy and evaluate a possible trend. The influence of parameters such as location, micro-climate, species and date of planting are investigated using statistical analysis. The generated knowledge is expected to help in the prediction of future urban green irrigation demand and choice of tree species.

How to cite: Kudaya, F. S., König, A., and Fuchs-Hanusch, D.: Analyzing variability and possible trends in NDVI for urban water management: A remote-sensing approach for long term monitoring of green infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15942,, 2025.

EGU25-17085 | Posters on site | NH1.7

Sponge function: indicators and metrics to assess water retention in Nature-Based Solutions with application to UK fluvial and agricultural sites 

Alejandro Dussaillant, Neeraj Sah, James Blake, Ponnambalam Rameshwaran, and Gareth Old

Climate extremes like floods and droughts pose significant threats to both human communities and natural landscapes. The EU Horizon SpongeScapes and SpongeWorks projects aim to enhance landscape resilience against these hydrometeorological extremes by exploring "landscape sponge functions" – the natural ability of landscapes to absorb, store, and gradually release water. The SpongeScapes project investigates various nature-based solutions (NBS) across diverse European sites with varying climates, geographies, and soil conditions, to address three main questions: (i) what is the longer-term effectiveness of sponge measures (and what indicators/metrics are more adequate); (ii) what is the overall effect of all sponge measures in a catchment (i.e. sponge strategies); (iii) what are the main co-benefits and tradeoffs of sponge measures and strategies.

Here we will present a framework of context-specific 'Sponginess' indicators and metrics, in particular to assess the sponge function of water retention capacity in fluvial and agricultural sponge measures and strategies (catchment-wide combination of measures), with applications to SpongeScapes UK sites in the river Thames basin where work has been done since 2017 and is ongoing. These sites include the Littlestock brook, a headwater catchment in an agricultural landscape where a diversity of nature-based solutions (woody leaky dams, field corner bunds, wet woodland planting) have been implemented, as well as several farms where regenerative agricultural practices (RAPs) have been followed to improve soils, surface and ground water management.

Results on applying our sponge indicators framework will be presented and discussed based on ongoing field investigations, including analyses based on novel low-cost telemetered water level data in the fluvial site, as well as survey data for soil bulk density, water retention functions, infiltration and hydraulic conductivity for the agricultural fields.

How to cite: Dussaillant, A., Sah, N., Blake, J., Rameshwaran, P., and Old, G.: Sponge function: indicators and metrics to assess water retention in Nature-Based Solutions with application to UK fluvial and agricultural sites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17085,, 2025.

EGU25-17250 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.7

Finding suitable locations for in-stream wetland creation/restoration: comparing suitability analysis with machine learning approach  

Pamela Maricela Guamán Pintado, Merle Muru, and Evelyn Uuemaa

Wetlands are critical nature-based solutions (NbS) for addressing environmental challenges, playing an important role in sediment and nutrient retention, agricultural runoff mitigation, and carbon storage, contributing to climate change adaptation. However, agricultural intensification and land conversion have drastically reduced wetland coverage globally, necessitating the precise selection of sites for restoration/creation. Depending on fieldwork and expert judgment, traditional methods often struggle to scale effectively, highlighting the need for advanced geospatial techniques.

This study compares two approaches for in-stream wetland site selection, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the machine learning Random Forest (RF) algorithm, within the diverse hydrological landscape of Estonia. Both methods utilized environmental variables, including slope, topographic wetness index (TWI), flow accumulation, soil organic carbon (SOC), and clay content, to evaluate their influence on hydrological and soil conditions critical for determining suitable sites for in-stream wetland creation and restoration. These variables were selected for their ability to capture the key factors that drive wetland formation and functionality. Geospatial datasets, including local and global environmental variables, were processed at 10- and 50-meter resolutions to analyze how spatial resolution influences model performance, providing high-detail insights for localized assessments and broader, regional-scale perspectives.

The AHP framework integrates expert knowledge to prioritize variables, while the RF algorithm provides a data-driven, scalable alternative. The RF model was trained using data from existing wetlands, which were identified based on geospatial datasets and intersected with stream networks, channels, ditches, and rivers to focus on areas directly connected to water flow. Training points were randomly sampled within these wetlands to represent suitable areas. In contrast, points from non-wetland areas, such as forests, shrublands, grasslands, and arable land, were sampled to represent unsuitable areas. This approach ensured that the training data captured the variability of environmental conditions influencing wetland suitability

Validation was conducted using a historical map to evaluate model accuracy and reliability across varying scales and data conditions. Results indicate that the RF algorithm outperformed AHP in predictive performance, achieving an accuracy of approximately 0.8 at broader resolutions and slightly lower accuracy at finer resolutions. This underscores the influence of spatial resolution on model performance. However, AHP underscored the importance of structured decision-making and stakeholder input, ensuring practical applicability. This research advances the integration of NbS into wetland planning, bridging traditional expertise-driven methods and machine learning innovations to enhance precision, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

How to cite: Guamán Pintado, P. M., Muru, M., and Uuemaa, E.: Finding suitable locations for in-stream wetland creation/restoration: comparing suitability analysis with machine learning approach , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17250,, 2025.

EGU25-17407 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

A coupled mechanistic and in situ data approach to quantify the water retention potential of Nature-Based Solutions 

Katoria Lesaalon Lekarkar, Stefaan Dondeyne, and Ann van Griensven


A coupled mechanistic and in situ data approach to quantify the water retention potential of Nature-Based Solutions


The increasing frequency and intensity of droughts poses great challenges to water availability and the functioning of natural ecosystems. In response to this, nature-based solutions (NbS) have emerged as a promising alternative to traditional infrastructure. NbS offer multiple benefits, including water retention, improved water quality, biodiversity conservation, and carbon sequestration. However, despite the growing recognition of their potential, the hydrological benefits of NbS remain poorly understood. The hydrological effects of NbS, such as water retention and groundwater recharge, are complex and require an integrated understanding of surface and groundwater interactions. However, current models for assessing water retention benefits are either too complex or not specialized to capture the unique features of NbS interventions. As such, the hydrological benefits associated with NbS are not fully understood. Furthermore, long-term in situ data that provides evidence of the benefits of NbS is also lacking. Consequently, the adoption of NbS remains limited due to the lack of clear evidence regarding their effectiveness in mitigating water scarcity.


In our study, we address these gaps by developing a simplified hydrological model designed to quantify water retention benefits of reclaimed and rewetted areas in a nature conservation area. The model is based on physically-based hydrological properties, which allow it to represent the fundamental water retention mechanisms of NbS. The model captures the interaction between the catchment area, the water retention zone (the NbS intervention), and the exchange between surface and groundwater. To validate the model and provide robust evidence, we complement the modelling approach with in situ data collected from a network of low-cost soil moisture sensors and groundwater piezometers. The deployment of these sensors allows for extensive monitoring at a relatively low cost, which is crucial for obtaining long-term data on the performance of NbS.

Our study demonstrates that NbS have the potential to mitigate water scarcity by enhancing both surface and groundwater storage, and the findings provide evidence that NbS can contribute to drought adaptation, with the added benefit of providing other ecosystem services. We also conclude that this coupled approach could serve as a useful tool for promoting the wider adoption of NbS in water resource management strategies as a multi-benefit alternative or companion to traditional infrastructure-based solutions.

How to cite: Lekarkar, K. L., Dondeyne, S., and van Griensven, A.: A coupled mechanistic and in situ data approach to quantify the water retention potential of Nature-Based Solutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17407,, 2025.

EGU25-17756 | Posters on site | NH1.7

Ex-ante evaluation of NbS effectiveness in mitigating water-related hazards at a catchment level 

Andrijana Todorović, Jasna Plavšić, Nataša Manojlović, Kelly Tseng, and Zoran Vojinović

Nature-based solutions (NbS) draw researchers’ attention as they can offer numerous co-benefits to the society and environment, as opposed to the traditional grey infrastructure, while having a potential to offer the same level of protection against water-related hazards, such as floods. Therefore, NbS are deemed a viable option to climate change adaptation. However, proof of their effectiveness in mitigating water-related hazards, especially at a large-scale level (i.e., at a catchment level), are still lacking. Ex-ante assessments, which are needed for initiating NBS projects, heavily rely on the modelling, mainly hydrological and/or hydrodynamical. The effectiveness of NbS is quantified through modelling exercises, by comparing simulated hazard levels simulated with- and without an NbS implemented. However, these assessments of NbS effectiveness are fraught with uncertainties, which primarily stem from the way they are accommodated in the models. Specifically, there are no clear guidelines on inclusion of NbS in the models, and evaluation of their effectiveness.

To learn about modelling of the NbS effects on reducing water-related hazards, a survey was distributed among the RECONECT ( participants. The survey contained questions about the NbS and water-related hazards considered, and on the details on the models employed to simulate NbS effects, as well as on the indicators used to gauge NbS effectiveness. In most cases, flood hazard was considered, while the respondents reported various NbS (e.g., retention ponds, flood plain restoration, afforestation and reforestation). The respondents indicated that the NbS were included in the models by (1) changing model parameters (e.g., to represent afforestation or reforestation), (2) by including additional computational elements in the model (e.g., storage-type elements that represent retention ponds), or (3) by changing simulation settings to represent hydraulic structure operation. The way in which NbS are modelled was also dictated by the features of the model used. In some instances, some NbS could not be modelled, since they act at rather small-scale, and their effects could not be captured by a model (e.g., check dams in the headwater parts of a catchment). The respondents reported various indicators, but those related to flood hazard was most frequently reported one. Generally, all respondents agreed that the NbS modelling remains a great challenge, and that specific guidelines are needed.

To facilitate bridging this gap, a new survey on modelling of NbS effectiveness in reducing water-related hazards is launched. The new survey focuses on the “water” aspect of the NbS effectiveness, and delves into specific details on the model development and application. The main goal of this research is to target a wider audience (such as audience at EGU), and facilitate sharing knowledge on modelling of the NbS effects. It is the authors’ firm belief that sharing knowledge on modelling of NbS effectiveness can promote their wider implementation, and aid sustainable mitigation of water-related hazards, and adaptation to climate change.



This research received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 776866 for the research RECONECT (Regenerating ECOsystems with Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk rEduCTion) project.

How to cite: Todorović, A., Plavšić, J., Manojlović, N., Tseng, K., and Vojinović, Z.: Ex-ante evaluation of NbS effectiveness in mitigating water-related hazards at a catchment level, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17756,, 2025.

EGU25-17771 | Orals | NH1.7

The potential of nature-based adaptation solution in municipal wastewater sector: willow planting systems as GHG emission reductants in Latvian villages 

Agrita Briede, Iveta Steinberga, Kristine Ketrina Putnina, Zanda Peneze, and Ivo Vinogradovs

Nature-based solutions (NbS) are known to be important measures that can help reduce climate change effects while providing environmental, social and economic benefits.

This study presents one of the evaluated examples of mitigation and adaptation in the wastewater management sector: the potential of willow (Salix spp.) plantations in different regions of Latvia. They are considered to be cost-effective and highly efficient solutions for recovering nutrients in wastewater and also provide biomass that can be used for energy production.  

The particular study approximated the number of persons in households not connected to centralised wastewater treatment plants or using poor quality biological treatment plants in different regions of Latvia according to Latvia`s National Inventory Report under the UNFCCC Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Latvia from 1990 to 2022. Overall, 24% of private persons discharge inadequately treated domestic wastewater into the environment, accounting for 99.8% of methane emissions in municipal wastewater sector.

It is known that willow plantations are used for wastewater treatment in Denmark, Sweden and southern Finland (, but their use in northern regions may be limited due to climatic conditions, as the efficiency of wastewater treatment decreases at low temperatures. Taking this into account, regions in Latvia where willow plantations would be more effective were initially assessed.  Overall, trends in climate parameters gave reason to believe that the western regions of Latvia are already suitable for the establishment of willow systems.

The IPCC (2006) methodology for calculating GHG emission reduction was used.  Main assumptions used in the evaluation of the implementation of the measures: assumption that all households without appropriate domestic wastewater treatment are connected to the system; assumption that biological treatment plants of adequate quality and efficiency are in place.  The willow system is designed to accumulate as well reduce N & P and their efficiency depends on correct operation. It should be noted that the system requirements depend on the water consumption and pollution load.

The cost of installing such systems in the first year will be the highest, but as the indicative lifetime of the system is 20 years, the long-term average cost could be around €440/tCO2eq. Negative aspects or impacts as shown by studies  are most related to the cost of planning directly for biomass collection (on average 15 minutes mowing per 100 m2) as they should not be overgrown, to the approximately 12 hours of regular annual maintenance and to extreme rainfall events during which water levels have to be monitored.

From an adaptation point of view, there are several known positive aspects of willow planting, such as reducing flood risk. Willow plantations increase evaporation and slow down the spread of water in the floodplain. They also provide several ecosystem services, for example, they attract pollinators, supporting biodiversity, as well as improve the aesthetic value of the territory.

How to cite: Briede, A., Steinberga, I., Putnina, K. K., Peneze, Z., and Vinogradovs, I.: The potential of nature-based adaptation solution in municipal wastewater sector: willow planting systems as GHG emission reductants in Latvian villages, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17771,, 2025.

EGU25-17941 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

Resilience of stormwater trees to temporary flooding: The case of Acer platanoides ‘Globosum’ 

Hayath Zime Yerima, Didier Techer, and Martin Seidl

High levels of urbanisation, combined with the effects of climate change, are affecting meteorological phenomena, leading to an increase in global urban rainfall anomalies and more flooding. This phenomenon is exacerbated in urban areas by the increasing imperviousness. As a result, flooding is one of the most devastating and widespread natural disasters in the world, affecting regions on all continents. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) have emerged as a practical solution to mimic natural drainage processes and mitigate the adverse effects of flooding while providing other co-benefits. This is the case, for example with stormwater trees, which contribute to the sustainable management of rainwater and surface water runoff by optimising the processes of infiltration, retention and transpiration. However, in the case of extreme rain events or a fast succession of rain events, the soil or substrate surrounding these trees can remain in saturated conditions for longer periods of time, undermining their capacity to provide the ecosystem services needed. In order to evaluate the resistance of urban trees and in particular to better assess/understand the physiological limits of the stormwater trees, soil saturation assays were carried out in 2023 and 2024 on maple trees (Acer platanoides Globosum), a common street tree in European cities. The assays consisted of evaluating the morphological and physiological responses of 3 young maple trees subjected to water saturation of the planting soil during 21 days and comparing them with 3 reference maple trees under normal drainage conditions. At the tree level, the transpiration changes and the trunk pulsations were continuously monitored with sap flow sensors (Implexx Sense) and dendrometers (Ecomatik), respectively. At the leaf leaves level, the physiological responses following prolonged soil saturation conditions were monitored by instantaneous fluorescence-based measurements of leaf pigments and the nitrogen balance index (DUALEX®, Force-A,) as potential stress biomarkers, and leaf stomatal conductance and transpiration (LI-COR). The soil compartment was monitored using continuous soil moisture measurements (Campbell Sci.) and punctual measurements of pore water oxygen level and redox potential (WTW). 

The results showed a rapid fall in soil pore water oxygen level and redox potential, while the physiological effects of saturation were delayed and appeared only after 7 days of soil saturation. The most impacted tree measured parameter was the transpiration rate, followed by leaf ecophysiological traits such as phaeopigments. Remarkably, the prolonged soil saturation profoundly affected tree health, showing effects even after the winter dormant period during the following growing season This questions the extent to which stormwater trees could provide ecosystem services in the future. The presentation will focus on the impact of soil saturation on the various tree parameters measured and propose the definition of a “tolerance threshold” for stormwater trees in the context of runoff management.

How to cite: Zime Yerima, H., Techer, D., and Seidl, M.: Resilience of stormwater trees to temporary flooding: The case of Acer platanoides ‘Globosum’, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17941,, 2025.

EGU25-19299 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

The impact of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) on hydrological processes in an agricultural catchment through their representation in a physically-based model 

Cristiane Fragata dos Santos, Andreja Jonoski, Ioana Popescu, Kwankamol Chittrakul, and Bruno Samain

Traditional water management practices, largely based on hard engineered infrastructure and highly optimized systems, are proving insufficient for adapting to the complex interplay of future climatic, environmental and socio-economic conditions. The increased frequency and magnitude of hydrological hazards in Europe, such as the multi-year drought during the period 2018-2020 and the subsequent summer flood that hit Central Europe in July 2021, have underscored the need for integrated water management. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) offer a promising alternative or complement to grey infrastructure by leveraging natural processes and ecosystem services to simultaneously mitigate flood and drought risks. Unlike traditional water management, which has a well-developed knowledge base and specialized modelling tools to represent structural measures (e.g., dikes, dams) as well as guidelines to assess their performance, knowledge on NbS representation, functioning and their impacts on catchment hydrology over time is still limited. The simulation of NbS requires modellers to identify relevant hydrological processes involved in their functioning and find reliable ways to represent them based on the capabilities and limitations of selected physically-based models and available data. Agricultural catchments, while highly vulnerable to shifts in climate due to their dependence on natural climate-sensitive resources, offer significant opportunities for implementing nature-based strategies such as wetland restoration, tree planting and infiltration ponds. This study analyses the impact of NbS representation on the hydrological processes related to both floods and droughts in one middle-sized agricultural catchment under temperate climate: the Handzamevaart catchment (Belgium). Using MIKE SHE, a fully distributed hydrological model, coupled with MIKE 11, a 1D hydraulic river model, we explore a wide range of parameters to represent different types of NbS. Changes in the total water balance and in the individual hydrological processes and variables related to discharge, overland flow, evapotranspiration, infiltration, and groundwater fluxes obtained as a result of the different NbS representation will be assessed at catchment scale, but also locally - immediately upstream and downstream of the modelled measures. This study can serve to build the foundational knowledge required for the representation of NbS in physical models, anticipating process understanding for designing flood and drought mitigation strategies. Key outputs include an evaluation of model robustness to NbS representation, identification of the most influential parameters in the representation of different types of NbS, and thereby guidance for empirical data collection to improve NbS representation in future studies.

Research is supported by the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme: the “FUTURAL project” (Grant No. 101083958).

How to cite: Fragata dos Santos, C., Jonoski, A., Popescu, I., Chittrakul, K., and Samain, B.: The impact of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) on hydrological processes in an agricultural catchment through their representation in a physically-based model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19299,, 2025.

EGU25-19479 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

LiDAR for Green Infrastructure: monitoring vertical greening with wooden support structures 

Anna Briefer, Andreas Tockner, and Rosemarie Stangl

Green infrastructures (GI) are key elements in urban areas for heat mitigation, carbon capture and providing of aesthetic reasons. However, there is currently limited knowledge about the effects of various plant compositions, arrangements and varying density of plant cover, because traditional measuring methods are expensive / labour-intensive, imprecise, and tall buildings pose accessibility challenges. The presented study proposes applying LiDAR measurements on GI to gain in-depth understanding of plant growth, inventory of vegetation cover and thereby providing a useful tool for sustainable urban hazard management.

The use of LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology has revolutionised forest monitoring by offering precise, efficient, and highly detailed spatial data for creating comprehensive 3D reconstructions of forest structures. The ability to capture fine details on both vegetation and structural surfaces is particularly advantageous for studying complex, vertical environments such as green façades. This study used static ground-based LiDAR (RIEGL VZ-600i) to capture the 3D structure of a vertical greenery with wooden support structures before and after harvesting. Defined squares of 1 m² were fully harvested, the biomass collected and dry weight was obtained. Reference measurements for vegetation height (distance from wall to the outermost part of the plant) were recorded on a grid for 40 measurement points. The reference measurements were related to LiDAR alpha-hull volumetric analysis and predictions of growing biomass could be derived.

By integrating point cloud analysis developed for forest monitoring into urban contexts, LiDAR facilitates a holistic analysis of natural and built environments. By analysis of LiDAR intensity and mapping further reference measurements for plant vitality and structural integrity, green wall health can be evaluated. Already established practices like alpha-hulling provide a successful tool to document green façades comprehensively. Combining LiDAR with traditional measures enhances our understanding of the interactions between vegetation and architectural surfaces, enabling improved design and maintenance of GI and NBS to enable better planning and maintaining of NBS to reduce the effect of urban heat islands. 

How to cite: Briefer, A., Tockner, A., and Stangl, R.: LiDAR for Green Infrastructure: monitoring vertical greening with wooden support structures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19479,, 2025.

EGU25-20000 | ECS | Orals | NH1.7

Constructed Wetlands as Nature-Based Solutions: Resilience to Acid Rock Drainage and climatic seasonality in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru 

Vladimir León Menacho, Kiara Aguirre Falcón, Roy Pacchioni Carranza, Maximiliano Loarte Rubina, Carmen Hernández Crespo, Enrique Asensi Dasi, and Miguel Martín Monerris

Glacial retreat, accelerated by climate change, exposes rocks rich in metallic sulphides such as pyrite (FeS2) to geochemical weathering processes, resulting in Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) which releases H+, Fe, SO4-2 and trace metals that impact water bodies and ecosystems. This phenomenon has been evidenced in the Cordillera Blanca, where climatic seasonality is characterized by 2 periods, rainy and dry. In this context, Constructed Wetlands (CWs) emerge as Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) designed to mitigate effects of ARD. Although CWs have been extensively studied in acid mine drainages, their performance under seasonal and variable climatic conditions in glacial environments requires research.

In Recuay - Ancash, water quality of Negro river impacted by ARD which feeds a CW at ARD Pilot Treatment Plant was evaluated for 6 months every 2 weeks (rainy and dry periods) by taking in situ measurements and determining acidity, sulphates and heavy metals. In addition, modelling was carried out with different loads applied to size and determine average CW efficiencies.

Results of water quality in the river show higher concentrations in dry period compared to rainy period, where pH: 3.15±0.1 - 3.42±0.1, EC: 489.6±103.0 - 252.0±160.2 µ, TDS: 275.5±63.4 - 121.0±78.4, SO4-2: 151.1±27.6 - 92.7±38.6, Fe: 16.8±2.3 - 8.5±3.6, Al: 3.5±0.3 - 2.2±0.7, Ni: 0.07±0.01 - 0.04 ± 0.02, Zn: 0.17±0.02 - 0.11±0.05, Mn: 0.79±0.09 - 0.48±0.20, Mg: 11.8±1.8 - 6.5±2.4, Ca: 17.8±2.2 - 11.5±4.5, Si: 4.3±0.4 - 3.5±0.5 and Na: 2.65±0.36 - 2.00±0.49 in mg.L-1. Cd, Fe, Mn, Al, Co, Zn, Mg, Si, Sr, Be, Ca and Na showed significant statistical differences (p<0.05) between periods.

Concentration in the CW effluent is: pH: 6.4±0.2 - 6.3±0.1, EC: 234.3±17.8 - 146.9±55.2 µ, TDS: 130.2±33.5 - 70.1±26.7, SO4-2: 107.1±23.9 - 72.1±36.2, Fe: 1.3±0.3 - 1.1±0.6, Al: 0.05±0.01 - 0.06±0.01, Ni: 0.004±0.009 - 0.001±0.0, Zn: 0.005±0. 004 - 0.003±0.0, Mn: 1.12±0.11 - 0.83±0.38, Mg: 11.2±2.9 - 8.1±3.3, Ca: 32.7±5.5 - 19.6±11.2, Si: 6.5±0.6 - 5.7±0.8 and Na: 2.76±0.28 - 2.06±0.61 in mg.L-1 showing that there aren’t significant differences (p<0.05) between periods except for Si and Ca. Modelling results with 2 hydraulic operating loads (0.105 and 0.158 m.d-1) and residence times (0.079 and 0.118 d) at constant flow suggest that the CW is robust regardless of the hydraulic load. Maximum applied loads were 16.5, 26.9, 3.7, 0.7, 0.015 and 0.047 g.m-2.d-1 with average efficiencies of 50.4, 49.9, 90.6, 96.9, 97.9 and 98.9 % for acidity, SO4-2, Fe, Al, Ni and Zn, respectively. However, negative efficiencies were observed, primarily for  Mn, Mg, Ca, Si and Na due to anaerobic processes and CW substrate and metal chemistry. In this context, CWs have proven to be a resilient and adaptable solution to climatic seasonality.

How to cite: León Menacho, V., Aguirre Falcón, K., Pacchioni Carranza, R., Loarte Rubina, M., Hernández Crespo, C., Asensi Dasi, E., and Martín Monerris, M.: Constructed Wetlands as Nature-Based Solutions: Resilience to Acid Rock Drainage and climatic seasonality in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20000,, 2025.

EGU25-20690 | Orals | NH1.7

Mainstreaming NbS: Experiences from the INTERREG ResiRiver initiative. 

Ralph Schielen, Geert van der Meulen, Stanford Wilson, Boris Bakker, and Yvo Snoek

Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) integrate natural processes to address societal challenges, such as climate change, disaster risk, and biodiversity loss. Mainstreaming NbS involves incorporating these approaches into policies, planning, and decision-making across sectors like urban development, agriculture, and infrastructure. Key elements include upscaling, cross-sectoral collaboration, capacity building, financing mechanisms, and robust monitoring. However, the mainstreaming process faces challenges, including limited awareness, fragmented governance, and a lack of comprehensive data on the effectiveness of NbS. Overcoming these barriers requires coordinated efforts across sectors and stakeholders to scale up NbS and ensure their integration into long-term sustainability frameworks. ResiRiver is a transnational project focused on resilience enhancement in river systems in North-West Europe through mainstreaming and upscaling NbS. By means of a range of project partners working on NbS in pilot sites, mainstreaming theory is tested in practice. This results in identification of diverse mainstreaming activities and objectives, creating opportunities to develop support for NbS mainstreaming tailored to pilots and organizational capacities to overcome mainstreaming challenges.

How to cite: Schielen, R., van der Meulen, G., Wilson, S., Bakker, B., and Snoek, Y.: Mainstreaming NbS: Experiences from the INTERREG ResiRiver initiative., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20690,, 2025.

NH2 – Volcanic Hazards

Volcanic risk lives a composite soul when analysed by those who must prevent it or respond to the consequences it may bring for the population, rights, and activities on the ground. It is a question of establishing the point of convergence between administration and technical activity for the optimal implementation of a prevention system adapted to the changes, appropriate to the individual administrative systems on which the risk affects or may affect.Boundaries, assignments and responsibilities must be established to avoid escapes from events and systems that are unable to respond to unforeseen events in a timely and effective manner. The aim of this contribution is to study the possible systemic convergences and differences that the events presented in Italy.

How to cite: Brigante, V.: Volcanic risk prevention within shared availability of science and administration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2143,, 2025.

EGU25-4122 | ECS | PICO | NH2.2

The costs of the emergency and the role of the Court of Auditors 

Vanessa Manzetti, Giovanna Colombini, Francesca Carpita, and Letizia Colangelo

This paper aims to highlight how the Italian Court of Auditors can help to detect the costs of the recent pandemic emergency.


The Court of Auditors is assigned the scrutiny of the economic-financial balance of the Public administrations in order to protect the economic unity of the Italian Republic.  Such prerogatives have a great importance in the framework outlined by art. 2 §1 of the Constitutional Law n.1/2012, which, in line with the European Union legal system, recalls the Public Administrations as a whole to ensure balanced budgets and the sustainability of the public debt.


This means that the surveys of the Court of Auditors in the performance of its functions (judicial, control and advisory) should indirectly also reveal the emergency costs.


The paper will examine some fundamental documents such as the Report on the financial management of the local authorities 2019-2021, the deliberations of the Regional Audit sections of the Court on budgets of the local health authorities, as well as the Reports on the result of the controls on the financial management of the companies subject to the control of the Court of Auditors ex art. 12 of the Law n. 259 of 1958.


The exam will also focus on the controls that the Regional Control Sections of the Court of Auditors carries out on the budgets and final accounts of Local Authorities to verify the compliance with the annual objectives set by the Internal Stability Pact and the compliance with the obligation provided by article 119 § 6 of the Italian Constitution. These controls aim also to verify the debt sustainability and the absence of irregularities that could jeopardize the balance economic-financial aspects of the Local Authorities.


An important perspective to better quantify the costs of the emergency is also identified by article 103 of the Italian Constitution which attributes to the Court of Auditors the jurisdiction on public accounting, civil, military and war pensions, as well as the jurisdiction on the liability of public accountants, public administrators and public officials in judgements concerning the management of the public money. This approach could also lead to reflect on the relationship between public debt and emergency, and on the possibility of judgments raised by a party before the Court of Auditors. Lastly, the examination of the Opinions drawn up by the Court of Auditors in the exercise of its advisory function could be also useful to trace the unclear perimeter of the costs of the emergency.   The work consists of two parts: a general part carried out by Professors Giovanna Colombini and Vanessa Manzetti and a part of analysis of case studies carried out by Professors Giovanna Colombini and Vanessa Manzetti,   Dr. Francesca Carpita and Dr. Letizia Colangelo.

How to cite: Manzetti, V., Colombini, G., Carpita, F., and Colangelo, L.: The costs of the emergency and the role of the Court of Auditors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4122,, 2025.

Planning tools represent the right ‘place’ where to lay the pillars to identify and deepen the most suitable prevention actions to be put into a system because they allow a detailed and integrated knowledge of all the territorial and landscape components. With this in mind, the planning tools of must be interpreted as tools from which to define strategic protection and prevention actions, and not only dialogue but also the necessary contamination (even with emergency planning) is necessary. This makes it possible to assess the characteristics, constraints and values of the territory in order to decide how and where to intervene with long-term prevention actions and a precautionary approach. To delineate the content of actions, however, it is necessary to understand how the principles of prevention and precaution ‘behave’. On this point, administrative jurisprudence comes to the rescue, according to which the application of the precautionary principle concerns the risk that is in any case identifiable following a preliminary objective scientific assessment, which must be preceded, logically and chronologically, by the identification of the potentially negative effects arising from a phenomenon and comprises, essentially, four components: the identification of the hazard; the characterisation of the hazard; the assessment of exposure; the characterisation of the risk. It is therefore a scientific process that must necessarily be carried out by experts in the field.

Once the risk has been correctly assessed (by recognised experts), it is up to policy and administration to manage it in a balanced manner.

Applying the principles sanctioned by jurisprudence to planning, it can be deduced, therefore, that the prior assessment and characterisation of risk and, therefore, the analysis of vulnerability must be an integral part of territorial planning instruments, since only in this way can they constitute a constraint for the public decision-maker in defining the discipline of the different areas of the territory. From this point of view, the planning system of the so-called Phlegraean Fields Decree, which includes the Extraordinary Plan for the vulnerability analysis of the areas directly affected by the bradyseismic phenomenon, the Plan for communication to the population and the Rapid Emergency Plan, can represent a first idea of a system strategy even if it should be implemented, as mentioned, with the obligation for the public decision-maker to make the vulnerability analysis an integral part of the territorial planning instruments.

How to cite: Iacopino, A.: Precaution and prevention in the jurisprudence of the administrative judge: impact on land planning tools, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4201,, 2025.

EGU25-4373 | PICO | NH2.2 | Highlight

Risk and infrastructure. Critical actors' perspective 

Loredana Nada Elvira Giani

The CER directive of the European Union on the Critical Entities Resilience (CER) seems to offer some useful indications on the subject of the administrative management of the risk, with a view to overcoming the emergency paradigm. This is a directive whose objective is to respond to the need, also prioritised in the European Union's agenda, to ensure the security of infrastructures in order to improve their ability to prevent, withstand and recover from significant disruptions. A directive that radically changes the approach adopted with regard to infrastructures, shifting the focus from the structure to the entity that manages it, so as to implement the capacity of operators to strengthen their ability to prevent, protect, respond, mitigate, absorb adapt and restore their operational capabilities following incidents that may disrupt the provision of essential services, in order to define a general regulatory framework to address the resilience of critical actors to all risks, natural and man-made, accidental and intentional, overcoming the peculiarities and gaps of specific sectoral disciplines. Starting from this assumption, we must rethink the paradigm of the approach starting from an inversion that requires us to reflect on the objective fact of the risk and not on who is in charge of managing it, with all the implications that this entails.



How to cite: Giani, L. N. E.: Risk and infrastructure. Critical actors' perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4373,, 2025.

EGU25-5206 | PICO | NH2.2

Volcanic risk prevention and civil protection system 

Nicola Gullo

The volcanic risk prevention system requires proper coordination with the civil defense system, because it is necessary to provide a response model to deal promptly and rapidly with emergency situations that may result from volcano eruption. Especially in areas with high population density, it is important not only to monitor the geological and seismic status of the volcano, but also to organize effective interventions to protect the safety of local communities. The Italian experience, which features two large urban centers-Naples and Catania-in close proximity to two volcanoes, one inactive and the other active, may offer some interesting insights into civil defense emergency response models, with a view also to comparison at the international level.

How to cite: Gullo, N.: Volcanic risk prevention and civil protection system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5206,, 2025.

The catastrophic events linked to natural phenomena that periodically affect Italy have generated the image in the world of a virtuous Country in terms of post-disaster solidarity, but negligent in prevention policies.

On the intense bradyseismic activity currently taking place in the Campi Flegrei’s Area, the monitoring of the phenomena is constant for the continuous commitment in the field of geologists, volcanologists, seismologists and other technical subjects. However, the problem concerns the administrative legal aspect because the local administrations are unable to implement the technology that exists today within a reasonable time and make it available to technicians, thus not taking advantage of the wide possibilities for risk prevention that science offers. Advanced digital tools, in fact, are useful not only for monitoring the evolution of bradyseismic activity, but also for capturing the minimal reactions, apparently imperceptible but substantially relevant, on the static nature of buildings, keeping them safe and prolonging their "useful life".

Another problem is the lack of knowledge among citizens of best practices of Civil Protection that tell what to do in event of calamity. The active involvement of the population with exercises, simulations and information activities would be fundamental not only for the good performance but also for the result of the administrative prevention action. Citizens must be considered as stable and valuable partners of the public administration and of the technical subjects. In fact, their connection whit the territory can make the organization more efficient and the action more effective in ordinary times, often also ensuring a saving of public resources.

Today is necessary a continuous dialogue between "law" and "science" in which the community must be involved: three interlocutory subjects whose action must be aimed to build a structured reaction not in the emergency phase but in an ordinary context, for to make an effective process of resilience of people, territories and public and private building heritage.

How to cite: Cimini, S. and Valentini, F.: Law, Science and Community in the bradyseismic crisis: integrated intervention strategies for the safety of the population and the stability of infrastructures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9178,, 2025.

EGU25-9332 | ECS | PICO | NH2.2

Tutela dell'ambiente e strumenti di oprevenzuiobne del rischio  vulcanico 

Barbara Accettura, Gabriella De Giorgi, Francesco Fabrizio Tuccari, Marco Brocca, carla saracino, vittoria giannini, sara ciccarese, and marco francesco errico

Abstract EGU 14- 19 aprile 2024 Vienna

Barbara Accettura - Gabriella De Giorgi- Francesco Fabrizio Tuccari - Marco Brocca - Marco Francesco Errico - Vittoria Giannini - Carla Saracino - sara Ciccarese

Environmental protection and volcanic risk prevention tools

The goal of reducing the impacts produced by eruptive events on habitat and habitati in
areas exposed to volcanic risk is linked to coherent planning, supported by a regulatory
apparatus that, leaving room for local guidelines, orients urban design according to safety
criteria, risk mitigation standards and sustainability objectives. In the light of an approach
oriented toward the reversal of the principles of prevention and precaution, an effective
urban planning policy assumes importance, more than as a policy of emergency
management and ex post reconstruction, as the anticipatory and thoughtful preparation of
adequate prevention tools, elaborated on the basis of an accurate risk assessment
analysis and suitable to produce positive externalities on the protection of the environment
and the territory, within the perimeter of an adequate economic and ecological
sustainability of the choices adopted

How to cite: Accettura, B., De Giorgi, G., Tuccari, F. F., Brocca, M., saracino, C., giannini, V., ciccarese, S., and errico, M. F.: Tutela dell'ambiente e strumenti di oprevenzuiobne del rischio  vulcanico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9332,, 2025.

EGU25-11491 | ECS | PICO | NH2.2

Multi-level governance: post-calamity reconstruction 

Siria Canciani

Post-disaster reconstruction represents a crucial challenge, requiring a balance between speed of action, transparency and compliance with the principles of the rule of law. This contribution analyses the legal and institutional framework governing reconstruction interventions following natural disasters, highlighting the role of administrative authorities in the elaboration and implementation of recovery plans. Particular attention is paid to the interaction between national and European legal sources, as well as to the use of transnational financing and coordination instruments, such as the European Union Solidarity Fund. Through a comparative and multidisciplinary analysis, the critical points of current legislation are explored, including the risk of bureaucratic inefficiency, respect for fundamental rights and the management of public resources. The study proposes strategies to strengthen institutional resilience, promoting an integrated approach that combines the urgency of interventions with the need to ensure sustainability, inclusiveness and stakeholder participation, and examining the role of civil protection.

How to cite: Canciani, S.: Multi-level governance: post-calamity reconstruction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11491,, 2025.

Bottom-up risk management can be achieved through the use of on-sight sentinels, operational figures that monitor the territory and provide real-time alerts. This contribution focuses on the authorisation profiles related to their establishment and operation, analysing the European and national regulatory framework. In particular, issues relating to the granting of authorisations, the regulation of competences and the technical and training requirements necessary to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of their activities are examined. The legal implications of data collection and management by non-institutional parties are also examined, with reference to privacy protection and liability for errors or omissions. The analysis highlights the limitations of the current authorisation system and proposes solutions to harmonise legislation, while ensuring effective coordination between local actors and central institutions. The aim is to outline a legal framework that enhances the role of on-sight sentinels as an integral part of the public risk management system, while respecting the principles of legality and proportionality.

How to cite: De Angelis, L.: Bottom-up risk management: on-sight sentinels and their authorisation profiles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11540,, 2025.

This poster explores the critical role of public participation and institutional transparency in volcanic risk management, with a focus on legal and governance frameworks. By examining recent initiatives, including the Italian Vulcano 2022 and Exe Flegrei 2024 exercises, it highlights how transparent communication tools like the IT-Alert system and collaborative evacuation drills can improve preparedness and resilience in high-risk areas. The findings emphasize the importance of integrating local knowledge with scientific expertise while maintaining institutional clarity in communication and decision-making processes. Key challenges such as misinformation and limited public awareness are addressed alongside practical recommendations for policymakers, disaster management professionals, and public authorities to strengthen participatory approaches and ensure compliance with legal standards in volcanic risk management.

How to cite: Fratto Rosi Grippaudo, E.: Empowering Communities: Institutional Transparency and Public Participation in Volcanic Risk Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12798,, 2025.

EGU25-12884 | PICO | NH2.2

Institutional communication of natural hazards: gli early warning systems 

piera vipiana, giovanni botto, matteo timo, alessandro paire, and sara scazzola

The necessity of addressing the effects of climate change, the awareness of the natural risks to which certain territories are constantly exposed, as well as the complex systemic consequences arising from the increasing availability of knowledge and information by public decision-makers regarding the state and evolution of these territories, make the administrative law of risk a particularly interesting and dynamic field of research. Within this field, indeed, it is possible to observe, in the management of specific issues, the evolution of the general categories of the legal system.

An example of this dynamic can be clearly seen in the influence that new technologies exert on classical models of public management of natural risks. These models increasingly rely on the large volume of environmental and territorial information that can be acquired through various available environmental monitoring methods, the forecasting models based on this information, and, finally, the communication tools (including automated ones) used to convey risks to the public.

This research specifically focuses on the latter aspect, delving into the sensitive issue of institutional communication of natural risks: the tools dedicated to this purpose, the organizational models that can be employed, and the conditions for their effectiveness.

In particular, based on the “operational guidelines for the issuance of public warning messages for volcanic events and related tsunamis” (adopted by the Department of Civil Protection pursuant to Article 5 of the Directive of the President of the Council of Ministers of October 23, 2020, as amended

and supplemented by the Directive of the Minister of Civil Protection and Maritime Policies of February 7, 2023), some legal considerations will be made regarding early warning systems (including with specific reference to the recently introduced IT-Alert system), framing them within the classical principles of risk law, with particular attention to the relationship with the precautionary principle.

Having defined the scope of the discussion, and based on the analysis of the precautionary model, the potential administrative legality consequences of institutional communication of natural risks will be analyzed, with particular emphasis – following the doctrine that has dealt with the topic – on the role that public involvement and participation play in making communication measures effective, ensuring that these measures are actually integrated into a “social process” of continuous risk management, rather than being, ultimately, another fragmented emergency response.

How to cite: vipiana, P., botto, G., timo, M., paire, A., and scazzola, S.: Institutional communication of natural hazards: gli early warning systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12884,, 2025.

Involving private entities for rational volcanic risk management is a need that can no longer be postponed and that must be pursued through the awarding of contracts for monitoring and direct control by the commissioning entity. This could be a renewed declination of the public-private relationship, but from a risk perspective, i.e. starting from a critical situation, which must be addressed through the precautionary paradigm. This way, the risk of power capture by private actors is avoided, because fruitful dialogues are established starting from the criticality itself. It is a knowledge and integration process that, through public commissioning, enables a fruitful exchange between subjects, skills and knowledge. It makes use of transversal partnerships, programme agreements and all the instruments that allow and legitimise a fruitful integration of knowledge and resources, but starting from a precise choice of the public entity that remains in control of the entire chain of choice. Public planning also isolates the components in order to avoid the recent diversion to the insurance sector, which turns into a risk game far from an appropriate response to the unexpected event.

How to cite: Police, A.: Private involvement to enhance governance in volcanic risk reduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12974,, 2025.

Tutela dell'ambiente e strumenti di prevenzione del rischio vulcanico. testo precedente inserito

L’obiettivo di riduzione degli impatti prodotti da eventi eruttivi su habitat e habitati nelle aree
esposte a rischio vulcanico è legato ad una pianificazione coerente, supportata da un apparato
normativo che, lasciando spazio alle linee guida locali, orienti la progettazione urbanistica secondo
criteri di sicurezza, standards di mitigazione del rischio e obiettivi di sostenibilità. Alla luce di un
approccio orientato all’inveramento dei principi di prevenzione e precauzione, un’efficace politica
urbanistica assume rilievo, oltre che come politica di gestione dell’emergenza e di ricostruzione ex
post, come predisposizione anticipatoria e ponderata di adeguati strumenti di prevenzione,
elaborati sulla scorta di un’accurata risk assessment analysis e di servizi ecosistemici idonei a
produrre esternalità positive sulla tutela dell’ambiente e del territorio, nel perimetro di una
adeguata sostenibilità economica ed ecologica delle scelte adottate.
Environmental protection and volcanic risk prevention tools
The goal of reducing the impacts produced by eruptive events on habitat and habitati in areas
exposed to volcanic risk is linked to coherent planning, supported by a regulatory apparatus that,
leaving room for local guidelines, orients urban design according to safety criteria, risk mitigation
standards and sustainability objectives. In the light of an approach oriented toward the reversal of
the principles of prevention and precaution, an effective urban planning policy assumes
importance, more than as a policy of emergency management and ex post reconstruction, as the
anticipatory and thoughtful preparation of adequate prevention tools, elaborated on the basis of
an accurate risk assessment analysis and suitable to produce positive externalities on the
protection of the environment and the territory, within the perimeter of an adequate economic
and ecological sustainability of the choices adopted.

How to cite: ciccarese, S.: Tutela dell'ambiente e strumenti di prevenzione del rischio vulcanico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17208,, 2025.

EGU25-18047 | ECS | PICO | NH2.2

Tutela dell'ambiente e strumenti di prevenzione del rischio vulcanico  

Marco Francesco Errico

L’obiettivo di riduzione degli impatti prodotti da eventi eruttivi su habitat e habitati nelle aree esposte a rischio vulcanico è legato ad una pianificazione coerente, supportata da un apparato normativo che, lasciando spazio alle linee guida locali, orienti la progettazione urbanistica secondo criteri di sicurezza, standards di mitigazione del rischio e obiettivi di sostenibilità. Alla luce di un approccio orientato all’inveramento dei principi di prevenzione e precauzione, un’efficace politica urbanistica assume rilievo, oltre che come politica di gestione dell’emergenza e di ricostruzione ex post, come predisposizione anticipatoria e ponderata di adeguati strumenti di prevenzione, elaborati sulla scorta di un’accurata risk assessment analysis e di servizi ecosistemici idonei a produrre esternalità positive sulla tutela dell’ambiente e del territorio, nel perimetro di una adeguata sostenibilità economica ed ecologica delle scelte adottate.

The goal of reducing the impacts produced by eruptive events on habitat and habitati in areas exposed to volcanic risk is linked to coherent planning, supported by a regulatory apparatus that, leaving room for local guidelines, orients urban design according to safety criteria, risk mitigation standards and sustainability objectives. In the light of an approach oriented toward the reversal of the principles of prevention and precaution, an effective urban planning policy assumes importance, more than as a policy of emergency management and ex post reconstruction, as the anticipatory and thoughtful preparation of adequate prevention tools, elaborated on the basis of an accurate risk assessment analysis and suitable to produce positive externalities on the protection of the environment and the territory, within the perimeter of an adequate economic and ecological sustainability of the choices adopted.


How to cite: Errico, M. F.: Tutela dell'ambiente e strumenti di prevenzione del rischio vulcanico , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18047,, 2025.

EGU25-18564 | PICO | NH2.2

“The role of the local community in the administrative management of volcanic risk.”  

Margherita Interlandi, Cristiana Napolitano, Lorenza Tomassi, Michela Giannandrea, carolina Cappabianca, and sveva speranza

The work aims to undertake a research effort to envision new and effective models of shared management of volcanic risk in Italy, thereby expanding the range of actors involved in this activity. The research starts with the study of the regulatory framework outlined by the current Civil Protection Code (Legislative Decree No. 1/2018), which expressly provides for the participation not only of public and private institutions and organizations but also of individual and associated citizens in the process of developing civil protection plans. The idea is that effective risk prevention in a territory requires, first and foremost, a correct assessment and understanding of the risks, the extent of which, however, is influenced by a variety of factors, not all of which are technical or scientific in nature. For instance, local risk perception and the socio-cultural context of the territory can significantly affect the impact of a volcanic eruption.It is precisely from this awareness that the work seeks to verify whether the shared administration tools recognized by our legal system, as expressions of the principle of horizontal subsidiarity, can effectively guide competent administrations in formulating functional strategies for risk management in high-vulnerability areas, or whether new tools need to be conceived.

How to cite: Interlandi, M., Napolitano, C., Tomassi, L., Giannandrea, M., Cappabianca, C., and speranza, S.: “The role of the local community in the administrative management of volcanic risk.” , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18564,, 2025.

The adoption of low-cost technologies for geographic observation and environmental monitoring enables the development of a distributed and systematic participatory system for managing natural hazards, including volcanic risks. This approach integrates local observers, that we may call "On-Site Sentinels," selected from residents in monitored areas. These actors, leveraging their continuous presence in the territory, can collect relevant data using accessible tools such as flying drones, rover drones, thermal cameras, and open-source GIS platforms.

Bottom-up information can support local authorities and civil protection organizations in planning, prevention, and emergency management, facilitating decisions based on up-to-date and contextualized data. Documentation and mapping efforts can be further enriched by participatory platforms (APPGIS, WEBGIS) and early warning systems integrated with social networks.

However, to ensure the effectiveness of this grassroots involvement, it is crucial to develop structured synergies between local communities and relevant authorities. This process requires clear protocols, operational standards, and continuous dialogue. Monitoring and information methodologies based on low-cost technologies and integrated data collection can be successfully applied, enhancing the monitoring and protection of territories facing complex risks and various forms of natural hazards.

Effectively implementing these tools can overcome current regulatory and organizational challenges, transforming local communities into active partners in safeguarding the territory.


How to cite: Casagrande, G. and Rodelli, R.: The Potential Role of Local Communities and Low-Cost Technologies in Monitoring and Protection against natural hazards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19187,, 2025.

L’obiettivo di riduzione degli impatti prodotti da eventi eruttivi su habitat e habitati nelle aree
esposte a rischio vulcanico è legato ad una pianificazione coerente, supportata da un apparato
normativo che, lasciando spazio alle linee guida locali, orienti la progettazione urbanistica secondo
criteri di sicurezza, standards di mitigazione del rischio e obiettivi di sostenibilità. Alla luce di un
approccio orientato all’inveramento dei principi di prevenzione e precauzione, un’efficace politica
urbanistica assume rilievo, oltre che come politica di gestione dell’emergenza e di ricostruzione ex
post, come predisposizione anticipatoria e ponderata di adeguati strumenti di prevenzione,
elaborati sulla scorta di un’accurata risk assessment analysis e di servizi ecosistemici idonei a
produrre esternalità positive sulla tutela dell’ambiente e del territorio, nel perimetro di una
adeguata sostenibilità economica ed ecologica delle scelte adottate.
Environmental protection and volcanic risk prevention tools
The goal of reducing the impacts produced by eruptive events on habitat and habitati in areas
exposed to volcanic risk is linked to coherent planning, supported by a regulatory apparatus that,
leaving room for local guidelines, orients urban design according to safety criteria, risk mitigation
standards and sustainability objectives. In the light of an approach oriented toward the reversal of
the principles of prevention and precaution, an effective urban planning policy assumes
importance, more than as a policy of emergency management and ex post reconstruction, as the
anticipatory and thoughtful preparation of adequate prevention tools, elaborated on the basis of
an accurate risk assessment analysis and suitable to produce positive externalities on the
protection of the environment and the territory, within the perimeter of an adequate economic
and ecological sustainability of the choices adopted.

How to cite: Brocca, M.: Tutela dell’’ambiente e strumenti di prevenzione del rischio vulcanico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19230,, 2025.

EGU25-21138 | PICO | NH2.2

Protected areas and volcanoes 

Caterina Ventimiglia, Maria Immordino, and Gaetano Armao

In the Italian legal system, the analysis and investigation of volcanic risk requires dealing with the evolution of the organization and monitoring, surveillance and prevention activities of the national and local civil protection system, but it cannot be considered exclusively a "geological" theme, since it depends and is also conditioned by the impact of human activities on the territory. From this perspective, it is necessary to integrate the field of research with an in-depth study of the concurrent relevance of the theme of landscape protection and the parks regime. In particular, in the Italian experience and in the Sicilian region, the presence of volcanoes and the related management of volcanic risk within the territory and the complex dimension of the activities of the parks of Etna, Pantelleria and the Aeolian Islands take on importance. We therefore propose a development of analysis that takes into account, in the short and long term, the integrated vision of human activities in the territory, in order to guarantee the coherence, effectiveness and sustainability of risk prevention and good management together with indispensable profiles of protection and enhancement of the landscape also through the use of parks.

How to cite: Ventimiglia, C., Immordino, M., and Armao, G.: Protected areas and volcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21138,, 2025.

EGU25-21244 | PICO | NH2.2

The use of historical sources in the assessment of volcanic scenarios and risk management 

Claudia Principe and Costanza Marini

The Science of Volcanology traditionally begins with the first text that more or less fully describes a volcanic eruption: the two letters of Pliny the Younger to Tacitus following the explosive eruption of 79 AD that destroyed the Roman cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Stabiae and gave the name of Plinian to this type of eruption. In Italy in the following centuries there have been many eruptions of the many active volcanoes that reside there and many of them have been observed and described, with particular interest in Vesuvius after the Plinian of 1631 entered into semi-continuous activity for more than three centuries, at the gates of Naples, Capital of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and one of the most culturally lively and attractive cities in Europe, at least in that period that ends with the Unification of Italy. The attention to volcanoes that have derived from these peculiarities has made Italy the cradle of Volcanology both in the past and in times closer to us and has posed the problem of how to use the enormous paper and iconographic heritage that today we possess together with a few other countries in the world such as Japan, Indonesia, and Iceland. Over time the approach to this problem has gone from an uncritical reading, to disinterest, to pure conservation, to the partial rediscovery of one or a few chronicles and their improper use, to a more correct use of these sources, also including the historical context, to a more modern multidisciplinary approach, up to considering the possibility of an automatic extraction of the data of interest, which represents the challenge we are facing today.  The historical data will allow us to improve the description of the volcanic phenomena of past eruptions and to realize a better comprehension of which territories were affected by past volcanic events and which were the problems that the institutional actors of the time had to face and how they did it, so as not to fall into the same possible errors. In relation to these issues, the correct use of historical data combined with all the various types of volcanological data has already proven to be fundamental both in the definition of eruptive scenarios and in the formulation of emergency management plans. This is the case of the description of the maximum expected explosive eruption and the inclusion of an effusive and fissural scenario never taken into consideration until now in the event of a reactivation of Vesuvius volcano.

How to cite: Principe, C. and Marini, C.: The use of historical sources in the assessment of volcanic scenarios and risk management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21244,, 2025.

EGU25-481 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.3

Combining numerical CFD models and AI to enhance lava flow simulations 

Eleonora Amato, Vito Zago, and Ciro Del Negro

Lava flows are complex, non-Newtonian fluids with visco-thermal dependencies that can overcome barriers, form tunnels, and significantly impact surrounding areas. Understanding and predicting these flows are critical for quantifying volcanic hazards. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models are indispensable tools for simulating lava dynamics, but they often entail high computational costs, limiting their real-time applicability. To address these challenges, we propose an AI-enhanced CFD emulator for lava flows, designed to improve modeling efficiency while preserving accuracy. Our approach integrates AI with CFD to capture the visco-thermal properties of lava and its intricate dynamics, including phase transitions, particle solidification, and the influence of air on thermal behavior. The emulator has been validated through simulations of diverse physical scenarios, demonstrating its capability to generalize across varying conditions. Additionally, we conducted a sensitivity analysis, exploring the influence of key parameters, such as effusion rate, on lava flow evolution and eruption styles. By incorporating satellite-derived estimates, we provide insights into eruptive behaviors while minimizing the risks of field observations. Our results showcase the potential of combining AI, numerical models, and remote sensing to enhance traditional volcanic monitoring approaches. This hybrid methodology enables faithful, near real-time simulations of lava flows, offering valuable tools for hazard assessment and risk mitigation.

How to cite: Amato, E., Zago, V., and Del Negro, C.: Combining numerical CFD models and AI to enhance lava flow simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-481,, 2025.

EGU25-532 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.3

Spatiotemporal Tracking of the Volcanic Cloud Dispersion Using ConvLSTM Models and SEVIRI Imagery 

Federica Torrisi, Claudia Corradino, and Ciro Del Negro

Explosive volcanic eruptions inject a variety of particles and gases into the atmosphere, forming volcanic clouds that significantly impact human health, climate, and aviation safety. Accurately capturing the temporal evolution of these clouds is essential for understanding their dynamics and improving predictive capabilities. Due to the rapid and unpredictable nature of explosive eruptions, volcanic clouds can form, expand, and disperse in short timeframes. For this reason, high-temporal-resolution geostationary satellite data are indispensable for near-real-time monitoring. SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager), onboard the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geostationary satellite, provides high-frequency radiometric data essential for tracking volcanic clouds on a global scale. SEVIRI's ability to acquire images at intervals of 5–15 minutes enables the identification of patterns in cloud formation and dispersion, supporting timely warnings and informed decision-making during crises. Here, we propose a novel approach using a convolutional long short-term memory (ConvLSTM) model, a type of recurrent neural network designed to handle spatiotemporal data, for effectively tracking the spread of volcanic clouds using satellite imagery. By training the model on a dataset of Ash RGB images derived from SEVIRI data, we analyze volcanic events at Mt. Etna (Italy) to demonstrate the model's capability to capture both spatial and temporal dynamics. Our findings show that ConvLSTM models excel in addressing complex spatiotemporal challenges, providing robust segmentation and reliable tracking of volcanic clouds over time. This approach delivers timely information that enhances aviation safety, emergency response, and public health monitoring, contributing to more effective management of volcanic crises.

How to cite: Torrisi, F., Corradino, C., and Del Negro, C.: Spatiotemporal Tracking of the Volcanic Cloud Dispersion Using ConvLSTM Models and SEVIRI Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-532,, 2025.

EGU25-3167 | Orals | NH2.3

Integration of Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 8/9-OLI data for detecting and mapping sea-water discoloration around submarine volcanoes 

Emanuele Ciancia, Francesco Marchese, Simon Plank, and Nicola Pergola

Shallow eruptions of submarine volcanoes can hamper navigation of ships and alter the biological response of marine ecosystems. Hydrothermal vents and ash-laden plumes can spread on sea-surface for weeks affecting the optical properties of the water column. Systematic in situ observations (i.e., underwater observations, hydro-acoustic and seismic arrays) are usually time-consuming, expensive, and difficult to carry out before and during an eruptive event. On the other hand, satellite remote sensing can provide timely and continuous information about volcanic activities around dangerous sites contributing to the assessment on the pre-, syn- and post-eruptive phenomena. Among these, sea-water discoloration is one of the most significant indicators of underwater volcanic activity as its accurate and timely detection may support in revealing possible precursor processes of submarine volcanic eruptions. Most of the published studies have been performed to characterize discolored water patches after huge eruptions through the assessment of their reflectance patterns by using multispectral ocean color data acquired by MODIS, VIIRS and Sentinel-3 OLCI. Although these sensors enable a timely detection of submarine eruption features, their coarse spatial resolution makes them unsuitable for mapping discolored patches whose size and spatial dynamics are at ten- or hundred-meter scale. The improved spatial resolution offered by Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 8/9-OLI data (10-60 m) can ensure an accurate mapping of sea-water discoloration. Moreover, their joint use would allow for monitoring discolored plumes at unprecedented rates with a potential revisit time of 2-3 days at global scale. In this study, we aim at assessing the potential of the Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 8/9-OLI integrated datasets in characterizing sea-water discoloration around a selected test case, namely the Kavachi submarine volcano (Solomon Islands, South Pacific Ocean).

By exploiting a 3-year (2020-2022) MSI-OLI combined dataset, we developed a novel spectral-derived method to detect and map discolored patches before potential subaerial eruptions. The proposed work is expected to provide a first contribution in better investigating  the possible precursor signs of submarine volcanic eruptions.

How to cite: Ciancia, E., Marchese, F., Plank, S., and Pergola, N.: Integration of Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 8/9-OLI data for detecting and mapping sea-water discoloration around submarine volcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3167,, 2025.

EGU25-3620 | Orals | NH2.3

Forecasting the evolution of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption, La Palma, with TROPOMI/PlumeTraj-derived SO2 emission rates 

Mike Burton, Ben Esse, Catherine Hayer, Giuseppe La Spina, Ana Pardo Cofrades, María Asensio Ramos, José Barrancos Martínez, and Nemesio Pérez

As global populations grow, the exposure of communities and infrastructure to volcanic hazards increases every year. Once a volcanic eruption begins it becomes critical for risk managers to understand the likely evolution and duration of the activity to assess its impact on populations and infrastructure. Here, we report an exponential decay in satellite-derived SO2 emission rates during the 2021 eruption of Tajogaite, La Palma, Canary Islands, and show that this pattern allows a reliable and consistent forecast of the evolution of the SO2 emissions after the first third of the total eruption duration. The eruption ended when fluxes dropped to less than 6% of their fitted maximum value, providing a useful benchmark to compare with other eruptions. Using a 1-D numerical magma ascent model we suggest that the exponentially decreasing SO2 emission trend was primarily produced by reducing magma chamber pressure as the eruption emptied the feeding reservoir. This work highlights the key role that satellite-derived SO2 emission data can play in forecasting the evolution of volcanic eruptions and how the use of magma ascent models can inform the driving mechanisms controlling the evolution of the eruption.

How to cite: Burton, M., Esse, B., Hayer, C., La Spina, G., Pardo Cofrades, A., Asensio Ramos, M., Barrancos Martínez, J., and Pérez, N.: Forecasting the evolution of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption, La Palma, with TROPOMI/PlumeTraj-derived SO2 emission rates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3620,, 2025.

Forecasting changes in volcano activity requires a detailed understanding of magma plumbing architecture and dynamics in terms of geometry, distribution and connectivity of the magma bodies and magma properties. This is mandatory to apply effective monitoring strategies and deploy appropriate risk mitigations policies. The PGF's multidisciplinary approach, we have adopted over years on several volcanoes, combines the study and monitoring of petrography and mineral chemistry of erupted products, with the composition of fluids trapped in minerals and the study of gas emissions. This framework permits to constrain magma evolution and dynamics within a volcano plumbing system over a very large range of pressure, temperature and compositions, and on a large range of time scales and frequencies of eruptive events. Here we review the most recent results obtained on two active volcanic systems (Piton de la Fournaise and Mayotte) located in the Indian Ocean, formed in distinct geodynamic settings and with very contrasting eruption rates, volumes, and dynamics, but sharing a common feature: an important lateral shift of the magma ascent paths with respect to the eruptive sites and the coexistence of both evolved (phonolite to trachyte) and mafic (basalts to basanite) melts over a large depth range (from mantle to crust). We show that the most effective monitoring is obtained by focusing on the deepest parts of the plumbing system that allow recognizing and following new magma recharges, melt differentiation and degassing and magma lateral drainage. The occurrence already in the mantle and close to the Moho of variably evolved and degassed melts, besides primitive and volatile rich ones need to be carefully considered, in order to provide a robust interpretation of multidisciplinary monitoring datasets.

How to cite: Di Muro, A., Rizzo, A., Liuzzo, M., Grassa, F., and Benard, B.: The contribution of multidisciplinary petrological and geochemical framework (PGF) to assess the influence of plumbing architecture on volcano dynamics and monitoring strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4140,, 2025.

EGU25-5139 | Posters on site | NH2.3

From Magma to Eruption: Modeling VolcanicProcesses with Diffusion Theory 

Cataldo Godano, Massimiliano Semeraro, Giuseppe Gonnella, Giovanni Macedonio, Francesco Oliveri, Patrizia Rogolino, and Alessandro Sarracino

We present a model for volcanic eruption based on the Brownian motion of denser bodies of magma, embedded in a less dense one. The viscosity of the embedding magma contrasts the gravity and the unique global force, acting on these bodies, is represented by the vesicles of gas, dissolved in the magma, that accumulates beneath the denser bodies. Some simple assumptions lead to a theoretical expression that can fit very well the erupted
volumes distribution obtained from experimental data. Numerical simulations, including the main ingredients of the theoretical model, also reproduce the experimental distribution. The model is a good representation of the Strombolian eruptive style. However the capability of fitting the whole data set, including all eruptive styles, suggests that it could be viewed as a specific version of a more general model describing the whole spectrum of
eruptive styles..

How to cite: Godano, C., Semeraro, M., Gonnella, G., Macedonio, G., Oliveri, F., Rogolino, P., and Sarracino, A.: From Magma to Eruption: Modeling VolcanicProcesses with Diffusion Theory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5139,, 2025.

Volcanic ash from large eruptions in and around the Korean Peninsula poses significant risks to critical facilities. This study employs the Analytic Network Process (ANP) to evaluate the relative importance and interconnectivity of different facility sectors vulnerable to volcanic ash impacts. The analysis focused on 12 facility categories grouped into three main sectors: transportation, infrastructure, and public facilities.

Historical volcanic damage cases were analyzed using data from vHub and the Global Volcanic Program (GVP), revealing that 53.8% of volcanic eruption cases involved ash-related damage. Based on this analysis and expert consultation, a network model was developed to capture the complex relationships between facility sectors. Volcanic disaster experts participated in a survey to assess the relative importance and influence relationships between different facility categories.

The results showed that transportation facilities had the highest importance (0.509), followed by infrastructure (0.354) and public facilities (0.137). Among all subcategories, aviation emerged as the most critical sector with an importance value of 0.246, significantly higher than other facilities. This was followed by electricity (0.117), broadcasting and communication (0.110), and ships and ports (0.103). The high ranking of aviation reflects South Korea's particular vulnerability to long-range ash dispersion effects, similar to the impacts observed during the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption in Europe.

Interconnectivity analysis using a weighted super-matrix revealed significant cascade effects between sectors. Road damage showed substantial influence on medical facilities (42.8%), aviation (27.1%), and railways (15.2%). The electricity sector demonstrated broad impacts across all facilities, with particularly strong influences on broadcasting and communication (23.1%), medical facilities (20.4%), and railways (16.6%). Medical facilities emerged as highly dependent on other sectors, being significantly affected by disruptions to roads, water supply, and electricity.

These findings provide valuable insights for volcanic ash risk management in South Korea, where the threat primarily comes from distant volcanoes like Mount Baekdu. The results highlight the need for targeted mitigation strategies focusing on aviation and electrical infrastructure, while also considering the complex interdependencies between different facility sectors. This study contributes to the development of more effective disaster response planning and risk assessment methodologies tailored to South Korea's specific volcanic hazard context.

How to cite: Kim, Y. J., Lee, S., Park, B. C., and Yoon, S.: Prioritization and Interconnectivity Analysis of Critical Facilities for Volcanic Ash Risk Management in South Korea: An ANP Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5433,, 2025.

EGU25-6355 | Orals | NH2.3

Modern Deep Learning Techniques for Volcanic Unrest Monitoring using InSAR Data 

Nantheera Anantrasirichai, Juliet Biggs, Robert Gabriel Popescu, Xuan Wern Joshua Kong, and Tianqi Yang

Satellites provide essential capabilities for widespread, regional, or global volcano surveillance, often offering the first indications of volcanic unrest or eruptions. Here, we focus on Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), a technology detecting surface deformation that is statistically strongly linked to volcanic activity. Recent technological advancements have enabled the generation of vast amounts of monitoring data—e.g., LiSC system currently provides over 3.4 million raw interferograms. Clearly, manual analysis of such a large dataset is no longer feasible. This talk presents several modern, learning-based techniques for ground deformation monitoring using InSAR data, including supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning approaches.

Supervised learning methods have successfully detected fringes in wrapped interferograms. We improved our CNN-based detection process [1,2,3] by incorporating state-of-the-art Transformers. However, these methods may miss ground deformations with characteristics differing from the training data. To address this limitation, we explore the potential of using semi-supervised learning [4]. In this approach, a global feature representation of InSAR data is learned through unsupervised contrastive learning [5], and the detection task is subsequently fine-tuned on a limited number of labelled samples. For unsupervised learning, our model identifies samples that deviate from the norm of the data as anomaly detection. It is performed in the feature space of unwrapped interferograms [6] and employs a statistical-based approach, Patch Distribution Modelling [7]. The results show that this method outperforms existing supervised learning techniques when the characteristics of deformation are unknown.

Interferograms capture deformation signals and atmospheric effects, which can distort detection accuracy. While GACOS provides atmospheric corrections, it may fail to fully remove effects and sometimes introduces artifacts. To address these limitations, we enhance our system with learning-based denoising techniques to mitigate atmospheric effects. Two approaches are presented: Transformer-based and diffusion model-based denoising. The first method adapts the state-of-the-art image denoising model, Reformer [8], but replaces the feed-forward network with multi-layer perceptron. The second method leverages Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models [9], incorporating turbulence noise in the forward diffusion process. Initial results, evaluated against GPS data, demonstrate that this method outperforms traditional time-series processing in mitigating atmospheric effects.


[1] N Anantrasirichai et al., Application of Machine Learning to Classification of Volcanic Deformation in Routinely Generated InSAR Data. JGR Solid Earth, 2018

[2] N Anantrasirichai et al., A deep learning approach to detecting volcano deformation from satellite imagery using synthetic datasets, RSE, 2019

[3] N Anantrasirichai et al., The application of convolutional neural networks to detect slow, sustained deformation in InSAR time series, GRL, 2019

[4] N Anantrasirichai et al., Semi-supervised Learning Approach for Ground Deformation Detection in InSAR, Fringe, 2023

[5] T Yang et al., A Semi-supervised Learning Approach for B-line Detection in Lung Ultrasound Images. ISBI, 2023

[6] R Popescu et al., Anomaly detection for the identification of volcanic unrest in satellite imagery, ICIP, 2024

[7] T Defard et al., A Patch Distribution Modeling Framework for Anomaly Detection and Localization, ICPRW, 2021

[8] N Kitaev et al., Reformer: The Efficient Transformer, ICLR, 2020

[9] J Ho et al., Denoising diffusion probabilistic models. NIPS, 2020

How to cite: Anantrasirichai, N., Biggs, J., Popescu, R. G., Kong, X. W. J., and Yang, T.: Modern Deep Learning Techniques for Volcanic Unrest Monitoring using InSAR Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6355,, 2025.

Thermal infrared (TIR) imaging of volcanic activity has become common over the past quarter century with the advent of smaller, inexpensive, ground-based cameras and greatly expanded orbital coverage. Because of these advances, TIR data are also now integrated into the standard set of monitoring tools at many volcano observatories. These data are acquired using permanent ground-stations, less frequent campaign mode deployments from the ground and air, as well as orbital remote sensing. However, the ability to forecast a new eruption using orbital TIR data remains unrealized despite decades of data acquisition, modeling, and analysis. Fundamentally, these data are limited due to the design metrics of the sensors such as spatial and/or temporal resolution. One endmember group of these instruments is defined by lower spatial, higher temporal resolution whose data can detect large-scale thermal change such as new lava on the surface. Sensors in this class are used to rapidly identify a new eruption and monitor its evolution, for example. The other endmember has sensors with higher spatial, lower temporal resolution data with sensitivity to detect subtle temperature changes (1-2 degrees) over small spatial scales. Our work examines decades of TIR data from this second endmember class to identify precursory thermal eruption signals. By including all data (day and night) screened for clouds, we produce a larger statistical dataset from which to extract thermal signal deviations from a standard baseline. This long time series orbital TIR data enable a unique opportunity to quantify low-level anomalies and small eruption plumes over long periods. Most significant is the finding that the smaller, subtle detections served as precursory signals in ~81% of eruptions for our five test locations, which we have now expanded to a wider range of volcanoes and activity styles. The results also serve as training for machine learning based modeling that is applied to different targets for this study. This model learns to identify discriminant thermal trends associated to unrest conditions preceding eruptions.  Over the next decade, several high spatial (~ 60 m) resolution orbital sensors are planned will  provide near-daily TIR data at every volcano, vastly improving thermal baselines and detection of new activity. One of these, the Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) TIR mission, contains an infrared instrument and a planned higher-level data product called the Volcano Activity (VA), which will be crucial for accurate daily monitoring of volcanic temperatures and degassing rates. However, despite the promise of SBG data, the next fundamental step-change in orbital volcanology will not come until high-speed, spaceborne data are possible. A proposed “hypertemporal” TIR mission would acquire these data at sub-minute scales to determine mass and thermal flux rates of gas emissions, eruptive ash plumes, and lava flows. With such a mission, data now acquired by current ground-based cameras will become possible from orbit for the first time.

How to cite: Ramsey, M. and Corradino, C.: Forecasting volcanic activity onset and eruption with the next generation of thermal infrared data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13414,, 2025.

EGU25-13863 | Posters on site | NH2.3

GNSS network and volcanic deformation patterns: Somma-Vesuvius case study. 

Umberto Tammaro, Mario Dolce, Giuseppe Brandi, Antonio Iorio, Giovanni Scarpato, and Prospero De Martino

Somma-Vesuvius is known worldwide for the devastating Plinian eruption (79 AD) that destroyed Herculaneum and Pompeii. In this study provides an overview of the ground deformation patterns of the Somma–Vesuvius volcano from continuous GNSS observations. In the 2000–2022 time span, the GNSS time series allowed the continuous and accurate tracking of ground displacements of the volcanic area.

We processed the GNSS data using the Bernese GNSS software on a daily basis with the IGS final orbits and Earth rotation parameters. To obtain high-precision results, we processed all data collected from 2000 to 2022 using the same processing strategies: the updated products, and the most recent models.

As regards the results, we present the final daily position time series of the GNSS stations, their velocities, horizontal and vertical displacement patterns and strain maps.

A better knowledge of expected displacement patterns could be help in the location of monitoring sensors as well as in the design of a geodetic network. Therefore, we simulate the deformation of Somma-Vesuvius volcano due to some overpressure sources by means of a finite element 3D code. We modelled the structural heterogeneity in terms of dynamic elastic parameters retrieved from previous seismic tomography and gravity studies. Instead, the topography of the volcano retrieved from a resolution digital terrain model.

How to cite: Tammaro, U., Dolce, M., Brandi, G., Iorio, A., Scarpato, G., and De Martino, P.: GNSS network and volcanic deformation patterns: Somma-Vesuvius case study., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13863,, 2025.

EGU25-13887 | Orals | NH2.3

Magma Depletion: An alternative to time-homogeneity for forecasting vent distribution in volcanic fields 

Mark Bebbington, Melody Whitehead, and Gabor Kereszturi

For small volume eruptions, such as those common for volcanic fields, the location of an eruptive vent controls the hazards, their intensities, and ultimately the impact of the eruption. An eruption through water can result in a highly explosive event, and an eruption beneath a hospital or critical infrastructure can cause significant long-term impacts. We look here at long-term probabilistic assessments, the outputs of which inform evacuation plans, the (re)location of vital infrastructure, and inform the placement of early-warning monitoring equipment.

Current estimates of future vent locations are based on point-process methods with probability surfaces built from patterns, clusters, and/or lineaments identified from previous vent locations. These all assume that locations with more past-vents are more likely to produce future-vents, or in other words a null hypothesis

Ho: The likelihood of an eruption at the location of an existing vent is a local maximum of the spatial density surface.

Critically, under this model the occurrence of an eruption does not change the likelihood of further eruptions at that locality. We investigate here an alternative (but not necessarily better) hypothesis of magma depletion, i.e., that after an eruption, the magma source at depth is depleted by the volume of the eruption in this area, lessening the likelihood by creating a local depression in the probability surface. More formally we consider the alternative hypothesis

Ha: The likelihood of an eruption at the location of an existing vent is a local minimum of the spatial density surface.

We present the mathematics and code for various alternatives to current kernel density estimates, and then set out to try and disprove our null hypothesis by examining goodness of fit to data, all using the exemplar of the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand

How to cite: Bebbington, M., Whitehead, M., and Kereszturi, G.: Magma Depletion: An alternative to time-homogeneity for forecasting vent distribution in volcanic fields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13887,, 2025.

EGU25-13969 | Orals | NH2.3

Joint volcanic source term estimation and SO2 dispersion forecasting by combining model emulators, observations, and empirical relationships within a hierarchical Bayesian model. 

Talfan Barnie, Hadi Rezaee, Sara Barsotti, Leonardo Mingari, Manuel Titos, and Melissa Anne Pfeffer

We present a novel source term estimation and SO2 ground concentration forecasting system for the Reykjanes peninsula, developed as a Digital Twin Component for the DT-GEO project. The joint distribution over the source term and ground concentrations is estimated by drawing samples from the posterior specified by a Bayesian hierarchical model, using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. The Bayesian model consists of a physics based forward model that gives ground concentrations as a function of the source term, and an empirical model that describes the influence of the atmosphere on the source term. The forward model has to be (1) fast and (2) differentiable for the sampling procedure, so we replace the forward model (Fall3D) with an emulator. We can use simple linear emulators by taking advantage of the linearity of ground concentration with flux for basic scenarios, while neural network based emulators are being developed for more complicated model physics. Observations of SO2 flux, plume height, and ground concentration constrain the hierarchical model parameters that determine the forecast ground concentrations. Application to the recent basaltic fissure eruptions on Reykjanes, Iceland, will be presented.

How to cite: Barnie, T., Rezaee, H., Barsotti, S., Mingari, L., Titos, M., and Pfeffer, M. A.: Joint volcanic source term estimation and SO2 dispersion forecasting by combining model emulators, observations, and empirical relationships within a hierarchical Bayesian model., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13969,, 2025.

EGU25-14603 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.3

Revisiting Wickman (1966): Forecasting eruption onset and periods of activity at Popocatépetl volcano (Mexico) 

Daniela Hernández Villamizar and Hugo Delgado Granados

Delgado Granados et al. (1988) forecasted the initiation of an eruption at Popocatépetl volcano of any kind in 1997 with a 97% confidence and with a recurrence of eruptions every ~70 years. For this, they used the methods developed by Wickman (1966a-e) and Thorlaksson (1967) using the repose period concept. The current eruption at the volcano was initiated in 1994, three years in advance to the forecasted year. In this work we used the same expressions to calculate a new forecast using the same data. Interestingly, the forecast at 95% confidence indicates 1994 as the initiation of the next eruption after the end of the last eruptive period (1927) with a recurrence time of ~67 years. Further, we made the calculation adding more dates found in the recorded history of the volcano. We obtained a forecast of the initiation of the next eruption, after 1927, in the year 1994 at 95% confidence and a recurrence period of ~67 years. Using the same tools, but now for the duration of the activity intervals, we obtained a period of activity duration at ~43 years. Using this timing, the current eruption could be ending in 2037 at 95% probability.




Delgado Granados H., Carrasco Núñez G., Urrutia Fucugauchi J., Casanova Becerra J.M., 1988, Analysis of the Eruptive Records of the Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico, Kagoshima International Conference on Volcanoes, Proceedings Volume 1988, pp. 510-513.

Thorlaksson J.E.,1967, A probability model of volcanoes and the probability of eruptions of Hekla and Hekla and Katla, Bull. Vol., 31, 97-106.

Wickman F.E., 1966, Repose period patterns of volcanoes. I. Volcanic eruptions regarded as random phenomena. Ark. Mineral. Geol., 4, 7, pp. 291-301.

Wickman, F.E., 1966, Repose period patterns of volcanoes. IV. Volcanic eruptions regarded as random phenomena. Ark. Mineral. Geol., 4, 10, pp. 337-350.


How to cite: Hernández Villamizar, D. and Delgado Granados, H.: Revisiting Wickman (1966): Forecasting eruption onset and periods of activity at Popocatépetl volcano (Mexico), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14603,, 2025.

EGU25-15508 | Orals | NH2.3

Probabilistic hazard maps of pyroclastic density current at Vesuvius volcano (Italy): A new strategy for risk reduction 

Daniela Mele, Pierfrancesco Dellino, Fabio Dioguardi, and Roberto Sulpizio

The hazard of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) at Vesuvius is investigated based on past eruptions. The analysis is extended to all eruptions that left substantial deposits on the ground.

The currents are bipartite, with a basal highly-concentrated part, which was fed from the impact of the eruptive fountain on the ground, and an overlying part generated by the squeezing of the collapsed material that fed a dilute and turbulent shear flow.

Dynamic pressure, particle volumetric concentration, temperature and flow duration are hazardous characteristics of PDCs that can impact buildings and populations and are defined here as impact parameters. They have been calculated through an implementation of the PYFLOW code, which uses the deposit particle characteristics as input. The software searches for the probability density function of impact parameters. The 84th percentile has been chosen as a safety value of the expected impact at long term (50 years). Maps have been constructed by interpolation of the safety values calculated at various points over the dispersal area, and show how impact parameters change as a function of distance from the volcano. The maps are compared with the red zone, which is the area that the National Department of the Italian Civil Protection has declared to be evacuated in the impending of an eruption. The damaging capacity of currents over buildings and population is discussed both for the highly concentrated part and the diluted one.

How to cite: Mele, D., Dellino, P., Dioguardi, F., and Sulpizio, R.: Probabilistic hazard maps of pyroclastic density current at Vesuvius volcano (Italy): A new strategy for risk reduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15508,, 2025.

EGU25-16114 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.3

Making a volcanic point: certain subduction zones worldwide accumulate highly hazardous, pointy stratovolcanoes 

Pablo Tierz, Teresa Ubide, John Caulfield, Philippa White, Fabrizio Ponce, Roberto Mérida, Susan Loughlin, and Eliza Calder

Volcanic landscapes are amongst the most breathtaking visual features on Earth. Volcano morphologies can be extremely varied, including negative-relief topographic depressions (e.g. calderas) as well as many different configurations of positive reliefs (e.g. shields or stratovolcanoes). These volcano morphologies provide information about magmatic and eruptive processes and, therefore, represent invaluable sources of data, especially for data-scarce volcanic systems. Volcano morphology also modulates volcanic hazard, for example, by providing potential energy (edifice height, mean flank slope, etc.) for propagation of volcanic mass flows (lava flows, pyroclastic density currents, lahars, etc.); and/or in relation to potential instability of the volcanic edifice which, upon gravitational collapse, can generate large-volume, long-runout debris avalanches and debris flows.

Here, we quantify volcano morphology at several hundred volcanic systems worldwide, using a metric derived from an innovative, data-driven method to search for analogue volcanoes (VOLCANS). The metric simplifies volcano morphology by combining: (1) edifice height, (2) mean flank slope, (3) crater diameter and (4) degree of truncation of the edifice (i.e. ratio between the width of the summit area divided by that of the whole edifice). This makes it possible to distinguish between high, steep, pointy volcanoes with small craters and low, gentle-slope, truncated volcanoes with large craters/depressions. The VOLCANS metric indicates that high, steep and pointy (i.e. non-truncated) stratovolcanoes (henceforth referred to as ‘pointy volcanoes’) do not occur at random. Instead, pointy volcanoes tend to accumulate within specific subduction zones worldwide. Some of the most striking examples of subduction segments with high proportions of pointy volcanoes include Guatemala, which hosts all the pointy volcanoes in the entire Central American region (e.g. Fuego, Agua, Atitlán, Santa María, Tacaná) and Kamchatka, Russia, which hosts around 20% of all the pointy volcanoes identified worldwide (e.g. Klyuchevskoy, Vilyuchik, Kronotsky, Koryaksky). Other pointy-rich subduction segments include: the Alaskan Peninsula and the Cascades, USA (e.g. Pavlof or Mt Baker), Ecuador (e.g. Sangay), Java, Indonesia (e.g. Semeru, Merapi) or Central and Southern Chile (e.g. Lanín, Osorno, Villarrica).

We postulate that, in order to build such extreme volcano morphologies, frequent eruptive activity of mildly-evolved magmas (with low-to-intermediate viscosities), plus a limited spatial variability in the location of the eruptive vent(s), are necessary to maintain vertical growth of the volcanic edifice. Moreover, sparsity of large-explosive eruptions safeguards the ‘pointiness’ of the volcano, avoiding truncation of the edifice and/or mantaining small craters. We acknowledge that volcano morphology represents just a snapshot in time within the geological evolution of any volcanic system. Interestingly, however, some pointy volcanoes have experienced gravitational collapse(s) of their edifices in the past (e.g. Acatenango-Fuego, Guatemala), and have managed to rebuild their pointy edifices through subsequent eruptive activity. Currently, we are exploring several datasets of: (i) subduction kinematics, (ii) magma geochemistry and (iii) eruptive fluxes, to try to tie our morphological observations to their possible causative processes. Such an analysis is extremely relevant, not only to improve our understanding of how volcanic systems operate but also to quantify volcanic hazard at subduction zones and their volcanic systems.

How to cite: Tierz, P., Ubide, T., Caulfield, J., White, P., Ponce, F., Mérida, R., Loughlin, S., and Calder, E.: Making a volcanic point: certain subduction zones worldwide accumulate highly hazardous, pointy stratovolcanoes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16114,, 2025.

EGU25-16933 | Posters on site | NH2.3

ALERTACO2 Project update: An extensive monitoring network for monitor and mitigate the CO2 hazard of indoor and outdoor air CO2 at the inhabited areas of Puerto Naos and La Bombilla, La Palma (Canary Islands)  

Germán D. Padilla, Carmen López, Nemesio M. Pérez, Rubén López, Pedro A. Hernández, David Moure, Luca D'Auria, Pedro Torres, Gladys Melián, Daniel D'Nardo, Carla Méndez, Alexis González, and Juan A. Bermejo

As a result of the Tajogaite eruption (2021), La Palma island, anomalous volcanic CO2 emissions were observed by the end of November 2021 in the neighborhoods of La Bombilla, Puerto Naos, and some banana plantations, where appear daily many dead fauna (insects, birds, lizards and small mammals), located at about 6 km southwestern from Tajogaite eruption vents. These urban areas, not directly damaged by lava flows, were included in the exclusion zone due to the strong volcanic-hydrothermal CO2 concentrations (>5-20%). CO2 enters into the homes and premises through hydraulic and electrical conduits and the vertical structure of the buildings itself, causing an accumulation of CO2 indoor that reaches high or very high concentrations. CO2 is an asphyxiating and toxic gas in very high concentrations, as it implies a corresponding reduction in the oxygen (O2) content. Immediate evacuation of indoor spaces is recommended if the CO2 concentration excedes 1.5% (15,000ppm).

During the last two years after the eruption, several institutions deployed indoor and outdoor own gas networks, to try to delimitate the CO2 anomalies where CO2 air concentration exceed hazardous thresholds, but with an insufficient number of CO2 sensors (less than 100) to cover all homes, garages, basements and stores in real time. These studies aim to understand the dynamics of CO2 emission to delimitate the CO2 anomalies where CO2 air concentration exceed the hazardous thresholds, and help the authorities’ decision-making of people's return to their homes and stores.  

The ALERTACO2 project, participated by IGN and INVOLCAN institutes, was financed by the Spanish Government with an amount of 3M€ during a period of 4 years (2023-2026), and has the goals of implementing a much more extensive network of CO2 sensors (around 1,200 NDIR sensor developed by Sieltec Canarias) in real time in most of the building of both inhabited areas, the creation of a 24-hour monitoring room and an information and awareness campaign for the population about this volcanic hazard.

At the present time, 1294 sensors are installed (1,287 indoor and 7 outdoor), of which 147 are in La Bombilla and 1,133 in Puerto Naos and 7 moving stations and 7 outside these places. Each sensor has a color light code to indicate the CO2 concentration (green, yellow, orange and blue if the sensor is not working), and a QR code to view the information remotely. Each sensor sends the data to the 24-hour monitoring room via a gateway installed at the roof of each building. Thanks to ALERTACO2, many families have been able to return to their homes in safety conditions since December 2023, because their homes average CO2 concentrations were below 1,000 ppm. 


How to cite: Padilla, G. D., López, C., Pérez, N. M., López, R., Hernández, P. A., Moure, D., D'Auria, L., Torres, P., Melián, G., D'Nardo, D., Méndez, C., González, A., and Bermejo, J. A.: ALERTACO2 Project update: An extensive monitoring network for monitor and mitigate the CO2 hazard of indoor and outdoor air CO2 at the inhabited areas of Puerto Naos and La Bombilla, La Palma (Canary Islands) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16933,, 2025.

EGU25-17985 | Posters on site | NH2.3

AI-driven insights into the volcanic processes and dynamics of explosive episodes inferred by satellite-based SO2 estimates, ground-based gas measurements, and petrological data 

Claudia Corradino, Alessandro La Spina, Lucia Miraglia, Federica Torrisi, and Ciro Del Negro

Identifying changes in a volcano's unrest and tracking the evolution of its eruptive activity are crucial for effective volcanic surveillance and monitoring. Variations in gas composition and amount can be associated with pre-eruptive changes in the volcano plumbing system. When combined with petrological studies, the emitted Sulphur dioxide (SO2) reflects the amount of magma involved (erupted or degassed), making it a useful parameter for constraining volcanic processes, dynamics, and the volume of magma. This work proposes an Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy to provide new insights into the volcanic processes and dynamics of explosive episodes using a multidisciplinary approach. Through advanced machine learning (ML) algorithms, we investigate the spatio-temporal relationships among the SO2 satellite image time series (SITS), ground-based gas measurements, and petrological data associated with volcanic pre- and syn-eruptive phases. SO2 emissions are estimated via satellite ultraviolet remote sensing, i.e. TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument. Both the quiescent/pre-eruptive and syn-eruptive/explosive gas phases are constrained from ground-based infrared remote sensing data i.e Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR). Rock compositions and textural features (e.g. crystallinity and vesicularity) of volcanic products are estimated by petrological study. The ML algorithm allows to both discover pre- and syn-eruptive patterns indicative of future eruption and better characterize volcanic processes. Unsupervised ML techniques are considered to explore previously unknown relationships without any external bias. We have tested this approach on recent volcanic activity that occurred on Mt Etna.

How to cite: Corradino, C., La Spina, A., Miraglia, L., Torrisi, F., and Del Negro, C.: AI-driven insights into the volcanic processes and dynamics of explosive episodes inferred by satellite-based SO2 estimates, ground-based gas measurements, and petrological data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17985,, 2025.

EGU25-18986 | Posters on site | NH2.3

Latest developments in measurement and geodetic monitoring techniques for shallow water volcanic areas subjected to vertical deformation phenomena (application on Campi Flegrei caldera). 

Sergio Guardato, Rosario Riccio, Rebecca Sveva Morelli, Francesco Chierici, Stefano Caliro, Giovanni Macedonio, and Giovanni Iannaccone

The monitoring of seabed deformation in coastal areas within active volcanic systems can be achieved through various techniques. However, several challenges must be addressed when conducting measurements in shallow marine environments. For instance, biological factors, such as biofouling, can compromise the long-term operability of instruments, while human activities, including overfishing and dragging operations, may cause physical damage to seafloor equipment. Additionally, temporal variations in seawater properties further complicate data analysis and interpretation.

To address these limitations, novel methodologies have been developed for monitoring seabed deformation in the Campi Flegrei volcanic region (southern Italy). Since 2016, a permanent marine infrastructure, MEDUSA (Marine Equipment for the Detection of Underwater Seafloor Activities), has been deployed within the marine sector of the Campi Flegrei caldera. This system consists of four spar buoys equipped for real-time geophysical monitoring of volcanic activity.

The methodologies implemented in MEDUSA include high-precision pressure measurements at the seafloor, sea-level monitoring, and the integration of GPS receivers mounted on the buoys. These advancements have significantly enhanced the geodetic and geophysical monitoring capabilities in the area, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of ground deformation patterns within the marine sector of the Campi Flegrei caldera.

The infrastructure is also able to accurately localize seismic events at sea, given the high seismic activity of the area, while simultaneously reducing the detection threshold.

To further improve covered area, we plan to deploy a network of cost-effective and autonomous seafloor instrumented modules, applying the new methodologies developed.

The presentation will cover the main techniques for measuring seafloor deformation, the solutions adopted in the Campi Flegrei region, the findings from nine years of continuous monitoring, and the planned advancements for future research.


How to cite: Guardato, S., Riccio, R., Morelli, R. S., Chierici, F., Caliro, S., Macedonio, G., and Iannaccone, G.: Latest developments in measurement and geodetic monitoring techniques for shallow water volcanic areas subjected to vertical deformation phenomena (application on Campi Flegrei caldera)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18986,, 2025.

EGU25-20727 | Posters on site | NH2.3

Long-term probabilistic hazard assessment posed by gas dispersion at Vulcano island (Aeolian archipelago, Italy)  

Silvia Massaro, Antonio Costa, Domenico Granieri, Manuel stocchi, giovanni macedonio, fabio dioguardi, alejandra guerrero, and arnau folch

Persistently active volcanoes emit gas continuously and may present a long-term hazard depending upon the gas specie, concentration levels and exposure time.

Following the last gas crisis occurred at Vulcano island (Aeolian archipelago, Italy) during 2021-2022, the surveillance activities carried out by the personnel of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica and Vulcanologia of Palermo Branch and the Etnean Observatory, let us to investigate the state of the island's hazard concerning volcanic gases by considering two degassing scenarios for CO2 and SO2 dispersion (background and unrest). To do this, we used the recently released version of VIGIL workflow (1.3.8) able to run automatically passive or gravity-driven gas dispersion simulations using DISGAS (2.6.0) and TWODEE-2 (2.6.0) models, respectively. Both models are interfaced with DIAGNO simulator (1.5.0) that require daily meteorological data.

Our results are based on 1000 simulations using averaged wind profiles from the ECMWF ERA5 database which constitute a representative sample of meteorological variability over the past 30 years (1993-2023). Long-term hazard maps are related to the probabilities of exceedance (PE) at 5% and 10% of the simulated CO2 and SO2 concentration at a height of 1.5 m above the ground (referring to the average height of a person). Persistence maps are built considering different thresholds for human exposure in accordance with the regulations of the European Union and the World Health Organization. Additionally, we present ongoing efforts to address current limitations in the VIGIL workflow, including improvements in handling source uncertainty (location and intensity), a more user-friendly interface, and the integration of a new wind simulator.

How to cite: Massaro, S., Costa, A., Granieri, D., stocchi, M., macedonio, G., dioguardi, F., guerrero, A., and folch, A.: Long-term probabilistic hazard assessment posed by gas dispersion at Vulcano island (Aeolian archipelago, Italy) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20727,, 2025.

In the past decades, the comprehension of major geodynamic processes has mostly been dominated by computational and numerical models, with researchers generally avoiding the usage of analytical methods. The main reason for the latter lies in the fact that geodynamic systems and processes can be very challenging, and sometimes even impossible, to model analytically due to their high complexity and unknown factor. However, with the proper assumptions, the processes can be simplified in a way that analytical approaches can be utilized to model the occurring phenomenon, without compromising accuracy and realism. Overall, a subject that has been studied by various researchers, and as a result a great number of computational models have been proposed in the last two decades, is the development of the Rayleigh-Taylor gravitational instability in the interface between the subducting plate and the flowing mantle. This instability is induced by the density contrast between the two aforementioned layers, and particularly the fact that a denser fluid, in this case the flowing mantle, overlies a lighter fluid, the subducting plate. It has been illustrated that overtime with the development of the instability, characteristic plume-like shapes are formed that enter the hot flowing mantle and at some point even detach completely from the subducting plate. These plumes are then subjected to high, or even ultra high, pressure and temperature conditions making them newly formed metamorphic rocks that at some point in time are likely to get exhumed. The initiation and early development of the above discussed phenomenon was modeled in the present work by using linearised Navier-Stokes equations for two viscous fluids, with different density and viscosity values. From this analytical approach a basic methodology is proposed, capable of estimating the required growth rate of the instability in its early stages and also the critical wavelength, after which the plume is considered to have been fully formed and probably even detached from the plate. Additionally, the introduced function for the amplitude of the instability was correlated with the detachment potential of the plume from the downgoing plate. Furthermore, the proposed model was applied to the subduction setting of the Mediterranean ridge, located south of the island of Crete. Lastly, macroscopic observations from the broader Hellenides region were employed, by mostly examining the existing literature, to ascertain whether any such metamorphic rocks had indeed surfaced, thus confirming their exhumation.  

How to cite: Papadomarkakis, D. and Frousiou, M.-S.: An analytical approach for modeling the initiation and early development of the Rayleigh-Taylor gravitational instability in subduction settings , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-163,, 2025.

EGU25-3791 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.8

Numerical modeling of deformation associated with seamounts subduction.Implications for the seismic cycle. 

Alexis Gauthier, Nadaya Cubas, and Laetitia Le Pourhiet

Subduction zones are frequently affected by the subduction of seamounts (Wessel et al., 2010). Numerous studies have proposed that seamount subduction could significantly influence the seismic cycle of subduction zones (Wang & Bilek, 2014). In recent years, seamounts have been increasingly linked to the induction of fluid overpressures that trigger shallow slow slip events (SSEs) (Saffer & Wallace, 2015), contributing to the aseismic behavior of subduction zones.

However, rigorously establishing a connection between the seismic cycle and seamount subduction remains challenging due to the limited availability of observations. Identifying subducted seamounts is particularly difficult: seismic reflection methods are limited to depths of a few kilometers, while gravimetric techniques rely on inverse modeling, which introduces substantial uncertainties.

In this study, we performed numerical simulations to investigate the deformations associated with multiple seamount subductions in accretionary wedges. Our objective is to improve our understanding of the relationship between seamounts and the seismic cycle by:

  • Determining new structural criteria to better locate seamounts along mega-thrusts, thereby increasing the number of observations of wedges deformed by seamounts.
  • Providing mechanical constraints on the link between the seismic cycle and the subduction of seamounts.

We used the pTatin2d thermo-mechanical code (May et al., 2014, 2015), considering lithospheric flexure and surface processes (Jourdon et al., 2018). Our simulations explored variations in basal friction, seamount size, and lithospheric elastic thickness.

We showed that, contrary to previous thought (Wang & Bilek, 2014; Ruh et al., 2016), seamounts can be cut off during their subduction. This primarily depends on their size, as only smaller seamounts can be cut off. More surprisingly, it also depends on the timing of the seamount's arrival at the deformation front relative to the backthrust-forethrust succession.

The tectonic structures of the wedge are strongly influenced by the deformation mode of the seamount. If it is cut off, the structural inheritances of the wedge are preserved, with slices and basins that reflect past seamount subductions. If it is not cut off, gravitational collapse occurs. Additionally, the structural inheritances are not preserved but deformed during seamount burial. Only the structures associated with the subduction of the most recent seamount remain visible, consisting of a basin, a slice, and mass transport deposits at the surface.

We also investigated the stress state within the wedge. Once cut off, seamounts have no influence on the stress state. On the other hand, non-cut off seamounts induce significant tectonic overpressure landward and underpressure seaward (Ruh et al., 2016). Landward of the seamount, an undeformed sediment zone is identified (Wang et al., 2021). This zone is favorable for fluid burial since it is not drained by faults. Additionally, the horizontal orientation of the principal stresses is also favorable for the buildup of fluid overpressure (Sibson, 1990), which may induce SSE nucleation (Leeman et al., 2018). This study provides mechanical explanations for the observations of shallow SSEs landward of seamounts, as observed at Hikurangi (Bell et al., 2014; Barker et al., 2018;  Todd et al., 2018) and Nankai (Takemura et al., 2023).

How to cite: Gauthier, A., Cubas, N., and Le Pourhiet, L.: Numerical modeling of deformation associated with seamounts subduction.Implications for the seismic cycle., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3791,, 2025.

EGU25-4246 | Posters on site | NH2.8

Brittle behaviour and petrologic change of the subducting oceanic lithosphere 

Marco Scambelluri, Giovanni Toffol, Enrico Cannaò, Donato Belmonte, Nicola Campomenosi, Serena Cacciari, and Giorgio Pennacchioni

Metamorphism causes major changes in the mineralogy and rheology of the lithosphere. However, without coupled deformation and fluid flow, the unaltered lithosphere remains long time stiff and metastable, thus sustaining large differential stresses. This is relevant to subduction of oceanic lithosphere, where fluid presence vs absence affects seismicity and eclogitization. The subduction-zone behavior of hydrated oceanic slabs has been deeply studied in the recent years; differently, the unaltered lithosphere from the inner slab is much less known, though italso hosts earthquakes and its eclogitization can drive the slab pull.

Aim of this contribution is providing field-based evidence of the main structural and metamorphic changes affecting the dry portions of subducting oceanic slabs. The ophiolitic gabbro-peridotite of the Lanzo Massif (W. Alps) largely escaped Alpine subduction metamorphism due to poor oceanic hydration. This made these rocks dry, stiff asperities in the subduction complex, which locally developed pseudotachylytebearing faults and widespread meso- to micro-faulting at intermediate-depth depths. In the field, thin, flat-lying metric faults cause centimetre-scale offsets of gabbro dykes: such faults contain sub micrometric “annealed” ultracataclasite of fresh olivine and pyroxene locally overgrown by secondary chlorite. Cataclastic plagioclase is progressively altered into high-pressure zoisite + paragonite up to become the most intensively eclogitized mineral domain in the studied samples. The fault planes thus developed at dry conditions in the olivine stability field; localized fluid access promoted fault hydration and massive plagioclase replacement by high-pressure assemblages. By means of LA-ICP-MS element trace analyses, we also identified the internal redistribution of fluid-mobile elements. This implies that the subduction zone eclogitization of the slab mantle is triggered by fluid access along pervasive fault discontinuities and reactive minerals. The faulted Lanzo lithospheric mantle can represent slab domains affected by minor slip events and close to areas of faulting and pseudotachylyte formation during major earthquakes.

How to cite: Scambelluri, M., Toffol, G., Cannaò, E., Belmonte, D., Campomenosi, N., Cacciari, S., and Pennacchioni, G.: Brittle behaviour and petrologic change of the subducting oceanic lithosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4246,, 2025.

EGU25-5330 | Posters on site | NH2.8

Lithospheric structure of the Fiordland plutonic block controls the transition from transpression to subduction along the southwestern New Zealand plate boundary 

Donna Eberhart-Phillips, Sandra Bourguignon, Cedric De Meyer, Calum Chamberlain, and Jack Williams

In southwestern Zealandia, the plate boundary transitions from the Puysegur oblique subduction zone to the 600-km long transpressive Alpine Fault and Southern Alps uplift zone.  Utilizing abundant earthquake observations, we construct a 3D seismic velocity model to 130-km depth that demonstrates that the strong lithosphere of the Fiordland block defines the character of deformation along the plate boundary zone.  Highly oblique convergence combined with the relatively-weak young Puysegur slab enables sharp slab bending as it is translated northward around the Fiordland block. 

The Fiordland block contains plutonic rock from the 500-100 Ma Gondwana Cordillera, and its Grebe shear zone is a long-lived boundary, with a geochemically indicated Precambrian lithospheric keel underlying the Eastern Domain.  The Grebe shear zone is imaged as a boundary to 80-km depth, with Eastern Domain lithosphere abutting the deeper Australian slab, where it bends to vertical below 75-km depth.  Western Fiordland Orthogneiss lower crust, uplifted in the Miocene along reactivated shear zones, is imaged as a rigid/strong high-velocity feature pushed up above the 30-70-km depth Australian slab. In the crust, seismicity is distributed from the offshore Alpine Fault to eastern Fiordland, with partitioning along various structures including reactivated shear zones.

In southernmost Fiordland, south of Dusky Sound, the Puysegur slab maintains its moderately dipping subduction continuous with its offshore extent, and the overlying Pacific plate shows moderate seismic velocity material with the deep keel located further east than the slab.  In northern Fiordland, the impacting Pacific lithospheric base has an additional strong component, with Cretaceous underplated Hikurangi igneous plateau. This collision further steepens the young Australian slab which exhibits abundant deep seismicity 70-150-km depth. Overlying the deep vertical slab, our model suggests crustal thickening between the George Sound and Indecision Creek shear zones with exhumed high-velocity orthogneiss (Vp~6.5 km/s) overlying mid-crustal Vp of ~6.0 km/s.

How to cite: Eberhart-Phillips, D., Bourguignon, S., De Meyer, C., Chamberlain, C., and Williams, J.: Lithospheric structure of the Fiordland plutonic block controls the transition from transpression to subduction along the southwestern New Zealand plate boundary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5330,, 2025.

EGU25-8755 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.8

New Geochronological Results from Glaucophane bearing Metabasalts and Metadacites from the Nan - Uttaradit mafic-ultramafic complex, NE-Thailand 

Pornchanit Sawasdee, Christoph A. Hauzenberger, John E. Booth, Etienne Skrzypek, Daniela Gallhofer, and Zsolt Benko

The Nan – Uttaradit mafic-ultramafic complex, associated with which are two outcrops of epidote blueschists, forms the linear core of the Nan back-arc basin. We have also found, as float, higher grade blue amphibole – garnet gneisses and white mica – garnet schists, from which we report newly obtained U-Pb zircon and allanite protolith ages, with K/Ar metamorphic ages from phengitic white micas.

The two outcrops of epidote blueschists are some 130 km apart; in the stream Huai Sak, 20 km east of Nan Noi town, and along a mountain ridge just north of highway 102, some 15 km west of Uttaradit city. The gneiss float samples were found in the stream Huai Phi Rong, 1 km east of Huai Sak, and on point bars of the Wa river east of Mae Charim town.

The blueschists, commonly retrogressed to greenschists, have the mineral assemblage Gln/Rbk/Act – Ep – Chl – Ph – Ab – Qz ± Ttn ± Rt ± Ilm ± Hem. Whole-rock geochemistry points towards basic igneous protoliths of tholeiitic affinity. The gneisses are coarse grained, with garnets up to 1 cm diameter. They have mineral assemblages Grt + Gln/Rbk/Win + Ep + Ph + Chl + Qz ± Stp ± Ap ± Ttn ± Rt ± Zrc. Geochemistry indicates dacite to andesite protoliths of calc-alkaline affinity.

Zircons large enough to analyse have been found only in the gneisses and garnet – white mica schists. They are euhedral to subhedral grains, 30 to 100 μm in length, with magmatic oscillatory zoning. U–Pb isotopic compositions of zircons from 11 samples were obtained using LA-(MC)ICP-MS. There are no indications of metamorphic rims, with all ages in the range 330 to 310 Ma. One sample also contained an older cluster around 360 Ma. Allanite, of magmatic origin, occurs in metabasites and gneisses as euhedral to subhedral grains, 100 to 400 μm in length, some with metamict cores and patchy zoning. U-Pb analysis by LA-MC- ICP-MS constrains their ages to 340 – 320 Ma, in good agreement with the zircon dates.

To determine the age of the HPLT event that affected these rocks, white micas and amphiboles were separated from five samples for K/Ar dating. Mineral inhomogeneity means that no reliable ages were obtained from the amphiboles, which will now be dated using the Ar/Ar method. However, two phengitic white mica samples gave consistent ages of ~327 and ~317 Ma.

It is concluded that subduction of the Nan basin was ongoing by the mid Carboniferous, with some igneous rocks being subducted very soon after emplacement. Further, if the Nan basin is indeed a back arc basin formed by rifting off the Sukhothai terrane from Indochina, then the precursor volcanic arc must have been formed at least in the Early Carboniferous and more likely in the Late Devonian. It is notable that the subduction of the Nan basin began at least some 100 my before the first recognized events of the Indosinian orogeny, which occurred around the end of the Middle Triassic.

How to cite: Sawasdee, P., Hauzenberger, C. A., Booth, J. E., Skrzypek, E., Gallhofer, D., and Benko, Z.: New Geochronological Results from Glaucophane bearing Metabasalts and Metadacites from the Nan - Uttaradit mafic-ultramafic complex, NE-Thailand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8755,, 2025.

The Nankai subduction zone in Southwest Japan is vulnerable to megathrust earthquakes posing a significant risk to the infrastructure and population it accommodates. This region has gained recent interest after the Hyuga-nada earthquake on 8th August 2024, because a megathrust earthquake, which has not occurred for the last 80 years despite its cycle known as 100 – 150 years, can be triggered by the event. Understanding earthquake mechanisms can mitigate the potential damage. The frictional condition at the plate interface is one of the key factors in estimating the location and magnitude of the potential megathrust earthquake. A previous study used numerical modelling that includes frictional heat to find the best apparent friction coefficient (μ') to explain the observed seafloor heat flow. However, hydrothermal circulation (HC) was not considered in this previous model although it significantly affects the thermal structure and the seafloor heat flow by redistributing heat energy. Therefore, we conducted numerical modelling that includes HC to find μ' values for the two subduction zones known for high risks of potential megathrust earthquakes – the Nankai and Tohoku (Northeast Japan) subduction zones. The results show that a wide range of μ' (0.00 – 0.30 and 0.00 – 0.12 for the Nankai and Tohoku subduction zones, respectively) can explain the observed seafloor heat flow depending on the vigour and extent of HC. This indicates that μ' cannot be constrained using heat flow observations before the evolution of the aquifer permeability is understood. Here, we suggest that the age of the oceanic crust and bending-induced faulting play a crucial role in the evolution of the aquifer permeability, resulting in a slowly decreasing permeability. Therefore, to better understand the frictional condition within a subduction zone, various fields of research – magnetic and seismological surveys, field and laboratory measurements, etc. – should work together as well as computational modelling.

How to cite: Han, D., Lee, C., and Nichols, C.: Importance of understanding the evolution of crustal permeability for the apparent friction coefficients in Japanese subduction zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8793,, 2025.

EGU25-9520 | ECS | Orals | NH2.8

Arc migration driven by subduction dynamics: a possible origin for the Chon Aike magmatic province 

Jorge Sanhueza-Soto, Joaquín Bastias-Silva, and Jesús Muñoz-Montecinos

The spatial-temporal evolution of volcanic arcs provides valuable insights into the deep melting processes occurring in the mantle wedge. The dehydration of the subducting slab is key because these fluids directly affect the melting temperatures of the mantle wedge. Fluids in this region (partial melts and released fluids from the slab) migrate to the corner of the wedge, where pressure/temperature conditions are optimal for magma production. Changes in the locus of the volcanic arc can be thus related to the position or changes in the physicochemical properties of the mantle wedge at depths, which is drastically dependent on subduction dynamics in time. The dip of the subducting slab is one of the key factors affecting the relative location of the mantle wedge, which can migrate the volcanic arc several hundreds of kilometers into the continent during flat slabs periods. However, the transition to a normal subduction angle or even processes such as slab break-off will migrate the mantle wedge, and the volcanic arc, to the trench and potentially generating large magmatic provinces in the lifespan of an active margin.

The scope of this preliminary study is to track the location of the magmatic arc in time driven by different subduction styles (e.g., low/high angle subduction, slab break-off) and the generation of magmatic provinces in the continent. We conducted a series of 2D geodynamics models using the code I2ELVIS feeded with ad hoc thermodynamic pseudosection modelling with the Perple_X software, to reproduce different subduction angles and the transition between them. The timings and mechanisms of the arc migration is applied to the well-documented exposure of Jurassic igneous rocks along the Antarctic Peninsula and Patagonia in the Chon Aike magmatic province. Recent debate postulates an active margin origin of these rocks, which is supported by geochemical signatures of typical slab-dehydration reactions and a mixed magmatic source that resided in the continental crust. Even though, the subduction dynamics are not constrained, the location and age of these rocks suggest several episodes of arc migration during the Jurassic, making this an exceptional study case to understanding the mechanisms of arc migration and the role of subduction dynamics.

Preliminary results of our modelling tracked the position of the mantle wedge by the presence of partial melts and the maximum depth of dehydration of the subducting slab. Explored scenarios consisted on periods of flat slab subduction triggered by the subduction of aseismic ridges and the return to a normal subduction. During the flat slab period, we also tested the generation of slab break-off, which induced local mantle upwelling and melting. Finally, we expect to reproduce the magmatic history of Antarctic Peninsula and Patagonia in the Jurassic to support the active margin hypothesis for the generation of the Chon Aike magmatic province.

How to cite: Sanhueza-Soto, J., Bastias-Silva, J., and Muñoz-Montecinos, J.: Arc migration driven by subduction dynamics: a possible origin for the Chon Aike magmatic province, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9520,, 2025.

EGU25-11648 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.8

Numerical simulations of gravitational perturbations due to pre-seismic deep slab deformations before the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku earthquake 

Rajesh Parla, Isabelle Panet, Hom Nath Gharti, Roland Martin, Dominique Remy, and Bastien Plazolles

The numerical simulation of gravity perturbations associated with deep slab deformations during the seismic cycle of great subduction earthquakes remains a significant challenge. This study presents a novel approach for simulating gravity anomalies induced by short-term slab deformations using the Spectral-Infinite-Element (SIE) method, implemented in the SPECFEM-X tool. Geodynamic models involving different fault settings are developed within a realistic 3D earth structure. The simulation includes a layer of infinite boundary elements surrounding the models in order to mimic a semi-infinite extent of the domain. Sensitivity analyses are carried out to assess the influence of the fault slip parameters (magnitude, mechanism, and location) as well as the density and velocity structure. The approach is first validated through synthetic benchmarks and then applied to a real-world scenario of the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku earthquake. For this case, we design a 3D Earth model, incorporating a realistic Pacific slab in the region of the earthquake, and calculate the gravity anomalies induced by a sudden episode of slab extension, which is hypothesized to have occurred months before the rupture. The modelled gravity changes due to these pre-seismic deformations are compared with GRACE satellite gravity observations. This work highlights the importance of numerical simulations in satellite gravimetry and geodesy, offering new insights into the deformation processes that may result in gravity anomalies during the seismic cycle.

How to cite: Parla, R., Panet, I., Gharti, H. N., Martin, R., Remy, D., and Plazolles, B.: Numerical simulations of gravitational perturbations due to pre-seismic deep slab deformations before the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11648,, 2025.

EGU25-12332 | ECS | Posters on site | NH2.8

Spatial extent of deep slab slicing events: Insights from the Phyllite-Quartzite paleo-accretionary complex (SE-Peloponnese and Kythira, Greece) 

Maïlys Bouhot, Armel Menant, Clément Ganino, Samuel Angiboust, Onno Oncken, Damien Deldicque, Laurent Jolivet, and Nikolaos Skarpelis

The massive transfer of material at depth significantly influences the long-term morphology of active subduction zones. However, the process of basal accretion (or tectonic underplating), when active, remains challenging to observe directly, due to the low resolution of geophysical imaging at high depth and the lack of spatial and temporal constraints on its tectonic and topographic signature in fore-arc domains. To tackle this issue, we aim at constraining the size of accreted tectonic slices that were stacked at high pressure/low temperature (HP/LT) conditions to build an accretionary complex.

To provide such constraints, we carried out a multidisciplinary study on the now-exhumed Phyllite Quartzite paleo-accretionary complex dated to the Oligo-Miocene, which crops out discontinuously along the active Hellenic subduction zone (Greece). This natural laboratory represents a key site for studying deep accretion processes as it remains in a fore-arc position and has not undergone a strong overprinting by later tectonic events.

A petro-structural study was therefore undertaken to identify the different sub-units of the Phyllite Quartzite complex. Detailed mapping of Kythira and southeastern Peloponnese, combined with structural measurements, petrological observations, Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material, and thermobarometric modeling, revealed several tectono-metamorphic sub-units forming this nappe stack. These units are distinguished by their petrological characteristics, the orientation of finite deformation markers, and their pressure-temperature history.

The results highlight two HP/LT sub-units in southeastern Peloponnese, which are also likely present on the island of Kythira, where one or two additional sub-units have been identified. These sub-units exhibit a distinct metamorphic evolution characterized by an increasing peak temperature from the base to the top of the HP/LT nappe stack. These observations suggest that the Phyllite-Quartzite paleo-accretionary complex was formed through a minimum of three successive episodes of basal accretion in this area. To better constrain the geometry of these units, spatial correlations with the neighboring regions where the nappe stack crops out are proposed, providing a minimum estimate of the size of the HP/LT units. The slices are estimated to measure tens of kilometers by hundreds of kilometers in the trench-perpendicular and trench-parallel directions, respectively. This study thus represents a first key step for constraining the characteristic size and the dynamics of tectonic underplating, which may still be active along the Hellenic margin and is observed in many active subduction zones worldwide.

How to cite: Bouhot, M., Menant, A., Ganino, C., Angiboust, S., Oncken, O., Deldicque, D., Jolivet, L., and Skarpelis, N.: Spatial extent of deep slab slicing events: Insights from the Phyllite-Quartzite paleo-accretionary complex (SE-Peloponnese and Kythira, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12332,, 2025.

EGU25-12831 | Orals | NH2.8

Fault rheology near the downdip limit of the seismogenic zone: new insights from microstructural and geochemical studies in fault cores from the Kodiak Central Belt, Alaska 

Hugues Raimbourg, Kristijan Rajič, Vincent Famin, Donald M. Fisher, Kristin Morell, and Ida Di Carlo

Geophysical evidence of high fluid pressures and the presence of fluidized microstructures provide two independent arguments supporting the existence of fluid-like materials within the core of slipping fault zones of the crust. The nature of these materials varies depending on the specific case, including H2O-rich fluid, ultra-comminuted rock, and melt formed after frictional slip. The persistence of such fluid-like materials over several episodes of slip is questionable, because high fluid pressures may decrease after slip and associated host-rock damage, while frictional melts solidify almost instantaneously.

To shed light on this issue, we investigated several fault zones from the Kodiak Central Belt, Alaska, which were active under peak metamorphic conditions (3.0 ± 0.4 kbar, 320 ± 20 °C). At outcrop scale, these faults cut across metamorphosed turbidites and extend for tens of meters, with fault cores up to 5 cm of thickness. Their kinematics indicate a top-to-the-SE motion, consistent with the main deformation stage in the Kodiak Central Belt. Injections of the core material into dm-long cracks in the host rock, perpendicular to the main slip plane, are locally present.

At thin section-scale, the fault cores show a multilayered structure, indicative of multiple slip events. The microstructures of these layers are variable, including cataclasites with clasts of various size surrounded by a quartz-rich cement, as well as quartz or calcite veins. The fault slip surfaces, within layers dominated by quartz, are underlined by aligned micrometric chlorite and titanium-rich inclusions.

The cement is to a large extent composed of idiomorphic quartz crystals that exhibit successive growth increments, highlighted by rims of micrometric chlorite inclusions. These chlorite inclusions share the same composition as the larger grains forming the metamorphic foliation of the host rock. The growth history of idiomorphic quartz crystals is further revealed by sharp variations in the concentration in Al, accompanied by corresponding changes in cathodoluminescence intensity. Most crystals display isotropic growth microstructures, indicating that the crystal growth occurred without steric constraints or application of a significant deviatoric stresses. Additionally, crack-seal microstructures formed in a dilatation jog along a microfault slip plane show similarly cyclical variations in Al content of the quartz cement.

These microstructures indicate that quartz crystal growth spanned multiple slip events and occurred under variable physico-chemical conditions, which influenced the differential incorporation of Al and solid inclusions into the quartz. The geometry of the growth microstructures suggests that the density and viscosity of the fluid were sufficiently high to prevent the crystals from settling down by gravity during their growth. Based on these observations, we propose that the fault core remained predominantly in a fluid state over multiple slip cycles, with viscosity variations resulting primarily from the progressive growth of crystals within the fluid. This mechanical behavior, characterized by persistently low viscosity, may correspond to the sequence of repeated slow-slip events observed in subduction zones.

How to cite: Raimbourg, H., Rajič, K., Famin, V., Fisher, D. M., Morell, K., and Di Carlo, I.: Fault rheology near the downdip limit of the seismogenic zone: new insights from microstructural and geochemical studies in fault cores from the Kodiak Central Belt, Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12831,, 2025.

EGU25-13515 | Posters on site | NH2.8

XRF Core Scanning Based Chemostratigraphic Correlation for Paleoseismology in the Central Japan Trench 

Jyh-Jaan Steven Huang, Jun-Ting Lin, Ken Ikehara, and Michael Strasser

Megathrust earthquakes in subduction zones, such as the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku-oki earthquake, are rare but pose significant threats to society. Their long recurrence intervals and limited historical records make reconstructing recurrence models challenging. The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 386 addressed this by recovering over 800 meters of sediment cores from 11 trench-fill basins along the Japan Trench, providing a unique opportunity to extend paleo-earthquake records. Despite this, achieving reliable spatiotemporal correlations of event deposits remains a complex task. Here we show that high-resolution chemostratigraphic correlations using X-ray Fluorescence Core Scanning (XRF-CS), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Cluster Analysis (CA) effectively link event deposits across cores M0083D and M0089D in the northern basin and M0090D in the southern basin of the central Japan Trench. We identify eight event deposits in the northern basin, characterized by higher Ca and Sr with upward-decreasing trends, or elevated Si, Rb, and K without such trends, indicating distinct compositional differences and depositional processes of the turbidity currents. Across basins, M0090D deposits exhibit consistent clustering with M0089D but differ in internal structures and elemental trends, suggesting spatially similar sediment sources but varying erosion and transport mechanisms. Temporal chemical variations further suggest surficial sediment remobilization, rather than landslides, as the dominant trigger for turbidity currents, as it transports slope material that evolves compositionally over time. This insight reinforces the reliability of chemostratigraphy for event-stratigraphic correlation. Moreover, the spatial distribution of event deposits further highlights potential rupture areas and turbidity current pathways. Southward thinning of high Si, Rb, and K deposits suggests a northern source, while thicker Ca and Sr deposits in the southern core may imply a southern rupture zone. These findings establish a robust chemostratigraphic framework, enhancing our understanding of paleo-earthquake dynamics along the Japan Trench. The approach provides a valuable tool for reconstructing earthquake histories in other subduction zones, contributing to global paleoseismology research.

How to cite: Huang, J.-J. S., Lin, J.-T., Ikehara, K., and Strasser, M.: XRF Core Scanning Based Chemostratigraphic Correlation for Paleoseismology in the Central Japan Trench, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13515,, 2025.

Slow slip events (SSEs) are the slowest type of discrete slip within the full spectrum of fault-slip behaviors and have been confirmed by both geodetic (e.g., Dragert et al., 2001) and laboratory data (e.g., Ikari, 2019). They have attracted considerable attention due to their mutual interaction with earthquake processes, and multiple approaches have been employed to investigate different aspects of SSEs. Here, we present a study that combines laboratory friction experiments and numerical modeling to explore the mechanisms of SSEs observed through geodetic and borehole data.

We conducted velocity-stepping friction experiments on intact core samples retrieved from the major reverse fault zones of the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan. These experiments were performed under both in-situ effective stress conditions and at 10 MPa, with slip velocities ranging from 1.6 nm/s (plate tectonic driving rates) to 30 μm/s. Our results reveal that fault zone samples transition from velocity-weakening to velocity-strengthening behavior as slip velocities increase, and some rate-and-state friction (RSF) parameters exhibit a dependence on sliding velocity. Numerical models (Zhang and Ikari, 2024) using velocity-dependent RSF parameters, constrained by our experimental data, successfully replicate SSEs comparable to those observed in the Nankai Trough (Araki et al., 2017; Yokota and Ishikawa, 2020) by assuming fault patches at depth ranges and sizes consistent with observational data. In contrast, models based on non-transitional frictional behavior (constant RSF parameters) or near-neutral stability (constant RSF parameters with extremely small velocity weakening) generate slip events that are several orders of magnitude faster than observed SSEs. We therefore propose that the transitional frictional behavior with increasing slip velocity is a key mechanism of shallow SSEs in the Nankai Trough.

Our study demonstrates that laboratory data obtained from centimeter-scale samples can be used to predict the frictional behavior of real faults on the scale of tens of kilometers. By integrating methodologies from multiple disciplines, we can achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics governing fault slip behavior.

How to cite: Zhang, J. and Ikari, M.: Laboratory Friction Experiments and Modeling Reveal the Mechanism of Shallow Slow Slip Events Observed in the Nankai Trough, Southwest Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13950,, 2025.

EGU25-17027 | Posters on site | NH2.8

Diatom and radiolarian biostratigraphy in the vicinity of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake source fault: IODP Hole 343-C0019E of JFAST 

Masao Iwai, Isao Motoyama, Weiren Lin, Reishi Takashima, Yasuhiro Yamada, Minori Hagino, and Nobuhisa Eguchi

The frontal prism in the Japan Trench on the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (Mw 9.0, March 11, 2011) rupture zone had been drilled during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expeditions 343 and 343T. We investigated fossil diatoms and to determine age constraints on the cored sediments and reveal the behavior of sediment deformation history. Although diatoms and radiolarians abundances are varied in samples from common to rare with poor to moderate preservation in studied sediments, general biostratigraphic schemes in the North Pacific are applicable and well constrain the age of those sediments, except samples from fault clay in which fossils were barren. These results suggest that there are three large stratigraphic gaps at ~830 mbsf between the Cretaceous chert and the upper Miocene pelagic clay, at ~820 mbsf between the upper Miocene and the Pliocene-Quaternary, and at ~670 mbsf between the upper Miocene and the Pliocene-Quaternary. The former likely represents a hiatus or unconformity derived by tectonic erosion just above the incoming Pacific Plate, and the latter two correspond to an injection of material above the plate boundary fault due to increasing of volcanic activity in the NE Japan arc after 8 Ma. The Upper Miocene pelagic sequence below the plate boundary décollement comprises reversed stratigraphy, suggesting deformation by thrusting, slumping, folding etc.

How to cite: Iwai, M., Motoyama, I., Lin, W., Takashima, R., Yamada, Y., Hagino, M., and Eguchi, N.: Diatom and radiolarian biostratigraphy in the vicinity of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake source fault: IODP Hole 343-C0019E of JFAST, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17027,, 2025.

EGU25-17113 | ECS | Orals | NH2.8

Syn-collisional exhumation of eclogites at the E margin of the Adula nappe (San Bernardino pass area, S Switzerland) 

Chiara Montemagni, Riccardo Monti, Nadia Malaspina, Paola Vannucchi, and Stefano Zanchetta

The Adula nappe in the Central Alps is composed of metamorphic rocks, primarily orthogneiss of pre-Permian magmatic age and paragneiss. Ultramafic and mafic (U)HP lenses are preserved in the structurally upper portions of the unit, as well as within the Cima Lunga subunit.

The Adula nappe is sandwiched between non-eclogitic Sub-Penninic nappes derived from the distal European margin below and non-eclogitic Middle Penninic nappes (Tambò and Suretta) derived from the pre-Permian basement and Mesozoic cover of the Briançonnais terrane above. The tectonic contact between the Adula and Tambò nappes occurs along a complex shear zone (Pescion and Misox zones), comprising tectonic slices of Adula-derived gneisses, dolomitic marbles, cargneule, micaschists, calcschists, and greenschists. NNW-directed nappe stacking of the Adula, Tambò, and Suretta units occurred with pervasive mylonitic shearing, evidenced by penetrative NNW stretching lineations across all units.

The current structural frame and the metamorphic gap between the (U)HP Adula nappe and the eclogite-free Tambò and Suretta nappes require a normal-sense shear zone. This shear zone facilitated the exhumation of the Adula nappe, accommodating the pressure gap between the Adula and overlying units during the tectonic evolution of the Central Alps.

We documented the occurrence of this shear zone between the top of the Adula nappe and the bottom of the Misox zone in the San Bernardino Pass area (Switzerland). The zone is primarily developed within orthogneisses of the Adula nappe and eclogite-hosting paragneiss layers at its upper boundary. Here, the NNW stretching lineation (quartz + white mica + biotite) is overprinted by a NE- to SE-directed secondary lineation, marked by quartz + white mica, in the orthogneiss, associated with top-to-E shear. Structural analysis reveals that the mylonitic lineation (omphacite ± quartz)  in eclogitic boudins is consistently rotated relative to the host rock, suggesting that eclogitic blocks underwent relative rotation during shearing, and that their mylonitic foliation predates the top-to-E shearing.

The metamorphic peak conditions of the eclogites (omphacite + garnet + phengite + clinozoisite + kyanite + Na-amphibole) are constrained at ~2.0–2.1 GPa and 520–645 °C.  Syn-kinematic phengite along the foliation dated through the 40Ar/39Ar method yielded ages of 37–39 Ma. Across the mylonitic orthogneiss of the shear zone, 40Ar/39Ar ages show an eastward younging trend from ~37 Ma at the base to ~29 Ma at the top (eclogite-bearing zone). This progression is consistent with top-to-E normal shearing initiated shortly after the HP metamorphic conditions recorded by the eclogite lenses.

How to cite: Montemagni, C., Monti, R., Malaspina, N., Vannucchi, P., and Zanchetta, S.: Syn-collisional exhumation of eclogites at the E margin of the Adula nappe (San Bernardino pass area, S Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17113,, 2025.

We analyze the evolution of the interplate earthquake rate along the Japan Trench following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Nearly 14 years of aftershock activity allows to constrain with good accuracy how the rate relaxes after an initial jump, and how this relaxation depends on location, and most notably on depth. We find that specific intermediate depth areas display very little relaxation, i.e., that the rate of earthquake post-2011 stays constant at an elevated rate throughout the >10 years. This behaviour is specific to small, isolated areas, that tend to host repeating earthquakes, and that are located within the (large) GPS-inverted afterslip zone. The relaxation is found to be faster, tending to a classical Omori-like type, when averaging over larger areas. Our observations suggest that (1) afterslip kinematics following the 2011 megathrust is highly spatially dependent (showing significant variability at the kilometric scale), (2) that the usually accepted 1/t afterslip relaxation is only valid when averaged over large areas, (3) that the relaxation can be very slow in areas characterized by small, isolated asperities, in the transition zone between the locked updip fault and the deeper fault where no interplate activity is observed. This overall trend can be seen as caused by the stress-‘screening’ of rapidly healing asperities at shallow depth that cause the post-seismic deformation to quickly relax, while the slip rate / deformation remains nearly stationnary when moving away from these asperities.

How to cite: Marsan, D. and Gardonio, B.: Aftershock activity following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake suggests near-stationnary afterslip rate at depth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17524,, 2025.

EGU25-18629 | ECS | Orals | NH2.8

Identifying tsunamigenic megathrust events in the Japan Trench through sedimentary biomarkers 

Piero Bellanova, Sara Trotta, Morgane Brunet, Natascha Riedinger, Christian März, Troy Rasbury, Martin Koelling, Rui Bao, Min Luo, Michael Strasser, Ken Ikehara, and Klaus Reicherter

The 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake highlighted substantial deficiencies in our understanding and an underestimation of the hazard potential of megathrust earthquakes and their cascading effects, including tsunamis. Offshore deep-sea paleoseismology evolved from the need to better understand mechanisms and depositional processes within megathrust subduction zones. The examination of sedimentary records has demonstrated effectiveness in reconstructing complex historical seismic events resulting in multi-pulse depositional sequences. However, reliably identifying individual turbidite sequences and delineating precise boundaries of distinct events remains challenging. This is especially true for the upper limit of turbidite-homogenite sequences where the contact between the homogenite and the background sedimentation is gradual and visually not detectable. Advances in organic geochemistry (e.g., high-resolution GC-MS and lower detection limits) can overcome and push such limitations. Organic sedimentary biomarkers, such as n-alkanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and fatty acids, serve as robust proxies for identifying allochthonous, earthquake-related strata and differentiating them from (hemi-)pelagic deposits. The high source-specificity of sedimentary biomarkers allows for obtaining sediment provenance information and the reconstruction of transport processes and depositional history.

In the Japan Trench, hadal seismic sediments result from turbidity currents transferring substantial amounts of material from shallow marine and coastal regions (e.g., tsunami backwash) into deep hadal basins. Initial sedimentary biomarker results from n-alkanes, steranes, and hopanes present a distinct marine signature from planktonic sources for the background sediments. However, turbidites and homogenite deposits linked to seismic events present increases in terrigenous signals, suggesting input of remobilized material from shallower marine environments or through a tsunami backwash.

This study highlights the application of organic sedimentary biomarkers as proxies to identify, characterize, and reconstruct past megathrust earthquakes (MW≥9) in the Japan Trench. By bridging current knowledge gaps, this approach advances seismic hazard assessment and supports the future development of improved mitigation strategies through an enhanced understanding of paleoseismological records.

How to cite: Bellanova, P., Trotta, S., Brunet, M., Riedinger, N., März, C., Rasbury, T., Koelling, M., Bao, R., Luo, M., Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., and Reicherter, K.: Identifying tsunamigenic megathrust events in the Japan Trench through sedimentary biomarkers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18629,, 2025.

EGU25-18778 | Orals | NH2.8

Transient creep in subduction zones explained by reaction-induced rheological switches 

Mathieu Soret, Jorge Jara, Julien Gasc, Giuseppe Costantino, Nadaya Cubas, Alexandre Schubnel, Harsha Bhat, and Romain Jolivet

Despite extensive research over the years, the weakening mechanisms that govern strain localization along deep subduction interfaces are still debated. These mechanisms span from the downdip boundary of the seismogenic zone (350°C) to the mechanical coupling transition with the upper plate mantle near sub-arc depths (>600°C). Current thermo–mechanical models posit that rock rheology is primarily stress- and rate-temperature-sensitive in the absence of mineral reactions. Strain is accommodated by stable creep, within several km-thick shear zones and at very low strain rates (< 10-11 s-1). However, geophysical observations of active subduction zones have outlined, over the last two decades, that deep plate interfaces are likely to be dominated by unstable creep characterized by episodic events of aseismic slips (“slow slip events”) occurring at relatively high strain rates (> 10-7 s-1). Meanwhile, geological (i.e. petro-structural) observations of deep subduction interfaces have shown that strain is generally localized within < 10–100’s m-thick shear zones. These shear zones are also known to concentrate metamorphic reactions and episodic fluid flow that have both significant influence on the rock strength. Yet, quantifying the effects of these chemo–mechanical transformations on the transient aseismic slips of deep plate interfaces remains hindered by the complexity of integrating geophysical and geological observations and the general lack of high-pressure deformation experiments.


Drawing on novel deformation experiments conducted at 2 GPa (eclogite-facies conditions) using a new generation Griggs-type apparatus, we reveal that unstable creep can be steered by local transient changes of rheology from dislocation creep to dissolution–precipitation creep (DPC) during mineral reactions. These changes of rheology can cause rock weakening by several orders of magnitude if intergranular fluid transfer is efficient. Such a weakening is a transient process since reaction rates tend to be intermittent / episodic at great depths. Moreover, we show that fluid concentration during viscous strain localization promotes extensive fracturing that may correspond to tremors (i.e., low frequency earthquakes) observed during slow slip events. Indeed, thermodynamic modeling of mafic and sedimentary rocks along pressure/temperature (P/T) gradients of active subduction zones worldwide reveals that slow slip events and tremors preferentially occur in horizons undergoing major dehydration reactions, and thus potential transient changes in rock rheology.

How to cite: Soret, M., Jara, J., Gasc, J., Costantino, G., Cubas, N., Schubnel, A., Bhat, H., and Jolivet, R.: Transient creep in subduction zones explained by reaction-induced rheological switches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18778,, 2025.

EGU25-19185 | Orals | NH2.8

  Loading rate changes following megathrust earthquakes explored with viscoelastic models  

Anne Socquet, Juliette Cresseaux, bertrand lovery, and mathilde radiguet

Viscoelastic relaxation following large subduction earthquakes is known to last from years to decades , and affect the interseismic loading rate up to hundreds of kilometers in the trench perpendicular direction. Post seismic relaxation also generates a rotation pattern close to the edges of the ruptured asperity. Recently, several observations reported an accelerated loading rate coeval with megathrust ruptures, at along-trench distances from the epicenter of hundreds of kilometers.


Proposed models involved so far viscoelastic relaxation in the mantle wedge and the oceanic mantle, as well as a weak oceanic LAB layer. However those models often fail to explain simultaneously the amplitude and the spatio-temporal patterns of the observations.

Here we perform 3D viscoelastic models of post seismic relaxation and explore various structural and rheological settings in order to test the mechanisms responsible for the complex loading variations observed. These involve a Burgers rheology, a contrast of viscosity between the continental and the oceanic mantles, a weak LAB, and a low viscosity layer atop the slab.

The pertinence of these different models is discussed against the fit to observations done after several earthquakes along the Chile-Peru subduction, in order to assess the importance of the different mechanisms.

How to cite: Socquet, A., Cresseaux, J., lovery, B., and radiguet, M.:   Loading rate changes following megathrust earthquakes explored with viscoelastic models , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19185,, 2025.

NH3 – Landslide and Snow Avalanche Hazards

Due to the unpredictable nature of debris flows, it is difficult to systematically establish a long-term debris-flow observation dataset. Since the 1960s, the Dongchuan Debris Flow Observation and Research Station (DDFORS) at Jiangjia Ravine was established. Field observation and research on the initiation, transportation, and accumulation of debris flow have been carried out, and a debris-flow database has been established. These sixty years of observations provide a solid foundation for exploring the dynamics and mechanisms of debris flows. Based on the observation data of debris flows, the sources of flow resistance during the natural debris-flow process were investigated. A visco-collisional resistance model was developed. The model indicates that, for surge flows, fluid viscous effects play a more significant role than solid particle interactions. However, for continuous flows, inertial collisions between particles dominate over fluid viscous effects. In addition, based on simple hydraulic jump equations, the eroded deposition depth of surge flows is quantified. For surge flows with erosion-deposition propagation, significant downward erosion potential is confirmed. The total momentum of surge flow not only originates from the apparent surge front, but also includes the momentum within the eroded deposition layer. The revealed erosion pattern and hidden momentum in debris-flow surges may improve the reliability of debris-flow risk assessment. This long-term field observation dataset will be open to the public by early 2025.

How to cite: Song, D., Wei, L., Zhong, W., and Li, X.: Long-term field observation dataset and key findings of the dynamic characteristics of debris flows in Jiangjia Ravine, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-128,, 2025.

EGU25-564 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Measurement protocol proposal for the rheological characterization of volcanic sediment suspensions 

Carla Gisela Tranquilino Espinoza, Fabio Dioguardi, Pierfrancesco Dellino, Luigi Gentile, Lizeth Caballero, Damiano Sarocchi, and Maria Lacalamita

The study of the rheological behavior of sediment suspensions is one of the most important tools for understanding the fundamental physical processes that occur between the interaction of particles and the homogeneous fluid. As lahars are natural flows that occur along the slopes of volcanoes and consist of large blocks of sediment supported by a matrix of fine sediment suspended in water, their behavior can be studied from their rheological characterization. Most of the stresses are distributed mainly within the fine matrix, due to its abundance in the flow and its capacity to support the large blocks.

This work proposes an appropriate measurement protocol for the rheological characterization of fine sediment suspensions of volcanic origin (also known as lahar matrix) from a small-scale concentric cylinder geometry, which achieves the necessary physical conditions to establish a laminar and steady flow within a homogeneous suspension and without a slippage phenomenon. This protocol was carried out using an M702e Anton Paar rheometer. The proposed protocol consisted of a staircase function testing a measurement range between and  with a homogenization step between each measurement step.

Different measurement times were tested according to the maximum sediment settling time in a virtual sample column of homogeneous particle suspension. The settling time was calculated from the shape-dependent drag formula of Dioguardi et al. (2018), which includes a wide range of fluid dynamics regimes and not only perfectly spherical sediments.

The apparent viscosity curves obtained from this protocol show its dependence on shear rate, exhibiting an inverse exponential relationship with increasing shear rate. A Herschel-Bulkley type behavior is proposed as a preliminary rheological model.

How to cite: Tranquilino Espinoza, C. G., Dioguardi, F., Dellino, P., Gentile, L., Caballero, L., Sarocchi, D., and Lacalamita, M.: Measurement protocol proposal for the rheological characterization of volcanic sediment suspensions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-564,, 2025.

EGU25-910 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Moisture Effects on Shear Strength and Slope Stability: Volcanic Ash Deposits from Sarno, Campanian Volcanism Region, Italy 

Letizia Pace, Domenico Capolongo, Giovanna Capparelli, Pierfrancesco Dellino, Fabio Dioguardi, Luigi Gentile, and Roberto Sulpizio

Volcanic debris flows are large-scale, gravity-induced mass movements involving mixtures of water, mud, and volcanic sediments. These phenomena are among the most hazardous in volcanic regions, characterized by high impact forces, extended runout distances, rapid velocities, and unpredictable timing. The stability of a slope depends on the balance between driving forces (shear stress) acting parallel to the surface and resisting forces (shear strength), strictly connected to the particle size distribution, bulk density, degree of aggregation, and organic matter. Soil water content plays a critical role in this balance, influencing cohesion and internal friction, often leading to failure under lower shear stress thresholds for the same material and boundary conditions.

This study investigates the Campanian Volcanism region, an area of approximately 2,000 km² that includes over 100 towns identified as at risk. Particular attention is given to Sarno, a municipality in the western Campanian Apennines that experienced devastating rainfall-triggered debris flows on May 5–6, 1998, resulting in 160 fatalities and widespread damages. The region's deposits are composed of alternating pyroclastic layers (ashes and pumices) and colluvium overlying steep calcareous bedrock, a combination of factors that create conditions highly favourable to slope instability.

The primary aim of this research is to assess how variations in soil moisture content influence the shear strength of volcanic ash deposits, with a focus on defining the failure envelope as described by Mohr’s criterion. Laboratory analyses are conducted using an Anton Paar MCR 703e rheometer at the Chemistry Department of the University of Bari.

Ash samples collected from Sarno are subjected to controlled hydration tests, starting from a completely dry state and gradually increasing moisture content under carefully monitored conditions. Due to the specific design of the rheometer’s shear cell, the study is limited to particles passing through a 710 µm sieve. Additionally, X-ray diffractometry is employed to identify and characterize possible clay minerals in the samples, as different clay types can significantly affect soil rheological behaviour.

The findings of this study provide critical insights into the relationship between moisture content and shear strength, advancing our understanding of slope stability and the triggering mechanisms of debris flows. The obtained results will contribute to improving predictive models and informing mitigation strategies in volcanic regions.


How to cite: Pace, L., Capolongo, D., Capparelli, G., Dellino, P., Dioguardi, F., Gentile, L., and Sulpizio, R.: Moisture Effects on Shear Strength and Slope Stability: Volcanic Ash Deposits from Sarno, Campanian Volcanism Region, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-910,, 2025.

Innovative Approaches to Debris Flow Protection: Insights into Baffle Positioning and Design Optimization

Baffles effectively reduce debris flow velocity and kinetic energy, altering movement distance and accumulation patterns, and are widely used for mitigating natural disasters like landslides and mudslides. This study utilized the three-dimensional Discrete Element Method (DEM) to investigate the effects of baffle positions on debris flow protection. Through single-factor experiments, velocity and energy variations were analyzed, and the influence of the first-row baffle position on impact force and accumulation mass was evaluated to determine suitable positions.

Subsequently, an orthogonal design explored the effects of four key factors—baffle position (P), height (h), row spacing (Sr), and transit area angle (α)—on the performance of baffle arrangements. Results indicated that baffles placed in the transit area outperformed those in the deposition area, showing greater energy dissipation and flow mass obstruction. Range analysis ranked the influencing factors for impact force as α > P > Sr > h, while for mass reduction, the ranking was P > α > Sr > h. The optimal arrangement was identified as P5, Sr=16, α=35°, and h=9, providing a framework for improving debris flow mitigation strategies through optimized baffle design.

How to cite: Jiang, Z.-Y. and Bi, Y.-Z.: Innovative Approaches to Debris Flow Protection: Insights into Baffle Positioning and Design Optimization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1554,, 2025.

EGU25-1643 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Present-day debris flows on Mars are driven by the sublimation of dry ice (CO2) 

Lonneke Roelofs, Susan Conway, Matthew Sylvest, Manish Patel, Jonathan Merrison, Jens Jacob Iversen, Jim McElwaine, Maarten Kleinhans, and Tjalling de Haas

Martian gullies are alcove-channel-fan systems that are undistinguishable from debris-flow systems on Earth. Therefore, they have long been hypothesized to be formed by the action of liquid water and brines. However, over the past decade, growing evidence of widespread, extensive, and particularly, seasonal activity in these gully systems, has shifted the formation hypothesis of these landforms away from water-driven processes. The correlation between the spatial and temporal distribution of CO2 frost on the Martian surface and the formation of new lobes, the movement of meter-scale boulders, and the cutting of new channels has led to a new hypothesis: debris flows on Mars are driven by the seasonal sublimation of dry ice (CO2 ice). However, the lack of direct observations of these flows hinders our understanding of the exact conditions that lead to these granular flows, their dynamics, and erosional capacity, which hinders our understanding of the formation of these gullies over the last five million years.

Over the last three years, we have conducted three experimental campaigns in two environmental chambers (at the Open University, UK, and Aarhus University, Denmark) with different flume set-ups at varying scales to explore the feasibility of the CO2-driven granular flow hypothesis. We have quantified the CO2-driven granular flow dynamics under Martian atmospheric conditions, the physical limits under which these flows can occur, and have determined their erosional capacity. From these results, we conclude that CO2-driven granular flows can occur on Mars under specific environmental conditions and that the sublimation of very small amounts of CO2 ice (<0.5% of the flow volume) fluidizes sediment by creating high pore pressures. These high gas pore pressures decrease intergranular friction and make the granular mixture extremely mobile. Although seemingly similar, this process can not directly be compared to increased pore pressure in water-driven debris flows due to the other dynamical effects of the sublimating ice, for example, the grain movement in the flow. The high gas pore pressures under Martian conditions stem from the large CO2 gas flux created under the thin Martian atmosphere (~8e-3 bar), which is ~100 times larger than it is under Earth's atmosphere (~1 bar).

Furthermore, based on dimensionless analysis (Bagnold, Savage and friction numbers) we show that the dynamics of these CO2-driven granular flows are similar to terrestrial water-driven debris flows and pyroclastic density currents. In addition, we prove that CO2-driven granular flows are effective erosive agents, likely more efficient than terrestrial water-driven debris flows.

Combined, these results show that we do not have to evoke a water-driven origin for the Martian gullies as we can explain their formation by CO2-driven granular processes alone. This has implications for our understanding of the Martian climate, surface conditions and surface processes during the last five million years. Furthermore, these “alien” debris flows allow us to test ideas on terrestrial granular flows outside the confines of our own planet.

How to cite: Roelofs, L., Conway, S., Sylvest, M., Patel, M., Merrison, J., Iversen, J. J., McElwaine, J., Kleinhans, M., and de Haas, T.: Present-day debris flows on Mars are driven by the sublimation of dry ice (CO2), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1643,, 2025.

EGU25-1663 | Orals | NH3.1

Situational Awareness of Postfire Debris Flow Activity using Big Data 

Francis Rengers, Rielly King, and Robert Schmitt

In semi-arid regions of the United States rainfall intensity thresholds are used to estimate when postfire debris flows may occur. Prior research has shown that postfire debris flows are highly correlated with short-duration rainfall intensity, and that short duration rainfall thresholds (e.g., 15-minute rainfall intensity) can be estimated based on wildfire and terrain attributes. Consequently, it is possible to determine possible debris flow activity in recent burn areas in the western United States by tracking rainfall rates using publicly available rainfall data. We have developed a software (FlowAlert) and an accompanying map dashboard that monitors when and where rain gages near burn areas cross rainfall intensity thresholds. The software runs continuously on a linux server, processing more than 2500 rain gages every two hours. When rainfall rates near a burn area are higher than a rainfall threshold, symbols are updated on a map indicating possible debris flow activity. Rainfall plots are also provided on the dashboard, and via email alerts for the gages that have crossed the rainfall intensity threshold. FlowAlert can be used for situational awareness to alert authorities of potential debris flow activity in remote areas. Additionally, the data stream produced by FlowAlert can be used by managers to adjust the rainfall intensity threshold in areas following storms based on observed activity. For example, if rainfall thresholds were crossed, but no debris flows were observed, managers may choose to increase the rainfall threshold to avoid warning fatigue.  This presentation will focus on the utility of the new FlowAlert software, and how it might be used for decision support in burn areas.

How to cite: Rengers, F., King, R., and Schmitt, R.: Situational Awareness of Postfire Debris Flow Activity using Big Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1663,, 2025.

Debris flow is one of the most common geological disasters in Vietnam, occurring in mountainous areas and causing catastrophic impacts on both the economy and human lives. This article shows the results of a debris flow simulation that took place on August 5, 2023, in Trong La village, Ho Bon commune, Mu Cang Chai district, Yen Bai province, through an empirical model called LAHARZ and digital elevation model (DEM). The debris flow also was assessed for damage to the built-up area. The LAHARZ model is based on empirical equations which were derived from historical debris flood statistics. The equations include A = 0.05 V^(2⁄3) and B = 200 V^(2⁄3), in which A is the cross-sectional area, B is the planimetric area, and V is the volume. This study uses drone images and digital elevation model with 0.5m spatial resolution, which were created on August 12, 2023 by using Phantom 3 Professional drone. The debris flow's source area is roughly 78104 m2, corresponding to a volume of 8000–10000 m3. For this reason, the LAHARZ model is simulated with volumes of 5000; 8000; 10000; 15000 and 20000 m3. LAHARZ simulation results were validated by comparing them to field survey evidence. The result shows that the model results are quite similar to the actual inundated area with TPR and TS values being 0.717 and 65.9%, respectively. This study also demonstrates that the false irregular edges in the delineated inundation zones supposedly originated because of a lack of DEM accuracy. The LAHARZ model simulation has many advantages in terms of time and the few parameters used, which enable rapid evaluation of debris flow scenarios.

Keywords: Debris flow, LAHARZ, Ho Bon, Mu Cang Chai

How to cite: Tran, T.: Identification of inundated area by debris flow using LAHARZ model - A case study in Ho Bon, Mu Cang Chai, Yen Bai, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2336,, 2025.

Landslide is the most dangerous geohazards in the world and have the greatest impact on the bio-environment. In the process of landslide evolution, the evolution of the slip zone plays a controlling role in the formation of landslide, and the formation of the slip zone often has the characteristics of progressive failure. In order to elucidate the evolution of minerals and elements in the water-affected slip zone and their influence on the physical and mechanical properties of the slip zone, the sliding characteristics and formation process of the Shanyang landslide under the action of the slip zone were obtained through field investigation, laboratory experiments and numerical simulation. Firstly, the long-term evolution and mineral migration evolution characteristics of the slip zone under the action of water were studied by obtaining soil samples at different positions of the landslide slip zone, and secondly, the strength characteristics of the soil in the slip zone under saturated and natural water content were analyzed by ring shear experiments, and the influence of shear rate on the shear strength of the slip zone was studied, and the formation of the slip zone and the instability process of the landslide were analyzed by creep experiments. The study of its evolution in the water-affected landslide is of good guiding significance for understanding the formation process of the landslide.

How to cite: Zhuang, J.: The failure characters of fine-grained sliding zone due to water , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2636,, 2025.

EGU25-2707 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

 Impacts of Plant Roots on Debris-Flow Bed Erosion in Laboratory Experiments 

Anna van den Broek, Dagmar Mennes, Maarten Kleinhans, Lonneke Roelofs, Jana Eichel, Daniel Draebing, and Tjalling de Haas

Debris flow—plant interactions are ubiquitous, yet we have limited understanding of how plants affect debris-flow erosion. Ignoring the effects of plants in debris-flow studies potentially leads to mistakes in hazard assessments. While debris-flow erosion has been the focus of recent studies, the influence of plant roots on this process has not yet been explored. Therefore, we unravel plant rooting effects on debris-flow bed erosion, using scaled experiments. We show how fast-growing Sorghum bicolor (Sudan grass) seedlings enable scale experiments with plant-debris flow interactions. Our experiments reveal a strong, non-linear correlation between root length density and debris-flow bed erosion. Increasing root length density amplifies root-soil contact, enhancing soil stability and reducing erosion. In turn, the reduced erosion could prevent potentially hazardous debris-flow volume growth. Our results yield insights into the potential effects of changes in vegetation characteristics on debris-flow erosion and open up possibilities for biogeomorphic scale experiments for slope processes. 

How to cite: van den Broek, A., Mennes, D., Kleinhans, M., Roelofs, L., Eichel, J., Draebing, D., and de Haas, T.:  Impacts of Plant Roots on Debris-Flow Bed Erosion in Laboratory Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2707,, 2025.

Landslides and debris flows occurring in reservoir watersheds can generate tsunami-like waves by inflowing into the reservoir. When such disasters occur during periods of high-water levels, such as the flood season, overtopping due to waves is inevitable. Analyzing such events is essential since they could lead to a dam break, which is particularly significant for Earth-fill dams, where overtopping alone greatly increases the risk of failure. Although several studies have attempted to address these phenomena through numerical modeling, there remains a lack of research that adequately considers the erosion and entrainment processes, which critically influence debris flow dynamics and the amplitude of debris flow-induced waves. In response, this study developed Deb2L, a two-dimensional two-layer numerical model based on shallow-water equations discretized using the finite volume method, capable of considering erosion, entrainment, and deposition processes. The performance of Deb2L was validated using theoretical and laboratory experiment results, demonstrating a quantitative accuracy with an R2 value greater than 0.85 and an RMSE of less than 0.10 m. Its applicability to field-scale events was confirmed by simulating the 2020 Sanyang Reservoir event in Icheon, South Korea. Additionally, to verify the applicability of scenario analysis, the simulation results from the landslide analysis model TiVaSS were used as input data for Deb2L, confirming the potential for coupling these models. According to the results, simulations without erosion and entrainment processes led to an underestimation of the debris flow-induced wave complex disaster.

How to cite: Lee, S., An, H., Kang, T., and Kim, M.: Development and application of a two-dimensional numerical model for debris flow-induced impulsive wave considering debris flow erosion-entrainment process, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3915,, 2025.

EGU25-4973 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Debris-flow risk and impact on buildings: A case study of Rosayoc-Batán, Peru 

Elizabeth M Santiago, Marcel Hürlimann, and Vicente Medina

This study presents a comprehensive risk assessment associated
with debris flows in the Quebrada Rosayoc, located in the district of
San Rafael, province of Ambo, Huánuco region, Peru. Debris flows,
characterized by their high velocity and mobility, pose a significant
threat to the population and infrastructure in the area. Therefore,
this study seeks to conduct a quantitative risk assessments (QRA)
to accurately estimate potential damage to structures and associated
economic losses. To achieve this objective, historical records of
events were collected based on the selected observation years. Additionally,
topographic, climatic, geological, and socioeconomic data
were integrated with fieldwork, laboratory testing, and numerical
modeling to simulate debris flows and assess building vulnerability.
One of the most significant contributions of this work is the
introduction of the debris-flow intensity index (DFI) as a metric to
evaluate the physical impact on buildings. This index not only provides
a measure of the physical impact that debris flows can have
on buildings, but also allows for the classification of damage into
four categories, ranging from minor damage to total destruction of
structures. Finally, the generated risk map, which integrates hazard
levels, impact intensities and vulnerability, constitutes a fundamental
tool for urban planning and emergency preparedness, facilitating
informed decision-making and the implementation of effective mitigation

How to cite: Santiago, E. M., Hürlimann, M., and Medina, V.: Debris-flow risk and impact on buildings: A case study of Rosayoc-Batán, Peru, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4973,, 2025.

EGU25-5281 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Development and Empirical Application of a Debris Flow Entrainment Rate Prediction Model Utilizing Generative AI 

Chang-Ho Song, Yun-Tae Kim, Ho-Hong-Duy Nguyen, Min-Ju Kim, and Ji-Sung Lee

Debris flows represent a profound natural hazard, exerting devastating impacts on infrastructure, ecosystems, and human lives. During their downstream progression, debris flows transport a diverse range of materials, including soil, rocks, and vegetation, a phenomenon termed sediment entrainment. This entrainment process is governed by a complex interplay of geomorphological features, hydrological conditions, triggering factors, physical properties, and geological characteristics. Traditional predictive methods, which predominantly rely on empirical data and physically-based models, have shown limitations in capturing the variability and intricacy of environmental conditions. This study seeks to develop a sophisticated predictive model for debris flow sediment transport rates by leveraging advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. The AI-driven approach enables efficient processing of extensive datasets and the recognition of nonlinear and intricate patterns, providing more rapid and precise predictions compared to conventional methodologies. The research framework comprises five distinct stages. First, critical factors influencing sediment transport rates were systematically identified and collected. Second, a comprehensive database was constructed, incorporating detailed data from 54 debris flow sites across South Korea. Third, data preprocessing was conducted, including correlation analysis and multicollinearity diagnostics to refine variable selection, followed by feature scaling and data augmentation utilizing generative AI techniques to enhance dataset robustness. Fourth, the dataset was partitioned into training and validation subsets, and various machine learning regression algorithms were employed to identify the optimal predictive model. Finally, the proposed model was empirically validated using a case study of the 2023 large-scale debris flow disaster in Yecheon County, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea. The findings underscore the remarkable predictive precision and adaptability of the AI-based model, surpassing the performance of traditional physically-based approaches. This advancement holds significant potential for enhancing debris flow risk management and proactive mitigation strategies. Moreover, the study underscores the transformative role of AI technologies in addressing the challenges of predicting and managing complex natural hazards, offering a robust foundation for diverse applications in hazard mitigation and disaster resilience

How to cite: Song, C.-H., Kim, Y.-T., Nguyen, H.-H.-D., Kim, M.-J., and Lee, J.-S.: Development and Empirical Application of a Debris Flow Entrainment Rate Prediction Model Utilizing Generative AI, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5281,, 2025.

EGU25-5772 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Unveiling critical rainfall patterns triggering torrential processes 

Matthias Schlögl, Markus Hrachowitz, and Roland Kaitna

Critical rainfall conditions initiating torrential processes like sediment-laden floods and debris flows in steep headwater catchments represent a multifaceted problem in Alpine communities, necessitating comprehensive adaptation and mitigation strategies to safeguard both society and the environment. Understanding the relationship between rainfall drivers and event occurrence is needed for a mechanistic understanding of the initiation process and therefore represents an important basis for developing adequate risk management strategies in a changing climate.

In this study, we investigate rainfall patterns triggering debris flows, debris floods, fluvial sediment transport and floods based on hourly rainfall time series derived from combined radar-rain gauge data for more than 3,600 torrent events in the Austrian Alps between 2003 and 2022. We consider time periods spanning seven days prior to event occurrence as well as the event day itself. These time series are clustered using longitudinal k-means on the cumulative rainfall sums over the whole time period leading up to the event.

Results reveal different archetypical precipitation patterns. While all of the patterns exhibit some rainfall on the event day, differences emerge with respect to antecedent precipitation. Major patterns include an archetype featuring stepwise increases, several patterns with breakpoints followed by an increase, and patterns characterized mainly by differences in their slope, i.e., overall rainfall magnitude. These patterns are largely consistent across all considered process types. A first analysis of the spatial distribution of patterns indicates that some patterns occur mainly south of the main Alpine ridge while others occur all over the Eastern Alps. The results of this study will help improving early warning systems and guiding model development for the initiation of mass flow processes.

How to cite: Schlögl, M., Hrachowitz, M., and Kaitna, R.: Unveiling critical rainfall patterns triggering torrential processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5772,, 2025.

EGU25-5897 | Posters on site | NH3.1

Analysis of debris flow mitigation at ungauged watershed 

Hojin Lee, Soungdoug Kim, and Hyungjoon Chang

The purpose of this study is to investigate the occurrence of debris flows, including their locations, volumes, and flow in regions. The field surveys were conducted in regions using a drone and a numerical analysis was performed with the RAMMS model to simulate debris flow behavior. The results of this study were compared with the actual debris flows. As a result of comparing the detailed map (Case A) and the actual debris flow occurrence status after the debris flow in the Docheon-ri basin in the model verification, it was confirmed that the spread area and movement distance were simulated to be the same, confirming the applicability of the model. As a result of simulating the digital map (Case B) before the occurrence of debris flow under the same conditions and comparing it with the actual debris flow occurrence status, the flow direction and spread shape of the debris flow were simulated to be similar except for the area that occurred beyond the basin. It was confirmed that simulation was possible. It is believed that it can be used as basic data for damage prevention, such as estimating the extent of damage from debris flow disasters, selecting on-site investigation points for expected debris flow damage, and evacuating residents within the debris flow damage area when heavy rain is expected.

Keywords: debris flow, heavy rain, RAMMS, survey, damage.

How to cite: Lee, H., Kim, S., and Chang, H.: Analysis of debris flow mitigation at ungauged watershed, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5897,, 2025.

We propose a novel physically-based multi-phase thermo-mechanical model for rock-ice avalanches. It (i) considers rock, ice and fluid; and (ii) includes the mechanism of ice-melting and a dynamically changing general temperature equation for the avalanching mass, the first of its kind. It explains advection-diffusion of heat including heat exchange across the rock-ice avalanche body, basal heat conduction, production and loss of heat due to frictional shearing and changing temperature, a general formulation of the ice-melting rate and enhancement of temperature due to basal entrainment. The temperature equation includes a coupled dynamics, considering the rates of change of thermal conductivity and temperature. Ice melt intensity determines these rates as mixture conductivity evolves, characterizing distinctive thermo-mechanical processes. Fast ice melting results in substantial change in temperature. We formally derive the melting efficiency-dependent general fluid production rate. The model includes internal mass and momentum exchanges between the phases and mass and momentum productions due to entrainment. The latter significantly changes the state of temperature; yet, the former exclusively characterizes the rock-ice avalanche. Temperature changes are rapid when heat entrainment across the avalanche boundary is substantial. The new model offers the first-ever complete dynamical solution for simulating rock-ice avalanche with changing temperature. We construct simple and exact analytical solutions for the temperature evolution of propagating rock-ice masses with ice-melting. This offers a fundamentally novel understanding of the complex process of rock-ice avalanche, flashing the deep insights into the underlying dynamics. Finally, we present the first multi-phase thermo-mechanical simulation of the 2021 Chamoli rock-ice avalanche event with the comprehensive simulation tool r.avaflow,

How to cite: Pudasaini, S. P. and Mergili, M.: A multi-phase thermo-mechanical model for rock-ice avalanche and its application to the 2021 Chamoli event, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7301,, 2025.

EGU25-7501 | Orals | NH3.1

Analyzing debris-flow growth in diverse geomorphic settings with Grfin Tools 

Mark Reid, Collin Cronkite-Ratcliff, Dianne Brien, and Jonathan Perkins

The initiation and growth of debris flows is an important activity in many settings, including steep mountains, volcano flanks, and recently burned landscapes. Flow volume from growth exerts a fundamental control on behavior – larger volumes typically lead to faster flows, longer runout, more inundation, and greater hazard. Many processes can promote growth, including hillslope-based processes, such as landsliding or soil rilling, and/or stream channel-based processes such as bed entrainment or stream-bank collapse. Explicitly incorporating and parameterizing these diverse processes in physics-based models is an ongoing challenge to assess hazard and minimize risk.

As an alternative to computationally intensive physics-based models, we developed a USGS software package, called Grfin Tools (an acronym for growth + flow + inundation), that includes tools to define a drainage network, compute volumetric growth from various sources, and then delineate debris-flow inundation throughout a DEM. Grfin Tools uses empirical volume-area relations, derived from observed debris-flow events worldwide, with simple geometric rules to delimit debris-flow inundation. Integrated growth factors, applied over upslope source area and/or upstream channel-length, are used to calculate flow volumes along defined growth zones in the drainage network. Additionally, realistic inundation is created where flows traverse unconfined topography. Grfin Tools requires minimal parameters and places an emphasis on regional geomorphic and topographic controls rather than specific material properties.

Grfin Tools can define-flow inundation with varied modes of growth; we apply these tools to three settings with different growth processes: (1) mountain drainages with distributed landsliding, (2) lahars from volcano flanks that travel from the edifice, and (3) surface-runoff generated debris flows in post-fire landscapes. With upslope distributed landslides as debris-flow sources, nonlinear growth with increasing basin size can reduce potential inundation effects. For lahars from volcanoes, growth from channel sediment entrainment can lead to both wider and longer downstream inundation zones. Finally, with post-fire debris flows, growth from surface-runoff mobilization of available sediment in steep upper watersheds can enlarge flows and inundate fans downstream of mountain fronts. These examples demonstrate the ability of Grfin Tools to delineate debris-flow growth and inundation in diverse geomorphic settings.

How to cite: Reid, M., Cronkite-Ratcliff, C., Brien, D., and Perkins, J.: Analyzing debris-flow growth in diverse geomorphic settings with Grfin Tools, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7501,, 2025.

Flow-type landslides are rapid, fluid-like movements of soil or debris down a slope, posing significant risks to infrastructure and safety. It consists of grains with various grain size distribution, ranging from millimeters to meters. Recent advancements in seismic sensing have proven to be valuable for characterizing flow-type landslides. Existing physical seismic impact models link flow-type landslides to seismic signatures, thereby enhancing the measurement and inversion of the landslides. However, most models rely on prior knowledge of grain size distribution, and also the application of effective diameter can overlook some information of the grain size distribution. This oversight leads to inaccuracies both within the models themselves and the inversions of grain size distribution derived from these models.

Integrating experimental methods with analytical theory, our study aims to elucidate the relationship between grain size distribution and the seismic signatures generated by grain-bed impacts, refining the seismic impact model considering grain size distribution. A newly developed free-fall experimental apparatus has been employed to conduct both single-grain and dual-grain falling tests as unit tests. Building upon the findings from unit tests, we carried out multi-grain experiments with varying grain size distributions. The frequency components and power spectral density of the seismic data can effectively differentiate between different grain size distributions. A new grain size distribution parameter has been proposed. Combing the experimental results, we utilized the elastic impact model to analyze the seismic signatures of individual grains. Additionally, the superposition method was investigated to account for the spatial and temporal variations of grain impacts, thereby revealing the seismic response associated with different grain size distributions. Ultimately, we propose a modified seismic impact model that incorporates grain size distribution for flow-type landslides. This study provides significant insights for practitioners by leveraging seismic signals to elucidate the characteristics of flow-type landslides.

How to cite: Wang, Y. and Choi, C. E.: Investigation of seismic signature induced by grain-bed impact considering the grain size distribution of flow-type landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7630,, 2025.

EGU25-7892 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Lidar-aided Channelized Debris Flow Numerical Modelling 

Tengfei Wang, Fucheng Lu, and Ping Shen

The accuracy of numerical simulations for debris flows is critically dependent on the precision of terrain morphology data, regardless of the mechanical model employed. However, digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from satellite imagery and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry often exhibit limitations in mountainous regions, particularly in areas characterized by narrow channels and significant elevation differences. Additionally, air- and space-based DEMs are often insufficient for capturing channel bed information in locations where the view is obstructed by vegetation or sidewalls. This challenge is especially pronounced for channelized debris flows, where channel morphology significantly influences the flow dynamics. To address this bottleneck, we developed a ground-based channel morphology detection system utilizing simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technology. The advanced SLAM-based channel detection and mapping system (AscDAMs) enables the acquisition of accurate, high-resolution channel morphology data, including channel DEMs and typical cross-sections (TCS). In this study, we applied the AscDAMs system to the debris flow event that occurred on June 26, 2023, in Banzi Gully, Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China. By comparing DEMs derived from satellite imagery, UAV photogrammetry, and AscDAMs, we found that the AscDAMs-based DEM exhibited superior resolution, capturing finer-scale morphological details and achieving higher accuracy. Furthermore, numerical simulations using different DEMs were conducted and compared with event video data. Results demonstrated that the simulated flow field generated from the AscDAMs-based DEM showed the highest consistency with the flow field observed in the video. These improved simulation outcomes provide deeper insights into the dynamic processes of debris flow events and contribute to more effective risk management of such hazards.

How to cite: Wang, T., Lu, F., and Shen, P.: Lidar-aided Channelized Debris Flow Numerical Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7892,, 2025.

EGU25-8011 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Deriving vertical velocity profiles of natural debris flows at the Gadria creek, Italy 

Maximilian Ender, Georg Nagl, Johannes Huebl, and Roland Kaitna

Debris flows, like most gravitational flows, exhibit an extremely diverse flow behavior depending on the relative composition of the mixture. For debris flows, the interaction between the fluid and the solid components as well as the interaction of the solids with each other is of decisive importance for the bulk flow behavior. Combined information of bulk flow properties, material composition and internal deformation is needed to constrain constitutive relations for debris flows.

This study focuses on the measurement velocity profiles in natural debris flows observed at a monitoring station at the Gadria creek in South Tyrol, Italy and to relate these with measurements of grain size distribution, flow depth, basal stress measurements and horizontal velocity distributions. Velocity profiles are measured along the sidewall of a concrete structure in the middle of the channel at 11 levels above the channel bed using pairs of conductivity sensors with a certain horizontal spacing s. Cross-correlating the signals yields a time delay t that allows calculating the velocity v.

The main focus of the first stage of the project BEHAVE is to identify the optimal way to process the conductivity signals for the subsequent continuous velocity determination, as the processing parameters have a major influence on the resulting velocity profiles. In an initial assessment, we find that the step size of the floating window plays tendentiously a more important role for the quantitative velocity value generation than the value size of the floating window (= maximum lag). In contrast, the quality of the velocity values is decisively influenced by the setting of an optimal auto-correlation factor (ACF) value threshold, which indicates the significance of the individual correlations. We finally compare the velocity distributions from selected time periods of two debris flow events with each other.

These results will form the basis for further analysis, such as rheological characterizations of the collected debris flow materials, combinations with horizontal velocity profiles and the comparison with laboratory test data.

How to cite: Ender, M., Nagl, G., Huebl, J., and Kaitna, R.: Deriving vertical velocity profiles of natural debris flows at the Gadria creek, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8011,, 2025.

EGU25-8672 | Posters on site | NH3.1

Rainfall Warning Model for Debris Flow Occurrence after Extreme Rainfalls: Recent Events in Chenyoulan River, Taiwan 

Jinn-Chyi Chen, Wen-Sun Huang, Feng-Bin Li, Jian-Qiang Fan, Xi-Zhu Lai, and Gui-Liang Li

Due to the high uncertainty surrounding extreme rainfall events and debris flow occurrence, combining probability and risk is a commonly used approach for predicting debris flows. The Chenyoulan River Watershed (CRW) in central Taiwan has experienced a major earthquake and multiple extreme rainfall events, making it a suitable area for this study. A rainfall warning model based on records of multiple debris flows and long-term rainfall data was used in this study. The model reflects the probabilistic characteristics of debris flow occurrences following earthquakes and extreme rainfall, and it has been successfully applied to predict recent debris flow events. Although the CRW experienced several severe debris flows in the past, it has not faced any major debris flow disasters for over a decade. However, in 2024, multiple debris flows were observed, many originating from the same location, with high recurrence. Fortunately, these events did not result in any injuries or fatalities. This study evaluates the model's adaptability to the rainfall events of 2024 and proposes an improved method for predicting rainfall thresholds, warning times, and risk levels for this type of debris flow. The findings offer valuable insights for future debris flow monitoring and prediction efforts.

How to cite: Chen, J.-C., Huang, W.-S., Li, F.-B., Fan, J.-Q., Lai, X.-Z., and Li, G.-L.: Rainfall Warning Model for Debris Flow Occurrence after Extreme Rainfalls: Recent Events in Chenyoulan River, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8672,, 2025.

EGU25-9159 | Orals | NH3.1

Reassessing the 1987 Parraguirre Ice-Rock Avalanche in the Semi-Arid Andes of Chile 

Johannes J. Fürst, David Farías-Barahona, Thomas Bruckner, Lucia Scaff, Martin Mergili, Santiago Montserrat, and Humberto Peña

Chile faces high vulnerability to mountain hazards along the Andean Cordillera. As climate change and urban development intensify, the frequency and impact of destructive debris flows are anticipated to rise. To inform mitigation and adaptation strategies, it is imperative to understand the characteristics of historical events in this region. A notable example is the Parraguirre rock avalanche that occurred on November 29, 1987, which transformed into a catastrophic debris flow, travelling 50 kilometers down-valley and causing severe damage and loss of human lives. The high destructive power is attributed to the considerable amount of water involved. Yet, the source of this water remains largely unidentified - so is the initial trigger volume and the total mass transfer down the valley.

In this study, we revisit the past event by integrating new insights from remote sensing, climate and hydrological records as well as process-based modelling. Our results suggest important corrections. We find a trigger volume of 17.0±1.4·106 m³ and a total fluid flood volume of 16.0·106 m³. The solid mass transfer from the Parraguirre catchment amounts to 38.1±15.2·106 m³. Moreover, we find that the elevated water content cannot be solely attributed to the entrainment of soil moisture and snow cover. It requires a considerable contribution from another source - likely in form of glacier ice. Furthermore, our simulations corroborate the damming hypothesis of Río Colorado, thereby reconciling the observations of multiple waves as well as on arrival times and run-out distance.

Apart from the geological and tectonic preconditions, we propose to classify the Parraguirre rock avalanche as a meteorological compound event. This classification is motivated by the exceptionally high snowpack observed in the spring of 1987, which preconditioned elevated snowmelt rates during a series of unusually warm days at the end of November. Such preconditioning factors are readily accountable in monitoring efforts and early-warning systems for such mountain hazards.

How to cite: Fürst, J. J., Farías-Barahona, D., Bruckner, T., Scaff, L., Mergili, M., Montserrat, S., and Peña, H.: Reassessing the 1987 Parraguirre Ice-Rock Avalanche in the Semi-Arid Andes of Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9159,, 2025.

EGU25-9187 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Insights into debris-flow dynamics through vertical and horizontal velocity profile measurements at the Gadria creek, Italy 

Raffaele Spielmann, Maximilian Ender, Georg Nagl, Roland Kaitna, Johannes Hübl, Paul Schmid, Jacob Hirschberg, and Jordan Aaron

Debris flows are extremely rapid, flow-like landslides composed of fine and coarser-grained components, boulders, woody debris as well as water. They are characterized by large impact forces as well as long runout distances and are one of the most dangerous types of mass movements in mountainous regions. In the past, researchers have mainly measured the velocity of the front or of distinct surges. However, the spatio-temporal distribution throughout a cross-section remains largely unknown. Quantifying the horizontal and vertical velocity profiles is required for hazard assessment, the design of mitigation structures, process understanding and numerical model development.

In the present work, we analyze two debris-flow events that occurred at the Gadria creek (South Tyrol, Italy) in 2023 and 2024. We measure the horizontal as well as vertical velocity profiles for selected phases of the flows and explore how they vary in time. For the horizontal measurements, we use timelapse point clouds from a high-resolution, high-frequency 3D LiDAR scanner (Ouster OS1). We process these 3D point clouds to obtain 2D hillshade images of the moving flow, which we then analyze using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). This approach provides a timeseries of dense velocity vector fields of the moving surface, which we then evaluate at a defined channel cross-section to obtain horizontal velocity profiles. In order to derive the vertical velocity profiles, we use a fin-shaped barrier located in the middle of the channel, which is equipped with paired conductivity sensors at different depths along the side-wall. By applying cross-correlation to the paired conductivity signals, we can extract the vertical velocity distribution at the wall. We validated our methods by comparing the velocities to measurements of feature velocities, including boulders or pieces of woody debris, which we tracked manually and/or using a fine-tuned off-the-shelf neural-network-based object detection algorithm (YOLO v8).

For the surface velocity along the barrier, we find good agreement between the different measurement approaches. Over the duration of both events, we observe substantial variations in the shape of the profiles with different degrees of internal deformation: the horizontal profiles vary between parabolic and more plug-flow-like shapes whereas the vertical profiles feature convex to concave shapes.

Our findings highlight the non-uniform and highly variable distribution of debris-flow velocities in a cross-section with important implications for practical applications and process understanding, as for example for discharge and volume estimates. Eventually, the developed methods will be applied to additional events at the Gadria creek, which should allow for further inference into the constitutive flow behavior of debris flows to improve our understanding of these destructive events in the future.

How to cite: Spielmann, R., Ender, M., Nagl, G., Kaitna, R., Hübl, J., Schmid, P., Hirschberg, J., and Aaron, J.: Insights into debris-flow dynamics through vertical and horizontal velocity profile measurements at the Gadria creek, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9187,, 2025.

EGU25-10610 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Dynamic and Seismic Characteristics of Granular Flows under Different Flow Regimes: Insights from Laboratory Flume Experiments 

Xinzhi Zhou, Yifei Cui, Hui Tang, Zhen Zhang, Lingling Ye, and Jens Turowski

Granular flows, such as landslides and rock avalanches, are a prevalent geological hazard in mountainous regions, necessitating accurate dynamic modeling for disaster prevention. We investigate the influence of particle composition and flow regimes on granular flow dynamics and seismic response through a series of flume experiments. By varying particle size distributions and flume inclinations, we analyzed kinematic properties, seismic signals, and the interplay between flow regimes and seismic characteristics. The results demonstrate that particle composition significantly impacts flow mobility, with an optimal proportion of large particles maximizing flow mobility. Seismic signals, including peak amplitude and power spectral density, showed a strong coupling with collisional stresses and exhibited a biphasic positive correlation with flow dynamics. We employ a unified framework based on the dimensionless amplitude parameter and the Savage number to interpret seismic responses across flow regimes. We found that frictional flows generate seismic signals through bulk impacts, while collisional flows do so via inter-particle collisions. Our study advances the understanding of granular flow dynamics and their seismic signatures, highlighting the importance of refined models to disentangle the mechanisms of frictional and collisional interactions. These findings enhance our understanding of seismic-based debris flow monitoring and hazard assessment, highlighting the need for refined models to better interpret granular flow behaviors in natural environments.

How to cite: Zhou, X., Cui, Y., Tang, H., Zhang, Z., Ye, L., and Turowski, J.: Dynamic and Seismic Characteristics of Granular Flows under Different Flow Regimes: Insights from Laboratory Flume Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10610,, 2025.

EGU25-10820 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Effects of fine grains in suspension on fluid viscosity and debris flow mobility  

Hannah Nichols, Alessandro Leonardi, and Elisabeth Bowman

Debris flows are high speed saturated mass movements, which are controlled by gravity and shear processes. The flow matrix consists of water and granular material, ranging in size from clays to boulders. Particle diameters below 63 µm, the “fines”, are able to remain in suspension for the flow duration owing to their small settling velocities. Therefore, water and fines are often considered as a single, fluid, phase in the literature. This assumption means the fluid phase properties are governed by fines concentration and microstructure, and the fluid shear state. During propagation downslope, the debris flow matrix shears as a sequence of contractions and dilations. This process causes a reduction, or enlargement, of the voids between large grains, and allows flow of the fluid phase out of, or into, this space. The influence of increased fluid viscosity caused by fines on these processes and its impact on the macro-scale outcomes is largely under-researched. This study undertakes tests in a small-scale flume to physically model idealised debris flows with increasing viscosity. To achieve this, a uniform coarse granular material is replaced with increasing percentages of fines, a kaolinite clay. To identify the contribution of viscous properties of the fluid phase on the model, each fluid phase composition is independently tested for its rheological properties. The majority are observed to be non-Newtonian and shear-thinning in behaviour.

How to cite: Nichols, H., Leonardi, A., and Bowman, E.: Effects of fine grains in suspension on fluid viscosity and debris flow mobility , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10820,, 2025.

EGU25-10941 | Orals | NH3.1

High magnitude debris-flow event from a proglacial environment, Lachegggraben/Pilatuskar, Austria, 2023 

Roland Kaitna, Lukas Hörmann, Ingo Hartmeyer, Markus Keuschnig, Daniel Binder, Markus Moser, Georg Nagl, and Jan-Christoph Otto

On August 28, 2023, an exceptionally large debris flow occurred in the Rauris Valley, Salzburg, Austria, inundating most of the valley floor, transferring large quantities of sediment to the river system, and causing damage to local infrastructure. As the source area is located in the glacial and paraglacial environment and comparable events of such magnitude seem to have become more frequent in recent years due to changing climate conditions, this contribution investigates the meteorological and geomorphological initiation conditions and documents the flow and deposition behavior of the debris-flow event at Pilatuskar.  We analyzed high-resolution radar-based precipitation records together with local rainfall and temperature data to assess the magnitude and the return period of the rainfall event. The sediment budget was quantified from differential digital elevation models derived from UAV photogrammetry drone flights immediately before (25.08.2023) and after (04.09.2023) the event. The sediment source area was investigated using electrical resistivity tomography and ground penetrating radar to evaluate ground ice occurrence and derive sediment thickness. Geomorphologic features such as levées, lobes and plateaus were manually mapped and samples taken for sedimentological and rheological analysis. Video recordings, seismic records and reports of eye witnesses were used to constrain the dynamics, sequence and time-line of deposition. The event mobilized around 680,000 m³ of sediment in the proglacial area of the Pilatuskees glacier eroding up to 15 m deep into the main discharge channel and about 570,000 m³ were deposited in the valley floor. The triggering precipitation of 145 mm had a duration of 32 hours, a maximum hourly intensity of 21 mm/h, a return period of about 10 years, and was associated with a snow line above 3200 m. The source area is composed of proglacial sediments with a mean thickness of 10 m. Resistivity measurements one year after the event revealed unfrozen conditions in the immediate surroundings of the head scarp, but thick ground ice occurrence covered by coarse supraglacial debris within a distance of 100 m. The sediment-transfer processes lasted about 3 hours and comprised periods of fluvial sediment transport, debris flood, and debris flow. The debris-flow event consisted of a sequence of 4-5 granular surges that deposited material at different locations on the fan due to avulsion. Pebble counts yielded a median grain size ranging between 0.1 and 0.45 m, and a maximum grain size between 0.34 and 1.5 m. The fine fraction consisted of sandy gravel, with only limited clay content. The results of this study shall contribute to the documentation of the geomorphological activity within high-alpine catchments that rapidly respond to changing climate conditions. Future work will focus on monitoring debris flow activity from the newly formed erosion scar at Pilatuskar as a basis for debris-flow simulation model development and testing.  

How to cite: Kaitna, R., Hörmann, L., Hartmeyer, I., Keuschnig, M., Binder, D., Moser, M., Nagl, G., and Otto, J.-C.: High magnitude debris-flow event from a proglacial environment, Lachegggraben/Pilatuskar, Austria, 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10941,, 2025.

EGU25-10946 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Analyzing debris flow and rockfall interactions: A case study in surrounding of Alpe di Succiso, Northern Apennines (Italy) 

Muhammad Ahsan Rashid, Giovanni Leonelli, Roberto Valentino, Roberto Francese, Alessandro Chelli, Jacopo Melada, Veronica Manara, Maurizio Maugeri, Sara Pescio, Emma Petrella, Luca Trombino, Anna Masseroli, Bruno Arcuri, and Michele Brunetti

Debris flows represent one of the most prevalent and impactful natural hazards in mountainous areas, posing significant risks to both human life and infrastructure. Alpe di Succiso (2017 m a.s.l.) located in Northern Apennines, Italy, is an area where numerous occurrences of debris flows have been identified in this area encompassed by a National Park, thus densely traversed by touristic routes and infrastructures. Understanding the spatial and temporal patterns of these debris flows is critical for assessing the hazard and managing the associated safety risks for mountaineers, hikers, tourists, and, more generally, for the communities and infrastructure in the area.

This research integrates field observations of debris flows, dendrochronological analysis, geomorphological mapping (Rashid et al., 2024), and satellite imagery to reconstruct the history of debris flow events and is partially comprised in the DECC project (2023). A key focus is the 1987 debris flow, triggered by an intense rainfall event on August 25, which recorded 179 mm of rainfall in a single day, including 133 mm within a 6-hour period.

This study investigates the dynamics of debris flows, through channel-specific analysis, GIS-based zonation, and statistical evaluation. Slope angle and elevation data were analyzed to delineate source, transport, and deposition zones across four channels of debris flows. Channel 1 was identified as a debris flood channel, while Channels 2, 3, and 4 exhibited typical debris flow characteristics.

To account for the wide variation in grain sizes in the study area (0.0005 mm to 5 meters), four techniques were employed. Sieve analysis was used for grains between 2 mm and 32 mm, while laser granulometry measured finer particles below 2 mm. Direct field measurement was applied to intermediate grains (32 mm to 1000 mm), and particle counting was used for large particles above 1 meter. This multi-method approach ensured accurate representation of sedimentary material across the broad grain size spectrum.

Geomorphological analysis indicates that rockfalls and rock weathering significantly contribute to the material on the slopes. During debris flow events, these deposits are triggered at the first stage like debris/rock slide and then as flow creating channels and deposits. A geological survey of rock outcrops feeding these debris flow channels revealed that the Rock Quality Designation (RQD) ranges from 44 to 65 (poor to fair quality), while the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) falls between 45 and 56 (fair quality).

Using the RAMMS Debris Flow software (RAMMS, 2017), a scenario-based modeling approach was employed to better understand the interactions between debris flow and material constituting the slope deposits. Simulation results are currently being compared with the geometry of levees and lobes to refine the model and ensure accuracy. This comprehensive approach aims to improve the understanding of debris flow dynamics and the influence of rockfalls, thereby aiding hazard assessment and management.

How to cite: Rashid, M. A., Leonelli, G., Valentino, R., Francese, R., Chelli, A., Melada, J., Manara, V., Maugeri, M., Pescio, S., Petrella, E., Trombino, L., Masseroli, A., Arcuri, B., and Brunetti, M.: Analyzing debris flow and rockfall interactions: A case study in surrounding of Alpe di Succiso, Northern Apennines (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10946,, 2025.

EGU25-11276 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Risk Assessment of the Lower Reaches of the Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahmaputra River Exposed to Glacier Landslide Risk Chains 

Ruochen Jiang, Limin Zhang, Wenjun Lu, Shihao Xiao, and Xin He

The lower reaches of the Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahmaputra River are important hydropower development bases in the future. However, frequent glacier landslide hazard occurred in this region, posing serious threats to the safety of local communities and infrastructures. A glacier landslide hazard chain can form a long-run mass flow and generate a large flood, travelling more than hundreds of kilometers away from the initiating hazard site. This study takes remote sensing, field investigations and numerical simulations to make risk assessment on the river system. A comprehensive framework is developed, considering the impacts of near-field and far-field hazards. The findings suggest that the presence of extensive, nearly saturated sediments on the glacier valley floor significantly increases the mobility and intensifies the scale of the mass flow when these sediments are incorporated. Topography plays a key role in influencing the behavior of mass flow. When the valley outlet intersects the river course at a perpendicular angle, topographic barriers lead to an abrupt stop, resulting in the formation of high barrier dams. In contrast, if the glacier valley runs nearly parallel to the river channel, the mass flow is able to travel further upon entering the river, thereby impacting a larger area within the river channel. The formed mass flow can traverse river channels in mountainous regions, during which geo-material gradually accumulates, leading to the formation of barrier dams. Barrier dams can break suddenly, leading to breaching floods that significantly extend the downstream impact, ranging from several kilometers to potentially hundreds of kilometers. Among the regions at risk, the Sedongpu-Ganglang reach faces the greatest vulnerability to river damming and subsequent breaching floods. Downstream areas along the Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahmaputra River are comparatively less likely to experience greater threats from these events than those posed by local monsoon floods. These findings serve as a valuable basis for developing strategies to manage glacier hazard chains, contributing to better disaster preparedness and risk mitigation in affected regions.

How to cite: Jiang, R., Zhang, L., Lu, W., Xiao, S., and He, X.: Risk Assessment of the Lower Reaches of the Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahmaputra River Exposed to Glacier Landslide Risk Chains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11276,, 2025.

Landslides, debris flows, hyperconcentrated flows, and floods are among the most dangerous natural hazards worldwide. One of the fundamental tasks for geomorphologists is to classify and identify the kinds of processes they observe in the field. The task is more challenging than it sounds, especially considering high-damage processes like debris flows and landslides. Meanwhile, multiple dimensionless numbers (e.g., Reynolds number and Einstein number) based on first-principle physics have been widely used to describe these natural flows. When we use these dimensionless numbers and datasets to classify the flow, we face a long-standing challenge in machine learning: the curse of dimensionality. One of the expertise for quantum machine learning methods (e.g., Quantum Support Vector Machine, QSVM) is to deal with such a high-dimensional dataset. Therefore, based on Quantum machine learning methods, we develop a framework to objectively define the type of natural flows using the dimensionless number. Our preliminary results show that the QSVM method has very similar outputs compared to classical SVM, but it is relatively slower than classical ones. Meanwhile, for the high-dimensional k-mean cluster, the Quantum K-mean  model has shown different clusters compared to the classical version. In the future, we will develop a hybrid version combining classical K-mean with Quantum acceleration to understand different flow types.

How to cite: Tang, H.: When Geomorphology Meets Quantum Computing: a Quantum Machine Learning Model for Extreme Flows Classification , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11521,, 2025.

EGU25-11523 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Debris Flow Early Warning Using the Patch Fourier Transformer 

Yanling Liu, Shuai Li, Hui Tang, Qi Zhou, Chaojun Ouyang, Qingsong Xu, and Binlan Zhang

Machine learning techniques have been extensively applied to identify debris flow events in seismic signals and develop debris-flow early warning systems. However, several challenges persist. Traditional models find it difficult to directly process the raw waveform signals and instead rely heavily on manual feature extraction, which may result in redundant or insufficient features, potentially resulting in unreasonable generalization bias. Meanwhile, deep learning approaches, particularly those based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), require multilayer stacking for dimensionality reduction. This may cause overfitting. To address these challenges, this research introduces an enhanced model based on the Transformer architecture: the Patch Fourier Transformer (PFT).

The Patch attention mechanism allows the model to focus on key regions of the seismic waveform, highlighting areas of significant energy fluctuations that correspond to debris flow events. Utilizing the Patch attention mechanism, our model effectively captures energy fluctuations in the time-frequency domain and exhibits a high level of consistency with the spatio-temporal distribution of attention weights. By mapping the attention distribution to specific time-frequency regions, the model provides insight into the seismic signal components that most influence its decision-making process.

The model was evaluated using seismic data from 12 debris flow events in the Illgraben, a Swiss catchment. The PFT model achieved over 96% accuracy in waveform identification. Furthermore, the early warning system provided warning times ranging from 24 minutes to 2 hours without generating any false alarms. These results highlight the considerable potential and advantages of the PFT model for debris flow identification and early warning applications.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Li, S., Tang, H., Zhou, Q., Ouyang, C., Xu, Q., and Zhang, B.: Debris Flow Early Warning Using the Patch Fourier Transformer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11523,, 2025.

EGU25-11569 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

The dynamics of impact-induced erosive mass flow mobility 

Bekha R. Dangol, Chet N. Tiwari, Parameshwari Kattel, Jeevan Kafle, and Shiva P. Pudasaini

Erosion can tremendously amplify the volume and destructive potential of mass flows with spectacularly increased mobility. However, the mechanism and consequences of erosion and entrainment of such flows are still not well understood as these processes are inherently complex due to the composition of the flow as well as the erodible bed material and their physical properties. Erosion rate, erosion velocity, and momentum production are the key factors essentially controlling all the processes associated with erosive mass transport. Here, we present experimental results on the dynamics of impact-induced mobility of erosive mass flows. Experiments are conducted at the Laboratory Nepnova – Innovation Flows in Kathmandu using some native Nepalese food grains as well as geological granular materials. As we focus on erosion in the inclined channel, transition and the run-out zone, we determine how the flow and the bed conditions control the erosion rate, erosion velocity, and the momentum production. This includes the change in volume, composition, and physical properties of the released mass and the erodible bed and its slope. We establish some quantitative functional relationships among the erosion rate, the erosion velocity, and the mobility of the mass transport aiming at providing a foundation for developing predictive models and innovative strategies for erosion control and mitigation from landslide hazard.   

How to cite: Dangol, B. R., Tiwari, C. N., Kattel, P., Kafle, J., and Pudasaini, S. P.: The dynamics of impact-induced erosive mass flow mobility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11569,, 2025.

EGU25-11847 | Orals | NH3.1

A tailored framework for debris flow and debris flood hazard assessment in mountain catchments 

Francesco Bettella, Tommaso Baggio, Marco Martini, and Vincenzo D'Agostino

In mountain areas, debris floods and debris flows threaten the lives of people and endanger buildings and infrastructures worldwide. The hazard assessment of such phenomena is a crucial process for hazard mapping and, eventually, design mitigation structures. The classical approach consists in the evaluation of the return period of a certain rainfall intensity that can mobilize a given amount of sediment and generate a debris floods/flows phenomenon consequently. Researchers have made progress in understanding these phenomena over the past decades, enhancing the ability to predict their impacts. Through an extensive literature review, we have fine-tuned an innovative procedural framework that takes into consideration most of the predisposing factors and processes that lead to the increase of destructive potential of debris flow and debris flood phenomena. The investigated aspects are: (i) exogenous forces (climatic, natural and anthropic disturbance related aspects); (ii) alterations of the catchment and channel conditions (countermeasures malfunctions/failures, bed/banks/slopes disposal to erosion, Large Wood presence); (iii) flow type variations (changes in transport behaviour and typology). The outcome of the study is a perspective hazard map that accounts for all of these factors and processes together with an estimation of the probable long-term evolution of the catchment response, accounting for climate change too. The study was supported by the analysis of four different catastrophic debris flow and debris flood events for which factors and processes increasing the destructive potential have been analysed.
The study highlights that joined processes and basin conditions, which are not necessarily related to rain events of high return period, should also be considered in the hazard evaluation of mountain catchments. The related hazard assessment should move toward a global and tailored assessment of the potential catchment responses, and possibly accounting for the residual hazard component. The proposed framework aims to outline guidelines to assist practitioners and civil authorities in better defining the hazard classes and consequently reducing the uncertainty associated with probable future debris flow and debris flood events.

How to cite: Bettella, F., Baggio, T., Martini, M., and D'Agostino, V.: A tailored framework for debris flow and debris flood hazard assessment in mountain catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11847,, 2025.

EGU25-11996 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

How does substrate roughness affect geophysical granular flows ? 

Alexis Bougouin, Fabio Dioguardi, Giovanna Capparelli, Eugenio Nicotra, and Roberto Sulpizio

In nature, the propagation and deposition dynamics of geophysical flows - such as debris flows, rock avalanches, and pyroclastic flows - are governed by the rheology of the flowing material itself, but also by the interaction with its environment. In particular, the interaction between the flow and the substrate plays a key role in the frictional dissipation process at the base, whereas it can vary considerably in natural situations. In fact, favorable conditions could even partly explain the high mobility of geophysical flows usually reported in relation to laboratory experiments. To tackle this question, we investigate the role of substrate roughness on the dynamics and deposition of concentrated, dry granular flows by combining small-to-large scale experiments and numerical simulations. We reveal that substrate condition can significantly affect the propagation and deposition of geophysical granular flows. Specifically, we show that the substrate type can be characterized as smooth, rough and macro-rough, based on the grain-to-roughness size ratio for a wide range of materials (i.e., glass beads, sand, volcanic materials). We then characterize the macroscopic properties of the flow in each of these configurations. Finally, this study offers guidelines for improving the modelling of geophysical granular flows.

How to cite: Bougouin, A., Dioguardi, F., Capparelli, G., Nicotra, E., and Sulpizio, R.: How does substrate roughness affect geophysical granular flows ?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11996,, 2025.

EGU25-12179 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Defining rainfall thresholds for debris flows in catchments with short monitoring periods and rare debris-flow events. 

Elena Ioriatti, Mauro Reguzzoni, Edoardo Reguzzoni, Andreas Schimmel, Mario Venturelli, Luca Albertelli, Luca Beretta, Francesco Brardinoni, Massimo Ceriani, Marco Redaelli, Marco Pilotti, Roberto Ranzi, Riccardo Scotti, Alessandro Simoni, Laura Turconi, Fabio Luino, and Matteo Berti

In mountainous regions, debris flows represent a significant hazard, causing extensive damage and casualties each year. Among the various triggering factors, rainfall is the primary driver of debris flows in catchments with high sediment availability. Determining critical rainfall thresholds for debris-flow initiation is therefore essential for improving early warning systems and mitigating associated risks. This study focuses on:
a) Defining rainfall thresholds for debris-flow initiation using monitoring data collected over a relatively short period (three years), even in the absence of a large number of observed debris-flow events;
b) Gaining deeper insights into catchment dynamics by not only differentiating between debris-flow and no debris-flow conditions but also identifying rainfall thresholds that correspond to increased water levels and sediment transport within the stream;
c) Achieving these goals through the implementation of a monitoring station that is simple, cost-effective, and easy to install and operate.
The study area is the Blè catchment, a drainage basin covering 2.9 km², located in Val Camonica in the Central Italian Alps. Monitoring activities began in 2021, supported by funding from Regione Lombardia. The catchment is monitored through a network of seven stations distributed along the debris-flow channel. One station was installed by the University of Bologna, while the remaining six form the monitoring and early warning system developed by Hortus Srl. These stations are equipped with a variety of sensors, including rain gauges, radar-level sensors, geophones, and cameras, enabling comprehensive observation of debris-flow dynamics.
A crucial aspect in determining rainfall thresholds is the identification of individual rainfall events. In this study, we applied time windows of varying durations to separate consecutive events and analysed how rainfall thresholds change as the duration of these time windows varies. Using images from the cameras, we associated each rainfall event with the corresponding catchment response. Alongside the recorded debris-flow events (one in August 2021 and one in October 2022), we also considered events characterized by increased runoff in the stream, both without evident sediment transport and with evident sediment transport. The classical approach to defining rainfall thresholds was adopted, utilizing the duration and average intensity of rainfall in their logarithmic form. Rainfall threshold determination was performed using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), a method that identifies threshold values by maximizing differences between categories of catchment responses while minimizing variability within each category. Two distinct thresholds were defined: an upper threshold for debris-flow initiation and a lower threshold to distinguish events characterized by increased runoff with sediment transport. These thresholds were determined for each of the five monitoring stations equipped with rain gauges. Additionally, we analysed how the average rainfall intensity and duration varied between rain gauges installed in close proximity within the same small catchment. Our approach revealed particularly valuable for areas with short monitoring periods and infrequent debris-flow occurrences.

How to cite: Ioriatti, E., Reguzzoni, M., Reguzzoni, E., Schimmel, A., Venturelli, M., Albertelli, L., Beretta, L., Brardinoni, F., Ceriani, M., Redaelli, M., Pilotti, M., Ranzi, R., Scotti, R., Simoni, A., Turconi, L., Luino, F., and Berti, M.: Defining rainfall thresholds for debris flows in catchments with short monitoring periods and rare debris-flow events., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12179,, 2025.

EGU25-12450 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Debris flow waves 

Jamie Webb, Xiannan Meng, Chris Johnson, and Nico Gray

We demonstrate that a numerical model based on mixture theory can capture the break-up of a flow into multiple waves formed of relatively dry granular fronts followed by more watery tails. In doing so it, it is shown that no variations in topography are necessary for the combined flow of solid and fluid phases down an inclined channel of constant gradient to break up into surge waves. The observed wave structure is consistent with field observations. The formation of small levees is also evident in our simulations. The production of levees is enhanced by the geometry of the channel. At the flow front, material is pushed towards the edges of the flow, onto the banks of the channel. The fluid phase drains down the banks back into the centre of the channel faster than the solid phase. As a result, a small amount of statically stable solid material is deposited at the edge of the flow, in the form of small levees.

How to cite: Webb, J., Meng, X., Johnson, C., and Gray, N.: Debris flow waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12450,, 2025.

EGU25-13254 | Posters on site | NH3.1

The effects of ice on debris flow mobility and initiation processes–results from the large-scale experimental USGS debris flow flume. 

Maciej Obryk, David George, Benjamin Mirus, and Francis Rengers

Ice-rock avalanches generate unusual debris flows known for their high mobility, long runout distances, and potential hazard. Ice is thought to reduce friction and, during larger time intervals, reduce shear resistance because of increased pore pressure associated with melting. In the context of climate warming, a degrading cryosphere redistributes stresses and destabilizes slopes in high alpine regions as well as at ice-clad volcanoes. This can lead to more frequent ice-rock avalanches threatening communities downstream. Consequently, ice-rock avalanches have recently received more attention. However, most studies are based on numerical models, rotating drums, or small-scale flume experiments, which exhibit problematic scaling effects (for example, disproportional effects of pore water pressure, viscous flow resistance, and grain inertia) and thus not represent physical processes well.

We present results from the large-scale experimental USGS debris flow flume (95 m long, 2 meters wide, 1.2 m deep inclined on a 31° slope that tapers off onto a 2° runout pad towards its end) showing how ice affects debris flow mobility and initiation processes. In a series of mobility experiments, sediment-ice mixtures were placed behind a gate that was suddenly opened. In a series of initiation experiments, the flume was modified by attaching a retaining wall inside the flume, placing the sediment-ice mixture behind the wall, and watering the mixture (emulating groundwater inflow) until failure occurred. We conducted six large-scale debris flow experiments (8 m3 mixtures) with ice volume ranging from 100% to 0 %, at 20% intervals, and three initiation experiments (6.2 m3 mixtures) with volumetric ice content of 65%, 30%, and 0% ice. To isolate the effects of ice, we used sediment containing no silt and clay, which are known to enhance mobility by maintaining elevated pore pressure within the flow. The sediment-ice mixture was fully saturated at the start of each mobility experiment. Increasing ice content created a nonlinear trend of decreased mobility, in terms of runout distance and velocity, until a critical ice content was reached. As ice content increased beyond a critical value, mobility and velocity of the mixture increased and surpassed that of debris flow with no ice.

During initiation experiments, sediment-ice mixtures and sediment only (control) experiments were saturated until slope failure. Mixtures containing ice caused pore water pressures to stay elevated longer than those without ice before the failure. However, peak pore-water pressure of the sediment-ice mixtures during slope failure was lowered than that of the control (no ice) experiment and exhibited a hampered or sluggish failure.

How to cite: Obryk, M., George, D., Mirus, B., and Rengers, F.: The effects of ice on debris flow mobility and initiation processes–results from the large-scale experimental USGS debris flow flume., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13254,, 2025.

EGU25-13324 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Exploring the effect of bed thickness on liquefaction of sediments overridden by landslides 

Alexandra Waring and Andy Take

As the consequences of global climate change become increasingly apparent, the ability to create accurate landslide runout analyses has become critical. These analyses can provide estimates of the potential volume and reach of future landslides and may be used to inform hazard awareness, risk management, and the design of mitigation and emergency response measures. A key uncertainty within landslide hazard assessment relates to the behaviour and possible entrainment of the sediment it travels over, which may affect the distal reach and volume of the slide. In this study we explore the extreme case of a highspeed landslide overriding loose saturated valley floor sediments vulnerable to static liquefaction; in particular, how static liquefaction progresses through the bed when the sediments are overridden and how the depth of liquefiable sediment available affects whether and how liquefaction occurs.

A static liquefaction hazard may be posed when a loose saturated layer of sand is located at the base of a landslide-prone slope so that a contractive soil is both fully saturated and in reach of a shear trigger (i.e., the landslide). This scenario was reproduced in the Queen’s landslide flume using horizontal liquefiable beds of saturated fine sand 2 m in width, 4 m in length, and at various thicknesses, located at the bottom of the inclined portion of the flume. Landslides of 700 kg of saturated granular material were then released from the top of a 6.5 m long slope inclined at 30 degrees to impact the beds at speeds of up to 6 m/s. Behaviour of the sand beds upon impact was captured using ultrahigh speed imaging of the landslide and bed profiles, a Blickfeld LiDAR sensor positioned opposite to the landslide to capture point cloud scans of the slide, and a linear array of porewater pressure sensors within the sand bed. Experiments comparing different liquefiable bed thicknesses to height of slide ratios will be presented as we explore the effect of bed depth on liquefaction susceptibility, extent of liquefaction, and the rate of excess porewater pressure generation, dissipation, and deformation within the sand bed during impact.

How to cite: Waring, A. and Take, A.: Exploring the effect of bed thickness on liquefaction of sediments overridden by landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13324,, 2025.

EGU25-14158 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Simulation of the entire generation process of post-fire debris flows at Ren’e Yong gully in China 

Yan Wang, Xiewen Hu, Yongbo Tie, and Kun He

The generation of post-fire debris flows has been shown to significantly differ from that of non-fire related debris flows, particularly in terms of erosion patterns and response to rainfall, necessitating further research on the complete hazard generation process. To explore this phenomenon, a post-fire debris flow event at Ren’e Yong gully in China was analyzed using simulations conducted with OpenLisem. This approach enabled the consideration of multiple factors within the simulation, including rainfall interception, soil infiltration, surface runoff, erosion, channel incision, bank slope erosion, and subsequent landslides. The results showed as follows: i)Overland flow initiated more rapidly and intensely in burned areas compared to unburned ones, and it also diminishes more quickly as rainfall decreases; ii)Surface erosion increases with the severity of the burn, leading to greater channel erosion in areas with larger burned extents; iii)The erosion phase of post-fire debris flow can be categorized into four stages: initial rainfall splattering, surface erosion and channel initiation, enhanced channel erosion during the debris flow process, and channel bank slides. This simulation successfully replicates the entire process of post-fire debris flow generation, demonstrating how increased surface runoff and erosion in burned areas contribute to the formation of debris flows.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Hu, X., Tie, Y., and He, K.: Simulation of the entire generation process of post-fire debris flows at Ren’e Yong gully in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14158,, 2025.

EGU25-14216 | Posters on site | NH3.1

Case study of a gully with 7 repeated debris-flow events in 24 years 

Ji-Shang Wang, Yi-Chao Zeng, and Chyan-Deng Jan

This article focuses on a gully where seven debris flow events occurred successively over a period of 24 years. The gully is located in the mountainous area of central Taiwan, with a catchment area of 55.85 hectares, an elevation ranging from 720 to 1470 m, an average slope of 80%, and forest covered 80% catchment area. From 2000 to 2023, seven debris flow events have occurred in this gully, and in response to these events, the authorities have constructed various mitigation structures in the area. In addition, 217 earthquakes of intensity 2 or greater occurred from 1995 to 2024, including three earthquakes of intensity 5 and one of intensity 7. This study aims to understand the characteristics of induced debris flow events in this gully by analyzing the rainfall data, seismic sequences, and mitigation structures.

The results of the study show that: (1) The hydrological parameters, including rainfall depth, duration and intensity, exhibited significant variation among the seven debris-flow events. For instance, the 3-hour rainfall depth varies by more than 10 times. (2) Earthquakes with intensity below 5 do not show a significant correlation with the occurrence of debris flow events in this gully, but earthquakes with intensity 7 caused a significant decrease in the occurrence threshold of debris flow; (3) In about 5 years, the decreasing of debris flow occurrence thresholds by the intensity 7 earthquake gradually returned to pre-earthquake conditions; (4) Mitigation structures have a certain degree of disaster suppression against normal rainfall. However, the suppression of debris flow disasters induced by extreme rainfall is limited.

How to cite: Wang, J.-S., Zeng, Y.-C., and Jan, C.-D.: Case study of a gully with 7 repeated debris-flow events in 24 years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14216,, 2025.

EGU25-14420 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Exploring single and sequential debris flow impacts against solid and slit barriers 

Esmé Hirsch, Andy Take, Ryan Mulligan, and Joshua Woods

Landslide barrier structures are a useful mitigation tool for managing debris flow risks, working to slow their momentum or alter their course to avoid damage to downslope inhabitants or infrastructure. Their design is typically governed by the expected impact force, which is predicted using analytical models or numerical simulations. These methods only provide estimates of the peak force and require detailed information about the flow at impact that can be difficult to accurately predict. In this experimental study, we use the large Queen’s University Landslide Flume to explore the relative contributions of the fluid and solid phases of a multi-phase flow on the structural demand on a barrier. Impact forces following dam break experiments of up to 0.4 m3 of material, released from the top of a 6.5 m long slope inclined at 30 degrees are explored for material releases of pure water, dry granular particles (3 mm diameter), and fully saturated water-grain mixtures. Temporal impact behaviour captured using ultrahigh speed imaging (7500 fps) is correlated with the time series of impact load measured at the barrier. The addition of the fluid phase was found to significantly increase the impact force and the maximum run-up height along the barrier. Further tests are performed using single-graded particles ranging in diameter from 3-25 mm. Over this range, the dilatancy of the flow increased with increasing particle size, leading to reduced influence of the fluid phase on the flow dynamics and decreased impact force, despite similar flow velocities (4-5 m/s).

To explore the performance of an alternate barrier type, impact tests were conducted using a single-slit barrier with varying slit size (30-240 mm) and grain diameter (3-25 mm), providing a wide range of relative slit sizes. A benefit of the slit barrier design is its ability to ‘self-clean,’ letting material slowly release through the slit following an impact event. This allows the barrier to remain effective in halting a secondary debris flow without maintenance clearing between impacts. To explore the dynamics of this subsequent event, secondary releases were performed for both solid and slit barrier designs. Barrier performance is investigated using load measurement, LiDAR imaging, and PIV analysis. The solid barrier experienced overtopping under the second release. The addition of the slit alters the deposit geometry, generating two slopes on either slide of the slit which act as redirection berms, altering the flow behaviour and reducing the runup height and force of the second impact. The results of this large-scale experimental study provide detailed data on the flow behaviour, impact mechanics, and barrier efficiency for a range of debris flow compositions, particle sizes, and slit sizes under single and sequential impacts, suitable for numerical model benchmark tests that may lead to improved barrier design.

How to cite: Hirsch, E., Take, A., Mulligan, R., and Woods, J.: Exploring single and sequential debris flow impacts against solid and slit barriers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14420,, 2025.

Debris flows are a common natural trigger of mountain disasters, and gravity-type check dams are one of the most representative soil and water conservation measures in the Bailong River basin. Despite the prevalence of gravity-type check dams, scholarly research on calculating deposition thickness for each debris flow event intercepted under future precipitation scenarios is lacking, hindering accurate predictions of dredging or expansion timing. This study developed a prediction formula for deposition thickness behind the check dam. The formula is applicable to debris flow events that the dams can intercept. By analyzing the mathematical relationships among slope ratio before and after deposition, channel width, distance to the check dam, and peak discharge, the thicknesses of debris flow depositions at certain positions can be calculated, offering a new approach for predicting check dam siltation times. The newly proposed prediction formula was used to calculate the deposition thicknesses behind the dam for five debris flow events, and was applied to channels with similar Melton Indices where check dams are constructed. The deposition processes of the five debris flow events were simulated using Massflow software. Additionally, machine learning methods were employed to predict precipitation scenarios and debris flow I-D threshold curves, thereby determining the rainfall likely to trigger debris flows in catchments. Results showed that, with a duration of 900 seconds, the peak flood discharges of the five debris flow events were 40.83%–43.23%, 18.56%–22.99%, 17.89%–18.69%, 9.00%–12.10%, and 15.85%–21.06% of a 100-year return period, respectively. The study also demonstrated that the new method can be widely applied to calculate deposition thicknesses behind dams accommodating different debris flow events, aiding in optimizing check dam management and maintenance strategies and enhancing their efficiency and sustainability in water and soil conservation.

How to cite: Wei, Z., Zeng, R., and Wang, X.: Predicting Debris Flow Check Dams Siltation Times Considering Climate Change: A Case Study of the Bailong River Basin (Gansu Section), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14695,, 2025.

EGU25-15243 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Risk Assessment: Zoning and Building Exposure Analysis for Champawat District, India 

Arun Tyagi, Mukat Lal Sharma, Chetan Gaur, and Ravindra K Gupta

The assessment of the degree to which a society is vulnerable to the tragedies that are caused by landslides continues to be a serious concern, particularly in areas that are prone to experiencing frequent landslides. Although there have been several studies that have addressed this topic, there has been relatively little research done on the relationship between landslides and the impact they have on buildings and infrastructure. This study focuses on assessing building vulnerability within the landslide susceptibility zones of the Champawat district in Uttarakhand. Building footprints were identified using an image segmentation algorithm powered by artificial intelligence. Landslide events were delineated based on historical and recent data from authenticated sources and field investigations on recent landslides. For this analysis, 10 Landslide Conditioning Factors were considered, including land surface temperature, rainfall, and land use/land cover, among others. The Weight of Evidence (WoE) method was applied to generate a landslide susceptibility map for the study area. The results indicate that almost 63.7% of the total buildings are located in moderate to highly susceptibility zones. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was utilized in order to validate the Landslide Susceptibility Map (LSM) that was developed, and the results showed that it achieved an accuracy of ~72%. This study highlights the need for targeted risk mitigation strategies to enhance the resilience of communities in landslide-prone regions.

How to cite: Tyagi, A., Sharma, M. L., Gaur, C., and Gupta, R. K.: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Risk Assessment: Zoning and Building Exposure Analysis for Champawat District, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15243,, 2025.

EGU25-15395 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Dynamic Flow Resistance in Debris Flows: High-Resolution Insights from Remote Sensing 

Tobias Schöffl, Brian McArdell, Johannes Hübl, Helmut Schreiber, Christoph Graf, Richard Koschuch, and Roland Kaitna

Debris flows are fast-moving, destructive mass transport processes that frequently occur in mountainous regions, posing severe threats to infrastructure and communities. Despite extensive research on debris flows, high-resolution velocity and flow depth data from full-scale natural events to test and parameterize empirical equations remain scarce. This study utilizes pulse-Doppler (PD) radar to continuously track debris-flow velocities at Illgraben, Switzerland, during the 2022 season. We analysed three debris flows and one debris flood, initially assessing four empirical mean velocity estimation equations: Newtonian Laminar Flow, Dilatant Grain Shearing, Manning-Strickler, and Chézy.

Flow resistance coefficients were back-calculated for each equation to evaluate their applicability and define their plausible value ranges. Based on these findings, we identified optimal Manning-Strickler (n = 0.16; n = 0.09) and Dilatant Grain Shearing (ξ = 25.5; ξ = 51.2) coefficients for the three debris flows and the debris flood, respectively, to estimate discharge and volume, highlighting both the strengths and limitations of these approaches. However, substantial variability in M-S and DGS coefficients—both within individual events and across different flows—challenges the conventional assumption of constant friction coefficients in debris-flow modeling.

Additionally, analysis of the relationship between flow height and velocity revealed a progressive decrease in yield stress across successive surges in two events, indicating a transition toward more fluidized flow behaviour. These findings contribute critical data for refining debris-flow models and improving predictive capabilities.

How to cite: Schöffl, T., McArdell, B., Hübl, J., Schreiber, H., Graf, C., Koschuch, R., and Kaitna, R.: Dynamic Flow Resistance in Debris Flows: High-Resolution Insights from Remote Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15395,, 2025.

EGU25-15837 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Field validation of debris-flow surge-wave equations at Illgraben, Switzerland 

Jacob Hirschberg and Jordan Aaron

Debris flows are destructive mixtures of water and sediments. In mountain regions, debris flows are a relevant hazard as they threaten people and infrastructure. A critical yet understudied debris-flow characteristic are surge waves, which can occur throughout a debris-flow event. These waves travel faster than the bulk flow and often determine the maximum discharge and impact pressure, with important implications for hazard assessment and mitigation. Although surge wave kinematics have been studied experimentally and theoretically, the high-quality field data needed to validate these findings are missing. Here, we leverage recently developed LiDAR sensors and cameras to monitor surge waves high spatial (<2 cm) and temporal (10 Hz) resolution in the Illgraben channel, Switzerland. We use a neural-network-based object detection algorithm (YOLOv5) to identify and track surge waves, boulders and woody debris on 2D camera images. Object tracking was performed with the SORT algorithm. By projecting the tracks onto the LiDAR point clouds, we obtain precise data such as size and velocity of individual objects including the wave crest, the fluid downstream of the wave and small features such as woody debris interacting with the surge waves. This data builds the basis to validate the latest theories of surge wave dynamics. Preliminary results show that a representation of surge kinematics which treats the wave as uniform and progressive (Davies, 1997), as a wave traveling through still water, captures the velocity trend although only based on wave height and the depth of the fluid it travels through. In future, we aim to test more complex surge wave kinematic theories, which can solve space-time evolution of the wave and particles floating on the surface (Viroulet et al., 2018), such as the woody debris we detect and track. Therefore, the unique field data and methods we present will be helpful for better understanding surge wave kinematics and develop and test numerical models.


Davies, T.R., 1997. Large and small debris flows—Occurrence and behaviour, in: Armanini, A., Michiue, M. (Eds.), Recent Developments on Debris Flows, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 27–45.

Viroulet, S., Baker, J.L., Rocha, F.M., Johnson, C.G., Kokelaar, B.P., Gray, J.M.N.T., 2018. The kinematics of bidisperse granular roll waves. J. Fluid Mech. 848, 836–875.

How to cite: Hirschberg, J. and Aaron, J.: Field validation of debris-flow surge-wave equations at Illgraben, Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15837,, 2025.

EGU25-16052 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Hydraulic Characteristics and Similarity of Debris Flows under the Erodible Bed Experiments 

Jingyu Jeong, Song Eu, Taehyun Kim, and Sangjun Im

Flume experiments have been widely used in many studies to investigate various characteristics of debris flows. However, some researchers have raised concerns about the adequacy of these experiments in simulating natural debris flows, as the majority do not account for entrainment and similarity. This study aimed to replicate debris flows that are dynamically similar to natural debris flows through flume experiments incorporating entrainment, and to analyze their flow characteristics. A 3.2-meter-long erodible bed composed of gravel was installed in the flume, and debris flows were generated by continuously supplying water at a constant discharge. The flow characteristics, including flow depth, flow velocity, and volumetric sediment concentration, were measured under varying flume slopes and water discharge conditions. The results showed that flow depth and volumetric sediment concentration exhibited an upward trend with increasing flume slope gradient under constant discharge conditions. Conversely, flow velocity exhibited a tendency to increase with higher discharge under the same slope conditions. The dynamic similarity of the flume experiments was evaluated using various dimensionless parameters, including the Froude number and the Bagnold number. These evaluations indicated that the flume experiments closely replicated the stony-type debris flows observed in nature.

How to cite: Jeong, J., Eu, S., Kim, T., and Im, S.: Hydraulic Characteristics and Similarity of Debris Flows under the Erodible Bed Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16052,, 2025.

EGU25-16122 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Automated Debris Flow Monitoring and Warning System for Yusui Stream, Taiwan 

Shih-Chao Wei and Ko-Fei Liu

To improve the timeliness and precision of debris flow early warnings in disaster-prone areas, a fully automated monitoring and warning system has been deployed in the midstream section of Yusui Stream, Taiwan. Designed to operate without manual intervention, the system serves as a localized enhancement to traditional precipitation threshold warnings. While precipitation-based alerts are effective on a regional scale, they may fail to account for localized variations in debris flow activity. This advanced system addresses these limitations, reducing unnecessary evacuations and disruptions while enhancing safety in high-risk communities.

The system achieves real-time debris flow detection by integrating two video cameras with 10X optical zoom, two geophone sensors, and a rain gauge. This setup captures both visual evidence and ground vibration signals, enabling accurate and direct confirmation of debris flow events. Upon detection, automated warnings are disseminated through multiple communication channels, including voice messages, Line Notify, public broadcasts, and web-based alerts. This multi-channel approach ensures effective notification even in critical situations.

Beyond its warning capabilities, the system offers advanced monitoring functions. The video cameras record key parameters such as debris flow front velocity and flow height, providing valuable data for emergency response and post-event analysis. Simultaneously, the geophone sensors measure phase speed and flow rate, offering deeper insights into debris flow dynamics and supporting the development of informed disaster management strategies.

The system’s reliability was demonstrated during Typhoon Gaemi on July 24, 2014, when it successfully detected multiple debris flows triggered by intense rainfall. Despite challenging weather conditions, it operated seamlessly, issuing timely warnings and capturing detailed video footage along with real-time depth variation data. These comprehensive records supported immediate relief efforts and contributed to ongoing research and preparedness for future disasters.

In conclusion, this fully automated debris flow monitoring and warning system represents a significant advancement in disaster mitigation. By providing precise, localized alerts and comprehensive monitoring data, it complements existing methods and sets a benchmark for wider adoption in regions facing similar geological or climatic hazards.

How to cite: Wei, S.-C. and Liu, K.-F.: Automated Debris Flow Monitoring and Warning System for Yusui Stream, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16122,, 2025.

EGU25-16175 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Erosive power of debris flows: predictive modelling by a simple empirical approach 

Verena Stammberger, Katharina Boie, and Michael Krautblatter

Debris flows are massively erosive mass movements that pose an increasing threat to infrastructure and settlements in mountainous areas due to more intense heavy rainfall events in the future. A major contributor to the magnitude for runoff generated debris flow is the parameter of effective erosion. It directly translates to the hazard potential of debris flows, but it is yet to be sufficiently implemented in models to achieve a predictive performance.

We developed a simple predictive erosive debris-flow model calibrated on active channels in the northern Bavarian Alps. The debris-flows at the study sites recently occurred in 2015 and in 2021, and all entrained more than 80% of their final volume from the sediment channel bed. Geomorphic change was calculated from pre- and post-event LiDAR data and the total volume of the flow was then compared to catchment characteristics. For a detailed analysis we divided the channel into equal segments and compared the respective eroded volume to flow parameters of the adjacent cross section which were simulated in a numerical model. The initiation volume was estimated by a runoff calculation from the respective heavy precipitation events recorded with radar data. We were able to obtain a correlation that can be used in a predictive debris-flow model to iteratively calculate the erosion for runoff-generated debris flows that are triggered by intense rainstorms. This model allows improved predictions of the magnitude of debris-flow prone channels through a forward-modelling approach.

How to cite: Stammberger, V., Boie, K., and Krautblatter, M.: Erosive power of debris flows: predictive modelling by a simple empirical approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16175,, 2025.

EGU25-16317 | Posters on site | NH3.1

Rheology of marine sediments at the eastern margin of the Korea Peninsula and its implications for submarine debris flow mobility 

Sueng-Won Jeong, Gwang-Soo Lee, Dong-Geun Yoo, Seok-Hwi Hong, and Roger Urgeles

To estimate the debris flow runout distance and its velocity, the geotechnical and rheological parameters of marine sediments are requested. To obtain the yield stress and viscosity as rheological properties, steady state and oscillatory shear rheology were conducted for marine sediments taken from the Ulleung Basin, East Sea. In general, marine sediments act as a yield stress fluid, such as a non-swelling materials. For the materials examined, yield stress and viscosity are sensitive to the change in volumetric concentration of sediment and salinity. In particular, at the same liquid limit, especially for the liquid limit state, the value is unique; however, when the liquidity index increases, the difference of rheological properties are large. According to the test results, the Bingham and bilinear yield stresses in controlled shear modes ranges approximately from 100 Pa to 4000 Pa. The large gap is due to the imposed shear loads: e.g. steady state and oscillatory shear loads. One of large difference is reached to the twice. Since the yield stress and viscosity affect the runout distance and peak velocity of debris flow materials, the difference create different geomorphological characteristics. For the debris flow simulation, Massmov2d is used. In this presentation, the debris flow characteristics depending on geotechnical and rheological parameters will be discussed.

How to cite: Jeong, S.-W., Lee, G.-S., Yoo, D.-G., Hong, S.-H., and Urgeles, R.: Rheology of marine sediments at the eastern margin of the Korea Peninsula and its implications for submarine debris flow mobility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16317,, 2025.

EGU25-16616 | Orals | NH3.1

Insights on the role of fine particles on the mobility of geophysical flows from large-scale experiments 

Fabio Dioguardi, Francesco Neglia, Damiano Sarocchi, Luis Angel Rodríguez Sedano, Oscar Segura Cisneros, Anibal Montenegro Rios, Alexis Bougouin, Roberto Sulpizio, and Pierfrancesco Dellino

Geophysical flows, such as debris flows, debris avalanches, pyroclastic density currents, etc., represent one of the main sources of natural hazards. Some of these can be classified as dry granular flows, i.e., gravity-driven mixtures of discrete grains that are prevalent in a wide range of volcanological scenarios (e.g. pyroclastic density currents, block and ash flows, debris avalanches, etc.). These flows are characterized by a high degree of polydispersity in terms of grain size and density, which in turn affects the flow properties. Specifically, the presence of fine particles modifies the flow structure by segregating downwards  forming a fine-rich basal layer, which  controls basal dissipation. Here, the role of fine grains within granular flows is investigated on the  mobility of granular flows through large-scale laboratory experiments, in which dry, initially-homogeneous granular mixtures are released vertically onto a sloped channel. In this presentation, we show the preliminary results of this experimental campaign with an emphasis on the effect of fine particles in polydisperse mixtures and its interaction with the basal roughness on the flow runout. We reveal how important it is to consider fine particles in granular flows, and look ahead to the future prospects of this study.

How to cite: Dioguardi, F., Neglia, F., Sarocchi, D., Rodríguez Sedano, L. A., Segura Cisneros, O., Montenegro Rios, A., Bougouin, A., Sulpizio, R., and Dellino, P.: Insights on the role of fine particles on the mobility of geophysical flows from large-scale experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16616,, 2025.

EGU25-16696 | Orals | NH3.1

SPH-DEM Modeling of Debris and Mud Flows 

Philipp Friess, Hervé Vicari, Brian McArdell, Amanda Åberg, and Johan Gaume

Gravitational mass movements, such as debris and mud flows, are among the most destructive natural hazards, leading to substantial fatalities and extensive economic damage worldwide. Improving our understanding and modeling of these processes is essential for developing effective risk management and early warning strategies. When debris and mud flows pass through a curved channel, centrifugal forces may cause a difference in flow height between the inner and outer banks of the channel. This height difference, known as superelevation, can be described using analytical models that establish a relationship between the superelevation height and the flow velocity.

Analytical models often employ a forced vortex approach, incorporating parameters such as the cross-sectional slope of the flow surface, flow width, and bend radius. These models, however, rely on assumptions such as a linear flow surface between mud deposits on the banks, a rectangular cross-section, and neglect both complex rheological behaviors and solid-fluid interactions. As a result, an empirically determined correction factor is required within the formula. The absence of a clear mechanical rationale for this correction factor presents challenges, as it is currently derived only through field investigations and laboratory experiments.

This study presents an enhancement to the existing forced vortex approach by incorporating insights from numerical modeling. A coupled SPH-DEM numerical model is employed, where DEM particles represent coarse solid particles, and SPH accounts for the fluid phase, comprising fines and water. The SPH-DEM coupling is based on the no-slip interaction model, with simulations performed using a GPU-based solver to ensure enhanced computational efficiency. To validate the approach, a parametric test is conducted, initially back-calculating laboratory-scale experiments. The study further involves varying the water content in debris and mud flows to examine its impact on flow behavior and superelevation. Larger water contents lead to an increased superelevation angle. Results from the parametric test reveal a clear correlation between water content and the flow surface shape in curved channels. Specifically, mud flows are characterized by convex upward surface shapes, whereas more granular debris flows typically exhibit concave downward shapes.

The distribution of material within the cross-section of the flow is governed by the equilibrium between boundary forces and centrifugal forces acting on the flow, which directly influences the superelevation. Numerical investigations are conducted to determine a correction factor and assess the extent to which inertial effects contribute to this correction factor for different material mixtures. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the effect of the flow surface shape is significant and is currently only accounted for by the empirical correction factor. This study offers new physical insights for the back-calculation of debris flow velocities in curved sections marked by mud deposits. Large-scale SPH-DEM simulations of a real debris flow event at Illgraben (Switzerland) are performed, showing good agreement with field data and its potential for further real-scale modeling.

How to cite: Friess, P., Vicari, H., McArdell, B., Åberg, A., and Gaume, J.: SPH-DEM Modeling of Debris and Mud Flows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16696,, 2025.

EGU25-17110 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Simulating debris flow mobility with erosion in r.avaflow using a mechanical model 

Katharina Boie, Michael Krautblatter, Ivo Baselt, Katharina Wetterauer, and Shiva P. Pudasaini

Erosion and entrainment are dominant mechanical processes in debris flows that can amplify the flow volume by several orders of magnitude, enhance mobility, significantly increase impact forces and expand the inundation area. Reliable simulations that include erosion processes are thus critical for hazard assessment. However, existing computational debris flow models do not correctly account for the erosion-induced net momentum production. Instead, they utilize empirical approaches to erosion that rely on data from past events for calibration, often resulting in parameters that vary widely and sometimes assume unrealistic values. We have implemented the mechanical model presented in Pudasaini and Krautblatter (2021), which explains erosion-induced mass flow mobility based on erosion velocity, mechanically described erosion rate, and flow inertia, into the open source, multi-phase computational tool r.avaflow, that we extended for use in both field and laboratory conditions. To verify the correct implementation of the mechanical erosion model into r.avaflow, we are using data from large-scale laboratory flume experiments with an erodible bed and varying material composition, bed morphology and flow conditions. Here, we present simulation results from an erosive laboratory setting and the highly erosive field event “Bauhof-torrent”, Königssee (Bavaria, Germany), using the newly expanded r.avaflow, which now includes erosion-induced net momentum production. The results show that the model correctly captures the characteristic effects of erosive mass transport, such as enhanced flow mobility and energetically nonlinear volume bulking, leading to amplified surges, increased flow height, longer flow durations, and much wider inundation areas. Additionally, important phenomena such as phase separation with a solid-rich front and fluid-dominated tail, as well as different deposition speeds of the frictional solid phase and the viscous fluid phase, are observed.

How to cite: Boie, K., Krautblatter, M., Baselt, I., Wetterauer, K., and Pudasaini, S. P.: Simulating debris flow mobility with erosion in r.avaflow using a mechanical model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17110,, 2025.

On July 20, 2024, a catastrophic group-occurring debris flow event occurred in the Malie Valley, southwestern China, involving nine debris flows primarily initiated by widespread shallow landslides. The event was triggered by a short-duration nighttime rainfall. The triggering rainfall intensity was 25.44 mm/h, and the Malie Valley was nearly at the center of the rainstorm. Since 2000, four historical rainfall events in the region have exceeded this intensity, yet none resulted in debris flows. The total daily rainfall during the event was 100.5 mm, corresponding to only 20-year return period. While differences in long-term antecedent effective rainfall (AER) between this event and previous heavy rainfall events were small, the 3-day AER reached 108.75 mm, which was 4 to 20 times greater than that of earlier events. These findings underscore the critical influence of short-term AER preceding intense rainfall in triggering group-occurring debris flows.

How to cite: Li, H., Hu, K., and Liu, S.: Analysis of antecedent and real-time rainfall characteristics of a large-scale debris flow event in Southwest China in 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17685,, 2025.

The transition area between the Tibet plateau and the Sichuan basin has a big elevation difference and sensitive environment, the new build expressway from Wenchuan to Marcon suffering debris flow before it formally running. After investigation and data analysis, the reason caused debris flow is heavy rainfall cause some landslide in the both banks of gully, investigation also found different structure of the expressway cause different result. In order to make effective mitigation for expressway, a susceptibility analysis of struck area was made, the geology environment, rainfall intensity map from TRMM and GPM data and NDVI and the loose material evaluation from remote sensing data were used in gully scale, the susceptibility model is AHP method and compared with the synthetic model proposed by Liu xilin(2002). The expressway suffering debris flow because the exposure and the facility structures, with this idea and the concept of risk given by the UNESCO, the disaster resistance were classed by 5 kind of structures, the final result show the right bank is much higher risk and some corresponding mitigation works were proposed.

How to cite: Tian, H.: Assessment of low-frequency plateau debris flow risk along expressway considering the threatened highway facility constructures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17761,, 2025.

EGU25-17838 | Posters on site | NH3.1

Rainfall intensity-duration thresholds for debris flows in hyperarid zones with sparse meteorological monitoring. 

Diego Pinto, Miguel Lagos-Zúñiga, Alex Garcés, Marcia Paredes, and Santiago Montserrat

Northern Chile is characterized by hyperarid conditions, with annual precipitation averaging < 100 mm/year, however, during the austral summer, few short-duration, high-intensity local convective rainfall, typically originated by cut-off lows, accounts for > 90% of annual precipitation. Large scale events, dominated by synoptic activity, such as those occurring in March 2015 and May 2017 in the southernmost Atacama desert, triggered debris flows in more than 100 creeks, causing significant damage to infrastructure, the local economy, and loss of human lives. However, numerous debris flow events associated with mesoscale convective systems in the Andes have also been documented despite not being recorded by low-elevation meteorological stations. Based on a debris flow inventory compiled by the National Geology and Mining Service, the characteristics of storms within a 10 km radius of each event were analyzed. Rainfall intensity-duration (ID) thresholds were identified, revealing that storms with an intensity exceeding ~7 mm/h have a high probability of triggering debris flows. The identified ID curve generally  represents lower thresholds compared to global studies, attributed to the convective nature of the storms and the low density of meteorological stations. Although low, the proposed threshold is conservative and suitable given the low meteorological monitoring density in the area. The use of a  convection-permitting storm simulation through the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) is being explore to reproduce local scale precipitation triggering debris flows in the area.

How to cite: Pinto, D., Lagos-Zúñiga, M., Garcés, A., Paredes, M., and Montserrat, S.: Rainfall intensity-duration thresholds for debris flows in hyperarid zones with sparse meteorological monitoring., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17838,, 2025.

EGU25-18137 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

A Simplified CVFEM-Based Model for Debris Flow Fan Morphology at Tributary Confluences 

Sung-Yun Shan, Yun-Jie Zhong, and Chi-Yao Hung

This study presents a simplified approach using the control volume finite element method (CVFEM) to model debris flow fan morphology at tributary confluences, with a specific focus on the effects of main channel flow rates and slopes. Conventional models often require extensive parameterization and computational resources to simulate such complex sediment transport processes. In contrast, our simplified model introduces an effective slope parameter to represent the influence of the main stream on the evolving fan morphology. This adjustment allows for a more efficient yet reliable simulation framework, particularly in scenarios where real-time analysis or rapid assessments are needed. To validate the model, we conducted field-based comparisons using morphological data from the confluence of the Yu-Shui River and Laonong River, a region prone to frequent debris flow events and significant sediment deposition. The model successfully reproduced essential features observed in the field, including fan elongation and narrowing in response to increased main stream flow rates. Despite its simplified structure, the model showed consistent agreement with field observations across varying hydraulic and topographic conditions, highlighting its capability to capture key morphological trends without the need for excessive computational effort. By incorporating the effective slope parameter to simulate main stream influence, this approach offers a practical and computationally efficient tool for simulating debris flow fan dynamics. The simplified model holds promise for applications in geomorphological research, sediment transport analysis, and disaster risk management, particularly in data-scarce or rapidly evolving environments.

How to cite: Shan, S.-Y., Zhong, Y.-J., and Hung, C.-Y.: A Simplified CVFEM-Based Model for Debris Flow Fan Morphology at Tributary Confluences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18137,, 2025.

Debris flow activity is expected to show a nonlinear response under different climate change scenarios. The Plansee (Tyrol, Austria) in the Northern Calcareous Alps is one of the few catchments where the strong increase in debris flow activity could be evidenced over the last 70 years (terrestrially) and 4000 years (lake sediments). The latter study (Kiefer et al. 2021) shows a 9-fold recent (since 1920) increase in debris flow volumes. The 54 alluvial fans bordering the lake are connected to heavily jointed Dolostone catchments with constant debris production and form an archive for the evolution of debris flow activity over the Holocene. By photogrammetric analysis of historical and digital aerial images starting in 1952, we capture a 7-decade period of terrestrial hillslope erosion. The volumes of debris flow-induced sediment deposition in the lake since 1952 derived from turbidite deposits match the yearly cumulative net change in the catchments calculated from Digital Surface Models derived from historical aerial images. An increase in rainfall days since the 1980s corresponds to an increase in mean erosion over all catchments. We compare the sediment yields of these catchments over the last 7 decades to find out whether varying catchment characteristics control the activity on each fan or the variation in rockfall activity and local intense precipitation over time outweighs differences between catchment morphometry. We aim to analyze (i) how the longterm increase in debris flow activity since 1920 is reflected in the short term sediment dynamics of multiple alluvial fans, (ii) whether we can observe trends or heterogeneous activity on all fans within this phase of overall enhanced activity, (iii) how the vegetation cover changed within 7 decades, (iv) which sedimentation patterns we can reveal with geophysical methods and (v) the amount of geomorphic work carried out in the catchments over the last 7 decades.

How to cite: Kiefer, C., Barbosa, N., and Krautblatter, M.: Deciphering increasing debris flow activity as a composed signal of 54 contributing catchments over the last 70 years: combined terrestrial and lake record (Plansee, AT), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18498,, 2025.

EGU25-18775 | Orals | NH3.1

Uncertainty and error propagation in the channelized debris flood forecasting 

Xiaojun Guo and Siling Zhang

Recently the methods for building rainfall threshold were proposed based on the physical process aims to predict the debris flood occurrences. However, due to uncertainties in rainfall and water & soil supply processes in mountainous regions, significant uncertainty remains in the forecasting. This study evaluates the error propagation mechanisms of rainfall patterns, hydrological process, and soil mobilization under specific rainfall constraints using a typical small watershed in the Wenchuan earthquake area as a case study. By setting parameters for rainfall, models, and initial soil conditions based on critical conditions derived from actual monitoring, we observe an amplifying trend in errors throughout the threshold establishment process. From rainfall to water flow, after transforming rainfall patterns and selecting runoff model parameters, the maximum positive error is 0.10, while the maximum negative error is -0.18. Incorporating the uncertainty of D50 into soil mobilization increases the maximum positive error to 1.16 and expands the maximum negative error to -0.43. Considering the uncertainty in the proportion of soil mobilization within the catchment during the threshold building process, the maximum positive error further increases to 1.72, while the maximum negative error rises to -0.48. It is evident that errors introduced by rainfall patterns and runoff model parameters are relatively minor compared to those caused by the uncertainty of D50. Based on these findings, a probabilistic forecasting model is proposed, providing a scientific basis for debris flow forecasts.

Key words: Debris flood, runoff yield, soil mobilization, critical thresholds, probabilistic forecasting.


How to cite: Guo, X. and Zhang, S.: Uncertainty and error propagation in the channelized debris flood forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18775,, 2025.

EGU25-19265 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Simulating snowmelt-induced muddy debris flows in alpine regions: A case study in the Seres Creek, Dolomites 

Litan Dey, Marco Borga, Francesco Comiti, Martin Mergili, Macconi Pierpaolo, Lorenzo Marchi, Marco Cavalli, Stefano Crema, Eleonora Dallan, and Volkmar Mair

Mountainous catchments often experience snowmelt-induced landslides and debris flows triggered by soil saturation due to intense and rapid snowmelt during spring and early summer. These events are influenced by snowpack dynamics, terrain morphology, and the hydrological processes associated with the melting process. While snowmelt-induced debris flows typically exhibit gradual initiation due to steady water input, they can mobilize large volumes of sediment (and possibly woody material), posing significant hazards to downstream areas. In spite of their impacts, these events are poorly covered in the literature. The objectives of this study are to examine the mechanisms of snowmelt-induced debris flow formation, analyze sediment transport dynamics, and evaluate downstream impacts. The landslide has affected sedimentary rocks of poor mechanical characteristics that produce abundant silty-clayey debris. The event under study occurred on June 17-18, 2024 in the Dolomites, just upstream of the Longiarù village (South Tyrol, Italy). Field observations, coupled with DoD analysis, revealed that the landslide originated in a hollow near the watershed divide and the muddy debris flow traveled a significant distance into the valley, receiving further water input from a few minor streams and entraining additional sediments along its course. Video footage recorded near the village showed a progressive decrease in flow concentration as the flowing mass moved downstream.

Based on the mobilized volume derived from the DoD, we simulated the debris flow using the single-phase flow model implemented in the r.avaflow computational tool. Field data and historical records were used to calibrate and validate the model, ensuring that the simulated results closely matched observed travel distances, deposited volumes, and impacted areas. The findings of this study contribute to a broader understanding of snowmelt-induced debris flows in mountain regions and provide insights for developing effective hazard mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Dey, L., Borga, M., Comiti, F., Mergili, M., Pierpaolo, M., Marchi, L., Cavalli, M., Crema, S., Dallan, E., and Mair, V.: Simulating snowmelt-induced muddy debris flows in alpine regions: A case study in the Seres Creek, Dolomites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19265,, 2025.

EGU25-19392 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Meteorological assessment of a mountainous convective precipitation event triggering debris flows in the subtropical Andes.  

Miguel Lagos-Zuñiga, Marcia Paredes, Felipe Matus, Diego Pinto, Alex Garcés, and Santiago Montserrat

Convective precipitation in mountainous zones often induces downstream effects, such as increased river turbidity,  debris flows, and flooding, which can result in infrastructure damage, casualties, and even fatalities. Observing these events in the Andes is particularly challenging because of the lack of surface observations in the highlands, and sometimes, they are not even captured by meteorological stations. Nevertheless, debris flows are observed by the small communities of mountain inhabitants. In this research, we analyze a convective precipitation event induced by a cut-off low that triggered several debris flows in the upper Huasco River basin at the subtropical Andes (~28°S) during April 2024 (austral fall). We follow the typical hydrologic approach, extrapolating low elevation measurements from the Chilean water and meteorological agencies, comparing the estimation of freezing level with in-situ low-cost temperature sensors, and MODIS images sensing for snow detection. In addition, we perform a convection-permitting simulation through the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF), to reproduce rainfall in locations where debris flows occur. Our results show that the available pluviometers did not observe significant precipitation, except in some areas with intensities of up to 7 mm/hr and total precipitation of 64 mm at 1370 m a.s.l., as well as intensities of up to 2 mm/hour and total precipitation of 10 mm at 467 m a.s.l. during two to three days of the event. The temperature sensors indicate a high freezing level decreasing from 4000 m a.s.l, to 3000 m a.s.l. within the first day. The WRF simulations revealed, in the 4 km resolution domain, that total precipitation exceeds 100 mm, surpassing the highest observed records. Our findings demonstrate the importance of having observational data in mountain zones and the key role that may play in convection-permitting simulations in complex and ungauged terrain.

How to cite: Lagos-Zuñiga, M., Paredes, M., Matus, F., Pinto, D., Garcés, A., and Montserrat, S.: Meteorological assessment of a mountainous convective precipitation event triggering debris flows in the subtropical Andes. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19392,, 2025.

In Nepal, efforts to establish landslide-triggering rainfall thresholds across multiple scales are well underway, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of landslide early warning systems (LEWS). These thresholds are being developed at regional, provincial, municipal, and single-slope levels, supporting landslide prediction across diverse geographic and administrative contexts.

In the vast and landslide-prone Himalayan region, establishing a regional rainfall threshold is crucial. Analysis of historical data from 1951–2006 covering 677 landslides identified a threshold relationship between rainfall intensity and duration, revealing that daily precipitation exceeding 144 mm significantly increases landslide risk. This regional threshold, developed by Dahal and Hasegawa (2008), serves as a valuable basis for early warnings across the Nepal Himalaya, providing essential risk management information for large-scale events.

Landslides in Nepal are frequently triggered by high-intensity rainfall, seismic activity, and hillside modification. A study using satellite rainfall data and landslide records from 2011 to 2022 developed a provincial-level threshold for Bagmati Province. The threshold equation at a 5% non-exceedance probability indicates that even low rainfall levels can trigger landslides due to geological weaknesses, particularly following the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake. This provincial threshold has been validated through real-time analysis, establishing a robust foundation for LEWS of Bagmati Province.

At the municipal level, rainfall thresholds have been developed for Helambu and Panchpokhari Thangpal municipalities. Using inventory data, intensity-duration threshold equations were established with high accuracy, showing strong predictive capability for landslides in these areas. The correlation between landslide susceptibility and terrain features underscores the importance of localized LEWS and community awareness initiatives to improve response during intense rainfall events.

On a single-slope scale, a physically based model was used to establish a landslide threshold for a slope on the Narayangadh-Mugling road. Here, variations in pore water pressure were analyzed under different rainfall return periods, revealing that increased topographic hollow size amplifies pore water pressure, which elevates landslide risk. The slope at Nau Kilo, with an extremely low safety factor, is highly susceptible to collapse during heavy rainfall, underscoring the need for targeted monitoring and stabilization at high-risk sites.

Developing these multilevel rainfall thresholds, tailored to Nepal’s diverse landscapes, provides essential tools for advancing LEWS and reducing landslide impacts on vulnerable communities. Enhancing rain gauge density, ensuring consistent landslide data management, and refining thresholds continuously will further improve prediction accuracy, offering valuable insights for disaster preparedness and community risk reduction across landslide-prone areas of Nepal.

How to cite: Dahal, R. K.: Multi-Scale Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Prediction: Advancing Early Warning Systems in Diverse Landscapes of Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-276,, 2025.

During extreme rainfall, large-scale landslide is a frequent mishap in mainstream and tributaries of Taiwan. Reviewing the histories of Taiwan landslide events, as a large-scale rock/soil mass of simultaneous movements in mountains roads, villages, valley sides, it might cause serious disasters. Reviewing the present literatures, there are morphological indications that the potential rockslide can be track and find. Especially, the slate slope is influenced by weathering and gravitation for a long time, it become weak and it may cause the sliding slope creep and folding rock that will become the sliding surface of deep-seated rockslide. But analysis of earthquake and rainfall induced rock slope deformation, development of cracks on cliff top, failure for disaster preparedness, and response planning are sometimes inadequate due to the complexity of such slopes. Whereas, this study formulates three years that mainly focus on the failure trend of large-scale landslides for slate (or argillite) slope caused by the adjacent anticline structure. The study area was selected D077 large-scale landslide (The landslide volume is approximately 5.9 million cubic meters) case which to discuss the landslide mechanism, monitoring, and scenario simulation model. Base on the past events of the rockslide, the geological investigation, morphological analysis and remote sensing technology will helpful to induce the geological characteristics and the morphological evolution. Then, calibrated numerical methods adopted in the small-scale model were used to simulate the full-scale model. The scenario simulation results should be as close to reality as much as possible. Finally, D077 large-scale landslide case will be simulated, establishing a landslide scenario simulation model, and the results can provide reference for disaster prevention, mapping and interpretation of monitoring signals with hazard areas, and associated renovation project planning.

Key words: large-scale landslide, slate slope, anticline, monitoring, scenario simulation model.

How to cite: Lo, C.-M. and Wu, Y.-C.: Study on the landslide mechanism, monitoring, and scenario simulation of slate slopes caused by adjacent anticline structure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2389,, 2025.

Understanding particle fragmentation and its resulting particle-size distribution is crucial for interpreting shear zone behavior in geological processes like faulting and landslides, especially under high-stress conditions. This study uses the 3-D fractal dimension (D3) to measure particle-size distribution and potential self-similarity. While previous models predict D3 values around 2.58 or 3.0, field data show significant variation. We conducted rotary shear experiments to investigate how D3 evolves with shear displacement under different normal stresses, velocities, and mineral compositions. Our results show that D3 increases monotonically with shear displacement, converging to an ultimate value highly dependent on mineral composition, but much less affected by normal stress and shear velocity. A modified large-strain model incorporating size-dependent grain-breakage probability is proposed, which explains the divergence of D3 from previous predictions. This model highlights the complexity of particle fragmentation in dense grain flows and provides a possible explanation for the high but variable D3 observed in natural shear zones. Further, we acknowledge that additional mechanisms, such as abrasion and grinding, can further contribute to particle size reduction. This study offers valuable insights into the dynamics of particle fragmentation in geological shear zones.

How to cite: Ge, Y., Hu, W., and Li, Y.: Fractal Dimension Evolution in Dense Granular Flows: Insights from Rotary Shear Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3981,, 2025.

Determining the shear-velocity dependence of dry granular friction can provide insight into the controlling variables in a dry granular friction law. Scattered laboratory results suggest that granular friction is greatly affected by shear-velocity (v), but shear experiments over the large range of naturally occurring shear-velocities are lacking. Herein we examined the shear velocity dependence of dry friction for three granular materials, quartz sand, glass beads and fluorspar, across nine orders of magnitude of shear velocity (10-8 m/s - 2 m/s). Within this range, granular friction exhibited four regimes, following a broad approximate "m" shape including two velocity-strengthening and two velocity-weakening regimes, and we discussed the possible physical mechanisms of each regime. This shear velocity dependence appeared to be universal for all particle types, shapes, sizes, and for all normal stresses over the tested range. We also found that ultra-high frequency vibration as grain surfaces were scoured by micro-chips formed by spalling at high shear velocities, creating ~20 µm diameter impact pits on particle surfaces. This study provided laboratory laws of a friction-velocity (μ-v) model for granular materials.

How to cite: hu, W.: Variation in granular frictional resistance across nine orders of magnitude in shear velocity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4620,, 2025.

EGU25-6888 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2

Two-phase depth-resolved numerical model captures debris flows entraining water-saturated sediments 

Hervé Vicari, Quoc-Anh Tran, Mikkel Metzsch, and Johan Gaume

The importance of erosion processes in influencing the long-distance travel of geophysical mass movements (such as debris flows, rock and snow avalanches, and landslides) is well recognized. However, numerical modeling of these processes remains difficult and is frequently overlooked. Typically, researchers have neglected entrainment or employed empirical models, where the entrainment parameters must be back-calculated to achieve the observed erosion volume and runout. Instead, in this work, we use a two-phase depth-resolved model, within an elasto-plastic framework, utilizing a dilatant Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model based on Terzaghi's effective stress principle. This model effectively captures large deformations and the interactions between solid and liquid phases in water-saturated soils subjected to overriding granular flows. Consequently, it naturally simulates bed liquefaction—the transition of initially solid soil into a liquid-like state—when overridden by debris material. The simulations reveal that the initial characteristics of the bed material, such as its permeability and consolidation degree, are crucial in influencing pore pressure generation and dissipation, degree of bed material mobilization and flow travel distance, consistent with observations from natural events. The study highlights the need to consider ground hydrological and geotechnical properties when predicting landslide hazards while also offering a detailed quantitative analysis of how bed mechanical properties influence the potential for liquefaction. Since bed material properties can potentially be measured through laboratory and field tests, the two-phase depth-resolved model has the capabilities to predictively simulate real events.

How to cite: Vicari, H., Tran, Q.-A., Metzsch, M., and Gaume, J.: Two-phase depth-resolved numerical model captures debris flows entraining water-saturated sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6888,, 2025.

EGU25-6962 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2

Field monitoring of the recent reactivation of the large dormant Ca’ di Sotto earthflow 

Alessandro Zuccarini, Giuseppe Ciccarese, Nicola Dal Seno, Marco Bartola, Rodolfo Rani, Lorenza Zamboni, Giuseppe Caputo, Roberto Carboni, Aldo Fantini, Luca Monti, and Matteo Berti

The reactivation of earthflows in fine-grained geological media represents a complex phenomenon characterised by transitions from prolonged dormant phases to sudden accelerations.  While dormant stages typically exhibit slow movements (less than 1 m/year), critical rainfall conditions may trigger rapid surges in which the landslide mass can attain velocities up to several meters per hour within a limited time frame. Despite the extensive literature on the subject, the mechanisms and dynamics underlying this peculiar behaviour remain incompletely understood, largely due to challenges in acquiring direct field data that accurately capture these episodic events.

This study presents field data documenting the October 2024 reactivation of the large, dormant Ca’ di Sotto earthflow, located in the Northern Apennines (Italy) within the municipality of San Benedetto Val di Sambro. During the initial stages of reactivation, adverse weather conditions, including persistent fog and rainfall, severely hindered direct visual observation and aerial monitoring of the landslide's evolution. To overcome these challenges, a GNSS-based monitoring system was promptly deployed, comprising 31 evenly distributed periodic measuring points (surveyed daily) as well as three dual-frequency permanent GNSS stations.

GNSS data revealed an exceptionally rapid reactivation of the Ca’ di Sotto earthflow. The initial failure quickly propagated from the source area through the entire 2-km-long landslide body within a few days irreversibly compromising the functionality of a water bypass system built at the toe of the earthflow along the Sambro Stream after a previous reactivation in 1994. The failure of this bypass caused a critical water level rise in an upstream impoundment that had formed during the 1994 event.

In the following weeks, as precipitations significantly subsided, the landslide mass progressively decelerated, transitioning from peak velocities of 100 – 150 m/day recorded during the initial phase to rates of a few cm/day. At this stage, the monitoring system was enhanced with periodic drone surveys and a robotic total station, providing hourly measurements with millimetric precision across 24 regularly distributed monitoring prisms. Particularly, two transverse prism arrays were strategically installed at different elevations to serve as early warning systems for potential future reactivations.

Additionally, emergency hydraulic risk assessments were conducted, examining plausible scenarios of river blockage, impoundment water level fluctuations and management with contingency water pumping systems. These scenarios were evaluated considering ad hoc impoundment characteristic curves and hydrographs derived for design rainfall events, following the standardised NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) unit hydrograph methodology.

How to cite: Zuccarini, A., Ciccarese, G., Dal Seno, N., Bartola, M., Rani, R., Zamboni, L., Caputo, G., Carboni, R., Fantini, A., Monti, L., and Berti, M.: Field monitoring of the recent reactivation of the large dormant Ca’ di Sotto earthflow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6962,, 2025.

EGU25-7312 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2 | Highlight

Seismic precursors reveal the role of internal processes in driving mobilisation of the 15th June 2023 Brienz/Brinzauls Rockslide 

Sibashish Dash, Michael Dietze, Qi Zhou, Peter Makus, Fabian Walter, Marcel Fulde, Jens Turowski, and Niels Hovius

Early detection and monitoring of rock slope instabilities are critical due to their sudden onset and significant risks to life and infrastructure. Understanding the factors controlling the dynamic evolution of rock slopes towards catastrophic failure remains a major challenge as mechanisms driving the failure occur at depths inaccessible to surface-based measurement techniques. 

Once rock bridge failures grow and coalesce to a continuous failure plane under (sub)critical stress, a rockslide enters the mobilisation phase. From then, it creeps or slides until it evacuates the source area. For many hillslope instabilities, it is unclear how the interplay between internal mechanisms and external, often meteorological drivers governs the time to collapse and the extent of structural damage during displacement.

In Brienz/Brinzauls, Switzerland, near-field seismic data from a network of geophones and broadband sensors captured precursory signals originating on or within the active “Insel” compartment of a large landslide complex, as it accelerated from 50 mm/day in late April to over 5000 mm/day, before its collapse on 15 June 2023. During prolonged mobilisation, we analyse the link between precipitation and internal mechanisms and assess how these internal processes independently drive the unstable rock mass to catastrophic collapse in the absence of external meteorological forces.

We apply a supervised XGBoost machine learning model based on seismic features to detect and classify surface rockfall events and sub-surface micro-earthquake events (internal rock bridge failures and basal stick-slip) from continuous seismic time series. 

Initial increases in surface and sub-surface event rates were rainfall-driven, with sub-surface event spikes lagging behind surface events due to progressive water infiltration into the landslide mass. After rainfall ends, surface event rates decrease earlier than sub-surface event rates as water drains from the landslide mass. Rocksliding transitioned to a phase of internal control, leading to the nonlinear evolution of surface and sub-surface events until the main collapse, in the absence of rainfall. After the transition, subsurface activity accelerated without a corresponding change in rockfall activity. Rockfall activity from the "Insel" increased after a 9-day lag, likely driven by the upward propagation of stress imbalances caused by an enhanced rate of basal sliding. A continuous decrease in sub-surface events per unit slip indicates rate-weakening behaviour at the sliding surface with slip progressively eroding asperities, reducing frictional resistance. In this context, the disintegration of rock fragments along the sliding surface generates transient families of repeating seismic events characterized by near-identical waveforms.

Our observations underline the critical role of dynamic roughness evolution at the sliding interface in governing rock mass mobilisation, with the transition from meteorologically driven sliding to internally controlled acceleration predominantly reflected in basal stick-slip and internal cracking, rather than surface rockfall activity. This highlights the need for spatially extensive monitoring of rock-internal processes to understand the non-linear dynamics of large slope instabilities during failure preparation, beyond precipitation-based models.

How to cite: Dash, S., Dietze, M., Zhou, Q., Makus, P., Walter, F., Fulde, M., Turowski, J., and Hovius, N.: Seismic precursors reveal the role of internal processes in driving mobilisation of the 15th June 2023 Brienz/Brinzauls Rockslide, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7312,, 2025.

In 1968 a road was constructed along the coast on the western side of the Tröllaskagi peninsula in central north Iceland. The road, which until 2010 was the only whole year road to the town of Siglufjörður, crosses three large landslides, the Hraun landslide in the south, the Þúfnavellir landslide and the Tjarnardalir landslide in the north, in an area named Almenningar. Since its construction extensive damages have occurred on the road often causing hazardous conditions.

In 1977 the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration began to monitor the deformation. In the beginning the measurements were achieved with several years intervals, but over the last decades yearly measurements have been carried out. In the year 2022, nine GNSS stations were installed along the road and a rain gauge, giving us for the first time the possibility of 24/7 monitoring on the displacements and connect the movement to weather variations, such as temperature variation and precipitation.

The dataset, which spans now over 47 years, gives us a unique opportunity to correlate the displacements on the road to external factors. Written source of deformation in the Almenningar area dates back to 1916 and since then more than 50 movement events have been listed affecting the road.

These measurements show the deformation along the road, but recent studies using “feature tracking” and InSAR show us that the whole landslide masses show signs of movement.

Our studies show that the highest movement rate takes place along the frontal parts of the landslide masses and that the movement is strongly related to both weather variations, e.g. precipitation, snowmelt and coastal erosion.

How to cite: Sæmundsson, Þ. and Geirsson, H.: Interaction between weather variations and large scale displacements along the Siglufjarðarvegur road in the Almenningar area, in central North Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8775,, 2025.

EGU25-9131 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.2

Capturing Rock Damage and Environmental Forcings in Toppling Slopes: An Integrated Monitoring System in Bedretto 

Mingyue Yuan, Jordan Aaron, Jacob Hirschberg, Larissa de Palézieux, Antonio Pio Rinaldi, and Pascal Edme

Rock slope toppling typically occurs in slopes with steep, deep-seated discontinuities and involves large unstable rock masses that may transform into catastrophic secondary failures. Understanding the long-term weakening processes of such slopes remains challenging due to limited subsurface access and the lack of continuous deformation monitoring under diverse external forcings. To address these limitations, this study implements a comprehensive, tunnel-based multi-parameter monitoring system in the toppling zone intersected by the first 500 meters of the Bedretto Tunnel in Ticino, Switzerland.

The system integrates high-resolution (~0.5 m) distributed fibre optic sensors for strain and temperature monitoring along the tunnel with GPS measurements of 3D surface displacements. In-tunnel hydraulic sensors installed, in both stable and critical zones, continuously capture changes in pore water pressure, tunnel inflow dominated by fractures, and groundwater origins through high-frequency recordings of pressure, temperature, and electrical conductivity. Meteorological stations at the slope toe and toppling crown measure rainfall, air temperature, snow depth, and humidity. Complementary manual snow water equivalent measurements support a degree-day model to estimate surface infiltration onsets and volumes.

Initial results from early 2024 suggest that structural orientation primarily controls deformation patterns. While reversible strain correlated with periodic temperature fluctuations is evident, strain variations become more dynamic after precipitation events, particularly intensified in the highly fractured ductile hinge zone. These observations are reinforced by hydrological evidence, which shows gradual seasonal inflow trends near toppling boundaries punctuated by intermittent inflow spikes in response to rainfall and snowmelt events. The findings provide insights into the coupled hydromechanical and thermomechanical processes driving damage accumulation within large toppling slopes. Long-term data collection and integration with historical records aim to pinpoint the primary drivers of deformation variability. As data monitoring efforts continue and more weather events are captured, the results will support the development of modelling toppling failure evolution and contribute to a deeper understanding of rock slope weakening mechanisms.

How to cite: Yuan, M., Aaron, J., Hirschberg, J., de Palézieux, L., Rinaldi, A. P., and Edme, P.: Capturing Rock Damage and Environmental Forcings in Toppling Slopes: An Integrated Monitoring System in Bedretto, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9131,, 2025.

EGU25-11221 | Orals | NH3.2

 Monitoring and real time risk analysis of earth dams 

Sergio Zlotnik, Alberto García-González, Pedro Díez, and Thierry Massart

Earth dams, either natural or developed as part of mining operations (tailing dams) are prone to failure. In particular, recent studies show that tailing dams have a worldwide failure rate close to one collapse per year [1].

In this work we present the developments done in the monitoring and risk assessment for dams; including sensor technology, real-time numerical modelling and safety factor calculation. The recent surge in the availability of sensors allows enhancing the data that can be gathered to monitor the mechanical and hydraulic state of the dams. Numerical models can be used to enrich the local information collected by the sensors (e.g. piezometers, inclinometers) and provide the current physical state of the dam.

For monitoring purposes, numerical models are only useful if they provide results fast enough to react to an unsafe state. The results presented include the works of [2] and [3], where model order reduction techniques are applied in the context of data assimilation to learn about the state of dams. A transient nonlinear hydro-mechanical model describing the groundwater flow in unsaturated soil conditions is solved using Reduced Basis method. Hyper-reduction techniques (DEIM, LDEM) are tested and show time gains up to 1/100 with respect to standard finite element methods.


[1] Clarkson, Luke, and David Williams. "Critical review of tailings dam monitoring best practice.International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 34.2: 119-148, doi:10.1080/17480930.2019.1625172, 2020.

[2] Nasika C., P. Díez, P. Gerard, T.J. Massart and S. Zlotnik. Towards real time assessment of earthfill dams via Model Order Reduction. Finite Elements in Analysis & Design, Vol. 199, 103666, doi:10.1016/j.finel.2021.103666, 2022.

[3] Nasika C., P. Díez, P. Gerard, T.J. Massart and S. Zlotnik. Discrete Empirical Interpolation for hyper-reduction of hydro-mechanical problems in groundwater flow through soil. Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, doi:10.1002/nag.3487, 2022.

How to cite: Zlotnik, S., García-González, A., Díez, P., and Massart, T.:  Monitoring and real time risk analysis of earth dams, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11221,, 2025.

EGU25-11856 | Posters on site | NH3.2

Submarine landslide modelling to evaluate hazard to offshore linear infrastructure 

Alessandro Leonardi, Andrea Pasqua, and Miguel Cabrera

The expansion of offshore renewable energy infrastructure is critical for achieving net-zero carbon targets. However, submarine landslides pose a significant threat to power transmission cables, pipelines, and other linear infrastructure, with high associated economic and operational risks. To address this challenge, we present a novel geotechnical centrifuge model that evaluates the impact of submarine landslides on flexible obstacles. The experimental setup features a tilting mechanism to induce slope failure, simulating landslides in an enhance-gravity scaled environment. The soil material comprises glass beads, and the impacted obstacle is a cylindrical element spanning the centrifuge box transversely. The cylinder, designed to slide laterally upon impact, mimics the flexibility of cables and pipelines lying on the seafloor. An external spring system connected to the cylinder adds resistance, also allowing precise reconstruction of soil-forces and their evolution over time. Both submerged and dry conditions are explored. Preliminary results highlight the influence of obstacle flexibility on force attenuation and displacement patterns. These insights contribute to the understanding of flow-structure interaction in submarine landslides, necessary to update guidelines on impact loads, and providing a foundation for resilient offshore infrastructure design.

How to cite: Leonardi, A., Pasqua, A., and Cabrera, M.: Submarine landslide modelling to evaluate hazard to offshore linear infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11856,, 2025.

EGU25-12359 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2

Improved landslide runout prediction by integrating the pore pressure response to dilatancy 

Ye Chen, Maximillian Van Wyk de Vries, and Fawu Wang

Water plays a crucial role in the initiation and runout patterns of most landslides. Variations in the degree of saturation and porewater pressure influence the strength of landslide materials, thereby determining the final runout for a given topography. These properties can vary within a single landslide body, leading to different movement patterns and mobility across different sections, with associated implications for the landslide hazard and risk. This complexity poses challenges for numerical modelling aimed at accurately predicting landslide runout.

In this study, we used Material Point Method—a hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian method—coupled with mixture theory (Tampubolon et al., 2017) to simulate elastoplastic deformation and runout behaviour of the landslide body. To better capture the evolution of movement patterns with minimal manual constraints and to enhance the accuracy of runout predictions, we integrated an excess pore pressure generation curve (Wang, 1999) into the computational workflow. This allowed us to simulate the excess pore pressure induced by the negative dilatancy of the solid phase under conditions of rapid motion or low permeability. The integration of this mechanism captures the effects of dilatancy, which arise from compaction and grain crushing in the sliding zone during the runout process. We show that by accounting for this localised material strength loss and the pore pressure dissipation, the evolution of landslide movement and landslide runout may be more accurately simulated.

The model was validated against a two-dimensional cross-sectional slope failure scenario with varying permeability conditions. Subsequently, it was applied to two typical multi-pattern landslide cases: a giant loess landslide on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and another one in London Clay on the northern shore of the Isle of Sheppey. The initial state of the slope was reconstructed based on pre-landslide digital elevation model data, while the groundwater variations, driven by either rainfall or tidal influences, were modelled as the triggering factors. This approach effectively captures the localised pore pressure effects, thereby improving the accuracy of runout distance and area predictions. We expect our model to be broadly applicable to improve runout simulation and associated hazard assessment for a broad range of hydrologically modulated landslides.

How to cite: Chen, Y., Van Wyk de Vries, M., and Wang, F.: Improved landslide runout prediction by integrating the pore pressure response to dilatancy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12359,, 2025.

EGU25-14875 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2

The dynamics of impact-induced erosive mass flow mobility 

Chet N. Tiwari, Bekha R. Dangol, Parameshwari Kattel, Jeevan Kafle, and Shiva P. Pudasaini

Erosion can tremendously amplify the volume and destructive potential of mass flows with spectacularly increased mobility. However, the mechanism and consequences of erosion and entrainment of such flows are still not well understood as these processes are inherently complex due to the composition of the flow as well as the erodible bed material and their physical properties. Erosion rate, erosion velocity, and momentum production are the key factors essentially controlling all the processes associated with erosive mass transport. Here, we present experimental results on the dynamics of impact-induced mobility of erosive mass flows. Experiments are conducted at the Laboratory Nepnova – Innovation Flows in Kathmandu using some native Nepalese food grains as well as geological granular materials. As we focus on erosion in the inclined channel, transition, and run-out zone, we determine how the flow and the bed conditions control the erosion rate, erosion velocity, and momentum production. This includes the change in volume, composition, and physical properties of the released mass and the erodible bed and its slope. We establish some quantitative functional relationships among the erosion rate, the erosion velocity, and the mobility of the mass transport aiming at providing a foundation for developing predictive models and innovative strategies for erosion control and mitigation from landslide hazard.    

How to cite: Tiwari, C. N., Dangol, B. R., Kattel, P., Kafle, J., and Pudasaini, S. P.: The dynamics of impact-induced erosive mass flow mobility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14875,, 2025.

EGU25-18213 | Posters on site | NH3.2

Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings Exposed to Deep-seated Landslide Activity in the Joshimath town of Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India 

Shobhana Lakhera, Michel Jaboyedoff, Marc-Henri Derron, Dario Peduto, John Dehls, Gökhan Aslan, Gianfranco Nicodemo, and Ajanta Goswami

The entire Joshimath township, located in the Chamoli district of the Garhwal Himalayan region of Uttarakhand state in India, is situated on deep-seated landslides (DSLs) and is therefore prone to intermittent creep over decades. Since October 2021, accelerated surface movements localized along the DSLs have been reported. This has damaged 868 buildings and displaced nearly 1,000 people, while also damaging roads, pipelines and other infrastructure in Joshimath, and disrupting tourist revenues. Deep-seated landslides (DSLs) in high mountain regions therefore pose a significant threat to people and infrastructure and some of these landslides are capable of transforming into catastrophic failure, similar to rock avalanches. This study hence focusses on identifying and assessing the impact of DSL acceleration, on the vulnerability of buildings exposed to DSL activity in Joshimath town. For this purpose, the vulnerable areas and infrastructure are first identified based on acquired building damage data and field studies. Next the intensity of DSL activity is determined for the identified vulnerable areas/building aggregates, using satellite-based interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) techniques, which have proven to be a cost-effective method for long-term displacement monitoring over the past decades, especially in inaccessible remote regions. Therefore, this study identified vulnerable areas/building aggregates affected by accelerated DSL activity in Joshimath, and classified these exposed areas based on damage severity, resulting in an equivalent damage severity (ED) map. The equivalent cumulative displacement (ECD) was calculated for each vulnerable area under a defined damage severity level and presented as an ECD map, derived using InSAR velocities. Finally, the empirical fragility and vulnerability curves are developed for building aggregates and vulnerable areas susceptible to DSLs activity in Joshimath. These curves facilitate a quantitative assessment of potential damage and can be used as valuable tools for planning effective risk mitigation strategies for DSL activity in Joshimath town.

Keywords: deep-seated landslides (DSLs); interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR); vulnerability; equivalent damage severity map (ED); equivalent cumulative displacement (ECD)

How to cite: Lakhera, S., Jaboyedoff, M., Derron, M.-H., Peduto, D., Dehls, J., Aslan, G., Nicodemo, G., and Goswami, A.: Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings Exposed to Deep-seated Landslide Activity in the Joshimath town of Chamoli, Uttarakhand, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18213,, 2025.

EGU25-1028 | Posters on site | NH3.3

The characterization of landslide heterogeneity in urbanized area using geophysical and machine learning methods: a case study from Cieszyn, Poland 

Małgorzata Sokołowska, Iwona Stan-Kłeczek, Artur Marciniak, Krzysztof Śliwiński, and Marta Palarz

Landslides in urban areas pose special challenges for engineering geology. Because of the high risk they pose, they require special attention. In the presented work, the key novelty is an approach using geophysical imaging methods and unsupervised machine learning to identify a high-risk landslide in an urban area. It proved insufficient in the case presented here, and the proposed approach made it possible to identify the slip surface much more accurately. The results obtained were verified and supplemented with borehole data. Combining model generation based on machine learning can be applied as a new solution.

The research presented concerns the analysis of the stability of a slope located in the centre of the city of Cieszyn (Voivodeship, Silesia, Poland). The research used geophysical methods, including electrical resistivity tomography, refraction seismic and multichannel surface wave analysis. The essence of the study was to identify the geological structure and determine the slip surface of the rock masses, which are expected to answer whether further urbanization and development of the area is possible on the studied slope and whether the recognized landslide threatens lower-lying structures. As a result of the research, the object of study was recognized, and the effectiveness of the assumed cost-effective methodology was presented. The described example and used approach can broadly apply to similar research problems in the Carpathian region and for imaging similar geotechnical problems in other parts of the world.

How to cite: Sokołowska, M., Stan-Kłeczek, I., Marciniak, A., Śliwiński, K., and Palarz, M.: The characterization of landslide heterogeneity in urbanized area using geophysical and machine learning methods: a case study from Cieszyn, Poland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1028,, 2025.

EGU25-2864 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.3

Cutting-edge applied geophysics and data science in the evaluation of hydrogeological risk in urban areas  

Luigi Martino, Giuseppe Calamita, Sebastian Uhlemann, Francesco Cavalcante, Filomena Canora, and Angela Perrone

The frequency of extreme rainfall events has significantly risen in recent years, compelling administrators of urban areas to develop and adopt innovative strategies to effectively manage precipitation overload. This climatic trend has heightened the complexity of addressing hydrogeological risks, requiring a deeper understanding of the mechanisms driving catastrophic events. Among these, landslides represent one of the most critical challenges, necessitating multidisciplinary approaches to improve prediction, prevention, and mitigation strategies. Several studies have demonstrated how the spatial-temporal variation of moisture content in soil is crucial in the triggering and reactivation of landslide phenomena. Hydrogeophysics plays a pivotal role in understanding these processes at multiscale spatial-temporal resolutions. Its effectiveness is significantly enhanced when combined with detailed hydrological and environmental analyses. Multiparametric strategy, leveraging continuous multisensory monitoring systems, has proven to be one of the most effective methods for modeling soil moisture behavior. Recent advancements have optimized the selection of components for such systems, incorporating time-lapse ERT systems alongside various hydrologic and environmental sensors. This synergy enables sophisticated 2D and 3D dynamic thermo-hydro-geomechanical modeling of the subsurface, offering unprecedented insights into soil moisture dynamics and landslide mechanisms. Our work focuses on a peri-urban landslide located a few hundred meters from the centre of a small town in the southern Apennines of Italy, characterized by slow-moving displacements. We are establishing an open-air laboratory equipped with a monitoring station that integrates time-lapse ERT system with an array of several hydrological (tensiometers, soil moisture sensors, piezometers) and meteorological (thermometers, hygrometers, anemometers, pyranometers) sensors. The large quantity of data generated by this monitoring station will be managed through the development of innovative data processing methods, also leveraging advanced machine learning techniques. These approaches will enable efficient analysis and integration of geophysical, hydrogeological, and environmental datasets across laboratory and site scales, enhancing our ability to model and understand landslide behaviour with greater accuracy and precision.  This work is one of the activities carried out within the WP7-7.4 task of the ITINERIS "Italian Integrated Environmental Research Infrastructures System" project (PNRR M4C2 Inv.3.1 IR), funded by the EU's Next Generation program, an integrated geophysical approach for the assessment of geohazards in urban areas.

How to cite: Martino, L., Calamita, G., Uhlemann, S., Cavalcante, F., Canora, F., and Perrone, A.: Cutting-edge applied geophysics and data science in the evaluation of hydrogeological risk in urban areas , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2864,, 2025.

EGU25-4033 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.3

Evolution of the strain localization and shear-zone internal structure in the granular material: Insights from ring-shear experiments 

Yangshuai Zheng, Wei Hu, Yan Li, Huaixiao Gou, and Yi Ge

Shear zones are commonly observed in natural faults, landslides, and laboratory experiments involving granular materials. Gaining insight into the evolution of shear zones in these materials is essential for understanding the mechanics of faults and landslides, yet this process remains insufficiently understood. To address this, we conducted a series of ring-shear experiments to study the development of strain localization and the internal structure of shear zones in both cohesive and non-cohesive granular materials. Using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (CT), we quantitatively analyzed shear-zone structures, including particle shapes, orientations, and grain-size distributions, at various levels of shear strain. Our results reveal that with increasing shear displacement, larger particles within the shear zones become progressively rounded, though without a preferred orientation. Additionally, wear and attrition processes generate a significant number of nanoparticles within the shear zones. Fine-particle layers composed of these nanoparticles were observed to form along the edges of the shear zones as shear localization developed, suggesting a transition of the shear process from a distributed zone to a more defined interface. These findings provide insights into the evolution of shear zones in granular materials, offering a deeper understanding of the mechanics underlying fault and landslide dynamics.

How to cite: Zheng, Y., Hu, W., Li, Y., Gou, H., and Ge, Y.: Evolution of the strain localization and shear-zone internal structure in the granular material: Insights from ring-shear experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4033,, 2025.

EGU25-6219 | Orals | NH3.3

Insights from Snow Avalanche Detection in Norway: A Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Study 

Antoine Turquet, Guro K. Svendsen, Andreas Wuestefeld, Finn K. Nyhammer, Espen Nilsen, Andreas Persson, and Vetle Refsum

Snow avalanches pose a significant hazard in mountainous areas, especially when snowpacks block roads, either burying vehicles directly or exposing traffic to subsequent avalanches during active cycles.

We have been monitoring avalanche activity along road stretches in Northern Norway since 2022 using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS),  a technology capable of theoretically covering spans of up to 170 km. Traditional detection methods often focus on only a limited section of a road stretch, making effective risk management challenging. DAS powered alert system can work unaffected by visual barriers and in adverse weather conditions. The developed algorithm identifies avalanches affecting the road and estimates accumulated snow. Moreover, the system can also detect vehicles on the road, offering invaluable support to search and rescue operations.

Over 3 winters the system successfully identified 10 road-impacting avalanches (100% detection rate). Our results via DAS align with the previous works and indicate that low frequency part of the signal (<20 Hz) is crucial for detection and size estimation of avalanche events. We have identified subsets of snow avalanches based on the paths they followed and discuss the snow accumulation and deposition signatures on signals. Various fiber installation methods are explored to optimize sensitivity in detecting avalanches. The findings highlight the system’s robustness and low maintenance demands, offering a clear advantage over conventional systems, which are costly to install, have restricted coverage, or are vulnerable to environmental factors such as weather and lighting.

How to cite: Turquet, A., Svendsen, G. K., Wuestefeld, A., Nyhammer, F. K., Nilsen, E., Persson, A., and Refsum, V.: Insights from Snow Avalanche Detection in Norway: A Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6219,, 2025.

EGU25-6320 | Orals | NH3.3

The June 2024 Mattertal slope destabilizations: zoom into the Gugla rock glacier 

Eric Larose, Maélys Strapazzon, Antoine Guillemot, Agnès Helmsetter, and Guillaume Favre-Bulle

The last weeks of June 2024 were a very active period in the Alps with various floods, landslides, rockfalls and debris flows. In particular, the Mattertal valley (Switzerland) was hit by intense rainfall on June 20-22, following a very snowy winter and rainy spring. This led to various floods and debris flows, including the cutting off of the road and railway to the famous town of Zermatt. Also, some exceptional slope destabilization were also observed before the late June storm activity. Forecasting such natural hazards and anticipating the effects of rapid erosion processes is key for public managers, especially for energy and communications infrastructures and tourist resorts in mountainous valleys.

Using passive seismic sensors placed on the Gugla rock glacier (2700 m a.s.l) above Herbriggen village, Mattertal, we have detected landslides and quakes around the rock glacier almost continuously from 2016 to 2024 [1]. Using the same seismic instrument, we were also able to measure relative seismic velocity changes on a daily basis, which are indicative for the variations in stiffness at depth undergone by the rock glacier [1]. We observe seasonal variations of relative velocity changes and rockfall activity, mainly controlled by the freeze-thawing cycles. Melting seasons and wet summer episodes (storms) generally lead to seismic velocity drops of 2-3% in May-June. In June 2024, however, we observed a significant decrease in seismic velocity (-6.5%), which corresponds to a significant decrease in stiffness (ice melting) and a high liquid water content (snow melting infiltration), both lowering ground stability. This reduction in ground stability is likely to be responsible for the observed faster kinematics of the frontal part of the rock glacier, as well as rockfall and debris flow activity increase downstream.

Since this reduction in ground stability is likely to have occurred further in the Mattertal catchment at the same elevation and orientation, our work emphasizes that this reduction in seismic velocity at the catchment scale may be a good proxy for the higher sensitivity of the catchment to environmental triggers such as rainfall, eventually leading to a higher probability of slope destabilization.

[1] A. Guillemot, et al: Seismic monitoring in the Gugla rock glacier (Switzerland) : ambient noise correlation, microseismicity and modelling, Geophys. J. Int. 221, 1719-1735 (2020).

This work was partially funded by the Wallis canton, and by the European Research Council (ERC) under grant No. 101142154 - Crack The Rock project.

How to cite: Larose, E., Strapazzon, M., Guillemot, A., Helmsetter, A., and Favre-Bulle, G.: The June 2024 Mattertal slope destabilizations: zoom into the Gugla rock glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6320,, 2025.

EGU25-6485 | Orals | NH3.3

Integrating Remote Sensing and Geophysics to Assess Landslide Risk in the Italian Apennines: A Case Study in Gorgoglione, Italy 

Giuseppe Calamita, Angela Perrone, Francesco Falabella, Antonio Pepe, Tony Alfredo Stabile, Maria Rosaria Gallipoli, Vincenzo Serlenga, Erwan Gueguen, Jessica Bellanova, Mario Bentivenga, and Sabatino Piscitelli

This study proposes an integrated methodology to investigate hydrogeological instability, combining remote sensing with in-situ geophysical surveys in Gorgoglione, a small town in Basilicata, southern Italy, located in a low mountain area (~800 m a.s.l.). The Italian Apennines, where Gorgoglione is situated, are highly susceptible to geomorphological instability due to the interplay of lithology, relief morphology, active tectonics, seismicity, climate, and vegetation. In recent decades, land abandonment around small towns and villages has exacerbated soil erosion and increased landslide occurrence. These challenges are further compounded by inadequate urban planning, poor construction practices, and ineffective water and wastewater management, along with a lack of sufficient landslide mitigation measures. Unlike regions experiencing rapid urbanization, these areas face issues tied to unregulated urban decline, making them critical test beds for developing innovative methods to study and mitigate natural processes that heighten urban risks.

The research aims to provide insights into residual landslide risks to support the development of effective mitigation and management strategies. The activity of instability processes was analyzed using SAR interferometry from both satellite and ground-based platforms. Subsurface geological and lithostratigraphic characteristics were reconstructed by integrating geological and geomorphological information with geophysical techniques, including Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) analysis of ambient seismic noise. The pronounced directional patterns observed in HVSR analysis are being investigated to determine their potential correlation with the landslide movement direction identified through SAR interferometric data.

How to cite: Calamita, G., Perrone, A., Falabella, F., Pepe, A., Stabile, T. A., Gallipoli, M. R., Serlenga, V., Gueguen, E., Bellanova, J., Bentivenga, M., and Piscitelli, S.: Integrating Remote Sensing and Geophysics to Assess Landslide Risk in the Italian Apennines: A Case Study in Gorgoglione, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6485,, 2025.

EGU25-8772 | ECS | Orals | NH3.3

Distributed Seismic Sensing of Debris Flow Dynamics at Illgraben, Switzerland 

Christoph Wetter, Fabian Walter, Brian McArdell, Zhen Zhang, Johannes Aichele, and Andreas Fichtner

Recent years have shown the destructive nature associated with debris flows in alpine regions, including densely inhabited regions in Central Europe. Surge fronts within debris flows increase peak discharge and the dynamical complexity, which contributes much to the hazard potential. In recent years, numerical models helped to gain insights into the surging behavior of debris flows, in particular into the formation of surging waves including roll waves and erosion-deposition waves (Edwards & Gray, 2014). In order to capture the dynamic processes involved in the formation and propagation of flow surges, it is necessary to obtain distributed observations in the spatio-temporal domain. However, demanding field installations have confined studies to theoretical or laboratory settings, and results have yet to be validated under large-scale, real-world conditions. In this study, we close this gap by utilizing distributed, near-torrent seismic measurements at the Illgraben debris flow observatory maintained by the Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL.

In 2024, a chain of 33 seismic nodes was deployed along a 2-kilometer section of the Illgraben torrent, with a spacing of 70 m between each node. In total, 10 debris flows with front velocities varying between 0.2 and 6 m/s and maximum flow heights varying between 1 - 3 m were recorded. The nodal array detected debris flow signals up to 2 km away, at a stage when the flows were still mobilizing in Illgraben’s upper catchment. The seismic record is characterized by high-frequency signals commonly attributed to particle-ground impacts within the debris flow. Additionally, it is found that steps in torrent geometry (check dams) produce a strong, low-frequency (1 – 10 Hz) background signal that is detectable kilometers away from the torrent.

Our measurements provide novel data of the spatio-temporal evolution of debris flows: Bifurcations of surge fronts and spawning of erosion-deposition waves can be observed and traced along the torrent. The data furthermore reveal the interaction between surging waves and the debris flow front. Our dense seismic recordings thus show how and where surging waves develop and how they modify maximum discharge and thus allow inferring the debris flows destructive potential.

The distributed seismic measurements at Illgraben offer new perspectives on measuring flow instabilities such as surge fronts and roll waves, allowing us to track them along extended torrent sections. They furthermore enabled us to refine our understanding of the seismogenesis of torrential processes, which is often only investigated with single stations or sparse networks. In a next step we plan to use these findings to better represent pulsing behavior in numerical debris flow models.  

Edwards & Gray, 2014, J. Fluid Mech., doi:10.1017/jfm.2014.643

How to cite: Wetter, C., Walter, F., McArdell, B., Zhang, Z., Aichele, J., and Fichtner, A.: Distributed Seismic Sensing of Debris Flow Dynamics at Illgraben, Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8772,, 2025.

EGU25-8864 | Orals | NH3.3

Advantages of applying the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) in ice-rich rock glacier environments: A case study 

Mirko Pavoni, Ilaria Barone, Jacopo Boaga, Steven Javier Gaona Torres, and Alexander Bast

Rock glaciers are typical landforms of mountain permafrost, composed of a surface of boulders and debris insulating an ice-bearing sediment layer, overlying a glacial till deposit and/or bedrock. It is well-known and documented that the degradation of mountain permafrost is influencing the triggering of slope mass movements (e.g. rock falls, debris flows, and floods), and the stability of infrastructures (e.g. ski resorts). Consequently, a reliable characterization of rock glacier’s structure is a key aspect for evaluating the risk related to their presence.

Since boreholes are challenging and expensive to realize in high mountain environments, geophysical methods are widely used to characterize the internal structure of rock glaciers. Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT) are among the most applied techniques to retrieve the electrical properties and the compressive wave velocities (Vp) in the subsurface.

In this work, we propose the application of the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) to complement the information brought by ERT and SRT, and to overcome some limitations of the SRT method. For this purpose, the seismic data should be collected with low-frequency geophones (i.e., with 4.5 Hz natural frequency). The main advantage of the MASW approach is the possibility of obtaining shear wave velocity (Vs) profiles and to reveal velocity inversions in the subsurface, i.e., a lower velocity layer between two higher velocity layers (e.g., the unfrozen till deposit between the ice-bearing layer and bedrock). Furthermore, Vs are insensitive to the liquid phase in the medium, therefore MASW approach could be used to detect the ice-rich layer when it is surmounted by a water-saturated sediment layer (supra-permafrost flow), that could prevent P-waves from penetrating deeper.

In this work, we successfully tested the MASW method at the Flüela rock glacier (Engadine, Switzerland). ERT results clearly suggest the presence of an ice-rich layer, but the SRT analysis surprisingly does not show P-wave velocities consistent with this interpretation. The Vp model reveals in fact the typical values of liquid water. On the other hand, the Vs profiles retrieved from the MASW approach are in very good agreement with the ERT outcomes. Therefore, we hypothesise the presence of a thin water-saturated sediment layer on the top of the ice-rich layer, that would prevent P-waves penetration. In order to support our hypothesis, we performed a seismic full-wave forward modelling: the synthetic shot gathers are consistent with the real ones, both in terms of surface wave dispersion and P-wave first-arrival times.

How to cite: Pavoni, M., Barone, I., Boaga, J., Gaona Torres, S. J., and Bast, A.: Advantages of applying the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) in ice-rich rock glacier environments: A case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8864,, 2025.

EGU25-9189 | ECS | Orals | NH3.3

Using a seismic network for automatic detection, localization and characterization of mass movements in the Mont-Blanc massif  

Jakub Kokowski, Agnès Helmstetter, Eric Larose, Ludovic Ravanel, and Xavier Cailhol

In the Mont-Blanc massif (western European Alps), seismic stations record numerous signals originating from surface mass movements, such as rockslides, rockfalls, and serac avalanches. The large number of recorded signals makes the automation of the processing workflow essential for practical application. These seismic waveforms differ significantly from those generated by earthquakes, making standard algorithms unsuitable for their analysis. The signals typically exhibit an emergent onset, making it challenging to precisely determine their start time. Moreover, the arrival times of P and S waves, routinely used for earthquake localization, cannot be easily identified. The seismic records also vary in length, reflecting the differing durations of the associated phenomena.

To analyze such data using a seismic network, we adapted selected algorithms to address these challenges. For detection, we chose the STA/LTA algorithm, and for localization, we used amplitude decay algorithm and BackTrackBB software, which exploits wave field coherence. To test these algorithms, we created a reference dataset consisting of large, well-documented mass movements. The dataset was developed using regional mass movement databases, webcam image analysis, direct observations made by a network of observers, and seismic data from the Sismalp network. This reference dataset enabled us to fine-tune the algorithms and automate the processing of waveforms related to mass movements.

How to cite: Kokowski, J., Helmstetter, A., Larose, E., Ravanel, L., and Cailhol, X.: Using a seismic network for automatic detection, localization and characterization of mass movements in the Mont-Blanc massif , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9189,, 2025.

EGU25-11136 | Orals | NH3.3 | Highlight

Hydrogeophysical investigation of clay-rich landslides through combined electrical and electromagnetic methods 

Adrian Flores Orozco, Anna Hettegger, and Clemens Moser

Landslides are complex systems, which are commonly investigated using data from punctual sensors, e.g., installed in boreholes. Assuming lateral variations in the subsurface fabric by interpolating the data from sparse boreholes may provide biased insight into the processes and architecture of landslides. Geophysical methods can be used to overcome this issue, gaining information about the physical properties (e.g., electrical conductivity, seismic velocity) of the subsurface covering large areas with high resolution. In landslides, geophysical methods have been used to investigate the geometry of the geological units and the depth to the bedrock, of the position of sliding planes and to compute the volume of mobilized material. Moreover, recent studies have demonstrated the ability of geophysical methods to quantify variations in the hydrogeological properties in an imaging framework. While the use of borehole data helps to reduce ambiguities in the interpretation of the geophysical images, the combination of more of different geophysical methods allows to enhance the coverage and resolution of the investigation as well as to reduce modeling uncertainties.

In this contribution, we present the combination of electrical and electromagnetic methods for the hydrogeological characterization of a clay-rich landslide located in Upper Austria (Austria). The investigation considers a two-step approach: (1) mapping at the large scale using electromagnetic methods at low induction number, and (2) selection of particular areas for the conduction of spectral induced polarization (SIP) transects. The first step aims resolving the main variations of clay content as well as to identify preferential flow paths for near-surface run-off; while in the second step SIP measurements are used to quantify hydraulic conductivity and water content. EMI mapping was conducted using vertical and horizontal configurations with two different instruments, each one consisting of three receivers, resulting in mapping information along 12 different geometries reaching a maximal nominal depth of investigation of 7 m. SIP measurements were collected at 12 different frequencies in the range between 0.25 and 225 Hz using 64 electrodes in each transect, with a spacing of 2.5 m to reach a depth of investigation of ca. 50 m.

Maps of the electrical conductivity gained by EMI measurements reveal strong lateral variations in clay content across the entire site. The inversion of the SIP data permits to quantify vertical and lateral changes in the hydraulic conductivity and water content along the transects. Our results demonstrate that an adequate processing of the data and the use of cascade inversion of multi-frequency SIP data permit to resolve for consistent hydraulic properties using different petrophysical approaches. Inversion of the EMI data along the SIP profiles reveals consistent results in the variations of electrical conductivity, permitting to validate the SIP results in shallow areas. Additionally, we investigate the relationship between electrical and hydraulic conductivity along the SIP transects and use it for a quantitative interpretation of the EMI maps; thus, permitting a hydrogeological investigation of the entire study area.  Our results reveal the potential of combining EMI and SIP for quantitative investigations of landslides.

How to cite: Flores Orozco, A., Hettegger, A., and Moser, C.: Hydrogeophysical investigation of clay-rich landslides through combined electrical and electromagnetic methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11136,, 2025.

EGU25-12267 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.3

Similarity and Diversity of Debris Flow Footprints in Seismic Records 

Qi Zhou, Hui Tang, Michael Dietze, Fabian Walter, Dongri Song, Yan Yan, Shuai Li, and Jens Turowski

The ability of seismic instruments to monitor catastrophic channelized flows (e.g., bedload transport, debris flows, glacial lake outburst floods, and lahars) is becoming of interest to scientists and practitioners. However, using debris flows as an example, the variability in catchment geology, event properties, and seismic instrument configurations complicates the development of event detectors that can be transferred between sites without major adjustments of parameters and thresholds.

In this work, we built a global debris flow seismic data catalog comprising more than seventy events from three regions (Europe, China, and the USA). The collected events from nine catchments represent rainfall-triggered debris flows originating from diverse environmental contexts, such as post-fire catchments, post-earthquake catchments, and high-erosion catchments. We analyzed the similarities and differences among these events using dimensionless amplitude damping fitting. Furthermore, we evaluated the performance of a pre-trained machine learning detector applied to our event catalog to assess the feasibility of a generalized early warning approach. Our results will reveal the key signatures of debris flow footprints in seismic records within complex areas, which will guide the design of next-generation event detectors and warning systems. At the same time, the differences will guide us to customize the warning thresholds based on local site conditions and stakeholder interests. This study thus provides a foundation for affordable, seismic-data-driven early warning systems for debris flows and other channelized flows.

How to cite: Zhou, Q., Tang, H., Dietze, M., Walter, F., Song, D., Yan, Y., Li, S., and Turowski, J.: Similarity and Diversity of Debris Flow Footprints in Seismic Records, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12267,, 2025.

EGU25-13168 | Orals | NH3.3

Multi-instrumental insights into the dynamics of an active rockslide near Spitze Stei, Switzerland 

Małgorzata Chmiel, Fabian Walter, Lena Husmann, Giacomo Belli, Clément Hibert, Nils Hählen, and Christian Kienholz

In recent years, the rockslide near Spitze Stei (Kandersteg, Switzerland) has shown elevated displacement rates exceeding 10 cm per day, indicating a growing instability of 20 million m3. This increased activity triggers frequent mass movements, including rockfalls, gravel flows, and debris avalanches, which elevates the potential for major events with secondary consequences such as debris flows and flooding.

To mitigate the risks associated with the Spitze Stei rockslide, extensive monitoring has been in place since 2018, including borehole measurements of temperature and water pressure and surface displacement observations. These measurements underline the presence of degrading permafrost and planes of enhanced gliding and shear deformation. However, the limited spatial coverage of these methods makes it challenging to understand slope-wide subsurface processes, which are crucial for characterizing instability and identifying mass movement triggers, especially in complex, highly active rockslides with multiple rock compartments.

Our study addresses these challenges through a passive seismic experiment to quantify mass movement activity and investigate subsurface processes at Spitze Stei. In this talk, I will discuss the two main research questions that motivate our study:

  • Are there correlations between meteorological factors and rock slope stability that reflect climate-induced changes? How can they be quantified?
  • Can seismology constrain subsurface processes, such as freeze-thaw cycles, water pressure variations, and progressive damage that affect rock slop stablitity? How these processes impact the dynamics of the rock slope?

To address these questions at the Spitze Stei rockslide, we develop a machine learning approach combining seismic and infrasound data to monitor rock falls, avalanches, and possibly stick-slip tremors reflecting frictional sliding within the slope. Furthermore, we use interferometric seismic noise analysis to detect small changes in elastic properties within the rock slope, which may be related to stability changes and permafrost degradation.

The rich ancillary data acquired at Spitze Stei offers a unique opportunity to validate our seismic methods against independent measurements and refine the interpretation of our results. Such analysis enhances warning efforts, deepens our understanding of triggering factors and their thresholds, and establishes a foundation for continuous seismic monitoring of rockslide dynamics in the context of climate change.

How to cite: Chmiel, M., Walter, F., Husmann, L., Belli, G., Hibert, C., Hählen, N., and Kienholz, C.: Multi-instrumental insights into the dynamics of an active rockslide near Spitze Stei, Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13168,, 2025.

EGU25-13632 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.3

Automated seismic detection of surficial mass movements for volcano monitoring: the Stromboli case study 

Gaia Zanella, Sergio Gammaldi, Massimo Orazi, Walter De Cesare, Antonietta Esposito, Rosario Peluso, and Dario Delle Donne

Gravitational instabilities on active volcanic islands present a significant tsunami hazard, with waves capable of travelling vast distances and impacting far-off coastlines. A notable example is the tsunami triggered by Anak Krakatau's activity in 2018, along with earlier events that affected Montserrat in 1997 and 2003 and Rabaul in 1994. However, monitoring gravitational mass movements in volcanic settings remains challenging due to limited data and the complex dynamics of volcano-landslide interactions. This hampers accurately identifying some landslide key source parameters such as the path location, run-out distances, flow velocity, and mobilized volumes.

Stromboli, an active volcano in the Tyrrhenian Sea, frequently experiences various types of surficial mass movements—such as rockfalls, debris avalanches, and pyroclastic flows—along its Northwest flank, known as the Sciara del Fuoco. These events are closely monitored due to their tsunami-generating potential, as demonstrated during the 2002 eruption when two landslides produced ~2m high waves along the coast. Landslide activity at Stromboli is often linked to volcanic phenomena, such as effusive eruptions and paroxysmal explosions.

Here we used seismic data from the Stromboli monitoring network to investigate patterns of landslide activity along the Sciara del Fuoco and their relationship with the persistent Strombolian activity. The primary objective is to develop near-real-time automatic algorithms aimed at retrieving some landslide key parameters, such as duration, run-out distances, path location, flow velocity, and rate of occurrence. Monitoring these parameters provides valuable insights into ongoing volcanic processes and can help identify early warning signals for potential tsunami triggering.

The study focused on the year 2020, a period marked by varying volcanic activity levels. Automatic landslide detections were validated by manual inspection of seismic record. A total of 457 landslide events, with an average duration of ~200 seconds, were automatically detected and analyzed during the study period. The daily landslide event rate was ranging from 1 to 17 events per day. These findings are vital for improving volcano monitoring at Stromboli volcano as the developed automatic algorithm can be incorporated into the real-time monitoring systems, improving early warnings of volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.

How to cite: Zanella, G., Gammaldi, S., Orazi, M., De Cesare, W., Esposito, A., Peluso, R., and Delle Donne, D.: Automated seismic detection of surficial mass movements for volcano monitoring: the Stromboli case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13632,, 2025.

EGU25-14583 | Posters on site | NH3.3

Distribution Characteristics of Submarine Landslides in the Ulleung Basin 

Gwang-Soo Lee, Roger Urgeles, Dong-Geun Yoo, and Seung-Won Jeong

The Ulleung Basin, located in the East Sea, exhibits numerous submarine landslides along its southern and western slopes, as previously documented. Recent seismic events in the southeastern region of the Korean Peninsula have raised concerns about the potential for additional submarine landslides in the slope of Ulleung Basin. To assess this risk, this study analyzes high-resolution bathymetric data and seismic profiles to establish classification criteria for submarine landslides and identify their distribution patterns. A GIS-based database was developed to catalog the identified features. According to the database, a total of 82 scarps, which represent distinct morphological displacements caused by submarine landslides, were identified. Additionally, 74 deposits, formed by the accumulation of displaced sediment at the base of slopes and within the basin, were mapped. Deposits often overlap in some areas of the basin, making it challenging to delineate their boundaries compared to scarps. The most prominent headscarps, corresponding to steep slope areas, are concentrated at depths of approximately 900 m, with slope angles ranging from 5° to 8°. The average area of identified deposits is approximately 500 km². The study also detected potential scarps that indicate a risk of future submarine landslides. Two of these scarps, which are continuous features, span widths of approximately 13 km and 25 km, respectively. Comparative analysis of seismic profiles and physical property data from deep drill cores obtained in 2019 revealed significant contrasts in sediment properties along the glide planes of existing submarine landslides. These findings suggest that changes in physical properties at the glide plane may play a crucial role in the initiation of submarine landslides in the Ulleung Basin.

How to cite: Lee, G.-S., Urgeles, R., Yoo, D.-G., and Jeong, S.-W.: Distribution Characteristics of Submarine Landslides in the Ulleung Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14583,, 2025.

EGU25-16509 | Posters on site | NH3.3

Geophysical prospections using 2D-ERT coupled with EMI survey for the spatial variability assessment of landslide related pedological discontinuities in the Turbolo basin (Calabria Region, Italy).  

Massimo Conforti, Luigi Borrelli, Elena Ceravolo, Gino Cofone, Fabio Ietto, Francesco Perri, Pasquale Ruocco, Fabio Scarciglia, Fabio Terribile, and Simona Vingiani

In the framework of the ongoing project “SOIL SHADES – SOIL features and pedogenic processes as predisposing factors of SHAllow landsliDES”, funded by Next Generation EU, National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) of Italy, M4.C2.1.1., National Research Programme (PNR)–Research Projects of Significant National Interest (PRIN), an integrated multi-scale and multi-analytical approach was applied in the Turbolo Stream catchment, in northwestern Calabria region (southern Italy). Due to its peculiar geological-geomorphological and pedological characteristics, this basin has been selected as pilot study area representative of several Mediterranean environments. It is about 30 km2 wide, elevation ranges between 75 and 1015 m asl and displays a dendritic pattern in mountainous sub-basins along with a trellis-like pattern in hilly reaches. Paleozoic metamorphic rocks (gneiss, phyllites, schists, metabasites interbedded with metapelites and metalimestone) outcrop in the western sector, while Miocene to Pleistocene deposits (clay, sand and conglomerate) in the eastern part, and Holocene sediments in the valley floor. The western sector is dominated by high relief and steep slopes dissected by deep V-shaped valleys, whereas the eastern hilly reaches are characterised by gentler slopes, fluvial terraces and broad valleys. The study area is recurrently affected by rainfall-triggered landslides damaging agricultural land, infrastructure and settlements. Geophysical prospections using 2D-electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) have been combined with electro-magnetic induction (EMI) surveys for the identification of possible shallow sliding surfaces, due to the effectiveness of both techniques in the detection of geological and pedological discontinuities in terms of particle size distribution, mineralogy, porosity, water content, solute concentration, etc. To support the geophysical data, several field observations were conducted along the landslide area. The most representative soil profile was selected at about 130 m asl on the southern slope of a Pleistocene fluvial terrace, in the eastern hilly reaches of the basin. A very deep soil profile (approximately 3 m of depth) was described on the scarp of a rotational slide that developed for some tens of meters downslope. Soils appear moderately to deeply weathered and have a matrix color ranging from reddish to yellowish brown with red and grey mottles indicating the persistence of stagnic conditions during the rainy season. Evidence of clay illuviation processes (i.e., clay coatings) is found in both the topsoil and the bottom soil, very likely due to alternating phases of slope stability and surface soil erosion. The soil texture varies from sandy loam to clay loam with relevant changes in the amount of subrounded to subangular coarse fragments. The soil reaction is from slightly acid to neutral, consistently with the absence of carbonates and the illuviation process evidence. Results of the geophysical surveys displayed some changes in the measured parameters in the surface layers, which are consistent with the depth of the landslide scarp and of the soil profile, as well as of the potential depth of the failure surface.

How to cite: Conforti, M., Borrelli, L., Ceravolo, E., Cofone, G., Ietto, F., Perri, F., Ruocco, P., Scarciglia, F., Terribile, F., and Vingiani, S.: Geophysical prospections using 2D-ERT coupled with EMI survey for the spatial variability assessment of landslide related pedological discontinuities in the Turbolo basin (Calabria Region, Italy). , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16509,, 2025.

EGU25-16650 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.3

Experimental Investigation of Particle Impacts Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing 

Zheng Chen and Siming He

Geophysical granular flows, such as rock avalanches, debris flows, and bedload transport, generate intense impact forces on the channel bed during downslope movement. These forces produce high-frequency seismic and acoustic waves, which can be detected by seismometers and acoustic sensors. The resulting vibration signals provide valuable insights into flow characteristics; however, quantitatively measuring granular flow processes remains challenging due to the complex mechanisms of particle impacts and the variability in particle locations, motion modes, and impact velocities. Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) offers a promising approach for monitoring such granular flows, leveraging its ability to provide high-resolution, real-time spatial and temporal data across extensive areas. In this study, as a pre-experimental test, particle drop experiments were conducted using spherical objects (5 kg) with varying impact locations and drop heights to investigate the dynamic signal response of a DAS system deployed laterally over 50 m. The DAS system operated with a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz and a spatial resolution of 0.4 m. For each particle impact, key parameters including the number of signal impulses, amplitude, centroid frequency, and power spectral density (PSD) were extracted from the raw DAS data. Virtual shot gathers were analyzed and utilized for wave speed analysis, while beamforming techniques were applied to locate particle impact events spatially. The experimental results demonstrated how signal impulses, amplitudes, and PSDs vary with changes in particle size and impact location. These findings highlight the potential of DAS for monitoring granular flow processes, such as bedload transport, in natural settings.

How to cite: Chen, Z. and He, S.: Experimental Investigation of Particle Impacts Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16650,, 2025.

EGU25-17256 | Orals | NH3.3

Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Moisture Monitoring on the Müsch Landslide (Ahr valley, Germany) 

Rainer Bell, Anna Schoch-Baumann, Michael Dietze, and Lothar Schrott

The extreme Ahr flood 2021 caused 135 fatalities (and one still missing), severe damage and enormous geomorphological changes of the riverbanks, floodplains and adjacent slopes. Many slopes were undercut and several landslides have been reactivated. The Müsch landslide is located in a narrow section of the upper Ahr valley. The instability is 100 m wide, 200 m long, and of unknown age. Approximately 7000 m³ of the landslide toe were eroded by the 2021 flood. After the flood, the landslide was reactivated, resulting in minor changes on the surface (e.g. opening of cracks). A major reactivation of the entire landslide body, however, might potentially lead to a landslide dammed lake inundating buildings upstream. Thus, there is the need to better understand the landslide structure and behavior.

Since water saturation plays a crucial role in landslide activities, an electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) moisture monitoring system has been set up in January 2024 along one longitudinal and one cross profile (both 200m). We use permanently installed steel electrodes with a spacing of 2.5 m for both profiles. Monthly repeated manual ERT measurements (array: gradient) are analyzed with time-lapse inversions.

ERT results show an increasing reduction in resistivity values until June 2024 down to about 10-15 m along both ERT profiles correlating with increasing water saturation in the landslide body. The opening and widening of cracks indicate accelerating landslide activity from April onwards and continuing until July 2024 when the topsoil had started to dry out while the deeper layers were still sufficiently wet. Subsequently, landslide activity slowed down. This is in line with precipitation records and modelled soil moisture distribution over 2 m soil profiles by the German Weather Forecast (DWD) and observations made in 2023, in which similar dynamics occurred.

Continued measurements and analyses will enable us to better assess water saturation of the landslide and its spatial heterogeneity. Results will be correlated to rainfall data, on site measured soil moisture data (10 and 40 cm depth) as well as data of a passive seismic monitoring of the landslide, which is in place since October 2021. Deep drillings are scheduled for early 2025, with inclinometers and piezometers subsequently installed on behalf of the State Geological Survey. A combination of those measurements will help to better understand landslide behavior and assess potential hazards and risks.

How to cite: Bell, R., Schoch-Baumann, A., Dietze, M., and Schrott, L.: Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Moisture Monitoring on the Müsch Landslide (Ahr valley, Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17256,, 2025.

EGU25-17452 | Orals | NH3.3

Seismic noise measurements for the characterisation of Pays de Herve landslides 

Veronica Pazzi, Agnese Innocenti, Anne-Sophie Mreyen, Lèna Cauchie, David Caterina, Yawar Hussain, Valmy Dorival, and Hans-Balder Havenith

The Pays de Herve, located in the eastern part of Belgium, can be characterized as a multiple sections tableland with gentle slopes of less than 15°. It is located in the vicinity of the northern section of the Hockai Fault Zone, a 42 km-long seismogenic fault zone, that is characterized by the presence of fault scarps, multiple dissection elements and the presence of more than 20 paleo-landslides. Among these latter, the Manaihan landslide is the most studied and monitored landslide in the area. From a geological point of view, it developed in a Upper Cretaceous sedimentary setting, i.e., Vaals Clays overlaying Aachen sands. Even today, the slope is affected by instability and subsidence phenomena, likely linked to anthropogenic loading combined with prolonged periods of rainfall and possibly historic seismic events leading to liquefaction in the Aachen sands.

Recently, new geophysical surveys have been carried out using an integrated approach, combining electrical resistivity measurements, active seismic methods (interpreted as P-wave tomography and MASW), and passive seismic techniques (single-station H/V). The key question to address is: How deep is the sliding surface, and is it possible to identify it?

The combination of these surveys allowed the identification of two main layers. The first layer has a variable thickness ranging between 5 m and 20 m. On the electrical resistivity tomography, it corresponds to a more conductive layer with values between 5 and 20 Ωm, and on the seismic tomography, it shows velocities between 500 and 1300 m/s. From the electrical and seismic tomographies, the second layer appears to be more resistive, with values ranging between 30 and 50 Ωm, and P-wave velocities exceed 1500 m/s. Based on the geological map and their physical properties, the identified layers have been attributed to the Vaals clay formation and the Aachen sands, respectively.

The H/V measurements were processed to produce sections showing the variation of H/V amplitude (or the log of H/V) with depth. If multiple H/V measurements can be aligned in a linear array and the surface layer can be assumed to be homogeneous, i.e., shear wave velocity increasing with depth, the H/V curves along the alignment can be modeled together to create a 2D section. Several H/V sections could be developed for the Manaihan landslide, revealing a similar pattern of contrasts between the before mentioned layers. The main contrast is located at a depth ranging from 15 m to 40 m and corresponds to the interfaces identified by ERT and SRT. This interface is present beyond the landslide and even outside of it, suggesting that it may be associated to the geological contact between the Vaals clays and the Aachen sands. The conductive layer identified in the ERTs can furthermore be associated to very low log H/V amplitudes in the upper range of the H/V sections until 10-20 m depth. The H/V amplitude analysis of all the identified sections suggests that the sliding surface of the Manaihan landslide is located at the contact between the clay and the sand layers.

How to cite: Pazzi, V., Innocenti, A., Mreyen, A.-S., Cauchie, L., Caterina, D., Hussain, Y., Dorival, V., and Havenith, H.-B.: Seismic noise measurements for the characterisation of Pays de Herve landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17452,, 2025.

EGU25-19568 | Posters on site | NH3.3

A near-real-time public mass movement catalogue for Switzerland 

Philipp Kastli, John Clinton, Toni Kraft, Tobias Diehl, and Florian Haslinger

Since mid 2023, the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) maintain a public list of mass movements occurring in and around the Swiss Alpine region.We include all events that can be detected and characterised by the national monitoring service, limiting the list to only larger events. The SED operate a seismic network that includes over 400 seismic stations in and around the Swiss territory. Sites in the alps include about 40 broadband sensors in low noise hard rock vault conditions, as well as strong motions stations in Alpine valleys.

The network is optimised to detect earthquakes, but due to the station density, we also detect mass movements. Within minutes to hours of their occurrence, seismologists review all automatic events and if a landslide source is suspected, events are indicated as such and immediately made available, with approximate location and magnitude, but precise information on origin time. This information is also shared with a wide community of scientists and civil authorities in the Swiss domain. If a mass movement is confirmed either via this expert group or through the media, the event is labelled as confirmed and the location is fixed. In this presentation we will present the catalogue and how it has evolved over time; describe how we detect and characterise events; and demonstrate the growing importance and profile of this valuable new information resource.

How to cite: Kastli, P., Clinton, J., Kraft, T., Diehl, T., and Haslinger, F.: A near-real-time public mass movement catalogue for Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19568,, 2025.

EGU25-19906 | Posters on site | NH3.3

Shear strength and slip rate dependence of weathered volcanic ash soil controlled by water adsorption ability 

Ryousei Omori, Miki Takahashi, and Shinichi Uehara

Our research aims to clarify the process of slip acceleration in landslides in order to mitigate landslide disasters. Here we especially focus on what factors control the shear strength of rocks and soils that compose the landslide slip zone and what factors generate variety in sliding features. This is because knowing those factors could provide hints for predicting the onset of runaway slip. Although a method to predict the onset of slope failure has been proposed (Fukuzono, 1985), which is based on the inverse of surface slip rate converging to zero as the failure time approaches, it doesn’t always work. There have been reports that the slip rate turned to decrease, and the slide did not induce to the failure, even after obtaining enough slip acceleration (Matsuura et al., 2015; Doi et al., 2020).

We here bring the concept of rate-dependent shear strength, which has been developed in seismology and is related to fault slip stability (e.g., Dieterich, 1979). Whether the slip exhibits further acceleration or deceleration depends on whether the shear strength of the shear zone material shows negative rate-dependence or positive rate-dependence. The former is called velocity-weakening, and the latter is called velocity-strengthening, respectively. Thus, such materials could cause the sliding feature that turns to deceleration during slip acceleration, meaning the slip velocity will have an upper limit value. In this study, the concept of rate-dependent shear strength was applied to describe the sliding properties of clay-rich soils as simulants the landslide. Moreover, the clay-rich soils are naturally thought to be one of the causes of slope failure because of their low frictional property (Bromhead, 2013; Schulz and Wang 2014). We conducted the shear experiments on clay-rich soils to measure the shear strength and rate-dependence. Additionally, we measured various properties of the soils, such as mineral composition and content, liquid limit (WL), plasticity index (PI) and specific surface area (SSA), at the viewpoint what determine the lowness of strength and the variety of rate-dependence.

The samples we used were collected from eight locations in the landslide-prone area in western part of the Aso Caldera, Kumamoto Prefecture. The rotary shear experimental apparatus we used was set at Geological Survey of Japan, AIST (Togo and Shimamoto 2012). We varied the slip velocity from 10⁻⁴ to 10 mm/min (10⁻³ - 10² μm/s) that provided the rate-dependent shear strength functioned by the velocity. The samples were saturated in water (drainage) at room-temperature, and the normal stress was set at approximately 1 MPa

Samples with larger SSA showed the trend of negative rate-dependence at lower velocities (< 1 mm/min) but positive rate-dependence at higher velocities (> 1 mm/min), indicating they have the potential to suppress the acceleration at around 1 mm/min. On the other hand, the rate-dependence was always negative for the samples with small SSA, meaning they have the potential of runaway slip generation. Thus, it can be said that how much SSA is in the slip zone material might constrain the variety in slip at landslide.

How to cite: Omori, R., Takahashi, M., and Uehara, S.: Shear strength and slip rate dependence of weathered volcanic ash soil controlled by water adsorption ability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19906,, 2025.

EGU25-710 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4

Using Remote Sensing in Evaluating Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Geological Hazards Triggered by Climate Change Events in Malawi 

Ellasy Gulule, Dickson Mbeya, Cosmo Ngondondo, Annock Chiwona, Tamara Nthara, Timothy Shaba, Chikondi Chisenga, and Alfred Maluwa

Climate change can enhance extreme weather conditions thereby significantly influencing change in precipitation patterns. This results in change to both rainfall intensity and distribution in many parts of the world. The increase in rainfall intensity triger hazards such as flooding and geohazards such as landslides. The impact and scale of flooding hazards are well evaluated and documented. However, geohazards from extreme weather events are not well documented in many developing countries making it difficult to quantify trends, frequency and spatial distribution. This knowledge gap is particularly evident in countries like Malawi, which have been significantly impacted by climate-related extremes, including cyclones. For instance, Tropical Cyclone Freddy which made a landfall in Southern Africa, induced above normal torrential rains in Malawi in March 2023. These rains triggered landslides, mudslides, debris flow and floods which affected 14 districts in the southern region of Malawi (GoM,2023).The size, magnitude and effect of flood hazard from the Tropical Cyclone Freddy was well studied. However, quantifying and mapping spatial patterns of geohazards was not well documented and less prioritized.

In this study, we used sentinel 2, rainfall and field data to a) characterise geohazard from extreme weather events, b) analyse extent of landslides c) develope inventory for geohazards d) quantify the relationship between extreme rainfall events and occurrence of geohazard in southern parts of Malawi. Field survey was conducted in the landslide scarps in Southern Malawi (Blantyre, Thyolo, Phalombe, Chiradzulu and Zomba districts) for ground truthing, mapping landslides, improving accuracy of mapping and validating data from remote sensing analysis. A total of 21 landslides were identified and mapped through field surveys. These ranged in size from localized to more than 50m along the slope. Through remote sensing analysis, it was observed that most of the hazards occurred on different times even if they were exposed to same extreme weather, but all occured within a window period of three days from onset of high intensity rains.  This correlates to the peak rainfall intensity observed across many areas. The characteristics of the material from the landslide scarps varied from loam clay, boulders to debri. However, most of the areas were charecterised with steep slopes of above 60o slope angle. Additionally, in some areas geological influence of landlside occurrence was evident, this was inform of dolerite dyke intrustion and some faults. Thus, other than extreme rainfall occurence, landslides were highly influenced by the slope angle and geological factors. Type of material on the slope had minor influence and this was in agreement with the results from regression analysis. These study results will act as guide to predict the occurrence of future geohazards and understand their patterns which is key in predicting future occurrences of the hazards.


Keywords: Remote Sensing, climate change, Cyclone Freddy, landslides, Malawi


  • Government of Malawi. 2023. Malawi 2023 Tropical Cyclone Freddy Post-Disaster Needs Assessment. Lilongwe
  • Malawi: Tropical Cyclone Freddy Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) Situation Report No3 (2023)

How to cite: Gulule, E., Mbeya, D., Ngondondo, C., Chiwona, A., Nthara, T., Shaba, T., Chisenga, C., and Maluwa, A.: Using Remote Sensing in Evaluating Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Geological Hazards Triggered by Climate Change Events in Malawi, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-710,, 2025.

EGU25-1216 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4

Investigating Cooling Rate Indices: An InfraRed Thermography Study at the Požáry Field Laboratory, Czech Republic 

Marco Loche, Ondřej Racek, Matěj Petružálek, Jan Blahůt, and Gianvito Scaringi

Understanding thermal variation in rock masses is fundamental in determining rock deformation, which can lead to more significant movements such as rockfalls. Directly acquiring this information in the field is still complex and problematic, particularly in inaccessible areas. Therefore, correlations are still an effective tool to compensate for this limitation. Furthermore, recently, InfraRed Thermography (IRT) has proved capable of capturing the intrinsic properties of rocks.

Consequently, we implement a method to evaluate the porosity and the elastic moduli using relatively simple thermal data acquisition, capitalising on the different thermal cooling behaviour of different rock slope sectors. Thermograms were acquired at 10-minute intervals in laboratory and field settings, with correlations evaluated using a Cooling Rate Index (CRI). Concurrently, geotechnical parameters of core samples from these sectors were analysed to explore their mechanical differences. In these zones, in which mechanical behaviours are quite distinct, the experiments carried out in the TIR band have highlighted many discrepancies.

In this test case, the thermal time-lapse analysis revealed a correlation between physical properties and cooling rates in the Požáry field laboratory, reinforcing previous findings that cooling rates can distinguish between different rock textures. However, further validation is needed in various materials to generalise the based thermal parameter characterisation. By elucidating the temperature distribution and dynamics within the rock slope, this study may contribute to understanding rockfall dynamics in temperate climates, facilitating the development of effective rock mass characterisation strategies.

How to cite: Loche, M., Racek, O., Petružálek, M., Blahůt, J., and Scaringi, G.: Investigating Cooling Rate Indices: An InfraRed Thermography Study at the Požáry Field Laboratory, Czech Republic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1216,, 2025.

EGU25-2843 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4

Rock slope evolution under climate change: the influence of atmospheric temperature change on the stability of the near-surface zone 

Ondřej Racek, Andrea Morcioni, Jan Blahut, and Tiziana Apuani

Rock slopes worldwide are subject to the influence of atmospheric temperature variations, which affect the evolution of stresses and strains on short and long-time scales. Climate change is expected to alter the thermal regimes of rock slopes, possibly exacerbating processes related to mechanical weathering and gravitational dynamics. Although the current thermal and mechanical conditions of a rock slope can be quantified using in-situ monitoring, forecasting their future evolution is still a great challenge. We have used in-situ thermal and joint displacement data to calibrate a semi-coupled thermo-mechanical model of the rock slope “Pastýřská stěna” (Děčín, Czechia). The calibrated model was then exposed to the expected temperature change over the next hundred years, analysing its stress-strain evolutive trend. The results show that gradual atmospheric warming leads to an irreversible acceleration of joint aperture trends, highlighting how future climate changes may affect the stability of rock slopes in temperate latitude environments.


How to cite: Racek, O., Morcioni, A., Blahut, J., and Apuani, T.: Rock slope evolution under climate change: the influence of atmospheric temperature change on the stability of the near-surface zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2843,, 2025.

The deformation of large-scale landslides poses a long-term threat to the protected objects in mountainous areas. Recent hazard records show that torrential are critical in triggering the deformation of large-scale landslides. This study investigates the relationship between groundwater variation and deformation kinematics of a large-scale landslide under different rainfall patterns using 3D FEM analysis. The case study of the  Guanghua slope, located in Taoyuan, Taiwan, has been identified as an active large-scale landslide since 2018. A geomechanical model was established based on borehole and outcrop investigations. To correlate the rainfall pattern and groundwater change, the groundwater well data and the rainfall record from 2021 Typhoon In-Fa were used to assess representative groundwater unit hydrographs for the Guanghua slope. Then, different groundwater table scenarios associated with given rainfall return periods can be constructed as the hydraulic boundary condition. The surficial displacement data from GNSS observation and digital image analysis was used to calibrate the performance of 3D FEM models. The results show that the 3D FEM analysis well captured the deformation kinematics of the Guanghua slope, including movement direction and deformation displacement. The current study demonstrates a practical methodology to clarify the changes in the groundwater table and slope movement under different rainfall patterns for assessing the potential disaster scenarios of a large-scale landslide.

How to cite: Wen, C.-Y., Lin, C.-H., Chang, K.-Y., and Lin, M.-L.: Investigating the Groundwater Variation and Deformation Kinematics of Large-scale Landslide Under Different Rainfall Patterns Using 3D FEM Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4941,, 2025.

EGU25-5305 | PICO | NH3.4

The Landslides under Influence of Climate Change in China 

Bin Tong, Pinggen Zhou, Xudong Yang, Yixiang Zhang, and Jusong Shi

As one of the most landslide-prone countries, China also stands out as the most affected countries by climate change worldwide. Understanding the influences of climate change on landslide is a great issue for optimizing the corresponding countermeasures for landslide risk control. In this study, an overview of climate change's influences on landslide in China was investigated, and the developing trends of landslides in various natural topographical regions were analyzed based on two decades of historical recordings. The regions and major categories of landslide that are potentially influenced by climate change are summarized. The results indicate a growing trend of climate change in affecting the geo-environment, leading to the corresponding increase in severity, complexity, and spatial-temporal uncertainties of landslide in China. Accordingly, a more proactive response is warranted to establish a more dynamic, efficient, and integrated framework of landslide risk control. This framework should encompass the entire risk control process from landslide identification, risk assessment, monitoring, early warning and mitigation, to address the issues of "What-Where-When-Why" landslide would occur, "Who" might be the vulnerable elements, and "How" the mitigation should be performed scientifically. This study is expected to help better understand the influences of climate changes on landslide in China, and highlight the countermeasures responding to the challenges from both administrative and scientific research perspectives.

Figure1. the general trend of landslide change under the influence of climate change

Figure2. The typical categories of landslide in China that could be influenced by climate change

How to cite: Tong, B., Zhou, P., Yang, X., Zhang, Y., and Shi, J.: The Landslides under Influence of Climate Change in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5305,, 2025.

EGU25-9123 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4

Landslide susceptibility assessment by thermal surveys: case studies  from southern Italy 

Jawad Niaz, Piernicola Lollino, Mario parise, Gianvito Scaringi, and Cosimo Cagnazzo

Landslide susceptibility analysis is a critical aspect of slope hazard assessment, requiring the understanding of the complex interactions between slope and atmosphere, in terms of geological, geotechnical and climatic factors. This study focuses on the evaluation of landslide susceptibility in Southern Italy, encompassing both rockfall events occurring along rocky cliffs in Melendugno (Adriatic coast, Apulia region) and a large earthflow mass in the Southern Apennines, respectively. In particular, this study is aimed at presenting preliminary results arising from advanced field digital surveys performed in the study areas. High-resolution thermal (7 cm) and RGB (3 cm) digital images were captured using a UAV-mounted camera during a survey conducted in July. Data processing and analysis were carried out using DJI thermal analysis tools, Agisoft Metashape and GIS software. The thermal surveys provided valuable insights into surface temperature variations within the study areas, in terms of thermal anomalies, which could potentially represent indicators of instability phenomena. Along the Melendugno rock cliff, low-temperature anomalies highlighted fractures and openings between calcarenite layers, while high-temperature zones are supposed to indicate weathered and degraded rock surfaces. As regards the Montaguto landslide, high-temperature regions indicate active fractures, whereas low-temperature areas correspond to water accumulation, potentially exacerbating slope instability. The temperature data obtained from the thermal surveys have been also validated through temperature and climatic data acquired via weather stations installed in the study areas. Future work will involve the collection of temporal data for creating multi-temporal maps and the application of numerical models to simulate the slope stress-strain response under varying environmental conditions.  Combining thermal data and computational modelling, the study is aimed at providing critical insights into slope surface conditions and material degradation, enhancing stability analyses and aiding risk mitigation strategies. The findings are intended to underline the potential of thermal surveys in assessing landslide dynamics and advancing geohazard management.

How to cite: Niaz, J., Lollino, P., parise, M., Scaringi, G., and Cagnazzo, C.: Landslide susceptibility assessment by thermal surveys: case studies  from southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9123,, 2025.

EGU25-11058 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4

Climate Assessment of rainfall-induced Landslide Hazard and Risk: Assessing Past Simulations and Future Projections 

Liza Adriana Tapia Hurtado, Marc Berenguer, Shinju Park, and Daniel Sempere-Torres

Beyond their immediate environmental impact, landslides pose significant social and economic challenges for vulnerable communities. These highly dynamic natural hazards are mostly triggered by rainfall in many regions worldwide, making it crucial to understand the relationship between precipitation and landslide occurrence. This understanding is key to enhancing the accuracy and reliability of systems that assess and mitigate landslide risks.

To explore this relationship, this study employs a framework similar to that of Berenguer et al. (2015) and Palau et al. (2020) for real-time application. The system integrates landslide susceptibility information with precipitation inputs to generate maps with a qualitative classification of the warning level in four classes. For this analysis, this system combines 3-hourly accumulated precipitation simulations from the EURO-CORDEX dataset (with a resolution of 12.5 km x 12.5 km) and the European Landslide Susceptibility Map (200 m x 200 m), developed by Wilde et al. (2018) and Günther et al. (2014). By merging the fine spatial resolution of the susceptibility dataset with the temporal resolution of precipitation data, the system provides a dynamic representation of landslide hazards that accounts for local susceptibility and precipitation variability.

The framework is designed for application at various scales, from the European level to specific regions. For this study, Catalonia (NE Spain) is the focus area due to the availability of a landslide inventory, which allows for initial validation of the system's preliminary results. Although the inventory has some limitations—such as incompleteness and biases towards events near transportation networks and urban areas—it offers valuable data for validating the framework and identifying its strengths and weaknesses. A historical precipitation dataset (1976–2005) serves as input for simulating past landslide hazards, laying the groundwork for analyzing long-term trends. By comparing simulated precipitation-induced landslides with reported events, insights into the relationship between precipitation patterns and landslide occurrences.

To assess future risks, climate projections from 2011 to 2100 across various timeframes and scenarios are analyzed. Temporal variations in precipitation are examined on monthly and seasonal scales to understand how shifting precipitation patterns may affect landslide-prone conditions in specific regions. This methodology can be improved by incorporating socio-economic risk indicators, such as population density, infrastructure vulnerability, and the economic value of exposed assets. This integration helps transition the focus from hazard assessment to risk analysis, reflecting the potential severity of consequences. Such analysis could help in developing proactive risk management strategies, providing valuable insights into the future dynamics of landslide hazards under changing climatic scenarios.

How to cite: Tapia Hurtado, L. A., Berenguer, M., Park, S., and Sempere-Torres, D.: Climate Assessment of rainfall-induced Landslide Hazard and Risk: Assessing Past Simulations and Future Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11058,, 2025.

The evolution of future rainfall regime (intensity, frequency, season) induced by climate change is likely to change the exposure of infrastructure and housing to the risks of flooding, avalanches and landslides. Several studies indicate that the frequency of landslide occurrence should increase due to climate change. In this context, we applied a statistical analysis of future changes in rainfall conditions triggering landslides in South Alps, France.

In this study, we start from rainfall thresholds under current climate conditions to trigger landslide that have been determined, on the basis of an inventory of recent landslides. Different criteria of landslide triggers are studied, including cumulative rainfall of events and the duration of the events. We then use an ensemble of 17 bias-corrected high-resolution regional climate projections to calculate these criteria for future climate change scenarios, and we compare their evolution with contemporary climate conditions.

The comparison is based on the number of meteorological events exceeding current rainfall threshold, the evolution of cumulative rainfall of extreme events, as well as their duration. This analysis is carried out on a departmental scale, making it possible to quantify potential future variations according to different climatic contexts (Mediterranean and mountainous context).

How to cite: Bernardie, S., Thieblemont, R., and Le Cozannet, G.: Climate change influence on future landslides in South Alps, France : an analysis of the future meteorological events that trigger landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11757,, 2025.

EGU25-13447 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4

Experimental investigation of thermal effect on compression and creep behavior of clays using modified oedometer 

Manh Nguyen Duy, Jan Jerman, Jan Najser, Tomáš Mladý, Lukáš Vavřich, and Gianvito Scaringi

In the context of global warming, the impact of temperature on the geotechnical behavior of soil has recently garnered increasing attention. These phenomena significantly influence soils' compression and creep behavior, particularly clays, which are highly sensitive to thermal variations. To investigate soil thermal one-dimensional compression behavior, we developed a modification to a standard one-dimensional oedometer by incorporating a circulating heated water bath for precise temperature control and long-term stable high-temperature setting. We conducted detailed temperature calibrations of the cell for various temperatures to assess thermal losses and variations.

We conducted experimental investigations on Malaysian kaolin clay to examine the thermal effects on compression behavior, as indicated by the normal compression line (NCL) position, and on creep behavior, as reflected in changes to the secondary compression index (Cα). The experiments were performed over a temperature range of 20°C to 60°C and under constant temperature conditions. The findings obtained from the present experiments are compared with data from another, more advanced temperature-controlled oedometer cell.

Keywords: Compressibility, oedometer, thermal effect, secondary compression

How to cite: Nguyen Duy, M., Jerman, J., Najser, J., Mladý, T., Vavřich, L., and Scaringi, G.: Experimental investigation of thermal effect on compression and creep behavior of clays using modified oedometer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13447,, 2025.

EGU25-16339 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4

Detecting the impact of climate change on alpine mass movements in observational records from the European Alps 

Mylène Jacquemart, Samuel Weber, Marta Chiarle, Małgorzata Chmiel, Alessandro Cicoira, Christophe Corona, Nicolas Eckert, Johan Gaume, Florie Giacona, Jacob Hirschberg, Roland Kaitna, Florence Magnin, Stephanie Mayer, Christine Moos, Markus Stoffel, and Alec van Herwijnen

Anthropogenic climate change is rapidly altering high mountain environments, including changing the frequency, dynamic behavior, location, and magnitude of alpine mass movements. In this project, we gathered literture (∼1995 to 2024, 335 studies) that have leveraged observational records from the European Alps and review (a) to what degree changes in the frequency, magnitude, dynamic behavior, or location of alpine mass movements can be detected in observational records, and (b) whether detected changes be attributed to climate change and are clear enough to improve hazard management at regional scales. We focused our analysis on the mass movements that are most common in the European Alps, namely rockfall, rock avalanches, debris flows, ice and snow avalanches. We found that the clearest climate-controlled trends are (i) an increased rockfall frequency in high-alpine areas (due to higher temperatures), (ii) fewer and smaller snow avalanches due to scarcer snow conditions in low- and subalpine areas, and (iii) a shift towards avalanches with more wet snow. There is (iv) a clear increase in debris-flow triggering precipitation, but this increase is only partly reflected in debris-flow activity. The trends for (v) ice avalanches are spatially very variable without a clear direction. Quantifying the impact of climate change on these mass movements remains difficult in part due to the complexities of the natural system, but also because of limitations in the available datasets, confounding effects and the limits of existing statistical processing techniques. 

How to cite: Jacquemart, M., Weber, S., Chiarle, M., Chmiel, M., Cicoira, A., Corona, C., Eckert, N., Gaume, J., Giacona, F., Hirschberg, J., Kaitna, R., Magnin, F., Mayer, S., Moos, C., Stoffel, M., and van Herwijnen, A.: Detecting the impact of climate change on alpine mass movements in observational records from the European Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16339,, 2025.

EGU25-16599 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4

Exploring Slow-Moving Landslides and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Pre-Alpine Grassland: from Observations to Modelling 

Kirill Grachev, Thomas Glade, and Stephan Glatzel

Precise estimations of greenhouse gas budgets for countries contribute to sharpened policies on the national and international level to tackle climate change. Soils pool a considerable amount of carbon and nitrogen within terrestrial ecosystems and a quarter of the Austrian terrestrial surface is dedicated to grassland. In the clay-rich Flysch zone thousands of landslides have been observed. We argue that a better understanding of mechanisms that lead to both phenomena — greenhouse gas fluxes and landslide dynamics — could provide insights into untangling the complexity of the soil carbon and nitrogen cycles and improve greenhouse gas models on active landslides.


To achieve this, we enrich long-term observation of the two landslides in Gresten and Hofermühle, Lower Austria with monitoring of greenhouse gas in different soils, vegetation and land use and of landslide dynamics. Employment of non-steady-state chambers with combination of comprehensive physico-chemical soil analyses, vegetation and land use surveys reveal interconnections between greenhouse gas fluxes and landslide activity. Inclusion of land displacement data gained by inclinometer measurements link our geoecological findings with in-depth landslide movements. Hydrological soil properties, such as moisture content and water-filled pore space (WFSP), impact both greenhouse gas fluxes and landslide activity the most. Additionally, slow-moving landslides alter microrelief, which consequently affects the land use management in grasslands.


We conclude that greenhouse gas fluxes and landslide activities not only share the common preconditionary factors, but also slow-moving landslides influence greenhouse gas fluxes indirectly. Hereby, land-use management is of crucial importance. These findings could ultimately improve current computational greenhouse gas models for territories prone to landslides and support climate policy development.

How to cite: Grachev, K., Glade, T., and Glatzel, S.: Exploring Slow-Moving Landslides and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Pre-Alpine Grassland: from Observations to Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16599,, 2025.

EGU25-17821 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4

Meteorological factors control landslide phenomena in a high-Arctic glacier basin (Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard) 

Erik Kuschel, Florian Tolle, Vinzent Klaus, Ursula Laa, Alexander Prokop, Jean-Michel Friedt, Eric Bernard, and Christian Zangerl

Landslide activity is expected to increase as climate change reduces mountain slope stability. High-Arctic regions like Svalbard are critical for studying slope dynamics in a changing climate, especially due to arctic amplification effects. Despite the significance of Arctic regions for climate research, empirical evidence in these regions is often lacking due to the absence of long-term, high-resolution terrain data necessary to assess the impact of meteorological conditions on landscapes severely affected by climate change. Bridging this gap is vital for comprehending the intricate relationships between meteorological factors and landslide development in Arctic regions.

This study presents a unique high-resolution on-site dataset from a high-Arctic glacier basin, collected over a 10-year period. Using terrestrial laser-scanning and an autonomous camera network, we investigated the impact of meteorological conditions on the trigger mechanisms of translational debris slides and debris flows in the Austre Lovénbreen glacier basin (Svalbard, Norway).

Translational debris slides accounted for approximately 96% (N = 147) of the total sediment flux observed, with debris flows (N = 21) as a secondary agent. Debris slide activity significantly increased between 2011 and 2021. Heavy rainfall events primarily influenced the frequency and magnitude of debris slides during the hydrological summer, while the duration and intensity of the thawing period were the main controls for their initiation. On the opposite, the impact of winter temperatures or snow parameters was limited. Furthermore, a 2-year return period for large debris flows was identified, representing an increase by a factor of 2.5 to 5 compared to previous estimates for Svalbard and northern Scandinavia in the last decades.

In conclusion, this study highlights the significant impact of meteorological factors on the frequency and magnitude of landslides in high-Arctic glacier basins, providing insights into how climate change controls landslide dynamics in Arctic environments. The expected continuous rise in temperatures and increased heavy rainfall events are likely to further facilitate landslide activity in the Arctic.

Thus, this study shows that long-term observatories like the Austre Lovénbreen glacier are irreplaceable for future research unraveling the impact of climate change on landslide dynamics and that the present climate alterations in the Arctic may provide insights also relevant for other regions.

How to cite: Kuschel, E., Tolle, F., Klaus, V., Laa, U., Prokop, A., Friedt, J.-M., Bernard, E., and Zangerl, C.: Meteorological factors control landslide phenomena in a high-Arctic glacier basin (Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17821,, 2025.

EGU25-17966 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4

Stability analysis of the Dubičná landslide (Czech Republic) considering the effect of temperature on the available shear resistance 

Tomas Kadlicek, Jan Jerman, Om Prasad Dhakal, Marco Loche, Tomáš Mladý, Manh Nguyen Duy, Bhargavi Chowdepalli, Jakub Roháč, and Gianvito Scaringi

Temperature variations, within the typical range experienced in temperate climates, have been shown to influence the shear strength of clay soils, with the effect depending on factors such as soil mineral composition, confining stress, and shear rate. Seasonal temperature fluctuations and long-term climatic trends propagate from the atmosphere into the subsurface, attenuating and lagging with depth. In the upper few meters, where landslides frequently occur, seasonal temperature variations of 2–5 °C are common.

We present field monitoring data from the Dubičná landslide, a slow-moving, clay-rich (primarily illitic) roto-translational slide in the Czech Republic. The landslide exhibits displacement rates of a few millimetres per year and displays a seasonal pattern not entirely attributable to precipitation trends. Using ring-shear experiments on shear-zone samples, we investigated the influence of temperature on the residual shear strength under different conditions. A linear relationship between temperature and shear strength was identified, indicating mild strengthening at higher temperatures under low shear rates.

Slope stability analyses, incorporating air and subsurface temperature data, were performed for current temperature conditions and future projections under climate change scenarios. The results indicate that temperature effects on the factor of safety are modest, with a slight stabilising influence due to thermal strengthening. However, fully understanding the role of temperature in the stability of clay slopes requires further experiments and advanced modelling to account for the complexities of thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling and atmosphere-ground interactions.

How to cite: Kadlicek, T., Jerman, J., Prasad Dhakal, O., Loche, M., Mladý, T., Nguyen Duy, M., Chowdepalli, B., Roháč, J., and Scaringi, G.: Stability analysis of the Dubičná landslide (Czech Republic) considering the effect of temperature on the available shear resistance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17966,, 2025.

EGU25-18820 | ECS | PICO | NH3.4

Rainfall-induced landslide: an indicator of the effects of climate change 

Juliette Flahaut and Aurélien Boiselet

The impact of climate change on the severity and frequency of weather-related hazards is leading to a growing need for multi-hazard studies. The rainfall-induced landslides present a significant risk at local scale, leading to devastating impacts on the built environment and fatalities. The evolution of landslide risk with climate change remains a challenge because of the complex interactions between land parameters and precipitations. To estimate trends in landslide hazard evolution due to modification of rainfall pattern, a framework using a univariate threshold method is developed and applied to Italy. This study employs the LHASA model (Kirschbaum and Stanley, 2018), the ERA5 reanalysis data and climate projections, to determine a precipitation threshold and to assess the dynamic evolution of rainfall-induced landslide triggering. The ITAlian rainfall-induced LandslIdes CAtalogue (ITALICA) is used to evaluate the performance of the model. The 30 years precipitation threshold enables to predict 92% of the events, with a better performance over debris flow. The average number of annual days at risk over 30 years is used to project the propensity of rainfall-induced landslide to be triggered. The spatial and temporal evolution of landslide induced hazard is then analyzed over the SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 climate scenarios. The framework identifies areas where the landslide hazard increases relatively strongly over all the climate scenarios. 

How to cite: Flahaut, J. and Boiselet, A.: Rainfall-induced landslide: an indicator of the effects of climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18820,, 2025.

This research provides a comprehensive analysis of snow avalanche behavior in the Kullu region of the Indian Himalayas, integrating climate data, terrain characteristics, and field validation to develop a refined hazard zonation model. Over recent decades, the region has seen an increase in avalanche frequency and intensity, linked to rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and human-induced factors such as infrastructure development. The study explores the intricate relationship between meteorological variables like snow temperature and wind speed, and the topographical features that influence avalanche susceptibility.

Using Object-Based Image Segmentation (OBIS) analysis, combined with field surveys and existing literature, the research enhances the precision of avalanche risk identification. This method allows for a more accurate delineation of high-risk areas, improving prediction models for avalanche occurrences. The findings also suggest that ongoing climate change trends will likely escalate the frequency and severity of avalanches, increasing the risks to local populations, infrastructure, and biodiversity in the region.

In addition to its local impact, the study offers valuable insights for global avalanche risk assessment and climate adaptation strategies in mountainous regions. It underscores the need for targeted disaster risk reduction efforts and the development of resilient infrastructure to protect vulnerable mountain communities and ecosystems. The research highlights the importance of incorporating climate change projections into risk management frameworks to mitigate future hazards. By advancing understanding of avalanche dynamics, this study contributes to broader efforts aimed at enhancing the resilience of high-altitude regions worldwide.

How to cite: Bansal, J. K. and Goswami, A.: Snow Avalanche Hazard Zonation and Climate Change Trends in Kullu Region of Himachal Pradesh, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-551,, 2025.

The recognition, repetition and prediction of the post-failure motion process of long-runout landslides are key scientific problems in the prevention and mitigation of geological disasters. In this study, a new numerical method involving LPF based on a multialgorithm and multiconstitutive model was proposed to simulate long-runout landslides with high precision and efficiency. The following results were obtained: (a) The motion process of landslides showed a steric effect with mobility, including gradual disintegration and spreading. The sliding mass can be divided into three states (dense, dilute and ultradilute) in the motion process, which can be solved by three dynamic regimes (friction, collision, and inertial); (b) Coupling simulation between the solid grain and liquid phases was achieved, focusing on drag force influences; (c) Different algorithms and constitutive models were employed in phase-state simulations. The volume fraction is an important indicator to distinguish different state types and solid‒liquid ratios. The flume experimental results were favorably validated against long-runout landslide case data; and (d) In this method, matched dynamic numerical modeling was developed to better capture the realistic motion process of long-runout landslides, and the advantages of continuum media and discrete media were combined to improve the computational accuracy and efficiency. This new method can reflect the realistic physical and mechanical processes in long-runout landslide motion and provide a suitable method for risk assessment and pre-failure prediction.

How to cite: Gao, Y.: Multistate transition and coupled solid–liquid modeling of motion process of longrunout landslide, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1276,, 2025.

EGU25-1480 | Posters on site | NH3.5

UAV surveys, 3D geomodels and Virtual Reality supporting the structural geology analysis of large rockslides 

Hans-Balder Havenith, Valentine Piroton, and Juliette Goire

Geological structures, such as bedding, faults, folds, joints and fractures often contribute to decreased stability of rock slopes according to their strike and dip with respect to the general orientation of the main slope. Additionally, a rock slope may undergo many forms of gravitational displacement-induced (e.g. toppling), erosional (e.g. river undercutting) and/or weathering-induced destabilisation.

A variety of deep-seated very large (with a volume of > 107 m3) rock slope failures have been analyzed according to their structural characteristics. Studies include field surveys with structural geology measurements and image collection with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The latter were then used to construct digital twins of the rockslide sites. Structural elements were analysed by using stereoplot tools that can also produce 3D outputs of the studied planes. In a few cases additional geophysical data were collected in the field (both on the rockslide deposits and on bedrock around the scarps). All those data were then combined within 3D geomodels of the studied sites and related 3D representations were integrated in immersive virtual environments.

One first practical objective of the use of 3D constructions from UAV imagery within Virtual Reality is to investigate sites that are barely accessible in the field, such as the rock outcrops within high and very steep rockslide scarps. Second, 3D geomodels help reconstruct the subsurface domain and allow for viewing the geological structures from all sides in order to understand better the spatial relationships between different structural elements (including different joint families, and toppling-related folding and fracturing).

For a few cases, also numerical models have been developed to study the influence of structural and geomechanical elements on (potentially seismically induced) rock slope failure. The main goal is to identify features that would allow us to distinguish seismic trigger modes from climatic ones, notably on the basis of the source zone rock structures. For instance, anti-dip slope bedding orientation may hint at a seismic origin, but we also consider a series of mixed structural types, which are more difficult to be interpreted as markers for a seismic or of climatic rocsk slope failure origin.

Most of our studied rockslide sites are located in seismically active mountain ranges (southeastern Carpathians, Caucasus, Tien Shan, Eastern Tibet and Longmenshan). However, outcomes of this study could also help identify rockslides with a partly seismic origin in less seismically active mountain regions, such as the northern and western Carpathians and the Alps. In the Alps, sites previously studied include the Fernpass, Tamins, and the Oeschinensee and Kandersteg rockslides and avalanches.

How to cite: Havenith, H.-B., Piroton, V., and Goire, J.: UAV surveys, 3D geomodels and Virtual Reality supporting the structural geology analysis of large rockslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1480,, 2025.

Deep-seated landslide formations in rock slopes are common in areas with steep hillside geophysical features and torrential rainfall. These slopes commonly experience heavy rainfall during typhoons and extreme weather conditions, which reduce rock mass strength, leading to the failure of slopes. The Lushan slope in the middle of Taiwan has continuously slid due to typhoons and heavy rainfall for recent decades. The geological conditions and analysis parameters of natural slopes are difficult to grasp causing uncertainties and affecting the slope stability results. Considering these uncertainties, analyzing its collapse probability can provide a more objective assessment of the stability of the slope. This study will use the Finite Element Method (FEM) software PLAXIS 2D Mohr-Coulomb (MC) model and Van-Genuchten (VG) unsaturated model combined with rainfall infiltration displacement coupling analysis to establish and simulate the slope model of the Lushan landslide area from rainfall duration and groundwater level data. The rock mass strength, unsaturated and saturated parameters were back-calculated and sensitivity analyses were performed to explore the impact of these parameters on the rise of groundwater levels. The probability density functions (PDFs) of dependent parameter groups and independent parameters were determined to consider their uncertainties. Stochastic Finite Element Method (SFEM) analysis was conducted by combining Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) method with FEM to perform random sampling and determine different parameter combinations of the chosen parameters as random variables with uncertainty. Finally, the probability of slope collapse was evaluated by considering the safety factor as the criterion for judgment. The PDF of the safety factor is used to infer the collapse probability of Lushan slopes under the conditions of different return periods and rainfall delays. In this study, the uncertainty of mechanical and hydraulic parameters is considered to explore the probability of deep collapse which can be used as a reference for the risk assessment and warning systems of large-scale collapse.

How to cite: Chakraborty, A. and Chang, K. T.: Integrating Numerical Methods to Assess Failure Probability of Rock Slopes Considering Uncertainties in Mechanical and Hydraulic Properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2129,, 2025.

EGU25-2647 | Posters on site | NH3.5

Study on Early Warning of Landslides by Using Rainfall Parameters 

Po-Chih Liu and Kuang-Tsung Chang

  Many factors can trigger slope failure, with rainfall and groundwater variation being the primary causes. The failure time of rainfall-induced slope failure may be affected by the depths of the sliding surface and rainfall types, including rainfall patterns, duration, and the return period. Hourly accumulated rainfall may not be an efficient parameter for predicting slope failure, considering rainfall type variations or sliding surface depths. This study examines the appropriate rainfall parameters and thresholds for predicting slope failure with shallow and deep sliding surfaces at 10m and 40m depths.

  This study adopted PLAXIS LE 3D, the limit equilibrium method, to obtain the factor of safety variation by time under different rainfall patterns, return periods, and durations. By accumulating rainfall over various periods, we derived various rainfall curves, referred to as” rainfall parameter curves” in this study. Using the rainfall parameter curves and the factor of safety variation, we can find the suitable rainfall parameters for shallow or deep sliding surfaces and then obtain corresponding rainfall thresholds for early warning. The result showed that short-term rainfall parameters and small threshold values are more appropriate for alarming slope failure with shallow sliding surfaces. On the other hand, long-term rainfall parameters and large threshold values are more appropriate for alarming slope failure with deep sliding surfaces. The rainfall parameters and the threshold values have a stronger relationship with the depths of sliding surfaces than with the types of rainfall.

How to cite: Liu, P.-C. and Chang, K.-T.: Study on Early Warning of Landslides by Using Rainfall Parameters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2647,, 2025.

EGU25-2926 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

A knowledge-data dually driven paradigm for accurate identification of key blocks in complex rock slopes 

Xiaoyu Qi, Han Meng, Nengxiong Xu, Gang Mei, Jianbing Peng, Stefano Mariani, and Gabriele Della Vecchia

Accurate identification and effective support of key blocks are crucial for ensuring the stability and safety of rock slopes. In previous studies, the number of structural planes and rock blocks was limited by considerations related to computational efficiency and capabilities, limiting the accurate characterization of complex rock slopes and hindering the identification of key blocks, potentially compromising stability and safety.

In this paper, a knowledge-data dually driven paradigm for accurate identification of key blocks in complex rock slopes is proposed. Our essential idea is to integrate key block theory into data-driven models based on finely characterized structural features to accurately identify key blocks in complex rock slopes. The proposed novel paradigm consists of (1) representing rock slopes as graph-structured data based on complex systems theory, (2) identifying key nodes in the graph-structured data using graph deep learning, and (3) mapping the key nodes of graph-structured data to corresponding key blocks in the rock slope.

Verification experiments and real-case applications were conducted using the proposed method. The verification results demonstrate excellent model performance, strong generalization capability, and effective classification results. The real case application is conducted on the northern slope of the Yanqianshan Iron Mine. The results show that:

(1) The proposed method has advantages in accurately representing the structural characteristics of complex rock slopes, which enhances the accuracy of key block identification;

(2) Integrating scientific knowledge of key block theory into GNNs facilitates the learning and capturing of internal structural characteristics of rock block systems and the distribution patterns of key blocks; and

(3) Our proposed paradigm is capable of accurately identifying key blocks from extremely imbalanced rock block systems, providing effective support and instability prevention of rock slopes.

How to cite: Qi, X., Meng, H., Xu, N., Mei, G., Peng, J., Mariani, S., and Vecchia, G. D.: A knowledge-data dually driven paradigm for accurate identification of key blocks in complex rock slopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2926,, 2025.

EGU25-3363 | Orals | NH3.5

Scaling New Heights: A Quantitative Approach to Understanding the Effectiveness of Rockfall Mitigation 

Michael Olsen, Ben Leshchinsky, Joseph Wartman, and Dimitrios Bolkas

Rockfalls pose significant risks to infrastructure, leading to safety hazards, road closures, and substantial economic losses from detour delays and damages to transport. These risks are expected to intensify due to the increased frequency and severity of storms, adverse weather events driven by climate change, and seismic activity, all of which accelerate rock slope deterioration. Current rockfall mitigation approaches present notable challenges. Short-term methods, such as scaling and blasting, are both costly and hazardous, as they require personnel to work directly on unstable slopes. Meanwhile, longer-term solutions, such as rock bolting or nailing, are often financially prohibitive for widespread application. Compounding these challenges is the subjective, ad-hoc nature of rockfall mitigation assessments, which creates uncertainty around the actual effectiveness and longevity of slope improvements. In many cases, slopes may return to a similarly hazardous or even more precarious state after mitigation, leading to ongoing cleanup and maintenance costs. This highlights the need for quantitative, objective methods to enhance rockfall mitigation practices, optimize maintenance strategies, and improve overall asset management. In response to this need, this research investigates the use of the morphological classification system, specifically the Rockfall Activity Index, to assess the effectiveness of mitigation techniques. A controlled field site was established to monitor post scaling morphological changes of the slope over several years with terrestrial laser scanning. By examining changes in magnitude-frequency relationships, activity rates, block sizes, precarious overhangs, and potential energy associated with slope failures, this study aims to provide actionable insights into more effective and sustainable rockfall management practices.

How to cite: Olsen, M., Leshchinsky, B., Wartman, J., and Bolkas, D.: Scaling New Heights: A Quantitative Approach to Understanding the Effectiveness of Rockfall Mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3363,, 2025.

Many landslides occur in crystalline schist in the central Shikoku Mountains of Japan. Although landslides are thought to occur frequently in areas with inclined schistosity planes, an area in the southern Shirataki unit of the Sanbagawa metamorphic complex exhibits mesoscopic to microscopic folds (MMFs); the geological structure is horizontal at the mountain scale, but several rapid and catastrophic landslides have occurred over time. Most of these folds are upright, with an east–west strike and nearly horizontal hinge lines, and are associated with prominent cleavage planes parallel or at a steep angle to the axis plane. In this study, the relationships between landslides and MMFs in the southern Oboke area were examined along with detailed surveys of the recent Toyonaga, Iwahara-Tojiyama, and Aruse rockslides. The results showed that many landslides occurred in the north–south direction along cleavage planes. Among the landslides investigated in detail, there were detachment surfaces along cleavage planes, rupture surfaces along both cleavage planes and schistosity planes, and dense fissures that opened along cleavage planes and became rainwater pathways deep into the rock.

How to cite: Yamasaki, S.: Frequent landslides controlled by steep cleavage planes: A case of crystalline schist area in the central Shikoku Mountains where metamorphic processes superimposed, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5051,, 2025.

EGU25-5237 | Posters on site | NH3.5

Assessment of Rockfall Hazards in Weak Rock Environments and Urban Texture-Compatible Solution Proposals: The Case of Istanbul/Silivri 

Mehmet Mert Doğu, Ömer Ündül, and Mohammad Manzoor Nasery

With population growth, construction in high-risk areas increases, leading to more people and structures being adversely affected. Rockfalls constitute a significant portion of these natural events. However, in combating these disasters, advancing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies and three-dimensional rockfall simulations provide highly accurate results in detecting rock blocks with fall potential, identifying hazardous zones in inaccessible slopes, and predicting possible movement trajectories. These technological advancements significantly contribute to field studies, saving considerable time and effort. Rockfalls occurring in the low-strength, Oligo-Miocene sandstone-siltstone-claystone alternation succession on the cliffs of Istanbul-Silivri District cause damage to people and structures along the coast. Additionally, the presence of bird nests on the cliffs affects the design of the reclamation project planned to be carried out in the study area. Within the scope of this study, high-precision mapping was conducted in the study area using RTK (Real Time Kinematic) and PPK (Post-Processed Kinematic) photogrammetric measurement techniques. Consequently, 2.58 cm/pix resolution orthophoto, a point cloud of the study area and 3D stereoscopic optical model of the terrain were produced. Subsequently, an engineering geology study was carried out in the area. Representative samples were collected for laboratory experiments and the orientations of joint systems such as layers, faults etc. were measured. Thin sections of these samples were prepared and petrographic examinations were carried out. Mechanical tests with the index were conducted to obtain the geomechanical parameters of the rock. Afterward, to evaluate the rockfall potential, a kinematic analysis was performed using the DIPS software with discontinuity measurements obtained from the field, revealing the presence of wedge-topple type rockfall potentials in the area. In the second part of the risk assessment, the geomechanical parameters obtained and data from field observations were evaluated collectively to develop an engineering geology model of the study area. This model was integrated with a digital elevation model, and a finite element analysis (FEM) of the slope was conducted using the RS2 program, based on the Hoek-Brown failure criterion. In the final stage, rocks at risk of falling were identified using high-resolution 3D terrain models and field observations. To determine the run-out distance, bounce height, velocity, and total kinetic energy of the falling blocks, three-dimensional rockfall analysis were performed using the RocFall3 software. In conclusion, the risks and hazards in the area were mapped along the cliff with their spatial distributions. Protective structures and remediation methods were then proposed to minimize these risks and hazards.

How to cite: Doğu, M. M., Ündül, Ö., and Nasery, M. M.: Assessment of Rockfall Hazards in Weak Rock Environments and Urban Texture-Compatible Solution Proposals: The Case of Istanbul/Silivri, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5237,, 2025.

Research on granular material flows has gained significance due to their critical role in various industrial applications and processes occurring on planetary surfaces. However, experimental studies examining granular flows under high-stress conditions where significant grain breakage occurs, as seen in phenomena like rock avalanches, fault ruptures, and post-impact crater formations are relatively scarce.   This study presents findings from high-speed rotary shear experiments conducted on eight types of crushable granular materials and non-crushable materials, exploring different shear velocities and normal stress levels. We analyzed variations in shear resistance and viscosity during the experiments. After undergoing large strains, both shear resistance and viscosity stabilized, exhibiting independence from normal stress and material composition, but showing dependence on shear velocity. Our investigation identified two distinct behaviors: the strain-hardening regime and the strain-weakening regime. For crushable materials, there was a general trend towards velocity hardening at shear velocities below 0.1 m/s. However, a notable power-law weakening in steady-state shear resistance was observed with increasing velocity for shear rates exceedingly approximately 0.1 m/s, signaling potential material instability. Similarly, non-crushable glass beads displayed a comparable response. In the strain-weakening regime, all crushable materials adhered to a common set of power-law relationships, while non-crushable materials followed a different set. The transition from the strain-hardening regime to the strain-weakening regime can elucidate the onset of rock avalanches following prolonged creep deformation. Additionally, the pronounced weakening observed at higher velocities accounts for the enhanced fluidity and hypermobility characteristic of large geophysical grain flows. Under conditions of high-speed shear, the steady state of granular flow demonstrated that normal stress and material composition do not influence shear resistance and viscosity. However, the rate of weakening and the  slip weakening distance are affected by these factors and are correlated with WEIBULL modulus.

How to cite: Gou, H., Hu, W., Li, Y., Zheng, Y., and Ge, Y.: The impact of normal stress, along with the material composition and shear velocity, on both the steady-state shear resistance and viscosity of rapid dry granular flows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5348,, 2025.

EGU25-5525 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5

Influence of Rock-Avalanche Fragmentation - Mobility Analysis focused on inter-fragment bonding strength  

Felix Hilgert, Johannes Hübl, and Ivo Baselt

Alpine mass movements, such as rockslides and rock avalanches, pose significant natural hazards and drive landscape evolution in steep terrains. Understanding rock slope degradation, fragmentation, and the dynamics of failure and transport mechanisms is crucial for hazard prediction and mitigation strategies. This study examines the effects of rock fragmentation on the mobility and deposition behaviour of rock avalanches through experimental and theoretical approaches.

We investigate the role of internal bonding strength in influencing fragmentation dynamics and subsequent runout behaviour. A novel experimental setup simulates dynamic rock fragmentation in rock avalanches using a model block with varying internal bonding configurations. Therefore, graphite connectors of varying strength and number per block are used, combined with different layering techniques. These connectors undergo prior shear strength testing, allowing us to predict the force required to achieve specific fragmentation patterns. Additionally, they facilitate flexible variation not only in the material of the fragments but also in the way the connections between fragments are formed. Unlike previous research, this experiment stands out by employing connectors that link fragments at discrete points using pins rather than continuous surface bonding. This method enables the creation of complex geometric shapes for model blocks and facilitates the investigation of a wide range of block configurations in a controlled laboratory setting. This two-zone model allows for significant impulse changes and analysis before and after impact. By quantifying fragmentation patterns in the runout zone, such as angular distribution, lateral and longitudinal deposits, energy dissipation, and the force required for fragmentation, we highlight the influence of internal structures on avalanche mobility.

Our findings provide valuable insights into rock avalanches and address gaps in existing research regarding experimental block geometries and internal structures. The variation of input parameters in these small-scale experiments supports the validation and calibration of dynamic fragmentation models, which can be used for hazard zone mapping. This study emphasizes the importance of integrating experimental research with practical applications to improve hazard preparedness, risk reduction strategies, and community resilience in vulnerable areas.

How to cite: Hilgert, F., Hübl, J., and Baselt, I.: Influence of Rock-Avalanche Fragmentation - Mobility Analysis focused on inter-fragment bonding strength , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5525,, 2025.

EGU25-5882 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5

Towards integrated management of rockfall risk along the access roads to Yosemite Valley (California, USA) 

Rebecca Bruschetta, Federico Agliardi, Paolo Frattini, Greg M. Stock, and Brian D. Collins

Yosemite National Park attracts millions of visitors each year that arrive to enjoy views of the iconic 1000-m-high granitic rockwalls. This setting, and the access roads to the park, are coincidentally prone to rockfall hazards due to their geology (e.g., exfoliating granite) and complex geomorphological features (e.g., glacially sculpted landscape). Because U.S. National Park policies limit engineering mitigation on natural slopes, rockfall hazard management along roadways typically rely on traffic management strategies informed by local risk assessment.

The access roads to Yosemite Valley (El Portal Road, Big Oak Flat Road, and Wawona Road), where most visitors travel, pass through areas characterized by a variety of rock types (generally variations of Cretaceous granitic rock) and geomorphological settings, such as high-relief glacial valleys with steep rock walls and talus deposits, as well as areas with lower local relief characterized by gentle, subdued topography, intense weathering, and thick granular soils. These characteristics influence the nature and severity of rockfall hazard and risk along access roads. To assess rockfall hazard and risk along the park’s roadways, a probabilistic risk analysis was conducted to estimate annual probability of loss of life for visitors on the three entrance roads to Yosemite Valley. The analysis was based on 3D rockfall simulations performed using the Hy-STONE rockfall runout modeling software and on rockfall event and vehicle traffic data collected by the National Park Service. Rockfall runout simulations leveraged high-resolution data (1-m LiDAR-derived DEM and canopy height models, geology, and vegetation maps), a unique database of rockfall events (1857-2023), and focused field surveys to map slope deposits, rockfall evidence, and potential source zones.

A probabilistic rockfall hazard analysis (PRHA) was performed to determine the kinetic energy that could be exceeded in N years for each 10-m-long segment of road, for each travel lane (inbound and outbound from Yosemite Valley) on the three access roadways. This analysis considered different rockfall volume scenarios (0.01-100 m3) and model uncertainties. By combining these expected kinetic energies with annual rockfall frequency and an exposure analysis based on vehicle speed and size, the study calculated the dynamic annual probability of loss of life considering weekly and seasonal variations.

The results indicate that, depite vehicle traffic conditions, rockfall risk is lower in high areas with low local relief, where rockfalls are frequent but tend to be small in size and have limited runout distances. In contrast, areas with high local relief (i.e., Yosemite Valley and adjacent Merced River gorge) exhibit higher rockfall risk, due to larger, more frequent rockfalls with greater hazard potential. These findings highlight the importance of considering the specific characteristics of each area when assessing and managing rockfall risk. Adopting an approach using detailed modeling of all park access roads provides a more complete and integrated understanding of rockfall risk, with potential applications in risk management and land use planning. Consequently, this study will offer park managers valuable tools to make adaptive, datadriven decisions for managing risk in response to dynamically changing conditions in space and over time.

How to cite: Bruschetta, R., Agliardi, F., Frattini, P., Stock, G. M., and Collins, B. D.: Towards integrated management of rockfall risk along the access roads to Yosemite Valley (California, USA), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5882,, 2025.

Extreme glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) are characterized by flow velocities and peak discharges far exceeding those of “classical” floods. As such, GLOFs are frequently associated with extraordinary geomorphic impacts and remobilization of large volumes of material. However, surprisingly little is known about specific hydraulic and topographic conditions that drive and facilitate the erosion, transport and deposition of very large boulders (diameter > 3 m) during GLOFs. To bridge this gap, we analyzed examples of major GLOF events from around the globe and compiled the information about the remobilization of large boulders, using the analysis of time series of very high-resolution satellite images. Based on the interpretation of visual changes between pre- and post-event images, we distinguish: (i) eroded boulders (i.e., those only present in the pre-event images, not traceable in the post-event images); (ii) deposited boulders (i.e., those only present in the post-event images, not traceable in the pre-event images); and (iii) transported boulders (i.e., those traceable in both pre-and post-event images). We characterize each boulder (shape, dimensions, location, distance from the lake), its trajectory and surrounding topography (travel distance, minimum and mean slope of the trajectory, valley width) as well as the causal GLOF (GLOF mechanism, peak discharge). Our preliminary findings suggest that: (i) major GLOFs in mountain regions are capable transporting boulders exceeding 10 m in diameter; (ii) these boulders typically originate from a breached moraine dam or colluvial valley infill; (iii) the deposition of large boulders clusters in locations where the valley widens and/or the slope of the trajectory decreases. Since dimensions of transported boulders are linked to flood hydraulics, large boulders can be used as indicators of GLOF magnitude and can help to define boundary conditions for GLOF modelling studies. Our ongoing work covers a development of empirical relationships between the characteristics of mapped boulders, topography and GLOF characteristics, and the confrontation of observations with hydraulic theory and modelling studies.

How to cite: Emmer, A., Hrebrina, J., and Pummer, E.: Towards understanding the hydraulic and topographic controls of large boulders movement during glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6384,, 2025.

EGU25-6387 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

Timescales and interplay of complex mass movements in a periglacial alpine rock slope revealed by geomorphological, InSAR and thermal data 

Cristina Reyes-Carmona, Federico Agliardi, Luca Gallia, Katy Burrows, and Benedetta Dini

Steep alpine rock slopes in periglacial environments are complex systems, due to the strong interplay between weathering and sediment production, mass movements with different dynamics, and associated hazards. In the climate change context, permafrost degradation can trigger slow and fast mass movements (rockslides, rockfalls, debris slides), as well as destabilise rock glaciers on steep terrain. It is thus essential to clearly differentiate between these interplaying processes, along with their mechanisms, rates and controlling factors, to assess potential geohazard scenarios. In this perspective, we selected a rock slope in Val Cedec (Central Alps, Lombardy, Italy) as a natural laboratory. The slope is a 750-m-high glacial valley flank made of phyllitic mica-schists, covering approximately 5 km², with maximum elevations of 3000 m.a.s.l. and likely hosting permafrost above 2500.

We performed a conventional geomorphological survey based on photointerpretation of aerial images, fieldwork and analysis of DEM-derived products. We applied spaceborne InSAR products derived from C-band Sentinel-1 images (2017-2021) using data from different processing techniques (dual-pass DInSAR, multitemporal) and coherence maps to decouple the kinematics and timescales of the observed processes. We also applied thermographic techniques, combining Landsat-8 satellite images (2017-2021) with time-lapse thermograms captured by a high-resolution thermal camera during field surveys (July 2021 and August 2023).

Our preliminary observations reveal a complex interplay of mass movements, where shallow periglacial processes are coupled with deep slope deformations. The deep-seated movement is outlined by a double-crested ridge, and hosts shallower nested rockslides, whose scarps and fronts are source areas for rockfalls. Two rock glaciers occur in the upper-middle slope sector, one of which shows evidence of segmentation and destabilisation. In the lower part of the slope, at least three solifluction lobes have been identified, that redistribute the abundant debris produced by frozen rock masses disrupted by the deep-seated movement, and by rock glacier destabilisation. From the different temporal baselines of wrapped interferograms (6 and 12 days, 1 and 3 months, 1 year), we inferred a significant temporal variation in the displacement and coherence of rock glacier, rockslides and solifluction processes. Time series of ground surface temperature obtained by thermal images allowed mapping of slopes sectors likely to host permafrost. By combining this information with precipitation and air temperature data, we analysed the controlling factors of the different mass movements. Our preliminary results suggest that periglacial conditions favour the development of cascading mass movement processes, involving slow deep-seated and fast shallow movements that result in enhanced debris production feeding periglacial landforms prone to destabilisation. Accurately defining these processes and their interplay is crucial to define potential hazard scenarios.

How to cite: Reyes-Carmona, C., Agliardi, F., Gallia, L., Burrows, K., and Dini, B.: Timescales and interplay of complex mass movements in a periglacial alpine rock slope revealed by geomorphological, InSAR and thermal data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6387,, 2025.

EGU25-6666 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5

Flume experiments on the mobility of landslides with erosion 

Katharina Wetterauer, Sebastian Müller, Shiva P. Pudasaini, Michael Krautblatter, Katharina Boie, and Ivo Baselt

Landslides are highly dynamic events in which the erosion and entrainment of basal sediment can greatly enhance landslide mobility and energy, extending travel distances and intensifying impact forces. Understanding under which erosive conditions the mobility of landslides will be enhanced or reduced, thus, is critical for improving hazard assessments. Yet, empirical models are still limited in quantifying and predicting these dynamics accurately, due to an insufficient understanding of the underlying physical conditions.

We aim to experimentally test and verify a recently proposed mechanical model for the mobility of erosive landslides (Pudasaini & Krautblatter, 2021). This model suggests that landslide mobility is governed by three distinct erosion-driven energy regimes (gain, loss, or neutrality), arising from the change in inertia and momentum production as bed material is eroded and entrained. Our goal is to generate laboratory landslides that maintain a uniform flow at the landslide-bed erosion interface to enable precise velocity measurements of sliding mass, erosion, and entrainment under pre-defined mechanical conditions. We developed an experimental setup, inclinable to 40° and comprising a 5 m long and 0.25 m wide landslide flume with transparent sidewalls, to study sediment transport processes across a 2 m long erodible bed in two dimensions. To achieve the proposed landslide energy regimes of gain, loss, or neutrality, the erodible bed is designed to be inertially weaker, stronger, or neutral relative to an initial sliding mass. For single-phase flows, this is accomplished by using different granular bed materials of varying densities relative to the initial sliding mass. For two-phase flows, the water content of the bed is adjusted relative to that of the initial sliding mass.

Here we present new experiments on dry and partially saturated flows suggesting that the inertia of the erodible bed influences slide mobility and affects the deposition morphology. We further show how Particle Tracking Velocimetry can be used to distinguish between landslide, erosion and entrainment velocities, which is essential for the calibration and validation of the proposed theoretical framework.

How to cite: Wetterauer, K., Müller, S., Pudasaini, S. P., Krautblatter, M., Boie, K., and Baselt, I.: Flume experiments on the mobility of landslides with erosion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6666,, 2025.

Rockfall events occur particularly in steep mountain areas and represent a major hazard for infrastructure and settlements. Complex interactions between susceptibility and triggering factors pose a great challenge for forecasting and managing this hazard. The increased rockfall activity in the Alps during the hot summer of 2003 has contributed to the growing interest in the link between rockfall occurrence and climatic changes caused by global warming. Rockfall inventories contain geographical and typological information on rockfall events and can serve as an important basis for obtaining information on the impacts of global warming on rockfall activity. However, such inventories are often incomplete, and the recording standards have changed over time, which may impair comparability.

In the present study, data from the regional rockfall inventory of the canton of Grisons (CH)  with more than 1300 rockfall events were used to analyze their frequency over time and with regard to the climatic factors temperature and precipitation. We considered events from 1950-2023, with most of the release zones lying below the permafrost boundary. To avoid biases due to varying recording standards and completeness of the data, several observation intervals were defined, for which the data was analyzed separately.

The results show an increase in rockfall events over the last twenty years, regardless of the volume of the events. The increase is particularly evident in the rising number of summer events. Together with the increasing ratio of summer events to the total number of events over the past twenty years and a clearly negative trend in the number of winter events to the total number of events, this reveals a potential link to climate change. The highest frequency of rockfall events was observed in the spring months. In addition, an increased frequency was identified in the summer months, which is in line with the results of other studies.

The results of the temperature analyses were less clear. There are both negative and positive deviations in the average temperature on the day of the event compared to the long-term average in connection with rockfall events. The analysis of the temperature amplitude also showed no decisive results. The analyses of precipitation proved to be difficult due to the high daily variability. However, an increase in events related to precipitation was observed. During the event week, precipitation sum tends to be higher than in the weeks without an event, which underlines the importance of precipitation as a trigger factor.

The results of the study underline potential impacts of climate change on rockfall occurrence. They further illustrate the complexity of the relationships between climatic factors, geographical conditions and rockfall events. Finally, the study also underlines the importance of complete and detailed hazard inventory data at regional level.

How to cite: Moos, C., Stalder, A., and Erbach, A.: How does climate change impact rockfall occurrence at low elevations? Insights from a regional data set of historical events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7091,, 2025.

EGU25-7357 | Orals | NH3.5

Deciphering complex landslide kinematics through DInSAR wrapped phase stacking 

Federico Agliardi, Andrea Manconi, Alessandro Vladimiro Morandi, and Cristina Reyes Carmona

Deep-seated landslides are widespread in mountain belts, and creep for long periods affecting large rock slopes and posing risks to human lives and infrastructures. They are controlled by rock type, structure, and progressive failure processes, and exhibit complex deformation patterns characterized by kinematic segmentation, heterogeneity, and nested sectors which might be prone to collapse. Additionally, displacement of shallow debris often obscure signs of deeper movements. Mitigating the risk associated with deep-seated landslides requires detecting and characterizing spatial and temporal movement patterns over wide areas. Satellite SAR interferometry (InSAR) generated from Sentinel-1 has proven to be valuable to this aim, however, with some limitations. High-quality interferograms enable effective wrapped phase fringe interpretation and unwrapped displacement maps, offering a more continuous picture of landslide kinematics. However, they are susceptible to noise or unwrapping errors, especially in heterogeneous and segmented landslides, reducing their accuracy. Multitemporal methods such as Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) provide accurate velocity estimates at specific points, but often fail capturing spatial segmentation or signals of processes occurring at different timescales.

To address these issues, we propose a stacking approach that leverages wrapped InSAR interferograms generated with the ESA SNAP software. The method involves selecting temporal baselines suitable to capture the processes of interest based on geological constraints, generating and manually choosing multiple interferograms covering overlapping time windows, and calculating median stacked phase values and residuals for each pixel. As we aim at analyzing slow, permanent deformation, we assume that our target signals in single interferograms never reach 1-fringe (2.8 cm for Sentinel-1). We also developed ad hoc descriptors to test pixel-wise the validity of such assumption. This approach, implemented in the MATLAB™ script AMSTACK, was validated with synthetic interferograms simulating different landslide rheology, segmentation, and noise. The method was then applied to slow-moving rock slope deformations in Valfurva (Central Alps, Italy), where glacial valley flanks up to 1500 m high are carved into phyllites and mica-schists of Austroalpine tectonic units. These slopes exhibit structurally complex gravitational deformations with sharp morpho-structural features and nested rockslides in various stages of maturity. Using Sentinel-1 images from snow-free periods between 2015 and 2023, we generated over 120 interferograms with a 1-year temporal baseline, without applying APS corrections. The application of our stacking approach to manually-selected wrapped interferograms allowed to: a) enhance signal-to-noise ratios, quantifying displacement patterns, rates, and segmentation for specific slope sectors without unwrapping errors; b) distinguish shallow from deep-seated movements in InSAR signals; and c) identify nested sectors susceptible to catastrophic collapse. Validation with field and multitemporal InSAR data confirmed the method’s reliability. This provided robust interpretations where the slow permanent deformation occurs, while residuals offered additional insights into areas with high phase gradients, nonlinear temporal trends, and shallow mass movements.

How to cite: Agliardi, F., Manconi, A., Morandi, A. V., and Reyes Carmona, C.: Deciphering complex landslide kinematics through DInSAR wrapped phase stacking, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7357,, 2025.

The spatial distribution of landslide landforms provides critical information for predicting potential slope failures and generating susceptibility maps. While this approach is confined to the spatial domain and does not account for the timing of landslide events, it is highly valuable for spatial management and landscape evolution modeling. Effective implementation, however, requires not only a robust selection of predictors but also high-quality historical data on landslide occurrences, which serve as response variables for model training. Once a local model is established, the next step involves testing its applicability to new areas characterized by differing predictor ranges and variations in landslide features, such as shape and density. This is particularly important for landslide modeling in Norway, where the landscape, significantly reshaped during the Pleistocene, exhibits distinct topography and sediment deposits. Furthermore, the region's high-latitude setting imposes unique precipitation and temperature regimes, adding complexity to landslide prediction.
We applied machine learning techniques, including Random Forest and XGBoost, to identify the optimal model for calculating landslide spatial probability. Our analysis used databases of detected and mapped landslides from two regions affected by extreme precipitation events in 2019 and 2023. Model testing revealed low spatial transferability between regions, likely due to dataset quality and predictor characteristics. We examined multiple scenarios, including a global model incorporating landslides from both events. Key factors limiting prediction accuracy include the quality and quantity of historical landslide data, the range and properties of potential predictors, and the inherent characteristics of the response variable—namely, debris flows, which are highly elongated and tend to form clustered patterns.
The study has been supported through the NAWA Bekker fellowship (No BPN/BEK/2023/1/00055).

How to cite: Pawlik, L. and Fredin, O.: Modeling and prediction of landslides in Norway – a machine learning approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8825,, 2025.

EGU25-9404 | Orals | NH3.5

Automated Rockfall Feature Extraction using High-Resolution 3D Point Clouds 

Omar F. Althuwaynee, Nick Rosser, and Matthew Brain
Rockfalls are critical landslide phenomena that significantly impact human activities. Many previous studies have struggled to quantify rockfall volumes due to challenges in volume estimation, particularly without modern remote sensing technologies. Traditional methods, such as those utilizing open-source software like CloudCompare to process 3D point cloud data from Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), are often time-consuming and introduce considerable uncertainty in volume estimation. Moreover, the long-term volume and erosion rate changes of coastal cliffs are rarely addressed in detail.
This study focuses on evaluating rockfall hazards activity along active shoreline cliffs, specifically targeting a rock slope in the more than 20 km of the northern Yorkshire coast cliff, United Kingdom, where frequent rockfalls occur. Leveraging over 10 years of annual  high-resolution lidar data, we developed a rockfall database to assess erosion rates and volume changes over time. To streamline the analysis, we introduced a multi-phase processing framework unified into a single Python script, Preprocessing begins with raw data filtering, sampling, merging, and region-of-interest (ROI) extraction, guided by a shapefile prepared using geometric features, spatial relationships, and the verticality of the cliff face. The script integrates consecutive analytical phases:
  • Change Detection and Clustering: Eroded blocks and rockfall changes are identified using DBSCAN clustering and centroid proximity.
  • Volume Estimation: 3D point cloud data are converted into voxel and mesh representations for accurate volume estimation of eroded blocks.
  • Erosion Rate and Density Calculations: Poisson Surface Reconstruction is applied to calculate the cliff face area and consequently calculate the erosion rates.
  • Cluster Shape Classification: Clusters are classified based on a tyranny plot of rock shape relationships, and outputs are visualized through plots and summary statistics.
Validation of the lidar-based inventory was performed using high-temporal-resolution TLS data collected at overlapping time periods and short sections of location. The estimated volumes and spatial correlations of rockfall blocks were assessed through descriptive statistics, empirical cumulative distribution functions (ECDF), and goodness-of-fit metrics. Differences in point cloud density and spatial matching errors were accounted for by increasing tolerance during validation. This developed integrated approach offers a robust framework for quantifying rockfall hazards and erosion processes, providing insights critical for coastal slope management and hazard mitigation.

How to cite: Althuwaynee, O. F., Rosser, N., and Brain, M.: Automated Rockfall Feature Extraction using High-Resolution 3D Point Clouds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9404,, 2025.

EGU25-9868 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

Unravelling the Critical Role of Rock Mass Fracturing in an Extensive High-alpine Rockslide 

Reinhard Gerstner, Michael Avian, Melina Frießenbichler, Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Maximilian Stauber, and Christian Zangerl

The initiation of rockslides on metamorphic rock slopes is often linked to the reactivation of pre-existing structures, accompanied by the progressive formation of new fractures over time. To demonstrate the crucial role of these progressive rock mass fracturing processes, we present an active rockslide within an anisotropic, fractured, foliated metamorphic rock mass, involving a failure volume of approximately 670,000 m3. The rockslide is located on the mountain ridge of the Mittlerer Burgstall (MBug, 2933 m a.s.l.), adjacent to Austria’s highest peak, the Großglockner. During the maximum glacial extent of the Little Ice Age, the MBug was a nunatak that was completely surrounded by the Pasterze Glacier. However, it has experienced rapid deglaciation in recent decades. To unravel the critical role of rockslide-related fracturing on the MBug, we applied an integrated methodological approach, encompassing field surveys, remote-sensing campaigns, laboratory analyses, process reconstructions, and a twofold numerical modelling approach.

The field investigations comprised geological and structural surveys. Laboratory analyses, including powder X-ray diffractometry and microscopic analysis, were conducted to determine the mineralogical composition and microstructures of the outcropping lithologies. Direct shear tests completed the rock mass characterization and helped to evaluate the shear strength properties of a critical shear zone. By multitemporal drone-photogrammetry campaigns performed annually since 2019, we reconstructed the rockslide process and derived high-resolution digital terrain models. The rock mass characterization and the process reconstructions further served as input parameters for our twofold numerical approach, which included discrete element (DEM) and finite discrete element modelling (FDEM). By utilizing the advantages of each approach, we study the effect of rock mass fracturing in the rockslide process and validate the model results with our process reconstructions.

The preliminary results show that the MBug exhibits a compound rock sliding mechanism, with steep fractures in the head area and a shallower dipping shear zone at the rockslide foot. The compound rockslide involves an active wedge bounded by the steep head fractures and a passive wedge that slides along the critical basal shear zone. In this compound architecture, rock mass fracturing is crucial, especially in the transition zone between the active and the passive wedge. This was reproduced in both DEM and FDEM numerical approaches and validated with the process reconstructions. Based on this comprehensive data basis, we discuss the crucial role that progressive rock mass fracturing has in this compound rockslide, which formed on a recently deglaciated, heavily foliated, metamorphic rock slope.

How to cite: Gerstner, R., Avian, M., Frießenbichler, M., Schneider-Muntau, B., Stauber, M., and Zangerl, C.: Unravelling the Critical Role of Rock Mass Fracturing in an Extensive High-alpine Rockslide, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9868,, 2025.

EGU25-10261 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5

When tableland flows: flow-type landslides in the extra-Andean Patagonia 

Jakub Kilnar, Tomáš Pánek, Michal Břežný, and Diego Winocur

Landslides in volcanic and sedimentary tablelands rank among the largest mass movement phenomena globally, yet their spatial patterns and prevailing mechanisms remain insufficiently investigated. Our landslide inventory, covering 517,000 km² of volcanic tableland in extra-Andean Patagonia, provides insight into the spatial distribution of various landslide types. Nearly continuous landslide rims along plateau edges are mostly formed by lateral spreads and rotational slides. However, flow-type landslides, particularly earthflows, are also remarkably prominent. These flows are predominantly concentrated in the wetter, higher-altitude western tableland regions that were glaciated by the Patagonian Ice Sheet (PIS) during the Pleistocene. In these formerly glaciated areas, landslides with flow element account for three-quarters of the total landslide area. Nevertheless, some of the longest flow-type landslides, exceeding 10 km in length, occur in steep, arid regions beyond the extent of the PIS. Statistical analysis underscores the critical role of caprock thickness in controlling flow-type landslide occurrence. A thinner caprock results in a higher proportion of weaker sedimentary/volcaniclastic underlying units being exposed along escarpments, thereby increasing susceptibility of the escarpments to viscoplastic deformations. Further investigation focusing on the geotechnical properties of these weak sub-caprock units is essential for a better understanding of the lithological drivers of the flow-type landslides in the Patagonian tableland.

How to cite: Kilnar, J., Pánek, T., Břežný, M., and Winocur, D.: When tableland flows: flow-type landslides in the extra-Andean Patagonia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10261,, 2025.

The western slope of Sasso Maurigno (3057 m, Valgrosina, Sondrio, Italy) is affected by frequent instability events (mainly rockfall), the most recent occurring on 25 June and 11 October 2022. This study aimed to conduct geomorphological and geological-technical field surveys and geotechnical laboratory tests to characterize the Sasso Maurigno rock masses and set up a conceptual model of their behaviour. The output of field surveys and geotechnical laboratory tests (Geological Strength Index – GSI and Rock Mass Rating – RMR values, resistance parameters of intact rock and discontinuities) became the input parameters of a numerical stress-strain model which was developed, with the distinct element method (DEM) and the numerical code UDEC7 (Universal Distinct Element Code). Modelling was carried out for two scenarios: post glacial (Late Glacial), simulating the mechanical behaviour of the slope no longer affected by the Würmian glacial cover, and present-day. The mechanical characterisation of the materials in the post-glacial context was determined by increasing the present-day GSI and strength values by 15%.

At the highest elevations of the Sasso Maurigno slope, granitoid gneisses of the Grosina Unit (middle Austroalpine) outcrop and present a GSI of 40 and a RMR of 38.9. The gneisses are also characterized by five sets of discontinuities that led to the development of a wide tensile fracture at the top of the slope.

Modelling results show that in the post-glacial scenario, the deformations appear limited, but they are already visible at the top of the slope (up to 0.85 m). In the current context, the deformations increase by an order of magnitude (up to 4.89 m), describing an instability concentrated at the highest elevations and attenuating towards the foot of the slope and with depth. The recent rockfall episodes are in good agreement with the results of the numerical calculation, demonstrating how the field survey and laboratory investigations were able to characterise, objectively and reliably, the mechanical and strength components of the materials. The agreement between the numerical calculation and the real context also appears considering the position of the tensile crack observed at the summit of Sasso Maurigno, which is also highlighted in terms of displacements by the model.

Modelling has thus successfully described the behaviour of the slope in stationary terms, becoming an expression of the mechanical parameters collected on the terrain and in the laboratory and identifying the factors predisposing to collapse. The study and inclusion of the weather, climate and hydrogeological elements could promote the development of a conceptual model capable of considering triggering factors, also from a climate change perspective.

How to cite: Casarotto, C., Citrini, A., Morcioni, A., and Camera, C. A. S.: Field, geomechanical and laboratory investigations to develop and parametrize a numerical stress-strain model for the reconstruction of the Sasso Maurigno instability events (Valgrosina, northern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11430,, 2025.

EGU25-11904 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

Crumbling Mountains: Pre-failure and failure analysis of the 2024 Permafrost Rock Slide and bifurcated Rock Avalanche (Platteikogel, Austria) 

Felix Pfluger, Johannes Leinauer, Natalie Barbosa, Peter Wegmann, and Michael Krautblatter

Glacier retreat and permafrost warming amplify geomorphological activity, increase rockfall frequency, and contribute to the preparation or triggering of rock slides and rock avalanches, often involving millions of cubic meters of material. However, high-magnitude rock slides situated in the cryosphere are rarely anticipated, primarily due to the remoteness and inaccessibility of the terrain, leaving pre-failure activity undocumented. Such events typically gain attention only after the occurrence, often due to the transition into long-runout rock avalanches that visibly impact large areas, potentially endangering alpine communities several kilometers distant from the rock slide source zone. The glaciated Vernagtferner basin (Austria, Tyrol) is a prime location for glaciology research, offering abundant data to also study the interactions between changing cryosphere and mass movements. It features highly weathered metamorphic rock slopes, ridges, and peaks, making it an exemplary site for studying typical alpine permafrost morphology and landslide processes. In this study, we characterize the geomorphic activity of the Vernagtferner basin through a landslide catalog and erosion rates assessed in three-year intervals from 2015 to 2024. Ultimately, we investigate the event of a recent rock slide/rock avalanche in spring 2024, originating from a permafrost ridge at 3,395 m asl, with over 50,000 m³ of volume loss in the source zone. The event exhibited an extended runout over snow and glacier surfaces. We combine seismic analysis, meteorological records, permafrost modeling, and rock mechanical modeling to identify the preparatory factors. With numerous potential failure sites distributed over vast areas and complex failure processes, spatial-scale rock slide prediction remains challenging today. Therefore, we focused on deciphering past events and the processes leading to them. This study's preliminary results help improve future predictive capabilities and mitigate increasing risks.

How to cite: Pfluger, F., Leinauer, J., Barbosa, N., Wegmann, P., and Krautblatter, M.: Crumbling Mountains: Pre-failure and failure analysis of the 2024 Permafrost Rock Slide and bifurcated Rock Avalanche (Platteikogel, Austria), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11904,, 2025.

EGU25-13130 | Orals | NH3.5

How percolating snowmelt water progressively destabilizes a free-standing rock pillar on permafrost: Field observations from Matterhorn (CH), laboratory experiments and mechanical modeling 

Samuel Weber, Alexander Bast, Jan Beutel, Michael Dietze, Robert Kenner, Johannes Leinauer, Simon Mühlbauer, Felix Pfluger, and Michael Krautblatter

Permafrost rock slopes have been extensively studied, but seasonally frozen zones are often neglected. However, these rocks are subject to progressive destabilization driven by complex thermal and mechanical interactions. Their thickening in response to atmospheric warming is critical as pressurized water within them can induce short-term warming and thawing at depth through non-conductive, more efficient heat transport, potentially enhancing the destabilization of the rock slope.

This study focuses on the collapse of a 20 cubic meter, free-standing rock pillar on the Matterhorn Hörnligrat ridge on 13 June 2023, leveraging a unique long-term, multi-method monitoring dataset initiated in 2008. The pillar’s behavior was assessed through differential GNSS measurements, inclinometers, seismic monitoring, time-lapse imagery, weather data, and permafrost ground temperature records. These data reveal a strong seasonality in displacement patterns, with significant acceleration starting in 2022 and visually detectable changes two weeks before the collapse. Seasonal snowmelt infiltration into frozen fractures emerged as the primary driver of observed displacement patterns, a hypothesis corroborated by controlled laboratory experiments and thermo-mechanical modeling.

A 2D mechanical modeling framework (UDEC) was employed to evaluate the effects of seasonal freezing and thawing on fracture behavior, integrating results from laboratory shear tests conducted on Matterhorn rock samples under dry/wet and frozen/unfrozen conditions. The results highlight the critical role of a thawing-induced drop in the coefficient of friction along fractures, which drives shear stress changes and kinematic responses.

By integrating long-term field monitoring, laboratory experiments, and numerical modeling, this research provides insights into the destabilization of permafrost-affected rock slopes. It underscores the importance of incorporating seasonally frozen layers and their thermo-mechanical behavior into stability assessments, particularly under accelerating climate change.

How to cite: Weber, S., Bast, A., Beutel, J., Dietze, M., Kenner, R., Leinauer, J., Mühlbauer, S., Pfluger, F., and Krautblatter, M.: How percolating snowmelt water progressively destabilizes a free-standing rock pillar on permafrost: Field observations from Matterhorn (CH), laboratory experiments and mechanical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13130,, 2025.

EGU25-15235 | Orals | NH3.5

Multiple kinematic analysis of rock walls using 2D and 3D data: Application at Caminito del Rey (Málaga) 

Jorge P. Galve, Paula S. Jerez-Longres, Alejandro Ruiz-Fuentes, José L. Pérez-García, Roberto Sarro, José M. Gómez-López, Mónica Martínez-Corbella, Francisco J. Fernández-Naranjo, Carmelo Fernández-Vicente, Mercy L. Eras-Galarza, Adrian J. Riquelme, David Alfonso-Jorde, Rosa M. Mateos, and José M. Azañón

Kinematic analyses are essential for identifying potential detachment mechanisms in rock masses, influenced by fracturing, direction, and slope. Traditionally, these analyses utilize digital stereographic templates to assess whether fracture orientations and dips predispose the mass to planar sliding, wedge failure, or toppling. However, natural rock formations often exhibit complex geometries with varying orientations and overhangs, complicating standard assumptions of directional uniformity. This study addresses such complexities by integrating a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to calculate the orientation and slope of rock walls and perform geometric calculations. We employ the SAGA GIS tool WEDGEFAIL, which automates these calculations. Enhancements to this tool facilitate semi-automatic assessments of failure mechanisms using topographical and structural data in both 2D and 3D formats. A custom Python script is also developing on high-resolution topographic data from a rock wall at Caminito del Rey (Málaga), represented as a raster (2.5D) and point cloud (3D). This data was augmented by structural evaluations from in-situ geomechanical stations and virtual measurements on the point cloud, employing automatic discontinuity recognition techniques. The results led to a susceptibility map for detachment in plan and elevation views of the analyzed wall. In-situ visual inspections, drone videos, and photorealistic 3D models in virtual environments confirmed a significant spatial correlation between identified susceptible areas and zones prone to detachment, as indicated by the semi-automatic method. This approach in development will enhance the precision of kinematic analyses in complex rock formations and provides a robust framework for assessing rock stability hazards.

How to cite: Galve, J. P., Jerez-Longres, P. S., Ruiz-Fuentes, A., Pérez-García, J. L., Sarro, R., Gómez-López, J. M., Martínez-Corbella, M., Fernández-Naranjo, F. J., Fernández-Vicente, C., Eras-Galarza, M. L., Riquelme, A. J., Alfonso-Jorde, D., Mateos, R. M., and Azañón, J. M.: Multiple kinematic analysis of rock walls using 2D and 3D data: Application at Caminito del Rey (Málaga), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15235,, 2025.

EGU25-16377 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

Enhancing the Energy Line Principle: A Force-Based Perspective for Simulating Gravitational Hazard Runout Zones 

Elisa Marras, Dominik May, Luuk Dorren, and Filippo Giadrossich

Accurately identifying hazard-prone areas is critical for mitigating risks from gravitational natural hazards such as landslides and rockfalls. Although many models exist to simulate these rapid mass movements, there are often trade-offs between simplicity, robustness and precision. This study builds upon the well-established energy line principle by reinterpreting the energy line angle as a kinetic friction coefficient, enabling the derivation of equations of motion that describe the forces driving mass movements. Using the Lagrange formalism for a sliding friction block, the equations of motion are developed and solved numerically with an Euler-based algorithm applied to digital terrain models. This force-based perspective retains the energy line principle’s simplicity and robustness while offering improved accuracy. In this study, the method is evaluated using two case studies with 36 documented landslide and 6 rockfall events in northern Italy. The results were compared with those of a traditional energy-based approach  as well as with documented past events. The refined model produces smaller, more differentiated runout zones, achieving 41% resp. 11% higher true positive and 65% resp. 16% lower false positive rates compared to the energy-based approach for reproducing the past rockfall and landslide events. These findings demonstrate that the developed approach enhances accuracy without increasing computational complexity. This enhancement has the potential to extend the application of the energy line principle beyond preliminary analyses, enabling more detailed and reliable hazard mapping at larger spatial scales. 

How to cite: Marras, E., May, D., Dorren, L., and Giadrossich, F.: Enhancing the Energy Line Principle: A Force-Based Perspective for Simulating Gravitational Hazard Runout Zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16377,, 2025.

EGU25-17802 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

Structural and Dynamic Evolution of Compound Rockslides – Insights from the Brienz Rockslide Collapse of June 2023 

Marius Schneider, Simon Loew, Reto Thoeny, and Jordan Aaron

In May 2023 the village of Brienz/ Brinzauls, Switzerland was evacuated due to high landslide risk, drawing national and international attention.  On June 15, 2023, a significant collapse occurred at the site, with a volume of 2 Mm³.   This collapse followed a prolonged acceleration phase of a section of an old, partially active deep seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD).  The Insel compartment is composed of ductile clay-schist at its base, overlaid by porous rauhwacke and brittle dolomites. In the present work, we analyse the complete dynamic and structural evolution of the Insel compartment using data from various monitoring systems, including 3D displacement measurements from a robotic total station (RTS, operational since 2012), bi-annual LiDAR surveys, Doppler radar monitoring of rockfall activity, ground-based InSAR monitoring (since 2018), and automated digital image correlation of high-resolution time-lapse images. We additionally developed simple analytical dynamic models to investigate the behaviour of viscoplastic and frictional materials.

The current study identified three key phases of the Insel compartment's evolution: (i) the compartment formation phase, (ii) the Insel acceleration and (iii) the terminal phase. During the formation phase (2018-2022), the compartment extended laterally and in the down-slope direction, and a transition from toppling to sliding kinematics was observed.  The acceleration phase started in summer 2022 and was characterized by a prolonged exponential increase in displacement rates, occasionally interrupted with linear growth phases, persisting until early May 2023. In the terminal phase, four short-term surge episodes (lasting days to weeks) were noted, defined by rapid exponential velocity increases followed by stagnation. Surge episodes became more frequent towards the date of collapse and strongly influenced the short-term applicability of classical velocity prediction models such as the Voight’s model.

Based on the available data we developed a kinematic model of the Insel compartment, resulting in a two-wedge compound rockslide which moves on a bi-linear sliding plane. The upper, active wedge comprised brittle, heavily fractured dolomites, while the lower, passive wedge primarily consisted of ductile clay-schists. Intense subsidence at the top of the active wedge suggested the formation of a graben structure along pre-existing large-scale lineaments. The sliding planes dipped southward at 50° (active wedge) and 25° (passive wedge), with a sub-vertical internal shear/deformation zone (ISP) evolving at the kink point of the bi-linear sliding plane. The passive wedge exhibited decreasing displacement in downslope direction, indicating internal shearing and rupturing. At least one rupture plane formation was identified within the passive wedge, causing a rapid acceleration followed by velocity stabilization.

We could replicate the velocity characteristics of surge episodes by combining analytical dynamic models using viscoplastic and frictional materials. This led us to the conclusion that a complex interplay between rupturing within the passive wedge, displacements along the ISP and mass balance changes due to frontal collapses caused the complex dynamic evolution and hence the difficulties in the short-term applicability of Voight’s model. This comprehensive investigation offers new insights and valuable field observations of the complex interplay of structural, mechanical, and external factors driving the dynamics of compound rockslides.

How to cite: Schneider, M., Loew, S., Thoeny, R., and Aaron, J.: Structural and Dynamic Evolution of Compound Rockslides – Insights from the Brienz Rockslide Collapse of June 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17802,, 2025.

EGU25-18127 | Orals | NH3.5

Real-Time Rockfall Monitoring for Construction Safety Using Pulse-Doppler Radar at Grafenhöfe, Austria 

Richard Koschuch, Philipp Jocham, Johannes Hübl, and Tobias Schöffl

The Grafenhöfe site in Innervillgraten, Austria, has been affected by ongoing rockfall activity following the destabilization of a steep rock slope due to storm-induced deforestation (storm Vaia in 2018) and subsequent mass movements. The slope, composed primarily of marble and mica schist, experienced initial failures in September 2023, leading to repeated rockfall events and the partial infill of the Grafenbach torrent. In January 2024, further destabilization resulted in large-scale rock detachments, prompting immediate safety measures, including the evacuation of a farmstead.

To enhance safety during the construction of protective dams, the Austrian Torrent and Avalanche Control (WLV) implemented a pulse-Doppler Radar system (IBTP Koschuch) for real-time rockfall detection. The system provided continuous high-resolution monitoring, triggering alarms within two seconds upon detecting rockfall movement. This allowed for rapid response and significantly reduced exposure of construction workers to hazards on-site. For monitoring the deformation of the detached rock mass, an automatic continuous terrestrial survey was installed on the opposite slope. This provided insight into the development of the slope's deformation, allowing for the avoidance of construction during a potential large-scale failure of the rock mass.

The radar system, which was specifically developed for alpine settings, detects Doppler spectra, ensuring reliable detection independent of weather and light conditions. Integrated with an automated alerting network, it facilitated direct communication with construction teams and authorities, enabling proactive safety management. Beyond immediate hazard mitigation, the radar data provided a valuable basis for refining WLV's safety strategy, as evidenced by the correlation of rockfall detections with rainfall data, revealing a strong dependency: all detected rockfalls coincided with precipitation events, while rainfall did not always led to rockfall. This enabled an optimised risk management approach, where construction activities were suspended during rainfall, effectively minimising exposure to potential rockfall events.

This study underscores the effectiveness of real-time monitoring for adaptive hazard mitigation during high-risk construction projects. Future work will focus on refining detection algorithms and integrating AI-based predictive models to enhance early warning capabilities for rockfall hazards.

How to cite: Koschuch, R., Jocham, P., Hübl, J., and Schöffl, T.: Real-Time Rockfall Monitoring for Construction Safety Using Pulse-Doppler Radar at Grafenhöfe, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18127,, 2025.

EGU25-18302 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

Modelling the influence of rock mechanical properties and rock structure on the 2023 Brienz “Insel” failure 

Livia Pierhöfer, Robert Kenner, and Johan Gaume

In June 2023, the "Insel" compartment of the Brienz/Brinzauls landslide system in Switzerland failed, mobilising approximately 1.9 million m³ of rock and almost reaching the village of Brienz/Brinzauls. As the event occurred at night, it could not be directly observed, highlighting the need for numerical modelling to better understand its initiation mechanism and kinematics.

Mechanical numerical modelling provides a powerful tool for investigating slope instabilities, allowing researchers to test hypotheses about failure processes and gain insights into kinematical behaviour when direct observations are not available. To explore the influence of mechanical and geometrical properties on the "Insel" failure, we conducted a parameter study using the distinct element code 3DEC. The study makes use of the extensive monitoring data available for the Brienz/Brinzauls landslide system, examining the effects of varying rock mechanical properties, sliding surface characteristics, joint orientations, sliding surface geometry, model resolution and dimension on the failure behaviour.

Our results highlight the critical role of accurately representing geological structures, such as bedding orientations and block shapes, as well as the sliding surface geometry. These factors significantly influence the model outcomes and the simulated failure dynamics. The model successfully reproduced the observed depositional patterns within the rupture zone and provided insights into the internal movements and temporal evolution of the “Insel” compartment during the failure offering a deeper understanding of the event and its underlying mechanisms.

How to cite: Pierhöfer, L., Kenner, R., and Gaume, J.: Modelling the influence of rock mechanical properties and rock structure on the 2023 Brienz “Insel” failure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18302,, 2025.

EGU25-18407 | Posters on site | NH3.5

Deriving reliable block size distributions using synthetic rock mass models 

Alexander Preh, Mariella Illeditsch, and Alexandra Schagerl

The determination of the so-called design block is one of the central elements of the Austrian guideline for rockfall protection ONR 24810. It is specified as a certain percentile (P95–P98, depending on the event frequency) of a recorded block size distribution. Block size distributions may be determined from the detachment area (in-situ block size distribution) and/or from the deposition area (rockfall block size distribution). Deposition areas, if present, are generally accessible and measurable without technical aids. However, most measuring methods are subjective, uncertain, not verifiable, or inaccurate. There is no specification of minimum measurements, which influences the reliability of the block size distributions (the more measurements the more reliable). Also, rockfall blocks are often fragmented due to the preceding fall process. The in-situ block size distribution is (also) required for meaningful rockfall modelling. The statistical method seems to be the most efficient and cost-effective method to determine in-situ block size distributions with many blocks within the whole range of block sizes. Illeditsch & Preh (2023) have introduced a new approach to evaluate rockfall hazard using synthetic rock mass models based on Discrete Fracture Networks (DFNs). A general stochastic DFN approach assumes that fractures are planar discs and treats the other geometrical properties (e.g. position, frequency, size, orientation) as independent variables obeying certain probability distributions derived from field measurements of outcrops. Using DFNs it is possible to carry out exact rock mass block surveys and to determine in-situ block size distributions. Various distribution functions were fitted to several determined in-situ block size distributions of different lithologies. Their correlations were compared using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and the mean-squared error method. It is shown that the generalized exponential distribution function best describes the in-situ block size distributions across various lithologies compared to 78 other distribution functions. This approach could lead to more certain, accurate, verifiable, holistic, and objective results.

How to cite: Preh, A., Illeditsch, M., and Schagerl, A.: Deriving reliable block size distributions using synthetic rock mass models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18407,, 2025.

EGU25-19780 | Orals | NH3.5

SLAB3D: a practice-oriented 3D software for alpine mass movement simulations 

Johan Gaume, Lars Blatny, Michael Kyburz, Hervé Vicari, and Philipp Wissmann

SLAB3D is a newly developed numerical model designed to address the practical needs of engineers evaluating the risks related to alpine mass movements. Based on the Material Point Method (MPM) and finite-strain elasto(visco)plasticity, SLAB3D incorporates various material models representing snow, ice, rock, and water. This enables detailed simulations of a wide range of materials under different flow regimes. In particular, a rate-dependent cohesive Drucker-Prager model, which recovers the liquid μ(I) granular rheology under flow, has been implemented and validated. Key features of SLAB3D include: 1) physical input data that can be derived from classical geotechnical or field experiments; 2) explicit simulation of bed entrainment; 3) the ability to simulate interactions with complex mitigation structures at very high resolution, achieving scales as fine as decimeters and evaluating the resulting impacts. The model is designed with practical applications in mind, integrating seamlessly with GIS tools to automate the visualization and interpretation of results in three-dimensional terrain. Validation against well-documented cases such as the Vallée de la Sionne and Salez snow avalanches, the 2023 Brienz rock avalanche, the 2017 Piz Cengalo and Vajont landslide tsunami events demonstrates SLAB3D's potential to replicate and predict real-world phenomena with high fidelity. Additionally, its application to dam overflow analysis highlights its potential for simulation-guided recommendations for the design and optimization of mitigation measures. As a tool for hazard assessment and engineering design, SLAB3D represents a promising step forward in modeling alpine mass movements, enabling us to perform tailored simulations for engineers and provide them with practical and versatile solutions.

How to cite: Gaume, J., Blatny, L., Kyburz, M., Vicari, H., and Wissmann, P.: SLAB3D: a practice-oriented 3D software for alpine mass movement simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19780,, 2025.

EGU25-19826 | Orals | NH3.5

Adaptation of a 3D rockfall code to assess the hazard of sliding deadwood logs in mountain forests 

Joël Borner, Peter Bebi, Adrian Ringenbach, Perry Bartelt, Marc Christen, and Remco Leine

Mountain forests play a crucial role in mitigating natural hazards such as rockfalls and avalanches. Recent studies show that the presence of deadwood within these forests enhances the protective effect by increasing surface roughness, leading to a reduction of jump heights, kinetic energies and run-out lengths of rockfalls as well as an additional stabilisation of the snow cover to prevent avalanche releases. Conversely, deadwood provides a habitat for bark beetles, which can lead to significant tree mortality on a large scale, compromising the protective effect of the forest in the long term. These two contrasts form a key part in the discussion of mountain forest management with the main question whether deadwood should be cleared or not.

This paper explores a less common aspect of this discussion, focusing on the damage potential of sliding deadwood as a new, unknown form of natural hazard itself. Recent events in Switzerland reveal deadwood logs with lengths of up to 35 metres, which were mobilised and travelled several hundred metres of elevation in a single rapid descent, causing damage to civil infrastructure.

By adapting the non-smooth mechanics framework of RAMMS::Rockfall in combination with hard contact laws and Coulomb friction, we develop a physical model to simulate potential trajectories of such sliding deadwood logs from mobilisation to deposition. The model parameters are preliminarily calibrated with five well-documented case studies from Switzerland.

Preliminary results show that a specific predisposition of the deadwood in temporal and spatial dimensions is essential for the occurrence of such events. Firstly, for a sliding motion, a low friction to slope angle ratio is required. The low friction can either occur due to terrain conditions (e.g. wet soil, snow, foliage cover), the condition of the deadwood (wet log without bark and branches) or, in most cases, a combination of both. Secondly, the deadwood must be of a specific age, with sufficient decay to lose bark and branches but also sufficient residual strength so that it does not break on impact with the ground or standing trees (decay stages II – III after Maser & Trappe).

This new simulation tool contributes to the discussion of mountain forest management, indicating potentially dangerous areas for deadwood clusters as well as the critical decay stages of individual logs or snags to further optimise existing forest management strategies for an efficient and sustainable protection against natural hazards.

How to cite: Borner, J., Bebi, P., Ringenbach, A., Bartelt, P., Christen, M., and Leine, R.: Adaptation of a 3D rockfall code to assess the hazard of sliding deadwood logs in mountain forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19826,, 2025.

EGU25-20677 | Posters on site | NH3.5

How to apply ONR24810 in practice – a critical review of the applicability 

Anne Hormes, Bruna Garcia, François Noël, Emmanouil Fleris, Johannes Hübl, and Sandra Melzner

The "ONR 24810: Technical Rockfall Protection – Terms, Impacts, Design and Structural Development, Monitoring, and Maintenance" provides a comprehensive technical guideline for planning and dimensioning of technical rockfall protection measures in Austria. This standard encompasses all steps in mitigation planning, from site assessment and impact analysis to construction and maintenance. For rockfall protection fences, detailed sections cover for structural verification, anchor design, non-standard impacts, construction guidelines and service life considerations.

With the planned transition of ONR 24810 into an OENORM, it is crucial to evaluate its applicability in practice. An OENORM is a fully developed standard that can be legally binding, while an ONR is  not legally binding unless explicitly referred to in contracts, laws, or regulations. OENORMS are designed to align with European (EN) or international (ISO) standards where possible.

This contribution focuses on different aspects such as on comparing 2D and 3D rockfall models used in dimensioning safety measures under the ONR 24810 framework. By analysing their respective strengths, limitations, and suitability for different terrain conditions, we aim to provide insights into their practical implementation. Key aspects include the definition of design blocks, jump height differences, model accuracy, and the implications for designing effective protection systems in different countries. These findings will inform the ongoing development of ONR 24810 into a more robust OENORM standard, ensuring it remains a practical and reliable guideline for rockfall protection.

How to cite: Hormes, A., Garcia, B., Noël, F., Fleris, E., Hübl, J., and Melzner, S.: How to apply ONR24810 in practice – a critical review of the applicability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20677,, 2025.

EGU25-1724 | Orals | NH3.6 | Highlight

Constraining landslide frequency across the United States to inform county-level risk reduction 

Lisa Luna, Jacob Woodard, Janice Bytheway, Gina Belair, and Benjamin Mirus

Informative landslide hazard estimates are needed to support landslide mitigation strategies to reduce landslide risk across the United States (U.S.). While existing national-scale landslide susceptibility products assess where landslides are likely to occur, they do not address how often, which is a critical element of landslide hazard and risk assessments. In particular, the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Risk Index (NRI) requires landslide frequency estimates by county, which are U.S. administrative regions ranging from 120 km2 to 377,055 km2 in size, to inform expected annual loss estimates. In this study, we present county-level landslide frequency (landslides area-1 y-1) estimates for the 50 U.S. states. We applied Bayesian negative binomial regression to estimate both the expected (average) landslide frequency and full distribution of annual landslide counts for each county as a function of landslide susceptible area, frequency of potentially triggering precipitation, and propensity for triggering earthquakes. We trained our model with 62,720 reported landslides from 316 counties with the most comprehensive records available nationwide and used zero-inflated negative binomial distributions as an incompleteness model to correct for temporal reporting gaps. We found that average annual landslide frequencies vary by nearly three orders of magnitude across U.S. counties, ranging from 0.05 (0.04–0.07) landslides 1000 km-2y-1 in Midland County, Texas to 31 (21–43) landslides 1000 km-2y-1 in Lake County, California and reflecting the country’s strong variations in landslide susceptibility, earthquake probability, and precipitation frequency. Counties with estimated frequencies in the top 20% of all counties are predominately along the West Coast of the continental United States, in mountainous regions of the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain West, in locally steep or earthquake prone regions of the Midwest and South, along the Appalachians, in southern Alaska, and on the big island of Hawaii. By examining the number of landslides predicted in 99th percentile years for each county, we identified that 31% of U.S. counties have potential for widespread landsliding, even when such large events have not been reported in the training data for that county. Overall, our results better represent the range of possible landslide frequencies and spatial variations across the entire United States than previous national-scale estimates reported in the NRI and can inform other risk reduction and loss mitigation efforts across the United States.

How to cite: Luna, L., Woodard, J., Bytheway, J., Belair, G., and Mirus, B.: Constraining landslide frequency across the United States to inform county-level risk reduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1724,, 2025.

An active-layer detachment slide (ALDS) occurred on September 21, 2018, in the Fenghuoshan mountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) (34◦39.1′N, 92◦53.5′E). With the Sentinel-1A image from Copernicus Open Access Hub, we use small baseline subset to achieve the time series deformation map to analyze the thermo-spatial creep feature, motion pattern, trigger mechanism, and correlation of environmental changes in the ALDS. The SBAS (the Small Baselines Subset) results show that the trailing part of ALDS has the largest downward deformation rate; however, the leading area was small, and the creep feature shows a clear seasonal change corresponding to the freeze-thaw cycle. We also divide the motion pattern into three stages: moderate creep, steady creep, and rapid collapse, based on the deformation rate. Meteorological observation and reanalysis data, as well as borehole data, show that heavy precipitation in the summer of 2017 and 2018 promote the formation of underground ice, while high air temperatures allow the thaw plane to reach the ice-rich zone, and confined water generated by the two-way freezing process result in ALDS. Moreover, there exists a temporal delay of approximately one month in the association between deformation rate and both precipitation and temperature. Furthermore, there is a clear correlation between variations in thawing depth and deformation, which serves as the primary catalyst for ALDS in permafrost regions. Finally, we also identify that ALDS is a mixed-type landslide and that cumulative deformation and creep damage play the main roles in triggering ALDS. 

How to cite: wen, Z. and wang, F.: Creep features and mechanism of active-layer detachment slide on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2110,, 2025.

Due to the impact of climate change, the increasing frequency of extreme rainfall events, with concentrated rainfalls, commonly cause landslide hazard in the mountain areas of Taiwan. However, there are uncertainties for the predicted rainfall as well as the landslide susceptibility analysis. This study employs machine learning approached, including the logistic regression method LR to analyze the landslide susceptibilities. Together with the predicted temporal rainfall, the predictive analysis of landslide susceptibility was performed in the adopted study area in Central Taiwan. The uncertainties within the rainfall prediction was firstly investigated before applied to the landslide susceptibility analysis. To assess the susceptibility of the landslides, logistic regression method LR was applied. The results of predictive analysis, with the discussions on the accuracy and uncertainties, can be applied for the landslide hazard management.

How to cite: Shou, K.-J.: Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility– for the Case in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2117,, 2025.

EGU25-2400 | Posters on site | NH3.6

Sediment disasters induced by the 26-28 September 2024 extreme rainfall event in Nallu Khola watershed of Central Nepal 

Ching-Ying Tsou, Zinky Bhusal, Hayato Kakinuma, Reona Kawakami, Daisuke Higaki, Jagat K. Bhusal, Subodh Dhakal, and Shanmukhesh Chandra Amatya

From September 26 to 28, 2024, Nepal experienced exceptionally heavy rainfall, severely impacting large areas, particularly the Kathmandu Valley and its surrounding districts, triggering flash floods and landslides. This study presents preliminary findings from an assessment conducted approximately two months after the event, focusing on the upstream region of the Nallu Khola watershed in Lalitpur District, one of the areas most severely impacted. The event recorded a cumulative rainfall total of 518 mm at the Lele AWS Station (Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Nepal), located approximately 2 km NW of the study area. This rainfall was about 4.3 times the total monthly rainfall for September 2023. The maximum hourly rainfall, observed at 5:00 AM on September 28, reached 39.8 mm, while the highest 24-hour rainfall was an extraordinary 441.2 mm. The rainfall triggered a series of compound sediment disasters, including raising the river level by approximately 3 m above the riverbed, along with numerous landslides and debris flows. The landslides predominantly consist of shallow failures, primarily occurring along roads and in areas associated with cultivated land, while areas covered with forest exhibit relatively few failures. Debris flows are predominantly concentrated in creeks, with a comparable event having occurred on September 30, 1981. Following that event, debris flow mitigation engineering measures (e.g. gabion check dams and channel works) were implemented in some creeks and the impacts of the 2024 event appear to have been largely confined to these mitigated creeks. This underscores the importance of implementing and maintaining effective mitigation measures to manage debris flow hazards in vulnerable areas.

How to cite: Tsou, C.-Y., Bhusal, Z., Kakinuma, H., Kawakami, R., Higaki, D., Bhusal, J. K., Dhakal, S., and Amatya, S. C.: Sediment disasters induced by the 26-28 September 2024 extreme rainfall event in Nallu Khola watershed of Central Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2400,, 2025.

Landsliding problems in slopes surrounding reservoir lakes are sometimes induced or reactivated by  reservoir operation  activities (Xia et al., 2015). Regular landslide susceptibility assessments are essential for safeguarding lives, infrastructure, and the environment, this being highly amplified for reservoir basins. Landslide assessments are commonly done through heuristic, statistical and physically-based quantitative methods such as limit equilibrium (LE) analysis. However, quantitative LE analyses have been historically carried out in 2D and at single-slope scale due to the need of reducing computational requirements, although realistically slope failures are 3D in nature; hence, using 3D methods can likely yield more accurate results and is more suitable for the understanding of the landsliding processes. Nowadays, with increased computational capability, it is possible to move to more representative 3D approaches and even attempt to extend the scale of application not only for shallow landslides, but also deep and complex landsliding processes. Since most 3D LE analyses are performed at slope scale, this study aimed at moving from slope to reservoir basin scale to assess the overall susceptibility to slope failure at the San Pietro Dam. The adopted methodology used Slide3 Software and involved generation of study area's 3D geometry from a 10-m resolution DEM. Then, stratigraphic borehole data, along with stratigraphic sections obtained from geological reports for the area were used to reconstruct 3D geological schematization. Geotechnical strength parameters between residual and peak strength derived from literature were used as inputs for stability analysis. Specifically, 3D extension of the Morgenstern and Price method, which   divides the potential failure surface  into  columns based on Cheng & Yip (2007) formulation for asymmetrical slopes was used. Results indicate that the approach is able to provide distribution of potential areas susceptible to slope instability as safety factor (SF) values which were in good agreement with field observations and the landslide inventory map. In particular, many landslides fall in marginally stable pixels of the SF map and can reactivate depending on the increase of water table levels along the slopes. Effect of potential rapid drawdown of the reservoir level on the stability of surrounding slopes was also investigated. The results shed light on possible extension of 3D LEM to scales larger than a slope so that it can become a useful tool for landslide risk management in reservoir environments.


Cheng, Y. M., & Yip, C. J. (2007). Three-Dimensional Asymmetrical Slope Stability Analysis Extension of Bishop’s, Janbu’s, and Morgenstern–Price’s Techniques. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 133(12), 1544–1555.

Xia, M., Ren, G. M., Zhu, S. S., & Ma, X. L. (2015). Relationship between landslide stability and reservoir water level variation. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 74(3), 909–917.

How to cite: Chikalamo, E., Lollino, P., and Mavroulli, O.: Reservoir-Scale Landslide Susceptibility Analysis of Slopes Surrounding Artificial Impoundments by Three-Dimensional (3D) Limit Equilibrium Models: A Case Study of San Pietro Dam, Avellino Province, Italy., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2781,, 2025.

EGU25-4137 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Comparing the strength of Landslide Path Dependency in the downslope and lateral directions using simulated annealing and space-time clustering  

Harsimran Singh Sodhi, Arnaud Temme, Jalal Samia, Mauro Rossi, and Francesca Ardizzone

Landslide susceptibility is traditionally determined by analyzing various topographic, geological, and hydrological factors, which influence the probability of landslide occurrence. Recent research in Italy and Nepal has shown that landslide susceptibility is also controlled by landslide path dependency (LPD), where previous landslides locally and temporally influence the future landslide susceptibility. Our study focusses on Collazzone (Italy), a region predominantly affected by shallow landslides, supported by multi-temporal landslide inventory from 1939 to 2014. Here, we are comparing the impact of earlier landslides on landslide susceptibility in the downslope and lateral directions. We hypothesize that the LPD has more impact in downslope direction than in lateral direction due to the crucial role played by formation of positive feedback loop of the soil-landslide system. In the downslope direction, landslides can create weakly permeable soil layers that increase the water saturation, thus increasing the probability of subsequent landslides. In contrast, the lateral direction lacks this feedback mechanism, making subsequent landslides less likely.

For testing our hypothesis, we used simulated annealing to make artificial landslide inventories which approximate the real landslide inventory in terms of topographic positioning, but that lack any LPD. After that we calculate Ripley’s K by using a space-time cuboid for these control inventories and for the real inventory. Generalized additive models (GAM) were used to analyze the ratio between real and control Ripley’s K values. GAM results indicate that there is a nonlinear relationship between ratio of real to control Ripley’s K and time difference (dT), lateral (dL) and downslope distance (dD) between consecutive landslides. This ratio has a negative relationship with dL, and dD, while the relationship with dT is weak. Moreover, we found that earlier landslides have a stronger impact on future occurrence of landslides in downslope direction than in lateral direction. Our results provide clear evidence that downslope direction plays a significant role in landslide path dependency.

How to cite: Sodhi, H. S., Temme, A., Samia, J., Rossi, M., and Ardizzone, F.: Comparing the strength of Landslide Path Dependency in the downslope and lateral directions using simulated annealing and space-time clustering , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4137,, 2025.

EGU25-4345 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

Investigating the Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Methods for Multi-Scale Slope Units Based on SDGSAT-1 and Graph Neural Networks. 

Xiangqi Lei, Hanhu Liu, Zhe Chen, Shaoda Li, Hang Chen, Shuai Zeng, Xiao Wang, Wenqian Bai, Wei Li, and Lorenzo Picco

Landslide susceptibility assessment is crucial for preventing landslide risks. However, existing methods only consider local environmental features related to landslides, neglecting remote yet interconnected geographical features, leading to unreliable landslide susceptibility maps. This study fully considers the complex terrain and landform features of mountainous areas where landslides occur. From the perspectives of mapping units and susceptibility assessment models, it introduces geographical environmental correlations to achieve a comprehensive association between landslides and affected environments, thereby improving the accuracy of landslide susceptibility assessments. At the same time, since the world's first scientific satellite dedicated to serving the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sustainable Development Goals Scientific Satellite 1 (SDGSAT-1), was launched in 2021, its potential in monitoring and assessing landslide disasters remains to be developed. Therefore, this study innovatively applies SDGSAT-1 data in the field of landslide research and conducts landslide susceptibility assessment in Jiulong County, Ganzi, based on the optimal scale slope units and Graph Neural Networks (GNN).

We propose the following method: First, establish appropriately sized slope units using R.Slopeunits to simulate complex mountainous terrain. Second, extract various landslide influencing factors using SDGSAT-1 satellite imagery data. Then, select the most representative graph nodes by constraining environmental similarity and influencing factor feature similarity, constructing a graph structure. Finally, perform landslide susceptibility assessment in the study area using the GraphSage model, which includes environmental information aggregation.

This study's distinctive feature lies in fully considering the complex terrain and landform characteristics of mountainous areas where landslides occur. From the perspectives of mapping units and evaluation models, it introduces geographical environmental correlations to achieve a comprehensive association between landslides and affected environments. Furthermore, to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we selected raster units and the classic Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model as control experiments. Simultaneously, we conducted comparative experiments using Landsat and SDGSAT-1 satellite imagery, analyzing differences from two aspects: landslide influencing factors and landslide susceptibility evaluation results.

The results indicate that: (1) Compared to the commonly used Landsat series satellite data in previous studies, SDGSAT-1 satellite imagery offers higher spatial resolution, capturing more spectral information with richer hue and detail. Additionally, it can generate more angles of landslide influencing factors compared to Landsat satellite data. (2) Employing global heterogeneity evaluation metrics allows for reasonable determination of slope unit scales, thereby maximizing internal consistency and external heterogeneity control within slope units. (3) By utilizing the Graph Neural Network (GNN) model that incorporates environmental information aggregation for landslide susceptibility assessment in the study area, it can, to some extent, overcome spatial limitations and integrate complex mountainous environmental information, facilitating the induction of reliable landslide characteristics.

How to cite: Lei, X., Liu, H., Chen, Z., Li, S., Chen, H., Zeng, S., Wang, X., Bai, W., Li, W., and Picco, L.: Investigating the Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Methods for Multi-Scale Slope Units Based on SDGSAT-1 and Graph Neural Networks., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4345,, 2025.

EGU25-5374 | Orals | NH3.6

Controls on rates of slope movement before catatsrophic collapse 

Fengchao Pan and Christopher R.J. Kilburn

    Rapid, giant landslides, or sturzstroms, are among the most powerful natural hazards on Earth. They are produced by catastrophic, deep-seated slope collapses with minimum volumes on the order of 10⁶–10⁷ m³. Such collapses are often the final stage of accelerating slope movement that may have continued for years. Measurements made over 60 years ago before the failure of Mt. Toc into the Vajont reservoir in the Italian Alps remain one of the best records of pre-collapse slope movement. Numerous studies have recognized that the rate of movement increased hyperbolically during at least two months of heavy rainfall before the mountainside collapsed on 9 October 1963. Two hundred million m³ of rock sent a wave of water over the Vajont dam, killing approximately 2,500 people in the downstream communities of Longarone, Pirago, Villanova, Rivalta, and Fae. Analysis of the extended record shows that the hyperbolic trend was preceded by an exponential acceleration during 1962. The earlier trend was interrupted in December 1962 when the reservoir was temporarily drained to install engineering safety measures. The acceleration resumed in July–August 1963 after the reservoir was refilled to its pre-drainage level. This combined exponential-hyperbolic acceleration trend is consistent with the activation and eventual linkage of cracks along the future failure plane.This suggests that the surface movements were a consequence of fracturing as deep as 200 m underground, rather than cracking being a result of slope movement. This interpretation points to the weakening of deep rock as the primary driver of failure, caused by factors such as increases in pore water pressure and water-induced corrosion, rather than the destabilization from the weight of a water-saturated slope.Since rock cracking occurs within a restricted range of physical conditions, this case study demonstrates that medium-term forecasts of catastrophic slope failure are a feasible goal. By identifying and quantifying these conditions, we can advance predictive capabilities and mitigate the devastating impacts of rapid landslides, such as tsunamis, seismic shocks, and downstream flooding.



How to cite: Pan, F. and Kilburn, C. R. J.: Controls on rates of slope movement before catatsrophic collapse, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5374,, 2025.

EGU25-5730 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Modelling landslide susceptibility through a glass-box machine learning  

Francesco Caleca, Pierluigi Confuorto, Federico Raspini, Samuele Segoni, Veronica Tofani, Nicola Casagli, and Sandro Moretti

The field of landslide susceptibility modelling has seen the adoption of many different data-driven approaches, spanning from linear models to the most recent deep-learning solutions. In short, simpler models offer greater interpretability, while predictions derived from complex architectures are more difficult to explain. For this reason, complex algorithms are often referred to as black-box models. However, in the context of landslide susceptibility mapping, the ability to provide highly accurate results along with interpretable predictions is highly valuable. In light of these considerations, this study presents a landslide susceptibility mapping by exploring the capabilities of a new generation of interpretable models, namely Explainable Boosting Machines (EBMs). Unlike the majority of explainable approaches that unveil the decisions of a complex model in a post-processing phase, EBMs offer direct interpretability and full transparency. As a consequence, EBMs fall into the category of glass-box models. Notably, the incorporation of these models within studies focusing on the relationship between landslide occurrence and extreme rainfall events raises considerable interest and represents the aim of this work. Therefore, this contribution focuses on landslides triggered by a heavy rainfall event on September 15, 2022, in Central Italy. To analyze the interaction between landslide occurrence and the event, a novel rainfall variable is introduced among the set of predictors, capturing the event’s intensity relative to historical rainfall patterns. Specifically, this rainfall variable is computed as the percentage of precipitation attributed to the event compared to the mean annual rainfall. The rainfall variable also introduces a dynamic component to the proposed modelling, since it may vary at every future rainfall event. As a consequence, by combining the dynamic nature of the rainfall variable with the exact intelligibility of EBMs, the study also presents a landslide susceptibility mapping under potentially different rainfall scenarios with respect to the September 15, 2022 event.

How to cite: Caleca, F., Confuorto, P., Raspini, F., Segoni, S., Tofani, V., Casagli, N., and Moretti, S.: Modelling landslide susceptibility through a glass-box machine learning , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5730,, 2025.

EGU25-6333 | Posters on site | NH3.6

Geological Controls on natural hazards in Ixhuatlan de Madero, Veracruz, Mexico 

Christophe Pascal, Oscar Daniel Zarate Velazquez, and Ruben Alfonso Lopez Doncel

The Ixhuatlan de Madero area is located (in the geology of Mexico) between the Gulf of Mexico and the micro-continent Oaxaquia. The regional stratigraphy comprises the Paleocene Chicontepec Formation (chiefly sandstones and shales), overlying the Cretaceous Mendez and Tamaulipas formations, respectively composed of shales and limestones. Analysis of the structural data collected in the field indicates five stages of deformation. The first stage is characterized by upright folds plunging to the NE and SW. The second stage corresponds to the Laramide orogeny (i.e. ~ 40 Ma) and involves NE-vergent folds. The folding produced south-westwards shallow-dipping layers (i.e. less than 30°) and overturning of the first stage folds to the NE. The third stage is marked by reverse faults compatible with NE-SW compression as observed in the village of Cantollano. In contrast, NW-SE normal faults observed to the NW of Ixhuatlan reveal a fourth stage characterised by an extensional regime. The fifth stage involves NW-SE and NE-SW fractures present mainly west of Ixhuatlan de Madero. The latter fractures represent pronounced weakness zones within the rock mass and are further opened by plant roots and excavated by the tropical rains of the region. The control local disintegration of the rock and lead eventually to landslides. The landslides promote mass transport towards the NE and SW dominantly and, furthermore, the building of houses and human infrastructures amplify them.

How to cite: Pascal, C., Zarate Velazquez, O. D., and Lopez Doncel, R. A.: Geological Controls on natural hazards in Ixhuatlan de Madero, Veracruz, Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6333,, 2025.

EGU25-6943 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Unveiling the Complex Relationship Between Rainfall and Landslide Types Using a Transformer Neural Network 

Rodolfo Rani, Ashok Dahal, Luigi Lombardo, Hakan Tanyas, and Matteo Berti

Landslides pose significant threats to human lives and economies, with their frequency and intensity increasingly exacerbated by climate change. This was demonstrated in May 2023 in the Emilia-Romagna region (northern Italy), where 80,000 landslides were triggered by two rare, high-intensity rainfall events with a return period of 300 years, occurring just 14 days apart. The landslides exhibited diverse types and materials, necessitating tailored risk management approaches due to differences in volume, velocity, and post-event behaviour. To address these complexities, susceptibility maps must integrate both static predictors and dynamic triggering factors to better understand the relationships between rainfall and landslide types.

Using a detailed landslide inventory developed through collaboration between the Emilia-Romagna Geological Service and the universities of Modena and Bologna, we analysed the relationship between rainfall and five distinct mapped landslide types: debris slide, debris flow, earth slide, earth flow, and rock slide. This study introduces a Transformer Neural Network (TNN) to integrate static predictors (e.g., slope, aspect, geology, land cover) with dynamic rainfall data from the 30 days preceding the second rainfall event (16th May), capturing the influence of antecedent wet/dry conditions. The TNN processes rainfall time series data similarly to speech recognition algorithms, allowing it to model temporal dependencies effectively.

We evaluated the TNN with rainfall data at different temporal resolutions (daily and hourly intervals) and compared its performance against models using only static predictors or cumulative rainfall. The TNN was trained on 70% of the dataset, targeting specific landslide types to generate susceptibility maps tailored for each type. Model performance was assessed using a comprehensive set of metrics, including Area Under the Curve (AUC), Accuracy, Recall, F1 and F2 scores, Matthew’s Correlation Coefficient, and Kappa Coefficient. Additionally, we applied the SHAP (Gradient Explained) method to analyse the influence of rainfall on susceptibility values, revealing the model's internal decision-making processes.

The results demonstrate that integrating rainfall time series significantly enhances susceptibility mapping accuracy. The TNN using daily rainfall data produced the most reliable maps for all landslide types, except debris flows, where hourly intervals yielded slightly better results. SHAP analysis further illuminated the role of rainfall in susceptibility variations, providing valuable insights into the TNN's functionality. Overall, the TNN outperformed models using only static predictors or cumulative rainfall, offering a robust framework for understanding and predicting landslide susceptibility in diverse scenarios.

How to cite: Rani, R., Dahal, A., Lombardo, L., Tanyas, H., and Berti, M.: Unveiling the Complex Relationship Between Rainfall and Landslide Types Using a Transformer Neural Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6943,, 2025.

EGU25-7844 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

Analysis of the Impact of Mapping Units on Landslide Susceptibility: A Comparative Study of Grid Units and Slope Units 

Eun-Bi Jo, Jung-Hyun Lee, and Hyuck-Jin Park

The mapping unit is a classification of land surfaces based on specific criteria, serving as the fundamental unit for spatial data extraction in landslide susceptibility analysis. In the landslide susceptibility analyses, a grid unit is frequently employed due to its ease of generation as uniform grid cells of a designated size. However, the utilization of grid units does have certain limitations. Specifically, these units often fail to accurately represent the actual site topography. Consequently, they result in an incomplete consideration of valley and drainage lines, which are critical factors in landslide occurrence. In contrast, slope units, delineated based on hydrological criteria (e.g., ridges, valleys), offer a more topographically accurate representation. This is due to the fact that they integrate spatial data and topographic factors more effectively into the analysis than grid units.

This study aims to compare the impact and performance of grid units and slope units in landslide susceptibility analysis. To this end, the study utilizes various analytical techniques to evaluate the influence of conditioning factors across these mapping units. The study area, designated as Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea, was selected to assess the impact of mapping units due to its experience with several landslides in August 2020. The analysis incorporated a range of conditioning factors, including elevation, slope aspect, slope angle, standard curvature, planar curvature, profile curvature, Specific Catchment Area (SCA), Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), Stream Power Index (SPI), forest type, forest density, forest stand height, timber diameter, timber age, soil texture, soil depth, slope shape, topography, land use, and lithology. In order to assess the significance and contribution of these factors, visualization techniques were employed, including SHAP (Shapley Additive Explanations) plots, summary plots, and dependence plots. These methods facilitated a comparative analysis of factor importance and influence on landslide susceptibility using the two mapping units. Additionally, correlation analysis among the conditioning factors and trend identification within each unit were conducted to enhance the accuracy and interpretability of the results. The landslide susceptibility analysis was implemented using a Multi-Layer Perceptron model, and the performance of the model was evaluated using the Area Under the Curve (AUC). Finally, the results of the study were analyzed to compare and evaluate the relative advantages and limitations of the slope unit and the grid unit in landslide susceptibility assessment.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (RS-2023-00222563) and by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (RS-2024-00463587).


How to cite: Jo, E.-B., Lee, J.-H., and Park, H.-J.: Analysis of the Impact of Mapping Units on Landslide Susceptibility: A Comparative Study of Grid Units and Slope Units, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7844,, 2025.

EGU25-7971 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

A Study on Landslide Susceptibility Fusion Models Using Decision-Level Fusion 

Jung-Hyun Lee, Hyuck-Jin Park, and Young-Jae Lee

Landslides, a major natural disaster in South Korea, are primarily triggered by heavy rainfall associated with global climate anomalies. In particular, the years 2020 and 2022 witnessed unprecedented torrential rains during the summer, resulting in the most severe landslide damages recorded in recent history, with significant human and economic losses.
Landslide susceptibility assessment involves the spatial analysis of direct triggering factors, such as rainfall, and conditioning factors both internal and external to slopes, to predict the likelihood and impact of landslide occurrences. Based on the mechanisms considered, assessment methodologies are typically classified into physically-based models and data-driven models. Physically-based models, which have been extensively studied globally, are well-suited for landslide susceptibility analysis in South Korea as they allow for the integration of engineering principles to address rainfall and internal slope conditions. However, their limitations in addressing the multifaceted interactions among diverse influencing factors necessitate the incorporation of data-driven approaches.
This study seeks to integrate physically-based models with data-driven models to capture both the engineering mechanisms of rainfall-induced landslides and the complex interrelationships among diverse influencing factors. Since these models operate as independent frameworks, a fusion approach is adopted to combine their outputs effectively. Fusion methodologies vary depending on the stage at which data or information is integrated. In this research, decision-level fusion is employed, which aggregates the independent decisions or outputs of multiple models to produce the final result. Specifically, serial decision fusion and parallel decision fusion, two representative decision-level fusion techniques, are implemented. The study evaluates the performance and applicability of the fusion models by comparing the outcomes of different fusion strategies.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. RS-2024-00358026).

How to cite: Lee, J.-H., Park, H.-J., and Lee, Y.-J.: A Study on Landslide Susceptibility Fusion Models Using Decision-Level Fusion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7971,, 2025.

EGU25-8438 | Orals | NH3.6

Strong daily landslide cracking activity – Does traffic drive slope failure? 

Michael Dietze, Laura Fracica Gonzalez, Rainer Bell, Lothar Schrott, and Niels Hovius

Landslide failures pose a severe threat to society, especially when valley bottoms become blocked, ponding rivers and burying critical infrastructure. The erratic and spatially distributed occurrence of those rapid mass wasting processes makes it eminent to understand major drivers and find reliable predictors that can help early warning.

Here, we present results of a systematic study on a progressively developing landslide near the town of Müsch, in one of the narrowest sections of the Ahr Valley, Germany. The slope instability had been reactivated by the 2021 summer flood and shows accelerated toppling and rotational movement at the 100 m wide front, as well as surface evidence of distributed movement in the 200 m long hinterland. Partial failure of the frontal sector had been modelled, indicating the damming of the 30 m wide valley bottom, causing rapid inundation of upstream settlements.

We analyse 2.5 years of continuous seismic data from a small geophone network. Seismic coda wave interferometry and resonance frequency analysis yields insights to cyclic and progressive rock stress evolution as well as the effect of water content at and below the surface. More than 3000 discrete crack emissions due to brittle rock mass failure were detected, located and quantified. The precise timing of the crack signals reveals a strong control of working time hours, suggesting an external anthropogenic forcing of the slope instability. We discuss the generic applicability of the multi-proxy seismic approach in light of further, post-flood reactivations of slope instabilities in the Ahr Valley and elsewhere.

How to cite: Dietze, M., Fracica Gonzalez, L., Bell, R., Schrott, L., and Hovius, N.: Strong daily landslide cracking activity – Does traffic drive slope failure?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8438,, 2025.

EGU25-8480 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Combining landslide inventories with deformation time series: A methodology 

Xiao Feng, Juan Du, Bo Chai, and Thom Bogaard

Landslide Susceptibility Modeling (LSM) is an important method for mitigating regional landslide risks. However, the scarcity of landslide inventories and the prevalence of low-quality non-landslide samples significantly limit the further development of traditional LSM frameworks. To address this issue, this paper develops a next generation of LSM framework that redefines landslide and non-landslide samples from the perspective of deformation. By integrating deformation time-series data from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and InSAR, the framework introduces deformation samples defined by deformation rates and obtains a greater number of landslide samples and high-quality non-landslide samples through the establishment of appropriate deformation thresholds. A series of ablation experiments were conducted in Wanzhou District, Chongqing, China. The results indicate that when the deformation threshold is set to 0.6, the proposed LSM framework achieves an AUC value of 0.94, a TPR of 0.92, and a TNR of 0.94, representing a significant improvement compared to the traditional LSM framework (AUC = 0.85, TPR = 0.74, TNR = 0.58). Additionally, the experimental results demonstrate that when using InSAR data to obtain deformation samples, either a large number of low-quality InSAR deformation samples or a small number of high-quality but spatially uneven InSAR deformation samples can result in the proposed LSM framework performing worse than the traditional LSM framework. Therefore, special attention must be paid to balancing the quality and quantity of InSAR data.

How to cite: Feng, X., Du, J., Chai, B., and Bogaard, T.: Combining landslide inventories with deformation time series: A methodology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8480,, 2025.

Rock avalanches are large volume landslides composed of flowing fragments of rock that can reach velocities in excess of 50 m/s, impact large areas, and can seriously threaten the safety of people and infrastructure. Numerical models play a crucial role in forecasting the hazard and risk associated with rock avalanches. The Orin3D model, based on the equivalent fluid concept, can be used to simulate rock avalanche motion, however it is unknown what the best model parameterization is for forecasting.  However, Orin3D is implemented to run on a graphical processing unit (GPU), which improves simulation times by two orders of magnitude, making large-scale calibration feasible, as is investigated herein. 
In the present work, we use a posterior analysis based on Bayesian statistics to calibrate Orin3D for three different parameterizations: 1) Frictional rheology, 2) Voellmy rheology, and 3) the combination of Frictional and Voellmy rheology, using a data set containing 22 historical rock avalanche cases, and requiring over 450,000 model runs. Based on the calibration results, a probabilistic prediction framework is then tested that generates pseudo-predictions for the cases in the database, incorporating key features of rock avalanches, such as path materials and topographic constraints. We find that, among these three rheological settings, the best prediction results for most cases are obtained with the combination of Frictional and Voellmy rheology. We further use these results to suggest a prediction procedure that considers the volume, path material and topographic confinements of rock avalanches, which provide guidance for the rheological setting in the model and important basis for the prediction and mitigation of rock avalanche hazards in practice.

How to cite: Deng, G. and Aaron, J.: Calibration and prediction procedure of rock avalanche through advancing numerical simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8845,, 2025.

EGU25-8942 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

Hazard assessment for typhoon-induced shallow landslides based on rainfall thresholds and physical modeling 

Yingxue Liao, Lixia Chen, Ye Li, and Kunlong Yin

Typhoon-induced shallow landslides have caused significant economic losses and casualties in China's coastal regions. Accurate prediction and hazard assessment of typhoon-induced landslides are crucial for effective geohazard prevention and management. However, providing accurate hazard evaluation remains challenging due to limited data on rainfall triggers and relevant geological parameters. Therefore, our study integrates the effective rainfall model and the probabilistic physical model TRIGRS to analyze the early warning of regional shallow landslides. In this study, we selected Daoshi Town, in Zhejiang Province of China, which was heavily impacted by Super Typhoon Lekima on August 10, 2019. To find out the distribution and regularity of landslides after typhoon rainfall, we identified a total of 190 shallow landslides through field surveys and remote sensing interpretation. The soil thickness of the study area was simulated using the random forest algorithm based on the soil thickness dataset from the field survey. Rainfall characteristics and thresholds were established using an effective rainfall model that accounts for the 6-hour rainfall on the day of analysis and the cumulative rainfall over the preceding three days. To assess slope stability under different rainfall scenario, TRIGRS was employed, considering key parameters of different soil types such as cohesion and internal friction angle. The results indicate that 90% of the landslides occurred in areas classified as highly unstable. Validation using landslide data from 2020 and 2021 showed that 81% of new landslides occurred in unstable areas, demonstrating the reliability of the proposed early warning approach. It shows that our results are reliable and can provide reference for the hazard assessment and management of typhoon-induced shallow landslides in coastal regio.

How to cite: Liao, Y., Chen, L., Li, Y., and Yin, K.: Hazard assessment for typhoon-induced shallow landslides based on rainfall thresholds and physical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8942,, 2025.

EGU25-9871 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

Enhancing rainfall-triggered landslide forecasting in Switzerland using ensemble learning 

Jacques Soutter, Mathilde Dunand, and Marj Tonini

Shallow landslides, typically occurring on steep slopes, are often triggered by intense, short-duration rainfall or extended periods of lighter rainfall. These events present severe hazards in mountainous regions, causing substantial soil loss, fatalities, and economic damage (Tonini and Cama, 2019). Accurate prediction and early warning systems are essential for mitigating such impacts. To address these challenges, previous studies in Switzerland have examined rainfall thresholds related to landslide triggering by regionalizing landslide occurrences according to geomorphological factors (Leonarduzzi et al., 2017). To enhance the overall accuracy of such predictions, it is essential to utilize datasets with higher temporal and spatial resolution. 

This work adapts a robust deep learning approach initially developed by Mondini et al. (2023) for Italy to the case of Switzerland. Unlike previous studies that relied solely on rain gauge data, which is often highly variable, we use the CombiPrecip product from the Swiss Federal Office of Meteorology. This product integrates radar measurements with rain gauge data to provide a kilometer-scale, hourly precipitation dataset covering the past 20 years. The landslide input dataset comes from the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research (WSL), which has systematically collected data on damage caused by naturally triggered floods, debris flows, and landslides since 1972 (Hilker et al., 2009). 

To compensate for the relative sparsity of landslide events in our training set, we carry out an ensemble approach where we train 24 classifiers, thus resulting in increased robustness and a probabilistic outcome. The ultimate goal of this research is to compare various classification algorithms and evaluate their integration into an early warning system that leverages susceptibility maps and geological factors.


  • Tonini M, Cama M (2019). Spatio-temporal pattern distribution of landslides causing damage in Switzerland. Landslides 16, 2103–2113. 
  • Leonarduzzi E, Molnar P, McArdell BW (2017). Predictive performance of rainfall thresholds for shallow landslides in Switzerland from gridded daily data. Water Resources Research, 53(8), 6612‑6625. 
  • Mondini AC, Guzzetti F, Melillo M (2023). Deep learning forecast of rainfall-induced shallow landslides. Nature Communications, 14(1), 2466. 
  • Hilker N, Badoux A, Hegg C (2009). The Swiss flood and landslide damage database 1972-2007. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 9:913–925.

How to cite: Soutter, J., Dunand, M., and Tonini, M.: Enhancing rainfall-triggered landslide forecasting in Switzerland using ensemble learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9871,, 2025.

EGU25-10083 | Posters on site | NH3.6

A new tool for studying shallow landslides at the basin scale: BEMSL 

Andrea Abbate, Alessandro Scaioli, Monica Corti, Monica Papini, and Laura Longoni

Shallow landslides are characterized by a superficial sliding surface whose depth is at least five meters below the ground. Their occurrence has increased in recent decades due to climate change, especially in Northern Italy where extreme meteorological events (the main triggering factors) have been reported to increase in intensity. Since shallow landslides are a very common geohazard in mountain and hilly areas, whose consequences can be catastrophic both for people and the natural environment, new methodologies that aim to better estimate landslide susceptibility have been explored in the literature. Here a new tool called BEMSL (“Basin Ensemble Models for Shallow Landslides”) has been developed to forecast effectively shallow landslides at the basin scale.

The BEMSL is a model that considers an ensemble approach for susceptibility mapping, and it is conceptually divided into three parts. Primarily, it includes different limit equilibrium and infinite slope formulations that describe the stability of a slope in terms of safety factor (FS), which is defined as the ratio between stabilizing and destabilizing actions. Even if, theoretically, the actions acting on a slope should be always the same, many authors in this field have proposed different FS equations, trying to choose the most relevant acting actions depending on the local geology, soil composition and other predisposing factors. Consequently, it is difficult to choose the most suitable FS formulation that fits best to the considered situation. To provide a unique answer, the second part of BEMSL includes the Random Forest (RF) approach that creates a model ensemble able to merge the outputs from the implemented FS formulations. Since RF is a machine-learning algorithm that works autonomously on FS data provided, countermeasures to avoid overfitting have been considered. In the last part, the output validation was assessed using the ROC (“Receiver Operation Characteristics”) approach, which essentially consists of the quantification of how many true positives (TP), false positives (FP), true negatives (TN) and false negatives (FN) compared to the available landslide census.

BEMSL was applied to retrieve dynamic landslide susceptibility maps, giving site-specific insight into the probability of shallow terrain failures. The reliability of this BEMSL tool was tested considering the event that happened in July 1987 in Tartano Valley (Sondrio province, located in Northern Italy). In the late afternoon of 18 July 1987, an extreme storm triggered several shallow landslides across Tartano Valley, which evolved into a catastrophic debris flow, resulting in 21 casualties and extensive infrastructure damages. In this case study, the risk of failure of punctual and linear electrical powerlines was investigated using the BEMSL. A dependence on the risk of failure due to the rainfall intensity temporal evolution has shown the vulnerabilities of the Tartano Valley electrical infrastructures developed during the extreme geo-hydrological event.

How to cite: Abbate, A., Scaioli, A., Corti, M., Papini, M., and Longoni, L.: A new tool for studying shallow landslides at the basin scale: BEMSL, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10083,, 2025.

EGU25-10443 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Bayesian probabilistic forecasting of rainfall-induced landslides 

Flavia Ferriero, Fausto Guzzetti, Gianfranco Urciuoli, and Warner Marzocchi

Forecasting landslides induced by rainfall is a challenging task that involves the interaction of multiple factors, such as soil conditions, topography, and rainfall intensity. The complex nature of these events, combined with the lack of complete data on landslide occurrences, makes it difficult to produce accurate predictions. Traditional deterministic models struggle to account for the variability and uncertainty inherent in the processes leading to landslides. On the contrary, probabilistic approaches can incorporate uncertainty and provide more reliable description of this phenomenon. In this work we develop a probabilistic framework for forecasting rainfall-induced landslide occurrence addressing the challenges of data sampling, uncertainty, and variability. For the study, we collected a dataset of shallow rainfall-induced landslides in an area in southern Italy, spanning 22 years of rainfall records. The dataset includes the locations and date of occurrences of the landslides, and daily rainfall measurements. Using a Bayesian approach, we calculate the posterior probability of landslide occurrence given specific daily cumulated rainfall thresholds. To account for the uncertainty in the landslide and rainfall data, we employed probabilistic distributions i.e., uniform and beta distributions, to model the uncertainty in the prior and likelihood functions. The uncertainty was further addressed through random sampling techniques, allowing for the integration of data variability and the dependencies between landslides and rainfall, obtaining posterior probability distributions of landslide occurrence for each rainfall threshold. The results offer a probabilistic approach to landslide forecasting that can be used for better-informed decision-making in risk management and early warning systems. By accounting for the uncertainties in the data and model parameters, our approach provides a more robust method for landslide prediction under varying rainfall conditions. 

How to cite: Ferriero, F., Guzzetti, F., Urciuoli, G., and Marzocchi, W.: Bayesian probabilistic forecasting of rainfall-induced landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10443,, 2025.

EGU25-12309 | Orals | NH3.6

A Markov Switching Spatiotemporal GAM for Landslide Hazards in New Zealand 

Georg Gutjahr, Aadityan Sridharan, and Sundararaman Gopalan

Landslides triggered by earthquakes evolve over time, leading to repeated damage in the affected areas. These slope movements are influenced by a range of factors, including climatic, seismic, and terrain conditions, which vary both temporally and spatially [1]. To predict the likelihood of landslides occurring across different times and locations, statistical models must account for these spatial and temporal dependencies. In this study, we employ the Markov Switching Spatiotemporal Generalized Additive Model (MSST-GAM), as introduced by Sridharan et al. [2]. Their research highlighted how this model effectively captures the spatial and temporal influences of various landslide-related factors, offering accurate susceptibility estimates for the Wenchuan area in China.

In this work, we further extend the model for hazard prediction. The model is used on a multitemporal dataset of landslides that occurred in New Zealand during and following the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake [3]. The years in which the landslides were mapped were used to separate the temporal units. Twelve covariates were used, including terrain (slope, aspect, curvature, distance from features like faults, etc.), climatic (rainfall and soil moisture), and seismic (when the year coincided with a major seismic event). We employ zero-inflated Poisson and Gaussian emission probabilities [4] for the dependent variables, which are the areas and counts of landslides in slope units. A Markov-switching GAM is used to predict the dependent variables from the covariables based on two hidden risk states (high risk and low risk). We introduce soil moisture as an additional dynamic variable to parametrize the transition probabilities between the hidden states. 

We tested the model using a five-fold spatiotemporal cross-validation. The results compare favourably to a number of cross-sectional models [5]. The model predictions indicate that MSST-GAM can capture the spatial and temporal dependence of the landslide occurrences in slope units when compared with other cross-sectional and spatiotemporal models in literature.


[1] Keefer, D., “Investigating landslides caused by earthquakes - A historical review,” Surv. Geophys., vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 473–510, 2002 

[2] Sridharan, A., Gutjahr, G., and Gopalan, S., “Markov–Switching Spatio–Temporal Generalized Additive Model for Landslide Susceptibility,” Environ. Model. Softw., vol. 173, no. August, p. 105892, Feb. 2024 

[3]  Bhuyan, K., Tanyaş, H., Nava, L. et al. “Generating multi-temporal landslide inventories through a general deep transfer learning strategy using HR EO data”. Sci Rep 13, 162, 2023

[4] Wagh, Y.S. and Kamalja, K.K., 2018. “Zero-inflated models and estimation in zero-inflated Poisson distribution”. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 47(8), pp.2248-2265.

[5] Reichenbach, P., Rossi, M., Malamud, B., Mihir, M., Guzzetti, F. “A review of statistically-based landslide susceptibility models”. Earth-science reviews. 2018 May 1;180:60-91.

How to cite: Gutjahr, G., Sridharan, A., and Gopalan, S.: A Markov Switching Spatiotemporal GAM for Landslide Hazards in New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12309,, 2025.

EGU25-13930 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

Improving Prediction, Response, and Safety through Real-Time Surface Monitoring with RTK-GNSS Arrays, Oregon, USA 

Erik Fulmer, Ben Leshchinsky, Andrew Senogles, Michael Olsen, Curran Mohney, and Kira Glover-Cutter
Across the state of Oregon, USA, landslides regularly diminish the reliability of transportation systems and pose risks to nearby communities, motorists, and infrastructure. Understanding the spatiotemporal dynamics of these active hazards is critical for predicting and mitigating risk to person and property. Following the catastrophic failure of the Hooskanaden landslide in late February 2019 (Alberti et al. 2020), our team began instrumenting landslides across the State with RTK-GNSS arrays that provide the 3D position of strategically placed rovers installed on the landslide surface with centimeter-level accuracy. These systems telemeter data to cloud storage every 30-minutes, providing the opportunity for real-time monitoring and analysis.
Here, we evaluate the displacement timeseries of 11 instrumented landslides across the State, and investigate responses to precipitation both spatially (i.e., for each instrumented site and locally within each landslide) and temporally (i.e., how rainfall response may change throughout the wet season). We focus on the kinematics of the Hooskanaden landslide, which demonstrates variable behavior, and the Arizona Inn landslide, which surged in 2023 and was tracked in real time. With the expanded network of systems installed in diverse geologic and climatic regimes, we explore the sensitivity of several slow-moving landslides to hydrometeorological forcing, as well as the evolving kinematics of landslide complexes evaluated over the monitoring period. These data offer insights into the spectrum of slow-moving landslide behaviors, providing a deeper understanding of both landslide sensitivity and kinematics. The findings demonstrate the utility of integrating high-resolution displacement monitoring with rainfall data in investigating the temporal and spatial evolution of landslides.

How to cite: Fulmer, E., Leshchinsky, B., Senogles, A., Olsen, M., Mohney, C., and Glover-Cutter, K.: Improving Prediction, Response, and Safety through Real-Time Surface Monitoring with RTK-GNSS Arrays, Oregon, USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13930,, 2025.

EGU25-14509 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Runout characteristics of landslides triggered by the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake 

Saskia de Vilder, Andrea Wolter, Biljana Lukovic, Kerry Leith, Shannara Hill, and Simon Cox

Estimating the potential runout distance of landslides and their associated impacted areas is a critical component of landslide hazard and risk analysis. Traditionally, back-analysis of past landslides has been employed to predict the runout behaviour of potential future events. To refine landslide runout models and characterize co-seismic landslide dynamics, we conducted an in-depth analysis of a subset of landslides triggered by the Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake in New Zealand (14 November 2016), focusing on the Kowhai Valley in Kaikōura.

First, we mapped polylines connecting landslide sources to their corresponding deposits. Given that all landslides were triggered during the same seismic event within steep upland catchments, source areas did not consistently correspond directly to mapped debris trails. Second, we attributed these polylines with information on confinement, substrate type, connectivity, geometry, and physiographic attributes, analysing their relationships with travel length and fall height to identify controls on runout distance. Third, we applied three regional-scale runout modelling approaches—1) a Fahrböschung angle method, 2) the Gravitational Path Process Model, and 3) Flow-R—to evaluate their effectiveness in predicting travel distances and patterns of co-seismic landslide runout.

Our mapping identified 3,535 landslide polylines linking 3,105 source areas to 2,652 debris trails. Approximately two-thirds of the landslides exhibited a one-to-one relationship between source and deposit, while the remainder displayed more complex linkages, including multiple deposits from a single source, single deposits from multiple sources, or interactions involving multiple sources and deposits. Statistical analysis revealed significant relationships between runout distance and factors such as substrate type, confinement, coupling, and geometry, although no significant relationship was observed with landslide volume.

Model accuracy assessments, using goodness of fit metrics, showed that most approaches either displayed weak accuracy or overestimated landslide runout areas. The best fit models indicated that the landslides triggered in the Kaikōura earthquake travelled a shorter distance than expected from the international literature. Further analysis revealed considerable variability in model accuracy for individual landslides, with larger landslides showing better goodness-of-fit metrics than smaller ones. Landslides located in the lower reaches of the Kowhai Valley also demonstrated higher model accuracy, potentially as a function of landscape relief. These findings underscore the complex controls influencing co-seismic landslide runout and highlight the importance of accounting for uncertainties in regional-scale landslide runout models.

How to cite: de Vilder, S., Wolter, A., Lukovic, B., Leith, K., Hill, S., and Cox, S.: Runout characteristics of landslides triggered by the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14509,, 2025.

EGU25-14735 | Orals | NH3.6

Spatial Prediction of the Future Landslide Susceptibility under the SSP Scenario Using Machine learning Algorithms 

Uichan Kim, Sujong Lee, Minwoo Roh, Sunwoo Kim, and WooKyun Lee

The increase in localized heavy rainfall and intense storms due to climate change has led to a continuous rise in landslide damages in South Korea, including slope failures and debris flows. While post-landslide recovery and damage site assessments are crucial, it is equally important to develop proactive and systematic landslide adaptation strategies to predict and prepare for landslides in advance. This study aims to develop an interpretable machine learning-based landslide susceptibility model and analyze landslide-prone areas under future climate change scenarios. Through this approach, it seeks to clearly identify the impact of forest management factors on landslides and establish effective adaptation strategies tailored to climate change scenarios. A dataset comprising 6,517 recorded landslide events from 2011 to 2024 was utilized. Various external and internal conditioning factors were obtained and constructed with a resolution of 100 meters. Climate scenario analysis employed SSP 1-2.6, SSP 2-4.5, and SSP 5-8.5, with extreme climate factors including rainfall intensity, the number of heavy rain days, daily rainfall, and 5day cumulative rainfallNotably, changes in stand age class, DBH class, and growing stock under future forest management scenarios were calculated and integrated into the landslide model, enabling an evaluation of how management strategies affect landslide susceptibility. Results were validated by comparing past actual occurrence data. The SSP 5-8.5 scenario indicates a significant increase in landslide occurrences. These findings provide valuable insights into the effects of climate change on landslide susceptibility in South Korea and examine the potential of future landslide management strategies to mitigate associated susceptibility. 

How to cite: Kim, U., Lee, S., Roh, M., Kim, S., and Lee, W.: Spatial Prediction of the Future Landslide Susceptibility under the SSP Scenario Using Machine learning Algorithms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14735,, 2025.

EGU25-15304 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Could such a large landslide event be expected in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil? Using past events to predict the area impacted by the 2024 Mega Disaster 

Renata P. Quevedo, Daniel A. Maciel, Clódis O. Andrades Filho, Lorenzo F. S. Mexias, Guilherme G. Oliveira, Pâmela B. Herrmann, Fabio C. Alves, and Thomas Glade

In May 2024, a Mega Disaster hit 96% of the municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) state, southern Brazil, causing 182 casualties and impacting approximately 2.4 million people. In addition to the floods that hit the capital Porto Alegre, more than 15,000 landslides were recorded due to the extreme rainfall event (> 600 mm in some regions), severely impacting an area of nearly 18,000 km². Although other landslide events have been recorded in RS in the past, none of them have matched the magnitude of this one. In this sense, we aimed to generate a landslide susceptibility model, based on historical data and evaluate its capacity to forecast the areas affected by landslides in 2024. This retrospective assessment was performed using an inventory of four past events between 1995 and 2017, totalling 1,211 landslides, represented by 15,580 points. We randomly selected the same number of points (15,580) over the RS to represent non-landslide areas and split the entire sample set into training (70%) and validation (30%). A Random Forest model, leveraging seven morphometric parameters, was employed to generate the map, which was evaluated with the validation sample set. A second validation was carried out considering the landslides in 2024, represented by 324,500 points. This validation was based on the relationship closeness between 2024 landslides and each susceptibility class using frequency ratio. The last evaluation consisted of analysing landslide areas (rupture, propagation, and deposition) and their distribution in each susceptibility class. To achieve this, we automatically divided the 2024 landslide points into three sets, according to the altitude difference found in each polygon. Our landslide susceptibility map presented a high performance, with an overall accuracy of 0.9, being capable of correctly classifying 64% of 2024 landslides into susceptible areas (very high, high, and moderate susceptibility classes). The very high susceptibility class accounted for 31% of the 2024 landslides and had a frequency ratio of 13.04, showing a high correlation between landslide locations and the analysed class. Further analysis revealed that the model successfully predicted 79% of rupture zones, highlighting its robustness in identifying key prone areas. While the model performed well in identifying rupture and propagation areas as susceptible, its predictions for deposition zones were less accurate, likely due to limitations in the historical inventory, which was carried out after 2017, when most landslide deposition areas were no longer visible in remote sensing imagery. Furthermore, even though the 2024 Mega Disaster was responsible for 12.5 times more landslides than all the previous inventory, our model based on 1,211 landslides correctly classified around 9,600 landslides (64%) in susceptible areas. Therefore, although the 2024 extreme rainfall event was much larger than any previously recorded in the region, many areas could have already been identified as susceptible. Finally, the existence of a more complete landslide inventory (including rupture, propagation, and deposition areas) provides more accurate susceptibility maps, which can support territorial planning, contributing to disaster risk management, mitigation strategies, and land use policies.

How to cite: Quevedo, R. P., Maciel, D. A., Andrades Filho, C. O., Mexias, L. F. S., Oliveira, G. G., Herrmann, P. B., Alves, F. C., and Glade, T.: Could such a large landslide event be expected in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil? Using past events to predict the area impacted by the 2024 Mega Disaster, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15304,, 2025.

EGU25-16171 | Orals | NH3.6

3D limit equilibrium analysis: an opportunity for quantitative landslide susceptibility assessment at the scale of the urban area 

Piernicola Lollino, Angelo Ugenti, Federica Angela Mevoli, Daniela de Lucia, and Nunzio Luciano Fazio

Landslide susceptibility assessment at scales wider than the single slope has been so far carried out mainly through heuristical/geomorphological and/or statistical methods, except for applications limited to shallow landslide predictions by means of infinite-slope limit equilibrium models (Godt et al. 2008). Owing to the complexity of developing quantitative deterministic susceptibility models at wide scales, taking into account also deep and complex landslide mechanisms, the application of limit equilibrium methods as well as numerical stress-strain methods have been historically limited to the scale of the single slope. However, the increased availability of powerful computational tools as well as the existence of detailed geological and geotechnical databases at scales that are intermediate between the single slope and the regional scales, as for example the scale of a single urban centre, allow for extending the application of three-dimensional limit equilibrium analysis to the assessment of landslide susceptibility at such scale, also taking into account the failure susceptibility of deep and complex landslide mechanisms. This contribution presents a physically-based methodology aimed at assessing landslide susceptibility at the urban area scale, for both shallow and deep instability processes involving urbanized areas that are diffusely affected by landsliding processes (Ugenti et al. 2025). The proposed methodology has been applied to the municipality of Carlantino (Daunia Apennines, Southern Italy) as a test case study, using the available geological and geomorphological datasets as well as the soil geotechnical property data. Based on a three-dimensional geotechnical model, 2.5 km2 wide, a three-dimensional limit equilibrium analysis has been develop to obtain a mechanically-based map of the safety factors at the urban area scale, assuming different scenarios related to the groundwater table depth, which has been validated against geomorphological evidence and remote sensing data. The proposed approach, which is supposed to be exportable to other geological environments, provides a valuable tool for quantitative assessment of the slope stability conditions of an overall urban area to be used for a more rational approach of urban planning policies and risk management activities.



Godt J.W., Baum R.L., Savage W.Z., Salciarini D., Schulz W.Z., Harp  E.L. (2008). Transient deterministic shallow landslide modeling: requirements for susceptibility and hazard assessments in a GIS framework. Engineering Geology, 102 (3-4), 214-226.

Ugenti A., Mevoli F.A., de Lucia D., Lollino P., Fazio N.L. (2025). Moving beyond single slope quantitative analysis: a 3D slope stability assessment at urban scale. Engineering Geology, 344, 107841, doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2024.107841.

How to cite: Lollino, P., Ugenti, A., Mevoli, F. A., de Lucia, D., and Fazio, N. L.: 3D limit equilibrium analysis: an opportunity for quantitative landslide susceptibility assessment at the scale of the urban area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16171,, 2025.

Rain-induced landslides pose a global threat, resulting in significant casualties and infrastructure damage annually. Such impacts can be reduced utilizing efficient early warning systems to plan mitigation measures and protect vulnerable elements. This study presents an innovative geophysical monitoring approach that combines electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and quasi-distributed opto-electronic sensing (OES), deployed on a clay rich slope typical of thousands in the Greater Bay Area, China. ERT is used to generate detailed dynamic resistivity maps, combined with OES-indicated moisture content, highlighting the spatial-temporal distribution of slope-scale moisture content. The relationship between the analytical solution of Factor of safety informed by ERT-derived dynamic moisture maps and contemporaneous landslide displacement is confirmed by quasi-distributed OES strain measurements. By revealing the connection between landslide movement and ERT-OES-informed slope stability, this combined ERT and OES monitoring approach offers new insights into landslide mechanisms. Our study demonstrates the importance of relying on multi-source observations to develop effective landslide risk management strategies and accents the advantages of incorporating subsurface geophysical monitoring techniques to enhance landslide early warning approaches.

How to cite: Shen, P.: In-situ Time-lapse Geophysical Monitoring for Rain-induced Landslide Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16837,, 2025.

EGU25-17059 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

A Physically-based 3D Landslide Susceptibility Model for Shallow Translational Landslides using DEM 

Enok Cheon, Emir Ahmet Oguz, Amanda DiBiagio, Luca Piciullo, Tae Hyuk Kwon, and Seung Rae Lee

Shallow landslides are frequently observed at natural slopes and often lead to more destruction through flow-like disasters. Traditionally, physically-based landslide susceptibility models utilized infinite slope stability analysis to determine slope stability in terms of factor of safety (FS) over regional scales. Although the infinite slope model is computationally less demanding, it cannot account for the spatial variability of soil properties and the three-dimensional (3D) effects arising from complex topography. However, using 3D slope stability models is computationally demanding and suffers from discontinuity introduced by abrupt changes in soil thickness. Therefore, this research proposes a new Three-Dimensional Translational Shallow (3DTS) slope stability model to overcome these drawbacks of the existing models with complex 3D sliding surfaces.

The developed 3DTS model utilizes the Green-Ampt (GA) infiltration model and the 3D extension of the Janbu simplified method of slope stability. The 3DTS utilizes a generalized GA model to account for non-uniform infiltration history and compute the surface runoff. In 3D limit equilibrium slope models, the failing soil mass must be subdivided into rigid soil columns; however, the developed 3DTS uses the cells from a digital elevation model (DEM) as the rigid soil columns. The shear strength, modeled with the Mohr-Coulomb criterion, is provided by the soil frictional resistance on the base and the side regions of the outermost soil columns. Additional strength from the vegetation roots at the shallow surfaces is modeled.

The method used in the developed 3DTS model for generating slip surfaces from DEM cells was verified by comparing computed FS with the 3-Dimensional Probabilistic Landslide Susceptibility (3DPLS) model, which uses ellipsoidal slip surfaces. A parametric study analyzed the sensitivity of the slip surface's shape, the side soil resistance, and the vegetation resistance to shallow translational failures. The applicability and computational efficiency of the developed 3DTS for large-scale landslide susceptibility assessment were demonstrated by analyzing landslide case studies in Norway and South Korea.

This work is the result of collaboration between Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) through the project GEOMME (2021-2026; Pnr. 322469), “Climate-induced geohazards mitigation, management, and education in Japan, South Korea, and Norway”, supported by the Research Council of Norway.

How to cite: Cheon, E., Ahmet Oguz, E., DiBiagio, A., Piciullo, L., Kwon, T. H., and Lee, S. R.: A Physically-based 3D Landslide Susceptibility Model for Shallow Translational Landslides using DEM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17059,, 2025.

EGU25-17609 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Evaluating the Potential of AI-Generated Landslide Inventories for Hazard and Risk Management: Advancements and Limitations 

Sansar Raj Meena, Saurabh Singh, Rajeshwari Bhookya, and Mario Floris

Landslide inventories are fundamental for susceptibility mapping, hazard modeling, and risk management. For decades, the geoscientific community has relied on manual visual interpretation of satellite and aerial imagery for landslide inventory generation. However, manual methods pose significant challenges, including subjectivity in landslide boundary delineation, limited data sharing within the scientific community, and the substantial time and expertise required for accurate mapping. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have spurred a surge in research on semi-automated and fully automated landslide inventory mapping. Despite this progress, AI-generated inventories remain in their developmental phase, with no existing models capable of consistently producing ground-truth representations of landslide events following a triggering event. Current studies utilizing AI-based models report F1-scores ranging between 50% and 80%, with only a few achieving over 80%, often limited to the same study areas used for model training. This highlights a significant research gap in the reliability and generalizability of AI-generated inventories for hazard and risk assessments. The geoscientific community must critically assess the accuracy and transferability of AI-generated landslide data to ensure their applicability in subsequent phases of landslide response and mitigation. Further collaborative efforts and benchmark datasets are needed to establish standardized protocols for validating AI-generated landslide inventories across diverse geomorphological settings.

How to cite: Meena, S. R., Singh, S., Bhookya, R., and Floris, M.: Evaluating the Potential of AI-Generated Landslide Inventories for Hazard and Risk Management: Advancements and Limitations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17609,, 2025.

EGU25-18378 | Orals | NH3.6

A physics-based generalised failure law for forecasting catastrophic landslides 

Qinghua Lei and Didier Sornette

Forecasting catastrophic slope failures is one of the most challenging tasks in landslide hazard analysis. Reliable landslide forecast is essential for civil authorities to effectively inform the public about potential mountain collapses and their timing, facilitating timely evacuations and the implementation of other safety measures. Over the past decades, great efforts have been devoted to develop and deploy high-precision monitoring technologies to observe unstable slope movements. Various empirical or physical approaches have also been proposed to forecast imminent slope collapses, the predictability of which, however, still remains elusive. One major uncertainty arises from the intermittency of geomaterial rupture behaviour, which is typically characterised by a series of progressively shorter quiescent phases interrupted by sudden accelerations, rather than a smooth continuous progression of deformation and damage. This seemingly erratic pattern complicates landslide prediction. Here, we propose a generalised failure law based on the log-periodic power law singularity model for more reliable time-to-failure forecast of catastrophic landslides. Incorporating a discrete hierarchy of time scales and rooted in the fundamental principles of statistical physics, this novel failure law accurately captures the intermittent rupture dynamics of heterogeneous geomaterials at the site scale. It ensures robustness while maintaining a strong connection to the underlying physical processes. By "locking" into the oscillatory structure of rupture dynamics, this parsimonious model transforms intermittency from traditionally perceived noise into essential information to constrain its prediction. We extensively validate this new failure law on a large dataset of 49 historical landslide events, across a wide range of contexts including rockfalls, rockslides, clayslides, and embankment slopes. The results indicate that our method is general and robust, with significant potential to mitigate landslide hazards and enhance existing early warning systems.

How to cite: Lei, Q. and Sornette, D.: A physics-based generalised failure law for forecasting catastrophic landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18378,, 2025.

Possible landslide zone is chosen from historical events, triggering factors, terrain and many others. Only rainfall induced landslide is considered as the candidate site, and it could be as many as thousand cases for any incoming typhoon or storm in Taiwan. Movements gathered by satellite In-SAR; rock strength estimation of slope is managed by GIS to select the possible sites of the most dangerous slope. Install a pair of 50 Hz GNSS on the slope to obtain the baseline change to reveal the stability and meanwhile the derived wet delay of GNSS signals at various azimuth and directions offer better prediction of rainfall intensity than QBSUM. Once the estimate rainfall will over the threshold of slope unit then the Ku band GB-SAR is deployed to capture the real-time slope movement. The average slip rate of slope surface movement is recorded via different amount of rainfall, whenever continuous 3-time detected slip rate or 3 monitored sub-zone are exceeded than averaged slip value then a landslide warning is issued. It took 5 minutes to calculate the GNSS wet delay for the next half hour rainfall estimation; 3 minutes by GB-SAR to detect and validate the slip rate of slope. This configuration could detect mm level slope movement within hundreds meter distance or cm level in 2 Km away from the slope.

How to cite: Yu, T.-T. and Peng, W.-F.: Landslide Early Warming Configuration with 50Hz GNSS and GB-SAR in Mountain Region of Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2026,, 2025.

In January 2024, a significant earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula, causing numerous landslides across the affected region. Subsequently, in September 2024, the area experienced a 100-year extreme rainfall event, which triggered further large-scale landslides. These phenomena are considered to be compound disasters resulting from multiple interrelated factors.

The strong seismic shaking during the major earthquake weakened the ground strength across a wide area, leaving unstable sediment from collapsed slopes accumulated on mid-mountain regions. Even in areas where immediate damage appeared minimal, the seismic event significantly heightened the potential risk of landslides in mountainous regions. Under such conditions, subsequent extreme rainfall poses a high likelihood of triggering large-scale landslides.

To mitigate damage, it is essential to monitor potentially hazardous areas in mountainous regions following an earthquake and assess the degree of downstream risk to communities. Effective risk communication is vital to ensure residents take appropriate evacuation measures during heavy rainfall.

This study proposes a localized Early Warning System (EWS) that considers watershed dynamics and evaluates its significance. Drawing from the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, where IoT-based sensors were employed in a localized EWS, the effectiveness and challenges of such systems are discussed.

Based on the above, this paper explores monitoring methodologies aimed at preparing for compound slope disasters caused by post-earthquake heavy rainfall, with a focus on fostering safe and resilient communities.

How to cite: Sakai, N.: Localized Early Warning Systems for Compound Slope Disasters: Insights from Rainfall-induced landslides after major earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2669,, 2025.

EGU25-3649 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

Decoding Landslide Movements and Kinematic Zones from Landslide Planforms 

Ugur Ozturk, Kushanav Bhuyan, and Kamal Rana

Landslide planforms are commonly used as a chunk in various applications, from volume estimates to hazard/susceptibility modelling. These oversimplifications may decrease the accuracy of predictive models. We developed two complementary models that leverage a landslide’s topology and morphology to improve information in existing landslide databases by distinguishing movement types such as slides, flows, and falls and delineating the kinematic zones, source versus runout.

The first model identifies underlying movements by examining the 3D shapes of landslides (Bhuyan et al., 2024). Tested on inventories across Italy, the United States Pacific Northwest, and Türkiye, the method achieves >80% accuracy in distinguishing various and even complex coupled movement types. Further application to undocumented landslides in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake-affected region illustrates the method’s potential to inform hazard evaluations.

The second model classifies source and runout zones of landslides with margins of error below 15–20% (Bhuyan et al., 2025). The initial model is developed and validated in geomorphologically diverse regions such as Dominica, Türkiye, Italy, Nepal, and Japan. Subsequent deployments in Chile, Japan (Hokkaido), Colombia, Papua New Guinea, and China reveal source areas commonly occupy less than 30% of a landslide’s total footprint.

These complementary steps hence provide robust and scalable solutions for missing landslide data, which are essential for improving predictive models. They lead to better hazard assessments and a deeper understanding of landslide initiation and propagation. To ease reusability, we will soon integrate these modelling steps into the existing classifier library (Rana et al., 2022).


Bhuyan, K., Rana, K., Ferrer, J. V., Cotton, F., Ozturk, U., Catani, F., and Malik, N.: Landslide topology uncovers failure movements, Nat Commun, 15, 2633,, 2024.

Bhuyan, K., Rana, K., Ozturk, U., Nava, L., Rosi, A., Meena, S. R., Fan, X., Floris, M., Van Westen, C., and Catani, F.: Towards automatic delineation of landslide source and runout, Engineering Geology, 345, 107866,, 2025.

Rana, K., Malik, N., and Ozturk, U.: Landsifier v1.0: a Python library to estimate likely triggers of mapped landslides, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 3751–3764,, 2022.


How to cite: Ozturk, U., Bhuyan, K., and Rana, K.: Decoding Landslide Movements and Kinematic Zones from Landslide Planforms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3649,, 2025.

Generating a landslide susceptibility map taking into account casual factors like slope geometry, soil/rock types, river location, groundwater conditions, rainfall data and human activities, also including the infrastructures at risk, in order to accurately evaluate the proneness to landslides at fine spatial resolution is a highly-demanding task. Using high-quality data from 3298 different generations of landslides and non-landslides, a framework using Google Earth Engine has been efficiently developed for evaluating landslide susceptibility in the Daunia area of the Italian Southern Apennines, a sector extensively affected by gravitational phenomena of different typologies in Apulia region (Southern Italy). Casual factors including internal (predisposing) and external (preparatory and triggering) factors have been considered to be used within Spatial Data Modellers (SDM). Further, a cloud computing platform via algorithmic models, easily to update, has been created to derive a susceptibility map at the regional scale, especially useful in areas with highly complicated topography. To this purpose, different methods have been compared, including Fuzzy logic methods (Gamma, Product, Sum, And, and Or), as well as machine learning algorithms, such as RF (random forest) and GTB (GradientTreeBoost). The results have been represented via classification and regression modes. A performance analysis has been also carried out and the best modeling performance is observed to belong to the RF algorithms, as provided by Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): 0.05, R-squared: 0.9825 (regression mode), and Accuracy: 0.8409 (84.09%), 95% CI : (0.8102, 0.8683), P-Value : < 2.2e-16, Kappa : 0.7626 (classification mode), Kappa statistic measures the agreement between the observed accuracy and the accuracy that would be expected by chance. A Kappa of 0.7626 indicates substantial agreement. Considering the Pearson correlation matrix heatmap, visually representing the Pearson correlation coefficients between pairs of variables, it is observed that rainfall, lithology and slope geometry can have the strongest impact on the occurrence of landslides in Daunia. The framework developed in this study is supposed to be applied not only in the region under study, but also in other landslide-prone areas around the world.  

How to cite: Sabaghi, M., Lollino, P., and Parise, M.: Developing a framework through Analytical Models on Google Earth Engine for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in the Daunia area, southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6005,, 2025.

Landslide Early Warning Systems (LEWSs) are cost-effective solutions designed to prevent loss of life and economic damage caused by landslides by issuing timely warnings to communities. Traditionally, LEWSs rely on rainfall thresholds, which, while simple and accessible, consider only rainfall data and overlook critical hydrogeological soil properties. To improve accuracy, Machine Learning (ML) algorithms have been adopted to generate landslide susceptibility maps by integrating multiple geoenvironmental factors. However, susceptibility maps lack a temporal dimension, limiting their applicability to LEWSs.

Recent advancements in ML have enabled the creation of Landslide Hazard Maps (LHMs) that incorporate spatial and temporal predictions, significantly enhancing their relevance for LEWSs. Despite these improvements, their practical implementation into LEWSs faces two challenges: i) the absence of standardised validation methods to ensure reliability, and ii) a mismatch between pixel-based LHMs and the larger spatial units used for regional warnings. This discrepancy limits the use of LHMs by civil protection authorities, who require simplified and reliable data to effectively coordinate warnings and responses over wide areas.

This study introduces a standardised and automatic validation approach using the Double-Threshold Validation Tool (DTVT). This tool aggregates pixel-based LHMs into broader spatial units called Pixel Aggregation Units (PAUs). Each PAU is classified as unstable based on two thresholds: the Failure Probability Threshold (FPT), indicating the probability above which a pixel is considered unstable, and the Instability Diffusion Threshold (IDT), defining the minimum number of unstable pixels required to classify an entire PAU as unstable.

The DTVT automatically iterates through FPT-IDT combinations, calculating performance metrics to identify the optimal pair that ensures zero missed alarms and minimizes false positives. This process transforms detailed, pixel-based maps into practical hazard assessments suitable for regional LEWSs. Furthermore, the DTVT allows for the calibration of three criticality levels (low, moderate, and high) by adjusting FPT and IDT values.

To demonstrate its effectiveness, the study applies the DTVT in Florence, Italy, using LHMs developed with advanced ML techniques incorporating temporal dimensions. The case study illustrates how the DTVT simplifies complex landslide probability data into actionable warnings, enabling real-time decisions by civil protection agencies.

How to cite: Nocentini, N., Segoni, S., Rosi, A., and Fanti, R.: Double-Threshold Validation Tool (DTVT): a tool for automatically validating and converting pixel-based landslide hazard maps into actionable warning criteria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6630,, 2025.

EGU25-7441 | Posters on site | NH3.7

A nation-wide nowcasting system for Italy combining rainfall thresholds and risk indicators 

Samuele Segoni, Nicola Nocentini, Francesco Barbadori, Camilla Medici, Alessio Gatto, Ascanio Rosi, and Nicola Casagli

We propose a national scale landslide nowcasting system for Italy (300,000 km2) by combining rainfall thresholds with a set of spatially explicit risk indicators. The combination of these two very different elements is obtained through a dynamic matrix, which was purposely calibrated to provide an output in the form of five possible levels of expected risk (from R0 to R4). These levels are connected to the growing intensity of expected impacts and a pre-defined confidence in issuing warnings without omitting alarms.

A specific set of rainfall thresholds is defined for each of the 150 alert zones (AZ) in which Italy is divided. The risk indicator is defined at a municipality level. The calibration of the dynamic risk matrix is carried out independently for each AZ, following predefined operational criteria.

The verification of the matrix outputs was satisfactory as no AZs experienced landslides at the R0 level; only two of them had more than 10% of landslides at the R1 level, and most of the AZs had more than 90% of the landslides in the R2 to R4 risk classes. A comparison with a nation-wide dataset of very severe hydrogeological disasters further proved the consistency of the model outputs with the scenarios that occurred during past events, as most part of the impacts occurred in places and times when the matrix outputs were at the highest levels.

The proposed methodology represents a reliable improvement for state-of-the-art territorial warning systems, as it brings two main advances: (1) the spatial resolution is greatly improved, as the basic spatial unit for warning is downscaled from AZs to municipalities (whose average extension, in Italy, is about 1770 and 38 km2, respectively); (2) the outputs can better address the needs of landslide emergency management, as the warning are specifically addressed to small areas based on the expected impacts (since risk indicators are used in the dynamic matrices), rather than on the probability of landslide occurrence.

How to cite: Segoni, S., Nocentini, N., Barbadori, F., Medici, C., Gatto, A., Rosi, A., and Casagli, N.: A nation-wide nowcasting system for Italy combining rainfall thresholds and risk indicators, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7441,, 2025.

EGU25-8036 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

A threshold updating model for rainfall-induced landslide 

Xingchen Zhang and Lixia Chen

Rainfall threshold is an effective way for landslide early warning (LEW). Many threshold calculation models based on statistical principles have been proposed, or have been applied in national or regional early warning of geological hazard. However, due to global warming, frequent extreme rainfall and other factors, the triggering conditions of geological hazards have changed. And a fixed single rainfall threshold may no longer be applicable. In addition, the traditional threshold model requires a large number of high-quality landslide records in the region, and it is easy to ignore the heterogeneity of geological environment. Therefore, taking the slope unit as the object, we explore the dynamic updating model of rainfall threshold based on machine learning. 
Based on 170 high-risk slope units in Lin 'an District of Zhejiang Province and 65625 warning data from 2021 to 2023, we collected landslide records, rainfall station information and hourly rainfall data simultaneously. According to E-D threshold model and effective antecedent rainfall model, the general law of rainfall-induced landslide in Lin 'an District is derived, which is used as prior knowledge for model training. Then, through the warning data recorded in each slope unit, Decision Tree (DT), Bayesian Ridge (BR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) are selected as base learners, and ensemble strategies such as Bagging, Boosting, and Stacking are considered to dynamic updating of rainfall thresholds. 
Taking R2, Mean Square Error (MSE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) as evaluation metrics, the Stacking model shows the best prediction performance. In addition, two new landslides occurred in 170 slope units in 2024 were used to verify, and it was found that the updated threshold reduced the redundant workload and gave an accurate early warning of landslides. However, the volume of warning data and its distribution on different rainfall indicators are important factors affecting the threshold update. The accuracy of updating threshold needs to be tested with more experience and practice. 
The warning data reflects the response of slope to rainfall under different rainfall conditions, which is of great significance to the threshold update of slope unit. The dynamic updating of rainfall thresholds using machine learning meets the application requirements of current climate change and provides new ideas for disaster prevention and mitigation in the new era.

How to cite: Zhang, X. and Chen, L.: A threshold updating model for rainfall-induced landslide, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8036,, 2025.

Empirical thresholds are crucial tools for predicting the occurrence of rainfall-induced shallow landslides, debris flows and flash floods at territorial scale. These thresholds are typically based only on rainfall data, but this approach overlooks the influence of predisposing conditions and complex hydrogeological processes in the area of interest. The soil response under intense meteorological events can be better investigated by using local monitoring data; indeed, a deeper knowledge of the possible effects in the ground of different rainfall events could provide fundamental support to decision makers towards warning for potential critical events over a relatively wide area (e.g., a catchment or a municipality).

To this aim, IoT monitoring networks have been installed within two small catchments in the municipalities of Amalfi and Sorrento (Campania region, southern Italy). The two monitoring networks―active since autumn 2023 and spring 2024 respectively―can be defined as multifactor networks; in fact, they include sensors installed to monitor the following variables: rainfall, soil water content, soil suction and water level in streams. The sensors have been installed at several locations, covering both the upstream and the downstream sections of the two catchments. This allows the combined use of widespread meteorological data and local real-time measurements coming from monitoring devices installed at specific spots of geomorphological interest. To fully characterize the weather conditions and their potential to cause shallow landslides, debris flows and flash floods, data from satellite observations and reanalysis products are also considered in the analysis. The multifactor time-series analysis is aimed at establishing correlations between the collected variables and at defining a relationship between the local meteorological conditions and the hydrogeological response in the shallower soil layers.

The final aim is the identification of proxies of “critical conditions” over time, that can be used to improve the performance of territorial warning models for rainfall-induced shallow landslides, debris flows and flash floods.

How to cite: Menichini, R., Pecoraro, G., Rianna, G., and Calvello, M.: Multifactor analysis of IoT, satellite and reanalysis time-series for early warning of rainfall-induced shallow landslides, debris flows and flash floods at municipal scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8157,, 2025.

EGU25-8639 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.7

Landslide Susceptibility Maps in Slovenia: landslides, rock falls & debris flows 

Gisela Domej, Jernej Jež, Špela Kumelj, Domen Turk, Andrej Novak, and Karin Kure

Situated in the South-Eastern Alps, Slovenia belongs to the (high-)mountainous countries of Europe, with Mount Triglav marking the highest elevation at 2,864 masl. The country is crossed by several mountain ranges in the north and the Dinaric Alps stretching from the center towards the south-east; further south-west, a karst plateau elevates the topography of the country. Throughout all the lithologic and topographic diversity, mass movements are common and frequently associated with a variety of spatial factors favoring their formation.

Slovenia recognizes the need for comprehensive mapping of mass movements and analyzing the associated contribution factors to provide safe frameworks for land use planning, and the Slovenian Geological Survey (GeoZS) has been working regularly in accordance with these guidelines for several years. Initial works by Komac (2000–2009) set prominent contributing factors (e.g., lithology, elevation, slope aspect, slope inclination, terrain roughness, terrain curvature, distance to streams, distance to faults, and land cover) in relation to landslide formation by uni- and multivariate statistics. Here, the term “landslide” covers different types of mass movements without further differentiation.

Based on the relations of the univariate statistical analysis, further refined individual algorithms were developed for landslides, rock falls and debris flows, selecting and gradually adjusting contributing factors for each of the three phenomena.

Applying fuzzy logic and linear membership functions, weights are attributed to relevant factors for landslides, rock falls, and debris flows, respectively. This concept entails that the GeoZS’ approach to the national risk assessment of mass movements is based on susceptibility (i.e., not on probabilities) and, hence, the notion of return periods for events of specific characteristics does not apply.

We present the Slovenian Landslide Susceptibility Map at the scale of 1:250,000 as well as some of the 95 already processed municipality Landslide Susceptibility Maps at the scale of 1:25,000 reflecting the geomorphologic variability of the country resulting in different mass movement patterns with respect to magnitude, frequency, type, contributing factors, and associated risk.

The map at the scale of 1:250,000 is one of the components of the Slovenian Landslide Forecasting and Warning System MASPREM.

How to cite: Domej, G., Jež, J., Kumelj, Š., Turk, D., Novak, A., and Kure, K.: Landslide Susceptibility Maps in Slovenia: landslides, rock falls & debris flows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8639,, 2025.

EGU25-10481 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

Exploring the potential of lagged ERA5-Land Soil Moisture Data for Real-Time Landslide Prediction Using Neural Networks   

Nunziarita Palazzolo, David Johnny Peres, Gaetano Buonacera, Robert Daniel Zofei, and Antonino Cancelliere

The identification of landslide triggering conditions is a fundamental step for the development of effective landslide early warning systems (EWSs), essential for reducing the risks and impacts of these natural disasters. Enhancing the predictive accuracy of these systems requires advanced methodologies such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) that can dynamically assess landslide triggering conditions. Recent advancements have demonstrated significant improvements in landslide prediction when using ANNs fed with observed precipitation and multilayered soil moisture data from ERA5-Land at the onset of rainfall events. However, ERA5-Land data are typically available with a delay of approximately five days, making their direct application to real-time prediction systems challenging. This study investigates the feasibility of utilizing lagged ERA5-Land soil moisture data for real-time landslide prediction and evaluates impacts on predictive performance. Neural networks were developed using soil moisture data lagged by 0 to 15 days prior to rainfall events. The test-application focused on the case study of Sicily, Italy, and revealed that lagged soil moisture data affect prediction accuracy, which still significantly higher than using just precipitation data. For the lags of interest, the reduction of performance is modest. Specifically, with a 5-day lag, the True Skill Statistic index decreased only marginally, from 0.78 to 0.72. These findings highlight the potential for incorporating ERA5-Land multilayered soil moisture data into operational LEWSs, even when using lagged datasets, with potential real-time applications. 

How to cite: Palazzolo, N., Peres, D. J., Buonacera, G., Zofei, R. D., and Cancelliere, A.: Exploring the potential of lagged ERA5-Land Soil Moisture Data for Real-Time Landslide Prediction Using Neural Networks  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10481,, 2025.

Rainfall-induced landslides and debris flow as one of the most common geohazards, causing significant societal and economic impacts. To enhance the accuracy of early warning systems and reduce the risks associated with these events, it is essential to establish precise and regionally adaptive rainfall thresholds. This study addresses the challenges in defining rainfall thresholds by integrating rainfall data with landslide datasets that include large-scale landslides caused by Typhoon Morakot, which are defined as those with an area larger than 10 hectares, a volume exceeding 100,000 cubic meters, or a depth greater than 10 meters, small-to-moderate sized (defined as those with a sliding area of less than 10 hectares, a soil volume of less than 100,000 cubic meters, and a sliding depth of less than 10 meters) landslides triggered by Typhoons Sinlaku and Kongrey, and recent debris flow events (2019–2023) in the Putunpunas River area of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. By incorporating diverse landslide magnitudes and climatic conditions, this study seeks to improve the reliability and adaptability of rainfall thresholds.
For rainfall data preprocessing, the first step was to determine the climatic season (cold season: October to April; warm season: May to September) for each rainfall record. Based on the season, rainfall events were initially separated using intervals of 3 hours (warm season) or 6 hours (cold season). Hourly rainfall measurements below 0.2 mm were excluded (set to 0). Subsequently, rainfall events were reconstructed using adjusted interval criteria of 6 hours for the warm season and 12 hours for the cool season. Valid rainfall events were required to have cumulative rainfall greater than 1 mm. Only events meeting this condition were further processed. Finally, rainfall events were redefined based on adjusted intervals of 5 hours for the warm season and 10 hours for the cool season to better capture event continuity.
This study employed the bootstrap technique to estimate rainfall thresholds under various exceedance probabilities (0.005% to 50%). The threshold curve is expressed as E=(α±∆α)∙D^(γ±∆γ) , where α represents the baseline proportional constant between cumulative rainfall (E,unit:mm) and event duration(D,unit:hr), reflecting the vertical shift of the threshold under different probability conditions. ∆α represents the standard deviation of α , quantifying its uncertainty. Additionally,γ=-β+1, where β is the average slope of the best-fit line (T50), and ∆γ is the standard deviation of γ . These parameters effectively describe the uncertainty range of the thresholds across different probabilities.
The results show that α and γ under different exceedance probabilities provide a reliable description of rainfall thresholds, which can be adjusted regionally based on local topographical and different scales and corresponding event types conditions, Typhoon Gaemi in 2023 can serve as a validation case. Ultimately, this study provides a robust scientific foundation for rainfall threshold estimation, supporting the implementation of early warning systems for rainfall-induced landslides and contributing to regional risk management and disaster mitigation strategies.

Key words: Landslide、Rainfall、Debris flow、Empirical rainfall thresholds

How to cite: Chu, C. H. and Chao, W. A.: Reconstruction of Rainfall Events and Empirical Rainfall Threshold Modeling for Landslide and Debris Flow Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10590,, 2025.

EGU25-10800 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.7

Statistical analysis of shallow landslides in the Alpes-Maritimes (France) : predisposing factors, meteorological variables, and extreme events 

Lucie Armand, Guillaume Chambon, Séverine Bernardie, and Olivier Cerdan

Shallow landslides, characterized by sudden, superficial movements and the absence of precursors, pose an increasing threat to the population and local authorities, particularly in the context of climate change and rapid urbanization. A good understanding of the triggering mechanisms of these phenomena is essential to predict their occurrence and to design reliable early warning systems. For that purpose, the retrospective analysis of event inventories can provide critical information on predisposing and triggering factors, making it possible to establish, e.g., susceptibility maps and rainfall triggering thresholds.

This study presents the results of a statistical analysis of an inventory of 4786 shallow landslides that occurred in the Alpes Maritimes department (southeastern France). This area, characterized by Mediterranean and mountainous climates, is prone to intense and localized rainfall events. It was severely impacted by the Alex storm in October 2020, an exceptional event that triggered numerous landslides among other consequences. A total of 1656 landslides in our inventory are related to this storm. Our objective is to assess how landslides triggered by this exceptional event can integrated into hazard analyses.

For that purpose, we analyse the relations between two groups of landslides (i.e Alex or non-Alex landslides) and both meteorological variables and predisposing factors. Cumulative rainfall/duration thresholds are computed using the CTRL-T algorithm (Melillo et al., 2018). Results show that rainfall thresholds for landslides triggered by Storm Alex are significantly higher than those for other landslides. In addition, predisposing factors, in particular the geology derived from the harmonized geological map of France, show different distribution The formations corresponding to surface deposits, such as debris material, were more heavily mobilized during storm Alex. The implications of these outcomes for improving the reliability of susceptibility maps and early warning systems are discussed.

How to cite: Armand, L., Chambon, G., Bernardie, S., and Cerdan, O.: Statistical analysis of shallow landslides in the Alpes-Maritimes (France) : predisposing factors, meteorological variables, and extreme events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10800,, 2025.

EGU25-11121 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.7

The actual effective reliability of a high-alpine real-time monitoring system 

Johannes Leinauer and Michael Krautblatter

Landslide early warning depends on the availability of reliable real-time monitoring data. In this context, high reliability means optimal data continuity (minimal data loss), sufficient redundancy of sensors observing a variety of parameters, and a high accuracy of monitoring techniques. Nowadays, most manufacturers can provide nearly perfect reliability for modern IoT monitoring devices under laboratory or calibration conditions. However, under challenging high alpine conditions, the actual effective reliability of a monitoring system remains unknown as long as the system is not fully operational or is even kept confidential from the public.

Here, we analyse the effective reliability of the real-time monitoring system at the Hochvogel summit (2,592 m a.s.l.) where conditions combine limited access throughout the year especially in winter, inaccessible steep areas, no permanent power supply, high snow loads, high probability of lightning strikes, and highly jointed and weathered rock mass. The monitoring system is operational since October 2019 transmitting data every 10 min via wireless LoRa technology from 10-12 geotechnical sensors (crack meters, laser distance meters, inclinometers, rain gauge). Many sensors operate at the edge of radio range (2,800 m horizontal and 1,500 m vertical distance to the gateway, mostly without direct line of sight). We analyse the probability of data loss in three categories: (i) daily average, i.e. days on which at least one measured value was transmitted are valid; (ii) hourly average; and (iii) all 10-minute data. Generally, the probability of missing data increases with higher temporal resolution, as suboptimal conditions and transmission problems are often short-lived. Due to its magnitude and failure process, we expect the Hochvogel instability to accelerate several hours to few days before failure. Therefore, hourly and daily datasets are most important. The daily transmission reliability for most sensors is 97.3–100 %. From the laser distance gauges, less data can be used for early warning, as they are covered by snow for several months per year. On an hourly basis, the transmission reliability is 96.7–99.4 % for crack meters, and 56-65 % for the laser distance sensors.

This analysis of more than 5 years of data allows us to quantify the effective reliability of the Hochvogel monitoring system and to identify the most important reasons for data loss and particularly critical periods in which several sensors fail simultaneously. This will help decision-makers and responsible parties to plan or adapt their systems and give guidance on how much financial means they must spend to reach the desired level of resilience, reliability, or redundancy.

How to cite: Leinauer, J. and Krautblatter, M.: The actual effective reliability of a high-alpine real-time monitoring system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11121,, 2025.

Taiwan's precipitous landscape, susceptible geological composition, and high-intensity rainfall contribute significantly to the prevalence of slope instabilities. The amplification of extreme precipitation events, driven by climatic changes in recent years, has further escalated the risks associated with slope failures. In the context of large-scale landslide monitoring systems, the strategic positioning of monitoring instruments and the calibration of alert thresholds present critical challenges. Effective placement of these instruments is paramount, targeting zones of notable displacement and active slope dynamics to ensure the acquisition of timely and precise data necessary for managing emergent landslide risks. Additionally, the establishment of scientifically grounded warning thresholds can markedly improve the efficiency of disaster prevention mechanisms.

This study integrates a Material Point Method (MPM) numerical model with recorded monitoring data to construct a comprehensive model that accurately reflects the physical behaviors and existing conditions of the Guanghua landslide area. The MPM is adept at addressing large deformation scenarios and provides a detailed depiction of slope displacement behaviors, which are verified through comparisons with field monitoring data. Incorporating engineering reliability analysis into the model allows for the consideration of uncertainties, enhancing discussions on optimal monitoring strategies and the determination of effective warning thresholds. The outcomes of this research are instrumental in refining slope disaster monitoring systems, advancing early warning capabilities, and developing sophisticated risk management strategies.

How to cite: Lin, P.-Y. and Liao, K.-W.: Optimizing Landslide Monitoring and Alert Systems through Material Point Method Modeling: A Case Study of the Guanghua Landslide in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12637,, 2025.

The movement of rain-induced landslides is a complicated process with largely unknown mechanisms that can have devastating consequences globally every year. Aiming to unravel the hydrological-mechanical interactions that govern the dynamics of such landslides, we studied a rain-induced clayey landslide in the Greater Bay Area of China, where the sliding surface was located beneath the groundwater level, representative of many landslides in clay rich lowland slopes near human activities. Aligning with previous studies, there is a strong correlation between observed groundwater levels and landslide displacement. However, our field measurements accented an intriguing pattern: the rising rate of groundwater levels, rather than their absolute values, exhibited a remarkably synchronized relationship with landslide motion. Slope stability modeling suggests that the observed landslide behavior could be predicted by including rainfall infiltration based on initial groundwater levels, whereas modeling considering solely transient groundwater levels may fail to capture landslide movement. The changes of groundwater levels in all landslides involve rainfall infiltration processes, and the speed of groundwater level rise may actually reflect the saturation state of slopes. Our findings suggest that the saturation state of slopes likely modulates landslides movement and should be considered to improve predictions of clayey landslides initiation and mobility.

How to cite: Huang, T. and Shen, P.: Key Features of Rain-induced Clayey Landslide: Groundwater Level Rising Rate Highly Synchronized with Landslide Speed, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16110,, 2025.

EGU25-16264 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

Considerations on Forecasting the time of failure of Tailings Dams and a heap leach facility through Satellite InSAR Data 

Istvan Szakolczai, Emanuele Intrieri, Tommaso Carlà, Luca Piciullo, Regula Frauenfelder, and Malte Vöge

This work addresses the complex challenge of forecasting the Time of Failure (ToF) for tailings dam and a heap leach facility using Satellite InSAR data. These structures can be susceptible to sudden instabilities due to the contractive and brittle behavior of tailings, and constant remodeling in mining areas can introduce bias in data retrieval from satellites. Moreover, these structures are seldom monitored and the cost-effective coverage of satellite InSAR data can be a useful tool to deploy. 

We developed a probabilistic and multi-model approach to forecast ToF and assess the confidence of these predictions, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Our method, the Reiterative Algorithm (RA), provides ToF forecasts using different forecasting method employing iteratively each new data available and yielding a broad range of predictions. The main purpose of this methodology is to fully exploit the predictive potential from slight acceleration signals before failure, monitored with low-temporal resolution instruments such as Satellite InSAR. Some recent papers claim the possibility of predicting brittle failures of such structures.   

Emphasis is placed on both the predictability of failure occurrence and the confidence of these forecasts, which is crucial for issuing warnings. 

Results are presented for four tailings dam – Dam B1 at the Córrego do Feijão mine in the town of Brumadinho (Brazil), Jagersfontein tailings dam (South Africa), NTSF Embankment at Cadia (Australia), and Zelazny Most (Poland) - and a heap leach facility at Copler Mine (Turkey). All except Zelazny Most experienced failure.

The findings advance the understandings of ToF predictability and highlight the need for further research to improve the accuracy of such forecasts.  

How to cite: Szakolczai, I., Intrieri, E., Carlà, T., Piciullo, L., Frauenfelder, R., and Vöge, M.: Considerations on Forecasting the time of failure of Tailings Dams and a heap leach facility through Satellite InSAR Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16264,, 2025.

EGU25-16489 | Posters on site | NH3.7

Landslide early warning system based on a dynamic machine learning approach: a case study in Italy 

Ascanio Rosi, Nicola Nocentini, Samuele Segoni, Stefano Luigi Gariano, Maria Teresa Brunetti, Silvia Peruccacci, Massimo Melillo, Nunziarita Palazzolo, David J. Peres, and Antonino Cancelliere

Regional Landslide Early Warning Systems (LEWS) typically rely on rainfall thresholds, that correlate precipitation data with past landslide occurrences to forecast future events. While these systems are simple and accessible, they often lack spatial resolution and fail to capture the complex relationships driving landslides, as they consider only rainfall as input, neglecting critical hydrogeological soil properties. On the other hand, Machine Learning (ML) techniques offer the advantage of incorporating multiple geoenvironmental factors, and have been widely applied to generate landslide susceptibility maps. However, these methods are constrained to spatial predictions, limiting their applicability to LEWSs.

This study presents a dynamic ML methodology using the Random Forest (RF) algorithm to generate daily Landslide Hazard Maps (LHMs), which allow to predict the probability of landslides occurrence in both space and time. The proposed approach integrates dynamic rainfall data (both daily and antecedent rainfall) with static geoenvironmental attributes.

The proposed dynamic methodology involves using a temporally-explicit landslide inventory and identifying non-landslide events over time and space. This allows the inclusion of dynamic variables, such as daily and antecedent rainfall, in the model. It also allows the inclusion of traditional static parameters such as lithology and geomorphologic attributes.

Key innovations achieved are: (1) integration of dynamic rainfall variables as model input, (2) interpretation of model decisions through Partial Dependence Plots to assess their geomorphological plausibility, (3) iterative training on imbalanced datasets to improve predictive accuracy, and (4) the identification of a warning criterion for integrating the generated LHMs into a prototype LEWS.

The methodology was applied using the ITALICA landslide inventory, which provides spatiotemporal information for each event, along with satellite-based precipitation data (GPM IMERG). The use of slope units instead of pixels enhances the representation of geomorphological processes. The model was trained and tested in the Ligu-C Alert Zone (Liguria, Italy), an area with complex geology and high annual rainfall (>3000 mm). Subsequently, the generated predictor model was applied successfully simulating the September 2015 event, a period of intense rainfall, demonstrating its high reliability in distinguishing stable from unstable conditions.

Results confirm the potential of dynamic RF models to overcome the limitations of static ML approaches, providing actionable and interpretable outputs for operational LEWS. Future research will focus on extending this methodology across Italy and validating it against independent datasets to ensure robust predictions in different geoclimatic contexts.

Work supported by PRIN-ITALERT project, funded by European Union – Next Generation EU  M4.C2.1.1 - CUP: B53D23006720006

How to cite: Rosi, A., Nocentini, N., Segoni, S., Gariano, S. L., Brunetti, M. T., Peruccacci, S., Melillo, M., Palazzolo, N., Peres, D. J., and Cancelliere, A.: Landslide early warning system based on a dynamic machine learning approach: a case study in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16489,, 2025.

EGU25-18175 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

Data Science-based Separation of Triggering and Non-Triggering Rainfall of Landslides for Threshold Attribution 

Naveen Sagar and Srikrishnan Siva Subramanian

Territorial Landslide Early Warning Systems (Te-LEWSs) globally rely on meteorological and hydro-meteorological thresholds for effective warning dissemination. In India, the widely used Intensity-Duration (ID) curve serves as a primary meteorological threshold for landslide forecasts, while hydro-meteorological thresholds, such as the Soil-Water Index (SWI), remain under evaluation. Challenges persist in threshold attribution due to uncertainties in meteorological and landslide datasets. To address this gap, this study employs data-science-based approaches to differentiate triggering and non-triggering rainfall events across multiple Indian regions: Kerala, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, and Himachal Pradesh. The analysis identifies ID thresholds for landslide forecasting with over 90% confidence and an accuracy exceeding 85%. Additionally, SWI-based hydro-meteorological thresholds are derived, though further refinement is needed for enhanced accuracy. Using hourly meteorological data from multiple sources, the study demonstrates the robustness of data-driven methodologies in resolving uncertainties and improving the reliability of Te-LEWS thresholds in India.

How to cite: Sagar, N. and Siva Subramanian, S.: Data Science-based Separation of Triggering and Non-Triggering Rainfall of Landslides for Threshold Attribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18175,, 2025.

EGU25-20285 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.7

A Dynamic Landslide Model for Early Warnings in Colombia's Roads 

David Alejandro Urueña Ramirez, Mateo Moreno, Luigi Lombardo, Derly Gómez, Johnny Vega, and Cees van Westen

Landslides pose a critical threat to Colombia’s Andean region, where steep topography and intense rainfall events frequently disrupt road infrastructure. Although data-driven models are widely used for landslide susceptibility, they often focus on static conditioning factors without fully capturing the temporal dimension essential for early warning. Integrating space and time into a single model remains challenging due to data heterogeneity, incomplete inventories, and the complexity of rainfall triggers. In this study, we address these gaps by developing a space-time data-driven landslide model tailored for an Early Warning System (EWS) that targets roadblocks.

We address this challenge by combining multiple landslide inventories, satellite rainfall estimates (CHIRPS), and 15-day ensemble rainfall forecasts (CHIRPS-GEFS), the project aims to provide forecasted landslide probabilities. The workflow is structured into three phases. First, a landslide inventory is compiled by harmonizing multiple datasets—each varying in quality, completeness, and spatial-temporal granularity. We address inconsistencies across institutional, academic, and regional inventories to derive a consolidated database of over 17,000 rainfall-induced landslides. Second, with this inventory, we extract data on static and dynamic predictors such as slope steepness, geology, land cover, and rainfall. Using generalized additive models (GAMs), we estimate daily landslide probabilities at a spatial resolution suitable for critical road segments. We compare short-term (1–3 days) to medium-term (up to 15 days) forecasting accuracy to assess model performance. Third, results are translated into spatial dynamic probability thresholds. These thresholds are designed to alert authorities about imminent or escalating risks of landslide-induced roadblocks.

Preliminary tests indicate that this type of space-time model is particularly suitable for integrating forecast-based rainfall data and testing multi-day lead times. The final outcome is a prototype EWS component where probabilistic landslide alerts are updated daily, contributing to risk-informed decision-making for road infrastructure management in Colombia. This contribution discusses the methods, preliminary results, and future steps.

How to cite: Urueña Ramirez, D. A., Moreno, M., Lombardo, L., Gómez, D., Vega, J., and van Westen, C.: A Dynamic Landslide Model for Early Warnings in Colombia's Roads, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20285,, 2025.

EGU25-7 | Posters on site | NH3.8

A Study on Infucencible Factors to LoRa LPWAN for monitoring System in Slopes 

Chihping Kuo, Pochen Tsai, Xiaoxuan Tseng, and Meichun Liu

In Taiwan, due to the sparse population in mountainous areas, the 4G and 5G coverage is incomplete and the power system in the landslide area is not well-connected. Therefore, how to transmit the monitoring data back to the server and upload it to the cloud in real time during the monitoring of the slopes has always been a crucial issue in disaster prevention technology. Long-Range Low Power Wide Area Network (LoRa LPWAN) is a relatively new communication technology in recent years. According to the related literature and the project report made by our team, the temperature and humidity of the LoRa transmission system have a great influence on its Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) under indoor experiments, and the higher the temperature, the lower the RSSI, and the higher the temperature, the higher the humidity will amplify the effect of RSSI, and the higher humidity, the higher RSSI, the higher humidity, the higher RSSI. The RSSI is higher in high humidity, and the transmission range is wider in urban areas and smaller in forested areas, and the transmission range is much smaller than that in urban areas. In this study, the effects of common climatic conditions in Taiwan and the changes in transmission distance on RSSI in forested areas were simulated and the effects of RSSI strength on the data leakage rate were collected. In addition, this study has also placed the LoRa system into the existing landslide sites for testing, and the results found that during rainfall, although there is no change in RSSI, the data leakage rate will be increased, and whether or not the communication sites are visible or not will produce a great change in RSSI and data leakage rate. In the number one site, the distance between the test stations is 766m and can be viewed, and the average RSSI is -88.0 dB. In the number two site, the distance between the test stations is 713m away and cannot be viewed, the RSSI is -112.1dB on average and the data leakage rate is high. Comparing overall factors, the terrain is the most influenceable factor in the performance of LoRa.

How to cite: Kuo, C., Tsai, P., Tseng, X., and Liu, M.: A Study on Infucencible Factors to LoRa LPWAN for monitoring System in Slopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7,, 2025.

EGU25-2231 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Multi-Temporal Analysis of Scarp Expansion in the Kamitokitozawa Landslide: Insights from Tree-Ring, UAV Data, and Google Earth Imagery 

Reona Kawakami, Ching-Ying Tsou, Yukio Ishikawa, Shigeru Ogita, Kazunori Hayashi, Daisuke Kuriyama, and Keita Ito

The expansion of tension cracks, step-like terrain, and other features associated with landslide reactivation is prominent phenomena within the landslide area, making the investigation of their temporal development essential for understanding landslide dynamics. In this study, we aim to examine the temporal development of an NW-SE trending counter scarp with a height up to approximately 3 m within the Kamitokitozawa landslide in Akita prefecture, Japan, using a combination of multiple approaches. The approaches include dendrogeomorphological analyses, such as analyzing tree-ring eccentricity, the recovery age of stem wounding caused by landslides in 11 disks from Cryptomeria japonica, and the establishment ages of shade-intolerant tree species, along with interpretations of multi-temporal Google Earth imagery and topographic data derived from a laser-equipped UAV. These approaches allow us to reconstruct the multiple stages of scarp development, which may have initially formed on its southeast side, creating a forest gap in 2010, based on Google Earth imagery and subsequent expansions of the scarp. Dendrogeomorphological analyses indicate expansions during 2016–2017 and 2020–2021, based on the recovery age of stem wounding, as well as during 2019–2023, based on the establishment ages of shade-intolerant tree species. Additionally, 13 events spanning from 1995 to 2021 were identified from tree-ring eccentricity, with a notable clustering around 2018–2021. Additionally, expansions of the scarp were captured in 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023 based on the UAV topographic data.

How to cite: Kawakami, R., Tsou, C.-Y., Ishikawa, Y., Ogita, S., Hayashi, K., Kuriyama, D., and Ito, K.: Multi-Temporal Analysis of Scarp Expansion in the Kamitokitozawa Landslide: Insights from Tree-Ring, UAV Data, and Google Earth Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2231,, 2025.

EGU25-2255 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Advancing Landslide Investigations: High-Resolution Slip Surface Estimation Using UAV Technology 

Shigeru Ogita, Ching-Ying Tsou, Kzunori Hayashi, and Shinro Abe

The rapid and cost-effective identification of slip surface geometry is essential for efficient landslide investigations and mitigations. Conventional methods for analyzing slip surfaces were typically determined by observations from boring surveys. However, when these surveys are prolonged, they can impose significant economic burdens. In this study, we proposed a novel method for estimating slip surfaces using high-density surface displacement vectors derived from multi-temporal topographic data collected with laser-equipped UAVs. The study focused on landslides in the Neogene formations of the Tohoku region, Japan, where boring data were available for validation (c.f. Ogita et al., 2024). This method was employed to estimate the geometrical dimensions of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) slip surfaces, achieving maximum agreement rates of 90% and 84%, respectively. These results validate the proposed approach as sufficiently accurate for planning future landslide mitigation measures.



OGITA, S., HAYASHI, K., ABE, S., TSOU, C.-Y. (2024): Estimation of slip surface geometry from vectors of ground surface displacement using airborne laser data : case studies of the Jimba and Tozawa landslides in Akita Prefecture, Journal of the Japan Landslide Society, 61(4) 123-129 (In Japanese with English Abstract).

How to cite: Ogita, S., Tsou, C.-Y., Hayashi, K., and Abe, S.: Advancing Landslide Investigations: High-Resolution Slip Surface Estimation Using UAV Technology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2255,, 2025.

EGU25-4094 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Improving the Understanding of Alpine Mass Movements by leveraging AI on Spaceborne InSAR Data 

Gwendolyn Dasser, Alessandro Maissen, Jordan Aaron, and Andrea Manconi

Alpine environments are shaped by slow-moving mass movements that can accelerate suddenly, potentially leading to catastrophic failures that threaten human life, infrastructure, and ecosystems. Recent events which occurred without recognized prior warning signs highlight the need for systematic regional-scale monitoring, aimed at improving our understanding of landslide dynamics and associated risks. Spaceborne interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) provides high-resolution surface displacement data, making it a powerful tool for observing slope activity at different spatial and temporal scales. However, the interpretation of InSAR data remains time-intensive and subjective, limiting its utility for large-scale, continuous assessment. Artificial Intelligence (AI) may offer a solution to these challenges, by enabling automated analysis of InSAR data. Deep learning models, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), can be exploited to extract information on the location and activity status of mass movements from interferograms. Moreover, such an approach would reduce subjectivity of expert interpretation while increasing scalability and maximizing spatial coverage.

This work combines AI-driven surface displacement detection with geomorphological assessments to identify correlations between mass movement behaviour and driving factors across different types of mass movements in space and time. Mass movements in the canton of Valais, Switzerland, were manually mapped on Sentinel-1 wrapped interferograms acquired from two ascending and two descending tracks, spanning 12- to 18-day baselines. Classification was performed by considering an internationally established landslide classification scheme – with the addition of the rock glacier class. A specifically developed U-Net model trained on this dataset is applied and evaluated against expert mapping on previously unseen imagery. Performance, assessed via Intersection over Union metric, indicates that AI results are comparable to expert manual mapping. Future iterations aim to incorporate activity status detection and then also automated process classification using optical imagery and digital elevation models. This will allow us to focus on uncovering the underlying mechanisms of landslides through extensive spatio-temporal analyses that integrate geomorphological factors such as geological conditions, topography, and climate variables.

How to cite: Dasser, G., Maissen, A., Aaron, J., and Manconi, A.: Improving the Understanding of Alpine Mass Movements by leveraging AI on Spaceborne InSAR Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4094,, 2025.

EGU25-5015 | Posters on site | NH3.8

Local scale Landslide Monitoring in Tbilisi city (Georgia) 

Merab Gaprindashvili, George Gaprindashvili, Zurab Rikadze, Otar Kurtsikidze, Ramaz Koberidze, and Roman Kumladze

Landslides pose a significant threat to human lives and infrastructure in various regions worldwide. To mitigate the risks associated with these geological hazards, the deployment of monitoring systems is crucial. This study presents a comparative analysis of monitoring systems, specifically tilt-meters, piezometric sensors, and GPS, UAV employed in landslide-prone area. The objective is to assess their effectiveness in detecting and monitoring landslide event in Libani str. (Tbilisi city, Georgia).

The deployment of monitoring systems, such as tilt-meters, piezometric sensors, and GPS, UAV plays a pivotal role in landslide risk management. Tilt-meters provide crucial information about slope stability by measuring changes in ground tilt, while piezometric sensors offer insights into groundwater levels and pore pressure variations. GPS and UAV technology enables precise monitoring of ground displacements and deformation patterns. However, the comparative effectiveness of these systems in diverse geological settings remains a subject of exploration.

Tbilisi city is characterized by a diverse range of geological conditions, including variations in soil types, morphology, tectonic, hydrogeological and climate characteristics. Real-time data collected from the monitoring system will be analyzed to detect precursory signs of landslides and assess the performance of the systems in capturing critical events. Landslide in Libani str. is situated in the capital city, a public school and a multi-storey building are under the landslide risk zone.

The findings of this study are anticipated to provide valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of each monitoring system in landslide detection. Furthermore, the research underscores the importance of integrating multiple monitoring systems to enhance the accuracy and reliability of landslide monitoring networks. The outcomes will guide decision-makers, geotechnical engineers, and researchers in selecting appropriate monitoring systems for effective landslide risk management strategies.

How to cite: Gaprindashvili, M., Gaprindashvili, G., Rikadze, Z., Kurtsikidze, O., Koberidze, R., and Kumladze, R.: Local scale Landslide Monitoring in Tbilisi city (Georgia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5015,, 2025.

The failure of mining voids and the formation of sinkholes is a major hazard at both active and dismissed mining areas that may cause important social and economic losses for the communities leaving nearby. Monitoring ground motions at mining area has been proved to successfully reduce the occurrence and the consequences of sudden sinkhole collapses. However, while most active mines are constantly monitored today, the ground instabilities around dismissed mining areas often remain disregarded. In southern Tuscany (Italy), the Gavorrano area was among the biggest pyrite (FeS2) mines in Europe during its period of activity (1898-1981). According to mining reports, the pyrite extraction was accompanied by the failures of underground mining voids and some of them were followed by the formation of fractures at the surface. Today, the area shows significant evidence of sinkhole activity, with the major Monte Calvo sinkhole dominating the landscape of Gavorrano. However, the spatio-temporal evolution of the sinkhole phenomena, the relationship with mining, and the potential ongoing sinkhole activity in the area remained unclear. In this study we combined InSAR measurements from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) with historical mining reports and maps, aerial images, high-resolution Digital Surface Models (DSMs) and field surveys to reconstruct the long-term spatial and temporal evolution of ground deformation around the mining area of Gavorrano and to explore the possible relationship with the mining activity. Three sinkholes were identified: Monte Calvo, Valsecchi, and Ravi; the latter two have never been reported in the literature. The sinkholes have a spatial correlation with the mining voids and galleries. InSAR revealed that an area of ~ 700 m × 400 m around the Monte Calvo sinkhole has been subsiding with rates of ~5 mm/yr between 2016-2022. Conversely, no evidence of deformation is observed at Valsecchi, Ravi, and the nearby city of Gavorrano. The collected data suggest that the sinkhole activity has been induced by the past mining activity (until 1981) in the area. Possible scenarios to explain the observed deformation could envisage for: 1) a constant long-term subsidence; 2) an evolution characterised by multiple sudden collapses punctuated by periods of gradual subsidence; 3) a gradual stabilization of the area. Slowing down surface velocities respect to the past suggest that the Monte Calvo sinkhole is stabilizing. However, future sinking episodes cannot be ruled out if the underground stability conditions change, for example, for further mining voids failures.

How to cite: Tinagli, L., La Rosa, A., and Paoli, G.: Decadal spatio-temporal reconstruction of mining-induced sinkholes activity in Gavorrano (Italy) using remote sensing and field data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5077,, 2025.

The geological conditions in the alpine gorge regions of western China are complex, with widespread and frequent disasters that result in hundreds to thousands of deaths and billions of yuan in direct economic losses annually. Currently, nearly 300,000 potential geological hazard sites have been identified in China, yet over 70% of the geological hazards that lead to disastrous consequences occur outside these known potential hazard areas. Therefore, conducting early and precise identification of large-scale landslide hazards is of great significance for enhancing China's geological disaster prevention and control capabilities. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), due to its characteristics of large coverage, all-weather measurement, and non-contact measurement, has been widely used and valued in the early identification and monitoring of landslide hazards. However, in engineering applications of early landslide hazard identification using InSAR technology, there are issues such as geometric distortions caused by SAR satellite oblique viewing that are unclear in terms of how to accurately identify them on a large scale and their impact on InSAR monitoring, as well as the quantitative relationship between detected Line of Sight (LOS) deformation and true deformation, and the unclear removal methods for atmosphere-related and spatially heterogeneous atmospheric effects caused by unique topographies in alpine gorge regions when external data are not available.

This study reviews the current application status of InSAR technology in the early identification and monitoring of landslide hazards, and clearly and innovatively addresses the key issues in its engineering applications, such as limitations in spatial detection capabilities, LOS detection sensitivity, and atmospheric correction methods in mountainous areas. It also summarizes the application characteristics and future prospects of InSAR technology, which is of great significance for effectively conducting engineering applications of InSAR technology in geological disaster prevention and control.

How to cite: Dai, K.: Early Identification, Monitoring, and Warning of Landslide Hazards in Steep Mountainous Areas using InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5109,, 2025.

EGU25-5731 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

New Smart Extenso-Inclinometer for monitoring slow moving landslides 

Erika Molitierno, Antonia Brunzo, Edoardo Carraro, Emilia Damiano, Martina de Cristofaro, Thomas Glade, Philipp Marr, and Lucio Olivares

Landslides are a serious hazard globally and the exposed areas require a strong effort for their surveillance and protection of populations and infrastructures at risk. When the volumes involved in complex gravity-driven processes are enormous, it would be difficult or impossible to implement active works for landslide hazard mitigation. Therefore, a better understanding of the underlying processes is necessary. A possible way to go forward is to implement a monitoring system in an affected area which allows to observe possible accelerations of the movement in order to implement appropriate mitigation strategies. In active slow landslides, inclinometer monitoring is a valuable resource despite its limitations, such as low spatial resolution, time-consuming activities, unserviceability in case of high deformation of the inclinometer casing.

To overcome these challenges, a new Smart Extenso-Inclinometer (SEI) has been developed. This instrument is realized by disposing of four patented NSHT (New Smart Hybrid Transducers) transducers, based on fiber-optic sensing technology, on the outer surface of an inclinometer casing, enabling traditional measurements to be conducted simultaneously. The adopted sensing technique is based on the stimulated Brillouin scattering phenomena which allows detection of strain and temperature changes along the NSHT with a spatial resolution up to 20cm.

To test the effectiveness of the new device in different contexts and conduct an in-depth investigation of the landslide mechanics, some SEIs were installed at the study area of Centola (Italy) and at the Brandstatt landslide observatory in Lower Austria (NE Austria). In the first site, an active landslide system involves a layer of landslide debris and a conglomeratic formation which extensively outcrops above the marl-clayey Mesozoic formation. Here, n.2 SEIs have been installed to couple manual inclinometric measures. The Austrian study area represents a good example of a potentially deep-seated, complex slow-moving earth slides system that involves clay-rich lithological formations and deeply weathered materials. This slope exhibits surface geomormological features often indicative of continuous, slow landslide activity, which is also shown by traditional inclinometer measurements in selected locations across the slope. Here, n.1 SEI has been installed in an inclinometer casing in the most active sector of the slope instability.

The first monitoring results show that the strain profiles obtained with the innovative instrument are consistent with the inclinometer data in revealing the main characteristics of both monitored slope movements. Moreover, the use of SEI added information not recognizable with the conventional inclinometer, as it revealed not only the horizontal but also the vertical component of soil strain, so acting like a distributed extenso-inclinometer. This is particularly important in scenarios such as the one of Centola , where the displacement components in horizontal and vertical directions are of the same order of magnitude.

The ongoing research activity demonstrates the effectiveness of the SEIs, highlighting the advantages of distributed soil strain detection compared to traditional displacement measurement techniques, for accurate and long-term monitoring of complex landslides.

How to cite: Molitierno, E., Brunzo, A., Carraro, E., Damiano, E., de Cristofaro, M., Glade, T., Marr, P., and Olivares, L.: New Smart Extenso-Inclinometer for monitoring slow moving landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5731,, 2025.

EGU25-9349 | Posters on site | NH3.8

Applying an EGMS-based approach to assess potential ground movement impacts on Spain's coastal municipalities 

Juan López-Vinielles, Pablo Ezquerro, Marta Béjar-Pizarro, Roberto Sarro, María Cuevas-González, Anna Barra, Guadalupe Bru, Mónica Martínez-Corbella, Jhonatan S. Rivera-Rivera, Pablo V. Miranda-García, Oriol Monserrat, Carolina Guardiola-Albert, Gerardo Herrera, and Rosa M. Mateos

A recent article using data from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) to assess the vulnerability of the Spanish coastline to ground movements was published in October 2024 (López-Vinielles et al., 2024). The study, funded by the “Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia - Financiado por la Unión Europea - Next Generation EU” programme and conducted within the framework of the RISKCOAST project (Ref. SOE3/P4/E0868), the EGMS RASTOOL project (Grant Agreement No. 101048474), and the SARAI project (PID2020-116540RB-C22), examines the coastline's exposure to ground movements and their potential impacts on roads, buildings, and populations.

Utilizing a suite of post-processing tools including ADAfinder, 9,010 Active Deformation Areas (ADAs) across 805 coastal municipalities were identified, with 1,916 affecting roadways and 2,596 affecting buildings. Most ADAs exhibited vertical movement due to land subsidence, while horizontal movements, mainly linked to landslides, were also significant. The majority of ADAs showed moderate to low displacement rates (<25 mm/yr). The potential economic impact was estimated at €19,428.4 million, with €1,716.4 million attributed to roads and €17,712.0 million to buildings. Additionally, 134,236 people were identified as potentially vulnerable.

The study highlights a higher exposure of Spain's Mediterranean coast compared to the Atlantic coast, and a higher exposure of the Canary archipelago compared to the Balearic Islands. Andalusia and Murcia are identified as the most vulnerable regions. The higher exposure of the Mediterranean coast is particularly evident in the southern Mediterranean, where rapid tourist expansion and extensive urban and infrastructure development increase the incidence of ground motion processes affecting built-up areas. Specifically, climatic conditions and intense water demand along this stretch of coast have led to aquifer overexploitation, contributing to widespread land subsidence. Additionally, landslides pose a significant concern along this region, particularly in the Alpine mountain ranges running parallel to the coast.

The research underscores the potential of the EGMS for conducting both preliminary population exposure analyses and preventive risk assessments to mitigate road and building damage. While the study provides a static overview of the potential socio-economic impact of ground motion on the Spanish coast, the EGMS offers significant potential for ground movement mapping across Europe, making it an invaluable tool for risk management, particularly in regions experiencing rapid urban and infrastructure expansion. In this context, the work represents a first step towards developing new EGMS-based applications for impact assessment.


López-Vinielles J., Ezquerro P., Béjar-Pizarro M., Sarro R., Cuevas-González M., Barra A., Mateos R.M. (2024). Potential socio-economic impacts of ground movements in the coastal municipalities of Spain: Insights from the supra-regional implementation of the European Ground Motion Service. Ocean and Coastal Management, 259, art. no. 107452.

How to cite: López-Vinielles, J., Ezquerro, P., Béjar-Pizarro, M., Sarro, R., Cuevas-González, M., Barra, A., Bru, G., Martínez-Corbella, M., Rivera-Rivera, J. S., Miranda-García, P. V., Monserrat, O., Guardiola-Albert, C., Herrera, G., and Mateos, R. M.: Applying an EGMS-based approach to assess potential ground movement impacts on Spain's coastal municipalities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9349,, 2025.

EGU25-9364 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8 | Highlight

AI-Driven Approaches applied on Time-Lapse Imagery to Monitor Landform Kinematics 

Hanne Hendrickx, Melanie Elias, Xabier Blanch, Reynald Delaloye, and Anette Eltner

Moving landforms, such as active rock glaciers and landslides, can pose significant hazards, particularly in densely populated regions such as the European Alps. Traditional techniques used to monitor landform kinematics, including in-situ differential Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and georeferenced Total Station (TS) measurements, face limitations in capturing the rapid and localized movements due to environmental constraints and restricted spatial coverage. Remote sensing methods provide improved spatial resolution but often fall short in temporal resolution, limiting their ability to capture sub-seasonal dynamics.

This study presents a novel methodology that integrates Artificial Intelligence (AI) and monoscopic time-lapse imaging to address these challenges, enabling high-temporal-resolution velocity estimation for dynamic landform processes. Focusing on the Grabengufer site in the Swiss Alps, we applied our approach to time-lapse datasets capturing a fast-moving landslide and rock glacier. Key innovations include the Persistent Independent Particle tracking (PIPs++, Zheng et al., 2023) model for 2D image-based point tracking and a robust image-to-geometry registration process that transfers 2D measurements into 3D object space, facilitating velocity analysis. These processes are supported by GIRAFFE, an AI-based tool utilizing the LightGlue matching algorithm for precise feature registration.

Our methodology was validated against GNSS and TS surveys, demonstrating its ability to deliver spatially comprehensive and temporally detailed velocity data. The results revealed previously unattainable spatio-temporal patterns of landform activity, highlighting the suitability of this approach for monitoring rapid and localized changes. By leveraging existing time-lapse imagery, the methodology provides a low-cost alternative to traditional techniques, with potential applications in less-developed regions where resources for monitoring are limited.

This research underscores the potential of integrating time-lapse images, AI, and geomorphometric analysis to enhance the understanding of landslide behaviour and related hazards. The proposed approach not only advances the capabilities of landslide monitoring but also provides actionable data for long- and short-term risk reduction. Its versatility and cost-effectiveness make it a valuable tool for addressing landslide risks worldwide, contributing to more effective hazard assessment, climate change adaptation, and infrastructure safety planning.


Zheng, Y., Harley, A. W., Shen, B., Wetzstein, G., & Guibas, L. J. (2023). Pointodyssey: A large-scale synthetic dataset for long-term point tracking. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 19855-19865).

Hendrickx, H., Elias, M., Blanch, X., Delaloye, R., and Eltner, A.: AI-Based Tracking of Fast-Moving Alpine Landforms Using High Frequency Monoscopic Time-Lapse Imagery, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2024.

How to cite: Hendrickx, H., Elias, M., Blanch, X., Delaloye, R., and Eltner, A.: AI-Driven Approaches applied on Time-Lapse Imagery to Monitor Landform Kinematics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9364,, 2025.

EGU25-10535 | Posters on site | NH3.8

Rapidly assessing coseismic landslide occurrence using logistic regression model and initial P-wave amplitude 

Cheng-Hung Chou, Wei-An Chao, and Che-Ming Yang

On April 3, 2024, coseismic landslides (CL) triggered by the Hualien earthquake with local magnitude of 7.2 caused significant economic losses and casualties. To better understand the occurrence patterns and factors influencing CL, this study built a multivariate logistic regression model using the CL consists of a total number of 3,191 samples, which can provide the probability of landslide occurrence in a given area. To ensure accurate sampling of non-coseismic landslides (NCL), all polygon areas where CL occurrence existed in slope units were removed, and 3,191 random slope areas were mapped as NCL samples. Causative factors used in analysis include gradient, aspect, elevation and curvature of slope, distances to the earthquake and a fault, the angle between slope aspect and earthquake-to-slope azimuth, lithology. Seismic shacking factors including peak ground acceleration (PGA) and peak ground velocity (PGV) are used as the triggering factors. The CL and NCL samples are assigned the class label values of 1 and 0, respectively. The dataset was split into training (70%) and testing (30%) subsets, with each sample containing 29 features and 1 target class label. To balance complexity and accuracy, stepwise regression based on Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and multicollinearity control (VIF < 5) were used to select key variables. The model was then developed to predict landslide probabilities in the test set. To determine the optimal classification threshold, the Youden index was calculated from the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. Model performance was evaluated using confusion matrices, with metrics such as accuracy, recall, and F1 score to assess overall effectiveness. Additionally, SHapley's Additive Interpretation (SHAP) was applied to quantify the contributions of individual variables. Model 1 (landslide threshold: 0.4569) demonstrated strong performance, achieving 96.26% accuracy, 97.30% precision, 95.16% recall, and a 96.22% F1-score on the training set, and 97.18% accuracy, 97.38% precision, 96.97% recall, and a 97.18% F1-score on the test set. To enhance interpretability, Model 2 (threshold: 0.4939) excluded variables like area, minimum slope, and slope range. By focusing on key variables, Model 2 reduced overfitting risks and improved prediction reliability, offering more consistent results in new regions or emergency scenarios. Despite a slight drop in performance, Model 2 maintained high accuracy (95.28% training, 95.82% test) and reliable metrics across precision, recall, and F1-scores. Partial correlation plots (PDP) and boxplots confirmed its enhanced reliability in predicted probabilities, showing improved consistency compared to Model 1. To further enhance disaster response, the study incorporated an early warning system using the peak displacement of initial P-wave (Pd). When the on-site vertical displacement exceeds 0.12 cm, a CL alarm is issued, providing a lead time of 6 to 14 seconds before peak ground shaking. This integrated approach bridges early warning and post-disaster assessment, enhancing resilience and preparedness in seismically active regions.

This study proposes a framework that integrates early warning and post-disaster assessment for coseismic landslides (CL). Combining logistic regression with P-wave information, the system enables timely alerts and effective damage evaluation, bridging hazard detection and recovery planning to enhance disaster resilience.

How to cite: Chou, C.-H., Chao, W.-A., and Yang, C.-M.: Rapidly assessing coseismic landslide occurrence using logistic regression model and initial P-wave amplitude, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10535,, 2025.

The Ili River basin is situated at the intersection of China and Central Asia. Due to the Tien Shan’s complex terrain and geological structures, frequent and widespread landslides occur in this region, accounting for nearly 60% of all geological hazards in Xinjiang Province. Although satellite-based interferometric monitoring (InSAR) is an effective approach for identifying potential landslides, challenges remain regarding the interpretability of observed deformation signals. In this study, wide-area InSAR processing was employed to detect the distribution of potential landslides. An explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) model—LSTM-SHAP—was then proposed to analyze deformation mechanisms and elucidate landslide types. Notably, the SHAP map provided a quantitative and detailed explanation of landslide attributions, revealing how controlling factors vary during deformation evolution. By training on historical deformation patterns, future scenarios can be generated for more accurate deformation prediction and landslide risk assessment. Our research is expected to provides a new technical reference for landslide monitoring. Moreover, these findings suggest that XAI-based methods can offer civil protection agencies a data-driven perspective for understanding deformation evolution and implementing precautionary measures.

How to cite: Meng, Q., Dai, Y., Chen, S., Wu, H., Peng, Y., and Li, Q.: Identification, Analysis, and Prediction of Landslide Deformation Based on InSAR and an Explainable Neural Network Model: A Case Study in the Ili River Basin, Xinjiang, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10690,, 2025.

EGU25-10718 | Orals | NH3.8

Investigation of Landslide Debris Migration in the Wushe Reservoir Catchment Area, Taiwan 

Kuo-Lung Wang, Jin-Yuan Jhang, Yu-Chung Hsieh, Meei-Ling Lin, and Ching-Weei Lin

Following the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan, the surface soil and rocks were fractured and loosened, making the geology more unstable. As typhoons continued to batter the mountainous regions, the resulting heavy rainfall—in terms of total accumulation and intensity—exacerbated the situation. This caused an increase in the size of the collapsed and exposed upstream catchment areas, leading to more damage from rainwater erosion. The migration of soil and sand into the reservoir, triggering landslides of varying scales or other soil-related disasters, has severely worsened reservoir siltation. Traditional dredging methods are ineffective in solving this issue. Therefore, addressing the migration of soil and sand has become crucial in mitigating and slowing down the process of reservoir siltation.

This study focuses on the Wushe Reservoir catchment area, which is experiencing significant siltation. According to the Water Resources Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the current reservoir capacity is less than 25% of its original design. The study primarily analyzes historical data and ongoing monitoring of the area. By observing the impact of rainfall on the slopes, the study aims to gain a deeper understanding of soil and sand migration in the catchment area.

Additionally, the study employs Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images for Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) analysis to detect potential slope sliding within the study area. Landslide potential is identified through SAR data, and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is used to confirm whether slope sliding is occurring. Data from existing on-site single-frequency and dual-frequency GNSS monitoring equipment are also analyzed for verification.

The study uses NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and GNDVI (Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) to identify bare land affected by landslides and river channels. The accuracy of these interpretations is evaluated using precision analysis metrics. The average accuracy for bare land identification is 73.91%, with an average Kappa coefficient of 69.94%. Rainfall events are categorized to map landslides caused by different rainfall conditions and a landslide mapping model is established. The amount of debris is estimated based on the collapsed area, and soil loss is calculated using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). These results are cross-verified with changes in reservoir capacity over the years to validate the study's findings.

How to cite: Wang, K.-L., Jhang, J.-Y., Hsieh, Y.-C., Lin, M.-L., and Lin, C.-W.: Investigation of Landslide Debris Migration in the Wushe Reservoir Catchment Area, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10718,, 2025.

EGU25-11100 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Pre-Glacial Lake Outburst Flood moraine deformation at South Lhonak Lake, Sikkim, from optical satellite feature-tracking 

Louie Elliot Bell, Maximillian Van Wyk de Vries, Rebecca Dell, and Alessandro Novellino

Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) represent a threat to communities living downstream of rapidly expanding glacial lakes, the hazard from which is exacerbated by ongoing climatic warming and global glacier mass loss. Glacial retreat also exposes unstable and unconsolidated moraine slopes that border glacial lakes, which can trigger GLOFs through mass-movements into the lake. However, few studies investigate the detailed links between multi-year moraine destabilisation mechanisms and eventual failure in these environments. In this study, we explore the pre-collapse deformation of the frozen lateral moraine of South Lhonak Lake, Sikkim, India, that collapsed into the lake and triggered the October 2023 GLOF.

We investigate the deformation using feature tracking of Sentinel-2 optical satellite imagery – a methodology better adapted for monitoring very rapid moraine deformation (>metres per year) than more commonly-used InSAR, particularly for N-S oriented displacements. The results confirm the presence of a dynamic frozen moraine complex in and around the 2023 collapse zone. Two zones of movement are identified, a fast-moving (~10m yr-1), western Zone ‘A’ and - from 2020 onwards - an emergent eastern Zone ‘B’ (~5m yr-1). Coupling of these two zones of moraine movement drives dynamic reorganisation of the entire deforming zone of the moraine complex, triggering a two-year acceleration and reorientation of flow direction in Zone A, followed by an abrupt slowdown in 2022. Our results indicate that emergent zones of landslide motion can alter the wider deformation pattern of adjacent moraine slopes, potentially driven by a reduction in slope shear strength following removal of lateral support. The co-occurrence of this movement and the eventual failure zone lead us to interpret that the observed movements are the precursory motion of the October 2023 permafrost landslide, although the results cannot forecast the exact timing or geometry of the collapse. Whilst glacier retreat undoubtedly facilitated the GLOF through growth of the lake and exposure of the unstable moraine, we find no instantaneous acceleration of the landslide velocities following glacial debuttressing. We highlight the possibility of using open-access remote-sensing data to assess mass-movement trajectories around glacial lakes to better inform GLOF hazard assessment and mitigation efforts.

How to cite: Bell, L. E., Van Wyk de Vries, M., Dell, R., and Novellino, A.: Pre-Glacial Lake Outburst Flood moraine deformation at South Lhonak Lake, Sikkim, from optical satellite feature-tracking, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11100,, 2025.

EGU25-11254 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Dynamics of slow-moving landslides in the Eastern Cordillera of the Central Andes derived from optical satellite imagery 

Florian Leder, Ariane Mueting, Aljoscha Rheinwalt, and Bodo Bookhagen

The Eastern Cordillera of the Central Andes in Northwestern Argentina and Southern Bolivia is an actively deforming mountain front with elevations ranging from ~1 km in the foreland to ~4 km and higher on the Central Andean Plateau. The orographic barrier induces a strong climatic and environmental east-west gradient with peak rainfall in the steep eastward-facing slopes. Frequent rainstorms during the South American summer monsoon in combination with fault-weakened lithologies drive mass-movement processes. The resulting debris flows and landslides pose a serious threat to the local infrastructure.

In this study, we integrate satellite-based optical remote sensing data over the last 10 years to characterize the long-term dynamics of slow-moving landslides in the eastern Central Andes in Argentina. In this way, we aim to establish potential relationships between climatic seasonality, seismic activity and landslide deformation signals. We apply a combination of pixel and feature-based tracking approaches to a data set comprising a network of medium-resolution Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8, and high-resolution SPOT7 optical images. The final ground displacement time series in east-west and north-south directions were reconstructed through time-series inversion. Vertical variations were obtained by comparing high-resolution Digital Surface Models (DSM) produced from tri-stereo SPOT7 images. We attempt to improve the detection of very slow-moving landslides with velocities below 0.5 m/yr by stacking multiple matching pairs and relying on feature-based tracking approaches. In some examples, the displacement time series reveal metric ground displacements following earthquake events observed in the region, changing the dynamics of the landslide.

This study emphasizes the usefulness of large-scale, decadal-long time series of optical satellite imagery and presents a novel GPU-based approach of combining computer vision feature tracking methods with classic correlation based block matching.

How to cite: Leder, F., Mueting, A., Rheinwalt, A., and Bookhagen, B.: Dynamics of slow-moving landslides in the Eastern Cordillera of the Central Andes derived from optical satellite imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11254,, 2025.

EGU25-11795 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Reconstruction of 3D Deformation from GNSS and InSAR Data: A Case Study in Groningen Using EGMS Data. 

Osmari Aponte, Andrea Gatti, and Eugenio Realini

Accurate 3D surface deformation analysis is essential for understanding geodynamic processes and mitigating related hazards. We present a methodology that fuses GNSS and InSAR time series to achieve robust deformation estimates. Our case study focuses on the Groningen region in the Netherlands, an area undergoing significant subsidence and seismicity due to decades of gas extraction. In addition, Groningen benefits from a dense GNSS network spanning approximately 50 × 50 km, offering an ideal testbed for integrated deformation analyses.
The proposed workflow involves preparing GNSS time series from Nevada Geodetic Laboratory by removing common-mode errors and detrending for plate motion, then referencing all stations to a central GNSS antenna. A moving average filter further refines the GNSS time-series. In parallel, we refine the “Basic” EGMS InSAR products by applying smoothed calibration trends derived from the “Calibrated” products. Subsequently, the daily average deformation of InSAR Line-of-Sight (LOS) points near the reference GNSS station is subtracted from all persistent scatterers, ensuring consistent reference frames across both datasets.
To combine InSAR LOS deformation with GNSS 3D data, we identify persistent scatterers within a 100-meter radius of each GNSS antenna and synchronize the reference epochs between both datasets. We then rotate the GNSS East-North-Up coordinates so that one axis aligns with the InSAR LOS, apply an error-weighted least-squares solution to fuse the measurements, and finally reintroduce the out-of-LOS components derived from the pre-processed GNSS data. The resulting full 3D deformation field is then converted back to the ENU coordinate system.
Preliminary analyses suggest that integrating GNSS and InSAR improves reliability in all three components, with particularly notable benefits in the north component. Moving forward, this fusion strategy can be extended to smaller-scale monitoring projects (e.g., dams or bridges), offering a versatile approach to detecting and characterizing localized deformation anomalies.

How to cite: Aponte, O., Gatti, A., and Realini, E.: Reconstruction of 3D Deformation from GNSS and InSAR Data: A Case Study in Groningen Using EGMS Data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11795,, 2025.

EGU25-12171 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

A Workflow for Monitoring Ground Deformations through Spaceborne Optical Offset Tracking 

Lorenzo Nava, Maximilian Van Wyk de Vries, and Louie Elliot Bell

Landslides are among the most destructive geohazards and commonly interact with other hazards, amplifying impacts and leading to cascading and compounding events (Shugar et al., 2021). For example, earthquakes can trigger widespread landsliding, and landslides can induce floods by failing into lakes (e.g. GLOFs) or damming rivers. Identifying the location of potential landslides pre-failure can help understand and mitigate these multihazard events. One possible approach is tracking the precursory failure signals, such as subtle ground displacement, that many landslides exhibit pre-collapse. Enhancing the identification of unstable areas and monitoring their displacement over space and time is therefore critical to understanding their role in multi-hazard chains and mitigating their impacts.

Spatially resolved ground motion monitoring over large areas is only possible with remote sensing techniques, with radar interferometry (InSAR) being the most widely used method. While InSAR is sensitive to small deformations (millimetres to centimetres), it struggles to capture rapid ground motions and is less reliable in regions with dense vegetation. Offset tracking techniques offer an alternative for monitoring faster ground velocities and remain applicable in heavily vegetated areas and for NS-oriented displacements.

In this abstract, we introduce an open-source, cloud-based, end-to-end optical offset tracking tool for ground motion monitoring. Building on previous implementations (Provost et al., 2022; Van Wyk de Vries et al., 2024), the tool leverages Google Earth Engine and Sentinel-2 imagery, allowing users to interactively define the area of interest, automatically download and pre-process satellite data, and compute displacements using different offset tracking techniques. Outputs include velocity maps and time series, with customizable filters to refine results for different use cases and scales. The tool can operate entirely in the Google Colaboratory cloud environment. Hence, it removes the need for local computational resources, avoids software conflicts, and is accessible even to those with limited experience in Python programming. We validated the tool on cases with independent displacement measurements, including the Slumgullion landslide, showing that its results are consistent with existing estimates.

Owing to its ease of use and versatility, the tool is a valuable resource for the multihazard and landslide research communities, complementing InSAR for monitoring surface motion in space and time. The tool can estimate motion in near real time, making it an asset for early warning systems that rely on velocity thresholds or predictive modelling of future motion. Furthermore, its ability to identify unstable slopes can guide targeted, detailed investigations into landslide dynamics, enhancing situational awareness and supporting proactive risk mitigation.


Shugar, D. H., et al. (2021). A massive rock and ice avalanche caused the 2021 disaster at Chamoli, Indian Himalaya. Science, 373(6552), 300-306.

Van Wyk de Vries, M., et al. (2024). Detection of slow‐moving landslides through automated monitoring of surface deformation using Sentinel‐2 satellite imagery. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(4), 1397-1410.

Provost, F., et al. (2022). Terrain deformation measurements from optical satellite imagery: The MPIC-OPT processing services for geohazards monitoring. Remote Sensing of Environment, 274, 112949.

How to cite: Nava, L., Van Wyk de Vries, M., and Bell, L. E.: A Workflow for Monitoring Ground Deformations through Spaceborne Optical Offset Tracking, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12171,, 2025.

EGU25-12194 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

High-frequency UAV LiDAR survey for monitoring active earthflows at the slope scale by using Digital Image Correlation, Homologous Point Tracking and DEM of Differences (Baldiola landslide, Northern Italy) 

Francesco Lelli, Marco Mulas, Melissa Tondo, Cecilia Fabbiani, Vincenzo Critelli, Marco Aleotti, and Alessandro Corsini

The Baldiola landslide (Panaro river valley, Northern Italy) is an active earthflow that has experienced continuous toe advancement and source area widening/retrogression for over 40 years, as evidenced by archive aerial and satellite imagery. This long-term evolution now poses a potential hazard to a residential area near the crown and for slope-river interaction, emphasizing the need for innovative monitoring strategies to assess displacement dynamics and support risk management. For such an objective, during 2024, we have implemented high-frequency (i.e. from weekly to bi-weekly) UAV-based LiDAR & Photogrammetric surveys, in order to obtain a detailed characterization of landslide kinematics.

More specifically, the UAV-derived datasets collected throughout 2024, i.e. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and high-resolution Orthomosaics, were processed in order to obtain spatially distributed slope displacement values across the entire landslide by using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) & Homologous Point Tracking (HPT) for horizontal displacement and DEM of Difference (DoD) for vertical variations. Results have been validated in specific key points by using time series from continuous Robotic Total Station (RTS) monitoring.

Results of archive aerial and satellite imagery analysis showed more than 120 meters retrogression of the main scarp since 1978, with 30 to 50 meters occurring between 2006 and 2024). Results of DIC and HPT evidence differential movement patterns across the landslide body, with higher displacement rates from 5 to 10 m/month recorded along the main channel, particularly in the middle-lower channel and toe area, and extensive retrogression recorded in part of the source area (14 meters between April and November 2024). The comparison between RTS and HPT-derived displacements showed a strong correlation (R² > 0.99 in most cases), confirming the reliability of UAV-based tracking methods. Additionally, DIC analysis successfully captured displacement trends comparable to RTS and HPT, demonstrating the potential of automated image processing for large-scale motion detection. The DoD analysis was essential for tracking and monitoring local reactivations, particularly in the source area, where a depletion of several meters was observed. Furthermore, and altogether, the results unravel mass transfer processes at the slope scale mand the spatial and temporal pattern of progressive acceleration of the landslides from the source area, down into the channel and finally to the toe zone, as well as the peculiar pattern of progressive deceleration of the phenomenon.

This integrated approach allowed a detailed assessment of the landslide’s kinematics, providing valuable insights into its spatial variability and temporal evolution and, ultimately, the processes governing earthflows. The high-frequency UAV dataset proved particularly useful in detecting small-size accelerations and minor reactivations that were not always evident in RTS data alone. Future research will focus on examining the relationship between rainfall events and acceleration phases, aiming to improve the understanding of triggering mechanisms and short-term response dynamics.

How to cite: Lelli, F., Mulas, M., Tondo, M., Fabbiani, C., Critelli, V., Aleotti, M., and Corsini, A.: High-frequency UAV LiDAR survey for monitoring active earthflows at the slope scale by using Digital Image Correlation, Homologous Point Tracking and DEM of Differences (Baldiola landslide, Northern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12194,, 2025.

EGU25-12346 | Posters on site | NH3.8

FORMATION - Full cOveRage, Multi-scAle and multi-sensor geomorphological map: a practical tool for TerrItOrial planning and landslide analysis 

Federico Raspini, Pierluigi Confuorto, Francesco Barbadori, Olga Nardini, and Samuel Pelacani

The FORMATION project aims at fostering the implementation of new approaches for the description of geomorphological processes and representation of landforms, whose spatial distribution represents the most immediate tool to detect areas affected by geological risks, such as landslides.

The FORMATION project aims to fill this gap, integrating emerging remote sensing techniques into the new Italian guidelines for the geomorphological mapping provided by ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale in Italian, Italian Institute for the environmental protection and research). The main driver of the FORMATION project is the design of new paradigms for geomorphological mapping, where outcomes of traditional geomorphological survey and land degradation models, coupled with multi-band satellite analysis and multi-platform LiDAR and UAV data are convoyed within GIS (Geographic Information System) environment for the classification of landforms and the creation of a multi-scale, digital geomorphological map.

Databases, models, tools and methods has been implemented at pilot Italian cases in the Alps and Apennines, which share common pressing challenges on the environment, such as gravitational and running water-based processes causing several damages with a direct implication on human life and millions of euros spent in environmental remediation. Target basins have been selected to cover different geological, geomorphological and climatic settings and to demonstrate the effectiveness and replicability of the proposed methodology.

Here we present results for the Val d’Orcia, an area in Central Tuscany (Italy) with a long history of landslides and erosive processes. We exploited outputs provided by interferometric processing of Sentinel-1 data to create ground deformation maps used to scan wide areas, flag unstable zones and support the definition of priorities starting from the situations deemed to be most urgent. A database of active moving areas has been created to support further activities of the project, including field surveys, further investigation with landscape investigations and modeling.

Activities performed has been funded by MUR (Ministry of University in Italy) within the PRIN 2022 call Directive Decree n. 104 del 02/02/2022, Codice Progetto MUR 2022C2XPK7, “Full cOveRage, Multi-scAle and multi-sensor geomorphological map: a practical tool for TerrItOrial plaNning - FORMATION”- CUP B53D23007000006, that is included in within the activities funded by European Union (Next Generation EU).

How to cite: Raspini, F., Confuorto, P., Barbadori, F., Nardini, O., and Pelacani, S.: FORMATION - Full cOveRage, Multi-scAle and multi-sensor geomorphological map: a practical tool for TerrItOrial planning and landslide analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12346,, 2025.

Landslides are a natural phenomenon that has been extensively studied and frequently leads to substantial financial losses and fatalities. The prevalence of non-contact methods for obtaining high-resolution terrain data is increasing due to the rapid advancement of scanning technology. Non-contact remote sensing techniques, including terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and aerial photography by drones, are becoming increasingly popular for the purpose of monitoring landslides in high and precipitous mountainous regions. Nevertheless, discrepancies in data accuracy may result from the complex terrain with dense vegetation, the use of ground control points (GCPs), and the diversity of UAV varieties, which can restrict their practical application. The Kedarnath and Sonprayag regions in Uttarakhand, India, are significant examples of regions where landslides frequently imperil infrastructure and communities. Consequently, these regions are crucial for the examination of the feasibility of these technologies. The objective of this mission is to enhance landslide monitoring in this geologically sensitive region by addressing accessibility and accuracy issues using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). Initially, this mission will employ laser scanning to augment the quantity and distribution of ground control points (GCP) for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). (TLS). Next, the UAV model is reconstructed using the identified control points (ACP) to estimate the deviations in areas that are not readily visible. The Newton coordinate model is employed to ascertain the discrepancy between the actual displacement (RD) and the coordinate displacement (CD). This method has facilitated the effective monitoring of landslides in locations with restricted access and unseen areas when researchers analyze real-world landslide scenarios. The implication is that the proposed technique enhances the precision of landslide surveillance by incorporating less precise ground control points, surpassing the inherent accuracy of ground control points (GCP). Improved landslide monitoring by fusion analysis of TLS and UAV photogrammetry Techniques. This approach has been implemented to supervise landslides in the villages of Sonprayag and Kshetrapal in Uttarakhand, India, and has been corroborated by data from other sources.

Keywords: Data Fusion, Landslide Monitoring, Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Sonprayag and Kshetrapal landslide.

How to cite: Anand, A. and Bhardwaj, A.: Fusion Analysis of the Sonprayag and Kshetrapal Landslides in Uttarakhand Improved Landslide Monitoring through the Application of TLS and UAV Photogrammetry Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12440,, 2025.

EGU25-13592 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Mapping Subsidence Susceptibility and Risks in the Rhineland Coalfields: Leveraging EGMS Data and Machine Learning 

Dibakar Kamalini Ritushree, Marzieh Baes, Maoqi Liu, and Mahdi Motagh

The Rhineland coalfields, a major lignite mining hub in Germany, are vital for national energy production and economic stability. However, the region faces persistent challenges from subsidence driven by natural and anthropogenic factors, resulting in structural damage such as cracks in walls and differential settlement. Historical leveling data since the 1990s reveal vertical deformations of up to 4 meters in mining-impacted areas, highlighting the interplay of mining activities, geological features, fault lines, and groundwater dynamics that influence ground stability.

This study investigates subsidence susceptibility and its potential risks to infrastructure by integrating ground motion data from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) with historical leveling datasets. Machine learning techniques, including Random Forest and Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM), were employed to develop a robust model for identifying areas at high risk of subsidence. Geological, lithological, groundwater, and elevation data were utilized to create susceptibility maps, pinpointing regions of significant concern.

High-risk areas identified in the mapping were further analyzed for their impact on infrastructure. Using EGMS data, angular distortion and horizontal strain were evaluated to understand structural vulnerabilities. Results indicated angular distortion (β) of 1/150 and horizontal strain (ε) reaching 0.01% along fault zones, presenting critical threats to structural integrity.

The findings underscore the value of susceptibility mapping and risk analysis for managing subsidence in mining regions. By offering insights into deformation patterns and classifying risk zones, the study provides policymakers with essential tools to implement mitigation strategies and promote sustainable development. These approaches are critical for balancing energy production with environmental and infrastructure protection in regions facing geological instability.

How to cite: Ritushree, D. K., Baes, M., Liu, M., and Motagh, M.: Mapping Subsidence Susceptibility and Risks in the Rhineland Coalfields: Leveraging EGMS Data and Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13592,, 2025.

EGU25-13855 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Unravelling Multi-Hazard Events in a Coastal Catchment: Implications of Climate Change for Central Chile 

Pablo López Filun, Carolina Martinez Reyes, and Jorge Gironás León

Climate change is severely altering rainfall patterns and increasing the frequency and severity of wildfires, resulting in significant changes in the physical characteristics of catchments. These changes, particularly in hydrological and stability characteristics, contribute to an increased occurrence of hillslope hydrological hazards, including landslides, debris flows, flash floods, and hillslope erosion. The dynamic interplay between climate-induced changes and catchment characteristics drives complex multi-hazard interactions—such as cascading, compounding, conditional, and concurrent events— that amplify the magnitude and impact of these hazards on communities and infrastructure.

Central Chile is particularly vulnerable to climate change, especially to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability, which affects rainfall patterns, and to prolonged droughts, which climate projections indicate will increase wildfires. This study examines the Marga-Marga catchment, a highly urbanised coastal area in central Chile, which has experienced large-scale wildfires in recent years that have removed significant vegetation cover, leaving hillslopes more prone to hillslope hydrological hazards during rainfall events.

This study uses advanced multi-hazard modelling and climate scenario analysis to investigate the response of the Marga-Marga catchment to evolving climate conditions. By integrating high-resolution geospatial data and physically-based modelling, and scenario simulations, it explores how climate change-driven alterations in catchment characteristics intensify multi-hazard dynamics and interactions. Preliminary results show that key catchment characteristics - such as soil infiltration capacity, moisture content and slope stability are significantly affected by vegetation loss and soil degradation due to wildfires and urbanisation. These characteristics respond differently to rainfall, thereby increasing the susceptibility of the catchment to hillslope hydrological hazards interactions.

The results provide valuable insights into the mechanisms driving multi-hazard interactions and illustrate how these processes amplify risks to natural and urban systems. This research highlights the urgent need for adaptive urban planning and disaster risk reduction strategies to mitigate these impacts. By addressing critical gaps in the understanding of multi-hazard dynamics under climate change, this study provides actionable recommendations for improving resilience in Mediterranean coastal catchments.

How to cite: López Filun, P., Martinez Reyes, C., and Gironás León, J.: Unravelling Multi-Hazard Events in a Coastal Catchment: Implications of Climate Change for Central Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13855,, 2025.

EGU25-14446 | Posters on site | NH3.8

Numerical simulation of rainfall-induced deep-seated landslide in Lantai area, Taiwan 

Meei-Ling Lin and Kuan-Ting Peng

Due to the geographical characteristics, the intense rainfall brought by typhoons frequently triggers landslides and debris flows in Taiwan, posing significant risks to lives and properties. The deep-seated landslide in the Lantai area, northern Taiwan, is adopted in this study. Rainfall records from the Central Weather Bureau of three significant typhoon events from 2019 to 2022 were analyzed, and the total effective cumulative rainfall records were derived (Lee, 2006). The seepage analysis was then performed to obtain the groundwater level time variations caused by the rainfall. We conducted numerical simulation of the three events using a commercially available program Geostudio. The numerical analysis starts by simulating variation of groundwater level caused by rainfall, and the time variation of groundwater level was implemented in the slope stability analysis adopting limit equilibrium method. Results of seepage analysis indicate a strong correlation between the total effective cumulative rainfall and groundwater level variations. The time variation in the factor of safety reduction was deduced by accounting for groundwater response delays. The results were validated against on-site monitoring data, and the sliding surfaces were compared to the borehole logging and geological profile. The threshold groundwater levels for the Lantai area deep-seated landslide can then be estimated to range between 20.22m and 20.04m below ground surface, which can be used for issuing a landslide early warning.

How to cite: Lin, M.-L. and Peng, K.-T.: Numerical simulation of rainfall-induced deep-seated landslide in Lantai area, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14446,, 2025.

EGU25-15532 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Integrating Temporal and Spatial Data for Deep Learning-Based Classification of Slow-Moving Ground Deformations 

Yingbo Dong, Lorenzo Nava, Riccardo Palama, Oriol Monserrat, Davide Festa, Mario Floris, and Filippo Catani

Ground deformations, such as landslides, subsidence, and mining-related deformations, pose significant risks to communities and infrastructure. Accurate classification of these deformations is crucial for hazard management and land use planning. Existing classification methods primarily rely on thresholding or traditional machine learning models, failing to fully capture the rich temporal and spatial information available from spaceborne remote sensing data.

This study proposes a deep learning method that integrates both ground motion time series (European Ground Motion Service - EGMS) and geospatial data (spaceborne optical imagery, and morphological features) to classify ground motions. The method employs a dual-branch model, where 1D CNNs extract temporal features from ground motion time series, and 2D CNNs capture spatial characteristics from corresponding satellite imagery and topographic data. The features extracted by both branches are fused and fed to a multilayer perceptron to classify deformation processes, i.e., landslides, deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSD), subsidence, and mining-related deformations. To inform the model, we used a dataset over 26,000 Active Deformation Areas (ADAs), defined with the ADA finder tool(Navarro et al., 2020). We annotate each ADA by crossing it with existing inventories such as the Italian Landslide Inventory (IFFI) and CORINE Land Cover map. Corresponding time series data and imagery were subsequently extracted for each and fed to the model. Results, using cross-validation, show that the model achieves an overall accuracy of over 90%. This demonstrates its effectiveness and robustness in handling diverse deformation types. We finally deployed the validated model and classify all the ADAs generated for the entire Italy.

This research provides a scalable and automated framework for ground motion classification, and the classification achieved can lead to better-targeted risk mitigation strategies, and improved ground motion forecasting and early warning systems.

References: Navarro, J. A., Tomás, R., Barra, A., Pagán, J. I., Reyes-Carmona, C., Solari, L., Vinielles, J. L., Falco, S., & Crosetto, M. (2020). ADAtools: Automatic Detection and Classification of Active Deformation Areas from PSI Displacement Maps. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(10), 584.

How to cite: Dong, Y., Nava, L., Palama, R., Monserrat, O., Festa, D., Floris, M., and Catani, F.: Integrating Temporal and Spatial Data for Deep Learning-Based Classification of Slow-Moving Ground Deformations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15532,, 2025.

EGU25-15846 | Orals | NH3.8

Mitigating Geohazard Risk through Synergistic, Multi-Band InSAR Monitoring 

Margherita Spreafico, Alessandro Ferretti, and Emanuele Passera

Geohazards pose a significant and growing threat to human populations and critical infrastructure worldwide. The impact of these hazards is further exacerbated by climate change, which is intensifying the frequency and magnitude of events, making the need for effective monitoring tools more critical than ever.

Satellite radar technology, particularly Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry (InSAR), has emerged as a powerful tool for geohazard monitoring. By providing high-resolution, wide-area, and all-weather monitoring capabilities, InSAR enables geoscientists and engineers to detect subtle ground movements that may precede catastrophic events. However, the effectiveness of InSAR is intrinsically linked to the characteristics of the radar signal, particularly its frequency band.

Satellite radar data is typically acquired in three different frequency bands: X-band (3 cm wavelength), C-band (6 cm wavelength), and L-band (24 cm wavelength). The European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) has made InSAR data derived from the Sentinel-1 satellite constellation (operating at C-band) freely available to a wide range of users, significantly advancing the accessibility of this technology for geohazard monitoring. EGMS Sentinel-1's medium resolution data can provide a synoptic view of a wide range of phenomena, and it proved to be extremely effective in the detection of deformations on a regional scale.

Our experience with diverse geohazards highlights the value of integrating EGMS Sentinel-1 data with data from other satellite missions operating in different frequency bands, such as TerraSAR-X, PAZ, COSMO-SkyMed, COSMO Second Generation (all operating at X-band) and SAOCOM or ALOS-2 (operating at L-band). Each frequency band possesses unique characteristics that make it complementary to the others in the context of InSAR monitoring. In fact, X-band offers high spatial resolution and sensitivity to small displacements, making it ideal for monitoring localized phenomena or monitoring individual assets, while L-band, with its longer wavelength, has greater penetration capacity through vegetation compared to both X and C-band data, making it particularly useful for monitoring movements in densely vegetated areas.

The integration of data from multiple sensors enhances our ability to monitor and predict geohazards through:

  • Improved Spatial Coverage and Resolution: This allows for detailed mapping of hazard-prone areas, facilitating informed land-use planning and infrastructure design decisions.
  • Increased Temporal Density of Observations:  More frequent data enables the detection of incipient movements and improved prediction of geohazard evolution, which is crucial for rapidly evolving hazards.
  • Improved Accuracy of Measurements: Integrating multiple data sources reduces uncertainties and yields more accurate estimates of ground deformations, which is vital for reliable hazard assessment and risk management.

This paper explores the benefits of a synergistic, multi-band InSAR monitoring approach for risk mitigation. Using a gallery of examples of how complementary data sources improve InSAR analysis, we aim to contribute to the design of more powerful decision support systems. These systems can enable timely interventions that should protect communities and infrastructure from geohazards, particularly in a changing climate.


How to cite: Spreafico, M., Ferretti, A., and Passera, E.: Mitigating Geohazard Risk through Synergistic, Multi-Band InSAR Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15846,, 2025.

Landslides cause severe damage to the built environment and communities, requiring effective hazard management. Landslide catalogs, which provide essential data on past landslide occurrences, are the primary data sources for this purpose. Furthermore, they enable training and validation of predictive landslide models.  Although landslide catalogs are largely compiled through manual mapping based on expert judgement, various advanced techniques using optical Earth observation (EO) imagery have been developed to automate and enhance the creation of such inventories. These methods, however, are mostly tested in specific case studies and they are not put into operation to detect landslides on a regular basis. Moreover, they rely on cloud-free imagery that can be time-consuming to gather, resulting in delays in the timely detection of landslides. This is especially true in regions with frequent rainfall, such as mountainous areas, where landslides are more prevalent.

The Landslide Hunter is a prototype online platform designed to reduce the gap by addressing cloud-cover-related omission in optical imagery, reducing delays in landslide detection, and providing an environment for testing and benchmarking of different EO-based landslide detection methods through a simple plug-and-play method. The platform monitors online resources for events that could trigger landslides, such as major earthquakes, and identifies regions where landslides are likely to have occurred in their aftermath. It then collects and analyzes consecutive optical EO images for these areas to identify visible landslide extents using various landslide detection models, ranging from simple index-based approaches (e.g., NDVI) to advanced machine learning techniques utilizing image segmentation. Proximity to cloud cover is used to assess whether a landslide extent is partially visible, with partial extents being marked for further tracking until complete landslide coverage is achieved through successive analyses. This enables the timely first detection and effective monitoring of landslides, even under cloudy conditions. The results are made available in an open-access landslide catalog through a user-friendly web portal, offering faster updates than traditional catalogs. Users are notified when new landslides are detected, facilitating rapid damage assessment efforts that can ultimately enhance the safety of communities and the built environment.

We present a detailed overview of the design principles and operational framework of the Landslide Hunter platform, highlighting its core features, functionalities, and user interface. We also provide a thorough explanation of the data access methods developed to improve interoperability and ensure seamless integration with other systems.  A live demonstration will illustrate how the platform automatically identifies and tracks landslides under cloudy conditions, enabling timely detection and monitoring of landslide progression.

How to cite: Girgin, S., Özbakır, A., and Tanyaş, H.: Cataloging and mapping of landslides rapidly by using an Earth observation-based innovative platform – the Landslide Hunter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16112,, 2025.

EGU25-16775 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Real-Time Monitoring of rapid slope hazards through Radar Doppler in Italy 

Istvan Szakolczai, Tommaso Carlá, Andrea Magrin, Massimiliano Nocentini, and Giovanni Gigli

Ground-Based Doppler Radar (GBDR) is an innovative technology designed to address hazards in steep mountainous terrains. Rockfalls, rockslides, ice and snow avalanches pose significant risks to human lives, infrastructures and ecosystems. These rapid phenomena sometimes exhibit minimal deformation prior to failure, making early detection challenging. GBDR offers a promising solution for real-time, long-range, and wide-area monitoring of such rapid slope hazards. This technology enables timely alerts once the phenomenon has been triggered, allowing for an instantaneous response to mitigate risks in vulnerable areas. Additionally, GDBR data allows for the reconstruction of runout trajectories, which is crucial for calibrating mitigation measures and prioritizing structural interventions to protect the elements at risk.

In Italy and around the world, GBDR has been successfully deployed at a limited number of sites, addressing various types of gravitational deformation, from rockslides (e.g., Ruinon landslide) to ice-rock avalanches (e.g., Marmolada glacier). Recently it has been installed to monitor a sub-vertical granitic slope, 500 meters high, above the Gallivaggio sanctuary (Central Italian Alps), specifically to detect  rockfalls ranging in size from thousands of cubic meters to approximately one cubic meter. To our knowledge, this is the first instance of GBRD being deployed to monitor such a steep, acute-angled slope alongside an existing Ground-Based Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (GB-InSAR) monitoring system.

In this work preliminary results of these monitoring activities are presented, highlighting the potential of GBDR technology to enhance slope monitoring and risk mitigation strategies in mountainous regions.

How to cite: Szakolczai, I., Carlá, T., Magrin, A., Nocentini, M., and Gigli, G.: Real-Time Monitoring of rapid slope hazards through Radar Doppler in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16775,, 2025.

EGU25-17207 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Enhancing Photomonitoring techniques in landslide studies in the frame of Geosciences IR project 

Carlo Alberto Stefanini, Gian Marco Marmoni, Antonio Molinari, Antonio Cosentino, Giacomo Santicchia, and Paolo Mazzanti

Landslides represent a significant geological hazard globally, with over 635,000 landslides identified in Italy alone. Despite their prevalence, only a fraction of these phenomena is actively monitored. Advancements in monitoring technologies offer promising tools for improving landslide management, but their application requires further validation and dissemination within the technical community.

This study, conducted under the PNRR “GeosciencesIR” project, investigates the use of photomonitoring techniques across fifteen landslide sites in Italy, where continuous or periodic monitoring activities are conducted. Monitoring setups feature ten ground-based cameras, while periodic drone-based acquisitions or photographic surveys provide supplementary observations for the remaining sites. The landslides encompass diverse mechanisms and kinematics, offering a robust basis for comparative analysis and evaluation of technique applicability.

The deployed monitoring systems utilize various hardware configurations, including optical cameras, robotic heads with Reflex cameras, and mobile devices. Images are predominantly captured in RGB format, and analyses are performed using the proprietary software “IRIS”, developed by NHAZCA S.r.l., employing change detection and digital image correlation algorithms. The techniques allow to identify variations (e.g., appearance or disappearance of objects in the FOV) or the track of object motion caused by landslide displacements between successive images over time. Additionally, time series of displacements have been extracted, providing insights into temporal evolution and supporting comparative validation against other monitoring data.

These sites have been continuously monitored since early 2024 and to date, over 140,000 images have been acquired, amounting to a dataset of more than 370 GB. Preliminary results include the identification of rockfalls, their size and timing, and the detection of retrogressive failure processes. For landslides with complex or flow mechanisms, the estimated 2D velocities provide consistent insights into motion trends, acknowledging the optimal performance and the inherent limitations of 2D analyses compared to 3D measurements. Project allows continuous feedback and data sharing with geological regional services, optimizing system operations and validation of results.

Challenges encountered during the project include ensuring the stability of monitoring equipment in remote locations and addressing environmental factors such as extreme weather conditions. Despite these hurdles, the collaboration with local technicians has facilitated knowledge exchange, fostering the development of photomonitoring techniques and their application in diverse geomorphological contexts.

This research advances monitoring methodologies, improving accuracy in displacement measurements and promoting cost-effective, accessible solutions. By promoting collaboration within the scientific and technical community, it aims to increase the number of monitored landslides and support innovative strategies for landslide risk mitigation.

How to cite: Stefanini, C. A., Marmoni, G. M., Molinari, A., Cosentino, A., Santicchia, G., and Mazzanti, P.: Enhancing Photomonitoring techniques in landslide studies in the frame of Geosciences IR project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17207,, 2025.

EGU25-17504 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Post-processing based on EGMS Sentinel-1 InSAR products for mining applications 

Anna Reichstein and Kalia Andre Cahyadi

Spaceborne interferometric SAR (InSAR) has been proven to provide displacement measurements with millimeter-per-year precision over large areas. Since the start of operations of the Copernicus European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) in 2022 these InSAR products have been routinely produced and made freely available for Europe. These products consist of millions of measurement points, making visual inspection challenging.

Within the EU Horizon project GoldenRAM, InSAR post-processing techniques are investigated. The goal is to improve mining safety by providing an easy-to-use open-source service that facilitates timely monitoring of open pit and tailings dam stability at active and closed mines, utilising the EGMS products.

The aim of this work is to develop a workflow for i) ingestion of EGMS data, ii) post-processing of EGMS data to automatically extract relevant information, and iii) visualisation of the results on an online platform. To demonstrate this work, examples are provided from an active multi-metal mine in Kevitsa, located in northern Finland.

The GoldenRAM project is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101138153.

How to cite: Reichstein, A. and Andre Cahyadi, K.: Post-processing based on EGMS Sentinel-1 InSAR products for mining applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17504,, 2025.

EGU25-17549 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Mapping of landslides by using partially cloudy optical Earth observation imagery: a case study of 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes  

Ali Deger Ozbakir, Serkan Girgin, and Hakan Tanyas

Landslide mapping is essential for hazard assessment and disaster response, and methods based on Earth observation (EO) enable the mapping of large areas impacted by major disasters.  These methods, however, often rely on cloud-free optical images, which are rarely available in high-rainfall areas prone to landslides, delaying timely detection. Furthermore, mosaicking multiple consecutive images to eliminate cloud cover discards valuable temporal information, such as the actual timing of landslide occurrences and the progression of their extents over time. 

To address these challenges, we introduce a novel method that processes successive partially cloudy images to detect visible landslide extents and automatically aggregates this information for rapid first detection and accurate spatiotemporal mapping of landslides. The model-agnostic method supports various EO-based landslide detection models from the literature. It uses binary model outputs (landslide / no landslide), associated uncertainty levels (if available), and cloud mask data together with cloud uncertainty to classify individual image cells into four states: landslide, background, unknown (e.g., cloud covered or other unusable data), and anomaly (e.g., identified as landslide despite cloud cover). A confidence level is also calculated for each cell state.  The method continuously refines cell states by analyzing time series data from successive images, reducing unknowns and anomalies to improve landslide detection accuracy. Alternating labels are considered as an indication of uncertainty, whereas cells without a clear pattern are classified as unknown. The method generates robust, time-aware landslide maps by integrating spatial classification from model outputs and cloud masks with temporal consistency checks. 

We present an overview of the developed method and demonstrate its practical application through a case study conducted in Adıyaman, Türkiye. The study focuses on landslides triggered by the February 2023 Türkiye earthquake sequence and a subsequent rainfall event in March 2023. Using various landslide detection methods (e.g., an NDVI-based approach and a deep learning model) and optical EO data with different ground resolutions (e.g., Sentinel-2, Planet SuperDove), the case study showcases the method’s ability to enhance temporal insights into landslide occurrence and progression. These results underline its potential as a valuable tool for rapid hazard monitoring and disaster response. 

How to cite: Ozbakir, A. D., Girgin, S., and Tanyas, H.: Mapping of landslides by using partially cloudy optical Earth observation imagery: a case study of 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17549,, 2025.

EGU25-17664 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Tracking landslide terrain motion with Very High Resolution optical image time series. 

Bastien Wirtz, Floriane Provost, Jean-Philippe Malet, Ombeline Méric, and Ewelina Rupnik

Times series of VHR optical imagery (SPOT6-7, SPOT-HRS Pléiades, PNEO), with their high spatial resolution (<0.5 to 2 m) and stereoscopic capabilities are offering huge potential for monitoring surface deformation using Optical Image Correlation (OIC) techniques. Very-High spatial resolution allows to enhance both the sensitivity and the accuracy of the measurements leading to the detection of small changes in deformation rates  (possibly close to 0.10 m in theory) for Pléiades imagery. However, the exploitation of these VHR satellite image time series remains challenging because of errors associated with the image acquisition geometry, which are potentially high in mountain regions with complex and string topography.

We propose an automated and generic processing chain, based on the GDM-OPT workflow (Provost et al., 2022) initially tailored for Sentinel-2 (10 m spatial resolution) image time series in order to process time series of VHR imagery, taking into account Pléiades Panchromatic monoscopic and stereoscopic data products. 

The approach consists first in the generation of intermediary DSM by a classical stereo-photogrammetric process. Second, in order to compensate for the planimetric and vertical errors, we correct the generated DSMs through an alignment to a reference topography. We then compute the ground coordinates of tie points of the image system taking into account the newly aligned topography. Considering these points as GCPs (Ground Control Points) and by performing a new bundle adjustment forced to fit to them, the alignment step is integrated in the stereo-photogrammetric process. Then, a new DSM and an ortho-image mosaïc consistent with the reference topography are calculated. Finally, the ortho-image mosaïcs are correlated using a specific pairing network (Stumpf et al., 2017). At the end of this step, all the displacement maps obtained (North-South, East-West) are inverted into a displacement time series. 

The processing workflow is tested on the two landslides of La Valette and Aiguilles/Pas de l’Ours (where time series of 8 Pléiades imagery are available) allowing to retrieve the mean velocity and the ground displacement time series for each pixel. We validate the proposed workflow by comparing the results of the processing chain and in-situ dataset (GNSS, LiDAR and photogrammetry). We show that the proposed methodology allows the monitoring of large landslides displacement, with velocity larger than 0.07 m/year.

How to cite: Wirtz, B., Provost, F., Malet, J.-P., Méric, O., and Rupnik, E.: Tracking landslide terrain motion with Very High Resolution optical image time series., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17664,, 2025.

EGU25-17975 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

The June 2018 Kakrud landslide in northern Iran: Process understanding using satellite remote sensing data 

Jianan Li, Mahdi Motagh, Haonan Jiang, Bahman Akbari, Mehdi Rezaei, and Sigrid Roessner

Landslides are among the most destructive geologic hazards, causing significant damage to infrastructure such as buildings, roads, and bridges, and often resulting in loss of life. These events pose a significant risk, especially to communities living near steep slopes. Satellite optical remote sensing images are widely used in geohazard studies due to their detailed content and high resolution. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is effective in monitoring subtle deformations over large areas and is particularly suitable for quantifying deformations and accurately measuring slope instability. Combining optical data with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data provides a more comprehensive understanding of landslide dynamics, leading to improved monitoring and analysis. 

The Kakrud landslide occurred in Gilan Province, northern Iran, in June 2018, resulting in fatalities, property damage, and the destruction of key access roads. This study used multi-source remote sensing data, including Planet and Sentinel-2 optical images and Sentinel-1 SAR data, to analyze the life cycle of this catastrophic failure. Precipitation, snowmelt, and soil moisture data were also incorporated to identify the causes and influencing factors of the landslide. Cross-correlation of high-resolution optical images from Planet and Sentinel-2 revealed significant displacement between June 14 and 18, 2018, with a maximum horizontal > 50 m. InSAR analysis of Sentinel-1 data from October 2014 to June 2018 revealed pre-landslide instability, with an average deformation rate of 2 mm/year. Precipitation data indicate that rainfall in June 2018 was 10 mm above the average for the same period from 2014 to 2017, when the region experienced a dry cycle with an average annual rainfall of 1,400 mm; 2018 marked the onset of a wet cycle, with total rainfall reaching 2,000 mm. The initial failure of the landslide occurred on its lower left side, triggered by river undercutting, which washed debris into the channel and obstructed the valley. This increased water flow exacerbated erosion at the landslide toe, leading to further collapse. MODIS snowmelt data show a negative correlation between snow cover and temperature, with snowmelt intensifying from spring (March–May) and peaking in summer (June–August) as temperatures rose and snow cover diminished. Combined with soil moisture data, the cumulative effect of snowmelt in June significantly increased pore water pressure and reduced soil shear strength. A combination of these factors ultimately triggered the landslide.

In conclusion, this study explores the kinematic changes in the Kakrud landslide over a long time series throughout its life cycle using multi-source remote sensing techniques.

Keywords: Landslide; Remote Sensing; Multi-temporal InSAR; Cross-correlation

How to cite: Li, J., Motagh, M., Jiang, H., Akbari, B., Rezaei, M., and Roessner, S.: The June 2018 Kakrud landslide in northern Iran: Process understanding using satellite remote sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17975,, 2025.

EGU25-18503 | Orals | NH3.8

Assessing Railway Exposure to Rapid Flow-Like Landslides: A National-Scale Methodology 

Ivan Marchesini, Omar Althuwaynee, Michele Santangelo, Massimiliano Alvioli, Mauro Cardinali, Martin Mergili, Paola Reichenbach, Silvia Peruccacci, Vinicio Balducci, Ivan Agostino, Rosaria Esposito, and Mauro Rossi

Geo-hydrological hazards, particularly rapid flow-like landslides, present a critical challenge for transportation infrastructures globally. These phenomena pose severe risks due to their ability to propagate rapidly and cause extensive damage to railway tracks, vehicles, and human life. Climate change exacerbates these risks by intensifying precipitation patterns, further increasing landslide frequency and impact.

This study introduces an innovative methodology for assessing the exposure of railway infrastructure to rapid flow-like landslides on a national scale [1]. Applying this methodology to Italy's extensive railway network, we integrate statistical and conceptual models, utilizing digital elevation models (DEMs) and landslide inventories to identify landslide source areas, simulate runout paths, and evaluate exposure. The results yield susceptibility and exposure maps that highlight vulnerable railway segments and provide a foundation for risk mitigation and resource allocation.

The methodology involves distinguishing between hillslope and channelized landslides, each with unique source area characteristics and propagation behaviors. Channelized landslides, often occurring within confined channels, exhibit longer runout distances and lower reach angles compared to hillslope phenomena, which are more dispersed and occur on open slopes. This distinction allows for tailored modeling approaches to improve the accuracy of predictions. Validation using an independent landslide dataset confirmed the model's robustness, achieving Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUROC) curve values between 0.7 and 0.95 in most regions, demonstrating its effectiveness for large-scale assessments. However, in areas where model performance was lower, biases in the validation dataset, such as inconsistent landslide classifications or incomplete coverage, were often identified as contributing factors.

Key findings indicate that approximately 20.1% of the Italian railway network exhibits exposure values exceeding 0.5, with 13.4% classified as highly exposed (exposure >0.75) to rapid flow-like landslides. Regions such as Trentino-Alto Adige, Campania, and Sicily are particularly affected due to their geomorphological and climatic conditions. This highlights the urgent need for targeted interventions to safeguard critical infrastructure and minimize disruptions to transportation services.

The study emphasizes the utility of high-quality landslide inventories and DEMs in developing predictive models applicable at national scales. The outputs enable stakeholders to prioritize interventions, such as reinforcing vulnerable railway segments, implementing early warning systems, and optimizing maintenance schedules. These measures not only mitigate immediate risks but also contribute to long-term infrastructure resilience. Furthermore, the methodology’s adaptability makes it applicable to other linear infrastructures and regions facing similar hazards, showcasing its potential for broader implementation.

Marchesini et al., Eng. Geol. 332 (2024)

How to cite: Marchesini, I., Althuwaynee, O., Santangelo, M., Alvioli, M., Cardinali, M., Mergili, M., Reichenbach, P., Peruccacci, S., Balducci, V., Agostino, I., Esposito, R., and Rossi, M.: Assessing Railway Exposure to Rapid Flow-Like Landslides: A National-Scale Methodology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18503,, 2025.

EGU25-18695 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Combining InSAR and UAV data to analyze the stability of coastal cliffs 

Francesco Ottaviani, Mahnoor Ahmed, Alessandro Brunetti, Erica Guidi, Roberta Marini, and Mirko Francioni

The study of coastal areas represents a real challenge for the research community, due to the numerous drivers that can control coastal processes (subaerial, marine or endogenous). In particular, the analysis of cliffs is fundamental for the assessment and management of coastal landslide hazard and risk.

In cliff stability studies, the integration of multiple data sources, including satellite imagery, aerial photography and LIDAR, represents an important development and advancement. The integration of various data sources can significantly improve our understanding of geological phenomena, as well as the accuracy of monitoring data and forecasting systems.

The aim of this work is to integrate the PS-InSAR technique and UAV LIDAR and photogrammetric surveys to improve cliff stability evaluations. UAV LIDAR/photogrammetry and PS-InSAR are remote sensing techniques that allow to improve information about slope geometry, even in hard-to-reach areas. LIDAR acquisitions in this study have been undertaken through a DJI Matrice 350 + Zenmuse L2 LIDAR system and are processed in high-resolution DTMs (in this work the cell resolution is ca 20 cm). With regard to PS-InSAR, Sentinel 1 Single Look Complex radar images have been processed through Sarproz software to extract Persistent Scatter points. The time series of the Persistent Scatter points are then used to monitor surface displacements in selected coastal cliffs. The combination of UAV and PS-InSAR data were then utilized to create detailed 3D slope models and validate the results of cliff stability simulations, verifying the main drivers controlling cliff stability and retrogression. Stability numerical cliff simulations could be in future a very powerful tool to potentially predict the future processes in relation to climate variations.

The combination of these advanced methodologies offers a comprehensive approach that improves the quality of cliff monitoring and the precision of the forecasting systems. By leveraging the strengths of both PS-InSAR and UAV data, detailed insights into reef dynamics can be obtained, ultimately leading to more informed decisions for coastal management and risk mitigation.

How to cite: Ottaviani, F., Ahmed, M., Brunetti, A., Guidi, E., Marini, R., and Francioni, M.: Combining InSAR and UAV data to analyze the stability of coastal cliffs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18695,, 2025.

EGU25-19164 | Posters on site | NH3.8

Climate Change impacts in Andean Mining risk management regarding torrential processes. Case Study at CODELCO ANDINA Division, Chile. 

Sergi Riba, Vicente Medina, Cesar Vera, Max Barros, Raül Oorthuis, and Marcel Hürlimann

Copper mining activities in the Chilean Andes are located at elevations ranging from 2,500 to 5,000 meters above sea level (masl). These industrial operations significantly increase exposure to risks in these inhospitable areas, which are highly vulnerable to natural hazards. The CODELCO ANDINA mining facilities cover approximately 350 km² and encompassing several glaciers, mountain valleys and rivers. The most intense mineral extraction activities take place above 4,300 masl and continue uninterrupted during the winter (rainy season).

Traditionally, the primary geomorphologic hazards identified in these areas have been rockfalls, debris flows, and snow avalanches. However, in the past decade, new torrential hazards, such as debris floods and debris flows, have emerged. These new hazards are driven by climate change, particularly its relation to liquid precipitation. The 0°C isotherm, which marks the boundary between areas of liquid and solid precipitation, plays a critical role in these changes. As the isotherm rises, it expands the area of liquid precipitation, increasing runoff surfaces and, consequently, drainage network discharges. Extreme event analysis now requires careful monitoring of the correlation between rainfall intensity and the isotherm's location.

Additionally, CODELCO ANDINA is situated on the edge of permafrost regions. With the retreat of permafrost, large areas of cold-climate weathered material—ranging from silt to boulder-sized debris—are becoming erodible. The geomorphology of the landscape, traditionally classified as periglacial, is rapidly transitioning to fluvial due to climate change. This creates an "explosive cocktail" of high-mountain geomorphology, increased sediment availability, and increased water discharge.

Over the past 15 years, risk management plans have been developed and implemented. However, climate change necessitates a reformulation of these plans. In 2023, two extraordinary events occurred, one of which involved over 300 mm of liquid precipitation within 48 hours—an event entirely unexpected for this region.

These new conditions require updated risk management strategies. This study introduces new hazard assessments obtained by integrating observational meteorological data (1964–2023) with climate models (ERA5-Land reanalysis and CMIP5/CMIP6 ) to identify trends in temperature, precipitation, and extreme events. A combined modeling methodology was applied to characterize fluvial and torrential processes.

How to cite: Riba, S., Medina, V., Vera, C., Barros, M., Oorthuis, R., and Hürlimann, M.: Climate Change impacts in Andean Mining risk management regarding torrential processes. Case Study at CODELCO ANDINA Division, Chile., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19164,, 2025.

EGU25-19581 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Quantification of sediment supply and availability from hillslope to channel network: the case study of the Tenetra Creek (Marche, Italy) 

Mahnoor Ahmed, Giulio Fabrizio Pappafico, and Erica Guidi

Intense rainfall events are the primary cause of landslides and heavy torrential flows, two of the most hazardous processes that can occur along hillslopes. When a rainstorm event causes many highly-mobile landslides at the same time in a large area, the considerable input of the moved material that these events rapidly throw into the hydraulic network can start a chain reaction of further dangers. These can be combined with the phenomena of forced erosion by the surface water drainage. For this reason, it is of fundamental importance to study the sediment productivity of the river basin, taking into consideration the transport connectivity between the slopes and the involved riverbeds. A remarkable weather event occurred in the Marche region on September 15–16, 2022, with localized rainfall of 419 mm in twelve hours, a record intensity over the previous decades. A self-regenerating storm system produced this enormous amount of precipitation causing the watercourses overflow and extensive flooding. Peak rainfall intensities reached 90 mm/h. The research focuses on the study of a small torrential basin, the Tenetra Creek, which has minimal anthropogenic influences. The rainfall event triggered several highly mobile landslides, most of them represented by debris flows, that in some cases reached the river network, contributing to the increase in river solid transport and causing considerable morphological changes. The methodology of this work started with a detailed basin-scale analysis of regional landslides databases (Italian Landslide Inventory, ISPRA; Hydrogeological Planning, Authority Basin) and a comparison of the mapped elements with the mass movements during the 2022 event in order to determine the source areas of material and the availability of material on the slopes. Then, the sediment connectivity index, based on the tool developed by Crema and Cavalli (2018), was used to investigate the mobilization of material according to topographic laws and to quantify the topographic control on sediment connectivity. The index expresses the potential connection between different parts of the catchment area; in particular, it describes the probability that sediments eroded from hillsides will reach the drainage network defined as a target. Since the sediment balance in a basin system is modelled also by the input of sediment bank collapse within the high water levels, we effectively evaluated the lateral changes in banks in relation to the 2022 event, by utilizing hydraulic sections within GIS environmental models. Geomorphic Change Detection software allowed for precise calculations of volumetric changes in storage, underscoring the significance of monitoring such alterations for future flood management strategies. The intricate relationship between flooding and geomorphological landscapes reveals the profound impact that natural occurrences can have on our environment. Understanding all the above-mentioned changes to which it is subject is essential for effective flood management, which necessitates continuous research and adaptive strategies to respond to evolving conditions. Implementing integrated methodologies allows for a comprehensive assessment of sedimentary supply in non-man-made river systems, providing crucial insights into the dynamic processes at play.

How to cite: Ahmed, M., Pappafico, G. F., and Guidi, E.: Quantification of sediment supply and availability from hillslope to channel network: the case study of the Tenetra Creek (Marche, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19581,, 2025.

EGU25-19815 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

A fast solution for downloading and converting the EGMS data: EGMStream webapp 

Francesco Becattini, Camilla Medici, and Matteo Del Soldato

The European Ground Motion Service (EGMS), part of the Copernicus program, provides free, pan-European Sentinel-1 InSAR (Interferometric Satellite Aperture Radar) products to support ground deformation analysis at continental scales. Despite its potential, managing the large volume of EGMS data can be challenging, especially for non-expert users. To address these challenges, the EGMStream webapp was developed aimed at enhancing the download and conversion of EGMS products. Built in Python and JavaScript, the webapp improves the first EGMStream stand-alone tool enhancing its accessibility, functionality and performance. By leveraging server-side processing through Docker containers, the webapp avoids the need for software installation and reliance on user personal computer performance, enabling efficient handling of large datasets with parallel processing. The EGMStream webapp allows for automatic downloading and conversion of EGMS data into different formats, i.e. Shapefile, GeoPackage, and GeoJSON. Users interact with a simple, user-friendly interface to upload a text (.txt) file from the EGMS Explorer, containing links to bursts (for L2, LoS and calibrated, data) and/or tiles (for L3, ortho, data) of EGMS data for their area of interest. In addition, users can upload a specific area of interest to crop data on it and they can also customize data conversion, such as including time series and selecting the output format. At the end of the process, users will receive an email with a link to download processed data. In contrast with the format downloadable by the EGMS Explorer (.csv format), the outputs of the EGMStream webapp conversion allow a simpler inclusion and management in GIS environmental or WebGIS platforms.

The webapp allows for reaching a wider audience to use the EGMS data, improving the dissemination and usability of ground motion data for urban planning, natural hazard monitoring, and environmental management. Future enhancements will focus on integrating advanced analysis tools, real-time visualization capabilities, and in-app post-processing features. These developments aim to meet the increasing needs of the geospatial and geological communities, ensuring the platform’s adaptability to emerging challenges.

How to cite: Becattini, F., Medici, C., and Del Soldato, M.: A fast solution for downloading and converting the EGMS data: EGMStream webapp, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19815,, 2025.

EGU25-19956 | Posters on site | NH3.8

The 22 January Zhenxiong Landslide: Slope stability analysis using Lutan-1 SAR Data 

Sen Lyu, Tao Li, Mahdi Motagh, Xinming Tang, Chengsheng Yang, Xiang Zhang, Xuefei Zhang, Jing Lu, and Zewei Liu


A landslide occurred on January 22, 2024 in Zhenxiong county, China, resulting in 44 fatalities and the collapse of around 400 structures and buildings. Timely understanding of landslide formation mechanism is crucial for guiding emergency relief, disaster prevention and reduction, and post disaster reconstruction.

This study evaluates the potential of China’s L-band SAR satellites (LuTan-1A/Lutan-1B) for slope stability analysis in Zhenxiong County based on R-index and sensitivity evaluation. Using stacking methodology and differential interferometry, the displacement velocity field is obtained. The results show that, by combination of LT-1 ascending and descending, the proportion of shaded areas in SAR imaging can be almost overcome, and the proportion of well imaged areas in SAR imaging for slope instability analysis is increased to 88.9%. The descending orbit data have poor visibility of Zhenxiong Landslide and weak sensitivity to the deformation measurement due to imaging distortions. The mean deformation obtained by stacking and cumulative displacement both indicate an instability zone at the top of the slope , where cumulative displacement reaches to around 200mm in 3 months before the failure. This  shift in trend of background deformation was larger than other parts of the slope, suggesting that the landslide was initiated by instability in the steep cliff area. The research findings are discussed which provide important insight for understanding the mechanisms of catastrophic failure in this part of China

Key words: InSAR, Lutan-1, landslide, SAR sensitivity

How to cite: Lyu, S., Li, T., Motagh, M., Tang, X., Yang, C., Zhang, X., Zhang, X., Lu, J., and Liu, Z.: The 22 January Zhenxiong Landslide: Slope stability analysis using Lutan-1 SAR Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19956,, 2025.

EGU25-20080 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Using UAS to Monitor and Quantify the Geomorphic Effects of extreme storms in tectonically active coastal areas: Evidence from Greece  

Evelina Kotsi, Emmanuel Vassilakis, Michalis Diakakis, Spyridon Mavroulis, Aliki Konsolaki, Christos Filis, Stylianos Lozios, and Efthymios Lekkas

Extreme weather events, increasingly frequent in the Mediterranean due to climate change, pose significant risks by triggering hydrogeomorphic processes such as slope failures. These phenomena, particularly prevalent in tectonically active and steeply sloped coastal areas, present challenges for monitoring due to their spatial and temporal dynamics.

Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and advanced photogrammetric techniques, including structure-from-motion (SfM) and multi-view stereo (MVS), have emerged as transformative tools for capturing high-resolution terrain data. This study employs UAS-aided photogrammetry alongside change detection methods, such as digital elevation models of differences (DoD) and cloud-to-cloud distance (C2C), to analyze geomorphic changes induced by extreme storms in highly visited and geologically dynamic coastal areas in Greece.

The findings reveal the utility of UAS in providing detailed morphometric measurements, delineating areas of erosion and deposition, and identifying high-risk zones. These capabilities facilitate a deeper understanding of geomorphic processes, enabling informed risk assessment and management strategies. The study underscores the potential of integrating UAS and photogrammetry for continuous monitoring in regions with high socioeconomic and environmental value. This approach not only supports sustainable development by minimizing disruptions but also enhances safety standards in vulnerable, high-exposure coastal areas. Through this methodological framework, the research contributes to addressing the pressing need for resilient hazard management in the context of evolving climatic conditions.

How to cite: Kotsi, E., Vassilakis, E., Diakakis, M., Mavroulis, S., Konsolaki, A., Filis, C., Lozios, S., and Lekkas, E.: Using UAS to Monitor and Quantify the Geomorphic Effects of extreme storms in tectonically active coastal areas: Evidence from Greece , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20080,, 2025.

Landslide inventory mapping over large, remote, and inaccessible areas remains a significant challenge due to the limitations of traditional field-based methods. Satellite-based InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) technology offers a viable solution by enabling the detection of surface displacements with millimeter-level precision, providing spatially extensive coverage of potentially landslide-prone areas. However, the accuracy of landslide detection using InSAR data can be compromised by the difficulty of distinguishing landslides from other types of surface deformation, such as subsidence, natural settlement, or deforestation, which can mimic landslide behavior in InSAR data. To address these challenges, we propose a machine learning-based approach that integrates InSAR-derived displacement time-series data with advanced pattern recognition techniques to identify and classify landslides, distinguishing them from ordinary ground movements. The methodology combines the high spatial and temporal resolution of InSAR with machine learning algorithms to recognize the distinctive features of landslides, such as sudden, non-linear displacements, velocity patterns, and deformation history. Feature engineering plays a crucial role, as key features like displacement rate, time-series patterns, and spatial characteristics (e.g., slope and curvature) are extracted from InSAR data to train machine learning models. These models can learn to differentiate between landslides and other ground movements by recognizing underlying patterns specific to landslide behavior. Supervised learning techniques are employed using labeled data (known landslide locations) to train models that can classify landslides accurately, even in areas with limited prior field data. In cases where labeled data is sparse, unsupervised learning techniques, such as clustering and anomaly detection, are applied to identify unusual displacement patterns that might indicate landslides. These models provide valuable insights into regions where landslides may occur, helping to distinguish between true landslide events and other non-landslide related surface changes. By integrating InSAR with machine learning-driven landslide pattern recognition, this approach enhances the accuracy and efficiency of landslide inventory mapping, particularly in large and remote areas where traditional field assessments are impractical. This methodology offers a scalable solution for early landslide detection, risk assessment, and hazard mapping. We discuss the potential benefits, challenges, and future directions of this approach, highlighting its applicability in diverse geographical settings and its role in advancing landslide monitoring and management strategies.

How to cite: Arsyad, A.: Machine Learning-Enhanced InSAR for Landslide Mapping: Differentiating Landslides from Ordinary Ground Movements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3429,, 2025.

The purpose of this study is to improve the prediction and risk assessment of landslides that cause slope hazards. We propose a method for the automatic detection of landslide topography over a regional area by using a deep learning algorithm to learn and replicate expert topographic interpretation techniques. Landslide topography and geological conditions have a significant impact on landslide prediction. In Japan, hazard maps have been created in the past based on expert topographic interpretation [1]. Deciphering requires a high degree of expertise and a considerable amount of time. Since Japanese landslide topography hazard maps have not been updated with high-resolution topography data since the 2000s, there is a need to develop more efficient and precise prediction techniques.
In this study, a deep learning model was used to acquire the topographic information characterizing landslide topography. This process involves acquiring expert topographic interpretation skills through deep learning. Approximately 10,000 landslide-related images were used as training data. These images were selected based on features that experts could recognize as landslide topography. An area of 18,000 km² in southwestern Japan was analyzed for topographic information, with half of this area used for training data. Model performance was verified in an unused area of 100 km².
The results showed that the detection rate reached approximately 80%, confirming that the automatic detection of landslides is feasible to some extent. The analysis was completed in about one hour, whereas it would take an expert several weeks. After deep learning inference, it took several hours to create a regional susceptibility map via GIS.
The acquisition of topographic interpretation techniques through deep learning is feasible and can be a method to accelerate and objectify the assessment of the likelihood of landslide topography over large areas in the future. When combined with remote sensing technology, dynamic hazard assessment will be possible. This is expected to be a next-generation tool for landslide hazard assessment. However, there are some points to keep in mind when introducing this method. It is necessary to have experts prepare training data and check inference results, and it is important to maintain an accurate disaster inventory. Additionally, it is crucial to continue fact-checking the results of deep learning inference. By fulfilling these requirements, deep learning can be used as a reliable analysis method. As a result, disaster preparedness planning will become more efficient, and society’s resilience to disasters will be improved.
[1] National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience. 2008. landslide topography map series.

How to cite: Furuki, H.: Research on the acquisition of topographic interpretation capabilities using deep learning and the generation of regional landslide susceptibility maps., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5550,, 2025.

EGU25-5648 | PICO | NH3.10 | Highlight

RER2023: a freely accessible landslide inventory dataset from the May 2023 Emilia-Romagna event 

Matteo Berti, Marco Pizziolo, Michele Scaroni, Mauro Generali, Vincenzo Critelli, Marco Mulas, Melissa Tondo, Francesco Lelli, Cecilia Fabbiani, Francesco Ronchetti, Giuseppe Ciccarese, Nicola Dal Seno, Elena Ioriatti, Rodolfo Rani, Alessandro Zuccarini, Tommaso Simonelli, and Alessandro Corsini

Landslide inventories play a crucial role in assessing susceptibility, hazards, and risks, particularly in mountainous regions where devising resilience strategies becomes essential. The significance of such inventories becomes even more pronounced in the context of climate change, which may render existing databases inadequate due to evolving stability conditions. A clear illustration of this was seen in May 2023, when the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy experienced two significant rainfall events. These events triggered widespread flooding and thousands of landslides, including shallow debris slides and flows on slopes that had been considered stable, as historical data had not recorded previous landslides there. The total damages have been estimated to surpass 9 billion euros, affecting roads, railways, buildings, and cultural heritage sites, along with the destruction of bridges, power facilities, and communication lines. Additionally, agricultural fields, farming operations, and cultivated slopes saw significant disruption over an area of about 1000 km². Fifteen people lost their lives due to the flooding and two due to landslides.

In the aftermath, our team supported local and national agencies by engaging in field surveys and immediate assessments to address urgent public safety concerns. Our focus then shifted to mapping the landslides, initially identifying impacted roads and buildings to coordinate emergency responses and perform preliminary damage evaluations. We subsequently completed a detailed landslide inventory, producing a comprehensive map of all landslides triggered by the rainfall. This map has now been adopted by the Po River Authority and the Emilia-Romagna region as the official record for the May 2023 event and is being used by the Commission for Reconstruction to guide the recovery efforts.

The landslide inventory includes 80,997 polygons and has been made publicly available through the Zenodo repository (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13742643; The dataset is provided in a shapefile format, which includes detailed attributes like the type of landslide and the geological unit of each polygon, facilitating in-depth analysis. Additionally, the Emilia-Romagna region's geoportal offers unrestricted access to extensive spatial data, which can be integrated with our landslide map to refine both traditional and advanced machine-learning predictive models. The frequent shallow planar failures observed during the event also offer an exceptional opportunity to test physically-based slope stability models. We invite the scientific community to utilize this dataset or to collaborate on research projects that could leverage this tragic event to deepen our understanding of landslide risks.

How to cite: Berti, M., Pizziolo, M., Scaroni, M., Generali, M., Critelli, V., Mulas, M., Tondo, M., Lelli, F., Fabbiani, C., Ronchetti, F., Ciccarese, G., Dal Seno, N., Ioriatti, E., Rani, R., Zuccarini, A., Simonelli, T., and Corsini, A.: RER2023: a freely accessible landslide inventory dataset from the May 2023 Emilia-Romagna event, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5648,, 2025.

Landslide inventories are critical to support investigations of where and when landslides have happened and may occur in the future. They can be developed using different techniques and data, each bringing intrinsic limitations and potential sources of mapping errors, hence affecting the overall accuracy and reliability of the subsequent analyses.
For more than one decade, the Geotechnical Engineering Group (GEG) of the University of Salerno (Italy) has been carrying out a specific research activity aimed at collecting and organizing, within a national landslide catalogue called “FraneItalia”, information on landslides that occur in Italy from online news sources. To this aim, the news aggregator Google Alerts has been used for screening web pages and news articles published in Italian language. The FraneItalia catalogue is freely accessible at A description of the main features of the catalogue and the procedures adopted to fill it out can be found at
FraneItalia, which is being continuously updated, to date contains data on more than 9000 landslide events that occurred in Italy during the period 2010-2024. The catalogue includes both fatal landslide events and events that did not produce physical harm to people. The main peculiarity of the catalogue is the distinction between single landslide events, SLE (i.e., records only reporting one landslide) and areal landslide events, ALE (i.e., records referring to multiple landslides triggered by the same cause in the same geographic area). The structure is organized as a database where each reported landslide event is characterized by 40 unique fields, which are grouped in 9 thematic tables: main info; spatial information; temporal information; landslide characteristics; consequences to people, structures, infrastructures, cars and other elements; and source. Not all fields are mandatory. A set of constraints has been adopted to ensure the correctness and the semantic integrity of the attributes. In addition, a set of confidence descriptors are associated to each landslide record to measure the level of accuracy of the spatial and temporal information. Indeed, the availability of accurate and up-to-date information is essential for improving the accuracy and the quality of the subsequent analyses in landslide research.
Different subsets of the catalogue have been already used to carry out studies on landslide risk in Italy (, including: calibration and validation of models for landslides prediction at territorial scale; detection and mapping of spatio-temporal clusters of landslides; susceptibility, hazard, and risk assessment. Given the rising demand for high-quality data to be used in comprehensive analyses at regional and national scales, this dataset might be very useful for supporting decision-making in landslide risk management in Italy. Moreover, the methodology to define and populate FraneItalia is deemed to be general and can be used to develop similar initiatives in other countries.

How to cite: Pecoraro, G. and Calvello, M.: Potentials and limitations of a landslide inventory based on online news sources: the FraneItalia catalogue, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5768,, 2025.

EGU25-5797 | ECS | PICO | NH3.10

A Conditional Probability-Based Model for Geological Hazard Susceptibility Assessment 

Wang Yixi, Li Shouding, Ma Shiwei, Chen Xinshuo, Zheng Bo, Mao Tianqiao, and Li Xiao

Due to the complexity of geological environments, hazards such as rockfalls, landslides, and debris flows often exhibit significant heterogeneity. Their spatial distributions typically display clustering across various scales. In this study, we propose a conditional probability-based model for assessing geological hazard susceptibility, which incorporates the cumulative effects of multiple geological environmental factors. This model is particularly suited for large regions with complex geological patterns.

To quantitatively evaluate the geological hazard susceptibility index for the study area, we first applied the Certainty Factor (CF) method to normalize 11 geological environmental factors within the same range. Subsequently, we introduced positive contribution (W⁺) and negative contribution (W⁻) parameters to measure the contribution of each factor to hazard occurrence. Using these parameters, we calculated the comprehensive influence coefficient (C) of each factor. The influence coefficients were then normalized to determine the weights of the geological environmental factors. Finally, the hazard susceptibility index (G) for the region was obtained by aggregating the CF values and their respective weights for the 11 factors.

Weights of Geological Environmental Factors for Hazard Susceptibility Assessment

Geological Factors Geological Environmental Factors Weights
Topography and Geomorphology Elevation(m) 0.265
Topography and Geomorphology Slope(°) 0.038
Topography and Geomorphology Aspect(°) 0.026
Lithology Lithology Type 0.010
Geological Structure Seismic Acceleration(g) 0.090
Geological Structure Distance to Fault(m) 0.003
Meteorological and Hydrological Conditions Hydrogeological Type 0.036
Meteorological and Hydrological Conditions Water System Density(km/km2 0.093
Meteorological and Hydrological Conditions Annual Precipitation (mm) 0.156
Human Engineering Activities Road Density(km/km2 0.119
Human Engineering Activities

Density of urban and

large industrial buildings(one/km2

We applied this model to the Ili Valley region in Xinjiang, Northwest China, using data from 1,810 documented hazards. In the Geographic Information System (GIS) environment, we selected, processed, and analyzed 11 geological environmental factors, including elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, lithology, seismic acceleration, distance to faults, hydrogeological type, drainage density, annual rainfall, road density, and the density of urban and large civil infrastructure distributions. The model’s validation demonstrated reliable predictive performance for the study area. This research provides a practical method for evaluating geological hazard susceptibility, offering valuable insights for geohazard assessment and risk management.

Certainty Factor (CF) and Geological Hazard Susceptibility Index (G) Calculation Results for Geological Environmental Factors

How to cite: Yixi, W., Shouding, L., Shiwei, M., Xinshuo, C., Bo, Z., Tianqiao, M., and Xiao, L.: A Conditional Probability-Based Model for Geological Hazard Susceptibility Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5797,, 2025.

Landslides are geomorphological hazards triggered by natural factors such as rainfall, seismic activity, and snowmelt. A landslide inventory is essential for understanding and assessing the processes, distribution, and risks associated with these events. While traditional manual mapping from aerial imagery delivers high accuracy for slope-scale studies, it is labor-intensive and impractical for large-scale applications. Advances in remote sensing technologies, including high-resolution satellite imagery and synthetic aperture radar (SAR), have significantly enhanced the efficiency of landslide detection over broader geographical scales. Concurrently, deep learning techniques, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have revolutionized the field by automating landslide feature extraction and segmentation through remote sensing imagery, addressing the inefficiencies of manual methods.

Current challenges include the regional distribution bias in remote sensing-based landslide datasets, with limited high-quality data available for regions like Japan. Additionally, the lack of systematic evaluation of optimal features and deep learning architectures hinders improvements in detection accuracy and model transferability.

To address these gaps, we developed and validated the Japan High-Resolution Landslide Dataset (JHRLD), which integrates multi-sensor data encompassing spectral, SAR, and topographic features. The dataset comprises two subsets: Sentinel-2 for moderate-resolution (10 m) and PlanetScope for high-resolution (3 m) imagery, named after the optical images used for landslide delineation. Both subsets were designed based on a pool of 21 candidate features, including spectral bands, vegetation indices, SAR-derived backscatter metrics from Sentinel-1, and topographic attributes derived from the DEM published by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. A rigorous feature selection includes statistical and model-based evaluations, narrowing the list to the most significant features for landslide mapping, including green, red, NDVI, slope, and intensity.

Three deep learning models were employed on the JHRLD: UNet++, DeepLabv3+, and Medical Transformer (MedT). These models were evaluated using the F1 score for evaluating the JHRLD’s robustness and reliability. Performance analysis revealed that each model exhibited unique strengths depending on dataset resolution. On the moderate-resolution Sentinel-2 dataset, UNet++ excelled in detecting smaller-scale landslides, achieving an F1 score of 0.70. In contrast, DeepLabv3+ performed best on the high-resolution PlanetScope dataset, achieving an F1 score of 0.69 and effectively capturing large-scale and complex features. MedT showcased its superiority in boundary delineation, achieving the F1 score of 0.70 and excelling in identifying intricate landslide features. These results affirm the JHRLD’s robustness and reliability, providing a strong foundation for high-precision landslide detection across diverse resolutions and environments.

The JHRLD was validated in the Noto Peninsula, a region impacted by an Mw 7.5 earthquake and torrential rainfall in 2024. The model trained on the JHRLD demonstrated strong transferability, achieving an F1 score of 0.65 and a detection rate of 81% on this unseen area. Temporal and spatial analyses confirmed the JHRLD’s robustness, aligning well with observed hazard patterns under varying triggers.

The findings highlight the JHRLD’s adaptability as a benchmark dataset and its social utility in disaster prevention planning and emergency response.


Figure. Workflow for the JHRLD development and validation.

How to cite: Yu, B., Oguchi, T., and Iizuka, K.: Development and Validation of the Japan High-Resolution Landslide Dataset (JHRLD): Integrating Remote Sensing and Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9275,, 2025.

EGU25-9687 | ECS | PICO | NH3.10

Expert knowledge in enhancing quality of landslide inventory maps: A LiDAR-based study from Vinodol Valley, Croatia 

Petra Jagodnik, Michele Santangelo, Federica Fiorucci, and Sanja Bernat Gazibara

Landslide inventory maps (LIMs) are essential tools for hazard assessment, risk mitigation, and land-use planning. Expert knowledge significantly impacts their quality, potentially enhancing completeness and overall accuracy of landslide data. Experienced geomorphologists are trained to identify subtle topographic signatures of landslides, which is particularly the case of old or relict landslides or of complex geological settings, where the interpreters are supposed to deal with many sources of ambiguities.

This study examines the impact of expert knowledge on the quality of two geomorphological landslide inventory maps at a 1:10,000 scale in a geologically complex pilot area (45 km²) in Vinodol Valley, Croatia. The inventories were prepared through visual analysis of two LiDAR-based Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) at a resolution of 1m acquired in 2012 and in 2022. They were compared in terms of completeness, geographical accuracy, and thematic accuracy. 

The first landslide inventory map (LIMA) was prepared by a single young researcher in 2018 using the 2012 LiDAR DTM. The second (LIMB) was prepared in 2024 using the 2022 LiDAR DTM by a team of three experts, including two geomorphologists with decadal experience in geomorphological mapping and the author of LIMA. Comparisons focused on the total number of landslides, completeness, degree of spatial agreement between the two maps, and landslide attributes, such as landslide classification, and relative age.

Results show that LIMA is incomplete compared to LIMB, especially when considering large and very large landslides, and LIMB includes more landslides, especially old and relict ones, which are mostly poorly visible on DTMs. We maintain that the incompleteness of LIMA, particularly focused on large, relict and less distinct landslides, can be attributed partially to the limited experience of the interpreter at the time of the mapping, and partially to the missing of a discussion approach in a multidisciplinary team.

This research highlights the importance of a collaborative approach in enhancing the quality of landslide inventory maps. While individual expertise is valuable, a diverse team of experts ensures more comprehensive and accurate mapping. Continuous training is essential to improve the detection of both recent and, especially, very old or relict landslides and to refine mapping skills necessary for accurate mapping in challenging environments.

How to cite: Jagodnik, P., Santangelo, M., Fiorucci, F., and Bernat Gazibara, S.: Expert knowledge in enhancing quality of landslide inventory maps: A LiDAR-based study from Vinodol Valley, Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9687,, 2025.

EGU25-10053 | PICO | NH3.10

Improving the quality of landslide events recorded in the Norwegian database  

Graziella Devoli, Odd Are Jensen, and Martine S. Bekken

The national database of mass movements includes more than 90000 landslide and snow avalanche events from the year 900 up to present. The main processes registered are landslides, snow avalanches, slushflows, ice falls and submarine landslides. The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) has run the database since 2014 and can be accessed at and downloaded NVE - Nedlasting av kartdata

Some of the recorded landslides, like debris avalanches, debris flows, and shallow soil slides have been used to define landslide thresholds and create a landslide index that is used in the operational landslide forecasting and warning service. The poor quality of landslides registered in the database (uncertainty about landslide type, date and time and location) has limited the further analyses of thresholds and delayed the automatic updating of landslide thresholds. Controlled data could not be sent into the database; therefore, a new download of data and new control is necessary every time thresholds are to be updated. Could it be possible to give a quality score to each landslide, so it will be easy to automatically download data into threshold analyses, instead of a manual selection? Could it possible to perform the control directly into the database, to avoid a new control? 

In recent years, procedures for quality control of historical landslides have been proposed at NVE, initially for weather-induced landslides, but later extended to other landslide types, like rock avalanches and clay slides, quick clay slides and slushflows. The quality control activity has been implemented more systematically since 2018 using all sources of information available: newspapers, aerial photos, technical reports. Four quality levels have been proposed, and quality criteria have been described. In this work it is presented how the quality control process is organized, which quality criteria are in use for the different landslide types, and which lessons we have learned.

The systematic quality control process is providing spatially and temporally improved dataset to be used not only in landslide threshold analyses, but also to be used in hazard mapping and the calibration of landslide models that simulate initiation areas and runout, used for susceptibility and hazard maps, as well as in other research projects. The control process has contributed to a better description and mapping of certain landslide types (like debris flows and debris avalanches, clay slides) and slushflows, and improved the overall registration and controlling tools.

How to cite: Devoli, G., Jensen, O. A., and Bekken, M. S.: Improving the quality of landslide events recorded in the Norwegian database , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10053,, 2025.

EGU25-15029 | PICO | NH3.10

Event landslide mapping using L-band SAR data: insights from the 2018 Hokkaido earthquake 

Michele Santangelo, Alessandro Mondini, Andrea Manconi, Kotaro Iizuka, and Takashi Oguchi

Event landslide mapping plays a critical role in understanding the impact of triggering events, supporting emergency response, and defining risk reduction strategies. It also provides valuable datasets for validating susceptibility and risk models and training automatic landslide detection methods using machine learning. Enhancing our ability to detect and map landslides, particularly under challenging conditions, is key to improving response capacity during large-scale events.

Optical post-event images, while commonly used for mapping, are often unavailable immediately after a disaster due to dense cloud cover and limited revisit times. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors, with their ability to acquire data regardless of cloud cover or lighting conditions, offer a promising alternative.

In this study, we evaluated the reliability of L-band ALOS SAR amplitude images to prepare a landslide inventory map for the region affected by the MW 6.6 Hokkaido earthquake in September 2018, which triggered over 6,000 landslides. Using amplitude images of the radar backscattering coefficient (beta naught), we derived log-ratio change detection maps that highlight surface changes caused by landslides. These maps were visually interpreted by an expert geomorphologist to produce a SAR-based inventory in three test areas selected to represent varying landslide densities: low, medium, and high, as defined by the benchmark inventory.

To validate this approach, we compared the SAR-based inventory with a benchmark inventory derived from the interpretation of post-event optical images and field checks. The comparison assessed spatial coverage, geometric accuracy, completeness, and size distribution.  

Results showed a good agreement between the SAR-based inventory and the benchmark, largely due to the high resolution of ALOS images, which enabled accurate detection and delineation of most landslide-affected areas. However, in the high-density test area, the delineation of individual landslides was less precise, with some generalizations observed. In contrast, the low-density test area exhibited more commission errors, likely due to challenges in distinguishing true landslides from noise in sparsely affected regions.

Our findings further demonstrate the potential of SAR data for landslide mapping in complex scenarios. The robust dataset produced in this study provides a rational basis for developing and training automatic landslide mapping systems based on radar backscattering log-ratio images.

How to cite: Santangelo, M., Mondini, A., Manconi, A., Iizuka, K., and Oguchi, T.: Event landslide mapping using L-band SAR data: insights from the 2018 Hokkaido earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15029,, 2025.

EGU25-15100 | PICO | NH3.10

Size and frequency of large landslides from different incomplete inventories 

Oliver Korup, Lisa Luna, and Ferrer Joaquin

Landslide catalogues have grown such that they allow for increasingly robust estimates of the size scaling of slope failures. Relationships between landslide volume, area, and their relative abundance provide useful insight into quantitative models of hillslope stability, hazard and risk, and landscape evolution. Numerous studies concur that smaller landslides are systematically more frequent than larger ones, and fitted various probability distributions to mapped landslide areas or volumes to capture this inverse relationship. However, especially the larger and commensurately rarer landslides (defined here as affecting footprint areas ≥0.1 km2) tend to eldude these statistical analyses. Thus, it remains unclear as to how an extrapolation of models derived from smaller landslides is valid beyond the size range identified for a given study area. Similarly, it can be problematic to use scaling statistics from other inventories because of likely differing methods of landslide detection and mapping, data quality, resolution, sample size, model choice, and fitting. We propose a multi-level Bayesian Generalised Pareto model as common ground for consistently estimating and comparing size distributions of large slope failures from different catalogues. The model remediates the problem of small sample size and makes use of all available data from thousands of landslides across several dozens of databases. The underlying peak-over-threshold approach is firmly rooted in extreme-value theory and offers a statistical reference against which any physical interpretations of landslide scaling statistics can be compared. We find that, despite a broad set of mapping protocols and lengths of record, and differing topographic, geological, and climatic conditions, the posterior power-law exponents remain indistinguishable between most inventories. The same goes for known earthquake from rainfall triggers, and event-based from multi-temporal catalogues. However, our model identifies several inventories with outlier scaling statistics that more likely result from censoring effects during the mapping or compilation process. We thus caution against a universal or solely mechanistic interpretation of scaling parameters, at least concerning large landslides. Some of this physical meaning might get diluted, mixed, or even lost in empirical data that combine confounding controls.

How to cite: Korup, O., Luna, L., and Joaquin, F.: Size and frequency of large landslides from different incomplete inventories, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15100,, 2025.

EGU25-19624 | ECS | PICO | NH3.10

Shallow landslides in Northern Tuscany (Italy): a new multi-temporal inventory and its spatial and statistical analysis 

Enrico D'Addario, Giulio Masoni, Eduardo Marques e Silva Rocha de Oliveira, Moira Pippi, and Leonardo Disperati

Shallow landslides are among the most frequent and impactful geomorphological phenomena in areas affected by intense rainfall and complex lithological settings. In this study we present and analyse a new multi-temporal shallow landslide inventory for the Apuan Alps area (Northern Tuscany, Italy). The study area, covering 625 km², is characterized by high landslide susceptibility due to both occurrence of intense rainfall events and complex morphology and structural geology conditions. A visual interpretation of high spatial resolution orthophotos was performed to recognize and map both landslide features and examples of stable areas. The aerial images used for landslide mapping cover a period of 67 years, from 1954 to 2021. The acquisition was not evenly distributed over time, with intervals between successive images varying from 2 to 24 years and averaging approximately 6 years. Nevertheless, the last two decades (2003-2021) saw a more consistent acquisition rate, with aerial images captured every 3 years. The dataset, made up of 1433 positive landslide entities and 100 stable areas, was validated through field surveys, achieving an overall accuracy of 91%. During field validation, further information were acquired, such as movement type, material involved and scarp height. The overall inventory underwent spatial, temporal and statistical analysis. Spatial analysis revealed two high-density clusters (>25 landslides/km²), primarily associated with extreme rainfall events occurred in 1996, 2010, and 2012. Temporal analysis highlighted a significant increase of normalized annual landslide frequency during the recent decades; also the relationships with the increase of intense rainfall events was explored. Magnitude–frequency distribution analysis exhibited a negative power-law relationship for medium and larger landslides, with a rollover at areas around 100 m². The shape and the parameters of the magnitude-frequency relationship well fit to other functions published in the literature. In a general perspective, the new inventory shows high frequency of “small” landslides, which instead are almost lacking within published landslide inventories for the study area (e.g. IFFI, Inventario Fenomeni Franosi Italiani). The intersection between shallow landslides and bedrock lithological units allowed us to recognize highest landslide density for silt and clay-rich lithologies, such as flysch and metarenites, while carbonate units is characterized by higher stability. Analysis of morphometric variables revealed that south- and southeast-facing concave hillslopes with gradients between 30° and 50° are particularly susceptible to landslides. These results align with previous research highlighting the role of slope aspect, steepness, and contributing area in landslide initiation. Field validation provided further insights into the dynamics and geometry of shallow landslides. Avalanches were the most common type (50%), followed by slides (30%), flows (15%), and falls (5%). The variability for scarp height and sliding surface location highlights the involvement of both slope deposits and bedrock, providing relevant clues to help both understanding failure mechanisms and improving approaches for susceptibility models. This research highlights the added value of integrating remote sensing – based data extraction, spatial analyses, field validation and statistical methods to enhance the understanding of shallow landslide processes. Moreover, the inventory represents a new robust, high-quality dataset suitable for landslide susceptibility and hazard zoning.


How to cite: D'Addario, E., Masoni, G., Marques e Silva Rocha de Oliveira, E., Pippi, M., and Disperati, L.: Shallow landslides in Northern Tuscany (Italy): a new multi-temporal inventory and its spatial and statistical analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19624,, 2025.

EGU25-20564 | PICO | NH3.10

Assessing Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Performance with an Event-Based Inventory from the 6 February 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes 

Sultan Kocaman, Gizem Karakas, Erdinc Orsan Unal, Sinem Cetinkaya, Nazli Tunar Ozcan, Veysel Emre Karakas, Recep Can, and Candan Gokceoglu

The devastating earthquakes of 6 February 2023 in Türkiye (Mw 7.7 and Mw 7.6) triggered widespread co-seismic landslides across the region. This study focuses on developing and validating a landslide susceptibility map (LSM) for a 38,500 km² area in southeast Türkiye, which represents 5% of the country's landmass. Using a pre-earthquake inventory and the random forest algorithm, nine geomorphological and environmental features, including altitude, slope, lithology, and distance to faults, were integrated into the model. Validation was performed with a co-seismic landslide inventory comprising 2,611 landslides identified through pre- and post-earthquake aerial photogrammetric datasets.

Internal validation with the test data randomly split from the training dataset demonstrated high accuracy (93.67%) of the model based on the pixel-level assessments. However, the independent validation using co-seismic landslides revealed challenges, particularly in regions with rare lithological units or incomplete pre-event inventories. Despite the very limited pre-earthquake inventory, an accuracy of 76% was achieved, although it resulted in a significant number of false non-landslide labels. Thus, the co-seismic landslides highlighted the importance of accounting for unseen features, such as rare lithological units in the modeling. In addition, the resolution of the digital elevation model (EU-DEM with 25 m resolution) used for the LSM production was different from the resolution of the DEM used for post-earthquake landslide delineation. The latter one was obtained from high resolution aerial stereo images. Since the size of landslides which can be determined with the LSMs have strong correlation with the DEM quality, the difference between the internal accuracy and the external assessment results can be partly attributed to the data source used for inventory compilation. Nonetheless, the EU-DEM was found suitable for regional LSM production, and higher resolution DEMs also introduce computational complexity for such a large region.

This study outcomes revealed the potential of integrating remote sensing, machine learning, and geospatial data to enhance regional landslide susceptibility mapping. The findings provide valuable insights for disaster risk reduction, urban planning, and mitigating the impacts of latent hazards in seismically active regions; while pointing out the importance of data quality, optimization of machine learning algorithms, and multi-temporal inventory analyses to improve predictive accuracy.

How to cite: Kocaman, S., Karakas, G., Unal, E. O., Cetinkaya, S., Tunar Ozcan, N., Karakas, V. E., Can, R., and Gokceoglu, C.: Assessing Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Performance with an Event-Based Inventory from the 6 February 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20564,, 2025.

EGU25-21121 | PICO | NH3.10

Rainfall threshold ensemble for landslide prediction under data uncertainty 

Massimo Melillo, Alessandro Mondini, and Fausto Guzzetti

Based on a minimum amount of rainfall that can trigger landslides when reached or exceeded, rainfall thresholds are used to predict the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides and are an essential part of many landslide early warning systems worldwide.

The most common information used to define empirical rainfall thresholds is rainfall duration, cumulative rainfall and landslide occurrence time, all of which are derived from data sets with uncertainties, which are particularly important to consider when thresholds are used in early warning systems.

The landslide information is usually obtained from a variety of sources, including newspapers, blogs, landslide databases, scientific journals, technical documents, event and firefighter reports, and the association between the geographical location and time of occurrence of the landslides and the rainfall records is made by expert judgement based on heuristic criteria. Inaccuracies in the location and/or time of occurrence of the landslide and lack of systematic mapping are the main sources of uncertainty.

Assuming that a power law is a good descriptor of the dependence of cumulative rainfall on rainfall duration, in this work we focus our interest on a strategy to mitigate the epistemic uncertainties associated with the data that affect the model parameters: we propose an ensemble approach based on four different models to estimate the exceedance probability of landslide occurrence, which we combine through a voting scheme.

Methods include a frequentist ordinary least square regression method, a frequentist quantile regression method, a Bayesian quantile regression method, and a machine learning symbolic regression method.

The thresholds obtained by the four methods are equivalent to the opinions of four independent experts who were asked to give their advice on the minimum amount of cumulative rainfall required for a potential landslide to occur for a given duration of rainfall.

We measure the level of agreement among the experts by counting the number of predictions that are above, below or in the range of uncertainty of the four thresholds. Finally, we take the most voted prediction as representative of the rainfall condition and the level of agreement/disagreement as an indication of the uncertainty in our prediction.

This approach provides a novel and robust framework for considering uncertainty in rainfall thresholds and offers practical insights to enhance decision-making in landslide risk management.

How to cite: Melillo, M., Mondini, A., and Guzzetti, F.: Rainfall threshold ensemble for landslide prediction under data uncertainty, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21121,, 2025.

EGU25-21464 | PICO | NH3.10

Landslide disaster risk reduction and slope resolience strategy in Malaysia 

Khamarrul A. Razak, Liyana H. S. Ramlee, Siow Y. Mei, Mohd S. A. Razak, Nursalbiah Hamidun, Zamri Ramli, Zakaria Mohamad, Rasid A. Jaapar, and Muhammad F. Ismail

Landslides remained the fatal disaster that contributed a number of human losses due to geological hazards, slope failures, debris flow and rockfalls in Malaysia. The cascading impact is further exacerbated by increasing magnitude and frequency of extreme weather events, climate change, and anthropogenic activities in urban settings, cultural heritage-affiliated, tourism-dominated areas, and food-insecurity regions in a tropical environment.

This study reports newly launched commitment and aspiration to reduce landslide disaster risk reduction and slope resilience strategies in Malaysia. The National Slope Master Plan (NSMP) 2025-2030 is an extended version of NSMP2009-2023, a 20-year road map with aims at enhancing the country’s capacity to assess and mitigate landslide risk, marking a significant milestone towards promoting sustainable slope management practices and reducing landslide disaster risk in Malaysia. The NSMP is collectively managed by the Department of Public Work under auspices of Inter-Governmental Agency Committee for Slope Management (ICSM). It is aligned to the international DRR agenda, UNDRR Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and Malaysia’s National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy 2030. Moreover, the NSMP Action Plan 2025-2030 incorporates a holistic framework, forward-looking and action-oriented guidance to integrate disaster risk reduction (DRR) into policies, programmes, development, and investments at all levels.

As a “living-document”, NSMP2030 serves a national guidance and primary reference for landslide disaster risk management at the national, local, and cross-sectoral levels. Remarkably, landslide and slope inventory remained a critical success factor to co-implement the multi-scale DRR plan. So far, we reported about 6441 landslides in the period of 1961-2024 and 25,608 slopes over mountainous environment, vulnerable highlands, tectonically active, hilly slope and urbanized settings. Two national guidelines are co-developed to address the multi-tier inventories for landslides and slope failures.

This study also explores new modalities of implementation, mean risk governance, inter-agency management mechanisms and integrated partnerships for de-risk investment. This study also highlights the use of nationally-supported and locally-led landslide inventories for supporting the development of highland vulnerability index (HVI) over 600,000 hectare in Cameron Highlands (Pahang), Kinta (Perak) and Lojing (Kelantan). It aims to enhance landslide disaster resilience in the vulnerable highlands by integrating comprehensive and inclusive localized DRR measures, promoting the well-being of the people, and supporting sustainable livelihoods and risk-informed development.

This transdisciplinary study emphasized progress made and achievements, to renew our shared commitments to amplifying and accelerating actions in all sectors and at all scale through 2030 and beyond, in pursuit of the global agenda and national aspiration in reducing disaster losses, preventing future systemic risk, and strengthening disaster resilience in a changing climate.

How to cite: Razak, K. A., Ramlee, L. H. S., Mei, S. Y., Razak, M. S. A., Hamidun, N., Ramli, Z., Mohamad, Z., Jaapar, R. A., and Ismail, M. F.: Landslide disaster risk reduction and slope resolience strategy in Malaysia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21464,, 2025.

EGU25-2560 | ECS | Orals | NH3.12

Meta-Stable States in Granular Shear Zones Under Cyclic Loading: Implications for Earthquake-Triggered Landslides 

Yan Li, Wei Hu, Qiang Xu, Hui Luo, Chingshung Chang, and Xiaoping Jia

Understanding the dynamic response of granular shear zones under cyclic loading is critical for elucidating the mechanisms of earthquake-induced landslides. Existing prediction methods struggle to capture the complexities of landslide dynamics, particularly the transition from slow creep to rapid runout during seismic events. Here, we present results from ring shear experiments that simulate shear zone behavior under dynamic loading. Our study reveals that granular shear zones exhibit post-seismic creep, which increases gradually with each loading cycle. Crucially, we have observed a meta-stable state characterized by a significant increase in post-seismic creep, which precedes shear zone failure. This meta-stable state occurs when the weakened shear resistance approaches the applied shear stress, indicating a phase transition from a solid to a fluid-like state and may serve as a critical precursor for instability. These findings offer a compelling explanation for widespread post-seismic landslide movement and the dynamic triggering of landslides. By incorporating the identified co-seismic weakening and post-seismic healing mechanisms into existing methodologies, such as modified Newmark models, we can potentially greatly improve the accuracy of landslide displacement predictions and advance our understanding of dynamic triggering. This work provides a framework for better assessing seismic landslide hazards.

How to cite: Li, Y., Hu, W., Xu, Q., Luo, H., Chang, C., and Jia, X.: Meta-Stable States in Granular Shear Zones Under Cyclic Loading: Implications for Earthquake-Triggered Landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2560,, 2025.

For decades, regional-scale landslide prediction has predominantly relied on data-driven models, which are inherently detached from the underlying physics of the failure mechanisms. The widespread adoption of these models is due to their ability to utilize proxy variables instead of geotechnical parameters, which are often difficult to obtain across regional scale. In this study, we introduce a Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) approach that incorporates physical constraints into a conventional data-driven framework to predict the permanent deformations associated with Newmark slope stability methods. Specifically, the neural network is designed to extract geotechnical parameters from globally available proxy variables and optimize a loss function based on observed coseismic landslide inventories. The results demonstrate that this approach not only achieves high predictive accuracy in terms of traditional susceptibility outputs but also generates spatially resolved maps of inferred geotechnical properties at a regional scale. Consequently, this architecture presents a novel avenue for addressing coseismic landslide prediction and, if validated by further studies, holds the potential for enabling near-real-time PINN-based predictions. 

How to cite: Dahal, A. and Lombardo, L.: Towards Physics-Informed Neural Network for Earthquake Induced Landslide Modelling., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5633,, 2025.

EGU25-5820 | Posters on site | NH3.12

Increased motion of a slow-moving landslide following 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Doublet: Insights from Meydandere (Siirt) Landslide Complex, Türkiye 

Tolga Gorum, Suat Coskun, Abdullah Akbas, Caglar Bayık, Saygın Abdikan, Fusun Balik Sanli, and Hakan Tanyas

Slow-moving (5x10-5 (mm/s)), deep-seated (>5 m) landslides exhibit persistent but non-uniform motion at low velocities, and deformation rates can increase abruptly with a triggering factor such as earthquakes.  Although it is generally reported that such landslides become reactive in areas close to earthquake epicenters depending on the attenuation relations, the Meydandere (Siirt) landslide is approximately 560 km away from the February 06, Kahramanmaraş earthquake epicenters, and due to the increased movement on the hillslopes a couple of days after the earthquake, local people reported the incident to the local authorities. Meydandere paleo landslide complex contains many secondary landslides and is developed in the Paleocene–Early Eocene sedimentary rocks. Here, we utilize four years of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, accumulated precipitation, and volumetric soil water layer data to explore a slow-moving landslide's kinematics and causal linkage with far-field seismic effects. Based on the InSAR results, we have determined that the deformation rate of different secondary landslide bodies in the main landslide complex is slow but continuous with time, yet this rate has doubled after the earthquakes. We have revealed that cumulative precipitation and volumetric soil water layer changes may also play a profound role in this rate. On the other hand, we have statistically shown that the February 6, 2023, earthquake doublet has a primary control on landslide acceleration because there is no significant increasing trend in the velocities, although the peak values of precipitation-induced changes were higher in the previous period. We conclude that understanding the earthquake response not only of co-seismic landslides in earthquake-affected areas but also of existing large bedrock landslides in far-field areas relative to the earthquake epicenter will provide a comprehensive understanding of the hazard chain of large earthquakes.

How to cite: Gorum, T., Coskun, S., Akbas, A., Bayık, C., Abdikan, S., Balik Sanli, F., and Tanyas, H.: Increased motion of a slow-moving landslide following 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Doublet: Insights from Meydandere (Siirt) Landslide Complex, Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5820,, 2025.

EGU25-5946 | ECS | Orals | NH3.12

Ambient noise analysis for expeditious evaluations of slope susceptibility to co-seismic failures: potential and limitations 

Flaviana Fredella, Vincenzo Del Gaudio, Janusz Wasowski, Nicola Venisti, and Paola Capone

During an earthquake, mountainous and hilly areas can suffer severe additional damage as an effect of co-seismic landsliding favored by the presence of impedance contrasts (e.g. caused by soft slope materials resting on a rigid substratum) that cause seismic shaking amplifications. As a tool to guide actions for the mitigation of such effects, we are testing an expeditious approach to make a rapid reconnaissance of slopes susceptible to seismically induced landsliding. Our approach is based on the estimation of the slope resistance demand posed by seismic shaking with an expected Arias intensity. We exploit expeditious ambient noise analyses to assess the contribution of the dynamic response of slopes to their susceptibility to seismic failure. A technique of instantaneous polarization analysis is used to extract Rayleigh waves from noise recordings with the consequent possibility of (i) inverting the Rayleigh wave ellipticity curves as a function of frequency in terms of S-wave velocity vertical profiles and (ii) calculating the amplification factors in terms of Arias intensity through 1D site response modeling.

To verify the effectiveness of our approach, we use data from a local network of accelerometer stations installed on marginally stable slopes to compare amplification factors estimated from noise recordings with those derived from accelerometer recordings. The results show differences in the amplification factor estimates within 50%, an acceptable level of approximation for a preliminary regional-scale assessment of the slope dynamic response. However, the following limitations in the applicability of the approach should be considered: 1) a careful selection of the seismic inputs for the numerical modeling, with a well-balanced distribution of spectral energy, to avoid strong concentrations over limited frequency bands that may result in a significant underestimation or overestimation of the amplification factor; 2) particular attention to complex slope settings (e.g., the presence of dominant fracturing/fissuring systems resulting in strong anisotropies in the mechanical properties of the slope materials); in such cases, the amplification estimates could be greatly underestimated (up to 300%) by assuming the occurrence of purely stratigraphic site effects.

How to cite: Fredella, F., Del Gaudio, V., Wasowski, J., Venisti, N., and Capone, P.: Ambient noise analysis for expeditious evaluations of slope susceptibility to co-seismic failures: potential and limitations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5946,, 2025.

On February 6, 2023, two earthquakes of magnitudes 7.8 Mw and 7.6 Mw occurred on the East Anatolian Fault zone, centered in Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye. These earthquakes caused widespread destruction, particularly in residential areas, and triggered lateral spreads that caused significant economic damage to agricultural lands. Within the earthquake-effective area, such landslides are more frequent along the Asi River in the south of Hatay. The banks of the Asi River have been a region where lateral spreading events are frequent due to morphological and sedimentological factors such as loose sandy soil and gentle slopes. This study aims to understand the distribution of lateral spreads triggered by the February 6 Türkiye earthquake sequence and the geomorphological conditions that affected this distribution along the 86 km section of the Asi River within Türkiye's borders. For this purpose, high-resolution satellite imagery, aerial photographs, and optical data collected via UAVs during fieldwork were processed using remote sensing software to produce mapping bases and conduct analyses. We mapped 328 lateral spreads in the earthquake-affected area. Along the Asi (Orontes) River, 238 lateral spreads were identified, constituting 72.6% of the total inventory of lateral spreads triggered by the earthquake doublet. The mapped lateral spreads in this area ranged from a minimum of 200 m² to a maximum of 100,000 m², with a total surface area of 3.5 km² exclusively along the Asi River. These earthquake-triggered lateral spreads demonstrated varying crack densities and deformation characteristics influenced by the meandering structure of the Asi River, which has a sinuosity index reaching up to 3.76. Lateral spreads were predominantly observed at point bars with higher sand content, where they moved horizontally towards the Asi River channel by a minimum of 1 meter and a maximum of 35 meters. We conclude that a deeper understanding of the frequency-magnitude relationships and spatial distribution patterns of lateral spreads enhances the development of regional susceptibility models and improves insight into the long-term geomorphic impacts of earthquakes, particularly concerning riverbank erosion.

How to cite: Çetinkaya, A. and Görüm, T.: Geomorphological Controls on The Distribution of Lateral Spreading Triggered by The February 6, 2023, Kahramanmaraş (Türkiye) Earthquake Sequence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6319,, 2025.

EGU25-6581 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.12

A Highly Mobile Loess Landslide Induced by the 2023 Ms 6.2 Jishishan Earthquake in Northwest China 

Shihao Xiao, Limin Zhang, Jian He, Ming Peng, Ruochen Jiang, and Wenjun Lu

On December 18, 2023, a Ms 6.2 earthquake struck Jishishan County, Gansu Province, China, triggering a catastrophic loess flowslide in Zhongchuan Town, Qinghai Province. The flowslide covered a total area of 508,200 m² and initiated a hazard chain that eroded an 8-meter-high earth dam, destroyed 51 residential buildings, and caused over 20 fatalities. Notably, the flowslide showed extraordinary mobility, traveling 3160 meters across gentle terrain with an overall travel angle of just 1.5°, surpassing the mobility of other known landslide types. To explore the underlying mechanisms behind its hypermobility, we conducted field surveys, UAV-based photogrammetry, LiDAR analysis, and numerical simulations. Three primary causes of its hypermobility were identified: (1) liquefaction of water-saturated silty loess, induced by irrigation activities and seismic loading, which significantly reduced basal resistance; (2) the macro-pore structure of loess, promoting the fluidization of displaced material; and (3) channelized topography combined with a low-friction icy channel bed, which enhanced flow momentum. Numerical simulations further demonstrated that variations in degrees of liquefaction strongly influenced the flowslide’s mobility and destructive potential.

How to cite: Xiao, S., Zhang, L., He, J., Peng, M., Jiang, R., and Lu, W.: A Highly Mobile Loess Landslide Induced by the 2023 Ms 6.2 Jishishan Earthquake in Northwest China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6581,, 2025.

EGU25-10559 | ECS | Orals | NH3.12

Evaluating Stability in Vado Ligure offshore (Liguria, NW Italy) Through the MLD Method 

Martina Zanetti, Cesare Angeli, Alberto Armigliato, Enrico Paolucci, and Filippo Zaniboni

Submarine landslides are  significant marine geological hazards, potentially affecting offshore infrastructure anchored to the seafloor, including oil and gas facilities, submarine pipelines and cables, and coastal engineering projects. Given the critical role of offshore areas in current and future energy production, anticipating potential landslide events is essential for effective planning and risk mitigation.
In this context, the present study investigates the landslide potential of the offshore area of Vado Ligure (Northern Italy), a strategically important site for the deployment of a gas pipeline that connects a ship mooring to the coast ( The area is located near the head of a submarine canyon carving the shallow water platform, approximately 2 km east of the harbour of Vado Ligure.

In the absence of detailed studies describing potentially unstable masses along this submarine structure, we evaluated seabed stability along the proposed pipeline route by applying the Minimum Lithostatic Deviation (MLD) method, developed by Tinti and Manucci (2006, 2008) as a reformulation of the classic Limit Equilibrium Method. We took into consideration various potential sliding surfaces along a series of transects intersecting the pipeline route and partially covering the steep slope characterizing the canyon.

An analysis of the Parametric Catalog of Italian Earthquakes (CPTI15 v4.0.0) (Rovida et al., 2020) reveals the occurrence of historical earthquakes with moderate magnitudes (4–5) in the Vado Ligure area. At the same time, the Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources -- DISS database (DISS Working Group 2021) identifies seismogenic structures in the region capable of generating earthquakes with magnitudes up to 7.4. These findings emphasize the importance of including seismic loading in seabed stability assessments. Accordingly, a sensitivity analysis was conducted, varying the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) between 0.2 g and 0.7 g to account for uncertainties and assess its influence on slope stability.

Furthermore, a second sensitivity analysis focused on key geotechnical parameters, such as cohesion and friction angle, which play a crucial role in slope stability evaluation and which are poorly known for the studied area. The combined results of these analyses indicate that the offshore area under investigation is stable, even under the worst-case assumptions.



DISS Working Group, “DISS, Version 3.3.0: A compilation of potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy and surrounding areas. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).”, 2021.

Rovida A., Locati M., Camassi R., Lolli B., Gasperini P., “The Italian earthquake catalogue CPTI15.” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 2953–2984, 2020.

Tinti, S. and Manucci, A., “Gravitational stability computed through the limit equilibrium method revisited”, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 164, no. 1, pp. 1–14, 2006.

Tinti, S. and Manucci, A., “A new computational method based on the minimum lithostatic deviation (MLD) principle to analyse slope stability in the frame of the 2-D limit-equilibrium theory”, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 671–683, 2008.

How to cite: Zanetti, M., Angeli, C., Armigliato, A., Paolucci, E., and Zaniboni, F.: Evaluating Stability in Vado Ligure offshore (Liguria, NW Italy) Through the MLD Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10559,, 2025.

EGU25-11165 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.12

Assessing Post-Seismic Hillslope Stability with Finite Element Methods 

Yu Wang, Luigi Lombardo, Cees J. van Westen, Tolga Gorum, Abdüssamet Yılmaz, and Hakan Tanyaş

Earthquakes can induce a legacy effect on hillslopes by reducing rock mass shear strength through fracture development and cohesion loss, thereby increasing landslide susceptibility. While methods for modeling shear strength reduction exist, post-seismic landslide susceptibility assessments that account for this earthquake legacy effect remain unexplored. In this study, we address this gap by performing regional-scale slope stability analyses using Finite Element Methods (FEM). Focusing on the area affected by the 2023 Türkiye earthquake, we conduct back-analyses to estimate the shear modulus of hillslopes that failed during the event. Using an empirical relationship for shear strength reduction, we estimate post-seismic shear strength and integrate these parameters into FEM simulations to evaluate hillslope deformation. The deformation results are subsequently used to assess landslide susceptibility across the region.

This study represents the first application of FEM for regional-scale landslide susceptibility analysis, systematically accounting for changes in rock mass strength due to seismic events. The proposed framework enhances the accuracy and reliability of post-seismic slope stability assessments, providing a step forward in regional-scale, post-seismic landslide hazard evaluation.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Lombardo, L., Westen, C. J. V., Gorum, T., Yılmaz, A., and Tanyaş, H.: Assessing Post-Seismic Hillslope Stability with Finite Element Methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11165,, 2025.

EGU25-11193 | Orals | NH3.12

Mechanisms of co- and post-seismic landslides in the Colca valley, Peru, following M5+ earthquakes 

Pascal Lacroix, Edu Taipe, Luis Albinez, Grégory Bièvre, Léa Pousse, and Hugo Sanchez

During earthquakes, landslides are triggered both co-sesmically and post-seismically over several weeks or years. The triggering mechanisms of these two phases encompass a combination of dynamic loading during the shaking, fluid migration from sediment contraction, bulk damage inside the landslide mass, fluidization of clay layers, and subtle interplays between landslide units. These different mechanisms are still poorly quantified, due in particular to the paucity of dynamic parameters acquired on landslides during earthquakes. Slow-moving landslides, with their persistent motion through time, provide a unique opportunity for monitoring different physical parameters, including displacements and material mechanical properties. As a consequence, they provide a strong interest for studying the mechanisms of landslides during seismic forcings.

The Maca and Madrigal landslides, located in southern Peru at an altitude of 3,400 m, are two nearby slow-moving landslides (~1m/year) located in a highly seismic environment (Colca valley). For this reason, the two sites have been instrumented since 2012 and 2017 respectively, with permanent GNSSs and broadband seismometers. In October 2021, March 2022 and June 2023, the instruments recorded the response of the landslides to 3 major shallow earthquakes (Ml5.2, 5.5, 5.2 at distance between 3-15 km). Both landslides displayed a co- and a post-seismic motion of different magnitudes and characteristics. In particular, the post-seismic motion is systematically delayed by 2 days on the Madrigal landslide, and the October 2021 earthquake reactivated the whole landslide mass, inactive for at least 6 years. We analyze this dataset, together with seismic, InSAR, Pléiades satellite images and weather data to decipher the mechanisms at play during the co- and post-seismic phases.

How to cite: Lacroix, P., Taipe, E., Albinez, L., Bièvre, G., Pousse, L., and Sanchez, H.: Mechanisms of co- and post-seismic landslides in the Colca valley, Peru, following M5+ earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11193,, 2025.

EGU25-12308 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.12

From ground motion simulations to rockfall hazard scenarios: A look into cascading effects from the 2023 Turkish earthquakes  

Ilenia G. Gallo, Tolga Gorum, Luigi Lombardo, Hakan Tanyas, Gaetano Robustelli, and Roberto Sarro

In the last decade the interest in understanding or assessing the susceptibility of earthquake induced landslides has considerably increased in the scientific literature. In this context rockfalls present a challenge due to the difficulty to collect information on fallen boulders following an earthquake emergency. The data obtained is often biased, as it is usually recorded only when it causes damage to buildings or road networks. Important aspects for future studies, such as the identification of source areas, are generally overlooked.

This study aims to develop a coseismic rockfall analysis based on the Turkish scenario, where two massive earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 struck on February 6, 2023, triggering approximately 3,673 landslides, the majority of which were rockfalls.  The approach combines data collection and statistical analysis to obtain the key input data needed for forecasting rockfall trajectories caused by future earthquakes.

The well-timed collection of post-event high resolution ortho-images allowed to realize a thorough coseismic rockfall inventory of the area affected by the earthquakes. This inventory will serve to train both the source area susceptibility model and the trajectories simulation model.

This information allows the application of an occurrence probability model based on ground motion predictive equations and the estimated peak ground acceleration for a potential earthquake along the left-lateral East Anatolian Fault, focusing on the identification of future source areas susceptible to rockfall. From these sources, some rockfall trajectories will be simulated to assess the hazard zonation along the main infrastructures like road, pipelines and villages. 

How to cite: Gallo, I. G., Gorum, T., Lombardo, L., Tanyas, H., Robustelli, G., and Sarro, R.: From ground motion simulations to rockfall hazard scenarios: A look into cascading effects from the 2023 Turkish earthquakes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12308,, 2025.

EGU25-12455 | ECS | Orals | NH3.12

Longitudinal Effects of Earthquake-Induced Landslide Susceptibility in Papua New Guinea 

Aadityan Sridharan and Georg Gutjahr

Earthquake-induced landslides (EQIL) account for 4–5% of all landslides worldwide. The most active earthquake hotspots in the terrestrial environment are susceptible to EQIL. Major earthquakes that have triggered EQIL include: 2008 Wenchuan, 2018 Porgera, 2015 Gorkha and 2010 Haiti . These events have caused more than 25000–30000 landslides, in certain cases more than 100000 landslides, and they have been responsible for more than 100000 deaths and property damage worth billions of dollars (Jesse et al., 2020). The events further trigger cascading hazards such as landslide dams for more than two decades (Fan et al., 2019). Current literature in modelling these repercussions of EQIL has evolved to include the temporal effects of such events in the aftermath of large earthquakes (Sridharan et al., 2024; Dahal et al., 2024).

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of the many seismically active regions in the world. The Indo-Australian boundary is a major plate boundary that runs through PNG. This fault zone experienced a major earthquake in 2018 near Porgera that is reported to have triggered more than 10,000 landslides in the region (Tanyas et al., 2022). This work explores the prolonged effects of the earthquake in the region. We use the automatically mapped landslide inventory by Bhuyan et al. (2022) to train and validate our model (Bhuyan et al., 2022). To capture the changes caused by the earthquake, we use a longitudinal GAM (Hastie and Tibshirani, 1990) that estimates the variation in log odds with periodic changes in climatic and seismic inputs. Terrain attributes modelled as static covariates also contribute to the changes observed in the terrain.

Our results show that the model performs well with respect to accuracy measures AUC-ROC, Brier score, and the R2 statistic of susceptibility estimates. We observe that the effect of the seismic activity remains for a short period of a few years after the earthquake. We present the longitudinal susceptibility prediction maps for the PNG at a slope unit level for future reference.



Hakan Tanyaş, Kevin Hill, Luke Mahoney, Islam Fadel, Luigi Lombardo, The world's second-largest, recorded landslide event: Lessons learnt from the landslides triggered during and after the 2018 Mw 7.5 Papua New Guinea earthquake, Engineering Geology, Volume 297, 2022, 106504, ISSN 0013-7952

Sridharan, A., Gutjahr, G., and Gopalan, S., “Markov–Switching Spatio–Temporal Generalized Additive Model for Landslide Susceptibility,” Environ. Model. Softw., vol. 173, no. August, p. 105892, Feb. 2024 

Ashok Dahal, Luigi Lombardo, Towards physics-informed neural networks for landslide prediction, Engineering Geology, Volume 344, 2025, 107852, ISSN 0013-7952,


Bhuyan, K., Tanyaş, H., Nava, L. et al. “Generating multi-temporal landslide inventories through a general deep transfer learning strategy using HR EO data”. Sci Rep 13, 162, 2023


Hastie, T. J.; Tibshirani, R. J. (1990). Generalized Additive Models. Chapman & Hall/CRC.

How to cite: Sridharan, A. and Gutjahr, G.: Longitudinal Effects of Earthquake-Induced Landslide Susceptibility in Papua New Guinea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12455,, 2025.

The reactivation of ancient landslides has become a significant issue in the Nepal Himalayas in recent years. Many people have lived on the historical accumulation of landslide debris for a long period and now face the risk of reactivation. This study examines the deformation mechanism of the Kodari reactivated landslide in Sindhupalchok District of Nepal, which began to reactivate in July 2015 and remains active. Soil samples from twenty distinct locations within the reactivated area were collected. A multistage direct shear test on unsaturated soil was performed to determine shear strength characteristics. The plasticity index and soil composition were derived from laboratory analysis. A comprehensive field examination elucidated the intricate details of the landslide mechanism.

The soil samples demonstrate a cohesion value between 0.7 and 5.5, whereas the angle of internal friction ranges from 26 to 33.3. The soil displayed a plasticity index between 1.7 and 5.5. Of all the samples, seventeen are loose and non-compact, whereas three are dense. The results of the gradation research reveal that the soils are classified as sandy loam, exhibiting a relatively low plasticity index and low cohesion. The cumulative rainfall throughout the monsoon season from 2015 to 2023 varied between 2400 mm and 2900 mm. The precipitation levels during the early monsoon season surged significantly since 2019. The severe rainfall during the pre-monsoon period, following an extended dry season, resulted in surface deformation in the studied area. Moreover, unconsolidated soil exhibiting low cohesion and a low plasticity index underwent deformation due to the 7.8 magnitude Gorkha earthquake and subsequent aftershocks. 118 dwellings and 220 individuals are at risk of Kodari landslide reactivation.

Keywords: Landslide reactivation, settlement threat, Nepal Himalaya, soil investigation

How to cite: Bhandari, B. P.: Mechanism of paleo landslide reactivation in the Himalayas: Insight into Kodari landslide of Sindhupalchwok District, Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14357,, 2025.

EGU25-16182 | Orals | NH3.12

Using Newmark Displacement and cluster analysis of topographic factors to reveal possible seismic landslide triggers at Mount Oku, Cameroon 

Anika Braun, Danny Love Wamba Djukem, Xuanmei Fan, Armand Sylvain Ludovic Wouatong, Hans-Balder Havenith, and Tomas Manuel Fernandez-Steeger

Attributing seismic or climatic landslide triggers in retrospect is an unresolved problem in landslide science. Particularly in areas with scarce seismic and rainfall records or in the case of delayed slope response to earthquakes it is often difficult to identify the landslide trigger. Understanding the trigger mechanism is however essential for tailoring landslide risk reduction measures.

We here present an approach coupling the geotechnical Factor of Safety (FS) and Newmark Displacement (ND) methods with the k-means clustering unsupervised machine learning technique to reveal the contributions of seismic and climatic factors in the topographic context to landslide occurrences at the western flank of Mount Oku in Cameroon. The study area is located along the Cameroon Volcanic Line, a seismically active region in Central Africa, where small earthquakes and landslides are observed regularly. Only in a few cases, a clear connection between earthquakes and landslides has been demonstrated, while rainfall is usually considered the main landslide trigger.

Based on geomechanical parameters assessed in fieldwork and laboratory tests, we first calculated the static FS and the ND for the study area for different water saturation and landslide depth scenarios and a magnitude 5.2 earthquake at 10 km distance. For 179 landslide polygons mapped in the study area, we assessed the resulting FS and ND values, as well as some topographic factors such as the slope angle, slope aspect, curvature, distance to ridges, and distance to rivers. In a k-means cluster analysis, different combinations of two and three topographic factors were analyzed regarding their ability to identify clusters of earthquake-triggered landslides.

The combination of the two parameters distance to ridges and distance to rivers turned out to have the best clustering performance and it revealed a cluster of landslides triggered at low distances to ridges and higher distances to rivers with high ND values in the dry case, indicating an influence of seismic acceleration on the formation of these landslides.

How to cite: Braun, A., Djukem, D. L. W., Fan, X., Wouatong, A. S. L., Havenith, H.-B., and Fernandez-Steeger, T. M.: Using Newmark Displacement and cluster analysis of topographic factors to reveal possible seismic landslide triggers at Mount Oku, Cameroon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16182,, 2025.

On April 3, 2024, a strong earthquake with amagnitude ML 7.2 struck Shoufeng Township in Hualien County, Taiwan, causing 18 fatalities due to coseismic landslides. Coseismic landslides have long been a key topic in global geohazard research. To understand their characteristics and causes, it is essential to establish an objective and comprehensive inventory of landslides. Moreover, comparing coseismic landslide inventories from different earthquakes could understand how topographic, seismic, and geological characteristicsinfluence the spatial distribution of these landslides. The 2024 Hualien earthquake induced 3,232 coseismiclandslides with total area of 41.74 square kilometers.These landslides mostly occurred in regions where the peak ground acceleration exceeded 250 gal and the peak ground velocity surpassed 30 cm/s. They were primarily concentrated in areas composed of marble and schist, and predominantly faced east or southeast, with slope angles mainly ranging from 40°-60°.

This study further compares the coseismic landslide inventories from the 2024 Hualien earthquake (ML7.2), the 2022 Taitung earthquake (ML6.8), and the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (ML 7.6). Except for the 2024 Hualien earthquake, the numbers of coseismic landslides in the other events are 306, and 9,272, respectively, with total landslide areas of 0.93, and 127.8 square kilometers. The slope aspects of the other two earthquakes are southeast and south mainly. The slope gradients range from 40°-60° and 40°-50° for the 2022 Taitung earthquake and the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. In terms of lithology, the coseismic landslides associated with the 2022 Taitung earthquake and the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake occurred in areas characterized by schist and epiclastics, andsandstone and conglomerate, respectively. Therefore, these three coseismic landslide inventories show the influence of different geologic background and topographic relief. This study presented the topographic, geologic, seismic diffrences of coseimic landslide inventories with the regions between metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock in Taiwan.




Keywords: 2024 Hualien Earthquake, 2022 Taitung Earthquake, 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Coseismiclandslide inventory.

How to cite: Huang, Z. S., Yang, C.-M., and Chao, W.-A.: Comparison of coseismic landslide inventories from the 2024 Hualien Earthquake, the 2022 Taitung Earthquake, and the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16942,, 2025.

EGU25-17484 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.12

Cascading Disasters: How the 2023 Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Was Amplified by an Atmospheric River 

Hakan Tanyas, Deniz Bozkurt, Oliver Korup, Erkan İstanbulluoğlu, Ömer Lütfi Şen, Abdüssamet Yılmaz, Furkan Karabacak, Luigi Lombardo, Bin Guan, and Tolga Görüm

Strong earthquakes in mountain landscapes can trigger widespread slope failures, initiating chains of  multiple hydro-geomorphic hazards such as channel blockage, instability, flooding, and coarse sedimentation. These impacts disrupting ongoing response operations may be fueled and potentially amplified by extreme post-seismic precipitation delivered by atmospheric rivers (ARs), which can form continent-spanning corridors of concentrated moisture. Yet, such cases of ARs occurring in the aftermath of major earthquakes have remained unreported to the best of our knowledge. Here, we document the combined effects of seismic and precipitation extremes that perturbed the area struck by the February 6, 2023 Türkiye-Syrian earthquakes (Mw 7.8 and 7.6), the largest seismic sequence ever recorded in the region. Strong ground shaking triggered thousands of landslides and was followed, 36 days later, by an exceptionally strong AR bringing severe precipitation with up to 183 mm in 20 hour. This rainfall induced yet more landslides, debris flows, and flooding, disrupting recovery efforts, affecting earthquake victims and temporary settlement areas, and claiming more lives. This unprecedented disaster highlights the need to revise rapid hazard assessment protocols to account better for hazard cascades arising from tightly timed seismic and weather extremes.

How to cite: Tanyas, H., Bozkurt, D., Korup, O., İstanbulluoğlu, E., Lütfi Şen, Ö., Yılmaz, A., Karabacak, F., Lombardo, L., Guan, B., and Görüm, T.: Cascading Disasters: How the 2023 Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Was Amplified by an Atmospheric River, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17484,, 2025.

EGU25-19643 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.12

A Data-Driven Approach to Post-Seismic Landslide Hazard Assessment  

Annisa Rizqilana, Hakan Tanyas, and Luigi Lombardo

Earthquake-induced landslides cause a significant threat to communities living in earthquake-prone areas, as they potentially worsen the destructive impact of an earthquake event physically and socio-economically. This hazard emerges as an aftermath of strong ground motion in mountainous areas, which disturbs the stability of the hillslope material and reduces its shear strength, leading to failure. This earthquake legacy effect is often called shear-strength reduction (RSS). An understanding regarding this matter is important, as it can be used for an immediate post-seismic response and long-term mitigation strategies. However, incorporating RSS for post-seismic landslide predictions remains challenging due to the complex interactions between the hillslope and the ground shaking, making it hard to quantify the RSS degree. Applying the same RSS estimation method used for the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake to the 2023 Turkey earthquake, this study aims to estimate the RSS caused by the earthquake and incorporate it into the post-seismic landslide prediction model.

The study uses a data-driven approach to develop the co-seismic landslides prediction model, utilizing the co-seismic landslide inventories and various predictor variables to see which variable most strongly contributes to the failure. The model was evaluated with random (RCV) and spatial cross-validation (SCV). Simulations will be conducted using a seismic hazard map as a ground-shaking predictor variable to estimate the spatial distribution of earthquake-induced landslides for future events.

Preliminary results of the developed co-seismic landslide model showed that most of the morphometric variables significantly contributed to the failure, as well as the seismic factor, where only the sediment and metamorphic lithology gave a positive contribution to the failure. The Area Under the Curve (AUC) value from the RCV and SCV showed a strong correlation between observed and predicted landslide areas. The RSS will be integrated into the simulation output to evaluate its impact on the post-seismic landslide estimation, which is expected to provide valuable insight into the earthquake-induced landslide predictions.

How to cite: Rizqilana, A., Tanyas, H., and Lombardo, L.: A Data-Driven Approach to Post-Seismic Landslide Hazard Assessment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19643,, 2025.

National Research Institute of Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED) revealed many landslide landform at NE Noto Peninsula, Japan. M7.6 main shock occurred there on 1 Jan 2024, and Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) revealed that many landslides were triggered by the 2024 earthquake. Previous study also revealed the landslide was reactivated by the 2024 earthquake at W Yataro Pass located ca. 10km SW from the epicenter. We calculated 3D displacement at 12m in resolution by pixel offset using ALOS-2 ascending data, measured on 26 Sep 2022 and 1 Jan 2024, and ALOS-2 descending data, measured on 6 Jun 2023 and 2 Jan 2024. Because remarkable crustal deformation, e.g., uplift more than 4m occurred along the northern shore of the peninsula, the 3D crustal-deformation amount was estimated, and it was deducted from the calculated 3D displacement, and resulting 3D landslide displacement amount was obtained. The estimation was performed as follows; the calculated 3D displacement data were resampled into 120m, then the resampled displacement amount was clipped by the non-landslide landform produced from the database and the non-landslide triggered by the 2024 earthquake. Then, the displacement amount was estimated for all over the peninsula including the non-landslide landform and the non-landslide triggered by the 2024 earthquake at 12m in resolution, as applying Kriging method. Finally, we obtained NS, EW, and up-down (UD) component of the landslide displacement amounts at 12m in resolution. The previous study revealed that the large reactivated by the 2024 earthquake at W Yataro Pass moved from N to S, we expressed NS and UD displacement profile vectorially along the measurement lines. As a result, it was found that surface landslide body moved not only synclinal dip direction from N to S but also synclinal anti-dip direction from N to S, and at the S end of the edge of the synclinal structure disrupted landslides occurred along the landslide body. At the N end of the edge of the synclinal structure, continuous cracks appeared on the landslide body and we sampled charcoal at the outcrop of the crack. According to the carbon 14 dating of the charcoal indicated 2,500-2,100 BP year, we think that the previous iterated earthquake occurred in 2,500-2,100 BP year at the same magnitude of the 2024 earthquake and induced large landslide such as the landslide in this case. This study used KAKEN 23K00972.  The ALOS-2 data used in this study was given by JAXA, through the support of ERI JURP 2024-B-02 in Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo.

How to cite: Sato, H. P., Yagi, H., and Sato, M.: Large landslide at W Yataro Pass detected by ALOS-2 data pixel offset analysis, triggered by the 2024 Noto Hanto Earthquake (M7.6), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20091,, 2025.

EGU25-486 | Orals | NH3.13

Effects of Penicillium Fungus on Silty Clayey Soil Properties Using Bio-Inspiration Methods 

Kimia Saber Sichani, Ali Hajian, Solveig Tosi, Massimiliano Bordoni, and Claudia Meisina

Soil improvement is a crucial aspect of geotechnical engineering, with various techniques developed to enhance soil properties for diverse applications. Recently, there has been a growing focus on sustainable solutions that are both cost-effective and environmentally responsible. Biological soil improvement, particularly through fungi, offers an innovative approach to enhancing soil characteristics.

This study investigates the impact of a Penicillium chrysogenum strain on physical and mechanical properties of silty clay soil under controlled laboratory conditions. The tested soil was collected in a hilly area of the Northern Italian Apennines, strongly affected by shallow landslide and soil erosion. The research focuses on key soil parameters, including Atterberg limits, water retention curves, erodibility, and mechanical properties (shear strength and oedometer features), utilizing equipment such as the Casagrande device, Hyprop, Wet sieve apparatus, WP4C, oedometer, and direct shear test. For the reconstruction of water retention curves, a coupled system with an evaporation technique apparatus and a dew-point technique was adopted. RETC software, employing the Van Genuchten model and Mualem's hydraulic conductivity model, was applied to analyze the soil retention curve and water potential. The methodologies for adding the fungal suspension into the soil are considered as mixing. This study explores the potential of Fungal suspensions to enhance soil structure and stability through the modification of specific soil properties. In this investigation, the treated soil with the fungus will be compared to the non-treated one.

The findings from this study provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of using bio-remediation methods such as fungal treatment, as a nature-based solution with broad applications in Civil Engineering, Environmental Science, and Geotechnics. Ultimately, these results support the development of sustainable soil enhancement practices that meet both ecological and economic objectives.

How to cite: Saber Sichani, K., Hajian, A., Tosi, S., Bordoni, M., and Meisina, C.: Effects of Penicillium Fungus on Silty Clayey Soil Properties Using Bio-Inspiration Methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-486,, 2025.

EGU25-489 | Orals | NH3.13

Effects of Trichoderma Fungus on Clayey Soil Properties  

Ali Hajian, Kimia Saber Sichani, Solveig Tosi, Massimiliano Bordoni, and Claudia Meisina

Traditional soil stabilization methods often involve chemical or mechanical techniques, which may have adverse environmental impacts. With technological advancements, these conventional methods such as static or dynamic compaction, cement injection, micropiles, and nailing are gradually being replaced by environmentally friendly techniques. For instance, soil improvement through methods like Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP), Enzyme Induced Calcite Precipitation (EICP) and Fungal treatment offers sustainable alternatives, minimizing chemical and noise pollution while reducing costs. Although significant research has been conducted on MICP, many gaps still exist, especially regarding its application to various soil types. In contrast, limited engineering research has focused on implementing fungus.

This study investigates the effects of fungal treatments, specifically by means of Trichoderma asperellum, on the physical and mechanical properties of clay soil coming from the northern Italian Apennines. The tested soil is characterized by a clay content up to 56% and the clay minerals are represented by smectite; this soil is affected by swelling-shrinkage and shallow landslide. This research examines the erodibility of the soil aggregate during wet sieving, water retention curve, consolidation features, shear strength parameter, and Atterberg limits under laboratory conditions using the fungal suspension mixing application methods. Testing was conducted using Casagrande spoon, Oedometer, Direct Shear test, a coupled system of an evaporation technique apparatus and a dew-point technique, and wet sieve apparatus.

Additionally, comparisons were made between treated and untreated (control) soils, with pore water pressure analyzed using the Van Genuchten model and Mualem’s conductivity model in RETC software.

These findings underscore the potential of fungal treatments as viable methods for enhancing soil performance, offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional soil stabilization techniques. Further studies are recommended to analyze long-term impacts and scalability for field applications. This research contributes to the development of biologically based soil improvement methods, aligning with sustainable land management practices.

How to cite: Hajian, A., Saber Sichani, K., Tosi, S., Bordoni, M., and Meisina, C.: Effects of Trichoderma Fungus on Clayey Soil Properties , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-489,, 2025.

EGU25-4713 | Orals | NH3.13

Factors Influencing Landslide Susceptibility in Areas with High Vegetation Coverage  

Songtang He, Zhenhong Shen, Jiangang Chen, Zongji Yang, Daojie Wang, Xiaoqing Chen, and Jeffrey Neal

Numerous studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of vegetation on landslide control. However, shallow landslides remain common in densely vegetated areas, indicating that further research is necessary to fully understand the role of vegetation in reducing gravity-driven erosion hazards. In this study, we focused on a region with good vegetation cover (>65%) to further investigate how integrating vegetation and environmental factors (such as rainfall, lithology, and slope gradient) affect landslide susceptibility. The driving factors of landslide susceptibility under high vegetation conditions were examined at the macro level using a structural equation model and a geographic detector. The stability coefficient of a typical landslide was calculated at the micro-level by considering the effects of vegetation self-weight and artificial waste sediment. The results showed that vegetation, combined with rainfall and wind speed, increased landslide susceptibility, reflecting increases in high and very high susceptibility zones (21.30%), and decreases in low and very low susceptibility zones (42.71%). The combined effects of multiple factors had a greater influence than those of single factors. The strongest interaction was between slope gradient and rainfall (q = 0.81), followed by rainfall and lithology (q = 0.79). In saturated conditions, the reinforcing function of root systems was overwhelmed by the effect of tree vegetation self-weight. The slope stability significantly decreased compared to the conditions without load considerations. This study lays a foundation for identifying the dual role of vegetation in landslide control.

How to cite: He, S., Shen, Z., Chen, J., Yang, Z., Wang, D., Chen, X., and Neal, J.: Factors Influencing Landslide Susceptibility in Areas with High Vegetation Coverage , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4713,, 2025.

EGU25-6124 | Posters on site | NH3.13

Eco-hydrological characterisation of live pole drains (LPDs) for slope drainage and stability 

Fernanda Berlitz, Alejandro Gonzalez Ollauri, Thom Bogaard, and Slobodan Mickovski

Live pole drain (LPD) is an innovative, plant-based, drainage system designed to drain surface water, regulate the soil water budget, and facilitate ecological succession and landscape restoration in sloped areas. The system is constructed by placing tied cylindrical bundles of live woody cuttings capable of re-sprouting into a shallow trench along the slope. This design allows moderate surface runoff and seepage fluxes to infiltrate, conveying higher water flows along the fascine, thereby improving slope drainage and stability and preventing further soil erosion. Despite its practical applications, the overall eco-hydrological performance of LPD remains poorly researched and understood. This study aims to evaluate LPD's subsurface lateral drainage capacity and assess the impacts of soil-plant-atmosphere interactions on its water mass balance. To achieve this, we created two experimental setups at different scales to gain insights into the overall eco-hydrological performance of LPDs as opposed to fallow soil (i.e. control). At the micro-scale, we built a pilot laboratory experiment to measure subsurface lateral drainage flow rates and their distribution along the bundles of live cuttings and roots under controlled environmental conditions. At the mesoscale, we constructed an LPD on an artificial slope in an open-air lab (OAL) to investigate how plant development and seasonal changes influence the water mass balance of the system. Through both experimental setups, we observed the effect of LPDs on subsurface lateral drainage performance and soil-water mass balance compared to fallow soil. In the micro-scale experiment, root development positively impacted subsurface lateral drainage flow over time by increasing the flow cross-sectional area with respect to the control. At the plot scale, plant development and seasonality positively affected the partitioning of water inputs (i.e. precipitation) into water outputs (i.e. subsurface flow, percolation and evapotranspiration) within the water mass balance by increasing the removal of excess water when compared to fallow soil. This research will establish a solid foundation for future studies aimed at deepening our understanding of the eco-hydrological performance of LPDs at the plot scale, as well as supporting their design, replication, and scalability for effective slope drainage and stability.

How to cite: Berlitz, F., Gonzalez Ollauri, A., Bogaard, T., and Mickovski, S.: Eco-hydrological characterisation of live pole drains (LPDs) for slope drainage and stability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6124,, 2025.

EGU25-6725 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.13

The role of vegetation on susceptibility modelling of landslides in pyroclastic slopes: a case study in Campania, Italy. 

Gennaro Sequino, Michele Calvello, Luca Comegna, Assunta Esposito, Roberto Greco, Gaetano Pecoraro, Massimo Ramondini, Guido Rianna, Adriano Stinca, Gianfranco Urciuoli, Marco Uzielli, and Marco Zei

Many sloping areas of Campania in Southern Italy are widely covered by pyroclastic deposits derived from the activity of the Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei volcanic complexes. These areas are highly susceptible to rapid flow-like landslides triggered by intense precipitation, often after antecedent wet periods. Vegetation can play a relevant role in increasing the stability of such slopes. Indeed, the influence of plants on the mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of slopes is significant within the first few meters of the subsoil, where root systems may provide substantial soil reinforcement and alter the flow dynamics in the unsaturated zone, affecting the stress state of the soil.

This research explores how cover, type, and seasonal dynamics of vegetation may influence the susceptibility of pyroclastic deposits to shallow landslides, providing valuable insights into how vegetation may mitigate slope instability in such environments. To achieve these objectives, a tool based on Machine Learning (ML) algorithms which estimates the spatial-temporal probability of landslide triggering at regional scale is being developed. The use of ML facilitates the identification of potential interactions between different types of vegetation and geomorphological, geomechanical, and atmospheric factors. To ensure the operational functionality of the model, both static and dynamic datasets have been utilized.

The study area is the "Camp3" zone of the regional landslide early warning operational in Campania. Data about geomorphology, lithology, soil cover thickness, land use and land cover are made available mainly from thematic maps developed by river basin authorities at regional scale. The model employs a Digital Terrain Model of the study area with a resolution of 1x1 m, obtained from LiDAR data. The analysis also includes data on the hydrographic network, roads, and railways. Landslide events are derived from two landslide catalogs: ITALICA and FraneItalia. Atmospheric data is taken from the ERA5-Land reanalysis data provided by the C3S service, which allows for the reconstruction of precipitation patterns, temperature, and soil moisture at three levels up to 1 m depth.  ERA5-Land data are also used to consider the role of vegetation, specifically considering information on vegetation types, the percentage cover per vegetation class and subclass, the Leaf Area Index (LAI) and their seasonal variations. The study also integrates the Corine Land Cover map as provided in its 2018 version.

Finally, to validate the outcomes of the ML model, a physically based 1D mathematical model is adopted to simulate unsaturated flow and assess slope stability. 1D modelling is deemed suitable for the involved slopes based on geological, geomorphological, and geotechnical information. The model also considers the mechanical reinforcement due to the roots through an additional cohesive term. The apparent cohesion associated with the moisture content, in turn is calculated accounting for the coupled hydro-thermal behaviour of the involved soil. Modelling investigates the importance of different vegetation properties (e.g., LAI, root depth, root density, vegetation height, and plant moisture limit) on the stability conditions for typical slope scenarios in the study area.

How to cite: Sequino, G., Calvello, M., Comegna, L., Esposito, A., Greco, R., Pecoraro, G., Ramondini, M., Rianna, G., Stinca, A., Urciuoli, G., Uzielli, M., and Zei, M.: The role of vegetation on susceptibility modelling of landslides in pyroclastic slopes: a case study in Campania, Italy., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6725,, 2025.

EGU25-6946 | ECS | Orals | NH3.13

Sand fixation by willows: change of physical and chemical parameters in an indoor pot experiment 

Alena Zhelezova, Gerald Innocent Otim, Gianmario Sorrentino, Stefan Trapp, and Irene Rocchi

Due to fast growth and resilience, different species of willow (Salix sp.) have been historically used for sand fixation and reclamation in various regions of Europe, Asia and North America. Planting willow cuttings was proclaimed as an important step of afforestation on sandy soils, as a part of combatting desertification in semi-arid and arid regions, and for slope stability improvement. Willow planting is also applied as a bioenergy crop, and as a bioremediation measure for soils contaminated with low concentration of organic pollutants or heavy metals. These useful properties of willows are delivered not only by the plants themselves, but also by their symbionts: root-associated bacteria, ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Willow cuttings can potentially be used for creating a resilient plant cover on river embankments and coastal infrastructure which provides a living element for coastal protection.

Our objective was to estimate the changes in physical and chemical parameters of a clean heat-treated silica sand during the growth of willow cuttings. A series of controlled indoor pot experiments were performed where willow cuttings were planted in a uniform 0.65 mm silica sand for up to 150 days. Samples were systematically analysed from different pots that were disassembled on day 30, 60, 90, and 150 of the experiment. For each sampling time, we determined the shoot and root architecture and dry biomass as a proxy of overall plant health condition. We measured total and water-extractable organic carbon (TOC and WEOC), pH, DNA concentration at 3 depths in root-affected areas, in each case sampling from 4 pots. Permeability and direct shear tests were performed on pots containing the plant. Furthermore, the pullout strength required for removing willows from the sand and the tensile strength of individual roots were measured.

In agreement with expectations and similar findings for other plant types, we observed a clear trend of TOC, WEOC and DNA concentrations’ increase with time, despite the variability of willow biomass in replicated pots. Dry biomass of shoots and roots also increased. pH remained in range 7.5-8.5. Pullout strength was obviously affected by plant age and health condition: it was higher in case of better-established willow cuttings with higher root and shoot dry biomass. However, root tensile strength was comparable for roots sampled at different times; presumably, due to the constant growth of roots and presence of relatively young roots in all pots. Permeability values were constant within the same order of magnitude; there was no clear trend of its change with time. Despite localized root formation close to the pot walls, sand aggregation around roots was observed in pots sampled at day 150 for roots close to the stem in the middle of the pot. Conclusively, our findings show that the growth of willow cuttings leads to sand fixation by direct root reinforcement and aggregation in a time frame of 5 months.

This work is part of the project SOil Is Alive (SoIA) granted by the Carlsberg Foundation as part of the consolidator excellence grant Semper Ardens: Accelerate. 

How to cite: Zhelezova, A., Innocent Otim, G., Sorrentino, G., Trapp, S., and Rocchi, I.: Sand fixation by willows: change of physical and chemical parameters in an indoor pot experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6946,, 2025.

EGU25-7716 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.13

Long-term effectiveness and socioeconomic impact of Eco-DRR measures in Nepal: lessons from JICA's projects 

Hayato Kakinuma, Ching-Ying Tsou, Reona Kawakami, and Daisuke Higaki

The technique, which combines bioengineering with civil engineering structures such as gabion check dams and gabion walls for erosion and slope protection, has been acknowledged as an example of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR), playing a key role in nature-based solutions (NbS) for disaster risk management and environmental sustainability. However, the extent to which these measures maintain their functionality remain only partially understood. Additionally, it is necessary to assess their socioeconomic impact to understand how these measures affect local communities and livelihoods. This study examines three sites in Nepal—Pipaltar (Upper), Dahachowk, and Nallu Khola— where JICA’s aforementioned techniques were implemented between 1991 and 2007 to address gully erosion, debris flow, and landslides. We assess their long-term effectiveness and impact decades later through field surveys, temporal photo comparisons, and interviews with local residents. Photo comparisons of the Pipaltar (Upper) and Dahachowk sites show an increase in vegetation cover, including bamboo and forests, in areas that were previously degraded, indicating that the measures are functioning effectively. Furthermore, while the gabion check dams for gully erosion control at the Pipaltar (Upper) site showed some deformation over time due to corrosion and breakage of the steel wire, we observed sediment being trapped by the check dams and vegetation establishing in the sediment deposition areas just behind them. This suggests that the gullies are stabilizing and the areas are becoming suitable for vegetation growth. In addition, the debris flow induced by the rainfall event from September 26-28, 2024, in Nallu Khola was somewhat regulated in the creeks where gabion check dams and channel works had been applied. However, in some areas, these structures were buried or destroyed. The socioeconomic impact assessment of the Pipaltar (Upper) site showed that in the past, residents relied on vegetation (e.g. bamboo) planted for gully erosion control, using it for purposes such as making fencing, grass brooms, and livestock feed. However, this is no longer the case, as economic development has shifted their primary source of livelihood to the harvest from their private lands.

How to cite: Kakinuma, H., Tsou, C.-Y., Kawakami, R., and Higaki, D.: Long-term effectiveness and socioeconomic impact of Eco-DRR measures in Nepal: lessons from JICA's projects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7716,, 2025.

EGU25-10480 | ECS | Orals | NH3.13

Instability and deformation behaviors of root-reinforced soil under constant shear stress path 

Xuan Zou, Dianqing Li, Shun Wang, Shixiang Gu, and Wei Wu

Climate change is becoming a greater global challenge, leading to more frequent and intense extreme weather events, which in turn increase mountain hazards like shallow landslides and soil erosion. Ecological slope protection using vegetation has gained increasing attention to mitigate natural disasters in recent years. While numerous studies have demonstrated the contribution of root systems to soil reinforcement, the comprehensive impact of roots on soil mechanical response under rainfall scenarios remains elusive. This study investigated the instability and deformation behaviors of root-reinforced soil through constant shear drained (CSD) tests. The role of root characteristics, including biomass, diameter, and length, in modulating the shear strength, instability and deformation behaviors of soils was investigated. The results indicate that the shear strength and stability of root-reinforced soil, as well as the inhibition effect of root on contractive deformation after the initiation of instability, increasing with greater root biomass and length and smaller root diameter. Moreover, due to the potential weak interfaces, fine or stiff long roots appear to increase the likelihood of volumetric dilation in root-reinforced soil at the later stage of unstable deformation. However, this dilatancy can be effectively resisted by increasing root planting density to form the root network. Furthermore, our experiments suggest that herbaceous vegetation with finer and longer roots is more effective in mitigating static liquefaction of soils induced by rainfall infiltration. This study helps develop a predictive constitutive model for root-reinforced soils and supports future bioengineering slope design.

How to cite: Zou, X., Li, D., Wang, S., Gu, S., and Wu, W.: Instability and deformation behaviors of root-reinforced soil under constant shear stress path, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10480,, 2025.

EGU25-14786 | ECS | Orals | NH3.13

Field Evaluation of Soil Shear Strength with Vetiver  

Avipriyo Chakraborty and Sadik Khan

The application of Nature Based Solution (NBS) for slope stabilization and erosion control can offer transformative benefits due to low cost and green alternatives. However, the acceptance of the NBS is low due to a lack of understanding of the mechanistic principle for slope stabilization. In this study, Vetiver grass which is one of the potential nature-based solutions for slope stabilization has been evaluated for the shear strength parameters. Slope repaired with Vetiver grass is thoroughly examined using Electric Resistivity Imaging (ERI) and novel field scale direct shear testing. As a part of the study, collected borehole samples from Vetiver planted slope have found roots up to 3 m of depth. Nondestructive testing using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) had shown Vetiver has increased the resistivity (ranging from 4 to 60 ohm-m) compared to the soil without Vetiver (ranging from 2 to 28 ohm-m) indicating reduced moisture content in presence of Vetiver. The field scale direct shear test performed on Vetiver-planted soil demonstrated that Vetiver increases the soil shear strength two times compared to the section without Vetiver. Overall, it is seen areas reinforced with Vetiver roots impact positively on soil shear strength. The findings highlight that Vetiver plays a dual role in stabilizing slopes by lowering soil moisture through evapotranspiration and offering mechanical reinforcement through its wide, bushy root system. By improving soil strength and stability, Vetiver becomes a transformative solution for slope repair offering a sustainable and climate resilient approach for slope repair. 

How to cite: Chakraborty, A. and Khan, S.: Field Evaluation of Soil Shear Strength with Vetiver , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14786,, 2025.

EGU25-15779 | Posters on site | NH3.13

Studies on the effects of Colloidal Nanosilica and Polypropylene Fiber on the mechanical performance of Alishan soil 

Chih Yung Hsu, Chieh-Sheng Chen, Yi-Wen Wang, Ching-Yu Lin, Chih-Hsuan Liu, and Ching Hung

Studies on the effects of Colloidal Nanosilica and Polypropylene Fiber on the mechanical performance of Alishan soil

Chih-Yung Hsu 1,*, Chieh-Sheng Chen 2, Yi-Wen Wang 3, Ching-Yu Lin 3, Chih-Hsuan Liu 4, Ching Hung 5

1,* Master student, Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

[Corresponding author]


2 Ph.D. student, Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

3 Master student, Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

5Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

The slopes of Alishan in Taiwan have been persistently subjected to geological hazards, shallow landslides, over the years. To mitigate the impacts of these geological events, it is crucial to conduct in-depth investigations and improvements to soil in the Alishan area. Previous studies have explored various behaviors of stabilizers in soil stabilization (Ghadr et al. 2022, Liu et al. 2023, Liu and Hung 2023, Hung et al. 2024). However, the aggregation of nanosilica particles has been shown to reduce the effectiveness of these improvements. To address this issue, the current research focuses on the use of colloidal nanosilica to minimize the aggregation effect and enhance the overall performance of the soil improvement process. Additionally, while nanosilica enhances soil strength, it also makes the soil more brittle, which is undesirable for soil stabilization projects that require ductility. To counteract this, polypropylene fibers are added to improve soil ductility. Our preliminary results indicate that both colloidal nanosilica and polypropylene fibers effectively improve soil mechanical properties, including strength and ductility, while also reducing the potential of expansion. The finding will continue to explore the synergistic effects of these two materials on the stability and reinforcement of Alishan slope soils through a series of experiments.



Ghadr, S., Liu, C. H., Mrudunayani, P., & Hung, C. (2022). Effects of hydrophilic and hydrophobic nanosilica on the hydromechanical behaviors of mudstone soil. Construction and Building Materials, 331, 127263.

Liu, C. H., Ghadr, S., Mrudunayani, P., & Hung, C. (2023). Synergistic effects of colloidal nanosilica and fiber on the hydromechanical performance of mudstone soil in Taiwan. Acta Geotechnica, 18(12), 6831-6847.

Liu, C. H., & Hung, C. (2023). Reutilization of solid wastes to improve the hydromechanical and mechanical behaviors of soils—a state-of-the-art review. Sustainable Environment Research, 33(1), 17.

Hung C., Chen C. S., Liu C. H., Lin C. Y., Hsu C. Y., Wang Y. W., Lin K. Y. A. (2024). Recent Advances in Soil Stabilization and Reinforcement: A Comprehensive Review of Emerging Technologies. (under review)

How to cite: Hsu, C. Y., Chen, C.-S., Wang, Y.-W., Lin, C.-Y., Liu, C.-H., and Hung, C.: Studies on the effects of Colloidal Nanosilica and Polypropylene Fiber on the mechanical performance of Alishan soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15779,, 2025.

EGU25-15867 | Posters on site | NH3.13

Studies of Rubber Bands reutilization for Soil Reinforcement 

Chieh-Sheng Chen

For geohazard mitigation, various methods have been researched, including the use of tension materials and solid wastes (Hung et al. 2024, Liu and Hung 2023, Gumanta et al. 2023). The authors previously investigated the feasibility of utilizing disposable medical masks for soil reinforcement, which were widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic (Ghadr et al. 2022). Considering the limited ductility of face mask fibers, which may lead to breakage under high strain. This study explores the feasibility of using highly elastic and resilient material – rubber bands for soil reinforcement. Note that before the test, preprocessing and preparing specimens is essential for triaxial consolidation undrained tests. It was crucial to ensure uniform mixing and proper aspect ratios to achieve effective interaction.

Based on our preliminary results, rubber band fibers could improve the mechanical behavior of the sand, increasing its shear strength. However, when the rubber band fiber content exceeded a critical threshold, the strength slightly declined. Further research should be conducted to explore the reinforcement mechanisms of rubber band fibers, optimal content and aspect ratio to ensure effective reinforcement for various engineering applications, such as shallow foundations and slopes.


Ghadr, S., Chen, C. S., Liu, C. H., & Hung, C. (2022). Mechanical behavior of sands reinforced with shredded face masks. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment81(8), 317.

Gumanta, F. S., Ghadr, S., Chen, C. S., Liu, C. H., Hung, C., & Assadi-Langroudi, A. (2023). Enhancing the mechanical and hydromechanical behaviors of mudstone soils using sugarcane press mud. Transportation Geotechnics40, 100948.

Hung C., Chen C. S., Liu C. H., Lin C. Y., Hsu C. Y., Wang Y. W., Lin K. Y. A. (2024). Recent Advances in Soil Stabilization and Reinforcement: A Comprehensive Review of Emerging Technologies. (under review)

Liu, C. H., & Hung, C. (2023). Reutilization of solid wastes to improve the hydromechanical and mechanical behaviors of soils—a state-of-the-art review. Sustainable Environment Research33(1), 17.

How to cite: Chen, C.-S.: Studies of Rubber Bands reutilization for Soil Reinforcement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15867,, 2025.

EGU25-15939 | Posters on site | NH3.13

Potential of Additive Manufacturing Geogrid on Soil Reinforcement 

Ching-Yu Lin, Yi-Wen Wang, Chieh-Sheng Chen, Chih-Yung Hsu, Chih-Hsuan Liu, and Ching Hung

Geosynthetics, especially geogrids, have gained attention in geotechnical engineering for reinforced soil structures due to the ease of construction, adaptability, and strong performance. Among, the material, geometry, and surface characteristics of geogrid significantly influence the reinforcement effect (Hung et al., 2024). Previous research used thermoplastic polyurethane (TPE) to print additive manufacturing (AM) geogrids with square and triangular apertures. Results showed that the TPE geogrids can effectively improve the strength and ductility of soil (Lin et al., 2024, Liu et al., 2024).

This study further examines the effects of different AM materials geogrid—polylactic acid (PLA), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), and TPE on soil reinforcement. Results showed that the PLA geogrids always make the greatest contribution to improving soil strength. This may be due to high shear resistance of PLA geogrids. Further study should be done to explore geogrid aperture shape and surface texture to find the optimal pattern, which may serve as reliable data for theoretical and artificial intelligence developments.



Hung C., Chen C. S., Liu C. H., Lin C. Y., Hsu C. Y., Wang Y. W., Lin K. Y. A. (2024). Recent Advances in Soil Stabilization and Reinforcement: A Comprehensive Review of Emerging Technologies. (under review)

Ching-Yu Lin, Chi-Cheng Luo, Ching Hung,Chih-Hsuan Liu (2024). Effects of 3D Printed Reinforcement Materials for Soil Stabilization. Poster presentation at the 20th Geotechnical Engineering Symposium, Tainan City.

Chih-Hsuan Liu, Chi-Cheng Lo, Ching Hung (2024). Experimental study on mechanical behavior of additive-manufactured geogrid- reinforced sand. (under review)

How to cite: Lin, C.-Y., Wang, Y.-W., Chen, C.-S., Hsu, C.-Y., Liu, C.-H., and Hung, C.: Potential of Additive Manufacturing Geogrid on Soil Reinforcement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15939,, 2025.

EGU25-16841 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.13

Biological legacies as nature-based solutions for maintaining the protective effect of alpine mountain forests against rockfall 

Paul Richter, Davide Marangon, Tommaso Baggio, and Emanuele Lingua

Protective forests are of critical importance in mountainous regions to ensure the security of human life, infrastructure and stability of ecosystems. In the face of the challenges posed by natural disturbances, particularly in the Alps, forests are increasingly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, compounded by deficiencies in stand structures and their capacity to provide essential ecosystem services. Consequently, the estimation of the residual protection provided by biological legacies has become a priority.

This research adopts a multiscale methodology, ranging from individual trees to regional analysis, employing diverse techniques and data sources such as field studies, lidar, satellite imagery, and UAV data. The primary objective of this study is to enhance comprehension regarding the impact, capabilities, and real-time service life of natural disturbance legacies within protective forests, particularly in mitigating rockfall risks. Additionally, the research aims to contribute to implement a more ecologically sound and effective post-disturbance forest management approach. The study zones are located all over the Western-and Eastern Alps and include areas impacted by windthrow, bark-beetle as well as forest fire sites.

Between one to ten years post-event, ongoing field assessments aim to comprehensively evaluate the degradation status of existing deadwood. This analysis takes into account specific conditions, including altitude, tree species, and disturbance event. This comprehensive analysis involves the deployment of sensors for prolonged monitoring of moisture levels, water content in logs, climate data collection, and sampling for dry-matter content and decay assessment of deadwood. The ultimate objective of this research is to enhance scientific insights into decay conditions, contributing to a substantiated, application-oriented understanding of the "service lifetime" of biological legacies following a disturbance event in protective forests, particularly in their role against rockfall.

How to cite: Richter, P., Marangon, D., Baggio, T., and Lingua, E.: Biological legacies as nature-based solutions for maintaining the protective effect of alpine mountain forests against rockfall, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16841,, 2025.

ReNDiS is a web-GIS open data developed by ISPRA as part of the technical-scientific support provided to the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security to monitor the implementation of hydrogeological risk mitigation measures and to manage the evaluation of funding requests from all Italian Regions, since 1999 [Gallozzi et al., 2020]. Information is organised starting from individual mitigation measures. Design phases of the projects, type of solutions adopted and accounting data are collected for all of them. Each measure is subdivided into lots (corresponding to a single project) and these lots may be composed of one or more types of works. The database implements also the types of works that can be recognized as soil bio-engineering techniques: from this detailed classification it is possible to estimate which measures implement some of them, either entirely or in combination with other ‘traditional’ works.  Among the surveyed measures, detailed and reliable technical information about the types of works and hazard mitigated is available for a large amount of them. Within these measures, the amounts of measures that include works for landslide risk mitigation were assessed. Among landslide risk mitigation, the percentage of the types of works that fall within soil bio-engineering category were evaluated too. Moreover, it is found that vegetation reinforcement is, to a large extent, combined with structures or reinforcements made of biodegradable materials such as wood, bio-mats, bio-nets and stones. The most adopted traditional engineering works include reinforced concrete piles and walls, cortical reinforcement through steel mesh, and drainage systems. Soil bio-engineering solutions are used to improve soil strength over time, thanks to root growth, and they are used to cover large areas, thus mitigating especially shallow landslides and erosion phenomena over large areas. Given the landscape, cultural, economic and sustainability interests involved, the monitoring of such bio-engineering solutions through the ReNDiS database is a fundamental tool for planning new landslide mitigation works throughout Italy, in order to reduce visual impact with the same efficiency.


Gallozzi P.L. et al. (2020); ReNDiS 2020 La difesa del suolo in vent'anni di monitoraggio ISPRA sugli interventi per la mitigazione del rischio idrogeologico - Edizione 2020. ISPRA, Rapporti 328/20.

How to cite: Fraccica, A.: Soil bio-engineering techniques for landslide risk mitigation in Italy: statistics from ISPRA's  database "ReNDiS", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16968,, 2025.

EGU25-17004 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.13

Systematizing Terminologies in Soil Water Bio-Engineering, Nature-based Solutions, and Related Fields: A Critical Review 

Sara Pini, Vittoria Capobianco, Paola Sangalli, and Federico Preti

The fields of Soil and Water Bio-Engineering (SWBE), Nature-based Solutions (NbS), Ecological Engineering (EE), Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI), and Engineering with Nature (EWN®) encompass a variety of practices aimed at addressing environmental challenges through sustainable and adaptive methods. However, the inconsistent and overlapping terminology across these disciplines has led to confusion, which impedes effective communication among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Preti et al. (2022) conducted a first attempt to compare terms and definitions, leading to the conclusion that SWBE is a discipline that overlaps and, in some cases, complements many NBS-related terminologies. However, the study is in no way exhaustive.

This review begins with an in-depth examination of the current literature on SWBE, providing a detailed overview of the terminology, application areas, and major themes in this field. This foundational insight into SWBE acts as a reference point for comparing and contextualizing results from a meta-review of NBS, GBI, EE, and EWN®. The comparison will identify how specific practices are categorized, exploring whether they are included or excluded within particular disciplines and investigating the reasons behind these classifications. By analyzing these results with the established knowledge of SWBE, the study aims to emphasize similarities, differences, and possible areas for integration. Ultimately, the goal is to offer a comprehensive perspective on SWBE's role within the broader framework of sustainable practices.

The expected results involve creating a unified framework that connects different disciplines, a clearer set of terms to promote collaboration across fields, and practical insights to support the global conversation on sustainable and adaptive solutions. This initiative highlights the necessity of organizing terminology to improve the efficiency and expandability of these methods in tackling pressing issues like climate adaptation, ecosystem restoration, and water management.

Preti, F., Capobianco, V., & Sangalli, P. (2022). Soil and Water Bioengineering (SWB) is and has always been a nature-based solution (NBS): A reasoned comparison of terms and definitions. Ecological Engineering, 181, 106687.

How to cite: Pini, S., Capobianco, V., Sangalli, P., and Preti, F.: Systematizing Terminologies in Soil Water Bio-Engineering, Nature-based Solutions, and Related Fields: A Critical Review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17004,, 2025.

EGU25-17128 | Posters on site | NH3.13

Studies of Construction and Demolition Wastes for the Mudstone Soil Stabilization 

Yi-Wen Wang, Chih-Yung Hsu, Ching-Yu Lin, Chieh-Sheng Chen, Chih-Hsuan Liu, and Ching Hung

Studies of Construction and Demolition Wastes for Stabilizing Mudstone Soil

Yi-Wen Wang 1,*, Chih-Yung Hsu 2, Ching-Yu Lin 2, Chieh-Sheng Chen 3, Chih-Hsuan Liu 4, Ching Hung 5

1,* Master student, Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

[Corresponding author]


2 Master student, Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

3 Ph.D. student, Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

5 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

The rapid development of urbanization has led to an increase in building construction and demolition waste (CDW), resulting in significant environmental and management challenges. Many researchers have dedicated their efforts to exploring sustainable solutions, particularly in geotechnical engineering, where the applications of nanotechnology and CDW have notably gained increasing attention (Liu and Hung, 2023; Liu et al., 2023; Hung et al., 2024). This study aims to investigate the applicability of CDW for soil stabilization and its potential to mitigate environmental issues, focusing on mudstone soil (MS). Prior to testing, CDW undergoes preprocessing to ensure its suitability and effectiveness. Preliminary results indicate that the addition of CDW significantly enhances compressive strength and reduces swelling behavior of MS. This study will further analyze the mechanism of CDW stabilizing soil through  a series of tests including microstructure analysis and find the best solution to improve MS using CDW composite materials.



Liu, C. H., & Hung, C. (2023). Reutilization of solid wastes to improve the hydromechanical and mechanical behaviors of soils—a state-of-the-art review. Sustainable Environment Research, 33(1), 17.

Liu, C. H., Ghadr, S., Mrudunayani, P., & Hung, C. (2023). Synergistic effects of colloidal nanosilica and fiber on the hydromechanical performance of mudstone soil in Taiwan. Acta Geotechnica, 18(12), 6831-6847.

Hung C., Chen C. S., Liu C. H., Lin C. Y., Hsu C. Y., Wang Y. W., Lin K. Y. A. (2024). Recent Advances in Soil Stabilization and Reinforcement: A Comprehensive Review of Emerging Technologies. (under review)

How to cite: Wang, Y.-W., Hsu, C.-Y., Lin, C.-Y., Chen, C.-S., Liu, C.-H., and Hung, C.: Studies of Construction and Demolition Wastes for the Mudstone Soil Stabilization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17128,, 2025.

EGU25-17233 | Orals | NH3.13

Stakeholder Perceptions and Challenges in Soil and Water Bioengineering Practices 

Federico Preti, Andrea Signorile, Paola Sangalli, and Sara Pini

Soil and Water Bioengineering (SWBE) includes important techniques designed to address environmental challenges by utilizing plants' stabilizing and ecological properties, alongside natural materials like wood and stone. Although these practices are rooted in traditional land management, SWBE has gained renewed significance as part of modern sustainable strategies. Internationally, these approaches are increasingly recognized within frameworks such as Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI), underscoring their role in mitigating hydrogeological risks and promoting resilient landscapes.

Despite the growing use of these terms in public funding calls and national and international regulations, the similarities and differences between these disciplines remain poorly defined. To address this issue, we investigated the current knowledge and perceptions of various practitioners - including engineers, architects, geologists, agronomists, foresters, and naturalists - regarding these concepts. Our goal was also to identify potential knowledge gaps and explore new areas for innovation in these fields.

A questionnaire was distributed across Italy, targeting professional associations that regulate and uphold a particular profession's standards and ethical practices. 1,429 participants responded, with 382 (26,7%) professionals indicating direct involvement in SWBE. The questionnaire contained tailored questions for those actively engaged in SWBE and individuals familiar with the concept but not practicing it. Most practitioners showed a solid understanding of both traditional and modern definitions. The survey highlighted a significant overlap between SWBE and NBS. This indicates a growing alignment in how these concepts are perceived, although further efforts are required to clarify the remaining ambiguities in their definitions. The questionnaire also addressed various aspects, including innovations, challenges, and recommendations. Among the key issues raised were the need for more comprehensive technical training, increased awareness among public institutions, better management of vegetation after interventions, and consistent monitoring of completed projects. These results emphasize the critical importance of fostering ongoing communication, enhancing professional education, and advancing standardization within the field. This will ensure more effective integration and application of SWBE and related approaches in diverse professional settings.

How to cite: Preti, F., Signorile, A., Sangalli, P., and Pini, S.: Stakeholder Perceptions and Challenges in Soil and Water Bioengineering Practices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17233,, 2025.

EGU25-17545 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.13

Soil and Water Bioengineering shallow landslide restoration project enhances biodiversity conditions: a study case in Tuscany (Italy) 

Emanuele Giachi, Marco Cabrucci, Agnese Bellabarba, Francesca Decorosi, Andrea Dani, Patrizia Sacchetti, Giacomo Certini, Carlo Viti, and Federico Preti

The long-term biodiversity effects of ecological restoration projects are essential to understanding the dynamics of environmental processes induced by different applied techniques. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are defined as actions that use nature to protect, sustainably manage and restore natural or altered environments, providing benefits for both ecosystems and human well-being. Among NBS, Soil and Water Bioengineering (SWBE) techniques combine plants with timber and stone structures to restore riverbanks, combat soil erosion, and stabilise landslide areas, merging technical functionality with environmental restoration.

This study, conducted within the NBFC research centre, employs a multidisciplinary approach to monitoring biodiversity complexity (plants, soil microorganisms and insects) in ecological restoration projects using SWBE techniques. The research aims to quantify the multi-taxonomic diversity in a shallow landslide restored with SWBE methods in the Apuan Alps, Tuscany (Italy), and analyse the effects of ecological succession on biodiversity complexity.

The study area includes three shallow landslides triggered during an extreme weather event in 1996. During the 2024 vegetative season, field surveys were conducted in (1) a SWBE-restored landslide, (2) a naturally evolved landslide, and (3) a controlled landslide with minimal anthropic disturbance. All sites share comparable characteristics (e.g., slope, exposure, surrounding vegetation, and soil type).

Results show that slope stability in the SWBE restored landslide enables better development of tree vegetation, with a more structured canopy compared to the other two sites. Herbaceous species biodiversity indices indicate significant differences among sites, with the restored landslide achieving the highest alpha diversity, as evidenced by alpha-diversity index values. For soil microorganisms and insects, data elaborations show us differences in community composition according to beta-diversity analyses (Bray-Curtis parameters).

These findings underscore the importance of SWBE techniques in enhancing biodiversity and restoring ecological stability in degraded landscapes. An interdisciplinary approach is crucial to better understanding the long-term effects of nature-based solutions on slope stability and environmental restoration.



How to cite: Giachi, E., Cabrucci, M., Bellabarba, A., Decorosi, F., Dani, A., Sacchetti, P., Certini, G., Viti, C., and Preti, F.: Soil and Water Bioengineering shallow landslide restoration project enhances biodiversity conditions: a study case in Tuscany (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17545,, 2025.

EGU25-20450 | Orals | NH3.13

Nature-Based Solutions for Geohazard Mitigation on Slopes  

Mohammad Shariful Islam

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) leverage natural materials and mimic biological processes to mitigate geohazards such as slope instability and erosion, which are increasingly exacerbated by climate change and extreme weather events. Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides), known for its extensive root network and resilience, has emerged as a key component in bioengineering strategies aimed at improving soil stability, reducing erosion, and maintaining ecosystem services. Vetiver-based bioengineering integrates ecological approaches with engineering principles, offering scalable, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions for geotechnical challenges. The application of vetiver grass spans diverse contexts, including stabilizing road embankments, construction sites, and hill slopes, as well as mitigating erosion in riverbanks, canal banks, and coastal zones. It is particularly effective in areas prone to landslides, floods, and salinity intrusion, demonstrating its adaptability to varied climatic and geographic conditions. The efficacy of vetiver-based solutions has been validated through a range of studies, including laboratory experiments, field pilots, and large-scale implementations. Laboratory tests have shown that vetiver roots significantly enhance soil cohesion and internal friction angles, improving slope stability. Finite element modeling corroborates these findings, indicating increased factors of safety and reduced displacement in reinforced soils. Field pilots conducted across diverse soil types including saline soils, silty clays, and sandy soils reveal the adaptability of vetiver roots, which penetrate up to 2 meters, strengthening soil structures and mitigating erosion. Large-scale applications on coastal embankments have proven effective in resisting cyclone-induced erosion and lowering maintenance costs compared to traditional hard engineering solutions. Similarly, applications on pond and canal banks have reduced sedimentation and improved water quality, while slope stabilization in landslide-prone regions has minimized slope movement and rain-induced erosion. The implementation of vetiver systems is frequently community-driven, promoting local engagement and capacity building. Community acceptance has been high due to the simplicity, low cost, and multifaceted benefits of the approach. Beyond geohazard mitigation, vetiver-based solutions enhance biodiversity and provide habitats for local ecosystems. Additionally, the extensive root biomass contributes to carbon sequestration, supporting climate change mitigation efforts. By integrating ecological and engineering principles, vetiver systems offer a practical approach to slope protection and stabilization, while delivering co-benefits such as enhanced ecosystem services and community resilience. These solutions exemplify the potential of NBS in advancing global strategies for geohazard mitigation and sustainable development, bridging the gap between research and real-world applications.

How to cite: Islam, M. S.: Nature-Based Solutions for Geohazard Mitigation on Slopes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20450,, 2025.

The "SPES: The Danube Reclamation Initiative for a Sustainable Mediterranean Future" project
aims to address the critical pollution challenge posed by the Danube River, which significantly
impacts the environmental health of both the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. As the Danube
receives water from over 300 tributaries, including pollutants exacerbated by the ongoing war in
Ukraine, the pollution load flowing into the Black Sea is intensifying. This, in turn, threatens the
unique biodiversity of the Mediterranean.
The project envisions the creation of Sustainable European Pilot Systems (SPES) situated along the
Danube River. These SPES units will serve as hubs for environmental remediation and renewable
energy production. They will incorporate cutting-edge technologies such as solar panels,
electrolysers, biomass filtration, and innovative systems like the "Castoro" vessel, designed to
collect and transform floating waste into useful products. The SPES will also feature riparian
protection zones, leveraging Vetiver grass for bank stabilization and water filtration.
The initiative fosters collaboration between 44 countries bordering the Danube, Black Sea, and
Mediterranean, as well as universities, research centers, and private investors, promoting a
collective effort to reduce pollution and create sustainable economic opportunities. SPES will not
only remediate water quality and reduce CO2 emissions but also generate green energy and other
valuable byproducts, mainly through the use of Vetiver grass, transforming environmental
challenges into economic opportunities. With an emphasis on ESG (Environmental, Social,
Governance) factors and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this project is designed
to create lasting environmental, social, and economic benefits across the region, turning what has
been called the "agony of Europe" into its "rebirth."

Key words: Danube Reclamation, Vetiver Grass, CO2 Reduction, ESG

How to cite: Castorina, B.: SPES:The Danube Reclamation Initiative for a Sustainable Mediterranean Future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21879,, 2025.

EGU25-1360 | Posters on site | NH3.15

The assessment of critical factors in the landslide risk analysis of forest slopes 

Chia-Cheng Fan, Kai-Ming Yang, and Wan-Ting Tseng

The reasonableness of landslide risk analysis results for forest slopes poses a significant challenge due to the reliability of environmental data and the complex factors affecting the stability of large-scale forest slopes. This study introduces a novel approach to assessing the impact of critical factors on landslide risk analysis for forest slopes. The factors examined include topsoil thickness, soil strength, hydrological conditions, and vegetation. We utilize the TRIGRS program, a widely used tool in geotechnical engineering, to analyze the safety factor of a large forest slope covering an area of 100 hectares, situated at elevations ranging from 800 to 900 meters in the mountainous region of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Some areas of the site experienced shallow landslides due to heavy rainfall in 2009. The shallow soil at the forest slope consists mainly of silty sands and clayey materials mixed with decomposed slate. Multiple regression analysis is used to evaluate the sensitivity of these critical factors to the landslide risk analysis results. The critical factors include six independent variables: soil cohesion (c), soil friction angle (f), root cohesion (cR), coefficient of hydraulic conductivity (Ks), air entry value on soil-water retention curve (a), and topsoil thickness (Z). 

The research findings emphasize the significant role of topsoil thickness and tree root reinforcement in analyzing landslide risks on large-scale forest slopes. Reliable soil strength is crucial for these assessments, while hydrological soil parameters are less important. These findings provide a valuable reference for evaluating landslide risks in extensive forested areas. Notably, the study also highlights the necessity of obtaining trustworthy field data to improve the accuracy of landslide risk assessments. Furthermore, the results underscore the practical implications for future field applications, offering valuable insights for those involved in environmental risk management.

How to cite: Fan, C.-C., Yang, K.-M., and Tseng, W.-T.: The assessment of critical factors in the landslide risk analysis of forest slopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1360,, 2025.

EGU25-3521 | Orals | NH3.15

Rapid Hazard Assessment Model for the Extreme Rainfall-induced Regional Clustered Shallow Landslides 

Lei Liu, Jiajia Wang, Laizheng Pei, Xin Liang, Jusheng Yan, Yu Chen, Yanjun Zhang, and Lili Xiao

The undertaking of stability analysis and impact range prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides at the regional scale is of great significance for landslides' early warning and prevention. The existing deterministic physical models for landslides that consider the effect of rainfall rarely consider the kinematics process after landslide destabilization when conducting regional hazard assessments. Thus, the Regional Shallow Landslide Hazards Rapid Assessment Model (RSLHRA) considering dynamic processes is proposed. This model considers the spatiotemporal instantaneous variation characteristics of surface runoff and subsurface wetting front under rainfall conditions, coupled with three-dimensional stability calculation methods to determine unstable units, and predicts the movement characteristics of landslides through dynamic models, achieving rapid assessment of regional-scale landslide hazard. To illustrate, the rainfall-induced regional Clustered shallow landslides that occurred in Guidong County, Hunan Province, China in 2021 were assessed using the RSLHRA model. The results show that soil permeability coefficient, cohesion, and internal friction angle are the most important input parameters of the RSLHRA model; The model can accurately capture the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of shallow landslides induced by a rainfall process. By comparing the predicted area of the model with the actual occurrence area of the landslide, the accuracy of the model prediction can reach 60-70%. In addition, due to the use of a meshless numerical simulation method suitable for fluid motion analysis under the assumption of depth averaging and incompressibility, the computational efficiency of the model in predicting the kinematics of unstable landslides and debris flows has increased by 20 times compared to other models. The proposed model is expected to provide theoretical and technical support for regional landslide risk prevention and early warning.

Keywords: Landslides Hazard, Raid Assessment, Regional Cluster, Landslides Stability, Rainfall Infiltration, Landslides kinematics

How to cite: Liu, L., Wang, J., Pei, L., Liang, X., Yan, J., Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., and Xiao, L.: Rapid Hazard Assessment Model for the Extreme Rainfall-induced Regional Clustered Shallow Landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3521,, 2025.

EGU25-4344 | Orals | NH3.15

3D hydrometeorological thresholds for early warning of rainfall-induced landslides in Campania (Italy): application to Partenio massif 

Roberto Greco, Pasquale Marino, Daniel Camilo Roman Quintero, Abdullah Abdullah, and Giovanni Francesco Santonastaso

Large mountainous areas of Campania (Italy) are frequently subject to rainfall-induced landslides, which sometimes cause heavy damage to buildings and infrastructure. Specifically, landslides are triggered on steep slopes covered with unsaturated air-fall pyroclastic deposits from eruptions of Vesuvius resting upon fractured limestone bedrock. The characteristics of these phenomena, their wide diffusion, and the difficulty of predicting their exact time and place of occurrence, which strongly depend on local factors, make the recourse to structural risk mitigation interventions rarely feasible. Hence, landslide early warning systems (LEWS) are the most effective way to mitigate the associated risk. Currently, the operating LEWS are based on empirical thresholds based only on precipitation information (e.g., intensity and duration of precipitation), but they give rise to numerous false and even some missed alarms. The inclusion of antecedent hydrologic information prior to rainfall events improves the predictive performance of hazard assessment tools and is here applied to the definition of hydrometeorological thresholds to be implemented in LEWS.

A novel methodology is proposed to define the hydrometeorological thresholds for large areas, considering the uncertainties linked to the spatial variability of geomorphological and meteorological factors. The proposed methodology is applied to the north-facing side (an area of approximately 80 km2) of the Partenio Mountains, a carbonate massif in Campania (Italy), frequently hit by rainfall-induced debris flows involving the pyroclastic deposits mantling the steep slopes.

As it often happens for geohazard inventories, the available dataset is too scarce to allow carrying out significant statistical analyses. Therefore, a 500-year long synthetic dataset of the hydrological response to precipitation of a reference slope with known geometry and a homogeneous soil layer with known properties is generated, providing the values of root-zone soil moisture and aquifer water level. Specifically, a stochastic NSRP rainfall generator is coupled with a previously developed physically based model of the flows through the unsaturated deposit and its hydraulic connection to a perched aquifer forming during the rainy season. The slope stability is evaluated under the infinite slope hypothesis, which allows the identification of landslide events. To define an operational LEWS for the whole study area, the effects on slope stability of the uncertainty related to the spatial variability of the slope morphological features, soil hydraulic and geotechnical properties is introduced. Similarly, the uncertainty of the meteorological and hydrological variables used for the definition of the 3D thresholds (rainfall depth, root-zone soil moisture and aquifer water level) is also considered, to mimic the effects of spatially variable quantities observed only in few sparse points. Consequently, the synthetic dataset is perturbed, superimosing Normal-distributed random fluctuations on the hydrometeorological variables and on the calculated values of the factor of safety.

The effect of uncertainty on the operational predictive performance shows the robustness of the hydrometeorological thresholds. Moreover, this result is confirmed by the application of the obtained thresholds to available data of occurred landslides, and measured rainfall and soil moisture in the north-facing part of Partenio Massif in the period 2002-2020.

How to cite: Greco, R., Marino, P., Roman Quintero, D. C., Abdullah, A., and Santonastaso, G. F.: 3D hydrometeorological thresholds for early warning of rainfall-induced landslides in Campania (Italy): application to Partenio massif, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4344,, 2025.

EGU25-5089 | ECS | Orals | NH3.15

Probabilistic mapping of susceptibility and hazard of rainfall-triggered landslides in pyroclastic slopes of Campania (Italy). 

Abdullah Abdullah, Pasquale Marino, Daniel Camilo Roman Quintero, and Roberto Greco

Frequently occurring rainfall-induced landslides in pyroclastic soil deposits of Campania (southern Italy) are very threatening for the local community and the infrastructure. The major factor behind the triggering of such landslides is assuredly the rainfall. However, there are several other hydrological processes which are responsible for predisposing the slopes to failure. The study area is Partenio massif of Campania, where slopes are covered with coarse grained loose pyroclastic soils deposited in alternate layers of ashes and pumices laying on densely fractured limestone bedrock. The assessment of landslide triggering considers both static and dynamic factors. The former account for landslide susceptibility assessment, while the latter are responsible for the assessment of time-dependent landslide hazard. Several studies reported in literature explored various methodologies for the assessment of landslide susceptibility. However, landslide hazard assessment still needs attention especially in terms of reliably predicting triggering location and its probability under dynamically varying conditions.

Landslide susceptibility is evaluated with a probabilistic approach based on available historical precipitation records, considering only slope inclination and soil thickness as geomorphological controlling factors. In fact, owing to the characteristics of the considered area, the rest of the features influencing the landslide susceptibility like geo-lithology, geomorphology, vegetation and soil characteristics were assumed to be homogenous. The slopes of the area have been thus grouped in eight classes according to their inclination and soil thickness. The response of the slopes to precipitation is assessed by applying an 1D model of unsaturated flow and slope stability to the eight slope classes, considering the hourly rainfall recorded in 22 years (2002-23) by ten rain gauges around the study area. Slope susceptibility is evaluated as the historical (static) probability of landslide occurrence, based on the number of predicted slope failures from model simulations. Susceptibility mapping is carried out based on slope units, which are assigned to a slope class according to their inclination and thickness and are associated to the nearest rain gauge.

Landslide hazard is also assessed with a probabilistic approach, based on Bayes’ theorem, by integrating susceptibility with dynamic controls, i.e., triggering rainfall and antecedent rootzone soil moisture. Landslide triggering hazard is evaluated as the dynamic conditional probability, i.e. based on the number of failures for each slope class and for given event rain depth and antecedent soil moisture conditions. Hazard mapping is finally carried out based on slope unit susceptibility, and dynamic controls derived from the simulations with the nearest rain gauge data.

The obtained maps were tested by comparing them with actual reported landslides. Specifically, the susceptibility map well agrees with the locations of landslides recorded between 1999 and 2022. The operational applicability of the proposed hazard mapping was carried out by replacing the modelled antecedent conditions with those obtained from ERA5-Land. The dynamic triggering probability maps well identify the dates and the zones where landslides have been reported.

How to cite: Abdullah, A., Marino, P., Roman Quintero, D. C., and Greco, R.: Probabilistic mapping of susceptibility and hazard of rainfall-triggered landslides in pyroclastic slopes of Campania (Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5089,, 2025.

EGU25-5130 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Water Balance Assessment of Catchments in Pyroclastic-Covered landslide prone areas of Campania (Italy): A Budyko model application 

Muhammad Aleem, Pasquale Marino, and Roberto Greco

Geo-hydrological hazards induced by rainfall in small catchments, such as landslides, debris flows and flash floods, represent serious risks to infrastructure and human worldwide. These phenomena are typically triggered by periods of heavy rain, with geomorphological features and antecedent soil and groundwater storage of the catchment as contributing factors(Bogaard & Greco, 2018). The assessment of water balance at the catchment scale may help to highlight the role played by different hydrological processes on the occurrence of these geohazards. In southern Italy's Campania region, steep slopes are covered by loose granular deposits covering a karstic limestone bedrock, making them particularly prone to shallow landslides. Over the past few decades, this region has indeed experienced some catastrophic landslides triggered by rainfall(Greco et al., 2021).

In this study, the water balance of landslide-prone catchments in Campania is modelled with a simplified lumped hydrological approach, based on the Budyko framework, by exploiting data from both meteorological and hydrological sources. Ground-based and satellite data between 2002-2022 have been considered for meteorological and geographic factors. The data include precipitation and stream water level obtained from the Multi-Risk Functional Center of the Civil Protection of Campania Region, and the actual evapotranspiration data sourced from TERRA Climate (Ning et al., 2024). Moreover, the groundwater recharge is estimated by using the Turc formulation, which is effective for semi-arid and temperate climates(Allocca et al., 2014), while stream runoff is derived from observed water levels of stream by Civil Protection website of Campania region.

The results provide insights into the interactions between precipitation, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, infiltration capacity of soil and stream runoff in the study area. Comparing the recorded landslide occurrences recorded (Calvello and Pecoraro, 2018; Peruccacci et al., 2023) with the water balance highlights the value of hydrological information in landslide hazard assessment.

How to cite: Aleem, M., Marino, P., and Greco, R.: Water Balance Assessment of Catchments in Pyroclastic-Covered landslide prone areas of Campania (Italy): A Budyko model application, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5130,, 2025.

EGU25-5401 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Temporal Modeling of Rainfall-Triggered Landslides: A Hybrid Approach Combining Physically-Based Modeling and Extreme Value Analysis 

Ho-Hong-Duy Nguyen, Thanh-Nhan Nguyen, Minh-Vuong Pham, Chang-Ho Song, and Yun-Tae Kim

Climate change induced the rise of extreme rainfall, resulting in an increase in the frequency and magnitude of landslides. Hence, a novel temporal modeling of rainfall-induced landslides incorporating both the dynamic nature of rainfall patterns and the slope failure mechanism was proposed. The proposed approach consists of three steps: (1) analysis of a critical continuous rainfall (CCR) using a physical-based model, (2) obtaining the cumulative distribution function of generalized extreme value distribution via the annual maximum rainfall series, and (3) analysis of temporal probability map. The result of the CCR map was validated with the 2018 landslide event in a small area of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. The result shows that the CCR map is highly reliable, with an AUC of 71.3%. The proportion of temporal probability >0.5 under the nonstationary model is greater than approximately 1.7, 1.9, 2.0, and 2.3 times the stationary model for the periods of 5, 10, 20, and 50 years, respectively. This indicates that the temporal probability increases according to a longer time period due to climate change-induced increased trend of extreme rainfall. The proposed approach can also be utilized to obtain the landslide temporal probability map for areas lacking landslide inventory.  

How to cite: Nguyen, H.-H.-D., Nguyen, T.-N., Pham, M.-V., Song, C.-H., and Kim, Y.-T.: Temporal Modeling of Rainfall-Triggered Landslides: A Hybrid Approach Combining Physically-Based Modeling and Extreme Value Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5401,, 2025.

EGU25-7226 | ECS | Orals | NH3.15

Exploiting EGMS data in a thickness inversion methodology to enhance shallow landslide assessment 

Elifnur Yurdakul, Elisa Arnone, Fernando Nardi, Alberto Refice, Antonio Annis, Rafael L. Bras, and Domenico Capolongo

Physically-based models for rainfall-triggered landslides enhance understanding of the interactions between rainfall, soil hydrology, and slope stability. Pre-event landslide modeling presents significant challenges, primarily due to uncertainties in estimating landslide volumes, which depend on the complex geometries of natural and basal sliding surfaces. Furthermore, physically-based distributed models often face challenges in acquiring datasets that are both spatially and temporally comprehensive.

This study introduces a methodology leveraging recent advancements in remote sensing technologies, which offer promising non-contact solutions for estimating landslide characteristics. A key focus is on calculating soil thickness, a critical parameter influencing mobilized soil weight and the factor of safety (FS) for physically based modeling. We integrate InSAR data from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS), which provides freely accessible, continental-scale ground motion and displacement rate observations over stable targets (the so-called persistent scatterers, or PS), generally identified with man-made infrastructures or rock outcrops, with the mass conservation method. This method assumes minimal changes in the sliding base geometry during the observed deformation period, linking the rate of landslide thickness change to the spatial variation of the vertical deformation mean yearly velocity, enabling soil thickness estimation and sliding geometry definition. The experiment involved selecting landslides with a minimum number of PS falling on their surface, then setting up the system of differential linear equations applied to the selected PS targets. Tikhonov regularization was employed to overcome ill-posedness, and the equations were solved by finite difference methods implemented in Matlab. The Tikhonov regularization introduces a smoothing parameter which assigns a weight to the Laplacian term of the thickness model. The methodology is being tested in a case study area within the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, in Italy, known for well-documented shallow landslides in the Italian Landslide Inventory (IFFI).

Preliminary results demonstrate that the soil thickness and sliding geometry can be retrieved with reasonable accuracy, although measurements are highly sensitive to the choice of the smoothing parameter used in the regularization process.

How to cite: Yurdakul, E., Arnone, E., Nardi, F., Refice, A., Annis, A., Bras, R. L., and Capolongo, D.: Exploiting EGMS data in a thickness inversion methodology to enhance shallow landslide assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7226,, 2025.

EGU25-7288 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Delineating conditionally stable areas and critical soil water content maps for initiation of rainfall-induced landslides  

Juby Thomas, Elifnur Yurdakul, Evren Soylu, Leonardo Noto, Rafael Bras, and Elisa Arnone

Initiation of rainfall-induced landslides is intricately linked to hydrological conditions, mainly soil water content (SWC), which directly reflects precipitation intensity and patterns. Initiation may occur only on areas that are susceptible to the movement, i.e., the so-called conditionally stable areas. Existing methods delineate unconditionally and conditionally stable areas in “partially saturated” soils based on topography, mechanical properties, and a steady state wetness index (WI) or depth of groundwater level.

This study presents a methodology that delineates conditionally stable areas under fully unsaturated soil water conditions, i.e., in the absence of groundwater. In particular, the methodology identifies (i) the ‘partially-saturated’ conditionally stable areas previously mentioned in terms of groundwater level or positive pressure head, and (ii) an ‘unsaturated’ conditionally stable areas, assessed in terms of SWC or negative pressure head. This is obtained computing the factor of safety (FoS) by using two equations of the infinite slope model, which account for both saturated and unsaturated soil conditions. The region delineation ultimately depends on the spatial heterogeneity of topographic and hydro-mechanical properties of the terrain. Finally, for the conditionally stable areas, both ‘partially saturated’ and ‘unsaturated,’ we derive critical maps of landslide initiation, either in terms of SWC or pressure head, respectively. In order to provide efficient and easy-to-interpret maps, the methodology generates Homogeneous Soil Units (HSUs) where each unit is represented by a unique combination of slope and hydro-mechanical properties of the terrain. A unique critical value of SWC or pressure head will result for each HSU at a given hypothetical failure surface, i.e., soil depth.

We apply the methodology over the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, Italy, and central Puerto Rico, where thousands of shallow landslides were triggered by Hurricane Maria in September 2017.

This research received funding from European Union NextGenerationEU – National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Mission 4, Component 2, Investiment 1.1 -PRIN 2022 – 2022ZC2522 - CUP G53D23001400006.

How to cite: Thomas, J., Yurdakul, E., Soylu, E., Noto, L., Bras, R., and Arnone, E.: Delineating conditionally stable areas and critical soil water content maps for initiation of rainfall-induced landslides , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7288,, 2025.

For many years, shallow landslides have been considered not to be related to bedrock geology. However, our experience clearly suggests that shallow landslides occur more frequently on specific bedrock types. This is because subsurface water migration behavior is strongly dependent on soil structures, most of which are derived from rock weathering. There are at least four types of surface structures that are prone to shallow landslides:

1) Some types of rocks are weathered with well-defined weathering front, which provides a common landslide model. In this case, porosity and permeability have high contrast between the soil layer and the bedrock, and therefore infiltrating rainwater commonly forms groundwater table within the soil and the resultant pore pressure build up causes shear failure. Piping erosion along the boundary might proceed and lead to the initiation of landslide. Vapor-phase crystallized ignimbrite, mudstone and gruss of granitoid form such structure.

2) Unwelded ignimbrite is weathered to become finer than the underlying fresh materials. Volcanic glass grains of unwelded ignimbrite interact with filtrating water and become finer than the original fresh one, forming a capillary barrier at the weathering front. Halloysite, which forms within the soil, are washed away by the groundwater and clogged in narrower spaces of pores to form clay bands, which prohibit downward water filtration. Weight increase of surface soil due to perched water on the clay bands and on the capillary barrier initiate landslide along with the suction decrease.

3) Surface materials that consist of dense rock blocks and soil have been prone to shallow landslides. Hornfels and spheroidally weathered granitoid form such surface materials. Subsurface flow washes away finer fraction to leave rock framework with open spaces, which might be collapsed and subsequent pressure buildup may cause landslide.

4) Horizontal impermeable beds overlain by permeable beds prohibits downward filtration of rainwater that comes through the permeable beds and the water moves laterally along the boundary and flows out of the slope. Such water flow out often induces landslide of surface soil. Tempestite that deposited on lower shoreface forms such structure.


How to cite: Chigira, M.: Geological background of shallow landslides induced by rainstorms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7581,, 2025.

    Secondary loess is extensively distributed across the northwestern regions of China. Under the impact of extreme rainfall, slopes composed of this material are highly susceptible to failure, frequently resulting in landslides that lead to severe loss of life and property. Geological hazard surveys reveal that landslides in the Tianshui region predominantly occur in secondary loess, with over 70% classified as rainfall-induced shallow landslides. The rapid economic development in Tianshui has been accompanied by insufficient understanding of the physical and mechanical properties of soil layers, limited recognition of the water-sensitive behavior of secondary loess, and inadequate stabilization measures for excavated slopes and soil masses. These factors have collectively undermined the original stability of slopes and intensified the degradation of the geological environment.

    This study investigates the influence of water on the strength parameters of secondary loess in the Tianshui region through comprehensive physical and mechanical testing. Simulated rainfall experiments are also conducted to analyze the effects of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on infiltration rates and to establish the relationship between precipitation and soil moisture content. These findings are of critical importance for defining early warning indicators of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in secondary loess deposits in the Tianshui region. The results aim to provide a scientific basis for local governments in preventing geological disasters, protecting the geological environment, and fostering sustainable economic development.

How to cite: Meng, J., Feng, C., and Tan, C.: Study on the Water Sensitivity of Secondary Loess and Rainfall Indicators for Shallow Landslides in the Tianshui Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8333,, 2025.

EGU25-11017 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Analysis of susceptibility to shallow slope instability for different soil management practices with a probabilistic model approach 

Matteo Giganti, Antonio Gambarani, Alessia Giarola, Claudia Meisina, and Massimiliano Bordoni

In recent decades, climate change has increased slope instability in crop fields and agricultural land; the aim of this research is to identify the most suitable management practices for water retention in Vineyard as well as the less prone to soil erosion and shallow landslides. This study is part of the UNDER-VINE project, the areas of study are located in Oltrepò Pavese, a sector of the northern Appennines in Northern Italy.

In order to identify the proneness of the soils with different management practices (grass cover, legume-based mixture, cereal-based mixture, between and under-the-row mulching) to shallow landslides, the local data concerning several properties of the terrain (soil friction angle, slope angle, soil effective cohesion, root reinforcement provided by plant roots in the soil, soil unit weight, depth below ground level in which a potential sliding surface could develop and suction stress) were collected, field measurements and historical data were also taken into account. After that, the same data were used to calculate the safety factor (SF) formula for every cell of the digital elevation model, with one meter of resolution.

To accomplish that, a probabilistic model has been used, with the realization of a python script that takes for every parameter a value from a given range, than it calculates the SF for every cell. The outcome is a series of raster images showing the variation of the SF within the different sites.

Finally, the model should make it possible to understand which types of land use are most susceptible to slope instability, and whether the different management practices used can lead to a reduction in these phenomena.

How to cite: Giganti, M., Gambarani, A., Giarola, A., Meisina, C., and Bordoni, M.: Analysis of susceptibility to shallow slope instability for different soil management practices with a probabilistic model approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11017,, 2025.

EGU25-12101 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Integration of pedological and geotechnical analyses at soil profile scale to assess shallow landslide susceptibility in a pilot catchment of Calabria, southern Italy. Results from the Project “Soil Shades” 

Elena Ceravolo, Massimo Conforti, Simona Vingiani, Luigi Borrelli, Gino Cofone, Fabio Ietto, Francesco Perri, Pasquale Ruocco, Fabio Terribile, and Fabio Scarciglia

In this work some representative soil profiles located in a pilot river catchment in northern Calabria, Southern Italy, were studied with the aim to understand the role of soil features on the stability of slopes and trigger factors of shallow landslides. The Turbolo Stream catchment was chosen as pilot area, as representative of many other geographic areas based on its geological and environmental features. This basin has an extension of about 30 km^2 and exhibits an important lithological, geomorphological and pedological variability. The main soil types range from highly mature soils (Alfisols) to poorly differentiated soils (Inceptisols and Entisols). Previous works investigated the landslide susceptibility in this basin by analyzing geological and geomorphological predisposing factors. However, the intrinsic properties of the soils that can trigger superficial landslides were not considered. The pedogenesis of the parent material leads to its differentiation into soil horizons and a varying spatial distribution of rheological properties for each horizon. The variation of these properties along the profile can potentially generate weak layers that become detachment surfaces once the limit equilibrium of the slope is overcome. The project “SOIL SHADES – SOIL features and pedogenic processes as predisposing factors of SHAllow landsliDES”, funded by Next Generation EU, National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) of Italy, M4.C2.1.1., National Research Programme (PNR)–Research Projects of Significant National Interest (PRIN), brings together numerous direct and indirect methodologies, trying to address this research question. Proximal and remote sensing techniques were coupled with field description and sampling of soil profiles, located on landslide scars or close to them, for specific laboratory analyses. The investigated soil profiles are six, developed on Paleozoic-Cretaceous crystalline rocks and Neogene deposits, and. For all profiles, individual horizons were sampled, and both pedological (chemical and physical) and geotechnical analyses were performed. In addition, the observation of soil thin sections under a polarizing optical microscope enabled to detect soil micromorphological features, especially those that may affect the physical properties of the horizons (porosity, clay coatings etc.). Although no clear relationships were detected between each pedological and geotechnical property, because of an inhomogeneous behavior of the parameters measured across each profile or between different profiles, some interesting results were obtained. Among chemical data, electrical conductivity (EC) and the sodium absorption ratio (SAR), the latter calculated from soluble salts measured through ion chromatography, enabled to classify the soil horizons of the studied profiles in terms of dispersivity, according to the classification chart proposed by Rengasamy and co-authors. Only three profiles out of six fall within the classes of potentially dispersive soils and dispersive soils, whereas the others are non-dispersive. This suggests that clay dispersivity may slightly contribute to trigger shallow landslides but is not the dominant control factor. The shear resistance, determined in situ through the vane test, showed higher values, as expected, in more mature and well-structured soil profiles, although bulk density values are not always consistent. This suggests that parent materials, degree of pedogenesis and the intrinsic soil spatial variability influence geomechanical parameters at different extents.

How to cite: Ceravolo, E., Conforti, M., Vingiani, S., Borrelli, L., Cofone, G., Ietto, F., Perri, F., Ruocco, P., Terribile, F., and Scarciglia, F.: Integration of pedological and geotechnical analyses at soil profile scale to assess shallow landslide susceptibility in a pilot catchment of Calabria, southern Italy. Results from the Project “Soil Shades”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12101,, 2025.

EGU25-12238 | Orals | NH3.15

The role of soil features and pedogenic processes as potential factors of shallow landslides. A catchment-scale multidisciplinary approach in the frame of the Project “Soil Shades” 

Fabio Scarciglia, Massimo Conforti, Luigi Borrelli, Elena Ceravolo, Gino Cofone, Fabio Ietto, Francesco Perri, Pasquale Ruocco, Fabio Terribile, and Simona Vingiani

A wide literature and research interest focus on mapping shallow landslides, investigating their triggering factors, evaluating connected hazards and providing policies for risk mitigation, using a variety of methods. Many researchers also explored the role of weathering processes as predisposing factors of landslides, but most of them applied this approach to deep mass movements or did not consider soils from a pedological point of view, thus not taking into account their intrinsic juxtaposition of different pedogenic horizons and their spatial variability. Interesting results based on the basic concept of soil profile, well-known to soil scientists but often neglected by geologists or engineers, were mainly obtained in soils developed on pyroclastic materials, frequently affected by flow-like landslides, and more limitedly in other soil types. The ongoing project “SOIL SHADES – SOIL features and pedogenic processes as predisposing factors of SHAllow landsliDES”, funded by Next Generation EU, National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) of Italy, M4.C2.1.1., National Research Programme (PNR)–Research Projects of Significant National Interest (PRIN), aims at filling this gap. In its framework, we applied an integrated multidisciplinary, multi-analytical and multiscale approach in a pilot catchment (Turbolo Stream) of Calabria, southern Italy. For its geological-geomorphological, pedological and environmental features, this basin can be considered representative of other drainage basins in several Mediterranean and mid-latitude regions. Field surveys and aerial photo interpretation allowed us to provide an inventory of landslides in that pilot area and select some benchmark soil profiles able to catch the local pedodiversity, different lithologies and geomorphological features, where shallow movements occurred. At some of these sites, remote and proximal sensing investigations, such as electromagnetic induction (EMI), electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and drone-based 3D topography acquisition were carried out to map the soil spatial variability from the landslide scar to the toe of its body and from the topographic surface to the depth of the potential failure surface. Results of the geophysical surveys were consistent with the soil profile depths and/or with the presence of relevant morphological changes already described along the profiles. Twenty-six soil samples collected from 6 soil profiles were morphologically described (color, pedogenic structure, skeletal rock fragments, clay coatings, nodules, etc.) and analyzed in laboratory to measure physical and chemical properties (particle size distribution, organic carbon content, pH, electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity, soluble salts, etc.), while the micromorphological analysis was carried out only on selected horizons. Geotechnical analyses to obtain bulk density, Atterberg limits, shear strength, cohesion and internal friction angle were performed on the same samples, where applicable. Major data showed clear changes of pedological and geotechnical properties across the soil profile, thus supporting a prominent role of soil-formation processes on the modification of the original properties of the parent materials, as potential predisposing factors of shallow landslides. Nonetheless, the different soil types did not display homogenous behavior and mutual relationships from top to bottom or between specific pedological and geomechanical data, suggesting a complex interplay between parent rocks, pedogenesis and other morphodynamic processes recorded at the soil profile scale.

How to cite: Scarciglia, F., Conforti, M., Borrelli, L., Ceravolo, E., Cofone, G., Ietto, F., Perri, F., Ruocco, P., Terribile, F., and Vingiani, S.: The role of soil features and pedogenic processes as potential factors of shallow landslides. A catchment-scale multidisciplinary approach in the frame of the Project “Soil Shades”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12238,, 2025.

EGU25-12358 | ECS | Orals | NH3.15 | Highlight

A new database of landslide simulator experiments: LISA 

Alessandro Scaioli, Lorenzo Panzeri, Monica Corti, Luigi Zanzi, Diego Arosio, Hojat Azadeh, Monica Papini, and Laura Longoni

LISA (“Landslide Investigation and Simulation Archive”) is a database containing the observations collected across over 50 downscaled physical simulations of landslides. These experiments were performed over 7 years using a landslide simulator in Politecnico di Milano. Downscaled landslide simulations offer the opportunity to study the relationships among the landslide triggering factors in controlled conditions. The experiments considered different settings in terms of slope angle, rainfall intensity and soil characteristics. Furthermore, several tools were implied to monitor the evolution of water infiltration and failure development throughout the duration of the tests, including a Time Domain Reflectometer, tensiometers, Arduino soil moisture probes and optical fibres. To ensure water balance, superficial runoff was also collected, while Electrical Resistivity Tomography was used to monitor infiltration. Superficial deformations were assessed using photogrammetric techniques with optical cameras. Triggering factors linked to climate change were also explored, such as snow melting and wildfires, in terms of slopes constituted by burnt soil. Having so much information organized in terms of a database can be relevant for many aims. By way of example, these experimental data can be used to test and validate slope stability models and to define rainfall thresholds.

How to cite: Scaioli, A., Panzeri, L., Corti, M., Zanzi, L., Arosio, D., Azadeh, H., Papini, M., and Longoni, L.: A new database of landslide simulator experiments: LISA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12358,, 2025.

EGU25-13597 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

A spatio-temporal framework for modelling shallow landslides along mountainous transport corridors 

Cyprien Niyigena, Alister Smith, Tom Dijkstra, and Digne Rwabuhungu

Rainfall-induced shallow landslides affect transport infrastructure by reducing serviceability and increasing road maintenance costs. These impacts are likely to become more severe with climate change. The aim of this research was to develop a framework to assess the spatio-temporal stability of slopes along transport corridors for decision support. The developed approach couples daily soil water balance with a widely used physically-based model: Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-Based Regional Slope-Stability (TRIGRS). Performance of the framework was evaluated along the Mukamira – Kabaya national road that crosses a rugged topography in Nyabihu, Northwestern Rwanda. Spatio-temporal analyses conducted on landslide inventory in the road corridor indicated that the road has been susceptible to shallow landslides originating both from roadcuts and elsewhere in the road corridor.  The observed temporal increase in landslides density in the corridor underscores an escalating threat to the road. Consequently, incorporating temporal variability of landslide predictors into future projection can assist to better understand prospective landslide activity in the road corridor, and the subsequent impact on the road. Applying a water balance model as input into TRIGRS provides a more realistic temporal assessment of initial soil moisture conditions and, in turn, a more relevant evaluation of triggering rainfall magnitudes. Using historic weather data, the framework showed capabilities of tracking variations of stability conditions of the roadside and forecasting the road sections that could potentially become blocked by road cut shallow instabilities. The framework highlights road sections exposed to distinct hazards, e.g. debris slides or debris flows paths. For landslide risk assessment, using historical data it was possible to link observed landslide occurrences to soil moisture and triggering rainfall conditions. It was also possible to estimate probable mobilised volumes of debris to be deposited on the road. In addition, the framework enabled evaluation of deteriorated shear strength of road cut materials on future projections of stability. For existing roads, the framework provides an important contribution to enable road asset managers to develop effective and economic maintenance plans. For the development of new roads, this framework can assist with the optimisation of alignment and cutslope morphology.

How to cite: Niyigena, C., Smith, A., Dijkstra, T., and Rwabuhungu, D.: A spatio-temporal framework for modelling shallow landslides along mountainous transport corridors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13597,, 2025.

EGU25-18060 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Daily rainfall data spatialization for the analysis of shallow landslide triggering conditions 

Eduardo R. Oliveira, Enrico D’Addario, Giulio Masoni, Moira Pippi, and Leonardo Disperati

Shallow landslides are mass movements capable of causing severe damage to infrastructures and loss of lives. Similarly to other weather-driven geological processes, the spatial analysis of either hazard or susceptibility to shallow landslides by means of data-driven methods often involve two types of factors. Stable factors, such as geomorphological variables, represent the predisposing conditions for landslide occurrence. These factors, almost constant over time, are predominantly used in susceptibility assessments to identify areas potentially prone to landslides, irrespective of meteorological conditions. On the other hand, triggering factors, which are typically associated with highly dynamic variables, are also usually analyzed as they influence frequency and magnitude of landslide phenomena, hence being essential for hazard mapping. Heavy rainfalls may be regarded as the main triggering factor for shallow landsliding.

Rainfall is not a regular phenomenon and it is characterized by high spatial variability, particularly in mountainous regions, hence evaluating its spatial-temporal distribution represents a quite hard task, despite the availability of long-term meteorological stations records.

The primary objective of this study is to evaluate different interpolation methods for spatializing daily rainfall data to support shallow landslide hazard mapping. The study focuses on the Alpi Apuane region located in northern Tuscany (Italy), characterized by complex topography rising sharply few kilometers near the Ligurian sea coast. Daily precipitation data, collected over nearly seventy years, were obtained from various meteorological networks operating within the study area.

Different spatialization methods were selected to facilitate automated computation of the available large station dataset, such as the Inverse distance weighted interpolation, as well as different kriging methods, including the use of elevation data as a secondary variable for precipitation mapping.

The performance of the different methods was assessed for a set of significant precipitation days and involving an iterative process for random validation subsets selection.

Considering that landslides often occur in inaccessible areas and are generally poorly reported, their occurrence dates in landslide inventories are either frequently missing or uncertain.

In order to mitigate this issue, an inventory of shallow landslides was created for the study area through the visual interpretation of a multitemporal set of orthorectified aerial photographs. The available images used for landslide mapping span the period from 1954 to 2021. The acquisition of these aerial images was not temporally constant, the intervals between the acquisition range from 24 to 2 years,  with an average value of 6 years. The last two decades (2003-2021) instead are characterized by a regular acquisition of aerial images of about 3 years. For each landslide, the triggering period was defined by the time interval between two consecutive image acquisition dates t(n) and t(n+1), the latter representing the oldest image where the landslide was recognized. The pre-landslide period was defined to correspond to the time interval preceding t(n), i.e. the youngest image acquired before landslide triggering. The computed daily precipitation maps were used for the analysis of intense rainfall events occurred during both pre-landslide and triggering periods, enabling the assessment of triggering daily precipitation associated to the landslide areas of the multitemporal inventory.

How to cite: Oliveira, E. R., D’Addario, E., Masoni, G., Pippi, M., and Disperati, L.: Daily rainfall data spatialization for the analysis of shallow landslide triggering conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18060,, 2025.

EGU25-19546 | Orals | NH3.15

Mapping Direct Protection Forests Using SlideForMAP Software: A Case Study from the MILETO Project in Southern Italy 

Filippo Giadrossich, Samanta Trotta, Ha My Ngo, Giovanni Sanesi, Roberto Scotti, Lovreglio Raffaella, Simone Di Prima, and Denis Cohen

Protection forests play a critical role in mitigating surface landslides and controlling hydrological processes, yet their identification and assessment remain a challenge in forest and land management. This study, conducted as part of the PRIN-PNRR MILETO project, introduces in Italy a novel procedure for identifying protection forests using a deterministic statistical approach tailored to surface landslides in Italy. The SlideForMAP software forms the core of this methodology, integrating key inputs on soil and vegetation characteristics to assess landslide susceptibility. By explicitly incorporating the role of vegetation, the software offers a refined analysis of areas prone to landslides. Computationally efficient, the method supports the evaluation of extensive regions, facilitating applications at a regional scale. 

In southern Italy the MILETO project has implemented this methodology to map and evaluate protection forests though case studies. These areas, often characterized by steep terrain and varying climatic conditions, are particularly prone to hydrogeological hazards like landslides. The project focuses on linking hydrological and soil stability models with vegetation dynamics, a key determinant in mitigating landslide risk.

These outputs provide actionable insights for forest and land managers. The hazard maps enable planners to pinpoint locations where protection forests mitigate landslide risks most effectively, while heat maps highlight areas for intervention to enhance forest functionality. This systematic approach bridges the gap between theoretical modeling and practical forest management, supporting sustainable landscape practices and disaster risk reduction approaches. By focusing on direct protection forest detection, this case study in southern Italy contributes to integrating environmental modelling and geospatial data to create a robust framework for safeguarding vulnerable regions.

How to cite: Giadrossich, F., Trotta, S., Ngo, H. M., Sanesi, G., Scotti, R., Raffaella, L., Di Prima, S., and Cohen, D.: Mapping Direct Protection Forests Using SlideForMAP Software: A Case Study from the MILETO Project in Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19546,, 2025.

EGU25-20098 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Investigating the role of pore water pressure and antecedent conditions in landslide acceleration: Insights from long-term monitoring in Lower Austria 

Yenny Alejandra Jiménez Donato, Thom Bogaard, Edoardo Carraro, Philipp Marr, Robert Kanta, and Thomas Glade

Predicting the spatial and temporal evolution of landslides is still one of the greatest challenges in landslide research. This is mainly due to the heterogeneous and complex interplay of landslide conditioning and triggering factors, which can lead to non-linear temporal and kinematic responses. Despite the growing literature demonstrating that hydrological antecedent conditions play a role in landslide acceleration, most landslide early warning systems (LEWS) often use only rainfall thresholds as the main triggering parameter. Therefore, the development of hydrometeorological threshold models that take into account pore water pressure data, antecedent hydrological conditions, and physiographic characteristics of slopes offers a great opportunity to improve existing LEWS. However, the investigation of slope dynamics and hydrometeorological thresholds requires an accurate, high-resolution data set. For this reason, the University of Vienna has initiated a long-term monitoring project (NoeSLIDE) that aims to obtain long-term in-situ surface and subsurface data (e.g. precipitation, piezometric levels, volumetric water content, vertical displacement) of several slopes in the region of Lower Austria.

In this study, the hydromechanical behaviour of a selected slope, the Hofermühle landslide, is investigated. We use an integrated approach combining field investigations, soil analysis, remote sensing, time series analysis (e.g. PASTAS) and numerical modelling to: (1) characterise the mechanical behaviour of the slope, (2) estimate snowpack and snowmelt rates, (3) understand and simulate the response and timing of groundwater, and thus porewater pressure, to rainfall and snowmelt, and (4) analyse the response of the slope to changes in porewater pressure to determine the critical hydro-meteorological conditions that lead to landslide accelerations. The preliminary results indicate that the studied landslide accelerates mainly in winter and spring and shows a heterogeneous spatial response to rainfall and snowmelt, which is largely influenced by its complex lithologic and hydrologic conditions. Furthermore, although changes in pore water pressure are the main driving mechanism for landslide acceleration, dry antecedent conditions and seasonal preferential flow patterns are also crucial for this process and need to be considered. This study provides useful information for disaster risk reduction as it is a further step towards a better understanding of the complex behaviour of landslides in Lower Austria.

How to cite: Jiménez Donato, Y. A., Bogaard, T., Carraro, E., Marr, P., Kanta, R., and Glade, T.: Investigating the role of pore water pressure and antecedent conditions in landslide acceleration: Insights from long-term monitoring in Lower Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20098,, 2025.

EGU25-20170 | Orals | NH3.15

Effect of Microstructural Evolution of Loess under Infiltration on Soil Strength 

Xiaorui Wang, RunQiang Zeng, and ZiRan Wei

Shallow loess landslides typically occur under the influence of rainfall and irrigation, where hydrodynamic processes significantly affect soil strength and stability by altering particle gradation, soluble salt content, and mineral dissolution. Loess, characterized by high porosity and low density, is highly susceptible to structural changes under water infiltration. These microstructural changes not only exacerbate the collapsibility of loess but also weaken its strength, thereby increasing the risk of landslides. However, most existing studies focus on infiltration tests conducted in laboratories using collected samples, lacking long-term monitoring of the microstructural properties of in-situ loess slopes. As a result, these studies fail to ensure that their findings accurately reflect the actual conditions of natural slopes.

To address this gap, this study conducts long-term monitoring of a typical loess slope in the field, with regular artificial irrigation and natural rainfall recording, alongside borehole sampling. Using techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Laser Granulometry, and Particle Flow Code (PFC), this research systematically examines the effects of water infiltration on loess microstructure, particle migration, and mineral dissolution. It also explores the spatial and temporal evolution of loess properties at different depths. To date, two sets of loess samples have been used to establish a quantitative relationship between water infiltration and microstructural characteristics (e.g., porosity, mineral dissolution rate, and particle migration rate). The results indicate that during long-term infiltration, the content of cemented minerals in the shallow soil decreases, fine particles are lost, and the pore structure evolves toward a single large-pore form. Furthermore, PFC-based simulations reveal the weakening process of soil strength under water infiltration, providing an in-depth analysis of the particle-level mechanisms underlying strength degradation. This study offers a theoretical basis for the design and optimization of monitoring and early warning systems for loess landslides.

How to cite: Wang, X., Zeng, R., and Wei, Z.: Effect of Microstructural Evolution of Loess under Infiltration on Soil Strength, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20170,, 2025.

EGU25-20613 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

A probabilistic approach to model spatio-temporal landslide susceptibility 

Micol Fumagalli, Paolo Frattini, and Giovanni B. Crosta

Shallow landslides pose significant hazards globally, particularly in regions with steep topography and susceptible geological conditions. These landslides are often triggered by intense rainfall or rapid snowmelt, and the understanding of their spatial and temporal dynamics is essential for hazard assessment and risk mitigation, especially in the context of climate change.

This study develops a statistically-based spatiotemporal model using Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) to evaluate shallow landslide susceptibility in the Orba basin(595 km2), Northern Italy. The model integrates static predictors such as slope and lithology with dynamic rainfall descriptors, particularly maximum rainfall intensity and antecedent cumulative rainfall, with the aim of finding a failure probability associated with certain values of antecedent cumulative and maximum rainfall intensity. Values for the rainfall descriptors are derived from a copula analysis that allows to estimate these parameters for defined return periods. In this way, both the spatial and the temporal components are included within the analyses.

Results highlight the nonlinear influence of cumulative rainfall on slope stability, consistent with suction stress theory, and the irrelevant effect of extreme rainfall intensities beyond a threshold. Susceptibility matrices derived from the model enable time-dependent assessments at the slope unit scale, offering valuable tools for early warning systems and climate change scenario analyses. In particular, the probabilistic methods using copula modelling allowed for the quantification of landslide susceptibility associated with specific return periods. Also, the deterministic and probabilistic analyses of future climate scenarios under varying RCP pathways revealed complex temporal trends in landslide susceptibility, demonstrating the significant impact of climate change on slope stability.

How to cite: Fumagalli, M., Frattini, P., and Crosta, G. B.: A probabilistic approach to model spatio-temporal landslide susceptibility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20613,, 2025.

EGU25-1348 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.16

Adaptive Deep Learning Framework for Rapid Landslide Mapping Using HR-GLDD 

Saurabh Singh, Ashwani Raju, and Sansar Raj Meena

The Himalayan terrain has encountered multiple vandalized events that have hampered humans and property. While significant progress has been made in leveraging Earth Observation data for landslide mapping, several critical challenges remain in creating models that can be operational globally. The first limitation is that no high-resolution, globally distributed, and event-diverse dataset is available for landslide segmentation. Inadequacy in data impairs the ability of machine learning models to achieve accurate and robust detection over different terrains since insufficient representation of both landslide and non-landslide classes leads to suboptimal generalization. We provide the High-Resolution Global Landslide Detector Database (HR-GLDD) to fill this critical gap. The unprecedented dataset, derived from PlanetScope imagery with an extraordinary 3-meter pixel resolution, includes a detailed set of landslide instances, including those from the Kalimpong Himalayas in Northeast India, providing never-before-attempted granularity and diversity for global landslide modeling.

The HR-GLDD contains ten independent landslide events, five rainfall-triggered and five seismic, under diverse geomorphological and topographical conditions. Standardized image patches from high-resolution PlanetScope optical satellite imagery in four-spectral-band (red, green, blue, near-infrared) combinations of bands and binary masks delineating landslides are provided. One of the first datasets prepared for landslide research using high-resolution images in artificial intelligence for landslide detection and identification studies is particularly relevant using HR-GLDD.


Five state-of-the-art deep learning models were utilized to validate its usefulness by showing stable performance at Kalimpong, verifying the dataset's robustness and transferability. HR-GLDD is publicly available and valuable for calibrating and building models to produce reliable landslide inventories after an event. The constant updating of data from recent landslide events significantly increases its usefulness in developing landslide research and risk assessment.                                                                

How to cite: Singh, S., Raju, A., and Meena, S. R.: Adaptive Deep Learning Framework for Rapid Landslide Mapping Using HR-GLDD, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1348,, 2025.

EGU25-1478 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16

Earthquake-Induced Landslide Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using TLSTMF-YOLO 

Shaoqiang Meng, Zhenming Shi, Ming Peng, and Thomas Glade

The earthquake-induced landslide targets in remote sensing images vary greatly in size and are unevenly distributed with many small targets. Achieving a balance between high accuracy, computational capability, and small sample size remains challenging. This study proposes to enhance earthquake-induced landslide detection by developing a new algorithm for remote sensing images based on the C3-Swin-Transformer and Multiscale Feature Fusion-YOLO (TLSTMF-YOLO). Utilizing a feature extraction layer and Swin-Transformer structure captures dependencies and preserves spatial information. Introducing the Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM) enhances feature representation. Incorporating a Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network (BiFPN) optimizes bidirectional cross-scale feature fusion, improving landslide detection accuracy across scales. The training utilizes an AdamW optimizer and cosine learning rate strategy for accelerated convergence and improved speed. Transfer learning applies to Jiuzhaigou and Luding landslide datasets. Experimental results show that the TLSTMF-YOLO model outperforms YOLOv5 and other detection models in terms of precision, recall, and mAP@0.5. Specifically, on the Jiuzhaigou dataset, it achieves a precision of 95.7%, a recall of 89.9%, and a mAP@0.5 of 90.5%. On the Luding dataset, it achieves a precision of 96.0%, a recall of 90.9%, and a mAP@0.5 of 94.5%. Additionally, the frame processing times for the TLSTMF-YOLO model are 6.61 ms and 12.2 ms on the Jiuzhaigou and Luding datasets, respectively, demonstrating superior efficiency and confirming its effective feature extraction and fusion capabilities.

How to cite: Meng, S., Shi, Z., Peng, M., and Glade, T.: Earthquake-Induced Landslide Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using TLSTMF-YOLO, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1478,, 2025.

EGU25-2183 | Orals | NH3.16

Relating regional acceleration events to hydroclimatic inputs for slow-moving deep-seated landslides in Western Canada 

Corey Froese, Michael Porter, Zac Sala, Evelyn Moorhouse, Vinenzo Coia, Arnaud Michel, and Patrick Grover

Deep-seated landslides in colluvium derived from glacial sediments and shales blanket river valley slopes in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) and are traversed by linear infrastructure and urban development. Porter et al (2019) estimated that the infrastructure maintenance and damage costs are in the order of $ 400 million (CDN) annually. In the spring of 2020, widespread accelerations of landslides in the northern portions of the WCSB led to the initiation of a multi-year study to better understand the relationships between short and longer-term hydroclimatic trends in relation to historical landslide activity.   

Data from over 550 subsurface monitoring points (slope inclinometers and shape accelerometer arrays) were collected for over 100 slopes between the early 1980’s to present. A multi-stage cleaning process was necessary to minimize errors (installation, human, sensor) so that readings represent measurements of deep-seated landslide movement and reliably constrain discrete acceleration events.     The concept of a “landslide year” was developed to delineate the annual movement cycle for landslides in the region and was defined as the period that starts in the spring when snowmelt infiltrates into the ground and finishes which the ground freezes in the autumn. Only displacement values that reliably constrained the landslide year were maintained in the database and, for sites with at least three years of readings, these values at each monitoring location were normalized against all of the readings for that site.  This allowed for a more consistent comparison of the magnitude of displacements across sites and the region.

In parallel, historical hydroclimatic variables obtained from the ECWMF ERA5-Land reanalysis dataset (Muñoz-Sabater et al., 2021) were accessed, analyzed and reviewed. As with the displacement data, different approaches were assessed to provide normalized values that could represent “extreme” events and trends in the hydroclimate that could be compared across the region. The variables assessed focused on the antecedent soil moisture and the total water introduced during the landslide year from both snow melt and precipitation. These values, both absolute and normalized, allowed for both spatial and temporal analyses and data visualizations.

Random forest models were used  to establish the relative importance of different hydroclimatic inputs in predicting normalized annual landslide displacements. The hydroclimatic variables seen as the most important and most useful for application in an early warning system were then evaluated in terms of their site-level “predictive power” when compared against the normalized displacement data. The test variables utilized were normalized Layer 4 soil moisture at the start of the landslide year, normalized Layer 4 soil moisture trend at the start of the landslide year and maximum normalized 60-day total water inputs within the landslide year.   These tests yielded positive results in terms of correlation between combinations of the chosen hydroclimatic inputs and landslide displacement trends. Further development and testing of hydroclimate thresholds as a basis for a regional landslide awareness and early warning system is in progress.



How to cite: Froese, C., Porter, M., Sala, Z., Moorhouse, E., Coia, V., Michel, A., and Grover, P.: Relating regional acceleration events to hydroclimatic inputs for slow-moving deep-seated landslides in Western Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2183,, 2025.

Landslides are complex geohazards often driven by hydro-meteorological factors. Climate change is amplifying these drivers, potentially increasing landslide frequency and intensity. Addressing these challenges requires robust tools capable of capturing the dynamic interactions between hydro-mechanical processes. While physics-based models provide valuable insights, their reliance on simplifying assumptions limits their ability to fully represent these intricate systems. In contrast, deep learning techniques excel at uncovering non-linear interdependencies, making them well-suited for landslide modeling.

This study employs a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network to forecast landslide displacements at the Ripley Landslide in British Columbia, Canada. Ripley is a translational landslide of significant geotechnical and environmental interest, primarily impacting major railway corridors and local river biodiversity. The landslide’s movements are influenced by a pre-sheared clay seam with residual friction angles of 9–16 degrees, as well as toe erosion and drawdown effects from the Thompson River during late spring.

Three GPS stations have monitored Ripley’s displacements since April 2008, consistently showing similar magnitudes and directions of movement. Data from one station were used to train the LSTM model, with river flow as the primary input. Synthetic noise levels were introduced into the data to evaluate model robustness, and a sensitivity analysis was conducted to examine the impact of different training datasets on displacement forecasts. Additional inputs, including temperature and precipitation, were incorporated to assess their contributions to model performance. Shapley values were employed to quantify the influence of each input variable, enhancing the explainability of the model that is typically obscured by the convoluted structure of neural networks.

This work demonstrates the potential of deep learning techniques to advance situational awareness and forecasting of landslide activity by leveraging hydro-meteorological drivers. The findings contribute to the development of data-driven approaches for landslide early warning systems and hazard mitigation strategies on a regional scale, as there are 11 other landslides in the valley within a 10-km distance that share similar surficial geology and exposure to hydro-meteorological drivers.

How to cite: Sharifi, S., Macciotta, R., and Hendry, M.: Exploring Hydro-Meteorological Drivers of Landslide Displacement: A Time-Series Forecasting Approach Using LSTM at Ripley in British Columbia, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2579,, 2025.

In recent years, climate change has led to a rise in extreme rainfall events globally, including coastal typhoon rainfall, inland heavy rain, and prolonged rainy seasons, which in turn trigger numerous rainfall-induced hazards, becoming an increasingly severe social issue worldwide. Real-time spatial prediction of rainfall-induced landslides can quickly forecast the locations of large-scale landslides after intense typhoon rainfall. Therefore, the prediction of rainfall-induced landslides is crucial within the first 72 hours following a typhoon event. Building hazard warning models based on meteorological factors is an important method for hazard prevention and mitigation. Traditional meteorological warning methods typically rely on rainfall threshold models, focusing solely on rainfall amounts and neglecting other important meteorological factors such as surface runoff and soil moisture. However, meteorological factors, topography, and geological environment data are diverse and complex, constituting typical multimodal data. Extracting precursor features of landslides from this data remains a significant challenge. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence and deep learning, multimodal feature extraction and fusion techniques are increasingly applied in disaster warning. Taking typhoon Rainfall-Induced landslide events from 2019 to 2023 in Lin'an District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, combined with Global Precipitation Measurement mission (GPM) half-hour precipitation data, this study employs the deep learning model 3ED-ConvLSTM. It uses multimodal feature extraction through three encoders to extract features of landslide-inducing factors (such as meteorological factors, topography, and geological environment) and builds a meteorological warning model to achieve real-time spatial prediction of rainfall-induced landslides. At the same time, an interpretable module based on the self-attention mechanism is constructed to reveal the significant contributions of each influencing factor to the spatial distribution of rainfall-induced landslides. The goal of this study is to improve the temporal and spatial accuracy of rainfall-induced landslide early warnings, reduce the frequency of warnings, lower false positive and false negative rates, and ultimately enhance the effectiveness and accuracy of disaster prevention and mitigation.

How to cite: Zhao, Y. and Chen, L.: Real-time Typhoon Rainfall-Induced Landslide Meteorological Early Warning Modeling Based on Multimodal Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2665,, 2025.

EGU25-4168 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16

 Integration of InSAR data with Multi-Temporal Inventories for Potential Landslide Hazard Mapping in Belluno Province (Veneto Region, NE, Italy). 

Rajeshwari Bhookya, Silvia Puliero, Mario Floris, and Sansar Raj Meena

Landslides represent a significant geological hazard, particularly in mountainous regions where ground deformations can lead to devastating impacts on infrastructure, ecosystems, and communities. The Belluno Province, situated in the Veneto region of northeastern Italy, is characterized by its complex topography and geological features, rendering it particularly susceptible to landslide occurrences. To mitigate the risks associated with these natural phenomena, effective hazards mapping is essential. This study explores the integration of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data with multi-temporal inventories to enhance the accuracy and reliability of landslide hazard assessments in this region. By leveraging advanced remote sensing techniques alongside landslide data, this research aims to provide a comprehensive spatial analysis that identifies areas at risk and contributes to informed decision-making in land management and disaster mitigation. To this end, considering slope units, the landslide data delineated using orthophotos retrieved from WMS and WMTS services provided by the Italian national portal, covering the period from 1989 to 2021, were analyzed. The analysis focused on the Cordevole and Alpago regions, located in the Belluno province of the northeastern Italian Alps. These areas were affected by two extreme meteorological events with a return period of over 100 years: the first, a windstorm named VAIA, occurred from October 27th to 30th, 2018, and caused significant damage to the forest cover. The second event took place from December 4th to 6th, 2020, also impacting the region. The findings of this integration not only hold implications for local stakeholders but also enhance the broader understanding of landslide dynamics in similar geological contexts.


This study was carried out within the PNRR research activities of the consortium iNEST (Interconnected North-Est Innovation Ecosystem) funded by the European Union Next-Generation EU (Piano Nazionale diRipresa e Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 Componente 2, Investimento 1.5 – D.D. 1058 23/06/2022, ECS_00000043). This manuscript reflects only the Authors’ views and opinions, neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be considered responsible for them.

How to cite: Bhookya, R., Puliero, S., Floris, M., and Meena, S. R.:  Integration of InSAR data with Multi-Temporal Inventories for Potential Landslide Hazard Mapping in Belluno Province (Veneto Region, NE, Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4168,, 2025.

EGU25-4613 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.16

Investigation and Characterization of Landslides in Volcanic Soils Triggered by Rainfall in West Bandung, Indonesia 

Misbahudin Misbahudin and Christian Zangerl

The volcanic area in Indonesia is geologically characterized by the presence of pyroclastic products, which are prone to intense weathering and thus susceptible to different types of landslides. Combined with adverse weather conditions related to the tropic climate, landslide activity is generally high in volcanic soils, leading in the past to numerous events in the Cipongkor District, West Bandung, in Indonesia. On March 28th, 2024, a landslide affected a densely populated settlement area, destroying some houses and impacting the provincial road crossing the landslide area.

This research investigates the geological, geomechanical and hydrogeological characteristics of the slides and proves the influence of precipitation on the initial formation process. The applied methods are manifold and comprise UAV-based aerial mapping supported by geomorphological-geological field observations, geotechnical drilling including core sampling, geomechanical properties examination, analyses of meteorological data, and numerical modeling. The geometry and volume of the landslide were determined by UAV and field mapping by reconstructing the pre-failure topography. The lithostratigraphic data obtained from the borehole are improved by resistivity (ERT) measurements, in order to build a geological subsurface model of the slide. Based on this and considering hydrogeological and geomechanical data numerical modeling is applied to simulate the initiation of the slide by applying a transient approach which is able to study precipitation data, pore pressure changes and slope failure.

Preliminary results show that the stratification of ash tuff and lapilli layers, with their variation of weathering may provide a disposition factor for the formation of the slide. Data from the nearest local meteorological station show that cumulative precipitation in the research area during the rainy season (October 2023 to March 2024) was 1230 mm. Furthermore, in the 3 consecutive days before the slide event precipitation reached 95 mm, suggesting that heavy precipitation may have acted as a trigger that caused the failure event of this first-time slide.

How to cite: Misbahudin, M. and Zangerl, C.: Investigation and Characterization of Landslides in Volcanic Soils Triggered by Rainfall in West Bandung, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4613,, 2025.

EGU25-6125 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.16

Federated Learning-Based Approach for Landslide Forecasting in Taiwan 

Po-Wu Cheng and Wen-Ping Tsai

Landslides pose significant risks, often causing severe property damage and, in extreme cases, loss of life due to poorly timed evacuations. Accurate forecasting is, therefore, essential. Traditional landslide studies rely heavily on satellite imagery to analyze timing and impact, often using machine learning models to process these images or predict landslides based on relevant factors. However, the lack of sufficient data significantly compromises forecasting accuracy in data-scarce regions such as remote mountainous areas or highways. Federated learning, a cutting-edge machine learning paradigm, offers a promising solution by aggregating model parameters from decentralized edge models operating in different regions. This approach allows a central model to leverage diverse, region-specific data without requiring direct data sharing, resulting in a more robust and generalized predictive capability. The framework supports edge models that process localized data varying in both temporal and volumetric dimensions, while a carefully designed parameter aggregation mechanism ensures iterative improvement of the central model. Experimental results demonstrate that federated learning enhances forecasting performance and improves accuracy, particularly in regions with limited data availability, marking a significant step forward in landslide forecasting.

How to cite: Cheng, P.-W. and Tsai, W.-P.: Federated Learning-Based Approach for Landslide Forecasting in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6125,, 2025.

EGU25-6971 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16

Rapid Landslide Mapping During the 2023 Emilia-Romagna Disaster: Assessing Automated Approaches with Limited Training Data for Emergency Response 

Nicola Dal Seno, Giuseppe Ciccarese, Davide Evangelista, Elena Piccolomini, and Matteo Berti

The catastrophic rainfall events of May 2023 in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, triggered over 80,000 landslides and widespread flooding, presenting unprecedented challenges for emergency response and disaster management. This study evaluates the potential of automated landslide mapping using deep learning models, specifically U-Net and SegFormer, to address these challenges in scenarios with limited training data and time constraints. The research focuses on four severely affected municipalities—Casola Valsenio, Predappio, Modigliana, and Brisighella—leveraging a unique approach where training was conducted exclusively on one municipality (Casola Valsenio) and applied to the others.

The study assesses the performance of these models across varied geological and environmental contexts, examining the impact of input data configurations, including pre- and post-event imagery, slope, and NDVI change maps derived from high-resolution aerial and Sentinel-2 satellite data. While both models achieved notable accuracy, SegFormer demonstrated greater resilience in handling complex geological conditions. Despite challenges like false positives in agricultural fields and along river margins, the models effectively reduced the time required for initial mapping, providing a critical starting point for manual refinement.

Quantitative metrics, such as F1 score and Intersection over Union (IoU), were complemented by expert qualitative evaluations, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the models’ practical applicability. Results reveal that automated mapping, though not a replacement for manual methods, can significantly expedite the production of high-quality landslide maps, critical for immediate disaster response. By automating the initial detection and delineation processes, these methods can save weeks of work, allowing responders to focus on refining outputs and addressing urgent needs.

This research underscores the feasibility of integrating machine learning models into emergency workflows, bridging the gap between academic advancements and practical applications. Automated mapping offers a scalable, efficient, and reliable solution for rapid disaster response, particularly in large-scale emergencies, providing a foundation for future innovations in geohazard management.

How to cite: Dal Seno, N., Ciccarese, G., Evangelista, D., Piccolomini, E., and Berti, M.: Rapid Landslide Mapping During the 2023 Emilia-Romagna Disaster: Assessing Automated Approaches with Limited Training Data for Emergency Response, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6971,, 2025.

Landslides are one of the most serious natural disasters, causing many deaths and damage to infrastructure. In developing countries with rapidly growing cities, having accurate landslide susceptibility maps (LSM) is crucial for predicting landslides and minimizing risks. These maps play a key role in effective disaster management and mitigation strategies. While the development of advanced machine learning models such as Random Forest (RF) and XGBoost has significantly improved LSM accuracy, their complexity and "black box" nature make them challenging to interpret. This study uses SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) as an explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) approach to enhance the interpretability of these ensemble models in an arid region in East Cairo, Egypt. A total of 183 landslides were identified using field surveys and satellite imagery, with 70% of the data allocated for training and 30% for validation. Fourteen predictor variables were incorporated from different categories. Both RF and XGBoost were used to create LSM, and their accuracy was compared to evaluate the most effective model. SHAP values provided a detailed evaluation of the contribution of each variable to landslide susceptibility, offering insights into the models' decision-making processes and identifying the most influential features. The results proved that SHAP not only improved the transparency of complex models but also facilitated the identification of key factors driving susceptibility, resulting in a more efficient and interpretable LSM framework. Models trained with SHAP-informed feature selection achieved high performance, with an AUC of up to 0.96. This study highlights the dual potential of explainable AI in addressing the complexity of modern machine learning models and improving their practical applicability in landslide hazard assessments.

Keywords: Landslide susceptibility, Explainable AI, Random Forest, XGBoost, Arid regions

How to cite: Abdelkader, M. and Csámer, Á.: Improving Landslide Susceptibility Mapping with Explainable AI: Enhancing Prediction and Interpretability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7584,, 2025.

EGU25-8086 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16

Modelling catchment susceptibility to alpine mass movements 

Sophia Demmel and Peter Molnar

Gravitational mass movements in alpine regions, such as landslides, debris flows and rockfall, are driven by complex physical processes. While the translation and runout of these events can be reasonably well modelled once they occur, the predisposing and triggering mechanisms leading to failure are very challenging to assess. This is particularly demanding for practitioners who need to take decisions on the ground to ensure the safety of the population. There is potential to improve the situation by using a variety of new space-time climate and land surface datasets to describe the hydrogeomorphic system state and relate it to possible failure by confronting it with past observed events. In this work we focus on the local susceptibility to the initiation of mass wasting events (shallow landslides, debris flows and rockfall) in low- and subalpine regions by exploring the predictive power of various hydro-meteorological drivers related to rainfall, snowmelt, high soil moisture, freezing, etc.

To provide spatially and temporally consistent information, we model all hydro-meteorological drivers governing the hydrogeomorphic catchment state of the Alpine Rhine (GR, Switzerland) over the period 1998-2022 based on globally available soil information (SoilGrids) as well as national climate (Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss), snow (WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF) and terrain data (Federal Office of Topography Swisstopo). The temporal and spatial resolution of the analysis is daily over a 1x1km grid. We determine the seasonally varying contribution of each driver to the triggering of each individual mass movement type utilizing the concept of receiver operating characteristics (ROC) and its area under the curve (AUC) as performance metrics. The underlying events recorded in the Swiss natural hazard database comprise 459 shallow landslides, 295 debris flows and 761 rockfalls (StorMe, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment FOEN) in the study period. The best-performing hydro-meteorological drivers then serve as input to predict the occurrence of mass wasting events with data driven models. We test both a traditional statistical approach and machine learning algorithms to compare their capability of modelling the susceptibility to alpine mass movements.

Compared to a purely rainfall-based prediction of landslide or debris flow activity, which is commonly done in the literature, this approach benefits from the availability of further spatially distributed climate variables and terrain characteristics. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the role of catchment state on predisposing and triggering conditions of alpine mass movements, and illustrate also the limits of predictability for such events due to the inherent randomness in the triggering processes.

How to cite: Demmel, S. and Molnar, P.: Modelling catchment susceptibility to alpine mass movements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8086,, 2025.

EGU25-9819 | Orals | NH3.16 | Highlight

Data-driven modeling of mass movement damage potential across the Alpine Space: A step toward impact-based early warning 

Stefan Steger, Raphael Spiekermann, Sebastian Lehner, Katharina Enigl, Mateo Moreno, Alice Crespi, and Matthias Schlögl

European weather services are currently transitioning from traditional weather warnings to impact-based warnings (i.e., from "what the weather will be" to "what it will do"). To inform on what impacts can be expected, meteorological data must be integrated with data on potential hazards and elements at risk.

In this study, we developed three impact models on a daily scale to predict the impact of mass movement across the entire Alpine region (450,000 km²). The models focused on three major process classes (slide-types, flow-types, and fall-types) that impact infrastructure, such as buildings and roads. The study area was first divided into ~18,000 sub-basins, with potential process areas (PPAs) delineated in each basin using the angle of reach principle and random walk routing. PPAs enabled a tailored preparation of data describing environmental drivers (e.g., morphometry, land cover, lithology), dynamic meteorological data (e.g., antecedent precipitation, short-term precipitation, temperature effects), and exposure (e.g., number/density of buildings/roads within the PPA). The impact data consisted of precipitation-induced mass movements in Austria and northern Italy, covering more than 3600 basins. This training area was considered sufficiently representative of diverse Alpine environmental conditions to allow for spatial model transferability. Additional steps involving data sampling and the reclassification of predictor variables further supported the extension of model predictions beyond the training area. For example, lithology and land cover data was reclassified to ensure that each unit within the Alpine Space was adequately represented in the training data.

Generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs) with automated variable selection were used to link binary impact data to driving factors. Rigorous evaluations, including cross-validation and feature importance assessments, showed high predictive performance (e.g., AUROCs > 0.8) and plausible relationships between drivers and impacts. For example, impact probabilities for slide-types were modeled to be highest when intense short-term precipitation followed high antecedent rainfall, particularly in drier regions that are less "adapted" to such events. Further, a higher number/density of buildings or roads within PPAs also increased impact likelihood, while effects related to morphology, temperature, lithology, land cover, and seasonality further supported model plausibility. The applicability of the model is presented from three perspectives: (i) "What-if" scenarios to explore how hypothetical changes in drivers (e.g., precipitation) affect impact probabilities; (ii) hindcasting to validate model predictions for past events and demonstrate potential for impact-based early warning; and (iii) trend analysis, using ~6,000 daily hindcasts (2005–2021) to reveal spatio-temporal trends through the lens of climate change.

The research leading to these results has received funding from Interreg Alpine Space Program 2021-27 under the project number ASP0100101, “How to adapt to changing weather eXtremes and associated compound and cascading RISKs in the context of Climate Change” (X-RISK-CC).

How to cite: Steger, S., Spiekermann, R., Lehner, S., Enigl, K., Moreno, M., Crespi, A., and Schlögl, M.: Data-driven modeling of mass movement damage potential across the Alpine Space: A step toward impact-based early warning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9819,, 2025.

In recent years, deep learning models have been used for automated landslide mapping. However, such models often underperform when encountering out-of-distribution (OOD) data (regions or terrain characteristics that are significantly different from those seen during training). To address this issue, we present an automated application powered by Google Earth Engine that constructs hyperlocal machine learning models tailored to specific areas of interest. By defining a limited spatial extent and providing labels specific to the area, our approach mitigates the risk of encountering OOD data, reducing incorrect predictions. The application supports the export of annotated landslide data in both raster and vector formats, enabling users to validate and refine landslide extent. These new high-quality datasets can be incorporated back into existing deep learning models to improve generalizability. With its speed, accuracy, and user-friendly interface, the proposed app aims to facilitate the development of robust landslide identification models, especially in scenarios where data scarcity or geographic diversity poses significant challenges.

How to cite: sharma, N. and saharia, M.: Mitigating Out-of-Distribution Challenges in Landslide Mapping through a Hyperlocal Machine Learning model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10302,, 2025.

Taiwan, situated at the junction of the Ryukyu Arc and the Philippine Arc, is prone to frequent seismic activities due to its position at the boundary of tectonic plates. Earthquake-induced landslides, therefore, are one of the most common geological hazards. For disaster mitigation, it is crucial to accurately predict the spatial distribution of such landslides after earthquake occurrence. This study revolves around assessing the landslide risks triggered by the April 3rd, 2024, Hualien earthquake, which caused tremendous damage and claimed 18 lives, using multiple machine learning models, including Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). However, Logistic Regression (LR) was undiscussed in this study due to its disaster prediction limitations. While LR is advantageous when handling small datasets with limited independent variables, it faces significant drawbacks in high-dimensional and multi-variable scenarios. Moreover, the simplistic structure of LR tends to result in underfitting, causing inferior predictive performance. Furthermore, when dealing with large-scale data, the process becomes computationally intensive for LR. In contrast, machine learning models like RF, SVM, and GBM, along with ensemble techniques, are better suited for addressing the complexity of earthquake-induced landslide prediction.

The models were trained using a dataset comprising 3191 data points, including various topographic, geological, and seismic variables such as slope-related factors, curvature, elevation, aspect, lithology, peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV), and distances to nearby faults and rivers. The dataset was labeled into two categories: coseismic landslide (CL) data labeled as 1 and non-coseismic landslide (NCL) data labeled as 0. To train and evaluate the models, the dataset was divided into two subsets: 70% was used as the training set to build and fine-tune the models, while the remaining served as the test set to assess their predictive performance. The confusion matrices of the four models were the basis for comparing their performance. All models’ accuracy exceeds 0.95. Among them, the SVM model reached the highest at 0.9822, followed by GBM (0.9702), RF (0.9697), and KNN (0.9530). The greater performance of SVM can be attributed to its ability to handle high-dimensional and nonlinear data more effectively, using kernel functions to transform the feature space and maximize the margin between classes, enhancing its classification precision and generalization capability.

To further enhance prediction reliability, an ensemble model was developed by integrating the RF, SVM, and GBM models, while the KNN model, showing the lowest accuracy, was excluded, ensuring the number of the models was odd. The final prediction of the ensemble model was voted by the outcome of the three models, substantially reducing prediction errors.

Compared to logistic regression models, the ensemble approach is more dependable. While logistic regression struggles with high-dimensional, non-linear, and strongly correlated geophysical variables, the ensemble model formed by three machine learning models (RF, SVM, and GBM) combines their strengths to tackle these challenges. By leveraging the models’ diversity, the ensemble reduces overfitting and enhances the robustness of predictions, highlighting the ensemble model’s capability in addressing the complexities of coseismic landslide prediction.

How to cite: Ou Yang, Y. H., Chao, W. A., and Yang, C. M.: Machine Learning for High-Accuracy Co-Seismic Landslide Risk Prediction Using Multi-Parametric Data: A Case Study of M7.2 Hualien Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10556,, 2025.

EGU25-10781 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16

How preconditioning rainfall controls landslide and flash flood events in tropical East Africa 

Axel Deijns, Wim Thiery, Aline Déprez, Antoine Dille, Jean-Philippe Malet, Jean-Claude Maki Mateso, David Michéa, Josué Mugisho Bachinyaga, John Sekajugo, Pascal Sibomana, Jakob Zscheischler, François Kervyn, and Olivier Dewitte

Flash floods frequently co-occur with landslides, during which landslides can deliver large amounts of hillslope material into the river system. Their interaction can lead to exacerbated and destructive impacts. While such geo-hydrological hazards are typically triggered by intense rainfall over only a few hours, daily to monthly variations in rainfall drive soil moisture changes and alter their likelihood of occurrence, alone or in combination. The influence of this preconditioning rainfall on compounding landslides and flash floods, however, remains overlooked. Acquired through the combined use of optical and radar satellite imagery, we present a unique multi-temporal inventory of a hundred new landslide and flash flood events located in a large region in the African tropics that is characterized by active rifting and strong human influences on the landscape. From this inventory we show that preconditioning rainfall plays a central role in the occurrence of landslide and flash flood events, along with land use/land cover and landscape geological history. Wetter-than-average conditions in human-dominated cultivated areas on rejuvenated hillslopes associated with the rift formation more frequently lead to compounding flash floods and landslides. On the other hand, drier-than-average conditions in forested regions outside these rejuvenated landscapes more often lead to compounding, densely spaced and larger landslides without flash floods. This research shows that preconditioning rainfall can exacerbate the severity of co-occurring and interacting landslide and flash flood events, stressing the need to understand these geo-hydrological hazard in a compounding manner.

How to cite: Deijns, A., Thiery, W., Déprez, A., Dille, A., Malet, J.-P., Maki Mateso, J.-C., Michéa, D., Mugisho Bachinyaga, J., Sekajugo, J., Sibomana, P., Zscheischler, J., Kervyn, F., and Dewitte, O.: How preconditioning rainfall controls landslide and flash flood events in tropical East Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10781,, 2025.

EGU25-11572 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16

Long-Term In-Situ Monitoring for the Analysis of Landslides Acceleration vs Precipitation Relationships (Northern Apennines and Eastern Alps, Italy) 

Melissa Tondo, Marco Mulas, Vincenzo Critelli, Francesco Lelli, Cecilia Fabbiani, Marco Aleotti, Giuseppe Caputo, Giovanni Truffelli, Gianluca Marcato, Volkmar Mair, David Tonidandel, and Alessandro Corsini

Nowadays, the correlation between precipitation and changes in displacement rates of suspended or reactivated landslides, especially for deep-seated phenomena, is still poorly defined on a quantitative basis. This study, exploits long-term in-situ monitoring time series to propose new rainfall intensity-duration (ID) thresholds that can discriminate the acceleration of complex deep-seated landslides, including earthslides-earthflows (ES-EF), rockslides-earthslides (RS-ES), and deep-seated gravitational slope deformations-rockslides (DSGSD-RS).

The analysis focuses on 15 landslides in the Northern Apennines and Eastern Alps of Italy, which have been monitored in the period from 2001 to 2024. Monitoring was conducted using Robotic Total Stations (RTS), periodic, and continuous GNSS networks, leading to the documentation of 100 acceleration events. These events were analysed in relation to rainfall and temperature data from nearby meteorological stations, enabling the retrieval of intensity (mm/h) and duration (h) values regarding the antecedent triggering rainfall. This association was conducted considering both total rainfall (TR) and effective rainfall (ER). ER represents the amount of water potentially infiltrating in the ground having accounted for the aliquot lost due to evapotranspiration (ET) and snowfall and for the aliquot gained due to snowmelt processes.

Simultaneously, rainfall events not resulting in landslide accelerations were identified by examining the complete meteorological records for each landslide within the monitoring period. Both sets of intensity-duration records – i.e. those linked to and those independent from acceleration events – were analysed using a Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) approach. This method allowed to identify optimal rainfall thresholds and to compare their predictive capability with that of thresholds established by other authors for landslides occurrences.

The findings reveal that the proposed new thresholds tailored to a landslide’s accelerations dataset offer higher predictive accuracy compared to the established ones. Moreover, the study emphasizes the enhanced predictive performance achieved by incorporating effective rainfall, especially in scenarios where snowmelt contributes to landslide acceleration. These results underscore the importance of long-term in-situ monitoring and of introducing effective rainfall computations in the analysis, so to better account for various hydrological processes influencing landslide behaviour, ultimately improving early warning systems and risk management strategies for complex landslides in mountainous regions.

How to cite: Tondo, M., Mulas, M., Critelli, V., Lelli, F., Fabbiani, C., Aleotti, M., Caputo, G., Truffelli, G., Marcato, G., Mair, V., Tonidandel, D., and Corsini, A.: Long-Term In-Situ Monitoring for the Analysis of Landslides Acceleration vs Precipitation Relationships (Northern Apennines and Eastern Alps, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11572,, 2025.

EGU25-12109 | Posters on site | NH3.16

Landslide Change Detection from Satellite Images with Deep Learning Classification 

Fuan Tsai and Shang-Nien Tsai

Landslide is one of the most common natural hazards in Taiwan. Because of the complicated terrain, geological, geotechnical and weather conditions in Taiwan, landslides are frequently triggered by earthquakes, typhoons or heavy rainfalls almost year-round, posing significant threats to human lives and property and sometimes causing catastrophic damages. Rapid and accurate detection and classification of landslides are crucial for disaster mitigation, management and prevention. In this regards, satellite remote sensing is an effective approach for collecting data. However, accurate mapping and monitoring landslides usually requires analyzing considerable amounts of images, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. In addition, in some mountainous regions, landslides may occur repeatedly, and old landslides affected areas may be reclaimed by vegetation, making it difficult to fully understand the spatio-temporal characteristics and changes of landslides. To address these issues, this study adopts a deep learning framework, TransUNet, and develops a two-stage training process and data stacking strategy to detect and classify landslide changes from multi-temporal satellite images of a mountainous watershed region is southern Taiwan. TransUNet combines the strengths of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers. Three benchmark datasets (Landslide4Sense, HR-GLDD, and Bijie Dataset) were evaluated in conjunction with labelled image titles extracted from collected SPOT satellite images of the study area for transfer learning. Training of the deep learning model was separated into two stages: the first stage focused on initial landslide change detection, while the second stage refined the classifications by applying a weighting scheme. Results of this study show that TransUNet performs well with high-resolution satellite images for landslide change detection, with the best Precision, Recall and F1-Score of 0.92, 0.76 and 0.82, respectively. In addition, despite lacking a temporal feature extraction framework, developed model can effectively distinguishes the changes of landslide affected areas such as old landslides, new landslides, and vegetation reclaimed areas.

How to cite: Tsai, F. and Tsai, S.-N.: Landslide Change Detection from Satellite Images with Deep Learning Classification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12109,, 2025.

EGU25-12687 | Orals | NH3.16

Preliminary identification of hydro-meteorological conditions that trigger landslides in Norway 

Graziella Devoli, Anne K. Fleig, and Vilde K.M. Olvin

To reduce the impacts of debris flows, debris avalanches and slushflows the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) is operating a forecasting and early warning service that issues daily landslide warnings to local authorities and public in general. Already in the first 5 years of operations, it has been observed that the most relevant landslide-triggered hydro-meteorological conditions (LHMC) vary between regions and seasons. Two different approaches have been tested to further explore this observation. 

Using a heuristic approach, based on observations, region and season specific LHMC have been identified. These conditions are defined by the spatial and temporal distribution of different hydro-meteorological parameters (e.g. rainfall, snowmelt, soil saturation, etc.), landslide occurrence, as well as other synoptic conditions (i.e. information about location and paths of low- and high-pressure systems, coincidence of atmospheric rivers, strong wind, extreme events, etc.). The landslide data are obtained from the national mass movements database available at, while historical hydro-meteorological data are recorded as 1km2 grid maps at

The analysis confirmed that water, in form of rainfall (also convective), snowmelt, high soil saturation or a combination of them, is the main triggering mechanism of landslides. In total eight hydro-meteorological conditions have been found to be most relevant for landslide occurrence. Each LHMC is described based on certain criteria like: main exposed areas, temporal distribution (season and month), general weather description and type of weather prognosis, duration of the condition, other synoptic information, list of dates when the condition was observed and caused landslides, general description of the main hydro-meteorological parameters, number and type of landslides, information about other associated hazards, evaluation of the landslide hazard index performance and recommendation about the most appropiate warning level.

Separately, a quantitatively evaluation was also tested, in a selected region, by using rain as main triggering factor, and the Grosswetterlagen (GWL) weather pattern classification through exploratory and statistical analysis, to see how this can be used as integrated tool in the operational service. 

In this work, the applied analytical process is described. The hydro-meteorological conditions and their predictability are also shortly described, by presenting some recent examples. Finally, it is explained how the LHMC are integrated in the daily forecasting operations. Ideas for improvements will be discussed.  

How to cite: Devoli, G., Fleig, A. K., and Olvin, V. K. M.: Preliminary identification of hydro-meteorological conditions that trigger landslides in Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12687,, 2025.

EGU25-13845 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.16

An evaluation and comparison of hydroclimatic data preceding extremely rapid glaciolacustrine landslides 

Andrew Funk, Lisa Tauskela, Megan van Veen, Andrew Mitchell, and Michael Porter

Deep-seated landslides in overconsolidated glaciolacustrine materials typically cycle through episodic periods of gradual acceleration and deceleration. The 1973 Attachie landslide (BC, Canada) and 2014 Oso landslide (Washington, USA) are well-known examples of landslides that deviate from this trend, instead failing extremely rapidly, with considerable runout that dammed the Peace River (Attachie) and impacted a community nearly 1.5 km away, resulting in 43 fatalities (Oso). Given the velocity and runout distance of these two landslides, further characterization of the landslide, priming, and trigger mechanisms may help manage geohazard risk for other landslides in similar terrain.

The landslide mechanisms and antecedent climatic conditions prior to failure have been relatively well studied for the Attachie and Oso landslides. As part of these studies, hydroclimatic re-analysis tools have been applied, correlating soil moisture data with precipitation records to understand the dominant timescale by which hydroclimatic conditions may have triggered activity within these landslides in the past.

In spring 2022, another extremely rapid landslide derived from glaciolacustrine materials occurred on the Halfway River, less than 10 km away from and initiating within the same geological unit as the 1973 Attachie landslide. The objectives of this study are twofold: to apply the same hydroclimatic re-analysis and precipitation review methodology to the Halfway River landslide, and to compare hydroclimatic trends across all three landslides. Comparison of landslide morphology, mechanisms, and material properties between these landslides are left to future research.

Soil moisture and precipitation data were obtained from the land component of the ERA5 climatological re-analysis data produced by Copernicus Climate Change Service of the European Union. At the Halfway River slide, soil moisture (1-3 m depth) was above the monthly average for 65% of the months since over the 8-year period prior to the failure, with above-average annual soil moisture in 5 of the 8 years. Soil moisture and precipitation at the time of failure were not exceptional, although the failure occurred during the first rain-on-snow event in above-zero °C conditions of the year, which may be the triggering event. Annual precipitation and soil moisture in the year prior to the April 2022 failure were below average, indicating that one year of drier-than-average conditions may be insufficient in arresting the deformation processes that are hypothesized to predicate these extremely rapid failures.

No discrete trigger was identified for the Attachie landslide. The dominant theory is that a longer-term internal deformation and acceleration trend associated with a 10-to-15-year period of above-average soil moisture preceding the 1973 failure caused the event. At the Oso landslide, a possible triggering event was identified from a nearly one in 10-year soil moisture peak, resulting from both a longer-term elevated soil moisture trend and three weeks of intense rainfall. This occurred in the context of a 4-year period of above-average precipitation. While it is likely that a variety of processes contributed to the extremely rapid failures of these landslides, these examples support the current hypothesis that multi-year moisture trends drive gradual deformation, preconditioning these slopes for extremely rapid failures.

How to cite: Funk, A., Tauskela, L., van Veen, M., Mitchell, A., and Porter, M.: An evaluation and comparison of hydroclimatic data preceding extremely rapid glaciolacustrine landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13845,, 2025.

EGU25-14403 | Orals | NH3.16

Protecting Data Privacy in Landslide Detection Using Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning 

Xiaochuan Tang, Ling He, Xiaochuan Yan, Xiao Ye, Keren Dai, Alessandro Novellino, Huailiang Li, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, and Filippo Catani

Landslides pose substantial risks to both local populations and critical infrastructure in high-risk areas. Numerous technologies have been developed to monitor landslides, resulting in a growing amount of landslide monitoring data, such as very high resolution remote sensing data and in-situ monitoring data. These data have great potential for developing advanced machine learning models for geohazard assessment. Privacy and security issues are raising concerns, hindering the collection of large datasets required for developing powerful machine learning models. However, existing landslide detection models explicitly or implicitly assume that landslide monitoring and mapping data are directly shared on a centralized server. This assumption leads to a gap between data sharing practices and machine learning modeling in landslide detection. To bridge this gap, we leverage a privacy-preserving machine learning model for the landslide detection task. First, a federated learning method is introduced to protect data privacy throughout the modeling process, enabling the development of landalide detection models without the need to share raw data. Second, we introduce a fair incentive mechanism to evaluate the contributions of participants and encourage more data owners to engage in landslide data sharing. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework effectively protects data privacy while maintaining high prediction accuracy. This approach not only facilitates secure data sharing but also enables institutions to develop more robust machine learning models for geohazard assessment, thereby advancing the field of landslide prevention and mitigation.

How to cite: Tang, X., He, L., Yan, X., Ye, X., Dai, K., Novellino, A., Li, H., Heidarzadeh, M., and Catani, F.: Protecting Data Privacy in Landslide Detection Using Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14403,, 2025.

EGU25-14690 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16

Meteorological drivers of seasonal motion at the Barry Arm Landslide, Prince William Sound, Alaska 

Helen Dow, Brian Collins, Gabriel Wolken, Charles Miles, and Johannes Gassner

Global climate change creates geologic hazard cascades as the cryosphere experiences warming. The rapid retreat of Barry Glacier, a tidewater glacier in Prince William Sound, Alaska, has destabilized the cliff walls adjacent to the fjord, including a large landslide, approximately 2-km-wide, 1-km-tall, and ∼500 Mm3 in volume. The Barry Arm landslide was first identified in 2019 but has since been noted in photographs dating back to the 1930s. Catastrophic failure of the landslide has the potential to generate a tsunami with life-threatening waves in nearby fjords, including the port town of Whittier, 60 km from the landslide. Since monitoring began in 2021, slow downslope movement with short periods of acceleration has been observed. In this study, we refine the observations of landslide acceleration and correlate these periods with meteorological observations to assess the potential for further acceleration and catastrophic failure. We use ground-based synthetic aperture radar data (GBInSAR) collected sub-hourly from a location across the Barry Arm fjord since May 2022 with a line of sight that captures ~90% of the downslope landslide vector movement to generate time series of the landslide’s three main kinematic elements (distinct regions of deformation). This time series shows landslide-wide motion from late August to early November 2022 (2 months) at rates of 20-80 mm/day, then again from late September to mid-October 2023 (1.5 months) at 10-20 mm/day. No landslide-wide motion was detected in 2024. The Cascade Glacier sits stratigraphically above and to the northwest of the landslide and has been identified as a potential source of water for the landslide system. Ice-penetrating radar data collected in 2024 show an over-deepened section of Cascade Glacier adjacent to the most active kinematic element of the landslide, the Kite, suggesting melt water might pool and subsequently seep into the Kite kinematic element. Two full meteorological stations, each with additional node stations, monitor weather near the landslide and provide 15-minute precipitation and temperature data. We combine a simple positive degree-day factor melt model with precipitation analysis to show that the timing of movement of the Kite is correlated with the effects of seepage into the landslide subsurface, which are primarily driven by snow and ice melt. Understanding links between landslide displacement and melting of snow and ice could potentially lead to the use of meteorological conditions or forecasts as an additional risk assessment tool for identifying when the hazard of failure could be most severe. Our study accompanies others’ analyses of the Barry Arm Landslide using lidar, satellite InSAR, seismic, and infrasound data and contributes to our limited but critical understanding of landslide hazards in Alaska.

How to cite: Dow, H., Collins, B., Wolken, G., Miles, C., and Gassner, J.: Meteorological drivers of seasonal motion at the Barry Arm Landslide, Prince William Sound, Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14690,, 2025.

EGU25-15564 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.16

Monitoring current impacts of climate change on slope stability in the Ormonts valley, western Switzerland 

Amalia Gutierrez, Marc-Henri Derron, Christian Gerber, Nicolas Gendre, Gabriela Werren, and Michel Jaboyedoff

The Upper Ormonts Valley (Ormonts-Dessus), located in western Switzerland, corresponds to the catchment area of the Grande Eau River and is located on the border between the Pre-Alps and the Alps. The valley has a general east-west orientation and is bounded by the Pic Chaussy – La Para massif to the north, the Diablerets massif to the east and southeast, and the Chamossaire – Col de la Croix massif to the south. Historically, it has been exposed to many natural hazards such as avalanches, floods, landslides, rockfalls and debris flows. The southern slope of the Pic Chaussy – La Para massif, facing the valley, is subject to avalanches as well as rockfalls, debris flows and shallow landslides. This slope has been monitored using temperature sensors near the summit, combined with data from a SLF weather station (Swiss National Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research), and annual lidar scans from the opposite side of the valley. In the Diablerets massif, two tributaries of the Grande Eau River, the Dar (10 km2) and the "upper" Grande Eau (12 km2), were also studied. After the confluence of the two alpine streams, the Grande Eau flows through the village of Les Diablerets, a major tourist destination in the area. Here, floods and high bedload events have occurred, and riverbank erosion is common. The Dar glacial cirque is an area of high sediment production due to permafrost thaw, while landslides are common in the lower part of the Dar catchment. Both tributaries have been monitored using time-lapse wildlife cameras and annual lidar scans. The Dar catchment has been studied more extensively using DoD’s, drone orthomosaics, lidar scans and sediment budget estimates. A drone lidar scan is planned for this spring. Despite  the short observation period (2023-2024), some drivers of change have been identified. Mild winters and wet springs such as that of 2023/2024 resulted in exceptional precipitations at mid-elevations, as well as large daily temperature variations at high elevations. Wet conditions such as these favored shallow landslides, strong riverbank erosion and a few high discharge events in the Grande Eau River. Changes in rockfall frequency have not yet been observed. And the effects of a stronger winter like 2024/2025 remain to be seen.

How to cite: Gutierrez, A., Derron, M.-H., Gerber, C., Gendre, N., Werren, G., and Jaboyedoff, M.: Monitoring current impacts of climate change on slope stability in the Ormonts valley, western Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15564,, 2025.

Forecasting of landslides is crucial because these natural hazards pose significant threats to human lives, infrastructure, economies, and ecosystems. Understanding the spatial and temporal drivers of landslides enables better risk assessment, mitigation, and adaptation strategies. In previous decades, numerous studies have shown that adding hydrological information and advancements in modelling techniques have improved regional landslide early warning systems (LEWS). However, operational LEWSs are still a few. This brings up the question how the next generation LEWS needs to look like.

Landslide hazard assessment on regional scale has been founded on two main pillars: the essential inventories of slope failures and on the quantification of the hydrometeorological drivers. First, the lack of landslide inventories and the dominance of seemingly stable slopes in a region constraints our ability to empirically train landslide early warning systems. The inclusion of more multi-source slope deformation information is a logical development, however, turns out to have its own challenges; it merges different physical properties within one database. Second, causal and triggering hydrometeorological conditions are needed both in space and time for effective landslide prediction. Ideally, one would start with high spatial and temporal resolution rainfall and soil hydrological information. While acknowledging existing challenges, impressive progress has been made in this field. Combined monitoring and advanced modelling on a range of scales has resulted in valuable information on, for example, subsurface water storage. Similarly, near real-time and forecasted high resolution rainfall information from ground based rain radars shows promising results. The improved representation of the hydrometeorological conditions improves the performance of LEWS.

Starting from a brief review of the developments and limitations of regional hazard assessment, the presentation will discuss the opportunities to improve the landslide inventory site as well as through hybrid measurement and modelling approaches to quantify the dynamic hydrometeorological conditions. Landslides are an anomaly in a seemingly stable environment, and inherently, forecasting of such rare events in space and time is associated with uncertainty, but this uncertainty can be reduced which is key for protecting society from the impact of landslide hazards. 

How to cite: Bogaard, T.: Challenges and opportunities in regional hydrometeorological landslide assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15725,, 2025.

EGU25-16692 | Posters on site | NH3.16

Automated detection of active mass movements in SAR interferograms using Deep Learning 

Alessandro Mondini, Fabio Bovenga, Alessandro Simoni, Cristina Reyes-Carmona, Alessandro Mercurio, and Federico Agliardi

Slow mass movements are widespread players of slope dynamics, with different mechanisms depending on involved materials and geomorphic settings. Alpine para/periglacial environments are extensively affected by slow rock-slope deformations, deep-seated rock and debris slides, and active periglacial features, while fluvial-dominated mountain ranges are typically affected by rapid rockslides and long-lived earthflows. These processes exhibit different deformation patterns and rates, threatening lives and infrastructures in different ways. Mapping and monitoring slow mass movements is thus essential for civil protection, land management, and disaster risk reduction, requiring capabilities to rapidly map and classify processes over large areas.

Current regional-scale approaches to capture mass movement activity rely on geomorphological techniques supported by remote sensing. These approaches are accurate but time consuming and difficult to update. Such gaps could be filled using artificial intelligence techniques, currently mostly based on the interpretation of optical imagery or multitemporal InSAR data. Nevertheless, mass movements are often too fast to be captured by multitemporal InSAR and too slow for optical or amplitude SAR image analysis. Dual-pass satellite DInSAR products offer a valuable alternative to study these intermediate processes by the analyses of interferometric fringes, yet they suffer from noise, artifacts, and unwanted signals due to atmospheric disturbances.

We propose a deep learning model to automate the detection and classification of different types of mass movements in different geological and geomorphological settings through the interpretation of deformation fringes in DInSAR interferograms. To this aim, we use a YOLO, a convolutional object detector, aimed at interpreting routinely available wrapped interferograms. To mirror the interpretative process carried out by a human expert, input data include interferograms, a compound measure of the reliability of the interferogram, and a composite layer of geomorphological and morphometric information.

To train our net, we developed a geomorphologically constrained methodology to construct libraries of labeled expert-interpreted InSAR phase signal, corresponding to different mass movements recognized in two large (103 km2) test areas in the Central Alps (Lombardia) and Apennine (Emilia-Romagna) of Italy, representing diverse processes and geological settings. The model is tested with sets of routinely generated SAR interferograms, to produce automated maps able to detect and classify mass movements over different timescales. This approach promises to streamline the rapid generation and update of active landslide inventories, to support local-scale landslide monitoring plans and civil protection actions, and improve the integration of data into landslide modeling efforts.

How to cite: Mondini, A., Bovenga, F., Simoni, A., Reyes-Carmona, C., Mercurio, A., and Agliardi, F.: Automated detection of active mass movements in SAR interferograms using Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16692,, 2025.

EGU25-16906 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16

Deciphering landslide occurrence under climate change in South Tyrol (Italian Alps) using interpretable data-driven models 

Barbara Zennaro, Marc Zebisch, Massimiliano Pittore, Marc Lemus i Cànovas, Francesco Comiti, and Stefan Steger

Rainfall-induced shallow landslides are expected to change in frequency and distribution as a result of altered patterns and intensity of rainfall. Yet, linking climate change effects to past occurrences is challenging due to the lack of long-term, systematic, and reliable datasets of landslide events. However, the widely observed increase in the number of recorded landslides over time may also be indicative in the extent of exposed assets and their vulnerability, as well as the more comprehensive event documentation carried out in recent years, rather than reflecting the actual impacts of climate change.

To decipher such a conundrum, a high-resolution space-time data-driven model recently developed and trained for well-observed time periods within the territory of South Tyrol (Italian Alps) was used to create a continuous dataset of daily landslide hindcasts (i.e. modelled probabilities) to be used as a proxy for critical conditions of landslide occurrence in space and time. High landslide probabilities in the dataset can be linked to recorded landslides, but could also represent nearly-missed events, landslides that occurred but were not recorded (for example, those that happened in remote areas away from infrastructures), or to model errors.

Daily landslide probability predictions were obtained on a 30mx30m grid for the years 1980-2020, using both static (topography, geologicy and vegetation) and dynamic factors (antecedent and triggering precipitation, and seasonal effects). The results were aggregated over 5261 slope units identified for South Tyrol, which better reflect the hydrological and geomorphological processes shaping the landscape providing, at the same time, consistent geographical boundaries to manage the aleatory uncertainty of the model.

This new enriched dataset has been used to explore changing trends and patterns in landslide probability predictions and investigate underlying causes, such as the role of the Jenkinson and Collison weather types in shaping the spatial patterns of probability predictions.

Our results could improve the ability to predict critical conditions for landslide occurrences in the future, thereby offering new tools for mitigation and adaptation strategies, and specifically supporting the elaboration of efficient early warning systems.

How to cite: Zennaro, B., Zebisch, M., Pittore, M., Lemus i Cànovas, M., Comiti, F., and Steger, S.: Deciphering landslide occurrence under climate change in South Tyrol (Italian Alps) using interpretable data-driven models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16906,, 2025.

EGU25-17096 | ECS | Orals | NH3.16

Explainable Artificial Intelligence Based Displacement Analysis and Forecasting for Unstable Rock Slopes 

Lukas Schild, Thomas Scheiber, Paula Snook, Alexander Maschler, and Reza Arghandeh

Geohazards such as landslides, rock avalanches or rock falls from unstable slopes can seriously threaten human life and infrastructure. Monitoring unstable slopes coupled with real-time data analyses to assess the risk they pose and mitigate this risk is thus indispensable. Machine learning-based methods for analysing monitoring data recently significantly improved the forecasting possibilities for failure events. However, one major limitation of Machine Learning-based methods is that they primarily provide "Black Box"-models. These models can, for example, transform arbitrary input into a sequence of predictions, albeit without a transparent explanation of how the output is derived from the input. Even though State-of-the-Art Machine Learning often outperforms traditional failure forecasting methods, such as the Inverse Velocity method, this limitation greatly hampers the application of these methods in practice. Recent advances in eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) have led to the development of the field of Causal Artificial Intelligence. As opposed to many Machine Learning approaches which are based on Deep Neural Networks, XAI aims to offer transparent models that provide explanations for model outputs. We therefore propose a novel forecasting approach based on XAI, leveraging Graph Neural Networks and Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks. Our approach aims to learn a causal model of an unstable slope or one particular section of it, including slope-internal and meteorological factors that can be represented as a graph, visualising cause-and-effect relationships between the variables. As such, our goal is twofold, and we aim at (1) providing insight into the mechanisms driving slope displacement, and (2) using this information for explainable short-term forecasting by selecting only causally related features from all available data. We apply our method to two case study sites for displacement driver analysis and short-term displacement prediction and compare the model performance to recent State-of-the-Art models. Our method not only aligns with but even outperforms existing models in terms of prediction accuracy and offers, in addition, superior interpretability. The proposed framework provides crucial support for geohazard assessment and monitoring network design. Furthermore, the displacement prediction has great potential as standalone predictive network as well as for hybrid failure prediction methods, for example in combination with traditional long-term failure predictions such as the Inverse Velocity method. While developed with medium-scale rock sections in mind, the method may be adapted to larger rock volumes as well as slow-moving mass movements with failure potential in general. The usage of accurate and interpretable prediction models represents a significant advancement, overcoming the transparency issues of models generated by complex Artificial Neural Networks, ultimately contributing to improving Early Warning Systems.

How to cite: Schild, L., Scheiber, T., Snook, P., Maschler, A., and Arghandeh, R.: Explainable Artificial Intelligence Based Displacement Analysis and Forecasting for Unstable Rock Slopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17096,, 2025.

EGU25-18812 | Posters on site | NH3.16

Automated Landslide Inventory Mapping Using SAMLoRA and Hillshade Datasets: A Deep Learning Approach 

Ionut Sandric, Viorel Ilinca, Ales Letal, Sansar Raj Meena, Radu Irimia, Anamaria Botea, Filippo Catani, Zenaida Chitu, and Jan Klimes

Landslide inventories are essential for hazard assessment and risk mitigation, yet their accurate and efficient creation remains a challenge, particularly in forested and topographically complex regions. Traditional approaches relying on RGB imagery often struggle with dense vegetation cover, which obscures landslide features. In this study, we propose an innovative deep learning framework utilizing the Segment Anything Model with Low-Rank Adaptation (SAMLoRA) to automatically detect and map landslides from hillshade datasets. Hillshade representations, derived from high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), provide enhanced visibility of topographic features by emphasizing surface morphology independent of vegetation cover.

Our model was trained on a diverse dataset collected from Romania, Czechia, and Italy, comprising over 5,000 manually delineated landslide polygons. By leveraging the SAMLoRA model, which combines the robust segmentation capabilities of SAM with the adaptability of LoRA for domain-specific fine-tuning, we achieve superior landslide detection performance compared to RGB-based methods. Our approach effectively identifies landslides even in densely forested areas, where traditional image-based techniques often fail. Experimental results demonstrate that the SAMLoRA model achieves an accuracy exceeding 80%, significantly improving both precision and recall while reducing manual mapping efforts.

This study highlights the potential of deep learning applied to topographic derivatives, paving the way for more reliable and automated landslide inventory mapping in diverse and challenging environments.

How to cite: Sandric, I., Ilinca, V., Letal, A., Raj Meena, S., Irimia, R., Botea, A., Catani, F., Chitu, Z., and Klimes, J.: Automated Landslide Inventory Mapping Using SAMLoRA and Hillshade Datasets: A Deep Learning Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18812,, 2025.

EGU25-19794 | Orals | NH3.16

Comparative Analysis of Satellite and Gauge-Based Precipitation Data for Landslide Risk Assessment in Himalayas 

Salil Sharma, Siddik Barbhuiya, Vivek Gupta, and Subhankar Das

The Himalayan region is prone to numerous landslides, primarily triggered by heavy precipitation. Most of these landslides occur from June to September, coinciding with the monsoon period. Therefore, monitoring rainfall intensity is vital for landslide risk assessment in the Himalayas. However, the sparse network of rain gauges in this region poses a significant challenge for climate extremes research. Satellite and Land Surface Model-derived precipitation products can help assess climate risks like landslides and floods without the need for installing rain gauges in remote locations. This study compares gauge-based and satellite-based precipitation products at 25 different locations using various statistical tools to evaluate their performance in landslide hazard assessment in the Himalayas. Based on statistical metrics, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) demonstrated the highest efficiency in reproducing spatiotemporal precipitation patterns at landslide-prone sites. The comparison involved metrics such as Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Pearson Correlation Coefficient (CC), and Relative Bias (RB), along with rainfall frequency indicators and intensity comparisons. ERA5 emerged as the best-performing product, with RMSE ranging from 2.31 to 29.80, the highest CC, and the minimum RB at most sites. It successfully estimated 5761 days of very heavy rainy days (>20mm) compared to 5014 days recorded by rain gauges. Additionally, the correlation for rainfall intensity over a 30-day cumulative period was highest for ERA5 at most sites. The role of antecedent soil moisture in triggering of landslides cannot be ignored. However, in situ soil moisture data are rarely available in hazardous zones. The advanced remote sensing technology could provide useful soil moisture information. The study explores the use of GLDAS soil moisture product at the root zone depth along with ERA5 precipitation over a prolonged period to calculate thresholds for landslide initiation under different environmental conditions over the Indian Himalayas. The study reveals that certain combinations of Land Use Land Cover classes and soil types, especially on steeper slopes, are more susceptible to landslides, with landslides being triggered even at relatively low levels of soil moisture and precipitation.

How to cite: Sharma, S., Barbhuiya, S., Gupta, V., and Das, S.: Comparative Analysis of Satellite and Gauge-Based Precipitation Data for Landslide Risk Assessment in Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19794,, 2025.

EGU25-20095 | Orals | NH3.16

Enhancing Underground Cave Stability Assessment through Physically-Based Machine Learning Methods 

Nunzio Luciano Fazio, Francesca Sollecito, Piernicola Lollino, and Vincenzo Fazio

In recent years, the risk of landslides caused by man-made underground caves has increased on Italian territory, with significant consequences for human life and for the anthropogenic environment. Such artificial caves have generally been dug and subsequently abandoned in very soft porous rock formations, such as calcarenite deposits, even at shallow depths. The low mechanical strength values of such rocks, together with their susceptibility to weathering and consequent loss of strength, make these rock masses prone to sinkhole formation. In order to develop a rapid but mechanically based method to assess the stability of artificial caves based on the geometrical features of the cave and the mechanical properties of the rock, an improved formulation of the abaci, originally proposed by Perrotti et al. (2018), has recently been proposed by Mevoli et al. (2024), which introduces the ability to also assess the range of the cave safety factor. In this perspective, the application of the abaci can be used as a quantitative tool for the preliminary assessment of sinkhole hazards, enabling large scale analyses that can subsequently be followed by a detailed and advanced study at the local scale.

A data-driven approach was employed to compare and discuss the results obtained from the direct application of the abaci, based on this newly developed version. The selected method, proposed by Giustolisi and Savic (2006), and known as 'Evolutionary Polynomial Regression', is based on the genetic programming paradigm and returns simple functional relationships, namely polynomials of elementary functions, among the considered physical parameters. In particular, it generates a Pareto front of expressions that considers simplicity and accuracy. This facilitates the interpretation of the results of the data modelling approach, thereby maintaining focus on the physics of the phenomenon under investigation, as outlined by Fazio et al. (2024).The results will also demonstrate the use of these machine learning techniques to provide mathematical formulations that can be readily employed in the field by experts involved in assessing the stability of underground cavities.


Perrotti M., Lollino P., Fazio N.L., Pisano L., Vessia G., Parise M., Fiore A., Luisi M. (2018). Finite Element– Based stability Charts for Underground Cavities in Soft Calcarenites. Int. J. Geomechanics, 18(7), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001175.

Mevoli, F.A., Fazio, N.L., Perrotti, M. et al. Assessing the stability of underground caves through iSUMM (innovative, straightforward, user-friendly, mechanically-based method). Geoenviron Disasters 11, 10 (2024).

Giustolisi O., Savic D. A. (2006). A symbolic data-driven technique based on evolutionary polynomial regression." J. of Hydroinformatics, 8 (3), 207-222.

Fazio, V., Pugno, N. M., Giustolisi, O., & Puglisi, G. (2024). Physically based machine learning for hierarchical materials. Cell Reports Physical Science, 5(2).

How to cite: Fazio, N. L., Sollecito, F., Lollino, P., and Fazio, V.: Enhancing Underground Cave Stability Assessment through Physically-Based Machine Learning Methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20095,, 2025.

EGU25-2477 | Orals | NH3.17

Landslide displacement and activity monitoring based on UAS multi-sensors 

Kuo-Jen Chang and Mei-Jen Huang

Due to Taiwan's high seismicity and heavy rainfall, numerous landslides have occurred, causing severe damage. These landslides pose long-term threats to human life, property, and the environment. As a result, significant research has focused on assessing landslide hazards and developing mitigation methods. Key areas of study include the size, volume, recurrence, and evolution of landslides. The rapid advancement of geospatial information technology has greatly improved land monitoring and expanded into other applications, including hazard monitoring. Geospatial data, obtained through surveying and mapping, allows for the quantitative evaluation of debris production, migration, and deposition over time and space at the catchment scale. In recent years, MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) technology has played a key role in advancing Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for measurements, offering advantages such as efficiency, timeliness, low cost, and ease of use in harsh weather. Real-time, high-resolution aerial images provide essential spatial information for research. This study used UASs to monitor a landslide area in Baolai Village, southern Taiwan, which was severely affected by a catastrophic landslide triggered by Typhoon Morakot in 2009. To assess hazards, the study combined UASs, field surveys, terrestrial LiDAR, and UAS LiDAR for data collection beginning in 2015. Since early 2018, UAS LiDAR technology has been used to scan the area. Changes in the landscape were measured and verified using Ground Control Points (GCPs) and Check Points (CPs). The results showed that the most active regions are on the eastern side of the landslide. Significant elevation changes were detected before mid-2017, but activity increased again in 2018 and intensified after 2021.The study provides valuable geospatial datasets for hazardous areas, as well as essential geomorphological data and methods that can support future research, hazard mitigation, and planning.

How to cite: Chang, K.-J. and Huang, M.-J.: Landslide displacement and activity monitoring based on UAS multi-sensors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2477,, 2025.

The C2R-IA project ( is aimed to better account for the influence of weather conditions on the level of rockfall hazards and to anticipate temporary increases in hazard levels during storms and other specific weather conditions, in order to implement risk mitigation systems (access restrictions, monitoring, mobilization of emergency kits, predictive maintenance). To achieve this, a database of rockfall events is built to train AI predictive models of rockfalls based on weather conditions. One of the monitoring technologies used is a terrestrial laser scanner with a RIEGL VZ-2000i long range 3D laser scanning system. Lidar point clouds are thus used to provide at several time intervals the 3D surface of the study site: the Saint-Eynard cliff, located northeast of Grenoble in the french Alps. From the lidar point cloud series, the goal is to compare the clouds to detect changes and identify rockfall events (Manceau et al, EGU 2025, oral presentaion). For a large and rich database, it is important to achieve very precise alignement between lidar point clouds to detect the smallest possible changes in our point clouds series (small rockfall volumes).

In this context, a basic ICP (Iterative Closest Point) alignement reveals artefacts that need to be treated in a special way to achieve high-precision alignement. Geometric distortions are thus observed within the  point clouds in the form of vertical strips. This phenomenon occurs at two scales:

- Low frequency: observations of decimetric to multi-decimetric jumps with strip widths ranging from 10 to 100 meters during acquisitions from a tripod, a flexible support.
- High frequency: observations of centimetric jumps with narrower strip widths (ranging from one to several meters) during acquisitions from a rigid base (reinforced concrete post).

Several hypotheses are put forward and tested to explain the existence of these strips: machine-related mechanical issues, independent or dependent on time, interaction between the ground, support, and machine, changes in atmospheric conditions during the acquisition period (lasting 40 minutes), the geometry of the cliff and its local orientation relative to the lidar's line of sight.

A processing method is proposed to overcome these geometric distortions during acquisition and maintain a low detection threshold when comparing two point clouds: this involves a new strip-based alignment of the two clouds before change detection. The first step is the extraction of strips from the compared cloud, then an independent alignment of each strip to the reference cloud is performed using the ICP method. Finally, the aligned strips are merged to form the new compared cloud : we reach a detection threshold of less than 10 cm (i.e. 10-4 times the measurement distance) whereas 40 cm has been previously used on the same site in the literature.

How to cite: Chanut, M.-A., Manceau, L., Lévy, C., Dewez, T., and Amitrano, D.: Rockfall detection using lidar point clouds: identification of geometric distortions during acquisition and proposed processing to enable a low detection threshold, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2535,, 2025.

The deformation monitoring of the ring rockfill dam in pumped storage power stations is of great significance. Traditional monitoring techniques such as geodetic survey, GPS, and multi-point displacement meters have high precision and reliability but are limited by point monitoring in terms of layout density and range. InSAR technology has advantages like high precision, large range, all-weather, non-contact, and low cost, yet faces challenges from factors like spatio-temporal decorrelation, atmospheric delay, and vegetation cover.


This research utilized the permanent scatterer InSAR processing technology with multi-reference point baseline network adjustment and high-precision DEM data to monitor the surface deformation of the ring rockfill dam in the upper reservoir of Zhanghewan Pumped Storage Power Station. It analyzed the impact of DEM resolution on PSInSAR monitoring accuracy and verified the accuracy of InSAR deformation monitoring using ground synchronous monitoring data from a high-precision measuring robot.


The results indicate that the dam and slope of Zhanghewan Power Station's upper reservoir showed an overall uplift trend during the observation period, which was preliminarily judged to be caused by the temperature rise from winter to summer. The correlation coefficient between the monitoring point deformation rate obtained by the InSAR technology and the ground synchronous observation result was 0.838, with an RMSE of ±7.24mm/yr. The higher the precision of the external DEM, the higher the InSAR monitoring accuracy, with an improvement range of 2 - 3mm.


By combining the ground and satellite monitoring results with the water level and temperature observation data, it was found that for the ring rockfill dam, the cumulative displacement of the monitoring points was significantly correlated with the temperature, but the displacement change was not significantly correlated with the temperature change. The influence of temperature on the displacement of monitoring points was slow and nonlinear, and different monitoring points had different responses. The cumulative displacement of monitoring points had a weak correlation with the water level, while the displacement change had a stronger correlation with the water level change. The water level had a greater impact on the upstream and downstream displacement of specific points. This study provides an important reference for the research and application of InSAR deformation monitoring of large-area structures such as ring rockfill dams.

How to cite: Wan, P., Han, X., and Ding, B.: Deformation Monitoring of Ring Rockfill Dam in Pumped Storage Power Station Based on Spaceborne InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2745,, 2025.

EGU25-4146 | Orals | NH3.17

Structural Data of Unconsolidated Sediments from Point Clouds on Coastal Cliffs of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 

Michael Fuchs, Karsten Schütze, Nick Schüßler, Jewgenij Torizin, and Dirk Kuhn

Predicting the likelihood of collapses and landslides on the German Baltic Sea coast cliffs requires a wide range of geological, hydrological, and climate data. Point clouds and images from drone surveys constitute a significant part of the data.

The cliffs predominantly consist of Quaternary sediments of glacial origin with highly variable properties, often intricately interwoven. The glacial processes that contributed to these sediments' formation, shaping, and modification left heterogeneous deposits and various glacial-tectonic structures such as joints, shear planes, and oriented stones. These structures are crucial for assessing failure probabilities in cliff areas and are necessary for engineering geological slope stability analysis.

CloudCompare is an open-source software supporting various point cloud analyses. It includes a FACETS plugin for extracting planes from 3D point clouds of rock bodies. The identification of discontinuities has been performed and validated by various authors using the FACETS plugin on hard rock exposures. We are testing the plugin for mapping discontinuities in unconsolidated sediments.

Unconsolidated sediments like glacial till and varved silts reveal glacial discontinuities in cliff exposures. These can be documented in the field but require significant time. In point clouds, facets can be calculated using the plugin in a single step. However, unlike joints measured with a compass, these are always open surfaces on the cliff. While their formation may relate to joint systems, additional factors such as flaking, rolling, erosion, drying, frost wedging, and root growth may contribute to or independently cause the formation of these facets.

We use point clouds generated from drone surveys of three cliff locations. These sites differ significantly in their geological structure and glacial deformation history. The facets are calculated from the point clouds and validated using structural data from engineering geological coastal surveys conducted in the past and our recent fieldwork. The FACETS plugin is suitable for capturing open joint surfaces on cliffs in unconsolidated sediments. However, care must be taken to ensure that the exposure of the steep coastal section does not dominate the measured discontinuity data. Slope-parallel planar surfaces in unconsolidated sediments are not always open joints. Also, shear planes and oriented stones are challenging to detect. Shear planes rarely form open surfaces due to frost wedging, and the long axes of stones cannot be calculated with the plugin method due to their rounding.

The method is well-suited for rapid and reliable documentation of joints. Given the considerable annual coastal retreat of several meters at some locations, the FACETS method makes it possible to create a time series for joints to find potential changes in orientation, dip, and joint density. These structural datasets are particularly valuable for engineering geological slope stability calculations. Specifically, these data could be integrated into training deep learning algorithms as additional features to support the automatic identification of sediments forming the cliffs.

How to cite: Fuchs, M., Schütze, K., Schüßler, N., Torizin, J., and Kuhn, D.: Structural Data of Unconsolidated Sediments from Point Clouds on Coastal Cliffs of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4146,, 2025.

EGU25-4370 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.17

Development of a procedure for monitoring stone retaining walls with terrestrial laser scanning 

Lukas Eitler, Victoria Kostjak, and Hans Neuner

The aim of this contribution is to develop a procedure for monitoring stone-retaining walls using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). Compared to classical point-based deformation analysis, however, areal deformation analysis is still less common and has more limitations in terms of quality information for the results because the stochastic model is still incomplete for TLS measurements. The procedure is therefore intended to show, in a methodologically correct way, how the monitoring of a stone-retaining wall with TLS is nevertheless successful. 
To this end, the methodological basis for the procedure is developed according to the state of the art and research and the four phases of the procedure are defined for the structure of the work. In phase 1, the monitoring task is analysed and planned, in phase 2 the reference system is implemented with a geodetic network, in phase 3 the TLS measurements and evaluations are carried out and finally, in phase 4, the TLS deformation analysis is performed. As part of the procedure, the TLS instrument is first tested in accordance with ISO 17123-9:2018 (E) 2018 and found to be suitable for use. This is followed by the first practical development step of the procedure for monitoring individual stones under laboratory conditions. A point-based deformation analysis is carried out as a control. When comparing M3C2, feature matching and virtual targets, the latter method, with its robustness and high quality of results, proves to be the most suitable method for the procedure. Building on these findings, the monitoring of a rock face with TLS on the Kitzsteinhorn was also successful. The task was clearly defined, a reference system was realised as a frame of reference and a new zero epoch was created with TLS measurements. On this basis, past epochs were then successfully transformed into the stable reference system using a stable range method. The TLS deformation analysis with virtual targets then succeeded, and large movements could be determined, albeit without associated quality data. Glacier melt was also identified as a possible cause of the movements.
The developed procedure for monitoring rock retaining walls with TLS is finally presented in a flow chart, and the individual process steps are described in it. In addition, an objective evaluation of the procedure is carried out using methodological elements of engineering geodesy.

How to cite: Eitler, L., Kostjak, V., and Neuner, H.: Development of a procedure for monitoring stone retaining walls with terrestrial laser scanning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4370,, 2025.

EGU25-4469 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.17

Analyzing hydrological dynamics for water balance estimation of landslide dammed lakes in Pakistan 

Muhammad Shareef Shazil, Pasquale Marino, Emilia Damiano, Thom Bogaard, and Roberto Greco

Landslide-dammed lakes are formed by natural blockages of river channels. These lakes pose significant hydrological risks downstream, especially under changing climate conditions. Monitoring the surface area extent and modelling the hydrology of such lakes is important to assess the stability of landslide dams and the downstream flood risk. In this study we aim to link observed lake water balances changes with the driving hydrological processes in the upstream catchment.

The present study focuses on two lakes in Pakistan, formed by landslide dams, both still standing many years after their formation: Attabad Lake (formed in 2010 by a rockfall triggered by rainfall) and Zalzal Lake (formed in 2005 by a landslide triggered by earthquake). Over the years, after an initial phase of increasing trend and large fluctuations, both lakes have seen a consistent decline in area and volume, apart from some remaining seasonal fluctuations. Remote sensing images from Landsat 5, 7, and 8 were integrated to determine lake surface area based on the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). Data Gap filling techniques were applied to estimate missing months with cloudy images. Digital elevation models (DEM) prior to lake formation were used to derive volume over time for the two lakes.

The estimated variations of lake volumes were subsequently modelled based on the water balance of the upstream catchments. We considered precipitation, snowfall, snow accumulation, snowmelt, ice melt, springs, and groundwater recharge. Hydrometeorological data (including precipitation, snowfall, snowmelt, temperature, runoff, and actual evapotranspiration) was collected from various sources (GRACE, TerraClimate, ERA5-Land) by utilizing Google Earth Engine. Groundwater recharge was calculated by analyzing variations in terrestrial water storage collected from GRACE data for both lakes. Additionally, we used lumped hydrological models (such as the Budyko framework) to quantify the interplay between climatic inputs and hydrological fluxes.

We conclude that using hydrological models helps understand the role of hydrological processes in lake inflows, outflows and storage changes. This approach facilitates the assessment of the sensitivity of lake hydrology to changes in climatic variables. The analysis showed seasonal variations in lake inflow and outflows driven by snowmelt, and precipitation. This study will contribute to the assessment of the hydrology of landslide-dammed lakes in data scarce catchments.

Keywords: Landslide dams, hydrological modeling, water balance, climate change, remote sensing

How to cite: Shazil, M. S., Marino, P., Damiano, E., Bogaard, T., and Greco, R.: Analyzing hydrological dynamics for water balance estimation of landslide dammed lakes in Pakistan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4469,, 2025.

EGU25-4637 | Orals | NH3.17

Time stamped landslide inventory and its causal factors in Rudraprayag, India 

Kriti Mukherjee, Naresh Rana, Padma B Rao, and Monica Rivas Casado

The Rudraprayag district in the Uttarakhand Himalayas, India, is highly prone to landslides, exacerbated by a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors. This study employs a Random Forest classification algorithm to create a time-stamped landslide inventory using Sentinel-2 satellite images (2019–2023) and ancillary datasets, including ALOS PALSAR DEM. Landslide locations were validated through visual interpretation of high-resolution Google Earth imagery and field visits. The results identify 196 confirmed landslide locations, with most occurrences concentrated near road networks and influenced by rainfall and anthropogenic activities.

Topographic metrics such as elevation, slope, aspect, and ruggedness emerged as significant predictors of landslides, while other features like Topographic Wetness Index and curvature had minimal influence. Rainfall analysis revealed no statistically significant correlation with landslide occurrence timing, though extreme rainfall events, such as in July 2023, contributed to gradual landslide expansions. Seismic analysis showed a weak correlation with landslides, suggesting the need for denser seismic monitoring networks for further exploration.

This inventory supports the development of susceptibility maps and disaster management strategies. The study underscores the importance of integrating geological, hydrological, and anthropogenic factors for comprehensive landslide risk assessments, with implications for expanding such analyses across the broader Himalayas.

How to cite: Mukherjee, K., Rana, N., Rao, P. B., and Rivas Casado, M.: Time stamped landslide inventory and its causal factors in Rudraprayag, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4637,, 2025.

EGU25-6312 | ECS | Orals | NH3.17

Enhancing Rockfall Detection Using Permanent LiDAR Scanner (PLS) Data and Automated Workflows at St. Eynard Cliff (Grenoble, France) 

Laure Manceau, Marie-Aurélie Chanut, Clara Levy, Thomas Dewez, and David Amitrano

The ANR C2R-IA ( project aims to develop reliable decision-making tools for dynamic rockfall risk management, such as restricting access to hazardous zones during critical periods. To achieve this, we aim to develop a predictive model for observed rockfall events that relates them to weather conditions history using Artificial Intelligence tools. Training an artificial neural network requires a comprehensively labelled dataset of rockfall events. To build this dataset, we deployed various instruments, including a Permanent LiDAR Scanner (PLS), whose data is processed by an automated workflow to handle the large volume of hourly-acquired point clouds.

The workflow started with a pre-processing step that includes point cloud alignment (registration), quality control, cropping the area studied, and vegetation removal. During the processing phase, changes are identified using a multi-step approach:

  • First, pairs of point clouds are aligned either globally or by spatial strips (Chanut et al. EGU 2025, poster session).
  • Then, M3C2 distances (Lague et al, 2013) are calculated. For a pair of point clouds (N1, N2), the distance computation is made twice from N1 to N2 and from N2 to N1 to identify significant changes.
  • Dense clusters of significant changes are extracted using DBSCAN clustering, and a spatial association between clusters from the two clouds is performed to track corresponding zones and ensure accurate changes in output.
  • To refine block characterization, a local registration and comparison is further performed, followed by alphashape surface reconstruction for volume estimation.

The workflow was developed in Python, primarily using the CloudComPy library, and requires minimal operator intervention thanks to integrated quality metrics at each processing step.

This optimized workflow combined with a fixed point of acquisition (a reinforced concrete pillar) has significantly improved the detection threshold at the St. Eynard site (Grenoble, France), allowing for identifying rockfalls as shallow as 10 cm in depth and 0.01 m³ volume — an improvement from the previous 40 cm and 0.1 m³ (Verdier-Legoupil, 2023; Le Roy, 2020). Catalog completeness has also been improved, with the number of detected events increased thresholds from less than 50 events/month/km² to about 150 events/month/km². However, numerous false positives are generated, primarily due to persistent vegetation artifacts despite the vegetation removal step. To address this issue, future work will focus on integrating an automatic change validation method using criteria such as morphology, scalar field information, and additional point cloud comparisons to check the temporal persistence of changes.

Chanut, M.-A., Manceau, L., Levy, C., Dewez, T., Amitrano, D., 2025. Rockfall detection using lidar point clouds: identification of geometric distortions during acquisition and proposed processing to enable a low detection threshold. EGU 2025, Poster session.

Lague, D., Brodu, N., Leroux, J., 2013. Accurate 3D comparison of complex topography with terrestrial laser scanner: Application to the Rangitikei canyon (N-Z). ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 82, 10–26. URL

Le Roy, G., 2020. Rockfalls multi-methods detection and characterization. Université Grenoble Alpes.

Verdier-Legoupil, M., 2023. Etude des chutes de blocs par la photogrammétrie, cas du St Eynard. Université Grenoble Alpes.

How to cite: Manceau, L., Chanut, M.-A., Levy, C., Dewez, T., and Amitrano, D.: Enhancing Rockfall Detection Using Permanent LiDAR Scanner (PLS) Data and Automated Workflows at St. Eynard Cliff (Grenoble, France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6312,, 2025.

EGU25-6906 | ECS | Orals | NH3.17

Fracture Network and Rock Slope Stability Analysis of Quarry Areas by Digital Outcrop Modelling and open-sources Algorithms: an example from Montorfano (Southern Alps, Italy) 

Niccolò Menegoni, Daniele Giordan, Stefania Corvò, Mattia Bonazzi, Aurora Petagine, Marco Guerra, Matteo Foletti, Enrico Arese, Cesare Perotti, and Matteo Maino

Digitization of rock outcrops (e.g., LiDAR, SfM, SLAM) and digitalization of rock fracture data (e.g., Coltop, DSE, CloudCompare) have recently been greatly improved; however, disciplines related to rock mechanics, such as engineering geology, geomechanics, hydrogeology, reservoir engineering, and structural geology, still face two critical limitations (Elmo and Stead, 2021; Yang et al., 2022). First, geological and geotechnical data collection and processing methods remain largely unchanged for decades (e.g., Markland, 1976; ISRM, 1981; ASTM D5878-19, 2019). These methods are often qualitative, prone to significant biases, and reliant on outdated classification and characterization systems, such as manual scanline measurements, photo interpretation, and indices like RQD, RMR, and GSI. Second, despite the shift towards digital approaches, there is still a lack of standardized and statistically robust digital workflows for analyzing fractured rock masses (Yang et al., 2022). For this reason, in this study, we propose an open-source workflow for characterizing fracture networks and analyzing rock slope stability. Our approach integrates UAV-based digital photogrammetry with Digital Outcrop Models (DOM), utilizing CloudCompare software alongside DICE and ROKA algorithms. This workflow was applied to a steep granite slope in Southern Alps near Monte Montorfano, Italy. Manual digitalization in CloudCompare produced a robust dataset of discontinuities—including faults, fractures, and dikes—that influence slope stability. DICE enabled calculations of areal (P21) and volumetric (P32) fracture intensity, as well as intersection density/intensity (I20, I30, and I31). Spatial analysis revealed a general increase in fracture damage with distance from the main fault, though this trend displayed abrupt variations better modeled by an oscillatory pattern than by a simple exponential or power law. ROKA identified critical discontinuities prone to planar sliding, flexural toppling, and wedge sliding, offering more reliable results than traditional kinematic analyses (e.g., Markland test). By visualizing discontinuity planes, intersection metrics, and failure mechanisms directly on DICE and ROKA point clouds, the workflow enabled detailed geometric characterization of the fractured rock slope. High-resolution 3D maps produced through this workflow facilitate robust and user-friendly slope zoning, delivering high-quality, timely information essential for planning effective mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Menegoni, N., Giordan, D., Corvò, S., Bonazzi, M., Petagine, A., Guerra, M., Foletti, M., Arese, E., Perotti, C., and Maino, M.: Fracture Network and Rock Slope Stability Analysis of Quarry Areas by Digital Outcrop Modelling and open-sources Algorithms: an example from Montorfano (Southern Alps, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6906,, 2025.

Tropical mountains are particularly vulnerable to landslides due to their susceptibility to climate warming combined with changes in land use driven by development and social transformations. Therefore, landslides in these regions pose a serious challenge to local land management, infrastructure development, and the conservation of soil and water resources. The Colombian Andes is a region where landslides are widespread, which, combined with the dense population, makes it prone to geohazards.

Numerous studies focused on national and regional inventories of landslides; however, small landslides (<1 km2) are often neglected despite having strong consequences for local communities. A detailed inventory of past landslides is essential for analysing the geomorphological processes related to landslide initiation and for calibrating and validating landslide susceptibility models. This study focuses on the impact of land cover and geomorphology on the distribution of small landslides (less than 1 km²). To minimise the influence of other factors, we concentrated on a single catchment area characterised by relatively uniform geology and precipitation. The main objectives of the study were (1) to document and analyse the spatial distribution of landslides; (2) to investigate factors potentially responsible for their development, specifically examining the differences in the frequency of landslides between forested and non-forested areas in a local spatial scale.

Landslides were identified using high-resolution satellite imagery from Ikonos, WorldView, and Pleiades from 2000/2003, 2013/2014, and 2019/2020. Landslides were visually interpreted from the images based on factors such as image tone, texture, vegetation cover, and visible disturbances of the surface. The identified landslides were vectorised as polygons, and a point representing the centre of the headscarp was also added for each landslide. The mapping results were verified during fieldwork in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Basic morphometric and descriptive parameters were attributed to each landslide, including area, type of landslide, and land cover. In the final step, frequency ratio modelling was employed to investigate the relationship between topographical and land cover factors and the distribution of landslides.

We mapped more than 900 small landslides ranging in size from 102 m² to 104 m². Most of these landslides were found in cultivated areas, such as pastures, farms, and plantations, or along local roads. Our findings revealed four potential scenarios for landslide activity: (1) an intensification of landslide processes and an increase in the overall landslide area; (2) active landslides that remain stable in terms of size; (3) the activation of new landslides; and (4) deactivation of existing landslides accompanied by vegetation succession. The activation of new landslides and the intensification of existing ones were primarily linked to direct human modifications of the terrain, mainly through constructing new roads or repairing existing ones. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of landslides at a local scale is marked by significant clustering, with the zone of pastures characterised by the biggest concentration of landslides.

The research was funded by the Polish National Science Centre, Poland (Project number 2015/19/D/ST10/00251)



How to cite: Tomczyk, A. and Ewertowski, M.: Effect of geomorphology and land cover on landslide distribution at a local spatial scale: An example of the central Andes, Colombia , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7425,, 2025.

EGU25-7884 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.17

A semi-automatic landslide detection model combining spatial statistical analysis and change detection 

Won-Jun Song, Jung-Hyun Lee, and Hyuck-Jin Park

Landslide inventory mapping is a critical component of landslide susceptibility analysis and prediction. The mapping process has been carried out based on field surveys and comparisons of aerial or satellite imagery, which are both time-consuming and labor-intensive. Therefore, recent studies have utilized artificial intelligence models to identify landslide locations. However, the accuracy of these approaches remains limited due to dense vegetation, the low spectral resolution, and seasonal spectral variations in forested regions. Consequently, there have been efforts to enhance the accuracy of landslide inventory mapping through the integration of landslide conditioning factors.

The objective of this study is to enhance landslide detection through the utilization of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery prior to and following landslide occurrences, in conjunction with landslide conditioning factors. The analysis is divided into two phases: a change detection phase and a post-processing phase. In the change detection phase, Sentinel-2 L2A images from before and after landslide events were analyzed using a multi-layer perceptron model, with changes in NDVI and surface reflectance across bands 2 to 12. In the post-processing phase, the frequency ratio technique was applied to calculate the conditioning factor grades. These grades were then used to weight the result of the change detection phase. The conditioning factors encompassed effective soil depth, timber age, elevation, slope, geological lithology, and land cover. To validate and compare the results, the area under the curve (AUC) was computed based on receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. The model's training and validation were carried out using data from Jecheon-si, a region that experienced a high incidence of landslides in 2020. In addition, the model's performance was evaluated using the data from the study area. The proposed integrated approach integrates change detection using satellite imagery with landslide conditioning factors to enhance the accuracy of landslide detection models. The proposed model is expected to contribute to the enhancement of landslide hazard management and prevention by providing more reliable detection techniques.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (RS-2023-00222563)

How to cite: Song, W.-J., Lee, J.-H., and Park, H.-J.: A semi-automatic landslide detection model combining spatial statistical analysis and change detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7884,, 2025.

EGU25-9566 | ECS | Orals | NH3.17

Comprehensive Monitoring of the Active and Fast-moving Landslide of Pissouri village, Cyprus: Integrating SAR, GNSS, Rainfall and Laser Scanner Data 

Kyriaki Fotiou, Dimitris Kakoullis, Christopher Kotsakis, Miltiades Hatzinikos, and Chris Danezis

Pissouri village, located in Limassol, Cyprus, has been experiencing an active and fast-moving landslide, resulting in significantly accelerated displacement rates in recent years. The devastating consequences of the landslide include the continuous evacuation of houses, severe damage to properties, and transformations of the wider landscape. To improve national disaster preparedness and resilience to geological threats, the Cyprus University of Technology Laboratory of Geodesy established CyCLOPS (Cyprus Continuously Operating Natural Hazards Monitoring and Prevention System) in 2021, focusing on Pissouri as a critical case study. Since 2022, a number of ten geodetic-grade GNSS receivers have been installed in the broader area to enable continuous monitoring of the landslide.

This study presents an integration of multi-sensor data to investigate displacement rates and advance the understanding of landslide dynamics, utilizing the CyCLOPS strategic infrastructure. Sentinel-1 acquisitions in ascending and descending mode, covering the period from August 2022 to August 2024, were processed using GAMMA software. The data reveal significantly increased displacement patterns compared to earlier analyses, which detected only millimeters of movement per year. Concurrently, GNSS monitoring was performed using CyCLOPS equipment, indicating notable local movements and providing continuous ground-truth measurements. Additionally, rainfall data from the Cyprus Meteorological Department stations were integrated into a GIS framework, correlating intense precipitation events with rapid displacement trends. Two novel additions to this monitoring effort include: (a) the installation of a rain gauge within the study area to improve the reliability and accuracy of precipitation data, and (b) the use of Laser Scanning technology to detect and map structural cracks and landscape changes within the affected zone. These approaches provide localized insights into the landslide’s impact.

This comprehensive multi-sensor approach offers a robust framework for understanding and monitoring active landslides. The findings underscore the critical role of data integration and the use of a multi-sensor strategy in assessing displacement rates, correlating environmental triggers, and accurately evaluating hazards. Collectively, these measures support improved hazard mitigation strategies and enhance resilience.

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge the "CyCLOPS+" (RIF/SMALL SCALE INFRASTRUCTURES/1222/0082) project, which is co-financed by the European Regional and Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation in the framework of the Cohesion Policy Programme "THALIA 2021-2027" and by national resources. The authors would like to acknowledge the ‘CyCLOPS’ (RIF/INFRASTRUCTURES/1216/0050) project, which was funded by the European Regional and Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation in the framework of the RESTART 2016-2020 program.

How to cite: Fotiou, K., Kakoullis, D., Kotsakis, C., Hatzinikos, M., and Danezis, C.: Comprehensive Monitoring of the Active and Fast-moving Landslide of Pissouri village, Cyprus: Integrating SAR, GNSS, Rainfall and Laser Scanner Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9566,, 2025.

EGU25-10018 | ECS | Orals | NH3.17

Improving Landslide-Event Inventories Using High-Fidelity Lidar Change Detection in Eastern Kentucky 

Corey Scheip, Matt Crawford, Evelyn Bibbins, Hudson Koch, Alex Graham, Susan Winters, Vicky Hsiao, Luke Weidner, Mark Zellman, and Scott Anderson

Following spatially expansive landslide events, rapid remote sensing data acquisition is perhaps the most efficient means of capturing the nature and extent of landsliding. This is particularly true in the Appalachian Mountains of eastern North America, where high annual rainfall, humidity, and vegetation can obscure landslide features within a single growing season. In July 2022, a convective rainfall event with an annual exceedance probability of 0.1–0.2% caused record-breaking flooding and widespread landslides throughout about 1,800 km2 of the Appalachian Plateau in eastern Kentucky. In the immediate weeks following the storm, field and remote-sensing reconnaissance mapping by the Kentucky Geological Survey identified approximately 1,065 landslides triggered during the event. In January 2023, the state of Kentucky acquired a lidar dataset over the impacted region, complimenting previous acquisitions from 2012 and 2017. We used point cloud alignment and surface-normal comparison techniques to compare 2012 and 2017 lidar point clouds to post-storm 2023 point clouds. This resulted in a lidar change detection dataset with a limit of detection of +/- 13 cm over an area of 1,800 km2. By using this dataset as a basis for our inventorying, we are finding more numerous and smaller landslides compared to state-of-practice mapping methods (e.g., aerial photo interpretation, hillshade comparisons, field-based inspections). Additionally, we can compute statistics on volume balance within landslides, thereby providing insight into landslide mechanics at scale that is difficult to impossible to understand without such data. Inventorying is ongoing, however, as of January 2025, we have inventoried over 2,000 landslides that occurred between 2017-2023 in 10% of the impacted area. This presentation will discuss how high-fidelity lidar change detection methods influence landslide inventory mapping, statistical characterizations of the landslide event, and ongoing efforts to advance AI-driven landslide inventory mapping.

How to cite: Scheip, C., Crawford, M., Bibbins, E., Koch, H., Graham, A., Winters, S., Hsiao, V., Weidner, L., Zellman, M., and Anderson, S.: Improving Landslide-Event Inventories Using High-Fidelity Lidar Change Detection in Eastern Kentucky, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10018,, 2025.

EGU25-10114 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.17

Deep Seating Slow-moving Landslides in Upper Mustang: Mapping, Kinematics and Triggering Factors 

Laureen Maury, Kristen Cook, Basanta Raj Adhikari, and Pascal Lacroix

Upper Mustang, central Nepal, is a dry valley located between the Tibetan plateau and the High Himalayas. The Thakkhola fault system, which bounds the Thakkhola half-graben, gave its orientation to the valley, which is nearly perpendicular to the main Himalayan range. The Kali Gandaki River rises here and flows south through the high Himalayan peaks of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri, influencing the valley's landscape with its cycles of sediment aggradation and erosion. In the current phase of incision, the river has generated steep slopes that are further destabilized by the altered Tethyan shales below, creating a perfect setup for the emergence of large-scale slope deformations.

Although they have been recognized for a long time, these major deep-seated slope deformations have never been thoroughly investigated, and their activity has never been studied. Despite the area's low population, landslides have affected several settlements, including Muktinath, a significant Hindu pilgrimage destination, where deformations are destroying houses and roadways. At present, there are still questions concerning the relocation of some villages, including the monastery complex.

The landslides may be driven by spatial factors (aspect, elevation), climate factors (permafrost, snow melt, precipitation) and anthropogenic activity (irrigation). Using both remote sensing data and in-situ observations, this project aims to determine the rates and patterns of slope deformation in the Upper Mustang region and assess the possible temporal and spatial controls on the deformations.

In order to monitor landslides across a range of velocities, we use both correlation of optical satellite images from Sentinel-II (2016-2023), and InSAR time-series processing from Sentinel-I images (2015-2024). Initial mapping of the region indicated six significant deformation zones moving at varying rates, all located in the area where the Tethyan shale bedrock is found. We generate time series of displacement at finer resolution using correlation of Planet images (2016-2024), concentrating on specific landslides. On the Dhe landslide, a period of faster movement in early 2019 is found. Field observations have revealed numerous water sources in the landslides that could impact its kinematics. To supplement the kinematic analysis, seismic ambient noise from a single station seismometer is analysed to better characterize the subsurface properties of the landslides. We will present the first analyses and results from this multi-source dataset.

How to cite: Maury, L., Cook, K., Raj Adhikari, B., and Lacroix, P.: Deep Seating Slow-moving Landslides in Upper Mustang: Mapping, Kinematics and Triggering Factors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10114,, 2025.

Recent research trends in landslide science highlight a growing diffusion of automated techniques for the detection and mapping of landslides at different spatial and temporal scales. Although emerging techniques based on AI algorithms and remote sensing techniques can facilitate the creation of landslide inventory, conventional geomorphological methods of production of landslide maps still play a central role in the compilation of reliable census of landslide processes at a regional scale. After a synoptic view of the limitations and advantages of the new techniques of landslide mapping, this work focused on the statistical analysis of a 1:10,000 scale landslide inventory map of a large sector of the southern Apennine belt, which has been created by extensive visual interpretation of stereoscopic aerial photography, supported by field surveys. GIS-based statistical analysis of the landslide inventory map provided a clear picture of the main predisposing factors that controlled the distribution, size and pattern of landslide processes within the different morpho-structural units of the chain. The non-random spatial distribution of landslide processes is strongly controlled by lithological and morpho-structural factors and the resulting zonation represents an effective basis for landscape planning purposes and a key tool for more advanced analyses based on more innovative techniques such as InSAR monitoring, slope stability models or definition of rainfall thresholds. More specifically, landslide-dominated landscapes prevail in sectors with a relevant tectonic activity and Quaternary relief growth. Finally, the work explored several case studies where the integration of conventional and innovative methods provided relevant results on the surface and subsurface characterization of mass movements and the estimation of displacement fields and mobilized volumes.

How to cite: Gioia, D.: Distribution, statistics and control factors of landslide processes in the mountain landscape of southern Apennines, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11106,, 2025.

EGU25-11110 | ECS | Orals | NH3.17

The potential of two-pass DInSAR to investigate the spatial and temporal evolution of a large landslide in the Northern Apennines of Italy 

Alessandro Mercurio, Benedikt Bayer, Silvia Franceschini, Giuseppe Ciccarese, Marco Bartola, Nicola Dal Seno, Rodolfo Rani, Alessandro Zuccarini, and Alessandro Simoni

Landslides in mountainous regions are key processes shaping the landscape and pose significant challenges to human activities, particularly due to their potential impact on infrastructures. Even dormant deep-seated landslides remain a persistent threat, as heavy rainfall events can often trigger catastrophic reactivations. The Cà di Sotto landslide in San Benedetto Val di Sambro (BO), Italy is a well-documented large phenomenon (> 45 hectares) that in 1994 destroyed some buildings and occluded the stream below, necessitating extensive drainage systems to mitigate flood risks. This landslide is classified as a complex movement, originating as a rotational slide and evolving into an approximately 2 km-long earthflow. The affected material, the Monte Venere Formation, consists of tectonized calcareous-marly turbidites interbedded with arenaceous-pelitic strata. After 30 years of dormancy in October 2024, following a heavy rainfall event, the entire body underwent a new catastrophic failure reaching peak velocities of several meters per day and disrupting previously established mitigation measures. Multi-temporal InSAR techniques (PS and DS-InSAR) are widely used to monitor slow-moving landslides, but the targeted phenomena strongly exceeded their maximum detectable velocity (Vmax ~ 100 mm/yr). All analysis were consequently performed through the two-pass DInSAR technique using Sentinel-1 A/B C-band SAR images, acquired with a minimum acquisition interval of six days, from 2015 to early 2025. This method grants higher territorial coverage in mountainous areas and increases the maximum detectable velocities (Vmax ~ 20 mm/week). Our results show signs of activity in the crown area in the period preceding the catastrophic failure while no clear deformation signals were detected in the landslide body. During the failure event, the quality of InSAR data varied depending on the perpendicular baseline, atmospheric disturbances and vegetation cover. Peak deformation (V > 10 m/day) exceeded the detection capabilities of InSAR, requiring ground-based monitoring techniques for effective tracking. However, low-noise interferograms clearly delineated the spatial distribution of the active area with frequent phase jumps and decorrelation soon after the failure. During the later post-failure stage interferograms have high enough coherence to map the deformation field. The comparison between InSAR data and on-site ground measurement (including subsequent UAV surveys and topographical data) helped to understand and interpret the remotely sensed information and highlights the potential and the limits of standard interferometry to identify and monitor active landslides in mountainous regions.

How to cite: Mercurio, A., Bayer, B., Franceschini, S., Ciccarese, G., Bartola, M., Dal Seno, N., Rani, R., Zuccarini, A., and Simoni, A.: The potential of two-pass DInSAR to investigate the spatial and temporal evolution of a large landslide in the Northern Apennines of Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11110,, 2025.

EGU25-11751 | ECS | Orals | NH3.17

Terrain Analysis and Monitoring of Large Deep-Seated Rock Slides in the Northern Apennines Using Integrated Ground-Based and Remote Sensing Techniques 

Cecilia Fabbiani, Marco Mulas, Benedikt Bayer, Vincenzo Critelli, Silvia Franceschini, Irene Ghiselli, Jean Pascal Iannacone, Francesco Lelli, Melissa Tondo, Giovanni Truffelli, and Alessandro Corsini

Deep-seated landslides represent a major issue in geomorphology and engineering geology due to their complexity and potential impact on infrastructure and settlements. This study focuses on terrain analysis and monitoring of two large, complex deep-seated rock slides located in the Northern Apennines, in the municipality of Ferriere (Piacenza province, Italy). Both landslides (namely Colla di Gambaro and Brugneto) extend for more than 1 km in length and are characterized by roto-translational sliding of stratified arenaceous and silty rock masses (down to depths of more than 40 m), evolving into earth slides at the landslide toe. This makes the combination of conventional and remote sensing techniques essential for unreveal their characteristics and dynamics at the slope scale. An integrated approach was therefore adopted, using both existing and newly collected data. High-resolution DEMs from UAV surveys with LiDAR technologies and field surveys were integrated to delineate main landslide units and subunits based on combined geomorphological and kinematic criteria. The distinction of units affected by different movement rates and the evolution and propagation of movements downslope was greatly supported by InSAR displacement time series (obtained by both Permanent/Distributed Scatterers and Interferogram Stacking of Sentinel-1 satellite datasets) as well as continuous GNSS monitoring in some key points. Seismic surveys and inclinometers/piezometers, contributed to the identification of main sliding surfaces at depths and of the groundwater conditions. The integration of these techniques, improved the delineation of landslide boundaries, enhanced understanding of spatial variability in movement rates, and increased the accuracy of landslides mapping. Furthermore, it supported the construction of reference cross-sections that highlight the complexity of movements and movements rates at the slope scale, the transition from rock sliding mechanisms to earth sliding downslope. Maps and cross sections, ultimately, exemplify the geological and geotechnical model of these phenomena and demonstrate the added values of the combined use of conventional and remote sensing tools for enhancing our understanding of complex landslide phenomena, thus providing a basis for risk assessment and structural or non-structural mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Fabbiani, C., Mulas, M., Bayer, B., Critelli, V., Franceschini, S., Ghiselli, I., Iannacone, J. P., Lelli, F., Tondo, M., Truffelli, G., and Corsini, A.: Terrain Analysis and Monitoring of Large Deep-Seated Rock Slides in the Northern Apennines Using Integrated Ground-Based and Remote Sensing Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11751,, 2025.

EGU25-12559 | Orals | NH3.17

Assessing erosion risk and its relationships to climate change on archaeological heritage: medieval sites in the Basilicata region 

Alessia Frisetti, Antonio Minervino Amodio, Nicodemo Abate, Giuseppe Corrado, Dario Gioia, Nicola Masini, and Maria Danese

Climate change has among its effects the increasing frequency and intensity of both natural and anthropic hazard, such as landslides, floods, erosion, sea level rise, weathering and fires (Fatorić and Seekamp, 2017). These phenomena pose significant threats to archaeological heritage, as highlighted in scenarios outlined by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).

Ancient sites, especially the archaeological settlements dispersed across rural landscapes, are particularly vulnerable to climate-related hazards due to their limited protection compared to cultural heritage present in urban contexts. This is particular significant for buried sites, which can be reasonably identified through surface traces or remote sensing techniques.

In this work, we propose a method based on spatial analysis and remote sensing, to assess the progression of the erosion hazard, that can affect both visible and unexcavated sites (Minervino et al. 2024). The USPED (Unit Stream Power-based Erosion Deposition) model was used to obtain the erosion risk/deposition map of the entire Basilicata region. This was then overlayed with the archaeological site locations in order to assess erosion risk map specifically for archaeological sites of interest

The result is a predictive risk map for the chosen case study that can forecast the future erosion risk in the archaeologically sensitive areas.

The area analysed for the archaeological risk assessment is the Basilicata Region and the sites considered are related to medieval rural settlements. A comprehensive census of these sites - some abandoned and others still inhabited - was carried out based on documentary sources and satellite and LiDAR data.

The work was carried out within the framework of Project PE 0000020 CHANGES, - CUP [B53C22003890006], Spoke 5, PNRR Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.3, funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.*


Fatorić, S.; Seekamp, E. Are cultural heritage and resources threatened by climate change? A systematic literature review. Climatic Change 2017, 142, 227-254, doi:10.1007/s10584-017-1929-9.

Minervino Amodio, A.; Danese, M.; Gioia, D. Past, Present and Climate Change Scenarios: Investigating Erosion Risk on Archaeological Heritage in the Sinni Valley (Basilicata, Italy). In Proceedings of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2024; pp. 412-428.

How to cite: Frisetti, A., Minervino Amodio, A., Abate, N., Corrado, G., Gioia, D., Masini, N., and Danese, M.: Assessing erosion risk and its relationships to climate change on archaeological heritage: medieval sites in the Basilicata region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12559,, 2025.

EGU25-12939 | ECS | Orals | NH3.17

Evaluating the performance of geomorphometric variables for landslide detection using convolutional neural networks 

Alex-Andrei Cuvuliuc, Denisa-Elena Ursu, and Mihai Niculiță

Deep learning has been successfully used in landslide detection, with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) being the most widely used framework. The characteristics of the terrain are often the best predictors in such tasks. However, it can be difficult to choose which geomorphometric variables to use as inputs for the deep learning model. A small area in the Moldavian Plateau, a region where landslides are often present in the landscape, was used to benchmark the performance of more than 30 geomorphometric variables in a binary classification task. The area was split into raster tiles of 100x100 pixels, each being labeled as either having a landslide present or not. To generate the geomorphometric variables, a high-resolution LiDAR DEM was used. Three CNN architectures were tested (AlexNet, ResNet, and ConvNeXt), and the model performance metrics were reported. Expectedly, ConvNeXt was the best-performing architecture, with over 20 of the variables having an F1-score of more than 0.8. The hillshade, the digital elevation model, and the profile curvature were the best-performing variables.

How to cite: Cuvuliuc, A.-A., Ursu, D.-E., and Niculiță, M.: Evaluating the performance of geomorphometric variables for landslide detection using convolutional neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12939,, 2025.

Landslides are among the most common natural hazards in mountainous regions, with substantial impacts on infrastructure, ecosystems, and communities. The landslide in Kotrupi and near the Prashar Lake, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India, has been actively evolving for the past few years, posing significant challenges to the region. This study combines UAV-based remote sensing with a novel computational approach using open-source MATLAB code to analyse the landslide's failure surface and quantify its volume. 

Using high-resolution UAV data, detailed 3D models and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of the sites are developed. This method was applied to estimate the landslide failure surface and volume using spline curves and transversal vertical profiles derived from the high-resolution DEMs. The model assumes tangent values of the failure surface, calculates the depth of the probable failure surface at each grid point, and plots it using a 2D grid function. By employing MATLAB code, the process is fully automated, requiring minimal data inputs, such as a DEM and KML file of the contour limits. The model generates a 3D failure surface, enabling rapid and precise volume calculations. 

Preliminary results highlight a significant volume release, offering insights into landslide dynamics and potential downstream hazards. The model's simplicity and adaptability are valuable tools for predicting hazard zones and defining mitigation strategies. By imposing additional constraints based on field measurements, this approach further refines predictions and enhances disaster preparedness. This study underscores the utility of combining UAV technology with advanced computational modelling to address landslide monitoring and risk assessment challenges effectively. 

How to cite: Manocha, A. R. and Riaz, M. T.: Integrating UAV Mapping and Spline-Based Modeling for Landslide Volume Estimation: A Case Study of Landslides in Himachal Pradesh , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13202,, 2025.

Modern natural hazard monitoring systems, utilizing various platforms and sensors, support risk management and Early Warning Systems (EWSs). A crucial aspect of hazard prediction is detecting spatial and temporal changes in landslide areas and identifying their precursors. Despite the rapid development of modern measurement techniques, such as remote sensing, accurately monitoring landslide areas remains challenging. These challenges arise from the diversity of landslide types, the nature and density of vegetation cover, and the limitations associated with the spatial resolution of the acquired data, which may affect the detection of changes in the study areas. This study presents an analysis of optical images and radar interferograms for selected landslide areas to identify precursors and characterize landslide dynamics.

The analyses included a time series of changes in normalized vegetation indices and radar interferogram coherence. Vegetation indices such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (GNDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI), Moisture Stress Index (MSI), and Normalized Moisture Stress Index (NMSI) were examined, along with radar image coherence. Integrating these data types enhances monitoring efficiency by combining information from different measurement techniques, providing complementary insights, and enabling a better understanding of landslide dynamics.

The conducted analysis of high-frequency measurement data revealed that normalized vegetation indices in many cases showed significant changes in landslide-prone areas before the landslides occurred. Decreases in coherence coefficient values over the same period also indicated significant changes in the analyzed areas, further confirming the occurrence of displacement in these areas. The observed correlation between the decrease in coherence and changes in vegetation index values suggests that landslide processes affected both the terrain structure and vegetation cover. Integrating optical and radar satellite data shows the potential for identifying landslide precursors and evaluating landslide activity. Such analyses can significantly support the development of landslide risk assessment tools and EWSs.

How to cite: Januchta, K.: Time series analysis of vegetation indices and radar coherence as precursors of landslide occurrence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16035,, 2025.

EGU25-16324 | ECS | Orals | NH3.17

Terrain Analysis and Landslide Hazard Evaluation from Garhwal Himalaya: Contribution from conventional and remote sensing tools 

Swati Sharma, Nikhil Puniya, Soumyajit Mukherjee, and Atul Kumar Patidar

Located in the western part of the Garhwal Himalaya, India, the upper Bhagirathi region of District Uttarkashi is subject to numerous tectonic events, viz., earthquakes, landslides, and subsidence. Extreme rainfall in monsoon and the area's shifting land use pattern combined with tectonic instability cause frequent landslides especially along the highway stretches. In this study a field survey for rock slope kinematic analysis was conducted along National Highway No. 108 connecting Dharasu to Gangotri where eleven heavily jointed rock slopes were examined and the most susceptible slopes were identified based on the joints, their spacing, aperture, roughness, filling type, and weathering state were recorded for Rock Quality Designation (RQD), Geological Strength Index (GSI), Rock Mass Rating (RMR), and Slope Mass Rating (SMR). Rock slopes at a few locations have shown a high propensity towards planar and wedge failure where the slope face and the joints are dipping in the same direction with a high dip amount for the slope i.e. up to 70° whereas in other slopes the joint set intersections have indicated wedge failure probability. Further temporal landslide inventories, from 2012 to 2018 and 2018 to 2022 were used in the spatial analytic tools to create a database for the major causative elements (topographic roughness index, slope units, slope angles, fault and lineament density, slope curvature, topographic wetness index, proximity of slopes to the highway, proximity of slopes to the stream) through ensemble GIS-based models (Shannon Entropy, Information Value, and Frequency Ratio Assessment). Comparative landslide hazard evaluation (LHE) was performed for pre-2018 (before highway expansion) and LHE post-2018 when the national highway expansion started. The southward-oriented slope units with an inclination > 45°, concave curvature, and proximity of 130 m from the highway stretch have shown more association with landslide pixels. Also, the total landslide pixels have shown a considerable increase from 11391 (up to 2018) to 17999 (post-2018), which mostly fall along National Highway 108. We deciphered the dominance of litho-structural factors that contribute to the extremely brittle nature of the rock slopes in the Dharasu region based on field and remote sensing studies.

How to cite: Sharma, S., Puniya, N., Mukherjee, S., and Patidar, A. K.: Terrain Analysis and Landslide Hazard Evaluation from Garhwal Himalaya: Contribution from conventional and remote sensing tools, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16324,, 2025.

EGU25-18377 | ECS | Orals | NH3.17

High-resolution, UAV-based mapping of the DSGSD scarp at Padauner Berg (Brenner Pass, Austria) 

Edoardo Carraro, Till Wenzel, Hannah Andlinger, and Philipp Marr

Large-scale landslides pose a significant threat to both population and infrastructure. Among various slope movements, deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs) are landslides affecting large portions of slopes, occurring in several mountain regions in the Alps and worldwide. These processes are evolving in a long-term dynamic, and their kinematics are characterized by relatively low displacement rates (mm-cm/yr) compared to the spatial extent of the affected slope. However, these phenomena should not be neglected when assessing potential hazards in a specific area. Continuous evolution of DSGSDs may cause damages to infrastructure and, in some cases, evolve into secondary, faster landslide processes and invoke a substantial risk for critical infrastructure. This becomes of major importance when the infrastructure is essential for local communities, commuters and cross-border transportation. Therefore, it is important to investigate and better understand ongoing processes.

This study presents preliminary findings from the investigation of a known DSGSD in the bottleneck area of the Brenner Corridor between Italy and Austria. In this region, the occurrence of DSGSDs is controlled by the tectonic setting, combined with the presence of lithologies with structural weaknesses (e.g., schistosity). These slope instabilities not only affect entire valley flanks, potentially involving massive unstable volumes in case of collapse, but also threaten the Brenner corridor, a key transportation route linking northern and southern Europe across the Alps. Our investigation focuses on the characterization of the upper scarp of the Padauner Berg slope (2230 m a.s.l.) in Austria, which shows surface evidence of ongoing deformation. The research combines close-range remote sensing using a commercial UAV device (DJI Phantom 4 Pro) and field observations across an area of 0.10 km2. Images captured during the UAV survey were processed using a standard Structure from Motion (SfM) workflow to generate a high-resolution 3D point cloud. The point cloud was georeferenced using ground control points (GCPs), equally distributed across the study area and surveyed with a high-precision GNSS device. Approximately one-third of the GCPs were used as checkpoints to assess the accuracy of the georeferenced point cloud.

The results of this study contribute to identifying terrain morphologies and mapping distinct morphostructures on the slope, such as ridges and uphill-facing scarps. These findings provide a preliminary assessment of the potential extent and enlargement of the slope instability, aiming to bridge the gap between remote sensing outputs and conventional geomorphological analysis to understand DSGSD dynamics at a local scale. Additionally, this study evaluates the possibility of complementing previous DEMs as well as orthoimagery to calculate surface changes and quantitatively assess the temporal evolution of the investigated DSGSD. However, while UAV-based surveys offer a practical solution for spatial representation of potentially hazardous processes in high-alpine areas, the study highlights certain methodological limitations, such as flight altitude and terrain accessibility, that must be considered when planning flight missions to ensure consistent and comparable results across repeated surveys.

How to cite: Carraro, E., Wenzel, T., Andlinger, H., and Marr, P.: High-resolution, UAV-based mapping of the DSGSD scarp at Padauner Berg (Brenner Pass, Austria), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18377,, 2025.

EGU25-18891 | Orals | NH3.17

Automated Identification of Landslide-Prone Areas in Southern Italy: A Case Study from Caiazzo  

Diego Di Martire, Ester Piegari, Marco Ramaglietti, Enrico Cascella, Francesco Carotenuto, and Maria Daniela Graziano

Landslides pose a significant threat to community safety globally, with Italy being particularly vulnerable. In the Campania Region (Southern Italy), nearly all municipalities are classified as high geo-hydrological risk areas, necessitating focused attention on these natural hazards. From a geological point of view, the Campania Region is characterised by a high complexity, presenting lithologies affected by both rapid (debris flow) and slow (earthflow) landslides, almost all of which are triggered by rainfall, sometimes by earthquakes. This concern is underscored by requests from rail transport authorities in Campania to enhance monitoring systems to identify landslide-prone areas that may impact railway operations.

This study investigates the use of unsupervised machine learning techniques for the automatic identification of landslide-prone areas in the western region of Caiazzo, Caserta (Southern Italy). The research addresses the frequent disruptions of the Naples-Caiazzo-Piedimonte Matese railway line due to severe hydrogeological instability. An automatic procedure was developed to identify areas at higher risk, utilizing a dataset comprising 12 geomorphological parameters relevant to landslide susceptibility. The analysis involved dimensionality reduction through principal component analysis and clustering using the K-Means algorithm. The clustering results segmented the area into twelve zones, highlighting three critical zones with the highest landslide risk. Comparison with a landslide inventory map indicated that most triggering points fell within these clusters, offering valuable insights for targeted monitoring and risk management strategies.


How to cite: Di Martire, D., Piegari, E., Ramaglietti, M., Cascella, E., Carotenuto, F., and Graziano, M. D.: Automated Identification of Landslide-Prone Areas in Southern Italy: A Case Study from Caiazzo , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18891,, 2025.

EGU25-20341 | ECS | Orals | NH3.17

From pixels to prevention: gigapixel imaging for landslide assessment 

Saverio Romeo, Alessandro Fraccica, and Valerio Vitale

The increasing occurrence of geohazards such as landslides, rockfalls, and slope instabilities, often exacerbated by climate change and human activities, highlights the urgent need for innovative tools to assess and monitor these phenomena effectively. While conventional techniques in the field of Remote Sensing such as laser scanning (LiDAR), aerial photogrammetry, satellite interferometry (InSAR), have proven invaluable for geohazard analysis, they often require significant financial and technical resources. In this context, Gigapixel imaging emerges as a promising, cost-effective alternative, providing ultra-high-resolution visual data capable of supporting geohazard assessment and fostering awareness among stakeholders and the general public. This work explores the use of Gigapixel imaging - a technique based on the capture of ultra-high-definition optical images composed of billions of pixels - for geohazard assessment and analysis. This approach, coupled with traditional photogrammetric techniques (e.g. Structure from Motion) enables the generation of detailed visual representations, both in two and three dimensions, of geological features and processes. The practical implications of this research extend to geotechnical monitoring, early warning systems, geoscience education and public awareness campaigns. For example, the detailed visualizations produced by Gigapixel imaging can be used to communicate geohazard risks to policymakers and local communities, fostering better understanding and preparedness. Additionally, the system’s affordability and ease of use make it accessible to a wide range of users, including researchers, professionals, public entities, and NGOs.

How to cite: Romeo, S., Fraccica, A., and Vitale, V.: From pixels to prevention: gigapixel imaging for landslide assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20341,, 2025.

EGU25-21387 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.17

Geological characterization and stability analysis for Salerno test site 

Serena De Luise, Giovanni Forte, and Marianna Pirone

Landslides are one of the most critical natural hazards in the world and can be extremely destructive. Campania region (southern Italy) is particularly susceptible to these phenomena, in particular to the flowslides, due to the presence of pyroclastic deposits, related to the eruption of volcanic complexes (Vesuvius and the Phlegraean Fields), on steep slopes made of carbonate or volcanic bedrock.

This study deals with experimental site in Salerno; it was chosen as it is geologically and geotechnically representative of the Lattari Mts, an area historically affected by this type of landslides. Furthermore, this choice allows for bridging the knowledge gap on these landslides between the northern slope, which has been extensively studied, and the southern slope, which has been less investigated.

This study proposes the geological characterization of the site through a multidisciplinary approach integrating boreholes, thickness logs and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) surveys; it is possible to define the stratigraphic section of the area and to determine the pyroclastic thickness, information that will then be crucial for a slope stability analysis.

In addition, the site will be equipped for the measurement and monitoring of soil hydraulic parameters (suction and volumetric water content), as they are preparatory factors for the triggering of these landslides. In fact, continuous monitoring of hydraulic and mechanical soil parameters is an important tool to improve the Early Warning Systems (EWS) and, thus, the risk mitigation.

Finally, preliminary results of UAV remote sensing data, using thermal and multispectral cameras, will be shown to estimate the hydraulic soil parameters measured in situ.

How to cite: De Luise, S., Forte, G., and Pirone, M.: Geological characterization and stability analysis for Salerno test site, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21387,, 2025.

NH4 – Earthquake Hazards

EGU25-1361 | ECS | Orals | NH4.1

Brief Account of the Post-event survey 2010 Pagai-Mentawai islands tsunami earthquake in Indonesia 

Admiral Musa Julius, Ramadhan Priadi, Suci Dewi Anugrah, Furqon Alfahmi, and ‪Alvina Kusumadewi Kuncoro

The tsunami earthquake earthquake occurred on 25 of October 2010 in the Indian Ocean about 79 km south-west of Mentawai islands. The tsunami caused severe damage and claimed many victims in some coastal villages. The main purpose of the survey was to measure the inundation and the run-up values as well as to ascertain the possible morphological changes caused by the wave attacks. Attention was particularly focussed on the most affected villages, that is Muntei Barubaru and Malakopak in Mentawai islands. The most severe damage was observed in the Muntei Barubaru. Most places were hit by three significant waves with documented wave height often exceeding 5 m. The maximum runup value (17.00 m) was measured at North Pagai, where also the most impressive erosion phenomena could be found. 

How to cite: Julius, A. M., Priadi, R., Anugrah, S. D., Alfahmi, F., and Kuncoro, ‪. K.: Brief Account of the Post-event survey 2010 Pagai-Mentawai islands tsunami earthquake in Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1361,, 2025.

  In order to interpret geological risk assessment for Earthquake hazard by mapping work, since geotechnical and geologic feature of each country is different, it is necessary to objectify or classify quantitativel geological risk evaluation in accordance with Korean rock mass characteristics.

 It could be summarized major categories of geological risk factors by locally geological features as thickness of soil over the rocks, geologic structure, rock mass characteristics, hydrogeology, high stress, and ground characteristics. 

Induced main factors that could be evaluated and predicted Earthquake hazard risk through literature investigation and analysis study on research trend related to the Earthquake map  engineering around the world. The final 15 risk factors were derived by considering the geological and geotechnical characteristics of Korea from the 40 or so preliminary extracted risk factors. The 15 risk factors are classified into 4 main categories and 1 additional category.

Among the five main categories, the geologic structure category are risk factors classified into faults and fracture zones, strike and dip of discontinuity, and dikes. Rock mass characteristics categories are risk factors classified into rock type, discontinuity roughness, RQD, uniaxial compressive strength of rock, and anisotropy. Hydrogeological categories are risk factors classified into groundwater level fluctuations, and permeability coefficients. The load category is the risk factor classified by the thickness of the soil above the rocks. The additional categories are risk factors classified into whether there is a karst topography, earthquake history, and ground displacement area.


How to cite: Myeong Hyeok, I.: Case Study of Geological Risk Factors for Earthquake Hazard Mapping in the South Eastern Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2445,, 2025.

EGU25-6093 | Posters on site | NH4.1

Damage Analysis of RC Frames in the Luding Ms 6.8 Earthquake, China 

Baijie Zhu, Lingxin Zhang, and Ning Li

A Ms 6.8 earthquake struck Luding, China, in September 2022, causing significant structural damages to buildings. Notably, reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures exhibited the failure mode of strong beam–weak column (SBWC), which poses a severe threat to human safety and economic stability. This study investigates the disadvantageous failure mechanisms in RC frame structures, drawing on observations from the author's recent field investigations. Refined finite element models (FEMs) of RC frames were developed to systematically simulate these failure mechanisms. The models enabled an in-depth analysis of structural characteristics, with particular attention to column-to-beam flexural strength ratios (CBFSRs). These ratios were calculated to identify thresholds that can prevent destructive SBWC failure modes and promote the desired strong column–weak beam (SCWB) behavior. The FEM analysis results were validated against real-world earthquake damage phenomena, showing strong consistency in damage patterns. The study also highlights the critical role of external factors in exacerbating structural damage. For example, slope site effects significantly amplified seismic impacts on structures. Furthermore, the influence of non-structural elements such as Que Ti and infill walls was found to increase shear force demands on RC frame columns, further compromising their performance under seismic loads. Based on these findings, the study proposes an optimal range for CBFSRs to achieve SCWB behavior, contributing to safer structural designs. Practical recommendations and considerations are outlined to guide future earthquake-resistant construction practices and mitigate disaster risks effectively.

How to cite: Zhu, B., Zhang, L., and Li, N.: Damage Analysis of RC Frames in the Luding Ms 6.8 Earthquake, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6093,, 2025.

The Belìce Valley is located in the western part of Sicily, shared between the territories of the three former provinces of Palermo, Trapani, and Agrigento (Italy). At 2.01.09 (GMT) on 15 January 1968, this area of western Sicily was hit by a 6.41 Mw earthquake. This seismic event caused about 370 deaths and severe damage to 14 villages, four of these (Gibellina, Poggioreale, Salaparuta and Montevago) were completely destroyed. The stark reality of the destruction of entire urban settlements followed by the top-down rewriting of the local identities induced 1 ) a generalized de-territorialization as a strategy of the government bodies aimed to facilitate the population decrease in the Belìce Valley and 2) the foundation of new cities, such as the “new” Gibellina (about 10 km from the original site and rebuilt in a part of the village of Salemi territory), the “new” Poggioreale (3 km away from the original site) and the “new” Salaparuta (also 3 km away from the original site), to which it is possible to add Montevago.

In this work we attempt an innovative way of reading the legacy of that dramatic event based on a double-sided approach: 1) an analysis of the deterritorialization and reterritorialization process based on a geoeconomic approach and 2) a detailed framing, through special geovisual tools, of the paths of the regeneration process to verify whether the “new” interaction between humans and nature has reached an adequate level. We address the technical issue of rephotography as a powerful and rapid method to observe the changes or territorial stasis following the earthquake. This approach is based on the collection of historical photographs and, subsequently, on-site activities for the creation of a contemporary archive of images. This double analysis introduces us to a new perspective where, in our opinion, it is possible to frame some characteristics of the Belìce Valley and some more general aspects useful for other territories affected by destructive events and that must face choices regarding the future of their communities.

How to cite: Mattia, M., Petino, G., and Napoli, M. D.: The 1968 Earthquake in Belìce Valley (Sicily, Italy):  Evolution of a human and natural landscape as a tool for a backward analysis of a rebuilding process in a rural area., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7067,, 2025.

EGU25-7608 | Orals | NH4.1

Coastal-medium deformation and seismic hazards induced by the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake tsunami 

Tae-Kyung Hong, Byeongwoo Kim, Junhyung Lee, Seongjun Park, and Jeongin Lee

The 1 January 2024 Mw7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake generated a tsunami that spread across the East Sea (Sea of Japan). We investigate the tsunami effect on the coast in regional distances using tsunami-induced seismic wavetrains recorded by borehole broadband seismometers in the Korean Peninsula. The tsunami-induced seismic wavetrains are observed in the seismic stations near the coast. The seismic wavetrains are consistent with the tsunami records in tide gauges. The shared features in waveforms and spectral contents between the tsunami waves and the tsunami-induced seismic signals suggest that the energy origins are the same. The coastal loading of the tsunami induces ground tilting around the coast, producing long-period horizontal wavetrains that are polarized in coastline-perpendicular directions. The long-period tsunami-induced seismic energy deform the medium dynamically. Tsunami-induced deformation decreases with distance from the coast, being effective up to some depths. The amplitudes of tsunami-induced seismic signals are proportional to the amplitudes of tsunami waves. The tsunami-induced dynamic stress change reaches 0.81 kPa on the coast. A large runup height of a tsunami may trigger earthquakes around the coast.

How to cite: Hong, T.-K., Kim, B., Lee, J., Park, S., and Lee, J.: Coastal-medium deformation and seismic hazards induced by the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake tsunami, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7608,, 2025.

EGU25-10899 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.1

Seismic Monitoring in Sicily: Insights from ETAS and Magnitude of Completeness Approaches 

Anna Figlioli, Giovanna Cilluffo, Raffaele Martorana, Giovanni Vitale, and Antonino D'Alessandro

Seismic activity is a fundamental characteristic of tectonically active regions, and Sicily represents a key area for understanding seismic processes in the Mediterranean. This study presents a comprehensive survey of seismic activity in Sicily using the Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) method and a detailed analysis of the magnitude of completeness (Mc). By integrating these two approaches, we aim to enhance our understanding of seismicity patterns and assess the seismic hazard in the region.

The ETAS model, widely used in seismology, enables the separation of background seismicity from earthquake clusters, such as aftershocks and swarms. We employed this method to model seismic events recorded in Sicily over a multi-year period, using data from local and regional seismic networks. By estimating key ETAS parameters, including productivity, aftershock decay rate, and spatial clustering, we provide insights into the temporal and spatial distribution of seismicity. Our analysis reveals significant variability in seismic clustering across different tectonic domains in Sicily, reflecting the complex interplay of crustal structures and active fault systems.

In parallel, the Mc was evaluated to determine the reliability of the seismic catalog used. The Mc defines the lowest magnitude at which all earthquakes in a given dataset are reliably detected, making it a critical parameter for seismic hazard assessment. Through statistical techniques such as the maximum curvature method and goodness-of-fit tests, we assessed Mc spatially and temporally. Results indicate that Mc varies significantly across the region, influenced by factors such as network density, station sensitivity, and local noise conditions. Areas with lower Mc values, such as the eastern coast near Mount Etna, provide a higher resolution of seismic activity compared to regions with sparser network coverage.

By combining ETAS modeling with Mc analysis, this study highlights the importance of comprehensive seismic monitoring in seismically active regions like Sicily. Our findings show that the seismicity is highly influenced by the region’s tectonic complexity, which includes the convergence of the African and Eurasian plates, active subduction processes, and the dynamic volcanic activity of Mount Etna. These factors contribute to the heterogeneous distribution of seismicity and underscore the need for tailored monitoring and modeling strategies.

The results have important implications for seismic hazard assessment in Sicily. The ETAS model allows for the probabilistic forecasting of aftershock sequences. Additionally, understanding Mc distribution enhances the reliability of seismic catalogs, which are fundamental for evaluating seismic risk and improving earthquake preparedness.

In conclusion, this study demonstrates the utility of combining the ETAS method with Mc analysis to achieve a deeper understanding of seismic activity in Sicily. The integration of these methodologies not only refines the characterization of seismicity but also provides actionable insights for regional seismic hazard mitigation efforts.

How to cite: Figlioli, A., Cilluffo, G., Martorana, R., Vitale, G., and D'Alessandro, A.: Seismic Monitoring in Sicily: Insights from ETAS and Magnitude of Completeness Approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10899,, 2025.

EGU25-11406 | Orals | NH4.1

Enhancing ShakeMaps using crowdsourced smartphone data and macroseismic information through spatial statistical modelling 

Francesco Finazzi, Remy Bossu, Fabrice Cotton, Silviu Mihaita Filote Pandelea, and Gianfranco Vannucci

The assessment of ground shaking at high spatial resolution after a recent or future earthquake is crucial for rapid impact assessment and risk management. This is even more important in the urban context, where small-scale differences can have a significant effect on the impact of the earthquake on people and property. Classical seismological networks, however, are usually too sparse to capture the variability of ground shaking at high spatial resolution. In this paper, we show how a multivariate spatial statistical model can be used to improve ShakeMaps by integrating station data (e.g. peak ground accelerations), data from citizen science initiatives (e.g. smartphone accelerations and felt reports), and macroseismic data. The statistical model accounts for the heterogeneity of the data sources in terms of spatial density, measurement uncertainty and bias. The model achieves data fusion without the need for calibration relationships and co-located information, and provides the ShakeMap uncertainty in a natural way.

Our approach is applied to events measured by a seismological network and by the smartphones of the Earthquake Network citizen science initiative, and for which felt reports from the LastQuake app of the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre and macroseismic information by the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology are available.

How to cite: Finazzi, F., Bossu, R., Cotton, F., Filote Pandelea, S. M., and Vannucci, G.: Enhancing ShakeMaps using crowdsourced smartphone data and macroseismic information through spatial statistical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11406,, 2025.

EGU25-11532 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.1

Macroseismic re-appraisal of the 1783 Calabria seismic sequence 

Martina Orlando, Andrea Tertulliani, and Laura Graziani

Among the natural disasters that occurred in Europe in modern times, the earthquakes of February and March 1783 are certainly the most well-known and studied. This is due to their vast European resonance, the wealth of documentary material produced about the event, and the complexity and audacity of the recovery plan for the province developed by the Neapolitan government authorities. The seismic sequence is currently reported in seismic catalogs with five main shocks occurring between February 5 and March 28, 1783, with magnitudes ranging between 5.1 and 7.1. Despite the wealth of documentary evidence and the extensive scholarly literature that has emerged, significant gaps remain in our understanding of this seismic sequence. These limitations arise primarily from the inherent challenge of distinguishing between the effects of individual earthquakes and assessing the cumulative impact of successive shocks (Stucchi and Rovida, 2008; Guidoboni and Valensise, 2015; Tertulliani et al., 2018). Therefore, a long-term study was undertaken to re-examine what was already known, starting from existing sources, and to enrich the documentary heritage through new basic research, with the aim of increasing the number of macroseismic observations. This work presents the analysis of information relating to approximately 565 localities, based on a hypothetical chronological reconstruction of the sequence's shocks, which takes into account the impact of cumulative damage caused by multiple shocks when assigning macroseismic intensity. Through this approach, the shocks already present in the catalogs were reconstructed as faithfully as possible, using a richer knowledge framework compared to the past. The assignment of macroseismic intensities, according to the MCS and EMS-98 scales, has allowed for the construction of a new and broader macroseismic dataset and the proposal of a new interpretation of the sequence, highlighting the problems connected to the assignment of intensities.

How to cite: Orlando, M., Tertulliani, A., and Graziani, L.: Macroseismic re-appraisal of the 1783 Calabria seismic sequence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11532,, 2025.

The 4 February 1867 earthquake is the largest in the Ionian Islands and one of the largest in the Eastern Mediterranean. However, it remained until recently one of the least studied historical events. In order to highlight its characteristics and impact we reevaluated existing knowledge and used new contemporary and modern sources.

The reevaluated sources included contemporary scientific reports and descriptions of local writers, while the newly utilized sources comprised contemporary local and national newspapers, additional reports from scientists and local writers, ecclesiastical chronicles, and modern sources such as scientific books, works by local authors, and local and national journals. The extracted information focused on: (i) the seismological parameters, (ii) the impact on the local population, (iii) the damage to buildings, and (iv) the earthquake environmental effects (EEEs).

The first category included the origin time and duration of the main shock, the epicenter location, precursors, and aftershocks, among other details. The impact on the population encompassed both the direct and indirect effects of the main shock, including the emergence of infectious diseases, as well as the demographic evolution in the following years. Regarding the building stock, the dominant building types were identified, along with the type, extent, and distribution of damage observed in villages and towns. The EEEs comprised ground cracks, landslides, liquefaction, hydrological anomalies, and sea disturbances, including a mild tsunami.

Based on the provided information, it is concluded that the affected residential areas were located within specific zones predominantly composed of post-alpine deposits and, to a lesser extent, alpine formations, both characterized by mechanical properties that render them susceptible to earthquake-triggered failures. Furthermore, the EEEs occurred in zones with high susceptibility to such phenomena, supported by a rich history of previous and subsequent occurrences. The available quantitative and qualitative data allowed for the application of the European Macroseismic Scale 1998 (EMS-98) and the Environmental Seismic Intensity Scale (ESI-07), facilitating a comparison of results and intensity distributions. This analysis highlighted the most affected fault blocks and identified the factors controlling their distribution.

This research has not only highlighted the benefits of utilizing such sources and information for reconstructing a historical destructive earthquake, but it has also demonstrated that independent sources remain to be explored and new perspectives could still provide valuable insights into historical earthquakes. Moreover, this study underscores that understanding the past seismicity of the Ionian Islands, as well as other seismically active regions worldwide, remains an open challenge for the global scientific community.

How to cite: Mavroulis, S., Mavrouli, M., and Lekkas, E.: Reappraisal of the 4 February 1867 Ionian Sea (Western Greece) earthquake and its impact on the environment, structures and public health, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12713,, 2025.

EGU25-14111 | Orals | NH4.1

Quantifying Foreshock Anomalies: Insights from Envelope Waveforms 

Giuseppe Petrillo, Eugenio Lippiello, Luca Dal Zilio, and Cataldo Godano

Predicting large earthquakes remains a complex and critical challenge in seismology. This study investigates distinctive seismic precursors by analyzing unique waveform patterns in foreshock sequences. Using the 2011 Mw9.1 Tohoku earthquake as a case study, preceded by a Mw7.3 foreshock, we identified an anomalous sawtooth pattern in the ground velocity envelope following the foreshock. Unlike typical post-earthquake recordings, this pattern is interpreted as evidence of the locked state of the mainshock fault, which suppresses the foreshock’s ability to trigger aftershocks.
To quantify these waveform anomalies, we developed the index Q based on the first 45 minutes of waveform recordings. Applying this method to 75 Mw6+ earthquakes recorded globally since 2010, our approach correctly identified 10 out of 11 foreshock sequences that preceded larger earthquakes within 10 days. Only 7 out of 64 remaining earthquakes were misclassified, highlighting the robustness of the method.
Our findings suggest that these sawtooth patterns are reliable indicators of impending large earthquakes, offering a novel tool for seismic forecasting. By integrating this method with other geodetic and seismological datasets, we aim to enhance hazard assessment and mitigation strategies, contributing to improved preparedness for future seismic events.



1Lippiello, E., Petrillo, G., Godano, C., Tramelli, A., Papadimitriou, E., & Karakostas, V. (2019). Forecasting of the first hour aftershocks by means of the perceived magnitude. Nature communications, 10(1), 2953.


How to cite: Petrillo, G., Lippiello, E., Dal Zilio, L., and Godano, C.: Quantifying Foreshock Anomalies: Insights from Envelope Waveforms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14111,, 2025.

EGU25-15884 | ECS | Orals | NH4.1

Revealing Hidden Seismic Histories: Prehistoric Landslides as Indicators of Paleo-Earthquakes in the Outer Western Carpathians 

Thanh-Tùng Nguyễn, Ivo Baroň, Jia-Jyun Dong, Rostislav Melichar, Filip Hartvich, Jan Klimeš, Jan Černý, Martin Šutjak, Lenka Kociánová, Václav Dušek, Matt Rowberry, Régis Braucher, Tomasz Goslar, Chia-Han Tseng, Yi-Chin Chen, Cheng-Han Lin, and Jia-Qian Gao

Eastern Part of the Czech Republic in the Outer Western Carpathians (OWC), particularly the Javorníky Mts. range along the Czech-Slovakian border, has been traditionally considered a geologically stable region with documented low contemporary seismic activity. However, recent geomorphological analyses and field investigations reveal compelling evidence of prehistoric large-scale and highly mobile mass movements, potentially triggered by paleo-earthquakes. This study integrates high-resolution LiDAR mapping, field investigations and trenching, geophysical surveys, radiometric dating, and numerical modeling to reconstruct the paleo-seismic characteristic of the region. 
We identified those paleo-landslide features using high-resolution LiDAR data and assumed their relationship to past seismic activity by their close vicinity to a Holocene polyphase surface rupture of the Lidečko Fault. LiDAR mapping combined with the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) analyses provide valuable insights into the structural geology, lithology, failure mechanisms of paleo-landslides. Trenching and dating techniques, including radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), help establish the timing of these events and their possible seismic triggers. Structural analysis of the Lidečko revealed the active strike-slip and oblique reverse kinematics with surface ruptures and liquefaction features, supporting the hypothesis of the landslides´ earthquake-induced origin.
Distinct three generations of landslides were identified as half-ellipsoidal depleted source zones about 400 m long, 200 wide and about 25 m deep with remnants of their accumulations at the toe and in the valley floor and different state of subsequent reworking by shallow slope processes. The fluidized mass was displaced for up to 1 km, of which up to 600 meters comprised totally flat riverbed. Radiometric dating of associated landslide-dam deposits revealed the landslides´ ages about 91 ka, 45 ka and 1.8 ka ago.
To accurately assess their potential coseismic origin, synthetic seismic acceleration data derived from waveform records in the OWC region is integrated into both Newmark Displacement Analysis (NDA) with the Velocity-Dependent Friction Law (VDFL) and the distinct element numerical modeling. This combined approach improves the simulation of rock mass and landslide dynamics under seismic loading conditions and ensures a more precise analysis of earthquake-induced slope processes. Specifically, PFC3D numerical modeling is employed to reconstruct the paleo-topography and simulate the long run-out behavior of paleo-landslides under various earthquake scenarios. These simulations provide deeper insights into the triggering mechanisms and movement patterns of such landslides.
The estimated magnitudes of past earthquakes challenge assumptions about the OWC's seismic stability and suggest significant unrecorded events. This study improves understanding of earthquake-induced landslides in stable regions and offers a framework for assessing long-term seismic hazards. The methods used can be applied to other areas with uncertain seismic histories, helping to better understand the connection between tectonics and landscape evolution.
The research was funded by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GC22-24206J) and Taiwanese National Technological and Science Council (MOST/NTSC 111-2923-M-008-006-MY3).

How to cite: Nguyễn, T.-T., Baroň, I., Dong, J.-J., Melichar, R., Hartvich, F., Klimeš, J., Černý, J., Šutjak, M., Kociánová, L., Dušek, V., Rowberry, M., Braucher, R., Goslar, T., Tseng, C.-H., Chen, Y.-C., Lin, C.-H., and Gao, J.-Q.: Revealing Hidden Seismic Histories: Prehistoric Landslides as Indicators of Paleo-Earthquakes in the Outer Western Carpathians, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15884,, 2025.

The extremely shallow location of the seismogenic megathrust in the western Solomons and the existence of significant island land area on the upper plate overlying the seismogenic zone enables us to use corals to obtain vertical motion history closer to the trench and lower plate than anywhere else in the world. In addition, coral paleogeodesy on Porites microatolls acting as long-term vertical positioning station may provide a relative sea level (RSL) change record spanning hundreds of years. Our goal is to develop a centennial record of sea level change and vertical tectonics from multiple Porites microatolls. By isolating the RSL record common to each microatolls, we can then derive a vertical tectonic record by removing the RSL variations from the raw time series recorded by the microatolls.  To achieve that goal, we present recent work combining coral paleogedesy, annual δ13C record and modeling of coral morphology over the last 80 years in the western Solomons. The steps to obtain a long-term record of sea level change and vertical tectonics on samples of a ~80 year old Porites head collected in 2013 after the 2007 Mw 8.1 earthquake. We sampled the coral over 2 to 3 annual bands every ~2 months at various depths and times, performed a stable isotope analysis on each sample, cross-correlated each record and plotted the variation in δ13C versus water depth. Linear regressions show that the variation in accumulated δ13C as a function of water depth relative to the coral’s top water depth is 41 cm/‰ with a R2 coefficient of 0.98. We the sampled bimonthly stable isotopes along 80 annual bands. The span of each year is determined from correlating the annual banding and the seasonal cycles in δ13C and δ18O. Applying the linear relationship to the δ13C generates a raw record of relative sea level change. We then use the monthly tide gauge record in Honiara (Guadalcanal) to remove the effects of regional sea level change to the RSL time series obtain from the coral. The result is a record of the vertical tectonic motion of part of the Western Solomon before and after the Mw8.1 2007 earthquake. We analyze the results in terms of the yearly vertical record of the seismic cycle. Current geodetic records at subduction zones constrain at most deformation during one earthquake cycle while multiple earthquake cycles are needed to robustly constrain the physical state of a megathrust.  We hope to be able to extend the coral paleogeodetic record in the Weatern Solomons over several hundred years over multiple seismic cycles.  This would represent a critical data gap that hampers our understanding of subduction physics and our ability to forecast earthquakes.

How to cite: Karaesmen, M. E., Lavier, L., and Taylor, F.: Decadal to Centennial Vertical Paleogeodetic Record of the Seismic Cycle in the Western Solomons from Coral Paleogeodesy and Stable Isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16187,, 2025.

We present an overview of the inversions performed with the KF method (Pettenati and Sirovich 2003; Sirovich and Pettenati 2004) on some historical earthquakes in the CPTI15 catalogue data domain. This method is based on a kinematic function (KF) that is controlled during the inversion by the Genetic Algorithm with Niching's Variant (NGA) algorithm (Gentile et al. 2004).

Since we are dealing with historical earthquakes, a distinction is first made between instrumental and pre-instrumental earthquakes. For the former between 1900 and 2009 a quantitative assessment is made, for the latter only qualitative assessments can be made. We present statistics to evaluate the magnitude and epicentral coordinates obtained from KF with instrumental data or the parameters of the CPTI15 catalogue. To evaluate the fault plane solutions, we instead used the disorientation angles with the instrumental focal mechanisms (Sirovich et al. 2013). In the case of pre-instrumental earthquakes, the assessments vary from case to case. From the comparison of the results obtained with techniques based on the conversion of strong motion data into intensity, statistical analysis or comparison with the seismotectonic of the area could be made.


Gentile, F., F., Pettenati and Sirovich, L.; 2004. Validation of the Automatic Nonlinear Source Inversion of the U. S. Geological Survey Intensities of the Whittier Narrows, 1987 Earthquake. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., vol.94, No.5, 1737-1747, October 2004,

Pettenati, F., and Sirovich, L.; 2003. Test of Source-Parameter Inversion of the USGS Intensities of the Whittier Narrows, 1987 earthquake. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am, vol.93, No.1, 47-60, February 2003,

Sirovich, L. and. Pettenati, F; 2004. Source Inversion of Intensity patterns of Earthquakes; a Destructive Shock in 1936 in northeast Italy. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 109, B10309, 2004, 1-16,

How to cite: Pettenati, F.: The KF-NGA technique for the inversion of macroseismic data. Summary of the solutions obtained from the CPTI15 catalogue data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16200,, 2025.

EGU25-16216 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.1

A global archive of accessible, analysis-ready coseismic displacement products for earthquake science applications derived from SAR and optical datasets 

Cole Speed, Mary Grace Bato, Simran Sangha, Charles Marshak, Joseph Kennedy, Diego Melgar Moctezuma, Margarita Solares, David Bekaert, and Eric Fielding

Earthquakes originating near Earth’s surface pose significant hazards to human safety and infrastructure, as their associated surface deformation can result in widespread structural damage and loss of life. Improved characterization of surface deformation patterns and extents associated with shallow earthquakes–when paired with knowledge of the earthquake epicenter and magnitude–can provide critical insight into earthquake mechanisms, surface rupture processes, and aid in determination of damage proxy extents for disaster response and mitigation efforts. Spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (InSAR), as well as pixel offset tracking of both SAR and optical imagery, can provide detailed measures of surface deformation occurring during an earthquake (i.e., “coseismic deformation”). The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) project at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory is currently developing a global archive of accessible, standardized, and analysis-ready coseismic displacement products derived from spaceborne SAR and optical datasets to facilitate more comprehensive studies of earthquake rupture processes and improve estimates for downstream rapid response efforts. Our product archive is unique from existing coseismic displacement product databases in terms of the data available, format, and accessibility. Our 30-meter resolution products are designed to be sensor-agnostic and are provided in standardized units and format for rapid integration into existing GIS platforms and modeling workflows with lower latency due to greater source data availability. Additionally, correction layers for solid-earth tides, ionospheric, and tropospheric propagation path delays are embedded with the analysis-ready products for the end-user. Integration of both SAR and optical datasets provide increased sensitivity to surface displacement via pixel offset tracking. Our workflow leverages the existing ARIA-HyP3 framework and capabilities to cost-effectively generate coseismic products in the cloud for the historic record of Sentinel-1 data availability (2014 - present), as well as for future large magnitude, shallow earthquake events meeting predefined significance thresholds. For these future events, our workflow will be automatically triggered and the resultant coseismic displacement products will be made available with low latency (<24 hours after source SAR/optical data are made available) to provide information about surface deformation and damage extents caused by the earthquake. In this presentation, we will demonstrate the product generation workflow and capabilities, as well as examples of earthquake science use-case and disaster response applications that showcase the advantages of our automated, standardized, and sensor-agnostic coseismic displacement products.

How to cite: Speed, C., Bato, M. G., Sangha, S., Marshak, C., Kennedy, J., Melgar Moctezuma, D., Solares, M., Bekaert, D., and Fielding, E.: A global archive of accessible, analysis-ready coseismic displacement products for earthquake science applications derived from SAR and optical datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16216,, 2025.

EGU25-19552 | Posters on site | NH4.1

Geochemical Signatures of Historical Eastern Mediterranean Tsunamis Preserved in Lagoon Sedimentary Sequences 

Ulaş Avşar, Serap Şen, and Murat Toygar Yeniçeri

Aquatic environments, particularly coastal lakes and lagoons, offer optimal conditions for preserving depositional records of past tsunami events. Tsunamis are known to transport sediments from shallow nearshore areas and sand spits, redepositing them in lagoon environments. This study investigates the geochemical signatures of historical Eastern Mediterranean tsunamis in two lagoons along the southern coast of Türkiye: Ölüdeniz and Demre lagoons. A total of nine piston cores, ranging from 3.5 to 4.0 meters in length, were analyzed using an ITRAX micro-XRF scanner to obtain high-resolution radiographic and optical images, as well as detailed elemental composition of the sediments. In Ölüdeniz, an oligotrophic lagoon, sedimentary events exhibiting distinct [Ti, Fe, Zn]/Ca anomalies temporally correlate with historical tsunamis. These anomalies are attributed to a sudden influx of sediment from the land into the lagoon, likely originating from the lagoon's sand spit. In contrast, in the hypersaline Demre Lagoon, tsunami deposits are characterized by sediments with lower concentrations of Sr, Cl, and Br compared to the background sedimentation. Due to the lagoon's hypersaline conditions, bio/chemical carbonate and detrital siliciclastic deposition are typically accompanied by salt deposition, which serves as the primary source of Cl and Br in the sediments. However, during the rapid deposition of tsunami sediments, there is insufficient time for salt deposition, resulting in the depletion of Cl, Br, and Sr in these layers. This study in Ölüdeniz and Demre lagoons confirms that lagoons are excellent sites for paleotsunami research.

How to cite: Avşar, U., Şen, S., and Yeniçeri, M. T.: Geochemical Signatures of Historical Eastern Mediterranean Tsunamis Preserved in Lagoon Sedimentary Sequences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19552,, 2025.

EGU25-20013 | Posters on site | NH4.1

Moment Tensor Inversion from Historical Seismograms: Case Studies in Southern Italy 

Debora Presti, Cristina Totaro, Silvia Scolaro, Josep Batlló, Barbara Orecchio, and Daniel Stich

The investigation of historical seismicity has increasingly demonstrated its pivotal role in advancing seismic hazard and risk assessment. This study presents an integrated methodological approach to recover and analyze analog seismograms, aiming to enhance our understanding of historical earthquakes and their implications for local and regional seismotectonic modeling. Our work focuses on three seismic events occurred in southern Italy: the 1947 Squillace Basin earthquake, the 1968 Belice sequence, and the 1978 Ferruzzano earthquake. These events, located within the geodynamically complex and high-seismic-risk Southern Italy region, represent significant case studies to test the potential of analog seismograms in providing past earthquake characterizations. For each event, we employed a systematic workflow encompassing the selection, digitization, and processing of analog seismograms. The instrument corrections were rigorously applied, and data quality was assessed to ensure reliable results. A time-domain waveform inversion algorithm specifically tailored for pre-digital data was utilized to compute moment tensor solutions. This approach allowed us to determine key seismic parameters, including fault mechanisms, hypocenter locations, and moment magnitudes, offering new insights into the seismotectonic framework of this region. The 1947 Squillace Basin earthquake was identified as a Mw 5.1 event with left-lateral kinematics on a WNW-ESE fault, consistent with STEP fault activity of the Northern Calabria subduction edge. Similarly, the 1968 Belice sequence revealed predominant reverse faulting on E-to-NE trending structures, resolving long-standing ambiguities in its causative mechanism. The 1978 Ferruzzano earthquake, previously characterized by conflicting interpretations, was redefined as a Mw 4.7 event with a NS normal faulting mechanism. Our findings underscore the invaluable role of analog seismograms in extending the seismic record, refining earthquake parameters, and constraining seismotectonic models. In addition, these results demonstrate the feasibility of applying modern techniques to historical data, paving the way for future investigations focused on early instrumental seismicity. By addressing challenges related to data preservation, digitization, and analysis, our work contributes to the ongoing efforts to compile comprehensive datasets for historical earthquakes. These datasets are essential for improving seismic hazard assessment and informing risk mitigation strategies, ultimately supporting the resilience of vulnerable communities to earthquake-related natural hazards.

How to cite: Presti, D., Totaro, C., Scolaro, S., Batlló, J., Orecchio, B., and Stich, D.: Moment Tensor Inversion from Historical Seismograms: Case Studies in Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20013,, 2025.

EGU25-21102 | Orals | NH4.1

Drivers of Earthquake Damage and Losses: a Global Perspective on Where and Why Seismic Risk is High 

Vitor Silva, Karim Aljawhari, Marco Baiguera, Alejandro Calderón, Martina Caruso, Catarina Costa, Daniela González González, Al Mouayed Bellah Nafeh, Anirudh Rao, Catalina Yepes, and Zarrin Karimzadeh

We know more about earthquake processes, vulnerability modelling and characterization of the built environment than ever before. Yet, earthquake losses and casualties continue to increase, even in countries where modern seismic design regulations have been introduced decades ago. In this study we investigate the drivers of earthquake damage and losses using the global seismic hazard and risk model developed by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation and its partners, as well as data from fatal earthquakes since 1950. We isolate specific parameters that can influence the severity of the ground shaking, the vulnerability of the building stock, and the spatial distribution of the population. These include the prevalence of soft soils, the average seismic hazard in each country, the likelihood of experiencing extreme ground shaking, the occurrence of earthquake-triggered hazards (i.e., liquefaction, landslides and tsunamis), the time of the event, the proximity of megacities to active faults, the percentage of specific types of construction, and some socio-economic factors. We compare these underlying parameters and the estimated or observed seismic risk between different countries and identify specific patterns that systematically exacerbate the overall impact. We observe that high economic losses are frequent in countries with well-established seismic regulations not only due to the high replacement/repair costs, but also due to the high prevalence of commercial and industrial facilities and complex infrastructure. On the other hand, high fatality risk is frequent in countries whose building stock is comprised of non-engineered buildings with heavy roofs and floors. Another relevant observation is that although ground shaking is overwhelmingly the main cause of damages and losses, under specific geological and demographic conditions, the impact of tsunamis, landslides and liquefaction phenomena can be devastating. Lessons drawn from these observations and patterns can be useful to understand how the impact of earthquakes can be better assessed, reduced, and managed.

How to cite: Silva, V., Aljawhari, K., Baiguera, M., Calderón, A., Caruso, M., Costa, C., González González, D., Nafeh, A. M. B., Rao, A., Yepes, C., and Karimzadeh, Z.: Drivers of Earthquake Damage and Losses: a Global Perspective on Where and Why Seismic Risk is High, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21102,, 2025.

EGU25-21239 | Posters on site | NH4.1 | Highlight

Review of historical data on earthquake damage to sacral buildings in northwestern Croatia 

Sanja Kovač, Davor Stanko, Dragana Dogančić, and Vesna Pascuttini Juraga

After the earthquakes in Zagreb and Petrinja in 2020, numerous churches, cultural and historical buildings built before 1964. throughout Northern Croatia suffered damage. Most of the damage includes damage to roofs, chimneys and unreinforced walls. Most of the injured of sacred buildings as well as cultural and older buildings in Northern Croatia was created on the prominent topographic localities - elevations.

The research was carried out in several stages:

  • study of the macroseismic intensity map of the 2020 earthquake to detect potential topographic locations in search of damage that consequence of topographical effects
  • study of the report on the inspection of statically damaged churches caused by earthquakes in the area of Varaždinska diocese
  • review and synthesis of available literature on the earthquake damage consequences and protection measures of the Zagreb and Petrinja earthquakes on the cultural assets of Varaždin, Međimurje and Zagorje counties
  • field investigations of individual topographic locations - gathering as much information as possible about the buildings, historical constructions and renovations and topographic characteristics. Preliminary measurements of microtremor were made for the purpose of detection predominant frequencies of the topographic locality.

The goal of historical data research was to gain insight into recurring damage from historical earthquakes on the topographic locality itself or in the immediate vicinity in order to try to learn about the influence of topography on this basis damage from the earthquakes themselves.

How to cite: Kovač, S., Stanko, D., Dogančić, D., and Pascuttini Juraga, V.: Review of historical data on earthquake damage to sacral buildings in northwestern Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21239,, 2025.

The southern and northern regions of Saudi Arabia and the Arabian Gulf suffer from inadequate soil quality, leading to damage during earthquakes. Understanding Sabkha soil's impact is crucial for earthquake-resistant building designs. This paper provides a three-dimensional finite element (FE) analysis of seismic soil-structure interaction utilizing the ABAQUS software. The research was conducted using three actual ground motion records that represent seismic activities with different intensities (low, middle, and high frequency). Additionally, the effect of the building's height and thickness of layers of Sabkha soil were investigated. The earthquake's response has been studied regarding acceleration response, stress distribution, and Sabkha soil settlement at the soil-foundation interface. The FE simulation results demonstrate that Sabkha soils increase seismic waves at the soil-structure interface due to the effects of soil-structure interaction. Moreover, the results indicate no significant likelihood of liquefaction in the Sabkha soil layers at the maximum design peak horizontal ground acceleration of 0.035 g; nevertheless, liquefaction is expected for elevated PHA values.

How to cite: Mayas, A. and Alshaikh, I.: Numerical investigation of seismic response of soil structure Interaction of the Sabkha soils in Saudi Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14,, 2025.

EGU25-169 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Seismic risk scenarios for Beirut, Lebanon 

Riva Karyl Varela, Etienne Bertrand, Marleine Brax, and Celine Bourdeau-Lombardi

Lebanon is an earthquake-prone country along the Levant Fault System, with three branches within 35 km of Beirut. Thus, this study focused on establishing seismic risk scenarios for Beirut, Lebanon, through the Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA) approach considering lithological site effects. Three seismic scenarios were studied on the Mount Lebanon Thrust fault, Roum Fault, and Yammouneh Fault. Seismic hazard determination was done through the estimation of the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) using the Ground Motion Models (GMM) of Akkar et al. (2014), Chiou and Youngs (2014), and Kotha et al. (2020) and then converting these values to macroseismic intensities. In all models and scenarios, lower PGA and intensities were found, located along the Achrafieh and Ras Beyrouth hills. PGA of up to 1.50 g was obtained for Mount Lebanon Thrust fault, resulting in an intensity of up to XI. Meanwhile, both Roum and Yammouneh Faults generated a maximum PGA of 0.25 g and a maximum intensity of VIII. Mean damage grade and damage grade distribution prediction in Beirut were determined based on the vulnerability indices of the buildings that are based on the RISK-UE methodology. Beirut consists mainly of masonry and reinforced concrete buildings with a maximum plausible vulnerability index of 0.953 and 0.800, respectively. Beirut was found to have the highest mean damage grade of 4.53 due to the seismic scenario of the Mount Lebanon Thrust fault. Earthquakes on both Roum and Yammouneh Faults generated similar mean damage grades at 1.71. For the damage grade distribution, 30 – 40% of the buildings in Beirut were expected to experience moderate to very heavy damage. However, the impact of site effect on the damage grade distribution in Beirut was not observed, suggesting that lithologic site effects play no significant role in damage grade prediction in the Beirut context. The results of this study can serve as a basis for improving the building code of Beirut and Lebanese seismic design, to strengthen and regulate earthquake safety and conditions. Potential improvements in policies related to these results are essential economically and help in preserving cultural heritage, as historical buildings are among the most vulnerable structures to earthquakes.

How to cite: Varela, R. K., Bertrand, E., Brax, M., and Bourdeau-Lombardi, C.: Seismic risk scenarios for Beirut, Lebanon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-169,, 2025.

EGU25-335 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.3

Impact of Rupture Geometry Uncertainty on Rapid Earthquake Impact Assessment: A Case study 

Furkan Narlitepe, Vitor Silva, and Christopher Brooks

After a devastating earthquake, especially during the blind hours, compiling the geometry of the seismic rupture is challenging due to difficulties in constraining its geometry. However, this is a key component to initiate rapid earthquake impact assessment. Modeling seismic ruptures as a point-source approximation is often performed in the minutes or hours after the event, but it introduces errors and bias in the loss estimation due to the rough estimate of the site-to-source distances for all the elements exposed to the ground shaking. In this study, the effects of different rupture modeling approaches on ground shaking intensity measurement and impact estimates (economic loss, fatality and number of completely damaged buildings) are investigated for the Mw 7.7 Kahramanmaraş earthquake scenario that affected southern Turkey on February 6, 2023. The rupture modeling approaches followed in this study, corresponding to different uncertainty levels, include the point source approach (a), planar rupture (b), rupture based on an existing hazard model for Türkiye (c), and a complex finite rupture (d). The complex finite rupture results are used here as the benchmark losses. This study serves to quantitatively evaluate the error rate range corresponding to different rupture models and to understand the effectiveness of the proposed rupture modeling approach (c), which can lead to an increase in the accuracy and reliability of rapid impact estimates.

How to cite: Narlitepe, F., Silva, V., and Brooks, C.: Impact of Rupture Geometry Uncertainty on Rapid Earthquake Impact Assessment: A Case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-335,, 2025.

Empirical methods for the development of fragility functions employ observational damage data collected after an earthquake. Observations at various locations, which are graded based on a predefined damage scale, are correlated to a ground motion intensity measure and as a result of this statistical process fragility functions are generated. This procedure essentially requires characterization of corresponding ground motion intensity levels that the buildings in the damage data set have experienced. Ideally, recorded ground motion data across the surveyed areas would be used for intensity level assignments. However, due to the scarcity of ground motion recordings, ground motion intensity values over the geographical extent where the damaged buildings spread out are obtained, in practice, through ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) or physics based ground motion simulations, which come with certain complexities and at additional computational cost. The estimated ground motions can then be further improved by the incorporation of the recorded values, if any available. After the Feb. 6, 2023 Kahramanmaraş-Türkiye earthquakes we derived fragility functions (Hancilar and Acikgoz, 2024a) using the official field based damage data (2023) and the rapid ground shaking estimations (Hancilar et al., 2023). We recently revisited our analyses for the computation of the spatial distributions of ground shaking intensities by incorporating different local site effect models, ground motion predictive models as well as by implementing bias adjustments on the ground motion estimations with the addition of more strong motion recording stations (Hancilar and Acikgoz, 2024b). This study deals with the re-derivation of fragility functions with different ground motion inputs while the building damage data kept unchanged. The resulting fragilities are compared and the effect of the ground motion uncertainty is examined.

How to cite: Hancilar, U. and acikgoz, N.: Ground Motion Uncertainty in Deriving the Empirical Fragility Functions after the Feb. 6 2023 Kahramanmaraş-Türkiye Earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-579,, 2025.

EGU25-1381 | Posters on site | NH4.3

Earth Observation-Driven Spatial Disaggregation of Exposure Models for Seismic Risk Analysis 

Marco Baiguera and Vitor Silva

The spatial resolution of exposure models is a critical factor in probabilistic seismic risk assessments. Aggregating exposure data at a regional scale often leads to inaccuracies in risk estimates, underscoring the need for spatial disaggregation at finer resolutions. Traditional methods typically rely on readily available data, such as population density, while newer approaches utilize advancements in Earth Observation (EO) technologies from remote sensing. This study examines the sensitivity of seismic risk estimates to various EO-based disaggregation methods, incorporating population counts, built-up areas, and building heights.  These methods are tested in countries with high resolution exposure models: Chile, France, and Nepal. The analysis involves aggregating exposure data at the first administrative level, followed by spatial disaggregation and subsequent testing through risk calculations using the OpenQuake engine. A uniform spatial grid resolution of 0.01° decimal degrees (approximately 1km) is employed. The study evaluates the spatial distribution of key risk metrics, including the number of buildings, replacement costs, occupants, and average annual loss (AAL). Results show that disaggregating exposure using a combination of population and built-up area data produces estimates that more closely align with actual exposure distributions, reducing errors in AAL. Moreover, EO-derived methods combined with fine grid resolutions are promising for enhancing risk modeling, with potential applications to other hazards, such as floods.

How to cite: Baiguera, M. and Silva, V.: Earth Observation-Driven Spatial Disaggregation of Exposure Models for Seismic Risk Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1381,, 2025.

The production of intensity maps (shakemaps) is a critical step following major earthquakes to assess the distribution of damage across affected areas. However, this process is often time-consuming and resource-intensive. It typically begins with expert teams conducting field surveys in impacted regions and concludes with the classification of zones based on the earthquake's intensity. Despite this, decision-makers require rapid estimates of losses to facilitate timely victim assistance and compensation, such as through the EVCAT scheme.

This need has led to the development of intensity maps based on the Mercalli scale (MMI) and their comparison with observed maps. The approach involves converting earthquake magnitude into ground acceleration values (PGA or SA) using ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs), followed by a transformation into MMI using established formulas (Worden et al., 2012). Each GMPE is typically calibrated for a specific region, reflecting its tectonic and seismic characteristics. When GMPEs are unavailable for a given area, similar reference zones are used as proxies.

In Morocco, where dedicated GMPEs are lacking, equations corresponding to nearby tectonic settings are employed. This study aims to evaluate and compare various GMPEs applicable to northern Morocco to identify the most suitable models. We selected two earthquakes with distinct characteristics—Al Hoceima (2004) and Nekkour (2023)—and performed stress tests based on specific criteria, including fault geometry and depth.

For the methodology, we utilized parameters published on the USGS platform for both events and performed calculations using the OpenQuake engine developed by GEM. The results revealed the convergence of four GMPEs, which we recommend applying to northern Morocco with equal weighting.

Keywords: Earthquake; Magnitude; MMI; Shakemap; PGA; GMPE; USGS; OpenQuake.

How to cite: Allaoui, A.: Evaluation of ground motion prediction equations and their corresponding shakemaps in northern Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3247,, 2025.

EGU25-4255 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Performance of an impact-based Earthquake Early Warning System in the Alboran Sea 

Lucía Escudero, Aldo Zollo, Maurizio Mattesini, Raffaele Rea, Luca Elia, Simona Colombelli, and Elisa Buforn

Earthquakes Early Warning Systems (EEWS) are one of the most effective tools to prevent and mitigate the damage that can be caused by earthquakes. Since October 2015, the Department of Earth Physics and Astrophysics of the Complutense University of Madrid has implemented an operational EEWS throughout the Ibero–Maghrebian Region (IMR). This system is based on the PRESTo (Probabilistic and Evolutionary Early Warning SysTem, Satriano et al. [2011]) software. Currently, a new EEWS (QuakeUp, Zollo et al. [2023]) based on the progressive temporal prediction of ground motion (‘’shaking’’) is being implemented in the same department. Not only does it provide an early determination of the hypocenter and magnitude, like the current EEWS, but the new method also combines Peak Ground Velocity (PGV) predictions calculated from observed P-wave amplitudes and region-specific Ground Motion Prediction Equation (GMPE) for the IMR, while using progressively updated estimates of earthquake location and magnitude.  As a result, it provides an ‘early’ P-wave-based shake map that is updated over time, offering a real-time, evolving map of the Potential Damage Zone (PDZ) defined as those zones where the Instrumental Intensity (IMM), calculated in terms of PGV, exceeds a previously defined threshold. This EEWS method has been validated using data from the 2016 Alboran Sea seismic series (Mw 5.0–6.4), which showed minimal discrepancies in origin time, epicenter location, and magnitude estimates compared to previous studies. A retrospective performance analysis for the Mw 6.4 main shock indicated lead-times of 14 to 62 s at a PGV threshold of 0.20 cm/s, with lead-times increasing with distance. At a higher threshold of 0.60 cm/s, the lead-time was 20 seconds for distances up to 170 km. The accuracy of impact predictions improved over time, with successful alerts rising from 72% to 90% as the final predictions were made. Despite some limitations due to focusing on moderate-magnitude earthquakes (Mw ≤ 6.4), the EEWS method has proven effective for offshore events in areas with sparse instrumentation.

How to cite: Escudero, L., Zollo, A., Mattesini, M., Rea, R., Elia, L., Colombelli, S., and Buforn, E.: Performance of an impact-based Earthquake Early Warning System in the Alboran Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4255,, 2025.

EGU25-4650 | Posters on site | NH4.3

Development of a Ground Motion Model (GMM) for Western China Based on Simulation and Observation Data 

Lei Fu, Xianwei Liu, Su Chen, Bin Zhang, and Xiaojun Li

Although dense strong motion observation arrays have been established nationwide in China, data from large earthquakes, particularly those at near-fault distances, remain limited, hindering the development of reliable ground-motion model (GMM). Over the past several years, we have employed a simulation scheme that utilizes stress drop, quality factor, and site transfer function, inverted from historical strong motion recordings by using the generalized inversion technique, as input parameter for the stochastic finite-fault method. Comparisons of simulated pseudo-spectral accelerations (PSAs) with observations from several historical earthquakes have demonstrated that this simulation scheme can produce reliable PSA at frequencies above 0.1 Hz. Thus, we aimed to develop a GMM specially for western China by integrating both simulated data from tens of historical earthquakes and observations. The resulting GMM (GMM1) was compared to two other GMMs: one developed solely from observation data (GMM2), and another incorporated near-fault distance data collected from the NGA-West2 dataset in addition to observation data (GMM3). The result shows that the median values of GMM1 are closely similar to those of GMM2 within a period range of 1 to 10 s. At periods below 1 s, the median values of the two GMMs are comparable only at distances greater than 100 km, whereas the median values of GMM1 and GMM3 are comparable. It is challenging to solidly judge which GMM is more reliable at this stage due to the lack of near-fault recordings of large earthquakes in the studied area. Nevertheless, unlike the published stochastic-based GMMs, which have significantly smaller standard deviations (SD) around 0.2, the total SD of GMM1 is closely match that of GMM2. However, although the SD curve shows similar shapes, the contribution of within-event and inter-event residuals to the total SD differ between GMM1 and GMM2. Although incorporating more comprehensive source models, lateral heterogenous path attenuation effects, and nonlinear site effects could potentially enhance the reliability of the simulation data, these findings indicate that the method for developing GMM based on simulation and observation data is promising.

How to cite: Fu, L., Liu, X., Chen, S., Zhang, B., and Li, X.: Development of a Ground Motion Model (GMM) for Western China Based on Simulation and Observation Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4650,, 2025.

The Northwestern Yunnan Region, located on the southeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, is characterized by a combination of ductile flow of the lower crust with low shear-wave velocity and gravitational collapse, giving rise to a complex network of active faults. This presents significant seismic hazards, particularly due to the potential for multi-segment ruptures and resulting landslides. This article presents a new seismic hazard model for the Northwestern Yunnan Region, incorporating recent findings on fault geometry and slip rates along with historical seismicity rates to assess multi-segment rupturing risks. Among the four potential multi-segment rupture combination models examined, Model 1, characterized by multi-segment rupture combinations on single faults, particularly fracturing the Zhongdian fault, is proposed as the most suitable for the Northwestern Yunnan Region, given that the non-mainshock slip ratios on fault segments are all below the 30%~40% threshold, as supported by the agreement of modeled seismicity rates with fault slip rates. Our analysis demonstrates that the Peak Ground-motion Acceleration (PGA) values for a mean return period of 475 years, which is calculated with the developed probabilistic seismic hazard model, has a strong correlation with the spatial distribution of the faults. On average, these values are higher than the PGA given by the China Seismic Ground Motion Parameters Zonation Map. Furthermore, we utilized PGA values with the Bayesian Probability Method and a Machine Learning Model to predict landslide occurrence probabilities, as a function of  our PGA distribution map. Our findings underscore that the observed combinations of multi-segment ruptures and their associated behaviors were in alignment with the small block rotation triggered by the gravitational collapse of the Tibetan Plateau. This result highlights the intricate interplay between multi-segment rupturing hazards and regional geological dynamics, while also providing valuable guidance for disaster preparedness efforts.

How to cite: cheng, J., Xu, C., and Xu, X.: Modeling Seismic Hazard and Landslide Occurrence Probabilities in Northwestern Yunnan, China: Exploring Complex Fault Systems with multi-segment rupturing in a Block Rotational Tectonic Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4889,, 2025.

EGU25-5092 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

A numerical approach for estimating the probability of earthquake surface rupture 

Lisa Mammarella, Francesco Visini, Paolo Boncio, Stéphane Baize, Oona Scotti, Céline Beauval, Bruno Pace, and Stephen Thompson

This study is part of the Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis (PFDHA) framework, which assesses the hazard posed by coseismic surface faulting to infrastructure systems (e.g., lifelines, nuclear power plants, and dams) located on or near an earthquake fault trace. The primary objective of this study is to estimate the probability of surface rupture on the principal fault—the main fault responsible for seismic moment release—based on faulting style, seismogenic thickness, fault geometry, and rupture size (i.e., earthquake magnitude). Current methods for estimating the probability of surface rupture on the principal fault are primarily based on empirical models. These models rely on observations of surface rupture occurrences versus non-occurrences, analyzed through logistic regressions using global or regional datasets of historical crustal earthquakes. However, empirical models have several limitations, including potential biases, catalog incompleteness (i.e., missing surface rupture data), and inconsistencies in fault geometry information and seismotectonic settings (e.g., seismogenic thickness). To overcome these limitations, we propose a numerical approach to compute the Conditional Probability of Surface Rupture (CPSR). This approach incorporates faulting style (normal, reverse, strike-slip), seismogenic thickness, fault dip, magnitude-dependent scaling relations for rupture shape and size, nucleation position within the rupture, and the statistical distribution of hypocenters within the seismogenic crust. These parameters are derived from statistical analyses of global fault rupture databases and earthquake distributions in various non-subduction seismotectonic settings. Our results indicate that CPSR probabilities are strongly influenced by seismogenic thickness and fault dip angle. Moreover, comparison between numerical results and empirical models suggests that CPSR depends on the specific characteristics of the study area. This model can be integrated into PFDHA as an epistemic alternative to purely empirical approaches. Additionally, the numerical code for CPSR computation has been developed and is openly available on GitHub.

How to cite: Mammarella, L., Visini, F., Boncio, P., Baize, S., Scotti, O., Beauval, C., Pace, B., and Thompson, S.: A numerical approach for estimating the probability of earthquake surface rupture, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5092,, 2025.

EGU25-5251 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Estimating the likelihoods of many earthquake scenario ruptures in a region in hazard models: Making grand inversions Bayesian 

Chris Rollins, Chris DiCaprio, Oakley Jurgens, and Matt Gerstenberger

A robust seismic hazard model for a region, in principle, requires a sense of the likelihood of every conceivable earthquake affecting that region - or, short of that, the likelihood of an exhaustive (with respect to hazard) set of possible earthquake scenarios. A central component of this (as implemented in recent seismic hazard models for California, New Zealand, the United States and elsewhere) is a "grand inversion" approach (Page et al., 2014; Field et al., 2014, 2021; 2024; Milner et al., 2022; Milner and Field, 2024), in which one:

1) generates a large (order 1e5-1e6) set of simple scenario ruptures on known faults, noting their magnitudes and how much surface slip each would produce (model matrix G);

2) assembles geologic and geodetic constraints on total fault-slip rates, paleoseismologic constraints on large-earthquake recurrence intervals, and seismic-catalogue constraints on the total magnitude-frequency distribution in the system (constraint vector d);

3) "inverts" the constraint vector and model matrix to estimate the rate of each scenario rupture in the system.

The model space is large and underdetermined (Page et al., 2014), so up to now, a simulated-annealing approach has been used to efficiently find a global-minimum solution that best fits the constraints. Then the uncertainties on the constraints, trade-offs between model elements, and prediction uncertainties have been propagated into the solution space by carrying many grand inversions with different input constraints (e.g. geologic or geodetic data or both, various b-values, various slip scaling laws) in each branch of a large logic tree, and by toggling importance weights on different constraints.

These grand inversions formed a central component of the New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model 2022 (Gerstenberger et al., 2024). In this process, we identified two characteristics that merit further work and may substantially impact estimated hazard levels. First, the current simulated-annealing approach return very sparse solutions. The input scenario-rupture sets for New Zealand feature several hundred faults, several thousand fault subsections and 1e5-1e6 plausible ruptures, but the grand inversions typically assign a rate of 0 to all but ~1000 ruptures, and many faults have only one or a few nonzero-rate ruptures (effectively a nearly characteristic model). Second, the grand inversions output only the global-minimum solution rather than the entire model-space exploration. This means that many of the uncertainties on the constraints (those that are not toggled overhead as alternate logic-tree branches), such as fault slip rate uncertainties, are not propagated into the model space except as weights. To overcome these limitations, we are making the grand inversions Bayesian by replacing the simulated-annealing approach with a Monte Carlo search with No U-Turn Sampling, and outputting the full posterior distribution of the model space. This will allow the grand inversions to propagate the full range of possible scenario ruptures on each fault into hazard estimates (modulo the data constraints) rather than only a few select ruptures.

How to cite: Rollins, C., DiCaprio, C., Jurgens, O., and Gerstenberger, M.: Estimating the likelihoods of many earthquake scenario ruptures in a region in hazard models: Making grand inversions Bayesian, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5251,, 2025.

Retrofitting techniques that address energy efficiency and seismic performance are necessary since aging buildings face challenges in achieving sustainability and resilience standards, especially in Taiwan. Exoskeleton reinforcement and exoskeleton systems, combined with photovoltaic (PV) panel walls, are the two retrofitting solutions evaluated in this study. These strategies aim to enhance building performance by mitigating seismic losses and energy performance and assessing environmental impacts. The FEMA P-58 approach, which incorporates near-field ground motion data from the PEER database, applies to evaluate seismic performance. Key performance indicators include carbon emissions, embodied energy, repair time, and cost. According to findings, exoskeleton retrofitting significantly improves structural resilience, which lowers repair costs and enhances recovery after seismic occurrences. By reducing operating expenses and carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy generation, the incorporation of photovoltaic (PV) panel walls further maximizes energy efficiency. These combined retrofitting techniques successfully advance sustainability goals by presenting a comprehensive strategy for reducing environmental effects and improving seismic safety. This research emphasizes integrating technology with advanced seismic retrofitting procedures to achieve long-term sustainability and resilience in the built environment. The outcomes provide helpful information for engineers, stakeholders, and users, supporting retrofitting as an economical and sustainable way to transform aging facilities.

How to cite: Permata, R. and Lin, S.-Y.: Integrated Retrofitting Strategies for Aging Buildings: Bridging Seismic Risk Mitigation and Sustainability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7872,, 2025.

EGU25-9299 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.3

Probabilistic Seismic Risk Assessment for Taiwan 

Jia-Sheng Hung and Chung-Han Chan

We propose a seismic risk assessment for Taiwan, focusing on establishing a building exposure database, selecting appropriate fragility curves, and analyzing seismic hazards. To build the exposure database, we utilized data from multiple sources, including government statistical records, tax data, and building footprints extracted from satellite imagery. By integrating these datasets, we generated a comprehensive repository containing building locations, structural types, building storey, and construction ages. For each structural type, fragility curves describe vulnerability as a function of ground motion intensity. Since most fragility curves in Taiwan are outdated, we utilized the curves from the Global Earthquake Model taxonomy and validated their applicability through a scenario analysis of the 2024 ML7.2 Hualien, Taiwan, earthquake. Seismic hazards were evaluated using the seismic model developed by the Taiwan Earthquake Model, which incorporates updated seismogenic sources and site conditions. By integrating the exposure, vulnerability, and hazard components, we assessed seismic risk over a specified period for Taiwan. Our risk map indicates that metropolitan areas in eastern and southwestern Taiwan may face higher seismic risk due to significant seismic hazards combined with the relatively high density of exposed buildings. This study provides valuable insights for disaster mitigation and earthquake reinsurance.

How to cite: Hung, J.-S. and Chan, C.-H.: Probabilistic Seismic Risk Assessment for Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9299,, 2025.

EGU25-9721 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Assessment of the strong ground motions from the Mw 6.8 earthquake on September 08, 2023 (High Atlas, Morocco)  

Mohamed EL Hilali, Vitor Silva, Youssef Timoulali, and Abdelhamid Allaoui

The 2023 Mw 6.8 earthquake that struct the Al Haouz region in Morroco causes significant ground shaking. This event took place in the western part of the Moroccan High Atlas domain and it had a major effect on the built environment. Many buildings collapsed, roughly, 3,000 people were killed and 6,000 were injured as a result of the earthquake. Unreinforced masonry and adobe buildings in isolated mountain settlements suffered the worst damage. Ground motion parameters such as peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV), and spectral acceleration (SA) are crucial in estimating the seismic performance of structures, assessing the effect of site effects, modeling ground motions for seismic hazard assessments, and update of seismic design regulations. The seismic features of ground movement in Al Haouz were analyzed, identifying factors such as fault rupture, soil conditions, and earthquake source characteristics that influence the strong shaking. One of the three-component acceleration records that was investigated was from a seismic station located near the earthquake epicenter (24 km away), which had a peak (horizontal) ground acceleration of ~0.28 g. We discuss vertical motions recorded from this earthquake as the vertical movement of the ground during earthquakes can also greatly influence the structural integrity of buildings. Finally, preliminary distributions and measures of the average shear wave velocity (Vs30) in the Al Haouz region are discussed, as these values have been used to represent site effects in many ground motion studies and building codes.

How to cite: EL Hilali, M., Silva, V., Timoulali, Y., and Allaoui, A.: Assessment of the strong ground motions from the Mw 6.8 earthquake on September 08, 2023 (High Atlas, Morocco) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9721,, 2025.

EGU25-10391 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.3

Impact of fault modeling assumptions on regional seismic risk assessment: A case study of the 1963 Skopje earthquake, North Macedonia 

Lisa Jusufi, Claudia Pandolfi, Mara Mita, and Filipe Ribeiro

North Macedonia lies near the boundary between the Eurasian and African tectonic plates. The movement of these tectonic plates leads to frequent moderate to strong earthquakes, making the Balkan region one of the most seismically active areas in the Mediterranean. In North Macedonia, the Skopje earthquake of July 26, 1963, was one of the most destructive events, causing significant damage and losses to the region's building inventory. It struck Skopje, the most densely populated area of the country.

The Skopje earthquake has been extensively studied. However, it has been observed that input parameters (i.e., depth, magnitude, fault kinematics) used in fault modeling vary between different sources, highlighting the lack of consistency in the models used to characterize seismic hazard on the region. These uncertainties are related to the limited availability of seismological information, a problem that generally affects many historical earthquakes. Since fault characterization has a significant impact on surface ground motion and, consequently, on the seismic risk assessment, particular attention must be given to the input parameters used in scenario modeling.

This study aims to assess the impact of different modeling approaches regarding the depth, magnitude, and kinematics of the 1963 Skopje earthquake on seismic risk evaluation of the Skopje region. Particular attention is given to the selection of Ground Motion Models (GMMs), as some may not be sensitive to certain parameters under consideration. The exposure model is developed using aggregated data from North Macedonia's latest census conducted in 2021. Vulnerability models for the building typologies identified in the census are derived from the GEM vulnerability database and implemented through a GIS scheme. The uncertainties associated with the exposure and vulnerability models are briefly addressed.

The hazard and risk analyses are carried out using the state-of-the-art software, the OpenQuake Engine, and the risk analysis results are ultimately presented in terms of damages to the building inventory, as well as direct and indirect losses.

How to cite: Jusufi, L., Pandolfi, C., Mita, M., and Ribeiro, F.: Impact of fault modeling assumptions on regional seismic risk assessment: A case study of the 1963 Skopje earthquake, North Macedonia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10391,, 2025.

EGU25-14143 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.3

Sensibility analysis in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA), Chile as case of study  

Catalina Cabello and Gonzalo Montalva

We performed a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of some of the input parameters and methodological decisions on the calculation of probabilistic seismic hazard (PSHA). We work on continental Chile, between 14° and 46° south, a country characterized by high seismic activity, which can be classified into three main regimes: interface, inslab, and crustal. 
The interface regime corresponds to the boundary between the South American and Nazca plates up to a depth of 60 km. Intraslab seismicity occurs within the Nazca Plate between 60 and 200 km depth, while crustal seismicity develops on the South American Plate. One of the main challenges in classifying seismic events in these regimes is differentiating between crustal and interface seismicity in the first 30 km depth, especially when focal mechanisms are not available. To analyze the effect of this classification, we tested 20 different scenarios defined by the horizontal distance from the trench in degrees (1.7–2.0° in 0.05° increments) or by the perpendicular distance to the trench in kilometers (5–20 km in 1 km increments).
To determine the recurrence parameters, two previously published zonal models for Chile were used (Martin, 1990 and Molina et al., 2021). The calculation of the recurrence parameters for each seismogenic zone followed the usual steps: (1) declustering the seismic catalog using various space-time windows (e.g., Reasenberg, 1985; Gardner & Knopoff, 1964); (2) estimating the magnitude of completeness by means of maximum curvature and completeness analysis (Stepp, 1972); and (3) calculating a- and b-values using means of least squares (MMCC), maximum likelihood and Weichert methods. While MMCC is less favored in current practice, it remains in use in some regions (e.g., Benito et al., 2010; Nuñez, 2014; Gamboa-Canté et al., 2024). Therefore, its impact was also evaluated.
Preliminary findings reveal that the boundary separating crustal and interplate regimes has minimal influence on completeness magnitude, completeness analysis, or b-value estimation. However, the choice of space-time windows for declustering significantly affects the a-value, producing variations from 5 to 6.7 in certain seismogenic zones. These differences have a pronounced effect on PSHA results, highlighting the importance of careful parameter selection in seismic hazard studies.

How to cite: Cabello, C. and Montalva, G.: Sensibility analysis in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA), Chile as case of study , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14143,, 2025.

EGU25-14543 | Posters on site | NH4.3

Earthquake Rupture Forecast and Ground Motions Simulation for Maximum Expected Earthquakes along SE Spain: Simulations for 0-1 Hz using Cybershake 

Natalia Zamora, Otilio Rojas, Marisol Monterrubio-Velasco, Fernando Vázquez, Josep de la Puente, Paula Herrero-Barbero, and Maria Ortuño

Southeast Spain experiences relatively low seismicity rates, characterized by slow seismic deformation. However, historical records highlight the significant impact of moderate to large earthquakes on local communities, such as the 1518 Vera (Almería) earthquake (Mw 6.4) and the 2011 Lorca earthquake (Mw 5.2). Thus, such events pose a considerable seismic risk to the region, in spite of their infrequent occurrence. Given the lack of comprehensive data on this kind of seismic events, this study contributes towards a physics-based seismic hazard model for Southeast (SE) Spain. Specifically, we first develop a broad earthquake rupture forecast (ERF) model that includes potential single- and multi-fault events, and then we use Cybershake to model the maximum-magnitude expected earthquakes along the various fault systems in the region, to obtain 0-1 Hz ground motion simulations. In this ERF model, we integrate a vast amount of regional geological data, including the Quaternary-Active Faults Database of Iberia, historical seismic catalogs, and available paleoseismic data as well. Using Cybershake, a high-performance computing earthquake-modeling platform originally designed for Southern California, we simulate ground-motion time histories from pseudo-dynamic kinematic rupture scenarios on three-dimensional finite faults. Our simulations consider a recently-available tomographic 3D velocity model, but for completeness, we also perform simulations using a 1D average model and explore the differences on the resulting synthetic ground motions. This approach allows to create physics-based rupture scenarios and shake maps, offering an alternative seismic hazard model tailored to SE Spain and setting the basis to update regional seismic hazard assessments. The results provide valuable insights into potentially harmful multi-fault events and scenarios in slow-deforming tectonic settings, contributing to more accurate seismic hazard and risk maps, and informing effective planning, decision-making and response strategies in the region.

How to cite: Zamora, N., Rojas, O., Monterrubio-Velasco, M., Vázquez, F., de la Puente, J., Herrero-Barbero, P., and Ortuño, M.: Earthquake Rupture Forecast and Ground Motions Simulation for Maximum Expected Earthquakes along SE Spain: Simulations for 0-1 Hz using Cybershake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14543,, 2025.

EGU25-15086 | Posters on site | NH4.3

Earthquake Resilient Schools in High Seismicity Areas of Europe: The case of Greece-Türkiye Cross Border Area 

Asimina Kourou, Nikolaos Theodoulidis, Kiriaki Konstantinidou, Vassileios Papanikolaou, Constantine Papatheodorou, Emmanouil Kirtas, George Panagopoulos, Murat Nurlu, Selim Sezer, Kerem Kuterdem, Can Zulfikar, Ülgen Mert Tugsal, and Volkan Ergen

In high seismicity regions, one of the greatest risks to population safety is the catastrophic impact of earthquakes. Among the critical societal infrastructures at risk are school buildings, which house both students and staff. In earthquake-prone countries, enhancing the preparedness of schools to address seismic risks is essential. This effort raises two fundamental questions for authorities: (a) what are the most effective measures to create earthquake-resilient schools? (b) How can civil protection agencies contribute to achieving this goal?

To address question (a), building earthquake-resilient schools requires a multifaceted approach combining structural, educational, and policy-driven measures. Key actions include implementing structural and engineering reinforcements, developing robust policies and securing funding, providing education and training programs, fostering community involvement, utilizing technology for real-time monitoring, and ensuring effective post-disaster recovery plans. For question (b), civil protection agencies play a pivotal role in supporting earthquake-resilient schools by leveraging their expertise, resources, and coordination capabilities to enhance prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.

A joint effort, within the framework of the European project Earthquake Resilient Schools (EReS), has been initiated to promote earthquake resilience in the Cross-Border Area (CBA) of Greece and Türkiye. The project focuses on harmonizing seismic hazard and risk assessments in the CBA and implementing joint preventive and response measures against potential earthquake disasters. Four pilot sites—two in Greece (Alexandroupolis and Samos) and two in Türkiye (Izmir and Canakkale)—have been selected for monitoring specific school buildings, using low cost-New Gen instrumentation (accelerometers). School Seismology practices have been applied in  Çanakkale and Alexandroupolis to contribute to awareness raising of school community as a pilot study. 

Real-time seismic data from these schools are streamed to the Computer Centers of respective institutions for analysis, for predicting rapid prediction of structural damage, such as inter-story drift and stiffness degradation. These findings are expected to enhance seismic preparedness and to provide tools for rapid post-earthquake assessments.

In parallel, educational and training activities were conducted for students and staff, along with preparedness drills at the pilot sites. The benefits of this collaborative effort in the CBA are discussed, highlighting its contribution to enhancing earthquake resilience in schools. Finally, recommendations for further steps to strengthen school preparedness and safety against seismic risks are proposed.


How to cite: Kourou, A., Theodoulidis, N., Konstantinidou, K., Papanikolaou, V., Papatheodorou, C., Kirtas, E., Panagopoulos, G., Nurlu, M., Sezer, S., Kuterdem, K., Zulfikar, C., Mert Tugsal, Ü., and Ergen, V.: Earthquake Resilient Schools in High Seismicity Areas of Europe: The case of Greece-Türkiye Cross Border Area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15086,, 2025.

EGU25-16987 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Combining updated structural and geophysical data into earthquake recurrence models for the SE of France 

Victoria Mowbray, Céline Beauval, Christian Sue, Marguerite Mathey, Andrea Walpersdorf, Stephane Baize, and Anne Lemoine

South-East France is found in a continental active tectonic domain where seismic activity is low to moderate and crustal deformation is slow, nevertheless historical seismic catalogs (Rovida et al., 2022) present about 10 Mw 5 and 1 Mw 6 events per century. In a region of such seismic activity the identification and characterisation of active faults is a challenging task, as neither seismicity nor surface deformation records (~ 1000 years of macroseismic data, ~ 60 years of instrumental seismicity, and ~ 25 years of GNSS acquisitions) provide conclusive evidence for larger events with long recurrence intervals (> 1000 years). Moreover the geological structure is complex due to the diverse tectonic history of the region. This results in the presence of a dense network of compound fault systems and difficults the identification of which faults are accommodating the deformation. This region has however been one of the most densely instrumented in France for over 20 years with seimic (Sismalp, Langlais et al., 2024)  and GNSS networks (Walpersdorf et al., 2018), hence, presenting a notable resolution of geophysical observations.

The aim of this study is to constrain earthquake recurrence models which exploit the vast amount of up-to-date geophysical and geological data with a culminating objective of PSHA (Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment) for SE France. We present 2 earthquake source models. The first integrates main faults, in which we determine the geometry, potential maximum magnitude after empirical scaling relationships (Leonard et al., 2014) based on maximum length, potential slip rates based on a systematic analysis of local GNSS velocities and the resulting magnitude-frequency distributions. Fifteen faults are considered, critically selected from the newly built SEFPAF (South-East France Potentially Active Faults) catalog and combined with a smoothed seismicity model for off-fault earthquakes. The second source model is a 3 dimensional tectonic zonation which takes into account not only static criteria (geological maps and structures) but also dynamic criteria such as seismogenic depth (Sismalp; SIHex, BCSF-Rénass, 2022), seismic flux and maximum observed magnitudes (FCAT, Manchuel et al., 2017; ESHM20, Danciu et al., 2024), focal mechanisms (Mathey et al., 2020), surface strain derived from GNSS and InSAR (Piña-Valdés et al., 2022, Mathey et al., 2021), local stress derived from gravimetric models (Camelbeeck et al., 2014), the Moho depth derived from tomographic studies (Nouibat et al., 2022) and 3D geological models (Bienveignant et al., 2024). Once combined with ground motion models, these different source models will then be analysed in terms of resulting seismic hazard levels to better understand the impact of the hypotheses and assumptions underlying PSHA in this region.

How to cite: Mowbray, V., Beauval, C., Sue, C., Mathey, M., Walpersdorf, A., Baize, S., and Lemoine, A.: Combining updated structural and geophysical data into earthquake recurrence models for the SE of France, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16987,, 2025.

EGU25-18620 | Orals | NH4.3

The Crucial Role of National Exercises and Data Interoperability in Enhancing Emergency Management: Lessons from Exe Flegrei 2024 

Lorenzo Amato, Francesco Izzi, Luciano Cavarra, Giuseppe La Scaleia, Vito Salvia, and Donato Maio

Italian National Civil Protection Exercises play a pivotal role in enhancing emergency response capabilities by testing operational efficiency, verifying emergency plans, and fostering cooperation among institutions and the public. The Exe Flegrei 2024 exercise exemplifies these objectives, focusing on the volcanic risk associated with the densely populated and geologically complex Campi Flegrei area in Italy. This exercise also integrates advanced data model outputs and scientific contributions from scientific partners of the Civil Protection Dept, including the CNR-IMAA, who provides essential tools and platforms for integrating data on risk planning and emergency management.

Objectives and Scope:

Exe Flegrei 2024 aims to simulate a large-scale volcanic emergency, testing various aspects of preparedness, including:

  • Emergency Plan Validation: Ensuring that plans are coherent, effective, and applicable to real-world scenarios.
  • Interinstitutional Coordination: Strengthening collaboration among national, regional, and local authorities as well as private organizations.
  • Public Awareness and Training: Educating citizens on self-protection measures and evacuation protocols.
  • Data Interoperability: Assessing the integration of diverse datasets and model outputs, provided by scientific institutions, to support decision-making during crises.

The Role of CNR-IMAA and Data Interoperability:

One of the distinguishing features of Exe Flegrei 2024 is its focus on testing the interoperability of data and model outputs from the scientific competence centers of the National Civil Protection Department. Among these, the CNR-IMAA (National Research Council – Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis) plays a key role by delivering:

  • Tools and platforms for integrated data management.
  • Solutions to facilitate the visualization and analysis of risks and emergency scenarios.
  • Support for the operational planning of risk mitigation strategies.

Scenario Simulation:

The exercise simulates a hypothetical escalation in volcanic activity leading to a potential eruption. Key actions include:

  • Activating alert levels.
  • Planning and managing mass evacuations.
  • Simulating emergency response operations, including real-time monitoring and communication.

The exercise also examines how scientific data flows, including geophysical and environmental modeling, can be effectively integrated into operational decision-making frameworks.

Outcomes and Lessons:

Exe Flegrei 2024 demonstrated that National Exercises produce significant benefits, including:

  • Enhanced efficiency in evacuation procedures and resource allocation
  • Improved public awareness and preparedness
  • Identification of operational or logistical weaknesses
  • Strengthened collaboration between institutions and scientific centers

A critical focus is the validation of data interoperability mechanisms to ensure seamless integration of scientific inputs into emergency operations. By leveraging platforms provided by institutions like CNR-IMAA, the exercise demonstrates the importance of advanced technological and methodological support in modern civil protection strategies.


Exe Flegrei 2024 underscores the strategic importance of national exercises in addressing complex risks like those posed by the Campi Flegrei volcanic system. Beyond traditional objectives, it highlights the critical role of scientific and technological contributions, especially in the realm of data interoperability and decision support. These initiatives build a culture of preparedness, improve operational response, and ensure a more resilient society.

How to cite: Amato, L., Izzi, F., Cavarra, L., La Scaleia, G., Salvia, V., and Maio, D.: The Crucial Role of National Exercises and Data Interoperability in Enhancing Emergency Management: Lessons from Exe Flegrei 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18620,, 2025.

EGU25-20706 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.3

Python-based program or processing seismic catalogs and calculating seismicity parameters for PSHA 

Adriana Ornelas-Agrela, Samuel Celis, Carlos Gamboa-Canté, M. Belén Benito, and Alicia Rivas-Medina

We present a Python-based program designed for processing seismic catalogs and calculating seismicity parameters for characterizing seismogenic area sources for a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment. This tool provides detailed control over the database and every step of the processing workflow. The program enables initial spatial-temporal analyses. It also includes key functionalities such as initial attributes manipulation, event filtering, homogenization to moment magnitude (Mw), as well as estimations of the magnitude of completeness (Mc). Various declustering methods can be selected and applied by the users to identify and remove dependent earthquakes (aftershocks and foreshocks). The catalog processing ends with a completeness analysis. Additionally, it facilitates uncertainty quantification by generating synthetic catalogs through Monte Carlo simulations.

How to cite: Ornelas-Agrela, A., Celis, S., Gamboa-Canté, C., Benito, M. B., and Rivas-Medina, A.: Python-based program or processing seismic catalogs and calculating seismicity parameters for PSHA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20706,, 2025.

EGU25-21143 | Posters on site | NH4.3

Optimal site hazard grid for probabilistic risk assessment: a two-step approach 

Julián Montejo and Vitor Silva
The availability of high-resolution open databases detailing building and population distribution has enabled the development of detailed exposure models at regional, national, and global scales. These databases are often used alongside high-performance computing clusters to perform probabilistic seismic risk analyses, simulating thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of seismicity. However, such analyses may be infeasible on standard laptops or under time constraints where quick results are needed.
To address this challenge, we propose and implement a methodology to determine optimal grids for hazard calculation sites without compromising the accuracy of risk metrics, such as loss exceedance curves and annual average losses. The methodology consists of two main steps: (i) identification of Homogeneous Amplification Zones (HAZ) and (ii) generation of an optimal hazard grid based on exposed elements and HAZ.
In step (i), the initial hazard grid is used to estimate the expected seismic amplification based on a target amplification function. Users have three options for incorporating amplification data: using pre-implemented amplification functions (covering both linear and nonlinear models from peer-reviewed studies), importing custom amplification functions in a CSV format compatible with the OQ framework, or directly inputting an initial grid of amplification functions. The estimated amplification values are then used to cluster hazard sites with similar amplification characteristics using the k-means algorithm, leading to a number of HAZ.
In step (ii), each HAZ identified in the first step is assigned a target number of hazard sites using a k-means weighted methodology considering target information from exposed values, such as exposed structural value. This process leads to integrating data from hazard and risk inputs. Finally, an optional coordinate-based aggregation step removes redundant sites based on a specified resolution, further optimizing the grid.
We tested the proposed methodology at both national and urban scales, applying various site effect methodologies and scales. Our findings demonstrate that the algorithm significantly reduces computational resource demands (both time and memory) with minimal impact on the final risk metrics. These results highlight the practical potential of our approach for large-scale probabilistic seismic risk assessments.

How to cite: Montejo, J. and Silva, V.: Optimal site hazard grid for probabilistic risk assessment: a two-step approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21143,, 2025.

Let us focus on a specific question that may has an ability to build an efficient method toward extracting significantly major ingredients of pre-active events going ahead of significant seismic activities. What is the common point at the state spaces of significant earthquakes of Türkiye in 1999 and 2023? The answer comes from some live but non-instrumented observations, those are devised privately. Those observations are related to both waveguide and cavity effects of natural and/or manmade significant structures replaced in both underground and/or atmosphere. The effects are studied on the electromagnetic wave propagation at significant pre-seismic activities of both circularly cylindrical wave guide and cavity structures meshed in underground and/or atmosphere by considering the extended wave equations in irregularly deviating environs1. Those structures have excessive dimensions as in subway tunnels2 and/or layered guiding pathways in atmosphere3.

The answer comes from two big tunnels excavated before abovesaid two earthquakes of Türkiye. First is Mount Bolu Tunnel, that is almost finished in 2007 and begun in 1993 and second is New Mount Zigana Tunnel, that is finished in 2023 and begun in 2016. Why? First of all, both tunnels are into mounts area of Northern Anatolia. The reason is related to the changing character of seismic activities after 5.9 R (included) magnitude that converts the seismic activities to electromagnetic activities majorantly4.

There is one more tunnel process that still continues for constructions: Between Bahce (37° 12′ 0″ N, 36° 35′ 0″ E) and Nurdagi (37° 10′ 44″ N, 36° 44′ 23″ E) districts of Gaziantep Province, Türkiye. This tunnel construction may have a potential on future seismic activities as two tunnel constructions said in previous paragraph.

The cavities and tunnels behave as layered guiding pathways for propagating waves either homogeneous and/or inhomogeneous fillings; therefore, the activities of waveforms may propagate along long distances under the Earth; i.e., between NAF and SAF by suitable transmissions, propagations, and guiding of waves. The majorant contributions come through Casimir and Casimir-like activities from the boundary interfaces between different materials with specific conditions under stochastic processes. The propagating waves create similar effects among transmitters and receivers through atmosphere layers. Author calls transmission effect by the cavity tunneling and layered guiding pathways these effects.

Those circumstances are studied in above paragraphs by considering the state space formulation of equivalent electrical circuits models through the possible mechanical circuits into the Earth.

The equivalent circuit model governs the significant Seismic Activities, sSAs, by the interactions among source and sink structures available in the distributed networks of equivalent circuits. New constructions have the ability to trigger and produce sSAs close to both specific domains of sSAs and their neighbor domains even if they never generated sSAs in past, of tunnel projects in paragraph 3 and similar ones. Temporal intervals may not coincide with the time spans of excavations of sSAs processes and their triggering effects may either decrease, mostly and/or increase, asymptotically as depending to coupling activities in environ.






How to cite: Sengor, T.: The Cavity Tunneling and Layered Guiding Pathways in Significant Seismic Activities: Pre-fingerprints in Significant Earthquakes of Türkiye in 1999 and 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-988,, 2025.

There has long been research on the phenomenon of abnormal microwave radiation emitted from the Earth's surface before a major earthquake. However, the enhanced microwave radiation received by satellite sensors is affected by a combination of factors such as surface vegetation, soil moisture, land surface temperature, and atmospheric environment. So far, it has been difficult to remove non-seismic interference through quantitative physical modeling, leaving only the earthquake-related additional components for earthquake precursor analysis and short-term earthquake prediction. To tackle with this, we developed a knowledge-guided deep learning model that leverages a large amount of remote sensing observation data for training, incorporating prior knowledge of earthquake anomaly analysis. In the modelling process, a large amount of multi-source data, such as surface microwave brightness temperature (MBT), land surface temperature (LST), surface vegetation index, soil moisture index, atmospheric water vapor content, cloud cover, land cover type, digital elevation model (DEM), and geological type, were collected, and a regression model between multiple factors and surface MBT were firstly established through deep learning methods. In the same way, another regression model was developed between non-temperature parameters and LST by using historical records. During the seismic window of one month before and after the target earthquake, the LST was obtained by using non-temperature data through the second regression model, and then was substituted it into the first regression model to get the MBT value that does not include the additional effects of earthquakes. Eventually, we can obtain the additional MBT value due to seismic activity by calculating the difference with the actual observation, which represents the earthquake-related MBT anomaly. Since the deep learning-based modeling is based on long time series data and the output results of the model already include the contribution of multiple factors on the surface to the MBT, the differential results are mainly affected by the additional impacts of the earthquake, so they can be considered 'pollution-free'. In other words, there is no need to use additional auxiliary data to discriminate and separate the non-seismic disturbances. For a specific target area, such as the Tibetan Plateau, after establishing a model based on historical data using the aforementioned method, we can obtain real-time earthquake MBT variations as the input data is continuously updated. This can be used to analyze and identify potential earthquake precursors, and consequently, for short-term earthquake prediction.

How to cite: Qi, Y., Mao, W., Wu, L., and Huang, B.: A Knowledge-Guided Deep Learning Model for Extracting Pollution-free Seismic Microwave Brightness Temperature Anomalies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1408,, 2025.

EGU25-2283 | Orals | NH4.4

On the Ionosphere-Atmosphere-Lithosphere coupling during theNovember 9, 2022 Italian Earthquake 

Mirko Piersanti, Giulia D'Angelo, Dario Recchiuti, Fabio Lepreti, Paola Cusano, Enza De Lauro, Vincenzo Carbone, Pietro Ubertini, and Mariarosaria Falanga

In the last decades, the scientific community has been focused on searching earthquake signatures in the Earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere. This work investigates an offshore Mw 5.5 earthquake that struck off the Marche region's coast (Italy) on November 9, 2022, with a focus on the potential coupling between the Earth's lithosphere, atmosphere, and magnetosphere triggered by the seismic event. Analysis of atmospheric temperature data from ERA5 reveals a significant increase in potential energy (Ep) at the earthquake's epicenter, consistent with the generation of Atmospheric Gravity Waves (AGWs). This finding is further corroborated by the MILC analytical model, which accurately simulates the observed Ep trends (within 5%), supporting the theory of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling. The study also examines the vertical Total Electron Content (vTEC) and finds notable fluctuations at the epicenter, exhibiting periodicities (7-12 minutes) characteristic of AGWs and traveling ionospheric disturbances. The correlation between ERA5 observations and MILC model predictions, particularly in temperature deviations and Ep distributions, strengthens the hypothesis that earthquake-generated AGWs impacted atmospheric conditions at high altitudes, leading to observable ionospheric perturbations. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling mechanisms and the potential for developing reliable earthquake prediction tools.

How to cite: Piersanti, M., D'Angelo, G., Recchiuti, D., Lepreti, F., Cusano, P., De Lauro, E., Carbone, V., Ubertini, P., and Falanga, M.: On the Ionosphere-Atmosphere-Lithosphere coupling during theNovember 9, 2022 Italian Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2283,, 2025.

We discuss the potential impact of the Geospace environment on the significant earthquake preparation processes. In this work, we investigate the response of major seismic activity to geomagnetic storms with a joint analysis of solar wind, geomagnetic field, and earthquake catalog. As a test case, we processed the seven strongest earthquakes in Italy for the period  1980 - 2016:  Amatrice M6.2 of Aug 24, 2016; Visso M6.1 of 26 Oct 2016; Norcia M6.6 of 30 Oct 2016; Emilia-Romagnia M6 of May 20, 2012;  L’Aquila M6.3 of Apr 6, 2009;  Foligno M6 of Sep 26,1997  and  Irpina of M6.9 of 23 Nov 1980. All of the seismic events were preceded by geomagnetic storms, which satisfied a given criterion: at the time of geomagnetic storm onset, the high-latitude part of the longitudinal region, where in the future an earthquake occur, was located under the polar cusp, where the solar wind plasma would directly access the Earth’s environment [Ouzounov and Khachikyan, 2024]. The number of preceded storms varied for different earthquakes from two to five. This results in different time delays between the day of the magnetic storm onset and the day of earthquake occurrence; it ranges between 9-80 days. Because of the existing delay between a shocked solar wind arrival and earthquake occurrence up to some months, this may suggest that solar wind energy does not trigger earthquakes immediately (as it is believed at present); instead, it may accelerate the processes of lithosphere dynamics, such as fluid and gas upwelling, which are active participants in tectonic earthquakes. For comparison, we present the results of the same analysis applied to other territories of the Mediterranean region: the Anatolian Plate (Turkey) and Crete Island (Greece), which look strikingly similar.


How to cite: Ouzounov, D. and Khachikyan, G.: The impact of the geospace environment on earthquake preparation processes. Case studies for M>6 in Italy for 1980-2016, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3686,, 2025.

EGU25-5269 | Orals | NH4.4

Similarities and differences of the preparation of three (M≈6) earthquake doublets around the Arabian Plate 

Essam Ghamry, Dedalo Marchetti, and Mohamed Metwaly

In this study, we compared the results of multiparametric and multilayers investigations of three doublet earthquakes that occurred around the Arabian plate (M6.2 + M6.0 on 18 August 2014 close to Dehloran, Iran; M6.0 + M6.0 occurred on 15 July 2018 offshore Kilmia, Yemen and M6.0 + M6.0 occurred on 1 July 2022 close to Bandar-e Lengeh). We applied identical methods to the same dataset for all three cases. In particular, we investigated lithospheric, atmospheric, and ionospheric data six months before the three events. The lithosphere was investigated by calculating the cumulative Benioff strain with the USGS earthquake catalogue. Several atmospheric parameters (aerosol, SO2, CO, surface air temperature, surface latent heat flux humidity, and dimethyl sulphide) have been monitored using the homogeneous data from the MERRA-2 climatological archive. We used the three-satellite Swarm constellation for magnetic data, analysing the residuals after removing a geomagnetic model. All the cases present some patterns of anomalies, and when comparing them, we noticed some similarities but also differences. We pointed out that the released energy by the three events is very similar and occurred around the same plate. Still, they involved two different tectonic contexts (compressional on the Iranian side and extensional and transcurrent on the African Plate border). For the above reasons, their comparison is very interesting. Some similarities seem to be explainable in the tectonic context, and some are caused by the ocean's influence at the epicentre location. However, we also identified some differences that still require further investigation and comparison with other case studies.

Finally, this work can be considered a preliminary test of an extensive investigation and systematical search of LAIC patterns before the earthquake occurrences and the study of the possible influence of focal mechanism, location, geological factors, and other constraints.


References :

Ghamry Essam; Marchetti Dedalo; Metwaly Mohamed. Geophysical Coupling Before Three Earthquake Doublets Around the Arabian Plate. Atmosphere 2024, 15, 1318.


How to cite: Ghamry, E., Marchetti, D., and Metwaly, M.: Similarities and differences of the preparation of three (M≈6) earthquake doublets around the Arabian Plate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5269,, 2025.

EGU25-5321 | Posters on site | NH4.4

Novel experimental design for the study of seismic processes based on the stick-slip mechanism. 

Alejandro Ramírez-Rojas, Luciano Telesca, and Elsa Leticia Flores-Márquez

Seismicity is the result of the interaction between tectonic plates in relative motion where the underlying mechanism of earthquake generation in seismic subduction areas is stick-slip. In reality, seismicity is a complex phenomenon as it involves processes that take place from within the Earth. A thorough understanding of seismicity requires theoretical and experimental approaches. The dynamics in subduction zones occur when two tectonic plates, one on top of the other, are in relative motion where the plate below is in motion due to convective processes within the Earth. Due to the roughness of both surfaces, the underlying mechanism that gives rise to seismicity is stick-slip. In this work, an experimental stick-slip model is proposed, which simulates the relative motion of two rough surfaces by the interaction of two blocks covered by sandpaper with a certain degree of roughness. In this experimental model, the interaction between rough surfaces (sandpaper), with a relative motion in opposite directions to each other, produces stick-slip events (synthetic seismicity), which mimic real seismicity. Here we present the first analyses of synthetic seismicity by calculating the Gutenberg-Richter law, temporal correlations and characterization in terms of organization and order from the Fisher-Shannon method for each synthetic catalogue.

How to cite: Ramírez-Rojas, A., Telesca, L., and Flores-Márquez, E. L.: Novel experimental design for the study of seismic processes based on the stick-slip mechanism., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5321,, 2025.

EGU25-5493 | Orals | NH4.4

Toward Real-Time Forecasting of Earthquake Occurrence and Ground-Shaking Intensity Using ETAS and GMM: Insights from Recent Large Earthquakes in Taiwan 

Ming-Che Hsieh, Chung-Han Chan, Kuo-Fong Ma, Yin-Tung Yen, Chun-Te Chen, Da-Yi Chen, and Yi-Wun Liao

Earthquake forecasting, combined with precise ground-shaking estimations, plays a pivotal role in safeguarding public safety, fortifying infrastructure, and bolstering the preparedness of emergency services. This study introduces a comprehensive workflow that integrates the epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model with a preselected ground-motion model (GMM), facilitating accurate short-term forecasting of ground-shaking intensity (GSI), which is crucial for adequate earthquake warning for earthquake-prone regions like Taiwan. First, an analysis was conducted on a Taiwanese earthquake catalog from 1994 to 2022 to optimize the ETAS parameters. The dataset used in this analysis allowed for the further calculation of total, background, and clustering seismicity rates, which are crucial for understanding spatiotemporal earthquake occurrence. Subsequently, short-term earthquake activity simulations were performed using these up-to-date seismicity rates to generate synthetic catalogs. The ground-shaking impact on the target sites from each synthetic catalog was assessed by determining the maximum intensity using a selected GMM. This simulation process was repeated to enhance the reliability of the forecasts. Through this process, a probability distribution was created, serving as a robust forecasting for GSI at sites. The performance of the forecasting model was validated through an example of the Taitung, Taiwan earthquake sequence in September 2022, showing its effectiveness in forecasting earthquake activity and site-specific GSI. The other example is the Hualien, Taiwan earthquake sequence from April 2024, which serves as an excellent demonstration of a workflow designed to provide real-time aftershock forecasting following an M7.2 event. The proposed forecasting model can quickly deliver short-term seismic hazard curves and warning messages, facilitating timely decision-making.

How to cite: Hsieh, M.-C., Chan, C.-H., Ma, K.-F., Yen, Y.-T., Chen, C.-T., Chen, D.-Y., and Liao, Y.-W.: Toward Real-Time Forecasting of Earthquake Occurrence and Ground-Shaking Intensity Using ETAS and GMM: Insights from Recent Large Earthquakes in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5493,, 2025.

EGU25-8052 | Orals | NH4.4

Multiparameter observations of Lithosphere–Atmosphere–Ionosphere pre-seismic anomalies: Insights from the 2022 M6.8 Chihshang earthquake in southeastern Taiwan 

Ching-Chou Fu, Hao Kuo-Chen, Chung-Hsiang Mu, Hau-Kun Jhuang, Lou-Chuang Lee, Vivek Walia, and Tsung-Che Tsai

This study conducted a systematic analysis of the 2022 Chihshang earthquake sequence in eastern Taiwan, integrating multidimensional observational parameters related to the lithosphere, atmosphere, and ionosphere. High-resolution data from the MAGIC (Multidimensional Active fault of Geo-Inclusive observatory - Chihshang) at the Chihshang fault area provided a comprehensive and diverse dataset. The analysis revealed significant pre-earthquake anomalies across various parameters. These include a marked increase in soil radon concentration one month prior to the earthquake, concurrent anomalies in hydrogeochemical parameters (e.g., elevated groundwater temperature, reduced pH, and decreased chloride ion concentration), and active foreshock activity detected by a dense microseismic network starting mid-August, suggesting the development of microfractures within the lithosphere. Additionally, persistent OLR (Outgoing Longwave Radiation) anomalies, indicating hotspots near the epicenter, were observed from September 5 to 7. Pre-earthquake signals in TEC (Total Electron Content) were identified between August 20 and September 13 in two independent datasets, GIM-TEC and CWA-TEC.

Post-earthquake observations revealed a significant increase in CO2 flux in the region, likely attributable to the release of deep-seated gas sources or enhanced permeability of the fault system. These combined observations suggest that all anomalies can be classified as short-term precursors, which can be interpreted within the theoretical framework of lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling (LAIC). The findings also contribute to a deeper understanding of the earthquake preparation process. This study underscores the critical importance of real-time integration of multi-parameter observations, offering new insights and improvements for seismic hazard assessment and advancing the predictive capability of earthquake precursors.

How to cite: Fu, C.-C., Kuo-Chen, H., Mu, C.-H., Jhuang, H.-K., Lee, L.-C., Walia, V., and Tsai, T.-C.: Multiparameter observations of Lithosphere–Atmosphere–Ionosphere pre-seismic anomalies: Insights from the 2022 M6.8 Chihshang earthquake in southeastern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8052,, 2025.

EGU25-8652 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.4

Recent achievements on the application of Robust Satellite Techniques to the short-term seismic hazard forecast 

Roberto Colonna, Carolina Filizzola, Nicola Genzano, Mariano Lisi, Iacopo Mancusi, Carla Pietrapertosa, and Valerio Tramutoli

Robust Satellite Techniques applied to long-term satellite TIR (Thermal InfraRed) radiances have
been, since more than 25 years, employed to identify those anomalies (in the spatial/temporal
domain) possibly associated to the occurrence of major earthquakes.
The results until now achieved by processing multi-annual (more than 10 years) time series of TIR
satellite images collected in different continents and seismic regimes, showed that more than 67%
of all identified (space-time persistent) anomalies occur in the pre-fixed space-time window around
the occurrence time and location of earthquakes (M≥4), with a false positive rate smaller than 33%.
Moreover, Molchan error diagram analysis gave a clear indication of non-casualty of such a
correlation, in comparison with the random guess function.
After the most comprehensive test performed over Greece, Italy, Turkey and Japan, here, we will
critically discuss the preliminary results achieved over California by applying RST analyses to
long-term series of GOES-17 radiances.

How to cite: Colonna, R., Filizzola, C., Genzano, N., Lisi, M., Mancusi, I., Pietrapertosa, C., and Tramutoli, V.: Recent achievements on the application of Robust Satellite Techniques to the short-term seismic hazard forecast, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8652,, 2025.

EGU25-8809 | Orals | NH4.4

Noise reductions of VLF signals and excitation/attenuation of waves with small wave periods before earthquakes 

Giovanni Nico, Aleksandra Nina, Pierfrancesco Biagi, Hans Ulrich Eichelberger, Mohammed Y. Boudjada, and Luka Č. Popović

Various types of changes in the characteristics of very low frequency (VLF) signals before earthquakes have been presented during the past few decades. Most of these changes have been observed on data with time sampling of the order of a few tenths of a second or of the order of minutes. Improvements in this sampling in recent years have indicated three new types of changes whose onsets have been observed a few minutes or tens of minutes before the earthquake. These changes manifest themselves as reductions in the VLF signal amplitude and phase noises, and excitation and attenuation of waves with small wave periods in both of these signal characteristics [1-5].

In this work, we present these changes and list the parameters in the time and frequency domains that are significant for statistical analyses. A central issue is the relationship of the changes with the characteristics of earthquakes, the observed signals, and their spread in the surrounding area. The presented analyses were conducted on data recorded by a VLF receiver in Belgrade, Serbia.



[1] A. Nina, S. Pulinets, P.F. Biagi, G. Nico, S.T. Mitrović, M. Radovanović, L.Č. Popović, “Variation in natural short-period ionospheric noise, and acoustic and gravity waves revealed by the amplitude analysis of a VLF radio signal on the occasion of the Kraljevo earthquake (Mw = 5.4)”, Science of The Total Environment, 710, 136406, 2020.

[2] A. Nina, P. F. Biagi, S. T. Mitrović, S. Pulinets, G. Nico, M. Radovanović,  L. Č. Popović, “Reduction of the VLF signal phase noise before earthquakes”, Atmosphere 12 (4), 444, 2021.

[3] A. Nina, P. F. Biagi, S. A. Pulinets, G. Nico, S. T. Mitrović, V. M. Čadež, M. Radovanović, M. Urošev,  L. Č. Popović, “Variation in the VLF signal noise amplitude during the period of intense seismic activity in Central Italy from 25 October to 3 November 2016”, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 10:1005575, 2022.

[4] A. Nina, “Analysis of VLF Signal Noise Changes in the Time Domain and Excitations/Attenuations of Short-Period Waves in the Frequency Domain as Potential Earthquake Precursors”, Remote Sensing, 16(2), 397, (2024)

[5] A. Nina “VLF Signal Noise Reduction during Intense Seismic Activity: First Study of Wave Excitations and Attenuations in the VLF Signal Amplitude”, Remote Sensing, 16(8), 1330, 2024.


How to cite: Nico, G., Nina, A., Biagi, P., Eichelberger, H. U., Boudjada, M. Y., and Popović, L. Č.: Noise reductions of VLF signals and excitation/attenuation of waves with small wave periods before earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8809,, 2025.

A critical review of geoelectrical monitoring activities carried out in seismically active areas is presented and discussed. The electrical resistivity of rocks is one of the geophysical parameters of greatest interest in the study of possible seismic precursors, and it is strongly influenced by the presence of highly fractured zones with high permeability and fluid levels. The analysis in this study was based on results obtained over the last 50 years in seismic zones in China, Japan, the USA and Russia. These previous works made it possible to classify the different monitoring strategies, to analyze the theoretical models for interpreting possible correlations between anomalies in resistivity signals and local seismicity, and to identify the main scientific and technological gaps. In addition, much attention is given to some recent work on the study of correlations between focal mechanisms and the shapes of anomalous patterns in resistivity time series, and to the new possibilities offered by the AI-based methods for geophysical data processing. Finally, new strategies and activities for investigating the spatial and temporal dynamics of the electrical resistivity changes in seismically active areas were identified.

How to cite: Lapenna, V.: Detecting DC Electrical Resistivity Changes in Seismic Active Areas: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9250,, 2025.

EGU25-9938 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.4

High resolution tsunami inundation maps: towards multi-hazard risk analysis. 

Hany M. Hassan and Antonella Peresan

Multi-hazard disaster risk analyses in coastal areas requires the integration of data and models concerning hazard, exposure and vulnerability data and models, all developed with high spatial resolution. Indeed, accurate high-resolution models and data are essential for properly assessing the impact of specific hazards that threaten coastal areas, such as tsunamis, floods, landslides, and coastal erosion. Nevertheless, this level of detail remains unachieved for many coastal hazards in various locations. Consequently, critical fine-scale differences in localized risk assessment are overlooked, leading to potential underestimations or overestimations of the actual risk to coastal communities. It is vital to address this gap in order to enhance the accuracy and reliability of risk assessments.

A key step in tsunami hazard and risk assessment involves the development of inundation maps, specifically maps describing inundated areas and related depths. To date, such maps are not yet available at proper resolution for the coastal areas of the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia Region (FVG). Accordingly, this study aims to enhance the characterization of tsunami hazard in the Northern Adriatic by developing detailed inundation maps and possibly addressing the identified research gaps. Leveraging on accurate and high resolution bathymetry and topographic data is crucial for reliable tsunami modelling for the FVG coastal areas. To this purpose, bathymetry and topographic data are refined and are used, along with existing databases of tsunamigenic earthquake sources, for modelling tsunami waves propagation and inundation by means of the NAMI DANCE code (e.g. Yalciner et al. 2014, Mediterranean Sea Oceanography and references therein).

Existing datasets from open access and local data sources are collected and then refined, particularly addressing inaccuracies in lagoon bathymetry. This involves incorporating high-resolution data and considering small-scale coastal features that can significantly impact tsunami inundation. Multiple bathymetry and topography datasets are used to develop high resolution refined data at 25 meters, and 10 meters resolution. The database of co-seismic seafloor displacement for all individual scenarios, developed based upon the DISS-3.3.0 database, is adopted to carry out a reappraisal of tsunami wave amplitude maps (Peresan & Hassan, MEGR 2024 and references therein) and to estimate realistic tsunami inundation maps. Additionally, tsunami sources caused by local earthquakes relevant to the FVG region are investigated, providing local scale maps of wave amplitudes and inundation estimates; this involves using appropriate fault rupture realisations for local tsunami scenarios (ITCS100&101), as specified in the DISS-3.3.0 database.

The outcomes from this study provide the basis for multi-scenario tsunami hazard assessment, contributing to the development of high-resolution and comprehensive tsunami hazard maps for the Northern Adriatic coasts. Moreover, along with high-resolution exposure maps, they contribute improving precision and accuracy of related risk assessment, and hence are an important step in preparedness, response, and prevention efforts in the framework of disaster risk management.

This research is a contribution to the RETURN Extended Partnership (European Union Next-Generation EU—National Recovery and Resilience Plan—NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3—D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005).

How to cite: Hassan, H. M. and Peresan, A.: High resolution tsunami inundation maps: towards multi-hazard risk analysis., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9938,, 2025.

EGU25-10351 | Posters on site | NH4.4

Investigation of VLF/LF electromagnetic wave propagation as recorded by the receivers of the INFREP network 

Iren-Adelina Moldovan, Victorin Emilian Toader, Hans Ulrich Eichelberger, Pier Francesco Biagi, Mohammed Boudjada, Mihai Anghel, Liviu Marius Manea, Andrei Mihai, and Bogdan Antonescu

In recent decades, significant efforts have been devoted to understanding and interpreting the link between ionospheric perturbations and natural or anthropogenic phenomena, such as seismic activity, electrical or geomagnetic storms, and unidentified radio emissions. This is achieved through various methods among which is also the study of electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in the very low frequency (VLF, 3–30 kHz) and low frequency (LF, 30–300 kHz) bands. These bands enable long-distance communication, navigation, and military applications, including submarine contact, AM broadcasting, lightning detection, and weather systems. Due to their long wavelengths, VLF and LF waves exhibit unique propagation characteristics. VLF waves propagate globally by using Earth-ionosphere waveguides, reflecting off the D and E layers as skywaves, and are influenced by solar and atmospheric conditions. LF waves primarily rely on ground waves for extensive coverage, although they can also utilize ionospheric reflection (skywaves) for longer-distance communication.

This paper introduces fundamental concepts related to VLF/LF electromagnetic wave emission, propagation, reception, and the perturbing factors that affect them. Additionally, it presents key findings from the European INFREP Receivers Network, which studies seismo-ionospheric anomalies linked to earthquake activity. Established in 2009, the INFREP network monitors VLF/LF signals from transmitters across Europe and neighboring regions. The network currently comprises 10 receivers, built by Elettronika (Italy), and operates at a sampling rate of one sample per minute. The Romanian segment of INFREP includes two receivers, operational since 2009 and 2017, with only brief interruptions, notably during the pandemic when travel restrictions hindered access to the observatories.

The paper discusses the current state of the INFREP network and outlines methods for providing near real-time data access. It highlights advancements in real-time electromagnetic data transmission, archiving, and the use of 2D and 3D online signal visualization and processing techniques. Data access is available through the INFREP headquarters in Graz, Austria ( and the National Institute for Earth Physics in Romania ( The paper also shares findings from the detection of potential ionospheric anomalies in EM signals preceding large earthquakes that occurred between 2012 and 2024. All anomalies are analyzed in correlation with space weather events and extreme meteorological phenomena.

This paper was carried out within Nucleu Program SOL4RISC, supported by MCI, project no PN23360201, and PNRR- DTEClimate Project nr. 760008/31.12.2023, Component Project Reactive, supported by Romania - National Recovery and Resilience Plan


How to cite: Moldovan, I.-A., Toader, V. E., Eichelberger, H. U., Biagi, P. F., Boudjada, M., Anghel, M., Manea, L. M., Mihai, A., and Antonescu, B.: Investigation of VLF/LF electromagnetic wave propagation as recorded by the receivers of the INFREP network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10351,, 2025.

EGU25-10353 | ECS | Orals | NH4.4

High-resolution exposure models for coastal cities in Northern Adriatic for multi-risk analysis 

Hazem Badreldin, Chiara Scaini, Hany M Hassan, and Antonella Peresan

Multi-hazard disaster risk reduction and mitigation require high-resolution exposure models that grasp the characteristics of assets at the local scale. High-resolution exposure models may allow improving precision/accuracy of risk and damage assessments, especially for hazards which are characterised by high spatial variability or may be influenced by the presence of the assets, such as tsunami or flooding. We propose a methodology for developing a high-resolution population and residential buildings exposure models, to be used for multi-hazard risk reduction purposes at the local scale.  This method has been tested and validated for a selected coastal area in the upper Adriatic, exposed to multiple hazards including earthquakes, tsunamis, meteorological events and coastal erosion. For the development of the population exposure model, a high-resolution population density data, collected at global scale, is combined with the national population census data, leveraging  both on the accuracy of the national census and on the resolution of the global data. Also, the building census data is complemented with exposure indicators extracted from digital building footprints from the Carta Tecnica Regionale Numerica (CTRN),  which is missing in census data, such as average built area, total built area, replacement cost, height and plan regularity. The final exposure layers are assembled at two resolutions: 100 meters and 30 meters, with information also provided at the census unit level. We discuss the development and use of these layers for multi-risk assessment and their potential combination with artificial intelligence. 

This research is a contribution to the projects: RETURN Extended Partnership (European Union Next-Generation EU—National Recovery and Resilience Plan—NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3—D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005); PRIN-PNRR project SMILE: Statistical Machine Learning for Exposure development, funded by the European Union- Next Generation EU, Mission 4 Component 1 (CUP F53D23010780001). 

How to cite: Badreldin, H., Scaini, C., M Hassan, H., and Peresan, A.: High-resolution exposure models for coastal cities in Northern Adriatic for multi-risk analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10353,, 2025.

Japan is frequently hit by major earthquakes, such as the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, which cause enormous human and economic losses. Short-term forecast of earthquakes is effective for mitigating such damage, but this has not been achieved to date. On the other hand, there have been reports of electromagnetic phenomena preceding major earthquakes in various frequency bands, including precursor phenomena in the VLF/LF band (3-300 kHz). In this study, we investigated earthquake-related VLF/LF signals, which has strong electromagnetic emissions due to lightning activity, and it is important to discriminate the VLF/LF signals from those due to lightning activity. In this study, two approaches were attempted: (1) development of a source localization method using VLF/LF broadband interferometry and (2) removal of signals caused by lightning discharges using machine learning.
The first approach is expected to spatially discriminate between VLF/LF signals related to earthquakes (which are located near the epicenter and do not move) and signals related to lightning activity (which move with fronts and thunderclouds). The second is to utilize machine learning technology, which has been rapidly developed in recent years, for detection and removal of lightning discharge signals. For example, Wu et al. at Gifu University have succeeded in classifying lightning discharge waveforms in the thunderstorm activity process with an accuracy of approximately 99% using a machine learning technique called Random Forest. In this study, machine learning is expected to efficiently discriminate and eliminate known lightning discharge signals from a large amount of observation data with high accuracy, and analyze the remaining unknown signals to efficiently investigate the relationship between lightning and earthquakes. In this paper, we will describe the specific methods and results of the above two approaches.

How to cite: Hattori, K., Ota, Y., Yoshino, C., and Imazumi, N.: Construction of a VLF/LF band interferometer using a capacitive circular flat-plane antenna and discrimination and identification of observed VLF/LF band signals by machine learning: Preliminary results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10447,, 2025.

EGU25-13142 | Orals | NH4.4

Sub-ionospheric VLF/LF waveguide electric field investigation from Mw≥5.0 earthquake events with multiple receivers in Europe 

Hans U. Eichelberger, Mohammed Y. Boudjada, Aleksandra Nina, Bruno P. Besser, Daniel Wolbang, Maria Solovieva, Pier F. Biagi, Patrick H. M. Galopeau, Christoph Schirninger, Iren-Adelina Moldovan, Giovanni Nico, Manfred Stachel, Özer Aydogar, Cosima Muck, Josef Wilfinger, and Irmgard Jernej

Electric field amplitude and phase measurements between narrowband VLF/LF transmitters and receivers in the sub-ionospheric waveguide are affected and altered by man-made and natural sources (Nina 2024; Boudjada et al., 2024a,b). In this study we investigate Mw≥5.0 earthquakes (EQs) which occurred in Europe during the year 2024 based on data from the INFREP receiver network (Biagi et al., 2019; Moldovan et al., 2015; Galopeau et al., 2023). In the selected Mediterranean area with geographical longitude [-10°E, 40°E] and latitude [30°N, 50°N] the United States Geological Survey EQ catalog (USGS, 2025) provides 20 events with Mw≥5.0. For these EQs we apply the night-time amplitude method and consider variations in the terminator times (Hayakawa et al., 2010). The main radio links that cross the EQ prone areas are from transmitters localized in the southern part of Europe, including TBB (26.70 kHz, Bafa, Turkey), ITS (45.90 kHz, Niscemi, Sicily, Italy), and ICV (20.27 kHz, Tavolara, Italy). 

We find statistically significant electric field anomalies for various VLF/LF paths, particularly for events with higher magnitudes. The continuous VLF/LF electric field amplitude and phase datasets can be important parameters for real-time observations and services to assess seismic hazards and disturbing physical phenomena within the waveguide.


Biagi, P.F., et al., The INFREP network: Present situation and recent results, OJER, 8, 101-115, 2019.

Boudjada, M.Y., et al., Unusual sunrise and sunset terminator variations in the behavior of sub-ionospheric VLF phase and amplitude signals prior to the Mw7.8 Turkey Syria earthquake of 6 February 2023, Remote Sens., 16, 4448, 2024.

Boudjada, M.Y., et al., Analysis of pre-seismic ionospheric disturbances prior to 2020 Croatian earthquakes, Remote Sens., 16, 529, 2024.

Galopeau, P.H.M., et al., A VLF/LF facility network for preseismic electromagnetic investigations, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 12, 231–237, 2023.

Hayakawa, M., et al., A statistical study on the correlation between lower ionospheric perturbations as seen by subionospheric VLF/LF propagation and earthquakes, JGR Space Physics, 115(A9), 09305, 2010.

Moldovan, I.A., et al., The development of the Romanian VLF/LF monitoring system as part of the International Network for Frontier Research on Earthquake Precursors (INFREP), Romanian Journal of Physics, 60 (7-8), 1203-1217, 2015. Bibcode: 2015RoJPh..60.1203M

Nina, A., VLF signal noise reduction during intense seismic activity: First study of wave excitations and attenuations in the VLF signal amplitude, Remote Sens., 16, 1330, 2024.

USGS, United States Geological Survey earthquake catalog,, as of Jan 2025.

How to cite: Eichelberger, H. U., Boudjada, M. Y., Nina, A., Besser, B. P., Wolbang, D., Solovieva, M., Biagi, P. F., Galopeau, P. H. M., Schirninger, C., Moldovan, I.-A., Nico, G., Stachel, M., Aydogar, Ö., Muck, C., Wilfinger, J., and Jernej, I.: Sub-ionospheric VLF/LF waveguide electric field investigation from Mw≥5.0 earthquake events with multiple receivers in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13142,, 2025.

EGU25-13210 | Orals | NH4.4

Comparative multifractal study of seismicity in two seismic zones of Türkiye in the period from 2010 to 2024. 

Elsa Leticia Flores-Marquez, Alejandro Ramirez Rojas, and Jennifer Pérez-Oregon

Intense earthquakes have been natural phenomena that produce enormous disasters, mainly in large urban areas, due to the intense energy released in a very short period. Earthquakes are inevitable natural phenomena, and up to now, they cannot be predicted. On February 6, 2023, a M 7.8 earthquake occurred in southern Türkiye, near the northern border of Syria. This earthquake was followed by a M 7.5 earthquake to the north. The relative motions of three major tectonic plates (Arabian, Eurasian, and African) and one smaller tectonic block (Anatolian) are responsible for the seismicity in Türkiye. Recently, Onur investigated the aftershock distribution and its relation to energy release on the faults and Coulomb stress change areas, his study allowed the relocation of two-catastrophic earthquakes. In the present work we analyze the behavior of multifractality and its complexity parameters calculated from the catalog of seismic magnitudes during a period of 14 years monitored within two regions of Türkiye: the first one (west) between (35-42) Latitude, (25-34) Longitude and the second one (East) between (35-42) Latitude and (34-42) Longitude, being this area where the doublet occurred. Our results show differences in both multifractality and its complexity measures between the two regions. These findings may be indicators of expected seismicity in each region.


How to cite: Flores-Marquez, E. L., Ramirez Rojas, A., and Pérez-Oregon, J.: Comparative multifractal study of seismicity in two seismic zones of Türkiye in the period from 2010 to 2024., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13210,, 2025.

EGU25-14706 | Orals | NH4.4

Design of the PRELUDE CubeSat for investigating ionospheric D-region earthquake precursor 

Masashi Kamogawa, Masashiko Yamazaki, and Nagisa Sone

Despite advances in satellite remote sensing, predicting large earthquakes, remains a significant challenge due to the unpredictable nature of these events. To address this challenge, our study, building upon the achievements of the French DEMETER satellite, focuses on atmospheric and space electrical variations as potential indicators of ionospheric D-region precursors to earthquakes. This approach is expected to contribute to the enhancement of short-term prediction capabilities. For this purpose, we would like to introduce our CubeSat PRELUDE (Precursory electric field observation CubeSat Demonstrator), a tiny satellite dedicated to the earthquake precursor detection and elucidated the physical mechanism. PRELUDE is scheduled for launch in JFY2025 as part of JAXA’s Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration Program. This study presents the results of the system design, development, and mission planning of the PRELUDE, aimed at clarifying the physical mechanisms behind the statistically significant earthquake precursor ionospheric phenomena. PRELUDE is a 6U CubeSat specialized in VLF electromagnetic wave intensity observation, weighing 8 kg. To achieve miniaturization, it incorporates a drive recording function to downlink only the data surrounding the EQ epicenter to ground stations, reducing data storage and transmission requirements. Additionally, it hybridizes the Langmuir and electric field probes, typically found on satellites weighing over 100 kg like DEMETER, into a compact design suitable for CubeSats weighing just a few kilograms. The hybrid sensor unit extends booms bidirectionally by 1.5 m from the satellite using a folding extension mechanism, In this presentation, we show the satellite design requirements for elucidating the mechanism of earthquake precursor phenomena.

How to cite: Kamogawa, M., Yamazaki, M., and Sone, N.: Design of the PRELUDE CubeSat for investigating ionospheric D-region earthquake precursor, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14706,, 2025.

EGU25-14734 | Posters on site | NH4.4

Rapid prediction method of earthquake damage to masonry structures based on machine learning 

Lingxin Zhang, Yan Liu, Li Liu, and Baijie Zhu

Masonry structures are one of the most vulnerable to severe and extensive damage in terms of previous earthquakes. It is significant to quickly evaluate the seismic damage levels of masonry structures, to reduce casualties and economic losses caused by earthquakes. However, traditional methods based on manual judgment or finite element simulations tend to be relatively slower . In this paper, a machine learning-based rapid prediction method was proposed for assessing the seismic damage of masonry structures. By analysis of building data from several cities and combining ground motion with structural characteristics, 11 impact factors were identified as input variables. The LM-BP neural network model was developed by a backpropagation (BP) neural network with strong nonlinear modeling capabilities, and by the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm. The accuracy and stability of the model were verified by comparing the predicted values with actual earthquake examples. The results show that the selected seismic damage impact factors can accurately reflect the structural damage level. By comparing methods using parameters on either the structure or ground motion, the predictive accuracy of the proposed method is significantly enhanced. It provides a basis for post-earthquake structural safety assessments and disaster prevention and mitigation work.

How to cite: Zhang, L., Liu, Y., Liu, L., and Zhu, B.: Rapid prediction method of earthquake damage to masonry structures based on machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14734,, 2025.

EGU25-16143 | ECS | Orals | NH4.4

Machine Learning based EStimator for ground shaking maps workflow applied to New Zealand 

Rut Blanco Prieto, Marisol Monterrubio Velasco, Brendon Bradley, Claudio Schill, and Josep de la Puente

Earthquakes are among the most frequent yet unpredictable natural hazards, posing substantial risk to human safety and infrastructure globally, particularly, when large-magnitude earthquakes occur. This highlights the urgent need to develop innovative and alternative methodologies for rapidly assessing the intensity of ground shaking following an earthquake.

This study explores the application of the Machine Learning Estimator for Ground Shaking Maps (MLESmap) methodology in New Zealand, a region characterized by  high seismic activity.

MLESmap utilizes extensive datasets of high-fidelity, physics-based seismic scenarios to rapidly estimate ground-shaking intensity in near real-time following an earthquake. This methodology has demonstrated evaluation times similar to those of empirical ground motion models, while offering superior predictive accuracy in the two previously tested regions: the Los Angeles basin and the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ).

To adapt MLESmap for New Zealand’s seismicity, seismic simulations tailored to the unique geological and tectonic context of the region are implemented. Specifically, we use the dataset generated by CyberShake NZ, a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) software developed by the University of Canterbury. Using this software, a total of 11,362 finite-fault rupture simulations were performed across the region and seismic hazard results were calculated on a grid of 27,481 synthetic seismic stations. A ‘forward’ simulation approach was adopted due to the large number of output locations relative to rupture locations, the optimisation of the grid for each rupture and the intention to include plasticity.

The expected results aim to demonstrate the applicability of MLESmap to New Zealand, providing ML-based tools for rapid response actions. This study also takes the first steps in applying cascading effects to MLESmap, in order to improve the overall risk assessment and to advance prevention efforts through innovative and multidisciplinary methodologies.



©2023 ChEESE-2P Funded by the European Union. This work has received funding from the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) and Spain, Italy, Iceland, Germany, Norway, France, Finland and Croatia under grant agreement No 101093038.

How to cite: Blanco Prieto, R., Monterrubio Velasco, M., Bradley, B., Schill, C., and de la Puente, J.: Machine Learning based EStimator for ground shaking maps workflow applied to New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16143,, 2025.

The region near the India-Eurasia plate boundary has a long history of large earthquakes. Over the past century, more than 50 earthquakes with magnitudes of 7 or greater have occurred within 500 km of the Indo-Eurasian collision zone. These include the 2015 M7.8 Nepal earthquake, the 1934 M8.0 Bihar-Nepal earthquake, the 1950 M8.6 Assam earthquake, and the 1905 M7.9 Kangra earthquake. The January 7, 2025, M7.1 earthquake in the southern Tibetan Plateau further underscores the seismic significance of this region. This study examines the temporal variation in seismicity within the Indo-Eurasian collision zone and its adjacent areas by utilizing historical records and instrumentally recorded earthquake data from 1900 to 2024. Based on seismic behaviour, clustering of events, and tectonic structures, the collision zone is divided into 26 distinct seismic zones. The temporal variation in seismicity for each zone is analyzed, and a susceptibility index, ESI6, is calculated. This index considers the return period of earthquakes with Mw ≥ 6 and the time elapsed since the last Mw ≥ 6 earthquake in each zone. The ESI6 represents the number of pending Mw ≥ 6 earthquakes in each seismic zone. Ten zones with high ESI6 values (>2.5) have been identified; these zones were seismically active in the past but have remained without major earthquakes for the last three decades. To mitigate potential losses and raise awareness, it is critical to implement GPS monitoring of plate movements, satellite-based deformation monitoring, and seismic health assessments of crucial infrastructure in these silent zones.

How to cite: Kumar, S.: Spatio Temporal Analysis of Earthquake Potential in the Indo-Eurasian Collision Zone: Identifying Future Seismic Hotspots Using the Earthquake Susceptibility Index, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16591,, 2025.

EGU25-17662 | Orals | NH4.4

Automated Site Effects Mapping in Mayotte Using Airborne Electromagnetic Data and Machine Learning 

Cécile Gracianne, Hugo Breuillard, Célia Mato, Pierre-Alexandre Reninger, Agathe Roullé, Anne Raingeard, and Roxanne Rusch

Recent seismic hazard assessments in Mayotte have highlighted the island's significant exposure to site effects during earthquakes. These effects are closely linked to its complex geological setting, characterized by altered volcanic formations whose heterogeneous geometry leads to strong spatial variations in ground motion. In response to governmental requests, a site effects map is being developed to raise public awareness and support risk-informed urban planning.

A novel methodology for site effects mapping has recently been developed at BRGM, integrating airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data with borehole logs, geological maps, and seismic data (MASW and H/V measurements). This approach was tested on three test sites covering 12 km² of Mayotte surface, and it has demonstrated its potential in imaging the geological interfaces responsible for site effects. However, the current methodology relies on expert-driven data interpretation, making its large-scale application highly labour-intensive and costly. To overcome this limitation, partial automation of the data processing is required in order to handle larger datasets efficiently.

Machine learning techniques offer a promising solution to address this challenge. The test sites provided a unique training dataset, associating resistivity profiles derived from AEM data with the position of geological interfaces responsible for site effects within the soil column. These interface locations were determined through the integration and interpretation of all available geological and geophysical data, including MASW, H/V measurements, and borehole logs. Using this dataset, we trained various models, including Random Forest and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), to predict the localization of geological interfaces responsible for site effects based on AEM data.

Preliminary results indicate that the CNN model shows good performances on this task. Nevertheless, further improvements require the expansion of training datasets, underscoring the significant investment needed to generalize this approach to other regions. Future research will focus on refining predictive models and optimizing data acquisition to support large-scale implementation.

How to cite: Gracianne, C., Breuillard, H., Mato, C., Reninger, P.-A., Roullé, A., Raingeard, A., and Rusch, R.: Automated Site Effects Mapping in Mayotte Using Airborne Electromagnetic Data and Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17662,, 2025.

Finding a sustainable solution to disaster risk mitigation needs to consider different aspects of the disaster’s impact along with social, economic, and physical characteristics of the region. In this regard, a desirable solution for disaster risk mitigation for a region is the one tailored to the local characteristics. These local characteristics not only help measure the different aspects of a disaster impact but also portray existing pressing issues as priorities. While the former can be modeled using risk and resilience assessment models, the latter can be measured from experts’ points of view. Ultimately, the combination of the expert’s perception on important issues and the output of risk and resilience assessment models can be used to evaluate the optimality of each disaster risk mitigation solution.

In this research, a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) framework is developed to provide an evaluation of each disaster risk mitigation. The developed framework is designed to be able to run on the action-outcome results from risk and resilience assessment models and the cardinal ranking of the decision criteria, representing decision-makers’ expert opinion on the priorities in mitigating and managing disaster risk. The developed MCDA framework is very practical as it can run on action-outcome results, and these results are accessible from a large variety of risk and resilience assessment models. Furthermore, the developed MCDA framework takes into account the uncertainty in the risk and resilience assessment models. In compatibility with running on minimal available information, the MCDA’s decision model is simplified to one layer with a single layer of the decision criteria.

Additionally, as the number of competing mitigation solutions might increase rapidly in practice, the MCDA framework is developed to handle a huge number of alternatives more efficiently and with relatively limited computational resources. The MCDA framework is developed based on the CAR method of eliciting the preferences among mitigation alternatives. The final results evaluate the competing disaster risk mitigation solution based on available data (as processed by risk and resilience assessment models) and the expert’s opinion on important issues and their preferences on the important aspects of disaster impact. As such, the final results provide an estimation of the expert’s belief on the desirability of each of the disaster risk mitigation solutions.

This MCDA framework is developed as part of the Horizon Europe project MEDiate (Multi-hazard and risk-informed system for Enhanced local and regional Disaster risk management). This project is dedicated to creating a decision-support system (DSS) for disaster risk management that not only takes into account the complexities of multiple interacting natural hazards but also tailors the final solution to the characteristics, priorities, and concerns of the local communities and decision-makers. The MEDiate framework is implemented on four different testbeds (Oslo (Norway), Nice (France), Essex (UK), and Múlaþing (Iceland)), each of which has a different multi-hazard pair and different socio-economic characteristics. The deployment of the developed MCDA framework on different natural hazards and socio-economic characteristics shows its flexible practicality.

How to cite: Yeganegi, M. R., Komendantova, N., and Danielson, M.: Measuring the experts’ perception about the suitability of natural disaster risk mitigation solutions using minimal risk assessment information, a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17936,, 2025.

EGU25-18225 | Posters on site | NH4.4

A web platform for crowdsourced collection, processing, and visualization of exposure data on buildings 

Maria Teresa Artese, Elisa Varini, Isabella Gagliardi, Gianluigi Ciocca, Flavio Piccoli, Claudio Rota, Matteo Del Soldato, Silvia Bianchini, Chiara Scaini, Antonella Peresan, and Piero Brondi

The ultimate objective of our research is to explore the potential of Machine Learning in the dynamic creation of up-to-date exposure layers for buildings. This effort involves integrating remote sensing images, ancillary data such as national census information, and crowdsourced data collected by trained citizens. The crowdsourcing activity builds on a previous successful initiative developed within the CEDAS (building CEnsus for seismic Damage Assessment) project, which engaged high school students from North-East Italy in collecting data on buildings that were either unavailable from conventional exposure data sources or not easily retrievable via remote sensing techniques (Scaini et al., 2022).

To this end, we are developing a complex multimedia information system via web platform designed to collect, process, store, and distribute information to different knowledge users (policymakers, territorial planners, citizens) with targeted visualization strategies. The crowdsourcing initiatives are taking place in selected municipalities of Tuscany and Friuli regions (Italy), exposed to different natural hazards, such as earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides.  An online questionnaire has been created to assist the user in building data collection and minimize input errors. Simultaneously, building data, along with their photos, are stored in a structured database for research purposes.  For instance, building data and images are used as learning set to train a machine learning algorithm to identify specific features such as roof type, number of floors, and the presence of a basement. These algorithms can then be included in the online questionnaire to facilitate further data collection by automatically suggesting features associated to the buildings. A dedicated visualization tool is being developed on the web platform to showcase the effectiveness of this method in recognition of building features. We will demonstrate the data visualization tools developed on the web platform so far, highlighting the key features of the available exposure databases. The web platform is designed to provide an easy-to-use tool for communicating with various knowledge users, while also enhancing disaster awareness and preparedness, which is attained exploring and collecting data on the built environment.

This study is a contribution to the ongoing PRIN 2022 PNRR project SMILE “Statistical Machine Learning for Exposure development” (code P202247PK9, CUP B53D23029430001) within the European Union-NextGenerationEU program.

How to cite: Artese, M. T., Varini, E., Gagliardi, I., Ciocca, G., Piccoli, F., Rota, C., Del Soldato, M., Bianchini, S., Scaini, C., Peresan, A., and Brondi, P.: A web platform for crowdsourced collection, processing, and visualization of exposure data on buildings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18225,, 2025.

EGU25-21907 | Orals | NH4.4

Seismo-electromagnetism: observations and mechanisms 

Qinghua Huang

Seismogenic mechanism of strong earthquakes plays a fundamental role in disaster prevention. Electromagnetic methods, which are sensitive to fluid, have been widely adopted in the study on seismogenic structure and earthquake physics. Due to the increasing environmental disturbances and limited understanding on electromagnetic anomalies, electromagnetic data cannot fully show their potential values in disaster prevention. We propose an integrated work on seismogenic structure, identification of electromagnetic disturbances, and mechanism of seismo-electromagnetic anomalies. Based on the tests of synthetic and field data, we demonstrate that the multiple electromagnetic methods can reveal the feature of the multi-scaled seismogenic structure. With the developments of the new methodology based on deep learning and the seismo-electromagnetic coupling model, one can investigate the spatio-temporal characteristics of electromagnetic anomalies and their possible relationship with earthquakes. This study may contribute to the study on earthquake forecast and disaster prevention.

How to cite: Huang, Q.: Seismo-electromagnetism: observations and mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21907,, 2025.

Earthquake induced soil liquefaction first gained importance after the 1964 Alaskan and Niigata Earthquakes. Soil liquefaction is responsible with severe effects due to the decrease in strength and stiffness of the soils underlying the engineering structures following the increase in pore water pressure. Therefore, studies based on the assessment of the liquefaction potentials of the soils have always been significant and in great interest by the researchers. Assessment of the liquefaction potentials of the soils are especially significant for the cities with high population. Fethiye is one of those cities particularly during summers due to high tourist influx (177.569 people in winters, over 1 million people in summers). Fethiye, where is known to be hit by an earthquake with moment magnitude 7.1 in 1957, is estimated to be hit by such an upcoming earthquake in the following years according to the Gutenberg-Richter magnitude-frequency relationship. This paper discusses the liquefaction susceptibilities of the Quaternary deposits within the Fethiye basin calculated according to the simplified procedure. Soil samples from 256 almost evenly distributed boreholes drilled within the microzonation projects within the study area have been used in the calculation of liquefaction susceptibilities of the soils. Calculated factor of safety values have been converted to the liquefaction potential index values to understand the liquefaction hazard. Liquefaction hazard in the region varies from very low to very high (LPI=0 Very Low, 0<LPI≤5 Low, 5<LPI≤15 High, LPI>15 Very High) in the region. According to the analyses, liquefaction potentials of the soils increase towards the coastal margin of the basin where groundwater level gets shallower. Moreover, it has been seen that the clayey soils are not liquefiable according to the Chinese criteria and the liquefiable soils within the study area are mainly sands and silty sands. As it is moved towards the Eastern inland margin, gravel amount increases, groundwater level deepens and liquefaction susceptibilities of the soils decrease. Thus, new urbanization plans must mainly be held in these low susceptible regions, and if it is inevitable not to construct buildings within the liquefiable zone, the essential soil improvement actions must be held to eliminate undesired destructions.

Keywords: Liquefaction, Liquefaction Potential Index, Fethiye, Tourist Attraction, Hazard Mapping.

How to cite: Türe, O. and Celikkollu, S. T.: Assessment of Liquefaction Potentials of the Soils of the World’s one of the Greatest Tourist Attractions for Upcoming High Magnitude Earthquake. Fethiye/Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-103,, 2025.

EGU25-3720 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.5

A Geotechnical Database for Geo-Hydrological Modeling at Regional and National Scales 

Nunzia Monte, Francesco Bucci, Federica Angela Mevoli, Michele Santangelo, Paola Reichenbach, Lucio Di Matteo, and Ivan Marchesini

Despite advancements in physically distributed geo-hydrological models, their small-scale application is often hindered by a lack of quantitative information on geotechnical parameters. Geological and lithological maps, while essential, frequently lack the detailed information needed to enhance their utility in modelling. Addressing this issue, this presentation describes a comprehensive database containing over 2,300 geotechnical parameter records, collected through an extensive review of more than 100 scientific articles and international sources. The parameters include cohesion, friction angle, and porosity, associated to more than 200 different lithotypes. The geotechnical parameters were obtained from laboratory tests, field experiments, or empirical approaches (Monte et al., 2024).

For the Italian context, the collected parameters were associated with the lithological classes defined by Bucci et al. (2022), enabling to present preliminary geotechnical maps. These reclassified maps may provide researchers and stakeholders with a comprehensive dataset useful for slope stability assessments and small-scale land management.

Descriptive statistical analyses and validation through grey literature confirm the reliability and utility of the dataset in enhancing geotechnical characterizations. This database represents a significant advancement for geological and environmental risk assessments at regional and national scales.



Monte, N., Bucci, F., Mevoli, F. A., Santangelo, M., Reichenbach, P., Di Matteo, L., & Marchesini, I. (2024). A dataset of geotechnical parameters based on international literature to characterise lithotypes in Italy. Scientific Data, 11(1), 1371.

Bucci, F., Santangelo, M., Fongo, L., Alvioli, M., Cardinali, M., Melelli, L., & Marchesini, I. (2022). A new digital lithological map of Italy at the 1: 100 000 scale for geomechanical modelling. Earth System Science Data14(9), 4129-4151.

How to cite: Monte, N., Bucci, F., Mevoli, F. A., Santangelo, M., Reichenbach, P., Di Matteo, L., and Marchesini, I.: A Geotechnical Database for Geo-Hydrological Modeling at Regional and National Scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3720,, 2025.

EGU25-4015 | Orals | NH4.5

The CFTIlandslides, Italian database of historical earthquake-induced landslides 

Caterina Zei, Gabriele Tarabusi, Cecilia Ciuccarelli, Pierfrancesco Burrato, Giulia Sgattoni, Rita Chiara Taccone, and Dante Mariotti

The study of the occurrence and incidence of environmental coseismic phenomena is becoming an increasingly demanding and fundamental need for the seismic hazard evaluation and risk reduction. Landslides triggered by earthquakes are the most diffuse environmental phenomena and can cause significant long-lasting impacts and losses across the area affected by the earthquake shaking. The combination of the relatively frequent seismic release with a very high landslide susceptibility, makes the Italian territory especially prone to the occurrence of earthquake-induced landslides.

The CFTIlandslides ( is a recently released database of historical earthquake-induced landslides (HEILs) in Italy that includes over 1,000 landslides associated with 140 seismic events. The data are collected from the review of historical sources and the analysis of scientific articles and technical reports and are geographically localized in a GIS environment comparing the historical information with modern topographic datasets and the Italian national inventory of landslides (IFFI database: Based on these criteria CFTIlandslides is currently the only historical dataset available at a global, regional, and national scale.

The CFTIlandslides was designed as continuously updated repository, and as such it is open to later additions and improvements in future releases. The first version of the database features historical earthquake-induced landslides  subdivided into classes based on location accuracy and type of movement. 

The CFTIlandslides is conceived as a publicly accessible online WebGIS, it has interactive access to external data via web-services. This allows to visualize and compare HEILs localization with other geophysical and geological information. Data can be analyzed using a 3D terrain map. Moreover, the CFTIlandslides data are distributed through OGC web services, and can be downloaded in different file formats.

The HEILs collected in the CFTIlandslides can be used to:

- to develop empirical relationships between landslide density and seismological parameters of the triggering earthquakes at national and regional scales;

- make comparison between earthquake-induced landslides distribution of past and recent earthquakes; 

- perform detailed historical studies of a single landslide or a specific area. 

Therefore, this new dataset is the starting point for new elaborations about the study of earthquake-induced landslides. These results can subsequently be applied to mitigate seismic hazards and reduce risks and build effective strategies for urban planning and emergency management.

The database is addressed to a large audience of potential users and stakeholders, including researchers and scholars, administrators and technicians of local institutions, and civil protection authorities.

How to cite: Zei, C., Tarabusi, G., Ciuccarelli, C., Burrato, P., Sgattoni, G., Taccone, R. C., and Mariotti, D.: The CFTIlandslides, Italian database of historical earthquake-induced landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4015,, 2025.

EGU25-5736 | Orals | NH4.5

Influence of site effect modelling approaches in seismic risk assessment 

Julián Montejo, Vitor Silva, Bruno Pace, and Marco Pagani

For decades, both qualitative and quantitative observations of earthquake intensities have highlighted the impact of surface geology on the characteristics of the ground shaking. However, site effects are often inadequately incorporated into seismic risk assessments. Many hazard and risk models simplify the consideration of site effects by using average soil properties in the upper 30 meters (Vs30), even though this approach neglects the influence of entire basins, as well as additional factors such as lateral heterogeneities, geomorphological features, and topographic properties of the landscape.

While various proxies have been developed to streamline the estimation of site effects with high accuracy, the adoption of site-response proxies based on Vs30 over the past two decades favoured practicality over rigorous validation. These generic proxies, often embedded in seismic codes, are often not subjected to thorough evaluations. In this study, we investigate how the use of simplified approaches impacts on earthquake loss assessments.

We evaluated over 20 approaches for modelling site effects, incorporating diverse proxies, methodologies, and geographical scales. Assuming seismic zonation studies (SZS) as the most accurate methodology and the benchmark, we conducted probabilistic risk assessments for five cities in Colombia, with varying geological conditions and seismic sources. These case studies utilized detailed exposure models and SZS-derived amplification functions at different intensity levels, integrating geotechnical, geophysical, and geological characterizations validated through numerical modeling and seismic records from local and national networks.

Our findings indicate that while the geographical resolution of the soil parameter used as a proxy (e.g Vs30) used to estimate site effects has limited impact on risk metrics, the chosen methodology significantly influences results. Additionally, consistent with previous hazard studies, we observed that incorporating the non-linear behavior of soil is crucial to avoid overpredicting the impact. These conclusions were derived from comparative analyses of risk metrics, including risk curves for return periods up to 1,000 years and annual average losses.

Based on our results, we offer two key recommendations for earthquake risk modelers:

  • To focus not only on improving spatial resolution of soil parameters used as a proxy to assess site effects but also on validating amplification values using local data and numerical modeling, as this step critically shapes the final outcomes.
  • Evaluate site effect approaches on a case-by-case basis, as simplified models fail to fully capture the complexities of soil response, leading to varying degrees of over- or underprediction.

How to cite: Montejo, J., Silva, V., Pace, B., and Pagani, M.: Influence of site effect modelling approaches in seismic risk assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5736,, 2025.

The characterization of the soil properties at seismic stations is extremely important for all the studies related to seismic network data. On the other hand, the availability of such a large dataset of site indicators offers the possibility to look for statistical correlations between different site indicators. In the framework of the 2022-25 PRIN-SERENA project (“Mapping seismic site effects at regional and national scale”, granted by Italian Ministry of University and Research), we use the information archived in the CRISP database relating to the site characterization of more than 400 stations belonging to the Italian Seismic Network ( 

We first analyze the distribution of the most significant indicators with large sample size: Horizontal-to-Vertical spectral ratio on both noise and earthquakes (HVSR), lithological classification, site and topography classes from national and european building codes. We then consider the HVSR as a reference proxy of site effect estimation at the stations sites and we look for relations with the others indicators. The cluster analysis of the HVSR curves highlights that about half of the stations have amplitudes reaching, on average, values of 4. They can also be grouped in four different shapes: flat curve (sites without HV amplification), amplification in the low-to-intermediate (f<2-3 Hz) and in the high (f>2-3 Hz) frequency ranges, large amplification for frequencies from about 1 to 3 Hz. Moreover,  the mean HV curves from noise maintain values lower or similar to those from earthquakes, whereas single noise peaks have greater amplitudes.

A not straightforward correlation with the other proxies is clearly recognizable, except a weak but significant dependence with the lithology and soil classes: the resonance frequency decreases as the soil characteristics deteriorate, and its amplitude slightly increases as the site characteristics degrade. The comparison of the results with the site correction term of the Local Magnitude shows that the combination of these two conditions causes an overestimation of the magnitude computation at about 10% of the seismic stations.

How to cite: Cultrera, G. and Mercuri, A.: Statistical analysis on soil response of the Italian Seismic Network from the CRISP database, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6773,, 2025.

In the framework of Italian Seismic Microzonation studies, regional authorities have equipped themselves with simplified procedures, named as “seismic abacuses”, aimed at estimating the amplification of seismic motion. In particular, the purpose of these abacuses is to perform the quantitative characterization of the amplification phenomena expected in lithostratigraphic situations characterized by flat and horizontal layers. These are essentially tables in which a set of values ​​of geophysical parameters considered diagnostic are uniquely associated with expected values ​​of the ground motion amplification in terms of "Amplification Factor" (AF) with respect to a reference motion. The abacuses were defined on the basis of 1D seismic response analyses of real cases considered characteristic and significant of the local lithological, geotechnical and geophysical context of each region. The AF values ​​reported in the regional abacuses correspond to different percentiles of the total number of cases for the period interval considered.The development of the seismic abacuses generally includes 4 steps: geological/geotechnical characterization of the regional territory, parameterization, numerical simulations, statistical analysis and construction of representative abacuses. This work is devoted to describe and summarize the various phases of the procedure done to develop the seismic abacuses of the Piedmont region (Northern Italy).In the first phase, geological, geotechnical and geophysical information collected from regional authority’s repositories were used to define the Geological Domains (GDs), i.e., the areas characterized by similar tectonic and/or depositional history. In the second phase, the seismic, geometric and geotechnical parametrization of the cover terrains for each GD is performed: in particular, the shear-wave velocity (Vs) profiles collected were used to define several models describing the trend of these values as a function of the depth following a power law. As concerns the geotechnical aspects, since the lack of laboratory data, shear modulus reduction and damping ratio curves as a function of shear strain provided for the cover terrains in the Italian territory were considered. The numerical simulations, which represent the third step, were carried out using the NC92Soil software considering an equivalent-linear approach and following the Inverse Random Vibration Theory procedure. In this step, the power-law models previously defined were used to generate via randomization procedure a set of 5000 seismo-stratigraphical profiles for each GD. The last step was devoted to the drawing-up of the abacuses. In this phase, AF values were computed and their population obtained for three period intervals, for each of the GDs and for each of the hazard levels was statistically analyzed and each AF value was classified according to the respective values ​​of geophysical proxy parameters chosen. At the end of the whole procedure, an ensemble of 39 tables was provided to the regional authority.

How to cite: Paolucci, E., Adinolfi, G. M., Comina, C., and Pieruccini, P.: Regional scale geophysical parametrization for the development of simplified method to assess the 1D seismic amplification: the case of Piedmont Region (Northern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7167,, 2025.

EGU25-7487 | Orals | NH4.5

Empirical estimates of Site Amplification Factors in Italy 

Salomon Hailemikael, Giovanna Cultrera, Alessandro Peloso, Guido Martini, Carla Barnaba, Giovanna Laurenzano, Giovanni Lanzano, Sara Sgobba, and Maria Rosaria Gallipoli

In the framework of an Italian research project (2022-25 PRIN SERENA “Mapping Seismic Site Effects at Regional and National Scale”, granted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research), we aimed at the empirical verification and calibration of the numerical ground-motion amplification maps developed within the project, using in-depth geological, geophysical and seismological information. For this purpose, a database of experimental site-specific amplification estimates (AFs) in three interval periods was created for more than 1900 sites, both at national scale (permanent and temporary seismic networks) and for selected areas (Central Italy, North-East Italy, Basilicata region, Ferrara).

Three different approaches were used to compute the AFs: i) spectrum-compatible accelerograms (Uniform Hazard Spectrum) as input and amplification function from Generalized Inversion Technique (GIT) applied to input motion (Fourier spectrum, FAS, or Response spectrum, SA); ii) estimate based on the repeatable site-to-site terms of a reference Ground Motion Model in SA for the EC8-A class; iii) both input and output computed from recordings at the reference station and at the target one (SSR). A GIS architecture was developed for storage and to perform semi-automatic comparisons between experimental estimates themselves and with the numerical ones using JupyterLab (web-based interactive development environment).

The comparison of AFs from different techniques highlights that experimental estimates are well-correlated in the investigated areas, with better agreement between integral parameters (FA), and that the observed differences with the GIT or SSR estimates are due to the dependence on the reference site and on the choice of earthquake catalogue.

How to cite: Hailemikael, S., Cultrera, G., Peloso, A., Martini, G., Barnaba, C., Laurenzano, G., Lanzano, G., Sgobba, S., and Gallipoli, M. R.: Empirical estimates of Site Amplification Factors in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7487,, 2025.

ASCE/SEI Standard 7-22 is in progress for adoption by countries, states, municipalities around the world in 2025. Chapter 20 describes new standards for determining seismic site class that encourage geophysical surveying rather than cone penetrometer or standard penetration testing. Invasive methods can fail to achieve compliance because of refusal or difficulty for intrusive methods to access sites. For non-intrusive geophysical surveying to achieve code compliance it is important for geotechnical engineers to employ geophysical survey methods effective at determining the time-averaged shear-wave velocity from the surface to 30 m depth, known as Vs30. Without such measurements, taking the default seismic site class may lead to over-design of building structures, inflated construction costs and extended project timelines. Code allowance of seismic surface-wave-arrays offers engineers the opportunity to perform one geophysical survey yielding Vs30 and site class along with a more comprehensive site investigation including assessments of the critical zone, depth to bedrock, fault location, and even P-wave velocity and Poisson’s ratio. ASCE 7-22 compliant surface-wave surveys, when processed and interpreted with Terēan software, will provide this full range of results. Most sites require less than one hour to complete for Vs30 measurement, including narrative report generation. This technology increases the ease of data collection with an untethered, triggerless hammer and the ability for the same array of 24, 4.5 Hz geophones to collect S- and P-wave data simultaneously, and simplifies seismic data acquisition by eliminating the need for hammer cables and surveying. Many case histories at scales from 5 m to 1000 m serve to demonstrate these rapid and comprehensive results, including assessments of basin structure to kilometer depths. Simpler geophysical surveys with more comprehensive results allow engineers and geologists to more efficiently complete safety and environmental assessments.

How to cite: Louie, J., Starr, A., and Honjas, B.: Simplified Seismic Surveys for Non-Intrusive ASCE 7-22 Compliant Site Class, Critical-Zone Characterization, Fault Location, and Basin Structure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7646,, 2025.

EGU25-8729 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.5

Developing soil classification maps for earthquake hazard assessment in urban areas 

Paulina Janusz, Janneke van Ginkel, Paolo Bergamo, Anastasiia Shynkarenko, and Donat Fäh

Seismic hazard assessments in Switzerland rely on the Seismic Hazard Model 2015 developed by the Swiss Seismological Service. The standards for seismic impacts on new constructions or existing structures, as outlined in the official building code for Switzerland, consider seismic zones and local soil conditions. However, no updated hazard assessments currently exist for ETH Zurich or Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) buildings. The last site-specific studies are now outdated. Existing cantonal soil classification maps for PSI are deficient, relying primarily on geological data, and no soil class map is available for dense urban areas, such as Zurich. Accurate assessments require additional geophysical and seismological data. This pilot project aims to develop detailed soil classification maps for the ETH and PSI areas.

This project’s key steps include analyzing existing geophysical measurements, collecting and interpreting geological and geotechnical data, and conducting new Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (H/V) and array measurements to map soil resonance. Active seismic methods determine site-specific shear-wave velocity profiles and soil damping values. Existing seismic data undergo reinterpretation using advanced techniques, such as high-resolution beamforming and WaveDec, to compute dispersion and ellipticity curves to obtain subsurface velocity profiles with Bayesian inversions.

Subsequently, with the new data, we can estimate local soil amplifications and their variability at investigated sites and classify them into soil classes to produce a soil classification map. Updated seismic hazard studies for two buildings and elastic response spectra accompany an evaluation of the feasibility and effort required for a microzonation study of the ETH and PSI areas.

How to cite: Janusz, P., van Ginkel, J., Bergamo, P., Shynkarenko, A., and Fäh, D.: Developing soil classification maps for earthquake hazard assessment in urban areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8729,, 2025.

EGU25-8822 | ECS | Orals | NH4.5

Simulating site-specific nonlinear site response in low-to-moderate seismicity areas – insight from Switzerland 

Paulina Janusz, Paolo Bergamo, Luis Fabian Bonilla, Elena Manea, Matthew Hill, and Donat Fäh

The significance of local site effects in seismic hazard assessment is well-recognised. However, nonlinear soil behaviour during high-strain conditions is often neglected or oversimplified, even for large return periods. This study aims to estimate the impact of nonlinearity and liquefaction on the local seismic hazard using the multistep approach by Janusz et al. (2024), in particular in low-to-moderate seismicity areas, where nonlinearity is not instrumentally observed and hence particularly difficult to assess. We focus on sites in Switzerland, where strong earthquakes are relatively rare, although documented in the past. An exemplary area is the subalpine sedimentary basin of Lucerne, which is vulnerable to nonlinearity and liquefaction because of soft alluvial deposits (VS30<300 m/s) and a shallow water table depth (~1–4 m). 

Typically, simplified linear equivalent models are used for modelling nonlinearity. Here, we use fully nonlinear numerical estimators with a constitutive model that accounts for pore pressure excess development, allowing for simulating the dilatant behaviour of the soil and indicating the onset of liquefaction. Moreover, the soil models are often characterized either using generalised values from literature or expensive laboratory measurements, which may not reflect in-situ conditions. We use soil models calibrated using cone penetration tests (CPT), which are in-situ geotechnical surveys, allowing for site-specific assessment.

Our findings show that the impact of the nonlinear soil behaviour cannot be neglected even in low-to-moderate seismicity areas like Lucerne. In the case of a strong shaking consistent with the local seismic hazard for 475 and 975 years return periods, we observe the high impact of the nonlinearity such as increased damping leading to a decrease of the site amplification. Moreover, due to nonlinearity, the soil resonance frequencies shift towards lower values, which may affect the risk estimation for some buildings. Additionally, in our simulations, strong deformation is induced in some sandy layers due to the rapid build-up of the pore pressure, with a high possibility of liquefaction. However, the variability between tested sites is significant, indicating that nonlinear site response is highly site-specific, and hence, a reliable characterization of the soil profile is crucial. Even though we observe some similarities between sites of the same soil class and characterized by similar properties e.g. water table depth, the correlations are highly dispersed. Furthermore, we explore the uncertainty and sensitivity due to the model parameters and the input ground motions.

The current work concentrates on verifying the results using strong-motion recordings with nonlinear observations, which are currently lacking in Switzerland. The indirect comparisons with empirical data from Japanese sites show similar trends and values. For direct validation, we aim to apply the procedure using the CPT-calibrated soil models from Wellington (New Zealand), where nonlinearity was observed during the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake.

This study was part of the Horizon 2020 ITN-funded URBASIS-EU and the ENSI-“Seismological research for Swiss nuclear facilities” project.

Janusz P, Bergamo P, Bonilla LF, et al (2024) Multistep procedure for estimating non-linear soil response in low seismicity areas—a case study of Lucerne, Switzerland. GJI, 239:1133–1154.

How to cite: Janusz, P., Bergamo, P., Bonilla, L. F., Manea, E., Hill, M., and Fäh, D.: Simulating site-specific nonlinear site response in low-to-moderate seismicity areas – insight from Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8822,, 2025.

EGU25-9958 | ECS | Orals | NH4.5

Influence of uncertain bedrock seismic velocity structure on numerical simulation of earthquake ground motion (EGM): case study of the Le Teil earthquake (November 11, 2019, France) 

Aude Gounelle, Florent De Martin, Emmanuel Chaljub, François Lavoué, Damien Do Couto, Edward Marc Cushing, and Céline Gélis

On November 11, 2019 a very shallow magnitude Mw 4.9 earthquake shook Le Teil (Ardèche, France), some ten kilometres from two nuclear facilities. This earthquake, the strongest in metropolitan France in the last twenty years, occurred on a fault which was not identified as an active fault in the BDFA (Jomard et al., 2017) given its selection criteria, highlighting the importance of studying seismic hazard in low-seismicity areas. This earthquake occurred in a region with many assets, most of which are located in the Rhône valley and therefore subject to significant site effects due to a complex geology. The region has indeed been affected by a major erosion phase during the Messinian salinity crisis ca. 6 My ago, followed by the rapid flooding of the resulting canyon, thereby creating a basin filled with sediments of Pliocene to Quaternary ages embedded in a substratum composed of Secondary to Tertiary formations.

In this study, we present our exploratory work in view to build a seismological model of this region. This will be done through the comparison between observed ground motions and physics-based numerical simulations accounting for uncertainties related to geological layers on the wave path. We want to explore these uncertainties to faithfully replicate the data when modelling the propagation of seismic waves for frequencies between 0.5 and 5 Hz, for scenarios of the Le Teil earthquake and its aftershocks.

We focus particularly on the complexity of the pre-Messinian substratum and its impact on EGM outside the sedimentary basin. We propose a method for building geological interfaces bounding the velocity structure that can easily be parameterized, especially when multiple faults are present, facilitating the investigation of many potential structures.

We were able to produce a first velocity model of the region incorporating faults and a velocity structure with non-planar interfaces, and to confront our numerical simulation of the November 23, 2019 aftershock to field data recorded by several seismic stations. We also identified model parameters subject to uncertainties (shear-wave velocities, layer interfaces, source depth…) and the associated uncertain spaces (approx. 1500-3500 m.s-1, up to 1.5 km variations, approx. 1-2 km depth). Following this work, a comprehensive sensitivity study including basin structure and source parameters will be conducted to understand which physical and structural parameters primarily control the prediction of EGM.

How to cite: Gounelle, A., De Martin, F., Chaljub, E., Lavoué, F., Do Couto, D., Cushing, E. M., and Gélis, C.: Influence of uncertain bedrock seismic velocity structure on numerical simulation of earthquake ground motion (EGM): case study of the Le Teil earthquake (November 11, 2019, France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9958,, 2025.

EGU25-10022 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.5

BENTO: A Benchmark on 3D Numerical Simulations for Evaluating the Impact of Topography on Ground Motion 

Aline Bou Nassif, Emeline Maufroy, Emmanuel Chaljub, Pauline Rischette, Cécile Cornou, Pierre-Yves Bard, Elias El Haber, and Fabrice Hollender

3D numerical simulations are widely used to evaluate the impact of topography on ground motion in both homogeneous and heterogeneous media. To ensure consistency among different simulation methods in predicting ground motion amplification and de-amplification on topographic sites, the “BEnchmark of 3D Numerical Simulations on TOpographic Sites” (BENTO) was launched. Partially funded by the Cashima-3 and Sigma-3 research programs, BENTO started in September 2024 and will run until fall 2026, with results to be presented at the ESG 2026 conference in Grenoble, France. The benchmark brings together 20 teams from around the world, including participants from France, Italy, Japan, China, Slovakia, Switzerland, Germany, and the United States. It comprises three main phases.

The first phase is a verification phase, which involves a cross-comparison of high-frequency 3D simulations on simple topographies such as scarps, Gaussian hills/ridges, and triangular hills/ridges, for some of which analytical solutions are also available in the literature. The second phase is an initial validation phase focusing on more complex 3D simulations on a real topographic scarp in Cephalonia, Greece, where existing earthquake recordings are available. In this phase, the goal is to compare synthetic results with real-world measurements and simpler proxies. The final phase is a second validation phase targeting different topographic sites in Cephalonia, for which no prior earthquake measurements exist. New recordings will be collected during this phase, guided by insights from earlier simulations.

BENTO aims to assess the alignment of different numerical methods in evaluating topographic site effects, determine the meshing precision needed to capture small-scale topographic features at high frequencies, define reference rock sites on topographic reliefs, explore the relative influence of topographic parameters on amplification and de-amplification patterns, and address other critical aspects of the physics behind topographic site effects (e.g., focusing and defocusing of waves, wave diffraction).

How to cite: Bou Nassif, A., Maufroy, E., Chaljub, E., Rischette, P., Cornou, C., Bard, P.-Y., El Haber, E., and Hollender, F.: BENTO: A Benchmark on 3D Numerical Simulations for Evaluating the Impact of Topography on Ground Motion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10022,, 2025.

Following previous studies that identified a potential correlation of the subsidence rates of the soils with the sediment thicknesses (Hbed), or with the resonance periods of the soil columns (T0), we want to verify this correlation in the urbanised valley of Grenoble (French Alps) prone to significant lithological site effect. We take advantage of the high level of geophysical and geotechnical characterisation of this basin to develop a new strategy to estimate site-effect parameters based on subsidence rates measured by satellite Persistent Scatterer InSAR (PSI). Since May 2022, the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) delivers open-access maps of subsidence rates in high spatial resolution (up to one point every tens of meters) and releases a new dataset every year. Our study aims in particular at testing the feasibility with EGMS data to correlate the soil subsidence rates with the site-effect parameters in the Grenoble basin.

A strong advantage of the subsidence-rate data lies in their high spatial resolution, that, for example, we could exploit in microzonation studies. However, the subsidence-rate data also presents two mains drawbacks. First, the measurement points of subsidence rate do not all have the same quality, due to uncertainties in the PSI method employed by EGMS. Second, when comparing different EGMS updates, the subsidence rates vary from one release to another because of changes in the data referencing applied by EGMS, which causes difficulties to define a site-effect model independent of the EGMS updates. To overcome these two drawbacks, we define a specific protocol to filter and process the subsidence rates in order to obtain a single model of prediction for each site parameter studied, and independent of the chosen EGMS release.

We show that in the Grenoble basin and outside of anthropogenic sources such as water pumping, the subsidence rates are only correlated with site parameters sensitive to properties of the whole soil columns (sediment thickness Hbed and fundamental resonance period T0) and not with surface parameters (VS30, geological facies at the near surface, building weights). This suggests that the subsidence rates as measured by satellite PSI are mostly caused by the compaction of the stiff and thick sediments due to their own weight. We finally conclude by quantifying the accuracy and the reliability of the obtained prediction models, in order to assess the input of the PSI satellite data for high-resolution site-effect assessment in urbanized valleys.

How to cite: Schindelholz, V., Cheaib, A., Maufroy, E., Cornou, C., and Pathier, E.: Using the soil subsidence from satellite Persistent Scatterer InSAR (PSI) to estimate site-effect parameters in high spatial resolution, case of the sedimentary basin of Grenoble (French Alps)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10894,, 2025.

EGU25-10902 | Orals | NH4.5

How reliable are 1D models in reproducing the site seismic amplification functions?: a case study in the Val d’Agri Basin, Italy 

Maria Rosaria Gallipoli, Giuseppe Calamita, Giovanna Laurenzano, Perla Taverna, Peter Klin, Giuseppe Totorici, Stefano Catalano, and Carla Barnaba

Predicting ground motion over large areas seems to be the frontier in the enhancement of seismic hazard maps at the national level. Simplified approaches based on 1D numerical simulations have gained traction due to the limited availability of detailed geological and geotechnical data. The Italian Project PRIN-SERENA (mapping Seismic site Effects at REgional and National scAle) aims to improve ground motion amplification maps by deriving site-specific amplification functions (FAs) through numerical modelling and validating these models against experimental data to ensure reliability and practical applicability.

In the framework of WP6-SERENA project, we evaluated the suitability of these simplified methods in 21 seismic stations located an intermontane basin in the southern Apennines (Val d’Agri, southern Italy), characterised by high seismicicity and complex geology. The amplification functions (FA) were experimentally estimated by applying a nonparametric single-step generalized inversion (Klin et al., 2018) to a database of about 2000 waveforms from local and regional events (up to 400 km), providing robust azimuthal coverage for each station.

For the 21 sites experimental FAs were estimated for three period bands of engineering interest: 0.1 – 0.5 s, 0.4-0.8 s and 0.7-1.1 s. These estimates were compared with those derived from the 1D stochastic modelling results by using the NC92soil software (Acunzo et al., 2024) and the subsurface seismo-stratigraphic and mechanical models as input data. The modelled FAs exhibited a narrow amplification range (0.7-1.5), while experimental FAs showed a broader range (1-5). Sites that have the same stratigraphic and mechanical subsurface model have identical modelled FAs, while experimental FAs have very different values reflecting the actual geological complexity of the sites. This discrepancy is most evident at sites with thick surface soils (>100 m), where the 1D models were unable to fully account for subsurface conditions.

For the sites with pronounced discrepancies, deterministic modelling incorporating detailed subsurface characteristics and a higher shear velocity contrast between sediments and bedrock was performed. For sites with low sediment cover (<30 m), modelled FAs aligned closely with experimental results. At sites with medium sediment cover (up to 100 m), modelled FAs were generally lower than the observed values. For deep basin sites (depth > 200 m), deterministic modelling could not reproduce the experimental findings.

These results highlight the limitations of simplified 1D modelling, which primarily accounts for stratigraphic amplification but fails to capture the full complexity of the local seismic response, influenced by path and source effects, as the experimental approach does. Simplified numerical estimates of FAs risk underestimating or misrepresenting seismic site responses, particularly in geologically complex settings such as valleys and intermontane basins. This study underscores the importance of integrating experimental data into seismic hazard assessments to account for the complexity of local seismic responses.


Acunzo, G. et al. 2024. NC92Soil: A computer code for deterministic and stochastic 1D equivalent linear seismic site response analyses. Computers and Geotechnics, 165, p.105857.

Klin, P. et al. 2018. GITANES: A MATLAB package for estimation of site spectral amplification with the generalized inversion technique, Seismol. Res. Lett. 89, no. 1, 182–190.

How to cite: Gallipoli, M. R., Calamita, G., Laurenzano, G., Taverna, P., Klin, P., Totorici, G., Catalano, S., and Barnaba, C.: How reliable are 1D models in reproducing the site seismic amplification functions?: a case study in the Val d’Agri Basin, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10902,, 2025.

EGU25-11219 | Posters on site | NH4.5

Characterizing Subsoil Seismic Behavior: A Case Study of Tbilisi 

Nino Tsereteli, Levan Dvali, David Kharanauli, Nazi Tugushi, Teimuraz Kvirtskhalia, and Luka Gomidze

Subsoil conditions are known to play a crucial role in modifying earthquake motions at the surface, affecting not only the amplitude but also the duration and frequency characteristics of seismic waves. Seismic microzonation studies, therefore, focus on identifying and mapping areas with homogeneous seismic responses to improve hazard assessment and mitigation efforts. 

In this study, we present the preliminary results of the first comprehensive site effects assessment conducted in different parts of Tbilisi, the Capital of Georgia. The analysis includes the characterization of site conditions based on the average shear wave velocity in the upper 30 meters (Vs30), dominant frequencies, and amplification factors. Shallow shear wave velocity (VS30) is a critical parameter in seismic hazard assessment, as it significantly influences the amplification and frequency content of seismic ground motion. While Vs30 in Georgia has traditionally been estimated using refraction techniques, this work incorporates a suite of methodologies, including single-station analysis with borehole data, refraction, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), and 2D (passive) array measurements. We compare the advantages and limitations of each method, highlighting their effectiveness in different geological and geophysical settings.

Additionally, we generated a resonance frequency distribution map and estimated amplification factors using standard acceleration response spectra as per the EC8 classification guidelines. These findings provide critical insights for improving the seismic resilience of urban infrastructure and serve as a baseline for future seismic hazard studies in the region.


This study has been funded by project FR-23-10514 of the SRNSF

How to cite: Tsereteli, N., Dvali, L., Kharanauli, D., Tugushi, N., Kvirtskhalia, T., and Gomidze, L.: Characterizing Subsoil Seismic Behavior: A Case Study of Tbilisi, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11219,, 2025.

EGU25-11427 | ECS | Orals | NH4.5

Site response function evaluation at Campi Flegrei accelerometric stations 

Simone Francesco Fornasari and Giovanni Costa

Campi Flegrei is a nested caldera in Southern Italy well known to the geoscience community for its complex geology and recurrent bradyseismic events. Recently, the interest in the region renewed as a consequence of an ongoing bradyseismic crisis with a particular focus on the associated increment in seismicity. Being one of the most densely populated volcanic areas in the world, with a population of over 500K people, the high social impact that strong seismic events could have makes the monitoring of the area not only of interest for the seismological community but also a priority for the Department of Civil Defence. Consequently, the Department of Civil Defence recently installed several new accelerometric stations in the area, as part of the Italian accelerometric network (RAN), to improve the monitoring operations.

The main goal of this study was to characterize the site response functions at these stations. The analysis has been performed on the recordings from 16 stations for 40 events taking place between 2020 and 2024 with a magnitude between 2.5 and 4.4. A parametric implementation of the generalized inversion technique (GIT) based on a mixed-effects model has been used to model the Fourier amplitude spectra obtained from the recorded waveforms as the contribution of source, path, and site effects, with the inclusion of random effect terms to handle systematic biases related to specific events. The model has been constrained by fixing the frequency-independent site amplification at a reference station, which has been chosen based on a weighted scheme based on geophysical and geomorphological proxies, and then fitted to the data by minimizing the least squares errors. The site response functions (SRFs) have been then obtained by combining the frequency-independent site amplification and the high-frequency correction, obtained during the inversion, with the frequency-dependent site amplification obtained from the analysis of the residuals.

The attenuation parameters obtained from the inversion are consistent with the estimates available in the literature while the magnitudes estimated are in agreement with the ones reported in third-party databases. Furthermore, the results have been validated using a second semi-parametric GIT implementation, in which both source and site effects are treated non-parametrically. The high station-to-station variability of the SRFs at the 16 stations reflects the high geological complexity of the area. The SRFs obtained have been also compared to the corresponding HVSR results: the dominant frequencies are correctly determined using either the GIT approach or the HVSR analysis although the amplitudes from the latter method are generally inaccurate, as well known from the literature. No relevant correlation has been found between the SRFs and the results from (first level) seismic microzonation suggesting that a more detailed analysis is required to provide a correct characterization of the seismic response in the area. The obtained SRFs and seismic spectral model have multiple applications, ranging from Civil Defence purposes to seismic engineering.

How to cite: Fornasari, S. F. and Costa, G.: Site response function evaluation at Campi Flegrei accelerometric stations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11427,, 2025.

EGU25-12809 | ECS | Orals | NH4.5

Characteristics of Surface Ground Motion in Beirut, Lebanon, from 3D Seismic Wave Simulation 

Eliane Youssef, Cécile Cornou, Dalia Youssef Abdel Massih, and Tamara Al-Bittar

Site effects arising from complex two- and three-dimensional (2D/3D) site geometries and highly heterogeneous soils cannot be fully captured by traditional one-dimensional (1D) ground response analyses. At geotechnical and sedimentary scales, these effects have been shown to significantly influence earthquake ground motion, leading to amplification or deamplification, duration lengthening, and spatial variability of surface ground motion. In this study, we investigate how complex surface geology and topography affect ground motion characteristics in Beirut, Lebanon. We build a detailed 3D velocity model of the city and its suburbs, incorporating geological, geophysical, and topographical data to reveal large variations in shear-wave velocity structure and seismic bedrock depth. We then conduct 3D numerical simulations of seismic wave propagation up to 5 Hz using spectral-element methods assuming horizontally polarized SH plane waves. We validate our 3D velocity model by comparing simulated and observed site amplifications. Using several ground motion indicators, we identify significant spatial variation of surface ground motion as well as large site amplification and associated ground motion duration lengthening caused by 2D/3D site effects throughout the city. Our findings, based on synthetic ground motions, provide a robust basis for improving seismic damage assessment in Beirut in the event of future earthquakes.

How to cite: Youssef, E., Cornou, C., Youssef Abdel Massih, D., and Al-Bittar, T.: Characteristics of Surface Ground Motion in Beirut, Lebanon, from 3D Seismic Wave Simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12809,, 2025.

EGU25-13322 | Orals | NH4.5

Estimating Site Amplification in New Zealand Through Measured and Modeled Proxies 

Elena Manea, Anna Kaiser, Liam Wotherspoon, Andrew Stolte, Matthew Hill, and Matthew Gerstenberger

The performance of the built environment during earthquakes is strongly influenced by local and regional variations in ground conditions that influence the amplitude and frequency content of ground motions. Developing models to predict these local site amplification effects is a key ingredient for the modelling of seismic hazard and risk. This study investigates the capability of various measured site parameters (e.g., fundamental frequency (f0)/period (T0)​, HVSR) and/or inferred site proxies (e.g., slope, rock classification, curvature) to predict local site amplification in New Zealand (NZ). To achieve this, we compiled an extensive database of relevant site parameters at 582 GeoNet seismic stations, derived from seismic data (ambient noise and earthquake recordings), geological and topographical maps, as well as site parameters included in the NZ-strong-motion database (Wotherspoon et al., 2024). Additionally, the NZ backbone model proposed by Atkinson (2024) was used to compute PSA site-to-site variability within the period range of 0.05 to 10 seconds, utilizing a comprehensive dataset of ground motion parameters from Manea et al. (2024). We then evaluated the robustness of correlations between site parameters and earthquake site-to-site variability to assess their performance both individually and in combination.

The results indicate that of any single metric, the strongest correlation with site-to-site variability is achieved by geological era, closely followed by site classes based on the 2004 NZ seismic design standard (SNZ 2004). Among measured parameters, VS30 shows the best performance at short periods, while T0 is more effective at longer periods. Conversely, Z1.0 and Z2.5 exhibit the lowest coefficients of determination, perhaps either reflecting the poor characterisation of these parameters, or implying that bedrock characteristics in NZ differ from those in regions where these parameters were originally developed. Inferred parameters such as slope, curvature, and relief perform similarly, although they may capture different aspects of site-to-site variability. In conclusion, while different geological and topographical proxies are effective for estimating site amplification at a regional scale, measured site parameters such as the fundamental frequency/period, VS30 and HVSR are also needed to capture the variability of site response at the local level.

How to cite: Manea, E., Kaiser, A., Wotherspoon, L., Stolte, A., Hill, M., and Gerstenberger, M.: Estimating Site Amplification in New Zealand Through Measured and Modeled Proxies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13322,, 2025.

EGU25-15360 | Posters on site | NH4.5

Preliminary results on Seismic Site Response Assessment in Presence of a Lava Tube: the Lamponi grotto study case, Etna volcano 

Francesco Panzera, Salvatore Alparone, Alfio Marco Borzì, Danilo Contraffatto, Emanuele Colica, Sebastiano D'Amico, Luciano Galone, Gaetano Giudice, Guglielmo Grechi, Graziano Larocca, Salvatore Martino, Santo Nicotra, Mario Valerio Gangemi, and Andrea Cannata

Seismic site response describes how ground motion changes as seismic waves pass through different types of soil, rock, or structures. This study aims to enhance understanding of local seismic response in areas with cavities, particularly in lava tubes. The seismic response in lava tubes is unique and depends on factors such as the geological characteristics of the tube, its size, and its interaction with surrounding materials. Lava tubes, typically cylindrical or tunnel-shaped, have dimensions - such as length, diameter, and wall thickness - that influence how seismic waves travel through and around them.
The study focuses on the Lamponi grotto, located on the northern side of Mount Etna. The grotto runs in a northeast-southwest direction, extending roughly 600-700 meters. It is divided into two sections: an upstream section, which is about 300-400 meters long and better preserved, and a downstream section, which is shorter and shows signs of roof collapse. 
A topographic survey of the lava tube was conducted using a LiDAR system to create a detailed 3D model of both the interior and exterior of the grotto. This high-resolution point cloud data was analyzed to measure the roof thickness, which will be crucial for future numerical modeling and structural analysis.
For seismic site characterization, single-station noise measurements were taken at 50 locations on top of the grotto, with a reference station inside the lava tube. The data were processed using standard spectral ratio methods (comparing outcave vs. incave), vertical-to-horizontal spectral ratios, and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Preliminary results indicated strong vertical amplification above the lava tube at frequencies greater than 10 Hz.

How to cite: Panzera, F., Alparone, S., Borzì, A. M., Contraffatto, D., Colica, E., D'Amico, S., Galone, L., Giudice, G., Grechi, G., Larocca, G., Martino, S., Nicotra, S., Gangemi, M. V., and Cannata, A.: Preliminary results on Seismic Site Response Assessment in Presence of a Lava Tube: the Lamponi grotto study case, Etna volcano, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15360,, 2025.

EGU25-15825 | Orals | NH4.5

Cyclic Shear-Induced Degradation in Saturated Uniform Sands at Small Strains 

Vedran Jagodnik and Tea Sulovsky
Understanding the behavior of sands under cyclic loading is crucial for seismic safety, particularly in regions with high water tables or those located near coastal areas. This study investigates the dynamic behavior and degradation characteristics of uniformly graded Drava River Sand (DrOS018) under undrained cyclic loading conditions. A series of strain-controlled cyclic triaxial tests were conducted at relative densities of 33%, 50%, and 80% under confining pressures of 100 kPa, 200 kPa, and 400 kPa. Utilizing sinusoidal loading frequencies of 0.1 Hz and 0.05 Hz, the experiments provided significant insights into the behavior of sand across a wide range of axial cyclic strains. The results indicate that at cyclic shear strains slightly below and above 0.01%, Drava River sand exhibits an initial hardening phase, characterized by a degradation index above 1 and an increase in pore pressure of up to 35%. This phenomenon, attributed to microstructural grain contact, represents a notable deviation from the traditional view of uniform strength degradation with increasing pore pressure. Beyond this threshold strain, the material enters a phase of evident strength degradation, typically at cyclic shear strains ten times the threshold. At higher effective stresses and relative densities, the sand exhibits increased resistance and can withstand up to 20 load cycles at a cyclic shear strain of 0.2 before complete degradation. Conversely, a rapid loss of strength is observed at lower relative densities (e.g., 33%). The study also confirms the increasing trend of the equivalent viscous damping ratio, consistent with existing literature. Furthermore, the results confirm that isotropic consolidation, while differing from natural anisotropic conditions, yields trends comparable to those documented for similar sands. This research highlights the critical role of effective stress and relative density in controlling sand behavior under cyclic loading and emphasizes the initial consolidation phase as a key factor in seismic design. The findings improve predictive modeling of liquefaction potential and site-specific responses. Moreover, the identified trends provide a solid foundation for future investigations into the micromechanical behavior of sands under dynamic loading conditions.

How to cite: Jagodnik, V. and Sulovsky, T.: Cyclic Shear-Induced Degradation in Saturated Uniform Sands at Small Strains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15825,, 2025.

EGU25-15946 | ECS | Orals | NH4.5

VS30 Map for Mainland China Constrained by Local VS30 Measurements and Incorporating Topographic Slope as Secondary Data via a Cokriging (SCK) Model 

Jian Zhou, Li Li, Xiaojun Li, Nan Xi, Xin Tian, Kun Chen, and Guangyin Xu

VS30 is a widely used parameter for characterizing local site conditions. A VS30 map serves as a fundamental dataset for various studies related to seismic hazard assessment and seismic risk mitigation. In China, over 30 years of extensive engineering projects have generated a wealth of borehole-based VS measurements. We complied a site profile dataset containing tens of thousands of borehole profiles derived from over 3,000 site investigation reports associated with engineering projects across mainland China, covering all provinces and over 200 major cities. To better utilize this abundant site data for developing a VS30 map for China, we proposed a Cokriging-based VS30 proxy model (SCK model) in 2022 that uses VS30 measurements as constraints and topographic slope as a secondary variable, producing the first version of the VS30 map for mainland China. In 2024, we refined the SCK model by: (1) explicitly accounting for the influence of surrounding topographic slopes rather than only the slope at a single point, (2) incorporating more distant VS30 measurements, and (3) improving the spatial distribution of VS30 measurements used in the model calculation. Additionally, we added new VS30 data from China strong-motion stations to enhance data coverage in western China. Using the refined SCK model and the expanded VS30 data set, we developed the 2024 version of VS30 map for mainland China. This map is constrained by 7,939 VS30 measurements, features a grid resolution of 30 arcsec (approximately 900 m), and demonstrates reduced estimation errors with improved spatial continuity. Compared to the China part of the USGS Global VS30 Mosaic, our map provides more plausible results due to its use of local data constraints and its better reflection of the geological and geomorphological characteristics of China. The 2024 version of the VS30 map for mainland China is available as an open-access dataset to support further research and practical applications. We are currently working on incorporating surface geology and depositional environment as additional parameters to further enhance the SCK model’s performance and the map’s ability to reflect local site conditions.

How to cite: Zhou, J., Li, L., Li, X., Xi, N., Tian, X., Chen, K., and Xu, G.: VS30 Map for Mainland China Constrained by Local VS30 Measurements and Incorporating Topographic Slope as Secondary Data via a Cokriging (SCK) Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15946,, 2025.

Predicting the behaviour of existing landslides in mountain regions prone to earthquakes requires a good understanding of the dynamic response of the slopes. Indeed, previous studies, in particular using numerical simulations, have highlighted the role of ground-motion amplifications in the triggering or reactivation of landslides. Unlike seismically active mountain areas where landslides are known to be triggered by earthquakes of magnitude greater than 5, little is known about the potential of repetitive small-magnitude earthquakes to trigger instabilities. This project focuses on an existing slow-moving landslide overhanging the ski resort of Gourette in the French Pyrenees. This landslide, which is approximately 700 m long by 500 m wide at its toe, is active at least since 1990. It is composed of one deep global landslide and several more localized and superficial landslides. The driving force behind this landslide is primarily precipitation. However, if we consider that this region is regularly affected by repetitive small-magnitude earthquakes, the question then arises as to the response of this landslide to seismic shaking. To answer this question, we have started to deploy seismic stations on the slope to measure ground-motion amplifications in the landslide The idea is also to investigate whether the slope ground response varies in time as a consequence of local earthquakes or landslide internal deformations. In parallel, we will also characterize site effects in the landslide area using two methods: the Frequency-Scaled Curvature method and more complex 3D numerical simulations (FLAC3D software). The objective is to characterize site effects within the landslide mass and investigate if combined geological/topographic site effects may develop. In the next months (Interreg POCTEFA SPIRAL project co-financed by EU), additional sensors (GNSS, weather station) will be deployed on the landslide to enable a joint analysis of exogenous factors (precipitation, seismicity) and the landslide's response in terms of surface displacements.

How to cite: Bourdeau, C. and Lombardi, D.: Assessing ground-motion amplifications in a slow-moving landslide (Gourette, French Pyrenees) using seismological data and numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19221,, 2025.

EGU25-19229 | Orals | NH4.5

The seismic monitoring of a medieval tower in the Circus Maximus (Rome, Italy) during pop and rock concerts 

Paola Bordoni, Fabrizio Cara, Daniela Famiani, Giuseppe Di Giulio, Giuliano Milana, Stefania Pucillo, Gaetano Riccio, Maurizio Vassallo, Caterina Hill, and Carlo Doglioni

Between May and September 2023 we recorded the environmental seismic vibrations in the archaeological area of the Circus Maximus (Rome, Italy) before, during and after four live concerts of Italian and international musicians: Springsteen, Mengoni, Scott and Pezzali (an audience of around 70,000 people for each concert).

The Circus maximum is an ancient Roman chariot-racing elliptical shaped stadium (621 m x 118 m) whose first construction dates back to 329 BC. At present, the main structure of the stadium is buried under a green lawn, which is open to the public, and only on the south-eastern side the structure of the hemicycle can be seen. It is here that the archaeological area, managed by the Sovrintendenza Capitolina, is separated and protected from the public area by a metal fence. Apart from the Roman ruins, in this area there is also a 3-floors medieval tower - known as Torre della Moletta - placed at about 500 m away from the main stage.

The concert stage is located at the north-western tip of the Circus Maximum area, facing south-east towards the archaeological area, at a distance of less than 500 metres from the tower. Here, as well as in other points of the archeological area, we were asked to install some seismometers during the concerts, being the archeologists worried about the observed oscillations of the Tower during previous live shows.

For all concerts, we deployed one seismic station on the top and one on the bottom level of the Tower, and some other seismic stations in the surrounding archeological area. The equipment used consisted of six-channels high-resolution digitizers (i.e. with velocimeter and accelerometer sensors) or nodal stations. Among the four concerts, the live show of Travis Scott was the one with the highest amplitude level; the seismic signals were almost entirely clipped during the performance. Many alarmed Roman citizens claimed to have felt an earthquake for the vibrations caused by the concert.

In this study we present the analysis of the environmental vibrations recorded before, during and after the concerts, in terms of velocity and acceleration time series, spectral analysis and variation of the resonance parameters of the Tower. In particular, even if the emitted sound should be focused at frequency beyond 20 Hz, the spectrograms clearly highlight very distinct frequencies related to each song also in the seismic bandwidth (1-5 Hz). This effect can be both due to the transmission of the sound waves to the soil but also to the dancing and jumping of the public during the songs. Before the Scott concert, the Tower had a resonant frequency peaking at about 3 Hz. After the Scott concert, the resonant peak drops by about 0.2 Hz, as confirmed by the subsequent observation for the Pezzali concert.

How to cite: Bordoni, P., Cara, F., Famiani, D., Di Giulio, G., Milana, G., Pucillo, S., Riccio, G., Vassallo, M., Hill, C., and Doglioni, C.: The seismic monitoring of a medieval tower in the Circus Maximus (Rome, Italy) during pop and rock concerts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19229,, 2025.

EGU25-19727 | ECS | Orals | NH4.5

Evaluation of non-linear valley effects through numerical modeling: the case of Norcia (Italy) 

Maria Chiara Caciolli, Massimiliano Rinaldo Barchi, Roberto De Franco, Silvia Giallini, Marco Mancini, and Alessandro Pagliaroli

The dynamic non-linearity behavior affecting soils during earthquakes is a critical factor that can significantly influence seismic response, particularly when combined with site effects. Understanding this phenomenon is essential for seismic risk mitigation, especially in areas with active tectonics like the Central Apennines valleys, including the Norcia basin, which is the focus of this study. These flat areas often host industrial and historical urban centers, which increases the need for effective seismic risk reduction strategies.

This research aims to investigate the effects of non-linearity on site response in valley areas using both 1D and 2D dynamic numerical models along a section passing through Norcia city. Different seismic signals with increasing PGA values are used in modeling to test the model under varying levels of seismic stress and simulate the achievement of non-linear dynamic behavior. Two main goals are in fact pursued: to examine how site response varies depending on location within the basin and to investigate the effect of increasing Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) on site response.

The first result of this work is been the creation of a robust geological subsurface model for the Norcia basin for subsequent numerical modeling. Previous studies carried out on the area show disagreements about the dominant site effects and the geological model of the subsurface. None of them provided a detailed discrimination of the seismic layers within the basin fill. After a review of previous data and elaboration of new data acquired, a calibration of the model using the Generalized Inversion Technique (GIT) is performed. This process has allowed to refine geometric and parametric details and defining a non-homogeneous basin. This process also led to a revised identification of the geological and seismic bedrock, emphasizing the importance of distinguishing between these two layers.

Twenty-five 2D numeric simulations are run, with the same number of different seismic inputs, selected from the Italian accelerometric database. The PGA values ranging from 0.03g to 0.36g. The medium frequency range of the signals (low, medium, and high) is also considered. Several control columns are extracted along the section and performed also in 1D simulations. More than 400 surface accelerograms are analyzed to obtain response spectra and compare 1D and 2D models trough the basin.

The results of the study are showed in terms of the aggravation factor (AG) and the Valley Amplification Factor (VAF) and allow a deeper understanding of their relationship with the PGA, aspect that recent definitions of these factors still do not account for.

How to cite: Caciolli, M. C., Barchi, M. R., De Franco, R., Giallini, S., Mancini, M., and Pagliaroli, A.: Evaluation of non-linear valley effects through numerical modeling: the case of Norcia (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19727,, 2025.

EGU25-20859 | Posters on site | NH4.5

Investigating Basin Resonances with 3D Physics-Based Ground Motion simulations 

Giulia Sgattoni, Irene Molinari, and Giuseppe Di Giulio

Sedimentary basins play a critical role in ground motion amplification, owing to their complex seismic wave propagation behaviors, which include 2D/3D resonance phenomena and basin edge effects. These characteristics make sedimentary basins key targets for ground motion studies.

A reliable proxy of the seismic response of sedimentary layers is their resonance frequency. This is often assessed through experimental measurements using Horizontal-to-Vertical (H/V) spectral ratio technique, applied to ambient seismic vibrations or earthquake records.

Since resonance frequencies depend on the geometry and mechanical properties of the resonating layer, they can be used as a benchmark for evaluating the accuracy of ground motion models, as simulated ground motion is expected to reproduce amplification at these frequencies.

In this study, we compare basin resonances derived from real and simulated waveforms in two different sedimentary settings in Italy: the narrow Alpine Bolzano basin and the wide intermountain Fucino basin in the Central Apennines. Using stratigraphic data from the literature, we construct 3D models of the basins and perform 3D seismic wave propagation simulations with a spectral-element code. We use both real and synthetic sources to simulate ground motion at the surface and calculate H/V and SSR ratios of the simulated waveforms to be compared with empirical ratios derived from earthquakes and ambient noise.

We analyze the similarities and discrepancies between real and simulated resonances, enabling an evaluation of the goodness of the velocity model used in the simulations. Furthermore, the seismic response of the basins is explored, including an investigation of 1D and 2D dynamic behaviors.

How to cite: Sgattoni, G., Molinari, I., and Di Giulio, G.: Investigating Basin Resonances with 3D Physics-Based Ground Motion simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20859,, 2025.

EGU25-1767 | Orals | NH4.6

The Relationship between Clustered-Aftershocks and 3D-Fault Models in Eastern Taiwan 

Kuan-Ting Tu, Ming-Wey Huang, Ching-Yuan Yang, Ming-Chun Ke, and Siao-Syun Ke

The aftershock sequence typically consists of numerous seismic events, with their distribution exhibiting clustering characteristics. In geologically complex areas, such as the convergence boundary between the Eurasian and Philippine Plate in eastern Taiwan, it is challenging to explain the relationship between seismic events and regional structures. This area has experienced several disastrous earthquakes in recent years, including the Hualien earthquake (Mw 6.4) in 2018, the Chihshang earthquake (Mw 7.0) in 2022, and the Hualien earthquake (Mw 7.3) in 2024. Here, we aim to explore the relationship between the aftershock sequences of three events and the known active faults. Firstly, we apply the algorithm to cluster aftershocks. We analyze aftershock sequences for three events with local magnitudes greater than 3, spanning 45 days after the mainshock. Secondly, we examine the relationship between these clustered sequences and the 3D fault models developed by National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR). The results reveal that the aftershock sequence of the 2018 Hualien earthquake can be divided into five clusters, while the 2022 Chihshang earthquake can be divided into seven clusters. The mainshocks are separately located at clusters which have the largest number of aftershocks within their respective sequences. The aftershock sequence of the 2024 Hualien earthquake can be divided into eight clusters. The mainshock is located at a cluster with minor number of aftershocks, which is distributed along the Lingding Fault. Additionally, 3D visualization is employed to better illustrate the relationship between earthquake sequences and active faults, as well as to study potential earthquake mechanisms.


How to cite: Tu, K.-T., Huang, M.-W., Yang, C.-Y., Ke, M.-C., and Ke, S.-S.: The Relationship between Clustered-Aftershocks and 3D-Fault Models in Eastern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1767,, 2025.

EGU25-5005 | ECS | Orals | NH4.6

Relationships Between Seismic Velocity Structures and Seismogenic Zone Decoded by Interpretable Machine Learning 

Chunjie Zhang, Usui Yoshiya, Thomas Yeo, Aitaro Kato, and Hikaru Iwamori

Seismic velocities, particularly P-wave (Vp) and S-wave (Vs) are critical for imaging the Earth's interior and understanding geodynamic processes. While the basic spatial relationships between seismic velocity structures and seismogenic zones have been extensively discussed, they are often described in a simplistic and coarse manner. Systematic and statistical investigations of these relationships particularly within the shallow crust and uppermost mantle, remain scarce. Significant challenges for such analyses are that the shallow crust and upper mantle are geologically complex, characterized by heterogeneous lithologies, intricate thermal and mechanical properties, and variable fluid distributions. These factors lead to nonlinear and highly heterogeneous spatial distributions of the Vp and Vs, complicating the interpretation and modeling of their relationship with seismogenic zones. Moreover, multiple interpretive paths for the same phenomenon often introduce subjective biases, making objective quantification of these relationships challenging. This study aims to address these challenges by leveraging machine learning (ML) techniques to explore and quantify the non-linear and complex relationships between seismic velocity structures and seismogenic zones across the Japan Arc. Using two distinct three-dimensional seismic velocity datasets, we employed various ML models to enhance the robustness and reliability of our analyses. Our results demonstrate that variations in the spatial distribution of Vp and Vs—especially the Vp/Vs ratios, vertical gradients, and variance of Vp, Vs—serve as reliable indicators for distinguishing seismogenic zones from non-seismogenic zones across both depth and geographic space even though the tectonic settings vary significantly. To interpret the complex nonlinear patterns revealed by ML models, we employed Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP), which elucidated the spatial relationship between seismic velocities and seismogenic zones. By examining local seismogenic zones, The results by SHAP found factors influencing seismogenic zones differ with depth: at shallow depths, Vp, Vs, Vp/Vs ratio, and variance of Vp, Vs are dominant, while at greater depths, gradient changes are primary. It may relate to the thermal structure and indicate different triggering mechanisms for earthquakes at various depths. These findings can provide deeper insights into the spatial coupling between seismic velocities and seismicity, thereby advancing our understanding of the factors controlling earthquake generation.

How to cite: Zhang, C., Yoshiya, U., Yeo, T., Kato, A., and Iwamori, H.: Relationships Between Seismic Velocity Structures and Seismogenic Zone Decoded by Interpretable Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5005,, 2025.

EGU25-6322 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.6

Seismicity and Tectonic Insights of Muş Province, Eastern Turkey 

Burçin Didem Tamtaş

This study presents a comprehensive analysis of seismicity and tectonic activity in Muş Province, one of Eastern Turkey's most seismically active regions, due to its position along critical tectonic boundaries. The study provides valuable insights into the region's seismic hazards and tectonic dynamics by examining seismic activity, fault mechanisms, and earthquake recurrence intervals.

Earthquake catalogs from national and international sources—Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), Boğaziçi University Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute – Regional Earthquake-Tsunami Monitoring Center (B.U. KOERI-RETMC), and the United States Geological Survey (USGS)—were analyzed to investigate the spatial and temporal distributions of earthquakes. Magnitude-frequency distributions were modeled using the Gutenberg-Richter law to estimate earthquake occurrence probabilities and recurrence intervals. Spatial variations in stress accumulation were visualized through high-resolution b-value maps. Notably, consistently low b-values were observed across the region, except for its northeastern part, indicating high-stress accumulation and an elevated potential for significant seismic activity in these zones.

Historical earthquake data from the European Archive of Historical Earthquake Data (AHEAD), the Share European Earthquake Catalog (SHEEC), and AFAD were incorporated into the analysis to provide a long-term perspective on seismic activity. Focal mechanism solutions were compiled from diverse sources, including AFAD, B.U. KOERI-RETMC, the GEOFON data center of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, the Global Centroid-Moment-Tensor (GCMT) project catalogs, and moment tensor inversions were conducted within this study. These solutions facilitated a detailed characterization of faulting styles and stress orientations, offering critical insights into the tectonic forces shaping the region.

The findings reveal the region's complex fault dynamics and significant spatial heterogeneities in stress distribution and clustering patterns. These results underscore the importance of enhanced seismic monitoring and targeted preparedness efforts in high-risk areas. By integrating historical and recent seismic data with robust statistical and physical models, this study makes a substantial contribution to seismic hazard assessment and establishes a foundation for future research. Potential extensions include incorporating machine learning techniques, microseismicity analysis, and geodetic data integration to refine hazard models tailored to the unique tectonic environment of Muş Province.

How to cite: Tamtaş, B. D.: Seismicity and Tectonic Insights of Muş Province, Eastern Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6322,, 2025.

EGU25-6345 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.6

Earthquake Prediction from Paleoseismology: a proof of concept based on CNN analysis of data from scaled sismotectonic models 

Sarah Visage, Fabio Corbi, Simona Guastamacchia, and Francesca Funiciello

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has opened new avenues in geosciences, particularly for earthquake prediction. Deep learning models, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), offer promising capabilities to analyze complex data and detect subtle patterns indicative of seismic activity. However, geophysical records span a time interval that is shorter that the duration of large eartquakes cycle, creating a major challenge for training these models.

In this study, we use paleoseismological data, which include multiple seimic cycles (Cascadia and Sumatra zones). Paleoseismological data are often represented as barcodes, where each "bar" represents an earthquake in time and space. We reproduce these barcodes using a scaled seismotectonic model mimicking subduction megathrust earthquake cycles. The simulated sequences include both partial and complete ruptures, representing earthquakes of varying magnitudes. A CNN model is then trained with these barcodes to predict the timing, location along the margin, and magnitude of the next earthquake.

Our results show that the CNN model can reconstruct the complex temporal loading history and accurately predict the timing of future earthquakes. This approach overcomes the limitations of conventional methods based on slip deficit and highlights the potential of paleoseismological data to enhance seismic forecasting strategies.

This work demonstrates the application of deep learning techniques to paleoseismological data as a tool for earthquake prediction. It opens promising perspectives for seismic hazard assessment and the understanding of fault cycles in subduction zones.

How to cite: Visage, S., Corbi, F., Guastamacchia, S., and Funiciello, F.: Earthquake Prediction from Paleoseismology: a proof of concept based on CNN analysis of data from scaled sismotectonic models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6345,, 2025.

EGU25-7255 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.6

Linking subduction parameters to the occurrence of slow slip events using machine learning on a global scale 

Mario Arroyo Solórzano, Lucas Crisosto, Jorge Jara, Álvaro González, and Fabrice Cotton

Slow-slip events (SSEs) are episodic fault slip phenomena that involve the gradual and aseismic release of tectonic stress, bridging the gap between the rapid rupture of regular earthquakes and the steady sliding along fault interfaces. SSEs are common in megathrusts, having been observed in most of the well geodetically-instrumented subduction margins worldwide, both on the shallow plate interface (less than 10 km depth) and on the deeper plate interface (25–60 km). We explore the relations between the occurrence of SSEs and various subduction parameters along megathrusts at a global scale. Using a parametric approach, we applied three Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to predict the presence (or absence) of shallow and deep SSEs, modeling it as a nonlinear function of subduction variables. The subduction parameters considered include subducting plate age and roughness, sediment thickness, slab dip, convergence rate and azimuth, distance to the nearest ridge or plate boundary, maximum observed magnitude, b-value and earthquake rates, among others. We then employed Shapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) on the ML outcomes, to identify the most influential factors associated with SSE occurrence. Preliminary analysis and previous studies suggest that plate age, slab dip, and b-value are among the most critical variables. These observations point to the possibility that the frictional properties of the subducting plate, which influence plate coupling and stress levels, may play a key role in controlling the occurrence of shallow, deep, or both types of SSEs. Our study provides valuable insights into the complex, nonlinear processes governing SSEs on a global scale and highlights regions where previously undetected SSEs may be occurring.

How to cite: Arroyo Solórzano, M., Crisosto, L., Jara, J., González, Á., and Cotton, F.: Linking subduction parameters to the occurrence of slow slip events using machine learning on a global scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7255,, 2025.

EGU25-7945 | Posters on site | NH4.6

Fluid diffusion and seismic clusters identification: results on the seismicity of Molise (southern Italy) in 2018 

Stefania Gentili, Piero Brondi, Giuliana Rossi, Monica Sugan, Giuseppe Petrillo, Jiancang Zhuang, and Stefano Campanella

The identification of clusters is crucial for the statistical analysis of seismicity and the forecasting of earthquakes, because discrepancies in the methods used to identify clusters can lead to inconsistent results. In this work, the seismic activity in Molise, southern Italy, from April to November 2018 is analyzed as a case study. The focus is on how such discrepancies can affect forecasting algorithms such as NExt STrOng Related Earthquake (NESTORE), which are designed to forecast strong aftershocks following a first strong event

A detailed analysis was performed using an improved template matching catalog and a comparative evaluation of clustering methods, including window-based analysis techniques, Nearest Neighbor, and fractal dimension. Probabilistic information was integrated through the Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) model.

Significant differences in cluster definition required further analysis, including principal component analysis (PCA) and ETAS modeling, to investigate spatiotemporal seismic patterns. The main results show an upward migration of seismicity, an extended duration of the sequence and relative quiescence between stronger events, all suggesting fluid-driven mechanisms. These observations suggest that the presence of fluids plays a crucial role in the sequence dynamics and the discrepancies between clustering methods.

The study highlights the importance of refining approaches to cluster identification, incorporating physical and geological factors, and encourages further investigation of anomalous seismic sequences such as the 2018 seismic cluster in Molise. The results also highlight the influence of fluids on seismicity in the Apennines and call for advanced analytical methods to improve the accuracy of strong events forecasting.


Funded by a grant from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Co-funded within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-Generation EU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan—NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3—D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005) and by the and the grant “Progetto INGV Pianeta Dinamico: NEar real-tiME results of Physical and StatIstical Seismology for earthquakes observations, modelling and forecasting (NEMESIS)” - code CUP D53J19000170001 - funded by Italian Ministry MIUR (“Fondo Finalizzato al rilancio degli investimenti delle amministrazioni centrali dello Stato e allo sviluppo del Paese”, legge 145/2018).


How to cite: Gentili, S., Brondi, P., Rossi, G., Sugan, M., Petrillo, G., Zhuang, J., and Campanella, S.: Fluid diffusion and seismic clusters identification: results on the seismicity of Molise (southern Italy) in 2018, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7945,, 2025.

EGU25-9575 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.6

Fingerprinting Subduction Margins: An Unsupervised Learning Approach for Earthquake Hazard Assessment   

Valerie Locher, Rebecca Bell, Parastoo Salah, Robert Platt, and Cédric John

All observed giant (≥ MW 8.5) earthquakes have occurred at subduction margins. Due to their long intermittence times, our instrumental and historical earthquake catalogues only contain a handful of giant earthquake occurrences, with no observations at all for some margins. This raises the question whether giant earthquakes may occur at all subduction margins or whether their nucleation requires a certain set of geological properties, which may be present at only some margins.

Since the 1980s, numerous studies have focused on the search for a subduction margin property enabling giant earthquakes, with parameters such as sediment thickness, subducting plate age and hydration, seafloor roughness, convergence rate, and dip steepness amongst the most debated, many of them with contradicting hypotheses. Recent years have brought the hypothesis that giant earthquake occurrence may depend on a combination of margin properties to the forefront, with several studies taking multivariate statistics approaches to relating the two. These approaches are however limited by the incomplete nature of earthquake catalogues, specifically regarding giant earthquakes.

We present an unsupervised approach to examining the connections between margin properties and seismicity, which allows us to uncover patterns in margin property data, excluding any earthquake occurrence data from the incomplete record. Considering sediment thickness, convergence rate, dip angle, and different measures of seafloor roughness, we “fingerprint” margin segments by applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to margin property data. Based on these “fingerprints”, we quantify similarity between the margins’ property combinations, and group them into different hazard groups regarding the possibility of giant earthquake occurrence. Using Kernel-PCA, a non-linear PCA variant, reveals non-linear patterns in margin properties, prompting us to suggest that connections between margin properties and seismicity are non-linear. Finally, we apply this method to characterise the seismic behaviour of subduction zones where seismic activity is less well-documented, such as the Makran, Hellenic, and Lesser Antilles margins.

How to cite: Locher, V., Bell, R., Salah, P., Platt, R., and John, C.: Fingerprinting Subduction Margins: An Unsupervised Learning Approach for Earthquake Hazard Assessment  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9575,, 2025.

EGU25-9765 | ECS | Orals | NH4.6

Exploring seismic cycle dynamics via variations in probability models: Chile and Italy case studies 

Alex González, Elisa Varini, Renata Rotondi, Orietta Nicolis, and Fabrizio Ruggeri

This study investigates the different phases of seismic cycles present in earthquake sequences recorded in Chile and Italy on the basis of variations in the probability model for the magnitude and for the spatial distribution of the epicenters. Chile and Italy are two countries that, despite having different tectonic characteristics, face significant challenges due to seismic activity.

The seismic records are analyzed on sliding time windows with a fixed number of events, which shift with each new earthquake. Two probabilistic models are proposed for earthquake magnitude: one is based on the q-exponential distribution, hereafter referred to as the “q-exponential” model for simplicity, and the other is the exponential distribution, which is well known to be consistent with the Gutenberg-Richter law (Rotondi et al., Geophys. J. Int., 2022). The q-exponential distribution is closely related to Tsallis entropy, a generalized form of entropy that accounts for non-extensive systems, and has been widely applied in statistical mechanics to study complex systems. It is characterized by the parameter q, and as q asymptotically approaches 1, it reduces to the exponential distribution. As for the spatial distribution of the earthquakes, we consider the cell areas of the Voronoi tessellation generated by epicenters and adopt four probability models: the q-exponential, exponential, generalized gamma, and tapered Pareto distributions (Rotondi & Varini, Front. Earth Sci., 2022).

By following the Bayesian approach, the posterior distribution of model parameters is estimated by a Markov chain Monte Carlo method based on the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, and then the optimal distribution in each time window is selected by comparing the estimated values of the posterior marginal log-likelihood. Given the high computational cost, parallel programming has been chosen to drastically reduce the computational time from days to hours or even minutes.

The results obtained in the study areas agree in associating seismic phase changes to the variations of the estimated q-index in the magnitude case and of the best probability model as for the spatial distribution; this provides useful indications for the implementation of risk mitigation actions. In both study areas, despite their different tectonic behaviors, we obtain similar results for seismic sequences characterized by a strong earthquake preceded by foreshocks. During the foreshock activity (i.e., the preparatory phase leading to the strong event), we observe an increase in the q parameter of the magnitude distribution and a preference for the tapered Pareto model for the spatial distribution of the epicenters provided by the Voronoi cell areas.

This work is supported by: ICSC National Research Centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing (CN00000013, CUP B93C22000620006) within the European Union-NextGenerationEU program; Chilean National Agency for Research and Development (ANID), Fondecyt grant ID 1241881; Research Center for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (CIGIDEN), ANID/FONDAP/1523A0009.

How to cite: González, A., Varini, E., Rotondi, R., Nicolis, O., and Ruggeri, F.: Exploring seismic cycle dynamics via variations in probability models: Chile and Italy case studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9765,, 2025.

EGU25-11172 | Posters on site | NH4.6

Artificial Intelligence-Driven Seismic Event Detection and Association for Enhanced Monitoring at KOERI 

Nurcan Meral Özel, Çağrı Diner, Erdem Ata, Fatih Turhan, Yavuz Güneş, Dogan Aksarı, Mehmet Yılmazer, Mehmet Efe Akça, Alperen Şahin, and Batuhan Kalem

This study explores the integration of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques into the seismic monitoring framework of the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI), enhancing the accuracy and reliability of seismic event detection, location, and magnitude determination. The implementation leverages graph neural networks (GNNs) for seismic phase association and location problems, alongside pretrained AI models for phase picking. GNN is trained using datasets from both the Marmara and Maraş regions, and the resulting AI-based earthquake catalogs are compared against KOERI's legacy catalogs to assess performance and reliability.


Key innovations include:

  • Application of GNNs to capture spatial and temporal relationships in seismic networks for improved event association.
  • Enhanced phase picking and hypocenter localization accuracy, reducing uncertainty in earthquake catalogs.

Preliminary results indicate significant improvements in detecting low-magnitude events, reducing processing latency, and generating consistent and reliable earthquake catalogs. These advancements allow KOERI to provide high-resolution, AI-processed seismic data and earthquake catalogs, offering the seismological community access to more comprehensive and reliable seismic information while contributing to global research efforts.

The presentation will discuss the technical challenges encountered during integration and compare the new system's performance metrics to traditional methods used by KOERI. It will also explore the implications for future seismic monitoring practices.

How to cite: Meral Özel, N., Diner, Ç., Ata, E., Turhan, F., Güneş, Y., Aksarı, D., Yılmazer, M., Akça, M. E., Şahin, A., and Kalem, B.: Artificial Intelligence-Driven Seismic Event Detection and Association for Enhanced Monitoring at KOERI, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11172,, 2025.

EGU25-11838 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.6

SOM-based approach for seismic data analysis in the Campi Flegrei Caldera using Multiscale Entropy (MSE) 

Alberico Grimaldi, Ortensia Amoroso, Ferdinando Napolitano, Vincenzo Convertito, Danilo Galluzzo, Silvia Scarpetta, Giovanni Messuti, Guido Gaudiosi, Lucia Nardone, and Paolo Capuano

The Campi Flegrei caldera, a high-risk volcanic region in southern Italy, is currently experiencing an unrest phase characterized by significant ground deformation and increasing seismic activity, including events with magnitudes up to Md 4.2 recorded in September 2023. The continuous availability of seismic data provides a valuable framework for evaluating and developing novel event detection methods. However, in regions characterized by extensive natural and anthropogenic noise, the resulting low signal-to-noise ratio poses a significant challenge to seismic event detection. This limitation is sharpened when analyses are based on data from a single seismic station.

To address this challenge, the present study introduces an innovative methodology designed for single-station analysis that combines the Multiscale Entropy (MSE) algorithm with Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) and the Short-Term Average/Long-Term Average (STA/LTA) technique for seismic signal detection and clustering. Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) algorithm is also employed in conjunction with the SOM map for a preliminary stage to certify the quality of the data and check for anomalies.

The analysis uses continuous seismic data recorded over six months in the Pisciarelli area of the Campi Flegrei caldera, segmented into one-minute windows. Key features, including STA/LTA ratios (computed with 1s and 30s windows) and MSE values (computed over 20 time scales using a coarse-graining operation), are extracted to encode the input vectors for SOM training. The resulting 6x6 SOM map effectively clusters the seismic traces, revealing hidden patterns and distinguishing seismic events from background seismic noise. Notably, approximately 20% of the transient signals within the nodes of the seismic event cluster were identified as uncatalogued events, demonstrating the ability of the method to detect previously unrecorded activity. In addition, the map includes different clusters that highlight the influence of environmental factors, such as precipitation occurrences or volcanic fluid emissions, on the seismic waveforms.

The integration of complexity-based analysis of the MSE alongside conventional STA/LTA techniques enables improved single-station event detection, even in a noisy environment, and hints at the correlation between seismic signal complexity and volcano dynamics. These results highlight the potential of advanced clustering and feature extraction techniques to refine seismic monitoring in active volcanic environments.

How to cite: Grimaldi, A., Amoroso, O., Napolitano, F., Convertito, V., Galluzzo, D., Scarpetta, S., Messuti, G., Gaudiosi, G., Nardone, L., and Capuano, P.: SOM-based approach for seismic data analysis in the Campi Flegrei Caldera using Multiscale Entropy (MSE), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11838,, 2025.

EGU25-13370 | Orals | NH4.6

Investigating the complex relationship between b-value changes and seismic activity in Central Italy 

Ester Piegari, Paola Corrado, Marcus Herrmann, and Warner Marzocchi

Spatiotemporal variations of the b-value (the slope of the Gutenberg-Richter relation) are commonly associated to many disparate factors, such as critical stress conditions, the tectonic regime, and the incompleteness of earthquake catalogs.

During the 2016/17 central Italy earthquake sequence, several studies reported notable b-value variations, including an unexpected increase prior to the Norcia event (Mw 6.5). Such observations highlighted the complex relationship between b-value changes and seismic activity.

To get a better understanding of this relation, we reanalyze this sequence with a focus on the spatiotemporal evolution of seismicity near the Norcia mainshock. We temporally divided the seismic sequence into subperiods separated by the largest events and employ a combination of three machine-learning algorithms: DBSCAN for performing event clustering, OPTICS for analyzing spatially nested dense zones within clusters and PCA for inferring the planar geometry of those zones as fault surfaces. We identified two specific zones and reconstruct two separate fault planes. Those two zones exhibited asynchronous activity before the mainshock. We used the two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test to investigate similarity between the magnitude-frequency distribution of earthquakes associated with these planes. The results show that the b-values associated with these fault planes remained stable over time. Yet, their temporal changes exhibited a correlation with spatial variations of seismicity. In particular, the analysis indicated a relationship between the b-value and the geometry of the active fault.  

These findings suggest that temporal variations of the b-value during an earthquake sequence may not necessarily reflect changes in underlying stress conditions, but rather the activation of different earthquake sources throughout the sequence, each with different lithological and geometrical properties. This finding highlights the importance of understanding the fine-scale structure of earthquake sources in a sequence for correctly interpreting b-value variations.

How to cite: Piegari, E., Corrado, P., Herrmann, M., and Marzocchi, W.: Investigating the complex relationship between b-value changes and seismic activity in Central Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13370,, 2025.

     The earthquake generation process is a complex phenomenon, manifested in the nonlinear dynamics and in the wide range of spatial and temporal scales that are incorporated in the process. Despite the complexity of the earthquake generation process and our limited knowledge on the physical processes that lead to the initiation and propagation of a seismic rupture giving rise to earthquakes, the collective properties of many earthquakes present patterns that seem universally valid. The most prominent is scale-invariance, which is manifested in the size of faults, the frequency of earthquake sizes and the spatial and temporal scales of seismicity.                                                                                                                                                                The frequency magnitude distribution exhibits a decay that is commonly expressed with the well-known Gutenberg-Richter (G-R) law. The aftershock production rate following a main event generally decays as a power-law with time according to the modified Omori formula. Scale-invariance and (multi)fractality are also manifested in the temporal evolution of seismicity and the distribution of earthquake epicentres. The organization patterns that earthquakes and faults exhibit have motivated the statistical physics approach to earthquake occurrence. Based on statistical physics and the entropy principle, a unified framework that produces the collective properties of earthquakes and faults from the specification of their microscopic elements and their interactions, has recently been introduced. This framework, called nonextensive statistical mechanics (NESM) was introduced as a generalization of classic statistical mechanics due to Boltzmann and Gibbs (BG), to describe the macroscopic behaviour of complex systems that present strong correlations among their elements, violating some of the essential properties of BG statistical mechanics. Such complex systems typically present power-law distributions, enhanced by (multi)fractal geometries, long-range interactions and/or large fluctuations between the various possible states, properties that correspond well to the collective behaviour of earthquakes and faults. Here, we provide an overview on the fundamental properties and applications of NESP. Initially, we provide an overview of the collective properties of earthquake populations and the main empirical statistical models that have been introduced to describe them. We provide an analytic description of the fundamental theory and the models that have been derived within the NESP framework to describe the collective properties of earthquakes. The fundamental laws of Statistical seismology as that of Gutenberg-Richter (GR) and Omori law a analysed using the ideas of Tsallis entropy and its dynamical superstatistical interpretation offered by Beck and Cohen. 


How to cite: Vallianatos, F.: Gutenberg-Richter, Omori and Cumulative Benioff strain patterns in terms of non extensive statistical physics and Beck-Cohen Superstatistics., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13653,, 2025.

EGU25-15124 | Posters on site | NH4.6

A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach with LSTM and CNN for Enhanced Earthquake Prediction 

Marat Nurtas, Beibit Zhumabayev, Aizhan Altaibek, and Kaken Aigerim

Predicting earthquakes remains a challenging task due to the implicit and nonlinear nature of seismic activity. Traditional methods often struggle to capture the complex patterns underlying seismic events. This study investigates the application of deep learning techniques, specifically a hybrid model combining Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), to enhance earthquake prediction accuracy.

The proposed approach involves six key stages: (1) collection of historical seismic activity data, (2) comprehensive data preprocessing, (3) exploratory data analysis to identify underlying patterns, (4) characterization using seismicity indicators, (5) implementation of the hybrid neural network model, and (6) evaluation of the model's performance in recognizing significant seismic trends. The model leverages diverse datasets encompassing geological and seismic characteristics to enhance its robustness.

Experimental results reveal that the hybrid LSTM-CNN model achieves superior predictive accuracy, evidenced by a Mean Squared Error (MSE) of 0.62 and a Coefficient of Determination (R²) of 0.91. The LSTM component effectively captures temporal dependencies in the time-series data, while the CNN component identifies spatial features and seismic patterns. This dual capability significantly outperforms conventional approaches and provides deeper insights into earthquake dynamics.

The findings of this study not only contribute to advancing earthquake prediction methodologies but also highlight the potential for transitioning towards image-based seismic data analysis. Such advancements open new opportunities for integrating machine learning with geophysical sciences to improve disaster preparedness and mitigation efforts.


How to cite: Nurtas, M., Zhumabayev, B., Altaibek, A., and Aigerim, K.: A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach with LSTM and CNN for Enhanced Earthquake Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15124,, 2025.

EGU25-16828 | Orals | NH4.6

Radon Monitoring Data in Taiwan: Statistical Perspective to Investigate Earthquake Precursory Studies 

Vivek Walia, Ching-Chou Fu, Shih-Jung Lin, and Preeti Kamra

The field of earthquake prediction presents significant challenges, with effective prediction techniques are still elusive. Taiwan’s high seismicity is due to the collision of the Philippine Sea plate with the Eurasian plate, leading to frequent earthquakes every year. To address challenges in analyzing pre-earthquake strain transfer, number of radon monitoring stations were established across various tectonic zones. Using open-source software a Real-Time Database was developed for radon earthquake precursory research and tested for some major earthquakes occurred in Taiwan. This database enables faster processing of precursor data, hence, enhancing the efficiency related investigations.

Notably, large earthquakes, such as Meinong earthquake in Southern Taiwan, exhibited precursory signals in radon concentrations, with significant variations observed in soil radon concentrations about two weeks prior. The study suggests that variations in soil radon concentrations at different locations may help in predicting the general area of impending major earthquakes. Finding  from research indicates that soil-gas anomalies were associated with few earthquakes with a magnitude of 5 or more that were recorded during the study period. Stress accumulation and changes in strain fields prior to seismic events  are likely linked to these variations in soil radon levels.

Overall, soil radon measurements have emerged as a promising and practical tool  for investigating earthquake precursors in Taiwan. However, further research and validation are essential to refine these findings and advance the development of reliable earthquake prediction method.

How to cite: Walia, V., Fu, C.-C., Lin, S.-J., and Kamra, P.: Radon Monitoring Data in Taiwan: Statistical Perspective to Investigate Earthquake Precursory Studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16828,, 2025.

EGU25-17245 | ECS | Orals | NH4.6

Optimization of rolling window approach to analyze earthquake time series and identify possible precursors 

Sina Azhideh, Simone Barani, Gabriele Ferretti, Matteo Taroni, Marina Resta, and Marco Massa

Analysis of seismic precursors is crucial for understanding the spatio-temporal evolution of seismicity and assessing whether a system is approaching an unstable state. Precursors are indicators that are deemed to be related to the processes leading to crustal rupture. Therefore, their real-time monitoring can provide insights into the imminent occurrence of earthquakes. Precursors yield robust results only when analyzed using appropriate techniques. Specifically, the measurement of real-time precursor parameters and the analysis of their temporal trends is highly sensitive to data processing and depends heavily on the characteristics of the seismic data under study. Therefore, careful data management is essential to avoid inappropriate conclusions.

This study examines two seismic precursors: (1) b-value (i.e., slope of the Gutenberg and Richter law), which characterizes the relative likelihood of small versus large earthquakes within a population of events; (2) Hurst exponent, an indicator of the "memory" in time series and, consequently, of the type of stochastic process underlying them (i.e., random, persistent, or anti persistent). While the b-value has paramount importance in earthquake forecasting since its variation (which is deemed to be related to stress conditions of faults) can act as a first-order discriminator between conventional aftershock sequences and sequences including multiplets (i.e., two or more mainshocks that are closely associated in time and space), the Hurst exponent is widely used in econometrics to detect trends and mean reversion in financial data.

The aim of this study is to determine the optimal data-windowing configuration (window size and overlapping percentages), within the framework of a moving window approach, that produces results in agreement with theoretical expectations and effectively captures the characteristics of the seismic data under study. The methodology involves analyzing these precursors (i.e., b-value and Hurst Exponent) along with additional seismic metrics such as: (1) number of earthquakes above a given magnitude threshold, (2) maximum magnitude, and (3) strain energy. Correlation coefficients (e.g., Pearson, Spearman, Kendall) are computed to evaluate the relationships between these parameters under various windowing configurations, including a novel adaptive window approach. The process can be summarized as follows:

  • For a given configuration (e.g., window size = 500 years, overlap = 50%), the window slides over time, and parameters are calculated at each step within the time window.
  • Correlation coefficients (between pairs of parameters) are computed using various statistical methods (e.g., Pearson, Spearman, Kendall).
  • This procedure is repeated across all configurations to identify the setting that maximizes correlations (i.e., higher correlation coefficients and lower p-values).

Analyzing synthetic time series shows that correlations between parameters are sensitive to the adopted configuration, as different data-windowing configurations may capture distinct seismicity patterns. Therefore, the selection of the most effective configuration is strictly study-specific. To enhance the reliability of the results, application of this methodology to other seismic parameters (e.g., Vp/Vs ratio) requires future consideration, especially to validate results against known seismic sequences. The first step towards this direction is the application of the method to time series associated with natural or induced (or triggered) seismicity (e.g., seismic activity in the Geysers geothermal field). 

How to cite: Azhideh, S., Barani, S., Ferretti, G., Taroni, M., Resta, M., and Massa, M.: Optimization of rolling window approach to analyze earthquake time series and identify possible precursors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17245,, 2025.

EGU25-19183 | Orals | NH4.6

Advancing Earthquake Forecasting with Machine Learning  

Maximilian Werner, Samuel Stockman, and Dan Lawson

Probabilistic earthquake forecasting has made significant strides in the past decades, to the degree that government agencies around the world have implemented public, real-time systems. The underlying models are largely parametric and statistical, and comprise variants of the self-exciting Hawkes point process, such as the popular Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) model. ETAS models have gained trust also as a result of their good relative performance in prospective forecast experiments by the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP, in various tectonic settings around the globe. In recent years, however, machine learning variants of point processes have become available that offer significant advantages: they are much more flexible in their probabilistic description of earthquake interaction, and they are much faster. In this talk, I will review recent applications of neural point processes to seismicity forecasting around the world, which demonstrate distinct advantages and some (moderate) improvement in predictive skill. I will also argue that a clear community benchmarking process is required to make transparent and robust progress. Finally, I will present ongoing model enhancements of neural point processes and preliminary results from benchmarking in California. Machine learning has the potential of transform earthquake forecasting, but progress must be demonstrated in a robust and transparent manner. 

How to cite: Werner, M., Stockman, S., and Lawson, D.: Advancing Earthquake Forecasting with Machine Learning , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19183,, 2025.

EGU25-19273 | ECS | Orals | NH4.6

Predicting Earthquakes in The Eastern Anatolian Region Using Machine Learning Algorithms 

Mirhasan HajiHasanli, Gulten Polat, and Figen Altinoglu

This study investigates whether the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that occurred on February 6, 2023, in Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye, could have been predicted using advanced machine learning techniques. Additionally, it aims to assess the likelihood of similar devastating earthquakes occurring in this region in the future. Addressing these questions serves as the primary motivation for this research, with the goal of improving our understanding of seismic hazards and enhancing predictive capabilities for better disaster preparedness. By combining existing research findings with innovative predictive features, the study developed a meticulously crafted feature matrix to evaluate the capability of machine learning algorithms in forecasting such high-magnitude seismic events. Accurate earthquake prediction is crucial for developing early warning systems, disaster planning, and seismic risk assessments. The analysis utilized instrumental records of 36933 earthquakes (Md≥1) that occurred within a circular area of a 100-km radius, centered at 37.288⁰ latitude and 37.043⁰ longitude, spanning the period from August 30, 1908, to September 30, 2024. The data were obtained from Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, Regional Earthquake-Tsunami Monitoring Center (KOERI-RETMC). The compiled catalogue includes various magnitude scales (Ms: surface wave magnitude, Md: duration magnitude, MLM_LML​: local magnitude, Mb​: body wave magnitude, and Mw​: moment magnitude), along with origin time, epicenter, and depth information.


To create a homogeneous catalogue, a conversion equation between moment magnitude (Mw and other scales (Md, ML, Mb, Ms, M) was determined using the general orthogonal regression method. Depth parameters were analyzed to exclude artificial events, and the final magnitude range was between 1 and 7.8, with depths ranging from 1 to 40 km. The most reliable conversion equation was obtained for ML and Mw as 1,887 events had both ML and Mw magnitudes. The derived conversion equation is: is Mw*=1.00005*ML+(-0.06440), R2 =0.97473.

Machine learning models-including Linear Regression, Support Vector Machines, Naïve Bayes, and Random Forest-were applied to both the uniform catalogue and inhomogeneous catalogue. The results revealed a significant difference in earthquake patterns for events with magnitudes less than 6 before and after modeling. These findings indicate that in regions with high seismic activity, modeling efforts can provide more reliable insights into the spatial distribution and magnitude of seismicity. Among the machine learning algorithms tested, the Random Forest model demonstrated the best performance, achieving the highest accuracy in predicting the maximum earthquake magnitude category within a 30-day timeframe. While predicting extreme-magnitude seismic events remains a significant challenge, the findings highlight the potential of data-driven approaches to enhance seismic risk management and preparedness. The methodology developed in this study offers valuable insights and practical applications for Turkey's Eastern Anatolian Fault and other seismically active regions.

How to cite: HajiHasanli, M., Polat, G., and Altinoglu, F.: Predicting Earthquakes in The Eastern Anatolian Region Using Machine Learning Algorithms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19273,, 2025.

EGU25-21486 | Posters on site | NH4.6

Revealing a complex blind fault structure by the analysis of 2019-2020 San Leucio del Sannio seismic sequence (Southern Italy) 

Piero Brondi, Guido Maria Adinolfi, Raffaella De Matteis, Rosario Riccio, Francesco Scotto Di Uccio, Gaetano Festa, Matteo Picozzi, and Aldo Zollo

Investigating the seismicity of a fault system and its geometric and kinematic characteristics is of paramount importance for mitigating the associated seismic risk. In particular, the characterization of microseismicity can both reveal the presence of unknown or blind fault segments and provide important insights into the evolution of seismicity during the occurrence of a strong seismic sequence.

In this work, we have studied a seismic sequence that recently occurred near Benevento (southern Italy), characterized by a main earthquake of magnitude 3.8, which took place in a region with the highest seismic hazard in Italy. This sequence, characterized by significant activity between November 2019 and January 2020, allowed the identification of a previously unknown fault segment. By installing eight 3-C velocimeter stations in a 12 km radius around the epicenter and applying a template matching technique, we have been able to detect a significant number of events that allowed us to generate an enhanced catalog as compared to those provided by the national and local permanent networks. The augmented catalog consists of hundreds of earthquakes with a minimum magnitude of -0.9. Earthquake relocations of the seismic sequence were achieved by computing differential P- and S-wave travel times and by using a double-difference algorithm.

Our results, combined with the estimation of focal mechanisms for the strongest earthquakes, allow us to identify a fine-scale fault structure consisting of several small segments with strike-slip kinematics between 10 and 15 km depth. Integrating these results with the calculation of source parameters and the analysis of the spatio-temporal distribution of the sequence will enhance our understanding of the mechanical and kinematic characteristics of this complex fault structure. Moreover, the approach followed in our work holds significant potential for analyzing microseismicity and defining complex fault geometries in high seismic risk regions.

How to cite: Brondi, P., Adinolfi, G. M., De Matteis, R., Riccio, R., Scotto Di Uccio, F., Festa, G., Picozzi, M., and Zollo, A.: Revealing a complex blind fault structure by the analysis of 2019-2020 San Leucio del Sannio seismic sequence (Southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21486,, 2025.

Earthquake probability forecasts are typically based on simulations of seismicity generated by statistical (point process) models or direct calculation when feasible. To systematically assess various aspects of such forecasts, the Collaborative Studies on Earthquake Predictability testing center has utilized N- (number), M- (magnitude), S- (space), conditional likelihood, and T- (Student’s t) tests to evaluate earthquake forecasts in a gridded space–time range. This article demonstrates the correct use of point process likelihood to evaluate forecast performance covering marginal and conditional scores, such as numbers, occurrence times, locations, magnitudes, and correlations among space–time–magnitude cells. The results suggest that for models that only rely on the internal history but not on external observation to do simulation, such as the epidemic-type aftershock sequence model, test and scoring can be rigorously implemented via the likelihood function. Specifically, gridding the space domain unnecessarily complicates testing, and evaluating spatial forecasting directly via marginal likelihood might be more promising. 

How to cite: Zhuang, J.: Evaluating Earthquake Forecast with Likelihood-Based Marginal and Conditional Scores, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21558,, 2025.

NH5 – Sea & Ocean Hazards

An analysis of the causes of the occurrence of meteotsunamis, which were registered on May 7, 2007 on the northern part of the Bulgarian coast, on June 14, 2014 in the Odessa region and in the Ilyichevsk (Chernomorsk) port (Sukhoi Estuary), on July 19, 2017 in the waters of the Belosarayskaya Spit in Azov, showed that all these phenomena occurred under similar macroscale synoptic conditions situations over south-eastern Europe.

At the same time, the required morphometric conditions were present at the points of meteotsunami recording: a low rate of depth decrease towards the coast, the location and structure of the coast in all three cases suggested the possibility of a long sea wave arriving from the open sea from a distance of 130-200 km and, accordingly, the occurrence of Proudman resonance. In all cases, the local nature of the phenomenon was noted: the length of the wave crest along the front did not exceed several tens of kilometers.

Analysis of the maps of the high-altitude geopotential (850 and 500 hPa) for the Azov-Black Sea region on the indicated dates shows a classic picture of the frontal interaction between the Asia Minor Depression (with dry and very warm air of African origin) and the cold and humid (polar) air of the anticyclone over Eastern Europe. Such fronts are a source of atmospheric instability and wind strengthening at all levels.

A comparative analysis of synoptic maps for the above dates showed a fairly good qualitative correspondence between the structure of surface pressure fields and the location of fronts; satellite information also showed the presence of zones of powerful convective cloudiness over the Azov-Black Sea region. An important feature of the synoptic situation is the instability line over the western or central parts of the Black Sea, which indicates the presence of a ridge of cumulonimbus clouds (Cb) and the existence of powerful convective movements that can reach the stratosphere - overshotting helps replenish the energy of jet streams. This structure and state of the atmosphere was defined by A. Rabinoviches and J. Šepić with the general term – a "tumultuous atmosphere". Thunderstorm phenomena characteristic of Cb are capable of generating a wide range of internal gravity waves with characteristic periods from 3 to 60 minutes.

The analyzed synoptic conditions during the tsunami were completely favorable for the occurrence and propagation of a possible moving atmospheric gravity disturbance. In all three cases, the Froude number was close to unity, indicating that the conditions for the Proudman resonance were met.

 Thus, the combination of synoptic and geographical factors indicates a significant probability of this phenomenon occurring only in certain areas of the Azov-Black Sea region: the western shelf of the northwestern part of the Black Sea, including relatively deep-water estuaries, and the Belosarayskaya Spit area of ​​the Azov Sea.

How to cite: Matygin, A. and Iakovleva, N.: Synoptic conditions for the generation of meteotsunamis on the shelf of the northwestern Black Sea region and in the Azov Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-450,, 2025.

EGU25-491 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

Tsunami propagation in an ice-covered sea  

Vitaliy Yakovlev, Viktor Tkachenko, Viktorija Bondar, and Tatjana Goncharenko

Tsunami propagation in an ice-covered sea


Yakovlev V.V., Tkachenko V.O., Bondar V.V., Goncharenko T.B.

Institute of Hydromechanics, of  National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


When a tsunami wave propagates into a sea area covered with solid ice, the part of the wave that has passed under the ice cover will be affected by the elastic properties of the ice sheet. These properties radically change the nature of the tsunami wave propagation.

A long-wave nonlinear dispersion model describing the propagation of tsunami flexural-gravity waves in a continuous ice sheet floating on the sea surface is constructed by expanding the initial three-dimensional problem of hydroelastic oscillations of the system "elastic plate – layer of ideal incompressible fluid of variable depth" in a small parameter. The model takes into account the effects of nonlinear dispersion of fluid, as well as inertia, elasticity and geometrically nonlinear deflection of the plate. Based on the obtained equations, a hierarchical sequence of simpler models is constructed, generalizing the equations of Peregrine, Boussinesque and Korteweg-de Vries, known from the theory of surface waves, to the case of flexural-gravity waves. In the particular case of the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation, which describes the propagation of tsunami waves, exact solutions are constructed and analyzed, describing the propagation of solitons and cnoidal waves in the sea covered with solid ice. It is shown that flexural-gravity tsunami waves have some mirror properties compared to tsunami waves on water. In relation to the soliton, this means that without changing the shape, a depression, not a hump, as in the case of a tsunami wave on water, propagates, and the speed of its propagation decreases with increasing amplitude, not increases. In addition, the characteristics of flexural-gravity tsunami waves are determined by the amplitude and dispersion of the flexural rigidity of the plate and do not depend on the dispersion of water and the inertial properties of the ice cover.

For the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation, to which the model of tsunami wave propagation in the sea covered with solid ice is reduced, the regions of variation of the physical parameters of the problem are identified, where different types of soliton-like solutions of this equation can exist. The nature of the eigenvalues for different ratios of the physical parameters of the problem is investigated and the region of variation of the parameters is determined, in which stationary solutions of the classical solitary wave type can take place.

How to cite: Yakovlev, V., Tkachenko, V., Bondar, V., and Goncharenko, T.: Tsunami propagation in an ice-covered sea , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-491,, 2025.

EGU25-537 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Synoptic index-based model for reconstructing high-frequency sea level oscillations in the Mediterranean 

Petra Zemunik Selak, Ivica Vilibić, Cléa Denamiel, and Petra Pranić

High-frequency sea level oscillations are gaining prominence in sea level research, as advancements in technology and data collection allowed high-resolution records. Their extreme manifestations, often amplified by interactions with other strong oscillations, can trigger destructive flooding events worldwide, emphasizing the need for in-depth studies of such phenomena and the development of reliable predictive tools. To tackle this, the synoptic index-based model has been designed to reconstruct and predict extreme non-seismic sea level oscillations at tsunami timescales (NSLOTTs). Initially developed for the meteotsunami hotspot Ciutadella, the model was later extended globally, with the strongest synoptic index-NSLOTT correlations observed in the Mediterranean Sea, where NSLOTTs contribute up to 50% of the total sea-level range.

The baseline model, built using ERA5 reanalysis with synoptic variables previously identified as relevant for known NSLOTT hotspots, was subjected to modifications in its configuration in order to evaluate adaptability and robustness in forecasting and detecting extreme NSLOTT events. These modifications included testing alternative reanalysis products, different synoptic variables, and training/testing datasets. Additionally, the impact of changes in NSLOTT series—such as altered temporal resolution, amount of data gaps, and series length—was assessed. Results reveal that stations with higher baseline performance consistently maintain their skill across different model configurations, though their performance variability is greater compared to stations with lower baseline performance. Stations along the eastern Adriatic Sea exhibited the highest performance, highlighting the suitability of the model for this region of Mediterranean. Overall, the model demonstrates higher success in forecasting extreme events than in their detection. These findings offer valuable insights for optimizing model configurations and enhancing predictive capabilities, with the ultimate goal of developing reliable tools for forecasting extreme events, and consequently contributing to coastal hazard and flooding mitigation.

How to cite: Zemunik Selak, P., Vilibić, I., Denamiel, C., and Pranić, P.: Synoptic index-based model for reconstructing high-frequency sea level oscillations in the Mediterranean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-537,, 2025.

EGU25-1149 | Posters on site | NH5.1

Meteotsunami waves in Ilyichevsk port June 2014 

Natalia Iakovleva and Alexander Matygin

The time series of changes in the level on the tide gauge tape in the port of Ilyichevsk (Sukhoi Liman) is a superposition of seiche oscillations, a long-period trend and directly meteotsunami waves.

A 232-minute record was analyzed. Digitization was performed with a one-minute discreteness. Low-frequency oscillations were successively removed during filtering. As a result, a wave packet of four waves is clearly visible on the resulting graph. Visual observers on the beach recorded only one wave in the case of the Odessa tsunami. Other conditions may have been in effect in the Sukhoi Liman: the morphometric characteristics and the location of the tide gauge directly in the estuary itself suggest that this is already a "port" case for meteotsunami waves.

The second distinctive feature of the sea level fluctuations during the passage of meteotsunami waves is the constant and clear presence of short-period waves (period of about 8 minutes and amplitude of up to 6 cm). It should be noted that such fluctuations were not recorded on seiche oscillations before the arrival of meteotsunami waves.

A qualitatively similar structure of oscillations was recorded in the port of Rovinj (Croatia) according to I. Vilibich and J. Šepić. A possible mechanism for the appearance of high-frequency wave "ripples" on long waves of meteotsunami may be nonlinear interactions of the wave packet with seiche movements with weak hydrodynamic instability of the oscillatory system.

How to cite: Iakovleva, N. and Matygin, A.: Meteotsunami waves in Ilyichevsk port June 2014, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1149,, 2025.

EGU25-1782 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Categorization of the Adriatic Sea coast based on meteotsunami hazard level 

Maja Bubalo and Jadranka Šepić

The Adriatic Sea is prone to meteotsunamis, with an exceptionally strong event (wave height > 2 m) observed 1-2 times per decade, and moderate events (wave height > 1 m) once every 1-2 years. Adriatic Sea meteotsunamis occur at many locations along the mainland and, more often, islands. The goal of this research is to determine potential meteotsunami risk along the Adriatic Sea coast. The risk estimate is based on numerical modeling of maximum wave heights in dependance on speed and direction of air pressure disturbances. The modeling results are then combined with the ERA5 reanalysis over the past 30 years to determine how often suitable, previously determined, synoptic conditions for meteotsunamis present over the area. Based on both the sea modeling and atmospheric reanalysis, a meteotsunami hazard level is associated with each point of the Adriatic Sea coast, and the results are shown on a detailed map.

How to cite: Bubalo, M. and Šepić, J.: Categorization of the Adriatic Sea coast based on meteotsunami hazard level, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1782,, 2025.

EGU25-2065 | Posters on site | NH5.1

The preliminary study of meteotsunami occurrences by Taiwan phased-array high-frequency radar system 

Li-Ching Lin, An Cheng, Hwa Chien, Huan Meng Chang, Jian Wu Lai, Hsin Yu Yu, Hao-Yuan Cheng, and Pierre Flament

This study marks the first use of Taiwan's phased-array high-frequency radar system to observe ocean currents generated by meteotsunamis. It primarily examines the propagation and evolution of potentially dangerous ocean currents across various spatial and temporal scales in offshore waters. Comprehensive observations and analyses are conducted for events occurring in the northwestern and northeastern waters of Taiwan. Meteotsunamis frequently occur in this region between winter and spring seasons, with notable disasters caused by dangerous currents recorded in 2008 and 2018.

To capture meteotsunami occurrences and identify resulting current characteristics, the study integrates atmospheric and oceanic in-situ observations with high-frequency radar remote sensing. By establishing the meteotsunami database and utilizing high-frequency radar products from the Central Weather Administration and the National Academy of Marine Research, the research explores the frequency shifts in Doppler range spectra, the identification of long-period signals in the radial velocity, and the propagation of long-wave signals across space-time grids. These analyses further investigate interactions with regional topography, impacts on nearshore coasts and harbors, and the feasibility of meteotsunami early detections (shown in figure).

Moreover, the study highlights the overlooked impacts of meteotsunami hazards on offshore engineering. In particular, it emphasizes the need for thorough research into the effects of meteotsunami-induced dangerous currents and wave heights on offshore wind energy projects, especially in the waters off western Taiwan.


Figure. Spatial evolution of meteotsunami-induced surface currents.


How to cite: Lin, L.-C., Cheng, A., Chien, H., Chang, H. M., Lai, J. W., Yu, H. Y., Cheng, H.-Y., and Flament, P.: The preliminary study of meteotsunami occurrences by Taiwan phased-array high-frequency radar system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2065,, 2025.

EGU25-2896 | Orals | NH5.1

Detection of meteorologically triggered seiche oscillations, eigenanalysis, and implications for tsunami hazards in the Sea of Marmara 

Pierre Henry, Özeren Sinan, Nazmı Postacioğlu, Cristele Chevalier, Christos Papoutsellis, Arthur Paté, Namik Çağatay, Nurettin Yakupoğlu, and Ziyadin Cakir

Seiches are resonant oscillations that occur when gravity waves in a basin are excited at a period coinciding with one of the periods of free oscillation of the basin. When triggered by earthquakes, seiches may influence the amplitude of tsunamis. They may also play an important role in shaping sedimentary deposits occurring during these events. Our study combines in situ monitoring (performed in the framework of EMSO-France and of Maregami Türkiye-France bilateral project)  and numerical modeling to characterize seiches in the Sea of Marmara, where the North Anatolian Fault system causes large earthquakes associated with turbidite-homogenite deposits and tsunamis. Pressure sensors deployed at five different locations at the seafloor in the Sea of Marama basins recorded bursts of small amplitude oscillations (< 1 hPa) with periods ranging from 5 to 200 minutes, apparently triggered by storms. Resonance spectra were extracted by cepstrum analysis, a method commonly used in speech recognition. Observed resonance modes were characterized by their period at peak amplitude and by their log amplitude at each deployment location. Theoretical free oscillation modes were calculated as eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the shallow water equation with the best available bathymetry (99 modes were calculated with periods ranging 17 to 183 minutes). These provide a better match of observed resonance frequencies than the shortcut calculation of Yalciner and Pelinovki (2002), especially at long periods (> 80 minutes). However, all calculated modes involve resonances in the shallow parts of the Sea of Marmara (shelves and bays) and most have low amplitudes in the deep basins, which may hinder their detection. Thus, it has not been possible to match observed and calculated modes one by one, but some observed-calculated pairs have fitting periods and fitting spatial variations in amplitude. Of specific interest, matching modes detected at periods of about 25 minutes have large theoretical amplitudes at the Istanbul coast, which may help explain historical reports and sedimentological evidence of tsunamis.

How to cite: Henry, P., Sinan, Ö., Postacioğlu, N., Chevalier, C., Papoutsellis, C., Paté, A., Çağatay, N., Yakupoğlu, N., and Cakir, Z.: Detection of meteorologically triggered seiche oscillations, eigenanalysis, and implications for tsunami hazards in the Sea of Marmara, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2896,, 2025.

Potential large earthquakes in the Manila Trench of the South China Sea cannot be ignored, and the tsunami caused by potential earthquakes will impact the southern coast of China. This study aims to quantify the probability of the nearshore tsunami height along the coast of the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), which is one of the most densely populated and economically developed regions in China. An approach for probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment has been established, which comprehensively considered the uncertainty in earthquake epicenter, magnitude and focal depth through numerical simulations of more than one million potential earthquake scenarios. We have developed efficient alternative algorithms for the deep-sea propagation of tsunami waves and its nearshore amplification, making the analysis of massive tsunami scenarios a reality. Through the simulation and statistics of potential tsunamis, a tsunami wave height dataset with a spatial resolution of 0.1° covering the South China Sea was established, and a refined dataset of tsunami wave height distribution along the coast of GBA was provided.

How to cite: Niu, X. and Gao, X.: Nearshore tsunami height probability along the coast of the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2981,, 2025.

Ocean-bottom observations are essential for studying earthquake and tsunami processes in the ocean. Traditionally ocean-bottom pressure gauges (PGs) were used to observe tsunamis, while recent studies have revealed that they capture geophysical phenomena across a wide period range from seconds to years. Utilizing this capability, I have analysed in-situ PG data, recorded inside the earthquake source region, to reveal the physics of massive tsunami generation. In this presentation, I introduce my recent works related to the analyses of the in-situ PG data, which provides important insights into earthquake and tsunami mechanics, particularly in the Tohoku subduction zone, in northeastern Japan.

First, I highlight advances in earthquake source modelling using dynamic pressure changes recorded by the in-situ PGs (Kubota et al. 2017; 2021). PGs can detect not only tsunamis ranging periods of ~102–103 s but also dynamic pressure changes caused by seismic waves, covering periods of 100~102 s (e.g. Filloux 1982). Applying solid-fluid coupled wave theory (e.g. Saito 2019), I developed a technique to simulate the dynamic pressure fluctuations and successfully modelled broadband in-situ PG data including both long-period tsunamis and short-period seismic components. This method integrates the spatial reliability and robustness of tsunami data with the temporal resolution of seismic data.

Next, I present a case study of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake using the in-situ PGs to explore the mechanics of its large near-trench slip (> 50 m) resulting in a devastating tsunami (Kubota et al. 2022). While the kinematics of this anomalous slip have been studied well, its driving force and underlying physics remain unresolved. Using the in-situ tsunami waveforms recorded by the PGs together with geodetic datasets, I reliably estimated the distributions of slip and shear stress release on the megathrust fault plane. The results showed the near-trench slip (> 50 m) occurred with minimal stress drop (< 3 MPa) at depths < 10 km, while large stress release (> 5 MPa) occurred deeper near the hypocenter ~15 km). This suggests the near-trench slip occurred without releasing the pre-accumulated shallow stress but was driven instead by strain energy releases in the deeper region under the free-surface effects near the trench. This implies that similar large shallow slips could occur in other subduction zones even without significant shallow strain energy accumulation but only with deeper stress release.

Seafloor pressure observations have significantly advanced tsunami propagation modelling and the evaluation of tsunami source kinematics. Integrating in-situ observations with solid-fluid coupled wave theory refines kinematic modelling and enhances understanding of tsunami generation mechanism and underlying physics. Unravelling the physics of massive tsunami generation is crucial for assessing a wide range of potential future tsunami sources, including megathrust events, tsunami earthquakes, and sequential earthquake rupture scenarios.

How to cite: Kubota, T.: Unravelling Physics of Massive Tsunami Generation Using In-Situ Ocean-Bottom Pressure Gauge Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3058,, 2025.

EGU25-3189 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Adaptive Non-Hydrostatic Model for Moving Bottom-Generated Waves 

Kemal Firdaus and Jörn Behrens

The Shallow Water Equations (SWE) is widely used to simulate the ocean waves, particularly tsunami waves, given its simplicity and robustness for wide range of wave dynamics. This model is limited to the hydrostatic pressure assumption. However, in some scenarios such as landslide tsunamis and slow earthquake-generated waves, the non-hydrostatic pressure plays a crucial role. In that case, two approaches are mainly used: Boussinesq-type equations and non-hydrostatic SWE extensions. The SWE extensions can be achieved by splitting the pressure terms into hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic pressure while deriving a depth-averaged form.

We extend the work by Jeschke et al. (2017), where the quadratic pressure relation was used instead of the linear one showing equivalence to Boussinesq-type equations. This model was improved for moving-bottom generated waves and manipulated such that it can be solved by a projection method without the simplifications in the mentioned publication [Firdaus and Behrens (2024)]. Furthermore, this method also allows us to make the non-hydrostatic correction adaptively on a particular area, where the dispersion might play a significant role. In this work, we investigate such an adaptive model in simulating moving bottom-generated waves. We compare both global and local correction simulations with measured data along with their computational time. It can be shown that we can achieve a similar accuracy with lower computational effort.


  • Jeschke, A., Pedersen, G. K., Vater, S., and Behrens, J. (2017) Depth-averaged non-hydrostatic extension for shallow water equations with quadratic vertical pressure profile: equivalence to Boussinesq-type equations. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 84: 569–583. doi: 10.1002/fld.4361. 
  • Firdaus, K., Behrens, J. (2024) Non-Hydrostatic Model for Simulating Moving Bottom-Generated Waves: A Shallow Water Extension with Quadratic Vertical Pressure Profile. *arXiv*.

How to cite: Firdaus, K. and Behrens, J.: Adaptive Non-Hydrostatic Model for Moving Bottom-Generated Waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3189,, 2025.

EGU25-3277 | Orals | NH5.1

Triggereing of radiating landslide Tsunami modes around conical islands 

mehmet sinan ozeren and Nazmi Postacioglu

Volcanic islands are prone to massive landslides and flank collapses, which can trigger tsunamis with devastating consequences. A notable example is the 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami, which resulted in the loss of over 400 lives. While some of the energy from such landslides generates far-field tsunamis that propagate over large distances, a significant portion creates trapped waves that travel around the island. These trapped waves, unaffected by geometric spreading, can reach distant coastal areas on the same island, potentially causing severe localized damage.

Although numerous numerical studies have explored landslide-generated tsunamis in the context of conical islands, analytical studies that delve into the underlying physics of the phenomenon remain limited. Recent research in fluid mechanics has yet to analytically determine the discrete frequencies of trapped and radiating waves. Accurate calculation of the discrete frequency spectrum of trapped wavefields is crucial for assessing coastal hazards. In this study, we present a comprehensive analytical solution for the radiating and trapped wavefields generated by landslide sources with varying time histories on conical island flanks.

How to cite: ozeren, M. S. and Postacioglu, N.: Triggereing of radiating landslide Tsunami modes around conical islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3277,, 2025.

EGU25-5074 | Orals | NH5.1

Announcing the Global Tsunami Model Association 

Joern Behrens, Andrey Babeyko, Maria Ana Baptista, Clea Denamiel, José Manuel González Vida, Ufuk Hancilar, Fatemeh Jalayer, Stefano Lorito, Finn Løvholt, Jorge Macias, Shane Murphy, Ceren Özer Sözdinler, Naveen Ragu Ramalingam, Fabrizio Romano, Alexander Rudloff, Jacopo Selva, Manuela Volpe, and Utku Kanoglu

When looking at the history of tsunami research, considering the early efforts, two trends can be observed. Academic tsunami research was carried out in diverse disciplines with boosts after large global events, such as the 1960 Chile event that lead to the creation of warning centers in the U.S. and Japan in the Pacific, or the 2004 Indian Ocean event that had a large impact on global tsunami preparedness efforts, supported by IOC UNESCO and other global organizations. On the other hand, the engineering community in particular in the United States created building codes and formalized such hazard prevention measures.

Efforts were made to gather the scientific community and the well established series of tsunami sessions at AGU and EGU meetings is just one indication for this. The IUGG Joint Tsunami Commission formalized some of the community effort in tsunami research, and the Tsunami Society International with its International Journal Science of Tsunami Hazards has been instrumental to gather important information and progress in tsunami science.

Around 2015 it became clear that there is demand for a formal approach to an integration of scientific progress and transfer into stakeholder groups, involving social sciences, geosciences, engineering, and computational sciences. Adopting some of the probabilistic approaches from seismic hazard assessment, covering uncertainty quantification, and developing multi-scale approaches to hazard and risk analysis, communicating and applying these topics was outside of the purely scientific agenda.

The idea for a Global Tsunami Model (GTM) entity was born, borrowed from the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) foundation. Further discussions within the community at several international meetings  finally led to the idea of applying for a COST Action, funded through the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). The COST Action AGITHAR was then instrumental in further developing and forming a basis for an entity supporting the ideas mentioned before. Accompanied by successful European Research Council funded projects related to tsunami hazard and risk assessment a portfolio of products and services could be developed. A further one-year funding from COST for sustaining the efforts of AGITHAR, finally led to the inauguration of the Global Tsunami Model Association, a registered association under German legislation.

In this presentation we announce GTM Association and invite the global community to become part of this initiative. The presentation will give a brief overview of the history of GTM, will introduce the vision and mission of the association, as well as outline the governing structure. We present the assets as well as our ideas on a sustained business model with a variety of development paths open to the community. While much of the development took place in the European context so far due to funding opportunities, GTM is global and will extend internationally. GTM is committed to serve the scientific community, stakeholder groups as well as the general society by coordination, knowledge transfer, and scientific progress as a non-for-profit organization.

How to cite: Behrens, J., Babeyko, A., Baptista, M. A., Denamiel, C., González Vida, J. M., Hancilar, U., Jalayer, F., Lorito, S., Løvholt, F., Macias, J., Murphy, S., Özer Sözdinler, C., Ragu Ramalingam, N., Romano, F., Rudloff, A., Selva, J., Volpe, M., and Kanoglu, U.: Announcing the Global Tsunami Model Association, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5074,, 2025.

EGU25-5329 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Tsunami Responses as Observed by Taiwan High-Frequency RadarNetwork 

An Cheng, Li-Ching Lin, Hwa Chien, Huan Meng Chang, Jian Wu Lai, Hsin Yu Yu, Hao-Yuan Cheng, and Pierre Flament

Tsunami-induced currents were detected by the Taiwan High-Frequency Radar (HFR) Network on April 3, 2024, following a magnitude 7.2 earthquake near Hualien, Taiwan. The earthquake triggered tsunamis that generated strong currents, leading to collisions between drifting vessels in two harbors along Taiwan's east coast. At Hualien Harbor, tsunami waves reached a height of 1.8 m, with near-field waves rapidly propagating along Taiwan’s eastern coastline and extending to southern Okinawa, Japan.
Since 2019, 19 HFR stations have been deployed along Taiwan's coastal regions. These stations are capable of detecting surface currents in water depths of up to 100 meters, with a minimum velocity sensitivity of 0.02 m/s. Observations revealed that tsunami-induced radial currents in Yilan Bay reached speeds of up to 0.2 m/s. Using ensemble empirical mode decomposition, three oscillation modes with periods of 8.8, 14, and 30 minutes were identified in the HFR data. The first two modes are closely linked to the continental shelf, which has an average depth of approximately 100 m and a width of 5 km. The 30-min mode, however, is more pronounced within 15 km offshore in Yilan Bay, where interactions between the northeastern Taiwan countercurrent, Kuroshio, and tidal currents likely influence these oscillations.
Understanding these dynamics is critical for the development of an integrated early warning system supported by real-time HFR monitoring. This study highlights the value of such remote sensing systems in providing crucial insights into tsunami-induced hazards in coastal environments.

Surface currents response to tsunami oscillations. 100 and 500 m water depth shown in dashed and solid lines, respectively.

Figure. Surface currents response to tsunami oscillations. 100 and 500 m water depth shown in dashed and solid lines, respectively.

How to cite: Cheng, A., Lin, L.-C., Chien, H., Chang, H. M., Lai, J. W., Yu, H. Y., Cheng, H.-Y., and Flament, P.: Tsunami Responses as Observed by Taiwan High-Frequency RadarNetwork, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5329,, 2025.

EGU25-6080 | Orals | NH5.1

Real-Time Global Assessment of Tsunami Risks Using Acoustic-Gravity Waves 

Usama Kadri, Ali Abdolali, and Maxim Filimonov

This study presents a real-time technology for detecting and classifying geophysical events using acoustic signals. Initially developed for tsunami monitoring, the system integrates advanced computational models and machine learning algorithms to process acoustic data and extract event characteristics, including location, magnitude, and fault dynamics [1]. The methodology facilitates real-time mapping of risk areas and event trajectories, providing timely insights critical for effective response strategies. Validation against historical events demonstrates robust performance, with global-scale analyses completed within seconds on standard multi-core machines.

An additional feature of this technology is its potential applicability to a wider range of geophysical events, such as underwater explosions and other seismic activities. Its flexibility positions it as a complementary tool for existing warning frameworks, with possible relevance for organisations like the CTBTO in future monitoring efforts.

By addressing key challenges such as false alarms and response delays, this system contributes to improving global event monitoring and enhancing disaster preparedness. It provides a valuable resource for decision-makers aiming to mitigate risks and ensure public safety.


[1] Kadri, U., Abdolali, A., and Filimonov, M.: GREAT v1.0: Global Real-time Early Assessment of Tsunamis, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2024.

How to cite: Kadri, U., Abdolali, A., and Filimonov, M.: Real-Time Global Assessment of Tsunami Risks Using Acoustic-Gravity Waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6080,, 2025.

EGU25-7571 | Orals | NH5.1

The 2023 South Vanuatu doublet of earthquakes and tsunamis: observations, numerical simulations and gray areas 

Jean Roger, Aditya Gusman, Yannice Faugère, Lucie Rolland, Hélène Hébert, Bertrand Delouis, and Aisling O'Kane

Over a period of ~5 years from August 2018 to December 2024, the Vanuatu Subduction Zone (VSZ) has demonstrated its potential to trigger large earthquakes and threatening tsunamis, particularly in its southern section, southeast of the Loyalty Islands archipelago. Of particular interest is the region where the Loyalty Ridge collides with the Vanuatu arc, where the subduction zone’s predominant strike direction changes sharply from roughly N-S to E-W. It is within this region that three earthquakes with a moment magnitude (Mw) >= 7.5 have occurred: Mw 7.5 on 5 December 2018, Mw 7.7 on 11 February 2021 and Mw 7.7 on 19 May 2023.

The latter is of major interest for three reasons: (1) it is an outer-rise event having occurred very close to the epicentre of the 1995 Mw 7.7 earthquake, which was the largest outer-rise normal faulting event globally at that time; (2) it was followed by a large set of aftershocks including a Mw 7.1 event ~1 hour after the main shock; (3) both the main shock and the larger aftershock triggered a tsunami; and (4) diverse records of the tsunamis exists, including data from the New Zealand DART network and the recently deployed SWOT satellite.

The first tsunami had sufficiently large wave amplitude to be recorded on most gauges of the southwestern Pacific Ocean, as far as Tasmania in the southwest (~3000 km) and Fongafale to the north-east (~1900 km), although the second tsunami was barely noticeable on the deep-ocean monitoring systems (i.e., DART) and sea-level coastal gauges.

Numerical simulations of tsunami generation and propagation using COMCOT modelling code were performed with different source models to try to deduce the source characteristics, however despite the array of available finite fault sources, none were able to fit the tsunami observations fully, including deep-ocean DART locations. In addition, SWOT 2D measurements, if generally showing a good correlation with the simulation outputs, still reveal elevations quite different from the simulation, notably in terms of amplitude of the main tsunami wavefront propagating towards the northeast. Investigations of ionospheric response to the event using GNSS records highlights the existence of a secondary source associated with the main Mw 7.7 shock, which may be linked to later release of seismic energy and/or the breaking of a second rupture patch.

This presentation aims to show what is known so far, and what are the key pieces of information still missing which may help us to explain the tsunami observations induced by the 2023 earthquake.

How to cite: Roger, J., Gusman, A., Faugère, Y., Rolland, L., Hébert, H., Delouis, B., and O'Kane, A.: The 2023 South Vanuatu doublet of earthquakes and tsunamis: observations, numerical simulations and gray areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7571,, 2025.

On 17 December 2024, a strong, damaging earthquake (Mw7.3) occurred 30 km WNW of the capital of Vanuatu, Port Vila, on Efate Island. The epicentral depth of the event is at ~57 km depth in the central region of the Vanuatu Subduction Zone (VSZ). Within minutes following the main shock, a small tsunami was recorded on Port Vila coastal gauge (VANU), located at the end of Mélé Bay, along a wharf of the commercial port, with a  maximum recorded amplitude of ~29 cm, below the threshold (30cm) for the Beach and Marine Threat warning category. However, it should be noted that it may have overtopped this value in other local locations; for example, nearby Erakor Lagoon, which often showed larger tsunami impact during past events. Later, the tsunami was recorded on the deep-ocean Bottom Pressure Recorders of the NZ DART regional network (DART NZL and NZK), and other Vanuatu gauges and in New Caledonia, including the Loyalty Islands. Apart from VANU and LENA (Lenakel, Tanna Island, ~17 cm), the records do not show maximum tsunami amplitude greater than 10 cm. There is also no evidence that the tsunami waves reached other gauge locations in the southwest Pacific region, such as Fiji, Tonga, New Zealand, and Australia. At present, we are not aware of reports of damage related to the tsunami.

In order to simulate the tsunami generation and propagation in the region to support rapid response, simple seismic rupture models were quickly designed based on available moment tensor solutions from different seismological agencies. It also used empirical laws, past events, and geologic knowledge of the region. Several models were tested, as the moment tensor solutions did not elucidate which structure within the over-arching active process of the VSZ was responsible. Interestingly, the azimuths and dip angles of the nodal planes do not fit well with the subduction interface as it is known. The simulation of the tsunami was initially performed on a limited number of nested grids to reduce the computational costs in an event response framework, focused on providing refined solutions for the Efate and Port Vila region only. Further simulations encompassed more nested grids in New Caledonia, Fiji, New Zealand, Tonga and Australia (including Norfolk Island). Comparison of the simulation results with the recorded waveforms in Vanuatu and New Caledonia show a good agreement in terms of arrival time, phase and amplitude. Modelled maximum wave amplitude maps confirmed that the tsunami did not exhibit amplitudes larger than ~30 cm and did not propagate out of the Vanuatu-New Caledonia region. More detailed simulations demonstrate that tsunami arrivals may have exceeded 40 cm locally, for example in Fatumaru Bay (northeast of Mélé Bay).

In addition to the validation of a quickly-designed rupture model for tsunami assessment within minutes of an earthquake occurrence, the strong alignment between the simulations and observations suggests that the source of this tsunami was sea-floor displacement related to oblique-normal faulting during the Mw7.3 earthquake. As of time of writing, no aftershocks have generated tsunami.

How to cite: Roger, J.: Numerical simulation of the tsunami triggered by the 17 December 2024 Port Vila, Vanuatu, Mw 7.3 earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7588,, 2025.

EGU25-7816 | Orals | NH5.1

A comprehensive discussion on the tsunami amplification effect of the 2022 Tonga volcanic tsunamis 

Tso-Ren Wu, Po-Yuan Yang, Jun-Wei Lin, and Mei-Hui Chuang

The 2022 eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano, located near the Tonga Islands, resulted in a massive volcanic explosion that triggered a transoceanic atmospheric tsunami. While satisfactory scientific analyses have been conducted regarding the minor tsunami generated by the initial atmospheric pressure wave, there is still insufficient scientific discussion regarding the amplification of tsunami wave amplitudes between the first pressure tsunami wave and the volcanic gravity tsunami wave.


This study focuses on the analysis and discussion of the second group of large-amplitude tsunami waves, in addition to the first pressure wave. Our findings indicate that the oceanic disturbances in this event were primarily driven by atmospheric shock waves traveling at different velocities. The most prominent atmospheric pressure fluctuation, which reached the observation stations fastest, was a Lamb wave with an amplitude of approximately 2 hPa and a wave speed of around 308 m/s. When compared to tide gauge records from Taiwan, the sea level variation caused by this pressure wave was only about 2–5 cm. However, the sea level oscillation did not decrease but instead amplified approximately five times 2–4 hours after the first pressure wave. Through a series of numerical simulations and analyses, we found that the first pressure wave was insufficient to cause the sustained amplification of the tsunami wave amplitude. Given that atmospheric pressure propagation is much faster than that of tsunami waves, Proudman resonance is not the factor responsible for the amplification of the tsunami wave amplitude.


In this study, simulations and analyses were performed for the Taiwan region using atmospheric pressure data from the Central Weather Administration (CWA) and the COMCOT tsunami model. The pressure stations in Taiwan recorded the arrival of the first pressure wave followed by secondary, tertiary, and quaternary atmospheric gravity waves with speeds of approximately 280 m/s, 250 m/s, and 220 m/s, respectively, about 4 hours after the initial wave. By using atmospheric observational data to construct a linear model for the atmospheric gravity waves, we successfully reproduced the observed phenomenon of tsunami wave amplification approximately five times. The simulation results showed a high degree of agreement with the observed amplitude and period. The tsunami propagation simulations revealed that the amplification was caused by Proudman resonance between the second, third, and fourth atmospheric gravity waves, following the Lamb wave, and oceanic gravity waves. This effect caused the slower Pekeris wave to propagate through the deep western Pacific, significantly increasing the tsunami wave amplitude.

How to cite: Wu, T.-R., Yang, P.-Y., Lin, J.-W., and Chuang, M.-H.: A comprehensive discussion on the tsunami amplification effect of the 2022 Tonga volcanic tsunamis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7816,, 2025.

EGU25-7820 | Orals | NH5.1 | Highlight

Silent Threat: Predicting Acoustic Meteotsunami Global Hazards 

Clea Denamiel, Tomaso Esposti Ongaro, and Xun Huan

After the explosive eruption of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai volcano in January 2022, the generation of tsunamis driven by atmospheric acoustic-gravity waves, including the Lamb waves, has been intensively studied by the geoscientific community, resulting in hundreds of published articles since the eruption. These rare events, stemming from catastrophic volcanic eruptions, have the potential to generate surges reaching 1 to 10 m along more than 7% of the world’s coastlines. Despite their global hazard potential, probabilistic models that effectively capture the uncertainty of these events remain underdeveloped. Here, we lay the foundations of a new multidisciplinary field of research dedicated to the study of these acoustic meteotsunami events. Our work includes implementing stochastic meteotsunami surge models for 7 different volcanoes and for each of the most populated and/or endangered coastal cities in the world. We derive planetary meteotsunami surge hazards using a surrogate model approach which has already proven effective in providing fast and reliable forecasts in geosciences. As volcanic eruptions occur at the geological scale, we build these models through the numerical reproduction of all potential events with thousands of high-fidelity simulations accounting for three main sources of uncertainty: amplitude, wavelength and dissipation of the Lamb waves. Following this approach, our aim is twofold: first, to advance understanding of ocean dynamics during acoustically-driven events through in-depth analyses of the numerical simulations; and second, to enhance global coastal safety by integrating the surrogate models within existing early warning systems and providing actionable surge forecasts in the aftermath of volcanic eruptions.

How to cite: Denamiel, C., Esposti Ongaro, T., and Huan, X.: Silent Threat: Predicting Acoustic Meteotsunami Global Hazards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7820,, 2025.

EGU25-8246 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

Rapid Identification of Rupture Depth in Subduction Zone Earthquakes Based on High-Rate GNSS Using Deep Learning 

Wenfeng Cui, Kejie Chen, and Naiqian Zhang

Destructive tsunamis are often triggered by shallow coseismic ruptures in subduction zones, making the rapid determination of rupture depth crucial for issuing timely tsunami warnings and mitigating associated hazards. To address this challenge, we propose a deep learning framework for the rapid classification of rupture depth (shallow or deep) based on high-rate GNSS data.

Using the Alaska subduction zone as a case study, we generated nearly 10,000 synthetic earthquake scenarios to overcome the scarcity of real-world megathrust earthquake records. From these simulations, we constructed a comprehensive near-field GNSS three-component displacement waveform database. Leveraging this dataset, we designed a deep learning neural network that extracts critical seismic signal features from high-rate GNSS data to accurately classify rupture depth. The model achieved over 90% accuracy, precision, and recall on the test set.

We applied the model to the 2021 Mw 8.2 Alaska earthquake and successfully identified it as a deep rupture, with a processing time of approximately 20 ms. Additionally, through transfer learning, we extended the model to the Sumatra subduction zone and successfully identified the 2010 Mw 7.8 Mentawai earthquake as a shallow rupture. This study provides a valuable reference for enhancing the reliability of tsunami early warning systems.

How to cite: Cui, W., Chen, K., and Zhang, N.: Rapid Identification of Rupture Depth in Subduction Zone Earthquakes Based on High-Rate GNSS Using Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8246,, 2025.

EGU25-8648 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Meteotsunamis in the Western mediterranean: regional analysis from high frequency sea level observations 

Joan Villalonga, Josep Pascual, Joan Puigdefàbregas, Damià Gomis, and Gabriel Jordà

Meteotsunamis, or atmospherically generated tsunamis, can generate hazardous high frequency sea level oscillations in coastal regions. The inlet of Ciutadella, located on the western coast of Menorca (Balearic Islands), is a well-documented hotspot for meteotsunamis. In late spring and summer, Ciutadella frequently experiences sea level oscillations exceeding 1 meter, and occasional events of several meters have caused significant damage to boats and harbor infrastructures. Although Ciutadella has concentrated most of the attention, other locations across the Balearic Islands and the northeastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula also experience notable meteotsunamis.

This study examines the occurrence of meteotsunamis from a regional perspective, using all the available high-resolution tide gauge data with a 1-minute sampling rate collected over the past decades. The dataset includes contributions from operational tide gauge networks managed by Puertos del Estado, SOCIB, and PortsIB, the VENOM ultra-dense research network (operated by UIB, IEO-CSIC and UPC) and an individual tide gauge maintained by Josep Pascual at l’Estartit. In total, the analysis encompasses data from 27 instruments spanning the Balearic Islands and the northeastern Iberian Peninsula, with some time series exceeding 17 years and more than 10 series exceeding a decade.

Our regional analysis focuses on four key aspects: i) to characterize meteotsunami statistics across the study area including many locations that were not analysed before; ii) the contribution of the meteotsunami frequency band (1 min-2h) to sea level extremes; iii) a comparative analysis of meteotsunami events observed at different locations; and iv) the relationship between synoptic atmospheric patterns and meteotsunami occurrences. The findings reveal that high-frequency sea level oscillations are amplified in locations where topographic features favor the resonance of incoming meteostunami waves. While Ciutadella remains the primary hotspot, other locations such as Vilanova, Portocolom, and Port de Sóller also frequently experience significant meteotsunamis, which was not reported before. Moreover, we have found that sea level oscillations often occur simultaneously in several locations; the reason is that meteotsunamis are triggered by atmospheric disturbances associated with synoptic-scale meteorological patterns that cover a large part or the region, affecting several locations at the same time. Finally, the analysis highlights the challenges in predicting meteotsunami amplitudes. Their intensity is influenced not only by synoptic-scale atmospheric features but also by small-scale processes in the ocean and the atmosphere that are difficult to observe and predict. This complexity makes it challenging to establish robust amplitude relationships across locations or to issue accurate forecasts for the amplitude of meteotsunami events.

How to cite: Villalonga, J., Pascual, J., Puigdefàbregas, J., Gomis, D., and Jordà, G.: Meteotsunamis in the Western mediterranean: regional analysis from high frequency sea level observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8648,, 2025.

EGU25-8785 | Posters on site | NH5.1

Machine Learning for Meteotsunami Prediction: A Case Study on the Portuguese Coast 

Jihwan Kim and Rachid Omira

Meteotsunamis, tsunami-like waves triggered by rapid atmospheric pressure disturbances, can result in significant coastal damages. This study introduces a machine learning (ML) framework for predicting meteotsunami occurrences along the Portuguese coast, using both atmospheric pressure records and tide gauge data collected from 2010 to 2020. A methodology is proposed to construct a structured dataset of inputs and targets from continuous meteorological and sea-level observations, yielding an imbalanced dataset with a meteotsunami-to-nonevent ratio of approximately 1:60. To address this imbalance, class weighting and an ensemble strategy aggregating predictions across multiple observatories were implemented in the ML framework. 

The prediction model employs an encoder-decoder architecture, integrating Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layers. Results demonstrate the model's effectiveness in  capturing the complex dynamics of meteotsunami formation and propagation  with accuracy and reliability for operational forecasting. Future research will focus on incorporating additional meteorological variables such as wind speed and direction, expanding the spatial and temporal coverage of data, and further refining prediction capabilities to enhance meteotsunami early warning systems and mitigate meteotsunami-related risks.

How to cite: Kim, J. and Omira, R.: Machine Learning for Meteotsunami Prediction: A Case Study on the Portuguese Coast, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8785,, 2025.

EGU25-9150 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Meteo-HySEA: A GPU accelerated code for simulating atmospherically-driven tsunamis on real bathymetries. Evaluating the performance of the newly implemented nested grids system. 

Alex González del Pino, Jorge Macías Sánchez, Manuel Castro Díaz, and Cléa Lumina Denamiel

Atmospherically-driven tsunamis or meteotsunamis are generated by atmospheric disturbances with steep gradients of pressure and/or wind. In recent years, meteotsunamis have received more attention from the tsunami modelling community. Although their destructive potential might be less severe than for earthquake or landslide generated tsunamis, their frequency is much higher. The two main processes driving the most extreme meteotsunami events are the offshore amplification of the ocean long-waves due to Proudman or Greenspan resonances (i.e., when the atmospheric disturbance travels at the same speed than the long-waves) and, nearshore, the amplification factor of the shelfs, bays or inlets (i.e., resonance frequency associated to the nearshore geometry). As meteotsunamis have a high dependence on the nearshore geometric characteristics, they often occur at known hotspot locations such as along the coastlines of Croatia, the Balearic Islands, Sicily, Malta, the Nagasaki Bay or the Baltic Sea. One of the highest meteotsunami waves ever witnessed (with conservative estimate of up to 6 m in height) took place in Vela Luka (Adriatic Sea, Croatia) on the 21st of June 1978.

Meteo-HySEA is a GPU accelerated code developed by EDANYA group from the University of Málaga which incorporates the atmospheric forcing together with additional terms such as the Coriolis force and the wind drag to simulate meteotsunami events. After successfully benchmarking the code to replicate laboratory experiments on Proudman resonance and a real-world test case in the Gulf of Mexico using actual topobathymetric data and synthetic pressure data, this updated version of the code introduces the capability to use multiple grids with varying resolutions in a single simulation. This enhancement provides more accurate modelling of Greenspan resonance effects and enables the computation of high-resolution meteotsunami inundation.

The Adriatic Sea was selected as an ideal starting point to showcase the reliability of Meteo-HySEA, given its extensive historical record of meteotsunami events and readily available meteotsunami data. Future efforts will focus on comparing the performance of this code with other existing tools designed for meteotsunami simulations.

Acknowledgments: This contribution was supported by the EU project “A Digital Twin for Geophysical Extremes” (DT-GEO) (No: 101058129) and by the Center of Excellence for exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE-2P) funded by the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101093038.

How to cite: González del Pino, A., Macías Sánchez, J., Castro Díaz, M., and Lumina Denamiel, C.: Meteo-HySEA: A GPU accelerated code for simulating atmospherically-driven tsunamis on real bathymetries. Evaluating the performance of the newly implemented nested grids system., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9150,, 2025.

EGU25-9689 | Orals | NH5.1

Real-time contribution of ship-based GNSS contribution to tsunami warning 

James Foster and Bruce Thomas

Tracking changes in sea-surface height with ship-based GNSS can be used to detect tsunamis in the open ocean. In the North Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean region case studies based on historical events show that regardless of the tsunami source (seismic, volcanic, landslide or a multi-combination), ships are likely to be in position to be among the first sensors reached. Similar results are found in the Pacific region and worldwide as ships have an excellent spatial and temporal coverage of the most active tsunamigenic zone. A network of ships, based on voluntary participation of cargo and tanker vessels could then contribute to tsunami warning, augmenting the existing systems, which are mostly constituted by tide gauges and DART. To further analyze the potential contribution of a ship-based GNSS tsunami detection network, we have implemented an automatic process that is launched for each ongoing potential tsunami event. It generates a map with a tsunami amplitude model, based on the inferred earthquake source source, and calculates the number of ships and the number of tide gauges and DART sites  projected to be reached by the tsunami function of time. In all cases, ships make a significant contribution to the rapid and accurate characterization of a tsunami event as they provide observations from otherwise unsampled locations. This system could be particularly impactful in the Mediterranean and south-west Pacific regions, where many countries and islands have no direct instrumentation for tsunami detection, but the global nature of GNSS and ship routes make this technique a promising, low-cost approach, to augment tsunami detection everywhere.

How to cite: Foster, J. and Thomas, B.: Real-time contribution of ship-based GNSS contribution to tsunami warning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9689,, 2025.

EGU25-10778 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Potential tsunami hazard in the central Adriatic and southern Sicilian coasts associated with offshore activities 

Cesare Angeli, Alberto Armigliato, Martina Zanetti, Filippo Zaniboni, Sarah Carcano, Martina Forzese, Lorenzo Lipparini, and Irene Molinari

n recent years, increasing attention has been given to evaluating potential hazards in areas of interest for offshore activities, such as potentially triggered seismicity offshore and its cascading effects, including possibly triggered landslides and tsunamis. In the present work, carried out under the SPIN project ("Test delle Buone Pratiche per lo studio della potenziale interazione tra attività offshore e pericolosità naturali" – “Testing good practices for the study of the potential interaction between offshore activities and natural hazards”), funded by the Italian Ministery for the Environment and the Energetic Security, we present a methodology to model earthquake generated tsunamis and we apply it to two study areas: “Alto Adriatico”, on the Italian central-northern Adriatic coast (southern Emilia-Romagna, Marche and northern Abruzzo regions), and “Canale di Sicilia”, on the southern coast of Sicily around the Gulf of Gela.

The first step of the workflow consists in combining multichannel 2D and high-quality 3D seismic data, morpho-bathymetric data, instrumental seismicity records, and well data to characterize both shallow and deep tectonic features as well as active faults. Then, 3D geological and velocity models at crustal scale are built, in order to simulate the ground shaking with the identified faults with different methods, such as ShakeMap and 3D broadband ground motion simulations.

The identified faults are also considered as potential tsunamigenic sources. The tsunami generation is modelled as an initial condition problem, where the initial water displacement is determined by the coseismic displacement of the seafloor generated by a fault rupture. For a given event, we determine the magnitude of the generated earthquake from scaling laws, assuming the entire fault ruptures. Different possible slip distributions are considered. The propagation of the tsunami is computed under the shallow water approximation on a system of rectangular nested grids. Increased spatial resolution is used in areas of interest, such as harbours and industrial complexes.

In the “Alto Adriatico” area, we consider thrusting faults with magnitudes up to 6.5. However, due to the very shallow bathymetry, the tsunami simulations show modest maximum amplitudes and limited inundation andwatercourses seem not to be affected. Late sea level oscillations are observed in the Ancona harbour. In the “Canale di Sicilia” area, we consider faults with a normal mechanism, with magnitudes up to 6,0. Maximum amplitudes, while still modest, are more sensitive to changes in the location of the maximum slip portion of the fault.

How to cite: Angeli, C., Armigliato, A., Zanetti, M., Zaniboni, F., Carcano, S., Forzese, M., Lipparini, L., and Molinari, I.: Potential tsunami hazard in the central Adriatic and southern Sicilian coasts associated with offshore activities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10778,, 2025.

EGU25-11453 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Analytical Tsunami Fragility Modelling for Building Classes Using Tsunami Time-History Simulations 

Jingren Wu, Fatemeh Jalayer, Hossein Ebrahimian, Manuela Volpe, and Stefano Lorito

Tsunami fragility curves for building classes are essential tools for portfolio risk assessment of tsunami-prone regions. However, existing fragility data comprises mainly empirical fragility curves, which reflect the vulnerability of local building classes based on observed damage data. While useful, these empirical curves have limited applicability in regions with no recorded tsunami events or insufficient damage data. This highlights the need to expand the database with analytical fragility curves, particularly for areas lacking empirical damage records. To fill this gap, this study proposes a comprehensive framework for developing analytical tsunami fragility curves for building classes in tsunami-prone regions. The framework integrates simulation of tsunami time-history scenarios with random selection of case study buildings from identified tsunami hotspots. Fragility curves are then derived using Modified Cloud Analysis (MCA), which employs logarithmic regression of structural response estimated from high-fidelity finite-element modelling of structural response (e.g., demand to capacity ratios for different damage levels) versus tsunami intensity (e.g., flow depth, momentum flux) for a set of tsunami time histories. To illustrate the framework, a case study is presented focusing on the low-rise residential reinforced concrete (RC) buildings along the east coast of Sicily, Italy, within the Plain of Catania. An extensive set of tsunami inundation scenarios was simulated for the Catania Plain, which includes tsunamis generated by earthquakes in the Mediterranean Sea with following features: i) near- and far-field earthquakes; ii) crustal and subduction earthquakes; and iii) earthquakes with moment magnitudes from 6.0 to 9.0. For each scenario, locations with the most significant flow depths, i.e. tsunami hotspots, were identified and one building was then selected from each tsunami hotspot for structural simulation under tsunami loading. Details of the selected building structures were generated via the simulated design tools provided by EUCENTRE, which does automatic identification of possible structural design, considering both the variations of structural configuration and material properties. Finally, the resulting fragility curves for RC buildings were derived using the MCA approach and hierarchical fragility modelling for a 5-tier damage scale based on EMS 98 definition and with relative confidence intervals, providing valuable information of building vulnerability in that region.

How to cite: Wu, J., Jalayer, F., Ebrahimian, H., Volpe, M., and Lorito, S.: Analytical Tsunami Fragility Modelling for Building Classes Using Tsunami Time-History Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11453,, 2025.

EGU25-11615 | Orals | NH5.1

A workflow for Complex Multi-Source Tsunami Modelling 

Steven J. Gibbons, Michael Bader, Clea Lumina Denamiel, Manuel J Castro Díaz, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Alejandro González del Pino, Stefano Lorito, Jorge Macías Sánchez, Fabrizio Romano, Erlend Briseid Storrøsten, Thomas Ulrich, Mario Wille, and Finn Løvholt

The 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai (HTHH) eruption and tsunami demonstrated the need to be better able to model tsunamis generated via multiple source mechanisms and with impact at scales from local, to regional, and global. There have however been many other examples of complex geophysical events that generate tsunamis either by a multiplicity of sources or cascades of events: e.g. the 2018 Palu event, the Aysen fjord tsunamis in 2008, the Flores Island tsunami in 1992, and the 1964 Prince Willams Sound tsunami. High Performance Computing (HPC) is necessary to be able to provide the necessary temporal and spatial resolution needed for modelling the multiple physics sources and tsunami propagation and inundation for events such as HTHH. Within the ChEESE-2P project funded by EuroHPC, a workflow is presently being developed to simulate the impact of complex tsunamigenic events in both near and far fields leveraging HPC resources. A set of numerical models optimized for HPC are coupled within the workflow: SeisSol (for modelling earthquake sources, tsunamigenesis, and acoustic coupling), ExaHyPE (for modelling gravitational flows and water wave propagation), MultiLayer-HySEA (for modelling near-field tsunami generation), Meteo-HySEA (for modelling tsunami generation driven by atmospheric waves), and Tsunami-HySEA (for modelling regional and global tsunami propagation and inundation). In this presentation, we outline the workflow, including the individual application modelling components, their coupling, and the plan to couple the models together for a joint future simulation for the HTHH event using the workflow.

How to cite: Gibbons, S. J., Bader, M., Denamiel, C. L., Díaz, M. J. C., Gabriel, A.-A., González del Pino, A., Lorito, S., Macías Sánchez, J., Romano, F., Storrøsten, E. B., Ulrich, T., Wille, M., and Løvholt, F.: A workflow for Complex Multi-Source Tsunami Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11615,, 2025.

EGU25-11633 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

Tsunami Induced by Landslides on the Island of Ischia: numerical simulations and hazard analysis 

Gaia Caporale, Anita Grezio, and Jacopo Selva

This study investigates tsunami generation induced by landslides on the island of Ischia, located in the Tyrrhenian Sea, an area particularly vulnerable due to its unstable slopes and proximity to densely populated coastlines. The research utilizes a dataset of 165 documented landslide events, which were analysed to reconstruct "ideal" landslides based on parameters such as area, volume (ranging from 10³ m³ to over 10⁷ m³), average length and width, centroid coordinates, and deposit thickness. These parameters were used to create representative geometric models for numerical simulations with the COMCOT model. The COMCOT model, known for its ability to simulate tsunami generation, propagation, and coastal interaction, was applied to landslides of varying sizes and orientations. Eleven observation points along the island's coast were defined to track changes in wave height, energy distribution, and the temporal evolution of impacts. Results show that large-volume landslides generate significantly higher and more destructive waves, with local amplifications occurring in areas of irregular bathymetry, such as coves and bays. Simulations revealed that landslides oriented to the north produced waves reflected towards the open sea, reducing direct impact on the coast. In contrast, landslides oriented to the east generated higher waves with direct propagation towards the Gulf of Naples, increasing the risk of flooding in ports and urban areas. The largest waves, exceeding 10 meters in height, were observed in scenarios involving large-volume landslides, underscoring the destructive potential of such events. This study introduces a novel methodological approach by modeling landslides based on real data from a large database of different landslides in the area.

How to cite: Caporale, G., Grezio, A., and Selva, J.: Tsunami Induced by Landslides on the Island of Ischia: numerical simulations and hazard analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11633,, 2025.

EGU25-12478 | Orals | NH5.1

Non-reflecting cylindrical wave propagation in the ocean of changing depth 

Ira Didenkulova, Ekaterina Didenkulova, and Efim Pelinovsky

Non-reflecting wave propagation is important for different applications of wave theory, where it is required that waves propagate over large distances without loss of energy. It has been found, that such waves exist not only in homogeneous or quasi-homogeneous media, but also in strongly inhomogeneous ones. For one-dimensional and quasi one-dimensional planar wave propagation in the ocean the corresponding solutions were found for convex bottom profiles and for a set of U- and V-shaped narrow bays and channels (Didenkulova et al. 2009, Didenkulova and Pelinovsky, 2009, 2011). However, this type of problem may also arise in the framework of cylindrical or radially symmetric waves. In geophysical applications, this corresponds to tsunami wave propagation from the meteorite fallen into the sea, or from underwater volcanic eruptions. In this work we find strongly varied sea bottom geometries, which allow for traveling wave solutions in the framework of cylindrical wave equation. Here we find two classes of non-reflecting geometries, which correspond to a bottom profiles next to (i) a radially symmetric deep sea trench and next to (ii) a volcanic island. Wave dynamics along these bottom geometries is also discussed.

The work was carried out with support from the RSF grant no. 23-77-01074.


Didenkulova, I., Pelinovsky, E., Soomere, T. Long surface wave dynamics along a convex bottom, J. Geophysical Research – Oceans, 114, C07006 (2009).

Didenkulova, I., Pelinovsky, E. Non-dispersive traveling waves in strongly inhomogeneous water channels, Physics Letters A, 373 (42), 3883-3887 (2009).

Didenkulova, I., Pelinovsky, E. Runup of tsunami waves in U-shaped bays, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 168 (6-7), 1239-1249 (2011).

How to cite: Didenkulova, I., Didenkulova, E., and Pelinovsky, E.: Non-reflecting cylindrical wave propagation in the ocean of changing depth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12478,, 2025.

EGU25-12538 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

Depth-dependent stochastic slip models governed by stress drop and rigidity variations in subduction zones: advancements in probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis.  

Kaiprath Nambiar Vishnu, Antonio Scala, Stefano Lorito, Fabrizio Romano, Roberto Tonini, Manuela Volpe, Hafize Bazak Bayraktar, and Gaetano Festa

The complexity of coseismic slip distributions plays a pivotal role in shaping tsunami hazards from both near and distant sources. Recent research underscores the significance of large shallow slips in tsunamigenic earthquakes, driven by dynamic amplification near the free surface and variable frictional conditions. Several novel methods are being proposed to incorporate depth-dependent features and shallow slip amplification in subduction earthquake models, possibly ensuring balanced long-term total slip across seismic cycles. This allows to incorporation of these slip models in Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA). Applying this approach to the central and eastern Mediterranean using 3D subduction geometries, their findings revealed increased probabilities for larger tsunami inundation heights, underscoring the need for improved hazard assessments in global subduction zones. 

Depth-dependent rigidity variations also critically influence initial tsunami size estimates, highlighting the necessity of consistent rigidity models for accurate tsunami hazard analysis. Expanding previous models, our research incorporates both depth-dependent rigidity and stress drop into tsunami hazard modelling. This refinement aligns with common observations that shallow subduction earthquakes exhibit longer source durations than deeper events. By addressing inconsistencies arising from varying only rigidity, our enhanced methodology offers tsunami hazard curves grounded in a more physically robust seismic source model. 

Our study emphasizes the role of stress drop variability across three defined rigidity gradients with depth, ranging between the constant stress drop end-member model of Bilek & Lay (1999) and the Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM). We apply this approach to the Calabrian, Hellenic, and Cyprus subduction zones in the Mediterranean. Given a fixed seismic moment, rupture duration is influenced by rupture size and propagation velocity, in turn, related to the stress drop and rigidity, respectively. By adjusting rupture length and width along the dip, we calibrate our model to observed rupture durations, capturing the stress drop variation with depth. Differently from models imposing fixed stress drop values, ours prioritizes calibrating this gradient to achieve a physically more consistent representation of earthquake sources. 

This study explores the extent to which detailed modelling of stress drop variability, shallow slip amplification, and depth-dependent rigidity affect tsunami hazard curves within the Mediterranean basin, with a particular focus on the probabilities of larger inundation heights. The results contribute to refining earthquake source modelling for tsunami forecasting, benefiting both PTHA and early warning systems like Probabilistic Tsunami Forecasting. Parallelly, we are also testing the consistency of this model with tsunami observations of past Pacific events.

How to cite: Vishnu, K. N., Scala, A., Lorito, S., Romano, F., Tonini, R., Volpe, M., Bayraktar, H. B., and Festa, G.: Depth-dependent stochastic slip models governed by stress drop and rigidity variations in subduction zones: advancements in probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12538,, 2025.

EGU25-12768 | Orals | NH5.1

Calibrating Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis workflows for subaerial landslide sources 

Finn Løvholt, Sylfest Glimsdal, and Carl Bonnevie Harbitz

Landslide tsunami hazard analysis is associated with high uncertainty. In other words, predicting the temporal exceedance probability for a given tsunami height will involve a very large uncertainty. As such, a common hazard methodology does not exist for landslide tsunamis. Most approaches are based on scenario analysis, while the Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis (PTHA) methods are rarely employed. A reason for the lack of a streamlined approach is arguably the uncertainty, related to lack of past landslide tsunami data that can provide a statistical background for most areas across the world. Modelling procedures also need a higher degree of sophistication than for earthquake tsunamis, particularly for the subaerial landslide sources producing impact tsunamis.

The authors of this abstract have previously developed a Landslide PTHA (LPTHA) that was used for tsunami hazard mapping in Norway. It combines landslide rates derived from slope stability assessment, with an event tree analysis of landslide kinematic parameters. To model the LPTHA uncertainty, it was necessary to run thousands of simulations using a range of values for the landslide parameters with highest influence on generated tsunami (e.g. runout distance, impact velocity, and frontal area). To accomplish this, the models were simplified, and hence, a significant model uncertainty is propagated. A persistent shortcoming of this method was that the chosen probabilities, landslide parameters, and outputs from the hazard models were not tested towards observations of previous events. To constrain the uncertainties, we propose here a new method comparing run-up observations of past events with simulations based on sets of uncertain parameter values. In this presentation, we combine a block source model with a linear dispersive tsunami propagation model coupled with a non-linear shallow water inundation model. By simulating a few historical rockslide tsunami events with this procedure, we analyse how LPTHA event sets match past models. We finally analyse which parameter datasets that are presently considered most suitable for future LPTHA forecasts.

How to cite: Løvholt, F., Glimsdal, S., and Harbitz, C. B.: Calibrating Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis workflows for subaerial landslide sources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12768,, 2025.

EGU25-13166 | Orals | NH5.1

Innovative tsunami and storm defense using high-tensile steel mesh revetments 

Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Mahan Sheibani, and Roberto J. Luis-Fonseca

Climate and non-climate events have placed unprecedented pressure on the built environment and human communities, resulting in significant damage and fatalities in recent years. Notable examples include the 2023 Storm Ciarán in the UK (Heidarzadeh et al., 2025a) and the 2024 Noto tsunami in Japan (Heidarzadeh et al., 2024). As an island nation exposed to numerous storms each year, the UK faces significant impacts from climate change compared to many other countries. Coastal defense plays a central role in the nation’s efforts to address these challenges, with approximately 18% of its coastlines currently protected by defense structures. This is part of a broader global trend, as many countries with vulnerable coastlines are prioritizing similar measures to safeguard their populations and infrastructure.

Among various coastal defense methods, revetments are the most widely used, constructed from materials such as rock, concrete, gabions, and wood. While revetments are cost-effective and utilize simple technologies, they come with drawbacks, including high maintenance costs, environmental risks, and limited beach accessibility. To address these issues, it is essential to explore innovative approaches to revetment construction. A promising alternative is high-strength steel mesh mattresses, known as TECCO CELL revetment, which showed superior performance compared to rock armour in a recent study conducted by Heidarzadeh et al. (2025b). A TECCO CELL revetment involves enclosing small rocks in steel mesh mattresses, eliminating the need to transport large rocks, as required for traditional rock armor revetments. These steel meshes are highly resistant and durable, thus reducing maintenance costs. This report presents the results of the second phase of our laboratory modeling using pneumatic piston-made solitary waves. We compare the hydraulic performance of TECCO CELL revetment with that of traditional rock armor revetments. Our results indicate that the TECCO CELL system outperforms traditional rock armor in reducing wave run-up. This research is ongoing, and additional tests are planned. Results of the first phase are published in the study by Heidarzadeh et al. (2025b).


Heidarzadeh, M., Šepić, J., Iwamoto, T. (2025a). Long-duration storm surges due to 2023 successive UK Storms Ciarán and Domingos: generation, field surveys, and numerical modelling. Ocean Modelling,

Heidarzadeh, M., Sheibani, M. & Luis-Fonseca, R.J. (2025b). Coastal Storm Risk Reduction Using Steel Mesh Revetments: Field Application and Preliminary Physical Experiments. Pure Appl. Geophys.

Heidarzadeh, M., Ishibe, T., Gusman, A.R., Miyazaki, H. (2024). Field surveys of tsunami runup and damage following the January 2024 Mw 7.5 Noto (Japan Sea) tsunamigenic earthquake. Ocean Engineering, 307, 118140.

How to cite: Heidarzadeh, M., Sheibani, M., and Luis-Fonseca, R. J.: Innovative tsunami and storm defense using high-tensile steel mesh revetments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13166,, 2025.

EGU25-14044 | Orals | NH5.1

A Study on the Improvement of Solitary Wave and the Characteristics of Run-up Heights  

SangYeop Lee, DongHwan Kim, DongSeag Kim, and HyoungSeong Park

In the analysis of seismic tsunamis, solitary waves are considered the most accurate representation of tsunami waves, as they are stable theoretical solutions that satisfy the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation under the assumption that nonlinearity and dispersion are balanced. However, in shallow waters, the period and wavelength of solitary waves become unrealistically short, making them difficult to use as substitutes for tsunamis. When solitary waves are applied in hydraulic experiments and numerical simulations to analyze the hydrodynamic characteristics of tsunamis in coastal areas, the hydraulic phenomena may be underestimated.

In this study, the waveform of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami, which was observed in reality, was investigated along with the volume ratio of solitary waves to identify the limitations of solitary waves. To address these issues, the Tsunami-Like-Wave generation method, which can produce various tsunami waveforms, was introduced into a numerical wave flume to study its hydraulic characteristics.


How to cite: Lee, S., Kim, D., Kim, D., and Park, H.: A Study on the Improvement of Solitary Wave and the Characteristics of Run-up Heights , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14044,, 2025.

EGU25-14661 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Agent-Based Modeling for Palabuhan Ratu and Jayanti Villages in Response to a South Java Megathrust Earthquake-Tsunami (M9.1): An Integrated Model of Tsunami Hazard and Human Response 

Weniza Weniza, Sidiq Hargo Pandadaran, Septa Anggraini, Hidayanti Hidayanti, Fajar Tri Haryanto, Afra Kansa Maimuna, Syafira Ajeng Aristy, Rudianto Rudianto, Tatok Yatimantoro, Mila Apriani, Tribowo Kriswinarso, Gita Priyo Aditya, Efa Endang Setiawati, Oktavia Dameria Panjaitan, Nelly Florida Riama, and Daryono Daryono

The villages of Palabuhan Ratu and Jayanti are identified as areas with a high tsunami hazard level due to their proximity to the South Java megathrust zone, which is estimated to have the potential to generate an earthquake of up to M9.1. Furthermore, their location within Palabuhan Ratu Bay could amplify tsunami wave heights, exacerbating the potential impact. Palabuhan Ratu is a densely populated area renowned for its beaches. Jayanti hosts critical infrastructure, including the Palabuhan Ratu Steam Power Plant, which significantly contributes to the electricity supply for Java and Bali. These factors collectively increase the vulnerability of these villages to tsunami-related risks. In this study, we present an evacuation model that combines simulation with tsunami scenarios, as well as causality and evacuation estimations. We used COMCOT to model tsunami propagation, run-up, and inundation, and TUNAMI-EVAC1 for agent based modeling to simulate community behavior during tsunami evacuations. The tsunami and agent based modeling results indicate a flow depth of up to 31 meters with an arrival time of 21 minutes, and a fatality impact of 39% of the total population of both villages if the community understands the location of evacuation sites, rising significantly to 57% if they do not know

How to cite: Weniza, W., Pandadaran, S. H., Anggraini, S., Hidayanti, H., Haryanto, F. T., Maimuna, A. K., Aristy, S. A., Rudianto, R., Yatimantoro, T., Apriani, M., Kriswinarso, T., Aditya, G. P., Setiawati, E. E., Panjaitan, O. D., Riama, N. F., and Daryono, D.: Agent-Based Modeling for Palabuhan Ratu and Jayanti Villages in Response to a South Java Megathrust Earthquake-Tsunami (M9.1): An Integrated Model of Tsunami Hazard and Human Response, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14661,, 2025.

EGU25-15219 | Posters on site | NH5.1

The first Tsunami Ready community in Greece: Samos town (Samos island, Northern Aegean Sea) 

Nikos Kalligeris, Eleni Daskalaki, Miranda Dandoulaki, Areti Plessa, Antonia Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S. Melis, Konstantinos Lentas, Vassilios Skanavis, Olga-Joan Ktenidou, Fevronia Gkika, and Marinos Charalampakis

On 30 October 2020, the island of Samos (Greece) and the region of Izmir (Türkiye) were hit by a powerful earthquake followed by a tsunami that spread across the Aegean Sea. The magnitude M7.0 earthquake caused severe damage and more than 100 deaths in both countries, including one death in Türkiye due to the tsunami. This disaster was yet another reminder of the Mediterranean region's vulnerability to seismic and tsunami hazards. It highlighted the critical significance of prevention and preparedness in mitigating the impacts of natural hazards. 

Following this disaster, the first Greek community was recognised as Tsunami Ready alongside the efforts of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (UNESCO-IOC) to reinforce the resilience of coastal communities in the Northeast Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Connected Seas (NEAM) region and around the globe. The Tsunami Ready recognition of the town of Samos was achieved through the CoastWAVE Project, coordinated by UNESCO-IOC and funded by DG-ECHO of the European Commission to enhance the resilience of NEAM coastal communities to tsunamis and other sea-related hazards. Aligned with the goals that UNESCO-IOC has set through the Ocean Decade Program, the project focused on piloting the Tsunami Ready Recognition Program (TRRP) standards and guidelines. As a result of the project,  selected communities, including the town of Samos, gained more awareness of tsunami risks, improved tsunami risk governance, and were recognized as Tsunami Ready. 

In the case of Greece, key project tasks involved tsunami awareness activities, establishing a National Tsunami Ready Board, hazard and evacuation mapping, developing local protocols and Standard Operational Procedures, and testing them through a local exercise involving stakeholders at local, national, and international levels. The strong collaboration between tsunami experts, local authorities, emergency management agencies, and other stakeholders, coordinated by the National Observatory of Athens and the Municipality of Eastern Samos, proved to be the cornerstone of success. The strategic alliance between science and emergency management brought about more comprehensive preparedness and risk reduction efforts and underlined the importance of knowledge-sharing. 

The town of Samos managed to fulfill all the UNESCO-IOC TRRP criteria to become Tsunami Ready,  however, this was only the first step.  To maintain the resilience gained in the process of becoming Tsunami Ready, Samos needs to keep fulfilling the indicators of the TRRP to remain prepared and ready to respond against the threat of tsunamis. To this end, the continuous commitment of local and national stakeholders is essential in building a more resilient future against tsunamis and other natural hazards in the NEAM region. Education, preparedness, and community involvement are some of the key elements that can be exploited to enhance safety and reduce risks associated with tsunami events.

We will present the approaches followed and the activities undertaken to fulfill the Tsunami-Ready indicators in the town of Samos, along with the specificities and challenges faced in this first TRRP implementation in Greece.

How to cite: Kalligeris, N., Daskalaki, E., Dandoulaki, M., Plessa, A., Papageorgiou, A., Melis, N. S., Lentas, K., Skanavis, V., Ktenidou, O.-J., Gkika, F., and Charalampakis, M.: The first Tsunami Ready community in Greece: Samos town (Samos island, Northern Aegean Sea), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15219,, 2025.

EGU25-15748 | Orals | NH5.1

Tsunami evacuation mapping co-design through science-informed and participatory decision making 

Ignacio Aguirre-Ayerbe, Nikos Kalligeris, Stefano Lorito, María Merino González-Pardo, Marinos Charalampakis, Fabrizio Romano, Sylvana Pilidou, Manuela Volpe, Beatriz Brizuela, Pio Di Manna, Nikolas Papadimitriou, Roberto Tonini, Iordanis Dimitriadis, and Nikolaos Melis

Tsunami preparedness strategies are essential in tsunami risk governance and management due to three main factors that characterize these phenomena: they may have great devastating potential, they are unpredictable until an earthquake occurs, and they move extremely fast. Preparedness strategies are prospective measures that should be planned based on risk understanding in a pre-event phase, to best identify the emerging needs. Among them, tsunami evacuation planning is one of the most relevant strategies, especially in terms of protecting lives.

Tsunami evacuation mapping constitutes the basis of an evacuation planning process. Maps must be useful for both emergency managers and population. For that reason, they must be scientifically robust, detailed, and comprehensive, but also easy to understand and attractive. Beyond their main purpose, they are also a powerful tool for public awareness and communication activities.

The methodology developed in this study to elaborate tsunami evacuation mapping is based on the proposed concept of “science-informed participatory decision-making” that has been applied in Chipiona (Spain), and Larnaca (Cyprus). “Science-informed” means that the scientific community provides the hazard and evacuation approaches, models, and their implementation within the study area. “Participatory decision-making" refers to the active involvement of all relevant actors in the discussions, analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making to collaboratively develop the final tsunami evacuation maps. Involved actors include all public, private, academic, and civil association personnel that may be related to tsunami risk management and planning. Decision-makers and stakeholders were extensively involved in the process of understanding and translating the information from science to risk management.

Tsunami hazard assessment and the analysis of the elements of the evacuation strategy constitute two main steps for the elaboration of tsunami evacuation maps. In the case of Larnaca, a Seismic Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (S-PTHA) approach was applied. As a result, a series of hazard zones were obtained, corresponding to different return periods and percentiles of uncertainty. The first decision asked to be made by the competent decision-makers was to select the tsunami hazard zone to be used for evacuation planning and mapping. This process was facilitated through a dedicated participatory workshop in which the concepts and methods applied (such as PTHA, average return period, and uncertainty) were explained. Additionally, the implications of selecting different tsunami hazard zones for emergency and evacuation planning (including exposed areas, population, and buildings critical for evacuation) were discussed, and stakeholder's perception and concerns were analysed and addressed.

Then, preliminary tsunami evacuation maps were developed based on a least-cost distance model to determine the optimal evacuation routes leading from any point inside the designated tsunami hazard zone to a series of assembly areas, previously identified through a multi-criteria approach. Subsequently, an additional participatory workshop and field visits were carried out with key stakeholders to identify well-known places and landmarks and potential evacuation barriers to finally validate the preliminary evacuation routes and assembly areas. Local knowledge provided by stakeholders effectively contributed to ensure the understanding and usefulness of the mapping end products for local emergency/risk managers and the community.

How to cite: Aguirre-Ayerbe, I., Kalligeris, N., Lorito, S., Merino González-Pardo, M., Charalampakis, M., Romano, F., Pilidou, S., Volpe, M., Brizuela, B., Di Manna, P., Papadimitriou, N., Tonini, R., Dimitriadis, I., and Melis, N.: Tsunami evacuation mapping co-design through science-informed and participatory decision making, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15748,, 2025.

EGU25-15831 | Orals | NH5.1

The NEAM-COMMITMENT EU project aiming to support improved tsunami risk management and planning in the NEAM region 

Marinos Charalampakis, Nikos Kalligeris, Laura Graziani, Ignacio Aguirre Ayerbe, Pio Di Manna, Vitor Silva, Jorge Macias, Domenico Russo, Costas E. Synolakis, Andreas Antonakos, Sylvana Pilidou, Luigi D'Angelo, and Carlos González González and the NEAM-COMMITMENT project team

NEAM-COMMITMENT is a two-year project funded by the European Commission’s DG-ECHO, starting in 2025. We will present an overview of the project, its expected outcomes, and its synergies with previous/ongoing projects and initiatives.

The project aims to support improved tsunami risk management and planning in the North-Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and connected seas (NEAM) region. The project endeavors to primarily contribute to two key components of tsunami risk governance: (1) capacity building through tsunami hazard assessment and mapping at the national scale, and (2) improved tsunami evacuation planning at the local level through a novel multi-hazard approach. The project capitalizes on past and ongoing projects and initiatives, e.g., TSUMAPS-NEAM, CoastWAVE, EPOS TCS Tsunami and Global Tsunami Model, among others, while investing in cross-border knowledge-sharing through an extensive scientific and emergency management partnership, with 13 partner institutions from four NEAM countries. This will strengthen the cooperation among NEAM Member States and the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), to ultimately enhance tsunami preparedness for effective response within the framework of the NEAM Tsunami Warning System coordinated by UNESCO-IOC.

The project’s first objective is to develop national tsunami inundation maps in Cyprus, Greece and Spain through a methodology previously used to produce tsunami inundation maps for evacuation planning in Italy. The tsunami inundation mapping methodology will utilize the NEAM probabilistic tsunami hazard model offshore inputs (NEAMTHM18; Basili et al., 2021, Front. Earth Sci.) to infer the national-scale inundation zones across large stretches of coastline in Cyprus, Spain, and Greece, using a GIS-based approach (Tonini et al., 2021, Front. Earth Sci.). The second objective addresses the need for a multi-hazard approach for effective tsunami evacuation management at the local level to complement existing tsunami evacuation management guidelines (e.g., UNESCO-IOC, Manuals and Guides 82). The proposed new approach focuses on multi-hazard cascading effects concerning tsunami evacuation management and will be tested in local pilot sites in Greece and Italy, considering the hazards of earthquake+tsunami and volcanic activity+tsunami in each pilot site, respectively.

The project objectives will be achieved through science-informed, participatory decision-making, enabling decision-makers to take ownership of the products and maximize implementation effectiveness. The methodological approach draws valuable experience from a recent cross-border collaboration on tsunami hazard and evacuation mapping for the city of Larnaca, Cyprus (Aguirre Ayerbe et al., 2025, EGU Abstract), implemented within the framework of the UNESCO-IOC CoastWAVE project, also funded by DG-ECHO. In addition to the products that will be developed for the four countries, open-access guidelines and tools will be developed to document the methodologies implemented for creating tsunami inundation maps at the national level and local tsunami evacuation maps considering multi-hazard cascading effects, to contribute to improved tsunami risk management and planning in the NEAM region and beyond. Finally, the release of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Services will enhance compliance with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles for mapping products and allow support for implementing the EPOS TCS Tsunami.

How to cite: Charalampakis, M., Kalligeris, N., Graziani, L., Aguirre Ayerbe, I., Di Manna, P., Silva, V., Macias, J., Russo, D., Synolakis, C. E., Antonakos, A., Pilidou, S., D'Angelo, L., and González González, C. and the NEAM-COMMITMENT project team: The NEAM-COMMITMENT EU project aiming to support improved tsunami risk management and planning in the NEAM region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15831,, 2025.

EGU25-16032 | Orals | NH5.1

Recent Developments in Tsunami Preparedness in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Region: Challenges, Strengths, and Weaknesses  

Eleni Daskalaki, Ignacio Aguirre Ayerbe, Maria Ana Baptista, Alessandro Amato, Musavver Didem Cambaz, Marinos Charalampakis, Lorenzo Cugliari, Suzan M. El-Gharabawy, Amr Hamouda, Hélène Hebert, Nikos Kalligeris, Juan V. Cantavella Nadal, Nurcan Meral Özel, Matthieu Péroche, and Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner

Tsunamis are among the most devastating and infrequent natural phenomena, capable of causing immense loss of life and property in coastal regions. While predicting the occurrence of tsunamis remains challenging, communities can take proactive steps to mitigate their impact. Local, national, and intergovernmental initiatives aim to provide a legal framework for strengthening community preparedness through a comprehensive approach that includes measures ranging from tsunami hazard and exposure assessments, generating evacuation maps, installing corresponding signage, and promoting education and capacity building of local stakeholders and population. It also involves the establishment of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure a timely and effective end-to-end tsunami warning communication chain. This study presents an overview of the recent significant progress in tsunami preparedness across countries bordering the Mediterranean and North East Atlantic coasts. 

How to cite: Daskalaki, E., Aguirre Ayerbe, I., Baptista, M. A., Amato, A., Cambaz, M. D., Charalampakis, M., Cugliari, L., El-Gharabawy, S. M., Hamouda, A., Hebert, H., Kalligeris, N., Cantavella Nadal, J. V., Meral Özel, N., Péroche, M., and Yalciner, A. C.: Recent Developments in Tsunami Preparedness in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Region: Challenges, Strengths, and Weaknesses , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16032,, 2025.

Probabilistic tsunami risk assessment is a puzzling issue due to the many uncertainties involved. Several approaches have been tried and a variety of risk metrics were used so far. A data-driven method is an alternative approach, which was tested successfully for the entire Mediterranean region and its main oceanographic basins (Triantafyllou et al., PAGEOPH, v. 180, 2023). We continue this effort by testing the approach to a set of discrete coastal spots that have historically been affected by past tsunamis. The impact metric of a tsunami is expressed in terms of tsunami intensity values, K, assigned on a 12-degree scale similar to macroseismic scales. In a coastal spot tsunami risk was calculated on the basis of the past impact data in terms of tsunami intensity. The probabilistic model adopts that the tsunami intensities observed along a stretch of coastline are continuous and independent random values, with activity rate, r, distributed according to an exponential law similar to Gutenberg-Richter law with slope b. The so-called Hard Bounds Model was followed to account for the uncertainty involved in tsunami intensity determination, implying that the real, unknown tsunami intensity is assumed to occur within fixed boundary limits. The coastline-characteristic tsunami risk parameters r, b, Kmax are estimated using a maximum likelihood estimation technique. The procedure allows utilization of the entire data set consisting not only from the complete (recent) part of tsunami catalogue but also from the highly incomplete and uncertain historical part of the catalogue including palaeotsunami data, if any. Aleatory and epistemic uncertainties in the occurrence model are approached using a mixing Poisson-gamma distribution based purely on empirical data as an alternative formalism to the classic Bayesian method. The method was applied to a series of test-sites including the cities of Rhodes, Heraklion, Aegion, Zakynthos in Greece; the Augusta bay (east Sicily) and the volcanic island of Stromboli in Italy, and Algiers in Algeria. Tsunami risk is assessed in terms of probabilities of exceedance and return periods of certain intensity values in specific time frames.

How to cite: Papadopoulos, G., Triantafyllou, I., and Kijko, A.: Data-driven probabilistic tsunami risk assessment from incomplete and uncertain historical impact records in Mediterranean coastal sites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16090,, 2025.

EGU25-16751 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Assessing Tsunami Hazards via COMCOT and Tsunami-HySea Simulation Algorithms on the Gallipoli Peninsula, NW Türkiye 

Emin Berke Tülümen, Ufuk Tarı, İlyas Girayhan Aydın, and Musa Anıl Duru

The Gallipoli Peninsula, located at the junction of the Marmara and Aegean Seas in northwestern Turkey, has long been of strategic importance both commercially and militarily. However, its geographical location also makes it particularly vulnerable to natural disasters originating from these adjacent seas. Bordering by the active North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) to the east, the Ganos Fault to the west, and faults associated with the Biga Peninsula to the south, the region is at a high risk of seismic events, including earthquakes and subsequent tsunamis.

Despite extensive research on the seismicity of the peninsula, there remains a significant gap in understanding its specific vulnerability to tsunamis. This study aims to address this deficiency by employing advanced numerical simulation methods, in particular the Cornell Multigrid Coupled Tsunami Model (COMCOT) and Tsunami-HySea algorithms. COMCOT, known for its use in modelling the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami propagation in regions such as Aceh, Indonesia, and the 2006 South Java tsunami on Widarapayung Beach, simulates tsunami propagation and inundation over complex bathymetries with a focus on coastal impacts. On the other hand, tsunami-HySea, which has been employed for tsunami impact analysis in areas such as central Chile for cities such as Coquimbo and Valparaíso, offers a high-resolution, multi-layer approach to understanding tsunami dynamics, which is particularly useful for detailed inundation mapping.

We designed two earthquake scenarios for each of the submarine extensions of the NAFZ and the Ganos Fault, areas with a high likelihood of seismic activity. The simulations conducted with these algorithms indicate that the Gallipoli Peninsula faces significant tsunami risks, particularly along its western and eastern coastal settlements, challenging the common perfection of low risk. These findings highlight vulnerabilities in both infrastructure and superstructure, suggesting the need for an early warning system, public education on tsunami risks, and the identification of structural vulnerabilities. This research highlights the need for further preparedness and prevention measures as the peninsula’s population and development on the increases.

How to cite: Tülümen, E. B., Tarı, U., Aydın, İ. G., and Duru, M. A.: Assessing Tsunami Hazards via COMCOT and Tsunami-HySea Simulation Algorithms on the Gallipoli Peninsula, NW Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16751,, 2025.

EGU25-17105 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Probabilistic Coastal Tsunami Evacuation Modelling Using Agent-based Modelling in Catania, Italy 

Saeed Soltani, Fatemeh Jalayer, Julie Dugdale, Manuela Volpe, Stefano Lorito, and Hossein Ebrahimian

The eastern coast of Sicily, including Catania’s harbor and the tourist beach, is highly vulnerable to tsunami hazards, with a history of major events such as the January 11th, 1693 earthquake. Due to its geographic location and the region’s seismic activity, Catania remains at significant risk of similar catastrophic events. Evacuation is widely recognized as the most effective means of saving lives in an imminent tsunami event.

The Catania coastal area is densely populated and there is a significant proportion of elderly people among the residents who may face greater difficulties during evacuation. Moreover, there is a significant seasonal variation in the population since small coastal towns host many tourists during spring and summer.

In this study, we propose a probabilistic simulation-based framework for evacuation modelling.  In the framework, we use Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) to develop a high-resolution digital model of the evacuation environment, including the location of people, residences, roads, and the shelters that are defined in the advisory/watch tsunami evacuation maps designed for Italian coasts (Tonini et al. 2021). We have modeled human behaviors using data collected from questionnaires and other open-source statistical databases. The ABM model simulates human behavior in response to 92 detailed tsunami inundation scenarios derived from Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis (PTHA) results (Gibbons et al., 2020).

The probability of safe evacuation is assessed for various scenarios such as daytime or nighttime exposure and the presence or absence of a tsunami early warning. This assessment is evaluated using a Monte Carlo simulation workflow, incorporating all uncertain modeling parameters. These parameters range from tsunami source characteristics (e.g., magnitude and slip) to various human response factors influenced by different behavioral patterns, such as immediate escape, freezing, or seeking information as well as choices like deciding between driving a car or walking. The model incorporates different types of agents to capture the complexity of human behavior. These agents include residents, both individuals and families across various age groups, and tourists, each characterized by distinct response patterns and decision-making processes. The probabilistic evacuation modeling results are derived by sampling the agents’ response parameters, such as individual velocity and response delays, to account for variability while maintaining computational feasibility. Preliminary results from selected scenarios with simple human behavior show that tsunami scenario parameters such as magnitude and tsunami impact (e.g., flow depth), can significantly influence the probability of safe evacuation.

How to cite: Soltani, S., Jalayer, F., Dugdale, J., Volpe, M., Lorito, S., and Ebrahimian, H.: Probabilistic Coastal Tsunami Evacuation Modelling Using Agent-based Modelling in Catania, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17105,, 2025.

EGU25-17206 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

CFD modeling of nonlinear tsunami wave run-up dynamics 

Peiwei Xie

This study investigates the complex dynamics of tsunami wave run-up, emphasizing nonlinear wave behavior. Utilizing the self-manipulated interFoam solver, we analyze various factors that affect run-up, including surf-similarity, wave non-linearity and beach slope. Our findings reveal a consistent pattern in the variation of run-up height with surf-similarity across different levels of wave non-linearity: an initial increase followed by a decrease as surf-similarity intensifies. Waves with low surf-similarity tend to exhibit significant run-up accompanied by wave breaking, while those with high surf-similarity demonstrate gentler and more prolonged run-up and run-down processes. Under constant surf-similarity conditions, tsunamis on mild slopes break more readily, resulting in lower run-up heights compared to those on steep slopes. Additionally, waves characterized by higher non-linearity are more likely to break than those with similar surf-similarity but lower non-linearity.

We calibrate the analytical solution proposed by Madsen & Schäffer (2010) and introduce semi-empirical methods for the conservative estimation of run-up height and velocity, along with an empirical formula for estimating swash periods. This methodology leverages wave data collected along a sloping beach, thereby eliminating the need for arbitrary inputs from the beach’s toe or offshore regions. Importantly, our methods demonstrate effectiveness in estimating run-up heights for waves with non-linearity up to 1.3, indicating their applicability across a broad spectrum of conditions. Despite certain limitations, the proposed methods and formulas represent valuable contributions to tsunami forecasting and hazard assessment, offering insights and alternative pathways for further research in this complex field.

How to cite: Xie, P.: CFD modeling of nonlinear tsunami wave run-up dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17206,, 2025.

EGU25-17435 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

The 6th February 2023 tsunami in the Eastern Mediterranean: on the origin of the event 

Chiara Saturnino, Cesare Angeli, Martina Zanetti, Filippo Zaniboni, and Alberto Armigliato

On 6 February 2023 the region between southern Turkey and northern Syria was hit by a devastating earthquake sequence, starting with a Mw = 7.8 event at 01:17:34 UTC on the Eastern Anatolian Fault (EAF), followed by a Mw = 7.5 at 10:24:29 UTC along the Sürgü Fault (SF). Due to the comparable size of the two events and the mutual positions (on two separate structures, EAF and SF), they are considered “doublet” earthquakes. Aftershocks occurred for few weeks after the first mainshock (Mw=7.8) and many different coseismic and secondary effects accompanied the seismic sequence. The Mw=7.8 event was followed by a modest tsunami that was observed on few coastal Tide Gauges (TGs) in the eastern Mediterranean. Historical tsunami catalogues contain very few entries of past tsunamis in this area of the Levantine coast. In this work, we aim to constrain the nature and location of the tsunami source through numerical simulations. Two generation mechanisms are considered: the first involves the activation of an offshore tectonic source, while the second considers submarine landslides. The latter are modelled using a combination of two Gaussian functions with opposite polarity as the analytical initial condition. Several scenarios, based on both tectonic and mass movement sources, are tested employing JAGURS, a numerical code that computes tsunami propagation and inundation on the basis of the long wave approximation. The results of the simulations are compared with the observations available, provided by the tide gauge stations of Gazimagusa/Famagosta (Cyprus), Arsuz (Turkey), Erdemli (Turkey) and Tasucu (Turkey), allowing for the identification of a source area capable of reproducing the main characteristics of the observed TG records during the first minutes following the tsunami's arrival. Whatever the type of source considered, none of the tested scenarios is able to reproduce all the main observed characteristics (arrival time, period, polarity and amplitude of the first peak) of the recorded waveforms. At this stage, we favour the hypothesis of a complex generating mechanism, combining a predominant role played by one or more submarine landslides, possibly “tuned” by a contribution from coseismic offshore ruptures.

How to cite: Saturnino, C., Angeli, C., Zanetti, M., Zaniboni, F., and Armigliato, A.: The 6th February 2023 tsunami in the Eastern Mediterranean: on the origin of the event, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17435,, 2025.

EGU25-18069 | Orals | NH5.1

Impulse wave generated by landslide: investigation of the wave-granular flow coupling 

Laurent Lacaze, Abigael Darvenne, and Sylvain Viroulet

Impulse waves generated by landslide differ from earthquake tsunamis in several aspects, as their generation mechanism as well as their length scale of propagation are not the same. In particular, the wave amplitude can be significant upon generation and may subsequently induce a substantial run-up in a nearby coastal area [1]. In this context, predicting the wave behavior after impact is of crucial interest. To have a better global understanding of this phenomenon, many studies have been devoted to its modelling, with a large variety of approaches, either experimental, numerical or field data investigations (see [2] for a detailed review). Yet, [2] suggest that the physical understanding of the phenomenon remains partial, even though numerous studies have been conducted over the last two decades. It appears then essential to better understand the mechanisms involved during the generation of such a wave in order to quantify the potential hazard it may represent. In our study, the phenomenon is modelled by a 2D-experimental setup using a steady and accelerated granular flow as a forcing wave generator. The study specifically focuses on the coupling between the granular flow and the wave, which is shown to be highly complex. In particular, the granular flow impact and its dynamics underwater can influence both the wave generation and its dynamics toward a propagation phase. The study of the wave-granular coupling during the generation phase leads to an empirical fit of the wave maximum amplitude as a function of a new dimensionless number based on two different Froude numbers, characterising both the impact properties and the granular flow propagation [3]. These new results allow to propose simple models including different finite time generation processes onto linear wave propagations, which are tested and compared to the experimental results.

[1] Fritz, H. M., Mohammed, F., & Yoo, J. Lituya bay landslide impact generated mega-tsunami 50th anniversary., Tsunami Science Four Years after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: Part II: Observation and Data Analysis, 153-175 (2009).
[2] Heller, V. & Ruffini, G. A critical review about generic subaerial landslide- tsunami experiments and options for a needed step change., Earth-Science Reviews. 242, 104459 (2023).
[3] Darvenne, A., Viroulet, S. & Lacaze, L. Physical model of landslide-generated impulse waves: experimental investigation of the wave-granular flow coupling., Journal of Geophysical Researches: Ocean., Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(9) (2024).

How to cite: Lacaze, L., Darvenne, A., and Viroulet, S.: Impulse wave generated by landslide: investigation of the wave-granular flow coupling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18069,, 2025.

Tsunami Early Warning Systems (TEWS) require rapid data collection, transmission and interrogation to ensure accurate and effective warnings are distributed to the public and critical infrastructure through tsunami warning centres.

MSM Ocean and Sonardyne formed a partnership to produce commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) systems using standardised equipment. Modular, dual-redundant and field-proven systems provide operators with cost-effective, reliable and flexible deployment options with familiar existing support structures.

Each individual systems consists of a Sonardyne Bottom Pressure Recorder (BPR) and acoustic communication link to an MSM surface buoy with satellite communications to an onshore data centre. Onboard data processing reduces communication latency and therefore increases warning times. Predictable and infrequent maintenance schedules ensure these systems have high MTBF and low downtime, presenting less risk to the public.

We present case studies of current and planned TEWS in the Pacific and Mediterranean with associated tsunami events for context.

The Oceanographic Institute of the Navy (INOCAR, Ecuador) operates two arrays of Sonardyne-MSM TEWS systems located ~100km off the mainland and Galapagos Islands respectively. These arrays routinely detect sea surface height disturbances caused by events throughout the Pacific including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Alerts were issued less than 60 seconds from initial seafloor BPR detection following the 2022 Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption and 2021 Mw 8.1 Kermadec Islands earthquake. At typical offshore tsunami velocities, extensive warnings and (crucially) responses to those warnings are possible with the geographic distribution of the TEWS array.

The National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV, Italy) will install a TEWS array in the Ionian Sea in 2025 with spare units on land to achieve minimum downtime during planned maintenance in collaboration with MSM and Sonardyne. This is a key benefit of a cost-efficient and uncomplicated COTS solution.

Integration of buoys into a pre-existing network requires location optimisation to achieve maximum warning times. In this case, INGV has calculated a pair of buoy locations by minimising the cost function (maximising warning time) of several parameters including known tsunamigenic sources, associated tsunami spatial and temporal evolution, the severity and probability of such events and the existing contributions from coastal tide gauges to any alerts. The addition of offshore Sonardyne BPRs, with an acoustic link to MSM surface buoys is far more cost efficient than proposed cabled solutions.

Combining pre-existing and reliable infrastructure with additional new offshore equipment provides both the Pacific and Mediterranean coastlines with a significant increase in warning times and data availability.

How to cite: Reis, W., Zanette, C., and Rodriguez, P.: Field-proven experience of Tsunami Early Warning Systems (TEWS) in the Pacific and Future Arrays in the Mediterranean: Increased Warning Times and Data Availability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18987,, 2025.

EGU25-19264 | Posters on site | NH5.1

The GTM global PTHA: towards interoperability with the GEM OpenQuake engine 

Valeria Cascone, Başak Bayraktar, Roberto Basili, Helen Crowley, Steven Gibbons, Kendra Johnson, Stefano Lorito, Finn Løvholt, Marco Pagani, Fabrizio Romano, Roberto Tonini, and Manuela Volpe

The Global Tsunami Model (GTM) global-scale Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA) is one of the Pilot Demonstrators (PD) of the EU ChEESE-2P project, which would represent an update of the previous global tsunami hazard model proposed by Davies et al. (2018). Since it is a PTHA for earthquake-generated tsunamis, it is important that its input seismic model is consistent with the one used for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) at comparable scales and affecting the same locations.

The GTM and the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) organizations then started collaborating to improve the interoperability of the tools used for PTHA and PSHA, and of the input and output data and models. This could benefit the end-users since both the shaking and the inundation result from the same causative phenomenon - the earthquake in this case.

Moreover, the GEM OpenQuake (OQ) engine for seismic hazard and risk assessment provides an opportunity to compare the GTM tools with a well-tested software platform that uses accepted standards.

In this contribution we present the first results of a sensitivity analysis of the PTHA results to the use of different earthquake occurrence models for the same seismogenic source zone, and to the use of different tools and codes for the generation of earthquake rupture catalogues, for the tsunami propagation, and for the aggregation of the hazard results. To this end, we use different combinations of the data, tools and codes from those of Davies et al. (2018) and the Australian PTHA (Davies, 2019), the GTM ones (e.g. Gibbons et al., 2020), and the OQ ones (Pagani et al., 2014).


Davies G., et al., 2018. A global probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment from earthquake sources. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 456, 219–244. doi: 10.1144/sp456.5

Davies G., 2019. "A new probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment for Australia." Australasian Coasts and Ports 2019 Conference: Future directions from 40 S and beyond, Hobart, 10-13 September 2019.

Gibbons S.J., et al., 2020. “Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis: High Performance Computing for Massive Scale Inundation Simulations”. Front. Earth Sci. 8:591549. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.591549

Pagani M., et al., 2014. OpenQuake Engine: An open hazard (and risk) software for the Global Earthquake Model, Seismol. Res. Lett., 85, 3, 692-702, doi:10.1785/0220130087.

How to cite: Cascone, V., Bayraktar, B., Basili, R., Crowley, H., Gibbons, S., Johnson, K., Lorito, S., Løvholt, F., Pagani, M., Romano, F., Tonini, R., and Volpe, M.: The GTM global PTHA: towards interoperability with the GEM OpenQuake engine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19264,, 2025.

EGU25-19547 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

TS-GAUSS, a web application for rapid estimation of tsunami impact based on pre-calculated simulations in the Mediterranean Sea.  

Ludovico Vitiello, Andrey Babeyko, Sergio Bruni, Roberto Vallone, Fabrizio Romano, Roberto Tonini, and Stefano Lorito

TS-GAUSS ( is a Virtual Access service which provides a rapid method to model  tsunami propagation for a set of predefined points of interest (POIs) using a dataset of pre-calculated tsunami waveforms. This web application exploits the concept of the surface Green's functions described in Molinari et al., 2016, and consists of two consequent steps: (1) simulation of the initial tsunami conditions for an arbitrary seismic source and (2) linear combination of Gaussian-shaped elementary sources uniformly distributed across the Mediterranean Sea. The service supports the most common browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge) and no login credentials are currently required. The graphical user interface (GUI) consists of an intuitive input form to provide the seismic parameters of an arbitrary seismic source and an interactive map of the domain. The corresponding results are shown on the map and they can be easily downloaded in different formats and contents (as standalone navigable maps, static figures and/or explicit data) depending on the needs of the users. The service can represent a useful instrument for both students and the scientific community, in particular for tsunami modellers, hazard and risk analysts and for the activities connected to tsunami early warning centres. The landing page includes documentation and links to more detailed resources and a weekly report is automatically created to track the statistics of the tool’s usage. Moreover, the source code of the core module of the tool (without the web GUI) is a package of C++ routines, currently available as a gitlab repository (Babeyko et al., 2024). TS-GAUSS, in the near future, will also become one of the services hosted by the EPOS TCS Tsunami portal (  

This work has received funding from the European Union through the Geo-INQUIRE project (GA 101058518), within the Research Infrastructures Programme of Horizon Europe.

Babeyko, A., Romano, F. and Tonini, R. (2024): Tsunami simulation Green's function toolbox TS-GAUSS. GFZ Data Services.

Molinari, I., Tonini, R., Lorito, S., Piatanesi, A., Romano, F., Melini, D., Hoechner, A., Gonzàlez Vida, J. M., Maciás, J., Castro, M. J., and de la Asunción, M.: Fast evaluation of tsunami scenarios: uncertainty assessment for a Mediterranean Sea database, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 2593–2602,, 2016.

How to cite: Vitiello, L., Babeyko, A., Bruni, S., Vallone, R., Romano, F., Tonini, R., and Lorito, S.: TS-GAUSS, a web application for rapid estimation of tsunami impact based on pre-calculated simulations in the Mediterranean Sea. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19547,, 2025.

EGU25-19584 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

Testing the simulation setup for the GTM PTHA 

Hafize Başak Bayraktar and the GTMPTHA Working Group

Global Tsunami Model (GTM) Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA) is one of the Pilot Demonstrators (PD) of the EuroHPC JU ChEESE-2P project, within the scope of GTM organization. As an updated version of Davies et al. (2018) global model, this new one will include enhanced features such as stochastic slip models, spatially higher resolution of the calculation points with particular attention to relatively small islands, and the contribution of tides and long-term sea level variations, among other things. We also aim to make it interoperable with the GEM OpenQuake tools and consistent with similar seismic hazard models.

As an initial step, a tsunami Green's functions (GF) database for subduction zones (meshed as quadrilateral subfaults) in the Pacific Ocean was created on to CINECA Leonardo supercomputer. This database is being used to set up simulations of tsunami GFs on a global grid, using sources in the Pacific Ocean, which will be used for the GTM PTHA. An optimal trade-off between the available computational and storage resources and the resolution/duration and accuracy of the numerical simulations is being sought for. We are also using real events’ tsunami records to determine whether the initial model settings are adequate for accurately modelling observed data, following the approach by Davies (2019).

We will also report about the testing  the new version of Tsunami-HySEA that implements the computation of initial conditions from triangular subfaults (Nikkhoo & Walters, 2015), including the contribution of the horizontal deformation (Tanioka & Satake, 1996), and the “Nosov” filter (Abbate et al., 2024).

Davies, G., Griffin, J., Løvholt, F., Glimsdal, S., Harbitz, C., Thio, H. K., et al. (2018). A global probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment from earthquake sources. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 456, 219–244. doi: 10.1144/sp456.5

Davies, G. (2019). Tsunami variability from uncalibrated stochastic earthquake models: tests against deep ocean observations 2006–2016. Geophysical Journal International, 218(3), 1939-1960.

Nikkhoo, M., & Walter, T. R. (2015). Triangular dislocation: an analytical, artefact-free solution. Geophysical Journal International, 201(2), 1119-1141.

Tanioka, Y., & Satake, K. (1996). Tsunami generation by horizontal displacement of ocean bottom. Geophysical research letters, 23(8), 861-864.

Abbate, A., González Vida, J. M., Castro Díaz, M. J., Romano, F., Bayraktar, H. B., Babeyko, A., & Lorito, S. (2024). Modelling tsunami initial conditions due to rapid coseismic seafloor displacement: efficient numerical integration and a tool to build unit source databases. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24(8), 2773-2791.

How to cite: Bayraktar, H. B. and the GTMPTHA Working Group: Testing the simulation setup for the GTM PTHA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19584,, 2025.

EGU25-19770 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Assessment of Tsunami Damage on Marine Vessels in the Aegean Sea Ports Following the 30 October 2020 Tsunami 

Gozde Guney Dogan, Elif Ayse Ozturk, Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner, Berguzar Ozbahceci, and Anawat Suppasri

The 30 October 2020 Aegean Sea tsunami was triggered by an Mw 7.0 earthquake at a depth of ~15 km, which occurred in Kusadasi Bay, north of Samos Island, Greece. The moderate tsunami primarily impacted the central Aegean coast of Turkiye and the northern coast of Samos Island, Greece, with a maximum runup of ~3.8 m observed in Akarca, Izmir, Turkiye. The tsunami resulted in one fatality and several injuries in Turkiye as well as destructive effects on marine vessels, particularly in two locations, Sigacik and Akarca in Izmir Province. In Sigacik Teos Marina, more than 300 vessels experienced varying levels of damage, whereas in Akarca Fishing Shelter, all floating piers were destroyed, and more than 20 vessels were highly damaged. Despite its adverse effects, the 30 October 2020 event provided significant data on damaged marine vessels serving as a key resource for developing tsunami fragility functions in the Aegean Sea. 

In this study, we aim to evaluate the potential impacts and damages induced by tsunamis on marine vessels in ports, marinas, and fishing shelters by establishing correlations between tsunami parameters and their effects through the development of fragility curves and loss functions. We focus on marine vessel damage resulting from strong currents and water level fluctuations caused by the 30 October 2020 tsunami. Pre- and post-tsunami satellite imagery of Sigacik Teos Marina and Akarca Fishing Shelter was used to document vessel characteristics and evaluate the extent of damage. High-resolution numerical modeling was employed to compute tsunami hydrodynamic parameters and correlate them with observed vessel damages via regression analysis. Model validation is conducted using simulation results obtained from three distinct seismic sources available in the literature and by comparing the model results against field observations. We present the tsunami parameters in the affected ports and the resulting fragility curves for marine vessels, which reveal the relationship between vessel characteristics and the forces exerted during the tsunami. The findings provide insights into the key factors contributing tsunami-induced vessel damage, supporting efforts to enhance the resilience of coastal infrastructure and marine operations against future tsunami events in the Aegean Sea.

How to cite: Dogan, G. G., Ozturk, E. A., Yalciner, A. C., Ozbahceci, B., and Suppasri, A.: Assessment of Tsunami Damage on Marine Vessels in the Aegean Sea Ports Following the 30 October 2020 Tsunami, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19770,, 2025.

EGU25-19787 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

Importance sampling of seismic tsunami sources with near-field emphasis for inundation PTHA: benchmarking with complete ensembles 

Alice Abbate, Gareth Davies, Stefano Lorito, Nikos Kalligeris, Fabrizio Romano, Roberto Tonini, and Manuela Volpe

Site-specific Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA) is a powerful tool for coastal planning against tsunami risk. However, its typically high computational demands led to the introduction of a Monte Carlo Stratified Importance Sampling (SIS) approach, which selects a representative subset of scenarios for numerical inundation simulations. We here empirically validate this sampling approach, for the first time to our knowledge, using an existing extensive dataset of numerical inundation simulations for two coastal sites in the Mediterranean Sea (Catania and Siracusa, both located in Sicily, Italy). Moreover, we propose a modified importance sampling function to prioritise seismic tsunami scenarios based on their arrival time at an offshore point near the target site, in addition to their wave amplitude and occurrence rate as leveraged in the previous work. This sampling function is applied separately in each earthquake magnitude bin, and allows denser sampling of near-field earthquakes to whose variations tsunamis are very sensitive.
We compare the confidence intervals of the offshore PTHA estimates obtained with the new and the original importance sampling functions. Then, we benchmark our onshore PTHA estimates obtained with both functions against the inundation PTHA calculated using the full set of scenarios. We also test the assumption that onshore random errors follow a normal distribution, as found previously for the offshore case. As a result of the benchmarks, we find that the SIS approach works satisfactorily. Introducing the arrival time as an additional sampling factor enhances the precision of the estimates of both the mean and the percentiles for the two coastal sites considered. With this modification it is possible to deal efficiently with heterogeneous near-field earthquake sources involving coastal deformation at Catania and Siracusa, in addition to regional crustal and subduction sources. By comparing the sampling errors with the model (epistemic) uncertainty, an optimal trade-off between the number of simulations employed and the uncertainty of the PTHA model can be found, even for such a complex situation. A relatively small number of scenarios, on the order of a few thousand, is sufficient to perform site-specific PTHA for practical applications. These numbers correspond to 4-8\% of the already reduced ensembles used in previous assessments at the same sites.

How to cite: Abbate, A., Davies, G., Lorito, S., Kalligeris, N., Romano, F., Tonini, R., and Volpe, M.: Importance sampling of seismic tsunami sources with near-field emphasis for inundation PTHA: benchmarking with complete ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19787,, 2025.

EGU25-19927 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Benchmarking Non-Hydrostatic Tsunami-HySEA and Multilayer-HySEA Codes for Tsunami Hazard Assessment 

Juan Francisco Rodríguez Gálvez, Manuel Jesús Castro Díaz, Jorge Macías Sánchez, Stefano Lorito, Fabrizio Romano, Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi, Cipriano Escalante Sánchez, Alessandro Tadini, Beatriz Brizuela, Jose Manuel Gonzalez Vida, and Matteo Cerminara

This study focuses on the adaptation and enhancement of the Non-hydrostatic Multilayer version of the Tsunami-HySEA code to better model tsunamis triggered by granular flows. The aim is to optimize the code for operational hazard assessment, particularly for the Stromboli Island, and to meet the integration requirements for early warning systems for events occurring along the Sciara del Fuoco scarp.


Significant improvements have been achieved, including a 50% reduction in computational time compared to the previous version. A prototype simulation has been developed to model tsunami propagation in the Tyrrhenian Sea, initiated by a landslide at Sciara del Fuoco on Stromboli Island. This simulation employs a coupled approach: first, it models the initial minutes of the event near Stromboli using the Multilayer-HySEA code in UTM coordinates. Then, the resulting data are transferred as input to other Tsunami-HySEA codes (hydrostatic or non-hydrostatic) operating in lat-lon coordinates. This two-step process enables efficient and accurate modeling of tsunami wave propagation across the entire Tyrrhenian Sea.


Acknowledgments: This contribution was supported by the Center of Excellence for exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE-2P) funded by the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101093038 and  by the grants PID2022-137637NB-C21 and PID2022-137637NB-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”.

How to cite: Rodríguez Gálvez, J. F., Castro Díaz, M. J., Macías Sánchez, J., Lorito, S., Romano, F., de' Michieli Vitturi, M., Escalante Sánchez, C., Tadini, A., Brizuela, B., Gonzalez Vida, J. M., and Cerminara, M.: Benchmarking Non-Hydrostatic Tsunami-HySEA and Multilayer-HySEA Codes for Tsunami Hazard Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19927,, 2025.

EGU25-19939 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

Machine Learning Approaches for Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment  

Naveen Ragu Ramalingam

Probabilistic workflows are indispensable for assessing the overland tsunami hazard and risk, due to the infrequency and limited historical observations of tsunamis. However, these workflows are computationally demanding because they require a large number of simulations to capture uncertainty of the phenomena. This study leverages machine learning (ML) emulators to address this challenge by directly predicting hazard and risk metrics, bypassing the need for extensive numerical simulations for the inundation phase.

The ML emulators are trained to predict high-resolution hazard metrics onshore (e.g., maximum inundation depth) and risk metrics (e.g., expected damage or loss) using offshore waveforms and local deformation fields as inputs. A database of tsunamigenic earthquakes in the Mediterranean Sea, reflecting substantial variability in source mechanisms and locations, was used for training and validation. For a test site in Sicily, Italy, the emulator demonstrated robust performance with a training set of ~1,600 events, achieving a 30-fold reduction in computational cost compared to traditional probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment (PTHA) workflows.

In the aftermath of tsunami event, such ML emulators can be used to directly provide rapid estimates on the expected damage and losses at different disaggregation, while evaluating many different scenarios due to the uncertainty in the characterization of the earthquake source in the early stages of after the earthquake event.

How to cite: Ragu Ramalingam, N.: Machine Learning Approaches for Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19939,, 2025.

EGU25-20668 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Early Warning Tsunami Prediction Using Neural Networks: A Case Study in Vancouver Island, Canada 

Ilias Chamatidis, Denis Istrati, Katsuichiro Goda, and Nikos D. Lagaros

Tsunamis are one of the most devastating natural hazards, with the potential to cause extensive loss of life, property damage and socioeconomic disruptions. Developing robust and accurate early warning systems is critical to mitigating these impacts. In this study, a neural network-based early warning system is proposed to predict tsunami wave heights nearshore, focusing on the Vancouver Island area on the western coast of Canada. 


The Vancouver Island region, which is extremely susceptible to tsunami hazards because of its closeness to the Cascadia Subduction Zone, is the area used to generate the synthetic data. In tsunami research, synthetic data are essential because they enable the investigation of a variety of possible earthquake and tsunami scenarios, including uncommon but highly consequential occurrences. The dataset, which contains 5000 simulation scenarios, used includes parameters such as fault slip parameters, bathymetry, hypocenter position, and earthquake magnitude, as well as the related tsunami wave heights at particular nearshore locations. The parameters used to train the model are the maximum wave heights off shore at different stations and the parameter that the model is trained to predict is the maximum wave height near shore in different depth zones (0 m, 5 m, 10 m, and 100 m).


The neural network architecture was designed to model the nonlinear relationships between input parameters (maximum wave heights off shore at different stations) and resulting tsunami wave heights (near shore at different depths). By training, validating, and testing the neural network, the model demonstrated a high level of accuracy in predicting wave heights nearshore. The performance metrics, including mean absolute error and correlation coefficients, indicate that the neural network effectively captures the complexities of tsunami wave dynamics, making it suitable for early warning applications. According to the results, the neural network can accurately forecast tsunami heights close to shore, facilitating prompt evacuation preparation and disaster relief. This method is a major improvement over conventional physics-based models, which frequently demand a large amount of time and resources, by providing a computationally effective and scalable solution. Overall, this study demonstrates how machine learning, and in particular neural networks, might improve early warning systems for tsunamis.

How to cite: Chamatidis, I., Istrati, D., Goda, K., and Lagaros, N. D.: Early Warning Tsunami Prediction Using Neural Networks: A Case Study in Vancouver Island, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20668,, 2025.

NH6 – Remote Sensing, AI, data science & Hazards

EGU25-376 | ECS | Orals | NH6.1

Spatiotemporal Analysis of Coastal Erosion and Accretion Patterns in the Keta Region 

Baah Asare-Bediako and Cyril Boateng

Coastal erosion and accretion remain critical challenges for sustainable coastal zone management, particularly in regions facing intensified environmental changes and human interventions. With rising sea levels projected to exacerbate these challenges, this study investigates the shoreline dynamics of Ghana’s eastern coastline over a nearly four-decade period. Using automated shoreline extraction via CoastSat and change analysis with the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), the research quantified erosion and accretion rates and revealed significant spatial variability across the study area.

To facilitate a focused analysis, the coastline was divided into three zones (Zone A, Zone B, and Zone C), categorized based on geomorphological characteristics and coastal management practices. Three statistical models—Linear Regression Rate (LRR), End Point Rate (EPR), and Net Shoreline Movement (NSM)—were employed to quantify shoreline changes. Zone A exhibited a balance of erosion and accretion, with rates ranging from −10.5 m/year to +10.8 m/year (EPR) and −10.4 m/year to +12.0 m/year (LRR). Zone B showed relatively stable dynamics, with EPR values from −3.1 m/year to +4.1 m/year and LRR values from −1.6 m/year to +5.0 m/year. Zone C displayed the most pronounced variability, with erosion rates peaking at −30.5 m/year (EPR) and −28.7 m/year (LRR), alongside accretion rates up to +9.7 m/year (LRR) and +8.8 m/year (EPR). Cumulative shoreline movements (NSM) averaged 15.2 m, 20.42 m, and 33.5 m for Zones A, B, and C, respectively.

This study underscores the value of remote sensing and GIS in monitoring shoreline dynamics. By automating shoreline extraction with CoastSat, human error is minimized, and reproducibility is enhanced. The findings provide actionable insights into shoreline management and highlight the potential of these techniques for broader applications in coastal monitoring. This approach can empower stakeholders to devise effective, data-driven strategies for resilience against coastal erosion and sustainable coastal management practices.

How to cite: Asare-Bediako, B. and Boateng, C.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Coastal Erosion and Accretion Patterns in the Keta Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-376,, 2025.

EGU25-1293 | Orals | NH6.1

Copernicus emergency Applications for Resilience addressing businesses’ needs and policy making 

Charalampos Kontoes, Mariza Kaskara, and Katerina Pissaridi

The escalating frequency and severity of extreme weather events, induced by climate change, pose significant threats to global societies, economies, and ecosystems. Europe, and more specifically the Mediterranean area, has witnessed a surge in natural disasters resulting in substantial human casualties and economic losses. Despite advancements in disaster risk management, inadequate investment in early warning and detection systems have led to prolonged, costly, and frequent emergency responses, straining resources.

The UNICORN project, started in October 2024, focuses on the development of Copernicus emergency applications, using Earth Observation technologies and data to address the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events (fires, floods) and geohazards (volcanoes) and their impact on society, the economy and the environment. UNICORN develops tools and applications for early warning, forecasting, and hazard monitoring that enable a resilient society, better-informed emergency services, and effective short-term recovery. It proposes innovative solutions for local authorities, policy makers, citizens, and industries which will increase their preparedness for extreme events and geohazards. UNICORN's approach involves creating state-of-the-art, scalable and transferable services tailored to user needs, pushing technological boundaries for precise, timely, and actionable results from data and knowledge. UNICORN is based on four use cases from different European regions, hazards, target stakeholders, and technologies, through an end user validation method to build a resilient European landscape.

UNICORN's foundation lays on the development of four strategically selected Copernicus emergency applications corresponding in 4 use cases which incorporate specific areas, regions, and countries from the Mediterranean area of Europe that has a long history of natural hazards and extreme events. These use cases through which the applications are implemented, monitored and validated in real world conditions are diverse due to the scale of operation (local, regional, sub-national), the hazards, the type of engaged stakeholders and the applied technologies:

  • Flood forecasting integrating Copernicus data and weather forecast fusion - Attica region, Greece.
  • Copernicus-based wildfire early detection, mapping and nowcasting - Corsica Island, France.
  • High resolution fire danger forecasting - Northwestern Spain and Northern Portugal.
  • Lava flow emergency management tool based on Copernicus data merged with numerical modelling - Sicily Island, Italy.

Acknowledgement: "This work has been supported by the European research project UNICORN. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101180172. This article reflects only the authors’ views and the EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains."

How to cite: Kontoes, C., Kaskara, M., and Pissaridi, K.: Copernicus emergency Applications for Resilience addressing businesses’ needs and policy making, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1293,, 2025.

Remotely sensed nighttime lights (NTL) are widely used as a proxy for human activity. A key application is assessing disaster impacts, but its potential has been limited by uncertainties in estimating baseline NTL intensity (the counterfactual without disasters) and challenges in isolating disaster impacts from other factors influencing NTL variation. To address these challenges, we used a synthetic control modeling framework with daily NTL images from NASA's Black Marble VIIRS product suite. We enhanced the traditional model by optimizing donor selection with the Dynamic Time Warping algorithm and incorporating random forest regression to better capture target-donor relationships. Testing on 20 severe disasters across diverse contexts, our model outperformed existing methods, achieving a correlation coefficient of 0.94 and a covariate difference of just 0.47%. It also excelled at detecting low-intensity and short-term disaster impacts often missed by other methods. The resulting metrics—impact duration, intensity, and severity—revealed significant regional variations in disaster resilience and coping capacity. This model provides valuable insights for disaster relief and supports broader climate resilience and sustainability efforts.

How to cite: Mu, T., Zheng, Q., and He, S. Y.: Robust disaster impact assessment with synthetic control modeling framework and daily nighttime light time series images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2264,, 2025.

Taiwan's geological setting, characterized by rapid tectonic uplift and among the world's most intense precipitation patterns and recurring extreme rainfall events, offers a natural laboratory for studying sediment flux and erosion rates in mountain river basins. The availability of open-source satellite-derived digital elevation models (DEMs) provides an invaluable opportunity to evaluate their suitability for constraining sediment flux in these dynamic environments. The Laonong River, one of Taiwan's prominent and vulnerable watersheds, has been selected as a representative study area due to its history of past and ongoing landslides, making it ideal for understanding erosion processes and sediment transport dynamics. This study assesses erosion rates in the Laonong River Basin over the past two decades using satellite-derived DEMs from diverse optical and radar sources. By evaluating the suitability of underutilized global DEMs, including ASTER GDEM, NASADEM, SRTM, ALOS World 3D DEM (AW3D30), Copernicus DEM, FAB DEM, and TanDEM-X EDEM, and benchmarking them against a high-accuracy LiDAR DEM, we aim to enhance our understanding of the erosional processes. Accuracy assessments are conducted in stable areas through spatial domain analysis, utilizing comprehensive metrics, including RMSE, bias, and standard deviation, to quantify discrepancies and ensure rigorous error evaluation. Additionally, metadata analyses identify voids and artifacts filled from external sources, while Fourier analysis is applied to detect and mitigate vertical biases, enabling a robust examination of DEM suitability in this complex terrain.

Our findings revealed that while Copernicus DEM, FAB DEM, and TanDEM-X EDEM exhibited good vertical accuracy in the spatial domain, their reliance on external DEMs for void-filling rendered them unsuitable for multitemporal analysis. Similarly, ASTER GDEM was excluded due to its high standard deviation, significant negative bias, and prolonged acquisition period, averaging over 13 years. As confirmed through Fourier analysis and in the spatial domain against LiDAR DEM, AW3D30 demonstrated excellent vertical accuracy and minimal vertical bias. NASADEM, being the successor of SRTM, was preferred over its predecessor due to lower vertical bias and minimal external void-filling. Consequently, NASADEM and AW3D30 were identified as the most reliable DEMs for capturing topographic changes across different decades in the Laonong River Basin. Horizontal co-registration was refined to sub-pixel accuracy using the Nuth and Kääb method, while Fourier analysis was employed for vertical alignment, effectively minimizing biases across DEMs acquired at different time points. Spectral analysis identified long-wavelength topographic features crucial for correcting offsets and enhancing the accuracy of DEM differencing. Our results estimate that about 119 Mm3 of sediment volume has been transported out of the system over 20 years, as calculated from NASADEM and LiDAR DEM. We documented the spatial pattern of erosion and deposition across the whole Laonong River basin in the DEMs of Differences (DoD) maps, and the results were validated from the Google Earth imageries. These findings highlight the capability of underutilized satellite-derived DEMs in capturing sediment erosion rates over multiple decades, demonstrating their utility in environments where erosional signals are dominant over the inherent noise in the dataset.

How to cite: Kumar, G., Chan, Y.-C., Sun, C.-W., and Chen, C.-T.: Evaluating Erosion Rates Through Advanced DEM Differencing and Co-Registration Techniques Using Underutilized Satellite Data: A Case Study from Southern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3377,, 2025.

Long-term monitoring of ecosystems is the only direct method to provide insights into the system dynamics on a range of timescales from the temporal resolution to the duration of the record. Time series of typical environmental variables reveal a striking diversity of trends, periodicities, and long-range correlations. Using several decades of observations of water chemistry in first-order streams of three adjacent catchments in the Harz mountains in Germany as example, we calculate metrics for these time series based on ordinal pattern statistics, e.g. permutation entropy and complexity, Fisher information, or q-complexity, and other indicators like Tarnopolski diagrams. The results are compared to those obtained for reference statistical processes, like fractional Brownian motion or ß noise. After detrending and removing significant periodicities from the time series, the distances of the residuals to the reference processes in this space of metrics serves as a classification of nonlinear dynamical behavior, and to judge whether inter-variable or rather inter-site differences are dominant. The classification can be combined with knowledge about the processes driving hydrochemistry, elucidating the connections between the variables. This can be the starting point for the next step, constructing causal networks from the multivariate dataset.

How to cite: Lange, H. and Hauhs, M.: Classification of environmental time series using ordinal pattern dynamics and complexity metrics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3448,, 2025.

EGU25-6141 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.1

Improved Knowledge-Driven Flood Intelligent Monitoring (KDFIMv2): A Case Study of the 2024 Bangladesh Flood 

Zhijun Jiao, Zhimei Zhang, Biyan Chen, Zelang Miao, and Lixin Wu

Monitoring large-scale floods and tracking their evolution are essential for effective disaster response, particularly in regions where floods have widespread and dynamic impacts. Satellite-based flood detection using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical data faces challenges such as low spatial and temporal resolution, incomplete coverage, and cloud interference, which complicates the reliability of optical data. These issues hinder timely flood monitoring, which is critical for disaster management. This study introduces the Improved Knowledge-Driven Flood Intelligent Monitoring (KDFIMv2) method, which integrates SAR and optical data to improve flood monitoring by enhancing both spatial and temporal resolution.

The main challenge in large-scale flood monitoring is low spatiotemporal resolution, caused by limited SAR sensor coverage, low temporal observation frequency, and cloud interference affecting optical data. KDFIMv2 addresses these challenges through three key modules: 1) Surface Scattering Knowledge-Driven Flood Inundation Extraction, 2) Physical Knowledge-Driven Feature Fusion, and 3) Mathematical Knowledge-Driven Flood Information Extraction. The Surface Scattering Knowledge-Driven Flood Inundation Extraction module integrates SAR and optical data to extract flood information from satellite images. It tackles cloud cover and cloud shadows, which hinder water surface extraction in optical data, especially during floods. By combining SAR’s surface scattering capability with optical image spectral data, this module ensures accurate flood detection even under cloudy conditions. The Physical Knowledge-Driven Feature Fusion module improves adaptability by extending potential flood areas based on existing data. Using knowledge of flood dynamics, it infers the evolution of flood levels across a basin, filling gaps caused by cloud interference or incomplete satellite coverage, offering a more comprehensive flood monitoring solution. The Mathematical Knowledge-Driven Flood Information Extraction module uses mathematical models to calculate flood parameters such as depth, duration, and spread, providing a holistic assessment of the flood’s impact. This allows authorities to quantify flood disasters and track their evolution over time.

KDFIMv2 was applied to monitor floods in Bangladesh from June to December 2024. Results showed that KDFIMv2’s flood depth estimates had a mean error of only 0.1 meters, with 75% of the area within 0.2 meters and 95% within 0.5 meters. The method mitigated cloud cover and observational limitations, enabling flood tracking with a 30-meter resolution every two days. KDFIMv2 overcomes the limitations of current flood monitoring systems, offering high-accuracy flood evolution tracking. This study advances flood monitoring techniques and contributes to a better understanding of the impacts of floods on climate change adaptation and disaster resilience. By enhancing flood monitoring accuracy, KDFIMv2 plays a crucial role in reducing risks for vulnerable populations and contributes to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 1 (No Poverty) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).

How to cite: Jiao, Z., Zhang, Z., Chen, B., Miao, Z., and Wu, L.: Improved Knowledge-Driven Flood Intelligent Monitoring (KDFIMv2): A Case Study of the 2024 Bangladesh Flood, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6141,, 2025.

EGU25-8691 | Orals | NH6.1

Disaster monitoring initiative in Japan by the earth observation of multi satellite-series constellation. 

Shuichi Rokugawa, Hitoshi Taguchi, Naoki Sakai, and Habura Boriigin

Our research institute has been promoting the national disaster monitoring and recovery support projects funded by Japanese government. Final goal of these projects is to establish the resilient social system in both before and after phase of national hazards. In this project, integrated system called "One stop system for disaster management" is under development, which enables us the optimum target observation and disaster situation assessment. With the rapid development of the small satellite industry, the use of remote sensing is dramatically changing in disaster monitoring. One of the key concepts is satellite constellation within or beyond single satellite series. Among this aspect, Japanese flagship satellite, ALOS-2 and -4, and small satellites from Japanese companies, are working together for effective observations under "One stop system". The effectiveness of this cooperative observation was evaluated in natural disasters caused by the Noto Peninsula earthquake (Jan. 2024), and other typical large-scale flooding in 2024. This paper summarizes the past research results and discusses future developments.

How to cite: Rokugawa, S., Taguchi, H., Sakai, N., and Boriigin, H.: Disaster monitoring initiative in Japan by the earth observation of multi satellite-series constellation., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8691,, 2025.

EGU25-10904 | Orals | NH6.1

Italian Space Agency's Program for the Development of Novel EO-based Scientific Products for Natural Hazards Applications 

Alessandro Ursi, Deodato Tapete, Patrizia Sacco, Maria Virelli, Alessandro Coletta, Rocchina Guarini, Giorgio Licciardi, Francesco Longo, Mario Siciliani de Cumis, and Simona Zoffoli

In Italy, "Telecommunications, Earth Observation, and Navigation" (TLC/EO/NAV) assets are currently exploited to realize services and applications (the so-called downstream) providing benefits to citizens and public institutions, translating space technology investments into significant social and economic gains. Among the downstream satellite-based services and products of most interest for the Italian institutions, there was the support to civil protection and environmental safeguard from natural and anthropogenic hazards.

In this context, the Italian Space Agency (ASI) promotes the development of downstream services through the "Innovation for Downstream Preparation" (I4DP) program. I4DP foresees an active engagement of the user community in the demonstration projects since the user requirement consolidation phase, until the testing of the developed technological solutions in real-world scenarios. The I4DP_SCIENCE stream, addressed to the Scientific User Community (i.e., Italian Universities and Public Research Bodies) and designed to develop joint projects with ASI, is aimed at demonstrating the usefulness of novel methods and algorithms in supporting applications of user's interest regarding topics of national relevance (e.g., defined by the National Copernicus User Forum), and/or international agendas (e.g., the UN Sustainable Development Goals). The I4DP_SCIENCE program has been developed through the issue of two Calls for Ideas, focused on the themes of "Sustainable Cities" and "Agriculture and Sustainable Use of Water Resources" [1]. Among the selected projects, three address the theme of natural and anthropogenic hazard assessment and mitigation: GEORES, SatellOmic, and GRAW. GEORES (Geospatial Application to Support the Improvement of Environmental Sustainability and Resilience to Climate Change in Urban Areas, Agreement n. 2023-42-HH.0) [2], led by the University of Bari and CNR-IREA, aims at developing a geospatial application to improve environmental sustainability in urban areas, through a multi-risk platform, with the synergistic use of EO data, machine learning techniques, and artificial intelligence. SatellOmic (Integration of Satellite and Metagenomic Systems for the Monitoring and Safeguarding of Water Basins, Agreement n. 2023-36-HH.0) [3], led by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) and the Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale (SIA) of Sapienza University of Rome, aims at combining EO-based products with metagenomics analyses, to evaluate and monitor the quality of inland and coastal waters, assessing the presence of oil spills or algal blooms. GRAW (Geomatics for Resilience Against Water Scarcity, Agreement n. 2023-52-HH.0) [4], led by Sapienza University of Rome, aims at developing specific approaches and algorithms to monitor and forecast hazards due to hydrological and agricultural drought. The paper outlines how the three I4DP_SCIENCE projects are addressing natural hazard and risk using EO and geospatial technologies and accounting for the specific user requirements and needs.

[1] D. Tapete et al. (2024) The Italian Space Agency’s programs of scientific downstream applications for water resources and hydraulic hazard management. 14° Workshop tematico di Telerilevamento “Telerilevamento applicato alla gestione delle risorse idriche”, ENEA, Bologna, Italy, pp. 5-9.

[2] R. Lafortezza et al. (2024), doi: 10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10642728.

[3] E. D’Ugo et al. (2024), doi: 10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10642700.

[4] F. Bocchino et al. (2024), doi: 10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10641154

How to cite: Ursi, A., Tapete, D., Sacco, P., Virelli, M., Coletta, A., Guarini, R., Licciardi, G., Longo, F., Siciliani de Cumis, M., and Zoffoli, S.: Italian Space Agency's Program for the Development of Novel EO-based Scientific Products for Natural Hazards Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10904,, 2025.

EGU25-11003 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.1

Recognizing any Land surface anomaly with multi-modal foundation model 

Jingtao Li

Various Land surface anomalies have destroyed the stable and balanced state of human living, resulting in fatalities and serious destruction of property. Remote sensing technique has been proven useful in many studies with time-series and large-scale observation advantages. However, existing studies are limited in anomaly recognition of certain categories, lacking the important generalization ability to recognize rare or unseen anomalies. To tackle this problem, we have built a multi-modal land surface anomaly recognition foundation model, which connects the images and anomaly caption words in an open-world setting. A global scale multi-modal dataset is constructed to train the model, which refers to 1000 large-scale monitoring regions covering over 2000 km2 in total, with rich text caption collected from offical news report. After the self-supervised contrastive learning with image and text modalities, the foundation model can describe both the anomaly category and attributes directly given any monitoring image, without the need for further tuning. These open-world and tuning-free settings promote the ability of rapid anomaly monitoring.

How to cite: Li, J.: Recognizing any Land surface anomaly with multi-modal foundation model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11003,, 2025.

EGU25-11698 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.1

Earthquake Damage Assessment Using SAR Imagery, Structural Data, and Geospatial Parameters 

Yusuf Gedik, Orkan Özcan, Mihrimah Özmen, and Okan Özcan

Earthquakes inflict extensive damage on urban settlements, posing significant risks to human life and infrastructure. This study investigates the destruction caused by the Mw=6.7 Sivrice earthquake, which struck on January 24, 2020. It focuses on its impact within the city center via remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) methodologies for damage assessment. In the study, post-earthquake building damage data and building inventory, collected through field surveys and provided by the Ministry, were compared with the collapsed areas which were identified using Sentinel-2 optical imagery. The surface velocity rates of the study area over the past five years have been derived using advanced InSAR techniques, specifically Persistent Scatterer (PS) and Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) methods. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis of factors influencing building damage was conducted by integrating geological maps, active fault maps, Coulomb stress distribution, Vs30 velocities, and surface velocity rates in the city center with the building inventory. It was revealed that the damage estimation map produced by analyzing pre-earthquake data and the damage map produced by field studies carried out after the earthquake showed a similar pattern. The findings demonstrate that buildings constructed on alluvial soils having low Vs30 velocities with high surface velocity rates experienced the most severe damage. This analysis highlights critical geological and structural parameters that exacerbate earthquake-induced structural damage, offering valuable insights for urban planning and seismic risk mitigation.

How to cite: Gedik, Y., Özcan, O., Özmen, M., and Özcan, O.: Earthquake Damage Assessment Using SAR Imagery, Structural Data, and Geospatial Parameters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11698,, 2025.

Typhoon damage refers to the extensive destruction of natural and environmental resources caused by powerful tropical storms, which are characterized by high winds and heavy rainfall. The impacts of these natural disasters on mountainous land and forest resources are severe and far-reaching. From a forest management perspective, common issues resulting from typhoon strikes include uprooted or broken trees, significant soil erosion, and landslides of varying scales across sloped areas. These events lead to substantial changes in the structure of forest stands and the topography of forested regions, resulting in increased vulnerability of forest ecosystems and fragmented land. This fragmentation endangers wildlife habitats and undermines biodiversity conservation. This study analyzes changes in the growth competition index of trees resulting from damage caused by a typhoon in a subtropical forest. We use multitemporal airborne lidar scanning data to assess the impact of severe weather events on stand density and tree growth dynamics over time. By examining variations in the competition index over a decade, we aim to provide valuable insights into the resilience of forest ecosystems after such disturbances. Our research will deepen the understanding of forest recovery processes and inform management practices in areas frequently affected by typhoons.

How to cite: Lin, C., Ma, S.-E., and Liao, W.: Examining changes in the growth competition index of trees caused by typhoon damage using multitemporal airborne lidar scanning data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11767,, 2025.

This study focuses on the fifth eruption of the Sundhnúkur volcano on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland, which occurred between May 29 and June 22, 2024. Multi-satellite imaging techniques were used to analyze the activity of this volcano, which erupted a total of seven times between 2023 and 2024. Multiple Landsat-9 satellite images were acquired before and after the eruption, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) techniques were applied to calculate changes in the volcanic plateau. In addition, a series of Sentinel-1 satellite images was used to detect coherence changes during the eruption period and compared with the expanded volcanic plateau derived from Landsat-9 to determine the area of change. The results show that the fifth eruption was characterized by a large number of lava flows and significant volcanic plateau expansion in the early stages, with relatively little lava eruption in the later stages. This study may contribute to the calculation of changes caused by volcanic eruptions in the Icelandic region and could potentially help determine the affected area using a combination of different satellite images. This approach might be useful for future volcanic activity monitoring and disaster management.

Acknowledgment: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. NRF–2023R1A2C1007742).

How to cite: Kim, B. and Lee, C.-W.: Analysis of the May 2024 Iceland Volcano Eruption Using Coherence Change Detection Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14167,, 2025.

EGU25-14423 | ECS | Orals | NH6.1

Variability in the location of mapped fault traces based on geomorphic mapping of remote-sensing datasets from 23 mappers 

Malinda Zuckerman, Chelsea Scott, Ramon Arrowsmith, Christopher Madugo, Rich Koehler, and Albert Kottke

Mapping of neotectonic faults is critical to the scientific study of earthquake processes and surface rupture hazard analysis. Geologists commonly map fault traces from remote sensing datasets by interpreting tectonic landforms formed from past earthquakes. However, the evidence for faulting is not always straightforward to observe and interpret. Even experts map faults differently. We seek to understand the variability in fault trace mapping by mappers with different experience, ranging from undergraduate students to professional geologists with decades of experience. An individual’s understanding of faulting is impacted by their experience, yet people with similar experiences can interpret areas differently. No matter their experience level, mappers all have gaps in knowledge, and faults can rupture in unexpected ways. We anticipate that the results will improve the development of standardized mapping practices.

To evaluate the effect of differing knowledge on mapped fault trace locations, 23 mappers of varying experience levels produced fault maps from pre-rupture topography and imagery acquired before the earthquake of interest. Mappers include four undergraduate students, eleven graduate students, two postdocs, and three mid- and three senior-level professional geologists. The mappers used a systematic approach to map faults based on geomorphology.

To assess map quality, we compared the pre-rupture fault maps to published coseismic rupture maps. We evaluated 1) the percentage of coseismic ruptures that were predicted by the mapped faults, 2) the percentage of the mapped faults that ruptured in the recent earthquake, 3) the distribution of mapped faults around indicative geomorphic landforms, and 4) the impact of data type and the use of a geologic map. We found slight improvement by experience level in the portion of ruptures predicted and mapped faults that ruptured. For ruptures near geomorphic landforms, professional geologists best predicted the rupture location, and undergraduate students mapped with the highest error.  Less experienced mappers tended to misinterpret some geomorphology. Despite these differences in experience level, all participants mapped some faults that did not rupture. Mappers of all experience levels were most successful with the high-resolution topography (~1m/pix). Aerial imagery was less useful in areas with high vegetation and anthropogenic activity. Using a geologic map did not improve the maps.

While experience level has a small effect on fault trace mapping accuracy, with our results we can start defining the epistemic uncertainty for geomorphic fault mapping. Our results also suggest that mapping fault traces remains challenging regardless of expertise and highlight the need for improved and standardized mapping practices.

How to cite: Zuckerman, M., Scott, C., Arrowsmith, R., Madugo, C., Koehler, R., and Kottke, A.: Variability in the location of mapped fault traces based on geomorphic mapping of remote-sensing datasets from 23 mappers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14423,, 2025.

This study aims to enhance the precision of semantic segmentation in remote sensing by evaluating advanced deep learning models on high-resolution datasets, addressing a critical need in geoscience applications. Accurate spatial identification of flood-affected areas is vital for timely disaster response, yet traditional methods often fail to capture the intricate patterns and scales of flood events. Advanced architectures like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and transformer models have proven transformative in overcoming these limitations.Using high-resolution imagery from the ISPRS dataset, this research compares CNNs and transformers, including the Vision Transformer (ViT), to identify the most effective architecture. While CNNs excel in extracting localized features, they struggle with capturing long-range dependencies. Transformer models, leveraging self-attention mechanisms, address this gap by modeling complex spatial relationships and global contexts, crucial for segmenting large-scale flood scenarios. Additionally, a novel transformer-based framework will be introduced to further enhance segmentation accuracy to detect flooding.To test robustness, the best-performing model is applied to flood detection tasks using lower-resolution datasets, simulating real-world disaster scenarios where data quality varies. Flood detection through advanced deep learning is essential given the growing frequency of climate-driven disasters. These models enable precise and timely mapping of inundated areas, critical for effective resource allocation, evacuation planning, and post-disaster recovery. Transformers’ ability to process fine-grained and large-scale spatial features complements CNNs, delivering more reliable and detailed flood mapping.Focusing on coastal and urban flooding from Hurricane Milton, the study demonstrates the practical utility of these models in diverse scenarios. By optimizing model selection for flood detection, this research advances remote sensing methodologies, bridging the gap between theoretical advancements and real-world applications, and contributing to disaster preparedness and climate resilience efforts.

How to cite: Chakraborty, T. and Southworth, J.: Semantic Segmentation for Disaster Response: Evaluating CNNs and Transformers for Flood Mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14424,, 2025.

EGU25-14998 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.1

Estimation of the Inactivation time for SARS-CoV-2 using the GEMS UVI data 

Sunju Park and Yun Gon Lee

The coronavirus disease 19 pandemic (COVID-19) has caused many deaths worldwide and has had a huge impact on society and the economy. The COVID-19 was caused by a new type of coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2; SARS-CoV-2), which has been found that these viruses can be effectively inactivated by ultraviolet (UV) radiation of 290~315 nm. In this study, 90% inactivation time of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was analyzed using the UV Index data from Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) satellite. The inactivation time of SARS-CoV-2 varies significantly with the seasonal, temporal and regional changes in the amount of radiation reaching the surface. In regions with lower latitudes, the higher amount of solar radiation was more effective in inactivating the virus, whereas in higher latitude regions, a longer duration was required for the same level of inactivation. Also in winter season, the natural prevention effect was meaningless because the intensity of UV radiation weakened, and the time required for virus inactivation increased. The spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 is related to the diverse and complex interactions of various variables. However, the natural inactivation of viruses by ultraviolet radiation presented in this study, particularly the seasonal, temporal and regional differences, needs to be considered as major variables.

How to cite: Park, S. and Lee, Y. G.: Estimation of the Inactivation time for SARS-CoV-2 using the GEMS UVI data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14998,, 2025.

EGU25-16296 | Orals | NH6.1

Hydro-Meteorological Drivers of Forest Damage over Europe 

Pauline Rivoire, Sonia Dupuis, Antoine Guisan, Pascal Vittoz, and Daniela Domeisen

Extreme meteorological events, such as heat and drought, can induce significant damage to vegetation and ecosystems. The frequency and intensity of extreme events are subject to change due to anthropogenic global warming. It is therefore crucial to quantify the impact of such events for better preparedness.

Here, we focus on forest damage in Europe, defined as negative anomalies of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI, a measure of vegetation greenness). Compound drought and heat wave events are known to trigger low NDVI events in summer. A dry summer combined with moist conditions during the previous autumn can also have a negative impact. Hence, the goal of our study is to find the most relevant predictors for forest damage in Europe at monthly to annual timescales. Using a Random Forest approach, we pinpoint hydro-meteorological conditions associated with low NDVI events. We train the model using remote sensing observations of NDVI (from the Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometers, AVHRR) as the predictand, and a range of variables from the ERA5 and ERA5-Land reanalysis as hydro-meteorological predictors.

We provide an automated procedure with strong predictive performance for identifying low-greenness events during summer based on prior hydro-meteorological conditions. The most essential preceding periods and variables are location and forest-type dependent. Notably, warm and dry conditions in spring and early summer emerge as essential predictors. Additionally, we emphasize a longer-term relationship between hydro-meteorological conditions and forest damage. For instance, low dewpoint temperatures one year before the studied summer impact broad-leaved forests, while soil moisture during the preceding autumn influences low greenness events in coniferous forests, albeit with location-specific variations.

How to cite: Rivoire, P., Dupuis, S., Guisan, A., Vittoz, P., and Domeisen, D.: Hydro-Meteorological Drivers of Forest Damage over Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16296,, 2025.

Sinkholes represent a significant geohazard, especially in urban environments where their sudden formation damages infrastructure, property, and even loss of life. These features, often caused by natural processes such as the dissolution of soluble rocks (e.g., limestone, gypsum) or human-induced activities like water extraction and construction, pose unique challenges in urban areas.

In April 2024, Slănic Prahova, Romania, experienced a significant geological event. Near the local police headquarters, a portion of 23 August Street collapsed, creating a crater approximately 2 meters deep and over 60 square meters. Due to safety concerns, around 42 residents were evacuated from nearby buildings.

Following the event, several campaigns were started to monitor and assess the ground deformations of the sinkhole and its surroundings. This event underscores the importance of continuously monitoring and assessing natural hazards in urban areas, particularly in regions with known subsurface vulnerabilities.

How to cite: Necula, N. and Niculiță, M.: Investigation of ground instability and sinkhole monitoring in Slănic Prahova, Romania with InSAR and in-situ measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16812,, 2025.

EGU25-18898 | ECS | Orals | NH6.1

Near-Real Time Active Fire Detection from Space with the Forest-Constellation 

Dominik Laux, Johanna Wahbe, Lukas Liesenhoff, Max Bereczky, Andrea Spichtinger, Korbinian Würl, Julia Gottfriedsen, and Martin Langer

Remote sensing data is a key tool in disaster response and preparedness. For fire detection and monitoring, however, public satellite missions have significant coverage gaps in the afternoon. As most fires start in the afternoon, however, many can burn potentially undetected for a long period of time. 

This is why OroraTech is building the Forest Constellation to close this afternoon gap. With two successful launches completed and an additional 9 satellites scheduled to be in orbit by the time of EGU 25, the constellation will achieve a 12-hour revisit time for any location on Earth focusing on late afternoon orbits. FOREST-2, the current sensor generation in orbit covers a swath of 410km in a single scan at a resolution of 200m per pixel. Future launches will further enhance the system, eventually enabling a global revisit time of just 30 minutes. This increased temporal and spatial coverage will allow for significantly earlier fire detection. 

The fire detection is run on board on a GPU to keep latencies minimal. This is because downlink bottlenecks are easier to circumvent with bites of fire location files then GB size satellite images. Otherwise, the file transfer of a satellite image to the ground would introduce a significant bottleneck. To cut down communication latencies further, we rely on a dedicated ground station network with OroraTech’s Fire Link technology. With the upcoming satellite launches, we therefore enable fire detection within minutes after the satellite overpass. At EGU, we aim to showcase current and future capabilities of our constellation to detect fires with first impressions from upcoming launches.

How to cite: Laux, D., Wahbe, J., Liesenhoff, L., Bereczky, M., Spichtinger, A., Würl, K., Gottfriedsen, J., and Langer, M.: Near-Real Time Active Fire Detection from Space with the Forest-Constellation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18898,, 2025.

EGU25-20266 | Posters on site | NH6.1

Rockfall Monitoring Using Multitemporal Single-Camera Terrestrial Images and Deep Learning 

Thu Trang Le and Nickolas Stelzenmuller


Monitoring and detecting rockfalls on cliffs is essential for reducing risks to infrastructure, human safety, and ecosystems in steep terrains. Traditional methods often rely on expensive equipment and labor-intensive surveys, restricting their use to high-risk areas. Single-camera monitoring offers a cost-effective and scalable alternative, using advancements in image processing and change detection algorithms to identify rockfall events. Challenges such as lighting variations and environmental noise, require adapting existing algorithms for effective deployment. This study introduces a low-cost, autonomous system using high-resolution images from a single camera combined with an unsupervised deep learning approach to efficiently detect rockfalls.


Prototype Design and Installation

The proposed monitoring system integrates commercially available components for ease of deploymen. A Sony-Alpha-7RM4A camera paired with a 400mm lens captures high-resolution images of fine-scale changes on the rockface. A Gigapan pan/tilt mechanism provides precise control for acquiring mosaics covering large-areas. A Raspberry-Pi controller automates image capture, data transfer, power monitoring, and remote transmission. Solar panels mounted on an adjustable frame provide continuous power, while weatherproof housing protects the components.

Operating autonomously, the system captures hourly images between 6:00-AM and 6:00-PM daily. Images are stored locally and transmitted remotely when connectivity permits. The system also logs operational data to support maintenance. Installed at the St. Eynard cliff in Biviers, France, the prototype captures mosaics of 102 high-resolution images per acquisition, enabling daily monitoring.

Image Preprocessing and Change Detection

The system captures around 40 GB of images daily, with a resolution of about 1 cm, under varying conditions such as lighting changes, vegetation growth, weather effects, and camera vibrations. These factors pose challenges for detecting rockfall-related changes, necessitating a robust image processing chain.

First, images are organized into tiles corresponding to specific regions of the mosaic and renamed using timestamps. Blurry or poorly lit images are filtered out using methods like Laplacian variance and gradient analysis. Images are then coregistered within each tile using the Scale-Invariant-Feature-Transform method, ensuring consistent pixel-level correspondence across the time series. Preprocessed tiles are assembled into a coherent mosaic of the study area.

Traditional threshold-based change detection methods are ineffective in large study areas due to diverse changes and lack of ground truth. To overcome this, a Siamese-Variational-Autoencoder (SVAE) was developed. The SVAE uses a U-Net-like architecture to extract latent features, an attention mechanism to focus on critical features, and a change-detection branch to generate precise change maps. Loss functions, including Kullback-Leibler divergence, perceptual, and texture ensure robust latent representations and preserve image fidelity, enabling effective detection of subtle changes while minimizing false positives.

Finally, processed images are georeferenced, translating detected changes into geographic coordinates to extract attributes such as rockfall size and location.


This framework has been successfully implemented at the St. Eynard cliffs. Detection results were validated against complementary datasets, including lidar and seismic data, demonstrating the system's reliability and effectiveness in real-world applications. This research was funded, in whole or in part, by the French National Research Agency (ANR) under the project C2R-IA (, grant ANR-22-CE56-0005-06).

How to cite: Le, T. T. and Stelzenmuller, N.: Rockfall Monitoring Using Multitemporal Single-Camera Terrestrial Images and Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20266,, 2025.

EGU25-102 | ECS | Orals | NH6.2

Widespread extent of irrecoverable aquifer depletion revealed by country-wide analysis of land surface subsidence hazard in Iran, 2014-2022, using two component Sentinel-1 InSAR time series 

Jessica Payne, Andrew Watson, Yasser Maghsoudi, Susanna K. Ebmeier, Richard Rigby, Milan Lazecký, Mark Thomas, and John Elliott

Ongoing depletion of Iran's groundwater, driven by human extraction, has contributed to 108 incidences of basin-scale land-surface subsidence covering 29,600 km2 (>10 mm/yr, 1.8 %) of the country, 75 % of which correlates with agriculture. We find Karaj city, neighbouring Iran's capital Tehran, is exposed to the steepest surface velocity gradients (angular distortion, β) caused by differential subsidence rates, with 23,000 people exposed to ‘high' subsidence induced hazard. We further use these velocity gradients to aid identification of structural and geological controls on surface velocities of seven of Iran’s most populated cities, identifying potentially unmapped tectonic faults. We demonstrate that most of Iran’s subsidence is permanent (inelastic), with the spatial pattern of the proportion of inelastic deformation potentially depending on geology. During a recent, severe regional drought (2020-2023) we demonstrate the control of precipitation on the elastic, recoverable subsidence deformation magnitude with the elastic to inelastic deformation ratio falling from 41-44 % pre-drought to 31-36 % post-drought. We use automatically processed short baseline networks of Sentinel-1 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data, 2014-2022, to generate and estimate these ground displacements through time. We correct for atmospheric noise using weather model data and perform time series analysis in the satellite line-of-sight direction, serving this data through an open-access online portal. For each subsidence region, we decompose line-of-sight velocities into 100 m resolution vertical and horizontal (east-west) surface velocity fields. We use temporal Independent Component Analysis to constrain automatically and manually the inelastic and elastic components of subsidence, respectively.

How to cite: Payne, J., Watson, A., Maghsoudi, Y., Ebmeier, S. K., Rigby, R., Lazecký, M., Thomas, M., and Elliott, J.: Widespread extent of irrecoverable aquifer depletion revealed by country-wide analysis of land surface subsidence hazard in Iran, 2014-2022, using two component Sentinel-1 InSAR time series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-102,, 2025.

EGU25-3487 | Posters on site | NH6.2

Sub-parallel Fault Afterslip and Weak Zone Relaxation after the 2024 Noto Earthquake 

Zhangfeng Ma, Haipeng Luo, Chenglong Li, Jihong Liu, and Shengji Wei

Postseismic deformation following large earthquakes provides critical insights to the stress state and rheology of seismogenic zones. Here, we use high-resolution geodetic observations to analyze the postseismic response to the 2024 moment magnitude (Mw) 7.5 Noto earthquake, highlighting complex interactions between coseismic slip and afterslip on subparallel faults. By examining approximately six months of postseismic deformation using InSAR and GNSS data, we observe dramatic subsidence exceeding 8 cm across the Noto Peninsula, alongside horizontal deformation extending over 400 km west-northwest into central Japan. Numerical models indicate that both viscoelastic relaxation and afterslip are responsible for the observed deformation, with viscoelastic relaxation playing a more significant role in the pronounced subsidence in the peninsula. A weak zone, characterized by viscoelastic behavior, is required to explain localized deformations westward of the volcanic arc. Static stress analysis suggests that shallow afterslip overlaps with coseismic slip but may occur on unknown parallel faults beneath the primary seismogenic fault, and that the afterslip is primarily driven by normal stress change rather than the commonly assumed shear stress. These findings highlight the complexity of afterslip and suggest that postseismic observations reflects both rheological heterogeneity and fault system complexity in the region.

How to cite: Ma, Z., Luo, H., Li, C., Liu, J., and Wei, S.: Sub-parallel Fault Afterslip and Weak Zone Relaxation after the 2024 Noto Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3487,, 2025.

Flooding, as a common natural disaster, poses severe threats to human life, property, and economic activities. To address these challenges, rapid, reliable, and robust flood extent detection plays a critical role in disaster prevention and mitigation. Recent advancements in computer vision, such as the Segment Anything Model (SAM), have introduced innovative approaches to flood detection by leveraging their strong feature extraction capabilities. However, their reliability in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-based flood detection tasks is limited due to the lack of relevant training samples. To address this limitation, this study fine-tunes SAM on SAR-based flood datasets using multiple Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques to explore the feasibility of applying SAM for flood detection with SAR imagery. Five mainstream PEFT techniques—BitFit, Adapter Tuning, Prompt Tuning, Prefix Tuning, and LoRA—were employed. The experimental results demonstrate that all fine-tuned models significantly improved their performance in terms of Intersection over Union (IoU) and accuracy. Among them, the model fine-tuned with the LoRA technique achieved the best performance, with improvements of 34.88% and 44.33% in IoU and accuracy, respectively. This study highlights the potential of fine-tuning SAM for flood detection in SAR imagery and provides a novel approach to improving the accuracy and reliability of flood mapping.

Keywords: Flood Detection, SAR imagery, Segment Anything Model, PEFT

How to cite: Wang, Z. and Zhang, C.: Adapting the Segment Anything Model for SAR-Based Flood Detection Using Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3524,, 2025.

EGU25-3780 | Orals | NH6.2

Post-mining displacement monitoring with InSAR in the eastern Ruhrarea and Ibbenbüren 

Markus Even and Hansjörg Kutterer

In the frame of the project "FloodRisk: Earthquakes, uplift, and long-term liabilities – risks minimisation during mine flooding" funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), a consortium of partners from applied research and industry worked on an integrated view on the post-mining process of German hard coal mines in the eastern Ruhrarea, Ibbenbüren and Saarland. Aspects of geodesy, geophysics, soil gas technology and geology in the context of mine flooding were investigated by experts in these fields. The Geodetic Institute Karlsruhe contributed to FloodRisk by monitoring ground displacements with help of InSAR and GNSS.

The focus of our presentation will be a clustering approach that allowed to obtain an understanding of the variable spatio-temporal displacement field during mine flooding measured with help of InSAR. For mine Heinrich-Robert in the eastern Ruhrarea and for mine Ibbenbüren, both in the German state North-Rhine Westfalia, Sentinel-1-data for the observation period January 2018 to December 2022 from an ascending and a descending orbit were combined in order to obtain vertical and East-West displacements. Because of the large number of measurement points, time series with almost 300 values and variable spatio-temporal displacements, the analysis of the displacement patterns is challenging. A broken stick model (piecewise linear and continuous) with six break points proved to be able to approximate the time series quite well. Clustering feature vectors based on parameters of the broken stick model (location, break point, change of displacement rate, displacement rate after the break point) for points with considerable change of displacement rate allowed to describe the main changes of the displacement fields. In case of mine Ibbenbüren, the transition from massive subsidence during the last months of active mining to uplift caused by the rising mine water is characterized by phases that are clearly separated by certain break times that do not vary spatially. For mine Heinrich-Robert, the evolution of the displacement pattern is more complicated and the break times vary spatially.

How to cite: Even, M. and Kutterer, H.: Post-mining displacement monitoring with InSAR in the eastern Ruhrarea and Ibbenbüren, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3780,, 2025.

In the management and maintenance of port area operations, the ability to swiftly and effectively monitor and predict the settlement deformation of breakwaters remains a critical challenge. Addressing the difficulties in monitoring and predicting breakwaters under harsh offshore and deep-water conditions, we propose an innovative method combining PS-InSAR and CNN-LSTM-SE for predictive analysis. This study utilized 88 Sentinel-1A ascending radar satellite images acquired between January 2019 and December 2021, employing PS-InSAR technology to invert and derive deformation values along the radar line of sight in the port area. Focusing on the eastern breakwater, we extracted time-series settlement data from nine monitoring points through data transformation and applied the CNN-LSTM-SE neural network algorithm for predictive analysis, coupled with a risk assessment of breakwater settlement. The results indicate that from 2019 to 2021, the settlement rate of the eastern breakwater ranged from -140 to -20 mm/a, exhibiting a wave-like trend that progressively intensified from the shoreward side to the deep-water side, with a maximum cumulative settlement reaching 356.1 mm. The predictions from the CNN-LSTM-SE model aligned closely with monitoring results, with a correlation coefficient exceeding 0.95. Compared to other methods, CNN-LSTM-SE demonstrated superior predictive accuracy, making it well-suited for settlement forecasting of offshore deep-water breakwaters. High-risk settlement areas in the port are likely to face structural instability due to settlement rates and differential settlement. Specifically, Zone I of the western breakwater reclamation and the eastern breakwater slope are vulnerable to ground settlement and structural damage caused by heavy loads and uneven load distribution, respectively. To mitigate these risks, it is imperative to establish a multi-tiered monitoring and early warning system to capture real-time changes in the foundation. These research findings provide essential technical support and data reference for the safe operation and maintenance of port areas.

How to cite: Han, X., Guan, Y., and Li, G.: Settlement monitoring and prediction of offshore deepwater breakwater based on PS-InSAR and CNN-LSTM-SE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4651,, 2025.

As an important part of geomorphic unit in high mountain area, Steep Canyon is one of the areas where slow-moving Landslide occur most frequently and with the largest scale due to its complex geological setting, steep terrain and intense river erosion, which pose serious risks to infrastructure and people downstream. We focus here on the slow-moving landslides along Jinshajiang steep canyon in the Southeast Tibet of China to revel the scientific issues what factor control the evolution process of these landslide. We estimate the ground displacement from time series analysis of Landsat series images and Sentinel-1 SAR images, spanning a more than 10 year period. Then field surveys on typical landslides were carried out, including reconstructing their three-dimensional structure, obtaining their material composition and rock mass structure and crevices information. The results show that there are significant differences in the deformation velocity of slow-moving landslides in the steep canyon. Specifically, the fastest landslide deformation velocity reaches 67 meters per year, so that this change can only be reversed by the correlation analysis on optical image. On the contrary , the slowest landslide deformation velocity is less than 1 meter per year, and this deformation can usually only be retrieved by time-series SAR technology. Combined with the field investigation and data analysis of meteorological stations and hydrological stations, we found an interesting phenomenon that the factors affecting the accelerated deformation of landslides are determined by the material and structure of the landslide. Accelerated deformation of high-level bedrock landslide have an obvious response to rainfall infiltration damage, but accelerated  deformation response of loose accumulation landslide and ancient landslide is resulted from to river peak discharge. These observations provide a basis for us to build a regional landslide dynamic prediction model in steep canyon that pave the way of dynamic risk management of slow-moving landslide.

How to cite: Li, Y., Cui, Y., and Guo, J.: Reconstructing the Evolution of Slow-Moving Landslides in Steep Canyons using multi-platform satellite images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4670,, 2025.

EGU25-6090 | Posters on site | NH6.2

Establishing Time-Series 2D Surface Deformation to Investigate the Characteristics and Mechanisms of Land Subsidence in the Central Taiwan 

Chih-Heng Lu, Jiun-Yee Yen, Chun-Chin Wang, Hsuan Ren, Yue-Gau Chen, Ta-Kang Yeh, Chuen-Fa Ni, and Chung-Pai Chang

Over the past 50 years, the Choushui River Fluvial Plan (CRFP) has been plagued by land subsidence caused by excessive groundwater extraction in the central Taiwan. While many geodetic techniques have successfully monitored surface deformation in this area, high spatiotemporal resolution data on vertical surface deformation remains insufficient. Thanks to the high observation frequency and moderate spatial resolution of Sentinel-1 satellite series, combined with well-developed multi-temporal InSAR (MTI) analysis techniques, this limitation has gradually been addressed. This study applied Persistent Scatterer InSAR (PSI) to analyze Sentinel-1 satellite data from 2016 to 2021, obtaining LOS displacement information from two orbits in the CRFP. Temporally, the study reduced disturbances in the LOS time series and constructed synchronized LOS observation data for both tracks at the same time intervals. Spatially, a 200-meter averaging grid was constructed to resolve PSI points mismatch issues from both orbits. The results were ultimately resolved into two-dimensional (E-W and U-D) time-series displacement components. By performing k-means clustering on the time-series vertical displacement data, the land subsidence characteristics of the study area were categorized into four groups: severe subsidence, moderate subsidence, mild subsidence, and normal condition. These clustering results can aid governmental agencies in drafting groundwater usage regulations. In the future, this study will integrate borehole data and groundwater level information to infer hydrogeological parameters and explore the spatial variability of groundwater volumes and geological materials.

How to cite: Lu, C.-H., Yen, J.-Y., Wang, C.-C., Ren, H., Chen, Y.-G., Yeh, T.-K., Ni, C.-F., and Chang, C.-P.: Establishing Time-Series 2D Surface Deformation to Investigate the Characteristics and Mechanisms of Land Subsidence in the Central Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6090,, 2025.

EGU25-6765 | Posters on site | NH6.2

A Novel Method for Extracting Mining-Induced Ground Deformation Using InSAR and the Weibull Model 

Teng wang, Yunjia Wang, Feng Zhao, Sen Du, and José Fernández

Underground mining of natural resources disrupts the original stress balance of the surrounding rock masses, causing deformation in overlying rock layers and the ground surface. These disturbances may cause various geohazards, such as collapses, landslides, structural damage to buildings and infrastructure, and ecological degradation. Therefore, it is crucial to accurately extract and predict mining-induced ground deformation to assess and prevent mining-related geohazards. Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) has been widely applied to monitor mining-induced deformation. However, due to the rapid rates and high spatial gradients of the mining-induced deformation, as well as rapid changes in ground topography, it is difficult to extract accurate and continuous deformation measurements using InSAR. To this end, this study proposed a novel method for extracting mining-induced deformation based on the InSAR and Weibull model.

The core concept behind the proposed method is to link time-interval InSAR-derived deformation using a time-series model, enabling the extraction and prediction of mining-induced deformation. Specifically, the method for connecting the deformation of line-of-sight (LOS) is first established based on the Weibull model. The initial model parameters are then derived using the genetic algorithm-particle swarm optimization (GA-PSO) approach. These parameters are subsequently optimized according to their spatial distribution characteristics. Finally, the trust-region reflective least squares (TRRLS) algorithm is applied to determine the final model parameters, enabling the extraction of mining-induced deformation during the monitoring period. The results indicate that the extracted deformation is accurate and consistent overall, with root mean square errors (RMSE) of approximately 9.8mm and 14.1mm observed for the simulation and field experiments, respectively. Furthermore, leveling data are also used to validate the accuracy of the proposed method, yielding an RMSE of 32.6mm. Additionally, the relationships between the Weibull model parameters, ground subsidence values, and initial subsidence time are analyzed. The effects of various factors—estimation algorithms, number of observations, time intervals, and monitoring errors—on the proposed method are examined. These results suggest that the proposed algorithm can be a practical and cost-effective tool for extracting mining-induced displacements and assessing and mitigating mining-related geohazards.

This work has been supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 52474184 and Grant 42474018, in part by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant 2023T160685 and Grant 2020M671646, in part by Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST under Grant 2023QNRC001-YESS20230599, in part by the National Key R&D Program of China under Grant 2022YFE0102600, in part by supported by the Construction Program of Space-Air-Ground-Well Cooperative Awareness Spatial Information Project under Grant B20046, in part by the China Scholarship Council under Grant 202406420081, in part by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion under Grant G2HOTSPOTS (PID2021-122142OB-I00), and in part by the AEI, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Convocatoria Proyectos en Colaboración Público Privada, 2021, under Grant CPP2021-009072 (STONE), and Defsour-PLUS (PDC2022-133304-I00) from the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE with funds from NextGenerationEU/PRTR.

How to cite: wang, T., Wang, Y., Zhao, F., Du, S., and Fernández, J.: A Novel Method for Extracting Mining-Induced Ground Deformation Using InSAR and the Weibull Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6765,, 2025.

EGU25-6915 | Orals | NH6.2

How Much Can We Rely on InSAR to Measure Deformation Correctly? 

Sami Samie Esfahany and Shahabodin Badamfirooz

InSAR has been nowadays accepted as a standard tool for measuring the earth surface deformation in different natural and human-induced hazard applications. Despite this acceptance, the quality, and in particular the reliability, of InSAR deformation estimates under unfavorable conditions, e.g., large displacements with strong spatio-temporal variations or in highly vegetated and decorrelating terrains is still questionable and sometimes controversial. In particular, under these conditions, the InSAR algorithms are highly prone to unwrapping errors, which can result in incorrect (or biased) deformation estimates. As there is no standard analytical criterion to assess the probability of unwrapping error occurrence, a question is always raised in these scenarios: How much can we rely on InSAR to measure deformation correctly?

Although an experienced InSAR specialist may qualitatively assess the reliability of the results based on his own knowledge and analytical skills, such an assessment is not straightforward for end users of InSAR-derived products. This may end in a misinterpretation of, or a misinformation about InSAR results. In this regard, there is a need for a reliability-description approach capable of digesting the different processing factors, settings, and assumptions to quantify the probability of correct phase unwrapping, and in this way, to provide an analytical measure to assess the reliability of the results.

In this contribution, we argue that InSAR measurements are inherently ambiguous with respect to deformation, in contrast to other geodetic techniques. Therefore InSAR requires a distinctive approach for quality description. As unwrapping errors may occur due to different causes, we argue that we need different quality description approach for each cause. Here we introduce three quality measures: i) measure of unwrapping correctness to quantify the probability of correct unwrapping error for each point, ii) measure of reliability to quantify the sensitivity of the used algorithms to detect unwrapping errors, and iii) measure of falsifiability to quantify how much sensitive the results are to the used a-priori assumptions of phase unwrapping. We argue that with exploitation of these three quality measures, we can offer a comprehensive quality description framework to assess the reliability of InSAR-derived products. The idea of such quality description is demonstrated via different subsidence case studies in Iran. 

How to cite: Samie Esfahany, S. and Badamfirooz, S.: How Much Can We Rely on InSAR to Measure Deformation Correctly?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6915,, 2025.

EGU25-7642 | ECS | Orals | NH6.2

High-resolution mapping of coastal subsidence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta using advanced InSAR and ground observations 

Lin Shen, Austin J. Chadwick, Michael S. Steckler, Kristy French Tiampo, Carol Wilson, Steven Lee Goodbred, and Bar Oryan

Coastal regions face a cascading sustainability crisis due to rising sea levels, stronger storms, land loss, salinization, and ecosystem collapse. These risks are particularly severe in densely populated lowland river deltas, which are highly sensitive to effective sea-level rise that combines eustatic ocean levels, subsidence, and tidal amplification. The Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta (GBD) in Bangladesh is such a region, characterized by geomorphic dynamism and rapid land-use changes associated with agriculture and urbanization, highlighting the critical need for accurate surface elevation change measurements.

In this study, we process Sentinel-1 datasets spanning 2014-2024 and derive a 30-meter resolution InSAR velocity field over coastal Bangladesh, sufficient to resolve differences between villages and fields. We incorporate a high-resolution (5-meter) Worldview DEM referenced to ICESat-2 altimeter data and implement a suite of innovative InSAR algorithms to enhance pixel recovery in coastal areas, improve atmospheric noise mitigation, and refine time series retrieval.

By integrating InSAR-derived deformation measurements with ground observations, including RSET-MH, continuous GNSS, and campaign-based GNSS resurveys of geodetic monuments, we identify higher subsidence rates in areas of active sedimentation, such as rice fields and mangrove forests, compared to urban areas containing buildings with deep foundations, revealing the influence of surface landscape on the observed deformation. We demonstrate that seasonal deformation, driven by elastic loading and poroelastic effects, can be distinguished and separated through a combination of the retrieved InSAR time series and continuous GNSS time series.

Additionally, we validate InSAR observations using a poroelastic model for coastal subsidence that incorporates shallow (<10 m depth) geomorphic and land-use processes often excluded from modern models, finding strong agreement between model predictions and observed data. This study not only advances the assessment of sea-level rise risks for the densely populated GBD but also establishes a transferable framework for addressing challenges across vulnerable coastal communities worldwide.

How to cite: Shen, L., Chadwick, A. J., Steckler, M. S., Tiampo, K. F., Wilson, C., Goodbred, S. L., and Oryan, B.: High-resolution mapping of coastal subsidence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta using advanced InSAR and ground observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7642,, 2025.

Landslides are common geological phenomena that occur worldwide. When triggered by external factors such as earthquakes or rainfall, internal changes like increased shear stress or reduced shear strength can lead to accelerated landslide motion. In recent years, the intensification of human activities and the increasing frequency of extreme weather events have further raised the likelihood of catastrophic landslide events. Monitoring landslides is a critical approach to mitigating the associated risks. Particularly, advancements in spaceborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technology have provided higher spatial resolution data, significantly advancing the study of landslide dynamics. However, due to geometric limitations of spaceborne InSAR, the technology typically retrieves only one-dimensional line-of-sight (LOS) displacement, restricting its broader applicability. In this study, we employed advanced techniques such as SPFS and KFI-4D to extract multi-dimensional deformation fields by integrating multi-source SAR observations. We successfully derived 3-D and 4-D movement fields for the Xinpu landslide in the Three Goreges Reservoir (TGR) region of China and the Hooskanaden landslide on the west coast of the United States. Based on these results, we further applied the laws of mass conservation, a one-dimensional pore-water diffusion model, and geodynamic methods to estimate landslide kinematic parameters, including landslide thickness, effective hydraulic diffusivity, and strain invariants. These findings offer deeper insights into landslide movement behaviors. Additionally, we explored the potential of utilizing next-generation SAR satellites, such as NISAR, to obtain multi-dimensional landslide movement fields. The results indicate that integrating left-looking SAR observations from platforms like NISAR can significantly improve the accuracy of InSAR-derived multi-dimensional deformation fields and expand their application scenarios in landslide studies.

How to cite: Zheng, W., Hu, J., and Huang, B.: From 1-D to 4-D: Enhancing Landslide Monitoring through InSAR-Derived Multi-Dimensional Movement Fields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7836,, 2025.

EGU25-9200 | Orals | NH6.2

Satellite radar observation and advanced interpretation for stability monitoring of open pits: the Manefay failure (Kennecott Copper Mine), Utah, USA 

Jose Fernandez, Sen Du, Sergey V. Samsonov, Zhongbo Hu, Susana Rodríguez, Kristy F. Tiampo, and Antonio G. Camacho

Slope stability monitoring is a very important aspect in open pit mining processes, where landslides without warning may cause huge loss of life, injuries and infrastructure damage, interfering with mine planning and causing significant increased costs and economic losses. Slope monitoring, modeling and stability analysis help to improve the safety of mining activities and to minimize these economic effects. For slope monitoring, many techniques are available, including the use of prisms, GNSS, total stations, extensometers, inclinometers, infrasound sensors, and ground-based radar. All those techniques only give observation data from the epoch over which the sensors have been installed and cover only the specific areas where they are installed. Both aspects can be important, conditioning the results and their applicability.  To complement these observation techniques and overcome their limitations remote satellite interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) analysis can be applied to detect and characterize unstable areas, although it normally is not used in an operative way.  Even if the deformation data are obtained in a continuous (or nearly continuous) way, normally they are not inverted using methodologies which allow determination of the initial stages of ground fracturing, the 3D characteristics of the sources acting to produce the observed deformation, their location- and time-evolution. A study of this type could facilitate early detection, in some cases a long time before a potential landslide, helping to support decision making about preventive and/or corrective measures, and to avoid disasters, minimizing impacts. We present here a new methodology that would complement the current operational ones. This methodology implies the use of two complementary aspects in the open pits monitoring: operational monitoring of the pit and its surroundings using InSAR observation looking for precursory small line of sight (LOS) displacements; and the use of an interpretation methodology to estimate the source’s location and characteristics and their time evolution. This interpretation methodology is able to invert simultaneously ascending and descending time-series of InSAR LOS displacement data, assuming the existence of possible offset values in these data sets which will be estimated during the inversion process. 3-D sources for pressure and dislocations (strike-slip, dip-slip, and tensile, representing fractures and faults) are adjusted without having any a priori hypotheses on the source characteristics (number, nature, shape or location). This approach automatically assigns the number of sources, their type, magnitude values (MPa for pressure and cm for dislocations), as well as their position and orientation (angles of dislocation planes). The inversion methodology is nonlinear, based on an exploratory approach of the model space.  To evaluate the applicability of this new approach we consider a very well-known test-case, the Manefay landslide at Bingham Canyon open pit mine, happened on April 10th, 2013, in southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. This research has been supported by grants G2HOTSPOTS (PID2021-122142OB-I00), STONE (CPP2021-009072) and Defsour-PLUS (PDC2022-133304-I00) from the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE with funds from NextGenerationEU/PRTR.

How to cite: Fernandez, J., Du, S., Samsonov, S. V., Hu, Z., Rodríguez, S., Tiampo, K. F., and Camacho, A. G.: Satellite radar observation and advanced interpretation for stability monitoring of open pits: the Manefay failure (Kennecott Copper Mine), Utah, USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9200,, 2025.

EGU25-9357 | ECS | Orals | NH6.2

Advances and Future Directions in Monitoring and Predicting Secondary Surface Subsidence in Abandoned Mines 

Sen Du, José Fernández, Teng Wang, Zhongbo Hu, Susana Rodríguez, and Antonio G. Camacho

In recent years, the prolonged exploitation of natural resources has led to the depletion of reserves in some mining areas, resulting in the closure of mines worldwide. After mine closures, the fractured rock masses in abandoned mine cavities undergo weathering and degradation due to factors such as stress and groundwater, leading to reduced strength. This change alters the stress distribution and load-bearing capacity of the fractured rock within the abandoned voids, resulting in secondary or multiple deformations on the surface, which pose significant potential threats to surface infrastructure and public safety. Research into the mechanisms, patterns, and predictive methods of secondary surface subsidence in closed mines is thus of great theoretical and practical significance. Based on literature review and practical monitoring experiences in closed mine sites, this study systematically examines and analyzes the current state of surface secondary subsidence monitoring methods, formation mechanisms, spatiotemporal distribution patterns, and prediction methods in closed mines, as well as existing challenges. Initially, we compare the advantages and limitations of conventional surface deformation monitoring techniques with remote sensing techniques, emphasizing the benefits and issues of using InSAR technology. Next, by reviewing extensive data, we analyze the formation mechanisms and spatiotemporal evolution of overburden and surface secondary subsidence in closed mines. Building on this analysis, we discuss numerical and analytical methods for predicting secondary surface subsidence mechanisms in closed mines, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Predictive models for surface subsidence and uplift phases in the longwall collapse method are presented based on the constitutive relationships of fractured rock masses. Finally, the study highlights that the mechanisms and patterns of overburden and surface subsidence in closed mines represent a highly complex physical-mechanical process involving geological mining environments, fractured rock structures, constitutive relations, deformation characteristics, hydro-mechanical interactions, and groundwater dynamics, underscoring the need for further in-depth research. The conclusions are proved by some coal mining cases in China.This research has been supported by grants G2HOTSPOTS (PID2021-122142OB-I00), STONE (CPP2021-009072) and Defsour-PLUS (PDC2022-133304-I00) from the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE with funds from NextGenerationEU/PRTR.

How to cite: Du, S., Fernández, J., Wang, T., Hu, Z., Rodríguez, S., and Camacho, A. G.: Advances and Future Directions in Monitoring and Predicting Secondary Surface Subsidence in Abandoned Mines, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9357,, 2025.

EGU25-9853 | Posters on site | NH6.2

Fault coupling and creep control landslide distribution in southeastern Tibet, China, from SAR interferometry 

Liquan Chen, Zhong Lu, Chaoying Zhao, and Jinqi Zhao

Landslides pose a significant hazard to lives and property worldwide. Understanding the triggering factors of landslides provides essential information for hazard mitigation. While much research has focused on the effects of precipitation, underground mining, water level changes, and earthquakes on landslides, there remains a gap in understanding the impact of long-term and subtle tectonic interseismic motion, particularly over large-scale areas. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is widely used in landslide research, effectively detecting wide-area landslides and monitoring high-risk individual landslides. Additionally, it provides insights into the triggering factors and failure mechanisms of landslides. This study focuses on the Chuandian block area in southeastern Tibet, China, an area characterized by active tectonic motion.

First, we proposed an automated method for detecting landslides from wide-area InSAR deformation rates, utilizing density clustering and minimum boundary extraction. Using this method, potential landslides were successfully detected in the Chuandian block. The relationship between landslide distribution and the shallow coupling and creep of faults in the Chuandian block was then comprehensively analyzed based on the results of wide-area landslide distribution and interseismic deformation. Specifically, three-dimensional deformation along the Ganzi-Yushu and Xianshuihe faults was monitored using multi-orbit Sentinel-1 SAR and GNSS observations. An elastic dislocation model was also applied to invert shallow creep along these faults. Finally, the development patterns of landslides under the combined influence of internal and external dynamics were summarized. In high-creep areas along the faults, long-term and subtle interseismic motion of the shallow surface led to significant fissure development and structural deterioration in rock and soil, creating internal conditions conducive to landslide formation. External dynamics, including river erosion, precipitation, freezing, and thawing, further accelerated landslide development. Our findings underscore the importance of understanding the relationship between interseismic motion and landslides to enhance knowledge of how tectonic processes influence landslide formation and to support improved hazard mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Chen, L., Lu, Z., Zhao, C., and Zhao, J.: Fault coupling and creep control landslide distribution in southeastern Tibet, China, from SAR interferometry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9853,, 2025.

EGU25-9931 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.2

Surface Deformation Risk Assessment in Hydrocarbon Fields: Insights from the Niger Delta Nigeria 

Imeime Uyo, Mahdi Motagh, and Mahmud Haghighi

Monitoring and identifying surface deformation in hydrocarbon fields are fundamental for assessing and managing risks associated with hydrocarbon exploration. Gaining a clear understanding of the scale and characteristics of surface deformation within production areas is critical for managing potential environmental impacts. This knowledge enables the development of effective strategies to mitigate risks, ensuring that exploration and production activities are carried out in a way that minimizes environmental harm and supports long-term sustainability.

In this study, we identify risk-prone areas within the hydrocarbon-rich Niger Delta Nigeria region using wide-area PSI displacement maps. The most prominent Active Deformation Areas (ADAs) are analyzed to derive key outputs: the Gradient Intensity Map, Gradient Vectors and Time Series, and the Potential Damage Map. These outputs facilitate the identification of infrastructure within the study area that may be at risk of damage. This preliminary identification can be further refined through detailed, infrastructure-specific vulnerability and risk assessments.

The findings offer essential insights into the connection between surface deformation and hydrocarbon production activities in the Niger Delta. These insights are crucial for promoting sustainable resource management, guiding infrastructure development, and mitigating environmental impacts in regions rich in hydrocarbons.

How to cite: Uyo, I., Motagh, M., and Haghighi, M.: Surface Deformation Risk Assessment in Hydrocarbon Fields: Insights from the Niger Delta Nigeria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9931,, 2025.

EGU25-10286 | ECS | Orals | NH6.2

SAR Remote Sensing for Landslide Dynamics and Hazards 

Yuankun Xu, Roland Bürgmann, Zhong Lu, and Eric Fielding

Over the past three decades, SAR remote sensing has evolved into an instrumental tool for quantifying surface deformation and has significantly facilitated the advancement of landslide science, especially for studying slow-moving landslides. Here, we present multiple exemplary studies to showcase SAR’s essential values in large-area landslide mapping, continuous and near-real-time deformation monitoring, unveiling of spatiotemporal landslide dynamics, and commensurate hazard assessment and runout inundation forecast. These case studies entail exploration of P/L/C/X-band SAR data acquired from variable spaceborne and airborne platforms with distinct temporal and spatial resolutions, integration of multi-sensor remote sensing and field measurements, and SAR-observation-informed mechanistic modeling of landslide physics and hazards. In addition, we discuss the current challenges of landslide studies using SAR and the potential solutions and pathways forward, in the context of increasingly available and diverse SAR datasets globally. Importantly, the capabilities and challenges of SAR remote sensing highlighted here extend beyond landslide research, offering valuable insights for addressing other human-induced and natural hazards, including glacier movement, tectonic faulting, volcanic unrest, and urban subsidence.

How to cite: Xu, Y., Bürgmann, R., Lu, Z., and Fielding, E.: SAR Remote Sensing for Landslide Dynamics and Hazards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10286,, 2025.

Large landslides near water reservoirs represent a critical hazard, with the potential to cause dam breaches or overtopping, posing severe risks to infrastructure and downstream areas. To evaluate landslide activity on the slopes above the Mingachevir and Shamkir Water Reservoirs, we applied InSAR time series analysis using the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) method. Our study focused on ground movement along the northeast limb of the Boz Dag anticline near the Mingachevir Reservoir and cliffs above the Shamkir Reservoir. Results revealed ground displacements of up to 5 cm per year on the northern slopes of the Boz Dag anticline, with the most active areas located over 2 km from the dam. The observed movement generally exhibited a linear trend, with no evidence of noticeable acceleration. Overall, the largest movements appear to be at the base of the slope, where the dip slopes of the anticline are steepest. Although landslide activity has been evident in recent years, the extent of the landslides is relatively small compared to the volume of the reservoir, and even a potential collapse is unlikely to cause a significant displacement wave or damage to the dam. In contrast to Mingachevir area, the landslide on the cliff above the Shamkir Reservoir exhibited no significant ground displacement.

How to cite: Brezny, M.: Landslide Dynamics in the Vicinity of the Mingachevir and Shamkir Reservoirs (Azerbaijan): Insights from InSAR Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10534,, 2025.

EGU25-11366 | ECS | Orals | NH6.2

Deep Learning and Wavelet Transform for InSAR Volcanic Deformation Detection 

Teo Beker and Xiao Xiang Zhu

Globally, there are about 1400 active volcanoes, and each year, 20 to 50 volcanic eruptions occur, many of which lack on-site monitoring. Open-source InSAR technology, like Sentinel-1, allows tracking volcanic deformations globally, even in remote or hard-to-access locations. By utilizing persistent and distributed scatterer interferometry (PSI/DSI), InSAR data can reveal subtle, millimeter-scale deformations, enabling granular tracking of volcanic activity. Furthermore, deep learning (DL) models can automatically identify and flag these changes as an alert or for further analysis.

This experiment utilizes a classification deep learning architecture, InceptionResNet v2, to detect volcanic deformations in InSAR data. The used dataset consists of 5-year-long deformation maps covering the Central Volcanic Zone in the South American Andes and reserves the known volcanic regions for testing. The remaining data and synthetic volcanic deformations are used to train the model.

GradCAM, the explainability tool, shows that accurate identification and differentiation of deformation signals are difficult on the model due to the subtle volcanic deformations observed in InSAR data. To address this, we apply wavelet transformations and filtering techniques to enhance the data, thereby improving the performance of the deep learning model.

Applying Daubechies 2 wavelet transform emphasizes subtle large-area, mostly volcanic, signals while removing the milder high-frequency patterns. The DL models are trained, and each is tested on the data with up to four wavelet transforms. The model trained and tested on original data achieves a 64.02% AUC ROC average, while when tested on data two times transformed by wavelet transform, it improves to 84.14% AUC ROC average.

We show that Daubechies 2 wavelet transform cleans data while amplifying the volcanic deformation. A side effect is that it enlarges the small area deformations, significant in intensity. This issue can be solved by filtering the data in preprocessing. Utilizing this method, models can detect even the smallest deformations of 5 mm/year.

How to cite: Beker, T. and Zhu, X. X.: Deep Learning and Wavelet Transform for InSAR Volcanic Deformation Detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11366,, 2025.

EGU25-12045 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.2

Assessing fast and accurate InSAR coherence change detection methods for near real-time earthquake response applications 

Paula Burgi, David Wald, Susu Xu, Xuechun Li, and Haeyoung Noh

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides rapid (within 30 min) estimates of earthquake-induced impacts and ground failure following significant events. These products are based solely on pre-event data and event-specific shaking estimates and do not include direct observations of building damage, casualties, or ground failure following an earthquake. To this end, the USGS is developing an intermediate-timeframe (within days to a week) pipeline for post-earthquake products that combines the current rapid estimation products with post-event observations to identify the most affected areas more accurately. As a vital component of this pipeline, the USGS is developing in-house capabilities to identify post-earthquake building damage and ground failure using Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) coherence-based change detection maps (CDMs). We have previously shown that high-quality CDMs—in conjunction with accurate building footprints, prior building damage, and ground failure model estimates—improve upon a priori models of building damage and help differentiate building damage from ground failure effects. However, there is no standardized method for CDM generation, and approaches can vary substantially in computational cost and storage requirements. In this study, we evaluate the trade-offs between different CDM generation methods by assessing: (1) the number of pre-event images and coherence pairs, (2) the specific change detection method, and (3) earthquake-specific factors such as regional climate and timing relative to seasonal cycles. To quantify the accuracy of the different CDM generation methods, we compare our results with direct observations of building damage and ground failure data from three large events: the 2021 Haiti earthquake, the 2023 Morocco earthquake, and the 2023 Türkiye/Syria earthquake sequence. This work is an important step towards incorporating valuable post-event observations into near-real-time USGS earthquake products.

How to cite: Burgi, P., Wald, D., Xu, S., Li, X., and Noh, H.: Assessing fast and accurate InSAR coherence change detection methods for near real-time earthquake response applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12045,, 2025.

EGU25-12121 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.2

Land subsidence analysis in Taipei Basin, Taiwan, integrating Sentinel-1 InSAR, groundwater and rainfall data 

Erik Rivas, Mahmud Haghighi, Mahdi Motagh, Jyr-Ching Hu, and Shao-Hung Lin

Excessive groundwater extraction in the Taipei Basin, Taiwan, has resulted in significant land subsidence in the past.
In the 1950s, the Taipei basin experienced strong subsidence rates due to excessive groundwater pumping and regulations were necessary to control them.  The geodetic monitoring of ground deformation in the basin started in 1948 when the government established levelling routes to monitor the land subsidence impact. From 1975 to 1989 subsidence rates decreased and the aquifer exhibited signs of recovery turning into uplift due to elastic rebound from 1990s until early 2000s. Since then, the basin has experienced interchangeable periods of subsidence and uplift, showing the high variability and complexity with its geological setting.

In this study, we use the remote sensing technique of Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) to quantify contemporary deformation in the Taipei basin from October 2014 until October 2024 using the open access satellite images from Sentinel-1. Additionally, we have investigated the basin along the same time period from different sources of data as groundwater level, levelling data and a rainfall station in the center of Taipei.

We applied the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) approach to retrieve the deformation time series by using multi-look and single-look interferograms. For the multi-look processing, we formed a network of interferograms with temporal baselines between 30 and 90 days with the open source software Miami InSAR time series in Python (MintPy), in order to minimize the impact of the phase bias. The single-look processing was performed by using a stack of coregistered SLC images to form a network of interferograms with a maximum temporal baseline of  120 days using the recently released open source software SARvey (Survey with SAR) for InSAR time series. The results show various subsidence deformation clusters in the basin with subsidence rates of 2-3 cm/yr, most of which also exhibit high seasonal deformations with an amplitude of 2 cm. Additionally, an uplifting signal was identified from late 2021, characterised by a  well-defined spatial boundary with a cumulative displacement of 3-4 cm. Comparison against groundwater level data suggests that this uplift signal in the center of the basin is associated with a rapid recovery going from -17 m in mid 2021 until -2 m by 2024 with a net increase of approximately -15 m. This might indicate an recharge event, however, no significant changes were identified in the rainfall data during this period, suggesting that there is reduction in the groundwater extraction activities.

How to cite: Rivas, E., Haghighi, M., Motagh, M., Hu, J.-C., and Lin, S.-H.: Land subsidence analysis in Taipei Basin, Taiwan, integrating Sentinel-1 InSAR, groundwater and rainfall data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12121,, 2025.

EGU25-12851 | Orals | NH6.2

Development of cost-effective passive corner reflectors using low-cost materials for SAR and InSAR applications  

Saeed Azadnejad, Andrew Trafford, Fiachra O'Loughlin, Eoghan P Holohan, and Shane Donohue

Corner reflectors (CRs) are artificial installations at specific locations that reflect radar or other electromagnetic waves toward their emission source. There are two types of corner reflector: passive CRs lack electronics, while active CRs have electronics to amplify the reflected signals. CRs have a high and stable radar cross section, a well-defined scattering centre, and are easily detectable in the image, making them suitable for SAR radiometric, geometric, and polarimetric calibration. CRs are also used for SAR interferometry (InSAR) applications over areas with few natural coherent scatterers, and for InSAR datum connection and geodetic integration. Passive CRs are often made of metal plates, such as aluminium. Drawbacks of using metal CRs include (i) their high cost, especially when many reflectors are required for monitoring purposes; (ii) creation of localized ground motion in soft or unstable soils and (iii) attractiveness for thieves. The main objective of this study is to investigate the use of low-cost and lightweight materials for making CRs. A cubic trihedral CR, made of 2mm thick aluminium plates, served as a baseline for our analysis.  It was compared to CRs built either from (a) 10mm thick multiwall polycarbonate sheets covered by 1mm thick aluminium foil tape, or from (b) multiwall polycarbonate sheets coated with metallic paint. In addition, the microstructure of these materials was analysed by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) technique in a laboratory. To assess the SAR reflectivity of the different CRs they were temporarily installed at a test site and their visibility and backscattering properties were assessed in Sentinel-1 images. Furthermore, two CRs were installed in a landslide to investigate their performance in a real InSAR application. The study revealed that low-cost materials can deliver performance levels comparable to metal materials, in terms of visibility and backscattering properties, while reducing the weight and cost.

How to cite: Azadnejad, S., Trafford, A., O'Loughlin, F., P Holohan, E., and Donohue, S.: Development of cost-effective passive corner reflectors using low-cost materials for SAR and InSAR applications , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12851,, 2025.

EGU25-13214 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.2

Decadal-scale analysis of Land Subsidence in Golestan province, Iran, Using SBAS-InSAR  

Mingyue Ma, Mahdi Motagh, and Mahmud Haghshenas Haghighi

Golestan Province in Iran is famous for its extensive agricultural production, where groundwater serves as the main source of irrigation. Continuous groundwater extraction in the region has led to declining water levels, resulting in widespread land subsidence, reducing groundwater storage capabilities and posing risks to infrastructure. To assess the impact of land subsidence in the area on the environment and infrastructure, we employ Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technology. We use the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) InSAR technique integrated within MintPy software to analyze the overall land subsidence in Golestan Province, utilizing data from various SAR sensors, including Sentinel-1, ALOS, Envisat, and ERS. Additionally, we apply the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) method integrated into SARvey software to estimate localized subsidence affecting infrastructure. We analyze Sentinel-1 data from 2014 to 2025 in both ascending and descending tracks to obtain the current rates of subsidence. Furthermore, we use ALOS, Envisat, and ERS data to estimate the historical rates of subsidence in the region. The results show that long-term subsidence is predominant in the Gorgan Plain, characterized by an east-west orientation and a maximum subsidence rate > 10  cm/year from 2014 to 2025. Results are analyzed to separate the effect of elastic from inelastic deformation and assess changes in the storativity of the aquifers over the last 3 decades.

How to cite: Ma, M., Motagh, M., and Haghshenas Haghighi, M.: Decadal-scale analysis of Land Subsidence in Golestan province, Iran, Using SBAS-InSAR , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13214,, 2025.

The Permian Basin, a major oil and natural gas source in the United States, is experiencing significant surface deformation due to hydrocarbon production and wastewater injection, impacting infrastructure, seismicity, and the environment. The region’s complex geology and presence of thousands of active hydrocarbon wells make deformation prediction challenging. Simple elastic models fail to capture these complexities, necessitating a more detailed approach. This study uses poroelastic modeling and InSAR to investigate the role of geology and subsurface pressure changes in surface deformation within the Delaware Basin, the most productive sub-basin of the Permian Basin.

First, Sentinel-1 SAR data were processed using persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) techniques to obtain surface deformation time series. The results indicate that a large portion of the Delaware Basin is subsiding, with two prominent deformation hotspots to the north of the Grisham Fault Zone (GFZ), subsiding at a rate of 3-4 cm/yr.

Then, focusing on the Northern Delaware Basin, where seismicity is minimal and subsidence primarily exhibits radial patterns, we developed a fully coupled poroelastic model in COMSOL® Multiphysics that integrates the conservation of momentum and mass to simulate subsurface fluid behavior. The model incorporates well data, fluid injection/extraction volumes, fault layers, and geological stratigraphy to simulate stress and pore pressure changes from hydrocarbon extraction and wastewater injection. Faults are modeled as discrete elements that either block or facilitate fluid movement, depending on their orientation and permeability. The results highlight the complex relationship between hydrocarbon production, wastewater injection, subsurface geology, fluid pressure propagation, and surface deformation.

The model’s predictions are then validated using InSAR-derived surface deformation data, offering a detailed understanding of stress and strain dynamics in the region. This study provides valuable insights into subsurface deformation in hydrocarbon-producing regions, with potential applications for assessing risks to infrastructure, seismicity, and environmental health.


How to cite: Karanam, V. and Lu, Z.: Poroelastic Modeling and InSAR Analysis of Hydrocarbon Production-Induced Surface Deformation in the Permian Basin, USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14878,, 2025.

EGU25-15970 | Orals | NH6.2

Near real-time wildfire building damage assessment with ICEYE SAR data 

Linda Corucci, Ruslan Sergeev, Aymeric Mainvis, Penelope Kourkouli, Sachin Kn, Orkhan Baghirli, and Peter Dorn

Wildfires are becoming larger and more frequent as a result of global warming, since hotter temperatures help create the conditions for increased fire activity. Wildfires thus constitute a serious threat for human life, and can cause catastrophic damages and property losses. When such disasters occur, it is critical to quickly assess their impact, so that authorities can make informed decisions about the safety of the population, and insurance practices can be initiated for the damaged properties. 

Typically, such assessment was done by manually inspecting aerial optical imagery, once available, to determine damages to the individual properties. However, safely flying over affected areas requires sufficient visibility and favorable wind conditions. Moreover, both the data acquisition and the   successive manual inspection are costly and time consuming processes. 

Satellite remote sensing can avoid the risk and costs associated with on-site surveys. In particular, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite sensors do not rely on daylight and are insensitive to smoke and clouds, therefore they can be used at all times of day and night during and after the event, in all weather conditions. The limiting factor for satellite imagery is normally the timeliness, given that the frequency with which a certain area is overpassed by most  satellites is in the range of several days or even longer. This is why having access to a constellation of SAR satellites that deliver near-real time imagery, on a  global scale, is a game changer in disaster assessment. 

ICEYE developed a specific solution for building damage evaluation, relying on prompt tasking SAR images  from their  large constellation of NewSpace satellites, and using machine learning models to quickly provide situational awareness on the whole fire perimeter, at a building level. The method is based on a post-event image only, without requiring any pre-event imagery.  In this presentation,  we present several case studies  of wildfire events that occurred in different regions of the US in 2023 and 2024, showing the damage maps obtained, and the performance achieved in classifying each building as damaged or undamaged. The results were compared with the ground truth information such as provided by official governmental entities or retrieved from aerial photographs. The automatic assessment performance metrics were then derived.

How to cite: Corucci, L., Sergeev, R., Mainvis, A., Kourkouli, P., Kn, S., Baghirli, O., and Dorn, P.: Near real-time wildfire building damage assessment with ICEYE SAR data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15970,, 2025.

EGU25-16014 | Orals | NH6.2

Ground Surface Displacement Measurement from SAR Imagery Using Deep Learning 

Zhong Lu, Jinwoo Kim, and Hyung-Sup Jung

Offset tracking using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) amplitude imagery is a valuable technique for detecting large ground displacements. However, the traditional offset tracking methods with the SAR datasets are computationally intensive and require significant time for processing. We have developed a novel cross-connection Siamese ResNet (CC-ResSiamNet). The model leverages multi-kernel offset tracking for preprocessing, followed by deep learning architectures that incorporate U-Net, cross-connections, and residual and attention blocks to predict pixel offsets between two SAR amplitude images. It is trained and tested on 200K pairs of reference and secondary SAR amplitude images, alongside corresponding target offset data from Alaska’s glaciers. The comparative analysis with multiple deep learning models confirmed that our designed model is highly generalizable, achieving rapid convergence, minimal overfitting, and high prediction accuracy. Through multi-scenario inference with glacier movements, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions worldwide, the model demonstrates strong performance, closely matching the accuracy of traditional methods while offering significantly faster processing times through parallel computing. The model’s rapid displacement mapping capability shows particular promise for improving disaster response and near real-time surface monitoring. While the approach encounters challenges in accurately capturing small-scale displacements, it opens new possibilities for SAR-based surface displacement prediction using machine learning. This research highlights the advantages of combining deep learning with SAR imagery for advancing geophysical analysis, with future applications anticipated as more commercial and scientific SAR missions launch globally.

How to cite: Lu, Z., Kim, J., and Jung, H.-S.: Ground Surface Displacement Measurement from SAR Imagery Using Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16014,, 2025.

EGU25-16050 | Posters on site | NH6.2

Towards Nationwide Probabilistic Mapping of Slow-Moving Landslides in Turkey Using InSAR 

Luigi Lombardo, Yu Wang, Nitheshnirmal Sadhasivam, Ashok Dahal, Cees van Westen, Ashutosh Tiwari, Susanna Werth, Manoochehr Shirzaei, and Hakan Tanyas

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is widely used for detecting slow-moving landslides due to its high spatial resolution and millimeter-level accuracy over large areas. However, the computational demands of processing SAR data have hindered the development of national-wide slow-moving landslide inventories for many mountainous regions worldwide. This study examines a probabilistic approach to identify hillslope deformation anomalies as proxies for slow-moving landslide locations. We generated surface deformation data for the southeastern region of Türkiye, leveraging the high coherence of Sentinel-1 SAR imagery in areas with sparse vegetation cover. On the basis of the InSAR-derived hillslope deformation spatiotemporal pattern, a modeling framework inspired by extreme value theory will be developed. This will feature a suite of topographic, seismic, anthropogenic, and climatic variables. The model aims at predicting surface deformation and calculating the exceedance probability above a threshold suitable for classifying slow-moving hillslopes. After training, the objective is to transfer the model to the entirety of Türkiye to identify hillslopes exhibiting significant surface deformation and locate potential slow-moving landslides. This protocol will lay the foundation for advancing landslide hazard assessments and guiding further risk investigations.

How to cite: Lombardo, L., Wang, Y., Sadhasivam, N., Dahal, A., van Westen, C., Tiwari, A., Werth, S., Shirzaei, M., and Tanyas, H.: Towards Nationwide Probabilistic Mapping of Slow-Moving Landslides in Turkey Using InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16050,, 2025.

EGU25-16422 | Orals | NH6.2

Benefits of Cross-Correlation Analysis for Monitoring Underground Gas Storage Operations Using EGMS data: A Case Study of Hatfield Moors (UK) 

Gabriele Fibbi, Alessandro Novellino, Luke Bateson, Riccardo Fanti, and Matteo Del Soldato

The aim of the study is to analyse the ground displacement behaviour observed above an Underground Gas Storage (UGS) site located at Hatfield Moors (United Kingdom), with a focus on understanding its implications for decarbonisation efforts. Hatfield is a larger wetland system in England, located in South Yorkshire. The UGS reservoir is located below an extensive peatland and serves as an active onshore analogue for a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) site used by the British Geological Survey (BGS) as part of the SENSE (assuring integrity of CO2 storage sites through ground surface monitoring) project. The investigation uses satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) to assess the environmental impact of UGS operations, leveraging the need for continuous and real-time monitoring of ground movements induced by gas storage activities. The utilisation of freely available, open-source and user-friendly Sentinel-1 data facilitates the analysis of ground motion patterns over Hatfield Moors, thereby highlighting displacements ranging from -5.0 to -10.0 mm/year within the peat bog. Furthermore, the Time Series (TS) of vertical ground displacement from January 2018 to December 2022 reveals a seasonality in ground motion, with uplift observed in late winter and subsidence in late summer, with a periodicity of approximately 1 year and a magnitude of ±10.0 mm. The study emphasises the need to investigate the underlying causes of ground fluctuations at gas storage sites through in-depth analysis. The results highlight the versatility of InSAR in integrating with a range of monitoring tools and methodologies, thereby facilitating multidisciplinary and holistic analyses. Cross-correlation analyses further elucidate temporal relationships between different datasets, evaluating InSAR TS, UGS injection/withdrawal data and piezometric data. This involves decomposing the TS into distinct components, including trend, seasonality and residuals. The case of Hatfield Moore shows a significant discrepancy between the UGS data and the InSAR TS, while it demonstrates a clear correlation between the groundwater data and the InSAR TS. By integrating insights from geology, hydrology and remote sensing technologies, the study navigates the complexities inherent in areas of overlapping phenomena. The work demonstrates the huge important of free available data and how much they that accurate interpretation is fundamental for informed decision-making, particularly at sites such as Hatfield Moors, where the convergence of peat activities and storage operations highlights the need for interdisciplinary analysis to understand the underlying causes of ground fluctuation.

How to cite: Fibbi, G., Novellino, A., Bateson, L., Fanti, R., and Del Soldato, M.: Benefits of Cross-Correlation Analysis for Monitoring Underground Gas Storage Operations Using EGMS data: A Case Study of Hatfield Moors (UK), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16422,, 2025.

Monitoring surface displacements that occur above storage caverns in salt bodies is important to estimate risks for infrastructure in the immediate vicinity. As the pressure inside a storage cavern is usually lower than in the surrounding rock, the cavern converges continuously. This volume loss leads to a prominent subsidence bowl at the surface. Often this subsidence is approximated by linear velocities, However, in particular for gas storage caverns, fields of multiple caverns in close proximity can cause displacement fields which are spatio-temporally complex. The amount of convergence and subsequent surface subsidence depends on the pressure inside the caverns, which for gas caverns changes with the cavern filling levels.  This causes seasonal displacement patterns, but also different total subsidence in subsequent years. Moreover, it can result in different superposing displacement patterns from neighboring caverns. Monitoring such a displacement field therefore requires geodetic measurements with dense spatial coverage and high temporal resolution.

Multi-temporal SAR interferometry (MT-InSAR) analysis can fulfill these requirements in optimal conditions, with the Sentinel-1 mission providing free C-band SAR-data with a revisit time of 6 to 12 days. However, as MT-InSAR depends on temporally stable backscattering characteristics of the ground targets, there are often many areas in practice without sufficient data available. Also, current SAR-satellite missions have low sensitivity to north-south directed displacements, which complicates the analysis of the 3D-displacement field with InSAR alone. A geophysical source model derived from surface displacements, that describes the relation between cavern filling levels and surface response, can help with both of these issues.

We derive such a geophysical source model for the storage cavern field Epe in NRW Germany, which consists of 114 caverns, more than 50 of them storing natural gas, from time series of eight years and four tracks of InSAR Sentinel-1 data. We use Persistent and Distributed Scatterers to process the data and validate our results with data of three permanent GNSS stations and annual leveling measurements. As parts of the cavern field in Epe experience other strong displacement effects such as the surface response to groundwater level changes that superpose the cavern signals, we use Independent Component Analysis to separate displacements from different sources. We combine a Kelvin-Voigt body with the Norton power law to relate the pressure differences in each cavern to volume change in the viscoelastic salt body. Then, we use a Sroka-Schober-model to translate this volume change through elastic layers to the surface. There, the effects of all caverns are superposed. We use the cavern related InSAR displacement data to optimize for local parameters and to obtain spatio-temporally high-resolution model predictions for 3D surface displacements.

Not only does this model provide displacement estimates for areas with no measurement data, with a causal relation to the cavern usage, but it also can give more insights to the dynamic convergence of the caverns, as cavern volumes are usually only measured every few years.

How to cite: Seidel, A., Even, M., and Kutterer, H.: Developing a geophysical source model for 3D surface displacements above storage cavern fields with InSAR time series at the example of Epe (NRW, Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16645,, 2025.

Differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) and Multi-Temporal DInSAR (MTInSAR) are largely exploited for measuring slope stabilities. However, both suffer from the typical critical environmental setting of areas affected by slope instability. First, the steep topography may lead to unfavourable illuminating conditions in terms of either unfeasible detection over layover and shadow areas or low sensitivity to the ground displacement. Second, the presence of dense vegetation and changeable cover conditions causes DInSAR signal decorrelation and a low density of MTinSAR coherent targets (CTs). Third, displacement kinematics are characterised by non-linear components and high displacement rates, leading to measurements corrupted by aliasing. All these critical issues negatively impact the applicability and interpretation of this well-established technology.

We developed a QGIS plugin based on the PyQGIS library, which, starting from standard DInSAR/MTInSAR products and a few ancillary layers, derives additional products useful for supporting the interpretation of the DInSAR results and the assessment of the slope stability over the area under investigation.

First, the tool estimates the visibility of the area of interest (AOI) with respect to the satellite line of sight (LOS). It combines the satellite acquisition geometry and the ground geomorphic information to derive an index of visibility, which allows end users to check the applicability of DInSAR analysis over the AOI just based on geometrical factors and before performing DInSAR processing.

If MTInSAR displacement products are available, the IPA tool derives further outputs. First, it computes the percentage of the AOI surface covered by CTs. This allows end users to estimate how significant the information derivable from MTInSAR within the AOI is.

Moreover, the reliability of DInSAR products also depends on the orientation of the slope within the AOI. For instance, for slopes facing north or south, the downslope movement is basically perpendicular to the LOS direction, thus leading to unfeasible DInSAR-based estimation of displacements. Hence, the IPA tool estimates the percentage of downslope movement captured from the DInSAR geometry along the LOS and, for each CT, computes the downslope mean displacement rate corresponding to the LOS component measured by MTInSAR.

These IPA products are combined with other layers such as NDVI, DInSAR coherence, and landslide inventory for performing a feasibility analysis before DInSAR/MTInSAR processing, for checking the reliability of DInSAR/MTInSAR products to assess the slope instability, and for supporting the interpretation of the DInSAR displacement in analysing slope instabilities.

Finally, the IPA tool performs a displacement time series analysis based on automated procedures recently developed for identifying CTs with nonlinear signals and based on fuzzy entropy and Fisher statistics. This allows a focus on a smaller set of CTs affected by nonlinear displacements (including warning signals) and potentially deserving further geophysical or geotechnical analysis.

The work introduces the methodologies and provides some examples based on DInSAR displacement products derived by processing Sentinel-1 data.



This work was supported by the European Union - Next Generation EU, Mission 4, Component 2, CUP H53D23001660006 (PRIN22 Project "MIRAGE:
Mass movement Investigation and prediction through geomorphology, Remote sensing and Artificial intelligence").

How to cite: Bovenga, F. and Piccolino, F.: InSAR Product Analysis (IPA): a QGIS tool for slope instability assessment based on SAR interferometry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17224,, 2025.

EGU25-17734 | Orals | NH6.2

On the retrieval of the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) 3D displacements by exploiting Capella Space Mid-Inclination Orbits DInSAR measurements: first results 

Michele Manunta, Paolo Berardino, Manuela Bonano, Francesco Casu, Victor Cazcarra-Bes, Federica Cotugno, Gordon Farquharson, Riccardo Lanari, Alfredo Renga, Craig Stringham, and Nestor Yague-Martinez

Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry (DInSAR) is a powerful remote sensing technique that allows us to measure surface displacements with centimetric to millimetric accuracy. This approach exploits the phase difference between pairs of complex SAR images, relevant to radar acquisitions collected at different times, to retrieve the surface displacements measured along the radar line-of-sight (LOS). Initially developed to analyze single deformation events, the DInSAR methodology has advanced to study the evolution of the detected displacements over time through multi-temporal (or advanced) DInSAR techniques. These advanced methods enable the generation of displacement time series, revealing spatial and temporal deformation patterns. Among these approaches, the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) technique permits the generation of LOS displacement time series and the corresponding velocity maps by utilizing SAR data pairs with small spatial and temporal baselines, which help to reduce noise decorrelation effects and increase the number of coherent points. Traditionally, the satellite SAR systems used for DInSAR applications are positioned in a sun-synchronous orbit (SSO), meaning they repeat (nearly) the same orbit at the same local time. This orbital configuration is particularly suitable for remote sensing applications because it allows global coverage, the same illumination geometry, and relatively stable environmental conditions among successive temporal passes.

However, SSO-DInSAR has limitations when measuring the North-South component. Indeed, the LOS direction of a sun-synchronous SAR satellite is primarily oriented towards the East-West direction (the orbits have a quasi-polar direction), making it mainly sensitive to Vertical and East-West displacements. As a result, retrieving accurate North-South displacement information from SSO-DInSAR data can be challenging, especially for slow-moving deformation processes. Conversely, when focusing on mid- to low-latitude regions, Mid-Inclination Orbits (MIOs) may offer an effective solution for retrieving the three-dimensional (3D) field of the occurring displacements. Indeed, MIOs provide advantageous geometries for measuring the North-South displacements.

However, using MIOs is not straightforward due to challenges such as the lack of access to polar ground stations and variations in local time across the Area of Interest (AoI), which increases the temporal variability of the atmospheric DInSAR phase component.

In this work, we present the first results achieved by processing, through the Parallel SBAS processing chain, three different DInSAR datasets generated from the 45° MIO SAR data experimentally collected by Capella Space over the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy), where the bradyseism phenomenon, restarted in 2005, is still ongoing. To our knowledge, the results described in this work represent the first application to fully retrieve the 3D deformation field with multi-angle/multi-temporal DInSAR data, thus demonstrating the feasibility of the MIO satellite configurations for such DInSAR purposes.

How to cite: Manunta, M., Berardino, P., Bonano, M., Casu, F., Cazcarra-Bes, V., Cotugno, F., Farquharson, G., Lanari, R., Renga, A., Stringham, C., and Yague-Martinez, N.: On the retrieval of the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) 3D displacements by exploiting Capella Space Mid-Inclination Orbits DInSAR measurements: first results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17734,, 2025.

EGU25-18167 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.2

Remote sensing insights into drought induced land subsidence in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta 

Nils Dörr, Long Vu Huu, Andreas Schenk, and Stefan Hinz

The Vietnamese Mekong Delta has been affected by environmental challenges for several decades, including land subsidence and an increased frequency of droughts. While the former leads to a growing vulnerability to coastal erosion, floodings and permanent inundation, the latter has led to considerable crop failures in the past. In this work, we use InSAR-derived subsidence time series and remote sensing based meteorological information to study seasonal vertical displacements in the Mekong Delta, which align with the distinct dry and wet seasons in most locations and overlay a background subsidence trend. We show that a drought in 2020 lead to a significant increase in the seasonal subsidence in parts of the delta. The magnitude of this drought-induced subsidence, which was up to several centimeters in a few months, was related to the surface water management and land use. It was compensated by uplift in the following rainy season in several but not all regions. We argue that the observed surface drop in some regions was caused by inelastic deformation in the aquifer-aquitard system and/or the shallow soil. The findings of this work highlight the importance of further research on drought-induced subsidence in the Mekong Delta, especially under the assumption that the frequency of droughts might further increase in the future due to climate change and an increasing water demand.

How to cite: Dörr, N., Vu Huu, L., Schenk, A., and Hinz, S.: Remote sensing insights into drought induced land subsidence in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18167,, 2025.

EGU25-18344 | Posters on site | NH6.2

Effective susceptibility mapping of land subsidence in Louisiana’s Capital Area using Data-Driven GIS and InSAR technologies 

Ahmed Abdalla, Abdelrahim Salih, and Desomnd Kangah

Land subsidence represents a critical geohazard, significantly impacting regions such as Louisiana's Capital Area, where a combination of natural processes and anthropogenic activities exacerbates land deformation. This study develops a high-resolution susceptibility mapping framework by integrating Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data, geostatistical methods, and advanced machine learning algorithms. The research explicitly addresses deformation across East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, West Feliciana, and Pointe Coupee parishes.

The framework utilizes multi-source datasets, incorporating Landsat images, SRTM-DEM, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) from Sentinel-1 imagery (2017–2020) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). The SAR data were processed via the PyGMTSAR package to generate precise displacement velocity fields and corrected for atmospheric effects and phase unwrapping errors. On the other hand, the QGIS open-source software was used to analyze and classify the Landsat images into several land cover categories. These outputs form the foundation for subsequent geostatistical analyses integrating geophysical, geological, and anthropogenic variables to model subsidence susceptibility.

Key drivers of subsidence are ranked and weighted through Frequency Ratio (FR) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodologies to quantify the influence of causative factors. Temporal deformation trends are modeled using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks, capturing non-linear relationships and dynamic interactions in the temporal domain. A Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) approach synthesizes weighted spatial layers, with the Optimum Index Factor (OIF) applied to reduce multicollinearity and enhance model robustness. Validation incorporates observed deformation data and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, providing quantitative metrics such as the Area Under the Curve (AUC) for assessing predictive accuracy. The model outputs were classified into five sustainable categories representing areas at risk from this phenomenon using the Natural Break method.

This integrated approach advances the precision and reliability of subsidence susceptibility mapping, enabling detailed spatial resolution and enhanced predictive capability. The findings facilitate targeted risk assessments, support disaster mitigation strategies, and optimize resource allocation for land use planning and critical infrastructure protection. By addressing Louisiana's Capital Area's unique geophysical and socio-environmental characteristics, the framework provides a scalable solution applicable to subsidence-prone regions worldwide, contributing to the broader discourse on geohazard resilience and sustainable development.

How to cite: Abdalla, A., Salih, A., and Kangah, D.: Effective susceptibility mapping of land subsidence in Louisiana’s Capital Area using Data-Driven GIS and InSAR technologies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18344,, 2025.

EGU25-21166 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.2

Effect of Climate change on subsidence in Eastern Gangetic Plain, India: A Correlation of untrodden factors 

Praveen Kumar Kannojiya and Ashwani Raju

Globally, the land subsidence (LS) calamity crisis has intensified, adversely affecting the infrastructure, ecology and population. The Instability in climate intensifies the extreme weather conditions and impacts the natural cycles leading to various natural/human made calamities. LS process is instigated due to aquifer compaction, peat decomposition, permafrost degradation, earthquake etc, which results due to extreme climate interplay. Inversely, some LS events also release the greenhouse gases accelerating the climate change. This study seeks to explore the intricate dynamics of the Eastern Ganga Plain (EGP) and the complex relation between climate change and LS. The EGP is a geomorphologically dynamic region featuring deltas, estuaries, wetlands, and floodplains shaped by fluvial and depositional processes. In the current study remote sensing based radar interferometry is applied to understand the evolution of LS scenario in Kolkata Urban Area (KUA) of EGP, Interferometric SAR can assess the ground deformation with high precision by analyzing phase differences using multi-temporal images, suggesting potential subsidence region and infrastructure stability. The hydro-climatic parameters of the EGP are analyzed for long-term climatic behavioral patterns for understanding the feedback of climate driven LS in conjunction with interconnected anthropization and significant climate variation. The interpretation of groundwater level data (2013 to 2023) and groundwater storage data (2004 to 2023) for the KUA reveals distinctive results that diverge significantly from previous studies, suggesting additional factors contributing to subsidence beyond partial aquifer compaction. The presence of wetlands and swamps in the Eastern Kolkata Region presents a high potential for earthquake-induced liquefaction, given the area's association with various tectonic features. Organic deposition in the Bengal Basin, associated with Holocene sediments as confirmed by borehole lithology, contributes to land subsidence through peat decomposition, as evidenced by methane emissions detected using Sentinel-5P TROPOMI data. Climatic variables significantly contribute to subsidence in the Kolkata Urban Area (KUA), beyond the effects of partial aquifer compaction, particularly through liquefaction, peat decomposition, and seismicity. Multi-temporal analysis of 192 Sentinel-1A SAR scenes (2017–2023) and GRACE data (2004–2023) identifies 13 potential subsidence hotspots, with rates ranging from -2.9 to 5.1 mm/year. Time-series GPM and GRACE data reveal increasing groundwater storage in the EGP alongside abrupt precipitation changes. Geotechnical and borehole analyses reveal that peat decomposition and liquefaction significantly impact the eastern Kolkata Urban Area (KUA). Geotechnical and borehole lithology analyses indicate a significant interplay between peat decomposition and liquefaction potential, predominantly affecting the Eastern Kolkata Region of the KUA. Climate change and extreme weather accelerate subsidence, requiring proactive, interdisciplinary strategies to mitigate and reverse human-induced impacts. Comprehensive surveys and expanded in-situ data are crucial to assess contributing factors and subsidence severity.

How to cite: Kannojiya, P. K. and Raju, A.: Effect of Climate change on subsidence in Eastern Gangetic Plain, India: A Correlation of untrodden factors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21166,, 2025.

EGU25-2969 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3

Far-Field Seismic Triggering Effects on Faults and Mud Volcanoes in Azerbaijan: Insights from InSAR and GNSS Results  

Bahruz Ahadov, Eric Fielding, and Fakhraddin Kadirov

Azerbaijan is well-known for its hydrocarbon-rich subsurface geology, which hosts numerous mud volcanoes interacting with complex tectonic settings. Mud volcanoes, constant sources of methane gas, mud, and other hydrocarbons, are not just natural wonders but also crucial indicators of geological processes. The geological setting, characterized by rapid eruptions, overpressured reservoirs, and complex fault networks, presents a unique environment to explore the interactions between tectonic and volcanic processes. We have analyzed an extensive long-term InSAR time series using Sentinel-1 data from January 2017 to October 2024 to examine the complex deformation processes and mud volcano activity in the region. Detailed and comprehensive analyses used both Ascending and Descending tracks and applied the ISCE2 and MintPy software to process the InSAR time series. We used over 230 scenes and created nearly 700 interferograms for each track. DEM and atmospheric corrections were applied from SRTM1 and ERA5, respectively. Our key findings reveal far-field dynamic deformation effects along the faults and at major mud volcanoes, including Ayazakhtarma and Akhtarma-Pashaly. Notably, the February 2023 Türkiye Kahramanmaraş earthquakes (Mw 7.8 and 7.6) triggered widespread deformation, reactivating fault systems and nearly all monitored mud volcanoes. This far-field triggering effect persisted for months, indicating prolonged subsurface adjustments and emphasizing the responsive nature of mud volcanoes to seismic events. Additionally, GNSS station data from two continuous stations in the study area, which provided precise and continuous ground deformation measurements, further validated the findings, showing clear evidence of dynamic triggering effects. These complementary datasets, GNSS and InSAR, provide a robust framework for understanding the complex geophysical processes. Results highlight the essential role of mud volcanoes as indicators of subsurface fluid migration and tectonic stress. This examination provides critical insights into the conduct of hydrocarbon-rich regions under seismic influences, with significant implications for seismic hazard assessment and tectonic studies. By integrating geodetic analysis with geological interpretations, this work highlights the importance of monitoring tectonically active, hydrocarbon-rich zones like Azerbaijan to understand natural hazards and subsurface processes.

How to cite: Ahadov, B., Fielding, E., and Kadirov, F.: Far-Field Seismic Triggering Effects on Faults and Mud Volcanoes in Azerbaijan: Insights from InSAR and GNSS Results , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2969,, 2025.

EGU25-3486 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.3

InSAR-Derived Localized Deformation and Slow-Moving Landslide Inventory in Northern Pakistan 

Said Mukhtar Ahmad and Wang Teng

The distribution of slow-moving landslides has significance in landscape modification and hazard assessment. Monitoring such landslides is more challenging because of their spatial and temporal variability, particularly in tectonically active regions. In these regions, structural discontinuities exert significant control, requiring risk assessment at both local and regional aspects. The Karakoram-Hindu Kush-Himalaya (KHH), i.e., the orogenic belt in northern Pakistan, is a natural laboratory for studying the geological hazards due to its neotectonism, high seismicity, and diverse precipitation patterns. This region encompasses a complex geological framework, including the Nanga Parbat Syntaxis, Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis, Hunza fault system, Tirich Mir Suture Zone, Shyok Suture, and the Indus-Kohistan Suture zones. These structures prompt various land sliding activities, yet inventories of slow-moving landslides remain scarce in northern Pakistan. The region is also traversed by the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) through the Karakoram Highway (KKH), an old Silk Road, where landslides severely threaten infrastructure and transportation. Here, we report our recent work regarding the actively slow-moving landslide distribution in this 19350 km2 region. We combine the InSAR phase-gradient stacking technique with a deep learning-based YOLOv3 network to detect localized deformation from thousands of wrapped interferograms. Analyzing eight years of Sentinel-1 data (2016-2024), we detected and mapped 1,066 active slow-moving landslides in the Hazara Kashmir region. Further, we extended this analysis to the Khunjerab-Chitral alternate route of the CPEC, detecting 859 active landslides along this corridor. Several large, rapidly moving landslides were also recognized, posing significant risks to underlying villages and the route’s stability. These results are validated using optical imageries and field observations to create the first comprehensive inventory of slow-moving landslides in northern Pakistan. Validation against geomorphological features, published landslides, and field observation confirmed an overall precision of 87%, with detected targets corresponding to landslide features, while 13% were classified as false detections. This study underscores the critical need for monitoring and managing geological hazards in this rapidly uplifting tectonic region.

How to cite: Ahmad, S. M. and Teng, W.: InSAR-Derived Localized Deformation and Slow-Moving Landslide Inventory in Northern Pakistan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3486,, 2025.

EGU25-4530 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.3

PSSformer: Permanent Scatterers Selection Method for SAR Interferometry based on Temporo-Spatial Vision Transformers 

Yifan Zhang, Jordi J. Mallorqui, Wen Wang, Yu Qiu, Yaogang Chen, and Liqun Liu

Multi-temporal synthetic aperture radar interferometry (SAR, MT-InSAR) has been widely recognized as an effective technique for monitoring surface deformation and marking a significant advancement in satellite geodesy to millimeter-level precision. As one of the most representative MT-InSAR methods, permanent scatterer interferometry (PS, PSI) focuses on the most elite pixels over the temporal and spatial scales of SAR images. The selection of PS points is the cornerstone of the excellent performance of PSI, directly influencing the accuracy and density of surface deformation products. Most traditional methods use thresholds to divide PS and non-PS pixels, and their results will no longer be accurate when the surface deformation patterns deviate from the prior model. Benefiting from the development of deep learning, data-driven methods have been widely proposed in recent years and exhibit superior efficiency. However, existing approaches do not fully exploit the contextual relationships between phase, amplitude, time, and spatial dimensions. This will result in the selected PS points showing representative only in certain dimensions.

Therefore, this paper proposed a novel deep learning method for PS selection that leverages the temporo-spatial context features of amplitude images and interferometric phase. Specifically, a pseudo-Siamese temporo-spatial vision transformer (ViT) architecture is employed to process input amplitude and phase time-series stacks simultaneously. In the backbone, the positional information is incorporated into the image tokens via the temporal and spatial embedding layers, and the local features in the context of the time series images are derived by the temporal and spatial encoder. Through a feature fusion module, multi-scale features from amplitude and phase are synergistically integrated. Then, it is output to the decoding head, and the high-quality PS points are predicted pixel by pixel through a multilayer perceptron.

The proposed model was trained on a dataset containing time-series SAR amplitude images and interferometric phase stacks of Barcelona, acquired by the TerraSAR between 2009 and 2011. The dataset includes 8,689 samples for training and 965 samples for validation, with data pre-processing and PS annotation performed using the SUBSIDENCE software from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. To address the class imbalance between PS and non-PS points, the focal loss function was employed. The proposed model was evaluated using metrics like intersection over union (IoU), F1-score, precision, and recall. PS points selected by our method are validated via qualitative and quantitative comparisons against other state-of-the-art methods.

Experimental results indicate that the proposed method markedly improves the density, precision, and phase integrity of PS points. Compared to traditional methods, the proposed model yields more complete and continuous PS point details on buildings and man-made infrastructure, reduces false points, and improves computational efficiency. Additionally, the proposed method performs robustly across diverse land types and is extendable to distributed scatterer (DS) pixel selection. All model codes and training configurations will be available at

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Mallorqui, J. J., Wang, W., Qiu, Y., Chen, Y., and Liu, L.: PSSformer: Permanent Scatterers Selection Method for SAR Interferometry based on Temporo-Spatial Vision Transformers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4530,, 2025.

EGU25-4538 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3

An Interferometric Phase Optimization Method Jointing Polarimetric and Temporal Dimensions 

Yaogang Chen, Jun Hu, and Jordi J. Mallorqui

The polarimetric phase optimization has been effectively incorporated into the multi-temporal synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR, MT-InSAR) to improve phase estimation quality and extend deformation monitoring coverage. This technique, commonly called multi-temporal polarimetric InSAR (MT-PolInSAR), has shown great potential in enhancing interferometric measurements for various geophysical applications, including deformation monitoring and disaster assessment. However, most existing MT-PolInSAR methods optimize phase independently along the temporal and polarimetric dimensions, which neglects the potential synergies between these two aspects. As a result, the capability of polarimetric and temporal information for phase optimization is not utilized fully, leading to suboptimal results, which reduces the effectiveness of deformation analysis in complex scenarios, such as landslides, subsidence, and fault movement. To address these limitations, this study proposes a novel multi-polarization optimization method that achieves one-step phase optimization by jointly considering the temporal and polarimetric dimensions. The proposed method is based on a joint probability density function of the multi-polarization covariance matrix and maximum likelihood estimation method, which enable a more comprehensive optimization of phase information by leveraging the inherent relationships between the temporal and polarimetric dimensions. Unlike traditional methods that treat these dimensions independently, the proposed approach effectively combines the strengths of both dimensions to achieve superior phase quality. Additionally, a no-threshold regularization technique is employed in this method to enhance the stability of the multi-polarization covariance matrix. This regularization eliminates the need for manual thresholding based on an analytical solution, avoiding relying on empirical threshold values. This approach significantly enhances the reliability and consistency of the optimization process, especially in scenarios with high noise levels or challenging scattering conditions. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been validated using both synthetic and real quad-polarization datasets. Synthetic data experiments were conducted to evaluate the method’s ability to handle varying noise levels and scattering mechanisms. For real data validation, two datasets were utilized: ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 data from the Fengjie landslide region in China and Radarsat-2 data from the Barcelona airport in Spain. These datasets cover diverse scenarios with different levels of complexity and provide an excellent testbed for assessing the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly reduces phase noise compared to traditional MT-PolInSAR methods, leading to a more accurate representation of deformation signals. Furthermore, the method achieves a notable increase in the density of measurement points, which is crucial for applications requiring high spatial resolution and coverage. In the case of the Barcelona airport, the proposed approach successfully identified subtle deformation patterns that were otherwise obscured by noise in traditional methods. Similarly, in the Fengjie landslide dataset, the method provided a clearer and more detailed phase distribution, which could enhance the monitoring of landslide.


How to cite: Chen, Y., Hu, J., and Mallorqui, J. J.: An Interferometric Phase Optimization Method Jointing Polarimetric and Temporal Dimensions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4538,, 2025.

EGU25-5571 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3

Imaging Vertical Deformation Along the Coast of the Pacific Northwest 

Hang Xu, Teng Wang, and Ray Weldon

The Pacific Northwest (PacNW) is characterized by a complex vertical land motion driven by tectonic, geological, and anthropogenic processes. Dominated by the Cascadia subduction zone, the region exhibits diverse deformation patterns resulting from interseismic locking, episodic tremor and slip (ETS), detachment, and underplating, compounded by glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) and human activities such as groundwater extraction and infrastructure development. Historical events, such as the 1700 Cascadia earthquake, highlight the catastrophic interplay between tectonic subsidence and coastal flooding. Accurately quantifying vertical land motion (VLM) is essential for assessing coastal vulnerabilities in the context of sea level rise and investigating geophysical mechanisms responsible for these signals. Advances in interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) have significantly improved VLM measurement capabilities, offering high spatial resolution over large areas. However, dense vegetation in the PacNW leads to phase decorrelation, posing challenges and limiting the reliability of InSAR measurements in this region. In this study, we employ the network-based phase-gradient stacking (NPG-Stacking) method, which integrates phase gradient stacking with network adjustment, to address these limitations. Using this approach, we generate vertical deformation velocity maps with a 200 m resolution along the PacNW coast for the period 2017–2023, derived from C-band Sentinel-1 data. We compare these results with historical tide gauge records and repeated leveling data to evaluate the time dependence of current vertical velocities. Additionally, we incorporate hazard assessments for critical infrastructure and vulnerable communities and further discuss the interplay of GIA and tectonic motion in this region. The resulting deformation field provides valuable insights for assessing hazards, supporting risk mitigation strategies, and potentially enhancing our understanding of the driving forces behind long-wavelength deformation patterns.

How to cite: Xu, H., Wang, T., and Weldon, R.: Imaging Vertical Deformation Along the Coast of the Pacific Northwest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5571,, 2025.

EGU25-6358 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.3

Detection of dislocation-like signals in raw SAR images with deep learning 

Giuseppe Costantino and Romain Jolivet

Over the last decades, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images and SAR interferometry (InSAR) have revolutionized Earth observation, allowing for geophysical monitoring of Earth surface processes with centimeter-to-millimeter precision. Accurate measurement of ground displacement is essential for the comprehension of natural hazards, such as earthquakes, and the detection of the smallest ground (transient) displacement is of uttermost importance to better image the dynamics of active faults, especially in tectonic contexts that undergo low deformation rates. However, detecting small deformation signals in raw SAR images remains a significant challenge because of the significant noise level affecting the data (e.g., speckle noise, tropospheric and ionospheric perturbations). Multiple and successful InSAR mass processing methods, including state-of-the-art noise correction methods, have been developed over the last decade, but all rely on intensive computing of massive databases, a tedious procedure that cannot be applied yet at a global scale. Furthermore, because of the low probability of finding earthquakes in intraplate continental settings, automatic detection of such signals in such settings is currently out of the question with InSAR data.

Here, we leverage deep learning to enhance the detection of deformation (e.g., dislocation-like signals) directly from raw SAR images. Our deep-learning-based approach offers the potential to (1) retrieve potential deformation below the noise threshold, thus improving sensitivity, and (2) precisely localize regions of interest from full acquisitions to serve as input for InSAR pipelines, reducing the need to process entire datasets and significantly accelerating computation. Also, deep learning methods can process large-scale images much faster, enabling the creation of dense and extensive detection catalogs for subsequent analysis.

How to cite: Costantino, G. and Jolivet, R.: Detection of dislocation-like signals in raw SAR images with deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6358,, 2025.

EGU25-7514 | Posters on site | NH6.3

A Neural Network-Based Block Region SAR Image Registration Algorithm 

Yilun Tan and Jun Hu

The LuTan-1 (LT-1) mission is China’s first civil L-band differential interferometric SAR (D-InSAR) satellite system, comprising the 01 Group A and B satellites, which were successfully launched in 2022. LT-1 has been extensively utilized for large-scale topographic mapping, geohazard risk identification, and natural resource management. Since June 2023, the LT-1 satellites have entered the strip1 mode to acquire repeat-pass observation data for long-term ground deformation monitoring. However, the initial orbit position vectors lacked sufficient precision, and without external orbit correction data, accurate initial offset estimation between image pairs could not be achieved. This limitation rendered conventional cross-correlation-based region registration algorithms ineffective, posing significant challenges for automated SAR image registration and geocoding. Moreover, long-baseline data introduced registration noise errors, further reducing observation accuracy. To address these challenges, we implemented a neural network-based feature point matching technique to estimate the initial offset between SAR image pairs. Additionally, a block-based registration approach was adopted to suppress registration noise. These methods were applied to the D-InSAR data  processing of the Ji Shishan, Gansu earthquake (Mw 6.2) on December 18, 2023. The results demonstrate that our approach successfully achieved accurate and automated region registration and geocoding while improving interferometric coherence and phase quality.

How to cite: Tan, Y. and Hu, J.: A Neural Network-Based Block Region SAR Image Registration Algorithm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7514,, 2025.

Landslides represent a significant natural and geological hazard, resulting in considerable economic losses and casualties on an annual basis. The frequency of landslide disasters has increased markedly in recent times due to intensified human activity. The China-Pakistan Karakoram Highway (KKH) is a vital component of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), representing the sole land route connecting China and Pakistan. Due to the topography, destructive landslides occur on occasion along the KKH, and the identification of landslide hazards along the KKH has become a matter of urgency. InSAR technology is a highly effective method for landslide detection, offering excellent deformation detection capabilities. However, the coherence of the region is severely compromised by the complex terrain, geometric distortion, presence of snow and strong weathering transport, which presents a significant challenge for the application of traditional time-series InSAR techniques in this area. In this paper, the intermittent Stacking-InSAR (IStacking) method is proposed to obtain deformation data over the mountainous region of northern Pakistan, with a deformation data coverage of 97% in a time period of 6.5 years and an average coherence of 0.2. Utilizing the LOS deformation data and a landslide screening model, this paper identifies more than 150 suspected landslides in northern Pakistan, including over 10 landslides larger than 1 km2 in area along the KKH. The subsequent validation of several large landslides was achieved through field visits and a comparison with Google images. Furthermore, the study identified that landslides along the KKH are characterized by high deformation velocity and large scale, which would cause significant damage to the highway and the residents living along it in the event of a collapse. In order to ensure the safety of these individuals and the continuity of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, it is necessary to assess the stability of the landslides.

How to cite: Dai, H. and Wu, L.: Intermittent Stacking Method Improving Landslide Identification Capability in Low-coherence and Long-term Scenario, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9923,, 2025.

EGU25-10568 | Posters on site | NH6.3

 Enhancing DInSAR Measurements of Mountanious geohazards using a Novel Active Reflector for Sentinel-1 C-Band 

Oriol Monserrat, Pedro Espin, Guido Luzi, and Anna Barra

The intensification of the effects of climate change on mountainous geohazards underlines the critical need for advanced tools to monitor geohazards like landslide and permafrost associated hazards. In this study, we present a novel active reflector specifically designed for C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) applications, optimized for Sentinel-1 missions. The reflector is engineered to receive vertically polarized signals and reflect them in both vertical and horizontal polarizations, significantly improving the signal-to-noise ratio in DInSAR processing.

To assess its performance, the reflector was deployed on the Clot de la Menera rock glacier in Andorra. DInSAR analysis revealed subtle surface movements, indicative of an active permafrost layer. The reflector's dual-polarization capability enhances measurement accuracy and reliability by providing a brighter and more consistent measurement point.

This study underscores the potential of advanced SAR instrumentation to enhance monitoring in complex terrains where InSAR techniques does not achieve measurements.

How to cite: Monserrat, O., Espin, P., Luzi, G., and Barra, A.:  Enhancing DInSAR Measurements of Mountanious geohazards using a Novel Active Reflector for Sentinel-1 C-Band, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10568,, 2025.

EGU25-10975 | Orals | NH6.3

Toward measuring global ground motion with L-band InSAR data independently 

Cunren Liang, Xue Li, Mark Simons, and Yuan-Kai Liu

We are entering the golden age of L-band SAR satellites. These L-band data usually have sufficient coherence even in challenging areas for shorter wavelength SAR data that are most commonly used now. In the meantime, methods or models have been developed over the years to correct for the various InSAR phase components that are not of interest. These have laid the foundations for measuring global ground motion with InSAR independently. To demonstrate this capability, we use state-of-the-art techniques to process nearly 10 years of ScanSAR data acquired by JAXA's ALOS-2 satellite in western US, where there are a variety of areas ranging from high coherence areas in southern California, mid coherence areas in northern California, and low coherence areas in Washington. In particular, the Cascadia subduction zone represents one of the most challenging areas for InSAR, where we can hardly obtain reliable measurements with C-band data. For both InSAR and ionospheric phase estimation workflows, we form all interferograms, which can help mitigate closure phase. It also enables robust and high precision ionosphere correction, which is critical to measuring large-scale motion with InSAR data. We do not rely on external measurements from GNSS. The results reveal various deformations associated with plate motions, San Andreas fault, Cascadia subduction zone, water pumping in central valley, and many others. The results are encouraging, showing the great potential of L-band InSAR in measuring global ground motion independently. The capability will be further improved by future L-band missions with enhanced performance such as NISAR.

How to cite: Liang, C., Li, X., Simons, M., and Liu, Y.-K.: Toward measuring global ground motion with L-band InSAR data independently, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10975,, 2025.

EGU25-11115 | Orals | NH6.3

MANGO Toolbox: Mitigating Atmospheric Noise with GNSS Observations 

Fabien Albino, Shan Gremion, Virginie Pinel, Pierre Bouygues, Aline Peltier, François Beauducel, and Jean-Luc Froger

From repeat-pass interferometry (dInSAR), tropospheric signals often prevent the detection of ground deformation signals on active volcanoes. In past years, different tropospheric corrections have been implemented in InSAR automated processing systems based either on empirical methods or global weather-based models. However, these models face key challenges: limited spatial resolution (>10 km) and significant time latency (several days) for data availability. Local GNSS networks offer a promising alternative, delivering real-time tropospheric delay data, yet their potential in dInSAR corrections remains underutilized. In this study, we introduce MANGO (Mitigating Atmospheric Noise with GNSS Observations) a Python toolbox designed to produce phase delay maps from raw GNSS Zenith Tropospheric Delays (ZTD) for correcting individual interferograms. First, we evaluate the performance of GNSS-based tropospheric corrections on two tropical volcanoes: Piton de la Fournaise and Merapi. Then, we compare our approach to the corrections obtained from global ECMWF (ERA5 and GACOS). Our results demonstrate that for Piton de la Fournaise, GNSS-based corrections (~34 GNSS stations) reduce noise in 90% of processed interferograms, outperforming ERA5 and GACOS corrections by 25% and 50%, respectively. For Merapi, the performance of GNSS-based corrections with only 5 stations reaches the same level as ERA5 corrections. After correcting individual interferograms, GNSS-based corrections increase the signal-to-noise ratio in InSAR time series allowing the detection of slow inter-eruptive signals at Piton de la Fournaise. Here, we show that GNSS-based models are an efficient alternative for the production of corrected InSAR time series. These products will be valuable for Volcano Observatories for supporting the ground monitoring of volcanic unrest.

How to cite: Albino, F., Gremion, S., Pinel, V., Bouygues, P., Peltier, A., Beauducel, F., and Froger, J.-L.: MANGO Toolbox: Mitigating Atmospheric Noise with GNSS Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11115,, 2025.

EGU25-12540 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.3

Integrated Analysis of Land Subsidence in the Raniganj Coal Mining Region, India Using Multi-Source Earth Observation and AI-Enhanced Techniques 

Debjyoti Ghosh, Mridul Yadav, Abhishek Kumar Yadav, Ashvini Kumar Yadav, Suresh Kannaujiya, and Paresh Nath Singha Roy

Raniganj, India is a well-known coal mining region characterized by high coal productivity and ongoing land subsidence. Land subsidence can be due to various factors such as mining activities, coal fire, total water storage change, atmospheric loading, oceanic loading, groundwater over-extraction, etc., but mining activities in the region are accredited to be one of the major sources of land subsidence. Despite its complex hydrological environment, where significant contributions arise from surface and subsurface water systems linked to the Ganges River system and proximity to the Bay of Bengal, non-mining factors' role in regional deformation patterns has not been thoroughly investigated. This study attempts to identify the potential sources of the ongoing subsidence in the region using various Earth Observation and Global Positioning Station (GPS) datasets. The deformation pattern of the area was analyzed using ground-based GPS measurements and the interferometric SAR (InSAR) technique with Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar data. Seasonal variations in deformation, including pre-monsoon, co-monsoon, and post-monsoon periods, were assessed using total water storage (TWS) changes from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) datasets. However, GRACE's coarser resolution and data gaps posed challenges for finer-scale interpretation. To address this, high-resolution datasets such as precipitation, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and land surface temperature data were utilized in conjunction with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques to downscale GRACE-derived TWS data, enabling higher-resolution insights into groundwater variability. This comprehensive approach provides a deeper understanding of the causative factors of land deformation in the region, especially the interactions between groundwater changes and other environmental variables. Such insights are crucial for informed land use and planning in this economically and environmentally sensitive region.

How to cite: Ghosh, D., Yadav, M., Yadav, A. K., Yadav, A. K., Kannaujiya, S., and Roy, P. N. S.: Integrated Analysis of Land Subsidence in the Raniganj Coal Mining Region, India Using Multi-Source Earth Observation and AI-Enhanced Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12540,, 2025.

EGU25-15663 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3

Groundwater Level Retrieval Using Temporal Integration of Sentinel-1 InSAR Time-Series and Recurrent Neural Networks  

Alireza Taheri Dehkordi, Behshid Khodaei, Hossein Hashemi, and Amir Naghibi

Changes in Groundwater Level (GWL) in confined aquifers can cause ground surface deformation, which can have significant implications. These movements can be captured in Sentinel-1 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) time-series data. This means that InSAR deformation time-series data reflects GWL changes and can be used to estimate GWL values. Hence, this paper proposes a new method to estimate GWL from InSAR deformation time-series.  The method uses a temporal window of InSAR displacement values centered on a specific time, t, which includes observations from a defined period before and after t, and retrieves GWL for an earlier time, t–Δt, where Δt is the delay between GWL changes and surface deformation. By leveraging temporal patterns embedded in the InSAR data, a more accurate and timely estimation of GWL is retrieved. To model the temporal relationships inherent in the data, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) were chosen. These networks are well-suited for tasks involving sequential and time-dependent data. Specifically, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks were applied due to their ability to capture temporal dependencies and patterns in complex datasets. The proposed method was tested in Shabestar aquifer, in semi-arid Iran, a region where agriculture relies heavily on groundwater resources. Data from monitoring wells located in a confined aquifer was used to validate the approach. Various validation techniques, including Leave-One-Station-Out (LOSO), Leave-One-Time-Period-Out (LOTPO), and 5-fold cross-validation, were employed to ensure the robustness and generalizability of the proposed methodology. The results of the study revealed that integrating InSAR time-series data with LSTM networks provided accurate GWL estimates. This success is attributed to the method's ability to exploit the temporal information contained within the InSAR data. Moreover, the LSTM-based approach outperformed traditional machine learning models like Random Forests. Overall, the proposed methodology offers a promising pathway for providing more accurate estimations of GWL by harnessing the power of satellite data and state-of-the-art deep learning techniques. 

How to cite: Taheri Dehkordi, A., Khodaei, B., Hashemi, H., and Naghibi, A.: Groundwater Level Retrieval Using Temporal Integration of Sentinel-1 InSAR Time-Series and Recurrent Neural Networks , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15663,, 2025.

On January 24, 2020, the Mw 6.8 Elazığ earthquake occurred on the Eastern Anatolian Fault (EAF) at the indentation zone where the Arabian Plate converges with the Anatolian Plate. It was one of the largest earthquakes on the EAF in the last century before the devastating February 6, 2023, Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.6 doublet earthquakes, separated by ~9 hours. The 2023 Mw 7.8 Kahramanmaraş mainshock propagated along a splay of the EAF, while the 2020 Elazığ earthquake originated near Lake Hazar and propagated southeast to the northern termination of the Pütürge segment. These events suggest the Pütürge segment remained locked during the 2020 and 2023 earthquakes.

This study analyzes the pre-seismic and postseismic deformation of the 2020 Mw 6.8 Elazığ earthquake using Sentinel-1 SAR interferometry to assess the seismic potential of the ~40 km long Pütürge segment and the northeastern EAF zone. We employ small baseline (SBAS) inversion algorithms to analyze time series data from ascending tracks (AT116, AT43) and descending tracks (DT123, DT21), using 402, 96, and 321 interferograms, respectively, for the postseismic phase, and ~1100 interferograms for the pre-seismic phase (2015–2020). We process geocoded unwrapped interferograms, correct errors, reduce tropospheric phase delays using ECMWF ERA5 products and estimate average velocities.

Our results reveal postseismic creep of up to ~25 mm/yr propagating towards the Pütürge segment, while minimal creep was observed in the descending track during the pre-seismic phase of the Mw 6.8 Elazığ earthquake. The faults responsible for the February 6, 2023, Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.6 earthquakes remained locked during this period. This geodetic analysis provides critical insights into the interseismic and postseismic coupling of the Pütürge segment within the EAF zone.

How to cite: Javed, M. T., Barbot, S., and Braitenberg, C.: Seismic Potential and Creep Analysis of the Pütürge Segment (Eastern Anatolian Fault Zone): Insights from SAR Interferometry for the 2020 Mw 6.8 Elazığ and 2023 Mw 7.8 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18055,, 2025.

EGU25-18190 | Orals | NH6.3

Performance analysis of the Atmospheric Phase Screen filtering approach of the Parallel Small BAseline Subset DInSAR technique 

Riccardo Lanari, Federica Casamento, Ivana Zinno, Manuela Bonano, Francesco Casu, and Claudio De Luca

One of the main challenges for correctly retrieving Earth surface deformation measurements from DInSAR products is the presence of the so called Atmospheric Phase Screen (APS) signals. Indeed, such atmosphere-induced delay components can be easily confused with those related to deformation. Therefore, it can be challenging to discriminate atmospheric artifacts and deformation patterns and, therefore, to properly filter out the APS signals from the DInSAR products.

In this work we investigate the performance of the APS filtering approach implemented within the Parallel Small BAseline Subset (P-SBAS) technique [1], which exploits external Numerical Weather Model (NWM) data, in particular the ECMWF ERA-5 ones, and DInSAR data-driven methodologies.

The applied approach consists of various filtering steps for the removal of different atmospheric phase contributions. In particular, as a first step, for the estimation and removal of the topography-related atmospheric phase component, we compare the effectiveness of two solutions. The former uses the quasi-linear phase-elevation relationship to estimate the APS stratified component from the DInSAR data. The latter makes use of the ERA-5 data, which are particularly effective in mitigating the atmospheric contributions correlated with the height [2]. Then, we analyze the impact of the iterative spatial filtering step used to estimate the spatially-correlated atmospheric components at different spatial scales. Finally, we investigate the effectiveness of the final temporal filtering step allowing us to mitigate the residual high-frequency atmospheric signals.

For the experimental analysis, we have exploited the overall S1 images dataset acquired along ascending and descending orbits over Italy, during the 2016-2024 time-span.



This research was partially funded by the European Union - NextGeneratonEU program through the following projects: ICSC - CN-HPC - PNRR M4C2 Investimento 1.4 - CN00000013, GeoSciences IR - PNRR M4C2 Investimento 3.1 - IR0000037, and by the Italian DPC, in the frame of the IREA-DPC (2022–2024) agreements, and by the Geo-INQUIRE and SAR-L: Consolidamento della Scienza projects. The activities were also partially funded by the European Union - NextGeneratonEU SMUH PRIN 2022 project (2022M7W3BM). This study was supported by the GRINT (PIR01_00013) and IBiSCo (PIR01_00011) projects, funded by the National Operational Programme Infrastructures and Networks 2014/2020 of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transports.



[1] M. Manunta et al., "The parallel SBAS approach for Sentinel-1 interferometric wide swath deformation time-series generation: Algorithm description and products quality assessment," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 6259-6281, 2019.

[2] I. Zinno, F. Casamento and R. Lanari, "On the Exploitation of the ETAD Product for Filtering Out the Atmospheric Phase Screen From Medium Resolution DInSAR Measurements: An Extensive Performance Analysis," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 18, pp. 712-727, 2025.

How to cite: Lanari, R., Casamento, F., Zinno, I., Bonano, M., Casu, F., and De Luca, C.: Performance analysis of the Atmospheric Phase Screen filtering approach of the Parallel Small BAseline Subset DInSAR technique, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18190,, 2025.

EGU25-18243 | Orals | NH6.3

Machine learning for volcano deformation: detection, interpretation and forecasting 

Andrew Hooper, Matthew Gaddes, Camila Novoa Lizama, Milan Lazecky, Shailza Sharma, Gopal Phartiyal, Eilish O'Grady, Josefa Sepulveda Araya, Rachel Bilsland, Richard Rigby, Lin Shen, Susanna Ebmeier, David Hogg, and Juliet Biggs

Ground deformation is a key indicator of volcanic activity and routine acquisition by the Sentinel-1 satellite mission now allows us to monitor volcano deformation globally. However, for the data to be used in an operational way, a large amount of time-consuming processing and interpretation is needed, which is often not feasible for individual volcano observatories. We have therefore developed a system to routinely process data for volcanoes globally, and machine learning tools for detection, interpretation and forecasting, to rapidly produce useful products. Analysis of our freely-available global data set also highlights common deformation sequences operating at volcanoes, leading to deeper understanding of the underlying processes.

Our system routinely applies radar interferometry (InSAR), whenever a new Sentinel-1 image is acquired over a volcano, updates the time series, and makes them available in a portal (, which can be used directly to check activity at volcanoes of interest. However, as there are too many images to inspect routinely, we have developed an automated machine-learning approach, based on independent component analysis, to identify new deformation patterns and also changes in rate for existing patterns, both of which are key indicators of new activity. We find this approach also does better at estimating and reducing atmospheric signal than standard approaches. We then use deep learning to extract meaningful indicators of activity from the multiple independent component time series produced per volcano.

To provide quick indicators on the sources of any ground deformation we have developed a deep learning approach to localise deformation patterns and provide a first estimate of the source parameters causing the deformation, e.g. type of source, location and volume change. Our current goal is forecasting how a volcano might deform in the future, based on a time series of interferograms up to the present day. To this end, we have tested various deep-learning algorithms from the field of video prediction and are working on incorporating physical constraints, using physics-informed deep learning approaches.

Training of these networks requires a large data set of deformation time series so, in addition to processing all the available SAR data acquired over volcanoes, we also simulate data using physical models of various deformation processes that occur at volcanoes.  This has led us to new discoveries about generalisable underlying processes operating at volcanoes undergoing uplift.

How to cite: Hooper, A., Gaddes, M., Novoa Lizama, C., Lazecky, M., Sharma, S., Phartiyal, G., O'Grady, E., Sepulveda Araya, J., Bilsland, R., Rigby, R., Shen, L., Ebmeier, S., Hogg, D., and Biggs, J.: Machine learning for volcano deformation: detection, interpretation and forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18243,, 2025.

EGU25-18381 | Posters on site | NH6.3

InSAR to monitor fault-related ground movement: An effective approach for urban environments 

Anna Giralt, Justo Reyes, Miquel Camafort, Suresh Palanisamy, Sebastian Amherdt, Joan Pallarès, Claudia Urricelqui, Andrea Garmendia, David Albiol, and Nuria Devanthéry

Fault movements, even when gradual and subtle, can significantly impact the stability of urban infrastructures, posing challenges for construction. This study uses Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) to monitor and analyze ground deformation affected by fault activity in several urban areas undergoing constant development: Silver Creek Fault (California, USA), Santa Monica Fault (California, USA), the Para Fault Zone (Adelaide, Australia), and a fault located in the Canary Wharf area, in the city of London (UK).

In urban environments, monitoring surface motion and ground stability is critical due to high population density and complex land use, which increases vulnerability in the area. Traditional in-situ monitoring approaches face a challenge when analyzing large areas and moreover to detect ground displacement movements over a larger area. In this regard, satellite remote sensing techniques offer an advantage to analyze fault-related ground displacement across entire cities or large urban areas due to the large spatial coverage of satellite imagery compared to only-ground instrumentation traditional methods.

Specifically, InSAR offers a reliable, non-intrusive approach for detecting subtle fault-related movements. When utilizing high-resolution sensors, this technique effectively evaluates ground displacement with millimetric precision (1–2 mm) and achieves geolocation accuracy within metrics scales (1–2 m). This allows the analysis of the fault-related ground deformation in detail, even at the scale of a single infrastructure.

The different case studies presented in this work show the effectiveness of InSAR not only to identify faults and their impact on urban areas, but also to quantify ground movements linked to fault areas, this is movements not only caused by fault displacement but affected by them, such as deformation caused by groundwater extraction. The study also shows how fault zones may affect these deformations by either amplifying or physically limiting them.

How to cite: Giralt, A., Reyes, J., Camafort, M., Palanisamy, S., Amherdt, S., Pallarès, J., Urricelqui, C., Garmendia, A., Albiol, D., and Devanthéry, N.: InSAR to monitor fault-related ground movement: An effective approach for urban environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18381,, 2025.

EGU25-18798 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.3

Monitoring Coastal Erosion and Subsidence on the western coast of Portugal using PSInSAR and InSAR 

Andreia Nunes and Pedro Costa P. J. M.

Portugal's coastal regions face significant challenges due to climate change, with potential GDP reductions of 2% to 5% by 2100, primarily driven by erosion and sea-level rise. The dense occupation of coastal areas increases vulnerability, underscoring the need for detailed studies to model future scenarios and implement mitigation strategies. The Atlantic oceanographic forcing impinges the soft sediment coastline and causes further stress on the erosion-prone coastal stretches.

This project aims to assess coastal erosion along Portugal's western edge, focusing on areas such as Quiaios, Cova Gala, São Pedro de Moel, and the Pedrogão dunes. Coastal retreats are analyzed using the InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) technique, complemented by traditional Earth observation methods and topo-bathymetric data to refine this methodology.

The research also employs the PSInSAR (Persistent Scattering Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar) technique to study subsidence in rocky coastal areas and evaluate risks. It is also applied to monitor spurs and coastal vegetation, analyzing its relationship with erosion processes.

The PSI technique was chosen for its ability to provide precise measurements of ground displacements, making it effective for beach monitoring and reducing atmospheric noise. By processing InSAR data, it enables millimeter-scale measurements of ground displacement along the satellite’s line of sight, using a point cloud of persistent scattering (PS) elements.

Besides long-term trends, detailed focus will be on determining impacts of coastal storms on the sediment dynamics and resilience capacity of the studies coastal systems. Results will also contribute to the establishment of high-resolution erosion rates which will allow better coastal planning.

This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES, through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 (


How to cite: Nunes, A. and Costa P. J. M., P.: Monitoring Coastal Erosion and Subsidence on the western coast of Portugal using PSInSAR and InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18798,, 2025.

EGU25-19864 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.3

Relationship between ground deformation time series and coverage dynamics: laguna Tebenquinche case study, Salar de Atacama, Chile 

Paula Olea-Encina, Maria Carmelia Ramlie, Michele Crosetto, and Oriol Monserrat

For being able to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals is needed to understand the dynamic of the ecosystems where the human activities are developed. For these reasons to understand the baseline and monitoring the environmental variables is fundamental. Earth Observation plays a key role in the management of the anthropic activities.

In the recent years, Lithium become one of the key raw resources to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals, because is the main component for avoid the use of fossil fuel. Atacama Desert is one of the main places where Lithium is extracted, but also is a fragile ecosystem, due to the presence of endangered fauna (Flamingos) and highly specialized communities of organisms (extremophile microorganisms for example).

It´s been considered the Laguna Tebenquinche for analysing the impact of the land use and land cover change, and its impact on ground deformation (Persistent Scatterer Interferometry) from Sentinel 1. The last one was computed using the CTTC´s processing chain. Vegetation dynamics, water presence and soil moisture has been obtained using NDVI, NDWI and NDMI indexes from Sentinel 2 data (level L2, S2_SR_HARMONIZED) from Google Earth Engine. Both analyses considered the period between 2022 to 2024.

The first analyses were performing the identification of the presence or absence of persistent scatterers and their relationship to the land cover. Then it was conducted an analysis of related to the ground deformation´s mean velocity and the effects of the surface dynamics from Sentinel 2. These results were compared with precipitation rates, temperature of the air, air moisture and underground water levels in the salt flat.

The results show a difference between the northern area of the lagoon, which have a mean ground deformation velocity between -5 to -2 mm/yr, versus the southern part, which has a mean ground deformation velocity between -5 to 2 mm/yr. For the coverage, the northern part of the lagoon has been flooded temporarily and with increase of soil moisture.

For the precipitation, from the end of November 2022 the rain in the salt flat (LZA12-3 station) increase, but it’s now only needed to consider the rain in the salt flat, also the rain in the upper part of the catchment. The Cerro Cosor Station shows a high value of precipitation since January 2024 to April 2024. The water surface and vegetation surface show a relationship with the precipitation pattern, but there is no direct relationship with the soil moisture time series.

Seasonal analysis of surface coverage could help to improve the understanding of the dynamic of the temporal cinematic of the Persistent Scatterers. The integration of Earth Observation helps us to understand and model relationships between climatic events (like ENSO), the hydrological dynamic of the lagoon, connections between the lagoons and the aquifers, evaluation of possible overexploitation of groundwater and saline intrusion, impacts of the climate change on the ecosystem and conditions for the local flora and fauna.

How to cite: Olea-Encina, P., Ramlie, M. C., Crosetto, M., and Monserrat, O.: Relationship between ground deformation time series and coverage dynamics: laguna Tebenquinche case study, Salar de Atacama, Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19864,, 2025.

NH7 – Wildfire Hazards

EGU25-175 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Assessment of climatic drivers for winter wildfire burned area prediction in northern Italy 

Alice Baronetti, Paolo Fiorucci, and Antonello Provenzale

The Mediterranean region is a focal point for wildfires. Climate change is projected to affect the Mediterranean hydrological cycle, resulting in intensified drought conditions and increased fire hazard. Even though northern Italy is rich in water resources, wildfires have become increasingly prevalent in recent decades, occurring not only during the summer but also in the winter season.

This study explores for the first time the climatic drivers influencing the monthly burned area (BA) during winter fire season in northern Italy from 2008 to 2022. To this end, we build multi-regression data-driven models that highlighted the main burned area drivers for the overall area. The GPS-based BA perimeters analysed here are provided by the monitoring campaigns performed by the Carabinieri Command of Units for Forestry, Environmental, and Agri-food protection. For winter (November - April) fire season, the monthly percentage of burned area at 0.11 degrees of resolution for the 2008-2022 period was obtained. A total of 150 daily precipitation and maximum and minimum ground station series were collected, converted at monthly scale, reconstructed, homogenised and spatialised at 0.11° resolution by mean of Universal Kriging with auxiliary variables. Subsequently, several climatic indices were computed for precipitation (Precipitation, Consecutive Dry and Wet Days (CDD and CWD)), temperature (Maximum and Minimum Temperature and Evapotranspiration (ET0)) and drought (SPI, SPEI and Water Balance (WB)). To find the best BA predictors, first we checked the pair correlations of BA with different temporal aggregations of climatic indices. The Pearson’s correlation test between the detrended and standardised monthly time series of BA and of climatic indices was performed for each pixel and only the strongest and significant correlations were retained. Based on the CORINE Land Cover map, the vegetation classes that were most susceptible to wildfires, and their typical elevation ranges, were identified. Then, for each pixel, we performed multilinear regressions models using every possible combination of the best predictors that exhibit the lowest correlations with each other. The selection of the best regression models was based on an out-of sample procedure, and the model performance was tested by comparing the predicted BA with the observed, analysing the explained variance and correlation.

This study shows that in northern Italy, fires are predominantly found in the Alps, Apennines, and pre-Alpine regions. In these areas, the fire return period ranges from 1 to 1.5 years, in contrast to the Po Valley, where it exceeds 7.5 years. Deciduous Broadleaf Forests appear to be the most fire-susceptible vegetation class in these fire-prone regions. Modeling results for the 2008–2022 period indicate that fires in northern Italy are primarily influenced by water stress rather than high temperature rates. In fact, the best predictors of BA were mainly precipitation and water balance recorded between December and March of the current fire year. Moreover even if burned areas are not directly correlated with drought, the study figured out the presence of a brief time window during winter months between the end of a prolonged drought and the onset of precipitation when fire risk is high.

How to cite: Baronetti, A., Fiorucci, P., and Provenzale, A.: Assessment of climatic drivers for winter wildfire burned area prediction in northern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-175,, 2025.

EGU25-183 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Assessment and monitoring of post-fire recovery using satellite imagery and the stability index in the north west of Algeria 

Ahmed Zegrar, Nadjla Bentekhici, Assia Saad, and Omar hadj shraoui

Forest fires are a complex natural phenomenon, difficult to model because they depend many parameters, which vary in both time and space. It is therefore necessary to carry out research and prevention actions as part of the improvement and management of this risk. The severity of wildfires due to hotter and drier global climate conditions affects the ecological resilience and ecosystems at risk of deterioration following the failure of post-fire recovery. To properly prepare for wildfires, it is crucial to determine fire-sensitive areas, then locate fire suppression structures, and assess the spatial and temporal quantification of post-fire regeneration. The objectives of this study are, in the first stage, to introduce a new approach to fire detection using artificial intelligence, and in the second stage, to model the dynamics of regeneration and monitor the recovery of vegetation using satellite imagery and the post-fire stability index. This method is therefore based on the concept that the state of a disturbed system will be reflected by increasing or decreasing rates of change. While undisturbed or recovered system states are characterized by rates of change close to zero. This reflects the typical pattern of decreasing change rates in post-fire recovery trajectories. To do this, time series analyses of remote sensing images from Landsat and Alsat satellites between 2010 and 2023, both pre- and post-fire, were conducted in the Sidi Bel Abbés region, Algeria, to evaluate the post-fire stability index. Moreover, the rate of vegetation recovery after a fire was assessed using the normalized regeneration index. (NRI, RI). We therefore demonstrate the performance and relevance of the post-fire stability index compared to alternative approaches because this stability index provides a relatively simple and practical solution for consistent large-scale monitoring of post-fire recovery with satellite imagery, which, combined with standardized mapping of fire severity, thus offers numerous opportunities for further research on fires and landscape ecology.

How to cite: Zegrar, A., Bentekhici, N., Saad, A., and hadj shraoui, O.: Assessment and monitoring of post-fire recovery using satellite imagery and the stability index in the north west of Algeria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-183,, 2025.

EGU25-281 | Posters on site | NH7.1

From vegetation dynamics to fire risk: a predictive framework 

Yi Liu, Dinuka Kankanige, and Ashish Sharma

Accurate fire risk estimation requires accounting for fuel moisture and fuel load assessment. Satellite-retrieved vegetation parameters offer valuable insights into fuel characteristics but are challenging to integrate due to the complex and varying interactions between vegetation and bushfires during the pre- and post-fire stages. This study explores the potential of vegetation parameters to predict fire risk independently of fire weather data. Our focus is on the pre-fire stage where the fire risk rises from a minimum threshold, which is a key determinant in bushfire ignition. Using the McArthur Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI) as a fire danger measure, we found that incorporating vegetation optical depth (VOD) into predictive models significantly enhances the performance compared to models that base past fire risk information alone. VOD was identified as a causal driver of FFDI in a significant number of fire-prone pixels in Australia, and the VOD-induced model outperformed the model that used only the past fire risk information over a 12-month lead span. These findings highlight the potential of vegetation dynamics as a standalone predictor of fire risk when the knowledge on fire weather is uncertain or unavailable. Future research will focus on enhancing this predictive framework by incorporating terrestrial water storage as an additional predictor, building on the recent studies that highlight the effectiveness of terrestrial water storage in explaining the vegetation dynamics variability and reflecting the moisture conditions during pre-fire periods.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Kankanige, D., and Sharma, A.: From vegetation dynamics to fire risk: a predictive framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-281,, 2025.

There has been an increased prevalence of very large fires in European countries with Mediterranean-type climate where in wet winters vegetation productivity is promoted and in hot dry summers fuel flammability is enabled. Traditionally, the annual burned area (BA) is applied to summarize all attributes related to the fire regime in these regions, reflecting fire management success or failure. However, in Portugal, the most fire-prone country in Europe, no annual BA trend is observed. Many fire-related experts advocate for a shift in this paradigm toward using fire impacts instead of BA, thus, understanding burn severity (BS) is essential to assess impacts and form and implement better pre- and post-fire management plans.

In this study, we analyzed spatiotemporal BS trends for large fires (≥500 ha) in Portugal from 1984 to 2022 with the identification of BS drivers. BS estimates were obtained from the “Portuguese Burn Severity Atlas” using Landsat imagery (30 m) and estimating indices as the difference normalized burn ratio (dNBR), relative dNBR (RdNBR), relative burn ratio (RBR), and dNBR with enhanced vegetation index (dNBR-EVI) to check the coherency of any possible trend via different BS indices. Time series trend was analyzed using different statistics of BS indices. We incorporated climatic and environmental variables to identify the drivers of BS and any possible BS trend. For climatic drivers, all the seven daily Fire Danger Indicators (Fuel Moisture Codes and Fire Behavior Indices) and three hourly weather observation variables from the ERA5 dataset at 15 p.m. as total precipitation, temperature, and vapor pressure deficit were utilized. For environmental drivers, we used: i) the mean elevation obtained by the Digital Elevation Model (30 m) for each fire and ii) vegetation types, for which fires were divided into four macro regimes via the dominant land use and land cover according to Carta de Ocupação do Solo (COS) leading to Pastoral, Urban, Forest, and Agricultural fires. The statistical approaches to conduct both time series analysis and correlation with drivers were based on the simple linear regression, Mann-Kendall test using tau variables, Theil-Sen slope estimator, and Spearman correlation test.

Our analysis revealed a coherent and significant increase in BS over time across all indices except for agricultural fires highlighting that there is a BS evolution in Portugal. While no correlations between climatic drivers and BS trend were found, strong correlations emerged between fuel moisture codes and fire behavior indices with areas with high BS classification, suggesting drier fuels are a key driver. Importantly, annual BA showed no significant relationship with BS, emphasizing the need to shift focus from extent-based metrics to severity-based management.

How to cite: Jahanianfard, D., González-Pelayo, O., and Benali, A.: Spatiotemporal Burn Severity Evolution Analysis with Identification of most Influential Climatic and Environmental Drivers for Large Fires in Portugal (1984-2022), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-899,, 2025.

EGU25-1889 | Orals | NH7.1

Physics-based simulation of extreme wildfire behavior on sloping terrain 

Gilbert Accary and Dominique Morvan

Wildfires pose a significant threat to ecosystems, human lives, and property, especially in regions characterized by variable topography. This work delves into the complexities of wildfire behavior on sloping terrain, where the combined effect of crosswind and slope acting in the same direction substantially influence fire behavior, rate of spread, and fire intensity. Fire regime depends on Byram’s convective number that was modified to account for slope effect according to Eq. 1 (Morvan and Accary 2024), where I is the fire intensity, g is Earth’s gravity, α is the slope angle, ρ and Cp are respectively air density and specific heat at the ambient temperature T0, R is the rate of fire spread and Ue is the effective wind speed that includes the component of buoyancy characteristic-velocity acting in the direction of fire propagation. For steep slopes, this correction results in a convective number that is significantly different from the formulation proposed by Nelson (2015).


To test the effectiveness of the proposed Byram’s number expression, Large Eddy Simulations of shrubland fires are carried out using a 3D fully-physical CFD fire simulator (FireStar3D) under various terrain slopes and prevailing crosswind speeds, covering both wind-driven fire regime (NC < 2) and plume-dominated one (NC > 10). Results show that the proposed modification of Byram’s convective number allows a better description of the obtained fire regime. In addition to the numerical simulations, a database consisting of 11 experimental fires carried out in shrublands was used to support the use of the new convective number formula. The heat transfer mechanisms governing fire propagation are described, highlighting in particular the role played by the convective cooling of unburnt vegetation in the case of a plume-dominated fire as the fire draws an adverse air flow in the opposite direction of fire propagation (see Fig. 1).

Furthermore, the development of fire-induced wind and its action on fire behavior is investigated and compared to field data gathered during an experimental shrubland fire on a sloping terrain. Simulations were carried out for three lengths of the ignition line: 30 m (as in the experiment), 90 m, and quasi-infinite fire line simulated using periodic boundary conditions. Results show that fire-induced wind is only significant in the case of a wide fire-front. As the length of the ignition line increases, the interaction between this induced wind and the fire front can change the fire regime from plume-dominated fire to a wind-driven one. 

Fig. 1. Temperature field and streamlines obtained in the vertical median plane of a plume-dominated fire, 90 s after ignition, in the case of 10° slope, an initial crosswind speed of 0.5 m/s, and quasi-infinite fire front. Earth-gravity direction is indicated by an arrow.

How to cite: Accary, G. and Morvan, D.: Physics-based simulation of extreme wildfire behavior on sloping terrain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1889,, 2025.

Effective detection and identification of wildfires are essential for efficient control and mitigation of their impacts. Satellite remote sensing is commonly used for hotspot detection, but its effectiveness is hindered in subtropical monsoon climates due to cloud and fog interference. Recently, smoke signals produced by wildfires have been successfully detected using weather Doppler radar, providing a valuable supplement to satellite-based monitoring. However, existing fire area segmentation techniques based on radar reflectivity data face significant challenges, including poor segmentation at target boundaries, limited adaptability to targets of varying sizes, and insufficient consideration of temporal correlations between data frames. To address these issues, we propose a novel wildfire segmentation approach that integrates a global-local attention mechanism with temporal correlation information. First, the Global-Local Attention (GPA) module is used to extract both key local features and global distribution patterns, thereby enhancing segmentation accuracy, particularly at target boundaries. Second, a Multi-Scale Fusion (MSF) module combines spatial features at multiple scales, enabling the model to better capture diverse spatial hierarchies of fire points and adapt to targets of varying sizes. Finally, a Temporal Feature Extraction (TEF) module is introduced to capture temporal dependencies, leveraging the correlations between consecutive data frames. Experimental results on the Fire-Radar Reflectivity (FRR) dataset demonstrate that our model outperforms baseline approaches. Compared to the Trans-UNet model, it improves pixel-level accuracy and target-level precision by approximately 3% and 4%, respectively, and by approximately 3% and 5%, respectively, compared to the state-of-the-art Evit-Unet model.

How to cite: He, Z., Fan, G., and Zeng, Z.-C.: Improved Wildfire Detection and Segmentation Using a Global-Local Attention Mechanism for Doppler Radar Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1893,, 2025.

EGU25-1896 | Orals | NH7.1

Investigating the Impact of Smoke Radiative Feedback on Wildfire Spread 

Gaofeng Fan, Zhonghua He, and Jie Luo

Wildfires can spread rapidly, threatening ecosystems, human lives, and property. Real-time monitoring of fire dynamics is crucial for improving response times and firefighting efficiency. Meteorological models, particularly the WRF-Fire model, have been widely used to predict wildfire behavior by integrating factors such as weather conditions, topography, and fuel distribution. However, the radiative feedback from smoke, which is emitted during fires, can significantly influence fire spread, yet its impact remains underexplored. This study aims to explore the impact of smoke on wildfire spread by using the WRF-Fire-Chem model, a coupled version of WRF-Fire that integrates a chemical module. The research focuses on a typical U.S. forest fire case study and examines the effects of different smoke components (such as black carbon and organic carbon) and their radiative feedback on wildfire spread. Four simulation scenarios were designed: (1) wildfire spread without smoke; (2) wildfire spread with smoke emission; (3) wildfire spread with smoke but without black carbon; and (4) wildfire spread with smoke but without organic carbon. By comparing these scenarios, the study quantitatively investigates the role of smoke in influencing wildfire spread and examines how black carbon's heating effect and organic carbon's cooling effect contribute to the fire's dynamics. The results indicate that the heating effect of black carbon accelerates fire spread, while the cooling effect of organic carbon partially suppresses the expansion of the fire. This research not only deepens our understanding of the coupling effects between wildfire spread and atmospheric components but also provides important insights for improving and optimizing future wildfire prediction technologies.

How to cite: Fan, G., He, Z., and Luo, J.: Investigating the Impact of Smoke Radiative Feedback on Wildfire Spread, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1896,, 2025.

EGU25-2152 | Posters on site | NH7.1

Development of Process- and AI-Based Hybrid Wildfire Propagation Prediction System for South Korea 

Hyun-Woo Jo, Minwoo Roh, Sunwoo Kim, Yujeong Jeong, Sung Eun Cha, Byungdoo Lee, and Woo-Kyun Lee

Forest fires increasingly threaten human lives, properties, and ecosystems, with climate change amplifying their size, intensity, and simultaneous occurrences. In South Korea, where forests cover over 60% of the land and wildland-urban interfaces are extensive, mitigating wildfire impacts requires accurate and timely fireline predictions to optimize firefighting resource allocation. While existing process-based propagation models provide rough estimates, they face limitations in capturing the complex dynamics of wildfire behavior influenced by weather, fuel, and topography. Additionally, the scarcity of time-series fireline observations and data on firefighting interventions hinders the development of AI-driven predictive models. This study introduces a hybrid wildfire propagation model that integrates process-based algorithms with AI techniques. The system calculates the rate of spread (ROS) and fireline movement using a process-based approach, while neural networks refine model parameters using 5-meter-resolution topography, forest type maps, and hourly weather data. The model generates predictions at 1-minute intervals and is trained with diverse loss functions to assimilate process-based parameters, ROS calculations, and historical fireline data from 27 wildfire events. Validation on five wildfire cases demonstrated the hybrid model’s improved performance over traditional process-based models, achieving Intersection Over Union (IOU) scores ranging from 0.4 to 0.6, with an average improvement of 0.14. These results highlight the potential of the hybrid model to enhance prediction accuracy and bridge the gap between conventional and advanced modeling methodologies. Future work will focus on expanding the training dataset and refining the model to address uncertainties in ROS predictions caused by firefighting interventions.

How to cite: Jo, H.-W., Roh, M., Kim, S., Jeong, Y., Cha, S. E., Lee, B., and Lee, W.-K.: Development of Process- and AI-Based Hybrid Wildfire Propagation Prediction System for South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2152,, 2025.

EGU25-2594 | Orals | NH7.1 | Highlight

Climate change has increased the odds of extreme regional forest fire years globally 

John Abatzoglou, Matthew Jones, Crystal Kolden, Alison Cullen, Mojtaba Sadegh, and Emily Williams

In the past decade, regions across the globe have experienced devastating fire years with far-reaching impacts including direct harm to communities, hazardous air quality, and high carbon emissions. We examine the role of antecedent and concurrent climate variability in enabling extreme regional fire years – herein defined as years with the highest forest burned area during 2002-2023 – across global forested lands. Extreme regional fire years typically coincided with years with extreme seasonal fire weather indices (FWI) and had an average four-fold increase in the number of very large fires emitted more than five-times the fire carbon emissions than non-extreme years. A majority of extreme regional fire years co-occurred with FWI metrics exceeding a 20-yr return period, whereas weaker FWI links were seen in the tropics where land-use and deforestation likely confound relationships. We show that the likelihood of FWI metrics exceeding a 20-yr return period is 50-150% higher for much of the globe under a contemporary (2011-2040) climate compared to a preindustrial (1861-1890) climate. These results suggest that human-caused climate change has augmented the odds of recent and near-term extreme climate-driven fire years across forested regions of the globe. While variability in fire years stems from the interplay of biophysical and societal factors, the exacerbating effect of climate change underscores the urgent need for proactive measures in mitigating risks and adapting to these extreme fire years.

How to cite: Abatzoglou, J., Jones, M., Kolden, C., Cullen, A., Sadegh, M., and Williams, E.: Climate change has increased the odds of extreme regional forest fire years globally, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2594,, 2025.

EGU25-3045 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Spatial and temporal patterns of wildfire drivers across Europe 

Julia Miller, Danielle Touma, and Manuela Brunner

Wildfires are becoming increasingly more frequent and devastating across Europe. In recent years, wildfires consistently set new records, and have occurred in regions that are historically less fire-prone. It is still unclear how the drivers of wildfires vary within space and time across Europe, though understanding their composition is highly relevant for mitigating fire risk and exposure, especially with regards to climate change. 

Here, we study the spatial and temporal patterns of wildfire drivers in eight distinct European climate regions by leveraging daily FireCCI burned area observations together with CERRA reanalysis data for hydro-climatic variables and MODIS gross primary productivity for fuel availability between 2001 and 2020. We develop random forest models for each region and season to identify the most important drivers of wildfire occurrence. To identify the time scales over which wildfire-favoring conditions develop, we analyzed the persistence of standardized anomalies before a fire event by using incrementally increasing temporal windows.

We find strong anomalies of all drivers on fire days in comparison to non-fire conditions across all subregions and seasons - but the combination and strength of these drivers varies in time and space. Overall, drought conditions are the most important modulator of wildfire activity. Vegetation deficits are most relevant for wildfire occurrence in spring and summer, while long-term drought indicators, such as soil moisture deficits and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index, are most important in fall and winter. The seasonal cycle of gross primary productivity (GPP) before wildfire occurrence underlines the dynamic interactions between vegetation, drought, and fire. During spring and summer, wildfire events occur under seasonal GPP deficits, whereas in fall and winter fires occur under seasonal GPP surpluses. The persistence analysis highlights the time scales over which hot and dry conditions reduce GPP and increase fuel availability: In summer, dry conditions lead to less GPP and higher fuel loads on fire days in comparison to non-fire days, whereas in the fall high fuel loads originate from GPP surpluses of the previous spring that dry out during hot and dry summer weather. 

Our findings illustrate the  complex interdependencies of factors contributing to wildfire events across different climate regions in Europe and time scales, underscoring the need for targeted wildfire mitigation and adaptation strategies, especially in the context of climate change.

How to cite: Miller, J., Touma, D., and Brunner, M.: Spatial and temporal patterns of wildfire drivers across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3045,, 2025.

This study presents a new differenced Automated Temporal Burn Index (dATBI) designed for mapping burned areas and assessing burn severity using Landsat data and Google Earth Engine (GEE). The dATBI can utilize atmospherically corrected surface reflectance pre- and post-fire images as well as single pre-fire and multi-temporal post-fire images to map burned areas accurately. The atmospheric correction was done using the Simplified Robust and Surface Reflectance Estimation Method (SREM). The effectiveness of dATBI was evaluated across various wildfire events, with its performance compared to the differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR), a key component in several initiatives such as the Burn Area Emergency Response (BAER), Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS), and the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE). The dNBR results were generated using Land Surface Reflectance Code (LaSRC) based surface reflectance images. The findings indicate that dATBI outperforms dNBR by accurately identifying fire-affected areas while excluding irrelevant pixels obscured by clouds, snow, water bodies, and other land features. In contrast, dNBR tended to misclassify these obscured features as burned areas, resulting in significant commission errors. The dATBI can generate seasonal or annual mean burned area maps using single pre-file and multi-temporal post-fire images. Overall, the results underscore the robustness of dATBI, demonstrating its applicability across diverse regions and its ability to manage large datasets effectively.

How to cite: Bilal, M.: dATBI: A New Remote Sensing Index for Burn Area Mapping Using Landsat Data and Google Earth Engine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5093,, 2025.

EGU25-5476 | Posters on site | NH7.1

Tracking Air Pollution: Global Near Real-Time Fire PM2.5 Retrievals from Multisource Data Fusion 

Changpei He, Qingyang Xiao, Guannan Geng, and Qiang Zhang

Wildfire smoke has raised concerns on air quality and public health with the increasing intensity, frequency, and duration of wildfires as a result of climate change. This study generates a global near real-time wildfire-related PM2.5 (i.e., fire PM2.5) concentration product by combining multisource data with machine learning algorithm. This is the first daily updated full-coverage high-resolution fire PM2.5 data products that allows timely tracking of the fast-growing fire PM2.5 globally. The gridded fire PM2.5 data at a spatial resolution of 0.1°×0.1° are estimated by fusing surface PM2.5 monitoring, satellite observations, meteorological fields, atmospheric composition reanalysis data, and population distribution through a three-layer random forest model. We found that during 2023-2024, wildfire smoke contributed 1.32 μg/m3 (4.7%) and 1.25 μg/m3 (4.7%) to population-weighted annual average PM2.5 worldwide, and caused 50,700 (95% confidence interval: 33,600-68,300) and 51,500 (34,100-69,400) all-cause deaths through acute fire PM2.5 exposure, respectively. Regionally, the record-breaking wildfires resulted to 1.42 μg/m3 (21%) and 2.53 μg/m3 (16%) increase in population-weighted annual average PM2.5 in Canada (2023) and South America (2024), respectively. We noticed that a relatively small number of extreme wildfire episodes could disproportionately impact regional public health, emphasizing the importance of timely monitoring of wildfire-induced PM2.5 pollution. The global fire PM2.5 data will be publicly available on the Tracking Air Pollution platform (TAP,, to support promptly health impact assessment and policymaking for wildfire risk mitigation.

How to cite: He, C., Xiao, Q., Geng, G., and Zhang, Q.: Tracking Air Pollution: Global Near Real-Time Fire PM2.5 Retrievals from Multisource Data Fusion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5476,, 2025.

EGU25-5938 | Posters on site | NH7.1

Hybrid Climate-Fire Models for Better Seasonal Wildfire Predictions 

Marco Turco, Miguel Ángel Torres-Vázquez, Sixto Herrera, Andrina Gincheva, Amar Halifa-Marín, Leone Cavicchia, Francesca Di Giuseppe, and Juan Pedro Montávez

Accurate seasonal fire predictions can be decisive for mitigating wildfire risks, optimizing firefighting resources, and informing climate adaptation strategies. This study introduces an innovative hybrid approach that combines process-based seasonal climate predictions with a Random Forest (RF) climate-fire model to forecast burned area (BA) anomalies at a global scale. Utilizing the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) derived from both observations and ECMWF SEAS5 seasonal predictions, we demonstrate skillful fire forecasts up to four months.

Our findings indicate that observational data allows predictions of BA anomalies in approximately 68% of the burnable area globally, while skillful results are achieved in 46% of the area when incorporating seasonal forecasts. The RF model substantially outperforms traditional logistic regression models, capturing complex, non-linear relationships between climate variables and fire dynamics. The system achieves its highest skill in fire-prone regions, such as Australia and South America, leveraging antecedent and concurrent drought conditions to improve predictability.

This hybrid approach underscores the importance of integrating observational and forecast data to enhance the skill of seasonal fire predictions. By leveraging machine learning techniques, the system provides a flexible and robust framework for developing operational fire forecasts, paving the way for proactive wildfire management strategies under a changing climate.


This work was supported by the project ‘Climate and Wildfire Interface Study for Europe (CHASE)’ under the 6th Seed Funding Call by the European University for Well-Being (EUniWell). M.T. acknowledges funding by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Ramón y Cajal Grant Reference RYC2019-027115-I and through the project ONFIRE, Grant PID2021-123193OB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. AP acknowledges the support of the EU H2020 project “FirEUrisk”, Grant Agreement No. 101003890. 

How to cite: Turco, M., Torres-Vázquez, M. Á., Herrera, S., Gincheva, A., Halifa-Marín, A., Cavicchia, L., Di Giuseppe, F., and Montávez, J. P.: Hybrid Climate-Fire Models for Better Seasonal Wildfire Predictions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5938,, 2025.

EGU25-6168 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

The Role of Humans in Fire Dynamics: A Natural Experiment from the COVID-19 Lockdowns 

Zhiyi Zhang and Jianghao Wang

Fire is an Earth-system disturbance that occurs in most terrestrial ecosystems and has widespread impacts on biogeochemical processes and human life. The geographic and temporal patterns of fire activity reflect a strong interplay of climatic, human, and vegetation factors. However, due to the complex interaction between human activities and climatic factors, the direction and magnitude of human direct impacts on fire remain poorly understood.

Taking advantage of the unique setting created by shelter-in-place orders during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, this study causally estimates global changes in fire occurrences due to reduced human activities in the first half of 2020 compared to average levels from 2016 to 2019. Utilizing global satellite observations of active fire detections, we constructed an aggregated global dataset at 0.5° resolution by week scales, complemented by corresponding meteorological measures, lockdown policies, and mobility indexes.

First, we assessed the average change in global fire incidence and further examined its variability across spatial, temporal, and intensity dimensions. Lockdown measures led to an average reduction of 11.8% in fire incidence worldwide. Notably, there was significant spatial heterogeneity in the direction and magnitude of human impacts on fire incidence, with changes in individual countries ranging from a 6.3-fold increase to a 5.6-fold decrease. Within groups of countries where fire incidence decreased or increased, lockdown measures exhibited contrasting temporal effects. Additionally, a greater reduction in human mobility intensified these effects in the respective directions.

Second, leveraging the attribute information of fire detection locations, we conducted separate group regression to understand the diverse pathways of human influence across landcover types, protected areas, human footprint levels, and proximity to wildland urban interfaces (WUI). Among the four landcover types, fire detections exhibited a more pronounced decline in forests and grasslands compared to shrublands/savannas and croplands. Fire within protected areas showed a larger decline on average but also experienced greater variability. A striking relationship is that areas with lower human footprint levels demonstrated a more substantial reduction in fire incidence, highlighting the critical role humans play in fire occurrences in undeveloped or low-developed lands. This relationship was further corroborated by the observed trends in relation to the distance from the nearest WUI.

Third, we examined the time-lagged effects of human activities on fire occurrences. Areas that experienced a significant reduction in fire incidents during the early lockdown stage tended to see a subsequent rebound in the later stage, thereby delaying the local fire season. Conversely, areas with increased fire detections in the early stage may experience later declines, leading to an earlier fire season. Our results indicate that reduced human activity can influence the accumulation or consumption of local fuels, consequently delaying or advancing the fire season relative to normal conditions.

Our study provides an empirical quantification of the direct effects of human activity on fire occurrences and highlights human contributions to the complex interactions between human, climate, and fire.

How to cite: Zhang, Z. and Wang, J.: The Role of Humans in Fire Dynamics: A Natural Experiment from the COVID-19 Lockdowns, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6168,, 2025.

EGU25-6174 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Predictability of global wildfire risk with transformer-based model 

Yongxuan Guo and Jianghao Wang

Extreme weather conditions, such as heatwaves and droughts driven by climate change, have led to a surge of large wildfires across the globe. This trend is exacerbated by rapid urban expansion and increasing interactions between human societies and wildlands, making the prediction of wildfire risk an urgent research priority.

While the Fire Weather Index (FWI) has been widely employed to evaluate fire risk, it primarily considers meteorological factors including wind, precipitation, temperature, and relative humidity. Some classic machine learning algorithms, such as Random Forest (RF), and deep learning approaches, represented by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), have been utilized to better capture nonlinear characteristics of wildfires. However, Transformer models, although proven efficient in multiple tasks varying from natural language processing to weather forecasting, remain largely unexplored in the context of wildfire risk prediction. Moreover, few studies have attempted to predict fire regimes at a global scale.

Therefore, our research aims to predict the next day’s global wildfire danger with high accuracy. We first established a comprehensive global wildfire database covering years from 2001 to 2020. The database contains historical burned areas records, as well as 50 key variables influencing occurrence and spread of wildfires, categorized as ignition source, fuel availability, weather condition, human activity, and topography. We then employed the Earthformer model, a transformer-based model incorporates a space-time attention block, to effectively capture the complex interplay of factors affecting wildfire regimes. By utilizing the daily dynamic variables (e.g. relative humidity) for days t-1, t-2, …, t-10 and constant variables such as land cover type, we predicted the probability for wildfire on day t. Our results indicate that Earthformer performs well with an F1-score for the positive sample (which represents high fire risk) greater than 0.85, which outperformed RF and XGBoost according to the confusion metric. Additionally, we implemented explainable AI (xAI) techniques to rank the importance of each factor contributing to fire risk.

Our study re-evaluated and generated global fire risk maps since 2020, providing essential insights for resource allocation in fire prevention strategies. By enhancing the understanding of wildfire dynamics, we aim to facilitate a better coexistence between communities and wildfires, ultimately contributing to improved resilience and mitigation efforts in the background of climate change.

How to cite: Guo, Y. and Wang, J.: Predictability of global wildfire risk with transformer-based model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6174,, 2025.

EGU25-6898 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.1

Expanding PROPAGATOR Cellular Automata based wildfire simulator to represent surface and crown fire transitions 

Andrea Trucchia, Nicolò Perello, Giorgio Meschi, Mirko D'Andrea, Farzad Ghasemiazma, Silvia Degli Esposti, and Paolo Fiorucci

PROPAGATOR is a fire spread simulator designed as a stochastic cellular automaton model for rapid fire risk assessment. The model uses high-resolution data about topography and vegetation cover, accounting for different vegetation types. Key inputs include wind, fuel moisture, and the ignition point. Additionally, the model can incorporate firefighting strategies, such as modifying fuel moisture content or implementing firebreaks. The probability of fire spread is influenced by vegetation type, slope, wind, and fuel moisture content, while fire-propagation speed is calculated using a Rate of Spread model. PROPAGATOR generates independent realizations of a stochastic fire propagation process. At each time step, it produces maps showing the probability of each cell in the domain being affected by fire, along with the potential rate of spread and fire-line intensity. 

The transition from low-intensity surface fires to burning in the vegetation canopy results in significantly larger flame heights, higher energy release rates, and increased rates of spread. Distinguishing between ground fire and canopy fire is therefore crucial for end users, impact evaluations, and the calibration of fire spotting submodels. 

To achieve this, incorporating Canopy Fuel Characteristics—such as canopy base height, canopy fuel load, canopy bulk density, and foliar moisture content—while applying appropriate simplifications, will be a critical step. Implementing Crown Fire Initiation and Spread Models will complement those already used in PROPAGATOR for ground fire, with adaptations of well-established models where feasible. Additionally, Vertical Interaction Mechanisms will be introduced into the probabilistic rules of the cellular automaton to represent conditions under which surface fires escalate to canopy fires and vice versa. 

These improvements will be validated using both synthetic and real case studies to assess their benefits for end users and practitioners. The development of these upgrades is driven by work conducted within the framework of the RETURN extended partnership (Multi-risk science for resilient communities under a changing climate) which aims at strengthening national research chains on environmental, natural, and anthropogenic risks while fostering participation in European and global strategic value chains. 

Keywords: wildfire propagation models, cellular automata, crown fires, wildfire risk, wildfire risk management 

How to cite: Trucchia, A., Perello, N., Meschi, G., D'Andrea, M., Ghasemiazma, F., Degli Esposti, S., and Fiorucci, P.: Expanding PROPAGATOR Cellular Automata based wildfire simulator to represent surface and crown fire transitions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6898,, 2025.

EGU25-6955 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Fuel-aware Forest Fire Danger Rating System RISICO: a comparative study for Italy  

Nicolò Perello, Andrea Trucchia, Giorgio Meschi, Farzad Ghasemiazma, Mirko D'Andrea, Silvia Degli Esposti, Paolo Fiorucci, Andrea Gollini, and Dario Negro

Changes in wildfire regimes observed globally due to land use transformation, human activity and climate change are compelling the development of Forest Fire Danger Rating systems capable of accurately identifying spatio-temporal patterns of increased fire danger for effective wildfire risk management, with a focus on distinguishing extreme dangerous conditions for a proper resources deployment. 

Many existing models primarily rely on weather conditions, often overlooking critical factors such as fuel and topography, which significantly influence wildfire behavior. However, these characteristics play a crucial role in wildfire activity by identifying areas where their interaction with fire-prone weather can result in extreme behaviors, leading to the majority of fire-related damage and civil protection emergencies. 

This study analyzes RISICO, a fire danger rating system that explicitly incorporates fuel and other geo-environmental characteristics of the territory into its computations. Developed in the early 2000s for Italy, RISICO has been operationally used by the Italian Civil Protection system for decades, supporting the issuing of the National forest fires risk bulletin. The latest version of the model further enhances the integration of fuel in its calculations. 

The model's performance has been evaluated over the past fifteen years of wildfire data in Italy, alongside other fire danger indices from the literature. The discrimination and detection capabilities of the indices have been assessed, along with their reliability, to ensure their suitability for operational use. 

RISICO demonstrates strong performance in identifying wildfire-related conditions while reducing the extent of areas classified as high danger, thereby improving its applicability for efficient wildfire risk management. This study highlights the importance of incorporating fuel and other geo-environmental characteristics into fire danger models, moving beyond sole reliance on fire weather assessments, and enhancing their operational effectiveness in wildfire risk management practices. 

Keywords: wildfire danger, wildfire risk management, fire weather 

How to cite: Perello, N., Trucchia, A., Meschi, G., Ghasemiazma, F., D'Andrea, M., Degli Esposti, S., Fiorucci, P., Gollini, A., and Negro, D.: Fuel-aware Forest Fire Danger Rating System RISICO: a comparative study for Italy , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6955,, 2025.

EGU25-7263 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Advancing Wildfire Risk Assessment Using Ensemble Fire Weather Predictions 

Katherine Hope Reece, Darri Eythorsson, and Martyn Peter Clark

Understanding and predicting wildfire dynamics is critical to mitigating their impacts. This is particularly relevant in regions experiencing increasing wildfire severity and frequency due to climate change. This study addresses the need for improved wildfire prediction by development of a system that uses Ensemble Fire Predictions (EFP), where we use a probabilistic fire model to model wildfire growth. Ensemble-based methodologies are particularly valuable for wildfire modeling as they account for the inherent variability in weather patterns, fuel conditions, and fire behavior that drive wildfire dynamics.


Our approach couples fire models with datasets on historical and future climate. Specifically, the system incorporates the Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) and Duff Moisture Code (DMC), (indicators of surface and deeper layer fuel dryness, respectively) from the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) to estimate fuel moisture trends using time series analysis of historical weather station data. It also integrates high-resolution weather and climate datasets, including NASA NEX-GDDP-CMIP6, Ouranos ESPO-G6-R2, and CCRN CanRCM4-WFDEI-GEM-CaPA, to evaluate the impact of alternate climate scenarios. Stochastic time series of daily fuel moisture are probabilistically generated based on historical climatology to reflect seasonal variability and day-to-day fluctuations. Historical and modeled wind speed and direction data are used to construct joint probability distributions, enabling the stochastic generation of realistic wind conditions for simulations. This novel methodology allows us to capture a wide range of possible wildfire scenarios, improving the reliability and robustness of predictions.


This research contributes to advancing wildfire spatio-temporal modeling tools by enabling more accurate probabilistic forecasts that can support mitigation strategies and resilience planning. Future work will further develop these methodologies by incorporating the ensemble outputs into Burn-P3, enabling detailed probabilistic modeling of fire spread and burn probabilities, ultimately contributing to better-informed wildfire management and planning, improved resource allocation, and community protection during wildfire events.


How to cite: Reece, K. H., Eythorsson, D., and Clark, M. P.: Advancing Wildfire Risk Assessment Using Ensemble Fire Weather Predictions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7263,, 2025.

Insects outbreak and wildland fires are among the most relevant natural disturbances affecting forested ecosystems worldwide. Following the storm Vaia of 2018, many Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests of the Eastern Italian Alps have been affected by a severe outbreak of bark beetle (Ips typographus), leading to economic, management and social concerns. In this context, the interaction between bark beetle outbreak and alterations in wildfire behaviour is poorly analysed, especially for Italian forests. This research aimed to detect the effects of bark beetle proliferation in the alteration of potential wildfire behaviour in a forested area (Veneto region, northern Italy). The semi-empirical FlamMap software was used, based on ALS data processing for deriving the spatial distribution of forest attributes and fuels within the study area. The Minimum Travel Time (MTT) algorithm of FlamMap was adopted for wildfire behaviour simulations. The contribution of bark beetle in altering the spatial behaviour of wildfires was explored using ALS point clouds acquired before and after the proliferation of bark beetle within the study area (pre-beetle and post-beetle scenario respectively). From the ALS data 5 meters-resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), Canopy Height Models (CHMs), topographic data and forest metrics were extracted for both scenarios, to model alterations of wildfire behaviour over time. Differences in Rate of Spread (RoS) and Burn Probabilities (BP) were assessed and their correlation with bark beetle effects on standing trees was investigated at the catchment scale. An increase in RoS over 25m/min and in BP greater than 0.5 were estimated in forested areas affected by bark beetle outbreak, confirming the key role of Ips typographus in altering wildfire behaviour. The relation between bark beetle impacts and changes in wildfire attributes was finally estimated by computing regression analysis that led to R2 of 0.78 and 0.82 respectively for RoS and BP. This type of analysis could be the starting point to inspect similar issues by the combined use of ALS data and wildfire behaviour models, with the ultimate aim of proposing effective management solutions and strategies for forest stands affected by natural disturbances.

How to cite: Mauri, L., Taccaliti, F., and Lingua, E.: Investigating the role of bark beetle (Ips typographus) in altering forest fire behaviour: a case study for Italian forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8130,, 2025.

EGU25-8223 | Posters on site | NH7.1

A physics-based simplified model for simulating wildfire spread in heterogeneous environments 

Adrian Navas-Montilla, Cordula Reisch, Pablo Díaz, and Ilhan Özgen-Xian

Due to climate change, there is an urgent call for scientific research into the prevention and mitigation of wildfires. Within the last 50 years, mathematical models for forest fire propagation have been developed to understand and predict the evolution of fire. In this work, we present a simplified Advection-Diffusion-Reaction (ADR) model that is physics-based and accounts for the effects of environmental conditions, topography, and the distribution and heterogeneity of fuel. The model consists of two equations: a partial differential equation for the conservation of energy and an ordinary differential equation for the evolution of biomass. It explicitly represents fuel moisture effects by means of the apparent calorific capacity method, distinguishing between live and dead fuel moisture content. Although simplified, the model is derived from the theory of two-phase porous flows and emphasizes a robust theoretical foundation. Using this model, we conduct exploratory simulations and present theoretical insights into various modeling decisions in the context of ADR-based models. We seek to understand the interplay between the different mechanisms involved in wildfire propagation, to identify key factors influencing fire spread, and to estimate the model's predictive capacity. We show that the model results are consistent with laboratory experiments and field observations by carrying out parametric analyses and qualitative comparisons. The rate of spread predicted by the model exhibits an exponentially decaying trend with increasing fuel moisture and a Ricker function-like behavior with changes in bulk density, which is consistent with previous literature. The results herein presented help build confidence in the model’s predictive capability and motivate further steps towards the application of the model to real-world scenarios.

How to cite: Navas-Montilla, A., Reisch, C., Díaz, P., and Özgen-Xian, I.: A physics-based simplified model for simulating wildfire spread in heterogeneous environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8223,, 2025.

EGU25-8440 | Posters on site | NH7.1

 On the portability of the RST-FIRES technique to higher resolution EUMETSAT systems for early fire detection 

Alfredo Falconieri, Carolina Filizzola, Giuseppe Mazzeo, Valerio Tramutoli, and Nicola Pergola
Wildfires are a worldwide phenomenon with local and global effects. They may pose a risk for life and infrastructures, degrading air quality and perturbing large areas over a wide variety of biomes. The fire severity, frequency of occurrence, and duration of fire seasons have increased in recent decades. Climate change has undoubtedly played a role in this growth, as rising temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns and winds, and more extended drought periods have all contributed to increased fire danger. Many satellite-based methods for fire detection and monitoring have been developed to provide systematic and accurate information about fire locations and space-time evolutions. In order to detect and monitoring short-living events or fires characterized by very rapid evolution times, geostationary satellites have to be used, offering a very high observation frequency, i.e., a temporal resolutions of 30 up to 5 minutes.  Among the number of fire detection techniques based on this technology, the RST-FIRES, a change detection multi-temporal approach, has already demonstrated a significant improvement in terms of small/starting fire detection using EUMETSAT Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) SEVIRI data with a 15 minutes of temporal resolution. In this work, the RST-FIRES porting on the MSG Rapid Scan Service (RSS) data, offering 5 minutes of revisit time, is experimented and its possible impact in early fire detection is assessed and quantified. To do that, a first study case has been selected, analysing results achieved over the Calabria Region (Southern Italy) during July 2022 and comparing them with the outcomes of the standard RST-FIRES algorithm. Preliminary results suggest that RSS data would allow for a quite systematic earlier detection and a better sensitivity (doubled) than MSG 0deg data because of the improved temporal (and spatial) resolutions.

How to cite: Falconieri, A., Filizzola, C., Mazzeo, G., Tramutoli, V., and Pergola, N.:  On the portability of the RST-FIRES technique to higher resolution EUMETSAT systems for early fire detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8440,, 2025.

EGU25-9009 | Posters on site | NH7.1

Forest Fire Risk Prediction Based on Machine Learning with Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) Scenarios 

Sunwoo Kim, Minwoo Roh, and Woo-Kyun Lee

Forest fires are one of the major forest disasters that pose various threats to both natural ecosystems and human societies, including biodiversity loss, large-scale destruction of forest resources, greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions, reduced tourism, and weakened ecosystem services. In the Republic of Korea, forest fires are primarily caused by human negligence. However, climate change factors, such as prolonged droughts and changes in precipitation patterns, also play a significant role in increasing the likelihood of forest fire occurrence. This study aimed to develop a machine learning-based forest fire prediction model using anthropogenic activity data, meteorological data, and climate extreme indices derived from SSP scenarios. PyCaret, a low-code machine learning library, was employed to compare and optimize various machine learning algorithms, maximizing predictive performance. The model can be utilized to identify high-risk areas in advance and assess forest fire risks under changing climatic and socioeconomic conditions. Furthermore, it is expected to provide scientific evidence for formulating forest fire prevention and management policies, thereby enhancing disaster response capacity and supporting sustainable forest management.

How to cite: Kim, S., Roh, M., and Lee, W.-K.: Forest Fire Risk Prediction Based on Machine Learning with Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9009,, 2025.

EGU25-9110 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Spatial modeling of fire ignition in Chile: comparing arson and accidental fires 

Rodrigo Crespo Pérez, Marcos Rodrigues Mimbrero, Jorge Félez Bernal, Juan de la Riva Fernández, Roberto Serrano Notivoli, Dhais Peña Angulo, Pere Gelabert Vadillo, and Luiz Galizia

Fires in Chile are one of the main natural threats to society and the balance of ecosystems. As is common, the cause behind most of them is human action, and their occurrence is linked to numerous climatic, environmental, or accessibility factors. The aim of this study was to predict the daily probability of ignition for all continental Chile, with a spatial resolution of 100 meter, distinguishing between intentional and unintentional fires to study potential disparities in the role of fire drivers. To achieve this, a Random Forest machine learning model was trained and tested using CONAF's ignition data from 2009 to 2019.

A total of 100 model realizations were calibrated by combining randomly stratified samples of fire ignition with spatial variables related to accessibility, anthropogenic presence, infrastructure, and dead fuel moisture content. For each realization, we trained and evaluated a binary classification Random Forest model, aggregating their outcomes and predictions to account for uncertainty. Models were also evaluated in terms of prediction ability and residuals independence.  

The results show differences between intentional and unintentional fires in terms of accuracy (0.86 and 0.83, respectively), but also regarding the role of the drivers. Notable differences in variable importance were also observed, with distance to power lines being the most important variable for intentional fires, while the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) played a larger role for unintentional fires. While the importance of WUI had been identified in previous studies, the significance of distance to power lines had not been widely considered, despite its potential impact on the accessibility of remote areas with high fuel loads. Interestingly, dead fuel moisture (DFMC) and fuel types were less important in both models, with DFMC showing surprisingly low relevance, contrary to expectations. The ignition probability maps generated displayed similar small-scale spatial patterns, with high ignition probabilities concentrated in central Chile, where most studies have been conducted. The southern and northern regions showed either negligible or low ignition probabilities, mainly due to a lack of fuel. At a local scale, intentional fire models were clearly associated with power lines and road networks, while unintentional fires were more influenced by proximity to buildings. Areas farther from human activity centers showed higher probabilities for unintentional fires, likely linked to recreational activities.

How to cite: Crespo Pérez, R., Rodrigues Mimbrero, M., Félez Bernal, J., de la Riva Fernández, J., Serrano Notivoli, R., Peña Angulo, D., Gelabert Vadillo, P., and Galizia, L.: Spatial modeling of fire ignition in Chile: comparing arson and accidental fires, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9110,, 2025.

EGU25-9825 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.1

Atmospheric conditions prone to extreme wildfire development: a modeling study for the July 2022 heatwave in the Iberian Peninsula 

Dana Romera Otero, Martín Senande-Rivera, and Gonzalo Miguez-Macho

In July 2022 the Iberian Peninsula was affected by an extreme heat wave, leading to multiple maximum temperature records. Extreme wildfire events also impacted northwest Spain under these conditions, with several fires exceeding 10,000 ha burned, some of them developing pyroconvection. Here we analyse, with the use of observations and the WRF-Fire coupled atmospheric-fire model, how the atmospheric environment have influenced the development of these extreme wildfire events, considering their ignition, spread and fire-atmosphere coupling. The results show the potential for these particular meteorological conditions to support the development of highly chaotic and severe fires that pose a challenge to suppression efforts.

How to cite: Romera Otero, D., Senande-Rivera, M., and Miguez-Macho, G.: Atmospheric conditions prone to extreme wildfire development: a modeling study for the July 2022 heatwave in the Iberian Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9825,, 2025.

EGU25-10006 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Cross-country dependencies in fire weather enhance the danger of extremely widespread fires in Europe 

Emilie Gauthier, Yann Quilcaille, Sonia I. Seneviratne, Jakob Zscheischler, and Emanuele Bevacqua

Wildfires are a significant natural hazard to European forest ecosystems and society. In recent years, increases in wildfire activity have been attributed to climate change, with escalating impacts on communities and ecosystems. While fire risk has been typically studied at individual locations independently, spatially compound events–where multiple wildfires occur simultaneously across different countries–have been overlooked so far. Such spatially compounding events can cause large aggregated impacts and pose severe challenges, particularly in the context of shared resources for wildfire response, as under the European Protection Agreement. To advance our understanding of spatially-compounding wildfires, we analyze the spatial dynamics of such large scale events across European countries. We use the daily-scale Burned Area dataset from the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFEDv4) for the period 2001-2015 and the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) derived from ERA5 data for 1940-2023. By combining burned area with FWI data, during the May-October fire season, we find that the top 20% of days with the highest European area under FWI > 50 account for 60% of the total European burned area, all fires considered. By focusing on FWI data, we reveal that cross-country dependencies in fire weather enhance the likelihood of days affected by a larger fraction of Europe under extreme fire danger. Similar cross-country dependencies are observed for burned areas. The spatial dependencies in FWI can be linked to large-scale atmospheric patterns that favor fire-prone weather over different regions simultaneously. Typical meteorological conditions profiles for the most extreme FWI events across the continent indicate that persistent high-pressure systems, characterized by increasing temperature and decreasing relative humidity prior to the events, are key drivers for widespread FWI extremes. We also investigate recent trends in spatially compounding fire weather events using reanalysis data and CMIP6 climate model simulations. These findings improve our understanding of spatially compounding wildfires, serving as a basis for evaluating continental-scale risk and guiding the response to high-impact events in the context of shared resources.

How to cite: Gauthier, E., Quilcaille, Y., Seneviratne, S. I., Zscheischler, J., and Bevacqua, E.: Cross-country dependencies in fire weather enhance the danger of extremely widespread fires in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10006,, 2025.

EGU25-11242 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Simulating Wildfire-Atmosphere Interactions during the Santa Coloma de Queralt Fire: An Extreme Wildfire Event Continuing into the Night 

Tristan Roelofs, Marc Castellnou Ribau, Martin Janssens, Jordi Vilà‐Guerau de Arellano, and Chiel Van Heerwaarden

The Santa Coloma de Queralt fire, a two-day wildfire in Catalonia, Spain (2021), exhibited exceptional wildfire behaviour. It spread four times faster than expected and continued burning into the night while maintaining significant intensity. Under normal circumstances, a wildfire would significantly reduce intensity during the transition to nighttime due to decreasing temperature and ambient turbulence in combination with increasing humidity. Additionally, the Santa Coloma de Queralt fire became extreme for a six-hour period, meaning that it became stronger than the extinguishing capacity of the fire service (10,000 kW/m). This combination of exceptional behaviour and extreme intensity makes it impossible to implement mitigation and evacuation measures timely (e.g. evacuation). To improve the predictability of future extreme wildfires, we investigated the Santa Coloma de Queralt fire, for which extensive documentation and measurements are available.

We hypothesised that exceptional wildfire behaviour could be explained by the wildfire modifying the local atmospheric conditions through its convective plume, thereby improving the burning conditions. Previous studies show that wildfires can significantly alter local wind patterns around the flaming zone by creating strong convective plumes. However, limited effort has been focused on fires' ability to change the local atmospheric conditions.

Hence, we simulated the first day of the Santa Coloma de Queralt fire with MicroHH, a three-dimensional large eddy simulation tool designed to resolve turbulent atmospheric convection, such as wildfire-induced plumes. To ensure realistic results, the simulation was validated against an in-plume sounding.

In line with previous work, we find that a convergence zone developed parallel to the fire front. Developing a convergence zone is typically associated with the acceleration of the wind upwind of the flaming zone. However, for the SCQ fire, our simulation shows the most acceleration inside the flaming zone instead of upwind. Furthermore, we find a significant reversal of the flow downwind of the fire, which leads to downdrafts from the overhanging plume towards the surface. These altered wind patterns downwind of the wildfire change the atmospheric stability up to 3 km downwind of the fire.

In conclusion, our results confirm our hypothesis that wildfires can create an environment with improved burning conditions surrounding the plume.

Acknowledgements: This study was part of the EWED project, funded by the European Union (Project no. 101140363).

How to cite: Roelofs, T., Castellnou Ribau, M., Janssens, M., Vilà‐Guerau de Arellano, J., and Van Heerwaarden, C.: Simulating Wildfire-Atmosphere Interactions during the Santa Coloma de Queralt Fire: An Extreme Wildfire Event Continuing into the Night, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11242,, 2025.

EGU25-11573 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Fire and Herbivory as Architects of Mediterranean Biodiversity 

Marion Lestienne, Pauline Saurat, Gwendal Mouden, Andy Hennebelle, Cécile Latapy, Lisa Bajol, and Bérangère Leys

The Mediterranean region hosts exceptional biodiversity shaped by millennia of interactions between climate, and disturbances: both fire and herbivores. This study reconstructs 8000 yrs of habitats combustibility and herbivores (domestic and wild) dynamics in the Crau Plain using paleoecological records.

Richness, evenness and turnover of vegetation dynamics were calculated to tackle the interconnexion with herbivores dynamics. Our results demonstrate a strong positive correlation between herbivores (indicated by coprophilous fungal spores) and palynological richness, determining the role of grazing by both wild and domesticated herbivores in maintaining ecological heterogeneity. The decline in grazing during the past millennium has coincided with an increase in woody vegetation, posing heightened fire risks under current climate change scenarios.

On the other hand, the palynological records has been converted into habitats and their relative combustibility. Early periods (7200–3900 cal. BP) exhibited lower habitat diversity dominated by less combustible vegetation correlated with cooler and wetter climate. However, from 3900 cal. BP, increased pastoralism and fire activity fostered the expansion of grasslands and fire-prone ecosystems.

By linking long-term ecological dynamics with modern conservation challenges, this study underscores the importance of integrating grazing management and fire regulation into biodiversity conservation strategies to sustain Mediterranean landscape resilience.

How to cite: Lestienne, M., Saurat, P., Mouden, G., Hennebelle, A., Latapy, C., Bajol, L., and Leys, B.: Fire and Herbivory as Architects of Mediterranean Biodiversity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11573,, 2025.

EGU25-12173 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.1

Emulation of Wildfire Rate of Spread Models in the Context of Surface Fire Spread Simulation 

Romain Thoreau, Roberta Baggio, and Jean-Baptiste Filippi
Wildfires pose significant threats due to their destructive capacity and complex propagation behavior, necessitating accurate prediction models for effective forest and fire management. The rising hazard of extreme wildfire events, coupled with the increasing availability of high-resolution data—such as surface wind forecasts, satellite images, and lidar measurements for fuel characterization—makes this a hot topic of research particularly suitable for data-driven innovations. In this work, we present an innovative hybrid approach that integrates a front-tracking method, designed specifically for handling wildfire spread (asynchronous updates, no mass conservation), with a neural network which can be trained to predict the fire rate of spread in correspondence of the evolving surface markers. For every marker, the model leverages features from the physiographic and meteorological data which are given as input to the model in the form of high resolution maps.
We present  a proof of concept where this wildfire emulator is trained to learn state-of-the-art rate of spread (ROS) model. In a first approach by using Sobol sequences to cover the model parameter space, then by training the model on datasets built directly from running simulations. Further development will involve in-built wildfire emulators where the ROS is learned directly from data, given sufficiently detailed fire propagation contours along with available meteorological and geophysical data.


How to cite: Thoreau, R., Baggio, R., and Filippi, J.-B.: Emulation of Wildfire Rate of Spread Models in the Context of Surface Fire Spread Simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12173,, 2025.

EGU25-12872 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Mapping fuel models across continental Chile 

Jorge Félez-Bernal, Samuel Barrao Simorte, Marcos Rodrigues Mimbrero, Luiz Galizia, and Juan de la Riva Fernández

The vast latitudinal extent of continental Chile (approximately 17° to 55° South), combined with its contrasting anthropogenic land-use patterns and diverse altitudinal configurations, presents significant challenges for understanding fuel configurations. This study aims to define standard fuel models, based on the Scott and Burgan classification, to support stochastic wildfire spread simulations at the landscape scale.

In terms of landscape regions associated with forested or woody vegetation areas, three main regional units can be broadly identified. In the north (17°-30°), forest cover is sporadic or absent. In the center (30°-41°), the landscape is dominated by monoculture plantations of Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus. In the south (41°-55°), extensive native forests prevail, with minimal or no human intervention. 

The central Mediterranean zone presents the greatest challenge for defining fuel models, as this region has experienced the highest wildfire occurrence and damage levels in recent decades. Notably, two “firestorms” in 2017 and 2023 burned more than 900,000 hectares combined. In this area, forest monocultures undergo significant temporal changes due to both exploitation and wildfire impacts. Additionally, the lack of official data complicates the estimation of forest monoculture biomass and vertical structure, requiring the use of ancillary datasets to improve estimates of canopy structure and vegetation conditions. 

In this study, fuel models were mapped across continental Chile producing a 100-meter resolution raster dataset standardized according to the Scott and Burgan methodology. The Vegetation Resources Cadaster produced by CONAF served as the foundational dataset, adapted and updated for fuel class assignments, with further refinements made by incorporating remote-sensed products such as canopy height data. 

How to cite: Félez-Bernal, J., Barrao Simorte, S., Rodrigues Mimbrero, M., Galizia, L., and de la Riva Fernández, J.: Mapping fuel models across continental Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12872,, 2025.

EGU25-13222 | Posters on site | NH7.1

Validating soil moisture models for wildfire risk assessment  

Kristiina Byckling Smith, Rick Chartrand, Florian Werner, Matteo Ziliani, and Ilse de Leede

Soil moisture is an important variable in wildfire risk assessment, influencing fuel moisture content, fire ignition potential and fire spread dynamics. In the existing fire danger rating systems, soil moisture is largely overlooked while at the same time, wildfire seasons are increasingly becoming longer with larger burnt areas. Studies have shown that using, e.g., in situ or model soil moisture information in fire danger ratings could better help forecast wildfires and lead to earlier warnings of wildfire dangers. On the other hand, the availability of ground-based monitoring stations providing reliable soil moisture information is limited. 

This study focuses on validating our in-house soil moisture models against ground-based measurements, ensuring the model’s reliability for wildfire risk modelling. The large-scale, spatially resolved soil moisture and related variables were derived using thermal infrared remote sensing combined with surface energy and soil water balance models. Ground-based soil moisture data were obtained from networks such as the International Soil Moisture Network for diverse land cover types. Validation was carried out using statistical performance metrics and correlation coefficients to identify discrepancies and to improve model accuracy.  

While the modelling and validation processes are still ongoing, preliminary results suggest there is an acceptable agreement for crop fields and ground-based data, whereas forest land cover validation remains challenging, showing the need for further refinements in the soil moisture model. This work also highlights the importance of access to reliable and frequent ground-based soil moisture data. Application to wildfire seasons in Australia show that soil moisture and evapotranspiration have high feature importance, emphasising their relevance in accurately predicting fire risk. 

This research is an important step forward for bridging the gap between soil moisture science and wildfire risk modelling, also creating effective discussion on the topic, advancing our understanding and potentially improving fire danger ratings in the future.  

How to cite: Byckling Smith, K., Chartrand, R., Werner, F., Ziliani, M., and de Leede, I.: Validating soil moisture models for wildfire risk assessment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13222,, 2025.

EGU25-13425 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.1

PyTorchFire: A Differentiable Cellular Automata-Based Wildfire Simulator with GPU Acceleration 

Sibo Cheng and Zeyu Xia

Accurate and rapid prediction of wildfire behavior is essential for effective management and mitigation efforts. However, the unpredictable nature of fire spread poses significant challenges to developing reliable simulators. Moreover, these models typically require parameter identification and adjustments based on real-time observations. Current physics-based simulations are mainly CPU-based, which can be computationally intensive and non-differentiable, making direct parameter calibration difficult. While deep learning surrogate models can enhance prediction efficiency, their generalizability to different ecoregions and climate conditions remains limited. This paper introduces PyTorchFire, an open-source Python library built on PyTorch that harnesses GPU acceleration. By utilizing a newly designed differentiable wildfire Cellular Automata (CA) model, the system achieves computational efficiency at the millisecond scale, outperforming conventional CPU-based wildfire simulators when applied to high-resolution, real-world fire scenarios. More importantly, real-time parameter calibration is enabled through gradient descent, allowing simulations to closely align with observed wildfire dynamics both spatially and temporally, thereby improving the realism of the results. By integrating real-world environmental data, PyTorchFire demonstrates enhanced generalizability compared to traditional supervised learning surrogate models. Its ability to simulate and adjust wildfire behavior in real time ensures a high level of accuracy, stability, and efficiency. Numerical tests have been conducted using simplified data from real wildfire events in California, specifically the Pier Fire in 2017 and the Bear Fire in 2020.

How to cite: Cheng, S. and Xia, Z.: PyTorchFire: A Differentiable Cellular Automata-Based Wildfire Simulator with GPU Acceleration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13425,, 2025.

EGU25-13501 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

The FIRE project: a multidisciplinary approach to provide innovative probabilistic scenarios of shallow landslides over burned areas 

Matteo Ferrarotti, Gian Marco Marmoni, Matteo Fiorucci, Carlo Esposito, Marta Galuppi, Davide Berardi, Federica Salvi, Mara Lombardi, Anna Lei, and Salvatore Martino

Italy is one of the European countries most affected by wildfires and landslides.

To date, the research on wildfires is mainly addressed to evaluate best solutions for prevention, control, and mitigation. Nevertheless, not enough attention was given so far to study effects of wildfires in view of the analysis of the related geohazards.

In urban environments, the cascading effect of wildfires on landslides represents a clear example of multi-hazard. In this regard, wildfires can be regarded as a preparatory process for landslides triggering, as they significantly modify the local conditions of slopes for a not negligible time window.

In the FIRE (wildFire-related-landslide scenarIos for territorial planning and Risk managemEnt) project, funded by “Sapienza” University of Rome, a multidisciplinary research team experienced, since 2022, an innovative approach to derive quantitative scenarios of expected shallow landslides over burned areas, by evaluating the effectiveness of wildfires in preparing instabilities, also in view of defining best practices for fire extinguishing and land management plans with respect to the potential damage caused by fires at short- and long-term.

Two case studies have been selected in Italy:  Mt. Epomeo at Ischia Island (Naples) and Camaldoli hill (City of Naples). These two sites suffered in the last decades a large number of wildfires, and, in the case of Camaldoli hill, consequential shallow landslides.

Since the project activity began, two severe wildfires struck Ischia and Camaldoli, on August 2023 and June 2024, respectively.

The physical, hydraulic, and mechanical properties of soil covers potentially unstable have been defined through field surveying, in situ determinations and laboratory geotechnical tests, performed on unburned and burned samples as well as in different seasons, from May 2023 to June 2024.

For the Ischia case study, simulations of multiple wildfire propagation scenarios were carried out, originating from the most probable ignition points. These scenarios incorporated spatially explicit fuel load distributions and seasonally varying meteorological conditions. The simulations were executed using a computational model rigorously calibrated with empirical data from the 2023 Ischia wildfire, ensuring scenario-specific precision. To further support the modelling of risk scenarios, a close survey of vegetation was conducted and then critically compared to data derived from official thematic cartography and the most recent systematic botanical studies available. This enabled an updated and detailed understanding of the identification and distribution of dominant plant species composing the habitats within the Ischian landscape system, whose dedicated documentary study on the morphology and development of root systems allowed for the construction of root profiles to be associated with the recognised plant communities.

Finally, after a specific parametrisation of the physical and mechanical properties of the burned and unburned soil covers characterised by different plant associations, for each scenario of wildfire propagation, the PARSIFAL approach was applied to obtain scenarios of shallow landslides by considering both rainfall and seismic triggers in a probabilistically-defined framework.

The abovementioned activities are here reported, together with some preliminary results of the FIRE project while further steps will allow a statistically-based analysis through data-to-model informed Artificial Neural Networks.

How to cite: Ferrarotti, M., Marmoni, G. M., Fiorucci, M., Esposito, C., Galuppi, M., Berardi, D., Salvi, F., Lombardi, M., Lei, A., and Martino, S.: The FIRE project: a multidisciplinary approach to provide innovative probabilistic scenarios of shallow landslides over burned areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13501,, 2025.

EGU25-13683 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Extreme weather conditions and Fire Radiative Power in Portugal: a probabilistic analysis 

Patrícia Páscoa, Patrícia de Zea Bermudez, Soraia Pereira, Ana Russo, and Célia M. Gouveia

Fire is a natural hazard that is dependent on climate, vegetation, and human activities, and climate conditions and fuel availability in Portugal make it a fire prone country. Moreover, extreme weather conditions have led to three severe fire seasons in this century, namely in 2003, 2005, and 2017, which caused large burned areas, and economical and human losses. The relationship between weather conditions and burned area has been extensively studied, but the effect on fire intensity is less understood, despite this being an important variable for fire propagation and suppression.

In this work, the bivariate relationship between Fire Radiative Power (FRP) and two weather variables was studied, namely temperature and wind speed, using copula functions. FRP was used as a measure of fire intensity and was retrieved from the Global Monthly Fire Location Product (MCD14ML), a part of the MODIS Active Fire product. Daily temperature at 15h and hourly wind components were obtained from ERA5-Land. The analysis was performed for all cases, and separately for two main wind directions: northerly/westerly (NW) winds, and southerly/easterly winds (SE). The maximum daily wind speed and temperature for each direction was used, on the day of the fire (lag 0), and on the previous 1 to 3 days (lags 1 to 3), to account for preexisting weather conditions. FRP values occurring on the same day were summed. Only pixels identified as forests were considered in this analysis, and the study area is the North and Centre of Portugal. The analysis was performed in the period 2001-2023, on the months of March to October.

Copula functions were fitted to the variables and used to compute the conditional probabilities of high FRP values, under extreme temperature or high wind speed. The results show that SE wind on the day of the fire is the largest driver of high fire intensity, although SE wind in the previous days also yields high probability of high FRP values in the hotter months. NW winds do not significantly increase the probability of high fire intensity, compared to the case of non-windy conditions. The effect of temperature is very similar for both wind directions, and the cumulative effect of temperature on the days before the fire is higher than if considering only lag 0 on almost all cases.

Acknowledgments: This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 This work was performed under the scope of project DHEFEUS (10.54499/2022.09185.PTDC), supported by national funds through FCT, and LA/P/0068/2020 (, “Fundos próprios para desenvolvimento de projetos de I&D” Project MEDCEX - reference: 100SPID8106.

How to cite: Páscoa, P., de Zea Bermudez, P., Pereira, S., Russo, A., and M. Gouveia, C.: Extreme weather conditions and Fire Radiative Power in Portugal: a probabilistic analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13683,, 2025.

EGU25-14050 | Orals | NH7.1

A model of wind speed reduction (WRF) in forests that can be parameterised globally using spaceborne LiDAR 

Gary Sheridan, Thomas Keeble, Philip Noske, Christopher Lyell, and Molly Harrison

Sub-canopy windspeed is a critical input variable in wildfire simulation modelling because it has a strong effect on the predicted rate of fire spread (ROS). In vegetated landscapes, windspeed reduction occurs due to the structural properties of vegetation, with the canopy height and forest/vegetation density being key structural attributes driving this effect. Wind reduction factors (WRFs) are used to represent this phenomenon in fire behaviour modelling. Significant variability in WRFs exist both laterally and vertically, however, this variation has been poorly represented in operational models for two key reasons: i) a lack of an operational-scale spatial dataset to characterise the key forest attributes and parameterise a WRF model spatially and vertically; and ii) the lack of a method to integrate these spatial parameters into an operational WRF model. We address these challenges by developing a novel WRF model using spatial inputs from the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) spaceborne LiDAR dataset. This model relies on the Plant Area Index (PAI) vertical distribution and canopy height derived from GEDI to estimate WRFs at different heights within the forest profile and across landscapes. We utilise a spatiotemporally unique dataset of twenty-six sub-canopy WRFs measured at 2m height and derived from approximately five years of within-forest windspeed data across a range of vegetation types with diverse structural attributes. Model validation was conducted using observed (measured) vertical WRF profiles across 12 structurally diverse sites. The observed within-canopy WRF across the height range (1 – 75m) varied from 2.3 to 16.1. The new WRF model achieved a Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) score of 0.8 and a coefficient of determination of 0.73, indicating very good agreement between the modelled predictions and the observed WRF data. The Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of the model was 1.36, and there was a slight bias towards overprediction of 0.43. The model represents an advancement in operational WRF modelling by explicitly integrating large-scale spatial datasets that characterise vertical forest structure. It demonstrates the feasibility of using GEDI data to model WRFs operationally, providing spatially and vertically explicit predictions. As a globally available dataset, GEDI enables this approach to be applied in forests/vegetation worldwide to better represent variability in WRF and therefore improve fire ROS modelling. This proof-of-concept establishes a scalable method to bridge critical gaps in WRF modelling for wildfire prediction.

How to cite: Sheridan, G., Keeble, T., Noske, P., Lyell, C., and Harrison, M.: A model of wind speed reduction (WRF) in forests that can be parameterised globally using spaceborne LiDAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14050,, 2025.

EGU25-15094 | Posters on site | NH7.1

Experimental Validation of a Wildfire Early Warning System Based on a CO2 Sensor Network 

Luca Furnari, Alessio De Rango, Fabio Cortale, Alfonso Senatore, and Giuseppe Mendicino

Forest fire prevention, forecast, and control are becoming increasingly popular issues, in large part because of climate change. While several early warning systems use remotely sensed images collected by optical and non-optical sensors, as well as supervised AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms to detect fires early on, the development and dissemination of reliable, low-cost sensors together with the advancement of the IoT (Internet of Things) paradigm make it possible to apply monitoring techniques relying on widespread ground-based sensor networks.

This paper illustrates an innovative technique where smart CO2 sensors were used to capture smoke produced by combustion and discriminate an alert through AI techniques. In more detail, a small-scale field experiment was conducted where 44 CO2 sensors were deployed on a hillslope, triggering a small controlled fire. The sensors were connected via LoRaWan (Long Range Wide Area Network) technology and a gateway to an online platform that included an optimized database and an interactive management interface. Several environmental variables were monitored during the experiment, most notably wind speed and direction. In addition, 3 unsupervised AI algorithms were tested to discriminate alerts (Long-Short Term Memory - LSTM; AutoEncoder on CO2 absolute values and AutoEncoder on CO2 differences between two consecutive measurements) and compared with a classical alert system based on thresholds calibrated on each sensor, using the maximum CO2 recorded in the 5 days prior the experiment, in absence of fires.

Several sensors detected anomalies in CO2, particularly those placed downwind. The results highlighted the capabilities of AI to better discriminate the alert with respect to the classical no-AI system. More specifically, the application of AI-based methods could also bring the alert on many sensors forward with respect to the no-AI method. Future deployments of such a system will be carried out in a broader area, employing more than double the number of sensors and combining them with other detection technologies (e.g., remotely sensed RGB and IR images) and AI techniques.


Acknowledgments: This study was funded by The Next Generation EU—Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of ‘Innovation Ecosystems’, building ‘Territorial R&D Leaders’, and Project Tech4You—Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009.  This work reflects only the authors’ views and opinions, neither the Ministry for University and Research nor the European Commission can be considered responsible for them.

How to cite: Furnari, L., De Rango, A., Cortale, F., Senatore, A., and Mendicino, G.: Experimental Validation of a Wildfire Early Warning System Based on a CO2 Sensor Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15094,, 2025.

EGU25-15504 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Characterizing Wildfire Danger in Italy: The Added Value of High-Resolution Reanalyses 

Filippo D'Amico, Riccardo Bonanno, Elena Collino, Matteo Lacavalla, Simone Sperati, and Francesca Viterbo

Wildfires are a critical threat to both people and infrastructures. Although most wildfires in Italy are human-caused, their ignition and propagation are strongly influenced by wildfire-prone meteorological conditions, such as droughts, heatwaves, and strong winds, which are projected to increase in both severity and frequency in the coming decades due to ongoing climate change.

To effectively prevent  wildfires and to forecast wildfire risk over a territory, it is essential to understand the meteorological situation in which they have ignited and developed in the past. In this work, we focus on calculating the meteorological wildfire danger through the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) over two high resolution reanalyses for Italy, MERIDA HRES and MERIDA HRES OI.

The FWI represents an estimate of the meteorological wildfire danger of an area, combining 2m temperature, 2m relative humidity, 10m wind speed, and total rainfall fields; therefore, the more accurate the meteorological inputs are, the more accurate the FWI becomes. Meteorological reanalyses represent the most reliable source for such inputs, as they integrate observational data with numerical weather prediction models. This approach enables the detailed reconstruction of past weather conditions over extensive territories, including areas lacking direct observational data

In this context, we have investigated the added value of higher resolution reanalyses by comparing FWI computed over the coarser ERA5 reanalysis with the higher resolution MERIDA HRES and MERIDA HRES OI reanalyses. These two reanalyses, which use ERA5 as a meteorological driver, are downscaled through the WRF-ARW model with parametrizations specifically tailored to the complex geography of the Italian territory. MERIDA HRES covers the period from 1986 to 2021, while MERIDA HRES OI spans 2005 to 2021, integrating observational data for enhanced accuracy.

The comparison has been carried out through the analysis of several case studies and through the analysis of the datasets’ performances over all the wildfires that happened over Italy in the past decade, as well as through considerations over FWI climatological trends. While ERA5 is a robust and extensively validated resource, its coarser resolution poses limitations in accurately capturing the complex topography and local climatic variations of the Italian landscape. The MERIDA HRES datasets, with their finer resolution, consistently outperformed ERA5 in these scenarios, highlighting their added value for applications requiring detailed, high-resolution meteorological data.

In conclusion, MERIDA HRES and MERIDA HRES OI offer valuable tools for improving the characterization of wildfire danger across Italy, benefiting from their higher spatial resolution and parametrization specific for the Italian territory. These datasets contribute to a deeper understanding of the meteorological conditions associated with wildfire danger and provide robust resources for studying climatological trends. Additionally, they support a wide range of stakeholders by aiding in the development of more effective risk management and mitigation strategies in response to the growing threat of wildfires.

How to cite: D'Amico, F., Bonanno, R., Collino, E., Lacavalla, M., Sperati, S., and Viterbo, F.: Characterizing Wildfire Danger in Italy: The Added Value of High-Resolution Reanalyses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15504,, 2025.

EGU25-15783 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Interpretable by-design wildfire forecasting via prototypes 

Hugo Porta, Ines Kamoun, and Devis Tuia

Wildfires are destructive to ecosystems and human life, exacerbated by climate change, yet deep learning models for fire forecasting lack interpretability, as they often rely on black-box models or post-hoc explainability methods only approximating the models' decision process. This limits their use for real-world applications and their potential to discover new scientific insights on wildfire regime shifts under climate change.

This study tests prototype learning as a per-design method for interpretable wildfire forecasting. The model selects real patches seen during training as prototypes and constructs the predictions based on the similarity between parts of the test region of interest and said prototypes. The dataset used is the SeasFire datacube, which forecasts wildfires with a lead time of eight days from eight environmental variables. We use a U-NET++ baseline and 10 prototype vectors per class: fires and no fires. A prototype layer computes the cosine similarity of the normalized output feature map pixels with all the normalized prototypes in a latent dimension space: D = 64. Then the 20 similarity scores are passed to a classification layer for all pixels. Three losses regularize learning by enforcing 1) clustering of the pixels around the prototypes, 2) orthogonality of the prototypes, and 3) a uniform use of prototypes across a batch. Our interpretable method achieved comparable performance to the non-interpretable baseline: U-NET++ (F1 score: 0.544, AUPRC: 0.590).

However, unlike images in RGB, the prototypes and their activations are not easily interpretable for spatial environmental inputs (here represented by 8 independent input channels). To address this issue, we propose two strategies for prototype summarization. First, through human-centered interpretability, we compute the 2D Wasserstein distance between each fire prototype activation and the environmental inputs for all patches with fires. For the three most common fire prototypes (located in Africa, Europe, and Australia), this approach showcases their similarity to the land surface temperature patterns but also, depending on the prototypes, different levels of proximity with the NDVI or relative humidity heatmaps as the second closest environmental variable. The second approach aims at approximating the model's non-linear relationships between environmental variables and prototype activations via a white-box model like Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) which predicts the prototype activations via a linear combination of smooth functions for all environmental variables independently. Predicting the prototype activation map leads to a R2 score of up to 0.682, and allows us to explain linear correlations, (such as between vapor pressure deficit and prototype activations) across the most common prototypes, or, depending on the prototypes, different functional relationships between NDVI and their activations.

In this study, we investigate the potential and limitations of per-design interpretability methods for wildfire forecasting with Earth observation data. In particular, we match the results of non-interpretable models, breaking a myth of the underperformance of XAI methods. Moreover, we propose two approaches to alleviate the lack of interpretability of prototypes via model approximations: GAMs or human-centered pattern matching with 2D Wasserstein distance. Both methods reveal interesting insights into the role of environmental predictors for wildfire forecasting.

How to cite: Porta, H., Kamoun, I., and Tuia, D.: Interpretable by-design wildfire forecasting via prototypes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15783,, 2025.

EGU25-17023 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Space-time data-driven modeling of wildfire initiation in the mountainous region of Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy 

Mateo Moreno, Stefan Steger, Laura Bozzoli, Stefano Terzi, Andrea Trucchia, Cees van Westen, and Luigi Lombardo

Wildfires are frequently occurring hazards worldwide which are moving higher in elevation and threatening mountain regions. Each year, they result in substantial economic losses, fatalities, and carbon emissions. In addition, the interplay of climate change, land use changes, and socioeconomic factors is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of wildfires. In this context, developing reliable tools and early warning systems is critical to mitigate and reduce future impacts. At regional scales, data-driven analyses are commonly used to evaluate wildfire susceptibility based on static environmental conditions. However, the integration of the spatial and temporal domains remains challenging. Currently, there is evidence of an increasing trend in wildfires in the region of Trentino-Alto Adige, located in the northeastern part of the Italian Alps. Although this area has experienced limited impacts from wildfires in the past, new tools and applications are needed to prepare for worsening conditions.

This work aims to predict the occurrence of wildfires in space and time (i.e., the ‘where’ and the ‘when’) in Trentino-Alto Adige (13,600 km²). The analyses built upon a generalized additive model (GAM), multitemporal wildfire data from 2000 to 2020, and static and dynamic environmental controls (e.g., topography, land cover, daily precipitation, and temperature). The methodical framework involves filtering the wildfire inventory (wildfire presence data), sampling wildfire absences in space and time, extracting the environmental predictors, and removing trivial terrain and periods. The resulting predictions change dynamically as a function of static factors, seasonality, dynamic precipitation and temperature and are transferred into space under varying precipitation and temperature conditions to hindcast wildfire events. The model output is linked to known performance measures in order to estimate wildfire susceptibility thresholds that can be interpreted in analogy to commonly used empirical landslide rainfall thresholds. The validation routines confirm the high generalizability and predictive power of the model while providing insights into the interplay of environmental factors for wildfire occurrence in Trentino-Alto Adige. Application possibilities are presented.

The research that led to these results is related to the EO4MULTIHA project, which received funding from the European Space Agency (ESA).

How to cite: Moreno, M., Steger, S., Bozzoli, L., Terzi, S., Trucchia, A., van Westen, C., and Lombardo, L.: Space-time data-driven modeling of wildfire initiation in the mountainous region of Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17023,, 2025.

Forest fires pose an escalating threat to biodiversity, particularly in ecologically sensitive regions like the Himalayas. Uttarakhand, with its unique ecosystems and high proportion of endemic and endangered species, has experienced a significant increase in forest fire frequency in recent decades, largely driven by climate warming. Despite growing concerns, research on the interplay between climate dynamics and forest fire events in Uttarakhand remains limited, with little quantitative analysis of how these events impact biodiversity hotspots. Using satellite observations, climate reanalysis, and forest survey reports, we investigated how climate warming has altered the dynamics of forest fire events in Uttarakhand over the past two decades and evaluated their effects on local biodiversity. Fire records from MODIS and VIIRS spanning 2000–2024 reveal a marked increase in both the annual frequency and spatial extent of forest fires. The frequency of these fires is significantly correlated with rising temperatures, reduced pre-monsoon precipitation, wind speed, and relative humidity. Pre- and post-fire imagery indicates that forest fires impact more than 10% of biodiversity hotspots annually. Involving local communities in fire reporting and management, alongside reliable early warning systems, can be essential to mitigate fire risks. Our findings provide a scientific foundation for policymakers and conservation practitioners to reduce biodiversity loss and enhance ecosystem resilience in the face of escalating fire risks and global warming.

How to cite: Chaudhary, K.: Escalating Forest Fire Events and Biodiversity Loss in Uttarakhand Under a Warming Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17217,, 2025.

EGU25-18219 | Orals | NH7.1

Assessing the potential of ICESat-2 data to retrieve fuel-related variables 

Sergio Godinho, Juan Guerra-Hernandéz, Akli Benali, Susana Barreiro, and Nuno Guiomar

Recent studies suggest that fire regimes will be altered in response to climate change, leading to increased frequency and intensity of wildfires in fire-prone areas, as well as expansion into previously unaffected regions. In the Mediterranean region, projected weather conditions, combined with existing vegetation patterns, are expected to contribute to more frequent and severe wildfires. Portugal has already experienced catastrophic consequences of these extreme circumstances in 2003, 2005, and 2017, with large wildfires causing extensive economic, environmental, and human losses. The characterization and mapping of fuels are recognized as critical factors in wildfire prevention and planning. Fuel management is a direct method for reducing fire risk, and fire behavior simulators (e.g., FARSITE, FlamMap) are valuable tools for supporting fire and fuel management decisions. However, the accuracy of simulation outputs depends heavily on the availability of precise fuel data. High-quality information on variables such as canopy height (CH), canopy cover (CC), canopy base height (CBH), canopy bulk density (CBD), and canopy fuel load (CFL) is essential for accurate wildfire management decisions. The overarching objective of this study had two main components: i) evaluating the utility of ICESat-2 data for estimating key fuel-related variables, and ii) creating a comprehensive map of these variables at a 25-meter resolution by integrating ICESat-2 data with other remotely sensed datasets such as Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, ALOS2/PALSAR2, and SRTM. To achieve the first goal, a three-step approach was implemented: (i) modeling fuel-related variables using field-based vegetation measurements and ALS-derived metrics; (ii) generating ALS-based estimates of key fuel-related variables to provide ground-truth information across the study area; and (iii) assessing the utility of ICESat-2 ATL08 canopy height and cover metrics for estimating key fuel-related variables. An error analysis regarding the ICESat-2 derived estimates for the key fuel-related variables and the ICESat-2 standard CH estimates was performed to understand how different factors (e.g. land cover type, canopy cover, and slope) could affect the performance of the estimates. For the second objective, the Google Earth Engine cloud-computing platform was used to preprocess, mosaic, and retrieve Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, PALSAR-2, and topographical data. Additionally, it was utilized to compute a suite of vegetation indices and textural metrics (GLCM). The Random Forest machine learning algorithm was then applied to predict each of the fuel-related variables using the aforementioned multisource satellite data. In this presentation, we will discuss the primary strengths and limitations of ICESat-2 data in providing useful and accurate information about key fuel-related metrics in a semi-arid Mediterranean landscape.

This presentation will be conducted under the scope of the FUEL-SAT project (PCIF/GRF/0116/2019) as the main findings here reported were collected and processed within this project.

How to cite: Godinho, S., Guerra-Hernandéz, J., Benali, A., Barreiro, S., and Guiomar, N.: Assessing the potential of ICESat-2 data to retrieve fuel-related variables, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18219,, 2025.

EGU25-18739 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Fire as a key factor in the transition and maintenance of the oak savanna ecosystem in the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, Minnesota, USA 

Andy Hennebelle, Walter Finsinger, Bérangère Leys, Pierre Lapellegerie, Marion Lestienne, and Kendra McLauchlan

Savannas are wrongly perceived as degraded ecosystems whereas they represent a highly valuable landscape and cover 20% of the Earth’s surface. In the USA, Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (Minnesota, USA) focuses on temperate savanna, unique in the continent. A prescribed burning program has been established in the early 60’s to include this key structural process into the savanna system. In this study, we reconstructed for the first time the fire regime imprints in this ecosystem and analyzed the link with the savanna vegetation since its establishment, about 4200 years before present day. Replacing first the boreal forest, then the oak/pine forest, following the glacial retreat and the climate warming of the Holocene (at respectively ca. 8000 years and 7200 years before present), this savanna system experienced a mFRI of 156.5 +/- 158.2 years.

At its establishment, the savanna presented the lowest recorded abundance of pine species while the abundancy of Poaceae dramatically increased in the understory thus defining the landscape characterized by low density of oak that is observed nowadays. In parallel, the fire regime of the mixedwood forest was characterized by less frequent fires associated with relatively high charcoal accumulation rates (mean Fire Return Interval of 280.9 years +/- 160.6 years) which transitioned towards higher frequency of fire events associated with low charcoal influx, while moving towards the savanna vegetation. In addition, the change of fire frequency is associated with a change in the fuel type burned, with dominance of ligneous fuel during the forested phase (W/L ratio of charcoal particles < 0.5) shifting to a more diversified fuel type around 3750 years BP (WL ratio > 0,5). Our results thus suggest that savanna dominated landscape is associated with frequent fires of a mixed fuel composition, reflecting the more diverse vegetation and the establishment of the herbaceous layer in sparse oak trees in the landscape.

Ultimately, frequent fires have maintained savannas for over 4 millennia thus highlighting that prescribed burning is a practice to be maintained in order to protect this ecosystem.

How to cite: Hennebelle, A., Finsinger, W., Leys, B., Lapellegerie, P., Lestienne, M., and McLauchlan, K.: Fire as a key factor in the transition and maintenance of the oak savanna ecosystem in the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, Minnesota, USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18739,, 2025.

EGU25-20715 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Insights from Fuel Management Simulations for Wildfire Risk Mitigation in Europe under Future Climate Scenarios  

Alex Neidermeier, Maik Billing, Thales A.P. West, Kirsten Thonicke, and Peter H. Verburg

This study explores the potential for different fuel management strategies to mitigate future wildfire risks across Europe by leveraging advanced modeling techniques that integrate future climate and land-use change scenarios. Using the Lund-Potsdam-Jena managed Land model (LPJmL), coupled with the SPITFIRE fire model, we simulate the impacts of five fuel management interventions across four fuel classes, ranging from fine fuels (e.g., grasses and leaves) to coarse fuels (e.g., branches and mature trees). These scenarios are based on SSP1 (Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 1; "Sustainability") and SSP3 ("Regional Rivalry") pathways, aligned with Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 2.6 and RCP7.0, respectively. The study evaluates fire intensity, surface fire rate of spread, fuel bulk density, and biomass changes to assess how fuel-removal interventions (e.g., prescribed burning and mechanical removal) can influence burned area under varying future conditions.

Our findings highlight that fine fuel management is the most effective strategy for reducing wildfire spread in Europe, with especially potential burned area reductions in the Mediterranean. We thus suggest that in temperate and boreal Europe, retaining coarse fuels can contribute to ecosystem health through moisture retention, habitat conservation, and carbon storage. However, managing coarser fuels is critical near wildland-urban interfaces to mitigate fire risks and ensure accessibility for emergency responders in all parts of Europe. This is especially relevant given the large interannual variability in heat and precipitation which can create unpredictable conditions favoring severe fires in the Mediterranean region. We conclude that whether Europe’s future follows a more sustainable trajectory along the lines of SSP1 or a more tumultuous and nationalistic pathway such as SSP3, wildfire will remain a persistent threat with the potential to undermine climate change mitigation efforts. This highlights the need to view landscapes and priorities through a fire-focused lens, emphasizing targeted fuel treatments that optimize resource use and enhance fire resilience.

How to cite: Neidermeier, A., Billing, M., West, T. A. P., Thonicke, K., and Verburg, P. H.: Insights from Fuel Management Simulations for Wildfire Risk Mitigation in Europe under Future Climate Scenarios , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20715,, 2025.

The threat to life and property, and the relationship between fire regimes and biodiversity, are arguably the most significant ongoing challenges facing managers of parks and forests. Fuel moisture is a primary driver of fuel flammability and subsequent fires and varies spatially and temporally across landscapes. Vapour Pressure Deficit (VPD) is a measure of atmospheric dryness that strongly influences dead fuel moisture content. Previous research has established strong links between VPD, burned area, and fire severity at broader spatial and temporal scales. More recent work has found in-forest VPD is generally a stronger predictor of ignition and sustained burning than broader landscape variables. Understanding the spatial-temporal trends and variability of VPD is crucial for understanding future wildfire risk and estimating what (if any) management actions can reduce risk.

This study utilizes a long-term (40 year) dataset of in-forest VPD collected from weather stations established in 1984 in eucalyptus forest in southeastern Australia. Data were analysed to map temporal variations in VPD across different microclimates within the forest. Thresholds from previous research were used to determine availability for ignition and spread. Seasonal analyses were undertaken to examine the potential for wildfires (summer) or prescribed fire (spring and autumn).

The number of potential wildfire days has increased in the summer period over the duration of the study, with an acceleration in the last twenty years.  Prescribed fire opportunities have also increased however these results should be cautiously interpreted as they may also represent an extension of the wildfire season compared to historic conditions. 

Long term micro-climate studies are rare, and these data provided unique insight into the spatial-temporal variations of VPD within a eucalyptus forest in southeastern, Australia. These data support the notion that changes in climate are a much greater driver of fire regime changes, compared to land management decisions.

How to cite: Najera Umana, J., Penman, T., and Burton, J.: Forty years of micro-weather observations provide insights into variations of in-forest vapor pressure deficit (VPD) within a mixed eucalyptus foothill forest fire regime change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21846,, 2025.

EGU25-963 | Posters on site | NH7.2

Fire up the transdisciplinary dialogue for wildfire risk management 

Mariza Kaskara, Charalampos Kontoes, and Sofia Oikonomou

In line with the respective demands for more public participation, transparency and fairness in wildfire risk management institutions and procedures, Firelogue as an EU Coordination and Support Action aims to connect, coordinate and support three Innovation Actions (TREEADS, FIRE-RES, SILVANUS) granted under the H2020-LC-GD-1-1-2020 "Prevention and management of extreme forest fires through the integration and demonstration of innovative means" as well as the precursor project “FirEUrisk” by integrating their results across stakeholder groups and Wildfire Risk Management phases (WFRM).

In order to achieve the aformentioned objectives, and with a view to create an online WFRM community, Firelogue has developed a platform called "Lessons on Fire powered by Firelogue" (LoF by Firelogue platform), which disseminates the knowledge of the entire WFRM community as well as technologies and measures developed by the IAs. “LoF by Firelogue” platform built upon the Lessons on Fire platform established by the Pau Costa Foundation (PCF) in 2015, thereby leveraging the valuable insights and experiences gained from their prior endeavors. Upon the completion of the project, Firelogue's platform will be entrusted to PCF to undertake the responsibility of its continuous maintenance and updates.

The LoF by Firelogue platform serves as a highly valuable resource for the WFRM community. It functions as a centralised hub for sharing of knowledge, dissemination of news and events, promotion of EU platforms dedicated to dissemination of activities, as well as access to various existing platforms related to WFRM. One of the notable features of the platform is its ability to facilitate connections between professionals within the field. It ensures that users remain informed about the latest fire-related events and news, while also granting them access to technical publications, best practices in WFRM, case studies, and a range of fire-related documents. The platform along with its associated context, remains open to all, enabling registered users to contribute their own content. Registered users are given the opportunity to upload their own fire-related content through uploading their results, documents, events and news. This collaborative effort enhances and empowers the WFRM sector.

Overall, Firelogue and its LoF powered by Firelogue Platform’s are critical resources for the WFRM community, policy makers and civil society to address current and future wildfire challenges. By creating dialogue and empowering the community, Firelogue makes a significant contribution to mitigating the impacts of wildfire.

Acknowledgement: "This work has been supported by the research project FIRELOGUE. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101036534. This article reflects only the authors’ views and the Research Executive Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains."


How to cite: Kaskara, M., Kontoes, C., and Oikonomou, S.: Fire up the transdisciplinary dialogue for wildfire risk management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-963,, 2025.

EGU25-1115 | Orals | NH7.2

Leveraging Mapping Tools and Analytics for Advanced Wildfire Detection and Crisis Management 

Konstantinos Zapounidis, Athanasios Bantsos, Christos Koidis, Irodotos Aptalidis, Konstantinos Papadopoulos, Angela-Maria Despotopoulou, Konstantinos Christidis, Babis Magoutas, Emmanouil Grillakis, George Arampatzis, Anastasia Phillis, Stelios Manoudakis, Carmine Pascale, Adriana Pacifico, Charisios Achillas, Dimitrios Aidonis, and Apostolos Voulgarakis

Aiming at addressing the uncertainty and socio-economic dimensions inherent in wildfire management, and to minimize the impact of wildfires through timely and informed decision-making, our research introduces an architectural framework for a software platform for Detection of Emerging Fire-related Situations and Response Process Management.

The event-driven architecture processes real-time, heterogeneous data from sources like satellite fire detection, meteorological stations, environmental sensors, and AI-enhanced UAV imagery. Events such as temperature anomalies or fire detections trigger dynamic response workflows. Modular, scalable components facilitate seamless ingestion, processing, and analysis of multi-source data. Algorithms model and predict fire behaviour, optimize resource allocation, and guide emergency response strategies. System outputs, including analytics, risk assessments, and situational hazards (e.g., endangered wildlife), are shared via dashboards, mobile apps, AR devices, and text messaging, ensuring broad accessibility.

The most prominent example of said interfaces is an OSM-based mapping tool that emphasizes intuitive navigation, interactive controls, and customizable data visualizations. It incorporates modular components that support real-time data visualization, fire risk assessment, and geospatial analysis. Key features include a user-defined data module enabling seamless integration of custom geospatial data, a non-fuel areas module designed to identify non-fuel zones, and a monitoring module offering comprehensive real-time wildfire surveillance.

The design of both the platform components and the user experience have been co-developed with domain experts, ensuring alignment with operational needs. These experts, including firefighters, environmental engineers, local authorities, and wildlife administrators, contributed to defining event patterns, scenarios, response workflows and feedback on usability, ensuring the system is tailored to real-world wildfire management challenges.

The architectural framework was validated within the TREEADS project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme. In particular, two field trials with distinct scenarios took place in Samaria Gorge, Crete, Greece, and the Sorrento Peninsula, Italy, aiming at demonstrating the system’s ability to improve established practices.

Keywords: software architecture; event-driven architectures; decision support system; response process management; remote sensing; data visualisation; mapping tools; real-time data processing; analytics; wildfire management system; real-time risk assessment; OpenStreetMap (OSM); real-time analytics; data stream processing; context-aware wildfire detection; situational awareness

This research has been carried out in the scope of the TREEADS project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101036926. The authors acknowledge valuable help and contributions from all partners of the TREEADS project.

How to cite: Zapounidis, K., Bantsos, A., Koidis, C., Aptalidis, I., Papadopoulos, K., Despotopoulou, A.-M., Christidis, K., Magoutas, B., Grillakis, E., Arampatzis, G., Phillis, A., Manoudakis, S., Pascale, C., Pacifico, A., Achillas, C., Aidonis, D., and Voulgarakis, A.: Leveraging Mapping Tools and Analytics for Advanced Wildfire Detection and Crisis Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1115,, 2025.

EGU25-1558 | Posters on site | NH7.2

Fire Simulation with PhyFire: Applications and Results in the TREEADS Project 

María Isabel Asensio, José Manuel Cascón, José Manuel Iglesias, Laura Herrero, María Teresa Santos Martín, Emmanouil Grillakis, and Carmine Pascale

This poster presents the use of the PhyFire simulation tool within the framework of the TREEADS project. PhyFire is built on three simplified physical models that work together to simulate various aspects of wildfires. The core fire propagation model, PhyFire, is coupled with HDWind, a high-resolution wind field model that provides localized wind dynamics, and PhyNx, an atmospheric dispersion model used to simulate the dispersion of the smoke generated by the fire. Through various use cases, we demonstrate how this integrated approach enhances fire modelling, prediction, and management. The showcased applications include real-world scenarios where the tool has provided valuable insights and supported decision-making processes for fire prevention and response. Key results highlight the accuracy and versatility of PhyFire in addressing diverse challenges related to wildfire dynamics and mitigation strategies. The selected use cases correspond to three TREEADS pilot areas: the Tiétar valley in the province of Ávila (Spain), the Sorrento peninsula (Italy) and the Samaria Gorge on the island of Crete (Greece). Incorporating the unique characteristics of each pilot area has presented distinct challenges to the simulation model, offering valuable opportunities for refinement and enhancement.

The simulation tool was developed by the Numerical Simulation and Scientific Computing research group at the University of Salamanca and integrated into the TREEADS project's WebGIS platform in collaboration with the Information Technologies for the Intelligent Digitization of Objects and Processes research group from the same university. The integrated tool facilitates its use over the project's pilot areas through a simple and user-friendly interface, enabling the visualization of results within a GIS environment.

How to cite: Asensio, M. I., Cascón, J. M., Iglesias, J. M., Herrero, L., Santos Martín, M. T., Grillakis, E., and Pascale, C.: Fire Simulation with PhyFire: Applications and Results in the TREEADS Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1558,, 2025.

EGU25-3462 | Posters on site | NH7.2

Comprehensive wildfire vulnerability indicators for residential and non-residential buildings in the WUI 

Sven Fuchs, Pia Echtler, Linda Wilimek, Mortimer Müller, Harald Vacik, and Maria Papathoma-Köhle

Residential and non-residential buildings may react differently to a wildfire due to several factors, including differences in architectural design, construction materials, and the location of combustible or hazardous materials. These differences can significantly influence the level of vulnerability to wildfire impacts, with each type of building presenting unique challenges and risks. While residential structures often prioritise factors such as comfort and aesthetic design, non-residential buildings, such as commercial or industrial facilities, may have additional concerns, such as the storage of large quantities of hazardous materials or the need for specific industrial processes, which introduce further wildfire vulnerabilities.

In this study, we present a comprehensive and detailed set of wildfire vulnerability indicators specifically tailored to assess the risks posed to both residential and non-residential buildings located within the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI). These indicators are designed to evaluate various characteristics of the buildings themselves, including their construction materials, roof types, and storage of flammable or hazardous materials. In addition to the physical characteristics of the structures, the study also considers the immediate surroundings, such as fences, perimeter walls and the type of vegetation present in the area. Ground cover, which can include grass, shrubs or other combustible materials, is also considered a key factor influencing the vulnerability of buildings to wildfire.

By combining these various building and environmental characteristics, the set of vulnerability indicators provides a holistic approach to assessing the physical risks faced by properties in the WUI. This methodology makes it possible to identify specific hotspots where the risk of wildfire damage may be higher, thus allowing for the prioritisation of prevention measures. For example, buildings with highly flammable roofing materials or those located near dense vegetation may be more susceptible to ignition and therefore require more immediate attention in terms of mitigation strategies.

The practical application of these indicators is demonstrated by their use in assessing the vulnerability of an industrial area located in the WUI in the European Alps. This case study illustrates how the indicators can be used to assess real-world scenarios and highlights areas where improvements can be made to enhance the resilience of both residential and non-residential buildings to wildfire. The study also highlights the importance of a localised, context-specific approach to wildfire risk assessment, as factors such as local climate, terrain and vegetation play a significant role in shaping vulnerability in the WUI. By incorporating these elements, the proposed set of indicators aims to contribute to more effective risk assessment and targeted prevention efforts, ultimately enhancing wildfire resilience in areas where human development intersects with wildlands.

How to cite: Fuchs, S., Echtler, P., Wilimek, L., Müller, M., Vacik, H., and Papathoma-Köhle, M.: Comprehensive wildfire vulnerability indicators for residential and non-residential buildings in the WUI, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3462,, 2025.

EGU25-4032 | Orals | NH7.2

Applying Urban Fire Mitigation Strategies to Wildland-Urban Interface Fires 

Sayaka Suzuki and Samuel L. Manzello

Japan has a long history of multiple urban fires but far fewer wildland fires. Recently, Japan experienced several small wildland-urban interface (WUI) fires. Given the situation, the number may increase in the near future. When wildland fires reach communities, structure-to-structure fire spread, the same phenomena to both urban fires and WUI fires, will occur. Urban planning in Japan aimed to prevent large urban fire spread for decades, using strategies as wide roads, parks or non-flammable vegetation as fuel breaks. It is not clear these approaches are effective for the future WUI fire prevention in Japan.  In this presentation, Japan’s approach to urban fire mitigation will be introduced in detail and how these approaches may or may not be applicable to WUI fire mitigation will be discussed.

How to cite: Suzuki, S. and Manzello, S. L.: Applying Urban Fire Mitigation Strategies to Wildland-Urban Interface Fires, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4032,, 2025.

EGU25-4285 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

Fire connectivity across the WUI: the interplay between increased drought events and active landscape management strategies 

Rodrigo Balaguer-Romano, Josep María Espelta, Lluís Brotons, Núria Aquilué, and Miquel De Cáceres

Global warming and land-use/land-cover changes, together with the expansion of the wildland-urban interface (WUI), have increased wildfire risk and exposure within Euro-Mediterranean countries. From a landscape-scale perspective, the scientific community has highlighted the interest of recovering the historical agro-forest mosaics to reduce wildfire risk within WUI areas by increasing land-cover discontinuity and fuel structure heterogeneity. Yet, up to date current and forecasted land-use change scenarios point out to the reverse pattern: i.e. an increasing abandonment of rural activities and forest encroachment. Furthermore, an increase in drought-driven tree mortality episodes is also occurring, potentially leading to changes in forest cover and in the amount of highly available fuels. However, it is unknown how the effects of drought events may interact with active landscape planning to reduce wildfire risk in the long-term.

Here, we analyze current and future fire connectivity patterns within the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (NE Spain), one of the most populated Mediterranean WUI areas. First, we assess the effect of different levels of drought-driven tree mortality episodes over fire connectivity in the long-term. Then, we analyze to which extent these disturbances combined with active landscape management strategies (LMS) can contribute to reduce fire connectivity.

We used a process-based model (MEDFATELAND) to simulate forest dynamics until 2050 under two climatic scenarios (low- vs high-drought). Next, we applied a circuit-based algorithm (OMNISCAPE) to model current (2020-2024) and future (2040-2050) fire connectivity (i.e. the spatial arrangement of areas with similar fuel properties that could facilitate contiguous fire spread). We analyzed drought effects over fire connectivity by comparing the results of both low- and high-drought climatic scenarios. Then, we analyze the effects on fire connectivity of drought impacts combined with three active LMS: (i) recovery of former agricultural lands recently abandoned, (ii) increase of current wood extraction rates under a bioeconomy-oriented strategy, and (iii) limited salvage-logging of drought-affected forest stands.

Overall, we observed a fire connectivity reduction in the long-term (2040-2050), passively mediated by high-drought climate effects (tree mortality) which ultimately diminish forests fine fuel loads. Regarding the active LMSs, we observed the greatest fire connectivity decrease by increasing land-cover discontinuity through the recovery of former agricultural areas. However, this LMS also produced fire connectivity increases in some areas that remained as fuel corridors between croplands. In contrast, a limited salvage-logging strategy in drought affected forest areas reduced wildfire connectivity through the whole study area by diminishing the amount of highly available fuels. Interestingly, we did not observe significant effects from an increased wood harvesting LMS, probably due to departing from extremely low current extraction rates within the study area. In conclusion, in this presentation we will explore through an innovative methodology to which extent passive (i.e. drought-driven tree mortality episodes) combined with active landscape management strategies can contribute to improve the prevention of large wildfire events in WUI areas.

How to cite: Balaguer-Romano, R., Espelta, J. M., Brotons, L., Aquilué, N., and De Cáceres, M.: Fire connectivity across the WUI: the interplay between increased drought events and active landscape management strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4285,, 2025.

EGU25-4560 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

Fires of the Future: Building a Global Framework for Wildfire-Community Resilience 

Kelsey Winter, Brandon MacKinnon, and Greg Baxter

This presentation will explore the development of a national approach to Wildfire Community Impact Research (WCIR) in Canada, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive framework to understand and address the evolving relationship between communities and wildfire events. The research proposes a structured methodology for evaluating the consequences of wildfires on communities, focusing on long-term resilience, recovery, and adaptation strategies. By synthesizing diverse datasets and experiences from various regions, the presentation advocates for a global framework that allows for consistent, comparative learning from wildfire-community interactions. This framework aims to facilitate cross-border collaboration, enabling policymakers, researchers, and communities to share knowledge, best practices, and lessons learned. The ultimate goal is to prepare societies for a future where wildfires are an inevitable and recurring challenge, fostering a more adaptive, fire-resilient global community.

How to cite: Winter, K., MacKinnon, B., and Baxter, G.: Fires of the Future: Building a Global Framework for Wildfire-Community Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4560,, 2025.

EGU25-6609 | Orals | NH7.2

On the need of a European program for wildfire-prepared communities – the FIREPRIME project 

Eulàlia Planas, Israel Rodríguez, Maria Cifre, Guillem Canaleta, Maria Papathoma-Köhle, Sven Fuchs, Johan Sjöström, Frida Vermina Plathner, Pascale Vacca, and Elsa Pastor

Wildfires in the Wildland-Urban Interface  (WUI) are a rising problem in Europe, driven by lengthening hot, dry seasons in southern regions and the emergence of fire-prone zones in central and northern countries unprepared for large-scale wildfires. Climate change intensifies these challenges, underscoring the urgent need to enhance resilience and self-protection capabilities of WUI communities.

Although several EU initiatives have focused on improving community resilience to wildfires, their practical implementation and impact remain limited. These efforts are often isolated and localized, lacking integration into a cohesive, harmonized European strategy. This gap has left Europe without a unified framework for fostering fire-adapted communities capable of coexisting with wildfires. In contrast, international programs like FireSmart Canada and Firewise USA provide successful examples of global, community-centered approaches that could inspire European efforts.

The FIREPRIME project aims to address this gap by establishing the foundations for an EU-wide program to promote a culture of wildfire resilience among WUI communities, with a focus on civil protection. FIREPRIME is designing at pilot level the program architecture and governance, and is developing a comprehensive toolkit of resources that includes a smartphone app, guidelines, checklists, and educational materials aimed at enhancing wildfire resilience in three critical targets: households, communities, and infrastructure.

These tools are being piloted in three diverse European regions, each representing unique fire regimes, ecosystems, and population profiles: Collserola-Barcelona, Spain (Mediterranean Europe); Tyrol, Austria (Central Europe); and Gothenburg, Sweden (Northern Europe). This presentation will showcase the rationale behind FIREPRIME, its key tools, and initial results from pilot region collaborations, emphasizing the project's inclusive and regionally sensitive approach, which fosters active engagement with local stakeholders and WUI communities.

How to cite: Planas, E., Rodríguez, I., Cifre, M., Canaleta, G., Papathoma-Köhle, M., Fuchs, S., Sjöström, J., Vermina Plathner, F., Vacca, P., and Pastor, E.: On the need of a European program for wildfire-prepared communities – the FIREPRIME project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6609,, 2025.

EGU25-8537 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

Fine-resolution gridded landscape fuel data in Ukraine 

Dmytro Oshurok, Dmytro Grabovets, Arina Petrosian, Daniil Boldyriev, Tetiana Maremukha, Bohdan Molodets, Varvara Morhulova, and Oleg Skrynyk

In this study, we present a map of 84 landscape fuel classes for Ukraine, parameterized according to the widely used Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS). The developed fuel map has a resolution of approximately 30 meters and is relevant for 2021. Two-step methodology for the classification and mapping of landscape fuel was applied. Initially, general fuel types were defined using data on land use/land cover, canopy height, and forest/shrub percent cover. These fuel types were then divided into the final number of classes. To this end, we processed catalogues with descriptions of biotopes and species diversity for each ecoregion of Ukraine, and involved Digital Elevation Model data, hydrological basins data and geospatial information on settlements. FCCS includes a large amount of input parameters, enabling the calculation of fire potential and a number of important fire behaviour parameters. Unfortunately, there are no sufficient measurements to parameterize all of input characteristics for the created fuel classes, or fuelbeds according to the FCCS. However, most parameters were managed to reproduce using various information sources, including field surveys, catalogues of biotopes, ecological literature, digital photo series etc. Other parameters (mainly surface woody fuels and duff) were extracted from the corresponding fuelbeds existing in the Fuel Fire Tools (FFT, fire management application that integrates several modules, including FCCS) database. General description and climate type specification along with previously defined parameters were matched to select most appropriate fuelbeds.

To validate the developed fuel data, above-ground biomass (AGB) and total available fuel loading were calculated through FFT software and compared to the ESA CCI (European Space Agency, Climate Change Initiative) global forest AGB dataset for 2021 and 300-meter global fuel map for 2015 developed by Pettinari and Chuvieco. In overall, the created fuelbeds were found to underestimate mean living woody biomass for the sampled pixels (53.95 t/ha against 67.46 t/ha). At the same time, correlation coefficients are equal to 0.89 and 0.86 for Pearson and Spearman correlation, respectively. Upon closer examination, biomass in shrubs, tree scrub and young forests was underpredicted to a greater extent, while better accordance was achieved for mature forests, particularly for open ones. The created fuel dataset also showed a good agreement with the global fuel map for both above-ground biomass and fuel loading.

The gridded landscape fuel data in such a high resolution, developed in this study, are extremely important for a wide range of scientific and applied tasks, including fire management, evaluation of emission rates and modelling of smoke effects from wildfires. It should be noted that this data can be reclassified to ensure compatibility with the FireEUrisk fuel map for Europe.

How to cite: Oshurok, D., Grabovets, D., Petrosian, A., Boldyriev, D., Maremukha, T., Molodets, B., Morhulova, V., and Skrynyk, O.: Fine-resolution gridded landscape fuel data in Ukraine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8537,, 2025.

Forest fires are a recurring issue in many parts of the world, including India. These fires can have various causes, including human activities (such as agricultural burning, campfires, or discarded cigarettes) and natural factors (such as lightning). This study presents a comprehensive and advanced methodology for assessing wildfire susceptibility by integrating diverse environmental variables and leveraging cutting-edge machine learning techniques across Rajasthan, India. The primary goal of the study is to utilize Google Earth Engine to compare locations in Sariska National Park, Rajasthan (India) before and after forest fires. High-resolution satellite data were used to assess the amount and types of changes caused by forest fires. The present study meticulously analyzes various environmental variables, i.e., slope orientation, elevation, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), drainage density, precipitation, and temperature to understand landscape characteristics and assess wildfire susceptibility. In addition, a sophisticated random forest regression model is used to predict land surface temperature based on a set of environmental parameters.

How to cite: Sinha, A. and Sharma, L. K.: Application of machine learning on Google Earth Engine for Forest Fire Severity, burned area mapping and Land Surface Temperature Analysis: Rajasthan, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8892,, 2025.

Wildfire risk assessment has evolved significantly over decades of research, enhancing both the accuracy and practical application of methods to evaluate wildfire occurrences and impacts. However, global changes and climate variability present challenges to quantitative assessments due to the diversity of future scenarios. In this context, we introduce SCENFIRE, a specialized selection algorithm designed to align simulated fire perimeters with specific fire size distribution scenarios.

The foundation of this approach lies in generating a vast collection of plausible simulated fires across a wide range of conditions, assuming a random pattern of ignition. The algorithm then assembles individual fire perimeters based on their specific probabilities of occurrence, determined by (i) the likelihood of ignition and (ii) the probability of particular fire-weather scenarios, including wind speed and direction.

This method offers several significant advantages. First, it eliminates the need for fine-tuning simulation parameters by creating an extensive pool of scenarios, which can be automated using scripting tools such as FConstMTT batch processing. Second, it allows for easy adaptation to various fire size distributions without necessitating recalibration of the simulation process.

The approach is exemplified in the eastern Mediterranean coast of Spain, a region prone to wildfires due to natural conditions and land abandonment. This area has experienced recurring large fire events over recent decades, making it an ideal setting to demonstrate the method's effectiveness.

How to cite: Rodrigues, M.: Introducing SCENFIRE, a Post-Processing of Scenario-Based for the integration of  Wildfire simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8974,, 2025.

This research examines the complex interactions between natural vegetation and urban infrastructure within the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI), focusing on the region of Attica, Greece. Human-built environments and wild vegetation converge in areas where conditions favor the propagation of wildfires. The presence of diverse fuel sources, both natural and artificial, fosters the development of conditions conducive to the rapid spread of wildfires. Consequently, these areas are particularly vulnerable to natural hazards. The Attica region is among the most densely populated in Greece, with a population density of over 3.8 million inhabitants. The region is characterized by extensive and unregulated buildings, which renders it a suitable subject for studying WUI. The study addresses the relationship between the increasing frequency of wildfires and the impact of urban sprawl concerning future fire risk, highlighting the critical need for effective risk management strategies. To achieve its objectives, freely available advanced geospatial data from digital and satellite sources was utilised, such as data on urban structures (UCR-Star building footprints from 2014–2021) and vegetation (Corine Land Cover 2018, forest maps from 2022, and high-resolution vegetation data from the Copernicus Database) to map the WUI areas. Historical fire records (Fire frequency) were derived from Landsat satellite imagery (1983–2023), while topographic maps (1988–1994) were processed to create Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and slope maps, and climatic data modified the Fire Weather Index (FWI) at the 90th percentile for RCP 4.5 projections. The methodology employed a three-stage process to map the WUI, integrating fuel type mapping, dwelling characterisation, and classification of WUI types. The wildfire risk was assessed through a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based model combining hazard (fire history, weather, topography, and fuel types) and susceptibility (land cover and WUI categories) to identify high-risk areas in Attica. The spatial analysis performed the spatial extent of the WUI in Attica, which was estimated to be 26% of the whole region. Furthermore, 37% of the study area was classified as high or very high risk, underscoring the region’s vulnerability. Temporal fire mapping from 1983 to 2023 provided a comprehensive understanding of fire dynamics over four decades, allowing detailed analysis of the relationship between WUI expansion and fire occurrence. Overall, more than 102,000 hectares in Attica have been affected by wildfires, covering over one-third of the region. The findings outline a strong correlation between urban development and wildfire risk, thus offering valuable insights into the factors contributing to fire vulnerability in WUI areas. These findings contribute to the scientific discourse and a solid foundation for developing evidence-based policies to improve fire prevention, response, and resilience in areas where urban and natural landscapes intersect.

How to cite: Psomiadis, E., Oikonomou, A., and Avramidou, M.: Coupling Remote Sensing data and GIS analysis to delineate Wildland-Urban Interfaces and their possible correlation to wildfires in a densely populated area in Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9223,, 2025.

EGU25-9292 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.2

Understanding Stakeholder Discourses for improved Wildfire Risk Management 

Xiran Dong, Anna Scolobig, JoAnne Linnerooth-Bayer, Jan Sendzimir, Alberto Fresolone, and Thomas Schinko

Wildfire risk management has gained importance as wildfires increase in their frequency and intensity, with potentially devastating impacts on communities and ecosystems, contributing to climate change, biodiversity loss and ultimately increasing societal vulnerability to multi-hazards. As a result of historical processes influenced by socioeconomic factors, political decisions and changes in human-nature interactions, wildfire risk management has become more complex involving multiple stakeholders often holding competing views. Different views exist, for example, concerning the respective roles of fire suppression, which employs ever more sophisticated technologies, and fire prevention involving land use planning, fuel treatments and Nature-based Solutions. Perceptions of the problem and the potential solutions vary among different stakeholders, which can result in conflicts impeding effective wildfire risk management. Thus, a multifaceted stakeholder approach is needed to address the wildfire challenge.

We conducted a qualitative analysis of stakeholder discourses on wildfire risk management, especially in the Mediterranean context. The analysis focuses on narratives of how experts frame the wildfire risk problem, the potential solutions and interventions they propose for its management, and their corresponding views on Nature-based Solutions. It is mainly based on data collected from two cross-sectoral wildfire workshops and expert interviews, as part of the Horizon 2020 project Firelogue (Cross-sector dialogue for Wildfire Risk Management). The stakeholders and workshop participants come from five relevant working groups within the wildfire risk management community, namely, civil protection, environment, infrastructure, insurance and society. Reports and notes from the workshops, as well as transcripts from the semi-structured interviews were coded manually with the qualitative data analysis software ‘NVivo’ to identify a plurality of views.

The dual role of fire as a natural element and integral part of ecosystems with regenerative functions on the one hand, and as a destructive disturbance to socio-ecological systems on the other, further contributes to the complexity of the nexus between fire, nature and people. Increased land abandonment, forest protection and restoration projects emerged with growing support for allowing forests to be shaped more naturally. Special attention is placed on Nature-based Solutions in the context of wildfires. We classified the expert discourses along the three axiological categories of the Nature Futures Framework (NFF): 1) the instrumental values of nature to society (Nature for Society); 2) the intrinsic values of nature (Nature for Nature) and 3) the relational values weaving human-nature relationships together (Nature as Culture). The discourses differ from each other in the regard of whether impacts and benefits are being foremost quantified and considered in trade-offs, ways to restore natural ecosystems to be self-reinforcing and self-balancing, and how to establish a reciprocal relationship seeing nature and society as interconnected entities.

Understanding the social constructions, worldviews and values of the wildfire community, analyzed and documented with qualitative methods, can help identify compromise solutions and a robust policy space. In this way, this study aims to facilitate a holistic understanding of complex wildfire risks with an interdisciplinary approach and contribute to improving decision-making processes across diverse sectors and scales.

How to cite: Dong, X., Scolobig, A., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Sendzimir, J., Fresolone, A., and Schinko, T.: Understanding Stakeholder Discourses for improved Wildfire Risk Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9292,, 2025.

Counterfactual analysis is the study of what might have happened, if a particular circumstance had been different. This type of analysis is being increasingly applied to the field of disaster risk reduction, to estimate how much the effects of a disaster were prevented or amplified by the presence (or absence) of certain factors. The findings of such analyses can then be used as lessons learned from unrealized alternative events, to help inform policies and plans for a more disaster-resilient future.

This study conducts a counterfactual analysis for the 2023 Lahaina wildfires in Hawaii, which caused over $6 billion in losses and more than 100 fatalities. Using a qualitative approach inspired by previously proposed counterfactual analysis frameworks, we investigate a variety of plausible shifts related to the disaster (e.g., in terms of its geographical location and timing) that could have led to an even worse outcome. We find that the casualty number could have been notably increased if the most significant wildfire occurred at night, near a much larger town in the north of Maui, and/or coincided with a volcanic eruption, for instance.  The results of this investigation are translated into a series of recommendations for strengthening disaster risk reduction measures (e.g., related to improving early warning systems, community-led evacuations, and consolidating public partnerships with transportation companies) that could significantly reduce wildfire-related losses from any future similar events in the region or elsewhere.

How to cite: Ahmed, H. and Cremen, G.: Learning important risk mitigation lessons through counterfactual analysis of the 2023 Lahaina Wildfires, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9525,, 2025.

EGU25-10265 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

Wildfire Risk-Reduction Guidance for European Critical Infrastructure: Case Study of an Electrical Substation in Austria 

Simona Dossi, Maria Papathoma-Köhle, Sven Fuchs, Eulalia Planas, and Elsa Pastor

Wildfires are growing in intensity due to land-use changes and climate change impacts. 2023 ranked as the most destructive year for wildfires in the European Union since 2000, with over 500,000 hectares burned. As wildfire hazard increases, so does the need to prevent and mitigate wildfire risk, especially in interface areas where communities and the built environment are adjacent to or intermixed with wildlands. An emerging field of research focus is the Wildland-Industrial Interface (WII), where industrial buildings and infrastructures are at risk of potential wildfire exposure and damage.

In an effort to implement practical wildfire risk-reduction measures in Europe, the DG-ECHO-funded project FIREPRIME is working to deploy wildfire risk-reduction guidelines in three European interface pilot sites: in Austria, Sweden, and Spain. Each pilot site includes a critical infrastructure (an electrical substation, train rail network, and chemical storage facility, respectively) to consider in the risk-reduction guidance. Critical infrastructures, defined as facilities that provide essential services to society, are expected to face a tenfold increase in damages due to climate change by the end of the century, highlighting the urgent need for tailored risk reduction measures against natural hazards. The power grid has had numerous hazardous interactions with wildfires, both through igniting highly destructive wildfires and by experiencing significant damage and subsequent power supply disruptions. Recent examples include the highly destructive 2023 Maui wildfire, ignited by fallen power lines, and the largest wildfire in Texas history, which occurred in 2024, when a damaged utility pole caused power lines to ignite vegetation.

The Austrian critical infrastructure analyzed in this project is an electrical substation operated by the Austrian Power Grid, located in Haiming and nearly completely surrounded by an Alpine forest. Risk-reduction guidance and risk assessments methodologies for the electric power grid are reviewed to identify the most significant wildfire exposure mechanisms and damage modalities. The FireSmart Guidelines for Oil and Gas Industry from Canada are adapted and applied as an initial vulnerability assessment considering the local wildfire threat conditions, defensible space conditions, and location of vulnerable equipment. Available vulnerability assessments methodologies and preventative guidance are outlined to inform further risk-reduction measures.

The FIREPRIME project focuses on implementing already-developed mitigation measures for wildfire risk, by adapting them to European realities; this work is a contribution to increase the European power grid resilience against increasing wildfire threats in future years.

How to cite: Dossi, S., Papathoma-Köhle, M., Fuchs, S., Planas, E., and Pastor, E.: Wildfire Risk-Reduction Guidance for European Critical Infrastructure: Case Study of an Electrical Substation in Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10265,, 2025.

EGU25-11257 | Orals | NH7.2

Innovative solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe. Preliminary results from FIRE-RES project 

Pau Brunet-Navarro, Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo, and Antoni Trasobares

Extreme Wildfire Events (EWE) exceeding control capacity are becoming a major environmental, economic and social threat, not only in fire-prone regions in Southern Europe, America and Oceania, but also in new areas such as Central and Northern Europe. The EU H2020 FIRE-RES project ( aims to provide Europe with the necessary capacity to avoid collapse in the face of EWE, which are projected to increase as the result of a harsher climate.

FIRE-RES is a 4-year project (2021–2025) whose scope is to effectively promote the implementation of a holistic fire management approach and support the transition towards more resilient landscapes and communities to EWE in Europe. FIRE-RES brings together a transdisciplinary, multi-actor consortium of 35 partners, formed by researchers, wildfire agencies, technological companies, industry and civil society from 13 countries, linking to broader networks in science and disaster reduction management. The project is implementing a total of 34 Innovation Actions across a set of eleven living labs representing different environments in Europe and Chile. These Innovation Actions are framed within 5 topics: Ecosystem Conservation and Landscape design; Emergency, Risk Mapping and Sustainable Fire Management Models; Economic drivers, Incentives and Insurance Solutions; Governance, Society, Communication and Risk Awareness; and Advanced Technology Solutions - Support Tools for Integrated Fire Management. Its final mission is to boost the socio-ecological transition of the European Union towards a fire-resilient continent by developing a stream of innovative actions.

In its last year, the FIRE-RES consortium is already having results from the implementation of its 34 Innovation Actions. In this talk, selected results related to disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, innovations in disaster management, and critical infrastructure protection will be presented.

How to cite: Brunet-Navarro, P., Garcia-Gonzalo, J., and Trasobares, A.: Innovative solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe. Preliminary results from FIRE-RES project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11257,, 2025.

Wildfires are increasing in intensity globally, causing death, displacement, elevated health risks due to smoke inhalation, and billions of dollars in damages. In Canada, wildfires are the costliest disaster by event occurrence and recent fires have had international impacts, including on air quality in the United States. These direct consequences of intense wildfires, in addition to the impacts on financial and insurance markets, necessitates a comprehensive and science-based understanding of wildfire risk. This presentation will provide an overview of the wildfire risk in Canada and discuss the innovative scientific approach to risk modelling. In Canada, single wildfire events have caused billions of dollars of losses to residents, governments, and insurers along with considerable social and health impacts, including community displacement and smoke inhalation. The record-breaking 2023 fire season demonstrated that all of Canada can be affected by wildfires, and the intensity of recent wildfires internationally, including in the United States, illustrate the urgent need to better understand intense wildfires. 

In Canada, Public Safety Canada’s (PS’s) mandate is to “keep Canada safe from a range of risks such as natural disasters”. The Data Science and Engineering Team at Public Safety connects data, analysis, and engineering to policy development, to work towards meeting this ambitious mandate and to support effective adaptation. The team is imbedded in a policy directorate and provides data analysis and technical policy input for programs including a federally-backed Insurance Program,  Disaster Financial Assistance modernization, and creating and sharing Canada-wide risk ratings for natural hazards, including wildfires.  

Canada has significant wildfire risk across much of the country. Many small and medium settlement areas are directly exposed to wildfire risk, and the past few years have seen unprecedented destruction throughout the country. Canada’s extensive forests as well as our dispersed and often remote settlement patterns create a unique and problematic landscape of wildfire risk that will be discussed in the presentation. Several recent wildfire events have led to insurer losses well beyond the historical maximum of losses for any year over the last 50 years. In Canada and across the world, insurers have begun to reduce their risk exposure for high risk properties by refusing policy renewals, reducing capacity to write policies, and raising premiums. 

PS is responsible for building a holistic understanding of natural hazards across Canada. In this presentation, we will share our team’s and scientific collaborator’s novel efforts across three federal departments to fill knowledge gaps and perform a ‘first of its kind’ wildfire impact assessment and quantification for residential structures in Canada. This includes progress developing and validating novel approaches for characterizing and communicating probabilistic wildfire hazard, developing a Canada-wide wildfire risk assessment, quantifying house loss to structures, and providing wildfire risk information for Canada-wide financial risk analysis. We will highlight our efforts towards data-informed, aligned and effective adaptation policy in addition to how we are bridging the gap between data, science, and policy to keep Canadians safe.  

How to cite: Sandison, J.: A Probabilistic Wildfire Risk Model for Canada: Insights for Data, Science and Policy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11763,, 2025.

EGU25-13045 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.2

Spatio-temporal Assessment of Wildfire Risks to Critical Infrastructure: Predicting Wildfires with Machine Learning 

Daniel L. Donaldson, Joseph Preece, Kerryn Little, Emma Ferranti, and Nicholas Kettridge

As the climate changes, wildfires pose a growing threat to infrastructure. Wildfires can adversely impact reliability across a wide range of infrastructure sectors: the heat can directly damage electricity distribution network and communication equipment; smoke can disrupt transport and solar power production; and ash can contaminate water supplies. While some regions of the world have extensive experience with wildfire driven infrastructure outages, changes in climate and land use mean that infrastructure owners around the world are now facing these challenges, including those in Great Britain. Therefore, it is essential to understand the impacts that wildfires could have on infrastructure owners’ ability to provide essential services to society.  

We present a methodology to use landcover, vegetation properties, weather, and topography to inform the behaviour and likelihood of wildfires in proximity to critical infrastructure. Simulations across 249 distinct scenarios for Great Britain allowed us to examine the expected behaviour of wildfires, and how this behaviour may change seasonally, under different fuel management scenarios and under extreme heatwave events. This culminated in 316,479-point simulations of fire behaviour. Accounting for local landcover, windspeed, and topography have enabled us to spatially map these scenarios to critical infrastructure assets (power and transportation), enabling visualisation of the changes and impact. Finally, we used a machine-learning based methodology (using landcover, vegetation properties, weather, and topography) to inform the likelihood of wildfires occurring in proximity to critical infrastructure. Simulation using historical recorded wildfire incident data enables model validation and provides insight for climate adaptation planning and resilience enhancement strategies. 

How to cite: Donaldson, D. L., Preece, J., Little, K., Ferranti, E., and Kettridge, N.: Spatio-temporal Assessment of Wildfire Risks to Critical Infrastructure: Predicting Wildfires with Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13045,, 2025.

EGU25-13937 | Orals | NH7.2

A Holistic Modelling Framework for Assessing Risks of Wildfires Along the Wildland Urban Interface within New Zealand 

Barry Evans, Andres Valencia-Corea, Rosie Matthews, and Peter Thompson

Wildfire risks are projected to increase in the future due to climate change, coupled with increased exposure along the wildland-urban interface (WUI) due to population growth and growing cities.

This research presents a modelling framework for simulating potential risks posed by wildland fires to urban areas across the WUI via a multi-stage, loosely coupled approach:

Stage 1 - Wildfire: Using Spark, user-defined equations determine fire spread behaviour (Miller et al. 2015). To calculate Rate of Spread (RoS) and Fireline intensities for New Zealand vegetation types, equations from Pearce (2005) are applied. These, along with localised climate data for current and future conditions, create wildfire scenarios. Flame heights and radiant heat flux (RHF) are spatially analysed at each time-step to assess risks to transport networks, critical infrastructure, and buildings near or outside urban areas along the WUI.

Stage 2 – Building-to-building fire: With ignition points at urban boundaries defined, the second stage of the modelling framework uses a physics-based building-to-building fire spread model like that outlined in Himoto (2022) to simulate urban fire propagation over time. This, combined with wildfire model outputs, informs the risk assessment and micro-scale evacuation model.

Stage 3 – Ensemble risk assessment:  Fire exposure from previous stages is used to assess risks to infrastructure and transportation networks. A method, adapted from Butler and Cohen (1998), defines RHF values and maps it to the transport network. This data informs the evacuation model, defining safe zones and low-risk evacuation corridors.

Stage 4 – Evacuation modelling:  Building on work by Evans et al. (2020), the evacuation model integrates hazard outputs with micro-scale transport models to simulate evacuee movement under extreme scenarios. By incorporating movement restrictions and evacuee behaviours, it assesses risks to evacuees navigating the network.

Together, these four stages provide a comprehensive risk assessment of wildfires and key insights for refining evacuation planning strategies.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the grant agreement number 101147385. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Butler, W, B., Cohen, D, J. (1998). Firefighter Safety Zones: A Theoretical Model Based on Radiative Heating International Journal of Wildland Fire 8(2) 73 – 77.

Evans, B., Chen, A.S., Djordjevic, S., Webber, J., Gómez, A.G., and Stevens, J. (2020). Investigating the 421 effects of pluvial flooding and climate change on traffic flows in Barcelona and Bristol. Sustainability, 422 12(6), 2330.

Himoto, K. (2022). Large Outdoor Fire Dynamics – Fire Spread Simulation (pp 333 – 367). 1st Edition. CRC Press.

Miller, C., Hilton, J., Sullivan, A., Prakash, M. (2015). SPARK – A Bushfire Spread Prediction Tool. In: Denzer, R., Argent, R.M., Schimak, G., Hřebíček, J. (eds) Environmental Software Systems. Infrastructures, Services and Applications. ISESS 2015. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 448. Springer, Cham.

Pearce, G. H. (2025). Appendix 3: Sub-contracted Report: Fuel Load and Fire Behaviour Assessments for Vegetation within LCDB2

How to cite: Evans, B., Valencia-Corea, A., Matthews, R., and Thompson, P.: A Holistic Modelling Framework for Assessing Risks of Wildfires Along the Wildland Urban Interface within New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13937,, 2025.

EGU25-15881 * | ECS | Orals | NH7.2 | Highlight

Community Programs Support Wildfire Risk Reduction 

Timothy Foreman

With California facing ever-increasing losses due to wildfires, there is a need to examine all policy options in order to reduce risks and keep homes insurable. One recent action taken by the insurance commission has been to reward communities that engage in risk reduction activities through the Firewise USA program. While the state mandates insurers to give discounts to residents of participating communities, the effectiveness of this program has not been studied, and insurers cite this lack of study to provide very low and widely varying discounts. Here, we compare Firewise USA communities to similar communities that do not participate in a differences-in-differences design. We find that the probability that a community experiences a fire after becoming a Firewise USA site decreases by 12.5 percentage points, implying that insurance premiums should be reduced by about 6% in participating areas, compared to an average reduction of just 2.4%. Wealthier areas and those more exposed to fire risk are found to be more likely to join the Firewise USA program. The findings suggest that community risk reduction activities could play a key role in reducing losses for wildfires, but more could be done to increase the access to the program for poorer communities.

How to cite: Foreman, T.: Community Programs Support Wildfire Risk Reduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15881,, 2025.

EGU25-16811 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

A machine learning approach for high-resolution fuel type mapping in Sardinia, Italy, using Sentinel-2 time series 

Debora Voltolina, Forough Rajabi, Gloria Bordogna, Michele Salis, and Daniela Stroppiana

Forest fires play a crucial role in shaping the Mediterranean biome while posing a significant threat to highly fire-prone Southern European countries. Factors such as prolonged dry periods and fuel accumulation increase the frequency and intensity of wildfires. Fire risk in the Mediterranean Basin is exacerbated by climate change and future climate projections highlight the need for advanced fire risk mapping, monitoring, and management strategies.

The EU-funded FirEUrisk project addresses these challenges through an integrated approach to wildfire risk monitoring, leveraging Earth Observation (EO) data and remote sensing techniques. EO data, particularly from satellites, can effectively monitor fire risk parameters over extensive areas in a resource-efficient manner. Fuel type and model mapping are essential for wildland fire risk monitoring and emergency management, yet existing global and continental-scale thematic maps lack sufficient spatial detail, particularly in regions with heterogeneous vegetation.

This study focuses on developing a methodology to classify fuel types in Sardinia, Italy, a fire-prone pilot site for the FirEUrisk project. Sardinia, the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Basin, experiences prolonged wildfire seasons triggered by human activities and sustained by intense droughts.

Fuel type classification was achieved using machine learning (ML) models trained on Sentinel-2 time series. Input datasets included digital terrain models, vegetation indices, and canopy height estimates. Training and testing samples were collected via an on purpose developed web application, enabling experts to label 10 m x 10 m pixels using orthophotos, Google Street View, and vegetation indices time series. The ML models were trained with 80% of the dataset and tested with 20% and performance metrics such as precision, recall, and F1-score were computed.

This study demonstrated the feasibility of producing high-resolution (10m) fuel type maps for Sardinia using Sentinel-2 time series. However, the classification task remains challenging due to the structural complexity of vegetation in Mediterranean regions, leading to diverse fire behaviours and impacts. Future improvements include additional training samples collection, validation of the resulting classification, and the integration of vertical vegetation structure data, such as RADAR or LiDAR.

How to cite: Voltolina, D., Rajabi, F., Bordogna, G., Salis, M., and Stroppiana, D.: A machine learning approach for high-resolution fuel type mapping in Sardinia, Italy, using Sentinel-2 time series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16811,, 2025.

As the world grapples with the range of environmental challenges such as climate change, loss of biodiversity and forest degradation, the contribution and consequence of extreme wildfires is placed at the heart of enhancing ecological resilience and protect the forest against the loss of biodiversity. The complexity in developing solutions in response to the challenge results from the interdependency that plays between the different factors and actors being involved in the environmental protection. As the world moves towards a unified goal of global protection of forest, it is vital to ensure research and technological innovations being developed are being presented to the relevant stakeholders that yield lasting impact resulting in the protection of forests. To this end, the goal of the paper is to present the notion of Integrated Fire Management (IFM), a systemic framework developed with technology interventions drawing up on the experiences of firefighters, civil protection authority, citizens and researchers composing of expertise in landscape management, forest and environmental protection. The origins of term IFM could be traced to refer a series of actions implemented through reduction, readiness, response and recovery planning and management of forests natural habitat[1]. While the notion of IFM has been published in the literature dating back to 2006, there has been several interpretations and adoptions of the IFM that has been experimented with since then. At the heart of the IFM strategy, is the interdependency of actions and activities that should be carried out in (i) prevention and preparedness; (ii) fire detection, suppression, and response coordination; and (iii) rehabilitation and restoration of activities. The continuous combination of these activities has been identified to lead a sustainable effort on protecting forest against fire. The use of IFM strategy as a framework has been identified to be instrumental in the planning and operational systems designed to not only reduce the impact of fires but also to optimize the benefits derived from them.

Thus, addressing the need for the adoption of IFM for the protection of forest and environment, the SILVANUS project has identified a strategy for the implementation of the IFM. The different phases of the project activities will extend from the prevention and preparedness stages to the end of restoration activities. The platform has been designed to deliver direct interaction to four (4) stakeholders namely who will actively engage in fire management and forest protection. The project innovations can be summarized as follows:

  • Development of an integrated citizen engagement campaign for raising awareness on the threat and positive benefits of fire
  • Advanced use of UAVs and UGVs for the collection of situational awareness from the fire fronts
  • Installation of IoT and camera devices for in the forest for the early-stage detection and alerts on fire incidents
  • AI algorithms for the modelling and forecast of fire spread projected from the fire incident origin
  • Use of forward command centers and cloud command center for response coordination
  • Use of Earth Observation (EO) datasets for the monitoring of post rehabilitation strategy of the region.

How to cite: Chandramouli, K.: A Systemic Framework for the adoption of  Integrated Fire Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17691,, 2025.

EGU25-18829 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

SILVANUS: Operational ML-based Fire Danger Index 

Shahbaz Alvi, Italo Epicoco, and Gabriele Accarino

Preventing forest fires is crucial to mitigate the significant economic and human losses caused by wildfire outbreaks, which are expected to worsen due to climatic changes. Identifying regions at high risk for forest fires is essential for both preventing wildfire occurrences and optimizing resource management during wildfire season. We have developed an operational pipeline for estimating the daily Fire Danger Index (FDI) using a data-driven approach and machine-learning techniques. This presentation will provide an overview of the pipeline’s architectural framework, detail the machine-learning model utilized, and showcase FDI maps generated for multiple European test sites where the pipeline has been successfully deployed.

How to cite: Alvi, S., Epicoco, I., and Accarino, G.: SILVANUS: Operational ML-based Fire Danger Index, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18829,, 2025.

EGU25-19604 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.2

Wildfire-Smoke Forecasting: A Methodology for Local-Scale Dynamics from Wildfire-Spread to Atmospheric Dispersion 

Tobias Osswald, Marcello Casula, Michele Salis, Bachisio Arca, Carla Gama, and Ana Isabel Miranda

Wildfires have a significant impact on the human health of populations on the path of the generated smoke plumes. They emit high amounts of air-pollutants resulting in abnormally high concentrations of harmful particles and gases. These lead to increased diseases associated with bad air quality that are clearly perceived in hospital admissions. Wildfire smoke also impacts society on other levels, such as tourism and airplane routes or the firefighting operations themselves.

The focus of this work is on the forecasting of wildfire smoke. Such forecasts serve essentially two purposes. First the ability to quickly assess potential impacts of wildfires on air quality. Second, to decide on actions that mitigate those impacts. Examples of their usefulness are the FireSmoke platform used in North America, or the European CAMS air quality forecast.

This work presents a new methodology for forecasting wildfire smoke at local-scale.  Firstly, the emissions of wildfires are estimated using a fire-progression model. Then the dispersion of smoke at local-scale is estimated using a computationally efficient lagrangean model.

The implementation of this methodology was carried out for the region of Sardinia, Italy. Disperfire was used as the dispersion model, while the Sardinian Wildfire Simulator (SWS) was used in the estimation of fire-progression. A case-study of a past wildfire in the region was chosen to evaluate the developed methodology.

The SWS is a fire-growth model that, based on vegetation characteristics and state, topography and meteorology, is able to estimate how the fire-front will change over time. This type of models have been widely used to support firefighting operations.

Disperfire is a lagrangean dispersion model that works with a numerical grid at resolutions of hundreds of meters. In a first step the emissions at each grid-cell are calculated based on emission-factors and the intensity of the fire, previously estimated by SWS. Then, smoke is modelled as particles, each representing a given mass of smoke, that are advected along the wind velocity vectors. The diffusion phenomena are modelled by moving those particles according to a random normal distribution.

Several runs were carried out using different levels of discretization, by varying the time-step, the grid-resolution and the number of particles used in Disperfire. The influence of the different levels of discretization was assessed.

The newly developed methodology fills a gap by explicitly modelling phenomena such as local-scale dispersion and fire-progression which are often simplified or absent in mesoscale wildfire-smoke forecast systems. This approach provides a foundation for improving the accuracy of mesoscale smoke dispersion models in the future.

How to cite: Osswald, T., Casula, M., Salis, M., Arca, B., Gama, C., and Miranda, A. I.: Wildfire-Smoke Forecasting: A Methodology for Local-Scale Dynamics from Wildfire-Spread to Atmospheric Dispersion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19604,, 2025.

EGU25-19861 | Orals | NH7.2

Enhancing wildfire risk management: the potential role of insurance policies in mitigating impacts  

Miguel Almeida, Luís Mário Ribeiro, Dulce Lopes, and Inês Oliveira Martins

The frequency of extreme wildfires has increased significantly, often exceeding the response capacity of civil protection systems. This trend is particularly worrying in the wildland-urban interface, where fires cause dramatic economic, social, and cultural losses, sometimes resulting in injuries and fatalities. One of the primary reasons for such devastating impacts is the widespread non-compliance with vegetation management regulations around buildings, which allows fires to spread easily to them. Also, large-scale wildfires concentrate impacts in specific regions, leading to their profound disruptions in both rural areas and particularly the wildland urban interface. The destruction of critical infrastructures and residential properties poses immense challenges for local authorities, who must address the needs of displaced citizens while managing complex and often inexistent or inefficient compensation mechanisms.

The current public processes for loss compensation, when established, are marked by significant inefficiencies and inequalities. Many citizens lack the knowledge or capacity to access available aid funds, while others exploit the system by claiming compensation beyond their actual losses. This imbalance often disadvantages those most in need, particularly individuals with lower education levels or limited access to information, thus increasing the impact on vulnerable persons and communities.

The insurance sector offers a potential solution to address these challenges. By tying insurance payments to wildfire risk – understood as the probability of damage multiplied by the potential loss value – citizens would have a financial incentive to adopt risk mitigation practices, such as vegetation management and fire-resistant construction methods and materials. Additionally, insured properties would shift the financial burden of recovery from governments to insurance companies, which are better prepared to manage compensation processes efficiently and equitably. This approach could reduce socio-economic disparities by ensuring fair compensation, regardless of an individual’s ability to navigate bureaucratic procedures. However, such policies must avoid disproportionately burdening rural communities or high-risk areas, as this could lead to depopulation and further vulnerability.

Considering these challenges, this study, with the cooperation of the Portuguese Insurers Association (APS), investigated the position of the insurance sector regarding wildfire risk in Portugal. A survey covering 93% of the dwelling insurance market explored the conditions under which insurers accept wildfire risk, the tools used to assess it, the factors influencing risk rejection, and the potential for adopting more inclusive wildfire risk coverage policies. The results indicated that most insurers tend to accept wildfire risk for strategically significant clients, excluding the general population. However, insurers expressed openness to revising their policies if supported by enhanced scientific tools and standardized risk mitigation frameworks with quantifiable results.

Policy and legal interventions are critical to ensure that financial burdens are distributed equitably, considering socio-economic factors and property usage. Adjustments could include favouring primary residences in rural areas over secondary homes in high-risk zones. While integrating insurance into wildfire risk management is promising, it requires coordinated efforts, including scientific advancements, robust risk mitigation strategies, and progressive policy development. Addressing these challenges will require a multifaceted approach to build more resilient communities and mitigate the growing impacts of wildfires.

How to cite: Almeida, M., Ribeiro, L. M., Lopes, D., and Oliveira Martins, I.: Enhancing wildfire risk management: the potential role of insurance policies in mitigating impacts , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19861,, 2025.

EGU25-19991 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

Overstory and Understory Fuel Type Mapping Using GEDI and Sentinel Data Fusion 

Pegah Mohammadpour, Domingos Xavier Viegas, Alcides Pereira, and Emilio Chuvieco

Wildfires play a transformative role in the Mediterranean basin, affecting forest composition and structure. Accurate fuel mapping is essential for advancing fire risk assessments and refining fire behavior models. Wildfires typically begin in surface fuels and can escalate to canopy fuels if there is sufficient continuity in the canopy. This study addresses the need for a comprehensive approach to mapping overstory and understory fuels within an integrated classification system, incorporating forest structure and phenology in central Portugal. Fuel types were classified based on the FirEUrisk hierarchical fuel classification system (FHFCS) through a three-step approach: 1) overstory mapping using multispectral and radar data from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, combined with topographic variables; 2) estimation of shrubland and grassland heights using biophysical models based on precipitation and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI); and 3) understory mapping using spaceborne LiDAR data from the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI), employing decision-based rules and spatial interpolation of GEDI footprints. This methodology offers a simple and efficient approach for large-scale mapping of both overstory and understory using multispectral, radar, and LiDAR data in the absence of airborne LiDAR, which could enhance fire simulation models for both surface and crown fires.

How to cite: Mohammadpour, P., Xavier Viegas, D., Pereira, A., and Chuvieco, E.: Overstory and Understory Fuel Type Mapping Using GEDI and Sentinel Data Fusion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19991,, 2025.

EGU25-20461 | Orals | NH7.2

Enhancing Wildfire Resilience: A Comprehensive Approach for the Wildland-Urban Interface and Infrastructure 

Stavros Sakellariou, Stergios Mitoulis, Mike Flannigan, Simon Taylor, Stergios Tampekis, and Sotirios Argyroudis

As wildfires increase both in frequency and intensity due to climate change, there is a pressing need to address the complex interactions between urban expansion and natural ecosystems. The paper explores the development of a novel framework aimed at enhancing resilience against wildfires, particularly focusing on the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) and associated infrastructures. The approach proposes an integration of forest, spatial, and physical resilience strategies, leveraging advanced simulation modeling and real-time data to optimize wildfire preparedness and response. While traditional wildfire management has often treated these elements in isolation, the proposed framework emphasizes a holistic strategy that encompasses not just the immediate but also the extended socio-ecological impacts of wildfires. By utilizing cutting-edge technologies including geospatial analysis and artificial intelligence, the framework aims to enhance predictive capabilities and streamline evacuation processes, thus safeguarding both human and environmental health. The implementation of this integrated system is designed to support the infrastructure's inherent resilience features, promoting sustainable urban planning and development. This contribution to wildfire resilience research underscores the critical need for comprehensive planning and collaborative efforts across disciplines, aiming to create a robust buffer against the evolving threat of wildfires in susceptible regions.

How to cite: Sakellariou, S., Mitoulis, S., Flannigan, M., Taylor, S., Tampekis, S., and Argyroudis, S.: Enhancing Wildfire Resilience: A Comprehensive Approach for the Wildland-Urban Interface and Infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20461,, 2025.

NH8 – Environmental, Biological & Natech Hazards

EGU25-471 | ECS | PICO | NH8.1

Potential toxicity of elements and erionite fibers in Tuzköy toward a comprehensive risk assessment framework 

Atilla Kılıç, Fatma Toksoy Köksal, Hüseyin Evren Çubukçu, Gizemnur Koca Akçay, Ahmet Demir, Hasan Gürhan İlgen, and Sinan Demir

Tuzköy, located in Nevşehir, Cappadocia, Turkey, is a focal point for research on erionite, a fibrous zeolite mineral linked to mesothelioma and classified as a Group 1 carcinogen. While its health impacts through airborne exposure are studied till now, distribution of the mineral in soil, air and the noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks of geogenic elemental contaminants in the region remain unexplored. This study is concerned with filling these gaps by combining mineralogical and geochemical analyses, and applying risk assessment methodologies.

This ongoing research in collaboration with AFAD, till now 120 soil samples, 41 dust samples, 11 building stone samples, 8 water samples were collected, in addition 8 air pollution monitoring gauges, strategically placed across Tuzköy. To complement these samplings, eight 50-meter-deep boreholes have been drilled to characterize subsurface geological units and develop a 3D model of the region’s stratigraphy. Initial SEM-EDS examinations of dust samples widely demonstrated the presence of erionite fibers. Yet, the mineralogical analyses are not completed.

The planned elemental analysis utilizing ICP-MS on soils are used for identifying any potential toxic elements, with assessments of their carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic impacts based on established models, such as Hazard Quotients (HQ) and Incremental Lifetime Cancer Risk (ILCR). Findings from the planned geochemical analyses establish baselines for toxic element concentrations and spatial distribution while guiding risk mitigation strategies, including remediation and alternative construction practices in areas affected by erionite-bearing ignimbrites.

This framework represents a novel integration of mineralogy, geochemistry and health risk assessments in Tuzköy. It aims to inform future geomedical hazard mitigation efforts. The study’s results will provide critical insights for similar global regions affected by geogenic contaminants.

Keywords: Erionite, soil contamination, geochemical risk assessment, carcinogenic risk, noncarcinogenic risk.

How to cite: Kılıç, A., Toksoy Köksal, F., Çubukçu, H. E., Koca Akçay, G., Demir, A., İlgen, H. G., and Demir, S.: Potential toxicity of elements and erionite fibers in Tuzköy toward a comprehensive risk assessment framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-471,, 2025.

In Pütürge region of Malatya, Türkiye, there are important deposits of pyrophyllite, a mineral widely utilized in industrial applications such as white cement production. In this study, pyrophyllite samples from the region are subjected to detailed mineralogical and morphological characterization. Bulk powder and clay fraction analyses conducted via X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed that the samples predominantly consist of pyrophyllite, quartz, muscovite, and kaolinite, with occasional illite. Scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) confirmed a high purity level of pyrophyllite, with rutile as the primary impurity in the studied samples.

Morphological analysis of pyrophyllite using SEM highlighted presence of dominant lamellar crystals with a minor occurrence of fibrous habit. Given the widespread industrial usage of pyrophyllite in Türkiye, this observation raised concerns about its asbestiform nature due to potential health risks, including respiratory diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma, which result from the inhalation of fine, elongated fibers capable of penetrating deep into the lungs and causing long-term damage to lung tissue and the pleura. However, whether all fibrous minerals pose health risks remains a topic of ongoing debate in contemporary research. According to the criteria established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), asbestiform fibers are defined by their aspect ratios, fibril width, and specific morphological features. Pyrophyllite fibers observed in this study exhibit mean aspect ratios of 4:1 to 10:1 for fibers longer than 5 µm in contrary to the definition of EPA. In addition, widths ranging between 0.4 µm and 3.5 µm, and no occurrences of fiber bundles or spayed ends are observed, although some fibers demonstrated curvature. Based on these observations, it is concluded that the fibrous pyrophyllite in the analyzed samples does not exhibit asbestiform characteristics and therefore does not pose a health risk in industrial applications.

How to cite: Aykasım, D. and Toksoy Köksal, F.: Mineralogical and Morphological Characterization of Industrially Used Pyrophyllite from Pütürge (Malatya, Türkiye): Assessing Asbestiform Habit for Health Risk, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-622,, 2025.

EGU25-2919 | ECS | PICO | NH8.1

Investigating the chemical weathering of erionite. 

Matthew Mullin, Melanie Kah, Martin Walter, Walter Schenkeveld, and Martin Brook

Erionite is a naturally occurring fibrous zeolite linked to malignant mesothelioma and lung cancer that was first identified in Cappadocia, Turkey, where construction using erionite-rich rocks caused widespread exposure and elevated disease incidence. The pathological effects of erionite inhalation resemble those of asbestos fibres, chronic inflammation, and tumorigenesis due to prolonged lung retention, identifying the need for further study of this hazardous mineral dust.


While the environmental weathering of asbestos fibres and its impact on toxicity are well documented, the effects of chemical weathering on erionite remain poorly understood. Addressing this knowledge gap is crucial, given erionite’s occurrence  in many countries (e.g. the USA, Italy and New Zealand) and the likelihood of human exposure from natural and anthropogenic activities. This research investigates factors affecting the kinetics of chemical erionite weathering and how it modifies erionite’s structural and chemical properties, with potential implications for its toxicity.


We conducted batch dissolution experiments simulating natural weathering processes to examine changes in surface chemistry, morphology, and fibre reactivity, particularly free radical generation - a key mechanism of toxicity. The experimental design included dissolution over a range of pH values and incubation periods, with the addition of salts to maintain consistent ionic strength. Additionally, ligand treatments were included to understand the role of their presence in fibre dissolution and the behaviour of metal ions within erionite’s aluminosilicate structure. Preliminary findings indicate that weathering alters erionite’s surface properties, potentially influencing its reactivity and toxicity. This work contributes to understanding erionite’s environmental behaviour and public health implications, supporting a multidisciplinary approach to managing risks associated with hazardous mineral dusts.

How to cite: Mullin, M., Kah, M., Walter, M., Schenkeveld, W., and Brook, M.: Investigating the chemical weathering of erionite., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2919,, 2025.

EGU25-2957 | PICO | NH8.1

Detection of hazardous zeolites in sedimentary and volcanic rocks in New Zealand using SWIR reflectance spectroscopy and XRD 

Gabor Kereszturi, Ayrton Hamilton, Gautam Shrestha, Martin Brook, and Janki Patel

Erionite is a naturally occurring zeolite mineral that predominantly forms in altered volcanic deposits, including intercalated basaltic to rhyolitic ash layers. Erionites often have fibrous crystals. They can be disseminated, infilling in cracks or vesicles in rocks and is highly carcinogenic, causing lung cancer (malignant mesothelioma) when becoming airborne. Recent studies have confirmed sporadic occurrences of natural erionite and other zeolite minerals that can be toxic to human and livestock. New Zealand’s erionite occurrence is observed to be limited to tuff layers within the Waitematā Group volcaniclastic sediments, or in vugs within the Waitakere Group and Mt Somers Volcanic Group.

This study tests a new non-destructive and fast, in-situ method for screening for erionite and other zeolite minerals using reflected light spectroscopy. The sample suite (n=100) has been studied mineralogically in details to confirm the presence of fibrous zeolites, using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction methods. We further analysed the same sample suit using an ASD FieldSpec 4 portable spectroradiometer capturing reflected light properties from the visible-near infrared (350–1000 nm, VNIR) to shortwave infrared (1000–2500 nm, SWIR) range. The scanned rocks were then used to develop a new spectral library of zeolite-bearing rocks across New Zealand. The VNIR-SWIR range can include diagnostic absorption features to detect the presence of hydrated minerals, including zeolites, using their vibration absorption features at 1920 nm and at longer wavelengths, related to related to -OH and -H2O molecular bonds.

We trained multiple classification models (e.g., logistics regression and linear discriminant analysis) to test the applicability of multivariate statistical methods to detect fibrous and then potentially hazardous erionite and mordenite minerals in rock and powdered samples. The samples from the spectral library show a range of absorption features at 2208 nm, 2241 nm, 2295 nm and 2340 nm, which can be linked to fundamental stretching and bending vibrations (e.g., Al, Fe and Mg bonds), and carbonates, respectively. The classification yields variable overall accuracies between 0.5–0.6, using 0.75–0.25 train-test split validation. Most methods detected all known erionite-bearing rocks using VNIR-SWIR data, suggesting absorption features can successfully be linked to zeolites. Given the number of false positive samples, we suspect this method can provide a fast-screening tool, that can be employed in-situ to flag formation and lithologies prone to contain geologically-hazardous materials, such as fibrous erionite.

How to cite: Kereszturi, G., Hamilton, A., Shrestha, G., Brook, M., and Patel, J.: Detection of hazardous zeolites in sedimentary and volcanic rocks in New Zealand using SWIR reflectance spectroscopy and XRD, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2957,, 2025.

EGU25-3354 | ECS | PICO | NH8.1

Detection and characterisation of carcinogenic erionite fibres in road dust using quantitative SEM-EDX and TEM-SAED analysis 

Wenxia (wendy) Fan, Alessandro Gualtieri, Kim Dirks, Paul Young, Ayrton Hamilton, Janki Patel, and Jennifer Salmond

Erionite, a known respiratory carcinogen, is found in altered volcanic ash tuff layers and vesicles within volcanic rocks. In regions with volcaniclastic geology, road cuttings may expose erionite-containing rocks to natural or human disturbances, generating road dust. Airborne erionite fibres in road dust pose significant exposure risks to travellers. The identification of erionite fibres in airborne samples is challenging due to microscopic size, environmental sample contamination, and limitations in analytical techniques and criteria. This study investigated settled dust found on tree twigs along a road near an erionite-containing outcrop in Gawler Downs, New Zealand, where woolly erionite-K was previously reported as a rare occurrence. 

Dust particles were sonicate-washed from twig samples, underwent organic removal processes, and were analysed using SEM-EDX for morphology and chemical composition. Erionite bulk sample from the nearby outcrop were also analysed using SEM-EDS, and quantitative chemical calculations were performed to compared with previous EPMA results for each element under various size and condition scenarios. TEM-SAED analysis was employed to identify thin fibres or single crystal-like fibres.

Respirable-sized fibres were detected in dust from 50% of 20 sampling locations, suggesting possible air dispersion. Detected particles included elongated thin fibres and large bundles, with 65% meeting WHO hazardous fibre size criteria (L > 5 µm, W < 3 µm, AR > 3:1), while 40% were shorter than 5 µm. Quantitative SEM-EDX analysis of erionite bulk samples revealed that fibre width, sample condition and preparation and EDX machine variability significantly influenced the accuracy of elemental detection of fibres. Si and Al detection remained stable in fibres wider than 1 µm, and the Tsi (Si/(Si + Al)) ratio for larger fibrous bundles found matched literature-reported erionite ranges. TEM-SAED analysis confirmed 90% of 30 tested fibres as erionite.

These findings suggest that, despite the rare occurrence of erionite in geological samples from the road cuttings, erionite fibres can be dispersed in road dust and potentially become airborne. Since air-dispersed particles vary in morphology, the study suggests particle size and analytical method are important determinants of the accuracy of SEM-EDX results. The Tsi ratio may therefore only serve as a preliminary indicator that the fibre is erionite, and TEM-SAED continuous data necessary for identification of smaller sized erionite fibres. 

How to cite: Fan, W. (., Gualtieri, A., Dirks, K., Young, P., Hamilton, A., Patel, J., and Salmond, J.: Detection and characterisation of carcinogenic erionite fibres in road dust using quantitative SEM-EDX and TEM-SAED analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3354,, 2025.

EGU25-5336 | ECS | PICO | NH8.1

Asbestos Management in Bangladesh's Shipbreaking Industry: Challenges, Compliance, and Pathways to Legal Reform 

Martin Ditkof, Ishtiaque Ahmed, Anupam Dey, and Arthur Rose

Abstract: Asbestos exposure remains a substantial health hazard for workers in the shipbreaking sector of South Asia despite global legal regulations banning its utilization in new commercial vessels. This article analyzes the legal and regulatory framework currently overseeing asbestos management in the shipbreaking industry, including compliance deficiencies and enforcement obstacles in Bangladesh that leads worldwide ship dismantling. The study used a comparative research methodology to critically examine relevant international conventions, including the Hong Kong International Convention and Basel-Rotterdam-Stockholm (BRS) Conventions, popularly known as the Chemicals and Waste Conventions or the triple Conventions and their incorporation into domestic legal frameworks of Bangladesh. Examining these international standards and current practices in the jurisdiction mentioned will reveal regulatory deficiencies. The article advocates for implementable legal reforms to bolster compliance, elevate occupational health standards, and encourage sustainable practices within the business via efficient legal and policy measures.

How to cite: Ditkof, M., Ahmed, I., Dey, A., and Rose, A.: Asbestos Management in Bangladesh's Shipbreaking Industry: Challenges, Compliance, and Pathways to Legal Reform, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5336,, 2025.

EGU25-6620 | PICO | NH8.1 | Highlight

Saharan Dust Particle Morphology and Surface Properties: Implications for Bacterial Adhesion in Human Airway Cells 

Beverley Coldwell, Lisa Miyashita, David Wertheim, Simon Crust, and Nemesio Pérez

Wind-blown mineral dust from the Sahara Desert promotes lung disease through prolonged exposure, with increased respiratory disease in Europe during Saharan sandstorms, known as Calima events. Previous work demonstrated that Calima particles increase pneumococcal bacterial adhesion to lung epithelial cells in vitro. To understand potential mechanisms of toxicity, mineral dust chemical compositions were integrated with three-dimensional particle characteristics. Confocal microscopy and SEM analysis of airborne mineral dust from Saharan Africa (Tenerife, Feb 2020 & Dec 2023) reveal dominantly rounded, mature particles with distinct surface features, and variable quantities of silicate and salt particles that potentially relate to the season of collection. Experiments in vitro with human primary bronchial epithelial cells confirm that Calima particles (at concentrations of 1-20 µg/ml) enhance Streptococcus pneumoniae adherence in a dose-dependent manner. Specifically, exposure to filtered Calima particles for 2 hours significantly increased bacterial adhesion to lung cells at concentration doses of 10 µg/ml (P<0.05) and 20 µg/ml (P<0.001). These results demonstrate clear health implications for populations exposed to Saharan dust, particularly in the Canary Islands and other areas of Europe frequently affected by Calima events. There is a direct link between Calima particle exposure and bacterial adhesion to primary airway cells, suggesting a mechanism for enhanced respiratory infection risk during sandstorm events.

How to cite: Coldwell, B., Miyashita, L., Wertheim, D., Crust, S., and Pérez, N.: Saharan Dust Particle Morphology and Surface Properties: Implications for Bacterial Adhesion in Human Airway Cells, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6620,, 2025.

Mine dust control is the key to the safe, green and healthy development of the mining industry. In the process of mine production, it is often accompanied by a large amount of dust, which is not only easy to lead to dust explosion accidents, causing major casualties and affecting the safety production of enterprises, but also induce pneumoconiosis and seriously affect the physical and mental health of employees. Wetting dust reduction technologies are common measures in the mine production process. But due to the hydrophobicity of dust, the ability of pure water to wet the dust is limited. Adding dust suppressant to the water can improve the affinity of the solution. The commonly used dust suppressants are generally chemical suppressants, which have issues such as low surface activity and poor green environmental protection. Therefore, a new idea of using microbial fermentation technology was proposed to prepare biological dust suppressant (BDS). This paper utilizes theoretical knowledge from disciplines such as mine dust science, microbial fermentation, structural biology and interface physical chemistry. It combines theoretical analysis, experimental testing, physical simulation and field test to conduct research on the method and performance of biological dust suppressant synthesized by microbial fermentation. The main research findings and conclusions obtained are as follows:

The strains for synthesizing BDS were screened and the growth and metabolism of the strains were investigated. When sucrose is used as the carbon source and soybean meal as the nitrogen source, the growth duration of the engineered strain can be set to 9 hours. The concentration of the engineered strain can reach a high level, with the growth rate doubling compared to the pre-screening strain. The synthesis method of BDS was studied and the molecular structure characteristics of the product were preliminarily revealed. The optimal conditions for BDS production were found to be a temperature of 37.56°C, pH of 7.99, agitation speed of 220 rpm, inoculum size of 2.17% and liquid volume of 59.89 ml. It was also determined that BDS is a non-crystalline substance containing long-chain and cyclic heptapeptide ester structures. The interfacial activity, wettability and interfacial rheological properties of BDS were characterized. The results indicate that the critical micelle concentration of the biological dust suppressant is 30 mg/L and the surface tension of water is 27 mN/m. BDS can maintain stable interfacial activity in different solution environments (temperature below 70°C, pH ranging from 5 to 9, salt concentration below 15%). Additionally, BDS exhibits higher viscoelastic modulus than AEO, indicating better rheological performance. The drainage law of dust suppression foam and the foaming performance of BDS by microbial fermentation were characterized. When the concentration of BDS is 0.15‰ and the polymer concentration is 0.3‰, the foaming ability, foam half-life and liquid half-life reach their optimum.

This research lays the theoretical foundation for the development of high-performance, environmentally friendly and non-toxic mining dust suppression materials using microbial fermentation technology. It plays a proactive role in promoting the application of green and efficient dust control technologies in mining dust control.

How to cite: Zhang, Q. and Wang, H.: Study on Methods for Synthesizing Biological Dust Suppressant by Microbial Fermentation and Performance Characterization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8098,, 2025.

Primary smelting associated with processing of ore can generate substantial quantities of dust containing metallic particles. Secondary smelting of lead batteries at recycling facilities employs many of the same processing steps as primary smelters, and also generates significant metallic dust. The objectives of this study were to document the morphology, mineralogy, and chemistry of smelter emissions as represented by dust particles emitted from a former lead battery recycling facility in East Los Angeles, CA, during operation, closure, and dismantling of the site. Together with Pb isotopic compositions of the particulate matter (Ayuso et al., this abstract volume), we seek to evaluate contributions of smelter-derived particulate matter to soils in residential neighborhoods surrounding the facility.

Air filter (HEPA) media were collected from monitors installed around the periphery of the recycling facility. Filter paper samples (~1x2cm) were mounted on stubs and studied by back-scatter-electron-field emission-scanning electron microscopy (20 kV, WD=10mm) and qualitative energy dispersive spectroscopy at µm to nm scales. Particulate matter trapped in-situ in the air filter media show a wide range in size, shape, and composition. The particles include (A) distinctive, metallic (Cu, Fe, Pb, Si) micro-to-nanospheres (<10 µm to 100 nm), (B) subspherical to irregular shapes (rods) of Pb and Pb admixed with silica and other metals, (C) irregular flakes and angular clumps of Fe and other base metals, aluminosilicate mineral dust (~5 to >50 µm-wide), and (D) pollen grains (~10-50 µm).

Four main categories of metallic spheres were identified based on dominant composition and size range: Si (<12 µm), Fe (<5 µm), Cu (<3 µm to 100 nm), and Pb (<500 nm). Small subspherical to irregular grains and rods of Pb and Sn were also identified in the filter media. Aluminosilicate mineral debris and fine scrap (Fe-based) occur both as irregular flakes and fragments (>50 to ~20 µm wide) and as finely comminuted dust. Metallic spheres as described here are rarely found as natural products of surficial processes. However, the spheres and observed particle size ranges are well-documented features of the fine fractions of metallic dust emitted from primary smelter operations. Coarser fractions of smelter dust (>10 µm) can have other shapes (cubes, rods, needles, subrounded) depending on the interplay of metals and anions in dynamic flow paths of baghouses and smelter stacks. Thus, the spherical shapes, size distributions, and chemistry of the particles trapped in the air filters are consistent with particle emissions originating from a smelter.

Lead isotopic compositions of leachates of the filter media generally are isotopically similar to that of Pb-contaminated soils near the smelter (as analyzed by TIMS and HR-ICPMS). The Pb isotopic compositions trace the path of Pb-bearing dust emanating from the smelter plant to the air filters, which we interpret were likely also distributed by atmospheric deposition to surrounding residential neighborhoods. Mineralogical, elemental, and isotopic data for air filter media can be used in combination with air quality data to identify possible pathways of Pb contamination from primary and secondary smelter operations.

How to cite: Foley, N., Ayuso, R., and Indela, R.: Morphology and Chemistry of Lead Particulate Matter in Air-Filters from a Lead-acid Battery Smelter: Mapping the Transfer to Residential Soils, East Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10720,, 2025.

Pb (lead) isotopic compositions of particulates from air filters monitoring air quality near a recently closed battery recycling smelter combined with soil profiles collected from nearby residential and urban sites were determined to examine possible sources of Pb contamination in the soils. Abnormally high metal contents found in the residential soils are known to have negatively affected human health in these local environmentally burdened communities. Adjacent to the smelter Pb contents of soils are up to 4000 ppm and in residential sites surrounding the smelter the soils have Pb up to 2190 ppm. Because the Pb contents in many residential soils are significantly higher than allowed by government agencies, they require remediation procedures. Determining an exact linkage between emanations from smelter operations and residential soils can be contentious due to multiple potential Pb sources (e.g., smelters, fossil fuels, paint). We now report for the first-time preliminary air filter Pb isotopic compositions from the Exide smelter measured by TIMS (Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry) and HR-ICPMS (High Resolution Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry). Descriptions of the morphology, mineralogy, and chemistry of the Pb particulate matter in the air filters has also been reported (Foley et al., this abstract volume). The air filter Pb isotopic compositions (206Pb/207Pb~1.1640-1.2078, 208Pb/207Pb~2.4585-2.4718) yield a spread from radiogenic values typical of rock-derived Pb (natural) to lower Pb isotopic values that likely indicate sourcing from anthropogenic Pb, and other metals generated by smelting processes. The overall isotopic range shown by the air filter data closely parallels that of the soils. The soils include a group adjacent to the Exide smelter that has the lowest Pb isotopic values and that overlaps with the isotopic compositions of nearby residential sites (206Pb/207Pb ~1.1671–1.1755, 208Pb/207Pb ~ 2.4319–2.4375). Air filters with the lowest isotopic values overlap this group. Another group of soils collected farther away from the smelter has more radiogenic values (206Pb/207Pb >~1.190, 208Pb/207Pb >~2.443) that more closely resemble rock (natural) Pb. Residential soils containing Pb that is isotopically indistinguishable from soils near the Exide smelter are interpreted as contaminated by human activities. Because air filters 1) represent emanations coming from the smelter, and 2) comprise Pb that isotopically overlaps with that of residential soils adjacent to the smelter, we conclude that a strong link exists between the smelter emanations and residential soils. Despite this conclusion, much remains unknown, including the temporal evolution of Pb isotopic compositions during nearly 100 years of smelter operation, the duration that the smelter has been a regional metal contaminating source, and whether the site contains unknown external contributions of Pb with distinct isotopic compositions. It is advantageous to establish baseline concentrations of metals such as Pb, As, Cd, Zn, Sb, and Cu, and Pb isotopic compositions of soils, waters, and air-borne particulate matter before industrial facilities such as smelters are put in operation and during property transitions. Such baseline and background information can help identify potential contaminant pathways and assist both industry and governmental agencies in monitoring smelter operations.

How to cite: Ayuso, R., Foley, N., and Indela, R.: Pb Isotopic Compositions of Air Filters and Soils Adjacent to a Recycling Battery Smelter, East Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12340,, 2025.

EGU25-13023 | ECS | PICO | NH8.1

Toxic Potential of Lunar Dust: The Determinant Role of Atmospheric Exposure 

Piero Bianco, Cristina Pavan, Olimpia Tammaro, Antonello Marocco, Jasmine Rita Petriglieri, Maura Tomatis, Michele Pansini, Serena Esposito, and Francesco Turci

The potential toxicity of lunar dust (LD), as reported by Apollo astronauts, presents significant concerns for future missions involving extended human presence on the Moon. LD toxicity is hypothesized to be driven by oxidative stress linked to its redox-active properties, with nanophase metallic iron (np-Fe⁰) embedded in its glassy matrix potentially playing a critical role. However, the specific mechanisms underlying its toxicity remain unclear. Environmental changes in atmospheric settings may modify LD's reactivity before exposure, complicating the evaluation of its potential toxicity.

Given the limited availability of real LD samples, the research relys on lunar dust simulants (LDS) for toxicity studies. Yet, the absence of a fully representative LDS limits the accuracy of risk evaluations. This study introduces a novel Simulant Moon Agglutinate (SMA) designed to mimic LD. The SMA consists of a glassy matrix containing np-Fe⁰ and was crushed in an inert atmosphere to replicate the lunar environment. Respirable SMA particles were analyzed for their physicochemical characteristics, oxidative activity, and iron release in simulated body fluids.

Under non-oxidizing conditions, SMA generated a higher level of free radicals, driven by reduced-state iron, and sustained by an electron “reservoir” from zerovalent iron clusters. A molecular mechanism is proposed. After oxidative passivation, SMA exhibited a lower reactivity, which was nonetheless still greater than the reactivity of other simulants, such as JSC-1A-vf. Our findings emphasize the critical role of np-Fe⁰ in oxidative reactions of lunar dust. Notably, SMA did not induce cell membrane damage, suggesting that the mechanisms of LD toxicity may differ significantly from those of terrestrial toxic dusts, such as quartz.

How to cite: Bianco, P., Pavan, C., Tammaro, O., Marocco, A., Petriglieri, J. R., Tomatis, M., Pansini, M., Esposito, S., and Turci, F.: Toxic Potential of Lunar Dust: The Determinant Role of Atmospheric Exposure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13023,, 2025.

EGU25-13286 | ECS | PICO | NH8.1

The Sibaté asbestos-cement facility case study: Reconstructing the production process to assess its occupational and environmental impacts  

Margarita Giraldo, Juan Pablo Ramos-Bonilla, Laura Bedoya, Cristian Vargas, Benjamin Lysaniuk, Maria Fernanda Cely-García, Pietro Comba, Francesco Turci, Milena Maule, and Corrado Magnani


Asbestos fibers, valued for their physicochemical properties, were extensively used in constructions and automotive industries. Despite their well-documented health risks, the use continues in some countries today. Colombia banned asbestos in 2019; however, the corresponding public policies have yet to be implemented.  The historical prevalence of asbestos industries has been associated with clusters of asbestos-related diseases in communities near former manufacturing sites. Sibaté, a municipality with an asbestos cement facility operating for five decades, reported Colombia’s first mesothelioma cluster. This study reconstructs the asbestos cement facility operations using interviews, aerial imagery, and regulatory documents to evaluate its impact on the local population.


Former workers were interviewed to obtain information on production process, asbestos control measures, and activities influencing asbestos fiber release from the facility. Key factors such as the plant layout, task locations, dry processes, ventilation systems, and water and waste management practices were analyzed to evaluate the facility's environmental impact. Additionally, a review of the scientific literature was conducted to analyze asbestos cement operations and asbestos fiber concentrations in countries across different income levels. The review aimed to identify and link asbestos exposure to specific production activities. Additionally, regulatory compliance documents from the regional environmental authority (CAR) were analyzed. Thirteen records — ten compliant and three non-compliant — along with the National Registry of Hazardous Waste Generators were reviewed to assess the facility’s adherence to regulations regarding industrial air emissions, wastewater treatment, and hazardous waste management.


Thirteen factory workers employed between 1967 and 2010 have been interviewed. Flow diagrams were developed to identify activities with a significant risk of asbestos fiber release. In the absence of asbestos fibers measurements within the facility, asbestos concentrations from similar facilities in countries with varying development index were used to estimate exposure levels. Records between 1980 and 2019 from the environmental authority revealed data gaps regarding air, water and waste management practices at the factory which may have contributed to increased exposure risks for the surrounding population. Until 1999, untreated wastewater was discharged into the El Muña reservoir and potential illegal wastewater discharges were also identified in 2015. Hazardous waste was reportedly disposed in Sibaté and nearby municipalities, and waste deposition occurred in flood-prone areas. Disposal sites were poorly documented, with unclear details regarding their specific locations. While the facility claimed that asbestos residues were non-hazardous, no supporting studies were provided. Local testimonies confirm that Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) were used to construct  landfills in Sibaté.


The evidence gathered indicates that the asbestos cement facility in Sibaté consistently failed to comply with environmental regulations, leading to widespread asbestos contamination in surrounding areas. This ongoing contamination likely represents a significant source of asbestos exposure, posing a potential health risk to the population. Understanding the extent of this contamination is crucial for decision-makers to develop a comprehensive risk assessment and management plan for Sibaté. The approach used in Sibaté could serve as a valuable framework for assessing similar risks in other low- and middle-income countries.

How to cite: Giraldo, M., Ramos-Bonilla, J. P., Bedoya, L., Vargas, C., Lysaniuk, B., Cely-García, M. F., Comba, P., Turci, F., Maule, M., and Magnani, C.: The Sibaté asbestos-cement facility case study: Reconstructing the production process to assess its occupational and environmental impacts , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13286,, 2025.

Asbestos fibres have been a key component of man-made artefacts and industrial products, collectively known as Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs), due to their exceptional technological properties, recognized since ancient times. These properties, including non-flammability, chemical resistance, remarkable flexibility, and binder property made asbestos a widely used material in cultural and artistic objects worldwide.

The earliest evidence of asbestos-containing artefacts dates back to the Neolithic period, when asbestos was added in pottery production across a vast region of Eurasia, including Scandinavia, Corsica, Greece, and the Japanese Archipelago. The ancient Greeks and Romans employed asbestos for weaving fabrics, cremation shrouds, and candlewicks, as documented by archaeological findings. In some areas, these traditions persisted into the Middle Ages.

The large-scale industrial use of asbestos intensified in the modern era, particularly during the Second World War, and peaked between the 1960s and 1980s, driven by rapid economic development. Notably, asbestos cement roofing (e.g., manufactured by Eternit®) and panels became ubiquitous worldwide. However, during this time, medical evidence and scientific studies began to reveal the carcinogenic effects of asbestos fibres, especially when inhaled. Classified as a carcinogen (IARC, 1977), asbestos was subsequently banned in many countries to protect public health and workers.

In this complex scenario, the assessment of asbestos-related risks extends beyond the presence of ACMs in buildings, which are typically addressed by existing EU regulations. Heritage sites, including museums, face a unique dual challenge: preserving cultural and historical artefacts while safeguarding the health and safety of workers and visitors.

Currently, asbestos monitoring focuses on assessing the potential release of fibres into the air following ACM mobilization. However, a less-explored issue is the handling, restoration, preservation, and exhibition of movable and immovable artefacts containing asbestos, where it serves as a primary material or a secondary component. Beyond well-known art objects such as frescos, murals, wall paintings, oil paintings, and artistic installations, modern asbestos-containing artefacts include musical instruments, radio and film equipment, decorative ceiling panels, theatre curtains, furniture, garden vases, lamps, interior bookcases, advertising flyers, and pinball machines.

This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of cultural heritage objects that may contain asbestos as a primary, secondary, or trace component and to propose guidelines for their safe handling during restoration (e.g., cleaning), transportation, and exhibition to minimize the risk of asbestos exposure.

How to cite: Petriglieri, J. R., Capella, S., Siviero, F., and Belluso, E.: Asbestos in cultural heritage artefacts: guidelines for risk assessment and management of antique and modern artefacts in view of restoration, preservation, and exhibition , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13601,, 2025.

EGU25-16603 | PICO | NH8.1

The Research and Innovation Department (DAIRI): an example of multidisciplinary team working on environmental and health research in Piedmont (Italy) 

Alessandro Croce, Marinella Bertolotti, Elena Belluso, Silvana Capella, Donata Bellis, Daniele Mandrioli, Leonardo Marchese, Annalisa Roveta, Carlotta Bertolina, and Antonio Maconi

In environmental research, the synergic collaboration of different experts is very important, e.g.: clinicians, pathologists, epidemiologists, biologists, mineralogists, chemists. For example, in Piedmont region (Italy) an area was deeply interested by a heavy pollution of a very dangerous pollutant, asbestos. In fact, in the Casale Monferrato municipality (Alessandria, Piedmont), an Eternit factory produced asbestos-containing materials since 1907 until 1986, employing about 5000 workers. Unfortunately, this material showed its negative effects on the health of the people who underwent a working, environmental, or familiar exposure. In the National Priority Contaminated Site (NPCS) of Casale Monferrato, the research was (and nowadays is) very active to face the problems generated by asbestos pollution, thanks to the synergic work of experts in different fields.

Asbestos was the first and most studied pollutant in Casale Monferrato area by the researchers of the Alessandria province, considering both respiratory and extra-respiratory diseases. Moreover, these studies considered different aspects, such as mineralogical characterizations combined with histological, clinical, and epidemiological information.

Starting from these works, in 2020, the Research and Innovation Department (Dipartimento Attività Integrate Ricerca e Innovazione, DAIRI) of the University Hospital SS. Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo of Alessandria was born, with an important headquarters in Casale Monferrato, where the research on asbestos related diseases is very dynamic. Nevertheless, in the whole Department, research is carried out considering different diseases and different environmental issues (e.g.: heavy metals, PM, microplastics, heat waves) related to different benign and malign pathologies affecting the population. In fact, in addition to an Integrated Laboratory for Asbestos Research (Laboratorio Integrato Ricerca Amianti, in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technological Innovation of the University of Eastern Piedmont) and a Documental Center on Asbestos (Centro Documentazione Amianto, CEDOAM,, in 2024 a Study Center on Environmental Pathologies (Centro Studi Patologie Ambientali, CSPA) was established. Lastly, Casale Monferrato hospital hosts the Regional Center for the research, monitoring, and prevention of asbestos risks (Centro regionale per la ricerca, sorveglianza e prevenzione dei rischi da amianto) since 2007.

In these last years, the Department is growing both in internal personnel of different scientific backgrounds and in external collaborations to be able to give back to the local and international populations the best scientific results. For example, there are scientific networks with the Interdepartmental Centre for Studies on Asbestos and Other Toxic Particulates “Giovanni Scansetti” of Turin (Italy) and the Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center of the Ramazzini Institute of Bologna (Italy). Moreover, researchers of the DAIRI are part of different COST actions and national and international scientific networks.

In this work, we present the DAIRI organization, a department where the different knowledges are put together starting from the environmental point of view to deal with the health issues that the population lives every day.

How to cite: Croce, A., Bertolotti, M., Belluso, E., Capella, S., Bellis, D., Mandrioli, D., Marchese, L., Roveta, A., Bertolina, C., and Maconi, A.: The Research and Innovation Department (DAIRI): an example of multidisciplinary team working on environmental and health research in Piedmont (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16603,, 2025.

In Basilicata (Southern Italy) large outcrops of rock are found to contain significant concentrations of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2), occurring in fibrous morphology. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the occurrence of fibrous TiO2 dispersion from rocks and to provide, for the first time, an estimate of its concentration in surface waters, in river and lake sediments and in drinking water derived after potable water treatment. A total of 18 samples were collected: 6 solid samples; 7 surface water samples and 5 drinking water samples. X-ray diffraction indicated approximately 1% rutile TiO2 in the sediment samples and Scanning electron microscopy was employed to measure the size and to determine the concentration of TiO2 fibers in the samples. In the sediments, the concentration of TiO₂ fibers decreased with distance from the outcrops, and a comparable trend was observed in water samples, with the concentration of fibers decreased from 107 f/l near the outcrops to approximately 103 f/l in the drinking water. The 90% percent of the fibers were observed to be short (length < 5 µm) and thin (aspect ratio between 10 and 24) and despite their high density of rutile, the relationship between size and decantation capacity, influences the fibers sorting and the possibility that they remain suspended and transported in water over long distances, ultimately reaching users of drinking water.

How to cite: Di Basilio, M.: Environmental contamination by TiO2 fibers in waters and sediments in an area of Southern Italy., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18034,, 2025.

EGU25-18295 | ECS | PICO | NH8.1

Effect of the mineral exposome on the pro-inflammatory impact of inhalable mineral dusts generated from racehorse working soils 

Chiara De Giuli, Beatrice Sica, Marianna Fimiani, Jasmine Rita Petriglieri, Maura Tomatis, Cristina Pavan, Elena Belluso, Michela Bullone, and Francesco Turci

Air quality is a main determinant of human and animal respiratory health. Among animal species, racehorses are particularly sensitive to the effects of increased respirable dust levels1.

In equine medicine, lower airway inflammatory conditions are commonly encountered and are a significant cause of poor performance and a major concern for animal welfare2.

Respiratory diseases in horses is commonly associated with exposure to organic dust derived from bedding and feed materials3. However, the potential contribution of inorganic mineral dust, such as respirable crystalline silica (RCS), to equine lung inflammation is currently unexplored.

RCS is a pro-inflammatory agent in many mammalian species, inducing macrophage activation via the inflammasome pathway, and has been implicated in the development of chronic respiratory diseases in humans, including pulmonary disease, silicosis, and lung cancer4.

In this study, we challenge the hypothesis that inorganic dust generated from equine working soils may adversely affect respiratory health in horses. Investigating the respiratory exposure pattern (mineral exposome) is crucial for understanding the environmental impact of inorganic dust on equine respiratory health.

To this aim, we assessed the quantitative composition of racetrack soils and assessed the potential toxicity associated with the respirable inorganic fractions of training and racing track soils.

A prospective proof-of-concept study on a limited number (n=7) of representative samples from working soils of six different racetracks was carried out.

Particle size distributions (PSD) and the quantitative composition were determined by X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS).

To evaluate the potential toxicity of the samples, in chemico approaches were employed, including a membranolytic activity assay and a cell-free radical generation assay to assess dust surface .

The particle size distribution of the soil samples revealed that over 90% of the fine fraction (<20 µm) had an equivalent circular diameter (ECD) of less than 5 µm, consistent with the size range of respirable dust.

The predominant mineral phases identified in all soil samples were silica (mainly quartz), silicates and alumino-silicates (K-feldspars and plagioclase), while minor phases included carbonates, titanium oxides, and iron oxides.

Although the main mineral classes were consistent among soils from different racetracks, the membranolytic activity, i.e., the ability of dust to induce cell membrane lysis, varies significantly among the samples.

On three representative soil samples with high, medium and low hemolytic activity ('Bologna,' 'Ferrara,' and 'Vinovo 1') were also analyzed with the cell-free radical generation assay to assess the potential of mineral soil surfaces to generate free radicals. The results indicated no correlation between the membranolytic activity of the soils and their ability to generate free radicals, as all three samples exhibited no significant radical activity.

Future studies will concentrate on investigating potential correlations between specific mineral phases in racetrack soils and their associated toxicity.



[1] S.L. Raymond, A.F. Clarke, Australian Equine Veterinarian 1998, 16, 21-31

[2] K.J. Allen, W.H. Tremaine, S.H. Franklin, Equine Veterinarian 2006, 36, 529-34.

[3] K.M. Ivester, L. L. Couëtil, N.J Zimmerman, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 2014, 28, 1653-1665.

[4] R.F. Hoy, D.C. Chambers, Allergy.2020, 75(11), 2805-2817.

How to cite: De Giuli, C., Sica, B., Fimiani, M., Petriglieri, J. R., Tomatis, M., Pavan, C., Belluso, E., Bullone, M., and Turci, F.: Effect of the mineral exposome on the pro-inflammatory impact of inhalable mineral dusts generated from racehorse working soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18295,, 2025.

EGU25-20243 | PICO | NH8.1

Inflammatory and carcinogenic potential of size-separated chrysotile fibres assessed through in vitro models of human lung tissue 

Sonia Scarfì, Serena Mirata, Vanessa Almonti, Mario Passalacqua, Stefania Vernazza, Anna Maria Bassi, and Alessandro Gualtieri

Asbestos minerals have been widely exploited due to their physical-chemical properties, and chrysotile asbestos has accounted for about 95% of all asbestos commercially employed worldwide. The exposure to chrysotile, classified like other five amphibole asbestos species as carcinogenic to humans, represents a serious occupational and environmental hazard. Nevertheless, this mineral is still largely employed in about 65% of the countries worldwide, which still allow its “safe use”.

The complex mechanisms through which the mineral fibres induce toxicity are not yet completely understood. In this regard, the morphometric parameters of asbestos fibres (e.g., length, width, aspect ratio) are known for their fundamental role in determining the degree of pathogenicity. Thus, the potential toxicity of short chrysotile fibres remains widely debated due to the contradictory results from countless studies. The present study investigated the different toxicity mechanisms of two representative batches of short (length <5 µm) and long (length >5 µm) chrysotile fibres obtained by cryogenic milling. The cytotoxic, genotoxic, and pro-inflammatory potential of the two chrysotile fractions, as compared to crocidolite and wollastonite carcinogenic positive and negative controls, was investigated on human THP-1-derived macrophages and HECV endothelial cells, both separately and in a co-culture setup, mimicking the alveolar pro-inflammatory microenvironment, in time course experiments up to 1 week. Parallel exposure experiments, up to 12 days, were also run on an in vitro 3D tissue model, the Mattek EpiAirway™, closely resembling the physiology of the mature human bronchial epithelium. Through these models, we could assess that both chrysotile fractions displayed cytotoxic, genotoxic, and pro-inflammatory effects, with resulted comparable to the well-known damaging effects of crocidolite asbestos, or higher, as in the case of the longer chrysotile fraction. Furthermore, in presence of HECV, fibre-treated macrophages showed prolonged inflammation, indicating an interesting crosstalk between these cells, able to sustain a low-grade chronic inflammation in the lung. This was also confirmed in the 3D lung tissue model were a semi-chronic exposure of 12 days led to a prolonged inflammatory response in crocidolite- and chrysotile-treated tissues as compared to control, untreated ones. In conclusion, these results help to shed light on some important open questions on the mechanisms of toxicity of chrysotile asbestos fibres.



This project has received funding from the Italian Ministry of University and Research, PRIN-2017 “FIBRES”, and from the Italian Ministry of Health for “Research and development of projects of alternative methods to animal models through experimental technologies, 2022”.

How to cite: Scarfì, S., Mirata, S., Almonti, V., Passalacqua, M., Vernazza, S., Bassi, A. M., and Gualtieri, A.: Inflammatory and carcinogenic potential of size-separated chrysotile fibres assessed through in vitro models of human lung tissue, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20243,, 2025.

EGU25-878 | ECS | Orals | NH8.2

Geogenic radon potential through geostatistical analysis of uranium concentration 

Linda Bonorino, Gianluca Beccaris, Paolo Chiozzi, Andrea Cogorno, Elga Filippi, Sonja Prandi, and Massimo Verdoya

Dosimetric measurements are customarily conducted in dwellings to evaluate the radon hazard. The measurement sites are often unevenly distributed. This makes challenging direct data interpolation and their extrapolation to under-sampled areas, as well as the prediction of hazard. Geostatistical techniques, such as logistic regression, help address this issue because they allow for using proxy data to infer the probability of radon hazards where no direct measurements are available. The rock U content can be an appropriate proxy for indoor 222Rn concentration. Considering uranium concentrations in combination with other variables, such as bedrock nature and surface geology, has emerged as an effective method for producing reliable maps of Geogenic Radon Potential (GRP), a hazard indicator of radon generated by the radioactive decay of elements in rocks and soils and released into the air.  In this paper, we investigated the relationship between uranium and radon to map the radiological hazard linked to lithology also in unsampled areas. We used field gamma-ray spectrometry to determine the uranium concentration on the exposed bedrock and radon dosimetric records in indoor environments in direct contact with the ground. In addition to passive radon determinations, we measured the radon in soils by means of an active device. Logistic regression was used to examine the correlation between the concentration of uranium and the indoor radon measured in the same geological formation. This technique was tested in Western Liguria (Northern Italy), an area including a wide range of rocks spanning from sedimentary and metasedimentary to metavolcanic. The approach led to determining the probability of exceeding the threshold of 200 Bq/m3 for each lithology based on U concentration and defining a detailed picture of the investigated area's GRP. A background uranium content of 4 ppm implies a 50% probability of exceeding the safety threshold of indoor radon. Although the dataset of soil radon measurements so far collected is far from being representative, the results indicate that higher concentrations (up to 250 kBq/m3 as an upper bound) roughly correspond to indoor radon > 200 Bq/m3. In summary, our work highlights the relationship between indoor radon concentration and uranium content in rocks and reinforces the use of geological data to identify areas with a higher susceptibility to radon exposure.

How to cite: Bonorino, L., Beccaris, G., Chiozzi, P., Cogorno, A., Filippi, E., Prandi, S., and Verdoya, M.: Geogenic radon potential through geostatistical analysis of uranium concentration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-878,, 2025.

EGU25-1184 | Posters on site | NH8.2

A multidisciplinary monitoring approach involving radioactivity, greenhouse gas emissions, stratigraphy and rock magnetism 

Alessandra Sciarra, Mariarosaria Falanga, Simona Mancini, Michele Guida, Fausto Grassa, Valeria Misiti, Stefania Pinzi, Gianfranco Galli, Alessandra Venuti, and Antonio Cascella

Mud volcanoes (MV), classified as "sedimentary volcanism", represent the surface expression of underground processes characterized by movements of large masses of fluids (water and gas) and sediments. Some MVs can represent a serious source of geohazards, mainly related to paroxysmal events with flooding of huge amounts of mud that can damage structures and seriously injure people in their vicinity. Although MVs constitute a source of geohazard, albeit limited to their proximity, monitoring protocols for their surveillance have never been employed. Gas released from mud volcanoes consists mainly of CH4 and minor components N2, O2, CO2 and light hydrocarbons, but radon emission rate has been poorly studied. With the aim of filling this knowledge gap, the present work proposes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of MVs, with the final goal of identifying reliable indicators of their state of activity that could be used as precursors of paroxysmal events and their dangerousness for the population. The multidisciplinary monitoring method used to study the Salse di Nirano MVs is based on radioactivity and greenhouse gas emissions, stratigraphy and magnetism of the rocks in order to develop a model of the space-time evolution of their activity and identify any variations. To estimate the amount of gas released, some surveys of flux measurements (CO2, CH4) and gas content (CO2, CH4, 222Rn, 220Rn) were conducted.

Furthermore, with the aim of identifying a correlation between methane emissions and radon activity, a series of laboratory tests were performed in a controlled system.

Salse di Nirano are within a natural reserve, visited by many people every year, so the definition of the natural gas hazard estimation is essential for the protection of the population and extremely useful for the local authorities. Our objective is to acquire a better understanding of the processes happening in the eruption conduit, the activity (speed and intensity of gas migration) of the seepage system connected to the feeding reservoir, and the interaction between faults and deep and/or shallow reservoirs. The results can also be exported to other areas characterized by the presence of sedimentary volcanism.

How to cite: Sciarra, A., Falanga, M., Mancini, S., Guida, M., Grassa, F., Misiti, V., Pinzi, S., Galli, G., Venuti, A., and Cascella, A.: A multidisciplinary monitoring approach involving radioactivity, greenhouse gas emissions, stratigraphy and rock magnetism, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1184,, 2025.

EGU25-1612 | Orals | NH8.2

Nuclide specific transfer of radium from soils to plants 

Jens Fohlmeister, Michaela Achatz, and Peggy Hofmann

For a comprehensive assessment of radiation exposure from naturally occurring radionuclides in soils, the ingestion pathway of foodstuffs grown on such soils may be a major contributor. Often, only measurement results of the radionuclide vector of the soil are available for an initial dose estimation. For such calculations, however, the activity concentrations in plants are crucial. These can generally be estimated from the soil data using soil-to-plant transfer factors. Typically, these transfer factors are used on an elemental basis, i.e., not specific to individual nuclides of the same element. The reason behind this approach appears to be based on limited measurement availability for several nuclides of the same element. Thus, the transfer factors have preferably been determined only for the more easily measurable nuclide of an element but mostly find application for all nuclides of this element.

However, for nuclides of an element that display significant differences in their radiotoxicity, potential but previously unconsidered radionuclide-specific differences in the soil-to-plant transfer factors can result in a significant under- or overestimation of the ingested dose. This is especially true for radium, as 228Ra causes a dose that is approximately 3 to 6 times higher than that of 226Ra. Therefore, in this contribution we will analyse the validity of equal soil-to-plant transfer factors for 226Ra and 228Ra based on a large, representative data set of a recent total diet study and data available in the literature. First results suggest that on average there is a change in the radium activity ratio during the transfer of radium between soils and plants, with 228Ra being approximately nearly twice as effectively taken up by plants compared to 226Ra.

How to cite: Fohlmeister, J., Achatz, M., and Hofmann, P.: Nuclide specific transfer of radium from soils to plants, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1612,, 2025.

Atmospheric nuclear tests until 1980 and in particular the Chernobyl nuclear accident in April 1986 left considerable amounts of caesium in the environment of Eastern, Northern, and Central Europe. Regional information on the current distribution of caesium is very limited. Airborne gamma-ray spectrometry or radiometry is routinely used to investigate the regional distribution of the naturally occurring radio-elements K-40, U-238 and Th-232 in the rocks and soils of the earth’s surface and to derive compositional and geological information. Due to the large source-receiver distance and the low activity sources, large-volume scintillation detectors are used for this purpose. The spectral resolution of these instruments is low compared to laboratory setups. Therefore, the identification of photo peaks of artificial isotopes in airborne gamma-ray spectra is not straight forward and attempts to routinely determine Cs-137 signals are rare.

In this study, helicopter radiometry data that was originally collected for soil science applications in northern Germany was examined with regard to its Cs-137 information content. The spectra were acquired with a 4x4 litre NaI, 1024 channel instrument (Radiation Solutions). The overlap of the Cs-137 photo peak at 662 keV with Tl-208 and Bi-214 photo peaks from the uranium and thorium decay chains led to the development of a spectral unfolding method. In the spectra corrected in this way the intensity of the Cs-137 signal could be determined. These Cs-137 intensity values were then compared with measurements on the ground, so that a calibration of the airborne system for absolute ground activities of Cs-137 was possible. Applied to large airborne data sets covering areas in the order of 100 km2 resulted in activity maps that give interesting insights into the present day Cs-137 levels in the environment of Northern Germany.

How to cite: Ibs-von Seht, M.: Determination of environmental Cs-137 levels from standard airborne gamma-ray spectrometry data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1777,, 2025.

EGU25-2764 | Posters on site | NH8.2

Addressing water security using 36Cl 

Chiara Telloli, Fabio Borgognoni, and Antonietta Rizzo

Semi-arid regions, characterized by low and erratic rainfall, need significant efforts in managing their water resources. Groundwater, a vital resource in these areas, is often overexploited, leading to depletion and degradation. The lack of suitable data and methods to quantify regional hydrological processes often requires a comprehensive understanding of groundwater systems, including their recharge rates, flow patterns, and water quality and the adaptation to climate change.

To date, groundwater management is primarily based on hydrogeological modeling and key parameters such as recharge rate and groundwater dynamics.

The use of radioisotopes makes it possible to date groundwater resources and evaluate its recharge times. By using a combination of residence time indicators (3H, 14C, 36Cl) and stable water isotopes (2H and 18O), it is possible to provide a greater constraint on the residence time of water in groundwater aquifers.

Thanks to the advancement analytical techniques on the use of 36Cl, present in the environment following nuclear tests, is a promising method for estimating water transit times and recharge rates of aquifers on a basin scale and for distinguishing water and chloride cycles.

Studies have already been carried out in the Chari-Logone aquifer of the emblematic Lake Chad basin, located in the central Sahel, where the analysis of 36Cl in the central areas shows the presence of very old groundwater (<2 Ma), suggesting that the aquifers in the Sahel host a significant amount of renewable water, which could therefore be used as a strategic freshwater resource.

Continued investment in developing reliable and less time-consuming analytical techniques is crucial to manage groundwater resources sustainably in semi-arid regions.

How to cite: Telloli, C., Borgognoni, F., and Rizzo, A.: Addressing water security using 36Cl, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2764,, 2025.

EGU25-4025 | Orals | NH8.2

Application of fallout-derived 239+240Pu for estimating soil redistribution rates at an olive orchard under Mediterranean climate  

José Luis Mas, Santiago Hurtado-Bermúdez, Andrés Peñuela, Vanesa García-Gamero, Tom Vanwalleghem, and Adolfo Peña

Soil erosion significantly threatens soil health in semiarid regions such as the Mediterranean. Fallout radionuclides (FRNs), deposited from atmospheric fallout, accumulate in the soil profile and their redistribution patterns can be used to estimate soil erosion and deposition rates.  While 137Cs has been traditionally used for soil redistribution studies, this research explores the application of fallout-derived 239+240Pu in an olive orchard under Mediterranean climate conditions (Montefrío, Granada, Spain). The spatial variability of the reference profiles was assessed by replicating the sampling four times. Soil redistribution rates, estimated using the MODERN model, were compared with the inventory method for eroded sites, demonstrating excellent agreement (Pearson’s r = 0.9995, slope = 0.993 ± 0.006 t ha-1·yr-1)/(t·ha-1·yr-1)). Estimated  erosion and deposition rates ranged from 0 to -76 t ha-1 yr-1 and from 0 to +29.9 t ha-1·yr-1, respectively, indicating a significant soil degradation. These results highlight the potential of Pu isotopes as a valuable tool for assessing soil dynamics in Mediterranean agricultural systems.

How to cite: Mas, J. L., Hurtado-Bermúdez, S., Peñuela, A., García-Gamero, V., Vanwalleghem, T., and Peña, A.: Application of fallout-derived 239+240Pu for estimating soil redistribution rates at an olive orchard under Mediterranean climate , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4025,, 2025.

EGU25-4150 | ECS | Orals | NH8.2

Innovative Radon Mitigation: A Long-Term Study on the Effectiveness of Decentralised Ventilation with Heat Recovery 

Diana Altendorf, Florian Berger, Jörg Dehnert, Michal Duzynski, Hannes Grünewald, Ralf Trabitzsch, and Holger Weiß

Radon-222 is a naturally occurring radioactive gas and a significant indoor air pollutant. Elevated indoor radon activity concentration significantly increases this risk of lung cancer for individuals. In accordance with the European Euratom Directive, the German government has established a reference value of 300 Bq/m³ as the annual mean for radon activity concentration in indoor workplaces and living spaces. Mitigating indoor radon is essential to ensure healthy living and working environments, particularly in areas with heightened radon exposure. This study presents the results of a three-year proof-of-concept investigation into the effectiveness of a decentralised ventilation system with heat recovery as a radon mitigation strategy.

Therefore, a series of ventilation experiments were performed in an unoccupied ground-floor flat of a residential building in Aue-Bad Schlema, Germany. Located within one of Saxony’s radon-prone areas in the Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge), a region well-known for its numerous ore deposits and an 800-year long mining history. The flat was divided into three individually controllable ventilation zones using strategically positioned ventilation devices with heat recovery (inVENTer GmbH, Germany). These devices were controlled by a real-time measurement of indoor radon activity concentration (Smart Radon Sensors by SARAD GmbH, Germany), enabling dynamic and responsive operation of the ventilation system. By using the actual measured radon concentration [Rn] as a control parameter, the system can automatically switch between three distinct ventilation modes - "Heat Recovery", "Cross-Ventilation" and "Differential Pressure" - or deactivate entirely. Within each mode, both airflow direction and air volume flow rates can be adjusted, providing tailored solutions for effective radon mitigation.

Overall, the decentralised ventilation system with heat recovery demonstrated significant potential for reducing indoor radon concentration, achieving reductions of up to 80 %. The effectiveness of the system varied based on factors such as initial room-specific radon levels, fan performance settings, and meteorological parameters like outdoor temperature and wind speed. The study also evaluated the dependencies between indoor radon levels and various environmental and site-specific factors. Results revealed that radon dynamics are influenced by a complex interplay of geological, meteorological and building-specific characteristics - including structural design and ventilation system configuration. Different ventilation modes, combined with varying fan performance levels, contributed to distinct radon reduction outcomes, highlighting the importance of customising mitigation strategies.

These findings emphasize the necessity of integrating environmental and building-specific considerations into radon risk assessment and mitigation planning. Customised, site-specific radon mitigation strategies are essential to account for the variability introduced by local conditions, ultimately improving indoor air quality and reducing health risks in radon-affected regions.

How to cite: Altendorf, D., Berger, F., Dehnert, J., Duzynski, M., Grünewald, H., Trabitzsch, R., and Weiß, H.: Innovative Radon Mitigation: A Long-Term Study on the Effectiveness of Decentralised Ventilation with Heat Recovery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4150,, 2025.

EGU25-4205 | Posters on site | NH8.2

Radiation protection aspects in conjunction with re-use of residues from the geoenergy industry 

Tatiana Goldberg, Nicole Klasen, Simona Regenspurg, and Patrick Frings

The trend towards increasing circular economy calls for re-use of all types of waste, including recycling from industrial residues such as NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials). These secondary raw materials are currently being considered and partly used in construction materials, for critical element extraction, in medicine, and in carbon sequestration. In the geothermal, oil and gas industry mineral deposits (scales) form during deep fluid production due to changes in thermodynamic conditions and may incorporate significant amounts of natural radionuclides. Currently these residues are discarded although the scales may contain valuable metals.

Scale samples were collected from the well and aboveground geothermal facilities and analysed via XRD, XRF and ICP-MS. Their main mineralogical constituents range from Sr-rich barite, laurionite, native copper, sulphide minerals to magnetite. Some scales contain economically viable elements, such as Cu, Ba, As and Zn. Rare earth elements also occur in minor amounts (∑ ~ 50 ppm). Radionuclide activities on bulk samples were measured via gamma-spectrometry and vary from below 1 Bq/g up to 130 Bq/g, 57 Bq/g, 63 Bq/g and 40 Bq/g for Ra-226, Pb-210, Ra-228 and Th-228, respectively. Thus, for some samples the measured activities fall within the category of surveillance.

The association between mineralogy and radionuclides is investigated following partial leaching and sequential extraction. Kind and activity concentrations of radionuclides depend on the extraction method, which is determined by the mineral phase of the targeted element. The extraction process will require dose measurements followed by a calculation of the exposure to ionizing radiation. This evaluation represents a preliminary study towards the usability of the scales and demonstrates the need for further research on recycling of the residues, with due consideration given to radiation protection aspects. 

How to cite: Goldberg, T., Klasen, N., Regenspurg, S., and Frings, P.: Radiation protection aspects in conjunction with re-use of residues from the geoenergy industry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4205,, 2025.

EGU25-8454 | ECS | Posters on site | NH8.2 | Highlight

RockyRAD: a hands-on kit for exploring rock radioactivity 

Matteo Albéri, Maria Annunziata, Pierluigi Barba, Alessio Barbagli, Enrico Chiarelli, Tommaso Colonna, Alessandro Cortopassi, Nedime Irem Elek, Fabio Gallorini, Jacopo Givoletti, Enrico Guastaldi, Fabio Mantovani, Cristina Mattone, Massimo Morichi, Dario Petrone, Silvio Pierini, Claudio Raffo, Kassandra Giulia Cristina Raptis, Virginia Strati, and Franco Vivaldi

RockyRAD represents an evolution of the traditional Geiger counter, transforming it into a complete and innovative educational tool. This compact and portable device is part of a kit containing rock samples, selected for their varying levels of natural radioactivity. These samples allow students to investigate the radioactivity of rocks, understanding how it is influenced by internal factors such as chemical composition, rather than external characteristics such as color or texture.

Students can compare the radiation levels of igneous and sedimentary rocks, assess the effectiveness of shielding materials, or conduct long-term background radiation measurements. This hands-on approach provides a deeper understanding of the radioactivity originating from natural radioisotopes (e.g., U-238) and their decay products as well as the interactions between radiation and matter.

Through an Android app, users can share results, export data for analysis, and plan extended experiments, making it suitable for citizen science. Students can evaluate reliability, calculate uncertainties, and observe how these change with measurement time, linking experimental observations to theoretical principles. The device provides both counts per minute (CPM) and equivalent dose rate (nSv/h), facilitating the understanding of absorbed dose concepts.

Teachers can design experiments tailored to school curricula, fostering an interdisciplinary approach that integrates physics, Earth science, and statistics.

In today’s energy landscape, where nuclear power is regaining attention, RockyRAD promotes scientific inquiry and awareness. By studying rock radioactivity, students develop a deeper understanding of environmental radiation, supporting informed perspectives on nuclear energy and other energy choices.

How to cite: Albéri, M., Annunziata, M., Barba, P., Barbagli, A., Chiarelli, E., Colonna, T., Cortopassi, A., Elek, N. I., Gallorini, F., Givoletti, J., Guastaldi, E., Mantovani, F., Mattone, C., Morichi, M., Petrone, D., Pierini, S., Raffo, C., Raptis, K. G. C., Strati, V., and Vivaldi, F.: RockyRAD: a hands-on kit for exploring rock radioactivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8454,, 2025.

EGU25-8682 | ECS | Posters on site | NH8.2

Identifying Radon hazard areas: Machine learning-driven Geogenic Radon Potential mapping in Hessen 

Augustine Maada Gbondo, Rouwen Lehne, Eric Petermann, and Andreas Henk

The health impacts of the radioactive Radon are well-documented by the World Health Organization (WHO) and numerous studies. Geogenic Radon Potential (GRP) refers to the natural production of Radon by the Earth, independent of anthropogenic influences. GRP has been a focal point of research aimed at understanding the factors influencing radon variability and its spatial distribution. However, the limited availability of systematic soil-gas radon concentration measurements, along with other constraints, often leads to coarse-resolution modeling of GRP. With the availability of adequate and quality data, regional studies can be promising in investigating these influencing factors, and modelling of GRP hazards at finer spatial scales.


This study uses GRP survey data provided by the Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology (HLNUG) to develop machine learning models for predicting the spatial distribution of GRP in the state of Hessen, Germany, and to produce a high-resolution GRP hazard map. The models employed include Random Forest Regressor (RF), Support Vector Regressor (SVR), Gradient Boosting Regressor (GBR), and Multi-Layer Perceptron Regressor (MLPR). The dataset comprises 1,509 GRP sampling points for an area of about 21.000 km², and 37 potential predictors related to geology, soil characteristics, and climatic variables—key factors known to influence radon levels. Sequential Feature Selection (SFS) and a 5-fold spatial cross-validation strategy were employed to mitigate autocorrelation effects and enhance model generalization. Model performance was evaluated using multiple metrics and compared against ground-truth values and local geology.


Results revealed that the RF and GBR models outperformed others, achieving R² scores of 0.69 and 0.65 on the validation dataset, respectively, while the SVR and MLPR models underperformed. Predicted GRP values ranged from 8.9 to 178.2 for RF and 1.7 to 268.4 for GBR. Geological and soil properties emerged as the dominant predictors of GRP variability in Hessen, with predicted maps highlighting a strong dependence on local geological features. High-risk areas were effectively identified by the RF model. The study also highlights the need for additional measurements in data-scarce regions and the exploration of hybrid physics-based models that integrate domain-specific knowledge into spatial predictions.

How to cite: Gbondo, A. M., Lehne, R., Petermann, E., and Henk, A.: Identifying Radon hazard areas: Machine learning-driven Geogenic Radon Potential mapping in Hessen, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8682,, 2025.

EGU25-8873 | ECS | Posters on site | NH8.2

Radionuclides on the Move: Insights into Water-Bound Soil Transport Processes 

Marc Johnen, Dr. Katja Brennan, Salim Gülez, Dr. Andre Filby, Dr. Margarita Tzivaki, and Dr. Andreas Artmann

In Germany, radionuclide exposure is calculated for various scenarios according to derived international standards (AVV-Tätigkeiten 2020). The radiation protection law and the relevant administrative regulations (StrlSchG, StrlSchV) define exposure limits and the implementation of the calculations. These administrative regulations are used in authorisation procedures and in the prospective determination of the expected exposure of individuals in the population. These regulatory measures are intended to ensure the protection of the population from additional radioactive radiation within the framework of the 10 µSv criterion of the IAEA (IAEA 1988 Safety Guides No. 89). Understanding the underlying mechanisms of radionuclide transport in defined ecosystems is pivotal to achieve the best-estimated scenarios.

Contamination of the soil can occur through air or water discharge. Discharge via air can result in dry or wet deposition. In the case of discharge via water, contamination can occur through artificial irrigation, sediment deposition from irrigated fields or contamination of soils in floodplains. All these pathways are considered relevant for assessing radionuclide fate and transport through soil.

In the current project, the transport processes of these contamination pathways on cropland and pasture are analysed in more detail aiming to identify the driving parameters and review all processes that have not yet been included in the equations in the calculation bases. Soil properties and hydrogeological characteristics play an essential role in water-bound transport in the soil. Soils are divided into different soil horizons (O, A, B, C and R horizons) with different properties, which are subject to seasonal changes as well as changes caused by cropland use and pasture. For dissolved substances, chemical processes such as speciation and complex formation, solubility and solution kinetics, retention by sorption and redox reactions play an important role, often strongly dependent on pH values. In addition to chemical processes, physical processes such as advection, diffusion, dispersion, and capillary rise are also relevant. At the root-soil interface, biological processes such as root exudation, mycorrhizal symbiosis (fungal activity), root-hair interactions and plant-controlled water movements within the plant are increasingly important. In terms of plant species, a distinction is made between leafy vegetables, root vegetables and grains.

The aim of the work is to take an interdisciplinary and holistic look at possible contamination pathways in soils by means of a system analysis. The BIOMASS process involving the definition of a FEP (Features, Events and Processes) list and visualizing it in an interaction matrix for the analysis. This conceptual model will be used to implement the appropriate mathematical models for each interaction between compartments. The concentration in the soil will then be calculated using a compartment model or numerical groundwater models. Different methods and models will be analysed and applied in individual cases. The key challenges are the different scales of the area to be analysed, the heterogeneity of the soil and the general uncertainty in the data.

How to cite: Johnen, M., Brennan, Dr. K., Gülez, S., Filby, Dr. A., Tzivaki, Dr. M., and Artmann, Dr. A.: Radionuclides on the Move: Insights into Water-Bound Soil Transport Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8873,, 2025.

EGU25-9446 | Posters on site | NH8.2

Environmental Radioactivity and Plants Adaptations in the Maccalube Nature Reserve (Ag): Insights and Implications for the sedimentary volcanic source 

Mariarosaria Falanga, Zahra Alizadesh, Emanuele Rosa, Nunziatina De Tommasi, Simona Mancini, Serpil Aközcan Pehlivanoğlu, and Paola Cusano

This research focuses on the Maccalube di Aragona Nature Reserve (Agrigento, Italy), studying environmental radioactivity and plant activity in the context of mud volcano dynamics. The Reserve contains several gryphons and pools emitting methane, hydrocarbons, and highly saline water. Occasionally, these volcanoes experience explosive events, such as a fatal explosion in 2014. The research is part of the Promud project- INGV (, which aims to assess the Reserve’s geophysical, seismological, geodetic, and biodiversity characteristics for civil protection purposes.

Two field surveys were conducted to measure environmental radioactivity, focusing on 222Rn and 220Rn emissions from soil gas by means of specific accessorized equipment (RAD7). The main aim was to acquire more data to support the identification of the source location in a compact clay layer. Results showed a high concentration of 222Rn only in correspondence with the active emitting centers, whereas concentrations below the instrumentation sensitivity were revealed elsewhere. Moreover, the radioactive contents were determined in muds, soils, and parts of the plants (especially leaves) taken in the surroundings. Particularly, 226Ra, 232Th, 40K, and 137Cs were measured by using gamma spectrometry. Very homogeneous concentrations of previous radionuclides were found, except for 40K measured in the dried plants suggesting a possible link between that radionuclide and the plant’s activity.

Studying plants that thrive in extreme environments could provide valuable insights into the relationship between soil properties and reservoirs. For this study, the halophytic species Suaeda vera, collected from the Maccalube Reserve, was used as a model. Samples were also collected from a mountainous habitat to compare its metabolism under stressed and stress-free conditions. An untargeted metabolomic analysis of hydroalcoholic extracts of aerial parts of S. vera, performed using HR-LC-MS, revealed a diverse and rich phytochemical profile. This analysis identified a wide range of specialized metabolites. Plants from the Maccalube region have an interesting phytochemical profile, producing sulphated metabolites, particularly flavonoids, which are rare and often associated with survival in harsh environments. This secondary metabolism suggests a local biochemical adaptation of the Maccalube population. It may be influenced by the harsh environmental conditions of the region.

How to cite: Falanga, M., Alizadesh, Z., Rosa, E., De Tommasi, N., Mancini, S., Aközcan Pehlivanoğlu, S., and Cusano, P.: Environmental Radioactivity and Plants Adaptations in the Maccalube Nature Reserve (Ag): Insights and Implications for the sedimentary volcanic source, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9446,, 2025.

EGU25-11146 | Posters on site | NH8.2

The Italian radon risk map 

Giancarlo Ciotoli, Eleonora Benà, Federico Mori, Livio Ruggiero, Stan Eugene Beaubien, Alessandra Sciarra, Monia Procesi, Claudio Mazzoli, Raffaele Sassi, and Sabina Bigi

Radon (²²Rn) is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that occurs in rocks and soils, and its migration pathways are influenced by geological faults. These processes can significantly increase radon leakage into buildings, posing a significant health risk. Classified as a carcinogen by the World Health Organisation, exposure to radon has required the establishment of national reference levels across Europe under Directive 2013/59/EURATOM and the identification of Radon Priority Areas (RPAs) to guide remediation initiatives. This legislation emphasises the need for both collective and individual risk management, using advanced radon risk assessment tools.

In this study, we present an innovative approach to construct a geogenic radon hazard index (GRHI) map for Italy using a robust bottom-up methodology. Our approach integrates several geological proxies related to radon source (e.g. geology, radionuclide content) and migration pathways (e.g. faults) using supervised auto-machine learning (Autogluon). A dataset of approximately 30,000 soil radon measurements was divided into training and test datasets. A conceptual model with ten predictors was developed to estimate soil radon concentrations at unsampled locations on a 1x1 km grid. The LightGBMLarge algorithm resulted in the best model (R²test = 0.524) which was validated by a combination of statistical metrics. The SHAP analysis highlighted the relative importance of the predictors in the model.

The GRHI map was further combined with census section data (ISTAT database) and population density to produce a risk map from Collective Risk Areas (CRA) to Individual Risk Areas (IRA). This final map serves as a valuable tool for national and regional administrations to identify IRAs in accordance with Directive 2013/59/EURATOM (Article 103).

This research addresses the lack of a standardised European methodology for radon risk assessment. It provides a comprehensive framework to bridge the gap between collective and individual risk. Through the integration of geological knowledge with machine learning and demographic data, this work provides useful information for the improvement of radiation protection and public health strategies.

How to cite: Ciotoli, G., Benà, E., Mori, F., Ruggiero, L., Beaubien, S. E., Sciarra, A., Procesi, M., Mazzoli, C., Sassi, R., and Bigi, S.: The Italian radon risk map, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11146,, 2025.

EGU25-13183 | Orals | NH8.2

Development of an active alpha particle detector for radon measurements 

Tóth Szabolcs, Horváth Ákos, and Máthé Kálmán

In connection with the recultivation and environmental monitoring activities of the Mecsek uranium ore mine closure, several deep boreholes have been drilled. These deep boreholes are suitable for investigating spatial and temporal variations of radon activity concentrations. Measurements require a large number of radon sensors with data loggers.

Our goal was to develop an inexpensive device with commercial photodiode for counting the alpha particles (in particular radon and its daughter elements). The principal operation of the developed monitoring system is based on the following steps: when a charged alpha particle hits the sensitive area of the sensor a small current is generated with amplitude proportional to the deposited energy. This current signal is converted into a voltage signal by a charge-sensitive preamplifier and amplified in several steps. Then the analogue signal is converted to digital by a comparator, and an ATmega328 microcontroller with a DS3231 RTC module is used to count and store the pulses. The alpha spectral response of the device has been calibrated by using 241Am solid source. Additionally, numerous tests were carried out in experimental chamber, with uranium ore sources. The developed detector was tested with several diffusion chambers with various sizes for soil gas and dwelling measurements, and determination of radon exhalation rate. Prototypes are currently being tested in deep boreholes, and in recultivated areas.

How to cite: Szabolcs, T., Ákos, H., and Kálmán, M.: Development of an active alpha particle detector for radon measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13183,, 2025.

      The second longest river in Europe along with its Delta (largest natural wetland) displays a sophisticated ecosystem with unique features which open the way for in-depth scientific research in the fields of geology, biology, ecology and many interdisciplinary subjects for which gamma-ray spectrometry is an essential technique. The Danube provides crucial data for raising awareness of the hazards induced by human activities, bringing significant contributions to improving methods and policies for environment preservation, wildlife protection and natural heritage conservation on a general basis, all of which being of great importance for science and society.

      Industrial pollution had a severe impact on air, water and soil/sediment quality. The TENORM nuclides dispersed in the atmosphere undergo dry/wet deposition, through complex sedimentation processes. Unsupported 210Pb and anthropogenic radioelements concentration data help identifying the periods during which radionuclides and pollutants acumulated in sediment strata. Long term averaged effects are comparable, but on shorter scales, any floods or comparable events induce perturbations. Consequently, any data complementary to physical and chemical determinations must be considered for this interdisciplinary approach to nuclear and environmental science, as the scope is performing retrospective investigations and further prediction making by studying gradient modifications in spatial and time coordinates.

            We perform low background adaptative and customized analysis with high efficiency&resolution detectors and dedicated software in order to face different environmental samples: our protocols have a general structure, but different approaches for different matrices, potential inhomogeneity, variable background, low/high count rates and related issues for detection limits and coincidence summing corrections. Experimental results and Monte Carlo simulations enable hypothesis testing for homogeneity and uncertainty issues. Additional neutron activation brings precious information from initially non emitting isotopes. Timing is crucial given the half-life of our main dating reference (210Pb): if the first sample sets from the course of the Danube are not measured quickly, the possibility of having time gradients for the beginning of the 20th century will be lost.

      The goal is developing a reference sediment data repository for mapping and analyzing radionuclide and pollutant dynamics, in order to be able to make predictions regarding the evolution of radionuclide concentration in addition to the retrospective analysis, for which we have dedicated methods and an associated software under patenting [1]. We bring a unitary methodology mainly governed by the IAEA recommendations, from sampling to measurements and calculations, including experimental protocols, intercomparison schemes and uncertainty budget optimization, in order to grow the sediment database we started and the associated interactive map [2], which displays priorly available data [3] and our first contributions [4-6]. The consortium under construction started with four labs from Romanian Universities and R&D Institutes. Enhancing this collaboration between Danube River Basin countries is our target at EGU25.



[1] Suvaila et al., Romanian Patent State Office A100734/2024


[3] available on request

[4] Suvaila et al., DOI 10.1007/s13762-024-06128-z

[5] Olacel et al., DOI 10.1016/j.chphi.2022.100065

[6] Pojar et al., Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection 39 (3), 2024

How to cite: Suvaila, R.: Project Black: from Forest to Sea, Gamma-ray Analysis of Sediments from the Danube River, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20585,, 2025.

EGU25-20863 | ECS | Orals | NH8.2

Radiological impact of the Tajogaite eruption (2021, La Palma, Canary Islands) 

Neus Miquel i Armengol, Alicia María Tejera Cruz, Ana del Carmen Arriola Velásquez, Claudio Briones Barrera, Héctor Eulogio Alonso Hernández, Jesús García Rubiano, and Pablo Martel Escobar

It is well known that volcanic eruptions represent an important source of natural radionuclide emissions into the environment; however, there are not many studies evaluating their radiological impact. The recent eruption of Tajogaite volcano, that took place in La Palma Island (Canary Islands, Spain) between September and December 2021, offers the opportunity to monitor its radiological impact on both the environment and the nearby population.
The eruption, located on the western site of Cumbre Vieja rift zone, lasted 85 days and large amounts of lavas and pyroclastic materials, along with fine lapilli and ash, were emitted. More than 1200 ha were covered by lava flows, destroying buildings and thousands of kilometres of roads, in addition to few hundred hectares of crop and farmland. The lava flows descended the western part of the island and finally reached the sea creating extensive lava deltas and platforms. As for the ashes, due to western winds, they also impacted the eastern side of the island. Moreover, emissions of radon gas were also detected. Although it is less known than other volcanic gases, its emission is significant due to its radioactive properties and potential health impact if it accumulates in enclosed spaces. In this work, the radioisotopic characterization of the products of the volcanic eruption is carried out, besides studying the possible radiological impact on the surrounding habitable areas. Activity concentrations of the main radionuclides of 238U, 235U and 232Th series, as well as 40K, have been determined from 40 samples of lava, xenopumices and ashes, by gamma and alpha spectrometry. These results have been analysed and compared with those previously obtained from the lavas of the underwater eruption on El Hierro Island in 2011, the Tagoro volcano. Furthermore, the radiological impact on the surrounding environment is also analysed from both measurements of terrestrial gamma radiation and the determination of the radioisotopic composition of soil samples. A total of 80 soil samples were collected and more than 150 measurements of terrestrial gamma radiation were taken during a campaign carried out in July 2023 around the entire island. Interpolation maps have been drawn using the ArcGIS Desktop 10.8.2 to represent the results obtained. The analysis of these maps identifies the areas near the eruption as areas of maximum activity concentration of 226Ra, as well as terrestrial gamma radiation. This trend significantly differs from results published in work prior to the eruption.

How to cite: Miquel i Armengol, N., Tejera Cruz, A. M., Arriola Velásquez, A. C., Briones Barrera, C., Alonso Hernández, H. E., García Rubiano, J., and Martel Escobar, P.: Radiological impact of the Tajogaite eruption (2021, La Palma, Canary Islands), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20863,, 2025.

NH9 – Natural Hazards & Society

EGU25-290 | Orals | NH9.1

Increasingly seasonal jet stream enhances joint wind-flood risk in Great Britain 

John K. Hillier, Hannah Bloomfield, Colin Manning, Freya Garry, Len Shaffrey, Paul Bates, and Dhirendra Khumar

Insurers and risk managers for critical infrastructure such as transport of power networks typically do not account for flooding and extreme winds happening at the same time in their quantitative risk assessments. We explore this potentially critical underestimation of risk from these co-occurring hazards through studying events using the regional 12 km resolution UK Climate Projections for a 1981-1999 baseline and projections of 2061-2079 (RCP8.5). We create a new wintertime (Oct-Mar) set of 3,427 wind events to match an existing set of fluvial flow extremes and design innovative multi-event episodest of 1-180 days long) that reflect how periods of adverse weather affect society (e.g. through damage). We show that the probability of co-occurring wind-flow episodes in Great Britain (GB) is underestimated 2-4 times if events are assumed independent. Significantly, this underestimation is greater both as severity increases and episode length reduces, highlighting the importance of considering risk from closely consecutive (Δt 3 days) and the most severe storms. In the future (2061-2079), joint wind-flow extremes are twice as likely as during 1981-1999. Statistical modelling demonstrates that changes may significantly exceed thermodynamic expectations of higher river flows in a wetter future climate. The largest co-occurrence increases happen in mid-winter (DJF) with changes in the north Atlantic jet stream an important driver; we find the jet is strengthened and squeezed into a southward-shifted latitude window (45-50°N) giving typical future conditions that match instances of high flows and joint extremes impacting GB today.  This strongly implies that the driving large-scale driving conditions (e.g. jet stream state) for a multi-impact ‘perfect storm’ will vary by country; understanding regional drivers of weather hazards over climate timescales is vital to inform risk mitigation and planning (e.g. diversification, mutual aid across Europe).

How to cite: Hillier, J. K., Bloomfield, H., Manning, C., Garry, F., Shaffrey, L., Bates, P., and Khumar, D.: Increasingly seasonal jet stream enhances joint wind-flood risk in Great Britain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-290,, 2025.

EGU25-1489 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1 | Highlight

Adaptation pathways highlight urgent economic need to reduce flood risks in Europe 

Vanessa Völz, Jochen Hinkel, Daniel Lincke, Lars Honsel, Robert Nicholls, Rémi Thiéblemont, Gonéri Le Cozannet, and Paul Sayers

Given the commitment to sea level rise, massive and costly coastal adaptation is essential to reduce flood risks. Yet, the economically optimal timing of adaptation and adaptation tipping points remain unexplored on global and continental scale in coastal impact assessments. In this study, we model efficient adaptation pathways for 41,327 individual coastal floodplains along Europe's coastline through 2150. We consider three disaster risk reduction measures as potential adaptation options: protection, retreat and accommodation. Our assessment identifies the economically optimal timing for implementing these options, as well as the associated adaptation tipping points.

Using the state-of-the-art COASTPROS-EU dataset to model current coastal protection levels, we estimate that expected annual flood damages currently total USD 182 billion (2024 value). Immediate adaptation investments could drastically reduce these damages to USD 4 billion. For 95% of coastal floodplains requiring (additional) adaptation, the optimal timing for initial adaptation investments is now. We attribute this urgency to the vulnerability and exposure of coastal floodplains, which are already locked-in into existing conditions and are economically under-protected.

Adaptation tipping points, i.e. critical thresholds that require a shift from one adaptation option to another, are most prevalent along the Mediterranean coastline. In these regions, accommodation eventually becomes insufficient, requiring a switch to either protection or retreat to maintain efficient flood risk mitigation. These adaptation tipping points are driven by committed sea level rise due to past emissions, with their timing influenced by the rate of future climate change. On average, tipping points occur 29 years earlier under higher climate change scenarios (SSP5-8.5) compared to lower ones (SSP1-2.6).

How to cite: Völz, V., Hinkel, J., Lincke, D., Honsel, L., Nicholls, R., Thiéblemont, R., Le Cozannet, G., and Sayers, P.: Adaptation pathways highlight urgent economic need to reduce flood risks in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1489,, 2025.

EGU25-2767 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1 | Highlight

Coastal flood risk assessment for global coastal cities: integrating land subsidence, climate change and urban expansions 

Jiayi Fang, Wanchao Bian, Haiping Xia, and Ying Li

In the context of climate change, the combined effects of coastal land subsidence and sea level rise exacerbate coastal flood risks by altering relative sea levels. This study leverages high-resolution land subsidence rate data obtained from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and employs the LISFLOOD-FP two-dimensional hydrodynamic model to simulate coastal flooding for 43 coastal mega-cities globally. Our findings indicate that, when considering subsidence, over 76% of these cities experience an expansion in inundation areas under both Baseline and SSP5-8.5 scenarios. Furthermore, we conduct a quantitative assessment of the relative contributions of land subsidence and climate change to coastal flood inundation, identifying 19 cities where land subsidence plays a dominant role.


Moreover, the impact of urban expansion on coastal flood risk cannot be underestimated, particularly in coastal cities that experience rapid urbanization and extensive coastal reclamation activities. By incorporating annual data on the expansion of settlements, reclaimed coastal areas, and urban built-up areas, we evaluate the dynamic changes in coastal flood exposure and uncover a long-term trend of increasing potential impacts of coastal flooding in mainland China's coastal regions, which is at a continental scale. Specifically, the area of settlements located in coastal flood hazard zones has grown to 6.5 times its original size, while the area of reclaimed land within these zones has expanded to 26.3 times its original extent.


The insights from this study provide a valuable reference for sustainable development strategies and measures to address the escalating coastal flood hazards in coastal cities worldwide.

How to cite: Fang, J., Bian, W., Xia, H., and Li, Y.: Coastal flood risk assessment for global coastal cities: integrating land subsidence, climate change and urban expansions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2767,, 2025.

EGU25-5981 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

A living, community-led metadata catalog of geospatial data for climate risk assessments: an introduction to Climate Risk STAC 

Lena Reimann, Dirk Eilander, Timothy Tiggeloven, Milana Vuckovic, Matti Kummu, Andrea Vajda, Jeremy S. Pal, Maurizio Mazzoleni, Fredrik Wetterhal, and Jeroen C.J.H. Aerts

Climate risks are increasing globally due to climate change, driven by intensifying climate hazards (e.g. storms, floods) and changes in socioeconomic conditions that drive exposure and vulnerability. Climate Risk Assessments (CRAs) constitute a tool to understand such risks under current and future conditions, based on the analysis of geospatial datasets. However, CRA data are often scattered across different data platforms, therefore inhibiting their Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability (FAIR). Consequently, selecting appropriate datasets for the CRA at hand can be a daunting and time-consuming task.

To make CRA data FAIR, we develop Climate Risk STAC, a living metadata catalog of open-access geospatial datasets that is hosted in a collaborative environment for further development. Climate Risk STAC (version 0.1) includes 214 data entries of 84 global-scale datasets from nine different hazards, five types of exposed elements, and seven vulnerability categories. All data entries can be explored in a user-friendly browser which eases selection of suitable data. We further encourage contributions of new datasets, thereby facilitating a continuously growing, community-led catalog that reflects the current state-of-the-art in CRA concepts and data. Version 0.1 currently focuses on global-scale geospatial data. Due to its flexible and collaborative design, the catalog can easily be extended to accommodate datasets from other domains and at other spatial scales. Climate Risk STAC is available at

How to cite: Reimann, L., Eilander, D., Tiggeloven, T., Vuckovic, M., Kummu, M., Vajda, A., Pal, J. S., Mazzoleni, M., Wetterhal, F., and Aerts, J. C. J. H.: A living, community-led metadata catalog of geospatial data for climate risk assessments: an introduction to Climate Risk STAC, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5981,, 2025.

EGU25-6138 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.1

Top-down or bottom-up in earthquake exposure modeling: a comparison of aggregated and building-by-building models 

Laurens Jozef Nicolaas Oostwegel, Tara Evaz Zadeh, Danijel Schorlemmer, and Philippe Gueguen

Earthquake building exposure models are descriptions of the type, monetary values and inhabitants existing in a determined geographical area. Building stock models, or aggregated exposure models, summarize these key values on a regional level and are an established part of the risk assessment chain. They exist on a continental (e.g. ESRM20 in Europe; SARA in South America) or a global scale (e.g. GEM Global Exposure Model; PAGER; GED4GEM). Such models are created from a combination of cadaster information, national statistics, built area proxies, census data and/or local expert knowledge. In each country the processing method (therefore the model) differs, based on the level and type of information available. The input information for aggregated exposure models may be outdated for regions that experience rapid developments, as national data collection as censuses take a large amount of effort and are only conducted every five to ten years.

The advent of global building footprint models through artificial intelligence (Open Buildings; Global ML Building Footprints) and the slow but steady increase of building footprint coverage in OpenStreetMap have provided opportunities to model key values from bottom-up. Such model is able to keep the global scale, but considers individual buildings rather than district totals. For each building, the maximum amount of information is gathered, based on the dataset itself and other global datasets containing relevant values (such as height or occupancy type). Structural, monetary and population values can be added based on the relative occurence of building types in the aggregated models. An example is the ’model of European buildings’.

Inevitably, a switch from a top-down to a bottom-up approach to exposure modeling brings advantages and disadvantages, apart from the obvious increase of resolution to the individual building scale that comes with building-by-building models. We have taken three case studies and compared the strengths and weaknesses of each of the approaches, such as building (type), population and monetary value distribution, recentness of the data and total floor space size. The findings help to identify future directions for exposure modeling and aim to find the best approach to capture the dynamic nature of the built environment.

How to cite: Oostwegel, L. J. N., Evaz Zadeh, T., Schorlemmer, D., and Gueguen, P.: Top-down or bottom-up in earthquake exposure modeling: a comparison of aggregated and building-by-building models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6138,, 2025.

EGU25-7211 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1 | Highlight

Increasing countries’ financial resilience through global catastrophe risk pooling 

Alessio Ciullo, Eric Strobl, Simona Meiler, Olivia Martius, and David N. Bresch

Extreme weather events like tropical cyclones and floods severely impact economies, causing growth losses, tax revenue declines, and increased government debt due to short-term deficit financing. This challenge is particularly acute for countries with existing debt issues, which often rely on slow and uncertain foreign aid whose terms are typically agreed upon only ex-post. In contrast, ex-ante financial instruments, such as insurance and sovereign catastrophe risk pools, offer faster, more predictable funding while encouraging risk reduction and adaptation investments.

Sovereign risk pools, such as the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF), African Risk Capacity (ARC), and Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative (PCRAFI), have proven valuable. However, they may not fully realize their financial resilience potential, as pooling within the same region can limit risk diversification. This presentation will introduce a method to design risk pools by maximizing diversification across countries regardless of region. Results show this approach consistently enhances risk diversification, more evenly distributes risk shares within the pool, and increases the number of benefiting countries.

Related publication:

Ciullo, A., Strobl, E., Meiler, S. et al. Increasing countries’ financial resilience through global catastrophe risk pooling. Nat Commun 14, 922 (2023).

How to cite: Ciullo, A., Strobl, E., Meiler, S., Martius, O., and Bresch, D. N.: Increasing countries’ financial resilience through global catastrophe risk pooling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7211,, 2025.

EGU25-8694 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.1

Process-based evaluation of flood events across global water models 

Nirmal Kularathne, Thorsten Wagener, Robert Reinecke, Larisa Tarasova, Hannes Müller Schmied, and Lina Stein

Global hydrological models are valuable tools to predict flood hazard across data-scarce regions and future climate scenarios. Their ability to create spatially coherent projections means their results are broadly used for scientific analysis and policy planning. However, the complexity of the models, coupled with the high volume of data they generate, poses significant challenges in evaluating the process representation contained within the models. Existing analysis show, how a model transfers input into output varies strongly between global water models in a long-term analysis. Yet, flood event prediction needs to take place at daily or higher temporal resolution. Are global hydrological models able to accurately represent flood generation? And do they accurately combine different flood-generating processes, such as extreme rainfall, snowmelt, or wet antecedent conditions, into extreme flows?

In this analysis, we compare simulations from five global hydrological models. The models are part of the global water sector within the third simulation round of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP3a). In ISIMIP, all models are run with the same forcing data, on a daily resolution from 1901 to 2019. We extract and compare runoff time series across the 67400 land cells. For each cell, a threshold-based flood event extraction allows calculation of flood duration, magnitude, number of extreme events, etc. Additionally, we use the extracted events to compare model inputs, such as precipitation, or model fluxes, such as snowmelt, that contribute to high-flow generation.

Five models (CWatM, H08, LPJmL, ORCHIDEE, WaterGAP2), with four input variables and fluxes (precipitation, runoff, soil moisture, and snowmelt) at daily resolution over 67400 land cells results in 58 billion data points to analyse. Extracting this process-based statistical information from the model data reduces the dimensionality and scope of the high-resolution data to a form where comparison between models is possible. How do high flow statistics compare between models? Does the same extreme rainfall result in extreme flow across all models? What role does snowmelt and soil moisture play in runoff generation between models? These questions support an evaluation of flood events within global models through process-based model intercomparison.  

How to cite: Kularathne, N., Wagener, T., Reinecke, R., Tarasova, L., Schmied, H. M., and Stein, L.: Process-based evaluation of flood events across global water models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8694,, 2025.

EGU25-10655 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

Amplified potential global economic impacts from climate change due to spatially compounding climate extremes 

Bianca Biess, Lukas Gudmundsson, and Sonia I. Seneviratne

Despite growing evidence that climate extreme events significantly affect local economies, the implications of cross-regional and planetary-scale dependencies in climate extremes remain inadequately understood. This study demonstrates the importance of linking the projected increase in spatially compounding hot, wet, and dry extremes to their economic impacts. Utilizing Earth System Model projections from the 6th phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, we analyse how planetary-scale and cross-regional dependencies amplify regional disparities in economic value under enhanced global warming. Regions with lower present-day economic wealth are disproportionately exposed to extreme events occurring concurrently with other areas, heightening threats to economic stability. This research illustrates how spatially compounding climate extremes can amplify global and regional consequences, with enhanced greenhouse gas forcing exacerbating regional disparities in economic inequalities.

The study underscores the necessity of considering climate extremes' impacts beyond local scales, requiring an assessment of cross-regional exposures and a deeper understanding of the links between localized impacts and global economic dynamics. Enhanced global warming impacts the association of events across regions, challenging traditional risk diversification strategies. Global catastrophe pooling has been suggested as a means to improve financial resilience; however, intercontinental concurrent exposure, especially to heavy precipitation events in low- to middle-income regions, may limit its effectiveness. Supra-continental economic exposure to climate extremes is also projected to rise, emphasizing the need to evaluate which regions could be included in effective pooling mechanisms. Policy coordination and international cooperation are vital, as spatially compounding climate extreme events demand joint recovery efforts, resource sharing, and comprehensive contingency planning. It is therefore critical that investors and insurers consider the likelihood of concurrent events across multiple regions to manage risks effectively and ensure financial stability.

How to cite: Biess, B., Gudmundsson, L., and Seneviratne, S. I.: Amplified potential global economic impacts from climate change due to spatially compounding climate extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10655,, 2025.

Understanding the drivers of disaster outcomes and identifying hotspots of social vulnerability requires datasets that integrate societal impacts, physical hazards, and human exposure. However, widely used international disaster databases, such as the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT), often lack detailed information on hazard characteristics and population exposure. This limits their utility for comprehensive risk assessments and interdisciplinary research.

We present SHEDIS, an open-access family of datasets addressing this gap by linking disaster impact records from EM-DAT with subnational data on hazard metrics, human exposure, and disaster locations. The first module, SHEDIS-Temperature, focuses on temperature-related disasters occurring from 1979 to 2018, encompassing 382 events across 2,836 subnational locations in 71 countries. This dataset provides high-resolution hazard metrics derived from 0.1°, 3-hourly meteorological data, including absolute indicators such as apparent temperature (accounting for humidity and wind) and percentile-based thresholds to identify extreme temperature events. Population exposure is quantified using annually interpolated population maps, with metrics such as person-days of exposure to hazardous temperatures. Outputs are aggregated at both the impact record-level and administrative unit-level, offering flexibility for varied analytical needs.

Future expansions of SHEDIS will incorporate additional hazard types, further supporting global-scale risk assessments and practical applications. By providing detailed, subnational hazard and exposure data linked to disaster impacts, SHEDIS enables more nuanced analyses to advance international disaster science, inform resilience strategies, and contribute to disaster risk reduction.

How to cite: Lindersson, S. and Messori, G.: SHEDIS: Linking Subnational Hazard and Exposure information with DISaster impact records for international risk analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11199,, 2025.

EGU25-12674 | Posters on site | NH9.1

Natural hazards from mud volcanoes: importance of understanding and acceptance by example of Azerbaijan   

Tofig Rashidov, Dadash Huseynov, and Turkan Mamishova

Mud volcanism is the unique global geological phenomenon generally expresses in transportation of clayey masses and rock fragments from the deep underground to the day surface via the feeder channels, mostly developed within the Alpine-Himalayan (Mediterranean) and the Pacific Ocean folded belts. Azerbaijan is considered as the world most concentration province hosting over 350 onshore and offshore mud volcanoes. Some of them can fall into the category of hazardous natural objects and characterized by expressive and catastrophic eruptions with belch, ground subsidence, cracks and faults formation and extensive flows of liquid mud and leading to destructive consequences.

According to The Federal Emergency Management Agency the natural hazards (earthquakes, floods, avalanches, landslides, tornados, tropical cyclones, etc.) represent the environmental phenomena potentially affecting the various societies and human life and property in particular, causing loss of lives and properties damage. The National Risk Index includes 18 types of the natural hazards, including magmatic volcanic activity. Unfortunately, mud volcanoes are not considered as the natural hazard in spite of recorded historical and modern evidences.

One of the most remarkable and destructive mud eruptions had occurred in 2006 in Java (Indonesia), known at present as "Lusi". The result of eruption were the mudflows eventually buried dwelling houses, private businesses, roads, communications and forced nearly 60,000 people to leave their homes. Another recent eruption had taken place in the southern Taiwan in 2024 in Wandan mud volcano with some flames of about 30 m and 50 m high that damaged nearby power cables so the electricity had been cut to prevent the further crucial problems in power system.

In Azerbaijan, a fair number of mud volcanoes erupting with gas ignition, great belches and thick mud flows. However, for the present study four remarkable mud volcanoes had been selected as the potential sources of the natural hazard affecting the environment and human life and activities. These mud volcanoes are Lokbatan, Shikhzarli, Kechaldag and Keyreki. As well as being often-erupting volcanoes (except Kechaldag) they locate in specific areas. So, Lokbatan locates within the operating oil field with relevant infrastructure while Shikhzarli lies in the vicinity of the village. Both of them erupt with gas ignition and great belch. The only eruption of Kechaldag mud volcano had affected the hydraulic constriction since it locates at the shore of Jeyranbatan water reservoir. Keyreki mud volcano is surrounded by dense development is unsafe to urban houses located in extreme vicinity

The mentioned cases in Azerbaijan and beyond demonstrate destructive and catastrophic nature of the geological phenomenon expressed in fire, thick mud flows, volcanic bombs, ground cracks, landslides and soil subsidence. All these concomitant effects can affect and damage the nearby territories. The chaotic residential development nearby these natural objects increases by several times the risk of negative effects and impacts upon the human in case of eruption. A special attention should be paid to infrastructure (residential and industrial) as well as the various types of communications laid and running at a short distance from a mud volcano.

How to cite: Rashidov, T., Huseynov, D., and Mamishova, T.: Natural hazards from mud volcanoes: importance of understanding and acceptance by example of Azerbaijan  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12674,, 2025.

EGU25-12825 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.1

A global model to explain drought occurrence and damage 

Inga Sauer, Annika Günther, Katja Frieler, Sandra Zimmermann, and Christian Otto

Droughts are among the costliest natural hazards, ranked third after storms and floods globally. Furthermore, they often cause enormous indirect impacts such as famines. Understanding the occurrence of economic drought impacts is a challenging task due to their slow onset, vast spatial extent and long duration. Besides meteorological conditions, drought occurrence strongly depends upon local human water management interventions such as irrigation and water withdrawal altering vulnerability. Additionally, identifying drought vulnerable assets and their temporal development presents a major challenge as they strongly depend on the regional socio-economic structure. In order to attribute historical drought damage and to project future drought risk, a deeper understanding of changes in drought exposure, vulnerability, and the damage-intensity relationship is required. Previous damage functions neglect that intense physical drought conditions do not always translate into a damage event. Therefore, we develop a two-step approach that i) estimates the likelihood of event occurrence from the physical conditions and ii) establishes a damage-intensity relationship. We test the explanatory power of common drought indicators such as the standardized precipitation-evapotransporation index (SPEI), soil moisture, and low river flow to reconstruct historical time series of drought damage reported by EM-DAT and NatCatSERVICE, globally. The drought indicators are derived from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project round 3a and vary in their modeling complexity. While SPEI is based on mere climate reanalysis data, soil moisture is derived from global hydrological models and low river flow from their output coupled with the hydrodynamic model CaMa-Flood. We find that the suitability of drought indicators for damage reconstruction varies regionally. While low river flow may be applied in Europe for damage reconstruction, SPEI and soil moisture are more reliable predictors for most world regions. The explanatory power of the model shows strong regional variations, depending also on the quality of observational data. Observed damage can be well reproduced in regions such as Latin America and South East-Asia, but the model fails to reproduce damage time series in North Africa and Central Asia. We show that both modeling steps are necessary to reproduce observed drought damage and that the likelihood of event occurrence as well as the damage ratio increase under more intense physical drought conditions. Omitting the likelihood-intensity relationship may lead to an overestimation of historical drought damage, which is used as a reference in attribution and projection studies. As reproducing observed damage is indispensable for sound attribution studies, the two-step approach may allow us to better account for non-linear changes in drought impacts under climate change.

How to cite: Sauer, I., Günther, A., Frieler, K., Zimmermann, S., and Otto, C.: A global model to explain drought occurrence and damage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12825,, 2025.

EGU25-14214 * | Posters on site | NH9.1 | Highlight

A Europe-wide Tourism Destination Socioeconomic Risk Model for Natural and Human-made Perils 

James Daniell, Andreas Schaefer, Johannes Brand, Jacob Daniell, Annika Maier, Bijan Khazai, Trevor Girard, Roberth Romero, Judith Claassen, Nikita Strelkovskii, Benjamin Blanz, Jonas Ascherl, Christopher Mardell, and Simon Michalke

The tourism and travel industry is one of the key economic sectors across Europe, contributing ca.10% GDP yearly (with indirect and induced effects) equating to just under 2 trillion EUR. During COVID-19, the major negative effects on domestic and international tourism were a wake-up call to hotels, hospitality and the destinations to become more resilient to not only biological shocks but all manner of disasters in the wake of climate change and increasing climatic peril effects in many locations.

As part of the Hotel Resilient Initiative and in the MYRIAD-EU project, extensive analysis of the tourism sector has been undertaken for Europe in order to characterise the locations, values, and types of assets at risk for the tourism sector in spatial and temporal systems.

An analysis is made in this study for hotels and their destinations in Europe, to examine the sectoral risk to natural (geophysical, hydrological, and meteorological) and human-made perils in order to examine which locations are most at risk of financial direct damage now, and in 2050 for selected perils. Quantitative outputs are produced showing the most at risk locations in each country and across Europe.

In addition, where quantitative metrics could not be produced with great certainty, a tool has been produced giving a multi-risk vulnerability index in order to view and adjust the importance of different tourism indicators such as domestic and international expenditure, employment, tourism stays, attractions at a NUTS-3 EU level. The evaluation of the disaster types affecting it allows for a semi-quantitative view of the impacting factors on the locations, giving additional insights into the effects for the tourism industry.

It is found that hydro-meteorological perils have an increasing influence throughout Eastern Europe with the effects of climate change with yearly damages often exceeding 1 bn EUR. Geophysical perils such as earthquakes cause major singular shocks to locations, often taking years for the tourism industry to recover, especially across the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. Drought, heat and water stress however is starting to cause major issues to the industry as seen in Spain last year.  

The loss outputs from this study will support further development of the Hotel and Destination Resilient Scorecards being produced in various locations across Europe.

How to cite: Daniell, J., Schaefer, A., Brand, J., Daniell, J., Maier, A., Khazai, B., Girard, T., Romero, R., Claassen, J., Strelkovskii, N., Blanz, B., Ascherl, J., Mardell, C., and Michalke, S.: A Europe-wide Tourism Destination Socioeconomic Risk Model for Natural and Human-made Perils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14214,, 2025.

EGU25-14847 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.1

Disparities of flood exposure across population profiles in Southeast Asia 

Mengmeng Li and Shiqiang Du

Flooding poses significant risks to human population, particularly in vulnerable regions such as Southeast Asia. However, there is limited understanding of how flood exposure varies across different population profiles, despite its critical importance in risk adaption and mitigation. This study addresses this gap by assessing flood exposure in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, with a specific focus on population distribution by gender and age groups. Our analysis reveals that while the absolute number of older adults exposed to flooding is relatively low compared to other age groups, the proportion of older adults affected is significantly higher. Overall, approximately 39% of individuals aged 65 and above are exposed to flood hazards, compared to 37% for total population. Gender differences in exposure are also observed, with women aged 80 and above exhibits the highest exposure percentage 42%. Furthermore, this study highlights the limitations of national-scale assessments in capturing localized disparities in flood exposure. For instance, while the overall exposure in Thailand may appear moderate at 40%, five provinces show disproportionally high exposure rates that exceed 95%, and Gini coefficients therein are also higher than national average, suggesting a larger disparity in flood exposure across demographic groups. These findings underscore the importance of subnational analyses in identifying vulnerable population and informing targeted adaptation strategies that address the specific vulnerabilities of older adults and other at-risk groups.

How to cite: Li, M. and Du, S.: Disparities of flood exposure across population profiles in Southeast Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14847,, 2025.

EGU25-15348 | Posters on site | NH9.1

Towards an Open Online Database of Empirical Evidence of Multi-Hazard Vulnerabilty and Risk Dynamics 

Philip Ward, Wiebke Jäger, Tristian Stolte, Marleen de Rutier, Timothy Tiggeloven, Kelley De Polt, Sophie Buijs, Judith Claassen, Nicole van Maanen, Davide Ferreira, Ngoc Diep Nguyen, Maria Katherina Dal Barco, Julius Schlumberger, Silvia Torressan, Rene Orth, James Daniell, Melanie Duncan, and Lara Smale

Risk drivers, are non-static, including long-term trends as well as short-term changes. These can, for example, arise due to interactions from multiple hazards or as side-effects of risk reduction measures that address one hazard but neglect others. While dynamics of hazard and exposure and are increasingly being recognised and incorporated into (large scale) risk modelling, evidence and approaches for vulnerability dynamics are still lacking.   

Within the MYRIAD-EU project we have collected empirical evidence of dynamics of vulnerability and other risk drivers, accounting for a multi-hazard setting, and developed methods to represent them in forward-looking risk models. Here, we present a new open online database that structures this information and aims to provide a comprehensive overview of (openly available) data and methods for both researchers and practitioners. The database is designed to include a diverse range of data types and methods including qualitative as well as quantitative approaches and ranging from local to global scale. To keep the database updated and comprehensive, it has been designed as a living catalogue and invites community contributions.

We welcome feedback on the database and invite participants to suggest other datasets and methods that could be included.  

How to cite: Ward, P., Jäger, W., Stolte, T., de Rutier, M., Tiggeloven, T., De Polt, K., Buijs, S., Claassen, J., van Maanen, N., Ferreira, D., Nguyen, N. D., Dal Barco, M. K., Schlumberger, J., Torressan, S., Orth, R., Daniell, J., Duncan, M., and Smale, L.: Towards an Open Online Database of Empirical Evidence of Multi-Hazard Vulnerabilty and Risk Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15348,, 2025.

EGU25-16071 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.1

Coastal Risk Management in Europe: Methods and preliminary results of the CoCliCo Project 

Vincent Bascoul, Rémi Thiéblemont, Jeremy Rohmer, Elco Koks, Joël De Plaen, Daniel Lincke, Hedda Bonatz, Athanasios T. Vafeidis, Paul Sayers, Robert J. Nicholls, Alexandra Toimil, and Gonéri Le Cozannet

Coastal flooding, both current and future, is a significant concern for Europe due to sea level rise, storms, and the exposure of critical infrastructure in low-lying coastal zones. To support adaptation efforts, it is essential to have information on future risks, including people and infrastructure at risks and potential economic damages. One of the objectives of the CoCliCo project is to address this need by providing new coastal risks assessments in Europe using state of the art coastal hazard, exposure and vulnerability datasets and information, including dynamic flood hazard assessment and new maps of infrastructures at risk.

This study first presents the risk assessment methodology used for the CoCliCo platform, which is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on physical risks, evaluating the number and area of infrastructure exposed to coastal flooding, as well as the potential costs of these damages. Cost calculations are based on vulnerability curves that take water depths into account, to accurately estimate damage for each infrastructure type. The second part concerns the assessment of the number of people exposed to coastal flooding, based on downscaled demographic projections. This study is conducted at the European scale, using simulations of coastal flooding for events with annual, centennial and millenial return periods, at various time points and under different socio-economic scenarios.

Preliminary results indicate that e.g. around 200,000 persons and 1.2 Billion euros are exposed to centennial flood events along the coasts of Europe (preliminary results based on the analysis of around 60% of the European coastal flood plains). In a virtual scenario in which current coastal protection would be suddenly removed, these figures increase by a factor of 50 to 100. Without further adaptation, people exposed to a centennial storm are projected to increase by 400% in 2050 while assets at risks increase by about 250%. Beyond 2050, results depend on future land use planning decisions and relocations within and outside the low elevation coastal zone. Despite their uncertainties due to e.g. the 25m resolution digital elevation model used to perform coastal flood simulations and the lack of precise and site specific information on coastal protection, these preliminary results remind the benefits of adaptation, the importance of maintaining current defenses to prevent large disasters and the need for further coastal adaptation decisions (including protection, accommodation and relocation, including with nature based solutions) in the coming years and decades. The results will be made available on the CoCliCo platform.

How to cite: Bascoul, V., Thiéblemont, R., Rohmer, J., Koks, E., De Plaen, J., Lincke, D., Bonatz, H., T. Vafeidis, A., Sayers, P., J. Nicholls, R., Toimil, A., and Le Cozannet, G.: Coastal Risk Management in Europe: Methods and preliminary results of the CoCliCo Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16071,, 2025.

EGU25-17817 | Posters on site | NH9.1 | Highlight

Developing a multi-hazard impact and response dataset for the Global South 

Mariana Madruga de Brito, Ana Maria Rotaru, Jingxian Wang, Gabriela Gesualdo, Laura Hasbini, Luca Severino, and Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho

Multi-hazard global disaster and impact datasets are often biased towards the Global North, resulting in significant data gaps for developing countries. To address this imbalance, we developed a new dataset by automatically analyzing the reports from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). These reports document immediate aid, recovery, and resilience-building in the aftermath of disasters, targeting mainly countries in the Global South. From the 1,664 reports spanning 1996 and 2024 years, we identified 620 unique disasters affecting 143 different locations (39% in Asia, 16% in Africa, 18% in the Americas, 7% in Europe, 4% in Oceania). Using natural language processing, large language models, and machine learning, we extracted structured information on (i) the direct and indirect societal and environmental impacts and (ii) the response measures taken to address these disasters. Our approach captures a broad range of impacts, from traditional metrics like fatalities and economic losses to displacement, health, and well-being. Using guided topic modelling, we developed a typology of response measures, categorized into ten main classes (e.g., Healthcare and Medical Response, Shelter and Infrastructure Support, and Community Engagement and Communication). Our results show that hazard impacts in the Global South are much more diverse than previously reported in global databases. Moreover, preliminary results on the response measures characterization reveal notable geographical and hazard-specific biases. Our approach bridges critical data gaps, providing a more nuanced understanding of disaster impacts and responses, which is particularly valuable for informing and enhancing disaster risk reduction efforts in the Global South.

How to cite: Madruga de Brito, M., Rotaru, A. M., Wang, J., Gesualdo, G., Hasbini, L., Severino, L., and Nunes Carvalho, T. M.: Developing a multi-hazard impact and response dataset for the Global South, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17817,, 2025.

EGU25-18044 | Posters on site | NH9.1

Strengthening financial resilience and accelerating risk reduction for natural hazards in Central Asia: methodological framework and results 

Paola Ceresa, Paolo Bazzurro, Stefano Parolai, Valerio Poggi, Chiara Scaini, Gianbattista Bussi, Ettore Fagà, Gabriele Coccia, Antonella Peresan, Darío Luna, Gerardo Rubio, Mario Ordaz, Mario A. Salgado G., Carlos Avelar, and Sergey Tyagunov

It is widely acknowledged that the majority of regions worldwide are susceptible to a range of potentially catastrophic natural hazards. Achieving a comprehensive estimation of the aggregate losses incurred by these diverse hazards necessitates the implementation of a multifaceted, tiered risk assessment approach, underpinned by harmonised methodologies, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR). This methodological framework facilitates the direct comparability of risk estimates, thereby providing a foundational basis for the formulation of decisions concerning balanced and cost-effective mitigation and preparedness strategies that adequately address risk prioritisation. The Central Asian region, which has a documented history of seismic activity, fluvial flooding and landslides, is a pertinent case study. In an effort to support the process of risk mitigation in this region, the European Union, in collaboration with the World Bank Group (WBG) and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), launched the Strengthening Financial Resilience and Accelerating Risk Reduction in Central Asia (SFRARR) programme, targeting the countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

In this context, the present work delineates the methodological framework and presents the results of the multi-hazard risk assessment carried out in the Central Asian region. These results are expressed in the form of probabilistic metrics pertaining to earthquake and flood loss estimates, including annual average losses, loss exceedance curves and return period specific losses. These metrics represent the basis for further technical recommendations, which are designed to support future disaster risk management (DRM) and disaster risk financing and insurance (DRFI) strategies in the region.

How to cite: Ceresa, P., Bazzurro, P., Parolai, S., Poggi, V., Scaini, C., Bussi, G., Fagà, E., Coccia, G., Peresan, A., Luna, D., Rubio, G., Ordaz, M., Salgado G., M. A., Avelar, C., and Tyagunov, S.: Strengthening financial resilience and accelerating risk reduction for natural hazards in Central Asia: methodological framework and results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18044,, 2025.

EGU25-20714 | Orals | NH9.1

Climate adaptation for politicians: shocking a macroeconomic model with stochastic natural disaster impacts 

Chris Fairless, David Daou, and Negar Mohammadiamanab

Historically, much of natural disaster impact modelling has focussed on the damage to private assets. But to a government decision-maker it is not always clear how impacts to individual assets translate into a cost to the national economy. Understanding this important for adaptation decision-making: which communities are resilient enough to withstand and recover from disasters? When is a disaster large enough to have regional or national knock-on effects? What is the long-term, compounding economic cost of inaction?

In collaboration with the Thai and Egyptian governments, we have prototyped a coupling between an open-source probabilistic disaster impact model (CLIMADA) and an open-source macroeconomic model (DGE-CRED). We present a modelling framework and codebase designed for more data-scarce environments, where data and modelling can be collected and iterated on in the space of weeks or months.

The coupled model starts with publicly available, open-source data (with their known limitations). Data and insights from local partners are then critical to calibrate and enhance the data. The model creates thousands of plausible future timelines of shocks from natural disasters (fluvial flood, heatwave and drought), models their impacts on the economic sectors of most interest to our partners (agriculture, manufacturing, energy, tourism/services), and simulates their short- and long-term macroeconomic impacts (on e.g. GDP, employment rates, prices, well-being indicators) and, guided by local knowledge, the benefits of different adaptation measures.

How to cite: Fairless, C., Daou, D., and Mohammadiamanab, N.: Climate adaptation for politicians: shocking a macroeconomic model with stochastic natural disaster impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20714,, 2025.

EGU25-21201 | Orals | NH9.1

Unveiling global humanscapes: harmonised subnational socio-economic datasets for understanding societal changes and enhancing risk assessments 

Matti Kummu, Xander Huggins, Daniel Chrisendo, Venla Niva, Veera Saarenheimo, Vilma Sandström, and Sina Masoumzadeh Sayyar

One of the bottlenecks in global risk assessment studies is the lack of global sub-national socio-economic datasets spanning the past decades. To bridge this gap, we have compiled 12 global sub-national socio-economic datasets covering cultural diversity, economic conditions, demographics, equity, governance, health, and social well-being. These datasets form a harmonised global socio-economic data cube with annual data for 1990-2021. The data is with either a gridded or sub-national level resolution, except for political stability, which is available only at the national level.

We further introduce 'humanscapes,' a novel concept designed to capture complex socio-economic realities at a sub-national level. Humanscapes reflect the interplay of these different datasets, covering over 28,000 administrative units, and are analysed using self-organising maps (SOM) to highlight unique sub-national characteristics. Humanscapes offer a refined method for understanding and mapping societal changes.

Our socio-economic data cube enhances precision in global and continental risk assessments by providing comprehensive socio-economic contexts previously unavailable. It thus opens new possibilities in assessing vulnerability to natural hazards on a global scale, aligning with frameworks like the Sendai Framework and the Paris Agreement.

How to cite: Kummu, M., Huggins, X., Chrisendo, D., Niva, V., Saarenheimo, V., Sandström, V., and Masoumzadeh Sayyar, S.: Unveiling global humanscapes: harmonised subnational socio-economic datasets for understanding societal changes and enhancing risk assessments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21201,, 2025.

EGU25-649 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.2

FLEMOflash: The probabilistic flash flood loss model for quantifying direct economic losses with uncertainty information 

Ravikumar Guntu, Nivedita Sairam, and Heidi Kreibich

In light of the increasing losses from flash floods, exacerbated by climate change, there is a pressing need for robust flash flood loss models to support risk analyses and mitigation strategies. Existing residential sector loss models predominantly focus on fluvial flood processes; while the key drivers of flash flood losses remain poorly understood. Applying Machine Learning on empirical data reveals key drivers of flash flood losses such as flow velocity and emergency response. We introduce FLEMOflash (Flood Loss Estimation MOdel for flash floods), a novel multivariate probabilistic model to estimate losses to residential buildings and contents from flash floods. Model based assessments reveal that households with clear knowledge of emergency action during high water levels can reduce building losses by up to 78% and contents losses by up to 31%. Thus, FLEMOflash can provide differential loss estimates based on varying levels of risk preparedness.

How to cite: Guntu, R., Sairam, N., and Kreibich, H.: FLEMOflash: The probabilistic flash flood loss model for quantifying direct economic losses with uncertainty information, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-649,, 2025.

EGU25-1495 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Simulating household displacement during a multi-phase volcanic scenario in Aotearoa New Zealand 

Finn Scheele, Thomas Wilson, Julia Becker, Nick Horspool, Alana Weir, and Nam Bui

Volcanic activity can produce a range of hazards that pose a risk to life, cause damage to the built environment and disrupt critical infrastructure services. Hazards such as ashfall, lahars and pyroclastic density currents vary in intensity and spatial extent across the duration of volcanic activity. Multiple phases of activity and quiescence can occur, potentially over long timeframes. Residents living in hazardous areas during volcanic activity must make decisions whether to remain in their homes or relocate elsewhere, temporarily or permanently.

A new agent-based model is presented for simulating household decision-making regarding whether to remain, relocate, return or resettle during natural hazard events. Influential factors include evacuations, building damage, road access disruption, water and power outages, and loss of community facilities and services. A synthetic population model of households is aligned with a building inventory, enabling heterogeneity in household characteristics and fine-scale spatial hazards to be accounted for. Displaced residents can move between multiple locations, choosing an accommodation type, location and duration, based on functions developed from empirical data. The model is applied to a multi-phase volcanic eruption scenario impacting the region of Taranaki, Aotearoa New Zealand, an important agricultural area populated by rural service towns and the city of New Plymouth.

Results of the simulation show peak displacement of 32,030 residents following the first phase of volcanic activity, about half of whom return during a period of volcanic quiescence, increasing to 48,160 displaced during a second eruptive phase. Most residents relocate elsewhere within the region as accommodation becomes unavailable within their home communities, and securing rental properties is increasingly favoured over time. Modelling outputs are data-rich, enabling provision of tailored information for emergency response and recovery planning.

How to cite: Scheele, F., Wilson, T., Becker, J., Horspool, N., Weir, A., and Bui, N.: Simulating household displacement during a multi-phase volcanic scenario in Aotearoa New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1495,, 2025.

EGU25-1874 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Assessing the global economic impacts of floods and their potential propagation through international trade 

Slim Mtibaa, Keitaro Maeno, Kamrul Islam, and Masaharu Motoshita

With globally interconnected economies through supply chains, the economic impacts of flooding—one of the most devastating natural disasters—pose significant concerns for both direct flood-affected countries and their trade partners. This underscores the need for a global assessment of these direct economic impacts and their potential propagation to develop flood-resilient supply chains on a global scale. Here, to assess the generic global flood risks, we evaluate direct economic losses across different sectors and propose indicators for assessing the indirect impacts of flood propagation through international trade. We demonstrate that the estimated global annual economic loss across agricultural, industrial, and service sectors is US$194 billion. China, India, the USA, Indonesia, and Egypt are significant sources of flood-related risks due to their considerable direct economic losses and diverse export partners, collectively accounting for more than 50% of the global direct economic loss. Meanwhile, emerging and developing countries in Asia and Africa and some developed countries with concentrated imports from high-risk-giving countries show significant potential to be affected by flood impacts indirectly; the relevance of indirect risk to these countries differs from the sector. These findings highlight the importance of a sector-wise assessment of flood economic impacts and their potential propagation via trade. Therefore, the assessment methods and indicators developed in this work will help inform policy and investment decisions for building flood-resilient supply chains and supporting business continuity plans.

How to cite: Mtibaa, S., Maeno, K., Islam, K., and Motoshita, M.: Assessing the global economic impacts of floods and their potential propagation through international trade, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1874,, 2025.

Climate change has now become a major issue for the whole world, as it not only brings unprecedented extreme weather events but also causes major disruptions to natural habitats and ecosystems. The impact of climate change on nature reduces the resources that nature provides, known as nature-related dependencies, while also increasing the disturbances caused by nature, known as nature-related impacts. These issues have also received attention from the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). This research is crucial because under climate change circumstances, corporations will face numerous operational hazards; while affecting nature, climate change also has a great impact on businesses, and companies that rely on natural resources have been negatively affected to a significant extent. Based on these concerns, we would like to investigate how climate change will affect nature-related issues.

Therefore, in this study, we will discuss climate change and nature-related issues, especially the two factors of dependence and impact, and analyze the changes in nature-related dependencies and impacts that climate change will bring to specific industries. The analysis will be divided into four major steps:

1. We will use three different types of Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios to simulate possible changes in temperature and rainfall under different future scenarios.

2. We will establish how nature-related dependencies and impacts will change as temperature and rainfall change under climate change.

3. We will use qualitative methods to grade the degree of change in nature-related dependencies and impacts from very low to very high, and use a visual method such as a Heatmap to present the results.

4. We will link these analyses to assess how climate change will affect the severity of nature-related dependencies and impacts across different industries, enabling them to quickly understand the specific challenges they will face. This will include integration of ENCORE for more detailed, sector-specific analysis.

The final outcome we expect to achieve is presenting the visualization results using a Heatmap to show the combination of climate change simulation on nature-related dependencies and impacts, and the industry-based data according to ENCORE, demonstrating how climate change will affect industrial nature-related issues.

This comprehensive framework will enable corporations to better understand the nature-related risks they may face under future climate change and adapt to evolving nature-related challenges while considering broader factors to mitigate risks and seize opportunities for sustainable growth.

How to cite: Chung, T.-J. and Tung, C.-P.: Assessing Climate Change Implications on Nature-Related Dependencies and Impacts: A Scenario-Based Approach for Industry-specific Insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2337,, 2025.

EGU25-2845 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.2

Structural damage grade classifier for residential buildings based on the July 2021 flood event in Belgium 

Daniela Rodriguez Castro, Amélie Paterka, Mario Cools, Pierre Archambeau, Sébastien Erpicum, Michael Pirotton, and Benjamin Dewals

The adequate implementation of flood risk reduction measures depends on our ability to quantify flood losses robustly and accurately. Existing flood loss models have been constructed using data or experience from past flood events. Frequently, in the existing datasets, extreme damage mechanisms, such as severe structural damage to buildings, are underrepresented, and the corresponding losses are often overlooked. New datasets collected after the European flood of 2021 provide an opportunity to improve existing tools for predicting the degree of flood-induced structural damage to buildings. In this study, a classification model for severe structural damages to residential buildings is developed using data on building damage during the 2021 flood in Belgium. A new damage grade typology was created on the basis of 197 engineering reports investigating the stability of individual buildings. Moreover, building and hazard characteristics were extracted from these reports and complemented with additional data, obtained from hydrodynamic simulations, field surveys, and cadastral data. A logistic classifier using hazard and building features was built to predict whether or not buildings suffered severe structural damage. This final model can be used for a preliminary post-event assessment of structural damage to support the allocation of resources and to prioritise interventions to buildings. It can also be included into existing flood loss models to improve the representation of extreme damage mechanisms.

How to cite: Rodriguez Castro, D., Paterka, A., Cools, M., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., and Dewals, B.: Structural damage grade classifier for residential buildings based on the July 2021 flood event in Belgium, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2845,, 2025.

EGU25-3666 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.2

Amplified trailing economic losses in global trade by climate-driven wind and solar supply-demand mismatch 

Guo Yaqin, Ping Liying, and Tong Dan

Wind and solar power supply and demand mismatches, intensified by climate change, can potentially lead to power shortages that profoundly disrupt highly interconnected global supply chains. Here, we assess the domestic and international economic impacts of climate-driven power supply/demand mismatch risks on global supply chains and highlight the vulnerabilities within each country-sector supply chain. We find that, domestic economic losses, ranging from 0.1% to 18.2% of total output, are generally positively correlated with national power shortage risks. Meanwhile, international indirect losses vary significantly across supply chains, exhibiting a “trade trailing effect” that takes 1–11 months to propagate and an additional 1–9 months to recover, as well as a “butterfly effect” that amplifies international losses in high-risk small economies, sometimes by factors of ten or more. Small economies are particularly sensitive to disruptions, especially upstream impacts on agriculture-oriented economies and downstream disruptions in energy-related sectors in high-risk economies. Our findings provide valuable insights into trade resilience under climate change.

How to cite: Yaqin, G., Liying, P., and Dan, T.: Amplified trailing economic losses in global trade by climate-driven wind and solar supply-demand mismatch, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3666,, 2025.

The Indian Himalayan region, distinguished by its ecological sensitivity and dynamic topography, suffers significant losses annually due to frequent natural disasters like landslides, earthquakes, and floods. Estimating loss and damage (L&D) is one of the most important tools for disaster risk management. It provides information on post-disaster recovery, resource allocation, redevelopment/rehabilitation project prioritization, and compensations to the affected communities. Calculating the impact of a disaster and developing long-term recovery plans for the Himalayan community specific to the region's unique urban and rural contexts require evaluating and prioritizing the indicators of economic loss and damage (ELD) and non-economic loss and damage (NELD). This study focuses on Udham Singh Nagar and Nainital districts of Uttarakhand, with a structured approach to identify, prioritize, and validate relevant indicators for multi-hazard loss and damage (MH L&D) calculation. Comprehensive datasets from the Uttarakhand Disaster Risk Atlas and government reports are used, including socioeconomic, environmental, infrastructure, and hazard-specific information for earthquakes, landslides, and floods. ELD and NELD indicators are processed and prioritized using a mixed statistical approach that includes principal component analysis (PCA) and the covariance matrix. This method's successful reduction of data dimensionality while maintaining important information made identifying high-priority indicators possible. To direct focused actions in the rural and urban settlements of the Himalayan region, these indicators were then rated. The HAZUS model—a standardized instrument for hazard loss estimation— guarantees the prioritized indicators' validation. Due to varying socioeconomic dynamics, exposure levels, and vulnerabilities, the study found notable differences in priority indicators across rural and urban locations. The findings underscore the importance of region-specific, hazard-sensitive prioritization frameworks for effective loss and damage assessment and disaster risk reduction (DRR). By highlighting the interplay between ELD and NELD indicators across multiple hazards, this study provides a valuable tool for policymakers, planners, and disaster management agencies to target investments in the required sector of the community for their rapid post-disaster long-term recovery. The validated indicators can serve as a baseline for future MH L&D assessments in similar geographies and Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDP).

How to cite: Goyal, S. and Mukherjee, M.: ELD and NELD Prioritization for Multi-Hazard Loss and Damage in Rural and Urban Areas of Uttarakhand’s Himalayan Districts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6259,, 2025.

Integrated flood risk management requires an extension from hazard to risk analysis and an involvement of various stakeholders including the general public. Since no standard protocols for collecting data about flood-affected societies are in place, post-disaster surveys have been initiated to gain information from affected residents and companies. Using the most damaging flood events that have occurred in Germany since 2000 as examples, the lecture will address how data collected from flood-affected people have been used a) to develop and improve loss models, b) to better understand how and why people adapt to flood risk, c) to evaluate how people respond to warnings, d) to provide insights into flood-related health impacts and e) to comprehend how people recover from flood impacts. Since flood processes in Germany between 2002 to 2024 differed considerably, it will be addressed how much the flood type – in particular slow-onset river flooding, flash floods and pluvial floods – influence impacts and coping mechanisms. Research outcomes have informed flood early warning systems, risk communication and recovery programs in Germany and beyond. However, surveying or interviewing flood-affected people might also put an additional burden on them. Hence, the lecture will discuss some ethical considerations about collecting data in (highly) affected areas as well as some pros and cons of cross-sectional versus longitudinal survey designs. Finally, transfer to other regions and hazards will be highlighted.

How to cite: Thieken, A.: More than two decades of post-disaster household surveys to improve flood risk management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6429,, 2025.

EGU25-6961 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.2

Flood impact on business downtime: analysis of post-flood observed data in Germany 

Marcello Arosio, Elisa Nobile, Philipp Bautz, Luigi Cesarini, and Nivedita Sairam

Flood events can significantly disrupt economic activities, yet the relationship between flood characteristics and business downtime remains underexplored. Downtime estimates are currently based on expert evaluations, the differentiation by sector type is highly aggregated, and assessments based on observed data are very limited. This study leverages a comprehensive database of post-flood information collected in Germany to examine how flood hazard characteristics and exposure attributes of economic activities influence the duration of operational interruptions. The research objectives are: (1) to investigate the correlation between various flood hazard characteristics and resulting business downtime, and (2) to assess the relationship between direct damages and downtime, accounting for the specific attributes of exposed entities.

The database includes detailed information collected via telephone interviews conducted after flood events in the period of 2002 - 2013. Variables encompass hazard characteristics (e.g., water depth, event duration), exposure characteristics (e.g., industrial sector, number and type of buildings, equipment and stock values), impact measures (e.g., total damages to buildings, equipment, and goods, downtime duration), and adaptation strategies (e.g., emergency plans, alarm times, protective measures). Key variables are classified into independent (e.g., hazard characteristics), dependent (e.g., downtime measures), and control categories (e.g., qualitative and descriptive responses). The analysis is adopting traditional statistical methods, including Pearson's correlation, regression analysis, and ANOVA, to evaluate linear relationships, alongside machine learning techniques—such as clustering, decision trees, random forests, and neural networks—to uncover complex, non-linear interactions among variables.

The findings of this research will provide valuable insights into the dynamics of business interruption and contingent business interruption caused by flood events. By expanding the understanding of how hazard characteristics, exposure attributes, and adaptive strategies interact to influence downtime, this study lays the groundwork for advancing risk assessment models of natural hazard into economic sectors. These results will not only support the insurance sector in evaluating and managing collective risks but also contribute to the development of more robust strategies for enhancing societal and economic resilience to natural hazards. 

How to cite: Arosio, M., Nobile, E., Bautz, P., Cesarini, L., and Sairam, N.: Flood impact on business downtime: analysis of post-flood observed data in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6961,, 2025.

The unexpected and destructive nature of natural catastrophes may cause major shocks to communities and jurisdictions at all levels of governance. The goal of this study is to reorient national and subnational research to focus on the connection between natural disasters and economic growth. This research experimentally investigates the economic impacts of floods and cyclones at the subnational government level in India. For this, the study created a balanced panel of 24 Indian states from 1995 to 2018, using GDP, sectoral growth data, and the Disaster Intensity Index created from the impact of cyclones (using windspeed data) and floods (gridded precipitation data).  The study finds that disaster shock negatively affects overall economic and sectoral growth in the Indian states. Dissecting the economic growth in terms of sectoral growth, the study observed that output growth of agriculture, industry, and service sectors all have a negative impact in the initial year of disasters, which negatively affects state GDP per capita. The results align with the predictions from endogenous growth theory. The model also shows a positive effect for the service sector in the second year and for the agricultural sector in the third year after the disasters. This study may encourage decision-makers to focus on developing India's overall resilience by implementing efficient and long-lasting preventive measures before the disaster occurs and ensuring quick response, recovery, and reconstruction during and after the disaster.

How to cite: Suresh, N. and Mishra, T.: Storms and Surges: Evaluating the Effects of Floods and Cyclones on Sectoral Growth at Sub-National Level in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7997,, 2025.

EGU25-8509 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Understanding the interactions of tropical cyclones in global supply chains 

Samuel Juhel, Zélie Stalhandske, Vincent Viguié, and David N. Bresch

The increasing frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones, driven by climate change, pose significant risks to global supply chains, amplifying economic vulnerabilities. This study explores how interactions between multiple extreme events influence the propagation of indirect economic costs, focusing on the compounding effects that arise within interconnected systems. Leveraging a combination of the CLIMADA risk modeling platform and the ARIO  indirect impact economic model, we generate synthetic ensembles of tropical cyclones. These simulations allow us to analyze direct and indirect economic impacts at global and regional scales.

Our results reveal that compounding events can, in some cases, mitigate indirect losses. This effect arises from the accumulation of reconstruction demand, which stimulates production across sectors, particularly those heavily involved in rebuilding, such as construction and manufacturing. The interplay between reconstruction demand and overproduction mechanisms creates a virtuous cycle, accelerating recovery and offsetting consequent losses.

However, the observed mitigation is highly dependent on the underlying modeling assumptions and sectoral resolution of the modeled economy. Indeed, some adverse indirect economic consequences only emerge when employing economic data with a higher granularity of sectors. When such higher granularity of sectors is combined with less optimistic assumptions on adaptation capacity, not only does the mitigation effect disappear, but observed outcomes show significantly aggravated indirect losses.

This study underscores the complexity of modeling compounding risks and highlights the importance of carefully chosen parameters and granularity of economic data, as qualitatively different results can emerge. In this context, ARIO serves as an effective tool for exploring the drivers of indirect economic impacts from extreme events, providing valuable insights to guide and enhance more advanced modeling approaches.

How to cite: Juhel, S., Stalhandske, Z., Viguié, V., and Bresch, D. N.: Understanding the interactions of tropical cyclones in global supply chains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8509,, 2025.

EGU25-9365 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

A Process-based Flow Model for Assessing Direct and Indirect Damages to Flooded Roads in Great Britain 

Yue Li, Raghav Pant, Tom Russell, Fred Thomas, Jim Hall, and Philip Oldham

Reliable road infrastructure is vital for daily commuters and economic activities in the UK, yet it faces growing flood risks due to climate change. Effective flood risk management requires an integrated approach that includes pre-disaster traffic flow modelling, direct damage estimation, disruption and recovery analysis to quantify systemic failure impacts. Indirect costs from traffic disruptions are frequently oversimplified, often estimated as multipliers of direct damages. While traffic flow rerouting models are applied in current research, they often overlook critical factors, such as traffic flow constraints and road capacity limitations, instead assigning origin-destination flows to least-cost paths without accounting for congestion. Moreover, the recovery process, which is critical for understanding how restored road and bridge capacities reduced isolated flows and indirect damages, is rarely modelled.

To address these gaps, we developed an open-source modelling framework for Great Britain that integrates a process-based flow model with a stress-testing model to assess road flood damages. Our framework starts with simulating passenger-to-work flows at a national scale by modelling the lifeline connections between physical road networks and demographic factors (e.g., population and economic activities). The flow model employs an iterative approach to simulated congested equilibrium flow assignments, dynamically accounting for road capacities and flow speeds until all traffic is accommodated without causing overflow.

We stress-tested the road networks using 18 historical UK flood events and one synthetic flood event. To model flood-induced disruptions, we developed a speed-flood depth function that restricts maximum flow speeds on flooded roads based on floodwater depth. We applied 30cm and 60cm separately in disruption analysis as threshold for road closure for uncertainty analysis. In each scenario, flood impacts on traffic flows were evaluated by comparing edge flows under floods with those under base flow condition. Direct damages were calculated using generalised damage curves (i.e., function to estimate damage fractions based on floodwater depth), and cost functions (i.e., function to estimate unite asset cost, million £/length or area) for different road types (e.g., bridges, tunnels, ordinary roads) and flood types (e.g., surface floods, river floods). Indirect damages were quantified by calculating rerouting costs due to road closures, including additional fuel costs, tolls, and time-equivalent costs.

We introduced a novel recovery analysis to dynamically evaluate indirect damages by designing various road capacity recovery rates, accounting for road types and damage levels. The recovery process identifies disrupted flows resulting from missing routes or reduced speeds, and reallocates these flows as road capacities are restored on a daily basis. The analysis captures the evolving number of isolated flows, rerouting costs and asset repair costs, offering a more realistic representation of dynamic indirect damages.

Overall, this research advances large-scale flow modelling by integrating capacity constraints, disruption dynamics, and recover processes. It provides actionable insights to enhance the resilience of the UK’s road infrastructure. The framework can be adapted to contexts beyond UK, different spatial scales, multi-modal transport systems, and multi-hazard scenarios, supporting more comprehensive risk assessments and decision-making.

How to cite: Li, Y., Pant, R., Russell, T., Thomas, F., Hall, J., and Oldham, P.: A Process-based Flow Model for Assessing Direct and Indirect Damages to Flooded Roads in Great Britain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9365,, 2025.

EGU25-10095 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.2

Fast and operational building damage estimation tool for urban pluvial flooding 

Guilherme Samprogna Mohor, Sarah Lindenlaub, and Annegret Thieken

Estimating flood damage is crucial for both disaster risk reduction in the prevention phase and crisis management during flood events. While models for predicting damage from riverine floods are well-developed, tools for estimating damage from urban pluvial flooding are less advanced. This is an important gap, as heavy rainfall can lead to flooding in a wide range of locations, not just along rivers.
Here, we present a new machine learning-based tool to quickly estimate building-level damage from urban pluvial flooding caused by heavy rainfall. Three key improvements are incorporated into this tool, compared to the traditional use of stage-damage models developed for riverine floods in dismissal of the flood pathway or the use of newer, overly complex models. First, it was trained on data specifically from known urban pluvial flood events, rather than relying on models developed for riverine floods, which can lead to more accurate damage estimates for this type of flooding. Second, the tool utilizes the XGBoost algorithm, a powerful machine learning technique capable of capturing complex non-linear relationships in the data. Third, the tool's modular design allows users to efficiently utilize available geographical information when making damage estimates by fixing the area of interest and reducing one step of the data preprocessing, towards providing results quickly enough for real-time forecasting applications. To address the common challenge of missing data, the tool uses smart random sampling techniques to impute required building-level features that are representative to known buildings affected by this flood pathway, reducing exposure bias.
The performance of the new tool was evaluated in two case studies in Germany, involving approximately 2,400 and 17,500 buildings, respectively. The tool was able to provide damage estimates in 1.1 and 6.0 minutes on a standard laptop, representing a 2-3 fold improvement in speed compared to a baseline approach. Furthermore, to validate the tool, estimates were compared to a fully independent dataset. The new tool reduced the estimate error by a factor of 4.3 compared to employing a riverine flood damage model, demonstrating its improved accuracy for heavy rainfall flooding events, although generally showing overestimation.
The new tool, named FlooDEsT – Flood Damage Estimation Tool, comprising the damage function and its application strategy, has shown improvements in computation time and performance at the first pilot studies. Its expansion to other flooding events and comparison with other damage datasets shall clarify its generalization power towards an improved estimation of building damage at urban pluvial floods. 

How to cite: Samprogna Mohor, G., Lindenlaub, S., and Thieken, A.: Fast and operational building damage estimation tool for urban pluvial flooding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10095,, 2025.

EGU25-10799 | Posters on site | NH9.2 | Highlight

A participatory pairwise comparison method for assessing social value of cultural heritage in risk analysis 

Matteo Masi, Chiara Arrighi, and Fabio Castelli

Natural hazards pose significant risks to cultural heritage, leading to monetary losses and fatalities annually.  Hazard exposure encompasses spatial, quantitative, and qualitative aspects of potentially impacted elements. Cultural heritage necessitates the integration of both intangible and tangible values in risk assessment frameworks for various reasons, including prioritization in the safeguarding of cultural heritage assets and effective risk management. This study introduces a participatory, quantitative approach to evaluate the social value of cultural heritage for the assessment of natural hazard exposure. The research specifically addresses the challenge of incorporating intangible values, particularly social value, into risk assessment. The methodology employs a web-based pairwise comparison survey where participants answer the question "Which among the following cultural heritage items would you recommend to a friend?" for pairs of heritage items. Each item is presented with a photo, name, and brief description, with pairs selected using the Swiss tournament method to maximize item occurrence. The survey platform, developed using open-source tools (Python, Flask, and MariaDB), transforms qualitative preferences into quantitative scores through eigenvalue analysis of the resulting pairwise comparison matrix. The method was applied to Florence historical city center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, where 48 heritage buildings were evaluated through 2379 survey responses from the community of local cultural association members. When combined with flood hazard data, the methodology demonstrated how incorporating social values can substantially alter the spatial distribution of exposure compared to traditional hazard mapping. The methodology provides a replicable tool for assessing intangible values in cultural heritage exposure analysis, though results may vary depending on the participating community. This research contributes to improved risk management and prioritization of mitigation measures by incorporating community-based valuation into intangible exposure assessments.


This work was carried out within RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005)

How to cite: Masi, M., Arrighi, C., and Castelli, F.: A participatory pairwise comparison method for assessing social value of cultural heritage in risk analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10799,, 2025.

EGU25-10866 | Orals | NH9.2

Integrating modelling and community engagement for flood risk management in data scarce contexts: insights from Metuge district in northern Mozambique. 

Daniela Molinari, Sara Rrokaj, Charlie Dayane Paz Idarraga1, Ana Maria Rotaru, Zeynep Ergün, Abdul Anza, Margherita Porzio, Alice Costa, and Alessio Radice

Quantitative flood risk assessment is essential for local disaster risk reduction and management strategies. However, data scarcity which typically characterizes the Global South, poses significant challenges to the application of conventional risk assessment methodologies developed in data-rich contexts. This study addresses these challenges by providing an exportable and comprehensive flood risk framework designed for the Metuge district, a flood-prone region in northern Mozambique that is crossed by the Muaguide River. This framework integrates hydrological, hydrodynamic, and damage modelling with a multi-level participatory process that involves stakeholders from governmental to community levels. To overcome data deficiency, the modelling leverages global data sources, field survey data, and open-access tools. Feedback gathered through participatory activities has allowed to refine modelling assumptions, enhancing the reliability of the outcome. Specifically, the participatory activities were designed to reach multiple objectives: increasing the building capacity of local authorities, empowering the resilience of the local population, and validating the results. In fact, the absence of observed data for the study area has made the comparison of the results with community experience of past flood events the sole viable option for their validation. Results from this case study indicate an average of 2,000 individuals at risk annually and an Annual Average Damage (AAD) of approximately 300,000 USD/year to roads and buildings. The ratio between the AAD and the population of the study area corresponds to 0.5% of Mozambique’s GDP per capita. Moreover, the district population's access to the hospital during flooded periods has been assessed by analyzing the practicability of roads. These findings provide critical insights for local authorities for flood risk management and serve as a foundation for the design and implementation of mitigation measures.

How to cite: Molinari, D., Rrokaj, S., Paz Idarraga1, C. D., Rotaru, A. M., Ergün, Z., Anza, A., Porzio, M., Costa, A., and Radice, A.: Integrating modelling and community engagement for flood risk management in data scarce contexts: insights from Metuge district in northern Mozambique., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10866,, 2025.

EGU25-12542 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Assessing flood impacts in an Urban watershed in São Paulo City, Brazil, using a fully distributed and coupled Hydrological-Hydraulic model and demographic statistics. 

Mateo Hernandez Sanchez, Pedro Gustavo Silva, Gabriel Silva, and Eduardo Mario Mendiondo

The continuous expansion of impervious areas in megacities, combined with the increasing frequency and magnitude of extreme climatic events, has led to more frequent flood events in urban areas. Flooding, currently the most common disaster worldwide, is an adverse event that can result in significant human impacts (e.g., loss of life, injuries, and illnesses), material damage (e.g., destruction of private and public property), and environmental degradation. These damages also lead to economic and social consequences, such as psychological trauma and social disruption. The watershed of the Aricanduva River, located in the East Zone of São Paulo, Brazil, faces recurrent flooding issues, particularly along its main course, which is adjacent to a critical avenue. These flood events are primarily attributed to the watershed's physical characteristics, including its steep river gradient and extensive urbanization in the lower and middle sections of the basin. This study aims to assess socio-environmental impacts using hydrological modeling and demographic data provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The methodology is divided into three main steps: (i) Generation of inundation maps for six events using HydroPol2D, a fully distributed and coupled hydrologic-hydraulic model that solves the shallow water equations (SWE); (ii) Spatial analysis of census data provided by IBGE to develop population and household density maps; (iii) Assessment of impact factors, termed “affected population” and “affected households”, through the overlay of flood maps with population and household density maps. It is important to note that the six analyzed events were selected based on alerts issued by the Flood Warning System of the State of São Paulo (SAISP). The study's results reveal how the impacts of recent rainfall events evolve over time and highlight areas with recurrent flooding. These analyses demonstrate that residents in the Aricanduva watershed face considerable flood risks. The methodology implemented for impact assessment can support the development of emergency plans and actions to mitigate the social and economic impacts of flooding. These measures are closely aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goals 6.5, 9.1, 11.5, and 13.3, as well as the United Nations' Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR). The data generated in this study could serve as a reference for future analyses, such as evaluating the effectiveness of urban drainage plans, future flood warning systems, or other flood control strategies. Additionally, the watershed model could be utilized to develop an assessment framework for indirect impacts, including the potential effects of flood events on accessibility to critical areas, disruptions to economic activities, and transportation. This would enable proactive planning and the identification of alternative solutions in advance.

Keywords: Natural hazards, Urban flooding risk management, Socio-environmental impacts, Hydrological-hydrodynamic models, Climate change.

How to cite: Hernandez Sanchez, M., Silva, P. G., Silva, G., and Mendiondo, E. M.: Assessing flood impacts in an Urban watershed in São Paulo City, Brazil, using a fully distributed and coupled Hydrological-Hydraulic model and demographic statistics., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12542,, 2025.

EGU25-12650 | Posters on site | NH9.2

Revisiting methodologies for damages caused by flooding across water sources, damage categories, and spatio-temporal scale 

Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Toke Emil Panduro, and Urs Steiner Brandt

During the past two decades Denmark has experienced a dramatic increase in annual damages from flooding. Multiple cloudbursts, one of which was registered as the most costly natural hazard event in Northern Europe that year, several sea surges and the wettest winter season ever recorded, leading to excessive floodings in lowlying areas and fluvial flooding. This increase in occurences of floods is expected to further accelerate in the coming decades, leading also to a drastic increase in compound events, i.e. several phenomena occurring simultaneously exacerbating the flood event. Measures to keep societal risks at acceptable levels are highly needed. When designing strategies and concrete measures theoretically calculated damages given flood events are critical.

The dominating existing paradigms for assessing cost given events is to generate damage-depth curves for each type of flooding and cost category. The curves are assessed based on either a bottom-up approach based on e.g. asset characteristics (e.g. buildings in UK) or top-down approaches based on insurance claims, surveys or other aggregate data (e.g. Germany and Denmark). Both bottom-up and top-down approaches have shortcomings, the first method is based on assumptions that are difficult to verify and the second is based on data that are often biased and difficult to achieve because of restrictions in GDPR-regulation, privileged information held by private companies, and that the value of many assets cannot be assessed on a free economic market. Further, both approaches fail to capture essential characteristics of the damage costs, notably that the damage is dependent on the source of the flooding which in many cases in the future will be compound events and hence a function of two or more distinctly different damage-depth curves. The interplay between different cost categories are also often ignored.

The current project aims at generating knowledge that enable unifying damage-depth curves across water sources and damage categories. This will be done by combining desktop studies with novel uses of data collected at both governmental agencies and private entities such as insurance companies. However, important extensions to the traditional frameworks will be to include an assessment of how the damage-depth relationships is expected to change over time. Many analyses ignore the learnings and adaptations that will occur in the future and that recovery periods may be extensive and lead to societies that are either more or less resilient based on the strategy for recovery. Most notable is the assumption that an asset will suffer the same economic damage now and in the future even though the flood frequency will in some cases change from 1 in 50 years to every year. In these cases the damage from each event will undoubtedly decrease. A more explicit incorporation of the disaster management cycle into the assessments will also allow for a more realistic assessment of damages as they become more and more severe in a given region and larger events with longer recovery periods will be more prevalent.

How to cite: Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., Panduro, T. E., and Brandt, U. S.: Revisiting methodologies for damages caused by flooding across water sources, damage categories, and spatio-temporal scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12650,, 2025.

EGU25-13435 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Multidimensional indicators of sustainability of crop insurance under increased climate-stress 

Marcos Roberto Benso, Gabriel Marinho e Silva, Pedro Gustavo Gâmara da Silva, and Eduardo Mario Mendiondo

Climate change poses a major challenge to the insurance industry, highlighting the need for sustainable crop insurance programs to protect food production in developing countries amid increasing climate risks. Insurance plays a key role in advancing SDGs 1 (no poverty), 2 (zero hunger), and 13 (climate action). However, the short- and long-term impacts of climate-driven extreme weather events remain insufficiently understood. This study maps major climate threats to crop production in Brazil and examines the influence of extreme weather on price adjustments and insurance uptake. The research used a database of the Brazilian Program of Subsidies for Rural Insurance Premium (PSA) with 1.5 million policies and claims from 2006 to 2023 and meteorological daily data from the Brazilian Daily Weather Gridded Data (BR-DWGD) from 1991 to 2024, both aggregated at municipality level. Four perennials and non-perennials crops were observed as the most insured: soybeans (47%), maize second cycle (13.5%), wheat (8.7%), and grapes (8.9%). Moreover, the most critical hazards were droughts (43.1%), hail (34.4%), frost (10.3%), excessive rainfall (8.2%), floods (1.3%), cold winds (1.0%), and temperature variation (0.3%). In 2021, claim payments reached a historic high, totaling nearly 12 billion BRL, which was unprecedented when compared with the baseline annual values ranging from 0.043 to 2 billion BRL. Two critical periods significantly impacted crop production in 2021. The first occurred between March and April (Austral fall), with severe droughts and frost events affecting maize second cycle in southern and central-western states and wheat in the south. The second critical moment was between August and October (end of Austral spring and beginning of Austral summer), in which major droughts affected soybean production in the states of south, southeast, central west and northeast. The impact on only three crops explain the expressive increase in claim payments. From 2019 to 2023, soybean prices revealed significant evidence of weather shock impacts, as a major driver of premium rates increase. Rates increased by 38%, growing from 344.33 BRL/ha in 2021 to 562.12 BRL/ha in 2022. The insurance uptake increased 11% in 2022, growing from 188,179 to 212,839 policies and had a dramatic decrease of 72% in the following year. The analysis of insurance and weather data highlights significant impacts of increased climate-related stress on Brazil's insurance industry. Initially, unprecedented extreme events tend to drive an increase in insurance uptake. In response, insurance companies often raise premium rates to maintain a balanced ratio between revenue and payouts. However, this adjustment can lead to a subsequent decline in insurance uptake. Climate shocks may have prolonged effects on insurance, potentially undermining the financial sustainability of farmers and their capacity to recover from economic losses. Thus, these dynamics underscore the need for adaptive strategies to ensure resilience in both the insurance sector and agricultural systems.

How to cite: Benso, M. R., Silva, G. M. E., Silva, P. G. G. D., and Mendiondo, E. M.: Multidimensional indicators of sustainability of crop insurance under increased climate-stress, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13435,, 2025.

EGU25-15089 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Flood risk redistribution due to gaps and constraints in adaptation strategies 

Ashish Kumar and Udit Bhatia

Levees are critical adaptation measures for mitigating the escalating flood risks posed by intensifying climatic extremes and rapid urban expansion into flood-prone areas. However, the implementation of these measures is often constrained by administrative boundaries and financial limitations, which confine adaptation efforts to predefined jurisdictions. These constraints result in adaptation gaps that disproportionately affect communities beyond protected zones and exacerbate inequalities in flood risk distribution. Our study integrates hydrodynamic and economic modeling to evaluate the magnitude, spatial distribution, and economic losses associated with levee-based flood protection strategies in Surat, a coastal city frequently exposed to severe riverine flooding. The findings indicate that levees designed to safeguard administrative boundaries can inadvertently intensify flood risks for unprotected communities and infrastructure by altering hydrodynamic conditions. Specifically, 100-year flood damages and extents increase significantly due to levee-induced changes. Our preliminary results highlight the spatially widespread nature of flood impacts, unaccounted costs, and the potential for increased socioeconomic inequities. These findings emphasize the need for a systems-based approach to flood management that considers the interconnectedness of river systems and promotes equitable sharing of flood risks across jurisdictions.

How to cite: Kumar, A. and Bhatia, U.: Flood risk redistribution due to gaps and constraints in adaptation strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15089,, 2025.

EGU25-17659 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.2

Developing an urban poor-centred (multi-)hazard impact categorisation using multiple data sources: an application to the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal 

Harriet E. Thompson, Faith E. Taylor, Bruce D. Malamud, Joel C. Gill, Robert Šakić Trogrlić, and Melanie Duncan

Here we present a systematic approach to developing an urban poor-centred (multi-)hazard impact classification using multiple data source types, with application to the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Marginalised communities, including urban poor communities, are typically neglected from impact data sources, despite these groups often experiencing disproportionate impacts of (multi-)hazard events and having a lower capacity to respond. Gaps in impact data are particularly challenging in regions of data scarcity, where comprehensive evidence bases would support the refinement of existing DRR strategies.

We extracted (multi-)hazard impact exemplars from disaster databases (DesInventar Sendai and the Nepal DRR Portal) and newspaper articles (LexisNexis online newspaper archive) utilising systematic (Boolean) searches. We applied the searches to earthquake, flood, landslide and urban fire events owing to their prevalence in the study area. Following this, we manually reviewed the results for relevancy to specific named informal settlements in the Kathmandu Valley. We supplemented these data with insights from three focus group discussions (FGDs) conducted with residents of informal settlements in the Kathmandu Valley and 11 semi-structured interviews with DRR practitioner stakeholders working with these communities. We co-facilitated the FGDs with members of Nepal Mahila Ekata Samaj (NMES,, a network organisation of landless women in Nepal.

We compiled the disaster database, newspaper article, FGD and semi-structured interview results into an Excel database of urban poor-centred (multi-)hazard impacts across the four natural hazard types. Within each row of the database, we included details of the source type, (multi-)hazard event details, and impact information categorised by type. Our results indicated that the disaster databases (45 relevant exemplars) presented an overview of (multi-)hazard event details. However, documentation of impacts was typically restricted to quantitative tangible impacts – including economic losses and fatalities. Newspaper articles (83 relevant exemplars) provided nuance to descriptions of (multi-)hazard impacts, with quotes from affected individuals adding socio-political context. Finally, FGD and semi-structured interview participant perspectives of (multi-)hazard events offered richness through lived experience and qualitative accounts, with an emphasis on disaggregated and intangible impacts.

Applying an iterative approach, we compiled the results into an urban poor-centred (multi-)hazard impact categorisation. This typology summarises the impacts, grouped into categories and subcategories, that affect members of urban poor communities in the (multi-)hazard context of the Kathmandu Valley. In gathering multiple data sources of (multi-)hazard impact, we illustrate the value of supplementing quantitative and qualitative data to evidence a more holistic understanding of impact in data-scarce regions, with the intention of centring urban poor community perspectives. We suggest that our methodology and the development of the urban poor-centred (multi-)hazard impact categorisation could provide a framework for scalability to other data-scarce regions, supplementing existing evidence bases to support more inclusive DRR strategies.

How to cite: Thompson, H. E., Taylor, F. E., Malamud, B. D., Gill, J. C., Šakić Trogrlić, R., and Duncan, M.: Developing an urban poor-centred (multi-)hazard impact categorisation using multiple data sources: an application to the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17659,, 2025.

EGU25-17951 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Comprehensive Flood and Impact Modeling: Advanced Quantitative Tools for Emergency Management and Societal Resilience 

Lieke Meijer, Roel de Goede, Eva Costa de Barros, Chamidu Gunaratne, Matthias Hauth, Margreet van Marle, Gabriela Nobre, and Ap van Dongeren

Natural hazards such as floods pose significant threats to communities worldwide, impacting lives, livelihoods, and infrastructure. Effective flood modelling in combination with accurate impact assessments are crucial for enabling timely interventions, effective emergency management, reducing disaster-related losses and enhancing societal resilience.

This work presents recent advancements in a comprehensive toolset for worldwide application, integrating advanced flood and impact modelling in a flexible way. Our tools quantify critical aspects of emergency planning and management, including the estimation of the number and location of (socially vulnerable) people affected by floods, the identification of individuals that should be warned and evacuated, the impact on populations in terms of accessibility, the identification of potential and available evacuation and provisioning routes before, during and after hazards, and the resultant time and distance for populations to the nearest shelter. We integrate social vulnerability and socio-economic characteristics into our analyses to prioritize socially vulnerable areas.

Our dynamic modeling of flood depths, extents, and durations utilizes the open-source flood model 'SFINCS'. The open-source impact model ‘RA2CE’ quantifies disruptions to road infrastructure due to any natural hazard, equipping road operators, spatial planners, and emergency managers with actionable information. The advancements were recently applied to a real-world case study in Mozambique in a participatory workshop with local stakeholders from the cities of Beira and Quelimane. 

This work provides applicable solutions for prevention, planning, early warning, response and recovery, extending across most disaster risk phases and significantly contributing to the Sendai Framework's goal of reducing disaster risk and losses in lives and livelihoods.

How to cite: Meijer, L., de Goede, R., Costa de Barros, E., Gunaratne, C., Hauth, M., van Marle, M., Nobre, G., and van Dongeren, A.: Comprehensive Flood and Impact Modeling: Advanced Quantitative Tools for Emergency Management and Societal Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17951,, 2025.

In the last decade, there has been an increase in flood damages driven by increased land use pressures and climate change impacts. Remote sensing solutions for the rapid estimation of damage cause to property are in high demand by the insurance sector. Such solutions would also enable the rapid estimation of the number of affected properties, this reducing the costs associated with loss adjustment and on-site inspections. This contribution presents a novel approach based on Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) as part of a loss-adjustment framework for the estimation of direct tangible losses to residential properties affected by flooding. The specific case of the floods after storm Desmond (5 and 6 December 2015) over Cockermouth (Cumbria, UK) is used for that purpose. The proposed framework overcomes some of the limitations associated with traditional remote sensing methods such as low-cloud cover presence, oblique viewing angles, and the resolution of the geomatic products obtained. The accuracy of the UAS approach is estimated through direct comparison with on-the-ground household-by-household assessment approaches. Results showed the relevance of surface water flooding and lateral flow flooding, with a total of 168 properties identified as flooded falling outside the fluvial flood extent. The direct tangible losses associated with these additional properties amounted to £3.6 million. The damage-reducing benefits of resistance measures were also calculated. The UAS approach could make a significant contribution to improving the estimation of direct tangible losses.

How to cite: Rivas Casado, M.: Estimating flood direct tangible losses: An Unmanned Aircraft System based approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18043,, 2025.

EGU25-18240 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Flood damage in the residential sector: on the value of transnational datasets for robust feature selection 

Maria Paula Avila, Daniela Rodriguez Castro, Thijs Endendijk, Dillenardt Lisa, Guntu Ravikumar, Sébastien Erpicum, Annegret Thieken, Jeroen Aerts, Kreibich Heidi, and Dewals Benjamin

Feature selection is an essential step in the development of empirical flood damage models based on machine learning techniques. So far, most models of this type were developed using data from a single region or country, and few of them utilize harmonized transboundary datasets. Here, we have harmonized 38 variables present in the datasets of three flood damage surveys conducted in Germany (n = 516), the Netherlands (n = 409) and Belgium (n = 320) after the 2021 mega-floods in Europe. After performing data imputation and multicollinearity check, we used linear and non-linear machine learning algorithms to assess permutation importance and identify features most influencing flood damage. The results of the four models suggest that besides the hazard variables such as water depth and human stability, the location of the heating system (in the basement or at a higher floor) appears among the topmost important features for both building and contents damage.

Subsequently, we did an analysis for a low and high range of water depths using the median value (0.6 m) as splitting criteria. In the lower range, for both types of damage, water depth appears to be the dominating driver, and specifically for the building damage, it exceeds by far the importance of any other variable. In contrast, for water depths above 0.6 m other factors outweigh water depth. In the case of content damage, building footprint area becomes the most important factor across all the models. For the building damage some hazard (e.g. human stability), exposure (e.g. building size) and vulnerability (e.g. hazard knowledge) variables have a comparable importance with that of water depth. Hence, our results show that multivariable models appear particularly necessary for modelling flood damage induced by high and extreme hazard conditions.

How to cite: Avila, M. P., Rodriguez Castro, D., Endendijk, T., Lisa, D., Ravikumar, G., Erpicum, S., Thieken, A., Aerts, J., Heidi, K., and Benjamin, D.: Flood damage in the residential sector: on the value of transnational datasets for robust feature selection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18240,, 2025.

EGU25-19909 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Damage susceptibility in Italy: a case study for Tuscany 

Federica Zambrini, Enrico Maria Nava, and Giovanni Mendui

With our work, we’re proposing an approach to damage modeling oriented to the potential damage evaluation, with the aim to use it to address the prevention strategies in a more efficient way.

The methodology will be presented on a case study developed in the Italian region of Tuscany. For this application, our data collection on perceived damage, made up of claims compiled by citizens in the aftermath of relevant flood events, has been enriched with new data to cover the whole set of national state of emergency for Tuscany in the period 2013/2023.

Claims have been geolocalized and extracted on the plane areas of the region. We came up with more than 10800 points, providing a picture of where damage occurred, the declared economic losses and the areas affected by more than one event.

This dataset has been later adopted to train a machine learning model which combines the occurred damages, the characteristics of the territory (obtained from digital terrain model and other open data) and the communities’ social variables primarly derived from national census. Instead of superpose hazard and exposure, we have been working combining data sources which are different for origine, scale and semantic area in a big database to be provided to the algorithms.

We are here presenting the results of our work as well as the lesson learned in the modeling procedure.

How to cite: Zambrini, F., Nava, E. M., and Mendui, G.: Damage susceptibility in Italy: a case study for Tuscany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19909,, 2025.

EGU25-20664 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Diminishing Waters: The Great Salt Lake's Desiccation and Its Mental Health Consequences 

Maheshwari Neelam, Kamaldeep Bhui, and Brian Freitag

The desiccation of Utah's Great Salt Lake (GSL) poses significant health risks, particularly for vulnerable populations. This study examines how the diminishing GSL, exacerbated by anthropogenic changes, affects community mental health. Reduced water inflow has exposed the lakebed, increasing airborne particulate matter and dust storms, which impact air quality. By integrating diverse datasets spanning from 1980 to present—including in-situ measurements, satellite imagery, and reanalysis products—this study synthesizes hydrological, atmospheric, and epidemiological variables to comprehensively track the extent of the GSL’s surface water, local air quality fluctuations, and their effects on community mental health. The findings indicate a clear relationship between higher pollution days and more severe depressive symptoms. Specifically, individuals exposed to ~ 22 days with PM2.5 levels above the World Health Organization's 24-hour guideline of 15 μg/m³ were more likely to experience severe depressive symptoms. Our results also suggest that people experiencing more severe depression not only face a higher number of high-pollution days but also encounter such days more frequently. The study highlights the interconnectedness of poor air quality, environmental degradation and mental health emphasizing the need for more sustainable economic growth in the region.

How to cite: Neelam, M., Bhui, K., and Freitag, B.: Diminishing Waters: The Great Salt Lake's Desiccation and Its Mental Health Consequences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20664,, 2025.

EGU25-1090 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.4

Evolution of meteorological drought characteristics over India using time-varying drought index 

Debankana Bhattacharjee, Vinnarasi Rajendran, and Chandrika Thulaseedharan Dhanya

With approximately 28% of India's geographical area affected by droughts and a significant portion experiencing moderate to severe conditions, it is crucial to analyze these phenomena to assess their socio-economic impacts and develop effective policy responses. This study delves into the complexities of drought characteristics in India, emphasizing the need for advanced analytical methods to understand the evolving nature of droughts under changing climate conditions. From 1902 to 2013, the evolution of four essential drought characteristics: severity, depth, duration, and frequency has been examined across various climate zones. The analysis utilizes gridded precipitation datasets to compare outcomes from conventional Stationary Precipitation Indices (SPI) with a non-stationary, time-varying drought index aimed at offering a more sophisticated comprehension of drought dynamics and their socio-economic consequences. Furthermore, a non-linear trend analysis method has been implemented to identify the intrinsic complexities and non-linear correlations in drought data that conventional techniques tend to overlook.

The results indicate considerable geographical and temporal variations in drought dynamics. Central and southern India experience prolonged drought episodes, while areas like the Indo-Gangetic Plains and western India see shorter yet more severe droughts. The results further underscore the shortcomings of stationarity-based indices, which tend to overestimate drought severity and duration, especially in earlier decades. In contrast, the non-stationary index identifies subtle trends, indicating both gradual and sudden shifts in climatic patterns.

This study reveals critical hotspots of heightened drought risk, illustrating the increasing effects of hydroclimatic extremes in areas predominantly dependent on agriculture and monsoonal precipitation. By enhancing the accuracy of drought assessments and their spatial-temporal variability, the need for region-specific climate adaptation and mitigation strategies has been highlighted. The findings thereby contribute to the broader discourse that underscores the necessity of integrating evolving climate dynamics into future drought projections to tackle the increasing problems posed by hydroclimatic extremes in a rapidly changing environment.

How to cite: Bhattacharjee, D., Rajendran, V., and Dhanya, C. T.: Evolution of meteorological drought characteristics over India using time-varying drought index, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1090,, 2025.

EGU25-1529 | Orals | NH9.4

Impacts of Mediterranean snow droughts on mountain socio-ecohydrology 

Francesco Avanzi, Stefano Terzi, Mariapina Castelli, Francesca Munerol, Margherita Andreaggi, Marta Galvagno, Tessa Maurer, Christian Massari, Grace Carlson, Manuela Girotto, Giacomo Bertoldi, Edoardo Cremonese, Simone Gabellani, Marco Altamura, Lauro Rossi, and Claudia Notarnicola

Snow droughts are increasingly recognized as an important feature of dry periods in mountain regions worldwide. While the phenomenology of this hazard is becoming clearer, its implications for hydrology, ecosystems, and upstream and downstream communities remain poorly understood. This knowledge gap leaves scientists and decision-makers without the necessary tools to support adaptation in the face of accelerating climate change and declining, increasingly ephemeral snow water resources. Leveraging 13 years of hydrological and multi-sectoral impact data from over 30 headwater catchments across Italy, we demonstrate how snow droughts impose profound and cascading impacts on mountain socio-ecological systems, from seasonal to multi-annual scales, with downstream repercussions. Early findings reveal that snow droughts can increase melt-out events and reduce snow season duration compared to non-snow-drought years. These changes result in significant hydrological consequences, even in the absence of differences in summer precipitation or air temperature between snow-drought and non-snow-drought years. Beyond hydrology, snow droughts impact vegetation productivity and lead to emergency measures in water-resource management for end users, with effects shaped by the spatial and temporal characteristics of water-supply infrastructure. This study highlights the need to frame snow droughts as a socio-ecohydrological risk, with broad implications for water security in mountain regions and downstream areas. 

How to cite: Avanzi, F., Terzi, S., Castelli, M., Munerol, F., Andreaggi, M., Galvagno, M., Maurer, T., Massari, C., Carlson, G., Girotto, M., Bertoldi, G., Cremonese, E., Gabellani, S., Altamura, M., Rossi, L., and Notarnicola, C.: Impacts of Mediterranean snow droughts on mountain socio-ecohydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1529,, 2025.

EGU25-2379 | Posters on site | NH9.4

Super Drought: An Innovative Framework for Understanding Compound Drought Risk with Online Monitoring Platform 

Lin Wang, Gang Huang, Wen Chen, and Ting Wang

    Different types of drought, characterized by their distinct temporal scales, often interact in complex ways and pose significant challenges for drought risk assessment and management. This study introduces the innovative concept of "super drought", which refers to the simultaneous occurrence of extreme droughts across multiple time scales, advancing our understanding of compound drought risks. We demonstrate that super drought represents a unique phenomenon where meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological droughts coincide, leading to more severe impacts than when these events occur in isolation.

    To quantify super drought, we developed the Comprehensive Multiscalar Index (CMI) based on a vine copula framework. This novel approach overcomes the limitations of traditional drought indices by probabilistically integrating drought conditions across multiple time scales (3-, 6-, 12-, 24-, and 48-month). The CMI was validated against GRACE satellite-based total water storage observations, showing significantly improved performance in capturing overall water deficits compared to conventional indices.

    To support operational drought monitoring and research, we developed as the first online platform dedicated to global super drought assessment. The platform provides: (1) near-real-time global monitoring at 0.5° resolution, (2) interactive visualization tools with customizable temporal and spatial analysis capabilities, and (3) free access to historical CMI datasets from 1961 to present. This comprehensive system enables users to track the evolution of compound drought events and assess their spatial patterns and temporal dynamics.

    This integrated framework of concept, methodology, and operational platform represents a significant advancement in drought risk assessment. By highlighting that the most devastating droughts often result from the synchronization of water deficits across multiple components of the hydrological cycle, our approach provides new insights for drought risk assessment and early warning systems, emphasizing the need for integrated approaches in drought monitoring and management. 

How to cite: Wang, L., Huang, G., Chen, W., and Wang, T.: Super Drought: An Innovative Framework for Understanding Compound Drought Risk with Online Monitoring Platform, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2379,, 2025.

EGU25-4794 | ECS | Orals | NH9.4

Spatiotemporal Mapping of Drought Impacts Across Continents: A Cluster-Based Approach 

Alok Samantaray and Gabriele Messori

Drought events pose significant challenges to ecosystems and human societies, necessitating precise methodologies for their identification and analysis. This study introduces a clustering technique to establish a robust framework for identifying drought objects. The identification process incorporates spatial proximity metrics, Haversine distance calculations, and periodic boundary handling to detect coherent drought-affected regions. Drought objects are further refined by applying a land-sea mask to exclude oceanic areas and merging small-scale clusters to maintain relevance. The study highlights the value of tracking drought objects over time and the critical insights this provides into the spatio-temporal dynamics of droughts.

The methodology enables a dynamic understanding of drought patterns, producing outputs such as high-resolution cluster maps with spatial characteristics, including the severity and area of each cluster. These characteristics are developed using drought events reported in the Geocoded Disasters (GDIS) dataset and are linked to the impact data, such as the number of people affected and economic damage caused by the events. These findings are vital for disaster risk reduction, climate impact studies, and policy-making. By integrating spatial analysis with the clustering, this study provides a comprehensive and reproducible approach to linking the geographical extent and intensity of drought events to their impacts.

How to cite: Samantaray, A. and Messori, G.: Spatiotemporal Mapping of Drought Impacts Across Continents: A Cluster-Based Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4794,, 2025.

EGU25-7559 | Posters on site | NH9.4

Study on the assessment of socio-economic potential losses due to water shortages  

Youngseok Song and Moojong Park

The recent arrival of the climate crisis has led to a shortage of water for living, industry, and agriculture due to drought. This occurrence has an economic impact on various social sectors, and if it continues for a long period of time, it leads to a decrease in socio-economic activities. Consequently, the socio-economic impact of water shortages has emerged as a pivotal research area. By identifying the socio-economic potential losses due to water use in various industries, we can develop strategies for an effective water distribution system.In light of intensifying climate change, the frequency and intensity of droughts are projected to rise. These droughts are expected to have negative socio-economic impacts in the order of weather, agriculture, life, and industry.In this study, we aim to develop an evaluation technique for socio-economic potential losses due to water shortages in South Korea.Based on the evaluation technique, we intend to assess how much socio-economic potential loss is caused by water shortages in the areas of living, industry, and agriculture. The selected evaluation method is the WIOLP analysis technique of the industry-related analysis, and the analysis was conducted for the years 2015 and 2018, when drought damage occurred in the Republic of Korea. In 2015, it was estimated that a 10% reduction in water usage due to drought would result in damages amounting to approximately 257.9 billion won. A 90% reduction, on the other hand, was predicted to lead to widespread industry-wide damage. In 2018, if the water usage is reduced by 10% due to drought, the estimated loss is projected to be around 318.9 billion won. If usage is reduced by more than 80%, damage is likely to occur across all industries, initially affecting some sectors. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the evaluation of socio-economic potential losses due to water shortages and the assessment of water usage in each sector.

Acknowledgments: This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) through Water Management Program for Drought Project, funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE). (RS-2023-00230286).


How to cite: Song, Y. and Park, M.: Study on the assessment of socio-economic potential losses due to water shortages , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7559,, 2025.

EGU25-8275 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.4

An Enhanced Run Theory for Agricultural Drought Characterization using Satellite Soil Moisture Data. 

Hussain Palagiri and Manali Pal

India, being an agriculture-dependent country, experiences recurrent droughts that significantly impact agricultural productivity. Assessing agricultural droughts and accurately identifying their onset is essential for effective planning and mitigation strategies. Soil Moisture (SM)-based drought indices, often paired with the run theory, are commonly used to identify the agricultural drought onsets. However, traditional run theory approaches rely on a single, uniform threshold to detect drought events, which may inadequately represent long-term drought patterns and oversimplify spatial variability in SM conditions. This study addresses these limitations by proposing an enhanced run theory approach that uses multiple dynamic grid-specific thresholds. The southern plateau and hills region of India was chosen as the study area. The thresholds are derived based on the standard deviation of the Standardized Soil Moisture Index (SSI) time series for each grid, ensuring adaptability to spatial heterogeneity of SM conditions. The SSI is calculated using European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (ESA CCI) SM data. The enhanced run theory is then applied to compute key agricultural drought characteristics including duration, peak, frequency, and intensity.
The results reveal that the computed dynamic SSI thresholds capture subtle but notable spatial variations, reflecting the influence of grid-specific factors such as soil types and land cover. This approach enhances the accuracy of drought detection and characterization. The analysis of drought metrics reveals that drought duration and frequency share similar spatial distributions, suggesting that areas experiencing frequent droughts are also prone to prolonged drought periods. This spatial congruence highlights the consistent vulnerability of certain regions to both drought initiation and sustained impacts. Furthermore, the analysis of drought peak and intensity demonstrates a predominance of moderate drought conditions, with severe droughts occurring less frequently and extreme droughts being rare. The findings underscore the importance of dynamic, location-specific thresholds for improving drought assessment. By capturing spatial variability in SM conditions, the proposed enhanced run theory provides a robust framework for characterizing agricultural droughts.

How to cite: Palagiri, H. and Pal, M.: An Enhanced Run Theory for Agricultural Drought Characterization using Satellite Soil Moisture Data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8275,, 2025.

EGU25-9084 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.4

Dynamics of Persistence in Flash and Traditional Droughts across Homogeneous Rainfall Regions of India  

Akshay Pachore and Renji Remesan

Flash agricultural droughts (FDs) are defined based on the quick depletion of the crop root zone soil moisture (RZSM) which can have wide negative implications on the agricultural yield loss and associated sectors. FDs can be the sub-set of the traditional slow-developing agricultural droughts. The current study has investigated this intricate underlying interconnection over different HRRs in India for the period of 40 years (1981-2020). Traditional agricultural droughts are characterized using the monthly Standardized Soil Moisture Index (SSMI-1) and FDs using the Standardized Anomaly of the Pentad Root Zone Soil Moisture (SASM). Further, the long-term and short-term persistence is analyzed using the MF-DFA (Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis) based Hurst index approach in both time series data of flash and traditional droughts indices which has discovered the persistence information in the flash and traditional droughts. The results of the current study have inferred that FDs have long-term persistence (LTP) in humid regions, whereas short-term persistence (STP) is characteristic of traditional droughts in the same region. For the arid and semi-arid climate, the case is reversed with FDs having the STP and traditional droughts having the LTP during the studied period of 40 years. The results of the current analysis show that the persistence in the flash and traditional droughts has a synchrony with the background climate of different HRRs of India, which highlights the varying vulnerability for both types (flash and seasonal) of droughts.

How to cite: Pachore, A. and Remesan, R.: Dynamics of Persistence in Flash and Traditional Droughts across Homogeneous Rainfall Regions of India , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9084,, 2025.

EGU25-9270 | ECS | Orals | NH9.4

Advancing the detection of multi-sector drought impacts via feature extraction and multi-task learning 

Martina Merlo, Matteo Giuliani, and Andrea Castelletti

Drought indices are essential tools for quantifying drought conditions by integrating multiple variables into a single measure that represents its characteristics, such as intensity, duration, and severity. These indices play a key role in real-time monitoring, forecasting, and supporting risk management actions. However, traditional statistical indices often fail to account for the complex interactions between drought precursors and their socio-economic and environmental impacts. Moreover, given the absence of a universally accepted drought definition, no single index is applicable to all drought types, climate conditions, or affected sectors.

In this study, we aim to improve traditional drought detection by defining new impact-based drought indices through Machine Learning algorithms. These indices are designed to better link the observed impacts of extreme droughts across different sectors with their potential drivers, including climatic, meteorological, and hydrological variables, analyzed across multiple spatial and temporal scales. The methodology is applied to the case study of the Adda River basin, focusing on the multisectoral impacts of drought on agricultural production, hydroelectric generation, and recreational and ecosystem services.

The definition of impact-based drought indices relies on the FRamework for Index-based Drought Analysis (FRIDA), which uses a feature extraction algorithm to formulate novel impact-based drought indices that combine all the relevant information about candidate drought drivers (e.g. water levels, snow depth, temperature) to reproduce the observed impacts.

Our findings indicate that FRIDA has produced indices that accurately capture the drought impacts with the Pearson correlation coefficient between observations and model’s outputs that remains consistently above 0.6, with values reaching 0.97 and 0.99 for the hydropower and recreation sectors, respectively. Additionally, it is noteworthy that the inputs selected by the algorithm vary depending on the sector being considered, shedding light on sector-specific connections between drivers and impacts. Ongoing experiments are investigating the potential for further improving our results by adopting a multi-task model for better handling the interdependencies across the impacted sectors with respect single-task models that identify individual indices independently for the different sectors.

How to cite: Merlo, M., Giuliani, M., and Castelletti, A.: Advancing the detection of multi-sector drought impacts via feature extraction and multi-task learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9270,, 2025.

EGU25-9473 | ECS | Orals | NH9.4

Bridging Drought Indices and Impacts: Forecasting Future Outcomes 

Burak Bulut, Eugene Magee, Rachael Armitage, Maliko Tanguy, Lucy Barker, and Jamie Hannaford

Drought events significantly challenge communities and ecosystems worldwide, emphasising the urgent need for effective predictive methods to facilitate proactive management and to mitigate their impacts. A clear gap exists between theoretical drought indices, such as SPI, SPEI, and SSMI, and the real-world impacts of droughts. This study aims to address this disparity by leveraging machine learning (ML) techniques to predict reported drought impacts, using data from the European Drought Impact Database (EDID). A variety of ML algorithms, including Random Forest, Quantile Random Forest, Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator, XGBoost and Linear Regression were assessed. The study also uses likelihood forecasting to quantify the probability of drought impacts. This probabilistic approach and use of lagged indices allows for a deeper understanding of the range of possible outcomes, enabling decision-makers to plan and prepare for varying levels of drought severity.
Unlike location-specific modelling approaches, this study proposes a generalized ML model applicable across the UK. The model's robustness was validated using independent datasets from different regions and periods. The findings indicated that categorising impacts into severity levels, rather than predicting the exact number of impacts and improved the model's accuracy and interpretability. Additionally, the model was applied at a grid scale to generate impact-based drought maps, providing a valuable tool for decision-making in drought risk management. This methodological approach enhances decision-making processes for drought risk management, demonstrating the practical utility of ML techniques that can be applied globally, beyond the UK.

How to cite: Bulut, B., Magee, E., Armitage, R., Tanguy, M., Barker, L., and Hannaford, J.: Bridging Drought Indices and Impacts: Forecasting Future Outcomes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9473,, 2025.

EGU25-10520 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.4

Advancing drought impact data collection for the Italian Alps through automatic harvesting and analysis of textual data 

Stefano Terzi, Alessandra Pomella, Jennifer-Carmen Frey, Luigi Piemontese, Edoardo Cremonese, and Massimiliano Pittore

Research on climate extremes, particularly droughts, is largely limited by the lack of impact data. Current impact data are often sparse if not completely inaccessible or absent. This is the ongoing condition also for mountain areas, which, despite hosting important and interconnected environmental and socio-economic systems, are increasingly impacted by droughts with limited to no-data coverage.

This work explores the use of textual data from online Italian newspaper articles, blogs, and reports to collect information on drought impacts on different socio-economic sectors and regions across the Italian Alps. In particular, we developed a pipeline to create an open database of drought news reporting. We used natural language processing (NLP) methods to automatically (i) extract news articles from Google News using drought-related keywords in Italian language, (ii) filter and clean the retrieved articles extracting text bodies, and (iii) classify them, identifying the impacted sectors (e.g., agriculture, hydropower, tourism) and regions. We evaluated the performance of different state-of-the-art NLP models on the chosen classification tasks (e.g., relevance to the drought topic, extraction of the impacted location) based on both standard NLP metrics and (environmental) resource consumption criteria.

Preliminary results show patterns of correspondence between the frequency of harvested drought impact news and the general trend of drought conditions in the north of Italy (e.g. maximum values of news items in summer 2022 and spring 2023). Around 60% of the collected news items were classified as relevant to the drought topic, 35% were recorded as explicitly covering drought impacts, while 15% were reported to deal with drought damages in detail. Regarding the detection of impacted sectors and locations inside news bodies, due to task complexity, selected models reported varied performance with results highly dependent on the specific news structure and context.

Overall, this study (i) presents a workflow to collect drought impact data for the Italian Alps into an open database, enabling near-real time drought impact monitoring, (ii) enriches the developed database with information on news relevance to the drought topic, documented impacts, and mentioned locations, including reliability estimates for given classifications, (iii) offers methodological guidance for future research by providing information on best performing algorithms and environmental cost criteria, (iv) has the potential for transferability to other areas, languages, or natural hazards to improve the understanding of climate extremes impacts and implement targeted and effective adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Terzi, S., Pomella, A., Frey, J.-C., Piemontese, L., Cremonese, E., and Pittore, M.: Advancing drought impact data collection for the Italian Alps through automatic harvesting and analysis of textual data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10520,, 2025.

EGU25-13779 | Posters on site | NH9.4

Utilizing Satellite Data for Large-Scale Monitoring and Analysis of Flash Droughts Across the Contiguous United States  

Alireza Farahmand, Masoud Zeraati, Richard Seager, Nima Madani, Amir AghaKouchak, Yixin Wen, Hayley Fowler, Ali Mehran, and Nicholas Parazoo

Flash droughts can develop suddenly, often within just a few weeks, and are marked by rapidly depleting soil moisture and intense heat stress. These conditions can have devastating effects on crop growth and disrupt entire ecosystems. What makes flash droughts especially challenging is their tendency to occur during the peak growing season, leaving little time for the agricultural and ecological sectors to prepare or mitigate losses. While a lack of precipitation is the primary trigger, other factors like high evaporative demand, low humidity, increased solar radiation, and clear skies can intensify their onset. Since flash droughts are driven by a combination of factors, it is crucial to rely on diverse and accurate data sources to effectively monitor their development and spread.

Previous studies have largely focused on analyzing the evolution of flash droughts using reanalysis data. However, there has been no comprehensive examination of their development at large scales incorporating a wide range of satellite observations. In this study, we characterized flash droughts over the Contiguous United States (CONUS) using remote sensing data from 2003 to 2020. We employed a unique combination of satellite climatic, agricultural, and ecological variables, including Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD), Relative Humidity (RH), Temperature, ERA5 Soil Moisture, Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Precipitation, MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) Evapotranspiration (ET), Potential Evapotranspiration (PET), Leaf Area Index (LAI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), land cover map, and Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Contiguous Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (CSIF). Flash drought events were identified based on root zone soil moisture (RZSM), with all variables aggregated into 8-day (octad) averages to analyze their temporal evolution and lead-lag correlations with RZSM.

Furthermore, the deteriorating impact of flash droughts associated with background aridity needs to be considered when monitoring their agricultural and ecological impacts. To address this, we investigated ecosystem responses to flash droughts across five climate regimes defined using the Aridity Index (AI) within the CONUS. We separated agricultural lands from natural vegetation to differentiate the development of flash droughts across these distinct ecosystems. Finally, we examined the propagation timeline of flash droughts from meteorological to agricultural and ecological droughts using cross-correlation and Cross Wavelet Transform methods.

How to cite: Farahmand, A., Zeraati, M., Seager, R., Madani, N., AghaKouchak, A., Wen, Y., Fowler, H., Mehran, A., and Parazoo, N.: Utilizing Satellite Data for Large-Scale Monitoring and Analysis of Flash Droughts Across the Contiguous United States , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13779,, 2025.

EGU25-14492 | ECS | Orals | NH9.4

Widespread and Divergent Post-drought Loss of Gross Primary Productivity 

Zhuoyi Zhao, Weimin Ju, and Yanlian Zhou

The impacts of droughts on the terrestrial ecosystem gross primary production (GPP) are evident with contemporaneous and lagged effects. However, the magnitude of post-drought vegetation GPP loss remains unclear. This study quantitatively assessed the global post-drought GPP loss on the 8-day scale during 2000-2022. Globally, the mean post-drought GPP loss was ~0.74 Pg C yr⁻¹, accounting for ~ 21.45% of the total drought-induced GPP loss. The higher proportions of post-drought GPP loss were evident in humid regions, whereas the higher absolute post-drought GPP loss mainly occurred in regions with higher vegetation cover. Furthermore, the global mean incidence and duration of post-drought GPP loss were 51.23 ± 21.21% and 33.36 ± 13.27 days, respectively. The occurrence and persistence of post-drought GPP loss exhibited a consistent correlation with aridity, but an inverse relationship with vegetation composition. Our findings would contribute to a better understanding of the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to drought.

How to cite: Zhao, Z., Ju, W., and Zhou, Y.: Widespread and Divergent Post-drought Loss of Gross Primary Productivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14492,, 2025.

EGU25-14575 | ECS | Orals | NH9.4

Spatial Analysis of Drought Perceived Impacts Using Social Media Text Mining 

Jingxian Wang, Barbara Pernici, and Andrea Castelletti

Droughts affect diverse sectors, including water resources, agricultural productivity, and ecosystem stability. While indices like the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) are widely employed to measure the intensity of droughts, they tend to focus on meteorological and hydrological aspects instead of social and economic dimensions. Notably, droughts of comparable meteorological severity can have vastly different outcomes, influenced by disparities in infrastructure, economic resilience, and community preparedness. Recent drought studies have highlighted the potential of integrating text mining and natural language processing to enhance drought impact assessments. However, many of these studies rely on official reports or newspapers, which often face limitations in temporal and spatial resolution due to the constraints of available data sources. In contrast, social media platforms like Twitter (X) host and disseminate real-time text data from individuals experiencing drought events, providing more granular and dynamic information about drought impacts that traditional methods may struggle to capture.

This study seeks to develop a framework for assessing perceived drought impacts through a set of sectoral impact scores generated from social media data by leveraging text mining techniques. Furthermore, the research compares these social media-derived scores with severity data from the report-based European Drought Impact Database (EDID) and physical drought indices to identify similarities and discrepancies between public perceived impacts, officially reported impacts, and meteorological drought intensity. To our knowledge, this is the first study to convert social media text into indicators of drought impacts across multiple categories, offering an innovative complement to traditional indices and enhancing our understanding of how affected communities perceive drought events.

Focusing on the 2022 Italian drought, we analyzed location-specific tweets using sentence embedding and large language models to identify sector-specific topics. We then examined the spatial and temporal patterns of perceived sectoral impact scores across Italy based on each tweet's relevance to the identified impact sectors. Our analysis revealed that Twitter activity about droughts peaked in the summer, with water availability and societal responses drawing the most attention in Northern Italy. This activity pattern closely aligned with the seasonality identified by SPI metrics, with areas of extreme drought conditions expanded during the summer months. On the other hand, comparisons with the report-based EDID showed inconsistencies, as EDID emphasized more severe impacts on agriculture. This suggests that while social media captures timely public perceived impacts, it may fail to fully reflect the depth or breadth of impacts in certain sectors due to the underrepresentation of specific groups on these platforms.

How to cite: Wang, J., Pernici, B., and Castelletti, A.: Spatial Analysis of Drought Perceived Impacts Using Social Media Text Mining, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14575,, 2025.

EGU25-14905 | Posters on site | NH9.4

Completing the drought impact database for the transboundary region of the Prut Valley (Romania/Republic of Moldova) 

Mihai Ciprian Margarint, Tatiana Bunduc, Mihai Niculita, Iurie Bejan, Andra-Cosmina Albulescu, Ioana Chiriac, Aliona Botnari, Elena-Oana Chelariu, Andreea-Daniela Fedor, and Andrei Enea

Knowledge on the impact of droughts represents a pivotal milestone for the assessment of drought risk and the improvement of water management. While drought as a hazard has a non-boundary spatial pattern, different countries, with different socio-economic backgrounds can be characterized by various levels of vulnerability and follow different paths to cope with its. Deciphering the impacts of the past drought events can considerably improve societal complex responses and inform the choice of adaptive measures and water supply management in the face of the future similar events. Building-up a database of past droughts along the Prut Valley represents the first work package of the project: “Exploring the paths to cope with hydro-climatic risks in transboundary rural areas along the Prut Valley. A multi-criteria analysis”. A comprehensive database was created regarding the events recorded between 1860 and 2024 on both banks of the Prut River. The data were gathered from scientific literature and by exploring the digital and printed newspapers from both countries (written in Romanian, in Romanian with Cyrillic characters and in Russian). The information about droughts has been recorded and presented differently, mainly because of particular political, economic, and social conditions from the two countries (we mention that during the period 1918-1940 both territories were within the same borders). The supervised collection of the impact of droughts made possible a rigorous selection of events, eliminating duplicates, irrelevant news, and an in depth analysis of cascading impacts. The value of this database is multiplied by the geoscientific expertise of the authors as well as by the investigation of all the available documents.

The main result consists in the identification of the main temporal benchmarks (such as those from 1904, 1907, 1928, 1946, 1965) and spatial hotspots (especially in the southern part of the study area) in the manifestation of droughts. Coupling the database with GIS techniques that allow us a large type of assigned attributes, the cartographical outputs of this work will clearly contribute to an accurate configuration of past drought events. This constitutes a scientific starting point for drought risk assessment, better choices of adaptive measures and the improvement of water management targeting citizens, farmers, and decision-makers.

Some conclusions can be addressed regarding future approaches of the mitigation of droughts in rural agricultural areas such as our study area: (i) droughts are not only a farmers major problem but they affect entire rural communities; (ii) solving local capacity to develop alternative water supply during the summer must represent not only a local/regional priority but a national and European Union one; (iii) increasing resilience to droughts must include a participatory locally-adapted approach based on the experience of citizens; (iv) there is a pressing need to acknowledge the importance of transboundary network and projects, especially in the case of droughts monitoring and proactive water management.

How to cite: Margarint, M. C., Bunduc, T., Niculita, M., Bejan, I., Albulescu, A.-C., Chiriac, I., Botnari, A., Chelariu, E.-O., Fedor, A.-D., and Enea, A.: Completing the drought impact database for the transboundary region of the Prut Valley (Romania/Republic of Moldova), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14905,, 2025.

EGU25-15865 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.4

Drought Risk Assessment in Crisis Context: A Collaborative Approach for Sudan. 

Luca Trotter, Michel Isabellon, Edoardo Cremonese, Alessandro Masoero, Safa Babiker, Salwa Ali, Haitham Khogly, Elfadil Mohammed Mahmoud, Hind Saeed Sabar, Adam Ibrahim Abdella, Mohamedalameen Abkar, Mohammed Ibrahim Abohassabo, Abuelgasim I. I. Musa, Elabbas Adam Nagi Adam, Eman Eltayeb Abdelkreem Mohamed, Lauro Rossi, and Nicola Testa

We present the methodology for near real-time monitoring of emerging drought risk in Sudan, resulting in the release of a national drought risk bulletin every 10-days to inform local stakeholders, humanitarian organizations and policymakers. The bulletin stems from a collaboration between CIMA Research Foundation and Sudanese partners, within the framework of the APIS initiative - Early Warning and Civil Protection for Floods and Droughts in Sudan - funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. The bulletin is co-created by nine Sudanese institutions with diverse economic, social or scientific expertise under the coordination of the National Council of Civil Defence NCCD, national body in charge of disaster risk reduction operations. Sudan is particularly vulnerable to drought impacts due to its climate, demographic and economy. This vulnerability has been further intensified by the war that erupted in April 2023, creating one of the most severe humanitarian crises in recent history. In this context, this collaboration enhances local resiliency and disaster preparedness while maintaining and supporting local expertise and know-how in a period of crisis. 

For the publication of the bulletin, drought risk is evaluated separately for three possible impact categories: croplands, rangelands and population.  For each of these, a combination of datasets from publicly available sources and datasets provided by the local partners are used to estimate the hazard, exposure and vulnerability components of risk. For hazard estimation, the combined drought indicator (CDI) is used for hazard to crops and pastures, whereas a 12-month standardised precipitation index (SPI12) is used as a proxy for water availability for the population.  

Regarding exposure and vulnerability, a collaborative approach was followed. Several relevant datasets were gathered and discussed with the representatives of the institutions participating in the creation of the bulletin to assess their correctness, validity and relevance. The selected datasets were weighted by the participants based on their expertise to collaboratively estimate the most suitable exposure and vulnerability layers for each of the three impact categories. Finally, a dynamic component was added to these layers considering global phenology data (for croplands and rangelands) as well as the implementation of an innovative approach to capture changes in population vulnerability during the dry season taking into consideration water availability and losses over time. 

The bulletin has been operational since November 2024 and all the data and results are available to all stakeholders through a tailored access to the online platform myDEWETRA.World.

How to cite: Trotter, L., Isabellon, M., Cremonese, E., Masoero, A., Babiker, S., Ali, S., Khogly, H., Mahmoud, E. M., Sabar, H. S., Abdella, A. I., Abkar, M., Abohassabo, M. I., Musa, A. I. I., Nagi Adam, E. A., Abdelkreem Mohamed, E. E., Rossi, L., and Testa, N.: Drought Risk Assessment in Crisis Context: A Collaborative Approach for Sudan., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15865,, 2025.

EGU25-16115 | Orals | NH9.4

A Tree Vitality Monitor for the German Railway Network - RailVitaliTree 

Daniel Rutte, Larissa Billig, Achim Braeuning, Marc Braun, Sascha Gey, Martin Haeusser, Mathias Herbst, Randolf Klinke, Wolfgang Kurtz, Paul Schmidt-Walther, Benjamin Stöckigt, and Sonja Szymczak

Tree vitality is a key factor influencing natural hazard-related risks for rail transport, yet it has been little considered in risk models and management concepts. This is primarily due to a lack of reliable tree vitality data along railways. In the project “RailVitaliTree – Tree vitality monitoring and modelling of drought-related risks along railroads with remote sensing and dendroecology”, we are developing a tree vitality monitor for the tree population along Germany’s railway network.

We analyze time-series data – including multispectral satellite images, dendroecological data and climate data – to deepen our understanding of the relationship between climate and tree vitality in the specific microclimate along railways. Based on our findings, we will assess the long-term consequences of drought in a changing climate and its multiplier effects on other natural hazard-related risks. Ultimately, our goal is to enhance the resilience of rail transport to vegetation-related disturbances. Our focus is on the four major tree species in Germany: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), european spruce (Picea abies), pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) and common beech (Fagus sylvatica).

In this presentation, we outline our initial steps, study sites and methodology. For our retrospective climate analysis, we examine the spatial distribution and temporal changes in drought stress of these four major tree species from 1961 to the present, using the water balance model LWF-Brook90. We also conduct a correlation analysis to explore the relationship between modelled drought stress and observed changes in tree vitality, as indicated by satellite data (based on the ForestWatch Tool:

Additionally, we present preliminary dendroecological results from our study sites. We compare growth data from trees along the rail with that of trees in nearby forest stands. This analysis ultimately aims to identify potential forest edge effects and evaluate whether trees along the rail are more susceptible to drought stress.

How to cite: Rutte, D., Billig, L., Braeuning, A., Braun, M., Gey, S., Haeusser, M., Herbst, M., Klinke, R., Kurtz, W., Schmidt-Walther, P., Stöckigt, B., and Szymczak, S.: A Tree Vitality Monitor for the German Railway Network - RailVitaliTree, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16115,, 2025.

EGU25-16467 | ECS | Orals | NH9.4

The World Drought Atlas: a wake-up call on drought risks and resilience  

Tessa Maurer, Edoardo Cremonese, Lauro Rossi, Andrea Toreti, Daniel Tsegai, Marthe Wens, Hans de Moel, Anne-Sophie Sabino Siemons, Juan Acosta Navarro, Arthur Hrast Essenfelder, Danila Volpi, Davide Cotti, Edward Sparkes, and Michael Hagenlocher

The World Drought Atlas is a new flagship report, produced in collaboration with the U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), the European Commission, and other partners, which aims to raise awareness of drought risk and resilience. Formally introduced at UNCCD's 16th Conference of Parties in Riyadh in December 2024, the Atlas is aimed at national and regional governments and policymakers, providing a starting point for implementing measures to address drought risks. Using primarily visual materials, the Atlas aims to: i) synthesize, map, and characterize current and future drivers that contribute to drought risks at the global level, ii) illustrate viable risk management and adaptation options, and iii) highlight examples from different systems and regions of the world.  

In this presentation, we introduce the Atlas to the research community, briefly covering content and structure before turning to a discussion of the process behind this collaborative effort between scientists and policymakers. We highlight the differences between peer-reviewed research and policy-oriented projects, the value of visual storytelling, and the importance of a globally distributed author list. We also discuss three of the Atlas’ most important messages and how they were addressed: 1) the combined socioecological character of drought, moving away from characterizations of drought as a “natural” hazard; 2) the broad impact of drought geographically, challenging notions that drought is only a problem in the developing world or in arid regions; and 3) the multisectoral and cascading nature of drought impacts, expanding beyond a traditional association of drought with agriculture. We finish with a short discussion of future plans for dissemination of the Atlas and its findings. 

Recognizing that the Atlas is itself an example of cross-disciplinary efforts to promote better drought management and adaptation, we see this discussion as an opportunity to share some of the lessons learned in engaging in interdisciplinary, applied work. We hope this work serves as an example of successful multisectoral collaboration that enhances our collective understanding of drought risks and how to manage and respond to them. 

How to cite: Maurer, T., Cremonese, E., Rossi, L., Toreti, A., Tsegai, D., Wens, M., de Moel, H., Sabino Siemons, A.-S., Acosta Navarro, J., Hrast Essenfelder, A., Volpi, D., Cotti, D., Sparkes, E., and Hagenlocher, M.: The World Drought Atlas: a wake-up call on drought risks and resilience , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16467,, 2025.

To explore the interaction and causality between management decision-making and 
the evolution of anthropogenic drought, we proposed a comprehensive decision
evaluating framework and analytical method. This framework consists of several key 
components: current status description, actions from a virtual agent, the consequences 
of these actions, policy objective design, and the identification of an optimal datum 
policy. In the context of anthropogenic drought, the modified water accounting and 
vulnerability evaluation plus (modified WAVE+) is employed to simulate socio
hydrological interactions, providing a detailed description of the current status. The 
consequences of actions are determined using the Monte-Carlo method, serving as 
conditional probabilities for anthropogenic drought occurrence. The proposed optimal 
objectives, which focus on maximizing supply capacity and minimizing water 
shortages, are achieved using a Q-learning mixed strategy integrated with the modified 
WAVE+. To further analyze the dynamics of anthropogenic drought, we decomposed 
the sources of change in conditional probability into two key factors: anthropogenic 
pressure and vis major. This decoupling of socio-hydrological information allows for a 
more nuanced causality analysis. By comparing the optimal datum policy with the 
quantified evaluations of anthropogenic pressure and vis major, we introduced a 
concept to determine whether drought dynamics are resistible or irresistible and 
whether there is potential for improvement in decision-making. Applying this 
evaluation framework and analytical method to the Shihmen water supply system in 
Northern Taiwan, we not only demonstrated how anthropogenic drought co-evolves 
with water resource management policies but also conducted an irresistible and 
causality analysis of historical drought events. 

How to cite: Liu, C.-Y. and Hsu, S.-Y.: From Causes to Consequences: A Novel Aspect for Evaluating Anthropogenic Drought and Water Resource Management Policies , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16920,, 2025.

EGU25-18424 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.4

Deciphering Vulnerability Dynamics: A Review on Conceptual and Methodological Pluralism in Dynamic Drought Vulnerability Assessments 

Maike Schlebusch, Davide Cotti, Marthe Wens, Anne F. Van Loon, Mariana Madruga de Brito, Sarra Kchouk, and Michael Hagenlocher

Drought risks are characterized by complex characteristics and processes, which underpin all risk components, i.e. hazard, exposure and vulnerability. The dynamics of drought vulnerability are of particular interest since they can provide important information for adaptive risk management and adaptation practices in the face of growing drought risks, where a static understanding of vulnerability may not be effective or even prove to be maladaptive. For this reason, the scientific and policy-making communities have been increasingly advocating for including vulnerability dynamics in drought risk assessments. However, no overview exists of how scientists approach drought vulnerability dynamics, and there is a lack of conceptual clarity as to which types of changes (e.g. temporal, spatial, or system’s drivers and components) should be the object of dynamic vulnerability assessments.

To fill this gap, we carried out a systematic review of drought vulnerability dynamics to shed light on concepts, approaches, and methodologies available in the scientific literature. The review covered English peer-reviewed publications retrieved from the Scopus database and refined through multiple steps of assessment, using fixed inclusion/exclusion criteria and a “four-eyes” principle. Our review shows that only a minority of the studies considered and assessed vulnerability in its dynamic components. Moreover, within these, most of the applications only considered temporal dynamics, i.e. changes through time, and only a minority investigated drought vulnerability dynamics within a multi-hazard context. This highlights that more research is required to fully account for the complexity of drought risks and to better support risk management. The review results were also instrumental in informing a novel conceptual framework on vulnerability dynamics, which can guide future research advancements and applications, beyond the confines of any single hazards.

How to cite: Schlebusch, M., Cotti, D., Wens, M., Van Loon, A. F., de Brito, M. M., Kchouk, S., and Hagenlocher, M.: Deciphering Vulnerability Dynamics: A Review on Conceptual and Methodological Pluralism in Dynamic Drought Vulnerability Assessments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18424,, 2025.

The simultaneous occurrence of high river discharges and storm surges represent a substantial hazard for many low-lying coastal areas.
Potential future changes in the frequency or intensity of such compound flood events is therefore of utmost importance.
To assess such changes large and consistent ensembles with storm surge and hydrological models are needed that are hardly available.
Often the occurrence of compound flood events is linked to the presence of certain atmospheric circulation types.
Future changes in the frequency of such patterns can be directly inferred from available climate simulations. 
A frequently used classification of atmospheric circulation types are the so-called ‘Großwetterlagen’ by Hess and Brezowsky.
Here possible future changes in the occurrence of these ‘Großwetterlagen’ were analysed using data from 31 realisations of CMIP6 climate simulations for the emission scenarios SSP1-2.6, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5.
As the classification is subjective, a deep learning ensemble for the automatic classification was developed and applied.
In winter, a higher frequency of the atmospheric pattern Cyclonic Westerly towards 2100 could be inferred as a robust result among all models and scenarios.
As this circulation type is potentially associated with compound flooding in some parts of the European coasts, this points towards potentially increasing risks from compound flooding in the future.

How to cite: Heinrich, P., Hagemann, S., and Weisse, R.: Automated Classification of Atmospheric Circulation Types for Compound Flood Risk Assessment: CMIP6 Model Analysis Utilising a Deep Learning Ensemble, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-159,, 2025.

EGU25-1720 | Orals | NH9.5

Environmental plague monitoring : Desert Locust prediction with artificial intelligence and stochastic model 

Maximilien Houël, Alessandro Grassi, Kimani Bellotto, and Wassim Azami

Desert locusts are known as the world’s most destructive migratory pest. In the context of the European project EO4EU and European Space Agency (ESA) project IDEAS, a service has been developed, divided in two parts: a first part as early warning to monitor suitable ecosystem for locust to breed, a second part as impact assessment simulating the evolution of swarms.

The first part aims at predicting favorable breeding grounds for desert locusts seven days in advance by checking environmental conditions of the previous fifty days. Used environmental variables are Soil water content, Precipitation, and Temperature from ERA-5 land (Copernicus Climate). Additionally, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) from MODIS plays a role in the prediction. Locust information for model training was taken from a presence-only dataset provided by FAO’s Locust Watch. Actual most effective model is a customized version of Maxent. The latter is a statistical model widely used by researchers for species distribution modeling (SDM) as it is designed to work with presence-only datasets. Our model keeps Maxent's principles modifying the internal structure replacing the linear machine learning model with a Gated recurrent unit (GRU). This enables the model learning complex patterns and better understand the temporal evolution of features. Input data are time series where every time-step is a 5-day average of the above mentioned environmental variables, 50 days into 10 time steps. Data have been split into train and validation sets by using as training locust findings from 2000 to 2019 and as  validation findings from 2020 to 2021. Since no locust absence information is provided, only two evaluation techniques are used: recall, which reaches 76%, and positively predicted area which is at ~17%.

The second part aims at evaluating the geographic footprint that adult locusts will have within a two-week time frame. The focus is on forecasting migration patterns, as locusts are able to travel long distances in short periods and explore new areas unpredictably. The strength of this model lies in its stochastic structure since it simulates an environmental-biased random walk on a 2D lattice, generating batches of diverse potential scenarios. This approach incorporates complex driving-factors for migrations and considers all various paths that swarms may take. Another strength is the ability to account for environmental conditions throughout the entire lifespan of desert locusts, enabling the prediction of future movements while also considering past ones. The model takes as input temperature and wind data while all the parameters and assumptions about the locust biology are taken from the FAO “Desert Locust Guidelines: Biology and Behavior”. Collecting environmental variables is essential, as they not only trigger migration events but also determine the direction and speed of swarm movement. Finally, the model produces output maps that estimate the probabilities of future appearance of swarms and their potential sizes.

Predicted results for both parts are showing promising correlation with FAO reports on desert locust activity, additionally ground verification are on-going in order to test the performance of the model.

How to cite: Houël, M., Grassi, A., Bellotto, K., and Azami, W.: Environmental plague monitoring : Desert Locust prediction with artificial intelligence and stochastic model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1720,, 2025.

EGU25-3142 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.5

Improving Resilience to Wind Extremes: An AI-Driven Approach 

Laura Cornejo-Bueno, César Peláez-Rodríguez, David Guijo-Rubio, Cosmin Marina, and Sancho Salcedo-Sanz

Wind extremes, encompassing both high-intensity wind events and periods of diminished wind activity, pose multifaceted challenges across sectors such as renewable energy production, infrastructure resilience, and environmental risk management. These phenomena, driven by complex interactions within atmospheric systems, demand innovative analytical and predictive approaches. This study explores the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to address these challenges, focusing on its potential to enhance the identification of patterns, improve forecasting accuracy, and integrate diverse meteorological datasets. By leveraging machine learning models and exploring their adaptability to wind-related datasets, this work aims to outline a framework for robust analysis and prediction of wind extremes. The versatility of AI techniques in handling the complexities of wind extremes positions them as pivotal tools for improving preparedness and resilience in various sectors.

How to cite: Cornejo-Bueno, L., Peláez-Rodríguez, C., Guijo-Rubio, D., Marina, C., and Salcedo-Sanz, S.: Improving Resilience to Wind Extremes: An AI-Driven Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3142,, 2025.

EGU25-3203 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.5

Attribution with Multivariate Analogues: a heat waves scenario 

Cosmin M. Marina, Eugenio Lorente-Ramos, Laura Cornejo-Bueno, David Barriopedro, Ricardo García-Herrera, Matteo Giuliani, Enrico Scoccimarro, Eduardo Zorita, Andrea Castelletti, and Sancho Salcedo-Sanz

This study introduces an innovative preprocessing technique utilizing an Autoencoder (AE) as an alternative to the traditional multivariate Analogue Method (AM). The newly proposed method, MvAE-AM, is employed to reconstruct historical heat wave events: France in 2003, the Balkans in 2007, Russia in 2010, and Spain in 1995. The AE effectively extracts critical information from variables such as soil moisture (SM), potential evaporation (PEva), mean sea level pressure (MSL), and geopotential height at 500 hPa (Z500) into a more compact univariate latent space. Subsequently, the conventional univariate AM is utilized to identify analogous past situations within this latent space, focusing on minimizing the distance to the analyzed heat wave. This analysis is extended to comparing factual and contrafactual scenarios, where the attribution of the anthropogenic impact can be studied. Our evaluation of the proposed MvAE-AM method against the standard multivariate AM (MvAM) reveals that it not only simplifies the complexity of the problem but also enhances accuracy. Furthermore, a significant advantage of the AE-based approach over classical statistical methods is its capacity for detailed explainability analysis, facilitated by explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) techniques such as SHAP. This analysis elucidates the temporal, spatial, and variable-specific factors that most significantly influence heat wave occurrences, with notable patterns of Ridges and Blocking observed across several heat wave events.

How to cite: Marina, C. M., Lorente-Ramos, E., Cornejo-Bueno, L., Barriopedro, D., García-Herrera, R., Giuliani, M., Scoccimarro, E., Zorita, E., Castelletti, A., and Salcedo-Sanz, S.: Attribution with Multivariate Analogues: a heat waves scenario, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3203,, 2025.

EGU25-4320 | ECS | Orals | NH9.5

A Deep Learning Pipeline for Urban Flood Depth Estimation from Street-Level Imagery. 

Nicla Notarangelo, Charlotte Wirion, and Frankwin Van Winsen

Flooding remains one of the most frequent and damaging natural disasters globally, exacerbated by climate changes and rapid urbanization. Understanding and mitigating urban flood risk requires near-real-time, fine-scale monitoring, including flood depth estimation. This study introduces a deep learning-based pipeline for estimating urban flood depth using device-independent street-level imagery, to complement existing remote, in-situ and hydrological approaches. By leveraging opportunistic sensing, this method exploits open-source tools to enhance spatial granularity and accessibility in flood monitoring.

The dataset, derived from a publicly available source, consisted of 3,367 annotated images of submerged vehicles, categorized into five flood levels based on water height relative to vehicle features (e.g., tires, chassis, windows). Cars were selected as reference objects due to their standardized dimensions and prevalence in urban environments, enabling consistent and reliable flood depth estimation.

The proposed pipeline processes images through an end-to-end workflow designed for real-time inference. It consists of four sequential stages: (1) vehicles are detected in street-level images using a pre-trained YOLO-World model; (2) detected vehicle regions are cropped and resized with a 20% bounding box enlargement to include flood visual indicators and additional context cues for the classification.; (3) images are super-resolved using pre-trained Enhanced Deep Super-Resolution (EDSR) networks to improve low-resolution imagery; (4) images are classified according the flood depth level using a ResNet50 model fine-tuned on the annotated dataset.

The classifier demonstrated robust performance across the five flood levels. The confusion matrix revealed minor misclassifications between adjacent classes, particularly Levels 0 and Level 1. One-vs-all area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC) values exceeded 0.85 for all classes, with the highest performance observed for Level 4 (AUC = 0.98) and Level 0 (AUC = 0.94). Real-world validation using crowdsourced images from the 2021 flood in Central Europe confirmed the pipeline's reliability, delivering accurate and consistent flood level predictions in near-real-time.

This research advances urban flood monitoring by introducing a cost-effective and adaptable method for flood depth estimation that leverages existing devices without specialized hardware. The pipeline’s modular design ensures scalability and seamless integration into early warning systems and disaster response platforms. Future work will explore its application to aerial and drone imagery with oblique perspectives and develop cross-view geolocalization of flood depth measurements to improve spatial coverage and accuracy.

How to cite: Notarangelo, N., Wirion, C., and Van Winsen, F.: A Deep Learning Pipeline for Urban Flood Depth Estimation from Street-Level Imagery., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4320,, 2025.

EGU25-4349 | ECS | Orals | NH9.5

Using AI-driven weather prediction models for attribution of extreme events to climate change 

Bernat Jiménez-Esteve, David Barriopedro, Juan Emmanuel Johnson, and Ricardo García-Herrera

Anthropogenic climate change (ACC) is intensifying the frequency and severity of extreme events globally, such as extreme heatwaves and heavy precipitation. Attributing individual extreme events (EEs) to ACC is critical for assessing the risks of climate change. A common method for addressing this challenge is the pseudo-global-warming (PGW) approach, which involves removing the thermodynamic ACC signal from the initial and boundary conditions in a weather or climate model to simulate the event under preindustrial conditions. However, traditional numerical, physics-based models require substantial computational resources and expertise, often delaying attribution results. This study introduces a novel attribution method that integrates the PGW approach with cutting-edge artificial intelligence weather prediction (AIWP) models. By leveraging AIWP models, which offer rapid and efficient computations, this method significantly accelerates the process of extreme event attribution, thus copying with the demand of information on due time. The ACC signal is estimated using CMIP6 historical simulations and subtracted from the initial conditions to enable AIWP model forecasts of the event without ACC influence.

Using this hybrid approach, we quantify the impact of ACC on several recent heatwave events, including the 2018 Iberian heatwave the 2022 Pacific Northwest heatwave, and the 2023 Brazilian heatwave. Our results reveal clear ACC fingerprints in the forecasted temperature fields, showing an overall increase in the severity of these events due to climate change, but with regional differences. We further validate these findings by applying the method to a hybrid-AI atmospheric model, which quantifies the role of sea surface temperature anomalies in intensifying these extreme events.

Beyond heatwaves, this approach demonstrates its versatility by detecting ACC fingerprints in extratropical cyclones. For example, the method indicates that ACC contributed to the enhanced winds associated with the extratropical bomb cyclone Ciarán that impacted Western Europe in 2023. While the method has some limitations, such as sensitivity to initial conditions and uncertainties in CMIP6 projections, it represents a significant step forward in the rapid and accessible attribution of extreme events.

How to cite: Jiménez-Esteve, B., Barriopedro, D., Johnson, J. E., and García-Herrera, R.: Using AI-driven weather prediction models for attribution of extreme events to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4349,, 2025.

EGU25-4918 | Posters on site | NH9.5

Study on the precipitation tolerance capacity of urban drainage infrastructure and artificial intelligence disaster prevention and early warning 

Shenghsueh Yang, Wenhao Leu, Mengchen Chen, Jiunhuei Kuo, and Kehchia Yeh

Urban flooding has occurred in many cities in recent years, causing economic and property losses in severe cases. Taiwan also faces the same risk of urban flooding. This study is divided into two stages. The first stage is to understand the possible causes of drainage bottlenecks in urban areas through urban hydrological and hydrological models, so as to understand the current urban drainage precipitation tolerance capacity to withstand rainwater. The second stage uses real-time and forecast rainfall to forecast water level are calculated by (1) automatic scheduling and calculation of the hydrological and hydraulic models and (2) artificial intelligence combined with big data to predict the water level as a disaster prevention warning and prediction tool. The forecast water levels are calculated for the bottleneck channel section, and then forecasts and other disaster prevention monitoring and early warning are combined with strategies such as early operation of the downstream outlet pumping station of the drainage system to improve the flooding problem in local low-lying areas. This study focuses on the problems faced by Taiwan in urban area drainage improvement projects, such as the complexity of traffic and underground pipelines for people's livelihood. Moreover, extreme rainfall caused by severe convective weather every summer has become one of the main causes of urban flooding. In addition, due to climate change, the hydrological characteristics of urban areas have also changed, such as two consecutive rounds of concentrated rainfall and multi-distributed rainfall. Concentrated rainfall in the region exceeded the drainage design protection standards and caused widespread flooding. In 2024, Taipei City, New Taipei City (located in northern Taiwan), and Kaohsiung City (located in southern Taiwan) all experienced two heavy rains, with rainfall exceeding 80-90 mm per hour, causing serious urban flooding disasters. This indicates that concentrated rainfall in the city makes it difficult for urban rainwater sewer drainage in local low-lying areas of the city to resist such floods. In addition to low-lying areas, it needs to further understand the hydrological disaster prevention in urban areas and which important urban roads are prone to urban flooding due to this type of rainfall, so as to provide disaster prevention strategies. Before the project is improved, the non-engineering rainwater system adaptation and disaster prevention strategies of urban drainage are carried out. According to the characteristics of drainage systems in different sections, suitable strategies are integrated to reduce the frequency of flooding in urban areas and improve the adaptation of urban precipitation tolerance capacity. Strategies such as precipitation tolerance capacity are formulated, and the case of New Taipei City is used to illustrate.

How to cite: Yang, S., Leu, W., Chen, M., Kuo, J., and Yeh, K.: Study on the precipitation tolerance capacity of urban drainage infrastructure and artificial intelligence disaster prevention and early warning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4918,, 2025.

EGU25-5964 | ECS | Orals | NH9.5

Integrating the measurement of Soil Water Content by proximal Cosmic-Rays Neutron Sensors in the assessment of wildfire susceptibility 

Anna Del Savio, Stefano Gianessi, Fabio Zecchini, Rolando Rizzolo, Barbara Biasuzzi, Luca Stevanato, Marcello Lunardon, and Enrico Gazzola

It is widely recognised that the ability of measure Soil Water Content (SWC) is crucial to improve early warning systems for environmental hazards like floods, droughts, landslides, avalanches and wildfires. However, hydrological variables are notably more difficult to measure than meteorological variables. Common technologies to measure SWC are invasive point-scale probes, which are hardly representative of a wider area, unsuitable for coarse-textured soils and easy to be broken or lost. The main alternative is remote sensing, which suffers limits related to spatial resolution, measurement depth and continuity.

As an attempt to compensate for the lack of measurements of hydrological variables, computational models are widely used to derive them from meteorological ones. For example, the Canadian-developed Fire Weather Index (FWI) relies mainly on precipitations and temperature to evaluate the dryness of the soil. Indeed models still need to be validated and improved using measured data.

Proximal sensors based on the concept of Cosmic Rays Neutrons Sensing (CRNS) emerged as a reliable option for non-invasive measurement of SWC, within a large footprint (hectares), in depth (tens of cm) and with sub-daily resolution. CRNS is based on the detection of neutrons, which are generated in the atmosphere by the interaction of cosmic rays (high energy particles naturally flowing from space), then backscattered by the soil and effectively absorbed by water, due to their strong interaction with hydrogen. CRNS systems can easily be integrated in meteorological stations and operate autonomously also in remote areas, while transmitting the data for a real-time monitoring.

In the framework of the MOSAIC Project*, six CRNS systems manufactured by Finapp were installed in sites selected to span different altitudes vegetation types and exposures, integrating them into pre-existent meteorological stations. Computation of the FWI is also available for the same sites. We will compare the information provided by the CRNS with the output of the FWI and discuss how the model can be improved by integrating the SWC measurement.

*This work is part of the MOSAIC Project (Managing prOtective foreSt fAcIng clImate Change compound events), co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg Alpine Space programme (Project ID: ASP0100014), and it involves the use of data provided by courtesy of ARPAV (Dipartimento Regionale per la Sicurezza del Territorio).

How to cite: Del Savio, A., Gianessi, S., Zecchini, F., Rizzolo, R., Biasuzzi, B., Stevanato, L., Lunardon, M., and Gazzola, E.: Integrating the measurement of Soil Water Content by proximal Cosmic-Rays Neutron Sensors in the assessment of wildfire susceptibility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5964,, 2025.

EGU25-8699 | ECS | Orals | NH9.5

Forecasting heat stress using data-driven model outputs 

Soledad Collazo, Cosmin M. Marina, Ricardo García-Herrera, David Barriopedro, and Sancho Salcedo-Sanz

Heat stress represents a major risk to human health, making the development of advanced warning systems essential for safeguarding individuals and communities. Data-driven models, such as FourCastNet, PanguWeather, and GraphCast, provide rapid, accurate, and publicly accessible forecasts of meteorological variables. However, these models do not provide all the variables required to calculate thermal stress indices, such as the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI). To address this limitation, this study proposes a method to estimate the UTCI for southern South America using a subset of variables available from these data-driven models. First, feature selection techniques were applied, including stepwise selection and a wrapper evolutionary approach based on the Probabilistic Coral-Reef Optimization with Substrate Layers algorithm (PCRO-SL). These techniques were used to identify key variables both at the individual grid point level and within homogeneous regions of the UTCI, defined through k-means clustering. The selected variables were then incorporated into various regression and classification models, ranging from simple linear methods to the advanced Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM). The performance of these models was evaluated against the ground-truth UTCI data provided by ERA5-HEAT. Results show that the combination of PCRO-SL and LGBM yielded the most accurate UTCI estimates. Key variables identified included 2-meter temperature, specific humidity, and low-level wind components. Finally, using forecasts of these selected variables from FourCastNet, PanguWeather, and GraphCast, the method was applied to estimate the UTCI during a heatwave. Forecasts up to three days show good agreement between the observed and modeled thermal stress category. Future work will explore improvements through post-processing techniques for the meteorological variables provided by data-driven models.


Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the SAFETE project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 847635 (UNA4CAREER). This work has also been partially supported by the project PID2023-150663NB-C21 of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINNU), and by the EU-funded H2020 project CLINT (Grant Agreement No. 101003876).

How to cite: Collazo, S., Marina, C. M., García-Herrera, R., Barriopedro, D., and Salcedo-Sanz, S.: Forecasting heat stress using data-driven model outputs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8699,, 2025.

EGU25-8954 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.5

Wikimpacts 1.0: A new global climate impact database based on automated information extraction from Wikipedia 

Ni Li, Wim Thiery, Shorouq Zahra, Mariana Madruga de Brito, Koffi Worou, Murathan Kurfali, Seppe Lampe, Paul Munoz, Clare Flynn, Camila Trigoso, Joakim Nivre, Jakob Zscheischler, and Gabriele Messori

Extreme climate events like storms, heatwaves, wildfires, floods, and droughts pose serious threats to human society and ecosystems. Measuring their impacts remains a crucial challenge scientifically. Although data linking climate hazards to socio-economic effects are crucial, their public availability is still relatively sparse. Existing open databases such as the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) and DesInventar Sendai offer some impact data on climate extremes,  but impact data on climate extremes also appear in newspapers, reports, and online sources like Wikipedia.

We introduce Wikimpacts 1.0, a comprehensive global database on climate impacts developed using natural language processing techniques. This database utilizes the GPT4o large language model for extracting information, following document selection,  post-processing, and data consolidation. In this release, we have processed 3,368 Wikipedia articles. Impact data for each event is recorded at three levels: event, national, and sub-national. Categories include the number of deaths, injuries, homelessness, displacements, affected individuals, damaged buildings, and insured or total economic damages. This dataset encompasses 2,928 events from 1034 to 2024, featuring 20,186 national and 36,394 sub-national data entries. Comparison with manually annotated data from 156 events shows that the Wikimpacts database is highly accurate in the event level for time, location, deaths, and economic damage, though details on injuries, affected individuals, homelessness, displacements, and building damage are slightly less precise. An analysis from 1900 to 2024 demonstrates that sub-national data provides more comprehensive coverage of tropical and extratropical storms, and wildfires than EM-DAT, with enhanced data on events in countries like the United States, Mexico, Canada, and Australia. Our study emphasizes the potential of natural language processing in creating open databases with reliable information on climate event impacts.


How to cite: Li, N., Thiery, W., Zahra, S., Madruga de Brito, M., Worou, K., Kurfali, M., Lampe, S., Munoz, P., Flynn, C., Trigoso, C., Nivre, J., Zscheischler, J., and Messori, G.: Wikimpacts 1.0: A new global climate impact database based on automated information extraction from Wikipedia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8954,, 2025.

EGU25-10428 | ECS | Orals | NH9.5

Future Costs of Climate Change for Humanitarian and Disaster Aid 

Juha-Pekka Jäpölä, Anna Berlin, Charlotte Fabri, Sophie Van Schoubroeck, Arthur Hrast Essenfelder, Sepehr Marzi, Karmen Poljansek, Michele Ronco, and Steven Van Passel

The economic impact of climate change on the humanitarian and disaster aid sector is escalating, with 2024 funding needs close to USD 50 billion and projections suggesting worsening conditions. The targets of this aid represent the most fragile countries in the world, but the number of people expected to be in need and the funding required to support them are unknown and difficult to assess – posing an information gap. This study will estimate the economic magnitude of climate impact for humanitarian assistance through 2080.

Leveraging machine learning and a modified damage function framework, we aim to model the relationship from top-down global temperature and precipitation variables, socioeconomic and vulnerability factors like GDP (gross domestic product) and HDI (Human Development Index) to bottom-up populations empirically exposed or affected by climate-related hazards, and finally to those requiring external aid to cope.

We apply Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), a learning method suitable for complex non-linear analysis, to explore this relationship for countries under various shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs) and representative concentration pathways (RCPs). The unique data comprises the INFORM Risk and Climate Change indices as well as humanitarian datasets from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and INFORM Severity. We hypothesise that the analysis will reveal increases in humanitarian needs driven by intensifying climate impacts and extreme events, with implications for resource allocation and policy priorities in the sector.

This novel solution addresses key gaps in the economic modelling of non-market climate risks and integrated assessments models (IAM), advancing the integration of people-based humanitarian data into climate impact assessments via machine learning. Concretely, it will quantify the human cost of a warming climate in the most vulnerable areas of the world and inform climate resilience financing on its priorities.

How to cite: Jäpölä, J.-P., Berlin, A., Fabri, C., Van Schoubroeck, S., Hrast Essenfelder, A., Marzi, S., Poljansek, K., Ronco, M., and Van Passel, S.: Future Costs of Climate Change for Humanitarian and Disaster Aid, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10428,, 2025.

EGU25-11027 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.5

Assessing the impacts of temperature extremes on crop production in the Adda River basin   

Carola Calisi, Matteo Giuliani, Ronan McAdam, Antonello Squintu, Enrico Scoccimarro, and Andrea Castelletti

Climate change is driving an alarming rise in extreme weather events, including heatwaves, droughts, and floods. Among these, heatwaves stand out as the deadliest, with profound and widespread impacts across multiple sectors. Europe is emerging as a global heatwave hotspot, with heatwave frequency increasing almost four times faster than other northern midlatitudes. Agriculture is the most vulnerable sector to temperature extremes, making adaptation measures essential to support food security worldwide.  

In this work, we investigate the impacts of temperature extremes on agricultural productivity in the Adda River basin in northern Italy, in order to inform the design of adaptation strategies and to respond to projected mid-to-long-term climate change. We first simulate historical crop yields using a detailed, process-based model of the agricultural districts. Then, we use correlation analysis and the Patient Rule Induction Method to identify key drivers of crop failure. These drivers include various indices that quantify the occurrence and intensity of heatwave and drought events. Numerical results suggest that the two most important indices are the number of days above the climatology 90th percentile (NDQ90) in June, calculated with daily maximum temperature, and the nighttime Heat Wave Magnitude Index (HWMI), calculated with daily minimum temperature.  

Lastly, we evaluate the projected evolution of these two indices using six CMIP6 climate models across four climate change scenarios. To integrate climate information independently of specific scenarios, models, or periods, we analyze the ensemble of future projections by focusing on two Global Warming Levels (GWLs) calculated with respect to each model’s pre-industrial global temperature, 1.5 °C and 4.0 °C. These are compared to a baseline at a GWL of 0.69 °C corresponding to the warming level of the climatology used to compute the indices from reanalysis data. Our results show that, while both indices are projected to grow considerably relative to the reference period, HWMI displays the greatest increments, with an ensemble average that increases 21-fold when moving from GWL 0.69°C to 4.0 °C. For NDQ90 in June this variation is from 3.40 to 17.09, indicating that, on average, more than half the days in June will experience extreme maximum temperatures at GWL 4.0 °C. These trends suggest the opportunity to replace some of the crops currently cultivated in the area, primarily maize, with more heat-tolerant varieties, such as soy or cereals, in order to ensure a more reliable production in the coming years and decades.  

How to cite: Calisi, C., Giuliani, M., McAdam, R., Squintu, A., Scoccimarro, E., and Castelletti, A.: Assessing the impacts of temperature extremes on crop production in the Adda River basin  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11027,, 2025.

EGU25-15414 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.5

Wind speed prediction using ordinal classification: an analysis of extreme values 

David Guijo-Rubio, Antonio M. Gómez-Orellana, Víctor M. Vargas, Rafael Ayllón-Gavilán, Laura Cornejo-Bueno, Francisco Moreno-Cano, César Hervás-Martínez, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, and Pedro A. Gutiérrez

Wind speed forecasting represents a significant challenge in the global transition to sustainable energy systems. Wind energy, characterised by zero greenhouse gas emissions and relatively low cost, is a renewable resource that depends heavily on meteorological conditions, which are inherently variable and unpredictable. This variability and intermittency present substantial obstacles to ensuring a consistent power supply, underscoring the importance of accurate wind speed prediction as a critical area of research. Among the various approaches explored to address this challenge, machine learning (ML) has emerged as a prominent solution. ML includes methodologies such as regression (predicting continuous values of wind speed) and nominal classification (predicting discrete categories of wind speed). In nominal classification, wind speeds are discretised into classes to provide essential information for wind farm operations. In this study, wind speeds are categorised into four classes: 1) very low speeds, 2) moderate speeds, 3) high speeds, and 4) extreme wind speeds. While both very low and extreme speeds result in no power generation, this work focuses on the extreme wind speed class, as these events often necessitate turbine shutdowns to prevent structural damage.

To address the challenges of wind speed forecasting with a focus on extreme wind events, we propose the use of ordinal classification, a ML paradigm specifically designed for tasks where output categories exhibit a natural order, as is the case in this work. This study evaluates hourly wind speed predictions for a wind farm in Spain, using data collected over more than 15 years. Additionally, input features include meteorological variables such as temperature, wind components (u and v), and sea level pressure, among others. Forecasts are generated for three time horizons (1h, 4h, and 8h) to provide sufficient lead time for mitigating risks associated with extreme wind conditions. Two ordinal classification models based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) are analysed: 1) an ANN coupled with the cumulative link model (CLM), and 2) an ANN using a soft labelling optimisation technique. Additionally, other competitive ordinal and nominal classification methods are included for comparative analysis.

The results demonstrate that the proposed models outperform a number of nominal and ordinal classification methods. The ANN coupled with CLM delivers superior overall performance across all four classes, while the ANN employing the soft labelling approach achieves higher accuracy in predicting extreme wind speed events. These findings underscore the potential of ordinal classification to enhance wind speed forecasting, contributing to more effective wind farm management and the broader integration of renewable energy sources.

How to cite: Guijo-Rubio, D., Gómez-Orellana, A. M., Vargas, V. M., Ayllón-Gavilán, R., Cornejo-Bueno, L., Moreno-Cano, F., Hervás-Martínez, C., Salcedo-Sanz, S., and Gutiérrez, P. A.: Wind speed prediction using ordinal classification: an analysis of extreme values, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15414,, 2025.

EGU25-17067 | ECS | Orals | NH9.5

Anticipating Wildfire Behavior: Fire Spread Modelling Case Studies in Greece and the U.S. 

Johanna Wahbe, Julia Gottfriedsen, Dominik Laux, Danica Rovó, Emili Ortman, Jesse Friend, Anastasia Sarelli, and Lukas Liesenhoff

Wildfires, intensified by shifting climate patterns, present a growing challenge globally. This contribution focuses on fire spread modeling as an approach to strengthen both prevention and response strategies. By combining physical modeling with ML optimized parameter optimization, fire spread simulations offer practical insights into fire behavior across diverse environmental scenarios. The capabilities are illustrated using three 3 example case studies across different regions and conditions: two in Athens, Greece, and one in the United States.

The Fire Propagation Simulation can be applied during ongoing events to anticipate the fire’s course and support timely interventions. It can also be used in hypothetical scenarios to assess the impact of prevention strategies and refine risk reduction plans.

The research addresses key challenges, including integrating firefighting tactics into simulations and overcoming uncertainties in environmental datasets. By incorporating multimodal datasets, this study aims to enhance our understanding of fire dynamics and offers actionable strategies for managing wildfire risks effectively.

How to cite: Wahbe, J., Gottfriedsen, J., Laux, D., Rovó, D., Ortman, E., Friend, J., Sarelli, A., and Liesenhoff, L.: Anticipating Wildfire Behavior: Fire Spread Modelling Case Studies in Greece and the U.S., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17067,, 2025.

EGU25-17880 | ECS | Orals | NH9.5

Extreme Wind Speed Prediction Under Noisy Labels: A Transfer-Learning-Assisted Cooperative Sample Selection Approach 

Weibo Liu, Zidong Wang, Jingzhong Fang, Yu Cao, Yang Liu, Yani Xue, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, and Xiaohui Liu

Recently, deep learning (DL) techniques have been extensively applied to extreme weather prediction, which demonstrates their potential to address complex meteorological challenges. However, the success of DL-based weather prediction methods relies heavily on the availability of high-quality labelled training data. Human annotators and automated labelling tools may make mistakes due to limited expert knowledge or systematic errors, which leads to the noisy label problem. To address the noisy label challenge, we propose a novel transfer-learning-assisted cooperative sample selection (TLACSS) approach. A leader-follower cooperative learning strategy is put forward to mitigate the effects of noisy labels. To be specific, a leader network is first obtained based on transfer learning. Then, the leader network is jointly trained with two follower networks with the purpose of reducing the prediction divergence among the three networks. The small-loss criterion is employed to identify clean samples based on the joint loss function. A dynamic selection rate is introduced to automatically control the proportion of small-loss samples determined as clean during each epoch. The leader network, trained exclusively on the selected clean samples, is then utilized for extreme wind speed (EWS) prediction using real-world datasets. Furthermore, explainable artificial intelligence techniques are employed to improve the transparency and interpretability of the proposed TLACSS-based EWS prediction method.

How to cite: Liu, W., Wang, Z., Fang, J., Cao, Y., Liu, Y., Xue, Y., Salcedo-Sanz, S., and Liu, X.: Extreme Wind Speed Prediction Under Noisy Labels: A Transfer-Learning-Assisted Cooperative Sample Selection Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17880,, 2025.

EGU25-19521 | Posters on site | NH9.5

Introducing L-Correlation for Climate Network Construction: Application to droughts analysis in the Iberian Peninsula 

Mihaela Ioana Chidean, David Casillas-Pérez, Antonio J. Caamaño, and Sancho Salcedo-Sanz
The theory of complex networks, particularly climate networks (CN), is frequently used in the analysis of climate data at different scales, serving both to investigate climate dynamics and to understand extreme phenomena and their temporal evolution. The classic methodology for constructing CN relies on the use of correlation between pairs of nodes in the network, to determine the existence of a given link. The resulting network structure can yield valuable insights about the underlying physical phenomenon. The state-of-the-art reveals multiple methods for constructing CN, most of which are based on correlation or cross-correlation functions, which are L2-norms more sensitive to outliers. In this work, the use of L-correlation as a basis for the construction of CN is proposed. Based on this approach, it is possible to take advantage of the main benefits of the L-moments theory, including its multivariate extension, such as the availability of unbiased estimators and robust performance in the context of extreme events. The specific case study tackled focuses on analyzing different drought phenomena in the Iberian Peninsula using precipitation data in the Reanalysis period. The results obtained have been contrasted and validated through a comparative analysis based on traditional CN methods. The conducted experiments suggest an active desertification process in this region, consistent with the state-of-the-art findings in hydrological process characterization studies. Future research could aim to enhance the interpretability of results derived from CN constructed using higher-order L-comoments, thereby facilitating the application of this method to additional case studies.

How to cite: Chidean, M. I., Casillas-Pérez, D., Caamaño, A. J., and Salcedo-Sanz, S.: Introducing L-Correlation for Climate Network Construction: Application to droughts analysis in the Iberian Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19521,, 2025.

EGU25-20840 | Orals | NH9.5

Stochastic Box Modeling of AMOC: Variability, Thresholds, and Tipping Points 

Antonio J. Caamaño, Eduardo del Arco-Fernández, Mihaela I. Chidean, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, and David Casillas-Pérez

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation  (AMOC) is a vital climate system component, transporting heat and influencing the stability of regional and global climate patterns. Recent research highlights its susceptibility to abrupt transitions driven by nonlinear feedback and external variability, underscoring the need for a probabilistic understanding of its dynamics.

The proposed framework incorporates stochastic forcing into a nonlinear deterministic box model to simulate climate noise, such as fluctuating freshwater fluxes and wind-driven variability (not necessarily with noise). This modification allows the model to capture a broader spectrum of AMOC behavior, including low-frequency oscillations, stochastic resonance, and regime shifts. The study will focus on the salinity advection feedback mechanism and its interaction with stochastic perturbations to determine probabilistic thresholds for AMOC stability under various climate scenarios.

We incorporate system identification techniques to further refine the stochastic box model used. Specifically,  Langevin Regression is used to identify the stochastic nonlinear models that explain the observe hysteresis of the AMOC. Detailed probabilistic bifurcation diagrams that illustrate the AMOC’s sensitivity to stochastic forcing are obtained, thus facilitating the identification of critical parameters influencing regime transitions, and improving the understanding of the interplay between deterministic dynamics and external variability. The aim of these results are to refine predictive tools for assessing AMOC resilience to anthropogenic and natural climate forcings and provide insights into early warning signals for tipping points.

How to cite: Caamaño, A. J., del Arco-Fernández, E., Chidean, M. I., Salcedo-Sanz, S., and Casillas-Pérez, D.: Stochastic Box Modeling of AMOC: Variability, Thresholds, and Tipping Points, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20840,, 2025.

Among the several artificial intelligence global atmospheric models that have  recently put forward in the literature, the ACE2 stands out as a purely data-driven stable model that can be run over millennia, providing a rather reasonable representation of ENSO and to the global greenhouse gas forcing during the recent decades. In this talk, this model is evaluated in terms of its capability to generate its own internal variability, its representation of the local probability distribution of extreme winds and precipitation, the extratropical models of variability, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Pacific North-America pattern, and their teleconnections to seasonal temperature and precipitation. 

Additionally, selected extratropical weather extremes have been simulated with the ACE2 model, using different initialization lead times. This set of extremes includes the Capella storm in the North Sea in January1976, the Ahr Valley flash flooding in Germany in July 2021, and others.

The ACE2 model in climate mode, trained with ERA5 reanalysis, is able to produce surprisingly realistic amplitude of internal climate variability and atmospheric teleconnection patterns involving near-surface temperature and precipitation, and atmospheric circulation in  upper tropospheric levels.

In weather prediction mode, the predictability of extremes benchmarked against the ERA5 data set is limited to a lead time of 2 days, and the simulated extremes may be temporally temporally shifted  by about one day. Their intensity is also somewhat weaker than the benchmark data set.

The model can also be used a extreme event attribution tool, as the model can be run under changed surface boundary conditions and greenhouse-gas forcing. A short assessment of its useful in this context will be also discussed in this presentation

How to cite: Zorita, E.: Evaluating the ACE2 model in simulating extratropical climate and weather extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21246,, 2025.

>This study focuses on the compound disaster phenomena affecting city-regional industrial development in the Wuxi River Basin under the impact of extreme climate events. It examines the formation and characteristics of “therapeutic resilience” mechanisms, including the cascading effects of different disaster types and the adaptation strategies of local governments. Issues such as the socio-economic vulnerabilities of local governments and communities in disaster-stricken areas—faced with conflicts over land use due to landslides, typhoons, floods, earthquakes, and water resource management—are key topics of interest.  The research framework and method are grounded in the concept of “social capital,” with a focus on observing community network relationships. The study aims to construct a discourse framework for “therapeutic resilience” by conducting in-depth interviews and field investigations with stakeholders in affected industries and settlements. For instance, the geological fragility in the upper reaches of the Wu River Basin increases risks of landslides and debris flows, while urbanization and industrial development in the midstream and downstream areas lead to heightened risks of flooding and water pollution.  The study also addresses regional disaster prevention strategies and community resilience initiatives across different towns in the basin. The research contributes to understanding the impacts of climate change by interpreting the relationships between various disaster types, regional “land use planning,” and industrial development. It clarifies the mechanisms of environmental hazards and land use changes within urban and regional areas, emphasizing the critical role of “therapeutic resilience” in post-disaster recovery.

How to cite: Hung, C.-T., Shih, D.-S., and Liu, C.-F.: The rising of  city-regional therapeutic resilience mechanisms in river basins impacted by climate change and their compounding disasters: A case study of the Wuxi river basin in central Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2108,, 2025.

EGU25-2132 | PICO | NH9.6

Flood Risk and Evacuation Strategies for Social Welfare Institutions under Climate Change : A Case Study in New Taipei City, Taiwan. 

Kai Yuan Ke, Hsiang Kuan Chang, Ching Ling Li, Yong Jun Lin, and Yu Fen Cheng

This study focuses on the impact of flooding under climate change scenarios on the evacuation safety of social welfare institutions in the Sanchong District of New Taipei City, Taiwan, aiming to provide effective disaster planning recommendations. By developing the urban inundation and drainage model NTU-2DFIM, which integrates rainfall-runoff processes in catchment areas, one-dimensional hydraulic modeling of riverine and stormwater drainage systems, and two-dimensional surface inundation modeling, this study simulates flood risks under the IPCC AR6 RCP8.5 climate change scenario. After calibration and validation, the model is applied to assess the evacuation risks and needs of various types of social welfare institutions, including long-term care facilities, public childcare centers, infant care centers, and special needs development centers, under extreme climate conditions.

Furthermore, based on disaster evacuation zones, the study identifies nearby accessible shelters, collects and analyzes disaster preparedness plans from individual institutions, and evaluates their adequacy in addressing emergency needs. It examines whether some social welfare institutions facing high flood risks and being excluded from the 500-meter and 1,000-meter evacuation zones could pose evacuation challenges for vulnerable populations. In addition to quantitative risk analysis, participatory methods are employed to involve public sector personnel, social welfare institution staff, and other stakeholders in jointly assessing risks and developing appropriate evacuation strategies.

Based on the findings and insights gained from participatory methods, this study proposes institution-specific evacuation recommendations, including optimal evacuation routes and accessible shelter locations. By integrating hydrological modeling, risk assessment, and participatory strategy development, this research provides precise and actionable disaster preparedness recommendations. It offers valuable insights for urban disaster management strategies under climate change scenarios, aiming to enhance urban resilience and safeguard vulnerable populations.

How to cite: Ke, K. Y., Chang, H. K., Li, C. L., Lin, Y. J., and Cheng, Y. F.: Flood Risk and Evacuation Strategies for Social Welfare Institutions under Climate Change : A Case Study in New Taipei City, Taiwan., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2132,, 2025.

EGU25-4082 | PICO | NH9.6

Implications of Scientists’ Perceptions of Climate Change Narratives for Public Engagement  

Abraham Yosipof, Or Elroy, and Nadejda Komendantova

This study explores scientists’ perceptions regarding climate change narratives on social media and investigates how these perceptions can inform policy development, particularly in the context of public engagement and co-production for climate change adaptation. Through a survey of forty climate change scientists, we analyzed the agreement with various climate change-related statements from social media, focusing on the impact of demographic factors such as education, age, and self-perceived expertise. The findings reveal significant differences in agreement with policy and science-based narratives between younger and older scientists, as well as between those with different educational backgrounds. Younger scientists were more likely to question anthropogenic climate change, while older scientists demonstrated higher agreement with science and policy narratives. Additionally, scientists with greater self-reported expertise were more supportive of policies addressing climate change and more critical of misinformation and conspiracy theories.

The research results provide valuable guidance for designing targeted communication strategies that leverage the expertise of the scientific community. The study also highlights the role of scientists in shaping public engagement and co-production in climate change adaptation policies, emphasizing the potential for public-private partnerships to address misinformation and improve public trust in climate science. Our results highlight that effective policy instruments, such as regulations, financial incentives, and data-sharing platforms, can benefit from incorporating scientists’ views on the credibility of climate change narratives, ultimately fostering stronger citizen engagement in climate adaptation efforts.

How to cite: Yosipof, A., Elroy, O., and Komendantova, N.: Implications of Scientists’ Perceptions of Climate Change Narratives for Public Engagement , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4082,, 2025.

EGU25-4682 | ECS | PICO | NH9.6

A review of typologies, trends, and evolution of actor and institutional involvement in implementing local flood early warning systems (L-FEWS).  

Prince Dacosta Aboagye, Nakamura Shinichiro, Cao Anh, Megumi Watanabe, and Irene Petraroli

Flooding is the most severe natural disaster, impacting millions of people globally. Governments and institutions must prioritize flood risk management as land use changes, urbanization, and climate change increase the frequency of floods. Flood early warning systems (FEWS) are critical in mitigating flood effects on local communities. In theory and practice, an effective FEWS is widely acknowledged to value the involvement of various actors and institutions and adopts a people-centered approach, particularly at the local level, where vulnerable populations are often concentrated. However, current research on actor and institutional involvement in FEWS implementation at the local level is fragmented, suggesting the need for more comprehensive and geographically representative studies. Learning from the various case studies worldwide is a better way to paint a holistic picture of the actor and institutional involvement in L-FEWS. While L-FEWS is critical for addressing the immediate needs of local people, comprehensive insights on actor and institutional involvements are imperative to track common challenges and inform best practices for enhancing future social implementation of EWS worldwide. To bridge this gap, we review the existing literature and critically assess the extent of actor and institutional involvement in local FEWS (L-FEWS) implementation across all four components of early warning systems. The study employs deductive and inductive content analysis to analyze 158 peer-reviewed articles and gray literature, exploring the status of social actor involvement in L-FEWS implementation. Additionally, the review examines the extent of regulatory and policy instruments guiding social actor responsibilities over time. We then synthesize the typologies and trends to present an evolutionary framework of actor and institutional involvement across the four components of L-FEWS operations. The findings from this global review will yield key insights to enhance the effectiveness of the social implementation of L-FEWS. The study’s results will also inform future research and policy efforts toward developing inclusive mechanisms for flood risk management.

Keywords: Floods, early warning systems, local, social actors, institutions, frameworks, involvement, trends, evolution.

How to cite: Dacosta Aboagye, P., Shinichiro, N., Anh, C., Watanabe, M., and Petraroli, I.: A review of typologies, trends, and evolution of actor and institutional involvement in implementing local flood early warning systems (L-FEWS). , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4682,, 2025.

Extreme climate events driven by global warming have had severe impacts worldwide, particularly in high-risk disaster areas, posing significant challenges to local societies and environments. To address these challenges, this study utilizes climate change hazard scenario data combined with local disaster characteristics to assist local governments in developing disaster preparedness and resilience strategies, thereby strengthening the capacity of Yilan County, Taiwan, to respond to and adapt to climate change.

This research conducts a literature review and in-depth interviews to explore three main aspects: (1) Local Hazard Assessment: By inventorying the historical disasters in Yilan County, this study identifies hazard-prone areas and collects data on resilience-based disaster management and related response plans to provide comprehensive disaster preparedness documentation; (2) Integration of Disaster Intelligence: By combining central and local technological research and development, the study delves into the relationship between disaster intelligence and response measures, expanding disaster mitigation capabilities using Yilan County's disaster intelligence network and resilience assessment module to reduce disaster impacts; (3) Risk Application and Promotion: Based on climate change risk mapping and recommendations from an expert advisory committee, this research constructs operational methods for resilient cities, enhancing local disaster resilience through demonstration and promotional activities to minimize disaster impacts.

This study proposes short-term and medium-to-long-term adaptation strategies for high-risk areas in Yilan County, contributing to resilient city development and offering a reference for similar regions. It actively engages local stakeholders, including government officials, disaster management teams, and resilient community disaster prevention organizations, through interviews and workshops to co-create tailored disaster response strategies. This approach ensures the strategies are practical and aligned with regional policies.

Keywords: Extreme Disasters, Resilient Cities, Resilience-Based Disaster Management, Localized Adaptation, Disaster Intelligence

1 Professor, Dept.of Urban Planning and Disaster Management, Ming Chuan University. 5 De Ming Rd., Gui Shan District, Taoyuan City 33348, Taiwan, ROC. Tel: +886-(0)3-3507001 ext.5048. E-mail:
2 Ph.D. student, Dept.of Urban Planning and Disaster Management, Ming Chuan University. 5 De Ming Rd., Gui Shan District, Taoyuan City 33348, Taiwan, ROC. Tel: +886-(0)988-321854. E-mail:

How to cite: Chuang, M.-H. and Liu, C.-F.: Enhancing Resilient Cities under Extreme Disasters due to Climate Change: A Case Study of Yilan County, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6473,, 2025.

With the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, natural disasters pose growing challenges to the operations of local governments. Kinmen County, given its unique geographic location, requires enhanced disaster response capabilities to ensure regional stability and the safety of its residents. This study analyzes the operational continuity strategies of the Kinmen County Government following disaster events. It emphasizes that disaster prevention and response operations encompass not only immediate relief efforts but also critical administrative functions that must continue during disasters to maintain overall governmental operations. The goal is to provide a concrete framework for analyzing these critical tasks and to enhance the resilience of local government functions.
The analysis methodology adopted in this study includes a review of relevant literature, data analysis, and expert interviews. Additionally, the study references the Japanese Cabinet Office's guidelines on disaster response for local governments. It classifies and prioritizes 467 tasks managed by 16 departments and 73 units of the Kinmen County Government. These tasks are categorized into three main types: response, recovery, and general operations. They are further divided into short-term (within 3 hours to 1 day), mid-term (3 days to 2 weeks), and long-term (more than 2 weeks) action plans based on their scope of impact and urgency. The findings indicate that response and recovery operations must take precedence over general operations, and that cross-departmental coordination is essential to ensure the smooth execution of critical tasks during disasters.
This study establishes a preliminary framework for analyzing disaster prevention and response operations in Kinmen County. It provides a basis for classifying and prioritizing tasks during disaster response, helping to improve the government's ability to manage immediate relief efforts while maintaining critical administrative functions. Future recommendations include integrating inter-county collaboration mechanisms and public-private partnership models to comprehensively enhance the disaster prevention and response system.

How to cite: Ma, K.-C. and Chen, S.-C.: Priority Analysis of Disaster Management Issues : A Case Study of Kinmen County, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7846,, 2025.

EGU25-8677 | ECS | PICO | NH9.6

Methodological approaches for stakeholder and citizens consultation on geo-hydrological risk: a systematic review 

Noemi Marchetti, Eleonora Gioia, Fabrizio Dell'Anna, Roberto Coscarelli, Loredana Antronico, Maria Teresa Carone, and Fausto Marincioni

Risk communication, risk perception, and community behaviour are foundations to any successful disaster risk reduction strategy. The impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly frequent, and communities need to be informed at all levels about how to respond and to adapt to climate-related risks. All components of a community – Authorities, scientists, stakeholders and citizens – should be involved in the adaptation and response processes, which can be achieved through various methods. A systematic review following the PRISMA statement was conducted to explore methods of stakeholder involvement and consultation, tools, and consultation channels. The different approaches may be influenced by the community composition, the timeframes, and the consideration of the most effective ways of involvement and communication.

This study is part of a broader research effort within the national project REFOCUSING - “Fostering climate change adaptation of local communities through a participatory risk communication strategy”, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (PRIN 2022) which aims to identify the strength and weakness of current risk communication strategies in two Italian Municipalities areas. In particular, one of the objectives of the project is focussed on designing and implementing participatory processes involving key stakeholders. The participatory consultation process is intended to strengthen the interaction between citizens and Authorities, facilitating the exchange of information on the impact of climate change.

The objective of the systematic review aligns with some specific project goals:

  • To assess stakeholders’ perception of climate-related risk;
  • To identify the strengths and weaknesses of current disaster communication processes;
  • To initiate participatory processes involving citizens in the pursuit of climate change adaptation.

A total of 302 scientific articles and examples of public participation were collected, focusing on floods, landslides, coastal erosion, and geo-hydrological risks related to climate change. Workshops, public events, and surveys targeting specific individuals appear to be the most commonly applied and effective methods. As a result, semi-structured interviews are frequently chosen, both to obtain meaningful responses, to explore the best shared solutions across all levels and categories of the community, and to allow for flexibility in adapting the discussions. The more localised the hazards, the greater the involvement of local stakeholders; whereas for hazards or issues with broader impacts, the intervention of regional or national levels becomes almost essential. The general tendency is to allocate economic resources and personnel in alignment with existing capabilities.

The final goal of the research project is to apply the knowledge gained in the study areas and enhance the interaction and dialogue between citizens and decision-makers/legislators regarding the impacts of climate change and the adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Marchetti, N., Gioia, E., Dell'Anna, F., Coscarelli, R., Antronico, L., Carone, M. T., and Marincioni, F.: Methodological approaches for stakeholder and citizens consultation on geo-hydrological risk: a systematic review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8677,, 2025.

EGU25-9198 | PICO | NH9.6

Engaging diverse stakeholders: practical participatory tools for exposure data collection 

Chiara Scaini, Bojana Petrovic, Anna Scaini, Carla Barnaba, and Antonella Peresan

Extreme natural events, including earthquakes, tsunamis and floods, can significantly impact communities, causing physical damages, casualties and socio-economic disruptions. In order to mitigate or reduce disaster risk, it is paramount to identify the exposed assets prone to different hazards, and their characteristics.  Exposure assessment consists in collecting the characteristics of population and tangible and intangible assets,  including, but not limited to, buildings and infrastructure. However, exposure is often developed based on the available data (e.g. population and building  census), and does not account for local and expert knowledge held by societal stakeholders. To reduce disaster risk, it is therefore of utmost importance to engage diverse stakeholders so that they can contribute with their expertise. This work  discusses three different methods that involve a wide range of stakeholders in participatory activities and leverage exposure-related knowledge: semi-structured interviews, crowdsourcing and citizen science and capacity development workshops. Each method allows collecting different data types using specific tools, such as semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and interactive web interfaces, to collect exposure-related information, which can be adapted to the specific context. Practitioners, academics, policymakers and emergency managers were involved in exposure development activities at a national and regional scale. Residents, civil protection officers and school students contributed to identifying dominant building typologies collecting information on single buildings. The described methods allow gathering expert and local knowledge held by societal stakeholders, which is often missing in existing exposure datasets (e.g. building census, land use maps). These methods can accommodate different building features relevant for specific hazards (e.g. shape regularity) and be extended to other exposed assets (e.g. infrastructure). Context-dependent storylines were also developed for selected areas prone to floods and coastal hazards, based on the historical, geological and geographical evidence, and presented to societal stakeholders during dissemination activities. Through storylines, we highlight the temporary evolution of exposure identifying potential adaptation and mitigation strategies. We discuss how a wide range of societal stakeholders can contribute to exposure development if enabled in structured, tailored participatory approaches. For each method we identified challenges and opportunities of interacting with societal stakeholders for disaster risk reduction purposes. We also envisage the benefits of integrating the described methods towards a collaborative stakeholder interaction framework for exposure development. This research is a contribution to the project PRIN-PNRR project SMILE: Statistical Machine Learning for Exposure development, funded by the European Union- Next Generation EU, Mission 4 Component 1 (CUP F53D23010780001). 

How to cite: Scaini, C., Petrovic, B., Scaini, A., Barnaba, C., and Peresan, A.: Engaging diverse stakeholders: practical participatory tools for exposure data collection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9198,, 2025.

Over the last 20 years, the tourism-climate change nexus has emerged as a policy and research issue, animating a polarized debate between climate mitigation and adaptation for the sector. While the position of tourism with respect to its contribution to climate change and decarbonization requirements are clearly acknowledged by both scientific community and governments, a place-specific, risk-informed planning for climate change adaptation becomes increasingly pressing. It is even more urgent for rural areas, that envision cultural tourism-driven strategies as a sustainable pathway for economic and social regeneration. They are strongly threatened by rapid and intensifying climate change impacts, loss of biodiversity and environmental pressures on their cultural and natural values, and compared to urban areas, they are not yet equipped to respond effectively, and their socio-economic conditions are often aggravated by short-term management decisions, lack of institutional support, inadequate policy implementation efforts and low public awareness. 

So far, the impacts of climate change on tourism have been investigated through various methodological approaches, mostly focused on forecasting climatic changes and analyzing how they would modify global tourism flows. These approaches resulted in a lack of appropriate contextualization of climate risk in tourism destinations, and the consequences of multiple climate-related hazards interacting with environmental, economic, social, cultural and political factors at local scale are often neglected. Consequently, destinations apply short-term, unsustainable coping strategies and individual adjustments to climate variability and related alterations in tourism demand-supply patterns, rather than pursuing a more strategic and long-term climate change adaptation. The study proposes a conceptual and methodological framework aimed at performing a spatially explicit multi-hazard risk assessment, and it combines data-based and community-based approaches involving local stakeholders in assessing climate risk and co-designing tailored adaptive solutions to be implemented at destination scale. It builds on the acknowledgement that spatial planning can support an effective, future-oriented climate change adaptation for cultural tourism, and act as an information-based instrument for coordinating different activities and transformation patterns over the territory, as well as a mechanism for the implementation of adaptation measures on the ground. This perspective has been strengthened through a case study implementation, which involved six small historical villages in the Fiastra Valley, an inner rural area in the Province of Macerata, Marche region, Italy. Here, participatory planning and community-based action research have been tested, proving the value of engaging diverse actors of society in mutual learning and co-creation of innovative knowledge.  

In that sense, transdisciplinary research represents a powerful way for tackling complex challenges, where territorial planning can bring together multiple fields – climate change adaptation, risk management, rural regeneration, cultural tourism planning, landscape management. Such models of place-based understanding can better boost transitions to sustainability, by bridging science–policy–society divide and supporting scientific evidence for policy, from scientists to policymakers.

How to cite: Baldassarre, B. and De Luca, C.: Participatory science: an integrated approach for assessing climate risk and planning adaptive cultural tourism in rural areas , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12439,, 2025.

EGU25-15762 | ECS | PICO | NH9.6

Tourists' understanding of volcanic hazards and risks in Tenerife  

Claudia Rodríguez-Pérez, Judit Castellà, Maba´a Djeudjo Goodness Stella, Andrea Alonso, Rubén García-Hernández, Nemesio M. Pérez, Carmen Solana, and Fátima Rodríguez

The Canary Islands constitute a volcanically active region, where the volcanic risk has significantly increased over the past 50 years due to higher population densities and the growing socio-economic exposure to volcanic hazards. Understanding the perception of volcanic hazards and risks among different societal groups—such as communication professionals, tourists, urban planners, and the general public—is essential for developing effective volcanic risk reduction strategies. While some groups hold specific roles in this endeavor, tourists represent a significant floating population that can meaningfully contribute to volcanic risk management. In 2023, the island of Tenerife welcomed approximately 6.5 million tourists, marking a 10% increase compared to the previous year. For 2024, it is estimated that the number of visitors reached 7.18 million, further solidifying Tenerife as the leading tourist destination in the Canary Islands. 

This study explores tourists' awareness, understanding, and interest regarding volcanoes and volcanic risk management in Tenerife Island. It also examines their potential and preferred roles in enhancing the effectiveness of volcanic risk reduction efforts. To achieve these objectives, a face-to-face questionnaire was designed comprising approximately 30 questions, completed in 10–15 minutes. Around 20% of the questions focused on demographic information, 40% addressed knowledge of volcanic phenomena and risk management, and the remaining 40% assessed tourists' perceptions of volcanic hazards and risks. The survey was conducted in two phases: between July and September 2023 (419 respondents) and September 2024 (323 respondents), resulting in a total sample of 742 tourists. 

Preliminary results reveal that the majority of participants were not aware of the difference between volcanic hazards and risks. Tourists visiting the Canary Islands expressed both a need and demand for more knowledge and information on volcanic risk management. By the end of the questionnaire, many participants reported increased interest in volcanic hazards and risks compared to their initial responses. Furthermore, tourists recognize the importance of their involvement in volcanic risk management and indicated they would feel safer if provided with more education and information on the subject. 

The findings of this research will contribute to tailoring communication strategies and risk reduction measures, ensuring tourists are informed and empowered to play an active role in managing volcanic risks on Tenerife Island and beyond. 

How to cite: Rodríguez-Pérez, C., Castellà, J., Goodness Stella, M. D., Alonso, A., García-Hernández, R., Pérez, N. M., Solana, C., and Rodríguez, F.: Tourists' understanding of volcanic hazards and risks in Tenerife , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15762,, 2025.

EGU25-17125 | ECS | PICO | NH9.6

A new methodology for emergency planning in the humanitarian field 

Francesca De Vito, Alessandro Benati, Lorenzo Massucchielli, and Daniela Molinari

“Why do we continually seem one disaster behind?”

Words pronounced by the US House of Representatives in 2006 after the terrible passage of Katrina hurricane still resonate today. Wherever we look, natural and man-made disasters are raging and the emergency response fatigues in keeping the pace with their evolution.

Yet, valuable resources have been sharpened in the emergencies management and preparedness fields to face disasters. Among these, emergency planning has been one of the most powerful whose strength is also witnessed by the enormous number of agencies, institutions, and societies that have adopted it as a valuable tool. The Italian Red Cross is one of them; its rooted presence in the national civil protection system underlines the relevance of this actor in the disaster emergency response to disasters and promote the need to create internal procedures and plans to enhance the effectiveness of its actions.

In this context, this contribution presents the results of a joint project between the Italian Red Cross and Politecnico di Milano to develop a comprehensive planning methodology, that takes into account the specific functions and needs of the association.  Specifically, the main purpose of the project has been the creation of a comprehensive yet easy-to-implement methodology to support the Italian Red Cross local committees in creating simple, operational and effective emergency plans through a step-by-step approach.

Having as main reference the planning methodology developed in the European project “PPRD3 East”, this new methodology has been developed applying a learning-by-doing approach. In particular, the flood emergency plan of a local committee in the province of Como (Italy) has been designed. The engagement of all the relevant stakeholders, and in particular Red Cross volunteers, allowed the development of a participatory process that led to the creation of a valuable and replicable tool for the local committees. The lessons learnt from this experience have been translated into the national guidelines of the Italian Red Cross on emergency planning.  

How to cite: De Vito, F., Benati, A., Massucchielli, L., and Molinari, D.: A new methodology for emergency planning in the humanitarian field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17125,, 2025.

EGU25-18546 | ECS | PICO | NH9.6

 Risk-Tandem: A Novel Framework for Combining Risk Governance and Knowledge Co-production for integrating disaster risk management, climate change adaptation and local knowledges.   

Janne Parviainen, Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler, Lydia Cumiskey, Sukaina Bharwani, Pia-Johanna Schweizer, Benjamin Hofbauer, and Dug Cubie

This poster demonstrates the Risk-Tandem framework, a methodology guiding the implementation of knowledge co-production in risk governance contexts. Currently applied and refined within the DIRECTED project, it guides and enables the integration of disaster risk management and climate change adaptation through the transdisciplinary co-production of locally led risk governance methodologies and approaches.

The Framework seeks to promote collaboration across disciplines and scales of governance to 1) support the integration of climate change considerations into disaster risk management practice; 2) improve the interoperability and usability of risk information through the co-production of information products (between users and modellers), and; 3) improve collaboration between practitioners, academics, risk modellers and the public through capacity development and engagement, to enable the co-creation of risk governance solutions that bridge science and contextual needs in a Real-World Lab (RWL) setting.

The poster will detail the framework’s conceptual and theoretical underpinning, its current refinement and redevelopment through DIRECTED’s RWLs, and the approach to capacity development for co-production. It will also explore the risk governance “solutions” and approaches already co-created with local stakeholders, to demonstrate how the process has responded to needs of the project’s implementation contexts.

How to cite: Parviainen, J., Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Cumiskey, L., Bharwani, S., Schweizer, P.-J., Hofbauer, B., and Cubie, D.:  Risk-Tandem: A Novel Framework for Combining Risk Governance and Knowledge Co-production for integrating disaster risk management, climate change adaptation and local knowledges.  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18546,, 2025.

EGU25-21774 | ECS | PICO | NH9.6

Classifying and assessing good practices for urban and metropolitan risk management: a methodological and evaluation framework 

Veronica Vitiello, Martina Bosone, Amanda Tedeschi, Michela Romano, Anna Maria Zaccaria, Roberto Castelluccio, Pasquale De Toro, Mattia Leone, Eva Negri, Gloria Terenzi, Antonino Rapicano, Mariacarla Fraiese, and Pasquale Galasso

Effective multi-risk management requires a thorough understanding of the context to design strategies that mitigate the impacts of external hazards on physical and human systems. However, the effectiveness of policies in areas affected by catastrophic events can usually only be evaluated after the event.

This study, conducted within the PNRR RETURN Extended Partnership (multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate), presents an inductive methodology for developing indicators to ex-ante assess the effectiveness of multi-risk management practices. The methodology identifies promising indicators from the priorities of five international frameworks addressing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). These frameworks serve as references for defining good practices in urban and metropolitan environments.

The indicators were developed through collaboration between experts from Spoke 5 - TS1 “Urban and Metropolitan Settlements” and Spoke 3 - VS3 “Earthquakes and Volcanoes.” A total of 132 indicators were identified, grouped into nine thematic criteria, and classified based on their applicability, measurability, and alignment with the stages of the Sendai Framework for DRR. These indicators enable the classification of existing practices by type, scale, and field of application.

To define a “Good Practice”, it is essential to identify a core set of indicators, or essentials, that must be strictly adhered to. To achieve this, the methodology incorporates a multidisciplinary approach where project experts assign a relevance scale to the 132 indicators based on their expertise. These relevance scales are weighted using multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), employing the Simos card-ranking method to elicit preferences and establish priorities.

The results of this process will be applied in two key areas: Spoke 5 - TS1for developing a ‘Repository of Good Practices for Multi-Risk Management in Urban and Metropolitan Environments’ and Spoke 3 - VS3 for Organising heterogeneous geospatial data (topographic, environmental, social, economic) in a GIS environment to support MCDA for comparing resilience scenarios.

By integrating the core indicators with quantitative indicators derived from scenario-driven impact models, the project will inform the design of multi-objective intervention strategies to enhance resilience.

How to cite: Vitiello, V., Bosone, M., Tedeschi, A., Romano, M., Zaccaria, A. M., Castelluccio, R., De Toro, P., Leone, M., Negri, E., Terenzi, G., Rapicano, A., Fraiese, M., and Galasso, P.: Classifying and assessing good practices for urban and metropolitan risk management: a methodological and evaluation framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21774,, 2025.

Recent catastrophic storms and flood events—including Hurricanes Helene and Milton (2024), Ian (2022) in the United States, and severe floods in Valencia, Spain (2024), Belgium, and Germany (2021)—highlight the critical need for comprehensive resilience planning in coastal and riverine communities. With a global rise in both the frequency and severity of weather and climate disasters, coastal regions are increasingly vulnerable, facing significant risks and economic losses. This work presents an integrated framework to support flood resilience and optimize evacuation strategies by leveraging big data, high-resolution flood and storm surge models, and advanced predictive tools. This framework combines high-resolution computational fluid dynamics and finite element models to evaluate flood damage and structural vulnerability under different hurricane intensities. By capturing both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties in hazard assessment, building resilience, and community preparedness, it provides a robust basis for proactive flood risk management. The framework also includes a multidimensional flood-damage assessment model, which goes beyond traditional depth–damage relationships by incorporating building-specific factors such as height, age, configuration, and construction material. Structural resilience is calculated as a function of recovery time, community preparedness, and the severity of flood-induced damage, thus enabling a detailed, community-scale risk assessment. Validated through large-scale storm surge and 2D inundation simulations, this framework offers actionable insights for emergency managers, policymakers, and local stakeholders. By integrating hydrodynamics, structural data, and socio-economic factors, this comprehensive approach empowers communities with data-driven resources for making informed decisions to reduce risk and improve adaptive capacity. This framework is positioned to be highly impactful for diverse users—including property owners, insurance companies, real estate businesses, and regional decision-makers—as it addresses the complex challenges of flood resilience in the face of increasing extreme weather events.

How to cite: Nazari, R. and Karimi, M.: Enhancing Community Resilience, Flood Risk Assessment, and Decision-Making in the Face of Extreme Weather Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-78,, 2025.

The humanitarian community is actively working to mitigate the human impact of extreme weather and climate events. Social protection is increasingly recognized as a promising mechanism to address the challenges posed by climate change, as it supports individuals and households in managing climate risks, thereby addressing drivers of vulnerability, building resilience capacities and contribute to adaptation strategies (Costella & McCord, 2023).

In this study, we focus on Ethiopia—a country grappling with the compounded risks of climate change and conflict—to examine the historical interplay between climate-related hazards, conflict, and social protection on food security. Our analysis centers on regions in Amhara and Oromia, where the national Productive Safety Net Programme has been operational for over 15 years.

Recently, Ethiopia has experienced severe floods and droughts that have significantly impacted crop yields, prices, and food security. However, future rainfall projections for the country exhibit considerable uncertainties. To address this, we are developing plausible future climate risk storylines that incorporate these uncertainties in rainfall projections and integrate both quantitative and qualitative insights from our historical analysis. These storylines aim to inform resilience-building efforts and the development of effective social protection systems and adaptation measures.

How to cite: Vogel, M. M. and Jack, C. D.: Climate risk storylines for Ethiopia: compounding impacts from climate change, conflict and social assistance , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-980,, 2025.

In summer 2021 heavy precipitation caused major flooding in central Europe affecting areas in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. The Ahr-Valley in Germany was one of the most adversely affected area with more than 135 deaths and major destruction within a 60km path along the Ahr. The recovery and reconstruction process is still ongoing.  Most attention is given to the speed of reconstruction and the question whether reconstruction funds have been used according to the funding rules defined in the state and federal regulations. However, our presentation takes a different perspective. We explore the uptake and impact of scientific research within the reconstruction process of the Ahr-Valley. We explore how selected recommendations were taken up or ignored and outline ways to improve the consideration of climate resilient development in reconstruction after extreme events. The findings can also inform the global discourse on climate change adaptation and loss and damage under UNFCCC.


How to cite: Birkmann, J. and Truedinger, A.: Reconstruction and climate resilience: assessing the relevance and impact of scientific recommendations for resilient development after flood disasters- case study Ahr-Valley in Germany - , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3304,, 2025.

EGU25-3344 | Posters on site | NH9.7

Digital platform for disaster resilience in Mexico 

David A. Novelo-Casanova, Gerardo Suárez, and Aurora Hernández

For strengthening disaster resilience and risk analysis in Mexico, in November 2023, the Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) installed a web platform containing digital maps with the spatial distribution of natural hazards that frequently impact Mexico City and other exposed communities in this country. This digital web platform is called “Information System of Hazards and Risk” (Sistema de Información de Peligros y Riesgos, in Spanish; SISPER UNAM) and it is based on a Geographical Information System (GIS) with more than 500 shapefile and raster layers. At present, the following hazards are considered: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, mass movement processes, forest fires, and land subsidence. Also, the platform has data of recent hurricanes that have impacted Mexico. There are plans to include information regarding anthropogenic hazards in the near future. The spatial distribution of social vulnerability was determined using thirteen indicators from data of the 2020 Mexican Census of Population and Housing. Vulnerability, hazard, and risk were classified from 1 to 5, where 1 is low and 5 very high. Population and critical facilities (hospitals, schools, telecommunication facilities, churches, etc.) are considered as exposed elements. By superimposing the calculated GIS’s raster of the social vulnerability over individual hazard rasters, we estimated the spatial distribution of the “likelihood of social risk” for specific hazards. Seismic structural risk was estimated by modeling the expected impact of large subduction and cortical earthquakes (M > 7). The system is open to researchers and students, and it is a working tool for local authorities in their urban development programs including strengthening the local public policies for disaster reduction, prevention, and resilience. At present, more than 500 users access recurrently the platform, mainly from Mexico. However, there are also users from the United States, China, and France, among other countries.

How to cite: Novelo-Casanova, D. A., Suárez, G., and Hernández, A.: Digital platform for disaster resilience in Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3344,, 2025.

EGU25-5048 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.7

An explicit case of coordinated flood resilience for agriculture development in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta 

Phuoc Thanh Ho, Liang Emlyn Yang, Matthias Garschagen, and Pham Dang Tri Van

The Vietnamese Mekong Delta faces severe flooding challenges due to variations in Mekong River flows combined with extreme weather conditions. Despite these adversities, agricultural sectors in VMD have demonstrated remarkable development and resilience in flood circumstances over time. This study examines the participatory efforts of farmers and governments of the social hierarchy in Cho Moi district, An Giang province, to improve flood resilience for agricultural development. The investigation draws on information collected through a focus group discussion, a semi-structured survey of 10 government officials, a structured survey of 127 farmers, and secondary documents. The analysis reviews that the full implementation of the South Vam Nao scheme, led by the government following the success of the earlier North Vam Nao project, has encouraged farmers to innovate their farming practices. The study also underscores the crucial role of innovative strategies and policies in directing farming practices; for instance, introducing flood-tolerant rice varieties, implementing seasonal planting calendars, and organizing formal group discussions and training sessions. Such initiatives have motivated farmers to take advantage of the flood-control infrastructure established under the scheme to enhance their agricultural productivity. Notable models include growing durian on raised beds, converting rice fields to fruit tree cultivation, adopting the 3B model (Cow - Corn - Biogas), and using crop rotation systems such as the “2-year-5-crop” and “3-year-8-crop” models. The experience learned in the Cho Moi case indicates the value of coordinated flood resilience measures and is referable for other areas in the VMD and beyond.

How to cite: Ho, P. T., Yang, L. E., Garschagen, M., and Van, P. D. T.: An explicit case of coordinated flood resilience for agriculture development in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5048,, 2025.

EGU25-5161 | Posters on site | NH9.7

Social Vulnerability Index Assessment: Identifying Gaps and Enhancing Local Capacity in Natural Disaster Management 

Mei-Chun Lin, Po-ju Lin, Chun-Yang Lee, Kai-Chuen Lin, Yung-Ching Shih, and Zhen-Jia Huang

Taiwan is a high-risk area for natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides. The social vulnerability index (SVI) is a virtual element in risk analysis in disaster management. The purpose of this research is to develop a system for assessing the SVI in natural hazards. The framework of SVI includes4 categories (such as exposure, preparedness, response, and recovery), 12 subcategories, and 33 specific quantitative indicators, used to assess the potential damage a region may face from natural disasters (such as earthquakes, floods, etc.), as well as its capacity to respond, resist, and adapt. The SVI by country and township level, it quickly identifies the gaps on disaster management. At 2024, 5 cities and 17 countries in Taiwan elevated the SVI by township, and then 22 local governments made strategies to fix gaps and enhance the capacity in disaster. For example, Taoyuan City uses SVI results to reveal gaps in disaster prevention and mitigation, specifically shortages of rescue equipment and volunteers.

Our flexible SVI assessment system empowers users to customize their SVI calculations by selecting the most relevant indicators for their specific needs. The system visualizes the resulting SVI scores on a map, showing their spatial distribution, and also provides historical trend data for both the overall SVI and each indicator. This research selects 8 indicators (such as number of the resident population, ratio of infrastructure in disaster-prone areas, number of soil and water conservation engineering, number of buildings with low seismic resistance, number of isolated islands, number of healthcare personnel per 10,000 people, average disposable income per household and coverage rate of earthquake insurance) to assess SVI of earthquake by county level, the result show that SVI is lower in highly urbanized areas because these regions have more abundant disaster prevention and response resources, well-developed infrastructure, greater healthcare capacity, and more comprehensive disaster risk reduction preparedness. SVI is higher in rural and eastern counties due to a lack of medical resources and limited external transportation routes, leading to more isolated areas. Regions with elevated SVI scores demonstrate heightened social vulnerability. Consequently, local governments must enhance their capacities in disaster prevention, response, and recovery to mitigate potential damage from earthquakes.

Keywords: Social Vulnerability Index, local government, specific needs, earthquake

How to cite: Lin, M.-C., Lin, P., Lee, C.-Y., Lin, K.-C., Shih, Y.-C., and Huang, Z.-J.: Social Vulnerability Index Assessment: Identifying Gaps and Enhancing Local Capacity in Natural Disaster Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5161,, 2025.

EGU25-5182 | Orals | NH9.7

Exploring whole-life trade-offs for mixed adaptation pathways with a large risk-scenario-library using Resilience Studio enhanced with QFlow  

Barry Hankin, Andy Evans, Steve Maslen, Thomas Bromley, Jenny Roberts, Peter Robinson, Anneka Lowis, Jack Dudman, and Mark Lawless

A new web-based portal, Resilience Studio, has been developed to help explore large spatio-temporal risk scenario libraries of mixed adaptation strategies to multi-source hazards in the face of rapid climate change. The software is demonstrated using global flood hazard maps at 30m resolution and 5m resolution for a UK case-study, combined with world population data to provide an equitable measure of expected annual flood risk to people now and in the future, anywhere globally. The studio environment permits exploration of how risk is expected to change across a wide range of through-time (decadal) ‘what-if’ mitigation scenarios including property flood resilience, embankments, early warning and nature-based solutions (following Hankin et al., 2022). The framework is agnostic to the type of hazard and metrics, including natural capital assessments of multi-hazards, and permitting a more complete system understanding.  

We demonstrate how the integrated whole-life benefits of user-selected adaptation pathways, tempered by estimated mitigation costs, can be visualised in a new way to permit dynamic appraisal of trade-offs. The user can explore introducing mitigations at the best point in time to anticipate tipping points from projected step changes in future risk (Hankin et al., 2023). The intention is to develop M-L co-pilot suggestions for more efficacious pathways to assist with long term, dynamic planning using benefit-cost as an objective function.  Finally, to help with on-demand appraisal of supplementary risk scenarios outside of the library, a new QGIS based tool, QFlow, is demonstrated to show rapid inundation modelling and impact analysis - creating flexibility for adding unforeseen flood hazards such as reservoir breach failure.


Hankin, B., Sampson, T., Ilyasova, A., Pleijter, G., 2023.How do climate change pathway assumptions effect economic viability and prioritisation of flood projects? Proceedings of the Irish National Hydrology Conference.

Hankin, B., Ramirez, L., Wood, I., Green, A., Quincieu, E., Lauren, Y., and Lawless, M.: Integrated flood risk management prioritization in Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-9246,, 2022.

How to cite: Hankin, B., Evans, A., Maslen, S., Bromley, T., Roberts, J., Robinson, P., Lowis, A., Dudman, J., and Lawless, M.: Exploring whole-life trade-offs for mixed adaptation pathways with a large risk-scenario-library using Resilience Studio enhanced with QFlow , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5182,, 2025.

EGU25-5391 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.7

Facility-Level Resilience Analysis of Urban Flood Defense Systems 

Yoonsung Shin, Dain Kim, Jiseok Hong, Sameul Park, Yoonsung Chung, Ijung Kim, and Jeryang Park

The increasing frequency and intensity of urban flooding, driven by rapidly changing climate patterns, necessitate the enhancement of the resilience of flood defense infrastructure. Urban infrastructures, as forms of complex systems, are interconnected through multi-scale subsystems with dynamic feedback mechanisms, which influence their resilience based on the adaptive cycle stage of each subsystem. Despite this, existing studies predominantly focus on macro-level analyses, underscoring the need for resilience studies at the facility scale, which supports large-scale flood defense operations. Traditional flood defense infrastructures, designed based on historical rainfall patterns, often fail to address the variability introduced by climate change. These systems are further compromised by aging and inadequate maintenance, which diminishes their functional capacity. This study proposes a novel approach to quantitatively evaluate the resilience of flood defense facilities. The proposed resilience assessment integrates both structural factors, such as design capacity, and non-physical factors, including regulatory frameworks and institutional mechanisms. Using the 4Rs framework—Robustness, Redundancy, Resourcefulness, and Rapidity—a comprehensive evaluation model was established for flood defense infrastructures, including sewer systems, pumping stations, and detention basins. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis was conducted to validate the indicators and determine appropriate weights for each parameter within the mathematical resilience function, which adopted a sigmoid model to integrate key parameters, such as initial performance, performance variability, recovery speed, and time. Additionally, a simulation-based approach was employed to predict recovery and failure scenarios. The simulation examined the impact of fixed and randomly varying resilience indicators on recovery outcomes. Results demonstrated that disaster frequency and intensity significantly influence failure probabilities and recovery thresholds. Recovery thresholds, defined as the minimum performance levels below which facilities fail to restore their initial capacity, provided critical insights into the functional limits of the infrastructure. The study further evaluated recovery success by tracking performance curves over time. This methodology highlights the actual recovery capacity of urban flood defense facilities. The findings offer predictive insights into whether these facilities can recover under repeated disaster conditions or transition to alternative stable states, contributing to enhanced flood response capabilities of urban infrastructure.

Acknowledgement This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (RS-2024-00356786) and Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute grant funded by the Ministry of Environment (RS-2023-00218973).

How to cite: Shin, Y., Kim, D., Hong, J., Park, S., Chung, Y., Kim, I., and Park, J.: Facility-Level Resilience Analysis of Urban Flood Defense Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5391,, 2025.

EGU25-9170 | Orals | NH9.7

Climate change resilience in South-European regions: data, services, indicators and gaps 

Tanja Tötzer, Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek, Andrea Hochebner, Anna Kozlowska, Martin Schneider, Chrysa Chatzichristaki, Patricia Molina Lopez, Ivan Murano, Georgios Xekalakis, and Denis Havlik

Global warming, which has accelerated significantly since 1970, is driving rapid and observable climate change (IPCC AR6 2023). Southern European countries, particularly those in the Mediterranean region, are disproportionately affected due to their already hot and dry summer climates, making them highly vulnerable to rising temperatures and altered precipitation patterns. Climate change exacerbate the situation, leading to more frequent extreme weather events and critical challenges such as heatwaves, droughts, and both fluvial and pluvial flooding.

In the ClimEmpower project[1] [2], funded under the Horizon Europe program, five South-European regions characterized by high climate risk and low adaptive capacity were studied to strengthen climate resilience. To empower these regions, a comprehensive analysis of climate-related data, services, and resilience indicators was conducted and regional partners involved to understand their specific needs and primary climate-related challenges, and to identify critical gaps along with methodologies to address them. A key focus of this inter- and transdisciplinary approach was the development and study of resilience indicators, which are essential for assessing the current state of resilience in these regions and for monitoring progress towards improved resilience over time.

This paper presents key findings from the comprehensive analysis of existing datasets and services related to climate hazards, impacts, exposure, and vulnerabilities, as well as gaps identified through collaboration with regional stakeholders. Additionally, an overview of climate change resilience indicators is provided which is based on an extensive analysis of approximately 500 indicators across climate, socio-economic, and governance domains. The analysis reveals an uneven distribution of indicators across different sectors, with a predominant focus on environmental, economic, and governance topics, while critical areas such as water and waste management, food security, and urban planning are notably underrepresented. Significant gaps between available data and indicators for representing region-specific needs were identified, highlighting the importance of prioritizing indicators that are meaningful and actionable for localized adaptation efforts.

Concluding, the study demonstrates that not all indicators hold equal relevance across all regions and quality, and relevance should be prioritized over the sheer quantity of indicators. Thus, the emphasis should be placed on indicators with high significance and ability to support the development of region-specific pathways to enhance climate resilience in vulnerable South-European regions, ensuring that resources are directed toward the most critical areas of need.

[1] ABOUT—ClimEMPOWER. 2023. Available online: (accessed on 9 January 2025).

[2] Xekalakis, G.; Lopez, P.M.; Ruiz, M.A.; Tötzer, T.; Kaleta, P.; Karystinakis, K.; Moumtzidou, A.; Forjan, R.; Christou, P.; Anastasiou, C.; et al. User-Driven Climate Resilience Across Southern European Regions. Climate 202513, 2.

How to cite: Tötzer, T., Bügelmayer-Blaschek, M., Hochebner, A., Kozlowska, A., Schneider, M., Chatzichristaki, C., Molina Lopez, P., Murano, I., Xekalakis, G., and Havlik, D.: Climate change resilience in South-European regions: data, services, indicators and gaps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9170,, 2025.

EGU25-9226 | Posters on site | NH9.7

Flood Resilience Dynamics and Influencing Factors in Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomeration Across Spatial and Temporal Scales 

Jiafeng Deng, Rui Zhang, Sheng Chen, Zhi li, Liang Gao, Yanping Li, and Chunxia Wei

Flood resilience is becoming increasingly crucial in the background of global climate change and urbanization, especially in regions susceptible to frequent and compound flooding. This study develops a long-term, cross-scale dynamic systems-based framework based on the "Robustness-Resistance-Recovery" (3Rs) to evaluate the spatiotemporal evolution of flood resilience from 2000 to 2020 in the Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomeration. This framework integrates social, economic, and ecological dimensions to analyze the dynamics of flood resilience in the Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomeration that is confronting complex challenges due to rapid development and flooding. The optimal parameters-based geographical detector model, which accounts for spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics, was employed to identify key influencing factors and mechanisms shaping resilience. The findings reveal spatial disparities in flood resilience: pre-flood robustness is higher in inland areas but lower in coastal areas; during-flood resistance is associated with greater urban development; and post-flood recovery is stronger in city centers and mountainous areas but weaker in low-lying inland and coastal areas. Over the past two decades, significant improvements in flood resilience have been driven by advancements in infrastructure and healthcare, although their impact is relatively limited compared to the contributions of economic. Notably, ecological factors have emerged as critical drivers in recent years, indicating a shift toward sustainable adaptation strategies. These findings are expected to serve as a practical reference for urban flood risk management and resilience planning, adaptable to other regions facing comparable challenges.

How to cite: Deng, J., Zhang, R., Chen, S., li, Z., Gao, L., Li, Y., and Wei, C.: Flood Resilience Dynamics and Influencing Factors in Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomeration Across Spatial and Temporal Scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9226,, 2025.

EGU25-10572 | Orals | NH9.7

Dynamics of Resilience over Time: A global empirical study on the community level for flood risks 

Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler, Dipesh Chapagain, Stefan Velev, Raquel Guimaraes, and Adriana Keating

A significant challenge of resilience measurement lies in taking a complex, multi-dimensional concept and operationalizing it in a concrete and measurable way. The next generation FRMC (Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities) framework and tool is providing such a measurement within a standardized approach (e.g. not dependent on the location it is applied to), and which therefore can be used across the globe. It is based on the Sustainable Livelihood Framework and includes 44 indicators called ‘sources of resilience’ that are distributed across and represent critical aspects of five complementary ‘capitals’ (5C). The sources are selected for the roles they play in helping people on their development path and/or providing capacity to withstand and respond to shocks. We present the dynamics of these resilience indicators over time based on a large-scale empirical assessment of communities across the globe that are exposed to flood risks. In more detail, resilience indicators are measured for a baseline as well as endline period (over 2-4 years) and in case of flood hazard events, a post-event analysis was performed to identify corresponding damages. The baseline survey involved 325 communities across 22 developing countries, with data collected from over 19,000 households as well as focus groups, key informants, and secondary sources. This survey represented a total community population of more than 1 million people and generated over 2.5 million data points from 14,300 graded sources. The endline survey engaged 280 communities of the 325 in 19 developing countries. Post-event surveys were conducted in 66 communities across 7 developing countries that have experienced a flood event. Lastly, an interventions survey analysed in which communities’ interventions were implemented. Based on a Confirmatory Factor analysis, Structural Equation modelling as well as a Boosted Regression Tree approach we found important differences in the dynamics of resilience over time which are not only dependent if hazard events have realized but also in regard to the resilience levels communities are starting from during the baseline period. Our empirical findings should therefore provide a better understanding about actual resilience trajectories that can take place and the important dimensions that may influence them over time. 

How to cite: Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Chapagain, D., Velev, S., Guimaraes, R., and Keating, A.: Dynamics of Resilience over Time: A global empirical study on the community level for flood risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10572,, 2025.

EGU25-10617 | ECS | Orals | NH9.7

Emerging patterns and limits in household cross-border flood adaptation 

Thijs Endendijk, Daniela Rodriguez Castro, Lisa Dillenardt, Ravi Kumar Guntu, Wouter Botzen, Hans de Moel, Annegret Thieken, Heidi Kreibich, Benjamin Dewals, and Jeroen Aerts

The July 2021 floods in Europe stand out as one of the most devastating flood-related disasters to impact the continent in recent years - affecting multiple countries at once. As climate change intensifies, such cross-border disasters are expected to become more frequent. This underscores the importance of understanding the patterns and limits of how households in different nations respond to shared flood crises. Using unique cross-country survey data from flooded homeowners, we find evidence of financial, institutional, and psychological limits to adaptation on the building level. Insurance compensation is the main driver of private adaptation actions shortly after flooding. However, over the long term, the intensity of flood experiences plays a pivotal role in shaping household adaptation intentions. Households that suffered significant flood damage are more likely to take steps to mitigate future risks to their homes. Yet, this intention encounters limits for extreme flood damage. Once experienced flood damages exceed a threshold of 58% of the home reconstruction value, homeowners begin to view private adaptation efforts as less effective, prompting a shift toward relocating to safer areas.

How to cite: Endendijk, T., Rodriguez Castro, D., Dillenardt, L., Kumar Guntu, R., Botzen, W., de Moel, H., Thieken, A., Kreibich, H., Dewals, B., and Aerts, J.: Emerging patterns and limits in household cross-border flood adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10617,, 2025.

EGU25-11642 | Posters on site | NH9.7

Volcanoes and tourism: a reflection from an IAVCEI working group 

Alessandro Bonforte and the IAVCEI Volcano-Tourism Working Group

In recent decades, tourism on active volcanoes has become very popular, raising the risk exposure of more and more visitors to potential volcanic hazards. Tragic illustrations were recorded at Ontake (2014), Whakaari (2019) and Marapi (2023).

Tourist operators promoting tourism on volcanoes offer a wide diversity of tours with varying degrees of difficulty and risk. The most popular attractions include visits to glowing lava flows and fumarolic areas, as well as observing mildly explosive eruptions. The commonality between all visiting options is that many people are often involved in multiple and diverse groups, which raises a different risk level compared to individual visits in front of any same hazard. While individual risk is related to the exposure time of an individual, the collective risk for visiting groups depend on the total numbers of visitors, the number of groups and the summations of exposure times. This risk difference between individuals and groups has important implications in terms of risk mitigation and potential decisions.

In order to improve communication on volcanic hazards and awareness of potential risks to the tourist public, the IAVCEI can provide professional recommendations on the best practices and protocols to be checked before planning and embarking on a tour. This is envisioned as a positive complement to existing communication protocols established in each country. In addition, IAVCEI may foster interactions with tourism agencies to support effective risk management and improve information dissemination, starting from the role of the volcanologists and volcano observatories.

How to cite: Bonforte, A. and the IAVCEI Volcano-Tourism Working Group: Volcanoes and tourism: a reflection from an IAVCEI working group, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11642,, 2025.

EGU25-17565 | ECS | Orals | NH9.7

Measuring resilience capacity for transformational adaptation across the world  

Stefan Velev and Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler

In the context of increasing measured climate-related risks and observed impacts across the globe, the need for transformative adaptation is seeing heightened attention, which implies consideration shifts from conventional, response-and incremental-focussed approaches for addressing climate-related risks towards transformative approaches to prevent existential impacts associated with climate-related disasters and enable sustainable futures.  

Yet, little reported success with observed adaptation exists and little is now about the capacity of communities to implement transformation. In this study we use a most widely used and validated resilience measurement tool to estimate capacity for transformation resilience across the globe. 

We do so by applying the systematic resilience measurement framework developed by the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities tool to examine the potential for transformational resilience as compared to absorptive and adaptive resilience.  

For this research we utilize the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) framework in order to evaluate absorptive, adaptive, and transformative capacities as key enablers of resilience. The FRMC tool comprises 44 discrete sources of resilience, which are indicators that are measured during normal (non-flood) and post-flood times via household surveys, community group discussions, focus group discussions with stakeholders that are part of the Flood Resilience Alliance, key informant interviews, and existing secondary data sources. This study encompass 22 countries and 325 communities. The analysis focuses on absorptive, adaptive, and transformative capacities and examines how these capacities evolve over time in response to changes in environmental, social, and economic conditions. We further measure their changes across two distinct time periods. While absorptive capacities focus on coping with and recovering from shocks, adaptive capacities enable incremental adjustments to manage evolving risks. Transformative capacity, essential for addressing intolerable risks and driving systemic change. 

We overall find absorptive and adaptive resilience capacities to dominate the results, but in a number of vulnerable communities we identify solid levels of transformative capacity. We suggest further efforts ought to be expanded on bolstering the transformative capacity, where it exists, of communities in order to better brace those for further increases in the severity of climate-related  risks. 

How to cite: Velev, S. and Hochrainer-Stigler, S.: Measuring resilience capacity for transformational adaptation across the world , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17565,, 2025.

This study investigates the relationship between community resilience indicators and flood-related mortality and morbidity across 66 communities worldwide. Using the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) framework, we examine how five distinct forms of capital - social, financial, physical, human, and natural - influence three specific outcomes: direct flood-related fatalities, deaths within three months post-flood, and flood-related injuries.

The research employs a quasi-experimental design with regression adjustments to analyze the relationship between resilience levels and these mortality and morbidity outcomes. Our methodology incorporates key demographic factors, including age distribution, gender composition, and urban-rural residence, while also accounting for flood exposure and hazard characteristics such as return periods and the percentage of the community affected.

The FRMC framework provides a comprehensive dataset compiled through multiple data collection methods, including household surveys, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and secondary sources. The study specifically uses baseline data to assess pre-existing resilience levels and post-event data to measure mortality and injury impacts.

Our analytical approach begins with Principal Component Analysis to derive consolidated measures for each type of capital. The quantitative research design carefully controls for demographic vulnerabilities and flood exposure or hazard characteristics, recognizing that these factors may significantly influence the relationship between resilience and both mortality and morbidity outcomes.

The study makes several important contributions to the existing literature on flood resilience impacts. First, it provides a systematic analysis of how different forms of community capitals affect both mortality and injuries in flood-affected areas. Second, it considers both immediate and delayed mortality impacts, accounting for deaths occurring up to three months after flood events. Third, it examines these relationships while controlling for demographic factors and flood exposure or hazard levels, offering insights into how resilience effects may vary across different community contexts.

This research has significant implications for policy and practice in flood risk management and community resilience building. By understanding how different forms of capital influence mortality and injury patterns, policymakers and practitioners can better target interventions to reduce flood-related deaths and injuries. The findings may help inform more effective strategies for protecting vulnerable populations and strengthening community resilience to flood events.

Furthermore, by examining both immediate and delayed mortality effects alongside injury patterns, this study contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of flood impacts on communities. This broader perspective is crucial for developing more effective long-term disaster response and recovery strategies.

How to cite: Guimaraes, R., Velev, S., and Chapagain, D.: The Effect of Community Resilience Measures on Morbi-Mortality Indicators Following Floods: An Empirical Assessment., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17601,, 2025.

EGU25-19015 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.7

Spatial Industrial Accident Exposure and Social Vulnerability Assessment of Industrial Installations in Germany 

Steffen Neuner, Alexander Fekete, and Udo Nehren

To assess the potential risk of NaTech disasters in Germany, we present an approach that evaluates both natural hazards triggering industrial accidents and the potentially affected population. First, the exposure of industrial installations, facilities registered under the Seveso Directive, chemical parks, and nuclear power plants to earthquake and wildfire hazards is mapped. Second, because NaTech disasters can amplify risks to nearby populations, the study examines the effects of NaTech disasters on communities surrounding these industrial sites. It is necessary to assess the exposure to hazards and the type of potentially vulnerable social groups that may be threatened by NaTech disasters in order to better guide preparedness against and mitigation of such disasters.

We apply a spatial analysis methodology using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to assess exposure around hazardous sites and analyse census data to assess social vulnerability. Our findings indicate that while some industrial installations are situated in earthquake-prone areas, even more are exposed to wildfire hazards. Most industrial sites are located in urban areas, where we observe higher population density, more foreign residents, and smaller housing units. The analysis of buffer zones around industrial installations shows that vulnerability decreases with increasing distance from these sites.

These findings can help emergency management planners and stakeholders in developing more effective disaster risk reduction strategies tailored to different social groups, thereby enhancing preparedness for NaTech disasters and industrial accidents.

How to cite: Neuner, S., Fekete, A., and Nehren, U.: Spatial Industrial Accident Exposure and Social Vulnerability Assessment of Industrial Installations in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19015,, 2025.

EGU25-21772 | Orals | NH9.7

Resilience in the Polycrisis. Addressing multiple risks through multiple resilience dividends 

Piotr Zebrowski, Romain Clercq-Roques, Pratik Patil, and Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler

Despite wide-spread recognition and rhetoric regarding the burdens imposed by simple and systemic disaster and climate risks as well as solid evidence regarding the benefits of reducing risk, it has remained difficult to motivate sustained investment into disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) at individual project level as well as country scale. To this effect, international policy debate over the last years in the wake of the international compacts of 2015 has emphasized the need for orienting such investments toward interventions that generate so-called triple or multiple resilience dividends. Such dividends include reducing loss of lives and livelihoods, unlocking development, and creating development co-benefits. In addition to risk reduction benefits from project investment (1st dividend), these suggested dividends would arise from positive externalities, such as unlocked development (2nd dividend) and co-benefits (3rd dividend), e.g. investment into health systems with returns from treating disaster-affected patients and those affected by idiosyncratic events, such as from disease or accidents. In economic parlance, externalities (also called spill-overs) can be considered the benefits (if positive) or costs (if negative) not directly captured in market prices or transactions. In our discussion, we consider externalities as the unplanned positive or negative effects arising from risk management investment. While externalities have been considered in sustainability decision-making for public sector investment decisions for many issues, in DRR and CCA they are generally not yet well captured, which gave rise to the concept of triple dividend decision-making propositions.  

Yet, while triple and multi resilience dividend decision-making have received attention in policy and practice over the last decade, evidence remains scarce, particularly as to the 2nd dividend (the externalities). We suggest that systemic risk research with its focus on interdependent systems coupled with resilience dividend decision-making reasoning may point a way forward for improved decision-making on disaster and climate risks (reduction). 

This article queries what resilience assessment methods, metrics and evidence exist to address interconnected systemic and global catastrophic risks for informing efforts towards transformational resilience across systems. Based on insights and examples from decision-making analysis as well as systemic risk research we show how analysts and decision-makers can better consider the various resilience dividends, i.e., positive externalities and co-benefits of disaster risk reduction measures beyond the reduction of losses and assess dependencies in risk and benefits' creation across micro and macro scales. As we suggest, this may enable a more comprehensive evaluation of interventions with benefits arising at various scales, thus in many cases, where there are strong dependencies across systems, such benefits may result in reduced cost (trade-offs) and increased benefits (or synergies) for risk reduction and resilience. 

How to cite: Zebrowski, P., Clercq-Roques, R., Patil, P., and Hochrainer-Stigler, S.: Resilience in the Polycrisis. Addressing multiple risks through multiple resilience dividends, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21772,, 2025.

EGU25-21950 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.7

Managing Sovereign Climate Risk in Vulnerable Developing Countries: Smart Support Guidance for Donors and Policy Makers 

Qinhan Zhu, Muneta Yokomatsu, and Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler

Developing countries grapple with a critical dilemma: balancing the imperative of development with investing in measures to build resilience against climate risks. Current adaptation efforts are often insufficient due to limited resources and fragmented initiatives, leaving vulnerable countries increasingly exposed to escalating threats. Madagascar serves as a poignant case study, vividly illustrating these challenges.

Hence, there is a pressing need for close collaboration between national governments and international donors to strategically mobilise limited resources for maximal resilience benefits. The Smart Support Guidance offers an analytical framework to demonstrate the benefits of various risk management strategies under a broader macroeconomic context. Integrating Climate Disaster Risk Reduction Measures (CDRM) and Climate Disaster Risk Insurance and Finance (CDRFI) solutions, this guidance facilitates the “optimisation” of investments, the assessment of multi-metric impacts of policies, and the maintenance of a balance between risk reduction, development, and fiscal sustainability.

Our Smart Support framework involves estimating the risk profiles, estimating the governmental financing ability to address disaster damages, and evaluating the policy trade-offs of various adaptation strategies. The risk profile estimation uncovers the significant vulnerabilities of Madagascar to cyclones and surges. Identified in the financing ability analysis, we highlight a large gap between available resources and the need for recovery and reconstruction given the current risk profile. This underscores the necessity for substantial investments in CDRM and CDRFI. To better illustrate the broader development and resilience impacts of CDRM and CDRFI, we developed the macroeconomic model to demonstrate that investments in risk management can bolster GDP growth and stability. Subsidies on risk management measures, backed by international donors, mitigate fiscal vulnerabilities, and fortify resilience.

In conclusion, tailored adaptation strategies, robust stakeholder engagement, and refined economic modelling are paramount. Collaboration between national governments and international donors is vital for constructing climate-resilient futures for vulnerable countries like Madagascar.

How to cite: Zhu, Q., Yokomatsu, M., and Hochrainer-Stigler, S.: Managing Sovereign Climate Risk in Vulnerable Developing Countries: Smart Support Guidance for Donors and Policy Makers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21950,, 2025.

This study quantitatively examines the correlation between land use/cover change (LUCC) and geohazards, specifically focusing on Lin'an District in Zhejiang Province, China. A multifaceted methodology encompassing the Patch-generating Land Use Simulation (PLUS) model, time series analysis, wavelet transform, and cross-lagged panel analysis was employed to scrutinize the distribution of land cover/land use and its nexus with geohazards.

The investigation began with applying the PLUS model to forecast land cover/land use distribution, integrating the Land Expansion Analysis Strategy and a Cellular Automata model based on Multiple Random Seeds to simulate spatial distribution and land cover/land use changes. Time series curves of land cover/land use and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for geohazard points were constructed. Wavelet transform techniques were then applied to uncover the underlying trends and periodicities within the geohazard and land cover/land use data. Correlation studies between various factors were conducted, and cross-lagged panel analysis was utilized to investigate the lag correlations between NDVI and land cover/land use types at geohazard points across different years.

The study has discovered some findings related to the significant temporal correlation between land use/cover changes and the occurrence of geohazards. For instance, changes in land use/cover typically precede geohazard events by 1-3 years, and the impact of geohazards on land use/cover is most pronounced within 1-2 years after the event. These findings indicate the complex interplay between land use/cover changes and geohazards. The conclusions drawn from this study, based on time series analysis and quantification of lag effects, provide theoretical underpinnings for understanding the intricate relationship between land cover/land use changes and geohazards and underscore their reciprocal interactions.

How to cite: Xia, J. and Chen, L.: Exploring the Temporal Linkages between Land Use/Cover Dynamics and Geohazards in Lin'an, Zhejiang, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2207,, 2025.

EGU25-6017 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.8

A simplified approach for assessing the evolution of rainfall-induced landslides in sandy soils 

Antonia Brunzo, Emilia Damiano, Martina de Cristofaro, and Lucio Olivares

Broad mountainous areas worldwide experience rainfall-induced slope movements, exacerbated by climate changes, causing heavy damages and fatalities. Often in a single geomorphological context, the same rainstorm can trigger many slope instabilities characterized by different degrees of mobility presenting reach angles varying from 10° and 50°.

This is the case of a wide area around Naples (South Italy) where shallow young pyroclastic granular covers initially in unsaturated conditions are frequently involved in fast slope movements showing a very different behaviour whose prediction, together with the consequent delimitation of the exposed areas at risk, is a fundamental step towards the individuation of mitigation strategies.

This study presents a series of long-term investigations conducted both in situ and in the laboratory to identify the parameters influencing the mobility of these  landslides. Data collection at various sample sites consisted of suction and water content  monitoring  over time, also during intense rainfall events.  Laboratory investigations involved hydro-mechanical characterization of these materials to examine soil behavior under both partially and fully saturated conditions and physical modelling to verify that a process of static liquefaction can establish in these deposits.

By synthesizing the knowledge gained from past and recent investigations on pyroclastic covers involved in catastrophic flowslides and debris avalanches during the last three decades, the main factors governing their response at the onset of failure and their subsequent mobility were identified and a physically-based flowchart has been developed. The proposed flowchart, basing on geomorphological and geotechnical data, can be used, under the simplified hypothesis, to make a preliminary prediction of the landslide's evolution and to enhance knowledge of the potential areas at risk.

How to cite: Brunzo, A., Damiano, E., de Cristofaro, M., and Olivares, L.: A simplified approach for assessing the evolution of rainfall-induced landslides in sandy soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6017,, 2025.

EGU25-6959 | ECS | Orals | NH9.8

Global trends of city exposure to volcanic hazards 

Elinor S. Meredith, Rui Xue Natalie Teng, Susanna F. Jenkins, Josh L. Hayes, Sébastien Biass, Eleanor Tennant, and Heather Handley

Cities near volcanoes expose dense concentrations of people, buildings, and infrastructure to volcanic hazards. Identifying urban centres exposed to volcanic hazards at a global scale supports local risk assessments, better land-use planning, and hazard mitigation. Previous approaches dominantly relied on city centroids to assess population exposure and proximity to volcanoes, overlooking the spatial variability of population distribution within city margins. In this research, firstly, we propose a novel framework to rank 1,106 cities globally in terms of volcanic hazard exposure using population count, distances to 596 Holocene volcanoes, and the number of nearby volcanoes. Notably, 50% of people living within 100 km of a volcano reside in cities. Bandung, Indonesia, ranks highest overall, with over 8 million people exposed within 30 km of up to 12 volcanoes. Regional rankings highlight Jakarta (~38 million), Tokyo (~30 million), and Manila (~24 million) having the largest populations within 100 km of a volcano. Finally, we show average trends in city population expansion towards volcanoes since 1975 and projected to 2070. We use case studies to show directions of expansions towards or away from hazardous areas, to emphasise how potential local drivers may influence hazard exposure. For some countries, such as El Salvador, Japan, or the Philippines, where >70% of land in each country is exposed to volcanic hazards, there are limits on the availability of safer areas for expansion. By understanding how urban environments are expanding towards volcanoes, we can better inform adaptive strategies to volcanic risks. 

How to cite: Meredith, E. S., Teng, R. X. N., Jenkins, S. F., Hayes, J. L., Biass, S., Tennant, E., and Handley, H.: Global trends of city exposure to volcanic hazards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6959,, 2025.

EGU25-7819 | ECS | Orals | NH9.8

Mexico City Sinkhole Formation: Development of a Conceptual Model in a Non-Karst Environment 

Sergio A. García-Cruzado, Nelly L. Ramírez-Serrato, Graciela Herrera, Mario Alberto Hernandez-Hernandez, Fabiola D. Yépez-Rincón, Samuel Villarreal, and Selene Olea-Olea

Mexico City, located in a lacustrine basin on highly heterogeneous terrain, presents a complex and unique scenario for studying sinkhole formation. Unlike karst regions, where these phenomena are typically associated with natural rock dissolution processes, in Mexico City they are linked to a specific interaction of geological, hydrological, and anthropogenic factors. Between 2017 and 2020, over 500 sinkholes were recorded, significantly impacting infrastructure and public safety. This context is particularly significant due to the high population density, extensive urbanization, and historical overuse of water resources, which aggravate land subsidence and soil collapse incidents. Previous studies, such as those by Ramírez Serrato et al. (2024) and García Cruzado et al. (2023), have explored the relationship between variables like subsurface composition, groundwater extraction, and infrastructure vulnerability. Ramírez Serrato and collaborators (2024) performed a statistical analysis to identify the degree of association of the conditioning factors to the presence of subsidence in the city through a Chi-square test and a regression analysis, with which they were able to perform a geographically weighted regression (GWR) model for mapping susceptibility in urban areas. While García Cruzado and collaborators (2023) analyzed the influence of different conditioning factors of the phenomenon for susceptibility mapping using the Weights of Evidence method, with which they were able to analyze the contribution of the main factors to the formation of the phenomenon, offering in both works valuable tools for the assessing the risk related to sinkholes. The objective of this study is to propose a conceptual model that characterizes the dynamics of the criteria involved in sinkhole formation in Mexico City. It integrates data from the Mexico City Risk Atlas along with the aforementioned analytical results. The study presents a model that organizes and visualizes the interaction between geological and anthropogenic factors, emphasizing the influence of water extraction, soil type, and urban pressures. This research aims not only to advance the understanding of the causes and dynamics of sinkholes but also to provide a useful tool for urban planning and risk mitigation, with the potential to safeguard Mexico City's infrastructure and population from this growing hazard.


Ramírez-Serrato, N. L., García-Cruzado, S. A., Herrera, G. S., Yépez-Rincón, F. D., & Villarreal, S. (2024). Assessing the relationship between contributing factors and sinkhole occurrence in Mexico City. Geomatics Natural Hazards And Risk, 15(1).

García Cruzado, S., Ramírez Serrato, N., and Herrera Zamarrón, G.: Mapping of Mexico City's susceptibility to sinkhole formation using the weights of evidence method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10935,, 2023.

How to cite: García-Cruzado, S. A., Ramírez-Serrato, N. L., Herrera, G., Hernandez-Hernandez, M. A., Yépez-Rincón, F. D., Villarreal, S., and Olea-Olea, S.: Mexico City Sinkhole Formation: Development of a Conceptual Model in a Non-Karst Environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7819,, 2025.

EGU25-8583 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.8

Physically based and statistically based rockfall susceptibility along communication routes and in urban areas in Italy 

Nabanita Sarkar and Massimiliano Alvioli

Landslide susceptibility is the likelihood for a particular location to experience a landslide, based on terrain attributes and past landslide occurrences. The recent literature exhibits different approaches for the spatial zonation of landslide susceptibility. At the opposite sides of the spectrum of possible approaches lie physically based and statistically based methods. Physically based approaches calculate slope stability using well-defined equations, specific of the peculiar landslide type; here, we considered rockfalls [1,2]. Statistically based and machine learning approaches establish correlations between several topographic and environmental data and landslide presence [3].

Information on past landslides is useful for both methods, to calibrate model parameters and assess model performance. However, they differ significantly in their input requirements and methodological framework. In this study, we compare two state-of-the art susceptibility zonations, and their predictions at the location of different infrastructure in the whole of Italy, obtained by a physically based method [4] and with a slope unit-based statistical method [5].

To compare the two results, beyond classification performance, one has to figure out ways to cast the output maps of the two models in a similar format. Simulations with the 3D rockfall model produce raster maps, with a trajectory count for each grid cell, while the statistical result is a polygonal map [6]. We compared the two susceptibility zonations on the whole of Italy, first, and then we considered the predictions of the two results restricted to urban areas, railways, and road network.

The main difficulty lays in choosing an aggregation function for each polygonal or linear feature, to homogenize the two results. We performed either an average, for slope unit polygons, and empirical cumulative density functions (ECDFs), for linear features and urban areas. For the latter, we considered functional urban areas, or commuting zones, a standard choice to describe urban boundaries. Once average or ECDF values were obtained, for each polygon/linear segment, and for each version of susceptibility maps, we classified both results with an equal interval scheme. We acknowledge that the choice of aggregation functions and classification schemes are crucial for the final comparison, but we maintain that out choices are simple and objective.

The results indicate that the maps based on the considered models are drastically different. The observed disparities stem from the distinct conceptual frameworks and data dependencies of the two methods. While the physically based method can easily capture the mechanics of rockfall initiation, it requires input potentially limiting its use to data-rich locations. In contrast, the statistically based method is more flexible, and suitable for to regional-scale mapping. However, reconciling the two maps still looks challenging, and these preliminary results suggest complementary use of both methods.


[1] Guzzetti et al., Comp. Geosci. 28 (2002)

[2] Sarkar et al., Nat. Haz.120 (2024)

[3] Alvioli et al., Earth-Sci. Rev. 258 (2024)

[4] Alvioli et al., Eng. Geol. 293 (2021)

[5] Loche et al., Earth-Sci. Rev. 232 (2022)

[6] Alvioli et al., Geomorphology (2023)

How to cite: Sarkar, N. and Alvioli, M.: Physically based and statistically based rockfall susceptibility along communication routes and in urban areas in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8583,, 2025.

Landslide occurrences are influenced by various spatial and climatic factors, some predictable to an extent while others remain uncertain. Physically-based models like TRIGRS are crucial for assessing slope stability and rainfall thresholds. In this study, we evaluated rainfall intensity (RI) and duration (RD) for landslide prediction in Guangdong's northern region, focusing on areas with historical high-intensity rainfall and landslides. Our study encompassed four rainfall intensities (1 mm to 50 mm) and 32 durations (1 to 72 hours), considering diverse hillslope gradients and geological formations (sedimentary and igneous rocks). Increasing RI correlated with decreasing RD until a threshold for slope failure was reached, defining spatial thresholds across varied rainfall simulations. Geological formations exhibited varying threshold intensities for slope failure, with igneous rock demonstrating greater resistance due to its granite and sandstone composition. Multiple calculations of the factor of safety for different intensities of rainfall events permitted the fitting of power-law equations to the critical intensity and rainfall durations for different grid cells. Simulation results indicated igneous rock failure after 4.3 hours of 50 mm/h rainfall, while sedimentary rock failure in low-strength areas within 2 to 3 hours with the same rainfall intensity at different locations. Validation with landslide data yielded accuracies of 67.42% for sedimentary rock, 68.13% for both sedimentary and igneous rock, and 63.51% for igneous rock alone using TRIGRS. This analysis highlights the geological role in slope failure and aids in future rainfall-based threshold evaluations for early landslide warnings.

How to cite: Ali, M. Z. and Chen, K.: Rainfall Threshold Analysis for Various Geological Formations in Northeastern Guangdong, China: A Physically-Based Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8937,, 2025.

EGU25-8975 | Orals | NH9.8

Understanding urban gully occurrence in Africa: A continent-wide model 

Elise Dujardin, Eric Lutete Landu, Guy Ilombe Mawe, Jean Poesen, Oliver Dewitte, and Matthias Vanmaercke

The rapid and typically uncontrolled growth of many African cities leads to a plethora of problems, including the formation and expansion of large urban gullies (UGs). These UGs often result in the destruction of homes and infrastructure, displacement of people, and loss of life. In many ways, the formation mechanisms of UGs are similar to those of gullies in other environments. Yet, urban land cover and tropical rainfall conditions, as well as their location in densely populated areas typically make them much more severe. Furthermore, the problems associated with UGs are likely to worsen in the near future as a result of continued urban expansion and climate change. However, this newly emerging geo-hydrological hazard received hitherto very little research attention. Several studies report on the occurrence and impacts of UGs but they remain limited to specific local case studies. A clear understanding of the patterns, impacts and driving factors of UGs at larger scales is currently lacking. To address this gap, we aim to better understand the spatial patterns and UG susceptibility at the scale of Africa.

Through the visual analysis of satellite imagery, we documented more than 4,000 cases of UG occurrence, significantly affecting 12 countries across Africa. These UGs are mainly spread over (sub-)tropical areas with D.R. Congo, Angola, Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and Mozambique being the most impacted countries. Using this database, we trained a random forest model that accurately simulates UG occurrence in (peri-)urban areas across Africa, with AUC greater than 0.9. Our results demonstrate that a combination of topography, rainfall characteristics, soil type, and variables describing the urban context (e.g. built-up area, road density) can explain variations in susceptibility to UG occurrence within and across cities. This dataset and model represent critical initial steps toward understanding, mitigating and preventing the risks of UGs in Africa, both now and in the future.

How to cite: Dujardin, E., Lutete Landu, E., Ilombe Mawe, G., Poesen, J., Dewitte, O., and Vanmaercke, M.: Understanding urban gully occurrence in Africa: A continent-wide model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8975,, 2025.

We document a hybrid infrastructural/nature based restoration of an artificial backshore dune in Big Wave Bay (Tai Long Wan), a small embayed sandy beach system in Hong Kong. The 2018 Super Typhoon Mangkhut destroyed the dune, believed to have been built by a coastal village community more than 80 years ago and had withstood all intervening storms. The destruction had itself illustrated how extreme events may alter landforms at a catchment scale, and the vulnerabilities of coastal communities that lies within the catchment. Subsequently, the Hong Kong government made a decision to 'hold-the-line' and rebuild defence in-situ, believed to have driven by space constraints, engineering philosophy, and/or public perception. The result may not be the most storm-proof, but it could be seen as the best outcome based on compromises, and could represent the most probable responses towards extreme events in urban coastal communities. Both hard engineering (in the form of concrete footslabs) and nature based approach (in the form of coastal shrub planting) were installed in 2021, and had shown different trajectory of change in the subsequent years. Although the defence mechanisms had not been tested in an extreme event, comparative strengths of the solutions could be surmised by their integration with the natural processes of the beach system. The overall cost effectiveness of this 'hold-the-line' strategy in Big Wave Bay is estimated, using potential land loss from sea level rise fed into a simple socio-economic model to predict potential economic loss. The result could shed light on quantifying the social costs for adaptation strategies in urban coastal communities in response to climate change.  


How to cite: Chiu, H. C., Leung, E. Y. L., and Wong, A. T. L.: Testing the effectiveness of hybrid infrastructural/nature based sand dune restoration as defence for an urban coastal community in Hong Kong , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9065,, 2025.

EGU25-9317 | ECS | Orals | NH9.8 | Highlight

Creating and implementing a decision support environment for risk-sensitive, pro-poor urban planning and development of Tomorrow’s Cities 

Gemma Cremen, Thaisa Comelli, Carmine Galasso, Roberto Gentile, Ramesh Guragain, Max Hope, Vibek Manandhar, Emin Mentese, Mark Pelling, and Hugh Sinclair

As the negative impacts of natural hazards continue to escalate around the world due to increasing populations, climate change, and rapid urbanisation (among other factors and processes), there is an urgent requirement to develop structured and operational approaches towards multi-hazard risk-informed decision making on urban planning and design. This is a particularly pressing issue for low-to-middle income countries in the Global South, which are set to be impacted ever more disproportionately during future natural-hazard events if the “business as usual” urban-development approach continues unabated. The urban poor of these countries will suffer most under current, risk-insensitive development trajectories.

To address this crucial challenge, we introduce the Tomorrow’s Cities Decision Support Environment (TCDSE). The TCDSE facilitates a participatory, people-centred approach to risk-informed decision making, using state-of-the-art procedures for physics-based hazard and engineering impact modelling, integrating physical and social vulnerability in a unified framework, and expressing the consequences of future disasters across an array of stakeholder-weighted impact metrics that facilitate democratisation of the risk concept. Operation of the TCDSE leads to a risk-sensitive future urban scenario (consisting of an urban plan and a set of pertinent policies) owned not only by the planning authorities, municipalities, the government or the private sector, but also by the communities who will live in these future cities. It therefore represents a significant advancement in the state of the art towards inclusive, people-centred disaster risk reduction, as advocated by global policies and world-leading international agencies like the United Nations, the International Federation of Red Cross, and the World Bank.

This talk will cover the successful deployment of the TCDSE across a range of rapidly expanding urban areas in the Global South that lack formal planning and are increasingly exposed to multi-hazard occurrences (e.g., Nablus in Palestine, Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh, and Kathmandu in Nepal). The promising potential of the TCDSE to help minimise future urban risk creation in these contexts will be highlighted.

How to cite: Cremen, G., Comelli, T., Galasso, C., Gentile, R., Guragain, R., Hope, M., Manandhar, V., Mentese, E., Pelling, M., and Sinclair, H.: Creating and implementing a decision support environment for risk-sensitive, pro-poor urban planning and development of Tomorrow’s Cities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9317,, 2025.

EGU25-11661 | ECS | Orals | NH9.8

Evaluating the Influence of Urbanization on Slope Stability: A Case Study on Ischia Island 

Flavia Ferriero, Warner Marzocchi, and Fausto Guzzetti

Physically-based models used to assess slope stability are typically based on simplifying assumptions, such as the absence of anthropogenic structures, which are, in reality, often present on slopes. However, in many urbanized areas, the presence of buildings, roads, and other infrastructures can significantly affect slope stability, both in terms of load and alteration of water flow dynamics. Built structures modify surface water flow, hindering proper infiltration and increasing the occurrence of landslides. Furthermore, an additional factor to consider is the management of water that accumulates on buildings. The malfunction or damage of the sewer system, or in some cases, the absence of an appropriate drainage system, can further influence slope stability [1]. Moreover, the added weight of these structures, particularly when not properly founded on resistant layers, increases the forces acting on the slope, further compromising its stability. Despite this, most slope stability models do not account for the effects of these infrastructures, limiting their applicability in urbanized, sloped areas [2].
This study aims to address this gap by examining how urbanized areas influence slope stability, with a particular focus on small constructions such as houses and buildings located on steep terrains. The research explores the role of these structures in altering rainfall runoff and the ground's drainage capacity—both crucial factors for assessing slope stability. We propose an application of the physically-based model TRIGRS [3], which simulates changes in safety factors due to water infiltration, to analyse the effect of the presence of buildings on surface water flow and infiltration, and to identify areas most prone to shallow landslide triggering in built-up areas.
We applied the model on Ischia Island, a densely populated location Southern Italy, prone to different types of landslides [4]. A procedure was developed to consider the effects of the buildings on water runoff. To simulate the spatial distribution of rainfall, flow directions were modified to account for the presence of buildings, preventing excess water—unable to be absorbed by the ground—from accumulating where the buildings are located. Instead, water falling directly on the buildings is collected at a specific point at the boundary of the structure, simulating its discharge onto the ground.
The results demonstrate that this procedure effectively captures the effects of the building on water runoff, showing a significant increase in slope instability where water discharged from buildings accumulates.  We expect the workflow outlined here to be most effective in areas with informal housing [5], in which additional factors such as weight of the buildings and water leaks may play a relevant role.

[1] Mendes, R. M. et al. (2018). Geotech. Geol. Eng. 36, 599.
[2] Bozzolan, E. et al. (2022). Sci. Tot. Env. 858, 159412.
[3] Alvioli, M., Baum, R. L. (2016). Env. Mod. Softw. 81, 122.
[4] del Prete, S., Mele, R., (2006). Rend. Soc. Geol. It., 2, 29-47.
[5] Alvioli, M., et al. (2022). Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 13, 2712-2736.
[6] Bozzolan, E. et al. (2020). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20, 3161-3177.

How to cite: Ferriero, F., Marzocchi, W., and Guzzetti, F.: Evaluating the Influence of Urbanization on Slope Stability: A Case Study on Ischia Island, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11661,, 2025.

Slow-moving landslides are very slow or extremely slow landslides that often affect urbanized slopes, involving a wide range of soil and rock materials.  Often they can exhibit sudden changes in velocity related to local environmental changes, passing through slow (within 1 m/year) to rapid (more than 1 m/s) displacement. In built environments, the kinematic behaviour of these slope instabilities can lead to significant damage and even fatalities. Therefore, in active slow landslides, the prediction of movement acceleration is a crucial issue in the frame of landslide hazard and risk assessment for the design of warning systems and potential damage management. It is of great importance to investigate the factors that can drive velocity changes within unstable landslide bodies.

In this contribution, we focused on the role of hydrological preparatory and triggering factors (e.g., rainfall and groundwater level variations) on the unstable mass mobility. It is known that deep-seated slow-moving landslides are driven by pore-water pressure fluctuations that can result from infiltrating precipitation and/or snowmelt. However, the relationship between precipitation, hydrological responses and movement is not straightforward, primarily due to the complexity of the processes governing the recharge of groundwater in response to the rainfall regime, which can be influenced by many factors, both external (e.g., temperature, evapotranspiration, vegetation cover) and internal (e.g., layering, cracks, fissures). Therefore, including hydrological processes and their variability in landslide modelling is of paramount importance.

Here we present preliminary insights on the application of a simple physically-based model for quantifying groundwater fluctuations in response to discrete precipitation time-series in two reactivated slow-moving mass movements located in Liguria region (NW Italy): the Fontane landslide, in the Northern Apennines (eastern Liguria, Genoa Province) and the Mendatica landslide, in the Ligurian Alps (western Liguria, Imperia Province). Both landslides are rainfall-induced and affect small villages which have suffered damage in the past. The research activities are carried out in the framework of the RETURN (multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate) project funded by the Italian MUR and the European Union Next-GenerationEU.

Long-term hydro-geotechnical monitoring data series (e.g., groundwater table levels) available for the two selected landslides and meteorological data (e.g., rainfall and temperature) from nearby measuring stations were collected and analyzed for two significant periods in order to grasp the seasonal fluctuations of the water table and the response to rainfall events. During the modelling, each period was split into two sub-periods: one, for the calibration phase, in which meteo-hydro-geotechnical data were used to estimate the parameters needed for the simulated water table to best approximate the measured one; the second, for the validation phase, in which the goodness of the model is verified. The outcomes of this study may represent an initial basis for gaining insights about the processes that influence groundwater table variations and defining models for the simulation/prediction of quantitative scenarios related to the hydrologic preparatory processes that influence the kinematic behaviour of the two selected slow-moving landslides. Indeed, the results of the groundwater model may be used as input data for predicting the landslide displacements.



How to cite: Bondanza, M., Cevasco, A., Armadillo, E., and Pepe, G.: Modelling groundwater level fluctuations in rainfall-driven urbanized slow-moving landslides: first insights from case studies in the Liguria Region (NW Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12893,, 2025.

EGU25-13083 | Posters on site | NH9.8

Temporal evolution and interactions of landslides and urban areas revealed by air-photointerpretation and morphometric analysis 

Francesco Bucci, Mauro Cardinali, Michele Santangelo, Federica Fiorucci, and Massimiliano Alvioli

Based on multi-temporal mapping from air-photointerpretation, this contribution shows that the urban expansion of two Italian villages in the second half of the last century was substantially driven by the proximity to the pre-existing historic center, regardless of the presence of landslides (Zumpano et al., 2020). This is due both to a better accessibility to pre-existing services and sub-services, and to the lack of adequate knowledge - or the general underestimation - of the landslide hazard conditions adjacent to historic centres.  In both vilages, this circumstance led to building on portions of pre-existing landslides - evidently not known, or considered stabilized - which were subsequently reactivated, posing serious risk conditions. These areas were investigated by deriving multi-temporal DEMs from the historical aerial photos (Santangelo et al., 2022) previously interpreted and using the Geomorphodiversity Index (GmI) (Burnelli et al., 2023) as a proxy for the morphometric modifications introduced by progressive urbanisation. Results demonstrate that in both cases investigated, the anthropic modifications of naturally achieved equilibrium conditions - measured by high differences in GmI before and after urbanization - were the most probable cause predisposing the partial reactivations of dormant landslides. This opens at the possibility of using GmI variability as a measure of the onset of potential geomorphological critical issues associated with new urbanizations, and possibly, computing the expected GmI variabilty already at the design phase, benefiting an adequate territorial planning. Overall, this study suggests caution in the urbanization of areas exposed to landslide hazards, even if landslides are considered dormant, and related hazard is only potential.



Zumpano, V., Ardizzone, F., Bucci, F., Cardinali, M., Fiorucci, F., Parise, M., Pisano L., Reichenbach, P., Santaloia, F., Santangelo, M., Wasowski, J., Lollino, P. (2020). The relation of spatio-temporal distribution of landslides to urban development (a case study from the Apulia region, Southern Italy). Journal of Maps, 17(4), 133–140.

Burnelli, M., Melelli, L., Alvioli, M. (2023). Land surface diversity: a geomorphodiversity index of Italy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms., 48(15), 3025–3040. Available from:

Santangelo, M., Zhang, L., Rupnik, E., Deseilligny, M. P., and Cardinali, M. (2022). Landslide evolution pattern revealed by multi-temporal DSMS obtained from historical aerial images, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B2-2022, 1085–1092,, 2022

How to cite: Bucci, F., Cardinali, M., Santangelo, M., Fiorucci, F., and Alvioli, M.: Temporal evolution and interactions of landslides and urban areas revealed by air-photointerpretation and morphometric analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13083,, 2025.

EGU25-15358 | Orals | NH9.8

A parametric approach to delineating watersheds draining on linear infrastructures and assess their vulnerability to floods and landslides 

Massimiliano Alvioli, Giuseppe Esposito, Federica Fiorucci, and Ivan Marchesini

Landslides are a growing threat to transport infrastructures, exacerbated by rapid urbanization, climate change, and artificially altered hydrological conditions. This study presents a systematic approach to delineating drainage basins potentially affecting linear communication networks, to enhance the resilience of such transport corridors. Knowledge of the drainage basins at intersection points with linear features provides essential data for assessing risks related to geohazards, such as rapid flow-like landslides, as well as flash floods. This example demonstrates the method on the road network of Italy, considering hydrological and geomorphological parameters calculated at 25 m spatial resolution. The software implementation of the methodology, developed within the open source environment GRASS GIS [1], is readily applicable to different areas, using similar input data.

This study used the European digital elevation model EU-DEM, and the official ANAS (the Italian agency for road management) vector graph, describing 29,500 km of roads. The method consists of the following steps, inspired by a similar application to the national railway network in Ref. [2]:

(i) We use the r.watershed hydrological model, based on a least-cost path method [3], to delineate a dense stream network with corresponding basins with minimum upslope contributing area of 25,000 m2 at the stream initiation point.

(ii) Next, we considered a buffer of width d = 300 m on both sides of the road segments to select intersections between streams and roads; here, d is a parameter of the method.  This approach helps mitigating possible inaccuracies of input data, and includes situations where a stream segment flows on one hydrographic side of the main stream, and the road sits on opposite side. The procedure selects a conservative set of 66,018 intersection points.

(iii) Finally, we delineated watershed draining to each of the intersection points, using the software r.water.outlet [4], applied to each point with a data-parallel procedure. The result of this procedure is a polygonal vector layer containing all the watersheds associated to each interaction point.

Characterizing each watershed with morphometric indicators (area, slope, topographic wetness, and others) enables us to identify the road segments vulnerable to hydrological and geomorphological hazards, including flooding, erosion, and slope instability. This is in difference with the approach based on slope units [5], which are suited for slope-bound phenomena such as, for example, rockfalls [6], or for the determination of the likelihood of occurrence of landslide initiation points [7]. Watersheds of different sizes, relevant to phenomena with different reach distances and rapidity, can be selected in a parametric way. Preliminary results demonstrate the potential of the method to prioritize monitoring and maintenance of critical road segments.


[1] Neteler et al., Env. Mod. Softw. 31 (2012)

[2] Marchesini et al., Eng. Geol. 332 (2024)

[3] Metz et al., Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 15 (2011)

[4] Ehlschlaeger,

[5] Alvioli et al., Geomorphology 358 (2020)

[6] Alvioli et al., Eng. Geol. 293 (2021)

[7] Loche et al., Earth-Sci. Rev. 232 (2022)

How to cite: Alvioli, M., Esposito, G., Fiorucci, F., and Marchesini, I.: A parametric approach to delineating watersheds draining on linear infrastructures and assess their vulnerability to floods and landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15358,, 2025.

EGU25-16012 | Orals | NH9.8

The automation of a physically-based slope stability model for real-time landslide forecasting 

Luca Piciullo, Minu Treesa Abraham, Zhongqiang Liu, Haakon Robinson, Ida Norderhaug Drøsdal, Emanuele Campos Maio, Wagner Nahas Ribeiro, and Marcos Barreto de Mendonça

Rainfall-induced landslides are becoming a growing concern for disaster management due to the increasing frequency of high-intensity rainfall events. Identifying the space and temporal occurrence of such phenomena is paramount to ensure the development of reliable early warning systems and to effectively reduce the element exposed at risk. Conducting this analysis at the regional scale is a significant challenge due to the spatial variability of hydrological, geomorphological and geotechnical properties. Physically-based landslide models aim to identify potentially unstable areas during heavy rainfall by calculating the factor of safety (FS) across a spatial grid, integrating hydrological and geotechnical models.

Fully automated integration of such models into a Landslide Early Warning System (LEWS) is, however, still challenging due to complexities in real-time data acquisition, variability in model parameters, computational demands, and the need for accurate real-time forecasting. The proposed methodology uses meteorological forecasts, provided through meteorological Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), in addition to topographic and soil data to predict FS with an hourly resolution. These are visualized dynamically in real time on the ‘NGI Live’ data platform developed by the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI). Values of FS for each grid are uploaded to a cloud database as geotiff files and can be visualized in the form of maps in NGI Live. These prediction models, which are running at regular intervals to pull updated weather data from forecast APIs, are the model runners. Static input data for the models are kept in cloud storage, while API keys and other sensitive information are kept secure in a cloud secret store. The NGI Live dashboard offers a gateway to on-demand access to state-of-the-art predictions and historical data, and provide support for physics-informed decision-making relevant to disaster risk reduction and asset management.

This work is the result of collaboration between NGI and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, through the project NATRISK (337241), ”Enhancing risk management & resilience to natural hazards in India, Brazil, & Norway through collaborative education, research, & innovation”, supported by the Research Council of Norway.

How to cite: Piciullo, L., Abraham, M. T., Liu, Z., Robinson, H., Drøsdal, I. N., Campos Maio, E., Nahas Ribeiro, W., and Barreto de Mendonça, M.: The automation of a physically-based slope stability model for real-time landslide forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16012,, 2025.

EGU25-17538 | Posters on site | NH9.8

Identifying multi-dimensional vulnerability profiles in flood-prone urban environments 

Charlotta Mirbach, Alexandre Pereira Santos, and Matthias Garschagen

Assessing climate and, more specifically, flood vulnerability in rapidly urbanizing regions remains a challenge due to the complexity of diverse socio-economic, demographic, and spatial factors. This case study of Mumbai integrates household-level survey data (n = 1106) with morphological information to capture the multi-dimensional nature of vulnerability at the intra-urban scale. Focusing on flood-prone neighborhoods in Mumbai, we analyze household survey data (e.g., education, employment, income security, household assets) to identify distinct ‘archetypes’ of vulnerability. 
We implement an advanced, unsupervised machine learning approach to generate distinct and heterogenous socio-economic profiles by grouping households across multiple variables (e.g., education, employment status, household assets) rather than relying on static thresholds. We further incorporate statistical association measures to robustly examine relationships between clusters and key vulnerability outcomes and indicators (e.g., perceived flood severity, loss of workdays, and health impacts).

 To examine the influence of urban development on flood-related hazards, we complement the socio-economic clustering with a geospatial analysis that connects local urbanization conditions to the identified vulnerability profiles. First, we analyze household-reported impacts from flooding and perceived causes (e.g., blocked drainage channels, lack of maintenance) for each cluster to understand specific pathways by which urbanization exacerbates or alleviates flood risk. Second, we integrate these survey-based findings with geospatial data of topography (e.g., household location in the watershed) and urban form (e.g., open, or compact types) to assess the extent to which household location and built form shape or modify local flood vulnerability.

Our findings provide a data-driven baseline for capturing vulnerability that goes beyond singular proxies such as income. However, low data availability and quality—particularly in Global South contexts—can limit the replicability of this approach, and the high socio-spatial diversity within cities like Mumbai may not always be captured by coarser spatial data. Moreover, it remains unclear how well these findings hold over time, as vulnerability patterns may shift rapidly in evolving urban areas. Despite these caveats, by simultaneously assessing a range of household-level and urban form variables, this approach produces vulnerability profiles that can inform spatial prediction models and serve as inputs for spatial simulations of urbanization. The resulting flood vulnerability maps help to identify areas in need of interventions and offer a reproducible template for other flood-prone settings in the Global South.

How to cite: Mirbach, C., Santos, A. P., and Garschagen, M.: Identifying multi-dimensional vulnerability profiles in flood-prone urban environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17538,, 2025.

Urban surface runoff is intricately linked to the spatiotemporal distribution of rainfall and surface water flow dynamics. Therefore, when conducting simulations of urban surface runoff, it is essential to account for the hydrological and physiographic conditions within the study area. This research analyzed the terrain and landforms of the study area, arranged computational cells, and selected appropriate flow equations to simulate surface water movement. Using the concept of quasi-two-dimensional flow, a flood simulation core model was established and applied to simulate rainfall-runoff processes within metropolitan areas. Adjacent grid cells were connected using the continuity equation and suitable flow laws derived from quasi-two-dimensional flow theory to assess water levels and flow rates between cells.

A physiographic drainage-inundation model (PhD model) employed in this study utilized unstructured cells constructed based on physiographic conditions. The cells were designed and calibrated in accordance with current land use, spatial planning functional zones, or post-implementation urban planning zoning. The model encompassed five major river basins in Tainan City (Bazhang River, Jishui River, Zengwen River, Yanshui River, and Erren River), covering a total area of approximately 2,446.62 square kilometers and divided into 30,500 computational cells.

The analysis is based on a geomorphic scenario using current land use for runoff analysis, incorporating scenarios with 10-year return period rainfall, a quantitative torrential rainfall event (350mm/24hr). Both scenarios utilized the 10-year return period tidal levels along Tainan’s coastal areas as downstream boundary conditions. The results identified flooding hotspots near the Xiaying Interchange, Shinshih Interchange, and Rende District.

To assess the impact of future development areas on Tainan's flood risks, the study adjusted the CN (Curve Number) values of corresponding cells in PhD model to simulate flooding under the 10-year return period rainfall scenario. The findings revealed that future developments would exacerbate flood risks in Tainan, with significant increases in flooding depths observed in areas near Shinshih, Gueiren, and Rende Districts. The maximum increase reached up to 0.15 meters.

Finally, the study explored integrating runoff allocation plans into spatial planning to enhance urban flood resilience. Using the Zengwun-chi Drainage Plan as a case study, the simulation assessed the flood mitigation effects of implementing runoff detention and storage measures. Results indicated that areas with larger flood storage capacities exhibited more substantial flood reduction effects, with maximum reductions in flooding depth reaching 0.13 meters, while areas with smaller capacities showed limited effects.

In conclusion, this study established a reliable physiographic drainage-inundation model and simulated the impacts of various rainfall scenarios and future developments on flood risks in Tainan City. The findings serve as a valuable reference for governmental authorities to evaluate potential disasters associated with regional development and formulate mitigation strategies during urban planning processes.

How to cite: Wu, M.-H. and Lo, W.-C.: The Impact of Land Development on Runoff and the Analysis of Runoff Adaptation Resilience: A Case Study of Tainan City, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17665,, 2025.

This study addresses the challenges of urban flooding induced by climate change by proposing a refined flood risk assessment methodology to provide scientific support for the formulation of flood adaptation strategies. Focusing on the unique disaster characteristics of Taichung City, the research integrates AR5 and AR6 rainfall scenario data provided by Taiwan’s National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction. Utilizing the physiographic drainage-inundation model (PhD model), the study simulates flood depth and distribution characteristics under varying rainfall intensities, complemented by historical data and local intelligence for model calibration. This approach enables precise identification of high-risk areas and systematically characterizes flood process, offering a quantitative foundation for planning flood control infrastructure and adaptation strategies. The results address the lack of quantitative data in current urban flood risk assessments and establish a reference framework for scientific risk evaluation under extreme climate scenarios.

For extended applications, the study explores the potential of integrating flood risk information with artificial intelligence (AI) technology, specifically through the development of an intelligent water level recognition model. This model leverages existing CCTV systems for water level monitoring, employing simulated imagery for training and validation. It demonstrates potential for real-time water level monitoring and flood early warning capabilities. While further optimization and field testing are necessary, this approach holds promise for enhancing disaster mitigation and emergency response efficiency, providing valuable insights for addressing future challenges posed by extreme climate conditions.

How to cite: Chen, P.-T. and Li, C.-Y.: Development and Application of an Urban Flood Risk Assessment Method under Climate Change with an Exploration of AI-Assisted Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17692,, 2025.

EGU25-20299 | Posters on site | NH9.8

Surface monitoring of a failure slope by terrestrial laser scanning 

Tuan-nghia Do, Nguyen Chau Lan, and Tran The Viet

This paper presents surface monitoring of a failure slope, which was located along the Halong-Vandon highway. Terrestrial laser scanning was adopted to scan the slope surface twice at the time that failure occurred and one year later. Whole slope surface could be scanned completely. Results show that the subsided area was about 5600 m2, at which ground settlement took place seriously at the center line of the area and slightly near boundaries. The slope surface settled down about 1 m at the first time scanning. Then, the development of ground settlement became slow and the maximum settlement increment was about 0.5m at the second time of scanning. Besides, the finite element method was adopted to model the slope surface settlement and compare with that was recorded at the first time of scanning.

How to cite: Do, T., Chau Lan, N., and The Viet, T.: Surface monitoring of a failure slope by terrestrial laser scanning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20299,, 2025.

EGU25-20950 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.8

Implementing a physically based model to assess rockfall susceptibility in central Nepal 

Badal Pokharel, Samsung Lim, Tara Nidhi Bhattarai, and Massimiliano Alvioli

Active tectonics and high precipitation in Central Nepal Belts cause frequent rockfalls. This has caused severe impacts on communities and infrastructure, especially road networks. The major roads in Central Nepal, particularly the Pasang Lhamu Highway (PLH) and Galchhi-Rasuwagadhi Highway (GRH) have faced significant challenges due to rockfalls triggered by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake and seasonal high rainfall. These rockfalls obstructed transportation, and impeded road development and environmental management. Despite existing landslide susceptibility studies, limited research has focused specifically on rockfall susceptibility in the area.

This study addresses this gap by employing a physically based model, STONE [1], to assess rockfall susceptibility along these highways in the Rasuwa district. The model analyses individual rock blocks originating from user-defined locations, following independent paths influenced solely by gravity, and it is suited for assessing rockfall susceptibility along linear infrastructure [2]. To run the model, we used a 12.5 m resolution ALOS PALSAR digital elevation model and field investigation to prepare a rockfall source inventory. The second relevant input of the model is a map of locations for possible rockfall sources. Following Refs. [3], we obtained a probabilistic map of sources considering slope angle, relief, and vector ruggedness to establish numerical morphometric thresholds calibrated with observed rockfalls, and generalized the findings to unsurveyed sections across the whole study area. Next, we employed the STONE model to simulate three-dimensional rockfall trajectories and generate a rockfall susceptibility map.

The resulting map shows classified road segments into five susceptibility levels [4], with a susceptibility index ranging from 1 (low) to 5 (very high). Results highlighted high-susceptibility areas in Ramche, Dandagaun, and Syaprubesi, highlighting the segments of both highways most vulnerable to rockfall. As no rockfall protection strategies were adopted in these areas, which has affected road management and degraded the surrounding environment, results of this study would help to prioritize the sections of linear infrastructure that requires detailed rockfall studies and safety measures.


[1] Guzzetti et al., Comp. Geosci. (2002)

[2] Alvioli et al., Eng. Geol. (2021)

[3] Alvioli et al, Geom. Nat. Haz. Risk (2022)

[4] Pokharel et al., Bull. Eng. Geol. Env. (2023)

How to cite: Pokharel, B., Lim, S., Nidhi Bhattarai, T., and Alvioli, M.: Implementing a physically based model to assess rockfall susceptibility in central Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20950,, 2025.

EGU25-21334 | Orals | NH9.8

Geological Risk Estimation in Urban Hillslopes: Building Cadastral Mapping Using UAVs and Landslide Susceptibility Modeling with TRIGRS  

Roberto Quental Coutinho, Bruno Diego de Morais, Betânia Queiroz da Silva, Danisete Pereira Neto, and Marcio Augusto Ernesto de Moraes

The Metropolitan Region of Recife (RM-Recife) is one of Brazil's most affected areas by landslides, with the municipalities in the region frequently ranking among the most impacted by fatalities caused by these events. In light of this, it is essential to use methodologies that determine susceptibility and risk, particularly in urban areas undergoing constant changes due to inadequate human activities. The study covers a sub-basin with an occupied slope, covering an area of 104,824.81 m²and containing 513 buildings in the Dois Unidos neighborhood, North Zone of Recife, Pernambuco. The region faces challenges such as irregular settlements and territorial fragmentation, which increase its vulnerability to natural disasters. The study aims to estimate geological risk in two stages. The first involves using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to map buildings on urban slopes susceptible to landslides. Digital Terrain Models (DTM), Digital Surface Models (DSM), Digital Elevation Models (DEM), and orthophotos were generated to conduct the cadastral survey. IBGE data were used to assess the population exposed to risk. Subsequently, the data were overlaid on the susceptibility map generated using the TRIGRS model. For this purpose, geological-geotechnical investigations were conducted both in the field and in the laboratory, encompassing the Standard Penetration Test (SPT), sample collection, and the determination of soil hydraulic conductivity and strength. The runoff of rainwater is considered the changes in the drainage network imposed by buildings and obstacles from human occupation. The modeling scenario considered the intense rainfall of May 2022, which caused landslides and flooding in RM-Recife. During this event, a rain gauge near the study area recorded 342 mm of rain over 96 hours. Several Landslides occurred, putting the lives of residents and the buildings at risk. Overlaying cadastral information, census data, and the susceptibility map made it possible to identify the distribution of geological risk in the sub-basin. The analyses contribute to the implementation of preventive and mitigation strategies and provide support for improving risk and disaster management. The Results are part of a CNPq project coordinated by GEGEP/UFPE, with CEMADEN and international cooperation with IRPI-CNR, aiming to enhance TRIGRS to incorporate relevant human actions into the analyses.

How to cite: Quental Coutinho, R., de Morais, B. D., da Silva, B. Q., Pereira Neto, D., and de Moraes, M. A. E.: Geological Risk Estimation in Urban Hillslopes: Building Cadastral Mapping Using UAVs and Landslide Susceptibility Modeling with TRIGRS , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21334,, 2025.

EGU25-1046 | ECS | Orals | NH9.10

Global mapping of urban climate adaptation derived from text-mining of local plans 

Sruti Modekurty, Tais Maria Nunes Carvalho, Ni Li, Christian Kuhlicke, and Mariana Madruga de Brito

Cities are increasingly faced with intensifying climate impacts and natural hazards such as floods, droughts, and wildfires. Despite ongoing adaptation efforts to improve social resilience, knowledge about adaptation progress is scattered. Municipal climate plans contain a wealth of information about local adaptation planning and policies, but are seldom studied at a large scale due to their unstructured nature. Here, we use a series of natural language processing (NLP) techniques to extract information on planned adaptation measures for 548 cities with over 1 million inhabitants worldwide. Results reveal a bias toward flood hazards, with cities in the Global South underrepresented, covering only 50% of the target cities. Using the BERTopic seeded topic model, we found that measures related to water management and nature-based solutions were predominant, with some variation across regions. This global mapping provides a starting point for understanding adaptation progress and its gaps, offering a scalable methodology for analyzing municipal adaptation efforts across diverse, multilingual contexts.

How to cite: Modekurty, S., Maria Nunes Carvalho, T., Li, N., Kuhlicke, C., and Madruga de Brito, M.: Global mapping of urban climate adaptation derived from text-mining of local plans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1046,, 2025.

EGU25-2839 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.10

Evaluating the Effectiveness and Potential of Urban Planning for Enhancing Flood Resilience in the Pearl River Delta, China 

Anqi Zhu, Wenhan Feng, Liang Yang, Yimeng Liu, Yuhan Yang, Junqi Mao, Qingsong Xu, Wenhao Wu, and Tianyi Sun

While flood adaptation measures are critical to cope with flood impacts, there is a lack of quantitative evaluations of the effectiveness and potentials of the various measures. Even in flood risk assessments that incorporate spatial attributes, the influence of adaptation planning and policies in enhancing flood resilience is often underestimated. Urban planning, including master plans, land use plans, and infrastructure plans, reflects the government’s vision for the city’s future and encompass targeted risk management strategies that will be implemented. This study explores whether and how much urban planning, when effectively implemented, can sufficiently mitigate the anticipated future flood risks. Focusing on the nine cities as a metropolitan area at the Pearl River Delta (PRD) in China, we did a comprehensive collection of  various planning schemes that modify original terrain conditions, alter natural hydrological process, store and drain flood water, as well as warn and relief people and properties in flood. Measures in the plans are integrate into a flood risk assessment model. By conducting flood simulations under various future climate scenarios, we evaluate the effectiveness of urban planning across the nine cities in PRD region. The findings indicate that flood risk in the PRD cities can be significantly reduced once the planned measures are implemented. The findings underscore the  role of urban planning as a key representative of governance tools in strengthening flood resilience, while demonstrating the potential of government-led resilience-building policies and initiatives. Combing with extensive individual actions in flood emergency, future flood loss in the PRD area may demonstrate less increase than flood risk does. This research also presents a methodological framework for incorporating planning measures into flood risk simulation to evaluate their effectiveness in enhancing flood resilience. 

How to cite: Zhu, A., Feng, W., Yang, L., Liu, Y., Yang, Y., Mao, J., Xu, Q., Wu, W., and Sun, T.: Evaluating the Effectiveness and Potential of Urban Planning for Enhancing Flood Resilience in the Pearl River Delta, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2839,, 2025.

The growing intensity of climate change has made developing countries to face mounting challenges in adapting to its multifaceted impacts. Pakistan and Bangladesh, as two of the most climate-vulnerable nations in South Asia, face increasing risks from floods, cyclones, droughts, and rising sea levels. While national policies and frameworks for climate and disaster management exist, the effectiveness of their implementation largely depends on the agility and responsiveness of bureaucratic structures. The coping capacity of bureaucracies in both countries has improved over the years, but the system’s capacity to adapt to uncertain climate challenges remains a vulnerability. The paper explores the resilience and institutional capacity of bureaucracies in Pakistan and Bangladesh to adapt to climate-induced threats. The paper analyses structural strengths, weaknesses, and reform trajectories within the bureaucracies of Pakistan and Bangladesh to assess their capacity to respond, recover and most importantly adapt to climate-induced threats. By drawing on case studies, Cyclone Amphan (Bangladesh) and Floods 2022 (Pakistan), policy analysis, and stakeholder involvement the research identifies governance bottlenecks, resource limitations, and political factors that influence institutional adaptation. The findings offer comparative insights and highlight pathways for strengthening bureaucratic resilience, fostering cross-sector collaboration, and integrating local communities into national resilience strategies. The paper concludes with policy recommendations aimed at enhancing institutional flexibility and long-term governance reforms essential for building sustainable climate resilience in both nations.

Key Words: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Cyclone, Floods, Adaptation, Resilience, Capacity, Bureaucracy

How to cite: Noor, S. and Ali, A.: Resilient Bureaucracies? Examining the Institutional Capacity for Climate Adaptation in Pakistan and Bangladesh, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2892,, 2025.

EGU25-5341 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.10

Patterns of nighttime urban heat island patch in mega urban agglomerations: a case study in the Pearl River Delta, China 

Han Wang, Tengyun Yi, Yanchi Lu, Yuan Wang, and Jiansheng Wu

Urban heat islands (UHI) effects across metropolitan areas poses substantial threats to both ecosytems and local residents with the risks associated with intensifying nighttime temperature, however, the patterns and evolution of nighttime UHI remain poorly understood. Taking the Pearl River Delta (PRD) in China as a case of mega urabn agglomeration, this study first integrated geostatistical models and exponential decay models to extract the urban heat island patches (UHIP) from 2003 to 2019, then evaluated the UHI effects and spatial patterns of UHIP, and finally investigated the influencing factors of the nighttime UHI intensity (UHII). The results showed that: (1) a significant clustering pattern of nighttime UHII and an increasing trend of annual nighttime UHII were observed. (2) Patch expansion categories revealed diverse UHI evolution modes, of which the spatial-temporal dynamics were found with landscape metrics, and the UHII in enclave-type, infill-type, and edge-type patches decreased successively. (3) Socioeconomic factors showed a significant positive correlation with UHII, simultaneously, environmental and landscape factors exhibited spatially dependent impacts both within and outside the UHIP. These findings underscore the need for urban planning strategies considering the heterogeneity and dynamics of nighttime UHI towards climate adaptation and urban resilience improvement in mega agglomerations.

How to cite: Wang, H., Yi, T., Lu, Y., Wang, Y., and Wu, J.: Patterns of nighttime urban heat island patch in mega urban agglomerations: a case study in the Pearl River Delta, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5341,, 2025.

EGU25-5925 | Posters on site | NH9.10

Evolution of Social Resilience to Flood Hazards in the Tea-Horse Road Area, Southwest China 

Liang Emlyn Yang, Mei Ai, and Siying Chen

The ancient Tea-Horse Road has been a network of trade routes linking Southwest China to Tibet, Southeast Asia, and beyond for over a millennium. The regions along this route, which traverse complex terrains and diverse ecosystems, have historically been vulnerable to natural hazards, particularly floods. This study provides a millennium-scale perspective on the evolution of social resilience to flood hazards in key areas along the Tea-Horse Road, focusing on how communities have adapted to the recurring threat of floods through time. This research identifies key periods in which social resilience to floods either strengthened or weakened, linked to shifts in political governance, technological advancements, and environmental changes. During the Tang and Song dynasties, the expansion of trade along the Tea-Horse Road coincided with the construction of flood control measures such as embankments and water diversion systems. These infrastructural developments were coupled with strong local governance and communal labor systems, which enabled communities to respond collectively to flood events. However, periods of political instability, such as during the Ming and early Qing dynasties, saw a decline in these coordinated efforts, leading to increased flood vulnerability. The adaptability of these communities also manifested through agricultural diversification, with the cultivation of flood-tolerant crops and the development of terraced farming techniques that reduced soil erosion and water runoff during heavy rains. The study also explores the role of cultural factors in fostering resilience. The transmission of flood-related knowledge through oral traditions, local customs, and festivals contributed to long-term social learning, allowing communities to adjust their strategies in response to changing environmental conditions. In recent decades, strategies for flood resilience are being enhanced by the infrastructure development, urbanization, and technical innovations. This study highlights the promising potential of integrating traditional knowledge systems, community-based approaches, and modern technological solutions to enhance resilience in the face of increasing environmental uncertainties.

How to cite: Yang, L. E., Ai, M., and Chen, S.: Evolution of Social Resilience to Flood Hazards in the Tea-Horse Road Area, Southwest China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5925,, 2025.

EGU25-8400 | ECS | Orals | NH9.10

Public support for flood adaptation strategies: Key findings from the Southeast Asia region 

Anh Cao, Justin Valdez, Miguel Esteban, Danh Thao Nguyen, Rukuh Setiadi, Hiroshi Takagi, Lam Huynh, and Kei Yoshimura

Coastal deltaic cities are facing increasing flood risks due to sea level rise, climate change, and socio-economic development, particularly those in Southeast Asia. In such context, public support for adaptation policies is crucial to ensure timely adaptation and to enhance societal capacity, contributing to climate resilience. However, various adaptation policies being implemented have encountered a lack of public support, leading to inefficient adaptation processes (ex., the Garuda project in Jakarta, a relocation project in the Philippines, the raising of roads in Ho Chi Minh City, or the super levee project in Tokyo). There is a lack of understanding of what leads to public support for adaptation strategies and the relationships between these factors. Cao et al. (2024) set the foundation to examine how to analyze public support for adaptation policies, proposing the Foundation of Adaptation Policy Support (FAPS) model, and using Tokyo as a case study.

The present study applies the FAPS model (Cao et al., 2024) to a number of Southeast Asian cities, including Manila, Ho Chi Minh City and Jakarta, gauging the three categories, including risk perception (perceived severity and vulnerability, climate change belief, knowledge about floods, flood experience, and issue importance), policy perception (policy awareness, perceived effectiveness, additional benefits, policy support, and preparedness and response), and psychological factors (negative feelings, social norms, trust, environmental attitudes, and place attachment). In the presentation, the authors will discuss the preliminary results of the latest fieldwork in the case study cities, discuss regional similarities and differences between countries, and highlight the key factors that determine policy support for flood adaptation strategies in Southeast Asia cities.


Cao, A., Esteban, M., & Onuki, M. (2024). Public support for flood adaptation policy in Tokyo lowland areas. Climate Policy, 1–18.

How to cite: Cao, A., Valdez, J., Esteban, M., Nguyen, D. T., Setiadi, R., Takagi, H., Huynh, L., and Yoshimura, K.: Public support for flood adaptation strategies: Key findings from the Southeast Asia region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8400,, 2025.

EGU25-10279 | Orals | NH9.10

An Assessment Framework of Adaptive Capacity to Multi-hazard Climate Health Risks and Its Application in China 

Congkai Hong, Shangchen Zhang, Yanqing Miao, Jing Shang, Mengzhen Zhao, Shihui Zhang, Chi Zhang, Yujuan Wang, and Wenjia Cai

Climate change has posed significant health risks to human health and stimulated global attention to climate health adaptation. Wherein, assessing climate health adaptive capacity (AC) is fundamental for designing adaptation strategies and monitoring adaptation progress. However, existing assessment frameworks mainly took into account material determinants like economic resources and infrastructure but lacked consideration of non-material ones such as adaptation institutions, climate health knowledge, and social equity. Meanwhile, the majority of assessments only focus on health risks of one specific climate hazard like heatwaves or floods, with few considering multiple hazards simultaneously. Given the different climate health risks and disparities in socioeconomic development levels among provinces, it is meaningful to carry out the assessment at the provincial level in China, where no previous study on climate health AC has been done before. We aim to design a comprehensive assessment framework on AC with considerations on multi-hazard climate health risks and non-material determinants, and apply this framework in China. We build an index-based assessment framework for AC to multi-hazard climate health risks based on six determinants: institutions, economic resources, infrastructure, science & technology, knowledge, and equity. Using the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation method, we calculate AC for 31 provinces in China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) in 2012–2022 and analyze spatial-temporal patterns of AC and its determinants. We find that high-AC provinces were Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang–relatively affluent–while low-AC ones were Yunnan, Tibet, and Qinghai–relatively impoverished. In 2012–2022, overall AC has gradually increased, it was driven by improvements of institutions and economic resources, whereas contributions from science & technology and knowledge were limited. Spatially, AC exhibited “strong in the east, weak in the west” and “strong in the coastal, weak in the inland”. The spatial disparities have increased overall between the east and west, while decreased slightly in 2020–2022. It was caused by disparities in institutions, economic resources, and equity across provinces. Based on findings above, on the one hand, due to significant provincial disparities in climate health risks, enhancing AC highly relies on knowledge and scientific analysis of risk characteristics and local socioeconomic conditions. Thus, it is essential to leverage potential of climate health science & technology, as well as scientific and local knowledge to further enhance AC in the future. On the other hand, the provincial inequality of AC may lead to insufficient response to climate health risks in western inland provinces, and also drag the overall health adaptation process of China. Efforts should be addressed on these institutions, economic resources, and equity to promote regional coordinated enhancement of AC including environmental health risk assessments, investment in climate health adaptation, and accessibility of public health services.

How to cite: Hong, C., Zhang, S., Miao, Y., Shang, J., Zhao, M., Zhang, S., Zhang, C., Wang, Y., and Cai, W.: An Assessment Framework of Adaptive Capacity to Multi-hazard Climate Health Risks and Its Application in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10279,, 2025.

EGU25-10577 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.10

Effects of temperature and water variability on vegetation resilience are influenced by Aridity levels in semi-arid to sub-humid region 

Yiqian Sun, Bojie Fu, Xiaoming Feng, Xutong Wu, and Zhuangzhuang Wang

The resilience of vegetated ecosystems is essential for sustaining critical ecosystem services, making its quantification crucial in addressing anthropogenic climate change. In this study, based on the concept of critical slowing down, we apply theoretical resilience metrics to remotely-sensed vegetation data in order to explore the spatial distribution of resilience across three vegetation types–forest, grassland, and cropland–on the Loess Plateau and its relationship to temperature and water. We find that forests have higher resilience than grasslands at comparable greenness levels. Resilience is lower in regions with higher temperatures for all three vegetation types, except in high-altitude regions. In the semi-arid to sub-humid zone that dominates the Loess Plateau, resilience is lower in regions with higher aridity for both forests and grasslands. In addition, in more arid regions, forests and grasslands with greater water variability and higher temperatures have higher resilience, while in more humid regions, those with lower water variability and cooler conditions have higher resilience. Forests and grasslands are more sensitive to water than to temperature. These results offer valuable insights for identifying regions at risk of vegetation resilience loss on the Loess Plateau.

How to cite: Sun, Y., Fu, B., Feng, X., Wu, X., and Wang, Z.: Effects of temperature and water variability on vegetation resilience are influenced by Aridity levels in semi-arid to sub-humid region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10577,, 2025.

EGU25-13810 | ECS | Orals | NH9.10

Adapting urban water systems to climate change: best practices and insights from Europe 

Claudia Medina Montecinos, Paolo Colombo, and Luca Alberti

The approach to urban water management across European countries is being influenced by growing knowledge about the impacts of climate change. Rising temperatures, more frequent flooding, and prolonged drought periods place significant pressure on urban water systems and exacerbate existing vulnerabilities. The Interreg MAURICE project aims to introduce water management solutions for Central European cities in response to these climate-induced challenges. In this context, a literature review was conducted to analyse the best practices for climate change adaptation in urban water management across Europe. The main interest was to find integrated inter-administrative solutions involving key urban actors. Particular attention was given to comprehensive adaptation frameworks, leading to further analysis of the applicability of the local adaptation support tools promoted by the European Environment Agency. The review was drawn on a selection of case studies from recent literature and national experiences from the MAURICE partner countries, focused on groundwater management, stormwater management, and sustainable urban water management. The Key Type Measures (KTMs) classification was used to group the adaptation actions based on their characteristics.

Clear evidence was found of the direction that climate adaptation in urban water management is taking across Europe. Adaptation solutions are often based on governance and institutional measures, as well as nature-based solutions or ecosystem-based approaches combined with physical (grey) measures. In contrast, technological tools, economic and financial instruments, and initiatives for knowledge and behavioural change are less frequently applied. Good practices that reportedly enable successful adaptation are often related to flexible, locally tailored measures designed with a systemic and long-term approach that ensures effective governance structures and community engagement. Frequent gaps in adaptation planning reveal shortcomings in testing the adequacy of adaptation options, addressing economic and legal aspects of adaptation, setting up monitoring and evaluation frameworks, and dealing with uncertainties. This report provides actionable insights to drive effective adaptation of urban water systems, build climate-resilient communities, and systematically integrate scientific knowledge into policy action.

How to cite: Medina Montecinos, C., Colombo, P., and Alberti, L.: Adapting urban water systems to climate change: best practices and insights from Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13810,, 2025.

EGU25-15956 | ECS | Orals | NH9.10

Enhancing Social Resilience through Managed Retreat: How is climate justice addressed in National Adaptation Plans? 

Bethany M. Liss, Elena M. Weinert, and Matthias Garschagen

Climate change poses significant threats to coastal communities worldwide, necessitating comprehensive adaptation strategies. This study examines the extent to which National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) incorporate managed retreat as a practical implementation measure to enhance social resilience. As climate impacts intensify, adaptation efforts must go beyond traditional infrastructure-based approaches to include transformative and forward-thinking measures which account for the uncertainty of future climate change impacts. The planned relocation of individuals and communities from high-risk coastal areas can potentially minimize non-economic loss and damage (NELD), which encompasses such intangible impacts as loss of culture, psychological distress, identity, and place attachment. However, the implementation of managed retreat raises complex issues of equity and justice that must be carefully considered in adaptation planning. This research analyzes submitted NAPs from coastal nations to assess:

  • The inclusion and framing of managed retreat as an adaptation strategy
  • Consideration of NELD in retreat planning processes
  • Incorporation of climate justice principles, including participatory approaches and attention to vulnerable groups
  • Temporal aspects, including long-term planning horizons and proactive vs. reactive approaches
  • Stakeholder engagement across government, private sector, and civil society

The study employs a qualitative approach, conducting a qualitative content analysis of NAPs with an examination of policy framing and discourse. Special attention is given to differences between Global North and South contexts, as well as variations in academic vs. practitioner perspectives on managed retreat and NELD. Preliminary findings suggest significant variation in how managed retreat is conceptualized and operationalized across NAPs. While some plans explicitly address NELD concerns in retreat strategies, many, if addressed at all, focus primarily on economic costs and benefits. Climate justice considerations are often limited, with insufficient attention to participatory planning processes and the specific needs of vulnerable populations. This research contributes to a growing body of literature on transformational adaptation and highlights the importance of integrating climate justice principles into national-level planning. By examining how NAPs can better address NELD through equitable retreat strategies, this study aims to inform more holistic and socially just approaches to enhancing social resilience in the face of climate change.

How to cite: Liss, B. M., Weinert, E. M., and Garschagen, M.: Enhancing Social Resilience through Managed Retreat: How is climate justice addressed in National Adaptation Plans?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15956,, 2025.

Flooding affects more people than any other hazard and is becoming increasingly severe. The concept of flood resilience, which focuses on the ability of people to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from flood events, is gaining increasing attention. However, due to data limitations, it is often challenging to quantify flood resilience, particularly during the post-flood recovery phase. This research investigates the potential of utilizing Night-Time Light (NTL) data to enhance flood resilience analysis on a global scale. By examining 24 significant flood events from 2013 to 2018, this study aims to establish a comprehensive system for assessing flood resilience through NTL data from both the event scale and the grid-scale.

The methodology integrates flood extent mapping using MODIS satellite products for flood detection and the generation of 36 months of cloud-free, seasonally adjusted NTL time series. The research summarizes the different behaviors of NTL before, during, and after floods, and analyzes the causes of these variations. Additionally, it introduces three NTL-based quantitative metrics for measuring flood impact, recovery duration, and after-flood transformation. These metrics were applied to the 24 studied events to evaluate their effectiveness, demonstrating the utility of NTL data in capturing the immediate effects of floods and monitoring long-term recovery. Furthermore, a case study of the August 2016 Louisiana floods in the USA involved a micro-scale grid analysis to examine the relationship between NTL changes and factors such as population, coastal proximity, and economy, with the results validated using multiple vulnerability indices.

The results showed significant variation in recovery periods among the studied flood areas, ranging from 5 to 12 months, and even floods occurring within the same country could have recovery durations differing by as much as 5 months. The grid-scale case study further indicated that NTL decreases at the micro-scale are related to population and economic conditions, with communities having better economic conditions showing a lower probability of NTL decrease, while those with higher populations showing a higher probability of NTL decrease.

This study concludes that NTL data, combined with adequate remote sensing and statistical methods, presents a valuable tool for global flood resilience analysis, addressing data gaps and improving disaster management strategies.

How to cite: Zhou, J.: Enhancing Flood Resilience Analysis Through Night Time Light: A Global Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16569,, 2025.

EGU25-17237 | ECS | Orals | NH9.10

Towards Resilient Cities: Analyzing Climate Adaptation Strategies in Romania 

Vladut Falcescu, Sorin Cheval, Adina Eliza Croitoru, Emma Ferranti, Constantina Alina Hossu, Sarah Greenham, Cristian Iojă, and Deanne Brettle

Urban areas face increasing risks from climate change, including rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and the intensifying urban heat island effect. The derived impacts threaten critical infrastructure, socio-economic activities, and the well-being of urban communities, making climate resilience a key dimension of urban planning and governance. Addressing urban climate resilience requires a complex approach integrating local vulnerabilities, socio-economic dynamics, and adaptation frameworks.

This study examines the status and progress of climate adaptation efforts in Romanian cities, focusing on the frameworks, strategies, and implementation measures adopted to enhance local climate resilience. The results capture a wide range of urban contexts by analysing the 40 county-capital cities serving as national and regional development poles. These cities play a defining role in shaping urban development and dynamics in Romania.

The European Green Deal, culminating in the New EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, provides the foundation for harmonised adaptation efforts. Through a multi-level approach, cities are required to align with European frameworks by integrating science-based methodologies, engaging stakeholders, and implementing robust monitoring systems to strengthen urban climate resilience. Local governments play a crucial role in translating national and international climate goals into actions that address local needs. Effective adaptive strategies should foster inclusive governance and promote cross-sectoral collaboration to build resilient urban societies. Furthermore, the integration of adaptation and mitigation actions —referred to as "adaptigation"—is essential for optimising resource use, minimising trade-offs, and maximising co-benefits for enhanced urban resilience. However, tailoring actionable local strategies remains a critical challenge, particularly given resource constraints and lower institutional capacities.

While progress has been observed, significant gaps persist in the development and implementation of local adaptation actions. Inconsistencies in reporting practices, a lack of specific measures, and the absence of robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are challenges that warrant closer examination. These issues highlight the need for tailored approaches that address the local vulnerabilities and capacities of each city while fostering regional and national collaboration and knowledge exchange.

By conducting a comprehensive analysis of climate adaptation efforts in the Romanian cities based on relevant documents in force, this study provides valuable insights into the status and dynamics of urban climate adaptation. It offers a foundation for future research and practical interventions. By addressing existing gaps and leveraging current strengths, cities can enhance their resilience to climate impacts and contribute to broader sustainability goals. The findings aim to support policymakers, stakeholders, and researchers in developing effective strategies for urban climate resilience, ensuring that cities remain viable and sustainable in the face of emerging climate risks.

This research received funds from the project “Climate-Resilient Development Pathways in Metropolitan Regions of Europe (CARMINE)” funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Programme, under Grant agreement n° 101081377, and through the doctoral grant supported by the Babes-Bolyai University for the thesis “Adaptation Framework for Enhanced Urban Resilience in Climate Change Hotspots”.

How to cite: Falcescu, V., Cheval, S., Croitoru, A. E., Ferranti, E., Hossu, C. A., Greenham, S., Iojă, C., and Brettle, D.: Towards Resilient Cities: Analyzing Climate Adaptation Strategies in Romania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17237,, 2025.

EGU25-17603 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.10

Integrating Thermal Comfort and Social Vulnerability into Climate-Adaptive Spatial Planning for Heatwave-Resilience in Rural South Korea 

Sujeong Kang, SeongWoo Jeon, Yingnan Li, and Junga Lee

Thermal comfort indices, such as the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI), are crucial for assessing outdoor thermal conditions and their impacts on human health, especially during extreme heat events (Saud Ghani et al., 2021). While UTCI has been widely used in urban studies, its application in rural areas characterized by high proportions of elderly residents, outdoor workers, and limited infrastructure remains underexplored (Park, Jongchul, et al., 2020). As heatwaves become more frequent and severe due to climate change, identifying priority areas for thermal environment improvements in rural regions is essential to enhancing outdoor comfort and resilience (Korea Rural Economic Research Institute, 2023).

The purpose of this study is to identify priority areas for improving heatwave resilience in rural areas. This study analyzed the relationship between thermal comfort indices and land cover to provide a basis for climate-adaptive spatial planning. It also assessed social vulnerability using statistical indicators that account for socio-demographic factors influencing heatwave resilience.

Using Jeollanam-do, South Korea, as a case study, this research systematically analyzed vulnerability by employing approaches to assess both thermal comfort and social vulnerability. Jeollanam-do is highly vulnerable due to its predominantly agricultural economy and significant elderly population, making it a critical region for heatwave-related research. To evaluate thermal comfort, the UTCI was calculated using ERA5 Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT) data, combined with air temperature, humidity, and wind speed data from weather stations. Social vulnerability was assessed through indicators such as the percentage of elderly population and the availability of healthcare services, which were normalized and integrated to provide a comprehensive analysis of rural heatwave vulnerability.

Research findings revealed that Gangjin-gun, a coastal region in Jeollanam-do, was identified as the most vulnerable area due to high UTCI levels and significant social vulnerabilities, including a high proportion of elderly residents and insufficient welfare infrastructure. To address these challenges, proposed strategies include expanding healthcare services, implementing welfare policies tailored to the elderly, and adopting climate adaptation measures such as cooling centers, heatwave warning systems, and smart farming. Additionally, climate-adaptive spatial planning is emphasized, focusing on green-blue infrastructure solutions such as rain gardens, wetlands, tree-lined streets, and shaded community spaces to improve outdoor comfort and strengthen long-term resilience.

These findings highlight the importance of integrating thermal comfort indices, land-use analysis, and socio-demographic factors into rural spatial planning. Tailored strategies that address environmental and social vulnerabilities can improve rural resilience to heatwaves while contributing to effective climate-adaptive spatial plans, ensuring that vulnerable communities are better prepared for future climate challenges.

  •   This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry &Technology Institute (KEITI) through "Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime.", funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE) (RS-2022-KE002123)
  • This work was carried out with the support of "Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science and Technology Development (Project No. PJ0171102022)" Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea

How to cite: Kang, S., Jeon, S., Li, Y., and Lee, J.: Integrating Thermal Comfort and Social Vulnerability into Climate-Adaptive Spatial Planning for Heatwave-Resilience in Rural South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17603,, 2025.

EGU25-17942 | Posters on site | NH9.10

Towards an integrated assessment of vulnerability towards heat in urban environments – learning from a case study in Constance, Southern Germany 

Leon Scheiber, Leonie Grau, Juliane Frost, Bernd Leitl, Martina Neuburger, Thomas Pohl, Laura Schmidt, and Diana Rechid

Global warming and associated climatic changes are increasing the frequency and intensity of heat waves in large parts of Europe including Germany. Especially in urban environments, this poses a considerable health threat to vulnerable population groups, such as children, elderly people or those with pre-existing diseases. A recent national adaptation framework aims to counter this development but implementation efforts in many communities require better micro-scale information about the local impacts of current and possible future regional climatic changes in urban areas. In addition, existing risk and adaptation assessments often focus solely on the estimation of hazards but miss to involve stakeholders and the affected population to understand individual vulnerabilities which causes quantifications that deviate from on-the-ground realities.

Based on a case study in Constance, Southern Germany, the project URBANLINE addresses these shortcomings in order to develop climate services that facilitate reliable risk and vulnerability assessments and thus sustainable adaptation planning. We will assess the strengths and weaknesses of existing vulnerability indices in the literature and its practical applications in urban planning. We aim to develop a new assessment framework to integrate methods for (1) numerical modelling of the impacts of relevant regional climate change scenarios on a micro-scale and (2) participatory approaches investigating the everyday experiences with heat among inhabitants. The methods will draw on a close co-production process with a range of local stakeholders and the public. Together with its sister project, HYDROLINE, which investigates flood risk from heavy rainfall, the study explores the potential of integrating micro-scale climate projections, participatory methods and stakeholder engagement to inform and support climate-resilient development and adaptation planning in local communities in Germany and beyond.

How to cite: Scheiber, L., Grau, L., Frost, J., Leitl, B., Neuburger, M., Pohl, T., Schmidt, L., and Rechid, D.: Towards an integrated assessment of vulnerability towards heat in urban environments – learning from a case study in Constance, Southern Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17942,, 2025.

EGU25-18000 | ECS | Orals | NH9.10 | Highlight

Mapping the role of social capital in measured community resilience over time 

Jung Hee Hyun, Romain Clercq-Roques, Johanna Passard, Stefan Velev, and Reinhard Mechler

Climate disasters, exacerbated by climate change and increasing vulnerability, pose significant threats to human health, livelihoods, and development gains, particularly for low-income communities. Building community resilience requires a holistic approach that considers not only physical infrastructure and economic resources but also social factors such as learning and collective action. The Zurich Climate Resilience Alliance (ZCRA) has dedicated the past 12 years to fostering collaborative efforts with communities and across sectors to assess and enhance resilience. A key outcome of this work is the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) framework, developed in 2013 as a pioneering tool to quantify community-level flood resilience. Recognizing the critical need for a robust framework in the absence of established, empirically validated alternatives, the FRMC has been successfully applied in over 300 flood-prone communities worldwide, proving its value as a self-assessment tool for engage and empower community members to identifying areas for improvement and guiding effective intervention implementation.

For this study we use the FRMC grading of 44 sources of resilience, measured at the start and end of the Phase 2 project period (2018-2023) across 296 communities as well as the qualitative evaluations of the grade changes reported by practitioners. Conducting an in-depth thematic analysis of the qualitative evaluations on (un)realized resilience, we identify mechanisms impacting individual resilience capitals (natural, social, human, financial, physical) and create a system map to note the interactions to social capital. We find that social capital is the most interconnected capital to other capitals and that community participation, gender inclusivity, local leadership and inter-community coordination are the main mechanisms affecting social capital. We assess and compare the global mechanisms and map of social capital to contextualize the resilience dynamics and pathway of communities in Malawi, noting the distinctions in the role of social capital as an enabler, outcome and impact. Our study aims to contribute to the growing focus on social capital impacting community resilience. This research goes further by identifying how these mechanisms interact, developing a system map of community resilience. 

How to cite: Hyun, J. H., Clercq-Roques, R., Passard, J., Velev, S., and Mechler, R.: Mapping the role of social capital in measured community resilience over time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18000,, 2025.

The Analysis of the Resilience of Communities to Disasters (ARC-D) methodology is an innovating tool for conducting rapid, context-specific assessments of shocks, stresses, and resilience capacities at the community level. Widely used across urban and rural contexts, ARC-D has facilitated over 300 assessments globally, enabling the identification of strategic pathways to build resilience to climate-related hazards. Endorsed as best practice by organizations including ECHO and the Grantham Research Institute, its participatory approach combines quantitative measurement and qualitative insights to inform actionable strategies.

Drawing from recent analyses of ten countries in Africa and Latin America, the presentation will share emerging findings on shared and differential drivers of risk and resilience, key components and systems underpinning resilience capacities, and priority areas for resilience building. The insights contribute to advancing practical and scalable strategies for enhancing resilience to climate-related risks.

How to cite: Pollard, A. and Sneddon, A.: Emerging Insights from the ARC-D Methodology: Advancing Community Resilience to Climate-Related Risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19006,, 2025.

The FRAMe (Flood Resilience Agent-Based Model) serves as a robust modeling framework designed to simulate flood resilience dynamics at the community level, focusing on a rural settlement in the Mekong River Basin. Integrating empirical data from extensive surveys, Bayesian networks, and hydrological simulations, the framework quantifies resilience as a trade-off between robustness (resistance to damage) and adaptability (capacity for dynamic response). Core agents include households, governments, and other actors, linked by social and governance networks that facilitate knowledge transfer, resource distribution, and risk communication. FRAMe incorporates mechanisms for flood forecasting, policy interventions (education, aid, insurance), and individual and collective decision-making, grounded in Protection Motivation Theory and MoHuB frameworks. The framework's spatially explicit design leverages GIS data, while its modular implementation supports scenario testing of governance structures and stakeholder interactions. By examining policy scenarios and agent behavior, FRAMe aims to inform adaptive flood management strategies and enhance community resilience.

How to cite: Feng, W. and Yang, E. L.: FRAMe: An Empirically Informed Agent-based Modeling Framework for Simulating Flood Resilience Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19704,, 2025.

The Horn of Africa exhibits diverse topographical and climatic conditions characterized by highlands in central Ethiopia and low-lying coastal areas in Somalia and Kenya. The region is highly susceptible to environmental degradation and climate change-related disaster events. Disasters caused by heavy rain, drought, and landslides are becoming increasingly frequent. The dynamics of climate variables in this region are volatile, complicating the prediction of the onset and intensity of extreme events. In recent years, extreme weather conditions have caused havoc to the communities by impacting health facilities, water infrastructure, and the ecosystem. Floods are the most significant natural hazards in the Horn of Africa, accounting for approximately 50 percent of natural disaster events. Drought has had a severe impact on the environment and the socio-economic welfare of societies. This paper analyses the different patterns of mesoscale meteorological variables and their connection to extreme flow conditions in the Horn of Africa region. The global factors contributing to the rainfall variation in the region's rainfall patterns include the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole. An increase in El Niño and sea surface temperature variability significantly impacts weather patterns in the region, leading to increased rainfall and flooding in most areas while causing drought conditions in others. El Niño often triggers dry conditions in Ethiopia such as the massive drought in 2015. The frequency of El Niño and La Niña seasons can result in catastrophic extreme events. The occurrence of the Indian Ocean Dipole affects the rainfall pattern, the positive Indian Ocean Dipole intensify rainfall totals during the October–December rainy season leading to flooding in eastern Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. A climate change projection model of the rainfall pattern in the Blue Nile basin indicates the dynamics in the atmosphere and the nearby ocean surface such as the Indian Ocean influence the rainfall pattern through the movement of wind vectors and atmospheric humidity. These patterns are of critical importance to accomplish a variety of rainfall trends and the hydrology of the region. The weakening of the easterly Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea wind and its shift towards the northern part are found to have a direct correlation with a rainfall decrease. These patterns are suggestive of a strong impact of the Indian and Arabian monsoon on the rainfall pattern increase and westerly winds towards the decrease. The result indicates that the spatially heterogeneous nature of rainfall can significantly impact the successful implementation of adaptation strategies across different areas. It is suggested to enhance the utilization of satellite-based precipitation datasets and water storage structures for disaster risk reduction and the successful implementation of adaptation strategies. This study highlights the effective utilization and verification of satellite precipitation products require integrating local observations (data) with hydrological models to enhance their reliability and applicability.

How to cite: Tedla, M. G.: Exploring the Dynamics of Floods and Droughts: Hazards and Adaptation Strategies in the Horn of Africa , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20572,, 2025.

EGU25-20812 | Posters on site | NH9.10

Reimagining Rivers: A co-created and youth-informed approach to exploring river morphodynamics and flood risk 

Katie Jane Parsons, Alison Lloyd Williams, Louise Slater, Dan Parsons, and Josh Wolstenholme

Climate resilience is critical for enabling communities and ecosystems to adapt to and thrive amidst escalating climate hazards. This paper presents an interdisciplinary, co-created initiative that engaged young people in understanding and addressing river morphodynamics and flood risks through creative and participatory methods. This collaboration between academics, Global Link Development Education Centre, Girlguiding North West England and the Environment Agency, worked with a group of children aged 8 to10 with the objective of develop a transdisciplinary approach to public engagement on flooding, filling critical knowledge and action gaps. 

The project combined scientific insights from the EvoFlood program with local knowledge and participatory techniques to create workshops tailored for youth. These hands-on workshops featured drama games, science experiments, field walks, and creative activities such as crafting, fostering a deeper understanding of river systems and their role in flood risk and resilience. Young participants explored concepts such as the causes of flooding, its impacts, and ways to prepare for and adapt to these risks. The workshops culminated in the co-development of two educational resources: Flooding Mucky Dip! which is an interactive game addressing flood preparedness and recovery; and Flooding Fortune Tellers, which creatively distilled participants’ learning about flood risks into an accessible and interactive format. These resources are now integrated into a Girlguiding Badge and Challenge Pack, and on the Flood Hub website, ensuring their wide dissemination to youth and community groups across the UK.

A key strength of the project was its interdisciplinary and community-focused approach, which promoted a “bottom-up” method of engagement. Drawing on the “looping action research” framework, the project team incorporated ongoing feedback from participants, community leaders, and scientific advisors to iteratively refine the workshops and resources. This responsive methodology not only ensured that activities were engaging and relevant but also empowered participants to take ownership of their learning and apply it to real-world resilience challenges. 

This paper highlights the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, participatory methodologies, and place-based learning in bridging the gap between scientific research and community youth-led action. By focusing on youth engagement, the project demonstrates how grassroots initiatives can inform broader strategies for climate adaptation and flood resilience building, offering a scalable model for addressing similar challenges in other contexts which are able to empower youth as agents of change in the face of growing climate risks.

How to cite: Parsons, K. J., Williams, A. L., Slater, L., Parsons, D., and Wolstenholme, J.: Reimagining Rivers: A co-created and youth-informed approach to exploring river morphodynamics and flood risk, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20812,, 2025.

The safety and stability of regional water resource systems (WRS) face significant challenges from climate change and human intervention. It is necessary to estimate WRS resilience and its influencing factors, which are poised to provide a solid scientific basis for integrated WRS management. In this study, we propose an integrative framework for assessing WRS resilience from its supply, demand, and support (including society, economy, institution, and ecosystem). WRS resilience is defined as a comprehensive capacity of socio-ecological systems to absorp, adapt, and transform in response to multiple disruptive events such as water scarcity, drought, flood, and pollution events. Then, we take the Hexi inland river basins (HIRBs) in northwest China as a case study to explore the spatiotemporal pattern of WRS resilience and its multiple influencing factors from 2011 to 2019. The results indicate that the resilience of WRS in the HIRBs exhibited overall fluctuating increases, with a gradual decrease from the upstream to the downstream of the main river basins, and from the west to the east of the investigated region. Institutional support capability and economic development level were identified as key factors in shaping the spatial heterogeneity of WRS resilience. Increasing temperatures were found to promote the resilience of WRS in the Shiyang and Heihe River basins, but the impact was less significant in the Shule River Basin. The lower economic development level was also evaluated as the primary obstacle to promoting WRS resilience in the HIRBs, followed by the lower water supply capacity and water use efficiency. This implies that it is crucial to harmonize economic development with environmental protection and sustainable water resource utilization. The study proposed an effective framework for assessing WRS resilience in an integrated way and had practical implications for improving the water management strategy of the HIRBs.

How to cite: Zheng, Z., Su, B., and Xiao, C.: An integrative resilience assessment of water resource systems: A case from the Hexi inland river basins, northwest China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21275,, 2025.

EGU25-616 | ECS | Orals | NH9.11

GeoBarrier System incorporating Recycled Concrete and Steel Slag for Slope Protection 

Rezat Abishev, Alfrendo Satyanaga, Sung-Woo Moon, and Jong Kim

Current research interest in geotechnical design for climate change adaptation focuses on
utilizing waste materials for slope stability against rainfall-induced failures. Therefore, steel
slag and recycled concrete were integrated into the retaining wall, known as the GeoBarrier
system (GBS), to prevent such failures. The present study investigated the feasibility of steel
slag as a coarse-grained material and recycled concrete as a fine-grained material within
GBS. Index properties, soil-water characteristic curves, permeability functions, and
unsaturated shear strength parameters of steel slag and recycled concrete were determined via
comprehensive experimental works. Numerical assessments of the rainfall infiltration into the
slope and the stability of the slope under rainfall conditions were accomplished using the
SEEP/W and SLOPE/W analysis tools, respectively. According to the findings, no
breakthrough into the steel slag was observed inside the GBS. Based upon the changes in the
pore-water pressure and the factor of safety (FOS) versus time graphs, steel slag and recycled
concrete were found to be suitable for use as coarse- and fine-grained layers of the GBS to
minimize slope rainwater infiltration and improve the FOS of a slope with a height of 10 m
and an inclination of 70°, respectively.

Keywords: GeoBarrier system (GBS); rainfall; slope stability; unsaturated soil; waste

How to cite: Abishev, R., Satyanaga, A., Moon, S.-W., and Kim, J.: GeoBarrier System incorporating Recycled Concrete and Steel Slag for Slope Protection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-616,, 2025.

EGU25-874 | ECS | Orals | NH9.11 | Highlight

Rail2Flood: A nationwide classification of floodhazard exposure along the Italian Railway Network 

Gianluca Lelli, Serena Ceola, Alessio Domeneghetti, and Armando Brath

In a climate-changing world, flood events represent one of the most impactful natural hazards, causing severe damage to people and infrastructures. Railway systems are critical infrastructures, susceptible to both structural damage and service disruptions. This study leverages a methodology capable of identifying and classifying paths along the railway system that are vulnerable to fluvial flood hazard and debris-flows. The methodology adopted is DEM-based and suitable for large-scale applications. We hereby focus on Italian Railway Network (IRN) and we consider three flood hazard scenarios, H1 (return period, Tr, up to 500 years), H2 (Tr = 100-200 years) and H3 (Tr = 20-50 years), as defined by the EU Flood Directive and the National Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP). More specifically, the official FRMP data with national coverage and updated to 2020 are here employed. Across Italy, 26%, 19% and 10% of the IRN is exposed to low, medium and high hazard scenarios (H1, H2 and H3, respectively). To analyze this exposure, we discretize the railway system into sections (average length of 2.53 km) and assess their interaction with flood hazard maps. For each flooded stretch, we characterize the upstream basin using key hydrological parameters, including time of concentration, sub-basin area, river slope, and the presence of debris-flows, as influenced by topography-related triggering thresholds. Based on these parameters, we identified three distinct flood types affecting railroad segments: Very Steep River (VSR) portions characterized by steep slopes and fast hydrological response, Rapid River (RR) stretches with fast-responding watercourses, and Slow River (SR) sections. Each type includes a debris-flow classification determined by the contributing basin's morphological characteristics. The analysis of these flood types reveals that RR floods are predominant, representing 67% of the analyzed flood-prone sections, while SR and VSR floods account for 20% and 13%, respectively. A nationwide dataset is compiled, processed and analyzed in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the IRN affected by floods. This analysis represents a significant step forward in enhancing our understanding of flood dynamics and exposure analysis of railway infrastructure, thereby contributing to more informed decision-making processes in flood risk management and disaster mitigation efforts.

How to cite: Lelli, G., Ceola, S., Domeneghetti, A., and Brath, A.: Rail2Flood: A nationwide classification of floodhazard exposure along the Italian Railway Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-874,, 2025.

EGU25-2699 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.11

Deep Learning-Driven Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Real-Time Flow Dynamics Monitoring in Large-Diameter Aqueducts 

Dao-Yuan Tan, Zhen-Yu Tang, Jing Wang, and Hong-Hu Zhu

Large-diameter gravity aqueducts play a crucial role in urban water supply, industrial transport, and irrigation, yet they are often subjected to complex flow conditions that can compromise both efficiency and structural integrity. Accurate and real-time flow monitoring is essential for optimizing hydraulic performance and ensuring infrastructure safety. However, conventional techniques like ultrasonic sensing are limited in providing continuous, real-time data on flow states. This study introduces the use of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology for monitoring flow dynamics along a 6 km segment of the 113.1 km Pearl River Delta Water Resources Allocation Project. To handle the large volumes of DAS data, we developed DAS-Water CNN, a convolutional neural network designed to interpret low-frequency acoustic signals and classify different water flow states and velocities. This method enables distributed, real-time monitoring, significantly improving the intelligence and efficiency of urban water management. Our findings demonstrate that DAS, combined with advanced AI algorithms, accurately identifies flow patterns, locations, and velocities, leading to enhanced operational efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, and valuable data support for the advancement of smart water supply systems.

How to cite: Tan, D.-Y., Tang, Z.-Y., Wang, J., and Zhu, H.-H.: Deep Learning-Driven Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Real-Time Flow Dynamics Monitoring in Large-Diameter Aqueducts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2699,, 2025.

EGU25-2885 | Posters on site | NH9.11

Preliminary investigation of an urban landslide in evaporitic terrains detected by European Ground Motion Services in Monóvar, SE Spain 

Roberto Tomás, José Luis Pastor, Adrián Riquelme, Miguel Cano, and María Inés Navarro-Hernández

European Ground Motion Services (EGMS) provides Europe-wide SAR interferometry results, enabling the identification of previously unknown ground motion active areas. In Monóvar, a town in southeastern Spain, an active area has been identified with an approximate length of 450 m and a width of 650 m, affecting an urban area of approximately 6.5 ha. The site exhibits maximum east-west and vertical displacement rates of 23.8 and 64.6 mm/year, respectively, between 2019 and 2024. The geology of the area is characterized by Triassic evaporitic terrains composed of red sandy clays, silts, and marls with gypsum. The western sector of the active area, which is not urbanized, is predominantly marked by massive gypsum reliefs with smooth topography and maximum elevations of 393 m a.s.l. This sector also contains ancient gypsum quarries, exploited artisanally in the past, as well as some landfills. In contrast, the eastern sector, with a maximum elevation of 377 m a.s.l., is mostly urbanized. Borehole data indicate the presence of anthropogenic fill, used for grading and leveling the terrain, with thicknesses exceeding 6 m in certain locations of the eastern sector. The two sectors are separated by an urbanized ravine with a SE-NW orientation. Beneath the fill materials, the underlying strata consist of clays, limestones, and massive gypsum. To the north lies the CV-83 road, with elevations ranging from 375 to 358 m a.s.l. within the affected area, as well as the Charco barranco, a natural ravine crossing the north region from SE to NW. A field campaign conducted in the area identified widespread damage to roads, walls, and buildings. This damage is predominantly concentrated within the urban area, although some tension cracks have also been observed in the gypsum formations in the western sector. Several buildings in the urban area have been underpinned, repaired, or demolished due to ground movement. Based on the available data, the movement is associated with a very slow landslide, termed the Borrasca Landslide, which is divided into two main bodies by the urbanized ravine. The western body exhibits maximum eastward and vertical displacement rates of 14.7 and 64.6 mm/year, respectively, while the eastern body presents maximum rates of 23.8 and 45.5 mm/year, respectively. The failure surface of the landslide develops along the evaporitic terrains, causing significant damage to the urban area and the CV-83 road, including a bridge. Further investigations are needed to enhance understanding of the landslide (e.g., failure surface depth, triggering factors) to inform the local authorities and to develop appropriate corrective measures for its stabilization.


This project is funded by the ESA-MOST China DRAGON-6 project (Grant No. 95355) and by the funding scheme of the European Commission, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges in the frame of the project UPGRADE – GA 101131146.

How to cite: Tomás, R., Pastor, J. L., Riquelme, A., Cano, M., and Navarro-Hernández, M. I.: Preliminary investigation of an urban landslide in evaporitic terrains detected by European Ground Motion Services in Monóvar, SE Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2885,, 2025.

EGU25-3804 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.11

Recent landslides in the Chanchán River basin (Ecuador) – The case study of Chunchi and Alausí. 

Lucia Macias, José Luis Pastor, Hugo Bonifaz, Maria Quinonez Macias, and Theofilos Toulkeridis

The Chanchán River basin, located in the Chimborazo province in the Northern Andes of Ecuador, is affected by several factors contributing to slope instabilities. The high frequency of Landslides results in significant social and economic impacts. Hereby, two extraordinary landslides have occurred recently, being firstly in the Chunchi canton in 2021, affecting 704 people and damaging linear infrastructure such as two bridges and road sections, and secondly in the Alausí canton in 2023, causing even 75 casualties, while damaging first- and second-order roads, and collapsing 427 m of railway. In the present research, landslide geomorphology and ground lithology were studied in the field and using geophysical techniques. Potential triggering factors were also evaluated through the analysis of the rainfall data from the last decade, recent seismic events, and changes in land use within the study area. All these conditions allowed to focus on the similarities between the two catastrophic events.

The results yielded that the Chunchi landslide was a combination of rotational, creep, and flow failure types. In this case, the soils involved were superficial a superficial layer of silty sand and a deeper one of clayey sand, while the water table was detected at a depth of approximately 4 m due to recent rainfall. Conversely, the Alausí landslide was of the rotational type, primarily affecting colluvial soils and secondary volcanic lahars up to 4 m depth, volcanic lahars with blocks of dacitic or andesitic lavas from 4 to 13 m and further below altered volcanic tuffs.

After studying the potential triggering factors, the seismic effect was dismissed in both cases, as no significant seismicity occurred in the areas shortly prior to the landslides. In the Chunchi landslide, the rainfall registered before the event is similar to those of previous years, although the infiltration of water due to the agricultural use of the soil and deforestation may have contributed to the event. Alternatively, the most probable triggering factor of the Alausí landslide was the accumulated rainfall, as an increase of up to 600% was recorded in the three months preceding the event, compared to the average values of recent years.

Extreme climate events are expected to become more intense in the coming years due to factors such as climate change. This, on its own or combined with potential changes in land use, may be able to result in an increase of the frequency of landslide events in the Chanchán River basin.


This work is supported by the funding scheme of the European Commission, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchanges in the frame of the project UPGRADE – GA 101131146.

How to cite: Macias, L., Pastor, J. L., Bonifaz, H., Quinonez Macias, M., and Toulkeridis, T.: Recent landslides in the Chanchán River basin (Ecuador) – The case study of Chunchi and Alausí., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3804,, 2025.

The automatic and timely identification of mud pumping is crucial for maintaining the reliability and safety of railway systems. While current prediction models mainly focus on monitoring the dynamic responses of railway tracks, they often overlook vital geotechnical factors, such as hydrological conditions, due to the difficulty of quantifying such information. This limitation reduces the accuracy of predictions. To address this challenge, we propose a novel approach that integrates Geographic Information System (GIS) technology with in-service train vibration data to quantify hydrological variables along railway tracks. Key factors, including elevation, proximity to rivers, rainfall, sink depth, and soil types, are incorporated into a multi-channel neural network, which processes these multi-attribute data separately to enhance prediction accuracy. To improve model interpretability, we apply a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to assess the importance of hydrological factors and their correlation with the likelihood of mud pumping. Tested on real-world data from Chinese railway tracks, the model achieves balanced accuracy, demonstrating the effectiveness of combining GIS and monitoring data to reduce false positives and enhance prediction precision. Our analysis reveals that rainfall is the most influential factor, with groundwater-related variables having a greater impact than surface water. These findings offer valuable insights for infrastructure managers, enabling the identification of vulnerable track sections and facilitating more targeted maintenance and optimized substructure design at the network level.

How to cite: Geng, X.: A Data-Driven Approach for Predicting Mud Pumping in Railway Tracks Using GIS and In-Service Train Vibration Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5111,, 2025.

EGU25-5326 | Orals | NH9.11

Smart IoT Monitoring System for Nature-Based Slope Stabilization 

Apiniti Jotisankasa, Washirawat Praphatsorn, Korakot Tanyacharoen, Vasutorn Siriyakorn, Satoshi Nishimura, Wanpiya Sanukool, Borwonpong Sukjaroen, and Siva Thiampak

Nature-based slope stabilization offers a sustainable solution to enhance the climate resilience of long linear infrastructures in Thailand's changing climate. This approach integrates local species such as vetiver grass with biochar-amended soil, erosion control blankets, capillary barrier systems, and flexible bioengineering structures—including vegetated flapped soil bags and micro screw piles. This combination effectively improves erosion control, slope stability, and movement tolerance while fostering vegetation growth and promoting biodiversity.


However, the adaptive and continuously growing nature of these living systems necessitates in-depth investigation of their mechanical and hydraulic behaviours. This study emphasizes the critical role of IoT-based monitoring systems in delivering early landslide warnings and assessing the performance of nature-based slope stabilization. Key parameters include pore-water pressure, suction, slope deformation which are then used to estimate the performance metrics for geotechnical stability and water demand.


Field data from various bio-stabilized slopes across Thailand—collected through tensiometers, tiltmeters, inclinometers—demonstrate the system's efficacy. The integration of advanced technologies, such as remote sensing and NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission, is also discussed, highlighting future research directions in enhancing slope stability and resilience. Potential carbon credit gains are also discussed by means of root mass measurement and evapotranspiration flux.

How to cite: Jotisankasa, A., Praphatsorn, W., Tanyacharoen, K., Siriyakorn, V., Nishimura, S., Sanukool, W., Sukjaroen, B., and Thiampak, S.: Smart IoT Monitoring System for Nature-Based Slope Stabilization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5326,, 2025.

EGU25-5973 | ECS | Orals | NH9.11

Distributed Temperature Sensing for hydrogeological risk mitigation in the San Lorenzo tunnel 

Angelo Ballaera, Nicola Fullin, Gianluca Marcato, Luca Schenato, Lucia Vorlicek, and Lisa Borgatti

Optical fiber technology has emerged as a remarkable tool for groundwater monitoring. It provides high-resolution spatial and temporal data alongside exceptional sensitivity. Increasingly applied to monitor groundwater parameters such as pressure, temperature, flow, and contamination levels, this technology provides a comprehensive framework for real-time hazard assessment and risk management by integrating geotechnical and environmental variables. This study focuses on the San Lorenzo tunnel, a site characterized by significant water inflows that pose substantial hydrogeological challenges. The primary objective is to monitor these inflows closely and develop effective risk mitigation strategies. Preliminary investigations have shown that the rock mass enclosing the tunnel is highly fractured, resulting in substantial water ingress, particularly during heavy rainfall. While water in the tunnel is well-documented, the precise localization and timing of these inflows remain inadequately understood. Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) was employed to address these gaps to monitor water inflows and temperature variations along approximately 700 meters of the tunnel. Temperature data were combined with conductivity measurements to infer the origin of the aquifers. Initial findings suggest the presence of at least two independent aquifers, potentially fed by a common upstream source. Three types of optical fibers were installed along the tunnel. The function of these fibers is to detect both the presence and temperature of inflows of water that are intercepted and channeled into conduits. This study aims to detect and assess the location of inflows along the tunnel, temporal and spatial evolution of the water accumulation and discharge associated with external meteorological events. By correlating these observations with environmental variables such as rainfall, snowmelt, groundwater levels, and the discharge of nearby springs, we seek to refine the hydrogeological conceptual model and evaluate the feasibility of extending the draining tunnel as a mitigation measure. This research demonstrates an innovative application of fiber optic technology to monitor subsurface water flow. It contributes to hydrogeological risk mitigation in the San Lorenzo tunnel and advances our understanding of groundwater dynamics in complex fractured rock environments.

How to cite: Ballaera, A., Fullin, N., Marcato, G., Schenato, L., Vorlicek, L., and Borgatti, L.: Distributed Temperature Sensing for hydrogeological risk mitigation in the San Lorenzo tunnel, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5973,, 2025.

EGU25-6332 | ECS | Orals | NH9.11

Can we still talk about digital twins in engineering geology? An overview to the Passo della Morte (UD) landslide and mixed reality application.  

Nicola Fullin, Angelo Ballaera, Davide Donati, Alessandro Lambertini, Pietro Festi, Gianluca Marcato, and Mirko Francioni

Since the early 2000s, advancements in remote sensing technologies have enabled the acquisition of increasingly extensive and sophisticated datasets. These technological advances emphasize the critical need for effective and efficient methods of data communication and visualization. This study examines the uncertainties inherent in model’s reconstruction and demonstrates how mixed reality (MR) systems can be an important tool in address complex geological challenges by enabling the visualization of intricate datasets with important detail and user engagement.

This research focuses on the challenges associated with creating true digital twins and the application of MR in visualizing multi-sensor remote sensing and monitoring data. The study uses the CNR ID 3 landslide in the Friuli Region (UD) as a test site, using decades of investigation and monitoring data. A conceptual workflow is presented, detailing the processes of data retrieval, interpretation, and landslide morphology reconstruction, culminating in final visualization through MR headsets.

These innovative tools have the potential to significantly improve the capacity of local authorities and stakeholders to comprehend complex spatial interactions. By fostering collaboration with scientists, they facilitate more informed and effective decision-making processes, considering the unknowns properly. 


*financed by the European Union, Next Generation EU, Mission 4 Component 1 CUP B53D23006960006

How to cite: Fullin, N., Ballaera, A., Donati, D., Lambertini, A., Festi, P., Marcato, G., and Francioni, M.: Can we still talk about digital twins in engineering geology? An overview to the Passo della Morte (UD) landslide and mixed reality application. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6332,, 2025.

Landslide inventory maps constitute the primary level of information in risk prevention studies and stability analysis. The Dominican Republic, particularly the Barahona province, is exposed to various geological hazards such as slope movements due to its topographic, geological and climatic characteristics, as well as the effect of human activities. These natural phenomena directly and indirectly affect the population and their economic activities, which are essential to their development. The objective of this research is to determine the types of mass movements that directly impact the main roads of Barahona (the Enriquillo Highway and the Barahona-Paraíso Highway), the primary conditioning and triggering factors, and the resulting damage to road infrastructure. Through photointerpretation and fieldwork, a total of 22 slope movements were identified. Of these, 13.64% correspond to landslides, 68.18% to flows, 13.64% to falls, and 4.54% to topples. Most of these movements occur in geological materials of sedimentary origin, such as shales, limestones, marls, sandstones, conglomerates, and alluvial and colluvial deposits. Of the movements identified, 59.09% were classified as suspended, 22.73% as active, and 18.18% as inactive. The factors conditioning the occurrence of landslides are associated with the sedimentary geology that predominantly covers Barahona province, the rugged topography, and changes in land use. Meteorological events such as tropical storms and hurricanes bring intense and prolonged torrential rains. These precipitations, combined with active tectonics, are the main triggering factors. Finally, the damage to road infrastructure results in accumulations of displaced material on the roadway, total or partial collapse of retaining, protective, and drainage structures, differential movements causing irregularities and sinking of the asphalt layer, transverse and longitudinal cracking of the roadway, gullies, and erosion in cut and fill slopes.

How to cite: Tamayo, Á., Duran, F., Pérez, M., and Pastor, J. L.: Inventory and preliminary evaluation of the factors that cause landslides and affect the road infrastructure of the Barahona Province of the Dominican Republic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7293,, 2025.

EGU25-8173 | Orals | NH9.11

On the correlation between earthen levees' vulnerability to seepage and flood events probability of occurrence 

Silvia Barbetta, Bianca Bonaccorsi, Luca Ciabatta, Marco Dionigi, and Giuseppe Tito Aronica

Earthen levees are one of the main structural measures against flooding in floodplain areas; however, these structures can fail due to different mechanisms. From the risk point of view, the construction of embarkments might paradoxically increase the overall risk because of a general decrease in flood hazard perception by the exposed population and urban planner (Castellarin et al., 2011). For this reason, ample research has been focused on studying the physical process affecting the levees during a flood event, such as overtopping and seepage/piping (Deverel et al., 2016; Palladino et al., 2019). Specifically, the piping process is very hazardous because it is not openly visible and, therefore, is hard to identify before the failure. Nevertheless, evaluating the vulnerability to seepage for different flood events affecting the earthen levee is fundamental to support territorial planning and risk management in quasi-real-time. In this context, the present work proposes a procedure to calculate the correlation between the probability of levee failure due to seepage process and the probability of occurrence of the flood event affecting the embankment. The vulnerability to seepage is quantified by identifying the saturation line location in the levee through the a two-dimensional numerical model SEEP/W. The analysis is carried out for flood events characterized by a different probability of occurrence estimated by applying a procedure based on stochastic generation of precipitation and temperature time series and continuous hydrological modelling. The proposed procedure is applied to an experimental levee located along the Tatarena stream, in central Italy. The results show that, as expected, the vulnerability increases while the magnitude of the flood increases, i.e. the probability of occurrence decreases, with increments in the range 5-10% for flood duration between 12-24 hours. In particular, 48 hours lasting flood waves are identified as the ones producing a huge increase of the levee vulnerability that is found to rise from 35% to 75%.

Castellarin, A., Di Baldassare, G., Brath. (2011). A floodplain management strategy for flood attenuation in the River Po. River Res. Appl. 27 (8), 1037–1047.

Deverel, S. J, Bachand, S., Brandenberg, S. J, Jones, C. E, Stewart, J. P, & Zimmaro, P. (2016). Factors and Processes Affecting Delta Levee System Vulnerability. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 14(4). doi:

Palladino M.R., Barbetta S., Camici S., Claps P., Moramarco T. (2020). ‘Impact of animal burrows on earthen levee body vulnerability to seepage’, J Flood Risk Management.2020;13 (Suppl. 1): e12559,

How to cite: Barbetta, S., Bonaccorsi, B., Ciabatta, L., Dionigi, M., and Aronica, G. T.: On the correlation between earthen levees' vulnerability to seepage and flood events probability of occurrence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8173,, 2025.

EGU25-8243 | Posters on site | NH9.11

A Physically-based Bayesian Network Model for Landslide Susceptibility Updating 

Federica Ceccotto, Sheng Zhang, Xueyu Geng, Matteo Mantovani, and Giulia Bossi

In recent years, global warming has been associated with an increasing frequency and intensity of extreme meteorological events causing severe damage to land and infrastructure, and potential harm to people. For this reason, it is crucial to develop predictive tools to support land management. In May 2023, two extreme meteorological events struck the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy in succession. The first rainfall event was associated with a limited number of landslides while the following one triggered widespread landslides of various types, leading to extensive damage and forcing the closure of hundreds of roads. The extent of the damage in the affected areas was recorded by satellite imagery captured by Sentinel constellations of the European Space Agency (ESA). By looking for cloud-free pre-event, between-events and post-events images, two study areas were chosen for the development and calibration of a physically-based Bayesian network model, incorporating prior rainfall data and soil spatial variability. The primary objective is to calibrate the model using these training images and subsequently validate it across the entire affected regions utilizing available open-source data on landslide event inventories. With a given weather forecast, the resulting output aims to pinpoint the most hazardous areas in a timely manner. This research stems from a collaboration funded through the MSCA-SE UPGRADE project (GA 101131146).

How to cite: Ceccotto, F., Zhang, S., Geng, X., Mantovani, M., and Bossi, G.: A Physically-based Bayesian Network Model for Landslide Susceptibility Updating, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8243,, 2025.

EGU25-10151 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.11

Enhancing campus resilience monitoring with distributed acoustic sensing: a case study 

Jing Wang, Hong-Hu Zhu, and Dao-Yuan Tan

Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) has emerged as a powerful technology for monitoring seismic events with high spatiotemporal resolution. By using these detailed observations, proactive assessments can significantly enhance resilience through the optimization of management strategies for underground infrastructure and above-ground campus facilities. Recognizing the critical role that underground pipelines play in both subterranean systems and overall campus resilience, this study focuses on their continuous and long-term monitoring at Nanjing University Xianlin Campus, utilizing DAS technology. Our analysis involves the extraction and analysis of key parameters from a 3.8-kilometer-long underground fiber-optic cable array, including flow-induced vibrations, changes in natural frequency, and power spectral density. DAS recordings, which have been collected since February 2023, enable us to assess into the health status of the underground pipelines. The vibrations captured by DAS in response to flow serve as an effective tool for evaluating the drainage system’s capacity, aiding in forecasting flood hazards during extended periods of rainfall. Variations in natural frequency reveal key information about the structural integrity of pipelines, especially under heavy rainfall and seismic activity. Additionally, fluctuations in power spectral density offer both localized and comprehensive spatiotemporal assessments, guiding campus-wide resilience strategies. Key metrics are derived from DAS data to identify patterns of campus activity, informing the decision-making process for optimizing resilience strategies. These results highlight the potential of DAS for long-term, real-time monitoring, supporting enhanced resilience at scales ranging from individual campuses to entire urban environments.

How to cite: Wang, J., Zhu, H.-H., and Tan, D.-Y.: Enhancing campus resilience monitoring with distributed acoustic sensing: a case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10151,, 2025.

River crossings are vulnerable to extreme flood events, which pose significant risks to both linear infrastructure functioning and surrounding communities. The proper functioning of bridges is crucial for preventing cascading effects on populations, ensuring the mobility of emergency response teams, and facilitating the evacuation of residents during critical events. As vital links between communities on opposite banks of the river, bridge safety has significant implications for social and economic stability.

Hydraulic phenomena account for over 50% of bridge failures (e.g. Xiong et al., 2023), and scouring around piers and abutments always causes serious damages if adequate foundation depth is not provided in the design. Lacks in scientific and technical knowledges have led in the past to inadequate piers and foundations, and this issue, combined with the increased frequency of hazardous events due to the climate change, amplifies the risk of failure.

A robust prediction of scour evolution up to its maximum depth is fundamental for understanding and forecasting bridge failures, as well as for properly managing infrastructure in the context of climate change. Here, the physical processes governing scour evolution, specifically the temporal behavior of flow field and shear stress, have been thoroughly analyzed by combining physical modeling of sediment-flow-structures interaction with numerical simulations.

The experiments have been developed in a rectangular flume 1 m wide and 15 m long, using quite uniform sands (median grain size d50=0.4 mm) to simulate the riverbed. Experiments of different duration were developed under steady state clear water conditions and adhering to Shields similitude to obtain the scour evolution over time around circular piers. Numerical simulations were developed using 3D CFD software to accurately reproduce the coherent turbulent structures around the pier at scour depths obtained from physical experiments.

This approach, combining and interconnecting physical and numerical experiments, enhances our understanding of how climate change and the consequent increase in flood event frequency impact on the temporal evolution of flow field and shear stresses as the scour progresses. This improved comprehension of the phenomena is crucial for the management of existing bridges that may have been inadequately designed in the past, as well as for the design of new structures.

How to cite: Giaretta, P. and Salandin, P.: Modeling Local Scour Dynamics to Assess Existing Bridge Resilience in the Context of Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10530,, 2025.

EGU25-12594 | Orals | NH9.11

Predicting Mountain Bridge Damage from Increasing Frequency of Debris Flow Dynamic Impacts 

Andrea Cao, Pietro Giaretta, and Paolo Salandin

Mountainous regions, due to their topographical characteristics, require a high density of bridges to connect road and railway infrastructures that support human activities. Climate change exacerbates the intensity and frequency of extreme events, seriously threatening bridge safety and infrastructure availability.

Among various hazards, debris flows are one of the most destructive phenomena in Alpine regions. Their destructive nature is due to the high velocities they achieve, the large volumes of sediment they mobilize, and the significant impact forces they exert on any obstacles in their path. When debris flows impact bridges, they often result in destruction. The unpredictability of these events, coupled with inadequate early warning systems and the huge amount of materials involved, frequently leads to loss of human life and significant economic damage.

Bridge piers, due to their location in stream beds, are extremely vulnerable to the impulsive nature of sediment flows and are subjected to the most severe impact forces. Understanding the thrust generated by debris flows on bridge structures is essential for designing works capable of withstanding their impact. This knowledge is crucial for defining appropriate design methodologies for bridges, accurately accounting for the dynamic forces exerted on piers.

This study presents a new experimental apparatus designed to provide accurate information on the dynamic thrust of stony debris flows on bridge piers. The debris flow is simulated in a tilted canal measuring 3 m in length and 0.3 m in width. A model bridge pier and associated impulsive force measuring equipment are installed at the channel's end section. Strategically placed sonar sensors along the canal, combined with pressure sensors and load cells, enable a comprehensive characterization of the debris flows that is triggered by suddenly releasing a pre-set water discharge onto a layer of previously saturated erodible material.

The results from the physical model experiments enabled a systematic study of the magnitude of dynamic forces acting on piers of various shapes and how these forces are influenced by the different physical parameters characteristic of debris flows. Analysis of the collected data provided insights that allow for an assessment of the predictive formulas proposed in the literature. This leads to a deeper understanding of the risk of mountain bridge damage, which is increasingly affected by debris flows in the present context of climate change.

How to cite: Cao, A., Giaretta, P., and Salandin, P.: Predicting Mountain Bridge Damage from Increasing Frequency of Debris Flow Dynamic Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12594,, 2025.

EGU25-18813 | ECS | Orals | NH9.11 | Highlight

Enhancing Nordic infrastructure resilience via Nature-based Solutions: a review  

Vittoria Capobianco, Rosa M. Palau Berastegui, Kjersti Gisnås, Graham Gilbert, and Anders Solheim

Climate change is increasing the intensity and frequency of storms, floods, and landslides in the Nordic region, making linear infrastructure such as roads, railways, and power grids increasingly vulnerable. As safety and maintenance challenges intensify, innovative solutions are required to enhance resilience to natural hazards. 

The NordicLink project (, 2020-2023, aimed to safeguard Nordic infrastructure against natural hazards through improved risk assessments and climate adaptation solutions. This study explores the potential for increased use of nature-based solutions (NbS) for linear infrastructure in rural areas. The study is based on a survey among the key owners of roads, railways, and power grids in the Nordic region, with the goal of identifying which natural hazards cause the greatest concern in a future climate, and understanding what information and documentation are needed to increase the use of NbS in rural areas.  

Flooding, erosion, landslides, and rockfalls were identified as the most significant natural hazards. These results formed the basis for a NbS review with a specific focus on linear infrastructure in the Nordic Region.  

Despite few examples on the use of NbS directly along roads, railways and power grids in the Nordic region, several solutions have the potential for implementation in these areas. Based on Nordic and international examples, we have developed an overview of NbS options suitable for linear infrastructure (Capobianco et al., 2022). This overview provides quick and easy access to NbS, categorized into green, blue, blue-green, and hybrid measures, and is supported by case studies from Norway and Sweden. 

This review highlights both opportunities and challenges in mainstreaming NbS. Barriers such as limited expertise, spatial and climatic constraints, and path dependency on adoption of traditional infrastructure must be addressed. Moreover, the study highlights the need for standardization, European guidelines, and technical manuals to increase the use of NbS among infrastructure managers. Additionally, the many co-benefits of NbS - such as carbon sequestration, increased biodiversity, and ecosystem services – should be integral to the decision-making process.  

This study contributes to a better understanding of NbS as potential measures to mitigate natural hazards related to Nordic infrastructure networks. By bridging knowledge gaps and providing feasible recommendations, it aims to support infrastructure managers and policymakers in adapting to the challenges posed by a changing climate. 


Capobianco, V., Palau, R. M., Solheim, A., Gisnås, K., Gilbert, G., Danielsson, P., & van der Keur, P. (2024). The potential use of nature-based solutions as natural hazard mitigation measure for linear infrastructure in the Nordic Countries. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 11(1), 27.

How to cite: Capobianco, V., Palau Berastegui, R. M., Gisnås, K., Gilbert, G., and Solheim, A.: Enhancing Nordic infrastructure resilience via Nature-based Solutions: a review , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18813,, 2025.

NH10 – Multi-Hazards

EGU25-1005 | Orals | NH10.1

Multi-hazards in an unequal world 

Timothy Tiggeloven, Tristian Stolte, Judith Claassen, Chia-Wei Chang, Amelie Paszkowski, Stefan Schneiderbauer, Saki Yotsui, and Nicole van Maanen

The growing global exposure to multi-hazard events highlights the need for a comprehensive understanding of how vulnerability interacts with these hazards, particularly in regions with lower socio-economic development, as vulnerability amplifies the impacts and hinders recovery efforts, perpetuating cycles of poverty and inequality. Here, we provide a global level analysis of multi-hazard exposure and disparities in socio-economic vulnerabilities. Our findings reveal that most of the global population has been exposed to multi-hazards (84% of total population). Our analysis discloses a discernible global trend as we observe disparities of individuals with lower socio-economic development are significantly more likely to being exposed to multi-hazards more frequently. The same pattern also persists at regional scales and underscores a critical intersection between natural hazards and socio-economic vulnerability, where certain populations are disproportionately affected. When looking into the intersection of compounding vulnerabilities based on overlapping social identities and disparities, we find that this pattern persists and exacerbates in some regions. In the face of climate change and increasing inequalities in the world, recognizing and addressing these trends are essential, not only from a humanitarian perspective but also for advancing global development agendas and climate justice. These compounded risks faced by marginalized communities should be better aligned with global initiatives like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure equitable and resilient societies.

How to cite: Tiggeloven, T., Stolte, T., Claassen, J., Chang, C.-W., Paszkowski, A., Schneiderbauer, S., Yotsui, S., and van Maanen, N.: Multi-hazards in an unequal world, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1005,, 2025.

EGU25-1637 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Future Risk Projection of Compound Drought-Wildfire Disaster Under SSP Climate Change Scnerios 

Kyunghun Kim, Hoyong Lee, and Hung Soo Kim

Compound drought-wildfire event is increasing trend in its frequency and severity worldwide, driven by the interaction between drought and wildfire, as seen in the 2017 California wildfires and 2019-20 Australian wildfires. However, there is still the lack of a methodology to quantitatively estimate the risk of compound drought-wildfire disaster. Therefore, this study presents a methodology to estimate the risk of compound drought-wildfire disaster using a Drought scenario based Fire Weather Index (DFWI) and projects the future risk of compound drought-wildfire disaster based on Social Shared Pathway (SSP) climate change scenarios. Gyeongsangbuk-do province was selected as the study area which is a wildfire prone area. We estimated the risk of compound drought-wildfire disaster and found that it is about 2.9 times greater than the risk of a single wildfire disaster. Based on the SSP climate change scenarios, the projected risk of compound drought-wildfire disasters was 1.01 to 1.70 times greater than current levels. Monthly risk assessment indicated the risks from July to October would increase. The study presented a new methodology for quantitative risk analysis and the future projections of the compound disasters. From the analysis, we have known that the measures or new design criteria considering the compound disasters should be required utilized for disaster prevention and for reducing the risk. The results of this study are expected to be used as the controversial issue for the development of new design criteria or measures for the prevention of the compound disaster.

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. 2022R1A2C2091773).


How to cite: Kim, K., Lee, H., and Kim, H. S.: Future Risk Projection of Compound Drought-Wildfire Disaster Under SSP Climate Change Scnerios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1637,, 2025.

There is underlying uncertainty in every model, and understanding how this affects decision-making is crucial. Individual hazard models involve numerous assumptions, and quantifying uncertainties becomes even more challenging when these models are integrated to assess multi-hazard events. While these uncertainties are inescapable, it is vital that stakeholders have a good understanding of hazard-model limitations, whether they are involved in long-term policymaking (planning including early-warning systems, infrastructure, and risk management) or short-term decision-making (such as anticipatory action and disaster response).

With this in mind, the project explores the practical applications of environmental multi-hazard models currently in use, looking firstly at models of flooding and related hazards. Taking a multi-level approach, we use qualitative interview evidence and quantitative model evaluation metrics to assess whether these models provide the insights policy-makers need and explore potential improvements to enhance their effectiveness. The feedback from stakeholders is used to make recommendations for model selection, evaluation, and development to prioritise actionable outputs.

As it is important for all sectors to be involved in disaster risk management, it is equally important to examine all hazards to which population and infrastructure assets can be exposed to in a given location, who is vulnerable to such exposure, as well as how this exposure varies with the use of different underlying assumptions. We compare the exposure of assets based on two flood models and consider the effectiveness of this information for long-term decision support, such as prioritising infrastructure investments.

In an era where accessing data globally has simplified, the quality of this data can still vary significantly across different countries and regions. By understanding how scenario-based multi-hazard models are utilised - or could be utilised - to mitigate risks to human lives and livelihoods, we can help nations better prepare for both long- and short-term effects of extreme weather and climate change, while taking into account the underlying uncertainty.

How to cite: Leonova, N. and Thompson, E.: Defining a framework for integrating stakeholder-feedback, taking into account uncertainty, in multi-hazard model evaluation and development., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1706,, 2025.

EGU25-2180 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Multi - hazard modelling and risk estimation for transport systems along the eastern coast of Taiwan exposed to flooding, debris flows and seismic landslide events  

Rachel Doley, Xilin Xia, Chen-Yu Lin, Wen-Ray Su, Emma Ferranti, and Andrew Quinn

Transport infrastructure is critical for societal functioning allowing for the movement of goods and services whilst facilitating societal connections between regions. Additionally, transport infrastructure is varied and geographically extensive; it includes roads, railways, and associated assets such as embankments, retaining walls and railway lines. These assets are vulnerable in different ways and are exposed to different  hazards with a varied spatial spread; for example, extreme precipitation and earthquakes can trigger landslide and slope failures in mountainous regions potentially leading to blockages of road networks. Whilst flooding may submerge roads and damage railway infrastructure leading to ballast scour causing delays and incurring large repair costs in both instances. Moreover, multiple hazards can occur at the same time with the potential to interact, such as landslides following flooding caused by heavy rainfall or earthquakes triggering landslides causing landslide dams.  Considering this, the goal of this work is to develop a multi hazard risk assessment framework for transport infrastructure exposed to multiple different and interacting natural hazards under future climate change. This provides a more holistic and accurate representation of multi hazard risk when compared to the study of single hazards, making a multi hazard risk assessment better able to take into consideration the full scope of risk threatening infrastructure systems. To conduct this research, Taiwan was selected as a case study as it represents a fascinating and dynamic landscape with advanced transport systems exposed to multiple different hazards, making it the perfect living lab to study multi hazards and their interactions. The work sought to determine the multi hazard risk of combined flooding, landslide and seismic landslides affecting transport systems on the eastern coast of Taiwan. This study simulated hazard events by integrating existing multi-hazard simulation software with new slope stability mapping software. A slope stability model employing the infinite slope model and factor of safety was generated to map slope stability under precipitation and earthquake conditions. Additionally, the Synxflow hazard modelling package was used to simulate the behaviours of landslide runouts and flooding under typhoon conditions to understand hazard behaviours. In tandem with this, GIS techniques were employed to map these combined risks within the catchment. To determine the risk to transport systems a segment-specific risk assessment was conducted, breaking down the transport systems into smaller segments to identify the area’s most at risk. Preliminary results of this show large swathes of transport systems vulnerable to multiple hazards threatening to block transport systems and cut of communities. Early results indicate that increased precipitation due to climate change is likely to exacerbate this threat, leading to more frequent road and rail closures and higher costs for repairs and rerouting.

How to cite: Doley, R., Xia, X., Lin, C.-Y., Su, W.-R., Ferranti, E., and Quinn, A.: Multi - hazard modelling and risk estimation for transport systems along the eastern coast of Taiwan exposed to flooding, debris flows and seismic landslide events , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2180,, 2025.

EGU25-3252 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Challenges and opportunities of consecutive disasters for societal recovery 

Sophie L. Buijs, Chahan M. Kropf, Marleen C. De Ruiter, Samuel Juhel, Zélie Stalhandske, and Inga J. Sauer

Consecutive events, where two or more disasters occur in succession before recovery from the first event has been completed, have non-linear impacts on societies that may often surpass the effects of disasters that occur in isolation. This work underscores the pivotal role of recovery in shaping the cumulative impacts of consecutive disasters, offering key insights into the challenges, opportunities, and long-term implications of consecutive disasters for post-disaster recovery and risk management in the context of increasingly frequent and intense hazards.

Incomplete recovery hinders the ability of communities to respond to subsequent events, creating compounding challenges that can lead to non-linear and potentially irreversible societal changes. With climate change affecting the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, the likelihood of consecutive disasters and interval time between events are projected to change, affecting the time available for recovery between events. We have reviewed the implications of consecutive disasters for societal recovery, identifying key processes that contribute to non-linear impact interactions. While consecutive disasters can create many challenges that complicate disaster recovery, recurrent disaster exposure can also present opportunities for social learning, transformation, and increased resilience and preparedness over time. Based on insights from scientific studies and real-world examples, we discuss challenges and opportunities related to recovery across different societal dimensions—such as human settlements, public health, socio-political systems, and the economy—under the influence of consecutive disasters. We have also evaluated how the effects of consecutive disasters on disaster recovery can, over time, result in social tipping-points, characterised by non-linear and potentially irreversible societal transitions, offering a long-term perspective on the cumulative effects of consecutive events.

Lastly, we evaluated existing methodologies for analyzing recovery dynamics in the context of consecutive disasters, highlighting gaps and limitations in the current body of knowledge. Based on these findings, we propose a research and policy agenda aimed at addressing these gaps, improving disaster recovery research, which will ultimately support societies to effectively manage consecutive disasters in the face of increasingly frequent and intense hazards.

How to cite: Buijs, S. L., Kropf, C. M., De Ruiter, M. C., Juhel, S., Stalhandske, Z., and Sauer, I. J.: Challenges and opportunities of consecutive disasters for societal recovery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3252,, 2025.

EGU25-3489 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Shared floods, shared lessons: Best DRM practices and blind spots. An Impact-Chain cross-country analysis of the 2021 floods in Romania and the Netherlands 

Andra-Cosmina Albulescu, Iuliana Armaș, Marleen De Ruiter, Thijs Endendijk, and Tristan Stotle

Disaster Risk Management (DRM) has been evolving under the pressure of new challenges brought by increasingly frequent and severe multi-hazard events. These events are more likely to impact multiple countries at once, exposing common and specific vulnerabilities of neighbouring communities. One prominent and recent example for Europe comes from the flood events in 2021, considered one of the most destructive hydrological disasters of the 21st century. In Europe, the July 2021 floods claimed over 200 lives, causing widespread disruption and economic loss exceeding 50 billion euros.

The resulting shared but distinct experiences call for joint reflection from scientists and stakeholders from the impacted countries and regions – an exercise whose significance we are only beginning to understand.

This study aims to cross-examine the impacts of the 2021 flood events in Romania and the Netherlands, alongside the vulnerabilities that contributed to them and the adaptation options employed to address them. Drawing from a wide range of sources (e.g., scientific papers, official reports, administrative acts, hydro-meteorological datasets, and news reports), two distinct Impact Chains were developed, one for each country. From these models, we elicited lessons regarding the best practices and blind spots in DRM.

The Impact Chains revolve around the most severely affected areas in the two case studies: Alba County in the northwest of Romania and Limburg province in the southeast of the Netherlands. The chains include cascading hazards such as floods, heavy rainfall, strong winds, and landslides. To ensure their accuracy and reliability, the models were calibrated and validated through stakeholder surveys conducted in each case study area.

Employing a set of Kumu metrics and other custom-designed metrics, the two Impact Chains were analysed to identify the most prominent flood impacts, vulnerabilities, and adaptation options. The comparative analysis provided key insights into the DRM approaches in Romania and the Netherlands, which were leveraged to pinpoint both strengths worth of replication and weaknesses that should be avoided. Notable best DRM practices refer to effective search and rescue operations in both countries, the simplification of flood damage compensation procedures in Romania , and the swift evacuation and accommodation of the population in Limburg. In terms of critical blind spots, both countries are yet to design (multi-)hazard management strategies that factor in pandemic conditions and that also proactively address vulnerabilities rather than merely mitigating flood impacts.

These DRM lessons offer relevant answers to the crux questions that arise following major hazardous events, such as the floods of 2021: What can be done to fend off such severe impacts in the future? and What can we learn from the experience of other countries? By bringing together examples of best practices and pitfalls of DRM, this study fosters constructive dialogue grounded in shared experiences.

This research opens the way to further Impact Chain-based cross-country comparisons of multi-hazards, in an effort conducive to collaboratively deciphering the interplay of multi-risk in diverse contexts and to linking it with country- or region-specific DRM policies and practices.

How to cite: Albulescu, A.-C., Armaș, I., De Ruiter, M., Endendijk, T., and Stotle, T.: Shared floods, shared lessons: Best DRM practices and blind spots. An Impact-Chain cross-country analysis of the 2021 floods in Romania and the Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3489,, 2025.

EGU25-3544 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Methodological approach to multi-hazard analysis: the case of the Garrotxa region (Catalonia, Spain) 

Iris Schneider-Pérez, Arnau Lagresa, Marta López-Saavedra, Mireia Jiménez, Joan Martí, Marc Martínez, Alba Ocaña, and Llorenç Planagumà


Amidst the escalating impacts of climate change and the growing frequency of natural disasters, the urgent need for robust multi-risk assessment and proactive mitigation strategies has become increasingly apparent. The Garrotxa region, characterized by its diverse array of weather-related hazards (such as torrential rains, floods, debris flows, lahars, tornadoes) and geological hazards (including landslides, rockfalls, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions), presents an example of the challenges faced by communities globally, necessitating a shift towards anticipatory disaster management. Departing from conventional simulation models, we recognize the fundamental role of past experiences in shaping future risk assessments and mitigation strategies. This paper introduces a methodology for the creation of a multi-hazard database tailored to the Garrotxa region, serving as a foundational step towards subsequent multi-risk analysis. By meticulously documenting the region's historical hazards for the last 123 years, our approach aims to equip stakeholders with a nuanced comprehension of multiple natural processes. This comprehensive strategy, which combines modern monitoring techniques with historical context, forms a synergistic approach crucial for effective, long-term disaster risk mitigation. Our work not only sheds light on the unique challenges faced by the Garrotxa but also provides a scalable model for regions grappling with diverse natural phenomena worldwide. This contribution aims to enhance disaster resilience in regions confronting similar potential multi-hazard scenarios.

The database mentioned in this abstract is part of: the GarMultiRisk Project, funded by the Biodiversity Foundation of the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, through the Call for Grants for the implementation of projects contributing to the Spanish National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (2021-2030); and of the SIRRN Project (Intelligent System for Natural Risk Reduction) funded by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Artificial Intelligence-SOMMa Grant.


Multi-hazard, natural hazards, database, multi-risk, risk management, hazard assessment, decision-making, climate change, resilience.

How to cite: Schneider-Pérez, I., Lagresa, A., López-Saavedra, M., Jiménez, M., Martí, J., Martínez, M., Ocaña, A., and Planagumà, L.: Methodological approach to multi-hazard analysis: the case of the Garrotxa region (Catalonia, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3544,, 2025.

EGU25-4507 | Posters on site | NH10.1

Perspectives from the Global South of people-centred multi-hazard early warning systems: opportunities and challenges  

Mirianna Budimir, Robert Šakić Trogrlić, Cinthia Almeida, Miguel Arestegui, Orlando Chuquisengo Vásquez, Abel Cisneros, Monica Cuba Iriarte, Adama Dia, Leon Lizon, Giorgio Madueño, Alioune Ndiaye, Miluska Ordoñez Caldas, Tamanna Rahman, Bikram RanaTharu, Alpha Sall, Dharam Uprety, Chris Anderson, and Colin McQuistan

Despite global initiatives, such as the Early Warnings for All initiative, operational realities lag behind when implementing people-centred Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS) that consider multi-hazard interactions and take a first-mile, systems approach in the Global South.  

This session will share perspectives from Practical Action, an international development organisation working in Latin America, Africa and Asia, to explore the diverse needs of the most at-risk and marginalised, and how core concepts of multi-hazard thinking integrate into different pillars and cross-cutting components of a MHEWS. 

The session will highlight the mismatch between current ambitions and realities on the ground. Drawing on extensive experience from Practical Action, we will identify opportunities and challenges of moving towards MHEWS, emphasising the need for localised, inclusive strategies that genuinely address the diverse needs of the most vulnerable populations and fully encompass the meaning of multi-hazards, including hazard interrelationships, the dynamics of risk components, and the complexity of multi-hazard impacts. 

How to cite: Budimir, M., Šakić Trogrlić, R., Almeida, C., Arestegui, M., Chuquisengo Vásquez, O., Cisneros, A., Cuba Iriarte, M., Dia, A., Lizon, L., Madueño, G., Ndiaye, A., Ordoñez Caldas, M., Rahman, T., RanaTharu, B., Sall, A., Uprety, D., Anderson, C., and McQuistan, C.: Perspectives from the Global South of people-centred multi-hazard early warning systems: opportunities and challenges , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4507,, 2025.

EGU25-4740 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Behavioral heterogeneity and system resilience in the face of climate change: an agent-based modeling approach in northern Italy 

Paolo Gazzotti, Sandra Ricart, Claudio Gandolfi, and Andrea Castelletti

Climate change poses a profound risk to farming activities, threatening agricultural productivity and livelihoods through increasing temperatures, erratic rainfall patterns, and frequent extreme weather events. These challenges raise critical questions about the resilience of farming systems, particularly under diverse socio-economic and environmental pressures. Resilience must be understood in terms of both system-level dynamics and individual actors, whose decision-making processes exhibit significant heterogeneity. Farmers’ unique preferences, perceptions, and strategies necessitate well-defined policies that consider individual behaviors to enhance resilience. Agent-based modeling (ABM) offers a robust framework to address these challenges by explicitly representing the diversity of actors and their behaviors while simulating the impacts of climate threats and policy interventions on farming systems.

This study adopts a novel agent-based framework, ABNexus, designed to analyze the resilience of the Adda River farming system in northern Italy. ABNexus integrates an ABM with a distributed-parameter water balance crop yield model, IdrAgra, to provide high spatial resolution and behavioral flexibility. The model uses survey data collected from 460 local farms to calibrate farmer profiles, capturing the diversity of decision-making processes based on farm characteristics, climate change awareness, perceived impacts, and adaptation strategies. Farmers were categorized into three distinct clusters—risk-averse, risk-neutral, and risk-taker— reflecting behavioral traits that influence their decision-making criteria within the ABM framework. We also implemented different behavioral modes, ranging from profit maximization under perfect foresight to differentiated risk aversion under uncertainty, and assessed their alignment with observed decisions over the past 20 years.

Building upon this validated framework, we assessed the resilience of the Adda River basin farming system under various climate change scenarios, such as an increased frequency of severe drought years. We further explored the impact of targeted policy interventions, such as subsidies for the adoption of water-efficient irrigation technologies.

Our results highlight the importance of incorporating behavioral heterogeneity in agricultural modeling. Historical analysis revealed that behavioral assumptions significantly influence the alignment of simulated decisions with real-world observations, underscoring the need for detailed behavioral representations. Preliminary findings from scenario testing indicate that targeted subsidies for irrigation technology adoption can enhance system resilience. However, the magnitude and distribution of these benefits vary across different behavioral assumptions, reflecting farmers’ diverse responses to policy interventions. This research provides valuable insights into the complex interplay between human behavior, climate change, and agricultural system resilience. The ABNexus framework offers a valuable tool for exploring the potential impacts of various climate change scenarios and evaluating the effectiveness of policy interventions.

How to cite: Gazzotti, P., Ricart, S., Gandolfi, C., and Castelletti, A.: Behavioral heterogeneity and system resilience in the face of climate change: an agent-based modeling approach in northern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4740,, 2025.

EGU25-5495 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Linking Disaster Risk Assessment at the Building Unit Level to Risk Reduction and Management 

Han Kyul Heo, Taehwan Hyeon, and Jun Woo Kim

Disasters that occur in buildings and urban spaces have a profound impact on people's daily lives, often exacerbating anxiety. In the case of buildings, the financial repercussions of damage can be substantial, and there is also a possibility of physical injuries and fatalities among occupants. Consequently, there is an imperative to assess the risk of disasters in buildings and to devise measures that ensure safety.
The building risk analysis model developed in this study was designed to meet three criteria. First, it should be capable of responding to various disaster types, allowing the addition or removal of disaster categories as needed. Second, it should be able to present disaster risk at the building level. Third, the results must be easily comprehensible so that countermeasures can be prepared based on the assessed risk. To this end, we developed a building disaster risk analysis model to evaluate building-level risks for individual disaster types and to link these results. A multidimensional matrix was employed to assess fire, flood, and landslide risks at the building level.
We then proceeded to analyze the fire, flood, and landslide risks of buildings in a sample area and linked the results. Machine learning and deep learning techniques were applied to the risk analysis. The integration of these three risk categories resulted in the classification of buildings into eight distinct categories—ranging from “very risky” to “safe”—based on the number of high-risk disaster types. A total of 32,079 buildings were assessed in the target area, of which 48 buildings (0.15%) were identified as being at high risk of both fire and flood, primarily situated along rivers and boulevards. Conversely, 47 buildings (0.15%) were at high risk of both fire and landslide, mainly located in forested areas. No buildings were found to be at high risk for all three disaster types. A total of 95 buildings (0.3%) were determined to be at high risk for two or more disaster types.
A comprehensive approach to disaster risk mitigation necessitates the establishment of a building-level disaster risk check system. This system would be informed by the risk characteristics of each disaster type and the regional distribution of high-risk buildings. By leveraging this information, it would be possible to delineate inspection areas and items, as well as prepare countermeasures to ensure building safety. The establishment of a service that can assess disaster risk on a building-by-building basis will empower residents and users to proactively identify safety concerns and implement countermeasures, thus transitioning from a passive reliance on government assistance to a more autonomous and proactive approach to disaster mitigation.

How to cite: Heo, H. K., Hyeon, T., and Kim, J. W.: Linking Disaster Risk Assessment at the Building Unit Level to Risk Reduction and Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5495,, 2025.

EGU25-6873 | Orals | NH10.1

Multi-hazards in Scandinavia: Economic impacts of compound heatwaves, droughts and wildfires in 2018 

Lin Ma, Anne Sophie Daloz, Gwendoline Ducros, Timothy Tiggeloven, and Marleen C. de Ruiter

In the summer of 2018, large parts of Scandinavia faced record-breaking heat and drought, leading to increased mortality, agricultural water shortages, hydropower deficits, and higher energy prices. The 2018 heatwave, coupled with droughts leading to wildfires, was described as a multi-hazard event, defined as compounding events.

The goal of this presentation is to better understand the economic impact of the 2018 multi-hazard events in Scandinavia. In this analysis, we utilize empirical data to assess the physical impacts in agriculture, forestry, and energy sectors. Furthermore, we evaluate the indirect economic impacts of the 2018 multi-hazard event using a global multi-sectoral and multi-regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, GRACE (Global Responses to Anthropogenic Changes in the Environment). The GRACE model does not only describe the interactions among producers and between producers and consumers in the domestic region but also considers the interactions between local and global economies through international trade.

Our economic assessment reveals varying and wide-spreading results across sectors and regions, particularly in Europe. The 2018 multi-hazards resulted in reductions in agriculture, energy and forestry output as the direct impacts.  The sectoral-specific impacts also transfer to other sectors in the Scandinavian economy. For example, we find a decrease in manufacturing production caused by reduced intermediate inputs of agriculture, energy and forestry goods. At the same time, we also find an increase in the production of oil and gas due to the substitution effect of less electricity production.

Furthermore, the compound event of 2018 also affected the trade of forestry goods because of the vital role of Scandinavia in the international wood market. This led to a moderate yet widespread effect on GDP losses, affecting not only the Scandinavian region but also trading patterns, particularly in Europe. This result emphasizes the importance of including the market effect of cross-border trade when analyzing the impacts of compound events in the Scandinavian region.


This project is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 funded project MYRIAD-EU (Grant 101003276).

How to cite: Ma, L., Daloz, A. S., Ducros, G., Tiggeloven, T., and C. de Ruiter, M.: Multi-hazards in Scandinavia: Economic impacts of compound heatwaves, droughts and wildfires in 2018, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6873,, 2025.

EGU25-7368 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Assessing atoll island future habitability in the context of climate change using Bayesian networks 

Mirna Badillo Interiano, Jérémy Rohmer, Virginie Duvat, and Gonéri Le Cozannet

Atoll islands will be increasingly affected by climate-related changes. These changes will impact multiple dimensions of the atoll islands’ socio-ecosystems, challenging their ability to recover and adapt. In this context, integrated risk assessments are needed to support adaptation strategies. Yet, such assessments are difficult due to knowledge gaps, limited data, uncertainties about climate change, and the complex interplay between climatic and non-climatic drivers. Recognizing this issue, we propose a probabilistic approach to integrate expert knowledge and uncertainties.

In this work, we developed a Bayesian Network model using a conceptual model structure and expert judgments previously used to assess the risk to habitability for 2050 and 2090 on four atoll islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans (Duvat et al., 2021). This model allows us to assess climate-related risks in atoll islands and the potential impacts of adaptation measures. We explore the advantages and limitations of this tool to model complex systems. The advantages of this approach include the explicit treatment of uncertainties and the ability to query expert knowledge in non-trivial ways. For example, expert judgments can be used to assess the risk to habitability and future uncertainties, as well as to address inverse problems, such as identifying factors that may lead to risks exceeding specific thresholds.

Our work suggests that Bayesian Networks, despite requiring a certain level of expertise for their implementation, could be effectively used to evaluate climate-related risks and the adaptation potential of complex socio-bio-physical systems.

Keywords: Climate change risk, Atoll islands, Bayesian networks, Uncertainties, Climate adaptation

How to cite: Badillo Interiano, M., Rohmer, J., Duvat, V., and Le Cozannet, G.: Assessing atoll island future habitability in the context of climate change using Bayesian networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7368,, 2025.

EGU25-8386 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Hazard assessment of compound pluvial and fluvial (CPFF) flooding: a case study in the Ahr valley 

Xiaoxiang Guan, Bruno Merz, Viet Dung Nguyen, Li Han, Heiko Apel, Shahin Khosh Bin Ghomash, and Sergiy Vorogushyn

Current flood hazard mapping and risk management practices typically address pluvial and fluvial flooding separately. In many regions, however, compound pluvial and fluvial flooding (CPFF) are a significant challenge.  We develop a methodological approach to explore the relevance of CPFFs for the reconstruction processes and flood risk management in the Ahr valley in western Germany, devastated by the July 2021 flood. A non-stationary regional weather generator is applied to generate 100 realizations of synthetic precipitation and air temperature daily time series over a 72-year historical period (1950-2021). The method of fragments is used to disaggregate daily precipitation into hourly scale. The mHM hydrological model is used for rainfall-runoff simulation, producing the hourly discharge at the gauge Altenahr as fluvial boundary conditions for the downstream area. A total of 208 CPFF events are identified from 100 model realizations. The inundation depth and extent of these CPFF events are subsequently simulated using the RIM2D hydrodynamic model. We present a comparison of resulting CPFF flooding versus fluvial flooding alone. Our analysis reveals that fluvial flooding dominates maximum inundation depths, while pluvial rainfall expands the flood extent. Furthermore, CPFF events demonstrate substantially more severe hazards compared to fluvial flooding alone, which is typically the baseline for flood protection practices. These findings underscore the urgency of integrating CPFF into risk assessments and planning, offering policymakers critical insights to improve resilience against compound flood hazards.

How to cite: Guan, X., Merz, B., Nguyen, V. D., Han, L., Apel, H., Khosh Bin Ghomash, S., and Vorogushyn, S.: Hazard assessment of compound pluvial and fluvial (CPFF) flooding: a case study in the Ahr valley, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8386,, 2025.

EGU25-8462 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Combining quantitative and qualitative risk aspects for adaptive and flexible climate risk assessment  

Michaela Bachmann, Reinhard Mechler, Oscar Higuera Roa, Anna Pirani, Jeremy Pal, Gloria Mozzi, Dana Stuparu, and Maurizio Mazzoleni

With increasing frequency and severity of climate risks, communities must further adopt Climate Risk Management (CRM) strategies. As a key component, Climate Risk Assessments (CRA) identify and evaluate climate risks across hazards, areas and sectors. Various CRA frameworks have been proposed and implemented by research, policy and practice. One key gap identified is the effective integration of quantitative and qualitative aspects in CRA to develop comprehensive results as well as ensure integration of various perspectives. For this, it is necessary to understand how quantitative and qualitative risk aspects come together in combined approaches to support and balance each other.

In the context of the EU Horizon 2021 project CLIMAAX, we developed a comprehensive CRA framework adapted for the European regional and community level. The Framework unites approaches for risk quantification (provided in the CLIMAAX Handbook) and at the same time encourages qualitative risk input through participation of experts, stakeholders and vulnerable groups. Our approach seeks to respond to needs, recent advancements and best practices in the CRA field by integrating insights from European National Adaptation Plans and Strategies, peer-reviewed literature, as well as existing CRA frameworks and international standards. The framework was collaboratively developed with five European pilot regions and considers survey responses from the CLIMAAX Community of Practice to ensure feasibility and applicability while upholding adaptive flexibility.

The CRA Framework is operationalized through a five-step assessment cycle (Scoping, Risk Exploration, Risk Analysis, Key Risk Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation). These steps are supported by principles of social justice and equity, participatory processes, and technical considerations such as future scenarios. In the quantitative Risk Analysis step the Framework is strongly supported by multiple risk workflows estimating climate risk. The other four steps provide entry points for qualitative risk assessment perspectives, thus requiring translation and interdisciplinary thinking. We innovatively contextualise the risk analysis outcome as quantitative and qualitative aspects are processed together. Through an indicator-based evaluation of risk severity, risk urgency and resilience capacity we consider Key Risks in a multi-hazard risk context.

By collecting data from users within the CLIMAAX project, we will assess how qualitative as well as semi-quantitative risk perspectives can benefit and complement quantitative risk estimations as applied in the risk workflows. Further, by effectively integrating diverse perspectives, the framework aims to bridge the translation gap between risk assessment and CRM practices towards fostering resilience.

How to cite: Bachmann, M., Mechler, R., Higuera Roa, O., Pirani, A., Pal, J., Mozzi, G., Stuparu, D., and Mazzoleni, M.: Combining quantitative and qualitative risk aspects for adaptive and flexible climate risk assessment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8462,, 2025.

EGU25-9277 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Compounding and cascading disasters in Brazil 

Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho, Jakob Zscheischler, and Mariana Madruga de Brito

Compounding or cascading disasters, marked by the occurrence of multiple or consecutive hazards, lead to several impacts on both individual and collective levels, surpassing those of single-hazard disasters. Despite their severe consequences, global and regional impact databases still record disasters using a single hazard lens. This is the case of Brazil, which is confronted with intricate dynamics of overlapping hazards. To address this gap, we reclassified natural hazard-related disasters recorded in the Brazilian Integrated Disaster Information System (S2iD) database spanning 1991-2022 into different compounding and cascading disaster categories. We identified 2,236 co-occurring disasters, 30,913 spatially compounding disasters, and 1,338 temporally compounding disasters. A permutation test revealed expected significant co-occurrences, such as urban floods and landslides, droughts, and wildfires, alongside surprising pairings like droughts and cold waves. Using the apriori algorithm, we found significant event sequences, including wildfires followed by droughts, landslides after flash floods, and landslides preceding storms. Our analysis shows an increasing time trend in compounding and cascading disasters, predominantly occurring in regions northeast, south, and midwest. Notably, the impacts of these compounded disasters are greater than those of single-hazard events. These results underscore the need to integrate a multi-hazard perspective into disaster databases in Brazil and beyond. By accounting for the interactions between disasters, policymakers, and practitioners can design more robust adaptation measures that address interconnected risks.

How to cite: Nunes Carvalho, T. M., Zscheischler, J., and de Brito, M. M.: Compounding and cascading disasters in Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9277,, 2025.

EGU25-9301 | Orals | NH10.1 | Highlight

Hazomes: A Classification of Earth’s Regions by Hazard Profiles 

Chahan M. Kropf, Zélie Stalhandske, Carmen B. Steinmann, Sarah Hülsen, and David N. Bresch

The combination of natural hazards, along with their frequency and intensity, defines local disturbance regimes that fundamentally shape ecosystems and human societies. We propose 'hazomes,' a novel classification system of the earth based on these specific hazard profiles. Unlike other classification systems such as climatic zones that categorize the earth according to average conditions, 'hazomes' are defined by distinct profiles of extreme natural hazards. We integrate data from multiple open sources and develop methodologies to systematically identify and categorize 'hazomes' across the globe, based on two return periods and two intensities for each hazard type (among others earthquakes, floods, wildfires, and tropical cyclones). This approach reveals thousands of distinct 'hazomes,' reflecting a diverse range of natural disturbance regimes. Our analysis shows that 'hazomes' provide insights that complement traditional classifications such as Köppen–Geiger climatic zones, biomes, and ecoregions.

For enhanced usability and broader application, we also develop two streamlined versions of the classification. The reduced version classifies geographic points based solely on the binary presence or absence of each hazard type. The simplified version distills the framework into less than a hundred principal categories by focusing on the most significant hazard characteristics. These versions balance the richness of detailed data with practical applicability in risk management and planning. This framework aims to deepen insights into ecosystem and societal resilience by highlighting how both ecological and human systems may adapt to or depend upon specific natural disturbance regimes. Among its various potential applications, this approach is particularly useful for facilitating multi-hazard risk assessments and supporting the development of adaptive strategies by transferring knowledge between areas with similar disturbance profiles.

How to cite: Kropf, C. M., Stalhandske, Z., Steinmann, C. B., Hülsen, S., and Bresch, D. N.: Hazomes: A Classification of Earth’s Regions by Hazard Profiles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9301,, 2025.

EGU25-9417 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Integrating natural and human-induced hazards for transport infrastructure along the cross-border Brenner corridor 

Nuria Pantaleoni Reluy, Nieves Lantada Zarzosa, Marcel Hürlimann, Till Wenzel, Flora Höfler, Philipp Marr, and Thomas Glade

Disruptions to transportation infrastructure can isolate markets, reduce job opportunities, and hinder access to social services, leading to significant impacts that extend beyond the immediate loss of life and physical damage. The Brenner corridor is a key transalpine route for travel, commuting, and freight, operating as a central axis within the north-south European transport system. In particular, the cross-border Brenner pass, connecting Italy and Austria, is the most important on a European scale, handling a substantial daily traffic volume, with an average of 6,540 freight and 26,481 passenger vehicles in 2023. Despite its importance, this corridor is highly vulnerable to various natural hazards, particularly gravity-induced processes. This study presents a multi-hazard framework for transport infrastructure, designed to address challenges arising from natural hazards and major human-induced events that together can disrupt traffic flow along the Brenner corridor. Natural hazards, including shallow slides, debris flows and rockfalls, are addressed by two different modeling system: the Fast-Shallow Landslide Assessment Model (FSLAM) and the lumped mass rockfall propagation model (RockGIS). While, human-induced events, encompassing road accidents and maintenance activities, are analyzed using historical data provided by local stakeholders. Preliminary results reveal the complex interrelation between multiple hazards, emphasizing how individual events may occur either simultaneously (compound) or consecutively (cascading), causing cumulative effects across time and space along the transportation network. This study highlights the importance of understanding the spatial and temporal interconnections between different events, and aims to provide a dynamic multi-hazard susceptibility map for developing adaptive and resilient transport systems in hazard-prone regions.

How to cite: Pantaleoni Reluy, N., Lantada Zarzosa, N., Hürlimann, M., Wenzel, T., Höfler, F., Marr, P., and Glade, T.: Integrating natural and human-induced hazards for transport infrastructure along the cross-border Brenner corridor, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9417,, 2025.

EGU25-9471 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Understanding and Preparing for Compound Flooding 

Dina Vanessa Gomez Rave, Diego Armando Urrea Mendez, Anna Scolobig, and Manuel del Jesus

The interconnected nature of climate-driven hazards poses significant challenges for risk management and disaster preparedness. Compound Flooding (CF) in estuarine and coastal regions exemplifies this complexity, where the interaction of drivers such as storm surges, extreme rainfall, and river discharge generates cascading impacts that traditional univariate assessments cannot fully address. As climate change accelerates the occurrence of CF, advancing methods to characterize these interactions and translating this knowledge into adaptive strategies is essential for reducing risks and building resilience.

This study combines a multivariate framework for estimating joint return periods with an exploration of preparedness strategies to address the intricate challenges posed by CF. Applied to the Santoña estuary in Northern Spain, it employs copula-based models to analyse dependencies among CF drivers and estimate joint return periods in a high-dimensional context. The analysis not only enhances our understanding of extreme events but also provides practical tools to improve risk assessments. Building on these findings, a systematic literature review examines the evolution of preparedness measures, highlighting advancements such as hybrid early warning systems and integrated infrastructure. However, persistent barriers—including fragmented governance, limited coordination, and insufficient consideration of behavioural and psychological factors—continue to constrain their effectiveness.

Together, these insights emphasize the need to rethink how to manage compound flooding—bridging governance gaps, fostering collaboration among scientists, policymakers, and communities, and integrating technical innovation with people-centered strategies. Such frameworks must not only respond to immediate challenges but also adapt to the evolving uncertainties that define the complex risk landscape of CF.



  • Del Jesus, M., Urrea Méndez, D., & Gomez Rave, D. V. (2024). Return period of high-dimensional compound events. Part I: Conceptual framework. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2024, 1-27.
  • Eilander D, Couasnon A, Leijnse T, Ikeuchi H, Yamazaki D, Muis S, et al. (2023). A globally applicable framework for compound flood hazard modeling. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci. Feb 27;23(2):823–46.
  • Van Den Hurk BJJM, White CJ, Ramos AM, Ward PJ, Martius O, Olbert I, et al. (2023). Consideration of compound drivers and impacts in the disaster risk reduction cycle. iScience. Mar;26(3):106030.
  • Ward PJ, Daniell J, Duncan M, Dunne A, Hananel C, Hochrainer-Stigler S, et al. (2022) Invited perspectives: A research agenda towards disaster risk management pathways in multi-(hazard-)risk assessment. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci. Apr 26;22(4):1487–97.
  • Zscheischler, J., Martius, O., Westra, S., Bevacqua, E., Raymond, C., Horton, R. M., ... & Vignotto, E. (2020). A typology of compound weather and climate events. Nature reviews earth & environment, 1(7), 333-347.

How to cite: Gomez Rave, D. V., Urrea Mendez, D. A., Scolobig, A., and del Jesus, M.: Understanding and Preparing for Compound Flooding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9471,, 2025.

Accumulation of high-resolution data relevant to water resources management and policy is fast and accelerating. The related analytic approaches to harness this data are also in rapid evolution. However, the distance form data analysis to policy making remains vast, as policy level actors usually appreciate spatially aggregated information on units such as river basins or provinces, and parallel consideration of various issues such as hazards, stressors, exposure factors, vulnerabilities, and risks, which still rarely are brought together by data scientists in scales that would readily communicate with planning units of water resources. Further, scaling from these planning units to local conditions is of great value. China, as a sizable and geographically heterogeneous country, is subject to a high diversity and blend of water related stressors, hazards, and conditions of exposure and vulnerability. We present results of the exposure and vulnerability of continental China’s eight major water stresses (variability, overuse, groundwater problems, floods, droughts, organic pollution, salinity, eutrophication). To be maximally policy compatible, this gridded high-resolution geospatial analysis employs the multiplicative risk scheme of the United Nations Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and IPCC (risk = stress x exposure x vulnerability) and is combined with multivariate statistical pattern recognition (unsupervised learning based on eigenvalue analysis). The results unveiled five distinct zones in continental China, each with a characteristic risk profile, for both provinces and river basin planning units.

How to cite: Varis, O. and Zhao, D.: Recognition of policy relevant spatial patterns from high resolution multirisk data – the case of China’s water risk portfolio, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9478,, 2025.

EGU25-9856 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

A rainfall-induced multi-hazard framework integrating flood, landslide, and their cascading effects: Application to Saint Vincent Island 

Pavan Kumar Yeditha, Marcel Hürlimann, Clàudia Abancó, and Cees van Westen

Multi-hazards pose increasing risks due to complex interconnections and amplified impacts, needing a thorough understanding of their dynamics. Modeling such interactions on a regional scale is difficult, with few frameworks providing simple yet efficient approaches. The present study proposes a novel regional-scale framework for multi-hazard assessment focusing on cascading interactions due to flood and landslide hazards.  

The first step involves a detailed assessment of flood hazards in the study area for a rainfall event. Separately, landslide hazards are evaluated to identify and highlight landslide initiation points. The cascading hazard model uses reach angle to translate landslide hazards into sediment transport within the river network. The sediment transport from the rainfall event is then compared with reference sediment transport corresponding to a specific return period to classify cascading hazards into four levels. The outputs of the flood and cascading models are combined to classify multi-hazard into four levels across the river network. These hazard levels are further aggregated into mapping units such as sub-basins, forming combined hazards.  Finally, a hazard matrix merges landslide and combined hazards to produce the overall multi-hazard assessment.

An initial version of this proposed framework is tested on Saint Vincent Island, focusing on a significant event that resulted in widespread flooding and landslides.  Preliminary results from applying the multi-hazard framework highlight its effectiveness in identifying zones of heightened risk, particularly in areas where landslides and sediment transport significantly affect the river network and surrounding regions. These findings offer critical insights into the interactions and dynamics of rainfall-induced multi-hazards, demonstrating the framework's potential to inform proactive risk management. The initial outcomes highlight the framework's applicability as a practical tool for hazard mitigation planning while contributing to the broader advancement of multi-hazard research and assessment methodologies.

How to cite: Yeditha, P. K., Hürlimann, M., Abancó, C., and van Westen, C.: A rainfall-induced multi-hazard framework integrating flood, landslide, and their cascading effects: Application to Saint Vincent Island, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9856,, 2025.

EGU25-9920 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Advancing Multi-Hazard Risk Analysis: An Innovative Information System for Impact Chains-based Systematic Review and Knowledge Storage. 

Liz Jessica Olaya Calderon, Silvia Cocuccioni, Kathrin Renner, Piero Campalani, Federica Romagnoli, and Massimiliano Pittore

The increasing complexity of multi-hazard risk environments demands innovative, systematic knowledge management and analysis tools. To address this challenge, the EC-funded HORIZON project PARATUS analysed past disaster events and current risks across four multi-hazard case studies: Romania, Turkey, the Caribbean, and the Alps, employing Impact Chains as its primary analytical framework. Impact Chains proved successful in supporting risk analysis, providing an intuitive graphical conceptual representation of risk which can be co-developed with both domain experts and stakeholders. It allows highlighting the interactions among hazards, impacts, exposure, and vulnerability, including their cascading effects, while explicitly accounting for risk reduction and climate change adaptation measures. However, as the complexity of multi-hazard risk conditions increases, so do the impact chains, possibly resulting in exceedingly complicated representations. Also, purely graphical models might not be able to convey the necessary amount and quality of information needed to analyse complex multi-hazard events.

To overcome these limitations, we developed an enhanced knowledge management system (KMS) to systematically store and review the impact chains developed for the four PARATUS case studies. This system builds upon the existing Climate Risk Planning and Managing (CRISP) tool for development programmes ( While the CRISP tool was designed to provide climate risk knowledge for Agri-Food systems, the PARATUS analysis extends this scope to multiple sectors and enables a systematic review of impact chains. The resulting Impact Chain KMS hence acts as an interactive knowledge repository for consulting and browsing information within the impact chain, fostering knowledge transfer and learning.

The system presents risk elements in both visual and tabular formats, organising the impact chain factors into categories: hazards, impacts, vulnerabilities, risk reduction or adaptation measures, exposure, and risks. Each factor is documented with descriptions, tags, sources, and connections to other risk elements.

SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language leverage the analysis beyond the impact chain knowledge management system. Transforming the Impact Chain database into an RDF-compatible format enabled deeper offline exploration through sophisticated analytical approaches. These tools enabled detailed exploration of relationships between hazards, vulnerabilities, and impacts, helping identify critical nodes within the system. Furthermore, generating visual representations and quantitative overviews offered clear, evidence-based insights into intricate relationships and dependencies.

This study highlights the value of the Impact Chain KMS in advancing multi-hazard risk analysis by enabling systematic exploration of complex risk relations. Analysing the impact chains produced within the PARATUS project through the KMS contributes to getting insights into underlying patterns of hazard-impact cascading effects and vulnerabilities across diverse geographical contexts.  These insights can potentially support decision-making for risk reduction strategies and can be adapted for multihazard risk analysis in other regions.

How to cite: Olaya Calderon, L. J., Cocuccioni, S., Renner, K., Campalani, P., Romagnoli, F., and Pittore, M.: Advancing Multi-Hazard Risk Analysis: An Innovative Information System for Impact Chains-based Systematic Review and Knowledge Storage., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9920,, 2025.

EGU25-10413 | Posters on site | NH10.1

A multi-(hazard) risk approach for maximizing the efficiency of a hydrogeochemical monitoring network in the Strait of Messina (Italy) area. 

Marianna Cangemi, Paolo Madonia, Giuseppe Tito Aronica, Mario Mattia, Alessandro Risica, Giulio Selvaggi, and Carlo Doglioni

The Strait of Messina (hereafter SoM), separating Sicily from continental Italy, is prone to different, high-grade, geological hazards, including energetic seismicity (as the 1908 M 7.1 Messina-Reggio Calabria earthquake) and diffuse mass movements, triggered by intense rainfalls, as the 1 October 2009 landslide, which destroyed several little villages immediately southward of Messina, causing 37 causalities. Climatic changes pose further treats, caused by the intensification of rainfalls, which modifies the runoff/infiltration ratio, and sea level rise, fostering the intrusion of the saline wedge into coastal groundwater bodies. The landscape of the SoM area is dominated by a complex interdigitation of natural and built environments, where the evolutive dynamics of a part could trigger profound perturbations in the other, and vice versa.

Efficient environmental monitoring networks represent an indispensable tool for developing correct multi-risk assessments, and related mitigation plans. Their implementation in the SoM area is one of the aims of the WP5 “NEMESI” of the Italian PNRR project MEET, leaded by INGV, financed in the framework of the European Next Generation EU initiative.

An important part of this network will consist of hydrogeochemical stations, acquiring near real time data from state-of-the-art sensors, able to produce reliable information over time.

The strategy for designing this network has been developed as follows.

First, only parameters potentially influenced by the different hazard-generating processes acting in the SoM area have been selected, excluding those for which no efficient, or too much expensive (for the project budget) sensors are presently available.

Second, geological, geomorphological, hydrogeochemical and seismic data have been analysed, also applying geostatistical tools, for extracting a first general list of potential sites (springs, wells, piezometers, drainage galleries, surface water bodies) candidate to host the network.

Third, all sites affected by unsurmountable logistic (absence of mobile network coverage for data transmission, impossibility of building structures hosting the instrumentation, etc.) and/or administrative (time to obtain permission of using the site not compatible with the project deadline) limitations have been excluded.

The remaining sites have been equipped with low cost dataloggers, integrated by periodic surveys, for verifying that, over a complete hydrological year at least, the recorded variations were compatible with the network aims: presence of transients emerging over a pure seasonal cycle.

After the preliminary monitoring, the final list was extracted, preferring sites where variations of one or more physic-chemical parameters should represent a proxy of one or more hazard-generating processes. Some examples are: i) changes in water electrical conductivity due to saline wedge intrusion, ii) variations of temperature and piezometric levels induced by permeability changes driven by seismic and aseismic deformations, iii) changes in oxygenation, turbidity and dissolved CO2, which can be controlled by both eutrophication and mixing with deep volatiles, whose flux is driven by neotectonic activity.

The final aim is producing open access data of interest for the different stakeholders, including, but not limited to, the scientific community, the shellfish food industry, urban planners, water companies, public agencies, general contractors involved in civil infrastructures construction.


How to cite: Cangemi, M., Madonia, P., Aronica, G. T., Mattia, M., Risica, A., Selvaggi, G., and Doglioni, C.: A multi-(hazard) risk approach for maximizing the efficiency of a hydrogeochemical monitoring network in the Strait of Messina (Italy) area., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10413,, 2025.

EGU25-10685 | Orals | NH10.1

Leveraging modern geospatial data science techniques for multi-hazard exposure analysis in British Columbia, Canada 

Richard Carter, Kris Holm, Sahar Safaie, Matthew Teelucksingh, Jane Wang, and Matthew Buchanan

In 2023 and 2024 and in partnership with Sage on Earth Consulting, BGC Engineering undertook a province-wide hazard exposure assessment for the provincial government of British Columbia, Canada. British Columbia spans approximately 940,000 square kilometers, stretching from the Pacific Ocean in the west to the Rocky Mountains in the east and from the Yukon border in the north to Washington State in the south. This expansive region faces a wide array of natural hazards, including flooding from mountain streams, tsunamis and shoreline erosion in coastal communities; earthquakes; landslides; debris flows; wildfires; drought; extreme heat and, increasingly, cascading hazards intensified by climate change. The goal of this project was to design and implement a geospatial workflow for assessing exposure of valued assets to hazards, delivered to a government agency in a standardized format that facilitated future updates and public governance over data sharing.  

To accomplish this, BGC designed a data model and analysis pipeline that had sufficient performance for the iterative processing of large multi-hazard and asset datasets and that could be packaged for government agency development of a data portal. Within the data model, hazards were defined as areas which exceed hazard-specific intensity thresholds and/or annual probability of occurrence; these binary hazard data were the primary input to the analysis pipeline for each hazard type. The list of assets to be included in the analysis was determined through a series of consultations with project stakeholders aimed at identifying which assets are most important and what data was available consistently for the entire province. The result of the analysis was a set of exposure metrics representing population counts, monetary values of property exposed to hazards, and the lengths of transportation and utility networks within hazard zones summarized using a uniform 1.5 km x 1.5 km grid. These metrics were delivered along with documentation of the data model, the data, and the codebase for the analysis pipeline.

The resulting analysis revealed spatial patterns of hazard exposure and provided actionable insights to support provincial-scale risk management. This work represents a foundational step in risk assessment and mitigation planning. It offers a means of prioritizing local-scale risk assessments within a jurisdiction as vast as British Columbia, enabling focused resource allocation and informed decision-making. Collaboration was central to the project's success. In association with Sage on Earth Consulting , BGC engaged with multiple stakeholders to refine inputs and validate assumptions, and ensure the outputs were accessible and meaningful. The results are designed for government-managed web access to both data inputs and analysis outputs, promoting transparency and usability for diverse audiences.

This provincial hazard exposure assessment highlights the importance of integrating data,  geospatial analysis, stakeholder collaboration, and practical tools to address the complex challenges posed by natural hazards in British Columbia. The findings not only advance the understanding of hazard exposure but also lay the groundwork for more detailed, localized risk assessments and targeted mitigation efforts. 

How to cite: Carter, R., Holm, K., Safaie, S., Teelucksingh, M., Wang, J., and Buchanan, M.: Leveraging modern geospatial data science techniques for multi-hazard exposure analysis in British Columbia, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10685,, 2025.

EGU25-12887 | Orals | NH10.1

A relational disaster database to document and resolve multihazard interactions 

Maximillian Van Wyk de Vries, Lorenzo Nava, Ye Chen, Lisa Augustina, Louie Bell, Joshua Nicholas, Ben Clarke, Reka Ungar, Arthur Hill, Kamini Sharma, Julie Morin, and Ekbal Hussain

Natural hazard-related disasters result in tens of thousands of deaths and billions in economic losses annually, with their frequency and intensity projected to increase due to climate change. These hazards, such as floods, landslides, and volcanic eruptions, often interact in ways that amplify their impacts, creating cascading or compounding risks. Despite these complexities, most hazard databases focus on single-hazard events, failing to capture critical interactions. To address this gap, we are developing a relational disaster database designed to systematically document and analyse multihazard interactions.

The database is designed to capture both individual hazard events and their interrelations, including causal, temporal, spatial, and amplifying interactions. It consists of two modules: a hazard characteristics and impacts module, which records essential details such as location, magnitude, and consequences, and a hazard linkages module, which documents relationships between hazards with attributes such as time lags, interaction intensity, and confidence levels. This scalable design is interoperable with existing databases like DesInventar and EM-DAT, enabling integration of existing data and automated processing and data analysis. We aim for flexibility, open access, and good metadata to ensure utility for both academic and operational (e.g,. disaster risk managers) end-users.

Complementing the database, we are developing tools for the automated generation of process-linked and coinciding multihazard groups, cumulative impact analysis, and the creation of associated visualizations. Initial database entries include case studies such as the 2023 Lhonak glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF), involving rainfall, landslides, and dam failure, and Hurricane Helene, highlighting meteorological, marine, and geological interactions. The database is currently at a prototype stage, and we welcome community input and collaboration to refine its design, expand its coverage, and ensure its long-term relevance and usability.


Figure: Concept diagram for the structure of the relational multihazard database.


How to cite: Van Wyk de Vries, M., Nava, L., Chen, Y., Augustina, L., Bell, L., Nicholas, J., Clarke, B., Ungar, R., Hill, A., Sharma, K., Morin, J., and Hussain, E.: A relational disaster database to document and resolve multihazard interactions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12887,, 2025.

Shifts in changing climatic pattern trigger modification in landscape, consequently intensifying the susceptibility to a range of hazards, creating a complex trajectory of environmental challenges. This research project has explored climate-induced vulnerability and risk assessment in the rapidly changing landscape of Seti River Sub-Basin within Nepalese Himalayas. Vulnerability in the region has been analysed based on exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity and associated indicators. The study leveraged satellite imageries, historical climate data and geospatial tools along with socioeconomic, topographic, and climatic indicators, IPCC frameworks (AR4 and AR5) and index based modeling. The research results show that the region is highly susceptible to landslide and flood hazards driven by geological setting, elevation factors and socioeconomic factors in addition to low adaptive capacity accompanied by extreme climatic events. The settlements and cultivated lands  of the local Madi, Seti, Bhunge and Phusre rivers are at the risk of flood hazards while the upper slopes in Machhapuchhre and Pokhara are highly exposed to landslide hazards. Administratively, Pokhara Metropolitan city, Machhapuchhre and Rupa Rural municipalities are positioned as highly, moderate and low rank in terms of vulnerability ranking, respectively. The research underscores the need of localized risk management strategies and resilience planning. The vulnerability and risk frameworks applied in this study will be imperative and applicable in the mountainous region of Nepal and elsewhere.

How to cite: Rijal, S. and Rimal, B.: Multi-hazard vulnerability and risk assessment in the Nepalese Himalayan region using IPCC AR4 and AR5 frameworks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13439,, 2025.

EGU25-14106 | Posters on site | NH10.1

Evaluation of Soil Susceptibility to Erosion Using the EPM and RUSLE Models: A Case Study of the Kolubara River Basin in Serbia 

Vesna Đukić, Ranka Kovačević, Tijana Vulević, and Katarina Lazarević

In the present study, two empirical models—the Erosion Potential Model (EPM) and the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)—in combination with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been applied to estimate soil erosion intensities and their spatial distribution within the Kolubara River Basin (3641 km²) in Serbia. Located in the western part of the country, the Kolubara River Basin covers 4.12% of Serbia's total area. The Kolubara River is the largest tributary of the Sava River and is classified as a medium-sized river within Serbia. The basin is known for its unfavorable water regime and is one of the most vulnerable regions in the country to natural hazards. The basin frequently experiences hazardous torrential floods resulting from short-duration, intense rainfall. These floods are closely linked to accelerated erosion processes in the upper part of the Kolubara basin.

The current erosion conditions and the obtained erosion maps, as determined by the application of the aforementioned models, were compared to the existing Erosion Map of Serbia (Institute of Forestry and Wood Industry, Belgrade, 1983). The soil erosion models used in this study yielded results with varying magnitudes but showed significant correlations, indicating that both methods identified similar areas with high and low erosion rates. Both models effectively simulated the erosion phenomenon, demonstrating acceptable accuracy and enabling the identification of regions most susceptible to erosion and degradation.

Despite the flash flood characteristics of the Kolubara basin and the potential for intense erosion processes, the results indicate that degradation in the basin has stabilized since 1983. Currently, intensive erosion affects 2.5% of the basin, moderate erosion impacts 40%, mild erosion is present on 26%, and very mild erosion occupies around 30%. The southwest, south, and southeast areas of the Kolubara basin are more prone to erosion, while the northern part of the basin and areas along river streams are expected to experience sediment accumulation. The reduction in erosion intensity since 1983 can be attributed to systematically implemented biological and technical anti-erosion measures, which have contributed to this improvement.

However, the frequent occurrence of torrential floods in the Kolubara River basin suggests that the risk of future erosion remains significantly high. Therefore, integrated river basin management—including erosion and torrent control works—should be continuously implemented. In this regard, the USLE and EPM models should be utilized as valuable tools, given their simplicity, to identify erosion-prone regions within the basin where soil conservation and erosion control measures should be prioritized.

How to cite: Đukić, V., Kovačević, R., Vulević, T., and Lazarević, K.: Evaluation of Soil Susceptibility to Erosion Using the EPM and RUSLE Models: A Case Study of the Kolubara River Basin in Serbia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14106,, 2025.

Standardized hazard definitions are a key element of the analysis of disasters. Without them, monitoring and reporting of the impacts of the hazards is difficult, and so is the development of effective early warning systems and response plans. Forecasting of future events and the generation of disaster risks reduction strategies are also hindered by a lack of standardized definition. To address this gap, in 2019 the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and the International Science Council (ISC) established a Technical Working Group to identify the full scope of hazards relevant to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction as a basis for countries and other actors to review and strengthen risk reduction policies and risk management practices. The resulting UNDRR/ISC Hazard Information Profiles (HIPs) were published in 2021.They provide to a broad range of users standardised definition and information on more than 302 hazards organized into 8 groups: meteorological and hydrological, extraterrestrial, environmental, geological, chemical, biological, technological and societal.

Following on recommendation in the UNDRR/ISC HIPs for regular review and update, experts from different disciplines, types of organizations (United Nations agencies, academia, government agencies, intergovernmental organizations and the private sector) and geographical regions are again working together to review the UNDRR/ISC HIPs. This process is systematically reviewing all sections of the current HIPs to identify potential updates in alignment with new scientific information. and decide on the inclusion of additional evidence additionally addressing the multi-hazard context of each hazard.

One of the main additions to the updated version of the HIPs is a section on multi-hazard context. The experts are specifically reviewing the interrelations between the hazards in a multi-hazard approach. The HIPs aim to summarize direct interactions between hazards in a concise and visual way.

In the future, the HIPs will be coded to be machine actionable, to support a broader range of applications when machine readability is extremely useful, for example, for analysis of large databases and datasets. This is especially relevant in the context of disaster risk management and of loss and damage associated to climate change.

This second review will conclude in 2025, with the release of the enhanced UNDRR/ISC Hazard Information Profiles at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. The updated document will continue to inform a broad community and support data analysis resulting in better early warning and event forecast and disaster risk management and planning.

How to cite: Jacot Des Combes, H. and Murray, V.: The updated UNDRR/ISC Hazard Information Profiles – Standardized hazard definition and information to support hazard understanding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15451,, 2025.

EGU25-16008 | Posters on site | NH10.1

When Climate Meets Seismology:Exploring Multi-Hazard Risks in a Changing Planet 

Constantin Ionescu, Bogdan Antonescu, Laura Petrescu, Angela Petruta Constantin, Daniela Ghica, Eduard Nastase, Bogdan Grecu, Victorin Toader, Iren Adelina Moldovan, Dragos Ene, and Mihai Nicolae Anghel

Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, presenting substantial risksto both natural and constructed settings. In seismically active areas, the interplay between climate-induced events and geophysical processes may intensify seismic hazards, affecting essential infrastructure and ecosystems. The complex project "Competence Center for Climate Change Digital Twin Earth for forecasts and societal redressement: DTEClimate", funded within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of Romania, consists of five other digital twin projects, including the project "The research center for climate change due to natural disasters and extreme weather events (REACTIVE )" coordinated by the National Institute for Earth Physics.

The REACTIVE project addresses these challenges by investigating the multi-hazard interplay between atmospheric, hydrosphere, and lithosphere at both local and national scales. The project utilizes historical and real-time data from seismic, GNSS, infrasound, and marine monitoring networks, concentrating on high-risk infrastructure locations such as nuclear power stations, cyanide tailings ponds, oil refineries, and water dams. A primary objective is to evaluate the impact of extreme weather events, including intense precipitation and abrupt temperature changes, on seismic risk in these susceptible regions. REACTIVE improves the efficacy of monitoring stations in the Black Sea region by incorporating advanced data processing techniques into current early warning systems. The project enhances links to European and national monitoring infrastructures, promoting a collaborative framework for hazard assessment. The results encompass enhanced predictive models for seismic events affected by climate extremes and practical insights for risk assessors, infrastructure managers, and regulators. REACTIVE enhances resilience and knowledge in responding to the intricate dynamics of multi-hazard threats associated with climate change.

How to cite: Ionescu, C., Antonescu, B., Petrescu, L., Constantin, A. P., Ghica, D., Nastase, E., Grecu, B., Toader, V., Moldovan, I. A., Ene, D., and Anghel, M. N.: When Climate Meets Seismology:Exploring Multi-Hazard Risks in a Changing Planet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16008,, 2025.

EGU25-16674 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Europe’s Exposure-At-Risk: Comprehensive multi-risk assessments from climate to catastrophe in tourism, finance, agriculture and other sectors 

Andreas Schaefer, James Daniell, Johannes Brand, Annika Maier, Trevor Girard, and Bijan Khazai

Europe faces a variety of different natural hazards both from its natural state as well as from a changing climate. Dozens of different perils affect European societies and businesses every year. In addition, some of these perils also overlap in space and time demanding additional resilience from affected communities. Unsurprisingly, there have been many different undertakings to quantify Europe’s hazards and risks. However, there is no comprehensive aggregation of all those hazards and how they potentially interact with each other. Within the MYRIAD-EU Horizon 2020 project, we have developed an extensive collection and assessment of open hazard models for Europe and aggregated their results in the context of various exposures like population, GDP and sectoral data like tourism expenditure or capital stock.

This collection of overlapping European “exposure-at-risk” provides an unique and holistic perspective into the occurrence of natural disasters, from all kinds of climate risk indicators for today and the upcoming decades to physical risks likes earthquakes, sea level rise, storms, wildfires and many more. It combines both probabilistic and stochastic assessments and thus can provide multi-hazard and multi-risk interactions for any place in Europe.

The comprehensive representation of natural and climate change-related hazards has been combined with an extensive collection of exposure for the sectors of finance, infrastructure and energy, agriculture and tourism as well as ecosystems and cross-sectoral metrics on an A21 level. Each of these systems comes with respective vulnerability equations. Risk can be evaluated on a probabilistic or deterministic basis. Deterministic scenarios both stem from historic and stochastic model depending on the assessed peril.

In summary, we showcase a database and toolbox to assess historic, deterministic and probabilistic metrics on a single- and multi-risk basis for all of Europe using integrated results on a NUTS3 level and at other spatial levels.

How to cite: Schaefer, A., Daniell, J., Brand, J., Maier, A., Girard, T., and Khazai, B.: Europe’s Exposure-At-Risk: Comprehensive multi-risk assessments from climate to catastrophe in tourism, finance, agriculture and other sectors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16674,, 2025.

EGU25-16748 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment on La Palma: Building Resilience through Insights from Past and Future Impacts  

Annika Maier, Andreas Schäfer, Bijan Khazai, James Daniell, Trevor Girard, Johannes Brand, Noemi Padron-Fumero, Jaime Diaz Pacheco, and Sara García González

The 2021 Tajogaite eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, is one of the longest and most destructive eruptions recorded on La Palma, Canary Islands. The eruption lasted from September 19 to December 13, 2021, following a 50-year dormancy. This hybrid event was characterized by pulsatory activity, extensive lava flows, tephra fallout, and gas emissions, leading to the evacuation of over 8,000 residents, destruction of more than 2,800 buildings, and significant disruptions to infrastructure and economic sectors, including tourism, agriculture, and energy sectors. This eruption serves as a benchmark for assessing multi-hazard scenarios under current and projected future conditions.

We create a volcanic eruption sequence under current conditions for La Palma based on the previous 2021 eruption by simulating ash dispersal and deposition using Fall3D, a 3D Eulerian model, and lava flows based on the stochastic model MrLavaLoba.

Outputs, such as deposit thickness, ground load, and lava coverage, are integrated with socioeconomic and infrastructure datasets to assess exposure and potential damages with emphasis on the tourism sector. Infrastructure connectivity losses for electricity, water and roads are examined as part of the study.

In addition, the same volcanic eruption is simulated for 2050 under consideration of a preceding drought event on La Palma. This future scenario aims to illustrate the impact past events will have under future climate and socioeconomic conditions, as well as look into the dynamics of exposure and vulnerability along the pathway from 2021 to 2050.

As the quantitative outputs often only tell part of the story, semi-quantitative and qualitative methods are also used including the production of a Tourism Resilience Scorecard using qualitative and semi-quantitative indices.

Our findings underscore the critical need for integrating multi-disciplinary data and stakeholder engagement in developing actionable hazard and resilience strategies in the tourism sector. These scenarios not only deepen our understanding of past events but also provide a roadmap for mitigating future risks in the face of compounding environmental and societal challenges. This work has been completed as part of the MYRIAD-EU Project.

How to cite: Maier, A., Schäfer, A., Khazai, B., Daniell, J., Girard, T., Brand, J., Padron-Fumero, N., Diaz Pacheco, J., and García González, S.: Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment on La Palma: Building Resilience through Insights from Past and Future Impacts , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16748,, 2025.

EGU25-16937 | Orals | NH10.1

Towards actionable impact-based early warning for floods and droughts in the Greater Horn of Africa 

Lisa Thalheimer, Samira Pfeiffer, Davide Cotti, Maria Dewi, Lorenzo Alfieri, Vincent Okoth, Ahmed Amdihun, James Wanjohi Nyaga, Saskia Werners, and Michael Hagenlocher

The efficacy of early warning systems in saving lives and reducing other losses and damages is widely recognized. However, these systems often lack information about the potential impacts on people, assets, and systems. Impact-based early warnings that consider information on exposure and vulnerabilities could fill this gap, enabling a more effective public response and preparedness - notably for vulnerable groups often disproportionately affected by climate extremes. The increasing cost of climate extremes and the focus on non-economic losses and damages from climate change underpins the need to advance risk knowledge, notably integrating vulnerability and exposure information into existing EWS. The UNDRR-funded EarlyWarning4IGAD project addresses this gap by supporting countries in the Greater Horn of Africa to transition from existing hazard-based to impact-based early warning systems. 

Building on desk study, expert interviews, and stakeholder consultations, we present a novel approach for impact-based early warning for floods and droughts in the Greater Horn of Africa by integrating data and information on exposure and vulnerability into existing hazard-based systems. Thereby, one particular element is the co-creation of conceptual risk models with and for different vulnerable groups, such as (i) small-scale farmers for crop losses, (ii) vulnerable segments of society for harm to people due to floods, or, more specifically focusing on (iii) women and girls, (iv) people with disabilities, and (v) people in camp settings. In doing so, we show how such risk knowledge can be used to inform impact-based early warnings and ultimately integrated into existing operational flood and drought early warning systems at the regional level, as well as where remaining challenges for operationalization lie.

How to cite: Thalheimer, L., Pfeiffer, S., Cotti, D., Dewi, M., Alfieri, L., Okoth, V., Amdihun, A., Wanjohi Nyaga, J., Werners, S., and Hagenlocher, M.: Towards actionable impact-based early warning for floods and droughts in the Greater Horn of Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16937,, 2025.

EGU25-17225 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Towards Resilient Critical Infrastructures: An Archetype-Based Approach to Climate Risk and Adaptation 

Esther Barrios-Crespo, Saúl Torres-Ortega, and Pedro Diaz-Simal

Archetype-based classifications are a well-established method to categorize certain environments, systems or elements, according to the characteristics that differentiate them and make them unique. Typically, the final aim of archetype-based classifications is to facilitate the design of adaptation strategies.

In the context of critical infrastructures (CI), archetype-based classifications are particularly valuable for assessing climate risks across different time horizons and climate change scenarios. This proposal presents a comprehensive methodological framework to use archetypes to identify and define adaptation options in the context of the climate risk framework of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The proposed framework adopts a multidimensional approach to characterize climate risks archetypes, incorporating physical, economic, and social dimensions. Through an indicator-based methodology, it identifies analogous infrastructures—those with similar climate risk patterns—and groups them into archetypes. The final objectives of this methodological framework are: first, to identify analogous infrastructures (i.e., infrastructures that present a similar climate risk pattern and, therefore, that are classified in the same archetype) and; secondly, to design adaptation trajectories for the CI based on their classification for the different climate change scenarios, optimizing the adaptation planning and management in the short, mid and long-term.

To illustrate the applicability of this methodology, the framework has been applied as a case study to European airports. Using the proposed approach to characterize the risk components —hazard, exposure and vulnerability—, airports have been classified into climate risk archetypes, identifying risk patterns across the physical, economic, and social dimensions. This case study exemplifies the utility of the framework for identifying analogous infrastructures and informing about effective adaptation options and pathways, helping in decision-making processes.

Beyond its analytical contributions, the framework enhances risk communication by offering a comprehensive overview of climate risks and their potential impacts. This facilitates engagement with stakeholders, including infrastructure owners and operators, fostering coordinated efforts to adapt to climate risks and build CI resilience. The scalability and adaptability of the framework make it a valuable tool for managing climate risks in diverse infrastructure systems and regions.

How to cite: Barrios-Crespo, E., Torres-Ortega, S., and Diaz-Simal, P.: Towards Resilient Critical Infrastructures: An Archetype-Based Approach to Climate Risk and Adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17225,, 2025.

EGU25-17319 | Posters on site | NH10.1

Mapping multi-risk for cultural heritage at the national scale 

Emanuele Intrieri, Chiara Arrighi, Silvia Bianchini, Vieri Cardinali, Fabio Castelli, Irene Centauro, Manlio De Stefano, Paolo Fiorucci, Alessio Gatto, Antonino Maria Marra, Giorgio Meschi, Samuele Segoni, and Andrea Trucchia

Preserving cultural heritage from natural hazards is of paramount importance due to the role that cultural heritage plays in supporting community resilience and economic activities. Therefore, being able to map the risk faced by cultural heritage, especially in a multi-risk perspective, is useful to provide a policy-making tool which highlights hotspot areas.

In this work, we present a preliminary version of a multi-risk map of cultural heritage at the national scale considering flood, earthquake, landslide and wildfire hazards, in Italy. The exposure dataset provided by the Italian Ministry of Culture counts ca. 180-thousand-point elements grouped into three classes (Architecture, Archaeological, green open space) and 393 typologies (e.g., archive, arch, abbey etc.). In order to categorize the elements in a more convenient fashion, a taxonomy of 30 classes is defined by intersecting common geometric properties of the elements (e.g., tall, subterranean, equidimensional etc.) with the type of structure (e.g., defensive architecture, buildings potentially containing valuable items, etc.). For each hazard, a qualitative classification of the vulnerability of each taxonomic element has been assigned based on expert judgement and literature studies. As source of hazard information, the national landslide inventory (provided by Istituto Superiore Per La Protezione E La Ricerca Ambientale), the flood risk management plans (by Hydrographic District Authorities), the peak ground acceleration map (by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia) and the wildfire hazard map (CIMA Research Foundation) have been adopted. Single risk hotspots and a multi-risk map have been produced by preliminary selecting the municipal boundaries as scale of aggregation of the results.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work attempting to merge national-scale datasets to produce a multi-risk map for cultural heritage. Our ambition for the future is to extend this method to other types of risk and countries.


Acknowledgments: This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005).

How to cite: Intrieri, E., Arrighi, C., Bianchini, S., Cardinali, V., Castelli, F., Centauro, I., De Stefano, M., Fiorucci, P., Gatto, A., Marra, A. M., Meschi, G., Segoni, S., and Trucchia, A.: Mapping multi-risk for cultural heritage at the national scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17319,, 2025.

EGU25-17739 | Orals | NH10.1

Implementation of a Decision Support System (DSS) to guide local and regional administrations in the mitigation of impacts due to Multi-(hazards) 

Barbara Borzi, Alessio Cantoni, Marcello Arosio, Abdelghani Meslem, Chen Huang, Carmine Galasso, Kenneth Otarola, Gemma Cremen, Nadejda Komendantova, Mohammad-Reza Yeganegi, Mats Danielson, Konstantinos Trevlopoulos, and Pierre Gehl

Within the framework of the European project titled “Multi-hazard and risk informed system for Enhanced local and regional Disaster risk management” MEDiate (Grant agreement ID: 101074075), one of the main expected outcomes is a platform where a robust decision support system is implemented. The latter is intended to assist the responsible administrations in taking actions to mitigate the impacts of extreme natural events. The MEDiate platform effectively serves as the container for the project results to make them available to stakeholders.
The MEDiate DSS is calibrated for four European testbeds, even if the platform implements a modular framework to achieve a replicable and scalable solution. Tools for uploading data for new areas are also provided. The MEDiate platform can be conceived as divided into two modules. The first module is designed to calculate damages and losses on the exposed asset. This module considers one hazard at a time, the combination of multiple compound (temporal and spatial) hazards, and the combination of hazards that trigger others. The second module is dedicated to mitigation actions. In this module, with the assistance of artificial intelligence, the list of mitigation actions is defined. These actions are then processed by adopting the Multi-Criteria Decision Method (MCDM) to ultimately identify the most effective action.
This research presents the structure of the DSS platform developed in MEDiate and its applications for the hazards considered within the project: compounding coastal and riverine flooding, extreme heat and drought, extreme wind and precipitation, and extreme precipitation and landslides—in four European testbeds: Oslo (Norway), Nice (France), Essex (UK), and Múlaþing (Iceland), respectively.

How to cite: Borzi, B., Cantoni, A., Arosio, M., Meslem, A., Huang, C., Galasso, C., Otarola, K., Cremen, G., Komendantova, N., Yeganegi, M.-R., Danielson, M., Trevlopoulos, K., and Gehl, P.: Implementation of a Decision Support System (DSS) to guide local and regional administrations in the mitigation of impacts due to Multi-(hazards), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17739,, 2025.

EGU25-18236 | Posters on site | NH10.1

ICARIA: Impacts of compound storm and flooding events in a mountainous region 

Kristofer Hasel and Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek

Globally, natural disasters have increased significantly in recent decades, with the CRED and UNDRR reporting 7,348 events between 2000-2019 [1]. These disasters caused 1.23 million deaths, impacted over 4 billion people, and resulted in economic losses of approximately $2.97 trillion. A large proportion of these disasters were climate-related, such as heatwaves, droughts, and floods. If the current warming trajectory continues, failure to meet the Paris Agreement goals could lead to a 10% loss in global economic value by 2050 [2]. In response, the ICARIA project aims to enhance understanding of climate-induced, complex disaster impacts and develop sustainable adaptation strategies. Focusing on critical infrastructure at risk from climate change, we study the Pinzgau region of Salzburg, with particular emphasis on fluvial flooding and storm hazards under changing climatic conditions. To assess these hazards, global CMIP6 models were dynamically downscaled using two regional climate models (WRF and CCLM) with resolutions of 5 km and 2 km, respectively, for the scenarios SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5. Climate indicators, such as maximum precipitation (rx1day) and wind gusts (wsgsmax), were analysed to capture both historical (1981-2010) and future hazard trends. Observations were validated against the high-resolution CHELSA reanalysis dataset. Hydrological modeling of fluvial flooding used the physically simplified SFINCS model to simulate high-resolution flood dynamics (up to 1 m) for extreme rainfall events. Future projections will incorporate downscaled climate scenarios to estimate hazard shifts under varying emission pathways. The frequency of compound events will be analysed in the historical period as well as in a changing future. Furthermore,  the change in the regions vulnerability after such an event (dynamical vulnerability) shall be investigated and exploited. Initial results indicate significant discrepancies in temperature and precipitation patterns between models for the Salzburg region. For 1981-2010, both models show cold biases compared to CHELSA, with deviations of 1°C in the north and up to 5°C in the southwest. The underestimation of maximum temperatures aligns with a notable overestimation of annual precipitation, particularly in the coarser WRF model (5 km resolution). Precipitation patterns are more consistent in CCLM (2 km resolution), which shows smaller deviations overall. Climate change signals (CCS) for Salzburg project substantial increases in maximum temperatures, with localized rises exceeding 6°C under SSP5-8.5. CCLM driven by EC-EARTH shows more pronounced changes compared to WRF driven by MPI. Annual precipitation trends differ: while WRF predicts increases of up to 15% under SSP5-8.5, CCLM outputs suggest slight decreases. Preliminary hydrological modeling of an extreme rainfall event shows a 12-hour lag in peak flood depths compared to local station data but achieves strong alignment in maximum flood depths, demonstrating SFINCS’s potential for accurate flood impact assessments. These findings underline the importance of multi-hazard climate risk assessments to inform disaster risk reduction and adaptation strategies, particularly for critical infrastructure in vulnerable alpine regions. 



How to cite: Hasel, K. and Bügelmayer-Blaschek, M.: ICARIA: Impacts of compound storm and flooding events in a mountainous region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18236,, 2025.

This presentation will show preliminary results from a project looking at how the multi-hazard concept can be embedded into household preparedness plans, particularly in low-income settings. The first component of the project is a systematic review of the academic literature that addressed two questions: (a) “what are the components of a ‘good’ household preparedness plan and its uptake?” and (b) “to what extent is the concept of multi-hazards embedded into household preparedness planning research”? For each question, a range of keywords were developed and input into Web of Science, returning 427 and 177 relevant papers respectively. Papers were categorised by (i) methodological approach, (ii) geographical scope, (iii) hazards considered, and (iv) aspects of the household preparedness plan such as specific actions, uptake success and intended audience. For research question (a), papers were compared to Sutton and Tierney’s (2006) eleven general principles of household preparedness. Key findings about the current body of literature include: 

  • A narrow methodological scope – the majority of papers reviewed adopted quantitative survey approaches which tend to inadequately capture the complex interplay of factors which determine levels of household preparedness. 
  • A narrow geographical scope – the majority of papers reviewed apply to middle- and high-income countries and urban areas within, meaning the recommendations emerging from them are not easily applicable in Global South contexts, and may even be counterproductive.  
  • A single hazard or hazard agnostic approach – many papers either focused on a narrow range of specific hazards or implied relevance to ‘all hazards’. Largely this is done in a multi-layer single hazards approach, or under the assumption that being prepared for one hazard results in improved preparedness for other hazards, which misses potential compounding interactions between hazards and/or preparedness actions. 
  • Studies often focus on barriers to preparedness, rather than taking a critical collaborative approach to co-creating tools that are useful, useable and used.  

This literature review and our research findings will inform a proof-of-concept toolkit to support both households and organisations in developing household preparedness plans that is (i) mixed-methods, (ii) targeted at small to medium urban centres in the Global South, (iii) specifically address how both hazards and preparedness actions may interact to compound the impacts and/or benefits and (iv) centres affected community voices, promoting accessible approaches in line with Sendai Framework Priority 4.  

How to cite: Taylor, F., Gilmour, M., McGowran, P., and Gill, J.: How does the concept of household preparedness apply in a multi-hazards context? Results from a systematic literature review. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18331,, 2025.

EGU25-18584 | Orals | NH10.1

An innovative multi-hazard climate change risk assessment framework: Evidence from a place-based assessment of challenges and solutions in the UK Fens 

Katie Jenkins, Robert Nicholls, Paul Sayers, John Redhead, Jeff Price, Yi He, Asher Minns, and Richard Pywell

The Fens is the UK’s largest coastal lowland, strategically important for national food production and home to a growing population and economy.  A natural floodplain and wetland, the Fens have evolved over four centuries into an engineered landscape dependent on continuous maintenance of drainage channels, flood and coastal defences, tidal barriers and extensive pumping. The region is highly vulnerable to a wide range of climate hazards, such as coastal, pluvial and fluvial flooding, drought, heatwaves and storms. Understanding how related risks may develop over time is crucial in developing a future vision for the region that responds and builds resilience to both current and future challenges.

The presentation will firstly describe the rationale and method that has underpinned the first in-depth place-based multi-hazard risk assessment for the UK Fens. This assessment builds on a flexible model framework developed via a UK project, OpenCLIM (Open CLimate Impacts Modelling framework). Spatially detailed data was extracted for the Fens region, with risk-assessment models consistently considering drought and water resources, agriculture, multiple sources of flooding, sea-level rise, terrestrial biodiversity and heat stress for the present day and with global average warming of 2 and 4°C.

The presentation will then highlight how the integrated assessment supports the analysis of climate risks through a system-lens. The assessment is innovative in highlighting how multi-hazard risks could interact across risks and sectors, identifying potential trade-offs and opportunities across sectors and ways in which this information could support strategic decision making and climate change adaptation. For example, investment in flood resilience assets may protect high grade agricultural land but if drought, water quantity and quality issues and critical short-term challenges to insect pollinators are not addressed in parallel then this investment may be short-sighted.

The analysis emphasises that the Fens cannot respond to the climate crisis with isolated measures targeted to one risk or sector. The challenges are interconnected, necessitating the same for the solutions. Furthermore, it highlights the need for urgent action with a short window of opportunity to make decisions and establish a resilient future for the Fens. One approach to doing so is to explore new visions for the future, which move away from the current status quo, such as defending some areas whilst accepting more flooding in other regions and working to exploit benefits this vision could create for other sectors/stakeholders.

Strong stakeholder engagement and co-production have been crucial in communicating key messages from the multi-hazard climate risk assessment, with the scientific evidence being used as a call to action and guiding roadmap to bring together stakeholders and decision-makers working to envision and safeguard the region’s future. Furthermore, the method and approach demonstrated for the Fens is transferable to other regions, to provide tailored regional multi-hazard climate risk and adaptation assessments that consider local contexts.

How to cite: Jenkins, K., Nicholls, R., Sayers, P., Redhead, J., Price, J., He, Y., Minns, A., and Pywell, R.: An innovative multi-hazard climate change risk assessment framework: Evidence from a place-based assessment of challenges and solutions in the UK Fens, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18584,, 2025.

EGU25-19024 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Exploring Vulnerability Dynamics Associated with Compound Flood Impacts Across European Regions 

Michele Ronco, Alois Tilloy, Christina Corbane, Luc Feyen, Dominik Paprotny, Wiebke Jager, Judith Claassen, Timothy Tiggeloven, Lena Riemann, Alessia Matano, Damien Delforge, Matti Kummu, Andrea Sibilia, and Philip Ward

Traditional approaches to disaster risk assessment often consider natural hazards in isolation, overlooking the complex interplay between hazards, which can significantly affect overall impacts. Compound flood events, characterised by co-occurring or preceding anomalous conditions, may exacerbate flood impacts and result in greater damage. This study investigates the effects of five compound flood events—flood sequence, drought-to-flood, cold-to-flood events, hot-to-flood sequence, and compound flood and wind—and their relationship with disaster vulnerability on flood impacts at a sub-national level across Europe from 1981 to 2020. Historical flood records are obtained from the extensive HANZE database, which includes detailed regional information, event timelines, and associated losses. Recorded flood impacts are spatiotemporally matched with associated hazards computed from ERA5, enabling a thorough comparison of isolated versus compound flood impacts. This results in a new dataset of multi-hazard events based on disaster records and climate reanalysis data. Using this dataset, our analysis explores the trends of compounding hazards on flood impacts by examining physical interactions at the hazard level and changes in vulnerability. This approach represents a step forward in disentangling the contributions of these factors to flood risk, with the goal of informing more resilient community strategies and effective disaster risk reduction in an era of complex crises.

How to cite: Ronco, M., Tilloy, A., Corbane, C., Feyen, L., Paprotny, D., Jager, W., Claassen, J., Tiggeloven, T., Riemann, L., Matano, A., Delforge, D., Kummu, M., Sibilia, A., and Ward, P.: Exploring Vulnerability Dynamics Associated with Compound Flood Impacts Across European Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19024,, 2025.

EGU25-19583 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

A multi-hazard risk assessment for buildings in Ireland due to climate change impacts 

Aditya Rahul, Julie Clarke, and Paul Nolan

Climate change significantly impacts both the natural and the built environment, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of the risk due to current and future climate-related threats. This study presents a multi-hazard risk assessment framework for buildings in Ireland, serving as an essential first step in developing effective climate adaptation strategies.

The framework is constructed based on three typical components of disaster risk assessment: hazard, vulnerability, and exposure analysis. It provides a comprehensive evaluation of climate-related hazards, including heatwaves, wildfires, heavy precipitation, extreme temperatures, landslides, and strong winds. By incorporating various datasets, the methodology employs a systematic and standardized indicator-based approach to evaluate multiple hazards, offering a holistic risk profile.

The study demonstrates the framework's application through a case study of Dublin, Ireland. This practical implementation illustrates how the methodology can be used to identify potential climate change risk hotspots in urban environments. The approach allows for a high-level risk assessment, which is crucial before commencing any detailed analysis.

By providing a clear and replicable methodology, this research contributes to the global effort to safeguard the built environment against climate change impacts. The framework serves as a valuable tool for policymakers and urban planners, enabling them to prioritize areas for intervention and develop targeted adaptation strategies. This study underscores the importance of proactive risk assessment in enhancing urban resilience to climate change.

How to cite: Rahul, A., Clarke, J., and Nolan, P.: A multi-hazard risk assessment for buildings in Ireland due to climate change impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19583,, 2025.

In the context of the Sendai Framework Target G, to substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems by 2030, and of the UN’s Early Warnings For All initiative, the research presented will assess progress in, and barriers to, integrating cascading and compounding risks to food systems in existing early warning systems.

Impacts on food security due to climate change disproportionately fall upon those living in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia, where communities also face multiple, compounding and recurring shocks to food systems and other points of vulnerability that erode resilience. 

To respond to these needs, a vast array of early warning systems (EWS) exists, operating in complex silos, across organisations, regions, types of risk and national administrative boundaries. Early preparedness has proven to decrease the extent of impact and costs associated in response, but systemic analysis of increasingly complex risk dynamics is often inadequate, and frequently not sufficiently focused on food systems.  

Our research aims to assess early warning mechanisms to understand how impacts on food security are realised and acted on in communities in Bangladesh and Senegal. An essential, but often missing component of adequate early action interventions, is systematic consideration of cascading risks to food security in policy, planning and financing realms to interrupt risk cascades to food systems at earlier stages. There is a distinction to be drawn between activities needed to build community resilience and those needed to improve local food system resilience. With a multitude of actors working on this at a global, regional and national levels, across sectors, under restricted funding and remits, strengthening early warning governance is a necessary catalyst to assimilate multi-hazard early warning systems to capture multiple shocks and increase cohesion for decisionmakers and funders.

By identifying how nodes of the food system interact with one another, through the various stages of an early warning response, we make recommendations for at-risk communities and decision makers to improve their integration of cascading risks in EWS to provide comprehensive, actionable and accessible information to communities, while considering complex risks to better mitigate impacts on local food systems and food security. The research and recommendations are shaped by deliberative inclusion of individuals who are most marginalized from engaging in mainstream discussions, so we can understand and reflect their vulnerabilities to cascading impacts and their exclusion from food systems.  

Our findings focus on better understanding multi-hazard risks and how early warning systems can frame softer trigger-based models into disaster response. This includes:

  • Strengthening understanding of risk, particularly in upstream risk cascades, and across and between different regions, borders and sectors.  
  • Strengthening the disaster risk governance architecture for effective multi-hazard responses, requiring strong buy-in and collaboration among diverse stakeholders.
  • Increased investments to reduce risks at scale in multi-hazard contexts by intervening at earlier stages of risk cascades.  
  • Actions to prepare for disasters, to recover from them, and to build back better that take place at multiple points in risk cascades, not just within affected communities. 

How to cite: King, R. and Bharadwaj, B.: Building Food System Resilience: How can Early Warning and Early Action embed Cascading Risks to Food Security , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19829,, 2025.

EGU25-20442 | Posters on site | NH10.1

Historical geo-database for multi-hazard zoning in the Costa Viola area (southern Calabria, Italy) 

Olga Petrucci and Massimo Conforti

Historical geodatabases are crucial resources for the analysis and management of susceptibility, hazard, and risk. Regarding landslides, they provide valuable insights into the location, date, type, size, activity, and triggering factors of such events, as well as the resulting damage. Similarly, for floods, affected areas can be identified and damage inventories systematically updated, highlighting the most impacted sectors.

This study, conducted within the framework of the Next Generation EU—Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of ‘Innovation Ecosystems’, building ‘Territorial R&D Leaders’ (Directorial Decree n. 2021/3277)—project Tech4You—Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009, presents the initial results of the development of a GIS-based historical database for landslide and flood analysis and hazard zonation in the “Costa Viola” area, Calabria region (South Italy).

The study area is located along the southern sector of the Tyrrhenian coast, encompasses the municipalities of Bagnara Calabra and Scilla. This area is recognized as one of the Calabria’s most important tourists destination. However, its specific geological and geomorphological features, combined with a high frequency of intense meteorological events, make it highly susceptible to geo-hydrological risks.

This work presents the most significant findings of a historical investigation into rainfall-induced landslide and floods and their impact on the transportation network over the past 120 years. Historical data were gathered from a wide range of documentary sources sources, including technical reports, historical archives, scientific literature, and newspapers.

In addition, the geodatabase includes geological and topographical, infrastructure maps, a Digital Elevation Model, pre-existing landslide inventory maps, and climatic data. After the implementation of the geodatabase and update of the inventory map, we explored the characteristics of the landslides, analyzing landslide distribution and creating a landslide density map. We also explored landslide frequency for lithology, soil types and several morphological attributes (elevation, slope gradient, slope curvature, etc.), considering both all landslides and classified landslide types. Furthermore, a density map of historically flooded areas during the study period was developed.

The first results indicate that the study area has been repeatedly affected by landslide events, primarily involving debris slides, rockfalls, and debris flows. These slope movements have caused significant damage to roads and railways crossing the study area and often represents a sort of continuum with high-bedload floods, characteristic of the typical ravines shaping the hydrographic network of this Mediterranean region. The research confirms the vulnerability of the area, with 175 damaging events recorded between 1911 and 2024, corresponding to an average frequency of approximately 1.5 damaging event per year. These events show both a tendency to recur in specific areas, as well as a significant rise in frequency over recent decades. This trend is likely influenced by several factors: an increased availability and reliability of information sources, heightened attention to the damaging phenomena, the expansion of elements at risk, and the effects climate change.

How to cite: Petrucci, O. and Conforti, M.: Historical geo-database for multi-hazard zoning in the Costa Viola area (southern Calabria, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20442,, 2025.

Many regions worldwide are increasingly facing multi-hazards and systemic risks that threaten their socio-economic stability and environmental resilience. Island regions, particularly those heavily reliant on tourism, are uniquely vulnerable due to a convergence of structural and systemic challenges, including geographical isolation, dependence on external imports, resource limitations, and fragile ecosystems. These factors heighten their exposure to environmental and economic shocks. The impacts of climate change, natural hazards, and global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have further exposed the tourism sector’s susceptibility to cascading and compounding risks. Effective multi-risk strategies and policies in tourism-dependent island regions require adaptive, cross-sectoral approaches that address these interdependencies and promote resilience. In this context, risk misperceptions present significant barriers to the development of comprehensive policies by distorting priorities, fragmenting decision-making, and impeding cross-sectoral collaboration.
Using the Canary Islands as a case study, this research examines how stakeholder perceptions and misperceptions hinder the development of effective multi-hazard risk policies, with a focus on tourism interdependencies. A participatory, cross-sectoral framework was applied, analyzing qualitative data from semi-structured interviews and focus groups with diverse stakeholders, including representatives from tourism, agrifood, energy, water sectors, as well as researchers, local authorities, and emergency response services. Our findings reveal that stakeholder perceptions are often hazard-specific and sector-oriented, leading to a lack of recognition of interconnections between sectors, multi-risks, cascading impacts, and dynamic vulnerabilities.
These misperceptions result in fragmented policy responses, inadequate resource allocation, and limited integration of long-term resilience measures.
To address these challenges, this paper introduces an innovative categorization of risk misperceptions into four clusters: i) Underestimation, where stakeholders downplay the likelihood or impact of hazards; ii) The Single-Sector Fallacy, reflecting a narrow focus on sector-specific risks while ignoring cross-sectoral interdependencies; iii) Overconfidence, stemming from an overreliance on existing systems or capacities; and iv) Climate Stability Assumptions, rooted in a misunderstanding of the pace and severity of climate change impacts. This categorization makes a significant contribution to risk research and policy-making by offering a dynamic and actionable framework to diagnose the root causes of ineffective risk management. By breaking misperceptions into distinct clusters, it provides a nuanced understanding of specific challenges, each paired with targeted intervention opportunities. For example, scenario-based workshops address underestimation, cross-sector dialogues to dismantle silos from the Single-Sector Fallacy, and tailored communication campaigns to address misconceptions about climate risks. This structured approach enhances the ability of policymakers to develop practical, evidence-based tools that address misperceptions directly, fostering more comprehensive and effective multi-hazard risk strategies.

How to cite: Padrón-Fumero, N.: Cross-sectoral Multi-Hazard Risk Perceptions and Misperceptions in Tourism-Dependent Islands: A Canary Islands Case Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20551,, 2025.

EGU25-20670 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Incorporating Multi hazard approach to disaster risk management and climate change adaptation 

YoungHwa Cha, Christopher White, Mohammed Sarfaraz Gani Adnan, Marcello Arosio, and Zahida Yousaf

The compounding effects of multiple hazards are increasingly recognised as critical for understanding risk and informing decision-making. However, hazards are often treated as discrete and independent entities. This conventional approach frequently overlooks the intricate interactions between hazards and their combined impacts on specific locations. Such limitations can lead to inaccurate risk estimates, undermining the effectiveness of preparedness and response strategies. As the shortcomings of single-hazard approaches become more apparent, there is growing recognition of the need for a comprehensive framework that integrates stakeholder perspectives and scientific insights. This integration can enhance multi-hazard risk management strategies, improving resilience and better aligning with the complexities of a changing climate and evolving hazard landscapes. Therefore, this paper examines multi-hazard information to local-level decision-making in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), with a focus on Essex as part of the MEDiate ('Multi-hazard and risk-informed system for enhanced local and regional disaster risk management') project, funded by the Horizon Europe. Essex, a low-lying county with a 905 km coastline and a high population density concentrated in southern coastal regions, is significantly susceptible to extreme wind and rainfall events, storm surges, and flooding. Through this case study, we demonstrate the generation of tailored multi-hazard information through policy reviews, analyses of spatially compounding extreme wind and rainfall events, and stakeholder engagement workshops. The results revealed that UK national policies acknowledge multi-hazard risks, DRM and CCA approaches largely remain single-hazard focused. The result of spatially compound event analysis indicate increases in wind speed and rainfall intensity by 2050, with coastal and southwestern Essex identified as high-exposure regions with a 100-year event, the mean daily maximum wind speed, recorded at 10.7 ms-1 during the baseline period, is anticipated to rise to 11 ms-1 by 2050. The stakeholder workshop highlighted the need for multi-hazard information to be compatible with existing systems, tailored to specific purposes, accessible, and integrative. This study developed a methodology to support multi-hazard risk-informed decision-making by generating practical and applicable insights for planning and managing risks, ultimately enhancing climate change adaptation.

How to cite: Cha, Y., White, C., Adnan, M. S. G., Arosio, M., and Yousaf, Z.: Incorporating Multi hazard approach to disaster risk management and climate change adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20670,, 2025.

EGU25-20892 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Towards multi-hazard earthquake-flood impact assessment on ancient monuments based on UAVs, photogrammetry and high-fidelity computational models 

Paraskevi Mode, Denis Istrati, Constantine Spryakos, Sofia Soile, Styliani Verykokou, and Charalabos Ioannidis

Cultural heritage monuments are invaluable assets that embody the history, culture, and identity of civilizations, making their preservation a global priority. Understanding the multi-hazard risks they face, and particularly earthquakes and floods, is essential to developing effective strategies for their protection in seismic regions and ensuring their resilience for future generations.

This study presents a comprehensive multi-hazard assessment of a significant archaeological site in Greece: the Temple of Apollo at Aegina (Kolona), which was conducted as part of a the Horizon Europe project TRIQUETRA. Detailed and accurate geometric documentation of the archaeological site was done, using UAV imagery (DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise) and GNSS measurements of ground control points, acquiring more nearly 6000 images. Using multi-image photogrammetric techniques a 3D texture model of the site and monuments, with an RMS error of 4 cm, a digital surface model with a resolution of 1 cm and a high-resolution orthophoto with a pixel size of 1 cm (groudel) were produced.

Based on these digital replicas, advanced three-dimensional Finite Element (FEA) models were developed using solid elements to evaluate the structural response and vulnerability of these heritage structures under single hazards and combined earthquake and flood scenarios. The methodology integrates site-specific geotechnical data, historical structural modifications, and current preservation states to create realistic simulation models. The numerical analysis incorporates both seismic loading conditions based on regional hazard data and flood impact forces derived from hydraulic assessment. The multi-hazard approach considers various combinations of seismic and flood events, providing insights into potential failure mechanisms and structural vulnerabilities. Results highlight critical areas requiring preservation attention and demonstrate the varying resilience levels of different structural components under combined loading conditions.

This research contributes to the field of heritage structure preservation by establishing a novel framework for multi-hazard assessment of archaeological sites. The findings provide valuable insights for developing targeted conservation strategies and disaster risk reduction plans for these irreplaceable cultural heritage sites.

Acknowledgments: This work is based on procedures and tasks implemented within the project “Toolbox for assessing and mitigating Climate Change risks and natural hazards threatening cultural heritage—TRIQUETRA”, which is a Project funded by the EU HE research and innovation program under GA No. 101094818.

How to cite: Mode, P., Istrati, D., Spryakos, C., Soile, S., Verykokou, S., and Ioannidis, C.: Towards multi-hazard earthquake-flood impact assessment on ancient monuments based on UAVs, photogrammetry and high-fidelity computational models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20892,, 2025.

EGU25-1158 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.2

Research on the features of the Benioff strain ratio in Xinjiang region before earthquakes above MS6.0 

Wen Yang, Huaizhong Yu, Gang Li, and Zhengyi Yuan

Before a strong earthquake occurs, the phenomenon of accelerated release of strain energy is common in the area near the epicenter, indicating that the seismogenic area is approaching or entering a critical state. Taking the Benioff strain as the response quantity, the Benioff strain ratio at different periods is calculated, which can be used as a parameter to characterize the speed of strain energy release, and its abnormal evolution reflects the high-stress state of the intermediate substance during seismic nucleation. Using the catalog provided by China Earthquake Networks Center, the Benioff strain ratio of 90 days per month was calculated one year before the M6 earthquakes in Xinjiang since 2000 on the basis of analyzing the completeness thresholds magnitude. The results show that 14 of the 18 groups’ earthquakes were located in the high-value anomalies region within one year,passing the prediction effect test, which indicates that the high-value anomaly of the Benioff strain ratio has mid-short term prediction significance for M6 earthquakes in Xinjiang region. Taking the Aketao M6.7 earthquake and Hutubi M6.2 earthquake in 2016 as examples, the strain ratio in the seismogenic zone showed the characteristics of "gradually increasing - rapidly decreasing - stable fluctuation" within one year before the earthquake, which may be related to the instability nucleation process of the fault.

How to cite: Yang, W., Yu, H., Li, G., and Yuan, Z.: Research on the features of the Benioff strain ratio in Xinjiang region before earthquakes above MS6.0, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1158,, 2025.

EGU25-1238 | Posters on site | NH10.2

Exploration of sub-instability before large earthquakes with the LURR method 

Huaizhong Yu, Gang Li, Wen Yang, and Zhengyi Yuan

Using the Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method to identify sub-instability before large earthquakes seems to be a critical advancement in earthquake prediction and understanding the processes leading up to seismic events. By analyzing various earthquake-related observation data and discriminating between load and unload phases at observation stations, researchers were able to detect anomalies in stress states that indicate the potential for large earthquakes. The findings from retrospective studies on past earthquakes, such as the ones in Jiashi, Xinjiang, Menyuan, Qinghai, and Luding, Sichuan, provide significant evidence that LURR anomalies exceeding 2 standard deviations of the mean were observed at observation stations near the epicenter before the mainshocks. The decreasing distance between stations detecting LURR anomalies and the epicenter as the mainshock approached suggests a correlation between these anomalies and the impending earthquake. Overall, the identification of sub-instability through the LURR method and the spatio-temporal evolution of these anomalies could provide valuable insights into the weakening processes in the source media leading up to large earthquakes. This research has the potential to contribute to improved earthquake forecasting, ultimately enhancing our ability to mitigate the impacts of seismic events.

How to cite: Yu, H., Li, G., Yang, W., and Yuan, Z.: Exploration of sub-instability before large earthquakes with the LURR method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1238,, 2025.

EGU25-1239 | Posters on site | NH10.2

Review of the Earthquake Prediction Process and Basis for the 2022 Menyuan MS6.9 Earthquake, Qinghai Province, China 

Gang Li, Huaizhong Yu, Wen Yang, and Zhengyi Yuan

On January 8, 2022, an MS6.9 earthquake occurred in Menyuan County, Qinghai Province, China. The epicenter was located in the tectonic transition zone between the Lenglongling fault and the Tuolaishan fault on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Starting from July 2021, based on the increased seismic activity of magnitude 5 or above in the central and northern regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, as well as a significant increase in the number of short-term geophysical observation anomalies compared to the level before the 2021 Maduo MS7.4 earthquake, Qinghai Province, it is determined that the evaluation of earthquake trend in this area is between MS6-7. In November 2022, according to the "Technical Specification for Determining Annual National Critical Earthquake Risk Areas", based on the annual urgency determination results of long-term major earthquake risk sources, anomalous variation of gravity, seismic activity anomalies of a small earthquake, geophysical observation anomalies such as quasi synchronous changes of ground fluid, and comprehensive probability prediction results, it was comprehensively determined that there is a probability of an earthquake with MS6.0 or so occurring in the central and western sections of the Qilian Mountains seismic belt in 2022. In December 2022, there were new short-term ground fluid anomalies such as the water temperature at Delingha station and the escaped gas radon from groundwater at Xining station in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Based on the short-term and imminent earthquake tracking technical solutions and analysis strategies in the Gansu-Qinghai region, the comprehensive earthquake prediction result was that there is a probability of an earthquake with MS6.0 or so occurring in the central and western sections of the Qilian Mountains seismic belt in January 2021.

How to cite: Li, G., Yu, H., Yang, W., and Yuan, Z.: Review of the Earthquake Prediction Process and Basis for the 2022 Menyuan MS6.9 Earthquake, Qinghai Province, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1239,, 2025.

In the measurement of water current velocities, sound waves are commonly used to detect the Doppler effect caused by small scattering particles. The widely known Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) operate based on this principle (Gould et al., 2001). Although ADCPs are widely used for measuring water current velocity, single-point current meters are considered a better choice for precise and continuous measurements of near-seafloor water current velocity.

In this study, a single-point current meter (Aquadopp-6000m Current Meter) was mounted on the Yardbird-BB OBS (Lin et al., 2024) to form a Seafloor Current Meter (SCM). The SCM was used to measure and record water current disturbances above the OBS seismic sensor. The data collected by the SCM can be used not only for analyzing the overall OBS orientation, the time of contact with the seafloor, the moment the seismic sensor detached from the A-frame and settled onto the seafloor, and the sound speed, temperature, and pressure profiles during the instrument's descent, but also for broader applications.

By increasing the sampling rate to 1 sps, the continuous observation data can be analyzed alongside OBS data to study the relationship between background seismic noise and seafloor current velocity, as well as changes in seafloor current velocity before and after seismic events. Moreover, atmospheric pressure changes—occurring even thousands of kilometers away before a typhoon forms—can affect seawater pressure, seafloor current velocity, and subtle variations in seafloor temperature, which in turn influence ocean sound speed.

This study analyzes and discusses SCM data collected in the northeastern offshore waters of Taiwan, at the western end of the Okinawa Trough..


Gould, J., B. Sloyan, and M. Visbeck. (2013). In Situ ocean observations: a brief history, present status and future directions. In, G. Siedler, S. Griffies, J. Gould, and J. Church. (eds.) Ocean Circulation and Climate: A 21st Century Perspective. 2nd Ed. (HASH(0xa0a5e98), Oxford, GB. Academic Press, pp. 59-82.

Lin, C.R., Y.C. Liao, C.C. Wang, B.Y. Kuo, H.H. Chen, J.P. Jang, P.C. Chen, H.K. Chang, F.S. Lin and K.H. Chang. (2024). Development and evaluations of the broadband ocean bottom seismometer (Yardbird-BB OBS) in Taiwan. Terr Atmos Ocean Sci. 35, 4. Doi:

How to cite: Lin, C.-R.: Data Collection and Applications of Seafloor Water current Velocity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2355,, 2025.

EGU25-2844 | Posters on site | NH10.2

Landslide-Triggered Large-Scale Electromagnetic Perturbations 

Chieh-Hung Chen, Aisa Yisimayili, Lixia Chen, Fei Wang, and Tianya Luo

The onset of landslides is often preceded by rock fracturing and strata failure, processes that can emit electromagnetic radiation. To analyze the relationship between magnetic perturbations and landslides, we systematically excluded influences from solar activity, lightning, artificial noise, and seismogenic faults. Using the correlation coefficient method, we examined the in-phase and out-of-phase relationships within geomagnetic data collected from approximately 100 monitoring stations. The analysis revealed that correlation coefficients exceeding 0.8 (high) and below -0.8 (low) related to landslides are distributed across areas with an extensive radius of approximately 500 km. Two distinct interfaces were identified between high (>0.8) and low (<-0.8) correlation coefficients, extending from the landslide sites. These interfaces aligned with the direction of the landslide flow and its perpendicular direction. We hypothesize the presence of two electric currents flowing along these interfaces and applied the Biot-Savart Law to compute the associated magnetic perturbations. The computed results show a reasonable agreement with observational data. Furthermore, the detection of electromagnetic radiation several minutes before landslide events suggests the potential for an early warning system. By leveraging far-field geomagnetic data, such a system could help mitigate fatalities and reduce risks associated with landslides.

How to cite: Chen, C.-H., Yisimayili, A., Chen, L., Wang, F., and Luo, T.: Landslide-Triggered Large-Scale Electromagnetic Perturbations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2844,, 2025.

The ionosphere is part of the space above 60 to 1000 km from the ground and is an important part of near-earth space. The study of the ionosphere is conducive to providing better understanding the coupling interaction features within the lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere, exploring the possible associations between earthquake precursors and ionosphere disturbances, providing services for human activities and more approaches for disaster prevention and mitigation.

A chaotic coding ionosonde was developed in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China, in 2021. The ionosonde scans in 1~30 MHz frequency range, with the distance resolution of 1.5km and detection height from 67.5 km to 560 km. It utilizes technologies of pulse compression and chaotic coding, suppresses clutter interferences successfully and obtains high quality ionograms. This ionosonde operates automatically and produces an ionogram every 15 minutes. A multiscale transformer neural network is utilized for the extraction of echo traces and accurate inversion of the ionospheric parameters, such as the critical frequence of F2 layer, the minimum reflection height, the separation of traces of the F layer's O/X waves as well as the electron density profile based on an improved bottom inversion model of the International Reference Ionosphere.

Several strong ionospheric disturbances were observed in 2023 and 2024. In April and November 2023, massive solar flare eruptions caused geomagnetic disturbances, and the F2 layer responded to the disturbances obviously in term of the critical frequence and the traces of the F layer's O/X waves. In December 2023 two earthquakes with ML ≥ 4 happened in Gansu province, and also there were solar flare eruptions during that period. Some ionospheric disturbances were observed by the ionosonde approximately two or three weeks before the earthquakes. Besides, the fluxgate sensors and magnetometers installed on the geomagnetic stations in Gansu province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region also recorded the disturbances in the daily curves, synchronous with the ionosonde records. In January and February 2024, some typical U-shaped and sickled-shaped traces are observed in the ionograms, which are considered to be the phenomena caused by traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). Some other disturbance phenomena are also recorded by the ionosonde, including the traces diffusion, partial disappearance, abnormal shapes, etc., worthy of research in multiple fields combining the lithosphere, atmosphere, ionosphere and space physics.

How to cite: Wang, C. and Cui, H.: Observation and Research of Strong Ionospheric Disturbances Using a Chaotic Coding Digital Ionosonde, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2989,, 2025.

A FORMOSAT-5 (FS-5) satellite was launched on 25 August 2017 CST into a 98.28° inclination sun-synchronous circular orbit at 720 km altitude along the 1030/2230 local time sectors.  Advanced Ionospheric Probe (AIP), a piggyback science payload developed by National Central University for the FORMOSAT-5 satellite, has measured in-situ ionospheric plasma concentrations at a 1,024 Hz sampling rate over a wide range of spatial scales for more than 7 years.  Dramatical ionospheric plasma density and velocity modulation caused by natural hazards like 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai eruption and 2024 Mother Day geomagnetic storm had been observed clearly by FS-5/AIP and will be presented in the talk.

How to cite: Chao, C.-K. and Huang, W.-R.: Ionospheric Plasma Response to Natural Hazards Observed by Advanced Ionospheric Probe Onboard FORMOSAT-5 Satellite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3188,, 2025.

EGU25-3450 | ECS | Orals | NH10.2

The study of coseismic geohydrological changes and its effects on soil liquefaction potential in Taiwan 

Wen-Chi Lai, Shih-Jung Wang, and Yan-Yao Lin

    Earthquake-induced geohydrological changes have been monitored and investigated in the last fifty years. However, most of the previous studies focused on the effects of a single earthquake event on different observations or multiple-independent events on many different data sources which arising uncertainties from different mechanisms and site effects. The quantitative analysis of earthquake-induced geohydrological changes and their effects on soil liquefaction remains a challenge. In order to complete the soil liquefaction potential map in Taiwan and improve the accuracy of the analysis and evaluation, the Central Geological Survey of the Ministry of Economic Affairs conducts a six-year plan from 2018 to 2023. The geological and geohydrological data thoroughly collected by previous projects serve as a solid foundation for this 4-year project to systematically probe the coseismic geohydrological changes and their effects on soil liquefaction.
     In the four year of this project, four primary tasks had been finished including (1) database establishment of the long-term groundwater level observations in the study areas, (2) three-dimensional hydrogeological structures construction of the study areas,, (3) case study of induced groundwater level changes and liquification in three catastrophic earthquakes (4) methodology development and establishment of the coseismic geohydrological changes and their effects on soil liquefaction potential. 
     The establishment and management of the long-term groundwater level observations in the study areas were done in this year. The statistical program was merged into processing procedures for data analysis. Also, external observational data produced by the Water Resources Agency and Central Weather Bureau was integrated. The three-dimensional hydrogeological models were established based on the models constructed in T-PROGS (Transition Probability Geostatistical Software). With limited drilling data, the three-dimensional hydrogeological models could be applied to estimate and build an underground database for those areas with no data. In addition, the geological zoning after geological research and judgment could serve as a reasonable geological basis for subsequent interpolation of soil liquefaction.
    The hourly and secondly data of groundwater level variations and the hourly river discharge variations triggered by the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, 2016 Meinong earthquake and 2018 Hulien earthquake are checked and analyzed to investigate the responses under different hydrogeological conditions in west and south regions of epicenter. The increased groundwater levels are shown to consistent with the horizontal peak ground velocity (PGV), which imply that the increased groundwater levels might result from the buildup pore water pressure induced by shear strain, like the liquefaction mechanism.
    Uncertainties associated with groundwater level measurement or incorrect representation of regional groundwater level could easily lead to erroneous assessments of liquefaction potential in regional areas. These uncertainties result from spatial and temporal groundwater level variability and/or measurement error. Natural variability also makes it difficult to correctly identify the groundwater depth. The groundwater level fluctuates in response to recharge and discharge. In this project, an alternative methodology was adopted in order to overcome these inherent uncertainties.

How to cite: Lai, W.-C., Wang, S.-J., and Lin, Y.-Y.: The study of coseismic geohydrological changes and its effects on soil liquefaction potential in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3450,, 2025.

EGU25-3764 | Posters on site | NH10.2

High seismic potential areas along the collision front in southwestern Taiwan revealed from dense array analysis 

Strong Wen, Wei-Tai Tsai, and Yong-Sheng Kuo

Most of the ten destructive earthquakes that occurred in Taiwan in the 20th century were located in the deformation front area of the southwestern Taiwan. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a detailed study on the seismic characteristics of this area. In order to effectively prevent earthquake-induced disaster risks in urban areas, this study aims to enhance high-resolution imaging of seismogenic structures and capture microseismic signals using a dense array at the front of the orogenic belt. Understanding the structure of the fault provides important data for modeling earthquake events and can help improve earthquake risk assessments in the region. Since deep learning neural network methods are widely used in earthquake-related research, phase picking is the most critical first step in seismic data processing. This study used a large number of microseismic events observed by a dense array deployed from 2020 to 2023 to explore possible potential seismic structures beneath the front edge of the foothill belt in order to understand the rupture mechanism and tectonic evolution process of the unknown seismic structure. This study used the initial earthquake catalog generated by AI automatic phase picking technology and used hypoDD to relocate microseismic events. By the way, the DBSCAN algorithm is used to find clusters where a large number of microearthquakes occur. The final relocation results showed that there was a west-dipping seismic belt and multiple east-dipping seismic belts at depths of 5 to 15 km, and an earthquake swarm was found at a depth of 15 km. According to the grouping algorithm and stress inversion results, the maximum stress axis in this area is mainly northwest-southeast, reflecting the direction of compressive stress since the orogenic process.

How to cite: Wen, S., Tsai, W.-T., and Kuo, Y.-S.: High seismic potential areas along the collision front in southwestern Taiwan revealed from dense array analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3764,, 2025.

Earthquake-triggered geomagnetic variations typically exhibit time delays, with disturbances detected first at near-source stations and later at more distant locations. On April 2, 2024, a destructive M 7.4 earthquake struck the eastern Taiwan region, China, triggering an intriguing set of geomagnetic disturbances. Leveraging a high-density, three-component geomagnetic observation network with a 1 Hz sampling rate, we analyzed data from eight stations ranging from 84 to 320 km from the epicenter. Our findings reveal a striking pattern of simultaneous geomagnetic disturbances in both the X and Z components at stations within 114 km of the epicenter, with no similar disturbances observed further away. These disturbances persisted for 350 to 413 seconds, with peak amplitudes of 0.45 nT and 0.3 nT in the X and Z components, respectively. Notably, the Z-component disturbances exhibited opposite phases across the affected stations, suggesting the presence of electric currents near the epicenter. The time delay between the earthquake and the geomagnetic disturbances aligns with the expected propagation of acoustic waves from the earthquake's epicenter to the ionosphere. Using the Biot-Savart law, we estimated the location and intensity of the electric currents responsible for these disturbances. Our calculations place the currents approximately 17 km north of the epicenter, at an altitude of ~80 km, with an intensity of ~120 A and an azimuth of 301.5°. Furthermore, high-frequency Doppler sounders confirmed that acoustic waves propagated to the lower ionosphere, generating electric currents that led to the observed simultaneous geomagnetic disturbances, and continued upward to perturb the higher ionosphere. This study reveals a novel class of earthquake-triggered geomagnetic variations, offering new insights into the interaction between seismic events and the ionosphere.

How to cite: Mao, Z.: Novel Geomagnetic Disturbances Triggered by the M 7.4 Earthquake in Taiwan region: Evidence of Electric Currents, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4615,, 2025.

An M7.4 magnitude earthquake struck Hualien, Taiwan, on April 3, 2024, at 07:58:12 local time. We collected data from ground-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers near the epicenter and retrieved coseismic displacements using precise point positioning (PPP) and ionospheric total electron content (TEC) from dual-frequency phase observations received from geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) satellites. The TEC data reveal not only coseismic ionospheric disturbances occurring ~10 minutes after the earthquake, but also disturbances occurring ~1 minute post-event, which are time-synchronized with the coseismic displacements. This type of TEC disturbance is consistently observed across three stations. We projected the displacement in two directions: the line-of-sight (LOS) between the satellite and receiver, and the normal plane to the LOS. The trends in TEC are consistent with the displacements projected onto the LOS normal plane, with a magnitude relationship of approximately 0.05 TECU increase in TEC per 10 cm increase in displacement. In contrast, displacements projected along the LOS direction do not show the same trends in TEC. Therefore, we confirm that LOS movement caused by seismic shaking of GNSS receivers affects the calculation of GNSS-based GEO-TEC.

How to cite: Rao, H.: Seismic shaking recorded simultaneously on TEC and PPP: a case study of the Hualian earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4721,, 2025.

EGU25-4753 | Posters on site | NH10.2

Ionospheric Response to the 2022 Ya'an Earthquake in China 

Shengjia Zhang

Earthquake induced ionospheric disturbances have become an important topic in earthquake prediction and monitoring research. On June 1, 2022, a magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck Ya'an, Sichuan, China. This study analyzes the changes in Total Electron Content (TEC) before and after the earthquake using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) observational data, and investigates the ionospheric disturbances triggered by the earthquake and their possible mechanisms. We utilized GNSS station data from the Sichuan region to examine the TEC variations before and after the earthquake. The results reveal significant TEC anomalies within 150 km of the epicenter in the first hour following the earthquake, with a maximum change of up to 30% compared to the pre-earthquake background value. Notably, the TEC changes in the immediate vicinity of the epicenter showed a rapid increase followed by a swift decay, exhibiting clear temporal and spatial dependencies. Additionally, short-term ionospheric TEC fluctuations were found to correlate with atmospheric pressure changes. To further investigate the source of these disturbances, this study also combined meteorological and geomagnetic data observed during the earthquake. We found that the ionospheric disturbances might be closely related to the propagation of seismic-induced atmospheric pressure waves reaching the ionosphere. Furthermore, we applied numerical simulations to describe how these pressure waves could affect the ionospheric electron density, leading to changes in TEC. This study provides new empirical data on earthquake-induced ionospheric disturbances and reveals a possible coupling mechanism between earthquakes and the ionosphere. By integrating GNSS TEC data with meteorological and geomagnetic observations, this research offers new methods and theoretical support for ionospheric monitoring.

How to cite: Zhang, S.: Ionospheric Response to the 2022 Ya'an Earthquake in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4753,, 2025.

EGU25-4932 | Orals | NH10.2

25th anniversary study: the anomalous electromagnetic signals appear before the 21 September 1999 M7.7 Chi-Chi earthquake 

Jann-Yenq Liu, Yun-Cheng Wen, Fu-Yuan Chang, Chi-Yen Lin, and Yuh-Ing Chen

Electromagnetic anomalous variations of the geomagnetic field, lightning activity, ionospheric F2-peak plasma frequency, GPS total electron content (TEC), etc. have been observed around the epicenter few days before the 21 September (local time) 1999 M7.7 Chi-Chi earthquake. The TEC over the epicenter anomalously and significantly decreases in the afternoon period on day 1, 3, and 4 before the Chi-Chi earthquake, which generally agrees with TEC decrease anomalies day 1-5 and day 10-15 appearing prior to M≥5.0 earthquakes in Taiwan during the 6-year period of 1994/1/1-1999/9/20.  Temporal and spatial analyses of the global ionospheric map (GIM) shows that TEC anomalously and significantly decrease specifically over the epicenter day 3-4 and day 10-15 before the Chi-Chi earthquake.  To find possible physical mechanisms causing the TEC decrease anomalies before the Chi-Chi earthquake, the equatorial ionization anomaly of TEC along the Taiwan longitude during September 1999 and plasma quantities of the ion density, ion temperature, and ion velocity measured by DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) satellites are examined. It is found that westward seismo-electric fields around the epicenter area day 3-4 and day 10-15 before the Chi-Chi earthquake are essential.

How to cite: Liu, J.-Y., Wen, Y.-C., Chang, F.-Y., Lin, C.-Y., and Chen, Y.-I.: 25th anniversary study: the anomalous electromagnetic signals appear before the 21 September 1999 M7.7 Chi-Chi earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4932,, 2025.

Seismic velocity is particularly sensitive to clay degradation, measuring relative seismic velocity (dv/v) with seismometers has emerged as a powerful geophysical technique for monitoring ground surface activities. Previous studies have considered the seismic velocity variations over large-scale area under seasonal weather while neglecting the impact of short-term rainfall on clay landslides. We aim to elucidate the quantitative variations of dv/v on shallow clayed slope measured by short-distance sites under rainfall influence. In this study, we deployed five seismometers and one rain gauge on the Juemo Village landslide (Sichuan Province, China) from June 21, 2022, to September 12, 2022. The cross-correlation method was employed to calculate the variations in the travel time of the same seismic phase between two seismic sites. The results show a clear drop in velocity under rainfall conditions, with a relative variation of approximately 15%. The observations could enhance the recognize of slope failure related to rainfall and provide a possible indicator of landslide early warning.

How to cite: Liu, Y. and wang, F.: The Variation Characteristics of Delay Times of Seismic Signals in Shallow Slopes Under Rainfall Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5426,, 2025.

EGU25-5443 | Posters on site | NH10.2

Temporal variations of velocity structure in the Tatun Volcano Group, Northern Taiwan 

Hsin-Chieh Pu, Cheng-Horng Lin, Ya-Chuan Lai, Min-Hung Shih, and Hsiao-Fen Lee

The Tatun Volcano Group (TVG) is an active volcano situated near a densely populated area with over 7 million residents. Given the existence of risk regarding volcanic activities, a dense seismic network has been deployed in the TVG by the Taiwan Volcano Observatory at Tatun. We used the observed seismic data to invert the yearly velocity model from 2014 to 2021. After a series of careful examinations, we constructed a 4D seismic velocity model in the TVG. Then we found the velocity model has the significant variations beneath the Dayoukeng where the helium isotope ratio (3He/4He) is approaching 7. Additionally, the area with significant variations of seismic wave velocity is located at the plausible pathway of volcanic fluids from deep to near surface in the TVG. Therefore, we consider that the temporal variations of velocity structures are associated with the local activities of volcanic fluids in the TVG.

How to cite: Pu, H.-C., Lin, C.-H., Lai, Y.-C., Shih, M.-H., and Lee, H.-F.: Temporal variations of velocity structure in the Tatun Volcano Group, Northern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5443,, 2025.

EGU25-5623 | Orals | NH10.2

Modeling and experimental investigations for Modern Radio-Diagnostics of the impacts on ionosphere “from above and from below” using LOFAR and GNSS Data 

Yuriy Rapoport, Andrzej Krankowski, Leszek Błaszkiewicz, Volodymyr Grimalsky, Adam Fron, Kacper Kotulak, Pawel Flisek, Sergei Petrishchevskii, and Asen Grytsai

Over the past 10 years, increasingly intensive studies of ionospheric plasma structures have been carried out using data from the Low-Frequency Array for radio astronomy (LOFAR) radio telescope system. Recently more and more attempts are taken to combine LOFAR ionospheric studies with other monitoring techniques such as GNSS observations. LOFAR detects scattering of high-frequency (HF) (MHz) electromagnetic waves (EMW) on the above-mentioned plasma structures. Astrophysical sources of such EMWs may be, for example, radio galaxies, supernovae remnants and pulsars. The plasma structures under investigations are excited due to impacts on the ionosphere “from below”, namely powerful natural hazards, including typhoons, volcanoes and earthquakes, and “from above”, in particular strong magnetic storms, accompanied by corresponding disturbances of auroral currents and due to flows of charged particles; as well as because of solar flares, eclipses and the terminator, as well as various plasma instabilities and nonlinearities, etc. Now we are focusing on identifying quasi-periodic and quasi-wave ionospheric disturbances in the low frequency range, including traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). Results will be presented (1) based on developed models of linear and nonlinear TIDs in the presence of corresponding linear and nonlinear atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs); (2) appropriate modulation of the ionospheric plasma; (3) examples of scattering of high-frequency (HF) (MHz) electromagnetic waves (EMWs) on plasma structures, including the characteristics of the Doppler shift on moving plasma structures, taking into account birefringence in ionospheric plasma, as well as results regarding the qualitative influence on the scattering characteristics of EMWs such factors as height and horizontal dimensions of the ionospheric plasma scatterer. Algorithms are being developed to take into account the influence of plasma resonances and photochemical interactions on the characteristics of emerging ultra-low frequency (ULF) plasma structures. A database has been created that includes dynamic spectra of plasma disturbances with reference to the times of sunrise and sunset over a number of months in 2024. Observations of plasma structures were carried out at various LOFAR stations. Slant TEC maps are being developed on the basis of GNSS data. Spectral processing (using in particular Fast Fourier Transform, wavelets and transformation from dynamic spectra to Doppler shifter spectra) of the LOFAR and GNSS data is carried out with the aim of identifying quasi-periodic and quasi-wave ultra-low frequency (ULF) plasma structures with subsequent comparison “Theory-Experiment”.

How to cite: Rapoport, Y., Krankowski, A., Błaszkiewicz, L., Grimalsky, V., Fron, A., Kotulak, K., Flisek, P., Petrishchevskii, S., and Grytsai, A.: Modeling and experimental investigations for Modern Radio-Diagnostics of the impacts on ionosphere “from above and from below” using LOFAR and GNSS Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5623,, 2025.

In this research, we explore the EM response generated by earthquake fault-slip attributable to the piezomagnetic effect. To achieve this, we integrate the elastodynamic equations with Maxwell's equations. We put forward a semi-analytical method for simulating seismo-electromagnetic fields within a horizontally-stratified model. In this model, the coupled equations are resolved in the frequency-wavenumber domain. Subsequently, the seismo-electromagnetic responses in the time-space domain are obtained through the Hankel transform and the inverse Fourier transform. We carry out numerical simulations to examine the characteristics of the EM signals triggered by a fault - slip source. The results indicate that the piezomagnetic effect can generate both magnetic and electric fields. For an Mw 6.0 earthquake, at a receiver 85 km from the epicenter, the coseismic electric field can reach approximately ~0.1 μV/m, and the coseismic magnetic field can reach about 0.1 nT. This demonstrates that the EM fields resulting from the piezomagnetic effect are detectable by current EM equipment. Furthermore, we apply this method to simulate the observed coseismic EM data from an actual earthquake. The predicted magnetic fields show a high degree of consistency with the data, validating the effectiveness of our method.

How to cite: Gao, Y. and Zhao, J.: Modeling of electromagnetic fields generated by an earthquake due to piezomagnetic effect, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6273,, 2025.

Disturbances occurring near the Earth's surface, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, and hurricanes, can trigger severe perturbations or fluctuations in the ionosphere. These perturbations or fluctuations typically have periods of tens of minutes and propagate outward from their origin at speeds of several hundred to thousands of meters per second. Most previous studies have utilized Total Electron Content (TEC) observations from dense ground-based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver networks to monitor the horizontal propagation of these perturbations or fluctuations. On the other hand, these disturbances or fluctuations also propagate vertically upward, penetrating the atmosphere and disturbing the ionosphere. Several studies have employed multiple ground-based instruments, such as seismometers, infrasound systems, magnetometers, high-frequency Doppler sounding systems, ground-based GNSS receivers, and ionosondes, to detect and investigate the vertical propagation of these perturbations. These studies have demonstrated the importance and complexity of disturbances originating from the lithosphere. Due to the scarcity of instruments primarily installed on land, observing and studying vertical disturbances remain challenging. Therefore, radio occultation (RO) techniques on Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, which globally detect atmospheric and ionospheric structures, provide valuable insights for monitoring and studying phenomena in regions lacking ground-based instruments, such as oceans, deserts, and polar areas. This presentation introduces the use of RO techniques from the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC (F3/C) and FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 (F7/C2) missions to monitor ionospheric vertical disturbances caused by events such as the magnitude 9.0 Tohoku earthquake on 11 March 2011, the magnitude 7.8 Nepal earthquake on 25 April 2015, and the underwater volcanic eruption near Tonga on 15 January 2020, etc. The results show that intense disturbances originating from the lithosphere should be regarded as significant drivers that alter ionospheric structures and dynamics. Studying vertical disturbances benefits us understand the propagation of fluctuations and dynamic changes across various geospheres.

How to cite: Sun, Y.-Y.: Ionospheric Vertical Disturbances Induced by Lithospheric Activities: Insights from Radio Occultation Technique, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6483,, 2025.

A MS6.8 earthquake struck Luding Country in Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province on September 5, 2022. The earthquake occurred on the Moxi segment of Xianshuihe fault zone (XFZ), one of the most seismically active faults in the China mainland. In this study, multiple periods of the Global Positioning System (GPS) velocity fields and continuous observational data are collected to analysis the tectonic deformation and evolution characteristics before the Luding earthquake, from the perspectives of the kinematic behaviors of seismogenic faults, the multi-scale strain features around the study region, and the variation of GPS baseline across the epicenter area. Then the following conclusions are obtained: (1) The accelerated compression of baselines SCGZ-SCXJ and SCLH-SCXJ in Bayan Har block indicate that boundary faults are decoupling and accelerated southward and eastward pushing under the influence of the coseismic rupture of Maduo MS7.4 earthquake, which leads to the acceleration of the strain accumulation and the increase of seismic risk in the divergence area bounded by the southern section of XFZ and the southwestern section of Longmenshan fault zone (LFZ). (2) Luding earthquake located in the weakened region around the edge of the large strike-slip fault zone with high shear strain rate, and the tensile zone of the strain perpendicular to the fault direction, denoting that the reduction of the normal strain in the locked background is strongly related to fault rupture and earthquake nucleation.

How to cite: Yuan, Z. and Yu, H.: Study on Deformation Characteristics of Southeastern Tibetan Plateau and Dynamic Cause of the Luding MS6.8 Earthquake, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6503,, 2025.

Based on the two Sheveluch eruption events on April 10, 2023 and August 17, 2024, the comprehensive phenomenon of the two volcanic eruption events is described from the analysis of the seismic activity sequence of the lithosphere to the distribution of atmospheric materials and heat. The seismic distribution in Sheveluch volcanic area is mainly shallow-source (0-70 km) and small-earthquake (ML 3.5-4.0). In term of the horizontal evolution of SO2, the SO2 eruption amount and the duration on April 10, 2023 is larger and longer than on August 17, 2024. In the time series, SO2 and UV aerosol index obviously respond to the volcano eruption activity. In the vertical dimention, the vertical wind field data show that the SO2 eruption height is about 100~125hpa, and the boundary layer height between the troposphere and the stratosphere in the Sheveluch volcano region is about 50hpa. The noticeable variation of the temperature profile of the two volcanic eruptions was below 10hpa. Comparing the ozone profile with the temperature profile, the ozone depletion may result in a decrease in stratospheric temperature. The horizontal and vertical migration processes of atmospheric materials during volcanic eruption are described, which is of great significance for the study of multi-layer coupling mechanism.

How to cite: Liu, Q., Gui, L., Ma, X., Xu, J., and Shen, X.: Atmospheric physicochemical multi-parameter horizonal and vertical mitigation response of two recent Sheveluch volcano eruptions in Kamchatka, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7648,, 2025.

EGU25-7929 | ECS | Orals | NH10.2

Global Analytical Simulation of Acoustic-Gravity Wave Propagation 

Junzhe Zhang, Hengshan Hu, and Yongxin Gao
The authors introduce a new method for calculating acoustic-gravity waves in a spherically layered atmosphere. The method is applied to numerically simulate wave behaviour, including Earth curvature effects, and compares with the horizontally layered model (HLM). Results show that at near-field distances, our method aligns closely with HLM, but significant differences emerge in the far field, particularly beyond an epicentral distance of 50°, where Earth curvature becomes critical. Our method successfully simulates head waves of seismic phases, and Rayleigh waves, even for waves travelling multiple times around the Earth, which HLM cannot achieve. Simulations using a homogeneous Earth model reveal head wave characteristics consistent with previous studies, with the strongest energy observed in Rayleigh head waves. The application of the AK135 Earth model highlights the visibility of seismic phases through the Earth's core. We validate our method by comparing synthetic records with actual data from the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. The synthetic records show good agreement with observed seismic signals and ionospheric perturbations in terms of arrival time and wave envelope. These results demonstrate the accuracy of our method in simulating acoustic-gravity waves at large epicentral distances.

How to cite: Zhang, J., Hu, H., and Gao, Y.: Global Analytical Simulation of Acoustic-Gravity Wave Propagation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7929,, 2025.

Recent advances in machine learning, particularly neural networks, have paved the way for innovative approaches to predicting geophysical phenomena. This study explores the integration of solar activity data with neural network methodologies to classify and predict seismic events and geomagnetic disturbances. Two case studies were utilized: the classification of seismic events influenced by solar activity using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model, and geomagnetic disturbance predictions via K-index classification employing neural networks.

The first case study utilized proton density data from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and seismic records from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The LSTM model achieved an accuracy of 84.47% in classifying seismic events, highlighting the significance of proton density variations as precursors to seismic activities. Weighted learning techniques addressed data imbalance, enabling accurate classification of rare seismic occurrences.

In the second case study, geomagnetic data from the Almaty Geomagnetic Observatory was analyzed. A neural network model optimized for K-index classification achieved a remarkable 98% accuracy, demonstrating the robustness of neural architectures in space weather prediction. Temporal dependencies and diurnal cycles in geomagnetic disturbances were captured effectively, underscoring the utility of advanced machine learning techniques in understanding Earth's magnetic environment.

The combined findings affirm the potential of integrating solar activity data with neural network frameworks for geophysical forecasting. This approach not only enhances disaster preparedness but also contributes to the theoretical understanding of the interplay between solar and terrestrial dynamics. Future research should focus on extending these methodologies to broader datasets and incorporating additional physical parameters for improved predictive reliability.

How to cite: Zhumabayev, B., Nurtas, M., and Sarsembayeva, A.: Integrating Solar Activity and Geomagnetic Disturbance Techniques with Neural Networks for Geophysical Event Prediction: Insights from Seismic Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11164,, 2025.

Earthquakes are potentially one of the most catastrophic natural hazards. Predicting earthquakes has always been a dream; presently, this is still impossible. However, there are several pieces of evidence for good candidates of pre-earthquake signals recorded as variations in lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere. From a theoretical point of view, several theories of propagation of anomalies generated in the lithosphere upward in the atmosphere and even in the ionosphere have been proposed: a pure electromagnetic Ultra-Low_Frequency wave (e.g., Molchanov and Hayakawa, 1995,, an electrochemical model for producing positive charges from the increase of stress on the faults (Freund, 2011,, a chemical and physical chain of processes based on air ionization induced by radon (Pulinets and Ouzounov, 2011 or a mechanical wave propagating vertical to the ionosphere induced by temperature increase of Earth’s surface, known as Acoustic (or atmospheric) Gravity Wave ( In this presentation, several pieces of evidence of candidates for pre-earthquake signals for the different mechanisms of coupling will be shown. The examples are collected from the analyses of medium-large earthquakes, such as Mw = 6.7 Lushan (China) 2013 (Zhang et al., 2023,, Mw = 7.5 Indonesia  2018 (Marchetti et al., 2020,, Mw = 7.7 Jamaica 2020 (Marchetti et al., 2024,, Mw = 7.2 Haiti 2021 (Marchetti, 2024, and other seismic events.

It’s proposed that different models of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) describe different ways and mechanisms of interactions between the geo-layers of the Earth system. In this frame, one theory does not necessarily exclude another one. Still, the reasons for a specific coupling mechanism require to be further investigated. Among them, focal mechanisms, sea or land location, and geological constraints could play a main role in a coupling or another one.


How to cite: Marchetti, D.: Clues of multiple Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) mechanisms before the medium-large earthquake occurrence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13854,, 2025.

On September 16, 2021, an Ms 6.0 earthquake occurred in Luxian, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, China, following the Ms 6.0 Changning earthquake on June 17, 2019, another significant seismic event in the Sichuan Basin. The epicenter of the Luxian earthquake was situated within the NE-trending Huaying Mountain Folded Fault Zone, and the maximum seismic intensity reached Level VII, resulting in 3 fatalities and 159 injuries. Some studies propose that this earthquake may be associated with the development of nearby shale gas extraction platforms, exhibiting characteristics of both induced and natural seismicity, thereby holding considerable research significance. This study identifies multiple pre-seismic anomalous signals preceding the Luxian Ms 6.0 earthquake, including total electron content (TEC), geomagnetic variations, velocity structure changes, b-value fluctuations, and fault stress anomalies. Employing machine learning techniques, Log-Periodic Power Law (LPPL) models, and other analytical methods, we conduct a comprehensive assessment of the indicative capacity and predictive efficacy of these pre-seismic anomalies. The findings reveal that certain anomalous signals exhibit predictive relevance concerning the key parameters of the mainshock. Furthermore, the seismic mechanisms of medium- to strong-magnitude induced earthquakes appear to be similar to those of natural earthquakes, potentially demonstrating more pronounced and sustained pre-seismic anomalies. The coupled analysis of these signals offers valuable insights for improving the prediction of future high-magnitude seismic events.

How to cite: Wang, X. and Hu, J.: Coupling Diverse Pre-Seismic Anomaly Features for Inferring Critical Information on the Ms6.0 Earthquake in Luxian, Sichuan, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14339,, 2025.

EGU25-16595 | Posters on site | NH10.2

Nonlinear fluid models of atmospheric disturbances generated by strong seismic events 

Fabio Lepreti, Francesco Carbone, Christian N. Gencarelli, Leonardo Primavera, and Giuseppe Ciardullo

Strong seismic events are able to generate atmospheric waves which can propagate in the atmosphere up to the ionosphere and magnetosphere, producing fluctuations of the ionospheric plasma density, as well as variations of the resonance frequency of magnetospheric field lines. The interest in these physical phenomena has significantly increased during the last years, especially thanks to the rapid progresses in the observations of co-seismic signals in the atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere, made possible by the growing availability of high quality measurements and data provided by Earth and space instruments, and also by reanalysis datasets. In this contribution, we present a study of the generation and propagation in the atmosphere of perturbations due to strong seismic events. To this aim, nonlinear fluid models are used, in which an earthquake is described through a suitable time profile which includes the main features of real seismic signals. The excitation and vertical propagation of nonvanishing modes is investigated for different values of the model control parameters.

This study was carried out within the “Space It Up” project funded by the Italian Space Agency, ASI, and the Ministry of University and Research, MUR, under contract n. 2024-5-E.0 - CUP n. I53D24000060005.

How to cite: Lepreti, F., Carbone, F., Gencarelli, C. N., Primavera, L., and Ciardullo, G.: Nonlinear fluid models of atmospheric disturbances generated by strong seismic events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16595,, 2025.

EGU25-17871 | Posters on site | NH10.2

Study of the ionosphere responses to lithospheric activities using GNSS and FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 

Charles Lin, Panthalingal Krishnanunni Rajesh, Tung-Yuan Hsiao, Chi-Yen Lin, and Cheng-Yung Huang

FORMOSAT7-COSMIC2 Mission is consist of six satellites equipped with GNSS radio occultation (RO) payload, in-situ ion density and velocity meters (IVM), and RF beacon transmitters at low latitudes. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of RO soundings provides observations of irregularity altitudes, and IVM measures in-situ density fluctuations at satellite altitude of 550 km. Combining RO, IVM, ground-based receivers of beacon and GNSS, it is like an observation suite of plasma irregularities that provides unprecedented number of observations that were not available previously. The observation suite provides opportunity to monitor the variations of plasma irregularity structure and possibly be able to see their growth and subsidence. As the solar activity elevated to date, our observations show that seasonal irregularities occur more frequently with grater intensity. Meanwhile, as the magnetic storms also occur much more often with greater intensity, storm time variations of the irregularities become much more complex. In this presentation, we show that growth of strong low latitude plasma irregularities during storms and some of them last over the entire evening period. They are likely driven by the interplay of electric field and traveling ionospheric disturbances driven by magnetic storms. We will also present the dynamic irregularities driven by nature hazard events, such as earthquakes, tsunami and volcanos, from the observation suite which shows that the extreme event could lead to irregularity growth comparable to those driven by the space weather events. The recent results driven by 2022 Tonga volcano eruption is shown as the example.

How to cite: Lin, C., Rajesh, P. K., Hsiao, T.-Y., Lin, C.-Y., and Huang, C.-Y.: Study of the ionosphere responses to lithospheric activities using GNSS and FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17871,, 2025.

Contemporary navigation, communications, and electronic warfare systems heavily depend on the uninterrupted accessibility of Global Positioning Satellite Systems (GNSS) or comparable systems for the purposes of location determination, navigation, and time synchronization (PNT). Irrespective of the deliberate or inadvertent nature of the purpose, the act of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) jamming, also known as ja mming, has the potential to significantly impede or entirely interrupt applications that depend on Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT). Therefore, the assurance of PNT functionality emerges as an essential imp erative. Due to the inherently weak power of normal GNSS signals, the operational integrity of these systems and the effective completion of their tasks might be compromised by the interference caused by low-cost G NSS jammers. In the present study, the phenomenon of localized scintillation structure, characterized by the disruption of radio signals due to abnormalities, is duly acknowledged. The presence of irregularities within the ionosphere can have an impact on the propagation of radio waves passing through it. In this study, a low-cost GNSS network is established in the Ta i w a n region utilizing Septentrio GNSS mosaic X5 modules. The purpose of this network is to monitor the quality of the GNSS signal and determine whether any interference originates from ionospheric abnormalities or the local RF environment.

How to cite: Hsiao, T.-Y.: The Monitoring of Localize Ionospheric Scintillation and RF Interference by GNSS Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20023,, 2025.

We report on the lower ionospheric anomalies observed around the occurrence time of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake (M7.5) on January 1, 2024. A case study was conducted based on the continuous time series data of the electric field amplitude acquired by the VLF/LF-transmitter signal-receiving network operated by the University of Electro-Communications in Japan. We used the nighttime fluctuation method to analyze the data and derived the daily changes in (1) trend (the average of the nighttime average amplitude fluctuations) and (2) dispersion (the variance of the nighttime average amplitude fluctuations). As a result, a decrease in trend was observed in 4 of the 8 transmission-reception paths 6 to 9 days before the earthquake. An increase in dispersion was also observed in conjunction with the decrease in trend. These characteristics indicate a short-term lower ionosphere anomaly before earthquakes. For the 2 paths close to the epicenter, a remarkable increase in dispersion was observed one day before the earthquake. This anomaly shows the imminent precursor of the earthquake that contains clear oscillations in electric amplitude in the period of 30 – 240 minutes, implying the LAI coupling due to AGW. The simultaneous occurrence of propagation paths also indicates the spatial extent of the earthquake preparation zone.

How to cite: Hobara, Y., Shvets, A., and Hayakawa, M.: Preliminary analysis of lower ionospheric perturbations using VLF/LF transmitter signal associated with 2024 M7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake in Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20397,, 2025.

EGU25-20874 | ECS | Orals | NH10.2

Electromagnetic response to undersea earthquakes in a layered ocean model 

Qianli Cheng and Yongxin Gao

Electromagnetic response to undersea earthquakes in a layered ocean model Qianli Cheng, Yongxin Gao   We adopt a horizontally layered model consisting of air, seawater and undersea porous rock and develop an analytically based method to calculate the seismic and electromagnetic (EM) fields generated by undersea earthquakes. We conduct numerical simulations to investigate the characteristics of the EM response at the receivers located at the seafloor, in the seawater near the sea surface and in the air, respectively. The results show that two kinds of EM signals can be identified in the EM records at these receivers, namely, the early EM wave (seismic-to-EM conversion at the seafloor interface) arriving before the seismic waves and the coseismic EM fields with apparent speeds of the seismic waves. The EM signals observed at the seafloor are mostly stronger than those observed in the seawater and air near the sea surface. The method is applied to simulating the EM response to the 2022 Mw 7.3 earthquake that took place in the sea near Fukushima, Japan. At a receiver with 76 km epicentral distance at the seafloor, the predicted coseismic electric and magnetic signals reach 2 μV/m and 2 nT, respectively, which are within the detectability of the current EM equipment. This suggests a possibility to monitor the EM disturbances associated with undersea earthquakes and use them to serve the earthquake early warning, helping to mitigate the societal impact of large earthquakes.

How to cite: Cheng, Q. and Gao, Y.: Electromagnetic response to undersea earthquakes in a layered ocean model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20874,, 2025.

EGU25-20889 | Orals | NH10.2

Experimental study on elastic wave velocity response mechanism of rainfall-induced landslide deformation evolution process 

Fei Wang, Kunhong Zhong, Jianjun Zhao, Jibin Chen, and Linlin Ma

Elastic wave velocity comprehensively reflects the internal physical changes of a slope and offers significant advantages in monitoring. However, existing research rarely considers the impact of soil structure changes on wave velocity. This paper focuses on the Juemo Village landslide, examining the effects of soil structure, hydrological parameters, and stress on wave velocity during the deformation and evolution of rainfall-induced landslides. The study employs both soil unit and slope model scales to reveal the internal response mechanisms. The results indicate that during the relatively stable stage of the landslide, the increase in water content and pore water pressure alters the proportion of the three-phase medium, resulting in a gradual decline in wave velocity. In the slow deformation stage, the soil particle skeleton remains largely intact, with minimal changes to the elastic wave propagation path, leading to a stable wave velocity. As the slope undergoes accelerated deformation approaching the critical sliding stage, stress causes a rapid increase in soil particle porosity and a significant reduction in particle contact area. Consequently, the elastic wave propagation path increases sharply, leading to a rapid decline in wave velocity. A deeper understanding of the response mechanisms of elastic wave velocity provides a theoretical foundation for constructing wave velocity-based early warning models and enhances the internal monitoring and early warning systems for rainfall-induced landslides.

How to cite: Wang, F., Zhong, K., Zhao, J., Chen, J., and Ma, L.: Experimental study on elastic wave velocity response mechanism of rainfall-induced landslide deformation evolution process, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20889,, 2025.

EGU25-20923 | Orals | NH10.2

Sporadic E responds to the 2022 Tonga volcano eruptions 

Jin Wang and Yang-Yi Sun

In this study, we analyzed ionosonde observations in Eastern Asia to investigate the responses of the sporadic E (Es) layer to severe atmospheric disturbances caused by the Tonga volcanic eruptions on 15 January 2022. The most notable feature observed was the disappearance of the Es layer after approximately 10:00 UT, attributed to the vertical drift induced by the eruptions. The Es layer reappeared intermittently after 13:00 UT, coinciding with the arrival of the tropospheric Lamb wave. To understand the mechanism behind this intermittence, we also analyzed horizontal wind data in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere regions, recorded by meteor radars. Wind disturbances with periods of approximately 20 hours contributed to the nighttime formation of the Es layer on January 15.

How to cite: Wang, J. and Sun, Y.-Y.: Sporadic E responds to the 2022 Tonga volcano eruptions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20923,, 2025.

EGU25-195 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.4

The complex connection between flood risk and malaria dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa 

jeremy Eudaric, Marleen C. de Ruite, Nivedita Sairam, Andrés Camero, Kasra Rafiezadeh Shahi, Xiao Xiang Zhu, Mark W. Smith, and Heidi Kreibich

The Sustainable Development Goal 3 commits to ending the malaria epidemic by 2030. Malaria poses a significant health threat in Sub-Saharan Africa and is a leading cause of child mortality. Additionally, climate change is disrupting the water cycle, likely increasing the frequency of floods and exposing more people to health risks. The stagnant flood water could serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes. However, the relationship between flood risk and malaria dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa remains poorly understood. In this study, we assess the impact of flood risk on children under five years old, revealing a 60-100% rate of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum within the demarcated flood zones in 49 Sub-Saharan African countries from 2000 to 2018. We utilised data on heavy rainfall, flood hazard maps derived from satellite imagery, and geospatial-temporal datasets concerning population and malaria rates to assess the number of children affected by floods and the burden of malaria in flood zones. Additionally, we incorporated socioeconomic vulnerability datasets. Vulnerability is categorised into four domains concerning children under five years: health, economy, health economy, and social factors.

The global method analyses trends over time for each country regarding the increased or decreased hazard, exposure, and vulnerability related to heavy rains and the burden of malaria in flood-prone areas. We aim to conduct a regression analysis to assess the relationship between these drivers and the malaria burden in flood zones. We also conducted a local analysis to identify potential deviations from the baseline by comparing the prevalence of  Plasmodium falciparum in the flood zones to the prevalence at the national level. A linear regression was conducted to evaluate the possible relationship between malaria at the country level and within the flood zones in conjunction with the vulnerability.

We started the analyses for nine countries and observed that the proportion of male and female children exposed to floods in hazard zones is increasing globally and proportionally, alongside the number of children impacted by malaria in those zones. Although malaria cases among children aged 2 to 10 generally decreased, we observed some spikes in incidence in flood zones during the study period. Using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, we observed a strong relationship between exposure to floods and the influence of malaria. However, there was no statistical significance regarding the impact of vulnerability and flood hazard on malaria dynamics. The regression analysis will give us more insight into the relationship between all the drivers. These findings underscore the complexity of the interactions involved, suggesting that the relationship is influenced by multiple factors rather than a single driving force.

How to cite: Eudaric, J., de Ruite, M. C., Sairam, N., Camero, A., Rafiezadeh Shahi, K., Zhu, X. X., Smith, M. W., and Kreibich, H.: The complex connection between flood risk and malaria dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-195,, 2025.

EGU25-1071 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.4

Flood resilience disparities: The intersection between economic and health risks in Can Tho, Vietnam 

Yamile Villafani, Nivedita Sairam, and Andrea Cominola

Flood risks pose increasing threats to societal every-day life and result in significant losses to economy. The monetary impacts related to infrastructure have been thoroughly studied and, although flood losses have been modelled, models for households are yet to be advanced. In addition, the increasing negative effects of floods on human health are often neglected or studied independently from risk assessments. Therefore, this contribution aims to fill the gap in risk research by providing a disaggregated study of economic and health losses in Can Tho city, a flood prone urban region located in the Mekong delta in South Vietnam. Quantitative survey data is analysed, including residential (n = 480) and commercial (shop-houses, n = 378) household interviews collected in 2013, as well as flood water and sewer samples for pathogen analysis, collected in 2016 after a flood event in the city. We present uni- and multivariable flood loss models for building, content, and sales decrease of households, based on water depth, building and content values, duration of closure of shop and the duration until full recovery. Water contamination models are developed to predict concentration and probability of infection. An expected result includes the development of complex interrelationships that can draw potential pathways towards flood risk adaptation. The models results will deliver a dynamic depiction of the diversity of risks in Can Tho city, providing critical insights for the flood-human-health system and risk management strategies.

How to cite: Villafani, Y., Sairam, N., and Cominola, A.: Flood resilience disparities: The intersection between economic and health risks in Can Tho, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1071,, 2025.

EGU25-3517 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.4

Global hotspots of disasters and waterborne disease outbreaks 

Marleen de Ruiter and Wiebke Jäger

In 2019, cyclones Idai and Kenneth hit Mozambique’s coast only six weeks apart. A state of emergency was declared by the World Health Organisation (WHO) due to the outbreak of cholera and other infectious diseases. This was exacerbated by a lack of sanitation and access to clean drinking water, especially in densely populated, poorer regions. After Idai, financial resources were already strained, impairing the response to the impacts of subsequent cyclone Kenneth. The continued displacement of people and ongoing disruption of basic services after Kenneth contributed to another cholera outbreak. 

In recent years, society faced immense challenges resulting from the increasing complexity of disaster risk. As the example demonstrates, the impacts of consecutive disasters are often exacerbated by the consecutive nature of the hazards themselves. Several recent international agreements have called upon the disaster risk science community to move away from assessing the risk from hazards one-by-one and to improve our understanding of temporal dynamics of disaster risk. Subsequently, in past years, we have seen a rise in multi-(hazard) risk studies trying to understand some of these complexities conceptually and statistically. However, these studies do not consider the consecutive occurrence of disease outbreaks following hazards.  

In this research, we use the Myriad-HESA database (Claassen et al., 2023) to link historic disasters caused by natural hazards with historic waterborne diseases outbreaks. We develop spatiotemporal footprints of disease outbreaks based on open-source databases of historic disease outbreaks. We then apply Myriad-HESA using the eleven single hazards already included in the database and overlay them with the disaster outbreaks data. This allows us to map hotspots of overlapping events but also to assess events with a time window (allowing for a temporal lag between disasters and subsequent disease outbreaks). Our findings allow practitioners to respond more accurately and promptly depending on the local situation. 

How to cite: de Ruiter, M. and Jäger, W.: Global hotspots of disasters and waterborne disease outbreaks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3517,, 2025.

EGU25-3519 | Orals | NH10.4

Emission analysis and sustainable mobility scenarios in Italian cities 

Marco Faticanti, Luigi Di Micco, Silverio Abati, Massimiliano Bultrini, and Arianna Lepore

The “Climate, Health and Equity Co-Benefits” project, funded by the Italian National Plan for Complementary Investments (PNC), promotes urban climate change adaptation and mitigation across Italian cities. ISPRA-(Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) analyzed current (2010–2023) and projected (to 2030) gas emissions, focusing on key greenhouse gases (GHGs, including CO2, CH4, and N2O) and pollutants (NOx, PM10, and PM2.5) from vehicular traffic, which are known to have adverse health effects, in six major Italian cities: Turin, Milan, Bologna, Rome, Bari, and Palermo. Utilizing the EU-standard Copert software - a recognized and validated tool for vehicle emission calculations - the study estimated baseline emissions and modeled future trends based on detailed vehicle data, encompassing engine size, fuel type, and Euro standard classifications, obtained from ACI (Automobile Club Italia). To explore potential pathways for achieving significant emission reductions, various 2030 scenarios were developed, reflecting potential vehicle management policies aimed at substantial reductions in both GHG and pollutant emissions associated with urban mobility. These scenarios identify actionable strategies designed to minimize environmental impact and significantly enhance air quality within these urban areas, ultimately contributing to the development of more sustainable urban transport solutions.

Between 2010 and 2023, Turin, Milan, and Rome saw reductions in both the number of vehicles (-5.5%, -3.8%, and -6.2%, respectively) and emissions, including GHGs (e.g., up to -4% in CO₂ emissions) and particles (e.g., up to -27% for PM10 emissions). The other cities, Palermo, Bari and Bologna, have recorded an increase in the number of vehicles (+1.9%, +2.9%, and +7.7%, respectively), however, CO2 emissions do not grow proportionally to the number of vehicles. In addition, PM10 emissions have decreased (Palermo -13%, Bari -21%, and Bologna -20.4%). These findings suggest that, beyond reducing the size of the vehicle fleet, the transition to more efficient and technologically advanced vehicles (such as electric or hybrid) is crucial for mitigating climate change by reducing the emissions of health-damaging pollutants and enhancing the health co-benefits of proposed measures. The analyses of the other parameters considered lead to the same conclusions and observations.

Several scenarios were simulated for 2030: one of them assuming a 30% reduction in annual kilometers travelled, resulted in a corresponding 30% decrease in emissions across all cities and parameters. This outcome can be achieved through the implementation of an efficient local public transportation network that provides a proper alternative to private vehicle use. A similar magnitude of reduction can be achieved by considering the scenario that drastically reduces the number of Euro-standard 0-3 vehicles. In terms of CO₂, an average reduction of 24% was observed across all cities. Additionally, significant reductions can be achieved by introducing a substantial number of hybrid and electric vehicles to replace all the oldest vehicles in the 2023 fleet. In this case, we observed an average reduction of 8.5%, 25%, and 55% for CO₂, PM10, and NOx, respectively.

This research was carried out within the project “Co-benefits of health and equity to support climate change response plans in Italy” funded by PNC – CUP-MASTER-J55I22004450001, PREV-A-2022-12376994.

How to cite: Faticanti, M., Di Micco, L., Abati, S., Bultrini, M., and Lepore, A.: Emission analysis and sustainable mobility scenarios in Italian cities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3519,, 2025.

EGU25-6133 | ECS | Orals | NH10.4

The effect of extreme precipitation on the use of maternal healthcare services in Malawi. 

Rachel Murray-Watson and the TLO Modelling Team

In the recent IPCC Report [1], Malawi has been designated as one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. With many low-lying regions, unpaved roads, and poor building infrastructure, flooding and heavy precipitation, in particular, are considerable threats to population health. Between 1991 and 2020, more than 3.5 million people were exposed to flooding in Malawi, with 935 deaths due to flooding, mudslides, disease, and injury [2]. In addition to these direct impacts on individual health, precipitation events can severely disrupt access to and provision of medical care. In 2023, Cyclone Freddy affected the operation of 79 healthcare facilities [3], some of which were forced to close for months.

As there is no systematic data collection on the nature of these disruptions, the magnitude of their consequences is unknown. However, given that such extreme precipitation events are expected to become more common, that impact is expected to become worse in the coming decades. Using facility-specific data on antenatal care (ANC) service provision in Malawi [4], coupled with ERA5 reanalysis data [5], we use regression analyses to characterize the historic relationship between precipitation and healthcare access. We then use downscaled CMIP6 projections [6] to estimate the future impact. Under Shared Socio-economic Pathway 5.85, we estimate that 54,800 ANC appointments will be affected between 2025 and 2060, due to precipitation. That represents 0.2% of projected births in Malawi. However, this belies significant regional and temporal variation: in regions in the South or bordering Lake Malawi, up to 1 in 40 of all appointments could be affected annually. In a country with already-high maternal and neonatal mortality, such disruptions could increase barriers to care and worsen health outcomes.

1. Birkmann, E., et al. (2022). Poverty, livelihoods, and sustainable development. In H.-O. Pörtner et al. (Eds.), Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, 1171–1274. Cambridge University Press.

2. World Bank. (2024). Malawi - Climate and Health Vulnerability Assessment.

3. Lutala, P., & Makwero, M. (2023). Cyclone Freddy in Malawi: Reflections from a primary care perspective. Afr. J. Prim. Health Care Fam. Med., 15(1), 1–2

4. Malawi HMIS. (2022). Malawi Health Management Information System.

5. Hersbach, H., et al. (2020). The ERA5 global reanalysis. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 146(730), 1999–2049.

6. Gergel, D., et al (2022). ClimateImpactLab/DownscaleCMIP6: v1.0.0.

How to cite: Murray-Watson, R. and the TLO Modelling Team: The effect of extreme precipitation on the use of maternal healthcare services in Malawi., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6133,, 2025.

EGU25-6669 | Orals | NH10.4

Potential utility of Indian Ocean sea surface temperature for predicting dengue outbreaks in South Central Asia 

Stella Dafka, Ralph Huits, Michael Libman, Davidson H. Hamer, Alexandre Duvignaud, and Joacim Rocklöv

Dengue has emerged as a significant public health challenge and the world's most prevalent climate-sensitive mosquito-borne disease. No antiviral drugs are currently available to treat the disease, but vaccine development has led to promising results in reducing dengue’s burden. As climate change is predicted to lead to geographic expansion of vector populations and increases in dengue outbreaks, the development of early warning systems is critical to improving outbreak preparedness to respond to dengue epidemics. Here, we investigate the remote response of tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) variability to dengue case counts in South Central Asia (SCA). More specifically, we provide new evidence on the association between the main modes of oceanic SST variability and dengue case counts using singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis. A cross-correlation analysis is then performed to quantify the maximum correlations and lags between SST climate indices and dengue case counts in SCA. We used traveler data from the GeoSentinel global infectious disease surveillance network and dengue case counts from the OpenDengue project. SST data was retrieved from the latest fifth generation global reanalysis of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), ERA5. The results were compared with gridded SST datasets from observational reports and satellite data (HadISST1 and ERSSTv5). The SVD analysis reveals significant influence of SST anomalies on dengue case counts. The first leading SVD mode, which accounts for 25% of the total square covariance, represents the Indian Ocean basin mode, which is characterized by basin-wide warming and is statistically significantly correlated with dengue case counts. We found that positive SST anomalies over the western tropical Indian Ocean were associated with a surge in dengue cases in SCA after a lag time of 1-2 months. Our study demonstrated potential for predicting regional dengue epidemics based on remote SSTs. Combining dengue surveillance data and climatological data may be a promising mechanism to anticipate the geographic locations of future dengue outbreaks.

How to cite: Dafka, S., Huits, R., Libman, M., Hamer, D. H., Duvignaud, A., and Rocklöv, J.: Potential utility of Indian Ocean sea surface temperature for predicting dengue outbreaks in South Central Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6669,, 2025.

EGU25-7349 | ECS | Orals | NH10.4

Understanding the combined mental health impacts of flooding and COVID-19 in Hue City, Central Vietnam 

Thi Dieu My Pham, Paul Hudson, Annegret H Thieken, and Philip Bubeck

Experiencing severe flooding tends to worsen mental health, e.g., increased incidence of anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder, creating a significant public health issue to be addressed. Moreover, extreme events can co-occur, magnifying potential impacts. For example, in 2020, several countries suffered severe floods, including Vietnam, simultaneously with the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding the combined mental health impacts of floods and COVID-19 is an existing research gap we seek to address by conducting 400 face-to-face surveys in October 2023 in two coastal communes in Hue City, where local people faced widespread severe flooding, COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns.

The respondents' mental health was assessed using the Kessler psychological distress scale (K6). Results show that 20% of the respondents report they have mental health distress, and 80% report no mental health distress. Binary logistic regression models demonstrated that among twelve flood stressors, facing ‘livelihood difficulties’, ‘seeing dead human bodies’, and ‘being rescued’ relate significantly to mental distress. Meanwhile, ‘impacts on individual health’ and ‘interrupted education’ are the two significant stressors of COVID-19. When combined, these five factors stay significant, with ‘seeing dead human bodies’ and ‘interrupted education’ increasing their odds ratios (ORs), while the ORs of the other factors decreased. Additionally, the multivariable regression model revealed the combined effects of flood and COVID-19 when comparing the ORs of four groups ranging from ‘No flood stress & No Covid stress’ to ‘Flood stress & Covid stress’. Effect size is highest for those who experienced both flood and COVID-19 impacts in the same year with OR = 9.67 (p-value < 0.001), compared with those who suffered only flood impacts with OR = 5.47 (p-value < 0.001), or only COVID-19 impacts with OR =2.83 (p-value < 0.1).

These findings are insightful for addressing public health problems under the impacts of multiple risks instead of focusing on a single risk. This draws attention to systematic mental health assessment and care for vulnerable groups, which is still a significant gap in developing countries. Also, the results raise the need for supporting policies and action plans to reduce the psychological impacts of the coincidences of disasters and pandemics, like providing additional support to at-risk communities. Specifically, some interventions or solutions during and after disasters, like the management of human remains, rehearsed evacuation plans, prevention of school closure, and setting up public health infrastructure for psychological assistance, are needed.

How to cite: Pham, T. D. M., Hudson, P., Thieken, A. H., and Bubeck, P.: Understanding the combined mental health impacts of flooding and COVID-19 in Hue City, Central Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7349,, 2025.

EGU25-8796 | ECS | Orals | NH10.4

Pathways of vulnerability and risk influencing access to maternal and child healthcare in the context of heatwaves and flooding in Zambia 

Sharif Ismail, Bridget Bwalya, Chitalu Chama-Chiliba, Fiammetta Bozzani, Simona Simona, Moses Chisola, Richard Bwalya, Arthur Moonga, Chris Mweemba, Robert Sakic-Trogrlic, and Josephine Borghi


The effects of climatic shocks on access to routine health services are under-theorised. Evidence suggests significant and adverse impacts of climate hazard exposure on maternal and child health outcomes, including through reduced service access. However, prior work has predominantly focused on macro-level (national) health system dynamics for single hazards. There is limited understanding of how shock effects may overlap and interact in space and time and affect local level health care access. We applied qualitative system dynamics modelling to visualise cause-and-effect relationships linking exposure to floods and heatwaves to health service access at community level in a lower-middle income setting at significant, ongoing risk of exposure to heatwaves and flooding.  



Group Model Building workshops were conducted in November 2024 in Senanga  and Sinazongwe Districts of Zambia, with 70 community members, 10 facility-level  healthcare practitioners, and 50 district-level decision-makers. Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs) were generated to identify sources and pathways of vulnerability influencing access to maternal and child health services in response to heatwaves and flooding events in these communities. Discussions focused on event experiences during the 12 months preceding the workshops, and on access to antenatal care visits, health facility deliveries and routine childhood immunisation as outcomes. Draft CLDs from each workshop were edited and merged following a stepwise process, and then qualitatively analysed to identify relevant feedback loops and delays. 



We found common vulnerability pathways for health service access linked to heatwaves and flooding exposure. There was also evidence of cascading risk from district to household level influencing health service utilisation. Key demand-side vulnerabilities included impacts on household income arising from damage to crops in communities where livelihoods centred on agricultural production. This reduced care seeking as healthcare was de-prioritised relative to meeting basic needs, and transport costs to access care became less affordable. Lack of access to transport was an additional pathway (e.g. due to infrastructure damage in the case of flooding, or the perceived risk of heat-related illness in the context of heatwaves). On the supply side, there were vulnerabilities arising from disrupted power supplies and logistics (e.g. comprising vaccine cold chain integrity). Heat and flooding also affected healthcare worker delivery of outreach services, and productivity linked both to the effects of climatic stressors and and absenteeism due to challenges in accessing facilities themselves. There were also important trade-offs influencing both health service supply and demand in the context of heatwaves and flooding. Health care providers sometimes deprioritised delivery of routine maternal and child healthcare where demand linked to increases in water-borne disease, heat exhaustion and other hazard exposure impacts rose.    



Results from this analysis suggest a key role for adaptation strategies addressing livelihoods, critical infrastructure and procurement to reduce disruption to routine maternal and child health care access during floods and heatwaves in Zambia. Future work should consider the generalisability of these findings to other contexts and evaluate the impact and cost-effectiveness of different adaptation interventions to support preparedness, response and recovery.

How to cite: Ismail, S., Bwalya, B., Chama-Chiliba, C., Bozzani, F., Simona, S., Chisola, M., Bwalya, R., Moonga, A., Mweemba, C., Sakic-Trogrlic, R., and Borghi, J.: Pathways of vulnerability and risk influencing access to maternal and child healthcare in the context of heatwaves and flooding in Zambia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8796,, 2025.

EGU25-9164 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.4

From trauma to recovery: dynamics of long-term mental health after the 2021 German floods  

Marie-Luise Zenker, Philip Bubeck, and Annegret H. Thieken

Severe flood events significantly impact the mental health of affected people, leading to an increased prevalence of mental disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, there is a lack of knowledge and understanding of the long-term mental health effects of severe flooding, the recovery process and the influencing factors. We address this knowledge gap using the particularly devastating flood event that occurred in July 2021 in Germany as an example. The event caused an overall damage of €33 billion and resulted in 190 fatalities, over 750 injured, and many others struggling with their experiences. We conducted quantitative online surveys in highly affected regions in Germany 12 to 36 months after the flood event. The surveys used a short clinically validated epidemiological screening scale to detect indications of PTSD. Through statistical modelling, we assessed the changes in PTSD indications over time and identified subgroups of individuals with different PTSD symptoms. We also examined potential influencing variables, focusing on personal (e.g., resilience) and social (e.g., support network, offers of assistance) factors. In the severely impacted district of Ahrweiler in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the PTSD prevalence shows a reduction over time: 28% of individuals showed indications of PTSD around 12 months post-flooding, 24% 18 months after the flood, and 17% 36 months after the event. The proposed modelling will offer deeper insights into the long-term dynamics of mental health recovery at the individual level. With this research, we aim to tailor the development of targeted interventions to support individuals and communities affected by disasters.

How to cite: Zenker, M.-L., Bubeck, P., and Thieken, A. H.: From trauma to recovery: dynamics of long-term mental health after the 2021 German floods , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9164,, 2025.

In early September 2023, the Thessaly Region (central Greece) was devastated by the Daniel storm, which brought extreme precipitation. The resulting embankment failures in the Pineios catchment caused flooding up to 4 m deep, submerging many rural areas for days. This event claimed 17 lives and caused extensive damage to structures and infrastructure, including roads, bridges, lifelines, residences, agricultural land, livestock facilities, industrial and tourist infrastructure.

The above weather conditions in the Region of Thessaly, the subsequent floods and their impacts had the potential to affect public health and in particular to cause sporadic cases, outbreaks and epidemics of infectious diseases in the affected area, as has been shown by similar examples of floods and other hydro-meteorological hazards, not only in developing, but also in developed countries worldwide.

The aim of this research is to highlight all the risk factors that favor the occurrence of infectious diseases in the area affected by the Daniel storm and the subsequent flooding. This is achieved not only by taking into account the significant results of the existing relevant research on the effects of hydrometeorological events in the affected areas, but also by mainly presenting field data obtained from field surveys during and after the event.

Adverse conditions from these extreme events fostered public health risks contributing to incidence increase of rodent- and water-borne diseases, and respiratory infections.

From September 5 to December 31, 2023, 296 patients from the affected areas were evaluated for suspected leptospirosis at Thessaly hospitals, with 45 cases (15.3%) confirmed, according to the newsletters of the National Public Health Organization on May 30, 2024.

Damage to water supply and irrigation systems in Thessaly led to shortage of clean water after the storm. Clusters of gastroenteritis cases were reported in affected areas, alongside increased respiratory infections due to influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2.

Receding floodwaters can create mosquito breeding grounds, increasing the risk of mosquito-borne disease emergence. However, heavy rainfall and flooding may reduce mosquito density by diluting organic matter and washing away habitats. Combined with colder weather and preventive measures against mosquitoes, no West Nile virus cases were reported in Thessaly after mid-October.

A high injury rate during disasters and low tetanus vaccination coverage can lead to outbreaks. However, Greece's successful national vaccination program and prompt vaccination of individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunization status in flood-affected areas prevented any tetanus cases or outbreaks.

The conditions that emerged resulted in the mobilization of the Civil Protection and Public Health authorities not only to deal with the impact of the storm and the subsequent flooding, but also to prevent and manage indirect public health impacts. The instructions and guidelines to affected residents, health professionals and Civil Protection staff were in line with international good practices and lessons learned from recent examples of complex and compound disasters around the world.

Amid the climate change, hydrometeorological hazards are increasing, disrupting activities across many sectors. To address emerging infectious diseases, robust disaster preparedness is crucial, including resilient infrastructure, effective disease surveillance, and comprehensive environmental planning.

How to cite: Mavrouli, M., Mavroulis, S., Lekkas, E., and Tsakris, A.: Environmental and structural impacts of the 2023 Daniel storm and subsequent floods in the Thessaly Region (Central Greece) and factors controlling infectious disease emergence in flooded areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12921,, 2025.

EGU25-13586 | ECS | Orals | NH10.4

Towards proactive disease control: predicting sand fly population dynamics over Europe for enhanced public health outcomes 

Majid Soheili, Oldrich Rakovec, Eduardo Berriatua, Ehsan modiri, Suzana Blesic, and Luis Samaniego and the Majid Soheili

Climate change significantly influences the spread of infectious diseases, including leishmaniasis, a vector-borne disease transmitted by infected sand flies. Leishmaniasis affects approximately 12 million people globally, with significant health, economic, and social impacts.
Despite ongoing research, there is no registered vaccine, and treatment options remain limited due to drug toxicity and emerging resistance.
The geographical range of sand flies has expanded from the Mediterranean region toward Northern Europe, exacerbating public health challenges.
Current prediction models for sand fly populations are hindered by limitations in temporal and spatial scales, high data collection costs, and highly skewed observation data.
Recent advancements in climate modeling, data assimilation, and remote sensing offer opportunities to enhance these models.
This study utilizes the largest observational dataset on sand flies from the European CLIMOS project (, incorporating data from VectorNet and EDENext, combined with high-resolution climate and hydrological datasets, to create a sand fly population prediction model named Sand Flies Extreme Prediction Population (FEPO). By enhancing predictive accuracy and speed, it can facilitate targeted public health interventions while also strengthening strategies for climate change adaptation.
The initial findings indicate that the proposed model achieves a mean absolute error that is 12% lower than the classical regression approach when validated against observational data. Moreover, the FEPO model successfully maps the distribution of sand fly species responsible for transmitting leishmaniasis across Europe with high spatial resolution.

The CLIMOS consortium is co-funded by the European Commission grant 101057690 and UKRI grants 10038150 and 10039289.
The six Horizon Europe projects, BlueAdapt, CATALYSE, CLIMOS, HIGH Horizons, IDAlert, and TRIGGER, form the Climate Change and Health Cluster. \\
Sand Flies Data Contribution:
- EDENext: The data for EDENext was obtained from the Palebludata website (
- VectorNet: The data for VectorNet was obtained from the ECDC.

How to cite: Soheili, M., Rakovec, O., Berriatua, E., modiri, E., Blesic, S., and Samaniego, L. and the Majid Soheili: Towards proactive disease control: predicting sand fly population dynamics over Europe for enhanced public health outcomes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13586,, 2025.

EGU25-13957 | Posters on site | NH10.4

Impacts and Risks of Heatwaves and Floods on Maternal and Child Health Systems in Zambia; A multi evidence approach  

Bridget Bwalya, Simona Simona, Chitalu Chama- Chiliba, Robert Sakic Trogrlic, Moses Chisola, Richard Bwalya, Arthur Moonga, Chris Mweemba, Fiammetta Bozzani, Sharif Ismail, Josephine Borghi, and Dell Saulnier

Climate change is a pressing global challenge with adverse effects on human health and well-being. Like many sub-Saharan African countries, Zambia faces the dual burden of extreme weather events and health challenges, particularly in maternal and child health (MCH). We employed a multiple-evidence approach and conducted nine focus group discussions (FGDs), 75 key informant interviews (KIIs) and a structured document review of blended sources of evidence (scientific articles, governmental and non-governmental reports, national communications, and newspapers). We examined the impacts and risks of heatwaves and floods on MCH systems in Zambia. The FGDs and KIIs constituted community, health facility and district-level participants from Senanga and Sinazongwe Districts of Southern Zambia. Both districts have almost perennial occurrences of floods and heat waves. We explored the lived experiences of community members and health practitioners by examining the effects of floods and heatwaves on daily life and MCH service provision, access, quality, and related health outcomes. Further, we assessed the preparedness, risk reduction, mitigation, coping and adaptation strategies implemented by community, health facility and district-level stakeholders in response to the two climate hazards. Our study results show pathways through which heatwaves and floods impact MCH, including limiting access to healthcare and increasing the prevalence of infectious diseases. Additionally, the results highlight coping and adaptation measures instituted, such as external support from state and non-state actors, collaboration, and resource allocation to enhance or maintain MCH service delivery during these extreme weather events. Furthermore, the results showcase healthcare decision-making structures and how information is shared across stakeholders before and during disaster events. The results reveal innovative solutions at district, community, facility, and household levels adopted and desired by stakeholders within the MCH system to strengthen resilience to future extreme weather events. We recommend future research to better understand community challenges in accessing MCH services and for health facilities to provide such services during extreme weather events. This will streamline policy strategies to enhance community resilience and ensure the sustainability of MCH systems amidst the growing threats posed by climate change.   

How to cite: Bwalya, B., Simona, S., Chama- Chiliba, C., Sakic Trogrlic, R., Chisola, M., Bwalya, R., Moonga, A., Mweemba, C., Bozzani, F., Ismail, S., Borghi, J., and Saulnier, D.: Impacts and Risks of Heatwaves and Floods on Maternal and Child Health Systems in Zambia; A multi evidence approach , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13957,, 2025.

EGU25-15292 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.4

Comparing Disaster Costs with the Long-term Economic Impact of Chronic Illness Stemming from COVID-19 in Germany 

Johannes Brand, James Daniell, Amy McLennan, Dirk Paessler, Simon Schoening, and Joerg Heydecke

Disasters associated with natural hazards often coincide with other types of threats and risks including health emergencies resulting in compounding impacts in a multi-hazard context. In Germany as well as many countries, the co-occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic and disaster events has posed a complex challenge in recent years, testing its capacity for crisis management and long-term resilience. While disasters associated with natural hazards resulted in immediate and visible costs such as structural damage, expenditures for emergency response and economic disruptions, the COVID-19 pandemic also introduced ongoing economic impacts arising from long-term post-viral conditions such as Long COVID and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).

Using data from 2020 to 2024, this analysis compares direct disaster-related costs with the national burden of Long COVID and ME/CFS in Germany. Disaster events and direct disaster-related costs for Germany were extracted from various data and information sources, including CATDAT, scientific literature, reports, official press releases, and news reports. Among these events, the July 2021 flood, which occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, caused severe damage to buildings, infrastructure, and industry, with a direct and indirect economic impact of more than 40 billion euros across various sectors.

On top of that, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in tens of millions of infections per year causing growing numbers of citizens affected by post-viral conditions, namely Long COVID and ME/CFS, with increasing economic, medical and social costs for German society. These costs are currently being modelled in a collaborative project whose aim is to shape public policy towards improving outcomes for Long COVID and ME/CFS patients, communities, and society at large. The modelling effort encompasses the progression of Long COVID and ME/CFS cases over time within the German population and different economic costing methods. Initial modelling results indicate that the economic costs of Long COVID and ME/CFS amount to several tens of billion euros per year per type, reflecting the significant burden these chronic illnesses place on healthcare systems, workforce productivity, and social welfare programs.

Preliminary findings of the comparison show that while disasters associated with natural hazards incurred significant one-time costs, the long-term economic burden of Long COVID and ME/CFS is in the same order of magnitude or even surpasses these figures over the years due to the sustained impact on labor markets and healthcare systems. This emphasizes the need for policy making such as increases in funding for basic and clinical research into Long COVID and ME/CFS as well as new therapeutic approaches and health care infrastructures. The results for Germany complement existing work done in other countries such as Australia examining the costs.

The integrated and multi-hazard nature of disasters across natural, biological, conflict and other man-made disasters needs to be accounted for adequate policy planning in the disaster and loss space which integrates well with work within the MYRIAD-EU project on multi-hazard and multi-risk scenarios across different sectors.

How to cite: Brand, J., Daniell, J., McLennan, A., Paessler, D., Schoening, S., and Heydecke, J.: Comparing Disaster Costs with the Long-term Economic Impact of Chronic Illness Stemming from COVID-19 in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15292,, 2025.

EGU25-15716 | Posters on site | NH10.4

Reconfiguring financing arrangements to build health system resilience to disasters and multi-hazards: a framework and evidence review of co-financing arrangements.  

Josepehine Borghi, Soledad Cuevas, Blanca Anton, Domenico Iaia, Giulia Gasparri, Mark Hanson, Agnes Soucat, Flavia Bustreo, and Etienne Langlois

Background: Climate hazards represent a substantial risk to health systems and financing, especially when they compound.  Building resilient and sustainable health systems requires intersectoral or co-financing arrangements that jointly support health and climate goals.   However, it is unclear what opportunities exist for co-financing, across which financing functions, and at which health system scales.  We propose a framework for studying co-financing for health and climate goals which considers the degree of integration between sector funding, and whether arrangements are ‘passive’, when cross-sectoral goals are indirectly affected, or ‘strategic’, when they are pre-emptively supported to build resilience and sustainability.   Using this framework, we describe the range of co-financing arrangements that have been used to support climate and health goals based on a rigorous evidence review.  We also summarize evidence on enablers and barriers to implementation, and research gaps and future priorities. 

Methods:  We undertook a rigorous narrative review.  We identified key terms pertaining to financing and to health systems and climate goals to guide the review.  We then searched the international literature using Pubmed and Web of Science from 2013-2023, the websites of key health and climate agencies for grey literature and consultation with stakeholders.  We synthesized evidence according to our co-financing framework describing arrangements together with enablers and barriers to implementation. 

Results: A total of 97 studies were included in the review.  More than half were from low-and middle-income countries, with 36 focusing on health financing for climate goals and 39 on climate finance for health goals (promotive).  Studies mostly addressed passive co-financing, assessing the consequences of climate inaction, including the impact on government health expenditure, health insurance and out of pocket payments. There was limited evidence of strategic co-financing or integrative co-financing. Several lessons emerged for designing effective co-financing mechanisms for health and climate needs including: 1) involving staff with climate and health sector knowledge in the design and implementation of co-financing arrangements; 2) the alignment and/or linkage of information systems across sectors; 3) clear communication and consistency of entitlements, and facilitating access to climate finance, to ensure funds target needs; and 4) flexibility in the use and allocation of funds to meet emerging needs. 


Conclusion: Co-financing is critical to filling the financing gap for health sector adaptation and achieving recent COP29 funding pledges. Our study highlights issues to consider in the design and implementation of these schemes to maximise their benefit for health systems; and draws attention to some of the limitations of specific arrangements, identifying areas for further research. 

How to cite: Borghi, J., Cuevas, S., Anton, B., Iaia, D., Gasparri, G., Hanson, M., Soucat, A., Bustreo, F., and Langlois, E.: Reconfiguring financing arrangements to build health system resilience to disasters and multi-hazards: a framework and evidence review of co-financing arrangements. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15716,, 2025.

EGU25-16666 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.4

Assessing Health and Community Resilience to Compounding Multi-Hazards 

Nivedita Sairam, Zélie Stalhandske, Jung Hee Hyun, and Marleen de Ruiter

Changing climate and increasing urbanization have significantly amplified the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. These events trigger cascading, multidimensional impacts, including physical destruction, financial losses, social disruptions, and both short- and long-term consequences for the health and well-being of affected populations. International efforts, such as the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, have highlighted the profound effects of climate events on human health. Despite consistent progress by the multi-hazards community in developing methods to assess the co-occurrence of disasters and the cascading impacts of multi-hazards, the susceptibility of populations to compounding multi-hazards remains underexplored in the context of health and community resilience. Our study addresses this gap by analyzing global data on extreme weather hazards from 2003 to 2021 at a 0.25° resolution, alongside the characteristics and resilience of exposed populations, using tools such as the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) and the World Risk Poll Resilience Index. 

How to cite: Sairam, N., Stalhandske, Z., Hyun, J. H., and de Ruiter, M.: Assessing Health and Community Resilience to Compounding Multi-Hazards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16666,, 2025.

Air quality is a critical environmental concern that poses significant health risks to populations worldwide. Therefore, the impact of air pollution on the cognitive health of older adults has gained attention as an urgent global concern. This study addresses a critical research gap by investigating the association between air pollution, specifically particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5, and cognitive functioning in older adults across various European regions.
Using data from the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), a comprehensive panel study on health and aging as well as data from the European Environmental Agency (EEA) developed as part of EEA’s Air Quality Health Risk Assessments, this research employs multilevel modeling to explore the consequences of varying air quality on cognitive functioning such as episodic memory or verbal fluency. Older adults are particularly vulnerable subpopulations, and with their increasing representation in populations, understanding the factors influencing their cognitive health has never been more pertinent.
The study demonstrates that while individual factors (e.g. as education) and contextual factors, such as societal development and equality, are recognized as significant for episodic memory, the role of environmental factors remains underexplored. This research addresses this gap by examining the impact of air pollution on cognitive health, with a specific focus on how its effects vary by education. Our findings indicate that exposure to PM2.5 and PM10 significantly impairs cognitive performance in older adults. Additionally, the results highlight a pronounced educational gradient in the impact of pollution on cognitive health, particularly among women at advanced ages, whereas this pattern is not observed among men.
This study provides critical evidence for shaping public health policies aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of air pollution on cognitive well-being in aging populations. Addressing the cognitive consequences of air pollution is crucial for supporting healthy aging and improving quality of life for older adults across diverse contexts, including European populations.

How to cite: Weber, D., Aktas, A., and Poblete Cazenave, M.: Breathing Clean Air, Remembering Better: A Cross-Regional Study of Air Quality and Episodic Memory in European Older Adults, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17311,, 2025.

EGU25-18064 | Posters on site | NH10.4

Developing a System Dynamics framework to model the complex feedback between climate extremes and health systems  

Agnes Rwashana Semwanga, Sisay Debele, Ivan Silva, Simona Simona, Fiammetta Bozzani, Sharif Ismail, Nikita Strelkon, Anna Foss, Chitalu Chiliba, Sari Kovats, and Josephine Borghi

The increasing frequency and intensity of climate extremes, such as floods and heatwaves, pose significant challenges to Maternal and Child Health (MCH) systems, disrupting the delivery and access to essential health services. Mothers and children, due to their heightened health vulnerabilities, are disproportionately affected, particularly in accessing preventive care such as antenatal services and immunizations. Understanding the drivers of climate vulnerability within health systems and their evolution under future climate extremes is critical for designing effective adaptation strategies. However, existing research has predominantly focused on static or qualitative frameworks, leaving a notable gap in quantitative, dynamic, and integrative modeling approaches capable of analysing feedback mechanisms and cascading impacts over time. This research addresses this gap by developing a conceptual and theoretical System Dynamics Modeling (SDM) framework. Informed by evidence-based Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs) and local stakeholder engagement, the framework highlights critical feedback loops and leverage points influencing MCH system resilience during climate events. Specifically, the study presents findings on how supply-side components – such as service delivery, workforce availability, infrastructure functionality, and resource flows – interact under climate stressors like floods and heatwaves. Designed using Stella Architect and calibrated with real-world data from the REACH project in Zambia, the SDM framework incorporates climate variables (e.g., flood intensity, duration, and frequency; heatwave patterns) and MCH performance metrics (e.g., household health surveys and service utilization records). Key findings reveal pathways through which climate extremes impact system performance, such as infrastructure disruptions caused by flooding that reduce service delivery or prolonged heatwaves that impair workforce productivity, creating cascading system-wide effects. Furthermore, stakeholder engagement identified critical vulnerabilities, including transportation challenges, supply chain delays, and power outages, which informed potential intervention strategies. These strategies include implementing early warning systems to improve preparedness, investing in climate-resilient infrastructure to protect health facilities and road networks, and adopting adaptive governance frameworks for effective resource allocation and coordination during crises. While this study presents a foundation by identifying critical system dynamics and exploring preliminary intervention strategies, the SDM framework is designed to support future applications. It can be used to simulate diverse scenarios, evaluate the long-term impacts of interventions, and guide adaptive strategies to enhance the sustainability and resilience of MCH systems. By advancing from a qualitative CLD to a robust SDM, this research equips policymakers and planners with a dynamic tool for evidence-based decision-making. Ultimately, it contributes to global efforts to build resilient health systems capable of adapting to the escalating challenges of climate change, laying the groundwork for applications across diverse contexts. 

Keywords: Maternal and Child Health Systems, Climate Extremes, System Dynamics Modeling, Resilient Health Systems, Climate Change Adaptation 


This work was conducted under the framework of the Economic and Social Research Council grant: Building Resilience to Floods and Heat in the Maternal and Child Health Systems in Brazil and Zambia (REACH), Grant Number: ES/Y00258X/1.  

How to cite: Rwashana Semwanga, A., Debele, S., Silva, I., Simona, S., Bozzani, F., Ismail, S., Strelkon, N., Foss, A., Chiliba, C., Kovats, S., and Borghi, J.: Developing a System Dynamics framework to model the complex feedback between climate extremes and health systems , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18064,, 2025.

EGU25-18902 | ECS | Orals | NH10.4

Modeling the impact of multiple hazards on the Maternal and Child Health System in Zambia  

Sisay E. Debele, Dell Saulnier, Cherie Part, Moses Ngongo Chisola, Chitalu Chama-Chiliba, Robert Sakic Trogrlic, Sharif Ismail, Agnes Semwanga, Anna Foss, and Josephine Borghi

Extreme weather events (floods and heatwaves) are becoming more frequent and intense due to climate change, posing significant risks to maternal and child health (MCH). These events interact in complex ways, occurring as compounding hazards (simultaneous or overlapping events), multiple hazards (independent but co-occurring risks), or cascading hazards (where one event triggers or exacerbates another). Understanding these interactions is critical for assessing their full health impacts and improving health system resilience. To date, health-related research has primarily focused on the effects of each hazard individually. This study employs an integrated framework that combines copula models, Bayesian networks, and machine learning approaches to analyse multi-hazard interactions, focusing on Zambia as a case study. Data, including daily rainfall and temperature, MCH-related datasets, utilisation data, and health system performance metrics – such as antenatal care (ANC), postnatal care (PNC), childhood immunisation, place and mode of delivery, and health service utilisation records – were obtained from Zambia through the REACH project. Daily rainfall was merged with TAMSAT and ERA5 reanalysis data (weather station data) to identify flood and heatwave events across Zambia from 1981 to 2023. Copula models were used to capture non-linear dependencies between heatwaves and floods; Bayesian networks uncovered causal pathways linking hazards with MCH and utilisation outcomes; and machine learning models (e.g., random forests and neural networks) predicted health impacts and identified critical patterns of hazard-MCH interactions. Intermediate variables, such as demand-side factors (e.g., education, wealth, age, etc.) and supply-side factors (e.g., facility density, health worker density, and healthcare financing), were incorporated to improve causal inference and identify actionable pathways. Marginal distributions for temperature and precipitation extremes were modelled using extreme value theory, while copulas quantified the joint probabilities of simultaneous extremes. Bayesian networks provided insights into cascading effects, such as how flooding damages healthcare infrastructure and exacerbates the impact of heatwaves on MCH services. Machine learning models were then trained to predict MCH outcomes (utilisation rates and counts) based on these multi-hazard interactions, leveraging their capacity to handle complex, non-linear relationships. Key results focus on estimating the level of ANC and PNC service disruption caused by compounding hazards, such as simultaneous floods and heatwaves. There is an urgent need for climate-resilient healthcare systems and targeted interventions to mitigate the risks of interacting with climate extremes on MCH. Such disruptions are anticipated to highlight important predictive factors, including increased rates of preterm births and maternal complications. This integrated approach, combining statistical, causal, and predictive tools, offers a holistic framework for analysing multi-hazard interactions and their impact on maternal and child health outcomes. By focusing on Zambia as a case study, this research aims to generate insights that are both contextually relevant and scalable for global application. 

Keywords: Multiple hazards, maternal and child health, machine learning, copula models, Bayesian networks 


This work was conducted under the framework of the Economic and Social Research Council grant: Building Resilience to Floods and Heat in the Maternal and Child Health Systems in Brazil and Zambia (REACH), Grant Number: ES/Y00258X/1

How to cite: Debele, S. E., Saulnier, D., Part, C., Chisola, M. N., Chama-Chiliba, C., Trogrlic, R. S., Ismail, S., Semwanga, A., Foss, A., and Borghi, J.: Modeling the impact of multiple hazards on the Maternal and Child Health System in Zambia , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18902,, 2025.

EGU25-19944 | Orals | NH10.4 | Highlight

Co-creating a trigger model for cholera anticipatory action in Cameroon 

Marc van den Homberg, Mélanie Drooglever Fortuyn, Jacopo Margutti, Mathilde Duchemin, Gaoussou Drame, Cyrille Ewane Ngando, Anne-Laure Maillard, and Pascal Crépey

Anticipatory action (AA) refers to actions taken by humanitarian actors and governments to reduce the humanitarian impacts of a forecasted hazard before it occurs. To date, most AA initiatives have focused on hydrometeorological events, but initiatives for in particular climate-sensitive diseases are gaining traction. Acting ahead of a disease outbreak or controlling an epidemic early on can significantly reduce the impacts. Cameroon has experienced recurrent cholera epidemics since 1971. The Cameroon Red Cross has been working with the French Red Cross, technical partners (510 an initiative of the Netherlands Red Cross and EHESP), and in-country actors such as the Ministry of Health to co-create an Early Action Protocol (EAP) for cholera.  An EAP contains a model that triggers early actions once a certain forecast or observation reaches a threshold that indicates there could be severe negative impacts corresponding to a one-in-five-year return period. Cholera is a water-borne disease, where climatic, environmental, and socio-economic factors contribute to its risk. The development of a trigger model requires historical data on these factors, but this data is often difficult to obtain or not available with sufficient spatial and temporal resolution. Also, for an operational trigger model, the input data of the trigger model has to be available in near-real time. A data-sharing agreement with the Ministry of Health was put in place to get access to the sensitive cholera incidence data. Correlation analyses between daily rainfall (as floods impact WASH infrastructure) and cholera case data were done for delays between 7 to 14 days, as it is known from the literature that the first cholera cases usually occur after a few days of flooding. However, only very weak correlations were found. A moving average of rainfall over 50 mm/day for four consecutive days did correspond to a significant number of cholera cases. The trigger model proposed relies only on observed data and consists of two parts. Trigger 1 is a climatic trigger that triggers when a district experiences flooding with over 2000 people affected or when it experiences 4 days with an average daily rainfall of at least 50 mm. Trigger 2 goes off whenever at least 5 suspected cases or 1 confirmed cholera case are identified through community-based or national surveillance systems. To activate trigger 2, trigger 1 must already have been activated. The next steps will include gaining experience with activations with this protocol, while also, from a research point of view, evolving the trigger model once more data on the cholera risk factors becomes available.

How to cite: van den Homberg, M., Drooglever Fortuyn, M., Margutti, J., Duchemin, M., Drame, G., Ewane Ngando, C., Maillard, A.-L., and Crépey, P.: Co-creating a trigger model for cholera anticipatory action in Cameroon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19944,, 2025.

Effective flood risk management is often constrained by the lack of efficient dissemination of flood-related information to key stakeholders, including vulnerable communities. To address this critical gap, global disaster management organizations advocate for the establishment of robust information channels, aligning with the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11 and 13, which emphasize building secure, resilient, and sustainable cities. To address this, this study introduces ‘MANAGE’, a web-based flood risk information system for a multi-hazard coastal catchment in India. MANAGE integrates high-resolution flood modeling, Multi-Criteria Decision-Making tools, and statistical techniques to provide a comprehensive repository of flood hazards, physical and socio-economic vulnerabilities, and bivariate flood risks at the finest administrative scale. Results reveal that flood risk is primarily influenced by physical vulnerability (69.86%), while combined indicators (51.6%) and socio-economic factors (39.66%) also play significant roles. The MANAGE platform is designed with a user-friendly architecture, offering enhanced accessibility through smartphone compatibility and multilingual support, ensuring seamless use by diverse end-user groups, including vulnerable populations. The study further proposes engineering measures and policy recommendations to enhance existing flood management strategies and build a roadmap for future resilience.

How to cite: Mohanty, M. and Thakur, D. A.: MANAGE: A Consolidated End-To-End Multi-Hazard Web-Based Flood Risk Information System for Coastal Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-468,, 2025.

EGU25-1930 | ECS | Orals | NH10.6 | Arne Richter Awards for Outstanding ECS Lecture

Climate impacts and where to find them: insights from text mining 

Mariana Madruga de Brito

Climate extremes, such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves, often trigger compound and cascading impacts due to interdependencies between coupled natural and social systems. Yet, our knowledge of these interactions remains limited mainly due to the lack of comprehensive impact data. Research typically considers only one isolated impact, system, socioeconomic sector, and/or hazard at a time, often ignoring dependencies between impacts as well as how they interact with response and adaptation measures.

Against this backdrop, the unprecedented abundance of digital texts and cutting-edge machine-learning tools has opened new research avenues for impact assessment research. In this talk, I will demonstrate how we can leverage natural language processing (NLP) and large language models on different text types to infer how climate extremes impact society. I will discuss the potential of unconventional data sources, such as meeting minutes, newspaper articles, and reports, to monitor the consequences of extreme events in near real-time.

How to cite: Madruga de Brito, M.: Climate impacts and where to find them: insights from text mining, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1930,, 2025.

EGU25-5405 | Orals | NH10.6

Development of coastal disaster prevention simulation platform beyond climate change 

Hak Soo Lim, MyeongHee Han, Jin Hyeok Park, Yunseo Choi, and Hunghwan Choi

Climate change, driven by global warming, is increasingly intensifying the frequency and severity of coastal disasters, especially in densely populated coastal regions. Rising sea levels and elevated sea surface temperatures exacerbate the impacts of typhoons, storm surges, and wave overtopping, posing critical threats to coastal infrastructure and communities. An analysis of 35 years of tide gauge data from the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA) indicates an average sea level rise of 3.06 mm/year, with regional variations of 3.46 mm/year on the east coast and 2.74 mm/year on the south coast. This cumulative rise of approximately 10.7 cm has accelerated shoreline retreat and undermined coastal stability. Hypothetical scenarios based on Typhoon Maemi (2003) reveal that under current sea-level conditions, the storm’s destructive potential would be significantly amplified, particularly along Korea’s southern coast. Intensified typhoons and wave overtopping further jeopardize marine infrastructure and exacerbate sand loss from beaches, particularly in areas with increased artificial structures, such as breakwaters. To address these risks, we propose a state-of-the-art coastal disaster prevention simulation platform. This platform integrates digital twin technology, 3D GIS, and real-time meteorological and oceanographic data to model sea-level rise, typhoon trajectories, storm surges, and coastal erosion. It also provides digital twin based decision-support tools for early warnings, disaster preparedness, and adaptive response strategies. This study highlights the necessity of a coordinated, multi-agency approach involving Korean governmental bodies (e.g., MOF, MIS) and research institutions (e.g., KIOST and NDMI). By leveraging marine big data, this platform enhances coastal resilience and facilitates sustainable management practices in the face of a rapidly changing climate.

How to cite: Lim, H. S., Han, M., Park, J. H., Choi, Y., and Choi, H.: Development of coastal disaster prevention simulation platform beyond climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5405,, 2025.

EGU25-5597 | Posters on site | NH10.6

High-Resolution Coastal Disaster Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Korea 

Tae-Soon Kang, Myeong-Won Kim, Hwa-Young Lee, Kwang-Young Jeong, and Gwang-Ho Seo

The Korean government has revised the Coastal Management Act to conduct annual coastal disaster risk assessments. These assessments aim to identify the causes of coastal disasters and respond to them effectively. They provide scientific and quantitative risk information on vulnerable coastal areas, preparing for increased coastal disaster damage due to sea-level rise, typhoon intensification, and climate change.

In this study, the coastal disaster risk assessment framework was established by applying the IPCC AR6 (2023) framework. Indices and indicators suitable for the Korean coastal system were selected. To incorporate the concept of 'Response' emphasized in IPCC AR6, 'Reduction factors' were introduced to 'Vulnerability'. The Coastal Disaster Risk Index (CDRI) was evaluated by considering three factors: 'Hazards', 'Exposure', and 'Vulnerability'. Data for the evaluation were collected from statistical and basic data authorized by the Korean government. A high-resolution spatial grid of 100 meters was established, and evaluation results for each indicator and index were produced through statistical analysis. The results are displayed in five grades within the coastline (evaluation line) and coastal area (evaluation grid) after verification and validation. The 25 indicators and 31 basic data for coastal disaster risk assessment were updated with the latest data, and new databases were built for some indicators.

In conducting coastal disaster risk assessments, extreme analysis of external forces (Hazards such as rainfall, wind, surges, and waves) that cause disaster damage was performed to evaluate the possibility of disaster occurrence. The recurrence frequency was applied to the grade interval criteria, which were set based on the 50-year or 100-year recurrence frequency, referring to the design criteria of various external forces. To evaluate indicators with different units and sizes, a non-dimensionalization process called standardization (converting values between 0 and 1 using cumulative probability distribution) was performed. Weights for each indicator were applied to calculate the weighted average, and the 'Hazards', 'Exposure', and 'Vulnerability' indices, along with the CDRI, were calculated. In the CDRI, results of each indicator and index were displayed in five grades from 1 to 5. Grade 5, indicated as "High risk" (red), was the most dangerous, and grade 1, indicated as "Low risk" (green), was the safest.

As a result of the evaluation, Busan Metropolitan City and Jeju Island showed dangerous results with an average of grade 4. Since the evaluation results are a high-resolution spatial grid evaluation with a size of 100 meters, the distribution of risk grades by grid within each local government is well distinguished. The spatial distribution of coastal disaster risk areas is expressed more accurately than visualizing them as a "line" on the coastline. The results of the 'Exposure' and 'Vulnerability' evaluations showed a safe grade in grids with low population density or low density, such as residential complexes and industrial complexes. Therefore, the results of this study can provide realistic and detailed information to local government officials who need to make decisions on designating coastal disaster risk areas and establishing reduction measures.

How to cite: Kang, T.-S., Kim, M.-W., Lee, H.-Y., Jeong, K.-Y., and Seo, G.-H.: High-Resolution Coastal Disaster Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5597,, 2025.

EGU25-9512 | ECS | Orals | NH10.6

Building Flood Resilience: Lessons from Japan for the EU 

Irene Petraroli

Recent events in Europe, such as the devastating 2024 floods in Valencia (Spain) and Emilia Romagna (Italy), highlight the growing challenges posed by climate change and emphasize the urgent need for enhanced flood resilience within the EU. Developing effective flood-resilience strategies requires tailored approaches, deeply rooted in the local context. While Japan offers an inspiring example of managing seasonal flooding, its methods cannot be directly applied to the European context without adaptation.

In this presentation, I will introduce an ongoing Marie Curie Skłodowska Postdoctoral project, which focuses on the exchange of knowledge and best practices in community disaster preparedness and hazard mapping, with a particular emphasis on integrating lessons from Japan into the EU context while respecting local cultures.

The project begins with a focus on the value of local narratives and stories of past disasters, which provide crucial insight into how communities perceive current risks and motivate residents to take proactive steps in disaster preparedness. This research explores the role of local culture, including myths and legends, in shaping these perceptions. Using qualitative methods such as interviews, literature reviews, and surveys, the project aims to propose an educational framework centred on localised resilience and sustainability. Additionally, the project seeks to incorporate qualitative aspects into interactive hazard mapping, with an emphasis on identifying vulnerable social groups and improving evacuation strategies during flood-related emergencies.

How to cite: Petraroli, I.: Building Flood Resilience: Lessons from Japan for the EU, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9512,, 2025.

EGU25-9769 | Orals | NH10.6

The MYRIAD-EU Multi-Risk Software Suite: Integrating Multi-Hazard Solutions for Sectors across Europe 

James Daniell, Andreas Schaefer, Judith Claassen, Bijan Khazai, Benjamin Blanz, Johannes Brand, Nikita Strelkovskii, Trevor Girard, Annika Maier, Davide Ferrario, Wiebke Jaeger, Simon Michalke, Christopher Mardell, Jaroslav Mysiak, Kelley de Polt, Tristian Stolte, Marleen De Ruiter, Noemi Padron-Fumero, and Philip Ward

As part of the MYRIAD-EU project (2021–2025), a suite of innovative multi-hazard and multi-risk tools has been developed to address both EU-scale and pilot-scale analyses, supporting proof-of-concept applications across multiple sectors. The associated open software package incorporates five key components designed to enhance risk assessment and decision-making for sectors such as Finance, Tourism, Food/Agriculture, Infrastructure, Energy, and Ecosystems.

The Exposure-at-Risk Calculator enables probabilistic, historic, and stochastic event overlaps using the large array of hazard sets created in EU projects including MYRIAD-EU by linking sectoral exposure footprints to calculate overlapping exposure-at-risk and their associated probabilities for specific thresholds. This tool leverages the open hazard and exposure datasets hosted on platforms such as Zenodo and the MYRIAD website.

Complementing this, the Multi-Hazard and Risk Scenario Calculator evaluates direct and indirect risks for current and future scenarios, integrating climate and socioeconomic data. Notable applications include overlapping earthquake and flood scenarios in the Danube region, enabling comprehensive risk assessments for complex hazard interactions.

A Multi-Vulnerability Curve Editor and Database allows users to view and contribute sectoral damage functions and dynamic vulnerability data. Examples include vulnerability dynamics for multi-hazard scenarios and heatwave mortality functions derived from MYRIAD-EU research. Additionally, the Multi-Risk Index QGIS Plugin supports quantitative and qualitative risk analyses at the NUTS3 level across Europe or other selected regions. The plugin’s adjustable weighting system facilitates the integration of multi-hazard scenarios into risk metrics and indicators such as for the tourism sector or looking at financial indirect losses after events.

The Canary Islands case study uses the full integrated approach of MYRIAD-EU, focusing on tourism-sector resilience under multi-hazard conditions, such as volcanic eruptions combined with drought and climate/socioeconomic changes out to 2050. The study combines quantitative results with semi-quantitative baseline resilience indices with qualitative resilience scorecards to provide actionable insights for tourism destination management.

Scheduled for release in 2025, the software is being developed collaboratively with MYRIAD-EU partners. A comprehensive user interface and documentation will guide users in selecting appropriate tools for specific locations and multi-sector, multi-risk problems, ensuring applicability across diverse scenarios and scales.

How to cite: Daniell, J., Schaefer, A., Claassen, J., Khazai, B., Blanz, B., Brand, J., Strelkovskii, N., Girard, T., Maier, A., Ferrario, D., Jaeger, W., Michalke, S., Mardell, C., Mysiak, J., de Polt, K., Stolte, T., De Ruiter, M., Padron-Fumero, N., and Ward, P.: The MYRIAD-EU Multi-Risk Software Suite: Integrating Multi-Hazard Solutions for Sectors across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9769,, 2025.

EGU25-11720 | Orals | NH10.6

The Earth Observation for Multi-Hazard events database and portal 

Andrea Vianello, Mahtab Niknahad, Bartolomeo Ventura, Stefano Terzi, Kathrin Renner, Alexander Jacob, and Massimiliano Pittore

Research on multi-hazard events and their impacts requires detailed information which is often limited or sparse across multiple portals.  Heterogeneous data and metadata on the occurrence of individual hazards, their spatial and temporal proximity, their potential relationships as well as underlying information on exposure and vulnerabilities is needed to understand and address complex multi-hazard risks.  

Funded by the European Space Agency, the Earth Observation for Multi-Hazard (EO4MULTIHA) project aims to collect and harmonize event information from existing repositories into an event database, providing data and on-the-fly analysis tools through a web portal. 

The EO4MULTIHA database is a Relational Data Base Management System, based on open-source solutions, that collects events information regularly updated from providers such as EMDAT (the International Disaster Database of the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED)), EFFIS (European Forest Fire Information System), and other national and regional databases. The initial focus is on three project study areas: (i) the Adige River Basin in Italy, (ii) the southern part of the United Kingdom, and (iii) Dominica Island in the Caribbean. Moreover, the portal has been set up allowing for potential future expansion to include other regions and their corresponding multi-hazard risk data. 

The web portal enables users to query database content and provides an initial support for grouping single events into multi-hazard events. It offers event visualization on an interactive map, with the possibility to apply spatial and temporal filtering to refine the results. An automated pipeline ensures continuous data integration and updates, supporting ongoing and future multi-hazard risk research. The web portal also provides links to an extensive suite of data, including satellite imagery, climatological records, in-situ measurements, and relevant statistics needed to describe hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and impacts of multi-hazard events. Additionally, the portal integrates Geostories focusing on specific multi-hazard events, combining available data and information into explanatory reports of specific and complex multi-hazard events. 

Overall, the EO4MULTIHA project empowers a deeper understanding and analysis of complex multi-hazard events by facilitating access to quantitative data for researchers, decision-makers, and citizens. It represents a significant step forward in understanding and managing multi-hazard risks, contributing with valuable resources to the scientific community and practitioners.

How to cite: Vianello, A., Niknahad, M., Ventura, B., Terzi, S., Renner, K., Jacob, A., and Pittore, M.: The Earth Observation for Multi-Hazard events database and portal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11720,, 2025.

EGU25-13446 | ECS | Orals | NH10.6

COAST-AId: a custom large language model application supporting multi-hazard risk assessments in the Veneto region 

Maria Katherina Dal Barco, Veronica Casartelli, Marcello Sano, Sebastiano Vascon, Silvia Torresan, and Andrea Critto

The global climate is undergoing an unprecedented rise in temperature, contributing to the increased frequency and intensity of extreme events worldwide. Coastal areas, recognized as critical hotspots of climate change, face amplified vulnerabilities due to their dense population, interconnected economic activities, and delicate ecosystems. These regions are particularly threatened by sea-level rise and more frequent extreme weather events, underscoring the urgent need for innovative and comprehensive strategies to enhance climate resilience and safeguard their future. Addressing these challenges requires a paradigm shift toward integrated, multi-hazard, and multi-risk approaches able to capture the intricate interplay of overlapping risks.
In this context, we present COAST-AId, a custom Large Language Model application designed to support multi-risk assessment and adaptation planning in the Veneto coastal region. COAST-AId facilitates the application of the climate risk assessment framework, outlined in the first European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA) report, focusing on its key components such as risk identification, analysis, and policy evaluation. By employing state-of-the-art prompt engineering techniques, COAST-AId has demonstrated its capability to generate relevant outputs for the case study, systematically evaluated using specific assessment metrics. This tool prioritizes risks for the Veneto coastal areas, providing essential insights to guide the development of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) pathways offering valuable support for refining the Veneto region Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation, with a particular emphasis on coastal challenges.
The development and application of COAST-AId were deeply integrated into the objectives of the MYRIAD-EU project, fostering the collaborative engagement with local stakeholders and experts. This participatory process played a central role in evaluating the tool’s performance, identifying critical vulnerabilities, and uncovering opportunities to enhance risk reduction and adaptation strategies. The findings highlight the transformative potential of AI-driven technologies in advancing the understanding of multi-risk dynamics, optimising decision-making processes, and enhancing resilience-building efforts in coastal areas.  


How to cite: Dal Barco, M. K., Casartelli, V., Sano, M., Vascon, S., Torresan, S., and Critto, A.: COAST-AId: a custom large language model application supporting multi-hazard risk assessments in the Veneto region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13446,, 2025.

EGU25-15906 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.6

Enhanced Kinematic Hierarchical Filling-&-Spilling Algorithms for Pluvial Flooding: Synthetic and Real-Case Applications with Comparative Analysis to Fully 2D models 

Kay Khaing Kyaw, Valerio Luzzi, Stefano Bagli, Luis Mediero, and Attilio Castellarin

Pluvial floods, intensified by short-duration and high-intensity storms, are becoming increasingly frequent and severe due to climate change and urbanization. SaferPlaces addresses this with a digital twin platform that integrates high-resolution geospatial and climate data from sources such as Google Earth Engine (GEE), Open Street Map (OSM), Microsoft Planetary, Amazon, and Copernicus. These datasets are automatically integrated to construct detailed, multi-layered urban digital twins, enabling real-time flood hazard and risk modelling. As part of the SaferPlaces platform, Safer_RAIN, a fast-processing Hierarchical Filling-&-Spilling Algorithm (HFSA), combines spatially distributed rainfall input and infiltration simulation through a pixel-based Green-Ampt model (see and enabling building-by-building flood risk modeling across large urban areas. Leveraging the platform’s cloud-based infrastructure, Safer_RAIN can efficiently run computationally intensive simulations at high resolution, delivering real-time results that support effective urban planning and climate resilience strategies. Comparisons with traditional 2D hydrodynamic models revealed limitations in Safer_RAIN, such as underestimation of flooded areas due to the lack of hydraulic backwater effect and single flow path constraints. We present significant enhancements of the SaferPlaces platform that were recently developed to address these challenges. These include: (1) incorporating a weir equation using a simplified kinematic approach to account for backwater effect, (2) introducing a travel-time distribution for water within watersheds and (3) implementing flow path flood extension using a Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) approach. These improvements are tested in a synthetic case study and applied to a set of real flooding events in urban areas of Pamplona, Spain. With its ability to run scalable simulations in real time and integrate diverse datasets, Safer_RAIN, as part of SaferPlaces' digital twin platform, offers a transformative solution for flood risk intelligence, empowering cities to build preparedness and enhance climate resilience.

Keyword: Digital twin, Hierarchical Filling-&-Spilling Algorithms, 2D hydrodynamic models, pluvial flooding

How to cite: Kyaw, K. K., Luzzi, V., Bagli, S., Mediero, L., and Castellarin, A.: Enhanced Kinematic Hierarchical Filling-&-Spilling Algorithms for Pluvial Flooding: Synthetic and Real-Case Applications with Comparative Analysis to Fully 2D models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15906,, 2025.

EGU25-16011 | Posters on site | NH10.6

Modelling hazard interactions and cascading impacts; development of the RiskChanges tool 

Cees van Westen, Salsabila Ramadhani Prasetya, Manzul Hazarika, Dwijendra Kumar Das, and Arun Kumar Mandal

Disaster events are often generated by a combination of factors, related to the occurrence of multiple hazards in space and time, leading to direct and indirect impacts in different sectors. Impact chains have proven to be a useful tool for understanding and visualising the sequence of impacts of such events. They are generally co-developed with stakeholders in workshops and may result in rather complex networks. Whereas these are very useful for understanding past events, their application to forward prediction, and the quantification of the various interactions and impacts, remains a major challenge.

The RiskChanges tool was developed to assess the impact of multi-hazards at a local level, especially for hazardous events that have a high spatial variation. The tool can be used to compare the current level of risk with those in future years, following climate change and urban growth scenarios. However, the impacts of individual hazards were still assessed individually and combined in the risk assessment phase.

Now we have further developed the tool, and have considered the possibility of multi-hazard exposure analysis, combining two or more hazardous events. This can be done using multi-hazard modelling (e.g. for landslides and flooding under extreme rainfall events), or by assessing the exposure to two hazards together.  After this, simple impact chains can be built to determine how physical vulnerability and exposure are linked to assess the losses of consecutive, concurrent, and cascading events, for different types of elements at risk.  

The tool offers a simple and useful tool to estimate the impacts of complex events and to improve preparedness planning and impact-based forecasting. An example of the application of the tool is presented for volcanic and hydrometeorological hazard interactions for the island of Saint Vincent in the Caribbean.

How to cite: van Westen, C., Ramadhani Prasetya, S., Hazarika, M., Das, D. K., and Mandal, A. K.: Modelling hazard interactions and cascading impacts; development of the RiskChanges tool, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16011,, 2025.

EGU25-16119 | Orals | NH10.6

Tools for emergency management and climate resilience in Catalonia (Spain) 

Shinju Park, Carles Corral-Celma, Xavi Llort, Israel Rodríguez-Giralt, Maria Cifre-Sabater, and Marc Berenguer

Catalonia region is affected by extreme climate and weather events (e.g., floods, forest fires, heat waves, and drought). The Large-scale Demonstrator (LSD) Catalonia within the Horizon Europe RESIST project (2023-2027) proposes transfer solutions with the tools to enhance capacity building on natural risk awareness and proactive preparedness in emergency management.

The first two tools, a real-time Multi-Hazard Early Warning System and Impact-based Site-specific Warnings, have been implemented locally with available forecasts and observations from local sensors, risk maps, and information on critical points, producing impact-based forecasts with enhanced functionalities. The third one, the Citizen Participatory Toolkit, includes a set of public survey questionnaires and guidelines on community resilience for local and regional Civil Protection based on current social perspectives on climate change-related natural hazards, risk information, and inclusive risk communication.

This presentation will showcase examples of these tools implemented in the RESIST pilot cities.

How to cite: Park, S., Corral-Celma, C., Llort, X., Rodríguez-Giralt, I., Cifre-Sabater, M., and Berenguer, M.: Tools for emergency management and climate resilience in Catalonia (Spain), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16119,, 2025.

EGU25-16560 | ECS | Orals | NH10.6

A Framework for Mapping Global Climate Multi-Hazard Risks under Future Climate Scenarios 

Edoardo Albergo, Jacopo Furlanetto, Ngoc Diep Nguyen, Marinella Masina, Marcello Sano, Matteo Carisi, Alex Zabeo, and Andrea Critto

Climate change presents escalating challenges, impacting people, the environment, and the economy. Climate-related hazards are expected to intensify their effects in the future, making it essential to build disaster risk reduction capacity. To address these challenges, international financial institutions and governments worldwide require accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive information to understand the spatiotemporal distribution of risk, identify risk hotspots, and support the preparation of adaptation strategies to enable the prioritization and effectiveness of adaptation investments. Within the ESA-funded GDA-Climate Resilience project, a comprehensive framework has been developed to assess spatially explicit relative risks under current and future climate scenarios on a global scale, serving as a basis for a decision support tool aimed at implementing climate risk services. This framework aims to provide decision-makers with critical insights into relative risk variations under future climate projections, considering  key hazards such as droughts, warm spells, and floods and focusing on receptors such as agriculture and population. This innovative, pixel-level relative risk assessment approach utilizes open-source global datasets to evaluate future relative risk levels from multiple climate hazards. It encompasses three SSP-RCP scenarios—SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP3-7.0—over the period from 2020 to 2099, with 20-year time steps, using 1995–2014 as the reference baseline. The current implementation examines drought-agriculture, warm spell-population and flood-population hazard/receptor combinations, adopting the IPCC’s framework for hazard, exposure, and vulnerability dimensions in defining risk. Risk estimation is provided both as a 0-to-1 index, enabling spatial and temporal global comparability, and as a risk variation index, informing decision-makers about areas where the risk is increasing most rapidly. Additionally, the framework explores multi-hazard risk, enabling the analysis of combined impacts from various climate hazards on different receptors, such as populations and agricultural systems. Our initial findings reveal a significant increase in relative risk for both droughts and warm spells over time compared to baseline levels. Several high-risk hotspots have been identified, as well as areas with shifting future risk profiles from individual hazards both globally and within individual countries, under specific time steps and climate scenarios. Further research may focus on the exploration of emerging risks arising from multi-hazard interactions. In general, this approach offers valuable insights to guide decision makers in fostering adaptation strategies and investments, and provides a foundational step for a future, spatially explicit and comprehensive global risk assessment platform.

How to cite: Albergo, E., Furlanetto, J., Nguyen, N. D., Masina, M., Sano, M., Carisi, M., Zabeo, A., and Critto, A.: A Framework for Mapping Global Climate Multi-Hazard Risks under Future Climate Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16560,, 2025.

EGU25-16640 | ECS | Orals | NH10.6

An AI approach for multi-risk assessment in the Veneto Region  

Davide Mauro Ferrario, Timothy Tiggeloven, Samuele Casagrande, Marcello Sanò, Marleen de Ruiter, Andrea Critto, and Silvia Torresan

The increasing frequency and severity of extreme climate events necessitate robust multi-risk assessments. Traditional methods often fail to unravel complex hazard interactions and impacts. Artificial Intelligence provides a powerful tool for analysing environmental data, integrating diverse information sources, and modelling non-linear relationships, crucial for effective risk reduction strategies.

A stepwise AI-based framework to assess the risk posed by extreme climate events was developed for the Veneto region (North-East Italy). The main hazards considered are heatwaves, droughts, storm surges, extreme precipitation, extreme wind, landslide and wildfire. The first step involves identifying single hazard susceptibility maps, using statistical methods for atmospheric hazards and using supervised Machine Learning (XGBoost) for landslide and wildfire. In the second step, the single hazard susceptibility maps are integrated into a multi-hazard map, using a Random Forest model trained and validated on a multi-hazard event dataset in the historical timeframe. The multi hazard event dataset was created considering the spatial and temporal footprints of single hazards from climate data, utilizing statistical methods to detect extreme events, and applying unsupervised machine learning (DBSCAN) for clustering and counts the number of consecutive and compound multi-hazard events. Then, in the third step, the analysis is extended to multi-risk, integrating vulnerability and exposure indicators for multiple socio-economic variables (population, built environment, tourism and agriculture).

This comprehensive approach leverages advanced data-driven and AI techniques to enhance the understanding of the complex dynamics associated with multi-risk events. Applied within the Veneto case study of the Myriad-EU project, this framework has been tested for present and future scenarios considering RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5, showing an increasing risk from hot and dry events in future multi-risk, especially for the tourism and agriculture sectors.

How to cite: Ferrario, D. M., Tiggeloven, T., Casagrande, S., Sanò, M., de Ruiter, M., Critto, A., and Torresan, S.: An AI approach for multi-risk assessment in the Veneto Region , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16640,, 2025.

EGU25-16718 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.6

Tracking the pandemic footprint in Bucharest, Romania: A forensic and Impact Chain analysis from the PARATUS Project 

Cristina Savu, Funda Atun, Andra-Cosmina Albulescu, and Iuliana Armaș

Placing a few years between ourselves and the COVID-19 pandemic offers no shield or resilience against future pandemics and medical crises. Pushing healthcare facilities worldwide to their limits and disrupting the delivery of preventive and curative services. While it has provided scientists and stakeholders across various sectors with valuable insights, there are still reflections that remain to be fully understood. Despite a growing body of literature on pandemic lessons, a significant research gap emerges in understanding the unfolding of the COVID-19 pandemic as a long-lasting hazard through the lens of Disaster Risk Reduction.

This research work aims to investigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hospital network in the capital of Romania during 2020-2022, employing a multi-method approach that integrates the Impact Chain model and forensic analysis. Up to date, no forensic investigations have been conducted on COVID-19, which sets the present one at the forefront of pandemic-related research.

The Impact Chain integrates the COVID-19 pandemic as an epidemiological hazard, its various impacts, the contributing vulnerabilities, exposed elements, and adaptation options, as well as the connections established among them. The model was implemented following the guidelines formulated within the Paratus Project. It draws from scientific papers, official reports, statistical datasets, legislative documents, WHO official websites, and news reports, as well as from expert knowledge and the insights of medical personnel at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19 in Bucharest. The Impact Chain is used as a support tool for the forensic analysis that integrates elements from the Post-Event Review Capability (PERC) and the Detecting Disaster Root Causes (DDRC) frameworks.

This multi-method approach facilitated a detailed view of the pandemic impacts, the various types (i.e., financial, institutional, physical, and socio-cultural) vulnerabilities that contributed to them, and the mitigation measures implemented to address them. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic cover a broad spectrum, extending over both short and long periods, and are closely linked with the strain that the overwhelming number of COVID-19 patients placed on healthcare facilities. Most of the identified vulnerabilities stem from the ”chronic” underfunding of the medical system in Romania, as well as from the institutional vulnerability represented by the low performance of this system. In terms of mitigation efforts, the identified adaptation options tend to address impacts rather than vulnerabilities.

The systematic understanding of the key elements of pandemic risk provided by the structured model of Impact Chains, complemented by the detailed narrative put forward by the forensic analysis, offers a comprehensive and fresh understanding of the pandemic disaster and its effects on the medical facilities in Bucharest. Future research should extend the scope of the analysis beyond the hospital network, to include the local community.

How to cite: Savu, C., Atun, F., Albulescu, A.-C., and Armaș, I.: Tracking the pandemic footprint in Bucharest, Romania: A forensic and Impact Chain analysis from the PARATUS Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16718,, 2025.

Bucharest can be considered Europe's most endangered capital to earthquakes. Intermediate-depth seismic events occurring in the Vrancea Area, with magnitudes greater than 7 MW, can significantly affect the city. In the 20th century, Bucharest experienced two major damaging earthquakes: in 1940 and 1977. But the occasioned lessons were not fully learned. The number of vulnerable buildings is nowadays considerable, as over 30% of them were built before 1963 (of which 22%, before 1941). New factors among which climate change, increased exposure, and road congestion, alongside perpetuated or augmented vulnerabilities of different types, can contribute to higher than ever losses. In this context, new ways of quantifying the impacts are necessary.

Within the PARATUS and MULTICARE EU Projects, we started a complex evaluation of multi-risk centered around multi-hazard scenarios relevant to Bucharest. Beside earthquakes, we also looked at the potential effects of a dam break and levee breach for the Morii Lake located in the north-western part of the city, upstream of the city center. To explain the intricate interplay among cascading hazards, exposure, and vulnerability, first of all we developed an Impact Chain for the present and future situation, integrating a wide range of feedback from relevant stakeholders (i.e., decision-makers, first and second responders, military, architects, academics, insurance companies, legal experts).

To support loss estimation and the evaluation of flood propagation, we developed a new exposure and vulnerability database at the building level. In our presentation, we will detail the data collection process involving satellite images (including from the KH-9 mission in the 70’s and 80’s), deep learning algorithms, open-source and census data, or evaluations of individual buildings conducted by engineers and architects. This database allowed us to run OpenQuake for a near-real time estimation of seismic losses, proving to be highly valuable for first-responders but also for developing scenario-driven preparedness plans. A fully 2D modelling approach was used for the flood hazard analysis aiming to determine the flooded areas and maximum water height, accounting for the resistance imposed to the water flow by buildings.

In order to highlight the importance of road network functionality given various seismic and flood scenarios, we also performed an evaluation of travel-time estimation, at the city level. For this, factored in incidents (such as road blockage due to debris, bridge collapse, or access restrictions caused by flooding) and their impacts on traffic at particular times. The analysis also reveals the importance of dedicated lanes for first response vehicles, currently delimited in Bucharest on tramway lines. Future research initiatives focus on 1) evaluating accessibility to hospitals, considering also their capacity of treating different types of patients and 2) proposing improvements in road network planning and hospital location, grounded on the obtained expected distribution of losses.

How to cite: Toma-Danila, D., Armas, I., Albulescu, A.-C., and Cozma, A.: Multi-risk estimation through Impact Chains, earthquake and flood loss simulations. Progress for Bucharest Case Study within the PARATUS and MULTICARE Projects., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16778,, 2025.

EGU25-16996 | ECS | Orals | NH10.6

Present-day risk from winter storms in the United Kingdom 

Eloise Matthews, Paula Gonzalez, Emily Wallace, Duncan Ackerley, and Daisy Harley-Nyang

Winter storms cause significant impacts to a range of sectors in the United Kingdom (UK) (Hanlon et al., 2021; Kendon et al. 2023). The nature of winter storms is that they are associated with multiple hazards (for example strong winds, rain, and storm surges) which will most often occur as compounding hazards: simultaneously, over large areas or one after another (Bloomfield et al., 2023, 2024; Kew et al., 2024; Zscheischler et al., 2020). The complexity of the hazards from winter storms makes them challenging to plan for by resilience specialists and critical infrastructure operators (Bloomfield et al., 2023; Zscheischler et al., 2020). Strong winds and gusts, alongside compounding impacts from rainfall, for example, are known to lead to societal disruption, such as to energy distribution lines (e.g., Gonçalves et al., 2024).

Some recent work has focused on understanding which aspects of a storm’s development lead to compound impacts over the UK (e.g. Manning et al., 2024) but no existing UK storm classification has focused on informing hazards and impacts potential. In this project we explore the feasibility of a new framework to better assess risk from the compounding hazards in winter storms to facilitate better preparation by the resilience community. The approach is based on techniques used by operational meteorologists to anticipate the potential outcomes of storms. From literature review and expert interviews, we believe that this is a novel approach within the resilience planning setting.

When a storm approaches the UK, meteorologists must quickly determine the likely impact on a wide range of sectors, determine worst-case scenarios and build a picture of the level of predictability. One approach they use is to assess a range of aspects of the impending storm related to its dynamical development (we refer to these as ‘storm development metrics’) and use these to rapidly validate the predicted hazards by the forecast models, as well as to identify potential high-risk outcomes. They often refer to previous storms with similar characteristics to infer possible scenarios. We investigate whether these ‘storm development metrics’ can be used to create a ‘typology’ of storms that can separate storms by the plausible hazard scenarios that could occur, and hence simplify the task of assessing risk from storms now and in the future.

Different machine learning clustering techniques are applied to the development metrics from a large set of historical named storms that affected the UK to explore the discrimination power in the hazard space of the resulting cluster sets. This furthers the project aim to convert the technical understanding of operational meteorologists into more digestible information for resilience specialists, building capacity to manage the threat of multi-hazard storms.

How to cite: Matthews, E., Gonzalez, P., Wallace, E., Ackerley, D., and Harley-Nyang, D.: Present-day risk from winter storms in the United Kingdom, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16996,, 2025.

EGU25-17179 | Orals | NH10.6

Advancing Disaster Risk Management and Climate Adaptation: Modular, Scalable, and Open Standards-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Local Action 

Benedikt Gräler, Martin Pontius, Johannes Schnell, Stefano Bagli, and Paolo Mazzoli

Our environment is characterized by a changing climate marked by rapidly increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather leading to compound multi-hazard events. This evolving climate reality accentuates diverse needs across various sectors, as each grapples with unique vulnerabilities and adaptation requirements. Stakeholders, ranging from individuals, local communities to governmental bodies and private enterprises, need to take measures to mitigate these challenges. 

These heterogeneous needs ask for tailored approaches to support disaster risk reduction, climate resilience and adaptive governance. However, significant barriers to access data and information products for an effective climate adaptation and increased preparedness exist. Despite the growing need for localized early warning and climate resilience (comp. UN initiative “Early Warnings for all”), the available data is often too generic and inaccessible to meet the specific needs of local stakeholders. This lack of actionable information hampers timely and informed decision-making, leaving communities and sectors ill-prepared for the impacts of extreme weather events. Furthermore, the limited interoperability of data, models, and information products exacerbates these challenges by creating inefficiencies and delays in decision processes. Addressing these issues is crucial for fostering adaptive capacity and enhancing preparedness at all levels.

The prototypical solutions developed in the European projects I-CISK and DIRECTED address the identified challenges by leveraging open-source, open-data, and open-science principles to enhance data accessibility, interoperability, and usability for local stakeholders. Central to this approach is a cloud-deployed research data infrastructure that produces tailored information products meeting diverse user needs across different climatic regimes and application scenarios. These products are co-developed in close collaboration with local stakeholders, ensuring alignment with specific information gaps and needs to improve preparedness and adaptive capacity.

The system builds upon open-source projects, including pygeoapi and React, and employs cloud-optimized data formats and storage to seamlessly integrate heterogeneous data sources. These range from continental-scale data (e.g., Copernicus) to local datasets, enabling a comprehensive understanding of spatial and temporal climate variability. A federated design, grounded in open standards such as the latest OGC APIs (e.g., Processing, Features, Connected Systems), ensures modularity, interoperability, and ease of customization for both research and operational spatial information infrastructures. This approach fosters scalability, credibility, and reusability, empowering stakeholders to use tailored solutions that address their sector-specific challenges.

One notable challenge during the development of the prototypical solutions is the complexity and effort required for a co-design approach, where diverse stakeholders collaborate to define requirements and identify information gaps, guiding the development of the solution. While this participatory method enhances relevance and user satisfaction, it demands significant time, resources, and coordination, particularly when balancing varying stakeholder priorities and expectations.

Another key challenge lies in ensuring the continuity and usability of the services and tools developed during the project. A strong focus on the development of sustainable business use-cases will solidify the adoption of the tailored solutions beyond the project’s lifecycle. This includes fostering stakeholder engagement, securing long-term funding, and adapting to evolving technological and climatic contexts.

This work has been funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement IDs 101037293 and 101073978.

How to cite: Gräler, B., Pontius, M., Schnell, J., Bagli, S., and Mazzoli, P.: Advancing Disaster Risk Management and Climate Adaptation: Modular, Scalable, and Open Standards-Based Spatial Data Infrastructure for Local Action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17179,, 2025.

EGU25-17791 | ECS | Orals | NH10.6

Unlocking Global Insights: Opportunities for Multi-Hazard Risk Management from a Unique Empirical Database 

Robert Sakic Trogrlic, Marleen de Ruiter, Silvia de Angeli, Melanie Duncan, Joel Gill, Heidi Kreibich, Christopher White, and Philip Ward

The past decade has seen significant advancements in understanding multi-hazards and their associated risks, particularly in identifying interrelationships between different hazards. However, the effective management of multi-hazard risks and understanding of its challenges remains underexplored. This gap in understanding is partly due to the relative novelty of the topic and the scarcity of detailed case studies on past multi-hazard events. To address this gap, this work presents the first global database of past multi-hazard events, comprising 57 in-depth cases contributed by over 150 experts worldwide. The database includes compound, concurrent, and consecutive events spanning meteorological, hydrological, geological, environmental, and biological hazards. It provides detailed descriptions of the physical characteristics of the events, examines changes in exposure and vulnerability during multi-hazard scenarios, analyzes the synergies and trade-offs of implemented risk reduction measures, and identifies both bottlenecks and good practices in multi-hazard risk management based on past experiences. This presentation will synthesize key insights from the database and explore how it can be utilized by researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers to further integrate multi-hazard risk management into practice.


How to cite: Sakic Trogrlic, R., de Ruiter, M., de Angeli, S., Duncan, M., Gill, J., Kreibich, H., White, C., and Ward, P.: Unlocking Global Insights: Opportunities for Multi-Hazard Risk Management from a Unique Empirical Database, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17791,, 2025.

EGU25-18939 | Posters on site | NH10.6

What can we learn from public compensation efforts following a multi-hazard event? The 2020 Gloria storm in Catalonia. 

Marcel Hürlimann, Núria Pantaleoni Reluy, and Nieves Lantada Zarzosa

Globally, the absence of a fully private insurance market for post-disaster recovery makes public sector involvement essential when insurance is either unaffordable or unavailable. Spain's public-sector-driven disaster risk response system offers a valuable case for analyzing post-disaster public compensation. The Gloria storm in January 2020, a significant multi-hazard event that activated all Spanish disaster compensation programs, serves as an ideal example to assess public intervention in disaster response. Hence, this study aims to assess the public sector’s role in mitigating financial losses during multi-hazard events, using Gloria storm as a case study. We analyze regional disaster losses through a three-step approach: compiling a recovery database, assessing key hazards, and examining the relationship between uninsured asset damages and hazard likelihood. Preliminary results show that the storm caused widespread damage, with recovery costs totaling 264 million Euros. In Spain, government interventions in disaster risk response are composed of fully public and public-private partnership (PPP) funds. Regarding the distribution of funding, the results reveal a distinction in asset coverage. Fully public funds are essential for restoring community services and infrastructure, especially in inland areas, focusing on sectors like water management, environment, culture, agriculture, and transportation. Public-private partnerships fund more privately-oriented assets, such as trade, industry, residential properties, vehicles, and office spaces, primarily in coastal and northern inland regions. Moreover, public funding prioritizes hazard type first, then impacted assets, while PPPs focus on directly funding affected assets without considering the hazard type. Although public compensation is not tailored to multi-hazard events, we identify municipalities affected by multiple hazards, showing more severe overall damage in areas with also a higher concentration of affected assets. Finally, the results prove that the hazard likelihood (return period) is not appropriate for understanding public compensation distribution, as no clear correlation with loss costs is found, suggesting that other factors should be considered. This study highlights the importance of assessing and understanding the distribution of public compensation, giving new insights in loss assessment of typically uninsured assets. 

How to cite: Hürlimann, M., Pantaleoni Reluy, N., and Lantada Zarzosa, N.: What can we learn from public compensation efforts following a multi-hazard event? The 2020 Gloria storm in Catalonia., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18939,, 2025.

EGU25-19017 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.6

Forensic analysis of three permanent landslide observatories in Lower Austria 

Till Wenzel, Philipp Marr, and Thomas Glade

The complexity and variability of slow-moving landslides require long-term, multi-parameter monitoring rather than short-term assessments to effectively evaluate and mitigate potential hazards. This forensic analysis, which is carried out as part of the PARATUS project, focuses on the Landslide Observatory Lower Austria, a unique setting encompassing three study sites: Hofermühle, Gresten, and Brandstatt. Rather than focusing on specific catastrophic events—which are rare for slow-moving landslides, such as the event at the Hofermühle in 2013—this study emphasizes process understanding and the cumulative impacts of slow events, which, over decades, can significantly shape landscapes and risks.

Landslides, the primary hazard under investigation, rank among the most critical natural hazards worldwide due to their ability to cause significant damage across sectors and landscapes. Triggered by various factors, including intense precipitation and human activities, landslides pose ongoing challenges in Lower Austria, where geological and climatic conditions exacerbate susceptibility. The region covers approximately 19,000 km² and serves as a prime setting for Landslide Observatory Lower Austria´s operations. The three observatories are comparable in terms of geological and climatic contexts, land use, and anthropogenic influences, such as drainage systems, yet differ in their spatial extent, landslide subsystems, and dynamics. This diversity enhances the forensic scope of the analysis, offering insights into distinct landslide behaviors and long-term trends.

The Landslide Observatory Lower Austria employs an array of monitoring methods, including automatic inclinometers, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), UAV surveys, and piezometers, supplemented by meteorological data. These tools capture data at various spatial and temporal scales, from point-specific measurements to areal assessments, enabling the exploration of surface and subsurface movement dynamics. Slow-moving landslides present a unique opportunity for disaster prevention, as their gradual progression allows for detailed study and modeling.

Building resilience for future events requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both immediate needs and long-term strategies. In response to recent events, efforts have been made to improve the recognition of slow-moving processes and landslides as hazards, garnering more national and federal attention. However, challenges persist, particularly in mitigating physical vulnerabilities such as rebuilding infrastructure in high-risk areas and uncovering historical evidence like the locations of drainage pipes. To reduce future risks and increase resilience, ongoing initiatives focus on comprehensive assessments, proactive measures, and filling crucial knowledge gaps to ensure a more robust understanding of hazards and enhance preparedness for potential future incidents. By synthesizing data and insights from Hofermühle, Gresten, and Brandstatt, this analysis provides a robust foundation for improving landslide management in Lower Austria and beyond.

How to cite: Wenzel, T., Marr, P., and Glade, T.: Forensic analysis of three permanent landslide observatories in Lower Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19017,, 2025.

EGU25-19063 | ECS | Orals | NH10.6

Enhancing Drought Risk Monitoring for Disaster Risk Reduction: Innovations in the Africa Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Action System (AMHEWAS) 

Michel Isabellon, Luca Trotter, Edoardo Cremonese, Lorenzo Alfieri, Anna Mapelli, Lauro Rossi, Viola Otieno, Harsen Nyambe Nyambe, Nomsa Dube, Marco Massabò, Carlyne Yu, and Tessa Maurer

We present a novel implementation of the impact-based drought monitoring and early warning component of the Africa Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Action System for Disaster Risk Reduction (AMHEWAS for DRR). AMHEWAS is a collaborative initiative led by the African Union Commission (AUC), in partnership with Regional Economic Communities, Member States, and with the technical and scientific expertise of UNDRR and CIMA Research Foundation. Its goal is to enhance Africa's resilience to natural hazards. The system adopts a comprehensive, multi-scale framework, integrating efforts at continental, regional, and national levels to strengthen early warning systems and advance disaster risk management strategies.

A key component of AMHEWAS is the Continental Watch (CW), an impact-based bulletin focused on rain, wind, flood, and drought hazards. The CW contains advisories on the levels of potential disaster impacts and is used by the African Union Commission to alert national authorities about potential threats. The CW consolidates data from automated monitoring and forecasting systems, providing decision-makers across Africa with timely, actionable information. This enables proactive interventions to reduce the potential impacts of disasters.

The drought bulletin, released to interested parties monthly, monitors drought hazard in near-real time at the continental scale. It uses openly available datasets to evaluate emerging drought conditions at different time scales, to ensure a diverse range of potential impacts is captured in the bulletin. For short-time drought evaluation (1-3 months), the Combined Drought Indicator (CDI) is used as hazard indicator, whereas for longer timescales, a 12-month Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI12) is used.

Hazard information from these indicators is paired with tailored layers for exposure and vulnerability to evaluate emerging potential drought impacts in various sectors. Results are presented monthly in the bulletin for the entire African continent and are aggregated at national and sub-national scales.

How to cite: Isabellon, M., Trotter, L., Cremonese, E., Alfieri, L., Mapelli, A., Rossi, L., Otieno, V., Nyambe Nyambe, H., Dube, N., Massabò, M., Yu, C., and Maurer, T.: Enhancing Drought Risk Monitoring for Disaster Risk Reduction: Innovations in the Africa Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Action System (AMHEWAS), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19063,, 2025.

EGU25-19554 | ECS | Orals | NH10.6

AI-Enhanced Strategic Foresight Analysis for Multi-Hazard Land-Sea Interface Management in the Valencian Community  

Gea Grassi, Federica Zennaro, Elisa Furlan, and Andrea Critto

Societies face growing challenges driven by the compounded effect of climate change and interconnected hazards, alongside broader environmental issues. The Land-Sea Interface (LSI), where several ecosystems converge and interact, represents a complex environment with unique dynamics and interdependencies. These characteristics pose significant challenges for impact assessment and planning and require appropriate methodologies to navigate its complexities effectively.
The exploration and development of innovative tools for multi-hazard impact and adaptation planning have become essential for understanding and unraveling the interplay between multiple pressures while exploring future scenarios, anticipating uncertainties, and supporting informed and robust decisions.
In this setting, strategic foresight analysis has emerged as a proactive approach to address complex challenges, helping organizations to anticipate and prepare for future risks and opportunities. Its inherent interdisciplinarity and capacity to offer insights into complex dynamics make it useful to enhance building systemic resilience, and transdisciplinary collaboration, enabling the integration of diverse knowledge systems and stakeholder perspectives into adaptive planning and decision-making. Within this study, an AI-enhanced strategic foresight analysis, specifically tailored to the Valencia region's coastal wetlands, is proposed to respond to the critical need to understand the multidimensional dynamics of Land-Sea Interactions (LSI). The Valencia coastal case, highly prone to multiple hazards, is distinguished by complex interactions between anthropogenic and climate-driven pressures, which amplify their combined impacts on vital ecological.
The methodological approach integrates traditional foresight tools (i.e., horizon scanning, megatrend analysis, and scenario planning) with robust,  innovative science-based approaches. Specifically, megatrend analysis was conducted using Copernicus climate data, and scenarios based on a Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) supported by Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative-AI).AI tools were employed for data analysis and to generate impact weights that accurately reflect the effects of multiple hazards and anthropogenic pressures on different ecosystems. Local stakeholders and expert involvement played a central role in these tasks, ensuring that model development and application on the Valencia case were aligned with local priorities and challenges. 
Looking at the key outcomes of the appraisal, the m
megatrend analysis revealed increasing trends in climate pressures, such as sea-level rise, storm surges, coastal erosion, and air temperature median scores over time. The most marked values were shown in the southern wetlands and on the Albufera coast, underpinning their experience to compounded pressures due to their proximity to the coast.  
Finally, scenario analysis indicated a progressive intensification of cumulative impacts for different RCPs (RCP 4.5 and 8.5) and time horizons (2050 and 2100). In particular, in all scenarios, forests and seminatural areas consistently exhibited the highest cumulative impact scores due to their sensitivity to hazards, in particular sea level rise, storm surges, and air temperature changes.
However, coastal wetlands stood out as the most critical category in future scenarios, due to their exposition to the interplay of multiple marine-driven hazards.
This study facilitated the co-design of a novel CIA approach, providing insights into multi-hazard impacts and a solid foundation for further research while enhancing decision-making processes in spatial planning and  equipping stakeholders with actionable insights  enhancing resilience and long-term preparedness.

How to cite: Grassi, G., Zennaro, F., Furlan, E., and Critto, A.: AI-Enhanced Strategic Foresight Analysis for Multi-Hazard Land-Sea Interface Management in the Valencian Community , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19554,, 2025.

EGU25-20464 | Posters on site | NH10.6

Forensic analysis for Hurricane Katrina 

Andre da Silva Mano, Pritam Gosh, Marija Bockarjova, Bastian Van den Bout, Federica Romagnoli, and Funda Atun

In the PARATUS project, we ran the forensic analysis for Hurricane Katrina, which occurred in 2005. This category-5 hurricane severely impacted the US Gulf Coast, particularly New Orleans. It contextualizes the disaster’s temporal, spatial, and operational dimensions, tracing the cascade of events and vulnerabilities that compounded the hurricane’s catastrophic effects. The existing studies identify Hurricane Katrina as an extreme event with a return period of 100-250 years.

The analysis reveals the multifaceted vulnerabilities underlying the disaster including physical infrastructure deficits, socio-economic inequalities, environmental degradation and governance failures. Pre-existing vulnerabilities such as poorly maintained leeves, wetland degradation and socio-economic disparities contributed to higher exposure and risk. The marginalized communities with limited access to resources and risk awareness were the worst hit, exemplifying systemic inequality. The infrastructure destruction caused by the disaster led to an immediate displacement of 1.2 million people and the loss of over 1400 lives. Short-term environmental consequences ranged from biodiversity loss to contamination 0pf air and water with hazardous materials. The hurricane disrupted critical services, livelihoods, and supply chains, causing economic losses that exceeded 100 billion USD. The disaster also triggered severe mental health issues among the survivors.

The federal and state agencies such as FEMA were mobilised during the recovery phase. Financial resources, advanced technologies and revised disaster frameworks were deployed shortly after the disaster. However, bureaucratic inefficiencies and inequitable resource distribution left the vulnerable population with minimal support. Restoration of critical infrastructures took over a year while rebuilding homes spanned several years. As resilience measures, the enhancement of the levee system advanced engineering practices in rebuilding, and improved risk communication were undertaken. The study concluded that despite the institutional measures, the low-income groups were disproportionately affected. Multi-dimensional vulnerabilities remain critical to reducing future disaster impacts. The forensic underscores the importance of integrated, equitable disaster risk management frameworks to enhance resilience against future extreme weather events, which are likely to be intensified by Climate Change.

Keywords: PARATUS project, Forensic Analysis, Hurricane Katrina, Multi-sectoral Impact, Disaster Risk Assessment

How to cite: da Silva Mano, A., Gosh, P., Bockarjova, M., Van den Bout, B., Romagnoli, F., and Atun, F.: Forensic analysis for Hurricane Katrina, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20464,, 2025.

EGU25-20510 | Posters on site | NH10.6

Learning from the past multi-hazard events. 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami Forensic Analysis Application 

Funda Atun, Pritam Ghosh, Silvia Cocuccioni, Federica Romagnoli, and Cees van Westen

Combining knowledge and learning from past events is a preeminent way of advancing our knowledge to better forecast the potential impact of future multi-hazard risk events.  While historical disaster data is indispensable, acknowledging the dynamic nature of economic, social, and environmental conditions, at the same time it challenges the prevailing notion that "the past is the key to the future." In the context of the PARATUS project, we developed a forensic approach based on three specific methodologies: Investigation of Disasters (FORIN), Post Event Review Capability (PERC), and Detecting Disaster Root Causes (DKKV). PARATUS approach applies a combination of these three forensic analyses to a set of learning case studies drawn from selected past disaster events to analyse and navigate the complexity of disaster impacts across diverse contexts.

In this poster, we will present the Forensic Analysis conducted for the Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami, emphasizing hazard characterization, cascading effects and the effectiveness of the early warning systems. The Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami that occurred on the 11th of March 2011 was one of the costliest disasters ever recorded with economic losses estimated at 235 billion USD. A 9.0 magnitude earthquake triggering a Tsunami with wave heights exceeding 40 meters impacted 400 kilometres of Japan’s coastline. The present study conducts a PARATUS forensic analysis of the Data obtained from scientific literature, institutional reports and expert evaluations that have been compiled to understand the nature of the disaster and its short and long-term effects on the physical, environmental, socio-cultural, economic and institutional dimensions. Besides that, the triggering effects of the disaster, such as tectonic subduction and the subsequent cascading hazards, such as tsunami and nuclear reactor failure in Fukushima Daiichi, have also been studied in detail.

A forensic analysis of Japan’s Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system, the search and rescue operation, impacts, pre-disaster vulnerabilities and recovery (post-disaster) have been undertaken. This study highlights the role of the institutional response after the disaster. This study not only assesses the different aspects of the disaster in an all-encompassing way but also focuses on building back better by enhancing disaster resilience, capacity building and increased disaster preparedness by studying Japan’s disaster response and providing actionable recommendations. The analysis contributes to understanding systemic vulnerabilities and improving future disaster management strategies. Japan’s approach to strengthening community-level preparedness, improving warning systems for providing timely information to remote communities, and integrating sustainable recovery strategies for post-disaster recovery are among some of the key findings of the study.


How to cite: Atun, F., Ghosh, P., Cocuccioni, S., Romagnoli, F., and van Westen, C.: Learning from the past multi-hazard events. 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami Forensic Analysis Application, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20510,, 2025.

EGU25-20660 | Orals | NH10.6

A conceptual multi-hazard and multi-risk decision-support system model: Stakeholders’ perspectives 

Osman Mohammad Ibrahim, Yannick Revel, Lucy Shepherd, Tinna Kristbjörg Halldórsdóttir, Ian Simon Gjetrang, Charlotte Thomin, Zahida Yousaf, Charlotte Palmer, Arnar Úlfarsson, Chen Huang, Mariantonietta Morga, Sólveig Þorvaldsdóttir, and Abdelghani Meslem

Despite recent advances in modelling and forecasting natural hazards and how they impact communities, infrastructures and livelihoods, decision-makers still struggle to comprehensively understand local hazard impacts, thus failing to successfully plan integrated adaptation and impact mitigation strategies to reduce high economic, environmental and human losses. Climate change is expected to further increase the intensity of extreme events calling for systemic and interdisciplinary strategies for local mitigation and adaptation strategies. Moreover, in a progressively interconnected society, collective and unforeseen risks are likely to emerge because of dynamic change in exposure (e.g. due to population and urban growth), vulnerability (e.g. due to aging infrastructure) and decreases in coping capacity (e.g. due to aging populations). Within the Horizon Europe MEDiate project (Grant agreement ID: 101074075), scientists and stakeholders (disaster managers) representing local authorities are working closely to address these challenges, through the co-creation of a framework for multi-hazard disaster-resilience decision-support system (DSS), and implementation in operational environment in four European test beds (TBs) with different demography, cultural, geographical, and geopolitical conditions: TB1-City of Oslo (Norway), TB2-Metropolis of Nice Cote d’Azur (France), TB3-Essex County (UK), TB4-Múlaþing (Iceland). The conceptual DSS model uses multi-criteria decision-making approach to support the development of mitigation options and risk management plans. The conceptual DSS model has been integrated in a platform where multi-stakeholder groups can work together, define their local characteristics, preferences and priorities, and manage disaster risks considering multi-interacting hazards and cascading effects, and accounting for forecasted modifications in the hazard, exposure and vulnerability.

How to cite: Ibrahim, O. M., Revel, Y., Shepherd, L., Halldórsdóttir, T. K., Gjetrang, I. S., Thomin, C., Yousaf, Z., Palmer, C., Úlfarsson, A., Huang, C., Morga, M., Þorvaldsdóttir, S., and Meslem, A.: A conceptual multi-hazard and multi-risk decision-support system model: Stakeholders’ perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20660,, 2025.

Recent disasters (e.g., the 2023 Türkiye-Syria earthquake and floods) have underscored the potential for multiple natural hazards occurring during a community’s recovery, further prolonging post-disaster recovery times. This study investigates modeling and computational challenges involved in assessing post-disaster recovery trajectories for building structures subjected to plausible initial and secondary hazard scenarios by accounting for various interarrival times and relative intensities (in terms of event mean return period). An illustrative example of a building subjected to an earthquake followed by a flood scenario (with explicit consideration of climate change effects on the flood’s severity and frequency) is showcased by discussing relevant post-disaster delays that occurred before the start of repairs (i.e., impeding factor delays) for each hazard scenario and the impact of the secondary event on the recovery trajectory. For instance, financing through insurance settlement for two hazard events occurring within a short time frame (weeks or months) could be complex and require a much longer time to settle, which then impedes the recovery of the asset. Furthermore, the impact of different damage levels (and corresponding repair classes) to critical structural/non-structural components across both hazards, as well as their potential interactions, on the recovery trajectory is investigated. Finally, this study examines how various policy decisions made at different stages post-disaster influence recovery trajectories. It highlights the complexities and significant uncertainties involved in decision-making, such as delays caused by impeding factors and their interactions under extreme and unexpected secondary events. This understanding can aid in developing dynamic and adaptive policy pathways.

How to cite: Kourehpaz, P. and Galasso, C.: Modeling and Computational Challenges in Post-disaster Building Recovery under Multiple Hazard Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-485,, 2025.

EGU25-5036 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.7

A decision support framework for subsidence risk reduction in urban areas 

Nicoletta Nappo and Mandy Korff

Weather extremes and climate change can exacerbate subsidence in urban costal and delta areas. Subsidence risk management requires strategies that integrate mitigation and prevention of both ground sinking and damage to constructions. These strategies include structural (i.e., technical) measures, such as soil improvements, groundwater management and construction enhancements, and non-structural (i.e., non-technical) measures, such as policies, regulations, and urban planning. Despite their importance, local governments often lack systematic methodologies for choosing appropriate measures.

This study presents a practical framework to assist stakeholders and policymakers in managing subsidence and damage to constructions in urban areas. The framework evaluates the applicability and effectiveness of structural mitigation and prevention measures to identify optimal solutions.

The first step involves determining the applicability of measures using a Question-and-Response (Q&R) system. The system features eight inquiries that address critical factors influencing the decision-making: the primary cause of subsidence, the dominant geology of the area, the objective of the intervention, the scale of application, and the type of urban area. Based on the responses to these questions, the framework generates a list of applicable measures aligned with local priorities. Then,  the selected measures are further evaluated for their effectiveness using four qualitative indicators: reduction potential, operational reliability, negative impact and service life. The reduction potential indicates how much subsidence or damage to construction is reduced; the operational reliability determines the functionality of a measure during its life; the negative impact accounts for any potential adverse effect; and the service life reflects the expected durability of a measure.

By combining applicability and effectiveness assessments, stakeholders and policy makers can refine their selection of structural measures in urban areas ensuring that they are both practical and impactful. The proposed procedure is based on a review of 52 scientific publications, and insights from surveys and expert sessions. This ensures that the methodology reflects current best practices and knowledge in subsidence risk management.

While the framework offers a valuable tool for conducting a quick scan of suitable solutions, it requires further refinement to enhance its utility. Future improvements will include cost-benefit analyses, thus enabling more comprehensive evaluations of the performance of structural measures for subsidence mitigation and prevention. Additional enhancements may involve sustainability assessment and social safety to balance the financial feasibility with environmental and social impacts.

The proposed framework represents a promising step forward in subsidence risk management. By systematically addressing the applicability and effectiveness of mitigation and prevention measures, it equips local governments with a structured approach to tackle subsidence challenges in urban settings.

How to cite: Nappo, N. and Korff, M.: A decision support framework for subsidence risk reduction in urban areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5036,, 2025.

EGU25-5246 | Posters on site | NH10.7

Developing a systematic inventory of adaptation options to enhance urban climate resilience in Korea through an advanced information system 

Huicheul Jung, Dong-kun Lee, Sung-hun Lee, and Jong-gwang Ho

As the climate crisis intensifies, extreme weather events such as heatwaves and urban flooding are becoming increasingly frequent, posing significant risks to urban environments. This escalating threat underscores the urgent need for effective adaptation measures to mitigate climate risks and enhance urban resilience. However, selecting appropriate adaptation options remains a challenging endeavor due to the paucity of information regarding their quantitative effectiveness. To address these challenges and facilitate science-based decision-making, an information system that provides systematic and comprehensive data on a wide array of existing adaptation options is imperative. The primary objective of this research is to develop a systematic inventory of adaptation options and establish an information system tailored for use by practitioners and experts engaged in climate change adaptation. The adaptation options have been meticulously compiled through an extensive review of national and local climate crisis adaptation plans, government support programs, reports on conventional and emerging technologies, and existing literature on climate resilience. These options are subsequently categorized based on adaptation sectors, spatial levels of application, and their technological characteristics. The inventory of adaptation options is conceived as a decision-making tool primarily for policymakers and government officials, enabling them to swiftly identify feasible and effective adaptation options at national and regional levels. It empowers users to explore a comprehensive list of potential adaptation technologies tailored to their specific conditions. Additionally, it provides detailed information, including definitions and classifications, mechanisms of action, components, design and construction methods, relevant legislation and policies, anticipated benefits and monitoring guidelines, and real-world applications.

[Acknowledgement] This paper is based on the findings of the environmental technology development project for the new climate regime conducted by the Korea Environment Institute (2024-017(R)) and funded by the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (2022003570004).

How to cite: Jung, H., Lee, D., Lee, S., and Ho, J.: Developing a systematic inventory of adaptation options to enhance urban climate resilience in Korea through an advanced information system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5246,, 2025.

EGU25-6191 | ECS | Orals | NH10.7

Integrating Heterogeneous Datasets and Advanced Modelling Techniques for Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment in Urban Environments 

Gabriele Nicola Napoli, Carmine Galasso, Diego Di Martire, Maria Polese, Andrea Prota, and Domenico Calcaterra

As the effects of climate change, population growth, and urbanization intensify, there has been a surge in the frequency and severity of extreme natural hazards, often leading to catastrophic disasters. This escalating threat underscores the pressing need to devise and rigorously test innovative methodologies for risk assessment that consider the complex interactions between multiple hazards.This study aims to develop a comprehensive framework for multi-hazard risk analysis, with a focus on capturing the intricate dynamics between different systems, such as the built environment and human populations, within vulnerable urban settings. To this aim, the study examines specific zones within the urban areas of  Palermo and Naples, Italy – two highly complex urban environments with significant populations and exposure to various natural hazards – along with the entire area of the small town of Giampilieri (Sicily). The town experienced significant impacts during the 2009 Messina floods and flow-like landslides, which resulted in at least 31 fatalities and left over 400 people homeless due to the collapse of numerous houses.
The research integrates a diverse array of datasets from both institutional and non-institutional sources (e.g., open data), including historical hazard records, socioeconomic and demographic information, and various environmental variables. These datasets are utilized to simulate interactions among hazards, both in terms of physical phenomena (occurrence interactions) and their resulting impacts (consequence interactions). Probabilistic models and machine learning algorithms (e.g., Bayesian Networks, Random Forest) are explored to capture various hazard dependencies and cascading effects, offering deeper insights into potential impacts on communities and various infrastructure systems (e.g., building and transport networks).
The ultimate goal is to develop scalable decision-support tools for disaster risk management and planning, enhancing resilience and supporting sustainable urban development.

How to cite: Napoli, G. N., Galasso, C., Di Martire, D., Polese, M., Prota, A., and Calcaterra, D.: Integrating Heterogeneous Datasets and Advanced Modelling Techniques for Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment in Urban Environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6191,, 2025.

EGU25-7705 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.7

Toward resilient communities: Urban forms that adapt multi-hazard risks 

Wanru He and Qihao Weng

As climate change intensifies natural hazards, rapid urban sprawl in metropolitan settlements has exposed growing populations and infrastructure to vulnerable and hazard-prone areas. Hazard modeling has shifted from focusing solely on natural causes to a complex socio-ecological system (SES) framework. This evolution emphasizes the need for a holistic understanding of urban-hazard interactions when developing effective climate adaptation and urban planning strategies. To address these challenges, we examine the relationship between urban forms and the extent of losses from multiple hazards by incorporating environmental, social, and economic dimensions. We found that (1) compact configuration, when strategically planned, may serve as a resilient development pattern in multi-hazard environments; (2) nature-based solutions have shown partial effectiveness in reducing hazard risks within metropolitan areas; (3) interacting urban form variables substantially influence multi-hazard risks, while individual form variables yield subtle effects. These findings illuminate insights on integrating urban planning across multiple scales for sustainable disaster risk reduction (DRR). We suggest tailored risk reduction strategies considering local contexts, especially for managing population density in urban settlements.

How to cite: He, W. and Weng, Q.: Toward resilient communities: Urban forms that adapt multi-hazard risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7705,, 2025.

EGU25-9773 | ECS | Orals | NH10.7

Characterisation of an event of heatwave and particulate matter enhancement in Bologna 

Andrea Faggi, Tiziano Maestri, Laura Tositti, Alessandro Zappi, Michele Martinazzo, and Erika Brattich

In the context of climate change, the theme of extreme hot temperatures is sparking increasing interest due to their recent increase in terms of frequency and intensity. The WMO defines warm spell as “a persistent period of abnormally warm weather for the time of the year” which can occur at any time of the year. Even though the term heatwave is commonly used to describe the same phenomenon, it is more appropriate for events involving the highest temperature values observed during the year. Furthermore, the identification of such events is complicated by the lack of a common and shared definition: several indices and thresholds have been proposed in literature and are utilized by national alert systems to detect extreme heat events. 

The effects of heatwaves on human health posed by heat stress are often exacerbated by concurrent increases in air pollutant concentrations. Nowadays, a lot of studies focus on heatwave events with concurrent increases in tropospheric ozone concentrations, with significant synergistic effects on human health. So far, however, only a few studies have investigated the association between warm spells and increases in particulate matter concentrations. This study aims at filling this gap, focusing on the longest and most intense event occurred in 2023 in the city of Bologna (44.495 N, 11.345 E). 

To the scope, the event was identified based on the Warm Spell Duration Index (WSDI) and Excess Heat Factor (EHF). Particulate matter enhancements were identified with an originally developed index based on the seasonal variability of the particulate matter. Specifically, seasonal thresholds for the exceedances’ identification were set based on the 80th percentiles of the seasonal distributions of both PM10 and PM2.5. The methodology herein developed identifies a total of 7 joint events of warm spells and particulate matter increases throughout the year. 

In particular, the event occurred between 11th and 20th of July 2023 is the most interesting one owing to its long duration and intensity. This event is characterized in detail from the meteorological, physical and chemical point of view, by employing different observational datasets. The synoptic analysis pointed out a geopotential pattern which favored the transport of Saharan dusts from Algeria towards North of Italy. Concurrently, the African anticyclone presence extended itself over the Italian Peninsula. The analysis of the particle size distribution highlighted a general increase in particle number concentrations for all sizes while the aerosol chemical composition supported the hypothesis that the air masses arrived at the study site from Sahara Desert, by showing increases in concentrations of typical crustal elements. 

In conclusion, this work has defined a methodology for the analysis of joint warm spell and particulate matter increase events and elucidated the role of the African blocking anticyclonic pattern as responsible for the event. 

This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 - D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005).

How to cite: Faggi, A., Maestri, T., Tositti, L., Zappi, A., Martinazzo, M., and Brattich, E.: Characterisation of an event of heatwave and particulate matter enhancement in Bologna, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9773,, 2025.

EGU25-10485 | Posters on site | NH10.7

A new set of Copernicus early warning and emergency services to improve the response to the challenges of climate change 

Matilde Oliveti, Burcu Koçoğlu, Gabriel Lazazzara, and Valerio Botteghelli

Climate change is steadily amplifying its impact on human lives and security. In this context, advancing research and developing enhanced tools are essential for an effective response. CENTAUR (Copernicus ENhanced Tools for Anticipative Response to climate change in the emergency and secURity domain), a three-year project launched in 2022 as part of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No 101082720), aims to address societal challenges posed by climate change. The project focuses on developing and demonstrating new service components for the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) and the Copernicus Security Service - Support to EU External and Security Actions (CSS-SESA).

CENTAUR seeks to improve situational awareness and preparedness for climate-related threats and provides an early warning system that generates alerts when predefined crisis indicator thresholds are exceeded. By integrating data from diverse sources, including meteorological and socio-economic data as well as data from innovative sensors (e.g., traditional and social media), the project enhances existing capacities to produce composite risk indexes and perform multi-criteria analyses. The project addresses two main domains: Urban Floods (UF), which focuses on mitigating flood-related risks to populations, assets, and infrastructure in urban areas, and Water and Food Security which looks at the impact of water and food insecurity as precursors to political instability, conflict, and forced displacement. These domains are interconnected through a cross-cutting component that examines exposure and vulnerability to climate change, societal resilience, and capacity for managing environmental risks and social conflicts.

CENTAUR evaluates a variety of use cases to test models and validate indicators. Seven use cases are analyzed across diverse contexts: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Mali, Mozambique, and Somalia. The project began with the assessment of "Cold" cases - examining past crisis events in these regions. It has now transitioned to the "Hot" cases phase, focusing on ongoing or imminent events during the project's duration. The Italian use case explores the Piedmont region, particularly the flood-prone areas surrounding the Po and Tanaro rivers in Turin and Ceva, respectively. This use case highlights the integration of advanced 3D modeling techniques, supported by high-resolution datasets and LiDAR scans, to enhance flood prediction and impact assessment. Results derived from innovative indicators and complex indexes computed during the "Cold" cases phase will be presented.

How to cite: Oliveti, M., Koçoğlu, B., Lazazzara, G., and Botteghelli, V.: A new set of Copernicus early warning and emergency services to improve the response to the challenges of climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10485,, 2025.

EGU25-11248 | Orals | NH10.7

Multi-risk management for cultural heritage in an urban context: implications of valuing 

Fabio Castelli, Matteo Masi, Claudia De Lucia, and Chiara Arrighi

Among the elements exposed to natural hazards in urban settlements, cultural heritage stands out for its unique intangible values and its connection to economic activities and community resilience. study presents a participatory, quantitative framework for assessing the exposure of cultural heritage assets to natural hazards, integrating physical risk metrics with intangible cultural values. Conducted in the historical city of Florence, Italy, the research focuses on flood and seismic hazards, employing innovative methodologies to prioritize heritage conservation based on community-driven insights. The approach combines hazard-specific metrics—such as flood depths and peak ground acceleration for earthquakes—with social value scores obtained through pairwise comparison surveys. This dual analysis identifies the most culturally significant assets at risk, redefining traditional exposure assessments. Community participants, including citizens and cultural association members, rated the relative importance of heritage sites, revealing that museums typically hold higher social value than places of worship.. The inclusion of flood and seismic risk analyses extends the framework's applicability to multi-hazard contexts. By overlaying multi-hazard maps with social value maps, the study highlights a divergence between sites at highest hazard and those of greatest cultural significance, underscoring the need for targeted mitigation strategies. Correlation analyses reveal significant relationships between social value and proxies like ticket price, visitor numbers, and building type, with canonical correlation analysis yielding a predictive accuracy of r=0.75. However, intangible dimensions, such as spiritual and aesthetic values, remain challenging to quantify and evolve over time. The results demonstrate that combining social and physical metrics redefines high-priority areas, shifting focus from traditionally high-risk zones to culturally significant but less physically vulnerable sites. The framework provides a replicable model for disaster risk management, enabling policymakers to integrate societal values into mitigation strategies effectively. Future research could explore other intangible cultural values, broader community engagement, and additional hazard types to further refine and adapt the model.

Acknowledgement: This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005)

How to cite: Castelli, F., Masi, M., De Lucia, C., and Arrighi, C.: Multi-risk management for cultural heritage in an urban context: implications of valuing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11248,, 2025.

EGU25-11689 | Orals | NH10.7 | Highlight

Defining RETURNVILLE: a virtual testbed to support DRM and CCA in urban settlements 

Maria Polese, Mario Losasso, Valeria D'Ambrosio, Gabriella Tocchi, Bruna Di Palma, Francesca Talevi, Marilena Bosone, Mariafabrizia Clemente, Antonio Sferrratore, and Andrea Prota

Virtual cities are useful tools to support the management and administration of cities, allowing the simulation-based and replicable study of the urban settlements along with their organizational and functional arrangements as well as of socio-economic phenomena. In addition, simulations can inform planners and designers for evaluating current and future policies, as well as transformative trends and the effectiveness of functional-spatial and typological-morphological arrangements for contrasting hazardous phenomena. In this context, the use of simulation processes allows to experiment different relationships between components and select the most relevant parameters to explain real processes. Within the Extended Partnership RETURN - multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate – funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the RETURNVILLE virtual testbed is built. The configuration of RETURNVILLE starts from the idea underlying the model of Aldo Rossi's Analogous City (1976), proposing a collage of elements and urban parts in the typological-morphological construction of an imagined territory. RETURNVILLE is a digital model allowing to simulate multi-risk processes that can be activated in (portions of) representative contexts of urban and metropolitan settlements in Italy, to assess the impacts and evaluating the effect of alternative Disaster Risk Management DRM and Climate Change Adaptation CCA strategies, e.g through visualization of alternative outcomes of what-if scenarios. RETURNVILLE does not represent a real city, instead it is a digital model allowing to assess realistic contexts. Hence, its constituent parts or urban parts and districts, are defined referring to real urban contexts in Italy; moreover, the urban parts are equipped with real data, allowing for realistic simulations. Indeed, even if not recognizable, the virtual testbed as “simulacrum” should reproduce adequate complexity that only comes from real data. The selection of urban parts to build RETURNVILLE is based on information retrieved from: a) a preliminary proposal of urban settlements clustering of the Italian municipalities; b) the impeding hazard levels for urban settlements for several relevant hazards in Italy; c) real data availability, e.g. from case studies. Considering the urban centredness degree (DPS, 2013) and referring to urban hubs or inter-municipal hubs, i.e. urban settlements which are also service offering centres (stand-alone or as a network), here we introduce a first proposal for RETURNVILLE hypothesized as a virtual city laying on a coastal area. Urban parts characterized by varying density of the built environment (e.g. characteristics of a “dense” city for the centre, or “diffuse” for periphery areas) are selected among municipalities belonging to the clusters containing hubs and inter-municipal hubs, considering also the variable hazard levels for earthquakes, floods, heatwaves and landslides and taking into account ongoing studies and data availability from case-study applications.


A.Rossi, La città analoga, in «Lotus», n.13, 1976, pp. 4-7.

DPS (2013). Le aree interne: di quali territori parliamo? Nota esplicativa sul metodo di classificazione delle aree (in Italian). https://www.agenziacoesione.

Acknowledgements: This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005

How to cite: Polese, M., Losasso, M., D'Ambrosio, V., Tocchi, G., Di Palma, B., Talevi, F., Bosone, M., Clemente, M., Sferrratore, A., and Prota, A.: Defining RETURNVILLE: a virtual testbed to support DRM and CCA in urban settlements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11689,, 2025.

EGU25-11870 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.7

Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Climate Risk Assessment at an Urban Scale: The Case of Valencia 

Jacob Frederic Schlechtendahl, Claudia De Luca, and Simona Bravaglieri

Due to global change and the rising frequency of climate-related hazards, ecosystem services have gained recognition for their potential to reduce disaster risk. Ecosystem services assessment has become an important framework for research, support for policy and decision makers and land use planning. However, there is no commonly accepted approach for integrating ecosystem services into the risk assessment equation in practice. As part of the Horizon Europe funded project RescueME, a customisable framework was developed to incorporate the role of ecosystem services into vulnerability maps, thereby considering both socio-economic and ecological components for a holistic understanding of urban risk. The proposed framework was then tested, through the use of InVEST models, to assess multiple hazards in Valencia, Spain, with a focus on urban vulnerability to heat waves and flooding. The results highlighted a robust synergy between ecosystem services in mitigating heat waves and floods. Further, the integration of socioeconomic data into the model revealed patterns of environmental injustice, with foreigners being disproportionately affected by reduced access to ecosystem services thus resulting in greater vulnerability to the considered climate hazards. The developed model provides actionable insights for decision-support tools and urban land-use planning strategies, emphasizing equitable access to ecosystem services and enhancing urban resilience.

How to cite: Schlechtendahl, J. F., De Luca, C., and Bravaglieri, S.: Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Climate Risk Assessment at an Urban Scale: The Case of Valencia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11870,, 2025.

EGU25-12945 | Orals | NH10.7

High-Impact Low-Probability events and Systemic Resilience: A Network-Based Methodology and its application to the metropolitan city of Venice 

Silvia Torresan, Margherita Maraschini, Davide Mauro Ferrario, Samuele Casagrande, Saman Ghaffarian, Benjamin D. Trump, Igor Linkov, José Palma-Oliveira, and Andrea Critto

High-Impact Low-Probability (HILP) Events are catastrophic events characterised by a lack of precedence and high levels of uncertainty due to their cascading and compounding dynamics. Over recent decades, these events have become more likely as the interconnectedness of social and ecological systems has grown, heightening the risk of cascading failures across sectors and amplifying the impacts of initial triggers. As traditional risk-based approaches often fail in analyzing complex risk interactions, a more holistic methodology is needed to identify cross-sectoral vulnerabilities, common failure points, and strategies to improve systemic resilience. The AGILE project aims to fill this gap by developing a methodology for understanding, assessing, managing, and communicating HILP events with a systemic, risk-agnostic and systemic resilience perspective. The proposed methodology is subdivided into 3 tiers with increasing levels of detail: the first tier is the scoping study, i.e. the mapping of the system critical functions and their relationships, and developing a guideline structure for table-top exercises; the second tier refers to the identification and parametrization of interdependences and feedback loops between critical functions to gauge single-points-of failure; finally the third tier aims to uses network analysis and technological innovations (e.g. artificial intelligence and machine learning) to create an asset-level representation of systemic performance, evaluating flows of information, resources, and energy through the system in real time.

This paper describes the methodological approach under development for the third tier and its preliminary application to the metropolitan city of Venice. The system is conceptualized as a network, with nodes representing key elements that drive the city's functionality, such as transportation infrastructure, communication systems, ecosystems, households, and economic activities, while links represent the dependencies between these components.   The quantification of the links poses significant challenges, requiring a combination of available data, expert input, and, where possible, machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. By drawing analogies between graph metrics and risk variables, this network analysis identifies key elements that could exacerbate system failure (for example, authority and closeness of a node can be associated with exposure and vulnerability of the corresponding critical function). Simulations are used to explore how risks might propagate through the network, offering valuable insights into potential consequences and strategies for resilience enhancement. Efforts are ongoing to define and refine Venice’s systemic network, with a focus on understanding and addressing vulnerabilities to enhance urban resilience in the face of future HILP events.

How to cite: Torresan, S., Maraschini, M., Ferrario, D. M., Casagrande, S., Ghaffarian, S., Trump, B. D., Linkov, I., Palma-Oliveira, J., and Critto, A.: High-Impact Low-Probability events and Systemic Resilience: A Network-Based Methodology and its application to the metropolitan city of Venice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12945,, 2025.

EGU25-17029 | ECS | Orals | NH10.7

Leveraging Green Space for Climate and Public Health Resilience: A GIS-Based Study in Enschede 

Julie Vuillermoz, Thomas van Rompay, Nienke Beerlage-de-Jong, Maryam Amir Haeri, and Justine Blanford

Urban areas are at the forefront of the climate crisis, facing mounting challenges as global temperatures rise and urbanization accelerates. By 2050, cities are expected to house 70% of the world’s population, intensifying the impacts of extreme weather events like flash floods and exacerbating health burdens, including non-communicable diseases and mental health conditions. These intertwined crises are compounded by socioeconomic inequalities and inadequate access to health-promoting green spaces, underscoring the urgent need for nature-based solutions that integrate environmental resilience with human well-being. This study investigates the potential of green spaces as dual-purpose interventions to address flood risks and improve public health in Enschede, a city in the eastern Netherlands frequently affected by flash floods. The research objectives are to: (1) Identify neighbourhoods most susceptible to urban flooding; (2) Assess areas with the highest socioeconomic, physical, and mental health vulnerabilities; and (3) Explore opportunities to optimize green spaces in high-risk areas to enhance resilience.


Geographic Information System (GIS) tools are employed to evaluate flood risks, green space distribution, and health metrics, using open data sources. Health data (physical, mental, and socioeconomic) are derived from RIVM and CBS respectively, green space data from HUGSI, and flood risk predictions from the Fastflood model. The data are analyzed to produce three key outputs:

  • Flood Resilience Map: Neighbourhoods are categorized into four levels, from low to high resilience, based on their capacity to cope with flooding. This capacity is determined by the presence and quality of green spaces, which facilitate water absorption and reduce the impacts of flash floods.
  • Health Resilience Map: Using the WHO’s 3-30-300 guideline—30% tree cover and green space access within 300 meters— to evaluate their ability to promote physical and mental well-being. Resilience levels reflect neighbourhoods’ capacity to support health outcomes, with higher resilience indicating better access to green spaces that foster well-being.
  • Vulnerability Map: Neighbourhoods are analyzed to identify socioeconomic and health vulnerabilities, focusing on the prevalence of poor mental and physical health. Vulnerable neighbourhoods are categorized into four levels.

These outputs are combined to identify high-risk neighbourhoos of experiencing adverse impacts from flooding and poor health outcomes. A correlation analysis further examines the interplay between environmental vulnerability, health resilience, and the effectiveness of nature-based solutions.


 The results highlight neighbourhoods with elevated health risks, pinpointing areas where interventions are most needed. These outputs equip municipalities with actionable insights to optimize green spaces and implement targeted nature-based solutions in high-risk zones. By providing a replicable framework, this multidisciplinary approach facilitates evidence-based urban planning and fosters the development of inclusive, sustainable, and resilient urban environments. Moreover, the framework’s adaptability ensures its applicability to diverse geographic contexts, offering a scalable solution to global urban challenges.

How to cite: Vuillermoz, J., van Rompay, T., Beerlage-de-Jong, N., Amir Haeri, M., and Blanford, J.: Leveraging Green Space for Climate and Public Health Resilience: A GIS-Based Study in Enschede, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17029,, 2025.

EGU25-18037 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.7

Towards a Unified DALY-Based Framework for Urban Multi-Hazard Health Risk Assessment  

Giobertti Morantes, Massimiliano Pittore, Annamaria Belleri, and Roberto Lollini

Urban areas are increasingly vulnerable to interconnected geophysical, hydraulic, meteorological, climate, and biological hazards. This research builds on a harm assessment framework initially developed for indoor air contaminants and adapts it to assess systemic health impacts across urban hazards using Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) as a unified metric.

The adapted framework was applied to indoor heat exposure in Bolzano’s Casette Inglesi district (Italy), a vulnerable social housing area. Health burdens were quantified for residents, demonstrating the framework’s utility in comparing health risks across scenarios. Preliminary findings suggest significant disparities in health impacts, particularly for the elderly.

Drawing from systematic reviews of DALY applications to earthquakes and floods, this study underscores the feasibility of extending the framework to these hazards. Previous research highlights the use of DALYs in quantifying mortality and morbidity associated with structural failures, displacement, and post-event health impacts. Integrating insights from these studies will inform the framework’s adaptation for cascading and compound hazard scenarios, where multiple risks interact to exacerbate health outcomes.

Future work will refine the framework for broader multi-hazard applications. By leveraging DALYs to standardize health risk assessments, this research provides a novel approach for holistic urban risk management and decision-making in disaster risk reduction.

How to cite: Morantes, G., Pittore, M., Belleri, A., and Lollini, R.: Towards a Unified DALY-Based Framework for Urban Multi-Hazard Health Risk Assessment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18037,, 2025.

EGU25-19475 | Posters on site | NH10.7

The role of 3D geological models in enhancing seismic risk assessment 

Rocco Novellino, Iandelli Niccolò, Maestrelli Daniele, Coli Massimo, and Vannucchi Paola

The effects of seismic events can be devastating due to loss of human life, damage to cultural heritage and social fabric. Assessing seismic risk and developing mitigation strategies will remain a critical challenge of this century.

Earthquakes are complex natural phenomena resulting from the sudden release of energy originates typically from either a fault or faults system. Seismic ruptures occur at depth, triggering waves that propagate through the Earth’s crust and surface.

The characteristic of seismic waves, and then the shaking expected at specific interest location, depend on multiple geological factors, including the architecture of the fault source, rupture dynamics, and the properties of the rock volumes where waves propagate.

Numerous studies have shown that local geological features significantly influence the amplification of seismic waves, generating site effects. Such effects, as observed in recent earthquakes (i.e. Aquila, 2009, Mw 6.3), are particularly pronounced in sedimentary basins filled with alluvial material, where mechanical contrasts between host rock and overlying sediments reported.

In this study, we integrated geological and geophysical datasets to construct a preliminary 3D geological model of the Florence Basin (Italy). Oriented NW-SE, the basin is bounded by the Apennine chain to the northeast and the Chianti hills to the southwest. Preliminary analyses reveal both a complex substrate profile and geometry of the limits delimiting the sedimentary infill Units. Recent advances, including a well database with over 2,000 precise data points, detailed gravimetric profile and DEM, have enriched our understanding of the basin. The non-uniform substrate influences sediment thickness, which varies significantly due to the alternating lithologies formed in different depositional environments. This lithological complexity affects the physical and mechanical properties of the geological units, with important implications for seismic wave amplification. Amplification maps from recent microzonation studies highlight a marked zonation of seismic risk. However, these maps insufficient for studying the dynamic behavior of seismic waves in 3D.

Our work focuses on providing tools and methodologies for 3D geological modeling based on analyses of the Florence Basin, a complex case study. The results and approaches we present are crucial for improving seismic risk assessments in other basins. Enhancing local geological datasets has a significant impact on 3D numerical simulations of ground motion, contributing to more effective mitigation strategies and risk management.

How to cite: Novellino, R., Niccolò, I., Daniele, M., Massimo, C., and Paola, V.: The role of 3D geological models in enhancing seismic risk assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19475,, 2025.

EGU25-19875 | Orals | NH10.7

Climate shelters to improve resilience of urban settlements: design criteria and requirements 

Maria Fabrizia Clemente, Valeria D'Ambrosio, and Sabrina Puzone

The climate emergency and rising of average temperatures pose major challenges not only in worldwide but also in local contexts. As also reported in the scientific literature, heat waves – especially at the Italian national level – are an increasing phenomenon in terms of intensity, frequency and duration; related impacts becomes more critical in high-density cities as also a consequence of the heat island effect. Climate shelters represent one of the design measures to adapt and mitigate the climate impacts in urban settlements providing safe and temperate indoor and outdoor spaces for the exposed population. The main function of climate shelter is to reduce heat exposure and prevent adverse health effects especially for fragile population, serving as a critical urban infrastructure and as social gathering places for essential resources, protection, safety and comfort, enhancing community resilience and collective well-being.

Based on the scientific literature and on international design experiences, it is possible to define specific design criteria and requirements of climate shelters for the accessibility of the site, the indoor/outdoor users comfort and the design sustainability. It is necessary to ensure safe and comfortable pedestrian access, with shaded pathways and a maximum walking distance. Moreover, the integration of sustainable and multifunctional solutions, such as blue and green measures, is essential to improve the effectiveness of climate shelters. Resilience of urban settlements can then be increase through a network of climate shelter, through a progressive upgrade approach, combining short and long-term interventions. Shelters can be built from public property, even using parts of it. The contribution aims at proposing a simplified handbook with design criteria and requirements to support decision-makers in the design of climate shelter.

Acknowledgements: This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005

How to cite: Clemente, M. F., D'Ambrosio, V., and Puzone, S.: Climate shelters to improve resilience of urban settlements: design criteria and requirements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19875,, 2025.

EGU25-20127 | Posters on site | NH10.7

Physical modelling of plausible earthquake-induced tsunami scenarios and risk assessment at urban scale: a case study in Northeastern Italy 

Antonella Peresan, Hany Hassan, Hazem Badreldin, and Chiara Scaini

Physical modelling of earthquakes and cascading hazards, such as tsunamis or landslides, provides the basis for defining plausible (yet unobserved) multi-hazard and risk scenarios. The developed scenarios supply
a systematic method for exploring how the complex interplay between hazards and urban systems may impact a society, and can be applied to support and rationalise decision making and inform preparedness for multi-risks management and mitigation (e.g. Strong, Carpenter and Ralph, 2020. Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies).

Significant earthquake-induced tsunamis in the Northern Adriatic are rare, with most historical events reported along the central and southern coasts, hence related risk awareness is limited. Although a tsunami alert system has been established for the Mediterranean region and connected seas, a detailed understanding of the potential impacts of tsunami waves on coastal areas is still lacking for many sites. Here we consider hazard scenarios associated with potential tsunamis generated by offshore earthquakes to contribute to tsunami risk assessments for urban areas along the Northeastern Adriatic coasts (Peresan and Hassan, MEGR 2024). Tsunami modelling is conducted using the NAMI DANCE software (Yalciner et al. 2014 and references therein), which accounts for seismic source properties, bathymetry, topography and non-linear effects in wave propagation. Earthquake induced hazard scenarios are developed for selected coastal areas of Northeastern Italy, focusing on selected cities such as Trieste and Lignano. The modelling considers a wide set of potential earthquake-induced tsunami scenarios, with sources defined based on historical tsunami catalogues and active fault databases. Existing bathymetry and topography datasets are refined to incorporate high-resolution data (25-meter and 10-meter resolutions) and to better capture small-scale coastal features that influence tsunami inundation. The modelling provides a set of tsunami hazard-related parameters, such as arrival times and inundation maps, which are critical for planning emergency and mitigation actions in these areas.

For effective multi-hazard disaster risk reduction and mitigation, high-resolution exposure models are needed at the local scale, especially for hazards like tsunamis and flooding, which exhibit high spatial variability. We consider here a methodology for developing high-resolution exposure models for population and residential buildings to support local multi-hazard risk assessments. Tested and validated for a coastal area in the Northeastern Adriatic, the methodology combines global population density data with national census data for greater accuracy. Building census data is enhanced with exposure indicators, such as built area, replacement cost, height, and plan regularity, derived from digital building footprints. The final exposure layers are created at 100-meter and 30-meter resolutions and also at the census unit level. These high-resolution exposure models, integrated with tsunami hazard maps, allow improving the resolution of risk and damage assessments.

Finally, the possibility is explored to use the resulting risk scenarios for developing plausible storylines to enhance urban planning, preparedness, response, and mitigation efforts for coastal hazards in the Northeastern Adriatic.

This research is a contribution to the RETURN Extended Partnership (European Union Next-Generation EU—National Recovery and Resilience Plan—NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3—D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005).

How to cite: Peresan, A., Hassan, H., Badreldin, H., and Scaini, C.: Physical modelling of plausible earthquake-induced tsunami scenarios and risk assessment at urban scale: a case study in Northeastern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20127,, 2025.

EGU25-20224 | Posters on site | NH10.7

Implementation of a web platform to support integrated multi-risk assessment and climate risk management in urban areas 

Massimiliano Pittore, Gabriella Tocchi, Luca Pozza, Francesca Ferretti, Domenico Di Mariano, Sergio Lagomarsino, Serena Cattari, Margherita Rago, Valeria D'Ambrosio, Corrado Zoppi, Agata Quattrone, and Maria Polese

Disasters occurred throughout the world in the last decades, often fuelled and amplified by climate change, have shown how a multi-hazard or multi-risk perspective is essential for effective risk management and for planning efficient risk mitigation and climate change adaptation strategies. Multi-risk assessment is intended to be the overall risk arising from a series of possible adverse events and their interactions with the different specific vulnerabilities of the exposed elements.

To support multi-risk assessment and disaster risk management, a web-platform integrating multi-hazard risk data and conceptual models across Italy is being developed within the framework of the RETURN (Multi-risk science for resilient communities under a changing climate) extended partnership. The platform will allow users to explore and query information related to hazard susceptibility (e.g., seismic, hydrological, heatwave, landslide, and flooding hazards), vulnerability, and exposure of urban settlements and will allow for a comprehensive representation of risk analysis results. Its main goal is to support stakeholders and decision-makers in dealing with complex multi-risk assessments as well as comparing scenarios and design alternatives for risk mitigation/adaptation and increase the urban resilience. 

In this work, a series of case studies, referring to specific areas of the Italian territory, is implemented to exemplify and test the platform’s functionalities. A combined approach based on risk storylines and impact chains is adopted to interactively describe multi-risk analysis in urban environments, by including multiple hazards, with their possible interactions, and all the exposed urban assets with the objective of evaluating the socio-economic impacts and related risks. This method, characterized by a synthetic narrative description of realistic multi-risk scenarios, reporting main facts, events and their consequences, is particularly useful when there is the need to go beyond a purely probabilistic approach. For all case studies, along with the definition of a storyline, a graphical conceptual representation is provided through an impact chain, highlighting the causal relationships between impacts and their driving factors on the analysed urban context.

The web-platform will showcase the impact chains with the possibility to explore input and output data of multi-risk assessments and interrogate results, featuring both static and interactive menus. The platform’s technical implementation prioritizes adherence to international geospatial standards (e.g., OGC) and supports various data formats (e.g., shapefiles, raster, and web services). A minimum representation scale of census zones ensures uniform data with an adequate refinement. This preliminary work on selected case studies set the groundwork for the subsequent scaling up of the platform to cover the entire Italian territory. 

How to cite: Pittore, M., Tocchi, G., Pozza, L., Ferretti, F., Di Mariano, D., Lagomarsino, S., Cattari, S., Rago, M., D'Ambrosio, V., Zoppi, C., Quattrone, A., and Polese, M.: Implementation of a web platform to support integrated multi-risk assessment and climate risk management in urban areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20224,, 2025.

EGU25-21230 | Orals | NH10.7

Empower Ukraine: Building resilience through holistic capacity building and climate adaptation 

Stergios Aristoteles Mitoulis, Sotirios Argyroudis, Nadiia Kopiika, Shchasiana Arhun, and Halyna Sokol

Building resilience through holistic capacity building and climate adaptation is essential as urban systems face unprecedented challenges from multi-hazard risks and climate change, particularly in conflict-affected regions. The Empower Ukraine program ( exemplifies a holistic and collaborative approach to addressing these challenges. It focuses on restoring and enhancing the resilience of critical infrastructure in Ukraine, as the country aims to rebuild its damaged infrastructure in a sustainable and resilient way. This three-year initiative, led by the University of Birmingham in partnership with, combines interdisciplinary approaches, capacity-building efforts, and knowledge transfer to enhance urban resilience and sustainability in a multi-hazard context.

The program integrates bilingual seminars, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), and Microcredentials to train thousands of young researchers and engineers, policymakers, and stakeholders. By leveraging standardised methodologies such as Eurocode design principles and engaging a diverse network of experts, Empower Ukraine bridges gaps in knowledge and practice aiming to foster a strong community of practice. This ensures climate-adaptive and resilient infrastructure reconstruction in a country that has suffered extensive destruction of its build and socioeconomic ecosystems. The initiative also emphasises co-design and participatory processes, empowering local stakeholders to address cascading and compounding risks across physical, socio-economic, and environmental dimensions.

We will present actionable insights from the program, including the use of advanced digital tools, such as Digital Twins and satellite imagery for multi-hazard risk assessment. Additionally, we will demonstrate the integration of resilience and sustainability metrics into the prioritization of the reconstruction of large portfolios of transport assets. Highlighting the integration of climate change adaptation strategies with disaster risk reduction efforts, the paper will explore decision-support tools and governance frameworks aligned with the UN Sendai Framework and EU recovery plans.

By fostering collaboration, harmonising training frameworks, and prioritising sustainability, Empower Ukraine showcases how holistic, interdisciplinary approaches can address complex urban vulnerabilities, enabling cities to adapt and thrive in the face of multi-hazard risks and climate challenges.

How to cite: Mitoulis, S. A., Argyroudis, S., Kopiika, N., Arhun, S., and Sokol, H.: Empower Ukraine: Building resilience through holistic capacity building and climate adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21230,, 2025.

EGU25-21752 | Orals | NH10.7

A Multi-Risk Storyline Framework for Urban Disaster Risk Management: the case of Genoa 

Margherita Rago, Sergio Lagomarsino, and Serena Cattari

This study introduces a multi-risk storyline framework with the municipality of Genoa as a case study. Risk storylines are narrative-based tools that describes how hazards interact, evolve, and cause cascading impacts in a specific context. They can provide a holistic, accessible understanding of multi-hazard scenarios especially within dense and complex urban environments, helping policymakers and stakeholders prepare for and mitigate cascading events. The research contributes to advancing the understanding of risks posed by extreme natural events in relation to urban settlements, a key pillar of the 2015 UNDRR Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The necessity of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) to anticipate the exacerbation of natural hazards due to climate change further underscores the importance of this work. The study was developed within the Extended Partnership (EP) RETURN initiative, focusing on enhancing multi-risk science to build resilient communities in a changing climate.

Genoa, a coastal metropolitan area characterized by a complex topography, dense urbanization, and susceptibility to a range of climatic, hydraulic, and geophysical hazards, serves as case study for the application of the storyline framework. Sequential and compounding events such as heatwaves, thunderstorms, floods, landslides, and earthquakes are analyzed within this context, highlighting their interactions and cumulative impacts: The urban heat island effect intensifies heatwave-related risks, particularly for vulnerable populations residing in poorly ventilated or retrofitted buildings, thunderstorms frequently trigger surface flooding due to impermeable urban surfaces and overwhelmed drainage systems, while hydrogeological instability in hilly peri-urban areas leads to landslides. The cascading effects of these hazards amplify damage when followed by moderate earthquakes, particularly in historical and ageing structures. This study identifies key vulnerabilities in Genoa, including ageing infrastructure, poorly maintained or retrofitted buildings, flood-prone urban areas, and limited emergency response capabilities due to a fragmented transportation network. These vulnerabilities exacerbate risks such as damage to buildings and infrastructure, increased morbidity and mortality, displacement, economic losses, and environmental degradation. Furthermore, cascading impacts strain public health systems and critical services, creating long-term socio-economic challenges for residents and businesses alike. Aligned with RETURN’s core objective of fostering resilient communities, the study emphasizes the need for integrated urban planning and multi-risk management strategies, suggesting recommendations to upgrade critical infrastructure, retrofit vulnerable buildings, improve emergency response systems, and leveraging participatory approaches to engage stakeholders across public, private, and academic sectors. By applying the risk storyline framework, the study not only improves DRM strategies in Genoa but also provides a replicable model for other urban areas facing compounding risks.

How to cite: Rago, M., Lagomarsino, S., and Cattari, S.: A Multi-Risk Storyline Framework for Urban Disaster Risk Management: the case of Genoa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21752,, 2025.

NH11 – Climate Hazards

EGU25-956 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

Teleconnections of global compound hot and dry events: a climate network perspective 

Xiaodan Zhang, Peichao Gao, and Changqing Song

When weather and climate events occur concurrently in various locations, their combined impacts pose significant threats to connected socio-economic systems. Compound dry and hot events have become major natural disasters that affect production and daily life under global warming. However, the patterns of synchronized compound dry and hot events remain unclear. This study uses temperature data and drought indices to identify compound dry and hot events and adopts the climate network approach to explore their spatial synchronization patterns and temporal change. The findings indicate a significant increase in global compound dry and hot events, with a notable expansion in the extent of their spatial synchronization. However, there is no significant trend in the average distance of synchronization. Spatial synchronization of compound dry and hot events exhibits heterogeneity, with hotspots in Central and Southern Europe, the Middle East, and Central South America. Additionally, some regions exhibit teleconnections of compound hot and dry events, such as the Western United States and Southern Europe. These insights could support adaptation and risk management for compound dry and hot events under climate change.

How to cite: Zhang, X., Gao, P., and Song, C.: Teleconnections of global compound hot and dry events: a climate network perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-956,, 2025.

EGU25-1972 | Posters on site | NH11.2

Monitoring the environmental connection to super typhoon climatology  

Namyoung Kang and Chan Joo Jang

A refined geometric variability model is employed to examine the environmental relationship to supertyphoon climatology, which is one of the major concerns about climate change and disasters. It is noted that the recent ten years have led to a remarkable weakening of the environmental explanatory power on supertyphoon climatology compared to the past.  

Different from simple correlation analysis, this study shows how a deformation of the former climatic connection among variables, in a changing climate, is printed on annual covariance elements. Looking into the annual covariance elements, we find that recent observations showing a group of outlying events with a particular drift are more than unfamiliar compared to the former stable relationship from 1985 through 2012.  Greater uncertainty thereby amplifies concerns about the looming climate crisis. 

The drifting climate connection in recent observations is also clear in the eastern North Pacific and the North Atlantic, which observe a sufficient number of super typhoons for reliable statistical analysis. Global analysis is done by applying twelve-month (Jan. to Dec.) observations. While the last few years may look as if the climate connection came back to the former relationship, the drifting of the climate connection is seen to have a certain trend. Interruptions also indicate that the climate system is suffering from unfamiliar conditions on a global scale. 

Annual monitoring of the climatic connection may show that the relationship might have returned to its past normal, but it seems that more time is needed to confirm the cessation of the drift. 

How to cite: Kang, N. and Jang, C. J.: Monitoring the environmental connection to super typhoon climatology , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1972,, 2025.

Convective summer rainfall in the European Alps frequently triggers hazardous events, including flash floods and debris flows, with severe implications for infrastructure and communities. Future climate warming is projected to exacerbate these risks by intensifying extreme short-duration rainfall. This study explores how such intensification might considerably increase the frequency of extreme 10-minute and hourly rainfall in the Alpine region. Using the physically-based TENAX model, which integrates temperature-dependent scaling with rainfall intensity distribution, we identified significant changes in rainfall return periods. The model combines observed temperature-rainfall relationships with a Monte Carlo approach to project future extremes under various warming scenarios, leveraging outputs from 17 regional climate models provided by the EURO-CORDEX project. Using the model, we found that the frequency of what are today’s 50-year rainfall events over 299 alpine stations is projected to double when regional temperature increases by 2°C. Additionally, the results reveal that the projected intensification is not uniform across the region, with high-altitude stations showing an even greater increase in extreme rainfall frequency compared to lower elevations. This spatial variability underscores the complexity of addressing climate impacts in mountainous terrains. These findings emphasize the urgent need for adaptive measures tailored to elevation. Our study highlights the necessity of revising infrastructure standards and enhancing risk management strategies to prepare for a future with more frequent extreme rainfall events.

How to cite: Peleg, N., Koukoula, M., and Marra, F.: Doubling the frequency of extreme short-duration summer rainfall events in the European Alps with regional warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2382,, 2025.

EGU25-3396 | Posters on site | NH11.2

2024 Mega-Heatwaves 

JiHyun Kim, Kungmin Sung, and Yeonjoo Kim

The year 2024 witnessed unprecedented heatwaves across the globe, with extreme temperatures affecting South America, Africa, Europe, and many other regions. These intense heat events have become more frequent and severe due to human-induced climate change; therefore, it is critical to assess their current state and future projections. In this study, the global 2024 Mega-heatwave was analyzed. We used the ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) data to calculate heatwave indices (number, frequency, and magnitude) and assessed the normality of the event. We further developed a novel heatwave normalized index (HWNI) that combines the three conventional indices. Additionally, we calculated HWNIs for future projections under four Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) scenarios (SSP126, SSP245, SSP370, and SSP585) using 14 Global Circulation Models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) to analyze the expected frequency of global heatwaves as strong as the 2024 Mega-Heatwave over time. Our results confirmed that significant increases in the number of heatwaves and total heatwave days in 2024, and also found regional differences in the major characteristics of the 2024 Mega-heatwave across the globe. This study underscores the critical importance of continued monitoring and analysis of extreme heat events to inform climate policy and adaptation strategies in the face of rapidly changing global temperatures.

This study is supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grants funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (2022R1C1C2009543, RS-2022-KE002030) and the Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (2022003640002).

How to cite: Kim, J., Sung, K., and Kim, Y.: 2024 Mega-Heatwaves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3396,, 2025.

EGU25-3681 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

Spatiotemporal Analysis of Soil Drought Evolution in France: Attribution to Atmospheric Drivers 

Matthieu Belin, Aglaé Jézéquel, and Agnès Ducharne

Drought is a dry period characterized by an abnormal water deficit relative to local climatology, propagating through the land surface hydrological cycle. Soil drought, in particular, refers to a deficit of accessible water for vegetation, affecting ecosystems and societies through activities such as agriculture and infrastructure stability. Soil droughts are expected to evolve under climate change since their two meteorological drivers, precipitation and reference evapotranspiration (which represent the atmospheric water demand), are evolving, too. Under climate change, reference evapotranspiration is projected to increase, and precipitation patterns are expected to shift. However, the evolution of droughts in France remains uncertain, and understanding these changes brings information for adaptation strategies. Since drought events unfold over both space and time and their impacts depend on these spatiotemporal characteristics, this study analyzes them as contiguous spatiotemporal phenomena.

This study proposes a methodological framework to (1) identify spatiotemporally contiguous soil drought events, (2) analyze changes in their characteristics under climate change, and (3) attribute these changes to meteorological drivers. The detection method, adapted from existing algorithms for identifying large-scale spatiotemporal extreme events, is here tailored to study soil droughts at a regional scale using high-resolution data. This method connects contiguous points where standardized water deficits exceed a predefined threshold in space and time. Additionally, the framework integrates an attribution approach adapted from Zscheischler et al. (2013) that links detected changes in drought characteristics to meteorological drivers, here precipitation and evapotranspiration, offering a detailed perspective on the mechanisms underlying these changes.

The framework is applied to France using high-resolution monthly data (8 km × 8 km) from the SAFRAN atmospheric reanalysis (1958-2020) and 12 climate simulations under greenhouse gases emission scenario RCP 8.5 (1950–2100) from the EXPLORE2 project, which drive a Land Surface Model offline. Precipitation, reference evapotranspiration, and soil wetness are standardized relative to the 1960–2020 baseline using the Standardized Precipitation Index method. Uncertainty is assessed by evaluating the spread across the ensemble of 17 climate simulations and comparing simulated historical events against reanalysis data. Results show that simulations reproduce past drought characteristics with sufficient accuracy to analyze future trends. Projections indicate an increase in drought intensity by the end of the 21st century, primarily driven by rising reference evapotranspiration.

Zscheischler, Jakob, Miguel D. Mahecha, Stefan Harmeling, and Markus Reichstein. 2013. “Detection and Attribution of Large Spatiotemporal Extreme Events in Earth Observation Data.” _Ecological Informatics_ 15 (May):66–73. [](

How to cite: Belin, M., Jézéquel, A., and Ducharne, A.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Soil Drought Evolution in France: Attribution to Atmospheric Drivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3681,, 2025.

EGU25-4486 | Orals | NH11.2

Global mapping of concurrent hazards and impacts associated with climate extremes under climate change 

Gabriele Messori, Derrick Muheki, Fulden Batibeniz, Emanuele Bevacqua, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, and Wim Thiery

Climate-related extreme events impose a heavy toll on humankind, and many will likely become more frequent in the future. The compound (joint) occurrence of different climate-related hazards and impacts can further exacerbate the detrimental consequences for society. By analysing postprocessed data from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP), we provide a global mapping of future changes in the compound occurrence of six categories of hazards or impacts related to climate extremes. These are: river floods, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, tropical cyclone-induced winds and crop failures. The use of impact model data provides a unique perspective on the compound occurrence of these hazards and impacts, beyond what can be obtained from Global Climate Model output. 

In line with the existing literature, we find sharp increases in the occurrence of many individual hazards and impacts, notably heatwaves and wildfires. Under a medium-high emission scenario, many regions worldwide transition from chiefly experiencing a given category of hazard or impact in isolation to routinely experiencing compound hazard or impact occurrences. A similarly striking change is projected for the future recurrence of compound hazards or impacts, with many locations experiencing specific compound occurrences at least once a year for several years, or even decades, in a row. Moreover, we show a nonlinearity in compound occurrences for different global warming levels, with higher warming giving a faster-than-linear increase in compound occurrences. In the absence of effective global climate mitigation actions, we may thus witness a qualitative regime shift from a world dominated by individual climate-related hazards and impacts to one where compound occurrences become the norm.

How to cite: Messori, G., Muheki, D., Batibeniz, F., Bevacqua, E., Suarez-Gutierrez, L., and Thiery, W.: Global mapping of concurrent hazards and impacts associated with climate extremes under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4486,, 2025.

EGU25-4719 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2

Understanding Wildfire Interannual Variability using Large Ensembles 

Theodore Keeping, Boya Zhou, Wenjia Cai, Theodore Shepherd, Karin van der Wiel, Colin Prentice, and Sandy Harrison

Annual wildfire occurrences are associated with a high degree of variability. As well as arising from the inherent randomness of wildfire events, this is also due to variability in the climate factors affecting wildfire risk, such as to summer precipitation. With climate change linked to the emergence of regionally catastrophic fire years, understanding the probabilistic distribution of wildfires and the extent these are linked to predictable modes of climate variability (such as El Niño Southern Oscillation, ENSO, or the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, AMO) is of increasing importance. We use a large climate ensemble (KNMI-LENTIS) together with probabilistic fire occurrence model accounting for human, vegetation type, vegetation growth, and weather effects to predict 1600 simulated fire years over the contiguous US in the modern climate (2000-2009) and for +2°C global warming. There is significant spread in the distribution of fire years in the modern ensemble, with interannual variability higher in regions with a high mean rate of fire activity. Controlling for the effect of the average fire rate, the southwestern US, the Great Plains and southern Florida have proportionally highest variability. Wildfire occurrence is strongly influenced by climate modes in all three of these regions in the ensemble - with greater wildfire occurrence associated with La Niña, negative Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), and positive Tropical North Atlantic (TNA) years. The AMO, Pacific Decadal Oscillation and Pacific/North American oscillation all exert a significant influence on US wildfire in the modern and modern +2°C climates. Climate warming results in a considerable increase in annual wildfire occurrences across the US, including in less fire-prone regions of the northern and interior US, as well as a strong effect on the likelihood of extreme fire years and long fire seasons in the southwest. There is a strengthening effect of key climate modes on annual wildfires, especially from the AMO, IOD, TNA and ENSO. This analysis, in addition to specific findings concerning US wildfire, highlights the utility of large climate ensembles in characterising the variability of the wildfire regime and projecting wildfire under future climate change.

How to cite: Keeping, T., Zhou, B., Cai, W., Shepherd, T., van der Wiel, K., Prentice, C., and Harrison, S.: Understanding Wildfire Interannual Variability using Large Ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4719,, 2025.

EGU25-5735 | Orals | NH11.2

Sustainable Development Key to Limiting Climate Change-Driven Wildfire Damages 

Yi-Ling Hwong, Edward Byers, Michaela Werning, and Yann Quilcaille

Climate change is intensifying wildfires, making them more frequent and severe. While significant research has focused on predicting burned areas using bioclimatic and anthropogenic factors, fewer studies have explored the drivers of the economic damages of wildfires. Our study addresses this gap by identifying key factors influencing global economic wildfire damages and projecting future impacts under three Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). Using multiple linear regression analyses, we assess country-level predictors of wildfire damages and forecast future trends under SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP3-7.0. We tested a wide range of predictors, covering climate, land-cover, governance, and socio-economic factors. Our findings highlight the Human Vulnerability Index (HVI), which reflects a country’s socio-economic conditions, as the strongest predictor of historical wildfire damages, followed by water vapor pressure deficit during fire seasons and population density near forested areas. These findings contrast with studies on burned areas, where climate factors dominate. 

Our model projects that by 2070, global economic wildfire damages could be three times higher under SSP3-7.0 compared to SSP1-2.6. Our analyses suggest that robust socio-economic development can offset wildfire damages associated with climate hazards, though this is less certain under SSP3-7.0. The emphasis of SSP1-2.6 on equitable socio-economic progress and climate action not only reduces wildfire damages but also mitigates inequalities in their distribution across countries. For developed countries, SSP1-2.6 offers modest economic damage reductions, but the growing impact of climate hazard becomes the dominant driver of wildfire damages by century’s end if socio-economic conditions remain stable at their current high levels. For least-developed countries, which are disproportionately exposed to anthropogenic climate change, the potential gains of following a sustainable pathway by 2070 are up to nine times greater compared to developed countries. Our work complements existing research on burned areas and underscores the importance of sustainable development in addressing the economic impacts of wildfires. 

How to cite: Hwong, Y.-L., Byers, E., Werning, M., and Quilcaille, Y.: Sustainable Development Key to Limiting Climate Change-Driven Wildfire Damages, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5735,, 2025.

EGU25-6034 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2

Storylines for compound flood impacts and adaptation: a case study of cyclone Idai in Beira 

Henrique Moreno Dumont Goulart, Panagiotis Athanasiou, Kees van Ginkel, Karin van der Wiel, Gundula Winter, Izidine Pinto, and Bart van den Hurk

As climate change intensifies, coastal communities face growing threats from tropical cyclones and rising seas. These communities need practical ways to plan their adaptation strategies. Our study presents a new approach that integrates storyline analysis with local adaptation planning. For that, we combine different climate and adaptation scenarios with a modelling framework that allows cascading hydrometeorological conditions to flood hazards and to socio-economic impacts (including exposure and vulnerability information). We adopt as case study cyclone Idai's (2019) flood impacts on the coastal city of Beira, Mozambique.

The storylines of Idai are based on different scenarios of climate change and tidal cycles, but also on testing potential different adaptation responses to coastal protection. Our findings show that when climate change combines with high tides, the flood impacts grow considerably, affecting more people and causing more economical damage. Among the different adaptation strategies considered, building only seawalls offer limited protection against very extreme events, while strategies that mix different adaptation measures significantly reduce potential damage across all scenarios.

By offering localized, detailed information on compound climate hazards and adaptation, storylines can be used to measure the effectiveness of adaptation strategies against extreme events. This approach allows us to evaluate the robustness of different strategies across scenarios and quantify residual impacts, complementing traditional climate risk assessments. Our framework helps bridge the gap between climate projections and practical adaptation planning, supporting more informed decision-making at the local level.


How to cite: Moreno Dumont Goulart, H., Athanasiou, P., van Ginkel, K., van der Wiel, K., Winter, G., Pinto, I., and van den Hurk, B.: Storylines for compound flood impacts and adaptation: a case study of cyclone Idai in Beira, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6034,, 2025.

EGU25-6988 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2

Unequal exposure to heatwaves in French cities in a changing climate 

Aglae Jezequel, Samuel Rufat, Mariana De Brito, Caihong Liu, Gregoire Canchon, Shirin Ermis, and Tais Carvalho

Urban areas are commonly hotter than rural counterparts. Heat exposure leads to health risks, including excess mortality. Research suggests that marginalized groups are more exposed than the general population to environmental hazards. Inequalities of exposure to urban heat island putting higher heat stress on persons of color and people living below the poverty line have been shown for an ensemble of U.S. Cities (Hsu et al., 2021). Less is known about these inequalities of exposure in Europe. The influence of projected climate change on these inequalities is also unclear. In this study, we investigate inequalities of exposure across different types of population for 10 major French cities.


We combine surface temperature data with demographic data to answer these questions. The meteorological data (days with a high heat stress and number of heatwaves days) is extracted from the Urbclim model (De Ridder et al., 2015), at 100-meter resolution, with an emission scenario following the current policies. The demographic data consists of a census-derived ensemble of 28 variables at 200-meter resolution, including age classes, age of buildings, density, income level and types of households. We find that neighborhoods with households with lower income and a higher density of children below the age of 10 have a higher exposition to heatwaves than the rest of the population. The exposure to heatwaves grows for all groups with higher levels of global warming but the inequalities of exposure still remain.




De Ridder, Koen, Dirk Lauwaet, and Bino Maiheu. "UrbClim–A fast urban boundary layer climate model." Urban Climate 12 (2015): 21-48.

Hsu, A., Sheriff, G., Chakraborty, T. et al. Disproportionate exposure to urban heat island intensity across major US cities. Nat Commun 12, 2721 (2021).


How to cite: Jezequel, A., Rufat, S., De Brito, M., Liu, C., Canchon, G., Ermis, S., and Carvalho, T.: Unequal exposure to heatwaves in French cities in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6988,, 2025.

EGU25-7743 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

Land-atmosphere coupling amplified the record-breaking heatwave at altitudes above 5000 meters on the Tibetan Plateau in July 2022 

Kexin Gui, Tianjun Zhou, Wenxia Zhang, and Xing Zhang

In July 2022, regions with elevations exceeding 5000 meters on the inner Tibetan Plateau (TP) witnessed a record-breaking heatwave. But how the atmospheric circulation and soil moisture play roles in the occurrence and maintenance of the heatwave in such high elevation climate sensitive region remains unknown. Here, by using the flow analogue method, we find that negative soil moisture anomalies explain more than half of the extreme high temperature during the heatwave, while atmospheric circulation explains less than half. The high soil moisture-temperature coupling metric and the increased correlation between latent heat flux and soil moisture during heatwave revealed strong land-atmosphere feedback in the Qiangtang Plateau which has amplified the heatwave. Analyses of numerical experiments confirm that the presence of interaction between soil moisture and the atmosphere has increased the intensity of hot extreme event under the same atmospheric circulation conditions. Under the warming background, land-atmosphere coupling leads to a faster increase in extreme high temperatures compared to the global mean warming rate, and it is twice as fast as the increase in extreme high temperatures without coupling. We highlight the increased probability of extreme high temperature over the TP in the future due to soil moisture feedback and the results are hoped to inform policymakers in making decisions for climate adaptation activities.

How to cite: Gui, K., Zhou, T., Zhang, W., and Zhang, X.: Land-atmosphere coupling amplified the record-breaking heatwave at altitudes above 5000 meters on the Tibetan Plateau in July 2022, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7743,, 2025.

EGU25-7801 | Orals | NH11.2

Exposure to compound climate hazards transmitted via global agricultural trade networks 

Patrick Keys, Elizabeth Barnes, Noah Diffenbaugh, Thomas Hertel, Uris Baldos, and Johanna Hedlund

Compound climate hazards, such as co-occurring temperature and precipitation extremes, substantially impact people and ecosystems. Internal climate variability combines with the forced global warming response to determine both the magnitude and spatial distribution of these events, and their consequences can propagate from one country to another via many pathways. We examine how exposure to compound climate hazards in one country is transmitted internationally via agricultural trade networks by analyzing a large ensemble of climate model simulations and comprehensive trade data of four crops (i.e. wheat, maize, rice and soya). Combinations of variability-driven climate patterns and existing global agricultural trade give rise to a wide range of possible outcomes in the current climate. In the most extreme simulated year, 20% or more of the caloric supply in nearly one third of the world’s countries are exposed to compound heat and precipitation hazards. Countries with low levels of diversification, both in the number of suppliers and the regional climates of those suppliers, are more likely to import higher fractions of calories (up to 93%) that are exposed to these compound hazards. Understanding how calories exposed to climate hazards are transmitted through agricultural trade networks in the current climate can contribute to improved anticipatory capacity for national governments, international trade policy, and agricultural-sector resilience. We recommend concerted effort be made toward merging cutting-edge seasonal-to-decadal climate prediction with international trade analysis in support of a new era of anticipatory Anthropocene risk management.

How to cite: Keys, P., Barnes, E., Diffenbaugh, N., Hertel, T., Baldos, U., and Hedlund, J.: Exposure to compound climate hazards transmitted via global agricultural trade networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7801,, 2025.

EGU25-8587 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2

River flow amplification under climate change: attribution and climate-driven storylines of the winter 2023/24 UK floods 

Wilson Chan, Lucy Barker, Davide Faranda, and Jamie Hannaford

A warming climate is expected to alter the magnitude, frequency and spatial pattern of floods. The widespread flooding observed in the UK and Western Europe over the winter half-year 2023/24 followed on from a number of other notable floods in 2013/14, 2015/16 and 2019/20. However, detecting a climate-driven trend in river flows is complicated by the influence of internal variability and relatively short observational records. End-to-end probabilistic attribution that includes river flows also remains challenging as hydrological responses do not scale linearly with changes in rainfall. Recent studies have encouraged the routine creation of event storylines in a forensic manner to explore a full range of plausible outcomes and enhance risk awareness of UNSEEN outcomes. Few studies to date have attempted to harmonise the different approaches when conducting retrospective analysis of hydrological extremes.

A consistent framework for post-event analyses of hydrological extremes is demonstrated here using the winter half-year 2023/24 UK floods as a case study. We aim to place the winter half-year 2023/24 in context of past climate change, consider the possibility of UNSEEN outcomes beyond historical observations in a present-day climate and appraise trend detectability over the 21st century. The ‘ClimaMeter’ circulation analogue-based attribution approach suggests that a 6-month period with similar atmospheric circulation patterns to the observed winter half-year 2023/24 has become warmer and wetter (by an average 8.8%) in the recent past (1945-2021) compared to the more distant past (1850-1925). Monthly river flow reconstructions extended back to 1850 show river flows during analogue events have increased by 13.5%. Pooling seasonal hindcasts following the UNSEEN approach show the potential for river flows to be 46% higher than the observed given a worst-case storyline. A maximised rainfall storyline further explores consequences of slight changes to the tracks of two major winter storms which could have resulted in much larger rainfall accumulations. Finally, river flow simulations driven by a single-model-initial-condition large ensemble place observed trends in context of internal variability, suggesting early emergence of climate signals for winter half year river flows for some areas but a signal may not emerge for some regions until mid-21st century. Our research provides a proof of concept in extending storyline attribution approaches to river flows and highlights the changing risk of winter flooding in the UK. The same framework for post-event analyses can be applied to future events and elsewhere globally to assist long-term planning for climate change adaptation.

How to cite: Chan, W., Barker, L., Faranda, D., and Hannaford, J.: River flow amplification under climate change: attribution and climate-driven storylines of the winter 2023/24 UK floods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8587,, 2025.

EGU25-9074 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

Climate driven dynamic fuel maps in wildfire management under climate change: an AI approach 

Giorgio Meschi, Farzad Ghasemiazma, Andrea Trucchia, Nicolò Perello, Silvia Degli Esposti, and Paolo Fiorucci

Climate change has markedly increased the intensity and frequency of wildfires, emphasizing the need for predictive tools to inform adaptive management and mitigation strategies. This study presents a dynamic framework for assessing wildfire susceptibility, focusing on Southeastern Europe, a region particularly vulnerable due to diverse topographical and climatic conditions. By integrating machine learning (ML) with historical wildfire records and climate projections, the framework provides high-resolution susceptibility and fuel maps essential for informed decision-making.

The methodology incorporates data from the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), CORINE land cover, and the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) climate projections. Climatic variables such as precipitation, wind speed, maximum and average daily temperatures, and consecutive dry/wet days were included in the predisposing factors of wildfire occurrence. These were combined with topographical and land cover information to train a supranational machine learning model capable of mapping annual wildfire susceptibility at a 100-meter resolution. The use of ISIMIP dataset (2008-2019) ensures using coherent datasets for historical and future time periods, allowing for dynamic projections under multiple climate scenarios (SSP126, SSP245, SSP585).

The susceptibility maps highlight regions where climatic and environmental conditions have historically facilitated wildfire occurrences. Susceptibility data were integrated with vegetation classifications, producing detailed wildfire hazard maps (or fuel maps). These maps categorize terrain into 12 classes based on a contingency matrix of susceptibility levels and fuel types, combining potential fire behavior in a worst-case scenario and its likelihood. As a sample case, areas classified as high susceptibility combined with coniferous forest cover represent hotspots where mitigation efforts should be concentrated. The possibility to generate future projected fuel maps leads to estimate the areas where wildfire hazard increases the most.

This study provides actionable insights for stakeholders by identifying critical zones for fuel management, ignition prevention, and adaptive planning. The dynamic nature of the model also allows for periodic updates as new data become available, ensuring its relevance under evolving climatic conditions. It establishes a foundation for risk assessment methodologies and potentially enables the estimation of annual losses and their temporal evolution in the next decades. This framework not only advances the scientific understanding of wildfire susceptibility but also supports practical applications in disaster risk reduction and land-use planning.

Keywords: Wildfire susceptibility, hazard mapping, machine learning, climate change, fuel type dynamics

How to cite: Meschi, G., Ghasemiazma, F., Trucchia, A., Perello, N., Degli Esposti, S., and Fiorucci, P.: Climate driven dynamic fuel maps in wildfire management under climate change: an AI approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9074,, 2025.

EGU25-10409 | Posters on site | NH11.2

A new class of climate hazard metrics and demonstration based on tracking extreme heat amplification over Europe 

Gottfried Kirchengast, Stephanie Haas, and Jürgen Fuchsberger

Weather and climate extremes such as heatwaves are crucial climate hazards to people and ecosystems worldwide. In any region, climate change may alter their characteristics in complex ways so that a rigorous and holistic quantification of the extremity of such events remains a challenge, impeding also uses by climate change impact, attribution, litigation and many other communities.

Here we introduce a new class of threshold-exceedance-amount metrics that consistently track changes in event frequency, duration, magnitude, area, and timing aspects like daily exposure and seasonal shift—as separate metrics, partially compound like as average event severity in a region, and up to compound total events extremity (TEX). Building on state-of-the-art daily and hourly temperature datasets over 1961 to 2024, we applied the new metrics to extreme heat events at local- to country-scale (example Austria, SPARTACUS 1-km-scale data) as well as across European land regions (whole of Europe, ERA5 10-km-scale data), demonstrating their utility through this example application. Comparing the recent period 2010-2024 to the reference climate period 1961-1990, we revealed about five- to twenty-five-fold amplifications of the TEX of extreme heat over Austrian and southern & mid-latitude European regions, finding these amplification signals strongly emerged from natural variability and an unequivocal evidence of anthropogenic climate change.

Given their fundamental capacity to reliably track any threshold-defined hazard at any location, the new metrics enable a myriad of uses beyond this example application. We hence close with summarizing such possible applications by scientific users but also practice users in the weather and climate services and action domains (e.g., hydro-met services, environmental agencies, insurance companies, law firms, public administrations, policymakers). These range from climate risk and impact analyses related to key extremes such as heatwaves, heavy precipitation, droughts, wildfires, flooding, and storminess to extreme events attribution, which quantifies the share of a hazard extremity, and optionally of its damage to properties and harm to people, that is estimated as attributable to anthropogenic climate change.

How to cite: Kirchengast, G., Haas, S., and Fuchsberger, J.: A new class of climate hazard metrics and demonstration based on tracking extreme heat amplification over Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10409,, 2025.

EGU25-12501 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

Landfalling Tropical Cyclones: Investigating Rainfall Trends under Climate Change 

Linn Hamester, Matthias Mengel, Inga Sauer, and Katja Frieler

Landfalling tropical cyclones (TCs) often lead to widespread societal impacts due to their associated wind and flood hazards. Among these, pluvial and fluvial flooding depend primarily on the intensity and total rainfall released during TC events. As global warming increases atmospheric humidity according to the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship, TC rainfall is expected to intensify, exacerbating flood risks. However, additional climatic drivers may also contribute to long-term changes in TC-induced rainfall. To understand and disentangle these drivers, robust modeling efforts and reliable observational datasets are essential.

In this study, we utilize a dataset from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP), which includes rainfall estimates for historical TCs from 1950 to 2023. These estimates are derived using IBTrACS best-track data, two parametric wind models, and a physics-based Tropical Cyclone Rainfall (TCR) model. We validate the TCR model simulations by comparing them with TC rainfall estimates from ERA5 reanalysis data and the Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG). This validation includes comparisons of lifetime accumulated rainfall for individual events and associated temporal trends across all events. Additionally, we use the TCR model to assess the role of climate change in driving long-term trends in TC rainfall. By generating counterfactual rainfall estimates, where the influence of increasing global mean temperature is removed through detrending of the temperature input data, we isolate a thermodynamic contribution of climate change to observed trends.

We find that the TCR model produces higher maxima and more extreme rainfall events compared to ERA5, consistent with the tendency of reanalysis data to underestimate extremes. However, the relative intensity distribution of TC rainfall is captured in ERA5 and aligns with the patterns produced by the TCR model. The relative temporal trends between the datasets also align. Therefore, the TCR model might be a valuable tool for overcoming the underrepresentation of extreme TC rainfall in reanalysis data. Furthermore, our counterfactual estimates reveal that while the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship explains a significant portion of the observed increases in lifetime accumulated rainfall, residual trends persist, suggesting the influence of additional climatic drivers. This research highlights the importance of robust modeling frameworks, such as TCR, for understanding and attributing changes in TC rainfall, providing critical insights into the evolving hazards posed by tropical cyclones in a warming world.

How to cite: Hamester, L., Mengel, M., Sauer, I., and Frieler, K.: Landfalling Tropical Cyclones: Investigating Rainfall Trends under Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12501,, 2025.

EGU25-13233 | Orals | NH11.2

Characteristics of a Novel Sampling for Future Extremes 

Michael Lehning, Pauline Rivoire, and Tatjana Milojevic

Synthetic time series generation is an essential tool to explore different climate scenarios and their impacts. While sophisticated generation methods have been developed in the past, they often rely on physical and statistical assumptions and require extensive data for calibration and parameter estimation. We propose a straightforward method for time series generation based on constrained sampling of observations. This approach preserves the physical consistency between variables and maintains the short-term temporal structure present in the observation. We sample temperature, precipitation, surface pressure, incoming solar radiation, and wind from station observations in Switzerland. We obtain different sets of synthetic time series by constraining mean temperature and precipitation quantiles according to different future greenhouse gases emission scenarios. The sampled time series are compared with historical observations and statistically downscaled EURO-CORDEX projections. We show that, when constrained on temperature, our sampling produces more precipitation extreme events than the statistically downscaled time series. We also analyze the dependence structure between variables, including the multivariate extreme events.

How to cite: Lehning, M., Rivoire, P., and Milojevic, T.: Characteristics of a Novel Sampling for Future Extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13233,, 2025.

EGU25-13372 | Posters on site | NH11.2

Risk of forest fire in Sweden under historical and future climate projections from 1971 to 2100t fire in Sweden under historical and future climate projections from 1971 to 2100 

Wei Yang, Peter Berg, Denica Bozhinova, Johan Böhlin, David Gustafsson, Anna Jansson, Katharina Klehmet, Tomas Landelius, and Sara Schützer

With the large forest fire in Sala 2014 and the forest fires during summer 2018 in mind, evaluating the tendency of high-risk fire season (HRS) under a changing climate shows its importance for risk management.

This study focuses on exploring the behaviours of several user-defined fire-risk indicators concerning start, end, length, HRS and frequency of HRS, and impact of preconditions, e.g., snow cover and overwintering conditions. Here, we carry out the study by driving a Canadian forest fire model, the Fire Weather Index (FWI, Van Wagner,1987), using meteorological forcing from an ensemble of regional climate projections compiled from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5, Taylor et al., 2012). The used CMIP5 data covers historical and representative concentration pathway projections (RCPs) from 1971 to 2100. The bias in the climate model projections is adjusted using the MultI-scale bias AdjuStment (MIdAS, Berg et al., 2022) with Copernicus regional reanalysis for Europe (CERRA, Schimankes et al., 2021) as a reference. The impact of climate change on the fire risk for three future periods (i.e., 2011–2040, 2041–2070 and 2071–2100) is explored under three RCPs (RCP2.6, 4.5 and 8.5).  The ensemble agreement is used to evaluate the robustness of the fire risk indicators. 

The results show that all robust changes are toward increasing risk. More specifically, the length of HRS increases in southern and eastern Sweden. The start of HRS shifts to earlier in the eastern coastal and northern regions of Sweden in RCP4.5 and 8.5. In all RCPs the end of HRS is delayed by a couple of weeks in the southern regions in the period after 2041. The HRS is likely to become more frequent in the regions along the east coast and in southern Sweden.

How to cite: Yang, W., Berg, P., Bozhinova, D., Böhlin, J., Gustafsson, D., Jansson, A., Klehmet, K., Landelius, T., and Schützer, S.: Risk of forest fire in Sweden under historical and future climate projections from 1971 to 2100t fire in Sweden under historical and future climate projections from 1971 to 2100, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13372,, 2025.

EGU25-15684 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2

How do weather and climate extremes respond to anthropogenic forcing? 

Dominik L. Schumacher, Lei Gu, Mathias Hauser, and Sonia I. Seneviratne

Our understanding of the climate system suggests that, in response to human forcing through greenhouse gas & aerosol emissions and land use, weather and climate extremes are potentially amplified both by thermodynamic and dynamic changes. In other words, an extreme event such as a heatwave can become more intense through thermodynamic modulations, e.g., background warming and drier soils providing fuel for stronger surface sensible heating, but potentially also through atmospheric circulation changes.

Especially at regional scales, however, such anthropogenic modulations can be masked or enhanced by internal climate variability. Moreover, sea surface temperature patterns simulated by climate models systematically deviate from observations, which points to a flawed response to external forcing (e.g., Wills et al., 2022). Considering how strongly the surface ocean interacts with the atmosphere, this suggests that large-scale winds may also fail to adequately respond to anthropogenic forcing. This raises critical questions: Where do we expect notable dynamic contributions in the first place? Are observations consistent with these expected changes? And how do dynamics compare to thermodynamics driving weather and climate extremes?

To tackle these questions, we employ simulations using CESM2, a global Earth System Model, with which we disentangle the responses to anthropogenic forcings in thermodynamic state and atmospheric circulation. In doing so, we obtain the physical model truth with regards to how extreme weather and climate events are altered under additional global warming through purely thermodynamic and dynamic pathways.



Wills, R. C. J., Dong, Y., Proistosecu, C., Armour, K. C., & Battisti, D. S. (2022). Systematic climate model biases in the large-scale patterns of recent sea-surface temperature and sea-level pressure change. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100011.


How to cite: Schumacher, D. L., Gu, L., Hauser, M., and Seneviratne, S. I.: How do weather and climate extremes respond to anthropogenic forcing?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15684,, 2025.

EGU25-16001 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

Future Displacement Risk in Southeast Asia due to Coastal Flooding 

Sonali Manimaran, Indraneel Kasmalkar, and David Lallemant

Southeast Asia is particularly vulnerable to coastal flooding, with low-lying coastlines and high population densities converging to create significant exposure to sea-level rise and storm-induced floods. Here, we present a novel modelling framework for assessing displacement risk across coastal populations in Southeast Asia under various climate change scenarios.

Our approach builds on a newly developed global coastal flood model (Kasmalker et al., 2024) that accounts for both path-based attenuation and hydraulic connectivity, allowing for more realistic representations of flood extent than traditional “bathtub” methods. The model integrates future sea-level and tropical storm projections, capturing a range of potential flood scenarios up to 2100. We link the flooding model to an empirically calibrated displacement risk curve that translates housing damage into probable displacement outcomes. This risk curve, derived empirically from observational data, quantifies the likelihood of an individual or household being displacment given varying degrees of property loss or structural damage. The curve is then applied within a probabilistic risk assessment to compute both the average annual displacement (AAD) and the probable maximum displacement (PMD) across Southeast Asia’s coastal regions.

Our findings highlight significant spatial variability in displacement risk, influenced by regional differences in exposure, vulnerability, and projected climate impacts. Additionally, the probabilistic approach underscores the increasing probability of catastrophic flood events leading to large-scale, sudden-onset displacement. By identifying regional hotspots of high displacement risk, our study provides a critical tool for policymakers and stakeholders to prioritise coastal resilience investments and develop adaptation strategies for at-risk communities throughout Southeast Asia.

How to cite: Manimaran, S., Kasmalkar, I., and Lallemant, D.: Future Displacement Risk in Southeast Asia due to Coastal Flooding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16001,, 2025.

EGU25-16081 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

Young people disproportionately exposed to lifetime fire risk: a Portuguese case study   

Rosa Pietroiusti, Sergio Prudencio Montano, and Wim Thiery

Climate change is driving increased fire weather across the world: hot, dry and windy conditions lead to higher risk of fire ignition and spread and make fire suppression more difficult. With further warming, fire weather is projected to increase in many parts of the world, meaning today’s children and young people will be exposed to an ever-greater number of high-risk fire weather days during their lifetime. In this study, we analyze historical fire weather index (FWI) conditions over Portugal from ERA5 reanalysis to assess the representativity of the index to explain historical monthly burned area records from European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), for the period 1980-2020. Turning to EURO-CORDEX high resolution projections for the future, we then analyze exceedances of FWI values representing high (FWI>30) and very high (FWI>45) fire risk. Combining this with spatially explicit demographic projections from the Wittgenstein Capital Data Explorer (WCDE), we then apply a lifetime exposure framework to estimate the number of high and very high fire risk days that people of different generations in Portugal are projected to be exposed to during their lifetimes and under different SSP-RCP warming scenarios. We find young people in Portugal will be disproportionately exposed to high fire weather risk days compared to older generations during their lifetimes, and that they have the most to gain from ambitious mitigation. Our research highlights the intergenerational inequity inherent in anthropogenic climate change and underlines the urgency of ambitious mitigation and adaptation action to safeguard the rights of present and future generations.

How to cite: Pietroiusti, R., Prudencio Montano, S., and Thiery, W.: Young people disproportionately exposed to lifetime fire risk: a Portuguese case study  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16081,, 2025.

EGU25-16644 | Posters on site | NH11.2

Socioeconomic Impacts and Preparedness for Intensifying Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal 

Ashish Kumar Saini, Abhishek Singh, and Vinayakam Jothiprakash

The rising severity of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal presents significant challenges for the densely populated coastal communities of India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. Over the 2000–2024 period, the region has experienced a 40% increase in very severe cyclonic storms (VSCS), as defined by wind speeds exceeding 150 km/h. Events such as Cyclone Amphan (2020), which caused economic losses exceeding $13 billion and displaced millions, underscore the devastating socioeconomic impacts of these intensified cyclonic systems. High-density cyclone path zones, concentrated between 10°N–20°N latitude and 80°E–100°E longitude, mark the geographic hotspots of vulnerability, where unique oceanographic and meteorological conditions facilitate cyclogenesis. This study provides a deeper understanding of the dynamic interactions between ocean-atmosphere parameters that drive cyclone behavior in the region. Elevated sea surface temperatures (SSTs), consistently surpassing 28°C, serve as the primary energy source for cyclone intensification. Combined with weaker vertical wind shear and enhanced low-level vorticity during the pre- and post-monsoon seasons, these conditions promote rapid intensification (RI) events. The findings also highlight the impact of evolving large-scale atmospheric phenomena, such as shifts in the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), which influence cyclone trajectories and the likelihood of landfall. The study further identifies that cyclones with shorter landfall distances (<200 km from their origin) are particularly destructive, often associated with prolonged rainfall, storm surges, and flooding. These cyclones exacerbate risks to critical infrastructure, agriculture, and coastal ecosystems, particularly in low-lying deltas like the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin. Additionally, the degradation of natural buffers such as mangroves in the Sundarbans has heightened susceptibility to storm surges and coastal erosion, amplifying the scale of human and economic losses. Scientific advancements presented in this work emphasize the need for enhanced predictive models that integrate real-time atmospheric and oceanographic data to improve cyclone tracking and landfall projections. These models can support the development of robust early warning systems, reducing the lead time required for effective evacuation and disaster response. Furthermore, the research underscores the importance of climate-resilient infrastructure—such as cyclone-resistant housing, flood barriers, and storm surge protection systems—tailored to the unique vulnerabilities of the region. Ecosystem restoration, including mangrove reforestation in the Sundarbans, emerges as a critical strategy for mitigating storm surge impacts and enhancing long-term coastal resilience. In conclusion, this study calls for a multidisciplinary approach to address the growing risks posed by intensifying cyclones. By combining advancements in meteorology, oceanography, and socio-economic planning, policymakers and researchers can work toward developing comprehensive disaster preparedness and resilience strategies. These efforts are essential to safeguarding vulnerable coastal populations and ecosystems in the Bay of Bengal against the escalating impacts of climate change-driven cyclonic activity.

How to cite: Saini, A. K., Singh, A., and Jothiprakash, V.: Socioeconomic Impacts and Preparedness for Intensifying Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16644,, 2025.

EGU25-6169 | ECS | Orals | NH11.4

Importance of exposure data quality versus uncertainty in vulnerability and hazard for catastrophe modelling 

Georgios Sarailidis, Francesca Pianosi, and Kirsty Styles

Catastrophe (cat) models are widely used to combine information on the probability distribution of hazard intensity, exposure location, and exposure vulnerability to quantify risk, usually expressed in terms of financial loss. While substantial attention has been paid to improving hazard and vulnerability components (including incorporating climate change), exposure data often lags in terms of quality and detail and may vary widely in granularity and reliability. For instance, reinsurers frequently receive aggregated portfolios from insurers, which may lead to loss of critical information about location-specific risks. This lack of detail undermines the precision of loss estimates, even if hazard and vulnerability components are highly refined. This raises an important question: how influential is the level of detail exposure information on risk estimates with respect to uncertainties in vulnerability and climate change model?

In this presentation we will answer this question via a global sensitivity analysis (GSA) of the JBA flood cat model. GSA is a methodology to systematically investigate the propagation of input uncertainties through mathematical models and quantify the relative importance of those uncertainties on the variability of model outputs. Differently from local sensitivity analyses, in GSA all input uncertainties are varied simultaneously within their plausible variability ranges, instead of being varied one at the time from a baseline. This enables us to capture interaction effects between uncertain inputs and ensure that sensitivity results are not conditional on the chosen baseline. In our application, the three input uncertainties are hazard (including climate change), vulnerability, and exposure data and we quantify their relative influence on financial loss estimates.

Overall, the analysis and the results will highlight how hazard, vulnerability and exposure data quality impact loss estimates guiding cat model developers to prioritize their efforts on model improvement and reinsurers to leverage better quality exposure data.

How to cite: Sarailidis, G., Pianosi, F., and Styles, K.: Importance of exposure data quality versus uncertainty in vulnerability and hazard for catastrophe modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6169,, 2025.

EGU25-6304 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.4

Using an ensemble of flood catastrophe models to explore the interplay of loss variability and the catastrophe model calibration process 

Conor Lamb, Malcolm Haylock, Oliver Wing, and Olivia Sloan

Catastrophe (cat) models are tools, typically used in the (re)insurance industry, that evaluate the risks to a given portfolio by modelling the impact of thousands of years of synthetic hazard events. Of particular interest to users is an evaluation of the low probability (tail) risks. This includes asking questions such as, “what is the worst loss event that will be exceeded, on average, every 200 years?” 

An assessment of tail risks is inherently uncertain. This is compounded by a large number of uncertain or free parameters throughout the modelling chain which may be set via expert (subjective) judgement or via a process of calibration. The calibration process would take a given portfolio with known historical losses and adjust some of the free parameters to match the historical losses. This process may be reframed as creating a structured ensemble of catastrophe models with a range of each of the free or uncertain parameters. The process would then compare the modelled losses from each of the ensemble members to the known historical record and select the model that best represents the historical losses. 

A major limitation of the ensemble approach to catastrophe model calibration is the short historical record from which to select the most representative model. This work uses a flood catastrophe model ensemble to explore the calibration process by creating a short synthetic loss record from a single ensemble member and examining the downstream effects of using this loss record for model selection. 

How to cite: Lamb, C., Haylock, M., Wing, O., and Sloan, O.: Using an ensemble of flood catastrophe models to explore the interplay of loss variability and the catastrophe model calibration process, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6304,, 2025.

EGU25-7007 | Orals | NH11.4 | Highlight

Insured Losses from European Natural Catastrophes: Is there a trend over time? 

Charlotte Milner and Kelsey Mulder

Diagnosing the drivers of changing insured losses year on year is an important component of developing a sustainable insurance portfolio. The common assumption is that losses for most perils are increasing year on year. However, there are many factors that could drive the change in losses: economic versus insured losses, impacts of inflation, changes in societal wealth over time, movement toward riskier property locations as well as potential changes in the frequency and severity of European wind and flood events. This presentation will quantify each of the above factors to determine the drivers of changes in insured losses over time.

How to cite: Milner, C. and Mulder, K.: Insured Losses from European Natural Catastrophes: Is there a trend over time?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7007,, 2025.

EGU25-7030 | Posters on site | NH11.4

Disaster Risk Reduction through innovative insurance solutions  

Francesco Lo Conti, Glauco Gallotti, Antonio Tirri, Antonio Santoro, Guido Rianna, Valentina Bacciu, and Michele Calvello

The HuT (The Human-Tech Nexus) project aims at finding effective strategies to manage the risks associated with extreme climate events by means of specific demonstrators over the European territory in which different Disaster Risk Reduction strategies are prototyped and tested. In this context, we show here two distinct innovative insurance prototypes to cope with risks associated with wildfires and landslides over two peculiar areas in Sardinia and Campania regions (Italy). While the hazard posed by the two perils show distinct characteristics and origins, in both cases an insurance product can play a crucial role in the aftermath of the events for communities and private stakeholders. Since the risk assessment is crucial both in terms of financial structure and pricing strategies of a natural hazard insurance product, prototypes are developed through a Nat Cat modeling-based hazard assessment, while the vulnerability and finance considerations are related to the specific characteristics of the area of interest. Eventually, two prototypes are fully developed: “Landslide First Rescue”, a semi-parametric product designed to cope with the immediate economic needs after a landslide events; and “Fire Safe Community”, proposed as a community-based efficient tools to restore the economic losses related to wildfires. The prototypes present specific discounts if the policy holders are willing to implement risk reduction solutions to cope with the specific natural hazard. Results prove that the final premium associated with the products would be affordable and several consultations with interested stakeholders have shown how these kinds of products could also play a role in the development of nature-based solutions over broader regions.

How to cite: Lo Conti, F., Gallotti, G., Tirri, A., Santoro, A., Rianna, G., Bacciu, V., and Calvello, M.: Disaster Risk Reduction through innovative insurance solutions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7030,, 2025.

EGU25-9693 | Posters on site | NH11.4

First results from the implementation of a new fire-spread model in FireHUB platform 

Nikolaos S. Bartsotas, Themistocles Herekakis, Stella Girtsou, and Charalampos Kontoes

To mitigate the growing intensity, duration, and frequency of wildfires in recent years, leveraging the latest forecasting tools and maximizing their capabilities is essential. The FireHUB platform, provided by Beyond Operational Unit of the National Observatory of Athens, has been a reliable decision-support system utilized by numerous decision-makers and public bodies. It is also a continuously evolving platform. The most recent enhancement, implemented under the framework of the MedEWSa project, involves the deployment of a brand-new fire-spread model, offering several comparative advantages that are presented in this study.

A variety of atmospheric and soil parameters (e.g., wind, air/soil temperature and humidity, fuel density) are necessary to accurately predict fire spread information. Many of these factors are influenced by local topographical features, making high-resolution forecasts crucial. Additionally, the ability of a fire-spread model to ingest and process spatiotemporally variable fields is critical. Deploying the ForeFIRE code in combination with finer grid scales from our atmospheric operational forecasts (2-km resolution) demonstrated significant strengths over the existing system. In a series of simulated fire episodes, predictions from the old model and the new model are compared against satellite-derived burnt scar maps to evaluate their performance. The new system is expected to operate in a pseudo-operational mode alongside the existing service during the 2025 fire season and to fully replace the operational fire-spread model by 2026.

How to cite: Bartsotas, N. S., Herekakis, T., Girtsou, S., and Kontoes, C.: First results from the implementation of a new fire-spread model in FireHUB platform, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9693,, 2025.

EGU25-9897 | Posters on site | NH11.4

Modelling Freeze Hazard for the North American Winters  

Mubashshir Ali, Farid Ait-Chaalal, Alison Dobbin, and Juergen Grieser

Freeze hazard represents the costliest peril associated with winter weather in the United States (US). This study focuses on the development and validation of a Freeze Index (FI) to model the impact of freeze effectively. The FI integrates both the intensity and duration of freeze events, offering a more accurate modelling of freeze hazards. The updated FI is used to select US-wide events targeting mainly the spatial scale of cold air outbreaks (CAOs). Validation of the hazard footprints is performed against historical data, including the December 2022 CAO and the Texas freeze of 2021. The findings underscore the importance of considering both temperature and duration in freeze hazards to model the damages accurately.

The freeze events obtained above are used to investigate trends in duration and FI, using 2-metre temperature (T2M) from the reanalysis data (1950 – 2024) and compared with the events from the detrended T2M. In the detrended set, no significant trend is observed in the duration of events from 1950 onwards. The average FI obtained from the footprints of each event also did not show a significant trend. The freeze events obtained from the non-detrended T2M also do not show a significant trend in duration and average FI for the events. However, there is a clear decrease in the occurrence of long-duration events with only four events greater than 10 days from 1990 onwards compared to thirteen events in the 1950 – 1985 period.

How to cite: Ali, M., Ait-Chaalal, F., Dobbin, A., and Grieser, J.: Modelling Freeze Hazard for the North American Winters , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9897,, 2025.

EGU25-9927 | ECS | Orals | NH11.4

Quantifying the Impact of Recent Climate Trends on North Atlantic Hurricane Activity and Losses 

Benjamin Hohermuth, Juner Liu, Carmen Steinmann, and David N. Bresch

North Atlantic hurricanes rank among the costliest natural catastrophes globally, fuelled by high sea-surface temperatures (SST) in the main development region (MDR) and neutral to positive El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Record-high SSTs and a predicted shift to positive ENSO ahead of the 2024 season have raised concerns about a “hurricane season from hell”. A key issue is that catastrophe models used to estimate insured loss in practice are calibrated with observations dating far back and may not adequately reflect hurricane risk in today’s climate. Many scientific models focus long term climate change and are thus not fully fit to assess recent climate trends or are not openly accessible for commercial use. Therefore, we built a simplified, physically-based model conditioned on climate variables to quantify changes in hurricane risk from 1980 to today.

The model uses the physical proxies potential intensity (PI) and cyclone genesis index (CGI) calculated from ERA5, as well as hurricane observations. The number of tropical cyclones is modelled as Poisson process with mean equal to the CGI in the MDR. Locations of lifetime maximum intensities (LMI) are drawn from historical observations conditioned on MDR SST and ENSO. LMI is determined based on PI and historical LMI to PI ratios and translated into landfall activity using a statistical method. The model adequately reproduces observed basin and landfall activity when forced with historical climate conditions. By detrending each grid cell using Theil-Sen regression, we project the climate inputs to any specified year to assess climate driven risk changes.

Our results indicate a 17% increase in hurricane landfalls under the 2020 climate compared to historical forcing from 1980 to 2020, with major hurricanes potentially increasing by 22%. Adjusting landfall rates in a vendor catastrophe model accordingly leads to an increase of around 20% in average annual loss. This increase comes mainly from an increased frequency predicted by the CGI, in line with observations. Keeping CGI constant while incorporating PI increases results in fewer lower-category storms, but more categories 4 and 5 storms. Our approach has limitations, notably in translating basin to landfall activity, where we do not simulate the full tracks but rely on historical ratios to determine the landfall intensity. Consequently, shear and steering effects along the track are only implicitly considered, potentially yielding a conservative risk assessment.

Nevertheless, our results highlight a material increase in hurricane risk in the current climate relative to 1980-2020. Given the lag in most catastrophe models, modelled losses may not fully reflect today’s risk. Our methodology can also be used to extrapolate to 2050, to assess climate change impacts, an area of ongoing research.

How to cite: Hohermuth, B., Liu, J., Steinmann, C., and Bresch, D. N.: Quantifying the Impact of Recent Climate Trends on North Atlantic Hurricane Activity and Losses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9927,, 2025.

Due to its intrinsic exposure to the climate, agriculture is one of the economic sectors most directly affected by climate change. Although long-term average precipitation in Switzerland is sufficient to ensure crop production, summer drought is increasingly posing problems to the agricultural sector, as evidenced by the drought events of 2003, 2011, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2022 and again 2023. It is therefore not surprising that insurance companies in Switzerland and other European countries have added coverage to drought-induced crop yield losses to their product portfolio. However, defining viable insurance strategies for the future, from both an agronomic and economic perspective, depends on knowing the potential level of losses.


In this study, we assessed how climate change is likely to impact the yields of summer crops (maize and potatoes) in the four most important cropland regions in in Switzerland. Our analysis is based on the current Swiss climate scenarios (CH2018) targeting the mid-century (2050-2070) and the end of the century (2089-2099). It focuses on a representative concentration pathway (RCP) that does not envisage mitigation measures (RCP 8.5) and considers only one of the most extreme scenarios within the ensemble of available model chains. In this extreme scenario, the summer period presents a drastically negative climatic water balance (‑500 mm by the end of the century), and mean dry spell duration increasing in duration by around 50%. In the Western Plateau, these conditions entail a factor-of-two yield reduction in 60% of the years for maize and in 30% of the years for potatoes. Results further indicate that yield stability is likely to substantially decrease for both crops, as indicated by an increase in the coefficient of variation by a factor of more than two. In general, our findings stress the importance of summer crops as target of future drought-related insurance products.

How to cite: dos Reis Martins, M. and Calanca, P.: Risks from climate change for Swiss cropping systems: assessing the impacts of summer droughts on crop yields and yield stability for informing future insurance strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10036,, 2025.

EGU25-10365 | Posters on site | NH11.4

Modeling cyclone risk variations in Australia by ENSO phases. 

Vishal Bongirwar, Lijo Abraham Joseph, Rabi Ranjan Tripathy, Daniel Martin Kalbermatter, Tathagata Roy, and Peipei Yang

Historical cyclone data indicate significant variations in cyclone activity during different phases of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). However, the impact of these variations on cyclone risk and damage has not been thoroughly investigated due to limited historical loss record. Understanding these variations could be crucial for effective risk management.

This study examines the variation in cyclone risk associated with ENSO phases, utilizing the cyclone risk assessment model by Impact Forecasting for Australia. The model employs a stochastic event set of cyclones, representing about forty-two thousand years of basin-wide activity, developed using environmental data from reanalysis and machine learning techniques. Our analysis demonstrate that the stochastic event set accurately reflects the seasonal variation in cyclone activity due to ENSO phases, making it a reliable tool for risk assessment.

To evaluate risk by ENSO phases, we segregated the stochastic event set using the Oceanic Nino Index and estimated wind-driven losses for each phase. The model results shows a significant variation in cyclone risk in Australia during El Niño and La Niña. However, the risk during the Neutral phase is found to be comparable with the long-term average. Annual average losses (AAL) during La Niña increases by 40%, while El Niño phases show a 37% reduction compared to the long-term average. Additionally, a one-in-hundred-year event during La Niña can result in 21% higher losses, whereas losses are 28% lower during El Niño compared to the long-term average.

The modeled loss variations across ENSO phases are consistent with observed changes in cyclone activity in Australia and are supported by the historical loss records.

How to cite: Bongirwar, V., Abraham Joseph, L., Ranjan Tripathy, R., Martin Kalbermatter, D., Roy, T., and Yang, P.: Modeling cyclone risk variations in Australia by ENSO phases., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10365,, 2025.

EGU25-10429 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.4

How drought risk evolution impacts crop weather insurance loss ratio in France? 

Léa Laurent, Albin Ullmann, and Thierry Castel

Climate change has modified climatic hazards features and requires to reconsider agro-climatic risks. Among these, drought is one of the risks with the strongest impact on both crop production and crop weather insurance performance (Brisson et al., 2010). Understanding the effects of climate change on agro-climatic risks at regional to local scale is therefore a major challenge for the agricultural sector, specifically for insurers offering crop weather insurance policies. This work, resulting from a collaboration between an insurer and a research laboratory, focuses on the development of a drought index that well explain the evolution of crop weather insurance loss ratio. As maize is a major crop in the company's portfolio, the study focuses on this crop in particular. The aim of this work is to find the optimal set of parameters that maximizes the correlation between the drought index and the drought-related losses on crop weather insurance.

The Safran-Isba-Modcou reanalysis produced by Météo France provides spatially and temporally continuous climate data over metropolitan France of relevant interest to address this topic (Le Moigne et al., 2020; Soubeyroux et al., 2008). At the regional scale, these data allow us to quantify the evolution of climate hazards related to the water cycle from 1960 to present day. Taking into account the vulnerability of the crop of interest through the use of a simplified two reservoirs water balance model provides an opportunity to assess changes in maize water stress (Jacquart and Choisnel, 1995). The definition of a water stress threshold leads to the development of an annual drought index (Laurent et al., under review). The correlation with the crop weather insurance loss ratio due to drought is tested at various spatial scales (municipality, production basin), for different varieties, different sowing dates and different stress thresholds.

Our results indicate that climate change has affected the frequency and intensity of drought risk on maize crops in France, depending on the French production area studied. The significance of the correlation depends on maize variety, sowing date and hydric stress threshold. It seems that using drought index computed with low stress thresholds and analyzing correlations at large spatial scales gives the best results.

For non-irrigated maize area at production basin scale, our drought index can explain a significant part of drought-related losses in crop weather insurance. The results suggest that such an index may be relevant to improve the actuarial loss model of the insurer. However, further analysis is required in areas where correlations are weaker, particularly in production basins with high irrigation levels.


Brisson et al., 2010. Field Crops Res. 119, 201–212.
Jacquart, Choisnel, 1995. La Météorologie 8ème série, 29–44.
Laurent et al., under review. J. Agric. For. Meteorol.
Le Moigne et al., 2020. Geosci. Model Dev. 13, 3925–3946.
Soubeyroux et al., 2008. La Météorologie 8, 40.

How to cite: Laurent, L., Ullmann, A., and Castel, T.: How drought risk evolution impacts crop weather insurance loss ratio in France?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10429,, 2025.

EGU25-11503 | Posters on site | NH11.4

Analysis of the insurance impacts of storm clusters: a case study with Generali France 

Laura Hasbini, Pascal Yiou, and Laurent Boissier

Clusters of storms are defined as sequences of multiple storms occurring within a short time frame and a limited spatial extent. In this study, storm clusters are identified using a Lagrangian approach combined with an absolute frequency metric within a 96-hour time window, reflecting reinsurance contract specifications for an insurance company. Compound storms are further constrained to affect a common area, determined by the intersection of their footprints. Those footprints can be delineated using various radii of different sizes, depending on the desired granularity for compounding analysis.

The motivation for this definition stems from the potentially severe impacts of such events on the insurance sector. Storms are known to be among the costliest events for Insurance in Europe, with an average annual insured loss of €217 billion [Copernicus, 2023]. The repetition of such intense wind and strong precipitation events is no exception. The successive storms Lothar and Martin in December 1999 remain the costliest events observed in France with an estimated loss of €17 billion [EEA, 2023]. Despite the substantial risks associated with these compound events, few studies have investigated their role in amplifying both the hazard and the vulnerability.

We apply this approach to Generali, an Italian insurance company with approximately 5% market share in France. Using Generali’s historical claims data from 1998 to 2024, we propose a novel methodology linking high-resolution claims to individual storm events. This approach represents a significant advance in understanding loss drivers. Applied to storm clusters, the methodology distinguishes the relative contribution of each storm in a cluster to the total observed loss. By comparing the findings with Generali’s portfolio from 2018 to 2024, we identify key factors contributing to the additional damages caused by storm clusters. These insights are crucial for enhancing risk prevention and adapting current insurance strategies to better address compound storm events.

How to cite: Hasbini, L., Yiou, P., and Boissier, L.: Analysis of the insurance impacts of storm clusters: a case study with Generali France, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11503,, 2025.

EGU25-16606 | Orals | NH11.4

Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification & it’s Impact for (Re)insurers 

Andrew Robson and Iain Willis

The rapid intensification (RI) of tropical cyclones (whereby the maximum sustained wind increases by 30 kt (15.4 m s−1) or over in a 24-period) has garnered particular attention in recent years, with insurers and risk managers increasingly concerned that warmer ocean basins are fuelling increasingly intense landfalling hurricanes (Kaplan et al 2010).

RI was a notable characteristic of both Hurricanes Helene and Milton during the 2024 North Atlantic Hurricane Season. These two storms caused 78bn and 35bn in economic losses respectively (Gallagher Re), with Helene undergoing explosive RI of 55mph in the 24-hours ahead of landfall, increasing its windspeed upon impacting the Florida coast to 140mph, classifying it as a category 4 storm (Saffir-Simpson scale).

In this study, key trends have been analysed in the pattern of RI of Tropical Cyclones globally over the period 1990-2023, including the response of different ocean basins as well as the critical impact of teleconnection patterns such as the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in modulating the geographic dispersion of intensifying cyclones. The study shows that while most Tropical Cyclones (>90%) in recent decades have exhibited some form of RI in their development prior to landfall, there is a clear upward trend in recent years in some ocean basins towards a pattern of so-called ‘Explosive’ Rapid Intensification (whereby a storm intensifies at a rate >50 kt in 24 hours).

With the most extreme Tropical Cyclones undergoing explosive RI and potentially landfalling with greater intensity than in previous decades, this research studies the potential economic and (re)insured loss implications for global risk management. Particular focus is given to the North Atlantic as well as the strong signal of RI occurrence changes under ENSO and over the study period in the North-West and Eastern Pacific basins.

Kaplan, J., DeMaria, M., & Knaff, J. A. (2010). A revised tropical cyclone rapid intensification index for the Atlantic and eastern North Pacific basins. Weather and forecasting25(1), 220-241.

How to cite: Robson, A. and Willis, I.: Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification & it’s Impact for (Re)insurers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16606,, 2025.

EGU25-17961 | Posters on site | NH11.4

Designing representative European storm surge scenarios for insurance risk assessment: challenges, results, and limitations 

Anyssa Diouf, Ignatius Ryan Pranantyo, Mathis Joffrain, and Nicolas Bruneau

Storm surge, a coastal flooding phenomenon driven by high-speed winds pushing water onshore poses a significant natural hazard across the globe. In recent decades, Europe has experienced several destructive extratropical cyclones that have severely impacted coastal communities and economies, such as Eunice (2022), David (2018), or Xaver (2013). Storm Xynthia in 2010 was especially notable, with substantial fatalities and material losses in France, highlighting the need for accurate storm surge risk assessment for societies and the (re)insurance industry involved. Yet, current modelling solutions are limited. Main commercial models only provide partial coverage of the risk in Europe, with a primary focus on the United Kingdom. To address this gap, AXA proposes a scenario-based approach to assess storm surge risk across North-Western Europe. Using the SCHISM 2D hydrodynamic model, we reproduced 10 significant historical events notably affecting France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, then perturbed them along three parameters: wind speeds, storm sizes and tide timings, generating 480 scenarios. The study presents the challenges of scenario selection and variability representation. It further provides findings on the modelling results by parameter and country, and on the estimation of the loss potential using a representative North-Western Europe insured market portfolio. Finally, key limitations are discussed, related to unmodelled defences and Digital Elevation Model accuracy. The approach provides valuable insights for AXA’s risk assessment and is a crucial step towards building a robust understanding of our risk.

How to cite: Diouf, A., Pranantyo, I. R., Joffrain, M., and Bruneau, N.: Designing representative European storm surge scenarios for insurance risk assessment: challenges, results, and limitations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17961,, 2025.

EGU25-18013 | Posters on site | NH11.4

Evaluating the relationship between wind and storm surge risk in the Philippines and Hong-Kong, an insurance industry perspective. 

Mathis Joffrain, Ignatius Ryan Pranantyo, and Nicolas Bruneau

Due to intense destructive winds and heavy rainfall associated with storm surges, large waves and flooding, tropical cyclones are one of the most damaging natural catastrophes. They are a major threat to human lives and properties across the globe. When travelling over the ocean and approaching shallow water regions, tropical cyclones generate storm surge and waves that can devastate coastal communities and local economies.

In the recent years, Typhoons Hato (2017) and Mangkhut (2018) produced material surge damages to insurers in the Northwest Pacific basin, and therefore raised the need for accurate natural catastrophe models. Cat models consist of very large catalogues of synthetic but realistic events also called “event sets”. These event sets are consistent with experienced historical data but allow extrapolation beyond what was observed. 

In this study, we focus in winds and surges on the Philippines and Hong Kong regions. Driven by an existing tropical cyclone wind event set, over 10k full-physic simulations of storm surge and waves are computed for each region to estimate the complete distribution of coupled wind and surge losses over an exposure dataset. Due to computationally expensive dynamical simulations of storm surges and waves,  we first rank and select a subset of events (10k) based on an IKE (Integrated Kinetic energy) index. For each of these 10k event, the Semi-implicit Cross-scale Hydroscience Integrated System Model (SCHISM; Zhang & Baptista, 2008, Zhang et al., 2016) is forced by atmospheric winds and pressure fields to derive wave and surge footprints.

Second, we use adjusted Hazus (FEMA) damage functions to convert the water heights and windspeeds from the simulated events into damage factors. These factors are then multiplied to the considered exposure to derive losses. Third, we study the relationship between the wind and the surge modeled losses based on two criteria, (i) the event level correlation between IKE and surge losses, to ensure this index stands as a robust risk representation, and (ii) the event level proportion of surge losses out of the wind losses, which provides a set of reusable inter perils correlation factors.

How to cite: Joffrain, M., Pranantyo, I. R., and Bruneau, N.: Evaluating the relationship between wind and storm surge risk in the Philippines and Hong-Kong, an insurance industry perspective., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18013,, 2025.

EGU25-18168 | Posters on site | NH11.4

Development of a climate-driven stochastic event catalogue for Wildfire in Europe 

Frédéric Azemar, Marie Shaylor, Nicolas Bruneau, Thomas Loridan, Daniel Swain, and Mathis Joffrain

Recent years have seen wildfires causing widespread environmental and economic damage as well as numerous fatalities globally. With record breaking yearly burnt areas, longer fire seasons, and more extreme events, wildfire is emerging as a growing concern for populations, governments and the private sector alike. In Europe, destruction and disruption have been historically more prominent in southern countries where key sectors of the economy like tourism, forestry, and agriculture can remain severely affected for years in the aftermath of catastrophic events.  

Over the last 30 years, catastrophe modelling solutions have been crucial in aiding the understanding of the economic impacts of natural risks like wildfire, making them essential tools for the (re)insurance industry for managing their exposure and quantifying potential losses. Such solutions typically involve the development of large scale and physically-based probabilistic models. 

We present here a climate-driven stochastic event catalogue for wildfire in Europe. The model allows us to expand on the limited historical records by generating millions of synthetic event footprints. For this, we first consider how climate conditions drive spatio-temporal patterns of wildfire activity in terms of yearly burnt area (fire activity module). In a second step, events are sampled via an ignition module that leverages machine learning algorithms and draws correlations between anthropogenic and bio-climate factors, and historical events. Finally, a propagation module generates event footprints given the local topography, fuel data, and meteorological conditions. The stochastic catalogue consists of 50K synthetic years and about 25M unique footprints at 100m resolution. This allows us to estimate hazard metrics like event frequency, event size, and tail risk over the whole continent as well as performing impact analyses. Lastly, we present an evaluation of structures at risk in France by intersecting our catalogue with a representative dataset of buildings. 

How to cite: Azemar, F., Shaylor, M., Bruneau, N., Loridan, T., Swain, D., and Joffrain, M.: Development of a climate-driven stochastic event catalogue for Wildfire in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18168,, 2025.

EGU25-18838 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.4

Development of a Globally Connected, Climate-Driven, Stochastic Drought Model for Hazard Assessment using Machine Learning Techniques 

Marie Shaylor, Nicolas Bruneau, Frédéric Azemar, and Thomas Loridan

With global temperatures continuing to rise year on year, drought conditions are becoming increasingly frequent and severe, across all continents. More and more, the negative effects of these worsening drought conditions are being experienced by people across the world both directly, through damage to agricultural systems, water scarcity or damage to homes from subsidence, as well as indirectly, through cascading effects on other perils such as heatwaves and wildfires, which in turn may devastate communities and drive great economic losses. For these reasons, drought is of growing concern to the (re)insurance industry, as an emerging peril. It is therefore essential that reinsurers have access to tools which can aid in their understanding of drought hazard and risk in a changing climate. One such tool we present here – a climate driven, globally connected stochastic drought hazard model, which responds dynamically to the climate of any given year, enabling this understanding of how drought conditions change with the climate.

In this presentation, we describe the novel methodology applied to generate this globally connected and climate-driven stochastic drought model. The model is generated in two stages, the first addressing global variability in drought trends and teleconnections, and the second looking at continental scale patterns. In the first instance, we apply a dimensionality reduction to a selection of historical drought indexes over different time scales, allowing extraction of the key modes of variability of drought at the global scale. We then condition the top key modes of variability to the climate state using reanalysis (ERA5) data, allowing us to drive our stochastic set at the global scale, based on the global climate state.

Once these global patterns have been determined, we use the residual drought signal to condition a regional (continental) model using similar reduction and conditioning techniques. This regional layer is then effectively layered onto the global model, allowing us to recreate globally and regionally consistent drought variability in the stochastic set. A Bayesian framework is used to sample a range of realistic drought conditions, aligned with the climate of any given year. Global and regional drought conditions are then combined in order to generate >100K stochastic years of global drought severity as well as duration of drought for three severity levels (moderate, severe, extreme). This framework can also be applied to any other climate model data (for example, CESM LENS2) to generate a stochastic event set up to the year 2100. Here we present initial results from this stochastic catalogue, showcasing the spatial and temporal variation in drought hazard from 1950 – 2100, return periods, and comparisons to historical records. This work also builds upon a previous, continental only version of the drought model.

How to cite: Shaylor, M., Bruneau, N., Azemar, F., and Loridan, T.: Development of a Globally Connected, Climate-Driven, Stochastic Drought Model for Hazard Assessment using Machine Learning Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18838,, 2025.

EGU25-19732 | ECS | Orals | NH11.4

Country-level energy demand for cooling using CMIP6 and world population projections 

Albert Martinez-Boti, Lorenzo Sangelantoni, Daniele Peano, Silvio Gualdi, Stefano Tibaldi, and Enrico Scoccimarro

Cooling Degree Days (CDD) are commonly used to quantify energy demand for cooling and recent works highlighted the importance of population weighting to better represent energy load distribution. This study builds on the work of Scoccimarro et al. (2023), who assessed country-level cooling demand from 2000 to 2020 using both standard dry CDDs and humid CDDs (CDDhum), corrected with population weighting (CDD values are averaged at the national level, weighted by population). The humidity correction uses perceived temperature, which combines both temperature and humidity effects, rather than relying on temperature only. This adjustment offers a more accurate representation of cooling needs, as humidity plays a significant role in human stress and the demand for cooling.

This study aims to assess future cooling demand by utilising a selection of CMIP6 global climate models (GCMs), combined with country-level population projections from the United Nations World Population Prospects 2024. We analyse future trends (2015–2100) for the two mentioned metrics—standard cooling degree days (CDD) and humidity-adjusted cooling degree days (CDDhum) — both weighted by country-level population projections. Temporal evolution of these two metrics is assessed according SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 societal/emission scenarios, applying a consistent population weighting for both. GCM biases affecting population-weighted CDD and CDDhum are also assessed by considering ERA5 as reference product.

Preliminary results —calculated over Europe during the reference period 1971-2000 and without the application of humidity correction or population weighting — show that, despite some biases in the trend magnitude, the CMIP6 GCMs generally capture the spatial pattern of ERA5 CDD showing a general increasing trend in the energy required for cooling buildings during summer season. In particular, the Mediterranean Basin is projected to experience the most significant increase in CDDs, with considerable inter-model variability. In contrast, some northern European regions, such as the Scandinavian Peninsula and Iceland, show no trend in CDDs.

This work is based on ERA5 and CMIP6 data, collected and tailored as part of the H2020 BlueAdapt project (Grant agreement action Number 101057764), and on analysis codes developed under the Copernicus-funded contract (C3S2_520).

How to cite: Martinez-Boti, A., Sangelantoni, L., Peano, D., Gualdi, S., Tibaldi, S., and Scoccimarro, E.: Country-level energy demand for cooling using CMIP6 and world population projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19732,, 2025.

We present a novel method to construct a 10,000-year event set for European weather using expired ensemble forecasts from ECMWF [1]—requiring no additional computational effort. Derived from the same numerical model underlying ERA5, this approach naturally extends it more than two orders of magnitude, whilst inherently overrepresenting the climates of the 2010s and 2020s. Hence, it provides a valuable resource for quantifying risks in today’s already-warmed climate

Our evaluation focuses on extreme wind speeds from extra-tropical cyclones impacting major European cities. With a rigorous order statistics framework, we confirm that this dataset replicates the statistical tails of ERA5 for return periods up to RP40 and extends exceedance probability (EP) curves up to RP10,000. Crucially, its physical consistency enables robust analysis of joint distributions across space and time, offering precise insights into compound and correlated risks. Using empirical copulas, we quantify critical conditional probabilities, such as P(Paris = RP100 London = RP50), a task infeasible with only the weather record beyond RP5.

This method leverages years of historical computational investments by ECMWF, that created a vast global low-bias source of simulated weather data, fully interchangeable with ERA5 for seamless integration into existing pipelines. Following two years of archive extraction efforts, we compiled a subset of surface variables (t2m, 10m/100m wind, runoff,...) and make it widely available to the community [2]. 

[1] European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) __Atmospheric Model Ensemble extended forecast__
[2] Dolezal P., Expired ECMWF ENSemble Extended forecasts and Reforcasts for Renewable power in Europe. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis,

How to cite: Dolezal, P. and Shuckburgh, E.: Spatial Coincidence of Extreme Wind Across European Cities: Evidence from 10,000 Years of Expired ECMWF Forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19805,, 2025.

EGU25-20119 | Orals | NH11.4

Projected Impacts of Climate Change on High Temperatures for Tomato Cultivation 

Ana Maria Tarquis, Alfredo Rodriguez, Esther Hernández-Montes, Ernesto Sanz, Andres F. Almeida-Ñauñay, and Alberto Garrido

Climate change poses significant challenges to agricultural systems worldwide, including increased agroclimatic risks that threaten crop productivity and sustainability. This study investigates how climate change will influence the agroclimatic risk of high temperatures on tomato cultivation in Malta, a region already experiencing Mediterranean climatic pressures. Using climate projections under different greenhouse gas emission scenarios, we analyzed temperature trends, heat stress events, and their potential impacts on key growth stages of tomatoes, including flowering and fruit development. The results indicate a marked increase in the frequency and intensity of high-temperature events, particularly during critical phenological phases, which could significantly reduce yields and quality. Our findings also reveal spatial variability in risk levels across Malta, emphasizing the need for localized adaptation strategies. To mitigate these risks, we propose targeted interventions such as selecting heat-tolerant tomato varieties, optimizing irrigation schedules, and implementing shading techniques. This research underscores the urgency of integrating climate-resilient practices into tomato production systems to ensure sustainable agricultural productivity in Malta amidst a changing climate.

How to cite: Tarquis, A. M., Rodriguez, A., Hernández-Montes, E., Sanz, E., Almeida-Ñauñay, A. F., and Garrido, A.: Projected Impacts of Climate Change on High Temperatures for Tomato Cultivation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20119,, 2025.

NH12 – Short Courses

NH13 – Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions

EGU25-578 * | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1 | Highlight

“Old Texts, New Tech, Better Theory”: Applying Machine Learning to Textual Weather Data from Historical Ship Logbooks  

Livia Stein Freitas, Theo Carr, Tessa Giacoppo, Timothy Walker, and Caroline Ummenhofer

During oceanic expeditions, pre-modern sailors meticulously recorded information about their longitude and latitude, the local wind conditions, and the state of the sea. For a long time, prior to precision instrumentation, sailors provided qualitative recordings of wind speed instead of quantitative (e.g.: “light breeze” instead of 5 meters/second). For that reason, this textual data requires additional processing before being usable for comparison with modern instrumental data or reanalysis products. In particular, the phrases used in wind descriptions can be classified using the Beaufort Wind Force Scale (codified in 1805), that consists of thirteen base wind force levels assigned a numerical value. Manually categorizing all the distinct and unique variations on the wind information can be ambiguous and time consuming. Because of historical weather data’s importance for climate science, we investigated if machine learning could speed up this process while producing accurate results.

Using a novel dataset of >100,000 (sub)daily maritime weather recordings from historical whaling ship logbooks housed across New England archives and covering the period 1820-1890, here we show that k-means nearest neighbors and density based spatial clustering models, while efficient, generate outputs with reduced accuracy when compared to the data classified by humans. However, there is a noticeable improvement in the quality of the clustering when we introduce the Beaufort Wind Force Scale’s thirteen categories as starting centroids. These results show that machine learning could be a useful tool for wind term processing and that well-placed human input aids in the accuracy of outcomes. Therefore, cross-validation methods are employed to help with the interpretability of the machine models utilized. Additionally, various neural network clustering models are evaluated regarding their efficacy, such as a two sliding windows text GNN-based (TSW-GNN) model, since its graph-based approach has demonstrated improved accuracy in classifying textual data as compared to language representation models.

How to cite: Stein Freitas, L., Carr, T., Giacoppo, T., Walker, T., and Ummenhofer, C.: “Old Texts, New Tech, Better Theory”: Applying Machine Learning to Textual Weather Data from Historical Ship Logbooks , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-578,, 2025.

EGU25-3038 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Augmenting Local LLMs with Specialized Tools for Scientific Workflows 

Mirko Mälicke, Alexander Dolich, and Lucas Reid

Large Language Models (LLMs) became wide-spread during only the last couple of years and are used in almost every scientific and non-scientific domain. Understanding opportunities, applications and limitations of LLMs is crucial for a risk-free, effective and useful implementation of LLMs into scientific workflows. We demonstrate that their effectiveness is maximized not through autonomous operation but through careful integration with specialized tools and contextual knowledge bases. 

Using local deployments of modern LLMs (QWen-2.5-coder, LLaMA, Mistral) comes with a number of benefits in a scientific context. Our approach employs vector embeddings for enhanced context retention and metadata databases for structured data access, enabling guided, context-aware interactions with the LLM. Local deployments allow for improved data handling and privacy, improved cost management and a higher degree of customization. Energy consumption can more easily be observed and managed, which can be a crucial property of such a system, especially compared to the newest generation of LLMs, which have extensive power  (and cost) requirements.

Opportunities and limitations are explored through two case studies: (1) an LLM-driven system that queries metadata databases to retrieve data from common open data sources and harmonizes patio-temporal subsets into data-cubes, and (2) a VBA-to-Python code translation project to preserve a legacy selection-system forest management software, which was developed in ACCESS / VBA over more than two decades. The LLM's translation process and reasoning are preserved in a vector database for consistent context maintenance and the original as well as the ‚new‘ code is searchable using the LLM to aid rebuilding a modernized software. 

Results suggest that this tool-augmented approach leads to a more reliable and maintainable solution compared to purely LLM-driven implementations, suggesting a new paradigm for integrating AI in scientific workflows where LLMs rather facilitate than replace domain-specific tools and human expertise.

How to cite: Mälicke, M., Dolich, A., and Reid, L.: Augmenting Local LLMs with Specialized Tools for Scientific Workflows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3038,, 2025.

EGU25-3179 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Encouraging interdisciplinary connections at EGU through text mining  

Jan Sodoge, Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho, and Mariana Madruga de Brito

An increasing volume of abstracts across geoscience is presented annually at the EGU General Assembly (GA). To manage thousands of abstracts, the conference is structured into divisions, thematic sessions, and individual sessions. However, creating rigid organizational boundaries that separate research contradicts commonly demanded interdisciplinary research: researchers may be only exposed to ideas within their peer group, reinforcing existing perspectives. Such phenomena of filter bubbles and selective exposure to information have been observed in various contexts to limit creativity and innovation. Yet, it persists and remains underexplored in the context of large scientific conferences like the EGU GA. 
In this contribution, we demonstrate how natural language processing allows for breaking the scientific silos to encourage interdisciplinary interaction at EGU GA. We use sentence embeddings (SBERT) to evaluate the semantic similarity between scientific abstracts and identify closely related ones. We analyzed 5,000 randomly selected abstracts per EGU GA, identifying the 10 most similar abstracts. The results show that participants who focus exclusively on abstracts within their thematic session potentially overlook 44% of the ten most relevant contributions to their research, underscoring the risk of missed interdisciplinary connections. Beyond those findings, we will outline existing projects and plans for improving the conference experience and making geoscience research more interdisciplinary.

How to cite: Sodoge, J., Carvalho, T. M. N., and de Brito, M. M.: Encouraging interdisciplinary connections at EGU through text mining , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3179,, 2025.

EGU25-4468 | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Theoretical-Deductive Content Analysis of Text as Data in Environmental Research 

Andreas Niekler, Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho, and Mariana Madruga de Brito

The increasing use of text as data in environmental research offers valuable opportunities, but the inherent biases within textual sources like news, social media, or disaster reports necessitate moving beyond purely descriptive analyses. While NLP techniques like topic modeling and categorical annotations can identify emergent patterns, they often fail to elucidate the underlying causal mechanisms driving observed phenomena, especially within the complex interplay of anthropogenic activities, societal structures, and environmental outcomes. The reductionist tendencies of NLP, especially when dealing with complex social phenomena, often neglect the nuances of language and context, leading to potentially trivial or superficial findings when results are merely validated post-hoc against existing literature. This highlights the missed chance to leverage the extensive existing literature on climate research, for instance, to inform the a priori development of theoretical frameworks that could guide the research process. This not only validates the variable constructs but also prevents the validation and discovery of findings solely based on detected patterns. Instead, it explicitly searches for patterns that are relevant and address the research question. In a way, it tests what is expected or unexpected, minimizing blind spots and positivist statements. This approach doesn't hinder exploratory approaches that yield new hypotheses; rather, it meaningfully combines them with the actual research question.

To address this, a theoretically grounded approach is crucial, moving from describing "what" to explaining "why." This entails embedding the research question within a robust theoretical framework, operationalizing key concepts into measurable variables, and developing a coding scheme that links these variables to their manifestations in the text. This coding scheme is not just an arbitrary set of labels, but a theoretically grounded codebook that ensures the validity of subsequent analyses. NLP then serves as an annotation tool, generating data that reflects these operationalized variables, with rigorous validation ensuring the annotations' accuracy. Instead of simply describing the distributional properties of these annotations, statistical modeling techniques can be used to test a priori hypotheses derived from the theoretical framework. By comparing models based on both statistical fit and theoretical plausibility, researchers can identify the most probable explanation for the observed relationships, thereby uncovering the causal mechanisms at play.

In this contribution, we exemplify this approach by utilizing LLM-based information extraction to annotate disaster impacts from scientific papers based on predefined and well understood classes and their textual representation. We employ Structural Equation Models, Exploratory Factor Analysis, and regression to test models derived by literature and compare their probability given the data, demonstrating how this method produces robust, explainable results that go beyond the surface-level findings of exploratory approaches and move towards a deeper understanding of complex environmental phenomena. This integrated approach allows researchers to not just identify patterns in large textual datasets, but to understand the reasons behind them and generate valid and reliable insights in the field of environmental research.

How to cite: Niekler, A., Carvalho, T. M. N., and de Brito, M. M.: Theoretical-Deductive Content Analysis of Text as Data in Environmental Research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4468,, 2025.

Advancements in map visualization technology offer innovative approaches for presenting geological information. Geographic data services like DataV Atlas enable users to generate professional geographic outputs through straightforward SQL queries, facilitating the integration, real-time updates, and analysis of multi-source data. This visualization not only deepens users' understanding of geological map data but also enhances the efficacy of data analysis.

In summary, the diverse data types within geological map databases and their applications across modern technological platforms provide critical support and innovative opportunities for geological research and resource management. As technology evolves, the utilization of geological data is expected to become even more varied, injecting new vitality into scientific inquiry and practical applications.

Furthermore, the Global Layer platform, a key component of the IUGS Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE) program, offers a comprehensive suite of online resources for exploring and analyzing Earth's geological history. This initiative empowers participants with skills to navigate extensive geological datasets, conduct online analyses, and engage in meaningful scientific research. It also highlights the impact of advancements in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and other technologies in enhancing data-driven geoscientific investigations.

Central to the Global Layer platform( is a globally significant geological map at a scale of 1:5 million, encompassing various geological attributes, including chronostratigraphic units, structural features, and seafloor morphology. The platform encourages public engagement through functionalities like data retrieval, interactive browsing, and image generation, facilitating a seamless user experience. During its implementation, extensive data sourcing on the DDE platform was conducted, tracing the provenance of global geographic data and acquiring supplementary geological maps and databases. This effort aimed to enrich geological and geophysical datasets for oceanic islands while optimizing vectorization processes to ensure data accuracy and integrity.

As the Global Layer platform promotes the digital dissemination of geological maps, it significantly enhances public awareness of geological and geographic sciences while encouraging environmental stewardship. This initiative is crucial for advancing societal progress and empowering the DDE community to embrace the future of geographic spatial analysis, unlocking the rich geological heritage of our planet.

How to cite: Song, Y., Yang, Y., and Wu, Z.: Advances in the Utilization of Geological Map Databases with Diverse Data Types on Global Layer Platforms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5669,, 2025.

Efforts worldwide aim to collect detailed information on the spatial and temporal distribution of natural hazards to improve our understanding of their occurrence and ultimately prevent their impacts. However, data on the location, timing, and impact of hazards remain scarce in many regions, even in the most exposed ones. Data collection methods are usually framed around earth observation approaches, sometimes combined with citizen science. Such approaches can be time-consuming, resource-intensive, and may fall short regarding data needs, especially at large scales. Combining these methods with complementary approaches could better address these challenges. We introduce a multilingual tool that uses natural language processing techniques to extract information on geo-hydrological hazards from online news articles. The tool is developed based on a worldwide application where we processed ~ 5.8 million articles published between 2017 and 2023 across 58 languages. The articles were extracted from GDELT (Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone), a global database monitoring events through online news articles. Using large language models, the tool analyzes articles at the paragraph level through three major steps: (1) filtering paragraphs for relevancy, (2) extracting information on the location (down to street level), timing, and impact, and (3) clustering information into events. This multilingual approach enabled the tool to extract and analyze 12.438 flood events, 1.312 landslide events, and 1.086 flash flood events globally for 2023 alone, providing ~ 20 times more data than current disaster databases and improving the coverage worldwide. In regions such as South and Central America, Europe, and Asia, where English is not the primary reporting language, non-English texts were the most important source of information. Especially in South and Central America, where non-English (primarily Spanish and Portuguese) paragraphs outnumbered English paragraphs by a factor of five. The proposed tool provides a new way to extract an unprecedented level of data on geo-hydrological hazards, forming a complementary source of information to existing methodologies. Beyond geo-hydrological hazards, the tool can be used to document other hazards, including earthquakes, wildfires, or volcanic activity. In addition, with this specific application, we provide a new extensive global dataset on impactful geo-hydrological hazards, which offers new opportunities for improving our understanding of these processes and their impact on continental to global scale.

How to cite: Valkenborg, B., Dewitte, O., and Smets, B.: A multilingual tool for the documentation of impactful geo-hydrological hazards using online news articles: a worldwide application, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6548,, 2025.

EGU25-6762 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Automated disaster event extraction to understand lessons learned: A large-scale text analysis on the scientific literature of floods, droughts, and landslides.  

Lina Stein, Birgit M. Pfitzmann, S. Karthik Mukkavilli, Ugur Ozturk, Peter W. J. Staar, Cesar Berrospi, Thomas Brunschwiler, and Thorsten Wagener

A natural hazard event that highly impacted a society might trigger a wave of post-disaster research analysis, which looks into the cause of the disaster, the types of impact, or any lessons learned to prevent similar events in the future. In short, post-disaster research contains valuable knowledge that should be utilized in disaster risk management. However, in the past 70 years, the scientific community published around 600,000 articles on hydro-hazards, such as floods, droughts, and landslides. Finding articles that describe specific disaster events and synthesizing their knowledge is not humanly possible anymore due to near exponentially increasing numbers of publications. However, recent advancements in large language models allow the analysis and extraction of described disaster events in the scientific literature.

Here we make use of the Wealth over Woe scientific abstract dataset (Stein et al. 2024), with abstracts that were automatically annotated for hydro-hazards and geolocation.  It allows us to track publication trends and to identify disaster events that triggered a wave of new research. We additionally make use of the large language model Llama 70B to extract specific hazard events mentioned in each abstract (e.g. 2003 summer drought in Europe, Pakistan flood in 2010, 2002 Elbe flood, etc.) as well as other described details surrounding the event.

While we know that hydro-hazard research is biased against low-income countries, exceptional disaster events can shift research priorities for several years. The additional funding can support valuable local post-disaster research. The named event recognition can therefore help us answer questions such as: What kind of hydro-hazards are studied in detail and where? What are the key research foci for post-disaster analysis? And are there regional differences to these answers?

How to cite: Stein, L., Pfitzmann, B. M., Mukkavilli, S. K., Ozturk, U., Staar, P. W. J., Berrospi, C., Brunschwiler, T., and Wagener, T.: Automated disaster event extraction to understand lessons learned: A large-scale text analysis on the scientific literature of floods, droughts, and landslides. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6762,, 2025.

EGU25-7059 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

LLM-Enhanced CMIP6 Search 

Boris Shapkin, Dmitrii Pantiukhin, Ivan Kuznetsov, Antonia Anna Jost, and Nikolay Koldunov

We present LLM-Enhanced CMIP6 Search, a Python-based tool built with LangChain and LangGraph frameworks that simplifies the discovery of and access to Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) climate data through natural language processing. By combining Large Language Models (LLMs) with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), our system translates user queries into precise CMIP6 search parameters, bridging the gap between researchers' information needs and CMIP6's structured metadata system. The tool employs a single LLM agent coordinating three specialized tools: a search tool that maps natural language to CMIP6 parameters (such as model, experiment, and variable identifiers), an access tool that both verifies data availability and generates ready-to-use Python code for retrieval, and an adviser tool that helps refine search criteria. To improve search accuracy, we developed a refined database of CMIP6 metadata descriptions, optimizing vector-based similarity matching between user queries and technical CMIP6 terminology, providing a foundation for more intuitive climate data discovery.

How to cite: Shapkin, B., Pantiukhin, D., Kuznetsov, I., Jost, A. A., and Koldunov, N.: LLM-Enhanced CMIP6 Search, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7059,, 2025.

EGU25-7072 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Institutional grammar as a text-based method for water governance analysis  

Chee Hui Lai and Jianshi Zhao

Water governance systems in many river basins require improvement to adapt to changes in environmental and socioeconomic landscapes. However, water governance reformation is a complex and challenging process. In particular, policymakers and water managers need a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental components that form the current water governance systems. Only then can new rules be introduced to alter the governance characteristics of these systems. This process is especially challenging in the case of interstate rivers that flow across multiple states, where governance systems are characterized by complex interstate water agreements and/or laws that cover various cross-state water management affairs and regulate stakeholders from different states. We use the institutional grammar (IG) to parse water agreements and laws, generating text-based data for assessing the institutional characteristics of interstate water governance systems. The IG decomposes written statements in the documents into different syntactic components. Based on these components, the functions of the statements can be identified and categorized into one of seven types of institutional rules, as defined by the rule concepts of the institutional analysis and development (IAD) framework. By analyzing these findings with indicators of governance characteristics, we are able to assess the allocation of water governance responsibilities and the degree of coordination within a water governance system to identify its institutional characteristics. We applied this method to analyze the water-related laws that form the governance systems of the Yellow River Basin (YRB) in China. The findings reveal that the YRB’s water governance system has undergone five major stages of structural evolution since 1987. During this process, the basin’s focus in water governance has shifted from flow regulation to water consumption governance, as well as expanding its governance scope to include interstate water administration and drought management. Currently, the YRB’s water governance systems are dominated by centralized governance structures characterized by the centralization of water governance responsibilities and a high degree of stakeholder coordination. The method demonstrates that text-based data generated through parsing water agreements and laws can systematically analyze the complex institutional characteristics of water governance systems. This research contributes to the advancement of text-based method for water governance analysis.

How to cite: Lai, C. H. and Zhao, J.: Institutional grammar as a text-based method for water governance analysis , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7072,, 2025.

EGU25-7690 | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Building a RAG system for querying a large corpus of conference abstracts 

Jens Klump, John Hille, Magda Guglielmo, and Brint Gardner

Of the generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) has attracted a lot of attention for its ability to support natural language queries into large text corpora with the help of Large Language Models (LLM). In a pilot project, we explored RAG and LLM finetuning as tools for exploring the abstracts of the EGU General Assembly as a text corpus.

To ingest the text corpus, we built a processing pipeline to convert the abstract corpus from XML to JSON in a structure that would make it easy to import the data into a vector storage system. For additional context, we added the association of an abstract with the scientific divisions of the EGU, including co-organisation between two or more divisions. This information was not available at the time of this project and had to be scraped from archived versions of the conference online programme.

The RAG system is designed to read various model formats, such as GGUF, GPTQ, and Transformers models. It also integrates with a vector storage solution to read and use conference abstracts to provide enriched responses. Its implementation uses Apptainer for containerised execution.

The first responses from the RAG system to natural language queries produced promising results. The inclusion of links to the source materials allowed us to compare the query response with the information in the source materials. However, evaluating generative AI models is not trivial since one query can produce multiple results. Using a well-understood text corpus and being able to trace the probable origin texts of the results allows us to evaluate the quality of the results and better understand the origin of deficient RAG responses.

How to cite: Klump, J., Hille, J., Guglielmo, M., and Gardner, B.: Building a RAG system for querying a large corpus of conference abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7690,, 2025.

EGU25-8220 | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

ClimSight: Leveraging LLMs for Revolutionizing Climate Services 

Ivan Kuznetsov, Antonia Anna Jost, Dmitrii Pantiukhin, Boris Shapkin, Maqsood Mubarak Rajput, Thomas Jung, and Nikolay Koldunov

ClimSight is an innovative open-source climate information system that integrates large language models (LLMs) with geographical and climate data to provide climate information to everyone, everywhere. This description builds upon the original paper [1] by presenting the system’s recent developments and updated methodologies. By leveraging high-resolution data, including local conditions and climate projections, combined with retrieval-augmented generation systems (based on climate reports, scientific literature, and other sources), and an agent-based architecture, ClimSight addresses the limitations of general-purpose LLMs in climate data analysis, ensuring accurate, reliable, and reproducible outputs. This presentation details the enhanced methodologies employed in ClimSight to deliver climate assessments for specific locations and activities. The system utilizes the LangGraph and LangChain packages to manage agents and LLM calls, providing flexibility in selecting different LLM models, with current implementations relying on OpenAI’s models. The effectiveness of ClimSight is demonstrated through selected examples and evaluations, highlighting its potential to democratize access to localized climate information.

[1] Koldunov, N., Jung, T. Local climate services for all, courtesy of large language models. Commun Earth Environ 5, 13 (2024).


How to cite: Kuznetsov, I., Jost, A. A., Pantiukhin, D., Shapkin, B., Rajput, M. M., Jung, T., and Koldunov, N.: ClimSight: Leveraging LLMs for Revolutionizing Climate Services, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8220,, 2025.

EGU25-13656 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

PANGAEA GPT: A Coordinated Multi-Agent Architecture for Earth System Data Discovery and Analysis 

Dmitrii Pantiukhin, Boris Shapkin, Ivan Kuznetsov, Antonia Anna Jost, Thomas Jung, and Nikolay Koldunov

PANGAEA GPT is a Large Language Model (LLM) multi-agent framework that aims to streamline the work of geoscientists with the diverse Earth system datasets held in the PANGAEA archive (, a widely used data repository in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Built on top of the LangChain library and the LangGraph framework, it uses a multi-agent collaboration approach with a centralized supervisor agent that interprets incoming user queries and then coordinates specialized agents according to task requirements. These specialized agents include the Search Agent, which performs data lookups via API requests to PANGAEA and locates related publications via Crossref (to further answer questions about what has been published based on a particular dataset). They also include an orchestra of Data Agents configured in different modes - such as "oceanographer," "ecologist," or "geologist" - to perform dataset-specific analyses. Each Data Agent operates within a dedicated Python environment that allows for code manipulation, data analysis, visualization, and iterative refinement of results. The Supervisor Agent then aggregates the output from these Data Agents and delivers a consolidated response back to the user (including generated analysis scripts). The current framework has been shown to excel at providing a list of relevant datasets, locating related publications, and performing statistical analysis upon user request, greatly simplifying data discovery and use for geoscientists. In addition to the rapid discovery, analysis, and visualization of heterogeneous datasets, a particularly valuable end goal of PANGAEA GPT is to generate concise documentation for historical or underutilized datasets that currently lack related publications, ensuring that their valuable information endures and drives further scientific discoveries.

How to cite: Pantiukhin, D., Shapkin, B., Kuznetsov, I., Jost, A. A., Jung, T., and Koldunov, N.: PANGAEA GPT: A Coordinated Multi-Agent Architecture for Earth System Data Discovery and Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13656,, 2025.

Since the mid-20th century, geology in South Korea has expanded rapidly, driven by interdisciplinary research. This study explores the key themes and historical trends of geological research in South Korea, analyzing interconnections among topics using a dataset of 10,380 research publications from 10 geological journals (1964 – 2024). Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) identified 18 distinct topics, categorized into emerging (n = 10), classic  (n = 3), and stable topics (n = 5). Additionally, the scope of the research topics was analyzed, revealing broad (n = 14) and narrow topics (n = 4). Topics were grouped into four clusters (“Engineering group”, “Environment group”, “Field survey group”, and “Chemistry group”) based on Euclidean distance, and network analysis visualized their relationships and interaction strengths. The study revealed shifts in research focus: “Economic geology”, “Petrology”, and “Stratigraphy” dominated before 1996, while “Environmental geology” and “Hydrogeology” gained prominence afterward. Among clusters, the “Engineering group” showed the strongest connections (mean weight = 5.18). These findings highlight the evolving focus of geological research in South Korea, providing insights into interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities and future research directions.

Acknowledgment: This research was supported by Global - Learning & Academic research institution for Master’s·PhD students, and Postdocs(LAMP) Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Ministry of Education(No. RS-2023-00301702).

How to cite: Kim, T. and Yang, M.: Exploring Geological Research Themes and Trends in South Korea Using Topic Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14874,, 2025.

EGU25-15507 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

FrevaGPT: A Large Language Model-Driven Scientific Assistant for Climate Research and Data Analysis 

Christopher Kadow, Jan Saynisch-Wagner, Sebastian Willmann, Simon Lentz, Johanna Baehr, Kevin Sieck, Felix Oertel, Bianca Wentzel, Thomas Ludwig, and Martin Bergemann

The chabot writing poems can do climate analysis? Large Language Models (LLMs) promise a paradigm shift as chat-based geoscientific research transformers (chatGRT) by removing technical barriers and empowering scientists to focus on deeper, more innovative inquiries. We introduce FrevaGPT, an LLM-driven “scientific assistant” integrated into Freva, the Free Evaluation System for climate data analysis on high performance computers. FrevaGPT automatically translates natural language questions into traceable, editable, and reusable scripts; retrieves relevant data and publications; executes the analyses; and visualizes the results - the scientist can focus on what matters most: science. By tapping into a wide repository of climate datasets, FrevaGPT ensures transparent, reproducible workflows and lowers the threshold for advanced data handling. Its co-pilot functionality not only delivers answers, tables, and plots, but also proactively suggests next steps, points to relevant climate modes and events, and presents associated scientific findings. Through integrated approaches to model evaluation and observational data comparisons, FrevaGPT accelerates scientific discovery and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration. Real-world use cases highlight FrevaGPT’s capacity to guide researchers beyond routine analysis, freeing them to explore innovative questions and deepen their understanding of complex climatic phenomena. As a pioneering application of LLMs in climate science, FrevaGPT illustrates how such tools can fundamentally reshape research processes, unleashing new possibilities for efficiency and creative exploration in the geosciences.


How to cite: Kadow, C., Saynisch-Wagner, J., Willmann, S., Lentz, S., Baehr, J., Sieck, K., Oertel, F., Wentzel, B., Ludwig, T., and Bergemann, M.: FrevaGPT: A Large Language Model-Driven Scientific Assistant for Climate Research and Data Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15507,, 2025.

EGU25-15719 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

An AI-Based Text-Mining Tool for flood impact data extraction from newspaper information 

Carlo Guzzon, Raül Marcos Matamoros, Dimitri Marinelli, Montserrat Llasat-Botija, and Maria Carmen Llasat-Botija

Spain and the Mediterranean coast are largely affected by flash floods, which are generated by intense, localized storms within smaller basins (Gaume et al., 2016). In Spain, floods are the country's primary recurring natural disaster, accounting for nearly 70% of the compensation amount issued by the Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros (CCS, 2021).  Improving early warning systems is crucial to reducing risks associated with floods. Comprehensive and up-to-date databases of past flood events serve as essential tools for developing such systems.

This study presents the implementation of an AI-based text-mining tool designed to automate the creation and updating of flood event databases using information extracted from newspapers. This tool is tailored to enhance and expand INUNGAMA, an impact database of flood events in the Catalonia region (Barnolas and Llasat, 2007), by extracting data from ‘La Vanguardia’, a major Catalan newspaper. The text-mining tool involves several steps, starting with the retrieval of potentially relevant news through keyword-based queries on the newspaper’s online archive. To eliminate irrelevant news, a natural language processing (NLP) model filters the initial dataset. Impact data of flood events are extracted by analyzing the newspaper text with an advanced NLP model; the extracted information is saved in a machine-readable and consistent format. Finally, the tool integrates the extracted data with the pre-existing INUNGAMA database, either by merging new information with existing events or by creating entries for previously undocumented events.

The tool was calibrated and tested using the INUNGAMA database. Its ability to download and filter relevant articles was assessed over six non-consecutive months, demonstrating excellent performance in identifying and distinguishing flood events. Furthermore, the AI model exhibited high accuracy in extracting impact data from the text when tested over one year of newspaper data.

The proposed AI-based tool offers a powerful solution for automating the creation and updating of flood impact databases, providing a solid foundation for developing early warning systems aimed at risk reduction. The text-mining tool is designed to complete the INUNGAMA database and to update it up to the present. Moreover, it can be adapted for creating new databases in other regions using different newspaper sources.


This research has been done in the framework of the Flood2Now project, Grant PLEC2022-009403 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European UnionNextGenerationEU/PRTR and the I-CHANGE Project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement 101037193.

How to cite: Guzzon, C., Marcos Matamoros, R., Marinelli, D., Llasat-Botija, M., and Llasat-Botija, M. C.: An AI-Based Text-Mining Tool for flood impact data extraction from newspaper information, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15719,, 2025.

EGU25-16268 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

Leveraging Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing for hydrogeological insights from borehole logs 

Alberto Previati, Valerio Silvestri, and Giovanni Crosta

The advent of extensive digital datasets coupled with advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our ability to extract meaningful insights from complex patterns in natural sciences. In this context, the targeted classification of textual descriptions, particularly those detailing the granulometry of unconsolidated sediments or the fracturing state of rock masses, combining supervised deep learning and natural language processing (NLP) is a promising method to refine large-scale geological and hydrogeological models by enriching them with increased data volume.

Several databases are replete with qualitative geological data such as borehole logs, which, while abundant, are not readily assimilated into quantitative hydrogeological modeling due to the extensive time required to process the written descriptions into operationally significant units like hydrofacies. This conversion typically necessitates expert analysis of each report but can be expedited through the application of NLP techniques rooted in AI.

The primary objectives of this research are twofold: (i) to develop a robust classification model that leverages geological descriptions alongside grain size data, and (ii) to standardize a vast array of sparse and heterogeneous stratigraphic log data for integration into large-scale hydrogeological applications.

The Po River alluvial plain in northern Italy (45,700 km²) serves as the pilot area for this study due to the homogeneous shallow subsurface geology, the dense borehole coverage and the availability of a pre-labelled training set. This research demonstrates the conversion of qualitative geological information from a very large dataset of stratigraphic logs (encompassing 387,297 text descriptions from 39,265 boreholes), into a dataset of semi-quantitative information. This transformation, primed for hydrogeological modeling, is facilitated by an operational classification system using a deep learning-based NLP algorithm to categorize complex geological and lithostratigraphic text descriptions according to grain size-based hydrofacies. A supervised text classification algorithm, founded on a Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) architecture was meticulously developed, trained and validated using 86,611 pre-labelled entries encompassing all sediment types within the study region. The word embedding technique enhanced the model accuracy and learning efficiency by quantifying the semantic distances among geological terms.

The outcome of this work is a novel dataset of semi-quantitative hydrogeological information, boasting a classification model accuracy of 97.4%. This dataset was incorporated into expansive modeling frameworks, enabling the assignment of hydrogeological parameters based on grain size data, integrating the uncertainty stemming from misclassification. This has markedly increased the spatial density of available information from 0.34 data points/km² to 8.7 data points/km². The study findings align closely with the existing literature, offering a robust spatial reconstruction of hydrofacies at different scales. This has significant implications for groundwater research, particularly in the realm of quantitative modeling at a regional scale.

How to cite: Previati, A., Silvestri, V., and Crosta, G.: Leveraging Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing for hydrogeological insights from borehole logs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16268,, 2025.

As artificial intelligence finds more and more applications within scientific contexts, the question on how to utilize it without sacrificing scientific integrity comes up naturally. In this context, FrevaGPT is a novel system that leverages LLMs such as GPT-4o and GPT-4o-mini to enable users to perform advanced analyses. It allows the loading and analysis of climate datasets by the LLM and moves the basis of truth to generated code, which can be checked by the user. Its backend was developed and deployed using modern software components (e.g. Rust, Python, Podman), focussing on correctness and reliability. The backend of FrevaGPT and its API is presented and the way it integrates into the larger Freva ecosystem as well as the role it plays in the improvements of ad-hoc analyses for climate data is discussed. Additionally, a suite of scientific prompts is explored to evaluate the capabilities of GPT-4o and GPT-4o-mini and how they compare in climate data analysis tasks. The prompts differ both in difficulty and complexity as well as in the requested output type: from a single number, to a graph, to a plot. This evaluation revealed that while both models demonstrated potential, GPT-4o outperformed GPT-4o-mini in handling more complex tasks involving diverse knowledge domains and programming requirements. GPT-4o-mini exhibited a higher tendency for errors and struggled with issues such as mismatched data dimensions, yet it remained a competitive, cost-effective alternative for simpler tasks. The findings highlight FrevaGPT as a significant step towards integrating advanced AI technologies into Earth sciences, bridging the gap between computational complexity and accessibility. 

How to cite: Willmann, S., Ludwig, T., and Kadow, C.: Evaluation of GPT-4o and GPT4o-mini for Climate Data Analysis with a novel tool-call software connecting different LLMs with an HPC, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18345,, 2025.

EGU25-18732 | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

ReSoCIO: Towards geospatial visualization of Social Media Data by AI-driven Disambiguation. Application  to Crisis Management in the French Context. 

Aurélie Montarnal, Cécile Gracianne, Gaëtan Caillaut, Alexandre Sabouni, Anouck Adrot, Sylvain Chave, Loïc Rigart, Farid Faï, and Samuel Auclair

The increasing availability of social media data offers valuable opportunities for real-time crisis monitoring and disaster management. However, extracting actionable insights from these unstructured, multilingual, and often ambiguous data sources remains a significant challenge, particularly in non-English contexts. In this context, natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques are key tools to automated data extraction and enhance situational awareness for crisis managers, particularly during flash floods and earthquakes.

In crisis management, the rapidly processing and transformation of unstructured social media data into actionable information is essential for effective decision-making. While the literature  highlights the value of social media for improving the situational awareness of decision-makers, extracting relevant information remains resource-intensive, especially for most French crisis management units, which lack the necessary tools and resources. Although, several systems exist for extracting automatically information in social media, only few of them deal with French language. One of the main challenges with social media data lies in its inherent ambiguity including semantic variability (context-dependent meanings of words and idioms), informal language (abbreviations, typos, emojis, and neologisms), entity ambiguity (e.g., locations or organizations with identical names), and a high proportion of noisy or irrelevant content.  

The French ReSoCIO project addresses these challenges by bringing together experts in earth sciences, AI, social sciences and specialists and software developers in risk management and forecasting  to develop a novel approach to social data disambiguation for geospatial visualization of crisis situations. This study introduces an innovative pipeline that combines filtering, entity linking, and geolocation integration to enhance data disambiguation and tailored for real-time predictions. The pipeline first employs a supervised classifier to filter out unrelated tweets. Relevant messages are then processed through an entity linking module, where detected entities are disambiguated by matching them with Wikidata entries. This process leverages embeddings from Wikipedia and compares them with tweet embeddings using CamemBERT, enriching extracted data with contextual and geospatial information. The final step employs large language models LLMs to summarize and linked the extracted information, ensuring that stakeholders receive concise and accurate overviews validated against structured event reports. By characterizing and predicting the impacts and damages of crisis events, this pipeline provides a robust framework for transforming fragmented online data into structured, actionable knowledge.

The system's performance aligns with state-of-the-art models, effectively identifying entities that correspond with the spatiotemporal patterns of actual natural disasters. While this suggests the system's potential utility in enhancing situational awareness for crisis managers by providing timely and accurate geolocated information extracted from social media posts, experimental observation conducted during the ReSoCIO project confirms the contribution of this disambiguation pipeline to French crisis managers.

How to cite: Montarnal, A., Gracianne, C., Caillaut, G., Sabouni, A., Adrot, A., Chave, S., Rigart, L., Faï, F., and Auclair, S.: ReSoCIO: Towards geospatial visualization of Social Media Data by AI-driven Disambiguation. Application  to Crisis Management in the French Context., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18732,, 2025.

Water is both a key resource and a source of risks for society. Societal risks are posed, for example, by waterborne pollutant spreading with related water and environmental quality impacts and by weather extremes of floods and droughts. In its continuous movement through the landscape, the flowing water links the world's hydrological systems with the human-social systems that use the water and interact with it. The interactions are social-hydrological and imply important water resource and risk impacts and feedbacks. However, research has not yet comprehensively, in integrated quantitative and qualitative ways, studied the social-hydrological system coupling and the roles it plays for sustainable development across various world regions with different climate, societal and environmental conditions. This presentation outlines some key needs and linkage pathways for qualitative social perception and prioritization data along with quantitative data and modeling toward such research integration and big-picture science for the world's water system on land, its social-hydrological interactions, and the roles they play for local to global sustainability.

How to cite: Destouni, G.: Social perception and prioritization data for integrated big-picture science of water environmental change and sustainability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19884,, 2025.

EGU25-20074 | ECS | PICO | ITS1.13/NH13.1

GeoDaedalus: Automatic Geoscience Dataset Construction 

Anzhou Li, Zhenyuan Chen, Kewei Zhou, Keyi Yang, Chenxi Yu, Andre Python, Sensen Wu, and Zhenhong Du

Many subfields of Geosciences are currently experiencing the long-tail data distribution curse. While there are large head databases within the fields, they are updated slowly, are few in number, and have poor interoperability between the few existing ones. More often, data is generated by research groups through experiments, combined with other data collected on the same topic to form a small dataset, which is hidden in the scientific literature. These chaotic data organizing manners result in low utilization rates of new data in the scientific community, hindering the implementation of data FAIR principles. To contribute to improve the process chain of long-tail data collection and linking in science, we propose GeoDaedalus, a multi-agenic large language models (LLM)-based architecture for on-demand automatic geoscience dataset construction. Starting from the research needs, GeoDaedalus achieves end-to-end automation of the scientific data curation process through a series of processes, including online search, information matching & extraction, and data fusion. To access the efficiency and accuracy in data extraction in GeoDaedalus, we simulated different use cases such as those in Geochemistry, along with complete human expert data collection processes, and constructed the first benchmark for evaluating scientific data curation processes: GeoDataBench. Results from the latest multimodal LLMs to evaluate GeoDaedalus on GeoDataBench suggest better capabilities with lower economic costs, which may become a new benchmark for GeoDataBench. We propose a Python API package with an interpretable full-process transparent logging module suitable for GeoDaedalus' users to address the highly customized needs of scientific work. Although GeoDaedalus uses geoscience data as a sample, its relevant capabilities, once reorganized, can extend to other scientific fields, marking a solid step towards Open Science for the scientific community.

How to cite: Li, A., Chen, Z., Zhou, K., Yang, K., Yu, C., Python, A., Wu, S., and Du, Z.: GeoDaedalus: Automatic Geoscience Dataset Construction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20074,, 2025.

EGU25-782 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

The Influence of Vegetation and Surface Changes on Urban Heat Island Dynamics 

Pritipadmaja Pritipadmaja and Rahul Dev Garg

Urban Heat Islands (UHIs) exacerbate the challenges of rising temperatures in urban areas, increasing heat stress and thermal discomfort for urban dwellers. This study focuses on Bhubaneswar, a city in eastern India experiencing significant recent urbanisation, to analyse the effectiveness of greening efforts on dynamics of UHIs. For that, Land Surface Temperature (LST) was derived from Landsat 8 and 9 data spanning 2013 to 2024 to evaluate UHI pockets, persistence UHI and reduced UHI areas along with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Bare Soil Index (BSI), to investigate the relationship between vegetation cover, bare surfaces, and influence on UHI dynamics. The analysis identified persistence UHI in industrial zones, including the airport and bare land areas. Conversely, newly formed UHI pockets emerged along national highways and dense built-up areas. The study also identified reduced UHI areas, regions that exhibited intense UHI effects in earlier years but showed no UHI presence by later years. These areas show the positive impact of greening initiatives and surface changes over the past decade. NDVI analysis revealed a significant increase in vegetation in reduced UHI areas, indicating the positive impact of initiatives. In contrast, persistent UHI areas, exhibited lower NDVI values, underscoring the lack of vegetation and its role in sustaining high LSTs. BSI analysis further complemented these findings, showing a notable reduction in bare surfaces within reduced UHI areas compared to persistent UHI zones. The results highlight the critical role of vegetation in moderating UHI effects. This study underscores the importance of integrating green infrastructure into urban planning to address the growing UHI effects in cities. The results highlight the need to expand greening efforts to effectively manage UHI effects in urban areas.

How to cite: Pritipadmaja, P. and Garg, R. D.: The Influence of Vegetation and Surface Changes on Urban Heat Island Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-782,, 2025.

Over the past decade, there has been a significant increase in studies leveraging satellite-derived land surface temperature (LST) data to evaluate the cooling efficiency of urban vegetation, especially in multi-city studies. This surge reflects growing interest in understanding the role of green infrastructure in mitigating urban heat, and the computational power to easily process global satellite imagery. However, LST differs fundamentally from air temperature, the latter being more directly linked to human thermal comfort and health. Moreover, heat stress is a complex phenomenon that is influenced not only by air temperature but also by humidity, wind, and radiation.

In this presentation, I will provide a comprehensive overview of my past and ongoing research assessing urban vegetation's cooling efficiency. We will explore studies employing satellite-derived LST, gridded urban-resolving air temperature estimates, and crowdsourced air temperature and humidity measurements, highlighting the strengths and limitations of these approaches. Additionally, I will discuss the role of radiation in shaping urban heat stress and examine how vegetation interacts with radiation to modulate the urban microclimate. By synthesizing insights from multiple methodologies and considering the interplay of diverse environmental factors, this talk aims to offer a nuanced understanding of how urban vegetation contributes to thermal regulation and human well-being.

How to cite: Chakraborty, T. (.: How relevant is satellite-derived land surface temperature for assessing the cooling efficiency of urban vegetation?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2592,, 2025.

EGU25-2873 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Distribution of Urban Heat Island effect and News attention in Taiwan’s major cities 

Tsz Kin Lau and Kai-Hsaing Huang

      Due to the seriousness of global warming and climate change, climate-related mitigation and adaptation have become one of the biggest concerns worldwide, including Taiwan. Therefore, Urban Heat Island (UHI) mitigation and adaptation are important in Taiwan, which is beneficial for outdoor thermal comfort and citizen’s health. Although there is a different seriousness of the UHI effect in Taiwan’s major cities, most of the news attention is focused on Taipei City, the capital of Taiwan, which may underestimate the climate issues in other cities. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the UHI effect in the 5 major cities in Taiwan, and also their climate-related news attention, using big data analysis and Geographical Information System (GIS). First of all, meteorological data in the above cities in recent years was collected and the UHI distribution in different cities was interpolated through GIS. Then the UHI intensity (UHII) of different cities in recent years was further calculated, to present the seriousness of the UHI effect in different cities. On the other hand, climate-related news in Taiwan in recent years was obtained and filtered from Google using a web crawler. After that, the relationship between UHII and news attention was further analyzed. For the results, the UHI effects in different cities were investigated, and the hotspots were identified, which were mainly distributed downtown with more commercial and residential areas. Moreover, the UHII in different cities in recent years was further investigated. The strongest UHII can be found in Taipei City in 2023, and the UHII of most of the major cities increased in recent years, which presented the deterioration of climate conditions in different cities. However, there is no strong correlation between UHII and news attention. Although the amount of climate-related news increased with the increasing UHII, most of the news attention focused on the climate issues in Taipei City, which is significantly higher than other cities. The above phenomenon may cause less climate-related policy attention in other cities because of the less news attention. Moreover, policymakers may make UHI mitigation and adaptation strategies based on the climate and urban conditions in Taipei City because of the higher news attention, which may be less suitable for other cities. According to the above findings, spatial and climate injustice can be observed and should be further discussed and addressed, to ensure sustainable development in Taiwan. In summary, this study investigated the UHI effect and UHII in Taiwan’s major cities and further discussed the uneven climate-related news attention distribution in Taiwan. The results can remind the public and policymakers in Taiwan to further concern about the climate issues in cities apart from Taipei City, which is beneficial for UHI mitigation and adaptation in Taiwan.

How to cite: Lau, T. K. and Huang, K.-H.: Distribution of Urban Heat Island effect and News attention in Taiwan’s major cities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2873,, 2025.

EGU25-5169 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Street green space for urban heat reduction: a globally-relevant, local climate zone-specific empirical assessment 

Giacomo Falchetta, Steffen Lohrey, Niels Souverijns, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, and Leila Niamir

Urban transformative adaptation is increasingly crucial to minimize the adverse impact of climate change, also in the context of the ongoing global urbanization. Street green space (SGS) represents a key strategy in the solution space due to its capacity to reduce urban heat burden through shade and evapotranspiration. Yet, estimating the cooling efficiency of street trees is highly dependent on the location-specific climate zone, the within-city differences in urban form, as well as on the data and metrics used to measure the urban microclimate and green space density. Moreover, the bulk of previous studies have used remotely sensed land-surface temperature, the use of which is widely criticized for quantifying heat stress.

Here we conduct a 100-meter resolution empirical assessment in a globally relevant pool of cities and with a local climate zone (urban form) within-city stratification to re-evaluate the role of street green space in adapting to urban heat in different urban contexts. We measure local heat load using different metrics (wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT), and average, maximum and minimum 2-meter air temperature), which are calculated from the hourly output of the UrbClim urban climate model for 143 cities across the world, and we use estimates of the Green View Index (GVI) as a street-based measure of tree canopy cover.

Using random-effects regression models and controlling for a set of confounding factors in the statistical relation (such as population density, water bodies, and buildings height), we find that street green space is an effective strategy to reduce urban heat, but its effectiveness is highly context- specific, depending on both the local climate and the urban form. Our results can serve to inform the global discourse on transformative change of cities to achieve both adaptation goals (e.g. by reducing health impacts of urban heat or the risk caused by urban hydrological hazards), as well as energy use reduction and emission mitigation targets (e.g. cooling energy needs), also in the light of the upcoming IPCC AR7 special report on cities and climate change.

How to cite: Falchetta, G., Lohrey, S., Souverijns, N., Schleussner, C.-F., and Niamir, L.: Street green space for urban heat reduction: a globally-relevant, local climate zone-specific empirical assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5169,, 2025.

EGU25-5898 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Evolution of the Urban Heat Island in İstanbul from 1965 to 2023: Trends, Migration, and Climate 

Enes Birinci, Hüseyin Ozdemir, and Ali Deniz

İstanbul is located in the northwest of Türkiye and is the largest city in the country by population, with an estimated 16 million inhabitants. It also serves as the country's principal economic hub. Consequently, the city is experiencing significant migration both from other regions within Türkiye and from abroad. Moreover, urbanization in İstanbul is accelerating, driven in part by the increasing influx of refugees. As urbanization and population growth continue, the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect has significantly intensified, leading to increased precipitation and more frequent heat waves. To investigate this phenomenon, a set of criteria was applied to select meteorological stations from the 44 stations across Istanbul. Six stations were chosen for analysis: Florya, Kireçburnu, Kumköy, Şile, Göztepe, and Kumköy station. These stations were selected to represent urban and rural environments, allowing for a comparative analysis of UHI. The temperature differences between urban and rural stations were analyzed to investigate the UHI effect. A non-parametric Mann-Kendall test was conducted to assess long-term trends in temperature data from these stations, covering the period from 1965 to 2023. For Florya, an urban station in Istanbul, the lowest recorded temperature was 10.18 °C in 1965, which increased to 11.4 °C in 2006, and further rose to 13.51 °C in 2023. In contrast, for Şile, a rural station, the lowest temperature was 10.19 °C in 1965, rising to 10.34 °C in 2006, and increasing substantially to 12.16 °C in 2023. The Mann-Kendall test for the period between 1965 and 2023 indicated a significant upward trend, with a critical value of 1.96 for the 95% confidence level. These results suggest that temperature increases in both urban and rural areas are statistically significant, with both Florya and Şile stations showing a significant increase in temperature during the mid to late 1990s. This study will continue by investigating each station using Mann-Kendall statistical analyses and examining the UHI effect. By summarizing these findings across all sections, the study will also contribute to understanding the potential climate cooling effects associated with UHI migration measures.


Keywords: Urban Heat Island; Climate Change; İstanbul; Urbanization; Refugee Influx; Mann-Kendall Test

How to cite: Birinci, E., Ozdemir, H., and Deniz, A.: Evolution of the Urban Heat Island in İstanbul from 1965 to 2023: Trends, Migration, and Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5898,, 2025.

Urban heat islands significantly challenge environmental sustainability and public health, creating localized areas within cities with higher temperatures. Addressing these issues requires predictive tools for precise temperature forecasts to aid urban planning and policy decisions. Although satellite-based land surface temperature (LST) monitoring has potential, data from the ESA Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission face two key limitations: inadequate spatial resolution for urban-scale differentiation (1 km per pixel bidaily LST measurements) and the disparity between land surface and air temperatures.

This research introduces a machine learning model designed to predict maximum daily air temperatures at a spatial resolution of 20 meters per pixel, sufficient for the recognition of temperature differences between individual city blocks. For each day the inference is run, the model produces a seven-day temperature forecast. Our technology utilizes a visual transformer-based architecture, which distinguishes itself by being more compact and computationally efficient than traditional convolutional neural networks (CNNs), achieving a mean absolute error (MAE) of 2°C across seven-day temperature predictions for three major European cities.

The model uses multiple remote sensing and weather forecast data. The first input is LST data fromSentinel-3. It also uses NDVI data from Sentinel-2, sensitive to vegetation health and density. Meteorological data include forecasted temperature, pressure, humidity, wind, and more. For topographic data, two sources are used: the Digital Elevation Model for terrain altitude and the Copernicus Urban Atlas for land use classification. All input data is resized to the required dimensions and combined into a single 3D tensor for the model. Circular encoding is used to incorporate the day of the year and time of day of the Sentinel-3 passage. All inputs, except for the weather data, are stacked and combined with the weather data for the predicted day, then passed to the model. This process is repeated for each of the seven days to generate the temperature predictions.


Temperature measurements used for target for ML training are sourced from on ground stations and processed into a 2D matrix, with pixel values showing the average maximum temperature recorded by each station within the pixel's area. Pixels with no active stations are marked as invalid. For each valid pixel, the mean squared error (MSE) loss between the model's predicted temperature and the ground truth is computed to update the model weights. An encoder-decoder architecture is used to translate these multidimensional inputs into a set of two-dimensional temperature maps. The chosen encoder is a Mixed Transformer model (MiT), and the decoder is a simple cascade of convolution-upsample.

The model is embedded in a continuous pipeline for uninterrupted operation. Its daily workflow automatically retrieves data, preprocesses it, and generates temperature mappings. Seven-day temperature forecasts are uploaded to a dashboard, presenting predictions as overlays on urban landscapes. This solution is part of UP2030, a project supported by the EU's Horizon Europe program, which guides cities through socio-technical transitions towards climate neutrality.

How to cite: Innocenti, L.: Forecasting Urban Heat Islands: A Neural Network Approach Using Remote Sensing Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6578,, 2025.

Urbanization poses significant challenges to climate resilience, particularly in rapidly expanding cities like Kolkata in India. The extensive land use and land cover (LULC) changes resulting from unplanned urban growth have intensified urban climatic issues, notably the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI) and Urban Aerosol Pollution Island (UAPI) effects. This study investigates the impact of Kolkata's urbanization over the past 20 years (2000–2020), focusing on the interplay between LULC changes and the exacerbation of SUHI and UAPI phenomena. The findings reveal that the transformation of green spaces into built-up and impervious areas has significantly contributed to rising Land Surface Temperatures (LST) and deteriorating air quality. In contrast, regions with higher vegetation cover consistently recorded lower LST, often remaining below 30 °C, even in densely urbanized zones. Keeping temperatures below 30 °C reduces heat stress and mitigates emissions and are essential for achieving global health priorities and the Paris Agreement goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. This highlights the critical role of urban greening in mitigating these adverse effects. A tailored vegetation strategy is proposed, categorizing urban areas based on road types—national highways, state highways, and residential roads. Using the i-Tree application, the study identifies suitable tree species for urban greening initiatives, considering Kolkata's unique climatic conditions, including temperature, growing season length and height constraints to achieve desired pollutant removal and eight other environmental factors. By aligning greening efforts with these classifications, the study demonstrates how nature-based solutions can effectively reduce SUHI and UAPI impacts while enhancing urban sustainability. This research underscores the importance of strategic vegetation planning to counteract the negative impacts of urbanization in tropical cities like Kolkata. By addressing LULC changes with targeted urban greening measures, cities can enhance their resilience to extreme climatic events and improve overall environmental quality.

Keywords: LULC, SUHI, UAPI, Urban Greening, Nature-Based Solutions

How to cite: Yenugula, R. and Kuttippurath, J.: Strategic Urban Greening to Mitigate Urban Heat and Pollution Islands: A Nature-Based Approach for the Megacity Kolkata, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7849,, 2025.

EGU25-8046 * | ECS | Orals | ITS4.14/NH13.3 | Highlight

Challenges created by the Austro-Hungarian Empire: Heat reduction through nature-based solutions in Vienna and Budapest 

Alice Wanner, Bakul Budhiraja, Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider, Jennifer McKinley, and Meike Jungnickel

Dense and urbanized European capitals under the Austro-Hungarian empire were developed at the end of the 19th century. In both Vienna (Austria) and Budapest (Hungary), the historic city defense structures were developed into dense, prestigious housing areas with at least four stories. While important cultural heritage, many historically built-up areas are now a challenge for heat reduction and urban planning. In Central Europe, nature-based solutions are being eyed as measures to tackle urban heat islands and the unequal distribution of green areas across cities. In Vienna and Budapest, the local populations are facing growing climate change impacts in the form of heatwaves and tropical nights, which are expected to negatively affect health and wellbeing.
     Combining the results of urban heat modelling with the results of a survey with an integrated discrete choice experiment conducted in Budapest and Vienna, this study investigated which geographical parts of the cities are more affected than others, which citizens are the most vulnerable and how they perceive their own affectedness. By combining data on actual and perceived impacts of the temperature, urban areas are identified which are in greater need of nature-based solutions. By identifying the residents of these areas, vulnerable social groups requiring city administration’s attention and support are identified and policy recommendations are given.
     In both Budapest and Vienna heat is felt more intensely and impacts health to a greater extent in neighborhoods with limited access to and poor-quality green areas, while neighborhoods with ample access to public and private green areas are not as strongly impacted by high temperatures. However, residents of Budapest stated to have more experience with heat waves and respondents indicated much higher rates of heat negatively effecting both their wellbeing and their health. This feeling was not confirmed by the heat models – meaning that the difference between perceived heat and actual temperatures is higher in Budapest.
     For urban planners the results of this study translate into setting clear planning priorities and goals specific to their residents’ needs: To gain the greatest possible benefits for residents and reduce urban heat island effects, nature-based solutions targeting heat reduction should be placed in neighborhoods which demonstrate high heat perception based on social analysis and heat modeling. By using this approach, planners will address both climate change and its impacts on the population in urban environments.

How to cite: Wanner, A., Budhiraja, B., Pröbstl-Haider, U., McKinley, J., and Jungnickel, M.: Challenges created by the Austro-Hungarian Empire: Heat reduction through nature-based solutions in Vienna and Budapest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8046,, 2025.

Urban Heat Islands (UHIs) significantly impact urban climate resilience, with both beneficial and adverse effects depending on seasonal and spatial factors. This study evaluates the influence of cool roofs and green roofs, designed to mitigate summer UHI intensity, on winter UHI dynamics in Seoul, Korea. A deep learning framework, incorporating temporal and spatial models, was developed to forecast UHI intensity and propose balanced seasonal mitigation strategies.

The temporal model used meteorological data collected from 54 Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) over a 10-year period (2014–2023) and accounted for variables such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. The spatial model incorporated GIS-derived data, including building density, vegetation coverage, and road imperviousness, along with satellite-obtained albedo and radiance information. Both models were combined into a hybrid system to predict seasonal UHI patterns.

According to previous research, cool roofs alleviated the urban heat island intensity in summer by an average of 2.5°C, and green roofs showed a mitigation effect of 1.8°C. These two strategies had the greatest impact mainly during the noon hour (12:00–15:00). On the other hand, cool roofs in winter had the side effect of increasing heating energy demand by about 5%, but green roofs offset this effect, limiting temperature drops to an average of 1°C and suppressing additional heating demand to 2%. Spatial analysis indicated that high-density urban areas were the main targets of mitigation strategies, with marked differences in seasonal UHI characteristics.

This research provides actionable insights for urban climate resilience planning, demonstrating the potential of deep learning models to inform policy and design interventions. The findings underscore the importance of spatially and temporally adaptive strategies, such as targeted cool roof and green roof installations, to achieve sustainable urban heat management across seasons.

This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry &Technology Institute (KEITI) through "Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime.", funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE) (RS-2022-KE002102)

This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute(KEITI) through Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime Program, funded by Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE)(RS-2023-00221110)

How to cite: Jun, S., Kim, S. H., and Lee, D. K.: Evaluating the Seasonal Effects of Cool Roofs and Green Roofs on Urban Heat Island effect Using Deep Learning Models in Seoul, Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8968,, 2025.

EGU25-10425 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Cooling down urban green spaces in a future climate 

Yuxin Yin, Gabriele Manoli, and Lauren Cook

Climate change is leading to an increase in urban heat, posing a threat to both humans and biodiversity. Urban green spaces (UGS), such as parks and gardens, have been shown to be cooler than surrounding areas, providing respite for city residents and habitat for many species. However, in a future, hotter climate, it is unclear whether UGS will maintain temperatures cool enough to support both species and human tolerances. The goal of this study is to evaluate how the microclimate conditions of UGS will be altered under climate change and what strategies are most effective to maintain their cooling effect under such conditions. To do so, we used a microclimate model (UT&C) to simulate air temperature, thermal comfort and other relevant variables within 15 urban green spaces across three Swiss cities (Zurich, Geneva and Lugano) under historical and future climate conditions. All models, validated using data collected summer of 2023, show good predictive performance for air temperature and surface temperature (R2 = 0.61 to 0.97). Future climate data for the 2080 decade was obtained from the COSMO-CLM convection permitting model under RCP 8.5 and bias-corrected to the station scale. Scenarios incorporating the five vegetation parameters most relevant to thermal comfort - leaf area index, ground vegetation coverage, albedo, tree height, and tree coverage - were developed and assessed for their effectiveness in mitigating temperature increases in a future climate.

Preliminary results for Zurich show that the ambient air temperature in the summer months is expected to increase by 1.6°C on average by 2080 compared to 2023. The UGS with current vegetation properties is expected to cool the air temperature by 0.2 °C on average. Although unable to offset the increase in temperature due to climate change, increasing the fraction of ground vegetation is the most effective solution, cooling by up to 1.3 °C. The remaining alterations were less effective, with some even increasing the temperature with respect to the baseline scenario (no change in vegetation properties). Future work will confirm the generalizability of these findings with a comparison across all UGS and cities. Overall, this study provides insights into the adaptive management of urban green spaces for both humans and biodiversity in the face of climate change.

How to cite: Yin, Y., Manoli, G., and Cook, L.: Cooling down urban green spaces in a future climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10425,, 2025.

EGU25-10918 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Considering climate justice in NbS planning for metropolitan heat risk reduction? A participatory GIS approach 

Jose Manuel Urrutia II, Carl C. Anderson, and Christian Albert

Urban heat islands (UHI), which can be exacerbated by extreme heat events, pose a growing risk to metropolitan regions worldwide. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are an adaptive solution to UHI. However, the equitable distribution of NbS benefits to address UHI can be obstructed if stakeholders are not sufficiently engaged in a participatory and just planning process. Excluding justice considerations weakens the ability of NbS to deliver benefits to those most vulnerable to heat and may create or entrench existing environmental and socioeconomic disparities. In the case of addressing UHI in metropolitan regions, there is a strong need for NbS planning approaches for heat that can account for landscape diversity while strengthening the equitable distribution of NbS benefits. However, planning approaches depend on the decision-making and preferences of relevant stakeholders, who may be more or less interested in ensuring equitable outcomes.

There is a lack of research on understanding how stakeholders are currently integrating climate justice into NbS preferences and decision-making. This research addresses this critical gap by assessing the degree of climate justice consideration in NbS planning for heat across several European metropolitan regions representing different biogeographical and climatic regions. We use surveys to investigate stakeholder preferences for NbS to address urban heat, as well as which NbS benefits and implementation criteria should be prioritized in planning. Participatory geospatial mapping is also deployed to better understand stakeholders’ perceptions of where and why current NbS in their metropolitan regions are effective against heat risk and to identify areas that need NbS benefits. Through these methods, we assess the relative strength of stakeholders’ consideration of climate justice in their preferences and perceptions. We present our methodology and preliminary results which lead to a research agenda on climate justice and participatory NbS planning.

How to cite: Urrutia II, J. M., Anderson, C. C., and Albert, C.: Considering climate justice in NbS planning for metropolitan heat risk reduction? A participatory GIS approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10918,, 2025.

EGU25-11323 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Rising Urban-Rural Temperature Gradient in Indian Cities: Analysis and Characterization 

Divya Thakur and Chandrika Thulaseedharan Dhanya

Urbanization and regional climate change-induced warming, known as the Urban Heat Island effect, result in urban areas experiencing temperatures 1–4 °C higher than their rural counterparts. This phenomenon poses significant risks to biodiversity, human health, and regional climate systems, necessitating an in-depth understanding of its spatiotemporal patterns and characterization to inform effective adaptation strategies. In this study, we investigated the diurnal and seasonal dynamics of  Surface Urban Heat Island intensity (SUHII) for 141 Indian cities over two decades (2001-2022) using MODIS satellite-derived Land Surface Temperature (LST), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), evapotranspiration (ET), and Land Use Land Cover (LULC) data. We employed the urban-rural method to calculate SUHII, used the Mann-Kendall Test and Theil-Sen slope estimator to identify trends, while five-year interval analyses captured the evolution of SUHII hotspots. Further,  to characterize SUHI variability, we used a Multilevel Modeling (MLM) approach, incorporating time-varying NDVI and ET, alongside city size as a time-invariant factor. Our findings reveal a significant rising trend in nighttime SUHII across most cities, while five-year average change analyses highlight emerging daytime SUHI hotspots during both summer and winter seasons. The MLM approach explained more than 90% of SUHII variability in both seasons. While SUHII generally showed negative associations with ΔNDVI and ΔET across most cities, except in warm deserts, city size exhibited a negative yet weak association. Overall, our findings demonstrate the escalating SUHI effect in Indian cities and underscore the importance of vegetation and water dynamics in regulating urban thermal environments at a regional scale. These insights emphasize the urgent need for sustainable local-scale urban planning to mitigate the adverse impacts of SUHI on ecosystems and human well-being.

How to cite: Thakur, D. and Dhanya, C. T.: Rising Urban-Rural Temperature Gradient in Indian Cities: Analysis and Characterization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11323,, 2025.

EGU25-11841 | Orals | ITS4.14/NH13.3

ISPRS-SELPER: Tackling Urban Heat Islands in Latin America through Collaborative Research 

Fabiola D. Yépez-Rincón, Luz A. Rocha-Salamanca, Laurent Polidori, Héctor J. Hernández-Palma, Miriam Antes, Alfredo Cuello, Miguel E. Alva-Huayaney, Hilcea S. Ferrerira, Roberto E. Huerta-Garcia, Nelly L. Ramirez-Serrato, José L. Bruster-Flores, Ivone G. Zapata-Wah, Victor H. Guerra-Cobián, and Adrián L. Ferrino-Fierro

Latin America is among the most urbanized regions in the world. SELPER,  a Latin American  non profit organization is interested in contributing to a better understanding of climate-related problems using Earth Observation and remote sensing data. This collaborative research by ISPRS and SELPER researchers responds not only to the intensification of the urban heat island (UHI) effect caused by the rapid development of cities in recent decades, but also recognizes the importance of preserving and restoring critical blue-green infrastructure to mitigate the effects of climate change. 

During a first stage, the study focused in 16 major Latin American megacities present at 6 countries, collectively home to approximately 73 million people: São Paolo (22.62), Mexico City (22.28), Buenos Aires (15.69), Río de Janeiro (13.73), Bogotá (11.51), Lima (11.2), Santiago (6.9), Belo Horizonte (6.25), Guadalajara (5.42), Monterrey (5.12), Brasilia (4.87), Recife (4.26), Porto Alegre (4.21), Medellin (4.1), Salvador (3.96) and Curitiba (3.81). Each city was mapped and analyzed using Google Earth Engine and remote sensing data. The analysis included Land Surface Temperatures (LST) and Local Climate Zones (LCZ) for the years 2003, 2008, 2018 and 2021. Preliminary results explored the UHI distributions and the impact of different levels of urban development by LCZ.  

First-stage acchievements indicate, that these megacities exhibit: (1) a diffuse urban model, (2) urban heat islands are spatially and temporally located, (3) compromised green-blue infrastructure during the last decades, and (4) differences in construction materials and morphological changes among surface structures. 

Collaboration is needed. For the second stage the researcher's group is developing green-blue infrastructure models for each city, such as the Urban Canopy Model (UCM), Riparian Infrastructure Model (RIM) and/or Urban Green Areas (UGA). These models will be based on a fusion of Earth Observation, remote sensing data and local knowledge. Moreover, important information will be retrieved, such as meteorological local station data and socioeconomic information. 

In summary, collaborative efforts could achieve potential results to create the basis for implementing preventive policies for sustainable planning, promoting climate justice, and adopting nature-based solutions in Latin American megacities.

How to cite: Yépez-Rincón, F. D., Rocha-Salamanca, L. A., Polidori, L., Hernández-Palma, H. J., Antes, M., Cuello, A., Alva-Huayaney, M. E., Ferrerira, H. S., Huerta-Garcia, R. E., Ramirez-Serrato, N. L., Bruster-Flores, J. L., Zapata-Wah, I. G., Guerra-Cobián, V. H., and Ferrino-Fierro, A. L.: ISPRS-SELPER: Tackling Urban Heat Islands in Latin America through Collaborative Research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11841,, 2025.

EGU25-11884 | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Research on the cooling effect of trees at public squares in Germany 

Somidh Saha and Mira Guenzel

The increasing frequency of heat waves due to global warming, coupled with the urban heat island effect (UHI), poses significant risks to human health in cities, particularly in highly frequented areas such as public squares. As urbanization continues and temperatures rise, effective heat mitigation strategies are essential. Trees, with their cooling effects through shading and evapotranspiration, offer a key solution by reducing air and surface temperatures, thereby improving thermal comfort in urban environments.

This study investigates the cooling potential of trees in public spaces in Karlsruhe, Germany, a region in the heat-prone Upper Rhine Valley. It examines how tree characteristics - such as trunk height, diameter at breast height, and crown volume - and site factors - such as sky view factor, tree view factor, and leaf area index - influence the heat index, which measures thermal comfort. An essential aspect of the study was to assess the correlation between surface temperature and heat index, allowing the prediction of heat index from satellite-derived land surface temperatures. The novelty of this research lies in its integrative approach, combining tree characteristics and site factors and focusing on an under-researched region.

Field measurements were taken at eight public squares with varying tree cover and size during July and August 2024. Data collected included surface temperatures, tree-level variables, and site metrics, which were statistically analyzed with the heat index using correlations and simple linear regressions.

The results showed that squares with higher tree cover had significantly lower heat index values, indicating improved thermal comfort. Larger trees with higher trunk heights were particularly effective in reducing heat stress. The study also found that a lower sky view factor and a higher tree view factor correlated with reduced heat stress, highlighting the critical role of tree canopies in cooling public squares through shading. In addition, surface temperature was strongly correlated with heat index, suggesting that satellite-derived temperature data could be used to estimate thermal comfort in urban squares.

In conclusion, this research highlights the critical role of trees in mitigating the UHI effect in public squares, where heat stress can significantly impact public health. The results provide valuable insights for urban planning, demonstrating that targeted greening strategies, such as maintaining large trees, increasing canopy cover and frequency of large trees, can improve thermal comfort in public squares. In the future, cities can use satellite-derived land surface temperatures to accurately model and predict heat index, enabling more efficient and cost-effective planning to address heat-related challenges and create more sustainable, liveable public spaces.

How to cite: Saha, S. and Guenzel, M.: Research on the cooling effect of trees at public squares in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11884,, 2025.

EGU25-12933 | Orals | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Modeling Decreased Intensity and Mortality of the 2003 European Heatwave with Nature-based Solutions of Evaporative Cooling 

Theodore Endreny, Marco Ciolfi, Anna Endreny, Francesca Chiocchini, and Carlo Calfapietra

Nature-based solutions offer significant potential to mitigate the impacts of urban heatwaves if urban trees and their soils can capture unused stormwater and create evaporative cooling. This study employed the i-Tree Cool Air soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer model to evaluate the effects of increasing neighborhood tree cover to a minimum of 30% in all neighborhoods of 10 Italian cities during the extreme summer of 2003. The analysis introduced a heatwave degree day (HWDD) metric to quantify reductions in heatwave intensity and duration, which were mapped alongside excess mortality attributed to heatwaves in the baseline scenario. Results reveal that transitioning from the average baseline tree cover of 8.2% to 30% would decrease HWDDs by 32.5%, with reductions varying from 15.8% in Cagliari to 84.1% in Bologna. Correspondingly, excess mortality among adults aged 65 and older would decline by 29.3%, sparing an estimated 574 lives from the 1962 killed by the 2003 heatwaves. The study also highlights spatial variability in mortality reductions, reflecting neighborhood-specific differences in tree cover, developed area, and population density. Enhanced tree cover improved ecosystem services, with a median annual increase in value of $11 million per city, generated by reductions in air pollution (53%) and stormwater runoff (33%), and increases in carbon sequestration (14%). This research underscores the transformative impact of urban greening in mitigating heatwave risks and highlights its utility for informing urban planning policies aimed at climate adaptation and public health.

How to cite: Endreny, T., Ciolfi, M., Endreny, A., Chiocchini, F., and Calfapietra, C.: Modeling Decreased Intensity and Mortality of the 2003 European Heatwave with Nature-based Solutions of Evaporative Cooling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12933,, 2025.

Urbanization induces complex interactions between socioeconomic activities and environmental changes, as reflected in the increase of Night-Time Light (NTL) and the decline of Fractional Vegetation Cover (FVC). While NTL is a key indicator of economic growth and infrastructure expansion, its concurrent association with vegetation loss exacerbates urban heat island (UHI) effects. Although substantial progress has been achieved in examining the individual impact of urbanization on land surface temperature (LST), studies investigating the simultaneous trends of NTL and FVC and their combined effect on LST remain limited.

This study utilized a 20-year (2000–2020) remote-sensed dataset to investigate the spatial and temporal interactions among NTL, FVC, and LST anomalies in East Asian megacities, especially Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. Trends in NTL and FVC were analyzed using the Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s slope methods, while LST anomalies were examined to evaluate relationships with NTL and FVC. The analysis specifically focused on summer months to comprehensively evaluate urban heat island effects. Furthermore, NSGA-II optimization was employed to identify the optimal NTL and FVC ranges that best capture LST trends and explore city-specific urban green space planning patterns.

The results reveal distinct nonlinear relationships between night-time light, fractional vegetation cover, and land surface temperature. LST responses varied depending on the increased balance between NTL and FVC. LST showed a more moderated response in regions where NTL and FVC increased proportionally, suggesting that vegetation can partially mitigate urbanization's thermal impacts through a synergistic effect. Conversely, areas with disproportionately high NTL increases and limited FVC growth exhibited heightened LST sensitivity, reflecting the restricted capacity of vegetation to offset the thermal stress caused by rapid urban expansion.

In Shanghai, rapid urbanization has resulted in a substantial increase in land surface temperature (LST), underscoring the city's heightened vulnerability to urban development. In contrast, both Seoul and Shanghai exhibited more moderate declines in LST in areas where urban green space initiatives were implemented. However, despite Shanghai's extensive urbanization, the expansion of urban green spaces, as quantified by the rate of change in the Fraction of Vegetation Cover (FVC), has been comparatively limited relative to other cities. Furthermore, over the past 20 years, the frequency of FVC and NTL increases demonstrated a more substantial correlation with LST increases than the intensity. These findings highlight the pronounced spatiotemporal heterogeneity in urban environments, emphasizing disparities in environmental stress and recovery potential driven by varying interactions between NTL and FVC.

This research suggests key indicators, such as the balance between NTL and FVC, to guide the development of cooling strategies in urban planning. The findings highlight the potential of integrating vegetation restoration into urban planning as a critical approach to achieving global sustainability goals, particularly SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities) and SDG 13 (climate action).

How to cite: Kim, E. and Kim, J.: How Do Urban Green Spaces Influence Land Surface Temperature Dynamics in Urbanizing Areas?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14258,, 2025.

EGU25-14989 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Implementing the 3-30-300 Rule in Indian Cities: A Framework for Addressing Urban Challenges 

Shruti Lahoti, Manu Thomas, Pankaj Kumar, Shalini Dhyani, and Prajakta Shende

The accelerating impacts of climate change, including escalating urban temperatures and the heightened occurrence of extreme weather events, present formidable challenges for rapidly growing cities, particularly in the Global South. Nature-based solutions (NBS) present transformative pathways to address these issues, offering sustainable approaches to enhance resilience, mitigate urban challenges, and improve the well-being of urban residents. Urban Green Spaces (UGSs) are central to these solutions, providing climate adaptation and mitigation benefits.

This study investigates the applicability of the 3–30–300 rule—a recently proposed guideline for equitable urban greening—through case studies in two Indian cities, Nagpur and Jaipur. The guideline advocates for three visible trees per residential building, 30% neighborhood UGS cover, and at least one hectare of UGSs within 300 meters of residences. A GIS-based analysis of land cover maps was conducted to assess public UGS availability, proximity, and provisioning gaps, addressing the 30-300 components. Household surveys measured the visibility of trees to evaluate the "three visible trees" component. A zone-specific analysis explored the potential of applying the 3–30–300 rule to mitigate challenges urban areas face, such as the Heat Island phenomenon and increased urban flooding—exacerbated by rapid urbanization and climate change.

This research develops a replicable and scalable methodological framework, enabling its application to other cities undergoing rapid urban transitions. By quantifying the benefits of equitable urban greening, the study provides urban planners and policymakers with actionable insights and tools for informed decision-making. Highlighting the potential of integrating NBS into mainstream urban planning, the study positions the 3–30–300 rule as a practical and effective guideline for addressing urban sustainability and resilience challenges, particularly in resource-constrained cities of the Global South.

How to cite: Lahoti, S., Thomas, M., Kumar, P., Dhyani, S., and Shende, P.: Implementing the 3-30-300 Rule in Indian Cities: A Framework for Addressing Urban Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14989,, 2025.

EGU25-18144 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.14/NH13.3

Evidence-based urban green infrastructure planning in humid subtropical neighbourhoods to enhance outdoor thermal comfort 

Sana Javaid, Kameswara Yashaswini Sista, Hala Mohamed, and Stephan Pauleit

Strategic urban green infrastructure (UGI) planning is crucial to mitigate heat stress and foster climate-responsive urban areas that promote liveability, especially in hot and humid subtropical regions. However, paucity of empirical data on UGI-based heat mitigation has led to a dearth of effective urban green spaces in most Indian cities. This study, therefore, aims at developing actionable, evidence-based UGI planning strategies to enhance outdoor thermal comfort (OTC) by taking the case of two typical residential typologies in Dehradun, India. The selected neighbourhoods represent 1-2 storeyed plotted individual houses and 3-4 storeyed row block housing, respectively and include three urban settings: housing park, roadside plantation and private gardens or shared courtyards, for a more focussed analysis.

Context-specific ‘Quality and Quantity’ of UGI are critical for its cooling performance. This necessitates a need to understand the performance of subtropical tree species based on their traits, their placement in the aforementioned urban settings and the role of canopy cover in maximising OTC. Moreover, the comparative performance of trees and UGI types like green roofs and green walls needs to be understood in realistic neighbourhood settings particularly in Indian context. Therefore, we investigate the ‘Right: UGI type, Tree species, Planting arrangement and Canopy cover’ approach using microclimatic simulations on validated ENVI-met software.

The simulation results indicate that trees are significantly more effective in improving human outdoor thermal comfort as compared to green roofs and green walls. The existing trees on the study sites reduce average PET (Physiological Equivalent Temperature) between ~2-9°C under dry and well-irrigated soil conditions during the daytime heat hours (10 a.m. -5 p.m.). Besides, the cooling potential of different tree species varies with their morphological characteristics, and the dense canopy (high LAD) trees have maximum cooling impact during peak heat stress. The impact of LAD becomes even more pronounced in combination with tree height and canopy width due to more widespread shade and evapotranspiration. The simulation results also highlight the influence of planting arrangement on shade, wind speed, and direction on the site. The tree arrangements parallel to the wind and facilitating evenly distributed shade have greater impact on enhancing OTC. Another finding substantiates the beneficial role of increasing overall canopy cover on the site. However, the combined impact of greening strategies like ‘right tree in the right place’ is more beneficial, even in the case with lesser canopy cover than the existing one. This could be particularly beneficial in urban areas with land scarcity.

Therefore, the study provides several empirical evidences that confirm the significance of UGI in improving OTC, as well as a holistic approach for strategizing UGI planning for neighbourhood climate adaptation. The findings of this study can be useful for landscape planners, policymakers and similar actors in comparable urban and climatic contexts. Future research can also test the impact of vegetation diversity on heat stress mitigation to further promote biodiversity and resilience in urban areas. Role of all the UGI types can also be assessed for other ecosystem services, such as stormwater management, for comprehensive climate adaptation.

How to cite: Javaid, S., Sista, K. Y., Mohamed, H., and Pauleit, S.: Evidence-based urban green infrastructure planning in humid subtropical neighbourhoods to enhance outdoor thermal comfort, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18144,, 2025.

Despite the increasing trend of temperatures due to climate change, urban areas often experience higher temperatures than rural areas, a phenomenon commonly referred to as the Urban Heat Island (UHI). Heat waves are becoming more frequent in Turku, Finland (humid continental climate zone), and longer and warmer days are being experienced in summer than in nearby rural areas. The use of heat-absorbing materials in construction, increased impervious surfaces, higher emissions of CO2, and lack of blue-green regions in the urban territory, etc., are found to accelerate this phenomenon. Green infrastructure or urban green parks are expected to moderate temperature fluctuations by absorbing less heat and providing cooling through evapotranspiration, thereby slowing down temperature changes in urban environments.

In this research, the impact of urban greenery to mitigate UHI during heatwaves in the city of Turku, South-West Finland, was studied. We exploited spatially and temporally comprehensive temperature observation data over the urban area, and precise land use data to analyze the relationships between UHI and UG. A total of 22 temperature monitoring stations, recording temperatures every 30 minutes from 2002 to 2024, were used. The land cover in 2022 was obtained from an open 2m resolution land cover dataset produced by SYKE (Finnish Environment Institute). Satellite images were used to detect the change in land cover since 2002.

Statistical methods were used to find temperature-increasing trends at each logger station point to observe and analyze how urban greenery can influence or control temperature fluctuations. The neighborhood of several logger stations underwent changed land use (forestry to residential blocks with impervious surfaces). How this urbanization influenced the microclimate change in the city will be analyzed. Also, changes in the duration and magnitude of heat waves from 2002 to 2023 are expected to be studied.

Nature-based Solutions (NBS), especially urban green (UG) infrastructures, are becoming popular also in Nordic countries to increase climate change resilience, reduce the risk of urban flooding, improve public well-being, better immune systems, and urban biodiversity. However, not many studies have been done examining urbanization, UG, heatwaves, and UHI, especially in humid continental climate zones. This study aims to deepen the understanding of the effect of urban greenery on UHI, and how they control temperature in neighborhoods during heatwaves in Turku. The outcomes of these results may help city planners design city expansion in a way that makes it resilient to future climate change-intensified heatwaves in the same climate zone.

How to cite: Asif Rifat, A., Suomi, J., Sörensen, J., and Kasvi, E.: Assessing the potential of Urban Greenery to adapt to climate change intensified UHI during heatwaves in Humid Continental Climate climate zones using Long-Term Data and Geospatial Analysis., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18768,, 2025.

Urban Heat Island is a significant urban climate phenomenon, particularly during extreme heat events, with profound impacts on environmental sustainability and human well-being. This study investigates UHI dynamics in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region during the summers of 2019–2024 using FY-3D satellite-derived Land Surface Temperature (LST) data. Employing Dynamic Equal-Area UrbanHeat Island Classification (DEA) combined with the Beijing local standards, UHI intensity was quantified and classified into five levels to analyze spatiotemporal variability and transitions across intensity levels. The results reveal a pronounced UHI intensification in 2023, with cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, and Rwanda exhibiting intensity values exceeding 2K. High-intensity UHI zones expanded significantly, particularly in southern Hebei, while 2022 and 2024 showed similar, lower-intensity patterns. These findings provide strong evidence supporting the occurrence of record-breaking localized temperatures in the BTH region during 2023. This study underscores the value of FY-3D data for precise UHI monitoring, offering robust quantitative assessments and spatial distribution insights. The findings lay a foundation for developing effective heat mitigation strategies and sustainable urban planning in rapidly urbanizing regions.

How to cite: Zhou, T.: Multi-level heat island monitoring in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region during the summers of 2019-2024 using FY-3D LST data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19202,, 2025.

The proactive and science-based regulation of excessive urban heating is an urgent priority. However, a theoretical-practical disconnect persists between urban thermal environment research and applicable urban planning strategies, hindering the effectiveness of mitigation and adaptation tools. To address this gap, this study developed a theoretical framework to assess the feasibility of urban cooling regulation within urban planning systems. It proposed a two-pronged and planning-driven approach of controlling the heat source' and increasing the cooling source for sustainable urban cooling, and using the daily mean temperature-humidity index (DMTHI) to capture humidity and daily land surface temperature dynamics. A case study from the main urban area of Wuhan, China, validated this approach, identifying heat stress hotspots in the old city center and peripheral heavy industrial parks. The key indicators for urban cooling in Wuhan were the mean building density, percentage of industrial land area, and percentage of green space. By clustering the spatial variations in the regression coefficients of each indicator using the K-means method, the 'controlling heat source' strategy identifies five regulation zones: building form control, comprehensive control, land use control, industrial and building density control, and building density-dominated control. The 'increasing cold sources' strategy identifies four regulation zones: NDVI-dominated cooling, integrated greenspace cooling, LPI_G-dominated cooling, and PLAND_G-dominated cooling. These site-specific plans improve the efficacy of urban cooling regulation. This study provides insights for mitigating urban heat stress and supports heat-resilient urban planning development.

How to cite: Yin, C., Yan, J., and Feng, S.: From measurements to regulations: An actionable approach for sustainable urban cooling via heat-resilient urban planning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20376,, 2025.

EGU25-1744 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Minutes Matter for Risk to Life in Disasters - the experience from Aotearoa, New Zealand 

Mathew Darling, Thomas Robinson, Benjamin Adams, Thomas Wilson, and Caroline Orchiston

Human casualties related to rapid-onset natural hazards are usually proportional to the number of people directly exposed. Yet population mobility makes  exposure difficult to assess due to temporal and spatial  variability. Population exposure is a crucial dimension of risk, and often the dynamics of exposure are overlooked in disaster risk assessment and subsequent management. Here, we quantify how disaster risk in Aotearoa New Zealand changes across multiple temporal and a highly resolved spatial scales due to dynamic population mobility and observe the significant influence it has on resulting risk.

We present a unique dataset from the highly touristic Piopiotahi Milford Sound in New Zealand using longitudinal data over a 790-day period, including throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We demonstrate how minute-by-minute population changes of up to 1000-people within 5 minutes can dramatically affect the risk posed by a landslide-triggered tsunami in the fiord. During our study period, the societal risk fluctuated by two to three orders of magnitude, underscoring how dynamic population movement translates to the potential doubling of fatalities in a tsunami. Using an established threshold for acceptable risk, our dynamic approach reveals that the societal risk was only acceptable during the strictest COVID-19 lockdown measures, after which it became increasingly unacceptable as population mobility resumed.

This New Zealand case study demonstrates that integrating high-resolution dynamic population data into disaster risk assessment can significantly improve assessments of risk, particularly in rapidly changing or high population mobility contexts. Understanding these dynamics is essential for developing effective risk reduction strategies and adaptation plans. Our findings show that incorporating longitudinal high-resolution data on dynamic exposure substantially improves assessment accuracy and reduces inherent uncertainty of dynamic disaster risk, especially in popular touristic areas and where population shifts are frequent and significant.

How to cite: Darling, M., Robinson, T., Adams, B., Wilson, T., and Orchiston, C.: Minutes Matter for Risk to Life in Disasters - the experience from Aotearoa, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1744,, 2025.

Wetlands are of global importance in providing essential ecosystem services but are also sensitive to climate change and human activities. Monitoring and assessing wetland vulnerability are crucial for ecological conservation and management strategies. However, the framework of wetland vulnerability assessment and the underlying mechanisms have not been well studied. In this study, the spatiotemporal variations in wetland vulnerability on the Qinghai‒Tibet Plateau (QTP) between 1990 and 2020 were investigated based on the ecosystem pattern-process-function framework. The key driving factors were identified by partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) and multiscale geographically weighted regression (MGWR) models. Our results showed that the wetland ecosystem pattern index (EPI), ecosystem process index (EPOI), ecosystem function index (EFI), and wetland vulnerability index (WVI) all demonstrated an increasing pattern from northwest to southeast. Between 1990 and 2020, the mean WVI values gradually decreased from 0.616 to 0.588, indicating a steady improvement in the wetland ecosystem on the QTP. Rapid urbanization increased the EPOI, while rugged topography increased both the EPI and EPOI, and the increase in hydrological abundance enhanced the EFI, which in turn contributed to an increase in the WVI. Conversely, climatic conditions led to a reduction in the EPI, which in turn resulted in a significant decrease in the WVI. Therefore, although urbanization and topographical and hydrological factors have somewhat exacerbated the WVI on the QTP, variable climatic conditions have driven the decline in wetland vulnerability in the last three decades. Furthermore, our results indicated that the proposed framework could provide a comprehensive approach for wetland vulnerability assessment and useful implications for wetland conservation and management.

How to cite: zhao, Z., Fu, B., Lü, Y., and Wu, X.: Variable climatic conditions dominate decreased wetland vulnerability on the Qinghai‒Tibet Plateau: Insights from the ecosystem pattern-process-function framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2456,, 2025.

EGU25-2620 | Orals | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Integrating Hazard, Vulnerability, and Exposure into Flood Risk Assessment in Dynamic Coastal Urban Landscapes 

Wanyun Shao, Hemal Dey, Annyca Tabassum, and Md. Munjurul Haque

Integrating hazard, vulnerability, and exposure into a comprehensive assessment of flood risk is critical for sustainable disaster management and building community resilience in coastal urban environments. This presentation synthesizes findings from four investigations to explore the interplay between hazards, vulnerability, and exposure in diverse coastal settings along the U.S. Gulf Coast. First, an analysis of Mobile Bay, Alabama, spanning 2000–2020, illustrates shifting patterns of social vulnerability amidst rapid urbanization and changes in land use and land cover (LULC). Hotspot and cluster analyses identify regions requiring special policy attention to mitigate heightened disaster risks. Second, a similar spatiotemporal analysis of vulnerability in relation to LULC changes in Harris County, Texas during the same period (2000-2020), reveals comparable patterns, highlighting areas where rapid urbanization has amplified vulnerability. Third, a flood risk model for Harris County integrates flood susceptibility mapping using machine learning with a social vulnerability index, exposing discrepancies with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) 100-year floodplain estimations. Finally, building on insights from the first three studies, a novel conceptual and methodological framework is proposed, integrating flood hazard, social vulnerability, and exposure into flood risk assessment for Tampa Bay, Florida. This framework employs multiple machine learning techniques to provide a more nuanced flood risk evaluation. Collectively, these findings underscore the necessity of integrating social and environmental datasets in flood risk assessments over time to improve resource allocation and foster long-term community resilience.

How to cite: Shao, W., Dey, H., Tabassum, A., and Haque, Md. M.: Integrating Hazard, Vulnerability, and Exposure into Flood Risk Assessment in Dynamic Coastal Urban Landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2620,, 2025.

EGU25-4213 | Orals | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Institutional vulnerability as a key risk driver 

Maria Papathoma-Koehle, Sven Fuchs, Spyridon Mavroulis, and Michalis Diakakis

Following a series of catastrophic events (floods, wildfires etc.) in Greece over the last few years (2023-2024), it has become clear that institutional issues such as legislation, accountability, political decisions, and participation have been the driving forces behind the vulnerability of communities to climate change-related hazards. An institutional vulnerability framework is used as a basis to analyse these institutional issues and their relationship to adverse outcomes. Institutional vulnerability refers to weaknesses in institutions that affect our capacities to resist, cope with and recover from the impacts of natural hazards. Efforts to reduce negative consequences and loss of natural hazards should include recognising and addressing these vulnerabilities as well as their impact on our physical robustness and coping capacities.  The framework is based on four pillars: socio-cultural, socio-political, legislative and regulatory, and fiscal economic. The socio-cultural pillar includes the level of community participation, the use of traditional methods of dealing with natural hazards as well as early warning systems that include vulnerable groups. The socio-political pillar is associated with accountability issues regarding the management of natural hazards and the management of critical infrastructure. The legislative and economic pillar includes European and national legislation related to accountabilities, land use planning, adaptation and risk transfer mechanisms. Finally, the fiscal economic pillar has to do with the national budget allocation and the financing of public bodies.

The results of this qualitative analysis show the link between individual vulnerability dimensions (physical, social, economic, environmental, etc.) and institutional issues, as well as the importance of considering institutional vulnerability as an “umbrella dimension” in vulnerability analysis. The study lays the foundation for further research to develop methodologies for assessing institutional vulnerability, but also to examine more closely the interaction between institutional issues and other dimensions of vulnerability.

How to cite: Papathoma-Koehle, M., Fuchs, S., Mavroulis, S., and Diakakis, M.: Institutional vulnerability as a key risk driver, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4213,, 2025.

EGU25-5997 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.16/NH13.4

A multi-hazard spatiotemporal exposure assessment for buildings in Austria 

Pia Echtler, Sven Fuchs, Margreth Keiler, and Matthias Schlögl

The paper­ presents a nationwide, spatially explicit, object-based assessment of buildings and citizens exposed to riverine flooding, torrential flooding, snow avalanches and multi-hazards in Austria. The assessment was based on two different datasets, (a) hazard information, which provides input for the exposure of the elements at risk, and (b) information on the building stock, which was combined from different spatial data available at the national level. Hazard information was compiled from available local scale hazard maps. The building stock information included information on the location and size of each building, as well as the building category and the construction period and year. In addition, this dataset has an interface with the population register, allowing the number of primary and secondary occupants to be retrieved for each building.

The results of the study challenge the commonly held assumption that exposure levels will inevitably increase as a result of continued population growth and the associated increase in property values. It is shown that this assumption needs to be carefully examined against the background of regional differences in the development of the building stock. While some regions in Austria have experienced asset growth well above the national average, others have experienced below-average growth patterns. These differences reflect not only the different topography of the country, but also the different economic activities and development priorities of the regions. The temporal assessment of exposure has revealed significant differences in the dynamics of exposure to different hazard categories compared to the total building stock.

In conclusion, the property-based assessment presented in this study is proving to be an important and effective tool for conducting nationwide exposure assessments. It provides a robust framework for identifying and addressing one of the most important non-climate risk drivers. Consequently, the insights generated by this approach should play a central role in operational risk management and the formulation of adaptive strategies to enhance resilience in the face of evolving climate change challenges. By revealing the complex dynamics of hazard exposure and asset growth, the study highlights the need to integrate such assessments into long-term planning and policy development.

How to cite: Echtler, P., Fuchs, S., Keiler, M., and Schlögl, M.: A multi-hazard spatiotemporal exposure assessment for buildings in Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5997,, 2025.

EGU25-6075 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Assessing landslide risk on heterogeneous agricultural landscape in rural Himalayas 

Pritha Ghosh, Somnath Bera, and Shivam Priyadarshi

Agriculture is the main livelihood and food security source in India's rural Himalayas. At the same time, frequent landslides are increasing the risk of agriculture, particularly under the changing scenario of climate. However, a few studies explored the impact of landslides on the agricultural land in the Himalayan region. Therefore, the study focuses on two-fold objectives: i.e. (i) to analyze the impact of landslides on losing agricultural land, and (ii) to assess the risk of agricultural land to landslides. We consider the Darjeeling Himalayas of India as a case study of this research. The study area is composed of diverse agricultural lands such as tea plantations, pomiculture, and cropland. To achieve these objectives, a detailed landslide inventory database is generated that covers landslides from 2001 to 2024. We develop a GIS-based framework of the risk assessment using five indicators namely the susceptibility index of landslides, temporal probability index of landslides, total affected area index of landslides, proximity index of landslides, and recovery index of agricultural land. The study considers each village as a unit of analysis. Further, a composite risk index was developed by aggregating the five indexes.  Further, the spatial pattern of risk is analyzed using hot spot and cold spot analysis. The study found varying impacts and risks of landslides on tea plantations and frame land. The study will help to develop sustainable agricultural policy in the rural Himalayas.

Key words: Landslides; Risk index; Agricultural land; GIS; Hot-spot analysis; Darjeeling

How to cite: Ghosh, P., Bera, S., and Priyadarshi, S.: Assessing landslide risk on heterogeneous agricultural landscape in rural Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6075,, 2025.

EGU25-9293 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Understanding Controls on Disaster Risk 

Chakshu Gururani, Ugur Ozturk, and Thorsten Wagener

Climate change, rapid urbanization, and socioeconomic inequalities exacerbate uncertainties in risk assessments by altering hazard intensities, exposure distributions, and vulnerability dynamics. Understanding the drivers of risk requires moving beyond static and siloed risk assessments to frameworks that capture the dynamic interactions between risk components. Sensitivity analysis helps identify which variables are most influential, providing the foundation for landslides and floods risk models that can adapt to the uncertainties. We aim to develop a conceptual framework for integrating sensitivity analysis into risk assessments to facilitate nuanced risk evaluations considering transient risk controls.

We will create a risk index by combining key factors representing hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. We will evaluate the non-linear relationships and complex interactions among these factors using machine learning models. We will quantify the contribution of each variable to the risk outcomes. We will test the proposed framework using high-resolution global datasets on flood and landslide hazards, population grids, building heights, and socioeconomic vulnerability. This procedure will enhance model interpretability and help determine the most influential drivers. The planned methodology should be scalable to other hazard types and urban contexts, providing a flexible approach for future risk assessments.

This work highlights the importance of rethinking disaster risk frameworks to inform more responsive and adaptive risk reduction strategies. By emphasizing risk sensitivity, our goal is to support evidence-based policymaking and resource allocation, strengthening preparedness and resilience in urbanizing landscapes.

How to cite: Gururani, C., Ozturk, U., and Wagener, T.: Understanding Controls on Disaster Risk, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9293,, 2025.

Cities are increasingly vulnerable to extreme heat events due to climate change, particularly in densely populated urban areas where heat exposure is intensified by the urban heat island effect. Traditional assessments of heat exposure often rely on static metrics, such as fixed thermal environmental data or residential population maps, which fail to account for the dynamic nature of human mobility. It remains unclear whether human mobility exacerbates or alleviates urban heat exposures of populations in cities, especially in high-density urban areas. This study integrates anonymized mobile phone location data with environmental heat indices to analyse spatiotemporal heat exposure patterns in Singapore. By analysing human mobility patterns with mobile phone data at a fine-grained spatial resolution, we identify hotspots of human activity and heat exposure during specific times of the day, such as work hours and evening commutes. The results highlight significant differences between static and dynamic heat exposure assessments, emphasizing the critical role of mobility in shaping the spatial-temporal patterns of heat exposure. This work provides practical guidance for urban climate adaptation, including the strategic placement of heat shelters, prioritization of urban greening in activity hotspots, and improved zoning policies. Our findings also contribute to enhancing urban resilience and public health outcomes in response to the challenges of climate change.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Zhou, J., and Stouffs, R.: Unveiling Dynamic Heat Exposure Patterns: The Intersection of Human Mobility and Environmental Heat Metrics Using Mobile Phone Data in Urban Areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9373,, 2025.

EGU25-10801 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Assessing Coastal Hazards and Mitigation Strategies for Vulnerable Communities in India 

Pragnya Priyadarsini Pradhan and Vittal Hari

Tropical cyclone-related losses are projected to increase globally due to climate change and socio-economic factors, with storm surges posing a significant threat to coastal regions. Enhanced preparedness among coastal populations is essential to reduce the impact of this trend. This study evaluates storm surge hazards and risks using a multi-attribute decision-making method and develops risk maps based on empirical data. The integration of hazard, vulnerability, and exposure indices highlights the eastern coast (Bay of Bengal) as the region with the highest present risk. Risk levels are comparatively lower along the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean coasts, but they still pose substantial threats, particularly in urbanized and low-lying areas. Additionally, by offering data-driven insights into risk management, the analysis facilitates the development of adaptable infrastructure and land-use planning for coastal resilience. Future research will focus on refining the hazard component to enhance the accuracy of risk assessments.

How to cite: Pradhan, P. P. and Hari, V.: Assessing Coastal Hazards and Mitigation Strategies for Vulnerable Communities in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10801,, 2025.

EGU25-11613 | Posters on site | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Advanced multi-risk analysis of the overall status of river-crossing bridges in the Potenza Province (southern Italy): the Tech4You Research Project 

Aurelia Sole, Beniamino Onorati, Giuseppe Francesco Cesare Lama, Carmine Limongi, Domenica Mirauda, Anamaria De Vincenzo De Vincenzo, Francesco Sdao, Giuseppe Santarsiero, Ruggero Ermini, Mario Bentivenga, Valentina Picciano, Maurizio Diomedi, Ivo Giano, Benedetto Manganelli, and Raffaele Albano

The “Guidelines for the classification and management of risk, safety assessment and monitoring of existing bridges” (Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Higher Council of Public Works, Annex DM 204/2022) are based on a general multilevel approach for the assessment of the attention class of existing river-crossing bridges.

This study reports the activities developed within the broader interest of the Tech4You Research Project, which aims at developing an innovative monitoring, assessment and management prototype system for the hydraulic, seismic, structure-foundation, and landslide risks of existing river bridges as follows: (i) a smart methodology for landslides census and landslide risk assessment, (ii) an application for the assessment of hydraulic and structural status of river-crossing bridges and, finally, (iii) design of a Decision Support System for emergency managers to identifying and prioritizing engineering actions.

The Pilot Area is embodied by the upper portion of the Agri river watershed belonging to the territory under the jurisdiction of the Potenza Province (southern Italy).

The Research Group focuses on structure-foundation, geomorphological and river engineering traits surveyed at the examined watercourses during a paramount field campaign of measurements. The hydraulic risk associated with river-crossing bridges was evaluated by considering overtopping or vertical freeboard lack, local and general scour phenomena. In this study, different hydrological analysis methods were evaluated for the assessment of the flood peak discharges characterizing the catchment areas pertaining to river-crossing bridges. Then, the bed sediments observed in the field were rigorously analyzed to characterize the grain-size distributions from HD imagery to obtain reliable values of hydraulic roughness coefficients related to the examined watercourses. Also, this study reports the findings of scour depths at both bridge piers and abutments. Further analyses will be performed based on the measurements obtained from the multi-risks monitoring system (i.e., instrumentation and data management). In addition, the effects of the seismic, structure-foundation, and landside risks on the examined river-crossing bridges were classified. 


This work was funded by the Next Generation EU - Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of 'Innovation Ecosystems', building 'Territorial R&D Leaders' (Directorial Decree n. 2021/3277) - project Tech4You - Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009. This work reflects only the authors’ views and opinions, neither the Ministry for University and Research nor the European Commission can be considered responsible for them.

How to cite: Sole, A., Onorati, B., Lama, G. F. C., Limongi, C., Mirauda, D., De Vincenzo, A. D. V., Sdao, F., Santarsiero, G., Ermini, R., Bentivenga, M., Picciano, V., Diomedi, M., Giano, I., Manganelli, B., and Albano, R.: Advanced multi-risk analysis of the overall status of river-crossing bridges in the Potenza Province (southern Italy): the Tech4You Research Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11613,, 2025.

On October 29, 2022, a tragic crowd crush incident occurred in Itaewon, Seoul, South Korea, during Halloween celebrations. 159 people died. In addition to this incident, South Korea has been experiencing new types of disasters that were previously unencountered. South Korea considers disasters into natural and societal categories. Natural disasters refer to calamities caused by natural phenomena, such as typhoons, floods, and heavy rainfall. Social disasters, on the other hand, include incidents such as fires, collapses, explosions, and large-scale traffic accidents, which can lead to significant damage and paralyze national functions. 

Accordingly, South Korea government manages large-scale safety incidents that can arise not only from natural phenomena but also from the malfunctions of social systems. Particularly, cascading and complex damages, such as physical damage caused by typhoons leading to power outages due to accumulated impacts, are treated as critical management concerns. To effectively manage and analyze risks at a national level, it is essential to incorporate the characteristics of natural and physical phenomena occurring within the country, along with measures to mitigate their intensification, into a risk management framework. This requires a framework capable of multidimensionally assessing the potential risks and cascading impacts of disasters, enabling a comprehensive risk management approach.

Therefore, this paper proposes a complex disaster risk management framework that leverages a risk management framework to comprehensively analyze the cascading and complex risks and damages of disasters, considering the characteristics of disaster risk management in Korea. Disaster safety management in South Korea focuses on identifying and mitigating various risks, including societal impacts such as dam breaches, road disruptions, and power outages, in anticipation of hazards like typhoons. To effectively manage these risks, it is necessary to conduct a systematic evaluation of the potential extreme damage scenarios that may result from these hazards. For instance, in the case of Seoul, which is exposed to super typhoons with strong winds and heavy rain, disaster management requires not only preparedness for the primary impacts of typhoons but also for secondary impacts scenarios that may result from the initial damage. In other words, a risk management framework is needed to analyze the cascading effects on other facilities when vulnerable facilities in the exposed area are damaged and these damages are considered secondary hazards.

This study proposes a framework that redefines the damage resulting from the interactions between the vulnerabilities of exposed areas (or facilities) and the response capacity of the state or facilities as a secondary hazard(or new risk factors) thereby enabling the management of complex and interconnected disaster risks. This proposed risk management framework allows for a detailed analysis of the causal chains leading to disaster-related damages and facilitates the reevaluation of previously considered impacts as secondary hazards, enabling the identification of complex and cascading risks. The proposed risk management framework is intended to be integrated into a web-based system in the future. This system will enable users to visualize the causal interactions among hazard factors, exposure, damage (as new hazards), response capacity, and vulnerability.

How to cite: Choi, D., Seo, K., and Jeong, J.: A Risk Management Framework for Disaster in Korea: Application to Disaster Damage Scenario Planning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14664,, 2025.

In recent years, the emergence of novel, unidentified diseases on a global scale has posed a significant threat to national healthy systems and public safety. In the case of such unidentified infectious diseases, as the cause is often unknow during the initial outbreak, it becomes more difficult to respond effectively in the early stages. Consequently, there has been an increasing emphasis on evaluating the impact of policies implemented during the response phase of outbreak, rather than solely focusing on prevention and preparedness. Infectious diseases have the potential to escalate from localized outbreak into national and even global crises. It also exhibits a cascading pattern of damage, significantly impacting not only the healthcare sector but also socioeconomic condition. As a result, nations have developed unique healthcare and public systems, accompanied by respective legal frameworks. The outcomes of these systems vary significantly based on their level of preparedness. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated how different countries responses to infectious diseases can lead to vastly different outcomes in terms of confirmed cases and the resulting damage. Although it is challenging to definitively rank the effectiveness of different countries responses to the pandemic given their unique characteristics, the significance of having a well-defined diseases response policy is widely acknowledged. 

South Korea faced five distinct waves of COVID-19  infections, each presenting unique challenges. The country responded to these crises with tailored policies, ultimately allowing for a shift towards a “With COVID-19” approach after the fifth wave. South Korea had established a robust infectious disease response system through previous outbreak like SARS and MERS. The country’s innovative approaches to COVID-19, including drive-through, testing and rapid diagnostic development, drew international acclaim. Nevertheless, ir remained challenging to completely to completely eliminate vulnerabilities in responding to entirely new infectious diseases. 

This research seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of South Korea’s infectious disease response policies by focusing on five trigger by rapid surges in COVID-19 cases. Although is desirable to quantify the precise influence of individual policies on disease transmission, the inherent unpredictability of pandemics, such as the variability in susceptible populatinos, outbreak location, and transmission dynamics, often necessitates the simultaneous implementation of multiple interventions. Consequently a holistic approach is essential to analysis the overall impact of these policies. This research seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of various policies implemented at different phases of the outbreak in mitigation the spread of the infectious disease and to draw lessons for future infectious diseases reponse strategies in South Korea.

How to cite: Seo, K., Choi, D., and Jeong, J.: An Analysis of South Korea Government Infectious Disease Response Policies: Focusing on the Cascading Impacts of COVID-19, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14946,, 2025.

Vulnerability has been acknowledged as a dynamic concept since the Pressure and Release model of Blaikie et al. (1994), as well as by other well-known models that integrate this risk component. Nevertheless, it is only within the past three years that new conceptual and operational frameworks have emerged, revitalising the study of vulnerability dynamics. To date, these efforts remain largely disconnected from the concept of systemic vulnerability, which is seldom defined in the literature or is typically restricted to the vulnerability that comes from the interconnectivity of different systems. Here, we posit that using the dynamics of vulnerability as a lens to study systemic vulnerability holds a significant potential for advancing in disaster risk research.

In this study, we develop a connectivity-based Multi-hazard Systemic Vulnerability Model, drawing on our previous conceptual framework for analysing the augmentation of vulnerability due to hazard impacts and misfiring adaptation options. This framework is complemented by a tool we previously developed to capture this augmentation and provide it with the needed organisational and visual support, namely Enhanced Impact Chains. The model also integrates in-depth structural equations and multiple regressions, and it is validated through a robust validation procedure including three distinct validation procedures.

The case study at hand focuses on two impactful and recent hazards that affected Romania in 2020-2021, namely river floods and the COVID-19 pandemic. To implement the Multi-hazard Systemic Vulnerability Model, we constructed five Impact Chains, three for the flood events in 2020, 2021, and 2022, one for the flood events of this entire period, and one multi-hazard Impact Chain that integrates both the hydrological and epidemiological hazards referring to 2020-2022.

Key results show that vulnerability acts as both a passive (subject to change) and active (driving change) agent. It can initially contribute to hazard impacts, get augmented by them, and continue to reinforce these impacts afterwards. Another highlight is that vulnerabilities can slow down or hinder the implementation of adaptation measures. Reinforcement feedbacks are vital to understanding the progression of multi-hazards, especially forward from the point where impacts cease to be the results of hazards alone, but are amplified by systemic vulnerabilities that were left unaddressed by mitigation options or were even amplified by such measures that failed.

Considering the findings from the model, we propose a new definition of systemic vulnerability: the stable core of vulnerability that persists across time and space, regardless of mitigation efforts and societal progress. This definition highlights the epigenetic nature of vulnerability, showcasing that systemic vulnerability results from the incapacity of a system to assimilate environmental changes, which initiates vulnerability augmentation and leads to positive feedback loops.

Marking the first scientific work aiming to acquire an in-depth understanding of systemic vulnerability within multi-hazard contexts, this model sets the stage for developing the next generation of conceptual and operational frameworks to analyse changes in vulnerability.

How to cite: Iuliana, A., Andra-Cosmina, A., and Daniela, D.: Next steps in capturing vulnerability dynamics: Introducing a connectivity-based model on systemic vulnerability to multi-hazards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15397,, 2025.

EGU25-16280 | Posters on site | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Comparative analysis of building exposure using static and dynamic flood hazard approaches 

Konstantinos Karagiorgos, Lars Nyberg, Tonje Grahn, and Hundecha Yeshewatesfa

The effective management of flood risk is dependent upon the accurate assessment of hazard and exposure, in order to support disaster preparedness and mitigation strategies. This study evaluates changes in building exposure estimates by comparing static and dynamic flood hazard analysis methods. Static approaches assume uniform flood conditions across basins, whilst dynamic hazard models incorporate the spatial variability of flood magnitudes, providing a more comprehensive representation of flood risks.

Utilising building inventory datasets, this research examines exposure under different flood scenarios and return periods. The findings reveal substantial variations in building exposure when employing dynamic hazard models, particularly in basins characterised by spatially variable hydro-meteorological conditions. The study highlights the implications of these differences for flood risk management practice and demonstrates the limitations of static hazard models in large-scale flood risk assessments.

The study makes a significant contribution to the advancement of flood risk analysis by providing a quantitative assessment of the benefits of dynamic hazard modelling. It highlights its potential to improve the accuracy of exposure assessments and to inform equitable flood risk management strategies. The findings can guide policy makers, urban planners and stakeholders in developing more targeted and resilient flood mitigation measures.

How to cite: Karagiorgos, K., Nyberg, L., Grahn, T., and Yeshewatesfa, H.: Comparative analysis of building exposure using static and dynamic flood hazard approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16280,, 2025.

EGU25-19474 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.16/NH13.4

Enhancing Multi-(Hazard-)Risk Assessment and Management through Integrated Approaches 

Nicole van Maanen, Marleen de Ruiter, and Philip Ward

Understanding risk components—such as vulnerability, exposure, and hazard interactions—requires approaches that integrate diverse perspectives and data sources. This abstract presents insights from the MYRIAD-EU and EO4Multihazards projects, which combine top-down Earth Observation (EO) data with bottom-up stakeholder-driven insights to enhance multi-(hazard-)risk assessment and management.

Top-down EO methods, including satellite imagery and remote sensing, provide large-scale data on hazard monitoring, environmental changes, and exposure dynamics. Complementing this, stakeholder interviews in five pilot regions (Veneto, Canary Islands, Scandinavia, Danube, and North Sea) capture local knowledge of risk drivers, vulnerabilities, and hazard interactions. Integrating these approaches bridges critical gaps, such as the dynamic nature of vulnerabilities and their socio-economic dimensions.

This combined methodology creates a more nuanced, context-sensitive understanding of multi-(hazard-)risk. It highlights the importance of incorporating qualitative, ground-level insights into traditionally quantitative frameworks. Achievements include better identification of vulnerability drivers, improved data integration, and tailored strategies for local and regional risk reduction.

By uniting bottom-up and top-down perspectives, this approach provides a comprehensive framework for understanding risk dynamics, fostering collaboration across disciplines, and advancing adaptive, inclusive strategies for disaster risk reduction in an evolving climate.

How to cite: van Maanen, N., de Ruiter, M., and Ward, P.: Enhancing Multi-(Hazard-)Risk Assessment and Management through Integrated Approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19474,, 2025.

The world’s cities are growing rapidly, and by 2030, over 60% of the global population is expected to live in urban areas. As per a report by the Global Commission on Economy and Climate, Indian urban centers will home over 600 million of the country’s population by this time. Due to high concentration of people, the most adverse impacts of climate change-induced extreme events on infrastructures crucial to society and challenges of cascading and compound events will possible be in these areas, according to the World Bank. In this context, it is of the greatest urgency that a city is able to increase ‘actionable’ climate resilience strategies to avoid risks to the society due to climate change-induced extreme events in addressing the challenges of cascading and compound events.

Alluring on the theories of ‘actionable as development’ and in-depth examines of rolling development initiatives in the smart metropolitan city of India, this study explores the factors that promote or hamper ‘actionable’ resilient strategies for extreme events in the urban water cycle for hydroclimatic risks and vulnerabilities in urban systems of cascading and compound events on infrastructures crucial to society, such as health centers, transport infrastructure, sewage, storm water drainage and solid waste management.

The smart city of Patna (population 3 million) is one of the fastest growing cities in India. Based on the primary and secondary data, developmentally oriented project case studies that addresses the city’s most urgent extreme events risks in transportation, sewage, storm water drainage and solid waste management, it recommends a contingent ‘actionable’ resilient strategies approach as most-suited to such resource-constrained environments to the climatic risks in cascading and compound events. Such an approach has the ability to overcome essential local resource constraints, institutional limitations, while increasing the likelihood of adoption of ‘actionable’ resilient strategies oriented projects under the climate extremes in water cycle and risks to the society in addressing the challenge of climate change.

This research work identifies several factors-among them, developing collective partnerships to conduit technical deficits, taming local organizational structures to create internal resources, and constructing political consensus for climate action-as crucial for successful ‘actionable’ resilient strategies for climate change-induced extreme events in the urban water cycle and risks to the society.

Such contingent ‘actionable’ approaches may thereby deliver a blueprint for instant, realistic, and cost-effective feasible applications in similar smart cities in India and in comparable developing regions of the world. It recognizes the key fragile urban systems in the smart city, which are already, impacted by infrastructural, governance, economic, social, cultural and political issues and may be aggravated by climate change-induced extreme events.

This study concludes that the rudimentary measures, which are needed just to address city’s non-climatic risk concerns, are necessary as a stepping-stone to transformative pathways for addressing the uncertainties associated with climate change-induced extreme events for sustainable and resilient development of the resource constrained smart metropolitan city of India.

Keywords: Climate extremes, Crucial infrastructure, Urban water cycle, Hydroclimatic risks and vulnerabilities, Fragile urban systems and Actionable resilient strategies

How to cite: Mandal, S. K. and Rani, S.: Impact of Climate Change-Induced Extreme Events on Infrastructures Crucial to Society: Understanding Risk Assessment and ‘Actionable’ Resilient Strategies for the Resource Constrained Smart Metropolitan City of India , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-211,, 2025.

Global coastal catchments are uniquely vulnerable to flooding due to the interplay of multiple flood drivers, including intense rainfall, storm surges, and tidal influences. These regions face particularly complex challenges because the nature and magnitude of flood risks vary significantly with seasonal changes. During the monsoon season, prolonged and heavy rainfall often leads to widespread inundation, whereas in the post-monsoon period, compounded effects of residual waterlogging, storm-tides, and episodic rainfall events create equally severe but distinctly different flood scenarios. This study, for the first time, develops an integrated framework to quantify and compare flood risks during these seasons, advancing flood management literature with a novel approach. A sophisticated 1D-2D coupled hydrodynamic flood model is employed to generate high-resolution flood hazard maps by simulating the compound interactions of rainfall and storm tides. Simultaneously, flood vulnerability is assessed at the finest administrative scale using a comprehensive suite of physical and socio-economic indicators. A Bivariate Risk Classifier framework is introduced to integrate hazard and vulnerability assessments, enabling nuanced spatial representation of risks through choropleth maps. Two novel indices are developed to enhance the understanding of multi-hazard flood risks: the Area Index, which highlights the spatial extent of risk, and the Multi-Hazard Risk Index, which captures the compound and marginal contributions of hazards and vulnerabilities. These indices provide critical insights into the varying nature and magnitude of flood risks during monsoon and post-monsoon periods. Our findings reveal a significantly higher proportion of villages falling into medium to very high hazard classes during the post-monsoon season, a critical insight that would remain obscured under conventional methodologies. Vulnerability assessments highlight that the majority of coastal villages exhibit severe vulnerability levels, driven largely by dense populations of illiterate and non-working residents. This research demonstrates that flood risks differ markedly between seasons, with varying degrees of impact on infrastructure and human systems. The integrated framework and incisive indices proposed herein offer actionable insights to support tailored, long-term flood management strategies aimed at mitigating risks and enhancing resilience in coastal floodplains.

How to cite: Thakur, D. A. and Mohanty, M. P.: How Divergent Are Flood Risks During Monsoon and Post-Monsoon Seasons? Revealing Contrasting Impacts over Coastal Multi-Hazard Catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-418,, 2025.

EGU25-548 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Maximum Entropy Modeling for Multi-Hazard Spatial Distribution: A Case Study of Flood-Triggered Sinkholes 

Hedieh Soltanpour, Kamal Serrhini, Joel C Gill, Sven Fuchs, and Solmaz Mohadjer

Recent decades have seen a growing availability of detailed geo-environmental data, coupled with powerful open-access software and machine-learning algorithms, driving significant advancements in natural hazard forecasting. Exploring cutting-edge machine-learning techniques is essential to understanding their strengths and limitations, which vary with factors such as data quality, hazard types, and the complexity of variable relationships. In this study, we extend the application of the Maximum Entropy model (MaxEnt) initially applied to ecological research to a novel context by characterising a common multi-hazard scenario in karst settings (i.e., flood-triggered sinkholes). While MaxEnt has been widely used by ecologists to model species distributions, its application in natural hazard modelling, particularly for hidden hazards like sinkholes in karst regions, remains underexplored.

Here, we applied MaxEnt to forecast the spatial probability distribution of flood-triggered sinkholes. Model inputs included past sinkhole occurrence data and geo-environmental factors such as topography, local geology, hydrology, and flood hazard. The model was validated using 70% of the sinkhole inventory for training and the remaining 30% for testing, with performance assessed using the Area Under the Curve of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUC-ROC).

The resulting susceptibility map highlights areas up to 1 km south of the Loire River and low-elevation zones as most vulnerable to flood-triggered sinkholes. Our findings demonstrate that this multi-hazard scenario mapping approach is a valuable tool for identifying flood-triggered sinkholes in Val d’Orléans and other karst regions worldwide, supporting effective land-use planning. By applying MaxEnt at different spatial scales, we also identified limitations affecting the model’s final accuracy, which provide insights for future improvements.

How to cite: Soltanpour, H., Serrhini, K., Gill, J. C., Fuchs, S., and Mohadjer, S.: Maximum Entropy Modeling for Multi-Hazard Spatial Distribution: A Case Study of Flood-Triggered Sinkholes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-548,, 2025.

In historically hot-arid climates like Ahmedabad, the urban environment amplifies thermal discomfort across seasons, with extreme heat dominating summer and a notable drop in wintertime temperatures. These seasonal contrasts highlight the need to evaluate how green infrastructure (GI) affects biophysical conditions and thermal comfort throughout the year. We specifically examine the effects of three GI interventions—green roofs, permeable pavements, and bioretention cells—that are feasible for cities with limited space availability and have been adopted as measures to reduce urban flooding. Our study investigates how these individual GIs influence the thermal responses of diverse population groups during both summer and winter, acknowledging the varied physiological and demographic sensitivities to seasonal extremes. Using high-resolution (3 meters) ENVI-met simulations for representative summer and winter days, we assess the thermal comfort of individuals of varying ages, genders, and social strata, using parameters like clothing insulation, metabolic rate, body weight, and surface area. We also account for seasonal shifts in thermal comfort definitions, where summer emphasizes mitigating heat stress and winter addresses cold exposure. Our results demonstrate significant seasonal differences in how GIs modulate microclimate and influence thermal responses, with implications for equitable urban design. By addressing seasonal and demographic variability, this study provides actionable insights for tailoring GI strategies to improve thermal comfort year-round in hot-arid urban contexts.

How to cite: Borah, A. and Bhatia, U.: Seasonal Variations in Thermal Comfort: Assessing Biophysical Impacts of Green Infrastructure in a Hot-Arid Urban Setting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-914,, 2025.

EGU25-1417 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Compound climate risk analysis of European ports 

Alberto Fernandez-Perez, Jasper Verschuur, Javier L. Lara, Iñigo J. Losada, Raghav Pant, and Jim W. Hall

Ports are highly susceptible to compound climate events due to their coastal locations, which subject them to various interacting climate hazards. This study develops a novel multi-impact risk assessment framework that accounts for both the likelihood of simultaneous climate hazards (accounting for temperature, sea level, wind, precipitation and wave extremes) and their compounded effects on complex port infrastructure systems. Beyond evaluating potential physical damages to infrastructure and assets, the methodology also examines operational downtimes and yield losses triggered by these events, providing a comprehensive view of their cascading impacts.

Applied to the European port system, the framework underscores the critical role of compound effects in climate risk assessment. The findings reveal that these compound impacts can constitute up to 50% of annual repair costs and 20% of profit losses from downtime. Additionally, the synergistic interactions between hazards increase compound risks by 10%, emphasizing the non-linear nature of these threats. Spatial variability is also significant, with certain regions exhibiting clustered hazards and risks. Such insights are pivotal for guiding targeted and coherent strategies to reduce climate impacts at regional and supra-national levels.

By incorporating probabilities of joint hazards and their interactions, this approach pushes the boundaries of traditional coastal infrastructures’ risk assessment, offering more actionable insights for adaptation in coastal and port systems. Its application at the European scale demonstrates the importance of considering compound climate events in decision-making processes to improve resilience in critical infrastructure sectors.

How to cite: Fernandez-Perez, A., Verschuur, J., L. Lara, J., Losada, I. J., Pant, R., and Hall, J. W.: Compound climate risk analysis of European ports, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1417,, 2025.

EGU25-2860 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Heatwaves Intensify Power Shortages in Developing Countries 

Yixu He, Yida Sun, Tianyang Lei, Dabo Guan, Xiang Gao, and Ning Zhang

Global electricity generation depends on cooling-reliant plants (78%), but rising temperatures could reduce their output. Steam-cycle air-cooling (ST-AC) technology, which is poorly adapted to high temperatures, is widely used in power plants in developing countries (40.7%) compared to developed ones (25.2%). However, few studies have evaluated the performance of different cycle-cooling technologies under heat stress. Here, we developed a Global Power Plant Dataset comprising 109,110 thermal and nuclear power units across six fuel types and seven cycle-cooling technologies, resulting in 32 distinct fuel-technology combinations. We then assessed the impact of heatwave events on these fuel-technology combinations at the plant level, and the effects of generation losses on residents under three SSP (Shared Socioeconomic Pathways) - RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) scenarios. From 2030 to 2060, losses are expected to reach 1205.4 (±255.1) TWh under SSP5-8.5, accounting for 5.2% (±1.1%) of the annual global output of thermal and nuclear plants, which is 1.4 to 2.4 times higher than under SSP2-4.5 and SSP1-1.9. Vulnerable plants, including India’s coal-fired ST-AC Mundra plant, Congo’s gas-fired gas turbine Côte Matève plant, and Mexico’s oil-fired steam-cycle once-through cooling Lopez Mateos plant, could experience losses that put millions of residents in these regions at risk of electricity accessibility. Identifying these vulnerable plants would support developing countries' efforts to adapt their power sectors to a warming future.

How to cite: He, Y., Sun, Y., Lei, T., Guan, D., Gao, X., and Zhang, N.: Heatwaves Intensify Power Shortages in Developing Countries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2860,, 2025.

Floods are among the most destructive natural disasters, resulting in significant loss of life and property for millions of people around the world. Extreme flood events in the foothills of the Himalayan ranges and their forelands are closely linked to heavy monsoonal rainfall, steep slopes, and excessive surface runoff from the uphills. Floods hazards in Nepal have become increasingly devasting due to improper land use planning, unplanned settlement distribution, deforestation, land degradation in the upstream watershed, topography, geological setting and climate change. Nepal was hit by an unprecedented late monsoon rainfall, causing widespread landslides and flooding across the country in September 2024y, resulting in significant loss of life and property. This study investigated the use of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) with Ground Range Detected (GRD) scenes  for rapid and robust flood detection during the September 2024 flood events in Kathmandu valley and the surrounding areas. The study area is of utmost interest as it comprises diverse geographical setting on the basis of topography and geological setting and these floods events have a significant impact on settlement, infrastructure and other environmental processes. In the study, a standard workflow was applied for the pre-processing of both the products. Based on the application of pre- and post-SAR imagery, this study estimated the extent of flood inundation, highlighting the major impacted area based on pre- and post-land cover map of the study area using machine learning (ML) algorithms and compare the changes with spectral indices. The change detection and Normalized Difference Flood Index (NDFI) was evaluated using threshhold value of temporal Sentinel-1 GRD data. High resolution Google Earth imagery was used for the accuracy assessment of pre flood environment; post flood site data was evaluated from field visit. Greater level of flood impacts were noted both within the Kathmandu valley (Kathmandu. Bhaktapur, Lalitpur district) and outside the valley Banepa, Dhulikhel, Panauti, Namobuddha, Roshi local area of Kaverepalanchok district; Sunkoshi, Golanjor , Phikkal local areas of Sindhuli district of the study area. The overall accuracy of flood inundation mapping was 95 % and the accuracy of land cover map was evaluated about 88 %. A detailed land use/ cover map of the study area was prepared to present the changes post-flood environment using Sentinel -2 Multi-spectral imagery. Further, Permanent water body (PWB) using Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) algorithm and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were prepared for the evaluation of the post-flood impact area . Overall, the analysis inferred that watershed level flooding vulnerability results from natural factors like heavy rainfall and topography, which are further intensified by human activities such as infrastructure development, urbanization and poor land management.

How to cite: Rimal, B., Tiwary, A., and Rijal, S.: Application of Sentinel-1 and 2 Imagery for Rapid and Robust Flood Detection: A Case Study of Flood Event in Nepal., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3210,, 2025.

EGU25-4042 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Urban climate challenges: An integrated approach to mitigating flood risks and heat stress. 

Jesús Soler, Montserrat Martinez, Robert Goler, Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek, Martin Schneider, and Andrea Hochebner

The impact of human-induced climate change on our living conditions is becoming increasingly evident, causing damage to infrastructure and posing a threat to human lives. The challenges urban environments face, home to approximately two-thirds of the global population, extend beyond rising temperatures to include altered precipitation patterns. Cities are particularly vulnerable due to their predominantly sealed surfaces, which exacerbate climate change effects such as increased heat and intensified rainfall events, in contrast to natural areas with different characteristics like albedo, heat capacity, and infiltration rates.

The KNOWING project focuses on two significant climate impacts: flooding (both fluvial and pluvial) and its effects on infrastructure and heat and its impact on public health. Granollers City serves as an urban case study for flood and heatwave analysis. Two models, PALM-4U [1] and ICM-Infoworks [2], are employed to evaluate potential adaptation measures for current and future climate change impacts.

PALM-4U, an urban climate model, is used to quantify the impact of greening initiatives on urban heat load. ICM-Infoworks assesses adaptation measures to mitigate pluvial and fluvial flooding. Both models rely on land use data, and the proposed changes to address heat (such as greening and unsealing) often coincide with those aimed at reducing flooding (like retention areas and unsealing).

The PALM-4U model considers interventions such as increased tree cover, new recreational parks, river renaturalization, and building-related measures like green roofs and retrofitting. These interventions, which lead to increased unsealing and improved infiltration, also help reduce flood risk and can be incorporated into the ICM-Infoworks model to quantify their impact on flooding. By evaluating the effectiveness of the same interventions using two different models and addressing two distinct climate risks (heat and flooding), this approach allows for a comprehensive assessment of climate change adaptation strategies.


KNOWING has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement n° 101056841.

[1] Maronga, B., Banzhaf, S., Burmeister, C., Esch, T., Forkel, R., Fröhlich, D., Fuka, V., Gehrke, K. F., Geletič, J., Giersch, S., Gronemeier, T., Groß, G., Heldens, W., Hellsten, A., Hoffmann, F., Inagaki, A., Kadasch, E., Kanani-Sühring, F., Ketelsen, K., Khan, B. A., Knigge, C., Knoop, H., Krč, P., Kurppa, M., Maamari, H., Matzarakis, A., Mauder, M., Pallasch, M., Pavlik, D., Pfafferott, J., Resler, J., Rissmann, S., Russo, E., Salim, M., Schrempf, M., Schwenkel, J., Seckmeyer, G., Schubert, S., Sühring, M., von Tils, R., Vollmer, L., Ward, S., Witha, B., Wurps, H., Zeidler, J., and Raasch, S. (2020). Overview of the PALM model system 6.0, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 1335–1372.

[2] Mohd Sidek, Lariyah & Jaafar, Aminah Shakirah & Majid, Wan & Basri, Hidayah & Marufuzzaman, Mohammad & Fared, Muzad & Moon, Wei. (2021). High-Resolution Hydrological-Hydraulic Modeling of Urban Floods Using InfoWorks ICM. Sustainability. 13. 10259. 10.3390/su131810259.

How to cite: Soler, J., Martinez, M., Goler, R., Bügelmayer-Blaschek, M., Schneider, M., and Hochebner, A.: Urban climate challenges: An integrated approach to mitigating flood risks and heat stress., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4042,, 2025.

Tropical cyclones are becoming increasingly frequent and intense. In urban areas, the risks induced by strong winds can be amplified due to the alteration of urban airflow caused by complex urban structures. Understanding the impact of urban morphology and approaching wind conditions on urban wind environments is of great importance for enhancing urban resilience to climate change and mitigating the catastrophic effects of tropical cyclones. To address this, the present study employs Embedded Large Eddy Simulation (ELES) model to simulate the flow field within a realistic urban building complex, analyzing the probability density function of pedestrian-level wind (PLW) environments and the associated wind-induced risks. Results reveal that PLW conditions deteriorate significantly with increasing upstream terrain roughness, given a fixed reference wind speed under typhoon conditions. Specifically, normalized time-averaged and gust velocities at pedestrian level can reach up to 1.0 and 2.0, respectively, for an upstream terrain roughness length of 0.30 m, compared to 0.5 and 1.0 for a roughness length of 0.01 m. In contrast, building morphology shows limited influence on PLW under typhoon conditions, even when the average building height is halved.  These findings offer valuable insights for climate-adaptive urban design and the development of sustainable cities capable of withstanding the impacts of tropical cyclones.

How to cite: Chu, R. and Wang, K.: Simulating the urban wind-induced risks under typhoon conditions using ELES model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4813,, 2025.

EGU25-5802 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Improving the spatial mapping of historical climate impacts by integrating hazard and exposure layers 

Shijie Li, Malcolm N. Mistry, Ni Li, Karim Zantout, Gabriele Messori, Jacob Schewe, Wim Thiery, and Giovanni Forzieri

Historical impacts of hydro-climate extremes collected in existing global disaster databases are typically recorded at the country or subnational administrative level. Such coarse spatial resolution strongly masks the spatial variability of phenomena and limits the assessment of the potential underlying environmental and human drivers. Here, we develop a new global spatially explicit database of impacts of hydro-climate extremes by integrating hazard and exposure layers. We focus on fatalities and economic damage caused by heatwaves, cold waves, droughts, and floods occurred over the 1981-2019 period. Impact records following the occurrence of hydro-climate extremes are initially derived from existing disaster databases. For each reported impact we identify those grid cells, within the administrative unit under consideration, that experienced a hydro-climate hazard at the time of the recorded event. Spatiotemporal dynamics of hydro-climate hazards are derived using the flood-fill algorithm applied to ETCCDI indicators retrieved from ERA5-Land reanalysis data. This allows us to identify spatially coherent patterns of hydro-climate extreme conditions within a three-dimensional data cube (space-time). The reported impact is finally distributed across grid cells subject to hydro-climate hazard and using local GDP and population density as weights retrieved from high resolution global products. Results are confronted with independent observational and modeled assessments of hydro-climate impacts. This new database offers a unique contribution to improving the quantitative estimation of global socioeconomic vulnerabilities to hydro-climate extremes and the consequent risks associated with climate change.

How to cite: Li, S., Mistry, M. N., Li, N., Zantout, K., Messori, G., Schewe, J., Thiery, W., and Forzieri, G.: Improving the spatial mapping of historical climate impacts by integrating hazard and exposure layers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5802,, 2025.

EGU25-5828 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Future Atmospheric Icing Conditions for Energy Infrastructure over Fennoscandia Resolved with a High-Resolution Regional Climate Model 

Oskari Rockas, Pia Isolähteenmäki, Marko Laine, Anders Lindfors, Karoliina Hämäläinen, and Anton Laakso

Societies nowadays are increasingly reliant on electricity, underscoring the need for reliable energy production. In cold climates, ice accumulation can cause significant harm to structures such as power transmission lines, leading to power loss or, in the worst case, the collapse of wires or transmission towers. Thus, as climate change is expected to impact winter weather conditions in northern Europe, its effects on atmospheric icing occurrence over Fennoscandian region is a crucial area of study. We utilize an ice accretion model based on ISO 12494, driven by outputs from the high-resolution regional climate model HCLIM, to analyze in-cloud icing conditions over two twenty-year periods: mid-century (2040-2060) and end-of-century (2080-2100). The regional outputs are bounded by two global climate models (EC-EARTH and GFDL-CM3) under the RCP 8.5 emission scenario. We present the modelling results for in-cloud icing conditions over northern Europe compared to the control period (1985-2005).  The analysis is done over several altitudes, which allows consideration of the effect on transmission power lines in terms of corona losses, as well as on ice formation affecting wind power production.

This work is supported by EU HORIZON-RIA project n:o 101093939, RISKADAPT - Asset Level Modelling of Risks in the Face of Climate Induced Extreme Events and Adaptation.

How to cite: Rockas, O., Isolähteenmäki, P., Laine, M., Lindfors, A., Hämäläinen, K., and Laakso, A.: Future Atmospheric Icing Conditions for Energy Infrastructure over Fennoscandia Resolved with a High-Resolution Regional Climate Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5828,, 2025.

EGU25-7047 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Performance of a deep learning generative surrogate model for flood inundation forecasting 

Chanyu Yang and Fiachra O'Loughlin

Conventionally, models used for flood inundation forecasting are typically physically based and computationally intense. This limits their suitability for operational flood inundation forecasting where high-resolution data are critical. Deep Learning (DL) models have been proven to be able to reduce the computational burden while maintaining acceptable accuracies. However, some DL surrogate models often require complex model architectures that result in high computational costs to capture flood dynamics across the entire domain.

With the recent development of advanced DL models, generative models have the potential to overcome the need for computationally expensive model architecture and to be useful in flood inundation forecasting. Generative models can: generate synthetic data, capture complex relationships between different variables (e.g., hydrological, meteorological and topographical estimates) and allow for domain transferability. In this study, we developed a deep generative model as a surrogate model for flood inundation forecasting and investigated its performance under various spatial and temporal resolutions. The initial results indicate that increasing spatial resolution has a bigger impact on model training time compared to increasing temporal resolution; however, does not impact model prediction time. Additionally, the model accuracy tends to increase with the increase in resolution at the expense of computational costs. Enlarging the computation sub-domain can shorten the overall model run time and improve model accuracy but it's subject to hardware capacity. These findings indicate that the proposed generative surrogate model has the potential for operational flood forecasting.

How to cite: Yang, C. and O'Loughlin, F.: Performance of a deep learning generative surrogate model for flood inundation forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7047,, 2025.

EGU25-9039 | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Probabilistic modeling of multiple spatial hazards: application to agricultural droughts, hydrological droughts and fire weather. 

Benjamin Renard, Renaud Barbero, Issa Goukouni, Jean-Philippe Vidal, Louise Mimeau, Carina Furusho-Percot, Iñaki García de Cortázar-Atauri, Maël Aubry, Thomas Opitz, and Denis Allard

In France, year 2022 witnessed severe drought conditions, with very low flows in rivers starting already during the spring season and widespread wildfire occurrences in summer. In recent years, similar occurrences of consecutive droughts and wildfire hazards have been observed in other climatic regions of the world, including Greece, Portugal, Canary Islands, Canada, California, Australia, etc. These hazards can induce numerous strong socioeconomic impacts in areas such as agriculture, silviculture, energy, ecology, drinking water, civil protection, tourism, etc., and form a complex system of multiple drivers and risks interacting over space and time. Both the individual and the joint probabilities of occurrence of these multiple hazards driving the risks are expected to evolve with climate change. 

Characterizing the severity of such multiple hazards in probabilistic terms is challenging due to the multivariate nature of the problem, and the fact that each hazard has spatial structure and heterogeneity. In this presentation, we develop a relatively parsimonious stochastic model and estimation procedure to describe the joint space-time variability of three indices: (1) the Soil Wetness Index (SWI), used to characterize agricultural droughts (i.e. soil dryness); (2) River streamflow (Q), used to characterize hydrological droughts; (3) the Fire Weather Index (FWI), used to characterize fire-prone weather conditions. All indices are used at a monthly time step over the 1958-2023 period. SWI and FWI are derived from the SAFRAN atmospheric reanalysis and are available over Metropolitan France on a regular 8*8 km spatial grid (8597 pixels). Streamflow Q is measured at 232 streamgauging stations. 

The statistical model is based on a causal diagram where we postulate that agricultural drought (SWI) is a precursor for both hydrological drought (Q) and fire-prone conditions (FWI). The space-time distribution of SWI is therefore modeled first using a dimensionality-reduction method to provide a parsimonious description of the space-time variability of SWI. The distribution of Q is then modeled conditionally on the average value taken by SWI on each river catchment, using a generalized additive model for location, scale and shape (GAMLSS) regression. Similarly, the distribution of FWI is modeled conditionally on the value taken by SWI on the same pixel with a GAMLSS regression.

Despite its simplicity, the stochastic model is shown to appropriately reproduce several key properties of the three studied hazards, in particular their joint probability of occurrence, their long-term trends and the distribution of the spatial extent or the duration of multi-hazard events. Future work will apply the model to future projections in order to estimate how these properties evolve under climate change. We finish by discussing the relevance of the proposed approach when extrapolated to extreme levels and whether or not this simple approach is adapted to other types of multiple hazards, such as heat + humidity or storm surge + flooding.

How to cite: Renard, B., Barbero, R., Goukouni, I., Vidal, J.-P., Mimeau, L., Furusho-Percot, C., García de Cortázar-Atauri, I., Aubry, M., Opitz, T., and Allard, D.: Probabilistic modeling of multiple spatial hazards: application to agricultural droughts, hydrological droughts and fire weather., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9039,, 2025.

EGU25-9504 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Use of time lags for sampling combined flood and heavy rainfall events 

Felix Simon and Christoph Mudersbach

Research on compound events is crucial due to their increasing frequency and severity in a changing climate. These events, such as simultaneous heatwaves and droughts or concurrent storm surges and heavy rainfall, can lead to cascading impacts that far exceed the damage caused by individual extremes. Understanding the interactions and dependencies between multiple extreme factors is essential to accurately assess risks, improve predictive models and enhance resilience strategies.

In this context, particular attention must be paid to small headwater catchments, where there is a causal relationship between heavy rainfall and river flooding. In the following analyses, this relationship is examined using precipitation data from the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)-RADKLIM and ERA5-Land reanalysis, as well as corresponding discharge gauges in Germany. The influence of different catchment characteristics, such as topography, on the relationship between precipitation and runoff is analysed. Sampling is a critical component for further analysis, particularly for determining joint probabilities of occurrence. This study utilises simultaneous time series of precipitation and runoff to achieve this objective. The maximum discharge within a specified period following an extreme precipitation event is determined, with the time lag between the determination of the maximum value playing a pivotal role. The present analyses provide a comprehensive illustration of the variations between different time intervals. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the influence of this parameter on the relationship between heavy rainfall and runoff in a catchment area, and to discuss the effects this has on the determination of the joint probability of occurrence. The joint probability of occurrence is determined using the correlation coefficient and corresponding copula functions.

How to cite: Simon, F. and Mudersbach, C.: Use of time lags for sampling combined flood and heavy rainfall events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9504,, 2025.

EGU25-9734 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Landslide Risk and Urban Development: The Response of Ali Mendjeli to Constantine's Geological Challenges 

Ikram Saidi, Mohamed Abdelkader, and Klára Czimre

Landslides are a significant global hazard, posing serious risks to both human life and infrastructure, particularly in regions with unstable geological conditions. In Constantine, Algeria, landslides have been a persistent challenge, severely impacting urban areas and creating significant challenges for city planning and development. As a response to these challenges, the city of Ali Mendjeli was established 15 kilometers south of Constantine. This relocation was driven by two primary factors: managing the city's growth to prevent uncontrolled expansion and addressing the frequent landslides and natural disasters that rendered many homes unsafe. Ali Mendjeli was selected for its flat terrain and elevated position, making it ideal for urban development. The city was designed to accommodate displaced residents, mitigate landslide risks, and manage urban sprawl. In Constantine, areas with slopes ranging from 10%-20% (accounting for 45.46% of landslides) and 5%-10% (32.10%) were particularly vulnerable, prompting the relocation of residents to Ali Mendjeli. Since its establishment, Ali Mendjeli's population has grown rapidly, from 64,483 in 2008 to 243,214 in 2020, highlighting the demand for housing and infrastructure. The city's development illustrates how landslide risks in Constantine influenced population growth, providing a safer environment for displaced residents and accommodating a growing population. To investigate the landslide phenomena in Constantine, we conducted field observations to assess impacted areas and mitigation efforts. This was supported by secondary data, including a literature review, statistical population data, the Master Plan for the Development and Urbanism of Ali Mendjeli, and relevant legislation from the Official Journal of the Algerian Republic (SGG). The development of Ali Mendjeli serves as a case study demonstrating how geological hazards like landslides shape urban expansion. It highlights the importance of urban planning in managing these risks and highlights the role of interdisciplinary collaboration in fostering safer, more stable communities.

Keywords: Landslide Risk, Geological Hazards, Urban Planning, Urban Resilience, Population Relocation, Population Growth, Algeria.

How to cite: Saidi, I., Abdelkader, M., and Czimre, K.: Landslide Risk and Urban Development: The Response of Ali Mendjeli to Constantine's Geological Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9734,, 2025.

The RISKADAPT project addresses the growing challenges caused by extreme weather phenomena on critical infrastructure. This study contributes to the project by assessing the hydrodynamic loads on the piers and abutments of the Polyfytos Bridge, located at the Polyfytos Lake, Greece. Specifically, it evaluates the discharge rates, water flow velocities, and water levels under present and future climate projections to understand the potential risks to this critical asset from climate-induced flooding. Climate change, through its effects on temperature and precipitation patterns, disrupts the hydrological cycle, resulting in altered river runoff regimes. The study employs hydrological and hydraulic modeling techniques to assess these impacts on critical infrastructure. A hydrological model is used to convert different precipitation scenarios into river discharges, considering present and future climate projections. Next, the hydraulic model simulation provides water flow parameters, which are the basis for estimating the risk of scour formation around the Polyfytos Bridge piers. The modeling was conducted using the HEC-RAS software. For the first phase, the study utilized extreme precipitation data with three return periods (50, 100, and 1,000 years) for present and future climates. Historical data were drawn from global extreme precipitation (GPEX) datasets, and future projections were sourced from the EURO-CORDEX dataset, encompassing 48 combinations of global circulation and regional climate models. These data were used to predict the impact of future climate scenarios on extreme discharges, with some projections indicating a decrease in extreme discharges, while others predict an increase of 48%, 46%, and 30% for the events with return periods of 50, 100, and 1,000 years, respectively. In the second phase, hydrological results were used to generate hydrographs, which served as an input for the hydraulic simulations at the Polyfytos Lake inflow. The hydraulic modeling provided key parameters, such as water depth, surface elevation, flow velocity, and discharge, essential for further scour analysis. Results indicated that the hydrodynamic loads on the bridge piers were relatively low, even under extreme flood events. Water flow velocities remained below 0.5 m/s during the 100-year flood event, suggesting a low risk of scour formation that could compromise the bridge’s stability. The analysis of future climate scenarios showed varying impacts on discharge rates, with some indicating an increase in extreme discharges. However, the conclusion was that the Polyfytos Bridge is not significantly susceptible to scour, even under the most extreme projected climate conditions.

How to cite: Skerjanec, M. and Rak, G.: Evaluating hydrodynamic loads on bridge piers: a pilot case study of the RISKADAPT project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10232,, 2025.

EGU25-10321 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6 | Highlight

An approach to modeling interactions between extreme weather events during multi-hazard events 

Alex de La Cruz Coronas, Beniamino Russo, Barry Evans, Albert Chen, and Jess Penny

The IPCC AR6 report outlined that global warming can grow the number of multi-hazards worldwide, with particular emphasis on coincident heatwaves and droughts, followed by wildfires; and floods and extreme sea level episodes leading to extensive costal floods (IPCC, 2023). To fully understand and increase preparedness against this kind of events the, a holistic multi-hazard and multi-sectoral perspective is needed (Russo et al., 2023; UNDRR, 2015). Coincident storm surges and extreme rainfall events present significant challenges for flood management as the interaction between both hazards can lead more severe scenarios: Storm surges result in temporary increase of sea level, while pluvial flooding overwhelms urban drainage systems due to excessive runoff. During storm surges, elevated sea levels can intrude into drainage systems of coastal cities through outfall pipes or block gravitational drainage. The backwater may reduce the network's capacity and potentially cause upstream flooding. This combination of factors can lead to more extensive flooding in low-lying coastal areas. However, there is limited knowledge about how to model this phenomenon.

A "one-way" coupling approach is proposed to assess this multi-hazard scenario. This method involves defining abnormal boundary conditions of model components. Outfall boundary conditions representing the extreme sea level retrieved from a hydrostatic storm surge model are used to simulate seawater intrusion into drainage network. Extreme high sea level boundary conditions are applied to account for the marine water overflow. The approach requires accurate topographic surveys of system outfalls and high-resolution digital terrain models, which can be challenging due to limited data availability. The final outputs are flood maps showing water depth and velocity in the affected areas.

Multi-hazard modelling of combined floods requires a previous joint probability assessment of occurrence of the single hazards involved.  Copula’s refer to a mathematical approach for the coupling/modelling the dependence between two or more random variables and have been used for this purpose as they allow to determine the complex dependency between random environmental variables. Therefore, they allow to evaluate the likelihood of coincident occurrence of multi-hazard events with specific return periods, and thus determine the intensity of the rainfall and the extreme sea level that would affect a region simultaneously. This information is essential to model scenarios of interest to understand the risk posed by these events and model the risk-reduction effect of different adaptation measures. Utilising Copulalib library in Python and inferring relationship between historic data variables based on their respective marginal distributions, synthetic data is generated.


Flood maps in liaison with sectoral impact assessment models allow to quantify the effect on a variety of risk receptors considering exposure information and vulnerability functions such as economic damage curves  or vulnerability curves. In addition, the holistic framework considered in ICARIA accounts for the cascading effects that the failure of one system can have on other interconnected services.

How to cite: de La Cruz Coronas, A., Russo, B., Evans, B., Chen, A., and Penny, J.: An approach to modeling interactions between extreme weather events during multi-hazard events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10321,, 2025.

EGU25-10877 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Assessment of Transportation System Disruption and Accessibility to Critical Infrastructure During Flooding: Swords, Ireland Case Study 

Sangeeta Sangeeta, Hrishikesh Dev Sarma, Rui Teixeira, and Beatriz Martinez-Pastor

Natural disasters, such as flooding, can cause significant social, environmental, and economic damage to communities. Transportation infrastructure plays a crucial role in flood response and recovery, but flooding can disrupt road functionality, leading to both direct and indirect negative impacts, including loss of access to essential services.

This paper presents a case study on the impact of flooding on transportation networks and the accessibility of critical amenities, such as health centers and fire stations, in Swords, Ireland. Using network analysis methods, including shortest path and criticality analysis, the study evaluates how flooding disrupts access from each small area (SA), defined as the lowest level of geography for statistical purposes, to these key services. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the accessibility of health centers and fire stations, assessing travel time indicators and road criticality to identify areas that become more vulnerable during flooding.

The study considers flood risk zones, including Flood Zone A (high risk of flooding with a greater than 1% chance of river flooding) and Flood Zone B (moderate risk of flooding with a 0.1% to 1% chance of river flooding). The methodology supports the development of a real-time decision support system, allowing decision-makers to explore different flood scenarios and identify vulnerable areas and populations. This approach can inform strategies for mitigating road network failures, such as temporarily relocating critical services and improving flood resilience. The results reveal varying impacts on road networks due to different environmental conditions, with significant losses in both road segments (edges) and access points (nodes), affecting critical service accessibility. In Flood Zone A, 6 critical locations were found to be inaccessible, while in Flood Zone B, this number increased to 15. The findings highlight the risk that many essential services in the area face during flooding. This research provides valuable insights for guiding infrastructure investments and hazard mitigation strategies to enhance community resilience and ensure equitable access to critical services during flood events.

How to cite: Sangeeta, S., Sarma, H. D., Teixeira, R., and Martinez-Pastor, B.: Assessment of Transportation System Disruption and Accessibility to Critical Infrastructure During Flooding: Swords, Ireland Case Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10877,, 2025.

EGU25-11131 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Assessing Coastal Flood Risks to European Critical Infrastructure under Different Global Warming Levels 

Khin Nawarat, Johan Reyns, Michalis Vousdoukas, Eamonn Mulholland, Kees van Ginkel, Luc Feyen, and Roshanka Ranasinghe

European coastal regions host an extensive network of roads and railways that support economic activity and urban development. The European Union is working to complete its Trans-European Transport (TEN-T) core network by 2030, the extended core network by 2040, and the comprehensive network by 2050. A large share of this infrastructure development will happen in coastal areas. Global warming is expected to lead to large increases in coastal flood risk. For the European transport systems, this potential increase remains largely unknown. There is a clear need for better risk assessments to ensure sustainable infrastructure planning and management. Traditional risk assessment methods typically use gridded land use maps to quantify affected transport networks, treating them as raster data. This approach tends to overestimate risks. Additionally, uncertainties associated with damage functions and asset valuation further reduce confidence in risk quantification. Our study treats transport infrastructure as vector data and integrates type-specific damage functions and asset valuations for roads and railways to provide a fully probabilistic assessment of coastal flood risk to Europe’s roads and railways for global warming levels spanning 1.5°C to 4°C. Our findings show that, on average, approximately 1,500 km of European transport networks are exposed to coastal flooding annually under baseline (1980-2020) climate conditions, causing estimated damages of up to €730 million per year. Risks rise substantially with increasing global warming. If global warming reaches 1.5°C or 2°C above the pre-industrial levels by the end of 21st century, the expected annual damage is projected to increase by ~55% compared to baseline. At 3°C of global warming, damages would rise by ~85%, and at 4°C, by ~100%, compared to baseline. The countries most affected across all considered warming levels in absolute numbers include the UK, Italy, Norway, France, and Denmark. Our results indicate that most European countries will need to allocate a greater share of their transport budgets to manage growing coastal flood risks with increasing global warming. Limiting global warming to the Paris Agreement’s targets offers significant financial benefits.

How to cite: Nawarat, K., Reyns, J., Vousdoukas, M., Mulholland, E., van Ginkel, K., Feyen, L., and Ranasinghe, R.: Assessing Coastal Flood Risks to European Critical Infrastructure under Different Global Warming Levels, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11131,, 2025.

EGU25-11887 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Enhancing Infrastructure Resilience and Risk Management through the CIPCast Decision Support System 

Alfredo Reder, Alessandro Bonfiglio, Alessandro Pugliese, Mattia Scalas, Antonio Di Pietro, Chiara Ormando, Angelo Stefani, Celina Solari, Clemente Fuggini, Arianna Verga, Cristina Attanasio, and Florencia Victoria De Maio

Monitoring, detecting, and responding to critical situations is becoming increasingly essential in light of the challenges that the built environment faces, such as heat-related stresses, floods, and droughts, further intensified by climate change. Enhancing the protective role of the built environment and improving the safety and quality of life for its occupants is crucial for the present and future. The MULTICLIMACT Horizon Europe project (GA 101123538) offers innovative solutions across three scales to address these challenges: building, urban, and territorial. Through the development of design practices, materials, technologies, and digital solutions, the project strengthens construction resilience, preparedness, and responsiveness to disruptive events, thereby improving safety and quality of life. Central to this objective is the development of an innovative platform for the prevention and damage estimation of extreme natural events across multiple scales—from individual buildings to entire regions—called the CIPCast Decision Support System. The current version of CIPCast, developed within MULTICLIMACT, integrates a wide range of data, including seismic events, weather forecasts, climate projections, Points of Interest, and Critical Infrastructure components. CIPCast analyses risk to vulnerable assets (e.g., buildings, substations, water towers) by applying established damage metrics. Additionally, it assesses the impact of restoration actions on interconnected systems, contributing to resilience assessment through social, economic, and operational indicators in real or simulated scenarios.

This study examines the use of some frameworks to assess potential damage to buildings and transportation infrastructure caused by heat-related stresses and floods, with a case study focusing on the Marche Region in Italy. For heat-related stresses, the focus is on railways and roads, critical components of transportation networks (Mulholland and Feyen 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.crm.2021.100365). Railways, susceptible to buckling under extreme heat, are assessed by combining maximum rail temperature maps with probability functions derived from the CWR-SAFE model (Kish and Samavedam 2013). This approach evaluates vulnerability based on temperature variations and track characteristics. Similarly, roads are analysed for asphalt softening using the Performance Grade (PG) metric, which defines the operational temperature range of asphalt. By integrating PG with exposure and maintenance factors, the study pinpoints areas prone to accelerated degradation, emphasising the importance of targeted maintenance. The study also examines damage caused by flooding, considering river, pluvial, and coastal floods. Damage estimation relies on probabilistic functions that correlate water depth with damage levels, as described by Huizinga et al (2017, doi: 10.2760/16510), and Karagiannis et al. (2019, doi: 10.2760/007069). These models have been applied to buildings, roads, and electric substations, enabling a comprehensive understanding of flood impacts. The frameworks adopted have been tailored, when possible, for real-time and medium-to-long-term applications, making them versatile tools for addressing both immediate risks and long-term planning needs. By delivering detailed predictions of physical damage and indirect socio-economic effects, CIPCast empowers decision-makers, such as Civil Protection agencies, to plan precise interventions, strengthen resilience to climate stress, and minimize service disruptions, ultimately enhancing safety, well-being, and quality of life for communities.

How to cite: Reder, A., Bonfiglio, A., Pugliese, A., Scalas, M., Di Pietro, A., Ormando, C., Stefani, A., Solari, C., Fuggini, C., Verga, A., Attanasio, C., and De Maio, F. V.: Enhancing Infrastructure Resilience and Risk Management through the CIPCast Decision Support System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11887,, 2025.

EGU25-12473 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Web GIS Application for Natural Hazards Risk Assessment Based on Incomplete Data 

Hélder Peixoto, Michel Jaboyedoff, and Marc-Henri Derron

Natural hazards have a significant impact on global populations causing fatalities and damage to agriculture, buildings, and infrastructure. With climate change, such hazards are expected to become more frequent and severe, especially in Alpine regions. The 10 deaths that occurred in Switzerland in the summer of 2024 illustrate these problems, in regions where the hazard estimated in the past is probably no longer relevant. This project aims to develop a WebGIS application for natural hazard risk assessment using open-source technologies and free data from Swiss platforms, introducing uncertainty in the parameters used to estimate the risk. This approach is similar to Cat-models.

The application was built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and plugins like Bootstrap, Leaflet, AGGrid, and Chart.js. Data was sourced from Swiss official platforms, and six methodologies were used to estimate potential damage by assessing building vulnerability, which can be adjusted based on expert opinions for specific areas. Moreover, statistical techniques were implemented to address missing building data.

Results include total damage values per year, exportable in CSV format, and exceedance probability curves shown in histograms and graphs. Different approaches are used to calculate risk, introducing different types of uncertainty depending on the type of input data and approach, e.g. the standard Swiss risk method, which provides only one risk value, is also used to generate exceedance curves. These results were consistent with those from those Swiss assessment tools. This probabilistic approach is standard in the insurance and reinsurance industries and for planners and decision-makers.

This study leverages open-source technologies, demonstrating that different models can be applied to various geographical areas depending on data availability. Future enhancements, such as a mobile app for assessing building attributes like height, construction type, and materials, would further increase the accuracy of damage estimates.


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How to cite: Peixoto, H., Jaboyedoff, M., and Derron, M.-H.: Web GIS Application for Natural Hazards Risk Assessment Based on Incomplete Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12473,, 2025.

EGU25-12580 | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Exploring the potential of dimensionality-reduction techniques for impact-based flood mapping 

Vasilis Bellos, Ioannis Tsoukalas, Panagiotis Kossieris, Carmelina Costanzo, and Pierfranco Costabile

Flood nowcasting at detailed, fine spatiotemporal scales is crucial for the deployment of reliable warning systems, especially in built-up environments where the majority of socio-economic activity is concentrated. These environments are also characterized by significant complexities that require sufficient detail, up to street level. The derivation of flood maps for early warning systems can be organized via three main pillars: a) nowcasting of rainfall at high spatiotemporal resolution, typically obtained from weather radars; b) deployment of physics-based mechanistic simulators, typically based on 2D Shallow Water Equations; c) utilization of High-Performance Computing (HPC) facilities to handle the associated significant computational effort and make practically feasible the computational process. However, even with such infrastructure, there are still limitations mainly arising from: a) model errors, either related with the epistemic or the deep uncertainty of real-world randomness; b) the required simulation time which can still be prohibitive for the development of operational nowcasting tools, especially for large case study areas. The first limitation is addressed through impact-based approaches, in which uncertainties are compensated through the translation of the natural variables derived by the model (i.e. water depths and flow velocities) into classified hazard zones. With respect to the second limitation, surrogate modelling, and particularly the relevant Machine Learning (ML) techniques, promises a potential remedy to the high computational burden, since it enables the development of fast emulators based on the results derived by the mechanistic (accurate, yet slow) simulators. However, the high spatiotemporal variability of flood-related variables, as exhibited in detailed scales increases significantly the dimensionality of the problem, hampering the application of such techniques in real-world operational conditions. To address this, herein we explore the use of dimensionality-reduction techniques such as, Single Value Decomposition (SVD) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which are widely employed, for similar purposes, in the domain of data science. The feasibility of such methods is investigated via impact-based flood maps derived by a detailed mechanistic simulator in real-world conditions.

How to cite: Bellos, V., Tsoukalas, I., Kossieris, P., Costanzo, C., and Costabile, P.: Exploring the potential of dimensionality-reduction techniques for impact-based flood mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12580,, 2025.

EGU25-14649 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Evaluating the Spatial Generalizability of ML- and DL-Based Surrogate Models for Flood Depth Prediction 

Oveys Ziya, Laxmi Sushama, and Husham Almansour

Two-dimensional hydrodynamic models are widely used for flood modeling; however, their computational complexity limits their application for real-time flood forecasting and iterative frameworks requiring a large number of model runs. To address this, previous research has focused on developing surrogate models using machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques to predict flood depth. Despite advancements, many of these models lack spatial generalizability and are constrained to the specific locations where they were trained. This study compares the performance of four surrogate models developed using three traditional ML methods (Random Forest, XG-Boost, and Least-Squares Support Vector Machine), which do not inherently account for spatial relationships and a DL method (U-Net) to evaluate their generalizability to unseen locations for identical rainfall hyetograph. The dataset used for this study was generated using a calibrated HEC-RAS flood model for Montreal Island. To enhance model performance and capture relationship between spatial characteristics and flood depth, the modeling framework incorporates multiple explanatory variables: depth to water sinks, curvature, flow accumulation, slope, elevation difference between pixel and focal mean, roughness index, topographic position index, topographic wetness index, and surface elevation. Results demonstrate superior performance of the DL-based method compared to the traditional ML approaches considered, attributed to its capacity to capture the spatial correlation of flood depths between neighboring cells. The performance of the models over unseen locations show root mean squared error (RMSE, in m) and mean absolute error (MAE, in m) of 0.336 and 0.184 for RF, 0.341 and 0.181 for XG-Boost, 0.336 and 0.183 for LS-SVM, and 0.197 and 0.105 for U-Net models, respectively. These findings are consistent with previous studies that highlight the challenges of achieving spatial generalizability in surrogate models and show the competitive accuracy of the U-Net model. While the DL-based surrogate model exhibits limitations in accurately predicting high flood depths, which are critical for flood-induced damage assessment, these results underscore both the potential of DL-based surrogate models for efficient and spatially transferable flood modeling and the need for further research to improve predictions of extreme flood depths and extend the model’s generalizability to unseen hyetographs.

How to cite: Ziya, O., Sushama, L., and Almansour, H.: Evaluating the Spatial Generalizability of ML- and DL-Based Surrogate Models for Flood Depth Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14649,, 2025.

EGU25-14663 | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Assessing Critical Facility Accessibility and Road Network Criticality Under Flood-Induced Failures: A Resilience-Based Framework for Climate Change Adaptation 

Sangeeta Sangeeta, Hrishikesh Dev Sarma, Beatriz Martinez-Pastor, Helen McHenry, and Rui Teixeira

Critical infrastructure, including transportation, energy supply, telecommunications, water supply, and government and emergency services, is essential for sustaining societal functioning and the well-being of people. Ensuring accessibility to critical facilities, such as health centers and fire stations, is particularly crucial for supporting life-saving and life-sustaining activities during and after disasters.

Flooding, a frequent and costly natural hazard, presents significant challenges to infrastructure accessibility. With climate change, the frequency and intensity of coastal and fluvial flooding are projected to increase, highlighting the need for a deeper understanding of its impacts on critical facilities. Ensuring these facilities remain accessible during and after flooding protects vulnerable populations and facilitates life-saving activities.

This study examines the impact of flood-induced disruptions on accessibility to health centers in Ennis, Ireland, under three scenarios: the Present Day, Mid-Range Future Scenario (MRFS), and High-End Future Scenario (HEFS). These scenarios reflect the anticipated increases in flood frequency and intensity for both coastal and fluvial flooding under future climate conditions. High-resolution flood maps are used to simulate the spatial extent of flooding and its effects on the road network.

A comprehensive framework is developed to assess accessibility loss and road criticality, integrating both physical and social vulnerabilities. This framework is designed to monitor the deterioration of territorial accessibility to critical infrastructure as a result of the cumulative elimination of road sections due to flooding. It incorporates a betweenness centrality (BC) metric to identify essential road segments that connect communities to critical services, helping to pinpoint areas most vulnerable to disruption. This approach enables the identification of key routes that are crucial for maintaining access to critical services during and after flooding events, enhancing preparedness and resilience. Social vulnerability is evaluated through a Social Vulnerability Index, emphasizing the disproportionate impacts on vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, children, low-income households, the disabled, and those with bad and very bad health conditions.

The results reveal significant reductions in accessibility across all scenarios, with disparities worsening under future climate conditions. In the MRFS, the frequency and extent of accessibility disruptions increase compared to the present day, with travel times to health centers rising significantly, reflecting moderate climate impacts. In the HEFS, the situation becomes more dire, with a large portion of critical roads becoming impassable, and travel times to health centers and fire stations increasing substantially in the worst-affected areas.

These findings highlight the urgent need to improve infrastructure and implement proactive planning to address access challenges caused by flooding. Recommendations include upgrading critical roads, establishing real-time flood response systems, and temporarily relocating services during extreme flood events. By integrating social vulnerability into planning, this research offers practical guidance for fostering equitable community resilience and ensuring uninterrupted access to essential services during future climate-related disruptions. Emphasizing a resilience-based approach, the study provides actionable insights for policymakers and stakeholders in Ennis and similar urban areas to develop sustainable solutions that address both the physical impacts of flooding and the associated social vulnerabilities, underscoring the critical role of climate change adaptation strategies in safeguarding critical infrastructure and protecting vulnerable populations.

How to cite: Sangeeta, S., Sarma, H. D., Martinez-Pastor, B., McHenry, H., and Teixeira, R.: Assessing Critical Facility Accessibility and Road Network Criticality Under Flood-Induced Failures: A Resilience-Based Framework for Climate Change Adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14663,, 2025.

EGU25-14728 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Enhancing Flood Resilience of Urban Drainage Networks by Identifying Blind-Spots in Logically Interconnected Systems 

Samuel Park, Hyeong Gyu Kim, Sumin Jung, David J. Yu, Hoon C. Shin, Wootae Kim, Shilong Li, Eungyeol Heo, and Jeryang Park

The growing interconnectivity of critical infrastructure systems in urban areas has escalated cascading failure risks, where disruptions in one system propagate to others. Urban drainage networks, essential for pluvial flood risk reduction, can paradoxically be vulnerable due to their interconnected network structure. While existing studies focus on physical and geographical interdependencies, the role of ‘logical interdependencies’—rooted in the numerous nested institutional policies, contingency plans, and emergency response protocols— still remains unclear. This highlights the necessity of an integrated approach that combines complex network theory and automated text analysis tools to identify hidden vulnerabilities, or "blind-spots." Logical interdependencies within urban drainage networks play a crucial role during urban flooding, where institutional gaps or human errors may inadvertently align to amplify disaster risks. To address this issue, we hypothesize that: (1) logical interdependencies can influence failure propagation, but adaptive management of blind-spots can enhance resilience; and (2) text-mining tools can effectively identify and analyze these blind-spots through institutional analysis. By adopting a multidisciplinary approach that integrates network theory and institutional analysis, this research aims to uncover critical blind-spots in logical interdependencies. The findings will provide valuable insights for enhancing sustainable stormwater management and strengthening the flood resilience of interconnected urban water infrastructure systems against coupled disaster risks.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (RS-2024-00356786) and Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute grant funded by the Ministry of Environment (RS-2023-00218973).

How to cite: Park, S., Kim, H. G., Jung, S., Yu, D. J., Shin, H. C., Kim, W., Li, S., Heo, E., and Park, J.: Enhancing Flood Resilience of Urban Drainage Networks by Identifying Blind-Spots in Logically Interconnected Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14728,, 2025.

EGU25-15647 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Analysis of flood compound events in the Andalusian Costa del Sol. A ClimEmpower Case Study 

Patricia Molina López, Beniamino Russo, and Felice D'Alessandro


Coastal urban areas, particularly those in the Mediterranean coast, face an increasing probability of compound flooding into both current and projected climate change conditions (Bevacqua et al, 2019). In the Costa del Sol Occidental region of southern Spain, multi-hazard flood events—encompassing pluvial, coastal, and fluvial hazards—interact to produce significant impacts on populations, economies, and ecosystems. Research (IPCC, 2023; Zscheischler et al., 2018) highlights that the combined effects of multiple hazards on human and economic assets often exceed the sum of their individual impacts. This interplay results in greater flood depths and wider extents than those caused by single hazards occurring independently.
Despite these challenges, there is a lack of understanding and comprehensive tools in the region that account for the interdependencies of these hazards, particularly the compounding effects of pluvial flooding combined with coastal hydrodynamics. The aim of this research is to fill this gap by developing a multi-hazard risk model that takes into account the  interplay among pluvial flooding, coastal inundation, and the influence of ephemeral rivers in the region.
This study is part of the EU-funded ClimEmpower project, which focuses on enhancing resilience in five Mediterranean regions that are highly vulnerable to climate risks. ClimEmpower aims to provide tools, datasets, and indicators to address climate risks, enabling stakeholders to make more informed decisions regarding climate adaptation strategies.
The case study focuses on the Costa del Sol, a region located in the province of Málaga (Andalusia) in southern Spain. It encompasses 11 municipalities covering a total area of approximately 800 km2 and distributed along more than 100 km of coastline. The case of Costa del Sol will develop an integrated approach that combines 1D/2D sewer modeling (MIKE Urban) with coastal hydrodynamic simulations (MIKE Zero), addressing both pluvial and coastal flooding mechanisms under both present and future climate scenarios using a loosely-coupled approach. 
The research will also assess the probability of occurrence of compound flooding events and will update the IDF curves, which are crucial for designing urban drainage systems and planning flood mitigation measures. To achieve this, high-resolution pluviometric data (sub-hourly data) was requested to authorities such as Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET), the basin Authority and the Andalusian Environmental Information Network (REDIAM).
A key challenge in this study regards data collection. Sewer network data is often incomplete or unavailable due to the management of different water utilities across the 11 municipalities of the study area. To overcome these data gaps, the study will apply a gap-filling methodology developed under the EU-funded ICARIA project (Moumtzidou et al., 2024). Additionally, the project will develop a social media crowdsourcing methodology to collect information about events that will be used to calibrate the models.
This research is expected to provide local authorities with essential tools for flood risk management and climate adaptation, empowering them to design more resilient urban environments and flood management strategies to address increasing compound events.


This research is part of the ClimEmpower project, funded by the Horizon Europe program of the European Union under Grant Agreement No.101112728 (

How to cite: Molina López, P., Russo, B., and D'Alessandro, F.: Analysis of flood compound events in the Andalusian Costa del Sol. A ClimEmpower Case Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15647,, 2025.

EGU25-16747 | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

An RBF Approach for Enhanced Surrogate Modeling of a Debris Flow 

Damiano Pasetto, Deependra Kumar, Eleonora Spricigo, Mario Putti, and Antonia Larese

In the last decades we have observed a rapid growth of extreme hydrological events, such as floods and rock/debris or mud flows affecting more and more frequently our lives. The detailed physical description of these viscous fluids is fundamental to understand the caused stress on possible flood control structures, such as levees, dams, check dams. However, its simulation through high fidelity physics-based computational models, using for example the Material Point Method (MPM), is extremely computationally demanding, thus limiting the application to real system monitoring.

The development of surrogate models to efficiently replicate the relevant features of the flow is of paramount importance to make a substantial step in the direction of real-time computations, required in any early warning system and to develop mitigation strategies.

Surrogate models have gained significant attention in recent years, especially with the advent of machine learning and the development of neural network-based methods, such as Fourier Neural Operators and Deep Operator Networks, among others. 
Here we consider surrogates based on Kernel methods, which demonstrated distinct advantages over widely used neural network-based approaches and provide rigorous error analysis. As fractal functions are pivotal in addressing nonlinear and irregular problems, we propose using the recently developed fractal RBFs as kernel of the surrogate model.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we consider a 2D debris flow along a 5m flume as a test scenario, where the outputs of interest are the position of the front and the velocities as functions of the fluid density and the inclination angle of the slope. 
Our results explore the accuracy and computational efficiency of the fractal RBF surrogate model compared to other kernel-based approaches.

How to cite: Pasetto, D., Kumar, D., Spricigo, E., Putti, M., and Larese, A.: An RBF Approach for Enhanced Surrogate Modeling of a Debris Flow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16747,, 2025.

Experiences with climate change-induced events incentivise research on prevention and management of the effects. Risk assessment is an important tool to envisage risks related to climate change and the socio-economic impacts. Therefore, insight into socio-economic impacts is crucial. In this paper a meso and micro perspective will be used to analyse the socio-economic impacts of climate change in the case of Cattinara hospital in Trieste, Italy. The meso perspective encompasses the findings of the development of a spatial microsimulation model aimed at estimating geographical distributions of relevant socio-economic indicators for regions affected by climate induced events. It also includes the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to map the outputs as well as econometric analysis of the model outputs. The simulation outputs (i.e. the attributes of the synthetic individuals) can include a wide range of policy relevant variables such as earned income, employment status and sector, age, well-being measures and perceptions on various aspects of individuals’ lifes among others. The findings show that a fully operational hospital is positively and significantly linked to the happiness levels of municipalities. However, partially operational hospitals do not exhibit a statistically significant relationship with happiness when we control for municipalities’ socio economic characteristics.

The micro perspective comprises the findings of a survey distributed among technicians, practitioners of the Cattinara hospital and representatives of civil society organisations of the municipality of Trieste and others. The findings demonstrate that hospitalized people are most vulnerable and exposed to the health impacts that may be created by likely climate change-induced damage to the Cattinara hospital, followed by hospital personnel. Damage to the hospital building is the most relevant economic impact that might be created by climate change extreme events, followed by the impacts on the whole hospital’s supply chain. The impacts on the logistics associated with public services provision in relation to the likely need for transferring patients to other healthcare facilities and/or to the temporary hospital’s closure are the most relevant.

While the meso perspective on climate change impact indicates that a partically functioning hospital is important assuming that access to health care will be continued, the micro perspective on climate change impact points out that the hospital’s building and supply chain have to be taken into account as well in risk assessment of climate change-induced events.

How to cite: Winnubst, M.: Meso and micro perspective on climate change impacts, the case of Cattinara hospital Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17562,, 2025.

EGU25-17571 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Regional Flood Assessment of Bridges Using Open Data 

Eleonora Perugini, Sotirios Argyroudis, Enrico Tubaldi, and Stergios-Aristoteles Mitoulis

The escalating risk of flooding attributed to climate change poses significant threats to infrastructure, particularly bridges, which are critical components of transportation networks. As severe weather events become more frequent, the damage to these structures has profound economic and social implications, impacting not only infrastructure maintenance costs but also community safety and mobility. Recent flood events have clearly shown the severe impact of extreme flooding on bridges and society. In September 2020, a major flood impacted Karditsa County in Greece causing over €30 million in direct losses due to damage to infrastructure and tens of bridges suffered substantial damage or complete failure. In July 2021 over one hundred bridges were damaged during the exceptional flood event in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany. In September 2022, the Marche and Umbria regions in Italy were affected by an extreme flood and over 30 bridges were severely damaged. In August 2023, Slovenia also witnessed the most devastating floods ever recorded. In 2024, Europe experienced several floods caused by prolonged heavy rainfall, among which Storm Boris impacted numerous countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

Traditional assessments of resilience often focus narrowly on individual bridges, neglecting the interconnected nature of transportation networks. However, this approach overlooks how the failure of a single bridge can disrupt an entire network, amplifying the impact of natural disasters. To enhance overall system resilience, this work proposes a network-scale perspective analysis using Open Data and addressing the complexities and uncertainties associated with data gaps such as bridge characteristics, vulnerability data or accurate hazard intensity measures. The proposed approach helps to prioritise bridge structures that are particularly vulnerable to flooding and define a robust methodology for assessing network resilience concerning flood hazards.

The methodology is applied in a critical part of the road network of the Region of West Macedonia (Greece) using representative fragility functions and flood maps at regional scale. The results demonstrate the potential of Open Data as a valuable resource for conducting large-scale resilience analyses for critical infrastructure, enabling the identification of vulnerabilities and the prioritisation of interventions even in regions with limited access to proprietary or detailed data. This innovative approach not only aims to improve the understanding of network resilience in the face of climate change but also seeks to inform policymakers and stakeholders in making data-driven decisions for future infrastructure development and maintenance.

How to cite: Perugini, E., Argyroudis, S., Tubaldi, E., and Mitoulis, S.-A.: Regional Flood Assessment of Bridges Using Open Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17571,, 2025.

EGU25-18067 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Effectiveness and trade-offs of green versus gray coastal infrastructure in flood resilience 

Madison Cicha, Gabrielle Rabelo Quadra, Bjorn Robroek, and Christian Fritz

As climate change contributes to sea level rise and storms intensifying around the world, coastal communities are becoming increasingly exposed to flood risks. Therefore, coastal flood protection and resilience is more important than ever. To achieve such protection, we must understand the benefits and drawbacks of various types of infrastructure built to insulate these communities from flooding. In this literature review, we examine and report on the current knowledge surrounding green, or natural, versus gray coastal infrastructure and its effectiveness specifically in regards to flood resilience. We also further explore and synthesize findings of the ways in which certain structures may affect, positively or negatively, other ecosystem services in these areas.

How to cite: Cicha, M., Rabelo Quadra, G., Robroek, B., and Fritz, C.: Effectiveness and trade-offs of green versus gray coastal infrastructure in flood resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18067,, 2025.

EGU25-18988 | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Precipitation-induced landslides in data-scarce sites: challenges and applications in the French Pyrenees 

Yannick Thiery, Bastien Colas, and Guitet Jeremie

Landslides are ubiquitous geomorphological phenomena occurring in various parts of the world, not only in mountainous regions with irregular terrain but also in areas with more moderate relief (e.g., cuesta fronts, plateau slopes, rocky coastal zones). Each year, they cause significant damage to populations and infrastructure. A large majority of landslides are triggered by precipitation.

Currently, there is a growing implementation of early warning systems for these rapid and sometimes destructive events. These tools represent a powerful alternative to mitigate human losses and reduce infrastructure damage. However, such tools rely on precise landslide data catalogs, including accurate location and timing. This information is essential to produce susceptibility maps and establish triggering thresholds. These thresholds enable the construction of destabilization scenarios to assist authorities during crises or emergencies while facilitating prediction and prevention efforts for local populations.

Unfortunately, in many cases, even when landslides are well-located, there remain significant uncertainties regarding their occurrence dates (ranging from weeks to months or years). For instance, the French national database reports that only 21% of landslides are dated to the nearest day, while 69% are dated beyond a month. These temporal limitations complicate the establishment of usable triggering thresholds and reduce the effectiveness of warning tools.

Since 2019, the French Pyrenees have experienced an increase in rainfall events associated with significant geomorphological manifestations on slopes, such as superficial landslides. These phenomena have impacted infrastructure, notably roads and tracks, causing traffic interruptions, as recently observed in the Aspe Valley. Some areas not previously identified as susceptible to landslides highlight the need to improve knowledge and prediction of these events.

This contribution presents a methodology applied to two sectors in the French Pyrenees (Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Hautes-Pyrénées) to establish triggering thresholds probabilities using a recent landslide catalog. The limited and recent temporal data availability raises questions about their relevance. To address this constraint, a strategy was developed to define probabilities associated with specific rainfall episodes and establish vigilance thresholds. These thresholds were spatially applied and coupled with landslide susceptibility maps to obtain triggering probabilities under given meteorological conditions. This methodology represents a first step toward the development of a warning tool for rainfall-induced landslides in the Pyrenees.

How to cite: Thiery, Y., Colas, B., and Jeremie, G.: Precipitation-induced landslides in data-scarce sites: challenges and applications in the French Pyrenees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18988,, 2025.

EGU25-19818 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Assessing the risk of a power transmission tower and its possible adaptation options to climate change in a Nordic Climate. 

Dimitrios Bilionis, Theodora Karali, Alexios Camarinopoulos, and Georgia Karali

The EU-funded RISKADAPT project (GA: 101093939) introduces an innovative, modular, and user-friendly platform, PRISKADAPT, developed in collaboration with end-users to facilitate systemic, risk-informed decision-making for adapting to climate change (CC)-induced compound events. With a focus on structural systems, this study showcases results from one of RISKADAPT's four pilot initiatives, specifically targeting the energy transmission grid in a Nordic climate. Power grid infrastructure is a cornerstone of modern society, underpinning daily activities such as work, communication, transportation, and leisure. The uninterrupted distribution of electricity is essential, with power transmission lines, comprising conductors and steel towers, serving as the "highways" of electricity. Consequently, ensuring their high performance and resilience is of paramount importance. Experience of past events has shown that extreme weather events such as hurricanes, tornados or ice accretions (especially in combination with high winds) may cause failures, usually collapses, of power transmission towers leading to possible long power outages with significant socioeconomical impact. For this reason, evaluating the risk of power transmission infrastructure under adverse weather conditions is crucial. Moreover, climate change makes such risk evaluation more challenging due to the modification of extreme weather trends in terms of frequency and intensity. The aim of this study is to present a risk assessment framework of a steel power transmission tower used in a Nordic climate. More specifically, a 22.20 m high guyed portal frame transmission tower used by the Finnish power operator (Fingrid) is analyzed and its risk, expressed in terms of annual probability of failure, is evaluated under the combination of wind and ice accretion. Different versions of the tower are assessed such as: “as-built” tower using conventional steel, deteriorated versions assuming section loss due to aging (e.g., steel corrosion), restored cases of the deteriorated versions by using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) plates, and finally rebuilding options of the tower using High Strength Steel (HSS). For all the above versions of the tower, the fragility, which is the probability of failure, under different combinations of wind speed and ice thickness is estimated and corresponding curves (fragility curves) are produced. Then, in order to estimate the risk of the tower, the fragility estimations will be combined with the hazard. The hazard refers to the probability of occurrence (or exceedance) of wind speed and ice thickness combinations that is provided by appropriate probability distributions (i.e., Generalized Extreme Value - GEV). It should be also noted that for specifying the hazard various climate models for past and future periods are used considering possible effects of the climate change. Finally, a comparison of the risk results of all tower types and climate-change scenarios considering also the associated financial costs and environmental impacts (e.g., CO2 emissions) is made. All in all, the work presented herein constitutes a framework for evaluating the performance of steel transmission towers and possible adaptation options against climate change. Thus, it could be useful as a decision tool for stakeholders, such as power companies or grid operators in evaluating different options and determine their strategy for grid maintenance, uprates or upgrades.

How to cite: Bilionis, D., Karali, T., Camarinopoulos, A., and Karali, G.: Assessing the risk of a power transmission tower and its possible adaptation options to climate change in a Nordic Climate., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19818,, 2025.

EGU25-20041 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Impact of sea level rise on the extreme hydrodynamic effects on coastal cultural heritage 

Denis Istrati, Rauof Sobhani, Charalampos Georgiadis, Sevasti Chalkidou, Federico Feliziani, Gian Marco Marmoni, and Salvatore Martino

Sea level rise (SLR), driven by climate change, poses a significant threat to coastal cultural heritage (CH) sites by exacerbating the intensity and frequency of extreme hydrodynamic events such as storm surges and wave impacts. These intensified processes can lead to accelerated erosion, structural instability, and increased vulnerability of CH sites. Over time, the cumulative effects of rising seas and amplified hydrodynamic forces may result in irreversible damage to these invaluable assets, threatening their historical, cultural, and economic significance. Despite growing awareness of these risks, a comprehensive understanding of the specific hydrodynamic effects associated with SLR on CH sites remains limited, creating a critical gap in developing effective mitigation strategies tailored to their preservation.

As part of the Horizon Europe project TRIQUETRA, this study investigates the effects of SLR on extreme hydrodynamic impacts imposed on coastal CH through advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The Volume of Fluid (VOF) method is employed to model air-water interactions and track the evolution of waves and surges under varying sea level scenarios. Key hydrodynamic parameters, such as wave height, pressure distribution, and force intensity, are analyzed across multiple sections representative of the CH site with diverse cliff morphologies. Sensitivity analyses are conducted to ensure the robustness of the numerical framework and to explore the influence of different SLR scenarios on wave dynamics and their subsequent effects on coastal structures.

The results reveal that even moderate increases in sea level significantly amplify wave forces and pressure distributions on coastal structures, particularly under extreme weather conditions. The findings also demonstrate that specific morphological features, such as steep slopes or structural irregularities, affect the impact of hydrodynamic forces. This intensification poses a severe threat to the stability of CH sites, emphasizing the urgency of integrating SLR projections into comprehensive risk assessments and conservation planning to mitigate long-term impacts effectively. By advancing the understanding of SLR-induced hydrodynamic effects, this research provides a critical framework for assessing vulnerabilities and developing site-specific mitigation measures. The insights gained are essential for protecting coastal CH sites from the compounded effects of climate change.

Acknowledgments: This work is based on procedures and tasks implemented within the project “Toolbox for assessing and mitigating Climate Change risks and natural hazards threatening cultural heritage—TRIQUETRA”, which is a Project funded by the EU HE research and innovation program under GA No. 101094818.


How to cite: Istrati, D., Sobhani, R., Georgiadis, C., Chalkidou, S., Feliziani, F., Marmoni, G. M., and Martino, S.: Impact of sea level rise on the extreme hydrodynamic effects on coastal cultural heritage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20041,, 2025.

EGU25-20176 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Building Systemic Risk Assessment Tools for Climate Adaptation Assessment in the Caribbean – Case Study for Jamaica 

Raghav Pant, Frederick Thomas, Tom Russell, Jayaka Campbell, Adam Taylor, Rodane Samuels, and Jim Hall

The Caribbean islands are extremely vulnerable to extreme storms and floods. Infrastructure systems, including energy, transport and water supply networks, are often disproportionately exposed and vulnerable to such extremes. Climate hazard impacts can be propagated through infrastructure networks far away from places where the extreme event hit. Post-disaster repairing and replacing of infrastructures can take months or even years, denying people of essential services and adding to financial burdens on governments. Caribbean countries have large stock of existing infrastructure, mostly not been designed to cope with the threat of climate change. New infrastructure is also needed in the Caribbean islands, to spur sustainable economic development. Most of the Caribbean islands are small, where space is limited, and hence investments made in hazard prone areas cannot be avoided. It is therefore essential that extreme climate change is factored into infrastructure planning right from the outset.

To address the above challenges systemic spatial risk assessment is needed to map locations of vulnerable infrastructure assets and quantify their socio-economic impacts. Such systemic risk assessment involves: (1) Assembling multi-hazard datasets under different climate scenarios – including return period maps and probabilistic event sets; (2) Creating spatial network flow models of interdependent energy and transport systems – that could help understand flow rerouting during disruptions; (3) Mapping infrastructure vulnerability hotspots to quantify direct damages from hazards; (4) Quantifying indirect economic losses through network disruptions; (5) Creating effective resilience interventions for risk reduction; (6) Optimisation of resilience intervention by comparing systemic resilience costs and benefits to help prioritise investments in long-term climate adaptation.

The proposed application of the problem is presented through a Jamaica Systemic Risk Assessment Tool (J-SRAT), which is a decision support platform for evaluation and prioritisation of policies and options to reduce climate risks and losses and enhance infrastructure resilience. The tool is being used to build capacity within the Government of Jamaica (GoJ) and other relevant public and private stakeholders for infrastructure risk analysis and adaptation decision making. We present the on-going advances made for Jamaica and its wider applications for the Caribbean Islands.

How to cite: Pant, R., Thomas, F., Russell, T., Campbell, J., Taylor, A., Samuels, R., and Hall, J.: Building Systemic Risk Assessment Tools for Climate Adaptation Assessment in the Caribbean – Case Study for Jamaica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20176,, 2025.

EGU25-20289 | Orals | ITS4.10/NH13.6

PRISKADAPT: An integrated platform for risk-informed climate adaptation of structural systems 

Stephanos Camarinopoulos, Theodora Karali, Ioannis Kourentzis, Saimir Osmani, Miltiadis Kontogeorgos, Mata Frondistou, Günter Becker, Dimitrios Bilionis, and Apostolos Parasyris

The EU-funded RISKADAPT project (GA: 101093939) aims at addressing the challenges posed by Climate Change (CC)-induced compound events. The project delivers a novel, integrated, modular, interoperable, customizable, and user-friendly platform, PRISKADAPT, developed in close collaboration with end-users. This platform supports systemic, risk-informed decision-making for adapting to climate events at the asset level, with a focus on structural systems. By integrating advanced datasets, models, and analytical tools, PRISKADAPT provides a solution for assessing risks, exploring adaptation measures, and enhancing infrastructure resilience in a changing climate. Central to PRISKADAPT is its robust Data Management System (DMS), which acts as a central repository and processing hub for critical datasets. It is engineered to handle data from external modules, and various other sources, ensuring a flexible and adaptable approach to data integration. This capability allows users to draw insights from diverse datasets, enabling more precise decision-making. The system also leverages algorithms and models to identify trends, risks, and optimize adaptation strategies, ensuring that the platform remains relevant and responsive to evolving climate challenges. Complementing the DMS is the intuitive User Interface (UI), designed to serve as the primary interaction point for stakeholders. The UI offers tailored visualizations, decision-support tools, and functionalities to accommodate diverse user roles and permissions. Administrators gain comprehensive control over system configurations, enabling efficient management of complex workflows and customization of the platform to specific needs. End-users, on the other hand, benefit from interactive modules that facilitate data exploration, structural assessments, and actionable insights, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions. Through PRISKADAPT, users can visualize assets’ administrative and structural details, including Building Information Management (BIM) models. The platform allows exploration of climatological and environmental data, assessment of material degradation, and comprehensive structural risk evaluations. Risk assessments incorporate various climate and environmental scenarios, including as-is conditions and potential adaptation measures (what-if scenarios). The platform’s outputs combine structural risk data with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analyses, and social impact evaluations, delivering a holistic total (technical and social) risk assessment to users. This integration ensures that adaptation strategies are not only effective but also economically and socially viable. The Model Information System (MIS) is another critical feature of PRISKADAPT, enabling users to evaluate and compare adaptation measures. By simulating the effectiveness, and impact of different strategies under various scenarios, the MIS helps stakeholders develop tailored adaptation plans that address specific vulnerabilities. Additionally, PRISKADAPT includes authoring tools for designing module interdependencies using functional flow block diagrams. These tools enable administrators to manage workflows, supporting dynamic and modular system configurations. Users can leverage PRISKADAPT in its entirety or integrate their own datasets and models for climate change forcing, structural analysis, lifecycle assessment, and cost evaluations. This flexibility supports the creation of new end-to-end analyses or the enhancement of existing workflows. By empowering users with precise, data-driven insights and a scalable architecture, RISKADAPT promotes sustainable and resilient infrastructure, paving the way for proactive planning and an adaptive future in the face of climate uncertainty.

How to cite: Camarinopoulos, S., Karali, T., Kourentzis, I., Osmani, S., Kontogeorgos, M., Frondistou, M., Becker, G., Bilionis, D., and Parasyris, A.: PRISKADAPT: An integrated platform for risk-informed climate adaptation of structural systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20289,, 2025.

EGU25-20745 | Posters on site | ITS4.10/NH13.6

Numerical downscaling at very high resolution of wind extreme events on tall buildings  

Carlo Cintolesi, Petros Ampatzidis, Bidesh Sengupta, Francesco De Martin, Andrea Petronio, and Silvana Di Sabatino

The current trend of climate change has many implications in a variety of aspects that heavily impact human activities and society. These include an increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, including highly energetic storms with highly energetic winds, which can damage economic, social or health-critical structures and activities. Although the probability of structural damage to buildings is very low, the loss of functionality represents a real risk that is currently underestimated in risk management plans.  

This work presents an operative methodology for estimating the impact of very strong wind on tall buildings, based on up-to-date numerical simulation techniques for environmental fluid dynamics. The methodology proposed is applied to a real case study in the framework of the Horizon Europe RISKADAPT project. A downscaling strategy is implemented to coupling a meteorological model at the regional scale (i.e. the Weather Research and Forecast model) with high-resolved numerical simulations of the type of Computational Fluid Dynamics (i.e. RANS and LES approaches). The former provides realistic information on the key atmospheric variables during an extreme event; the latter will be set up with these variables to reproduce the wind flow around and at the building with high accuracy. Hence, the output is a high-fidelity reproduction of the local wind circulation and the atmospheric load on buildings, along with the turbulent content of wind. The method is applied to the case study of the public Hospital of Cattinara (Trieste, Italy) which, due to its peculiarity, is particularly exposed to strong Bora winds, typical of the region.   

This study is funded by the Horizon Europe RISKADAPT project (grant no. 101093939) 

How to cite: Cintolesi, C., Ampatzidis, P., Sengupta, B., De Martin, F., Petronio, A., and Di Sabatino, S.: Numerical downscaling at very high resolution of wind extreme events on tall buildings , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20745,, 2025.

EGU25-1126 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Landscapes of Resilience: Visual Narratives from Bangladesh’s Vulnerable Coastal Communities  

Shapla Singha and Md. Mehedi Hasan

Landscapes of Resilience: Visual Narratives from Bangladesh’s Vulnerable Coastal Communities

Bangladesh’s coastal regions, vulnerable to climate change, are not only areas of environmental concern but also rich repositories of cultural, social, and economic heritage. This study explores the resilience of these communities through a blend of visual storytelling and empirical research, with a specific focus on the pivotal roles of women as custodians of cultural heritage and community cohesion. Women in these regions navigate complex challenges, including risk perception, property rights, and governance, while actively contributing to the preservation of traditions and fostering communal resilience amidst environmental adversities. The study utilizes multiple-medias artworks, animations, and a documentary titled "Land, Life, and Woman" to delve into how land tenure systems, customary practices, and climate risks intersect to shape individuals’ decisions to remain rooted despite escalating environmental challenges. Central to the research is documenting women’s lived experiences and advocating for inclusive and sustainable approaches to climate adaptation, land governance, and cultural preservation. By integrating art and science, the study bridges the gap between global climate policy narratives and localized adaptation strategies, offering a deeply humanized perspective on climate resilience. The study adopts a mixed-method approach, encompassing visual media analysis to examine depictions of community resilience, qualitative interviews with women in vulnerable deltaic communities to understand their challenges and strategies, and documentary research to contextualize findings within broader governance frameworks. Through this interdisciplinary approach, the research highlights the critical influence of land tenure systems on community resilience, the interplay of state policies, international agreements, and customary practices in shaping governance, and the invaluable contributions of women in preserving cultural heritage while navigating climate challenges. The accompanying documentary vividly portrays these dynamics, illustrating the resilience and adaptability of individuals in delta regions. Aligned with the EGU 2025 theme of climate adaptation and sustainable development, this presentation contributes a unique perspective that merges visual storytelling with empirical research, emphasizing the socio-cultural dimensions of climate resilience. It underscores the importance of integrating local narratives into global climate adaptation strategies and advocates for equitable, sustainable approaches that empower marginalized groups while addressing climate risks. By documenting and visually representing these stories, the study not only contributes to the discourse on climate resilience but also emphasizes the transformative potential of integrating artistic expression with research to foster understanding and inspire action.

How to cite: Singha, S. and Hasan, Md. M.: Landscapes of Resilience: Visual Narratives from Bangladesh’s Vulnerable Coastal Communities , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1126,, 2025.

Drought is a costly experience shared by different human societies, and many of its far-reaching impacts on various components of socio-ecological systems tend to be exacerbated by increasingly frequent and intensive compound heatwaves. To provide a historical and systematic perspective of climate-society interplays in different socio-environmental contexts, this study selected Germany (DE) and Jing-Jin-Ji Region of China (JJJ) as study areas, which are dominated by marine and monsoon climates, respectively. Based on climate reconstructions and multilingual written documents, comparisons on three pairs of compound drought-heatwave events (CDHWs) in agrarian societies (DE 1834 / JJJ 1832 events), during industrialization (DE 1921 / JJJ 1920 events), and in recent years (DE 2018 / JJJ 1997 events) were conducted, focusing on pathways to food security, water security, and health. Overall, social development, rather than distinct climate systems or cultural backgrounds, was identified as the main contributor to differences between events.

(1) FOOD SECURITY: In different events, pathways to food insecurity can mostly be summarized as the impact chain of precipitation deficits → natural system (insect plague, soil moisture) → production system (crop performance) → consumption system (price) → food security. Heatwaves here aggravated existing drought impacts on natural system and production subsystem. Reactive actions to balance food supply and demand after harvest failures were commonly observed in many cases. However, it was not until entering modern societies that survival-threatening manifestation (i.e., food crisis) and subsequent health and/or social issues (e.g., starvation, displacement, crimes) were averted, thanks to stronger  interventions at earlier links in the impact chain (e.g., retain soil moisture, compensate for harvest losses by techniques or imports).

(2) WATER SECURITY: Under different circumstance, a common impact chain leading to water insecurity was also recognized, namely precipitation deficits → natural system (surface water and groundwater) → infrastructure subsystem (water facilities) → water security. Heatwaves here not only exacerbated hydrological deficits in natural system but also stressed infrastructure subsystem by increasing water consumption. Water transport, storage and restriction were temporary measures commonly taken at different development stages, while long-term actions towards sustainable water management and resilient water supply were peculiar to modern societies. Nevertheless, survival-threatening manifestation (i.e., insufficient drinking water) was still reported in recent years, as abovementioned efforts were either difficult to maintain in prolonged CDHWs or took time to be effective. This suggested a greater need for anticipatory adaptation.

(3) HEALTH: Heatwaves has replaced drought as the dominant climatic impact-driver of mortality in recent CDHWs, with a short impact chain of extreme heat → health. Different from the creeping nature of drought, heat manifests as a direct shock to individuals, which means that the time-honored coping strategy of gradually restoring supply-demand balance for scarce resources is less applicable in this case. Currently, prevailing interventions in heat threats to health in both study areas are developing warnings systems for extreme weathers, giving advice on heat protection, adjusting working hours, and changing consumption habits. However, none of them is sufficient to avoid heat-induced mortality, which implied a common adaptation gap on the warming planet.

How to cite: Zhang, D., Glaser, R., and Kahle, M.: Comparative study on societal impacts of and responses to compound drought-heatwave events: six cases in Germany and Jing-Jin-Ji Region (China) since the 19th century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1832,, 2025.

The record-shattering North American Pacific Northwest heatwave of June 2021 had catastrophic physical and social impacts on human mortality and morbidity, agriculture, critical infrastructure, cryospheric and hydrologic systems, and wildfire (White et al., 2023).  As a result, the 2021 heatwave was an unprecedented event of global significance; however, due to its extremity and rarity, it is difficult to contextualize how the serious regional impacts vary as a function of social and climatological state.  In other words, how would the impacts of such an event differed if the same magnitude and location of event were to have occurred in the past or future?

Here, we take advantage of archive newspapers to address this knowledge gap and to provide a detailed account of the pan-societal impacts of an extreme 1941 Pacific Northwest heatwave, which was recently identified as being of comparable relative magnitude to the 2021 event (Malinina and Gillett, 2024).  We use hundreds of articles from 17 North American news publications spanning a three-week period including before, during, and after the heatwave.  We find extraordinarily detailed news coverage of the heatwave, with articles reporting: human mortality and morbidity, including deaths that were directly (e.g. heat stress) and indirectly (e.g. high-risk behaviours to cool down) caused by the heatwave; behavioral responses, including altered intra-city mobility; policy responses, including water restrictions in response to water shortages; impacts on agricultural systems, including a high degree of spatial heterogeneity in changes to both production and trade; and physical impacts, including heatwave-caused storms, wildfires, and flooding.  The news coverage also offers valuable context for the heatwave in terms of regional and global events at the time, and policy responses are directly linked to broader global conflict (e.g. decisions regarding wildfire and lumber operations are linked to Canadian efforts in World War II). 

We demonstrate that archive newspapers can offer a remarkable level of detail in characterizing extreme events in the mid-20th century, especially those that occurred in periods or places with limited physical data, and we are able to use these historical insights to better understand the broader context and impacts of modern extreme events.



Malinina, E and Gillett, N. The 2021 heatwave was less rare in Western Canada than previously thought. Weather and Climate Extremes 43, 100642 (2024).

White, R.H., Anderson, S., Booth, J.F. et al. The unprecedented Pacific Northwest heatwave of June 2021. Nat Commun 14, 727 (2023).

How to cite: Anderson, S. and Chartrand, S.: The unprecedented Pacific Northwest heatwave of 1941: Digitized newspapers to understand far-reaching physical and social impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3818,, 2025.

EGU25-3876 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Climate, Livelihood Insecurity, and Conflict over Fishing Access in Southern Bangladesh 

Ma Suza, Jeroen Warner, Katherine Nelson, and Han van Dijk

Artisanal fishing, a traditional livelihood passed down through generations, has become increasingly insecure due to various climatic and non-climatic factors. Despite its significance, there is still limited research on how climate-related challenges interact with pre-existing livelihood vulnerabilities, and even fewer studies explore whether these combined effects heighten the risk of violent conflict for small-scale fishers. To address this gap, a qualitative approach using life history interviews was employed to collect data on the perception of small-scale fishermen (N=30) who reside on Hatiya Island, a sandbar in Southern Bangladesh.  These interviews captured fishers’ perceptions of climate impacts, debt trap, livelihood insecurity, violent conflicts, and coping strategies. The findings reveal that shifting climatic patterns—affecting fish populations and availability—exacerbate existing vulnerabilities, a trend reflected not only in Hatiya but also across Bangladesh and beyond. Our analysis highlights that the interplay of climate impacts, poverty, lack of alternative livelihoods, restricted access to credit, poor governance, and fishing bans significantly increases the livelihood vulnerability of small-scale fishers. However, small-scale fishers' primary concern lies not in the decreasing availability of fish stocks but in the challenges posed by the restricted access to fishing grounds. Extreme livelihood insecurity drives fishers’ decisions to engage in illegal fishing and consequently face violence from enforcers of fishing ban regulations. Despite such violence, many fishermen persist in pursuing their livelihoods for lack of a feasible alternative. However, this persistence comes at a cost, as it fuels deep-seated grievances towards the authorities.

How to cite: Suza, M., Warner, J., Nelson, K., and van Dijk, H.: Climate, Livelihood Insecurity, and Conflict over Fishing Access in Southern Bangladesh, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3876,, 2025.

Urban greenspace (UG) is vital for urban climate regulation and public health, drawing increasing attention to greenspace exposure (GE) at different levels. However, limited understanding persists regarding human mobility-related GE, particularly the fine-grained dynamics of travel-related GE and the potential influence of environmental conditions such as weather and air pollution. This study examines how environmental conditions impact daily travel-related GE among urban residents, utilizing dockless bike-sharing data from Beijing, China. Firstly, spatiotemporal dynamics and inequalities in GE during travel were assessed using a population-weighted exposure model and the Gini index. Next, the effects of environmental conditions were evaluated through multiple models, including Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression and machine learning approaches: Random Forest (RF), Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM), Categorical Boosting (CatBoost), and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost). The deep learning network Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model was also included to account because of its effectiveness in processing time-series data. Model performance was evaluated using Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), R-squared (R²), and cross-validation. Finally, SHapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP) and Partial Dependency Plots (PDP) were employed to analyze nonlinear effects and variable interactions. Results showed that XGBoost outperforms other models and is more applicable to small sample datasets than deep learning. Findings revealed that weather and air pollution significantly influenced GE during travel in addition to temporal factors (e.g., hour of the day, day of the week). Higher temperatures and lower humidity were associated with increased GE levels and reduced inequality. Severe ozone pollution events reduced GE levels but also lowered inequality. No significant impact of particulate matter (PM) on GE was observed due to the absence of severe haze events during the study period. These findings provide valuable insights for urban greenspace planning and strategies to promote healthy travel behaviors.

How to cite: Xu, X. and Poslad, S.: Evaluating the impact of environmental conditions on urban residents’ greenspace exposure during daily travel: An explainable machine learning approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4869,, 2025.

EGU25-5815 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.9/NH13.7

The politics of natural disaster responses 

Rens Chazottes

The increasing frequency of natural disasters due to climate change has intensified pressures on societal well-being. In such times, understanding the institutional features that enable efficient, objective, and neutral disaster recovery is crucial. Recent studies have highlighted the severity of government oversight in disaster relief, often favoring co-partisan groups in developing and clientelistic countries. Disaster recovery systems are particularly vulnerable to the politics of post-disaster fund allocation. However, scholars have suggested that institutional design can counteract these dynamics, with France's mandatory disaster insurance system frequently cited as a model. In this study, we assess the extent to which France's mandatory disaster insurance system has been manipulated for electoral gain during presidential and munipal elections. Utilizing data from the CatNat national repository and municipal elections from 1980 to 2024, we employ a regression discontinuity design to examine how partisanship alignment between local and national governments affects both the demand and the supply side of disaster recognition and the response time. Our preliminary findings indicate that partisan alignment correlates with a higher demand for disaster recognition. However, the French institutional system appears effective in mitigating political distortions, as we find no significant evidence of partisanship influencing disaster relief. This article sheds light on the effectiveness of institutional design in reducing political distortions during the disaster recovery phase.

How to cite: Chazottes, R.: The politics of natural disaster responses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5815,, 2025.

EGU25-6933 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Everyday adaptation to summer heatwaves: A global perspective 

Shiv Yucel, Yuan Liang, Donggen Wang, and Tim Schwanen

Unprecedented heatwaves have become characteristic of summers worldwide, with devastating impacts on people’s health, well-being, and livelihoods. In light of this urgent threat, government institutions across the globe are developing guidelines and planned interventions to increase resilience to heatwaves – measures which require an understanding of how people adapt to extreme heat within the constraints of daily life. Existing studies have used large-scale mobility data to characterize heatwave adaptation at a population-level, though these studies skew towards cities and regions in high-income countries, have diverse methodologies which limit generalizability to other contexts, and focus on ‘activity level’ changes without discerning which activities are being altered. Addressing these gaps, this study combines ERA5 climate re-analysis, cell phone mobility, and socio-economic data across Brazil, China, France, India, Nigeria, Turkey, and the USA during 2022 heatwaves. For the first six countries, Google Community Mobility Reports data is used in multi-level modeling to explore changes to various everyday activities during heatwaves (home, work, transit, grocery/pharmacy, retail/recreation, parks). In China, Baidu data on intra-city activity levels is analyzed in a complementary multi-level model. Strong patterns of withdrawal towards the home occur during heatwaves, varying with climatic, temporal, and contextual factors. These common patterns result from diverse activity substitutions across countries and simultaneously occur alongside changes towards other non-home activities. This internationally comparative study highlights the global nature of heatwave adaptation, the importance of context-specific adaptive responses, and the value of considering heatwave adaptation through the lens of people’s everyday activities.

How to cite: Yucel, S., Liang, Y., Wang, D., and Schwanen, T.: Everyday adaptation to summer heatwaves: A global perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6933,, 2025.

EGU25-9993 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Rural-to-Urban Migration and Projection of Extreme Weather Events: A Case Study of Republic of Serbia 

Tijana Jakovljevic and Natalija Miric

The second half of 20th century is marked by mass migration from rural to urban areas worldwide as well as in Republic of Serbia. This trend continues in the 21st century usually as a consequence of pull factors of urban areas (education and job opportunities, affordable healthcare system, comprehensive cultural content, etc.), but also of push factors of rural areas (hard and unstable work in the agricultural sector, poverty, lack of education and health system, etc.). Some of extreme climate events (e.g. droughts, floods) speed up the migration process. In this research, the data that show the increase of urban population and decrease of rural population from 1981 to 2022 are presented. Also, Copernicus Corine Land Cover data are used to present the change of land use from 1990 to 2018. The most densely populated municipalities and municipalities with the highest percentage of agricultural areas are extracted with the aim to consider how sever those communities will be affected by extreme weather events. Future climate projections data (two scenarios RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) are used to express the number of tropical days and nights, heath wave index, number of days with precipitation over 30mm, highest five days precipitation amount, consecutive dry days index and hydro-thermal coefficient. The purpose of this research is to determine did people migrate to urban areas that will be more affected by extreme weather events in 21st century than the rural regions they moved from and how sever agricultural regions will be affected by droughts and floods as a consequence of lack and intensive precipitation. The data used in this research are downloaded from the Digital Climate Atlas of Serbia, Copernicus Land Monitoring Services and documents published by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. QGIS Open Software is used for data analyses.

How to cite: Jakovljevic, T. and Miric, N.: Rural-to-Urban Migration and Projection of Extreme Weather Events: A Case Study of Republic of Serbia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9993,, 2025.

The "information deficit model" in the context of climate change refers to the idea that public skepticism or lack of action regarding climate change is primarily due to a lack of knowledge about the scientific facts, and that providing more information to the public will therefore effectively change their attitudes and behaviors towards climate change mitigation and adaptation. This study challenges the assumptions of the information deficit model by highlighting how community history, geopolitics, and vulnerability shape climate change attitudes in Down East, a rural coastal region in North Carolina with a formerly natural-resource-based economy. Residents are largely working class living in generational homes. Through a set of coded interviews with residents, we identified several key features of climate change denial and disengagement. We are working with local partners to develop pathways for climate risk conversations and project development. It is hoped that lessons learned can be exported to other rural, unincorporated areas of the US.
The study area is an unincorporated section of Carteret County adjacent to Cape Lookout National Seashore in eastern North Carolina. It is arguably one of the most sea level rise and storm vulnerable regions of the United States’ East Coast. Data collected by the Sunny Day Flooding Project show that high tide flooding inundated roads around 133 days in 2024. Sea level rise has lifted the local water table high enough that forests are dying and in-ground wastewater treatment systems (septic) are failing. Tropical storms routinely damage property and cut the community off from emergency access.
Despite these obvious changes and vulnerabilities, climate denialism and disengagement remain prevalent in the politically conservative, unincorporated communities of Down East North Carolina. Respondents frequently expressed concerns about government regulation, issues of scale, personal autonomy, and responsibility. A common theme was distrust in top-down governmental actions to address climate change, which often manifested as grievances regarding inadequate disaster relief efforts. In this politically conservative environment, disaster-related language tends to elicit stronger responses than discussions framed explicitly around climate change. For slow-onset events, such as recurrent high tide flooding, climate change discourse is less effective in guiding local decision-making. Although environmental oral traditions are traditionally viewed as a positive indicator of climate change awareness, this study found that they can generate varied beliefs. Interviewees with family histories in the fishing industry often invoked intergenerational knowledge to emphasize faith in a cyclical and balanced environment, underscoring a laissez-faire environmental ethic. Overall, we found that climate change denial in rural coastal communities is a complex phenomenon that cannot be fully explained by information deficit models. Given these gaps, future climate communication strategies should pursue avenues of reciprocal education and attentive listening. To this end, we have engaged with a local cultural heritage center to begin a conversation with local residents through schools, churches and civic organizations. Ultimately, the goal is to address climate change impacts through conversations surrounding storm impacts, while developing adaptation projects that address storm-driven flooding and sea level rise simultaneously.

How to cite: Young, R., Hinton, T., and Amspacher, K.: Understanding the reluctance of some rural communities to connect climate change with increasing hazard exposure., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11482,, 2025.

EGU25-12584 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Take refuge! Using mobile phone data to evaluate Blue-Green Infrastructure's attractiveness as Heat Retreat Locations 

Isabela Burattini Freire, Lucas Gobatti, João Paulo Leitão, and Martin Behnisch

As anthropogenic impacts on the global climate intensify, heatwaves are becoming increasingly severe, frequent, and prolonged worldwide. In parallel, the rapid pace of urbanization underscores the urgent need to understand the impacts of extreme temperatures on the well-being of urban populations. In this study we leverage mobility information from mobile phone data to analyze occupancy patterns in Zurich’s leisure facilities during hot summer and heatwave days. Our goal is to characterize city dwellers’ heat alleviation strategies towards active and passive cooling facilities. Additionally, we identify key infrastructural features of open public spaces contributing to thermal comfort and areas’ attractiveness. Our findings suggest that bathing sites serve as primary heat retreat destinations in Zurich, where major increases in areas’ attractiveness are observed during the hottest days of the year. Moreover, while local conveniences, transport connectivity and cultural amenities influence baseline open public spaces’ attractiveness, seasonal variations are more strongly governed by temperature regulation features, such as waterfront extent, vegetation canopy, and the presence of artificial water structures. Our study highlights water as an essential component of cities’ adaptation to heat, emphasizing its importance in enhancing urban resilience. Mobility data offers valuable insights into collective behavioral responses to climate constraints, supporting data-driven strategies to identify, enhance, and promote effective heat retreat locations within urban environments.

How to cite: Burattini Freire, I., Gobatti, L., Leitão, J. P., and Behnisch, M.: Take refuge! Using mobile phone data to evaluate Blue-Green Infrastructure's attractiveness as Heat Retreat Locations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12584,, 2025.

EGU25-12640 | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Weather Generator Based on Generative AI for Interdisciplinary Probabilistic Downscaling Using Convection-Permitting Model Outputs and Potential Utility in Equitable, Community-focused Climate Scenario-ing 

Kwok Pan Chun, Ana Mijic, Luminita Danaila, Rosmeri Porfirio da Rocha, Thanti Octavianti, Liling Huang, Jesus Fernandez, Leonardo Aragao, Yasemin Ezber, Emir Toker, Andreas Hartmann, Yongping Wu, Luis Alejandro Morales Marin, C. Bayu Risanto, Li Cheng, and Lindsey McEwen

Convection-permitting model outputs offer significant opportunities for training statistical downscaling approaches. The Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) on the urban environment and regional climate change ensemble simulations provide valuable insights into the uncertainties of numerical atmospheric models. Traditional weather generators, based on the Maximum Likelihood for the Generalised Linear Model approach, have been instrumental in modelling precipitation occurrence and amount. This study advances the statistical downscaling method by integrating Generative AI approaches, using deep learning to create stochastic precipitation ensembles.

Compared to deterministic simulations, this new probabilistic approach allows for an exploration of the nonstationary statistical properties influenced by regional climate conditions through more feasible nonlinear representation for the weather generator parameters by deep learning. Emphasis is placed on the importance of probabilistic and agnostic methods in exploring, interpreting, and explaining uncertainties.

Findings related to temperature variations for daily precipitation extremes attribute the roles of sensible and latent heat, which are further interpreted through regional processes. The integration of generative AI highlights the stochastic uncertainties in weather generators, emphasising the need for consistency between deterministic convection-permitting model outputs and observational data. By examining scaling relationships, the interpretability and explainability of model outputs, particularly concerning energy balance processes, are demonstrated.

Through interpretable and explainable statistical downscaling, the approach to modelling precipitation extremes based on maximum likelihood theory fosters international collaboration in the Climate Collaboratorium* project (IIRCC; ‘Exploring climate solutions with interactive theatre)This includes contributions from Canada, Germany, the UK, and the US, aimed at providing accessible science that can inform climate decisions in partnership with social science/arts and humanities researchers, tailored to place-based user needs. Advocacy for responsible AI in atmospheric and water sciences facilitates interdisciplinary climate adaptation and mitigation with Taiwanese and Brazilian communities. This approach promotes transparency and fairness through explainable and interpretable climate scenarios. By incorporating immersive experiences and smart decision-making processes, the pathway for human oversight remains central to fair climate action to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 13.


How to cite: Chun, K. P., Mijic, A., Danaila, L., Porfirio da Rocha, R., Octavianti, T., Huang, L., Fernandez, J., Aragao, L., Ezber, Y., Toker, E., Hartmann, A., Wu, Y., Marin, L. A. M., Risanto, C. B., Cheng, L., and McEwen, L.: Weather Generator Based on Generative AI for Interdisciplinary Probabilistic Downscaling Using Convection-Permitting Model Outputs and Potential Utility in Equitable, Community-focused Climate Scenario-ing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12640,, 2025.

EGU25-14636 | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Examine the Survey Bias Caused by Local Warming Effect 

Liang-Yu Hsu, Shin Chen, Yi-Shiue Tsai, Wan-Ling Tseng, and Jen-Ho Chang

The survey method is a common tool in environmental social science research, used to widely collect public or participant perspectives on environmental issues, and analyze variables such as attitudes, backgrounds, and actions. However, the reliability and validity of the survey method have long been challenged. For instance, self-reported questionnaires often lead to self-enhancement bias, and recalling historical experiences may rely on the availability heuristic, enhancing the influence of recent events.

Previous studies have proposed the local warming (or weather) effect, which suggests that there will be response bias caused by current weather conditions, such as the recent temperature when surveying, which can influence the beliefs and risk perceptions about climate change. However, these kinds of responses are unstable, especially when emotion takes place; they fail to predict long-term actions or habits. This will cause overlooked research, potentially leading to exaggerated claims of effect sizes.

To test the bias caused by the local warming effect, this study utilizes data from the 2020 Taiwan Social Change Survey: Environment, which surveyed over 2,000 residents across Taiwan about environmental issues. The survey recorded participants' administrative districts and interview times. We selected variables that might be influenced by temperature, including environmental concern (from Protection Motivation Theory), environmental justice (from the Norm Activation Model), temporal distance and spatial distances (from Construal Level Theory), and high and low-cost environmental action willingness (from Low-Cost Hypothesis). We examined the regression relationships between these variables and absolute temperatures and temperature anomalies over 3-day/1-week/1-month/1-year before surveying.

The results indicate that Environmental concern is influenced by absolute temperatures across all time scales and temperature variations over one week to one month. Environmental justice is affected by absolute temperatures within a month and 1-week~1-month temperature anomaly. Temporal distance is positively impacted under all temperature scenarios, while spatial distances are influenced by absolute temperatures within a month.

Regarding environmental actions, both high-cost and low-cost actions are influenced by absolute temperatures within a month, and 1-month ~ 1-year temperature anomaly. Mediation analysis reveals that 3-day absolute temperatures influence environmental action willingness through the mediating of environmental justice and environmental concern. On the other hand, the mediation effect of environmental concern does not appear under 1-week ~ 1-year absolute temperatures.

To confirm that temperature only induces changes temporally, we also examined questions focusing on past habitual behaviors. Results show that environmental information browsing is influenced only by monthly to yearly temperature scales, while environmental actions are only affected by yearly temperatures.

In conclusion, our findings suggest that responses obtained through questionnaires are significantly influenced by recent weather and may not fully reflect participants' long-term stable conditions. However, if temperature anomalies are long enough, it still has the potential to affect environmental habits.

How to cite: Hsu, L.-Y., Chen, S., Tsai, Y.-S., Tseng, W.-L., and Chang, J.-H.: Examine the Survey Bias Caused by Local Warming Effect, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14636,, 2025.

EGU25-14756 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Ten Years of Extreme Weather Events and Their Influence on Climate Beliefs and Behaviours Across Australia 

Omid Ghasemi, Matteo Malavasi, Charlie Ransom, and Ben Newell

This study aimed to explore the relationship between extreme weather events and subsequent shifts in climate-related beliefs and behaviors. Leveraging public datasets, we analyzed the impact of chronic weather anomalies (i.e., temperature and precipitation deviations from long-term averages) and acute disasters (e.g., wildfires, hurricanes, floods) on pro-climate beliefs, Green Party voting, and solar panel installations at the postcode level across Australia between 2013 and 2022. The results revealed that long-term temperature deviations were associated with stronger climate change beliefs, while long-term precipitation deviations predicted higher Green votes and greater solar panel uptake. Long-term exposure to acute disasters also positively influenced climate belief and Green voting. These results provide valuable insights for researchers, policymakers, and community leaders working to build climate-resilient societies.

How to cite: Ghasemi, O., Malavasi, M., Ransom, C., and Newell, B.: Ten Years of Extreme Weather Events and Their Influence on Climate Beliefs and Behaviours Across Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14756,, 2025.

Extreme weather events are increasing in frequency and severity due to climate change. This has prompted some scholars to speculate that these increasingly severe and frequent direct experiences with the impacts of climate change might catalyze greater climate concern, action and policy support, including among more conservative populations that tend to oppose climate policy. However, evidence for the impact of extreme weather events on climate-related attitudes and behaviors is mixed, often correlational, and has tended to focus on climate concern. We extend this literature by using an original longitudinal panel dataset to assess the relationship between severity of recent hurricane experience and various outcome measures, including climate concern and adaptation and mitigation behaviors and policy preferences. This data, and the within-between analytical framework that we adopt, allow us to address concerns about endogeneity that arise in correlational analyses of hurricane experience by focusing on within-person changes overtime before and after an event; assess not only hurricane experience but also how the effects of experience vary with two measures of severity; and examine variation in responses to different outcomes (e.g. mitigation vs. adaptation). Overall, we find that experiencing a hurricane leads to changes in climate-related outcomes, but the effects are nuanced and vary with the specific outcome variable and measure of severity we adopt. Critically, the longitudinal results differ substantially from the cross-sectional results, which imply a strong, positive and significant effect of experience on climate worry, reported behaviors, and policy preferences, highlighting the importance of longitudinal data.

How to cite: Constantino, S.:  Longitudinal Evidence on the Mixed Effects of Hurricane Experience on Behaviors and Policy Preferences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15049,, 2025.

Climate has been shown to influence migration, yet the mechanisms through which climate events lead to migration as well as the heterogeneous effects on different population groups remain poorly understood. This study addresses these gaps by exploring two key questions: (i) Who are the rural climate migrants in low- and middle-income countries? and (ii) Why do they migrate?. We examine changes in consumption levels and inequalities as potential mechanisms linking climate events to migration, employing the Roy-Borjas model to explain the self-selection of climate migrants based on skills and wealth. Using ERA5 weather data combined with 45,000 household observations from South Africa, Tanzania, Malawi, and China over two to four years, our fixed-effects models reveal that rising temperatures and declining precipitation drive rural-to-urban migration by reducing rural consumption and increasing consumption inequality. Our findings indicate that less educated individuals from middle-income households are more likely to migrate in response to climate events. These results underscore the heterogeneous effects of climate change on different population groups and highlight the need to (i) better understand the impacts of climate migration on affected households and (ii) develop targeted support for vulnerable populations who may become trapped by liquidity constraints.

How to cite: Lohr, S. and Šedová, B.: Climate-related rural-to-urban migration: Empirical evidence on the economic drivers in low-and middle-income countries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16388,, 2025.

EGU25-16494 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Persistent underexposure of high-income groups to extreme climate events in Europe over the 21st century 

Mehdi Mikou, Améline Vallet, Céline Guivarch, and Aglaé Jezequel

Human-induced greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for the rise in global temperatures and changes in the frequency, intensity, and spatial extension of extreme climate events. These climate changes pose significant social challenges and are projected to exacerbate existing economic inequalities. Despite numerous studies assessing the distributive impacts of climate change, there are only a few focusing on exposure, an important dimension of climate risk. Using a new high-resolution gridded dataset of per capita disposable income, we explore the evolution of income-based inequalities in exposure to extreme events related to 5 hazards: heatwaves, cold spells, wilfires, coastal and riverine flooding. Considering both warming scenarios and alternative development pathways, our results show that, high-income groups within countries remain mostly underexposed to extreme events, exhibiting average exposure levels lower than those experienced by low-income groups over the 21st century. This work highlights the existence of climate inequalities in Europe and offers valuable insights for policymakers seeking to design fair climate adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Mikou, M., Vallet, A., Guivarch, C., and Jezequel, A.: Persistent underexposure of high-income groups to extreme climate events in Europe over the 21st century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16494,, 2025.

EGU25-17551 | Orals | ITS2.9/NH13.7 | Highlight

Mitigating humanitarian impacts of climate-related disasters  

Nina von Uexkull, Ellen Berntell, Frida Bender, Lisa Dellmuth, and Tanushree Rao

In a rapidly warming world, disasters are escalating in frequency and intensity. Climate-related hazards pose serious threats to affected populations, with low- and middle-income countries being at greatest risk and experiencing most disaster-related deaths. While the devastating impacts of these hazards are well documented, how to mitigate such impacts is less well-understood. This paper aims to address this limitation in aid and disaster impact research by examining the effects of aid on disaster fatalities across various types of climate-related hazards. Our analysis focuses on climate-related disasters recorded by the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) (CRED 2023), including information on the number of disaster fatalities – the primary dependent variable in this study. We use the geo-coded version of EM-DAT (GDIS) (Rosvold and Buhaug 2021) and calculate meteorological hazard measures for droughts, extreme temperature, floods, and storms. We further account for population exposure, local development (SHDI), compound events, and armed conflict.  The paper will make two contributions: First, we provide the first global analysis of drivers of subnational disaster impacts by using an original meteorological reanalysis of hazard severity 1990-2018. Second, we combine novel subnational aid data from GODAD (Bomprezzi et al. 2024) with hand-coded UN disaster aid flow data at the disaster-event level (Dellmuth et al. 2021), allowing us to study how different types of aid shape the humanitarian impacts of disasters. By addressing critical gaps in understanding how aid can reduce disaster fatalities, this work provides urgently needed insights into mitigating human vulnerability in an era of escalating climate risks.


Bomprezzi, Pietro, Axel Dreher, Andreas Fuchs, Teresa Hailer, Andreas Kammerlander, et al. 2024. “Wedded to Prosperity? Informal Influence and Regional Favoritism.”

CRED. 2023. “EM-DAT: The International Disaster Database.” Brussels, Belgium.

Dellmuth, Lisa M., Frida A.-M. Bender, Aiden R. Jönsson, Elisabeth L. Rosvold, and Nina von Uexkull. 2021. “Humanitarian Need Drives Multilateral Disaster Aid.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (4).

Rosvold, Elisabeth L., and Halvard Buhaug. 2021. “GDIS, a Global Dataset of Geocoded Disaster Locations.” Scientific Data 8 (61).


How to cite: von Uexkull, N., Berntell, E., Bender, F., Dellmuth, L., and Rao, T.: Mitigating humanitarian impacts of climate-related disasters , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17551,, 2025.

EGU25-17558 | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Floods do not sink prices, historical memory does: How flood risk affects the Italian housing market  

Marco Pangallo, Anna Bellaver, Lorenzo Costantini, Ariadna Fosch, Anna Monticelli, and David Scala

Flooding poses a significant risk in Italy, with over 10% of the population and buildings located in areas prone to floods. Recent events, such as the catastrophic 2023-2024 Emilia-Romagna floods, highlight the recurring and uneven nature of this risk, affecting certain parts of Italy much more than others. Despite the substantial threat, little research exists on how flood risk impacts the Italian housing market due to limited data availability. This study aims to fill that gap by analyzing a novel dataset of 550,000 mortgages issued by Intesa Sanpaolo, covering 15% of Italian mortgage-financed transactions between 2016 and 2024. The dataset is representative of the Italian housing market and provides detailed information on sale prices, buyer income, and home characteristics. We spatially matched the Intesa Sanpaolo data with flood risk maps from ISPRA and flood event data from Copernicus to evaluate the impact of floods and flood risk on the housing market.

With hedonic regressions and a difference-in-difference design, we find that (i) specific floods do not decrease home prices in areas at risk; (ii) it is the repeated exposure to floods in flood-prone areas that leads to the largest price declines; (iii) responses are heterogeneous by income and age. More specifically, our analysis of the catastrophic 2023 Emilia-Romagna flood and other major flood events shows that only the prices of directly hit homes had a temporary decline, while homes at risk but not directly affected did not change price. At the same time, we find that homes at risk sell at 1% less than homes not at risk at the national level, but this price reduction increases to 4% in the regions most frequently affected by floods. To explain these findings, we provide evidence that it is the historical memory of floods, not specific events, that leads to a price penalty for at-risk homes. This hypothesis is corroborated by our socio-demographic analysis. In frequently flooded regions, young buyers (with limited exposure to prior floods) do not request any price reduction for settling in risky areas. Conversely, experienced buyers command a further 0.5% discount to assume the flood risk. This is accompanied by a difference in the income profile of the buyers. Young buyers settling in risky areas have incomes 2.5% higher than the average young buyer, while we observe 3% lower incomes for experienced buyers settling in risky areas.

This research contributes to the broader literature by first looking at how historical memory of floods affects the housing market across the age and income distribution. Our study is also the first to provide systematic evidence from Italy, a context where flood risk management and institutional frameworks differ significantly from countries like the U.S. and U.K. The results emphasize the importance of cultural and institutional factors in understanding how flood risk affects housing markets and socioeconomic outcomes.

How to cite: Pangallo, M., Bellaver, A., Costantini, L., Fosch, A., Monticelli, A., and Scala, D.: Floods do not sink prices, historical memory does: How flood risk affects the Italian housing market , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17558,, 2025.

EGU25-18250 | Orals | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Global flood displacement risk assessment 

Lauro Rossi, Daria Ottonelli, Tatiana Ghizzoni, Eva Trasforini, Sylvain Ponserre, and Roberto Rudari

This work presents the results of a global flood displacement risk assessment, using an enhanced probabilistic methodology. Existing studies have typically focused solely on housing damage as a driver of displacement. This methodology expands on that by incorporating the likelihood of losing means of livelihood, as an additional driver of displacement. This new methodology is applied globally for the first time, across two different climate scenarios: current climate conditions (1979–2016) and future long-term projections (2061–2100). The estimated global average annual displacement under current conditions exceeds 13 million and doubles under the long-term pessimistic climate scenario (without considering population growth and other socioeconomic evolutions). This consistent approach ensures comparability of results across countries, and the findings can serve as a baseline for implementing displacement risk adaptation and management measures. This methodology, applied here to displacement, also offers a framework for more objectively assessing disaster-affected populations, a key target of the Sendai Framework.

How to cite: Rossi, L., Ottonelli, D., Ghizzoni, T., Trasforini, E., Ponserre, S., and Rudari, R.: Global flood displacement risk assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18250,, 2025.

EGU25-18555 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

Impacts of compound extreme events on human behavior: A systems dynamics approach  

Catherine Li, Alex Koberle, and Ana Russo

The two-way feedback system between the climate and human systems is essential to consider for effective adaptation to future climate challenges. This two-way feedback encompasses human contribution to the increase in extreme events in the climate system as well as the range of consequences extreme events inflict on humans, particularly on their behavior. Studies indicate that the simultaneous occurrence of two or more climate extremes referred to as compound climate extremes, is increasing, similarly to that of individual extreme events. While localized research has highlighted the influence of extreme events on human behaviors via climate risk perception, climate change beliefs, and response/preparedness behavior, there is a lack of literature considering the effect of compound extreme events on human behavior. Compound climate extremes amplify the devastating, multi-sectoral impacts of extremes, making it crucial to understand how compound extremes influence human behavior to better predict, prepare for, and respond to future extremes.

In this study, we investigate the future impacts of compound extremes on human behaviors on a global scale, using a highly aggregated two-way (climate-human) feedback driven model known as 'Feedback-based knowledge Repository for Integrated Assessments' (FRIDA v2.0) (WorldTrans, 2024). FRIDA models climate risk perception as a combination of two outputs from its climate module: extreme event exposure and the global surface temperature anomaly. Climate risk perception is feed into specific process-based sub-modules such as animal product or energy demand, which underlie individual human decisions in different areas. In addition to the climate risk perception, the demand sub-modules are dependent on a descriptive norm and perceived accessibility.

This study is expected to provide insights on human behavioral change in avenues such as diet, transport, heating or cooling as a result of compound extreme event exposure and awareness; and ultimately offer a foundation for improved prediction, preparedness, and policy design to mitigate future impacts on both human and climate systems.

This work is supported by WorldTrans – TRANSPARENT ASSESSMENTS FOR REAL PEOPLE, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2.5 – Climate Energy and Mobility programme under grant agreement No. 101081661 and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, FCT, IP/MCTES through national funds: UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 

How to cite: Li, C., Koberle, A., and Russo, A.: Impacts of compound extreme events on human behavior: A systems dynamics approach , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18555,, 2025.

EGU25-18676 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

High-resolution Insights into Africa's Escalating Flood Risks and Socio-economic Vulnerability 

Ho-Minh-Tam Nguyen, Abubaker Omer, Hongtak Lee, Yoong-Joo Kwon, and Hyungjun Kim

Many low- and middle-income countries in Africa face heightened flood risks and significant socio-economic impacts due to climate change, despite contributing minimally to global emissions. However, current flood datasets often lack the necessary resolution (above 250m) and duration to focus effectively on floods in these regions, complicating climate mitigation and adaptation efforts. This study aims to develop long-term, high-resolution spatiotemporal datasets to better characterize flood patterns and their socio-economic impacts across Africa. Using satellite imagery from Landsat and Sentinel-2, we mapped monthly flood inundation extents from 1984 to 2024, producing a flood dataset with a high spatial resolution of 30m to 10m for the entire African continent. We integrated these flood data with socio-economic metrics—population, GDP, and displacement figures—to assess socio-economic vulnerability across African countries. The results show that most African countries have witnessed an increase in affected population by floods over the past 40 years, with Comoros rising by 11.5% of the total population, Madagascar by 6.9%, Liberia by 5.7%, and Congo by 4.3%, identifying these countries as hotspots. In the last decade alone, flood-induced displacements have affected nearly 15 million people, predominantly in low-income countries, while upper-middle-income countries have shown better resilience in flood response. With the growing prevalence of floods and their uneven socio-economic repercussions, these high-resolution datasets are indispensable for shaping effective climate adaptation and mitigation measures, enabling precise and targeted actions. Policies should focus on strengthening flood response capacities and prioritizing support for socio-economically vulnerable regions to minimize flood-related consequences.

How to cite: Nguyen, H.-M.-T., Omer, A., Lee, H., Kwon, Y.-J., and Kim, H.: High-resolution Insights into Africa's Escalating Flood Risks and Socio-economic Vulnerability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18676,, 2025.

EGU25-20896 | Posters on site | ITS2.9/NH13.7

The impact of natural disasters on social resilience and the health of the population 

Tinna Kristbjörg Halldórsdóttir and Urður Gunnarsdóttir

On December 18, 2020, the village of Seyðisfjörður, located on the East coast of Iceland, was struck by a significant mudslide. This event followed an extended period of unusual rainfall, atypical for a season generally dominated by snowfall. Such weather anomalies are likely linked to climate change, contributing to rising temperatures, increased precipitation, intensified wind and more frequent flooding over recent years. The mudslide destroyed ten residential structures and necessitated the evacuation of the village's approximately 700 residents for one week. A subsequent study was conducted to evaluate the effects of this natural disaster on the social resilience and overall well-being of the community. Social resilience refers to the ability of a community to adapt to challenges and recover from adverse events, which can mitigate long-term consequences, including demographic decline. The effects of the mudslides imposed significant challenges on the residents of Seyðisfjörður, altering their perceptions of the surrounding mountainous landscape and environment. Data collection for the study involved interviews with residents, focusing on their physical health, trauma symptoms, and reactions to the landslide. Findings revealed that nearly half of the interviewees scored in the harmful stress range for post-traumatic stress as assessed by the PSS-4 scale. Additionally, heightened apprehension regarding weather conditions, particularly rainfall, aggravated and prolonged psychological distress among community members. Nevertheless, residents expressed general satisfaction with the clean-up and replanting efforts, noting positive psychological effects from these initiatives. It is imperative to continue monitoring developments in Seyðisfjörður while prioritizing the needs and well-being of its residents moving forward.

How to cite: Halldórsdóttir, T. K. and Gunnarsdóttir, U.: The impact of natural disasters on social resilience and the health of the population, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20896,, 2025.

EGU25-5801 | PICO | ITS4.15/NH13.8

Evaluating the immediate impact of a risk awareness activity: playing the tabletop game “Safe Haven – Landslides” 

Michele Calvello, Maria Vittoria Gargiulo, Laurens J.N. Oostwegel, and Guido Rianna

Effectively assessing the impact of risk communication efforts is a significant challenge in the field of natural hazards. In this context, we present an evaluation framework used to measure the effectiveness of Safe Haven – Landslides, a serious game designed to raise awareness and promote understanding of landslide risk.

To quantify the game’s impact, we developed pre- and post-experience questionnaires aimed at assessing participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and understanding of landslide hazard and risk before and after engaging with the game. The questionnaires included a series of questions designed to measure changes in risk perception, comprehension of mitigation strategies, and overall awareness of landslide dynamics and management strategies.

The results were analysed by comparing pre- and post-game responses, providing valuable insights into how the game influences participants’ understanding of landslide risks. Early findings suggest significant improvements in knowledge retention and a deeper understanding of the highlight the potential of game-based approaches in promoting proactive risk management and resilience.

This study contributes to the ongoing discussion on how to effectively evaluate the impact of risk communication initiatives. It also proposes a framework for assessing the effectiveness of educational and outreach activities aimed at enhancing public awareness of natural hazards.

How to cite: Calvello, M., Gargiulo, M. V., Oostwegel, L. J. N., and Rianna, G.: Evaluating the immediate impact of a risk awareness activity: playing the tabletop game “Safe Haven – Landslides”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5801,, 2025.

Flood risks in the Himalayan Mountains are exacerbated by climate change, underdevelopment, and rapid urbanization. Traditional "predict-and-control" approaches and top-down frameworks prove to be inadequate in addressing the multifaceted nature of flood resilience. While existing literature focuses on technical aspects of flood resilience, such as risk assessment and providing physical reinforcements, it lacks a holistic consideration of social, environmental, geographical, and technical dimensions. This study adopts a transdisciplinary approach by integrating Grid-Group Theory with Participatory System Dynamics Modelling (PSDM), fostering a comprehensive understanding of diverse perspectives and enabling collaborative development of flood resilience solutions. A mixed-methods field campaign was conducted in high-risk areas, involving stakeholder engagement in 13 workshops, 25 site observations, and 63 interviews. Preliminary findings revealed that a significant emphasis (83%) has been placed on engineering resilience in current planning and decision-making, with limited consideration for ecological (17%) and a complete absence of socio-ecological resilience. Critical interdependencies and root causes were identified through the development of a system dynamics model, highlighting leverage points for improved resilience outcomes. This research contributes to the expanding body of knowledge surrounding resilience planning and decision-making, collective action methods, and the application of system dynamics modelling. Valuable insights are offered for developing more holistic and effective flood resilience strategies in the Himalayan context.

How to cite: Essa, S.: Improving Flood Resilience Planning and Decision-making in the Himalayas: A Collective Action Approach with System Dynamics Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6624,, 2025.

EGU25-11929 | ECS | PICO | ITS4.15/NH13.8

On integrating complex hazard dependencies into descriptive disaster scenario generation approaches 

Bernhard Garn, Antonis Troumpoukis, Klaus Kieseberg, Iraklis A. Klampanos, and Dimitris E. Simos

Disaster scenarios play a crucial role in research and preparedness efforts, providing a basis to derive valuable insights into potential future disaster evolvements and impact. Scenarios are composed of events, which can be either hypothetical or derived from dedicated disaster databases that track disasters that have occurred in the past (e.g., By leveraging historical data from such dedicated disaster databases, researchers have applied various statistical methods to analyze past events and their complex dependencies [1]. However, since the reality and impact of disasters are increasingly interconnected, involving multi-hazards and cascading effects, a shift towards sophisticated scenario generation methods that can capture these complex dependencies is necessary.

Building upon existing descriptive disaster scenario modeling approaches that utilize combinatorial sequence methods [2,3], we enhance the scenario generation of a disaster framework [4] with the explicit integration of complex-dependencies between hazards. We present how inter-event dependencies, event sequences that have occurred in the past as well as cascading-effects identified in the literature can be integrated into a descriptive disaster scenario generation approach. We conclude with a vision for embedding the proposed dependency-aware descriptive scenario generation approach into the bigger picture of disaster management strategies.


SBA Research (SBA-K1) is a COMET Centre within the COMET – Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies Programme and funded by BMK, BMAW, and the federal state of Vienna. COMET is managed by FFG.
Moreover, this work was partly funded by the European Union under the DEP programme, Grand Agreement 101083472 and by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy under FFG No FO999908355.
Additionally, this work has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) under grant agreement No 101146490.


[1] Claassen, J.N. et al.: A new method to compile global multi-hazard event sets. Sci Rep 13, 13808 (2023).

[2] Garn, B. et al.: Combinatorial Sequences for Disaster Scenario Generation. Oper. Res. Forum 4, 50 (2023).

[3] Troumpoukis, A. et al.: Exploring Constraint-Based Approaches for Disaster Scenario Generation. Submitted for publication (2025)

[4] Garn, B. et al.: From Design of Experiments to Combinatorics of Disasters: A Conceptual Framework for Disaster Exercises. In: Simos, D.E., Rasskazova, V.A., Archetti, F., Kotsireas, I.S., Pardalos, P.M. (eds) Learning and Intelligent Optimization. LION 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13621. Springer, Cham.

How to cite: Garn, B., Troumpoukis, A., Kieseberg, K., Klampanos, I. A., and Simos, D. E.: On integrating complex hazard dependencies into descriptive disaster scenario generation approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11929,, 2025.

EGU25-11974 | ECS | PICO | ITS4.15/NH13.8

Canary Islands Volcanic Risk Reduction Strategy 

Javier Páez-Padilla, Nemesio M. Pérez, Luca D'Auria, and Pedro A. Hernández

The Canary Islands are the only Spanish territory exposed to volcanic risk. The recent eruption on La Palma has highlighted the exposure and vulnerability of our society to volcanic hazards. As a result, the Tajogaite eruption (2021) should mark a turning point in our management of volcanic risk in the Canary Islands, despite the progress made in the last 25 years to reduce volcanic risk in the archipelago.

This new direction should be adopted through a Canary Islands Volcanic Risk Reduction Strategy, an operational tool that serves as a framework for addressing and responding to the challenges faced by the Canary Islands due to volcanic risk. It would also serve as a driver and coordinator of various sectoral policies and as a means of raising awareness among citizens, businesses, and administrative bodies. Three basic ideas or pillars (scientific knowledge, public engagement, and consensus) will serve as the foundation for the development of this important tool.

Citizen participation would involve inviting all sectors of society that can and should play a role in volcanic risk management (scientists, public administration authorities, politicians, emergency experts, land-use planners, journalists, etc.). The idea behind broad citizen participation is that each sector can debate and provide its perspective on volcanic risk management. The strength of this debate, through a SWOT analysis, lies in the fact that only those observations emerging from consensus can be described.

In summary, our society needs a Canary Islands Volcanic Risk Reduction Strategy because volcanic risk is increasing in our archipelago.

How to cite: Páez-Padilla, J., Pérez, N. M., D'Auria, L., and Hernández, P. A.: Canary Islands Volcanic Risk Reduction Strategy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11974,, 2025.

EGU25-13207 | ECS | PICO | ITS4.15/NH13.8

The role of trust in influencing natural hazard resilience 

Joshua Nicholas, Clive Oppenheimer, Amy Donovan, Louie Bell, and Maximillian Van Wyk de Vries

Resilience plays a critical role in reducing risk and preventing disasters by enabling communities to withstand and recover from the impacts of hazards. While resilience is at the heart of disaster risk reduction literature, there is a lack of consistency in defining the factors that influence it. The ‘risk perception paradox’ presents the phenomenon where individuals may recognise that a hazard poses a significant threat, yet do not take action to protect themselves; ‘trust’ is one factor that has been used in efforts to better explain people’s actions. The research regarding trust and resilience has been conducted in many countries, through the lens of different hazards, explores different types of trust, considers different 'trusting' institutions, and importantly arrives at varying conclusions reflecting the complex interaction between trust, resilience, and culture.

While there is a growing body of research studying trust and resilience, these studies have predominantly focussed on flood hazards, trust in governments, and preparedness as the only metric by which to measure resilience; these studies are also centred in North America, Asia, and Europe. There is a need for trust and resilience research to be conducted in the context of small island developing states (SIDS) and from a multi-hazard perspective; in this context, multi-hazard refers to both the susceptibility of multiple hazards an area faces, and the cascading/ triggering/ interconnected relationships between various hazards. Our research aims to understand the importance of trust in informing disaster resilience on the island of Dominica in the Caribbean.

To generate a framework through which to understand the general trends of the relationship between trust and resilience, we have conducted a systematic literature review of relevant articles from January 2000 to February 2024. Through the Scopus and Web of Science databases, 67 relevant articles from 24 countries were selected. These studies provide a global perspective on the role of trust in natural hazard resilience through diverse methodologies and covering a range of hazard types. The review finds that resilience has multiple definitions and can generally be categorised into personal preparedness, risk perception, willingness to evacuate, and community support. Our findings show that trust in different institutions can be associated with both increases and decreases in resilience, and that limited studies are looking at the role of trust in mitigation infrastructure, media, emergency services, scientists, and personal beliefs.

In Dominica, we have conducted fieldwork to understand who people place trust in for disaster management and how these patterns of trust differ for different hazards. We conducted a mixed-methods study comprised of interviews (n = 101) and a quantitative survey (n = 539 – ~1% of the national population).  In this research, we present how our trust/ resilience framework can be applied to highlight regional patterns in the trust-resilience dynamic. This framework can be applied to other SIDS as a tool to identify patterns between trust and disaster resilience.

How to cite: Nicholas, J., Oppenheimer, C., Donovan, A., Bell, L., and Van Wyk de Vries, M.: The role of trust in influencing natural hazard resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13207,, 2025.

Historia magistra vitae” – History is life’s teacher. Back in his days (I century BCE), Cicero knew very well what he meant: Lessons gleaned from events of the past can be revelatory when trying to decipher contemporary life. Little did Cicero know that, in our days (like, 22 centuries past), his wise words could not have resonated more, given our efforts to portray concomitant hazards and contribute to forecast oncoming events – adverse and beneficial ones alike.

As a succession of recurring events – from kingdoms to wars – and their long-term, long-range repercussions through time and space – from discoveries to migrations – the history of humans and the Earth system should inform, and help steer, contemporary societies and stakeholders as a collective, shared inheritance of knowledge. In this respect, geosciences appear to be premier, extraordinary tools to help provide insight of global, crucial remit. Borne as they were to originally decipher an elusive, very long-gone past, the geosciences embrace masses and forces, processes and shapes, elements and bonds. They straddle foundational elements – not just those identified by Aristotle (Earth, Water, Air, and Fire) but, rather, those around which life itself revolves, or that can impede or altogether inhibit it.

For that very life to thrive, strategic knowledge (that is, of relevance for today and for tomorrow’s choices) of the natural past is an indispensable ‘survival kit’ to bridge into oncoming challenges, straddling the social, human, and economic dimensions. Today’s echoes of Cicero’s maxim indeed prove far more complex than in past centuries, as long as the Earth system is being burdened in unprecedented fashion by environmental stressors over a peaking global population. The resulting, interwoven factors – both ancient and novel – range from human nature to societal contradictions, with regions of the world that inherit storied vulnerabilities, exposed to hazards with evolving space-and-time patterns, in part yet unclear.

Yet, the complexities of human life, dismaying as they may appear in contemporary societies, are neither really new nor truly surprising. Precisely because global societies exude complexities cutting through geographies and economies that strain human perceptions and models, knitting together knowledge and societal advancement appears to require monumental efforts and dedicated, sensitive science throughout society, where intellect and intelligence are (or should be) interpellated as some of the most revealing accomplishments of humans: understanding, sharing, building.

How to cite: Fracassi, U.: Earth, Wind, and Fire – plus Water: From strategic knowledge to intelligence for humans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13681,, 2025.

The explosion of the Deepwater Horizon, an oil tanker of BP, caused a large amount of crude oil spill in 2010. In South Korea, two large-scale marine pollution accidents occurred: 'sea prince oil spill accident' off the coast of Busan in 1996 and 'Hebei Spirit oil spill accident' off the coast Taean in 2007. Marine accidents during transport cause widespread direct and indirect damage, such as human damage, property losses, economic damage, and environmental pollution. Especially, in case of large-scale oil spill occurs, it has a serious adverse effect on the environment around the affected area, such as population outflow, regional economic downturn, and intensification of community conflict. The probability of marine pollution accidents is increasing due to changes in the trade environment, such as the expansion of world seaborne transportation volume, as well as enlargement and speeding up of ships. In addition, the potential risk of marine pollution accidents is increasing due to the expansion of marine areas use, such as the installation of offshore plants, and the deterioration of weather conditions caused by climate change. In order to mitigate the damage from oil spills during maritime transportation, it is necessary to prepare safety management strategies based on risk prediction. The purpose of this study is twofold: ⅰ) to propose a risk estimating approach of oil spill accident by constructing a probabilistic risk matrix (4×4) using the Markov chain process. ⅱ)  to compare the risks by sea area, including major ports in South Korea: Central, West, South, East, and Jeju. Analysis data was used with detailed marine pollution accidents provided by the Korea Coast Guard. 84 months of accident data were collected over 7 years from 2017 to 2023. In this study, the risk matrix proposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) was used, and the levels of the risk matrix was divided into 4: attention, caution, alert, and serious, as specified in the crisis alerts management manual of marine pollution accidents in South Korea. The risk of each sea area could be quantified by comprehensively considering the monthly occurrence frequency of accidents and the volume of oil spills. In addition, by applying the probability value through Markov chain process to the risk matrix, the uncertainty of the risk analysis data could be reduced and risk level could be classified more clearly and quantitatively based on accident data. The results can be used as basic data for decision-making on the allocation of resources and budgets for policies to prevent marine pollution accidents.

How to cite: Cho, H., Kim, D., and Jeong, J.: A risk estimation of marine oil spills by major ports and sea areas in South Korea : Using Markov chain and risk matrix, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15679,, 2025.

Would I help you if I needed to save myself? Hard times are known to bring out the true nature of people, but in disaster scenarios, are people driven to only protect themselves or also to help others?

Disasters have health consequences. Recent events highlighted the need to provide urgent care to victims. In disaster scenarios, the help of informal actors is crucial (Fredriksen, 2021), as they are often the first on-site and give the help needed while waiting for a formal response, often delayed (Gingerich, 2015). Typically, a disaster will lead to a surge of patients who require immediate care despite inaccessible and disrupted formal healthcare infrastructures (Labrague, 2023). The challenge of patient logistics with informal actors is, therefore, rapidly transporting those in need of care to locations where they can be treated (Villa, 2014).

But, these responses come with a risk. While the priority is given to helping others, some prefer to protect themselves, which is a common aspect of the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT), looking at the influence of threat and coping appraisal on disaster responses to inform if you would be protecting yourself or not (Rogers, 1975). While focusing on self-protection, PMT overlooks the incentive to protect or not others, which could be driven by personal values and emotional factors known to be influenced by environmental changes like disasters (Balla, 2014). This altruism and the dynamic nature of disasters would be an addition to the PMT.

In our study, we inform PMT approaches by adding altruism and motivation to help others in times of disaster across various time phases of the disaster response. We include the first informal response conducted by communities, followed by the formal response, including healthcare professionals and emergency responders. We show the main factors influencing altruistic behaviours through survey data, looking back at the response to the 2021 European Floods.

This study explores the presence of altruism in individuals in the context of patient logistics. Through this, we aim to advance the knowledge of PMT by incorporating altruism and emotional motivations, offering new insights into community disaster response behaviours. The findings suggest that disaster response strategies should focus on self-protection and promote community-driven efforts and trust in formal and informal systems. We are therefore proposing a consolidated PMT approach as a starting point for discussion and leading further empirical work on the role of altruism in patient logistics in disasters.

How to cite: Magana, J., Comes, T., and Hinrichs-Krapels, S.: Including Local Initiatives, Behaviours and Altruism in Disaster Responses : Patient Logistics through Protection Motivation Theory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18574,, 2025.

The effectiveness of disaster resilience measures in the context of sustainable development depends on various factors, including government policies and interventions across sectors, community and civil society engagement, information dissemination and mobilisation of resources. It is crucial to consider diverse stakeholders from different disciplines to fully appreciate their integral role for developing and implementing suitable strategies.

Previous studies across various domains highlight the interdependence of scientific outcomes, government policies, and community involvement for sustainable development. However, the linkages of stakeholders and disciplines with the interconnected dynamics of science, policy, and community engagement in disaster resilience is not adequately studied. This underscores the need to understand and document how different stakeholders and disciplines can collectively contribute to disaster resilience and sustainable development. 

The Indo-Pacific region is prone to several disasters, including floods, droughts, cyclones, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and forest fires. Research tours (supported by Japan Foundation and Australian Institute of International Affairs) were undertaken in Japan, Australia, Fiji, and Tonga by the Indo-Pacific Cooperation Network members, to comprehend disaster resilience measures in these countries. The study employs a systematic literature review and stakeholder consultations in each region to learn about their overall approach to disaster resilience and map key findings against Sustainable Development Goals. It identifies how selected Indo-Pacific regions have integrated transdisciplinary knowledge and sustainability principles into their disaster resilience plans and actions. The study features good practices and investigates key indicators of disaster resilience for cross-disciplinary knowledge creation and coordinated actions directed towards sustainable development in the selected Indo-Pacific regions.

The study results in a guiding framework, indicating the importance of disaster resilience efforts incorporating transdisciplinary knowledge and sustainable development approach. It offers strategic recommendations to enhance disaster preparedness, response and recovery efforts with the framework as a baseline, for the complex science-policy-community nexus. The study serves as a valuable reference for Indo-Pacific regions seeking to embed transdisciplinary knowledge into policies and actions, ultimately improving access to resources, support mechanisms, infrastructure, and communication which empower communities for disaster resilience.

How to cite: Tailor, F.: Transdisciplinary and sustainable development perspectives for disaster resilience: Lessons learnt from selected Indo-Pacific regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19361,, 2025.

Nature encompasses diverse values, including intrinsic, instrumental, and relational dimensions, which shape human interactions with ecosystems. Understanding local perceptions of these values is a crucial first step in ecosystem service assessments (ESA), ensuring alignment with community priorities. ESA has the potential to enhance disaster risk management (DRM) by providing essential ecological information that is often overlooked, despite the close interconnection between social and ecological systems in disaster contexts. However, the practical integration of ESA into DRM strategies remains limited due to a lack of clear examples and actionable entry points for policymakers. Existing research highlights the need for implementation-focused studies that connect ESA information a with real-world DRM applications. This study addresses the multi-hazard risks faced by Thừa Thiên-Huế province in central Vietnam by exploring how ESA can contribute to innovative, ecosystem-based DRM approaches. The research focuses on identifying entry points for integrating ecosystem service (ES) information into DRM policies, specifically through the 2020–2025 Natural Disaster Risk Management Plan (2365/QĐ-UBND), the province's key policy document outlining priorities and strategies for disaster risk reduction. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study has three specific objectives: (1) identifying the ecosystem values most appreciated by the residents of Huế—whether intrinsic, instrumental, or relational—through household surveys; (2) assessing the capacities of different land cover types to provide ES using a participatory ES Matrix approach; and (3) analyzing DRM policy documents with MAXQDA to identify actionable entry points for embedding ESA findings. Preliminary results suggest that residents prioritize instrumental ecosystem values, such as regulating and provisioning services, which align with local needs for hazard mitigation and vulnerability reduction. The ES Matrix reveals that evergreen broad-leaved forests provide the highest levels of ecosystem services. Furthermore, the policy analysis identifies key entry points for integrating ESA into DRM, grouped across various DRM phases. This study bridges critical knowledge gaps by linking ecosystem service supply with actionable DRM policies in Thừa Thiên-Huế. The findings advocate for the integration of ESA into DRM strategies, enhancing resilience to multi-hazard risks in the region and providing a replicable model for other vulnerable regions globally.

How to cite: Ortiz Vargas, A., Schinkel, U., Sett, D., Bachofer, F., Walz, Y., and Sebesvari, Z.: Bridging ecosystem services and disaster risk management: Entry points for integrating ecosystem information into policy frameworks, the study case of Thua Thien-Hue province in central Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19937,, 2025.

This poster explores the use of serious games as a comprehensive approach to disaster risk reduction and resilience, bridging gaps between physical and social sciences, policy, and practice amidst the complex and uncertain context of climate change. Developed under the DIRECTED project in collaboration with local stakeholders, these games integrate diverse technical and social science perspectives by combining DIRECTED Data Fabric scenarios with Speculative Design. This integration enhances our capacity to mitigate and adapt to complex disaster risks while promoting interdisciplinary approaches to disaster risk management and climate change adaptation.

Key Objectives:

  • Enhancing understanding of risk governance contexts, challenges, and opportunities for integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk management amidst uncertainty.
  • Developing "future-making" skills that translate gaming insights into real-world applications, equipping stakeholders to work across disciplines to tackle complex challenges.

The poster will share insights from our scenario-based, gamified Tabletop Exercise, illustrating their potential to address bureaucratic hurdles, disciplinary silos, and unclear responsibilities. With the DIRECTED Rhein-Erft Real World Lab, we co-created a speculative scenario based on model data from the 2021 floods in German federal states—particularly North Rhine-Westphalia—enhanced with projections of future climate change impacts. Using this case study, we will demonstrate how gameplay can enhance imagination, foresight, and collaboration. By exploring participants' contexts and constructing meaning around "what if?" scenarios—rooted in the unique experiences and perspectives of real people—these exercises inspire innovative solutions. Furthermore, they introduce new ways of working that support resilient pathways for risk governance and climate adaptation.

This transdisciplinary approach highlights the role of serious games in fostering dialogue, sparking creativity, and generating actionable insights across science, policy, and practice to address multi-risk challenges.

How to cite: Ng, N.: Understanding complexity: co-producing serious games to address multi-risk challenges., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20253,, 2025.

This presentation reflects on the stakeholder engagement and knowledge co-production process across the Pilots in the MYRIAD-EU project, which aims to provide useful tools and approaches for creating forward-looking disaster risk management pathways that assess trade-offs and synergies across sectors, hazards, and scales. Knowledge co-production in MYRIAD-EU focused on two dimensions: the internal collaboration between project partners and the iterative co-production of knowledge between researchers and stakeholders. In this talk, we briefly introduce the framework and focus on the co-production steps leading to the finding of two focus group (FG) sessions takin place in 2023 and 2024. In these sessions, stakeholders from Scandinavia, Veneto, the Danube, the North Sea, and the Canary Islands actively participated in testing and implementing several methods, tools, and frameworks.

FG1 focused on initial stakeholder interactions, highlighting key challenges such as the rising awareness of climate change impacts, including extreme precipitation events in Scandinavia and the multi-risk nature of past storms in Veneto. Feedback from these sessions underscored the importance of clear communication, sectoral knowledge exchange, and social justice considerations in addressing climate resilience. The collaborative nature of FG1 was reflected in positive stakeholder engagement, with participants providing valuable input for scenario co-creation and testing.

Building on FG1, FG2 sought to deepen sectoral integration and refine the tools developed in the project. While securing stakeholder engagement required continuous efforts from Pilot Leads, the integration of sector-specific experts helped further co-develop disaster risk management pathways. In Veneto, the discussion centred on the Vaia storm, providing a better understanding of cross-sectoral impacts and management actions. Challenges, such as stakeholder fatigue in Scandinavia and mismatched expectations in the Canary Islands, highlighted the ongoing need for adaptable engagement strategies and clear communication of project capabilities.

The use of co-production tools, including structured interviews, interactive surveys, participatory mapping/systems thinking, scorecards, storylines and scenario-building facilitated discussions and provided valuable opportunities for stakeholders to directly influence the development of tools and strategies for disaster risk management. These sessions revealed the importance of iterative feedback, flexibility in engagement, and the need to continuously adapt methods to ensure effective collaboration. The findings underscore that successful knowledge co-development requires the integration of diverse stakeholder knowledge, effective communication of project capabilities, and adaptable co-production strategies tailored to the specific regional and sectoral contexts.

How to cite: Ciurean, R. L.: Reflections on Stakeholder Engagement, Co-Production Methods, and Knowledge Co-Development in the MYRIAD-EU Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21264,, 2025.

The quasi-cyclic behavior of fault zones, which encompasses interseismic, coseismic, and postseismic phases, is essential for understanding the dynamic evolution of earthquakes. Examining the spatiotemporal evolution of surface deformation and fault slip distribution across different periods of an earthquake cycle, obtained through geodetic techniques, enables a systematic and precise understanding of earthquake deformation models. The 2020 Elaziğ earthquake and the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Sequence, both of which occurred along the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) in eastern Anatolia, provide a unique opportunity for studying the earthquake cycle and associated fault behavior. Historically, seismic activity along the EAF has demonstrated the fault’s capacity to produce significant earthquakes, with distinctive fault mechanisms varying across time and fault segments. In addition, approximately a decade of high-resolution surface deformation data obtained from InSAR, spanning five distinct periods in the earthquake cycle, is available for in-depth analysis.

Our objective was to provide a comprehensive characterization of present-day kinematic processes along the EAF, to gain insights into fault frictional properties and to assess potential future seismic hazards. To do so, we utilized high-resolution interferometric data to investigate fault slip evolution from March 2015 to June 2024. This temporally continuous deformation field allowed us to explore fault behavior and develop complete slip distribution models throughout the earthquake cycle, which includes an interseismic period (2015-2020), two postseismic periods (2020-2023 and 2023-2024), and three coseismic events. Initially, we conducted an InSAR time series analysis to capture the deformation fields across different periods of the EAF earthquake cycle. We then integrated high-resolution ground displacement data, aftershock distributions from the 2020 and 2023 earthquakes, and the Global Active Faults Database (GEM) to map the complex fault geometries of the EAF. These inputs facilitated the creation of triangular dislocation models for analyzing fault slip distribution at various periods of the earthquake cycle. Moreover, we examined the relationship between slip distribution and estimated frictional parameters along the EAF, followed by an assessment of seismic hazard potential.

Our analysis of slip evolution reveals that the postseismic fault slip following the 2020 and 2023 earthquakes primarily occurred in areas with minimal coseismic slip. We also identified four slip deficit regions, comprising both shallow and deep portions of the seismogenic faults. By integrating slip distributions and historical earthquakes, we calculated the total moment deficit rate for each fault segment, revealing that the Palu segment, as well as the central portions of the Erkenek and Sürgü-Çardak segment, possesses a high earthquake potential. These findings underscore the critical need for high-resolution and continuous monitoring of fault systems across different seismic periods, offering new insights into the dynamics of the earthquake cycle along the EAF.

How to cite: Han, B., Song, C., and Aoki, Y.: Fault spatial heterogeneity and seismic hazards revealed by geodetic observations of the East Anatolian Fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-95,, 2025.

EGU25-2657 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.21/NH13.9

A novel method to estimate the magnitude of bedrock landslide volumes with the index of rock resistance to weathering and erosion 

Chenglong Zhang, Wu Zhu, Mimgtao Ding, Trevor B Hoey, Bo Chen, Xinlong Li, Qiangong Cheng, and Jianbing Peng Peng

Landslide volume, as a principal factor in assessing the disaster-causing capacity of potential landslides, needs to be estimated accurately and quickly. At present, volume estimation of landslides is still dominated by traditional field surveys, and the method of using power-law correlations between landslide area and volume to estimate landslide volume is also imperfect. Scholars often ignored the crucial factor of the index of rock resistance to weathering and erosion (IRWE) of landslide bedrocks, leading to the uncertainty in index coefficients (γ), the applicable range of this method also needs to be further researched. In this paper, firstly, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Transportation Corridor (QTPTC) was divided into five sections based on IRWE of stratigraphic lithology, 183 landslides were selected from the landslide inventory along five sections. The power-law correlation between landslide area and volume in each section was fitted based on robust estimation. Secondly, power-law correlations were validated using cross validation and typical landslides in each section, and compared with γ values fitted in other literature. Through analyzing IRWE in the area where 183 landslides are located, γ values were found to be proportional to IRWE. Thirdly, the volume of 1928 landslides along QTPTC were estimated and River Blocking Coefficient (RBC) I_b was introduced to quickly screen out 88 active major disaster bodies along great rivers. Finally, we proposed a universal framework for volume estimation of landslides. The study will greatly save time in screening potential landslides, laying a solid foundation for early warning and achieving the purpose of landslide prevention and mitigation.

How to cite: Zhang, C., Zhu, W., Ding, M., Hoey, T. B., Chen, B., Li, X., Cheng, Q., and Peng, J. P.: A novel method to estimate the magnitude of bedrock landslide volumes with the index of rock resistance to weathering and erosion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2657,, 2025.

EGU25-3307 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Numerical investigation of large-slope planar failure considering entrainment effects: new insights into the 2009 JWS event 

Yinpeng Liu, Chuang Song, José Luis Pastor Navarro, and Jianbing Peng

 On 5th June 2009, a massive rapid long run-out rockslide occurred at the Jiweishan (JWS) area in Chongqing Municipality, China, which claimed 74 lives and injured an additional eight. Previous studies have applied numerical simulation to analyze the post-failure behavior of the JWS rockslide over the last decade, but the simulations conducted so far have not fully captured the lateral rock movements, the entrainment of slide mass on weathered blocks at the slope toe, and the subsequent deposition of the debris. This study majority was to simulate the planar failure at the initiation of the rockslide by three-dimensional (3D) numerical modeling to model the debris movement and deposition of the rockslide under the brittle failure of the key block at the front of the slope. The 3D topography and local joint sets are considered in the calculations, with the joint sets cutting the sliding rock mass into irregularly shaped blocks. The shoveling effects are considered to erode the hill ahead of the slope toe to expand the area of influence and match the actual topography. The 3D numerical modeling accurately captured the fundamental characteristics of the rockslide, resulting in a post-failure configuration closely resembling what was observed in the field.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Song, C., Pastor Navarro, J. L., and Peng, J.: Numerical investigation of large-slope planar failure considering entrainment effects: new insights into the 2009 JWS event, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3307,, 2025.

EGU25-4761 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

An interpretable multi-hazard machine learning model for county-level loss assessment of tropical cyclones 

Jinli Zheng, Weihua Fang, and Jingyan Shao

Reliable loss assessment of tropical cyclones (TCs) is critical for effective disaster emergency response. Existing methods often overlook the combined impacts of multiple hazards associated with TCs, such as wind, rainfall, storm surge, waves, and floods, which can decrease loss estimation accuracy. To address this issue, a novel assessment framework is proposed that integrates these multi-hazard effects to enhance disaster loss modeling. This framework begins by identifying multi-hazard features of TCs, including maximum gust wind (3s), total rainfall, daily rainfall, hourly rainfall, surge heights, significant wave heights, and daily runoff. Using a dataset of 1,341 county-level records, four machine learning algorithms—Categorical Boosting (CatBoost), Transformer, Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM)—are trained and optimized. The best-performing model is applied to assess the impact of feature variables and training samples. Additionally, shapley additive explanations (SHAP) are employed to interpret the model, providing insights into feature importance and relationships among hazards. Results indicate that CatBoost outperforms other algorithms, achieving an accuracy of 0.8196. Incorporating all feature variables results in a maximum performance improvement of 19.06% compared to using single, double, or triple hazards. The model demonstrates strong applicability across coastal and inland regions at the national scale, maintaining an accuracy above 0.79. By integrating SHAP analysis, this approach enhances model interpretability, offering valuable insights into factor contributions and inter-hazard relationships. The proposed framework improves the reliability of loss assessments and addresses the limitations of machine learning "black boxes," supporting more informed and effective disaster response strategies.

How to cite: Zheng, J., Fang, W., and Shao, J.: An interpretable multi-hazard machine learning model for county-level loss assessment of tropical cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4761,, 2025.

EGU25-4795 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Enhancing Dangerous Rock Mass Identification in Bare Rock Mountainous Areas Using Oblique Photography 

Ming He, Jianbing Peng, Penghui Ma, and Zhijie Jia

Large-scale key projects such as pumped storage, wind farm or infrastructure projects are gradually increasing in the higher altitudes bare rock mountainous areas in China due to the national strategy. The high-level dangerous rock mass widely distributed in these areas poses a great threat to engineering construction due to its huge-scale and concealment. However, the traditional geological survey method is difficult to obtain the complete feature information of dangerous rock mass efficiently and accurately. Therefore, we optimized the data acquisition parameters of the oblique photography of dangerous rock mass in this special geological environment, and formed a set of targeted data acquisition ideas. Then, based on the oblique photography model, the interpretation signs of dangerous rock mass are established, and a set of identification and classification theory is summarized. Using point cloud data, the automatic identification technology of dangerous rock mass structural plane is further studied. At the same time, the research also carried out the application practice based on the actual pumped storage project, and verified the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method.This study showed that oblique photography is a promising method for improving high-level dangerous rock mass identification efficiency in bare rock mountainous areas.

How to cite: He, M., Peng, J., Ma, P., and Jia, Z.: Enhancing Dangerous Rock Mass Identification in Bare Rock Mountainous Areas Using Oblique Photography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4795,, 2025.

EGU25-5516 | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Using Machine Learning and LAHARZ to Develop a Landslide Risk Analysis Model for Buildings 

Yu Mi Song, Youngjin Cho, and Ho Gul Kim

Despite the plethora of studies on landslide analysis and prediction, buildings are often the structures that endure the most tangible harm and must address the aftermath. In Korea, landslide damage attributable to climate change is escalating, particularly impacting buildings and residences. To mitigate this issue, it is imperative to forecast the areas where landslides are likely to occur and identify structures within their potential damage range. Consequently, this study aims to develop a landslide risk analysis model for buildings.

This landslide risk analysis model consists of three steps: (1) deriving landslide-susceptible areas, (2) deriving landslide damage areas, and (3) identifying buildings expected to be damaged by landslides.

To derive landslide-susceptible areas, data on past landslide occurrences and environmental variables related to topography, soil, vegetation, and climate were utilized. To enhance the reliability of the dependent variable, Pearson's correlation coefficient was employed to exclude variables with high intercorrelation. Machine-learning-based ensemble models—namely artificial neural networks (ANN), extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), and generalized linear models (GLM)—were then applied to analyze these landslide-susceptible areas. The area under the curve (AUC) for the final model’s accuracy analysis was 0.934, indicating a high degree of predictive accuracy.

To derive the landslide damage area, various runout models were considered, and LAHARZ was ultimately selected as the analysis tool. LAHARZ, developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), can simulate debris flow behavior and is frequently used for landslide damage analysis. In this study, potential landslide initiation points—identified from the landslide-susceptible area results—were combined with weather, topography, geology, soil, and vegetation data to determine the extent of debris flow damage in the event of a landslide.

In the final stage of the analysis, buildings located within the debris-flow damage area were extracted. To achieve this, building register information was geocoded and converted into spatial data, using the geocoding tool on a selected sample area. The analysis revealed that in 10 of the 19 potential landslide sites, buildings are situated within the damage range in the event of a landslide. However, in the remaining 9 sites, no buildings are damaged even if a landslide occurs. Consequently, a total of 67 buildings in the sample area are likely to be damaged. These include 14 apartments, 6 multi-family/multi-unit houses, 2 single-family houses, and 1 apartment complex. The model developed in this study can serve as a foundation for residents and building users to respond more effectively to potential landslide damage.

How to cite: Song, Y. M., Cho, Y., and Kim, H. G.: Using Machine Learning and LAHARZ to Develop a Landslide Risk Analysis Model for Buildings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5516,, 2025.

Oil and gas production can cause a drop in pore pressure within the reservoir, increasing effective stress and resulting in reservoir compaction. Subsurface reservoir compaction propagates to the Earth’s surface, manifesting as land subsidence, which can damage oil/gas production facilities and surface infrastructure. When oil and gas fields are situated in low-lying delta regions, land subsidence exacerbates the impact of flooding and inundation. A three-dimensional (3D) displacement field is expected over an oil/gas-producing field due to oil reservoirs' typically significant burial depth relative to their horizontal extent. In this study, we proposed a novel method to retrieve the complete 3D displacement field over producing oil/gas fields. By integrating multi-geometry InSAR line-of-sight (LOS) observations, we derived the vertical and east-west displacement components, while the north-south component was estimated based on an assumed physical relationship between horizontal and vertical displacements. We applied this method to the oil fields in Liaohe River Delta in Northeastern China and the Sebei gas fields in Northwestern China. The derived 3D displacement field reveals a circular subsidence bowl with a maximum subsidence rate of ~20 cm/year at the center, accompanied by a centripetal pattern of horizontal displacements with maximum rates of ~5 cm/year directed toward the subsidence center. The retrieved 3D displacements align well with predictions from geomechanical modeling, which assumes a disk-shaped reservoir undergoing a uniform reduction in pore fluid pressure. Finally, we highlight infrastructure damage caused by oil production-induced land subsidence and its impact on flood inundation in the low-lying Liaohe River Delta.

How to cite: Tang, W., Lei, Y., and Li, Y.: Production-induced three-dimensional surface displacement over oil/gas fields measured by InSAR and its induced environmental impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6419,, 2025.

EGU25-6452 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Combining Earth Observation and AI to advance multi-risk assessment of hot and dry events on crops in the Adige River basin  

Jacopo Furlanetto, Edoardo Albergo, Davide Mauro Ferrario, Marinella Masina, Margherita Maraschini, and Silvia Torresan

Cascading and compounding multi-hazard events pose increasing challenges, presenting serious direct and indirect threats to people, the environment, and economic assets. Addressing these events and building disaster risk reduction capacity is crucial. This requires not only leveraging novel technologies such as modern Earth Observation (EO) platforms and AI, but also integrating them into effective multi-risk assessment frameworks. This study, conducted within the ESA EO4MultiHazard project, aims to exploit EO data to deepen our understanding of how multi-hazard cascading impacts unfold in affected areas. Specifically, it focuses on cascading and compounding hot and dry events—namely, heatwaves and droughts—and their impacts on crop vegetation in the lower Adige River Basin, located in northeastern Italy. The Adige River serves as a critical resource for the area's intensive agriculture, as its waters supply a dense irrigation network, making it especially vulnerable to reduced water availability during hot and dry conditions. Multi-risk assessment methodologies involve several key steps, including the spatiotemporal identification of hazards and the assessment of exposure and vulnerability. The ultimate goal of this study is to use high-resolution EO data to enhance the understanding of the different risk dimensions and identify risk susceptible areas. The multi-hazard identification methodology was adapted from the Myriad-EU project and applied to the Adige River Basin to analyze hot and dry events over the past 74 years (1950–2023) using the E-Obs gridded dataset. This analysis enabled the identification of general drought and heatwave trends, as well as the most severe and relevant events to inform a more detailed EO analysis. The 2022 drought, a recent and highly severe event, was selected as a case study period. In situ data—such as information on the irrigation network, irrigation districts, river discharge, and crop species at the field level—were combined with EO data from Sentinel-2. This integration of high-resolution satellite imagery (up to 10 meters) with detailed ground information allowed for the detection of vegetation stress responses to hot and dry events, serving as proxies for crop impacts. This approach not only identifies the most susceptible areas to inform multi-risk assessments, but also lays the groundwork for applying AI methodologies to predict future impacts under various climate scenarios. By creating past and present-day susceptibility maps, this study advances our understanding of hot and dry event dynamics on crops, and it demonstrates the potential of integrating advanced analytical tools and EO data into a multi-hazard framework to pave the way for machine learning applications for future climate multi-risk assessment and adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Furlanetto, J., Albergo, E., Ferrario, D. M., Masina, M., Maraschini, M., and Torresan, S.: Combining Earth Observation and AI to advance multi-risk assessment of hot and dry events on crops in the Adige River basin , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6452,, 2025.

Landslides stand as a prevalent geological risk in mountainous areas, presenting substantial danger to human habitation. The slip surface, volume, type and evolution of landslides constitute crucial information from which to understand landslide mechanisms and assess landslide risk. However, current methods for obtaining this information, relying primarily on field surveys, are usually time-consuming, labor-intensive and costly, and are more applicable to individual landslides than large-scale landslide groups. To tackle these challenges, we present a novel method utilizing multi-orbit Synthetic Aperture Radar data to deduce the slip surface, volume and type of active landslides. In this method, the slip surface of landslides over a wide area is determined from three-dimensional deformation fields by assuming that the most authentic direction of the landslide movement aligns parallel to the slip surface, on the basis of which the volume and type of active landslides can also be inferred. This approach was utilized with landslide groups in Gongjue County (LGGC), situated in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, which pose grave peril to community members and critical construction along the upstream/downstream of the Jinsha River. Firstly, Synthetic Aperture Radar images were gathered and interferometrically processed from four separate platforms, spanning the period from July 2007 to August 2022. Then, three-dimensional displacement time series were inverted based on Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar observations and a topography-constrained model, from which the slip surface, volume and type were determined using our proposed method. Finally, the Tikhonov regularization method was applied to reconstruct 15-year displacement time series along the sliding surface, and potential driving factors of landslide motion were identified. Results indicate that 53 landslides were detected in the LGGC region, of which ~70% were active and complex landslides with maximum cumulative displacement along the sliding surface reaching 1.5 m over the past ~15 years. In addition, the deepest slip surface of these landslides was found to reach 114 m, with volumes ranging from 1.66×105 m³ to 1.72×108 m³. Independent in-situ measurements validate the reliability of the slip surface obtained in this study. More particularly, we found that the 2018 failure of the Baige landslide (approximately 50 km from LGGC) had caused persistent acceleration to those wading landslides, highlighting the prolonged impact of external factors on landslide evolution. These insights provide a deeper understanding of landslide dynamics and mechanisms, which is crucial when implementing early warning systems and forecasting future failure events.

How to cite: Chen, B., Song, C., and Peng, J.: Slip surface, volume and evolution of active landslide groups in Gongjue County, eastern Tibetan Plateau from 15-year InSAR observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9290,, 2025.

EGU25-11820 | Orals | ITS1.21/NH13.9 | Highlight

Land Subsidence in the Lower Rhine Embayment of Western Germany: A multi-decadal investigation from geodesy, geology, hydrology and finite element modeling 

Mahdi Motagh, Marzieh Baes, Pietro Teatini, Andrea Franceschini, Thomas R. Walter, Dibakar Kamalini Ritushree, Maoqi Liu, and Elsa Neumann

This contribution presents a comprehensive summary of the lessons learned from our studies on differential settlement and fault activation processes in the Lower Rhine Embayment of Western Germany. This region has hosted numerous mining operations and associated ground-water level adjustments for several decades. The remnants of several large, previously active open-pit mines are still visible today, as the land subsidence caused by mining-induced groundwater lowering continues to affect the landscape long after mining activities have ceased.

To understand the extent and progression of these effects, we  analyzed available leveling data collected since 1967, in conjunction with existing remote sensing observations from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS). This extensive dataset allows us to reconstruct a comprehensive history of ground deformation in the region. We then integrate these findings with other in-situ geotechnical and geological measurements to develop a 2.5D geomechanical model and simulate the impact of large-scale groundwater pumping on contemporary continuous (i.e., land subsidence) and discontinuous (i.e., earth fissuring) surface deformation. The poro-elastic contact mechanics model is based on the lithological map of a cross-section passing near the Bergheim, Hambach, and Inden open-pit mines. The model is constrained by lithological, hydrological, geodetic, and field observations.

Additionally, we present the results of our extensive field surveys conducted in affected areas, which document the consequences of subsidence-induced fault reactivation and differential settlement. These geotechnical phenomena have led to moderate to severe damage to buildings, structures, and underground infrastructure throughout the region. Our findings highlight the long-term challenges posed by mining-related subsidence, emphasizing the decade-long environmental impact of mining and the need for careful consideration of these effects in future land-use planning and mining operations.

How to cite: Motagh, M., Baes, M., Teatini, P., Franceschini, A., R. Walter, T., Ritushree, D. K., Liu, M., and Neumann, E.: Land Subsidence in the Lower Rhine Embayment of Western Germany: A multi-decadal investigation from geodesy, geology, hydrology and finite element modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11820,, 2025.

EGU25-12799 | Orals | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Groundwater Storage Loss, Land Degradation, Desertification and Loss of Biodiversity:  Insights from a Multi-Decadal Satellite and Field Surveys in Iran 

Mahmud Haghshenas Haghighi, Mahdi Motagh, Robert Behling, Sigrid Roessner, Bahman Akbari, and Hossein Akhani

A large portion of Iran is characterized by arid and semi-arid climates, making the region inherently vulnerable to environmental stress. Over the past five decades, this vulnerability has been significantly exacerbated by a combination of climate-change related natural factors and human-driven activities, including unsustainable agricultural practices, deforestation, and inefficient irrigation. Additionally, Iran’s over-reliance on groundwater resources has led to the over-extraction of aquifers and widespread land subsidence. Together, these factors are pushing the country towards a severe environmental crisis, evidenced by diminished agricultural sustainability, depletion of water resources, and loss of biodiversity.

While these issues have been recognized for some time, the spatial and temporal specifics of their progression have yet to be comprehensively analyzed on a national scale. This study presents the results of our investigation, which integrates multi-decadal satellite data and field surveys to explore and quantify the interconnections between unsustainable groundwater extraction, aquifer depletion, surface water diversion, and desertification across Iran.

In recent decades, the country’s heavy reliance on groundwater for agricultural, industrial, and domestic use has led to a dramatic decline in groundwater levels and significant land subsidence. Our multi-decadal analysis of satellite data from various Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors— including ERS, Envisat, ALOS, and Sentinel-1— reveals that approximately 56,000 km² (3.5%) of Iran is experiencing severe land subsidence, with certain areas sinking at alarming rates exceeding 35 cm per year. Recent surveys using Sentinel-1 data indicate that around 3,000 km² of land is subsiding at rates greater than 10 cm per year, underscoring the scale of the crisis.

We also conducted a spatiotemporal analysis of vegetation growth in relation to hydrometeorological factors across the country, using a variety of Earth Observation data, including MODIS, Sentinel-1/2, GRACE/FO, and ERA5-Land. This analysis aimed to assess the impact of irrigation practices and their relationship to water availability for sustainable development. Despite facing hydrometeorological water scarcity, Iran has seen an agricultural expansion of approximately 27,000 km² (9%) between 1992 and 2019, accompanied by the intensification of cultivation within existing agricultural areas. This is reflected in significant positive vegetation trends in 28% of the country’s croplands (around 48,000 km²), highlighting the central role of agriculture as the primary driver of groundwater depletion, water scarcity, and land subsidence.

The impact of groundwater depletion and running water disturbances also affects natural vegetation in playa and wetland ecosystems. This causes degradation of natural vegetation and emission of dust in most of the formerly permanent wetlands and associated steppes and loss of rare and endemic species. Dramatic cases have been documented in Turkman-Sahra (Golestan Province), Meyghan wetlands (Markazi Province), Tashk and Bakhtegan Wetlands (Fars Province). The halophytes and hygrohalophytes are highly sensitive to low changes of soil moisture and underground water level are largely threatened and even completely disappeared in recent years. Our findings highlight the importance of a multi-scale approach for effective water management in arid regions for creating resilient systems that support sustainable development from existing water resources.

How to cite: Haghshenas Haghighi, M., Motagh, M., Behling, R., Roessner, S., Akbari, B., and Akhani, H.: Groundwater Storage Loss, Land Degradation, Desertification and Loss of Biodiversity:  Insights from a Multi-Decadal Satellite and Field Surveys in Iran, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12799,, 2025.

EGU25-13938 | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Dataset Construction for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Multi-Buffer Zones, Clustering, and Stratified Sampling 

Paraskevas Tsangaratos, Aikaterini-Alexandra Chrysafi, Ploutarxos Tzampoglou, Aristodemos Anastasiades, Elena Valari, Vasilis Giannoglou, and Dimitrios Loukidis

Landslide susceptibility mapping is a vital tool for identifying areas vulnerable to slope instability and mitigating related hazards. A critical challenge in this process is constructing a robust, diverse, and balanced training dataset that accurately distinguishes landslide-prone areas from stable regions. This study proposes a methodology that integrates multi-buffer zoning, clustering-based sampling, and stratified sampling to enhance predictive accuracy and dataset representativeness.

The study was conducted in the Paphos district of Cyprus, an area of 552 km² that has experienced over 1,800 recorded landslides. The region’s geomorphological complexity, shaped by diverse topographic, geological, hydrological, and land-use conditions, makes it an ideal setting for advancing landslide susceptibility mapping techniques. A comprehensive dataset incorporating key environmental variables—such as slope, elevation, curvature, lithology, proximity to faults, and land cover—was compiled for analysis.

To develop the training dataset, documented landslide points were paired with non-landslide points generated from three spatial buffer zones: 250 m, 500 m, and 750 m around landslide sites. To further improve data diversity, clustering-based sampling grouped data points based on geomorphological and environmental similarities, while stratified sampling ensured proportional representation of critical variables in the dataset.

Three machine learning models—Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), and XGBoost—were employed to evaluate the predictive performance of datasets constructed using individual buffer zones, clustering, and stratification techniques. Model performance was assessed using metrics such as Accuracy, F1 Score, Cohen’s Kappa, and Area Under the Curve (AUC) to determine the effectiveness of each dataset.

The results revealed clear distinctions between datasets. The 750 m buffer dataset outperformed the others, with XGBoost achieving an Accuracy of 93.92%, F1 Score of 93.86%, Cohen’s Kappa of 87.84%, and AUC of 98.36%. This dataset effectively captured stable environmental conditions, improving model robustness and generalizability. The 500 m buffer dataset also performed well, with XGBoost achieving an Accuracy of 92.36% and an AUC of 97.66%, while the 250 m buffer dataset, exhibited slightly lower performance, with XGBoost achieving an Accuracy of 89.36% and an AUC of 95.77%.

The clustering-based sampling approach also demonstrated strong results, with RF achieving an Accuracy of 92.44% and an AUC of 97.19%, suggesting that grouping data points based on shared characteristics enhances model precision. Finally, the combined dataset, which integrated clustering-based and stratified sampling, yielded robust results, with XGBoost achieving an Accuracy of 93.74%, Cohen’s Kappa of 85.99%, and AUC of 97.99%.

In conclusion, the proposed approach demonstrates the value of integrating multi-buffer zoning, clustering, and stratified sampling into susceptibility mapping frameworks. This study not only advances our understanding of landslide processes in the Paphos district but also provides a scalable, reliable methodology for landslide risk assessment in other regions, contributing to more resilient landscapes and communities.

This research was funded by the European Commission, project reference: ENTERPRISES/0223/Sub-Call1/0229

How to cite: Tsangaratos, P., Chrysafi, A.-A., Tzampoglou, P., Anastasiades, A., Valari, E., Giannoglou, V., and Loukidis, D.: Dataset Construction for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Multi-Buffer Zones, Clustering, and Stratified Sampling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13938,, 2025.

EGU25-15477 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Exploring Flood Susceptibility in the Amazon River Basin Using Explainable AI 

Alena Gonzalez Bevacqua and Giha Lee

Floods, responsible for 44% of global natural disasters and impacting over 1.6 billion people between 2000 and 2019, are increasing in frequency and severity due to climate change and human activities. In the Amazon River Basin, this trend is evident with rising flood frequency and intensity since 2000, yet detailed flood susceptibility maps for the region remain scarce. To address this limitation, this study utilized Random Forest (RF) and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) to develop flood susceptibility maps for the Amazon River Basin. The analysis incorporated a flood inventory dataset along with fourteen conditioning factors, encompassing meteorological, hydrological, topographical, and geological variables. The multicollinearity among the variables was addressed through Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) analysis. The models' performance was evaluated using accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and Kappa score. To enhance the interpretability of both models, SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) was employed to identify and evaluate the key factors influencing the models' outcomes. Results confirmed the effectiveness of both models, with XGBoost delivering an accuracy of 0.91 and a Kappa score of 0.83, outperforming RF’s accuracy of 0.90 and Kappa score of 0.81. SHAP results revealed that for both models the most important factors were land use/land cover, rainfall, elevation, curve number, slope, drainage density, and soil. We assessed the robustness of the models by removing the least important features. Both models demonstrated stable performance, maintaining consistent accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-scores, with XGBoost surpassing RF. Ultimately, RF and XGBoost proved effective in generating accurate and reliable flood susceptibility maps for large regions like the Amazon River Basin, with SHAP offering significant insights into the interpretability of model outputs.



This research was supported by Disaster-Safety Platform Technology Development Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT. (No. 2022M3D7A1090338).

How to cite: Gonzalez Bevacqua, A. and Lee, G.: Exploring Flood Susceptibility in the Amazon River Basin Using Explainable AI, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15477,, 2025.

EGU25-16033 | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Geomorphological and Hydrological Analysis of Landslide-Prone Basins: A Case Study from Mount Pelion, Central Greece 

Aikaterini-Alexandra Chrysafi, Ioanna Ilia, Raffaello Albano, Wei Chen, Ioannis Matiatos, and Paraskevas Tsangaratos

Landslides rank among the most devastating natural hazards globally, causing widespread socio-economic disruptions and posing significant threats to human lives, infrastructure, and ecosystems. These events are primarily triggered by extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rainfall, and result from complex interactions between hydrological conditions, soil saturation, and terrain instability. This study focuses on southeastern Thessaly, specifically Mount Pelion in central Greece, a region with high geomorphological complexity and significant landslide susceptibility. Situated between the Aegean Sea and the Pagasetic Gulf, Mount Pelion’s diverse landscape, shaped by its unique climatic and geological features, makes it an ideal case study for exploring the relationships between morphometric and hydrological parameters and landslide activity.

The region's geological formations range from the Quaternary to the Triassic periods. While Quaternary deposits, composed mainly of sandy clays and gravels, are typically stable and found in torrent beds and coastal areas, the unstable Neo-Paleozoic to Triassic formations dominate the region. These formations, which include schists, quartzites, gneisses, and marbles, account for over 90% of historical landslides, highlighting their critical role in slope instability. 

This research presents a detailed geomorphological and hydrological analysis of 15 basins within the region, utilizing a variety of morphometric parameters. These include basin area, perimeter, elevation metrics, stream density, ruggedness indices, and shape indices like the Gravelius index and circularity ratio. Statistical analyses, including Pearson and Spearman correlation tests, were conducted to evaluate the influence of these parameters on landslide occurrences. The study also incorporated SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) analysis to quantify the global impact of key features on landslide susceptibility predictions. 

Positive correlations between landslide occurrences and variables such as basin area (p: 0.981), stream length (p: 0.964), and perimeter (p: 0.948) emphasize the role of large basins with extensive hydrological networks and complex boundaries in increasing landslide susceptibility. Elevation metrics, including maximum elevation (p: 0.765) and mean elevation (p: 0.713), further underscore the vulnerability of high-altitude terrains with steep slopes. Conversely, negative correlations were observed for compact basin shapes (Gravelius index: p: -0.745, s: -0.923) and lower relief ratios (p: -0.676, s: -0.773), indicating that compact and less steep basins are less prone to landslides due to efficient runoff and reduced infiltration. The SHAP analysis further identified basin area (F), relief ratio (Rv), stream flow length (SF), and ruggedness index (Rn) as the most influential features driving landslide risk, with high values of these parameters significantly increasing susceptibility. Features like maximum elevation (Hmax) showed moderate positive impacts, while perimeter (P) and stream length (SL) exhibited lesser influence.

In conclusion, this study offers a robust framework for understanding the geomorphological behavior of basins and its impact on landslide susceptibility. By linking key parameters to slope instability, it contributes to the development of effective mitigation strategies and supports sustainable management of landslide-prone regions. Insights from this analysis hold practical value for disaster risk reduction, resource management, and long-term resilience planning in geologically complex landscapes like southeastern Thessaly.

How to cite: Chrysafi, A.-A., Ilia, I., Albano, R., Chen, W., Matiatos, I., and Tsangaratos, P.: Geomorphological and Hydrological Analysis of Landslide-Prone Basins: A Case Study from Mount Pelion, Central Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16033,, 2025.

EGU25-16369 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Decadal high-resolution mapping of land subsidence driven by severe groundwater overdraft in Balochistan, Pakistan 

Manon Dalaison, Kristel Chanard, Romain Jolivet, Bryan Raimbault, and Najeebullah Kakar

Groundwater overdraft in arid and semi-arid regions poses a significant threat to sustainable water resources. In Balochistan, Pakistan, a region with limited precipitation (<400 mm/yr) but high reliance on groundwater for agriculture and urban supply, excessive water extraction has led to dramatic land subsidence in the inhabited valleys. These deformations, have been documented since the 1990s. Using two-dimensional Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) analysis, we generated high-resolution surface deformation maps to characterize subsidence and its evolution over the Kharan drainage system between 2014 and 2024. Subsidence rates exceed 15 cm/year in urban centers like Quetta, while surrounding agricultural valleys show variable deformation patterns, including seasonal motion of about 2 cm. To identify dominant deformation modes, we applied independent component analysis (ICA) to decompose temporal signals, linking them to precipitation variability, groundwater level changes, and land use dynamics. Our results also highlight the potential role of faults in modulating aquifer connectivity and deformation patterns. By combining spatio-temporal deformation analyses with meteorological and geographic data, we provide insights into groundwater recharge, aquifer behavior, and the sustainability of water resources in the face of ongoing population growth and climate change.

How to cite: Dalaison, M., Chanard, K., Jolivet, R., Raimbault, B., and Kakar, N.: Decadal high-resolution mapping of land subsidence driven by severe groundwater overdraft in Balochistan, Pakistan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16369,, 2025.

EGU25-16710 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Integration of Earth Observation data into land subsidence risk mapping: the Emilia Romagna region case of study (Italy) 

Leila GoliRaeisi, Roberta Bonì, Andrea Taramelli, Francesca Cigna, Pietro Teatini, Roberta Paranuzio, and Claudia Zoccarato

The availability of Earth Observation (EO) data, which are nowadays freely accessible to an increasing extent, has significantly advanced large-scale monitoring capabilities for geological hazards, particularly in terms of acquisition frequency and areal coverage. This progress has been especially evident in monitoring land subsidence. By the first quarter of 2022, the Copernicus European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) began providing ground displacement data at the European level, offering valuable insights into surface movements across the continent. Despite the growing use of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) for monitoring land subsidence, relatively few studies have focused on translating this EO data into comprehensive risk assessments.

The goal of this work is to develop a novel EO-based methodology for mapping land subsidence risks at regional scale. This methodology has been tested in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, an area historically affected by land subsidence due to both natural processes and anthropogenic factors. In this region, land subsidence rates have reached up to 7 cm/year since the 1950s.

To estimate the exposure and vulnerability of the region, we have utilized data from the World Settlement Footprint (WSF) Evolution and the Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL), both of which offer crucial insights into the human settlements and infrastructure that could be impacted by land subsidence. Moreover, we have exploited EGMS ground displacement data to estimate hazard levels associated with differential settlement. The resulting land subsidence risk map identifies four distinct risk levels, ranging from low to very high, across various areas of Emilia-Romagna. It offers a user-friendly product helping land use planners and local authorities to better understand and mitigate the potential impacts of land subsidence in the affected areas.

This work is funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU, component M4C2, in the framework of the Research Projects of Significant National Interest (PRIN) 2022 National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) Call, project SubRISK+ (; grant id. P20222NW3E), 2023-2025 (CUP B53D23033400001).

How to cite: GoliRaeisi, L., Bonì, R., Taramelli, A., Cigna, F., Teatini, P., Paranuzio, R., and Zoccarato, C.: Integration of Earth Observation data into land subsidence risk mapping: the Emilia Romagna region case of study (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16710,, 2025.

Forest anomalies (e.g., pests, deforestation, and fires) are common phenomena of the earth’s surface. Rapid detection of these anomalies is important for sustainable forest management and development. On-orbit remote sensing detection of multi-type forest anomalies using single-temporal images is one of the most promising methods for achieving it. Nevertheless, existing forest anomaly detection methods rely on time-series image analysis and are designed for a single type of forest anomaly. Here, a Forest Anomaly Comprehensive Index (FACI) was proposed to rapidly detect multi-type forest anomalies (i.e., pests, deforestation, and fires) using different thresholds and single-temporal Sentinel-2 images. First, the spectral characteristics of different forest anomaly events were analyzed to obtain potential band combinations for comprehensive anomalies detection. Then, the FACI form based on the potential bands was determined using images simulated by the LESS model. The threshold separability of FACI was compared to that of existing indices (NDVI, NDWI, SAVI, BSI, and TAI). In the evaluation, the thresholds for FACI and existing indices were determined using the interquartile method and 90 field survey samples, while their accuracy was quantitatively assessed with an additional 90 field survey samples and Sentinel-2 images. Finally, the evaluation results indicated that the overall accuracy of FACI in detecting the three forest anomalies was 88.3%, with the corresponding Kappa coefficient of 0.84. While all the overall accuracy of existing indices are below 80%, with Kappa coefficient less than 0.7. Meanwhile, a case study in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province confirmed the ability of FACI to detect different stages of pest infection, as well as the deforestation and forest fires using single-temporal satellite images. Overall, FACI represents a promising method for detecting multi-type forest anomalies in future real-time on-orbit satellite applications.

How to cite: Liang, D. and Cao, B.: A new remote sensing index for multi-type forest anomalies detection based on Sentinel-2 imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17103,, 2025.

EGU25-18110 | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Investigation of land subsidence in the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta 

Mi Chen, Pengfei Ge, Roberto Tomás, and Siyuan Cheng

Known as one of the world’s most dynamic deltas in terms of land-sea changes, the Yellow River Delta is rich in natural resources such as brine groundwater and oil. It is affected by tectonic movements, natural consolidation and compaction of loose sediments, and especially frequent anthropogenic activities. Consequently, various degrees of land subsidence occur, and the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta is one of the areas experiencing more intense land subsidence, presenting possible threats to the safety of local inhabitants and economic activities. Therefore, accurate monitoring and understanding the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of land subsidence in the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta are of great significance to mitigate geological impacts and economic losses in the region. In this work, land subsidence information in the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta was obtained using InSAR time series technology, based on Sentinel-1A/B data collected from January 2020 to December 2021. Additionally, multi-source data, including soft soil thickness, precipitation, oil field and brine mining areas, were incorporated to identify the influencing factors and asses their relative importance in land subsidence through random forest analysis and post-interpretation techniques. The results show that land subsidence in the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta presents uneven distribution characteristics, exhibiting maximum annual average subsidence rate exceeding -100 mm/year. The results of the random forest model indicate that the primary factors influencing land subsidence in the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta are brine groundwater extraction and the thickness of the soft soil layer. Meanwhile, the post-interpretation analysis demonstrates changes in the relationships between the different influencing factors and land subsidence.

How to cite: Chen, M., Ge, P., Tomás, R., and Cheng, S.: Investigation of land subsidence in the northern estuary region of the Yellow River Delta, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18110,, 2025.

On December 18, 2023, a Ms 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck Jishishan, Gansu, China. The epicenter was located in the transition zone between the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Loess Plateau, with a maximum intensity of VIII, accompanied by numerous aftershocks. This resulted in the destruction and collapse of buildings and caused casualties, as well as multiple landslides and other geological disasters. Additionally, the earthquake triggered a severe liquefied mudflow in Zhongchuan Township, Gansu Province, burying 51 houses and causing over 20 fatalities. The formation process was puzzling as the mudflow source area was on a flat loess platform. To investigate the cause of the mudflow in Zhongchuan Township, we employed the active source multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method to obtain two high-resolution 2D S-wave velocity profiles of the subsurface structure in the mudflow source area. The profiles reached a depth of 30 m, with S-wave velocities ranging from 120 to 420 m/s, divided into four layers. From the 2D S-wave velocity profile perpendicular to the mudflow movement direction, significant changes in the stratigraphic structure were observed, leaving clear wave traces. The measured residual waveform frequency was 2.7 Hz, which was consistent with the predominant frequency of 2.4 Hz measured by microtremors, providing key evidence for the hypothesis that the earthquake caused resonance in the loess layer, leading to the liquefaction of the saturated loess layer. The liquefaction layer was located 12 m below the surface, with a thickness of about 10 m. The 2D S-wave velocity profile along the mudflow movement direction clearly demonstrated the flow characteristics and channels of the liquefied soil layer. These findings not only provide important foundational data for further study of such mudflows but also significantly aid in improving disaster prevention and mitigation strategies in the region.

How to cite: Li, Y. and Wang, J.: Fine S-wave velocity structure and genesis of mudflows in Zhongchuan Township, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18637,, 2025.

EGU25-19077 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.21/NH13.9

Integration of two models, Mobility Digital Twin and Water Digital Twin – Matera Case Study 

Ida Giulia Presta, Giovanni Felici, Maurizio Vitale, Giuseppe Stecca, Carlo Gaibisso, Bruno Luigi Martino, Raffalele Albano, Ruggero Ermini, and Giordana Castelli

The Urban Intelligence approach views the city as a complex system that needs to be studied through the interaction of its different subsystems. Such complexity is addressed also in the virtual dimension, through the construction of Urban Digital Twins that allow to understand, control, and optimize the urban dynamics according to multidimensional objectives.

In this context, we describe here a model to assess and evaluate the risks incurred by pedestrians and vehicles in a city under severe and extreme rainfall events that results in increasing of surface runoff, causing pluvial floods. This study is motivated by the increasing frequency of extreme events that seriously challenge the urban infrastructures in historical cities where urban design dates back centuries and constraints to structural modifications of the urban texture are often present.

The approach is based on the design and integration of two models: first, a traffic macro-simulation model that integrates multi-objective demand and resources in an optimal and automated way; such model, also referred to as the Mobility Digital Twin, can predict vehicle and pedestrian flows over the segments of the city network. Second, a model of water dynamics over the same city network (Water Digital Twin), based on the morphological structure of the territory and on the 3D urban model, that integrates a hydrological-hydraulic coupled model that is able, starting from predetermined rainfall events, to estimate the water levels and flow rates in each portion of the investigated territory of rainfall.

The two models are jointly used to create scenarios for different weather conditions, simulate recovery policies, identify the system’s bottlenecks and design evacuation strategies, both at the strategic and at the operational level. The results of the experimentation will be analyzed and implemented within the SIT. Specifically, with Intelligent SIT, we define a framework for integrating data from diverse sources, including informative, participatory, and human-centric data, as well as outputs from Thematic Digital Twins and other sources. To accurately represent complex systems, we rely on detailed maps and in-depth spatial analysis, made possible through the capabilities of the SIT.

A prototype application of the approach is developed for the City of Matera, within the Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti project and the development of the city’s Urban Digital Twin. Preliminary results validate the potential contribution of the models adopted and have been used to support local authorities in the design of recovery strategies in the presence of extreme weather events and in the planning of  mitigation actions on the city road network.

Acknowledgments This research was supported by the “Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti di Matera” project.

How to cite: Presta, I. G., Felici, G., Vitale, M., Stecca, G., Gaibisso, C., Martino, B. L., Albano, R., Ermini, R., and Castelli, G.: Integration of two models, Mobility Digital Twin and Water Digital Twin – Matera Case Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19077,, 2025.

Since the early 2000s, the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) has witnessed a rising number of violent attacks from insurgent groups, as well as confrontations among armed militias. Often, civilians and their means of subsistence are the primary targets. While various geographical factors are suspected to influence the timing and location of conflicts, there remains a lack of consensus on what predictors must be considered for conflict modeling efforts. This research explores the importance of socioeconomic and environmental predictors for conflict in the LCB. We present a quantitative assessment of how these variables inform a machine learning model aimed at predicting conflict events in the region. We utilize documented conflicts in the LCB, as recorded in the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data, for both training and testing the model. The model is based on Earth observation-derived environmental and socioeconomic features from time series data spanning the last two decades. We analyze means, anomalies, and trends for each month and across the entire time series of environmental factors, which include air temperature, precipitation, potential and total evapotranspiration, soil moisture, surface water extent, and gross primary productivity in both irrigated and unirrigated areas. Additionally, we incorporate means, anomalies, and trends of socioeconomic factors such as population density, the Subnational Human Development Index, and the number of ethnic claims in specific areas. We also consider the means, anomalies, and trends of prior conflicts as indicators of a region's general instability. All these parameters are used in a random forest regression model to forecast conflict occurrence. We identify which features are significant to the model for each experiment using Shapley Additive Explanations for individual features. Our results indicate that it is crucial to consider both socioeconomic and environmental variables when discussing potential future conflicts. The quantitative insights highlighting the relative importance of factors across various domains can serve as a foundation for developing integrated approaches in future conflict modeling research. Therefore, we believe this information is valuable for researchers and stakeholders in sustainable development.

How to cite: Sogno, P., Höser, T., Fokeng, R. M., and Kuenzer, C.: What drives conflict in the Lake Chad Basin? –  Assessing the impact of environmental and socioeconomic factors using Earth observation and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4852,, 2025.

EGU25-6509 | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10 | Highlight

Extreme event attribution: a utilisation perspective for decision-making communities 

Amy Waterson, Michael Sanderson, Mark McCarthy, and Louise Wilson

Extreme event attribution (EEA) science estimates the influence of human and natural drivers on extreme weather. Collectively the field has demonstrated that human-caused warming has contributed to an increased likelihood and intensity of a range of extreme weather events across most inhabited regions. The geographically uneven nature of attribution capability globally presents ethical challenges for using attribution science in an equitable way and a range of recommendations on the extent to which EEA can inform decision and policy making have been made.

As an interdisciplinary team of climate attribution scientists and climate knowledge brokers we build on the discussion around the role for EEA across a range of decision-making contexts.  We provide a novel ‘use case’ perspective, with a focus on how EEA can inform media and communication, humanitarian applications, adaptation action and risk management, legal challenge, and the Fund for Responding to Loss and Damage.

We explore the relative capabilities and limitations of different EEA methods within these use cases and identify how evidence gaps vary regionally. In particular, we focus on those gaps relevant to countries that face technical, computational or other capacity barriers to conducting and utilising EEA assessments.

We provide an example of an approach for bridging across disciplines to support practitioner and decision-making communities with the utilisation of scientific research relevant to their operating contexts. Ultimately the aim is to support the infrastructure necessary for climate attribution science to inform effective climate adaptation and mitigation action, accounting for the inherent limitations and uncertainties.

How to cite: Waterson, A., Sanderson, M., McCarthy, M., and Wilson, L.: Extreme event attribution: a utilisation perspective for decision-making communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6509,, 2025.

Climate change poses significant risks to economic systems and corporate financial performance, yet a critical gap remains in understanding how these risks evolve into economic disruptions and financial stability challenges. This study investigates the pathways through which physical risks, such as extreme weather events and rising global temperatures, and transition risks, including policy shifts, regulatory changes, and technological advancements, disrupt key economic elements like supply chains, resource availability, and market dynamics. It also examines how these disruptions propagate into financial risks increasingly reflected in corporate financial statements and disclosures. A central focus is the integration of standardized frameworks, particularly the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) S2, to assess their role in addressing climate-related risks. The TCFD framework provides a structured approach for companies to disclose climate risks and opportunities, focusing on governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics. At the same time, IFRS S2 builds on these principles to establish a global baseline for sustainability-related financial disclosures, enhancing transparency and comparability across industries and regions. By mapping how climate risks impact economic and financial systems, the study evaluates the effectiveness of these frameworks in helping organizations identify vulnerabilities, improve corporate reporting consistency, and enhance resilience against disruptions. The findings provide actionable insights into how climate-related risks challenge economic stability and corporate performance while offering strategies for policymakers, businesses, and investors to mitigate risks, promote sustainability, and safeguard financial stability in an increasingly climate-vulnerable world.

How to cite: Lin, S. and Tung, C.: Bridging Climate Risks and Financial Stability: Analyzing Economic Disruptions and Corporate Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7523,, 2025.

EGU25-7850 | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Updating Australia’s Flood Guidance for Climate Change 

Rory Nathan, Conrad Wasko, and Seth Westra

Design flood estimation is the process of calculating either a peak flow, volume, or level with a defined probability of exceedance or average recurrence interval for the purposes of infrastructure design, planning, or decision making. The methods to be used for calculating a design flood are generally prescribed in national-level flood guidance documents. While traditionally these documents have assumed that historical data is stationary and hence representative of the future planning horizon, this assumption is no longer valid. Climate change is affecting various flood risk drivers including increasing extreme rainfalls and changing antecedence moisture conditions, resulting in altered flood exceedance probabilities. There are now mandatory requirements for corporate reporting of climate related risks. The net result is that flood guidance across the world is being updated for climate change.

While state-of-the-art regional climate modelling is invaluable for developing projections of extreme rainfall and other flood risk drivers, there are limitations associated with any single line of evidence that suggest a structured approach for evidentiary synthesis is needed. This issue is compounded in Australia, a large geographic area with relatively low population density, meaning that high-resolution regional climate modelling is only feasible in high-priority regions. Moreover, the purpose of design flood guidance is to inform flood estimation practice, and thus care is needed to ensure information is presented in a form that can be integrated into standard flood estimation practice. To this end, an approach to updating Australian flood guidance was developed to include the following elements: (1) expert elicitation (2) stakeholder engagement (3) a scientific review of literature relevant to design flood estimation, and (4) guidance preparation with stakeholder engagement to close the feedback loop. The methodology included a meta-analysis to aggregate information on extreme rainfall changes across multiple lines of evidence. The meta-analysis concluded that hourly extreme rainfalls intensify by 15% per degree of global warming while daily rainfall intensify by 8% per degree of global warming.

The updated guidance resulted in several novel outcomes. Uplift factors are recommended to be applied to design rainfalls up to and including the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP), and factors are provided to adjust loss rates and temporal patterns used in hydrological modelling. To estimate current flood risks it is recognised that the intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves based on historic data needs to be adjusted upwards to account for the embedded trend due to global warming. While not user requests could be met, for example additional guidance on the choice of temperature projection, overall, the adopted methodology ensured that the update met the user needs while being consistent with the current science.

How to cite: Nathan, R., Wasko, C., and Westra, S.: Updating Australia’s Flood Guidance for Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7850,, 2025.

EGU25-10140 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.5/NH13.10

High-resolution fully distributed hydrological modelling of flash floods based on convection-permitting regional climate model data: An integrated modelling framework 

Oakley Wagner, Diana Rechid, Olaf Conrad, Jürgen Böhner, and Laurens M. Bouwer

Spatial resolution is a key factor in the modelling of convective rainfall extremes and their environmental impacts under current and future climate. Rapid developments in the field of high-performance computing have advanced dynamical downscaling of climate simulations to convection-permitting scale. Such high-resolution regional climate models hold great potential for improved modelling of convective processes through refined depiction of land surface properties and solving of the vertical momentum equation. However, these simulations currently operate on scales (~ 3km) still too coarse to serve as direct input for hydrological modelling of flash floods in fast responding catchments with diverse land use/ land cover (LULC). We investigate the added value of such uncorrected convection-permitting regional climate model (CPRCM) data for hydrological impact modelling in a catchment of medium topographic complexity in Germany and suggest an outline for an integrated modelling framework for very high-resolution simulation of hydrometeorological extremes.

The study compares reanalysis-driven hourly precipitation simulations from the non-hydrostatic model ICON-CLM 2.6.4 at 3 km resolution (ICON3km) and its nest model ICON-CLM 2.6.4 with parametrised convection at 11 km (ICON11km) to adjusted radar data upscaled to respective resolution over a study area of 13,210 km² embedded between the Leipzig Lowlands and the Elster/ Ore Mountains in East Central Germany. While ICON3km alleviated the drizzle bias, it strongly overestimated heavy precipitation both in intensity and frequency. As a result, discharge computed using the distributed, physically based hydrological model WaSiM for the enclosed small to medium-sized catchments (107 to 529 km²) of the Weiße Elster river basin showed a strong positive bias when simulated based on uncorrected ICON3km data. The results suggest a necessity of bias correction of the CPRCM data before use in flash flood modelling.

In fast responding catchments with diverse LULC, hydrological impact simulations require meteorological data on an even finer scale than provided by common CPRCM setups. We suggest an integrated modelling framework for rural catchments, combining statistically downscaled CPRCM data and fully distributed hydrological models. An adequate representation of cultivated steep catchment slopes is implemented by high-resolution parametrisation of surface, vegetation and soil properties, as gained from freely available remote sensing and cadastral data. Key hydrological processes, such as Hortonian overland flow and saturation, are accounted for through process-based representation in an open-source modelling environment. The framework is envisioned to be applied i.a. for local flood hazard assessment and for the study of drivers of runoff dynamics under current and future climatic conditions. Furthermore, it is to be employed for the assessment of the effectiveness of selected agricultural runoff countermeasures under different climate change scenarios.

How to cite: Wagner, O., Rechid, D., Conrad, O., Böhner, J., and Bouwer, L. M.: High-resolution fully distributed hydrological modelling of flash floods based on convection-permitting regional climate model data: An integrated modelling framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10140,, 2025.

EGU25-10936 | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Assessing the Impact of Climate and climate Change on Wine Grape Productivity in Italy: The Role of Convection-Permitting Models 

Giorgia Fosser, Laura T. Massano, Marco Gaetani, and Cécile Caillaud

Italy is a world leader in viticulture and wine business. However, the sector is facing challenges due to climate change, underscoring the necessity for reliable localised data on the future impacts of climate change on viticulture. The km-scale climate models, known as convection-permitting models (CPMs), are proven to provide a more reliable representation of atmospheric fields in high-resolution compared to coarser resolution models, but their use for impact studies is still limited. Here, we fill this gap by exploring the use of climate models, including CMP, in simulating wine grape productivity at a local scale in Italy.

In particular, the study utilises a range of temperature- and precipitation-based bioclimatic indices to analyse the potential impact of climate variability on viticulture. The indices are derived from the E-OBS dataset, the high-resolution climate reanalysis product SPHERA, the CNRM climate model at both regional (CNRM-ALADIN) and convection-permitting (CNRM-AROME) scale. The analysis employs both single and multiple regression approaches to establish the correlation between the productivity data provided by two Italian wine consortia and the bioclimatic indices over the period 2000-2018. The findings indicate a robust correlation between productivity and temperature-based bioclimatic indices, particularly within the context of northern Italy, with the multiple regression approach explaining between 45% and 64% of the total variability in productivity, depending on the case.

Climate models appear to be a useful tool for explaining productivity variance. The added value of CPM is evident when precipitation-based indices are relevant in controlling the yield variability. Moreover, one of the main advantages of using climate models, rather than re-analysis or observational data, is the possibility to examine future scenarios. Therefore, the CNRM-AROME simulation, driven by ERA-Interim, is used to build a multiple regression model for wine grape productivity in Italy in the period 1986-2005. The statistical model is then used to predict the future yield (2090-2099) under the RCP 8.5 emission scenario. The results are expected to provide valuable insights that will be useful for future adaptation strategies in the viticultural sector and pave the way for more widespread use of the CPMs in impact studies.

How to cite: Fosser, G., Massano, L. T., Gaetani, M., and Caillaud, C.: Assessing the Impact of Climate and climate Change on Wine Grape Productivity in Italy: The Role of Convection-Permitting Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10936,, 2025.

EGU25-12151 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Precipitation event profiles in a sub-hourly convection-permitting climate model ensemble 

Marie Hundhausen, Hayley J. Fowler, Hendrik Feldmann, and Joaquim G. Pinto

Apart from the rainfall depth, the impact of an extreme precipitation event is influenced by its temporal profile, including the timing, magnitude, and duration of the peak intensity, which often occur on sub-hourly time scales. It is therefore crucial to accurately represent this time scale in climate models to increase the confidence in projected climate change signals of extreme precipitation.

High-resolution climate projections at the convection-permitting (CP) scale have been shown to improve the representation of precipitation intermittency, intensity, and diurnal cycle, and this greatly improves their representation of extreme precipitation at sub-daily time scales. However, previous studies of CP simulations have often been limited to hourly model outputs, and little is known about their representation of sub-hourly extreme precipitation.

Our study investigates sub-hourly precipitation in the KIT-KLIWA ensemble - a CP climate model ensemble over Germany with a resolution of 2.8 km. It is driven by 3 CMIP5 GCMs that are coupled to the regional climate model COSMO-CLM. We use a novel event-based approach to compare modelled extreme precipitation events at a temporal resolution down to 5 mins with station and radar observation networks in Germany for the historical period (1971-2000).

Our results show the benefit of using an event-based analysis for the understanding of modelled precipitation biases in CP climate model simulations. Moreover, we find that key features of the temporal precipitation event profiles - including the 5-min peak intensity and the timing of the bulk precipitation - are reproduced by the CP climate model simulations.

How to cite: Hundhausen, M., Fowler, H. J., Feldmann, H., and Pinto, J. G.: Precipitation event profiles in a sub-hourly convection-permitting climate model ensemble, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12151,, 2025.

EGU25-12334 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Integrating climate change impact modelling and local stakeholder participation for water resources management on the Katari River Basin, Bolivia 

Jose Pablo Teran Orsini, Afnan Agramont Akiyama, Leonardo Villafuerte, and Guadalupe Peres-Cajias

The Katari River Basin (KRB) is increasingly vulnerable to climate change, which affects water availability, water quality, and ecosystems. Economic activities are amplifying these issues by increasing water demand and pollution. Local indigenous communities are particularly impacted by these challenges, which arise from a combination of climate change effects, pollution, and poor water management practices. The absence of clear strategies for adaptation or mitigation further exacerbates these vulnerabilities. This study integrates impact modelling with a participatory framework for water resource management, the Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA). It combines climate projections from regional climate models of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP), hydrological modelling using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+), and stakeholder engagement across diverse sectors of the basin. This approach allows to identify present and future challenges in the KRB and establishes adaptation pathways to reduce vulnerabilities. The first phase of the implementation of the CRIDA framework involved a workshop where maps were created by stakeholders highlighting challenges such as droughts, floods, water pollution, erosion, and solid waste transport. Collaborative discussions fostered empathy and a shared commitment to identifying solutions. Furthermore, modelling results indicate drying trends during the dry season and intensified wet periods, heightening risks of droughts, floods, and water scarcity. These findings, shared with stakeholders, enabled them to anticipate how current challenges may evolve and to develop informed strategies for resilience. This work establishes a critical foundation for adaptive water management by incorporating stakeholder insights and informed decision-making. Future discussions as part of CRIDA between local communities, municipal governments, and Bolivia’s Ministry of Environment and Water will benefit from this shared understanding of the KRB’s climate risks, challenges, and potential adaptation solutions. Moreover, the developed hydrological model will serve as a ‘’stress-testing’’ tool, whereby proposed solutions can be evaluated to find the most effective one.

How to cite: Teran Orsini, J. P., Agramont Akiyama, A., Villafuerte, L., and Peres-Cajias, G.: Integrating climate change impact modelling and local stakeholder participation for water resources management on the Katari River Basin, Bolivia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12334,, 2025.

EGU25-12428 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Assessment of the thermal capacity of urban parks to mitigate the urban heat island in the main cities in Romania 

Alexandru-Constantin Corocăescu, Lucian Sfîcă, Pavel Ichim, Adrian Grozavu, Ruben Miron, and Maria-Andreea Baltag

It is well known that urban parks cause a cooling effect on the urban climate and have a decisive role in the formation of the Park Cool Island (PCI) effect. Urban parks can help lower the Land Surface Temperature (LST), and consequently mitigate the effects of the Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI).
Parks in Romanian cities vary in size, shape, vegetation density, and configuration, all of which influence their ability to produce a cooling effect. In the current study, various parks in Romania's major cities have been investigated to understand their capacity to locally alleviate/buffer the UHI effect and contribute to more comfortable thermal urban environments. In the present study, we also aimed to develop an algorithm to classify the cooling efficiency of parks. This algorithm incorporates various aspects, such as urban metrics (distance to the center of the urban heat island or UHI boundaries, distance to the center of densely built-up areas), urban built-up conditions (areas with extensive impervious surfaces, paved, asphalted, and concreted areas), or urban land cover (the percentage of the total area occupied by water bodies, wooded, grassed areas). 
To be able to extract the percentage of the total area occupied by wooded, grassed, paved, asphalted, and concreted areas, a number of biophysical indices that aim to evaluate the amount of urban vegetation or the percentage occupied by different types of natural or artificial surfaces were used, such as the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), SAVI (Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index), LAI (Leaf Area Index), NDII (Normalized Difference Impervious Index), NDBI (Normalized Difference Building Index).
Overall, the analysis of multiannual Land Surface Temperature (LST) data extracted from Landsat 8-9 thermal bands in summer 2024 reveals that Romanian urban parks generally exhibit cooler and more stable thermal profiles compared to surrounding urban areas. The thermal difference between the different urban parks and the surrounding urban areas ranged between 1.5-3.5°C. This significant variation in the cooling effect depends strongly on the position of the parks within the urban landscape and the relation to the UHI boundaries (quasi-central, peripheral, or bordering), the compositional (ratio of green or artificial surfaces), and configurational (area, shape index) characteristics and tree density.
Parks with a quasi-central position in the urban landscape, with an area of more than 30 ha, a percentage of green areas of more than 70%, a rounded or slightly rectangular shape, and a high tree density generated the most substantial cooling effects, with temperature differences of up to 3.5-4 °C. The analyzed urban parks also generate a temperature gradient effect, whereby temperatures gradually rise as one moves away from the park into the surrounding urban environment. As a key finding, we outline that in Romanian cities, the cooling effect on air temperature decreases by approximately 1.3-1,6°C per 10 meters from the park's edge. 
    In conclusion, this research demonstrates the vital role of urban parks in mitigating UHI effects in Romania's main cities, emphasizing the need for strategic urban planning that maximizes their cooling potential.

How to cite: Corocăescu, A.-C., Sfîcă, L., Ichim, P., Grozavu, A., Miron, R., and Baltag, M.-A.: Assessment of the thermal capacity of urban parks to mitigate the urban heat island in the main cities in Romania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12428,, 2025.

EGU25-14266 | Posters on site | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Enhancing Agricultural Resilience in Vanuatu through Climate Information Services: Insights from the Van-KIRAP Project 

Jong Ahn Chun, Sugyeong Park, Imgook Jung, Seongkyu Lee, Ji Hyun Kim, Pakoa Leo, Moirah Matou, and Sunny Seuseu

The Vanuatu Klaemet Infomesen blong Redy, Adapt mo Protekt (Van-KIRAP) project demonstrated the transformative role of tailored climate information services in building resilience to climate variability and change. Focused on key sectors such as agriculture, water, fisheries, tourism, and infrastructure, the project integrated advanced tools and methods to empower decision-makers, communities, and individuals. Under Van-KIRAP I, the project aimed to enhance decision-making capacities by developing the OSCAR system, an agro-meteorological information platform, alongside tools like the Crop-Climate Diary (CCD) application. These tools leveraged experimental trials, model calibration for crops like taro and cassava, and APCC’s seasonal climate forecasts to deliver actionable insights. The results enhanced farmers’ ability to optimize crop yields and adapt to climate-related challenges. Based on the success of OSCAR, efforts are underway in collaboration with the Vanuatu government and SPREP to develop OSCAR-II, with a focus on strengthening community engagement and expanding to include cash crops, under Van-KIRAP II through the One Pacific Programme funded by the Green Climate Fund. This planned initiative aims to further improve localized decision-support systems, farmer engagement, and the integration of crop-climate insights into broader resilience strategies. The success of Van-KIRAP emphasized the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration, sustained capacity building, and scaling of proven methods to other vulnerable regions in the Pacific. Recommendations include strengthening regional partnerships, investing in localized climate infrastructure, and refining user-centric tools to address community-specific needs. These efforts highlighted how climate information services can drive sustainable development and enhance resilience in the face of a changing climate.

How to cite: Chun, J. A., Park, S., Jung, I., Lee, S., Kim, J. H., Leo, P., Matou, M., and Seuseu, S.: Enhancing Agricultural Resilience in Vanuatu through Climate Information Services: Insights from the Van-KIRAP Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14266,, 2025.

EGU25-15968 | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Making sense of uncertainties: Ask the right question 

Alexander Gruber, Claire E. Bulgin, Wouter Dorigo, Owen Embury, Maud Formanek, Christopher Merchant, Jonathan Mittaz, Joaquín Muñoz-Sabater, Florian Pöppl, Adam Povey, and Wolfgang Wagner

Climate change solutions rely on data from numerical models, remote sensing, and ground observations. Improvements in modeling (such as convection-permitting models) and measurement technology (such as new remote sensing instruments) lead to an ever growing confidence in our understanding in processes and changes in the climate system. However, all data have---and will remain to have---an associated uncertainty, and it is crucial that these uncertainties are taken into account when designing data-informed climate change solution.

Data producers usually strive to provide reliable uncertainty estimates alongside their products that should help inform decisions that are based on these products. However, data users often struggle to make sense of uncertainty information, because it is usually expressed as the statistical spread in the observations (for example, as random error standard deviation), which does not relate to an intended use of the data. That is, data and their uncertainty are usually expressed as something like “x plus/minus y”, which does not answer the really important question: How much can I trust “x”, or any use of or decision based upon “x”? As a consequence, uncertainties are often ignored altogether, and model predictions or observational data taken at face value.  

In this talk, we demonstrate how looking at deterministic estimates from models or Earth observations alone can be misleading, and that any decisions based on these estimates are unlikely to be the best course of action. We then show how typical data representations like “the state of this variable is “x plus/minus y” can be transformed into more meaningful, actionable information, i.e., statements such as “the data and their uncertainties suggest that we can be “z” \% confident that…”. Finally, we discuss how such an approach can help data users make better decisions and design more reliable climate change solutions, thus maximizing the socioeconomic merit of Earth system science data. Adopting such an approach will be a transdisciplinary endeavour that requires close dialogues between data producers and decision makers.

How to cite: Gruber, A., Bulgin, C. E., Dorigo, W., Embury, O., Formanek, M., Merchant, C., Mittaz, J., Muñoz-Sabater, J., Pöppl, F., Povey, A., and Wagner, W.: Making sense of uncertainties: Ask the right question, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15968,, 2025.

EGU25-16274 | Posters on site | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Future sub-daily extreme precipitation: can a stochastic method based on temperature shifts agree with explicit simulations from an ensemble of convection-permitting models? 

Petr Vohnicky, Rashid Akbary, Eleonora Dallan, Nadav Peleg, Francesco Marra, Giorgia Fosser, and Marco Borga

Extreme sub-daily precipitation can trigger natural disasters such as flash floods, urban floods, and debris flows, causing significant damage to infrastructure, homes, and livelihoods. With rising global temperatures, the atmosphere’s increased moisture-holding capacity enhances the potential for more intense and frequent extreme precipitation events. Sub-daily precipitation extremes are already increasing in magnitude, and the associated recurrence intervals are decreasing. A key component of climate change adaptation and resilience is quantifying the likelihood that future sub-daily extreme precipitation will exceed historical levels under different climate scenarios. Convection-permitting models (CPMs) are capable of resolving the physical processes driving precipitation extremes at high spatial and temporal resolutions. However, CPM simulations are computationally expensive and are available for a limited number of future scenarios. A recently proposed stochastic framework (TENAX) leverages temperature-precipitation scaling relationships and projected changes in daily temperature during wet days to estimate changes in extreme sub-daily precipitation. Can such a stochastic approach based on climate model simulations of temperature during wet days deliver projections of sub-daily extreme precipitation comparable to explicit simulations from CPMs?

This study evaluates the performance of TENAX in comparison to an ensemble of CPM simulations from the CORDEX-FPS Convection project over north-eastern Italy. Using historical (1996–2005) and far-future (2090–2099) CPM simulations under the RCP8.5 scenario and in-situ measurements of precipitation and temperature, we compare the return levels estimated using TENAX with the ones estimated with an extreme value method (SMEV) from the CPM ensemble. We assess two approaches for the application of TENAX: first, we train the model using CPM hourly precipitation and temperature for the historical period; then we train it using in-situ observations of the same quantities. In both cases, we project future return levels based on the changes in mean and variance of the daily temperature during the wet days as projected by the CPMs.

This analysis examines the potential of TENAX as a computationally efficient alternative to CPMs, as one of its key advantages is the ability to project sub-daily precipitation extremes even in the absence of CPM simulations, expanding its applicability to regions or scenarios where CPMs are not yet available.

How to cite: Vohnicky, P., Akbary, R., Dallan, E., Peleg, N., Marra, F., Fosser, G., and Borga, M.: Future sub-daily extreme precipitation: can a stochastic method based on temperature shifts agree with explicit simulations from an ensemble of convection-permitting models?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16274,, 2025.

EGU25-18666 | ECS | Orals | ITS2.5/NH13.10

Transdisciplinary Approaches for Climate-Resilient Adaptation: Insights from the Delta Wealth Project 

Ana Restu Nirwana, Yara Maljers, Laura Piedelobo, and Teun Terpstra

The Netherlands’ Southwest Delta (SW-Delta) faces complex challenges as climate change and sea level rise (SLR) intensify conflicts between flood protection infrastructures, ecological health, and economic activities. Consequently, integrating multiple disciplines and across sectors to address competing needs and interconnected challenges is becoming crucial. The Delta Wealth project, funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), aims to develop adaptive climate adaptation strategies that enhance the long-term SW-Delta’s resilience by balancing a safe, ecologically healthy, and economically prosperous. This study aims to identify and evaluate the approach employed by the Delta Wealth project to bridge scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders in developing resilience strategies that balance ecology, safety, and economy, resulting in co-creating adaptive, scientifically sound, practical, and socially accepted resilience measures. We employed a literature review, interviews with researchers, biweekly meetings, expert meetings, project documentation analysis, and storyline communication to evaluate the opportunities and limitations of the collaborative methods applied by the Delta Wealth project. Our findings reveal that the Delta Wealth project applies a transdisciplinary approach, an approach that integrates diverse disciplines, practitioners, and stakeholders, and utilizes methods like co-creation processes, stakeholder engagement, and digital storyline tools to balance ecology, safety, and economy in the SW-Delta. They establish a science-policy-society interface (Learning Community), iteratively integrating knowledge produced by ongoing PhD students from different universities with multiple disciplines, including 1) flood risk management, 2) freshwater availability and salinization, 3) ecology, 4) social welfare, and 5) societal support. Research organizations like Deltares collaborate on expertise in freshwater, hydraulic, and flood risk modeling. Governmental institutions, including the Province of Zeeland, Rijkswaterstaat, and Waterboard Scheldestromen, provide insights into regional environmental management, national water management, flood defenses, and coastal protection. Private sector companies like HKV and Boskalis offer inputs on technical expertise in hydraulic engineering and flood defense design. Non-governmental organizations such as Het Zeeuwse Landschap and Bureau Waardenburg provide perspectives on environmental consultancy, ecological impacts, and landscape conservation. Stakeholder organizations, including Zeeuwse Land- en Tuinbouworganisatie (ZLTO) and Gebiedsoverleg Zuidwestelijke Delta, represent the agricultural sector and regional governance, respectively. They use ArcGIS StoryMaps, an interactive web platform based on simple narratives, visuals, and maps to communicate their findings. Our study demonstrates that their approaches effectively facilitate collaboration across sectors and support the development of climate adaptation strategies that acknowledge and navigate priorities. However, future research should broaden stakeholder engagement by prioritizing key disciplines and stakeholders and increasing the frequency of interactions through collaborative digital tools for more efficient communication. This paper provides insights and lessons that could be applied in other delta regions facing similar challenges and in similar transition processes to a long-term strategic delta planning approach.

Keywords: Climate Adaptation, Sea Level Rise, Transdisciplinary Approach, Stakeholder Engagement, Climate Resilience Strategies, Delta Wealth Project

How to cite: Nirwana, A. R., Maljers, Y., Piedelobo, L., and Terpstra, T.: Transdisciplinary Approaches for Climate-Resilient Adaptation: Insights from the Delta Wealth Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18666,, 2025.

The EU’s CBAM is the first Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism introduced in the world. By putting a fair price on the carbon emitted during the production of carbon-intensive goods that are entering the EU from non-EU countries, the CBAM aims to prevent EU producers from being put at a competitive disadvantage to imports from countries where carbon is not priced and, eventually, to encourage cleaner industrial production in non-EU countries. Therefore, we may say that the ultimate goal of CBAM is to promote corporations’ efforts in carbon reduction. Currently, six industries are subject to carbon border adjustment.While the potentials of CBAM receive great attention from governments, practitioners, and scholars, there are also many criticisms and skepticisms about the effectiveness of CBAM. One major skepticism is whether CBAM can actually promote significant carbon reduction. However, since CBAM will not be applied in its definite regime until 2026, there are few empirical studies that evaluate its effectiveness and impact. Therefore, the objective of this study is to empirically test the effectiveness of CBAM and the financial impacts of CABM on the affected firms.

The research design is based on the assumption that, since it takes significant time for corporations to effectively reduce their carbon footprint, corporations will invest efforts in carbon reduction and gradually exhibit lower carbon emissions well before 2026 if CBAM is going to be an effective mechanism or policy. We used the panel data from 2019 to 2022 to empirically analyze 144 firms that belong to those six industries that are subject to carbon border adjustment; 73 of them have been exporting to the EU (i.e., CBAM-affected) and 71 have not (non CBAM-affected).

In terms of policy effectiveness, we hypothesize that CBAM is effective. Empirically, if CBAM is an effective policy, the degree of carbon reduction of the CBAM-affected corporations after the announcement of CBAM in 2021 will be higher than that of non-affected corporations. In terms of the CBAM’s impacts on firms’ financial performance, based on the increasing trend in green consumerism, we hypothesized that the increased sales of the CBAM-affected firms due to green production will outweigh the cost of carbon reduction, yielding better financial performance. Empirically, if the hypothesis is true, the financial performance improvement of the CBAM-affected corporations after the announcement of CBAM in 2021 will be higher than that of non-affected corporations.

The empirical results show that, while both CBAM-affected and non-affected firms exhibit “similar” level of carbon reduction before 2021, the year of announcing CBAM, the CBAM-affected firms exhibit “higher degree” of carbon reduction than the non-affected firms after the announcement of CBAM. Therefore, we conclude that the data supports that CBAM is an effective policy in terms of reducing the carbon emissions of the CBAM-affected firms. The results also show that, while both CBAM-affected and non-affected firms exhibit “similar” level of financial performance before 2021, the CBAM-affected firms exhibit “higher degree” of financial performance improvement than the non-affected firms after the announcement of CBAM.

How to cite: Ho, S. P., Wang, C.-S., and Lai, W. Z. H.: The Effectiveness of EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the Financial Impacts of CBAM on the Affected Firms: An Empirical Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19681,, 2025.

Modelers often use “off the shelf” climate projections from downscaled Global Climate Models (GCMs) to simulate the effects of climate change on biophysical processes such as wildfire regimes. Many downscaled GCMs are available at the scales relevant for biophysical modeling (e.g., 4-km resolution). When it is too computationally intensive to run biophysical models using all GCMs, modelers may select a subset of GCMs to represent different climate futures. These models are often chosen to bookend a range of climate changes. This “model selection” process typically focuses on a limited number of future climate characteristics (e.g., temperature and precipitation trends) while ignoring others, such as the timing of drought. An equally important concern when simulating multiple study areas, is that model selection is conducted at the encompassing regional scale and then applied to smaller landscapes within the region. However, if time series characteristics vary among GCMs and/or spatially within regions, then the drivers of biophysical projections may be misattributed. To investigate the extent and effects of these concerns, we quantified how multiple time series characteristics vary among 20 downscaled GCM projections from the statistically downscaled Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analog (MACA) dataset for four watersheds in the Sierra Nevada Ecoregion, and assessed how each GCM’s time series characteristics vary between watershed and regional scales. We then simulated how each of the 20 GCMs influenced fire regimes in one of the watersheds using the biophysical, fire regime model RHESSys-WMFire. Finally, investigated how different time series characteristics influenced fire size, number of fires, and the timing of fires.

            We found that in some GCMs, periodic events occurred at the regional scale but not in all of the watersheds, whereas in others the inverse was true. When analyzing how different GCMs influenced fire regime projections, we found that even when two GCMs had similar temperature and precipitation trends, they could still produce very different fire regimes due to differences in other time series characteristics, such as precipitation variability. Our study demonstrates that it is essential for biophysical modelers to incorporate robust time series and spatial analyses into their GCM model selection approach in order to confidently interpret the mechanisms driving their climate change projections.

How to cite: Cale, A. and Hanan, E.: Reckoning with complexity: robust time series and spatial analyses are critical when selecting GCM models for biophysical modeling studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20648,, 2025.

The water demands in thermal power plants are only going to increase due to Environmental Control Technologies (ECTs) such as Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) and Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS). These ECTs are necessary to adhere to the regional environmental regulations or to commit to the global climate pledges. This work focuses on thermal power generation in Rajasthan viz. arid and highly water-stressed region of India. The main objective of this work is to do a comprehensive assessment of water demands for ECT-equipped thermal power plants and their satiety in the face of climate change, intra-annually. Two climate change scenarios namely, SSP2-RCP 4.5 and SSP5-RCP 8.5 are considered. The Integrated Environmental Control Model (IECM v11.5) was used to quantify the monthly water withdrawals and the region's water availability was estimated using the extended Budyko framework. The results showed that after dry/ wet FGD addition, the plant operation water withdrawals rose by 200 to 400 l/MWh compared to the base plant. In the case of CCS implementations, the increments were found to be 2000-4000 l/MWh intra-annually with summer months being more water-intensive for both climate change scenarios. Further, the overall water availability decreased by 20% in the SSP2-RCP4.5 and 30% in the SSP5-RCP8.5 scenario, respectively. Consequently, November to June months were found to be water-deficient months for thermal power generation in both climate change scenarios.  These results entail careful planning of water management and corresponding adaptation measures. The upgradation of the boiler from sub-critical to supercritical and ultra-supercritical and the replacement of cooling technology from wet tower to hybrid or air-cooled condenser can lead to substantial water savings of 500 – 3000 l/MWh for the regional climatology. However, it comes with certain trade-offs such as an increase in CO2 emissions and a reduction in efficiency. The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) is also an important factor in the decision-making. While shifting to water-efficient adaptation measures there is only a marginal increase in the LCOE; the decision-making becomes more crucial when ECT additions are considered as they increase the LCOE considerably. Therefore, policy instruments like the government’s subsidy intervention can play a successful role in adopting such measures.

How to cite: Shinde, R., Shastri, Y., and Rao, A. B.: Assessing the impacts of climate change on thermal power plants equipped with Environmental Control Technologies (ECTs): Challenges and adaptation measures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-668,, 2025.

EGU25-1032 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Projected Impact of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection on Rainfall dynamics over West Africa using ARISE Dataset. 

Temitope Samuel Egbebiyi, Samuel Toluwalope Ogunjo, Vincent Olanrewaju Ajayi, Kwesi Akunmeyi Quagraine, Victor Ayomide Arowolo, and Chris Lennard

Agricultural production is highly dependent on rainfall dynamics (onset, cessation, length of rainy season) in the West African region, whose livelihood and economy are highly dependent on rainfed agriculture. The impact of global warming has been shown to lead to reduction and variability in rainfall over the region. However, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection has been proposed as one of the potential strategies to cool down and limit future global warming to 1.5ºC by injecting aerosol into the stratosphere. Nevertheless, how this strategy may affect rainfall onset and cessation and drought response to SAI, notably across the agroecological zone of West Africa, remains unclear. The present study examines the impact of global warming and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) rainfall onset, cessation and drought regimes over West Africa. In the study we examined the potential impact of climate change and SAI on the onset and cessation of rainfall and drought regimes over West Africa using TAMSAT observation dataset and ARISE dataset for SSP2-45 with and without aerosol injection. Our result showed that climate intervention may lead to an early onset and cessation over the coastal area of West Africa compared to TAMSAT but delayed (early) onset (cessation) in the savannah and Sahel zones. The results implied a shift in the rainfall duration may be expected over the coastal area, while a decrease in rainfall duration may be expected over the Savannah and Sahel zones. For the drought regime, our result revealed an increase in extremely wet periods may be expected relative to the observation across the three zones. On the other hand, a decrease in extremely dry periods may be expected over the coastal and savannah zones but an increase in the Sahel zone. This study will enhance our understanding of the impact of climate geoengineering on rainfall dynamics in West Africa and its effect on agricultural production and food security in the region. 

How to cite: Egbebiyi, T. S., Ogunjo, S. T., Ajayi, V. O., Quagraine, K. A., Arowolo, V. A., and Lennard, C.: Projected Impact of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection on Rainfall dynamics over West Africa using ARISE Dataset., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1032,, 2025.

This paper identifies the procedural justice and outcome justice of the energy transition by analyzing the differences within sample groups and exploring how the digital economy guides the cross-production-stage and cross-regional allocation of factors, influencing the energy justice transition. The research finds that the development of the digital economy significantly promotes energy justice transition. Digital economy drives the cross-border allocation of factors, fostering environment-biased technological progress, especially energy-saving biased technological progress, in energy-lagging cities, which reduces clean energy development and operation costs, thus facilitating energy justice transition. Higher public environmental concerns and cleaner energy levels amplify the positive impact of the digital economy on energy justice transition, while higher urban economic burdens exert a significant inhibitory effect. Further analysis reveals that accelerating the low-carbon energy transition in energy-lagging cities through the digital economy negatively affect urban unemployment and wage levels, with the transitions in low-carbon energy structure having a more pronounced impact. However, the procedural justice of energy transition significantly narrows the economic development gap between resource-based cities and other cities.

How to cite: Yukihara, T. and Sun, Q.: The role of digital economy in promoting energy justice----Evidence from procedural justice and outcome justice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2375,, 2025.

EGU25-3291 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Co-designing Impact Chains to assess people’s habitability in the Vosges Massif (France) and adapt to multiple climatic risks   

Silvia De Angeli, Stefano Terzi, Marc Zebisch, Gilles Drogue, and Simon Devin

Climate change, compounding with non-climatic stressors, threatens the human habitability of Earth’s environments. The complex interplay of multiple drivers increases uncertainty, challenging stakeholders to make long-term decisions. Enhancing decision-makers' knowledge and awareness is key to navigating this uncertainty and developing effective adaptive strategies. While habitability has been recently recognised as an important condition in adaptation studies, its definition and conceptualisation are still under discussion. Moreover, traditional studies dealing with habitability mostly apply a top-down approach and focus on its material aspects, such as housing, food, and water, while overlooking local knowledge and needs of the affected communities, who better know what makes their place acceptable to live in.

The Vosges Massif, located in north-eastern France, is a mountainous region with moderate peaks, encompassing diverse ecosystems, such as alpine meadows, temperate forests, wetlands, agricultural land, and water bodies, all of which are sensitive to climate change impacts. Climate shifts, such as warmer winters, affect key industries in the area, like tourism, agriculture, and forestry. The region’s small rural communities are particularly vulnerable to these changes, highlighting the need for insights into effective adaptation strategies and economic resilience to ensure their long-term habitability and sustainability.

For these reasons, the Habi(Li)ter project, funded by Lorraine Université d'Excellence and supported by Eurac Research, addresses the challenge of understanding and enhancing human habitability in the face of multiple climatic risks in the Vosges Massif area. During the project, we will develop a comprehensive conceptual framework to analyse current and future habitability, focusing on the interactions between climate drivers (e.g., changes in snow and water precipitation, variations of temperature regime), and socio-economic vulnerability, (e.g., demographic shifts, tourism pressure, dependence on climate-sensitive economic sectors), and the resulting impacts on multiple sectors (e.g., tourism, energy, forestry). In particular, we will implement the Impact Chains conceptual models to identify and represent the causal pathways affecting human habitability. The Impact Chains will be informed by different data sources, including interviews with academic experts in relevant domains, risk storylines developed in participatory workshops with non-academic actors, insights from literature and newspapers, and statistical and spatial data analyses. Adopting a transdisciplinary approach, we will engage with both local academic and non-academic actors to co-define key dimensions and indicators of local habitability, integrating expert input, stakeholder engagement, and outputs from a survey conducted across the region. Furthermore, reference Representative Concentration Pathways and Shared Socio-economic Pathways will be downscaled to develop plausible future local narratives, including potential adaptation trajectories and their implications for habitability. The framework will be then updated to reflect future spatial and temporal dynamics, providing a flexible tool for assessing both present and future habitability.

Overall, the project aims to develop a comprehensive framework for context-specific, community-driven adaptation strategies in the Vosges Massif. Habitability is the key to ensure adaptation options which are centred on local needs, vulnerabilities, and socio-economic aspirations. This methodology can be applied to similar regions, like Alto Adige in Italy, offering insights for broader adaptation in mountainous and peri-mountainous areas across Europe.

How to cite: De Angeli, S., Terzi, S., Zebisch, M., Drogue, G., and Devin, S.: Co-designing Impact Chains to assess people’s habitability in the Vosges Massif (France) and adapt to multiple climatic risks  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3291,, 2025.

Flooding, exacerbated by climate change, remains a significant threat to socio-economic stability and environmental sustainability, particularly in vulnerable regions such as Bayelsa State in Nigeria.

This research evaluates the current state of community awareness and engagement in flood risk management in Nigeria and the United Kingdom. It investigates how different socio-economic and demographic factors influence community participation and preparedness in both countries

Thus, in alignment with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, this study underscores the critical importance of proactive and community-centered approaches to flood disaster risk reduction (DRR), emphasizing the need for pre-flood preparation to mitigate risks during and after flood events.

This research adopts a mixed-methods approach, incorporating semi-structured interviews with 60 participants—including flood-affected residents, volunteer groups, and government officials in Bayelsa—and archival research on advanced flood risk management practices in the United Kingdom. By using mixed-methods research, including surveys, interviews, and case studies, the chapter identifies critical gaps in awareness and engagement and proposes targeted strategies to enhance community involvement in flood risk reduction.

The findings reveal significant systemic vulnerabilities in Bayelsa’s flood management framework, including fragmented coordination, limited government support, and inadequate integration of local knowledge into institutional strategies. A striking 90% of participants reported no prior involvement in flood drills, while 69% lacked access to critical flood risk information. These challenges are compounded by socio-economic constraints such as financial limitations, low literacy levels, and limited infrastructure, all of which hinder effective community engagement.

Conversely, the UK demonstrates effective flood management practices aligned with the Sendai Framework's priorities, including robust early warning systems, participatory governance, and sustained investment in resilience-building initiatives. By leveraging interdisciplinary collaboration, the UK offers practical models for integrating socio-economic and physical risk components into comprehensive DRR strategies.

This study proposes transformative, context-specific strategies for Bayelsa State, including the development of localized flood awareness platforms, enhanced early warning systems that combine modern technologies (e.g., mobile alerts) with traditional communication methods, and regular community-led flood simulations. These strategies directly address the Sendai Framework’s goals to substantially reduce disaster-related mortality, economic losses, and the disruption of critical infrastructure by fostering inclusive and participatory processes.

Furthermore, the research emphasizes the seamless integration of citizen knowledge with institutional expertise, a core principle of the Sendai Framework, to enhance risk-informed decision-making and adaptive capacity. The findings advocate for a shift towards proactive, pre-flood preparation measures that empower communities with the knowledge, tools, and organizational capacity needed to minimize the cascading impacts of flood disasters and accelerate recovery.

By anchoring its recommendations within the Sendai Framework’s focus on understanding disaster risk, strengthening governance, and investing in DRR for resilience, this study contributes to global efforts to mitigate the effects of climate-induced hazards. It reinforces the critical role of local communities as central stakeholders in DRR, advocating for scalable and replicable strategies that bridge policy and practice. This research not only provides actionable insights for policymakers and practitioners but highlights the broader relevance of pre-flood preparation in advancing sustainable, inclusive flood disaster risk management worldwide.

How to cite: Bomabebe, F. and Rivas-casado, M.: Evaluating Challenges in Community Awareness and Engagement Practices for Proactive Flood Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR): A Comparative Study between Nigeria and the United Kingdom to Enhance Flood Resilience in Nigeria  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3299,, 2025.

As global changes and human activities intensify, extreme drought events are becoming increasingly frequent. The entire process of drought disasters typically involves multiple stages, such as the risk assessment of drought occurrence, along with the response measures and influencing factors at various stages-before, during, and after the occurrence of drought disasters. However, existing assessments often focus on a single process of drought, and the definition of drought resilience remains unclear. Drought resilience is the result of the interplay between climatic, socio-economic, and hydraulic engineering factors, enabling a multi-process evaluation of drought conditions. This paper defined drought resilience based on the three components of resilience: "defensive capacity, recovery capacity, and adaptive capacity," and developed a comprehensive assessment framework for drought resilience from the perspective of the entire drought process, termed the "Climate-Drought Response" framework. This assessment framework employs the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) to characterize regional climate features and assesses regional drought response capacity using a combination weighting method based on both subjective and objective factors through game theory. It integrates the characteristics of disaster-prone climates with drought response capacity to evaluate regional drought resilience comprehensively, analyzing the ability to defensive, recovery, and adaptive to drought disasters, as well as its alignment with regional climate features. This framework addresses the limitations of previous quantitative drought assessments that primarily focused on risk identification or mitigation measures, often neglecting the flexibility of the system to recover from drought to a normal state. It is applied to evaluate the drought resilience of three cities in the Jiaodong Peninsula of East China, aiming to provide insights for the development of economically viable drought management strategies. The results indicate a declining trend in the SPEI across the Jiaodong Peninsula, suggesting that future climate conditions may become increasingly arid. Most regions exhibit moderate to fairly strong drought resilience, effectively responding to slight drought events. However, their resilience is insufficient to cope with moderate to extreme droughts or prolonged drought events, particularly in Qingdao and Weihai. Although the overall capacities of "defensive capacity, recovery capacity, and adaptive capacity" show an upward trend, the resilience values are declining, indicating that the increases in some drought response components are insufficient to offset the negative effects of increasingly arid climate conditions. To effectively enhance drought resilience in the Jiaodong Peninsula, the primary task is to strengthen the supplementation of local conventional water sources with water transfers and unconventional water sources, while Qingdao and Weihai must further improve its water supply capacity to ensure water security during drought periods.

How to cite: Wang, Y.: Assessment of Regional Drought based on Resilience Concept - A Case Study of Jiaodong Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6711,, 2025.

EGU25-6980 | Orals | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Seasonal predictability of coastal risks from climate modes compounded effects 

Julien Boucharel, Rafael Almar, Fei-Fei Jin, Sen Zhao, Malte Stuecker, and Boris Dewitte

Extreme weather and climate events result from complex interactions between physical processes at different scales. The convergence of multiple factors, including large-scale environmental conditions and local climate variability, can amplify the effects, resulting in significant societal impacts. Coastal regions are particularly vulnerable to sea level rise and changes in coastal water levels (CWL) due to climate variability, ocean circulation, and atmospheric conditions. The El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) are key drivers of interannual CWL variability in the Northern hemisphere, influencing storm activity, flooding, and erosion, with ENSO affecting the Pacific and NAO the Atlantic. While studies have extensively analyzed their independent effects, their combined influence on coastal hazards remain underexplored. This study uses diverse observational datasets to assess the modulation of extreme CWL and associated hazards by different phases of ENSO and NAO. We show that the frequent occurrence of La Niña conditions, although relatively weak in terms of severity, and the comparatively rare but exceptionally strong extreme El Niño events make the world's coastlines more vulnerable to flooding overall. However, the picture is different regionally, especially in the Euro-Atlantic sector, where the co-occurrence of El Niño events and different phases of the NAO tends to exacerbate extreme CWL compared to the local NAO variability alone due to the strengthening of the Pacific-Atlantic jet stream teleconnections either in the high or mid latitudes, depending on the ENSO type and the NAO phase. These results highlight the climate modes’ compounded risks to coastal populations that allows us to produce skillful seasonal forecasting of coastal hazards using the newly developed XRO model.

How to cite: Boucharel, J., Almar, R., Jin, F.-F., Zhao, S., Stuecker, M., and Dewitte, B.: Seasonal predictability of coastal risks from climate modes compounded effects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6980,, 2025.

Water has consistently been one of the globe’s most vital strategic resources, serving as both a catalyst for peace and a potential source of strife. Amidst growing environmental catastrophes and pervasive droughts, water has become a pivotal factor in geopolitical maneuvers. The Middle East countries especially Iran, confronted with a critical water shortage, is grappling with internal resource management issues while simultaneously experiencing escalating tensions with neighboring nations over shared water supplies. This dilemma is particularly evident in the transboundary river basin with nations such as Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Iraq, and it has the potential to worsen regional tensions and conflicts.

This study examines the impacts of agricultural development and climate change over the past four decades on six major water basins in Iran, aiming to identify key water-related conflict zones and explore the intersection of water issues with political, economic and social divisions. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was used to assess the severity of drought in these basins throughout the period of 1980-2020. Statistical analysis of groundwater resources and dam data reveals the negative effects of human activities on water availability. Despite being situated in a semi-arid region, Iran has built more than 400 dams in the past four decades across various basins, primarily to expand irrigated agriculture and generate hydroelectric power. The results of this study show that drought conditions in Iran began to intensify in the late 1990s. During particularly severe drought years, such as 1999, 2000, 2001, 2008, and 2010, the abstraction of groundwater resources especially deep and semi-deep wells increased dramatically.

Concurrently, neighboring countries in transboundary basins such as Euphrates-Tigris River Basin, located in the west of Iran and Hirmand (Helmand) River Basin, located in the east of Iran have expanded their own irrigated areas, which has heightened tensions between Iran and its neighbors. The worsening water crisis is likely to exacerbate both internal and regional conflicts, with potential consequences for Iran’s national security and foreign policy.

Regional and international collaboration, along with the development of sustainable agricultural practices and integrated water resource management systems, will be critical to ensuring sustainable environmental development in the Middle East, especially for Iran. Addressing these challenges in a cooperative manner can mitigate future conflicts and promote long-term stability in the region. Enhancing water conservation and efficiency in agriculture, strengthening water governance and policy reforms, fostering climate adaptation and resilience, promoting transboundary water cooperation, and advancing innovative water treatment technologies are all crucial components for ensuring sustainable development in the region.

How to cite: Talebi, R. and Aydin, Y.: The Water Crisis and Geopolitical Dynamics in Iran: Regional Strains and Transnational Consequences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10352,, 2025.

This paper aims to advance our scientific understanding of optimizing flood productivity in climate-impacted regions through integrated interventions at strategic and operational levels. In arid and semi-arid regions of Africa and Asia, short-duration floods cover about 50 million cultivable hectares and support some 100 million farming families. Such flood-dependent systems have long been overlooked due to concerns over unreliable water supply. However, with increasing climate change impacts and water scarcity, there is growing recognition of the potential for sustainable growth that short-duration floods can offer.


This paper is based on a study conducted as part of a three-year USAID-supported initiative (2022–2024) focused on promoting economic growth and peace in the Gash Agricultural Scheme (GAS) in the water-stressed eastern region of Sudan. GAS, the largest flood-dependent scheme in the country, covers 100,800 hectares and could support the water and food security needs of over a quarter of a million agro-pastoralists. It relies on the ephemeral Gash River, which originates from the Ethiopian and Eritrean highlands and flows sporadically between July and October. Over the past two decades, climate-induced changes have led to fluctuations in the river's flow, affecting its timing, frequency, and volume, which has ranged between 650 million and 1.2 billion m³ annually.


The study conducted water balance analyses using a 16-year dataset of Gash River flow, irrigated area, and the evapotranspiration demand of the major sorghum crop. Data collection included field measurements, surveys, remote sensing, and CropWat modelling. The analysis revealed that the current three-year rotation-based irrigation system, capping cultivated land at 33,000 hectares annually, is excessively risk-averse. While this strategy reduced conflicts by consistently delivering promised land, it increased GAS's vulnerability to flood damage. The floodwater use efficiency over the past decade was around 26%, leaving significant amounts of floodwater untapped, which caused damage to infrastructure and agricultural land.


The three-rotation system also led to inadequate infrastructure maintenance due to infrequent land tillage, allowing the invasive mesquite tree to overtake 70,000 hectares in the past 20 years, reducing the sorghum cropped area and contributing to reduced agricultural productivity. The water balance analysis suggests a shift to a two-year rotation system, cultivating approximately 50,000 hectares annually while maintaining risk aversion. This change could increase annual agricultural production from about 50,000 to 75,000 tons at the current sorghum yield of 1.5 tons/ha without significant infrastructural or farming improvements. Introducing integrated interventions that combine improved canal maintenance, better field water distribution, and effective coordination of farmer organizations could increase the cultivated area of large irrigation plots (ranging from 420 to 756 hectares) from 40% to 70%. These interventions could increase sorghum yield by two-thirds to 2.5 tons/ha and triple water productivity to 0.24 kg/m³.


Keywords: Floodwater Optimization, Climate-induced Changes, Integrated Interventions, Improved and Resilient Crop and Water Productivity

How to cite: Zenebe, M.: Optimizing Climate Resilient and Productivity in Flood Dependent Agricultural Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10950,, 2025.

EGU25-11304 | Orals | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Outcomes of RED ROSES project: A Comprehensive Approach to Cross-Border Natural Disaster Resilience 

Amaya Fuenzalida Velasco, Ivan Marchesini, Nathalie Marçot, Célia Mato, Paola Reichenbach, Simone Sterlacchini, Debora Voltolina, Massimo Melillo, Anouk Ardot, Jérémie Chaligné, Gilles Filleau, Leïla De La Vassière, Lorenzo Massucchielli, Matilde Sangalli, Corinna Vulpiani, and Salomé Ritouret

Climate change challenges our communities to build resilience in the face of natural disasters that do not stop at frontiers. In this context, the European RED ROSES project appear as an initiative of cooperation between France and Italy in the cross border region to strengthen prevention, monitoring and response capabilities of civil society actors in addressing specific natural disasters (floods, landslides and wild fires) in the context of climate crises. Multiple actors are involved on this effort providing essential information and collaboratively creating a data ecosystem where local and national authorities, natural hazard risk experts, humanitarian workers and crisis management operators interact and exchange data to respond to emergencies.

For sharing these data, we designed and implemented the RED ROSES Digital Geospatial Ecosystem (DGE) prototype, in first instance as a tool for quick response of French and Italian Red Crosses. The DGE was built orchestrating multiple geospatial open source software (including the GIS3W suite) and storing  data  at local and central nodes, which can be remotely administrated by authorized users.

We selected relevant data on this scope: catalogues of past landslides, floods and wildfires, as well as their respective hazard maps. Part of these data were translated and harmonised to facilitate their use on the cross border region. Near real-time data are also available, such as weather from meteorological agencies and satellite images from Copernicus European agency. The platform also include data on exposed elements (such as population distribution, roads, rail maps, etc.) and data collected by volunteers in the field using an orchestrated Kobo Toolbox instance. Additionally, a Decision Support Systems (DSS) devoted to support the Red Cross operative procedures before during and in the aftermath of a natural disaster has been designed and deployed .

We conducted a initial test of the RED ROSES DGE in October 2024 during a joint exercise organized by the Red Cross, incorporating  COVALEX and RED ROSES projects, in Bresso (Italy). The exercise featured a simulated emergency triggered by a Medicane (Mediterranean hurricane) impacting the cross border region, and presented to the Red Cross volunteers. The scenario was designed to replicate real-world crisis conditions and evolved dynamically through its phases, requiring participants to analyze risks, anticipate impacts, and respond to complex challenges in real time. The initiative underscored the importance of territorial risk prevention, seamless coordination, and evidence-based decision-making across borders.

The RED ROSES DGE prototype is currently in the engineering phase and will soon be ready for deployment in real-world conditions within the territory for which it was designed (the cross-border area between France and Italy). Furthermore, it can be adapted for implementation in other relevant border or international contexts.

How to cite: Fuenzalida Velasco, A., Marchesini, I., Marçot, N., Mato, C., Reichenbach, P., Sterlacchini, S., Voltolina, D., Melillo, M., Ardot, A., Chaligné, J., Filleau, G., De La Vassière, L., Massucchielli, L., Sangalli, M., Vulpiani, C., and Ritouret, S.: Outcomes of RED ROSES project: A Comprehensive Approach to Cross-Border Natural Disaster Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11304,, 2025.

As climate change intensifies, urban landscapes face unprecedented challenges, including desertification and its ecological and economic impacts. In response, the City of Boulder, Colorado, has initiated a project aimed at identifying vulnerabilities within Boulder County's landscapes and developing a user-friendly web-based tool for non-technical audiences. This tool will serve as a crucial resource for public and private land managers, community leaders, and policymakers to inform effective land management strategies and increase resilience to extreme drying. The project's core objectives include: (i) mapping significant risks and vulnerabilities to raise awareness and target conservation efforts, (ii) quantifying potential ecological and economic costs associated with desertification alongside the benefits of regenerative land management practices, and (iii) establishing key indicators and methodologies to evaluate landscape resilience. By harnessing existing data from ground-based measurements and remote sensing technologies, the initiative aims to produce a comprehensive assessment of land parcel risks and resilience dynamics. A strong emphasis on user-centered design ensured that the resulting tool is accessible and engaging while effectively communicating complex scientific data. The approach incorporates iterative development, informed by feedback from stakeholders, to create a resource that aligns with the diverse needs of the Boulder community.

How to cite: Aggett, G.: Enhancing Climate Resilience in Boulder County: A Comprehensive Approach to Desertification Risk Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12828,, 2025.

Background: Coastal regions are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change on food production. In Bangladesh, with over 170 million people, food insecurity due to climate change shocks and extreme events is a growing concern. This study investigates climate change perceptions, agricultural technology use, socio-economic conditions, and household food security among farmer households in coastal Bangladesh.

Methodology: To explore the connections between food security, climate change shocks, and agricultural technology use, we applied various statistical tests to analyze predictive and explanatory variables. Using binary logistic regression, we examined the causes and dynamics of climate change risk perceptions and agricultural technology adoption. Key indicators included the Food Consumption Score (FCS) and the Household Food Insecurity Assessment Scale (HFIAS), which relate to farmers’ adaptation to climate change, asset management, climate change risks, and socio-demographic factors. Our survey covered 406 farmer households in the Khulna and Bagerhat districts of Bangladesh. We employed cluster and stratified sampling strategies for data collection. Additionally, we analyzed temporal data from 1991 to 2021, focusing on annual average mean and maximum temperatures, and rainfall patterns to assess weather trends.

Results: The binary logistic regression reveals significant differences between food-insecure and food-secure individuals in terms of gender, education, occupation, family size, HFIAS scores, household income, and farmland area, while age, distance to market, and agricultural income show no significant differences. For technology use among farmers, significant differences are found in gender, agricultural income, food security, household income, and farmland area, but not in age, distance to market, family size, or education. Correlation values (R=0.35) and (P=0.0058) indicate a moderate positive correlation between year and temperature, showing a statistically significant warming trend over the past three decades in the Khulna-Bagerhat region. The values (R=0.28) and (P=0.029) indicate a weak positive correlation between year and maximum temperature, suggesting a slight but statistically significant warming trend with year-to-year fluctuations. Annual and maximum precipitation show variability but are not statistically significant over the past decades.

Conclusion: The results show that farmers in Khulna and Bagerhat districts struggling with climate change need support from policymakers to adopt more resilient practices. This study can help design local training programs, raise climate change awareness, and improve sustainable farming techniques, which can be replicated in similar areas.

How to cite: Mamun, M. A. A. and Hao, P.: Household Food Security of Farmers in Coastal Bangladesh: Insights into the Effects of Climate Change Perceptions, Agricultural Technology Use, and Weather Parameter Fluctuations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14062,, 2025.

EGU25-14203 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Multi-Objective Optimization for Evaluating the Benefits of Land Use Types in Urban Runoff Management 

Mengjia Zhao, Dongkun Lee, and Hyemee Hwang

Land use types have emerged as a key focus in sustainable urban planning, offering a pathway to manage urban runoff and enhance ecological benefits. This study evaluates the performance and trade-offs of various land use types within a multi-objective optimization framework. The primary objectives are to minimize urban runoff, reduce construction and maintenance costs, and maximize ecological benefits such as carbon sequestration and vegetation cover.

The study employs a multi-objective optimization approach using a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) to determine the optimal land use types configuration under budget and spatial constraints. By balancing hydrological, ecological, and economic objectives, the optimization framework generates Pareto frontier solutions that can be used as a reference for decision-making.

This study is tailored to the urban context of South Korea, where rapid urbanization has increased flood risk and environmental stress. By adopting a multi-objective optimization approach, this study provides a decision support tool for urban planners and policymakers, highlighting the trade-offs between competing objectives and providing flexible solutions based on local conditions.

In conclusion, this study establishes a replicable sustainable urban runoff management framework that is applicable to Korea and other urban areas around the world. The combination of GIS-based analysis, land use types assessment, and optimization techniques ensures a powerful approach to address urban flooding while advancing ecological and economic objectives. The findings contribute to the development of resilient cities that can mitigate flood risks, improve ecological conditions, and support sustainable urbanization strategies.

How to cite: Zhao, M., Lee, D., and Hwang, H.: Multi-Objective Optimization for Evaluating the Benefits of Land Use Types in Urban Runoff Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14203,, 2025.

EGU25-15934 | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Silicon seed inoculation improves growth, physiological mechanisms, grain and biological yields in maize hybrids under heat stress at vegetative and tasseling stages 

Muhammad Habib-Ur-Rahman, Ijaz Hussain, Rao Muhammad Ikram, Muhammad Baqir Hussain, Munir Hoffmann, and Reimund P. Roetter

Heat stress, next to drought, is one of the major constraints to maize growth, development and sustainable yield in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Hence, there is a dire need to explore strategies that alleviate adverse effects of heat stress. In this regard, silicon (Si) is an important plant nutrient which may support crop in alleviating heat stress-induced damages by modulating plant defense mechanisms. Si seed inoculation can be an ecofriendly mitigation strategy to ameliorate adverse effects of heat stress in maize. Yet, to date, limited knowledge is available on how Si modulates plant defense mechanisms to induce heat tolerance in maize. Therefore, a consecutive two years field trials were conducted in arid climatic conditions to evaluate the effects of six Si seed inoculation levels (0.00 to 6.00 mM) on the phenological, physiological, growth, antioxidant mechanisms, and yield components of (heat tolerant and heat sensitive) maize hybrids under normal temperature regime and heat stress conditions at the sixth leaf and 50% tasseling growth stages over a period of 8 consecutive days. Previously, the maize hybrids were selected on the basis of traits performance through screening in the glasshouse where hybrids were tested at different heat stress levels at sixth leaf stage-V6. Results showed that when the heat stress was imposed at sixth leaf stage then seed inoculation with 4.5 mM Si produced significant better cob length (15.0 cm, 16.7 cm), grains per cob (480, 500), thousand grains weight (211.6 g, 224.3 g), grain yield (6.58 t ha-1, 7.11 t ha-1) and biological yield (13.1 t ha-1, 14.5 t ha-1),  respectively for 2023 and 2024 growing seasons (years) as compared to other Si levels. Whereas, the same Si inoculation also produced the maximum cob length, grains per cob, thousand grains weight, grain yield (6.24 t ha-1, 6.74 t ha-1) and biological yield (13.7 t ha-1, 15.2 t ha-1), respectively for both growing seasons as compared with other Si inoculation when heat stress imposed at 50% tasseling stage. These results owing to increased physiological mechanism, growth, antioxidant activities, and osmolytes accumulation under heat stress conditions. Moreover, the interactive effects of heat stress and hybrids revealed that the maize hybrid DK-6103 (prior defined as heat tolerant) produced more grain yield (6.02 t ha-1, 6.50 t ha-1) and biological yield (11.4 t ha-1, 12.6 t ha-1), respectively during both years when the heat stress was imposed at six leaf stage. While, hybrid SW-1080 produced on an average 13.5% and 14.8% less grain and biological yields, respectively as attained by DK-6103. Therefore, the Si seed inoculation (4.5 mM) may be good strategy to alleviate the adverse effects of the heat stress in maize hybrids. Future studies are also needed to explore the role of Si in alleviating the adverse impacts of combined drought and heat stress under contrasting environmental conditions.

Keywords: Sixth leaf and tasseling phenological stages, physiological mechanism, antioxidants, grain yield, arid and semi-arid climatic regions

How to cite: Habib-Ur-Rahman, M., Hussain, I., Ikram, R. M., Hussain, M. B., Hoffmann, M., and Roetter, R. P.: Silicon seed inoculation improves growth, physiological mechanisms, grain and biological yields in maize hybrids under heat stress at vegetative and tasseling stages, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15934,, 2025.

EGU25-16040 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Long-Term Variations in Summer Circulation Over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East 

Harikishan Gandham, Hari Prasad Dasari, Thang M Luong, Raju Attada, Waqar Ul Hassan, Pajeesh Athippatta Gopinathan, Md Saquib Saharwardi, and Ibrahim Hoteit

This study examines the climatological and long-term (1980–2019) variations in summer circulation patterns (June–August) over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region, utilizing ERA5 global atmospheric reanalysis data. The summer climate of the EMME is influenced by the development of several prominent atmospheric circulation features: (1) a pronounced east-west pressure gradient, resulting from elevated mean sea level pressure over the eastern Mediterranean (EM) and a thermal low over the Arabian Peninsula (AP); (2) significant subsidence spanning the EM, northern Africa, and the AP; and (3) the presence of a warm core over the EM, linked to downward temperature advection. These atmospheric features are closely linked to the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) system. Diabatic heating from ISM rainfall initiates westward-propagating equatorially trapped Rossby waves of the Gill-type, which interact with westerlies to influence the summer circulation over the EMME.

Analysis indicates a notable decline in the intensity of these atmospheric patterns over the study period, signaling an overall reduction in the strength of the summer circulation. Despite this, ISM activity has intensified in recent decades, underscoring a growing mismatch between the remote driver (ISM) and the EMME as a responsive region. Further examination reveals a significant weakening of the subtropical westerly jet and associated westerlies during summer, which appears to have reduced subsidence over the region and contributed to the observed decline in circulation strength. As a result, both Etesian winds over the EM and Shamal winds over the northern AP have experienced marked reductions in frequency. The diminished summer wind systems have led to an unusual rise in human-perceived temperatures and a reduction in dust activity.

How to cite: Gandham, H., Dasari, H. P., Luong, T. M., Attada, R., Ul Hassan, W., Athippatta Gopinathan, P., Saharwardi, M. S., and Hoteit, I.: Long-Term Variations in Summer Circulation Over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16040,, 2025.

EGU25-16534 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12 | Highlight

Integrated Approaches to Assessing the Impacts of Multirisk events initiated by Natural Hazards 

Sirel Colon Useche, Corinne Curt, Pascal DiMaiolo, Aurelie Arnaud, and Camille Negri

The occurrence of disasters related to natural hazards has increased in recent decades due to the growing exposure of urban population and effects of climate change. This context can increase highly complex risks and create multidimensional vulnerabilities. Technological risks further aggravate these considerations, especially as the distance between inhabited and industrial areas has been decreasing over time and as the number of infrastructures and their interrelationships has been increasing. All those complex systems, which could act in combination - with or without coincidence in time, could impact potentially dependent elements at risk. Indeed, under certain conditions, different combinations of natural and technological hazards are likely to occur, e.g., an earthquake followed by a tsunami, floods impacting facilities, domino effect between industries, cascade effect between infrastructures. When these complexities are not properly accounted for by decision-makers, it can lead to ineffective or even misguided risk management strategies. This situation is visible in South of France (SF), a region prone to natural hazards such as forest fires, torrential floods, marine submersion, etc. Moreover, the analysis of 31 semi-structured interviews with local, departmental, and regional actors involved in risk management across three SF territories has shown that the current risk management approach facilitates an effective transition to a multi-risk strategy. However, the existing tools are insufficient and require improvements to ensure effective multi-risk management. This study seeks, by integrating different approaches (dependability analysis, multi-hazard modeling, geographical representations), to assess the potential consequences of the multi-risk events in and local scale considering the Influence of territorial specificities and stakeholder areas of intervention. We analyze the complex cause-and-effect interrelationships of the critical infrastructures (e.g. transportation networks, energy systems, water supply, and emergency services) exposed to hazardous events and estimate the resulting disruptions to basic services for the population. We use an example of a virtual coastal city typical of the South of France, exposed to phenomena like flood, submersion and technological risk to simulate various scenarios of multi hazards in order to integrate, describe and quantify their cascading impacts

How to cite: Colon Useche, S., Curt, C., DiMaiolo, P., Arnaud, A., and Negri, C.: Integrated Approaches to Assessing the Impacts of Multirisk events initiated by Natural Hazards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16534,, 2025.

EGU25-16728 | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

GLOBCOASTS_JRC: A Flexible Framework for Real-Time Coastal Risk Assessment Based on Waterline Changes 

Thomas Saillour, Evangelos Voukouvalas, Amélie Arias, Rafael Almar, Vincent Regard, and Peter Salamon

The estimation of the land-sea interface, or waterline, variability due to high energetic events - i.e. potentially inducing extreme coastal level and erosion- constitutes an important component for the comprehensive risk assessment of the global coastal zone. The large spatial scales and the requirement for real-time coastal risk assessment pose the need for timely forecasts of the key driving processes, in conjunction with the human stakes, exposed population, infrastructures and properties, at risk. Moreover, the interplay between the involved physical processes necessitates the inclusion of a large number of plausible scenarios, useful for the involved decision makers. We present a flexible and low computational-cost framework for the real-time estimation of the global waterline change and associated coastal risk. This framework utilizes satellite-derived probabilistic water level data for the global ocean, combined with state of the art wave and hydrological numerical data and up-to-date satellite observations of the waterline. This information is integrated with high spatial resolution exposure data, providing in real-time the assessment of the imminent risk at the global coastal zone. The outcome of the proposed approach may serve as an additional forecast tool for a first-pass risk assessment, facilitating both short-term and long-term risk mitigation studies.

How to cite: Saillour, T., Voukouvalas, E., Arias, A., Almar, R., Regard, V., and Salamon, P.: GLOBCOASTS_JRC: A Flexible Framework for Real-Time Coastal Risk Assessment Based on Waterline Changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16728,, 2025.

EGU25-17145 | Orals | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Clustering methods for decision making: application to flood risks and radiological emergencies 

Irène Korsakissok, Youness El Ouartassy, Laure Raynaud, and Yann Richet

In case of natural and / or technological disaster, decision making relies on predictions based on available information, monitoring data and model-based forecasts. Uncertainties are particularly high in emergency situations, with scarce information and strong time constraints [1].

Uncertainty quantification and propagation methods are well established and used in numerous applications such as meteorological forecasting and risk evaluation in various domains (seismic hazard, flooding, environmental consequences of radioactive or chemical releases…). However, there are still challenges in taking these uncertainties into account for decision making, particularly in case of emergency. These challenges are of different natures, shared among different domains and types of risks: (1) how to properly account for all sources of uncertainties, including deep uncertainties that cannot be quantified, inherent to crisis situations? (2) how to fit this uncertainty evaluation within the time constraints of emergency response? (3) how to present and communicate these evaluations in an understandable and practical way for decision makers, accounting for interpretation biases?

We propose a scenario-based approach that combines meta-modelling, to generate many simulations in a short time, with a clustering method that allows to select a few situations or “scenarios”, described by their probability of occurrence and associated impact. This approach is illustrated on two applications: flooding risk [2] and nuclear emergency [3]. This method will be applied in the Natech project within the France 2030 Risks-IRIMA program, to a marine submersion in the Gironde estuary combined with nuclear and industrial accidents. The aims will be (1) to include decision-oriented parameters (such as population or critical infrastructures) in the clustering process, (2) to involve stakeholder panels in the design of evaluation products, (3) to better understand how cognitive biases will affect the decision-making process for different kinds of risks and evaluation products.

[1]          P. Bedwell et al., ‘Operationalising an ensemble approach in the description of uncertainty in atmospheric dispersion modelling and an emergency response’, Radioprotection, vol. 55, no. HS1, Art. no. HS1, 2020, doi: 10.1051/radiopro/2020015.

[2]          C. Sire, R. Le Riche, D. Rullière, J. Rohmer, L. Pheulpin, and Y. Richet, ‘Quantizing Rare Random Maps: Application to Flooding Visualization’, J. Comput. Graph. Stat., pp. 1–16, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.1080/10618600.2023.2203764.

[3]          Y. El-Ouartassy, I. Korsakissok, M. Plu, O. Connan, L. Descamps, and L. Raynaud, ‘Combining short-range dispersion simulations with fine-scale meteorological ensembles: probabilistic indicators and evaluation during a 85Kr field campaign’, EGUsphere, vol. 2022, pp. 1–35, Aug. 2022, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-2022-646.

How to cite: Korsakissok, I., El Ouartassy, Y., Raynaud, L., and Richet, Y.: Clustering methods for decision making: application to flood risks and radiological emergencies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17145,, 2025.

EGU25-17819 | Orals | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Leveraging digital innovation for drought resilience: Impact-based forecasting and early warning systems 

Elena Xoplaki, Monique Kuglitsch, and Juerg Luterbacher

Drought is among the most complex and impactful natural hazards, with profound consequences for ecosystems, agriculture, water resources, and human livelihoods. Addressing drought resilience requires a shift beyond simply predicting the occurrence and location of droughts toward understanding and managing associated risks, mitigating cascading effects such as wildfires and food insecurity, and strengthening adaptive capacity.

Digital technologies, including artificial intelligence and Digital Twins, offer transformative opportunities in this context. These tools enable the processing of extensive datasets, scenario simulation, and the generation of actionable insights to enhance early warning systems. Impact-based forecasting, supported by these innovations, facilitates proactive decision-making across sectors such as water management, agriculture, and disaster mitigation. Case studies from arid regions, including the Mediterranean, demonstrate the potential of these approaches to support timely and targeted interventions.

Despite the potential of digital technologies, significant challenges remain. Issues such as data governance, the establishment of global standards, ethical considerations, and equitable access to advanced tools are critical to ensuring effective and inclusive solutions. Addressing these challenges requires an integrated approach that aligns technological innovation with policy frameworks, governance structures, and societal priorities.

The integration of multi-hazard frameworks, exemplified by systems such as MedEWSa (, highlights the importance of advanced forecasting tools in managing drought risks and their cascading effects. This approach contributes to building resilience in arid regions and supports global efforts to adapt to a changing climate.

How to cite: Xoplaki, E., Kuglitsch, M., and Luterbacher, J.: Leveraging digital innovation for drought resilience: Impact-based forecasting and early warning systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17819,, 2025.

EGU25-18218 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Drought-induced TREE MOrtalities and REwilding in Apulia (TREEMORE) 

Roberto Ingrosso, Mara Baudena, Francesco Cozzoli, Valerio Lembo, Piero Lionello, Enrica Nestola, Francesco Salvatore Rocco Pausata, Gregorio Sgrigna, Shivangi Tiwari, and Roberta D'Agostino

In the last 30 years the Mediterranean region has increasingly been subjected to prolonged droughts, a phenomenon expected to worsen due to the rising levels of anthropogenic emissions. Although the scientific community has reached an emerging consensus regarding the physical processes driving these extreme events - such as the increased frequency and duration of atmospheric blocking and the expansion of subtropical zones - the broader impacts of water shortages on vegetation and feedback mechanisms within the climate-environment system remain poorly understood. Current evidence suggests that drought may lead to widespread tree mortality, heightened wildfire risks, and a gradual transformation from Mediterranean ecosystems to vegetation types typically associated with semi-arid environments. Apulia region, in Southern Italy has been selected as the study region, as it offers a unique case study to assess the consequences of extensive olive trees die-off after the spread of the pathogen/bacteria Xylella fastidiosa. We will investigate the effect of die-off and of different potential replanting strategies on the regional atmosphere. The study involves three different vegetation scenarios with a total of 12 new high-resolution sensitivity experiments under low and high-emission conditions (RCP2.6 or SSP1-2.6 and RCP8.5 or SSP5 8.5). One scenario will act as a reference with the current vegetation state. A deforestation scenario, accounting for 100% desertification, will represent the worst-case scenario. A regreening scenario will represent the afforestation/rewilding with native Mediterranean vegetation over the whole region. For this work, we will employ the regional version of the Global Environmental Multiscale Model (GEM) over the Euro-Cordex domain and the high-resolution Regional Climate Model (RegCM5, Giorgi et al., 2023) in convection-permitting setup, configured for the Southern Adriatic region over the domain 39.5°N - 42°N, 14.5°E - 18.5°E. The simulations will facilitate an in-depth analysis of the climatic effects of altered vegetation cover, focusing on key variables such as mean and extreme temperatures and precipitation, moisture distribution, and convection. We aim at identifying climate resilient planting strategies (e.g. restoring the historical land use, olive groves, or the native mediterranean vegetation) in Apulia, as a potentially practical approach to counteract or alleviate the effects of future compound extreme events, including severe droughts and heatwaves. 


How to cite: Ingrosso, R., Baudena, M., Cozzoli, F., Lembo, V., Lionello, P., Nestola, E., Pausata, F. S. R., Sgrigna, G., Tiwari, S., and D'Agostino, R.: Drought-induced TREE MOrtalities and REwilding in Apulia (TREEMORE), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18218,, 2025.

EGU25-18950 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Navigating the Path to Sustainability: Case Study Insights from Taiwan’s Semiconductor Sector 

Huishan Hu, Bouwen Lin, and Syuanjyun Sun

        As global attention to climate change intensifies, industries face unprecedented pressure to transition towards sustainability while maintaining economic competitiveness. Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, which constitutes 22.3% of the global market and contributes 15.27% to Taiwan's GDP, exemplifies this dual challenge. This study investigates the sector's sustainability transformation, emphasizing the interplay between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) frameworks, regulatory compliance, and market-driven pressures.

        Employing a case study methodology, this research delves into the complex dynamics shaping the sustainability trajectory of the semiconductor industry. Key challenges include compliance with evolving international regulations such as Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) from EU and carbon pricing initiatives in Taiwan. These frameworks compel companies to adopt stringent greenhouse gas inventory protocols and transition to low-carbon production models. Concurrently, supply chain demands from global technology leaders, exemplified by Apple’s 2030 carbon neutrality mandate, necessitate a comprehensive decarbonization of production processes and the integration of renewable energy sources. Public awareness of environmental issues further intensifies the need for businesses to align with consumer expectations for sustainability.

        The findings underscore the critical role of advanced technological tools and data- driven strategies in facilitating the transition. Enhanced supply chain transparency, the adoption of clean energy solutions, and the cultivation of sustainability-oriented expertise emerge as pivotal enablers. Moreover, addressing the environmental footprint of semiconductor manufacturing—characterized by significant energy and water consumption, as well as emissions of high-global-warming-potential gases—requires

innovative approaches that balance environmental responsibility with operational efficiency.

        This study contributes to the growing body of literature on sustainable industrial practices by offering a nuanced understanding of the strategic pathways available to high-impact sectors. By situating Taiwan’s semiconductor industry within the broader context of global sustainability efforts, this research provides actionable insights for policymakers and industry stakeholders. The implications extend beyond Taiwan, offering a replicable model for fostering resilience and competitiveness in the face of escalating climate imperatives.

Keywords: Semiconductor Industry, Sustainability Transition, ESG, Decarbonization, Green Supply Chain, Case Study

How to cite: Hu, H., Lin, B., and Sun, S.: Navigating the Path to Sustainability: Case Study Insights from Taiwan’s Semiconductor Sector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18950,, 2025.

EGU25-19316 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Towards robust design of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation 

Adam Mubeen, Laddaporn Ruangpan, Zoran Vojinovic, and Jasna Plavšić

One of the key issues of this century is climate change and its adverse effects. As the incidence hydrometeorological hazards rise more and more communities are exposed to their risks. It is becoming increasingly evident that existing infrastructure is not enough for providing the necessary levels of protection. The size of pipes in drainage systems, stormwater storage, and reservoirs cannot be increased indefinitely to reduce the impact of these events. An alternative that has been becoming more mainstream for risk reduction is NBS. They have proven to be effective over different scales from small urban systems such as green roofs, rain gardens and porous pavements to large-scale measure that include floodplain restoration, retention ponds, and riparian forest buffers.

NBS provide not only the benefit of risk reduction. They can be designed with multifunctionality in mind to provide co-benefits of increased biodiversity, carbon sequestration, pollution reduction and more. Their performance is strongly rooted in the design choices. With the predicted changes in the risk landscape, integrating flexibility and robustness in its design becomes increasingly important.

The principle of robust design has been used in engineering and manufacturing for a long time. Taguchi (1986) pioneered the concept of robust parameter design, an approach for designing long lasting and durable systems. The concept of robust design was further developed to include robust control (Saleh et al. 2003, Spiller et al. 2015) as a means of controlling how a system reacts to a disturbance, by active control. Mens et al. (2011) defined robustness as a system’s ability to function over a large range of magnitude of disturbance. Robust design approaches may be adopted in the design of NBS to ensure that the system remains fail-safe, to ensure that the exceedance of design conditions do not have devastating consequences. These concepts have been applied in the design of climate adaptation actions, but there is limited research in its application in the design of large-scale NBS.

This research advances our knowledge in robust design, by using robust parameter to design to design fail-safe NBS, by defining criteria for measuring robustness and using hydrodynamic modelling and GIS multicriteria analysis to measure the effectiveness of robust design using the RECONECT case study area Tamnava basin. This is an ongoing study. 

How to cite: Mubeen, A., Ruangpan, L., Vojinovic, Z., and Plavšić, J.: Towards robust design of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19316,, 2025.

EGU25-20578 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.3/NH13.12

Optimizing Flood Risk Mitigation under Uncertainty: Towards Bridging Theory and Practice 

Mara Ruf and Daniel Straub

Flood risk management is undergoing a fundamental shift from a purely flood protection-based approach to a more comprehensive risk management strategy. This shift was promoted by the recognition that existing flood protection measures have proven insufficient in mitigating the severe consequences of recent flood events across Europe. Despite this growing awareness of the need for integrated flood risk management, practical implementation faces significant challenges. The complex interplay of local protection measures, downstream effects, potential flood protection failures and inherent uncertainties complicates the assessment of the long-term impact of individual decisions on overall flood risk.

In practice, decisions on flood mitigation measures are often based on local expert judgment, political considerations, or general guidelines, rather than a coordinated, catchment-wide evaluation. This fragmented approach, which focuses on local effectiveness, overlooks the large-scale, interconnected dynamics of flood risk, leading to suboptimal outcomes at larger scales. To address these challenges, we develop a flood risk model capable of identifying globally optimal solutions for flood mitigation strategies. However, the direct application of these optimal solutions to real-world contexts is not straightforward. In countries such as Germany, persistent challenges remain in the context of political, stakeholder, and institutional dynamics. The hierarchical decision-making structures in these countries complicate the integration of global optimization solutions into practice.

In this contribution, we present the current state of our proposed flood risk model as well as a simplified optimization example, providing a foundation for discussions on how to translate these insights into the hierarchical structures of flood risk management practice.

How to cite: Ruf, M. and Straub, D.: Optimizing Flood Risk Mitigation under Uncertainty: Towards Bridging Theory and Practice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20578,, 2025.

This study delineated an SWOT analysis of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) within the context of heritage cities, utilizing an Internal-External (IE) matrix and an impact/uncertainty grid to ascertain the strategic positioning of NBS. The Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) score of 2.900 indicated a predominantly favorable internal environment for NBS, underscored by significant strengths such as 'Reconnecting Humanity with Nature' and 'Integration of Multiple Values'. Conversely, it also underscores weaknesses, most notably in 'Quantifying NBS Ecosystem Services'. Parallelly, the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) with a score of 2.797 suggested a moderately conducive external environment. Opportunities such as 'Gaining Wide Recognition and Support' and 'Enhancing Environmental Protection Awareness' are prevalent, albeit counterbalanced by threats including 'Insufficient Funding' and 'Competition with Multiple Alternatives'. The analysis posited the necessity of harnessing internal strengths to optimize external opportunities while simultaneously mitigating weaknesses and external threats. A proposed Strength + Opportunity (SO) strategy focuses on interdisciplinary policy development, community-centric NBS design, and establishment of participatory platforms underpinned by legislative support. Additionally, a Weakness + Opportunity (WO) strategy advocates for resource optimization, fostering public-private partnerships, and constructing regulatory frameworks conducive to resource-sharing within heritage communities. NBS in heritage cities are strategically poised for growth, contingent upon the effective utilization of inherent strengths and external opportunities. The analysis accentuated the imperative for dynamic, responsive strategies to internal capabilities and external environmental factors, advocating for a holistic, adaptable, and integrative approach in NBS to foster sustainable, resilient, and culturally vibrant urban ecosystems.

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How to cite: Wang, M. and Zhao, J.: Strategic Integration of Nature-Based Solutions in Historic Urban Landscapes: A SWOT Analysis Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-336,, 2025.

EGU25-681 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Conceptualizing a multi-risk Bayesian Network model to identify nature-based management solutions to face water quality degradation in a changing climate 

Elena Allegri, Francesc Maynou, Angelica Bianconi, Elisa Furlan, Silvia de Juan, Hung Vuong Pham, Andrea Critto, and Antonio Marcomini

Water quality (WQ) deterioration in marine-coastal areas (MCA) is among the main threats affecting socio-economic systems and ecosystem functioning, calling for urgent actions to preserve ecosystems’ resilience. Nature-based Solutions (NBS) improve ecosystem resilience and biodiversity, transforming nature management while providing environmental and societal benefits. Yet, little is known on NBS capacity in reducing WQ deterioration due to climate and human-induced pressures in MCA. Understanding this nexus requires establishing functional relationships between marine ecosystems status and climate and human drivers exerting pressures over them. In this study, the relationship between climate change (CC) impacts on marine-coastal ecosystems is unravelled through a spatio-temporal Bayesian Network (BN) model, which allows estimating the adverse effects of human-induced and climate pressures on seagrass meadows (Posidonia oceanica) along the Apulia region coast (Italy). To this aim, both anthropogenic (e.g., land use, MPAs) and environmental data (e.g., nutrients, temperature, transparency, depth, etc.) were integrated in the BN model, and jointly combined at the coastal water bodies scale, as framed within the WFD, and elicited by expert knowledge. Baseline environmental conditions were compared against multiple ‘what-if’ scenarios, representing different climate conditions, under RCP4.5 and 8.5, and nature-based management schemes. Key results emphasize the main variables (and the spatial extent) affecting the status of seagrass meadows, primarily depth, water transparency, and the presence/absence of protection actions along MCA, both on land and sea. On the other hand, results from scenario analysis highlight that under RCP4.5 the environmental conditions remain more suitable for seagrass habitat survival and growth, compared to RCP8.5 in both short (2050) and long (2100) term. Furthermore, the integration of management actions, primarily linked to land-use changes and widening of MPAs, would benefit WQ conditions for Posidonia oceanica health status, while contributing to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (as part of Agenda 2030), and the Good Environmental and Ecological Status as required by relevant EU acquis.

How to cite: Allegri, E., Maynou, F., Bianconi, A., Furlan, E., de Juan, S., Pham, H. V., Critto, A., and Marcomini, A.: Conceptualizing a multi-risk Bayesian Network model to identify nature-based management solutions to face water quality degradation in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-681,, 2025.

EGU25-1077 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Areas through Nature-Based Solutions and Risk Assessment 

Fabienne Horneman, Ignacio Gatti, Silvia Torresan, Elisa Furlan, Tom Bucx, Mindert de Vries, and Andrea Critto

Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) are increasingly embedded in policies for climate change adaptation, highlighting NBS’s capacity to mitigate the risks of negative external impacts or provide buffers against shocks. For instance, the European Green deal promotes the integration of NBS by providing a new narrative involving biodiversity, Ecosystem Services (ES) and, indirectly, all four priorities of Sendai Framework. The selection of suitable NBSs should be based on their ability to reduce the magnitude, duration, or frequency of climate hazards considering their effectiveness under present and future conditions, while simultaneously delivering valuable co-benefits. However, empirical evidence on NBS performance is lacking – especially for coastal and transitional environments where there is limited site-specific evidence - and although harmonization efforts are being developed, e.g. the IUCN global standards, internationally recognized NBS standards have not yet been adopted into policies. The REST-COAST ( project aims to address these issues by demonstrating that upscaled coastal restoration can provide a solution to climate change adaptation through the provisioning of regulating ES such as reduction of erosion risk, reduction of flood risk, climate change mitigation and water quality purification. This is being elaborated by developing a risk analysis, initiated by a systematic review to expand the evidence-base for NBS implementation through identifying coastal NBS performance indicators. This review indicated that performance is most frequently evaluated based on environmental and physical indicators, e.g., vegetation cover, carbon sequestration, morphological changes, sediment, and nutrient dynamics, measured in-situ at the habitat scale. Nevertheless, to assure their long-term effectiveness of NBSs it is crucial to consider their suitability and scalability in relation to multi-hazard scenarios. Therefore, highlighting the importance of modelling and new data technologies, which allow the exploration NBS’s effectiveness for climate change adaptation and risk reduction through the evaluation of transformative pathways – a complete set of interventions, including NBSs and grey infrastructure, at the macro scale. To do so, a conceptual risk framework for the Venice lagoon (Veneto region, Italy) is being developed that will integrate the NBS performance indicators with climate scenarios and NBS intervention strategies to evaluate risk reduction through ES provisioning. This framework will provide the basis for the development and implementation of a Bayesian Network for risk modelling, integrating data regarding historical observations, past numerical modelling, and climate change projections, as well as co-created adaptation pathways for the Venice Lagoon. Co-creating these what-if adaptation strategies, based on a shared desired future and climate change projections, has the potential to bring together stakeholders and decision-makers to better understand, estimate and evaluate the effect of NBS interventions. Through exploring these research inquiries, this work aims to support the establishment of better guidelines for coastal and transitional adaptation management and development.


The REST-COAST project is funded under the Horizon2020 grant agreement No. 101037097.

How to cite: Horneman, F., Gatti, I., Torresan, S., Furlan, E., Bucx, T., de Vries, M., and Critto, A.: Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Areas through Nature-Based Solutions and Risk Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1077,, 2025.

We live in an urban century, with projections indicating that by 2050 around 2.4 billion more people worldwide will live in cities. Similarly, urbanization in Europe is expected to increase from 72% in 2015, to 83.7% in 2050, while built-up areas are expected to cover more than 7% of the continent's total surface. At the same time, the effects of climate change are increasingly being noticed in urban settings. These impacts include hydro-meteorological events such as storms, floods, and landslides representing 64% of the damages reported from natural disasters in Europe since 1980, while climatological events, such as extreme temperatures, account for an additional 20%. In this context, Nature-based Solutions (NBS) have gained significant importance for climate change adaptation and mitigation, and are increasingly implemented in urban plans and strategies.

Although the integration of NBS into urban planning instruments is a priority in climate policies, there are still limitations that hinder the decision-making process and particularly the selection of efficient NBS for addressing specific environmental challenges. There is a significant gap in understanding the urban socio-ecological processes and dynamics associated with the regulating ecosystem services of NBS, including the benefits they provide, their quantification, and their valuation for effective integration into urban planning.

This study applies a systems-thinking approach to analyzing climate change impacts on cities by focusing on three key environmental challenges: air pollution; urban heat island effect; and urban flooding and runoff. The ecosystem service processes associated with these environmental challenges were identified and analyzed through a literature review employing a citation-chasing approach, based on relevant articles from the last decade. As a result, three models were designed using causal loop diagrams (CLD), one for each environmental challenge, thereby recognizing the key conditions and drivers of these socio-ecological processes. Key causal connections were then grouped into five domains defined as Climate, People, Water, Soil and Vegetation. Finally, these domains were reviewed and described in terms of their controllable and uncontrollable factors, with an emphasis on identifying priority factors to be integrated into urban adaptation strategies.

These results provide a theoretical framework for supporting the transformation of cities into more resilient environments in response to recurrent climate events. Accordingly, future studies are expected to explore urban environmental issues through an integrated approach, enhancing existing models and tools to support the selection of effective and efficient NBS. This will facilitate informed decision-making and accelerate the transition to climate adaptation.

How to cite: Elliott, S., Staes, J., and Vrebos, D.: Targeting key factors when adapting cities to climate change - A practical visualization and analysis of urban socio-ecological processes using causal loop diagrams., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2098,, 2025.

EGU25-2139 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Implementing the System of Environmental Economic Accounting-Ecosystem Accounting: A Systematic Review  

Miguel Inácio, Eglė Baltranaitė, Luís Valença Pinto, Marija Meisutovic-Akhtarieva, Damià Barceló, and Paulo Pereira

The environmental degradation observed in the last decades has triggered governments and international institutions to take action to halt biodiversity loss. For this, natural capital assessment is essential. The System of System of Environmental Economic Accounting-Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EA) was established by the United Nations (UN) as a global standard for integrating economic and environmental statistical data. Nevertheless, only some attempts were made to identify where this approach was conducted. In this study, we systematically review the studies, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis method. The results showed an increasing number of publications in the last decade. Most of the studies were conducted in Europe and Oceania. Regarding the types of SEEA-EA accounts, most studies focus on the extent of ecosystems and the monetary ecosystem services accounts. However, most do not provide essential information in the context of SEEA-EA, like opening/closing accounting tables, definition of reference conditions and results validation. The most studied ecosystem types were forests and woodlands; most of the works assessed more than one ecosystem type. Most ecosystem extent studies utilised national and international land use maps and remote sensing data. The results for ecosystem condition showed that most studies assess condition using indicators that fall out of the typology proposed in the SEEA-EA. They are mainly using biophysical indicators. Physical ecosystem services accounts were compiled by combining qualitative (e.g., expert elicitation) and quantitative (e.g., process-based modelling) methodologies, and studied mainly focusing on regulating & maintenance ecosystem services. Monetary ecosystem services accounts were compiled using economic methodologies such as market price and avoidance costs. The results obtained are essential to understanding the status of SEEA-EA implementation regarding the analysed ecosystem types, helping to reveal current gaps and future research needs. Furthermore, the implementation of SEEA-EA can serve as a basis to support the operationalisation of Nature Based-Solutions, safeguarding ecosystem condition and sustainably providing ecosystem services.

How to cite: Inácio, M., Baltranaitė, E., Valença Pinto, L., Meisutovic-Akhtarieva, M., Barceló, D., and Pereira, P.: Implementing the System of Environmental Economic Accounting-Ecosystem Accounting: A Systematic Review , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2139,, 2025.

EGU25-2714 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

The public perception of green, hybrid and grey flood protection measures in three European countries 

Nejc Bezak, Pavel Raška, Jan Macháč, Jiří Louda, Vesna Zupanc, and Lenka Slavíková

Various flood risk mitigation measures such as green, hybrid and grey measures can be applied to reduce flood risk, which is expected to increase in the future due to climate change. While recent studies on flood risk perception have provided robust empirical evidence of social and regional differences in risk perception, comparative studies on the perception of flood risk management measures are lacking. Across Europe, there are significant differences in the preferred approaches to flood risk management and the identified barriers to their application. As part of this study, we examined the perception of various flood risk management measures in Slovenia, Czechia and the Netherlands. The following concepts were taken into consideration: effectiveness, feasibility and acceptability.

The public perception survey was conducted in the three countries via a self-administered online survey with the support of the external company (Bezak et al., 2024). In all three countries, a representative sample (n = 1000) was taken into account considering spatial and socio-demographic characteristics (quota sample). The selected flood risk management measures were divided into three categories: green, grey and a combination of green and grey (hybrid). The visual appearance (green, grey and hybrid), the extent of ecosystem services provided (zero, substantial and in-between) and the construction effort required (substantial, minimal and medium) were used to classify the measures. During the survey, respondents were only shown the drawing of the measure, not the description or the name of the measure. The following measures were considered: rain garden, wetland, tree trench, retention pond, cistern, dam (Bezak et al., 2024). In addition, three groups of experts were also included in the survey in Slovenia: water engineers, researchers working in the field of water management and agricultural workers.

In terms of individual flood protection measures, respondents (general public) in all three countries tend to view conventional grey measures (i.e., dams and cisterns) as more effective and acceptable, but more difficult to implement. This is in contrast to green and hybrid measures, which are considered feasible but less effective and acceptable. The degree of perceived effectiveness, feasibility and acceptance varies from country to country (Bezak et al., 2024). A similar perception was also noted by three expert groups in Slovenia, where researchers were the only group to consider green measures (i.e., wetlands) more effective than grey measures (i.e., dams). While water engineers and agricultural workers had similar perception as the general public, with water engineers clearly preferring classic flood risk management solutions such as dams. 

While specific projects and initiatives can benefit from knowledge of the individual determinants of flood risk perception, transnational policies and strategies should pay more attention to the specific patterns of perception in individual countries.



Bezak et al., 2024. Investigating the public perception of green, hybrid and grey flood risk management measures in Europe. Progress in Disaster Science, 23, 100360, 10.1016/j.pdisas.2024.100360.


Acknowledgment: The research was conducted within the project [Evaluation of hazard-mitigating hybrid infrastructure under climate change scenarios] co-granted by Slovenian Research Agency (J6-4628) and Czech Science Foundation (22-04520L). 

How to cite: Bezak, N., Raška, P., Macháč, J., Louda, J., Zupanc, V., and Slavíková, L.: The public perception of green, hybrid and grey flood protection measures in three European countries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2714,, 2025.

EGU25-3755 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Public Preferences for Nature-Based Solutions: Differences according to exposure in 6 European countries  

Meike Jungnickel, Alice Wanner, and Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider

Nature-based solutions are part of climate adaptation plans in many European cities. In recent years much research has been conducted supporting the effectiveness of urban nature-based solutions, however previous studies also have shown that multifaceted aims are difficult to achieve. Potential environmental benefits have to be balanced with related costs and spatial requirements environmental. These trade-offs underline that planning urban nature-based solutions involves choices. Therefore, this research builds upon a discrete choice experiment (DCE) which was conducted in 6 European countries focusing on cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants. The presented study, which was based on research as part of the UPSURGE project (Horizon 2020), sought to understand European urban residents’ preferences for urban nature-based solutions. The survey presented trade-offs such as the type of green area, the effectiveness in terms of air-quality, temperature reduction and biodiversity as well as monetary and time payments to participants. In total 5,990 residents from Greece, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, the UK and the Netherlands participated in the survey. 

The results show generally similar patterns of preferences across citizens from all 6 countries regarding type of nature-based solutions and their effectiveness. Yet, different exposures to the impacts of climate change are reflected in the preference for effectiveness of the green areas for instance regarding temperature reduction. Furthermore, differences in preferences regarding the willingness to pay, biodiversity enhancement and participation are evident between the countries. Transferring the obtained results in a decision support tool, allows for the configurations of nature-based solutions which will be accepted by the majority of population in European countries. 

Overall, the results emphasize the need for customization of nature-based solutions to the local context and importance of communicating the expected benefits. Incorporating the results in public participation processes, enables the definition of priorities and the design governance mechanism to guarantee long-term success of nature-based solutions.

How to cite: Jungnickel, M., Wanner, A., and Pröbstl-Haider, U.: Public Preferences for Nature-Based Solutions: Differences according to exposure in 6 European countries , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3755,, 2025.

EGU25-4278 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Indigenous water management amid global changes: Reviving ancient Oasis irrigation systems in Southeastern Morocco 

Athmane Khettouch, Yassine Ait Brahim, Mohammed Hssaisoune, and Lhoussaine Bouchaou

The Khettara system is an ancient hydraulic infrastructure designed to collect and transport groundwater by gravity from the water table to irrigate oasis fields. This energy-efficient system, widely used in North Africa, particularly in Algeria (Foggara) and Morocco (Khettara), is celebrated for its sustainability and its potential to enhance drought resilience and combat desertification. Established as early as the 14th century, the Khettara system continues to function, despite facing significant natural and anthropogenic challenges. In Morocco, the indigenous water mobilization technique is found in two major oasis ecosystems in southern Morocco: Drâa and Tafilalet designated as the Biosphere Reserve (RBOSM) by UNESCO in 2000. Around these millennia-old agrosystems, successive civilizations developed resource management and governance practices, particularly in water allocation. Known as Al Orf or Azref, these regulations emphasize the protection, maintenance, and sustainable use of water resources where precipitation ranges from 50 to 120 mm per year. However, since the 1970s, the Khettara system has been in decline due to competition from motorized and solar-powered pumps, worsening droughts, and the migration of younger generations away from agriculture. This shift has led to growing inequality, individualism, and a breakdown in the collective labor and governance structures that sustained the system for centuries. Modern technologies, while initially promising, have proven unsustainable in many cases. In response, the Moroccan government undertook initiatives between 2008 and 2011 to restore certain abandoned Khettarat in the Tafilalet oases, integrating them into cultural tourism routes, particularly the Mejhoul circuit. This initiative, although still nascent, offers a promising pathway for collaboration among local communities (nomads, oasis inhabitants, and cooperative associations), researchers (hydrologists and hydro-sociologists), and stakeholders (local water policymakers and the tourism sector). Such efforts aim to preserve and revitalize this cultural and environmental heritage, which remains at risk. 

How to cite: Khettouch, A., Ait Brahim, Y., Hssaisoune, M., and Bouchaou, L.: Indigenous water management amid global changes: Reviving ancient Oasis irrigation systems in Southeastern Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4278,, 2025.

EGU25-4608 | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Cost-benefit and equity analysis of nature-based solutions in Haiti, India, Indonesia and Uganda 

Marta Vicarelli, Anamaria Georgescu, and Karen Sudmeier-Rieux

This study performs an economic efficiency and equity analysis of four recent Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) interventions in Haiti, India, Indonesia, and Uganda. Our analysis aims at contributing to the development of methodological best practices for assessing both the economic-effectiveness and the distributional impacts of nature-based solutions, with a particular focus on marginalized or underserved communities. Nature-based solutions (NbS) are emerging as possible strategies to mitigate disaster risk while providing additional benefits to biodiversity and sustainable economic growth. However, there is limited scientific evidence about the cost-effectiveness and equity outcomes of NbS. For each ecosystem-based intervention examined we performed an economic efficiency assessment through a quantitative cost-benefit analysis (CBA). Our estimates show that at the 5th year since the project implementation, the interventions in Haiti and India generated positive net benefits, assuming hazard-related yearly losses in properties and GDP per capita in the project areas as low as 0.5 %. We observe the same outcomes in Indonesia and Uganda at the 10th year since the project implementation, assuming yearly losses equivalent to 1 % or higher and adopting a 3 % discount rate. When we include additional benefits from carbon capture and sequestration and pollution reduction the CBA net benefits estimates are positive at the 10th year mark for every discount rate adopted. Extensive qualitative interviews of local stakeholders corroborate the CBA results and provide insights on the numerous additional benefits experienced, which in the future could be measured and monetized if monitored over time. A qualitative analysis of the distributional effects of the interventions was performed to complement the economic efficiency assessment. This equity analysis indicates an enhancement in inclusivity, economic equality, participation, and capacity building among local stakeholders. In particular, the Eco-DRR interventions implemented resulted in significant education, health, safety and economic improvements for women, children, and economically vulnerable members of the local communities.

How to cite: Vicarelli, M., Georgescu, A., and Sudmeier-Rieux, K.: Cost-benefit and equity analysis of nature-based solutions in Haiti, India, Indonesia and Uganda, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4608,, 2025.

EGU25-5333 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

How long does vegetation take to reach peak cooling in São Paulo (Brazil)? 

Marina da Nova Reuter, Lucas Gobatti, João Paulo Leitão, and Renato Vicente

With urbanisation, cities face increasing temperatures, which are further increased by climate change. In this context, urban greenery can be a strategy to reduce surface temperatures in cities, providing cooling through shade and evapotranspiration. However, little is known about how long different types of urban greenery take to reach their maximum surface temperature reduction capacity in different climates across the world. To fill this gap, we previously developed a method using remote sensing data to quantify this time span, calling it “Cooling Establishment Time” (CET). To increase the number of case studies to those previously investigated in Zurich (Switzerland), our main challenges are to automate the identification of green areas, their selection, and quantification of their cooling dynamics through time in a computationally effective way. As a starting point, this ongoing research quantified the Cooling Establishment Time of green areas in São Paulo (Brazil), generating new information about this time measurement in a different climatic and urban context. São Paulo’s green areas took around 6 to 20 years to reach peak Land Surface Temperature reduction, which were longer than the time spans identified in Zurich. This contrast may be explained by the differences in local predominant vegetation and built environment. We expect to generate a dataset of green areas’ Cooling Establishment Times throughout different cities in the world, leading to a better understanding of what drives the temporal dynamics of vegetation cooling. Such results can be useful for policymakers to best plan green areas, improving heat mitigation and adaptation strategies depending on local environmental conditions and social needs.

How to cite: da Nova Reuter, M., Gobatti, L., Leitão, J. P., and Vicente, R.: How long does vegetation take to reach peak cooling in São Paulo (Brazil)?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5333,, 2025.

EGU25-5913 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Assessing the implementation process of Ecosystem-based Adaptation in coastal urban areas  

Mar Riera Spiegelhalder, Luís Campos Rodrigues, and Adrián Ferrandis Martínez

Nature-based solutions (NbS) are regarded as an umbrella concept for actions focused on nature conservation and restoration, offering a range of social, economic, and environmental benefits. When specifically dealing with climate change adaptation, the term Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is also applicable. This research investigates EbA as a strategy to tackle the escalating climate challenges faced by coastal urban areas, including changing water regimes, and more frequent and severe floods and droughts. The study develops a decision-support framework aimed at guiding local governments in successfully implementing EbA. It highlights the importance of proposing protocols to evaluate the EbA implementation process in coastal urban areas. This framework is based on three core areas: governance systems, policy framework, and sustainable funding, with a set of indicators proposed for each area.  

Within governance systems, the framework highlights the necessity of horizontal (within the same governance level) and vertical (across different administrative levels) cooperation. Political support, scientific expertise, and co-creation with local stakeholders are essential for integrating EbA into planning processes. Moreover, flexible governance structures enable institutions to adapt and ensure the sustainability of interventions. 

Under policy framework, the framework proposes incorporating EbA into climate adaptation plans, urban policies, and international agreements, enhancing its uptake. Alignment between local regulations and broader strategic objectives, such as the EU Green Deal or the UN Sustainable Development Goals, reduces conflicts and supports EbA prioritization. 

Sustainable funding is critical for scaling EbA. This study explores innovative mechanisms such as Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), ecological fiscal transfers, and fiscal incentives. These mechanisms complement traditional funding sources, such as local budgets and EU grants, to ensure long-term viability of EbA solutions. 

The decision-support framework was tested across ten EbA initiatives of Spain and Portugal, focusing on coastal urban areas vulnerable to flooding. Examples include wetland restoration, urban farming, and green corridors in cities such as Lisbon, Barcelona, and Santander. The assessment revealed common challenges in implementing EbA measures, such as bureaucratic delays, governance misalignments, and limited fiscal incentives. However, successful cases demonstrated the importance of political support, horizontal cooperation, and stakeholder involvement. 

While EbA are increasingly recognized at the EU level, its local implementation remains limited. Addressing governance challenges, aligning policies, and securing diverse funding sources are crucial for scaling EbA interventions. The assessment conducted in this study underscores the need for adaptive governance and the inclusion of diverse stakeholders in planning and execution of EbA. In addition, the research emphasizes the importance of adopting a systemic approach to incorporate EbA into local adaptation strategies, enhancing the resilience and stability of coastal cities. This research aims to contribute to a better understanding of how EbA can foster climate adaptation and urban resilience, offering practical tools to bridge the gap between policy and practice. 

How to cite: Riera Spiegelhalder, M., Campos Rodrigues, L., and Ferrandis Martínez, A.: Assessing the implementation process of Ecosystem-based Adaptation in coastal urban areas , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5913,, 2025.

EGU25-6314 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Can Blue-Green Infrastructure Used For Stormwater Management Mitigate Urban Heat? 

Giovan Battista Cavadini, Gabriele Manoli, and Lauren Cook

Due to their multifunctionality, blue-green infrastructure (BGI) such as bioretention cells and green roofs are increasingly adopted to manage stormwater and mitigate urban heat. Despite their multifunctional potential, current studies simulating BGI benefits tend to focus on a single objective, often overlooking how the proposed designs would perform across multiple functions. As a result, the heat mitigation potential of stormwater-focused BGI is not yet well understood.

The goal of this study is to assess the impact that BGI primarily used for stormwater management, such as bioretention cells, porous pavements, and green roofs have on 2 m air temperature during the hottest hours of the day. To do so, we employ a microclimate model (Urban Tethys-Chloris, UT&C) to simulate over 20 BGI scenarios in three street canyon types—urban, residential, and industrial - in a town near Zurich, Switzerland. We also explore how properties affecting the stormwater management (e.g., variations in coverage, vegetation types, and soil properties) can alter canyon temperatures. Using measurements collected during the summer of 2024, the model was calibrated and validated (RMSE of 2.2°C and r2 of 0.84).

Results show that BGI elements replacing impervious surfaces on the ground provide the greatest cooling effects (0.4 to 1°C of cooling). For example, bioretention cells replacing impervious surfaces achieved a temperature reduction of up to 1°C in urban street canyons. Porous pavements, though without vegetation, also contribute to cooling by allowing stormwater infiltration and direct evaporation, reducing temperatures by an average of 0.4°C. In contrast, replacing existing vegetation with bioretention cells slightly increased temperatures, likely due to soil properties that improve stormwater infiltration, resulting in drier topsoil layers and reduced evaporative cooling. Green roofs had negligible impact on 2m air temperature, likely because their cooling effect did not extend far enough to influence the street canyon. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated that dense vegetation, characterized by high albedo, a large leaf area index, and high evapotranspiration capacity, notably lowers temperatures compared to sparse vegetation with low albedo and limited evapotranspiration. Future work will assess how these results change under different scenarios, including with other types of BGI related to stormwater management, irrigation schemes, and in a future, more extreme climate. Overall, this work offers a deeper understanding of multifunctional BGI designs, highlighting potential trade-offs between stormwater management and heat reduction. By addressing these complexities, it supports a more holistic integration of BGI benefits in urban planning strategies.

How to cite: Cavadini, G. B., Manoli, G., and Cook, L.: Can Blue-Green Infrastructure Used For Stormwater Management Mitigate Urban Heat?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6314,, 2025.

EGU25-6629 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Are water-related Nature-based Solutions (NbS) assessed to their full multi-benefit potential? A systematic literature review. 

Taha Loghmani-Khouzani, Emmanuel Dubois, Susanna Ottaviani, Livia Serrao, and Eleanor Starkey

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) leverage and mimic natural processes to address societal and environmental challenges. In recent years, they have attracted global interest for their significant contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals, offering integrated approaches to address multiple dimensions of resilience and sustainability in the context of global change. This potential is particularly promising in complex and rapidly evolving urban environments, where water resources represent both managing hazards and protecting resources. However, assessing and quantifying the full potential and impacts of NbS remains challenging, as their impacts span multiple disciplines and depend on local socio-geographical contexts and initial implementation goals. Holistic assessment frameworks are urgently required[ES1]  to demonstrate performance, capture the diverse effects of NbS along the process-impact chain, and enable stakeholders to monitor progress over time. This study presents a systematic literature review to map the current state of the art in NbS performance evaluation. 111 articles were reviewed to assess whether NbS evaluation methods associated with urban water resources provide holistic and transferable approaches while addressing the complexity of human-natural systems. Preliminary results indicate that most studies focused on existing sites where NbS were considered for implementation, often using modeling approaches. Performance evaluations spanned 16 parameter categories, with the majority addressing quantitative and qualitative hydrological aspects, consistent with the authors’ disciplinary backgrounds. Although many methods demonstrated reusability and supported decision-making processes, most studies assessed limited parameters, partly due to modeling assumptions. Notably, social aspects were frequently acknowledged, particularly regarding the involvement of local governments during the implementation phase. The results of this literature review can support scientists in developing robust assessment frameworks and provide stakeholders with a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art in NbS multi-benefit characterization. This, in turn, will provide stakeholders with greater confidence to invest in NbS, upscale their use, and influence NbS policies.

How to cite: Loghmani-Khouzani, T., Dubois, E., Ottaviani, S., Serrao, L., and Starkey, E.: Are water-related Nature-based Solutions (NbS) assessed to their full multi-benefit potential? A systematic literature review., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6629,, 2025.

The EU-Water4All project INTERLAYER, 2024-2027, aims to develop cumulative adaptation strategies in the complex interlink between surface and groundwater management, using water retention measures to reduce water runoff and fill-up groundwater storages, thereby minimizing hydroclimatic extreme events’ impacts in water quantity and quality. Water retention is explored through Slow Hydrology measures, guided by terrain and water balance analysis, and related to land use (especially agriculture), water quality and biodiversity from a synergistic perspective to facilitate robust future River Basin Management Plans. Future climate simulations are produced locally in order to ensure that the proposed measures improve the resilient, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events.

The concept of Slow Hydrology is tested in four living lab watersheds. The key questions are: (i) how can excess water be stored to reduce water velocity during flash floods, using field topography and drainage systems to increase detention and infiltration strategically in the catchment; (ii) how can water availability during dry periods be improved, considering the water needs for human activities without compromising biodiversity conservation, water quality or ecosystem services; (iii) how can the suggested nature-based solutions influence the local biodiversity and provide benefits and co-benefits to local population and stakeholders. The living labs represent contrasting European edaphoclimatic regions with different geologic characteristics and land uses:

Portugal, Guadiana River - This living lab covering 136 km2 in the Toutalga sub-basin is dominated by intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES), characterized by flash flood and dry-phase periods. The basin has a hot summer Mediterranean climate.

Denmark, Vaerebro River - The catchment of the Vaerebro river is 153 km2 and the river itself is 35 km long, having its source in a biodiversity-rich bog area. This living lab has a mixed land use with small and medium-sized villages, many spare-time farmers, and some agriculture, before discharging to Roskilde Fjord. It allows for a source-to-sea approach in a,region with a continental humid and warm summer climate.

Austria, Liesing River - The Liesing river with a catchment of 112 km2, the Liesing is often affected by strongly fluctuating water flows. During dry periods, the Liesing carries very little water. However, during heavy or prolonged rainfall, the Liesing can quickly turn into a river with high water levels.  The catchment can be divided in a forest-dominated area followed by an urban river section.  in a region with a continental humid and warm summer climate. 

Romania, Danube River - Spanning 77 km² along the Danube River floodplain between Salcia and Maglavit, this site features agricultural lands, wetlands, and peri-urban areas, with an elevation under 100 meters. It experiences a continental humid climate with hot summers. Protected under the Natura 2000 site, it also lies near other important conservation zones. The key challenges include drainage, water abstraction, urban development, deforestation, and rising temperatures, disrupting the hydrological balance and increasing drought risk.

How to cite: Potes, M. and the INTERLAYER team - Water4All project: The complex INTERLink of safeguarding wAter availabilitY and quality to mitigatE and adapt to hydroclimatic extRemes – INTERLAYER project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6771,, 2025.

EGU25-7342 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Planning and Evaluating NATure-Based Solutions within local authoritiEs – the PENATE project 

Pierre-Antoine Versini, Auguste Gires, Didier Techer, Rémy Claverie, David Ramier, Joana Guerrin, Maylis Desrousseaux, Nicoleta Schiopu, Aline Brachet, Maeva Sabre, Alexandre Fardel, Natalia Rodriguez, Lionel Sindt, Alicia Adrovic, Sébastien Tassin, Michel Carrière, Vincent Perrier, Hervé Caltran, Guillaume Simon, and Sophie Schuster

This poster aims to present the French ANR PENATE project, which has just started. PENATE seeks to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) as a strategy for adapting urban environments to climate change. To this end, it aims to develop multi-scale, multi-criteria, context-sensitive, and adaptive evaluation tools and methods tailored for local authorities.

The project is supported by a multidisciplinary consortium, bringing together expertise in hydrology, microclimatology, ecology, public policy, and law, and involving both research organizations and operational stakeholders. It includes several pilot sites where NbS are currently under monitoring. The project addresses key challenges such as mitigating urban heat islands, managing stormwater and flooding, improving quality of life, and ensuring ecological continuity across territories.

To achieve these objectives, PENATE aims to:

  • Analyze and understand the legal, institutional, and technical constraints tied to implementing regulatory and strategic frameworks, and explore how NbS can address these challenges.
  • Link the intrinsic properties of vegetation with their effects on thermo-hydraulic processes in NbS infrastructure through a functional traits-based approach.
  • Develop digital tools capable of simulating the multifunctionality of NbS and evaluating their performance across different scales within complex territories.

The outcomes of PENATE are designed to support the integration of NbS into regulatory frameworks such as Local Urban Development Plans (PLUi), Climate Air Energy Plans (PCAET), and the Zero Net Artificialization (ZAN) objective. The project will provide local authorities with a dedicated diagnostic and decision-support tool to guide land-use planning and facilitate the implementation of NbS.

How to cite: Versini, P.-A., Gires, A., Techer, D., Claverie, R., Ramier, D., Guerrin, J., Desrousseaux, M., Schiopu, N., Brachet, A., Sabre, M., Fardel, A., Rodriguez, N., Sindt, L., Adrovic, A., Tassin, S., Carrière, M., Perrier, V., Caltran, H., Simon, G., and Schuster, S.: Planning and Evaluating NATure-Based Solutions within local authoritiEs – the PENATE project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7342,, 2025.

EGU25-8496 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Interventions on land drainage for climate change adaptation – a conceptual case study 

Jiří Černý and Petr Fučík

A significant part of built single-purpose land drainage is considered as disproportionate, including peat as well as non-waterlogged soils or submontane areas across Europe.  Bearing in mind the ratio of drained farmland in Europe and the USA (17-87%), there persist an unmet potential to design and physically implement appropriate, within land consolidations or similar activities underutilized interventions on the existing land drainage, both on tiles and ditches. Among these interventions, there are many types of Nature Based Solutions (NBS), applicable on agricultural drainage systems or drained land, like constructed wetlands, biofilters, drainage blinding, two stage ditches, controlled drainage, canals revitalization and management. The principles, efficiency and limitaitons of these NBS are documented to some extent (e.g. the WOCAT SLM DATABASE, experimental catchments and sites), nevertheless, the proposals and implementation in practice is unsystematic and so the related real-life operational experience is rather vague.

This study presents a preliminary results from the Lovečkovicko case study (LCS), Northern Bohemia, the Czech Republic, aiming at introduction of practically applicable approaches for analyses and feasible yet conceptual proposals of measures on land drainage. The LCS, consisting of eight tile-drained cadastral units with heterogeneous natural and agricultural conditions, manifold history and various interrests of different stakeholders, stands for a representative example for the application of diverse methods for land drainage systems identification and proposals of related measures. Drainage, soil, geomorphological, landuse and land ownership characteristics and water retention / quality aspects were considered for the delineation and conceptual proposals of the different NBS.

This work also discuss the readilly available, whole country, regional or local necessary related data as well as the need for more detailed data acquisition or monitoring. These data and information should especially serve for the thorough justification and design of the proposed measures, as well as for the precise quantification of the NBS efficiency from the perspective of water balance and water quality as well as from the NBS investment and management costs point of view.

How to cite: Černý, J. and Fučík, P.: Interventions on land drainage for climate change adaptation – a conceptual case study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8496,, 2025.

EGU25-9041 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Demonstration and modelling of Nature-based Solutions to enhance the resilience of Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystems and landscapes: DRYAD EU Project 

Javier Samper, Maria Paula Mendes, Fabio Salbitano, Maciek Lubczński, Ana Andreu, Christiaan Van der Tool, Alain Francés, Anastasio Villanueva, Anastasia Pantera, Victor Rolo, Costantino Sirca, Tamara Rodríguez, and Rafael Pimentel

Mediterranean agrosilvopastoral ecosystems (MAEs), such as the Dehesa/Montado in Spain (SP)/Portugal (PT), Meriagos in Italy (IT) and valonia oak forests in Greece (GR), provide essential environmental services and play a significant role in supporting local communities, their economies, and well-being. However, the MAEs are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change effects, including rapid warming and heat waves, prolonged droughts with intermittent and sudden heavy rainfall and mediterranean hurricanes (medicanes) and wildfires. Water table decline, groundwater flow depletion, tree mortality, poor tree natural regeneration, soil degradation, decrease of biodiversity, and drastic modification of habitat pattern are the major direct consequences of the above-mentioned changes. Addressing these issues requires tailored sustainable solutions and transformative actions to support local communities and authorities in building climate resilience. The DRYAD project supports the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change by demonstrating climate-resilient nature-based solutions (NbS) tailored to MAEs. DRYAD aims to enhance MAE resilience to climate change through locally adapted NbS designed in collaboration with farmers and other stakeholders. The DRYAD project is centered around the development, testing and demonstration of NbS in five Demonstration Regions (DRs). The most promising NbS will be transferred to the three Replication Regions (RR).  Furthermore, DRYAD supports a multi-level and cross-sectoral integrated and adaptive management governance by developing a Decision Support System (DSS). DRYAD mobilizes regional and local authorities and stakeholders, research entities, private/public foundations, companies and citizens and involves them in co-creation, co-implementation, and co-validation processes through Living Labs. This will lead to the creation of widely re-applicable NbS with long-lasting impacts. The project envisages the development of tools and implementation guidelines to promote sustainable and climate-resilient practices and facilitate regional adaptation plans, contributing to the Nature Restoration Law regarding resilient nature and climate adaptations. DRYAD will address a range of NbS across different spatial scales and under various management and climate scenarios. The proposed approaches consider the complex interactions within natural systems, the diverse land uses and practices in MAEs, the intricate governance structures, and the diverse interests of stakeholders. The objectives and expected outcomes of DRYAD are presented with special emphasis on its novel technological developments which include: 1) Real-time and cost-effective monitoring solutions using in-situ LoRaWan and remote sensing (RS) data for NbS implementation in pilot demonstration areas (PDAs); 2) Development of a web-based geospatial database management system (GDMS) for managing space/time field and RS data; 3) Performing integrated ecohydrological models by coupling SCOPE, STEMMUS and MODFLOW6 codes to assess drought-related plant-soil-surface water-groundwater interactions; 4) Using models to support the novel NbS implementations; 5) Upscaling of NbS from local (PDA) to regional (DR) scales; 6) Replication of NbS in RR; 7) Development of a DSS and its embedding in GDMS; and 8) Dissemination of DRYAD results via a DSS, operational on computers and mobile phone apps.

Acknowledgments: This research was performed within DRYAD Project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement 101156076.

How to cite: Samper, J., Mendes, M. P., Salbitano, F., Lubczński, M., Andreu, A., Van der Tool, C., Francés, A., Villanueva, A., Pantera, A., Rolo, V., Sirca, C., Rodríguez, T., and Pimentel, R.: Demonstration and modelling of Nature-based Solutions to enhance the resilience of Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystems and landscapes: DRYAD EU Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9041,, 2025.

EGU25-9205 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

From Runoff to resilience Multifunctional Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Stormwater Management: Comparative Insights from Barcelona, Boston, and Rotterdam 

Svetlana Khromova, Pablo Herreros Cantis, Matthew Eckelman, Gara Villalba Méndez, Svea Busse, Giulia Benati, and Johannes Langemeyer

In response to the growing challenges posed by climate change and rapid urbanization, this research investigates the intricate dynamics of stormwater-related urban hazards. It emphasizes the risks and needs arising from environmental injustice, high-intensity rainstorm events, limited combined sewer system capacities, and the prevalence of impervious surfaces.  A cross-comparative analysis is conducted in three coastal cities—Barcelona, Boston, and Rotterdam—each with distinct climates and policy frameworks, but facing shared challenges in urban stormwater management. The study advocates for tailored Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to address these issues while incorporating diverse perspectives to comprehensively evaluate their effectiveness.

The study underscores the urgency of integrating detailed risk assessments with strategic NBS planning to bridge the gap between current urban water management practices and the evolving needs for environmental resilience and societal well-being. A comprehensive framework is established for assessing climate-change-induced hydrological risks, implementing NBS, collecting evidence, and providing actionable guidance to decision-makers.

Adopting a Social-Ecological-Technological Systems (SETS) framework, the research explores the interactions among these interdisciplinary domains. First, it employs a novel methodology that integrates SETS vulnerability, hazard, and exposure factors into a spatially explicit risk score, offering nuanced insights into the impacts of water-related hazards on urban communities (IPCC, 2012; IPCC, 2022). Second, it develops baseline and themed NBS scenarios alongside site potential maps, presenting a systematic and replicable methodology for identifying suitable NBS implementation areas within urban environments. These scenarios account for SETS constraints, categorizing areas from fully feasible to infeasible. Third, the study evaluates the mitigation potential of NBS in reducing vulnerability while enhancing co-benefits, such as thermal comfort, recreation, water storage, habitat provision, and improved water quality.

The findings highlight the multifunctionality of NBS in complementing traditional grey infrastructure while strengthening urban resilience. By integrating natural elements, NBS delivers a wide range of ecosystem services that benefit urban populations. This study emphasizes the critical importance of flexible, forward-thinking, and equitable planning to adapt to climate change.

How to cite: Khromova, S., Herreros Cantis, P., Eckelman, M., Villalba Méndez, G., Busse, S., Benati, G., and Langemeyer, J.: From Runoff to resilience Multifunctional Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Stormwater Management: Comparative Insights from Barcelona, Boston, and Rotterdam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9205,, 2025.

EGU25-9359 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Early detection of vulnerability to drought: a Nature-Based solution for Dehesas (Spanish Oak Savannas) 

Ana Andreu, Maria Jose Muñoz-Gómez, MPat González-Dugo, Antonio J. Molina, Pablo González-Moreno, Francisco J. Ruiz-Gómez, María J. Polo, Cristina Aguilar-Porro, Guillermo Palacios, Javier Samper, and Rafael Pimentel

Dehesas, a biodiversity-rich Mediterranean agro-silvopastoral ecosystem with seasonal water availability, are highly sensitive to changes in both climatic conditions and management practices. While droughts naturally occur, climate change exacerbates water scarcity, leading to i) low and unpredictable pasture and tree production, ii) decreased pasture quality and shrub encroachment, iii) oak tree decline, mortality, and lack of natural regeneration, and iv) increased soil exposure to degradation and nutrient losses. These impacts jeopardize the long-term ecological and economic sustainability of dehesas, creating significant profitability challenges for rural communities.

Given the high degree of human intervention in dehesa, management practices are closely linked to the water fluxes, influencing the vulnerability to stressors. Integrating water availability projections into management planning and promoting sustainable water use are critical strategies to enhance the resilience of these systems. 

Under the umbrella of the European project DRYAD (“Demonstration and modelling of Nature-based solutions to enhance the resilience of Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral ecosystems and landscapes”), we are developing process-based Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) aimed at improving ecosystem management to mitigate vulnerability to drought. These NBS focus on monitoring pasture productivity and tree mortality in relation to water stress to include these linkages in management strategies. Key outputs include composite risk and recurrence indexes integrating Earth Observation and forecasting alongside a human intervention factor represented as a coefficient of change to assess the impacts of management strategies.

The NBSs are being tested in two pilot areas in Andalusia, Spain, with a view to replication and upscaling in other Mediterranean regions. Different scales will be assessed, ranging from on-farm to watershed levels, to determine the optimal management depending on the water stress conditions. Close collaboration with stakeholders is needed to ensure the effective implementation of these solutions, addressing practical needs and facilitating adoption. This approach contributes to the long-term resilience of dehesas by supporting sustainable practices, enhancing ecosystem services, and bolstering rural livelihoods.   

Acknowledgments: This research was performed within DRYAD Project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement 101156076. This work is part of the grant RYC2022-035320-I, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FSE+

How to cite: Andreu, A., Muñoz-Gómez, M. J., González-Dugo, M., Molina, A. J., González-Moreno, P., Ruiz-Gómez, F. J., Polo, M. J., Aguilar-Porro, C., Palacios, G., Samper, J., and Pimentel, R.: Early detection of vulnerability to drought: a Nature-Based solution for Dehesas (Spanish Oak Savannas), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9359,, 2025.

EGU25-9615 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Evaluating stakeholders’ perception for inclusive climate actions and NBS acceptance 

Mihai-Răzvan Niță, Alina Constantina Hossu, Cristian Ioan Iojă, Maria Alexandra Calotă, and Gabriela Cristina Mitincu

The present study explores the perceptions of diverse stakeholders about the potential of nature-based solutions to address inclusive climate actions (actions that tackle simultaneously climate change and inequalities). We performed surveys and in-depth interviews with 20-30 cross-sectoral stakeholders from five case studies of European cities (Bucharest, Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Turin and Skelleftea) aiming to understand how individual values, behaviors and dependent factors shape perceptions of climate risks and NBS acceptance.

Stakeholders were identified in a previous analysis and included personnel from governmental authorities, individual experts and specialists, non-state actors and general public. We included in the analysis a system of ranking of climate risks, but also detailed information about typologies of NBS of relevance to local conditions.

Results are being analyzed in both qualitative and quantitative approaches, and allowed us to identify: (i) high presence of specific climate risks (such as extreme heat in Bucharest); (ii) the preference of hybrid solutions as the most effective for mitigating climate risks; (iii) local and stakeholder-specific drivers and barriers to the effective implementation of NbS; (iv) the need for more collaborative planning for developing inclusive solutions.

The collection of different perceptions of stakeholders will inform a City Declaration discussed with cooperation partners during a reflection session that will support evidence-based decision making for more inclusive NbS and contribute together with other activities to an evidenced-based system for decision support. This research is part of the research project Driving Urban Transition - GREEN-INC (GRowing Effective & Equitable Nature-based Solutions through INClusive Climate Actions).

How to cite: Niță, M.-R., Hossu, A. C., Iojă, C. I., Calotă, M. A., and Mitincu, G. C.: Evaluating stakeholders’ perception for inclusive climate actions and NBS acceptance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9615,, 2025.

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have emerged as a vital approach to climate adaptation, offering ecological, economic, and social benefits. Beyond addressing risks such as flooding and heatwaves, NbS practices have demonstrated the critical role of social and political enablers in ensuring their success and scalability. These enablers, embedded within NbS initiatives, provide valuable insights for designing broader climate adaptation strategies replicable across diverse urban contexts.

The Adaptation Gap Report 2024 highlights the need to address persistent systemic challenges, including gaps in governance and social inclusion, which limit the scalability of climate adaptation efforts. Building on this context, this research examines NbS practices from China and Europe to analyze and present the key dimensions of social and political enablers embedded in successful NbS initiatives. These enablers are categorized into four critical dimensions:

  • Educational and Capacity-Building Infrastructure: Programs that enhance technical expertise and community awareness lay the foundation for effective NbS implementation and long-term sustainability.
  • Institutional Arrangements: Governance frameworks that enable cross-sectoral collaboration ensure that NbS are seamlessly embedded into urban planning and policy strategies.
  • Community Engagement: Inclusive approaches that prioritize local participation create trust, foster ownership, and align NbS initiatives with community needs, enhancing their long-term sustainability.
  • Leadership and Vision: Strong leadership at both municipal and grassroots levels facilitates stakeholder alignment, resource mobilization, and the sustained scaling of NbS.

This study provides a structured framework for understanding how these dimensions contribute to the effectiveness of NbS and their scalability. It argues that broader climate adaptation actions can benefit from their transformative potential by integrating social and political enablers into NbS design and governance.

This research underscores the importance of prioritizing non-structural enablers alongside technical innovations to bridge the systemic barriers identified in global reports. By scaling lessons learned from NbS, this study offers actionable pathways for advancing resilient and adaptive urban systems worldwide.

How to cite: Dai, K. G.: Enabling Factors for Scaling Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Climate Adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9726,, 2025.

Urban areas often suffer from increased air pollution, adverse heat-island effects, limited offer of green spaces, and declining biodiversity. Addressing these issues is critical for sustainable urban development, considering the observed global growth rate of urban population and the observed increase of severe weather episodes associated with climate change. Incorporating urban green spaces (UGS) and nature-based solutions (NbS) in urban planning can mitigate these issues, as highlighted by the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Both UGS and NbS provide relevant ecosystem services (ES), including e.g., air and water quality regulation, and recreation.

Landscape components are essential in the design of UGS and NbS, as they can directly affect the diversity and effectiveness of ES provided, which are particularly relevant regarding both regulating and cultural ES. Thus, UGS design and the integration of NbS to address the highlighted issues must always consider user preferences on landscape elements to ensure effective multifunctionality, optimizing both regulating and recreating services. This study examines users' perceptions regarding the influence of 13 landscape components on the usage preferences of 10 different landscape units in a large UGS in Oporto, Portugal. The study was based on a face-to-face survey, addressing stationary park users (n=500) engaged in diverse activities during the summer period.

The results showed significant differences between landscape units for the relevance attributed to the different landscape components and for all socio-demographic variables (excluding variable gender). Landscape units with different landscape components showed different levels of relevance for the users. E.g., units with water elements tended to show higher relevance rates regarding well-being dimensions. Relevance for social and emotional well-being was tendentially rated higher than for physical well-being, suggesting that, even for those users engaged in sports activities, the social aspect of engaging in a group activity was highly relevant and positive. Through a factor analysis, we identified five major factors influencing user preferences, associated – and aggregating – different landscape elements: Comfort and security, Landscape diversity, Water presence, Recreational facilities, and Open spaces for activities. The results regarding landscape diversity also support the idea that psychological motivation is a strong driver for action. We propose a set of concrete actions addressing several aspects (e.g., multifunctional design, shadow coverage, vegetation diversity, incorporation of water features) that can contribute to an improved UGS design and integration of efficient NbS, addressing ecological and social needs.

This research was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), through the PhD grant SFRH/BD/149710/2019 attributed to the first author.

How to cite: Valença Pinto, L., Inácio, M., and Pereira, P.: User preferences for landscape components in an urban park – Contributions for the design of recreation-inclusive NbS from Oporto (Portugal), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10091,, 2025.

EGU25-11336 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Unraveling the mechanism of 3D auxiliary structures in plant seedlings protection: Optimizing salt marsh restoration in coastal zone 

Zhaohui Li, Yuan Xu, Xianye Wang, Jian Shen, Siyuan Ma, Xiangqian Chu, Zhiyuan Zhao, and Lin Yuan

Salt marshes ecosystems, located between the sea and land, provide various valuable ecosystem services and constitute a sustainable nature-based coastal protection. However, these vegetated ecosystems have suffered extensive loss  or severe degradation globally, primarily due to anthropogenic disturbances and climate change. This has led to a decline in ecosystem services and a reduction in ecological functions. To reverse this degradation, numerous efforts have been carried out worldwide to conserve and restore these coastal vegetated ecosystems, thereby providing nature-based solutions to mitigate climate change. Biodegradable 3D auxiliary structures have been widely implemented as a nature-based solution to facilitate the salt marsh plant establishment, enhance sedimentation process, and promote natural recovery process. However, the mechanisms by which 3D auxiliary structures protect saltmarsh seedlings remain underexplored, with limited targeted designs and comparative studies across various substrates. Here, we mimic key emergent traits that locally suppress physical stress by using biodegradable establishment structures. We then conduct a flume experiment designed to measure detailed hydrodynamic and sediment key parameters in order to study the mechanism of 3D auxiliary structures in plant seedlings protection. Our process-based analyses indicated that aboveground 3D structures protect seedlings by reducing flow velocities, thereby decreasing plant bending angles. Meanwhile, belowground 3D auxiliary structures stabilizes substrates by increasing incipient velocities and reducing erosion rates. This study highlight the importance of considering and facilitating bio-abiotic interactions in salt marsh restoration, as well as understanding the specific conditions at the restoration site. It not only enhance our understanding of salt marsh restoration mechanisms but also bridges a critical gap between ecological engineering and climate adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Li, Z., Xu, Y., Wang, X., Shen, J., Ma, S., Chu, X., Zhao, Z., and Yuan, L.: Unraveling the mechanism of 3D auxiliary structures in plant seedlings protection: Optimizing salt marsh restoration in coastal zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11336,, 2025.

EGU25-12248 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Reconciling Flood Resilience and Agricultural Challenges: Exploring the Multifunctional Potential of a Small Dry Retention Reservoir 

Nejc Golob, Rozalija Cvejić, Weninger Thomas, Zeiser Anna, Peter Strauss, and Vesna Zupanc

Flood risks are escalating globally due to urbanization and climate change, which disrupt natural hydrological processes and diminish landscape resilience. Traditional grey infrastructure, such as concrete channels, dams, and levees, often sacrifices ecological integrity for flood protection. In contrast, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) offer an integrated approach combining flood mitigation with enhancing ecosystem services, biodiversity, and societal benefits. However, implementing NBS poses challenges, including balancing diverse stakeholder interests, land-use conflicts, and the need for effective policy integration.

This study examines the impacts of urbanization on flood protection and stakeholder perceptions in the Glinščica watershed, central Slovenia, with a focus on the Brdnikova dry retention reservoir. Designed primarily for agricultural use while protecting downstream urban areas, the reservoir exemplifies the complexity of multifunctional land use. Historical land-use changes in the Glinščica watershed, derived from a comparison of the Franciscean cadastre land use with current land use data, show a 1472% (505 ha) increase in built-up areas since the 19th century, accompanied by declines in meadows and pastures (62%; 373 ha), arable land (40%; 79 ha), and forests (7.4%; 53 ha). These transformations have increased flood risk, degraded biodiversity, reduced food security, and shifted public perceptions of land and water management.

Results show that renaturation efforts to restore ecological value of the altered landscape of Brdnikova reservoir are gaining recognition among various stakeholders. These initiatives promote multifunctional land use by creating diverse microhabitats within the reservoir (e.g species-rich meadows and wet microhabitats). On the other hand landowners managing agricultural land within the Brdnikova reservoir frequently face challenges including flooding and sedimentation, which leads to crop losses, reduction in soil productivity, and financial burdens associated with land restoration and sediment removal. Such disruptions that limit or complicate agricultural activities often lead to resistance against further measures among private land owners. The lack of meaningful involvement of farmers in planning processes and inadequate financial compensation mechanisms further deepen the divide and limit the willingness of landowners to support the implementation of multifunctional land use within the reservoir.

To address these challenges effectively, it is essential to adopt transdisciplinary approaches that integrate historical analyses, local knowledge, and scientific expertise of different fields. Transparent compensation mechanisms that fairly address the direct and indirect impacts on farmers are critical to building trust and fostering cooperation. Only through balanced and inclusive strategies sustainable outcomes that harmonize flood protection, agricultural productivity, and ecological conservation can be achieved.


Acknowledgements: This research was funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) with a grant to the Ph.D. student Nejc Golob, project ARIS BI-AT-22-23-019, LIFE ReStart and OEAD WTZ SI 01/2023.

How to cite: Golob, N., Cvejić, R., Thomas, W., Anna, Z., Strauss, P., and Zupanc, V.: Reconciling Flood Resilience and Agricultural Challenges: Exploring the Multifunctional Potential of a Small Dry Retention Reservoir, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12248,, 2025.

EGU25-13147 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Growth modelling as a tool to support nature-based solution for natural hazard protection  

Maximilian Dorfer and Magdalena von der Thannen

Soil and Water Bioengineering methods for natural hazard control, slope stabilization and river regulation processes are widely used and a viable alternative to common civil engineering techniques as part of nature-based solutions (NbS). The knowledge on the effects of different design schemes and the dynamic development of vegetation regarding is mostly handled through expert knowledge and a comprehensive approach for the design regarding the performance and management phase is still not fully implemented in the application of the diverse techniques. Therefore, this study aims to create a concept for a vegetation model to predict the development on pioneer stands and as a further consequence the performance of used techniques. The further goal includes the development of a conceptual basis for a vegetation growth model for NbS, which emphasizes on the spatial and temporal level of the modelling process and the calculation of the main vegetation parameters height, diameter and crown width. The concept is tested on three different study sites with pioneer stands of Robinia pseudoacacia (Black Locust) in Lower Austria to generate control results for the further adaptation of the model concept. Applied vegetation growth models (forest models, succession models and gap-models) are used for the conceptualization and verified for the requirements of NbS specific techniques. The development of a flowchart provides an overview of the elaborated framework and requirements for the ecological and biological parameters regarding the time and space criteria of a NbS model. The main result is the development of an adequate competition modelling that can depict the dynamic suppression mechanisms within pioneer vegetation stands and is capable for further development. The first 10-year simulation run with a yearly interval serves initially as a medium-term prediction and provides an insight into the further adjustment of the establishment module and review of the competition module. The results show the need in NbS with regard to long-term monitoring, data generation and the uniform documentation of the solutions. 

How to cite: Dorfer, M. and von der Thannen, M.: Growth modelling as a tool to support nature-based solution for natural hazard protection , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13147,, 2025.

EGU25-13410 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Public Perceptions of Nature-Based Coastal Management Solutions in the UK 

Avidesh Seenath, Scott Mark Romeo Mahadeo, and Jade Catterson

Nature-based coastal solutions (NBCS) are gaining prominence among coastal scientists as sustainable strategies to address long-term challenges in coastal zones. However, their implementation will reshape coastal landscapes, requiring careful engagement with the public, whose socio-cultural values are directly affected by such changes. We, therefore, explore public perceptions, preferences, and perceived effectiveness of various coastal management strategies, with a focus on NBCS, using the UK as a case study. We carry out an online survey of > 500 UK residents, collecting data on demographics, place of residence, and views on coastal management. Using inductive coding, statistical analysis, and geospatial techniques, we identify a general consensus on the need for coastal management but find divergent preferences. While NBCS are the most preferred option, traditional hard defences are perceived as the most effective. Respondents with coastal management or engineering experience express greater confidence in the effectiveness of NBCS, whereas coastal residents prefer hard defences. Despite the ecological benefits of NBCS – e.g., enhanced coastal protection, carbon sequestration, and increased biodiversity – public understanding of their potential effectiveness remains limited. To advance NBCS adoption as a sustainable solution, greater engagement with local stakeholders is crucial. Tools such as systems mapping could support the development of inclusive and effective coastal management policies.

How to cite: Seenath, A., Mahadeo, S. M. R., and Catterson, J.: Public Perceptions of Nature-Based Coastal Management Solutions in the UK, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13410,, 2025.

EGU25-14622 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Carbon Dioxide Increase and Sea Level Rise Dominate the Natural Growth of Mangroves 

Sheng Huang and Karina Yew-Hoong Gin

Mangroves are essential blue carbon ecosystems with substantial potential to mitigate global warming. While human activities undeniably exert significant influence on mangrove growth, natural variables also play an important role in shaping their dynamics. Many studies focus on the effects of individual or limited factors on mangrove natural growth independent of anthropogenic deforestation, but comprehensive and large-scale assessments, particularly those considering both terrestrial and marine perspectives, remain scarce. This study examines 59 administrative areas worldwide by screening high-resolution satellite products and coastal observation records. After excluding the interference of human activities, we quantify natural mangrove changes from 1985 to 2023 using the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), and evaluate the impacts of various terrestrial and marine factors, including carbon dioxide concentration, skin temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, sea level, salinity, and water temperature. Our results reveal that the EVI of naturally growing mangroves has increased by an average of 0.26±0.18% per year over the past nearly four decades, with no significant sign of deceleration, and remains commonly higher than that of adjacent non-mangrove vegetation. The annual EVI of mangroves is effectively modeled by the key environmental variables using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM), with an average determination coefficient (R2) of 0.65±0.20. Among these variables, terrestrial-based carbon dioxide increase and marine-based sea level rise are the primary drivers of natural mangrove growth. This study deepens our understanding of the natural dynamics of mangrove growth and the long-term potential of nature-based coastal solutions.

How to cite: Huang, S. and Gin, K. Y.-H.: Carbon Dioxide Increase and Sea Level Rise Dominate the Natural Growth of Mangroves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14622,, 2025.

EGU25-14791 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Quantifying the co-benefits of urban parks (heat mitigation, air pollution, and thermal comfort) 

Soheila Khalili, Laurence Jones, and Prashant Kumar

Urbanisation has led to numerous challenges for human sustenance, which have been aggravated by progressive climate change. Green Infrastructure (GI), which involves working with nature has gained increasing recognition as a multifunctional approach to address urban heat island challenges, including heat mitigation, thermal comfort enhancement, and air pollution reduction. However, it is crucial to establish the multi-benefits of GI in the early stages of the design process to effectively evaluate their impact. Whilst there are scientific studies showing the singular benefit of GI (e.g., heatwave reduction), studies have rarely quantified their multi-benefits. As a result, GI is often undervalued, constituting a barrier to its implementation. This study aims to evaluate the co-benefits of urban parks for reducing the harmful effects of urban heating, improving thermal comfort, and reducing air pollution using mobile monitoring measurements. To achieve this, a comprehensive monitoring campaign was conducted, collecting data inside an urban park and surrounding area to find out the extent of co-benefits provided by urban parks.

The data for this study was collected via mobile monitoring along a fixed route during summer. Meteorological parameters and air pollutant levels were measured using a set of different sensors. The study's findings reveal significant benefits provided by the urban park environment. The mean air temperature during morning runs recorded 18.2°C within the park, compared to 19.6°C in the surrounding built-up area, demonstrating a 1.4°C (7.1%) reduction. In the afternoon, the average temperature within the park was 24.6°C, contrasting with 27.0°C in the built-up area, highlighting a 2.4°C (8.9%) decrease. These results underscore the park’s role in mitigating urban heat, especially during the hotter parts of the day. Furthermore, the park environment exhibited lower average particulate matter (PM) levels than the built-up area. PM10 and PM1 levels decreased by 1 µg/m³ (8%) and 0.2 µg/m³ (9.7%) respectively during morning runs, while the afternoon runs showed a 0.6 µg/m³ (13.3%) reduction in average PM2.5 values within the park. Additionally, CO2 levels were reduced by 22 ppm (4.5%) during morning and afternoon runs in the park compared to the built-up area.

These findings demonstrate the substantial reduction in air temperature and pollutants, such as CO2 and PM, with increasing distance from the built-up area towards the park. Understanding the interactions within and around urban parks regarding temperature, air pollution gradients, and thermal comfort compared to surrounding built environments is paramount. These insights can inform urban planning and design strategies to create healthier and more sustainable cities, thereby addressing contemporary urban challenges and fostering the well-being of urban populations. 

How to cite: Khalili, S., Jones, L., and Kumar, P.: Quantifying the co-benefits of urban parks (heat mitigation, air pollution, and thermal comfort), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14791,, 2025.

One of the pressing challenges we observe in fast expanding urban areas especially in Global South are linked to the retreat of nature, infrastructure development negatively impacting urban blue and green spaces (BGS), along with growing vulnerability due to climate change. With the rapid rate of urbanisation, there is growing interest in protecting BGS as important Nature based Solutions (NbS) by securing ecosystem services and refuge to biodiversity.

Unlike energy and water efficiency, which yield clear financial benefits, ecological services and biodiversity co-benefits are often undervalued. This undervaluation reduces incentives for institutions to prioritize them. A promising NbS approach in fast sprawling urban areas is to implement biodiversity friendly practices in stable land-use areas such as large privately or publicly owned/managed campuses. There is evidence that a very large proportion of the country’s birds, bats and butterflies are reported to be found in educational campuses across India. While, there are evidence that these campuses help in mitigating heat stress besides sequestering carbon and helping in reducing urban risks due to lack of sufficient evidence, campus-based biodiversity conservation is likely to be seen as a co-benefit rather than a primary driver of impact. To fill the gap present stud we summarize evidence from across India and  bring in insights from two Indian urban educational campuses viz. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur and the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru.

We use satellite derived land surface temperature (LST) to quantify and map negative temperature anomalies (cooling) with respect to spatial average in these campuses in years with different levels of summer temperature. Observations and measurements on biodiversity, ecosystem services including carbon sequestration, microclimate, and ground water from these campuses are linked to campus management including integration of blue, green and grey infrastructure.

Several such campuses can include educational, governmental and defence establishments, multinational corporations as well as hospitality and other service providers can function as long term urban ecological observatories to understand the long-term impact and benefits of NbS apart being early warning networks for tracking environmental and ecological change across time and space, thereby enabling large areas as pivotal NbS at the city and country level. This improves the ease of implementation and have a positive impact on biodiversity, a key indicator of ecological health to promote ecosystem services, and also human health. We endorse urban campuses and their role as potential NbS by serving as catalysts for transformational urban development. This approach links biodiversity conservation with climate adaptation and deep de-carbonisation, crucial for sustainable economic development. A network of several campuses should be developed through the formulation and implementation of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) that focuses on climate action. Designating campuses under a new category of conservation area called other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECM) will help emphasizing the relevance of campuses and, driving policy and investment changes for resilience building following NbS. An NbS roadmap leveraging the integration of blue, green, and grey infrastructure and emphasizing the concepts of co-existence with biodiversity and ecological restoration can emerge from campuses.

How to cite: Dhyani, S. and Krishnaswamy, J.: Integration of blue, green, and grey infrastructure in Urban campuses as a Nature based Solution for resilience and harnessing co-benefits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16048,, 2025.

EGU25-16602 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Role of blue and green spaces in mitigating heat stress and providing biodiversity co-benefits in South Korea and India  

Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Soojeong Myeong, and Shalini Dhyani

Cities and urbanizing spaces combine heat stress from both heat island effect due to the built environment, loss of blue and green spaces as well as global warming. South Korea and India offer contrasting socio-economic and development situations, climate regimes, some similar but many dissimilar urban contexts, but both face the increasing vulnerability from heat stress. Blue and green spaces as nature-based interventions bring the potential to cool cities, support native biodiversity and provide other diverse ecosystem services as co-benefits.

Blue and green spaces (BGS) are potential nature-based solutions in fast urbanising cities for mitigating heat stress through evaporation as well as transpiration besides sequestering carbon and helping in reducing urban risks.  The effectiveness of BGS in mitigating heat stress and other ecosystem services in both countries depends on size, shape, weather, and climate variables, especially humidity, the socio-economic as well as governance context.

We use satellite derived land surface temperature (LST) to quantify and map negative temperature anomalies (cooling) with respect to spatial average across a few cities in India and South Korea in years with different levels of summer temperature, especially due to El Nino.  We analysed the diverse types of blue and green spaces in four metropolitan cities Bangaluru, Nagpur in India while, Seoul and Sejong in South Korea for understanding the impact of BGS.

The geometry landscape and political ecology of existing urban blue and green infrastructure can help inform future planning for blue and green spaces as adaptation and developing resilient cities in the warming urban environment. 

How to cite: Krishnaswamy, J., Myeong, S., and Dhyani, S.: Role of blue and green spaces in mitigating heat stress and providing biodiversity co-benefits in South Korea and India , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16602,, 2025.

EGU25-17893 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Quantifying the Co-Benefits of Nature-Based Solutions: A Choice Experiment Approach to Flood Risk Adaptation in the Netherlands 

Guillermo García Álvarez, Laurine de Wolf, Wouter Botzen, Max Tesselaar, Andrea Staccione, Peter Robinson, and Jeroen Aerts

The increase in frequency and severity of climate risk events highlights the need for investing in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Nature-based solutions (NBS) have proven to be effective at limiting the impacts of different climate risks. Despite their proven effectiveness, there is little investment in NBSs as a climate change adaptation solution. A cause for this NBS finance gap is the diversity of NBS benefits, many of which are difficult to quantify in monetary units. Without an accurate understanding of co-benefits, the societal return on investment of NBS would likely be undervalued and less attractive in investment decisions when compared with traditional solutions in cost-benefit analyses. 


By means of a novel choice experiment, this study aims to improve the monetary quantification of NBS co-benefits. A survey was distributed in the Netherlands to over 2,000 respondents, with a deliberate oversampling of participants from Limburg, a region that suffered from devastating floods in 2021. We employ a co-creation approach involving local stakeholders for our experimental design and for the selection of NBS solutions presented in the experiment. Additional topics explored through our choice experiment include land use change and environmental preferences of respondents in their trade-offs. We also assess how respondents' perspectives on equity and redistribution impact willingness-to-pay to protect higher risk areas and lower-income households through publicly funded policies. 


Findings from the choice experiment show monetary values assigned to different benefits of NBSs for flood risk reduction, and how respondent characteristics may influence these values. Additionally, we assess how the valuation of NBS-benefits differs between areas that were recently flooded compared to low-risk areas. Results from this study can be coupled with a flood risk model to obtain a comprehensive figure of benefits of NBSs as a flood adaptation measure, which may be applied in cost-benefit analyses or other decision-making tools by policymakers and institutional investors.

How to cite: García Álvarez, G., de Wolf, L., Botzen, W., Tesselaar, M., Staccione, A., Robinson, P., and Aerts, J.: Quantifying the Co-Benefits of Nature-Based Solutions: A Choice Experiment Approach to Flood Risk Adaptation in the Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17893,, 2025.

Nature-based Solutions for climate change adaptation can be implemented at various scales, from large natural parks to small green patches in the middle of more urbanised area. Each of these solutions can be considered as part of a larger green infrastructure. The size and shape of the different green patches, as well as the connectivity and proximity among them can be gathered under the notion of the spatial configuration of this green infrastructure. As a tool for landplaning, it would be useful to better understand how this spatial configuration can play a role in the conservation of biodiversity and the providing of the different expected ecosystemic services. A set of indicators derived from landscape ecology, mathematics and signal processing were used to characterize five dimensions of the spatial configuration: evenness, core area, isolation, roughness and fragmentation. These indicators are computed at different scales on land use and land cover data from a French conurbation. First results show that these different indicators bring complementary information and can be useful to establish a new typology of green infrastructures. A multiscale analysis will bring further information on the relevance of such indicators and at which scale they are the most useful. Subsequently, these spatial configuration indicators will be correlated with the results of ecosystemic services simulations to better understand how to optimize the ecological performances of green infrastructures.

How to cite: Valide, L., Bonin, O., and Versini, P.-A.: Characterizing green infrastructures multi-scale spatial configuration to better understand their ecological performances, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18017,, 2025.

EGU25-18604 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

RAMSHEEP procedures using nature-based solutions for protecting infrastructure against climate threats 

Alfred Strauss, Sergio Fernandes, Erik Kuschel, Michael Obriejetan, Tina-Maria Vorstandlechner, Rosemarie Stangl, and Johannes Hübl

With the increasing frequency and intensity of climate-induced hazards, ensuring the safety and resilience of Europe's critical infrastructure is paramount to maintain economic flows, human well-being, and social stability throughout the continent. Whilst merely grey and technical solutions and approaches have been reaching their limits recently, Nature-based Solutions have gained attention in terms of supporting, re-integrating and restoring ecosystems, in order to raise their service potential and to reduce risks of hazard-related damage. However, established critical infrastructure and natural hazard assessment approaches need to be brought in line with NbS potential consideration, integral approaches respectively integration of NbS are needed in order to provide decision support and adapt to climate-change-related demands.

We present a concept for a decision support tool based on the RAMSSHEEP-method. Our contribution evolves from the participation in the  NATURE-DEMO project that aims to develop an advanced digital decision support platform that integrates climate projections, asset exposure, NbS catalogue portfolios, and advanced simulations to optimise the efficiency of NbS implementations. The RAMSSHEEP method is employed in this context to evaluate the protection of critical infrastructure, using performance indicators (PIs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of NbS. The method includes hazard characterization tools, grey infrastructure characterization tools, and nature-based characterization tools for a comprehensive assessment. The evaluation considers various factors, including safety, reliability, security, economy, environment, health, and politics. By pioneering a scalable, digitally-enabled, and validated framework for implementing NbS,  The adaptation of the RAMSSHEEP approach aims to synthesise and link the assessment of natural hazards, critical infrastructure risk and NbS potential. 

How to cite: Strauss, A., Fernandes, S., Kuschel, E., Obriejetan, M., Vorstandlechner, T.-M., Stangl, R., and Hübl, J.: RAMSHEEP procedures using nature-based solutions for protecting infrastructure against climate threats, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18604,, 2025.

EGU25-18622 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

The barriers and enablers influencing the transformative potential of existing interventions across the biodiversity-climate-planetary health nexus within cities: A Systematic Review 

Sara Camilleri, Milutin Stojanovic, Thea Wübbelmann, Christopher Raymond, Timon McPhearson, Mark Mansoldo, Benjamin Mifsud Scicluna, Elena Mannich, Anna Giulia Castaldo, Christopher Kennedy, Claudio Nigg, Eamon Callan, Jalali Mohammad, Kai Gensitz, Nadina Galle, Nadja Kabisch, Tadhg E Macintyre, and Mario V Balzan

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) offer transformative pathways enabling environmental, social and economic benefits while building resilience, improving biodiversity and providing human well-being. A mixed-methods systematic literature review is carried out within the Horizon Europe project GoGreenNext to a) evaluate how synergistic solutions involving nature, climate, and health within urban settings are conceptualised in peer-reviewed literature, and b) identify barriers and enables influencing the uptake of these synergistic solutions in cities. Following standardised literature searches a corpus of 898 peer reviewed articles were considered with data being extracted from 495 articles. Here we aim to present preliminary results from this review, identifying strengths and weaknesses in terms of uptake of synergistic solutions that address different links within the biodiversity-climate-health nexus. Specifically, we characterise NbS interventions that can be considered as synergistic solutions and identify societal challenges and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) addressed by these interventions. Additionally, we conceptualise the barriers and enablers as social, ecological and technological factors influencing the transformative potential of existing interventions (e.g. NbS) across the 3-way nexus within urban settings.

How to cite: Camilleri, S., Stojanovic, M., Wübbelmann, T., Raymond, C., McPhearson, T., Mansoldo, M., Mifsud Scicluna, B., Mannich, E., Castaldo, A. G., Kennedy, C., Nigg, C., Callan, E., Mohammad, J., Gensitz, K., Galle, N., Kabisch, N., Macintyre, T. E., and Balzan, M. V.: The barriers and enablers influencing the transformative potential of existing interventions across the biodiversity-climate-planetary health nexus within cities: A Systematic Review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18622,, 2025.

EGU25-18744 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

A holistic framework for scaling-up Nature-based Solutions: From local context to evaluation 

Fabien Chatelier, Awais Naeem Sarwar, Salvatore Manfreda, and Seifeddine Jomaa

Nature-based solutions (NbS) have been increasingly recognized as beneficial tools for addressing various environmental and societal challenges. However, despite their growing importance, NbS are primarily funded through public finance, with significant funding gaps hindering their widespread implementation. This gap is projected to widen due to increasing multisectoral interaction of environmental systems. NbS face several barriers that prevent their scalability, including limited financing, technical challenges, and a lack of integrated, multi-disciplinary approaches. Existing research on NbS predominantly employs a single-disciplinary framework, limiting the development of comprehensive, multisectoral, and multi-scale business models that integrate private sector participation, as public funding alone is insufficient.

This study proposes a novel methodology to bridge this gap by outlining a five-step process for the implementation of NbS, including: i) Local context analysis, ii) NbS Co-design, iii) NbS Impacts, iv) Business models, and v) Monitoring and evaluation. The methodology employs a circular process, designed for iterative application, ensuring that local contexts and identified societal challenges remain addressed throughout each cycle of implementation. This approach aims to develop a robust, integrative framework for NbS, ensuring that all stakeholders and local players, particularly the private sector, are engaged and that the true value of ecosystem services is internalized.

By quantifying and valuating the impacts of NbS on landscapes and stakeholders, this methodology enables a better understanding of the full value of natural spaces. It promotes a shift in stakeholder perception, viewing nature not just as a public good but also as a valuable investment for the private sector. The financial participation of stakeholders helps internalize the externalities associated with natural ecosystems, such as water quality degradation and carbon sequestration. The implementation of this methodology can significantly bridge the research gap in NbS finance, leading to improved financial mechanisms, new opportunities for private finance, increased private sector involvement, and ultimately, a more sustainable and scalable approach for long-term implementation. The methodology will be presented and discussed.

Acknowledgment: This work was supported by the OurMED PRIMA Program project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation under grant agreement No. 2222.

How to cite: Chatelier, F., Naeem Sarwar, A., Manfreda, S., and Jomaa, S.: A holistic framework for scaling-up Nature-based Solutions: From local context to evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18744,, 2025.

EGU25-18974 | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15 | Highlight

Towards an understanding of the limits of extreme event  studies on Nature Based Solutions 

Martin Seidl, Santiago Sandoval, Jérémie Sage, Marie-Christine Gromaire-Mertz, Stephane Laporte, and Yann Ulanowski

The European project GreenStorm ( focuses on nature-based solutions for urban stormwater management (NBSSW) and addresses the question of their implementation, performance and resilience for current and future climate extremes. It emphasizes the hydrological and thermal benefits of these devices as well as the stress suffered by their vegetation during extreme events in 5 participating European cities. The project proposes to identify effective, resilient designs accepted by the practitioners and citizens, but also the levers to promote their implementation on a city scale and maximize the associated benefits.

A part of the project consists of monitoring and modelling of NBSSW performance under actual but also future climate extremes. To perform such assessment, the project collaborates with the demonstrator facility SenseCity (, which consists of two 400m² platforms each composed of a ring road and small housing, equipped with sensors. One of these platforms simulates a 10 meter long "canyon" street with 4-meter-high walls and trees on both sides.  This street is also equipped with two NBSSW for runoff management: storm water trees and a rain garden. The platforms can be covered by a climatic chamber to simulate physically different climate scenarios. The aim of this proposition is to discuss the potential and the limits of real scale climate simulation focused on NBS for storm water management.

Two climate scenarios were elaborated and tested, the reference climate corresponding to an average late summer climate at the location (Paris conurbation) and the extreme climate corresponding to heat waves observed in 2022 at SenseCity.  The scenarios were obtained from statistical analysis of daily cycles of air temperature and humidity at the facility and compared to the climatic projections for 2023-2050 for the strongest CO2 emission scenario (RP8.5) employing 9 different climatic models (from SMHI, IPSL, MP, DMI, CLM, HadGEM, CNRM and KNMI models). Finally, these scenarios were adapted to the technical limits of the climate chamber. The essay was composed of two daily cycles of reference climate followed by three daily cycles of extreme condition to finish with three daily cycles of reference climate before withdrawing of the climate chamber.

The vegetation in the raingarden and of the stormwater trees were daily monitored for leaf pigments and the nitrogen balance index (DUALEX® SCIENTIFIC, Force-A,) and for leaf stomatal conductance and transpiration (LI-COR LI600). The measurements were completed by on-line sap flow (Implexx) for the trees and soil moisture measurements (Campbell) for both equipment.

First results indicate the suitability of conductance and sap flow measurements to follow the climate change and the important effect the applied gradients may have on vegetation.

The presentation will detail the methodology of the climate scenario creation and present, based on the results obtained, the potential and limits of such type of climatic chamber experiments.

How to cite: Seidl, M., Sandoval, S., Sage, J., Gromaire-Mertz, M.-C., Laporte, S., and Ulanowski, Y.: Towards an understanding of the limits of extreme event  studies on Nature Based Solutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18974,, 2025.

EGU25-19018 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Nature-based Solutions to Address Global Societal Challenges: Benefiting People and Nature 

Naomie Kayitesi, Pengbin Wang, Dorsa Sheikholeslami, Katherine Anderson, and Charles Karangwa

The global crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation have been catching the attention of governments, communities, and organizations worldwide, underscoring the urgent need for integrated and scalable solutions. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) provide a transformative approach to addressing these challenges while delivering benefits for both people and nature. Defined as “actions to protect, manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems, which address societal challenges, effectively and adaptively, providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits”. NbS have demonstrated their capacity to generate multi-dimensional impacts. For instance, mangroves avert USD 57 billion in annual flooding damages, NbS can provide one-third of the climate mitigation needed to meet the Paris Agreement goals, and the global benefits of ecosystem services from NbS focused on climate are estimated at USD 170 billion annually. These figures underscore the economic, ecological, and societal value of integrating NbS into sustainable development strategies.

IUCN has been at the forefront of advancing NbS for over two decades, developing the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions to guide their design, implementation, and evaluation. This standard, comprising 8 criteria and 28 indicators, ensures that NbS are effective, equitable, and adaptable to diverse contexts. The potential of NbS to address global societal challenges—including climate change, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem degradation—will be explored, with a focus on how NbS can advance the objectives of the three Rio Conventions (UNFCCC, CBD, and UNCCD). These solutions also align with many international frameworks such as the Paris Agreement, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF), and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which also foster resilient and sustainable communities.

How to cite: Kayitesi, N., Wang, P., Sheikholeslami, D., Anderson, K., and Karangwa, C.: Nature-based Solutions to Address Global Societal Challenges: Benefiting People and Nature, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19018,, 2025.

EGU25-19110 | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Development and technical design of state-of-the-art Nature-based Solutions for 5 urban sites under development in the EU 

Natalène Penin, Marie Toubin, Yves Ennesser, Laureline Monteignies, and Laura Nolier

The project technical assistance is funded under the Support Facility of the Natural Capital Finance Facility (NCFF), Ref : AA-011030-001. It is a financial instrument blending EIB funding with European Commission (EC) financing funded by the Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE programme). The overall objective of the NCFF is to provide a proof of concept demonstrating to the market, financiers and investors, the attractiveness of such projects and thereby develop a sustainable flow of capital from the private sector towards the financing of natural capital and achieving scale of such investments.

For the present project, the Fund management has been entrusted by the EIB to Ginkgo. Created in 2010 in partnership with Edmond de Rothschild Private Equity, Ginkgo has become a leading investment franchise dedicated to sustainable urban regeneration in Europe. The strategy of the franchise consists in acquiring a portfolio of well-located brownfield sites, remediating the land using innovative and environmentally respectful remediation approaches and redeveloping the sites into new inclusive and sustainable neighbourhoods.

The overall objective of the project is to remediate and redevelop selected sites in and around urban areas inside the EU. The redeveloped sites include commercial space and housing of which a certain share will be social housing units. The redeveloped areas take the local urban planning considerations into account and pursue an integrated approach with the objective of developing neighbourhoods that are resilient and offer a high quality of life for their future citizens.

The main focus of the project is on advising the Fund in the development of resilient neighbourhoods embedding nature-based solutions (NbS) and suggesting biophilic NbS design. The Service Provider (Egis) works alongside the Fund’s architect team and environment experts on a selected set of five projects located in the following cities: Amsterdam, Florence, Porto, and Paris (2 sites). NbS are integrated with the objective of strengthening the resilience to climate change impacts, to promote biodiversity and to maximise the quality of life of the new neighbourhoods. The practical design advice is based on an integrated approach that embeds NbS and where possible creates linkages with other green areas (biodiversity promoting green corridors). The design advice is based on in-depth climate risk and biodiversity assessments of the sites.

In addition to the support in developing and integrating NbS, Egis also develops a knowledge sharing package allowing the Fund to share best practices with different audiences (public authorities, municipalities, peers, final clients). Based on the 5 selected projects and the NbS implementation process within the general approach of Ginkgo towards brownfield urban redevelopment, this knowledge sharing package will serve as a best practice reference document in the sector and for less experienced developers.

The project is currently being finalized. The aim of the present paper is to present the methodological approach for the NbS selection, supported by case-studies on the five pilot sites.

How to cite: Penin, N., Toubin, M., Ennesser, Y., Monteignies, L., and Nolier, L.: Development and technical design of state-of-the-art Nature-based Solutions for 5 urban sites under development in the EU, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19110,, 2025.

EGU25-19206 | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

HIBOU 2030: an integrated method for the Hybrid assessment of the Interactions between the BiOdiversity, the nature-based solutions, and the Urban system 

Nicoleta Schiopu, Aline Brachet, Alexandre Fardel, Georgios Kyriakodis, Emeline Bailly, Bruno Fies, and Maeva Sabre

The objective of this paper is to present the integrated method HIBOU 2030, which is employed to assess the efficiency of the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and their alternatives (e.g. grey, hybrid solutions) for urban projects. The HIBOU 2030 method aligns with international initiatives, such as the Science-based targets Network for nature[1] that promote the integrated assessment approaches. The HIBOU 2030 method is thus design to place the urban system integrating the NBS and theirs alternatives at the core of its approach, with the objective of contributing to several of the action-oriented global targets for 2030 outlined in the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)[2] such as: Target 11 - Restore, Maintain and Enhance Nature’s Contributions to People, the Target 12 - Enhance Green Spaces and Urban Planning for Human Well-Being and Biodiversity and the Target 14 - Integrate Biodiversity in Decision-Making at Every Level.

HIBOU 2030 is based on the hybridization of several area of expertise (e.g. Life Cycle Assessment, ecology, urban planning, etc.) and its fundamental principles are as follows: 1) interactions (both positive and negative ) between biodiversity, NBS and the urban project occur on the project site (in situ) but also on global scale (ex-situ) 2) the multifunctionality of NBS is one of the answers to numerous urban challenges and it must be taken into account in the analysis of the results; 3) the integrated approach necessitates the establishment of a shared semantics among the various fields of expertise; a common macro-model to characterize the system to be assessed and the different development options; the interdependence of results for each issue. Consequently, a parameter variation to address one of the questions will inherently influence the others.

HIBOU 2030 method and its associated toolset facilitate the assessment the urban project’s contribution to the following urban challenges: 1) the climate change (1 indicator); 2) the biodiversity in situ and ex situ (8 indicators). These indicators are designed to address as much as possible of the five pressures on the biodiversity: global warming, land use change, pollution, overexploitation of resources, introduction of invasive species; 3) the stormwater management (1 indicator); 4) the urban heat island (UHI) mitigation (1 to 3 indicators); 5) the urban quality for the citizens, based on a qualitative assessment grid considering 24 criteria.

HIBOU 2030 is a tool used to conduct expertise and research studies, thereby supporting various stakeholders’ analyses and decision-making processes concerning construction and renovation actions for buildings and urban projects. Continuous improvement is achieved through the collection and analysis of feedback from its use in various European contexts.



How to cite: Schiopu, N., Brachet, A., Fardel, A., Kyriakodis, G., Bailly, E., Fies, B., and Sabre, M.: HIBOU 2030: an integrated method for the Hybrid assessment of the Interactions between the BiOdiversity, the nature-based solutions, and the Urban system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19206,, 2025.

EGU25-19462 | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

What works best where? Balancing multiple environmental and socio-economic demands for integrating trees into agricultural settings 

Josie Geris and Julie Rostan and the FARM TREE and RivyEvi Project teams

Agroforestry (integrating trees with crops or livestock) is widely considered as a ‘climate smart’ or ‘nature-based’ regenerative farming solution with multiple benefits. These include improvements to biodiversity, flood and drought mitigation, carbon storage, farm productivity, and resilience to climate change. However, whether and how these benefits are achieved and who benefits from them depends on a wide range of environmental, landscape and socio-economic factors. Scotland has significant potential for tree planting in rural environments, but this is relatively unexplored. Government aims to substantially increase agroforestry, but such expansion must be carefully planned to enhance ecosystem services, while avoiding unintended impacts. This complex task demands a multidisciplinary approach and tools to evaluate various factors and their interplay within the landscape, aiding decision-makers in exploring different options.

Here, we aimed to investigate the environmental and socio-economic potential and barriers for different types of agroforestry across diverse landscapes in Scotland. To help decision making and lower barriers for tree expansion on farmland with environmental benefits, we explored optimal planting scenarios in different settings. We conducted > 30 farmer interviews to evaluate the factors relating to adoption of agroforestry practices. We also developed a novel coupled carbon and hydrological model to assess the environmental effects of various agroforestry scenarios across Scotland. For riparian planting as a specific type of agroforestry, we then collaborated with > 100 stakeholders to explore the complexity of prioritising additional research needs and addressing national-level barriers to implementation.

While there is significant interest among farmers to integrate trees on their land, barriers such as insufficient knowledge on planting strategies, limited awareness of grant schemes, and inflexible policies persist. Overall, our results revealed that depending on motivation, socio-economic factors and business models, optimal planting scenarios can be vastly different. This is also constrained by site specificity, where additional evidence is needed by stakeholders to determine optimal tree placement and density to maximise multiple benefits. Modelling results aligned with the importance of selecting tree species and spatial planting designs based on site specific conditions. However, generally, for a finite number of trees, distributing broadleaved species over larger areas yields greater carbon storage and hydrological benefits per tree compared to planting them in dense clusters.

Finally, results were incorporated into the development of an interactive spatial multi-criteria mapping tool aiming to identify suitable and best locations for agroforestry in the landscape. The outcomes of this work support decision makers to deliver multiple objectives and improve accessibility and implementation of agroforestry as a nature-based agricultural solution with relevance to other parts of the UK and Europe.

How to cite: Geris, J. and Rostan, J. and the FARM TREE and RivyEvi Project teams: What works best where? Balancing multiple environmental and socio-economic demands for integrating trees into agricultural settings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19462,, 2025.

EGU25-19723 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Nature-based Solutions to address climate and societal challenges in small and medium-sized islands 

Mario V Balzan, Erika Igondová, Elisa Serra, Aristides Moustakas, and Mark Mansoldo and the Author List

Small and medium islands (SMI) are particularly vulnerable to climate change, natural hazards, and the overexploitation of their limited resources. While islands exhibit diverse social, economic, and environmental characteristics, SMI often face reduced capacity to address these vulnerabilities due to their relatively small populations, sensitive and open economies, limited natural resources, constrained land area, dependence on external markets despite their isolation, as well as governance and institutional challenges that can limit the effective implementation of policies. Here, we present preliminary results from a systematic literature review of NbS on SMI, sourced from peer-reviewed and grey literature, including a total of 280 NbS case studies, which are intended to be presented in the form of an open-access compendium as part of the EU Cost Action CA21158 SMILES. Most SMI NbS case-studies were carried out in coastal and marine ecosystems and forest ecosystems, focused on ecosystem restoration, and tended to be funded by public authorities, while fewer case-studies were found from, for example, agricultural, freshwater and urban ecosystems. SDG13, 14 and 15, targeting nature conservation and climate action, were the most commonly addressed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) although several SDGs were often addressed together. Moreover, multiple co-benefits were identified for different NbS categories when addressing biodiversity loss and climate change adaptation and mitigation 

How to cite: Balzan, M. V., Igondová, E., Serra, E., Moustakas, A., and Mansoldo, M. and the Author List: Nature-based Solutions to address climate and societal challenges in small and medium-sized islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19723,, 2025.

EGU25-19729 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Nature-Based Solutions and beyond: the DesirMED’s approach for transformative climate adaptation in the Mediterranean region 

Elisa Furlan, Elena Allegri, Christian Simeoni, Hung Vuong Pham, Angelica Bianconi, and Margaretha Breil

The escalating impacts of climate change demand a paradigm shift in the way we adapt and mitigate risks while transforming societal systems. Traditional approaches often focus on what to transform, neglecting how transformation occurs. DesirMED project addresses this gap by integrating scientific, social, and governance stakeholders to develop transformative climate adaptation strategies. Centered on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), the project aims to preserve ecosystems, enhance climate resilience, and sustainably manage resources while emphasizing that “people lie at the heart of transformation”. Indeed, to drive this transformative change not only data and digital tools can support this intricate shift, but deliberative processes, embracing scenario planning and visioning that acknowledge and respect diverse needs, livelihoods, worldviews and cultures, should be considered. Aligned with this mantra, DesirMED adopts a bottom-up, multidisciplinary approach involving eight Mediterranean regions committed to testing and demonstrating a multidimensional portfolio of adaptation solutions. The focus is on prioritizing NBS while aligning regional adaptation goals with transformative strategies. Central to this approach is the definition of landscape archetypes, which integrate climate hazards, NBS strategies, governance frameworks, and the interactions among ecosystems and key community systems to support a systemic approach to climate adaptation. This novel framework is further strengthened by deliberative processes, scenario planning, and inclusive stakeholder engagement, fostering the behavioral shifts and collaborative actions critical to driving a systemic shift,  while adopting  evidence-informed NBS and aligning regional adaptation pathways with societal and environmental objectives. By bridging silos and integrating diverse perspectives, DesirMED provides actionable insights for decision-makers, supporting transformative change that enhances resilience across Mediterranean regions. Best practices from DesirMED case studies are presented, highlighting their role in advancing transformative climate adaptation pathways. These examples illustrate how integrated, evidence-based approaches can enhance resilience, foster sustainable resource management, and align local adaptation efforts with broader societal and environmental goals, offering valuable insights for NBS scaling-up framework for the Mediterranean region and beyond.

How to cite: Furlan, E., Allegri, E., Simeoni, C., Pham, H. V., Bianconi, A., and Breil, M.: Nature-Based Solutions and beyond: the DesirMED’s approach for transformative climate adaptation in the Mediterranean region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19729,, 2025.

The international and national strategic guidelines establish "Nature Positive" scenarios that represent a strategic response to the ecological transition of urban settlements using ecosystem and nature-based solutions. In Italy, the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change establishes the implementation of actions to mitigate the climate risks, through green and grey measures and appropriate effectiveness indicators, which increase the adaptive capacity of systemic socio-economic systems. However, the methodology and operational methods with which to apply these measures at the local scale are still to be developed with respect to local specificities.

In Italy there are several knowledge, financial, technical and regulatory gaps that prevent or slow down the application of these actions at the local scale by Public Administrations.

Among the technical gaps, the adoption of approaches to the planning and design of public spaces emerges which is not yet able to operationally integrate climate adaptation and reducing impacts required at the local scale by national guidelines.

The paper analyses the case of the city of Naples, where for some years the PA has been including climate risk-oriented design criteria within its land governance tools.

The city of Naples, due to its settlement, typo-morphological, environmental and geological characteristics, is affected by the coexistence of climate risk phenomena and by specific conditions of climatic vulnerability of the built environment and the population, with reference to the impacts of heat waves and intense rainfall.

Outdoor spaces, can significantly affect the ability to reduce climate vulnerability at the building and urban scale, while bringing environmental benefits.

Moreover, urban public facilities designed with climate risk–oriented criteria, can be a network of urban spaces effective in counteracting climate impacts.

The aim of the experimentation is to develop a tool to support decision makers and upgrade knowledge and the ability of the PA to apply climate adaptation measures (MASE, 2023). This tool informs the climate risk-oriented planning and design process, with reference to the role of public spaces in reducing climate impacts in urban areas.

The experimentation, conducted using GIS databases, identifies the areas intended for neighbourhoods' equipment most impacted by the effects of heatwave and flooding climate phenomena. Based on the study of the feasibility conditions of the interventions, those suitable for the application of appropriate NBS solutions in open spaces for the reduction of climate vulnerability are taken into consideration.

Through the network analysis method applied in a GIS environment, the areas characterized by favourable proximity conditions are identified in which to prioritize climate adaptation interventions, as continued network of outdoor spaces, to reduce climate vulnerability. The identified NBS solutions are applied, and their effectiveness is verified.

The experimentation develops an operational tool for the Public Administration to select the priority areas of intervention among the urban neighbourhoods' facilities, obtaining an advance in quantitative approach to urban facilities, enhanced as a network of open spaces that provides environmental benefits.

The experimentation are developed in PRIN Research 2022 PNRR Call "REACT - _Regenerative processes Enhancement to Address decision makers toward Climate-proof Transition of southern metropolitan areas".


How to cite: Verde, S., Dell'Acqua, F., and Losasso, M.: Innovative Tool for Public Administration: a Decision Support for Effective Climate Adaptation in Urban Areas through Nature-Based Solutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20003,, 2025.

EGU25-20408 | Orals | ITS4.12/NH13.15

Harnessing Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) for Societal Resilience to Floods 

Alison Sneddon, Aaron Pollard, and Tamir Makev

Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (eco-DRR) exemplifies the transformative potential of nature-based solutions (NBS) by bringing together disaster risk reduction, climate adaptation, and human development needs. As a cornerstone of NBS, eco-DRR leverages the sustainable use, restoration, and conservation of ecosystems to reduce disaster risks while enhancing ecological and social resilience. Beyond physical hazard mitigation, eco-DRR addresses sources of vulnerability by improving food and water security, diversifying livelihoods, fostering social cohesion, and empowering communities.

This research highlights a paradigmatic shift from hazard-centric interventions toward integrated, transdisciplinary approaches that address the root causes of vulnerability—such as poverty, inequality, and governance. It examines the interplay between ecological, social, and economic dimensions to mitigate flood risks effectively.

New findings from GOAL’s current research draw on case studies across African, Latin American, Caribbean, and South Asian contexts to explore:

  • The root causes, dynamic pressures, and unsafe conditions driving flood-related social vulnerabilities.
  • The effectiveness of eco-DRR interventions in reducing vulnerabilities and building resilience.
  • Contextual factors influencing eco-DRR's scalability and success in diverse environments.

This presentation underscores the potential of eco-DRR as a scalable, sustainable NBS for flood adaptation. By integrating participatory approaches, citizen science, and cross-sectoral collaboration, it offers actionable insights for advancing interdisciplinary strategies, fostering global climate resilience, and embedding NBS principles in sustainable development.

How to cite: Sneddon, A., Pollard, A., and Makev, T.: Harnessing Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) for Societal Resilience to Floods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20408,, 2025.

EGU25-21786 | Posters on site | ITS4.12/NH13.15

 Modelling the influence of trees in urban areas as a nature-based solution for increasing urban resilience to pluvial flooding 

Steffi Urhausen, Deborah Hemming, Deanne Brettle, Emma Ferranti, and Sarah Greenham

The goal of the EU CARMINE project ( is to help urban and surrounding metropolitan communities to become more climate resilient. The project focuses on heat, wildfires, flooding, pollution and drought and covers eight case study areas distributed across Europe. One such case study covers Birmingham, and the surrounding West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) area in the UK where pluvial flooding, related to extreme precipitation events, has been identified as a high priority climate-related hazard. High-resolution (~2km spatial resolution and hourly temporal resolution) climate/land surface modelling with the Joint UK Land-Environment Simulator (JULES) model is being used to quantify the influence of different scenarios of tree planting (tree density and species) on major climate hazards across the case study area, particularly pluvial flooding and extreme surface heat. JULES outputs are also being used with other relevant data to develop Digital Twin models to enable rapid assessment of pluvial flood and surface heat risks and timely guidance on ‘hot spot’ locations to inform flood and heat mitigation measures implemented by local maintenance teams. We present initial results from the modelling of pluvial flood risk and how this is influenced by different scenarios of tree cover across the area.

How to cite: Urhausen, S., Hemming, D., Brettle, D., Ferranti, E., and Greenham, S.:  Modelling the influence of trees in urban areas as a nature-based solution for increasing urban resilience to pluvial flooding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21786,, 2025.

EGU25-197 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Land-cover changes in mountain areas increasing fatalities from landslides: A Global Perspective 

Seckin Fidan, Tolga Gorum, Abdullah Akbas, Bikem Ekberzade, and Ugur Ozturk

Landslides are one of the most devastating geohazards that cause substantial loss of life and socio-economic damage in mountainous areas worldwide every year. Landslides are becoming more common due to increased anthropogenic disturbance, threatening sustainable development in mountainous environments. Population pressure and associated land cover changes are expected to increase the frequency and impacts of landslides. However, only a small number of studies have investigated this on a global scale. Here, we examine the interactions between land cover change, population change, landslide, and landslide fatalities across mountain areas of 46 countries based on income level. We calculate a ~60-year-long land cover change and a 45-year-long population change rate and create linear regression models to assess their relationship with landslides and landslide fatalities. Our results show that there is a significant relationship between land cover and population changes in mountainous areas. Also, land cover change in lower-middle and low-income countries, where the degree of change and human intervention is notably higher, occurs at a greater rate and intensity compared to other income groups. Furthermore, our findings indicate that landslide and fatalities density increase substantially as land cover change increases, again in lower-middle and low-income countries. This observation points toward change in land cover as a critical factor in landscape dynamics and highlights human pressure as a pre-conditioning/triggering factor for fatal landslides. Consequently, the high spatial overlap between fatal landslides and land cover change highlights critical areas where it is essential to prioritize landslide mitigation measures to protect vulnerable mountain environments and maintain resilient societies, particularly in lower-middle and low-income countries.

How to cite: Fidan, S., Gorum, T., Akbas, A., Ekberzade, B., and Ozturk, U.: Land-cover changes in mountain areas increasing fatalities from landslides: A Global Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-197,, 2025.

EGU25-8744 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Analysis of changes in land cover in the Kyrgyz Republic using remote sensing data. 

Koisun Darylkan kyzy, Kobogon Atyshov, and Lukas Lehnert

Accurate information about land cover is essential for scientific research, monitoring, and reporting to achieve sustainable development in a region. In the mountainous areas of the Kyrgyz Republic, land cover changed heavily due to anthropogenic activities over the past years. Remote sensing is one of the key methods for monitoring such changes, because there is a lack of data due to its remoteness and harsh environmental conditions. The purpose of this study is to analyze changes in land cover in the Kyrgyz Republic using remote sensing data. In this study, we use a series of Sentinel-2 images with high spatial resolution over time of land cover to create a set of annual maps from 2017 to 2024 for all nature protection territories of the Kyrgyz Republic, which are listed in the IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature). These data sets allow us to analyze the development of trends in land cover changes in the studied territories since 2017 with high spatial and temporal detail. An analysis of land cover changes will be carried out, paying special attention to anthropogenic changes (as well as changes in glaciers, glacial lakes, etc.). Since land use and land cover (LULC) have changed dramatically due to anthropogenic activities, especially in places where the tourist infrastructure is developed and the flow of tourists is significant. These data provide valuable information on vegetation growth, deforestation and land degradation, which are essential for effective environmental management and sustainable development of the Kyrgyz Republic.

How to cite: Darylkan kyzy, K., Atyshov, K., and Lehnert, L.: Analysis of changes in land cover in the Kyrgyz Republic using remote sensing data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8744,, 2025.

EGU25-10608 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Framework for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies in Mountain Environments 

Chiara Guarnieri, Sofia Koliopoulos, Paolo Pogliotti, Daria Ferraris, Gianluca Filippa, Federico Tagliaferro, Luca Mondardini, Fabrizio Sapone, and Marta Galvagno

Climate change has profound impacts on mountain ecosystems, making it imperative for local authorities to implement effective mitigation and adaptation strategies in order to improve the resilience of these important environments. In the Aosta Valley (Western Italian Alps) region, composed by mountainous terrain for 100% of its territory, regional and local stakeholders are actively committed to address climate change challenges. However, the complexity of the mountainous landscape, combined with the socio-economic needs of local communities, creates unique difficulties in defining and implementing policies that effectively address both environmental and societal resilience.

In this work we present the coordinated framework developed by the Aosta Valley Region to integrate mitigation, adaptation, and sustainability measures. Key policy initiatives include a status quo of climate change in Aosta Valley (Rapport Climat), a road map for mitigation at 2040 (Fossil Fuel Free), adaptation (Regional Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation (SRACC)) and sustainability policies (Regional Strategy for Sustainable Development (SRSVS)), and lately the Regional Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (PRACC). This framework provides pathways to find innovative solutions including the active participation of scientists, stakeholders and citizens. Notably, the SRACC and PRACC policies are based on an interdisciplinary approach, focusing on specific actions that needed to be implemented in a short- or long-term vision for several socio-economic sectors. These documents also address cross-cutting challenges to define the priority efforts.

In this context, the European Project Agile Arvier, especially through the Green Lab, aims to strengthen science-based polices communication to raise awareness and actively involve the population to foster the capacity to implement effective solutions in the mountains. The communication strategy will be oriented in positive terms, transmitting adaptation tools, focusing on the potential of the territory, thus enabling mountain communities to adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change while achieving long-term sustainability.

These coordinated efforts underscore the importance of integrating scientific knowledge, policy frameworks, and societal engagement to address the complex challenges of climate change in mountain environments.

How to cite: Guarnieri, C., Koliopoulos, S., Pogliotti, P., Ferraris, D., Filippa, G., Tagliaferro, F., Mondardini, L., Sapone, F., and Galvagno, M.: Framework for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies in Mountain Environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10608,, 2025.

The Cenozoic intensive uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and its northeastward expansion have had an important impact on the tectonic evolution, landform changes, and atmospheric circulation in the Asian interior. However the plateau uplift process is controversial, especially when did the initial time of the deformation on the northeastern plateau. The Cenozoic deposits in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau provide an ideal record for understanding the uplift and the geomorphic evolution in NW China. In this study, we measured U-Pb age spectra of detrital zircons collected from sand layers within the borehole WW-01 from the Wuwei Basin in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, which ages of sand layer in the borehole WW-01 ranges from 10.34-0.09 Ma. Based on the long-term source variations of provenance of sands in the Wuwei Basin, combined with the existing structural and sedimentological data, our work reveals the Cenozoic uplift and geomorphic process of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Our results indicate that: (1) The dominant provenance of sediments in the Wuwei Basin was derived from Qilianshan Orogenic Belt (QOB) at 10.34-9.51 Ma, 8.18 Ma, 2.02-0.09 Ma, and the Alxa Block (AB) at 8.69 Ma and 8.14-4.51 Ma. (2) The two dominant provenance area transitions at 9.51-8.69 Ma and 8.18-8.14 Ma were controlled by the closely related to the pre-existing landforms of the basin and its periphery. And the two provenance transitions of 8.69-8.18 Ma and 4.51-2.02 Ma were prevailing in the uplift of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. (3) Provenance analysis, integrated with the sedimentary and structural analysis, shows that the initial uplift of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau in the Cenozoic was ca. 8.25 Ma, and the last uplift occurred at ca. 2.58 Ma, corresponding to the geomorphological formation of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau.

Keywords: Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, Wuwei Basin, geomorphic evolution, uplift, Zircon U-Pb age, provenance analysis

How to cite: Shi, W., Dong, S., and Zhao, Z.: Late Cenozoic Geomorphic process in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from U-Pb age spectra of detrital zircons in the Wuwei Basin, NW China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10949,, 2025.

EGU25-11060 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Predicting bankfull channel dimensions through Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression and Random Forest in intermittent Mediterranean streams.   

Antonio Jodar-Abellan, Mistral Van Oudenhove, Joris De Vente, Carolina Boix-Fayos, and Joris Eekhout

Hydrological and soil erosion models are often used to assess the impacts of global change and potential adaptation strategies on flood risks and sediment transport. These hydrology and sediment transport models require channel dimensions as input to quantify flood frequency, runoff, flow velocity, sediment detachment and deposition processes. Especially for large-scale applications, channel dimensions (width and depth) are difficult to obtain. Therefore, simple empirical relations have been developed, relating channel dimensions with catchment area or bankfull discharge, disregarding other important factors affecting these dimensions.   

Here we present an advanced combined methodology to obtain reliable estimates of channel dimensions for the large Mediterranean Segura catchment (16,000 km2), based on linear statistical regression and machine learning techniques. First, a training dataset of channel dimensions (width and depth) was prepared using a LiDAR high resolution digital elevation model (2 m resolution) and aerial photos (50 cm resolution) for 151 channel segments across four representative large sub-catchments. For each channel segment, 30 variables characterising the upstream catchment were obtained from available spatial data sources (e.g. soil type, slope, annual precipitation). The obtained training dataset was used in a combination of Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression and Random Forest to predict channel width and depth. Best results were obtained with the RF model using the variables selected through the stepwise MLR process, as RF models composed only by these MLR predictor variables showed nodes with more purity rather than RF formed by the complete set of independent variables. Most important variables for prediction of channel width were Calcareous lithology, mean annual temperature, extreme precipitation, and alluvial soils. For channel depth, the most important variables were extreme precipitation, channel slope, and mean annual temperature. Model validation indicated good results for prediction of channel width (R2 0.75) and depth (R2 0.66). These results provide further insights into the factors affecting channel dimensions, and seems to be a promising approach to obtain channel dimensions for hydrological and sediment transport modelling in large catchments.

We acknowledge funding for the XTREME project from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and ‘Agencia Estatal de Investigación’ (PID2019-109381RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), and for the LandEX project (PCI2024-153454) financed by the European Commission, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the Spanish Research Agency (AEI 10.13039/501100011033/EU) in the framework of the European Water4All Partnership 101060874. A. Jodar-Abellan (JDC2022-049314-I) and J.P.C. Eekhout (IJC2020-044636-I) acknowledge financial support from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral grants.

How to cite: Jodar-Abellan, A., Van Oudenhove, M., De Vente, J., Boix-Fayos, C., and Eekhout, J.: Predicting bankfull channel dimensions through Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression and Random Forest in intermittent Mediterranean streams.  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11060,, 2025.

EGU25-11437 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Perceptions of Earthquake Risks and Climate Change: A Case Study of Dho Tarap, Dolpo in the Mountain Region of Nepal 

Shakti Raj Shrestha, Jeanne Fernandez, Nistha Nakarmi, Garima Nakarmi, and Nyima Dhargey

Increasingly, there is an onus on incorporating indigenous perspectives in research, especially in relation to climate change and disasters. This paper aims to add to this discussion through a novel approach by comparing perceptions of climate change risks against seismic hazard risk in the mountain regions of Nepal. A case study was done in Dho Tarap Valley, situated at 4080m where two larger village clusters out of three were surveyed for data collection. In total, 204 out of 220 households were surveyed through total sampling. In addition, interviews of four relevant stakeholders (a monk, a local government representative, a local leader, and an academic) were carried out through snowball sampling.

According to results, Dho Tarap is a homogenous, Buddhist (100%) society where the primary profession is agriculture (86%) and where lack of formal education (77%) is the norm. The locals perceive that, in the last 10-20 years, the temperature has increased (81%) and there is less snow now than before (97%). But changes in rain patterns were less conclusive. Most locals did not understand what climate change meant (72%) and have done ‘nothing’ if not for ‘prayers’ to address observed changes in weather patterns. In contrast, locals were knowledgeable about earthquakes, and 56% of the population considered themselves to be aware of earthquake risks. Additionally, 54% of the population did not believe that Dho Tarap is exposed to future seismic risks. The indigenous population considered earthquakes as a hazard risk whereas changes in weather patterns were not associated with climatic hazards but mostly attributed to local human activities. These results shed light into indigenous views of climate change and natural hazards. This difference in perception on earthquake risks and climate change risks highlights the necessity to cater disaster management strategies that considers local perceptions of risks.


How to cite: Shrestha, S. R., Fernandez, J., Nakarmi, N., Nakarmi, G., and Dhargey, N.: Perceptions of Earthquake Risks and Climate Change: A Case Study of Dho Tarap, Dolpo in the Mountain Region of Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11437,, 2025.

EGU25-11438 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Mountain Grasslands under Climate Stress: Drivers, Trends, and Future Projections 

Mulun Na, Giulia Zuecco, and Paolo Tarolli

Mountain grasslands are crucial ecosystems that provide essential services such as carbon storage, water regulation, and biodiversity conservation. However, these ecosystems are increasingly under threat from changing climatic conditions and human activities. This study explores the historical and future dynamics of vegetation in mountain grasslands worldwide, using a combination of diverse datasets and machine learning tools. For historical trends, spanning the years 2000 to 2021, we analyzed ERA5 climate reanalysis data and global Human Modification (gHM) indices to evaluate the combined impacts of climate variability and human pressures. Future scenarios were developed using climate model projections from CMIP6 and vegetation coverage data, giving us a better understanding of potential changes under different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). We used machine learning techniques, such as Random Forest, XGBoost, and LSTM, to identify key drivers of vegetation changes. SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) helped interpret the contributions of these factors. Our findings reveal that factors like near-surface temperature, evaporation, and human influence play a significant role in shaping vegetation patterns. Over the past two decades, while many grasslands have remained stable, substantial degradation was observed in regions such as South Africa, North America, and Western Asia due to water stress and expanding land use. On the other hand, recovery was seen in areas like Central Europe and Asia, where efforts like reforestation and improved land management have made a positive impact. Looking ahead, future trends vary across scenarios. Under SSP126, vegetation remains mostly stable, whereas SSP245 predicts more variability and localized stress. SSP585 presents a mixed picture: while some regions benefit from longer growing seasons and higher CO2 levels, others face significant degradation due to extreme climatic events and water scarcity. In areas heavily influenced by human activity, tipping-point dynamics could lead to irreversible losses in vegetation and ecosystem function. This study underscores the complex interplay of climate and human activities in shaping mountain grasslands. It emphasizes the urgent need for sustainable land management and climate adaptation strategies to mitigate risks, protect these ecosystems, and ensure their continued provision of critical services.

How to cite: Na, M., Zuecco, G., and Tarolli, P.: Mountain Grasslands under Climate Stress: Drivers, Trends, and Future Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11438,, 2025.

The high-elevation Tibetan Plateau encompasses ~2.5 million km3 and represents a major orographic barrier that influences global atmospheric circulation. Precipitation and glacier melt in the mountain regions surrounding the plateau are a water resource for more than 1.4 billion people. Over the Cenozoic, the rise of the plateau surface induced dramatic regional changes in the atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, and hydrosphere. Present-day global warming has significantly impacted the interactions between these different spheres in ways we are only beginning to understand.

This presentation investigates how past and present climate change have impacted the Plateau’s permafrost, hydrology, and ecosystems. This is done using atmospheric general circulation models and a compilation of existing climate, hydrologic, cryosphere, biosphere, and geologic studies documenting environmental change from decadal and glacial-interglacial timescales back to the middle Miocene. Results indicate that warmer and wetter periods in the geologic past led to a flourishing of plateau ecosystems. However, recent anthropogenic-induced warming and wetting of the plateau have led to the opposite effect and degradation of many plateau ecosystems in former permafrost environments.  This contrast in environmental ‘health’ between the geologic past and the present day is interpreted to result from anthropogenic disturbances of plateau environments via changes in grazing practices.

Looking towards the future, two pathways are identified that could lead to either favourable greening or unfavourable degradation and desiccation of plateau ecosystems. Both paths are plausible, given the available evidence. The key to which environmental pathway future generations experience lies in what if any, human intervention measures and management strategies are implemented.

Related references:

Ehlers, T. A., Chen, D., Appel, E., Bolch, T., Chen, F., Diekmann, B., Dippold, M. A., Giese, M., Guggenberger, G., Lai, H.-W., Li, X., Liu, J., Liu, Y., Ma, Y., Miehe, G., Mosbrugger, V., Mulch, A., Piao, S., Schwalb, A., Thompson, L. G., Su, Z., Sun, H., Yao, T., Yang, X., Yang, K., and Zhu, L.: Past, present, and future geo-biosphere interactions on the Tibetan Plateau and implications for permafrost, Earth-Science Reviews, 234, 104197,, 2022.

Li, J., Ehlers, T. A., Werner, M., Mutz, S. G., Steger, C., and Paeth, H.: Late quaternary climate, precipitation δ18O, and Indian monsoon variations over the Tibetan Plateau, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 457, 412–422,, 2017.

Mutz, S. G., Ehlers, T. A., Werner, M., Lohmann, G., Stepanek, C., and Li, J.: Estimates of late Cenozoic climate change relevant to Earth surface processes in tectonically active orogens, Earth Surface Dynamics, 6, 271–301,, 2018.

How to cite: Ehlers, T. A.: Geo-biosphere Interactions Across the Tibetan Plateau In Response to Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12128,, 2025.

EGU25-12521 | Posters on site | ITS3.8/NH13.16

 Assessing the role of climate and mountain fluvial erosion in sediment supply for Pleistocene dune formation in the Pacific subtropical semiarid coast of Chile  

Juan-Luis García, Andrea Quilamán, Paula Castillo, Maira Oneda Dal Pai, Laura Gana, Marco Pfeiffer, and Christopher Luethgens

To present the Quaternary eolian stratigraphic record along the Pacific coast of subtropical semiarid Chile (35-28ºS) has been mostly studied regarding their paleoclimate significance, nonetheless other main environmental factors are known to affect dune evolution at the millennial to multimillennial time scale, including sediment (i.e., mineral sand) supply linked to glacial and fluvial erosion and transport, eustatic sea level, coastal drift, ocean storminess, wind intensity, others. In Chile, Pleistocene to Holocene dated dunes occur on tectonically elevated marine terraces and to the north of heavily loaded sediment river outlets to the Pacific Ocean. Rhythmic development of clay-rich Bt paleosols punctuate the dune stratigraphy and denote multimillennial conspicuous humidity changes linked to the latitudinal migration of the southern westerly wind belt. Here, we present new post-IR infrared stimulated luminescence 225 ºC (pIRIR225) and provenance Zr ages from fluvial, dune and paleodune sediments in the Pupío coastal mountain fluvial catchment, and discuss a basin conceptual model in order to asses the role of Pleistocene climate change, fluvial erosion & transport of sediments, sea level, and coastal drift in the paleodune formation of coastal semiarid Chile.

How to cite: García, J.-L., Quilamán, A., Castillo, P., Oneda Dal Pai, M., Gana, L., Pfeiffer, M., and Luethgens, C.:  Assessing the role of climate and mountain fluvial erosion in sediment supply for Pleistocene dune formation in the Pacific subtropical semiarid coast of Chile , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12521,, 2025.

EGU25-14013 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Debris flows sediment volume in hyper-arid mountain catchments 

Alex Garcés, Germán Aguilar, Santiago Montserrat, Bruno Villela, Diego Pinto, Tamara Contreras, Diego Iturra, Marcia Paredes, and Albert Cabré

Intense rainfall in hyper-arid mountain catchments usually triggers debris flows that can transport large volumes of sediment. Determining the debris flow volume is critical for developing strategies to manage and control debris flow hazards in mountain environments. This work estimates the sediment volumes available in the catchments and compares them with the transport capacity of these catchments. Both volumes are contrasted with field observations of past events in the Atacama Desert. The thickness of sediment stored in channels and hillslopes is estimated based on field observations, linking them to the channel width and the slope of the hillslopes, respectively. The transportable volume is calculated considering a design rainfall with a return time of 100 years, the contributing area of the catchments, a runoff coefficient, and the equilibrium concentration that is a function of the slope of the catchments. The results indicate that 40% of the sediment available in channels and 6% available on slopes represents the transportable volume for the design rainfall. 

How to cite: Garcés, A., Aguilar, G., Montserrat, S., Villela, B., Pinto, D., Contreras, T., Iturra, D., Paredes, M., and Cabré, A.: Debris flows sediment volume in hyper-arid mountain catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14013,, 2025.

EGU25-14171 | Posters on site | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Land System Analysis of Llaca Lake: A Tropical Moraine-Dammed Supraglacial Lake in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru 

John Maclachlan, Rodrigo Narro Perez, Luzmila Dávila Roller, Carolyn Eyles, and Akalya Kandiah

The tropical Andes are experiencing rapid deglaciation due to climate warming, resulting in the formation and evolution of moraine-dammed glacial lakes. These lakes, while significant for hydrological and ecological processes, also pose a growing hazard due to the potential for glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). This study focuses on Llaca Lake, a moraine-dammed supraglacial lake situated in the Cordillera Blanca of Perú, which serves as a representative case study for understanding the dynamics and hazards associated with these tropical alpine environments.

Using an integrated landsystem approach, we analyzed geomorphological, hydrological, and sedimentological processes shaping Llaca Lake and its surrounding landscape. High-resolution satellite imagery, drone-based surveys, and in situ field measurements were combined with GIS analysis to map key geomorphological features, including the moraine complex, ice-contact zones, and sediment pathways. Additionally, bathymetric surveys were conducted to delineate the lakebed morphology and evaluate its storage capacity and potential flood risk.

Results indicate that Llaca Lake has undergone significant expansion over recent decades, with notable retreat of the adjacent Llaca Glacier. This retreat has exposed a dynamic moraine system characterized by steep, unstable slopes and active mass-wasting processes. Sedimentological analysis reveals that the moraine complex is composed of poorly sorted, unconsolidated material, increasing its susceptibility to breach or failure. Hydrological modeling highlights the lake's dependence on glacial meltwater inputs, which are projected to decline with ongoing glacier retreat, altering downstream water availability and ecosystem services.

Hazard assessment of Llaca Lake underscores the potential for GLOF events triggered by slope instability, ice calving, or seismic activity, all of which are exacerbated by the fragile geomorphic and climatic setting. Vulnerability mapping identified downstream communities, infrastructure, and ecosystems at risk, emphasizing the need for proactive monitoring and risk mitigation strategies.

This study highlights the value of a landsystem framework for understanding the interplay of geomorphic, hydrological, and climatic processes in shaping tropical moraine-dammed lakes. Llaca Lake serves as a critical case study for addressing broader implications of glacial retreat in the tropical Andes, including water security, ecosystem resilience, and disaster risk reduction. The findings contribute to regional efforts in sustainable water management and hazard mitigation, offering transferable insights for other rapidly deglaciating mountain systems worldwide.

By integrating multi-disciplinary methods and a holistic perspective, this research advances our understanding of the complex dynamics of moraine-dammed glacial lakes and their role in tropical alpine environments in a warming world.


How to cite: Maclachlan, J., Narro Perez, R., Dávila Roller, L., Eyles, C., and Kandiah, A.: Land System Analysis of Llaca Lake: A Tropical Moraine-Dammed Supraglacial Lake in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14171,, 2025.

EGU25-15208 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Interdisciplinary Integration in Alpine Social-Ecological Systems Research 

Hanna Salomon, Julie Dölker, Louis König, Jasmin Krähenbühl, Veronika Schick, Chantal Schmidt, Harald Bugmann, Sabine Hoffmann, Eva Lieberherr, Ivana Logar, Brian McArdell, Peter Molnar, Fritz Schlunegger, Astrid Zabel, and Jialin Zhang

The inter- and transdisciplinary research project TREBRDIGE (formally titled Transformation toward Resilient Ecosystems: Bridging Natural and Social Sciences) focuses on watershed management in Alpine regions in Switzerland. centuries, check dams have been constructed in streams to control erosion and flooding, while intensive forest management in these areas has further influenced both flood and erosion processes. The maintenance of flood management infrastructure requires high financial investments and at the same time affects the resilience of the ecosystems. The aim of TREBRIDGE is to identify alternative policy and management approaches of watersheds in Alpine regions. Such approaches aim on the one hand to increase the resilience of Alpine ecosystems in coping with extreme weather events and on the other hand meet societal needs regarding natural resource use and protection.

The transdisciplinary aspect of TREBRIDGE focuses on creating and assessing alternative policy and management to explore different scenarios which are co-created in collaboration with researchers, policymakers, as well as national, regional, and local actors. We focus on three case study areas in the Swiss Alps: Alptal (Canton Schwyz), Gürbetal (Canton Bern) and Illgraben (Canton Valais). All case studies are prone to varying natural hazard risks but have a in place.
The interdisciplinary aspect of TREBRIDGE takes a holistic view on watershed and forest functioning by assembling inter-​ and transdisciplinary scholars, geologists, geomorphologists, hydrologists, ecologists, economists, and policy analysts. To combine the socio-economic, ecological and geohydrological dimensions, we followed a structured method to develop a conceptual framework. The framework represents a comprehensive social-ecological system view and bridges three types of knowledge (systems, target, and transformation) as well as diverse disciplinary perspectives. Our poster contributes to this session in three ways: 1) We describe what steps can be taken to develop a conceptual framework when dealing with complex social-ecological systems that are influenced by drivers and processes of global change. The framework supports integration of diverse types of knowledge and perspectives from different disciplines. 2) We briefly present how such a framework could look like using the TREBRIDGE project as an example. 3) We outline how such a conceptual framework can be applied in interdisciplinary research settings to facilitate knowledge integration across disciplines.

How to cite: Salomon, H., Dölker, J., König, L., Krähenbühl, J., Schick, V., Schmidt, C., Bugmann, H., Hoffmann, S., Lieberherr, E., Logar, I., McArdell, B., Molnar, P., Schlunegger, F., Zabel, A., and Zhang, J.: Interdisciplinary Integration in Alpine Social-Ecological Systems Research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15208,, 2025.

EGU25-18916 | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Glacier retreat dominates surface warming by land cover change in Switzerland 

Dirk Scherler, Deniz Gök, and Hendrik Wulf

Between 1985 and 2018, 12% of Switzerland’s area changed its land cover, with significant impacts on land surface temperatures. Similar to other industrialized countries, settlements have grown, mostly at the expense of farmland, resulting in additional heating due to vegetation loss and surface sealing. Landsat-derived LST trends at 100 m spatial resolution show that the strongest warming from land cover change is associated with glacial retreat. Over the last four decades, ice loss has led to an average warming rate of 0.05 K/yr relative to surfaces with stable ice cover. Although land cover changes associated with the concurrent expansion of vegetation result in relative surface cooling, this is insufficient to counter the warming caused by ice retreat. The combination of relative surface cooling and warming due to land cover changes that occur in response to climate warming may contribute to the observed phenomenon of elevation-dependent warming. Furthermore, surface warming near the retreating ice is likely to affect the microclimate, possibly accelerating glacier retreat and promoting heat propagation to greater depths, which may lead to permafrost thawing and destabilization of steep rocky slopes.

How to cite: Scherler, D., Gök, D., and Wulf, H.: Glacier retreat dominates surface warming by land cover change in Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18916,, 2025.

EGU25-19947 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.8/NH13.16

 The risks of mountain activities: tourism accidents in the Ceahlau Massif (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) 

Maria Cristina Cimpoeșu, Lucian Roșu, and Adrian Grozavu

Tourism-related accidents in mountainous regions represent a significant concern for public safety organizations worldwide. This study examines accident patterns and risk factors in the Ceahlau Massif, Eastern Carpathians, Romania – which attracts many tourists yearly due to its accessibility and popularity – employing a mixed-methods approach to analyze the typology, frequency, and spatio-temporal distribution of tourist accidents across various hiking trails.The methodology integrated qualitative and quantitative techniques, including systematic literature review, institutional data collection, and semi-structured interviews with both safety experts and tourists. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were utilized for cartographic analysis, while mathematical statistics and spatial measurement tools, specifically the Lorentz curve and Gini coefficient, were employed to evaluate distribution patterns and causal mechanisms of accidents.Results revealed distinct temporal and spatial patterns in accident occurrence. Temporal analysis demonstrated a significant seasonal variation, with accident frequencies peaking during summer months, particularly August. The spatial distribution of accidents showed marked heterogeneity across different trails, with one of the route exhibiting the highest accident frequency. Injury typology analysis indicated that fractures and sprains were the predominant forms of trauma, suggesting a correlation between trail difficulty and accident severity. Statistical analysis of accident distribution revealed significant spatial clustering, with a Gini coefficient indicating substantial inequality in accident distribution across different trail segments. This spatial concentration of accidents correlated strongly with specific topographical features and areas of high tourist density. Notably, the study identified a significant relationship between accident occurrence and tourist preparedness, with poorly equipped visitors showing higher vulnerability to injury.These findings have important implications for mountain safety management. The clear temporal patterns suggest the need for enhanced safety measures during peak tourist seasons. The spatial concentration of accidents along specific routes indicates the necessity for targeted infrastructure improvements and may inform the strategic positioning of emergency response resources. Future research directions could include detailed analysis of weather-related factors and the development of predictive models for accident occurrence based on visitor numbers and environmental conditions. Additionally, comparative studies with other mountain regions could help establish broader patterns in tourist safety management.

How to cite: Cimpoeșu, M. C., Roșu, L., and Grozavu, A.:  The risks of mountain activities: tourism accidents in the Ceahlau Massif (Eastern Carpathians, Romania), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19947,, 2025.

The Alpine region experiences climate change at an accelerated pace compared to the rest of Europe, leading to profound and measurable impacts across all geospheres. To monitor, understand, and forecast these developments, European alpine observatories and research facilities have formed the interdisciplinary and cross-border Virtual Alpine Observatory Network (VAO). This collaborative network aims to unify and amplify individual research efforts, focusing on the comprehensive analysis and prediction of climate change effects throughout the Alpine Arc.

By exploring individual monitoring datasets for transnational patterns, the VAO creates a collective knowledge base that transcends the limitations of isolated understanding. This approach fosters innovative insights into the interconnected dynamics of the Alpine environment and enhances the ability to address climate challenges at a regional and global scale.

This study highlights the VAO network's expansion, its extensive data availability across Europe, and its potential for facilitating groundbreaking spatial analyses of geodata from various observatory stations. The findings illustrate the power of collaborative research in advancing climate science and informing strategies for environmental resilience.

The VAO network is substantially funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection.

How to cite: Kraushaar, S., Stammberger, V., and Krautblatter, M. and the VAO board members: More than the sum of its parts: Acting to better observe, understand, forecast and react to climate change in a combined Network of European High-Altitude Research Stations: The Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20113,, 2025.

EGU25-20609 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

Climate change vulnerability and adaptation among mountain guides in the Canadian Rockies 

Katherine Hanly and Graham McDowell

This study characterizes the vulnerability of mountain guides to climate change in the Canadian Rockies. Using semi-structured interviews (n=30) and one focus group (n=4 participants) with guides based in the region, we assess the extent to which guides have observed climate-related cryospheric change, evaluate the relevance of these changes to their guiding practices, and examine their responses to changing climatic conditions. Findings demonstrate that 100% of guides have observed climate-related changes in the mountain cryosphere of the Canadian Rockies, leading to an increase in objective hazards (90%), restrictions in when and where guides can operate (75%), and alterations in route character (63%). Guides experience of these changes varied according to the type of guiding services they provide and their livelihood characteristics. In response, guides have adapted using temporal (100%), spatial (100%), and activity substitutions (83%), dedicating more time to research and planning (87%), and managing client expectations (53%). In using these adaptation strategies, guides in the region encountered both barriers and limitations. we elucidate the consequences of these impediments and discuss potential strategies for reducing or eliminating such barriers and limits to adaptation in a mountain guiding context. This study serves as a benchmark for tracking lived experiences of climate change amongst mountain guides in the Canadian Rockies, and offers insights for the development of interventions aimed at enhancing the resilience of mountain guiding communities in the face of evolving environmental challenges.

How to cite: Hanly, K. and McDowell, G.: Climate change vulnerability and adaptation among mountain guides in the Canadian Rockies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20609,, 2025.

EGU25-21510 | Orals | ITS3.8/NH13.16

A coupled-human-landscape model for understanding resilience patterns and pathways of mountain communities 

Annemarie Polderman, Andrea Kehl, Andreas Mayer, Pia Echtler, Matthias Schlögl, Sven Fuchs, and Margreth Keiler

The coupled human-landscape system (CHLS) conceptual model, developed by Hossain et al. (2020), integrates natural and social processes using system dynamics to capture interactions and feedbacks between socio-economic and biophysical systems. This model enables the assessment of mountain communities’ risks and resilience to natural hazards. However, further development of the model is necessary to deepen understanding of key interactions and feedbacks. The goal is to refine the CHLS model as a “blueprint” for providing insights into future trajectories of mountain community risk and resilience, while also broadening perspectives on hazard and risk management by integrating adaptation strategies into the context of governance arrangements.

The ACRP project EMERGENCE explores how transdisciplinary knowledge co-creation within a multi-scale assessment framework—encompassing climate triggers, geomorphometric characteristics, mitigation efforts, and exposure dynamics—enhances understanding of the processes driving torrential loss events and the resilience of mountain communities. This approach bridges the gap between conceptual human-landscape interaction modelling and the practical knowledge of stakeholders in hazard risk management. The insights gained inform adaptation strategies that are tailored to stakeholder needs.

We present how Austrian experts in hazard and climate risk management identified damage triggers and examined their interactions within the CHLS framework. These efforts contributed to refining the model at the conceptual or numerical level, or by enhancing its basic assumptions. This process has strengthened the CHLS model’s capacity to provide insights into future trajectories of mountain community resilience and adaptation strategies.



Hossain, M.S., Ramirez, J.A., Haisch, T., Speranza, C.I., Martius, O., Mayer, H., & Keiler, M. (2020). A coupled human and landscape conceptual model of risk and resilience in Swiss Alpine communities. Science of the Total Environment, 730, 138322.

How to cite: Polderman, A., Kehl, A., Mayer, A., Echtler, P., Schlögl, M., Fuchs, S., and Keiler, M.: A coupled-human-landscape model for understanding resilience patterns and pathways of mountain communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21510,, 2025.

Megaliths are monumental structures that rank among the most fascinating and spectacular artefacts of European prehistory. The word “megalith” is derived from the Greek: megas, meaning “great” and lithos, meaning “stone,” thus literally translating to “a great stone.” The term “megalith” was first employed in the early 19th century to denote such monuments. Numerous megalithic constructions emerged not only across Europe but also in other parts of the world, including Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Oceania. In Europe, their chronology spans approximately from 5000 to 2000 BC, though their development persisted longer in some Mediterranean regions. For over 500 years, these monumental structures have captivated antiquarians and archaeologists alike, serving as key subjects of inquiry into prehistoric societies. The cultural context of megaliths is exceptionally intriguing. These monuments held immense significance not only for their creators and their immediate descendants but also for societies hundreds or even thousands of years later. Megaliths have inspired a wide range of emotional responses, awe, curiosity, fascination and fear. These reactions are reflected in diverse sources, such as archaeological evidence, written texts, iconography, folklore and toponymy. The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate, through selected examples from across Europe, how megaliths have persisted in cultural traditions and collective human consciousness. Furthermore, it explores their transformation into one of the most enduring and significant elements of European archaeological heritage. 

How to cite: Matuszewska, A.: Life after Life. Cultural Context and Perception of Megaliths in Prehistory and Modern Times Based on Selected Sources. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2003,, 2025.

From the soils that sustain our crops to the homes we've built, the technology we rely on, our biological makeup, and even the tea or coffee you drink, rocks have had a profound influence on human life for as long as we have existed. No wonder rock has inspired art, folklore, beliefs and scientific study across the ages. Stories of Mother Earth were passed down by our ancestors, who spoke of creation, destruction and a deep connection with the rhythms of our planet. But today these whispers risk being quietened forever. We have stolen from the earth and the people who have revered it, causing destruction and erasure in pursuit of wealth and progress. It has never been more urgent to ensure the stories held by rock are preserved and heard once more.

The Whispers of Rock is a new book (released in the USA and UK on 4th September 2025) which explores how the wisdom that lies in the 'whispers' we hear from rock can personally connect us with land and nature leading to a more empathetic and ethical relationship with our planet. Blending together different ways of knowing from scientific research, ancient wisdom, spiritual and cultural practice from across the world, this new work offers the hope of reconnection with the earth, as we recognise and appreciate our role in the continuous cycle of creation and reinvention. 

How to cite: Khatwa, A.: The Whispers of Rock: How different ways of knowing can enhance our understanding of the Earth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2149,, 2025.

The Dartmoor massif, occupying 954 km2 of central Devon (SW England), is dominated by Variscan granite with a narrow aureole of Devonian-Carboniferous metasediments. Rising to around 500-600m asl, typically 250-300m above its hinterland, this difference in geology and altitude has led to the development of a very distinct landscape. In particular, extreme climate cycles of the Quaternary, fluctuating from humid, warm temperate to glacial created the perfect environment for landscape evolution, with phases of periglacial solifluction acting on deeply pre-glacially and interglacially weathered bedrock leading to widespread tor formation – the region being famous for the development of models for such processes. Crucially, the generally thin, acidic and poor soils, extensive areas of surface rock - have meant that human intervention in the landscape - especially cultivation - has been limited and consequently extensively areas of periglacial features remain spectacularly well-preserved. In addition, the high relief gives the massif a distinctive climate to much of the surrounding area, being cooler, wetter and more prone to mist and cloud. When combined with the distinctive landforms and landscapes such as tors, block-fields, valley mires and blanket bog – the latter often with an important Holocene climate record- it is not surprising that Dartmoor is a land of myths and legends with a strongly geomorphological inspiration. Although the origins of many of these stories will be pre-Christian, they have been lost and too often assigned an evil character connected with devils and witches, as a way of ‘burying’ any latent connection with ancient gods and spirits… Hints of some of these origins exist in Saxon words and place names such a local name for the (or ‘a’?) devil, ‘dewar’, or spectral hounds known as ‘wisht’. However, as settlements on the moor date back to at least the Neolithic have been identified, some of these legends will undoubtedly have much older origins. These early farming cultures, however, had the most dramatic effect on the landscapes of Dartmoor, leading to an almost complete deforestation, hence re-exposing periglacial landforms and landscapes, but also leading to an irreversible deterioration of surviving soils due to leaching and acidification, especially as a result of subsequent climate cooling and increased rainfall. These changes led to an abandonment of many higher moor settlements during the Middle Ages and hence only some lower areas of the moor, have been modified by post 17th century enclosure, and much of the area remains as open moorland revealing a wide range of well-preserved landforms. Some ancient myths and legends also persist, however, as they have inspired classic literature and ultimately film and television, most famously Arthur Conan-Doyle’s, Sherlock Holmes story,  ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’, where a spectral dog and ancient curse haunt an aristocratic family.   Today, the unique features of Dartmoor are protected by a wide range of conservation designations from site and feature-specific to whole landscape as a National Park.

How to cite: Page, K. and Migoń, P.: Dartmoor, SW England – a uniquely well-preserved Pleistocene periglacial landscape and an inspiration for myth and legend, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2777,, 2025.

EGU25-4153 | Orals | ITS3.13/NH13.18 | Highlight

Devils, Missionaries, Bandits and Refugees - Geomythology of the Chřiby Mountains (SE Czechia) 

Lucie Kubalíková, Piotr Migoń, Karel Kirchner, and František Kuda

The Chřiby Mountains are a low-altitude, isolated mountain range in the Czech part of the Carpathians. Although the regional relief is not particularly conspicuous, many myths, legends and folk stories are associated with various minor geodiversity elements such as crags, springs, more distinctive terrain elevations, and valleys. They represent three types: (1) myths that directly explain the origin of a landform or a phenomenon; (2) stories that use a geodiversity element as a backstage of a supposedly historical event, and certain properties of the site are included as an important component of such a story; (3) other types of stories such as fake news, incorrect scientific interpretations, or popular tales. Altogether, 55 different sites with geomythological aspects were identified from an overview of regional literature. Sandstone crags, as the most striking landforms in the flysch landscape, feature in more than half of all stories, but only some of them are linked with the presence or activity of supernatural forces (devils, dwarves). Most stories recorded in the Chřiby area relate to various supposedly historical events, involving rulers of the Great Moravia kingdom in the 9–10th century, early Christian missionaries, religious refugees during the counterreformation period, and bandits. These old stories, passed from one generation to another, inspired the search for material traces of those events during the period of national revival in Czechia in the 19th century, leading to many erroneous interpretations of natural features as anthropogenic structures. The distinctiveness of the Chřiby area within the flysch Carpathians is manifested through many stories related to the period of Great Moravia, which have significantly contributed to the local identity. The mythical aura still surrounds the area and makes it a popular tourist destination, which is both an opportunity and challenge for geoscientific interpretation.

How to cite: Kubalíková, L., Migoń, P., Kirchner, K., and Kuda, F.: Devils, Missionaries, Bandits and Refugees - Geomythology of the Chřiby Mountains (SE Czechia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4153,, 2025.

EGU25-5845 | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Great glacial giants: erratic boulders of northern Poland as witnesses of the Pleistocene ice age and beyond 

Karol Tylmann, Piotr P. Woźniak, Vincent Rinterknecht, and Robert Piotrowski

Erratic boulders are among the most spectacular geological phenomena left in the landscape by past ice sheets. In Central Europe, the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (FIS) advanced and retreated several times during the Pleistocene, depositing thick layers of clastic sediments and fragments of Scandinavian bedrock of various sizes, including large erratics. Northern Poland, in particular, features a landscape rich in erratic boulders deposited by the last FIS around 24–15 ka. These large erratics are fascinating geological objects, providing valuable information about the flow directions of the last FIS (through petrographic properties) and the timing of the ice sheet's retreat (via cosmogenic nuclide inventories). They also hold significant societal importance, serving as natural resources, providing notable landmarks, and serving as a fantastic source for geomythology.

In this study, we present the occurrence and characteristics of erratic boulders within the area covered by the last and penultimate glaciations in northern Poland. Large erratics were identified using books, maps, and catalogues dedicated to environmentally protected sites (e.g., lists of natural monuments). We compiled all available information about large erratics into a GIS database and screened it to identify the largest in situ boulders potentially suitable for surface exposure dating with cosmogenic ¹⁰Be. In subsequent phases of our study, these boulders were used as key dating sites for reconstructing the chronology of the last FIS retreat in northern Poland. Additionally, some of these boulders hold significant cultural importance for local communities, paving the way to legends and myths, serving as esoteric places, or becoming locations commemorating important historical events.

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (grants No. 2023/49/N/HS3/02181 and 2022/46/E/ST10/00074).

How to cite: Tylmann, K., Woźniak, P. P., Rinterknecht, V., and Piotrowski, R.: Great glacial giants: erratic boulders of northern Poland as witnesses of the Pleistocene ice age and beyond, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5845,, 2025.

EGU25-5937 | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Stone footprints of giants in the young glacial landscape of Pomerania (NW Poland and NE Germany) 

Dariusz Brykała, Eva Becker, and Jakub Jaszewski

To understand the surrounding world - for millennia man has tried to interpret natural hazards, geological processes and geomorphological forms. This attempt to understand and order the surrounding environment manifested itself in the emergence and long functioning of legends and beliefs (Juśkiewicz et al., 2025). This applied to the entire spectrum of the world that surrounded humans. One unique example of narratives specific only to Pomerania (NE Germany and NW Poland) are the legends written down by ethnographers at the turn of the 20th century relating to the so-called Hünenhacken - stone imprints of the heels of giants. Although they are indisputably the products of human hands - so far their purpose has not been clarified. They are most often considered the prehistoric and early historical grinding objects - the so-called “trough mills” or “grinding troughs.” Found in megalithic tombs and in agricultural fields among other erratic boulders, they were collected by local people, secondarily used to feed domestic animals, and even built into the walls of Christian churches as stoups - containers for holy water (Becker, 2020). The authors identified dozens of examples of such “sacred” use in Germany and Poland.

Communities that are looking back to ancient tales and legends for their own local identity and uniqueness - are paying attention to the mystery of these unusual stones. Because they were made of erratic boulders - mainly Fennoscandian granites - they have great potential to become important artifacts of Pomerania's geocultural heritage.

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (Grant No. 2019/35/B/HS3/03933).


Becker, E. (2020). Das Mahlsteinmuseum Neu-Kleinow : Von Reibplatten, Handmühlen und Hünenhacken. Norderstedt: Books on Demand.

Juśkiewicz, W., Jaszewski, J., Brykała, D., Piotrowski, R., Alexander, K.M. and Juśkiewicz, K.B. (2025). Supernatural beings of Pomerania: postmodern mapping of folkloristic sources.  Journal of Maps 21 (1): 1-15,

How to cite: Brykała, D., Becker, E., and Jaszewski, J.: Stone footprints of giants in the young glacial landscape of Pomerania (NW Poland and NE Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5937,, 2025.

EGU25-6023 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Geocultural significance of millstones within the Southern Baltic Lowlands 

Zachariasz Mosakowski, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Czubla, Robert Piotrowski, and Olaf Juschus

We can say that the economy from medieval times till the beginnings of 20th century was managed in a nearly zero-waste manner. Every tool or utensil was used until it was worn out. In many cases, this „useless” items were re-used, often in an original or unobvious way. The great examples are quern stones and millstones, which were expensive both to produce or to buy. On Southern Baltic Lowlands they were mostly made in situ of commonly available materials, such as erratics brought in by Scandinavian ice sheet in Pleistocene. For thousands of years quern stones were one of the most common, and at the same time, most important tools used to meet one of the basic needs – food production. It is therefore not surprising that there was a specific emotional bond between man and these stones. These works of human creativity were immortalised in folklore[1] and often carried symbolic values – for example, in a biblical meaning millstone symbolises death, rebirth or transformation. Semi-finished or worn millstones were used as altars, ciboria, grave stones on Jewish and Christian cemeteries, as well as a material for monuments and sculptures. They also were embedded into church walls, which is a local phenomenon in Northern Poland and Northeastern Germany[2]. In recent years, however, they have also become a desirable material for creation of small architecture in public and private places, like parks or gardens. Some of them can be found in museal collections or in lapidaries, where they serve as geoeducational or geoturistic objects.

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (Grant No. 2019/35/B/HS3/03933).

[1] Piotrowski, R. and Wróblewska, V. (2024). “Memory of stones”. The motif of millstones production from erratic boulders in folk narrations from northern Germany and Poland: between a memory of craft and an object of memory. Fabula 65 (3-4): 334-355,

[2] Czubla, P., Brykała, D., Dąbski, M., Gierszewski, P., Błaszkiewicz, M., Mosakowski, Z. and Lamparski, P. (2024). Unobvious geoheritage in sacral buildings: millstones in churches of NE Poland from a geological and geomorphological perspective, Geographia Polonica 97 (3), 327-354,

How to cite: Mosakowski, Z., Brykała, D., Czubla, P., Piotrowski, R., and Juschus, O.: Geocultural significance of millstones within the Southern Baltic Lowlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6023,, 2025.

EGU25-6226 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Past knowledge, legends and inspirations for the future. The geo-cultural value of erratic boulders in the Southern Baltic Lowlands  

Robert Piotrowski, Dariusz Brykała, Piotr Czubla, and Karol Tylmann

Past knowledge, legends and inspirations for the future. The geo-cultural value of erratic boulders in the Southern Baltic Lowlands

Erratic boulders represent an important element of the Southern Baltic lowland landscapes. A network of dependencies and interactions developed between erratic boulders and humans. These relationships were both pragmatic and symbolic. Erratic boulders were attributed supernatural qualities – they were revered, perceived through the lens of demonic worldviews, and associated with epiphanies and manifestations of beings/entities deemed dangerous to humans (Juśkiewicz et al. 2025). Since the Neolithic period, erratic boulders were used in sepulchral rituals (Matuszewska 2022, 402, 408). Stone tombs were constructed from them, symbolizing the ‘stone sky,’ a concept present in Indo-European cultures. Erratic boulders were also used as a source of building materials and millstones. In the latter case, narratives exist in which the process of material extraction and production was linked to the supernatural (Piotrowski & Wróblewska 2024).

Erratic boulders with distinctive forms were given names, and their origins were interpreted. Most commonly, they were associated with giants or devils who transported them from distant lands, including Norway and Sweden. These interpretations, strikingly similar to contemporary data, are a compelling example of pre-scientific intuition. Analyzing these narratives helps uncover the cultural phenomenon of erratic boulders.

The combination of traditional local knowledge, legends, and contemporary scientific data provides a comprehensive – both holistic and inclusive – understanding of the geo-cultural phenomenon that erratic boulders represent. Only by integrating geological values with both tangible and intangible cultural values can a new geo-cultural quality be achieved, enhancing their significance. The geo-cultural potential of erratic boulders offers an excellent foundation for creating local and regional branding. Erratic boulders can be utilized in geo-cultural tourism, education, and regional promotion.

A holistic approach that combines geological and cultural values not only deepens our understanding of the phenomenon of erratic boulders but also creates opportunities to use them as symbols of local and regional identity.


Juśkiewicz, W., Jaszewski, J., Brykała, D., Piotrowski, R., Alexander, K.M., and Juśkiewicz K.B. (2025). Supernatural beings of Pomerania: postmodern mapping of folkloristic sources.  Journal of Maps 21 (1): 1-15.

Matuszewska, A. and Schiller, M. (2022). Is It Just the Location? Visibility Analyses of the West Pomeranian Megaliths of the Funnel Beaker Culture. Open Archaeology 8: 402–435,

Piotrowski, R. and Wróblewska, V. (2024). “Memory of stones”. The motif of millstones production from erratic boulders in folk narrations from northern Germany and Poland: between a memory of craft and an object of memory. Fabula 65 (3-4): 334-355,

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (grants No. 2023/49/N/HS3/02181 and No. 2019/35/B/HS3/03933).


How to cite: Piotrowski, R., Brykała, D., Czubla, P., and Tylmann, K.: Past knowledge, legends and inspirations for the future. The geo-cultural value of erratic boulders in the Southern Baltic Lowlands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6226,, 2025.

Since when together with A. Negrete we theorized the efficaciousness of using geo-myths in a classroom for Earth education purposes (Lanza, T. &Negrete, A. 2007) we have experimented the use of them in different science narratives context. We have used geo-myths in science theatre experiences (Lanza, T. et al 2014), including open-air museum (Lanza, T. 2014). More recently, we have involved scholars of secondary schools for readapting myths and transforming them in fairy-tales for primary school children (Lanza,T.& D’Addezio, G. 2021). The students came from the Classical high school and for this reason they had a suitable background for our purposes. At the same time, it was an opportunity for them to learn about the geology of the area where they live and to pass it on to the little ones through their work.   At present we have a repertory of five fairy –tales that we use during outreach events. The next step will be to involve students from Art high schools to illustrate the content in an original way in anticipation of future editorial products for primary school teachers. 

How to cite: Lanza, T. and D'Addezio, G.: Fairy-tale planet: readapting geo-myths for primary school children to expand the knowledge of the Earth., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6621,, 2025.

EGU25-7083 | Orals | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Stories of Alpine neoglaciation: Scientific framings by isotope datings and scenarios of rapid climate change 

Andrea Fischer, Azzurra Spagnesi, Pascal Bohleber, David Wachs, Daniela Festi, Martin Stocker-Waldhuber, and Thomas Reitmaier

Mythological narratives of reglaciation are found in story collections all over the Eastern Alps. For glaciers like the Marmolada (IT), Übergossene Alm, Gurgler Ferner (AT) and many others, almost identical story lines describe heavy thunderstorms during summer that covered fertile alpine pastures with large amounts of snow. Snow that did not melt in the following years, burying huts, hay storage barns and people. Snow heights could range from buried cooking huts, which can be as low as 1.5 m to hay storage barns of several metres height. Interestingly, there is still an ongoing discourse whether Ötzi, the ice man, was covered by such a type of event after dying on snow-free ground, based on radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis, as well as on an analysis of his last meal. As historical pendant to prehistoric findings, the written history of mining activities, together with dendrochronological findings, shows that mining sites were buried under snow and ice during the Little Ice Age.

From a glaciological perspective, the potential course and pace of reglaciation is significant for several reasons. First, the variability of snow cover and extreme events is important for the interpretation of Alpine (and potentially discontinuous) ice cores. Second, the chance of an Alpine reglaciation at the end of this century is small, but cannot be ruled out, so that it is vital to understand the potential course and role of mean and extreme precipitation events. Moreover, finding out whether those myths could be tied to volcanic events would help to capture the potential information that has survived for centuries in oral tradition. A prominent and recent example of climate events alive in oral tradition is the story of 1816, the year without summer. Third, in terms of hazard research, events as described in the mythological narratives could highlight major issues for modern mountain societies.

Geoarchives, such as ice cores, dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating, can help to verify hypotheses derived from the myths by constraining a potential timing. Datings of the oldest ice of Weißseespitze and Schladminger Glacier confirm a reglaciation of the Eastern Alps, with the timing depending on elevation. In addition, radiocarbon dating of organic material close to recently deglaciated summits points to potential periods of reglaciation, the latest one occurring at lower elevations just before the Little ice Age. By that time the Alps had already been converted to Christianity, so the religious framing with reference to Christian festivities could fit that outermost and recent layer of those stories.

In the light of the modelling scenarios pointing to a potential sudden change in Atlantic ocean currents, with rapid climate changes for Northern and Central Europe, the key features of the myths could reoccur: Heavy thunderstorm events during summer in warm air bringing in a cold front with extreme precipitation, followed by a lasting drop in summer mean temperature or decreased solar radiation, with a snow cover that fails to melt for years. Myths like that could offer a potential synoptic scenario related to global climate change.

How to cite: Fischer, A., Spagnesi, A., Bohleber, P., Wachs, D., Festi, D., Stocker-Waldhuber, M., and Reitmaier, T.: Stories of Alpine neoglaciation: Scientific framings by isotope datings and scenarios of rapid climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7083,, 2025.

EGU25-7137 | Orals | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Integrating Spatial Analysis and Community Knowledge for Identifying Flood-Prone Areas in Tamil Nadu, India 

Nigam Dave, Vaishnavi Pratishtha, Shrishti Kushwah, Pranshu Joshi, and Batul Kakkai

The dual forces of a warming climate and rapid urban growth are increasingly rendering cities vulnerable to flooding. Despite warnings embedded in oral histories and folk literature, indigenous knowledge is often overlooked, leaving cities to grapple with annual floods and underscoring the urgent need to identify critical areas for urban planning. This study addresses the issue in Tamil Nadu's coastal regions, employing proximity analysis, a GIS-based technique, to identify flood-prone areas by examining the spatial relationships among water bodies, settlements, and infrastructure. By integrating geospatial data with historical flood narratives and community oral histories, the research grounds technical findings in local experiences. The results highlight spatial vulnerability patterns, stressing the importance of protective zones and informed policy recommendations, including zoning laws, infrastructure planning, and community adaptation. This study adopts an interdisciplinary approach, combining insights from humanities and urban planning to bridge technical analysis with local knowledge, demonstrating how digital humanities can enhance sustainable flood management and climate resilience.

How to cite: Dave, N., Pratishtha, V., Kushwah, S., Joshi, P., and Kakkai, B.: Integrating Spatial Analysis and Community Knowledge for Identifying Flood-Prone Areas in Tamil Nadu, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7137,, 2025.

Geomythology is a hybrid discipline combining geology and mythology, invented in 1973 by geologist Dorothy Vitaliano. It aims to glean scientific information from legends and stories. One set of legends that has been fruitfully examined from a geomythological perspective is the Arthurian tales. While most mainstream historians believe that King Arthur never existed, there are facets of truth related to some of these narratives that have to do with natural, often geological, phenomena. This poster explores some of these connections by synthesizing current research on the topic, then offering hypotheses on the subject. Regarding present research, one claim is that the global volcanic winter caused by the eruption of the volcano Ilopango (El Salvador) in 535-536 A.D. may have influenced the Arthurian stories, particularly those of the alleged battles in which the monarch fought. A second claim is that Arthur’s favorite hunting dog, Cavall, who took part in the hunt for the great boar Twrch Trwyth, putatively left a mark in stone during one hunt. This mark may in fact have been caused by erosion or was the print of a large mammal such as a bear, mis-identified as that of a massive canine. A third conjecture pertains to the king’s battle against the monster of Mont Saint Michel, an episode recorded in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of Britain. Originally published in 1136, the History was a best-seller in the middle age and a key source of Arthurian lore. According to Geoffrey, Arthur slew a noxious giant who was terrorizing the island, and the method by which he kills the ogre may owe something to the practice of trepanation, a medieval surgical procedure in which a hole was drilled or bored into a skull. Fourth, the supposed bones of the king, which were unearthed during an 1191 exhumation of his corpse (in Glastonbury, England), may in fact have belonged to that of a large mammal. Summing up, while Arthur’s existence has never been proven, the stories surrounding him may shed light on geological and osteological events.

How to cite: Burbery, T.: Using Geomythology to Examine the Claims of the King Arthur Legends , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7160,, 2025.

EGU25-7189 | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18 | Highlight

Supernatural beings as creators of young-glacial landscape of Pomerania 

Jakub Jaszewski, Włodzimierz Juśkiewicz, Dariusz Brykała, Robert Piotrowski, Km Alexander, and Kacper Bogusz Juśkiewicz

Elements of the landscape and conceptions of the supernatural world often formed inseparable correlates. Erratic boulders, end moraines, eskers, kames, and peat bogs evoked interest as well as fear. They were associated with uncanny events and were also places where demonic figures resided. These symbolic landscape creations for the young glacial area in Pomerania were presented in the form of a map.

The 1:720,000 map ‘A New and Extensive Geographical Description of Supernatural Phenomena in Polish and German Pomerania’ (POMERANIÆ POLONICÆ ET GERMANICÆ PHÆNOMENA SUPERNATURALIA NOVA ET EMPLA DESCRIPTIO GEOGRAPHICA) presents the spatial distribution of supernatural beings along the Polish-German borderland (Juśkiewicz et al. 2025). Depicted phenomena include devils, spirits, wild hunters, gnomes, will-o'-the-wisps, giants, dragons, mermaids, ghosts, werewolves, apparitions, and nightmares, based on the 19th and 20-century folkloric sources compiled into a geospatial database. The map combines GIS and linocut techniques with graphic symbols inspired by Renaissance cartography, including decorative cartouches and vignettes. Integrating modern cartometric methods with traditional styles, the map is both artistic and rich in information on cultural beliefs, blending historical and contemporary cartography for a unique perspective on folklore in this culturally diverse region.

The final form of the map was created in a multi-stage process. For twelve depictions of supernatural beings, along with the title cartouche, general sketches were generated first using AI tools. After re-composition and corrections, they were transferred to the linoleum matrix. Following the carving, the matrices were printed and the prints scanned. In the final stage, the cartographic component developed using GIS tools was assembled with scans of linocuts and Renaissance ornaments using 2D graphics editing software.



Juśkiewicz, W., Jaszewski, J., Brykała, D., Piotrowski, R., Alexander, K.M., and Juśkiewicz K.B. (2025). Supernatural beings of Pomerania: postmodern mapping of folkloristic sources. Journal of Maps 21 (1): 1-15.


This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (grant No. 2023/49/N/HS3/02181).

How to cite: Jaszewski, J., Juśkiewicz, W., Brykała, D., Piotrowski, R., Alexander, K., and Juśkiewicz, K. B.: Supernatural beings as creators of young-glacial landscape of Pomerania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7189,, 2025.

EGU25-8101 | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18

Traces of supernatural beings or attempts to produce millstones from erratic boulders? 

Piotr Czubla, Dariusz Brykała, Paweł Pogodziński, Karol Tylmann, and Robert Piotrowski

The young glacial landscape of the Southern Baltic Lowlands contains a large number of erratic boulders with which local folk tales are associated (Juśkiewicz, et al. 2025; Piotrowski & Wróblewska 2024). There are motifs referring to the origin of the boulders and all kinds of traces - cracks, scratches, depressions, cup marks, holes were interpreted as the effect of supernatural interference. They were seen as traces of a devil's chain or of being struck by a devil's whip. Depressions and holes were interpreted as the marks of claws, hooves or even the devil's buttocks or a giant's hand. In the case of some of these boulders, the belief that they had a cultic purpose became firmly established, e.g. as pre-Christian sacrificial altars (so-called Opfersteine) or solar cult objects. Local names for these stones alluding to the intervention of saints, angels or demonic beings have survived to the present day. We will try to identify both anthropogenic and natural processes that led to the formation of microforms on the surface of the boulders, considered 'supernatural' in folk tradition.

This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (Grant No. 2019/35/B/HS3/03933).


Juśkiewicz, W., Jaszewski, J., Brykała, D., Piotrowski, R., Alexander, K.M. & Juśkiewicz, K.B. (2025). Supernatural beings of Pomerania: postmodern mapping of folkloristic sources.  Journal of Maps 21 (1): 1-15,

Piotrowski, R. & Wróblewska, V. (2024). “Memory of stones”. The motif of millstones production from erratic boulders in folk narrations from northern Germany and Poland: between a memory of craft and an object of memory. Fabula 65 (3-4): 334-355,

How to cite: Czubla, P., Brykała, D., Pogodziński, P., Tylmann, K., and Piotrowski, R.: Traces of supernatural beings or attempts to produce millstones from erratic boulders?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8101,, 2025.

EGU25-13289 | Posters on site | ITS3.13/NH13.18

ToPoTown: Tourism Potential of Townships - example of Katatura, Windhoek, Namibia 

Ralf Löwner and Sam Mwando

ToPoTown analyzes the feasibility of using precarious housing conditions for sustainable tourism in the “Katatura” township in Windhoek, Namibia. The focus is on economic feasibility, environmental relevance and acceptability among the population. Tourism should lead to an improvement in living conditions, which in turn has a positive impact on environmental conditions. With GIS-supported inventories, surveys of new data and their spatial analyses, the feasibility and environmental situation is being researched and at the same time a database is being created that can be used as a starting point for a web-based portal solution for structured resource management.

With just under 500,000 inhabitants, Windhoek is home to almost 20% of Namibia's total population. The city is experiencing rapid growth due to people whose hopes for work and a better life are based on its proximity to the capital. As a result, the urban area continues to expand. Overall, the living conditions of around 60% of Windhoek's inhabitants can be described as extremely precarious. Katatura is Windhoek's best-known and oldest suburb. It was created in the 1950s during apartheid in order to forced relocate the colored population from the city center according to ethnic groups. The City of Windhoek's pilot program to encourage the owners of historic houses in Katutura, which were built between 1959 and 1960, to exchange them for new, modern houses represents a unique opportunity to preserve Windhoek's cultural heritage and at the same time boost the local economy through tourism. Based on these buildings - which are very important for the people's consciousness - tourism could develop, which would help to improve the precarious situation of the inhabitants. This would also have very strong environmental aspects, as the disastrous pollution and land degradation resulting from this living situation could be significantly mitigated.

The aim of ToPoTown is to assess the feasibility of sustainable tourism, research the environmental conditions and thus create a database on the country's socio-cultural and natural resources. The content focus relates to the following points:

  • Inventory (socio-cultural and natural parameters)
  • Perspective of the residents
  • Environmental aspects (e.g. land use, pollution, degradation)
  • Designation of potential tourist centres

In terms of methodology, the focus is on analyzing remote sensing data in order to obtain information about relevant natural (e.g. climate, soils, terrain morphology, water) and technical parameters (e.g. water supply, health, infrastructure, electricity). On the other hand, socio-cultural parameters are collected through extensive qualitative and quantitative surveys. The results lead to the realization of a GIS with emotional aspects (“emotional GIS”). Finally, based on these principles, a site location analysis is developed as a generic model for a multi-criteria analysis to identify potential tourist centers.

ToPoTown provides an excellent starting point for conducting similar studies in other regions of Namibia and southern Africa, focusing on the following specific aspects of the regions:

  • Cultural-historical parameters,
  • Natural resources and environmental conditions,
  • Colonial historical parameters.

How to cite: Löwner, R. and Mwando, S.: ToPoTown: Tourism Potential of Townships - example of Katatura, Windhoek, Namibia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13289,, 2025.

NH14 – Further interesting sessions

EGU25-149 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.5

A Conceptual Prototype of an Urban Flood Early Warning System with High Spatial Resolution: A Study Case in São Paulo City 

Elton Vicente Escobar-Silva and Leonardo Bacelar Lima Santos

In 2022, the global population reached 8 billion, with 55% residing in urban areas. Projections for 2050 anticipate a growth to 9.77 billion, with approximately 6.6 billion people (nearly 68% of the world’s population) living in cities. Urban flooding emerges as a hazardous phenomenon affecting both developed and developing nations, endangering human lives and causing damage to properties, environmental degradation, and disruptions in economic and social activities, such as transportation systems and urban mobility. Addressing this challenge, Flood Early Warning Systems (FEWSs) can play a vital role in mitigating flood risks, enhancing absorptive capacity, and minimizing the impact of hazards, ultimately reducing the loss of life.

In this context, this project aims to create a prototype for a high spatial resolution flood early warning system that will identify flooding hotspots or zones in a pilot area (São Paulo City) and provide flood lead time at the urban micro-basins scale. The project will verify flood alerts by employing artificial intelligence (AI) methods. Furthermore, innovatively, the state of the art in this context will be explored for the national scenario. The anticipated outcomes are real-time geo-information of areas with higher flood risk, offering critical insights for effective response during such events. The project will advance scientific knowledge in this domain and provide a practical support tool for Civil Defense agents, decision-makers, and policymakers. The conceptual prototype developed in this initiative is envisaged to serve as a valuable resource for São Paulo City. Providing timely information empowers authorities to make informed decisions to contain and mitigate the impact of floods, fostering resilience in the face of this pressing environmental challenge.

How to cite: Escobar-Silva, E. V. and Santos, L. B. L.: A Conceptual Prototype of an Urban Flood Early Warning System with High Spatial Resolution: A Study Case in São Paulo City, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-149,, 2025.

EGU25-302 | ECS | Orals | HS4.5

Assessing the riverine flood forecast skill of GloFAS and Google Flood Hub with impact data and river flow observations to support early actions in Mali 

Els Kuipers, Valentijn Oldenburg, Edwin Sutanudjaja, Phuoc Phung, Andrea Ficchì, and Marc van den Homberg

Riverine floods are among the most destructive and frequent natural hazards in Mali. To mitigate their impacts, the Mali Red Cross has implemented an anticipatory action mechanism that activates early responses when predefined triggers are met. Currently, the Early Action Protocol (EAP) relies on real-time water level observations from the National Directorate of Hydraulics (DNH) of Mali. Triggers are activated when upstream water levels exceed thresholds, which are extrapolated downstream along the river network using estimated propagation times as the lead time. The current EAP’s trigger model lacks meteorological inputs, limiting skilful  lead times to less than four days. Recent advancements in global operational flood forecasting systems present opportunities to enhance Mali's EAP by leveraging increasingly skilful medium-range weather forecasts as inputs of both physically-based models, as in the Copernicus Emergency Management Service's Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS), and artificial intelligence-based models, like in Google Flood Hub. Incorporating forecasts from these models in Mali’s EAP could improve flood anticipation. This study evaluates the performance of the latest version of GloFAS (version 4) and Google Flood Hub alongside Mali’s current trigger model for the Niger and Senegal river basins in Mali. We evaluated hindcasted triggers aggregated to administrative units, using river flow observations and flood impact data, sourced from OCHA, EMDAT, DesInventar, DRPC Mali, DGPC Mali, CatNat, Relief, and a text-mining algorithm applied to newspaper articles. Model performance was assessed using Probability of Detection (POD) and False Alarm Ratio (FAR) for different lead times and discharge return period thresholds. GloFAS and Google Flood Hub demonstrated similar skill in frequently flooded regions, suggesting that lead times can be extended beyond the four-day window. However, performance assessments are limited by the quality of impact data. This study highlights the potential and challenges of enhancing flood forecasting and anticipatory action in Mali. In the future, incorporating flood extent mapping may improve forecast value by pinpointing affected communities, and impact databases can be improved using satellite imagery, enhancing forecast assessments for early actions.

How to cite: Kuipers, E., Oldenburg, V., Sutanudjaja, E., Phung, P., Ficchì, A., and van den Homberg, M.: Assessing the riverine flood forecast skill of GloFAS and Google Flood Hub with impact data and river flow observations to support early actions in Mali, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-302,, 2025.

EGU25-4063 | Orals | HS4.5

Impact-based flood early warning in Lao PDR and Cambodia 

Lorenzo Alfieri, Agathe Bucherie, Andrea Libertino, Lorenzo Campo, Mirko D'Andrea, Tatiana Ghizzoni, Simone Gabellani, Marco Massabò, Lauro Rossi, Roberto Rudari, Bounteum Sisouphanthavong, Hun Sothy, Eva Trasforini, Ramesh Tripathi, and Jason Thomas Watkins

Floods are among the most destructive natural hazards globally, with Southeast Asia being particularly vulnerable due to socioeconomic and geographical factors. Climate change exacerbates this vulnerability, increasing the frequency and intensity of flooding events and heightening the risks to millions of people and critical infrastructures. To address these challenges, disaster risk management is transitioning from traditional hazard-based to impact-based forecasting (IBF), which focuses on predicting the consequences of flood events. IBF emphasizes actionable insights, such as the number of people affected or disruptions to essential services, enabling more targeted early actions and decision-making.

This work shows the development and implementation of an operational impact-based flood forecasting and early warning system for five pilot river basins in Cambodia and Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR). The system integrates the use of the Continuum distributed hydrological model (see Alfieri et al., 2024) calibrated with dedicated discharge measurements, 30 m resolution inundation maps generated for seven constant probabilities of occurrence with the REFLEX model (Arcorace et al., 2024), and a risk assessment model implemented for seven asset categories including direct economic damage on built-up, population affected, crop land affected, grazing land affected, roads affected, education facilities and health facilities affected. The system is updated twice daily with four different global and limited area numerical weather predictions (NWP), enabling forecasting of flood impacts up to five days ahead of their occurrence and thus assisting hydro-meteorological forecasters and disaster managers in their daily monitoring.

A key feature of this system is a co-production platform for generating standardized warning bulletins, allowing rapid dissemination of actionable information. This automation significantly reduces the time required for decision-making and prioritization during emergencies, enhancing disaster response capabilities. By aligning with international initiatives like the Sendai Framework and the Early Warnings for All, this system represents a critical advancement in flood risk management, promoting resilience and minimizing disaster impacts in Southeast Asia.

How to cite: Alfieri, L., Bucherie, A., Libertino, A., Campo, L., D'Andrea, M., Ghizzoni, T., Gabellani, S., Massabò, M., Rossi, L., Rudari, R., Sisouphanthavong, B., Sothy, H., Trasforini, E., Tripathi, R., and Watkins, J. T.: Impact-based flood early warning in Lao PDR and Cambodia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4063,, 2025.

EGU25-5424 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.5

Development of surface water flood scenario catalogues for urban flood forecasting: A case study of le Jarret basin, Marseille. 

Akshay Kowlesser, Olivier Payrastre, Eric Gaume, and Pierre Nicolle

The development of efficient urban surface water flood forecasting systems is particularly challenging with respect to accurately anticipating the space-time location of heavy precipitations, and rapidly evaluating flood probabilities to issue timely alerts. This study presents an approach based on a pre-computed catalogue of flood inundation scenarios. This approach can serve as an intermediate alternative between basic rainfall threshold-based approaches, and computationally intensive real-time hydraulic simulations. The construction of the catalogue of flood scenarios is illustrated using the Jarret River basin in Marseille, France as a case study. The methodology uses a nine-year (2014-2023) radar rainfall reanalysis with 15-minute temporal and 1-kilometer spatial resolution to define a panel of representative rainfall hyetograph shapes for two-hour convective rainfall events of different return periods. A Telemac 2D hydrodynamic model via the CARTINO 2D approach is then used to obtain the flood scenarios related to each hyetograph. Two approaches are developed to build the hyetographs: (1) a temporal pattern analysis resulting in the distinction of three characteristic hyetograph shapes (short triangle, long triangle, rectangular), and (2) a monofrequency method using triangular hyetographs with consistent return periods across 15min to 2h durations, combined with a spatial attenuation according to the drainage areas impacted by each rainfall duration (cf. concentration times). Both approaches are applied for five return periods (5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 years) under three antecedent moisture conditions, to generate flood catalogues including 45 and 15 scenarios respectively. The resulting catalogues demonstrate the significant influence of temporal rainfall variability on inundation patterns over small catchment areas. As a next step, both approaches will be integrated in an experimental forecasting chain, and be evaluated through the reanalysis of past events. These predefined flood catalogues offer a practical framework for rapid flood response in urban areas exposed to high-intensity, short-duration rainfall events.

How to cite: Kowlesser, A., Payrastre, O., Gaume, E., and Nicolle, P.: Development of surface water flood scenario catalogues for urban flood forecasting: A case study of le Jarret basin, Marseille., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5424,, 2025.

EGU25-5862 | Orals | HS4.5

Catchment scale hydrodynamic flash flood simulation for early warning: insights from the 2021 Ahr flood event.  

Daniel Caviedes-Voullième, Shahin Khosh Bin Ghomash, and Mario Morales-Hernández

The 2021 Ahr Valley flood during storm Bernd exemplifies the severity of flash floods and the challenges in flood risk and emergency management. This event underscores the growing threat of flash floods, even in regions where they are not traditionally considered common. The sudden, localized nature of flash floods makes early warning systems (EWS) critical. Failures in EWS played a relevant role during the Ahr floods and have likely played roles in other catastrophic events, such as the 2023 Libya floods under storm Daniel and the October 2024 floods in Valencia. Effective warnings require better, actionable information from flash flood models, a challenge due to the rapid onset of such events, the high resolution needed, and significant computational demands.

This study examines the application of the fully dynamic 2D shallow water solver SERGHEI, specifically designed for multi-GPU systems in large-scale High-Performance Computing environments. The focus is on simulating the rainfall-runoff process and subsequent flooding during the 2021 Ahr floods.

In earlier work, we explored flood propagation dynamics in the lower Ahr valley using SERGHEI at a very high resolution of 1m. We showed that simulations could be performed quickly enough for early warning, but with two key limitations. Firstly, since the domain only includes the lower valley, an inflow hydrograph is required at the upstream boundary to force the model. When performing forecasts for early warning, such inflow hydrograph would need to be generated by some hydrological model for the catchment down to the point of inflow, thus requiring a modelling chain. Second, the domain of interest for flood impact modelling, and thus the location for the hydrograph generation, is a priori unknown.

To address these limitations, we scale up the simulation by simultaneously modelling runoff generation and flood propagation over the entire catchment (900 km2). We perform SERGHEI simulations informing the model with a 1m resolution DTM, and openly available land cover, land use and soil data to parametrise hydraulic roughness and infiltration processes. The model is forced using radar precipitation measurements (1km spatial resolution 5 minutes temporal resolution). The target simulation resolution is 1m, leading to a computational grid of ~900 million cells, requiring 128 A100 GPUs in the JUWELS supercomputer, running roughly 5x faster-than-real-time. To perform sensitivity analysis to the infiltration and roughness parameters, we perform simulations at 5m resolution, for which the 36 million cell domain only required 16 GPUs to perform computations ~45x faster than real time. We also explore other resolutions to understand the effects of resolution on the quality of the forecast, computational resources and attainable lead time.

The results show the tradeoffs among modelling approaches for this event and demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of this approach for early warning in flash flood events. They underscore the maturity of the technology and provide strong arguments for using it to augment existing operational flood forecasts, while still achieving excellent lead times and far better detailed flood impact forecasting.

How to cite: Caviedes-Voullième, D., Khosh Bin Ghomash, S., and Morales-Hernández, M.: Catchment scale hydrodynamic flash flood simulation for early warning: insights from the 2021 Ahr flood event. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5862,, 2025.

EGU25-8134 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.5

Explainability of rainfall-runoff events based on radar and station based rainfall observations 

Adina Brandt and Uwe Haberlandt

Intense rainfall events with high intensities over short durations frequently result in substantial runoff and increased potential for flooding in affected catchments. The accurate assessment of flood hazards remains challenging due to the high variability of rainfall dynamics and their spatial distributions. Rain gauge stations provide precise point measurements; however, they lack information on the spatial distribution of rainfall. Conversely, weather radar offers high-resolution spatial and temporal rainfall data but is subject to biases and uncertainties that require correction.

Previous studies have predominantly focused on pointwise comparisons of rainfall data products. In contrast, this study utilizes data from 109 catchments in Lower Saxony, Germany, to evaluate the ability of station-based and radar-derived rainfall data (using the corrected Radklim product from the German Weather Service) to explain and classify observed runoff events. These events are categorized as Flash Floods, Short-Rain Floods or Long-Rain Floods and the quality of the rainfall data is analyzed in relation to these classifications. Furthermore, the study investigates whether significant runoff events can be exclusively explained by one rainfall data source.

By comparing catchment-averaged rainfall from stations and radar, this research highlights the strengths and limitations of both data types in representing rainfall-runoff relationships. The findings will contribute to improved flood hazard assessment and emphasize the importance of selecting appropriate rainfall datasets for hydrological analyses and early warning systems.

How to cite: Brandt, A. and Haberlandt, U.: Explainability of rainfall-runoff events based on radar and station based rainfall observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8134,, 2025.

EGU25-11063 | ECS | Orals | HS4.5

Quantifying Uncertainty in Flash Flood Forecasting using Ensemble Methods and Sensitivity Analysis 

Arne Reinecke, Andreas Hänsler, Markus Weiler, Hannes Leistert, Max Schmit, Andreas Steinbrich, Ingo Haag, Julia Krumm, Janek Zimmer, Nena Grießinger, Bettina Huth, Thomas Brendt, Yan Liu, Harrie-Jan Hendricks-Franssen, and Insa Neuweiler

Short-term flood and inundation forecasts are challenging due to the short lead time of convective heavy rainfall events and the associated uncertainties of input data or model initial conditions. These uncertainties propagate along the forecast chain to uncertainties of the prediction of flooding extents, flow regimes, and, eventually, potential damages. Within the research project AVOSS (funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research) the aim is to quantify the contribution of the accompanying uncertainties of the individual forecast components. Hence, we focus on the uncertainties of the input variables particularly precipitation variability, soil moisture and soil properties, and urban drainage system effects as well as associated model and parameter uncertainties.

The applied forecast model chain consists of three parts. The first part is an ensemble based radar forecast of the temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall intensity. In a second part hydrological models are used to predict surface runoff formation based on the rainfall forecasts and pre-event soil moisture estimates. To capture the variety of different model approaches, two different hydrological models (RoGeR [1] and LARSIM [2]) were used. In a third step, the ensemble of surface runoff estimates from the hydrological models were then used to calculate inundation depths, flow velocities and local discharge applying a hydraulic surrogate model based on neural networks. The surrogate model was trained using a large ensemble of hydrodynamically simulated runoff scenarios generated by the 2D-hydraulic model HydroAS [3]. Uncertainties underlying the 2D-hydraulic model were considered by repeating a subset of hydraulic simulations with two additional hydraulic models.

We applied the forecast approach to an urbanized catchment at the foothills of the Black Forest, Germany, with a catchment extend of about 20 km². Based on the short computation time of the neural network model, which has been found to provide good reproductions of maximum water depths, maximum flow velocities, and maximum discharges, the setup enables the production of large forecast ensemble, suitable for a profound uncertainty estimate. In order to systematically evaluate and rank the influence of the input, parameter and model uncertainties along the forecast chain, a sensitivity analysis using Sobol Indices was carried out with the SAFE toolbox [4].

The results demonstrate which uncertainties plays the dominant role in short-term flash flood forecasting. Our study also enhances knowledge about the overall uncertainties for real events and their specific quantitative effects in pluvial flash floods. Furthermore, we identified the most relevant factors to be considered for the design of real-time flood hazard maps and subsequent damage forecasts. This ultimately has the potential to create more reliable predictions for pluvial flash floods and provide insights for decision-making under uncertainty.


[1] Steinbrich et al. (2016): Model-based quantification of runoff generation processes at high spatial and temporal resolution. Environmental Earth Sciences (2016) 75:1423.

[2] Bremicker (2000). Das Wasserhaushaltsmodell LARSIM: Modellgrundlagen und Anwendungsbeispiele. Institut für Hydrologie der Universität Freiburg.

[3] Hydrotec mbH (2021): 2D-Strömungsmodell für die wasserwirtschaftliche Praxis.

[4] Pianosi et al. (2015), A Matlab toolbox for Global Sensitivity Analysis, Environmental Modelling & Software, 70, 80-85.

How to cite: Reinecke, A., Hänsler, A., Weiler, M., Leistert, H., Schmit, M., Steinbrich, A., Haag, I., Krumm, J., Zimmer, J., Grießinger, N., Huth, B., Brendt, T., Liu, Y., Hendricks-Franssen, H.-J., and Neuweiler, I.: Quantifying Uncertainty in Flash Flood Forecasting using Ensemble Methods and Sensitivity Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11063,, 2025.

EGU25-11710 | Posters on site | HS4.5

Development of a Web-Based Early-Warning System for Seasonal Hydrogeological Drought Prediction and Assessment of Water Resource Resilience in a Transboundary Karst System 

Alireza Kavousi, Margarita Saft, Ulrich Maier, Irina Engelhardt, Assaf Hochman, Micha Gebel, Peter Dietrich, and Martin Sauter

Quantification and prediction of droughts have mainly been focused on the surface and/or meteorological components of the water cycle due to the complex nature of subsurface processes and limited observational data on the hydrogeological component of the water cycle. A web-based Early Warning System (EWS) has been developed to predict seasonal hydrogeological droughts and to assess the resilience of subsurface water resources in the West Bank transboundary karst system, which encompasses the territories of Israel and the Palestinian regions of the West Bank. This innovative tool integrates the monthly-released seasonal weather prediction data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service with a surrogate hydrogeological model to predict the functioning of the karst hydrogeological system and characterize its potential drought conditions. A multi-model ensemble (MME) of daily seasonal predictions has been considered to quantify the spatiotemporal uncertainty of daily climatic variables, which subsequently translates to recharge, storage, and discharge in the subsurface, to be highlighted as the ranges of hydrogeological drought indices. The surrogate deep auto-regressive neural network model (Deep-AR-Net), is utilized to reduce the computational burden of a process-based variably-saturated double-permeability model of the region. The EWS incorporates multiple variables of the MME, including precipitation and temperature, along with flow observations on groundwater levels and spring discharges, to predict hydrogeological conditions during the upcoming six months via Deep-AR-Net. The EWS presents results through an interactive map interface and graphical displays, allowing water resource managers to visualize potential droughts and compare predictions against established drought index thresholds. The development of the EWS is a significant advancement in hydrogeological drought prediction and water resource management for karst systems in arid and semi-arid region. By providing a shared platform for data analysis and visualization, it facilitates collaborative decision-making and helps to prevent potential conflicts related to water use in this sensitive region, which has always been under significant water stress and political tension. More specifically, it will support water managers and policymakers as a powerful instrument to enhance drought preparedness, optimize water allocation, and implement timely mitigation strategies in the face of increasing climate variability and water scarcity.

How to cite: Kavousi, A., Saft, M., Maier, U., Engelhardt, I., Hochman, A., Gebel, M., Dietrich, P., and Sauter, M.: Development of a Web-Based Early-Warning System for Seasonal Hydrogeological Drought Prediction and Assessment of Water Resource Resilience in a Transboundary Karst System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11710,, 2025.

EGU25-13608 | Orals | HS4.5

Towards operational flash flood early warning for an arid watershed in Oman based on hydro-meteorological ensemble forecasting 

Jens Grundmann, Michael Wagner, Jonas Wischnewski, Badar Al-Jahwari, and Ghazi Al-Rawas

Reliable warnings and forecasts of extreme precipitation and resulting floods are an important prerequisite for disaster managers to initiate flood defence measures. Thus, disaster managers are interested in extended forecast lead times, which can be obtained by employing forecasts of numerical weather models as driving data for hydrological models. Especially in arid environments, warning and forecasting systems are often missing. Challenges arise due to the short response time of watersheds and the uncertainties of the meteorological forecasts. Thus, ensemble forecasts of precipitation are an option to portray these inherent uncertainties.

This study aims to explore the usability of a global numeric weather forecast model for flash flood early warning and present our operational web-based demonstration platform for hydro-meteorological ensemble flash flood forecasting for the Wadi Al-Hawasinah in North Al-Batina region in Oman. We use the ICON-EPS product of the German Weather Service, a global weather forecast model, which provides an ensemble of 40 members each six hours. If predefined extreme precipitation thresholds are exceeded in the region, a rainfall-runoff model tailored on arid hydrology conditions is started to propagate the meteorological uncertainty into the resulting runoff, followed by statistical post processing and visualization for flash flood early warning. Different options for the visualization of the uncertainty information are presented like rainfall quantile maps, exceedance probabilities and traffic light cards. However, the current design of the web-based demonstration platform is based on an iterative stakeholder process, which is still ongoing.

Based on the current setup of the forecasting system, forecast lead times of up to 48 hours are achieved. Furthermore, due to its flexible structure the hydrologic model can be easily exchanged to more advanced 2D-surface routing and inundation modelling approaches.

Besides layout and technical issues, first experiences with the demonstration platform are presented as well as first results regarding forecast performance in this study area as a pilot study. Finally, we discuss the system’s limitations, particularly the absence of real-time observations, and propose potential solutions to address these gaps.

How to cite: Grundmann, J., Wagner, M., Wischnewski, J., Al-Jahwari, B., and Al-Rawas, G.: Towards operational flash flood early warning for an arid watershed in Oman based on hydro-meteorological ensemble forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13608,, 2025.

EGU25-13867 | Posters on site | HS4.5

Bridging Risk Knowledge and Early Action: using conceptual risk models to advance impact-based early warning for floods and droughts in eastern Africa. 

Davide Cotti, Maria Bernadet Karina Dewi, Samira Pfeiffer, Augustine Kiptum, Saskia Werners, and Michael Hagenlocher

Impact-based early warning (IbEW) is a novel paradigm that aims at improving the efficacy of early warning systems by informing about potential impacts on people, assets and systems, instead of only focusing only forecasting hazards. While applications are emerging, multiple challenges still remain to develop risk-informed, impact-based warnings that are useful for triggering early actions. Conceptual risk models, such as impact chains or impact webs, are tools increasingly used in risk assessments to inform risk management and adaptation, and can provide useful guidance also for IbEW and early action. By identifying the interconnections between drivers of hazards, exposure and vulnerability, they can improve the understanding of possible impacts and risks, thus allowing for a more targeted inclusion of risk information into IbEW. Moreover, through their focus on vulnerability, they can also be used to link the warnings with early actions, highlighting capacities and barriers. Using case studies in Kenya and Ethiopia and the wider IGAD region of Greater Horn of Africa, we have constructed conceptual risk models for different risks connected to droughts and floods: the models provide detailed representations of the interaction of drivers of risk, conducive to specific potential impacts of interest in the context of impact-based early warning (e.g. risk of crop yield loss due to drought). Moreover, in the models we also introduce examples of risk profiles, i.e. characteristics of vulnerability for specific at-risk groups: these can help identifying capacities and barriers of those who need to act on the early actions that are informed by IbEW. This information is essential in order to design warnings that are understandable and actionable by people on the ground. The models were also used to inform the development of an IbEW methodology, currently being implemented at the regional level to cover multiple risks connected to droughts and floods.

How to cite: Cotti, D., Dewi, M. B. K., Pfeiffer, S., Kiptum, A., Werners, S., and Hagenlocher, M.: Bridging Risk Knowledge and Early Action: using conceptual risk models to advance impact-based early warning for floods and droughts in eastern Africa., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13867,, 2025.

EGU25-14500 | Orals | HS4.5

Challenges and opportunities in the harmonization of trigger models for Anticipatory Action; a multi-hazard and multi-agency perspective 

Sahara Sedhain, Daniele Castellana, Gal Agmon, Tal Rosenthal, Emie Klein Holkenborg, Marc van den Homberg, and Norman Kerle

Disaster risk financing has seen a transformative approach through Anticipatory Action (AA), designed to reduce shock and impact of multiple hazards on vulnerable population. The core of AA relies on pre-agreed triggering mechanisms, that are built around impact-based forecasts (IBF) and tailored to local contexts, determining when, where, and what interventions are required. While numerous humanitarian actors have adopted AA in the recent years, they often work in silos, employing varying definitions, methodologies, and processes, which complicates and reduces opportunities for collaboration. Additionally, the lack of standardization and transparency in trigger models limits comparability and potential for scaling efforts effectively. 

The ECHO-funded project, led by the Regional Anticipatory Action Working Group (RAAWG) secretariat addresses these challenges by fostering dialogue and coordination among regional actors in Southern Africa. Through stakeholder engagement and technical assessment, the project seeks to harmonize AA trigger methodologies, by developing an inventory of existing frameworks and co-designing a knowledge management platform to enhance information sharing and operational alignment.

Initial results highlight the diverse landscape of AA in the region. The project’s first phase assembled 43 anticipatory action frameworks spanning eight countries and seven hazards, uncovering a mix of hazard-based and impact-based triggers. Funding sources for these frameworks include multilateral mechanisms, pooled funds, and bilateral arrangements, reflecting the diversity of financial arrangements to support AA initiatives. Gaps were noted in accessing comprehensive technical details and past trigger activation data, which is now being addressed through targeted surveys and forms. Stakeholder interviews highlighted growing collaboration, but also the challenges that remain in navigating the various triggers and processes and accessing timely information through an integrated platform. A prototype knowledge management platform was developed and refined based on user feedback, aiming to improve transparency and coordination at both technical and operational levels.  

These characterizations and stakeholders’ insights highlight critical gaps, opportunities for harmonizing trigger methodologies, and pathways for cross-agency collaboration. Building on this work, future research will explore the global landscape of AA through systematic literature review, mapping the current frameworks, assessing the operational maturity and identifying challenges and opportunities for scaling up. These findings will provide a foundation to evaluate and align technical, operational and financial aspects of AA.   

How to cite: Sedhain, S., Castellana, D., Agmon, G., Rosenthal, T., Klein Holkenborg, E., van den Homberg, M., and Kerle, N.: Challenges and opportunities in the harmonization of trigger models for Anticipatory Action; a multi-hazard and multi-agency perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14500,, 2025.

EGU25-15448 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.5

Hybrid AI and Storage Function Model for Accurate Flood Hydrograph Prediction During Typhoon Rainfall Events 

Chia-Yu Hsu, Chia-Yao Huang, Fi-John Chang, and Li-Chiu Chang

Accurate flood hydrograph prediction during typhoon-induced heavy rainfall events is crucial for flood risk management, particularly in critical catchments such as the Shihmen Reservoir watershed in Taiwan. The Shihmen Reservoir plays a pivotal role in flood control, water supply, and hydroelectric power generation, making reliable flow predictions essential for its effective operation during extreme weather events.

This study addresses the challenges of long-duration flood hydrograph prediction by developing a hybrid model that integrates an AI-based Rainfall-Runoff Autoregressive with Exogenous Inputs (RNARX) model and a hydrological storage function model. While the RNARX model effectively estimates flow during active rainfall periods using rainfall as the primary input, its performance diminishes post-rainfall when rainfall values drop to zero, leading to rapid underestimation of flow. In contrast, the storage function model provides reliable flow predictions during the recession phase but tends to overestimate flows during intense rainfall events.

By seamlessly combining these two models and defining conditions for model transitions, the hybrid approach ensures robust performance across the entire flood hydrograph. Applied to the Shihmen Reservoir watershed, the hybrid model demonstrates significant improvements in predicting long-duration flood flows, particularly for high-intensity typhoon rainfall events.

This integrated modeling approach enhances real-time flood forecasting, offering valuable insights for optimizing reservoir operations and mitigating flood risks in the Shihmen Reservoir watershed, a region of critical hydrological and socio-economic importance.


Keywords: Hybrid Modeling, Artificial Intelligence (AI),Storage Function Model, Flood Hydrograph Prediction, Flood Risk Management

How to cite: Hsu, C.-Y., Huang, C.-Y., Chang, F.-J., and Chang, L.-C.: Hybrid AI and Storage Function Model for Accurate Flood Hydrograph Prediction During Typhoon Rainfall Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15448,, 2025.

EGU25-15886 | ECS | Orals | HS4.5

People-centric impact forecasts: Predicting flood-induced loss of access to health services in the Greater Horn of Africa 

Luca Severino, Evelyn Mühlhofer, Nishadh Kalladath, Ahmed Amdihun, and David, N. Bresch

Roads and healthcare facilities are critical in providing populations with basic health services. However, such critical infrastructures and the services they provide can be greatly disturbed when major natural hazards hit. Knowing which roads are still functional and where population could suffer from a loss of access to basic services before the unfolding of a hazardous event could be of great help for local authorities and for actors involved in disaster preparedness and relief.

We develop an impact forecast model aiming at predicting 1) which roads and healthcare facilities become nonfunctional in the event of a flood hazard and 2) where are populations at risk of losing access to health services. 

We combine the open-source weather and climate risk assessment model CLIMADA with flood forecasts to estimate the damage to roads and healthcare facilities and their resulting loss of functionality. We assess how the flood damage results in loss of access to health services for the population using a service-access model. We select several case studies of floods in the Greater Horn of Africa to illustrate the model's skill and fit of purpose. We use remote sensing data from the United Nations' disasters' charter mission and text reports from the International Federation of the Red Cross to compare modeled with observed impacts. We use an uncertainty and sensitivity quantification module available within the CLIMADA platform to study the sources of uncertainty in the impact forecasts, varying the input flood forecasts, exposures layers, impact functions, and parameters of the service-access module.

This research illustrates the potential benefits and challenges of a people-centric impact forecast in the context of flood hazard and showcases the development and calibration of an impact forecast model using open-source data and models.

How to cite: Severino, L., Mühlhofer, E., Kalladath, N., Amdihun, A., and Bresch, D. N.: People-centric impact forecasts: Predicting flood-induced loss of access to health services in the Greater Horn of Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15886,, 2025.

EGU25-16546 | ECS | Orals | HS4.5

Drought impact-based forecasting of crop yield in India 

Anastasiya Shyrokaya, Sameer Uttarwar, Giuliano Di Baldassarre, Bruno Majone, Alok Samantaray, Federico Stainoh, Florian Pappenberger, Ilias Pechlivanidis, and Gabriele Messori

The reliable prediction of drought impacts on crop yield in India poses a significant challenge due to the complex interactions of climatic variables, systems vulnerabilities and impacts propagation. Addressing this challenge requires advanced methods, such as impact-based forecasting, to account for these complexities. In this study, we leveraged remote sensing-based vegetation indicators as proxies for crop yield, along with multiple drought indices across various accumulation periods, to establish a robust indicator-impact relationship. A cluster analysis was performed to group districts, followed by a comparative evaluation of various machine-learning algorithms (Random Forest, XGBoost, Artificial Neural Network) to assess their efficacy in predicting crop yield impacts on a subseasonal-to-seasonal scale. We finally evaluated the accuracy of predicting the crop yield impacts based on drought indices computed from ECMWF’s seasonal forecast system SEAS5.

Our analysis highlights the importance of key predictors, uncovers seasonal trends and spatio-temporal patterns in indicator-impact relationships, and marks a pioneering effort in comparing diverse machine-learning algorithms for establishing an impact-based forecasting model at lead times of 1 to 6 months. As such, these findings offer valuable insights into the dynamics of drought impacts on crop yield, providing a monitoring tool and a foundational basis for implementing targeted drought mitigation actions within the agricultural sector. This research contributes to advancing the understanding of impact-based forecasting models and their practical application in addressing the challenges associated with drought impacts on crop yield in India.

How to cite: Shyrokaya, A., Uttarwar, S., Di Baldassarre, G., Majone, B., Samantaray, A., Stainoh, F., Pappenberger, F., Pechlivanidis, I., and Messori, G.: Drought impact-based forecasting of crop yield in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16546,, 2025.

EGU25-16556 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.5

Extreme Rainfall vs Dam Safety: A Study on Dam Failures in India 

Subbarao Pichuka and Dinesh Roulo

Dam failures pose significant risks to life, property, and nature. Overtopping is the most frequent cause of dam failure, typically triggered by extreme rainfall events. The increasing frequency and magnitudes of such events, driven by climate change, further amplify these risks. This study investigates the effect of extreme rainfall patterns on 20 Dam Failure (DF) cases in India. Daily rainfall data are obtained from the India Meteorological Department, Pune, for 120 years and divided into four 30-year periods, i.e., ‘Epoch’ (Epoch-1: 1901–1930, Epoch-2: 1931–1960, Epoch-3: 1961–1990, Epoch-4: 1991–2020). The location-specisfic rainfall data is computed using the Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation method. The dates of DFs are sourced from the Central Water Commission, State Water Resources Departments, and other literature.

First, the 5-day Accumulated Rainfall (ACR5) prior to the date of DF is computed, and compared with the ACR5 of other years prior to DF during the same dates. Interestingly, none of the value exceeds the ACR5 of DF year in most of the locations. It denotes that these dams failed due to the accumulated effect of consecutive heavy rainfall events, which were not anticipated by the respective dam authority to prepare for safeguarding the dam through suitable operations.

Second, the trends in the rainfall distribution over each epoch are analyzed by computing the normal rainfall (30-year averaged annual rainfall). The severity of ACR5 with respect to normal rainfall (respective epoch in which DF occurred) is examined. It is noticed that the proportion of ACR5 with that of normal rainfall varied between 30%-90%. This means a huge magnitude of rainfall occurred in just 5 days. Therefore, it is indicated that the ACR5 played a crucial role in the failure of most of the dams considered in this study.

Third, the study also introduced the Efficiency Factor (EF), defined as the ratio of maximum daily rainfall to Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP). The value of EF above 0.85 poses a severe threat to dams and could result in DF. The vital conclusion from this study is that the dam owners will be notified at least 5 days prior to the dam failure, which is sufficient to take suitable measures for safe reservoir operations. The major limitation of this study is that the date of DF is not known for existing dam locations. However, the advanced weather forecasting models are providing reliable information for 5 to 7-day rainfall estimates, which will enable us to know the critical ACR5. Moreover, the systematic analysis offers a data-driven approach to improve dam safety protocols and enhance resilience against extreme rainfall events. The findings are particularly relevant for professionals in dam engineering, supporting informed decision-making in dam design, operation, and management.

How to cite: Pichuka, S. and Roulo, D.: Extreme Rainfall vs Dam Safety: A Study on Dam Failures in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16556,, 2025.

EGU25-17698 | Posters on site | HS4.5

Enhancing global flood forecasts in Southern Africa using Deep Learning: A user-oriented evaluation for anticipatory actions 

Andrea Ficchì, Mohid Fayaz Mir, and Andrea Castelletti

Global hydrological forecasting systems, such as the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS), part of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service, are operationally used to inform early warning and early action, particularly in large transboundary river basins and data scarce regions. Humanitarian organizations often integrate these global forecasting systems with local information to assist national mandated agencies in the disaster risk management chain. However, limitations in the skill of global systems restrict their operational adoption and constrain the lead times available for implementing early actions. Recent advances in AI models offer promising solutions to overcome these limitations, by complementing operational physics-based models like GloFAS with hybrid or fully data-driven systems. Despite an increasing number of studies showing the potential of such AI models, there is an urgent need of providing user-oriented evidence of the added value of these solutions in order to increase their operational uptake. Here we explore the application of a deep learning model, based on a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network, to improve the forecasts of GloFAS to support humanitarian anticipatory actions. Different LSTM architectures and loss functions are tested to develop alternative post-processing models of GloFAS, using historical forecasts of river flows, past errors and catchment characteristics as inputs, to improve the prediction of daily streamflows up to a 7-day lead time. The post-processing model is developed with both a single-site and multi-site approach, showing a comparable performance in cross-validation, using streamflow observations as reference. The improvements in skill and value of the flood forecasts of GloFAS are demonstrated for anticipatory actions in Southern Africa (Zambezi River Basin and coastal areas of Mozambique), a region that is highly exposed to frequent tropical cyclones and consequent floods. Using the LSTM-based post-processing, the large biases of GloFAS in this region are substantially reduced and the skillful lead times are extended significantly. We assess the added value of the hybrid forecasts within the framework of the current Red Cross Early Action Protocol for floods in Mozambique, considering user-oriented metrics, including False Alarm Ratios and Hit Rates, and a valuation framework of early actions. Our findings highlight the critical importance of evaluating hybrid forecasting models based on user-oriented criteria and assessing their value to select the most cost-effective solution to support anticipatory actions. Finally, we discuss the potential of our hybrid approach to scale up anticipatory actions in data scarce regions and how ongoing work focusing on post-processing flood hazard maps may further improve forecast value for early actions.

How to cite: Ficchì, A., Fayaz Mir, M., and Castelletti, A.: Enhancing global flood forecasts in Southern Africa using Deep Learning: A user-oriented evaluation for anticipatory actions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17698,, 2025.

EGU25-18842 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.5

Evaluation and optimization of a site-specific early warning tool for flood hazards in Catalonia, Spain 

Ahmed Elhabashy, Shinju Park, and Daniel Sempere-Torres

Heavy rainfall events have become increasingly frequent in recent decades, often triggering severe floodings that pose significant challenges to urban and rural communities. Consequently, robust early warning systems have emerged as a key strategy for adaptation and mitigation measures. The risks and impacts of flooding can vary significantly even within small geographic areas due to factors such as terrain, urban infrastructure, and drainage systems, as well as the sporadic nature of rainfall. Site-specific flood warning tools address local variations by providing warnings tailored to each area's unique conditions. These tools can help decision-makers and emergency responders navigate multiple challenges, improve preparedness for extreme events, and promote public awareness of flood risks.

Catalonia, located in northeast Spain and characterized by a Mediterranean climate, is occasionally affected by intense rainfall episodes. Severe flash floods have caused significant damage in recent years, leaving communities grappling with the aftermath, such as the case of Terrassa municipality in 2023 and 2024. A real-time, site-specific, flood early warning tool has already been applied in pilot locations in Catalonia within the Horizon Europe RESIST project (2023-2027). The tool integrates real-time and forecasted meteorological data to issue flood hazard warnings for vulnerable locations. In this study, we focus on a methodology for evaluating and optimizing the warning tool to minimize false alarms and missed events. Evaluation is essential to ensure the reliability and usability of the tool and build the trust of end-users, particularly emergency responders and affected communities. We present an evaluation of the tool’s different components, including the warning level thresholds, the integration of different data sources, and lead time analysis. Optimization, on the other hand, involves refining algorithms, integrating additional local data sources tailoring the tool to specific local characteristics, and incorporating feedback from end-users.

How to cite: Elhabashy, A., Park, S., and Sempere-Torres, D.: Evaluation and optimization of a site-specific early warning tool for flood hazards in Catalonia, Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18842,, 2025.

EGU25-19188 | Posters on site | HS4.5

Evaluation of 15-months of flash flood impact forecasts over Europe 

Marc Berenguer and Shinju Park

The EDERA project, funded by the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, has focused on the use of real-time products for forecasting and monitoring the impacts of storms, heavy rainfall and flash floods to support emergency management. The project ran a 15 months demonstration in real time with European coverage and involved the participation of several end-users (with responsibilities at regional or national level). The study presents the main results obtained during the demonstration period from the point of view of the skill of the products to identify/anticipate the occurrence of the most significant events, and the magnitude of the resulting impacts.

How to cite: Berenguer, M. and Park, S.: Evaluation of 15-months of flash flood impact forecasts over Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19188,, 2025.

EGU25-19870 | Posters on site | HS4.5

Operational and actionable Acute Food Insecurity modelling  

Melissande Machefer, Michele Ronco, Anne-Claire Thomas, Michele Meroni, Jose Manuel Veiga Lopez-Pena, Michael Assouline, Melanie Rabier, Gustau Camps-Valls, Vasileios Sitokonstantinou, Jordi Cerda, Esther Rodrigo Bonet, Alessia Matano, Tim Busker, Nicolas Rost, Kim Chungmann, Duccio Piovani, Christina Corbane, and Felix Rembold

The growing complexity of global food security, exacerbated by climate change and socio-economic disparities, calls for a multi-hazard approach to risk evaluation and management. Recognizing the lack of a universally accepted measure for food insecurity covering all dimensions, we first review target variables and input features in existing ML modeling efforts, providing an assessment of current data availability, accessibility, and fragmentation, and improving the understanding of possibilities and limitations of ML for the food security community.  We further consolidate a comprehensive dataset, with an operational design for continuous enrichment, that includes various indicators and precursors, updated monthly on a subnational level across over one hundred countries. We apply innovative explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) methods to unravel the intricate relationships between food insecurity, drought, and conflict-related fatalities. Our models forecast food crises with different lead times, revealing the nuanced patterns recognized by machine learning algorithms over various time frames. Our analysis also shows that the relative importance of drivers can shift depending on the food security metric used, indicating that distinct processes are at play in its many dimensions. This study not only exposes the complex drivers of food security but also provides policymakers with an operational multi-risk forecasting tool, improving the ability to foresee and strategically manage food crises. 


How to cite: Machefer, M., Ronco, M., Thomas, A.-C., Meroni, M., Veiga Lopez-Pena, J. M., Assouline, M., Rabier, M., Camps-Valls, G., Sitokonstantinou, V., Cerda, J., Rodrigo Bonet, E., Matano, A., Busker, T., Rost, N., Chungmann, K., Piovani, D., Corbane, C., and Rembold, F.: Operational and actionable Acute Food Insecurity modelling , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19870,, 2025.

Despite the increasing availability of data from various sources, it remains difficult for humanitarians and governments to respond adequately and quickly to unfolding humanitarian crises.  One of the problems that causes this, is the challenge that decision-makers face in assessing the impact of a given shock or hazard on the local population. Therefore, a major issue for the development of early warning systems for humanitarian action lies in contextualizing the data to go from a specific hazard or shock event to its impact on the local population. Given these problems and the developments in AI and data-driven modelling in the past decade, there are many hopes that AI can close this information gap. 

However, many scholars and practitioners are apprehensive about using (often complex) data-driven models for actual humanitarian decision-making in practice, and rightfully so. Different documented cases from the public sector such as the Dutch child-benefit scandal or the American COMPAS case have shown what harm the irresponsible use of AI-informed decision-making can do to already vulnerable and marginalized populations. Thus, the question remains how to responsibly develop data-driven models that are useful to the humanitarian community.

In our trans-disciplinary research in collaboration with the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), we spent a year exploring this question in a case study on how data-driven models impact the IPC's decision-making process on Acute Food Insecurity analysis updates. Using a human-centered design approach, we systematically analysed the current IPC decision-making process and their information needs and evaluated existing food insecurity models with respect to their suitability, while simultaneously conducting literature research on how to develop AI solutions in a value-driven way. These explorations indicated that the common approaches to developing data-driven models, as well as existing theoretical frameworks with regard to responsible AI implementation, have clear mismatches and shortcomings compared to what may be needed in practice. From this, we draw several lessons on how to improve, so that models for humanitarian decision-making can bring actionable insights, are understandable by its end-users, and embody the humanitarian values.

How to cite: Roelvink, M., Liem, C., and Comes, T.: Responsibly developing data-driven models for humanitarian decision-making: our research on AI for Food Security Monitoring and what we can learn from it, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20144,, 2025.

EGU25-21609 | ECS | Orals | HS4.5

Opportunities and challenges for Rainfall Nowcasting with Commercial Microwave Links in the Tropics 

Bas Walraven, Ruben Imhoff, Aart Overeem, Miriam Coenders, Rolf Hut, Luuk van der Valk, and Remko Uijlenhoet

In general, quantitative precipitation estimates from weather radars are used as input into nowcasting models to produce high-resolution accurate and timely precipitation forecasts, up to several hours ahead. However, the global distribution of high-resolution (gauge-adjusted, ground- based) weather radar products is heavily skewed, largely favoring Europe, Northern America, and parts of East Asia. In many low- and middle-income countries, predominantly located in the tropics, weather radars are largely unavailable due to high installation and maintenance costs, and rain gauges are often scarce, poorly maintained, or not available in (near) real-time. A viable and ‘opportunistic’ source of high-resolution space-time rainfall estimates is based on the rain-induced signal attenuation experienced by commercial microwave links (CMLs) in cellular communication networks. In this study we investigate whether 2D rainfall fields created by interpolating path- averaged rainfall intensities from CMLs can be used as a standalone input into a conventional nowcasting algorithm, pySTEPS.

This work is based on a CML network from Sri Lanka. The data set spans 15 months across 2019 and 2020. For each of the four monsoon seasons represented in the data set we define extreme events of different duration, ranging from 1 to 24 hours. These events are used as input to create probabilistic nowcasts in pySTEPS for lead times up to three hours. The nowcasts are evaluated spatially against the QPE at multiple catchments, and using 21 hourly rain gauges as an independent point reference source. We address challenges surrounding the nature of the input data, dealing with sparse or unequal CML coverage, and how to handle this in pySTEPS. Based on our findings we also highlight where other remotely sensed rainfall estimates, for example from geostationary satellites, can be used to complement CML based rainfall estimates to provide more accurate nowcasts.

In summary, this novel application of CMLs, essentially providing a ‘weather radar’ in the tropics, highlights the potential impact for operational early warning services in regions that lack dedicated rainfall sensors.

How to cite: Walraven, B., Imhoff, R., Overeem, A., Coenders, M., Hut, R., van der Valk, L., and Uijlenhoet, R.: Opportunities and challenges for Rainfall Nowcasting with Commercial Microwave Links in the Tropics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21609,, 2025.

EGU25-1463 | PICO | HS4.4

Blending Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Hydrological Predictions from Multiple Forecasting Systems 

Katie Facer-Childs, Burak Bulut, Amulya Chevuturi, Jamie Hannaford, Maliko Tanguy, Jafet Andersson, Yiheng Du, and Ilias Pechlivanidis

Given the increasing vulnerability due to more frequent and severe hydrological hazards under a changing climate, it is imperative to develop accurate and reliable global and local hydrological prediction systems at subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) timescales. However, operational forecasts tailored to specific local regions remain limited due to lack of both local observations and regional hydrological models, while global hydrological models often lack calibration for local conditions, making it challenging for them to capture local-scale dynamics. Additionally, users and decision-makers face difficulties in effectively interpreting ensemble forecasts from multiple hydrological models in operational settings especially when compared to the simplicity and clarity of a single model approach. To bridge this gap, it is essential to integrate existing hydrological forecasting systems across global, regional, and local scales, with the goal of delivering skilful, standardized, and comprehensible predictions. As part of the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) Global Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) initiative, we are exploring various approaches to: (i) validate and enhance the skill of current hydrological probabilistic forecasts, and (ii) blend multi-model ensemble simulations to develop integrated and reliable operational forecasts. Here, we aim to develop a framework for bias-correcting and blending global multi-model ensemble forecasts, based on the skill of each modelling system for each catchment, to deliver unique probabilistic forecasts. Our research, using global hindcasts from various modelling systems, has demonstrated that applying this framework to post-process raw model simulations can deliver reliable S2S hydrological forecasts across diverse global catchments operationally. This approach has the potential for improved water resource management and hydrological hazard mitigation, particularly in data-sparse regions.

How to cite: Facer-Childs, K., Bulut, B., Chevuturi, A., Hannaford, J., Tanguy, M., Andersson, J., Du, Y., and Pechlivanidis, I.: Blending Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Hydrological Predictions from Multiple Forecasting Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1463,, 2025.

EGU25-3452 | PICO | HS4.4

Operational machine learning aided sub-seasonal forecasting of drought related extremes 

Massimiliano Zappa, Ryan Sebastian Padrón Flasher, Luzi Bernhard, Matthias Buchecker, Yuan-Yuan Annie Chang, Aaron Cremona, Daniel Farinotti, Martin Gossner, Elisabeth Maidl, Robert McElderry, Loic Pellissier, Gian Boris Pezzati, Michael Schirmer, and Konrad Bogner

As a result of climate change, the frequency and severity of droughts in Switzerland is set to increase, with potentially devastating impacts on the environment, economy, and human health. To help mitigate these risks, the MaLeFiX project is developing interdisciplinary extension to the established platform that will provide comprehensive four-week multi-hazards forecasts of drought-related extremes (

Droughts are complex phenomena that have significant implications for many aspects of the environment and human life. Understanding droughts and predicting their impacts is crucial for effective preparation and mitigation. The MaLeFiX project is therefore extending the portfolio of drought predictions to a set of relevant impacts across disciplines.  The newely developed tools provide comprehensive four-week drought forecasts for the whole of Switzerland, integrating advanced models across hydrology, forest fires, glacier balance, aquatic biodiversity, groundwater, and bark beetle dynamics. Utilizing hybrid AI and meteorological data, the platform will deliver accurate and user-friendly information to help policymakers, stakeholders, scientists, and the public make informed decisions.

The reliability of single forecasts decreases significantly the further they look into the future, making accurate predictions beyond one to two weeks challenging. To overcome this, the MaLeFiX platform uses ensemble forecasts. Its advanced models are fed with meteorological data from MeteoSwiss, which provides monthly forecasts with daily temporal resolution twice weekly. Each forecast is repeated 51 times with slight variations in initial conditions, allowing the MaLeFiX platform to estimate the probability of extreme events up to three to four weeks in advance.

Key recent developments:

  • AI-Based Models: Two new AI models have been created to assess forest fire risks and calculate water temperature to evaluate the danger of stress to aquatic life forms, enhancing the accuracy of these critical forecasts.
  • Model Harmonization: Existing models for hydrology, glacier balance, and bark beetle dynamics have been refined to work seamlessly with the same input data, enabling clear analysis and interpretation of the overall situation and potential exacerbating factors.
  • Multi-model ensemble: the traditional distributed hydrological model PREVAH used at WSL model has been complemented with a multi-model system consisting of 11 different lumped models being operated for 87 headwater catchments.

After the harmonization of models the team is currently working on provide users with a comprehensive overview of the overall drought situation by displaying the possible combined impacts of various drought-related processes (e.g., low runoff and high water temperature).

How to cite: Zappa, M., Padrón Flasher, R. S., Bernhard, L., Buchecker, M., Chang, Y.-Y. A., Cremona, A., Farinotti, D., Gossner, M., Maidl, E., McElderry, R., Pellissier, L., Pezzati, G. B., Schirmer, M., and Bogner, K.: Operational machine learning aided sub-seasonal forecasting of drought related extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3452,, 2025.

EGU25-4853 | ECS | PICO | HS4.4

From Regional Flood Warnings to Local Decision Support: Applying a Service Design Approach for Voss Municipality 

Trine Jahr Hegdahl, Tonje Vidringstad, and Ameesha Timbadia

The national flood warning system for Norway is undergoing a renewal process, moving towards risk-based flood forecasting. The FlomRisk project, launched in 2022, involves user participation from five municipalities as pilot study areas. Different flood forecasting setups have been evaluated over three years, including hydrological and hydraulic model selection and methods for aggregating local impact. The project aims to i) improve regional warnings from the national flood warning service by better reflecting local impacts and ii) identifying the municipalities' information needs during critical flooding stages.

A service design approach was used to focus national warning services on creating relevant and useful products. The involvement and codesign with municipalities began in 2022. In 2023, over 100 user meetings and interviews were conducted, covering more than five municipalities, national flood experts, and consultants. Information was gathered on the stages of decision-making during flooding events: before (preparation phase), during (coordination and handling during the crisis), and after (event evaluation and future learning points). Four key needs were identified by the municipalities: 

  • Early information to get an overview of possible situations.  What kind of challenges might the emergency response units anticipate.
  • Useful and locally relevant information about the situation and possible consequences.
  • More effective communication, both internally and externally, towards media and inhabitants.
  • Easier documentation of consequences and adaptation measures during ongoing situations.

In 2024, using insights from the previous year, a prototype for Voss Municipality was developed. Voss faces complex flood and natural hazard challenges. The prototype was codeveloped with knowledge from local flood contacts, emergency response leaders, modeling teams, existing products, and efforts across institutions and sectors. The prototype consists of two modes, one is for an ongoing situation, whereas the second is to evaluate the impact of different flood scenarios. 

This initial prototype will be presented to a panel of different municipalities and users, essential for suggestions and making alterations. Different users provide useful feedback and insight based on their varying experiences with flood and natural hazard challenges, knowledge, and organizational structures of emergency responses. This approach helps formulate suggestions on how municipalities can build or integrate their decision support systems to improve local flood responses to regional warnings.

How to cite: Hegdahl, T. J., Vidringstad, T., and Timbadia, A.: From Regional Flood Warnings to Local Decision Support: Applying a Service Design Approach for Voss Municipality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4853,, 2025.

We present the latest developments on our integrated information physical quantum technological system dynamic framework for multiscale multidomain spatiotemporal multi-hazard intelligence. Advancing system dynamic sensing, awareness, understanding and prediction of multiscale spatiotemporal compound, cascading, coevolutionary and synergistic multi-hazards.

Our next-generation platform leverages the methodological, technological and operational capabilities of Neuro-Quantum Cyber-Physical Intelligence (NQCPI), introduced in Perdigão (2024). NQCPI entails a novel framework for nonlinear natural-based neural post-quantum information physics, along with further advances in far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics and evolutionary cognition in post-quantum neurobiochemistry, for next-generation information physical systems intelligence and security. Rooted in the inherent information physical properties of nature, NQCPI seamlessly operates across classical, quantum and post-quantum environments.

Fundamentally, NQCPI harnesses and operates with emerging nonlinear quantum properties elusive to traditional classical and quantum technological and systems intelligence structures, including new classes of high-order coevolution, emergence and entanglement. It further harnesses new neuro-quantum physical properties, with higher-order post-quantum-proof improvements in security, storage and relaying of information, crucial to fast, robust and secure operation in sensitive prediction and emergency systems.

In the scope of the Earth System Sciences and Natural Hazards, our technology is implemented as a coherent coevolutionary information physical solution spanning across the operational value chain ranging from sensing, analytics, prediction and decision support. For this purpose, it synergistically articules with our maturing technologies including QITES (Perdigão 2020), AIPSI (Perdigão and Hall 2023) and SynQ-WIN (Perdigão and Hall 2024).

The implementation is devised and operated in a cross-platform manner, encompassing seamless articulation and backward compatibility with state-of-art systems across diverse sectors. These include, but are not limited, to hydro-meteorological, naval and aerospace, civil protection and emergency management, among others.

Practical use cases are also addressed, ranging from event-scale early-warning systems to long-term decision support, where our technology has been tested and implemented. Benchmarking tests are also conducted, validating our simulations relative to observational records and assessing the added value of our solution relative to state-of-art approaches, ranging from purely physically and purely data-based to hybrid physically informed machine learning, deep learning and systems intelligence.

A window of opportunity is thus provided for further collaborations and co-creative tailored developments with further end-users, ranging from research laboratories to operational centers, given the cross-platform capabilities for workflow articulation among novel and existing infrastructures.


Acknowledgements: This contribution is developed in the scope of the Meteoceanics Flagship on Quantum Information Technologies in the Earth Sciences (QITES), and of the C2IMPRESS project supported by the Εuropean Union under the Horizon Europe grant 101074004.



  • Perdigão, R.A.P.; Hall, J. (2023): Augmented Information Physical Systems Intelligence (AIPSI).
  • Perdigão, R.A.P.; Hall, J. (2024): Synergistic Nonlinear Quantum Wave Intelligence Networks (SyNQ-WIN).
  • Perdigão, R.A.P. (2020): QITES – Quantum Information Technologies in the Earth Sciences.
  • Perdigão, R.A.P. (2024): Neuro-Quantum Cyber-Physical Intelligence (NQCPI).


How to cite: Perdigão, R. A. P. and Hall, J.: Neuro-Quantum Cyber-Geophysical Platform for Operational Multi-Hazard System Dynamic Intelligence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6726,, 2025.

EGU25-10096 | ECS | PICO | HS4.4

Identification of Warning Fatigue and Its Impact on Municipal Preparedness in Norway 

Carolin Bauer, Trine Jahr Hegdahl, and Ivar Berthling

From 7. August 2023 to 9. August 2023, Norway was hit by the extreme weather event “Hans”. Especially in the southern and western parts of the country, municipalities were warned about precipitation of up to 100 mm within 24 hours (Norwegian Meteorological Institute, 2023) causing extensive flooding and landslides. Rain, flood and landslides warnings were issued early and for large areas. Not all municipalities reacted with the necessary urgency to the situation for various reasons. In a survey of the affected municipalities after “Hans”, many municipalities described that they were overwhelmed with the circumstances or had no prior experience with the size of the predicted floodings. On the other hand, there were municipalities that had experienced major floodings before, but underestimated the severity of “Hans”. The general opinion of Norwegian municipalities is that there are too many warnings, leading to warning fatigue. Hence, this study aims to: i) analyse the total number of issued warnings, as well as the warning level assigned, and ii) analyse the warning response of selected municipalities before and after “Hans”.

Through a statistical review of all municipalities’ warnings, clusters of municipalities prone to warning fatigue, or under-preparedness are found. By comparing the response to different extreme weather events, the goal is to identify patterns resulting in over-warning or warning fatigue. It is expected that the number of issued warnings, will have increased over the last ten years, however cross-referencing with the preparedness to future events by installing mitigation measures, citizen education on natural hazards and such, differences between municipalities will become apparent.

How to cite: Bauer, C., Jahr Hegdahl, T., and Berthling, I.: Identification of Warning Fatigue and Its Impact on Municipal Preparedness in Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10096,, 2025.

EGU25-10588 | ECS | PICO | HS4.4

Rapid development of impact-based national flood early warning system 

Maggie Henry Madsen, Raphaél Payet-Burin, Michael Butts, Sanita Dhaubanjar, Jonas Wied Pedersen, Grith Martinsen, Phillip Aarestrup, Charlotte Agata Plum, Cecilie Thrysøe, Sara Lerer, and Emma Dybro Thomassen

Denmark, as a low-lying country, is subject to acute flood risks including urban flash floods (cloudbursts) from intense convective storms, fluvial flooding from heavy rainfall and extreme sea levels and storm surge along more than 7,300 km of coastline. Motivated by the extensive flooding in Denmark in 2020 and the devastating 2021 floods in Central Europe, the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) became the national authority for flood forecasting and warning, tasked with developing an operational system to forecast storm surge, pluvial and fluvial, flood risks.

To support anticipatory early actions, the key goals were to provide an operational 24/7 capability to issue timely, accurate and reliable flood forecasts, early warnings and associated flood impacts. With significant pressure to develop and deploy operational tools to support Denmark's emergency authorities within the first 18 months, we adopted pragmatic and simplified modeling approaches, balancing resolution, complexity, data availability and computational efficiency. 

We present the rapid development of operational capabilities to support the local and national emergency services, for storm surges, pluvial and fluvial flood events in Denmark, guided by initial consultations with the emergency services. Within the first year we developed, together with Scalgo, a real time flood mapping service for elevated sea levels and storm surges. This covers the entire Danish coastline, based on hourly water level forecasts, 5 days ahead. This service became operational in October 2022, immediately prior to the 2022 storm surge season. The timely launch allowed us to evaluate the performance of this service against the 100+-year storm that hit the coasts of Denmark in October 2023. A new cloudburst flood mapping service was developed, also together with Scalgo, including a new topography-based flood mapping approach to account, in a computationally efficient way, for effects of infiltration and urban drainage systems. This service became operational for all of Denmark in May 2023, at the beginning of the 2023 cloudburst season. Feedback from meetings with the emergency services during 2024 confirmed the value of this mapping service. Finally, for fluvial flooding, a rule-based warning system was initially developed. This approach uses statistical analysis of river levels and precipitation thresholds and exploits a newly developed national inventory of historical floods. Manual warnings, to the emergency services, based on this approach began in July 2023 focussed on high-risk areas and stations with good quality water level data. Our own evaluations of these new capabilities during the first year of operations were shared, in a series of workshops, with the local and national emergency services. The workshop objectives were to obtain their feedback and to understand their needs for the next development phase. We discuss how this rapid process for operational implementation of a national system was achieved. This includes our initial evaluations, operational challenges and solutions, as well as future end-user involvement and development plans. We are currently developing both machine learning approaches and conceptual hydrological modelling to extend our forecasting capability towards multi-model fluvial forecasting.

How to cite: Henry Madsen, M., Payet-Burin, R., Butts, M., Dhaubanjar, S., Wied Pedersen, J., Martinsen, G., Aarestrup, P., Agata Plum, C., Thrysøe, C., Lerer, S., and Dybro Thomassen, E.: Rapid development of impact-based national flood early warning system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10588,, 2025.

EGU25-11485 | ECS | PICO | HS4.4

Comparing Flood Forecasting and Early Warning Systems in Transboundary River Basins 

Tim Busker, Daniela Rodriguez Castro, Jaap Kwadijk, Rafaella Loureiro, Heather J. Murdock, Laurent Pfister, Benjamin Dewals, Kymo Slager, Annegret Thieken, Jan Verkade, Sergiy Vorogushyn, Patrick Willems, Davide Zoccatelli, and Jeroen C.J.H. Aerts

This study compares operational flood forecasting and early warning systems (FFEWSs) in transboundary river basins in Northwestern Europe, covering parts of Luxembourg, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. This region was hit by an extreme flood event in 2021 with over 200 fatalities. Expert interviews from the region revealed strong improvements of the FFEWSs after this flood event in all countries. All regions have invested in probabilistic flood forecasting systems to improve warnings, and all countries now use mobile phone-based alerts. The interviews also revealed that, while ensemble forecasting systems are well-developed, the translation of those meteorological and hydrological forecasts to impacts, warnings and actionable advices remains difficult. A main challenge is the operational implementation of impact-based forecasts and warnings. For example, interviewees highlighted the need for operational flood inundation predictions. However, Flanders is the only region where such forecasts are provided. Hydrological forecasts for smaller upstream tributaries are generally unavailable or subject to large uncertainties. Strong differences exist in flood warning levels and color codes across and within the countries. These differences can hamper information exchange between regions and institutions and may confuse crisis managers and the public. In response to the extreme flood event in 2021, Luxembourg and some regions of Germany have recently introduced an additional violet warning code for the most extreme weather and hydrological events. However, it is still under debate whether additional warning levels support more effective communication to the public and responders. It is strongly recommended to enhance forecasts with impact-based information, including maps delineating potential inundation areas and people and objects at risk. Such information can enable crisis managers and first responders to take more timely and appropriate actions.

How to cite: Busker, T., Rodriguez Castro, D., Kwadijk, J., Loureiro, R., J. Murdock, H., Pfister, L., Dewals, B., Slager, K., Thieken, A., Verkade, J., Vorogushyn, S., Willems, P., Zoccatelli, D., and C.J.H. Aerts, J.: Comparing Flood Forecasting and Early Warning Systems in Transboundary River Basins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11485,, 2025.

Rapid Flood Guidance for flash floods – an operational service for England and Wales in summer 2025

Charlie Pilling, Adrian Wynn, Neil Armstrong, Russell Turner, Julia Perez, Chris Lattimore, Catherine Birch

Flash floods, or rapid response catchment flooding, can be defined at flooding impacts between 0-6 hours of impactful rainfall occurring. Nowcasting can be defined at the 0-2 or 0-6 hour time scale. Further tragic rapid-onset events across Europe and globally during 2024 re-enforced the need for improved prediction and communication of rapid flooding to save lives. To save lives, warnings at these very short lead times, whether they are for urban areas or ravines, need to be issued rapidly to a receptive customer base.

During summer 2024, the UK Met Office (UKMO) Expert Weather Hub and the Flood Forecasting Centre (FFC) for England and Wales ran a pilot from May to September to nowcast and warn for intense rainfall and rapid onset flooding. The Expert Weather Hub operated a surge capacity drawing on rapidly updating diagnostics to identify areas of intense convection and flood producing rainfall, as well as other hazards. At the same time, FFC piloted a Rapid Flood Guidance Service where days 1 and/or day 2 of the daily Flood Guidance Statement are highlighted as susceptible to rapid flooding. This highlighted potentially affected areas of England and Wales to emergency responders. Then as storms broke out and the risk of rapid flooding increased, the detailed output from the Expert Weather Hub was used by the FFC to issue Rapid Flood Guidance to emergency responders at short lead times, less than 6 hours, and possibly less than 2 hours’ notice. 

This presentation will explain the components of the Rapid Flood Guidance trial and present key findings from research to operations, as well as a summary of the evaluation from the hundreds of emergency responders. It will also highlight key findings from the evaluation of the surface water impact models, with a focus on less than 24 hours lead time. We will highlight development areas to the science and operational development and suggest how such short notice warnings can best be communicated to potential users to incite the appropriate actions. This will also highlight finding and recommendations from the Met Office Summer Forecasting Testbed 2024 which compared two rapid surface water flooding hazard impact models. The Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model, SWFHIM, was developed through the Natural Hazards Partnership and is currently used operationally in the FFC. The second, FOREWARNS, has been developed by the University of Leeds and the Met Office.

The design of the 2025 operational Rapid Flood Guidance service will be described on the ‘eve’ of its launch May 2025.

How to cite: Pilling, C.: Rapid Flood Guidance for flash floods – an operational service for England and Wales in summer 2025 , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14408,, 2025.

EGU25-14611 | ECS | PICO | HS4.4

Impact based forecasting to cope with riverine floods in Peruvian Andes—Amazon basin 

Danny Saavedra, Vinícius Alencar Siqueira, Erik Schmitt Quedi, Cléber Henrique de Araújo Gama, Walter Collischonn, and Waldo Lavado

Impact-based forecasting (IBF) represents a significant advancement in natural disaster risk management by focusing on the vulnerabilities of people, livelihoods, and assets. Here we introduce the methodology of PANDORA (Impact based forecasting to cope with riverine floods in the Huallaga river basin), a system designed to provide impact-based forecasts for a basin in the Andean-Amazon region of Peru. PANDORA integrates a large-scale hydrological model with precipitation forecasts resampled from historical meteorological data to produce 5-day probabilistic streamflow forecasts. These are compared against flood thresholds for 2, 5, and 10-year return periods, corresponding to moderate, heavy, and extreme severity levels. Subsequently, they are linked with key flood-exposed elements: (i) population, (ii) educational institutions, (iii) health centers, (iv) road networks, and (v) agricultural areas. Potential impacts can be assessed at various administrative levels, including districts, provinces, and departments. The system’s performance was evaluated during December 2023, when significant river floods occurred in the basin. Results show that flood events were primarily forecasted between December 27 and 30, while the IBFs indicated extreme severity (red level) for the exposed elements mainly on December 27, 30 and 31. These findings align with reports from the Information System for Response and Rehabilitation of Peru. Despite existing limitations, PANDORA is currently operational and demonstrates great potential to support local authorities in decision-making processes for flood risk management.

How to cite: Saavedra, D., Alencar Siqueira, V., Schmitt Quedi, E., de Araújo Gama, C. H., Collischonn, W., and Lavado, W.: Impact based forecasting to cope with riverine floods in Peruvian Andes—Amazon basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14611,, 2025.

EGU25-15042 | ECS | PICO | HS4.4

An Integrated Framework for Coastal Flood Inundation Forecasting: Advancing Early Warning Systems in Vulnerable Deltaic Regions 

Ashrumochan Mohanty, Bhabagrahi Sahoo, and Ravindra Vitthal Kale

Coastal regions, particularly deltaic systems, are highly susceptible to flood risks arising from the complex interactions of storm surges, riverine flooding, upstream reservoir discharges, and heavy inland rainfall. Traditional flood forecasting models often struggle to integrate these diverse factors effectively, leading to significant uncertainties in predicting flood extents. To address this critical gap, this study presents a novel and comprehensive coastal flood inundation forecasting framework designed for regions frequently impacted by tropical cyclones and extreme hydrological events. The framework integrates multiple components, including real-time reservoir inflow forecasting by SWAT-Pothole+WBiLSTM model, HEC-ResSim-based reservoir outflow predictions governed by operational rule curves, storm-surge and tide predictions utilizing ADCIRC+SWAN hydrodynamic and WBiLSTM deep learning approaches, and flood inundation modeling by HEC-RAS two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation. The methodology was applied to the twin Brahmani-Baitarani river systems in eastern India, a region prone to recurrent cyclonic storms and severe flooding. Validation of simulated flood extents was conducted using Sentinel-1 satellite imagery from several tropical cyclone events, demonstrating the model's robust predictive capabilities. The results showed that the framework achieved accuracy levels ranging from 86.72% to 38.12% for lead times between one and eight days. Additionally, the model underscores the importance of incorporating all contributing factors, including the dynamic interaction of coastal and inland flooding processes, to achieve realistic flood forecasts. This research not only advances the understanding of coastal flooding but also offers a practical and scalable tool for enhancing early warning systems through informed flood risk management strategies in vulnerable coastal regions worldwide.

How to cite: Mohanty, A., Sahoo, B., and Kale, R. V.: An Integrated Framework for Coastal Flood Inundation Forecasting: Advancing Early Warning Systems in Vulnerable Deltaic Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15042,, 2025.

EGU25-15309 | ECS | PICO | HS4.4

Best practice for transforming an inter-institutional research on climate services into an operational system referring Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 

Tinh Vu, Robert Reinecke, Christof Lorenz, Stephan Dietrich, and Matthias Zink

Climate change has led to a high demand for an appropriate system for monitoring and forecasting climate extremes, which could support disaster risk reduction and climate change mitigation. This has also led to global initiatives like WMO’s Early Warnings for All Initiative, which aims to provide early warning systems to support decision-making processes by the end of 2027. In this context, there is an urgent need to accelerate the transition from research, primarily conducted in academia, to a sustainable application for developing long-term operational environmental services. Here, we argue that this transition can be enabled and accelerated through Open-Source software tools and libraries, containerization, and the professionalization of research software engineering. They play a crucial role at all stages of technology development, from early research and prototyping to system deployment and scaling. The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) is an effective and standardized measure to assess the maturity of such developments. However, it is still unclear how the TRL can be applied in research-based tools and services and what preparatory steps need to be taken to ensure a certain pre-defined TRL.

In this talk, we will discuss best practices in developing a climate service system, using the example of the ongoing OUTLAST project (operational, multi-sectoral global drought hazard forecasting system), in which an operational drought forecasting system will be developed. OUTLAST is one of the first attempts to build a ready-to-be-transferred system using a cloud-ready concept to seamlessly transfer research-based developments into an operational system among governmental institutions. The present work will show how the currently developed software tools can support researchers in overcoming the current obstacles in technology development. We use OUTLAST to demonstrate how the automated pipeline is executed, from downloading the newly released climate data (ERA5 and SEAS5) provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) to triggering models and generating drought hazard indicators to be pushed to a webpage. In this approach, each processing step and its dependencies in the model chain are encapsulated in a "container" at the research institution before being transferred to run in an infrastructure at an external government institution. The containers are then orchestrated to allow upscaling of the system based on computational requirements and availability of hardware resources. We will then discuss the obstacles in building such a system and how the flexibility and portability can be improved.

Our work highlights the benefits using cutting-edge research software engineering practices for facilitating a seamless transition from research to operational systems and propose best practices, including the necessary preparatory steps. We further present our work as a blueprint for similar initiatives to ultimately support the development and deployment of advanced environmental service systems, which can provide the urgently needed information for decision-makers, stakeholders, and other potential end-users.

How to cite: Vu, T., Reinecke, R., Lorenz, C., Dietrich, S., and Zink, M.: Best practice for transforming an inter-institutional research on climate services into an operational system referring Technology Readiness Level (TRL), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15309,, 2025.

EGU25-17140 | ECS | PICO | HS4.4

Advanced Automation of HEC-RAS for Predictive Floodplain Mapping and Early Warning through Probabilistic Deep Learning 

amir saman tayerani charmchi, fatemeh ghobadi, Myeong In Kim, JungMin Lee, and Kichan Jung

Effective flood risk management crucially depends on precise floodplain inundation mapping and proactive early warning systems. This study introduces an innovative framework that automates the Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) for 2D unsteady flow simulations, integrated with a state-of-the-art probabilistic deep learning model for enhanced streamflow prediction. This framework innovatively forecasts both lower and upper inundation bounds, substantially improving the accuracy and reliability of flood risk assessments. It employs a probabilistic deep learning model using a Transformer-based neural network with a distribution head, allowing dynamic adaptation to diverse hydrological conditions. This adaptation supports the generation of precise flood scenarios and enables effective, timely interventions. Validation across a series of South Korean case studies, selected for their hydrological diversity, confirms the framework's enhanced predictive capabilities in mapping flood extents over conventional methods. Additionally, integrating automated parameter optimization, Monte Carlo simulations, and adaptive learning algorithms within HEC-RAS enhances the scalability and adaptability of flood modeling efforts. The automated framework streamlines complex simulation processes while effectively addressing inherent model uncertainties and integration challenges in practical applications. By providing a robust, scalable, and adaptable tool, this framework contributes to hydrological modeling and transforming flood risk management in flood-prone areas worldwide.

How to cite: tayerani charmchi, A. S., ghobadi, F., Kim, M. I., Lee, J., and Jung, K.: Advanced Automation of HEC-RAS for Predictive Floodplain Mapping and Early Warning through Probabilistic Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17140,, 2025.

EGU25-17325 | ECS | PICO | HS4.4

Improving vegetation condition forecasting for drought early warning in East Africa 

Chloe Hopling, Pedram Rowhani, James Muthoka, Martin Todd, Dominic Kniveton, and Emmah Mwangi

Droughts are a recurring global climate hazard that incur human, economic and environmental costs. In Eastern Africa, pastoralist communities whose livelihoods depend on the availability of pasturelands are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of drought. In response to this vulnerability,  the University of Sussex developed vegetation condition forecasts for pastoralist communities using remote sensing data and machine learning techniques. These forecasts are designed to be used by the Kenyan National Drought Management Authority in monthly drought early warning bulletins. 

Building on stakeholder feedback and given the impacts of drought vary within a county/sub-county we identify a need for higher-resolution forecasts of the onset of drought. Here we present the initial findings from a comparative study exploring a range of machine learning techniques to generate higher resolution vegetation condition forecasts for transboundary pastoralist regions in eastern Africa.  We aim to evaluate how the forecast skill varies depending on:  machine learning technique, resolution of input data and satellite indicators included. 

This work is part of PASSAGE, a CLARE ( funded project working towards strengthening pastoralist livelihoods through effective anticipatory action.

How to cite: Hopling, C., Rowhani, P., Muthoka, J., Todd, M., Kniveton, D., and Mwangi, E.: Improving vegetation condition forecasting for drought early warning in East Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17325,, 2025.

EGU25-17902 | ECS | PICO | HS4.4

Enhancing Streamflow Prediction in Vulnerable Regions through Probabilistic Deep Learning and Satellite-Derived Data 

Fatemeh Ghobadi, Amir Saman Tayerani Charmchi, JungMin Lee, Myeong In Kim, and Kichan jung

Accurate and timely prediction of streamflow is critical for managing the increasing risks associated with floods, particularly in developing countries where traditional in-situ monitoring systems are often sparse or non-existent. This study introduces a novel probabilistic multi-step ahead prediction model that leverages Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), self-attention mechanisms via the Informer network, and a distributional output layer to enhance the predictive accuracy and uncertainty quantification of streamflow time series. By integrating satellite-derived data, this approach addresses the acute data scarcity prevalent in regions most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and hydrological extremes. The proposed model captures complex, non-linear spatiotemporal dependencies within multi-sensors data, offering significant improvements over conventional geo-spatiotemporal analysis. This approach is validated across multiple case studies, demonstrating superior performance in both accuracy and reliability enhanced accuracy and reliability over conventional neural network architectures such as Vanilla LSTM, CNN-LSTM, traditional Transformers, and Informers. The incorporation of probabilistic outputs alongside sophisticated self-attention mechanisms significantly improves the model's capability to forecast streamflow over extended sequences, addressing critical gaps in flood forecasting. The findings underscore its potential as a practical tool for enhancing disaster preparedness and optimizing water resource management strategies in data-scarce regions, thereby contributing significantly to the resilience of vulnerable communities against climate-induced threats.

How to cite: Ghobadi, F., Tayerani Charmchi, A. S., Lee, J., Kim, M. I., and jung, K.: Enhancing Streamflow Prediction in Vulnerable Regions through Probabilistic Deep Learning and Satellite-Derived Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17902,, 2025.

EGU25-18796 | ECS | PICO | HS4.4

Making Low Probability forecasts of High Impact Hydrological Events more useful for Society 

Fatima Pillosu, Timothy Hewson, and Ervin Zsoter

Flash floods are a significant societal problem, that rank as the World Meteorological Organisation’s top priority hazard. Pinpointing where and when they will hit is however extremely challenging beyond lead times of an hour or two, even when using state of the art convection-resolving ensembles, due mainly to significant ensemble size limitations. There has been more success in highlighting areas at risk from flash floods by post-processing numerical model output, either from these limited area ensembles, or from global ensembles with parametrised convection, or by blending the two.

A benefit of using global ensembles is that they are much less constrained spatially and in terms of lead times. One successful post-processing approach applied here has been the ECMWF “ecPoint” system. This can deliver finite probabilities for very large, localised totals that ordinarily the raw ensemble system cannot, and should not, predict itself. These have verified very well but could be considered less actionable by users because the probabilities delivered, for a point in a given gridbox, in advance of extreme events, are often very small (e.g. 1-5%). This presentation will outline three developments related to the ecPoint approach that make it more amenable to users by 1) providing an estimate of likely maxima within a gridbox, that 2) tailor better to flash flood risk than purely to rainfall totals by cross referencing a new global point-rainfall climatology, and that 3) demonstrate clear ‘financial’ utility even if probabilities are small, via computations of potential economic value. Case studies will be used for illustration.

How to cite: Pillosu, F., Hewson, T., and Zsoter, E.: Making Low Probability forecasts of High Impact Hydrological Events more useful for Society, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18796,, 2025.

EGU25-550 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Projected Changes in the Euro-Mediterranean Hydrological Extremes 

Mohamed Hamitouche, Giorgia Fosser, Alessandro Anav, and Francesco Dottori

Recent extreme hydrological events in the Euro-Mediterranean region have highlighted the urgent need for improved understanding and prediction of floods and droughts. Catastrophic floods, such as those in Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia, have resulted in significant socioeconomic losses. More recently, unprecedented flooding in Valencia on October 29th underscores the increasing unpredictability and intensity of such events. Concurrently, Northern Africa has experienced severe, prolonged droughts over the past six years, with southern and eastern Europe facing similar challenges marked by persistent drought conditions and critical water shortages, leading to exacerbated soil moisture deficits and stressed vegetation. While the focus has largely remained on short-term meteorological drought forecasting, many significant impacts—ranging from public water supply to hydropower production—are closely tied to hydrological droughts. Understanding future variations in both flood and drought conditions is then essential for developing robust defence strategies and ensuring resilient infrastructure across the region.

This study investigates the impact of climate change on future hydrological extremes over the Med-CORDEX region. We utilized the ENEA-REG regional coupled model, which downscales historical and CMIP6 scenario simulations (SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5) from the MPI-ESM1-2-HR global model, to drive the CaMa-Flood River Hydrodynamics model for streamflow and river flood simulations. ENEA-REG integrates a coupled atmosphere (WRF) and ocean (MITgcm) components, which enhance our ability to capture complex interactions between sea surface temperatures and extreme hydrological events. Preliminary results indicate notable spatial variability in future flood and drought hazards. Considering floods, changes in their extent, duration, and high-flow frequencies (20-year and 50-year events) suggest a decrease in magnitude in eastern Mediterranean basins under SSP5-8.5, while Spanish northern (Ebro, Duero, Tajo) and southern (Guadalquivir and Andalusian) hydrographic basins, the Po River basin, together with UK and the north of Europe show increases. For droughts, the analysis focuses on changes in magnitude, duration, and trends in streamflow and streamflow drought index, highlighting critical vulnerabilities across the region. These findings emphasize the need for targeted adaptation strategies in response to evolving hydrological extremes.

How to cite: Hamitouche, M., Fosser, G., Anav, A., and Dottori, F.: Projected Changes in the Euro-Mediterranean Hydrological Extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-550,, 2025.

EGU25-727 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Projected flash drought evolution across Europe at different global warming levels  

Devvrat Yadav, Rohini Kumar, Jignesh Shah, Martin Hanel, and Oldrich Rakovec

Flash Droughts characterized by their rapid onset and development are a growing concern because of the threats it poses to agriculture and ecosystems (O and Park, 2023) caused by the rapid decline in soil moisture. Despite that little is known about how they will develop under different warming levels.  

This study aims to bridge that gap in our understanding of flash drought development by examining the frequency and extent of flash droughts across Europe under 1.0°C, 1.5°C, 2.0°C and 3.0°C global warming levels relative to pre-industrial time. This study uses mesoscale hydrologic model (mHM) (Samaniego et al., 2010; Kumar et al, 2013) to simulate soil moisture using the data from bias corrected climate projections from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3b (ISIMIP3b) derived from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) (O’Neill et al., 2016). Flash droughts are identified using percentiles-based criteria detecting rapid decline in soil moisture content (Shah et al., 2022) 

Results indicate the area under flash droughts are expected to increase by 50% at 3°C warming compared to 1°C in the entire Europe with the effect being more prominent in the Northern parts of Europe going as high as three times at 3°C compared to 1°C. Frequency of such events is expected to double as the climate heats up from 1 °C to 3 °C, with the effects again getting reflected more in the Northern region of the Europe and diminishing as we move down South towards the Mediterranean. Results also indicate that areas such as France, Spain and Norway which were already facing flash droughts historically are expected to have more such events with new areas also getting affected thus making the event more widespread.  

These findings indicate the effect of climate change and how it can affect the agricultural systems and the need for proactive adaptation measures to mitigate the effects. 

Keywords: Flash drought, mHM, CMIP6, Warming levels, soil moisture, pre-industrial 

Kumar, R., Samaniego, L. and Attinger, S., 2013. Implications of distributed hydrologic model parameterization on water fluxes at multiple scales and locations. Water Resources Research, 49(1), pp.360-379. 

O, S., Park, S.K., 2023. Flash drought drives rapid vegetation stress in arid regions in Europe. Environ. Res. Lett. 18, 014028. 

O’Neill, B.C., Tebaldi, C., van Vuuren, D.P., Eyring, V., Friedlingstein, P., Hurtt, G., Knutti, R., Kriegler, E., Lamarque, J.-F., Lowe, J., Meehl, G.A., Moss, R., Riahi, K., Sanderson, B.M., 2016. The Scenario Model Intercomparison Project (ScenarioMIP) for CMIP6. Geosci. Model Dev. 9, 3461–3482. 

Samaniego, L., Kumar, R., Attinger, S., 2010. Multiscale parameter regionalization of a grid-based hydrologic model at the mesoscale. Water Resour. Res. 46. 

Shah, J., Hari, V., Rakovec, O., Markonis, Y., Samaniego, L., Mishra, V., Hanel, M., Hinz, C., Kumar, R., 2022. Increasing footprint of climate warming on flash droughts occurrence in Europe. Environ. Res. Lett. 17, 064017. 

How to cite: Yadav, D., Kumar, R., Shah, J., Hanel, M., and Rakovec, O.: Projected flash drought evolution across Europe at different global warming levels , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-727,, 2025.

EGU25-760 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Concurrent Hydro-climate Drought Extremes in Eastern India Under Climate Change Scenarios 

Sushree Swagatika Swain, Ashok Mishra, and Chandranath Chatterjee

The interplay of hydro-climate extremes poses critical challenges to water resource management, particularly in agriculture-dominated regions where climate variability significantly affects crop production, irrigation demands, and overall agricultural sustainability. The Eastern India river basins, including the Brahmani and Baitarani, are significantly dependent on monsoonal rainfall for irrigation, drinking water, and hydroelectric power generation, making them vital for analyzing concurrent hydro-climate drought extremes. This study investigates the concurring dynamics of hydro-climate droughts driven by changes in precipitation patterns, temperature extremes, and declining river flows. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Standardized Temperature Index (STI), and Standardized Runoff Index (SRI) are employed to analyze precipitation, temperature, and runoff extremes, focusing on dry-wet dynamics within the consecutive seasons. This analysis is conducted using historical data (1979–2018) and future climate projections (2021–2060) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). Additionally, we have analyzed trends in precipitation and temperature variability alongside their influence on runoff. Our findings reveal that the frequency and intensity of concurrent hydro-climate drought events are projected to increase within the seasons, with significant impacts on the monsoon season, including reduced rainfall, extended dry spells, and depleted runoff. These changes exacerbate water scarcity and heighten agricultural vulnerabilities in the region. The interconnected nature of these extremes highlights the need for integrated water resource management strategies that prioritize climate resilience. This research emphasizes the importance of adaptive measures to mitigate the socio-economic impacts of hydro-climate droughts in Eastern India, ensuring the sustainability of ecosystems and livelihoods in the face of an uncertain future climate.

How to cite: Swain, S. S., Mishra, A., and Chatterjee, C.: Concurrent Hydro-climate Drought Extremes in Eastern India Under Climate Change Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-760,, 2025.

Drought is a pervasive and destructive natural hazard with far-reaching impacts on various sectors that could threaten human lives. For effective mitigation and management, especially under global warming conditions, reliable means of assessing droughts are vitally important for precise monitoring and assessment. This study examines the impact of climate change on drought conditions in Jordan, a region prone to water scarcity and climate-related vulnerabilities. First, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of drought simulation capabilities using a COordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) multi-domain set consisting of 21 model simulations from three domains: Africa (AFR), Middle East and North Africa (MENA), and South Asia (WAS). Using the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), which accounts for both precipitation and temperature, we assess the models' performance against historical data (1976-2005) from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. This validation identifies a subset of model simulations that reliably generate SPEI values for Jordan. Building on these validated models, we then investigate future drought conditions for the end of the twenty-first century (2070-2099) under the RCP8.5 scenario. Projected changes reveal a significant rise in temperature and a drying tendency, with anticipated reductions in precipitation. Future drought characteristics indicate a substantial increase in severity, with decreasing frequency but increasing duration, and an expanding spatial extent of drought conditions. The outcomes of this study provide valuable insights for drought monitoring and highlight the urgent need for proactive mitigation and adaptation strategies to enhance resilience against the projected intensification of drought conditions in Jordan. These findings serve as an early warning for policymakers and stakeholders to establish efficient plans for addressing the increasing challenges posed by drought in the region and offer insights into evaluating CORDEX models for drought-related studies in other regions.

How to cite: Alkhasoneh, H. and Rowe, C.: Climate Change and Drought in Jordan: A Comprehensive Analysis Using CORDEX Regional Climate Model Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-902,, 2025.

EGU25-972 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Assessing the uncertainty in parameter estimation of Log Pearson type III Distribution 

Amit Singh and Sagar Chavan

Design flood quantile estimation at critical locations in a river basin is essential for various hydrological applications. Regional flood frequency analysis using the L-moment-based approach offers a robust and efficient method for estimating flood quantiles at ungauged and sparsely gauged sites. The literature suggests that LH moments—higher probability-weighted moments—place greater emphasis on the tail of the distribution. This study explores the performance of the LH-moment-based approach for regions modeled using the Log Pearson Type III (LP-III) distribution, applying techniques such as the method of moments, maximum likelihood estimation, L-moments (a special case of LH-moments), and LH-moment parameter estimation. A Monte Carlo simulation experiment was conducted to assess the accuracy and reliability of these parameter estimation techniques for design flood estimation. The analysis was applied to four river basins in South India to evaluate the ability of the LP-III distribution to model annual maximum series across different climate zones (arid, temperate, and tropical). The findings have significant implications for flood risk management, infrastructure design, and policy-making, especially in regions undergoing rapid environmental changes. This research enhances the understanding of regional flood dynamics and provides a framework for more accurate flood risk assessments and improved management strategies.

How to cite: Singh, A. and Chavan, S.: Assessing the uncertainty in parameter estimation of Log Pearson type III Distribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-972,, 2025.

EGU25-1152 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Evaluating the effects of drought mitigation measures during floods 

Christopher Wittmann, Perry de Louw, Eva Schoonderwoerd, Vera Kingma, Ruben Dahm, Kees Peerdeman, and Ellis Penning

While nature-based drought mitigation measures (DMM), such as removing drainage and abstractions and raising stream bed levels, are a possible solution to combat droughts by targeting raised groundwater levels, they can also reduce the available storage capacity to buffer storm events, creating potential trade-offs with flood risk management objectives. However, the effects of floods and droughts are rarely assessed jointly. We demonstrate a coupled groundwater-surface water modeling approach in a shallow groundwater system of the Dutch sandy soils region that has shown vulnerability to droughts. We simulate the effects of DMM on both long-term averages of groundwater levels and short-term groundwater and surface water responses during heavy rainfall events. The DMM raise long-term summer groundwater levels, thereby compensating climate change induced summer groundwater storage deficits. However, during wetter winter months, groundwater levels are also raised significantly. As a result of reduced available flood storage capacity, peak streamflow increases following heavy winter rainfall events. We conclude that it is crucial to design and plan drought and flood mitigation strategies jointly. This also requires tailoring land management to prevalent environmental conditions. To this end, developing modeling approaches for a joint assessment of hydrological effects is key to inform the formulation of integrated strategies. 

How to cite: Wittmann, C., de Louw, P., Schoonderwoerd, E., Kingma, V., Dahm, R., Peerdeman, K., and Penning, E.: Evaluating the effects of drought mitigation measures during floods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1152,, 2025.

EGU25-1669 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Changes in wet and dry spell characteristics in Australian catchments 

Steven Thomas, Conrad Wasko, Danlu Guo, Ulrike Bende-Michl, and Murray Peel

Hydroclimate variability results in sequencing between wetter and drier periods at both day-to-day and longer timeframes. Variability at the day-to-day scale can result in sudden water surpluses or deficiencies resulting in extreme events such as floods and flash droughts. Longer-term variability, however, can significantly influence water security through the impact of droughts and reduced streamflow. Variability at both timescales poses significant challenges to water resources management, with follow-on impacts on local ecosystems and communities. In this study we investigate changes in day-to-day hydroclimate variability, focussing on the intermittency patterns of rainfall (wet and dry spells).

Our investigation, at the catchment scale, uses rainfall for 467 Hydrological Reference Stations (HRS) catchments from 1950-2022 across the Australian continent. We look at long-term trends in rainfall frequency, duration, and intensity characteristics at annual and seasonal timescales and break down our analysis by similar climatic regions. We find a clear trend towards more dry days per year across most catchments in Australia. Interestingly, there are no consistent trends in annual rainfall totals or annual mean dry spell length, despite the increase in the dry days per year. There are however consistent declining trends in annual mean and maximum wet spell lengths with shorter spells over ~80% and ~50% of catchments respectively, with the majority being in southern and eastern Australia. Northern Australia sees the opposite of this drying trend with fewer dry days per year and more intense rainfall during wet spells. Depending on the season, some regions are experiencing an increase in the number of wet spells, potentially suggesting there are changes to the dominant weather systems delivering rainfall to the region.

The presence of trends towards shorter wet spells and an increase in their frequency aligns with the change towards more episodic rainfall and highlights the need to further investigate both wet and dry spells concurrently. We conclude that wet and dry spell characteristics are changing and will continue to do so under the influence of climate change and need to be considered to manage water security across Australia.

How to cite: Thomas, S., Wasko, C., Guo, D., Bende-Michl, U., and Peel, M.: Changes in wet and dry spell characteristics in Australian catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1669,, 2025.

The Lancang-Mekong River (LMR) Basin is highly vulnerable to extreme hydrological events, including floods, droughts, and their combinations, such as Drought-Flood Abrupt Alternation (DFAA). The impacts of climate change on these extremes and the efficacy of potential adaptation measures remain poorly understood. This study investigates these dynamics using five Global Climate Models (GCMs) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). It employs the Standardized Runoff Index (SRI) and the Regional Drought-Flood Abruptness Index (R-DFAI) alongside the Tsinghua Representative Elementary Watershed (THREW) model, integrated with a reservoir module. Results reveal that the LMR Basin, particularly its upstream regions, is projected to face heightened susceptibility to drought during the near future (2021–2060) and increased flood risks in the far future (2061–2100). Under SSP126 and SSP245 scenarios, DFAA risks escalate, especially downstream and during the wet season, whereas under SSP585, these risks decline. Reservoirs as a promising adaptation strategy can significantly mitigate extreme hydrological events and DFAA, particularly in regions with higher total reservoir storage. However, their efficacy in controlling downstream floods diminishes in the far future. Reservoir operations reduce DFAA’s intensity, limit multi-peak occurrences, shorten its monthly span, and alleviate risks during critical agricultural periods. These insights offer valuable guidance for effective water resource cooperative management across LMR Basin countries.

How to cite: Zhang, K. and Tian, F.: The mitigation of reservoirs on extreme hydrological events in Lancang-Mekong River Basin under changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2286,, 2025.

EGU25-2315 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Streamflow Flash Droughts in Australia: Occurrence, Characteristics and Impacts 

Pallavi Goswami, Ailie Gallant, and Ulrike Bende-Michl

Flash droughts, characterized by their rapid onset, are typically associated with rapid soil moisture depletion caused by insufficient rainfall and heightened evaporative stress. This study broadens the traditional impact-based definition of flash droughts to reveal their significant effects on water resources, specifically through streamflow flash drought events. By analysing perennial catchments across Australia, we identified instances of abrupt reductions in streamflow volumes over short periods. Remarkably, these events can arise from a range of antecedent conditions—wet, normal, or dry— and can potentially have damaging consequences. The severity of impacts varies non-linearly with catchment characteristics, with larger catchments often being more vulnerable. During the onset of these events, streamflow volumes typically decline by a median of 60%, underscoring the intensity of these events. Additionally, such events occur at an average frequency of two per decade across most regions. These findings emphasise the need to enhance the monitoring, forecasting, and management of these events to mitigate the adverse effects on water supply, agriculture, energy production, and other water-reliant sectors.

How to cite: Goswami, P., Gallant, A., and Bende-Michl, U.: Streamflow Flash Droughts in Australia: Occurrence, Characteristics and Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2315,, 2025.

EGU25-2595 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Understanding the impact of precipitation and model uncertainties on extreme flood estimates 

Eleni Kritidou, Martina Kauzlaric, Marc Vis, Maria Staudinger, Jan Seibert, and Daniel Viviroli

Dealing with large uncertainties associated with estimates of extreme floods is a major challenge for risk assessment and mitigation. It is important to understand and quantify the potential sources of these uncertainties to reduce risk and support cost-effective and safe infrastructure design.

In this study, we employ a framework based on a hydrometeorological modeling chain with long continuous simulations to estimate extreme floods (Viviroli et al., 2022). The first element of the modeling chain is the multi-site stochastic weather generator GWEX, which focuses on intense precipitation events. GWEX generates long scenarios that force a bucket-type hydrological model (HBV), which simulates discharge time series. Lastly, a hydrologic routing model (RS Minerve) implements simplified representations of river channel hydraulics, floodplain inundations and regulated lakes.

The main objective of this contribution is to quantify the uncertainty arising from the weather generator and the hydrological model at different return levels, as these two factors are highly relevant for hydrological extremes. To this end, we employ two weather generator parameterizations: the first one is the default parameterization, which serves as a benchmark, whereas specific parameters are conditioned on weather types in the second one. Then, two hydrological model configurations with different response functions are utilized. Varying these elements of the modeling chain allows us to understand their impact on the extreme flood estimates by interpreting the resulting variability as uncertainty. We run our simulations for three representative HBV-model parameter sets to account for model parameter uncertainty. This modeling framework is applied to nine large catchments (> 450 km²) located in different regions of Switzerland to consider the influence of catchment characteristics. The last step of our methodology includes the decomposition of uncertainty in extreme flood estimates using an analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Our results suggest that the contributions of different sources of uncertainty vary between the catchments. The dominant source of uncertainty may vary for different return periods ranging from 1 to 1000 years. These results highlight the challenge of generalizing a priori about the importance of the selected components contributing to the total uncertainty at the catchment scale, as physiographic catchment characteristics play a key role. Overall, this study sheds light on the role of uncertainties in a hydrometeorological modeling chain and will serve as a basis for follow-up studies related to hazard assessment, safety planning, and hydraulic engineering projects.



Viviroli D, Sikorska-Senoner AE, Evin G, Staudinger M, Kauzlaric M, Chardon J, Favre AC, Hingray B, Nicolet G, Raynaud D, Seibert J, Weingartner R, Whealton C, 2022. Comprehensive space-time hydrometeorological simulations for estimating very rare floods at multiple sites in a large river basin. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(9), 2891–2920, doi:10.5194/nhess-22-2891-2022

How to cite: Kritidou, E., Kauzlaric, M., Vis, M., Staudinger, M., Seibert, J., and Viviroli, D.: Understanding the impact of precipitation and model uncertainties on extreme flood estimates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2595,, 2025.

EGU25-3052 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Low flow frequency analyses: A new approach integrating seasonality and multivariate characteristics of drought 

Fatemeh Firoozi, Johanenes Laimighofer, and Gregor Laaha

In this paper, we propose a new approach for multivariate drought frequency analysis. It combines extreme value statistics of magnitude, duration and deficit volume of annual streamflow drought events. Drought magnitude is represented by the annual minimum flow. It is modeled by the mixed distribution approach of Laaha (2023a) based on annual summer and winter minimum series, where possible seasonal correlations are modeled by a copula approach (Laaha 2023b). Duration and deficit volume of annual drought events are estimated by Yevjevich’s threshold level approach, using a constant threshold level. To this end, the dependence structure of magnitude (M), duration (D) and deficit volume (V) with seasonality characteristics is evaluated. The joint probability of occurrence of multiple drought characteristics is modeled using a Vine copula approach, thereby extending bivariate drought frequency analysis of Mirabbasi et al. (2012). The multivariate frequency model allows marginal and total frequencies or return periods of drought events to be calculated. We anticipate that the multivariate low-flow frequency analysis is more comprehensive, and thus more effective in capturing drought severity compared to the univariate analyses. We suggest that the method can be used for drought monitoring in various hydrological settings including strongly seasonal climates.


Laaha, G., 2023a. A mixed distribution approach for low-flow frequency analysis–Part 1: Concept, performance, and effect of seasonality. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27(3), pp.689-701.

Laaha, G. 2023b. A mixed distribution approach for low-flow frequency analysis–Part 2: Comparative assessment of a mixed probability vs. copula-based dependence framework. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27(10), 2019-2034.

Mirabbasi, R., Fakheri-Fard, A. and Dinpashoh, Y., 2012. Bivariate drought frequency analysis using the copula method. Theoretical and applied climatology, 108, pp.191-206.


How to cite: Firoozi, F., Laimighofer, J., and Laaha, G.: Low flow frequency analyses: A new approach integrating seasonality and multivariate characteristics of drought, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3052,, 2025.

The prediction of hydrological droughts in a non-stationary context poses major challenges. Understanding the drivers of drought fluctuations is crucial for developing effective adaptation and management strategies. This study addresses this issue by developing a two-step modelling approach using a multivariate Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and a Multinomial Linear Regression model (MLR), with a bootstrap approach to assess uncertainty. Using HMM, we classify the low water level time series into Dry, Normal, and Wet years and assess the frequency of each class in the historical data. Dry years can be identified as hydrological droughts. To predict low-water level class transitions in a non-stationary context, we propose an MLR framework. With this, we estimate probabilities of low-water level class transitions by inputting external variables into the transition matrix estimates. Precipitation thresholds for annual minima are also derived, with uncertainties and sensitivities assessed via bootstrap resampling. Our framework was successfully applied to the Paraguay River basin (PRB), where long-term changes in hydrological variables are frequent. The HMM transition matrix reveals a long persistence of years in each water level class and an inhomogeneity between the two periods (1901-1960 and 1961-2024). The second period exhibits more extended runs of wet, dry, and non-dry years, suggesting a change in the driving dynamics. A multi-annual hydrological drought lasting for 13 years (1961-1973) was identified, followed by a stretch of 46 years (1974-2019) with no droughts in the study area. Simulations allowed estimates of probabilities of those persistent hydrological conditions at 21% and 4% probability, respectively. Precipitation is the primary predictor of regime shifts, but the class transition probabilities and precipitation thresholds are non-homogeneous and conditional on the current low-water level regime. Different precipitation thresholds were estimated conditioned on the current water levels: 1,040 mm for initiating a hydrological drought during a normal year and 1,180 mm to transition from a hydrological drought to normal conditions. The research advances non-stationary extreme event analysis by proposing an efficient new approach for non-stationary extreme event analysis. The approach is effective in estimating inhomogeneity in hydrological drought occurrence; identifying long persistence of hydrological drought episodes and their associated probabilities; defining precipitation thresholds that trigger drought occurrence conditioned on the current basin state; and revealing the importance of coupled drivers of low water level shifts.

How to cite: Suassuna Santos, M. and Slater, L.: Integrating Hidden Markov and Multinomial Models for Hydrological Drought Prediction under nonstationarity., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3323,, 2025.

EGU25-3378 | Orals | HS2.4.1

From floods to droughts: Climate change impact on compounding streamflow flood and drought in Europe 

Samuel Jonson Sutanto, Tijmen Koenen, and Pilar Reija Zamora

Droughts and floods have large impacts on a wide range of sectors and their frequency is expected to increase in a warming climate. While droughts and floods individually have distinct impacts, the occurrence of compound flood and drought (CFD) events, or vice versa, can cause greater impacts than when these events occur in isolation. This study examines changes in the characteristics and return period of single flood and drought events, as well as changes in CFD characteristics, by analyzing daily streamflow data from the CWatM (CommunityWaterModel) model for four European rivers during both historical and future periods under two climate scenarios (SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5). Floods and droughts were identified using threshold methods and CFD events were determined when floods and droughts occurred within a 7-month interval. Flood and drought characteristics were defined as flood/drought frequency, flood/drought duration, flood magnitude, flood volume, and drought volume. On the other hand, CFD characteristics were analyzed based on frequency, duration, transition time, and empirical compound severity index. Flood and low flow return periods were estimated based on Gumbel’s extreme value distribution. Results show that floods will generally become more frequent and severe under SSP1-2.6, whereas under SSP5-8.5, they will become less frequent but more severe. Drought severity is projected to increase substantially under both scenarios, though the frequency will vary across different basins. Changes in return periods of high- and low-flow events also vary greatly between basins, with more extreme both high and low flows in the Rhone basin. CFD events will be more frequent and severe in the Rhine and Rhone basins, while their frequency will decrease in the Danube and Tagus basins. Rivers with lower baseflow are expected to experience more frequent and severe CFD, due to more extreme variations in rainfall. The Rhone basin, in particular, will experience shorter transitions between flood and drought events, indicating that CFD will be most impacted by climate change.

How to cite: Sutanto, S. J., Koenen, T., and Zamora, P. R.: From floods to droughts: Climate change impact on compounding streamflow flood and drought in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3378,, 2025.

EGU25-3954 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

A Transition from Precipitation- to Temperature-Dominated Drought in the Western United States 

Yizhou Zhuang, Rong Fu, Joel Lisonbee, Amanda Sheffield, Britt Parker, and Genoveva Deheza

While precipitation deficits have long been the primary driver of drought, our observational analysis shows that since the year 2000, rising surface temperature and the resulting high evaporative demand have contributed more to drought severity (62%) and coverage (66%) across the western US (WUS). This increase in evaporative demand, largely driven by human-caused climate change, is the main cause of the observed increase in drought severity and coverage. The unprecedented 2020–2022 WUS drought, which led to widespread water shortages and wildfires, exemplifies this shift in drought drivers, with high evaporative demand accounting for 61% of its severity. Climate model simulations corroborate this shift and project that, under the fossil-fueled development scenario (SSP5-8.5), droughts like the 2020–2022 event will transition from being a very rare event (<0.1%) in the pre-2022 period to a 1-in-60-year event by mid-century (2040-2060) and to a 1-in-6-year event by the late 21st century (2080-2100). These projections highlight the urgent need for adaptation measures to mitigate the growing risk of severe drought in the WUS under a changing climate.  

How to cite: Zhuang, Y., Fu, R., Lisonbee, J., Sheffield, A., Parker, B., and Deheza, G.: A Transition from Precipitation- to Temperature-Dominated Drought in the Western United States, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3954,, 2025.

EGU25-4334 | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Flood situation on the rivers Morava and Danube in September 2024 and its impact on the groundwater level 

Samuel Radič, Ján Gavurník, and Valéria Slivová

In the second decade of September 2024, after a long-lasting above-average temperature period without widespread precipitation, an extraordinary precipitation event occurred, affecting mainly the west and northwest of Slovakia. Cumulative precipitation amounts ranged from 120 to 250 mm, locally significantly more on the windward sides of the mountains. Extraordinary high precipitation totals were also recorded in surrounding countries, especially in Austria, Czech Republic, Romania and southern Poland. This precipitation event resulted in a flood situation. We observed the highest level of flood activity on all hydro-prognostic profiles of the rivers Morava and Danube. Direct hydraulic interaction between surface water and groundwater in the Záhorská nížina Lowland, Žitný ostrov Island and areas along right bank of the Danube River has caused a significant increase of the groundwater level during the flood wave in these areas. Based on the measured data from the state groundwater monitoring network of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, we assessed the state of the groundwater level in the affected areas during the flood situation. We also identified and analyzed in more detail the areas where groundwater reached the terrain.

How to cite: Radič, S., Gavurník, J., and Slivová, V.: Flood situation on the rivers Morava and Danube in September 2024 and its impact on the groundwater level, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4334,, 2025.

A wide variety of processes controls characteristics of river flood events. Classifying flood events by their causative processes may assist in understanding the emergence of extremes and support the detection and interpretation of their changes. We show observational evidences of considerable changes in the frequency of different flood generation processes in Europe in the past decades that are likely to manifest in the shifts in the dominant processes by the end of the century under high emission scenario. Furthermore, we show that we can use the information on different event generation processes for diagnosing limitations of conceptual hydrological models and deep learning-powered forecasting tools paving the way to their improvement. Our ongoing work on socio-economic impacts of floods generated by different processes indicates that their future shifts and the limitations of our state-of-the-art models might have dire consequences for the flood preparedness in Europe.

How to cite: Tarasova, L.: Flood generation processes – a tool for understanding hydrological changes and improving predictions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4518,, 2025.

EGU25-4550 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Optimizing Impervious Surface Distribution for Enhanced Urban Flood Resilience 

Andam Mustafa, Michał Szydłowski, and Shuokr Qarani Aziz

Abstract: As urban populations grow and cities expand and develop, the likelihood of natural disasters, such as floods, increases accordingly. Urban centers and residential areas are highly susceptible to flooding. Flooding poses significant risks to urban areas, especially in regions vulnerable to climate change, where developing countries are disproportionately affected. In Erbil, the rapid expansion and urban development, particularly following the 2004 liberation by coalition forces, have resulted in the extensive conversion of agricultural and undeveloped lands both within and beyond the city's municipal boundaries into built-up areas. Compared to rural areas, urban areas are more significantly impacted by natural disasters, particularly flooding. This study explores the influence of surface cover types on runoff and flood risk, focusing on the Italian City-2 and Rizgary neighborhood in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The challenges associated with surface water management are not limited to new neighborhoods but are also prevalent in many older neighborhoods of the city. The Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) method was employed to model runoff under varying rainfall scenarios. This study aimed to: (1) evaluate the impact of impervious surfaces in residential areas on runoff generation, emphasizing the role of urban design; (2) analyze how varying housing densities influence runoff under different rainfall scenarios, comparing Italian City 2 and Rizgary Neighborhood in Erbil to represent distinct urban typologies; and (3) explore the potential of the SCS-CN method for sustainable hydrological planning. The findings provide insights for optimizing urban planning, mitigating flood risks, and enhancing water resource management in semi-arid regions like Erbil. The results reveal that increasing the proportion of permeable surfaces significantly reduces runoff volumes and mitigates flood risks, as compared to areas dominated by impervious surfaces. These findings underscore the critical importance of integrating permeable materials and green infrastructure into urban design to enhance flood resilience. The study offers valuable insights for urban planners, policymakers, and developers by identifying optimal surface compositions for reducing flood risks in rapidly urbanizing areas. Additionally, the research emphasizes the urgent need for sustainable urban development policies, particularly in regions like Erbil, which face the dual challenges of rapid urbanization and climate change-induced risks.

How to cite: Mustafa, A., Szydłowski, M., and Aziz, S. Q.: Optimizing Impervious Surface Distribution for Enhanced Urban Flood Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4550,, 2025.

Droughts and floods are natural phenomena in the Amazon, arising from the spatial and temporal variability of rainfall distribution. However, anthropogenic climate change and forest degradation, summed to large-scale climatic events, have intensified their frequency, intensity and onset, pushing the Amazon region to a critical tipping point. The Madeira River, the largest and most significant tributary of the Amazon River, is particularly vulnerable to these extremes. Notable droughts in 2005, 2010, 2015-2016 and 2023-2024, alongside major floods in 2014 and 2021, highlight the increasing variability of hydrometeorological patterns, severely impacting water resources, ecosystems and communities. This study evaluates the environmental and social impacts of climate change on the Madeira River Basin, emphasizing changes in hydrometeorological patterns and their repercussions in droughts and flood events. Daily observed data on precipitation, streamflow, and water level from stations operated by the National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANA) were analyzed. A 50-year historical dataset (January 1975 to August 2024) across 14 locations was used to calculate the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Standardized Streamflow Index (SSI) to assess the magnitudes, duration, and period of occurrence of flood-drought events. The findings reveal escalating impacts of hydrological extremes on ecosystems and communities. Rising temperatures and extreme events disrupt the basin’s ecological recovery processes, reducing soil moisture, altering evapotranspiration rates, and stressing biodiversity. Communities face reduced water availability, compromised hydroelectric energy production, and restricted transportation for riparian populations reliant on river systems for livelihoods. Correlations between SPI and SSI were analyzed to understand the interactions between climatic and hydrological variables, offering insights into the basin’s response mechanisms to drought and flood events. These insights are critical for guiding adaptive strategies and managing water resources in a changing climate. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of developing and refining early warning systems to mitigate risks, enhance resilience and support sustainable management in the face of hydrological extremes.

How to cite: Camarano Lüdtke, J., Melo Brentan, B., and Ferreira Rodrigues, A.: Investigating the Impacts of Climate Change on Hydrological Extremes in The Madeira River Basin, Amazonia: an emphasis on the unprecedented drought-flood transitions over the last decade, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4574,, 2025.

Climate change and anthropogenic activities have intensified extreme weather events globally. In the summer of 2022, the Yangtze River Basin (YRB) in China experienced an extreme drought, significantly impacting the ecosystems and society. However, the specific effects of this extreme drought on surface and subsurface hydrological dynamics remain unclear. Here we employed satellite-observed terrestrial water storage anomaly (TWSA) and a modified hydrological model with consideration of reservoir operation, human water consumption, and water diversion engineering to quantify how subsurface and surface water in YRB responded to such an extreme drought in 2022. Validation against a series of observations shows that the modified model has good performance in reproducing daily streamflow, reservoir water storage, lake water storage, and snow water equivalent. It achieved more precise GRACE TWSA estimates in the YRB with significant human intervention, and therefore it can accurately quantify both surface and subsurface hydrological responses to the 2022 extreme drought. Compared to the same months (July-December) in 2015-2021, the drought in 2022 resulted in a decrease in precipitation and discharge of 373 km3 (36%) and 324 km3(50%), respectively, while an increase in evapotranspiration of 156 km3 (29%) in the YRB. In general, the surface water storage (SWS) is relatively low from July 2022, followed by subsurface water storage (SSWS) from August 2022, indicating an approximately one-month lag from the former to the latter. During the latter half year of 2022, the SWS and SSWS reduced by 48 km3 and 83 km3, respectively, suggesting the changes in the latter dominated the TWS variations. This study sheds light on the responses of surface and subsurface hydrology to extreme droughts, and the hydrological modeling framework with consideration of human activities proposed here holds applicability beyond the YRB.

How to cite: Tang, Z., Zhang, Y., and Kong, D.: Using hydrological modeling and satellite observations to elucidate subsurface and surface hydrological responses to the extreme drought, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5487,, 2025.

Compared to other natural disasters, drought is a disaster that continues and accumulates over time, with its impacts depending on the spatial extent of droughts over prolonged periods. Droughts propagate in time and space. Especially, the spatial drought propagation refers to expansion of drought from specific regions to other regions due to increased magnitude or transition of drought center. This study aims to conduct quantitative assessment of spatial drought propagation that has been relatively understudied in South Korea. We identified the seasonal source regions and analyzed the impacts of spatial drought propagation of meteorological droughts in South Korea, using propagation potential (PP) and potential influence of source region (PISR). The PP indicates the difference in intensity between drought propagation from a specific grid to other grids and from other grids to the specific grid. A grid with positive PP values is defined as a source region, while a grid with negative PP values is defined as a sink region. A source region refers to the region of early drought onset that propagates to other regions within the basin, and a higher PP value represents a higher intensity of drought propagation. The PISR is the proportion of drought events propagated from drought onset of source regions within the basin. In this study, the highest absolute values of PP exist in spring, which has the highest risk of drought due to the climate in South Korea, and this result indicates a frequent occurrence of spatial propagation. On the other hand, the lowest absolute values of PP exist in autumn. We estimate that drought onset in sink region is more likely influenced by propagation from source regions, rather than individual drought occurrence. In conclusion, the PP is considered for detecting the source regions of meteorological drought and assessing the seasonality of spatial propagation. In addition, the PISR quantitatively assesses the impact of source regions, determining that sink regions are high hazard influenced by source regions, rather than individual drought occurrence. The results of this study can contribute to detecting the areas where the drought can propagate ahead of time to minimize the impact of droughts.

Acknowledgement: This research was supported by a grant (2022-MOIS63-001) of Cooperative Research Method and Safety Management Technology in National Disaster funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety (MOIS, Korea).

How to cite: Son, H.-J., Han, J., and Kim, T.-W.: Detecting Source Regions of Spatial Drought Propagation and Quantitative Assessment of Their Potential Influence in South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5531,, 2025.

EGU25-5996 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Non-stationary low-flow frequency analysis with Mixture Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution 

Farhana Sweeta Fitriana, Svenja Fischer, Gabriele Weigelhofer, and Gregor Laaha


Extreme low flow is a critical component of the river flow regime, posing significant risks for water management by impacting water availability and quality. Addressing these challenges requires accurate information on design low flow corresponding to specific non-exceedance probabilities. Traditional low-flow frequency analysis assumes stationarity and process homogeneity; however, these assumptions become questionable under the influence of climate change and varying generation processes for low flows, such as in seasonal snow climate that the annual extreme series will be a mixture of both summer and winter low-flow events. The study aims to extend regional low flow frequency analysis to non-stationary conditions and account for seasonal variation for a better statistical description of extreme events.

First, we analyse temporal trends in the study area separately for annual minimum winter and summer series and investigate whether they can be related to temperature increase or other climate trends. Then, we apply modelling concepts to extend the mixed distribution model of Laaha (2023) to non-stationary conditions using a conditional Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution. This allows us to consider the detected trends in low flow frequency analysis. The results of the study provide a new perspective on low flow processes and impact chains in river systems.

Keywords: Non-stationary frequency analysis, low flow, drought, climate change, seasonality


Laaha, G. (2023). A mixed distribution approach for low-flow frequency analysis – Part 1: Concept, performance, and effect of seasonality. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27(3), 689-701.


How to cite: Fitriana, F. S., Fischer, S., Weigelhofer, G., and Laaha, G.: Non-stationary low-flow frequency analysis with Mixture Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5996,, 2025.

EGU25-6833 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Advancing Flood Impact Estimation: Comparing Multivariate Continuous Hydrologic-Hydraulic Models with Traditional Approaches 

Diego Armando Urrea Méndez, Dina Vanesa Gomez Rabe, and Manuel del Jesus Peñil

Flood frequency estimation is critical for water resource planning and management; however, traditional methods, typically univariate, often underestimate impacts due to several limitations, such as the use of short observational series (Taleb, 2022) and the lack of consideration for the interdependence among key hydrological variables (e.g., precipitation, discharge, and volume) (G. Salvadori et al., 2011; Serinaldi, 2015) Addressing these shortcomings, we present an innovative methodological framework that integrates continuous hydrologic-hydraulic modeling with multivariate analysis techniques (Brunner et al., 2017; Grimaldi et al., 2013, 2021), enabling a more comprehensive representation of flood impacts and extent. This approach encompasses three distinct hydrological modeling strategies:

First, we employ rainfall-based modeling using both observed and synthetic rainfall series to develop rainfall-runoff hydrological models that generate discharge series. These discharge series are used to apply univariate methodologies, resulting in three flood scenarios: one scenario based on discharges derived from observed rainfall, a second scenario using synthetic rainfall, and, finally, an additional scenario derived from continuous hydrologic-hydraulic modeling. A key advantage of the latter approach is the elimination of the need for design hyetographs and hydrographs, which are significant sources of uncertainty in conventional methods (Grimaldi et al., 2012).

Second, we focus on discharge-based modeling, utilizing both observed and synthetic discharge series. This process employs a multivariate methodological framework to generate synthetic discharge series derived from observed data. Univariate methodologies are applied to these series to produce two flood scenarios: one exclusively based on observed series and another on synthetic series. Additionally, continuous discharge series generated through the multivariate framework are incorporated into a continuous hydrologic-hydraulic modeling approach, yielding a third scenario that enables more robust and detailed analysis.

Finally, joint behavior is evaluated through the analysis of joint return periods, accounting for the spatial dependence of precipitation (Urrea Méndez & Del Jesus, 2023) and the interaction between discharge and volume (Brunner et al., 2017; Fischer & Schumann, 2023). This framework explores distinct approaches that complementarily capture the physical processes underlying floods, thereby reducing uncertainty and improving estimations compared to conventional univariate methods. Validation of this framework will be conducted in the Los Corrales de Buelna region, Spain, demonstrating how the combination of multivariate tools and continuous hydrologic-hydraulic modeling enhances the accuracy of extreme event identification and management, offering more robust and effective solutions for engineering and territorial planning.

Brunner, M. I., Viviroli, D., Sikorska, A. E., Vannier, O., Favre, A.-C., & Seibert, J. (2017). Flood type specific construction of synthetic design hydrographs. Water Resources Research, 53(2), 1390–1406.

Salvadori, C. De Michele, & F. Durante. (2011). On the return period and design in a multivariate framework. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(11), 3293–3305.

Grimaldi, S., Nardi, F., Piscopia, R., Petroselli, A., & Apollonio, C. (2021). Continuous hydrologic modelling for design simulation in small and ungauged basins: A step forward and some tests for its practical use. Journal of Hydrology, 595, 125664.

Grimaldi, S., Petroselli, A., Arcangeletti, E., & Nardi, F. (2013). Flood mapping in ungauged basins using fully continuous hydrologic–hydraulic modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 487, 39–47.

How to cite: Urrea Méndez, D. A., Gomez Rabe, D. V., and del Jesus Peñil, M.: Advancing Flood Impact Estimation: Comparing Multivariate Continuous Hydrologic-Hydraulic Models with Traditional Approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6833,, 2025.

EGU25-6931 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Pathways of drought propagation in near-natural catchments across Germany   

Mayra Daniela Peña-Guerrero, Zhenyu Wang, Pia Ebeling, Christian Siebert, Ralf Merz, and Larisa Tarasova

Drought is one of the costliest natural hazards of widespread occurrence and long-lasting economic, social, and environmental consequences. Droughts are gradual phenomenon with far-reaching effects that develop over time. Therefore, understanding how drought conditions spread through the terrestrial compartments is essential for predicting impacts, adjusting mitigation strategies, and enhancing climate adaptation. Here, we analyze and characterized drought propagation from meteorological to streamflow and groundwater observations in more than 500 selected river catchments (areas below 300 km2), hosting 13,500 shallow and deep groundwater wells in Germany using the variable threshold level method. We use daily meteorological and streamflow data from CAMELS-DE (Loritz et al.,2024) and a biweekly dataset of groundwater observation compiled from German water authorities, covering the period 1980 to 2020. Among near-natural German river catchments (with no noticeable direct human influence on river flow through reservoir storage and or abstractions), we find four main drought propagation archetypes that evidence the strong coupling or decoupling of surface and subsurface waters: (1) catchments with very reactive groundwater but unresponsive streamflow, where groundwater droughts onset almost immediately in response to meteorological droughts, while the response of streamflow is delayed; (2) fast reactive catchments with delayed response of groundwater droughts; (3) slow reactive catchments characterized by the delayed propagation of groundwater droughts and long recovery times; and (4) very resilient catchments where only the most severe meteorological droughts manifest in either streamflow or groundwater droughts. Our results provide insights on the spatial variability of drought propagation mechanisms at a national scale that can be used to pinpoint the hotspots of rapid drought onset and slow recovery that require targeted mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Loritz, R., Dolich, A., Acuña Espinoza, E., Ebeling, P., Guse, B., Götte, J., Hassler, S. K., Hauffe, C., Heidbüchel, I., Kiesel, J., Mälicke, M., Müller-Thomy, H., Stölzle, M., and Tarasova, L.: CAMELS-DE: hydro-meteorological time series and attributes for 1582 catchments in Germany, Earth Syst. Sci. Data (2024) Vol. 16 Issue 12. DOI: 10.5194/essd-16-5625-2024


How to cite: Peña-Guerrero, M. D., Wang, Z., Ebeling, P., Siebert, C., Merz, R., and Tarasova, L.: Pathways of drought propagation in near-natural catchments across Germany  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6931,, 2025.

EGU25-6954 | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Analyzing Extreme Flood Events in a Warming Climate: Insights from High-Resolution Storyline Simulations 

Aparna Chandrasekar, Andreas Marx, Matthias Kelbling, Valentin Simon Lüdke, Katherine Grayson, Amal John, Jeisson Javier Leal Rojas, Sebastian Mueller, and Stephan Thober

Climate change is driving significant changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme hydrological events such as floods and droughts. Events like the 2021 Ahrtal flood, 2010 Pakistan flood, and 2020 Gloria flood underscore the growing vulnerability of regions to these extreme events. Spectral nudging is used to reproduce observed conditions in a climate model system, thus enabling the representation of extreme events in the historical and climate change scenarios. In this study, we utilize high-resolution storyline simulations derived through spectral nudging of the IFS-FESOM global climate model to force the global mesoscale hydrological model mHM ( Currently, the IFS-FESOM storyline simulations operate at a spatial resolution of 10 km and an hourly temporal resolution, thus allowing us to study diurnal variability in the flood events. The first part of this study involves the validation of historic event using observation based datasets like ERA5. In the second part the same event is recreated in a 2K warmer climate. By analyzing the event in a warmer world, this study provides critical insights into regional vulnerabilities and informing adaptation planning and strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate extremes in a rapidly warming world.

How to cite: Chandrasekar, A., Marx, A., Kelbling, M., Lüdke, V. S., Grayson, K., John, A., Leal Rojas, J. J., Mueller, S., and Thober, S.: Analyzing Extreme Flood Events in a Warming Climate: Insights from High-Resolution Storyline Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6954,, 2025.

EGU25-6991 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Characterising Historical and Future Transitions in UK Hydrological Extremes 

Rachael Armitage, Eugene Magee, Amulya Chevuturi, Wilson Chan, and Jamie Hannaford

Rapid transitions between droughts and floods can exacerbate the impacts of the individual events and present a complex challenge for water resource management: sudden or frequent transitions between dry and wet conditions can negatively impact water quality, agricultural productivity, and cause damage to water infrastructure. Despite these potentially severe impacts, such transitions are less comprehensively studied than their component extremes.  

Transitions can be defined multiple ways, here we identify transition events as the period between consecutive yet opposite extremes. Firstly, we use a threshold method to demarcate extreme wet and dry events in both streamflow and precipitation to allow for understanding of both hydrological and meteorological transitions. Transitions are then derived from the extreme wet and dry events in pairs, to extract both wet-to-dry and dry-to-wet transitions. The transition events can then be characterised and quantified by transition metrics, namely magnitude, duration, intensity, and frequency. We apply these methods to analyse both historical and future transitions over the UK using national river flow and precipitation projections from the enhanced future Flows and Groundwater (eFLaG) dataset for 1989-2079. We also use the associated physical catchment characteristics to evaluate their influence on transitions. 

This work aims to characterise the spatial distribution of transitions in the UK, with a view to identifying any ‘hotspots’ of transitions, as well as assess projected changes in transitions across the UK. We find a difference in transition characteristics between the north-west and south-east UK, a pattern which persists under future projections, and an increase in the frequency of transitions in the north-west into the future.  

Our findings will provide valuable insights to support water resource managers in drought and flood preparedness in making informed, sustainable decisions to mitigate the impacts of extreme wet and dry events; and potentially enable improved prediction of hydrological extremes.  

How to cite: Armitage, R., Magee, E., Chevuturi, A., Chan, W., and Hannaford, J.: Characterising Historical and Future Transitions in UK Hydrological Extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6991,, 2025.

Canada has a long history of recurrent flooding, which has resulted in significant damage and large government disaster assistance disbursements. The most expensive flood in Canada was the 2013 Alberta flood, which resulted in total estimated losses of over five billion dollars, according to the Canadian disaster database. There is an increasing body of literature, suggesting that future climate change will alter precipitation and streamflow characteristics, snowpack, and snowmelt timing and magnitude. Extreme inflows that exceed dam discharge and storage capacity can lead to dam breach, posing significant risks to lives and properties on the downstream. Dams constructed decades ago are specifically vulnerable to unprecedented flood events. Therefore, in addition to other actions, an important step for enhancing and assessing climate-resilience of dams is to develop climate change informed approaches for estimating design floods and associated guidelines. For the development of design flood estimation guidelines, a variety of literature was explored, including journal articles, national and international guidelines, technical reports, and documents pertaining to regional climate change and catastrophic events. In addition, outcomes from a number of targeted dam vulnerability assessment case studies, involving development of physics-informed non-stationary flood frequency relationships and flood envelop curves, were also considered. Through a systematic review of traditional design practices, careful examination of regional climate change vulnerabilities, and outcomes of targeted dam vulnerability assessment case studies, it was realized that a variety of approaches will be required to ensure future climate-resilience of dams of all sizes, ranging from low-risk small dams to high-risk large dams. Therefore, traditional design flood estimation methodologies need to be innovated, following new design philosophies, advances in climate change science, and improved understandings of regional flood generating mechanisms. This presentation will discuss the steps taken to develop design flood estimation guidelines and the outcomes of various research activities, including the development of physics-informed non-stationary flood frequency analyses and creation of regional flood envelop curves to support design of critical water infrastructure.

How to cite: Khaliq, M.: Climate-Resilience of Dams: Canadian Perspectives and Design Flood Estimation Guidelines, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7330,, 2025.

EGU25-7656 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Space-time variability in extreme drought statistical characteristics 

Maria Francesca Caruso, Gabriele Villarini, and Marco Marani

Droughts occur at larger spatial and longer temporal scale than most hydroclimatic processes. More than for other natural hazards, a thorough understanding of the spatio-temporal dynamics of droughts is essential in monitoring, projecting, and adapting to future drought conditions. However, the long characteristic time scale of droughts severely limits their observation in the historical record, hampering our ability to track how extreme drought events evolve in space and time. This study investigates the statistical characteristics of extreme droughts using simulations from the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project Phase 4 (PMIP4) and the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). By analyzing historical and paleo-hydrological data, we assess the frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme drought events over multiple geographic locations and across different time scales. An advanced non-asymptotic statistical approach, which explicitly separates intensity and occurrence of the process, is employed to capture the variability and the frequency of extreme drought characteristics in space and in time. Our findings reveal significant regional differences in extreme drought properties, with pronounced variations across different climate states and time periods.

How to cite: Caruso, M. F., Villarini, G., and Marani, M.: Space-time variability in extreme drought statistical characteristics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7656,, 2025.

EGU25-8090 | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Unearthing the source of anomalous moisture and temperature excesses for the record-breaking 2023 Amazon drought  

Luis Gimeno, Jose Carlos Fernandez-Alvarez, Raquel Nieto, David Carvalho, and Sergio Vicente-Serrano

The record-breaking 2023 Amazon drought, considered a once-in-a-century event, was not generally due to a moisture deficit from either remote sources or from the Amazon Basin itself. Rather, it was caused by the almost complete absence of atmospheric instability which inhibited convection and therefore precipitation in this region and by extremely high temperatures. Although atmospheric moisture was anomalously high, it was insufficient to compensate for high temperature, which led to reduced relative humidity values and enhanced atmospheric evaporative demand. Furthermore, the moisture that did not precipitate in the region due to atmospheric stability was transported to areas where there was sufficient instability for convection (i.e. moisture sinks), resulting in very high precipitation and floods in La Plata river basin in September 2023. The temperature anomaly over the target region presents two sources, a local one contributing to warming and an external one contributing to cooling. The results show the importance of adiabatic warming due to subsidence in the region itself (atmospheric stability) and also outside (anticyclonic circulation). 

How to cite: Gimeno, L., Fernandez-Alvarez, J. C., Nieto, R., Carvalho, D., and Vicente-Serrano, S.: Unearthing the source of anomalous moisture and temperature excesses for the record-breaking 2023 Amazon drought , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8090,, 2025.

EGU25-8264 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Large-scale groundwater drought recovery assessment using a 1km global groundwater model 

Sandra Margrit Hauswirth and Niko Wanders

Assessing human influence on groundwater resources globally is a complex challenge, particularly when attempting to disentangle human impacts on groundwater drought dynamics. These impacts may also have a strong influence on groundwater recovery after drought periods, where intensification of groundwater pumping could lead to longer recovery periods. With the GLOBGM v1.0, a 1km global groundwater model (1), we investigate the groundwater drought recovery at different spatial scales and various locations, with and without human influences to see if we can disentangle these signals.

While such large-scale physically-based models are valuable for simulating underlying processes, they are often computationally intensive, especially when simulating at high spatial resolutions up to 1km globally, and rely on more coarser information than locally informed models. To improve future drought recovery insights, a groundwater surrogate model is created that can reproduce groundwater fields as generated by GLOBGM. Integrating machine learning and physically-based models (hybrid approaches) offer a promising solution to not only reduce computational demands but also allow for the integration of observational data. Specifically, we will merge information from observations and the hybrid model to enhance the model's accuracy in representing human influences on drought recovery.

Ultimately, the surrogate model will help us extend the current groundwater drought recovery analysis in the future by enabling the analysis of drought dynamics and human impacts using scenario analyses under different socio-economic forcings.


  • Verkaik, J., Sutanudjaja, E. H., Oude Essink, G. H. P., Lin, H. X., and Bierkens, M. F. P.: GLOBGM v1.0: a parallel implementation of a 30 arcsec PCR-GLOBWB-MODFLOW global-scale groundwater model, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 275–300,, 2024.

How to cite: Hauswirth, S. M. and Wanders, N.: Large-scale groundwater drought recovery assessment using a 1km global groundwater model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8264,, 2025.

EGU25-8411 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Using streamflow and baseflow separation to characterize spells of low and high flows and their transitions 

Guilherme Mendoza Guimarães, Maria-Helena Ramos, and Ilias Pechlivanidis

Extreme hydrometeorological events such as floods and droughts can lead to severe socio-economic and environmental impacts, which can be amplified through temporally compound events, when successive hazards occur before the system can recover from the first event. This situation may arise not only from repeated occurrences of the same hazard, but also from shifts between contrasting hydrometeorological hazards. In this study, we propose a framework for consistently identifying and characterizing high-flow spells (HFS) and low-flow spells (LFS), and the transitions from one type of spell to another that might be of particular interest to stakeholders. We use baseflow as a proxy to determine catchment recovery between spells, and a mixed threshold approach to identify the spells in long discharge time series. We apply the methodology to 643 catchments of the CAMELS-FR dataset in France, with at least 30 complete hydrological years of data over the 1970-2021 period. The spells were characterized in terms of duration and severity. We further analyzed the spatiotemporal characteristics of consecutive spells of the same type and the transitions between spells, investigating their frequency and transition times. The application of the framework allowed us to identify over 140,000 spells across all catchments, with 74% classified as HFS and 26% as LFS. HFS of short duration (less than 3 days) and high severity (above 99th percentile) occur more often in catchments located in mountainous areas, while LFS of long duration (over 90 days) and high severity (below 5th percentile) occur more often in Northern France. Our results also indicate that consecutive short-duration HFS occur more often in the dataset studied than consecutive long duration LFS. Rapid transitions (less than 14 days) from LFS to HFS mainly occur in the Mediterranean part of France in the beginning of the winter season. The framework developed to identify spatiotemporal patterns of high and low flow spells can be potentially useful to new generation early warning systems and support first responders in flood disaster and drought management.

This work is funded by Horizon Europe under grant agreement No. 101074075 (MedEWSa project).

How to cite: Guimarães, G. M., Ramos, M.-H., and Pechlivanidis, I.: Using streamflow and baseflow separation to characterize spells of low and high flows and their transitions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8411,, 2025.

EGU25-9142 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Projections of Drought Characteristics in Syria under CMIP6 Climate Change Scenario 

Shifa Mathbout, Javier Martin Vide, Joan Albert Lopez Bustins, George Boustras, Pierantonios Papazoglou, and Fatima Raai

This study investigates the forecasting of drought characteristics—specifically duration, frequency, and intensity—in Syria, utilizing an ensemble of 13 models from the latest CMIP6 dataset across two Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). The research compares CMIP6 model outputs with observed climate data from CRU TS v4.06 and ERA 5 for the reference period (1970–2000). Results show that the CMIP6 ensemble effectively replicates key climate parameters such as precipitation and temperature, while also capturing drought characteristics in Syria. However, most models tend to underestimate winter and spring precipitation, though they accurately represent the general decline in seasonal and annual rainfall. Syria's central, eastern, and northeastern regions, characterized by high temperatures and low precipitation, are particularly vulnerable. Future projections indicate significant temperature increases in northern, eastern, and northeastern Syria, with a general decline in precipitation, particularly in the southwest.

Drought projections based on SPI_12 and SPEI_12 indices indicate more severe, prolonged, and intense drought conditions, particularly in Syria’s arid and semi-arid regions. Under the high-emission scenario (SSP5–8.5), these areas are at heightened risk of severe droughts, with consistent overestimation of drought intensity and duration due to excessive temperature projections. This highlights the importance of accurate climate data for policymaking to prevent misallocation of resources and inadequate responses to droughts. Projections also suggest that areas previously less vulnerable to droughts, such as Syria's western coastal regions, may experience prolonged dry spells by the end of the 21st century. The findings underscore the need for mitigation strategies, improved water resource management, and adaptive planning to address the growing drought risks in Syria. Enhanced research and more reliable projections for semi-arid regions are critical for future climate adaptation efforts.

How to cite: Mathbout, S., Martin Vide, J., Lopez Bustins, J. A., Boustras, G., Papazoglou, P., and Raai, F.: Projections of Drought Characteristics in Syria under CMIP6 Climate Change Scenario, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9142,, 2025.

With climate change, new forms of droughts have emerged and/or gained major interest, such as flash droughts and dry spells. Contrarily to the classical concept of droughts, which are often defined as slow-evolving and long-lasting extremes with no definite start and end, these rapidly emerging droughts have rapid onset and clear duration.

In this study, we analyze trends of frequency and duration of rapidly emerging droughts using four dry spell (DS) and four flash drought (FD) definitions, as well as the co-occurrence of DS and FD. We also evaluate the impact of DS and FD occurrence on crop yields. To achieve that, we use 52 DWD weather stations with daily measurements across Germany with no missing data between 1980 and 2023. The DS and FD definitions require precipitation, temperature, soil moisture and actual and potential evapotranspiration series. ETP is computed using the Penman-Monteith equation. ETA and SM are obtained from the WOFOST crop simulation model using maize as the default crop.

Results show strong positive trends across Germany on both duration and frequency for both DS and FD, with particularly intense trends on compound dry-hot events (all latitudes), in short to mid-length dry spells (7 to 20 days – all latitudes), and in southern Germany (most FD and DS event definitions). We also observe a high co-occurrence rate (synchronicity) between dry spells and flash droughts in northern Germany, which could assist in developing early warning systems. Finally, results indicate strong correlations between rapidly emerging drought occurrence and significant crop losses, particularly when FD and DS are concentrated in the early summer months.

How to cite: Alencar, P. and Paton, E.: Dry spells and flash droughts – a comparative analysis of definitions, co-occurrence, trends, and impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9454,, 2025.

EGU25-9464 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Future evolution of large floods in Europe 

Beijing Fang, Oldrich Rakovec, Emanuele Bevacqua, Rohini Kumar, and Jakob Zscheischler

Large floods regularly cause loss of life and substantial economic damage. In a warmer climate, increased precipitation variability and extremes, combined with reduced snowmelt, are expected to alter flood characteristics, but how the dynamics of large floods across Europe will evolve under climate change remains unclear.  Many existing grid-based and catchment-based studies lack the capacity to systematically identify widespread floods associated with larger impacts. This study addresses these gaps by identifying large, spatially connected floods in Europe based on the spatio-temporal connectivity of runoff extremes, which is derived from daily routed runoff simulations driven by five CMIP5 models under various warming levels. Further, a comprehensive set of flood metrics—including frequency, timing, extent, and volume—is quantified to assess future flood changes. Additionally, the underlying drivers of these changes are investigated. We show that earlier snowmelt generally leads to earlier floods, while increasing precipitation contributions attenuates flood seasonality. In western and central Europe, projected increases in precipitation amplify flood extents and volumes, particularly for the most extreme floods. In contrast, reduced snowmelt dominates flood changes in northern Europe. Interestingly, floods of different magnitudes exhibit varied responses to global warming. For example, while the extent of average large floods in southern Europe are projected to decrease, the most extreme floods remain nearly unchanged, warranting continued attention. Overall, our findings demonstrate that the impact of climate change on the dynamics and magnitude of large floods is strongly region-specific. These insights provide essential information for regional flood risk management and could help mitigate the impacts of particularly large floods in Europe.

How to cite: Fang, B., Rakovec, O., Bevacqua, E., Kumar, R., and Zscheischler, J.: Future evolution of large floods in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9464,, 2025.

EGU25-9538 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Flash droughts over the United Kingdom 

Ivan Noguera, Jamie Hannaford, and Maliko Tanguy

Flash drought is a complex phenomenon distinguished by an unsual rapid development driven by severe precipitation deficits and/or anomalous increases in atmospheric evaporative demand (AED). While most research has focused on drier parts of the world, flash droughts can occur in temperate regions like the United Kingdom (UK). Historically most attention in the UK has focused on long, multiannual drought events driven by successive dry winters (e.g. 2004 – 2006). However, recent years have seen rapid onset flash droughts as part of exceptionally arid summers (e.g. 2018) that have had severe and widespread impacts on people and ecosystems alike. Here, we analysed the occurrence of this type of rapid-onset drought events in the UK for the period 1969-2021. Our results show that flash droughts affected both the wetter regions of north-west and the drier regions of south-east over the last five decades. Flash droughts frequency exhibit a high interannual variability, as well as a large spatial differences. Central and northern regions were the most frequently affected by flash droughts in comparison to southeastern region. Overall, positive trends were reported in eastern and northern regions, while negative and non-significant trends predominate over the western region. In UK, flash drought development responds primarily to precipitation variability, although AED is important as a secondary driver of flash drought triggering in the drier regions of southeastern England. Likewise, we found that flash droughts typically develop under remarkable positive anomalies in sea level pressure and 500 hPa geopotential height associated to the presence of high-pressure systems. This study presents a first detailed characterisation of flash drought in UK, providing useful information for drought assessment and management, and a baseline against which future changes in flash drought occurrence can be projected.

How to cite: Noguera, I., Hannaford, J., and Tanguy, M.: Flash droughts over the United Kingdom, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9538,, 2025.

EGU25-9824 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Do compound drought-flood events cause greater damages than standalone flood events? 

Siqi Deng, Ravikumar Guntu, Shahin Khosh Bin Ghomash, Dongsheng Zhao, and Heidi Kreibich

Droughts and floods are becoming increasingly frequent and severe as a result of climate change, driven by rising temperatures and shifting precipitation patterns. Despite the growing recognition of the linkages between droughts and floods, no study has systematically analysed their combined impacts, particularly the economic consequences of compound drought-flood events (CDFEs). To address this gap, we developed a novel framework for identifying CDFEs and standalone flood events in Europe by utilizing various observational data, including precipitation, streamflow, and soil moisture. These events were then matched with flood impact records from the Historical Analysis of Natural Hazards in Europe (HANZE) database using both catchment-based and event-based approaches. By comparing the economic impacts of CDFEs with those of standalone flood events, we quantified the extent to which CDFEs result in higher impacts.

Our findings reveal that CDFEs impose higher economic impacts compared to standalone flood events. Significant differences are also observed in the upper tail of economic losses for CDFEs compared to standalone flood events, which implies that CDFEs are more likely to result in catastrophic losses, posing a greater challenge to risk management strategies. Our study highlights the critical need to consider the interactions between droughts and floods in disaster risk management.

How to cite: Deng, S., Guntu, R., Khosh Bin Ghomash, S., Zhao, D., and Kreibich, H.: Do compound drought-flood events cause greater damages than standalone flood events?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9824,, 2025.

EGU25-10024 | Orals | HS2.4.1

High-Resolution Climate Models Reveal Increasing Meteorological Drought Intensity in Fenno-Scandinavia 

Ruben Häberli, Eigil Kaas, Ole Bøssing Christensen, and Peter Thejll

Climate projections indicate that Fenno-Scandinavia will experience increased precipitation in the future. However, the region might paradoxically face both intensified floods and more severe seasonal droughts. Little research has explored this apparent contradiction and its implications for drought frequency. Most of the current drought projections are based on global climate models with very low resolution. In this study, we use convection-permitting regional climate models (CPRCMs) based on HARMONIE-Climate at a resolution of about 3 km to investigate meteorological drought projections in Fenno-Scandinavia. For the first time this model was run for 20-year time slices (1986-2005, 2041-2060 and 2081-2100), allowing for climate analysis with explicitly resolving convection rather than relying on parameterisation, giving overall more accurate precipitation output.

Using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), we found an increase in the frequency of the most extreme and unprecedented meteorological droughts. Southern Scandinavia experiences a significant increase in the most extreme droughts, especially during the growing season. To identify these increases in drought extremes, we developed a new drought threshold method using the fact that the index is standardised to compare future drought frequency to historical data. This method does not use a single drought definition, but rather compares the drought frequency for multiple intensities. Importantly, our results show significant increase in droughts projected using the 3 km convection resolving models compared to the 12 km models with convection parameterisation. This indicates that current regional climate models possibly underestimate drought risk. The projections indicate larger crop yield reduction due to short but severe dry spells during the growing season and potential impacts on natural ecosystems. The combination of overall wetter conditions with more intense seasonal droughts presents new challenges for water resource management. We recommend the usage of the drought threshold method to analyse drought projections in order to also take the intensity of the drought into account. Future work will apply the new drought threshold method to regional climate model ensemble data for greater robustness.

How to cite: Häberli, R., Kaas, E., Christensen, O. B., and Thejll, P.: High-Resolution Climate Models Reveal Increasing Meteorological Drought Intensity in Fenno-Scandinavia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10024,, 2025.

EGU25-10370 | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Validating drought propagation through the entire hydrological cycle simulated with an integrated national-scale hydrological model 

Raphael Schneider, Ida Karlsson Seidenfaden, Mark F. T. Hansen, Julian Koch, Mie Andreasen, Bertel Nilsson, and Simon Stisen

Droughts are traditionally associated with warmer, arid climates. However, recent events such as the European droughts of 2018 and 2022, have also highlighted the vulnerability of temperate regions such as Northern Europe. For example, in Denmark the 2018 summer drought led to severe soil water degradation with reported crop failures, surface water degradation, and infrastructural damages due to soil subsidence. Furthermore, climate change studies point towards increasing frequency and intensity of severe droughts.

These events have underscored the importance of understanding how meteorological droughts propagate through the hydrological cycle, transforming into soil moisture and hydrological droughts with distinct response times and magnitudes in different compartments of the hydrological cycle. Due to the close coupling of groundwater to surface waters, and the reliance on groundwater for water supply, drought analysis in Denmark must encompass the entire hydrological cycle in a coupled, integrated manner.

Drought propagation is influenced by numerous factors, including topography, soil types, vegetation, hydrogeology, and human interventions, leading to high spatial variability. While much research has focused on streamflow and soil moisture droughts, the drought propagation across the entire hydrological cycle, where groundwater and its coupling to surface hydrology plays a critical role, remains understudied due to data limitations, particularly at larger scales.

This study leverages the National Hydrological Model of Denmark (DK-model), an integrated, distributed hydrological model, to evaluate drought propagation across all hydrological compartments, from precipitation to soil moisture, streamflow, and shallow and deep groundwater. The DK-model’s nature as an integrated distributed model covering the entirety of Denmark with diverse hydrogeological settings, combined with high observation data availability across the hydrological compartments, provides a unique opportunity to evaluate the model’s ability of reproducing drought events and propagation.

By analyzing model outputs against a large dataset of long-term observations of streamflow, groundwater levels and soil moisture, we comprehensively assess the model’s capability to simulate drought propagation and identify correlations, lag times, and response magnitudes. This work improves understanding of drought dynamics in temperate regions and supports sustainable water resource management in Denmark.

How to cite: Schneider, R., Karlsson Seidenfaden, I., F. T. Hansen, M., Koch, J., Andreasen, M., Nilsson, B., and Stisen, S.: Validating drought propagation through the entire hydrological cycle simulated with an integrated national-scale hydrological model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10370,, 2025.

EGU25-10427 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Flood frequency analysis in West Africa in a climate change context 

Serigne Bassirou Diop, Job Ekolu, Yves Tramblay, Bastien Dieppois, Stefania Grimaldi, Ansoumana Bodian, Juliette Blanchet, Ponnambalam Rameshwaran, Peter Salamon, and Benjamin Sultan

Floods are a recurring and devastating hazard in West Africa, with significant socio-economic and environmental impacts. A better understanding of their frequency and magnitude is crucial for effective flood risk mitigation, infrastructure design, and water resource management. The lack of reliable hydrometric datasets has hitherto been a major limitation in flood frequency analysis at the scale of West Africa. We combine insights from historical flood frequency analysis and future climate-driven flood projections to provide a more complete description of flood hazards in West Africa. Using a newly developed African hydrological database, annual maximum flow (AMF) time series from 246 river basins (1975–2018) were analyzed with the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) and Gumbel distributions. The GEV distribution, paired with the Generalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation (GMLE) method, yielded the best results for quantile estimation, enabling the generation of regional envelope curves for the first time in West Africa. Future flood trends have been assessed from the OS LISFLOOD and the HMF-WA large-scale distributed hydrological models, driven by five bias-corrected CMIP6 climate projections under the SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios. Both hydrological models consistently projected increases in flood frequency and magnitude across West Africa, despite their differences in hydrological processes representation and calibration schemes. Flood magnitudes are projected to increase in 94% of stations, with some areas experiencing increases exceeding 45%. Significant trends are already observable in many basins as early as the 1980s, emphasizing the robust climate change signal in this region. This combined approach, integrating historical flood frequency analysis with future climate-driven projections, offers critical regional-scale insights into the evolving flood hazards in West Africa.

How to cite: Diop, S. B., Ekolu, J., Tramblay, Y., Dieppois, B., Grimaldi, S., Bodian, A., Blanchet, J., Rameshwaran, P., Salamon, P., and Sultan, B.: Flood frequency analysis in West Africa in a climate change context, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10427,, 2025.

EGU25-10672 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

The major June 2023 flood event in Central Chile: A rain-on-snow case study at the Achibueno en la Recova River catchment 

Sebastián Krogh, René Garreaud, Lucía Scaff, Deniz Bozkurt, and Raúl Valenzuela

After a decade long period of dry conditions in central Chile, the so called “Megadrought”, the winter of 2023 was an extraordinary wet season with two extreme precipitation events that led to two mayor floods. In June and August of 2023 (austral winter) two intense Atmospheric Rivers (AR) impacted the central region of Chile, resulting in high streamflow and flooding. The two hydrometeorological events produced significant infrastructure, social and economic damages in the region. The June 22-25 event occurred during a strong (Category 4) and persistent (~72 hrs) zonal AR. Intense precipitation was registered in several weather stations along the Central Andes Cordillera foothills, with total precipitation above 800 mm/event in several stations. Anomalous windy and warm temperature conditions were recorded, positioning the freezing level at higher-than-average elevations, and thus, creating a potential rain-on-snow (ROS) flood hazards in some catchments. We use the Achibueno en la Recova River (ARR) catchment as a case study as it had the highest recorded instantaneous peak flow in more than 30 years of records. Satellite images and data from a high elevation snow station show a persistent snowpack above the 2000 masl with about 200 mm of snow water equivalent, which began to melt at the beginning of the event, suggesting that a rain-on-snow event may have enhanced the flood. We implemented a physically based hydrological model using the Cold Regions Hydrological Model at the ARR catchment to reproduce the event, estimate the contribution of the ROS to the flood event and understand the controlling physical mechanisms. The hydrological model was compared against snow water equivalent and streamflow records, reasonably representing both the timing and the magnitude of these variables. Model results suggest that the ROS significantly contributed to the event, representing about 18% of the streamflow volume (1.1x108 m3), primarily during the first 2 days. The ratio between the Terrestrial Water Input (i.e., snowmelt plus rainfall) to rainfall show values between 1.7 and 1.9 at elevations between 2000 and 3000 masl, with higher values at south-facing slopes. The energy balance shows that most of the energy to melt the snowpack comes from the advected energy from the rain (43%), followed by net radiation (37%), latent (10%) and sensible (10%) heat fluxes. This study is, to the authors knowledge, the first documented study of a ROS event in the Chilean Andes with a significant societal and economic impact, which may help to better understand the potential of future ROS floods in The Andes.

How to cite: Krogh, S., Garreaud, R., Scaff, L., Bozkurt, D., and Valenzuela, R.: The major June 2023 flood event in Central Chile: A rain-on-snow case study at the Achibueno en la Recova River catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10672,, 2025.

EGU25-11414 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Divergent impacts of land-use change on high and low river flow revealed by explainable machine learning 

Boen Zhang, Louise Slater, Simon Moulds, Michel Wortmann, Le Yu, Wouter Berghuijs, Xihui Gu, and Jiabo Yin

Quantifying impacts of land-use change on streamflow extremes is challenging, primarily due to the masking effects of other environmental processes. Our current understanding of these impacts on streamflow extremes remains incomplete. Here, we use explainable machine learning techniques to analyse over 1.5 million seasonal 7-day low-flow and high-flow events across 10,717 catchments worldwide between 1982 and 2023. Our model incorporates antecedent meteorological conditions, annual change of six land-use categories, and catchment characteristics (hydrogeological, anthropogenic, and topographic) as explanatory variables. The Shapley additive explanations technique is employed to quantify the contributions of the predictors to low and high flows. Our results indicate that all categories of land-use change exert a greater influence on high flows compared to low flows, although the overall contribution of land-use change to streamflow extremes is far smaller (< 2%) than that of antecedent meteorological conditions (32%–48%) and hydrologic signatures (35%–52%). Contrary to previous studies, our results indicate that land-use impacts are largely independent of catchment size. Notably, urbanization exhibits diverging effects on low flows: enhancing them in arid regions, reducing them in tropical regions, and minimally impacting them in temperate regions. Urbanization nearly always amplifies high flows, except in minimally urbanised catchments of arid regions. Areas with higher forest cover consistently have smaller low flows across all climate zones, and high flows appear generally insensitive to afforestation. Low flows generally are insensitive to cropland expansion but areas with more cropland typically have smaller high flows.

How to cite: Zhang, B., Slater, L., Moulds, S., Wortmann, M., Yu, L., Berghuijs, W., Gu, X., and Yin, J.: Divergent impacts of land-use change on high and low river flow revealed by explainable machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11414,, 2025.

EGU25-11452 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Interactions Between Hydrological Extremes: Analysing drought-flood and flood-drought transitions in Europe 

Srividya Hariharan Sudha, Elisa Ragno, Ruud van der Ent, and Oswaldo Morales Nápoles

Climate change-induced fluctuations in the hydrological cycle are expected to increase the frequency of hydrological extremes and the transitions between them, namely, drought-flood and flood-drought transitions. While much research has focused on these events individually, their interactions remain less explored despite significant implications for water management, requiring a balance between water availability and safety.

This study investigates the interplay of hydro-meteorological drivers—precipitation (P), temperature (T), and streamflow (Q)—during drought-flood and flood-drought transitions across selected catchments in Europe with diverse climates, using long-term observational datasets. Drought and flood events are defined based on extreme wet and dry meteorological conditions (extending the methodology developed in Hariharan Sudha et al., 2024), and the duration and magnitude of their hydro-meteorological characteristics are quantified. The analysis examines how an opposite hydrological event as a precondition influences the propagation speed, timing, and severity of the subsequent event compared to events without a precondition. Propagation speed is assessed by the time lag between meteorological (P/T) and hydrological (Q) drivers of events, while correlations between the hydro-meteorological characteristics of successive events are used to evaluate the severity of transitions.

Through this study, regional patterns and trends in the propagation, timing, and severity of drought-flood and flood-drought transitions are identified, highlighting the role of climate and catchment characteristics in shaping these dynamics. The findings provide a basis for understanding hydrological transitions under future climate scenarios, contributing to improved risk assessment and adaptive water resource management.



Hariharan Sudha S, Ragno E, Morales-Nápoles O and Kok M (2024) Investigating meteorological wet and dry transitions in the Dutch Meuse River basin.  Front. Water  6:1394563. doi: 10.3389/frwa.2024.1394563

How to cite: Sudha, S. H., Ragno, E., van der Ent, R., and Morales Nápoles, O.: Interactions Between Hydrological Extremes: Analysing drought-flood and flood-drought transitions in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11452,, 2025.

EGU25-12753 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Characteristics of Agricultural Droughts Under Projected Atmospheric Changes 

Lukas Lindenlaub, Katja Weigel, Birgit Hassler, Colin Jones, and Veronika Eyring

Changes in climate have affected frequency and characteristics of extreme events and natural hazards. To improve understanding of possible changes of agricultural droughts in the future, we explore drought characteristics in long term future projections of Earth System Models (ESMs) participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) for different future scenarios based on three Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP). To quantify the intensity of agricultural droughts, the 6-month Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI6) with a 65 year reference period is applied to simulations of 18 ESMs.
Drought related atmospheric variables of the simulations are validated with reanalysis datasets including ERA5 and CRU. 
For three future scenarios the projected SPEI6 distributions are analyzed globally and regionally to estimate and characterize the changes in agricultural drought in the future based on multi-model means of change rates, distributions and relative area covered by certain event types. We quantify the change of drought index values for 42 IPCC AR6 WG1 reference regions individually with a focus on those with most harvest area. For higher emission scenarios we find, in agreement with other studies, negative trends in water budget and SPEI in most of them, particularly in the Mediterranean and other arid regions. Increasing reference evapotranspiration emerges as the dominant driver for more extreme drought conditions in these regions. What is considered as the driest 2.3% months during 1950-2014 is projected to be the new normal or moderate condition in arid regions by 2100, following a high emission future scenario (SSP 5-8.5). For this scenario, 20% of the harvest regions surface is considered to be under extreme drought conditions during northern hemisphere autumn. Under a low emission scenario (SSP 1-2.6) with an expected global warming of 1.8°C it would be less than 10%.

How to cite: Lindenlaub, L., Weigel, K., Hassler, B., Jones, C., and Eyring, V.: Characteristics of Agricultural Droughts Under Projected Atmospheric Changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12753,, 2025.

EGU25-13402 | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Accelerating transitions between dry and wet periods in Pakistan: interconnected impacts and exacerbated vulnerabilities 

Elena Ridolfi, Benedetta Moccia, Fabio Russo, and Francesco Napolitano

The transition from droughts to floods poses significant challenges to socio-environmental systems, as these extremes often occur in rapid succession, leaving little time for recovery. These abrupt transitions exacerbate disaster risk, also resulting in complex interaction between drivers and impacts. The Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) from 1901 to 2023 at multiple timescales is used to better understand these dynamics in Pakistan, a highly vulnerable country. Southern Pakistan, especially Sindh and Baluchistan, is the most affected area as the analysis reveals more frequent dry events with shorter interarrival times and high drought intensity. The decreasing interval between dry and wet periods highlights increasingly rapid transitions from dry to wet conditions over time. These results underscore the limited potential for sustained recovery after drought events, which not only poses significant challenges for water resource management and agriculture but also amplifies the severity of subsequent flood impacts. To better understand these dynamics, we analysed the drought-to-flood transition that occurred between 2020 and 2022. Results highlight spatiotemporal interaction between risk components, impacts and management of cascading extremes exacerbating vulnerabilities. This underscores the pressing need for comprehensive and adaptive mitigation strategies that address the interconnected nature of these events.

How to cite: Ridolfi, E., Moccia, B., Russo, F., and Napolitano, F.: Accelerating transitions between dry and wet periods in Pakistan: interconnected impacts and exacerbated vulnerabilities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13402,, 2025.

Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) are a keystone species for many ecosystems of western North America, are culturally and spiritually significant for many Indigenous Peoples, and underpin a multi-million dollar industry. However, in recent years extreme summer streamflow droughts have disrupted Chinook migration and rearing patterns. Climate change is driving hydrologic changes throughout the region, but future changes to summer low flows remain highly uncertain. Here we study 375 near-natural catchments throughout the habitat range of Chinook salmon from California to Alaska. The streams span rainfall-dominated, hybrid, snowmelt-dominated, and glacial regimes. Summer discharge has decreased in most catchments, with rainfall-dominated and hybrid catchments seeing the most severe declines.

We develop linear regression models which outperform existing process-based models, and project changes to 2100 under four emissions scenarios. Summer low flows have historically been primarily driven by variability in summer precipitation and moderately influenced by winter snow accumulation and summer temperature. However, we find that future changes will probably be driven by rising temperatures because future summer temperatures could greatly exceed the historical envelope of variability. Some further declines in low flows are probably inevitable in rainfall-dominated and hybrid catchments: under a low-emissions scenario, low flows will continue to decline to mid-century but then stabilize. Under a high-emissions scenario, 1-in-50-year low flows could occur almost every summer in many rainfall and hybrid catchments. In glacial catchments summer discharge has been relatively stable in recent years because increased glacial meltwater flows have compensated for increased evapotranspiration. However, many of these glaciers are projected to disappear within 20 to 30 years, and we project severe declines in summer streamflow when this does occur.

Many populations of Chinook rear or migrate during the summer months for which we project extraordinary future streamflow droughts. It is unknown whether Chinook populations can shift their life stage timing or find alternate habitats quickly enough to avoid catastrophic impacts. Bold climate action and local mitigation strategies are urgently required to safeguard this ecologically, culturally, and economically vital species against future extreme events.

How to cite: Ruzzante, S., Ulaski, M., and Tom, G.: Rising temperatures will drive summer streamflow droughts and threaten Chinook salmon habitat throughout western North America, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13727,, 2025.

Catchment hydrological response is frequently nonlinear (i.e., it varies more-than-proportionally with precipitation intensity) and nonstationary (i.e., it depends on the ambient conditions in the catchment).  This nonlinearity and nonstationarity implies that each drop of rain may affect streamflow differently, depending on how it fits into the sequence of past and future precipitation.  Thus quantifying the nonlinearity and nonstationarity in hydrological response is critical for understanding how flood behavior is shaped by catchment processes.

The nonlinearity and nonstationarity of rainfall-runoff behavior can be quantified, directly from data, using Ensemble Rainfall-Runoff Analysis (ERRA), a data-driven, model-independent method for quantifying rainfall-runoff relationships across a spectrum of time lags.  ERRA combines least-squares deconvolution (to un-scramble each input's temporally overlapping effects) with demixing techniques (to separate the effects of inputs occurring under different antecedent conditions) and broken-stick regression (to quantify nonlinear dependence on precipitation intensity).  I show how this approach yields a linearity exponent that quantifies how peak runoff depends on precipitation intensity, and a nonstationarity exponent that quantifies how peak runoff depends on antecedent wetness.

Here I apply this approach to data from experimental catchments and large-sample data sets, including the hourly versions of CAMELS and CAMELS-GB.  Results reveal that most catchments exhibit substantial nonlinearity and nonstationarity, but with little evidence of dramatic threshold behavior. 

How to cite: Kirchner, J.: Quantifying nonlinearity and nonstationarity in catchment runoff response using Ensemble Rainfall-Runoff Analysis (ERRA), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13741,, 2025.

EGU25-14235 | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Non-Stationarity flood frequency analysis in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin under Climate Change 

Yu Li, Jiayan Zhang, and Huicheng Zhou

Extreme floods exceeding historical records have become more frequent globally in recent years due to climate change, signaling an increasing non-stationarity in flood patterns. Traditional design floods, based on the assumption of stationarity, are no longer sufficient to ensure engineering safety and human welfare, necessitating a re-evaluation and revision of design flood standards. The Lancang-Mekong River Basin (LMRB) is both climate-sensitive and a high-risk area for flood disasters. To better manage future flooding in the LMRB, six hydrological stations along the mainstream are focused to analysis flood non-stationarity. In this study, a GAMLSS model based on temporal covariates is developed and nine global climate models and two SSPs-RCPs scenarios are designed for flood peaks frequency analysis. The results show that annual maximum flood peak series exhibit significant non-stationarity, with a noticeable increasing trend across the entire basin under the BCC, CCCMa, and MIRCO climate models. In contrast, the remaining models show an increasing trend in the upstream and a decreasing trend in the downstream. When non-stationary models are constructed, the flood peak series at most stations follow log-normal and gamma distributions under different future scenarios, with both the mean and variance showing a strong linear relationship with time. Compared with traditional stationary models, future design floods present heterogeneous deviations from upstream to downstream. At the upstream Chiang Saen station, flood estimates shift from overestimation to underestimation over time, with a 5% underestimation of the 100-year flood by 2065. This suggests that additional flood control infrastructure will be needed to withstand more frequent extreme floods. Conversely, at the downstream Kratie station, an opposite trend is observed, with a 7% overestimation of the 100-year flood by 2065, suggesting that some existing infrastructure may become redundant in the future. This study providing a more accurate scientific basis for flood risk forecasting and offering new support for flood management and disaster risk reduction in the basin.

How to cite: Li, Y., Zhang, J., and Zhou, H.: Non-Stationarity flood frequency analysis in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin under Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14235,, 2025.

EGU25-14666 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

National drought monitoring services in Central Europe: how well do they capture observed drought impacts? 

Nirajan Luintel, Piet Emanuel Bueechi, and Wouter Dorigo

Droughts may have severe impacts on the environment and economy, particularly in regions with high water demand and low annual precipitation. Central Europe is one such region, where droughts reportedly have led to losses in crop yield and biodiversity, disruptions in water transport, shortages of drinking water, among others. To mitigate these impacts, national weather and environmental agencies in the region have developed national drought monitoring tools. The monitoring tools enable early warning, support planning and policymaking, and foster resilience. However, the accuracy of these tools is usually unknown, since validation of such tools has been challenging due to the lack of validation data and the diversity of droughts and their impacts.  

Here, we show a quantitative assessment of national drought monitoring products of six countries in Central Europe by comparing them with a novel impact database developed within the Clim4Cast project (1). The database synthesizes impacts of drought on various sectors, including agriculture, hydrology, household water supply, economy and technology, and wildlife, reported in national newspapers published between 2000 and 2023. The drought monitoring tools comprise drought indicators such as standardized precipitation index, standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index, and standardized soil moisture index with different integration periods. We assess the drought indicators in two ways: their ability to detect drought and their ability to capture the severity of the drought. First, the timing of drought impact reporting in the impact database is used to evaluate its ability to detect observed impacts. This evaluation is performed using the area-under-the-receiver-operating characteristics curve (ROC-AUC). The AUC value reveals how well the reported drought events are detected by the drought indicator. AUC value ranges from 0 to 1, where the value of 0.5 shows that the model is random while the value of 1 shows that the model is perfect. Second, for each reported drought event, we correlate the drought severity, as indicated by the drought monitoring tool, with the number of reported impacts in the database. 

Our results show that the performance of drought indicators varies regionally in their ability to detect drought signals (AUC values) and their ability to capture the severity of impacts observed (correlation values). The AUC values for some indicators exceed 0.85 for Czechia while in Austria, the AUC values remain below 0.6 for most of the drought indicators. Further, the AUC values first increase with longer aggregation times of the drought index, peaking at around 9 to 12 months and decreases again for longer aggregation times.  The correlation values for many drought indicators in most of the countries remain below 0.6, and the values generally decrease with increase in aggregation time. These results aid to understand the strengths and weaknesses of drought monitoring products in each country and assist to develop a common drought monitoring framework for Central Europe. 

(1) This work is supported by Interreg Central Europe and the European Union in the framework of the project Clim4Cast (grant number CE0100059). 

How to cite: Luintel, N., Bueechi, P. E., and Dorigo, W.: National drought monitoring services in Central Europe: how well do they capture observed drought impacts?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14666,, 2025.

EGU25-16941 | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Pitfalls and recommendations for event detection of drought to flood transitions  

Bailey Anderson, Eduardo Muñoz-Castro, Lena M. Tallaksen, Alessia Matano, Eugene Magee, Rachael Armitage, Jonas Götte, and Manuela I. Brunner

In hydrology, streamflow droughts and floods are typically studied as events that are independent from one another, however, this assumption is not necessarily valid. From a physical perspective, for instance, streamflow can be autocorrelated, with signatures of past flow volumes reflected in present streamflow conditions. From a management perspective, rapid drought to flood transitions can leave strategies designed for one event counter-effective when dealing with the other extreme. Furthermore, impacts of rapid drought to flood transitions have the potential to be highly destructive.

The definition of drought and flood events can unintentionally bias detection of transitions in particular regions or for certain types of hydrological regimes or events. This can potentially alter the attributes of detected events, a problem which in a context of transitions has not yet been addressed. Thus, we aim to improve extreme event detection, with a particular focus on hydrologic transitions. We assess the sensitivity of transitions detection to different methodological choices, and we evaluate their appropriateness for various applications. We use eight global case study catchments to examine how existing methodological and parameter variation choices influence transition detection using the threshold level method. The case studies cover different hydroclimatological regimes ranging from a heavily snow driven catchment in Norway, to a semi-arid catchment in Texas, a flashy sub-alpine catchment in Switzerland, and a monsoonal regime in Australia, among others. We examine the impact of threshold type, its level, data aggregation window, and temporal transition window. 

Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses applied to these case studies, we demonstrate the following. First, the choice of event detection approach and parameters can alter the detection and duration of events, resulting in some methods detecting “transitions” where others will not. For instance, fixed thresholds are more likely to capture dry conditions, while daily varying thresholds are better at identifying anomalous conditions as compared to the normal flow regime These characteristics point to different aspects of drought to flood transitions e.g. changes in the hydrophobicity of soil or context-specific aspects of water management. Second, less extreme drought and flood thresholds than those used in the study of individual events may be appropriate because the probability of transition occurrence within a specified time period can be very low, even if the independent events are probable. This, however, can be highly regime-dependent and careful consideration of what a transition “means”, in context, is essential for meaningful interpretation of hydrologic transitions across regime types. Finally, the selected time lag between the end of a drought and the beginning of a flood event is important for determining the presence of transition periods in the time series of different hydrological regimes. We highlight the potential pitfalls of different threshold level choices to aid future research in this field, representing the first ever set of methodology guidelines for hydrological transitions research.

How to cite: Anderson, B., Muñoz-Castro, E., Tallaksen, L. M., Matano, A., Magee, E., Armitage, R., Götte, J., and Brunner, M. I.: Pitfalls and recommendations for event detection of drought to flood transitions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16941,, 2025.

Traditional flow-irrigation systems relying on water canals – primarily used for supporting agriculture purposes – supply multiple ecosystem services (ES). However, their capacity to deliver ES is threatened by climate change. The Veneto region, located in the northeast of Italy, is experiencing severe increases in drought periods followed by intense rainfall, which are undermining its dense and complex network of flow-irrigation canals.  Despite the urgency of this situation, the exposure of risk and the consequences on the irrigation systems remains unknown, and so its impact on ES. Spatially explicit models become prominent to evaluate future climate-induced events and potential consequences on ES provided by flow-irrigation systems. Results from those models can inform decision makers and planners to prepare better and efficient adaptation strategies, which will include protecting and maintaining ES.

The aim of this study is to identify and localize areas where ES are more likely to be affected by flood and drought risk in future scenarios (years 2050 and 2100). The model has been built by using k.LAB technology of ARIES (Artificial Intelligence for Environment and Sustainability), an open-source artificial intelligence (AI) modeling framework. By leveraging semantics and machine reasoning, k.LAB enables the integration of independent models and datasets. Moreover, it  automatically assembles spatially explicit models into the spatial scale most appropriate for the context of analysis. By conceptualizing risk as a function of hazard, exposure and vulnerability, our methodology uses spatial multi-criteria analysis to aggregate multi-dimensional information into a single parameter output map.

The study resulted in three major findings. First, the model outputs predicted the impact of droughts and floods on ES provided by the irrigation system. Second, risk maps show the future distribution of both hazards at the level of the water canal spatial unit. Third, hotspot maps identify where ES will be more likely threatened by floods and droughts. We conclude our study by discussing how policy makers and planners can effectively use these analyses to guide better plans.

How to cite: Santini, A., Balbi, S., Casali, Y., and Masiero, M.: A spatially explicit risk model to evaluate future drought and flood impacts on ecosystems services provided by flow-irrigation systems: a case study in northeast Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17099,, 2025.

EGU25-17135 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Meteorological drought development, intensification and termination mechanisms: an Australian review 

Chiara Holgate and the Coauthors of the Australian meteorological drought review

Over the last decade, our understanding of meteorological drought has evolved from an understanding of the mechanisms causing droughts to develop, to include an understanding of how they intensify and terminate. In this review, we show that the understanding of Australian drought has evolved from one that associates drought primarily with large-scale processes typically related to low precipitation, towards an understanding of the importance of processes that promote heavy to extreme precipitation. It is now understood that Australian meteorological droughts develop and intensify largely through a sustained absence of synoptic systems responsible for strong moisture transport and ascent, together with an absence of wet phases of large-scale modes of climate variability. The return of these heavy precipitation-promoting processes is key to drought termination, and can play a role in post-drought flooding. This presentation will summarise this new mechanistic understanding of Australian meteorological drought, drawing on observational, climate model and machine learning-based research. Furthermore, this presentation will outline a research agenda to address identified knowledge gaps to better the understanding, simulation and prediction of drought in Australia and around the world.

How to cite: Holgate, C. and the Coauthors of the Australian meteorological drought review: Meteorological drought development, intensification and termination mechanisms: an Australian review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17135,, 2025.

The frequency and severity of droughts have intensified in recent decades, significantly impacting water availability and human and ecological systems. This growing trend highlights the need for a comprehensive exploration of drought characteristics and their interconnected dynamics, such as the timing of onset and severity. More often, streamflow drought onset time and deficit volume show nonlinear interdependencies. The seasonality of streamflow response is a widely used indicator to assess flood probabilities, catchment classifications, and even regional frequency analysis. However, understanding streamflow seasonality in influencing low flows across different climate regimes is mainly unexplored. This study investigates streamflow droughts considering daily observations from 1160 global catchments spanning disparate climate regions between 60°N and 60°S. Our analysis indicates that approximately 12% of sites demonstrate pronounced seasonality, significantly affecting drought severity with a dependence strength greater than 0.6. In particular, 50% of sites in the tropics, 11% in subtropics, and 9% in the temperate regime show substantial seasonal impacts on the drought severity, highlighting the diverse influence of seasonality across different climatic zones. Approximately 16% of sites show a significant trend (p<0.10) toward earlier onset, whereas 34% show delayed arrival in streamflow droughts, which indicates possible nonstationarities in low-flow seasonality, potentially impacting other drought properties, severity, and duration. Considering the nonlinear dependence strengths between onset time and deficit volume in a bivariate probabilistic framework, we attempt to investigate the severity of hydrological droughts, conditional to their onset seasonality. Examining representative catchments from each climate zone, we find that winter (Dec - Feb) droughts tend to be more severe than other seasons in temperate and subtropical climate regimes. In contrast, catchments in the tropics experience more severe droughts during the summer (Jun - Aug). While winter droughts are more persistent in the tropics and subtropical regions, summer droughts tend to be longer in temperate regions. The developed model offers a probabilistic forecast of seasonal droughts and helps to assess forecast uncertainty, aiding water management during extreme low-flow seasons and water years. This approach underscores the critical role of incorporating seasonality into drought hazard assessments to enhance water security adaptations in a changing climate. 

How to cite: Raut, A. and Ganguli, P.: Developing a Multivariate Probabilistic Framework to Model Onset Seasonality and Event Magnitude of Streamflow Droughts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17168,, 2025.

The high temporal and spatial variability of runoff generation processes makes it difficult to identify runoff source areas (partial or variable source areas), which may contribute to flooding, especially to the flood peak. Several methods have been introduced to model runoff process or map dominant runoff processes. However, no method can map areas contributing to the flood peak. This study introduces and defines flood source areas (FSA), presents the Flood Peak Source Area Index (FSAI) for quantification and comparison, and evaluates the effectiveness of classifying these areas by a new law in Germany, which is supposed to improved flood protection and risk reduction.

The distributed process-based hydrological model RoGeR was used to simulate runoff generation processes like Hortonian overland flow, saturation overland flow, subsurface stormflow, and deep percolation triggering groundwater flow to calculate the FSA. We simulated observed flood-generating rainfall-runoff events and design rainfall events with a 50-year return period, three durations (1h, 6h, 24h), and two initial soil moisture conditions (dry and wet) in six meso-scale catchments in south-west Germany representing the main soil types and geological settings in Germany. The analysis has three steps. For each scenario, the peak discharge period was determined based on the time between the "peak value -10%" before and after the peak. The second step finds source areas for each runoff generation process within the defined peak period based on travel times to the catchment outlet. These defined areas were intersected with RoGeR's spatial runoff generation maps for each runoff component and time step in the third step.  To define the FSAI, we divided the maps of contributing runoff (mm) for each runoff component by the total catchment runoff (mm) during the flood peak period. This is repeated for all runoff components and added to get the quotient of total runoff to the runoff peak volume. Areas with values >1 significantly contribute to flood peak, while those with values < 1 contribute less. With overall a value of one, the entire catchment would contribute equally to the flood peak.

Results show that FSAI > 1 are occurring on 10-60% of the catchment area, depending on event and catchment. On the other hand, 15% to 90% of the catchment area have an FSAI of zero, indicating no flood peak contribution, but this is highly variable by catchment and event characteristics. FSA vary in size and location depending on the event, making them non persistent in space. The FSA patterns vary depending on initial soil moisture, precipitation intensity and duration, spatial distribution, and flood peak shape. Scale dependence matters too. FSAs vary in extent and location depending on the flood hydrograph reference point (catchment outlet). This study found no clear FSA in a watershed to map. FSA can occur anywhere in a catchment, making retention measures to reduce flood risk difficult to establish. But the study also found that roads, urban areas, and wetlands have a disproportionally higher FSAI, indicating their high sensitivity for flood genesis and making runoff reduction in these areas most effective.

How to cite: Weiler, M. and Kirn, L.: Flood source areas: can we map areas in a catchment contributing to flood peaks?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17281,, 2025.

EGU25-18679 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Global models show strong spatial variation in compound drought occurrence 

Pihla Seppälä, Marko Kallio, Lauri Ahopelto, Amy Fallon, Pekka Kinnunen, Matias Heino, and Matti Kummu

Droughts are among the most devastating natural hazards, driving conflict, migration, and socioeconomic changes worldwide. Compound droughts – where meteorological, hydrological, and soil moisture (agricultural) drought co-occur – have greater ecological and socio-economic impacts than individual drought types. However, existing knowledge about global-scale compound droughts is limited, as research is mostly focusing on smaller areas and the propagation of meteorological drought to other types, typically considering just two different drought types.

Here, we use an ensemble of 9 model outputs from the ISIMIP3a experiment (H08, WaterGAP 2.2e, Miroc-Integ-Land, forced with 20CRv3-ERA5, 20CRv3-W5E5, GWSP3-W5E5 reanalysis datasets) with daily outputs of precipitation, soil moisture and discharge to compute empirical drought indices. Focusing on severe drought events with index value (intensity) below -1.5, we analyse event characteristics as well as probability and duration of compounding for 1961–2020. 

We found significant variability in duration and probability across different hydrological regions (hydrobelts) and drought indices, with results sensitive to the drought type used as basis for the comparison. The largest differences in duration and probability between hydrobelts occurred with soil moisture drought as the basis of analysis, while meteorological drought as the base showed the smallest differences. Compound drought durations were longer in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly near the equator. Soil moisture and hydrological droughts had longer median durations than meteorological droughts and therefore higher probabilities of compounding. The high probabilities were concentrated in northern latitudes and Asia for soil moisture drought and were globally more evenly distributed for hydrological. Analysing the influence of ENSO revealed longer durations and higher probabilities globally during El Niño compared to La Niña months. The uncertainty in the probability of compounding shows large spatial variation and was found to depend on the model, climate forcing, drainage basin size and the hydrobelt.  

Our results may help prepare regional or national drought management plans by providing insights into the spatial characteristics and probability of compound droughts. However, until the uncertainty in global modelling is addressed, and new methods or simulations are provided, the benefit is limited.   

How to cite: Seppälä, P., Kallio, M., Ahopelto, L., Fallon, A., Kinnunen, P., Heino, M., and Kummu, M.: Global models show strong spatial variation in compound drought occurrence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18679,, 2025.

EGU25-19095 | Orals | HS2.4.1

Persistent uncertainties in the magnitude of future river floods 

Nans Addor, Natalie Lord, Jannis Hoch, and Simbi Hatchard

Air can hold more moisture as temperature increases, leading to more extreme precipitation events. Yet, in many locations, this does not result in larger river floods. Here we use global projections to explore differences in the response of the atmosphere and catchments to an increase in global mean temperature. We focus on changes in the amplitude of extreme precipitation events and river floods per °C above pre-industrial levels. We rely on global projections produced as part of the ISIMIP2b and ISIMIP3b projects based on CMIP5 and CMIP6 climate models, respectively. We compute changes in the median of annual maxima based on periods of 31 years on 0.5° global grids. 

We find that whilst extreme precipitation is projected to increase over a large majority of the land area, a much smaller fraction of the land area is projected to show an increase in extreme flow magnitude. Importantly, whilst there is high model agreement that extreme precipitation will increase, agreement that future flows will increase is significantly lower. Specifically, ensemble spread for fluvial changes is typically wider and more likely to encompass both increases and decreases than for pluvial changes. We connect these discrepancies to changes in land-surface processes projected by the global hydrological models, highlighting the importance of river flood drivers other than extreme precipitation and illustrating the limits of using a Clausius-Clapeyron narrative to predict future changes in river floods. We compare ISIMIP2b and ISIMIP3b projections to underline the persistence of uncertainties in the magnitude of future river floods and discuss their implications for adaptation.

How to cite: Addor, N., Lord, N., Hoch, J., and Hatchard, S.: Persistent uncertainties in the magnitude of future river floods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19095,, 2025.

EGU25-20568 | ECS | Orals | HS2.4.1

Cataloguing soil moisture droughts on a global scale since 1980 

Jan Řehoř, Rudolf Brázdil, Oldřich Rakovec, Martin Hanel, Milan Fischer, Rohini Kumar, Jan Balek, and Miroslav Trnka

To describe droughts at the global scale, many variables can be employed to express their extent, duration, severity or dynamics. To identify common features of global land drought events (GLDEs) based on soil moisture modelling, we prepared a robust method for their delimitation and classification (cataloguing). Estimates of root-zone soil moisture from the SoilClim model and the mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM) were calculated over global land from 1980–2023. Using the 10th and 20th percentile thresholds of soil moisture anomalies, outputs of the two models were merged into a united dataset of drought affected areas in a 10-day step with 0.1° resolution. OPTICS clustering of the gridded data was then used to identify a total of 736 GLDEs. By utilizing four spatiotemporal and three motion-related characteristics for each GLDE, we established threshold percentiles based on their distributions. This information enabled us to categorize droughts into seven severity categories and seven dynamic categories. The severity and dynamic categories overlapped substantially for extremely severe and extremely dynamic droughts but very little for less severe/dynamic categories, despite some very small droughts that have occasionally been very dynamic. The frequency of GLDEs has generally increased in recent decades across different drought categories but the increase is not always statistically significant. Overall, the cataloging of GLDEs presents a unique opportunity to analyze the evolving features of spatiotemporally connected drought events in recent decades and provides a basis for future investigations of the drivers and impacts of dynamically evolving drought events.

How to cite: Řehoř, J., Brázdil, R., Rakovec, O., Hanel, M., Fischer, M., Kumar, R., Balek, J., and Trnka, M.: Cataloguing soil moisture droughts on a global scale since 1980, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20568,, 2025.

EGU25-20701 | ECS | Posters on site | HS2.4.1

Analyzing Compound Extremes in Hydrology: A Multivariate Approach Using Correlated Time Series 

Suchismita Subhadarsini, D. Nagesh Kumar, and Rao S. Govindaraju

Traditional hydrologic design has focused on using annual maximum values. However, numerous significant hydrologic events such as active and break spells during monsoons, heat waves, and flash floods from snowmelt occur over days to weeks. These events require daily or even finer resolution data for accurate characterization. Often, impactful events result from multiple hydrologic variables exhibiting extreme behaviour concurrently - known as compound extremes - leading to different occurrence probabilities and impacts than  those extreme events identified through univariate analyses. Characterizing these extreme events is challenging due to the need for the joint consideration of multiple variables. This study introduces a novel multivariate approach using a time-varying interval-censored estimation method for copula models. This method enables the determination of design magnitudes and associated risks with compound extremes when hydrologic data exhibit (i) strong dependence, and (ii) significant ties. The method's effectiveness is demonstrated in the Godavari River Basin, India, using daily precipitation and temperature data over the monsoon seasons between 1977 and 2020. A conservative approach is recommended for estimating design magnitudes in multivariate contexts. The study examines the importance of ties and temporal dependence between precipitation and temperature data in estimating the design magnitudes of cold-wet compound extremes at specified exceedance probabilities across various spatial scales. The results show that ties and temporal dependence significantly affect design estimates. Since these characteristics are common in hydrologic data, this framework is broadly applicable for characterizing other compound extremes in hydrology.

How to cite: Subhadarsini, S., Kumar, D. N., and Govindaraju, R. S.: Analyzing Compound Extremes in Hydrology: A Multivariate Approach Using Correlated Time Series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20701,, 2025.

Determination of the reliable estimate of risk associated with hydrometeorological extremes over a region requires discerning information on spatial variability of the associated at-site statistics/parameters. Extreme rainfall at finer spatio-temporal resolution allows for improved analysis of spatial variability, as local-scale statistical similarities (LSS) and heterogeneities are disclosed. The knowledge of LSS facilitates the use of information on regional spatial variability (in lieu of complex at-site spatial variability) for risk analysis. In addition, it is established in literature that geographical features influence the occurrence of extreme rainfall over an area. For a subcontinent with complex non-uniform patterns of geographical features, the regional spatial variability may be influenced by the geographic composition. To quantify this regional spatial variability, statistically homogenous regions need to be deciphered. Most studies on the regionalization of sub-daily extreme rainfall (SDER) are limited to a smaller spatial extent, and none was focused on a subcontinent. Furthermore, there are no prior studies focused on the analysis of regional spatial variability of SDER. To study the role of geography in modulation of the regional spatial variability of mesoscale SDER, the present study proposes a framework. It involves (i) dividing the study area into subareas based on geographical features, as they are deemed to influence the occurrence of extreme rainfall, (ii) the delineation of each subarea into statistically homogenous SDER regions using a novel regionalization technique, (iii) quantification of the regional spatial variability of SDER in each subarea using the delineated regions and a proposed novel index, and (iv) identifying the role of geographic features in modulating the regional spatial variability. The efficacy of the proposed framework is demonstrated by application to Indian subcontinent (66.5-100o E, 6.5-38.5o N) considering 0.12o resolution SDER data corresponding to different durations (1,2,3,6 and 12-hour) for the period 1981-2020. The data were prepared by bias correcting the 0.12o resolution NCMRWF IMDAA hourly gridded rainfall (at 20,717 grids) to be consistent with the widely used 0.25o resolution IMD (India Meteorological Department) daily rainfall. The Indian subcontinent is divided into seven subareas based on geographic features. On application of the framework, it has been found that the regional spatial variability of SDER in a subarea is regulated by its geography and that of its neighbouring subareas. Insights are obtained on the effect of factors such as orography and coastal width on regional spatial variability of SDER. The study is of significance as the knowledge discerned on potential covariates/attributes has wide applications including identification of similar extreme rainfall sites for regional frequency analysis for extreme rainfall and risk assessment of consequent floods at ungauged/sparsely gauged hotspots such as water control (e.g., dams, barrages, levees) and conveyance infrastructure (culverts) in river basins under various climate change scenarios. The inherent physio-geographic features of the catchment may not be enough to analyze the similarity with neighbouring catchments. The boundary conditions around the catchment also plays a role. 

How to cite: Varshney, A. and Srinivas, V. V.: A New Framework for Quantification of Regional Spatial Variability of Mesoscale Sub-daily Extreme Rainfall for Subcontinent , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1068,, 2025.

Climate change intensifies the global hydrological cycle, altering hydrometeorological variables and amplifying flood risks, with significant social, economic, and environmental consequences. Reliable flood estimates are crucial for designing cost-effective flood protection structures. The assessment often focusses only on peak discharge, overlooking vital factors like flood wave frequency, duration, and time to peak, which are key elements for preparedness and resilience. Although. the use of general circulation models (GCMs) for future simulations has advanced our understanding of catastrophic floods under climate change. Yet, the socio-economic impacts of these events remain insufficiently explored, leaving crucial vulnerabilities inadequately addressed. This study therefore evaluates the flood characteristics and socio-economic vulnerabilities in a large river basin using downscaled GCMs of CMIP6. The hydrological and hydrodynamic models were used for determining the flood wave characteristics considering non stationarity. We also examine the benefits of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, aligned with COP28 goals, by assessing global warming levels of 1.5°C, 2°C, and 3°C and the EF (2021–2050) and FF (2071–2100).

The flood peaks in major cities are projected to rise by 10–14% during pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons, with high-warming scenarios causing a ~35% increase in high flow by 2100. However, limiting the warming to 1.5°C could reduce the return flood discharge by 9,000 m³/s in FF. The projections indicate a paradigm shift in the flood wave characteristics of the basin, with a notable increase in both flood wave duration (~0.31 days per year) and frequency (~3 more flood waves) during the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. Socio-economic vulnerability assessments reveal heightened risks under high-warming scenarios, driven by population growth and intensified hydroclimatic extremes, leading to greater inundation extents, depths, and displacement risks. These findings underscore the urgent need for global and regional cooperation, evidence-based policies, and climate-resilient infrastructure to mitigate flood risks and adapt to evolving hydroclimatic extremes in vulnerable transboundary basins.

How to cite: Gupta, R. and Chembolu, V.: Flood Vulnerability under High-Warming Scenarios: Insights from flood wave Projections and Socio-Economic Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1079,, 2025.

EGU25-1255 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Sources and characteristics of short-duration heavy convective precipitation events in the southeastern Alpine forelands 

Stephanie Haas, Nadav Peleg, Gottfried Kirchengast, and Jürgen Fuchsberger

Severe short-duration thunderstorms are a characteristic part of summer rainfall in the southeastern Alpine forelands. These heavy convective precipitation events (HCPEs) pose a severe risk to the region in the form of flash floods and landslides. Despite their crucial role in summer rainfall and natural hazards, the moisture sources and spatial structure of such HCPEs are still largely unknown.

The presented study links these highly localized events to large-scale processes to identify possible moisture source regions through backward trajectories obtained from Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model runs with ERA5 data. To complement this large-scale analysis, we use high-resolution data from the dense WegenerNet climate station network in southeastern Austria, to investigate the local characteristics and spatial structure of HCPEs.

The combination of large- and local-scale analysis results in a multi-faceted picture of HCPEs and their characteristics. We find that temperature is a key driver of HCPEs and that moisture from the Mediterranean region is a key influencing factor on the occurrence, magnitude, and spatial extent of such events in the study region. Furthermore, we find differences in the storm characteristics depending on the season and region of moisture source.

From a more general perspective, our findings imply that rises in temperature and humidity will likely result in more intense HCPEs with larger spatial extents, which potentially will increase the severity of floods and other natural hazards and hence also the damage risks in the southeastern Alpine forelands.

How to cite: Haas, S., Peleg, N., Kirchengast, G., and Fuchsberger, J.: Sources and characteristics of short-duration heavy convective precipitation events in the southeastern Alpine forelands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1255,, 2025.

EGU25-1636 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Regional Disparities in Hydro-climatic Extremes Across Central Asia: Insights from the Tienshan Mountains 

Xueqi Zhang, Yaning Chen, Zhi Li, Fan Sun, Yupeng Li, and Yifeng Hou

The Tienshan Mountains of Central Asia, a key region in global arid and semi-arid zones, faces highly uneven precipitation distribution due to its unique topography and climate. Precipitation variations significantly affect the region’s ecosystems, agriculture, and hydrological security. While extreme heavy precipitation has been widely studied, research on extreme light precipitation is limited. Additionally, spatial distribution patterns and driving mechanisms of extreme events under varying climatic and geomorphic conditions remain underexplored. This study systematically examines the spatial-temporal trends of extreme hydro-climatic events in the Tienshan Mountains, focusing on both heavy and light precipitation, to provide insights for water resource management and disaster prevention.

The Tienshan Mountains have experienced significant changes in extreme hydro-climatic events since 2000. The frequency anomaly of extreme light precipitation events (R1p) shifted from positive to negative, indicating a marked decline compared to the historical average, while extreme heavy precipitation events (R99p) shifted from negative to positive, reflecting a substantial increase in frequency. The intensity of both events has also risen notably during this period. Spatially, the intensity variations of extreme events show consistent signals across the Tienshan region, while frequency exhibits strong spatial heterogeneity. Around 80°E, extreme heavy precipitation frequency increases eastward and decreases westward. Vertically, mid-altitudes exhibit the most pronounced changes. The frequency of extreme light precipitation declines at 0.471 days/year in mid-altitudes compared to 0.356 days/year at high altitudes. Similarly, extreme heavy precipitation intensity increases at 0.106 mm/year in mid-altitudes, much higher than 0.014 mm/year at high altitudes. These patterns result from the combined effects of Tibetan Plateau thermal dynamics and monsoon-driven moisture transport, creating distinct differences in extreme precipitation between the eastern and western Tienshan. Future studies should explore the interactions between the plateau and atmospheric circulation to improve the prediction and mitigation of extreme events, aiding water resource management and disaster preparedness.

How to cite: Zhang, X., Chen, Y., Li, Z., Sun, F., Li, Y., and Hou, Y.: Regional Disparities in Hydro-climatic Extremes Across Central Asia: Insights from the Tienshan Mountains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1636,, 2025.

EGU25-1794 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5

Increasing typhoon risks in Shanghai under the effect of urbanization and sea surface temperature warming 

Qi Zhuang, Marika Koukoula, Shuguang Liu, Zhengzheng Zhou, and Nadav Peleg

Tropical cyclones, also known as typhoons in the western North Pacific, are one of the most devastating natural disasters in the world, especially when they strike highly urbanized regions with large populations. For instance, in September 2024, two typhoons, Bebinca and Pulasan, directly affected Shanghai within 4 days, resulting in severe floods, widespread power outages, and the evacuation of more than 500,000 residents. However, there is limited knowledge about the variability and mechanism of typhoon activities in this region under the effect of climate change and urbanization. In light of these facts, we use the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) convection-permitting model to simulate five typhoon events that made landfall along the southeastern coast of China and severely impacted Shanghai between 2018 and 2022. By comparing with various scenarios, including the current and projected expansion of Shanghai's urban area and the 1, 2, and 3 °C rise in sea surface temperature (SST), the effects of urbanization and climate change are estimated. The results find that typhoon tracks are significantly shifted southerly away from the city by higher SST, but the typhoon risk continues to increase due to substantial enhancement of rainfall intensity and wind velocity. Warmer SST increases air temperature and decreases sea level pressure, thereby facilitating the formation and development of typhoon sizes and their dynamic systems. The southward shift of the typhoon tracks is linked to the Fujiwhara effect when two typhoons exist and interact, causing an intensified mutual counterclockwise rotation with SST increase. Urbanization further intensifies the local rainfall intensity within Shanghai due to the increase in urban surface roughness. In the future, the risk of typhoons under the compound effects of urbanization and climate warming in Shanghai and other megacities in typhoon-affected regions should be raised to attention.

How to cite: Zhuang, Q., Koukoula, M., Liu, S., Zhou, Z., and Peleg, N.: Increasing typhoon risks in Shanghai under the effect of urbanization and sea surface temperature warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1794,, 2025.

EGU25-1877 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Analysis of extreme precipitation timeseries in Serbia based on station data 

Lazar Filipovic, Ivana Tosic, Antonio Samuel Alves de Silva, Borko Stosic, Tatijana Stosic, and Vladimir Djudjevic

Serbia lies between Central and Southern Europe and is characterised by a complex topography, with the Pannonian Plain in the north and the Dinaric Alps in the west and southwest. Three climate types characterise Serbia: continental climate in the north, temperate continental climate in the central part and modified Mediterranean climate in the south. Precipitation in Serbia is generally the result of passing cyclones and associated atmospheric fronts as part of the general circulation of the atmosphere in the mid-latitudes (Tošić et al., 2017). In recent decades, flash flooding resulting from extreme precipitation events has proven to be a great threat to human life and a great cause of economic strife (an estimate of 1.7 billion euros in damages in 2014 alone when catastrophic flooding occurred in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia).

The highest yearly 1-day precipitation (Rx1day) was analyzed on an annual and seasonal basis at ten stations in Serbia in the period 1961-2020. The modified Mann-Kendall test was used to examine the significance of the trend. An increase was observed in all annual time series of Rx1day. A significant positive trend was observed at 9 out of 10 stations. The Rx1day time series increased in Niš in southern Serbia, but not significantly. In addition, all fall and spring time series showed a positive trend, of which 8 and 5, respectively, were significant. In summer, 5 stations (Zrenjanin, Novi Sad, Veliko Gradište, Kragujevac and Zaječar) showed a significant positive trend, while 4 stations (Sremska Mitrovica, Belgrade, Loznica and Kragujevac) showed a positive trend and one (Niš) showed a negative but non-significant trend. In winter, a significant increase in Rx1day was observed at two stations (Kragujevac and Zaječar) and a negative trend at Veliko Gradište. The generalised extreme value function was calculated and analyzed for all of the available stations, for the periods of 1961-1990, 1990-2020 and 1961-2020 with the inclusion of return periods.

The highest increase of Rx1day was observed in Novi Sad, both on an annual and seasonal basis. The highest summer value of Rx1day (116.6 mm) was measured in Novi Sad in 2018, which led to flooding in the city (Savić et al., 2020). This precipitation episode was determined to be caused by convective rainfall.

Tošić, I., Unkašević, M., Putniković, S., 2017: Extreme daily precipitation: the case of Serbia in 2014. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 128, 785–794. doi:10.1007/s00704-016-1749-2

Savić, S.; Kalfayan, M.; Dolinaj, D. Precipitation Spatial Patterns in Cities with Different Urbanisation Types: Case Study of Novi Sad (Serbia) as a Medium-sized City. Geogr. Pannon. 2020, 24 (2), 88–99.

How to cite: Filipovic, L., Tosic, I., de Silva, A. S. A., Stosic, B., Stosic, T., and Djudjevic, V.: Analysis of extreme precipitation timeseries in Serbia based on station data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1877,, 2025.

EGU25-2722 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Sensitivity of pluvial flood exposure to the selection of intensity-duration-frequency data 

Jannis Hoch, Anthony Cooper, and Conor Lamb

Pluvial floods are and will remain an important driver of flood risk, especially in an urban context. Recently, several floods triggered by extreme rainfall made the news and led to many casualties, such as those in Valencia and Nepal in 2024. To better prepare for such disasters, urban planners may use pluvial flood maps to assess flood risk and plan accordingly. Typically, such maps are produced by distributing rainfall over topography using a hydraulic model which solves some variation of the shallow water equations. While the decision for a specific hydraulic model may impact pluvial flood maps, here we will focus on the role of pluvial input data.

Typically, intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) data is used to drive these models, yet these data are highly uncertain due to, for instance, the absence of accurate rainfall observations or the application of extreme value statistics.

Here, we present results of a sensitivity analysis in which we employed a range of global and national IDF data sets, such as NOAA Atlas 14, KOSTRA-DWD, BURGER, GPEX, PPDIST and PXR. Each data set is unique in the amount of data it was produced with, the spatial extent, the spatial regionalization of point-based estimates, the extreme value distribution used, and so forth. All IDF datasets were fed into a hydraulic model (LISFLOOD-FP) using the Chicago Design Storm (CDS) method to produce consistent and comparable maps of pluvial flood hazard for several test cases. Subsequently, the (dis-)agreement of the flood maps obtained is assessed.

To convert flood maps into impact, they are intersected with exposure data to obtain an estimate of average annual exposure (AAE) to pluvial floods, which is a better measure for assessing the impact of these floods.

While we expect that intensities extracted from the different IDF data sets will differ markedly, this study will shed light on the impact these differences may have on flood hazard and flood exposure estimates.

How to cite: Hoch, J., Cooper, A., and Lamb, C.: Sensitivity of pluvial flood exposure to the selection of intensity-duration-frequency data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2722,, 2025.

EGU25-3385 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5

Integrating natural hazards and social vulnerability to estimate lightning-related mortality risk in Mexico 

Alejandro Jaramillo and Christian Dominguez

Lightning poses a significant threat to life, infrastructure, and economic sectors worldwide. This study evaluates lightning risk at the municipal level in Mexico by integrating the interplay of natural hazards and social vulnerability into a comprehensive risk estimation. Although lightning-related fatalities have declined in Mexico, likely driven by demographic shifts and improved urban infrastructure, significant social vulnerability persists, particularly in rural areas where labor-intensive agriculture and lower education levels are prevalent. Using this integrated approach, we develop a lightning fatality risk map that identifies high-risk regions in Mexico. These regions are characterized by high lightning occurrence and elevated social vulnerability. By providing detailed municipal-level insights, this research contributes to advancing local resilience and informing policy and disaster risk mitigation efforts, ultimately enhancing public safety in the face of natural hazards.

How to cite: Jaramillo, A. and Dominguez, C.: Integrating natural hazards and social vulnerability to estimate lightning-related mortality risk in Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3385,, 2025.

Sardinia Island, situated in the Mediterranean Sea, is a water-scarce region frequently affected by severe multi-year droughts. This study investigates the dynamics of two distinct reservoir systems on the island—Bau Pressiu, a single reservoir with a small basin and limited storage capacity, and Flumendosa, a complex system of four interconnected reservoirs. By analyzing their monthly reservoir storage dynamics alongside the basin’s average monthly precipitation, we aim to understand their response to drought and its propagation. We employed the n-month Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and 1-month Standardized Storage Dynamics Index (SSDI), calculated using non-parametric fitting methods, to characterize precipitation and storage variability. Correlation analyses using Pearson and Kendall’s tau identified the precipitation accumulation period (propagation time) strongly correlated with storage dynamics. Contrasting operational rules and societal demands led to markedly different responses during droughts between the two systems. Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) and Cross Wavelet Transform (XWT) analyses revealed multiscale correlations between precipitation and reservoir storage. While precipitation exhibited independent multiscale power, reservoir signals displayed consistent annual-scale power linked to societal demand during summers and broader-scale patterns during severe droughts. Additionally, cross-wavelet analyses between SPI and large-scale climatic indicators, such as the Niño 3.4 index and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), highlighted their significant but contrasting influences during multiyear droughts. Our findings confirm that both systems effectively mitigate short-term drought impacts. However, multiyear droughts, driven predominantly by large-scale climatic oscillations, severely strain reservoir systems and societal resilience, underscoring the so-called "reservoir effects". These insights are critical for improving water resource management strategies in drought-prone regions like Sardinia.

Keywords: multiyear drought, storage dynamics, wavelet analysis, climatic drivers, reservoir effect

How to cite: Majhi, A., Deidda, R., and Viola, F.: Unveiling the Climatic Drivers of Multi-Year Droughts in Sardinia: A Study of Reservoir Storage and Precipitation Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4161,, 2025.

EGU25-5145 | Orals | HS7.5

Identifying trends in extreme hydro-meteorological events to assess water-related hazards in urban-rural areas in South Africa 

Torsten Weber, Sophie Biskop, Fabian Schreiter, Muhammad Fraz Ismail, Hubert Lohr, Deborah Schaudt, Christine Fürst, and Francois Engelbrecht

Building resilience in urban-rural areas against hydro-meteorological hazards such as prolonged droughts and floods is crucial for economic development and safeguarding vulnerable people in Africa. Extreme hydro-meteorological events are projected to become more frequent and intense under climate change, leading to human, material, economic and environmental losses and impacts. In particular, southern Africa exhibits pronounced hydro-meteorological extreme events in response to El Niño and La Niña events, with El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) impacts projected to intensify in southern Africa in a warmer world. Two of South Africa’s major river systems have been identified as hot spots of water-related hazards, in the context of major risks of water insecurity and flood disasters in a warmer world.

The Integrated Vaal River System (IVRS), a large, complex water system comprising water resources of different river basins, and several mega-dams within, serves as a water lifeline of the Gauteng Province, the economic hub in South Africa. The IVRS is vulnerable to the occurrence of multi-year droughts. Although a drought so severe that the IVRS can no longer supply the Gauteng Province with water (a ‘day-zero drought’) has never occurred before in the historical record, a four-year drought culminating in the El Niño drought of 2015/2016 resulted in the level of the Vaal Dam falling to about 25% (a dam level below 20% would have implied the presence of a day-zero drought). East of the Lesotho highlands, major rivers such as the Umgeni drain eastwards towards the KwaZulu-Natal coastal plain. These rivers are prone to flooding, especially during La Niña years. In April 2022, South Africa experienced its worst flood disaster when more than 544 people died during flash flooding in the Umgeni, Mlazi and Mbokodweni rivers in the greater Durban area. Present analysis focuses on changes in trends and characteristics of drought and extreme precipitation events in both study regions for the past 40-years using the ERA5-Land reanalysis and observational datasets such as CHIRPS. The ERA5-Land dataset has a spatial resolution of 0.1°x0.1° (~11 km) and goes back to 1950, making it possible to analyse long-term trends of meteorological drought and extreme precipitation. Results will highlight changes in frequency, duration and intensity of hydro-meteorological extreme events.

The research is part of the “Water security in Africa – WASA” programme, project WaRisCo, which deals with water risks and resilience in urban-rural areas in southern Africa and the co-production of hydro-climate services for an adaptive and sustainable disaster risk management.

How to cite: Weber, T., Biskop, S., Schreiter, F., Ismail, M. F., Lohr, H., Schaudt, D., Fürst, C., and Engelbrecht, F.: Identifying trends in extreme hydro-meteorological events to assess water-related hazards in urban-rural areas in South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5145,, 2025.

EGU25-5363 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

An Improved DP-POA Method for Optimal Operation of Reservoir Flood Control 

Yawei Ning, Minglei Ren, Junbin Zhang, Rong Tang, Liping Zhao, and Gang Wang

The consuming-time of the algorithm for solving the reservoir optimal operation model is crucial to real-time flood control. The traditional DP-POA (Dynamic Programmin-Progressive Optimization Algorithm) has better solutions but takes a long time. This study proposed an improved DP-POA method, which effectively reduces the amount of calculation and improves the calculation speed by simplifying the objective function. Taking Yuecheng Reservoir in China as an example, this study conducted a comparative analysis of five algorithms, including improved DP-POA, traditional DP-POA, improved POA, traditional POA and PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization). The results show that the improved DP-POA exhibits significant advantages in both consuming-time and solution quality. In the 2021 flood case, compared with the traditional DP-POA, the consuming-time of the improved DP-POA is shortened from about half an hour to less than 5 minutes; meanwhile, the solution of the improved DP-POA is better than or basically equal to other comparative methods.

How to cite: Ning, Y., Ren, M., Zhang, J., Tang, R., Zhao, L., and Wang, G.: An Improved DP-POA Method for Optimal Operation of Reservoir Flood Control, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5363,, 2025.

EGU25-5958 | Posters on site | HS7.5

StoryMaps: Advancing Public Awareness, Preparedness, and Resilience to Flood Risks 

Peter Fischer-Stabel, Jaqueline Hoffmann, and Joshua Azvedo

Floods count as some of the most devastating natural disasters, inflicting extensive damage on infrastructure, disrupting communities, and posing serious threats to human lives. The flooding in Germany’s Ahr Valley in 2021 is a strong reminder of the devastating consequences. The increasing intensity of such events, driven by climate change, underscores the urgency of enhanced prevention and preparedness strategies (Deumlich & Gericke, 2020).

Fluvial (river) floods, which often occur at regular intervals, tend to remain in the collective memory of affected populations. However, when sufficient time passes without an event, a phenomenon referred to as "flood dementia" can emerge. This leads to diminished public awareness and preparedness, increasing vulnerability during future disasters. The issue is even more pronounced with pluvial (rainfall-induced) floods, which are harder to predict and therefore require robust preventive measures.

Effective flood risk management demands targeted approaches to engage diverse demographic groups. A survey conducted as part of the BMBF-FloReST project revealed significant disparities in awareness across age groups. While individuals aged 50 and older were well-represented in the survey, those aged 20 and younger were notably underrepresented. This younger age group often lacks the life experience needed to fully comprehend the impacts of pluvial flooding, underscoring the importance of targeted educational initiatives.

StoryMaps have emerged as a valuable tool for addressing this gap, particularly among younger audiences. By integrating geospatial data visualization with storytelling elements such as maps, images, videos, and narratives, StoryMaps transform complex environmental information into an engaging and accessible format. Young people, who are more responsive to interactive and visually rich content, benefit from enhanced comprehension and retention. For example, StoryMaps can depict flood-prone areas, recount historical flood events, and simulate potential outcomes of mitigation strategies, thus bridging technical concepts with tangible, real-world examples.

Furthermore, StoryMaps help young people connect local flood risks to broader global challenges. By exploring the links between climate change and flooding, students can better understand the interconnectedness of environmental issues. This fosters a sense of accountability and encourages proactive participation in community resilience initiatives. Additionally, StoryMaps promote critical thinking by enabling users to explore “what-if” scenarios, such as the impacts of improved drainage systems or reforestation on flood dynamics.

Their digital accessibility makes StoryMaps particularly effective for engaging tech-savvy younger generations. They can be seamlessly incorporated into school curricula, workshops, and community outreach programs, equipping young people with practical knowledge about sustainable water management and disaster preparedness.

In conclusion, StoryMaps represent a forward-thinking approach to flood risk awareness and education, particularly for younger audiences. By blending education with engagement, they empower a generation to better understand and address the challenges of climate-related disasters. Our presentation will showcase two StoryMaps—focused on the 2021 Ahr Valley flood and the 2024 Saarland Pentecost flood—developed as part of the FloReST project and introduced in schools to foster awareness and resilience among young learners.

How to cite: Fischer-Stabel, P., Hoffmann, J., and Azvedo, J.: StoryMaps: Advancing Public Awareness, Preparedness, and Resilience to Flood Risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5958,, 2025.

EGU25-6246 | Posters on site | HS7.5

Adaptation to flood risk on Reunion Island (France): A historical perspective from photographic evidence 

Gilles Arnaud-Fassetta, Jean Larive, François Taglioni, David Lorion, Salem Dahech, and Alizé Méchain

Reunion Island, situated in the Indian Ocean, has faced significant flood risks since its early settlement in the 17th century. Currently, the island comprises six territories identified as flood-risk areas (TRI). Understanding the historical context of this risk is crucial for effective management and adaptation strategies. To explore the evolution of flood risk, we examined a collection of historical postcards from the late 19th to early 20th centuries, archived at the Archives Départementales in Saint-Denis. We selected approximately fifty postcards based on specific criteria: the relationship between habitats and rivers, the need for a comprehensive spatial perspective, and the representation of diverse watersheds across the island. Field missions conducted in 2024 and 2025 allowed us to replicate the photographs at the same locations as depicted on the ancient postcards, facilitating a direct comparison of changes in land use and hydromorphological structures (including “planèzes”, slopes, and valley floors). Our findings reveal significant insights comparing land use from the late 19th century to the present day (2024-2025). We observed new housing developments on planèzes, which have heightened risks of urban runoff and flooding associated with small rivers. Certain regions remain unchanged, indicating that the original placement of habitats was appropriate, situated on alluvial terraces and slopes protected from landslides and debris flows. In contrast, urban encroachment into the active channels of large rivers (“ravines”) has created substantial risks for local populations. These findings align with the analyses of D. Lorion (2013), who characterizes the rise in flood-risk areas during the 1970s and 1980s as a manifestation of the 'security utopia' created by river embankment systems.




Lorion D. (2013) – From a utopia of security to the integrated management of drainage basins: The example of Reunion Island (France). In Arnaud-Fassetta G., Masson E., Reynard E. (Eds.) European continental hydrosystems under changing water policy. Friedrich Pfeil Verlag, München, 87-98.

How to cite: Arnaud-Fassetta, G., Larive, J., Taglioni, F., Lorion, D., Dahech, S., and Méchain, A.: Adaptation to flood risk on Reunion Island (France): A historical perspective from photographic evidence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6246,, 2025.

EGU25-6432 | Orals | HS7.5 | Highlight

Large-Sample Machine Learning Models for Estimation, Attribution, and Projection of Hydrometeorological Extremes 

Louise Slater, Michel Wortmann, Simon Moulds, Yinxue Liu, Boen Zhang, Laurence Hawker, Liangkun Deng, and Emma Ford

The estimation, attribution or projection of hydro-meteorological extremes in individual locations is constrained by the limited number of observations of extreme events. Recent advances in large-sample machine learning (ML) models, however, have demonstrated significant potential to mitigate the impact of data scarcity on the quantification of hydrological risks. These models integrate hundreds to thousands of time-series records alongside local descriptors of climate and catchment characteristics, enabling them to learn relationships across diverse environments and provide accurate estimations of hydro-meteorological extremes. This presentation will highlight our recent advancements and challenges in developing large-sample ML models for estimating, attributing, and projecting hydro-meteorological extremes.

At the core of our ML models is the GRIT river network, a new global bifurcating network which includes multi-threaded rivers, canals, and deltas. Unlike conventional single-threaded global river networks, GRIT incorporates bifurcations derived from the 30m Landsat-based river mask from GRWL and elevation-based streams from the FABDEM digital terrain model. This realistic depiction is critical, as 98% of floods identified in the Global Flood Database occur within 10 km of a river bifurcation. Individual river reaches in GRIT are assigned a broad range of static and time-varying variables describing the local meteorology, climate, geology, soils, geomorphology, Earth observation, terrestrial water storage, land cover time series, socio-economic data, and a novel archive of historical river discharge records from approximately 60,000 gauges.

This novel dataset enables us to tackle three key challenges: (1) Flood estimation: We estimate flood hazards globally, such as bankfull river discharge, the mean annual flood, and return periods, and assess the ability of the models to produce spatially-consistent hazard estimates. By leveraging an expanded training envelope, the ML models generate reliable estimates in data-sparse regions. (2) Flood attribution: Leveraging a range of explainability methods such as model probes, sensitivity testing, SHAP, ALE, PDP, and gradient-based methods, we investigate flood-generating mechanisms across diverse catchment types. Explainable AI (XAI) tools enable us to interrogate the models to enhance our understanding of the physical and anthropogenic drivers of flooding. (3) Flood prediction and projection: We assess the utility of hybrid large-sample ML models trained directly on subseasonal to seasonal forecasts or Earth system model (ESM) outputs for future flood projections. We show how large-sample models can implicitly correct spatio-temporal biases in forecasts or ESM outputs and deliver reliable predictions, bypassing traditional modelling steps such as downscaling and bias-correction.

Finally, we discuss key challenges in large-sample modelling, such as systematic biases in training data, inconsistencies in XAI results, causality, and the relative strengths and weaknesses of simple ML models versus deep learning. These challenges underscore the need for continued innovation in large-sample model design and application. By integrating diverse datasets and advanced ML techniques, large-sample models present transformative opportunities for flood estimation, attribution, and projection, enabling informed decision-making for management of hydro-meteorological extremes.


How to cite: Slater, L., Wortmann, M., Moulds, S., Liu, Y., Zhang, B., Hawker, L., Deng, L., and Ford, E.: Large-Sample Machine Learning Models for Estimation, Attribution, and Projection of Hydrometeorological Extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6432,, 2025.

EGU25-6777 | Orals | HS7.5

The Risk of Negatively Biased and Overconfident Return Level Estimates: A Critique of the Metastatistical Approach to Extremes 

Torben Schmith, Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, and Bo Christiansen

Classical extreme value analysis (EVA) often give large uncertainties on estimated return levels due to the limited length of real-world hydrological time series. The metastatistical extreme value (MEV) approach (Marani and Ignaccolo 2015) aims to overcome these limitations by describing all data using a common distribution, treating extremes as large ordinary data values. The above authors perform Monte Carlo simulations with synthetic time series generated from a Weibull distribution and fit a Weibull distribution to each series, as prescribed in the MEV approach. These simulations show that the MEV give unbiased estimates with smaller confidence intervals, compared with the GEV and Gumbel methods from classical EVA.

However, the MEV method neglects that physical mechanisms producing extremes often differ from those for ordinary events. Therefore, the ordinary and extreme events should in general be described by a mixture distribution and this may influence the results of MEV. To test this, we replicated their work and added a variant using synthetic time series from a Weibull mixture distribution, formed by mixing the original Weibull distribution with a tiny fraction of another Weibull distribution with a longer tail. This mimics the shift in distribution between ordinary and extreme events. When applying the Weibull-based MEV to the Weibull mixture samples, the MEV method produced systematically biased estimates, which are outside the confidence intervals provided by MEV. In contrast, GEV produced unbiased estimates that are inside the confidence interval.

Finally, goodness-of-fit tests are not able to distinguish between time series distributed according to Weibull and Weibull mixture, and can therefore provide no guidance on when to use MEV. In summary, we find the MEV approach unreliable for real-world applications and strongly caution against using it.

How to cite: Schmith, T., Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., and Christiansen, B.: The Risk of Negatively Biased and Overconfident Return Level Estimates: A Critique of the Metastatistical Approach to Extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6777,, 2025.

EGU25-6994 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5

Subjective and Objective Methods in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) for Flood Mitigation: Implications on Policymaking 

Hassan Sabeh, Chadi Abdallah, Nanée Chahinian, Marie-George Tournoud, Rouya Hdeib, and Roger Moussa

Flood risk management comprises risk assessment through robust modeling and mitigation through measure implementation. Decision-making on mitigation measures is complicated by the plethora of criteria, stakeholder influence, implementation scale and financial constraints. Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods have emerged as valuable tools in this context, allowing for the systematic integration of diverse factors and perspectives. Nonetheless, MCDM applications in mitigation measure ranking remain challenged by the lack of informed evaluation of criteria and the diversity of measures at local reach-scale. This work aims to develop a comprehensive methodology for prioritizing flood mitigation measures. An application is conducted on a Mediterranean catchment, the Ostouane River (144 km2), Northern Lebanon. The approach involves identifying 11 intervention reaches, proposing 38 mitigation measures, and evaluating a set of 7 primary criteria decomposed into 19 multidimensional secondary criteria. We introduce criteria of effectiveness, technical, exposure and vulnerability in addition to the commonly used criteria of environmental impact, socio-economic impact, and cost. The criteria are evaluated based on qualitative and quantitative inputs derived from the literature, surveys, questionnaires, hydrological and hydraulic modelling. The TOPSIS model is employed using 6 subjective stakeholder-driven weighting methods and 6 data-driven objective weighting methods. The methodology is evaluated through a sensitivity analysis that emphasizes on the importance of measure effectiveness, environmental impact, and cost criteria in the model. Results show that subjective weighting methods tend to prioritize structural measures at downstream areas with high-value assets, while objective methods show a more balanced distribution of measures, including green solutions and upstream reaches. The total cost of the 10 prioritized measures using subjective methods is 20% higher than that of objective methods. However, the specific choice of a weighting method can imply a substantial variation in total implementation and maintenance cost. Essentially, the choice of weighting method in MCDM can significantly alter the resulting strategies and management of risk. This contrast highlights the need for policymakers to develop flexible, adaptive strategies that balance immediate protection needs with long-term sustainability goals. Overall, this work provides a novel approach for integrated flood risk management based on adapted local-scale and informed decision-making.

How to cite: Sabeh, H., Abdallah, C., Chahinian, N., Tournoud, M.-G., Hdeib, R., and Moussa, R.: Subjective and Objective Methods in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) for Flood Mitigation: Implications on Policymaking, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6994,, 2025.

Landslides, predominantly triggered by intense and prolonged rainfall, pose a critical hazard in the Himalayan region, with Indian Himalayas contributing approximately 15% of global rainfall-triggered landslides. Despite advances in landslide prediction, existing thresholds often fail to account for the diverse climatic and geophysical conditions across the Himalayas. To address these gaps, this study establishes both at-site and regional rainfall thresholds for landslide prediction by integrating advanced statistical techniques and environmental analyses. Seasonal rainfall thresholds were established to define rainy days, revealing higher winter thresholds in the Northwestern Himalayas (NWH) due to snowmelt contributions and elevated monsoon thresholds in the Northeastern Himalayas (NEH), driven by prolonged rainfall and antecedent moisture saturation. Building on this, we derived empirical event-duration (E-D) thresholds using a novel non-crossing quantile regression approach to ensure robustness against lower quantile crossing issues. The derived regional thresholds for NEH (E = -11.10 + 0.62D) and NWH (E = -12.00 + 0.63D) fits within global bounds . Land use/land cover (LULC) analysis and probabilistic mutual information ─ based analysis further identified critical environmental controls shaping these thresholds. In the NWH, built-up areas, elevation, and vegetation emerged as key factors playing significant roles in shaping rainfall thresholds to trigger landslides, while elevation, rangeland, and the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) were significant in the NEH. These insights underscore the need for region-specific E-D thresholds for landslide prediction and disaster management in the Himalayan region. By integrating environmental controls into a 'physics-based statistical learning' framework, this study overcomes limitations of conventional empirical rainfall threshold for landslide prediction models, delivering region-specific thresholds, thereby enhancing disaster preparedness, a step towards developing a climate-resilient landslide early warning system in the Himalayas.

How to cite: Monga, D. and Ganguli, P.: Developing Site-Specific Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide Prediction in the Himalayas: A Comparative Assessment between Northwestern and Northeastern Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7120,, 2025.

EGU25-7334 | Posters on site | HS7.5

Rainfall extremes and their impacts: from the local to the National Scale. The INTENSE project.  

Elisa Arnone, Marco Marani, Leonardo V. Noto, Roberta Paranunzio, Matteo Darienzo, Antonio Francipane, Cesar Arturo Sanchez Pena, Juby Thomas, Dario Treppiedi, and Francesco Marra

This study describes the activities developed within the project “raINfall exTremEs and their impacts: from the local to the National ScalE (INTENSE)”, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and by the EU. INTENSE will provide a novel assessment of hazards related to extreme rainfall and landslides, to aid risk management at the local and national scales.

The long historical rainfall records available from rain gauges allow us to derive extreme precipitation probabilities in gauged locations, but they hardly represent ungauged areas and cannot adequately sample the spatial variability of extreme rainfall in areas with strong climatological gradients, such as orographic and coastal regions. To overcome these limitations, we collect national-scale observations from rain gauges, weather radars and satellites and we use state-of-the-art statistical approaches, stochastic weather generators, and physically based landslide models.

In particular, a novel statistical approach for the analysis of extreme values from remotely sensed rainfall is used to produce national scale maps of extreme rainfall at multiple scales. The INTENSE approach allows us to link local rainfall climatology (i.e. frequency of rainstorms; intensity of ordinary and extreme rainstorms; rainstorms temporal structure) to the probability of initiation of shallow mass movements, a long standing challenge in rainfall-related hazards assessment. This is done feeding physically based landslide initiation models with long simulations of climate variables able to adequately represent the statistics and properties of both ordinary and extreme rainstorms.

We present here the preliminary results of the project with a particular focus on (i) rainfall frequency analysis, (ii) downscaling of extreme precipitation, and (iii) of the critical soil moisture maps needed to trigger shallow movements in a selected case study.


This research received funding from European Union NextGenerationEU – National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Mission 4, Component 2, Investiment 1.1 -PRIN 2022 – 2022ZC2522 - CUP G53D23001400006

How to cite: Arnone, E., Marani, M., Noto, L. V., Paranunzio, R., Darienzo, M., Francipane, A., Sanchez Pena, C. A., Thomas, J., Treppiedi, D., and Marra, F.: Rainfall extremes and their impacts: from the local to the National Scale. The INTENSE project. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7334,, 2025.

EGU25-7484 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Evolving Dependence Structures Between Compound Flood Drivers Under Future Climate Scenarios: A case study over Greater Boston 

Stergios Emmanouil, Andreas Langousis, Elizabeth Perry, Joshua P. Hacker, and Emmanouil N. Anagnostou

The assessment of compound flood risk often relies on the assumption that the dependence structure between flood drivers (e.g., rainfall intensity, coastal water levels, and streamflow) remains stationary under changing climatic conditions. Yet, traditional approaches that inherently assume stationary dependencies, or rely solely on historical relationships, may misrepresent flood risk and fail to identify hotspots of emerging infrastructure vulnerabilities. This study aims to (a) characterize the dependence structure between compound flood drivers using a parsimonious parametric framework, and (b) explore potential changes in this structure under future climate scenarios, by leveraging outputs from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) regional climate projections. An ensemble of synthetic and historical storms is employed to simulate flood impacts across the Greater Boston region, forming the basis for statistically modeling the conditional dependence of the main flood drivers. Changes in the marginal distributions of these drivers, informed by CMIP6 simulations under various Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), are also integrated into the dependence framework to evaluate future trajectories of compound flood risk. The findings focus on determining whether shifts in the dependence structure offer a more nuanced understanding of evolving flood risk profiles, as well as identifying areas where traditional stationary assumptions may result in systematic errors. Ultimately, the study advances understanding of the dynamic interplay between flood drivers under future climate scenarios, and supports the development of adaptation strategies for regions vulnerable to compound flooding.

How to cite: Emmanouil, S., Langousis, A., Perry, E., Hacker, J. P., and Anagnostou, E. N.: Evolving Dependence Structures Between Compound Flood Drivers Under Future Climate Scenarios: A case study over Greater Boston, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7484,, 2025.

The floods that hit wide parts of Central Europe in July 2021 demonstrate the impact that extreme precipitation events can have on our continent. Heavy continuous rainfall from 12th to 15th of July 2021, caused by low-pressure system "Bernd", resulted in widespread flooding. In Germany, the federal states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia were particularly affected, experiencing the most fatalities and material damage. The rapid surge of rivers and creeks in these areas overwhelmed residents and authorities. After the flood, criticisms arose over inadequate crisis management and early warning systems. This raises the question of the extent to which the population was prepared for such an event and what lessons were learned to be better prepared for future climate-related hazards.

This research focuses on the question of how the experience of a highly disruptive disaster, such as the 2021 floods, affects the population's risk perception towards multiple natural hazards. Further, it assesses if severe affectedness and experiences with natural hazards trigger better preparedness and behavioural knowledge. To answer these questions, an online survey (n= >282) assesses risk perception and preparedness towards natural hazards. The survey was spread in Opladen and Schlebusch, two districts of the city of Leverkusen that were affected by the 2021 flood. Data from the survey underwent statistical analysis, including Pearson Correlation and linear regression.

Early results show that risk perception is highest for heavy rainfall, followed by river floods in both districts. However, the perception of heatwaves and drought differs in the two study areas. In Opladen, where the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect is more pronounced, the risk of heat and drought is perceived more strongly compared to Schlebusch. We also analysed how the 2021 flood affected people's perception of natural hazard risk. Results reveal that more than 75% of respondents in Opladen and more than 60% of respondents in Schlebusch reported an altered risk perception after the 2021 floods. Before this event, the risk perception towards extreme precipitation and river flooding was notably lower. Of all natural hazards mentioned in the questionnaire, heat was perceived as the greatest threat in Opladen, while in Schlebusch it was storms.

The findings of this study will be used in the BMBF project Co-Site to design risk communication strategies and workshops aimed at enhancing the public’s preparedness for natural hazards. Understanding people’s risk perception and preparedness for natural hazards can help identify training needs for better preparedness and foster appropriate communication about disaster risk.

Keywords: Risk Perception, Natural Hazards, Preparedness, Germany

How to cite: Könsgen, I., Braun, B., and Nehren, U.: How do disruptive events influence risk perception and preparedness towards natural hazards? An empirical study in Leverkusen, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8371,, 2025.

EGU25-8795 | Posters on site | HS7.5

Nowcasting Radar for Hydrological Flood Prediction: applications in the Marche Region, Italy 

Barbara Tomassetti, Francesco Iocca, Francesca Sini, Gabriella Speranza, Valentino Giordano, Mario Montopoli, Saverio Di Fabio, Lorenzo Giorgio Didimi, Marco Lazzeri, Marco Tedeschini, Marco Pellegrini, and Annalina Lombardi

Accurate flood forecasting is essential to mitigate the impacts of extreme rainfall on communities and infrastructure. Traditional hydrological prediction methods often rely on rain gauge data and numerical models, which can be limited in capturing precipitation's spatial and temporal dynamics, particularly during intense or rapid-onset events. X-band polarimetric radar provides a valuable alternative for quantitative rainfall estimation, offering finer spatial and temporal resolution crucial for hydrological applications.

This study investigates the integration of radar nowcasting into flood forecasting workflows, focusing on data from an X-band polarimetric radar operated by the Civil Protection Service of the Marche Region, Italy. Several case studies have been analyzed considering different precipitation regimes: convective events with a short-time peak of intense rainfall and stratiform events, characterized by several hours of persistent precipitation associated with frontal systems.

The Cetemps Hydrological Model (CHyM) is used to simulate river discharge and assess hydrological stress indices under three scenarios: (1) rain gauge data alone, (2) radar data alone, and (3) radar data integrated with nowcasting outputs to generate 1-hour forecasted rainfall fields. Results demonstrate that radar-based nowcasting significantly improves flood prediction accuracy and lead time, particularly in flash flood scenarios driven by convective systems.

This study highlights the importance of radar nowcasting techniques in improving flood forecasting capabilities for enhancing flood prediction in regions prone to extreme rainfall, emphasizing its role in building more resilient and proactive flood management systems.

How to cite: Tomassetti, B., Iocca, F., Sini, F., Speranza, G., Giordano, V., Montopoli, M., Di Fabio, S., Didimi, L. G., Lazzeri, M., Tedeschini, M., Pellegrini, M., and Lombardi, A.: Nowcasting Radar for Hydrological Flood Prediction: applications in the Marche Region, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8795,, 2025.

EGU25-9425 | Orals | HS7.5

Recent European floods from a (re)insurance market perspective 

Francesco Zuccarello, Christopher Masafu, Brian Kerschner, Sumeet Kulkarni, and Laurence Taylor

A nearly stationary low-pressure system generated significant rainfall across central Europe in September 2024 resulting in life-threatening and costly flooding in Central and Eastern Europe. Catastrophic floods also struck southern Spain in October and southern Germany from late May to early June. These events marked an escalation in severity compared to 2023, which saw major flood events impacting Italy and Greece in June and September, respectively. This escalating pattern of widespread, severe flooding, coupled with rising financial losses and risks, has drawn significant attention from (re)insurers.

We present a retrospective on these events using the Gallagher Re Europe Flood Model, a pan-European flood catastrophe model designed to assess the potential financial impact of floods in terms of their magnitude and likelihood. By using quantitative indexes to compare observed flooding with thousands of stochastic event footprints included in the model, we show that a complementary qualitative analysis is necessary to identify the most representative events. This hazard-based analysis is than complemented by the estimation of financial losses. The results reveal a range of losses for near-similar events, reflecting the complexities involved in modelling the financial impact of flooding. These complexities include, but are not limited to, the granularity of the peril, the geo-localization of the exposure and the impact of flood defences. For example, by leveraging the flexibility of our model, we show an estimate of the financial implications for a (re)insurer should the defences have failed during the development of major events.    

In conclusion, while there is no control on the meteorological drivers of such events, our  analyses shows the relevance and importance of catastrophe models to support (re)insurers in targeted exposure management and improved risk assessment.

How to cite: Zuccarello, F., Masafu, C., Kerschner, B., Kulkarni, S., and Taylor, L.: Recent European floods from a (re)insurance market perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9425,, 2025.

EGU25-9751 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5

Thunderstorm in Taiwan and Its Impact on Railway 

Chi-June Jung, Ben Jong-Dao Jou, Ko Pak Tin Boaz, Yi-Hsi Lee, and Kai-Shiang Yang

Severe convective storms frequently occur in Taiwan, bringing heavy rainfall, strong winds, and lightning. These events significantly disrupt critical infrastructure, including railways, by causing operational delays and damage to facilities. The proximity of the railway network to high-frequency thunderstorm zones highlights the need for tailored meteorological applications to mitigate these risks. 

Heavy rainfall and wind gust are key characteristics of severe convective storms. Analysis of a thunderstorm event in Taipei Basin demonstrates that merged convective cells can produce extreme rain rates exceeding 60 mm in 20 minutes, which is closely tied to urban flash flood occurrences. Microbursts, identified through radar signatures like descending precipitation cores and strong near-ground divergent outflows, further exacerbate railway hazards, generating wind gusts exceeding 10 m/s. 

To address these challenges, the Central Weather Administration issues real-time severe thunderstorm warnings based on radar observations, such as radar echoes > 55 dBZ and 60-minute rainfall > 40 mm. Since 2024, National Taiwan University has collaborated with Taiwan Railway Company to implement targeted warnings. These alerts, distributed via the LINE app, provide real-time updates on affected railway sections, improving disaster preparedness and operational resilience. 

Between April and October 2024, alerts were issued for various disasters, including flooding, fallen trees, and landslides. However, the actual occurrence rate was only 2%. To reduce false alarms and enhance the accuracy of warnings, radar-based quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) thresholds are being introduced. These efforts aim to strengthen railway safety and minimize disruptions caused by severe weather events.

How to cite: Jung, C.-J., Jou, B. J.-D., Boaz, K. P. T., Lee, Y.-H., and Yang, K.-S.: Thunderstorm in Taiwan and Its Impact on Railway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9751,, 2025.

EGU25-10315 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Atmospheric drivers of extreme precipitation events in the Indian sub-continent 

Nandana Dilip K and Vimal Mishra

Extreme precipitation events in the Indian sub-continent have profound socio-economic and environmental impacts, particularly due to their role in triggering flash floods. These events are driven by a combination of atmospheric conditions, moisture sources and pathways, geomorphology, and hydrometeorology. However, while the hydrometeorological and geomorphological factors have been extensively studied, the role of atmospheric drivers and moisture pathways remains underexplored, creating a significant research gap. To address this gap, we analyzed the atmospheric processes and moisture sources contributing to widespread extreme hourly precipitation events across the Indian subcontinent during the period 1981–2020. Using a combination of reanalysis datasets, event detection algorithms, and moisture tracking methods, we identified the spatial and temporal distribution of these events. We find the Himalayas as a major hotspot, with most extreme events occurring during the Indian summer monsoon season. We find recycled moisture from land surfaces is the dominant source of moisture in the Himalayas, whereas moisture from the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal primarily drives precipitation extremes in peninsular India. Our findings highlight the interconnected dynamics between the atmosphere, land, and ocean in driving extreme precipitation. The study underscores the importance of incorporating atmospheric drivers into disaster management frameworks and early warning systems to enhance preparedness and mitigate impacts effectively.

How to cite: Dilip K, N. and Mishra, V.: Atmospheric drivers of extreme precipitation events in the Indian sub-continent, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10315,, 2025.

EGU25-10418 | Orals | HS7.5

  Are rainfall warning levels ready for climate change? A case study from Catalonia, Spain 

Erika Meléndez-Landaverde, Daniel Sempere-Torres, Víctor González, and Carles Corral

Extreme precipitation events, characterised by significant rainfall amounts over short periods, are projected to intensify and occur more frequently under the influence of climate change. These projected changes, combined with rapid urbanisation, will likely lead to more frequent and extreme pluvial flood events (urban and flash floods) due to the precipitation intensity rapidly and easily exceeding the current capacity of natural and artificial drainage systems. Assessing the impact of future climate scenarios on extreme precipitation is therefore critical for identifying and designing sustainable adaptation and mitigation actions for at-risk communities and their citizens.

As part of the EU Horizon 2020 project CLIMAAX, an extreme precipitation workflow has been developed to provide step-by-step guidelines for communities and regions to identify and assess how their critical rainfall thresholds could shift in both magnitude and frequency under climate projections. In this work, a critical rainfall threshold is defined as the precipitation intensity necessary to trigger unsustainable or unacceptable impacts in a specific location or area. These thresholds are commonly used in designing drainage systems and flood protection infrastructure and serve as decision support values for triggering rainfall warnings or advisory information during emergencies. By employing the workflow to assess how these critical rainfall thresholds are projected to change, communities can make informed decisions about the most appropriate long-term adaptation measures to enhance their overall climate resilience. Moreover, the flexible workflow structure facilitates the integration of diverse hazard, exposure and vulnerability datasets at multiple scales (e.g., CORDEX, WorldPoP), making it adaptable to specific regional needs.

The extreme precipitation workflow has been applied in the Catalonia Region, Spain, to evaluate how the current rainfall thresholds used for triggering rainfall warnings for Dangerous Meteorological Situations will vary due to the influence of climate change. Model combinations of EURO-CORDEX climate projections at a 12km spatial resolution for the different Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) were employed for assessing future rainfall projections. Considering the increased number of extreme precipitation events in the region over the past years, the impacts associated with these and the number of triggered warnings per year, the results are expected to provide authorities with valuable insights into the frequency and magnitude shifts of these extreme events in the region.

How to cite: Meléndez-Landaverde, E., Sempere-Torres, D., González, V., and Corral, C.:   Are rainfall warning levels ready for climate change? A case study from Catalonia, Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10418,, 2025.

Disaster monitoring and early warning systems are typically associated with the detection of extreme events capable of causing significant social impacts, particularly in cases of rain-related disasters such as floods, flash floods, and landslides. However, this traditional approach—focused solely on assessing the likelihood of threats materializing—proves insufficient when monitoring areas with high heterogeneity in terms of exposure and population vulnerability. In such cases, less extreme but more frequent events can result in recurring impacts that, when analyzed historically, surpass those of extreme events. In Brazil, approximately 90% of landslide occurrences are associated with low magnitude impact. Low magnitude events cannot be neglected because even though they cause low-severity losses, their high-frequency and cumulative effect adds up to a large number of losses and affected people. Understanding the impacts of low magnitude events can aid in defining risk scenarios as part of the potential impact dimension within a risk matrix. Thus, this study uses a database developed by the Brazilian National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters (CEMADEN) to better understand these relationships. Furthermore, it proposes an approach to develop a potential impact indicator based on retrospective risk analyses, linking average impact levels over time to extreme rainfall frequency data. The study focuses on Santa Catarina state (Southern Brazil), analyzing impact data from 80 municipalities between 2016 and 2024. During this time period, the monitored municipalities in the state reported 568 landslide/related impact events, affecting over 8,000 individuals. The analyzed data indicate 548 events with low magnitude impacts, which can be classified as extensive risk events (high frequency, low severity), typically characterized by situations that had 1 to 2 small landslides. On the other hand, 18 events were identified with medium magnitude impacts, where 3 to 10 landslides were generally recorded. Only 2 large magnitude events (>10 landslides) were recorded in the analyzed period, which can be classified as intensive risk events (low frequency, high severity). The results reveal distinct municipal profiles, highlighting two key scenarios: i) areas where the combination of frequent heavy rainfall events and a high potential impact indicator result in very high climate risk and, ii) contrasting situations where significant impact occur despite of low frequency of heavy rainfall suggesting a bigger weight of social vulnerability and exposure of human systems. In addition to providing critical insights for enhancing CEMADEN's decision-making in disaster early warning issuance, the study offers valuable information for prioritizing risk reduction measures and climate adaptation actions.

How to cite: Bernardes, T. and Camarinha, P.: Comparative analysis between impact data related to landslides and extreme rainfall events in Southern Brazil: a proposal to establish potential impact indicators, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11982,, 2025.

EGU25-14504 | Orals | HS7.5

Global Insight into Extreme Events and Land Subsidence: Understanding Drivers, Interplay, and Impacts 

Laurie Huning, Charlotte Love, Hassan Anjileli, Farshid Vahedifard, Yunxia Zhao, Pedro Chaffe, Kevin Cooper, Aneseh Alborzi, Edward Pleitez, Alexandre Martinez, Samaneh Ashraf, Iman Mallakpour, Hamed Moftakhari, and Amir AghaKouchak

Land subsidence (LS) or the relative lowering of the Earth’s ground surface is a critical concern that warrants global attention. LS is a chronic hazard in many areas that has adverse effects on built infrastructure, people, and natural systems. As global atmospheric temperatures rise and the water cycle intensifies, climatic extreme events (e.g., droughts, wildfires, heatwaves, floods) are expected to become more severe. We must therefore better understand the impact of interactions and feedbacks among extreme events, LS, human activities, and their effects around the world. Notably, our global study highlights that LS can alter the potential impacts of extreme events, and extreme events can contribute to LS. We also identify a variety of LS drivers, both natural and anthropogenic (e.g., natural compaction, urbanization, extraction of fossil fuels and groundwater from the subsurface), and corresponding LS rates throughout a variety of climatic zones and environments from the coastline inland. This study presents analysis of anthropogenic-related activities and natural processes that cause LS, but can also enhance climate change as greenhouse gases are released from the soil into the atmosphere (e.g., via permafrost thawing or peatland and wetland removal). Through our synthesis of process-driven relationships and examples, we underscore the interplay of climatic extremes and LS that damages infrastructure and enhances the vulnerability of large populations to floods and other natural hazards. Our study provides guidance for future policies and adaptation and mitigation approaches that account for the critical connections between the land surface, environmental change, and extreme events.

How to cite: Huning, L., Love, C., Anjileli, H., Vahedifard, F., Zhao, Y., Chaffe, P., Cooper, K., Alborzi, A., Pleitez, E., Martinez, A., Ashraf, S., Mallakpour, I., Moftakhari, H., and AghaKouchak, A.: Global Insight into Extreme Events and Land Subsidence: Understanding Drivers, Interplay, and Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14504,, 2025.

EGU25-14685 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Role of moisture transport in extreme flood events in the Brahmaputra basin 

Gayathri Vangala and Vimal Mishra

The Brahmaputra River basin, a complex hydrological system in South Asia, is among the most flood-prone regions in the world. It frequently experiences severe and devastating flood events. The floods are closely linked to the region’s complex atmospheric moisture dynamics, which govern the spatiotemporal distribution of precipitation. However, the mechanisms driving extreme precipitation events, especially their connection to large-scale moisture transport, remain poorly understood. We investigate the role of Integrated Vapor Transport (IVT) in the initiation and intensification of extreme flood events within the Brahmaputra basin.  We analyzed the spatial and temporal patterns of IVT and their correlation with changes in patterns of precipitation. Our findings indicate that IVT, characterized by strong moisture flux convergence, is closely associated with significant increases in rainfall intensity, particularly during the summer monsoon season. The improved understanding of the physical mechanisms behind precipitation intensification can significantly improve forecasting and early warning systems for extreme flood events. These advancements are crucial for mitigating the impacts of extreme floods and enhancing the actionable strategies in one of the world’s most vulnerable regions.

How to cite: Vangala, G. and Mishra, V.: Role of moisture transport in extreme flood events in the Brahmaputra basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14685,, 2025.

Maharashtra is India’s second-largest state in population and third-largest in area. It faces escalating environmental challenges from diverse hydroclimatic extremes, including droughts, floods, and cyclones. IPCC reports underscore the need for a comprehensive understanding of socioeconomic vulnerability (SEV) to address the inequality and differential impacts of these hazards within a robust risk assessment framework. Several national and regional vulnerability assessments have been conducted in India and Maharashtra. These studies lack a finer-resolution assessment of socioeconomic vulnerability (SEV), limiting the understanding of localised variations. They also fall short of incorporating a broad range of SEV indicators, which hinders comprehensive vulnerability analysis. The major drivers contributing to vulnerability need to be identified.

The current study advances local adaptation planning by thoroughly evaluating socioeconomic vulnerability (SEV) at Maharashtra's finest resolution of sub-district (talukas/tehsils) level based on the availability of the demographic data. The study utilised composite indicators, which were procured and derived from the latest available Census of India (CoI, 2011) data. This method offers a thorough grasp of susceptibility patterns by concentrating on the finest possible spatial resolution based on the limited availability of the resource for socioeconomic indicator information. The subjectivity constraints of weighing these socioeconomic indicators have been addressed using the non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) optimisation technique. The study also utilised variance-based factor analysis to identify the major contributing drivers of the SEV for Maharashtra. Additionally, a localised cluster-level SEV analysis is also performed based on multiple administrative divisions to identify the local-level significant indicators. Applying this methodology to 357 sub-districts of Maharashtra reveals a concentration of highly vulnerable sub-districts in the Central and Eastern Vidarbha Zone, moderately vulnerable districts in the Central Maharashtra Plateau Zone, and less vulnerable districts in the North Konkan Coastal. The factor analysis results also highlight agricultural labourers, marginal working populations, and marginal female working populations as the most critical drivers influencing vulnerability for the entire Maharashtra State.

This proposed framework is generic and comprehensive and can be applied to any other state or spatial scale. The results of this study can assist policymakers and stakeholders in identifying vulnerable hotspots and developing proper social and economic policies to better understand and improve the socioeconomic situations of Maharashtra at the sub-district scale.

Keywords: Data envelopment analysis, Principal component analysis, Socioeconomic indicators, Sub-district level, Vulnerability analysis.

How to cite: Dev, I., Chakraborty, A., and Karmakar, S.: A Comprehensive Socioeconomic Vulnerability Analysis Using Robust DEA Technique at the Finest Resolution of Sub-District Scale in Entire Maharashtra State of India: Identifying Significant Vulnerability Drivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14777,, 2025.

EGU25-14945 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Multi-day extreme precipitation caused major floods in India during summer monsoon of 2024 

Dipesh Singh Chuphal, Iqura Malik, Rajesh Singh, Gayathri Vangala, M Niranjan Naik, Urmin Vegad, Nandana Dilip K, Parthsarathi Mukhopadhyay, J Parvathy Selvan, Vivek Kapadia, and Vimal Mishra

Climate change has increased the risk of extreme precipitation and flooding in India. During the 2024 summer monsoon season, three major extreme precipitation events occurred across the western, southern, and northern states of India, leading to widespread flooding in these regions. We examine the causes and impacts of extreme precipitation and flood events using a combination of observational data, reanalysis datasets, and hydrological models. In all the three regions, extreme rainfall occurred immediately after multiday continuous precipitation, resulting in catastrophic flooding. The 3-day extreme precipitation that caused flooding in the three regions had return periods of more than 75 years, 100 years, and 200 years, respectively. The primary moisture source for the Gujarat floods (western India) was the Arabian Sea, while the floods in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana (southern India) were driven by dual moisture advection from both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. For the floods in northern India, the dominant moisture sources were recycled land moisture and southwest moisture transport from the Arabian Sea. These moisture inflows, combined with favorable atmospheric conditions and pre-existing saturated soils, resulted in severe flooding across all regions. Our findings underscore the escalating challenge of managing such extreme events as their frequency and intensity rise with global warming.

How to cite: Singh Chuphal, D., Malik, I., Singh, R., Vangala, G., Naik, M. N., Vegad, U., Dilip K, N., Mukhopadhyay, P., Selvan, J. P., Kapadia, V., and Mishra, V.: Multi-day extreme precipitation caused major floods in India during summer monsoon of 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14945,, 2025.

EGU25-16503 | Orals | HS7.5

Living with floods: strengthening adaptation and preparedness through better risk communication 

Serena Ceola, Irene Palazzoli, Chiara Binelli, Chiara Puglisi, and Raya Muttarak

Europe has been experiencing catastrophic floods. On October 19, 2024, the city of Bologna located in the Emilia-Romagna region, in central-northern Italy received 180 mm of rainfall – its average for September and October – within just 24 hours, with an intensity typical of summer thunderstorms. The region has yet barely recovered from severe flooding and landslides caused by the Storm Boris in September 18-19, 2024. These recent events followed the worst Emilia-Romagna's flood in a century, in May 2023, which resulted in 17 deaths and an estimated 8.5 billion euro in damages cost. With severe storms and their accompanying devastating floods projected to become more frequent and intense, and with an increasing concentration of people living close to rivers, Europe must urgently scale up its adaptation efforts. Understanding the preparedness of flood-prone regions and their populations is therefore crucial. 

A recent survey among 1,795 residents of Emilia-Romagna conducted in July 2024 (after the devastating flood events in May 2023) investigated their flood risk awareness and preparedness to face such crises. The survey reveals that most respondents were unprepared for flood event and that providing accessible information on local flood risk can play a vital role in bolstering personal adaptation measures. Respondents reported that providing educational resources on flood preparedness and the provision of guidance on flood prevention and management are also fundamental to effective flood responses and enhanced citizens’ resilience. Effective risk communication can also generate a spillover effect, fostering broader climate awareness and a commitment to mitigation. We therefore envisage that adaptation initiatives must prioritize citizen involvement and access to reliable flood risk information. Engaging citizens as active participants in adaptation planning ensures that strategies align with local needs and are more likely to gain public support. In this way Europe can create more resilient communities and stimulate meaningful climate action. 


How to cite: Ceola, S., Palazzoli, I., Binelli, C., Puglisi, C., and Muttarak, R.: Living with floods: strengthening adaptation and preparedness through better risk communication, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16503,, 2025.

EGU25-17944 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Socio-economic vulnerability assessment at building scale: A case study in Youngsan watershed, South Korea 

Hung Vu Quoc, Dongkyun Kim, and Chi Vuong Tai

Despite the growing efforts in quantifying disaster vulnerability, its assessment at the building scale remains a challenge. In this study, we aim to quantify the socio-economic vulnerability index (SEVI) for every building by combining its housing price data with SEVI values at sub-district level. The methodology consists of three main steps. First, the latest social and economic data from Gwangju and Jeollanam provinces of Youngsan watershed were collected at sub-district and district levels. These data served as inputs for the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm to compute SEVI at sub-districts level. Second, housing price data were gathered for as many residential buildings as possible and combined with the SEVI values of their associated sub-districts. This combination was conducted with an assumption that households with more expensive housing are less vulnerable to natural disasters. Finally, a geocoding technique was adopted to tranform physical addresses into geospatial locations, enabling the assignment of vulnerability values into building polygons for further analysis and visualization. The outcome of this study is a map detailing the vulnerability levels of individual buildings. The main findings reveal that (1) the Southeastern part of Youngsan watershed tends to be more vulnerable to disaster, with sub-districts exhibiting high SEVI levels mostly located near the Youngsan River; (2) sub-districts with the highest number of highly vulnerable buildings tend to have only medium SEVI levels. By integrating these insights into disaster risk mitigation efforts, policymakers can develop more detailed and effective strategies for both short and long term, focusing on each building individually.



This study was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) through R&D Program for Innovative Flood Protection Technologies against Climate Crisis Program (or Project), funded by Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE)(RS-2023-00218873).

How to cite: Vu Quoc, H., Kim, D., and Vuong Tai, C.: Socio-economic vulnerability assessment at building scale: A case study in Youngsan watershed, South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17944,, 2025.

This study uses catchment-level statistical characterization of reanalysis and precipitation datasets to create a typology of the evolution atmospheric conditions associated with hydrologic dam incidents in the eastern United States. Extreme precipitation elevates the risk of dam overtopping, which is the main cause of a third of US dam failures. As the intensity of precipitation is predicted to increase in future climates, understanding the evolution of precipitation-generating features within the atmospheric system, alongside the hydrologic conditions leading up to the failure, is a crucial initial step in properly characterizing and predicting the risk of dam failures during a range of weather events.

This analysis divides the US eastern seaboard into four regions to examine the meteorological events within a 30-day period prior to a dam’s hydrologic incident. Initial analysis of the northeast sub-region found that although quasi-stationary fronts (frontal) or tropical cyclones (TC) present their own risk, compound events combining the two were most immediately associated with numerous dam failures over a broad region. However, catchment-level precipitation analysis further highlighted that the basins that had failures during these TC/frontal events also had numerous smaller precipitation events in the timeframe leading up to the incident. This longer tendency towards higher precipitation is associated with persistent large-scale patterns within the 14 days prior to the event. Ongoing analysis of the other sub-regions within the study area will further characterize variations across the region, as well as provide deeper insight into processes that determine how precipitation is distributed within the catchment.  

How to cite: Hence, D. and Orok, H.: Characterizing the Atmospheric Conditions Leading to Dam Overtopping in the Eastern United States, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18032,, 2025.

EGU25-18771 | Posters on site | HS7.5

Comparative Analysis of Flash Flood Vulnerability and Resilience through Multidimensional Indices 

Jose María Bodoque, Estefania Aroca, and Juan Antonio García

This research examines the relationships between vulnerability and resilience concerning flash flood risk in the Castilla y León region (Spain). The study compares vulnerability and resilience indices and investigates the relationships between their elements and flash flood risk variables. It discusses the necessity of enhancing vulnerability and resilience evaluations by integrating diverse aspects, encompassing social, economic, ecosystem, physical, institutional, and cultural dimensions. The methodology incorporates statistical and spatial approaches, such as Spearman correlation, bivariate choropleth maps, and regression models. The study reveals that vulnerability and resilience are related but represent distinct constructs. Despite a weak correlation between the vulnerability and resilience indices (r = 0.06), significant correlations exist among various elements within these indices. This underscores the need for a multidimensional approach that combines theoretical frameworks with practical implementation, providing insights for policy makers and guiding future research efforts. For example, the resilience index and the vulnerability index's exposure component are strongly correlated (r = 0.40). The spatial relationships are more evident between the vulnerability and resilience indices, with a local R2 of 0.74 between the resilience index and the different dimensions within the vulnerability index. The study also finds significant correlations between specific vulnerability elements and flash flood risk variables, particularly in the exposure component (r = 0.59 for the population at risk) and the institutional dimension (r = -0.48 for the total flood indemnities provided by the insurance company). Notably, the vulnerability and resilience indices show a strong spatial relationship with critical infrastructure at risk, with a local R2 of 0.85.  This research highlights the need for more research to improve vulnerability and resilience assessments and tailor them to specific local contexts. This underscores the need for a multidimensional approach that combines theoretical frameworks with practical implementation, providing insights for policy makers and guiding future research efforts. 

How to cite: Bodoque, J. M., Aroca, E., and García, J. A.: Comparative Analysis of Flash Flood Vulnerability and Resilience through Multidimensional Indices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18771,, 2025.

EGU25-19293 | Posters on site | HS7.5

Large scale atmospheric cross-peril stochastic catastrophe models 

Martin Kadlec and Anežka Švandová

Impact Forecasting, a catastrophe model development branch of Aon, develops catastrophe models for various countries and perils, including floods, windstorms, earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, and typhoons. These models are crucial for the insurance and reinsurance industry to estimate losses in terms of severity and frequency.

To address the increasing demand for evaluating losses across multiple countries and perils, Impact Forecasting has started using large ensembles of global climate models (GCM) and regional climate models (RCM). These models serve as a common forcing input for catastrophe models related to atmospheric perils such as flooding (fluvial, pluvial, and coastal), summer storms, windstorms, and wildfires.

The use of GCM/RCM as common forcing input offers two main advantages:

  • Spatial Consistency: The data are spatially consistent at a global or continental scale, which helps in addressing the issue of cross-country correlations.
  • Variability: The large number of available ensembles provides sufficient variability to build a representative stochastic catalogue of potential catastrophes.

We will present several examples of this approach (Pan-European flood model, the Canadian flood and wildfire models), where common GCM/RCM inputs are used to provide a consistent view of losses across large regions and various perils. We will also show how we adress the issue of low resolution of GCM/RCM models using machine learning.

How to cite: Kadlec, M. and Švandová, A.: Large scale atmospheric cross-peril stochastic catastrophe models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19293,, 2025.

EGU25-19347 | Orals | HS7.5

 Compound, Cascading, and Multihazard Perils: Lessons Learnt from Hurricanes Helene and Milton 

Jose Luis Salinas Illarena, Sacha Khoury, Jessica Williams, and Sarah Hartley

The 2024 hurricane season presented unique challenges in hydrological and risk modeling with the consecutive landfalls of Hurricanes Helene and Milton in Florida, USA. This study investigates the compounded, cascading, and multihazard perils associated with these events, focusing on the interplay of antecedent conditions, vulnerability, and exposure.

One of the factors considered was the influence of antecedent soil moisture and river storages on hydrological modeling. Hurricane Helene, which made landfall in early September, saturated the soil and filled river systems to near capacity. These conditions significantly altered the hydrological response to Hurricane Milton, which struck just two weeks later. Hydrological models had to account for the already saturated soils and high river levels, which exacerbated flooding and runoff, leading locally to more extensive inundation than would have been predicted for Hurricane Milton in isolation.

Another point of focus is the impact on vulnerability, particularly the presence of debris from Hurricane Helene affecting the region's resilience. Debris obstructed drainage systems, increased the potential for secondary flooding, and complicated emergency response efforts. Additionally, the weakened infrastructure and partially damaged buildings from the first hurricane heightened the susceptibility of the population to the subsequent event, resulting in higher overall damage and more prolonged recovery periods.

Finally, the study examines the effect on exposure, including the "build-back-better" phenomenon observed in even previously to the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. While some structures were rebuilt to higher standards, providing increased resilience against Hurricane Milton, many areas remained in a state of recovery, with temporary shelters and makeshift repairs that were less able to withstand the impact of the second hurricane. This mixed state of exposure created a complex landscape for risk assessment and emergency planning.

Overall, the lessons learnt from Hurricanes Helene and Milton underscore the importance of incorporating antecedent conditions into hydrological models, considering the cumulative impacts on vulnerability, and recognizing the dynamic nature of exposure in multihazard scenarios. These insights are crucial for improving predictive models and enhancing resilience strategies in regions prone to sequential natural disasters.

How to cite: Salinas Illarena, J. L., Khoury, S., Williams, J., and Hartley, S.:  Compound, Cascading, and Multihazard Perils: Lessons Learnt from Hurricanes Helene and Milton, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19347,, 2025.

EGU25-19638 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5

Quantitative fluvial and coastal flood risk assessments for European coastal cities considering various climate scenarios and ecosystem-based approaches for hazard mitigation 

Rui Figueiredo, Raymundo Rangel-Parra, Gianbattista Bussi, Paola Ceresa, Rossella Mocali, Michele Bendoni, Carlo Brandini, Luís Campos Rodrigues, Mar Riera-Spiegelhalder, Juan Iglesias, Jokin Etxebarria, and Sara Soloaga

Coastal cities, due to their geographic location, are particularly exposed to hydro-meteorological and climate-related natural hazards. The EU-funded Horizon 2020 project SCORE (Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities), within its various activities, aims to provide a better understanding of how to mitigate and manage the effects of extreme events, particularly floods, in European coastal cities. Achieving this objective requires adequate knowledge about the probabilities and potential consequences of flood events based on a probabilistic risk assessment framework encompassing models of flood hazard for different climate scenarios, exposed elements, and vulnerability.

In this context, the present work describes the methodology and presents the results of quantitative risk assessments developed for fluvial and coastal flooding for three of SCORE’s coastal city living labs (CCLLs): Massa (Italy), Oarsoaldea (Spain) and Vilanova i la Geltrú (Spain). The risk assessments cover four types of exposed elements, i.e., population, buildings, roads, and railways, and a number of flood scenarios, both in terms of different climate conditions and considering the absence or presence of ecosystem-based approaches (EBAs) for the mitigation of fluvial flood hazard. This allows understanding both the impact that climate change is expected to have on flood risk in these CCLLs, and the influence that specific EBAs can have in reducing fluvial flood risk from a baseline to an improved infrastructural condition (i.e., residual risk).

The results of the assessments provide invaluable information to support flood risk management activities, such as gridded maps of losses for each hazard scenario and type of exposed element, maps of estimated average annual losses (AAL), and aggregate loss metrics at urban scale. In addition, they serve as input for subsequent tasks of the SCORE project, such as the development of cost-benefit analyses of specific EBA solutions and the development of financial resilience strategies for the flood risk management of the three CCLLs.

How to cite: Figueiredo, R., Rangel-Parra, R., Bussi, G., Ceresa, P., Mocali, R., Bendoni, M., Brandini, C., Campos Rodrigues, L., Riera-Spiegelhalder, M., Iglesias, J., Etxebarria, J., and Soloaga, S.: Quantitative fluvial and coastal flood risk assessments for European coastal cities considering various climate scenarios and ecosystem-based approaches for hazard mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19638,, 2025.

EGU25-20548 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Investigating the impact of considering hazard preconditions in scenario-based risk estimation 

Amelie Hoffmann and Daniel Straub

Scenarios are commonly used in alpine hazard risk management. They can serve different purposes such as design of structures and mitigation measures, risk analysis for the prioritization of measures and the allocation of resources, and in preparing for the unexpected. In scenario-based quantitative risk analysis, few scenarios are used to obtain an estimate of risk, i.e., the annual expected losses, by approximating the loss exceedance curve. The scenarios are frequently selected from a range of plausible hazard intensities, such as discharges for hydrologic hazards or volumes for gravitational hazards and evaluated in terms of their expected consequences.

In the absence of long event records and lack of comprehensive data collection (e.g., from measurement stations or field investigations), as is often the case in alpine catchments, it can be difficult to assign occurrence probabilities to the specified hazard intensities. The recurrence of the scenarios (and thereby the expected consequences) is frequently equated with the recurrence of meteorological trigger conditions, thereby neglecting the effects of necessary preconditions for hazards to occur. In turn, to consider preconditions as additional parameters in evaluating the recurrence of expected consequences, it is required to adapt the development of the loss exceedance curve. For that purpose, we derive the unconditional probability distribution of the expected consequences from the distributions of damages conditional on the preconditions.

Using the example of an alpine catchment, we illustrate how considering preconditions invalidate the assumption of equating the recurrence frequency of the triggering conditions with the recurrence frequency of the consequences. We investigate the impact of considering different preconditions on the risk estimates by modelling the physical response of the natural environment to these trigger conditions. The information about frequency and magnitude of hazard scenarios is combined with the probability of different preconditions to derive scenarios that are representative of consequences with given recurrence frequency, hence better reflect the overall risk.

How to cite: Hoffmann, A. and Straub, D.: Investigating the impact of considering hazard preconditions in scenario-based risk estimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20548,, 2025.

EGU25-264 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.7

Enhancing non-stationary analysis of extreme precipitation through a precise extreme event extraction approach. 

Shubham Dixit, Kamlesh K. Pandey, and Suresh Kumar

The increasing frequency of global extreme hydrological events has highlighted the critical need for reevaluating hydraulic structures’ safety design considerations, mainly through non-stationary hydrological time series analysis. This study, conducted in the Krishna River Basin of India, aims to develop a robust methodological framework for non-stationary analysis of extreme precipitation events, emphasizing the importance of accurate extreme event extraction. Accurate extraction of extreme events is crucial for non-stationary analysis, as it ensures that the events analyzed are truly extreme. This precision is vital for reliable predictions and effective safety design in the face of changing climatic conditions. The study is divided into two major parts. First, the block maxima and peaks over threshold (POT) methods for extracting extreme events were compared. In the block maxima approach, a block size of one year was considered, whereas, in the POT approach, three threshold selection methods were considered: percentile-based (90th, 95th to 99th percentiles), top 'n' values and graphical method. The graphical method was identified as the most effective, based on parameter stabilization, return value matching from two extreme value distributions, and Akaike information criterion (AIC), confirming its superiority in model fitting. With accurate extreme events extracted, the study proceeded to non-stationary analysis (NSA) using nine covariates, categorized into climate change, global warming, local temperature anomalies, and trends. A total of 23 stations were analyzed, identifying significant covariate combinations for each station through the lowest AIC values. NSA indicated that the selected covariates significantly influenced the non-stationary behaviour of extreme precipitation events. This study emphasizes the critical need for precise extreme event extraction in non-stationary analysis. The graphical method for threshold selection and identifying significant covariates offers a reliable approach to understanding and predicting extreme precipitation events.

How to cite: Dixit, S., Pandey, K. K., and Kumar, S.: Enhancing non-stationary analysis of extreme precipitation through a precise extreme event extraction approach., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-264,, 2025.

EGU25-711 | ECS | Orals | HS7.7

Changes in hourly rainfall return levels due to temperature shifts: global assessment of the TENAX model 

Ella Thomas, Marco Borga, Peter Vohnicky, and Francesco Marra

Extreme sub-daily precipitation is difficult to anticipate and may cause flash floods, urban floods and debris flows, resulting in casualties and damage to infrastructure, homes, and livelihoods. With increasing temperatures, more moisture can be stored in the atmosphere, which means that there is potential for larger extreme events. Indeed, short-duration precipitation extremes are already increasing in magnitude, and return levels (i.e., magnitudes associated with low exceedance probabilities) are changing. Quantifying extreme short-duration rainfall return levels for the coming years is critical for decision making and for defining insurance premiums. However, the methods we typically use to derive rainfall return levels do not include the physics driving the processes, so they are not suitable for predicting future extremes. The TENAX model was recently proposed to address this issue. It uses knowledge of temperature-precipitation scaling rates and statistics to predict future return levels of short-duration extreme precipitation based on the future temperature shifts. It has been successfully applied to mid-latitude regions, but we do not currently know how it should be parameterized for other climates with different temperature conditions and different processes behind heavy precipitation, such as the tropics. We apply TENAX globally using a global hourly rainfall dataset (GSDR) and ERA5-land reanalysis temperature data. We assess whether the statistical description of precipitation and temperature hold in different climates. Using the longest recording stations, we perform a hind-cast to check the ability of this approach to predict extreme hourly precipitation return levels for the coming decade. 

How to cite: Thomas, E., Borga, M., Vohnicky, P., and Marra, F.: Changes in hourly rainfall return levels due to temperature shifts: global assessment of the TENAX model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-711,, 2025.

EGU25-732 | ECS | Orals | HS7.7

Balancing risks: How global trade dependence exacerbates and supply diversity mitigates yield failures under compound drought and heat events 

Shengli Liu, Tongtong Shi, Wei Zhang, Tong Li, Zhanbiao Wang, and Xiongfeng Ma

Global climate change poses critical challenges to food security and market stability as extreme weather events become increasingly frequent and severe. The combined effects of compound extreme events and global trade dynamics on food security, however, remain insufficiently explored. Here, we employed a copula-based statistical approach, integrating international trade data to estimate maize yield failures under compound drought and heat events (CDHEs) and to assess how global trade dependence and supply diversity impact food security under such stressors. Our findings reveal a 70.1% probability of global maize yield failure as CDHE intensity increases, with key breadbasket regions, including Northeast China, Europe, North America, Latin America, and South Africa, particularly vulnerable. Both drought and heat events contribute similarly to global maize yield risk; however, regional desynchronies, such as distinct effects in China and Brazil, highlight differing vulnerabilities. Furthermore, countries heavily dependent on imports from regions with high yield failure risk, such as Vietnam and Colombia, face an increased probability of maize yield failure exceeding 40%. Conversely, supply diversity offers a modest buffering effect, mitigating some adverse impacts of CDHEs, albeit with notable uncertainties. Our findings underscore the compounded vulnerability of maize yields to CDHEs, intensified by trade dependencies, while highlighting the potential for supply diversification to enhance resilience. Urgent adaptations, transformative strategies, and policy interventions are critical to mitigate cascading risks within the global food system, bolster resilience to climate change, and ensure food security.

How to cite: Liu, S., Shi, T., Zhang, W., Li, T., Wang, Z., and Ma, X.: Balancing risks: How global trade dependence exacerbates and supply diversity mitigates yield failures under compound drought and heat events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-732,, 2025.

Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, posing substantial risks to densely populated countries in the Global South, particularly India. Heatwaves, droughts, and floods threaten water resources, agriculture, ecosystems, and human livelihoods especially heightening the vulnerability of urban areas. To mitigate these impacts, it is essential to assess climate variability trends, identify regional disparities, and evaluate associated risks. Thus, this study analyzes climate extremes across 22 river basins in India from 1951 to 2023, using 20 extreme climate indices for precipitation and temperature. The spatial and temporal trends of precipitation and temperature are evaluated using the Modified Mann-Kendall (MMK) test, Sen’s slope estimator, and Innovative Trend Analysis (ITA). The vulnerability of 592 Indian cities to extreme climate events is ranked using the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The findings reveal significant regional disparities. Half of the river basins show declining monsoon and annual precipitation, with snow-fed basins like the Indus and Ganga experiencing reduced post-monsoon rainfall. Rain-fed basins of Godavari and Narmada are facing longer dry spells, while the Indus basin is experiencing more intense, short-duration rainfall. Maximum temperatures are rising across most regions, although colder winters persist in the eastern basin of Brahmani and Baitarani. An interesting observation is the lack of significant trends in precipitation and temperature in smaller river basins. Further, the urban risk analysis highlights Ganga (largest river basin in India) as most vulnerable, inhibiting 22 out of 25 most-affected cities. In contrast, Bongaigaon town, situated in the Brahmaputra River basin, was found to be the least affected. The river basin of the East flowing river between Pennar and Kanyakumari showed the lowest risk of increasing climate extremes, with six of the top 25 least-affected cities situated in this region. This study combines diverse climatic datasets and robust methodologies to shed light on regional vulnerabilities and urban risks, offering a foundation for designing targeted adaptation strategies tailored to the needs of different regions in India.

How to cite: Roy, S. and Goyal, M.: Climate Variability and Extremes in Indian River Basins: Trends, Regional Disparities, and Urban Risk Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1114,, 2025.

EGU25-5069 | ECS | Orals | HS7.7

Can the climatology of heavy storm characteristics explain extreme precipitation statistics? 

Eleonora Dallan, Francesco Marra, Georgia Papacharalampous, Hayley J. Fowler, and Marco Borga

The assessment of extreme precipitation statistics is essential for managing flood hazards and developing effective climate change adaptation strategies. These design values are typically estimated through the frequency analysis of precipitation data, with limited understanding of their generative atmospheric phenomena. We aim to go beyond the statistical extrapolation of observed extremes with extreme value distributions towards enhancing their physical comprehension: this may be beneficial for improving our estimates of extreme precipitation probability and our predictions of future changes. Our analysis is based on a network of ∼300 rain gauges and temperature stations in a complex-orography region of the Alps. We estimate the magnitude of extreme precipitation from sub-hourly to daily durations for return periods up to 100 years (1% annual exceedance probability). We employ a non-asymptotic extreme value approach based on the concept of storms (independent meteorological objects) and ordinary events (duration maxima within each storm). We focus on the ordinary events exceeding high percentiles (e.g., 85th, 90th, 95th) at some duration, and we extract several characteristics of the corresponding storms, such as the event peak and average intensity, total lifetime, seasonality, temporal profile, peakedness, temperature, etc. We then assess their relationships with the parameters of our non-asymptotic extreme value model.

Our preliminary results show that variations in the model parameters depend on topography and event duration. Heavier tails in the extreme precipitation distribution emerge at sub-hourly durations in mountainous regions and for parts of the lowlands, but at longer durations in the pre-Alps. The scale parameter is generally higher in the lowlands and the pre-Alps. As a result, extreme precipitation intensity for short duration is generally higher in the lowlands than in the mountains (“reverse orographic effect”), with higher intensities in the pre-Alps at longer durations. Storm characteristics also vary with topography, precipitation duration, and event extremeness. In summer, front-loaded storms are prevalent at short durations, where heavier tails are observed. In the pre-Alps, storms are characterized by the highest extremes at long durations, have a more symmetric temporal profile, are most common in autumn, and have a longer total lifetime compared to the rest of the region.

Further investigation is needed to clarify the relationship between storm characteristics and statistical properties. This work enhances understanding of the key processes shaping precipitation extremes and provides insights for improving predictive models, ultimately aiding in risk assessment and climate resilience planning.


This study is carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005).

How to cite: Dallan, E., Marra, F., Papacharalampous, G., Fowler, H. J., and Borga, M.: Can the climatology of heavy storm characteristics explain extreme precipitation statistics?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5069,, 2025.

EGU25-8095 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.7

Using sub-hourly data for estimating the frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events across Europe 

Sigrid Schødt Hansen, Sara Maria Lerer, Roland Löwe, Hjalte Jomo Danielsen Sørup, Jonas Tranberg Hansen, and Peter Steen Mikkelsen

Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves based on high temporal resolutions are critical for applications within urban hydrology. However, such IDF curves rely on national rain gauge networks with low spatial resolution, and the methods for producing them vary from country to country. Recent advancements in the availability of rainfall data across Europe create new opportunities for generating IDF curves at a continental scale. Our overarching aim is to develop a scalable Machine Learning method for generating IDF curves across Europe and make the results available to the public, especially users of the Scalgo Live platform.

Our initial step is to create a target dataset based on gauged rainfall data. For this purpose, we compiled a dataset of gauged sub-hourly rainfall records from five European countries (Denmark, Germany, Norway, Poland and Sweden). More data will be added as they become available. We constructed annual maximum (AM) series of rainfall intensities for 15 durations ranging from 15 minutes to 7 days and fitted Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distributions to the data.

While the location and scale parameters of the GEV distributions showed consistent spatial patterns overall, the shape parameter was highly variable, likely due to sampling uncertainty arising from the limited number of extreme observations in the tail of the distribution. The analysis revealed significant temporal non-stationarity in approximately 5% of the AM series and indicated systematic differences in the location parameter along the Danish-German border.

Future work will use the created target dataset to identify and develop a Machine Learning model that uses geographical and climatological covariates from publicly available datasets to predict the geographical variation of IDF parameters across Europe, enabling the generation of design rainfall in both gauged and ungauged areas.

How to cite: Hansen, S. S., Lerer, S. M., Löwe, R., Sørup, H. J. D., Hansen, J. T., and Mikkelsen, P. S.: Using sub-hourly data for estimating the frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8095,, 2025.

EGU25-8955 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.7

A multivariate probabilistic framework for estimating control flood hydrographs for reservoir safety re-evaluation in Slovakia 

Anna Liová, Roman Výleta, Peter Valent, Tomáš Bacigál, Kamila Hlavčová, Silvia Kohnová, Michaela Danáčová, Zuzana Danáčová, Katarína Jeneiová, Lotta Blaškovičová, Jana Poórová, and Ján Szolgay

The changing climate and evolving watershed conditions pose significant challenges to the safety of flood control structures. Assessing the current safety of these structures, originally designed using limited hydrological records from the pre-climate change era, may result in inaccurate risk assessments and mitigation strategies. Additionally, traditional design methods often relied on classical frequency analysis, examining flood characteristics from a univariate perspective. This approach overlooks the multivariate nature of floods, where mutually correlated characteristics such as peak flow, volume, duration, and shape play crucial roles. Therefore, multivariate frequency analysis and the examination of joint distribution probabilities are essential to accurately reassess the risks associated with reservoir safety.

This study presents a framework that has recently been proposed in Slovakia to design new and re-evaluate safety of old reservoirs. The framework respects and describes the dependence structures among the flood peaks, volumes, and durations of observed and synthetic control flood hydrographs. The probabilistic nature of the framework lies in the fact that rather than examining the safety based on a single control flood wave, it allows to generate a set of control flood waves with associated probabilistic parameters. The seasonality of flood generation is respected by separate analyses of floods in the summer and winter seasons for which a representative dimensionless shape of the flood hydrograph is derived from a set of flood hydrographs separated from the historical records. The framework consists of five key steps: (1) separation of observed hydrographs, (2) analysis of flood characteristics and their dependencies, (3) modelling marginal distributions, (4) applying a copula-based approach for joint distribution modelling of flood peaks, volumes, and durations, and (5) constructing synthetic flood hydrographs. This offers a diverse range of control waves for assessing the safety of water structures under extreme conditions, utilizing a probabilistic and process-based framework in typical failure risk scenarios.

This multivariate probabilistic framework was tested on a case study of the Liptovská Mara reservoir in the watershed of the Váh river in Slovakia, revealing significant seasonal differences. Winter floods exhibited longer durations and larger volumes, whereas summer floods were characterized by shorter durations, smaller volumes, and higher peak flows.


This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency, under the contract No. APVV-23-0332; APVV-20-0374, and the VEGA grant agency under contract No. VEGA 1/0577/23; VEGA 1/0657/25.

How to cite: Liová, A., Výleta, R., Valent, P., Bacigál, T., Hlavčová, K., Kohnová, S., Danáčová, M., Danáčová, Z., Jeneiová, K., Blaškovičová, L., Poórová, J., and Szolgay, J.: A multivariate probabilistic framework for estimating control flood hydrographs for reservoir safety re-evaluation in Slovakia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8955,, 2025.

EGU25-9578 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.7

Shifts in Extreme Events over South Korea under Climate Change: An Analysis Using Extreme Climate Indices 

Yookyung Jeong and Kyuhyun Byun

Climate change has significant impacts not only on natural and ecological systems, but also on socio-economic systems. In particular, the frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme events such as extreme floods, droughts, heat waves, and heavy rainfall are increasing in irregular patterns in many regions of the world. To address these challenges, it is essential to establish a scientific management system capable of predicting and preemptively responding to such extremes based on quantitative analyses of climate change. Therefore, this study aims to quantify and analyze spatiotemporal changes in extreme events for the South Korea using the extreme climate indices. We utilize long-term daily high-resolution and high-quality gridded meteorological data, which has been recently developed at a spatial resolution of 1/16° for the period 1973-2022. From this dataset, 8 temperature-related and 8 precipitation-related extreme climate indices are computed on a gridded basis. These 16 extreme indices were developed by Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) and Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). To evaluate changes in the intensity, frequency, and duration of extreme events, we compare the mean values of the extreme climate indices for two 25-year periods: 1973–1997 and 1998–2022. This analysis provides insights into the temporal and spatial variations and differences in extreme events. The findings of this study are expected to reveal the trends of extreme events in South Korea due to climate change. Furthermore, they will provide a scientific foundation for developing climate change adaptation and management strategies at both national and regional levels.


This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute(KEITI) through R&D Program for Innovative Flood Protection Technologies against Climate Crisis Program(or Project), funded by Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE)(RS-2023-00218873).

How to cite: Jeong, Y. and Byun, K.: Shifts in Extreme Events over South Korea under Climate Change: An Analysis Using Extreme Climate Indices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9578,, 2025.

EGU25-9612 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.7

Uncertainties in global climate and water models challenge future estimates of crop water use and sustainability 

Qiming Sun, Francesca Bassani, and Sara Bonetti

The assessment of crop water sustainability under future climate scenarios is crucial for coping with predicted water scarcity and for devising strategies to ensure global food security. In this context, the evaluation of crop water indicators generally relies on global scale projections of climatic and hydrologic variables which often provide divergent estimates of precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, and renewable freshwater rates, thus affecting the final evaluation of crop water needs and associated risks. In this work, by performing a multi-model analysis (considering four climate models and six water models from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project ISIMIP2b), we (i) evaluate and map crop water needs and sustainability under current and future climate scenarios, (ii) quantify the uncertainty associated with the climate and impact model selection, particularly focusing on how such uncertainties propagate both in time (from 2000 to 2090) and in space (ranging from global scale to the smallest grid cell unit), and (iii) assess the major sources of uncertainty (global climate or water models). Our results reveal a trend of increasing water unsustainability under future scenarios, despite significant uncertainties across models. Hotspots of unsustainable water use are identified in the Mideastern United States, Central Europe, and parts of South America, where blue water demands are projected to increase by over 150% by the end of the century relative to the year 2000. At the global scale, variations in green and blue water footprints from the average across all models are between ±10% and ±30%, respectively. Such uncertainties are highly amplified as the spatial scale of analysis is increased. For example, country-scale variations in green and blue water footprints of ±25% and ±100% relative to the multi-model average are observed in the United States. Disagreement across global water models dominates global uncertainty for blue crop water use and sustainability calculations, while variability across climate models contributes more prominently to green water footprint uncertainty under severe climate change scenarios. This study emphasizes the critical role of uncertainty quantification in understanding the variability of crop water requirements, offering key insights for managing agricultural water resources under changing climates.

How to cite: Sun, Q., Bassani, F., and Bonetti, S.: Uncertainties in global climate and water models challenge future estimates of crop water use and sustainability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9612,, 2025.

Extreme precipitation events have become increasingly frequent and intense in recent decades, resulting in severe flooding and substantial socio-economic losses. These events are typically associated with intense weather systems that vary across numerous meteorological factors and exhibit significant temporal and spatial variability. A comprehensive understanding of the underlying processes and the identification of key meteorological factors driving extreme precipitation are critical for enhancing the accuracy of extreme rainstorm predictions and flood warnings.

This study utilized cumulative distribution function (CDF) analysis based on ERA5 hourly reanalysis data and employed the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm to identify the key meteorological factors contributing to 24-hour extreme precipitation across three distinct climatic zones in China. Additionally, forecasting models were developed to predict these events. The results highlighted the efficacy of this methodology and demonstrated its ability to achieve the following key advancements:

  • Mapping data into the CDF space effectively addressed the challenges posed by the spatial heterogeneity in the value ranges of meteorological factors in regional system analyses, thereby significantly enhancing the spatial scalability of the predictive model.
  • The integration of SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) value interpretation with XGBoost successfully identified the critical meteorological factors influencing extreme precipitation events. This facilitated the construction of classification and regression models to predict both the occurrence and the return periods of these events.
  • The application of SHAP values enhanced the interpretability of the "black-box" XGBoost model by incorporating physical insights and elucidating the interactions between different factors, thus providing valuable information for the construction and refinement of the final model.

In summary, this study presents a novel and interpretable machine learning framework for analyzing and predicting extreme precipitation events based on the CDF analysis. By effectively addressing spatial heterogeneity and enhancing model interpretability, the proposed methodology offers significant advancements in the prediction of extreme rainfall and associated flood risks, contributing to improved disaster preparedness and mitigation efforts.

How to cite: Wu, X., Jiang, Z., and Sharma, A.: Predicting extreme precipitation events using machine learning techniques based on cumulative distribution function (CDF) analysis of meteorological factors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13959,, 2025.

EGU25-15034 | Orals | HS7.7

Spatial patterns of extreme precipitation in Europe 

Dimosthenis Tsaknias

Extreme precipitation events are critical phenomena that pose significant risks to societies. Understanding their spatial patterns and drivers is vital for both scientific and practical purposes, such as risk management strategies. This study investigates the spatial correlation of extreme precipitation events across Europe, their modulation by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and the detection of potential changes over recent years. Additionally, it evaluates whether these patterns and trends are accurately replicated by tools commonly employed in the insurance industry.

Correlations between extreme precipitation events across European regions are investigated. In addition, the NAO, which is a dominant mode of atmospheric variability in the North Atlantic, is widely considered to be a significant modulator of these spatial patterns. Positive phases of the NAO are associated with intensified extreme precipitation in northern and western Europe, while negative phases shift these patterns towards southern Europe. By coupling precipitation data with NAO indices, we demonstrate how changes in NAO phases alter the spatial coherence and intensity of extreme events. Furthermore, a critical aspect of this study is comparing these patterns and trends with the tools and methods used in the insurance industry.

This study contributes to a better understanding of extreme precipitation dynamics in Europe, offering insights for practical applications in risk management. By highlighting gaps in current approaches, it underscores the need for integrating advanced climate diagnostics into risk assessment frameworks.

How to cite: Tsaknias, D.: Spatial patterns of extreme precipitation in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15034,, 2025.

EGU25-18901 | Orals | HS7.7

Hydrological design of hydraulic infrastructure in a changing climate – Insights for practitioners in Chile 

Ximena Vargas, Eduardo Muñoz-Castro, Joaquín Jorquera, Oscar Muñoz-Castro, Franco Ricchetti, and Tomás Gómez

Chile is one of the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change. This suggests challenges to mitigate their impacts and adapt existing infrastructure. Despite a consensus that future climate change will lead to an increase in hydrometeorological extremes and the importance of including this factor in the hydrological design of hydraulic infrastructure, clear national guidelines on how to achieve and implement this in practice are still lacking. To address this gap, this study aims to align national hydrological design methodologies with international best practices by offering recommendations for addressing extreme precipitation and surface runoff generation.

Key considerations include the temporal and spatial scales of precipitation and temperature, and methodologies for flow estimation in gauged and ungauged basins. Dynamic modeling, statistical methods, and synthetic unit hydrograph approaches are explored, with applied examples highlighting the integration of climate change in estimating peak flows, extreme precipitation, and intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves.

Our results show that dynamic hydrological modeling yields projections with lower associated uncertainty by accurately capturing historical patterns. Dynamic models account for interactions such as antecedent soil moisture and snowline shifts during extreme events. For northern Chile, spatially distributed or semi-distributed models are recommended to capture the heterogeneity of extreme events. In contrast, statistical and synthetic hydrograph methods present limitations due to their reliance on historical precipitation-runoff relationships and lack of spatial heterogeneity.

Finally, the study underscores the need for flexible, transdisciplinary approaches to address future climate challenges, advocating for hydrological system modeling and a deeper understanding of processes driving extreme hydrometeorological responses.

How to cite: Vargas, X., Muñoz-Castro, E., Jorquera, J., Muñoz-Castro, O., Ricchetti, F., and Gómez, T.: Hydrological design of hydraulic infrastructure in a changing climate – Insights for practitioners in Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18901,, 2025.

EGU25-18938 | Orals | HS7.7 | Highlight

Rainfall Extremes in a Changing Climate: Implications for Flood Risk and (Re)Insurance 

Ludovico Nicotina, Stephen Jewson, Ruth Petrie, Tyler Cox, and Patrick Ball

Flooding represents a growing concern for the (re)insurance industry, with precipitation extremes as a key driver of flood risk. Some of the most destructive flood events in 2024 were driven by extreme rainfall occurrences, although with important differences in spatial and temporal scales (e.g. Dubai floods, Ex-Hurricane Debby floods in Canada, Central Europe Floods, Hurricane Helene flooding in Georgia and North Carolina, Valencia floods).

Ongoing climate trends introduce additional uncertainty in the estimates of intensity, frequency, and distribution of rainfall extremes, complicating their quantification and risk assessment. Understanding and modelling these extremes is critical for improving flood risk management and financial preparedness.

This study investigates rainfall extremes in the United States across various temporal scales, focusing on their role in different types of flood risks. We compare multiple statistical models to estimate extreme precipitation values, including approaches that incorporate climate trends. By analysing spatial and temporal patterns of extremes, we evaluate how well these models capture underlying processes and improve predictive accuracy.

Our findings suggest that integrating additional information about climate trends and hydrometeorological processes enhances the accuracy of extreme rainfall estimates, moving in the right direction, although given the rare nature of these extremes looking at historical data alone leaves space for future unexpected outcomes. These results provide valuable insights for improving catastrophe models and stress-testing (re)insurance portfolios.

How to cite: Nicotina, L., Jewson, S., Petrie, R., Cox, T., and Ball, P.: Rainfall Extremes in a Changing Climate: Implications for Flood Risk and (Re)Insurance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18938,, 2025.

EGU25-19781 | Posters on site | HS7.7

Evaluation of Multiple Geomorphic Flood Inundation Mapping Techniques over the Eastern United States 

Koray K. Yilmaz, Maxi Sassi, Stefano Zanardo, Stephan Tillmanns, and Arno Hilberts

Flooding is one of the most frequent natural disasters causing significant damage to natural and built environments. Ever increasing flood risk due to increase in urbanization and climatic change requires effective and efficient flood inundation mapping techniques to be used within global flood models.  In this study, we evaluated multiple elevation-based hydrogeomorphic inundation models over the Eastern United States using high resolution digital elevation model (10meter). The inundation models we tested include the Hight Above Drainage Methodology (HAND),  Relative Elevation model (REM), Geomorphic Flood Index (GFI) and a hybrid model between HAND and REM. We utilized the results of a hydrodynamic model as reference. Our results indicated that GFI methodology performs better compared to other methods, however requires calibration of three parameters for implementation, as opposed to one parameter for other models.

How to cite: Yilmaz, K. K., Sassi, M., Zanardo, S., Tillmanns, S., and Hilberts, A.: Evaluation of Multiple Geomorphic Flood Inundation Mapping Techniques over the Eastern United States, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19781,, 2025.

EGU25-20629 | ECS | Orals | HS7.7

Estimation of flood peak distributions considering reservoir effects on tail behavior 

Stefano Cipollini, Elena Volpi, Sergiy Vorogushyn, and Aldo Fiori

Hydrological extremes pose significant challenges to flood risk assessment and mitigation, particularly under non-stationary climatic and hydrological conditions. Hydraulic structures, such as large reservoirs, modify flood distributions by attenuating peak flows, with their effectiveness varying over return periods. This variability introduces non-stationarity in flood frequencies and has a significant impact on the tail of the distribution. As a result, data-driven approaches to flood frequency estimation can lead to under- or overestimation of flood quantiles, especially when limited observations are available. To address these challenges, we propose an analytical framework capable of defining the full probability distribution of floods at a control section. This method explicitly incorporates key physical processes, including the influence of reservoir volume, non-linear spillway behavior and threshold discharge on inflow hydrographs. The accuracy of the estimations is demonstrated by comparisons with numerical simulations of reservoir routing using the continuity equation in a real case study. Our results highlight the critical role of integrating physical processes into flood modelling to capture tail behavior, and show how statistical approaches applied to small samples of flood peak observations can instead lead to significant biases. The proposed analytical solution provides a robust and parsimonious tool for estimating the impact of reservoirs on floods, with applications in both risk assessment and infrastructure planning.

How to cite: Cipollini, S., Volpi, E., Vorogushyn, S., and Fiori, A.: Estimation of flood peak distributions considering reservoir effects on tail behavior, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20629,, 2025.

EGU25-21728 | Posters on site | HS7.7

Parametric Flood modelling for the vulnerable population in Laos  

Hei Ching Kwan, Carlotta Scudeler, Graham Felce, and Hemant Nagpal

Parametric solutions can close the insurance gap while providing a protection for many developing nations in the world experiencing losses from natural catastrophes. The process generally involves real-time data analysis of environmental variables to verify the intensity of the event and if it passes or not the threshold specified in the policy. Despite the different benefits, developing effective policies is still very challenging due to regional variations in the parameters and the scarcity of high-quality and accessible data. This applies particularly to floods, which are also very difficult to model accurately given their complex nature. 

In this study it is shown how GallagherRe has faced these challenges in developing a flood solution for the vulnerable population in Laos. The workflow developed relies on the Mekong River Commission river water level gauge data, which is assessed for quality in reconstructing selected historical events. To evaluate their intensity, a Generalized Pareto Distribution is fitted to the statistically independent extreme values extracted from the data for return period estimation, enhanced through Monte Carlo simulation. The information is then used to identify an equivalent flood extent derived from third party hazard maps for the catchments assigned to the selected gauge stations through an event agnostic approach. The reconstructed extent is finally intersected with the input risk to get an estimate of the vulnerable population affected. 

The quality control of the gauge stations data identified that, due to a change in water level regime caused by anthropogenic events such as upstream dam regulation, only 16 out of the 28 available gauges can be used to support the parametric scheme. The limited catchments coverage determined for the valid gauges still allowed a significant portion of the risk to be captured in the hazard maps. In fact, most of the selected events resulted to be driven by the main Mekong River and its major tributaries, areas with both good valid gauge coverage and high population density. Despite this gap, it is also shown a positive correlation of increase in estimation with increasing size of event.

How to cite: Kwan, H. C., Scudeler, C., Felce, G., and Nagpal, H.: Parametric Flood modelling for the vulnerable population in Laos , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21728,, 2025.

EGU25-3176 | Posters on site | HS6.5

Multi-Sensor SAR-Based Flood Mapping for High-Temporal Monitoring of the 2020 Flood Event in Thừa Thiên Huế, Vietnam 

Felix Bachofer, Patrick Sogno, Elly Schmid, Kerstin Büche, André Assmann, and Hoang Khanh Linh Nguyen

The 2020 flood season in Thừa Thiên Huế province, Central Vietnam, was among the most severe in recent history, driven by consecutive tropical storms and prolonged heavy rainfall. Between October and November 2020, a series of storms, including Tropical Storm Linfa, Typhoon Molave, and Typhoon Goni, brought intense precipitation, causing widespread inundation and significant damage to infrastructure and livelihoods. The hydrological complexity of the region, characterized by mountainous terrain, low-lying floodplains, and the extensive Tam Giang-Cau Hai lagoon system, further exacerbated the flood impacts, underscoring the need for advanced monitoring tools to capture the event's dynamics.

This study leverages multi-sensor Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data, including Sentinel-1, Cosmo-Skymed, and TerraSAR-X, to create a high-temporal flood inventory for this hydrologically challenging region. Multi-temporal SAR intensity and coherence data were processed using threshold-based change detection algorithms and normalized difference indices to delineate flood extents. These SAR-based methods, immune to cloud cover, provided continuous observations despite the adverse weather conditions during the flood. Validation was performed using in-situ flood markers and drone imagery, ensuring accuracy in the derived flood maps. To complement SAR data, hydrodynamic modeling using HEC-RAS simulated water flow, inundation depths, and river system behavior, enabling cross-comparison with SAR-derived flood extents.

The 2020 flood event highlighted a challenge often associated with satellite-based flood mapping: image acquisitions seldom capture the peak of the flood. However, the high temporal resolution provided by the combined SAR datasets allowed researchers to track the pulse of the flood, revealing its evolution and alignment with storm events and precipitation patterns. This capability provided critical insights into the timing, extent, and dynamics of flooding, even in a region with complex topography and hydrology.

The high-temporal flood inventory produced in this study enhances understanding of flood dynamics across diverse land-cover types, enabling improved flood risk assessments and adaptive management. The outcomes not only advance flood monitoring methodologies for Vietnam but also demonstrate the value of integrating Earth Observation data with hydrological modeling to support disaster risk reduction efforts. This approach offers scalable solutions for other regions prone to extreme weather events, contributing to global efforts in informed decision-making and adaptive flood management strategies.

How to cite: Bachofer, F., Sogno, P., Schmid, E., Büche, K., Assmann, A., and Nguyen, H. K. L.: Multi-Sensor SAR-Based Flood Mapping for High-Temporal Monitoring of the 2020 Flood Event in Thừa Thiên Huế, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3176,, 2025.

EGU25-6094 | ECS | Orals | HS6.5

Enhanced Flood Hazard Assessment and Mapping Using SAR Data: A Case Study of Afghanistan’s Flood Events (2018–2024) 

M. Sulaiman Fayez Hotaki, Mahdi Motagh, and Mahmud Haghshenas Haghighi

Afghanistan faces severe flood risks, but challenges such as limited flood data, cloud cover, and difficulties in on-ground data collection hinder traditional flood mapping methods. This study introduces an automated flood mapping approach using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data to overcome these limitations. Combining SAR intensity and interferometric coherence analyses, the method improves flood detection accuracy, particularly in complex terrains and rapid-onset events. The study spans the period from 2018 to 2024, covering 17 flood events across the country.

Processed on the Google Earth Engine (GEE), the method enables near-real-time monitoring by analyzing dense Sentinel-1 SAR time series data. SAR intensity identifies floodwaters, while coherence detects subtle changes in vegetated and urban areas, where intensity alone may fall short. Interferometric coherence was derived using the Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3), a cloud-based SAR processing platform accessed via the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) Data portal.

Validated against high-resolution PlanetScope imagery, the approach achieved F1 scores exceeding 82% in key provinces like Faryab and Baghlan. Land cover analysis revealed irrigated agriculture as the most affected type (709 hectares), while coherence mapping highlighted vulnerable urban areas, such as Baghlan-e-Markazi and Charkiar cities.

Compared to the Global Flood Monitoring (GFM) system, this method significantly improves detection accuracy, capturing up to 83% more flood extent in certain areas. For example, in Baghlan Province, it detected 709 hectares of flooding versus GFM’s 114 hectares.

By leveraging SAR data, HyP3, and GEE’s processing capabilities, this method provides a scalable, rapid-onset, and efficient solution for flood monitoring in data-scarce regions. Covering seven years of flood events, it offers a valuable tool for disaster management in Afghanistan and other regions vulnerable to climate change-induced flooding.

How to cite: Hotaki, M. S. F., Motagh, M., and Haghshenas Haghighi, M.: Enhanced Flood Hazard Assessment and Mapping Using SAR Data: A Case Study of Afghanistan’s Flood Events (2018–2024), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6094,, 2025.

EGU25-6671 | Posters on site | HS6.5

Earth Observation data for Advancing Flood Forecasting: EO4FLOOD project 

Angelica Tarpanelli, Guy Schumann, and Cecile Kittel and the EO4FLOOD team

Floods are among the most destructive natural disasters, causing severe damage to human health, the environment, cultural heritage, and economies. Over the past 50 years, Europe alone has experienced approximately 4,000 fatalities and $274 billion in economic losses due to floods. The situation is even more severe in developing regions, where the lack of infrastructure and resources intensifies the impacts of such disasters. As climate change exacerbates the frequency and intensity of flood events, there is an urgent need for innovative approaches to improve flood forecasting and reduce societal impacts.

EO4FLOOD is a project funded by ESA demonstrating the potential of advanced satellite data in enhancing the accuracy and timeliness of flood forecasting systems. The project focuses on integrating state-of-the-art satellite technologies and hydrological and hydraulic models to deliver reliable flood predictions up to seven days in advance.

EO4FLOOD is structured around three main objectives:

  • Development of an Advanced EO Dataset: The EO4FLOOD dataset integrates high-resolution satellite products from ESA and non-ESA missions, providing global coverage of critical variables such as precipitation, soil moisture, snow, flood extent, water level and river discharge.
  • Integration into Flood Forecasting Models: By combining these datasets with machine learning-enhanced hydrological and hydraulic models, the project achieves more accurate flood predictions while quantifying uncertainty.
  • Demonstration for Science and Society: EO4FLOOD showcases the application of these tools in flood risk management and explores the influence of human activities, such as land-use changes and dam construction, on flood dynamics.

By leveraging cutting-edge algorithms and satellite products, EO4FLOOD provides a robust framework for advancing flood forecasting and supporting effective disaster preparedness and response, highlight its broader implications for global flood risk management.

How to cite: Tarpanelli, A., Schumann, G., and Kittel, C. and the EO4FLOOD team: Earth Observation data for Advancing Flood Forecasting: EO4FLOOD project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6671,, 2025.

EGU25-7115 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.5

A catchment-scale screening tool for the assessment of bridge overtopping using GIS and LiDAR-derived digital elevation models 

Michele Amaddii, Fabio Castelli, and Chiara Arrighi

Bridges are critical infrastructures of the transport network given their high construction costs and limited alternative routes. Flood events are the most frequent cause of damage to transport infrastructure compared to any other natural hazard. Bridge overtopping is a phenomenon with serious safety consequences for drivers and leads to cascading effects such as traffic disruption and reduced efficiency of evacuation and emergency plans. Whereby, proactive management is essential to enhance bridge resilience and ensure user safety.
This work introduces a catchment-scale screening method using GIS and remotely sensed data to assess the propensity of riverine bridges to overtopping. The application of the method is based on the use of elements such as road network (OSM), hydrographic network, and LiDAR-derived Digital Elevation Models of the bare terrain (DTM) and of the surface (DSM). The propensity of bridges to overtopping is evaluated considering the geometric and morphological characteristics of river-roads intersections, independent of hydrological forcing. The method assumes that bridges with intersection heights (Hi), i.e. the difference between the road level (DSM) and river thalweg (DTM), lower than the corresponding cross-section heights (Hs), are more prone to overtopping during floods.
Intersections between roads and the hydrographic network were identified, and Hi values were calculated by extracting elevation differences within a defined buffer. To minimize noise from vegetation and other elements in the DSM, the topographic ruggedness index was employed as a filter, assuming that roads have smooth surfaces compared to the high roughness of vegetation. Field measurements of Hi were performed to validate the remotely sensed Hi values. Riverbanks and their corresponding Hs values were identified using the Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification approach, testing various morphometric derivatives of the DTM. A combination of profile curvature and maximum difference from mean elevation provided the clusters of landforms corresponding to riverbanks.
The method was applied to the Magra River basin in Italy (970 km²), an area frequently impacted by flood events.
Results indicate that for roads intersecting streams with Strahler order (S) <4 the median height error (∆he) between remotely sensed and measured Hi is significant (2 m, i.e. 40%). In contrast, the method proved effective for S>3 (∆he= 0.4 m, i.e. 12%). The mean cross-section width for such streams is 35 m (excluding the main river), which is two orders of magnitude larger than the planimetric accuracy of the DTM (0.3 m). A total of 231 bridges were identified, and approximately 30% exhibited Hi<Hs, indicating a high propensity for overtopping. This approach enables large-scale screening to identify road-river intersections with geometric and morphological predispositions to overtopping. It provides a valuable tool for prioritizing bridges for further hydrologic-hydraulic and traffic disruption modeling, supporting infrastructure resilience, and flood risk management.

This study was founded by the European Union - Next Generation EU through the PRIN 2022 call powered by MUR, within the project “FLOOD@ROAD” (Prot. 202257JJSJ).

How to cite: Amaddii, M., Castelli, F., and Arrighi, C.: A catchment-scale screening tool for the assessment of bridge overtopping using GIS and LiDAR-derived digital elevation models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7115,, 2025.

EGU25-7445 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.5

Global Soil Moisture Products for Flood Modeling in a Semi-Arid Area 

El Mahdi El Khalki, Tramblay Yves, Massari Christian, Brocca Luca, Simonneaux Vincent, Gascoin Simon, and Saidi Mohamed Elmehdi

Devastating floods in the Mediterranean region are caused by heavy rainfall. Flood forecasting systems are essential in Maghreb countries like Morocco to reduce the consequences and impacts of floods. Developing such a system for ungauged areas is challenging. Even though there is a shortage of observed data, remote sensing products offer a promising solution to fill these data gaps. Different soil moisture and precipitation products are evaluated against in situ data for flood modeling applications. Using an event-based hydrological model with an hourly time step, the results show that observed soil moisture is strongly related to the SMOS-IC satellite product and the ERA5 reanalysis. The comparison of soil moisture records allowed us to calculate the initial soil moisture state using the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN). Daily in situ soil moisture data may not represent basin soil moisture conditions; however, ASCAT, SMOS-IC, and ERA5 products performed similarly in terms of validation for flood modeling. The daily time step may not accurately represent the saturation state just before a flood, as soil moisture in these semi-arid areas is depleted more quickly after rainfall. For the hourly time step, the initial soil moisture conditions of the SCS-CN model were found to be more accurately represented by ERA5 and in situ data. This work highlights the potential of remote sensing products to improve flood forecasting in semi-arid regions, providing valuable information for the development of robust hydrological models where traditional data are scarce.

How to cite: El Khalki, E. M., Yves, T., Christian, M., Luca, B., Vincent, S., Simon, G., and Mohamed Elmehdi, S.: Global Soil Moisture Products for Flood Modeling in a Semi-Arid Area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7445,, 2025.

EGU25-7538 | ECS | Orals | HS6.5

An enhanced global terrain map using a vision transformer machine learning model 

Peter Uhe, Laurence Hawker, Chris Lucas, Malcolm Brine, Hamish Wilkinson, Anthony Cooper, and James Savage

Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) describe the earth surface’s topography and are an important source of information for applications of physical modelling, engineering and many others. Flood inundation modelling, where water flows are determined by terrain slope, is also highly dependent on DEM quality. The most accurate DEMs currently available are sourced from airborne LiDAR, however these only cover a small fraction of the globe, leaving the majority of the globe sourced from satellite imagery. Satellite based DEMs have limitations and are considered Digital Surface Models (DSMs) which represent the surface of vegetation canopy, buildings and other objects, rather than the bare earth surface which is represented by a Digital Terrain Model (DTM). 

Due to this, we have developed FathomDEM, a DTM generated from the best global satellite based DSM, Copernicus DEM. FathomDEM uses a novel vision transformer technique to improve on previous attempts to generate a DTM from Copernicus DEM.  FathomDEM reduces the Mean Absolute Error and Root Mean Squared Error to half of our previous work, FABDEM, and quarter of Copernicus DEM, while also improving the spatial correlation. 

Flood simulations of inundation using a given DEM shows its use in a real world application and we present results showing flood inundation maps from different global DEMs and LiDAR. FathomDEM gives similar scores to LiDAR data when compared to benchmark flood extents, tested across multiple sites. FathomDEM therefore provides a significant advance when applied to flood inundation modelling in locations without LiDAR DEMs. 

How to cite: Uhe, P., Hawker, L., Lucas, C., Brine, M., Wilkinson, H., Cooper, A., and Savage, J.: An enhanced global terrain map using a vision transformer machine learning model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7538,, 2025.

EGU25-9140 | ECS | Orals | HS6.5

Building a global archive of flood events for the last decade based on Sentinel-1 

Andrea Betterle, Bernhard Bauer-Marschallinger, Franziska Kraft, Sandro Martinis, Patrick Matgen, Florian Roth, Tobias Stachl, Wolfgang Wagner, Claudia D'Angelo, and Peter Salamon

The observation of floods from space using Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) is a powerful means to understand how inundations unfold across space and time, together with the ensuing impacts. The systematic quantification of the extension of flooded areas and its dynamics is crucial to inform mitigation strategies and organize rescue efforts. Spatiotemporal trends in flood impacts can also help interpret the joint dynamics of climate and exposure, the first for example being associated with climate change while the second with socio-economical evolution. Furthermore, a comprehensive and consistent knowledge of flood events can help to quantify the effectiveness of legislative frameworks attempting to reduce flood impacts, such as the European Flood Directive (2007/60/EC).

This contribution presents the effort in building a global archive of flood events — featuring not only flood extent but also water depth — based on the flood delineations provided by the Copernicus Global Flood Monitoring (GFM). The flood delineations provided by GFM based on Copernicus Sentinel-1 SAR are enhanced using terrain topography, and they are complemented with water depth estimates obtained via the recently released algorithm FLEXTH (Betterle and Salamon, NHESS, 2024). The flood archive will have a global coverage at 20 m spatial resolution, spanning from 2015 until present. The procedure behind the construction of the dataset will be presented, together with the forthcoming steps of combining flood depth maps with exposed asset to further complement the database with flood impacts.

How to cite: Betterle, A., Bauer-Marschallinger, B., Kraft, F., Martinis, S., Matgen, P., Roth, F., Stachl, T., Wagner, W., D'Angelo, C., and Salamon, P.: Building a global archive of flood events for the last decade based on Sentinel-1, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9140,, 2025.

EGU25-10980 | Posters on site | HS6.5

Integrated coastal-river water surface elevation datasets derived from SWOT to improve compound flooding simulations over the Mekong Delta 

Monica Coppo Frias, Cecile Marie Margaretha Kittel, Karina Nielsen, Aske Folkmann Musaeus, Christian Toettrup, and Peter Bauer-Gottwein

River deltas are home to more than 400 million people worldwide, being fundamental centers for industry, and ecosystems of great ecological and economic importance. Some of the most densely populated rural and urban areas are in low-lying deltaic regions, such as the Mekong Delta. These areas are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change on coastal-river floods, which are driven by several factors, such as sea level rise, extreme river flows or storm surges. To mitigate these effects, accurate integrated coastal-river hydraulic models are essential for enhancing predictive capabilities for compound flooding events and developing effective contingency plans. However, the accuracy of hydraulic models is often limited by the quality of available observations. Developing reliable datasets for coastal-river domains involves addressing several challenges, including a) the high spatial and temporal variability of coastal-estuary dynamics, b) the complex morphology of delta regions characterized by extensive floodplains, braided river channels, and man-made structures, and c) the lack of continuous coastal-river datasets.

Traditional in-situ monitoring provides data only at widely spaced stations, which limits coverage. As a results, satellite Earth Observation (EO) has emerged as a solution to generate datasets with large spatial coverage and high spatial resolution. The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission is the first dedicated mission to monitor surface water, while also providing ocean height measurements, making it ideal to overcome the monitoring challenges in coastal-river domains. The SWOT mission, with a 120 km wide swath, offers large spatial coverage that can deliver water surface elevation (WSE) and surface water extent observations for rivers as narrow as 50 meters. Additionally, the mission offers a revisit time of 21 days, delivering 2-6 observations in each cycle.

In this study we utilize SWOT observations over the Mekong Delta to generate continuous datasets that span from the river to the ocean. These datasets are used to inform and validate an integrated coastal-river hydraulic model of the Mekong Delta. The SWOT L2_HR_Raster product is exploited at a 100-meter resolution, to derive coastal and estuarine WSE time series and surface water extent. This dataset has the capability to map complex river morphological structures at a temporal resolution previously unattainable by satellite EO missions. It can also capture the effects of ocean tides and storm surges on river water levels, as well as the impact of high river flows on coastal domains. Moreover, the 2D nature of the L2_HR_Raster product can deliver not only river-ocean WSE profiles, but also coastal longitudinal ocean height, to better understand the effect of high river flows in near-coastal areas.

The results provide continuous coastal-river datasets mapping the interplay between near coastal and estuarine dynamics, as well as the complex morphology of the Mekong Delta region. The datasets are used to calibrate and validate a hydraulic model of the Mekong Delta that integrates river and coastal zones to accurately simulate WSE and surface water extent in deltaic regions. The integrated model supports better prediction capabilities for compound flooding simulations and the impacts of climate change on the coastal and estuarine environments.

How to cite: Coppo Frias, M., Kittel, C. M. M., Nielsen, K., Musaeus, A. F., Toettrup, C., and Bauer-Gottwein, P.: Integrated coastal-river water surface elevation datasets derived from SWOT to improve compound flooding simulations over the Mekong Delta, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10980,, 2025.

EGU25-11828 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.5

Satellite Mapping Analysis of the November 2023 Flood in Prato, Tuscany 

Beatrice Carlini, Luca Baldini, Elisa Adirosi, Giovanni Serafino, Giovanni Scognamiglio, and Roberta Paranunzio

Climate change has increased the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, leading to greater risks for vulnerable urban areas. Inadequate infrastructure often exacerbates vulnerability of many areas, resulting in significant socioeconomic losses from climate-related hazards and in particular flooding. Satellite services, smart technologies such as GIS-based Digital Twin help to simulate flooding scenarios to support urban planning and decision-making and provide monitoring and short-term forecasting of floods thus contributing to enhance climate resilience and to strengthen financial risk strategies.

To ensure that these systems operate effectively, the validation of their predicted  outputs in terms of flooding maps is crucial. This task is usually possibly carried out using the satellite-based data available and particularly those from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), which are effective in various meteorological conditions. In urban areas, the application of state-of-the-art SAR-based methods for flood detection is challenging due to the complexity of effects caused by the radar backscattering from built environments.

This study focuses on validating flood maps for urbanized environments based on a consolidated approach that reprocesses the clustering result with fuzzy logic approach (Pulvirenti et al. 2023, DOI: 10.3390/w15071353) and here improved to better estimate flooding in urban areas. The method was applied to a severe precipitation event in November 2023 in Tuscany, Italy, which caused multiple flood episodes. Our focus was on the Florence-Prato-Pistoia plain, the most densely populated area in Tuscany. On November 2, heavy rainfall began in the early afternoon, accumulating 130-170 mm within 5-6 hours. This led to the first flood episodes after 19:00 local time, resulting in several casualties.

Copernicus Rapid Mapper was activated on 03/11/2023, 04:21 (Local time = UTC+1). It produced an estimate of flooded area mainly using one COSMO-SkyMed image, collected on November 6, after a second storm occurred in the night between 4 and 5 November. In our analysis we used two images. For the common image, good spatial correspondence was obtained. However, due to the late availability of satellite images, critical early floods were missing.

This work takes this case study to address the opportunity and challenges of flood detection in urban areas using satellite data. While highlighting the importance of having a satellite flood mapping service, some drawbacks are also pointed out, such as the lack of revising time that can imply missing early stages of floods to early implement search and rescue operations. Projects to improve revisiting time are related to the emergence of next generation constellations, such the ASI/ESA IRIDE multisatellite and multiservice constellation. In case of fast evolving phenomena, such as the one considered in this study, a higher time resolution of flood mapping would increase the chance to obtain data even in the first floods. In practice, resorting to modelling and sensor data coupled in digital twins eventually integrated with obtained from citizens science will be still unavoidable. This is demonstrated within the SCORE project (, a four-year EU-funded project aiming to increase climate resilience in European coastal cities (Coastal City Living Labs - CCLLs).

How to cite: Carlini, B., Baldini, L., Adirosi, E., Serafino, G., Scognamiglio, G., and Paranunzio, R.: Satellite Mapping Analysis of the November 2023 Flood in Prato, Tuscany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11828,, 2025.

EGU25-13306 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.5

Ground observations and UAV mapping to support a GIS-based implementation of the Flash Flood Impact Severity Scale (FFISS) for the 2009 and 2020 flash floods in Evia, Greece. 

Nafsika-Ioanna Spyrou, Michalis Diakakis, Spyridon Mavroulis, Georgios Deligiannakis, Emmaouil Andreadakis, Christos Filis, Evelina Kotsi, Zacharias Antoniadis, Maria Melaki, Marilia Gogou, Katerina-Navsika Katsetsiadou, Eirini-Spyridoula Stanota, Emmanuel Skourtsos, Emmanuel Vassilakis Vassilakis, and Efthymios Lekkas

Flash floods have been responsible for some of the most catastrophic events globally. The extensive range of effects and the varying severity of impacts present significant challenges in accurately understanding the damage caused by a flood event, thereby hindering our capacity to predict future consequences. When evaluating flood impacts and their severity, most existing approaches rely on qualitative descriptions (e.g., major, catastrophic, etc.) or examine the impacts from a single perspective or discipline, such as economic losses. In this study, the Flash Flood Impact Severity Scale (FFISS) is employed to evaluate, map, and categorize the impacts of two flash floods that occurred in the Lilas River in Greece in 2009 and 2020. The goal of this application is to analyze the varying severity levels and how one flood event can influence the impacts of a subsequent event. The methodology involved extensive fieldwork, including the collection of ground-based and aerial observations using UAV technology to document the impacts. These observations were subsequently georeferenced, followed by applying the Flash Flood Impact Severity Scale (FFISS) and creating detailed maps to assess and evaluate the severity of impacts associated with the two flood events. The results indicate that, despite the higher water levels during the second flood, areas previously affected show lower severity values. This reduction is attributed to the community’s gradual adaptation, improvements in infrastructure, and significant local widening of the river channel. Conversely, newly flooded areas during the second event exhibit high severity levels. Overall, applying the FFISS reveals spatial patterns of impact severity, offering insights into the local nature of floods while suggesting a potential reduction in overall risk during the post-flood period.

How to cite: Spyrou, N.-I., Diakakis, M., Mavroulis, S., Deligiannakis, G., Andreadakis, E., Filis, C., Kotsi, E., Antoniadis, Z., Melaki, M., Gogou, M., Katsetsiadou, K.-N., Stanota, E.-S., Skourtsos, E., Vassilakis, E. V., and Lekkas, E.: Ground observations and UAV mapping to support a GIS-based implementation of the Flash Flood Impact Severity Scale (FFISS) for the 2009 and 2020 flash floods in Evia, Greece., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13306,, 2025.

EGU25-13757 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.5

Semi-Automatic Extraction and Morphometric Characterization of Paleochannels using LiDAR Data: A Case Study in the fens of Lincolnshire, England 

Gianpietro Imbrogno, Giuseppe Cianflone, Rocco Dominici, Giuseppe Maruca, Paolo De Cesare, Mark Schuerch, and Luca Mao

Paleochannels are natural features in floodplains, and their identification and geometric characterization can guide river restoration and natural flood management interventions. This study focuses on identifying the network of dendritic drainage patterns in a portion of the Lincolnshire fens near Billinghay. A semi-automatic approach was developed for identifying paleochannels and performing a morphometric analysis of these features.

A high-resolution LiDAR data survey from 2022 was downloaded from the UK environment portal. The LiDAR digital terrain model has a resolution of 2 m and vertical accuracy of +/- 15 cm. The raw LiDAR point cloud was pre-processes using CloudCompare. An initial ground-level extraction was performed with automatic filters and further refined by identifying and removing additional anthropogenic features such as roads, buildings, and artificial levees along canals, using a vector data analysis. The dendritic drainage channels of the particular study site (6.78 km2) were isolated using a semi-automatic selection with specific elevation filters. The differences in elevation between the paleochannel surface and the surrounding flat areas were used to define distinct elevation ranges for different altimetric bands. Points within these ranges were selected and reclassified to create a preliminary morphological model of the paleochannels. Discontinuous segments were interpolated, and areas with missing values were resampled, resulting in a consistent and detailed representation of the paleochannels.

The dendritic drainage network was characterized in terms of Strahler order, sinuosity, length, and location of connection nodes. Additionally, several cross-sectional profiles were generated and a Python script was developed to quantify the width, depth, and area between the crest of the paleosurface and the ground level. Reaches of paleochannels of higher Strahler order were found to be deeper and wider. The sinuosity is lower for the reaches in the upper part of the dendritic network. Interestingly, the channels are located in areas that are highly convex compared to the surrounding flat areas. The total surface area occupied by the identified paleochannels in the study site is approximately 1.8 km2, which represents a significant portion of the floodplain.

The geometry of the identified enclosed basin and of the dendritic network are being used to test a morphodynamic model in order to identify the sea level and tidal ranges responsible for the formation of the paleochannels.

How to cite: Imbrogno, G., Cianflone, G., Dominici, R., Maruca, G., De Cesare, P., Schuerch, M., and Mao, L.: Semi-Automatic Extraction and Morphometric Characterization of Paleochannels using LiDAR Data: A Case Study in the fens of Lincolnshire, England, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13757,, 2025.

EGU25-14254 | ECS | Orals | HS6.5

A Database of Flood Maps using high-resolution Airborne Imagery and Machine Learning Models 

Dinuke Munasinghe, Sagy Cohen, Dan Tian, and Hongxing Liu

Optical Satellite imagery commonly suffers from the presence of cloud cover during flood events; Radar Satellites are disadvantaged from water look-alike conditions where the ground surface interacts with the incoming radar signal as if it were water; Regardless of modality of satellite, more importantly, satellite overpasses during a flood are chance occurrences where the capture of the maximum extent is a fortuitous incident. Low-altitude aerial remote sensing, on the other hand, can be used to survey the extent of flooding at the peak or soon after it has occurred, with a good measure of reliability. Opportune scheduling of these reconnaissance flights not only capture floods at ultra-high resolution, but also allows for seamless geographical coverage unhindered by cloud cover.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Emergency Response Imagery is very high resolution (50 cm Ground Sampling Distance between pixels) airborne imagery acquired by the Remote Sensing Division of the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) during major flood events in the United States to support NOAA’s homeland security and emergency response requirements.

In this work, we evaluated the performance of four different machine learning models (Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, Support Vetor Machine, Convolutional Neural Network) on the ability to classify floods from raw aerial imagery. The classifier with the highest classification accuracy metrics - depending on geographical and hydrological setting – was used to produce flood inundation extent maps for 30 major flood events.

We demonstrate the utility of these high-fidelity flood maps via two use-cases: both synergistic studies to this work. 1) As benchmarks for validation of hydrodynamic model results: Historic flooding occurred on the Neuse River in North Carolina in the United States triggered by Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Several hydrodynamic models were deployed to simulate flood dynamics with an end goal of understanding flood susceptibility in the Neuse basin under changing climate conditions. The aerial imagery-based flood maps were used as benchmarks for model validation. 2) Enhancing the versatility of FIMPEF: Flood Inundation Mapping Predictions Evaluation Framework (FIMPEF) is an open-source, cloud-based geospatial venture by the University of Alabama that calculates accuracy statistics between benchmark and modeled flood extents. Integration of aerial imagery, in addition to the satellite-based benchmarks that FIMPEF was ingesting so far, has vastly enhanced its robustness and user-demand. Free access (no account/login credentials needed) to these high-quality flood maps is granted through the United Sates Flood Inundation Map Repository (USFIMR), an online geospatial warehouse that provides high-resolution inundation extent maps of past U.S. flood events.

How to cite: Munasinghe, D., Cohen, S., Tian, D., and Liu, H.: A Database of Flood Maps using high-resolution Airborne Imagery and Machine Learning Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14254,, 2025.

EGU25-15889 | Orals | HS6.5

Local hydrological and hydrodynamic modeling for flood forecasting in Burkina Faso 

Laetitia Gal, Pauline Casas, Kévin Larnier, Romulo J. Oliveira, and Adrien Paris

Burkina Faso climate is characterized by a short rainy season and  high rainfall variability, characteristic of tropical-equatorial regions, resulting in extreme rainfall events and high flood risks in its watersheds and cities. In the capital Ouagadougou, rapid urban development associated with low-permeability soils and high precipitation intensity lead to major flooding events (e.g. in 2009, 2016, 2020) affecting households and economy. This vulnerability to flooding also affects other strategic points in Burkina Faso, such as crossroads between national roads and rivers, where overflows almost every year lead to limited road access and hinder economical transportation.

This study presents an innovative integrated framework to improve forecasting capacity and manage flood risks at the local scale, for both (i) pluvial flooding over Ouagadougou city and (ii) fluvial flooding at six points of interest (POIs) across Burkina Faso. The methodology is based on a 2D hydrodynamic modeling using the DassHydro [1] framework and only publicly available data (soil properties, land cover, etc.). For pluvial flooding (Ouagadougou case), this model is forced with operational precipitation products. For fluvial flooding,  daily real-time discharge data computed with the MGB hydrological model [2] are used as boundary conditions for the hydrodynamic model set at the POIs. Both approaches produce local flood maps for different warning levels, based on precipitations  and/or discharge thresholds. Flood maps produced for each POI were validated through comparisons to Sentinel-2 images of  historical floods, on-site flood marks analysis and spatial altimetry.  Additionally, comparisons with previous studies conducted in Ouagadougou as well as historical informations,  demonstrated the relevance and reliability of the results obtained through our methodology at both local scale.

This preliminary approach showed the efficiency of the methodology for a flood risk warning and forecasting system in a data-sparse context and highlighted the strong need for in-situ data and finer-grained topology data, among others, in those regions. Further consideration of new in situ data provided by local agencies should permit increasing the accuracy of forecasts and provide refined risk analysis.



How to cite: Gal, L., Casas, P., Larnier, K., J. Oliveira, R., and Paris, A.: Local hydrological and hydrodynamic modeling for flood forecasting in Burkina Faso, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15889,, 2025.

EGU25-15998 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.5

Enhancing Water Level Estimates with DEM-derived Stream Geomorphometry 

Søren Kragh, Jun Liu, Lars Troldborg, Simon Stisen, Raphael Schneider, and Julian Koch

Accurate water level predictions are increasingly crucial for mitigating flood risks. Hydrological and hydrodynamic models provide water level predictions, but their accuracy depends on detailed information about stream cross-sections and floodplain topography, which are data that are difficult to obtain at larger scale, especially in regions with perennial river systems. Stream discharge is a variable that is more straightforward to predict by conventional hydrological models. However, the relationship between discharge and water level is complex, depending on cross-section geometry and channel roughness. Here machine learning models offer an alternative opportunity to predict water level by ingesting readily available topographic data derived from high-resolution digital elevation models in combination with simulated stream discharge, thereby skipping the need to explicitly define rating curves or to run complex hydrodynamic simulations. The idea is that stream discharge provides information about the temporal variability, whereas the topographic data provides static information in the cross-section geometry.  

First, we present a method for extracting stream geomorphometry from a high-resolution (40 cm) digital elevation model in Denmark. The methodology is based on analyzing elevation changes along cross-sections throughout the entire Danish river network. Stream widths are estimated by identifying the most probable bank positions through a probabilistic count of all possible configurations within 100-meter stream reaches. The resulting dataset has been validated against 2,000 measured cross-sections along Danish rivers, showing similar spatial patterns across reach to river scales. Moreover, the slope and elevation of the water level as well as channel area and depth are derived from the high-resolution DEM for 100-meter stream reaches.

Second, we present the development of a machine learning-based model that utilizes the derived stream geomorphometry in combination with stream discharge simulated by the National Hydrological Model of Denmark to predict daily stream water levels. Timeseries of daily stream water level of 40 gauging stations are used to train a Long Short Term Memory network. The results demonstrate that incorporating topography-derived information of mean water level and slope, stream channel width, area, and depth, enhance the accuracy of the water level estimates. Overall, our approach provides a versatile approach providing crucial information on flood risks that can easily be scaled up to national scale.

How to cite: Kragh, S., Liu, J., Troldborg, L., Stisen, S., Schneider, R., and Koch, J.: Enhancing Water Level Estimates with DEM-derived Stream Geomorphometry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15998,, 2025.

EGU25-16950 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.5

Closing the Gap: Towards Consistent Flood Extent Retrieval with Multi-Sensor Data Fusion 

Chloe Campo, Paolo Tamagnone, Guy Schumann, Suelynn Choy, Trinh Duc Tran, and Yuriy Kuleshov

Despite the significant increase in Earth Observation (EO) satellites, the frequency of cloud-free imagery at sufficiently high spatial resolutions for timely inundation mapping remains a significant challenge. Obtaining more frequent flood extent estimations would contribute to our understanding of flood dynamics and increase the likelihood of capturing the flood peak, which often evades EO acquisitions. Integrating complementary data from multiple sensors is a potential solution to overcome limitations posed by temporal resolution, spatial resolution, cloud cover, adverse weather, or light conditions. Surface water fractions, indicating the proportion of a pixel covered by water, can be derived from a variety of sensors that passively sense across different spectral ranges daily. However, the fractional coverages are derived at various spatial resolutions, necessitating a methodology to harmonize and combine the information to obtain a comprehensive flood map at a meaningful resolution. The present study proposes a methodology to seamlessly combine data from Low-Earth Orbiting (LEO) multispectral, Geostationary-orbiting (GEO) multispectral, and Passive Microwave (PMW) sensors. The proposed approach is tested on the February 2022 flood event in Brisbane, Australia, and fuse data from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), the Himawari 8/9 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI), and the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS). These sensors offer complementary strengths in flood detection, including sub-daily imagery from VIIRS and AHI, and fractional water estimates beneath cloud cover from SSMIS.

Surface water fractions, representing the fraction of a pixel covered by water, are derived from VIIRS, AHI, and SSMIS at spatial resolutions of 375 m, 1 km, and 25 km, respectively. These surface water fractions are subsequently homogenized via downscaling and fused to obtain an aggregated flood map. A Digital Terrain Model and its derivatives, including the Slope, Topographic Water Index, Height Above Nearest Drainage, and Flow Accumulation, and water frequency information are utilized to downscale and distribute the surface water fractions in physically plausible ways. This disaggregation process produces comparable flood maps from all sensors. These maps are thereafter combined to yield a single detailed flood map. This multi-sensor framework ensures the consistent generation of flood maps at a meaningful spatial and temporal resolution, compensating for the unavailability of moderate- to high-resolution imagery due to satellite revisit timing and cloud obstruction. The proposed approach enables more frequent generation of detailed flood maps, providing valuable insights into inundation dynamics to scientists and decision makers.

How to cite: Campo, C., Tamagnone, P., Schumann, G., Choy, S., Duc Tran, T., and Kuleshov, Y.: Closing the Gap: Towards Consistent Flood Extent Retrieval with Multi-Sensor Data Fusion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16950,, 2025.

Floods exacerbated by climate change significantly increase the risk of dam failure, posing a critical threat to downstream regions. A cost-effective way to analyze the consequences of dam break floods is by using unsteady hydrodynamic models that incorporate St. Venant’s or diffusion wave equations. These models require detailed topographic data, land cover information, and a dam break hydrograph. This study assesses the influence of various remote sensing topographic datasets on 2-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic flood modeling using HEC-RAS v6. The methodology is applied to İmranlı town in Türkiye, located downstream of an irrigation dam. Under a 500-year return period flood scenario, a breach hydrograph is simulated in HEC-RAS, assuming overtopping when the reservoir is at full capacity. Manning's roughness values are derived from the ESA-WorldCover satellite land use map. Two types of topographic data are tested: Digital Surface Models (DSMs) and Digital Terrain Models (DTMs). Specifically, datasets include field-based Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) DSM (0.5 x 0.5 m resolution), Turkish General Directorate of Mapping (HGM)-based DSM (5 x 5 m resolution), Advanced Land Observing Satellite – Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (ALOS-PALSAR)-sourced DTM (12.5 x 12.5 m resolution), and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)-sourced DTM (30 x 30 m resolution).

The study also explores the impact of combining high-resolution and low-resolution topographic data by mosaicking LiDAR data, limited to urbanized areas, with other datasets. Results are evaluated using performance metrics such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), F-index, and correlation coefficient (R²). Additionally, comparisons are drawn using flood-related maps, including flood inundation area, water depth, velocity, duration, and hazard. The study highlights that nearly the entire İmranlı district center and the Doğançal settlement would be inundated in the event of a dam failure, exposing approximately 7,028 individuals to flood risk. The findings suggest that while high-resolution HGM-based data serve as a reliable reference, integrating satellite datasets like ALOS-PALSAR with LiDAR enhances model performance, making them valuable alternatives when high-resolution data are unavailable.

How to cite: Uysal, G. and Tasci, E.: Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling and Comparison of Flood Propagation from İmranlı Dam Break Using Different Remotely Sensed Topographic Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17954,, 2025.

EGU25-18097 | Orals | HS6.5 | Highlight

Integration of Remote Sensing and Hydraulic Modeling for Dynamic Flood Monitoring: A Copernicus Emergency Management Service for retrospective flood temporal analysis in Saarland, Germany 

Alexandros Konis, Vasiliki Pagana, Stavroula Sigourou, Alexia Tsouni, Emmanouil Salas, Michail-Christos Tsoutsos, Nikolaos Stathopoulos, Nikolaos Stasinos, and Charalampos (Haris) Kontoes

Floods affect many regions of the world every year and are the most deadly natural hazard. The increasing pressures of a growing global population, widespread ecosystem degradation, and the compounding effects of climate variability and change are significantly increasing flood risks worldwide. Hydrodynamic models, combined with Earth Observations (EO), play an increasingly important role in the comprehensive analysis and characterization of floods, providing a deeper understanding of their dynamics in past, present, and future scenarios.

Under the “Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) Risk and Recovery Mapping (RRM)” framework, this on-call study (i.e., CEMS activation “ΕMSN: Retrospective flood temporal analysis of floods in Saarland, Germany”) focused on the mid-May 2024 (16/05/2024-22/05/2024) flood in Saarland, Germany, which resulted in extensive damage across the Saarland state capital Saarbrücken and several districts in Saarland. Leveraging advancements in Earth observation (EO), this study integrated multi-source remote sensing data into a 2D hydraulic modeling framework to enhance the understanding of flood dynamics in the region through a comprehensive temporal analysis.

Using the HEC-RAS hydraulic modeling open-source software of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), a rain-on-grid approach was employed to simulate direct rainfall runoff to supplement fluvial model simulation of flood propagation over a 7-day period. Model calibration was based on observed water depth data from Gauging stations’ recordings, with adjustments made to improve accuracy. Validation was conducted using EO-derived flood delineations from multitemporal post-event imagery, spanning multi-Platform Satellite products including SAR (Sentinel-1A, RadarSat-2, COSMO-SkyMed and TerraSAR-X) and Optical (Planet Scope) imagery. Therefore, the outputs of the study including the water depth and the flood persistence were derived from the combination of the hydraulic modeling and remote sensing methodologies.

Despite the relatively lower flood thematic accuracy of EO-derived flood outlines in urban and forested areas given the inherent limitations of the SAR analysis techniques, the availability of multitemporal EO imagery was decisive in validating the hydraulic modelling accuracy and robustness. The study findings emphasize the emerging potential of EO data for validating hydraulic models and therefore enhancing flood mapping and monitoring capabilities. In this context, the availability of multitemporal EO datasets further enhanced the flood modelling performance in providing a better insight into the flood propagation and dynamics over the whole period of impact.

Acknowledgment: The service took place under the Framework Service Contract 945236–IPR–2023 “Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) Risk and Recovery Mapping (RRM) Tailor-Made Products. 

We would like to acknowledge the great support of the JRC CEMS team memebrs, namely Guido Di Carlo, Cristina Rosales Sanchez, and Emanuele Sapino, for the completion of this service contract.

How to cite: Konis, A., Pagana, V., Sigourou, S., Tsouni, A., Salas, E., Tsoutsos, M.-C., Stathopoulos, N., Stasinos, N., and Kontoes, C. (.: Integration of Remote Sensing and Hydraulic Modeling for Dynamic Flood Monitoring: A Copernicus Emergency Management Service for retrospective flood temporal analysis in Saarland, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18097,, 2025.

EGU25-20493 | Orals | HS6.5

Toward Robust Evaluations of Flood Inundation Predictions Using Remote Sensing Derived Benchmark Maps 

Sagy Cohen, Anupal Baruah, Parvaneh Nikrou, Dan Tian, Hongxing Liu, and Dinuke Munasinghe

Remote Sensing-derived Flood Inundation Maps (RS-FIM) are an attractive and commonly used source of evaluation benchmarks. Errors in model-predicted FIM (M-FIM) evaluation results due to biases in RS-FIM benchmarking are quantified by introducing a high-confidence benchmark FIM, which was manually delineated from ultra-resolution imagery, as Ground Truth. The evaluation results show considerable differences in M-FIM accuracy assessment when using lower-quality benchmarks. A RS-FIM enhancement (gap-filling) procedure is presented and its effect on FIM evaluation results is analyzed. The results show that the enhancement is insufficient for significantly improving the robustness of the evaluation. The impact of including/excluding Permanent Water Bodies (PWB) on FIM evaluation results is analyzed. The results show that including PWB in FIM evaluation can significantly inflate the model accuracy. A novel evaluation strategy is proposed and analyzed. The proposed evaluation strategy is based on excluding low-confidence grid cells and PWB from the M-FIM evaluation analysis. Low-confidence grid cells are those that were estimated to be flooded by the gap-filling procedure, but were not classified as such by the remote sensing analysis. The results show that the proposed evaluation strategy can dramatically improve the robustness of the evaluation, except when a considerable number of false positives exist in the RS-FIM. The analyses showcase the many challenges in FIM evaluation. We provide an in-depth discussion about the need for standards, user-centric evaluation, the use of secondary sources, and qualitative evaluation.

How to cite: Cohen, S., Baruah, A., Nikrou, P., Tian, D., Liu, H., and Munasinghe, D.: Toward Robust Evaluations of Flood Inundation Predictions Using Remote Sensing Derived Benchmark Maps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20493,, 2025.

Floods are extreme events that cause huge loss of lives and properties. The flood events are expected to be more intensified and recurrent in the future due to climate change. It is required to develop robust flood mitigation strategies under climate change to mitigate the flood risk especially in the basins with limited data or ungauged basins. However, flood mitigation planning requires a huge amount of in-situ data of pre and post flood events which is not possible in data-scarce or ungauged river basins and almost inaccessible in the impassable and high-altitude complex terrain. The availability and accessibility of remote sensing data provides accurate and precise information regarding pre and post flood events in these regions.  The critical review of published literature reveals that the concept of model regionalization could be the scalability would provide the robust strategies for planning flood mitigation under climate change especially in these regions which involves transfer of knowledge from gauged to data-scarce or ungauged basins. However, the inefficiency of conventional process-based models in regionalization of model has motivated the researchers to think about the Artificial Intelligence (AI) data-driven approach. The present study combines remote sensing with AI approach to investigate the scope of regional flood susceptibility model development. The model development utilizes the remote sensing derived flood affecting parameters (or indicators) such as terrain, morphological, metrological. It has been first developed in data-rich basins and then transferred its knowledge to data-scarce or ungauged basins. The remote sensing derived historical flood records were used to generate the ground control points for training (70%) and testing (30%) of the model. To accomplish the objectives of enquiring the scope of regional flood susceptible model, the present study has chosen the two smaller sub-basins, one from the Krishna River basins, Maharashtra and the other from the Lower Ganga basin of Bihar. The chooses sub-basin from the Krishna River basins has been used for model development and the sub-basin from Lower Ganga basin of Bihar has been considered to investigate the scalability of the developed model for the regional AI-based model for flood susceptibility. The results of statistics F-1 score and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)-Area Under Curve (AUC) have shown good performance of the model during training and testing. It also shows good performance during the model scalability check that advocates developed model for regional flood susceptibility. However, it suggested to apply fine tuning for future improvement of the model.  It has been concluded that the integration of remote sensing with AI-based could help in the development of good regional flood susceptible model which could be beneficial for policymakers in evolving enhanced strategies for mitigating futuristics floods especially in the data-scarce or ungauged basins.

Keywords: Regionalization, remote sensing, Artificial Intelligence, data-scarce or ungauged, flood mitigation planning.

How to cite: Ranjan, R. and Keshari, A. K.: Integrating Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence based Techniques for Investigating Regional Flood Susceptibility to Improve Flood Mitigation Planning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-794,, 2025.

Flood risk assessment is critical for minimizing the economic loss resulting from flood damages, mitigating adverse socio-economic impacts and sustainable water resource management in the flood-prone regions. The flood is becoming a major world-wide concern due to recent events of disastrous floods in several countries, and it is gaining high significance because of climate change. The present study is aimed to present a methodological framework that combines hydro-economic evaluation with the hydrodynamic modelling for assessing flood risk and evolving structural and non-structural adaptative strategies for mitigating flood in riverine condition. This framework has been employed to the Burhi Gandak River basin in India, a region frequently affected by severe flooding leading to significant agriculture, infrastructural, and social disruptions.  Employing a hydro economic optimization framework, the research integrates hydrological modelling, economic evaluation, and optimization techniques to assess and manage flood risk. It also examines direct and indirect losses due to flooding and potential gains from mitigation strategies. The hydrological data, land use patterns, and socio-economic indicators were analysed to simulate flood scenarios. The approach combines flood inundation model with economic cost-benefit analysis, capturing both under varying rainfall intensities and catchment conditions. The results show that the optimization techniques can be applied to identify cost-effective strategies, including structural measures such as levees, and retention basins and non-structural measures such as early warning systems, land use policies for managing flood disaster effectively. Results. reveal that a balanced combination of structural and non-structural interventions can significantly reduce flood damage while optimizing resource allocation. This study provides a decision-support tool for policymakers to prioritize investments and implement adaptive strategies that enhance resilience against flooding in the Budhi Gandak basin. The integration of hydro economic evaluation not only improves the flood risk management but also contributes to the sustainable development of vulnerable regions.

Keywords: Flood risk, Flood mitigation, Optimization, Hydrodynamic modelling, Hydro economic framework.

How to cite: Babu, K. L. and Keshari, A. K.: Evolving Flood Risk Mitigation Strategies Using Hydrodynamic Modeling Linked with Hydroeconomic Optimization for Burhi Gandak River , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6067,, 2025.

EGU25-11851 | ECS | PICO | HS2.4.8

Assessing Impact of Climate Change on Streamflow of Koyna River, India 

Amarsinh B. Landage and Ashok K. Keshari

The Koyna River basin, situated in the ecologically sensitive and biodiverse Western Ghats of India, exhibits heightened vulnerability to the dual pressures of climate variability and land use/land cover (LULC) changes. In this study, the hydrological dynamics of the basin were modeled using the advanced ArcSWAT tool, which is well-suited for simulating the influence of climatic and land use changes on streamflow. The analysis incorporated historical LULC data from 1996 and 2016 and climate change scenarios represented by RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 pathways. The model was meticulously calibrated and validated using observed hydrological data spanning 1978 to 2016. Performance metrics such as the coefficient of determination (R²), Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), and percent bias (PBIAS) indicated robust model with high reliability and accuracy. Future climate projections were developed using six Regional Climate Models (RCMs) which were refined through bias correction with the CMhyd tool to minimize discrepancies between simulated and observed climatic variables. The analysis integrates historical data from 1978 to 2016 and future projections derived from the CNRM-CM5 climate model under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios for three timeframes: early (2025–2050), mid (2051–2075), and end century (2076–2100). Key parameters, including rainfall, temperature, and hydrological responses, were used to simulate streamflow variations and assess the basin's hydrological sensitivity to changing climatic conditions. Results reveal significant increases in streamflow under both RCP scenarios, with RCP8.5 indicating the most pronounced impacts by the end of the century. Monsoonal months (June–September) dominate streamflow contributions, with projections of heightened peak flows and prolonged discharge during these periods. Streamflow during the monsoon season is expected to nearly double under RCP8.5, increasing the risk of flooding. Monsoon rainfall, a pivotal driver of the basin's hydrology, accounts for over 85% of the annual runoff, with future projections pointing to intensified monsoonal discharges and an increase in extreme weather events. Conversely, drier months show marginal increases, signalling potential changes in seasonal water availability. The study also highlights the synergistic effect of land use and land cover (LULC) changes on hydrology. Analysis of LULC datasets from 1996 and 2016 indicates increased streamflow driven by urban expansion and reduced vegetation. These shifts amplify runoff, particularly under future precipitation increases. This evolving hydrological regime highlights the urgency for adaptive management strategies tailored to the region’s unique climatic and ecological context. Sustainable land use planning and proactive water resource management are essential to mitigate the risks associated with these changes. The insights from this research are vital for stakeholders, including policymakers, agronomists, and water resource managers, enabling them to formulate evidence-based strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation.

How to cite: Landage, A. B. and Keshari, A. K.: Assessing Impact of Climate Change on Streamflow of Koyna River, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11851,, 2025.

EGU25-12482 | ECS | PICO | HS2.4.8

Leveraging SWOT Surface Data for River Bathymetry Estimation and Compound Flood Model Calibration in Data-Sparse Regions 

Xiaoli Su, Jeffrey Neal, Gurpreet Dass, Laurance Hawker, Christel Prudhomme, and Rory Bingham

Coastlines are increasingly vulnerable to the compound effects of high sea levels, intense rainfall, and extreme river discharge from tropical cyclones. Accurate compound flood modelling is critical for assessing flood risks and informing forecasts under current and future climate scenarios. However, in data-sparse regions like southeastern Africa, such modelling faces significant challenges due to the lack of river bathymetry data, which cannot be obtained remotely, and the limited or absent in situ gauge data required for model calibration. The recently launched Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite mission offers a transformative solution, as it can observe compound water surface profiles with centimetre-scale vertical accuracy. This study explores the potential of SWOT water elevations to estimate river bathymetry for the Pungwe and Buzi Rivers in Mozambique. This bathymetry data is then integrated with FABDEM for the simulation of compound flooding caused by Tropical Cyclone Idai near Beira, Mozambique, using the LISFLOOD-FP hydrodynamic model. This simulation incorporates coastal water levels from the ADCIRC model as downstream boundary conditions, river discharge data from the ERA5-driven ECLand model as upstream boundary conditions, and precipitation data from ERA5 to drive the LISFLOOD-FP model. A unique aspect of this study is the calibration of the LISFLOOD-FP model using SWOT surface water elevations. This integrated approach enables accurate compound flood simulation in data-sparse regions. By integrating diverse data sources, this research enhances understanding of flood risks from tropical cyclones and provides a framework for enhanced early warning systems and mitigation strategies in data-sparse coastal regions.

How to cite: Su, X., Neal, J., Dass, G., Hawker, L., Prudhomme, C., and Bingham, R.: Leveraging SWOT Surface Data for River Bathymetry Estimation and Compound Flood Model Calibration in Data-Sparse Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12482,, 2025.

In streams and rivers, elevated level of microbial pollution is a major concern because it can impact public and animal health negatively, and has potential to transport infectious diseases and outbreaks from upstream to downstream. During storm and extreme precipitation events, flood water containing runoff, overflowing septic tanks,  untreated water, sediment particles, and particle attached pathogens and fecal coliforms, and consequential microbial contamination poses substantial risks to human health, and mitigating these risks requires understanding of pathogen fate and transport at catchment and subbasins scales. The use of catchment hydrology driven model can be particularly useful for predicting microbial pollution in ambient water during flood events. In this study, a FORTRAN based program was developed to determine the particle attached and water borne pathogen transport in river and streams, and the model was integrated with the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) tool to determine the microbial pathogen levels in rivers and streams to evaluate microbial water risks and microbial loads in water column and bed sediments during storm and flood events

How to cite: pandey, P.: Harnessing catchment hydrology and soil and water assessment tools for predicting microbial pollution in rivers and streams during flood events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14799,, 2025.

Ernakulam district in Kerala, India, has experienced frequent flooding in recent years due to a combination of natural and human-induced factors. Heavy monsoon rainfall often overwhelms the district’s drainage systems, resulting in widespread flooding. The low-lying terrain, with many areas below sea level, further exacerbates the issue. The district’s coastal location exposes it to storm surges, tidal flooding, and sea-level rise. High sea levels and storm surges can physically block rivers and streams from discharging water into the ocean, compounding the flooding problem. Rapid urbanization and infrastructure development have significantly altered the district’s landscape. The construction of buildings, roads, and other structures has obstructed natural drainage channels, while deforestation and land-use changes, such as converting wetlands and paddy fields into residential or commercial areas, have diminished natural flood buffers. Additionally, poorly maintained or clogged drainage systems hinder efficient water flow. Climate change is projected to increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including heavy rainfall, making the district even more vulnerable to future flooding.

The 2018 Kerala floods severely affected Ernakulam district, triggered by heavy rainfall, dam releases, and other factors. To analyze the flood inundation dynamics, a hydrodynamic simulation was conducted using the HEC-RAS software developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers’ Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC). The study focused on a segment of the Periyar River Basin between Kalady and Mangalapuzha. The simulation incorporated the basin’s physical, hydrological, and operational attributes, such as inflow sources, tributaries, seasonal flow patterns influenced by monsoon rainfall, and the generation of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for delineating the watershed and river network. Hydrodynamic models are based on the numerical integration of momentum and mass conservation equations, describing the physical processes in the basin (World Meteorological Organization, 2009). These models, such as HEC-RAS, are powerful tools for predicting water levels, current velocities, waves, and sediment transport, particularly in regions with sparse field measurements. Using the Saint-Venant equations, the HEC-RAS model accounts for factors like travel time between two points along the river, slope, cross-section, water flow, and dynamic velocity. The equations are solved using the four-point implicit box finite difference scheme to estimate discharge and water surface elevation at specific points. Observed rainfall and discharge data from peak flood events during the 2018 monsoon were used for the simulations. On July 16, 2018, the peak discharge at the Kalady station (upstream) was recorded at 5107.89 m³/s. The downstream station at Mangalapuzha, located approximately 22 km away, also observed significant discharge levels. A key finding from the flood simulation was the complete inundation of the Cochin International Airport (CIAL), situated on the outer banks of the river. The airport’s runway, aligned roughly parallel to the river, was submerged during the flooding. The recurrence of similar rainfall events, coupled with flood-induced river discharges, poses a persistent threat to critical infrastructure such as CIAL. Hence, the Government of Kerala must develop and implement effective flood mitigation strategies to minimize future risks and damages.

How to cite: Rajamanickam, M. G., Moothedan, A. J., and Kochukrishnan, M.: Hydrodynamic Simulation and Flood Inundation Analysis for Framing Robust Flood Management Strategies: Insights from the 2018 Kerala Floods , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15064,, 2025.

EGU25-15123 | ECS | PICO | HS2.4.8

Advancing River Discharge Monitoring in Ungauged Basins Using Satellite Altimetry and SWOT Observations 

Pankaj R. Dhote, Ankit Agarwal, and Praveen K. Thakur

Monitoring inland water bodies is essential for understanding the hydrological cycle, environmental balance, and atmospheric processes within the Earth system. Effective water resource management, ecosystem sustainability, and insights into hydrological processes rely heavily on accurate river discharge monitoring. Traditionally, in-situ gauging stations have been used to measure river discharge, but the global network of these stations is limited due to high costs, accessibility issues, and political and economic challenges. Over recent decades, the number of in-situ stations has declined, leading to a growing reliance on remote sensing techniques for river discharge estimation. For the past 30 years, satellite radar altimetry has proven to be an invaluable tool for measuring water surface elevation. Efforts to convert altimetry-derived water levels into river discharge have employed various algorithms. The recently launched Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission, on December 15, 2022, offers global measurements of water surface elevation, river width, and slope, providing significant advantages over previous missions, including enhanced spatial-temporal coverage of continental water bodies. This study evaluates hydraulic parameters derived from satellite altimetry over the past three decades, focusing on their application in estimating river discharge at ungauged locations. Data from radar and laser altimeters, including Jason-2/3, SARAL/AltiKa, Sentinel-3A/3B, ICESat-1, and ICESat-2, were used to analyze water level variations over the Mahanadi and Ganga Rivers. Altimetry-derived water levels were validated against in-situ observations at virtual stations, revealing improvements in data quality over time. Lidar-based altimeters, with their small footprint, proved particularly effective in capturing water levels in narrow river reaches. Early SWOT performance evaluations show promising results for Water Surface Slope (WSS) estimation, demonstrating moderate agreement with GNSS-based measurements. The strong KaRIn backscatter from river channels facilitates river width delineation through thresholding. Additionally, laser altimeters offer a promising approach for approximating river bathymetry efficiently and non-invasively. This study also harnesses ICESat-2 data to approximate wet bathymetry within the Ganga River. For discharge monitoring at ungauged locations, altimetry data from Jason-2, Jason-3, SARAL/AltiKa, Sentinel-3A, and Sentinel-3B were used to evaluate hydrodynamic model-based rating curves along the Mahanadi River. Using the HEC-RAS hydrodynamic model, seven virtual stations were identified between Boudh and Mundali Barrage. These rating curves provide a cost-effective method for monitoring river discharge at ungauged sites. This work offers a comprehensive evaluation of altimetry and SWOT datasets, highlighting their accuracy, advantages, limitations, and implications for river discharge estimation.

How to cite: Dhote, P. R., Agarwal, A., and Thakur, P. K.: Advancing River Discharge Monitoring in Ungauged Basins Using Satellite Altimetry and SWOT Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15123,, 2025.

EGU25-15156 | PICO | HS2.4.8

Integrated Machine Learning and Hydrodynamic Modeling for Flood Susceptibility Mapping in the Lower Narmada River Basin, India 

Indra Mani Tripathi, Pramod Limbore, and Pranab Kumar Mohapatra

Floods are among the most destructive natural disasters, causing significant economic, social, and environmental impacts, particularly in developing countries like India. Settlements in flood-prone areas and a lack of information and awareness exacerbate flood risks. This study proposes an integrated framework combining machine learning and a hydrodynamic model (HECRAS) to map flood susceptibility in the lower Narmada River basin, India. For this purpose, the study evaluates and applies Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Random Forest (RF), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to develop flood susceptibility maps. The framework incorporates flood hazard factors such as elevation, topographical wetness index, slope, distance from the river network, drainage density, rainfall, and landuse landcover (LULC) characteristics, along with vulnerability factors like population density, agricultural production, and road–river intersections. The model will be trained using flood depth data from the hydrodynamic model. Moreover, the HECRAS model will be validated with historical flood events using Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) analysis from satellite imagery. The integrated approach is expected to achieve high predictive performance, with certain variables anticipated to be key contributors to flood risk. Results demonstrate the robustness of combining machine learning with hydrodynamic modeling for flood mapping, offering improved spatial and temporal accuracy. This study provides a reliable tool for policymakers and stakeholders to identify flood-prone areas, implement mitigation measures, and enhance flood disaster management strategies in the region.

How to cite: Tripathi, I. M., Limbore, P., and Mohapatra, P. K.: Integrated Machine Learning and Hydrodynamic Modeling for Flood Susceptibility Mapping in the Lower Narmada River Basin, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15156,, 2025.

EGU25-16231 | ECS | PICO | HS2.4.8

Multisensor monitoring and early warning of precipitation in mountain catchments prone to debris flow events  

Paolo Colosio, Chiara Marmaglio, Riccardo Bonomelli, and Roberto Ranzi and the Team of debris flow monitoring and control in the Central Italian Alps

Five major debris flow events occurred in the Central Italian Alps in 2012 (Val Rabbia), 2018 (Rio Rotiano), 2020 (Torrente Vallaro), 2021 (Torrente Blé) and 2022 (Torrenti Re di Niardo e Cobello) were monitored with a multi-sensor and multi-system approach to assess their probability of occurrence and the potential of early warning systems. The five events caused one victim and severe damages to a camping site, buildings, road and energy infrastructures, structural flood control systems  and the environment and the measured point rainfall intensity had a frequency between 1 over 10 to 200 years, with the 2022 event being an exceptional outlier. Monitoring systems included two C-band radars, raingauges, IR and MW satellite sensors, water level sensors, video cameras with geophysical sensors (geophones and infrasound). Operational results of MOLOCH, a non-hydrostatic high-resolution  0.0113 degrees (1.25 km) meteorological model were analysed to assess the predictability of the events. The conducted analyses indicate the reliability of radar reflectivity, processed by considering also the delay in the atmosphere to ground rainfall induced by the falling velocity of raindrops, in capturing the timing and the spatial pattern of rainfall, although the Z(R) transformation still needs event-based or event-type calibration. Satellite images processed through the MASHA algorithm were effective in the synoptic-scale event of 2018 but still not always for some convective events.  The same happens for the MOLOCH meteorological models. The results, although promising, indicate that  the predictability of such debris flow events in mountain areas, on average, is still problematic and merging the different sources of information is needed for an effective early warning.

How to cite: Colosio, P., Marmaglio, C., Bonomelli, R., and Ranzi, R. and the Team of debris flow monitoring and control in the Central Italian Alps: Multisensor monitoring and early warning of precipitation in mountain catchments prone to debris flow events , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16231,, 2025.

EGU25-16497 | ECS | PICO | HS2.4.8

Flood Inundation Management in the Narmada Basin: An AIML Application for the Upstream Area of Sardar Sarovar Dam 

Sunil Kumar, Aamer Majid Bhat, and Pranab Kumar Mohapatra

Recurrent flooding poses a significant threat to various sub-catchments of the Narmada River Basin, one of India's major river systems. This study focuses on the flood-prone sub-catchment area upstream of the Sardar Sarovar Dam, where impacts are particularly severe on tribal communities, forests, and the newly formed reservoir ecosystem. To enhance flood risk management, this research investigates the application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML) for high-resolution flood inundation mapping. The primary objective is to generate high-resolution flood inundation maps that surpass hydrological modelling in accuracy and spatial detail, enabling precise identification of vulnerable areas within the sub-catchment. A comprehensive dataset, including historical rainfall data (1990-2024) from IMD gridded data and local rain gauges, river discharge records from various gauging stations and a 12.5m resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM), is used to train and validate AIML models (Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Random Forests (RF), and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)). Beyond flood inundation, the models were employed to simulate the effects of various flood control measures, including optimized reservoir operation, embankment construction, and afforestation, to inform optimal implementation strategies. The results are expected to demonstrate the superior performance of AIML in capturing and predicting future flood inundations in the region. Based on error calculation, the performance of combined models is expected to be better than that of individual models. The findings will help develop targeted early warning systems, improved land-use planning, and evidence-based decision-making for sustainable flood risk management in the Narmada Basin and contribute to the broader application of AI for disaster risk reduction globally.

How to cite: Kumar, S., Bhat, A. M., and Mohapatra, P. K.: Flood Inundation Management in the Narmada Basin: An AIML Application for the Upstream Area of Sardar Sarovar Dam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16497,, 2025.

EGU25-17159 | PICO | HS2.4.8

Assessment of Geo-hazards and Mitigation Measures at Palchan Station, Manali (Himachal Pradesh) 

Dr. Amod kumar, Mahendra Kumar Arya, Rakesh Kumar, and Dr. Varunendra Dutta Mishra

Palchan station is located near Manali in the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh (India) at right bank of river Beas and Pagal Nallah along NH-3 at an altitude of 2400 meters (approx.), whereas village Palchan is located towards left bank. In the vicinity of this station, there are threats of avalanches in winters and flash floods during rainy season. The effect of avalanche and flood are studied for the safety measures of the Palchan station.

Three vulnerable points of the Pagal Nallah from where flood may likely to enter into the settlement area during peak flood discharge are considered for the further analysis. In addition to the field visit, optical remote sensing products of this area were also analysed to understand the topography of the terrain, characteristics of the avalanche sites and spreading of debris deposition. The satellite imageries are also used to study the extreme events.

Avalanche flow simulation software developed by DGRE is used to study the threat of avalanche hazard and it was found that the station is not located in the trajectory of avalanche flow path. To estimate the peak flood discharge of Pagal Nallah, different methodologies i.e. based on local flood level indication using Manning’s equation, rational method, Dicken’s formula and Inglis formula were used. The maximum discharge obtained from observed data is 1021 cumecs. The protection structure along the river embankment proposed at three locations each having dimensions 25 m long and 3 m high. These structures are proposed consisting of reinforced stone pitching having welded mesh made up of 10 mm diameter TMT bars at spacing of 35-50 cm C/C. Additionally, a synthetic rubber mat (25 mm thick) with accessories to be placed on top of water side vertical face of protection wall to impart abrasion resistance and provide high impact strength against flowing boulders of varying size from 50 cm to 150 cm.



How to cite: kumar, Dr. A., Arya, M. K., Kumar, R., and Mishra, Dr. V. D.: Assessment of Geo-hazards and Mitigation Measures at Palchan Station, Manali (Himachal Pradesh), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17159,, 2025.

EGU25-19880 | ECS | PICO | HS2.4.8

Monitoring, Modeling and Management of Glacial Lakes of Teesta Basin, India.  

Amit Bhadula, Rajeev Ranjan Prasad, and Rajat Gupta

Natural phenomena like rainfall, coupled with associated activities, have often turned calamities into disasters. In a country like India, endowed with densely populated areas and diverse geographical variations, unfortunate incidents like GLOFs, flash floods, and landslides have frequently proven catastrophically disastrous for the population, causing irreparable loss to life and property. While procedures for disaster management in the aftermath of such incidents exist, there is a pressing need to augment concrete methodologies for the prediction, monitoring, and management of GLOFs, especially concerning hydropower projects.

Interestingly, the Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.1°C since 1850 and is expected to increase further by 1.5°C within a few decades (IPCC, 2021). This rise will intensify the water cycle and accelerate climate change.

The recent flash floods on October 3–4, 2023, have emphasized the necessity for further studies on glacial lakes and their risk assessment. Most of these lakes are located in remote areas at altitudes of around 4,500 to 5,000 meters, making physical assessment a challenging task. To address this, NHPC has initiated a study for monitoring lakes across eight basins in close collaboration with National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad. This study focuses on more than 650 glacial lakes in the Teesta Basin, which are situated within the catchments of NHPC’s four hydropower projects: Rangit, Teesta-V, TLDP-III, and TLDP-IV.

This study aims to integrate Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Landsat 7 and 8 data to measure changes in the areas of glacial lakes over the past 10 years. The 650 lakes will be classified based on risk assessment parameters, including proximity to hydro-projects and settlements, rate of area change, size of the lake, and type of lake. Additionally, subsidence mapping will be incorporated into the classification model for enhanced accuracy.

The Google Earth Engine platform is being utilized to measure changes in lake areas, while Sentinel-1 data is used for time-series analysis of subsidence mapping around the lakes. The output of this study will enable the classification of lakes into five risk categories, which will serve as an input for developing an Early Warning System in later stages.

How to cite: Bhadula, A., Ranjan Prasad, R., and Gupta, R.: Monitoring, Modeling and Management of Glacial Lakes of Teesta Basin, India. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19880,, 2025.

The Assi River, once a vital cultural and ecological lifeline in the middle Ganga plain, has undergone significant degradation due to siltation, urban encroachment and channel disappearance. Historically an alluvial rivulet originating near Durvasha Rishi Ashram in Allahabad, took the shape of River Assi and after traversing around 120 km merges with the Ganga in Varanasi city. Currently, only the last 8 km retain any semblance of a river, with more than 90% of the upstream channel buried under silt. The degradation of River Assi catchment has led to the emergence of a new stream of the Morwa River, which drains the flows from the Assi's buried sections and join to River Varuna as a tributary. Using Landsat 5 imagery, SRTM DEM, NDVSI, and PCA of NDVI, this study identified the paleochannels of River Assi and reconstructed the its historical course. Additionally, hydrological modelling was done using Arc SWAT to delineate the sub-basins.

The altered hydrological dynamics of the River Assi have cascading impacts on downstream ecosystems, including the Varuna River basin, which has experienced increased flooding frequency and severity. Due to the disruption of natural drainage networks in River Assi catchment, In 2022, over 10,000 households were affected by flooding in the Varuna basin. Flood mapping using Sentinel-1 SAR data and Google Earth Engine (GEE) revealed that altered flow regimes in River Assi exacerbate water accumulation in River Varuna during monsoons. The study highlights the importance of restoring paleochannels to mitigate flooding and improved hydrological stability. The integration of high-resolution DEMs, land use data, and GEE tools provides a cost-effective approach in flood risk management and underscores the necessity of addressing upstream river concerns to safeguard flood-prone downstream basins.

How to cite: Singh, P. K., Mishra, A., and Ohri, A.: Impact of degradation of River Assi Catchment on Flood Dynamics of Varuna Basin in the Middle Ganga Plain (India), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20068,, 2025.

EGU25-21407 | ECS | PICO | HS2.4.8

Predicting Flood Dynamics in the Narmada Basin: Integrating LULC Projections with Hydrodynamic Modelling 

Kapil Rathod, Bhanu Parmar, Pranab Kumar Mohapatra, and Dhruvesh Patel

Flood risks in river basins are increasingly exacerbated by rapid Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) changes driven by urbanization, deforestation, and agricultural expansion. The Narmada basin, particularly its lower reaches, serves as a critical case study due to its hydrological importance, diverse landscapes, and susceptibility to monsoonal flooding. This study explores the interplay between evolving LULC patterns and flood dynamics in the lower Narmada basin through advanced machine learning and hydrological modelling techniques. The analysis starts by classifying historical and current LULC patterns using remote sensing data from Landsat and Sentinel-2, leveraging Support Vector Machine algorithms for accurate mapping. Future LULC scenarios are predicted using a Cellular Automata-Markov Chain model under various development trajectories. Rainfall data, combined with projected LULC maps, is processed through HEC-HMS to simulate rainfall-runoff relationships and estimate discharge. These discharge values are then used as inputs in HEC-RAS for detailed flood simulations, providing insights into flood extents and inundation depths under extreme rainfall events. Additionally, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks are employed to analyse and predict flood-prone areas by understanding the complex relationships between LULC changes, rainfall, and runoff. Preliminary findings reveal significant urban expansion and vegetation loss, intensifying flood risks in downstream regions, particularly near Bharuch city. Simulated inundation maps indicate substantial increases in flood extents in urbanized zones, emphasizing the need for adaptive land management strategies and optimized barrage operations. By combining AI-driven methodologies, hydrological modelling (HEC-HMS), and hydrodynamic simulations (HEC-RAS), this study offers a comprehensive framework for addressing flood risks in rapidly transforming landscapes. The results provide actionable recommendations for urban planning, flood mitigation policies, and sustainable water resource management in the Narmada basin.

How to cite: Rathod, K., Parmar, B., Mohapatra, P. K., and Patel, D.: Predicting Flood Dynamics in the Narmada Basin: Integrating LULC Projections with Hydrodynamic Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21407,, 2025.

EGU25-21622 | ECS | PICO | HS2.4.8

Unravelling artificial intelligence in resources planning and flood disaster mitigation 

Abhinav Kaushal Keshari and Tushar Srivastava

Flood disaster has become an increasingly complex global challenge as it poses a big threat to people’s life, infrastructure, economic development and several industrial activities. It necessitates the development of innovative solutions for the improved understanding of flood events as it adversely impacts human and their livelihood, infrastructure and business economies in the flood prone areas. AI and machine learning techniques have huge potential which can be harnessed to improve the understanding of growing frequency, extent, severity, and complexity of flood events in different regions. The present study delves into the burgeoning domain of AI techniques such as Generative AI, Explainable AI, and machine learning algorithms for their use through cloud computing in providing greater insights into the voluminous flood related meta data streaming from diverse multiple sources for developing decision-making tools for flood warning, flood preparedness, and flood resilience infrastructure information systems. The study shows that there is a significant increase in the use of these techniques in addressing a wide range of problems that concern the public at large, such as flood, health, real state, livelihood, etc. Based on the findings of rigorous literature review and case studies, the present study also identifies future key research directions that can serve as a guideline for unravelling the power of AI and machine learning algorithms in prediction, interpretation, and deciphering intricate relationships among variables, determinants and consequences associated with flood disaster and resources planning and management for mitigating the adverse consequences of the flood. The study would be useful to various stakeholders in making informed decisions through AI powered algorithms and tools for evolving effective, systematic and trustworthy management strategies for resources planning and mitigating flood disaster.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Cloud computing, Flood disaster, Resources planning

How to cite: Keshari, A. K. and Srivastava, T.: Unravelling artificial intelligence in resources planning and flood disaster mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21622,, 2025.

EGU25-21660 | ECS | PICO | HS2.4.8

Combining Unconventional Remote Sensing Techniques with Hydrological Variables to Assess the Impact of Land Use and Climate Variability in River Catchment

Vijeta Singh, Sumant Kumar, Arpan Sherring, Shakti Suryavanshi, and Vinod Kumar

EGU25-1559 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.28

Changing characteristics of Western Disturbances precipitation over Western Himalayas  

Pooja Pooja and Ashok Priyadarshan Dimri

The Indian subcontinent experiences winter precipitation (December, January, and February) due to Western Disturbances (WDs), which are synoptic scale weather systems embedded in subtropical westerly jets (SWJs) at upper tropospheric levels. For Himalayan rivers, WDs precipitation is crucial for hydrological budget as it causes heavy precipitation, flooding, and snowfall. The precipitation caused by WDs is beneficial for agricultural activities such as sowing of wheat crop, barley etc. WDs and NON-WDs precipitation are classified into active and break phase. Active and break peaks of WDs and NON-WDs are computed based on the maximum precipitation occurring in each WDs and NON-WDs days. This study, highlights the changes in precipitation climatology of active WDs and NON-WDs during 1987-2020 using hourly ERA5 reanalysis dataset. Various statistical techniques such as Theil-Sen slope test is used to calculate the trend and to investigate the decline in frequency of active WDs precipitation. Further, the structure, dynamics, and moisture availability associated with changing WDs and NON-WDs are also examined in this work.  It has been observed that some characteristics of WDs have changed in the recent decade due to climate change. This is associated with decrease in active WDs precipitation but the precipitation amount is increasing in the recent years. Active WDs precipitation pattern has primarily been shifted towards the months of January and February. The dynamics showed that active NON-WDs days derive moisture from Bay of Bengal region which is due to ‘Ω shape’ amalgamated structure and ‘∞ shape’ wind formation leading to precipitation forming mechanism over Western Himalayas. This study helps in insightful understanding of WDs and NON-WDs precipitation during the recent years which is necessary to improve headwater storage policies and meet agricultural demands.

How to cite: Pooja, P. and Dimri, A. P.: Changing characteristics of Western Disturbances precipitation over Western Himalayas , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1559,, 2025.

EGU25-2146 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.28

Is Europe becoming stormier? Extratropical cyclone clustering over the last century 

Zhi-Bo Li, Céline Heuzé, Jianing Song, and Deliang Chen

Extratropical cyclone clustering significantly impacts European weather extremes, such as heavy rainfall, strong winds, and flooding, often causing severe socio-economic consequences. Despite its importance, the long-term trends and variability of cyclone clustering remain poorly understood. In this work, we analyze the temporal and spatial evolution of extratropical cyclone clustering affecting Europe from 1940 to 2024, utilizing the high-resolution hourly ERA5 reanalysis dataset. This study provides unprecedented insights into century-scale changes in storminess and explores the underlying mechanisms driving these patterns. Our findings aim to enhance the understanding of extratropical cyclone behavior and their potential links to climate change, offering critical implications for risk assessment and adaptation strategies in Europe.

How to cite: Li, Z.-B., Heuzé, C., Song, J., and Chen, D.: Is Europe becoming stormier? Extratropical cyclone clustering over the last century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2146,, 2025.

EGU25-2792 | Orals | AS1.28

Asymmetric hysteresis response of mid-latitude storm tracks to CO2 removal 

seok-woo son, Jaeyoung Hwang, Chaim I. Garfinkel, Tim Woollings, Hyunsuk Yoon, Soon-Il An, Sang-Wook Yeh, Seung-Ki Min, Jong-Seong Kug, and Jongsoo Shin

In a warming climate, storm tracks are projected to intensify on their poleward side. Here we use large-ensemble CO2 ramp-up and ramp-down simulations to show that these changes are not reversed when CO2 concentrations are reduced. If CO2 is removed from the atmosphere following CO2 increase, the North Atlantic storm track keeps strengthening until the middle of the CO2 removal, while the recovery of the North Pacific storm track during ramp-down is stronger than its shift during ramp-up. By contrast, the Southern Hemisphere storm track weakens during ramp-down at a rate much faster than its strengthening in the warming period. Compared with the present climate, the Northern Hemisphere storm track becomes stronger and the Southern Hemisphere storm track becomes weaker at the end of CO2 removal. These hemispherically asymmetric storm-track responses are attributable to the weakened Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and the delayed cooling of the Southern Ocean.

How to cite: son, S., Hwang, J., Garfinkel, C. I., Woollings, T., Yoon, H., An, S.-I., Yeh, S.-W., Min, S.-K., Kug, J.-S., and Shin, J.: Asymmetric hysteresis response of mid-latitude storm tracks to CO2 removal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2792,, 2025.

The Tibetan Plateau (TP), known as the "Asian Water Tower," plays a crucial role in regional water resources, with summer storms contributing significantly to annual precipitation. However, the spatial structural changes of these storms remain understudied. This study analyzed satellite-retrieved precipitation data from 2001 to 2020 to investigate the changes in the spatial structure of summer storms over the TP and their underlying mechanisms. Results showed distinct regional differences: in the monsoon-dominated zone, reduced precipitation particularly at the storm center, led to a "dulling" of storm structures. In contrast, in the westerly-dominated and transition zones, a greater increase in precipitation was found at the center compared to other regions of storms, especially for extreme storms, resulted in a "sharpening" of storm structures. Ignoring the changes of spatial structural changes may overestimate the changes of storm-induced precipitation. Further analysis linked these changes to dynamic environmental factors, particularly stronger variations in vertical velocity near the storm center, driven by large-scale circulation changes around the TP.

How to cite: Jin, G. and Zou, L.: Spatial structural changes of summer storms over the Tibetan Plateau during 2001-2020 based on GPM IMERG data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2966,, 2025.

EGU25-5700 | ECS | Orals | AS1.28

Cloud-radiative impact on the dynamics of extratropical cyclones during NAWDEX 

Behrooz Keshtgar, Aiko Voigt, and Corinna Hoose

Cloud-radiative heating (CRH) affects the dynamics of extratropical cyclones and near-tropopause circulations. Previous studies on the impact of CRH were mostly limited to simulations of idealized baroclinic life cycles. To bridge the gap between idealized studies and practical applications, we investigate the impact of CRH on the dynamics of North Atlantic cyclones. Using the ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) model, we simulate four cyclones during the North Atlantic Waveguide and Downstream Impact Experiment (NAWDEX) field campaign, and apply the Clouds On-Off Klimate model Intercomparison Experiment (COOKIE) method to compare simulations with and without CRH. We find that CRH systematically affects latent heating, vertical motion, and precipitation rates within the ascending regions of the cyclones, and that the impact of CRH is more prominent at upper levels. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of CRH on near-tropopause dynamics by diagnosing the evolution of differences in potential vorticity (PV). Consistent with idealized studies, CRH affects North Atlantic cyclones and PV near the tropopause mainly through changes in latent heating, and subsequently through changes in the divergent and rotational flows. Finally, we perform simulations with different ice optical parameterizations and radiation solvers. These simulations show that uncertainties in CRH can indeed affect the evolution of cyclones and PV near the tropopause. Our study highlights the importance of correctly simulating CRH for model predictions of extratropical cyclones.

How to cite: Keshtgar, B., Voigt, A., and Hoose, C.: Cloud-radiative impact on the dynamics of extratropical cyclones during NAWDEX, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5700,, 2025.

EGU25-6430 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.28

Is Europe under UNSEEN Risk of Cyclones of Tropical Origin? 

Kelvin S. Ng and Gregor C. Leckebusch

Traditionally, European windstorms – the costliest meteorological hazards in Europe, are associated with extratropical cyclones in winter. However, in recent years, unorthodox cyclones such as Ophelia (2017), Leslie (2018), and Kirk (2024) have had noticeable impacts on Europe during autumn. These cyclones, referred to as Cyclones of Tropical Origin (CTOs), form in tropical or subtropical regions and can migrate toward Europe during their lifecycle. Although CTOs do not always cause significant impacts, they can exhibit exceptional intensity, posing unique hazards distinct from typical extratropical cyclones.

This raises important questions: Are these isolated events? Will these events become more common in future climates? Current efforts to quantify the risk posed by CTOs are hindered by limited observational data and an incomplete theoretical understanding of these phenomena. As a result, Europe may face an unseen hazard from CTOs.

In this presentation, we analyse CTO events using a physically consistent UNSEEN event set constructed from twentieth-century seasonal hindcast outputs (CSF-20C and SEAS5-20C). Our results show that while CTOs are rare, they are not isolated. We examine the interdecadal variability of CTO impact potentials—including wind, rainfall, and compound hazards—and assess their impact probabilities during the twentieth century. Finally, we present preliminary findings that highlight the genuine and previously unseen risk posed by CTOs to Europe.

How to cite: Ng, K. S. and Leckebusch, G. C.: Is Europe under UNSEEN Risk of Cyclones of Tropical Origin?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6430,, 2025.

EGU25-6685 | ECS | Orals | AS1.28

Forced trends and internal variability in projections of European windstorms associated with extratropical cyclones 

Matthew Priestley, David Stephenson, Adam Scaife, and Daniel Bannister

Climate change projections of windstorms associated with extratropical cyclones for Europe are highly uncertain. This is due to differences between models and large internal variability present. Furthermore, year-to-year variations are very high, and the different representations of the driving extratropical cyclones are large, resulting in any forced changes from a warming climate being hard to detect. Windstorms and the associated extratropical cyclones are objectively identified in 20 CMIP6 models, and then Generalized Linear Models and a weighted median estimation are used to extract forced trends for a number of storm impact metrics. Trends are assessed over time, but also as a function of global mean surface temperature changes. Trends in aggregate severity are attributed to changes in storm average severity, frequency, and area impacted, with changes in area being the dominant driver of changes to average storm severity. Using a large ensemble we find that trends between individual members can vary significantly, however the uncertainty due to internal variability is generally 2-3 times lower than model variability. With largest uncertainty coming from model differences, a large proportion of uncertainty in future windstorms is therefore potentially reducible with modelling advances.

How to cite: Priestley, M., Stephenson, D., Scaife, A., and Bannister, D.: Forced trends and internal variability in projections of European windstorms associated with extratropical cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6685,, 2025.

EGU25-9818 | ECS | Orals | AS1.28

CMIP6 Multi-model Assessment of Northeast Atlantic and German Bight Storm Activity 

Daniel Krieger and Ralf Weisse

We assess the evolution of Northeast Atlantic and German Bight storm activity in the CMIP6 multi-model ensemble, as well as the Max Planck Institute Grand Ensemble with CMIP6 forcing (MPI-GE), using historical forcing and three emission scenarios. We define storm activity as upper percentiles of geostrophic wind speeds, obtained from horizontal gradients of mean sea-level pressure. We detect robust downward trends for Northeast Atlantic storm activity in all scenarios, and weaker but still downward trends for German Bight storm activity. In both the multi-model ensemble and the MPI-GE, we find a projected increase in the frequency of westerly winds over the Northeast Atlantic and northwesterly winds over the German Bight, and a decrease in the frequency of easterly and southerly winds over the respective regions. We also show that despite the projected increase in the frequency of wind directions associated with increased cyclonic activity, the upper percentiles of wind speeds from these directions decrease, leading to lower overall storm activity. Lastly, we detect that the change in wind speeds strongly depends on the region and percentile considered, and that the most extreme storms may become stronger or more likely in the German Bight in a future climate despite reduced overall storm activity.

How to cite: Krieger, D. and Weisse, R.: CMIP6 Multi-model Assessment of Northeast Atlantic and German Bight Storm Activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9818,, 2025.

EGU25-10092 | ECS | Orals | AS1.28

Intensity-based classification of North Atlantic and European extratropical cyclones 

Joona Cornér, Clément Bouvier, Benjamin Doiteau, Florian Pantillon, and Victoria A. Sinclair

Most of the day-to-day variability in weather in Europe, including damaging events, is caused by extratropical cyclones (ETCs). ETCs are very different from one another and to more easily study their development, intensity, and structure, various ETC classification schemes have been proposed. Here, we propose an intensity-based scheme in which we first identify necessary ETC intensity measures to describe ETC intensity comprehensively from both dynamical and impact-relevant perspective, and then use them to produce an ETC classification.

ERA5 reanalysis data from 1979 to 2022 was used to track ETCs and compute their intensity measures in the extended winter season (October-March). A total of 7361 ETC tracks were identified in the North Atlantic and Europe. Eleven intensity measures were analysed including 850-hPa relative vorticity, mean sea level pressure, wind speeds at various levels, wind gust, wind footprint, precipitation, and storm severity index. Among the 11 intensity measures, relevant ones were identified by analysing their correlation with each other combined with a sparse principal component analysis (sPCA). The selected measures were used to classify the ETCs by performing a cluster analysis with Gaussian mixture modelling.

Based on the sPCA and relationships between the intensity measures, the set was reduced to 5 measures: 850-hPa relative vorticity, 850-hPa wind speed, wind footprint, precipitation, and storm severity index. Therefore, to describe ETC intensity comprehensively, one needs to use more than one or two intensity measures. The cluster analysis with these 5 measures as input produced 4 discernible clusters. Between these clusters ETCs differed in terms of their intensity, life cycle characteristics, and geographical location. Despite only 9 % of all ETCs belonging to the most intense cluster, it contained 17 out of 21 investigated impactful named storms, which demonstrates the relevance of the classification and its ability to identify potentially impactful ETCs.

How to cite: Cornér, J., Bouvier, C., Doiteau, B., Pantillon, F., and Sinclair, V. A.: Intensity-based classification of North Atlantic and European extratropical cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10092,, 2025.

EGU25-10733 | Posters on site | AS1.28

Multi-model assessment of hazard uncertainties in a European windstorm NatCat model 

Hugo Rakotoarimanga, Rémi Meynadier, Gabriele Messori, and Joaquim G. Pinto

Extra-tropical winter storms are one of the most impactful natural hazards for the European insurance market causing large socio-economic damages.

AXA has been developing stochastic natural hazard models (also called natural catastrophe models) to quantify the impact of such events on its portfolios, including European extra-tropical cyclones. However, the correct representation of windspeeds and their spatial distribution across Europe during a storm is crucial to determine the risk posed by an event. The characterization of uncertainties in natural catastrophe models stemming from the hazard data used and its resolution is crucial to understand their limitations and guide decision-making.

We rely on a novel publicly available dataset of 50 extreme European windstorms for the period 1995–2015 (Flynn et al., 2024; doi:10.5194/essd-2024-298) with wind gust footprints derived consistently from four different datasets with different horizontal resolutions. Risk being a function of hazard, vulnerability and exposure, we set constant vulnerability and portfolio, and we quantify the range of uncertainties in the reproduction of historical insured losses stemming from the sole hazard component. We compare the losses derived from AXA’s model to the range of losses derived from this novel extreme windstorms dataset.

How to cite: Rakotoarimanga, H., Meynadier, R., Messori, G., and Pinto, J. G.: Multi-model assessment of hazard uncertainties in a European windstorm NatCat model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10733,, 2025.

EGU25-14002 | ECS | Orals | AS1.28

Resolution-Dependent Impact of Extratropical Cyclones on Winter U.S. Precipitation Bias in the GFDL SPEAR Model 

Jaeyeon Lee, Xiaosong Yang, and Edmund Chang

Extratropical cyclones (ETCs) are the primary drivers of winter precipitation across the United States, accounting for up to 85% of total precipitation. This study uses the GFDL SPEAR models at atmospheric resolutions of 100 km, 50 km, and 25 km to examine how ETC dynamics impact precipitation patterns and biases across the United States. Higher-resolution models reduce ETC-related precipitation biases in the Southwest and Midwest but increase biases in coastal regions, including the West Coast and the Eastern United States. To understand these biases, we decompose ETC-related precipitation biases into those driven by precipitation frequency and intensity. Coastal precipitation biases are mainly due to overestimations of both the occurrence and intensity of precipitation, which are related to ETC frequency and intensity, respectively. In inland areas, biases are largely driven by occurrence bias associated with ETC frequency. Notably, higher-resolution models simulate amplified ETC frequency and intensity biases in coastal regions, while showing a decrease in ETC frequency bias in inland regions. This increase is especially linked to the overestimation of small-scale ETCs, which considerably inflate frequency-driven precipitation bias. Additionally, improvements in AMIP runs suggest that these biases are partly connected to SST bias. These findings emphasize the sensitivity of precipitation representation to ETC dynamics and underscore the importance of addressing resolution-dependent and SST related biases to improve midlatitude precipitation simulations in climate models.

How to cite: Lee, J., Yang, X., and Chang, E.: Resolution-Dependent Impact of Extratropical Cyclones on Winter U.S. Precipitation Bias in the GFDL SPEAR Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14002,, 2025.

EGU25-14515 | Orals | AS1.28

Warm core intensification of a Tasman Sea cyclone linked to Coral Sea sea-surface temperatures. 

Christopher Chambers, Yi Huang, and Dale Roberts

In early June 2016 a large rainband with an embedded subtropical cyclone, associated with a deep upper-level trough, brought extensive heavy rainfall along Australia’s east coast, from southern Queensland to Tasmania. In the lead-up to this event, sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) in the Coral and Tasman Seas were the warmest on record for the time of year. 
To investigate how the anomalously high SST, and its distribution, influenced the development of the cyclone, a high-resolution configuration of the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator (ACCESS) over Australia, known as AUS2200, has been run under different SST scenarios. All simulations were run from 0000 UTC 3 June to 0000 UTC 8 June 2016, and use ERA5 data for the SST calculations.
A more intense subtropical cyclone develops off the New South Wales (NSW) coast in two simulations run with observed SST — one with fixed initial SST (Control) and the other with daily evolving SST (Evolving) — compared with a simulation using 3 June climatological SST (Climatology). The cyclone also stalls longer near the NSW coast in the observed SST runs.
Two additional simulations examine the role of the East Australian Current in the Tasman Sea. One smooths a prominent warm eddy (Smooth), and another replaces the Tasman Sea SST with climatological values (Tasclim). Both simulations retain the cyclone intensification seen in Control. A final simulation that replaces the Coral Sea SST with climatological values (Corclim) produces a weaker cyclone similar to Climatology.
Taken together, the results indicate that the anomalously warm Coral Sea SSTs were more important for the cyclone intensification than those of the Tasman Sea even though the greatest intensification occurred over the Tasman Sea. The greater cyclone intensity and slower southward movement over the Tasman Sea resulted in stronger and more prolonged onshore winds along the southern NSW coast, increasing the potential for coastal damage.
The greater intensity of the subtropical cyclone seen in Control, Evolving, Smooth, and Tasclim is associated with the formation of a warmer deep-tropospheric storm core than seen in Climatology and Corclim. This is linked to a greater reservoir of deep-tropospheric warm air that develops when using observed SST over the Coral Sea. These findings highlight the critical role of the Coral Sea’s warm SST as a driver of the cyclone’s development and intensification.

How to cite: Chambers, C., Huang, Y., and Roberts, D.: Warm core intensification of a Tasman Sea cyclone linked to Coral Sea sea-surface temperatures., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14515,, 2025.

EGU25-15033 | Posters on site | AS1.28

Explicit risk modelling of sting-jet extratropical cyclones.  

Emmanouil Flaounas, Remi Meynadier, Hugo Rakotoarimanga, Anyssa Diouf, and Rudy Mustafa

Extratropical cyclones (ETCs) are a major hazard for Europe as they cause most of the windstorms and floods in the mid-latitudes, resulting in high economic and social costs.

Sting jets (SJ) are responsible for windstorm damages well ahead the cyclone center. In this study we employ dedicated diagnostics and modeling approaches that identify -along with cyclone tracks- the spatial extent where actual impacts take place. The fine scales of processes involved in SJ generation demand exceptionally high spatial resolutions and dense vertical levels in model simulations (Rivière et al. 2020).

In this study we use the WRF model to simulate 143 historical ETC from 1980 to 2018 that potentially involve SJs. The model simulations use two domains: one parent domain that encompasses the whole cyclone track at a resolution of about 15 km, and another, square-sized domain with each side measuring 1300 km. The nested domain always follows the ETC centers, aiming to resolve explicitly the development of SJs. SJ detection has been achieved through lagrangian modeling, by identifying airstreams that sharply descend ahead of the cloud head and behind the cold front of the cyclones. Historical ETC footprints from ERA-5 and WRF physical downscaling of ERA-5 in convection-permitting resolutions are then used to assess the impact in term of financial losses of an explicit simulation of sting-jets processes.

How to cite: Flaounas, E., Meynadier, R., Rakotoarimanga, H., Diouf, A., and Mustafa, R.: Explicit risk modelling of sting-jet extratropical cyclones. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15033,, 2025.

Atmospheric bomb cyclones that form off the United States east coast are high impact, complex weather systems. Many ingredients must come together to produce a storm of this magnitude. In recent years, high-resolution studies have indicated that one such critical ingredient is fine-scale Gulf Stream sea-surface temperature (SST) variability. However, studies still lack consensus on which particular aspect of the variability is most critical (e.g. absolute SST vs. the SST gradient, pre-conditioning vs. direct influence). Through novel high-resolution simulations in Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2), this study attempts to isolate the influence of the fine-scale SST gradient specifically, motivated by the impact fine-scale heat flux gradients are expected to have on lower-level frontogenesis and subsequent cyclone development. Through targeted fine-scale SST gradient perturbations, the results illustrate how preexisting SST gradients can impact the frequency and intensity of bomb cyclones and may offer useful information regarding seasonal forecasting of these systems.

How to cite: Hair, J., Parfitt, R., Wills, R., and Müller, J.: Investigating the Impact of Fine-Scale Gulf Stream SST Gradients on the Development of Bomb Cyclones in the Community Earth System Model 2, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15631,, 2025.

EGU25-15755 | Posters on site | AS1.28

Assessment of the origin of moisture for the precipitation of North-Atlantic extratropical cyclones 

Raquel Nieto, Patricia Coll-Hidalgo, José Carlos Fernández-Alvarez, and Luis Gimeno

This study uses high-resolution simulations and Lagrangian diagnostics to identify the sources of moisture contributing to precipitation at the deepest stage of extratropical cyclones (ECs) over the North Atlantic (NATL). Precipitation was associated with target regions defined by a radius, warm conveyor belt (WCB) footprint, and square root spiral contours centred on the cyclone. The NATL region was divided into sectors for detailed analysis. In the northern North Atlantic (NNATL), moisture sources extend westward across the ocean. Subtropical moisture supports precipitation in non-central areas of ECs, which intensify over the central and western NNATL. The moisture uptake patterns of ECs in the higher latitudes of the western North Atlantic (WNATL) are similar to those in the NNATL, with southwestward extension and moisture uptake from the eastern American coast. For ECs in the lower latitudes of the WNATL, moisture uptake is more symmetric around the cyclone centre, with major contributions from the Caribbean and limited moisture flow from the Gulf of Mexico due to migrating anticyclones. For ECs in the eastern NATL, moisture comes from the surrounding ocean. Overall, 75% of the moisture gain occurs below 600 hPa, with a significant concentration observed around 800 hPa. Continental mass influence is observed for ECs deepening near the coasts of East America and Western Europe. ECs at higher latitudes in the WNATL and NNATL exhibit extensive synoptic-scale disturbances, with moisture sources for WCB and spiral precipitation extending 3,000 to 4,000 km southwest of their centres. The most intense moisture uptake occurs over the WNATL, particularly for lower latitude ECs.

How to cite: Nieto, R., Coll-Hidalgo, P., Fernández-Alvarez, J. C., and Gimeno, L.: Assessment of the origin of moisture for the precipitation of North-Atlantic extratropical cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15755,, 2025.

We propose the first unified objective framework (SyCLoPS) for detecting and classifying all types of low-pressure systems (LPSs) in a given data set. We use the state-of-the-art automated feature tracking software TempestExtremes (TE) to detect and track LPS features globally in ERA5 and compute 16 parameters from commonly found atmospheric variables for classification. A Python classifier is implemented to classify all LPSs at once. The framework assigns 16 different labels (classes) to each LPS data point and designates four different types of high-impact LPS tracks, including tracks of tropical cyclone (TC), monsoonal system, and tropical-like cyclones (subtropical storm and polar low). The framework thus provides the first global tropical-like cyclones (TLC) detection scheme by detecting similar physical features to TCs among non-tropical system candidates and optimizing detection thresholds against subjective data sets. The vertical cross section composite of the four types of high-impact LPS we detect each shows distinct structural characteristics. 

The classification process involves disentangling high-altitude and drier LPSs, differentiating tropical and non-tropical LPSs using novel criteria, and optimizing for the detection of the four types of high-impact LPS. A comparison of our labels with those in the International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) revealed an overall accuracy of 95% in distinguishing between tropical systems, extratropical cyclones, and disturbances, and a median error of 6 hours in determining extratropical transition completion time. We demonstrate that the SyCLoPS framework is valuable for investigating various aspects of mid-latitude storms and post-TCs in climate data, such as the evolution of a single storm track at every stage, patterns of storm frequencies, and precipitation or wind influence associated with impactful mid-latitude storms.

How to cite: Han, Y. and Ullrich, P.: The System for Classification of Low-Pressure Systems (SyCLoPS): An All-In-One Objective Framework for Large-Scale Data Sets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15800,, 2025.

EGU25-16278 | Orals | AS1.28

Enhanced C3S Windstorm Service: A Novel Dataset of European Extratropical Cyclone Windstorms Based on ERA5 Reanalysis 

Lorenzo Sangelantoni, Stefano Tibaldi, Leone Cavicchia, Enrico Scoccimarro, Pier Luigi Vidale, Kevin Hodges, Vivien Mavel, Mattia Almansi, Chiara Cagnazzo, and Samuel Almond

Extratropical cyclones (ETCs) are dominant meteorological structures playing a crucial role in midlatitudes climate. ETCs are also responsible for heavy precipitation events, strong surface winds and wind gusts exposing populations to hazards and causing widespread and significant damages. The response of ETCs to a warming atmosphere is characterized by substantial uncertainty. This arises primarily from two key factors: significant inter-annual variability, which complicates trend detection, and the interplay of non-linear and potentially compensating mechanisms, which render future changes in the ETC climate challenging to evaluate, understand and predict. Additionally, North Atlantic ETC trend evaluation and understanding crucially depend on methodological analysis choices regarding datasets (e.g., observations, reanalysis, proxies, model simulations and analysis period) and approaches to examine storm features (i.e., Eulerian vs. Lagrangian).

Here, we present and preliminarily evaluate a novel dataset of European windstorms associated with ETCs based on the whole ERA5 reanalysis period (1940-present). This dataset is produced within the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Enhanced Operational Windstorm Service (EWS), to promote a knowledge-based assessment of the nature and temporal evolution of European windstorms associated with ETC. Such a dataset is primarily thought to provide high-quality, standardized data on windstorms which support various industrial sectors, particularly insurance and risk management, by offering insights into the intensity, frequency, vulnerability and impact of windstorms. EWS includes two datasets: windstorm tracks, based on two tracking algorithms (TRACK and TempestExtremes), and windstorm footprints, produced considering both original-resolution ERA5 variables and statistically downscaled ERA5 variables, with a target grid at 1 km resolution.

A preliminary analysis of the datasets shows increasing trends of cold-semester windstorm frequency and of the associated footprint magnitude over a portion of the European territory. The choice of the tracking algorithm is shown to be an important factor in the analysis process, as it results in non-negligible uncertainties in main windstorm statistics.


How to cite: Sangelantoni, L., Tibaldi, S., Cavicchia, L., Scoccimarro, E., Vidale, P. L., Hodges, K., Mavel, V., Almansi, M., Cagnazzo, C., and Almond, S.: Enhanced C3S Windstorm Service: A Novel Dataset of European Extratropical Cyclone Windstorms Based on ERA5 Reanalysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16278,, 2025.

EGU25-17891 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.28

Temporal clustering of severe European winter windstorms on intra-seasonal timescales and the explanatory power of large-scale modes 

Sophie Feltz, Kelvin Ng, Christopher Allen, Tim Kruschke, Michael Angus, Andrew Quinn, and Gregor C. Leckebusch

When severe European winter windstorms cluster in time, socioeconomic impacts and losses are magnified. Yet, the behaviour and drivers on shorter, intra-seasonal timescales have not been fully investigated. The impact-relevant footprint of the storm system is identified using the wind-based impact-oriented tracking algorithm WiTRACK (Leckebusch et al., 2008), for the core winter seasons (DJF) 1980/01-2022/23 from ERA5 reanalysis. Derived from a Poisson Process, we quantify the magnitude of clustering through the widely established dispersion statistic (Mailier et al., 2006). On fixed 45- and 30-day timescales, the spatial distribution of the dispersion statistic has been analysed. The time-development of the dispersion statistic on shorter time horizons is investigated through 21-, 15- and 11-day moving windows. Preliminary results reveal an increase in clustering in the latter half of the winter season on the fixed 45- and 30-day timescales. Shorter time horizons reveal clear peaks at the middle and the end of the season.

To analyse mechanisms that drive the defined intra-seasonal behaviour on the shorter time horizons (<30 -days), we examined the roles of several large-scale variability modes, namely the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the East Atlantic pattern (EA), and the Scandinavian pattern (SCA). Results reveal a correlation between intra-seasonal variability of clustering and the occurrence of such large-scale modes, suggesting the EA as a key driver for increasing clustering. In addition, the individual contributions of large-scale modes to clustering at different times of the season can be diagnosed.

How to cite: Feltz, S., Ng, K., Allen, C., Kruschke, T., Angus, M., Quinn, A., and Leckebusch, G. C.: Temporal clustering of severe European winter windstorms on intra-seasonal timescales and the explanatory power of large-scale modes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17891,, 2025.

EGU25-1214 | Orals | HS4.2

Meteorological drought variability in the Upper Vistula Basin in period 1961-2022 

Andrzej Wałęga, Agnieszka Wałęga, Alessandra De Marco, and Tommaso Caloiero

Drought is a natural phenomenon affecting many aspects of human activity, such as water scarcity, food production, agriculture, industry, and ecological conditions. For decades, drought has caused significant financial losses in Europe and worldwide. In the Polish Carpathians, periods with rainwater deficits and an increasing frequency of dry months—especially in the cold half of the year—have been observed. However, there are limited studies on the spatial and temporal variability of meteorological drought in this area.

The aim of this study is to conduct a spatial and temporal analysis of drought, expressed as the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), in the heterogeneous region of the Polish Carpathians and the highland areas in East-Central Europe, based on long-term precipitation data. Monthly precipitation data from 30 rainfall stations, collected between 1961 and 2022, were analyzed. The SPI as an indicator of meteorological drought for 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, 24-, and 48-month periods was calculated. The run theory was applied to identify the different drought events and to evaluate various drought characteristics: the number of drought events (N), the average drought duration (ADD), the average drought severity (ADS), and the average drought intensity (ADI).

As a result, N decreases with the increase of the time scale. In fact, a median of 59 and 15 events have been observed for the 3- and the 48-month SPI, respectively. The statistics of the ADD show an opposite behavior than N, with the lowest values corresponding to the 3-month SPI (median nearly 2 months) and the highest to the 48-month SPI (median of 8.8 months). Moreover, the variability in ADD increases with longer time aggregations. A similar behavior to ADD has been detected for the ADS at different temporal scales, with an average severity of 12.3 that occurred for the 48-month SPI. Finally, the ADI slightly decreases with the increase of the time scale, with the highest values observed for the 3-month SPI (1.48), and the lowest for the 48-month SPI (1.21).

The spatial distribution of the drought characteristics in the Upper Vistula Basin allows us to  identify the areas that could also face water stress conditions in the future, and which would thus require drought monitoring and adequate adaptation strategies. In particular, the northwestern part of the region, where soils have lower water-holding capacity and agriculture is more intensive than in the south, is particularly sensitive to drought.

How to cite: Wałęga, A., Wałęga, A., De Marco, A., and Caloiero, T.: Meteorological drought variability in the Upper Vistula Basin in period 1961-2022, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1214,, 2025.

EGU25-1742 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Flash droughts in the Dry Corridor of Central America: A case study in Nicaragua 

Ingrid Ubeda-Trujillo, Micha Werner, Claudia Bertini, Miriam Coenders-Gerrits, and Graham Jewitt

Flash droughts are increasingly impacting the Dry Corridor of Central America, particularly in regions dominated by rainfed agriculture, further exacerbating the pressures already faced by agriculture, ecosystems, and water resources management. These phenomena are distinct from the generally accepted concept of droughts due to their rapid intensification, often lasting for three weeks or more. Understanding how flash droughts occur and evolve, along with their impacts, is closely linked to the geographical and socioeconomic contexts of affected areas. This understanding is essential for effective monitoring and represents a critical component of drought management. This study examines the spatial and temporal characteristics of flash droughts in Nicaragua, providing a representative case for understanding regional patterns. The analysis utilizes evaporation and potential evaporation variables derived from remote sensing data. Key metrics—including spatial extent, frequency, duration, and severity of flash drought events—were identified and analyzed. The findings provide valuable insights into the dynamics of flash droughts in dry regions, contributing to efforts aimed at strengthening the resilience of socioeconomically and environmentally vulnerable communities.

How to cite: Ubeda-Trujillo, I., Werner, M., Bertini, C., Coenders-Gerrits, M., and Jewitt, G.: Flash droughts in the Dry Corridor of Central America: A case study in Nicaragua, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1742,, 2025.

EGU25-1779 | Orals | HS4.2

Climate-Resilient Water Management for Sub-Arctic Agriculture: Insights from Spatiotemporal modeling 

Alireza Gohari, Anandharuban Panchanathan, Mojtaba Naghdyzadegan Jahromi, and Ali Torabi Haghighi

Climate change, characterized by rising temperatures and increased weather extremes, poses risks to food security and water supply. Warmer temperatures allow northern regions to extend agricultural activities and cultivate alternative crops that necessitate longer growing seasons. However, the increase in hydrological extremes, such as droughts and heatwaves, poses a significant risk to agricultural productivity in northern Europe, especially in regions with no access to irrigation networks. This highlights the urgent need for implementing climate-resilient agricultural water management strategies such as controlled drainage and sub-irrigation, which offer potential benefits for productivity and nutrient runoff reduction. This study aims to assess hydrological deficits and excesses in the growing season across a sub-Arctic region by analyzing daily precipitation and evapotranspiration data. The model leverages gridded precipitation and evapotranspiration datasets with 1km resolution and crop coefficients to simulate daily water storage dynamics. Developing a computational model, we analyze the spatiotemporal pattern of maximum deficit and excess water from 1981 to 2023. Findings from the study provide valuable insights and a basis for calculating the water reservoir capacity to overcome the summer drought posed by climate change in agriculture. The model's results will be applied to developing flexible operation system support to manage (automate) tank-drainage systems during flash drought or heavy precipitation conditions.  

How to cite: Gohari, A., Panchanathan, A., Naghdyzadegan Jahromi, M., and Torabi Haghighi, A.: Climate-Resilient Water Management for Sub-Arctic Agriculture: Insights from Spatiotemporal modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1779,, 2025.

EGU25-2062 | Orals | HS4.2

Drought and water resource assessment at the national level in Italy from 1951 to today 

Stefano Mariani, Giovanni Braca, Barbara Lastoria, Robertino Tropeano, Marco Casaioli, Francesca Piva, Giulia Marchetti, and Martina Bussettini

The aim of the work is to present the analysis of droughts, water resource availability and water stress conditions in Italy obtained based on estimates from ISPRA's BIGBANG national hydrological water budget model. Trends and variations on the availability of water resources and on the occurrence, persistence and magnitude of the drought events that have affected Italy from 1951 to today will also be presented in relation to the current and future impacts of the climate change, with an indication of the impacts on the exposed assets, such as people and cultural assets.

Italy, located in the center of the Mediterranean, one of the hotspots of the climate crisis, can only expect an amplified impact of droughts, which, associated with the increase in temperatures, will lead to an ever-decreasing availability of water resources. In recent decades, Italy has been subject to increasingly frequent drought events affecting not only the southern and insular areas, but also the central-northern and continental areas, which have a generally more humid climate. The ISPRA national analyses show, starting from the 1950s, a statistically increasing trend in the percentages of territory subject to extreme drought on an annual scale. The periods in which the extreme drought conditions affected more than 20% of the national territory were 5, namely 1989-1990, 2002, 2012, 2017 and 2022. The first of these periods is part of the "great drought" that hit Italy in the three-year period 1988-1990, the other 4 are all after that period, while no episode of this magnitude was recorded in the preceding period. This increase in extreme drought events is likely due to climate change.

The increase in water crises is therefore attributable to a lower availability of water resources over the years due to a changing climate, with persistent periods of precipitation deficit and high temperatures, with a negative trend, statically significant observed at the national level by means of BIGBANG estimates from 1951 to today. 

The annual national availability of natural water resources in 2022 is estimated at 221.7 mm, equivalent to approximately 67 billion cubic meters, which represents the historical minimum from 1951 to today. This value outlines a reduction of approximately 50% compared to the average annual availability of water resources estimated at 441.9 mm (133.5 billion cubic meters) for the last thirty-year climatological period 1991-2020.

In 2023, the annual value of the renewable water resource is estimated at 372.2 mm, corresponding to 112.4 billion cubic meters, approximately 18% compared to the average annual availability of the long period 1951-2023, resulting from the combined effect of a precipitation deficit and an increase in water volumes of evapotranspiration. The decrease in natural availability of water resources in 2023 was made less severe compared to 2022 by the high volume of precipitation that fell in May, estimated at approximately 49 billion cubic meters, which was, at a national level, more than double the average volume for the same month.

Future projections highlight possible further reductions in water resources.

How to cite: Mariani, S., Braca, G., Lastoria, B., Tropeano, R., Casaioli, M., Piva, F., Marchetti, G., and Bussettini, M.: Drought and water resource assessment at the national level in Italy from 1951 to today, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2062,, 2025.

Droughts pose a major global challenge, particularly in Taiwan, where critical industries such as semiconductor manufacturing are significantly impacted. The mountainous terrain, which constitutes 70% of Taiwan, complicates the estimation of Land Surface Temperature (LST) due to surface heterogeneity. Accurate drought estimations necessitate consistent LST retrieval methods. This study employs a Machine Learning (ML)-based normalization method linked to surface variables to enhance LST accuracy. We introduce the Surface Water Availability and Temperature (SWAT), integrating the improved LST, Normalized Difference Latent Heat Index (NDLI), and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The SWAT, along with existing indices, was used to assess drought conditions in Taiwan from 2001 to 2023. These results were validated against satellite indicators such as the Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI) and Net Primary Productivity (NPP). Our findings reveal that the SWAT correlates strongly with the CWSI and NPP, indicating significantly higher sensitivity to drought status compared to existing indices. Additionally, the SWAT demonstrated high temporal consistency with the CWSI and NPP across most regions of Taiwan. Generally, the SWAT, supported by the ML-based LST normalization method, proves to be a robust index for monitoring drought conditions in mountainous regions.

How to cite: Liou, Y.-A. and Thai, M.-T.: Enhancing Drought Monitoring in Taiwan’s Mountainous Terrain Using the Surface Water Availability and Temperature (SWAT), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3056,, 2025.

EGU25-3500 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Snow drought propagation and its impacts on streamflow drought in the Alps 

Corentin Chartier-Rescan, Raul Wood, and Manuela I. Brunner

Snow droughts, that is negative anomalies in snow water equivalent, impact society as well as natural ecosystems in winter and influence the hydrological cycle downstream in spring and summer. Thereby, pronounced snow drought conditions can lead to streamflow droughts, i.e., anomalously low discharges, during the following melt season. Under continued global warming, the frequency and intensity of snow droughts are expected to increase. However, we still know little about the rate at which snow droughts propagate to subsequent streamflow droughts, the spatial patterns of such events, or the influence of snow droughts on the occurrence, intensity or duration of subsequent streamflow droughts. To quantify the link between snow and streamflow drought, we developed a snow drought propagation scheme, which dynamically identifies pairs of snow and streamflow droughts from a high-resolution gridded snow product and streamflow observations, and applied it to 207 catchments in Switzerland and Austria. Between 1961 and 2021, we identified 147 propagating snow droughts, and found that 18 % of the snow droughts propagated to a streamflow drought and that 21 % of streamflow droughts during the melt season were preceded by a snow drought. Propagating snow droughts are most common in high-elevation catchments and among the most extreme snow droughts. Streamflow droughts are characterized by higher deficits, longer durations and earlier occurrences when preceded by a snow drought. We identify snow drought deficit as a good predictor for subsequent streamflow drought deficit and duration when the snow drought is intense and occurs in low-elevation catchments. We show that the presence of water resources management increases the chance of snow drought propagation. Finally, we find that the period 1990–2021 is characterized by an increase in the number of propagating snow droughts compared to 1961–1990. In conclusion, we unveil a non-negligible link between snow and streamflow droughts that could help improve early warning systems for spring and summer droughts.

How to cite: Chartier-Rescan, C., Wood, R., and Brunner, M. I.: Snow drought propagation and its impacts on streamflow drought in the Alps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3500,, 2025.

EGU25-3754 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Evaluation of a global multi-sectoral drought hazard monitoring and forecasting system 

Tina Trautmann, Neda Abbasi, Jan Weber, Tinh Vu, Stephan Dietrich, Petra Doell, Harald Kunstmann, Christof Lorenz, and Stefan Siebert

With increasing frequency and severity of drought hazards worldwide, reliable monitoring and forecasting of drought conditions becomes more and more relevant for efficient drought management. In this context, the OUTLAST project provides global monitoring and seasonal forecasting of drought hazard indicators (DHIs) across three sectors, ranging from meteorological and agricultural to hydrological DHIs. In OUTLAST, a consistent framework is developed in which ERA5 (for monitoring) and bias-corrected SEAS5 data (for seasonal forecasts) are used to calculate meteorological DHIs. The same climate data forces the Global Crop Water Model1 and the global hydrological model WaterGAP2 in order to derive agricultural and hydrological DHIs respectively. The global OUTLAST DHIs will be freely available via the WMO’s HydroSOS web portal.

To adequately support drought management and decision-making, it is essential to identify and evaluate the accuracy of OUTLAST DHIs. Therefore, we apply a twofold evaluation procedure: 1) a global evaluation against various observation-based datasets with (nearly) global coverage, and 2) a regional evaluation in collaboration with experts who will potentially use OUTLAST products in their daily work. While the first provides a general assessment of the overall performance, the latter allows evaluation whether actual drought conditions are sufficiently monitored by the global OUTLAST system.

Here, we focus on the global evaluation of DHIs for the historical period 1981-2020 by comprehensively comparing the performance of model-based DHIs from multiple sectors, including (1) the standard precipitation index, (2) the rainfed crop drought hazard indicator, and (3) the empirical percentiles of streamflow, against observation-based data, such as (a) remote sensing-based precipitation, (b) global evapotranspiration data, and (c) observed streamflow of large river basins. By analyzing DHIs from multiple sectors simultaneously, we show the effect of drought - and error- propagation in the hydrological cycle on the ability to capture observed drought conditions by model-based DHIs. Besides, the capability to accurately reproduce historic drought conditions represents the accuracy that users can expect when employing the OUTLAST near-real time monitoring and seasonal forecasts for drought management decisions.



1Siebert, S., & Döll, P. (2010). Quantifying blue and green virtual water contents in global crop production as well as potential production losses without irrigation. Journal of Hydrology, 384(3-4), 198-217.

2Müller Schmied, H., Trautmann, T., Ackermann, S., Cáceres, D., Flörke, M., Gerdener, H., Kynast, E., Peiris, T. A., Schiebener, L., Schumacher, M.  & Döll, P. (2024). The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2. 2e: description and evaluation of modifications and new features. Geoscientific Model Development, 17(23), 8817-8852.

How to cite: Trautmann, T., Abbasi, N., Weber, J., Vu, T., Dietrich, S., Doell, P., Kunstmann, H., Lorenz, C., and Siebert, S.: Evaluation of a global multi-sectoral drought hazard monitoring and forecasting system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3754,, 2025.

EGU25-4231 | Orals | HS4.2

Enhancing the readiness for drought events in the European Alps bridging research and practice 

Mariapina Castelli, Francesco Avanzi, Carlo Carmagnola, Rozalija Cvejić, Markus Disse, Iacopo Ferrario, Hugues François, Michel Isabellon, Alexander Jacob, Tamara Korošec, Ralf Ludwig, Samuel Massart, Claudia Notarnicola, Stefan Schneider, Hervé Stevenin, Stefano Terzi, Ye Tuo, and Wolfgang Wagner

The Alpine water towers are essential for sustaining life and driving the economy across central and southern Europe. This vital resource faces growing pressure from global warming, which is changing precipitation patterns, reducing snow availability and accelerating glacier melt, and from economic growth, which is driving an ever-increasing demand for water. Consequently, significant shifts in water’s spatial and temporal availability are observed, accompanied by a rising frequency and intensity of drought events. In this context, the Interreg Alpine Space project, Alpine DROught Prediction (A-DROP, 2024-2027), aims to enhance the preparedness of the Alpine regions for droughts and foster a sustainable use of water. The project partners, from research to public administrations, collaboratively develop and implement solutions for water management based on science. Embedding the drought monitoring methods and platforms set up in previous EU projects, like the Alpine Drought Observatory (, the ambition of A-DROP is to create 1) an innovative hydrological drought early warning and forecasting tool, not yet available for alpine river basins, that complements the instruments adopted by the regional water authorities, paving the way for a pan-Alpine prediction system, and 2) an open, spatially consistent database of climate and hydrological variables, drought indices, and impacts at an unprecedented level of detail, integrable with local water management systems. In pilot areas, decision-makers and stakeholders in agriculture, hydropower production, and winter tourism exploit the new dataset and the A-DROP prediction tool in real situations. Specifically, pilot 1 focuses on optimizing farm water consumption in Slovenia, pilot 2 develops a climate for ski resorts in France, Italy and Germany, pilot 3 generates an optimized hydropower management tool for a plant in Germany, and pilot 4 creates a drought public dashboard and, concurrently with pilot 5, tests a seasonal hydrological forecast system over two Italian regions. In parallel, A-DROP employs multi-faceted regional hydroclimatic model ensemble simulations to estimate climate change effects on droughts, thus informing decision-making processes, and facilitating risk reduction and adaptation pathways. Tailored information and training sessions support the transition process at the policy and operational levels towards science-based water governance. The active involvement of actors from macro-regional strategies, like EUSALP, and observers from public administrations facilitates the translation of A-DROP outputs into co-designed guidelines for water governance policies.

How to cite: Castelli, M., Avanzi, F., Carmagnola, C., Cvejić, R., Disse, M., Ferrario, I., François, H., Isabellon, M., Jacob, A., Korošec, T., Ludwig, R., Massart, S., Notarnicola, C., Schneider, S., Stevenin, H., Terzi, S., Tuo, Y., and Wagner, W.: Enhancing the readiness for drought events in the European Alps bridging research and practice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4231,, 2025.

Climatic drought, characterized by a decrease in precipitation and an increase in temperatures, significantly influences groundwater resources by reducing recharge and increasing abstraction. Interactions between climatic droughts and groundwater systems are complex, because of the varying hydrodynamic properties of aquifers, which influence their responses to surface stresses. Understanding these relationships is crucial for optimizing groundwater resource management and mitigating drought-induced crises. This study investigated the relationships between climatic droughts and groundwater level fluctuations in two climatically different basins in Iran: the semi-arid Mashad Basin (Khorasan Razavi province) and the arid Gowharkuh Basin (Sistan and Baluchestan province). We employed the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) to represent climatic conditions and the Standardized Water Table Index (SWTI) to show groundwater level fluctuations. Time series analyses were conducted in both time and frequency domains to assess the measure and quality of relationships between climatic conditions and water level variations. In the time domain, we calculated correlation coefficients and lag times between SPI and SWTI, using a modified cross-correlation function (MCCF). This innovative approach allowed for cross-correlation calculations between time series of unequal lengths. Using the Blackman-Tucky method, we computed spectral density, cross-spectrum amplitude, coherency, and phase functions in the frequency domain. Time domain results showed that the correlation coefficient and lag time between climatic variations and groundwater levels were higher in the Gowharkuh Plain (0.9 and 7 years) compared to the Mashhad Plain (0.7 and 5 years), highlighting the influence of interacting factors, including climatic, hydrological, and hydrogeological conditions, as well as human interventions, in shaping these relationships. Frequency domain analysis indicated that low-frequency fluctuations in SPI (long-term droughts) exert the most significant impact on groundwater resources.

How to cite: Naderi, R.: Effects of Climatic Drought on Groundwater Level Based on Time Series Analysis in Time and Frequency Domains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4870,, 2025.

Drought is a natural disaster causing the greatest global losses and having the most significant impacts across various sectors. In the Mediterranean region, particularly in the Tensift River Basin, Morocco, drought severely affects water availability, agriculture, and local economies. Despite its importance, traditional monitoring systems often fail to provide timely warnings or accurately quantify and report drought impacts. This study evaluates the performance of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) in detecting drought events, focusing on optimizing thresholds and timescales to enhance monitoring accuracy. Using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis, we assessed the correspondence between estimated drought events and reported impacts, achieving AUC values of 78.34% for SPI and 68.32% for SPEI. These results highlight the strengths of both indices in detecting drought onset and duration while addressing limitations such as sensitivity to PET methods. The findings emphasize the importance of tailoring thresholds, timescales, PET models, and probability distributions to local climatic conditions. The proposed framework is crucial for mitigating drought impacts and supporting decision-makers in sustainable water resource management in the Tensift Basin. Additionally, this research underscores the need for systematic reporting of drought impacts to inform the development of comprehensive drought atlases and regional management strategies.

Keywords: Drought Impact, ROC Analysis, Threshold Optimization, Drought Risk, Climate Change

How to cite: Naim, M. and Bonaccorso, B.: Linking Drought Index-Based Metrics to Real-World Impacts for Enhanced Monitoring in the Tensift River Basin, Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5243,, 2025.

EGU25-5548 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Development of a Triple Drought Management Index Using Copula-Based Trivariate Frequency Analysis 

Jiyoung Kim, Sung Min Park, Jiyoung Yoo, and Tae-Woong Kim

Drought is one of the costliest natural disasters, causing economic, social and environmental damage worldwide. Many researchers demonstrate that climate change will make extreme weather events more intense in the future. As extreme weather events increase, the frequency and magnitude of drought are likely to increase, requiring a proactive approach to drought management. Reliability, Resilience, and Vulnerability (RRV) are used in drought risk management to assess the management of water resources under drought conditions. The RRV framework provides comprehensive analyses on the probability of success or failure of a system, the rate of recovery (or rebound) of a system from unsatisfactory conditions and quantifying the expected consequences of being in unsatisfactory conditions for extended periods. It is necessary to consider all three criteria as uncertainty increases under climate change. This study proposes a triple drought management index (TDMI) by integrating the RRV indicators. Since the RRV indicators may be dependent on each other in drought situations, a copula model was used to describe the nonlinear dependence structure. The trivariate copulas considered for this study are the Clayton, Frank, and Gumbel copulas of the Archimedean family, which are commonly used in the field of hydrology. According to the TDMI calculation, the Seomjin River basin had a maximum TDMI index value of 2.19 during the period 1992-1994. According to the classification criteria, this corresponds to a severe drought, and indeed, the area was affected by limited water supply during this period. This study proposes a model for more comprehensive drought management by incorporating the RRV indicators. It can not only determine whether a drought is occurring but also comprehensively determine the overall state of the system under drought conditions.


Acknowledgement: This research was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) through Water Management Innovation Program for Drought (RS-2022-KE002032) funded by Korea Ministry of Environment.

How to cite: Kim, J., Park, S. M., Yoo, J., and Kim, T.-W.: Development of a Triple Drought Management Index Using Copula-Based Trivariate Frequency Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5548,, 2025.

The last twenty years have shown the most extreme drought events in Europe on record. In the Rhine River basin, these droughts have severely impacted the shipping and industry sectors due to low water levels limiting the transport of goods. Drought prediction, therefore, is crucial but difficult to achieve due to the complexities of the propagation from meteorological to hydrological droughts. In this study, we analyzed the relation between several meteorological drought indices and the occurrence of hydrological droughts. We found that the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) shows the highest correlation. SPEI was then used to single out extreme meteorological droughts from the LAERTES-EU data set, which contains about 12.500 years of meteorological variables simulated under current climate conditions by several setups of the regional COSMO-CLM model. These most extreme meteorological droughts were then propagated through the hydrological model WRF-Hydro to produce streamflow at the Rhine, which was then evaluated in terms of hydrological drought severity by comparison with observed hydrological droughts. Overall, this approach reveals insights into the magnitude of extremely rare hydrological droughts, and their predictability from the corresponding meteorological drought indices.

How to cite: Campoverde, A., Ehret, U., Ludwig, P., and Pinto, J. G.: Meteorological to hydrological drought propagation using the large ensemble of regional climate model simulations for Europe (LAERTES-EU). A case study for the Rhine River Catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5611,, 2025.

EGU25-6173 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Relationships between low-flow-indices and groundwater levels in Lower Saxony, Germany 

Ronja Iffland and Uwe Haberlandt

In recent years, Europe has experienced severe droughts (2018-2020) due to reduced summer precipitation and high temperatures, leading to reduced runoff and groundwater levels. According to climate change projections, these conditions will become more frequent. These droughts have significant impacts on ecosystems, drinking water supplies and navigation, for example.

During such dry periods, rivers are mainly fed by groundwater. The aim of this study is to statistically analyse the interaction between surface water discharge, especially during dry periods, and groundwater levels. For 128 catchments in Lower Saxony, Germany, correlations between selected low flow characterising indices and groundwater level indices are calculated. Therefore, groundwater levels from spatial interpolation of shallow, unconfined aquifers were aggregated at the catchment level. The study focuses on mean and minimum groundwater levels over different monthly time periods as well as the standardised groundwater level index (SGI) to reveal possible patterns and relationships with low flow indices. We expect to find non-linear correlations particularly between the SGI and specific low flow indicators such as lowest 7-day average flow (NM7Q), deficit volume and low flow duration. A further aim is to investigate whether these relationships can be used to improve statistical models, such as multiple linear regression, to provide a predictive framework for low flow conditions based on groundwater levels. Such relationships and correlations may improve our understanding of how groundwater levels can act as an additional predictor of low flow conditions.

How to cite: Iffland, R. and Haberlandt, U.: Relationships between low-flow-indices and groundwater levels in Lower Saxony, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6173,, 2025.

As a complex natural disaster, drought exerts wide-ranging impacts on environmental, hydrological, agricultural, and socioeconomic dimensions. Despite extensive studies on conventional drought types, understanding environmental droughts remains limited, hindering effective assessments. To address this, the present study introduces a novel Environmental Drought Index (EDI) to quantify environmental droughts (Srivastava & Maity, 2023). It evaluates its performance against established indices in India’s Brahmani River basin, specifically the Jaraikela catchment. The EDI was developed by integrating Minimum in-stream Flow Requirements (MFR), calculated by integrating Drought Duration Length (DDL), and Water Shortage Level (WSL). Historical and future streamflow rates (1980–2045) were simulated using the HydroClimatic Conceptual Streamflow (HCCS) model with outputs from three CMIP-6 General Circulation Models (EC-Earth3, MPI-ESM1-2-HR, and MRI-ESM2-0) under SSP245 and SSP585 scenarios. The results indicated a strong agreement between simulated and observed EDI values, particularly for MPI-ESM1-2-HR under SSP585. Severe droughts were found to dominate future scenarios (71–73% of all drought events during FP-2: 2023–2045), especially in non-monsoonal months, contrasting with moderate drought prevalence under SSP245 and the historical period. To further explore drought complexities, the study employed a comprehensive multi-index framework incorporating EDI alongside the 3-month Soil Moisture Anomaly Index (SPAI-3), Vegetation Health Index (VHI), and 3-month Standardized Streamflow Index (SSI-3). This comparative analysis revealed a pronounced upward trend in drought frequency and severity from the late 20th century (1982–2000) to the early 21st century (2001–2023). Severe hydrological droughts increased from 10.5% to 21.7%, while severe environmental droughts rose from 31.6% to 52.2%. Moderate agricultural droughts, in contrast, declined from 100% to 47.8%, and moderate meteorological droughts increased significantly from 57.9% to 87.0%. These findings highlight the evolving drought patterns in the Jaraikela catchment, characterized by more frequent and prolonged droughts. The results underscore the value of EDI in capturing environmental drought dynamics, validated through strong historical correspondence, and its integration within a broader multi-index framework to address gaps in traditional approaches. The study redefines conventional drought classifications by incorporating environmental dimensions and provides adaptive strategies to mitigate the impacts of increasing drought severity under changing climatic conditions.

Keywords: Climate Change Impacts; Water Resource Management; Adaptive Mitigation Strategies; Hydrological Modeling; Drought Vulnerability Assessment; Extreme Climatic Events

Reference: Srivastava, A., & Maity, R. (2023). Unveiling an Environmental Drought Index and its applicability in the perspective of drought recognition amidst climate change. Journal of Hydrology, 627, 130462. 

How to cite: Srivastava, A. and Maity, R.: From Concept to Comparison: Developing and Validating the Environmental Drought Index (EDI) for Holistic Drought Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6357,, 2025.

EGU25-6905 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Advancing Drought Monitoring in India through Land Data Assimilation with CLM5-DART 

Devavat Chiru Naik, Dhanya Chadrika Thulaseedharan, Brett Raczka, and Daniel Fiifi Tawia Hagan

Drought, a recurring extreme climate event caused by prolonged below-average precipitation, results in significant water deficits and poses a substantial threat to India's economy, which is heavily reliant on agriculture. Despite notable monsoon rainfall, drought remains a persistent annual phenomenon, underscoring the need for accurate estimation and continuous monitoring to mitigate its adverse socio-economic impacts. Real-time drought monitoring, including spatial and temporal characterization, is critical for guiding policymakers and water resource managers in revising strategies, facilitating timely drought assistance programs, and distributing relief funds to affected areas and farmers. In India, drought monitoring faces challenges due to limited in-situ data for critical parameters such as evapotranspiration, soil moisture, runoff, and streamflow. Although satellites offer regular surface observations, their data is limited in spatial and temporal coverage due to orbital revisit cycles. Land Surface Models (LSMs), on the other hand, while offering uniform spatiotemporal estimates, are often hindered by uncertainties from atmospheric forcing and initial conditions. To address these limitations, integrating observations (in-situ/satellite) with LSMs through a Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) has emerged as a promising solution to improve model accuracy, reduce uncertainties, and increase drought monitoring and forecasting skills. This study integrates the Community Land Model version 5.0 (CLM5) with the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) to establish a robust Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) framework. Specifically, soil moisture data from the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) were assimilated to enhance soil moisture (SM) estimation.  The performance and efficacy of soil moisture (SM) estimates derived from the CLM5-DART LDAS were evaluated across India. Results indicate that CLM5 - DART reanalysis outputs significantly improved the representation of SM compared to standalone CLM5 simulations. These improvements were further analyzed for their impacts on key hydrological components, including evapotranspiration, runoff, and drought monitoring capabilities. The findings demonstrate that data assimilation integration substantially enhances the accuracy and resolution of SM estimates, advancing the reliability of real-time drought monitoring and risk management. This research provides a robust framework for improving drought resilience in India, offering valuable insights to support better-informed water resource management strategies and policy decisions.

How to cite: Naik, D. C., Chadrika Thulaseedharan, D., Raczka, B., and Fiifi Tawia Hagan, D.: Advancing Drought Monitoring in India through Land Data Assimilation with CLM5-DART, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6905,, 2025.

EGU25-7337 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Improving the Reconstruction of the Hydrological Cycle through Satellite Observations: The Case Study of the Po River Basin 

Sindhu Kalimisetty, Serena Ceola, Irene Palazzoli, Alberto Montanari, Paolo Stocchi, Silvio Davolio, and Stefania Camici

In the context of climate change, increasing competition for freshwater use across various sectors is intensifying pressures on water resources, placing many countries at heightened risk of water scarcity. To mitigate the growing risk of water scarcity, it is imperative to reduce water usage intensity across agriculture, industry, energy production, and domestic sectors. Achieving this requires a comprehensive and detailed understanding of water consumption patterns in each sector, and estimating water storage in groundwater, reservoirs, and snowpack is essential to safeguard water availability for future generations.

The Po River basin in northern Italy has experienced significant hydrological droughts in recent decades (1990-2023), highlighting the need to understand the complex interactions between climate factors and human activities. This study, conducted as part of the INTERROGATION project funded by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research, presents an integrated approach for water resource management during drought events.

The study employs a flexible conceptual hydrological model (MISDc - Modello Idrologico Semistribuito in Continuo) that incorporates both natural processes and anthropogenic influences. The model is driven by three distinct precipitation datasets: long-term (2000-2023) daily in-situ measurements, high-resolution (1.8km) reanalysis data, and high-resolution (1km) satellite precipitation data. The Bluecat tool (Montanari et al., 2022) is utilized to evaluate the uncertainty in modelled river discharge.

The model's performance is validated using multiple satellite-derived observations including soil moisture, evaporation, groundwater, irrigation, and snow accumulation data developed within the framework of European Space Agency Digital Twin Earth (DTE) Hydrology Next project. The model is capable to reproduce both natural hydrological processes and anthropogenic activities such as irrigation and reservoir operations.

Results demonstrate the effectiveness of combining accurate satellite observations with a well-calibrated hydrological model for capturing spatiotemporal variations in the hydrological cycle within highly anthropized basins. This integrated framework provides valuable insights for developing a decision support system to guide stakeholders in managing water resources during future drought events in the Po River basin.

How to cite: Kalimisetty, S., Ceola, S., Palazzoli, I., Montanari, A., Stocchi, P., Davolio, S., and Camici, S.: Improving the Reconstruction of the Hydrological Cycle through Satellite Observations: The Case Study of the Po River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7337,, 2025.

EGU25-7449 | Orals | HS4.2

Analysis of historical drought in the Lisbon region, in the west of Portugal, using Reconnaissance Drought Index 

Hany Abd-Elhamid, Martina Zelenakova, Tatiana Soľáková, Maria Manuela Mortela, Luis Angel Espinosa, Issa Oskoui, Jacek Baranczuk, and Katarzyna Baranczuk


Drought is a natural phenomenon whose likelihood is increasing due to climate change, which is gradually altering temperature and precipitation patterns. While various drought indices exist for monitoring extreme dry conditions, this study employs the Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) due to its accuracy and dependency on both precipitation and temperature. The research aims to assess historical droughts in the Lisbon region (Portugal) by applying RDI to a 157-year time series (1864-2021) using monthly precipitation and temperature data from the Lisboa-Geofísico climatological station. The influence of potential evapotranspiration (PET) on drought identification was analysed, alongside temporal drought assessments at short-term (3-month RDI, RDI-3), mid-term (6-month RDI, RDI-6), and long-term (12-month RDI, RDI-12) scales. RDI was computed monthly using the Drought Indices Calculator (DrinC), with three PET methods-Hargreaves, Thornthwaite, and Blaney-Criddle-compared for their performance. The standardized RDI, calculated preferably using the Hargreaves method for the Lisbon region, served as the index for spatial and temporal drought assessment. Results revealed frequent extreme drought events (when RDI values were less than minus two), with the most intense drought occurring in 2005 across all time scales. For meteorological drought (RDI-3 for short-term atmospheric conditions), 39 extreme events occurred, with a total of 51 months under drought conditions, with the longest event (5 months) in 2005. Agricultural drought (RDI-6 for soil moisture deficits) showed 18 extreme events lasting 28 months, with the longest (7 months) in 2005. Hydrological drought (RDI-12 for water resource depletion) exhibited 9 extreme events spanning 25 months, with the longest (9 months) also in 2005. The average return time for extreme drought in Lisbon was estimated at 4, 7, and 8 years for meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological droughts, respectively. This comprehensive regional drought risk assessment based on the standardized RDI index provides valuable insights for effective drought management in the Lisbon region.


Keywords: Drought risk assessment, empirical methods, PET, RDI, Lisbon, Portugal



This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the Contract no. APVV-20-0281 a project funded by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic. This work was also supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through funding UIDB/04625/2020 from the research unit CERIS and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme SCORE under grant agreement No 101003534.

How to cite: Abd-Elhamid, H., Zelenakova, M., Soľáková, T., Manuela Mortela, M., Angel Espinosa, L., Oskoui, I., Baranczuk, J., and Baranczuk, K.: Analysis of historical drought in the Lisbon region, in the west of Portugal, using Reconnaissance Drought Index, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7449,, 2025.

EGU25-7662 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

GIS-based composite indices for drought assessment: a scientometric analysis 

Mihnea-Ștefan Costache and Liliana Zaharia

Drought has become an increasingly recurrent phenomenon worldwide with far-reaching societal and environmental consequences. To adequately manage the drought, the scientific research is essential. In recent decades numerous indices were developed for drought analysis. The evolution of the geospatial technologies has enabled the design of several indices, based both on terrestrial and satellite data, to analyze the drought characteristics. The most common indices are based on hydroclimatic parameters, simple or combined. In recent years, complex indices (called composite, integrated, multivariate or hybrid) were developed, which incorporate several drought control variables, combined and mapped in GIS environment. They allow a more reliable analysis of drought and the identification of areas susceptible to this hazard. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of publications on the composite indices for drought assessment developed in GIS environment, based on a scientometric analysis.

The study relies on the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases, from which a total of 345 papers were initially extracted (205 from WoS and 140 from Scopus) by searching for the expressions integrated drought index gis; composite drought gis; multivariate drought gis. Duplicates were removed using the ScientoPy software. Finally, 262 papers were retained from both databases, published between 1994 and 2024. The same software was used for statistical analysis regarding some characteristics of the publications (e.g., the countries and institutions of affiliation of the authors, the scientific fields of the papers, connections between authors, etc.) Furthermore, some of this data was mapped using the ArcGisPro software. For the analysis of author clusters, the VOSviewer software was used.

The results showed that most authors of the identified papers are affiliated in Asian countries, especially in India (64) and China (58), followed by the United States (42). Most authors' affiliation institutions are located in China: the Chinese Academy of Sciences has the highest frequency (10), followed by the Peking University (5), and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (5). Iran is also noteworthy with University of Tehran (7), as well as India, represented by the Vidyasagar University (6).

The number of publications per year varied during the analyzed period, with the highest number of 39 in 2024. The major scientific fields to which the papers on composite drought indices belong were: Environmental Sciences and Ecology (76), Water Resources (60), Geology (50), Remote Sensing (34), and Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (28).

Out of a total of 1086 authors of the analyzed publications, the highest number of common connections was 35, in general, between Asian researchers. Furthermore, many of the 35 authors with the most connections collaborated between 2006 and 2016, while the other groups published after 2020.

Overall, this scientometric analysis shows that the use in drought research of composite indices developed in GIS environment is still quite limited although in the last 5 years an increase in the number of papers on this topic was noted (mainly in Asian countries). Therefore, more attention should be paid to this more reliable method of drought analysis.

How to cite: Costache, M.-Ș. and Zaharia, L.: GIS-based composite indices for drought assessment: a scientometric analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7662,, 2025.

Effective drought management requires precise measurement, but this is challenging due to the variety of drought indices and indicators, each with unique methods and specific uses, and limited ground data availability. This study utilizes remote sensing data from 2001 to 2020 to compute drought indices categorized as meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological. A Gaussian kernel convolves these indices into a denoised, multi-band composite image. Further refinement with a Gaussian kernel enhances a single drought index from each category: Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI), Soil Moisture Agricultural Drought Index (SMADI), and Streamflow Drought Index (SDI). The enhanced index, encompassing all bands, serves as a predictor for classification and regression tree (CART), support vector machine (SVM), and random forest (RF) machine learning models, further improving the three indices. CART demonstrated the highest accuracy and error minimization across all drought categories, with root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) values between 0 and 0.4. RF ranked second, while SVM, though less reliable, achieved values below 0.7. The results show persistent drought in the Sahel, North Africa, and southwestern Africa, with meteorological drought affecting 30% of Africa, agricultural drought affecting 22%, and hydrological drought affecting 21%.

Funding: This work was supported by the Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI) (Grant number: 2022003460001).

How to cite: Jun, K. S. and Sseguya, F.: Advancing Drought Monitoring and Prediction in Africa Using Remote Sensing, Gaussian Kernel, and Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7989,, 2025.

EGU25-8282 | Orals | HS4.2

Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Trends in Sicily Using ERA5-Land Data   

David Johnny Peres, Tagele Mossie Aschale, Nunziarita Palazzolo, Gaetano Buonacera, and Antonino Cancelliere

Drought presents significant impacts on water resources, agriculture, and socioeconomic stability, particularly in the Mediterranean region, where climate change intensifies these challenges. This study examines the long-term spatiotemporal trends of drought in Sicily using ERA5-Land reanalysis data from 1950. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) at 1-, 3-, 6-, 12-, 24-, and 48-month scales were employed to quantify drought conditions across multiple timescales. To detect and quantify trends while accounting for autocorrelation, the Modified Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s slope estimator were applied. Results confirmed that 2002 was the most severe drought year, affecting all timescales. Spatial analysis indicated that western, southern, and southeastern regions, including Trapani, Catania, Syracuse, and Ragusa, experienced the highest severity and frequency of drought events. Conversely, northeastern areas, such as Messina and parts of Palermo, were less affected. SPI exhibited increasing trends in the eastern part of Sicily (Province of Catania); whereas SPEI trends indicated significant drying in western regions. Severe drought episodes (SPI/SPEI ≤ -1.5) were evenly distributed across short-term scales (1- and 3-month scales) but exhibited spatial variability at longer timescales (24- and 48-month scales). Extreme drought episodes (SPI/SPEI ≤ -2) were concentrated in western and northwestern Sicily, with SPI detecting up to 40 extreme events and SPEI identifying up to 25. These findings highlight the critical need for targeted, adaptive strategies to mitigate drought impacts, particularly in western and southern Sicily. Even though ERA5-Land precipitation and temperature data present some limitations, the analysis revealed that they are suitable for identifying the most severe drought episodes, especially at longer aggregation timescales (12 and 24 months). The study thus underscores the importance of continuous drought monitoring and advanced modeling techniques to inform mitigation and adaptation efforts.  

How to cite: Peres, D. J., Aschale, T. M., Palazzolo, N., Buonacera, G., and Cancelliere, A.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Trends in Sicily Using ERA5-Land Data  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8282,, 2025.

EGU25-8425 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Global scale predictability of hydrological drought: evaluating the skill of the GloFAS - Copernicus EMS sub-seasonal to seasonal forecast of river discharge 

Vanesa García-Gamero, Carmelo Cammalleri, Alessandro Ceppi, Christel Prudhomme, Arthur Ramos, Juan Camilo Acosta Navarro, and Andrea Toreti

Major impacts associated to hydrological droughts are often neglected in early warning systems. Extensive research in hydrological drought forecasting is crucial to develop an effective early warning strategy. This work aims at quantifying the sub-seasonal to seasonal predictability of these extreme hydroclimatic events globally, by evaluating the skill of the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS), as part of the Copernicus Emergency Management System (CEMS). Two river discharge datasets for the period 1991-2020 from the LISFLOOD hydrological model were used, based on: 1) reanalysis (ERA5) forcings, and 2) seasonal forecast (SEAS5). River discharge values were converted into anomalies, namely the Standardized Streamflow Index (SSI), at three-time horizons (1, 3, and 6 months ahead). The skill metrics computed between the SSI reanalysis (reference) and the forecasts were the Pearson correlation coefficient (r), the Gilbert Skill Score (GSS), and the Heidke Skill Score (HSS). Moreover, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the ensemble forecast was used as a complementary metric to quantify the skill. The study evaluated the overall forecast predictability for the full year, as well as seasonal and spatiotemporal differences in the predictability and the effects of initial conditions. On average, forecast skill is higher for 1 and 3 months ahead (r= 0.81 and r= 0.70, respectively) compared to 6 months ahead (r= 0.61), with similar results in terms of spatial patterns. Seasonal differences in predictability can be well explained by average river discharge seasonality, with highest skill when river discharge is low. The forecast skill spatial patterns indicate a strong dependency on the inter-annual variability of initial conditions and precipitation, especially in summer and spring-summer seasons for the former and in winter and autumn-winter for the latter. Overall, high skill is associated with high SNR, suggesting that SNR could be used as a proxy variable for forecasting skill in operational applications. The results underline the potential of the evaluated sub-seasonal to seasonal forecast for hydrological drought predictions, suggesting a potentially successful implementation as a product as part of the CEMS Global Drought Observatory (GDO) system.

This work is funded by the European Union, under the HORIZON-CL4-2023-SPACE-01 project “Strengthening Extreme Events Detection for Floods and Droughts” (SEED-FD), grant no. 101135110.

How to cite: García-Gamero, V., Cammalleri, C., Ceppi, A., Prudhomme, C., Ramos, A., Acosta Navarro, J. C., and Toreti, A.: Global scale predictability of hydrological drought: evaluating the skill of the GloFAS - Copernicus EMS sub-seasonal to seasonal forecast of river discharge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8425,, 2025.

Large-scale climate oscillations significantly influence regional agricultural droughts and are crucial for understanding their predictability. However, atmospheric teleconnections linked to these droughts under various climate oscillation regimes are complex and not fully understood, especially when considering temporal delays. This study employs Event-based Coincidence Analysis (ECA) to statistically explore the timing and magnitude of relationships between climate oscillation regimes and the onset of agricultural droughts across different agro-ecological zones of India  , with time lags (τ) ranging from 1 to 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.   ECA is a mathematical framework that quantifies the synchronicity and interdependency between event series such as climate oscillations and agricultural drought events by evaluating the frequency of coinciding occurrences within a defined time window (ΔT) and at specified time lags (τ).  We utilize the Standardized Soil Moisture Index (SSMI) to assess agricultural droughts from 1951 to 2014. The SSMI data are aggregated over three months based on GLDAS VIC model observations. Our analysis includes synchronization between drought events and climate indices, such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Niño 3.4, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), and the Dipole Mode Index (DMI). Integrating various time lags allows us to capture both immediate and delayed influences of climate on drought prediction and management strategies. Our results identify significant variations in precursor rates across different time lags and regions, clearly delineating how specific climate indices influence agricultural drought dynamics. Notably, in the northern and central zones of India, Niño 3.4 and the AMO are found to strongly drive drought conditions at longer time lags (τ = 6, 9, 12 months), with a peak coincidence rate of 60% during positive Niño 3.4 episodes. Conversely, in the southern and western regions, significant drought mitigation effects are associated with shorter time lags (τ = 1, 3 months), where the DMI and AMO show high precursor rates of 40 to 60 percent during positive phases.  This study highlights the distinct temporal dynamics of climate indices and emphasizes the role of atmospheric mechanisms, including wind anomalies and vertical velocity at 850 hPa, in modulating these effects. We observe distinct influences on drought patterns, which vary significantly across regions and time lags, highlighting the necessity for region-specific agricultural and water management strategies based on these dynamics to address both drought occurrence and water scarcity challenges effectively.

How to cite: Venkatesh, K. and Sivakumar, B.: Disentangling Temporally Lagged Synchronization of Climate Oscillations on Agricultural Droughts across India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9018,, 2025.

EGU25-9095 | Orals | HS4.2

From the weather forecast to the push notification: Switzerland's new drought warning system 

Vincent Humphrey, Fabia Huesler, Simone Bircher-Adrot, Yannick Barton, Luca Benelli, Thérèse Buergi, Annie Yuan-Yuan Chang, Flurina Dobler, Adel Imamovic, Johannes Rempfer, Jana von Freyberg, David Oesch, Hélène Salvi, Joan Sturm, Massimiliano Zappa, and Carlo Scapozza

Droughts in Switzerland have become more frequent and severe in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue. At the same time, increasing water demand and competition between different actors are putting more pressure on existing water resources, leading to drought being rated within the top 10 costliest potential hazards for Switzerland. A comprehensive national monitoring and forecasting system, to be launched in 2025, is being established through the joint efforts of three different government agencies.

We will present the Swiss national drought monitoring system with a particular focus on the web platform and the operational warning system, both of which were developed in close collaboration with local decision-makers and end-users. The information system is a public web platform synthesizing various data streams (i.e. precipitation, streamflow and groundwater, space-based monitoring of vegetation health and land surface temperature) and provides homogeneous forecasts of drought quantities with a horizon of four weeks. Historical observations and sub-seasonal forecasts are merged to provide seamless information on drought that can be easily and interactively compared to action-relevant thresholds as well as historical events. The main drought variables are also summarized into a combined drought index which is used to provide an overall evaluation of the situation and forms the basis for drought warnings. Starting from 2025, drought warnings will be released by national agencies through official channels in the same way as they already are for other natural hazards like floods or heatwaves, over national web platforms and push notifications on the MeteoSwiss mobile App (2.5 million visits per day). The two-tiered warning strategy was designed in collaboration with end-users and authorities to take into account some of the particularly challenging aspects of drought compared to other natural hazards. These include, among other things, the need for sector-specific and impact-oriented information, and the difficulty for a national system to accurately reflect the highly heterogeneous and localized mitigation measures that are of most interest to the end-users during an extreme event.

Analysis of the historical 2018 drought shows that the forecasting system would have correctly triggered a response at the level of regional authorities 1.5 months ahead of the event peak. A higher-level and more broadly visible warning would have been released again a month later, about two weeks ahead of the event peak. We will conclude with an overview of future plans and of the event-based feedback mechanisms through which end-users and regional authorities will contribute to improving the warning system and our ability to track drought impacts at the local scale.

How to cite: Humphrey, V., Huesler, F., Bircher-Adrot, S., Barton, Y., Benelli, L., Buergi, T., Chang, A. Y.-Y., Dobler, F., Imamovic, A., Rempfer, J., von Freyberg, J., Oesch, D., Salvi, H., Sturm, J., Zappa, M., and Scapozza, C.: From the weather forecast to the push notification: Switzerland's new drought warning system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9095,, 2025.

EGU25-9278 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Predicting Groundwater Drought in Ireland Using a Machine Learning Ensemble  

Tarig Mohamed, Ahmed Nasr, and Paul Hynds

Groundwater droughts in temperate regions are typically considered rare phenomena and consequently neglected in research despite their significant socio-economic and ecological impacts. In light of increasing water demands and climate change intensity, understanding and predicting groundwater droughts are essential for sustainable water resource management.

This study aims to define, identify and predict groundwater drought events across the Irish groundwater network by integrating multiple drought identification indices with machine learning (ML) techniques. Groundwater level (GWL) time series from 100 monitoring stations, methods: (i) the Threshold Level Method (TLM), which identifies drought when GWLs fall below predefined thresholds (ii) the Percentage of Normal (PON), which quantifies deviations in mean GWL relative to a baseline reference period; and (iii) the Standardised Groundwater Index (SGI), which normalises GWLs to classify drought severity. Subsequently, these approaches were evaluated and compared based on their ability to characterise drought events, using the 2018 drought for validation. This process enabled the selection of the most suitable indicator for predictive modelling.

An ensemble of ML binary classifiers including Logistic Regression (LR), Generalized Linear Models (GLM), Decision Trees (DT), Random Forest (RF), and XGBoost (XGB) were trained using meteorological inputs such as precipitation and temperature, to predict groundwater drought occurrences. However, the imbalanced class problem (rare drought events) was found to reduce classifier accuracy therefore, datasets were resampled using the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) technique, using several balance conditions of 50%, 40%, 30%, 20% minority class distribution.

Analyses indicate that the TLM and PON exhibit low sensitivity for drought detection, whereas the SGI was significantly more effective in characterising drought events within the Irish hydrogeological environment. Results show that the SMOTE technique enhanced performance of LR, GLM, and DT models, demonstrated by higher area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), and area under the precision/recall curve (AUCPR) values. However, XGB showed superior stability and accuracy across all sampling conditions. Notably, with a 40% minority class, XGB achieved the highest Recall and Precision values of 91.6% and 95.2%, respectively. As expected, model interpretations highlighted precipitation as a key precursor to drought propagation, with stations showing variable vulnerability linked to cumulative precipitation lags.

Future research directions will involve developing multi-scale early-warning models for groundwater drought using machine learning and deep learning. These models will be upscaled to a national level to map spatiotemporal impacts and inform groundwater management planning under changing climatic conditions.

How to cite: Mohamed, T., Nasr, A., and Hynds, P.: Predicting Groundwater Drought in Ireland Using a Machine Learning Ensemble , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9278,, 2025.

EGU25-9383 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Driver-based classification of hydrological droughts in a large alpine catchment 

Andrea Galletti, Susen Shrestha, Stefano Terzi, and Giacomo Bertoldi

Despite being traditionally regarded as water-rich, alpine regions are increasingly vulnerable to droughts due to the compounding effects of extreme climate events and conflicting water uses. This study focuses on the Upper Adige catchment, where shifts in its traditionally snow-driven hydrological regime are intensifying, calling for systematic adaptation to meet diverse demands across agriculture, ecosystems, and hydropower.

In this study, we investigate the formation mechanisms and leading causes of hydrological drought in this area analyzing 27 historical drought events related to the 1997-2022 time window. We apply the conceptual hydrological model ICHYMOD to assess key drought formation mechanisms in the region. The model is initially validated against observed streamflow time series and demonstrates reliable performance in capturing both dry and wet day patterns and in identifying severe drought events, with accuracy exceeding 75% across several validation sites. The analysis then focuses on a model-based evaluation of hydrological drought formation with reference to the entire Upper Adige basin, assessing how drought propagates through the hydrological cycle and identifying recurrent patterns. A tree-based classification framework aimed at classifying the droughts according to their driving mechanism is developed, deriving threshold and classification criteria informed by expert knowledge of the region. 

The automated classification subdivides the historical events into six categories, and the results closely mirror the outcomes of visual classification, affirming the robustness of the approach and its alignment with domain expertise. 25% of droughts originating from two or more leading mechanisms are classified as composite, constituting one additional category. Our results reveal that the longest droughts are typically driven by early snowmelt, which depletes summer water reserves, or by precipitation deficits heading into winter, leading to prolonged recessions of water resources. These drought categories also record the highest deficits in terms of streamflow volume, partially due to their extended durations. The lowest streamflows typically occur in spring, driven by either rainfall deficits or delayed snowmelt at the end of the winter recession. Temperature emerges as a key driver with contrasting effects: while high temperatures accelerate snowmelt and exacerbate summer droughts, excessively low temperatures prolong winter recessions, intensifying spring water conflicts when demands are most critical.

This framework provides a systematic approach to understanding drought formation in alpine regions and can be leveraged in conjunction with hydrometeorological monitoring to support the development of an operational drought warning system. Integrating real-time observations with the classification logic enables actionable early warnings, enhancing preparedness and guiding response strategies for future drought events.

How to cite: Galletti, A., Shrestha, S., Terzi, S., and Bertoldi, G.: Driver-based classification of hydrological droughts in a large alpine catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9383,, 2025.

EGU25-9445 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

High space- and time-resolution drought monitoring using harmonized Landsat and Sentinel data with Drone imagery 

Gholamreza Nikravesh, Raffaele Persico, Bruno Evola, Alfonso Senatore, and Giuseppe Mendicino

Drought is gaining global attention due to its irrefutable and irreparable damages. Aiming at exploiting the great potential of remote sensing platforms to facilitate drought monitoring and characterization, even through multi-sensor-based approaches, this contribution underscores the efficacy of harmonizing Landsat and Sentinel data, driven by high-resolution drone imagery, to monitor drought conditions on a local scale over a large farm located in the Calabria Region, southern Italy.

To accomplish the monitoring, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has been exploited, and the cloud coverage has been evaluated at a local level so as to discard the images that are locally cloudy and shadowy and retain instead those locally cloud-free for further process. Machine learning techniques, including Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forest (RF), Feedforward Neural Networks (FFNN), and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), were employed to develop accurate cloud and shadow masks. The approach was enhanced with special spatial filtering considering seven bands for the cloud masking and the SWIR1 band for shadow masking, leading to remarkable accuracies of 96.9% for Sentinel and 89.4% for Landsat imagery.

Remote sensing data harmonization from different sources was driven by high-resolution drone imagery. Specifically, on July 12, 2024, a drone survey was carried out, and the reflectance in its Red and NIR bands (needed for NDVI calculation) was compared with that provided by satellite data for the same date, highlighting that Sentinel’s reflectance is radiometrically closer to that provided by the drone.

Subsequently, Landsat and Sentinel data were harmonized, and Landsat data were modified to converge to the Sentinel data. In order to do this, over the six months ranging from April 15 to October 15, 2024, a linear relationship between the Landsat and Sentinel Red and NIR spectral bands was determined in the dates when both images were available at most one day of distance. Then, the linear equation coefficients were also estimated for Landsat images acquired at more than one day of distance from Sentinel ones, applying a linear interpolation over time between the closest dates with simultaneous or near-simultaneous (i.e., one-day difference) acquisition between the two platforms.

The procedure was tested by comparing the extracted NDVI values (namely, Sentinel NDVI and harmonized Landsat NDVI) with the local information about agricultural activities and with other four high-resolution drone surveys, implying the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. The proposed integrated approach not only improves the monitoring of drought conditions but can also help agricultural management and disaster response in vulnerable regions.

Acknowledgments: This study was funded by The Next Generation EU - Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of ‘Innovation Ecosystems’, building ‘Territorial R&D Leaders’, Project Tech4You - Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009.

How to cite: Nikravesh, G., Persico, R., Evola, B., Senatore, A., and Mendicino, G.: High space- and time-resolution drought monitoring using harmonized Landsat and Sentinel data with Drone imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9445,, 2025.

EGU25-10881 | Posters on site | HS4.2

The drought response of European ecosystem processes via multiple components of the hydrological cycle 

Christian Poppe Teran, Bibi S. Naz, Alexandre Belleflamme, Harry Vereecken, and Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen

Like those recently experienced in 2018 and 2022, European droughts significantly alter ecosystem processes, such as photosynthesis and evapotranspiration. Quantifying these large-scale alterations and understanding their drivers is essential to studying the drought impacts on ecosystem performance, water resource management, and carbon emission budgeting. However, to this date, because of differing definitions of drought events and complex interactions among eco-hydrological variables across multiple time scales, research has only painted a blurry picture of the impacts of droughts on ecosystems.

In this work, based on pan-European simulations of the land surface model CLM5-BGC, we identified drought events with a generalized clustering algorithm considering water deficits in multiple compartments of the hydrological cycle (groundwater, soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and vapor pressure deficit). Further, we distinguished these droughts' direct and lagged effects by aggregating water deficits across various time scales and their impacts on ecosystem processes by accounting for the absolute anomalies at the event locations.

We highlight statistics and trends of the identified drought events, their drivers, and their impact on photosynthesis and evapotranspiration, with increasingly severe soil moisture and vapor pressure deficits. In the shorter time scales, atmospheric droughts are the primary driver of photosynthesis and evapotranspiration anomalies. This study presents a novel multi-scale and multivariate approach to droughts, paving the way for holistic and more precise considerations of their impacts on ecosystems.

How to cite: Poppe Teran, C., S. Naz, B., Belleflamme, A., Vereecken, H., and Hendricks Franssen, H.-J.: The drought response of European ecosystem processes via multiple components of the hydrological cycle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10881,, 2025.

Seasonal hydrological forecasts have become an essential tool for water resources management, especially in the context of increasing droughts in the 21st century. As part of the CIPRHES project, the purpose here is to assess the capacity of a hydrological forecast modelling chain to simulate low-water flows over France, in order to extract relevant indicators of hydrological droughts for decision-makers, such as the anticipation, i.e., the start date of a drought event, and the precision, i.e., the lowest observed flow for 10 consecutive days (VCN10). Seamless meteorological forecasts, combining 10-days ECMWF forecasts with 134-days forecasts simulated by the ARPEGE model using the Ensemble Copula Coupling method, are used to force the SURFEX land surface model coupled with the CTRIP river routing model to simulate 144-days river hydrological forecasts. To bring this study into real-time conditions, data assimilation is performed on a 7-days simulation prior to each forecast using the observed discharges at the gauged stations from the CAMELS database, to correct the internal states of the CTRIP model. The results show that data assimilation significantly improves the simulations over the assimilated period, and its persistence (i.e., the duration of the effect of the data assimilation) is over 30 days for the largest rivers but close to 0 days on the smaller ones. This last point leads to a poor effect of data assimilation on the CAMELS database catchments, most of them having a surface lower than 1000 km2. However, the modelling chain simulates a good anticipation for 70% of the used stations from the CAMELS database, and a precision deviation closed to 0 for the large majority of the stations. A post-bias correction procedure based on the Empirical Quantile Mapping (EQM) method at each station allows to improve the estimations of these indicators, e.g., good anticipation for 86% of the stations.

How to cite: Jeantet, A., Munier, S., and Rousset, F.: Using a seamless forecast ensemble to force the CTRIP river routing model in order to simulate hydrological drought indicators useful to decision-makers in France., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11671,, 2025.

EGU25-12692 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Assessing the impacts of South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) and atmospheric blockings on rainfall variability in Brazilian biomes using Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) 

Aimée Guida Barroso, Livia Sancho, Louise da Fonseca Aguiar, Priscila Esposte Coutinho, Vitor Luiz Victalino Galves, Gean Paulo Michel, Franciele Zanandrea, and Marcio Cataldi

Climate change is disrupting atmospheric patterns, which, in turn, alters precipitation regimes worldwide. Droughts are becoming more frequent, intense, prolonged, and spatially distributed, posing a threat to water security for millions of people. Drought monitoring is particularly critical in Brazil, a country that encompasses diverse climate regimes and biomes, and where rainfall variability greatly impacts social vulnerabilities, biodiversity, and the economy. To better understand disruptions in rainfall patterns leading to drier conditions in Brazil, we evaluated the correlation between the occurrence of atmospheric blockings and episodes of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) with rainfall variability, particularly for droughts, in various biomes. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was used to characterize precipitation variability, presenting simple yet robust statistical insights into the distribution, duration and frequency of rainfalls surpluses (positive values) and droughts (negative values). The SPI values for 1, 6 and 12 months were calculated using observed rainfall data from the Brazilian Daily Weather Gridded Data (BR-DWGD) database, from 1961 to 2024. SACZ episodes and atmospheric blocking events were identified using indices developed by LAMMOC/UFF research group, which effectively describe the behaviour of these systems across various regions of the country. The atmospheric blocking index was calculated using ERA5 reanalysis data, while NCEP reanalysis data was the input to the SACZ index. All data were normalized prior to statistical analyses, which included Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), K-means clustering, Mann-Kendall test, and trend analysis to identify and quantify trends. The results demonstrate that atmospheric blocking events are increasing in all regions of Brazil. Conversely, the SACZ occurrences did not demonstrate a significant trend. The correlation between atmospheric blockings and SPI values exhibit a strong pattern in all evaluated time scales and regions, demonstrating significant positive influence in the Pampa biome within all evaluated time scales, suggesting that blockings, regardless of their position, incur in rainfall surpluses in South Brazil. In the other biomes, blockings show a consistent negative influence, particularly in Cerrado, Pantanal and Amazonia (Central and Northern regions). Cerrado shows correlations of up to -0.5, the highest values observed in the analysis - suggesting atmospheric blockings have an inhibiting effect in precipitation, creating drier conditions that are concerning for wildfire hazard in central Brazil, and also in Southern Amazonia. SACZ and SPI correlation is not as clear, with small to no trend in most biomes, except for the slight negative influence on the Pampa, region where precipitation decreases as active SACZs concentrate rainfall northward. Understanding the correlation between these important atmospheric systems and the precipitation variability observed in Brazil is valuable to drought monitoring and prediction, and may help to identify early warning signals for major droughts, providing insights that can guide mitigation and adaptation strategies to address the impacts of climate change, which affects differently the regions of the country due to the complexity of its diverse climate regimes and biomes, and therefore, water availability and wildfire hazard.

How to cite: Guida Barroso, A., Sancho, L., da Fonseca Aguiar, L., Esposte Coutinho, P., Victalino Galves, V. L., Michel, G. P., Zanandrea, F., and Cataldi, M.: Assessing the impacts of South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) and atmospheric blockings on rainfall variability in Brazilian biomes using Standard Precipitation Index (SPI), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12692,, 2025.

EGU25-12748 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Droughts and Changes in Water Resource Availability in the Cuneo Province   

Benedetta Rivella, Emanuele Mombrini, Stefania Tamea, and Alberto Viglione

Hydrological research conducted in the province of Cuneo, located in southern Piedmont, Italy, highlights significant trends in meteorological droughts, showing increasing duration and intensity over recent decades. Prolonged dry periods caused by low precipitation, often combined with high temperatures and elevated evapotranspiration, lead to severe impacts on agriculture, surface water resources, and socio-economic systems. This study identifies major drought events affecting the Cuneo area using standardized meteorological and hydrological indices: the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and the Standardized Streamflow Index (SSI). The propagation of drought from meteorological to hydrological conditions is analysed by correlating basin-wide precipitation indices at various temporal scales with streamflow indices at the basin outlet. Spearman’s correlation coefficient, adjusted for autocorrelation, is used to determine the temporal scale with the highest correlation, providing an indication on the basin’s drought response time. Spatial variability in response times is further explored in relation to basin characteristics such as gauge elevation and drainage area. Beyond characterizing drought propagation, the study integrates the quantitative analysis with qualitative insights obtained collaborating with water utility managers. Their direct experience of droughts periods in the water supply system represents an invaluable source of information. We aim at combining the quantitative and qualitative pieces of information to link drought causes to their real consequences and impacts on the study area, addressing both physical and socio-economic dimensions. 

How to cite: Rivella, B., Mombrini, E., Tamea, S., and Viglione, A.: Droughts and Changes in Water Resource Availability in the Cuneo Province  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12748,, 2025.

EGU25-13033 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Propagation of droughts with Standardized Indexes associated with storage services under changes 

Caline Leite, Ana Paula Cunha, Veber Afonso Figueredo Costa, and Eduardo Mario Mendiondo

During drought periods, reservoirs are intended to ensure water availability to meet specific demands within a river basin. However, the increasing frequency and duration of droughts that may be caused by climate change and rising population demands for water may prevent reservoirs from replenishing the necessary volumes for subsequent drought events, potentially prolonging their effects. This study aims to investigate how reservoirs can influence the time of propagation of droughts in the context of climate change, in Brazilian river basins located across different biomes. To achieve this, i) the time of propagation from meteorological to hydrological droughts was calculated using standardized indices for the period 1990 to 2024; additionally, ii) in each basin, drought events in a main reservoir was evaluated using the Standardized Reservoir Drought Index over the same period; and finally, iii) indicators representing the effects of climate change — such as the temporal evolution of evapotranspiration — and increased water demands driven by human activities — such as changes in land use and occupation in agricultural and urban areas— was also be assessed for the same period. This analysis seeks to discuss potential relationships among the time of propagation time to hydrological droughts, reservoir droughts, population demands, and climate change.

How to cite: Leite, C., Cunha, A. P., Figueredo Costa, V. A., and Mendiondo, E. M.: Propagation of droughts with Standardized Indexes associated with storage services under changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13033,, 2025.

EGU25-13154 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Deciphering Flash Droughts in India: Trends, Dynamics, and Prediction Insights 

Ashish Pathania and Vivek Gupta

Droughts are among the most severe hydro-meteorological hazards. IPCC (2022) reports that the global area affected by droughts is expected to increase in the context of climate change. Their impact on the agriculture, economy, and ecosystems of a region is significant. Flash droughts represent a particularly challenging phenomenon characterized by their rapid onset. They are primarily driven by a sudden increase in evapotranspiration coupled with significant deficits in precipitation. The duration of flash droughts is relatively shorter as compared to traditional droughts. They are difficult to predict and often lack adequate mitigation measures. High-resolution indices such as the pentad-scale (5-day) SPEI (Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index) have emerged as essential tools to detect and evaluate the flash droughts.

The present study investigates the flash droughts across India during the period 1979 to 2020. It utilizes the IMDAA dataset (0.12°×0.12°) to develop a pentad-scale SPEI dataset throughout India. The analysis reveals that northern and central states, including Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, and eastern Maharashtra, experience comparatively prolonged and severe flash droughts. The spatial evaluation of drought progression is also conducted across multiple agro-climatic zones. We assessed the predictability of flash droughts at a lead time of 7, 14, and 21 days utilizing data-driven frameworks such as LSTM, Transformers, and Informers. The temporal evaluation of prediction performance is done across both monthly and seasonal scales. The findings of the study underscore the need for improving the prediction performance of flash droughts, particularly across regions with high elevation variability. This approach aims to strengthen the nation’s resilience to flash droughts in the face of a changing climate.

How to cite: Pathania, A. and Gupta, V.: Deciphering Flash Droughts in India: Trends, Dynamics, and Prediction Insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13154,, 2025.

EGU25-13301 | Orals | HS4.2

Application of remotely sensed and modeled soil moisture for anticipating crop production shocks in food-insecure countries  

Shraddhanand Shukla, Frank Davenport, Donghoon Lee, Weston Anderson, Barnali Das, Karyn Tabor, Abheera Hazra, Kim Slinski, Amy McNally, Laura Harrison, and Greg Husak

Soil moisture estimates are widely used as indicators of agricultural drought. Despite their ability to signal trends in vegetative water content months before vegetation greenness responses, their direct application in operational crop yield forecasting and the early anticipation of production shocks remains limited. Early warning of crop production shocks is a critical component of food insecurity scenario generation process. Previous research in southern Africa demonstrated promising skill in crop yield forecasting when using modeled soil moisture products as predictors, outperforming traditional indicators such as December-to-February ENSO. Similarly, a study in East Africa identified when and where soil moisture outperforms other Earth observations as a predictor of crop yield. Building on this foundation, we present a comprehensive investigation into the applicability of soil moisture products for sub-national crop yield forecasting across several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our analysis evaluates the performance of various soil moisture datasets, including remotely sensed (e.g., ESA-CCI), modeled (e.g., FEWS NET Land Data Assimilation System), and data-assimilated (e.g., Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model) products, in within-season crop yield forecasts. We focus on three key areas: 1. The comparative value of remotely sensed surface soil moisture relative to root zone soil moisture from modeled and data-assimilated products. 2. The effectiveness of remotely sensed soil moisture in irrigated regions, where it may better capture agricultural drought than rainfall or modeled products. 3. The influence of anomalous soil moisture conditions at the onset of growing seasons, such as delayed rains or sequential droughts. Finally, we diagnose the sources of performance differences between remotely sensed and modeled soil moisture as predictors of crop yields. Our findings highlight the potential of remotely sensed soil moisture products as effective predictors for operational crop yield forecasting. 

How to cite: Shukla, S., Davenport, F., Lee, D., Anderson, W., Das, B., Tabor, K., Hazra, A., Slinski, K., McNally, A., Harrison, L., and Husak, G.: Application of remotely sensed and modeled soil moisture for anticipating crop production shocks in food-insecure countries , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13301,, 2025.

EGU25-13570 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

A joint spatio-temporal characterization of the major meteorological droughts in Europe 

Fabiola Banfi, Carlo De Michele, and Carmelo Cammalleri

Drought can be considered the most severe and the most complex weather-related natural hazard. With impacts that may extend to large areas and log time spans, and the capability to occur in all climatic zones, drought is the first hazard for the number of people affected. Due to the transboundary nature of drought events, an effective monitoring of their evolution must properly account for the full spatio-temporal structure. This characterization is a key step for a proper attribution of the related impacts. In addition, understanding common features in major droughts is of utmost importance for both monitoring and forecasting activities. In this work, we introduce a set of tools used to summarize the main properties of major droughts in Europe, with the goal of subdividing the events in groups characterized by similar properties. We used a European dataset of meteorological droughts (from 1981 to 2020) that detects events based on the Standardized Precipitation Index using an event-oriented spatio-temporal clustering algorithm. Spatio-temporal characteristics of major droughts were summarized using Normalized Area - Time Accumulation curves to follow their expansion/contraction as a function of time and analyzing the main direction of expansion of the events. A clustering algorithm was applied to classify events. We identified three groups: a first group comprised of warm-season events, characterized by a longer duration, a shorter early growing phase, and a longer exhaustion phase; a second group, less numerous, comprised by droughts occurring during the cold season, that tend to have a shorter duration, a longer early growing phase and a shorter exhaustion phase; and a third group comprised of droughts occurring across the two periods. This last class is characterized by a longer duration and a high variability in most of the other characteristics.

How to cite: Banfi, F., De Michele, C., and Cammalleri, C.: A joint spatio-temporal characterization of the major meteorological droughts in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13570,, 2025.

EGU25-13898 | Posters on site | HS4.2

Investigating groundwater response to meteorological and agricultural drought under increased water demand: insights from a Mediterranean coastal aquifer using numerical modeling 

Harris Vangelis, George Kopsiaftis, Dimitris Tigkas, Ioannis M. Kourtis, and Vasileios Christelis

Meteorological drought is a natural phenomenon caused mainly by a prolonged precipitation deficiency, that may propagate to the surface and groundwater systems leading to the manifestation of hydrological drought events. The impacts of drought are often less visible in the subsurface due to sparse observational records while the response of groundwater to weather variability depends on antecedent groundwater levels and hydraulic and storage properties of the aquifer system. Although groundwater is often the only resilient water resource in arid and semi-arid areas, a notable decline in groundwater levels can be difficult to manage.

There is increasing evidence that coastal groundwater, which serves as the main water source for various needs (urban water supply, agriculture, etc.), is at even greater risk in semi-arid areas where the quality and quantity of fresh water stored in aquifers is threatened by seawater intrusion. It is important to note that, in these islands, periods of low recharge coincide with peak water consumption, which in turn leads to overexploitation of the aquifers to meet the increased water demands.

To that end, the present study focuses on the assessment of the complex relationship between drought conditions and coastal groundwater, emphasizing on its multidimensional nature which involves the consideration of several factors, such as pumping regimes, land use, water demands, subsurface heterogeneity, geomorphology of the study area and hydraulic connection to the sea. The principal goal is to identify critical features through a comprehensive modeling approach using distributed numerical modelling and easily accessible data and tools, providing the means for informed water management, especially in ungauged coastal aquifers.

The study analysed the case of a coastal aquifer located in the Greek island Kalymnos in the Aegean Sea for a period of 73 years (1950-2022). The primary source of groundwater in the study area is a calcareous unconfined coastal aquifer. A transient three-dimensional variable-density flow and salt transport numerical model was developed using SEAWAT code. Time-varying recharge input, was simulated with the ZOODRM model, a distributed recharge model. The pumping regimes were calculated based on both urban and agricultural water demands. Three drought indices for various timescales were employed for assessing drought evolution throughout the study period. That is, the Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) indicating the meteorological conditions, the Effective RDI (eRDI) and the Agricultural Standardized Precipitation Index (aSPI). The last two were utilised for identifying the agricultural drought conditions. The MH-data software was used for managing the meteorological input data (precipitation and potential evapotranspiration) that were obtained from the ERA5-Land database and the DrinC software was used for the drought analysis.

The outcomes of the study identified significant correlations between the freshwater volume and the drought indices, indicating the response of the aquifer to meteorological and agricultural drought. The time-varying pumping and recharge, along with the corresponding meteorological and agricultural drought conditions, also provide insights on water availability and potential water depletion during drought episodes. The proposed workflow may serve as an effective and cost-efficient strategy that may be utilized in areas with limited field data.

How to cite: Vangelis, H., Kopsiaftis, G., Tigkas, D., Kourtis, I. M., and Christelis, V.: Investigating groundwater response to meteorological and agricultural drought under increased water demand: insights from a Mediterranean coastal aquifer using numerical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13898,, 2025.

EGU25-14058 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Future Drought projections in a fragile island system: The case of Rapa Nui. 

Dayna Sheldon, Javiera Aliaga, Eduardo Muñoz, Ignacio Toro, and Ximena Vargas

Rapa Nui Island, is the most isolated inhabited place in the world and a popular tourist destination, like other island communities located in the Pacific Ocean. This unique system, which lacks rivers or permanent surface watercourses, is particularly vulnerable to climatic variations that could affect groundwater recharge, which is their main source of freshwater. The increase in water consumption, along with predictions of less precipitation and higher temperatures due to climate change, underscores the need to better understand future drought conditions on Rapa Nui Island. 

Here, we selected and statistically downscale and bias-corrected 11 CMIP5 and 3 CMIP6 Global Circulation Models (GCMs) under the scenarios RCP8.5 and SSP5-8.5, respectively, to study the projections of droughts events in Rapa Nui until the end of the century. To do so, we analyze severe and extreme droughts using the SPI(12) and SPEI(12) indexes estimating potential evapotranspiration (PET) with the Thornthwaite and Hargreaves methods. 

Our results indicate a sustained decrease in precipitation, an increase in temperature, and a higher frequency of drought events with longer durations and greater intensities compared to historical climatological periods (1970-2014). Specifically, by the end of the century, average annual precipitation is projected to decrease by more than 20% (29% under the SSP 5-8.5 scenario compared to 24% under RCP 8.5), while the mean temperature is expected to increase by approximately 2°C for each scenario. Regarding extreme droughts, projections based on the SSP 5-8.5 result in more adverse outcomes, particularly in the far future (2065–2100). For the SPI index, extreme drought frequencies under this scenario are projected to exceed historical frequencies by 61% in the distant future, and by 23% compared to those projected under the RCP 8.5 scenario. 

We conclude that the analysis of drought is highly dependent on the method used to estimate PET. For instance, the projected results using the Thornthwaite method show differences exceeding 17% in the frequencies of extreme droughts by the end of the century compared to the Hargreaves method. Both scenarios project more intense and prolonged droughts than those experienced in the past, emphasizing the urgency of investigating and implementing measures to ensure the population's water supply security and the preservation of the island's biodiversity, always integrating the opinions and respecting the culture of the Rapa Nui people. 

Finally, these results highlight the importance of studying representative values of this variable during the historical period and underscore the relevance of adopting measures to mitigate climate risks associated with drought events in fragile systems such as that of Rapa Nui.  

How to cite: Sheldon, D., Aliaga, J., Muñoz, E., Toro, I., and Vargas, X.: Future Drought projections in a fragile island system: The case of Rapa Nui., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14058,, 2025.

EGU25-14097 | Posters on site | HS4.2

Unified Guidelines for Drought Condition Monitoring in Local Dams and Rivers in South Korea 

Tae-Woong Kim, Min Ji Kim, Joo Heon Lee, and Hyun Han Kwon

Drought assessment is a critical component of water resource management, ensuring the stability of water supplies and minimizing the impacts of droughts. Focusing on percentile-based criteria and available water supply duration, the United States Drought Monitor (USDM) employs a five-tiered drought assessment ranging from abnormally dry conditions (D0) to exceptional drought (D4), with percentiles delineating each stage. Camrose City in Canada monitors drought conditions in four stages: watch, warning, critical, and emergency based on the number of days water can be supplied to the population. These monitoring schemes highlight the importance of hydrological and statistical data in identifying drought conditions and guiding proactive responses.

Considering the practices of drought monitoring in Building on these international practices, this study proposes a unified guideline for drought condition monitoring schemes for dams and rivers in South Korea. The guideline incorporates percentile thresholds (30%, 20%, 10%, 5%) for indicators such as reservoir storage rates and river levels. For reservoir management, thresholds are set based on water availability durations (90, 60, 30, 20 days).

The drought monitoring guideline is further validated using two methods for a testbed, the Dongbok Dam; the supply-based criteria defined thresholds as 25.6-17.1-8.5-5.7 million m³ for reservoir volume and 28-19-9-6% for reservoir rates. Alternatively, the percentile-based method yielded thresholds of 52.8-44.2-32.3-25.4%. The Pyeongchang River was selected as a representative case for rivers where supply-based criteria are inapplicable. The 10-day percentile-based criteria showed higher thresholds during the flood season (April–September) and lower thresholds during the non-flood season (October–February).

This research emphasizes integrating global best practices into localized drought monitoring systems. By adopting standardized and scientifically robust methods, water resource managers can improve resilience against droughts and ensure sustainable water availability for future generations.

Acknowledgment: This work was supported by the 2023-2024 K-water through research on improving dam operation strategies to respond to drought, funded by the Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE)(grant number).

How to cite: Kim, T.-W., Kim, M. J., Lee, J. H., and Kwon, H. H.: Unified Guidelines for Drought Condition Monitoring in Local Dams and Rivers in South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14097,, 2025.

The intensification of climate change has exacerbated the frequency and severity of extreme hydrological events, particularly droughts, posing critical challenges to global water resource management. The Zhuoshui River Basin, as a vital water supply region in Taiwan, has recently faced increasing extremes in rainfall and drought, highlighting the urgent need for effective management strategies. To address these challenges, this study develops a deep learning-based model for long-term monthly river flow prediction, emphasizing its significance in supporting water resource management and decision-making under worsening drought conditions.

Using historical hydrological data, the model was trained and optimized with input variables such as rainfall, evapotranspiration, and groundwater levels to explore their interactions with river flow and assess their influence on predictive performance. Future climate scenarios provided by the IPCC AR6 (Sixth Assessment Report) were employed to project river flow and groundwater levels over the next 80 years, offering insights into potential drought risks.

By combining the predicted river flow and groundwater levels with established drought assessment indices, the study quantifies drought severity and provides a scientific foundation for developing sustainable water resource management strategies in the Zhuoshui River Basin under the impact of climate change.

Keywords: Long-term streamflow forecasting, Deep learning, Drought Risk, Climate Change

How to cite: Chen, Z. and Chang, L.-C.: Enhancing Long-Term River Flow Prediction for Effective Water Resource Management under Intensifying Drought Risks and Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14667,, 2025.

EGU25-14683 | Posters on site | HS4.2

Future Evolution and Sources of Uncertainty in Global Drought Recovery Probabilities 

Fei Yuan and Limin Zhang

Understanding how climate change affects the soil moisture drought recovery process is a priority to guide adaptation planning in drought management and to promote climate-resilient agriculture. A future climate scenario analysis framework was developed to project the spatiotemporal trends of global soil moisture drought and assess future changes in extreme drought recovery probabilities relative to the baseline period. Additionally, the two-factor analysis of variance approach was conducted to quantify the contributions of different uncertainty sources in climate change projections. The latest Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP 3b) simulations indicate that global soil moisture droughts will increase in frequency, extent, and intensity in the future. The strongest, most robust increases were projected in Amazon, central and southern Europe, southern Africa, southern China, southeastern Asia, and Oceania. Although a reduction in drought magnitude was projected in the northern high-latitudes, the recovery time and the precipitation required to terminate a drought were anticipated to increase compared to the baseline period. Compared to the baseline period, approximately 57.5% of global regions are projected to experience a decline in drought recovery probability during crop growing seasons under SSP1-2.6 scenario, particularly in northern North America, northern Europe, northwestern Asia, western Central Africa, the central Amazon basin, and southern Australia. Under SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, this proportion will rise to 61.3% and 60.3%, respectively. The ANOVA-based assessment reveals that climate model is the dominant uncertainty source, accounting for approximately 59.5%–66.8% of the total variance. Additionally, the contributions of emission scenarios and their interactions increase as drought recovery time lengthens, particularly in Southern Northern America, Central Africa, Southern Asia, Southern South America, Southern Africa and Oceania. Although future drought recovery probability projections are associated with non-negligible uncertainties, the increasingly difficult to recover from extreme droughts at the global scale highlights the importance of taking certain measures to mitigate drought risks.

How to cite: Yuan, F. and Zhang, L.: Future Evolution and Sources of Uncertainty in Global Drought Recovery Probabilities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14683,, 2025.

EGU25-14752 | Posters on site | HS4.2

Spatial and Temporal Drought Patterns Derived from High-Resolution Daily SPI and SPEI Datasets 

Olivier Prat, David Coates, Iype Eldho, Scott Wilkins, Denis Willett, Ronald Leeper, Brian Nelson, Michael Shaw, and Steve Ansari

A suite of gridded daily satellite (CMORPH, IMERG) and in-situ (NClimGrid) precipitation datasets are used to compute a near-real time standardized precipitation index (SPI) over various time scales (from 1-month to 36-month). Over CONUS, the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) is also computed using daily potential evapotranspiration (PET) derived from NClimGrid daily temperature estimates. The drought indices: CMORPH-SPI (global; 1998-present; 0.25x0.25deg.), IMERG-SPI (global; 2000-present; 0.1x0.1deg.), NClimGrid-SPI and NClimGrid-SPEI (CONUS; 1951-present; 0.05x0.05deg.) are used to perform a historical analysis of drought events and derive long-term statistics on drought occurrences, duration, and severity at the local, national, regional, and global scales. The impact of precipitation and temperature (i.e., PET) changes is assessed by considering several reference periods such as different durations (i.e., from a decade to the full period of record) and different time frames (i.e., 1961-1990, 1971-2000, etc.). The evolution of the distribution parameters (Gamma, Pearson III) computed for an ensemble of reference periods allows to account for long-term change in temperature and precipitation patterns. In addition to the drought indices (SPI, SPEI), the year-to-date rainfall deficit is estimated with respect to drought classification (abnormally dry, moderate, severe, extreme, exceptional) and the impact of isolated or multi-day rainfall events on drought conditions is evaluated. This work provides a better understanding of drought propagation across a continuum of accumulation scales and allows to estimate the likelihood of any deviations from normal rainfall conditions to evolve into meteorological drought.

How to cite: Prat, O., Coates, D., Eldho, I., Wilkins, S., Willett, D., Leeper, R., Nelson, B., Shaw, M., and Ansari, S.: Spatial and Temporal Drought Patterns Derived from High-Resolution Daily SPI and SPEI Datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14752,, 2025.

EGU25-15105 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Droughts in South East Europe (SEE): recent tendencies, existing tools and regional initiatives 

Mirjana Radulović, Gordan Mimić, Maksim Kharlamov, and Maria Kireeva

A broad variety of research indicates that climate change has intensified and extended meteorological droughts across parts of Europe, with southern European regions experiencing particularly severe impacts (IPCC, 2012). The majority of SEE countries are experiencing an increase in drought severity and frequency according to a broad plethora of research. The most commonly used drought indicators by regional experts are meteorological drought indexes such as SPI, SPEI, and PDSI, as well as more specific parameters like the maximum seasonal dry spell (DS), SGI, specific discharge and SRI indexes, vegetation stress parameters. Impact-based assessments, including yield reduction, crop damage, and total economic loss, are also employed. In general, most results are coherent in their conclusions and indicate negative trends, showing an increase in aridity associated with both temperature increases and a lack of precipitation, except in some subregions in Croatia and Bulgaria.

The number of publications devoted to droughts varies greatly by year and country. The maximum publication activity on drought index dynamics was reached in the late 2010s. Over the last five years, there has been a shift to impact-based approaches by major crop types. Serbia, Slovenia, and Romania have had the highest number of publications focused on droughts across the SEE region during the last 15 years, covering all three types of droughts (meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological) not only by calculated indexes but also by impacts. The most underrepresented countries are Albania, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. In this overview, an average area under the “alert” class of CDI was calculated for each SEE country for 2012-2024 to illustrate the general picture. The country-scale signatures show major familiarity in drought-prone areas over the period. After the catastrophic drought in 2012, followed by a drop and plateau (until 2018), steady growth in the area under “alert” is observed, reaching 8-25% in 2023-2024.

To enhance the development and support of drought risk management tools and policies, DMCSEE was launched in 2009. Since 2010, regional bulletins have been issued on a monthly basis. To mitigate drought impacts and increase awareness, national drought monitors are urgently needed in the region due to the major role of agriculture and significant vulnerability. However, dynamically updated Drought Monitors and national Drought Early Warning Systems (EWS) are currently under development in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Romania. The operational stage has been achieved at the national level only in Croatia and partly in Romania and Slovenia. An AI-driven and impact-based EWS with medium-range lag time is a promising solution for dynamically updated platforms at the regional scale.

How to cite: Radulović, M., Mimić, G., Kharlamov, M., and Kireeva, M.: Droughts in South East Europe (SEE): recent tendencies, existing tools and regional initiatives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15105,, 2025.

EGU25-16877 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Global-scale spatiotemporal clustering of multivariate drought events using 3D DBSCAN 

Vít Šťovíček, Martin Hanel, Rohini Kumar, Vojtěch Moravec, Yannis Markonis, Carmelo Cammalleri, Jan Řehoř, Miroslav Trnka, and Oldřich Rakovec

Drought is one of the most significant natural hazards, impacting ecosystems, water resources, and human livelihoods worldwide. Traditional drought analysis often focuses on specific types or limited geographical regions, leaving a critical gap in understanding the global evolution and interconnection of drought events across different timescales and dimensions.
This study aims to address this gap by employing DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise, e.g., Camalieri and Toreti, 2023) algorithm to identify, and quantify diverse characteristics of meteorological, hydrological, and agricultural droughts on a global scale. Specifically, we focus on the sensitivity of the DBCAN parameters, which are crucial for distinguishing meaningful drought clusters from noise in large, complex datasets. Our objective is to develop and validate a robust framework for detecting and assessing the spatiotemporal evolution of drought in different compartments of hydrological cycle, enabling a more comprehensive evaluation of entire drought dynamics.
Using a global hydrological dataset forced with ERA5 meteorologic dataset (Řehoř et al, 2024), we implement a 3D DBSCAN method, integrating spatial and temporal dimensions. The dataset provides key outputs of a hydrological model, including soil moisture, precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, and discharge, which are used to calculate drought metrics and identify large clusters with a total area exceeding 150,000 km² and lasting at least 30 days. At this stage, we work with historical data from 1980 to 2022, providing a robust platform to assess spatiotemporal drought patterns. This historical dataset will serve as a foundation for a future comparison with projected climate scenarios from 2025 to the end of the 21st century, enabling insights into potential changes in drought characteristics.
Our findings reveal that 3D DBSCAN is highly effective in capturing the spatiotemporal evolution of drought events, with parameter sensitivity playing a pivotal role in cluster detection. Small adjustments of algorithm’s inputs significantly influence the size, shape, and distribution of clusters, highlighting the need for careful calibration. This framework provides new insights into the relationships between drought events across regions and temporal scales, highlighting their potential to inform water resource management and climate adaptation strategies.

Cammalleri, C. and Toreti, A., 2023. A generalized density-based algorithm for the spatiotemporal tracking of drought events. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 24(3), pp.537-548.
Řehoř, J., Brázdil, R., Rakovec, O., Hanel, M., Fischer, M., Kumar, R., Balek, J., Poděbradská, M., Moravec, V., Samaniego, L. and Trnka, M., 2024. Global catalog of soil moisture droughts over the past four decades. EGUsphere, 2024, pp.1-34.

We acknowledge the Czech Science Foundation grant 23-08056S.

How to cite: Šťovíček, V., Hanel, M., Kumar, R., Moravec, V., Markonis, Y., Cammalleri, C., Řehoř, J., Trnka, M., and Rakovec, O.: Global-scale spatiotemporal clustering of multivariate drought events using 3D DBSCAN, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16877,, 2025.

EGU25-17593 | Posters on site | HS4.2

Machine Learning Framework for Hydrological Drought Forecasting in Brazilian Basins with Diverse Climates 

Luz Adriana Cuartas, Amir Naghabi, Gholamreza Nikravesh, Juliana A. Campos, Alireza Taheri Dehkordi, Kourosh Ahmadi, Thais Fujita, Alfonso Senatore, Giuseppe Mendicino, and Cintia B. Uvo

Drought is a multifaceted natural hazard characterized by complex mechanisms, diverse contributing factors, and slow onset, affecting food, water, energy, and ecosystem security. Brazil, like many regions worldwide, has faced significant drought challenges over the past decade, impacting basins that play a critical role in water supply, hydropower generation, and agriculture. This study explores the application of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms and Two-variate Standardized Index (TSI) to forecast drought conditions at 3- and 6-month time scales.

In this study we employ Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), using as predictors univariate indices and climate indices representing climate modes of variability that influence Brazil's precipitation and drought regimes. Our methodology includes feature selection through Recursive Feature Elimination, lagged correlations, and statistical evaluation using the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Square Error (MSE) and Coefficient of Determination (R²).

Results demonstrate that both SVR and ANN models effectively predict drought conditions, with R² varying between 0.71 and 0.91, MRS less than 0.2 and MAE not exceeding 0.35, for key indices at 3- and 6-months lags. The strong predictive performance underscores the potential of ML to address challenges in drought forecasting, enabling proactive water resource management and mitigation in regions vulnerable to hydrometeorological extremes.

How to cite: Cuartas, L. A., Naghabi, A., Nikravesh, G., Campos, J. A., Taheri Dehkordi, A., Ahmadi, K., Fujita, T., Senatore, A., Mendicino, G., and Uvo, C. B.: Machine Learning Framework for Hydrological Drought Forecasting in Brazilian Basins with Diverse Climates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17593,, 2025.

EGU25-18443 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Sustainability of water use in urban green spaces: a multi-city analysis in developing countries 

Arianna Tolazzi, Nikolas Galli, Maria Cristina Rulli, and Chiara Corbari

Urban growth is one of the main drivers of global change, with urban population expected to grow from 56% of the world total (2020) to 70% by 2050, mainly in less developed regions. Over the past two decades, more than 80 major metropolises have faced extreme drought and water shortages, with future projections outlining an increasing risk of water crises. In this context, the sustainable management of urban water resources emerges as a critical challenge.  While studies on water scarcity have traditionally focused on agriculture, given its significant impact, urban systems—despite being resource-intensive—receive comparatively less attention. Moreover, most intra-urban studies are limited to specific case studies, lacking a comprehensive and scalable framework for cross-city comparisons.

This work aims to fill this gap, integrating a socio-economic framework with an engineering one to explore the sustainability of water use in urban green spaces. We perform the analysis on 20 cities with populations exceeding one million, located in developing countries, characterized by socio-economic disparities and different climatic conditions (aridity, temperatures, rainfall). Using the "Degree of Urbanization" approach, we define urban system boundaries to ensure comparability across cities. Within these boundaries, we map urban green spaces, using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to assess their extent and condition and quantify their green and blue water demand. We combine these data with those relating to water demand for domestic use and assess their overall impact on urban water scarcity. Our domestic water demand data is derived from a global raster dataset (50 km resolution) for the period 2015–2019. We apply a statistical downscaling technique to achieve a finer 2 km resolution, enabling intra-urban analyses. The downscaling process models the relationship between domestic water demand and city-specific indicators, such as population density, relative wealth indices, and monthly climate parameters.

The ultimate goal is to develop an adaptable model to assess the spatial distribution of water sustainability in urban environments. By integrating socio-economic and environmental factors, this research provides new insights into the role of urban green spaces in shaping water demand and urban water scarcity. In a context where climate change and urbanization are intensifying pressures on water resources, this research contributes to a more informed and equitable management of urban water systems.

How to cite: Tolazzi, A., Galli, N., Rulli, M. C., and Corbari, C.: Sustainability of water use in urban green spaces: a multi-city analysis in developing countries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18443,, 2025.

EGU25-18766 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Impact of reservoir network on propagation from meteorological to hydrological drought in a semi-arid basin of India 

Ajay Gupta, Manoj Kumar Jain, Rajendra Prasad Pandey, and David M. Hannah

Reservoirs play an important role in mitigating ill effects of drought. There could however be both desirable and undesirable effects of reservoirs on the water cycle. Many studies have explored the temporal aspects such as propagation rate and response time of drought propagation, yet not much has been revealed about the spatial characteristics of drought propagation. The present study aims to quantify the effects of reservoir networks on drought propagation from meteorological to hydrological drought via agricultural and reservoir drought, considering 7 major reservoirs in the semi-arid Krishna River Basin of India using 19 years of data from 2000 to 2019. The Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), Standardized Soil Moisture Index (SSMI), Standardized Reservoir Storage Index (SRSI) and Standardized Streamflow Index (SSI) representing meteorological, agricultural, reservoir and hydrological drought, respectively, were estimated at 1 and 3-months and at a threshold value of 0. The spatial water distribution is described using the ‘downstreamness concept’, and the upstream-downstream drought propagation were closely investigated. The results indicate that the meteorological drought propagates to agricultural and reservoir drought with drought lengthening. Whereas the hydrological drought propagation from upstream to downstream is attributed mainly to drought severity. Usually, the mild and moderate upstream reservoir droughts do not propagate to the downstream reservoirs, but severe drought propagates to downstream reservoirs with prolongation of duration and increase in severity. During drought propagation from upstream to downstream, the downstreamness of stored volume (Dsv) decreases from above the downstreamness of storage capacity (Dsc) at the start, indicating more water in the downstream reservoir, to below Dsc at the end, indicating more water in the upstream reservoir. Importantly, the findings from the study provides essential insights for implications for policymakers for river-basin scale water resource management and drought mitigation considering upstream–downstream drought propagation dynamics.

Keywords: Drought Propagation, Meteorological to Hydrological Drought, Downstreamness, Upstream-Downstream.

How to cite: Gupta, A., Jain, M. K., Pandey, R. P., and Hannah, D. M.: Impact of reservoir network on propagation from meteorological to hydrological drought in a semi-arid basin of India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18766,, 2025.

EGU25-20588 | Orals | HS4.2

Shifts in water supply and demand shape land cover change across Chile 

Francisco Zambrano, Anton Vrieling, Francisco Meza, Iongel Duran-Llacer, Francisco Fernández, Alejandro Venegas-González, Nicolas Raab, and Dylan Craven

Globally, droughts are becoming longer, more frequent, and more severe, and their impacts are multidimensional. These impacts typically extend beyond the water balance, as long-term, cumulative changes in the water balance can lead to regime shifts in land cover. Here, we assess the effects of temporal changes in water supply and demand over multiple time scales on vegetation productivity and land cover changes in continental Chile, which has experienced a severe drought since 2010. Across most of continental Chile, we observed a persistent negative trend in water supply and a positive trend in atmospheric water demand since 2000. However, in water-limited ecoregions, we have observed a negative temporal trend in the water demand of vegetation, which intensified over longer time scales. This long-term decrease in water availability and the shift in water demand have led to a decrease in vegetation productivity, especially for the Chilean Matorral and the Valdivian temperate forest ecoregions. We found that this decrease is primarily associated with drought indices associated with soil moisture and actual evapotranspiration at time scales of up to 12 months. Further, our results indicate that drought intensity explains up to 78% of temporal changes in the area of shrublands and 40% of the area of forests across all ecoregions, while the burned area explained 70% of the temporal changes in the area of croplands.  Our results suggest that the impacts of long-term climate change on ecosystems will extend to drought-tolerant vegetation types, necessitating the development of context-specific adaptation strategies for agriculture, biodiversity conservation and natural resource management. 

How to cite: Zambrano, F., Vrieling, A., Meza, F., Duran-Llacer, I., Fernández, F., Venegas-González, A., Raab, N., and Craven, D.: Shifts in water supply and demand shape land cover change across Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20588,, 2025.

EGU25-876 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Seismic sequences in the Italian Apennines influenced by fault network geometry  

Constanza Rodriguez Piceda, Zoë Mildon, Billy Andrews, Yifan Yin, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Martijn van den Ende, and Claudia Sgambato

Stress interactions between neighbouring faults plays a key role in controlling earthquake recurrence and size, and therefore in the seismic hazard posed by individual faults within a fault network. In this study, we investigate how differences in the predominant arrangement of faults, specifically, whether it is along-strike or across-strike, affect earthquake recurrence rates and magnitude of earthquakes. To address this topic, we use the boundary-element code QDYN to simulate earthquake cycles of two fault systems within the actively extending region of the Italian Apennines: one to the south where faults are predominantly arranged along-strike, and another in the central Apennines where faults are predominantly arranged across-strike.  The different styles of fault network between the Central and Southern Apennines, and high seismic hazard of the region, make this the ideal area to investigate the role of fault geometry on earthquake behaviour across multiple seismic cycles in this region.

The models account for variable fault slip rates between faults and network geometry to determine their impact on seismic cycles and earthquake statistics. These simulations produce spontaneous ruptures, with slip modes encompassing full and partial ruptures as well as slow-slip events. We found a good fit between the modelled magnitudes and the ones derived from historical ruptures and empirical relationships. Fault networks with multiple across-strike faults produce more complex seismic sequences, including greater variability in recurrence times and higher proportion of partial ruptures, compared to fault networks with faults arranged predominantly along-strike. Lastly, we assessed the seismic hazard in the studied regions based on the modelled earthquake rates and magnitudes. Our findings show that the spatial distribution of peak ground acceleration corresponding to a 50-year exceedance probability has a greater heterogeneity compared to classical seismic hazard assessment approaches. Hazard levels are elevated in areas where multiple faults overlap, highlighting the influence of fault interactions on regional hazard patterns. These findings show the influence of fault system geometry on how stresses redistribute across multiple earthquake cycles and associated seismic hazard.

How to cite: Rodriguez Piceda, C., Mildon, Z., Andrews, B., Yin, Y., Ampuero, J.-P., van den Ende, M., and Sgambato, C.: Seismic sequences in the Italian Apennines influenced by fault network geometry , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-876,, 2025.

EGU25-2435 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Large Off-Fault Deformation of 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake along an Immature Strike-Slip Fault, Tibetan Plateau 

Wenjun Kang, Zhanfei Li, and Xiwei Xu

The characteristics and factors that control the Off-Fault Deformation(OFD)remain poorly understood. The existing studies shows the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo earthquake produce the largest OFD than other earthquake cases. We try to use the China Gaofen-serie-satellite images to re-constrain the OFD deformation. By correlating pairs of images before and after this earthquake, we obtain the coseismic deformation parttern of  the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo earthquake. By measuring the coseismic deformation, we constrain the near-field and far-field surface displacement distribution. The result shows that this earthquake accommodated 69% of total surface deformation as OFD deformation over a mean deformation-zone width of 237 m.  Our result show the OFD proportation of the Maduo earthquake is large, but our result is lower than the result by using the SPOT and Sentienl-2 images. By analying the fault geometry  and geological deposit, we think the magnitude and width of off-fault deformation along the rupture is primarily controlled by the fault maturity and structural complexity of the fault. 

How to cite: Kang, W., Li, Z., and Xu, X.: Large Off-Fault Deformation of 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake along an Immature Strike-Slip Fault, Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2435,, 2025.

Surface ruptures associated with large historical earthquakes provide critical insights into earthquake magnitudes and the kinematics of their seismogenic faults. In 1955, a major earthquake occurred along the Zheduotang fault, a segment of the southern Xianshuihe fault zone in eastern Tibet. The magnitude of this earthquake has been a subject of debate, with estimates ranging from M6.6 to M7.5, primarily due to conflicting interpretations of its associated surface ruptures. This study reviews previous research on the surface ruptures of the 1955 Zheduotang earthquake and presents new field data, including unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based topographic surveys, trench excavations, and lichenometry in the epicentral region. Evidence from the freshness of ground ruptures, dating of faulting events from trenching, and lichen size measurements supports a ~55 km long surface rupture zone, corresponding to a moment magnitude (Mw) of ~7.1 for the 1955 earthquake. Analysis of offset glacial interfluves reveals a late Quaternary left-lateral slip rate of ~2.5–3.0 mm/yr in the southern segment of the Zheduotang fault, lower than ~3.4–4.8 mm/yr previously observed in the northern section. Deformed landforms and surface ruptures indicate that the fault trends NWN and exhibits predominantly left-lateral strike-slip motion in its northern section, while the southern segment trends NW and includes a notable normal faulting component. Our findings suggest that the Zheduotang fault delineates the southwestern boundary of the Bamei-Kangding releasing stepover zone within the southern Xianshuihe left-lateral strike-slip fault zone. These results enhance understanding of seismic hazards and the tectonic kinematics along the eastern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau.

How to cite: Ren, J., Xu, G., and Xu, X.: Revisiting surface ruptures of the 1955 Zheduotang earthquake (M ~7.5) in eastern Tibet: kinematic implications on the southern Xianshuihe fault zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2504,, 2025.

EGU25-4021 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

Paleoseismic Records of the Dead Sea Reveals Climatic Modulation of Seismicity Along the Continental Transform Fault 

Shmuel Marco, Shimon Wdowinski, Yin Lu, Anne Le Blanc, and Machel Higgins

The Dead Sea Basin, a pull-apart basin situated along the Sinai-Arabia transform plate boundary, presents a unique natural laboratory to examine the long-term variability of earthquake activity through its extensive paleoseismic record, spanning the past 220,000 years. This record is constructed from borehole and outcrop data documenting seismites—earthquake-induced sedimentary deformations formed within the ancient lakes of the basin. Preliminary studies have identified a strong correlation between earthquake occurrence and fluctuations in lake levels, pointing to a potential climatic influence on seismic activity.

Through an NSF-funded project, we aim to quantify the relationship between lake-level variations and the paleo-earthquake record by investigating the mechanisms underlying seismite formation. These processes include sediment accumulation, seismic shaking, unit disruption, gravitational sliding, and subsequent deposition. Seismic shaking results from the interplay of tectonic processes such as strain accumulation, surface load changes, pore pressure variations, and stress release. This shaking interacts with sedimentary processes to form seismites. The study incorporates five research components: (1) advanced time series analyses of the 220 ka seismite record; (2) spatial detection analysis to assess the uncertainty of single-core paleo-earthquake event detection; (3) geospatial paleo-bathymetry analysis of sediment availability for turbidite generation at different lake levels; (4) fluid mechanical modeling of sediment rheology and deformation style at varying lake levels; and (5) pore fluid pressure, fault strength and mechanical modeling related to earthquake occurrence on both primary strike-slip and secondary normal faults at This research aims to elucidate the role of climatic factors in modulating seismic activity within the Dead Sea Basin. By integrating methodologies from geology, geodesy, geophysics, paleoseismology, paleoclimatology, and sedimentology, the study provides critical insights into the physical processes governing long-term earthquake variability along continental transform faults.

How to cite: Marco, S., Wdowinski, S., Lu, Y., Le Blanc, A., and Higgins, M.: Paleoseismic Records of the Dead Sea Reveals Climatic Modulation of Seismicity Along the Continental Transform Fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4021,, 2025.

EGU25-4056 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Subduction Earthquake Cycle through the lens of analogue modelling: the role of the upper plate rheology 

Simona Guastamacchia, Fabio Corbi, Giacomo Mastella, Silvia Brizzi, and Francesca Funiciello

Subduction megathrusts are among the largest fault systems on Earth and are responsible for generating megaearthquakes-the most powerful earthquakes and one of the most destructive natural phenomena. However, obtaining natural data on the Subduction Earthquake Cycle (SEC) in these areas is challenging due to the long recurrence intervals of such events. To overcome this limitation, we used analogue models to reproduce in the laboratory hundreds of seismic cycles under different conditions in just a few minutes. The models feature a single velocity weakening asperity (i.e., rice) surrounded by a velocity-neutral material (i.e., sand). Using a parametric approach, we systematically varied two key parameters of our single asperity model: (1) the rheology of the upper plate, which affects its stiffness and (2) the normal load (σn) applied on the asperity. We performed four distinct models, each with a different upper plate stiffness. For each upper plate stiffness we implemented four σn (i.e., 16 models in total). High-resolution monitoring of our models, combined with Particle Image Velocimetry, allowed for a detailed analysis of the analog earthquakes. The variation in upper plate rheology enabled the models to simulate the transition from stick-slip behavior to stable sliding, governed by the ratio k/kc, the stability parameter within the rate-and-state framework. Moreover, the models demonstrate that this variation is a controlling factor of magnitude and recurrence time of the analogue events. Comparing the results with natural data, we found that all the models exhibit moment magnitudes (Mw) comparable to those of natural megaearthquakes. The possibility of crossing the k/kc=1 threshold allows us to explore the stick-slip behavior in a regime that includes period doubling linked to the coexistence of faster and slower slip rates. The findings in our experimental models demonstrate the influence of the upper plate rheology in the spectrum of megathrust slip behaviors, providing constraints that could potentially be applied to natural subduction zones. 

How to cite: Guastamacchia, S., Corbi, F., Mastella, G., Brizzi, S., and Funiciello, F.: Subduction Earthquake Cycle through the lens of analogue modelling: the role of the upper plate rheology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4056,, 2025.

The evolution of the shear traction at plate interfaces is a key input to seismic hazard assessments, as it relates rheological properties of the interface material to the slip history of the fault. However, at the relevant spatial scales, shear tractions can only be modelled indirectly, with kinematic coupling commonly used as a proxy for inferring any slip deficit that drives seismic hazard. When the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku-oki earthquake ruptured the Northern Japanese megathrust, it did so in an area where simplified models estimated low-to-medium kinematic coupling (Uchida and Bürgmann, 2021). 
The reliance on kinematic coupling for seismic hazard assessment could be reduced if instead the long-term slip budget (or equivalently, the shear stress history) could be estimated for a given fault zone. Such a method, in turn, would require the definition of specific constitutive laws in order to simulate multiple earthquake super-cycles, as well as an inversion independent of initial conditions. We have built such a scheme building on previous work (Kanda and Simons, 2010; Hetland and Simons, 2010; Kanda et al., 2013; Mallick et al., 2022; Köhne et al., in press). Our approach assumes that the plate interface is divided into fully-locked asperities surrounded by regions of the fault interface characterized by rate-dependent friction. We impose a historically realistic rupture timeline for each of the assumed asperities, but let the remaining fault interface evolve freely otherwise according to its mechanical properties, until it obtains cycle-invariance. After reaching the time period where GNSS observations of the region exist, we calculate the residuals to surface displacement timeseries, and use a Bayesian inference approach to estimate the best-fit frictional parameters. This inference is sensitive to our inherent ignorance of the elastic structure of the area around the plate interface. Therefore, we extend our framework to assess the impact of such heterogeneity.
We present results from our updated Northern Japanese subduction zone model, where we consider both pre- and post-2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake GNSS surface displacement observations. We first show, using a homogeneous halfspace model, how estimates of slip deficit and kinematic coupling differ.  We also find that the product of the rate-dependent frictional parameter (a-b) with effective normal stress generally decreases with depth. We then show how these conclusions change after considering the more realistic 3D elastic structure of Hashima et al. (2016), who have shown the importance for the coseismic fault slip and associated surface deformation (Hsu et al., 2011; Ragon and Simons, 2023). The structure includes depth-varying elastic moduli for the continental plate, down going slab, and mantle. Using PyLith, we calculate the relevant stress and displacement kernels for our earthquake simulation framework. Our model results provide important perspectives for future seismic hazard assessments and postseismic studies of rheological properties.

How to cite: Köhne, T., Mallick, R., Ragon, T., and Simons, M.: The Impact of 3D Elastic Structure on Estimates of Megathrust Frictional Properties Derived from Earthquake Cycle Inversions of Pre- and Post-2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake GNSS Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4256,, 2025.

EGU25-4323 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Coseismic and aseismic normal fault slip in Central Greece from InSAR time series 

James Wood, Alexander Whittaker, Rebecca Bell, Haralambos Kranis, Athanassios Ganas, and Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic

Normal faults in a rate-and-state friction model release seismic energy in distinct, instantaneous seismic events (i.e. earthquakes) between steady state periods. However, recent geodetic work in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece suggests that some seismogenic normal faults can also undergo transient aseismic slip events above steady state deformation rates in interseismic periods. Integrating the full range of fault slip behaviours into fault evolution frameworks is required to better constrain how normal faults accommodate and release strain with implications for rift development and seismic hazard. Therefore, further detailed observation of both coseismic and aseismic slip behaviours across normal faults at all time scales are needed.

In this analysis, we exploit open-source, vertical ground motion data from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS), derived from five-years of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) measurements, to evaluate uplift and subsidence in areas of active tectonics. While vertical ground motion data likely reflects a range of geological, hydrological and anthropogenic processes, isolating tectonic signals allows quantification of fault motion on annual to decadal time scales using the Europe-wide dataset. Therefore, this data bridges an important time-scale gap between event-specific InSAR studies and geological assessments and provides regional context to ground motion. Here, we use time series spanning 2019 to 2023 to assess vertical ground motion across normal faults in Central Greece that have, and have not, hosted large earthquakes in this period.

Spatio-temporal ground motion analysis is conducted for the March 2021, Mw > 6 earthquakes in the Larissa Basin (Thessaly). The cascading rupture style of the earthquakes and aftershocks is resolved in EGMS time series, and geometries of uplift and subsidence are plotted to define rupture parameters and fault plane projections. High coseismic uplift to subsidence ratios of 1:6 – 1:9 reflect the tight structural controls on this earthquake sequence. In contrast to Larissa, EGMS time series across the Coastal Fault System of the North Gulf of Evia imply aseismic normal fault slip. Differential vertical ground motion is recorded across both the Kamena Vourla and Arkitsa fault segments with little to no associated seismicity. Time-averaged throw rates of 2 - 3 mm/yr are measured at an uplift to subsidence ratio of 1:2. These throw rates exceed the long-term, geodetic extension rates across the North Gulf of Evia suggesting that the faults are moving in a transient period of elevated aseismic slip between 2019 and 2023. The nearby Atalanti Fault, which hosted two Mw > 6.4 earthquakes in 1894, shows no differential ground motion across its plane reflecting that the fault is in a locked state. The observed variable shallow crustal behaviour of normal faults implies long-term, geologically derived throw rates on normal faults likely combine transient periods of elevated aseismic slip, coseismic slip, and steady state strain accommodation.

How to cite: Wood, J., Whittaker, A., Bell, R., Kranis, H., Ganas, A., and Peron-Pinvidic, G.: Coseismic and aseismic normal fault slip in Central Greece from InSAR time series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4323,, 2025.

EGU25-5630 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

Seismic rupture and earthquake sequence along the Ganzi-Yushu fault in Eastern Tibet: From kinematics to dynamics 

Jianfeng Cai, Yangmao Wen, Kefeng He, and Caijun Xu

The Ganzi-Yushu fault, striking in a northwest direction with a length of approximately 500 km, delineates the boundary between the Bayan Har block and the Qiangtang block. Due to the ongoing collision between the Indian plate and Eurasia plate and the resultant eastward extrusion process in the Tibetan Plateau, the fault system is characterized by rapid left-lateral strike-slip and frequent major earthquake events. The 2010 MS 7.1 Yushu earthquake ruptured the northwestern segment of the fault, resulting in significant casualties and property losses. Apart from the 2010 Yushu earthquake, this fault has experienced four M > 7.0 earthquakes in the past 300 years, marking it as one of the most seismically active fault systems in the Tibetan Plateau.

In this study, we use Sentinel-1 InSAR data spanning from 2014 to 2023 to derive the interseismic velocity fields along the Ganzi-Yushu fault. Based on the interseismic velocity field, we derive the slip rates and interseismic coupling distribution along the Ganzi-Yushu fault using elastic block model. The results indicate left-lateral slip rates of 4.0~6.5 mm/yr along the Ganzi-Yushu fault. We identify five locked segments along strike, which has good consistency with historical earthquakes.

To assess the earthquake potential along the Ganzi-Yushu fault, we simulate earthquake rupture sequences using quasi-dynamic earthquake cycle model. We set the friction coefficient of the rate- and state-dependent friction law according to the interseismic coupling model, thereby obtaining interseismic slip rates in numerical simulations that align with the kinematic results. Our quasi-dynamic earthquake cycle model generates both single- and multi-segment ruptures with magnitudes approximating those inferred from the historical events. Owing to variations in seismogenic width and slip rate, different segments exhibit distinct recurrence intervals, which is consistent with the results from geological surveys. The locations of nucleation and the slip history on fault determine whether a rupture can propagate across multiple segments and generate a major event. By integrating the kinematic model with the physics-based seismic cycle simulations, our results shed light on the earthquake potential along the Ganzi-Yushu fault.

How to cite: Cai, J., Wen, Y., He, K., and Xu, C.: Seismic rupture and earthquake sequence along the Ganzi-Yushu fault in Eastern Tibet: From kinematics to dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5630,, 2025.

EGU25-5877 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

How well can displacement be resolved close to earthquake surface ruptures using optical image correlation?   

Cecilia Martinelli, James Hollingsworth, Romain Jolivet, and Marion Thomas

The study of natural hazards like earthquakes requires accurate measurement of ground displacement. When paired with high-resolution satellite imagery, Optical Image Correlation (OIC) has proven to be highly effective in mapping near-field ground displacements for large earthquakes, offering detailed and precise data. This is crucial for understanding fault mechanics and the generation of strong ground motions during shallow earthquakes.

OIC has several advantages over field or traditional geodetic methods. First, it is robust against image noise, allowing meaningful data extraction from various types of imagery, even when separated over long time periods. Second, unlike InSAR, OIC does not suffer from decorrelation close to fault ruptures, thus providing rich data in the near-field region and offering insight into shallow fault characteristics. Third, OIC has subpixel resolution, enabling the detection of small (cm-scale) displacements. Fourth, OIC provides dense displacement measurements that would be difficult to replicate with field methods. Finally, OIC can help to identify subtle ground features and long-wavelength displacement signals, including those associated with off-fault deformation. OIC has been widely used to characterize near-field displacements during several recent surface-rupturing earthquakes. Displacements measured by OIC typically surpass field measurements due to the latter's inability to capture smaller, distributed deformations away from the primary fault rupture. OIC data can thus help us to more accurately infer the width of the fault zone, encompassing both on-fault and off-fault deformation. 

Studies on the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake used various optical datasets and correlation methods to explore near-field displacement and the extent of off-fault deformation. However, the choice of correlation approach used can impact the magnitude and nature of the observed deformation, which, in turn, may impact subsequent analysis of the strain field. 

This study aims to analyze multiple correlation algorithms (MicMac, COSI-Corr, Ames Stereo Pipeline and AmpCor) and optical datasets (Pleiades, WorldView, Spot and ADS80), spanning a range of resolutions, incidence angles, and temporal variations. We explore how correlation techniques influence displacement values and whether they can artificially smooth discrete fault offsets, creating apparent (artificial) off-fault deformation. Using synthetic tests and the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes as a case study, we explore the variability in off-fault deformation and fault zone width, depending on the processing approach adopted. Ultimately, we highlight the limitations of OIC in quantifying off-fault deformation, thus providing constraints on the extent to which such data can be used to address aspects of fault mechanics.

How to cite: Martinelli, C., Hollingsworth, J., Jolivet, R., and Thomas, M.: How well can displacement be resolved close to earthquake surface ruptures using optical image correlation?  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5877,, 2025.

EGU25-5899 | Orals | TS3.4

Earthquake cycle simulations for seismic hazard assessment 

Olaf Zielke, Theodoros Aspiotis, Sarah Fadhladeen, and Paul Martin Mai

Seismic hazard assessment (SHA) requires, among other components, a comprehensive representation of seismic sources that could affect sites or regions of interest, including their location and seismogenic character. Observational earthquake catalogs are generally too short or incomplete to provide a comprehensive source representation. Computer-generated earthquake catalogs, created by physics-based earthquake cycle simulations, can augment the observational catalogs, therefore contributing to improved SHA. With MCQsim, we developed an earthquake cycle simulator with this purpose in mind. MCQsim is openly available via GitHub. Since its initial publication in 2023, we were able to improve the code substantially, improving its performance and scalability, therefore enabling simulation for large-scale fault systems. Additionally, we built an interface between MCQsim and seismic hazard engine OpenQuake to streamline the incorporation of simulated catalogs into PSHA.

Here, we want to showcase these recent improvements. We perform earthquake cycle simulations for the Gulf of Aqaba and East Anatolian fault systems, creating earthquakes catalogs that span tens of thousands of years, with magnitude ranging from M3.5 to M7.8+. We validate these catalogs with observational constraints of the respective fault systems. Using these simulated catalogs, we investigate the occurrence of earthquake sequences, highlighting variations in large-earthquake occurrence probability as a function of time. We further showcase the integration of simulated catalogs into the OpenQuake environment, creating seismic hazard maps.

How to cite: Zielke, O., Aspiotis, T., Fadhladeen, S., and Mai, P. M.: Earthquake cycle simulations for seismic hazard assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5899,, 2025.

EGU25-6505 | Posters on site | TS3.4

Dynamic changes of gravity field before the Luding Ms6.8 earthquake and its crustal material migration characteristics 

Jiapei Wang, Qingqing Tan, and Chongyang Shen

On September 5, 2022, a magnitude Ms6.8 earthquake occurred in Luding County, Sichuan Province. This earthquake occurred at the key part of the southeast-clockwise extrusion of material on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, the Y-shaped confluence of the Xianshuihe, Longmenshan and Anninghe fault zones. In this study, the three-dimensional dynamic crustal density changes in the earthquake area are obtained by the typical gravity change data from 2019 to 2022 before the earthquake and gravity inversion by growing bodies. The results indicate that gravity changes presented an obvious four-quadrant and gradient belt distribution in the Luding area before the earthquake. The three-dimensional density horizontal slices show that small density changes occurred at the epicenter in the mid-to-upper crust between 2019.9 - 2020.9 and 2019.9 - 2021.9. At the same time, the surrounding areas exhibited a positive and negative quadrant distribution. These observations indicate that the source region was likely in a stable locked state, with locking in shear forces oriented in the NW and NE directions. From 2021.9 to 2022.8, the epicentral region showed negative density changes, indicating that the source region was in the expansion stage, approaching a near-seismic state. The three-dimensional density vertical slices reveal a southeastward migration of positive and negative densities near the epicenter and on the western of the Xianshuihe Fault Zone, indicating that the material is flowing out to the southeast. The observed local negative density changes at the epicenter along the Longmenshan Fault Zone are likely associated with the NE-oriented extensional stress shown by the seismic source mechanism. The above results can provide a basis for interpreting pre-earthquake gravity and density changes, thereby contributing to the advancement of earthquake precursor theory.

How to cite: Wang, J., Tan, Q., and Shen, C.: Dynamic changes of gravity field before the Luding Ms6.8 earthquake and its crustal material migration characteristics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6505,, 2025.

EGU25-7699 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

What can the limited and uncertain geological record tell us about the earthquake cycle? 

Jonathan Griffin, Ting Wang, and Mark Stirling

The geological record of past earthquakes on a fault provides a basis for forecasting the probability of another earthquake occurring within some future timeframe. Yet paleoearthquake records are typically limited to the most recent few events, and dating uncertainties are often large. This creates uncertainty in the application of statistical models to these data, both in terms of model parameterisation and in the choice of model itself. Consequently, there are challenges linking observations of large earthquake recurrence to theoretical models of the earthquake cycle.

In this study we use paleoearthquake records from more than 90 faults globally to investigate the earthquake cycle and how it varies across different tectonic regions, fully accounting for data uncertainties. We find that earthquake recurrence is weakly to moderately periodic for most faults, while low activity-rate faults exhibit more strongly aperiodic recurrence behaviour. Fitting four different renewal models (Weibull, gamma, lognormal and Brownian passage time distributions) to the data, we show that there is no single model that universally best describes earthquake recurrence. We find that diversity in recurrence characteristics exists both between different tectonic regions and for different fault segments within the same fault system. Finally, we investigate how observations of cumulative fault displacements due to multiple earthquakes can help constrain earthquake cycle models when paleoearthquake data is limited and uncertain.

How to cite: Griffin, J., Wang, T., and Stirling, M.: What can the limited and uncertain geological record tell us about the earthquake cycle?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7699,, 2025.

EGU25-9148 | Posters on site | TS3.4

Investigating the Tectonic Complexity of the Bulnay-Tsetserleg Fault Junction in Mongolia Using a Temporary Seismic Network 

Laurent Bollinger, Laure Manceau, Yann Klinger, Jean Letort, Ulziibat Munkhuu, Battulga Bakthuu, Tuguldur Ganbold, and Iag-dase Technical_team

Mongolian tectonics is shaped by the far-reaching effects of the Indo-Eurasian collision, which drives deformation and stress over 2000 km behind the Himalayan front. During the 20th century, Mongolia experienced four earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 8, making it an exceptional location for studying intraplate seismicity, predominantly with strike-slip components. Among these events, the Tsetserleg-Bulnay fault system recorded the largest intraplate earthquake doublet, with two magnitude 8 earthquakes occurring 14 days apart in 1905, rupturing more than 500 km of fault. The surface rupture, remarkably well-preserved due to the region's low erosion rate, has enabled extensive paleoseismic investigations. Despite this, the junction between the two faults remains unclear at the surface, and the fault structures at depth are still poorly constrained, leaving the interactions between fault segments not well understood.

In the present day, the significant microseismic activity affecting the Bulnay and Tsetserleg faults is anomalous given the low regional deformation rate and overall Mongolian seismicity. This persistent microseismicity could be interpreted as aftershocks that illuminate the faults’ structures more than a century after their mainshocks. By tracking this microseismicity with precision, we aim to map the faults’ 3D geometry at depth and address several questions including: how do these faults interact, why did the Bulnay earthquake occur only 14 days after the Tsetserleg earthquake, and why is its epicenter located 150km west of the junction zone?

In 2024, the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the Mongolian Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (IAG) collaborated to strategically deploy a temporary seismic network, TDBnet, at the Bulnay-Tsetserleg junction. This network, comprising 10 geophones in addition to 5 broadband stations, operated altogether for five months, complementing the national network, and recorded local seismicity with unprecedented resolution. The collected data are being processed to automatically detect seismic phases using state-of-the-art methods, including the EQTransformer artificial neural network implemented in Seisbench. The detected events are then precisely located using an absolute location method, followed by an absolute relocation corrected with a Source Specific Station Time approach as proposed in the NonLinLoc-SSST framework. We present the experiment along with preliminary results, including a precisely determined earthquake epicenter map.

Acknowledgement  : We sincerely acknowledge the IAG-DASE technical team for their collaboration in the deployment of the temporary seismic network (TDBnet): Narmandakh Adyasuren4, Dorjdavaa Myagmar4, Youndonjunai Sodvoobavuu4, Nyamdorj Badarch4, Munkhbat Dagva4, Enkhtuvshin Begzsuren4, Purevsuren Dosmaa4, Leo Chazellet1,4, Serge Olivier1,4, Vincent Lisette1,4, Denis Lubin1,4.

How to cite: Bollinger, L., Manceau, L., Klinger, Y., Letort, J., Munkhuu, U., Bakthuu, B., Ganbold, T., and Technical_team, I.: Investigating the Tectonic Complexity of the Bulnay-Tsetserleg Fault Junction in Mongolia Using a Temporary Seismic Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9148,, 2025.

EGU25-9782 | Posters on site | TS3.4

Complexity of scaled seismotectonic models 

Fabio Corbi, Adriano Gualandi, Giacomo Mastella, and Francesca Funiciello

We investigate the complexity of two types of scaled seismotectonic models mimicking subduction megathrust seismic cycles. Our research encompasses a variety of model sizes, materials, deformation rates, and frictional configurations. Using nonlinear time-series analysis tools and displacement as an input variable, we characterize the dynamics of laboratory earthquakes in different phases of the labquake cycle. The number of active degrees of freedom that we are able to retrieve is low (<5) during most of the cycle, akin to slow slip episodes observed in natural settings and friction experiments performed with quartz powder. Results seem insensitive to the along-strike frictional segmentation of the megathrust. Nonetheless, the instantaneous dimension d can reach large values (>10), revealing the complexity of the system. High values of d correlate with slip phases, while significant drops in the extremal index anticipate slip episodes. Our results suggest that prediction horizons are in the order of a fraction of slip duration similarly to prediction horizons inferred for slow slip events in nature. This research not only enhances our understanding of earthquake dynamics, but also validates scaled seismotectonic models as effective tools for studying frictional physics across diverse spatio-temporal scales.

How to cite: Corbi, F., Gualandi, A., Mastella, G., and Funiciello, F.: Complexity of scaled seismotectonic models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9782,, 2025.

EGU25-11133 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Megathrust Coupling in Southwest Japan Inferred from Viscoelastic Modeling 

Yiqing Liu, Yan Hu, and Xin Cui

In Southwest Japan, interseismic deformation exhibits distinct patterns, particularly across Kyushu Island, where its magnitude decreases significantly from north to south. Various mechanisms, including plate motions, fault slip on onshore fault systems, dilatational sources, and variable interplate coupling along the Nankai and Ryukyu subduction zones, have been proposed to explain these features. While previous studies have effectively modeled horizontal deformation and attributed the rotational pattern in southern Kyushu primarily to plate motion, they often neglect or inconsistently predict vertical deformation, underscoring the need for further investigation.

In this study, we employ a three-dimensional (3D) viscoelastic finite element model (FEM) to analyze interseismic deformation in Southwest Japan, spanning the transition from the Nankai to the Ryukyu subduction zone. To focus on megathrust coupling, we exclude block motion and consider other factors as secondary influences. Our goal is to reconcile horizontal and vertical geodetic observations and provide a first-order estimate of megathrust coupling in this margin through a viscoelastic model, offering a direct comparison with previously published elastic models.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Hu, Y., and Cui, X.: Megathrust Coupling in Southwest Japan Inferred from Viscoelastic Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11133,, 2025.

EGU25-11371 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

Metamorphic dehydration reactions trigger slow slip events in subduction zones 

Jorge Jara, Mathieu Soret, Nadaya Cubas, Andrei Maksymowicz, Fabrice Cotton, and Romain Jolivet

Aseismic slip, particularly in the form of Slow Slip Events (SSEs), plays an undisputed role in the release of stress along faults, occurring slowly and without generating classical seismic waves. SSEs are recognized as critical phenomena influencing various stages of the seismic cycle, including postseismic phases, earthquake triggering or arresting, and interseismic transients. However, the mechanisms governing their underlying physics remain debated. Three primary hypotheses have been proposed: (1) heterogeneities in fault constitutive properties that may drive episodic SSEs; (2) stress interactions arising from geometric complexities (e.g., damage zones) that could explain the full observed slip spectrum; and (3) the influence of fluids circulating along fault zones, which increase pore pressure and reduce normal stress, thereby promoting slip. To investigate these mechanisms, we integrate SSE databases, slab thermal models, and thermodynamic metamorphic modeling.

Our study examines nine subduction zones around the Pacific region, using thermal slab models that account for uncertainties in temperature estimations. By using an extensive SSE database (1800 events, Slow Earthquake Database, from the Japanese project “Science of Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes), we compare modeled temperature and pressure conditions with observed SSE distributions. Statistical analysis reveals two distinct temperature ranges where SSEs cluster: approximately 100°C and 350–550°C. Thermodynamic modeling of mafic rocks under subduction conditions indicates that the 100°C cluster aligns with the smectite-to-illite transition, a reaction known to release significant amounts of water. The 350–550°C cluster corresponds to metamorphic transitions from greenschists to amphibolites, which also release considerable water. SSEs are notably absent at pressure-temperature conditions where mafic rocks are fully dehydrated.

The water released during such metamorphic reactions increases pore pressure, reduces normal stress, and facilitates slip. While the mechanisms sustaining slow slip—such as nucleation length or dilatant stress—remain debated, our results suggest that water release due to metamorphic reactions is a key trigger for SSEs along subduction interfaces. In addition to the release of fluids, we hypothesize that the change in resistance induced by the change in mineralogical configuration might also play a role in the nucleation of SSEs. These findings highlight the importance of integrating geophysical observations with petrological processes to better understand the dynamics of SSE in subduction zones

How to cite: Jara, J., Soret, M., Cubas, N., Maksymowicz, A., Cotton, F., and Jolivet, R.: Metamorphic dehydration reactions trigger slow slip events in subduction zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11371,, 2025.

EGU25-11563 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

Spatio-temporal evolution of earthquake potential constrained by a physical and statistical approach: Application to the Chilean subduction zone 

Sylvain Michel, Diego Molina-Ormazabal, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Andrés Tassara, and Romain Jolivet

To become very large earthquakes, seismic ruptures that saturate the seismogenic width (M>8.3 in subduction zones) need to propagate long distances along-strike. Multiple factors can hinder this propagation, among them the available energy on the fault. A recent extension of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics theory to elongated ruptures provides a framework to estimate when a portion of a fault has enough potential energy, and is hence sufficiently loaded, to generate a large earthquake. Based on this framework, we present a method that takes into account the along-strike distribution of available energy to evaluate, using a probabilistic approach, the timing and magnitude of potential future large earthquakes, and thus the seismogenic potential of the fault. This approach assumes that the ruptures have already saturated the seismogenic width of the fault. We apply and assess this method on the Chilean subduction zone. We first perform a sensitivity test and explore the impact of the uncertainties of model parameters on the timing Tc at which a section of a fault is ready to host large ruptures. This initial test shows that Tc is controlled by the uncertainty of the parameter B, a coefficient involved in the scaling between fracture energy and final slip, which controls the energy consumed by the rupture. We further constrain B by comparing the observed interevent time between ~M9.5 earthquakes on the Valdivia segment and the one predicted from our model, assuming that such earthquakes occur as soon as the fault is ready to host it. Fixing B to this constrained value, we then estimate the evolution of the probability of earthquakes exceeding M8.5 over the whole Chilean subduction. Along-strike heterogeneity of the available energy arises from the heterogeneity of the loading rate, based on an geodetically-inferred coupling map, and from the along-strike changes of the seismogenic width. Our results highlight that the earthquake potential on a specific segment can be significantly altered by the occurrence of earthquakes on neighboring segments. This is illustrated by the drops in the probability of >M8.5 events on the Copiapo segment after the 2010 Maule and 2015 Illapel earthquakes. By combining our estimates with the rate of events that saturate the seismogenic zone, we are able to estimate the probability of occurrence of >M8.5 events. Such physics-based modeling is a novel approach to time-dependent seismic hazard analysis.

How to cite: Michel, S., Molina-Ormazabal, D., Ampuero, J.-P., Tassara, A., and Jolivet, R.: Spatio-temporal evolution of earthquake potential constrained by a physical and statistical approach: Application to the Chilean subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11563,, 2025.

EGU25-11845 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

A 3-D numerical model to bridge long- and short-term approaches of deformation on a strike-slip fault 

Adélaïde Allemand, Yann Klinger, and Luc Scholtès

A strike-slip fault is subjected to earthquakes spanning seconds to minutes, separated by periods of hundreds to thousands of years. As the fault matures and undergoes multiple seismic events, its geometry and strength evolve, hence impacting in return the course of seismic cycles. Given the variability of timescales, two approaches are generally chosen in order to model the deformation of the lithosphere. On one hand, long-term modeling looks at the tectonic evolution of deformation, and is usually quasi-static and disregards the effects of dynamic events. On the other, short-term modeling respects well earthquake mechanics, but does not account for the impact of evolution of fault geometry on seismic cycles.

Here, we construct a numerical model of a continental strike-slip fault system, in a way that can effectively bridge together the different spatio-temporal scales of lithospheric deformation, and include the mutual influence of fault maturation and earthquakes upon one another. The developed approach uses the Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) method, which is based on the discretization of the medium in a finite number of rigid, spherical particles interacting via predefined contact laws. Using this method, we build a 3-D model of a portion of the crust. Initially, the material is homogeneous and intact. Then, shearing boundary conditions are applied, leading to the spontaneous emergence of a through-going, strike-slip fault showing complexities and evolving naturally as the shearing is maintained. On this evolving strike-slip fault, unstable sliding occurs, that we identify as earthquakes.

In order to validate our model, we first compare the long-term tectonic deformation with that of previous analog and numerical experiments described in the literature, and with natural observations. Second, we assess the physical validity of the recurrence behaviour of our created fault by comparing the frequence-magnitude distribution of our events with the Gutemberg-Richter law. Finally, we also provide tools able to characterize particular events by imaging the rupture geometry, the coseismic surface deformation as well as the coseismic displacement field on the fault.

How to cite: Allemand, A., Klinger, Y., and Scholtès, L.: A 3-D numerical model to bridge long- and short-term approaches of deformation on a strike-slip fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11845,, 2025.

EGU25-13444 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Towards systematic kinematic source models of historically large earthquakes 

Margarita Solares-Colon, Diego Melgar, and Mary Grace Bato

We are interested in systematically analyzing large ruptures to establish scaling laws of kinematic properties, such as rise times, slip rates, and rupture speeds. The challenge is that kinematic models for large (M6+) events are often produced with heterogenous methodologies and datasets. This makes synthesis of general behaviors challenging and results ambiguous. Additionally, as methods continue to develop, past events with good observations do not necessarily have slip models produced with modern methods. Thus, retrospective analysis of slip distributions is fundamental to allow us to further investigate general characteristics of source parameters during a rupture. 

Here we will discuss our plans to retrospectively process significant ruptures with new inversion techniques that are capable of jointly inverting teleseimsic body and surface waves, static and high-rate GNSS, InSAR, strong motion and tsunami data. We will highlight the approach by focusing on the M9.1 Tohoku-oki earthquake to showcase the advantages of the new approach. This earthquake in 2011 stands as one of the largest ruptures ever recorded and most closely observed earthquake in history due to the dense array of seismic and geodetic instrumentation in Japan. This provided an unprecedented opportunity to study this megathrust event and collect data near source. 

This analysis extends beyond the great M9.1 Tohoku-oki earthquake, actively contributing to the ongoing reevaluation of finite-fault models for large earthquakes dating back to the 1990s, while also incorporating regional data when available. Ultimately, we aim to refine source scaling properties of large earthquakes worldwide. Therefore, we will present our proposed workflow that involves not only systematizing the inversion process but also the creation of standardized and analysis-ready input source products. This is particularly important for InSAR and GNSS, which are quickly expanding their temporal and spatial sampling of crustal deformation worldwide. 

How to cite: Solares-Colon, M., Melgar, D., and Bato, M. G.: Towards systematic kinematic source models of historically large earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13444,, 2025.

In the central Tien Shan, the Karatau-Talas-Fergana Fault (TFF) is the largest intracontinental strike-slip fault, recognized as active during the late Holocene and accommodates a portion of the deformation resulting from the ongoing Indo-Asian collision. However, the kinematics and role of the TFF remain poorly understood, with no large earthquakes documented in instrumental or historical catalogs. Notably, in the region, the strongest shaking in the 20th century occurred during the November 2, 1946, Chatkal earthquake, but with a potential epicenter located approximately 20 km from the TFF trace. Despite this, there are no clear reports of surface faulting, and no fresh tectonic scarps associated with the 1946 earthquake have been identified along the TFF fault. As a result, the location, focal mechanism, and potential surface rupturing of the 1946 Chatkal earthquake remain debated.

In this study, in the Chatkal Range, we utilize high-resolution satellite imagery (Pleiades and Worldview) to conduct a comprehensive analysis of fault segmentation. Our detailed mapping reveals multiple offsets in streams, rivers, moraines, and abandoned alluvial surfaces along the TFF. Additionally, UAV-based digital elevation models (DEMs) and orthophotos provide unprecedented detail of the fault's morphology, allowing us to measure an offset of approximately 4.6 meters for the more recent surface rupture.

We also conducted new Quaternary dating of displaced geomorphic markers and excavated a paleoseismic trench, where we discovered a fresh surface rupture. In the trench, two separate surface ruptures were observed, offsetting sedimentary units from a sag pond. We propose that the most recent earthquake event correlates with the 1946 Chatkal earthquake. Based on the trench data, we estimate return times of approximately 3,000–4,500 years and calculate slip rates from the cumulative offsets. By integrating these data, we provide insights into the seismic cycle of the Chatkal segment and propose the 1946 earthquake for the most recent faulting event in the region.

How to cite: Rizza, M., Léa, P., and Jules, F.: Unveiling the Surface Rupture of the 1946 Chatkal Earthquake (Mw 7.5, Tien Shan): Insights from Pleiades, UAV Imagery, and Trenching, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13813,, 2025.

EGU25-14410 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Updating megathrust coupling models for the Mentawai Seismic Gap and surrounding regions, Sumatra 

Mason Perry, Lujia Feng, Emma Hill, and Gina Sarkawi

Following the 2004 Mw 9.2 Sumatra-Andaman event, a series of earthquakes occurred along the Sunda megathrust of the Sumatran subduction zone, extending from the southern terminus of the 2004 rupture to Bengkulu. A notable exception is the Mentawai seismic gap, spanning from just south of the Batu Islands to Sipora for ~200 km in length. Historical records of regional seismicity from paleogeodetic measurements (i.e. coral microatolls) indicate that the last major event that ruptured the current seismic gap occurred in 1797. An adjacent patch ruptured in 1833, broadly coincident with the 2007 Bengkulu rupture. More recent M≥7 events surrounding the Mentawai seismic gap have occurred in 2007, 2008, 2010, and 2023. However, slip distributions of these events show limited slip propagation into the gap and a significant slip deficit remains. Thus, a potential earthquake in the region poses a threat to local communities from both ground shaking, as well as a potential tsunami. Previous geodetic estimates of coupling in the region indicate low coupling at shallow depths on the megathrust. However, these estimates lack near-trench observations and ignore the influence of stress shadows originating from frictionally locked asperities downdip, and thus may underestimate the tsunami hazard, especially in light of the 2010 Mentawai tsunami earthquake that ruptured to the trench at depths of <6 km. Additionally, new estimates of long-term slip rates on the Sumatran Fault indicate the forearc sliver is deforming as rigid block and substantial oblique convergence is taken up within the oceanic plate. By correcting published geodetic velocities to remove the motion of the forearc sliver, we place updated constraints on subduction obliquity. Combining these observations with paleogeodetic uplift and subsidence rates, we invert for a coupling distribution on the Sunda megathrust, accounting for the effect of stress shadows, and constraining the coupling direction based on earthquake slip vectors. We find, in contrast to previous estimates, that the megathrust appears coupled to the trench. This coupled region extends from just north of Siberut south to the Pagai Islands and includes the region of the 2007 Bengkulu rupture. While the risk for large earthquakes in this region is relatively well known, our results indicate that the Mentawai seismic gap contains a strongly coupled patch that extends to the trench, suggesting that the tsunami hazard is significantly higher than inferred from previous coupling estimates. Additionally, this updated coupling model allows us to place new constraints on the influence of tectonics on regional sea level projections.

How to cite: Perry, M., Feng, L., Hill, E., and Sarkawi, G.: Updating megathrust coupling models for the Mentawai Seismic Gap and surrounding regions, Sumatra, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14410,, 2025.

EGU25-14536 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Determining the Western Extent of the 1505 Central Himalayan Earthquake through a Paleoseismic Investigation of Surface Ruptures 

Mitchel Soederberg, Shreya Arora, Drew Cochran, and Gurvinder Singh

Earthquakes represent a significant hazard to human life, having claimed nearly a quarter of a million lives worldwide and strongly affecting an additional 125 million people between 1998 and 2017 (WHO). The Himalayan Front is an especially active continental collision zone spanning over 2500 kilometers across five countries, with its Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) producing surface ruptures at the southern leading edge of the front (Kumar et al, 2001). Although recent earthquakes have produced surface ruptures along eastern and western sections of the HFT, paleoseismic and historical investigations have not revealed any surface rupture-forming earthquakes in the central Himalayas since at least the 17th century (Arora and Malik, 2017). This gap raises the potential for a mega-earthquake (> Mw 8) in coming years (Wesnousky, 2020). Here, we share preliminary results from a paleoseismic investigation of an exposed river section on the central HFT adjacent to Shahjahanpur village, 20 km southwest of Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India (30° 12 '04.6"N, 77° 49' 39.6"E). Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) bulk sediment dates in combination with river section interpretations will aid in evaluating the presence of surface ruptures related to a major 1505 earthquake event in this area, for which numerous historical accounts exist (Jackson, 2002). Implications of these results include an improved estimation of this event’s western lateral extent in conjunction with previous studies. This will allow for the calculation of a more accurate paleo magnitude for the 1505 earthquake, ultimately informing the region’s seismic hazard potential.

How to cite: Soederberg, M., Arora, S., Cochran, D., and Singh, G.: Determining the Western Extent of the 1505 Central Himalayan Earthquake through a Paleoseismic Investigation of Surface Ruptures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14536,, 2025.

EGU25-16028 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

Measuring slip rate variability on the Eşen Fault, SW Türkiye, with cosmogenic chlorine-36 nuclide analysis 

Natalie Forrest, Laura Gregory, Tim Craig, Tim Wright, Richard Shanks, Bora Uzel, and Elif Çam

Seismic hazard models often assume near-constant earthquake recurrence intervals on faults since the Last Glacial Maximum, approximately 15,000 years ago. However, it is tricky to show that real fault systems exhibit this behaviour, particularly for distributed networks of normal faults in extensional regimes. Instead, data is limited to historical seismology records, which is likely over a much shorter time than earthquake recurrence intervals, or a single time-averaged Holocene slip rate from paleoseismology methods. Neither method measures slip rate variability over multiple earthquake cycles.

Cosmogenic nuclide analysis on limestone bedrock fault scarps, combined with Bayesian modelling, is an established method to interpret exhumation histories of normal faults since the Last Glacial Maximum. Production of chlorine-36 (36Cl) is primarily by interaction of calcium-40 in the limestone scarp with cosmic rays. Concentration profiles of 36Cl on a fault scarp therefore correlate with fault slip in earthquakes. Previous 36Cl studies demonstrate slip rate variability of normal faults in Italy and Türkiye.

We apply this technique to interpret the slip history of the Eşen Fault, a major normal fault in southwest Türkiye with no known historical seismicity. Bayesian models suggest the last major earthquake was 1000 years ago, but prior to that, there was a period of fast slip of 2-3 mm/yr, which exposed at least 5 m of scarp in 2-3 kyr. Before that, the slip rate was much lower, at about 1 mm/yr. These results demonstrate slip rate variability, which informs our understanding of fault dynamics over millennia, and may help to improve seismic hazard models.

How to cite: Forrest, N., Gregory, L., Craig, T., Wright, T., Shanks, R., Uzel, B., and Çam, E.: Measuring slip rate variability on the Eşen Fault, SW Türkiye, with cosmogenic chlorine-36 nuclide analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16028,, 2025.

EGU25-16771 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Revisiting Rapid Surface Deformation in Southwestern Taiwan Using GNSS and ALOS-2 InSAR Data: Case study in Chungliao Tunnel 

I-Ting Wang, Kuo-En Ching, and Erwan Pathier

Under the assumption that the plate convergence rate is distributed across faults along the plate boundary, in the Chungliao Tunnel area of southwest Taiwan, the total surface velocity change between the Chegualin fault (CGLF) to the west and the Chishan fault (CSNF) to the east exceeds 90 mm/yr, which is larger than the palte convergence rate of approximately 82 mm/yr in Taiwan. However, the physical processes driving these high-rate deformation is still debated. As the deformation is mainly aseismic, and to increase the spatial resolution of the large-scale surface deformation field, we used GNSS and ALOS-2 InSAR to understand tectonic processes. To examine the spatial continuity of the ultra-rapid deformation beyond the Chungliao Tunnel, InSAR processing was conducted using ALOS-2 ascending and descending datasets to improve the spatial extension and resolution of surface deformation. We introduced a priori phase discontinuity at mapped fault trace by setting the temporal coherence to correct the unwrapping errors. Then several Line-Of-Sight (LOS) velocity discontinuities are consistent with fault traces, indicating shallow creep along those faults. Furthermore, we demonstrated the continuity of few-hundred meters of high deformation between the CGLF and the CSNF with LOS velocity of 30-40 mm/yr, a LOS velocity gradient of 20-30 mm/yr across two faults. A 3D velocity reconstruction inverted by combining GNSS and ALOS-2 InSAR result reveals a local counter-clockwise rotation from NW to SW align north to south and the significant uplift (~80 mm/yr) in the narrow band between the Chishan fault and Chegualin fault near the Chungliao Tunnel. The local deformation implies the opposite lateral components of CSNF and CGLF in different segments of two faults as well, providing precise constraints to enhance the tectonic interpretation of this area. This rapid deformation identified in the narrow zone may be resulting from the interaction between the thrust faults and the surrounding mobile shale, in agreement with the hypothesis of a mud diapir of large mud diatreme that developed in the thick two thrusts.

How to cite: Wang, I.-T., Ching, K.-E., and Pathier, E.: Revisiting Rapid Surface Deformation in Southwestern Taiwan Using GNSS and ALOS-2 InSAR Data: Case study in Chungliao Tunnel, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16771,, 2025.

EGU25-17648 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Sedimentary records of past earthquakes in varved lake sediments 

Ayşegül Doğan and Ulaş Avşar

Lacustrine paleoseismology, which focuses on sedimentary traces of past earthquakes in lakes, has gained increasing attention over the past two decades, even though on-fault trenching remains the most common technique in paleoseismology. This field primarily investigates Mass Wasting Deposits (MWD) and Soft Sediment Deformation Structures (SSDS) in lake sediments. Additionally, catchment response (CR), characterized by a temporary increase in erosion rates within catchments due to strong ground motions, is another significant trace of past earthquakes in lake sediments. In this study, past earthquake traces were analyzed in 19 gravity cores (98.880-138.70 cm in length) retrieved from the varved sediments of Köyceğiz Lake. High-resolution elemental profiles and optical images were obtained using ITRAX micro-XRF core scanner. ITRAX optical and XRF data along one core was used to generate varve chronology, and Ca/Ti profiles of the other cores were used to chronostratigraphically correlate 19 cores. Although the region experienced several notable earthquakes over the past 600 years, no MWDs were identified in Köyceğiz sediments; instead, SSDS and CR were observed. Distinct anomalies in Cr/Ti profiles related to the 1959 earthquake were evident in all cores. Conversely, CR associated with a mid-19th-century earthquake was detected only in the northern basin, which has significantly larger catchment than the southern basin. SSDS, including faults, intraclast breccias and laminae disturbances were identified in Köyceğiz sediments. While some of these SSDS correlate temporally with historical earthquakes, most do not correlate either with seismic events or with each other. This implies that, contrary to what has been thought so far, SSDS formation may not be limited to the water-sediment interface but could also occur in deeper parts of the sequence. Moreover, the study indicates that the formation of SSDS may be controlled not only by peak ground acceleration (PGA) but also by peak ground displacement (PGD) due to earthquakes.

How to cite: Doğan, A. and Avşar, U.: Sedimentary records of past earthquakes in varved lake sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17648,, 2025.

EGU25-17661 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Measuring rapid aseismic ground deformation within the foothills of southwestern Taiwan using aerial image correlation and DSM time series 

Kai-Feng Chen, Maryline Le Béon, Arthur Delorme, Yann Klinger, Ewelina Rupnik, Lulin Zhang, Erwan Pathier, Kuo-En Ching, and Marc Pierrot-Deseilligny

In southwestern Taiwan, about 45-50 mm/yr of westward shortening occurs across the 40-45 km wide fold-and-thrust belt, accompanied with tectonic extrusion towards the southwest. Within this broad framework, measurements from a local ground-based geodetic network revealed rapid ground deformation surrounding two sub-parallel geological thrust faults, located only 500 m apart. 50 mm/yr of shortening occurs on the western fault and 32 mm/yr of extension across the eastern one. In-between the faults, uplift relative to the east block increases eastward from 20 to 80 mm/yr. Sharp deformation gradients indicate aseismic slip on both structures. This remarkable deformation raises the question of the deep structure and mechanism at play: Is it driven by tectonic forces, possibly released as transient slip events? Or does it involve shale tectonics related to fluid overpressure within the mudstone formation that dominates the geology?

To investigate this phenomenon, we monitored ground deformation using image correlation for horizontal displacements and DSM time series for vertical displacements, aiming at high-resolution observations covering a wider area than the ground-based network. Eight sets of aerial images acquired from 2008 to 2015 were processed using the MicMac photogrammetric software. The resulting horizontal velocities are in good agreement with ground-based observations. The compressional gradient across the western fault (the Chegualin Fault) vanishes northward, but remains clearly visible towards the south, with an increasing right-lateral component. While we detect extension across the eastern fault (the Chishan Fault), precise location and quantification of the deformation gradient remains challenging due to poor correlation caused by dense vegetation. Elevation differences based on the DSMs derived from aerial images have a similar spatial pattern as ground-based observations, but the amplitudes are overestimated. On-going refinement in the processing and time series based on LiDAR datasets are expected to improve the results.

This work was complemented by the field survey of the numerous bedrock shear zones in the area to build a structural map of active structures. We confirm the Chegualin Fault as an active thrust fault, with an oblique component along its southern part. Extension across the Chishan Thrust is accommodated by SE-dipping en-echelon normal faults, found up to 1.4 km north of the ground-based network. The change in rake of the slickenlines indicates an increasing right-lateral component northward. While the pattern of horizontal velocities may fit with the regional tectonics, the hypothesis of a shale piercement so far best explains the ratio between uplift and shortening. Achieving a better imaging of the vertical deformation would help further discussing this assumption and eventually propose a structural model consistent with local and regional observations, which will also allow further assessing the associated natural hazards.

How to cite: Chen, K.-F., Le Béon, M., Delorme, A., Klinger, Y., Rupnik, E., Zhang, L., Pathier, E., Ching, K.-E., and Pierrot-Deseilligny, M.: Measuring rapid aseismic ground deformation within the foothills of southwestern Taiwan using aerial image correlation and DSM time series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17661,, 2025.

EGU25-19066 | Posters on site | TS3.4

Potential record of large earthquakes from lacustrine sedimentary archives along the Bulnay fault system (Mongolia) 

Yann Klinger, Nicolas Pinzon Matapi, Pierre Sabatier, Edward Duarte, Jin-Hyuck Choi, Taehyung Kim, and Baatara Ga

On July 1905, two M~8 earthquakes occurred 14 days apart along the Bulnay Fault system, in northwestern Mongolia. These seismic events are among the largest recorded earthquakes in intracontinental regions. However, our current understanding of the earthquake behavior of the Bulnay Fault is quite limited due to the scarcity of paleoseismic data. Additionally, the geographic and climatic conditions of the region play a major key in permafrost development, posing challenges in the excavation of paleoseismological trenches and causing cryoturbation. Lacustrine environments, conversely, are isolated depositional systems that minimize the influence of external factors and provide high temporal resolution with continuous sedimentation. Here, we present our findings on earthquake-triggered turbidites of eight sedimentary cores collected from three lakes around the Bulnay Fault. These cores were analyzed using X-ray tomography, X-ray fluorescence, and hyperspectral imaging. We found that prior to the 1905 event, three large earthquakes ruptured the Bulnay Fault, with recurrence intervals of 1.5 to 3 kyr. By integrating our observations with previous paleoseismic trench investigations, we proposed that strain is primarily accommodated through large earthquakes along the Bulnay fault, and major events involving both the Bulnay and Tsetserleg faults, potentially analogous to the 1905 doublet.

How to cite: Klinger, Y., Pinzon Matapi, N., Sabatier, P., Duarte, E., Choi, J.-H., Kim, T., and Ga, B.: Potential record of large earthquakes from lacustrine sedimentary archives along the Bulnay fault system (Mongolia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19066,, 2025.

EGU25-19215 | ECS | Orals | TS3.4

Spatiotemporal Clustering of Large Earthquakes Along the Central‐Eastern Sections of the Altyn Tagh Fault, China 

Nicolas Pinzon Matapi, Yann Klinger, Xiwei Xu, Paul Tapponnier, Jing Liu‐Zeng, Jerome Van Der Woerd, Kang Li, and Mingxing Gao

The understanding of the spatial‐temporal distribution of past earthquakes is essential to assess the event recurrence behavior and to estimate the size of potential earthquakes along active strike‐slip fault systems. However, the scarcity of paleoseismic data remains a major hurdle in this endeavor. This is the case of the longest strike‐slip fault in Asia, the Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF). We documented six very likely large earthquakes that potentially ruptured the Aksay section of the ATF. Employing a Bayesian approach, we present modeled date ranges of 6339–5220 BC, 5296–4563 BC, 3026–2677 BC, 1324–808 BC, 314–632 AD, and 915– 1300 AD. The mean recurrence time is 1,329 ± 588 years with a coefficient of variation (COV) of ∼0.44. In the same fault section, 90 horizontal offsets record an average coseismic slip of 5.1 ± 1.4 m for the last event and suggest four older earthquakes plausibly with a similar slip distribution. Although at the local‐scale the COV indicates quasi‐periodic rupture behavior, the individual interevent times exhibit significant irregularity, a pattern also observed in adjacent fault sections (Xorxoli, Annanba and Tashi sections). We found that such irregularities are a natural consequence of long‐term fault interactions, which allow for synchronized ruptures along the northern and southern strands of the central‐eastern ATF. Our rupture model highlights bursty periods of seismic activity with mean interevent times of 475 ± 108 years separated by long‐lull periods of 1.1–1.6 kyr. Based on this temporal organization and considering the 401‐year elapsed time since the most recent event on the Xorxoli section, there exists a possibility of a forthcoming large earthquake occurring within the next century. 

How to cite: Pinzon Matapi, N., Klinger, Y., Xu, X., Tapponnier, P., Liu‐Zeng, J., Van Der Woerd, J., Li, K., and Gao, M.: Spatiotemporal Clustering of Large Earthquakes Along the Central‐Eastern Sections of the Altyn Tagh Fault, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19215,, 2025.

EGU25-19994 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.4

Preliminary Results of the Paleoseismology of Aceh Fault in northern Sumatra, Indonesia 

Gayatri Indah Marliyani, Yann Klinger, Wenqian Yao, Agung Setianto, Hurien Helmi, Telly Kurniawan, Rahmat Triyono, Andi Azhar Rusdin, Supriyanto Rohadi, and Dwikorita Karnawati

The Aceh Fault, part of Indonesia's Great Sumatran Fault System, exhibits recent faulting through prominent scarps along its 250-kilometer length. Running northwest-southeast, it spans northwestern Sumatra from Tripa to Banda Aceh, a city of over 268,000 residents. Understanding the complete faulting history is essential for assessing seismic risk, as instrumental records are too recent to capture long-term patterns. We study the fault by combining remote sensing using 8-m resolution DEM (DEMNAS) for the entire area and 15-cm resolution (LiDAR drone survey) for selected areas, field methods, and paleoseismology. We excavated two paleoseismic trenches across the fault and documented evidence of at least three well-dated ground-rupturing earthquakes from the upper 2 meters of strata spanning the last ~1000 years. The event chronology is constrained by 15 radiocarbon dates on detrital charchoal. This new paleoseismic data confirms that the Aceh Fault is active. Our study delineates the active trace of the fault zone and provides the first detailed information about significant prehistoric earthquakes along this fault. These findings improve seismic hazard maps and enhance understanding of the region's seismic risks.

How to cite: Marliyani, G. I., Klinger, Y., Yao, W., Setianto, A., Helmi, H., Kurniawan, T., Triyono, R., Rusdin, A. A., Rohadi, S., and Karnawati, D.: Preliminary Results of the Paleoseismology of Aceh Fault in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19994,, 2025.

EGU25-32 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Attenuation of seismic waves in the Pannonian Basin  

Marietta Csatlós, Erzsébet Győri, and Bálint Süle

In recent years, new seismological, geophysical and geological results have been obtained (Porkoláb et al. 2024, Koroknai et al. 2024, Czecze et al. 2024) and new methods have been developed, necessitating an update to the national seismic hazard map of Hungary. One of the most important steps in this update is to analyze how earthquake-induced ground motion attenuates with source-site distance and magnitude, which can be determined through ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs). Zsíros (1996) found that in the Pannonian Basin, macroseismic intensities attenuated with distance more rapidly than in other regions with comparable low to moderate seismicity — a result that also was corroborated during local magnitude calibration for the area. In the absence of strong motion stations in Hungary, we have to use equations based on records from areas of high seismicity, after proper validation. The selection of GMPEs to perform seismic hazard assessments is challenging for the specific characteristics of the Pannonian Basin, such as shallow crustal earthquakes, thin and warm crust, elevated heat flux, and the lack of a sufficient number of medium and large earthquakes. Due to medium seismicity and the lack of strong motion stations, we can only use weak motion records for the research. Our research focuses on gathering and processing of digital records of medium-magnitude earthquakes in the Pannonian Basin since 1995 and recorded by stations in Hungary, surrounding countries, as well as by temporary stations of international projects. This includes calculating various motion parameters and formulating a distance- and magnitude-dependent attenuation equation that fits this dataset. We select GMPEs developed for high seismicity, active shallow crustal zones. Statistical approaches, including the classical residual, likelihood, and log-likelihood are used to evaluate the performance of the GMPEs. This study's outcomes recommend GMPEs optimized for probabilistic seismic hazard analysis in Hungary, considering the basin's distinct seismic attributes.


Czecze B., Győri E., Timkó M., Kiszel yM., Süle B., & Wéber Z. (2024). A Kárpát-Pannon régió szeizmicitása: aktualizált és átdolgozott földrengés-adatbázis. Földtani Közlöny153(4), 279.

Koroknai B., Békési E., Bondár I., Czecze B., Győri E., Kovács G., Porkoláb K., Tóth T., Wesztergom V., Wéber Z., & Wórum G. (2024). Magyarország szeizmotektonikai térképe. Földtani Közlöny153(4), mapD.

Porkoláb, K., Békési, E., Győri, E., Broerse, T., Czecze, B., Kenyeres, A., ... & Wéber, Z. (2024). Present-day stress field, strain rate field and seismicity of the Pannonian region: overview and integrated analysis. Geological Society, London, Special Publications554(1), SP554-2023.

Zsíros, T. (1996) Macroseismic focal depth and intensity attenuation in the Carpathian region. Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung. 31, 115-125.

How to cite: Csatlós, M., Győri, E., and Süle, B.: Attenuation of seismic waves in the Pannonian Basin , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-32,, 2025.

EGU25-659 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Post-Earthquake Site Characterization of Southeastern Türkiye: An Evaluation Using H/V Analysis Method 

Melih Can Aba, Deniz Ertuncay, and Pinar Duran

The horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (H/V) method is a widely used technique for assessing subsurface characteristics. It analyzes the ratio between horizontal and vertical seismic components of ambient vibrations (microtremors), providing valuable insights into the dynamic properties of the soil. This method is crucial in understanding soil behavior, including its fundamental frequency, site response, and dynamic soil conditions. Specifically, the H/V spectral ratio is useful in evaluating dynamic soil properties such as liquefaction, settlement, and variations in soil stiffness. These phenomena are particularly prominent in regions with high water tables, where soil may undergo liquefaction during seismic events, causing significant structural damage. Analyzing shifts in the H/V ratio can provide a better understanding of these soil behaviors and help predict the potential impacts of seismic events. The H/V technique is also a valuable tool in microzonation studies, which assess seismic hazards based on soil conditions, playing a crucial role in urban planning and construction.

On February 6, 2023, the Kahramanmaras region in Türkiye experienced a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7. This earthquake, one of the most destructive in Türkiye's history, caused significant loss of life and extensive damage to buildings, especially in Kahramanmaras and surrounding areas. The event was followed by a strong aftershock on the same day, further increasing seismic activity in the region. The Kahramanmaras earthquake highlighted the importance of understanding how strong seismic forces impact soil properties, making this analysis highly relevant for seismic risk assessments. Shifts in soil behavior due to such earthquakes must be closely studied to improve future risk management and construction practices.

This study analyses continuous seismic data collected from monitoring stations in Kahramanmaras and surrounding areas. The data will be used to observe changes in the H/V spectral ratios before and after the earthquake. These measurements will offer valuable insights into shifts in soil fundamental frequencies and structural changes following the earthquake. The hypothesis of this study is that changes in soil stiffness and structure will be reflected in these spectral shifts, which are essential for seismic hazard assessment, especially in urban areas. Understanding these changes is crucial not only for earthquake preparedness but also for improving construction practices in earthquake-prone regions. The findings of this study will help enhance safety measures and disaster response strategies by providing insights into the dynamic behavior of soil during seismic events. Additionally, the data will contribute to more informed decisions in urban development, helping mitigate potential damage caused by future earthquakes.

In conclusion, analyzing H/V spectral ratios following the Kahramanmaras earthquake is an essential step in assessing the impact of seismic forces on soil properties. The results from this study will significantly contribute to earthquake risk management and the development of safe urban planning strategies in seismic zones.

How to cite: Aba, M. C., Ertuncay, D., and Duran, P.: Post-Earthquake Site Characterization of Southeastern Türkiye: An Evaluation Using H/V Analysis Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-659,, 2025.

EGU25-771 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Joınt Inversıon Of H/V And Spac Methods: A Case Study Of Eskişehir Basın 

Mehmet Safa Arslan and Asım Oğuz Özel

Seismic data analysis plays a crucial role in understanding ground structures and informing earthquake engineering applications. The study area, the Eskişehir Basin, is one of Turkey's most important agricultural and industrial regions. As population density and settlements in this region rapidly increase, knowledge of ground structure and earthquake risk assessment become critical. The basin is surrounded by highlands in the north and south and exhibits a flat plain character in its central part. The Nakamura's H/V technique and the Spatial Auto Correlation Method (SPAC) were employed to jointly evaluate the seismic behavior of different ground types using inverse solution and obtain S-wave velocity-depth profiles and determine the engineering bedrock depth at the measurement points. The evaluation revealed an average bedrock depth of 136 meters, an average bedrock depth velocity of 552 m/s, and Vs30 velocities ranging between 360 m/s and 400 m/s across the measurement points, with an average of 384 m/s. The findings indicate that the Eskişehir Basin's ground structure exhibits significant variability. Variations in bedrock depths and velocity suggest that seismic risk across the city's different regions also varies. This information can be utilized for urban planning, earthquake-resistant building design, and disaster risk reduction efforts.

How to cite: Arslan, M. S. and Özel, A. O.: Joınt Inversıon Of H/V And Spac Methods: A Case Study Of Eskişehir Basın, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-771,, 2025.

EGU25-1377 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

Revisiting Seismic Hazard of Peninsular Malaysia: Comprehensive PSH Analysis 

Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff

Earthquakes had caused devastating damage around the world especially in the countries with the existence of active seismic sources. However, there are many cases where felt tremors and the corresponding destruction can be occurred in the area without the presence of seismically active sources, as per case in the famous case study of Michoacán’s 1985 earthquake. This proved that a far-field earthquake can be as destructive as a near-field earthquake. Throughout the years, Peninsular Malaysia is classified as a low to zero seismicity region, with the local seismic hazard is measured based on the far field and regional earthquake sources. Nevertheless, it should be note that more than 30 local earthquakes had been recorded by the Malaysia Meteorological Department (MMD) for the past decade particularly within the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. To address the lack of seismic hazard map of the Peninsular Malaysia region, this research work developed an earthquakes’ catalogue using the existing recorded data collected from 1900 till 2016. In addition, average shear-wave velocity (VS30) data was utilized in generating the uniform hazard spectra for nine major cities in Peninsular Malaysia. The comparison between locally derived ground motion prediction (GMP) equation with regional equation has led to a comprehensive probabilistic approach in the new seismic hazard analysis of the region. The hazard map of the selected cities illustrates the probability of exceedance (PE) of 10% and 2% within 50 years are in the range of 10 gal to 50 gal and 20 gal to 80 gal for Return Period of 475 and 2,475 years respectively. Both PE yields similar Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) distribution patterns where the values decrease northeastward with the sites closer to the local sources was measured having the greater PGA value.

How to cite: Abdul Latiff, A. H.: Revisiting Seismic Hazard of Peninsular Malaysia: Comprehensive PSH Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1377,, 2025.

EGU25-1462 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Spatio-temporal mapping of seismicity parameters in Shillong Plateau and adjoining regions 

Mohd Shahabudddin and William Kumar Mohanty

The Shillong Plateau (SP) is globally renowned for its high seismic activity. The seismicity is mainly caused by the subduction of the Indian plate beneath the Eurasian and Burmese plates in the north and west respectively, in addition to the popup of SP. In the present study, we analyse the seismicity of the SP and adjoining region bounded by latitude from 22.8°N to 28.5°N and longitude 87.5°E to 95.5°E using earthquake data of 825-2024 acquired from national, international, and literature sources. Ten time windows namely 825-2024, 2019-2024, 2008-2018, 825-1800, 1997-2007, 1986-1996, 1975-1985, 1964-1974, 1901-1963, and 1801-1900 have been considered to estimate and compare the spatio-temporal variation of seismicity parameters. We estimated the spatio-temporal variation of the magnitude of completeness (MC), a-value, b-value, and fractal dimension (DC) of the considered region. MC, a-value, and b-value for the above time windows range from 4.70 to 5.70, 4.36 to 9.85, 0.52 to 1.59, however, spatial mapping of MC, a-value, and b-value at each node of the grid of 0.05°×0.05° range from 4.10 to 5.82, 4.46 to 18.94, 0.58 to 3.66 respectively. Spatial mapping of DC at each node of the grid of 1°×1° and 0.5°×0.5° range from 0.258 to 2.240 and 0.462 to 2.164 respectively, however, temporal variation of DC ranges from 0.344 to 2.842. The relationship between b-values for 825-2024 and DC-values shows a positive correlation, while a negative correlation exists between -values and DC-values. The spatio-temporal distributions of these parameters reveal insights into the regional variation of stress levels and geological complexity, which can be used as input for seismic hazard estimation.

How to cite: Shahabudddin, M. and Mohanty, W. K.: Spatio-temporal mapping of seismicity parameters in Shillong Plateau and adjoining regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1462,, 2025.

In deterministic seismic hazard analysis, the worst-case scenario or maximum credible earthquake is used to estimate the seismic ground-motion intensities, which is crucial for the seismic design of key facilities. The stochastic finite-fault method has been proven to enable reliable simulations of the near-field ground-motion parameters of large earthquakes, which can effectively synthesize Fourier amplitude spectra, response spectra, and the time history of acceleration.

The Longpan hydropower station is located in northwest Yunnan Province in the middle reaches of the Jinsha River, on the southwestern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (Figure 1a). As shown in Figure 1b, the seismic structure in the study area is very complex. The source models of the Daju–Lijiang, Xiaozhongdian–Daju, and Longpan–Qiaohou faults were established based on geological and geophysical data. To perform physics-based ground-motion simulation via the stochastic finite-fault simulation, the regional specific ground-motion characteristics can be approximately described by several critical parameters. By applying the multi-scheme stochastic finite-fault simulation method (multi-SFFSM), parameter uncertainty in ground-motion simulations and the impact of the three faults were analyzed on the PGA value and pseudo-spectral acceleration response spectra (PSA) at the target dam to determine the maximum credible ground-motion parameters. The flowchart of our study is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1. (a) Tectonic locations of the study area. (b) Seismotectonic map of the hydropower station. F1: Changsongping–Wenming fault; F2: Xiaozhongdian–Daju fault; F3: Daju–Lijiang fault; F4: Chongjianghe fault; F5: east of Jinsha River fault; F6: Jinsha River fault; F7: Longpan–Qiaohou fault; F8: Xiaojinhe–Lijiang fault; F9: Heqing–Eryuan fault; F10: Weixi–Qiaohou fault; F11: Honghe fault.

Figure 2. Flowchart of the multi-scheme stochastic finite-fault simulation method.

The results showed that the Longpan–Qiaohou fault can generate the largest ground-motion parameters compared with the other two faults. Moreover, this result was supported by the statistical analysis of the results of six thousand simulations of these three faults. Thus, it can be concluded that the maximum credible ground-motion parameters are represented by the 84th-percentile pseudo-spectral acceleration response spectrum of the Longpan–Qiaohou fault. This finding will benefit the seismic safety design of the target dam. More importantly, this multi-scheme method can be applied to other key facilities to obtain reasonable ground-motion parameters.

How to cite: Li, J.: Assessing Maximum Credible Ground-Motion Parameters of Large Earthquakes at Near-Field Site, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2121,, 2025.

EGU25-2219 | Posters on site | SM8.1

Quaternary sediment thicknesses, paleochannels and hazard assessment revealed by a dense array in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 

XiuWei Ye, Cheng Xiong, Yangfan Deng, Liwei Wang, Yanxin Zhang, Zuoyong Lv, Xiaona Wang, Xuan Gong, and Xiaobo He

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), a densely populated region, plays a vital role in the economic development of East Asia. The accurate thickness of near-surface loose sediment layers plays an important role in the construction and development of the GBA. However, traditional drilling and active source methods that can obtain this property are often not suitable for large-scale applications in densely populated areas due to their high cost and destructive nature. The ambient noise tomography method based on dense array is an economical and environmentally friendly approach with the advantages of a broad detection range, high resolution and high detection accuracy. Using this approach, a dense array comprising 6214 stations spanning over 60*60 km2 was deployed, and the noise horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio method was employed to determine fundamental frequency (f0) and peak amplitude. The Quaternary sediment thickness was further estimated based on their empirical relationships with f0. The comparison with the drilling results shows that our estimation is accurate. More importantly, several buried paleochannels were identified, manifesting deep valleys on the vertical section and curved stripes on the horizontal section. Combining regional drilling data and sites of geological disasters in the past, we conclude that the paleochannels pose the highest risk of seismic and geologic hazards. This study provides scientific basis for urban construction and disaster prevention.

How to cite: Ye, X., Xiong, C., Deng, Y., Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Lv, Z., Wang, X., Gong, X., and He, X.: Quaternary sediment thicknesses, paleochannels and hazard assessment revealed by a dense array in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2219,, 2025.

Coral sand, as a geological material for foundation filling, is widely used for reclamation projects in coral reef areas. The coral sand is characterized by a wide grain size distribution. A series of centrifuge shaking table tests were conducted to explore the seismic response of a shallow buried underground structure in saturated coral sand and coral gravelly sand. The emphasis was placed on comparing the similarities and differences in the dynamic behavior of the underground structure at the two sites. The responses of excess pore pressure, acceleration, displacement, and dynamic soil pressure of the structure were analyzed in detail. The results indicated that the underground structure in coral sand had a significant influence on the development of excess pore pressure in the surrounding soil, but this effect was not evident in coral gravelly sand due to well-drained channels. Liquefaction was observed in the soil layer around the structure in coral sand, but it did not occur in coral gravelly sand. In coral sand, the liquefaction of the soil layer at the bottom of the structure caused a significant attenuation in the acceleration of the structure. Compared to coral gravelly sand, the acceleration response of the soil layer near the bottom of the underground structure was higher in coral sand. During the shaking, the displacement pattern of the structure in coral gravelly sand was slight subsidence-slight upliftsignificant subsidence, while it exhibited a significant uplift in coral sand. The maximum dynamic soil pressure distribution on the structural sidewalls presented a trapezoidal distribution, and the dynamic soil pressure had a strong connection with the development of excess pore pressure in the surrounding soil.

How to cite: Zhang, Z., Chen, S., Wang, Y., and Li, X.: Comparative study on seismic response of a shallow buried underground structure in coral sand and coral gravelly sand by centrifuge modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2631,, 2025.

EGU25-2900 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

Single-station geophysical and seismological investigations towards revising seismic microzonation of the Basel region 

Anastasiia Shynkarenko, Afifa Imtiaz, Paolo Bergamo, and Donat Fäh

Seismic microzonation is essential for urban planning and earthquake risk mitigation by delineating areas with varying seismic hazards. In 2009, a comprehensive microzonation map was developed for the canton of Basel-Stadt and parts of Basel-Landschaft and Solothurn. This map supported the Swiss standard SIA 261 by identifying site-specific earthquake hazards. Since then, new geophysical, geotechnical, and seismological datasets have been collected within various projects, and advancements in data analysis methods have been made. Together with the updates to the SIA 261 standard (2020) and the national seismic hazard model (Wiemer et al., 2016), this necessitates a revision of the 2009 microzonation.

To support this revision and refine the understanding of local seismic response, we complement the existing dataset with new single-station ambient vibration measurements and deployment of temporary seismic stations (to evaluate seismic amplification in the areas of interest) and utilize advanced methodologies to analyze geophysical and seismological data.

All available single-station geophysical data allow for resolving the areas with variable subsurface structure and properties. In particular, this data is used to retrieve the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) and fundamental frequencies of resonance (f0) across the study area. Additionally, the HVSR and f0 are used for cluster analysis to support the definition of the boundaries between microzones for revised microzonation maps.

The data recorded by the network of existing and previously available seismic stations and six new temporary stations are used to obtain refined estimates of empirical amplification functions (EAFs) using Empirical Spectral Modeling (ESM, Edwards et al. 2013) and Standard Spectral Ratio (SSR, Borcherdt, 1970) methods. These EAFs are also used to validate the 2009 amplification models (Shynkarenko et al. 2024) and cross-check fundamental resonance frequencies retrieved from the HVSR. To retrieve ground motion amplification in regions lacking seismic station observations, the Canonical Correlation method will be applied to HVSR data (Panzera et al., 2021; Imtiaz et al., 2024).

The outcomes of this study will allow for the integration of ground motion amplification data with seismic hazard models on rock and updating uniform hazard spectra, thus enhancing the microzonation's contribution to risk mitigation and urban planning.


Borcherdt, R.D. (1970). Effects of local geology on ground motion near San Francisco Bay, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 60(1), 29-61.

Edwards, B., Michel, C., Poggi, V., Fäh, D. (2013). Determination of site amplification from regional seismicity: application to the Swiss National seismic Networks, Seismol. Res. Lett. 84(4), 611-621.

Wiemer, S. et al. (2016). Seismic Hazard Model 2015 for Switzerland (SUIhaz2015),

Panzera, F., Bergamo, P., Fäh, D. (2021). Canonical correlation analysis based on site-response proxies to predict site-specific amplification functions in Switzerland, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 111(4), 1905‑1920.

Imtiaz, A., Panzera, F., Fäh, D. (2024). Performance of canonical correlation in developing a high-resolution site amplification map in Basel. Proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (18WCEE), 9 pages, Milan, Italy.

Shynkarenko, A., Bergamo, P. Imtiaz, A., Chieppa, D., Fäh, D. (2024). Report on the Common Task 1 of Basel Landschaft and Basel Stadt Microzonation Project: Verification of the amplification functions used in 2009, Report, Swiss Seismological Service.

How to cite: Shynkarenko, A., Imtiaz, A., Bergamo, P., and Fäh, D.: Single-station geophysical and seismological investigations towards revising seismic microzonation of the Basel region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2900,, 2025.

EGU25-4134 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Mapping Mantle Wedge Seismicity for seismic Hazard Assessment: The Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone Case 

Océane Foix, Felix Halpaap, Stéphane Rondenay, Thomas Bodin, Mireille Laigle, David Ambrois, and Emeline Maufroy

The forearc mantle wedge has long been considered unsuitable for earthquake nucleation due to its physical properties. With advances in seismic instrumentation, some cold subduction zones have revealed seismic clusters within this region (e.g., Greece, Japan, New Zealand, Lesser Antilles - LA). The maximum earthquake magnitude potential in the mantle wedge remains unknown. In the LA, this seismicity is located approximately 50 km east of the French island coasts, at depths of 25 to 60 km. The 1974 earthquake (M = 6.9-7.5) is estimated to have occurred just below the current Moho depth. The limited azimuthal coverage of the seismic network makes the characterization of mantle wedge seismicity as seismic source challenging. By analyzing secondary phases in local earthquake waveforms, we can achieve more robust source region identifications. We extracted 15 earthquake waveforms to be analyzed and used as references for the central LA mantle wedge seismicity. We are currently using this database to analyze 778 earthquakes, which we have identified as potential mantle wedge events based on subduction geometry. As part of the Atlas project for the LA seismic hazard reassessment, we will use our catalog to estimate the a- and b-values, and assess the impact of this seismicity on ground motion.

How to cite: Foix, O., Halpaap, F., Rondenay, S., Bodin, T., Laigle, M., Ambrois, D., and Maufroy, E.: Mapping Mantle Wedge Seismicity for seismic Hazard Assessment: The Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone Case, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4134,, 2025.

It is well known that near-field earthquake ground motion can be characterized by strong velocity pulses that may cause extensive damage to buildings and structures, as recently documented for the Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.5 earthquake doublet of the 2023 Turkey seismic sequence. 
Usually only directivity pulses are investigated, neglecting other characteristics such as unilateral/bilateral shape, presence of multiple-pulses as well as other features that can support classification of pulse causes. As observed in  recent studies on the directivity pulses of the 2023 Turkey seismic sequence (e.g. Yen et al., 2025), this practice leads to a significant variability in the pulse properties of the observed records, highlighting that factors  beyond rupture directivity also play a crucial role in shaping pulse characteristics, such as  site effects, permanent ground displacements, local heterogeneities in slip amplitude, orientations, and fault kinematics.  
In this study, we provide a methodology that combines different approaches (Baker et al., 2007; Shai and Baker, 2011, 2014; Ertruncay and Costa, 2019; Chen et al., 2023; Chang et al., 2023) for pulse detection and classification. The aim is twofold: on one hand, we aim to extend  metadata assignment for a better characterization of pulse properties; on the other hand, we provide a ML-ready dataset to support development of advanced ML techniques for pulse classification. Indeed training of ML-based algorithms needs the availability of large labelled high-quality dataset. For this purpose, we exploit two comprehensive worldwide datasets of near-source records: the NESS2.0 (Sgobba et al., 2021), which collects real earthquake records, and the BB-SPEEDset (Paolucci et al., 2021), consisting of  ground motion data from 3D Physics-Based Numerical Simulations.

How to cite: Mascandola, C. and Sgobba, S.: Ground motion pulse-like detection and classification: combining different approaches for comprehensive metadata assignment supporting ML techniques for engineering applications , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4379,, 2025.

EGU25-5087 | Orals | SM8.1

The Lack of Disaster Resilience in a Lonely City Dersim (Tunceli), Eastern Turkey 

Savas Karabulut and Mualla Cengiz

Dersim is located on the eastern part of Turkey and facing major earthquakes. The city is surrounded by four mountains ranges and delimited by different fault segments of the North and East Anatolian Faults. The Yedisu Segment is defined on the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) which produced an earthquake of Mw: 7.2 in 1784, while the Bingol Fault which is aligned on the Eastern Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ) generated an earthquake of Mw 7.1 in 1866. The Nazımiye Fault parallel to the NAFZ in the south and the Malatya-Ovacık Fault extending along a NE-SW direction on the South of the NAFZ are also active faults which are expected to produce earthquakes greater than 7.5 in the near future. Besides the size of damage due to earthquake hazard in the residential area, it is thought that the city will also be exposed to secondary hazard such as landslide, rockfall, avalanche triggered by an possible earthquake.

Besides the importance of the fault activation, stress change and the earthquake repeat time in the study area, it is aimed in this study to simulate some hazard models and evaluate their dimension. For this purpose, we conducted a field campaign during 2022 and acquired microtremor and ambient noise data at 250 points in an area of 250x250 m grid size. The results were discussed in response to fundamental frequency, amplification and vulnerability maps. Our primary results show that the city is in a high risk location facing serious potentially damage due to a possible earthquake.

Another purpose of this study is to draw attention on how “solidarity” is importance in disaster resilience. The present study is conducted with the collaboration of the local government and limited possibilities. Unfortunately, we have no emergecy funding or financial support for this earthquake hazard study. Therefore, we will invite you to a broader solidarity to manage on this important task.

How to cite: Karabulut, S. and Cengiz, M.: The Lack of Disaster Resilience in a Lonely City Dersim (Tunceli), Eastern Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5087,, 2025.

There has been extensive discussion as to whether the scope of site classification II is too broad in current Chinese seismic code. To address this issue, this study aims to optimize the site classification scheme for Chinese seismic code using clustering analysis of site amplification. Firstly, we estimate the empirical site amplification factors of KiK-net stations by the residual analysis method, and classify them by the site classification scheme of Chinese seismic code. Next, we perform k-means clustering analysis on the stations of site class II, considering site amplification factors, equivalent shear wave velocities and thicknesses of sedimentary layers as explanatory variables, and obtain two clusters with distinct site amplification effects. Finally, we use correlation analysis and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve to guide the optimization of site classification scheme, and suggest dividing site class II into two subclasses, IIa and IIb, by a threshold of 15m for the thickness of sedimentary layer. The proposed optimized classification scheme would be beneficial for improving the seismic design code and could be further applied to the development of ground motion models and seismic hazard analysis.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Ren, Y., Wen, R., and Wang, H.: An optimization suggestion for site classification scheme in Chinese seismic code based on clustering analysis of site amplification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5907,, 2025.

EGU25-6523 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

Linear and Nonlinear Site Response Evaluation Using Single-Station Time-Frequency Analysis: Applications Across Regions 

Ssu-Ting Lai, Alessandra Schibuola, Luis Fabian Bonilla, Dino Bindi, Karina Loviknes, Che-Min Lin, and Fabrice Cotton

Understanding site response is important for assessing seismic hazards. We present methods — Time-Frequency Resonance Analysis (TFRA) and the Envelope of the Power Spectrum of Displacement to Jerk (EPSDJ) for analyzing both linear and nonlinear site responses. These techniques require only a single surface station with weak to strong motion records, eliminating the need for a reference site. While they do not provide site amplification values, they effectively identify broadband site resonances and nonlinear site behavior.

The methods are first applied to seismic data from KiK-net, Japan, with borehole responses serving as a benchmark. We then extend the analysis to southeastern Türkiye, comparing results with Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) and Generalized Inversion Technique (GIT) methods to identify the most effective combination for site response assessment in the region. After validation in regions with reference data, the method is applied to seismic records from the Taiwanese seismic network across diverse geological settings. 

The results highlight the complexity of site response, with linear and nonlinear behaviors varying across frequency bands and regions. We observe that local geology significantly influences the ground motion, controlling the seismic hazard and its uncertainty over a broadband frequency range. The evaluation includes nonlinear behavior in the regions of interest, identifying stations that are more susceptible to nonlinearity, and quantifying both local and regional levels of nonlinear site response. Additionally, the findings indicate that nonlinearity can manifest during weak motion (< 30 cm/s2), a behavior observed consistently across all regions studied.

How to cite: Lai, S.-T., Schibuola, A., Bonilla, L. F., Bindi, D., Loviknes, K., Lin, C.-M., and Cotton, F.: Linear and Nonlinear Site Response Evaluation Using Single-Station Time-Frequency Analysis: Applications Across Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6523,, 2025.

EGU25-6838 | Orals | SM8.1

Rethinking epistemic and aleatory uncertainties for seismic hazard scenarios: A case study of the Lembang and Cimandiri faults in Indonesia 

Ekbal Hussain, Endra Gunawan, Nuraini Rahma Hanifa, Dekka Dhirgantara Putra, and Kharis Aulia Alam

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) is a widely used tools to evaluate the threat of seismic events in earthquake-prone regions and is particularly useful for engineering decision-making and setting construction design standards. However, outside of these communities the results of PSHA analysis are non-intuitive, particularly for disaster risk managers. In these cases, specific hazard scenarios are often used to demonstrate the potential scale of the hazard challenge. For scenario-based seismic hazard calculations the aleatory uncertainties are traditionally accounted for by calculating multiple realisations of the ground shaking intensity measure for a given ground motion prediction equation (GMPE). Epistemic uncertainties are usually estimated in earthquake scenarios by considering a weighted statistic - usually the mean or median - of two to four GMPEs. In this study we show that this approach usually overestimates the ground shaking for any particular region.

We propose an updated approach where we calculate ground motions using all available GMPEs instead of a subset of equations.  Our GMPE set for the test area in West Java, Indonesia, includes 26 equations relevant for Active Shallow Crust environments. Using the Global Earthquake Model OpenQuake-engine we calculate 1000 realisations of each GMPE, merge the histograms of all realisations for all GMPEs into a single ground motion prediction set for each site location. We show that this histogram approximates a lognormal distribution. We show that the mean or median both overestimate the likely ground motions by over 71% and 37% respectively compared to the maximum of the kernel density estimator, which better represents the peak of the distribution. We apply this new method to investigate the shaking distribution from a number of earthquake rupture scenarios on the Lembang Fault and the Cimandiri Fault and test the impacts of a potential joint rupture across both faults, a situation often deemed to be the worst-case scenario for the region.

How to cite: Hussain, E., Gunawan, E., Hanifa, N. R., Putra, D. D., and Alam, K. A.: Rethinking epistemic and aleatory uncertainties for seismic hazard scenarios: A case study of the Lembang and Cimandiri faults in Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6838,, 2025.

EGU25-7779 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

Seismic Site Characterization of the Ganderbal District, Kashmir Valley 

Falak Zahoor and Basit Ahad Raina

Seismic site characterization is the process of categorizing a site based on the dynamic properties of the soil deposit at the site and is vital for understanding site-specific seismic behaviour as well as mitigating earthquake hazards. The current study focuses on the Ganderbal district in the seismically active Kashmir Himalayas, employing Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) and Microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (MHVSR) techniques to determine essential dynamic soil parameters viz., time-averaged shear wave velocity (Vs30) and peak HVSR frequencies respectively. The geophysical tests were performed at about 35 sites in the main town area of the district, covering major landforms and geological deposits. The results facilitated the determination of seismic site classes at the testing locations using the methodology established by Zahoor et al. (2023) for the Kashmir Valley. This classification system, adapted from Di Alessandro et al. (2012), incorporates peak H/V amplitudes and frequencies, the HVSR curve shape, and Vs30 as proxies for site amplification. Field experimental data, combined with topographical and geological information, identified four distinct zones in the study area showing distinct site response namely, Zone A, characterized by alluvial deposits from the Sind and Jhelum rivers; Zone B, consisting of the Karewa highlands; Zone C, comprising marshy lands; and Zone D, representing hilly terrains. Vs30 estimates from MASW testing revealed varying stiffness in the zones, with average values of ~210 m/s in Zone A, ~400 m/s in Zone B, ~100 m/s in Zone C, and ~516 m/s in Zone D. H/V amplitude as high as 6.0-15.0 at frequencies of 1.0-5.0 Hz were obtained in Zone A, indicating significant impedance contrast within the deposit or trapping of seismic waves. Zone B showed peaks with H/V amplitude 2.0-3.0 at frequencies < 1 Hz indicating deep sedimentary depth, along with secondary peaks at higher frequencies signifying a multi-layered subsurface. Zone C on the other hand exhibited clear peaks in the range of 1.0-3.0 Hz with H/V amplitude of 6.0-11.0. and smaller peaks at higher frequencies (>10 Hz). In Zone D, broadband peaks in HVSR curves were attained, implying complexity of subsurface conditions, probably due to lateral variations or sloping underground layers. Using the computed values of these amplification proxies, seismic site characterisation for the study area was conducted. The results align closely with the geology and topography of the area and demonstrate a clear connection to factors such as proximity to rivers. This study offers insights into the seismic behavior of soils in the Ganderbal district, aiming to support seismic microzonation and risk assessment efforts in the region. The results will contribute to the understanding of local site effects in the region, such as ground motion amplification and the potential for seismic hazards like liquefaction and landslides. Given the critical seismotectonic setting of the Himalayas, the findings are crucial for informing town planning and enhancing disaster risk reduction initiatives in the area.

How to cite: Zahoor, F. and Raina, B. A.: Seismic Site Characterization of the Ganderbal District, Kashmir Valley, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7779,, 2025.

EGU25-7894 | Orals | SM8.1

Ground-Motion Simulation and Surface Topography Effects of the 2022 MS 6.8 Luding, Southwest China, Earthquake 

Shengyin Qiang, Hongwei Wang, Ruizhi Wen, and Yefei Ren

A strong earthquake of magnitude (MS) 6.8 has struck Luding county in Sichuan province, southwestern China, on 5 September 2022 at 04:52:18 UTC. The Luding Earthquake occurred at the junction of the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Sichuan Basin. The affected area features highly rugged terrain with an elevation difference of nearly 7 km, providing an opportunity to study the topographic effects on seismic ground motion. In this study, a flat surface model (3DFlat model) and a model incorporating surface topography (3DTopo model) were developed. The low-frequency part of the ground motion is simulated using a curvilinear grid finite difference method, while the high-frequency part is simulated using a three-component stochastic finite fault model. The low- and high-frequency results are combined to synthesize broadband ground motion.

The results show that the scattering effects caused by the dramatic topographic relief complicate the wavefields of the 3DTopo model and the overall match with the waveform and spectral characteristics of the observation records. The 3DTopo model has a richer high-frequency component compared to the 3DFlat model, while the ground motion below 0.1 Hz is not affected by surface topography. Comparing the 3DFlat and 3DTopo models reveals that the multiple scattering effects of seismic waves caused by ridge and canyon topography result in irregular wavefront shapes, with numerous scattered and reflected waves in the velocity waveforms. The distribution of the peak parameters ln(δPGA) and ln(δPGV) shows significant correlations with surface topography. The distribution of amplification (attenuation) of ground motion corresponds to the orientation of mountain ridges and valleys. Ground motion is significantly amplified at wave crests and ridges (ln(δPGA) > 0), with the amplification of PGA and PGV reaching up to 5.4 times and 3.6 times, respectively. In contrast, ground motion is significantly attenuated in valleys (ln(δPGA) < 0), with PGA and PGV reduced by up to 0.40 times and 0.45 times, respectively. Our further research on the relationship between ground motion and topographic features establishes a correlation between the topographic amplification factor AFTOPO and the Relief Degree of Land Surface (RDLS).

In addition, we also used a frequency-domain matching technique to combine low- and high-frequency results into broadband ground motion. Comparisons with observed records and four NGA-West2 ground motion models (ASK14, BSSA14, CB14, and CY14) show that, although the residuals of ground motion parameters (PGV, PGA, PSA) obtained by different methods fluctuate with the period. This study will be an important to promote the incorporation of topographic effects into seismic zoning.

How to cite: Qiang, S., Wang, H., Wen, R., and Ren, Y.: Ground-Motion Simulation and Surface Topography Effects of the 2022 MS 6.8 Luding, Southwest China, Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7894,, 2025.

The S-wave Fourier amplitude spectra from a total of 3232 ground-motion acceleration recordings obtained at 254 strong-motion stations during 400 earthquakes in seven regions (western Tianshan, northern Ningxia, Tianjin-Tangshan, Longmenshan fault region, northeastern Yunnan-southeastern Sichuan, northwestern Yunnan, and southeastern Yunnan) of China were selected and adopted for the spectral decomposition to separate simultaneously the path attenuation, source spectra, and site responses. The non-parametric path attenuation curves were empirically represented by the trilinear geometrical spreading model and the frequency-dependent anelastic attenuation expressed as the function of quality factor. The regional dependency of path attenuation was further discussed. The inverted source spectral were used to estimate the seismic moments, corner frequencies, and also stress drops based on the theoretical ω-2 source model. The stress drops mainly varies in a range of 0.1-10 MPa. We discussed the dependence of stress drop both on region and on the type of fault. The spatiotemporal changes in stress drop values were further investigated to reveal the seismic self-similarity and seismic mechanism. The site responses at 211 stations were used to evaluate the effects of the local site conditions (e.g., VS30, site class defined by Seismic Design Code for Buildings of China). We developed the empirical models for site responses related to either site class or VS30. The regional-dependence of site response was also discussed in this study, and furthermore, empirical site responses for the same site class were suggested for various study regions. The comprehensive understanding on the path attenuation, source parameters, and site effects will play an important role on the reliable predictions on ground motions, especially considering their regional dependency.

How to cite: Wang, H., Li, H., Ren, Y., and Wen, R.: Source parameters, path attenuation, and local site effects in China derived from the ground-motion spectral inversion analyses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8321,, 2025.

EGU25-8588 | Orals | SM8.1

Combining a large, nationwide ambient noise database with morphometric analyses to map 2D resonance effects in sedimentary basins in Switzerland 

Franziska Glueer, Paolo Bergamo, Anastasiia Shynkarenko, Afifa Imtiaz, Paulina Janusz, Xavier Borgeat, Francesco Panzera, and Donat Fäh

Deeply incised valleys or sedimentary basins often exhibit complex resonance patterns that diverge from the commonly assumed one-dimensional (1D) behaviour. In such cases, the soil resonance fundamental frequency f0 is not determined by the local depth-to-bedrock; instead, f0 is constant across the central portion of the basin section, reflecting the overall geometry and material properties of the sedimentary infill. These 2D (or even 3D) resonance regimes are challenging to identify and are generally overlooked in building codes. This study, funded by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, seeks to characterize 2D resonance phenomena across Switzerland by leveraging over 6000 ambient noise measurements and a large-scale morphometric dataset.

The primary dataset comprises ~4000 ambient vibration measurements acquired across Switzerland since the late 1990s, archived in the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) site characterization database. The recordings were processed using the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (H/V) technique and soil resonance frequencies were identified following the best practice criteria. This database has been further enhanced by recent high-resolution ambient noise campaigns conducted by SED in key sedimentary basins: the Swiss Rhône Valley, the Lucerne and Horw basins in Central Switzerland, and the High Rhine Valley near Basel. These campaigns, with spatial resolutions ranging from 100 to 400 m, contribute approximately 2000 additional measurements with their f0 for the areas of interest.

This sizeable ambient noise database is paired with a collation of various geological/geophysical models: the backbone model by the Swiss Federal Office of Topography is complemented by regional models for the Alpine and High Rhine valleys, the Geneva Basin, the Grisons, and the Basel area. The collation of such models maps the depth of the sediments-to-bedrock interface over most of Switzerland. Based on this information, we performed morphometric analyses, which allowed extracting key geometrical parameters (shape, width, maximum depth) of the sedimentary infill along 4500 transects – spaced by 250 m and spanning all large sedimentary basins.

Cross-referencing the soil resonance frequencies with the morphometric characteristics of the sedimentary basins, we observed patterns consistent with those predicted by numerical studies from the literature. Our analysis distinguishes valleys with 1D resonance behaviour from those with 2D resonance regimes. Furthermore, as a valley's shape ratio (half-width over maximum depth) increases, resonance frequencies converge towards specific 2D vibration modes, particularly fundamental SH- and SV-modes and their higher harmonics. We also examined whether these ambient vibration resonance modes reflect into the (directional) ground motion local response at seismic stations.

The results of this study are synthesized into a national-scale map identifying basins and valley bottoms with 1D or 2D resonance behaviours and their corresponding resonance frequencies. Our study will contribute to the decision of whether the Swiss national building code should adopt tailored elastic response spectra for alpine valleys prone to 2D resonance patterns.

How to cite: Glueer, F., Bergamo, P., Shynkarenko, A., Imtiaz, A., Janusz, P., Borgeat, X., Panzera, F., and Fäh, D.: Combining a large, nationwide ambient noise database with morphometric analyses to map 2D resonance effects in sedimentary basins in Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8588,, 2025.

EGU25-9093 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

The role of site effects and soil-structure interaction phenomena on the seismic response of a school building in Norcia 

Silvia Giallini, Gabriele Fiorentino, Alessandro Pagliaroli, Maria Chiara Caciolli, and Marco Mancini

The 2016 Central Italy earthquakes had a strong impact in the town of Norcia, which was already hit by a strong earthquake in 1997. The proximity to the seismogenic fault and the damages to buildings have highlighted the need of in-depth studies of the site effects in the Norcia area.

This work presents preliminary results on the ground response and Soil-Structure Interaction of a reinforced concrete school building in Norcia.

The site response analysis is based on a newly developed 2D subsurface model of the area, constructed using original geological and geophysical data specifically acquired for this research. The model is integrated with the seismic section located near the school, and incorporates detailed stratigraphic information to improve site-specific accuracy.

The Norcia School is monitored by the Structural Observatory of the Italian Department of Civil Protection, providing a unique dataset of seismic recordings, both prior to the 2016 earthquake sequence and during the major seismic events of August and October 2016. The integration of the newly constructed 2D subsurface model significantly enhances the understanding of the local site effects and their influence on the soil-structure interaction.

The outcomes of the soil model are compared with those recorded at the free field station of the school, and a dynamic identification of the structure is carried out, allowing to infer the natural vibration frequencies of the structure. Preliminary results of a numerical model of the structure including SSI will be presented.

The findings of this research could have important implications for technical building codes and seismic design standards, which currently assume a rigid soil-foundation interface in structural assessments. By demonstrating the impact of soil-structure interaction on seismic response, this study emphasizes the need to update construction regulations to account for site-specific geotechnical conditions. Such updates could lead to safer, more resilient designs, particularly for critical structures located in near-fault or geologically complex areas.

How to cite: Giallini, S., Fiorentino, G., Pagliaroli, A., Caciolli, M. C., and Mancini, M.: The role of site effects and soil-structure interaction phenomena on the seismic response of a school building in Norcia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9093,, 2025.

EGU25-9222 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

LFW2BBP: Broadband Ground-Motion Parameters Estimation Using Physics-Based Simulated Low-frequency waveforms and Deep Learning 

Yuxing Pan, Wei Zhang, Nan Zang, and Xiaofei Chen

Accurate prediction of broadband ground motion parameters is important for earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation. Due to lack of high wavenumber components of the source rupture process and the velocity models, physics-Based ground motion simulation methods can only produce reliably low-frequency ground motions (<1 Hz). In this study, we developed a deep learning network, LFW2BBP, which maps physics-based simulated low-frequency ground motion waveforms to broadband ground motion parameters. LFW2BBP extracts features of low-frequency ground motion in time domain waveforms, time-frequency domain spectrum and spectrum acceleration, and integrates these features to establish a relationship with high-frequency ground motion parameters. Sensitivity tests are conducted to verify the stability and robustness of the LFW2BBP. Finally, we combined physics-based simulation and LFW2BBP to predict broadband ground motion parameters for the 2016 Mw 7.0 Kumamoto earthquake. The predicted results show good agreement with the observations.

How to cite: Pan, Y., Zhang, W., Zang, N., and Chen, X.: LFW2BBP: Broadband Ground-Motion Parameters Estimation Using Physics-Based Simulated Low-frequency waveforms and Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9222,, 2025.

EGU25-9286 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Spatiotemporal Patterns of Earthquake Occurrence and Their Relationship to Hydrological Parameters in the Delhi-NCR. 

Sudipto Bhattacharjee, Sanjay Kumar Prajapati, Uma Shankar, and Om Prakash Mishra

Irrespective of the tectonic setting hydrological factors play an important role in influencing earthquake activity of region. This study investigates the influence of hydrological factors on earthquake occurrence in the Delhi-NCR region using satellite-based data from GRACE, GRACE-FO, CHIRPS, and GNSS. Analysis reveals a significant decline in groundwater levels despite relatively stable rainfall, indicating substantial anthropogenic groundwater extraction. The spatial analysis reveals a correlation between earthquakes and regions with higher rainfall and groundwater levels, primarily in the northern part of the Delhi-NCR region, which is closer to the Himalayas. Where less rainfall and low groundwater levels in the region lead to sporadic earthquakes, particularly in the southern part of Delhi NCR, where the Delhi supergroup rocks are exposed. Temporal analysis, however, reveals subtle relationships. In the northern region of Delhi-NCR, which is closer to the Himalayan region, earthquakes tend to follow periods of post-monsoonal elevated groundwater unloading, while in the southern region, with greater rock exposure, seismic activity correlates more strongly with rainfall patterns. These findings highlight the importance of considering hydrological factors, particularly anthropogenic impacts on groundwater resources, in seismic hazard assessments for the Delhi-NCR region.

Keywords: Groundwater, Rainfall, Earthquake, Unloading.

How to cite: Bhattacharjee, S., Prajapati, S. K., Shankar, U., and Mishra, O. P.: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Earthquake Occurrence and Their Relationship to Hydrological Parameters in the Delhi-NCR., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9286,, 2025.

EGU25-9536 | Orals | SM8.1

The alluvial plain on the northern shore of Lake Garda (Italy) as a case study for physics-based numerical simulations of site effects. 

Peter Klin, Ilaria Primofiore, Luigi Zampa, Marco Garbin, Alfio Viganò, Carla Barnaba, Francesco Palmieri, and Giovanna Laurenzano

The role of 2-D and 3-D geometry in the seismic response of alluvial valleys and sedimentary basins can be evidenced by physics-based numerical simulations of seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous media. The present work focuses on the 5 km wide valley on the northern shore of Lake Garda in the Italian Alps. A recent study carried out in this area has shown that amplifications of earthquake ground motion up to 10 in the frequency range of engineering interest (0.5-10 Hz) are possible at sites inside the valley in respect to a rock site. To understand the origin of the observed site response, which 1D stratigraphic effects alone cannot explain, we used the available geological and geophysical data and built a 3D digital structural-geophysical model. The used data consist of seismic reflection profiles, interpreted geological sections and borehole measurements from existing literature, as well as data from newly conducted measurement campaigns of microtremors, shear wave velocity profiles and gravity. In the present work, we demonstrate the efficiency of the resulting 3D model in simulating the ground motion variability by a quantitative comparison between the empirical and the numerically evaluated amplification functions at a number of sites. In particular, we consider the amplification functions evaluated from earthquake ground motion recordings at 19 sites, where a temporary seismological network operated between 2019 and 2021. We evaluate the numerical amplification functions from physics-based numerical simulations of vertically emerging plane waves in the digital 3-D model. In order to perform the numerical simulations we used the 3-D spectral-element and frequency-wave number hybrid method, that is implemented in the latest versions of the open-source software SPECFEM3D Cartesian. The study confirms that the area is susceptible to combined 1D to 3D site effects generated by the peculiar geometry of the deposits composing the basin. The validated 3D model could provide a basis for the calculation of earthquake scenarios in the area.

How to cite: Klin, P., Primofiore, I., Zampa, L., Garbin, M., Viganò, A., Barnaba, C., Palmieri, F., and Laurenzano, G.: The alluvial plain on the northern shore of Lake Garda (Italy) as a case study for physics-based numerical simulations of site effects., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9536,, 2025.

This study divides the Yunnan block in China into three regions based on the spatial distribution of historical earthquakes and active faults: Region A (Baoshan-Puer block), Region B (Western Central Yunnan block), and Region C (Eastern Central Yunnan block). These areas, situated `within the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block (SYRB) and its adjacent territories, are key seismic hotspots due to the interactions between the Eurasian and Indian plates. Given the difficulty in identifying traditional reference sites, we developed Vs30 velocity profile models for Yunnan Province using regional borehole data. Additionally, we established regional empirical reference site amplification models using the quarter-wavelength method. Using the generalized inversion technique (GIT), we performed joint inversions on 24, 40, and 40 earthquakes in Regions A, B, and C, respectively. Obtaining source parameters for 104 earthquakes, regional quality factors (Q) for the three regions, and local site amplification effects for 124 stations. The stress drop ranged from 0.20 to 6.94 MPa. The average stress drop in Region A (1.61 MPa) is greater than in Region B (1.10 MPa), and Region C (0.77 MPa). Low stress drop areas exhibited a strong spatial correlation with regions of high heat flow, suggesting that high heat flow areas may lead to lower stress drops. These results are consistent with previous studies. The quality factor Q models for Regions A, B, and C are 194.48f0.418, 156.80f0.537 and 382.66f0.322, respectively. The Q value in Region C, near the Sichuan Basin, is significantly higher than in Region B, highlighting notable lateral heterogeneity. The resonant frequencies (fres) of GMX-A, GMX-B, GMX-C, and GMX-D across 124 stations are 7.75, 6.20, 4.69, and 2.15Hz, with corresponding amplification factors of 3.02, 2.57, 6.62, and 6.50. The average amplification factors for GMX-A and GMX-B were similar, as were those for GMX-C and GMX-D. As the site conditions became softer, the peak amplitude plateau shifted to lower frequencies, consistent with the general observation that stiffer sites exhibit higher resonant frequencies. Finally, the parameters obtained from the GIT were used for stochastic finite-fault simulation of the 5% damped PSA, FAS, and acceleration time series of the 2009 Ms 6.3 Yaoan mainshock and two aftershock sequences. The simulation results were consistent with the observed results, validating the reasonableness of the inversion parameters for the Yunnan block.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Chen, S., Fu, L., and Li, X.: Empirical reference site and generalized inversion technique for seismic inversion in Yunnan, China: validation through stochastic simulation of the 2009 Ms 6.3 Yaoan earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9735,, 2025.

EGU25-9885 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

A Comprehensive Analysis of Seismic Site Effects in the Grenoble Basin (French Alps) 

Georges Sabback, Florent De Martin, and Cécile Cornou

The Grenoble basin, located in the French Alps, is a region of significant interest for seismic hazard assessment due to its thick sedimentary layers and surrounding high massifs, leading to 2D/3D complex wave propagation patterns. With the aim to develop suitable strategies for seismic microzonation in alpine valleys, this study focuses on the seismic response of the basin using state-of-the-art 3D simulations performed with the EFISPEC3D spectral element method code for frequencies up to 5 Hz. These simulations aim to capture the intricate interactions between geological features, including lateral heterogeneity and basin geometry, which are not considered in traditional 1D microzonation approaches.

A primary goal of this research is to compare synthetic seismic data derived from 1D and 3D models with observed data to identify the limitations of 1D approach to provide a robust estimation of the site effects. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of fundamental frequencies and seismic wave amplification. While central regions of the basin exhibit consistent fundamental frequencies across 1D and 3D models, discrepancies arise at the edges due to the presence of complex lateral heterogeneities.

The study further investigates aggravation factors such as Peak Ground Velocity (PGV), Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), and Arias Intensity, revealing significant amplification in the central areas of the basin when using 3D models. In contrast, edge zones tend to show neutral or slightly de-amplified responses. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating 3D effects into seismic hazard assessments to improve the accuracy of microzonation strategies.

Future work aims to refine seismic hazard maps by leveraging machine learning techniques to automate the classification of zones based on response spectra and frequency-dependent amplification.

How to cite: Sabback, G., De Martin, F., and Cornou, C.: A Comprehensive Analysis of Seismic Site Effects in the Grenoble Basin (French Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9885,, 2025.

Türkiye is located in a highly active seismic region. The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) and the East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ) were formed due to the collision of the Arabian Plate with the Eurasian Plate, the resulting movement of the Anatolian block (to the westward). Due to these tectonic movements, highly destructive earthquakes often occur in the NAFZ and EAFZ.

The most destructive earthquake doublets of the last century occurred on February 6, 2023, along the EAFZ. The first earthquake, with a moment magnitude (Mw) of 7.7 (according to AFAD), occurred at 04:17 local time with its epicenter located near Pazarcık in Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye. Its focal depth was calculated to be 8.6 km. A second major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 occurred near Kahramanmaraş (specifically in Elbistan)  nine hours later. Its epicenter point was determined about 62 km from Kahramanmaraş. Its focal depth was calculated to be 7.0 km.  The earthquake doublets on February 6, 2023, in Pazarcık and Elbistan (Kahramanmaraş) caused devastating damage and loss of life across 11 provinces, particularly in Kahramanmaraş and Hatay.

This study aims to conduct a pre-dominant period based seismic hazard assessment for Hatay province following two major earthquake doublets on February 6, 2023, in Türkiye. For this purpose, we utilized earthquake data of various magnitudes recorded by 10 earthquake stations managed by AFAD, located around the center of Hatay. We selected the earthquakes (the S-Wave windows part) and created soil pre-dominant period curves by applying the Horizontal to Vertical spectral ratio method. Site classification for the region was determined based on the predominant period values identified by Zhao et al. (2006) (Z-6), Fukushima et al. (2007) (F-7), and Di Alessandro et al. (2012) (DA -12). The preliminary results, the site classification for station 3123 has been identified as CL-I, as references by DA -12, SC-I by Z-6, and SC-1 by F-7. According to site classification results, the Spectral Acceleration (SA) curves were calculated by using the Ground Motion Prediction Equation (GMPE) developed by DA-12 (based on the dominant period values). These estimated values were then compared with the design spectra outlined in the Turkish Building Earthquake Code (TBEC 2018) and different GMPE proposed by Akkar et al. (2014). Thus, the regional seismic hazard for Hatay province was assessed according to scenario earthquakes.

How to cite: Coban, K. H. and Bayrak, E.: Seismic hazard assessment based on the pre-dominant period after the February 6, 2023, Türkiye earthquake doublets: A case study of Hatay province, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10408,, 2025.

Rapidly determining seismic source characteristics, particularly the moment tensor and finite-fault inversion, is critical for providing timely and detailed information for rapid responses to large earthquakes. We proposed an automatic method to improve the efficiency of these inversions, which was limited previously by using far-field data in moment tensor inversions and manual operation in finite-fault inversions. Using near-field data, we simultaneously determined the moment tensor solution and the horizontal moment distribution. It can recover the source mechanism and identify moment-concentrated regions based solely on preliminary location and magnitude results. In addition, by solving the horizontal moment distribution, this approach can handle ruptures on complex fault systems, including curved, branched, parallel, and conjugated faults. The effectiveness of this method was validated through numerical tests and applications to the 2008 Wenchuan and 2016 Kaikōura earthquakes. By utilizing real-time near-field data, this method can identify meizoseismal areas within minutes after an earthquake, providing valuable insights for intensity distribution and disaster assessment.

How to cite: Xu, C. and Zhang, Y.: Simultaneous Determination of Focal Mechanism and Moment Distribution for Rapid Responses to Large Earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10663,, 2025.

EGU25-12234 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Ground Motion Prediction Analysis of Myanmar 

Win Shwe Sin Oo, Guan Chen, Karen Lythgoe, Phyo Maung Maung, and Shengji Wei

Strong ground motion during large earthquakes can cause significant damage to the buildings and infrastructure, as well as disrupt society. Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs) play a crucial role in seismic hazard analysis for tectonically active regions where the strong ground motion data is available. Over the years, numerous GMPEs have been developed for various parts of the world, and the region-specific GMPEs are particularly important for the accurate seismic hazard analysis. Myanmar, located at the eastern margin of the Indian-Eurasian plate subduction zone, is one of the most tectonically active regions in Southeast Asia. It hosts a complex network of faults, including the Sagaing fault – a 1400 km long dextral fault with an estimated slip rate of 20 mm/year. Historically, there are many large earthquakes in Myanmar that have caused major damage. Despite the long history of earthquakes and the region’s vulnerability to seismic hazards, no GMPE has been developed for Myanmar due to the lack of seismic stations in the past. Leveraging the local seismic network installed in the late 2017, we now have the opportunity to look into the recorded waveforms and address the ground motion analysis for Myanmar. We aim to develop a GMPE for Myanmar region as this would greatly benefit the local communities by providing more accurate seismic hazard assessments, improving the infrastructural design to be earthquake resistant, and enhancing the seismic risk mitigation efforts. Despite the limited dataset of 5 years (2016-2021) and lack of records from large earthquakes such as Mw > 7, we strive to derive a GMPE that effectively represents regional seismic characteristics and fits the recorded data. This initiative marks a critical step toward enhancing seismic safety and resilience in Myanmar.

How to cite: Oo, W. S. S., Chen, G., Lythgoe, K., Maung, P. M., and Wei, S.: Ground Motion Prediction Analysis of Myanmar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12234,, 2025.

EGU25-12971 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

Two decades of nonlinear soil response through velocity change analysis in Iwate Prefecture, Japan 

Alessandra Schibuola, Ssu-Ting Lai, Éléonore Stutzmann, and Fabián Bonilla

It is widely known that the local geology can strongly affect the ground motion by modifying the amplification, duration, and spatial variability of the earthquake shaking. In certain cases, when the ground motion is strong enough, the material may develop large deformations, altering the physical properties of the medium, reducing the shear modulus, increasing the damping, producing liquefaction and permanent displacements among other things. These phenomena belong to the domain of nonlinear soil behavior.
In this study, we use earthquake records collected between 2000 and 2022 from KiK-net stations in Iwate Prefecture (Japan). We investigate three signal processing techniques—deconvolution, phase correlation, and phase autocorrelation—on the earthquake data, focusing on their ability to determine empirical Green’s functions. Our findings show that all three methods give consistent results. Additionally, we group empirical Green’s functions by Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) into seven bins from 1 to 400 cm/s² and compute an average for each bin. We then apply the stretching technique to determine the velocity change, using the 1-5 cm/s² PGA bin as a reference. This low PGA level is supposed to have linear behavior. We observe that velocity changes increase with increasing PGA. The percentage of velocity changes differs among stations, showing site-specific variations that are not directly correlated with the conventional soil classification based on VS30.
We also investigate temporal variations of velocity changes at each station. We observe a drop in velocity after strong earthquakes, followed by a long-term recovery. This study proposes a new approach to investigate spatial and temporal, linear and nonlinear soil response.

How to cite: Schibuola, A., Lai, S.-T., Stutzmann, É., and Bonilla, F.: Two decades of nonlinear soil response through velocity change analysis in Iwate Prefecture, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12971,, 2025.

EGU25-13695 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

A Machine Learning Framework for Enhanced Site-Specific Ground Motion Modeling  

Diego Cardellini, Conny Hammer, and Matthias Ohrnberger

This study presents a machine learning (ML) model aimed at capturing local site effects on seismic ground motion. Synthetic seismic spectrums are first generated using moment tensor solutions and a Green's Function Database from Pyrocko. Residuals between observed and synthetic data are computed in octave frequency bands, reflecting deviations introduced by site-specific conditions. These discrepancies are then modeled using a feedforward neural network trained on both normalized synthetic spectrums and site-specific parameters (e.g., bedrock depth, average shear-wave velocity, fundamental frequency). We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach by applying it to Japan’s complex seismic environment, using strong-motion records from the K-NET and KiK-net networks. Once trained, the model accurately predicts and corrects these discrepancies, reconstructing spectrums that closely match real observations. This approach not only significantly enhances the interpretation of seismic data but also boosts earthquake hazard prediction in regions with complex site-effects. Overall, this framework provides a powerful tool for reducing the gap between simulated and actual ground motion, ultimately improving the reliability of seismic risk assessments. 

How to cite: Cardellini, D., Hammer, C., and Ohrnberger, M.: A Machine Learning Framework for Enhanced Site-Specific Ground Motion Modeling , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13695,, 2025.

EGU25-13732 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

Seismic microzoning studies in urban areas of Tenerife and La Palma islands 

David Martínez van Dorth, Luca D'Auria, Iván Cabrera-Pérez, Mercedes Feriche, Arià Palau Erena, Rubén García-Hernández, Víctor Ortega Ramos, Germán D. Padilla Hernández, Monika Przeor, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Over the last 500 years, Tenerife and La Palma (Canary Islands) have suffered several destructive earthquakes, mostly linked to volcanic activity but also generated by regional tectonics. These seismic events can be very shallow and reach moderate magnitudes, as observed in recent volcanic eruptions in the archipelago. The islands' geological complexity can lead to local seismic amplification due to site effects. Therefore, detailed in situ studies of local seismic responses are necessary to assess the seismic hazard correctly.

For these reasons, INVOLCAN has conducted various seismic microzonation surveys in different areas of both islands since 2019. These studies involved principally measuring microtremors in urban areas. The HV method was applied to the large amount of data recorded to determine the predominant frequencies of the ground. The results were compared with existing geological information and geotechnical borehole data.

The first study was conducted in San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Tenerife), whose old town has been declared a universal heritage site by UNESCO. The city is located in a valley filled with lacustrine deposits and lava flow layers, so its local geology makes it susceptible to local seismic amplification effects. In La Laguna, we performed 453 microtremor measurements using broadband stations.

The second study was conducted in La Orotava Valley (Tenerife), where 236 microtremor measurements were taken. This valley originated 500.000 years ago due to a giant gravitational landslide, and nowadays, it is an area hosting significant population centres and key tourist infrastructure.

Finally, the third study was performed in the Aridane Valley (La Palma), where 200 microtremor measurements were obtained. This valley also results from a gravitational landslide of the Cumbre Nueva volcanic edifice. This area was recently affected by the Tajogaite eruption in 2021.

Our main findings are: (1) in the first study, La Laguna Valley is characterised mainly by low frequencies, possibly related to thick lacustrine deposits, but also by secondary high-frequency peaks revealing the existence of thin layers at the surface; and (2) in the other two study areas the frequencies vary between medium-low values that are likely associated with the gravitational landslide deposits.

How to cite: Martínez van Dorth, D., D'Auria, L., Cabrera-Pérez, I., Feriche, M., Palau Erena, A., García-Hernández, R., Ortega Ramos, V., Padilla Hernández, G. D., Przeor, M., and Pérez, N. M.: Seismic microzoning studies in urban areas of Tenerife and La Palma islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13732,, 2025.

EGU25-14823 | Orals | SM8.1

Site database for national strong motion stations in mainland China 

Yefei Ren, Kun Ji, Yuting Zhang, Xinxin Yao, Hongjun Si, Tadahiro Kishida, Ye Liu, Jindong Song, and Ruizhi Wen

China site database (CNSDB) contains site metadata for 1450 strong motion stations with recordings in the China Flatfile project. The stations are from China National Strong Motion Observation Network System (NSMONS), in 27 provinces of mainland China. The principal site parameters in CNSDB are time-averaged shear wave velocity in the upper 30m (VS30) and site classification results according to China seismic design code. VS30 values are derived or extrapolated when reliable velocity profiles or field survey results are available. The extrapolation relationship is developed according to statistical properties of 6179 engineering boreholes, which is separated into four subregions in China mainland. Besides measurement-based site parameters, CNSDB consists of site parameters derived from the earthquake horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) curve, including predominant period and amplitude. Our previously proposed machine learning-based HVSR site classification schemes are also utilized to estimate VS30 and China site classifications. For stations without velocity profiles and enough ground motion recordings for HVSR computation, we utilize geology age/genesis, ground surface slope, and terrain category as site description proxies to estimate VS30. We analyze the performance of these proxies in relation to the measured VS30 values and provide the recommended VS30 value and its dispersion. We present protocols for VS30 estimation and China site classification from proxies that emphasize methods minimizing bias and dispersion relative to data. Except for the recommended site parameters results, site characterization proxies for each site and corresponding site parameters are also provided in the open-source site table of CNSDB. This can facilitate the search for the optimal site parameter(s) for the prediction of site amplification in different application occasions, like GMM development, scenario ground motion simulation, and seismic hazard/risk assessment.

How to cite: Ren, Y., Ji, K., Zhang, Y., Yao, X., Si, H., Kishida, T., Liu, Y., Song, J., and Wen, R.: Site database for national strong motion stations in mainland China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14823,, 2025.

Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEWS) are systems designed to detect earthquakes at the earliest possible moment and issue warnings by assessing whether the detected earthquake is likely to cause significant damage. The branches of the North Anatolian Fault, which were expected to produce a major earthquake but remained unruptured during the August 17, 1999 earthquake, are predominantly located in the Sea of Marmara and have been seismically quiet for an extended period.
The geographic limitations of seismic networks present significant challenges to traditional Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEWS). For instance, in-land seismic events, such as those originating in the Sea of Marmara, often generate strong ground motions along coastal areas, complicating the determination of source locations. Global studies demonstrate that integrating array methodologies into EEWS—particularly through the deployment of small-aperture arrays in strategic locations—can effectively address these challenges. Such enhancements significantly improve the capabilities of traditional seismic networks, especially in regions with sparse station coverage or areas outside the optimal range of existing networks.
This study focuses on the use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices for delivering Earthquake Early Warning Signals in the Marmara Region, a high-seismic-risk area. IoT technology enables real-time data collection and rapid dissemination of warnings, overcoming some limitations of traditional seismic networks. By improving coverage and communication speed, IoT-based systems offer a more efficient approach to earthquake preparedness. This paper discusses the framework, implementation, and challenges of integrating IoT devices into existing warning systems, highlighting their potential to enhance public safety and reduce earthquake-related risks.

How to cite: Tunc, S.: Public Announcement of Earthquake Early Warning Signal via IoT Devices in the Marmara Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15131,, 2025.

EGU25-15194 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Assessing the Impact on Ground Motion of Intermediate-depth Earthquakes in the Vrancea Zone, Romania, using a 3D Grid-based Approach 

Claudia Pandolfi, Matteo Taroni, and Aybige Akinci

The Vrancea region, located in the south-eastern Carpathians, Romania, is a unique site of intracontinental intermediate-depth seismicity. Renowned for its frequent large earthquakes exceeding magnitude 6.5, this narrow seismogenic volume significantly impacts Central and Eastern Europe. The seismicity of the Vrancea Zone is concentrated within a vertical NW-SE structure extending from 70 to 180 km depth (Ismail-Zadeh et al., 2012). This depth range is critical for understanding the ground motion effects on the surface. Previous models of the area treated this depth range as a single, undifferentiated source, overlooking the depth-dependent characteristics of earthquake generation and consequent ground motion.

In this study, we conduct an in-depth seismic hazard analysis for Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes, emphasizing the role of depth variability in shaping surface ground motion. Using the novel 3D adaptive smoothed seismicity approach by Pandolfi et al. (2023, 2024), we forecast earthquake rates based on precise spatial distributions of seismicity within a 3D grid. This method smooths earthquake locations using a depth-sensitive kernel, with adaptive smoothing distances that account for both high- and low-seismicity areas.

Our analysis utilizes the ROMPLUS catalog (Oncescu et al., 1999), spanning over a millennium (1000–2023) and focusing exclusively on depths between 70 and 180 km to isolate intermediate-depth events. We determined the magnitude of completeness (Mc), computed the b-value, and declustered the catalog using a procedure which considers the earthquake’s location in depth. We also applied a 3D log-likelihood optimization to calibrate the neighboring number (NN) for the adaptive smoothing process. Finally, seismic hazard was assessed using the Vrancea-specific ground motion prediction equation developed by Manea et al. (2021).

This study quantifies the contribution of earthquakes at different depths to ground motion, enhancing our understanding of depth-dependent seismic hazard in the region and providing refined and innovative tools for seismic hazard assessments.

How to cite: Pandolfi, C., Taroni, M., and Akinci, A.: Assessing the Impact on Ground Motion of Intermediate-depth Earthquakes in the Vrancea Zone, Romania, using a 3D Grid-based Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15194,, 2025.

EGU25-15723 | Orals | SM8.1

Empirical Ground Motion Model for Damping Modification Factor for Horizontal Response Spectra in Taiwan 

Yu Wen Chang, Chen Chun Liu, and Shiang Jung Wang

In the Taiwan seismic design code for buildings, damping modification factors (i.e., B values) are provided as a denominator to calculate the elastic design basis response spectra with damping ratios other than 5%. At short periods and at one-second period, the B values are referred to as Bs and B1, respectively. Those values are originally proposed to derive the corresponding design basis response spectra rather than maximum considered ones. According to some observed earthquake records and past relevant studies, it is found that damping modification factors are greatly related to natural periods, at long periods in particular. In addition, some recent studies indicate that damping modification factors, to some extent, are relevant to some ground motion characteristics that are used in ground motion prediction equations, e.g., moment magnitude (MW), rupture distance (Rrup), averaged shear wave velocity in the upper 30 m of sites (Vs30), etc. Therefore, by means of abundant ground motion database recorded in Taiwan, this study aims to develop empirical and localized models for estimating suitable damping modification factors in terms of spectral displacement, velocity, and acceleration. The models are proposed in the form of not only damping ratios and natural periods but also MW, Rrup, duration, and Vs30. Through comparing the damping modification factors obtained from the proposed models with those specified in the current design code, the applicability of the code-specified values is further examined. Moreover, the results obtained from the models determined using the entire ground motion database can satisfactorily reproduce the response spectra of several near-fault pulse-like ground motions with damping ratios different from 5%. It is further implied that the proposed model is robust sufficiently and valid for both far-field and near-fault pulse-like ground motions. The results show that the damping modification factors provided in the current design code are acceptable practically when the damping ratio falls within 2% to 25%, while those may be too conservative when the damping ratio is smaller than 2%.

How to cite: Chang, Y. W., Liu, C. C., and Wang, S. J.: Empirical Ground Motion Model for Damping Modification Factor for Horizontal Response Spectra in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15723,, 2025.

EGU25-15853 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

Ground motion simulation in Beirut from a large earthquake on the Mount Lebanon Thrust fault 

Houssam Al Jamal, Mathieu Causse, Cécile Cornou, and Mayssa Dabaghi

Ground motion simulation is crucial for seismic risk assessment in cities with limited recorded strong ground motion data. Lebanon is located along the Dead Sea Transform fault system, which previously generated large earthquakes, but has recently experienced only low to moderate instrumental seismicity. Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, was destroyed in 551 AD due to a large magnitude earthquake (MS7.3) offshore Lebanon that was attributed to the Mount Lebanon Thrust fault (MLT). In addition, Beirut is densely populated nowadays, and seismic design requirements were only recently introduced in Lebanon. Thus, seismic risk assessment studies for Beirut should consider large-magnitude earthquake scenarios on the MLT, e.g., similar to the 551 AD historical earthquake. The lack of strong motion records from the MLT source underscores the need for ground motion simulation. In this work, we first identify the plausible earthquake scenarios on the MLT by fitting radiocarbon-dating and uplift data at the Lebanese coast to simulated static deformations from scenarios on the MLT. Next, we develop a improved hybrid ground motion simulation method, which combines deterministic simulations at low-frequency (LF) (<0.5 Hz) and a stochastic approach at high-frequency (HF). The LF part is based on pseudo-dynamic rupture models and a recently developed one-dimensional velocity model of Lebanon. On the other hand, the HF part consists of an improved version of a near-fault site-based stochastic model that accounts for specific features of near-fault ground motions, such as directivity velocity pulses, conditioned on the LF ground motion properties. Using this model, we simulate ground motions at a grid of virtual stations in Beirut. These simulations will be used in future works for a city-scale comprehensive structural damage estimation in Beirut for the selected scenarios.

How to cite: Al Jamal, H., Causse, M., Cornou, C., and Dabaghi, M.: Ground motion simulation in Beirut from a large earthquake on the Mount Lebanon Thrust fault, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15853,, 2025.

EGU25-17578 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Empirical Attenuation Characteristics and Seismic Source Parameters through Spectral Inversion for Northeastern Italy 

Seyedmohammadsadegh Jafari, Deniz Ertuncay, Simone Francesco Fornasari, Laura Cataldi, Veronica Pazzi, and Giovanni Costa

Understanding earthquake source properties, such as the seismic moment (M₀), is vital in seismology due to its direct correlation with fault dimensions and slip. The objective of the study which focuses on Northeastern Italy is to define an empirical relation between seismic moment and S-wave peak displacement specific to the region's attenuation characteristics. The seismic moment is being obtained by fitting the omega-squared Brune source model to the low-frequency part of the source spectrum which is achievable by applying a spectral decomposition approach known as the Generalized Inversion Technique (GIT), in which an overdetermined linear system of equations is being solved for the displacement spectrum of seismic data. Finally, the region's attenuation parameters will be determined by making an empirical relation between the seismic moment and maximum displacement amplitude of the S-wave.

How to cite: Jafari, S., Ertuncay, D., Fornasari, S. F., Cataldi, L., Pazzi, V., and Costa, G.: Empirical Attenuation Characteristics and Seismic Source Parameters through Spectral Inversion for Northeastern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17578,, 2025.

EGU25-18598 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Nonlinear ground response due to air-to-ground coupling of volcanic explosions; a study case from Mt. Etna volcano, Sicily. 

Sergio Diaz-Meza, Philippe Jousset, Gilda Currenti, Lucile Costes, and Charlotte Krawczyk

Ground response (GR) refers to the amplification and damping of seismic wavefield components under linear and nonlinear elastic conditions. While seismic waves are the primary triggers of GR, other dynamic phenomena, such as explosions and strong acoustic waves, can also induce GR once they couple into the ground. In volcanic environments, natural explosions frequently interact with unconsolidated near-surface materials, making GR a critical factor in assessing volcanic hazards.

To investigate GR in such contexts, we selected Mt. Etna as a study site due to its persistent volcanic activity, which generates a wide frequency range (0.01–100 Hz) of seismo-acoustic signals. Additionally, Mt. Etna features complex ground structures, such as faults, dykes, and unconsolidated scoria deposits, making it an ideal natural laboratory for examining GR phenomena. In 2019, a multi-parametric network was deployed near its summit crater, comprising broadband seismometers, infrasound sensors, and a buried fiber optic cable (30 cm depth) for distributed dynamic strain sensing (DDSS).

We compiled a catalog of over 8,000 volcanic explosions. Our observations reveal emergent high-frequency (10–50 Hz) acoustic waves embedded within the low-frequency signals of the explosions. These high frequencies are amplified when the explosions couple into the scoria material of the deposit, as evidenced by the DDSS and broadband seismometer data.

To characterize the local response of the near-surface material during air-to-ground coupling of the explosions, we analyzed stress-rate vs. strain-rate relationships derived from peak-to-peak (p-p) amplitudes of GR signals and classified explosion events. Explosions were classified using waveform similarity, while GR in the DDSS signals were classified using a modified approach that incorporates both temporal and spatial dimensions. These relationships reveal hyperelastic behavior of the scoria material, described by three distinct and consecutive elastic stages: linear, softening, and stiffening.

The hyperelastic curves enable the extraction of key elastic parameters, which we use to model GR at Mt. Etna with waveform propagation codes employing lattice methods. We validate this approach by estimating Vp velocities from elastic parameters and comparing them with direct Vp measurements from tap test on the fibre optic cable. Preliminary modeling results demonstrate the potential of lattice methods to capture the nonlinear dynamics of geomaterials and provide deeper insights into the elastic parameters influencing GR. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating GR into volcanic hazard assessments and enhance our understanding of near-surface material dynamics in volcanic environments.

How to cite: Diaz-Meza, S., Jousset, P., Currenti, G., Costes, L., and Krawczyk, C.: Nonlinear ground response due to air-to-ground coupling of volcanic explosions; a study case from Mt. Etna volcano, Sicily., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18598,, 2025.

EGU25-18872 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

A new Matlab tool to assess probabilistic fault displacement hazard 

Selina Bonini, Oona Scotti, Alessandro Valentini, Francesco Visini, Giulia Tartaglia, Riccardo Asti, and Gianluca Vignaroli

In tectonically active regions, surface faulting and offset of the ground surface caused by capable faults pose significant hazard to urban settlements and critical infrastructures. Given the challenges in fully parametrizing the geometry, kinematics, and activity of a capable fault, Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis (PFDHA) is widely employed. PFDHA is a relatively recent methodology that estimates the probability and magnitude of expected surface displacement at a given site during an earthquake.

Current methods for Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis (FDHA) are commonly tailored to specific kinematic scenarios and often rely on scaling laws that are based on the characteristic earthquake magnitude. These approaches typically distinguish between displacements occurring along the primary fault (PF) and those occurring at distributed off-fault ruptures (DR). However, only a limited number of these methods are associated with computational tools, and their accessibility to users varies widely.

This study introduces a new Matlab-based tool that integrates published scaling laws, surface rupture models, and fault displacement models into a PFDHA framework. The tool supports hazard assessment for both PF and DR displacements and incorporates the concept of floating rupture along faults, a common practice in probabilistic seismic hazard assessment.

The modular design of the code provides users flexibility in generating hazard curves and maps by allowing them to select a variety of kinematic-specific components within the PFDHA. Furthermore, it allows the hazard assessment that considers distinct frequency-magnitude distributions.

Moreover, a novel approach to address co-seismic ruptures that may be shorter than the total length of the main fault is proposed. It involves translating fault segments along the fault trace, with the co-seismic rupture length evaluated over a range of Mw values, such as those derived from a truncated Gutenberg-Richter distribution. The conditional probability of exceedance is then determined by recalculating the x/L points corresponding to the site location (x) in each rupture length (L) translating along the total length of the fault. Contributions from all scenarios are aggregated to produce the total hazard for distributed ruptures.

This new tool aims to advance the current state of PFDHA by addressing variability among current models, facilitating direct comparisons between published methodologies for both PF and DR.

How to cite: Bonini, S., Scotti, O., Valentini, A., Visini, F., Tartaglia, G., Asti, R., and Vignaroli, G.: A new Matlab tool to assess probabilistic fault displacement hazard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18872,, 2025.

EGU25-18948 | Orals | SM8.1

Spectral Response Characteristics and Building Response Periods: Insights from the 2023 M4.8 Sumedang Earthquake Ground Motion Analysis 

Sigit Pramono, Aditya Setyo Rahman, Setyoajie Prayoedhie, Dadang Permana, Fajri Syukur Rahmatullah, Nelly Florida Riama, Ardian Yudhi Octantyo, Oriza Sativa, Nur Fani Habibah, I Nyoman Sukanta, Dedi Sugianto, Juwita Sari Pradita, Audia Kaluku, Yoga Dharma Persada, and Ulfa Nur Silvia

An earthquake with a magnitude of M4.8 struck Sumedang, West Java, on December 31, 2023, at a shallow depth of 5 km. This study analyzes strong ground motion data from five nearby accelerograph stations (CSJM, TSJM, TOJI, ACBM, BALE) to evaluate the patterns of Fourier amplitude spectra, spectral response acceleration (PSA), and their implications for building response periods. The results reveal a significant relationship between the station's distance from the epicenter, local geological characteristics, and the earthquake's energy distribution. The CSJM station, located 14.4 km from the epicenter, recorded a dominant frequency of 4.8 Hz with a maximum PSA of 0.17 g in the 0.2–0.3 second spectral period range, reflecting the high-frequency dominance due to its location on dense volcanic deposits and lava formations. The TSJM station, situated 19.5 km away near the Cileunyi-Tanjungsari fault, exhibited the highest PSA amplitude (0.4 g) at a spectral period of 0.3 seconds. This is attributed to the influence of soft soil deposits and active fault proximity, which amplify high-frequency vibrations, presenting challenges for buildings with natural periods within this range. In contrast, the TOJI station (23.6 km) recorded a PSA of 0.1 g at a spectral period of 0.2 seconds with a dominant frequency of 3 Hz, while the ACBM station (34.7 km) showed a PSA of 0.1 g at 0.3 seconds and a dominant frequency of 1.84 Hz, reflecting attenuation of high-frequency seismic energy. The BALE station (35.7 km) exhibited the lowest PSA of 0.05 g at a spectral period of 0.2 seconds, with a dominant frequency of 4 Hz, influenced by its more stable and compact geological formations. These findings indicate that local surface geological effects contribute to the differences in the spectral response amplitude level as the representative of the level of earthquake ground motion itself. These also underscore the importance of understanding building response periods and their interaction with local seismic conditions. Regions near the epicenter, such as CSJM and TSJM, require structural designs that account for high vibrational intensity and shorter periods, while areas farther away, like ACBM and BALE, should consider energy distribution over longer periods for high-rise buildings. This study provides essential insights into seismic risk mitigation and informs earthquake-resistant design practices in compliance with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 1726:2019).

How to cite: Pramono, S., Rahman, A. S., Prayoedhie, S., Permana, D., Rahmatullah, F. S., Riama, N. F., Octantyo, A. Y., Sativa, O., Habibah, N. F., Sukanta, I. N., Sugianto, D., Pradita, J. S., Kaluku, A., Persada, Y. D., and Silvia, U. N.: Spectral Response Characteristics and Building Response Periods: Insights from the 2023 M4.8 Sumedang Earthquake Ground Motion Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18948,, 2025.

EGU25-19288 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

Seismic Hazard Assessment for a Dam Project at the Eurasian Indian Plate Boundary 

Ahmet Hamdi Deneri and Mustafa Selvi

This seismic hazard assessment aims to determine design parameters and develop design response spectrum for the dam body by evaluating nearby active faults, historical earthquake activity, and local site conditions in Pakistan. This project holds significant importance for optimizing water resource utilization and enhancing the country's infrastructure development.

The dam is situated at the Tethysides-Indian Craton boundary, a major paleotectonic division of Eurasia. This area lies within the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt, an extensive seismic and mountainous region spanning over 15000 km. Notably, the Kirthar Fold and Thrust Belt (KFTB) extends over 200 km along the western boundary of the Indian plate. The tectonic setting of the KFTB is primarily influenced by the Indian-Eurasian plate collision within the Central Kirthar Fold Belt. Detailed descriptions of the KFTB and adjacent active faults are available in the Active Faults of Eurasia Database which prepared by Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The closest active fault is approximately 2 km from the dam site. Within a 200 km radius of the dam, 19 earthquakes with magnitudes of 6.00 or larger have occurred over the past 115 years. Significant seismic events include the Mw7.16 earthquake on October 20, 1909 (28 km away from dam body), the Mw6.75 event on October 15, 1928 (14 km away from dam), and the Mw6.05 event on May 15, 1935 (13 km away from dam).

A total of 2363 earthquake records with magnitudes of 4.00 or larger were collected from 17 different catalogs. After removing foreshocks and aftershocks using the Gardner and Knopoff (1974) method, 403 records remained. Recurrence parameters were then calculated using the Weichert (1980) approach. The site classification, based on a measured shear wave velocity of 600 m/s from the MASW report, corresponds to Classes "C" and "B" per ASCE 7-16 and Eurocode 8 standards for Vs30.

Ground motion predictions were generated using OpenQuake with GMPEs from Abrahamson et al. (2014), Boore et al. (2014), Campbell & Bozorgnia (2014), and Chiou & Youngs (2014), as recommended by the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD). These models contributed 50% to the final results. The remaining 50% was derived from GMPEs advised by the 2014 Earthquake Model of the Middle East (EMME14) Project under the European Earthquake Hazard and Risk Facilities (EFEHR), including models by Akkar et al. (2014), Chiou & Youngs (2008), Akkar & Çağnan (2010), and Zhao et al. (2006).

Both Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA) and Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) results will be presented using these GMPEs. Median and +1 standard deviation values are calculated for DSHA, while PSHA results include calculations for seven return periods (72, 144, 475, 975, 2475, 5000, and 10000 years). The final risk classification will follow the guidelines outlined in ICOLD documentation.

How to cite: Deneri, A. H. and Selvi, M.: Seismic Hazard Assessment for a Dam Project at the Eurasian Indian Plate Boundary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19288,, 2025.

EGU25-19491 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Urban seismic network development for site effects evaluation in Trieste  

Federico Parentelli, Chantal Beltrame, Simone Francesco Fornasari, Veronica Pazzi, Giorgia Moschion, and Giovanni Costa

Only the first level of seismic microzonation (SM1), performed in 2016, is available for the city of Trieste. A seismic noise measurements campaign was conducted in the municipality during 2022 in the different homogeneous microzones in the seismic perspective (MOPS), defined by SM1. 
The main purpose was to verify the behaviour within each MOPS, and the results have shown that the hypothesis of a homogenous microzone is not always verified: in many cases, high behavioural variability was found within the same. Therefore, MOPS seem to be a good tool for general first-level evaluation, but they do not appear to be accurate enough for detailed site-effect evaluation. A recent study demonstrated that second-level microzonation national abacuses (MS2) are not applicable in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region since, being a simplified method, they underestimate the site response.
For this reason, a new urban accelerometric seismic network was implemented in Trieste with the purpose of seismic monitoring and to evaluate the site effects which have been validated using numerical simulation.

How to cite: Parentelli, F., Beltrame, C., Fornasari, S. F., Pazzi, V., Moschion, G., and Costa, G.: Urban seismic network development for site effects evaluation in Trieste , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19491,, 2025.

Recently, several studies have shown that the hybrid ground motion prediction equation (GMPE), which predicting the ground motion intensities (GMIs) of on-site S-wave by involving the observed GMIs of on-site P-wave, can improve the prediction accuracy and reduce the aleatory uncertainty for the on-site ground motion in respect to general ergodic GMPE due to high correlation between GMIs of on-site S-wave and on-site P-wave. This hybrid GMPE can be applied for the on-site and the hybrid early warning systems to improve the performance of the alert message. However, the possible spatial correlations between the residuals of the hybrid GMPE, which can be used to develop non-ergodic correction terms to improve the prediction accuracy for the sites nearby the strong motion instruments, haven’t not been evaluated. In this study, we evaluate the pre-mentioned spatial correlations and use it to develop the Taiwan non-ergodic hybrid GMPE based on the developed ergodic hybrid GMPE for two different kinds of GMIs (spectral acceleration and instantaneous power at different periods). The performance of the proposed Taiwan non-ergodic hybrid GMPE with respect to the ergodic GMPE and the non-ergodic GMPE for the application of the earthquake early warning and the post-earthquake ShakeMap is also evaluated in this study. The output of this study would be beneficial for evaluating and determining the microzonations of earthquake early warning and seismic design code.

How to cite: Chao, S.-H., Huang, J.-Y., and Sung, C.-H.: Taiwan Non-Ergodic Hybrid GMPE for Improving the Accuracy of Earthquake Early Warning and Post-Earthquake ShakeMap, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20542,, 2025.

EGU25-21127 | Posters on site | SM8.1

Enhanced Vs30 Prediction Models: Leveraging Geology and Terrain with Machine Learning 

Eran Frucht, Ronnie Kamai, and Gony Biran
Understanding the contributors to ground motions at a specific site is essential for accurate hazard and ground motion estimations. Among these contributors, site response is recognized as a dominant factor. A comprehensive characterization of site effects requires careful consideration of the geological and mechanical conditions at a site, one of which is the shear wave velocity profile with depth. Its derivative—the time-averaged shear wave velocity of the upper 30 meters, Vs30, has been the most commonly used proxy for site-effect predictions since the early 1990s, and is also incorporated into the Israeli building standard. In the case of very large engineering projects covering a wide geographical area, direct measurements of the shear wave velocity profiles becomes impractical. To address this, Vs30 maps are developed using proxies such as terrain slope, geological information, or a combination of both. This study leverages machine learning (ML) models to generate a high-resolution Vs30 map for Israel. ML models offer a robust framework for capturing complex, non-linear relationships between input parameters and Vs30, surpassing traditional correlations. The model developed in this work was trained and validated using an extensive database of over 500 shear-wave velocity profile measurements. Additional parameters, including surface geology (lithology and age), soil type, and terrain-based features, were integrated to enhance predictive accuracy. The new model predictions demonstrate significant improvements compared to existing local and other global Vs30 models. The new model is subsequently used for interpolation, to produce a state-wide Vs30 map. This map will provide a valuable resource for national hazard assessments, seismic risk analysis, and engineering applications, offering improved spatial resolution and reliability compared to previous models. This study highlights the potential of integrating advanced ML techniques to enhance site-effect characterization and improve the accuracy of hazard assessments at regional and national scales.

How to cite: Frucht, E., Kamai, R., and Biran, G.: Enhanced Vs30 Prediction Models: Leveraging Geology and Terrain with Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21127,, 2025.

EGU25-21168 | Posters on site | SM8.1

Numerical modeling approach to support the future seismic microzonation of Dushanbe, Tajikistan 

Farkhod Hakimov, Hans-Balder Havenith, Anatoly Ischuk, and Klaus Reicherter
This study presents an integrated approach to seismic microzonation in urban environments, emphasizing the importance of dynamic numerical modeling in enhancing earthquake hazard assessments. Our goal was to deepen the understanding of seismic wave behavior in the soils of the city of Dushanbe by combining extensive geological, geophysical, and engineering datasets. These datasets include macroseismic data, local geological observations, and detailed geophysical surveys conducted between 2019 and 2020. The surveys consisted of five Microtremor Array Measurements (MAM), nine Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT) lines, five temporary Standard Spectral Ratio (SSR) seismic stations, 60 borehole logs, and 175 Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) measurements.
Using this comprehensive database, we constructed a consistent 2.5D geological model of the soil strata in Dushanbe, covering an area of 12×12 km2. The borehole data were calibrated against geophysical methods to accurately delineate lithological boundaries. Leapfrog Works software was employed to create the 2.5D geomodel, from which six 12-km-long 2D cross-sections were extracted. Subsequently, 2D dynamic numerical modeling was performed to examine seismic wave propagation under varying lithological and topographic conditions.
The results of the 2D dynamic modeling were compared with fundamental frequency (f0) values derived from ambient noise measurements and SSR data. Our analysis confirms the significant influence of local topography and soil conditions on ground motions, leading to pronounced seismic amplification effects in certain areas. By integrating these approaches, the 2D dynamic numerical modeling allowed for a more precise evaluation of local site effects, improving seismic microzonation and refining estimates of peak ground acceleration in conjunction with regional seismic hazard maps. Furthermore, these findings corroborate earlier indications of notable seismic amplification attributed to local topographic and subsurface features influencing ground motions.

How to cite: Hakimov, F., Havenith, H.-B., Ischuk, A., and Reicherter, K.: Numerical modeling approach to support the future seismic microzonation of Dushanbe, Tajikistan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21168,, 2025.

EGU25-556 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Post-fire short- and long-term soil erosion monitoring – The impact of consecutive storm events on R factor and erosion rates  

Aristeidis Kastridis, Stella Margiorou, and Marios Sapountzis

Wildfires have a significant impact on soil erosion. Most studies emphasize on the "disturbance window", which typically ranges from 3 to 10 years. Studies on the long-term effects of fire on soil erosion are relatively few, especially when it comes to studies that go beyond 20 to 30 years after the fire.

This study carried out at Seich Sou, a suburban forest in Thessaloniki city, North Greece. A wildfire in 1997 destroyed half of the forest, and another one occurred in 2021. This study focuses on investigating the long-term (1997 wildfire) and short-term (2021 wildfire) post-fire impacts on erosion in relation to rainfall intensity and rainfall erosivity (R factor). Field plots using silt fences were installed, to quantify soil erosion in both burned and unburned regions.

Regarding the short-term effects of the wildfire in 2021 on soil erosion, the findings indicated that vegetation is the primary factor influencing annual erosion rates. Soil erosion in burned plots is significantly influenced by rainfall intensity, particularly when it surpasses 6–7 mm/30 min. However, in burned plots it was revealed that soil erosion did not significantly increase when the rainfall intensity increased beyond 10 mm/30min. On the other hand, in the unburned plots, soil erosion was considerably increased beyond a certain threshold of rainfall intensity (>10 mm/30 min).

For the first time in literature, it was revealed that when two consecutive and very intense storms occurred, the second, more intense rainfall generated noticeably less erosion rates than the first. An average 20% reduction in soil erosion (both in burned and unburned plots) was observed after the second storm, when the R factor increased by 690%. The main reason for this behavior is the quick depletion of the available sediments caused by the high-intensity consecutive rainfalls, which decreased the erosive effect of the second consecutive storm.

 We also found that since both major erosive episodes were so close to one each other in time, the considerable rise in R factor in the second post-fire year did not significantly increase soil erosion. These results demonstrate that the R factor in RUSLE, which is used to determine the annual erosion rate in burned and unburned regions, without the appropriate reference to the corresponding field data, which used to validate the model, has potential significant errors that may lead to inaccurate erosion rate estimations. Before implementing the erosion model into practice, researchers and stakeholders that utilize the R factor in erosion modeling should thoroughly investigate the precise dates of the significant erosive events.

Concerning the long-term effects of the 1997 wildfire, the findings from the "natural reforestation" plots showed that, 25 years after the wildfire, erosion rates are three times higher (0.062 t/ha/year) than those of the "control" plots (0.023 t/ha/year). The forest ecosystem has not significantly recovered, and it seems that the "window of disturbance" in the reforested area has not been closed. Depending on site quality, geomorphology, and meteorological conditions, it may take more than 20 years to return soil erosion rates to normal levels in Mediterranean environments, where soils are typically thin and rocky.

How to cite: Kastridis, A., Margiorou, S., and Sapountzis, M.: Post-fire short- and long-term soil erosion monitoring – The impact of consecutive storm events on R factor and erosion rates , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-556,, 2025.

EGU25-604 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

How do understorey fires in deciduous forests affect soil properties? Insights from Eastern India 

Kunal Mallick, Anindya Majhi, and Priyank Pravin Patel

Understorey forest fires in tropical dry deciduous forests are an ecologically significant yet understudied phenomena, particularly in India, where such fires occur frequently but have been largely overlooked for decades. This study examines the effects of understorey fires on the physicochemical properties of in-situ lateritic soils (Haplustalfs, Paleustalfs, and Ustifluvents, as per USDA Soil Taxonomy) in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal. During the 2024 fire season (February–May), soil samples were collected from 12 sites, comparing burnt and unburnt patches at depths of 0–5 cm, 5–10 cm, and 10–20 cm. Fire temperatures recorded at three sites using infrared pyrometers ranged from approximately 500°C to 1100°C, with a fire spread rate of about 8 m/hr. The predominant soil textures in the study area are sandy clay loam and sandy loam. The results reveal that understorey fires significantly (p < 0.05) altered the topsoil (0–5 cm), increasing pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic carbon (OC), nitrogen (N), potassium oxide (K₂O), and organic matter (OM), likely due to ash deposition and the partial combustion of organic material. We also observed a significant reduction of bulk density (BD) at the 0–5 cm depth in burnt areas, likely due to the loss of fine roots and soil moisture during the fire, which would cause loosening of the soil structure. However, no significant differences were observed in aggregate stability, Visual Evaluation of Soil Structure (VESS) scores, base cation concentrations (Ca, Mg, Na), phosphorus (P₂O₅) or cation exchange capacity (CEC) between burnt and unburnt sites. Minimal changes were recorded at depths beyond 5 cm, attributed to limited heat penetration and the absence of pyrogenic residues. These results diverge from the general understanding of fire effects on soil properties. In ecoregions dominated by highly flammable vegetation, such as coniferous forests and grasslands (e.g. in US, Canada or Australia), large-scale crown fires disrupt entire forest ecosystems and effectuate heat-induced alterations and nutrient volatilisation, which profoundly affect soil properties. On the contrary, understorey fires in deciduous forests primarily influence the forest floor, predominantly consuming low-lying vegetation, leaf litter, and organic matter, resulting in turn in immediate nutrient enrichment in the topsoil (0–5 cm), which may facilitate post-fire vegetation recovery. The observed soil changes are driven more by ash deposition and incomplete combustion of organic matter than by nutrient volatilisation, distinguishing them from the more intense fire behaviours elsewhere. These variations in fire intensity and behaviour likely explain the differences in soil responses. However, the long-term risks of ash depletion and nutrient loss through water-driven erosion pose significant concerns for post-fire forest landscapes, potentially degrading soil productivity, disrupting forest regeneration, and threatening overall ecosystem resilience. These findings emphasize the need for comprehensive research to fully comprehend the long-term implications of understorey fires in tropical dry deciduous forests.

How to cite: Mallick, K., Majhi, A., and Patel, P. P.: How do understorey fires in deciduous forests affect soil properties? Insights from Eastern India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-604,, 2025.

EGU25-4418 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Prescribed burning as potential regeneration technique in temperate reed ecosystems - a pilot study at Lake Neusiedl, Austria 

Raffael Berner, Mathias Neumann, Mortimer M. Müller, Markus Hollaus, and Stephan Glatzel

The reed belt of Lake Neusiedl, with an area of 181 km², covers more than half of the total lake area (ca. 320 km²) and is part of the Natura 2000 and Ramsar Conservation site of lake Neusiedl. It is the second biggest contiguous reed ecosystem in Europe after the Danube delta. The ageing of the reed belt and subsequently growth of the reed mats represents an obstacle for numerous bird species worth protecting such as the Great Reed Warbler and Reed Buntings in the National Park Lake Neusiedl because many are specialized and dependent on the presence of younger reed plants (Phragmites australis). Traditional regeneration measures, most notably mowing, are becoming decreasingly suitable as a management tool due to warmer temperatures and subsequently insufficient freezing in winter. Therefore, prescribed burning of old reed stands, which is currently prohibited by Austrian law, is being considered as a regeneration measure as a way to maintain invaluable habitats for bird species. For this reason, a pilot study was carried out in January 2024 in the reed belt of Lake Neusiedl near Jois (province of Burgenland, Austria) in order to gain insights on consequences of controlled burning of old reed mats. The burning was conducted in winter to minimize harm of wildlife. Our research includes pre- and post-fire laboratory analyses of biomass and carbon content from standing vegetation, litter (matted reed), and the underlying partially decomposed organic soil layer. Furthermore, the fire behavior and intensity, as well as moisture contents during and after the fire were monitored. To support the area-wide mapping UAV-LiDAR and RGB flights were undertaken. The results can provide valuable insights into the closely linked balances between nature conservation and carbon stocks that arise in the management of reed-dominated ecosystems through burning. The mean fire temperature was slightly above 700°C and peaked at 1034°C. A total area of 15.6 ha was affected, on which the standing dead reed was lost completely, and the reed mats were reduced by 31.2% on average. A total of 54.5 tC were released from the study area. The layer of matted reed, which is to be affected by the fire, should have a maximum moisture content of 30% to ensure biomass removal. A significant reduction of the matted reed horizon thickness was achieved, which will help Phragmites australis regrowth and young-stock-specialized bird repopulation. The fire also left unburned patches of intact old stock behind, which could provide habitats for bird species specialized in old reed stock. Our results indicate that prescribed fire can be a suitable management tool at the reed belt of lake Neusiedl for the purpose of reed regeneration and habitat restoration.

How to cite: Berner, R., Neumann, M., Müller, M. M., Hollaus, M., and Glatzel, S.: Prescribed burning as potential regeneration technique in temperate reed ecosystems - a pilot study at Lake Neusiedl, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4418,, 2025.

Although wildfires bring serious negative environmental and ecological effects, low-intensity fires can promote vegetation recovery to a certain extent, especially in degraded ecosystems. A deeper understanding of the mechanism underlying accelerated vegetation recovery following fire will help provide a reference for the government to formulate ecological restoration strategies and enhance ecological service functions. Low soil nitrogen (N) availability is considered to be a key nutrient factor limiting vegetation recovery. Wildfire may change the coupling relationship between soil N supply and plant N demand to affect vegetation restoration, but little is known about this. We selected the succession sequences of different vegetation recovery stages in low-intensity burned and unburned areas in the karst desertification region of southwest China. We found that low-intensity fire indeed accelerated vegetation recovery, supported by higher plant biomass and diversity in burned than unburned areas. The data of plant leaf N/phosphorus ratio, total N content and δ15N value collectively indicated that plant growth in degraded ecosystems was severely limited by N, while plant N limitation degree decreased significantly following fire. This difference can be explained by the changes in the composition and content of soil N forms and N transformation processes that control their production. Compared to natural vegetation restoration, low-intensity fire significantly increased external N inputs and soil inorganic N supply capacity, primarily by stimulating free-living N2 fixation, organic N mineralization, and autotrophic nitrification rates, more pronounced at the early stage of vegetation restoration. These changes were attributed to improved soil conditions, including increased pH, organic matter content, microbial abundances and macroaggregate following low-intensity fire, all of which facilitated inorganic N production. In addition, plant increased the preferential utilization of nitrate following fire. These results suggest that increased soil inorganic N supply and the adjust in plant N utilization strategy after fire reduce plant N limitation, thereby accelerating plant growth and vegetation recovery in degraded ecological areas.


Keywords: Degraded ecosystem; Low-intensity fire; Plant N limitation; Plant N utilization strategy; Soil inorganic N supply

How to cite: Liu, L. and Zhu, T.: Low-intensity fire stimulates soil inorganic N supply and adjusts plant N utilization strategy to alleviate plant N limitation in rocky desertification area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4929,, 2025.

EGU25-5961 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Evaluating the Impact of Management Strategies on Fire Spread in Heather-Dominated Moorlands 

Zahra Mousavi, Claire Belcher, Sarah Baker, and Nick Kettridge

Wildfires present a significant threat to heather-dominated moorlands and heathlands, especially as climate change exacerbates fire risks, underscoring the need for effective management strategies to mitigate fire spread. This research investigates the effects of different management approaches, burning, cutting, and leaving areas unmanaged, on fire spread rates in the Scottish region. The study focuses on patches with varying years of intervention, 2019, 2015, and 2007, alongside patches that were left unmanaged. Fieldwork was conducted to gather data on vegetation height, while dead fuel moisture was calculated using the Nelson Fire Model, which derives estimates from weather parameters collected at a local weather station. Fire behaviour, particularly surface fire spread rates, was simulated using BehavePlus software, with specific fuel models assigned based on vegetation height.

Preliminary analyses indicate that different management practices result in varying fire spread rates, highlighting the importance of vegetation height and the timing of interventions. Vegetation height emerged as a critical factor, and the study highlights the importance of implementing management interventions within optimal time intervals to maintain their effectiveness. These findings suggest that management strategies could play a critical role in mitigating wildfire risks and provide a foundation for further research into optimising practices for enhancing wildfire resilience in the UK’s moorlands and heathlands.

How to cite: Mousavi, Z., Belcher, C., Baker, S., and Kettridge, N.: Evaluating the Impact of Management Strategies on Fire Spread in Heather-Dominated Moorlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5961,, 2025.

EGU25-7045 | Orals | SSS9.1

Longitudinal propagation of aquatic disturbances following the largest wildfire recorded in New Mexico, USA 

Ricardo González-Pinzón, Justin Nichols, Eric Joseph, Asmita Kaphle, Paige Tunby, Lina Rodriguez, Aashish Khandelwal, Justin Reale, Peter Regier, and David Van Horn

Wildfire disturbance propagation along fluvial networks remains poorly understood. We use incident, atmospheric, and water-quality data from the largest wildfire in New Mexico’s history to quantify how this gigafire affected surface runoff processes and mobilized wildfire disturbances into fluvial networks after burning 1382 km2. Surface runoff post-fire increased compared to pre-fire conditions, and precipitation events that are frequently observed in the affected watershed (<2-year recurrence) and fell during the post-fire first rainy season resulted in uncorrelated, less frequently observed runoff events (10-year recurrence). Besides these shifts in runoff generation, the magnitude and fluctuation of daily water quality parameters and relevant ecosystem processes also shifted over multiple months, even at sites located >160 km downstream of the burn perimeter. Our findings emphasize the need to incorporate spatially resolved longitudinal sampling designs into wildfire water quality research and highlight the spatiotemporal co-dependency among atmospheric, terrestrial, and aquatic processes in defining the net outcome of wildfire disturbance propagation along impacted fluvial networks.

How to cite: González-Pinzón, R., Nichols, J., Joseph, E., Kaphle, A., Tunby, P., Rodriguez, L., Khandelwal, A., Reale, J., Regier, P., and Van Horn, D.: Longitudinal propagation of aquatic disturbances following the largest wildfire recorded in New Mexico, USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7045,, 2025.

EGU25-8315 | Orals | SSS9.1

Atmospheric precursors of forest fires: development of the Fire Sentinel Index (FSI) in the Abruzzo Region. 

Annalina Lombardi, Gabriele Pizzi, Valentina Colaiuda, Fabio Ferrante, Ludovico Di Antonio, Francesco Luigi Rossi, Saverio Di Fabio, Mauro Casinghini, and Barbara Tomassetti

In recent years, Italy is facing severe emergency linked to fires. According to the latest reports, over 53,000 hectares of vegetation were lost in 2023, due to arson or negligent fires. Consequences on ecosystem and natural equilibrium are relevant, since the time for the natural restoration process may take several decades. Climate extremes exacerbate Mediterranean area fire risk, due to prolonged drought conditions. On the other hand, hydrogeological risk is also expected to increase over burnt slopes, where surface runoff is incremented due vegetation loss. According to the current legislation, fire risk management is in charge of the Italian Regional Civil Protection (RCP), therefore the development of user-oriented tools, able to prevent the fire hazardous conditions, is key element to ensure the forest-fire risk management. In the proposed model, the atmospheric conditions preceding a forest fire are estimated though the combination of air temperature and relative humidity, as reference of atmospheric parameters. The approach assesses how many times the observed air temperature and RH of the previous 12 days area above the critical conditions (i.e., >25°C and < 50%, respectively). The model calibration and validation are carried out by using a three-years dataset of Abruzzo Region forest fires dataset, that hit the Abruzzo region from 2018 to 2020, combined with meteorological data from civil protection gauges’ network. The developed index identified fire-precursors in the 80% of selected case studies. The missing 20% is mainly related to the meteorological uncertainty in poorly gauged areas. Starting from the index validation, a pre-operational tool forced with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) analyses is also described. The hazard forecasts based on Fire Sentinel Index (FSI), are operational for forest and interface fires forecasting activities on the Abruzzo region, in the framework of a specific agreement signed with the Abruzzo region Civil Protection Agency. The results related to the use of the FSI during the last forest fire prevention campaign that occurred in summer 2024 in the Abruzzo region will be highlighted.

How to cite: Lombardi, A., Pizzi, G., Colaiuda, V., Ferrante, F., Di Antonio, L., Rossi, F. L., Di Fabio, S., Casinghini, M., and Tomassetti, B.: Atmospheric precursors of forest fires: development of the Fire Sentinel Index (FSI) in the Abruzzo Region., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8315,, 2025.

Wildfires remain a significant challenge in fire-prone regions like Southern California, as evidenced by the ongoing 2024/25 wildfire disaster. This study introduces an innovative methodology for assessing wildfire risk by combining Fire Weather Index (FWI) components, historical burn probabilities, and multi-source meteorological and satellite data, including ERA5 reanalysis, MODIS and Sentinel-2 data.

The methodology includes a decomposition of FWI components — including temperature, wind, humidity, and fuel moisture—and their derived indices: Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC), Duff Moisture Code (DMC), Drought Code (DC), Initial Spread Index (ISI), Build-Up Index (BUI), and the final Fire Weather Index (FWI).  The Fire Weather Index (FWI) meteorological data will be sourced from the Copernicus ERA5 dataset because the ERA5 data provides essential weather information, including wind speed, surface temperature, and relative humidity. These parameters are cross-referenced with MODIS-derived Land Surface Temperature (LST) to validate spatial temperature trends, statistically downscale the derived data, and identify discrepancies that could signal pre-fire anomalies. Additionally, satellite-derived vegetation indices from Sentinel-2 (e.g., NDVI, NDWI, and MSAVI2) are incorporated to evaluate vegetation health and moisture stress. Before the fire, the vegetation states are compared with historical burn probability mapping, constructed using past wildfire records and environmental datasets, to create a comparative framework to assess predicted versus actual fire spread patterns.

The working hypothesis suggests that combining ERA5 meteorological data with satellite-derived indices can provide a deeper understanding of pre-fire conditions, thereby improving early warning capabilities. Preliminary findings suggest that anomalies such as elevated temperatures (from MODIS and ERA5) and vegetation stress (from Sentinel-2) are strong indicators of impending wildfire risks. These patterns highlight the importance of combining meteorological, historical, and satellite-based insights to inform wildfire risk management.

We propose developing an interactive early warning system using Google Earth Engine to operationalise these insights. This system integrates FWI components, ERA5-derived meteorological data, historical burn probabilities, and satellite-based indices into a dashboard for real-time monitoring. The dashboard will be designed to visualise critical thresholds, assess vegetation stress, and analyse fire risk trends. This comprehensive approach empowers proactive decision-making to mitigate the impacts of wildfires and improve overall disaster preparedness.

This study demonstrates the potential of leveraging cross-referenced ERA5, MODIS and Sentinel-2 data, FWI components, and historical probabilities to build a scalable, data-driven framework for wildfire risk assessment in vulnerable regions.

How to cite: Van den Dool, H. G. and Bidwai, D.: Improving Wildfire Prevention: Combining FWI Components, Historical Burn Probabilities, and Multi-Sensor Satellite Data for Better Early Warning Systems in Los Angeles, CA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12639,, 2025.

EGU25-13111 | Orals | SSS9.1 | Highlight

How Government Agency Planning Can Preserve Life Safety from Postfire Debris Flows  

Francis Rengers, Jason Kean, Cory Williams, Mark Henneberg, J. Ryan Banta, Eric Schroder, Cara Sponaugle, David Callery, Erin Walter, Todd Blake, and Dennis Staley

In 2020 the Grizzly Creek wildfire burned both sides of the narrow and deep Glenwood Canyon in Colorado, USA. Within the canyon there is a major Interstate Highway (I-70, the only east-west interstate highway across the state of Colorado), a major railroad (the Union Pacific), and a critical waterway (the Colorado River that supplies water to millions of downstream users). Within this canyon, there is a history of life-threatening postfire debris flows from two previous fires (the 1994 South Canyon Fire and the 2002 Coal Seam Fire) that both produced debris flows a few months following the wildfires. Based on this historical knowledge, several government agencies used their combined expertise to coordinate on life-safety decision-making following the Grizzly Creek Fire. After the Grizzly Creek Fire, nine large debris flows were triggered by rainstorms in the summer of 2021, followed by three small debris flows in the summer of 2023. Despite the disruptive postfire debris flow activity, there were no fatalities during these storms, which was largely due to a tiered strategy of hazard assessment/forecasting, monitoring, and adaptation. Many different government agencies worked together to share knowledge and inform decision-making to preserve life safety during these events, including: the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Geological Survey, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), and the National Weather Service (NWS). Weather forecasts and estimates of debris-flow likelihood, volume, and triggering rainfall thresholds were used to anticipate the location, triggering rainfall, and debris flow volume. These forecasts were compared with rainfall thresholds to determine when to deliver warnings to the public and advise canyon closures. After debris flow triggering rainstorms, the rainfall thresholds were re-evaluated. If a forecast was above the debris-flow rainfall threshold then the NWS would issue a watch or a warning. If the NWS issued a watch, CDOT staff would be positioned at either end of the canyon, and then if the NWS upgraded the watch to a warning CDOT staff would close the highway. This helped to make sure that the public was out of the canyon when there was a potential for debris flows. As the burn area recovered the warnings were adapted based on observations from monitoring. This collaborative model may be helpful in future wildfire situations in areas with critical infrastructure where the mandate for life safety falls across multiple jurisdictions.

How to cite: Rengers, F., Kean, J., Williams, C., Henneberg, M., Banta, J. R., Schroder, E., Sponaugle, C., Callery, D., Walter, E., Blake, T., and Staley, D.: How Government Agency Planning Can Preserve Life Safety from Postfire Debris Flows , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13111,, 2025.

EGU25-13423 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Wildfire early effects on soil properties in Mediterranean pinewoods: Insight from the 2020 Wildfire in Patemisco, Italy 

Luigi Marfella, Marzaioli Rossana, Maria Floriana Spatola, Gaetano Pazienza, Paola Mairota, Sandro Strumia, Emilio Padoa-Schioppa, and Flora Angela Rutigliano

Soil is exposed to increasing threats from human activities, including land use change and abandonment, as well as climate change-induced events such as droughts, floods and wildfires. Although the Mediterranean environment has a coevolutionary history with fire, it is not exempt from the threat posed by the recent increase in the frequency and severity of this disturbance. In Italy, for instance, the total burned area in 2021 exceeded that of 2017, a year remembered as particularly critical from this point of view.
In this context, the research project FLER_MeCoFor aims to study the conservation status, sensu Habitats Directive, of the Habitat of priority interest 2270* - Wooded dunes with Pinus pinea and/or Pinus pinaster, of the Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) IT9130006 (Apulia, Southern Italy). In particular, several wildfires from 1981 to 2020 affected different pinewoods within the SAC.
Here, this study presents preliminary results of the medium-term impacts of fire severity on soil properties following the most recent wildfire that occurred in 2020 within the Patemisco pinewood. Four years after the fire and prior to the fieldwork (April 2024), areas of different levels of fire severity (Low, Medium and High) were identified through differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) index analysis by remote sensing. At sites representing the three different fire severity levels and at a nearby unburned (control) site, litter and mineral soil samples (depth 0-5 cm, 5 replicates per site) were collected to determine the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil.
Spectral variations between pre- and post-fire images assessed by dNBR index, in addition to guiding the field sampling, suggested potential alteration in soil characteristics in the most severely affected areas. The effect of the fire was still evident within the litter layer four years after the fire. Although this layer was observed in the low and medium severity burnt sites, it was significantly lower (in terms of weight) than the control. Furthermore, no litter was found in the high severity burnt site. Preliminary results on the mineral soil analysis showed that the burnt sites had no significant changes in the physical properties compared to the control. On the contrary, an increase in pH and a decrease in organic carbon content were still detected at all burnt sites, as a function of fire severity.
These changes suggest a potential alteration in the soil microbial community. For this purpose, further investigations, aiming to reveal the effect on the soil microbial activity and biomass, are fundamental for a comprehensive understanding of the fire recovery status of this woodland. Considering the significance of the Habitats of priority interest conservation for overall ecosystem functioning, this research is essential for developing post-fire land management measures to mitigate the impacts of forest fires.

How to cite: Marfella, L., Rossana, M., Spatola, M. F., Pazienza, G., Mairota, P., Strumia, S., Padoa-Schioppa, E., and Rutigliano, F. A.: Wildfire early effects on soil properties in Mediterranean pinewoods: Insight from the 2020 Wildfire in Patemisco, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13423,, 2025.

EGU25-13557 | Orals | SSS9.1

FireInSite: An accessible, integrated fire behaviour prediction system for wildfire management 

Gareth Clay, Kerryn Little, Tadas Nikonovas, Claire Belcher, Rayanne Vitali, Andy Elliott, Alistair Crawford, Nick Kettridge, Katy Ivison, and Stefan Doerr

Wildfire risk is increasing in temperate regions like the UK and NW Europe, but we lack operational tools to support wildfire management decision-making needs. We developed FireInSite to address the need for a user-oriented system for predicting fire behaviour. FireInSite is a fire behaviour prediction system in the form of a web-based application that forecasts the probability of ignition, surface fire rate of spread, flame length and fireline intensity for a user selected location for a set of core UK fire prone fuels. By seamlessly integrating geolocated weather forecasts up to 5 days ahead, topographic data, and in-built UK specific fuel models, FireInSite creates an accessible system that removes barriers like the need to gather data from multiple sources and is designed to minimise the number of inputs and decisions users must make before being able to predict fire behaviour. FireInSite can be used to assess the risk of fire in a particular area, plan for fire prevention and suppression, assess the potential effects of fuel load reduction, and educate the public about fire behaviour. We envision FireInSite being useful as a land management planning tool to assess the potential impacts of proposed landscape changes on potential fire behaviour.

FireInSite is built on over four years of intensive data collection of fuel moisture, fuel flammability, and energy contents measured across the UK for key fire prone vegetation types, which have been used to develop fuel models that describe the fire prone fuel types of the UK landscape for the first time. No other fire behaviour prediction system contains fuel models that have been specifically designed and tailored to UK vegetation and are ready inbuilt for use in the system. It also allows the user to select custom developed fuel moisture models, explore past fire behaviour using historical weather records back to 1970, and compare weather and fuel moisture forecasts to conditions in previous years. As FireInSite fuel models capture seasonal variability in fuel flammability and moisture for a range of temperate, humid fuels, we anticipate that FireInSite will also be transferable and of interest for wildfire management in other temperate regions like north western Europe.

How to cite: Clay, G., Little, K., Nikonovas, T., Belcher, C., Vitali, R., Elliott, A., Crawford, A., Kettridge, N., Ivison, K., and Doerr, S.: FireInSite: An accessible, integrated fire behaviour prediction system for wildfire management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13557,, 2025.

EGU25-13906 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Fire Impacts on Soil Hydraulic Properties in a Sagebrush Ecosystem in Nevada 

Conor Croskery, Joshua Okyere, Gabrielle Boisramé, Rachel Kozloski, and Markus Berli

Covering approximately one third of the United States of America, sagebrush-dominated ecosystems are an important part of the continental USA’s landscape. The effects of wildfires on the hydrology of semi-arid sagebrush ecosystems are poorly understood and, as these areas experience more frequent wildfires, are becoming more relevant. As part of a multi-disciplinary project studying wildfire in sagebrush ecosystems – “Harnessing the Data Revolution for Fire Science” – a field experiment near Reno, Nevada, was set up to better understand the effects of fire on the hydrology of sagebrush ecosystems by measuring the hydraulic properties of the soil before and after prescribed burning. In the spring of 2024, twenty 3x4 meter experimental plots were outfitted with instruments for soil moisture and temperature monitoring; at least 2 TOMST TMS4 probes were placed in each plot in areas with different post-fire vegetation, recording measurements at 15-minute intervals. These data are supplemented with intermittent measurements of shallow soil moisture using a Campbell Hydrosense II Probe to measure a greater number of points within each plot. The two instruments were calibrated in the lab with soil from the experimental plots to ensure accurate and comparable volumetric water content values. Infiltration and water repellency measurements under different vegetation covers within each plot provide context for interpreting variations in the soil moisture data. In fall 2025, 10 of the 20 experimental plots will be burned, which will allow us to compare the hydraulic properties of the same soil before and after the fire, therefore directly assessing fire impact on soil hydrologic properties. Here we introduce the field experiment and address the calibration of the Campbell HydroSense II and TOMST TMS4 soil moisture probes, while also providing a site characterization with the first year of pre-fire soil moisture, temperature, infiltration, and water repellency data.


How to cite: Croskery, C., Okyere, J., Boisramé, G., Kozloski, R., and Berli, M.: Fire Impacts on Soil Hydraulic Properties in a Sagebrush Ecosystem in Nevada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13906,, 2025.

EGU25-14425 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.1

A field-parameterised model for quantifying the reduced probability of post fire debris flows in response to hillslope surface wood shred treatments 

Molly Harrison, Felix Smalley, Harry Barton, Philip Noske, Patrick Lane, Christopher Lyell, Thomas Keeble, and Gary Sheridan

Post-fire debris flows (DF) pose a substantial threat to life, property, infrastructure, and water supplies of major cities. For example, post-fire DF resulted in 23 deaths in Montecito, California following the 2018 Thomas fires (Kean et al., 2019). Major fires this year at the wildland-urban interface in Los Angeles have again primed the region for major potential post-fire hydro-geomorphic risks.  In Australia, post-fire DF in 2003 resulted in the closure of the capital city’s major water supply for several months (White et al., 2006), and modelling shows that Melbourne’s water supply is at high risk of contamination for up to a year if (or when) its forested water supply catchments are burned by wildfire (Nyman et al., 2020). One of the few feasible mitigation strategies to protect communities, infrastructure and high-value catchments from these devastating impacts is the broadscale application of surface mulches to burned hillslopes.  However, while multiple studies have investigated the effectiveness of these treatments in reducing post-fire erosion and runoff, very few have evaluated its effectiveness specifically in the context of DF risk mitigation, and none (to the authors knowledge) have empirically (i.e., using field experiments)  linked the effectiveness of these treatments to DF initiation likelihood and risk to assets. As a result, any meaningful cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of hillslope treatments is currently not possible. This knowledge gap is particularly important because, while the post-fire risks to life and property are substantial, the costs of broadscale hillslope treatments in difficult terrain are also substantial (~$5,000USD hectare-1 (Robichaud et al, 2013)). The aim of this research was to quantify the effectiveness of surface mulch (wood shred) treatments in reducing the likelihood of DF initiation in recently burnt landscapes, and to integrate these observations within a purpose-built modelling framework that can be used for rapid CBA of DF risk mitigation.   

We combine experimental field data from 12-months of monitoring (natural and simulated rainfall events) at twelve 30m2 runoff plots, treated at varying wood shred application rates, with a DF initiation model to estimate the reduction in DF risk using a novel approach. The protection of water reservoirs is used as a case-study to illustrate how altering DF risk through surface mulch application has direct and substantial impacts on critical infrastructure, using a hydrodynamics model to quantify reductions in water contamination risk. Risk reductions are presented in applied terms (dollars per headwater treated vs. number of debris flows prevented in the landscape) to enable rapid CBA for land managers. Initial results indicate wood shred treatment increases soil infiltration capacity by 50% in high-intensity rainfall events which translates to substantial reductions in DF and water contamination risk. While we use water contamination as a case study to illustrate the impact to assets, this approach can be used to enable CBA for the protection of other critical infrastructure. With huge costs associated with both debris flow damage and with mitigation techniques, the need to undertake empirically based CBA is paramount to both management agencies and communities.

How to cite: Harrison, M., Smalley, F., Barton, H., Noske, P., Lane, P., Lyell, C., Keeble, T., and Sheridan, G.: A field-parameterised model for quantifying the reduced probability of post fire debris flows in response to hillslope surface wood shred treatments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14425,, 2025.

EGU25-15285 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.1

Decoding molecular changes in soil organic matter in heat-affected soils along latitudinal gradients 

Layla M. San-Emeterio, Sara Negri, Victoria Arcenegui, Nicasio T. Jiménez-Morillo, and Jorge Mataix-Solera

Wildfires are a global phenomenon that occur across diverse biomes, imposing deep modifications on the quantity and quality (molecular composition) of soil organic matter (SOM). Targeting SOM molecular composition is an ongoing challenge for soil researchers, since SOM is an inherently heterogeneous material with varying functionalities and interactions with the soil mineral phase. The extent and duration of fire-induced SOM alterations are closely tied to fire severity, which is influenced by environmental factors such as climate, topography and type of vegetation. Hence, by addressing SOM molecular complexity in fire-affected soils of diverse ecosystems we aim at (1) identifying factors responsible for drastic SOM transformations, and (2) predicting the occurrence of these changes according to biome of belonging.

In this study, up to 10 topsoils representative of a wide variety of biomes across the globe (from Savannah to Tropical, Mediterranean, Temperate, High-latitude and altitude and Boreal forests) were subjected to a laboratory heating (at 200 and 300 °C) aimed at mimicking the behaviour of fire. Analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS) of bulk soil samples revealed a prevalence of proteins, alkylaromatics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in burnt soil samples. Conversely, less labile carbohydrate structures along with lignin-derived compounds were observed at higher temperatures. However, some differences were observed across biomes: a relatively greater abundance of compounds that promote soil water repellency (i.e., aromatics) is depicted in Mediterranean ecotone or warmer climates (savannahs), whereas a higher proportion of N-derived compounds is found in cold, wet regions. This work aims at understanding the extent of SOM transformations in fire-affected areas in relation to soil physico-chemical properties such as total nitrogen, organic carbon content and water repellency, and eventually identify the influence of environmental soil forming factors that act a broader scale, such as temperature and precipitation.

Acknowledgments: This work received support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU) under the research project FIRE2C (ref. CNS2023-143750). N.T. Jiménez-Morillo acknowledges the “Ramón y Cajal” contract (RYC2021-031253-I) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR. 

How to cite: San-Emeterio, L. M., Negri, S., Arcenegui, V., Jiménez-Morillo, N. T., and Mataix-Solera, J.: Decoding molecular changes in soil organic matter in heat-affected soils along latitudinal gradients, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15285,, 2025.

EGU25-15333 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

IDEAL UK Fire Project: Assessing the relationships between management tools of the UK landscape and their impacts for habitat resilience and wildfire mitigation  

Sarah Baker, Claire Belcher, Nicholas Kettridge, Stefan Doerr, Laura Gr, Joseph Wayman, Andreas Heinemeyer, and Kevin Gaston

The practise of using fire as a tool to manage the landscape has been around for thousands of years. Today, a range of different land management practises exist including ‘modern’ techniques such as mechanical cutting/mowing of vegetation, scraping as well as the ancient use of controlled burns. Each of these land management practises act to reduce fuel loads and can provide fire breaks, and therefore present as useful tools that can be used to mitigate against the effects of wildfires.

Each of these land management tools are commonly practised across the UK. Here in the UK, there is an increasing threat from wildfires, that have the ability to result in the severe degradation of habitats. However, how well each of these management practises limit the impact of wildfire on UK fire prone habitats and the resulting ability of those habitats to recover following wildfire, is currently unknown. The IDEAL UK Fire - seeks to generate data to make Informed Decisions on Ecological Adaptive Land Management for mitigating UK Fire,  by assessing how human-fire use compares with different landscape management practises regarding its impact on vegetation diversity and habitats across the UK, as well as comparing these with areas that have had little/no human management interaction and have experienced wildfires. We present details on the IDEAL UK Fire project and our findings to-date, emphasizing the varying degrees of habitat resilience in fire-prone landscapes across the UK, using both ancient and modern land management tools.

How to cite: Baker, S., Belcher, C., Kettridge, N., Doerr, S., Gr, L., Wayman, J., Heinemeyer, A., and Gaston, K.: IDEAL UK Fire Project: Assessing the relationships between management tools of the UK landscape and their impacts for habitat resilience and wildfire mitigation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15333,, 2025.

EGU25-17042 | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Parametric insurance for forest fires: the ART of the possible 

David Williams

Parametric insurance offers a novel approach to financial risk management for wildfires, with payouts triggered by objective measurements, or model outputs, rather than traditional loss assessments. WTW has pioneered the adoption of parametric forest fire insurance, leveraging satellite measurements of changes in reflectivity over vegetation, thermal anomaly detection, and fire perimeter determinations from independent fire agencies.

We present mock examples of how extreme wildfires may trigger parametric insurance payouts, specifically applied to forested areas in the 2025 Los Angeles fires. This is in the context of how the insurance industry has adapted to extreme wildfires over the past decade. We also demonstrate how fuel reduction can significantly mitigate wildfire risk, offering critical insights into the interplay between risk reduction strategies and insurance.

How to cite: Williams, D.: Parametric insurance for forest fires: the ART of the possible, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17042,, 2025.

EGU25-20219 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.1

Vegetation Recovery and Sediment Connectivity in burnt catchments: A case study of the 2021 Montiferru Wildfire Study Case using remote sensing data 

Costantino Pala, Maria Teresa Melis, Maria Teresa Brunetti, Laura Pioli, Roberto Sarro, Pablo Vitali Miranda Garcia, Jorge Pedro Galve Arnedo, and Agustín Millares Valenzuela

Wildfires are a known treat causing relevant impact on the ecosystem, population and economic infrastructures. They are becoming more and more frequent and severe due to climate changes, and future scenarios are now considering their occurrence into currently fire-resistant areas at higher latitudes. Because of this, the assessment of hazard associated to wildfires require considering also medium to long term effects on the environment. Wildfires induce physical and chemical changes on soil with consequent soil structure losses and formation of water repellent layers. These changes, coupled with canopy cover removal increases runoff and postfire erosion. Enhanced sediment transport is associated with vegetation removal and increased runoff and can remobilize previously deposited material stored in slopes and channels. Moreover, thermal spalling of rocks exposed to wildfire can produce new debris.

Wildfire dramatically changes the degree of Sediment Connectivity: the degree of connection peaks during and just after the wildfire, due to canopy cover removal. Vegetation recovery intermittently changes the degree of sediment connection, affecting the susceptibility to erosion and debris flow likelihood.

As a type case study, we choose the 2021 Montiferru-Planargia (Sardinia) wildfire. We conducted a three-year monitoring of the burnt scar. Immediately after the fire slopes and channels were covered by sparse debris produced by rockfall before the fire and by thermal spalling during the wildfire. Those debris were removed by postfire runoff and involved in postfire debris flows over 33 catchments. Postfire sediment connection changed as vegetation recovered: some catchments were stabilized after one year whereas others experienced debris flow even in the second year. We calculated NDVI over three years at one-month interval and successfully found a NDVI threshold which efficiently represents sediment disconnection induced by vegetation recovery. Our findings are expected to improve erosion susceptibility assessment after wildfire.   

How to cite: Pala, C., Melis, M. T., Brunetti, M. T., Pioli, L., Sarro, R., Miranda Garcia, P. V., Galve Arnedo, J. P., and Millares Valenzuela, A.: Vegetation Recovery and Sediment Connectivity in burnt catchments: A case study of the 2021 Montiferru Wildfire Study Case using remote sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20219,, 2025.

EGU25-20411 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Emergency firebreaks: the post-fire erosion impact in mountainous areas of North-Central Portugal 

Martinho Martins, Ana Caetano, Andrea Gruntova, Claudia Fantini, Ronja Lange, Luísa Pereira, João Nunes, and Jacob Keizer

Firebreaks are now perceived as crucial for managing wildfire propagation in fire-prone regions. In present-day Portugal, one of the countries most affected by wildfires worldwide, bulldozers are deployed during fire events to rapidly construct emergency firebreaks, locally enhancing firefighters' response capabilities. Often driven by emergency needs, these firebreaks are created on steep forested terrain without any prior planning and are typically abandoned after the wildfire has been extinguished, i.e., without any efforts to control soil erosion.

The impacts of these firebreaks on hillslope hydrology and associated soil erosion are poorly understood, and to the best of our knowledge, no studies have specifically addressed this issue. The present research aimed to fill this gap by investigating the impact of one such emergency firebreak on soil erosion during the immediate post-fire period and assessing the effectiveness of pine needle mulch application as a potential mitigation technique. The studied firebreak was created in a terraced Maritime Pine plantation, involved the scraping-off of the topsoil layer and compacting it with the bulldozer tracks and was very steep, with an overall slope angle of 37%.

At the study site, three pairs of geo-textile bounded plots, each 8 meters long and 2 meters wide (16 m²), were installed immediately following a wildfire that occurred at the end of September 2024 in the Caramulo Mountains, north-central Portugal. At the bottom of each plot, sediment fences were used to collect sediments at rough monthly intervals. Rainfall was measured using automatic and totaliser rain gauges, while ground cover evolution over time was tracked using near-vertical photographs taken manually during each field visit.

Preliminary results revealed substantial soil erosion from the firebreak, with median sediment losses of 31 Mg·ha⁻¹ during the first four post-fire months. The occurrence of rills was observed within the first month, highlighting the high erodibility of these firebreaks, and are now being monitored by terrestrial laser scanning. These preliminary findings point to an urgent need for monitoring soil erosion of firebreaks on steep terrain and starting to apply and evaluate erosion mitigation measures.

How to cite: Martins, M., Caetano, A., Gruntova, A., Fantini, C., Lange, R., Pereira, L., Nunes, J., and Keizer, J.: Emergency firebreaks: the post-fire erosion impact in mountainous areas of North-Central Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20411,, 2025.

In recent years, the severe impact of wildfires has sharply increased due to rising temperatures and drought-like conditions. Therefore, in addition to continuous wildfire monitoring, a long-term understanding of the climate-wildfire relationship is warranted. This study has explored the climate-wildfire relationship in the southern Taiwan region over the past two millennia, focusing on the influence of climate and human activities on wildfire occurrences and their subsequent impact on lake. To achieve this, carbon, nitrogen, carbon isotopic composition of organic matter, charcoal, and diatom assemblages were analysed in the Dongyuan Lake core sediments. Wildfires occurring between 1850 and 1050 cal years BP were largely caused by drier climate conditions. However, wildfires occurring during 750-500 cal years BP and from 350 cal years BP to the present, intervals characterized by wet climate conditions, coincided with a significant number of archaeological sites near Dongyuan Lake, suggesting human-induced burning in the region. The observed wet interval during 1050-750 cal years BP in southern Taiwan attributed to the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), and dry interval during 500-350 cal years BP linked to Little Ice Age (LIA). The low carbon content in Dongyuan Lake sediments coincided with peaks of charcoal accumulation, indicating the loss of carbon due to wildfires and the dilution of sediments. The principal component analysis (PCA) of diatom data showed that PC1 and PC2 represented the lake's acidic conditions, suggesting an increase in pH from 750 to 150 cal years BP. This variation in pH appeared to be linked with wildfire intensity and frequency. PC1 and PC2 also showed strong acidic conditions during the last 150 years, plausibly due to the increase in acid rain conditions in the last century.

How to cite: Rahman, A. and Wang, L. C.: Climate-fire-human interactions and their impact on the limnology conditions of the Dongyuan Lake, Southern Taiwan during the last 1800 cal years BP, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-593,, 2025.

EGU25-1579 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.4

Prioritizing Areas for Post-Fire Restoration in Greece Using Mixed-Methods Spatial Analysis 

Elena Palenova, Sander Veraverbeke, Themistoklis Kontos, and Karin Ebert

The frequency and severity of wildfires are projected to increase in the Mediterranean region. Greece currently lacks a developed standardized system for identifying and prioritizing burnt areas in relation to their restoration needs. Prioritization of areas for post-fire restoration efforts using geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) can be useful in decision-making. However, this approach is often insufficient in effectively integrating perspectives from multiple stakeholders and socio-ecological criteria. Combining qualitative methods such as interviews with GIS and RS methods can enhance the understanding of nuances in a local context. 

We designed an approach to identify high-priority areas for post-fire restoration. The identification was based on interviews with stakeholders and the application of GIS and RS. We conducted 15 interviews with stakeholders working on post-fire issues and selected criteria for the prioritization analysis based on their views. The expert interviews revealed perceptions regarding the necessity of vegetation restoration and rehabilitation efforts and helped to identify the key characteristics respondents consider essential for prioritizing burnt areas for restoration. These insights established an analysis using GIS and RS to select areas based on the identified characteristics. 

We selected the areas for restoration based on fire history, slope, and designation as part of the protected areas. The outcomes of the analysis helped to highlight three areas that potentially need special attention. We propose a prioritization system that considers the natural regeneration potential of the Mediterranean and on-the-ground socio-ecological limitations, and can help government agencies, local foresters, private consultancies, and NGOs plan restoration actions and optimize the effectiveness of restoration programs in Greece.

How to cite: Palenova, E., Veraverbeke, S., Kontos, T., and Ebert, K.: Prioritizing Areas for Post-Fire Restoration in Greece Using Mixed-Methods Spatial Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1579,, 2025.

EGU25-1986 | Orals | BG1.4

Forest fire size amplifies postfire land surface warming 

Chao Yue, Jie Zhao, Jiaming Wang, Stijn Hantson, Xianli Wang, Binbin He, Guangyao Li, Liang Wang, Hongfei Zhao, and Sebastiaan Luyssaert

Climate warming has caused a widespread increase in extreme fire weather, making forest fires longer-lived and larger. The average forest fire size in Canada, the USA and Australia has doubled or even tripled in recent decades. In return, forest fires feed back to climate by modulating land–atmospheric carbon, nitrogen, aerosol, energy and water fluxes. However, the surface climate impacts of increasingly large fires and their implications for land management remain to be established. Here we use satellite observations to show that in temperate and boreal forests in the Northern Hemisphere, fire size persistently amplified decade-long postfire land surface warming in summer per unit burnt area. Both warming and its amplification with fire size were found to diminish with an increasing abundance of broadleaf trees, consistent with their lower fire vulnerability compared with coniferous species. Fire-size-enhanced warming may affect the success and composition of postfire stand regeneration as well as permafrost degradation, presenting previously overlooked, additional feedback effects to future climate and fire dynamics. Given the projected increase in fire size in northern forests, climate-smart forestry should aim to mitigate the climate risks of large fires, possibly by increasing the share of broadleaf trees, where appropriate, and avoiding active pyrophytes.

How to cite: Yue, C., Zhao, J., Wang, J., Hantson, S., Wang, X., He, B., Li, G., Wang, L., Zhao, H., and Luyssaert, S.: Forest fire size amplifies postfire land surface warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1986,, 2025.

EGU25-2126 | ECS | Orals | BG1.4

Meteorological impacts on long-range spotting of firebrands 

Alberto Alonso Pinar, Jean-Baptiste Filippi, and Alexander Filkov

Firebrands, small pieces of burning vegetation, can be detached and transported far away from the main fire front during intense fires. The process of firebrand generation, transport and ignition of a fuel bed is known as spotting. Spotting can start new fires and plays an important role in wildfire spread, presenting critical challenges for containment strategies and risk management. This study utilizes a series of high-resolution simulations to evaluate the influence of wind speed, topographic features, fire intensity and atmospheric stability on firebrand transport and fuel ignition. By coupling a fire-atmosphere modeling with combustion and firebrand transport models, we analyze key processes affecting firebrand trajectories and ignition potential.

To obtain realistic conditions of an intense fire, we use the cloud resolving weather model MesoNH coupled with the fire propagation model ForeFire. Such coupled fire-atmosphere simulations are designed to have a computational domain of the same scale of large wildfires, here 80m resolution for 14 km wide, 28 km length and 16 km high. This coupled fire atmosphere model is run for 36 different conditions:

  • Three reference wind speeds (5, 10 and 15m.s-1)
  • Three head fire heat flux (40, 80 and 120 kW.m-2)
  • Three topographies (a flat terrain, a hill and a canyon)
  • Two atmospheric conditions: stable and unstable

Firebrands are modelled as point masses with three degrees of freedom (three translations), with a set of aerodynamic coefficients and a combustion model. By combining high-resolution LES simulations with detailed firebrand trajectory and combustion processes, we expect to obtain realistic firebrand trajectories.

The resulting different ground patterns distributions of potentially still burning firebrands show that high wind speeds significantly increase firebrand lofting and horizontal transport distances of up to several kilometers. The maximum spotting distance is increased when topographic elements, such as hills or canyons, are added to the simulation. Furthermore, atmospheric stability exerts a critical influence on firebrand behavior: unstable conditions encourage turbulent mixing, vortices, and upward lofting with increased maximum heights reached by the firebrands.

Our results also emphasize the interaction between fire intensity, terrain-driven wind patterns, and atmospheric conditions. This should allow to identify thresholds where long-range spotting becomes most likely. As a result, this research provides valuable insights into the mechanisms driving firebrand dynamics, advancing predictive wildfire modeling and improving hazard mitigation strategies.


These results contribute to the broader understanding of wildfire behavior and have practical implications for fire management, evacuation planning, and the development of tailored mitigation measures to address the growing threats posed by wildfires in a changing climate.

How to cite: Alonso Pinar, A., Filippi, J.-B., and Filkov, A.: Meteorological impacts on long-range spotting of firebrands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2126,, 2025.

EGU25-2854 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.4

Detecting Burned Area Anomalies with Isolation Forest in the Tropics: A Focus on Madagascar  

Shrijana Poudel, Robert Parker, Heiko Balzter, Tristan Quaife, and Douglas Kelley

Tropical forests are at high risk of dieback due to human-induced disturbances including forest fires, agricultural expansion, and logging. These disturbances can degrade the ecosystems, slow forest recovery, and disrupt the global carbon cycle, leading to irreversible changes or ‘tipping point’ in the Earth’s climate system – the point at which disruption to the climate potentially becomes irreversible. Early warning signals of tipping points for the Amazon rainforest and Greenland ice sheet have already been detected. Monitoring these forest ecosystems is crucial to mitigate future long-term consequences. In order to analyse the response of vegetation to disturbances, we must first identify such disturbances, ideally across the entire tropics over a long period of time. We must also carefully consider what we mean by a “disturbance” and it is not necessarily just the largest fire event. It may be that a significant disturbance is a modest fire event but in a region that does not typically experience burning or a fire event outside of the typical fire season. In both of those instances, we might expect the vegetation response to have different characteristics to those from regular, large burns.

In this study, we applied Isolation Forest (IF) algorithm to detect Burned Area (BA) anomaly and apply it to ESA FireCCI51 dataset (2001-2020) over IPCC AR6 defined land regions, with Madagascar as a case study region. IF identifies anomalies by considering how easily they can be isolated from the main distribution and allows us to introduce features beyond just the burned area itself (e.g., time and location of the fire). Explainable AI (SHAP) analysis was also performed to further understand the predicted BA anomaly. A higher number of BA anomalies were mostly linked to larger values of BA over the Tropics and in Madagascar, however, anomalies in BA are also affected by temporal and geographical factors other than the magnitude of BA. IF detected a high number of anomalies (>20) in the northern region of Madagascar which comparatively had lower BA values which could indicate deviation from seasonal fire patterns. These results were further explained by SHAP analysis which showed that BA was the main factor influencing prediction of BA anomaly but that time and location could play a significant role in some anomaly detections. This suggests that deviation from the typical fire seasonality was another factor contributing to anomaly detection. The high number of anomalies in these specific areas highlights the need for targeted fire management strategies so that policymakers can anticipate the long-term effects of climate change and human activity on tropical forests, guiding sustainable land use, conservation, and climate adaptation efforts in vulnerable regions.

How to cite: Poudel, S., Parker, R., Balzter, H., Quaife, T., and Kelley, D.: Detecting Burned Area Anomalies with Isolation Forest in the Tropics: A Focus on Madagascar , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2854,, 2025.

EGU25-4358 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.4

Human Exposure to Wildfires in Mediterranean Environments: A Case Study from Catalonia (1992–2021) 

Miguel Ángel Torres-Vázquez, Matteo Dalle Vaglie, Nicholas Kettridge, Federico Martellozzo, Gonzalo Miguez-Macho, Antonello Provenzale, Dominic Royé, Filippo Randelli, and Marco Turco

The Mediterranean region is one of Europe’s most fire-prone and vulnerable areas, facing compounding risks from urban expansion and wildfire activity. This study examines the evolution of human exposure to wildfires in Catalonia, northeastern Spain, over three decades (1992–2021). Using high-resolution geospatial data, including fire perimeters, nighttime light (NTL) intensity as a proxy for human activity, population data, and historical settlement patterns, we analyze trends in exposure per unit of burned area (BA). Results reveal a 77% increase in human exposure per unit BA, driven by population redistribution and urban expansion into fire-prone areas, despite a non-significant decrease in BA of −0.43 km²/year.

A novel aspect of this research is the integration of NTL data to capture dynamic changes in human activity and exposure, validated against population and settlement datasets. Exposure trends were assessed using counterfactual scenarios to isolate the impact of population dynamics. Findings underscore the critical need to account for human activity changes in wildfire risk assessments, highlighting the increasing vulnerability of expanding urban landscapes in Mediterranean regions. These insights are essential for developing adaptive and proactive wildfire management strategies to mitigate future risks.

This methodology provides a replicable framework for assessing wildfire exposure in diverse geographical contexts, emphasizing the value of integrating population dynamics with environmental datasets.

This work is currently in preparation.

This work was supported by the project ‘Climate and Wildfire Interface Study for Europe (CHASE)’ under the 6th Seed Funding Call by the European University for Well-Being (EUniWell). M.T. acknowledges funding by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Ramón y Cajal Grant Reference RYC2019-027115-I. M.A.T-V and M.T acknowledge funding through the project ONFIRE, Grant PID2021-123193OB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. AP acknowledges the support of the EU H2020 project “FirEUrisk”, Grant Agreement No. 101003890. The authors thank the Generalitat de Catalunya for access to fire perimeter data and Xavier Castro from the Forest Fire Prevention Service of the Generalitat de Catalunya for the helpful discussions on the matter.

How to cite: Torres-Vázquez, M. Á., Dalle Vaglie, M., Kettridge, N., Martellozzo, F., Miguez-Macho, G., Provenzale, A., Royé, D., Randelli, F., and Turco, M.: Human Exposure to Wildfires in Mediterranean Environments: A Case Study from Catalonia (1992–2021), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4358,, 2025.

It is becoming increasingly important to understand how ecosystems will recover from wildfires, which are increasing in frequency, severity and size, especially in coniferous forests. Megafires—defined as wildfires burning exceptionally large areas—are thought to have more negative effects on ecosystems than smaller fires. However, the effects of megafires vary substantially, and one hypothesis is that intra-fire heterogeneity of burn patches can dictate the recovery of ecosystems. We evaluated the role of spatial configuration of burn patches within megafires using remote sensing data of fires and vegetation at 30x30 m resolution across 36 years and field-survey data of forest recovery in the western USA. Megafires contributed 62% of total burned area, with their frequency explaining 83% of the variation in the inter-annual burned area from 1984-2020. However, megafire size alone did not inherently result in severe ecosystem transitions, with megafires that experienced large contiguous patches of severely burned forest taking longer to recover. Field surveys illustrated delayed recovery resulted from a tree dispersal-limitation threshold of ca. 150 m, such that increasing distance from intact coniferous forest significantly delayed recovery. Machine learning image classification revealed that the rate of recovery in the severely burned areas has declined by ca. 50% from 1984-2020, with distance from seed source being more important than all climate variables analysed. Consequently, spatial configuration of high-severity burn patches within fires—which have become both larger and more compact through time—are key for assessing the effect of megafires on forest resilience.

How to cite: Pellegrini, A. and Schoenecker, J.: Spatial configuration of severely burned patches within megafires explains ecosystem resilience , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4739,, 2025.

EGU25-5629 | Posters on site | BG1.4

An enhanced NHI algorithm configuration for fire detection and mapping 

Giuseppe Mazzeo, Alfredo Falconieri, Carolina Filizzola, Nicola Genzano, Nicola Pergola, and Francesco Marchese

The devastating fire events occurring during the intense fire season of 2023 have shown the importance of developing efficient fire detection methods capable of supporting the fire management activities. An enhanced configuration of the Normalized Hotspot Indices (NHI) algorithm has been developed in this direction to improve the fire mapping by satellite through near infrared (NIR) and short-wave infrared (SWIR) data (up to 20 m spatial resolution) from the Operational Land Imager (OLI/OLI2) and the Multispectral Instrument (MSI) aboard Landsat-8/9 (L8/9) and Sentinel-2 (S2) satellites, respectively. In this work, we show the results achieved by investigating the fire events occurring in California, Hawaii islands (USA), Yellowknife (Canada), Tenerife islands (Spain), Greece and Australia also through comparison with information from operational Landsat Fire and Thermal Anomaly (LFTA) product. Results of an extended validation analysis performed using information from well-established databases show that the enhanced NHI algorithm configuration enabled an accurate mapping of fire fronts with a very number of omission and commission errors. Moreover, the algorithm flagged up to 99% of fire pixels from the LFTA product over California and detected up to 70% of additional fire pixels, in night-time conditions, which better detailed the fire fronts and provided unique information about small-fire outbreaks. The effective integration of S2 (daytime) and L8/9 (daytime/night-time) observations, demonstrates that the enhanced NHI algorithm configuration may be used with success to analyse the dynamic evolution of flaming fronts by assessing/complementing information from satellite products at high-temporal/low-spatial resolution. The next implementation of the algorithm on from the Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) aboard Sentinel-3 satellite and the Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) of the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) opens some interesting perspectives also regarding its usage for the near-real time monitoring of wildfires

How to cite: Mazzeo, G., Falconieri, A., Filizzola, C., Genzano, N., Pergola, N., and Marchese, F.: An enhanced NHI algorithm configuration for fire detection and mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5629,, 2025.

EGU25-6292 | ECS | Orals | BG1.4

Overestimating Fire Weather Trends: Challenges in Using Daily Climate Data 

Alberto Moreno, Aurora Matteo, Sixto Herrera, Cesar Azorin-Molina, Joaquín Bedia, Antonello Provenzale, Robert J. H. Dunn, Ginés Garnés-Morales, Yann Quilcaille, Miguel Ángel Torres Vázquez, Francesca Di Giuseppe, and Marco Turco

The Fire Weather Index (FWI) is a widely used metric for assessing wildfire danger, relying on sub-daily meteorological data, typically recorded at local noon. However, most climate models and observational datasets only provide daily-aggregated variables, which can introduce biases in fire weather assessments under climate change. This study evaluates how approximating noon-specific calculations impacts the trends of extreme fire weather days (FWI95d), defined as the annual number of days exceeding the 95th percentile of daily FWI values (FWI95d).

Using global data from ERA5 for 1980–2023, we find that FWI95d have increased by 65% over 44 years, corresponding to an average of 11.66 additional extreme fire weather days per year. Daily approximations consistently overestimate this trend by 5–10%, with the largest differences observed in fire-prone regions such as the western United States, southern Africa, and parts of Asia. Among the tested proxies, the combination of daily mean values for air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, and wind speed exhibits the lower biases, while proxies involving minimum relative humidity tend to overestimate trends more significantly.

Our findings emphasize the importance of sub-daily meteorological data for accurate wildfire risk projections. In its absence, we recommend prioritizing daily mean approximations over other proxies as the least-biased alternative in the absence of noon-specific data. These results underscore the potential for misrepresentation of future fire weather risks in climate models, particularly if systematic biases introduced by daily approximations are not addressed. Future climate model intercomparison projects should prioritize the inclusion of sub-daily meteorological outputs to enhance the reliability of fire weather assessments globally.

M.T. acknowledges funding by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Ramón y Cajal Grant Reference RYC2019-027115-I and through the project ONFIRE, Grant PID2021-123193OB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. This work was supported by the project ‘Climate and Wildfire Interface Study for Europe (CHASE)’ under the 6th Seed Funding Call by the European University for Well-Being (EUniWell).


How to cite: Moreno, A., Matteo, A., Herrera, S., Azorin-Molina, C., Bedia, J., Provenzale, A., Dunn, R. J. H., Garnés-Morales, G., Quilcaille, Y., Ángel Torres Vázquez, M., Di Giuseppe, F., and Turco, M.: Overestimating Fire Weather Trends: Challenges in Using Daily Climate Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6292,, 2025.

Haralamb Georgescu was a Romanian architect who fleed the communist rule and settled in the USA. After a brief period in the Eastern part, he settled in Los Angeles where not only did he build his most iconic buildings, but also was featured for futuristic utopic designs. Within the Romanian funded project "Future on the past" (featured at EGU 2023), which used digital humanities methods to develop innovative mapping techniques, including ontologies, for earthquake, flood and fire, also the buildings of Haralamb Georgescu were studied. This happened in conjunction with another Romanian sister project (both ended with the PNIII framework programme on the 31.12.2024) which focused on Romanian-American relationships in the interwar time in a publication of which first results were published. Haralamb Georgescu started his career in the interwar time in Romania. 2-7 January 2025 I visited Mangalia where is his last building built in Romania. Some others built in Bucharest were mapped before, and so were those in the USA, including Los Angeles. Materials on Los Angeles were available from two sources: the Getty archives and a book of drawings of building projects, catalogue of a past exhibition at the "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism, which was done after the rediscovery of Haralamb Georgescu following the restoration of the Pasinetti house, the most emblematic one, featured in a magazine of the time. The mapping in Google Maps of the buildings of Haralamb Georgescu was exported and imported in arcGIS online Living Atlas, the map on US current wildfires. This way three buildings of Haralamb Georgescu were identified (Bucharest restaurant next to the Eaton forest, Lark Arrow apartments in the same area, Rinaldi convalescent hospital) next to wildfires and one on a wildfire and this was the Pasinetti House in Beverly Hills. Unfortunately searching the news confirmed the mapping as the CBS reported dogs being rescued from the lost house of Pasinetti. Besides, during the project in frame of work for COST CA18135 - Fire in the Earth System: Science & Society (FIRElinks), as working group member of group 5 Socio-economic aspects of fire and fire risk management, an ontology of fire was developed and published. This contribution will test how the findings fit into this ontology. Current work is being done in the Climate change adaptation working group of ICOMOS ISCARSAH related to the structures of monuments which includes the effects of wildfire. The architecture of Haralamb Georgescu is Modernist architecture related in typology to that of the Cyclades, and the publication from the COST action also covered the relationship to fires in Greece, specifically Paros in 2022. Some more insights on this will be included after more site visits. This is in line with the research question of the project on how vernacular architecture may render Modernist buildings which include elements inspired by it more safe, through so-called local culture, extensively studied so far for seismic events and started for flood events, but scarcely so for wildfires. The ontology in computer science understanding helps this.

How to cite: Bostenaru Dan, M.: The impact of the January 2025 Southern California fires on the buildings of Haralamb Georgescu in Los Angeles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7664,, 2025.

EGU25-8889 | Posters on site | BG1.4

Hydrological impacts of wildfires on a global scale: An analysis based on the fire-enabled models of ISIMIP. 

Manolis Grillakis and Apostolos Voulgarakis

Wildfires can significantly alter the hydrological regime of a watershed until vegetation is reestablished and the hydrological cycle returns to its pre-disturbance state. These wildfire-induced changes can disrupt flow patterns by reducing rainfall interception and evapotranspiration due to vegetation loss. Additionally, wildfires can affect soil permeability, either through ash deposition or, in boreal regions, by facilitating permafrost thaw.

Land surface models play a critical role in understanding and predicting interactions between the Earth's surface the atmosphere. They enable detailed assessments of water, energy, and carbon cycling, which are essential for climate modeling, ecosystem management, and policy development.

In this study, we analyze surface runoff simulated by six fire-enabled ISIMIP3a land surface models for the period 1850–2019. We identify changes in the runoff coefficient between the most fire-active and least fire-active decades in the timeseries. To isolate the role of long-term climatic trends, we utilize counterfactual simulation outputs driven by detrended observational climate data, where the signal of global warming has been removed.

Our preliminary results reveal consistent patterns between the modeled results and observed runoff changes reported in other studies, though substantial variability exists among the different land surface models. This work aims to assess the ability of state-of-the-art land surface models to represent a complex interaction on the land surface, while also enhancing our understanding of the hydrological impacts of wildfires and contributing to improving the representation of fire-hydrology processes in modeling frameworks.

This work is supported by Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment, and Society through the Leverhulme Trust, grant number RC-2018-023.

How to cite: Grillakis, M. and Voulgarakis, A.: Hydrological impacts of wildfires on a global scale: An analysis based on the fire-enabled models of ISIMIP., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8889,, 2025.

EGU25-9817 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.4

Causal Attribution of Arctic Wildfire Events in the 21st Century to Anthropogenic Forcing 

Lukas Fiedler, Armineh Barkhordarian, Victor Brovkin, and Johanna Baehr

As an imprint of its rapid climatic transformation over the last two decades, the pan-Arctic region has experienced increasingly extreme fire events. However, a systematic and regionally comprehensive assessment of the recent extreme fire events in the pan-Arctic and the role played by human emissions is still pending. In this study, we employ an extreme event-attribution framework to assess the extent to which anthropogenic forcing affects the magnitude (Burned Area) and likelihood of favourable conditions of extreme fire events (Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index) in the pan-Arctic region throughout the 21st century. Therefore, we utilise large ensemble simulations conducted with the Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2), which are capable of isolating anthropogenic external climate forcings and observations from distinct remote sensing products as well as reanalysis data. Our results indicate that the presence of anthropogenic forcing throughout the 21st century was necessary to enable the observed extreme fire events in the pan-Arctic region. We find less than a 20% chance, that the extreme wildfire events occurred during recent fire seasons could have happened in the absence of human-induced external forcings. We can state that such wildfires have become 5 to 10 times more likely in comparison to pre-industrial climatic conditions. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the impact of anthropogenic forcings has significantly elevated the risk of high-latitudes experiencing severe fire-weather conditions by up to an order of magnitude. However, our study reveals the recent elevation in human-induced external forcings does not appear to be enough to explain the occurrence of observed extreme pan-Arctic wildfire events throughout the 21st century. We further explore the underlying mechanisms that drive changes in extreme fire-weather risk. We identify the relative contribution of maximum temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, and surface wind speed on the changes in extreme fire-weather risk.

How to cite: Fiedler, L., Barkhordarian, A., Brovkin, V., and Baehr, J.: Causal Attribution of Arctic Wildfire Events in the 21st Century to Anthropogenic Forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9817,, 2025.

EGU25-10833 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.4

Large-scale impacts of the 2023 Canadian wildfires on the Northern Hemisphere atmosphere 

Iulian-Alin Rosu, Matt Kasoar, Rafaila-Nikola Mourgela, Eirini Boleti, Mark Parrington, and Apostolos Voulgarakis

The study of wildfires is crucial to understanding the Earth system, as severe wildfire events can lead to intense degradation of nature and property. The record-breaking 2023 Canadian wildfire event best represents this, with approximately 5% of the total forest area of Canada burned [1] [2], resulting in biomass burning (BB) emissions quantitatively comparable to the annual fossil fuel emissions of large nations [3], and with the highest Canadian carbon emissions on record [4]. Increased mean temperatures along with decreased humidity in the region due to climate change are considered responsible for this record series of wildfires [5], as increasing mean temperatures along with decreasing humidity in the region led to increased fire risk.

Large amounts of carbonaceous aerosols can exert substantial atmospheric radiative forcing, thus it is important to study the consequences of these emissions on large-scale atmospheric composition and meteorological behavior. In this work, global and local atmospheric impacts of this historic wildfire event are analyzed using the EC-Earth3 earth system model [6] in its standard AerChem configuration. BB emissions from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS) were used as input in the model to produce two 10-member ensembles simulations, with and without the 2023 Canadian wildfire emissions. The results are analyzed, and the differences in various modelled atmospheric quantities between the two ensembles are spatially cross-correlated to determine connections between atmospheric anomalies and wildfire intrusions.

Modelled monthly changes in radiative effects, cloud cover, large-scale circulation, and temperature patterns throughout the North Hemisphere and Canada are found as a result of the 2023 BB emissions, and the mechanisms via which these can be caused are discussed and explained. These changes include the long-range transport of the BB pollutants in the troposphere and the stratosphere with marked impacts on cloud cover and on temperatures at low and high altitudes, differential cooling over the Canadian region due to a dual influence of direct and indirect effects of AOD increases, and even large-scale circulation anomalies which led to cooling as far as in Eastern Siberia. We find that the modelled temperature anomalies between the two ensembles caused by the wildfire-generated aerosols can be as intense as -5.44 °C locally, while the modelled average hemispheric temperature anomaly is equal to -0.91 °C.

[1] "Fire Statistics". Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre. Retrieved January 4, 2024.

[2] “The State of Canada’s Forests: Annual Report”. 2022. Canadian Minister of Natural Resources.

[3] Byrne, Brendan, et al. "Carbon emissions from the 2023 Canadian wildfires" Nature. 2024 835-839.

[4] “Copernicus: Emissions from Canadian wildfires the highest on record – smoke plume reaches Europe”. Atmosphere Monitoring Service, Copernicus. Retrieved January 4, 2024.

[5] Barnes, Clair, et al. "Climate change more than doubled the likelihood of extreme fire weather conditions in eastern Canada" 2023.

[6] Döscher, Ralf, et al. "The EC-earth3 Earth system model for the climate model intercomparison project 6." Geoscientific Model Development Discussions. 2021 1-90.

How to cite: Rosu, I.-A., Kasoar, M., Mourgela, R.-N., Boleti, E., Parrington, M., and Voulgarakis, A.: Large-scale impacts of the 2023 Canadian wildfires on the Northern Hemisphere atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10833,, 2025.

EGU25-12890 | Posters on site | BG1.4

Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Forest Fire Weather Index Using Downscaled Climate Model Data 

Anton Laakso, Meeri Palokangas, Taijin Park, Antti Lipponen, Laura Utriainen, and Tero Mielonen

In recent years, fire activity at high latitudes has reached unprecedented levels, driven in part by global warming, which increases fire danger. Climate projections of fire risk rely on indices like the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI), which are often derived from coarse-resolution climate models. Thus, there is the need for finer-scale fire weather projections to enable more effective planning and resource allocation as wildfire threats grow. High-resolution climate projections can be achieved through various methods, including dynamical and statistical downscaling, each potentially yielding different estimates of FWI and its future changes. We calculated the FWI based on HCLIM - Nordic Convection Permitting Climate Projections (NorCP) over Fennoscandia. The simulations include 12 x 12 km resolution models using HCLIM-ALADIN and convection-permitting simulation at 3 x 3 km resolution with HCLIM-AROME, covering both historical and future periods under the RCP8.5 scenario. Results were compared against FWI estimates from other climate datasets, such as CORDEX and statistically downscaled NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP).

As expected, all the simulations indicate that the annual and summer mean FWI indices will increase significantly in warmer future climates, along with an increase in days with moderate and high fire weather risk. However, the magnitude of the risk depends heavily on the climate dataset used. For instance, HCLIM-AROME simulations generally show higher FWI values in the historical period even when compared to the future projections of HCLIM-ALADIN, due to generally lower summer precipitation in the former model. Additionally, there are notable regional disparities between the HCLIM simulations, with the highest FWI values observed in coastal areas of southern Finland and Sweden. According to the HCLIM-AROME simulations under the RCP8.5 scenario, these regions experience a moderate fire risk (FWI > 11) on roughly one out of three summer days, whereas HCLIM-ALADIN simulations indicate an average of 7–20 days per summer with such risk. There are also differences in the magnitude and regional distribution of FWIs calculated from HCLIM, NEX-GDDP, and CORDEX simulations. However, all future FWI predictions consistently indicate that, without effective mitigation of global warming, conditions for forest fires will worsen in the future.

How to cite: Laakso, A., Palokangas, M., Park, T., Lipponen, A., Utriainen, L., and Mielonen, T.: Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Forest Fire Weather Index Using Downscaled Climate Model Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12890,, 2025.

Each year brings new stories of extreme wildfires and megafires, highlighting the tragic loss of lives, destruction of homes and livelihoods, reduced air quality over vast regions, economic disruption, and cascading impacts on ecosystems and the services they provide. Science has an essential role to play in addressing these challenges, offering tools for better prediction, preparedness, mitigation, and management.
As I write this, wildfires in Los Angeles have captured public attention and dominated the news over the past week. Amidst the coverage, it is worth noting that scientific tools enabled warning of these events to be issued up to a week in advance. This is a clear example of the potential for science to reduce harm and save lives.
Once the flames settle, science also plays a key role in understanding the factors driving such events, including the contributions of climate change, land use, and management practices. These studies are crucial for highlighting the actions at both global and local scales that can help to mitigate wildfire risk to society and the environment. The quick turnaround of such studies increasingly allows scientists to provide timely insights to policymakers and other stakeholders while the events are still in the public memory.
This invited talk will introduce an exciting session on recent advances in understanding extreme wildfire characteristics, drivers, prediction, impacts, and mitigation strategies. I will summarise recent compelling evidence for changes in fire behaviour, including shifts towards the extreme end of historic fire regimes and differences between trends in forested and non-forested regions. I will also discuss attribution studies, which often—but not always—identify climate change as a key factor in extreme fire events. I will highlight breakthroughs in fire observation and modelling that show great potential to generate a step-change in our ability to predict extreme wildfires at the global scale.
Finally, I will discuss the ambitions of the State of Wildfires project to deliver annual reports that retrospectively dissect the extremes of the prior fire season globally, to keep the issue prominent in public and policy discussions, and to encourage action on climate and land use policies.

How to cite: Jones, M.: Navigating the Era of Extreme Wildfires: Scientific Solutions and Future Directions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13652,, 2025.

EGU25-13730 | Orals | BG1.4

Canadian wildfire in a changing climate from the 2023 wildfire season to the 2100s 

Salvatore Curasi, Joe Melton, Vivek Arora, Elyn Humphreys, and Cynthia Whaley

Wildfire influences the carbon cycle and impacts property, harvestable timber, and public health. The year 2023 saw a record area burned of 14.9 Mha in Canada, compared to an average of ~2 Mha between 1959 and 2015. Boreal wildfire is a critical process that is difficult to represent in land surface models. To enhance our understanding of historical and future wildfire regimes in Canada and their impact on carbon cycling we implement two methods of representing boreal wildfire in the Canadian Land Surface Scheme Including Biogeochemical Cycles (CLASSIC). These include a new dynamic wildfire model that represents fire weather and lightning ignitions as well as a fire model which is forced by historical observations of burned area. We find that in 2023 simulated wildfire emissions were eight times their 1985 - 2022 mean with consequences for the annual net carbon balance in Canada. Moving into the future we find that climate change below a 2°C global target (shared socioeconomic pathway [SSP] 126) yields burned area near modern (2004 - 2014) norms by end-century (2090 - 2100). However, under rapid climate change (SSP370/585), the end-century mean annual burned area increases 2 - 4 times, compared to present-day values, approaching the burned area seen in Canada in 2023. This work illustrates the historical implications of Canadian wildfires on the carbon cycle and the future implications of climate change for area burned in Canada.

How to cite: Curasi, S., Melton, J., Arora, V., Humphreys, E., and Whaley, C.: Canadian wildfire in a changing climate from the 2023 wildfire season to the 2100s, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13730,, 2025.

EGU25-13777 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.4

The Intensifying Threat of Wildfires in the Mediterranean: Quantifying the Role of Climate Change in Extreme Fire Weather Events from the Past, Present to the Future 

Zhongwei Liu, Jonathan Eden, Bastien Dieppois, Matthew Blackett, and Robert Parker

Wildfires are an increasing environmental and societal threat across the Mediterranean region. While the widespread incidence of fires during recent summers has raised significant public concern, the impact of climate change on such events is challenging to quantify, and the evolving nature of extreme wildfires in general remains underexplored. Recent work has shed light on the link between extreme fire weather and climate change, particularly with respect to diagnosing uncertainties and sensitivities, but there are few studies directly linking individual wildfire events to the changing climate and its future implications.

This study employs an established statistical method applied to a large ensemble of climate model simulations as part of a seamless probabilistic approach to quantify how past, present and future risk in extreme fire weather has and will continue to change in the future. Using climate model projections to quantify the trends of likelihoods at different global warming levels offers great potential to support probabilistic assessment of future wildfire risks in a warmer world. Results reveal that fire weather conditions associated with the particularly damaging 2022 wildfires at ten independent locations across the Mediterranean regions of southern Europe and northern Africa have collectively become 80% more likely to occur compared to a century ago due to externally-forced warming temperatures. Further increases in likelihood of 60% and 80% are projected under +1.5°C and +2°C global warming levels, respectively, with the most pronounced increases observed in Spain and southern France. The findings emphasize the profound influence of climate change on the 2022-type wildfire events, manifesting the urgency of combining individual attribution studies further with future risk assessment to help enhance post-disaster resilience to the fire-prone regions.

How to cite: Liu, Z., Eden, J., Dieppois, B., Blackett, M., and Parker, R.: The Intensifying Threat of Wildfires in the Mediterranean: Quantifying the Role of Climate Change in Extreme Fire Weather Events from the Past, Present to the Future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13777,, 2025.

EGU25-13787 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.4

Probabilistic Analysis of Extreme Wildfire events in Italy Using Data-Cube Technology 

Farzad Ghasemiazma, Andrea Trucchia, Giorgio Meschi, Nicolo Perello, Marj Tonini, Silvia Degli Esposti, and Paolo Fiorucci

Wildfires are a critical component of natural ecosystems, contributing to biodiversity by shaping habitat structures and promoting species adaptation, but also posing significant risks to human life, infrastructure, and air quality. Wildfires can be characterized by both their impact and the drivers of their occurrence. Historical data exploration is essential for researchers to build data-driven models for wildfire risk assessment and also to capture the characteristics of extreme wildfire events (EWE). Such data may include fire perimeter records, weather observations, vegetation types, and topographic details, all of which contribute to understanding the conditions that lead to extreme fire behavior. 

The first step toward achieving this goal involves establishing a comprehensive data-cube that integrates all relevant datasets for wildfire risk assessment. A data-cube framework simplifies data exploration and querying by organizing static and dynamic data (in terms of time varying) in a structured format. The data-cube stores multi-dimensional arrays, allowing for efficient analysis of spatial and temporal variations in complex datasets. Static data (e.g., digital elevation model) represent constant landscape features, while dynamic data (e.g., relative humidity or temperature) capture temporal variations. Cloud storage solutions are vital for managing the high memory requirements of data-cube structures, enabling cheaper storage and open-source availability.  

The primary aim of this study is to utilize available data-cubes to identify the conditions that characterize EWE across historical records. By analyzing spatial and temporal dynamic data related to both wildfire occurrences and predisposing meteorological factors, we want to find patterns and signatures of extreme wildfires. Furthermore, additional datasets from various domains and resolutions will be structured into a similar data-cube format for broader analysis.  

Focus will be on the Italian peninsula, leveraging on climatic data at a 3 km spatial resolution with hourly temporal intervals (Chapter Dataset, allowing for detailed capture of conditions surrounding extreme wildfire events. The outcomes of this study will contribute to the development of probabilistic risk assessment models, providing valuable insights for wildfire risk management and mitigation strategies. 

Keywords: Extreme Wildfire Events, Probabilistic Wildfire Risk Assessment, Data-Cube, Meteorological indices in Wildfire Risk Assessment 

How to cite: Ghasemiazma, F., Trucchia, A., Meschi, G., Perello, N., Tonini, M., Degli Esposti, S., and Fiorucci, P.: Probabilistic Analysis of Extreme Wildfire events in Italy Using Data-Cube Technology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13787,, 2025.

EGU25-14597 | Orals | BG1.4

Who dies in wildfires? Common denominators of fatal wildfires in the US 

Crystal Kolden and John Abatzoglou

In the United States, catastrophic wildfires have killed hundreds of people in recent years, including two high fatality events in the 2018 Camp Fire in California and the 2023 Lahaina Fire in Hawaii. These disasters were astounding not only because so many died so quickly, but also because they represent a shift in understanding of who dies in contemporary wildfires. For much of the 20th century, the primary lives lost in wildfires were the front line firefighters at the greatest risk. Over the last two decades, however, climate change has increased the extremity of wildfire behavior and resulted in numerous catastrophic wildfire events globally where dozens of civilians were killed. Here we evaluate both the biophysical drivers of fatal wildfires in the US and the social characteristics of wildfire fatalities. Downslope winds during drought conditions at the wildland-urban interface are the primary indicators of civilian fatalities, particularly in specific forest-shrubland interface Mediterranean fuel types and in complex terrain. Social vulnerability of the resident population was also a key driver of fatalities, as older populations with lower levels of mobility struggled to evacuate with no advanced notice. Fires that killed civilians stood in stark contrast to fires that killed firefighters, which occur primarily during peak fire season during extreme heat events and in rural, relatively forested areas. These differences highlight a critical gap in understanding how to mitigate civilian wildfire fatalities.

How to cite: Kolden, C. and Abatzoglou, J.: Who dies in wildfires? Common denominators of fatal wildfires in the US, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14597,, 2025.

EGU25-17607 | Orals | BG1.4

Global Data-Driven Prediction of Fire Activity 

Joe McNorton

In recent years, newly available observations, and modelling systems as well as advancements in machine learning have transformed the capabilities of fire danger prediction systems. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has set out to forecast wildfire probability on a global scale up to a week in advance. A key milestone was the development of the SPARKY-Fuel Characteristics dataset, released in 2024, which provides the first long-term, high-resolution record of real-time fuel status.

This study evaluates ECMWF’s operational data-driven fire prediction system over its first year. Through analysis of major wildfire events, including the extensive fires in Canada in 2023 and the fires in Los Angeles in 2025, we demonstrate the potential of data-driven methods to outperform traditional fire danger metrics. The results highlight the role of dynamic, global fuel assessments and machine learning in improving the accuracy and timeliness of fire probability forecasts.

Our findings underscore the importance of integrating both innovative data-driven approaches and key variables into operational forecasting systems, providing critical support for fire management and mitigation efforts worldwide.

How to cite: McNorton, J.: Global Data-Driven Prediction of Fire Activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17607,, 2025.

EGU25-18268 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.4

Poleward transport of smoke aerosol from extreme boreal wildfires 

Swetlana Paul and Bernd Heinold

In recent decades, surface air temperatures in the Arctic increased faster than average global temperatures. At the same time, weather conditions that favor wildfires became more frequent globally and will likely continue to do so in a warming climate. This might lead to an increase in fire activity in most areas of the world, but particularly in regions with moderate moisture supply that are rich in biomass, such as North American temperate forests and boreal forests.

Extreme wildfires potentially emit large quantities of smoke that can be elevated as high as to the stratosphere, thereby possibly leading to a long-lasting atmospheric perturbation. Smoke aerosol is mostly composed of black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC). While BC mainly impacts the climate by heating the atmosphere through absorption of solar radiation, OC particles are important as cloud condensation nuclei, affecting cloud and precipitation formation. In light of the rapid Arctic warming, it is crucial to understand the role of smoke aerosol from wildfires in the Arctic climate system.

Using multidecadal simulations with the global aerosol-climate model ECHAM6.3.0-HAM2.3., it is analyzed on which pathways BC and OC emitted during extreme boreal wildfire events are transported towards the Arctic and how their transport patterns differ from those of smoke particles originating from moderate boreal wildfires. The contribution from the wildfire aerosol to the total poleward aerosol flux is calculated, and it is quantified which fraction of boreal wildfire aerosol reaches the Arctic region in the course of extreme fires. Transport heights, the accurate representation of which still poses a challenge to current climate models, are compared to height-resolved measurements of smoke aerosol.

How to cite: Paul, S. and Heinold, B.: Poleward transport of smoke aerosol from extreme boreal wildfires, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18268,, 2025.

EGU25-18657 | ECS | Orals | BG1.4

Burning In Pantanal Driven By Wetland Degradation And Lower Precipitation 

Maria Barbosa, Douglas Kelley, Chantelle Burton, Renata Libonati, Renata Da Veiga, Igor Ferreira, and Liana Anderson

The Brazilian Pantanal, renowned for its rich ecosystems and biodiversity, is under increasing threat from more frequent and intense fires. These wildfires endanger the region's ecology, wildlife, and critical role as a carbon sink. The catastrophic fires of 2020, which burned approximately 4 million hectares, highlighted the pressing need to better understand the Pantanal’s fire vulnerability and to develop effective strategies for protecting its ecosystems and carbon storage capacity.

Using the FLAME model, we evaluated the Pantanal’s fire susceptibility in the context of climate and land cover changes. Our analysis identified shifting precipitation patterns as a key driver of fire activity. Wetland cover emerged as a mitigating factor, with regions exhibiting a doubled wetland extent requiring half as much rainfall to avoid extreme burning levels. However, reducing wetland areas due to agricultural expansion and water management has significantly increased the region's fire vulnerability. The extreme fires of 2020 were linked to a critical threshold of reduced wetland extent and precipitation; without prior wetland degradation, the fires would likely have been less severe.

Our findings emphasize the necessity of integrating wetland cover dynamics and climate extremes into the Pantanal's fire management and conservation planning. This approach is vital for bolstering the region's resilience to fire and climate change, preserving its ecological integrity, and maintaining its carbon storage potential. The FLAME model facilitates the rapid assessment of burning scenarios, providing valuable insights for early preparedness and response strategies to protect this unique and irreplaceable ecosystem.

How to cite: Barbosa, M., Kelley, D., Burton, C., Libonati, R., Da Veiga, R., Ferreira, I., and Anderson, L.: Burning In Pantanal Driven By Wetland Degradation And Lower Precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18657,, 2025.

EGU25-19519 | Posters on site | BG1.4

The State of Wildfires report: an annual review of fire activity and extreme events  

Douglas I Kelley, Matthew W Jones, Chantelle Burton, and Francesca Di Giuseppe and the State of Wildfires Report Co-authors

The 2023/24 fire season was marked by record-breaking burnt areas and carbon emissions in Canada, deadly blazes in Hawaii, extreme drought and smoke in the Amazon, burning in the Pantanal wetlands, and Europe's largest wildfire on record.  These events exemplify extreme wildfires' growing prevalence and far-reaching impacts on societies, ecosystems, and global climate systems. Each year, the emergence of such events raises urgent questions from policymakers, fire management agencies, and the public:

  •   How much was climate to blame?
  •   Was it caused by humans?
  •   Who is affected?
  •   How does this year compare to previous years?
  •   Will we see more fires like this in the future?
  •   What can we do to prevent or prepare for them?

The inaugural State of Wildfires report addresses these questions by systematically analysing extreme fire events from the March 2023–February 2024 fire season. It links anomalies in burned area and emissions to drivers such as high fire weather and fuel abundance. Attribution analyses revealed that climate change amplified burned area by up to 40%, 18%, and 50% in Canada, Greece, and Amazonia, respectively. The report also projects an increasing risk of future extreme fires, even under ambitious emissions pathways aimed at limiting warming to 1.5–2°C. However, impacts at these emission levels are still projected to be less severe than those in higher warming scenarios. In Canada, for example, projections suggest that fires like those of 2023 could become 6–11 times more frequent by the end of the century under medium–high emissions scenarios.

Here, we present the main insights from the report, celebrate advances in fire science that are helping to meet the challenge of extreme fires, and invite feedback from the scientific community. We seek perspectives on missing analyses, overlooked impacts, and underexplored regions to enhance future reports.

How to cite: Kelley, D. I., Jones, M. W., Burton, C., and Di Giuseppe, F. and the State of Wildfires Report Co-authors: The State of Wildfires report: an annual review of fire activity and extreme events , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19519,, 2025.

EGU25-19925 | Posters on site | BG1.4

Assessing the influence of climate on wildfire impacts across Mediterranean Europe 

Luiz Galizia, Christelle Castet, and Marcos Rodrigues

Wildfires occurring under warmer and drier conditions are likely to be destructive to infrastructure causing economic losses and affecting population. While climate, represented through fire weather, has been shown to be the dominant driver of wildfires there is still a lack of analyses exploring to what extent climate influences wildfire impacts. Here we examine the statistical relationship between fire weather conditions and wildfire impacts at an interannual scale across Mediterranean Europe. To do so, we combined Fire Weather Index (FWI) with burned area from the European Forest Fire Information System, as well as wildfire economic losses and affected population extracted from the EM-DAT disaster database over the period 2000–2023. Overall, most of the wildfire impacts were dominated by a few iconic events that have occurred during extreme fire seasons. Nearly 90% of the affected population and economic losses occurred when the FWI aggregated over the fire season exceeded 23 and 30 respectively. Additionally, the analysis highlighted the FWI as the main driver of burned area, showing strong positive correlations in all analyzed countries. FWI also showed moderate positive correlations with wildfire economic losses and population affected, yet these relationships varied by country. Countries more severely impacted by wildfires, such as Portugal, Spain, and Greece, exhibited stronger correlations than those less affected. These results emphasized the importance of climate variability in enabling wildfire activity and influencing impacts across Mediterranean countries. 

How to cite: Galizia, L., Castet, C., and Rodrigues, M.: Assessing the influence of climate on wildfire impacts across Mediterranean Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19925,, 2025.

EGU25-1122 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

Forest Fire Variability Over the Central India Region from 2001–2020 

Saurabh Sonwani, Pallavi Saxena, and Madhavi Jain

Large-scale, frequent forest fires have a detrimental effect on the environment, the quality of the air, and human health. In the present study, from 2001 to 2020, March (1,857.5 counts/month) and April (922.8 counts/month) saw around 70% of the region's annual forest fires. Unusually high numbers of forest fires have been reported in some years, including 2009, 2012, and 2017. A thorough investigation is conducted into the contribution of numerous climate extremes and persistently rising temperatures to the rise in forest fire activity over central India. Forest fire activity doubled and tripled during the non-fire (July–January) and forest fire (February–June) seasons, respectively, over the warmer period from 2006 to 2020. A severe heat wave, an unusual drought, and an exceptionally powerful El Nino occurred in central India between 2015 JASONDJ and 2018 FMAMJ. These events are thought to have contributed to an upsurge in forest fires. The quinquennial spatiotemporal changes in forest fire characteristics, including average fire intensity and fire count density, were also evaluated. Significantly high soil temperature, low soil moisture content, poor evapotranspiration, and low normalized difference vegetation index are statistically associated with high near-surface air temperature and low precipitation during FMAMJ. This makes the climate much drier, which encourages a lot of forest fires in the Central Indian region.

How to cite: Sonwani, S., Saxena, P., and Jain, M.: Forest Fire Variability Over the Central India Region from 2001–2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1122,, 2025.

EGU25-1314 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Exploring the effect of straw burning on urban ozone levels based on multi-source satellites in northern China 

Wannan Wang, Ronald van der A, Jieying Ding, Tianhai Cheng, and Chunjiao Wang

China is a significant region for crop cultivation. For a long time, there has been a common practice of burning crop residues during the post-harvest period (from May to October). The smoke emitted from straw burning contains both types of ozone precursors, including nitrogen oxides (NOx=NO+NO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and can be transported over long distances. During the transport process, secondary formation or consumption of ozone precursors occurs within the smoke plumes. After the smoke plume mixes with the atmosphere in the downwind urban area, it will lead to changes in the local ozone formation sensitivity. However, due to the nonlinear relationship between ozone and its precursors, the changes in ozone levels in downwind cities are not as straightforward as expected.

Here, we explore the temporal evolution of urban ozone and its precursors on smoke-affected days using multi-source satellite-derived fire event tracking datasets, which are screened by a semi-quantitative absorbing aerosol index (AAI), tropospheric NO2 and HCHO columns measurements from OMI, fire points from Himawari-8, and ground-level O3 monitoring dataset. We aimed to understand the associations between urban ground-level O3 concentrations and crop residue burning events in China. Our analysis revealed that no consistent changes were shown in urban O3 on smoke-affected days. In addition, there was an increase in NO2, while HCHO and O3 decreased in cities after mixing with smoke that had taken a long transport time. Our findings suggest that the O3 formation sensitivity within aged smoke tends to be controlled by VOC-limited regime. We hypothesize that the large amount of NOx carried by aged smoke consumes urban VOCs and O3, while producing NO2 locally. When fresh smoke, which is mainly controlled by the NOx-limited regime, enters urban environments rich in NOx, it leads to an increase in O3 concentration. Our analysis may contribute to an improved understanding of the influence of straw burning on urban ozone levels in China.

How to cite: Wang, W., van der A, R., Ding, J., Cheng, T., and Wang, C.: Exploring the effect of straw burning on urban ozone levels based on multi-source satellites in northern China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1314,, 2025.

The global wildland fire management community faces pressing climate change and operational challenges and requires improved capabilities in existing modelling tools or the development of novel decision support tools to limit the negative impact of wildfires and to increase use of prescribed burning where appropriate. This presentation will discuss limitations in the existing approaches to incorporating fuel structure effects in different model types (empirical, semi-empirical, detailed physics-based). In particular, novel experimental data will be presented addressing previously identified limitations [1] in the description of surface fuel beds in one of the most widely-used semi-empirical models; the Rothermel model, which underpins many current operational models.

The Rothermel model [2] involves a conservation of energy approach, incorporating separate terms to describe energy release rate in the combustion zone (reaction intensity) and energy transferred to the unburnt fuel (propagating flux), and incorporates a number of empirical closure terms.  The reaction intensity is empirically based, with the underpinning experimental measurements described in Frandsen and Rothermel [3]. By measuring the mass loss rate in a section of a fuel bed, Frandsen and Rothermel were able to characterize the intensity distribution within the combustion zone. However, the interacting effects of simultaneously varying fuel loading and packing ratio were not systematically considered, complicating efforts to understand the interacting effects of fuel loading and bulk density.

This study presents a series of laboratory-based flame spread experiments (no wind) involving excelsior fuel beds of varying structural conditions (Fuel Height: 0.02 to 0.12 m, Bulk Density: 3.3 to 20 kg/m3, Fuel Loading: 0.2 to 0.4 kg). The reaction intensity was calculated via a similar procedure to that described by Frandsen & Rothermel [2] as ‘Method 2’, in which the longitudinal length of the mass measurement region is greater than or equal to the combustion zone depth.

Clear trends in the peak mass loss rate and profile with bulk density were observed with a significant reduction at lower fuel loadings (0.2 kg/m2), and the reaction time was observed to increase at higher bulk densities along with a lengthening in the reaction intensity distribution region (further behind the combustion wave front). These results, along with existing observations of the trailing, in-depth combustion region in porous fuel beds, can be used to further investigate the observed tendency for underprediction of spread rates when the Rothermel model is applied to compressed fuel bed scenarios and has practical implications for other fire behaviour modelling applications. For example, improved characterisation of the overall combustion wave may enable improved modelling of smoke generation, surface-to-crown fire transition, and fuel consumption (e.g. to evaluate prescribed fire effectiveness).

[1] Z. Campbell-Lochrie, M. Gallagher, N. Skowronski, R.M. Hadden, The effect of fuel bed structure on Rothermel model performance, Int. J. of Wildland Fire. 33 (2023).

[2] R.C. Rothermel, A Mathematical Model for Predicting Fire Spread in Wildland Fuels, Research Paper INT-115, USDA Forest Service.,1972.

[3] W.H. Frandsen, R.C. Rothermel, Measuring the energy-release rate of a spreading fire, Combust Flame 19 (1972) 17–24.

How to cite: Campbell-Lochrie, Z.: Revisting Intensity of Combustion Waves to Address Outstanding Issues in Wildfire Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1390,, 2025.

EGU25-1707 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

Modeling Fire-Atmosphere Feedbacks: Insights from the 2019/2020 Australian Wildfires 

Lisa Muth, Bernhard Vogel, Heike Vogel, and Gholamali Hoshyaripour

Wildfire emissions are a significant environmental concern, especially as climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of extreme wildfires. Numerical weather and chemical transport models often struggle to reliably capture the injection height of wildfire plumes, a key parameter for transport that determines the impact on air quality and climate.

This study uses the ICON-ART numerical model to analyze fire-atmosphere feedbacks and their impact on the aerosol plume. The Australian New Year’s wildfire event of 2019/2020, a period of extreme wildfires and pyro-convection, is chosen as the case study. The simulations are performed with a grid spacing of 6.6 km. At this resolution, convection cannot be resolved, so a plume rise model is employed to parameterize the injection height. However, the resolution is sufficiently fine to account for the impact of the fire on meteorological variables.

Our simulations reveal that fire-induced moisture release leads to increased cloud formation under near-saturation conditions, but the overall impact on plume development is small. In contrast, fire-induced heat release significantly increases the mass-weighted height from the start, driven by sensible heat release, increased injection height, and enhanced convective cloud formation.

Comparison with observations shows that accounting for the heat release by the fire enables the simulation of the observed plume heights. These implementations have the strongest effect on the first simulation day, when the fires are most intense, and are negligible on the last simulation day. For fires with lower intensity, the plume rise model performs well without additional implementations.

How to cite: Muth, L., Vogel, B., Vogel, H., and Hoshyaripour, G.: Modeling Fire-Atmosphere Feedbacks: Insights from the 2019/2020 Australian Wildfires, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1707,, 2025.

EGU25-1776 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Spatiotemporal changes in global cropland fire activity from 2003 to 2020 

Jiaming Wang, Jiasheng Li, Jie Zhao, Xiaoting Zhong, Mengyu Wang, Junhao He, and Chao Yue

Agricultural straw burning is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, adversely affecting regional human health and air quality. Understanding the spatiotemporal patterns of agricultural fires is crucial for developing effective emissions reduction strategies in cropland to mitigate climate change. Although it is reported that cropland fires have been decreasing over the past two decades, the trends of global cropland fires on seasonal and diurnal scales remain poorly quantified, limiting a complete understanding of their spatiotemporal dynamics. This study analyzes global cropland fire activity from 2003 to 2020 at annual, seasonal, and diurnal scales, using multiple satellite-based burned area datasets, active fire products, and cropland classification datasets. The results show that from 2003 to 2020, global cropland burned area, active fire detections, and fire intensity all exhibited significant decreasing trends (p < 0.05), with relative changes of -43.5%, -30.3%, and -3.5%, respectively. The most significant decreases in cropland burned area and active fire detections occurred in Africa, while the largest decline in fire intensity was observed in Asia. Moreover, cropland fire activity displayed notable seasonal and diurnal variations. On the seasonal scale, the largest declines in cropland burned area, active fire detections, and fire intensity were observed in December, August, and November, respectively. Notably, fire intensity showed a significant increasing trend (p < 0.05) in April and September. On the diurnal scale, the decrease in cropland active fire detections was primarily driven by daytime activity; however, the rate of decline in fire intensity at night was about 1.5 times that during the day. These findings offer valuable insights into the comprehensive spatiotemporal patterns of global cropland fires, providing a foundation for more effective cropland management and carbon mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Wang, J., Li, J., Zhao, J., Zhong, X., Wang, M., He, J., and Yue, C.: Spatiotemporal changes in global cropland fire activity from 2003 to 2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1776,, 2025.

EGU25-2016 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

Wildfires and biomass burning in northern Thailand: Observations from ASIA-AQ Campaign 

Sayantee Roy, Francesca Gallo, Elizabeth B. Wiggins, Luke D. Ziemba, Carolyn Jordan, Edward L. Winstead, Michael A. Shook, Joshua P. DiGangi, Glenn S. Diskin, Yonghoon Choi, Jason A. Miech, Wojciech Wojnowski, Felix Piel, Stefan J. Swift, Armin Wisthaler, and Richard H. Moore

Southeast Asia experiences widespread wildfires and biomass burning events during the dry season (January to April), leading to poor air quality, haze, and smog. NASA conducted the Airborne and Satellite Investigation of Asian Air Quality (ASIA-AQ) flight campaign in February and March 2024 to study the contribution of smoke to urban air quality through a multi-faceted observational approach (aircraft, satellite, and ground). The campaign deployed the NASA DC-8 aircraft, equipped with instruments from the Langley Aerosol Research Group (LARGE) and other teams, to measure real-time aerosol microphysical and optical properties, trace gases, and meteorological parameters. During the campaign in the Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan, it was noted that the northern region of Thailand was predominantly impacted by agricultural residue burning and wildfires. Here, we present the variations of vertical and horizontal profiles of aerosol properties and biomass burning tracers, alongside meteorological data to assess the impacts of local conditions and potential pollution pathways. Key findings will include observed variability in aerosols properties, the role of absorbing and scattering aerosols, boundary layer dynamics, and regional pollution transport across the ASIA-AQ domain.

How to cite: Roy, S., Gallo, F., Wiggins, E. B., Ziemba, L. D., Jordan, C., Winstead, E. L., Shook, M. A., DiGangi, J. P., Diskin, G. S., Choi, Y., Miech, J. A., Wojnowski, W., Piel, F., Swift, S. J., Wisthaler, A., and Moore, R. H.: Wildfires and biomass burning in northern Thailand: Observations from ASIA-AQ Campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2016,, 2025.

EGU25-2253 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

Near-field atmospheric dispersion of a gas emitted from a hot source : a comparison between analytical modelling and in situ measurements 

Anthony Mendez, Gée Manon, Sylvain Dupont, and Philippe Laguionie

Incidents in nuclear facilities can lead to the emission of a radioactive plume dis-
persing into the atmosphere. In such events, the highest radionuclide concentration
is usually located near the source at distances ranging from a few meters to several
hundred meters. It is, therefore, crucial to be able to accurately predict these levels
of near-source concentrations.
One challenge arises from the thermal characteristics of the source, which regulate
the initial dispersion of the plume. In the case of a non-thermal gas release, the
dispersion of the plume is driven by atmospheric conditions, related to wind and
atmospheric instability, and is influenced by local surface characteristics such as
roughness and the presence of obstacles. In contrast, when the gas is emitted from
a hot source such as a fire, the released gas first rises in the atmosphere up to a
so-called ‘injection height’ due to buoyant forces. The injection height is reached at
a certain distance from the source and doesn’t only depends on the properties of the
hot source but also on the atmospheric conditions (e.g. downdraft effects). The gas
then disperses like in a non-thermal gas release.
While CFD modelling can offer an accurate description of the plume dispersion, its
processing speed is not suitable for use in emergency situations. In contrast, existing
analytical models can provide rapid results, but their injection height parametriza-
tions may lack comprehensive coverage. So far, analytical models have rarely been
validated against field measurements, and few field experiments have been conducted
to improve their parameterization.
The goal of this presentation is twofold, first to present a field experiment on the
atmospheric plume dispersal of a gas released from a hot source, and second to
evaluate an analytical model of plume dispersal against the experiment, with a
particular focus on the Atmospheric Transfer Coefficient of the released gas.
The field experiment was conducted in May 2024 on a flat terrain near Vire (Nor-
mandy, France), under unstable and neutral atmospheric conditions.

The source comprised a burner (PYROS) that generated a propane fire with an average heat
release rate of between 450 kW and 750 kW . Helium was injected into the plume
to serve as a tracer gas. During 15-minute observation periods, helium concentra-
tions in the air were measured at ground level at distances from the source ranging
from 40 m to 400 m, as well as at various altitudes, using air sampling points at-
tached to a rope lifted vertically by a drone. Additionally, atmospheric turbulence
characteristics were also measured using ultrasonic anemometers.
The analytical model employs Heskestad’s formulas to determine the fire character-
istics and Briggs’ dispersion parameters to characterise the Gaussian dispersion of
the plume when buoyant forces become negligible.




How to cite: Mendez, A., Manon, G., Dupont, S., and Laguionie, P.: Near-field atmospheric dispersion of a gas emitted from a hot source : a comparison between analytical modelling and in situ measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2253,, 2025.

EGU25-2313 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Determining the human signal in burned area under a changing climate 

Bikem Ekberzade, Aydoğan Avcıoğlu, and Tolga Görüm

In this study, we report the preliminary findings from a series of sans-human wildfire simulations using a process based dynamic global to regional vegetation model (DGVM), LPJ-GUESS v 4.1, coupled with the SIMple FIRE Model (SIMFIRE) and the wildfire combustion model (BLAZE), where we investigate the performance of the DGVM to reenact a specific wildfire instance in a Mediterranean catchment. For this, we compared the simulated burned area (BAs) to that in the actual event (BAo) in Manavgat, Antalya, Türkiye. The DGVM spatially captured the fire instance, albeit with a much smaller BA as a result. In July 2021, the largest single wildfire incidence for this region for the last two centuries occurred. The wildfire scorched an area of 60.000 ha.s where the dominant vegetation types were fire adapted dry conifer forests (mainly Pinus brutia) and Mediterranean shrubs. Previous years’ precipitation patterns had encouraged fuel build up, and the extreme heat of the summer of 2021, coupled with the seasonal drought and strong winds provided suitable environmental conditions for the wildfire’s spread. The ignitions in this specific case were intentional, majority were targeted arsons, and a plausible reason behind the ultimate extent of the BA. Here, we show the simulation results from our sans-human model runs using ERA5-Land reanalysis dataset, and compare BAs to BAo for this catchment for 2021. Our ultimate aim in these series of experiments where the ignition source is non-human is initially to decipher the dynamics, and later to develop a methodology to assess the human influence in BA in Mediterranean type ecosystems in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin, under a changing climate. 

How to cite: Ekberzade, B., Avcıoğlu, A., and Görüm, T.: Determining the human signal in burned area under a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2313,, 2025.

EGU25-2467 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

The contribution of fires to PM2.5 and population exposure in Pacific Asia 

Hua Lu, Min Xie, Nan Wang, and Bojun Liu

Forest and vegetation fires are one of the major sources of air pollution and have triggered air quality issues in many regions of Pacific Asia. Here we isolate the fire-specific PM2.5 from monitoring concentrations using an observation-driven approach in the region. The total PM2.5 in Pacific Asia exhibited a rapid declining trend from 2014 to 2021, while fire-specific PM2.5 decreased in early years but begun to reverse, leading to an increasing proportions of fire-specific PM2.5 in recent years. The inconsistency between the decreasing number of fire points and the rising levels of fire-specific PM2.5 may be attributed to a shift in dominant sources of fire emissions in Pacific Asia, moving from anthropogenic agriculture fires to wildfires. Fire-related PM2.5 poses a significant public health threat in Pacific Asia, contributing to approximately 334,300 premature deaths each year. Our assessment highlights the disproportionate impact of fire-specific PM2.5 on poverty populations, indicating a pressing need for more attentions and researches in these regions. Based on the positive correlation between vapor pressure deficit and fire-specific PM2.5, this study suggests that without further regulation and policy intervention, the contributions of fire-specific PM2.5 to air pollution in Pacific Asia are likely to continue increasing under the influence of future climate change.

How to cite: Lu, H., Xie, M., Wang, N., and Liu, B.: The contribution of fires to PM2.5 and population exposure in Pacific Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2467,, 2025.

EGU25-3090 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Identifying Ignition Drivers of Lightning-Ignited Wildfires in Boreal Forests 

Brittany Engle, Ivan Bratoev, Morgan A. Crowley, Yanan Zhu, and Cornelius Senf

Forest fires are the primary disturbance agent in global boreal forests, and they play a significant role in shaping their composition and structure. Boreal forests are also considered a carbon sink but rising temperatures in high-latitude regions are likely increasing wildfire activity, raising concerns that they may become net carbon emitters. Climate change has also increased the frequency and intensity of fire weather in high-latitude boreal forests and is expected to increase the frequency of lightning, a major source of ignition, which could potentially lead to a substantial increase in burned areas. Lightning-ignited wildfires (LIW) pose unique challenges due to their ability to (i) smoulder for long periods of time undetected, (ii) form fire clusters, and (iii) resist suppression efforts. Understanding drivers of ignition is critical for ignition prediction and for optimizing resource allocation for fire managers. Understanding the dynamics of LIWs is, however, challenging due to lack of spatially explicit data that would allow for pan-Boreal analyses of ignition drivers.  

Current LIW research is thus heavily concentrated in regions with detailed fire data (like North America). In a past study, we filled this data gap by introducing the Temporal Minimum Distance (TMin) method, a new approach to match lightning strikes to wildfires without ignition location data (Engle et al. 2024). The TMin method outperformed current methodologies like the Daily Minimum Distance and the Maximum Index A by identifying 74.71% of fires in boreal forests. Using this method, a comprehensive dataset - BoLtFire - was developed, encompassing 6,228 fires larger than 200 ha spanning across the entire boreal forest from 2012 to 2022. When benchmarked to agency reference datasets, BoLtFire performed reasonably well, with an overall commission error of 30.06% and omission error of 53.63%, but global extent. 

To model lighting ignition efficiency, the BoLtFire dataset was enhanced to include location data for over 6,000 lightning strikes that did not result in a fire. This expanded dataset also now integrates “ignition drivers,” identified through modelling over 80 different lightning characteristic, climatic, topographic, and fuel-related variables to identify the most influential factors in the ignition process. This enriched dataset provides valuable insights into why certain lightning events trigger wildfires, while others do not. It thus enables more accurate ignition prediction and improved wildfire management strategies. This expanded dataset provides new opportunities to model ignition and spread dynamics for wildfires in boreal forests, deepening our understanding of lightning-driven fire activity. By addressing key knowledge gaps and advancing methodological approaches, this research contributes to a more comprehensive framework for mitigating the growing risks of wildfires in boreal regions and their potential impacts on one of the most important land carbon sinks. 

Engle, B., Bratoev, I., Crowley, M. A., Zhu, Y., and Senf, C.: Distribution and Characteristics of Lightning-Ignited Wildfires in Boreal Forests – the BoLtFire database, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2024. 

How to cite: Engle, B., Bratoev, I., Crowley, M. A., Zhu, Y., and Senf, C.: Identifying Ignition Drivers of Lightning-Ignited Wildfires in Boreal Forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3090,, 2025.

EGU25-3113 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

Biomass Burning Organic Aerosols as a Pool of Atmospheric Reactive Triplets to Drive Multiphase Sulfate Formation 

Zhancong Liang, Liyuan Zhou, Yuqing Chang, Yiming Qin, and Chak Keung Chan

Biomass-burning organic aerosol(s) (BBOA) are rich in brown carbon (BrC), which significantly absorbs solar irradiation and potentially accelerates global warming. Despite its importance, the multiphase photochemistry of BBOA after light absorption remains poorly understood due to challenges in determining the oxidant concentrations and the reaction kinetics within aerosol particles. In this study, we explored the photochemical reactivity of BBOA particles in multiphase S(IV) oxidation to sulfate. We found that sulfate formation in BBOA particles is predominantly driven by photosensitization involving the triplet excited states (3BBOA*) instead of iron, nitrate, and S(IV) photochemistry. Rates in BBOA particles are three orders of magnitude higher than those observed in the bulk solution, primarily due to the fast interfacial reactions. Our results highlight that the chemistry of 3BBOA* in particles can greatly contribute to the formation of sulfate, as an example of the secondary pollutants. Photosensitization of BBOA will likely become increasingly crucial due to the intensified global wildfires.

How to cite: Liang, Z., Zhou, L., Chang, Y., Qin, Y., and Chan, C. K.: Biomass Burning Organic Aerosols as a Pool of Atmospheric Reactive Triplets to Drive Multiphase Sulfate Formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3113,, 2025.

EGU25-3285 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Linking fire synchronicity in Europe to persistent weather regimes 

Xinhang Li, Raul Wood, and Manuela Brunner

Synchronous fires, that is fires co-occurring at different geographical locations within a few days of each other, challenge the distribution of firefighting resources among regions and can have more severe impacts on human health, infrastructure and environmental systems than individual fire events. However, so far very little is known about the occurrence, spatial patterns and the atmospheric drivers of synchronous fires in Europe.

In this work, we use fire observations from a global fire event dataset FRYv2.0 to (1) detect fire synchronicity between ten European regions during 2001–2020 and (2) link the occurrence of synchronous fires to seven dominant European-Atlantic weather regimes. To detect fire synchronicity, we apply complex network theory and an event synchronicity statistical framework to identify significant links between the ten regions. To analyze the relationship between synchronous fire events and dominant weather regimes, we use a conditional probability-based measure calculating the dependency of synchronous fires –between each region pair– on seven common European weather regimes. We perform 2000 block permutations to test the statistical significance of these dependencies. Lastly, we use the CERRA reanalysis data to analyze the seasonal anomalies of relevant atmospheric variables under each weather regime, including temperature, wind speed, precipitation and relative humidity.

We find multiple significant connections between regions across Europe showing fire synchronicity in spring, summer and fall. We show that (1) northern and western regions in Europe experience fire synchronicity in spring under the influence of blocking regimes (i.e., European and Scandinavian Blocking) which promote warm and dry conditions; (2) eastern regions show fire synchronicity in spring and fall during the Zonal Regime under warm and dry conditions; and (3) fire synchronicity in southern regions are significantly modulated by Scandinavian Troughs due to positive wind speed anomalies and dry conditions in spring and fall as well as by Atlantic Ridges due to positive wind speed anomalies in summer.

Our work reveals significant fire synchronicity across Europe with significant links to atmospheric circulation patterns. As the seven weather regimes have predictability on weekly to monthly time scales, our work might help to develop early warning systems for elevated risks of synchronous fires under climate change and improve fire emergency preparedness across different European regions. 

How to cite: Li, X., Wood, R., and Brunner, M.: Linking fire synchronicity in Europe to persistent weather regimes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3285,, 2025.

EGU25-3308 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Global Drivers of Post-Fire Ecosystem Recovery: Insights from Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence 

Yicheng Shen, Colin Prentice, and Sandy Harrison

The recovery time of ecosystems following wildfire significantly influences carbon sequestration rates, land-atmosphere exchanges, and hydrological processes. Post-fire recovery has been studied at local scales but there is a lack of comprehensive global-scale analyses. We used solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) to quantify the recovery of photosynthetic activity after more than 10,000 fires from diverse ecosystems. We used the relaxed lasso technique to identify key determinants of the length of time required for post-fire recovery, and used these to build a linear regression model. Our results show that vegetation characteristics, fire properties, and post-fire climatic conditions all influence recovery time. Gross primary production (GPP) is the most important determinant of recovery time: ecosystems with higher GPP recover faster. Fires with greater intensity and duration, which cause more extensive vegetation damage, are associated with longer recovery times. Post-fire climate also affects recovery time: anomalously high temperatures and temperature seasonality, and increased number of dry days, cause slower recovery, while above-average precipitation accelerates recovery. Recovery times vary between different biomes, potentially reflecting variations in plant fire adaptations: ecosystems with a higher abundance of resprouting plants recover more rapidly. These findings provide a global perspective on how vegetation responds to fire disturbances, offering insights into carbon and water cycle dynamics under changing climatic conditions.

How to cite: Shen, Y., Prentice, C., and Harrison, S.: Global Drivers of Post-Fire Ecosystem Recovery: Insights from Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3308,, 2025.

EGU25-3335 | Orals | BG1.1

A new probabilistic method to identify fire-igniting lightning events 

Jose V. Moris, Hugh G.P. Hunt, Pedro Álvarez-Álvarez, Marco Conedera, Francisco J. Gordillo-Vázquez, Jeff Lapierre, Francisco J. Pérez-Invernón, Nicolau Pineda, Gianni B. Pezzatti, Sander Veraverbeke, and Davide Ascoli

Lightning-induced ignitions play a major role shaping the frequency, patterns and characteristics of wildfires in several regions across the globe, including extreme wildfire events (e.g., Góis wildfire in 2017 in Portugal) and fire seasons, such as 2019-20 in Australia, 2020 in California, and 2023 in Canada. The attention to lightning-ignited wildfires has been growing in recent years. Studies on LIWs frequently associate lightning and wildfire data to discern or approximate the place and moment of fire ignition. This typically requires to select the lightning strike responsible for the ignition.

Currently, several methods are applied to select the most likely lightning strike causing the ignition. However, this selection is complicated by, at least, two aspects. First, the spatial uncertainty of fire and lightning data (e.g., the location errors of detected lightning events). Second, the holdover phenomenon. Holdover time, commonly defined as the time between lightning-induced fire ignition and fire detection, can range from a few minutes to several days, and more rarely to some weeks or even months. Long holdover times are associated to the presence of a smoldering phase that hinders the detection of these lightning fires.

Here, we present a novel method that uses location accuracy information from lightning location networks, as well as expected distributions of holdover time, to assess the probabilities of lightning igniting wildfires. Our method computes a probability metric, which is the product of two independent probabilities: a spatial and a temporal probability. The spatial component assesses the probability of a cloud-to-ground lightning event striking within a given area surrounding the fire discovery point, while the temporal component evaluates the probability of a lightning-ignited wildfire undergoing a certain holdover time. The lightning event with the maximum probability metric value is then selected as the most likely ignition source. We applied this method in three study areas: Switzerland, Catalonia (Spain), and California and Nevada (USA). The results were compared with lightning selections identified by the index of proximity, one of the currently most common methods to select the most likely ignition source of lightning-induced wildfires.

The initial results indicate that the probability metric yields a different selection of lightning events, in comparison with the index of proximity, for a great proportion of wildfires, with considerable differences across the study areas. We suggest that the probability metric provides a solid alternative to current methods. The probability metric offers some advantages: (1) it simplifies some methodological decisions despite the need for additional computations; (2) it is flexible and can be adapted to different types of lightning and fire data (e.g., fire perimeters); (3) it has a more robust theoretical basis than current methods; and (4) the lightning selection can be enhanced over time due to continuous improvements in lightning and fire databases.

How to cite: Moris, J. V., Hunt, H. G. P., Álvarez-Álvarez, P., Conedera, M., Gordillo-Vázquez, F. J., Lapierre, J., Pérez-Invernón, F. J., Pineda, N., Pezzatti, G. B., Veraverbeke, S., and Ascoli, D.: A new probabilistic method to identify fire-igniting lightning events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3335,, 2025.

EGU25-4352 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Rising Synchronicity of Extreme Fire Weather Across Europe in a Warming Climate  

Andrina Gincheva, Miguel Ángel Torres-Vázquez, Francesca Di Giuseppe, Alberto Moreno Torreira, Sonia Jerez, and Marco Turco

Synchronous extreme fire weather significantly heightens wildfire ignition and spread risk, potentially overwhelming firefighting efforts. Despite evidence of increasing fire weather extremes in a warming climate, the spatial-temporal synchronicity of these conditions remains understudied outside North America. This research investigates historical and projected changes in the synchronicity of extreme fire weather in Europe, employing the Fire Weather Index (FWI) from 1981–2022 and climate scenarios representing temperature increases (1°C to 6°C) and precipitation changes (-40% to +60%). 

Our findings reveal Central Europe as a significant hotspot, with synchronicity increases up to 389%, and the Mediterranean region experiencing a 66% rise. Synchronicity trends are driven by rising temperatures and shifting atmospheric circulation patterns, particularly in summer and autumn. Future projections suggest compounded fire risks across broader regions, requiring enhanced transnational coordination. This study emphasizes the growing need for proactive fire management strategies tailored to increasing synchronicity, including shared resource mechanisms like RescEU, and highlights the value of integrating synchronicity assessments into regional climate adaptation planning. This abstract is based on findings from a study accepted for publication in Environmental Research Letters.  


A.G. thanks to the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain for Ph.D. contract FPU19/06536. A.G., M.A.T-V., and M.T. acknowledge the support of the ONFIRE project, grant PID2021-123193OB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. M.T. acknowledges funding by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities through the Ramón y Cajal Grant Reference RYC2019-027115-I. This work was supported by the project ‘Climate and Wildfire Interface Study for Europe (CHASE)’ under the 6th Seed Funding Call by the European University for Well-Being (EUniWell). 

How to cite: Gincheva, A., Torres-Vázquez, M. Á., Di Giuseppe, F., Moreno Torreira, A., Jerez, S., and Turco, M.: Rising Synchronicity of Extreme Fire Weather Across Europe in a Warming Climate , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4352,, 2025.

Fires have great ecological, social, and economic impact. However, fire prediction and management remain challenges due to a limited understanding of their roles in the Earth system. Fires over southern Mexico and Central America (SMCA) are a good example of this, greatly impacting local air quality and regional climate. Here we report that the spring peak (April–May) of fire activities in this region has a distinct quasi-biennial signal based on multiple satellite datasets measuring different fire characteristics. The variability is initially driven by quasi-biennial variations in precipitation. Composite analysis indicates that strong fire years correspond to suppressed ascending motion and weakened precipitation over the SMCA. The anomalous precipitation over the SMCA is further found to be mostly related to the East Pacific–North Pacific (EP-NP) pattern 2 months prior to the fire season. The positive phase of the EP-NP leads to enhanced precipitation over the eastern US but suppressed precipitation over the SMCA, similar to the spatial pattern of precipitation differences between strong and weak fire years. Meanwhile, the quasi-biennial signals in precipitation and fires appear to be amplified by their interactions through a positive feedback loop at short timescales. Model simulations show that in strong fire years, more aerosol particles are released and transported downstream over the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern US, where suspended light-absorbing aerosols warm the atmosphere and cause the ascending motion of the air aloft. Subsequently, a compensating downward motion is formed over the region of the fire source and ultimately suppresses precipitation and intensifies fires. Statistical analysis shows the different durations of the two-way interaction, where the fire suppression effect of precipitation lasts for more than 20 d, while fire leads to a decrease in precipitation at shorter timescales (3–5 d). This study demonstrates the importance of fire–climate interactions in shaping the fire activities on an interannual scale and highlights how precipitation–fire interactions at short timescales contribute to the interannual variability in both fire and precipitation.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Qian, Y., and Wang, M.: Fire–precipitation interactions amplify the quasi-biennial variability in fires over southern Mexico and Central America , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5454,, 2025.

EGU25-6847 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

Changes in atmospheric oxidising capacity cause teleconnections between biomass burning and NH4NO3 formation 

Damaris Y. T. Tan, Mathew R. Heal, Massimo Vieno, David S. Stevenson, Stefan Reis, and Eiko Nemitz

Open biomass burning affects many aspects of the Earth system, including atmospheric chemistry and composition. Due to its impact on human health, we focus on the contribution of biomass burning emissions to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations on a global, annual mean basis, particularly the lesser-studied secondary inorganic component. We use the EMEP MSC-W WRF atmospheric chemistry transport model to show that biomass burning leads to increased ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) concentrations in densely populated regions not necessarily associated with large-scale fire activity. This is prominent in the eastern USA, northwestern Europe, the Indo-Gangetic Plane and eastern China, where NH4NO3 contributes between 29 and 51% to annual mean biomass burning-derived PM2.5. Pyrogenic CO and NOx (NO and NO2) emissions alter the global-scale oxidising capacity of the atmosphere, affecting how local-scale anthropogenic NOx and NH3 emissions lead to formation of NH4NO3. These teleconnections can locally increase, by up to a factor of two, the contribution of biomass burning emissions to PM2.5 concentrations, which measurements alone cannot detect. This will become relatively more important as anthropogenic sources of PM2.5 are reduced, and with potentially intensified biomass burning occurrences under climate change.

How to cite: Tan, D. Y. T., Heal, M. R., Vieno, M., Stevenson, D. S., Reis, S., and Nemitz, E.: Changes in atmospheric oxidising capacity cause teleconnections between biomass burning and NH4NO3 formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6847,, 2025.

EGU25-7107 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Development of a Wildfire Risk Prediction System based on Deep Learning Methods and Remote Sensing 

Jhony Alexander Sanchez Vargas, Johannes Heisig, Marco Painho, and Mana Gharun

Wildfires pose a significant threat to ecosystems, human life, and infrastructure, particularly in South America, where diverse climatic and environmental factors contribute to their occurrence. Climate change has exacerbated extreme weather conditions such as intense heat and drought, leading to a global increase in the frequency and intensity of wildfires. Countries like Brazil have experienced significant rises in wildfire damage, highlighting the urgent need for predictive models that accurately assess future wildfire risks to mitigate their impact effectively. This thesis addresses this need by developing a wildfire risk prediction system leveraging deep learning methods and remote sensing data.

Using Earth Observation (EO) APIs, the system avoids downloading and storing vast amounts of satellite imagery, enabling efficient data acquisition and preprocessing. The study focuses on key variables that influence wildfire activity, including dynamic variables such as Land Surface Temperature (LST), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), radiation, Leaf Area Index (LAI), evapotranspiration (ET), wind speed, and temperature, as well as static variables like land cover, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and population density. The system is designed to predict wildfire risk for the next day and up to eight days, offering a robust tool for proactive wildfire management.

Given the stochastic and nonlinear nature of wildfire phenomena, this research employs advanced deep learning techniques, including Random Forests (RF), Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTM), and Convolutional LSTM (ConvLSTM) models, to predict wildfire risk in near real-time. Active fire data from MODIS products, along with their burn dates, serve as the basis for training datasets. Non-fire points are generated by mapping the land cover distribution of fire points, ensuring balanced datasets for model training. Variables are extracted and classified into dynamic and static categories to capture both temporal variability and fixed geographical characteristics.

The objectives of this research are threefold: (1) to investigate existing remote sensing-based wildfire management methodologies and identify enhancements through the integration of data cubes and deep learning; (2) to develop a scalable platform for efficient data acquisition, preprocessing, and risk prediction using deep learning algorithms; and (3) to evaluate the system’s accuracy, efficiency, and scalability with real-world datasets and disaster scenarios.

Preliminary results highlight the effectiveness of integrating remote sensing data with deep learning models for wildfire risk prediction. Dynamic variables such as EVI, LST, and NDVI, along with human influence factors like Global Human Modification Index (gHM), emerged as key predictors, demonstrating the interplay of environmental and anthropogenic drivers in wildfire occurrences. Seasonal analysis from 2021 to 2024 revealed a strong correlation between fire activity, elevated temperatures, and declining vegetation indices from November to April. The Random Forest model achieved 83% accuracy, while the LSTM model showed promise with 75% accuracy, emphasizing the potential of both static and temporal data. These findings lay a robust foundation for enhancing wildfire risk management through advanced machine-learning approaches.

How to cite: Sanchez Vargas, J. A., Heisig, J., Painho, M., and Gharun, M.: Development of a Wildfire Risk Prediction System based on Deep Learning Methods and Remote Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7107,, 2025.

Wildfire smoke is increasingly recognized as a significant source of air pollution that leads to public health issues. Over the past few decades, air pollution in Canada has been reduced due to effective regulations. However, fine particulate emissions (i.e., particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5)) from wildfires have shown upward trends as climate change exacerbates the frequency and likelihood of wildfires. According to the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) in 2021, there were 18% more fire starts and nearly a 61% increase in the total area burned compared to the past 10-year average in Canada. The emissions inventories used for modeling the impact of fires on air quality and climate exhibit several discrepancies in emissions estimates, primarily due to the different types of satellite products used for identifying fires and measuring burned area, as well as differences in emission factors describing the vegetative fuels burned. This variability of fire emission inventories leads to uncertainties in  predicting air quality. Using the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model, we studied how differences in emissions estimates among three commonly used global biomass burning inventories—the Global Fire Emissions Database 4 (GFED4), the Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS), and the Quick-Fire Emissions Database 2 (QFED2)—and a newly developed  regional biomass burning emission inventory, the Canadian Forest Fire Emissions Prediction System (CFFEPS), affect modeled concentrations of PM2.5 during the 2021 wildfire season in Canada. To examine the sensitivity of simulated PM2.5 to different biomass burning emission datasets, we compared them with ground based PM2.5 data from 70 NAPS (National Air Pollution Surveillance) stations across Canada, from east to west. The simulated PM2.5 concentrations showed significant variation in model performance based on the geographic location of the monitoring stations, particularly between the western and eastern regions of Canada. These findings indicate the importance of considering the strengths and weaknesses of each fire inventory, as some inventories may more accurately represent fire emissions in certain regions than others.

How to cite: Ashraf, S., Hayes, P., Stevens, R., and Chen, J.: Evaluating the Effect of Variability in Biomass Burning Emissions Inventories on Modeled Smoke Concentrations: Insights from the 2021 Canadian Wildfire Season, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7351,, 2025.

EGU25-8307 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Vegetation fires as a source of soil-dust particles – a global model perspective 

Robert Wagner, Ina Tegen, and Kerstin Schepanski

Vegetation fires are well known as an important source of aerosol particles originating from the combustion of carbonaceous material. Much less known is that these fires can also efficiently inject soil-dust particles into the atmosphere, raised by the strong fire-induced winds. These soil-dust particles and the likely co-emitted biogenic particles are potent cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nucleating particles (INPs), and can substantially alter the cloud microphysics and thus impact the Earth’s radiation budget. Fires are an integral component of the Earth system that affect different landscapes around the globe. As they are supposed to get more frequent and more severe along with the ongoing global warming, a better knowledge of these specific fire emissions is crucial to understand their impacts on weather and climate.

Therefore, this work investigates the potential of wildfires to emit soil-dust particles on a global scale as a part of the newly established Leibniz ScienceCampus “BioSmoke” (‘smoke and bioaerosols in a changing climate’). As this particular dust emission pathway is not considered by the state-of-the-art dust emission models, a parameterization describing fire-induced dust emission fluxes has been developed and implemented into the global aerosol-climate model ICON-HAM. Fire-dust emissions are modelled as a function of the fire radiative power (FRP), the ambient wind conditions, and further soil-surface properties, including the soil type and a vegetation-dependent surface roughness correction.

Multi-year ICON-HAM simulations have revealed that fire-related dust emissions can account for up to one fifth of the total global dust emissions with strong regional and seasonal variations, both as the result of a varying fire activity and the local soil-surface conditions that can foster or impede also fire-dust emission significantly. In regions where the classic wind-driven dust emissions from arid, unvegetated soil surfaces are rather low but wildfires occur frequently, e.g., in large parts of the Southern hemisphere, fire-related dust emissions can add substantially to the atmospheric aerosol load and affect the local radiation budget there.

How to cite: Wagner, R., Tegen, I., and Schepanski, K.: Vegetation fires as a source of soil-dust particles – a global model perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8307,, 2025.

EGU25-8637 | Orals | BG1.1

The real drivers of the ML revolution in fire forecasting 

Francesca Di Giuseppe, Joe Mc Norton, Fredrik Wetterhall, and Anna Lombardi

Recent advancements in machine learning (ML) have significantly broadened its applications, including the potential to transition from forecasting fire weather to predicting actual fire activity. In this study, we demonstrate the feasibility of this transition using an operational forecasting system. By integrating data on human and natural ignitions along with observed fire activity, data-driven models effectively address the persistent overprediction of fire danger in fuel-limited biomes. This results in fewer false alarms and more informative outputs compared to traditional methods.

A key factor driving this improvement is the availability of global datasets for fuel dynamics and fire detection, which were not accessible during the development of earlier physics-based models. We find that the enhanced predictive skill of ML models stems largely from the comprehensive characterization of fire processes provided by these datasets, rather than from the complexity of the ML methods themselves.

As enthusiasm gather around  data-driven approaches, our findings highlight the critical importance of high-quality training data in improving forecast accuracy. While the rapid advancement of ML techniques generates excitement, there is a risk of undervaluing the essential role of data acquisition and, where necessary, its creation through physical modeling. Our results underscore that investing in robust datasets is indispensable and should not be overlooked in the pursuit of  very complex algorithm.

How to cite: Di Giuseppe, F., Mc Norton, J., Wetterhall, F., and Lombardi, A.: The real drivers of the ML revolution in fire forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8637,, 2025.

EGU25-8708 | Orals | BG1.1

Evaluation of fire emissions for HTAP3 with CAMS GFAS and IFS-COMPO 

Johannes Kaiser, Vincent Huijnen, Samuel Remy, Martin A. Ytre-Eide, Mark C. De Jong, Bo Zheng, and Christine Wiedinmyer

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service CAMS is using ECMWF's Integrated Forecasting System IFS-COMPO with fire emissions from its Global Fire Assimilations System GFAS to monitor and forecast the effect of smoke from vegetation fires, resp. biomass burning, on atmospheric composition. The simulated atmospheric composition fields are routinely validated against observations including from satellites, aircraft and ground stations.

The emissions calculation by the operational GFAS version 1.2 have recently been updated for use in the upcoming HTAP3 multi-model, multi-pollutant study of fire impacts (Whaley et al. 2024), creating the dataset GFAS4HTAP. It is based on the dry matter burnt estimates of GFASv1.2, and uses an updated spurious signal mask, ESA CCI land cover data for 2018, a global peat map (Xu et al. 2018) and emission factors from NEIVA (Shahid et al. 2024) to calculate emission fluxes for various smoke constituents for 2003-2024. An additional GFAS-based dataset has been created by calibration against GFED5beta.

Global comparisons of dry matter, resp. biomass, combustion rates of the three GFAS-based inventories with GFED4s, GFED5beta, and the two variants of FINN2.5 reveal that these inventories can be roughly classified into one group of "traditional" inventories with lower fire activity, resp. emissions, and another of "more recent" inventories with higher fire activity. The pyrogenic carbon monoxide emission estimates from an inversion of satellite observations of atmospheric composition (Zheng et al. 2019) lie between these two groups in terms of global annual values. However, at a global level, they are more consistent with the "more recent" inventories during the late boreal summer peak of the global fire activity and with the "traditional" inventories during periods of lower fire activity.

In order to gain more insight from independent validation, we here present simulations with IFS-COMPO for 2019 based on the three GFAS-based inventories and compare these with atmospheric observations of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and aerosol optical depth. We find that the best agreement of simulation and observations is achieved by different inventories for different regions, seasons and smoke constituents. However, the emissions of the GFAS4HTAP dataset appears to lead to the overall most balanced atmospheric composition simulation. This supports the group of "traditional" inventories mentioned above.

How to cite: Kaiser, J., Huijnen, V., Remy, S., Ytre-Eide, M. A., De Jong, M. C., Zheng, B., and Wiedinmyer, C.: Evaluation of fire emissions for HTAP3 with CAMS GFAS and IFS-COMPO, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8708,, 2025.

As the climate warmings, the frequency and intensity of wildfires have escalated in recent decades.  While the adverse effects of wildfires on air quality are well-documented, their influence on atmospheric ozone in China remains unclear. Here, we apply deep learning and a trajectory-fire interception method (TFIM) to estimate wildfire contributions to ozone concentrations in Chinese cities from 2015 to 2023. Our findings indicate that wildfires influenced 15.1 ± 9.3% of all days during this period, with a wildfire-induced ozone concentration averaging 6.8 μg m-³. Over the nine-year study period, these concentrations exhibited a modest upward trend, increasing by 0.091 μg m⁻³ annually. Regions such as Southwest China, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and Northwest China experienced the highest levels of wildfire-induced ozone. We further utilize SHapley Additive exPlanations algorithms to investigate driving factor behind wildfire-induced ozone. The burnt area, aging hour, and injection height of smoke have a large effect on wildfire-induced ozone concentrations. Finally, we evaluated the health impacts of wildfire-induced ozone, highlighting its significant implications for public health in affected regions.

How to cite: Liu, S.: Explainable deep learning reveal the contribution of wildfire to ozone in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8751,, 2025.

EGU25-9010 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

Global fire regimes, their non-fire characteristics, and changes in time. 

Eleanor Butler, Sebastian Sippel, and Ana Bastos

Fires as a disturbance regime are an important component of ecosystems, and are involved in many feedback loops within these systems such as climate-carbon feedbacks. The changing climate can influence fire regimes in multiple ways, both directly and indirectly. For example, changing weather patterns can directly alter the occurrence and timing of fire weather days. Weather patterns also influence vegetation growth and ecosystem composition, leading to changes in fuel availability and flammability. Meanwhile, humans also partially shape fire regimes via accidental and managed ignitions as well as various suppression measures.

In this study, we use 35 years of remote sensing data to establish global pyromes; regions of similar fire regimes, via their fire characteristics. This length of data period allows for the allocation of pyromes across multiple time segments, and for changes in their prevalence and spatial distribution to be observed. We have found that the majority of pyrome transitions occurring are shifts towards smaller or less frequent fires, and these transitions are widespread across the globe. However, some regions such as the Northern high latitudes, the Western United States, and Northern Australia are shown to experience larger or more frequent fires in the final observation segment of the study.

Following on from this, we use statistical methods to investigate relationships between pyromes and a wide variety of non-fire properties, including climate, vegetation, and human influence. This allows for inference of the most relevant drivers of pyrome change, both climatic and non-climatic. Initial results suggest for example, that population density is a more important predictor for pyromes with small and medium sized fires. However, there are significant challenges to disentangling the effects of such complex drivers within a relatively short observational period. Nevertheless, it is possible to build a picture of plausible fire regime evolution in regions with shifting environmental components.

How to cite: Butler, E., Sippel, S., and Bastos, A.: Global fire regimes, their non-fire characteristics, and changes in time., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9010,, 2025.

EGU25-9049 | Posters on site | BG1.1

The Sensitivity of High Latitude Wildfires and their impacts on Atmospheric Composition to underlying driving processes in the UK’s Earth System Model (UKESM) 

Steven Turnock, João Teixeira, Chantelle Burton, Katie Blackford, Stephen Arnold, and Fiona O'Connor

Wildfires have a significant influence on the Earth system through perturbing the carbon cycle and also emitting large quantities of short lived climate forcers (SLCFs) such as aerosol precursors (black and organic carbon) and gases that can lead to ozone formation (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides). SLCFs are important as they affect the Earth’s radiative balance, influencing climate, and also can have important impacts on air quality in the near-surface atmosphere. Climate change and human interference also have important effects on the size, magnitude and duration of wildfires, which are important to understand further, particularly in the context of a changing climate. Such influences are potentially important in the northern high latitudes, where wildfires have been increasing in magnitude and frequency over the last few decades. Here, we present an evaluation of the representation of high latitude wildfires in a configuration of UKESM with an interactive fire module (INFERNO) coupled to chemistry, aerosol and radiation schemes.  We also show results from sensitivity studies analysing the influence of model process drivers on high latitude wildfires and their impacts on atmospheric composition over the recent past, including from changes in climate, socio-economic factors and underlying vegetation properties.

The baseline configuration of UKESM coupled with INFERNO shows an underestimation of burnt area from high latitude wildfires over the period 2000 to 2015 compared to that reported by GFED4s. The sensitivity scenarios show that this underestimation is found to be strongly driven by the human suppression factor included within INFERNO. The underestimation in burnt area is also reflected in the emission of SLCFs from high latitude wildfires e.g. CO, with implications for both climate and air quality. The INFERNO fire scheme does not currently include the representation of peat fires, which are important sources in the high latitude. When we include a representation of SLCF emissions from high latitude peat fires, the magnitude and temporal variability of such emissions are much improved in the model and compare better with those in GFED4s. Including this additional source also increases the contribution of wildfires to particulate air pollution and the degradation in surface air quality simulated by the model over the northern high latitudes. The interactive fire model coupled within UKESM is shown to underestimate high latitude wildfires due to missing sources and the representation of human interactions in this region. This has important consequences for regional air quality and climate in an area of the world experiencing rapid changes to its climate.

How to cite: Turnock, S., Teixeira, J., Burton, C., Blackford, K., Arnold, S., and O'Connor, F.: The Sensitivity of High Latitude Wildfires and their impacts on Atmospheric Composition to underlying driving processes in the UK’s Earth System Model (UKESM), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9049,, 2025.

The backscattering linear depolarization ratio (LDR) is a key parameter to identify particle types. Previous studies on smoke LDR have shown significant differences in their measurements, with the magnitudes varying widely under different study scenarios. Single-particle models involving internally mixed black carbon (BC) are applied to assess the LDR of smoke aerosols. However, handicaps have been found to apply such models to describe the bulk optical properties of aerosols, because of their overlook of the contribution of externally mixed organic carbon (OC) to the LDR. Smoke aerosols typically consist of a low proportion of BC particle population and a high proportion of externally mixed OC particle population. If the spherical assumption is applied to the calculation of smoke LDRs, the LDRs turned to be extremely low even approach zero. This leads to difficulties in explaining the observed variability and higher levels of smoke LDR. We conducted a prescribed burning experiment in Xichang, Sichuan Province, China, and did onsite measurement on the LDR of smoke at a wavelength (λ) of 532 nm using atmospheric laser lidar. Field smoke particles were collected using a single-particle sampler and the morphology of particles was then characterized by the transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results indicated that the LDR of local smoke varied between 0 and 20.1%, with rapid fluctuations. The TEM images confirmed the coexistence of both internally mixed BC and externally mixed OC in the smoke aerosols, with OC displaying an ellipsoidal morphology even on copper grids. Using the discrete dipole approximation, we subsequently evaluated the LDR of individual BC and OC. Based on light scattering theory, we further quantified the bulk LDRs of the aerosol aerosols. The results shown that the smoke LDR ranged from 0.0% to 28.2% in λ = 532 nm while accounting for the effect of externally mixed OC. The LDR is slightly influenced by BC and is significantly affected by the externally mixed OC. Furthermore, the LDR is primarily governed by the morphology and particle size distribution of the externally mixed OC. It is concluded that the high levels and rapid variations in the LDRs of smoke can be largely attributed by the non-sphericity and particle size distribution of externally mixed OC. This study advances the methodologies for LDR measurements and evaluations of smoke aerosols from biomass burning.

How to cite: Qin, Z., Zhang, Q., Wang, H., and Zhang, Y.: The role of non-sphericity of externally mixed organic carbon in altering the backscattering linear depolarization ratio of smoke aerosols from biomass burning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9452,, 2025.

EGU25-10591 | Posters on site | BG1.1

Fire proneness of Mediterranean pyroregions is positively linked to tree functional traits indicative of fire-modulated responses 

José Maria Costa-Saura, Gabriele Midolo, Carlo Ricotta, Mara Baudena, Carlo Calfapietra, Mario Elia, Paolo Fiorucci, Simone Mereu, Costantino Sirca, Donatella Spano, Giana Vivaldo, and Gianluigi Ottaviani

Fire is a natural phenomenon that modulates form, function, diversity and distribution of plant species affecting ecosystem dynamics. Global warming and land use change are altering fire regimens potentially threating ecosystem functioning and species persistence. However, pyrogeographical studies aiming to understand differences across fire regimens are usually not considering the role played of plant functional traits. Here, based on a recent pyroregionalization in Italy and using species distribution data from the Italian National Forest Inventory and trait values from public databases we assessed if: 1) species distribution across different pyroregions is affected by fire regime, 2) species in different pyroregions exhibit distinct fire-related trait values, and, if so, 3) trait differences suggest better abilities to cope with fire in species distributed in more fire-prone regions (e.g. thicker bark). Our results tend to positively answer our questions suggesting the necessity of including fire-related traits when studying pyroregions. Noticeably, our study showed that the most fire-prone pyroregions collapse into one region from a functional perspective, with species characterized by highly similar trait values and indicative of fire adaptations.

How to cite: Costa-Saura, J. M., Midolo, G., Ricotta, C., Baudena, M., Calfapietra, C., Elia, M., Fiorucci, P., Mereu, S., Sirca, C., Spano, D., Vivaldo, G., and Ottaviani, G.: Fire proneness of Mediterranean pyroregions is positively linked to tree functional traits indicative of fire-modulated responses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10591,, 2025.

EGU25-12104 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Large eddy simulations of the Williams Flat Fire: Aqueous chemistry in pyrocumulous clouds 

Simon Rosanka, Timothy Juliano, Ann Marie Carlton, and Mary Barth

Wildfires are an increasing concern for climate change, air quality and recognized for their substantial impacts on atmospheric composition. In addition to significant emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and particular matter (PM), biomass burning events are characterized by substantial non-CO2 emissions, which encompass a wide range of species. These emissions significantly influence atmospheric chemistry at a regional to global scale. Particularly in regions with ample fuel sources and hot, dry, or windy meteorological conditions, surface fires can lead to high-intensity crown fires and frequent downwind spotting. In certain circumstances, the intense formation of crown fires triggers the development of pyrocumulonimbus (PyroCb) atop smoke columns, which ascend to the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) and thus promote the dispersion of the fire emissions within wide regions. On August 2, 2019, the Williams Flats Fire ignited due to lightning from early morning thunderstorms in eastern Washington, USA. The main fire activity occurred between August 2 and August 9. On August 8, the high intensity crown fires led to the formation of a PyroCb. This event was observed and probed by the joint NOAA and NASA FIREX-AQ field campaign, providing a unique observation dataset. In this study, we utilize the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) to assess the impact of the Williams Flats fires on the atmospheric composition. In particular, we couple the representation of detailed multi-phase chemistry (WRF-CHEM) with WRF’s fire spread model (WRF-FIRE), employing WRF’s Large Eddy Simulation capabilities to resolve turbulence at resolutions of 100 m. In this presentation, results from WRF-FIRE-CHEM simulations with and without aqueous-phase chemistry will be shown to isolate its effects on the long-range transport of trace gases and aerosols.

How to cite: Rosanka, S., Juliano, T., Carlton, A. M., and Barth, M.: Large eddy simulations of the Williams Flat Fire: Aqueous chemistry in pyrocumulous clouds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12104,, 2025.

Machine learning (ML) models are widely used to predict wildfire occurrence and susceptibility (Brys et al., 2025). However, while these models excel at prediction, they often fail to provide insights into their inner workings or uncover the causal pathways driving wildfires. This study addresses this limitation by extending ML models beyond prediction to explore the drivers and causal pathways underlying wildfire occurrence. Our primary aim is to identify meaningful, interpretable patterns from wildfire data.

We developed a novel multi-stage clustering methodology inspired by Cooper et al. (2021) and Cohen et al. (2024). This approach integrates feature attribution (SHAP values), dimensionality reduction (UMAP), hierarchical clustering (HDBSCAN), and causal discovery methods: PC and FCI (Spirtes et al., 2001), and DirectLiNGAM (Shimizu et al., 2011). The causal methods were enhanced with prior background knowledge to derive meaningful insights. We used datasets from Italy (Cilli et al., 2022) and the Netherlands.

A central feature of our methodology is the use of SHAP values to define subgroups and derive causal pathways. SHAP values reduce noise in the feature space while preserving critical information for clustering. By reducing multidimensional SHAP values to two dimensions with UMAP, we improved clustering performance and interpretability. The resulting clusters were described using concise, non-overlapping decision rules based on the original variables, eliminating the need for manual filtering commonly required in clustering raw feature space. The identified clusters revealed specific relationships between wildfire drivers and occurrence. For each cluster, we applied advanced causal discovery techniques to derive probable causal pathways, aligning the findings with the knowledge of stakeholders and domain experts. These actionable and interpretable explanations offer practical utility.

Findings from the case studies demonstrate that supervised clustering effectively characterizes wildfire occurrence by linking it to influencing factors. Furthermore, the approach provides valuable insights into cluster-specific causal pathways. The methodology translates complex relationships into simple causal logic, offering stakeholders and domain experts the necessary context to understand the model's behavior.


Brys, C., La Red Martínez, D.L. & Marinelli, M. Machine learning methods for wildfire risk assessment. Earth Science Informatics 18, 148 (2025).

Cilli, R., Elia, M., D’Este, M., Giannico, V., Amoroso, N., Sanesi, G., Lombardi, A., Pantaleo, E., Monaco, A., Tangaro, S., Bellotti, R. & Lafortezza, R. (2022). Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) detects wildfire occurrence in the Mediterranean countries of Southern Europe. Scientific Reports 12, 16349.

Cohen, J., Huan, X. & Ni, J. (2024). Shapley-based explainable AI for clustering applications in fault diagnosis and prognosis. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 35, 4071-4086.

Cooper, A., Doyle, O. & Bourke, A. (2021). Supervised clustering for subgroup discovery: An application to covid-19 symptomatology. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1525, 408–422.

Shimizu, S., Inazumi, T., Sogawa, Y., Hyvärinen, A., Kawahara, Y., Washio, T., Hoyer, P. O., & Bollen, K. (2011). DirectLiNGAM: A direct method for learning a linear non-Gaussian structural equation model. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12, 1225–1248.

Spirtes, P., Glymour, C. & Scheines, R. (2001). Causation, Prediction, and Search. Second Edition. MIT Press.


How to cite: Korving, H. and Van Marle, M.: Decoding Wildfires - Extracting Interpretations and Causal Pathways of Catalysts for Wildfire Occurrence from Machine Learning Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12889,, 2025.

EGU25-13378 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

Using AI-enabled wildfire risk maps to communicate risk: the role of labelling, information presentation, perceived trustworthiness and emotion in shaping perceived risk in Veluwe, Netherlands 

Milica Mijailovic, Alyson Ranucci, Christoph Geib, Bettina Nardelli, Eva Koppen, Futaba Tamura, and Paul Kandathil Parambil

Rising temperatures and changing climate conditions have increased wildfire risk across the world, including in regions such as The Netherlands that have not historically faced these threats. With this trend expected to continue, understanding risk perceptions among individuals with little to no wildfire experience becomes crucial for mitigating the impacts and designing effective risk communication strategies.

Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) wildfire mapping tools have proven highly effective in identifying areas susceptible to wildfires, particularly in detecting low-probability incidents by uncovering subtle patterns often missed by traditional methods. For example, machine learning (ML) wildfire risk maps developed by MEJOR Technologies have accurately predicted wildfire locations in The Netherlands in the past. Despite the potential, the use of these tools as communication instruments to improve wildfire risk perception among the public remains largely unexplored.

Through an online randomised experiment conducted among a sample of residents in the Veluwe area of The Netherlands, we empirically assess how AI-generated labelling (AI label, ML label, or no label) and information presentation formats (map, text, or combined) affect individuals’ perceived wildfire risk. Additionally, we investigate whether perceived trustworthiness in technologies and emotion mediate these effects, providing deeper insights into the cognitive and affective processes that shape how individuals in this area perceive wildfire risk. By leveraging our results, policy makers and AI mapping developers can design effective communication interventions and improve public preparedness in the face of wildfires. While our findings are specific to wildfires in the Veluwe area, they may also hold relevance for understanding the perception of other low-probability hazards among individuals with little to no prior exposure.

How to cite: Mijailovic, M., Ranucci, A., Geib, C., Nardelli, B., Koppen, E., Tamura, F., and Kandathil Parambil, P.: Using AI-enabled wildfire risk maps to communicate risk: the role of labelling, information presentation, perceived trustworthiness and emotion in shaping perceived risk in Veluwe, Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13378,, 2025.

EGU25-13774 | Orals | BG1.1

Modelling interactive fires: climate-fire feedbacks on fire characteristics and multi-model projects 

Cynthia Whaley, Ruth Digby, Vivek Arora, Jack Chen, Paul Makar, Kerry Anderson, Debora Griffin, Terry Keating, Tim Butler, Jacek Kaminski, and Rosa Wu

There are multiple feedback mechanisms between wildfires and climate, such as temperature, emissions, cloud interactions, deposition, and land cover changes. Wildfires can also have large societal and ecological impacts and are considered as an extreme climate event. Despite this, most Earth System Models have, until recently, used prescribed fire emissions and fire plume injection heights for input into their atmospheric models that were unresponsive to climate changes. Fire plume heights, in particular, have a great influence on the radiative forcing and long-range transport of pollutants. This presentation will show recent results from global modelling of interactive fires (land-atmosphere) in the Canadian Earth System Model (CanESM), with a focus on key wildfire characteristics, such as aerosol emissions and fire plume height. These model improvements introduce the capacity to more accurately simulate future projections of wildfire characteristics under different climate scenarios. The upcoming applications of these improvements include experiments for the Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (HTAP) Fires project, AerChemMIP2, and Aerocom. HTAP Fires is a multi-model, multi-pollutant study with the goal of improving global fire modelling and using the multi-model ensembles to provide estimates of fire-related pollution for impact studies and policy makers.

How to cite: Whaley, C., Digby, R., Arora, V., Chen, J., Makar, P., Anderson, K., Griffin, D., Keating, T., Butler, T., Kaminski, J., and Wu, R.: Modelling interactive fires: climate-fire feedbacks on fire characteristics and multi-model projects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13774,, 2025.

EGU25-13861 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

Interactive Fire Emissions Coupled with Climate and Chemistry in GFDL’s Earth System Model version 4.1 

Arman Pouyaei, Paul Ginoux, Elena Shevliakova, and Sergey Malyshev

Fire plays a critical role in the Earth system, both as a driver and responder to climate change. Variations in vegetation cover and ignition patterns, influenced by climate, affect fire behavior, while fire emissions impact climate by altering radiative fluxes and cloud properties. Despite these interactions, most global climate models fail to fully represent the dynamic interplay between vegetation, fire, and climate. In this study, we leverage the prognostic fire module from GFDL’s Land Model (LM4.1), which includes dynamic vegetation processes, to interactively calculate biomass burning emissions and injection heights. Emissions are then coupled with the atmospheric chemistry and aerosol component (AM4.1) in GFDL’s Earth System Model version 4.1 (ESM4.1). The model calculates fire radiative power (FRP) from fire spread rates and fuel content, using it alongside atmospheric parameters like boundary layer height and Brunt-Väisälä frequency in the Sofiev injection height scheme. Fire emissions are calculated using carbon release rates from biomass estimated by the land model and emission factors from Akagi et al. (2011) and Andreae and Merlet (2001), and these emissions are integrated directly into the atmospheric model for interactive coupling. 

We conducted a coupled simulation in AMIP mode and compared the modeled emissions with the observation-based Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED4.1s). Preliminary results show a promising agreement for global fire emissions of trace gases and aerosols during the 1997–2014 period, with seasonal variability falling within the error margins of observed emissions. We then compared results from interactive fire emissions experiment with a fixed fire emission experiment to analyze the direct radiative effects of fire-emitted aerosols. By treating fire emissions as an interactive component of the Earth system, rather than as a prescribed external forcing, this approach enables a more comprehensive representation of fire-climate feedback and enhances the assessment of radiative effects from fire aerosols.

How to cite: Pouyaei, A., Ginoux, P., Shevliakova, E., and Malyshev, S.: Interactive Fire Emissions Coupled with Climate and Chemistry in GFDL’s Earth System Model version 4.1, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13861,, 2025.

EGU25-14193 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

Understanding Wildfire Emissions: From Composition to Variability, and their Link to Fire Characteristics  

Yingxiao Zhang, Mary Barth, Louisa Emmons, Makoto Kelp, Timothy Juliano, Wenfu Tang, Rebecca Hornbrook, and Eric Apel

Wildfires emit a complex mixture of trace gases and aerosols that significantly impact air quality, climate, and atmospheric chemistry. Key trace gases include carbon dioxide (CO₂), carbon monoxide (CO), nitric oxide (NO), methane (CH₄), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Wildfire-generated aerosols predominantly consist of organic carbon (OC), black carbon (BC), and secondary organic aerosols (SOA). Over recent decades, the frequency and intensity of wildfires, particularly in the western United States, have risen due to warmer temperatures and prolonged periods of drought. This trend has led to increased fire activity and smoke emissions, causing wildfires to be a growing contributor to regional and global aerosol forcing, in turn affecting the Earth's radiation budget and climate system. However, substantial uncertainties remain in estimating the composition and quantity of wildfire emissions.

Large variability in biomass burning aerosol estimates across different fire emission inventories poses challenges for accurate air quality and climate impact assessments. To address these challenges, we leverage observational data from the FIREX-AQ and WE-CAN campaigns to investigate how wildfire characteristics such as individual fire size, fire radiative power, and fuel composition influence the chemical composition of wildfire emissions, particularly VOCs. We then develop and apply an artificial neural network in tandem with dimensionality reduction methods to estimate smoke chemistry utilizing fire characteristics. Our machine learning model's results are compared with existing observations and current fire emission inventories to improve our understanding of wildfire emissions and their impacts.

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Barth, M., Emmons, L., Kelp, M., Juliano, T., Tang, W., Hornbrook, R., and Apel, E.: Understanding Wildfire Emissions: From Composition to Variability, and their Link to Fire Characteristics , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14193,, 2025.

EGU25-14573 | Orals | BG1.1

Intense transport of smoke to the Central Andes: Insights from a unique set of instruments located in the Bolivian Andean Cordillera 

Marcos Andrade, Laura Ticona, Fernando Velarde, Decker Guzman, Luis Blacutt, Ricardo Forno, Rene Gutierrez, Isabel Moreno, Fabricio Avila, Gaelle Uzu, Philippe Goloub, Michel Ramonet, Olivier Laurent, Alfred Wiedensohler, Kay Weinhold, Radovan Krejci, Diego Aliaga, David Whiteman, and Paolo Laj

In 2024, Bolivia experienced the worst year of fires since 2002, when Aqua MODIS began collecting data. According to estimates, more than 15 million hectares were burned this year. A sunphotometer sitting in the Bolivian lowlands recorded AOD values higher than two for several continuous days indicating the degradation of the air quality in the region. A unique set of instruments located in the Bolivian Andes recorded the transport of smoke produced by this biomass burning. Very high values of atmospheric tracers like carbon monoxide, equivalent black carbon, and others have been measured as high as 5240 m asl  at the Chacaltaya GAW station (CHC, 16.35ºS, 68.13ºW, 5240 m asl) and other sites around it both in the Altiplano and adjacent high altitude valleys. Although transport to these sites was observed previously, usually the events lasted one or two days. However, in 2024 longer periods of consecutive days with smoke arriving from the lowlands were observed for a second year in a row. Similar high values were observed in CHC in October of 2023, a year with less than half of fires in the country. The conditions that led to the transport of smoke to the mountains in the Andean Cordillera will be discussed, as well as the possible effects of the associated deforestation in terms of water availability for the central Andes.

How to cite: Andrade, M., Ticona, L., Velarde, F., Guzman, D., Blacutt, L., Forno, R., Gutierrez, R., Moreno, I., Avila, F., Uzu, G., Goloub, P., Ramonet, M., Laurent, O., Wiedensohler, A., Weinhold, K., Krejci, R., Aliaga, D., Whiteman, D., and Laj, P.: Intense transport of smoke to the Central Andes: Insights from a unique set of instruments located in the Bolivian Andean Cordillera, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14573,, 2025.

EGU25-15236 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1 | Highlight

Modelling global burned area with deep learning 

Seppe Lampe, Lukas Gudmundsson, Basil Kraft, Bertrand Le Saux, Stijn Hantson, Douglas Kelley, Vincent Humphrey, Emilio Chuvieco, and Wim Thiery

The temporal coverage from ˜2000 to present of global burned area satellite observations limits many aspects of fire research. As a result, global fire models are often being used to investigate past and future fire behaviour. Unfortunately, the limited temporal coverage of the observations also hinders the development and evaluation of these fire models. The current generation of global fire models are capable of simulating some characteristics of regional fire behaviour, such as mean state and seasonality, well. However, the performance of these models differs greatly from region to region, and aspects such as extreme fire behaviour are not well represented yet.

Here, we propose a new, data-driven fire model that predicts burned area from the same input parameters that are passed to global fire models. We trained LSTMs to model burned area from GFED5. We split our data according to the IPCC regions and perform a region-based cross-validation, that is, we train different LSTMs on different region-splits of the data. We then compose the predictions of these different models so that for each region the predictions are made by LSTMs that have never seen any data during training and validation from that region before. Our model outperforms all fire models on a global scale and in most IPCC regions. With our model, we can improve our understanding of past fire behavior and simulate future fire trends.

How to cite: Lampe, S., Gudmundsson, L., Kraft, B., Le Saux, B., Hantson, S., Kelley, D., Humphrey, V., Chuvieco, E., and Thiery, W.: Modelling global burned area with deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15236,, 2025.

EGU25-15318 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Carbon emissions of an unprecedented Greenland wildfire 

Sonja Granqvist, Lucas Diaz, Sander Veraverbeke, Elmiina Pilkama, Minna Väliranta, and Meri Ruppel

In recent years, large wildfires have spread in Arctic regions as a consequence of ongoing climate change. Arctic organic soils are comparatively shallow but may be ancient, thus thousands of years old carbon may be released in smoldering and deeply burning fires. In Greenland, a land known for its icy expanse, fires are extremely rare. However, in summer 2019, the second-largest wildfire ever recorded on the island occurred at the Kangerluarsuk Tulleq fjord in southwestern Greenland. This study aims to produce pioneering in-field data on this tundra fire, focusing on three key aspects: 1) combustion, 2) burn depth, and 3) the age of the carbon released. Understanding whether the released carbon is modern or old is crucial due to different implications for the global carbon cycle and climate. To estimate carbon losses from the Kangerluarsuk Tulleq tundra fire, we established 14 sampling plots in burned areas and at unburned control sites. The selection of sampling plots was guided by a differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) map generated using Sentinel-2 data and field reconnaissance. Within each plot, we assessed fire severity to estimate the above-ground carbon loss. For below-ground carbon loss estimation and burn depth analysis, organic soil samples were collected at burned plots and compared with unburned ones. To explore the vegetation succession and burned vegetation type, organic soil profiles (n=10) were extracted down to the mineral ground using a soil box corer and were studied by light-microscopy. Subsamples (n=20) from burned soil horizons were selected for radiocarbon dating to determine the age of carbon released in the fire. Our preliminary results suggest that soil carbon loss was higher than previously reported at an Alaskan tundra fire site with a mean value of 6.718 ± 0.9 kg of C m-2. The mean burn depth was 9.0 ± 1.8 cm, and soil thaw depths during the 2024 summer were approximately 24 cm deeper in the 2019 burned area compared to unburned tundra. Expected radiocarbon results will indicate the maximum age of the carbon released by the fire. Vegetation succession measurements show that post-fire surfaces were predominantly colonized by pioneering non-Sphagnum bryophytes, Cyperaceae, and Ericaceae. The acquired results are first of a kind from a Greenland tundra fire and produce essential data for global climate modeling to assess the climate impacts of increasing Arctic wildfires.

How to cite: Granqvist, S., Diaz, L., Veraverbeke, S., Pilkama, E., Väliranta, M., and Ruppel, M.: Carbon emissions of an unprecedented Greenland wildfire, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15318,, 2025.

EGU25-15841 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Modeling peat burned area and understanding its drivers with machine learning 

Jonas Mortelmans, Gabrielle De Lannoy, Devon Dunmire, Sander Veraverbeke, James Waddington, Rebecca Scholten, and Michel Bechtold

Peatland fires pose significant environmental and societal challenges. We recently advanced the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) system for northern peatlands by integrating peatland-specific hydrological data derived from assimilating Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) L-band brightness temperature observations into the NASA Catchment Land Surface model with its peatland modules, ‘PEATCLSM’. This novel FWIpeat (Mortelmans et al. 2024) was evaluated using satellite-based fire presence data over boreal peatlands from 2010 through 2018, demonstrating improved estimation of peatland fire presence.

Here, we extend the use of this renewed FWIpeat system by integrating it into a machine learning framework to gain deeper insights into when, where, and why peatlands burn. We utilize an XGBoost algorithm trained on peatland burned area data from 2012-2023, incorporating a suite of predictors, including (i) peatland distribution characteristics, (ii) peatland groundwater table, (iii) lightning occurrence, (iv) meteorological data, (v) vegetation properties, and (vi) socio-economic factors. This approach enables proactive fire risk management strategies and contributes to a comprehensive assessment of peatland fire vulnerability and resilience. Preliminary results indicate the importance of peatland groundwater table and lightning occurrence in estimating peat burned area.

Mortelmans, J., Felsberg, A., De Lannoy, G. J. M., Veraverbeke, S., Field, R. D., Andela, N., and Bechtold, M.: Improving the fire weather index system for peatlands using peat-specific hydrological input data, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 24, 445–464,, 2024.

How to cite: Mortelmans, J., De Lannoy, G., Dunmire, D., Veraverbeke, S., Waddington, J., Scholten, R., and Bechtold, M.: Modeling peat burned area and understanding its drivers with machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15841,, 2025.

EGU25-16179 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

Climate feedback of forest fires amplified by atmospheric chemistry 

Wei Chen, Yuzhong Zhang, Yufei Zou, and Zhen Zhang

The recent surge in forest fires has significantly impacted atmospheric chemistry, carbon cycles, and climate. Wildfires release CO2 along with various reactive species such as CO, volatile organics, and nitrogen oxides. While the effects of CO2 emissions on the carbon cycle and climate, as well as the impact of reactive species emissions on air quality and health, have been extensively studied, this research demonstrates that reactive species emitted from wildfires create a positive climate feedback through the “fire-chemistry-methane” mechanism. In this process, chemical reactions of reactive carbon species suppress the concentration of hydroxyl radicals, extending the lifetime of heat-trapping methane. The significance of this feedback is suggested by observations of multiple proxy gases for global atmospheric oxidation (i.e., methyl chloroform, methane, and CO) during recent extreme forest fire events. By coupling a fire-ecosystem model and an atmospheric chemistry model, we quantify the effect of this feedback in the future. We find that additional warming caused by this mechanism rivals that of wetland methane feedback and fire CO2 feedback by the 2050s under an intermediate climate scenario. Our analysis highlights the critical role of atmospheric chemistry in regulating fire-climate interactions and the methane budget.

How to cite: Chen, W., Zhang, Y., Zou, Y., and Zhang, Z.: Climate feedback of forest fires amplified by atmospheric chemistry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16179,, 2025.

EGU25-16840 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Morphological drivers of flammability in canopy and litter contexts across conifer families 

Rebecca Koll and Claire Belcher

Wildfires have shaped ecosystems for millions of years, with plant functional traits playing a key role in fire behaviour and severity. Morphological and physiological traits, particularly at the leaf and shoot levels, influence flammability by determining fuel composition and structure within both canopy and litter layers. These traits are hypothesized not only to affect critical fire dynamics, such as the likelihood of surface fires transitioning into crown fires, with significant consequences for fire intensity and ecosystem impacts, but also influence the evolution of fire-related traits.

This study investigates how leaf- and shoot-level morphology influences flammability in canopy and litter contexts across six dominant conifer families: Araucariaceae, Cupressaceae, Pinaceae, Podocarpaceae, Taxaceae, and Taxodiaceae. Flammability properties were assessed using fire calorimetry to measure ignitability, flame spread, and variability in the rate of energy release from combustion. Results indicate that while shed plant parts (e.g., leaves and shoots) shape fire behaviour by influencing bulk density, aeration, and flame spread rate—ultimately affecting burn sustainability and total energy release—shoot-level traits in isolation, including leaf shape and the arrangement of leaves within shoots, do not consistently predict flammability in canopy material.

Our findings highlight the dynamic interplay between plant morphology, fire regimes, and evolutionary pressures. Traits such as leaf size, shape, and arrangement contribute to fuel structure, driving patterns of fire behaviour that influence long-term plant fitness and survival. This underscores the importance of reconciling fire behaviour, plant functional traits, and the evolutionary history of fire adaptations across phylogenies.

With global change drivers intensifying fire regimes, understanding the relationship between plant flammability, fire regimes, and the acquisition of fire-related traits is increasingly critical. Non-fire-adapted species may face heightened extinction risks, threatening ecosystem stability. Quantifying the intrinsic flammability of plant traits is therefore essential for informing fire management, guiding conservation strategies, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of vegetative communities in a changing climate.

How to cite: Koll, R. and Belcher, C.: Morphological drivers of flammability in canopy and litter contexts across conifer families, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16840,, 2025.

The interactions of different components of the Earth system, such as between the biosphere and the atmosphere, are still poorly understood. A major issue is understanding the consequences of increasing wildfire  activity in a changing climate. Smoke particles and gases emitted from such fires affect air quality and the Earth’s radiation balance, and can potentially affect the formation of clouds and precipitation. Understanding links between biodiversity and type of vegetation, smoke emission and the atmospheric distribution and processing of these particles and gases is key for assessing potential impacts and future changes. Addressing the depth of processes in the interconnected atmosphere-climate-vegetation system requires a combination of expertise from various scientific disciplines. The new Leibniz ScienceCampus “Smoke and bioaerosols: Release, processes, and impacts in a changing climate” (BioSmoke) located in Leipzig, Germany will combine expertise in atmospheric and biodiversity research as well as atmospheric processes at several research institutions including the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research and Leipzig University to study effects of the release of aerosol particles from vegetation. To this end, combustion experiments in the laboratory, field measurements of aerosol properties, and remote sensing and modelling of particle emission, transport, and atmospheric effects are envisioned. We will present an overview of the planned projects within the ScienceCampus.

How to cite: Tegen, I., Wagner, R., and Tesche, M.: Introducing the Leibniz Science Campus “Smoke and bioaerosols: Release, processes, and impacts in a changing climate”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17284,, 2025.

EGU25-17646 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Investigation of the intense wildfire events and NH3 levels over the Eastern Mediterranean 

Serra Saracoglu, Aykut Mehmet Alban, Seda Tokgoz, and Burcak Kaynak

South eastern Mediterranean region of Türkiye is well known with intense industrialization, shipping activities, agriculture and livestock production in addition to urban emission sources, thus struggle with significant air pollution problems. In addition to criteria pollutants, combination of these sources also results in high ammonia (NH3) levels in the region.

NH3 is released into the atmosphere mainly from agriculture, including nitrogen-based fertilizer applications and livestock farming as well as from several industries and from biomass burning. Atmospheric NH3 plays a significant role in the formation of secondary inorganic particulate matter (PM), which negatively impacts on human health and ecosystems and indirectly influences climate change by altering radiative forcing. Climate change has increased the frequency and intensity of wildfires globally, which became another significant source of NH3 over the Eastern Mediterranean, because the region is among the most sensitive regions. Besides wildfires, agricultural residue burning, although prohibited, also contributes to overall NH3 levels.

Biomass burning contributes to atmospheric pollutants, as the combustion process emits nitrogen and carbon compounds from organic matter. In this study, multi-satellite derived retrievals were utilized, including IASI Level-2 NH3 and CO, TROPOMI Level-2 NO2, CO, and HCHO along with VIIRS S-NPP Fire Radiative Power product to investigate biomass burning related NH3 levels. Products were processed at a 1x1km2 gridded resolution to analyse spatio-temporal variations from 2019 to 2023, especially focusing on intense fire time intervals. While NH3 levels were generally high during the summer over the region, the 2021 summer stood out with exceptionally high levels, coinciding with intense wildfires recorded that year. Similarly, CO levels revealed elevated levels during the same period, further strengthening the common impact of these extreme events. Further, fires detected over some areas by the VIIRS product were associated with residue-burning practices, as the area predominantly consists of agricultural lands.

The aim of the study is to investigate the impacts of fire-related NH3 levels and quantify NH3 enhancements during these fire events in the region. In this context, NH3 to other pollutant ratios will be examined and temporal variation between different biomes will be classified. Air quality and climate change impact studies over the Mediterranean are critically important, with the absence of ground-based NH3 measurements, satellite retrievals have to be utilized more to investigate the sensitivity of the region to extreme biomass burning events with the growing impacts of climate change.

Keywords: ammonia, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, biomass burning, wildfires

Acknowledgements: IASI is a joint mission of EUMETSAT and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES, France). The authors acknowledge the AERIS data infrastructure for providing access to the IASI data in this study and ULB-LATMOS for the development of the retrieval algorithms. This study was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye under the grant number 123Y364.

How to cite: Saracoglu, S., Alban, A. M., Tokgoz, S., and Kaynak, B.: Investigation of the intense wildfire events and NH3 levels over the Eastern Mediterranean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17646,, 2025.

EGU25-17962 | Orals | BG1.1

Assessing the impact of climate change on boreal high latitude wildfire using a storyline approach 

Lars Nieradzik, Hanna Lee, Xavier Levine, Paul Miller, Priscilla Mooney, Ruth Mottram, and David Wårlind

Within the framework of the project PolarRES  (POLAR Regions in the Earth System) we assess the impact of climate change on the ecosystems of the terrestrial northern high latitudes by making use of a range of high resolution regional climate simulations. These regional simulations were themselves driven by global climate simulations selected following the storyline approach described in Levine et al. 2024 from the set of CMIP6 SSP3-7.0 simulations, namely NorESM2-MM and CNRM-ESM2-1. These define two extremes in the climatic envelope of the CMIP6 simulations. While NorESM2-MM shows a high warming of the Barents-Kara seas but a low Arctic tropospheric warming CNRM-ESM2-1 shows the opposite. The storyline approach is a comprehensive way of defining pathways for physical outcomes of climate change that are observable in the region of interest and can directly be linked to certain consequences.

The 2nd generation Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM) LPJ-GUESS with its wildfire model SIMFIRE-BLAZE was applied using the high-resolution meteorological forcing from the regional climate models (RCMs) to investigate the potential impacts on both vegetation and the development of wildfires as well as the role of uncertainty implied by the variability of the forcing data.

It can clearly be stated that wildfire activity will increase significantly under the given scenarios driven mainly by shifts in vegetation distribution, i.e. northward migration of both treeline as well as shrubs and grasses. These effects differ regionally, depending on both, the storyline and the RCMs.

We present the findings from an envelope of potential future climate forcings depicting the impact of climate depending on the regionally observable effects of Arctic tropospheric warming and the Barents-Kara Seas warming, making use of the storyline approach as a comprehensive indicator for regional future change.

The results of this assessment will directly influence the research conducted in the project GreenFeedBack (GREENhouse gas fluxes and earth-system FEEDBACKs), which focusses on enhancing the knowledge on GHG dynamics in the boreal high latitude terrestrial and marine ecosystems.


Levine, X. Jet al. : Storylines of summer Arctic climate change constrained by Barents–Kara seas and Arctic tropospheric warming for climate risk assessment, Earth Syst. Dynam., 15, 1161–1177,, 2024

How to cite: Nieradzik, L., Lee, H., Levine, X., Miller, P., Mooney, P., Mottram, R., and Wårlind, D.: Assessing the impact of climate change on boreal high latitude wildfire using a storyline approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17962,, 2025.

EGU25-18252 | Orals | BG1.1

Impact of wildfires on air quality as seen by IAGOS in-situ measurements 

Yasmine Bennouna, Hannah Clark, Pawel Wolff, Valérie Thouret, Romain Blot, Philippe Nédélec, and Damien Boulanger

For thirty years, the European Research Infrastructure IAGOS (In-Service Aircraft for a Global Observing System) has been equipping commercial aircraft with instruments to measure atmospheric composition on long-haul flights around the world.  Ten aircraft are currently equipped with IAGOS instruments to measure ozone, and the precursors carbon monoxide and nitrous oxides from the surface to the upper-troposphere during landing and take-off at worldwide airports,  and at cruise altitude where we observe the long-range transport of polluted airmasses. We analyse the transport of biomass burning pollutants from the intense Canadian wildfire seasons of 2023 and 2024 which impacted air-quality in North America and in Europe, and the extreme wildfires over the Amazon in 2024 that impacted air quality in South American cities.  The significance of these events is interpreted within the context of the 30-year climatology. The events will be compared with forecasts and analyses from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service's global and regional models (projects CAMS2_82 and CAMS2_83) and we further  highlight the role of IAGOS  in developing air-quality networks in susceptible urban areas (project RI-URBANS) and the impacts of heatwaves and wildfires on air-quality in a changing climate (project IRISCC).

How to cite: Bennouna, Y., Clark, H., Wolff, P., Thouret, V., Blot, R., Nédélec, P., and Boulanger, D.: Impact of wildfires on air quality as seen by IAGOS in-situ measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18252,, 2025.

EGU25-18640 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1 | Highlight

Adapting to fire in a warming climate: towards global assessment of prescribed grazing and prescribed fire 

Oliver Perkins, Olivia Haas, Matthew Kasoar, Doug Kelley, João C. M. Teixeira, Apostolos Voulgarakis, and James D.A. Millington

Whilst global burned area continues to decline, recent climate warming has led to an increase in the occurrence and intensity of extreme fires. Humanity must adapt to this new reality. Two proposed management options are a) prescribed livestock grazing, and b) prescribed fire use. Both methods promise cost-efficient means to reduce fire intensity, fire-induced vegetation mortality, and carbon emissions by reducing and fragmenting fuel loads. However, at present, there has been no systematic global assessment of the efficacy of these interventions. Reasons for this include a lack of data to understand their present-day distribution and impact as well as a lack of formal model structures to represent their uptake under future scenarios.

Here, we present two applications of the newly developed global, agent-based Wildfire Human Agency Model (WHAM!)1 to assess the potential effect of prescribed grazing and prescribed fire as adaptations to future fire regimes. Firstly, to explore the effect of prescribed livestock grazing on global fire regimes, we share a representation of livestock grazing intensity in WHAM! and its integration with the generalised linear models of Haas et al., (2). Secondly, we present work on a tight coupling of WHAM! with the JULES-INFERNO dynamic global vegetation model, focusing on parameterisation of how managed human fire use reduces fire-induced vegetation mortality.

Overall, early results suggest both management options already play a significant role in reducing global fire intensity and highlight the importance of considering dynamic human responses to a changing climate in global projections of future fire regimes.

1Perkins, O… et al. (2024). GMD.

2Haas, O. et al., (2022). Env. Res let.

How to cite: Perkins, O., Haas, O., Kasoar, M., Kelley, D., Teixeira, J. C. M., Voulgarakis, A., and Millington, J. D. A.: Adapting to fire in a warming climate: towards global assessment of prescribed grazing and prescribed fire, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18640,, 2025.

EGU25-18688 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1

Satellite observation of long-range transport of wildfires plumes in the northern hemisphere in 2008-2023 

Antoine Ehret, Solène Turquety, Gilles Lecomte, Bruno Franco, Maya George, Lieven Clarisse, Martin Van Damme, Cathy Clerbaux, and Pierre Coheur

Wildfires exert a important influence on the chemical composition of the atmosphere, thereby impacting air quality, ecosystem, and climate forcing. The substantial emission of pollutants from such fires, coupled with their long-range transport, has the potential to counteract the progress achieved in reducing anthropogenic emissions. Numerous studies show that the increase in the frequency and intensity of fires offsets the general trend towards improved air quality observed in regions influenced by wildfires. These studies also caution of an increasing risk of the population being exposed to extreme levels of aerosols and ozone. In addition to their regional impacts, the plumes from the most intense fires can be transported on a continental or even hemispheric scale, thereby imposing health constraints on regions that are not generally affected by widespread, frequent or intense fires.

The northern hemisphere is home to a group of biomes that are particularly sensitive to hydro-meteorological conditions, and therefore to the effects of climate change on burned areas. The majority of the most intense fires of the last two decades have occurred in North America and in the boreal regions of Asia.

This study assesses the impact of fires on the variability of total CO, total PAN and AOD in the Northern Hemisphere using 16 years (2008-2023) of observations from the IASI/MetOp and MODIS/Terra and Aqua satellite instruments. More specifically, the variability in the number of detected plumes of extreme values of CO, PAN and aerosol from fires is studied.

The trajectories of these plumes are estimated using only satellite observations and are used to assess the contribution of the different regions of the Northern Hemisphere to the variability of atmospheric composition. The potential impact of the long-range transport of the identified plumes on air quality is estimated using observations of the altitude of the plumes obtained from both active CALIOP observations and passive IASI observations.

The chemical composition of the identified plumes is characterised using IASI observations of ammonia (NH3), formic acid (HCOOH), methanol (CH3OH) and ozone (O3).

How to cite: Ehret, A., Turquety, S., Lecomte, G., Franco, B., George, M., Clarisse, L., Van Damme, M., Clerbaux, C., and Coheur, P.: Satellite observation of long-range transport of wildfires plumes in the northern hemisphere in 2008-2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18688,, 2025.

EGU25-18848 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

An improved approach for simulating peat ignition probability using experimental data 

Dimitra Tarasi, Matthew Kasoar, Hafizha Mulyasih, Alexander Castagna, Guillermo Rein, and Apostolos Voulgarakis

Peatlands, despite covering only 3% of the terrestrial surface, are one of the world's most important carbon storage environments, accumulating around 25% of the total soil carbon. However, climate change is increasing the vulnerability of these carbon-rich ecosystems to fire, with potentially severe implications for the global climate. Warmer and drier conditions, driven by climate change, are expected to intensify and increase the frequency of peat fires, potentially transforming peatlands from carbon sinks into net sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Such a shift could trigger a positive feedback loop, accelerating climate change through the release of vast amounts of sequestered carbon into the atmosphere.

While incorporating peatland fire feedbacks into Earth System Models (ESMs) is essential for accurate climate projections, the majority of the existing models lack a representation of peat fires, limiting their ability to predict future climate dynamics effectively. Understanding the smouldering behaviour of organic soils, their ignition probability, and how these processes can be represented at a global scale is essential. The current state-of-the-art approach to compute peat combustibility, established by Frandsen (1997) and applied in recent peat fire modelling efforts (e.g., INFERNO-peat), relies on a parameterization derived from a single peat type, hampering its global applicability. Frandsen (1997), by conducting experiments on natural peat samples developed an empirical model for smouldering ignition probability based on three key properties of peat: moisture content, inorganic content, and bulk density.

Our study proposes an improved method for calculating peat combustibility by optimizing the coefficients in Frandsen’s model and investigating the ignition limits of diverse peat samples. The optimization process utilized experimental data from seven distinct peat types. First, we established through inverse modelling a link between inorganic content, bulk density and critical moisture content, the moisture threshold above which smouldering cannot be self-sustained. Then we determined the probability distribution of self-sustained smouldering, as a function of moisture content, around the critical moisture content, also employing inverse modelling. The combination of both optimizations yielded consistent coefficients, providing a more robust framework for modelling peat ignition probability.

By improving the representation of peat ignition probability using experimental data from both previous studies and our own experiments, this work aims to upgrade the simulation of peat fires in fire models and ESMs, enhancing our understanding of the impacts of such fires on future atmospheric composition, radiative forcing, and climate.

How to cite: Tarasi, D., Kasoar, M., Mulyasih, H., Castagna, A., Rein, G., and Voulgarakis, A.: An improved approach for simulating peat ignition probability using experimental data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18848,, 2025.

EGU25-19104 | Orals | BG1.1

A new measurement site in northern Botswana to observe savanna fire plumes 

Ville Vakkari, Baagi T. Mmereki, Daniel Koolebogile, Christiaan P. E. van Niekerk, Viet Le, Mabala Letsatle, Kerneels Jaars, and Pieter G. van Zyl

Globally, approximately half of landscape fire emissions originate from savannas and grasslands. Furthermore, our observations in South Africa indicated major secondary aerosol formation in near-fire plume ageing. However, the measurements in South Africa are affected by anthropogenic emissions from the Highveld region, except for a clean sector towards the semi-arid Karoo region. Aiming for a savanna environment with minimal anthropogenic influence we set up a new measurement site in the Okavango delta area in northern Botswana in August 2024.

For the active savanna fire season in 2024, we operated online measurements of aerosol chemical composition with an aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM), an online gas chromatograph coupled to an MS detector (GC-MS) for volatile organic compounds and a single particle soot photometer (SP2) for refractive BC. Measurements of aerosol particle size distribution with a differential mobility particle sizer (DMPS), aerosol absorption with a multi angle absorption photometer (MAAP), as well as CO and CO2 concentrations will continue for the next couple of years at least.

For fresh plumes, initial analysis shows a strong decrease in submicron aerosol emission factor (EFPM1) with increasing modified combustion efficiency, i.e. with increasing flaming fraction. The EFPM1 values are in good agreement with previous observations in southern African savanna and with recent laboratory experiments that we carried out in collaboration with University of Eastern Finland. Analysis of ageing effects on the fire plumes in a clean savanna environment is ongoing.

How to cite: Vakkari, V., Mmereki, B. T., Koolebogile, D., van Niekerk, C. P. E., Le, V., Letsatle, M., Jaars, K., and van Zyl, P. G.: A new measurement site in northern Botswana to observe savanna fire plumes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19104,, 2025.

Wildfires increasingly threaten European ecosystems and communities, highlighting the necessity for effective predictive metrics to enhance fire risk management strategies. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) and the Fire Weather Index (FWI) in forecasting wildfire occurrence and the extent of burned areas across various European forest types. Utilizing the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) for comprehensive fire event data and the ERA5 reanalysis dataset from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for meteorological variables, daily VPD and FWI values will be derived for multiple fire seasons spanning from 2000 to 2024.

The research will explore how VPD and FWI each predict wildfire occurrence and burned area, with a focus on different forest types are categorized according to the CORINE Land Cover classification into broadleaf, conifer, and mixed forests while encompassing a range of climatic regions across Europe. VPD calculation methods are generally more straightforward and require fewer input parameters. In contrast FWI system is more complex, requiring a broader range of input data to compute its numerous indices.

By comparing these two metrics across diverse forest types and biomes, the study seeks to determine the most effective indicators for wildfire prediction in Europe. The findings are intended to inform policymakers and fire management agencies, aiding in the development of targeted early warning systems and adaptive fire management strategies. This comparative assessment will contribute to a deeper understanding of the climatic drivers of wildfires and support efforts to mitigate their impacts under changing environmental conditions.

How to cite: Shatto, C. and Samimi, C.: Comparative Assessment of Vapor Pressure Deficit and Fire Weather Index in Predicting Wildfire Occurrence and Burned Area Across European Forest Types Using EFFIS and ERA5 Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19262,, 2025.

EGU25-19493 | Orals | BG1.1

The role of dry and heat extremes on vegetation dynamics in the recent fire seasons in Southern Europe 

Célia Gouveia, Mariana Finuras, Ana Russo, and Tiago Ermitão

Rural fires are recurrent in Southern Europe due to climate conditions, land use change, or a combination of both. Wet and mild winters and dry and warm summers favour the growth of vegetation and its subsequent low moisture content, increasing fuel availability. In Portugal, between 15 and 20 September 2024, severe wildfires burned more than 145,000 hectares and caused the death of more than 9 people. In Greece a major fire, stated as the largest recorded in the EU, started near the city of Alexandroupolis on August 21, with around 80.000 hectares burnt, mainly affecting the Dadia Forest and causing the death of almost two tens of migrants. Despite the crucial role played by dry fuel conditions fostering the propagation of wildfires, favourable meteorological conditions and fuel accumulation are related to the recorded fire activity and burned area. The influence of spring meteorological conditions on fire season burned area through their effect on fuel accumulation and dryness is assessed. The link between hot temperature and water availability in spring and the increased risk of summer flammability and fire spread through their influence on vegetation gross productivity is evaluated using satellite-derived data. The important role of fuel accumulation during the early growing season in fire-prone regions is highlighted in the case of Portugal in 2024 and Greece in 2023 and reinforces the crucial importance of fuel management for the definition of effective fire prevention measures in the context of warmer and drier conditions forecasted for southern European Countries.

Acknowledgements: This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020 and also on behalf of DHEFEUS -2022.09185.PTDC and the project FAIR- 2022.01660.PTDC).

How to cite: Gouveia, C., Finuras, M., Russo, A., and Ermitão, T.: The role of dry and heat extremes on vegetation dynamics in the recent fire seasons in Southern Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19493,, 2025.

EGU25-20164 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1

Assessing increased turbidity in reservoirs due to wildfires 

Andressa Karen da Silva Nemirovsky, Lino Augusto Sander de Carvalho, and Renata Libonati

After a wildfire event, ashes and pollutants from burns are transported to public supply reservoirs and other water systems, altering the physical and chemical properties of the water. Turbidity is a water parameter that can be applied in environmental monitoring studies to assess water quality in  public supply reservoirs, especially in fire-prone regions such as the Brazilian Cerrado. So, this work aims to answer the following question: What is the impact of the increase in burned area on water turbidity in public supply reservoirs? This study aims to investigate the relationship between environmental variables obtained through remote sensing, such as the burned area product (MODIS-MCD64A1) and turbidity data derived from the red band (620-670 nm) of MODIS Terra Surface Reflectance (Daily Global, 250m resolution), using a global algorithm and statistical analyses to derive insights over the period from 2001 to 2023 in public supply reservoirs of Cerrado.There is variability in both positive and negative turbidity anomalies from 2001 to 2023. However, in some years, positive turbidity anomalies were observed along burned areas. The insights provide the initial understanding of the relationship between burned areas and water quality, and also provide valuable support for water supply managers and the public. 

How to cite: da Silva Nemirovsky, A. K., Augusto Sander de Carvalho, L., and Libonati, R.: Assessing increased turbidity in reservoirs due to wildfires, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20164,, 2025.

EGU25-3645 | ECS | PICO | HS5.2.3

The dynamics and influential factors of intentions and actual behaviours in flood adaptation 

Tang Luu, Annegret Thieken, Toon Haer, Tuyen Tran, and Philip Bubeck

Floods pose significant risks to societies worldwide. Private flood adaptation is considered important to reduce flood risk. Investigating the influential factors on individual adaptation behaviour is thus essential. Many behavioural theories hypothesise a vital role of the adaptation intention toward adaptation behaviour. However, the literature shows a substantial gap between intention and behaviour, referred to as intention behaviour gap. This could be because most existing research is based on cross-sectional data, which does not reveal the changes in attitudes, intentions, and behaviour over time. For example, implemented measures might reduce the intention and behaviour, but these changes cannot be captured by only one survey time point. Our research thus deploys a two-wave panel survey with 401 respondents from Central Vietnam to (1) examine the dynamics of behaviour and intention over time, (2) examine the role of intention on actual behaviour and vice versa, (3) find influential predictors explaining intention and behaviour, and statistically compare the predictors.

Linear mixed models (LMMs) show that adaptive behaviour and intention of three groups of measures, namely, preparing devices, retrofitting houses, and adapting livelihoods, have significantly increased after half a year, except for the intention of preparing devices. The most influential factors in explaining behaviour and behavioural change are housing situations, personality traits, social norms, coping appraisals, and intention. For intention, socio-demographic characteristics, risk perceptions, social norms, and personalities are more important. It is noteworthy that the influential factors are highly measure-specific. Specific models show a clear difference in predictors between intention and behaviour. Bivariate LMM and statistical comparisons further confirm that only a handful of predictors could be used as interchangeable proxies between behaviour and intention. For example, out of 18 examined factors, only wishful thinking, knowledge, and moving permanently show similar influence on both the intention and behaviour of retrofitting houses. By contrast, house type, respondent’s age, building a new home, and house located in an urban area show significantly different influences; the remaining factors are uncertain to use as interchangeable proxies. These results suggest carefully reconsidering the use of research on intention to draw policy recommendations for behaviour in the flood risk domain.

How to cite: Luu, T., Thieken, A., Haer, T., Tran, T., and Bubeck, P.: The dynamics and influential factors of intentions and actual behaviours in flood adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3645,, 2025.

EGU25-4131 | PICO | HS5.2.3

Exploring Human-Water Feedbacks in a Rapidly Changing World  

Giuliano Di Baldassarre

This presentation highlights recent case studies, models, and global analyses that reveal emerging trends and patterns in human-water interactions and feedbacks in our rapidly changing, human-dominated world. Human activities worldwide are increasingly altering hydrological regimes, including the frequency and intensity of extreme events such as floods and droughts. These alterations result from various interventions, including the construction of water infrastructure, river flow diversions for irrigation or other purposes, land-use changes such as deforestation and urbanization, as well as climate alterations driven by greenhouse gas emissions. While societies shape hydrological extremes, they are also profoundly affected by these events. Following floods or droughts, human responses range from informal adaptations to deliberate strategies, including modifications to agricultural practices, revisions of social contracts, and both temporary and permanent migration. These interactions between heterogeneous human and water systems often produce unintended consequences, amplify risk dynamics, and exacerbate existing inequalities. Such feedbacks complicate the development of equitable and sustainable policies, frequently resulting in unprecedented events with catastrophic and uneven impacts. 

How to cite: Di Baldassarre, G.: Exploring Human-Water Feedbacks in a Rapidly Changing World , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4131,, 2025.

EGU25-4584 | PICO | HS5.2.3

Perception versus reality: Farmers’ adaptation and the dynamics of Sahel drought 

Nadir Ahmed Elagib, Abbas E. Rahma, and Karl Schneider

The African Sahel has long been a focal point for research and policy discourse on drought. Inhabitants heavily rely for sustenance and economy on agriculture. Thus, crop yield is a key measure of success or failure. Since crop yield depends heavily on water availability, it is indicative of the function and efficiency of the farming-water system used. This system is said to have undergone significant variations in the biophysical and socioeconomic features during the past five decades. Understanding the interactions of climate variability and especially drought process and farming system development is important to sustainable and adaptive resource management. This study explores the coevolution of farming-drought relationship in the Sahel with a special reference to Sudan. We aim at synthesizing a number of insights into the sociohydrological resilience of the Sahel farming system. To this end, we analyzed two gridded datasets on drought indices and two staple crop statistics since 1970 in addition to structured survey questionnaires with ~1100 farmers. The analysis is further bolstered by recent findings from DFG funded SHADRESS project. The analysis shows that farmers have developed different agricultural strategies to cope with drought. Sorghum and millet yields have not kept pace to match the steadily expanding planted areas as would be expected. Both crops thereon reveal an inconsistent performance in terms of yield vulnerability and resilience to both dry and wet conditions. Farmers reported that sorghum (51%) is more affected by climate vagaries as compared to millet (15%). Inadequate rainfall is perceived by more than two-third of the respondents as the main reason for declining yield. However, during the last three decades, the importance of drought characteristics in determining crop yield levels decreased. Notwithstanding the benefits brought about by wet conditions, the farming system is likewise vulnerable to wet extremes, though somewhat to a lesser extent. The above observations suggest that the adjustment measures adopted by farmers are not sufficiently reducing the risk of crop failure. The respondents indicated other non-climatic issues beyond drought as being responsible for low yields, putting constraints on farming adaptations. In conclusion, identifying suitable pathways to adaptive agricultural management is needed to increase stability and resilience. These pathways should address vagaries of both the natural and the societal conditions. The combined implications of both droughts and floods as well as the integrated multi-faceted factors currently influencing the interplay between the farmer and water system must be recognized.

How to cite: Elagib, N. A., Rahma, A. E., and Schneider, K.: Perception versus reality: Farmers’ adaptation and the dynamics of Sahel drought, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4584,, 2025.

EGU25-6037 | ECS | PICO | HS5.2.3

Climate hazard impacts to water supply - Learning from past floods and droughts in Sweden 

Jeanne Fernandez, Giuliano Di Baldassarre, Claudia Teutschbein, and Johanna Mård

Water supply is one of the critical services that can be disrupted by climate-related disasters. Floods and droughts, in particular, can cause damages to infrastructure and alterations of water source quality and availability. In the Nordic water sector, concern about climate risks has been growing due to the successive dry summers from 2016 to 2018, major flooding events in 2023, various heavy rainfall events, as well as projections that floods and seasonal droughts could become more frequent and intense in many regions. Knowledge from past events is essential to prepare for potential climate impacts. However, learning opportunities are currently limited as small local impacts to water supply are rarely reported in national and global databases. This study examined climate impacts to water supply in Sweden, in the period 2010-2024. Drawing from reports by regional authorities, local surveys, and media articles, we mapped the occurrence of flood and drought events throughout the country and compiled both the impacts to water supply and post-event evaluations of the disaster response. The results indicate that past climate hazards have led to impacts ranging from sewage pipe breaks and inundated pump stations to poor raw water quality and low surface- and ground-water levels. Disruptions of drinking water services have been minor and manageable, while interruptions affecting consumers, such as water use restrictions or water boil advisories have generally been brief and of a preventive nature. However, regarding disaster management, official reports reveal a lack of hydrological knowledge, the absence of a big-picture understanding during events, and insufficient coordination with neighbor regions and across governance levels. These results concur with previous findings that societal impacts to drinking water supply have, so far, been limited in the Nordic region. Nonetheless, impacts are expected to become more serious in the future due to climate change and challenges in crisis management. This underscores the importance of building robust impact and response databases to support water managers in improving disaster preparedness and ensuring the continued security of safe drinking water supplies.

How to cite: Fernandez, J., Di Baldassarre, G., Teutschbein, C., and Mård, J.: Climate hazard impacts to water supply - Learning from past floods and droughts in Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6037,, 2025.

Characteristics of flood risk research and methodological requirements to understand the dynamics of human-flood relationships

Flood risk is one of the most pressing global challenges, exacerbated by climate change, urbanisation and land-use change leading to more frequent and severe flood events. Addressing these risks requires overcoming three key challenges: building a robust knowledge base for disaster risk reduction at all stages, developing strategies and measures that address current risks while managing uncertainties, and effectively implementing these strategies within the disaster risk reduction cycle. Understanding the feedback loops in human water and flood risk systems is a prerequisite for overcoming these challenges.

Transdisciplinary approaches integrate scientific methods with regional knowledge and practical expertise. For example, transdisciplinary or participatory methods can be used to validate data, identify regional hot spots, develop relevant scenarios and possible adaptation measures and identify implementation and decision-making structures for the actual realisation of measures.

Flood risk research has certain characteristics. It is highly complex. Various interlinked factors influence flood risk within and between environmental and social systems. Different flood risk factors at different spatial and temporal scales influence the occurrence of floods, and exposure and vulnerability affect the actual risk that materialises. Different temporal scales lead to different levels of flood risk and require targeted measures. Technical tools such as hydrological and hydrodynamic flood models are crucial for understanding and visualising processes and interrelationships as well as possible development options. Missing data or a lack of detail influence the informative value and increase uncertainties, especially at the local level. Finally yet importantly, flood risk and vulnerability are highly context-specific and localised in specific historical, cultural and social circumstances.

In this article, we describe the requirements arising from these characteristics and the resulting demands on and potential for transdisciplinary research. We draw on findings from the PARADeS project, a collaborative research initiative on flood risk management in Ghana.

We describe the framework and possible methods for a. knowledge co-production to understand interactions within the flood risk system, among others; b. social learning to understand the complexity of human-flood interactions and causes; and b. capacity building, e.g. to create and use a flood information system to learn about impacts and feedbacks in the Ghanaian flood risk system.

The combined and complementary quantitative and qualitative methods significantly improve the information base for proactive flood risk prevention, clarify structural and social conditions, interlinkages and contexts for implementation and thus identify efficient flood risk reduction measures.

How to cite: Evers, M., Höllermann, B., and Kruse, S.: Characteristics of flood risk research and methodological requirements to understand the dynamics of human-flood relationships, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7143,, 2025.

EGU25-7394 | ECS | PICO | HS5.2.3

Effects of Warm Period Timing and Coastal Low Clouds on Water Deliveries in Coastal Southern California 

Laney Wicker, Rachel Clemesha, Kristen Guirguis, Jane Baldwin, and Morgan Levy

The impacts of climate change on water resource availability will be felt both directly and indirectly through changes in water supply and water demand, respectively. Physical water supply changes due to climate stem from modified precipitation, temperature and evaporation, and streamflow, while changes in water demand stem from the same, as well as additional land use and land cover and socioeconomic features. As urban and agricultural water demands are projected to increase under climate change, a regional understanding of both water supply and demand responses to climate change will be necessary to equip water resource managers with locally-relevant, research-driven insights to guide adaptation. In previous work, we investigated the water delivery response to temperature and precipitation changes within the semi-arid San Diego County, located in the Southern California region of the U.S. There, we established that water agency-scale water deliveries are sensitive to temperature and background hydrologic conditions (i.e., antecedent precipitation), and that the temperature sensitivity of water deliveries is mediated by geographic and demographic features such as land cover. Here, we build on this research to further investigate the role of climate in mediating water deliveries in the Southern California region. Specifically, we investigate the hypothesis that the timing of a warm period additionally mediates water deliveries depending on agency attributes such as land cover. For example, agricultural agencies may respond differently than urban agencies to warm periods that occur during pivotal crop growing stages. Additionally, we hypothesize that coastal low clouds may impact water deliveries through the modulation of temperatures during warm periods. We investigate these hypotheses for 20 San Diego region water agencies using daily records of water deliveries made to the agencies from a regional wholesale water supplier, temperature, coastal low cloud coverage, annual precipitation, and agency-level attributes such as income and land cover from May to September for the years 2007 - 2021. This study of a representative arid urban region improves our understanding of coupled human and water system responses to climate variability and change in order to support adaptive water resources management in water-stressed environments. 

How to cite: Wicker, L., Clemesha, R., Guirguis, K., Baldwin, J., and Levy, M.: Effects of Warm Period Timing and Coastal Low Clouds on Water Deliveries in Coastal Southern California, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7394,, 2025.

EGU25-7434 | ECS | PICO | HS5.2.3

Present and future water quality affects water use and cross-sectoral competition globally 

Gabriel Antonio Cárdenas Belleza, L.P.H. (Rens) van Beek, Marc F.P. Bierkens, and Michelle T.H. van Vliet

Human activities strongly rely on the availability of sufficient water and of adequate quality, yet water use sectors (e.g. irrigation, domestic, industry and energy), already experience clean water scarcity. Additionally, the availability of clean water is further compromised by increasing water demand of the growing population, deterioration of water quality due to pollution by emissions by the different sections, and by more frequent and intense hydroclimatic extremes (e.g. droughts, heatwaves, and compound events). These developments increase the cross-sectoral competition for the available water (Cárdenas Belleza et al, 2023). Current research on large-scale water scarcity related to insufficient water of good quality has provided limited understanding of the sector-specific impacts. This limits our understanding of how water quality affects water sources allocation to different water use sectors and how such responses will impact sector-specific and total water scarcity under global change.

The main objective of this research is to assess cross-sectoral water scarcity due to sectoral competition for limited clean water resources, explicitly considering water quantity and water quality requirements under global change. To address this, we developed a new globally applicable sectoral water use and allocation model, QUAlloc v1.0, that incorporates water quality requirements across main water use sectors (domestic, irrigation, livestock, manufacturing, and energy). QUAlloc v1.0 is linked to the PCR‑GLOBWB 2 hydrological model (Sutanudjaja et al, 2018) and the DynQual v1.0 global surface water quality model (Jones et al, 2023), forming a sectoral water quality, use and allocation modelling framework.

Our results show that present surface water quality strongly affects both water source allocation and sectoral water use competition in river basins globally, resulting in a significant reduction in global surface water withdrawals (by 17%) and an increased dependence on groundwater (e.g., Latin America, the Middle East, North Africa). Additionally, we show that sectors with less stringent water quality requirements, namely livestock and manufacturing, benefit by the reduced surface water withdrawal from other sectors (i.e., domestic, irrigation), enabling to increase its withdrawal. Projections of sector-specific water scarcity under climate change and socio-economic changes for the whole 21st century suggest that these inter-sectoral impacts will become increasingly stronger in the future. Our study is the first in exploring the impacts of present and future water quality in the cross-sectoral water use competition and their effects on sector-specific water scarcity globally.


Cárdenas B., G.A., Bierkens, M.F.P., van Vliet, M.T.H.: Sectoral water use responses to droughts and heatwaves: analyses from local to global scales for 1990-2019. Environ. Res. Lett. 18 104008., 2023.

Sutanudjaja, E.H., van Beek, L.P.H., de Jong, S.M., van Geer, F.C., and Bierkens, M.F.P.: Calibrating a large-extent high-resolution coupled groundwater-land surface model using soil moisture and discharge data, Water Resour., 2018.

Jones, E.R., Bierkens, M.F.P., Wanders, N., Sutanudjaja, E.H., van Beek, L.P.H., and van Vliet, M.T.H.: DynQual v1.0: a high-resolution global surface water quality model, Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 4481–4500,, 2023.

How to cite: Cárdenas Belleza, G. A., van Beek, L. P. H. (., Bierkens, M. F. P., and van Vliet, M. T. H.: Present and future water quality affects water use and cross-sectoral competition globally, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7434,, 2025.

EGU25-10487 | ECS | PICO | HS5.2.3 | Highlight

How will 13 million global farming households respond to coastal flooding and salt intrusion under sea level rise? DYNAMO-M 

Kushagra Pandey, Jens de Bruijn, Hans de Moel, Wouter Botzen, and Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts

Coastal flooding and sea level rise (SLR) will affect farmers in coastal areas, as increasing salinity levels will reduce crop yields. These impacts will lead to net income loss for farming communities. In response, farmers can take various actions. To assess such responses under SLR at the global scale, we applied DYNAMO-M, a global agent-based model (ABM), to simulate the actions of 13 million farming households in global coastal areas, focusing on those living in 1-in-100-year floodplains and growing 23 major crops. The decision rules in the model (DYNAMO-M) for simulating migration and adaptation are based on the economic theory of subjective expected utility. This theory posits that households can maximize their welfare by deciding whether to (a) stay and face losses from salinization and flooding, (b) stay and adapt (e.g., switching to salt-tolerant crops and enhancing physical resilience such as elevating houses), or (c) migrate to safer inland areas. In our model, current and future coastal flood risk is assessed by combining flood hazard data (with- and without SLR and climate change), the exposure of farmers to flooding and crops to salinization. Vulnerability curves connect hazard and exposure data to estimate (future-) risk. We simulate flood and salinization risk for the period 2020-2080 at a yearly timestep. For each time step, the adaptive response of each individual farming household is simulated as well. Results show that major hotspots of coastal migration are coastal areas of Florida, New York, Oregon in USA, coasts of Japan, China, Philippines and Italy. We further run insurance and policy scenarios to show how government policies like damage coverage and aid in adaptation can help in offsetting the impact of flood risk.

How to cite: Pandey, K., de Bruijn, J., de Moel, H., Botzen, W., and C. J. H. Aerts, J.: How will 13 million global farming households respond to coastal flooding and salt intrusion under sea level rise? DYNAMO-M, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10487,, 2025.

EGU25-10821 | PICO | HS5.2.3

Disentangling Climate Change and Land Use Effects on UK River Flows: Policy and Flow interactions 

Kaia Waxenberg, Nick Wray, Lindsay Beevers, Soledad Garcia Ferrari, and Athanasios Angeloudis

River systems provide essential natural services to communities around the world. Throughout human history, rivers have provided natural water filtration, water and food provision, transport, and recreational opportunities. However, rivers can also expose human systems to natural hazards such as floods and droughts, which are expected to increase in magnitude and frequency due to future climate change. Large scale land use change has the potential to compound the effects of climate change by further altering downstream river flows. This complex relationship, between climate change, land use policy, land use, and river flows, is poorly understood to date.  

Due to its extensive and long-standing river monitoring network, the UK provides a good place to explore the evolution of river flows over the past few decades. This project aims to illustrate how land use policy and planning frameworks can affect catchment hydrology, potentially compounding the effects of climate change on river flows. We focus on policy and river flows in the Trent and Clyde catchments, two catchments with diverse land uses covering the two largest devolved nations in the UK (England and Scotland respectively).   

Through semi-structured interviews, spatial data analysis, and statistical decomposition techniques, we investigate complex relationships between policy, practice, land use, and river flow metrics. We identify three main patterns of land use change which may have affected river flows through this period: afforestation, agricultural intensification, and urbanisation. We also compile a timeline of policies which have affected these three identified land uses in each study catchment. The policy analysis is then related to observed changes in river flows using our climate change attribution methodology for river flow changes (Wray et al., 2024). Our attribution method employs regressions analysis of historical precipitation and temperature against streamflow to derive probability density functions (PDFs) representing the proportion of changes in various streamflow metrics attributable to climate change.  The resulting PDF, representing the climate change attribution, varied depending on the flow metric chosen, as well as temporally over the decades. 

Our transdisciplinary work suggests that certain policies have the potential to exacerbate the effects of climate change on flood and drought risk, and these effects are currently insufficiently represented in the planning process. We hope that by linking previously disconnected knowledge and data, this work will inspire future improvements in land and water management policy.  

How to cite: Waxenberg, K., Wray, N., Beevers, L., Garcia Ferrari, S., and Angeloudis, A.: Disentangling Climate Change and Land Use Effects on UK River Flows: Policy and Flow interactions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10821,, 2025.

EGU25-11358 | PICO | HS5.2.3

Quantifying risk dynamics on Rawa Pening floodplain using optical images gathered by satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle 

yus budiyono, Ibrahim Dwi Ariyoko, Qoriatu Zahro, and Nana Sudiana

The floodplain of lake Rawa Pening, experience spatio-temporal dynamics due to regime shifts of wet and dry season as well as a more persisten land use changes in the upland area. The high yield of rice agriculture in the floodplain has also been bothered by additional entity rooted on the socio-economic value of the plain. Our research focused on floodplain in the vicinity of the Torong River, Banyubiru District that recently incurred river normalization project. Compare to the rest eight  catchments delivering effluents into the lake, we assume normalization will change sediment budget, in way the dynamics can be captured well by detailing imagery acquired from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photography.

Land use change is observed using high temporal resolution of optical satellite imagery and the verification using UAV images. Sentinel-2 optical imagery is used for the macrozonation. Because of the high temporal resolution, we eliminate images with cloud interference exceeding the specified threshold while assuring data continuity. At time when Sentinel-2 is planned to pass over, we also acquire UAV photos of different heights aimed to detail reality mapping of the area. To get land productivity, we use statistical information and semi-structured interviews of randomly selected samples for each land use class.

Our initial results using longer period Google Earth images showed both extreme and gradual changes of land use, partly due to irregular temporal captures. Sentinel-2 is available in shorter historical period providing denser images every 5 days. At the same capture time, UAV capture images to opens potentials for further color manipulations matching the productivity. For the moment, our investigation on land productivity still relied on manual delineation of straight skeleton visible in both approaches. High productivity of ricefield in the floodplain area also still relied on semi-structured interviews and statistical reports by village adminstrations. With the constraints, risk of land use change observed using current satellite images and UAV accords on the manual delineation process. As a result, we found Sentinel-2 images is sufficient to predict risk changes particularly for fish culture and tourism, while spatial ricefield productivity using satellite and UAV images still require complex experimentation on color spectrum and operational acquisition height of the UAV.

How to cite: budiyono, Y., Ariyoko, I. D., Zahro, Q., and Sudiana, N.: Quantifying risk dynamics on Rawa Pening floodplain using optical images gathered by satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11358,, 2025.

EGU25-11405 | ECS | PICO | HS5.2.3

A data-driven framework for the temporal extrapolation of annual water withdrawals for hydrological modelling 

Paul Zarpas, Maria-Helena Ramos, Gaëlle Tallec, Fanny Sarrazin, Aldo Penasso, and Sébastien Baron

In the context of anthropogenic climate change and increasing pressure on water resources from human use, it is necessary to provide stakeholders with tools to quantify water availability under present and future conditions, and to guide public policy in water management. To this end, anthropogenic effects need to be integrated into hydrological modeling. One of the major challenges in modeling human-impacted hydrological systems is the quantification of water withdrawals at the appropriate temporal and spatial scales. Due to a general lack of direct observational data, these withdrawals must often be modeled. The strategy for data-based modeling of water withdrawals depends on the water use sector: irrigation is traditionally subject to a process-based approach, while public freshwater supply is often modelled using regression techniques. Recently, machine-learning techniques have been explored to model freshwater withdrawals and, in the irrigation sector, to identify drivers and, in rarer cases, to predict water withdrawals.   

In this study, we present a data-driven framework to quantify irrigation water with limited data.  We illustrate our methodological development with an application over 74 non-nested catchments in France, where water withdrawals are documented based on declarations for a short historic period (since 2008) and at a coarse temporal resolution (annual volumes). To obtain longer time series for the calibration of a hydrological model, we perform a temporal extrapolation of irrigation water withdrawals at the catchment scale. To predict the annual withdrawal, we use a mixed-effects model that explicitly distinguishes between structural variation (e.g. annual change in area equipped for irrigation) and random variation (e.g. change in meteorological and soil conditions). These two terms are modeled using a random forest algorithm. We evaluate the robustness of the model by excluding, at a turn, from the training set: (i) catchments located in the same region to evaluate the spatial extrapolation performance, and (ii) a year of data for all the catchments to evaluate the temporal extrapolation. Our results show that the structural variation modelling term is particularly robust on temporal extrapolation (overall RMSE of 25% of the predicted value), while the random variation modelling term performs well in both temporal and spatial extrapolation (overall Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.72 and 0.80). We discuss how the framework can be used to disaggregate annual values of water withdrawal and be integrated into hydrological modelling.

This work received funding from the European Life Revers'Eau project.

How to cite: Zarpas, P., Ramos, M.-H., Tallec, G., Sarrazin, F., Penasso, A., and Baron, S.: A data-driven framework for the temporal extrapolation of annual water withdrawals for hydrological modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11405,, 2025.

EGU25-13506 | ECS | PICO | HS5.2.3

Advancing our understanding of human-water dynamics through empirical findings on households' flood adaptation behavior in Hue, Vietnam 

Dominic Sett, Le Dang Bao Chau, Nguyen Dang Giang Chau, Michael Hagenlocher, Philip Bubeck, and Annegret Thieken

Communities around the globe are at substantial risk of being threatened by hydrological extremes, particularly by floods. Adapting to exacerbating flood risks is hence of utmost importance to safeguard people’s wellbeing. Households are critical for flood risk adaptation as their actions have proved effective and efficient in diminishing risks. At the same time, past flood experiences, as well as risk and adaptation capability perceptions are often considered important factors driving household adaptation. These linkages suggest complex human-water system dynamics, characterized by positive, i.e. reinforcing, and negative, i.e. hampering, feedback between household behavior and flood risks and impacts alike. Empirical evidence on this complex interaction is mixed, indicating diverting effects, and findings are predominately derived from case studies in the Global North. Therefore, additional data - particularly from the Global South - is needed to advance understanding of the complex human-water dynamics.

Building on this knowledge gap, our study presents insights into human-water dynamics from the highly flood-prone city of Hue in Central Vietnam. Drawing on a household survey (n=550) and follow-up semi-structured household interviews (n=30), we apply descriptive statistics, logistic regression, and qualitative content analysis to assess patterns and interlinkages of household flood adaptation behavior, past flood experiences, perceived future flood risks, and perceived adaptation capabilities.

Our results suggest that past flood experiences significantly shape households' flood risk perception. Interestingly, households that have been affected by floods in the past reported a higher perceived likelihood of being affected again in the future while their perceived future impact severity did not differ from non-affected households. In general, the perceived severity of flood impacts is assessed significantly lower than the perceived likelihood of impacts. This finding relates to an attitude of “living with the floods”, which strongly builds on the belief that floods cannot be avoided, but that people have always managed to cope with flood impacts. Therefore, risk perception generally only has a moderate effect on households' adaptation intention, although low levels of risk perception can act as a central barrier to future adaptation for some households. In contrast, perceived adaptation capabilities, particularly households' self-efficacy beliefs, have a strong effect on adaptation intention. While low self-efficacy, often driven by contextual factors including old age, poor health, or the lack of financial resources, acts as a significant barrier to adaptation, social networks were found to increase self-efficacy, thereby boosting adaptation intention.

In conclusion, our results decipher central human-water interlinkages and thereby provide vital hints for improved risk management and adaptation. For example, risk awareness-building campaigns should not be limited to increasing risk perception but also aim at strengthening perceived adaptation capabilities, such as through skills and knowledge building, to more effectively nudge households’ adaptation intention.

How to cite: Sett, D., Bao Chau, L. D., Giang Chau, N. D., Hagenlocher, M., Bubeck, P., and Thieken, A.: Advancing our understanding of human-water dynamics through empirical findings on households' flood adaptation behavior in Hue, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13506,, 2025.

EGU25-14101 | ECS | PICO | HS5.2.3

A Conceptual Agent-Based Model for Analyzing the Levee Effect in Indian Floodplains 

Apoorva Singh, Richard Dawson, and Chandrika Thulaseedharan Dhanya

The paradoxical increase in flood-related damages, despite rising investments in flood protection measures, underscores the need to understand the two-way feedback between floodplain communities and floods. The phenomenon of increased exposure in the regions protected by levees, known as the "levee effect," has been examined by previous researchers through monitoring the change in flood hazard, exposure to flood risk, and flood vulnerability.

As flood risk perception, vulnerabilities, and coping mechanisms differ among individuals, it is evident that not everyone is inclined to settle near embankments. Moreover, this study posits that flood damages do not inherently compel entire communities to relocate from floodplains, especially when their livelihoods are intertwined with the resources provided by the floodplains. Further, specific households may manage to enhance their resilience while choosing to stay within the floodplains. In this study, we explore whether these interactions increase or decrease the aggregated vulnerability of the floodplain community.

Using an agent-based modeling approach, we prescribe rules for household agents’ interactions with their environment, incorporating heterogeneity of human behavior. The ABM conceptualized in this study aims to simulate the levee effect in Indian floodplains and evaluate the long-term efficiency of structural flood protection measures in the Indian floodplains. Moreover, this study seeks to contribute insights into community-based flood management practices and inform policies aimed at disaster resilience.

How to cite: Singh, A., Dawson, R., and Dhanya, C. T.: A Conceptual Agent-Based Model for Analyzing the Levee Effect in Indian Floodplains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14101,, 2025.

EGU25-15681 | ECS | PICO | HS5.2.3

Flood human impacts within and beyond the flooded area: results of a survey conducted in Marche region after the flood of 2022. 

Sara Rrokaj, Philip Bubeck, Annegret Thieken, and Daniela Molinari

Despite the primary aim of flood risk assessment and management to mitigate the negative impacts of floods on people, Italy lacks adequate tools for assessing flood human impact. In fact, current assessments are limited to estimating the number of residents in flooded areas. This approach underestimates the human impact as it disregards the broader spectrum of societal impacts and does not include indirectly exposed groups, who may, for example, suffer income losses due to the disruption of economic activities affected by the flood. However, addressing these impacts is key to guarantee healthy lives and well-being for all, as requested by the third Sustainable Development Goal. To better understand the broad spectrum of human impact, a questionnaire was distributed via a social media and local newspapers campaign to directly, indirectly and not affected citizens of the municipalities hit by the exceptional flood event that struck the Marche region, Italy, on September 15th, 2022. The survey elicited the perceived severity of flood impacts accounting for both direct (e.g., physical injuries, property damage) and indirect impacts (e.g., disruptions to daily life, post-event illnesses, psychological stress), together with socio-economic data and flood event information. About 700 responses were received, nearly half of which came from directly affected people. The analysis of the perceived severity of impacts across the three respondent groups revealed that, while direct tangible impacts were significant only for those directly affected, indirect intangible impacts were significant for both indirectly and not affected respondents. This finding confirms that the current approach, which focuses only on directly affected individuals, underestimates the human impact. Furthermore, the psychological stress induced by the flood was significant in all three groups, highlighting the need for targeted preventive measures and post-event mental health support for the whole community.

How to cite: Rrokaj, S., Bubeck, P., Thieken, A., and Molinari, D.: Flood human impacts within and beyond the flooded area: results of a survey conducted in Marche region after the flood of 2022., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15681,, 2025.

EGU25-15950 | PICO | HS5.2.3

Ancestral Human-Water Feedbacks Help on New Regional Models of Anthropogenic Effects and Interactions with Local Communities 

Eduardo Mario Mendiondo, Denise Taffarello, Tercio Ambrizzi, Suzana Montenegro, Leonor Patricia Morellato, Dirce Maria Lobo Marchioni, Adelaide Nardocci, Antonio Saraiva, Nancy Doubleday, and Jose Marengo

We state Ancestral Human-Water Feedbacks (AHWF) into derived regional models of anthropogenic effects and interactions with local communities. On the one hand, we revisit alternative AHWF models from Ailton Krenak’s ancestral future perspectives, quoted for the value of history in global hydrological paradigms (Beven et al, 2025) and even enhanced into hydrological heritage living with droughts (i.e. Pereira et al, 2025). On the other hand, we adapt AHWF models for regional scales from both non-formal cosmogony (e.g. Apgar et al, 2009) and externalist perspectives on metacognition (i.e. from Arfini & Magnani’s, 2022). Thus, the AHWF puts concepts of “knowledge”, “information” and “belief” into practice. In this AHWF, new “embodied”, “extended” and “distributed” anthropogenic effects, with novel sociohydrological archetypes, are theoretically modeled. To conceptualize and simulate feedbacks in human water systems, this AHWF is applied for the coevolution of the Center of Water Resources and Environ. Studies (CRHEA) in Cerrado Biome, Brazil, with river-lake-hydropower-urban settlements. Therefore, connections to regional biomes like the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest are possible to include in this AHWF model through the support of the DREAMS project (‘Flash DRought Event evolution chAracteristics and the response Mechanism to climate change considering the Spatial correlations). Moreover, the AHWF is now operationalised with the SOPHIE initiative (Sustainable Observatory of Planetary Health through Innovation and Entrepreneurship”), with the possibility of the creation of databases for future digital twins and serious games. Topical applications of this AHWF model range for all IPCC-climate impact-drivers and their composite risks (i.e. planetary health, agri-food systems, climate change, water security, biodiversity losses, etc.) with focus on adaptation to hydrological extremes like floods, droughts and water scarcity. Future works are envisaged for the co-alignment of legacies of the IAHS-HELPING Science Decade, the WMO Early Warnings for All initiative, the UNESCO-IHP-IX Strategic Plan, the IWA Digital Water Program and the UNEP World Water Quality Alliance.

References: Apgar et al (2009) Intl. J. Interdiscipl. Soc. Sci.,; Arfini, S., Magnani, L., 2022,; Beven et al, 2025, Hydrol. Sci. J.,; Mendiondo, E M (2023) DREAMS Project, FAPESP 22/08468-0, et al, 2025, Hydrol. Sci. J.,

How to cite: Mendiondo, E. M., Taffarello, D., Ambrizzi, T., Montenegro, S., Morellato, L. P., Marchioni, D. M. L., Nardocci, A., Saraiva, A., Doubleday, N., and Marengo, J.: Ancestral Human-Water Feedbacks Help on New Regional Models of Anthropogenic Effects and Interactions with Local Communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15950,, 2025.

EGU25-18255 | PICO | HS5.2.3

Fostering integrated water resource management coupling airGRiwrm hydrological model and agent-based modeling (NetLogo) 

David Dorchies, Bruno Bonté, Pariphat Promduangsri, and Debomitra Sil

Water scarcity has become an increasingly problematic issue due to the intensifying effects of climate change (e.g., rising temperatures, precipitation pattern change) and to the growing demands (e.g., population growth, economic development, intensive farming and industrial activities).  Ensuring equitable water allocation is therefore becoming a major concern for stakeholders (e.g., managers, companies, citizens and local authorities).

To address these challenges, we are using the concept of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM).  This aims to incorporate both the physical and social dimensions of water management.  IWRM is a “process that promotes coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems” (GWP, 2000).

However, linking the physical and social dimensions of water management within a IWRM framework is always challenging.  We have been exploring the potential of coupling two quantitative models in order to bridge this gap.  One model is the AirGRiwrm hydrological model (Dorchies et al., 2021), built on the R-package airGR with new features to integrate human uses and regulations into simulated river flows.  The other model is NetLogo, a programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) for Agent-Based Modeling (ABM); it can be used to model and simulate complex natural and social interactions.

Within the scope of modeling and simulation, we think that this model coupling can be used to bridge the gap between physical modeling and social simulation for IWRM. On the one hand, Role Playing Games used in our community as models of IWRM systems lack of quantitative robustness. On the other hand, airGR models are calibrated on data easy to validate. Agent-Based Models seems to be the right tool to combine both approaches.

This presentation focuses on a case study: the anthropized Basse Vallée de l’Hérault (France) located in the Hérault catchment. We present the development process of coupling of AirGRiwrm and NetLogo and how it allows us to simulate concrete scenarios, such as water allocation among competing stakeholders on this case study. We outline in our discussion to what extend the AirGRiwrm-Logo model coupling can be used in hybrid approaches combining participatory modeling based on role playing games and data driven hydrological modeling.



Dorchies, D., Delaigue, O., and Thirel, G.: airGRiwrm: an extension of the airGR R-package for handling Integrated Water Resources Management modeling, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2190,, 2021.

Global Water Partnership (GWP). (2000). Integrated water resources management (TAC Background Papers No. 4).

How to cite: Dorchies, D., Bonté, B., Promduangsri, P., and Sil, D.: Fostering integrated water resource management coupling airGRiwrm hydrological model and agent-based modeling (NetLogo), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18255,, 2025.

EGU25-19228 | ECS | PICO | HS5.2.3

GEB: A coupled socio-hydrological agent-based adaptation model for drought and flood risk management 

Jens de Bruijn, Maurice Kalthof, Veerle Bril, Tarun Sadana, Elisa Stefaniak, Tim Busker, Rafaella Oliveira, Mikhail Smilovic, Xinran Guo, Lars Tierolf, Marthe Wens, Hans de Moel, Wouter Botzen, and Jeroen Aerts

GEB is a new socio-hydrological model coupling an agent-based adaptation model, a fully distributed hydrological model (CWatM), a hydrodynamic model (SFINCS), and a forest evolution model (plantFATE). The model simulates hundreds to millions of individual households, such as crop farmers, which can dynamically respond to their environment, for example, through switching crops and irrigation techniques. Moreover, households can dynamically adapt to changes in flood risk and respond to flood events by wet- or dry-proofing their house. All adaptation decisions consider heterogeneity in the agent population and are grounded in well-known behavioural theories, such as the subjective expected utility theory and the protection motivation theory.

Households also interact with each other (e.g. network effects) and with governmental or private sector stakeholders. Higher-level agents, such as water boards and governments, can test the effectiveness of investing in a wide range of measures and policies (e.g., increasing forested areas, creating water buffers and levees) or (dis)incentivize behaviour through subsidies or pricing.

GEB simulates hydrology and drought impacts at a daily to sub-daily timestep at field-scale resolution, while floods are simulated at a resolution of up to 5 meters. The model can simulate well-known human-natural feedbacks from the governmental to the household levels, and is suitable for assessing timely scientific themes such as the safe-development paradox, the irrigation efficiency paradox, supply-demand cycles, and the reservoir paradox.

The model is fully open source ( and can be set up anywhere globally with reasonable default parameterization with little effort, while allowing for improved parameterization using local data. Current implementations include the Krishna basin (India), the Meuse (Western Europe), the Murray-Darling basin (Australia), and the Hetao irrigation area (China). We encourage other researchers and practitioners to test, use, and contribute to the model.

How to cite: de Bruijn, J., Kalthof, M., Bril, V., Sadana, T., Stefaniak, E., Busker, T., Oliveira, R., Smilovic, M., Guo, X., Tierolf, L., Wens, M., de Moel, H., Botzen, W., and Aerts, J.: GEB: A coupled socio-hydrological agent-based adaptation model for drought and flood risk management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19228,, 2025.

Dam construction poses a significant threat to the health of watershed ecosystems by altering natural hydrological regimes. This study assesses the impact of multiple dams on hydrological flow patterns and aquatic ecosystems in the Upper Cauvery River Basin, India. It focuses on the trade-offs between economic benefits and ecological services resulting from modified flow regimes. This study uses a previously developed integrated model that combines a landscape-based hydrological framework with a reservoir operations model at the basin scale to provide new insights into the daily-scale alterations of ecosystem services. This approach is flexible to simulate changes in flow regimes due to the synthetic placement of reservoirs at any location within the river network. As a proof of concept, the study evaluates economic and ecological consequences that may arise from alternative spatial configurations of existing reservoirs in the Upper Cauvery Basin.  Further, the hydrological impacts of reservoir configurations are quantified using Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA). Two critical ecosystem services dependent on river flow regimes—irrigated agricultural production and fish biodiversity, represented by a normalized fish diversity index—are evaluated. A trade-off curve, or production possibility frontier, illustrates the relationship between these services. The findings indicate that smaller reservoirs located on lower-order streams are more favourable for balancing economic and environmental outcomes than larger reservoirs. Additionally, irrigating higher-value crops can maximize the economic return from stored water and result in similar economic benefits with lower storage needs and less hydrological disruption. This approach allows water and river basin managers to assess the provision of ecosystem services in hydrologically altered basins, optimize operations of reservoirs, and make decisions on removing dams where feasible and necessary, leading to a more balanced approach towards managing ecosystem services.

How to cite: Ekka, A., Jiang, Y., Pande, S., and van der Zaag, P.: Understanding Trade-Offs Among Ecosystem Services of Multiple Dams in the Upper Cauvery Basin: A Hydro-Economic Analysis Using a Landscape-Based Hydrological Model", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19381,, 2025.

The short-lived, high-magnitude events have had a significant impact on the geomorphic evolution of the bedrock catchments, but the relative contribution of these episodic events over the high-relief regions is not well understood. The Upper Indus River in the western syntaxial region has witnessed several infrequent episodic and outburst flood incidences. However, the geomorphic imprints of these catastrophic events and their influence on the long-term fluvial processes in the Upper Indus region have not been clearly understood due to a lack of discharge information from these instances of flooding. In this study, we estimate the stream power proxy driven by the channel gradient-discharge product to identify areas of possible anomalous channel erosion and the geomorphic response of the Upper Indus River during two recent anomalous flooding events in the Upper Indus catchment, which occurred in the 2010 and 2022 monsoon periods. The synoptic observations during these two flood events, derived from the HYSPLIT model using the backward trajectory with different heights, indicate that the anomalous precipitation triggering these floods is brought about by a meteorological disturbance. This disturbance involves the interaction of two distinct moisture fluxes, namely the southward moving mid-latitude westerlies troughs and eastward advancing southwestern monsoon circulation. We used topographic metrics to conduct a landscape analysis and calculated the causal relationship between hydroclimatic variables to understand the spatial relationship between the geomorphic response, climatic controls, and primary triggers of these flood events. The topographic analysis indicates that the trunk channel of the Upper Indus River exhibits significant variations in the ranges of the ksn anomaly, χ-gradient, and SL-index, along with frequent sudden rises in stream power profiles across the flooded zone over the low-relief region of Ladakh. Then, when the river traverses through the Nanga Parbat- Harmosh Massif (NP-HM) region along a rapidly exhumed region of the north-western (NW) Himalaya, there is a progressive rise in the local relief and channel gradient, which is also reflected in the spatial distribution of stream power. The spike or transition in the magnitude of the stream power from the Ladakh terrain to the NP-HM region corresponds to the zone of progressive erosion across the active structures. Our study uncovers several significant event characteristics of the Upper Indus catchment's 2010 and 2022 anomalous flood events. Our analysis shows that the 2022 flood originated across elevated glacial channels due to the anomalous temperature rise, which increased the glacial runoff. This increase in runoff across glaciated catchments after traversing through fluvial reaches enhanced the fluvial discharge and likely increased the stream power in the anomalous precipitation region.  We observe a statistically significant relationship between the anomalous stream power and relative EVI range across the lower reaches, which serves as a significant geomorphic indicator of change in the channel morphology. These extreme floods illustrate how causal connections between temperature and precipitation across high relief-gradient channels can magnify the impacts. Such hydrological events may play significant roles as efficient geomorphic agents of erosion and, therefore, in the coupling of climate extremes, topography, and surface processes.

How to cite: Kashyap, A., Cook, K. L., and Behera, M. D.: High-mountain floods and landscape perturbation: Geomorphic and hydroclimatic insights of extreme flood events across the Upper Indus catchment in the NW Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-576,, 2025.

EGU25-768 | ECS | Orals | GM3.2

The South Lhonak GLOF Cascade of October 2023, Sikkim Himalaya 

Ashim Sattar and the SLL GLOF investigating team

On October 3, 2023, a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) occurred at South Lhonak Lake in Northern Sikkim, India, resulting in extensive downstream destruction with transboundary effects extending hundreds of kilometers. The GLOF was triggered by the failure of the lake's perennially frozen and rapidly creeping North lateral moraine, leading to a displacement wave that overtopped and breached the frontal moraine dam. The resulting flood wave severely impacted the downstream valley, claiming lives and damaging infrastructure, including numerous buildings, bridges, roads, and hydropower plants. It completely destroyed the Teesta III hydropower project, at Chungthang located 63 km downstream of the lake. In our study, we employ a multi-model approach to reconstruct the GLOF process chain and analyze its associated geomorphic processes. We utilized various proxies, including flood marks, changes in lake volume before and after the GLOF, and flow velocity measurements to calibrate our models. Our calculations indicate that the erosion and deposition volumes from this event classify it among the most devastating GLOFs recorded to date. Additionally, we identify landslides triggered by the GLOF and assess their impacts on local infrastructure. Our study underscores the urgent need for improved monitoring and risk management strategies in mountain regions exposed to such extreme cascading events.

How to cite: Sattar, A. and the SLL GLOF investigating team: The South Lhonak GLOF Cascade of October 2023, Sikkim Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-768,, 2025.

EGU25-4293 | ECS | Orals | GM3.2

Imprint of an extreme rainfall event on landscape erosion traced by feldspar single-grain luminescence (Río Ñuble, Chile). 

Louise Karman-Besson, Stéphane Bonnet, Anne Guyez, Arindam Biswas, Sébastien Carretier, Marius Allèbe, Rebekah Harries, and Tony Reimann

Single-grain post-infrared luminescence (SG-pIRIR) is able to trace river sediment dynamics stored in fluvial deposits through the interpretation of scatter in equivalent dose (De) distribution caused by heterogeneous bleaching (zeroing) of  grains by sunlight exposure prior to deposition.  Despite the challenge of heterogeneous bleaching, studies have observed that, in such settings though, luminescence signals measured in modern deposits tend to be better bleached downstream. It thus suggests that the study of alongstream luminescence signals may allow the quantification of fluvial transport processes and the transient storage of particles in floodplains.


This study explores SG-pIRIR De distribution from feldspars in modern floodplain deposits of the Río Ñuble (Chile) before and after a major rainfall and discharge event, to investigate whether SG-pIRIR luminescence can be used to trace the impact of such an extreme hydrological event on landscape erosion. This event took place in austral winter 2023, with cumulative rain exceeding 700 mm over 72 hours in the foothill regions, causing large-scale flooding of Andean rivers including adjacent lowlands. The comparison of SG-pIRIR De distribution before and after the event reveals a systematic increase in SG-pIRIR De values, with post-flood data exhibiting a pronounced increase in SG-pIRIR De, enhanced by a factor of 200–300 compared to the pre-flood data. Moreover, the increase of De values varies longitudinally being most pronounced at the front of the Andean Cordillera. We show that this pattern likely reflects the influx of newly eroded material in areas of the most intense rainfall and thus discharge during the flood. It indicates that longitudinal variation of luminescence are set by sediment input from landscape erosion with minor alongstream bleaching due to transport.

How to cite: Karman-Besson, L., Bonnet, S., Guyez, A., Biswas, A., Carretier, S., Allèbe, M., Harries, R., and Reimann, T.: Imprint of an extreme rainfall event on landscape erosion traced by feldspar single-grain luminescence (Río Ñuble, Chile)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4293,, 2025.

EGU25-9727 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.2

Geomorphic Response and Large Wood Recruitment in the Vésubie Valley (France) Following Storm Alex 

Marco Martini, Vincenzo D'Agostino, and Guillaume Piton

Extreme rainfall events in mountain catchments can induce substantial geomorphic changes, reshaping channels, hillslopes, and surrounding environments. These changes often widen active channels, recruiting large wood from adjacent forests into sediment-laden flows, thereby increasing hazards such as altered flow patterns, sediment retention, and logjam formation. Such dynamics can exacerbate flood risks, particularly near infrastructure like bridge piers, dams and weirs. Understanding the extent of forest areas contributing to large wood recruitment and predicting mobilized large wood volumes is critical for effective hazard mitigation. This study examines the geomorphic response of the Vésubie catchment (392 km², south-east, France) to Storm Alex (October 2020), which caused intense flood and sediment transport (i.e., bedload, debris floods and debris flows) with strong large wood recruitment. Using high-resolution aerial LiDAR data from pre- and post-storm surveys, geomorphic changes in valley bottom channels and 43 tributaries (catchment sizes: 0.06–59 km²) were analysed at both catchment and 100-m reach scales via the DEM of Difference (DoD) technique. Diachronic canopy height models were used to assess forest cover loss, and the volume of recruited large wood was estimated based on data from the French national forest inventory. Results revealed massive sediment mobilization, with sediment net balances ranging from -669 m³ ± 36 m³ to -341,575 m³ ± 3,625 m³ in tributaries and -518,609 m³ ± 5,735 m³ to 326,213 m³ ± 16,912 m³ in valley bottoms. This culminated in a total sediment export of 2.14 Mm³ ± 48,985 m³ from the Vésubie catchment. Tributary erosion volumes varied by an order of magnitude, displaying spatially consistent patterns in tributaries with pronounced variability in valley bottom channels. Erosion rates showed no distinct trend with slope, with high rates observed also at low gradients. Conversely, deposition rates increased with decreasing slopes (<25%) but declined sharply in steeper channels, emphasizing the critical role of slope in sediment connectivity. Erosion rates varied widely (0.1–2.5 m3/m2) across the cascading network, reflecting diverse geomorphic responses and exceptional sediment mobility during Storm Alex. The absolute and relative reduction of forest cover extension inside the reaches well correlated with local sediment erosion, deposition, and net balance rates per unit length of reaches, indicating dependence on the intensity of geomorphic processes. The process type played a minor role. The estimated large wood volumes recruited during Storm Alex in the tributaries ranged from moderate to high when compared to literature values, while system-wide estimates exceeded the highest predictions of large wood volumes when scaled to the catchment surface. The findings provided by this extensive dataset underscore the need to integrate geomorphic and large wood dynamics into hazard assessments and protection measures in mountainous regions, particularly in case of extreme events.

How to cite: Martini, M., D'Agostino, V., and Piton, G.: Geomorphic Response and Large Wood Recruitment in the Vésubie Valley (France) Following Storm Alex, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9727,, 2025.

Complex cascading processes such as glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs), or rock slides or rock-ice avalanches evolving into long-runout debris flows or related phenomena, are fairly common phenomena in glacierized high-mountain areas. Massive events resulting in severe losses have triggered scientific and public attention in the early 2020s, such as the Chamoli process chain in 2021 and the South Lhonak process chain in 2023. Managing the related risks is a complex and challenging task. Social scientists emphasize the need for better strategies of policy implementation and increasing awareness and preparedness, whereas researchers with a background in natural and technical sciences often believe in the importance of computer models to predict or to better understand process chains.

This contribution summarizes the current efforts, trends, and challenges in the simulation of cascading hydrogeomorphic processes in high-mountain areas. The past decade has seen major progress in model development and application, with emerging tools allowing to move from model chains to integrated multi-phase approaches. At the same time, major challenges in terms of process understanding and uncertainties of data and parameters have been identified. “Successful” back-calculation of events is often based on case-specific parameter optimization, whereas predictive modelling efforts, despite some progress, face a number of conceptual and practical challenges. A still emerging field consists in the use of model results for science communication and awareness- and preparedness-raising – employing, for example, virtual reality, augmented reality, and computer gaming. Such efforts may help bridging the gap to the societal components of risk management.

How to cite: Mergili, M.: Hydrogeomorphic process chains in high-mountain areas: a modelling perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10287,, 2025.

High mountain expeditions in the Nepal Himalayas occur in a region particularly prone to natural hazards, fueled by the accelerating impacts of ongoing climate change. These hazards, such as avalanches, rockfalls and serac falls, are amplified by rising temperatures and glacier melt. Despite growing awareness, a systematic exploration of the interplay between climate change, natural hazards, and the high-altitude mountaineering, which plays a dominant economic role for Nepal remains absent.

Our study addresses this gap by analyzing how climate change, natural hazards, and expedition success and/or mortality rates relate. Leveraging a comprehensive dataset (The Himalayan Database, spanning 1905–2019), state-of-the-art meteorological reanalysis data (ERA5-Land), we developed Bayesian hierarchical multilevel models to quantify temporal trends in success and/or mortality and how they relate to trends in natural hazard occurrence. We selected 29 peaks above 7,000 m with over 20 expedition entries resulting in an expedition catalogue containing 7,747 expedition entries. We focused on impacts of extreme conditions, storms, avalanches, and seracs. A text-mining approach classified climbing routes and identified hazard occurrences based on expedition logs.

Our first findings reveal notable trends. First, summit bid time windows, i.e. the time between leaving the basecamp and reaching the summit, has consistently decreased over time, potentially reflecting a shortening of optimal and stable climbing conditions which we demonstrate to deteriorate as a function of climate change. Alternatively, shortened summit bid time windows may be indicative of increasing efficiency of touristic mountain expeditions. Second, the reported incidence of storms and avalanches has declined relative to the total number of expeditions, while the mortality rate associated with these hazards, however, has increased, with avalanche-related fatalities rising from 0.150 to 0.195. Likewise, storm-related mortality also slightly increased from 0.010 to 0.014. This finding suggests that expeditions are likely better prepared for summit bids, e.g. improved weather forecasts, yet that the magnitude of deadly incidents may have increased over time. Third, our analysis of climate and weather data reveals that mountaineering expeditions in the Himalayan region are increasingly subject to extreme weather events and hazardous compound events such as snowstorms.

Our findings underscore the need for enhanced safety measures and a deeper understanding of climate-hazard dynamics to mitigate risks to mountaineers. This study may help advancing our knowledge of how global warming alters the risk portfolio high mountain explorers are exposed to, eventually providing valuable insights for stakeholders in mountaineering and tourism.

How to cite: Kusch, E. and Mohr, C. H.: High Hopes and Broken Dreams – The interplay of climate change, natural hazards, and the mortality of high mountain expeditions in the Nepal Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10656,, 2025.

EGU25-11632 | Posters on site | GM3.2

Reconstructing the occurrence of debris flows through time in the surrounding of Alpe di Succiso Mt., Northern Apennines (Italy): a multidisciplinary approach in the context of climate change 

Giovanni Leonelli, Bruno Arcuri, Michele Brunetti, Alessandro Chelli, Veronica Manara, Anna Masseroli, Maurizio Maugeri, Jacopo Melada, Sara Pescio, Emma Petrella, Muhammad Ahsan Rashid, and Luca Trombino

Debris flows are among the most common natural hazards in mountainous regions, with the potential to severely impact human lives and infrastructure. In the vicinity of the Alpe di Succiso Mountain (Northern Apennines, Italy), several debris flows have been documented, impacting trees in the upper portion of the forest. As the precipitation events can become more intense in relation to climate change, assessing the spatial distribution through time of these debris flows is essential for modeling their occurrence and for effective hazard assessment.

In the context of the DECC project (2023), on the N-facing slope of the Alpe di Succiso we set up a multidisciplinary research comprising geomorphology, dendrochronology, geopedology, hydrological monitoring and climatology.

Geomorphic processes of different types (glacial, gravitational and torrential) characterize the area and have shaped landforms and deposits since the late Quaternary (Rashid et al., 2024).

Being the soil a useful archive of forming factors leading to its development, two different soil toposequences (one along a stable slope and one along the slope affected by debris flow) have been selected and analysed using a geopedological approach. The study of the spatial variation of soil profiles in relation to their position along the slope allows the reconstruction of both the stability and instability phases that characterise the slope over time and the impact of debris flows on soil development.

The first results coming from the four hydro-pedological stations show that all the monitoring points respond quickly to precipitation, highlighting the presence of a highly permeable soil. During the summer season, thanks to high temperatures and relatively sparse rainfall events, the soil tends to dry out after rain. However, in early autumn, due to the drop in air temperatures and more frequent and intense rainfall events, it consistently exhibits conditions of complete saturation for extended periods.

Based on dendrogeomorphological analysis and orthophotos, the debris flow events were classified into major and minor categories. The 1975 and 1987 events were classified as major, while the 1997, 2003, and 2013 events were considered minor.

Debris flow events were further correlated with precipitation records from various sources, including hydrological yearbooks, nearby weather stations, and rain gauge based and reanalysis gridded datasets. In this context we are investigating several rainfall events which could have triggered debris flows through time.



DECC, 2023. DECC - Debris flow hazard and climate change in the Northern Apennines: reconstructing and modelling past and future environmental scenarios. PRIN 2022 PNRR - Projects of Great National Interest, Financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU.

Rashid et al., 2024. Journal of Maps.

How to cite: Leonelli, G., Arcuri, B., Brunetti, M., Chelli, A., Manara, V., Masseroli, A., Maugeri, M., Melada, J., Pescio, S., Petrella, E., Rashid, M. A., and Trombino, L.: Reconstructing the occurrence of debris flows through time in the surrounding of Alpe di Succiso Mt., Northern Apennines (Italy): a multidisciplinary approach in the context of climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11632,, 2025.

EGU25-12752 | Orals | GM3.2

The 2024 Thame GLOF, Khumbu Nepal - causes, consequences, and dynamics 

Kristen L. Cook, Dibas Shrestha, Fanny Brun, Etienne Berthier, and Laurane Charrier

Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) are recognized as a major hazard in many mountainous regions of the world, and particularly in the Himalaya. Much of the efforts around GLOF mitigation and early warning in the Himalaya focuses on lakes classified as dangerous, which are generally large; however, even small glacial lakes can produce devastating floods. This was illustrated on 16 August 2024, when a glacial lake outburst flood struck the village of Thame, in the Khumbu region of Nepal. The GLOF originated from a cascade of two small lakes that had not previously been considered dangerous. We use a combination of seismic, remote sensing, meteorologic and gauge data, and field observations to examine the GLOF dynamics, impacts, and potential triggers. The combination of all the data suggests that a wet snow avalanche into the upper bedrock dammed lake was the most likely trigger of the GLOF. The resulting impulse wave overtopped the upper lake, sending a flow 650 m downstream to the lower lake, leading to a breach of the lower lake’s moraine dam. Overall, we estimate that ~4-5 x 105 m3 of water was released from the two lakes. Before and after Pleiades and HMA DEMs reveal a complex pattern of erosion and deposition as the GLOF propagated down the Thame Khola valley. In the village of Thame, damage resulted from inundation, coarse sediment impacts, and erosion of a paleochannel passing through the village. Despite the small initial volume of the GLOF, impacts continued far downstream on the Dudh Koshi, including landslide damage to a key road bridge ~45 km downstream of the GLOF source. This GLOF highlights both the risk of small glacial lakes and the need to understand GLOF erosion and deposition dynamics in order to properly estimate hazard.  

How to cite: Cook, K. L., Shrestha, D., Brun, F., Berthier, E., and Charrier, L.: The 2024 Thame GLOF, Khumbu Nepal - causes, consequences, and dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12752,, 2025.

EGU25-13029 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.2

Hydro-morphological changes and sediment supply investigation: a case study in an Alpine-type river catchment (Marche, Italy) 

Erica Guidi, Giulio Fabrizio Pappafico, Francesco Ottaviani, and Stefano Morelli

Hazards may arise not only from inundation and the direct effects of the flowing water but also from the physical impacts of sediment movement, erosion, deposition, and the resulting destruction. Major geomorphological changes in channels occur during flood events, and one of the important questions is how big floods impact sediment flux and landscape changes overall. For this reason, it is important to study the effects of extreme floods on fluvial dynamics. The key concept is the sediment connectivity within a river catchment that can be used to explain the continuity of sediment transfer from a source to a sink and the movement of sediment between different zones of a catchment. This work aims to analyse the complex interactions of the elements that play an important role in the morpho-fluvial system, bearing in mind a series of cascading processes that can be triggered during an extreme rainfall event. A study was conducted on the small catchment area of the Tenetra creek, which is located in a mountainous area of the Marche region and whose physical conditions of geomorphological evolution are similar to an Alpine environment. This area was affected by a flood event in September 2022, triggered by an intense rainfall of about 419 mm in 12 hours, that caused an intense mobilisation of the material towards the valley floor and the main watercourse. The rainfall event also activated several highly mobile landslides, most represented by debris flows, that sometimes reached the river network, contributing to the increase in the river solid transport. The sediment transport analysis in the study area was structured with an integrated methodology based on different techniques developed individually by various authors for different environmental contexts. Focusing on the origin of the material to be able to define the availability as well as the productivity of the sediment, and secondly quantifying the material for a better understanding of the changes in the hydro-morphological. The slopes were analysed using Cavalli's connectivity index, which, using free, stand-alone GIS-based software, assesses the potential connection between the slopes and the land elements chosen as the target for analysis, in our case the main hydrographic network. Applying Geomorphic Change Detection (GCD) software, it was possible to quantify the difference between two high-resolution (1x1 m LIDAR-derived) Digital Terrain Models used to estimate the volume involved and to study river morphological dynamics through lateral and vertical variations. Iber Software, a two-dimensional numerical tool designed for simulating free surface flow in rivers, was employed to investigate erosion and deposition processes in Tenetra Creek. Iber solves the full depth-averaged shallow water equations to compute water depth and velocity. The sediment transport module within Iber is used to model bedload transport, applying the Meyer-Peter and Müller equation. The results explore the role of sediment availability and supply in a catchment basin through the study of connectivity, seeking to understand the relationships established between different types of processes. Through scenarios with different supplies, we set up to understand the impact of morphodynamic change during an extreme event.

How to cite: Guidi, E., Pappafico, G. F., Ottaviani, F., and Morelli, S.: Hydro-morphological changes and sediment supply investigation: a case study in an Alpine-type river catchment (Marche, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13029,, 2025.

EGU25-14809 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.2

Field insights from the August 16, 2024 Thame glacial lake outburst flood in Nepal: how geomorphology can affect a cascading hazard chain 

Madeline Hille, Emily Mark, Alex Strouth, Keshab Sharma, Avani Dixit, Sophia Zubrycky, Corey Scheip, and Richard Carter

Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) are devastating to downstream communities in high mountain Asia. GLOF hazards are difficult to characterize because of the complexity and variability in factors that control susceptibility, such as warming temperatures, rainfall, and slope instability. Compounding this uncertainty is the potential for downstream hazards such as landslide dam outburst floods. The August 16, 2024 Thame GLOF in the Himalaya illustrates how local geomorphology can influence a cascading hazard chain. Initiating in the Thyanbo Lakes near the Tashi Lapcha Pass in the Solukhumbu region of Nepal, the Thame GLOF destroyed at least houses, an elementary school, and a medical clinic in the village of Thame, as well as displacing 135 people due to the debris inundation and burial of a majority of the town’s farmland. As part of a regional project with the Asian Development Bank, BGC Engineering and partnering organizations including Nepal’s National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, visited Thame in December 2024 to assess GLOF risk from the remaining lakes and to inform reconstruction of the village. The team observed several characteristics of the watershed’s geomorphology that affected the triggering conditions and amplified the consequences of this GLOF. First, the GLOF burst through the lower of two adjacent glacial lakes from rapid water displacement, but not outburst, from the upper lake. Second, debris fan and rock avalanche deposits on both sides of the valley floor formed a constriction which ponded during the event, resulting in increased knickpoint erosion, sediment supply, and inundation of Thame. Third, the GLOF down-cut up to 10 meters through glaciolacustrine deposits at the terminus of the valley, triggering retrogressive landsliding that now poses risk to the remaining buildings in Thame. The Thame GLOF highlights the importance of considering geomorphology in assessing the potential magnitude and humanitarian risks of GLOFs, as well as the cascading hazard chain that can develop. Site-specific geomorphic and geologic studies will continue to be valuable in building our understanding of GLOFs and how to assess risk to downstream communities.

How to cite: Hille, M., Mark, E., Strouth, A., Sharma, K., Dixit, A., Zubrycky, S., Scheip, C., and Carter, R.: Field insights from the August 16, 2024 Thame glacial lake outburst flood in Nepal: how geomorphology can affect a cascading hazard chain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14809,, 2025.

EGU25-14955 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.2

Advances in computational modeling for morphodynamics in himalayan rivers 

Somalin Nath, Sushant Shekhar, Onkar Dikshit, and Balasubramanian Nagarajan

The Himalayan region hosts some of the world's most dynamic river systems, characterized by steep gradients, high sediment loads, and susceptibility to geomorphic changes. Recent advances in computational modeling techniques have revolutionized our ability to understand and predict morphodynamic processes in these challenging environments. The study presents an integrated approach that combines comprehensive hydrological data with machine learning and numerical modeling techniques to improve forecasting accuracy and advance our understanding of complex hydrological phenomena. The integration of these methods enables a more robust and comprehensive analysis of hydrological systems, incorporating diverse datasets such as precipitation, soil moisture, streamflow, and land cover characteristics.
Physics-based models using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) enable detailed simulations of flow patterns, sediment transport, and erosion-deposition dynamics in rivers. By integrating topographic data, hydraulic parameters, and sediment characteristics, these models predict changes in channel morphology over time. Particle-based simulations like discrete element methods (DEM) and smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) provide insights into water-sediment interactions, capturing granular flow behavior and sediment sorting crucial for understanding channel evolution. Coupled hydro-morphodynamic models combine hydraulic simulations with morphological feedback, considering the mutual influence between flow dynamics and channel morphology. These models account for sediment transport feedback, bank erosion, meander dynamics, and delta formation, offering a holistic view of river evolution. Advancements in data assimilation, including remote sensing and in-situ measurements, enhance model calibration and validation, improving prediction reliability. Machine learning algorithms like neural networks, decision trees, and support vector machines extract patterns from large hydrological datasets, enhancing forecasting accuracy. Integrated with numerical simulations, these models predict hydrological processes across scales, demonstrated through case studies showcasing improved forecasting and dynamics capture. This integrated approach aids in water resource management, flood forecasting, and climate change assessments, facilitating informed decision-making in water-related sectors.
These computational modeling advances have significant implications for Himalayan river management, natural hazard assessment, and climate change impact studies. They provide valuable tools for predicting sediment transport, erosion hotspots, and morphological changes, aiding in sustainable river basin management and ecosystem conservation efforts. However, challenges remain in integrating complex geomorphic processes, scaling models across different spatial and temporal scales, and incorporating uncertainties for robust decision-making in dynamic Himalayan river systems.

How to cite: Nath, S., Shekhar, S., Dikshit, O., and Nagarajan, B.: Advances in computational modeling for morphodynamics in himalayan rivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14955,, 2025.

EGU25-15938 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.2

Cascading rock and ice avalanches are a widespread threat to High Mountain Asia hydropower installations 

Yan Zhong, Simon Allen, Xiaojun Bu, Kavita Upadhyay, Jeffrey Kargel, Jakob Steiner, Guoxiong Zheng, and Markus Stoffel

Hydropower projects across the High Mountain Asia (HMA) region have attracted substantial investment in recent decades, with institutions such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank funding projects worth hundreds of billions of dollars. However, hydropower development in this region faces severe challenges from natural hazards, particularly rock and/or ice avalanches (RIAs) and their cascading processes. RIAs can produce between 10 million and 100 million cubic meters of sediment—equivalent to 2% to 20% of the Yangtze River’s annual sediment transport. These mass flows are sudden, powerful, and come with little warning, posing major and long-lasting threats to hydropower installations (HPIs), local communities, and river systems. A notable example is the 2021 Chamoli disaster in India, which destroyed two hydropower projects, killed more than 200 people, and impacted downstream areas over 50 kilometers away.

To mitigate economic losses, optimize investments, and enhance hydropower planning in HMA, this study evaluates the potential risk of RIAs to HPIs across the region. A comprehensive dataset of HPIs, including dams, intakes, and powerhouses, was compiled for this purpose. Potential RIA hazards were assessed by analyzing all steep slopes within glacial and periglacial domains, with downstream trajectories to HPIs calculated. This assessment utilized an iterative GIS-based model, designed to automatically assess the risk to each HPI and enable large-scale automated applications.

Our results show that there are currently 1,819 HPIs in the HMA, around 53% (968) of which are threatened by RIAs and their cascading processes. With ongoing hydropower development, the number is planned to increase to 2,611 in the future, with those at risk rising to 57% (1,413). High- and very high-risk HPIs are predominantly concentrated along the Ganges River basin, particularly in Nepal, where a 3-fold increase in future risk is anticipated, including within critical transboundary hotspots. Compared to GLOFs, potential RIAs starting zones are more numerous and unpredictable, while in combination, RIA’s can initiate devastating cascading process chains from glacial lakes, amplifying risk to HPIs. To ensure sustainable development, future hydropower planning in the HMA region must account for the threat of RIAs, emphasizing strategic site selection, appropriate HPI types, and enhanced risk management strategies.

How to cite: Zhong, Y., Allen, S., Bu, X., Upadhyay, K., Kargel, J., Steiner, J., Zheng, G., and Stoffel, M.: Cascading rock and ice avalanches are a widespread threat to High Mountain Asia hydropower installations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15938,, 2025.

EGU25-16938 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.2

An hourly precipitation approach to debris flow hazard assessment in the DECC project: leveraging daily rain gauge observations and hourly ERA5 reanalysis data 

Jacopo Melada, Bruno Arcuri, Veronica Manara, Michele Brunetti, Alessandro Chelli, Giovanni Leonelli, Sara Pescio, Emma Petrella, Muhammad Ahsan Rashid, Luca Trombino, Anna Masseroli, and Maurizio Maugeri

The availability of reliable hourly time series is essential for investigating the link between precipitation and debris flow events. However, before the 1990s data from weather stations are generally only available at daily resolution.

A methodology is proposed to reconstruct hourly precipitation time series from the 1940s by combining ERA5 reanalysis data — which provide hourly information — with daily cumulative values measured by in situ stations. The goal is to provide complete hourly series capable of capturing the intense precipitation events that may trigger debris flows, as required by the DECC (2023) project which investigates these gravitative phenomena at the multi-decadal scale for a study site in the area of Alpe di Succiso Mt., Northern Apennines (Italy). The analysis through time of these disruptive phenomena characterized by the rapid movement downslope of a mixture of water, rocks and debris, is a fundamental step for the hazard assessment in the context of climate change.

The algorithm automatically selects the best daily aggregation window by correlating ERA5-summed hourly precipitation with observed daily totals. ERA5’s hourly data are then corrected to match daily observed precipitation and finally ERA5’s hourly corrected data are scaled to match the distribution of the rain gauge hourly data which are available for the study area for the last decades both as station data and as gridded fields.

Daily rain gauge-based precipitation data were collected for an area within a 50 km radius from the study site from multiple regional and national providers and subjected to rigorous analysis to ensure quality and consistency. Redundant series were removed, and data were merged to establish a unique correspondence for each location. Metadata verification included checks for consistency in location coordinates and altitude, complemented by manual validation. The final dataset consists of 403 stations and was analyzed alongside gridded daily precipitation data (available from 1961) and hourly precipitation data (available from 1991), provided by the Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment, and Energy of Emilia-Romagna.

The final reconstructed hourly series is validated by comparing it with hydrological yearbook data and, for more recent periods, with rain gauge-based gridded data and hourly observations from the same stations. The reconstructed hourly series is then used in a multi-temporal analysis of dated debris flow events in Alpe di Succiso to investigate magnitude-frequency relationships and potential triggering thresholds.



DECC, 2023. DECC - Debris flow hazard and climate change in the Northern Apennines: reconstructing and modelling past and future environmental scenarios. PRIN 2022 PNRR - Projects of Great National Interest, Financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU. 

How to cite: Melada, J., Arcuri, B., Manara, V., Brunetti, M., Chelli, A., Leonelli, G., Pescio, S., Petrella, E., Rashid, M. A., Trombino, L., Masseroli, A., and Maugeri, M.: An hourly precipitation approach to debris flow hazard assessment in the DECC project: leveraging daily rain gauge observations and hourly ERA5 reanalysis data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16938,, 2025.

Landslides pose significant hazard in mountain regions, driving hillslope erosion and mobilizing large amounts of sediment to rivers. Earthquake-triggered landslides are commonly clustered near ridges and steep slopes, influenced in part by the topographic amplification of seismic waves. Understanding the spatial distribution of these landslides is critical for evaluating sediment supply to river and connectivity. While several complex physical-based models have been developed to explore the spatial distribution and river connectivity of earthquake-triggered landslides, challenges remain in accurately modeling the influence of earthquake-induced ground acceleration.

Here we test Slipos, a simple physic-based model accounting for landslide source and a runout, to study the impact of ground acceleration from the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake on the spatial distribution of landslides and their connection to rivers. The landslide source component of Slipos is calibrated by varying rock strength parameters, while the runout component is refined by exploring transport-deposition parameter spaces.

Preliminary results show some discrepancies between modeled and observed landslides, in terms of location and source volume. We infer that the noise affecting post-event DEM lead to unrealistic landslides. Integrating peak ground acceleration leads to an increase in the area and volume of each individual landslide. However, the runout component accurately reproduces observed landslide locations when parameter spaces are appropriately adjusted. Initial findings on landslide connectivity indicate that up to 70% of modeled landslides deposit material in proximity of a river channel, consistent with observations. Our preliminary results highlight the need to use high-quality and high-resolution DEM when modeling earthquake-triggered landslides. In addition, the Slipos model, particularly its runout component, has the potential to accurately reproduce landslides connectivity.

How to cite: Desormeaux, C., Steer, P., and Clark, M.: Assessing the Impact of Ground Acceleration during Earthquake on Landslide Triggering Using a Simple Physic-Based Model : Application to the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18220,, 2025.

EGU25-18411 | Orals | GM3.2

Landslide-channel feedbacks amplify channel widening during floods 

Georgina Bennett, Diego Panici, Francis Rengers, Jason Kean, and Sara Rathburn

Channel widening is a major hazard during floods, particularly in confined mountainous catchments. However, channel widening during floods is not well understood and not always explained by hydraulic variables alone. Floods in mountainous regions often coincide with landslides triggered by heavy rainfall, yet landslide-channel interactions during a flood event are not well known or documented. Here we demonstrate with an example from the Great Colorado Flood in 2013, a 1000-yr precipitation event, how landslide-channel feedbacks can substantially amplify channel widening and flood risk. We use a combination of DEM differencing, field analysis, and multiphase flow modeling to document landslide-channel interaction during the flood event in which sediment delivered by landslides temporarily dammed the channel before failing and generating substantial channel widening. We propose that such landslide-flood interactions will become increasingly important to account for in flood hazard assessment as flooding and landsliding both increase with extreme rainfall under climate change. We also demonstrate the role of multiphase models such as r.avaflow in simulation of flood dynamics in cases of high lateral sediment supply and recommend that these are further tested for more accurate modeling of flood hazard in catchments where floods typically coincide with high sediment supply.

This study has been accepted for publication in npj Natural Hazards: Bennett, G.L., Panici, D., Rengers, F.K., Kean, J.W., Rathburn, S.L., Landslide-channel feedbacks amplify channel widening during floods, npj Natural Hazards, 

How to cite: Bennett, G., Panici, D., Rengers, F., Kean, J., and Rathburn, S.: Landslide-channel feedbacks amplify channel widening during floods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18411,, 2025.

EGU25-18435 | ECS | Orals | GM3.2

Catastrophic sediment transport preconditioned by warm storms 

Rebekah Harries, Iván Vergara, Alejandra Serey, Tania Villaseñor, Elizabeth Orr, German Aguilar, Paulina Vergara, and Carlos Marquardt

Cascading sediment flows in extratropical mountain ranges could be enhanced by an increasing frequency of warmer storms over the next century. We present analysis of the geomorphological and sedimentological impact of two rain-induced catastrophic sediment transport events that occurred just 54 days apart on the Rio Teno, Central Chilean Andes. Despite the second storm generating 50-80% smaller peak flood magnitudes and 1.3 times fewer mass movements, we find evidence for the catastrophic reworking of riverbed sediments that scale in magnitude with the first event. We argue that beyond the individual disruptive event, warm storms have the potential to prime mountain river systems for subsequent sediment transport events during smaller floods. To forecast the evolution of sediment fluxes from mountain ranges over the next century, we therefore need to go beyond assuming a simple relationship between sediment export and the frequency of sediment mobilising flood events to consider the disproportional response of the sediment system to smaller floods following more frequent warm storms.

How to cite: Harries, R., Vergara, I., Serey, A., Villaseñor, T., Orr, E., Aguilar, G., Vergara, P., and Marquardt, C.: Catastrophic sediment transport preconditioned by warm storms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18435,, 2025.

This study presents the most comprehensive and recent inventory of glacial lakes in Kyrgyzstan, offering one of the first digitized polygon-based datasets covering the entire country. It examines the dynamics of glacial lakes and glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) within the context of rapid glacier retreat and permafrost degradation due to climate change. Using Sentinel-2 imagery acquired during the summer months (July to October) of 2022–2024, this research employs a Python-based workflow in ArcGIS Pro to identify and delineate glacial lakes. A total of 41 atmospherically corrected images with <5% cloud cover were analyzed, ensuring optimal coverage and resolution (10 m), capable of detecting lakes larger than 0.003 km². A threshold of 0.07 from the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) was used to generate an initial water mask. Polygons were refined based on morphological filtering, proximity to glaciers identified in the Randolph Glacier Inventory (within 30 km), and elevation criteria derived from the ALOS Global Digital Surface Model (AW3D30) (>3,000 m a.s.l.). All polygons were manually reviewed for accuracy.
The inventory identifies more than 2000 glacial lakes across Kyrgyzstan. The highest density is found in the Terskey (1,137 lakes) and Kyrgyz (323 lakes) mountain ranges, as well as in the southwestern regions of Osh and Batken, where higher altitudes favor lake formation. Glacial lakes are mainly located between 3,250 and 3,850 meters, with larger lakes typically dammed by bedrock or a combination of damming types. Ice-dammed lakes are more common at higher latitudes, whereas those dammed by landslides are found at lower latitudes. Analysis of optical images from 2023 and 2024 revealed lakes newly formed or enlarged, underscoring the rapid evolution of these features due to glacier retreat and the crucial need for regular inventory updates.
This inventory outlines the spatial distribution and physical characteristics of glacial lakes, as well as those most at risk of GLOFs. As highlighted in previous studies, most endangered lakes fall into three genetic categories: moraine-glacier lakes, supraglacial lakes, and those dammed by landslides and debris flows. Adygine and Kol-Ukok lakes were selected as case studies to illustrate these hazardous types. Fieldwork conducted in August 2023 and 2024, including drone and geophysical surveys, validated the dataset and provided insights into the geomorphological and geological factors influencing lake stability, including the role of permafrost in slope dynamics. Drone imagery revealed key surface features, enhancing understanding of the local context and informing future assessments of potential instability. Semi-automated mapping is a valuable tool for hazard assessments, but limitations persist. Shadows, cloud cover, seasonal water-filled depressions, and residual snow can cause false positives, while terrain complexity and variations in water turbidity or sediment loads affect accuracy. Manual verification remains essential to ensure reliability.
This national glacial lake inventory provides the basis for future studies, highlighting the roles of climate change and geology in shaping vulnerable mountain systems. By integrating regional-scale remote sensing data with fieldwork, this approach strengthens hazard assessments by providing crucial local context in high-risk areas, ensuring more reliable analyses.

How to cite: Piroton, V. and Havenith, H.-B.: National Inventory of Glacial Lakes in Kyrgyzstan: Integrating Remote Sensing for Hazard Assessment and Local-scale Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19362,, 2025.

EGU25-20363 | Orals | GM3.2 | Highlight

Natural hazards and the sustainability of Himalayan hydropower 

Wolfgang Schwanghart

The history of Himalayan hydropower is dotted with severe accidents due to high-mountain hazards such as earthquakes, glacial lake outburst floods, and mass movements. Regardless, India is set to expand the development of large hydroelectric power projects, in particular in its Himalayan states. In Nepal, 85 new projects are currently under construction, and an additional 82 projects are under consideration. China approved plans to build the world’s largest hydropower dam along the Yarlung Zangbo River, and accelerated construction of hydropower dams along Tibet’s major rivers.

Clean, flexible, reliable and renewable energy is needed to satisfy increasing power demands, meet sustainability goals, and advance towards a carbon-free future. However, intensification of precipitation events, glacier retreat, and permafrost decay in the wake of global warming do not bode well for the future of high-mountain hydropower endeavors. For this reason, research is needed that offers quantitative assessments of hazards to hydropower and associated risks.

In this talk, I will showcase recent natural extreme events and their impact on Himalayan hydropower, and I will detail how regional assessments can help identifying river reaches that are exposed to natural hazards. While these assessments explicitly and quantitatively acknowledge uncertainties to guide disaster prevention, recent extreme events and their cascading nature underscore limits to hazard and risk assessments. These challenges to predict the diversity of rare and destructive events in the Himalayan environment need to be addressed to ultimately warrant that hydropower generation remains a sustainable undertaking. 

How to cite: Schwanghart, W.: Natural hazards and the sustainability of Himalayan hydropower, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20363,, 2025.

EGU25-21687 | Orals | GM3.2

Dynamic risk from sediment cascades in the Indian Himalaya 

Hugh Sinclair, Rajiv Sinha, Fiona Clubb, Erin Harvey, David Milledge, Vipin Kumar, Jerry Phillips, Kay Sreelash, Jon Ensor, Tanushree Verma, Neeharika Chauhan, Prasad Babu, Dan Parsons, Maggie Creed, Mark Naylor, Simon Mudd, Rahul Devrani, Yaspal Sundriyal, Vikram Gupta, and Vineet Gahalaut

Sediment cascades from the high mountains of the Himalaya are initiated in steep glaciated and fluvial landscapes and transfer downstream through alluvial and bedrock reaches of the river network before exiting at the mountain front. Understanding how the stochastic triggers for processes such as landslides, GLOFS and ‘cloudbursts’ translate into downstream hazards such as sediment-rich floods underpins the changing risk profile for communities in these settings. In a collaboration between the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Indian Ministry of Earth Sciences we analyse the downstream translation of high magnitude sediment transport processes in the Ganga catchment of Uttarakhand. A time series of fast-moving shallow, and slower-moving deep landslides are being mapped through automated remote sensing and field-based monitoring. These are then compared to the distribution of wide alluvial reaches of the channel network where potential ‘sediment bombs’ are accumulating. These accumulations of sediment are mapped using high resolution digital topography and their thicknesses measured using seismic nodes. Based on our understanding of how the locations of ‘sediment bombs’ link to potential landslide sediment sources and/or damming effects, we will then explore triggering mechanisms that translate this material downstream as devastating debris and sediment-rich flows; these will be based on physics-based models for landslide and debris flows (LaharFlow) and sediment-rich flood discharges (Caesar Lisflood). Through the analysis of case studies such as the 2013 Alaknanda floods, and model scenarios, we intend to work with local disaster management authorities in developing evolving hazard forecasts ahead of each monsoon. These forecasts of the changing dynamic risk from year to year will aid in the targeted monitoring of upstream processes.

How to cite: Sinclair, H., Sinha, R., Clubb, F., Harvey, E., Milledge, D., Kumar, V., Phillips, J., Sreelash, K., Ensor, J., Verma, T., Chauhan, N., Babu, P., Parsons, D., Creed, M., Naylor, M., Mudd, S., Devrani, R., Sundriyal, Y., Gupta, V., and Gahalaut, V.: Dynamic risk from sediment cascades in the Indian Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21687,, 2025.

EGU25-3877 | Orals | NP1.3

The Typicality of Regimes Associated with Northern Hemisphere Heatwaves 

Christopher Chapman, Didier Monselesan, James Risbey, Abdelwaheb Hannachi, Valerio Lucarini, and Richard Matear

We study the hemispheric to continental scale regimes that lead to summertime heatwaves in the Northern Hemisphere. By using a powerful data mining methodology -archetype analysis - we identify characteristic spatial patterns consisting of a blocking high pressure systems embedded within a meandering upper atmosphere circulation that is longitudinally modulated by coherent Rossby Wave Packets. Periods when these atmospheric regimes are strongly expressed correspond to large increases in the likelihood of extreme surface temperature. Most strikingly, these regimes are shown to be typical of surface extremes and frequently reoccur. Three well publicised heatwaves are studied in detail - the June-July 2003 western European heatwave, the August 2010 "Russian" heatwave, and the June 2021 "Heatdome" event across western North America. We discuss the implications of our work for long-range prediction or early warning, climate model assessment and post-event diagnosis.

How to cite: Chapman, C., Monselesan, D., Risbey, J., Hannachi, A., Lucarini, V., and Matear, R.: The Typicality of Regimes Associated with Northern Hemisphere Heatwaves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3877,, 2025.

EGU25-5631 | Orals | NP1.3

TurboMeter: attributing aviation turbulence events to climate change 

Tommaso Alberti, Lia Rapella, Erika Coppola, and Davide Faranda

Turbulence remains a pressing challenge for aviation safety and efficiency, as highlighted by recent incidents involving Singapore Airlines, Qatar Airways, and Scandinavian Airlines. Among the various types, Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) poses the greatest hazard due to its occurrence in clear skies, rendering it difficult to detect and predict. Furthermore, the unprecedented changes in Earth's climate are reshaping atmospheric dynamics on a global scale, with profound implications on aviation. As a companion of ClimaMeter, a platform designed to assess and contextualize extreme weather phenomena in relation to climate change, we introduce here TurboMeter. It is designed to use ERA5 reanalysis data to investigate the meteorological drivers of turbulence events by comparing them with historical analogues under similar atmospheric conditions. Turbulence diagnostics, including Ellrod’s indices, are used to evaluate the roles of jet streams, wind shear, and convective activity at typical cruising altitudes.

To illustrate TurboMeter, we present some recent aviation turbulence events occurred during 2024. Our findings reveal that they are closely linked to intensified jet streams and enhanced convective activity, influenced by the growing impacts of anthropogenic climate change. These results highlight a concerning trend: changing climatic patterns are altering the atmospheric drivers of turbulence, particularly CAT, with significant implications for flight safety and operational planning. Our study evidences the urgent need for improved weather forecasting and turbulence prediction models to mitigate aviation risks in a rapidly warming climate.

How to cite: Alberti, T., Rapella, L., Coppola, E., and Faranda, D.: TurboMeter: attributing aviation turbulence events to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5631,, 2025.

EGU25-5780 | Posters on site | NP1.3

ClimaMeter: a rapid attribution framework for weather extreme events 

Davide Faranda and the The ClimaMeter team
Climate change is a global challenge with manifold and widespread consequences, including the intensification and increased frequency of numerous extreme weather phenomena. In response to this pressing issue, we introduce ClimaMeter, a platform designed to assess and contextualize extreme weather phenomena in relation to climate change. The platform provides near-real-time information on the dynamics of extreme events, serving as a resource for researchers, policymakers, and acting as a scientific outreach tool for the general public. ClimaMeter currently analyzes heatwaves, cold spells, heavy precipitation, and windstorms.Our methodology is based on looking for weather conditions similar to those that caused the extreme event of interest with physics-informed machine-learning methodologies. We focus on the satellite era, namely the period since 1979, when widespread observations of climate variables from satellites have become available. The object studied (i.e. "the event") is asurface-pressure pattern over a certain region and averaged over a certain number of days, that has lead to a extreme weather conditions. We split the dataset 1979-Present in two parts of equal length and consider the first half of the satellite era  as "past" and the second part as "present" separately. We use data from MSWX. We then compare how the selected weather conditions have changed between the two periods, and whether such changes are likely due to natural climate variability or anthropogenic climate change.
This presentation sheds light on the methodology, data sources, and analytical techniques that ClimaMeter relies on, offering a comprehensive overview of its scientific foundations. To illustrate ClimaMeter, we present some examples of recent extreme weather events. Additionally, we highlight the role of ClimaMeter in promoting a profound understanding of the complex interactions between climate change and extreme weather phenomena, with the hope of ultimately contributing to informed decision-making and climate resilience. Follow us on the social-media @ClimaMeter and visit

How to cite: Faranda, D. and the The ClimaMeter team: ClimaMeter: a rapid attribution framework for weather extreme events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5780,, 2025.

EGU25-7645 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3

Advancing the understanding of extreme events through the lens of dynamical system theory 

Chenyu Dong, Adriano Gualandi, Valerio Lucarini, and Gianmarco Mengaldo

Since Lorenz's pioneering work, dynamical systems theory has provided a powerful framework for studying complex systems. Among these, the study of their instantaneous properties is particularly significant for understanding short-lived yet impactful extreme events. Here, we propose an analogues-based index to measure the instantaneous predictability of dynamical systems over different forecasting horizons. We demonstrate its application in both classical dynamical systems and the Euro-Atlantic sector atmospheric circulation. Furthermore, recognizing that the onset of extreme events often involves processes operating across different scales, we introduce a novel framework that enables the exploration of scale-dependent dynamical properties. Given the flexible and generalizable nature of these methods, we believe they open new research avenues for studying extreme events from a dynamical systems perspective and will serve as valuable tools for deepening our understanding of extreme events.

How to cite: Dong, C., Gualandi, A., Lucarini, V., and Mengaldo, G.: Advancing the understanding of extreme events through the lens of dynamical system theory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7645,, 2025.

EGU25-7685 | Orals | NP1.3

Progress and Challenges in the Study of Extreme Weather 

Gianmarco Mengaldo

Extreme weather events, including heatwaves, extreme precipitation, tropical cyclones, and other hazards, pose significant risks to society and ecosystems. Recent advancements in observational techniques, numerical modeling, theoretical frameworks, and AI methods have greatly improved our understanding and prediction of extreme weather events. However, despite significant progress, key challenges remain unresolved, particularly in achieving a thorough understanding of the physical drivers of extreme events, improving the transparency of AI-based prediction methods, and evaluating the vulnerability and resilience of cities to their impacts. To address these challenges, we present various approaches drawn from different fields, including dynamical systems theory, explainable AI, and NLP-based methods. Given the flexible and generalizable nature of these methods, we believe they may pave the way toward more robust solutions for addressing the challenges posed by extreme weather events.

How to cite: Mengaldo, G.: Progress and Challenges in the Study of Extreme Weather, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7685,, 2025.

Compound climate and weather extremes have received significant attention in recent years due to the increased risks that they pose to the environment, human societies, and the economy. While prior studies have identified associations between various hazards in disaster databases, investigations focussing on droughts and floods remain rare. In this study, we analyze the impacts of concurrent or sequential drought-flood extremes from two widely used disaster databases: the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) and its geocoded version (GDIS), as well as the DesInventar database. The analysis focuses on the period from 1960 to 2018, aligning with GDIS temporal coverage. We define concurrent or sequential hazards as instances where a flood occurs during a drought period or within four months following a drought.  

Our findings for the global extratropics reveal that the economic losses and the number of affected people resulting from the identified drought-flood events are two to eight times higher than those ascribed to isolated droughts or floods, with a confidence interval ranging from two to twelve. Specifically, in DesInventar, the impact ratio (the mean impact of concurrent or sequential events divided by the mean impact of isolated events) for indirectly affected individuals and financial losses is approximately three. In EM-DAT, the impact ratio reaches three for economic damages and eight for affected individuals. Furthermore, the impact ratios are notably higher in the last 30 years of the study period compared to earlier decades, emphasizing the increasing severity of the drought-flood compound events.

These results highlight the amplified negative impacts when droughts and floods occur concomitantly or sequentially, highlighting the need for more robust policies to address their socio-economic risks, particularly under changing climatic conditions.

How to cite: Worou, K. and Messori, G.: Amplified Socio-Economic Impacts of Concurrent or Sequential Drought-Flood Events: Insights from Disaster Databases (1960–2018), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8719,, 2025.

EGU25-10235 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3

Assessing the impact of climate change on wildfire development: insights from analogues and regional climate models 

Chen Lu, Rita Nogherotto, Tommaso Alberti, Gabriele Messori, Erika Coppola, and Davide Faranda

Climate change is an ongoing process that is modifying weather patterns and influencing weather phenomena and extreme events such as heatwaves, droughts, and floods. In this study, we investigate whether climate change can also play a role in enhancing wildfires by focusing on a set of three recent wildfires in Europe (i.e., events occurred in Central Sweden in July 2018, France in July 2022, and in Sicily and Greece in July 2023). We employ the concept of analogues to assess the influence of climate change on the atmospheric conditions underlying wildfire development monitored through the fire weather index, by comparing past and present atmospheric patterns similar to those that occurred during the wildfire. Our analysis focuses on both reanalysis data and high-resolution regional climate models to attribute the observed changes and provide future projections. Our findings show that climate change has altered critical factors supporting wildfire development, such as temperature, humidity, and wind patterns. The results from our sample of three events point out that climate change has increased wildfire hazards in Europe, which is projected to further increase for similar fire weather conditions in the future.

How to cite: Lu, C., Nogherotto, R., Alberti, T., Messori, G., Coppola, E., and Faranda, D.: Assessing the impact of climate change on wildfire development: insights from analogues and regional climate models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10235,, 2025.

EGU25-10570 | Posters on site | NP1.3

VORTEX project: The role of the polar vortex on the predictabIlity of extreme events in the Northern Hemisphere 

Carmen Alvarez-Castro, Cristina Peña-Ortiz, David Gallego, and Davide Faranda

Extreme weather and climate events, marked by unexpected and severe conditions at the edges of historical distributions, significantly impact human health, society, and ecosystems. With global warming driving an increase in the frequency and intensity of these extremes, there is an urgent need to enhance weather prediction beyond the typical 7–10-day range. Among the atmospheric and oceanic components studied for improving predictability, the stratosphere stands out due to its slower and more predictable changes, which can have persistent impacts on surface weather patterns.

Research has highlighted the stratosphere's role in driving weather and climate extremes, particularly in the extratropical Northern Hemisphere. Events involving a weak or strong stratospheric polar vortex can precede the occurrence of surface extremes, making the polar vortex a key link between stratospheric variability and surface climate predictability. While various studies have previously identified this teleconnection, the processes connecting anomalous vortex states to extreme surface events are not yet fully understood.

In VORTEX project we employ a methodology based on advancements in dynamical systems theory to explore the relationship between anomalous polar vortex states and extreme precipitation and temperature events. This approach characterizes each vortex-extreme event's recurrence, persistence, and predictability, providing dynamic insights that traditional methods cannot. By identifying the intrinsic predictability of stratospheric patterns tied to extremes, this methodology offers a pathway to improve sub-seasonal to seasonal climate models, focusing future efforts on better representing critical patterns that influence extreme weather.

How to cite: Alvarez-Castro, C., Peña-Ortiz, C., Gallego, D., and Faranda, D.: VORTEX project: The role of the polar vortex on the predictabIlity of extreme events in the Northern Hemisphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10570,, 2025.

EGU25-10822 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3

Exploring a new methodology to quantify natural variability in conditional extreme event attribution 

Clara Naldesi, Mathieu Vrac, Nathalie Bertrand, and Davide Faranda

Anthropogenic climate change (ACC) is one of the most demanding challenges facing our society. The intensification and increased frequency of many extreme events due to ACC are among its most impactful consequences, threatening human health, infrastructure, and ecosystems. In this context, raising the awareness of the general public of the relationship between ACC, extremes, and associated impacts becomes a crucial task.

This work is grounded in attribution science and focuses on quantifying and understanding the influence of internal climate variability on extreme events. Among the many tools available for attribution, we use ClimaMeter [Faranda et al. 2023], a rapid framework designed to provide context for extreme events in relation to ACC. ClimaMeter’s approach emphasizes the dynamics associated with extreme events and identifies weather conditions similar to those characterizing the event of interest, leveraging the analogues methodology for conditional attribution [Yiou, 2014]. The analysis provided by such a framework enables the evaluation of significant changes over time of the event’s dynamics and associated meteorological hazards and links them to ACC.

An essential part of ClimaMeter’s methodology is quantifying the influence of natural variability relative to ACC in explaining the changes associated with the event. Specifically, three modes of Sea Surface Temperature variability are taken into account: the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. These three modes are considered with equal weight and changes not explained by them are assumed to be due to ACC [Faranda et al., 2023]. While the methodology is rapid and easy to communicate, it also has some limitations. In this work, we investigate the implications of this approach. First, we test it on a pre-industrial simulation of the IPSL climate model to evaluate its performance under stationary climate conditions. Additionally, we explore a generalization of the current methodology, aiming to refine the quantification of natural variability by weighing the three modes based on the event region and associated hazard. This generalized approach has the potential to expand ClimaMeter’s methodology and provide new insights into the complex mechanisms linking natural variability and extremes.

How to cite: Naldesi, C., Vrac, M., Bertrand, N., and Faranda, D.: Exploring a new methodology to quantify natural variability in conditional extreme event attribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10822,, 2025.

EGU25-10966 | ECS | Posters on site | NP1.3

Winter cyclones drive stronger surface wind extremes in the North Atlantic than in the Southern Ocean 

Aleksa Stanković and Rodrigo Caballero

Hemispheric symmetries, including those in zonal-mean eddy kinetic energy and in hemispheric-mean planetary albedo, are a characteristic feature of Earth’s climate. Whether such a symmetry also holds for extreme surface windspeeds driven by midlatitude cyclones is currently unclear. We address this question by focusing on the regions with the peak of storm tracks over the North Atlantic, North Pacific and Southern Ocean. We analyse reanalysis and satellite datasets and employ objectively calculated storm tracks to associate cyclones with surface winds they produce. Additionally, we check for existence of trends in extreme windspeeds of each basin. Results show a statistically distinguishable hemispheric asymmetry in extreme surface windspeeds, with the North Hemisphere having stronger extremes, driven primarily by extreme windspeeds occurring during winter and in proximity to cyclones. This implies that cyclones in the North Hemisphere drive stronger surface windspeed extremes than in the South Hemisphere. The North Hemisphere also has higher extreme windspeeds above the boundary layer (700 hPa), pointing to the role of large-scale processes in driving these differences. Lastly, trends in the extreme surface windspeeds across all basins are positive in the reanalysis dataset, and statistically significant in the North Pacific and Southern Ocean.

How to cite: Stanković, A. and Caballero, R.: Winter cyclones drive stronger surface wind extremes in the North Atlantic than in the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10966,, 2025.

EGU25-12284 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3

Comparative predictability of eastern and western north pacific blocking events 

Anupama K Xavier, Oisín Hamilton, Davide Faranda, and Stéphane Vannitsem

North Pacific blocking patterns, defined by persistent high-pressure systems that disrupt atmospheric circulation, are pivotal elements of mid-latitude weather dynamics. These blocking events play a significant role in shaping regional weather extremes, such as prolonged cold spells or heatwaves, and can redirect storm tracks across the Pacific. For instance, the 2021 Pacific Northwest heatwave demonstrated the profound impact of blocking on terrestrial temperatures, where an upstream cyclone acted as a diabatic source of wave activity, intensifying the blocking system. This led to heat-trapping stable stratification, which elevated surface temperatures to unprecedented levels (Neal et al., 2022). Similarly, marine heatwaves in the Northeast Pacific have been linked to high-latitude blocking events, which weaken westerly winds, suppress southward Ekman transport, and enhance ocean stratification, thereby increasing sea surface temperatures (Niu et al., 2023). The predictability of North Pacific blocking events is governed by the intricate interplay of large-scale atmospheric dynamics, ocean-atmosphere interactions, and internal variability (Smith et al., 2020).

This study investigates the differences in predictability between eastern and western North Pacific blocking events, using a modified version of the Davini et al. (2012) blocking index to distinguish their geographical locations. Identified blocking events were tracked using a block-tracking algorithm until they dissipated. Predictability was assessed by identifying an analogue pair for each blocking event. Specifically, after classifying blocks as eastern or western, geopotential height maps for each event were compared to all other days in the dataset. The analogue pair for an event was defined as the day with the smallest root mean square (RMS) distance. Predictability was then evaluated by averaging the error evolution of the tracks between events in each analogue pair.

Using CMIP6 model simulations and ERA5 reanalysis data, the study revealed that eastern blocks are significantly more persistent and stable than their western counterparts. Eastern blocks exhibited longer durations and greater resistance to atmospheric variability, resulting in improved forecast accuracy. In contrast, western blocks were found to be more transient and challenging to predict due to their susceptibility to dynamic instabilities.


Davini, P., Cagnazzo, C., Gualdi, S. and Navarra, A., 2012. Bidimensional diagnostics, variability, and trends of Northern Hemisphere blocking. Journal of Climate, 25(19), pp.6496-6509.

Neal, E., Huang, C.S. and Nakamura, N., 2022. The 2021 Pacific Northwest heat wave and associated blocking: Meteorology and the role of an upstream cyclone as a diabatic source of wave activity. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(8), p.e2021GL097699.

Niu, X., Chen, Y. and Le, C., 2023. Northeast Pacific marine heatwaves associated with high-latitude atmospheric blocking. Environmental Research Letters, 19(1), p.014025.

How to cite: K Xavier, A., Hamilton, O., Faranda, D., and Vannitsem, S.: Comparative predictability of eastern and western north pacific blocking events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12284,, 2025.

EGU25-13213 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3

Sensitivity of Dynamical Coupling to Large-Scale Circulation in European Winter Extremes 

Ane Carina Reiter, Martin Drews, Gabriele Messori, Davide Faranda, and Morten Andreas Dahl Larsen

The physical mechanisms underlying climate-induced extreme events are inherently complex, arising from the compounding nature of multiple drivers and/or hazards. Leveraging the chaotic nature of the atmosphere, a novel approach, based on results from dynamical system theory, has recently been adopted to reveal the drivers of both individual and compound extremes. Central to this approach is the co-recurrence ratio, which quantifies the instantaneous dynamical coupling between multiple variables in terms of joint recurrences of atmospheric configurations to similar ones in the past.

While the co-recurrence ratio has demonstrated potential in revealing the atmospheric drivers of certain extremes, its performance may depend heavily on factors such as the choice of geographical domain(s), selection of variables, and the thresholds used to define extremes. These sensitivities remain underexplored, limiting the broader applicability of this approach.

In this study, we aim to address these gaps by assessing the sensitivity of the co-recurrence ratio in a European setting, focusing on daily winter extremes in temperature, wind, and precipitation. For this analysis, we adopt a bivariate focus, diagnosing the coupling between large-scale circulation patterns and single hazard variables.

By exploring these sensitivities, this work seeks to enhance the understanding of the robustness of the co-recurrence ratio and its effectiveness in diagnosing the atmospheric drivers of various types of extremes.

How to cite: Reiter, A. C., Drews, M., Messori, G., Faranda, D., and Dahl Larsen, M. A.: Sensitivity of Dynamical Coupling to Large-Scale Circulation in European Winter Extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13213,, 2025.

EGU25-13374 | ECS | Posters on site | NP1.3

Causality and predictability of the Pan Atlantic compound extremes 

Meriem Krouma and Gabriele Messori

The co-occurrence of wintertime cold spells in North America and wet, windy extremes in Europe, known as the Pan-Atlantic compound extremes, is linked to distinct dynamical pathways. One of those dynamical pathways involves the presence of a persistent high-pressure system west of Greenland. This high-pressure anomaly tends to simultaneously induce a southward displacement of a trough over the eastern United States and sustain an upper-level trough over southwestern Europe, creating conditions that induce both cold spells in North America and extreme precipitation in Europe. The co-occurrence of the Pan-Atlantic compound extremes has been investigated in previous studies. However, the causal association between extremes on both sides of the Atlantic has yet to be verified. In this study, we aim to assess the relationship between these compound extremes and to uncover the causal mechanisms driving their co-occurrence. Preliminary findings indicate that high-pressure anomalies over Greenland are a main driver of both phenomena, providing a coherent dynamical link that bridges these geographically distinct extreme events. The study further seeks to clarify the underlying dynamics and improve predictability for such interconnected extreme weather events, which can help to better manage and mitigate their impacts.

How to cite: Krouma, M. and Messori, G.: Causality and predictability of the Pan Atlantic compound extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13374,, 2025.

EGU25-13784 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3

RHITA: a framework for real-time detection and characterization of weather extremes 

Greta Cazzaniga, Adrien Burq, Mathieu Vrac, and Davide Faranda

Extreme weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, thunderstorms, and cyclones threaten human lives, ecosystems, and economic stability. Tracking and characterizing the spatiotemporal dynamics of such events is essential for understanding their cascading impacts on socioeconomic and environmental systems. When the detection and characterization of extremes are done in real-time, they can provide critical information that benefits many sectors, including agriculture, emergency management, and regulatory authorities.

To offer a tool for operational monitoring of weather-related hazards across Europe, we developed RHITA (Real-time Hazards Identification and Tracking Algorithm), an online framework designed for the rapid, automated, and objective spatiotemporal detection of hazards driven by extreme weather events. RHITA is intended for a wide range of users, including scientists, policymakers, authorities, and the general public. It leverages the ERA5 dataset for real-time detection, and the algorithm is calibrated using the EM-DAT dataset, which documents global disaster occurrences and impacts.

RHITA currently offers two main features: (1) real-time tracking and spatiotemporal characterization of extreme weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, cold spells, cyclones, and storms, focusing on associated hazards like extreme temperatures, water deficits, heavy precipitation, and strong winds; and (2) publicly available, up-to-date, transboundary historical spatiotemporal hazard catalogs for Europe.

How to cite: Cazzaniga, G., Burq, A., Vrac, M., and Faranda, D.: RHITA: a framework for real-time detection and characterization of weather extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13784,, 2025.

EGU25-13891 | Posters on site | NP1.3

Ensemble Random Forest for Tropical Cyclone Tracking 

Pradeebane Vaittinada Ayar, Stella Bourdin, Davide Faranda, and Mathieu Vrac

Even though tropical cyclones (TCs) are well documented from the moment they reach a certain intensity to the moment they start to evanesce, many physical and statistical properties governing them are not well captured by gridded reanalysis or simulated by earth system models. Thus, the tracking of TCs remain a matter of interest for the investigation of observed and simulated tropical. Many cyclone tracking schemes are available. On the one hand, there are trackers that rely on physical and dynamical properties of the TCs and users prescribed thresholds, which make them rigid, and need numerous variables that are not always available in the models. On the other hand, there are trackers leaning on deep learning which, by nature, need large amounts of data and computing power. Besides, given the number of physical variables needed for the tracking, they can be prone to overfitting, which hinders their transferability to climate models. In this study, the ability of a Random Forest (RF) approach to track TCs with a limited number of aggregated variables is explored. Hence, it becomes a binary supervised classification problem of TC-free (zero) and TC (one) situations. Our analysis focuses on the Eastern North Pacific and North Atlantic basins, for which respectively 514 and 431 observed tropical cyclones tracks record are available from the IBTrACS database over the 1980-2021 period. For each 6-hourly time step, RF associates TC occurrence or absence (1 or 0) to atmospheric situations described by predictors extracted from the ERA5 reanalysis. Then situations with TC occurrences are joined for reconstructing TC trajectories. Results show good ability of the method for tracking of tropical cyclones over both basins and good ability for spatial and temporal generalization as well. It also shows similar TC detection rate as trackers based on TCs' properties and significantly lower false alarm rate. RF allows us to detect TC situations for a range of predictor combinations, which brings more flexibility than threshold based trackers. Last but not least, this study shed light on the most relevant variables allowing to detect tropical cyclone.

How to cite: Vaittinada Ayar, P., Bourdin, S., Faranda, D., and Vrac, M.: Ensemble Random Forest for Tropical Cyclone Tracking, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13891,, 2025.

EGU25-14873 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3

Large-scale atmospheric circulation as a source of uncertainty in western European heat extreme projections  

Shutong Liu, Yinglin Tian, and Kai Kornhuber

Europe has been identified as a heatwave hotspot, where heatwave intensities have outpaced other mid-latitude regions in the Northern Hemisphere (Rousi et al. Nat. Comms. 2022). Accelerated European heatwave trends have been found to be associated with the increased persistence of Eurasian double jets, a specific set-up of the large-scale circulation in which the Northern hemisphere polar and subtropical jets occur as two clearly separated branches. However, if observed trends are projected to continue with anthropogenic warming and to what degree the present generation of climate models constitute useful tools to assess changes in the atmospheric circulation has not yet been ascertained.

In this study, we benchmark 11 CMIP6 climate models to evaluate their ability to reproduce the main characteristics of double jets and their relationship to heat extremes, aiming to identify the best-performing models for future projections. Our findings show that, on average, the models tend to underestimate the frequency of double jets by 80%. Moreover, half of the climate models underestimate the intensity of double-jet-associated heatwaves over Western Europe, with the remaining models even showing a negative anomaly in heatwave intensity during double jet events in the region. Furthermore, climate models fail to capture the growth rate of double jet persistence, with the model mean trend at -0.4 days per decade, while the observed rate is approximately 1.5 days per decade. The bias in the persistence trend of double jet in models is strongly correlated with the underestimation of the western European heat extreme trend, with an R2 value of 0.42.

Despite this, some models show reasonable agreement with the observations, and these models are further analyzed to project circulation-driven changes in extreme heat. Using EC-Earth3-Veg-LR, we observe an increase in double jet frequency from 2020 to 2060, at a rate of 0.2 days per decade. Our work highlights the need for better representation of double jet characteristics and their relationship with heat extremes in climate models to enhance preparedness for future heat risks.

How to cite: Liu, S., Tian, Y., and Kornhuber, K.: Large-scale atmospheric circulation as a source of uncertainty in western European heat extreme projections , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14873,, 2025.

EGU25-15668 | ECS | Posters on site | NP1.3

High-risk atmospheric circulation patterns for Italian precipitation extremes 

Cristina Iacomino, Salvatore Pascale, Giuseppe Zappa, Marcello Iotti, Federico Grazzini, Alice Portal, and Paolo Ghinassi

Extreme precipitation events (EPEs) are meteorological phenomena that are likely to intensify as a result of climate change. They are a major concern for our society, especially in densely populated areas, as they can have significant economic and environmental impacts. Therefore, identifying large-scale atmospheric circulation that lead to EPEs is crucial for detecting geographical areas at risk and mitigating their adverse impacts.

To achieve this objective, we study the circulation patterns associated with EPEs in Italy. Initially, we focus on North-Central Italy and we identify the precipitation extremes in three datasets: ARCIS 3.0, MSWEP, and CERRA LAND. Circulation types associated with the EPEs are obtained by applying Self Organizing Maps (SOMs), an unsupervised artificial neural network widely used in synoptic climatology, to anomalies of geopotential height at 500 hPa and mean sea level pressure. Since ArCIS, the reference dataset, is limited to North-Central Italy, we extend the analysis to the whole of Italy using CERRA-Land. Such choice is based on the fact that it produced the most similar results to ArCIS in North-Central Italy compared to MSWEP.

We then generate composites of various variables (all retrieved from ERA5) for each SOM pattern to better understand the circulation patterns and characterize the atmospheric dynamics associated with extreme events. Additionally, we analyze the probability of exceeding the 99th percentile of wet-days to identify the areas impacted by each pattern. Composites for the different circulation types show variations in the synoptic pattern's position within the Mediterranean basin, as well as differences in the direction and intensity of moisture flux. These patterns influence distinct regions and display varying frequencies across seasons.

In future works the classification obtained by this study will be applied to climate model simulations, aiming to investigate the role of anthropogenic climate change in the dynamics leading to EPEs in Italy. 

How to cite: Iacomino, C., Pascale, S., Zappa, G., Iotti, M., Grazzini, F., Portal, A., and Ghinassi, P.: High-risk atmospheric circulation patterns for Italian precipitation extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15668,, 2025.

EGU25-17645 | Orals | NP1.3

Graph neural networks based climate emulator for kilometer scale hourly precipitation : a novel hybrid imperfect approach 

Erika Coppola, Valentina Blasone, Serafina Di Gioia, Guido Sanguinetti, Viplove Arora, and Luca Bortolussi

Regional climate emulators provide computationally efficient tools for generating high-resolution climate projections, bridging the gap between coarse-scale models and the detailed resolution required for local-scale hazard assessments. Climate hazards from extreme precipitation events are projected to increase in frequency and intensity under global warming, emphasizing the need for accurate modeling of convective processes. However, traditional numerical methods are constrained by low resolution or the high computational costs of kilometer-scale simulations.

To overcome these limitations, we introduce GNN4CD, a novel deep learning emulator that estimates kilometer-scale (3 km) hourly precipitation from coarse atmospheric data (~25 km). The model leverages graph neural networks and a hybrid imperfect approach (HIA) for downscaling, initially trained on ERA5 reanalysis and observational data, and applied using regional climate model (RegCM) data for present-day and future projections.

GNN4CD demonstrates exceptional performance in reproducing precipitation distributions, seasonal diurnal cycles, and extreme percentiles across Italy, even when trained on northern Italy alone. The model captures shifts in precipitation distributions, particularly for extremes, across historical, mid-century, and end-of-century scenarios. Additionally, evaluations using an ensemble of convection-permitting regional models confirm GNN4CD's ability to replicate ensemble spreads for both present-day and future projections essential for estimating the uncertainty in the future climate change signal..

How to cite: Coppola, E., Blasone, V., Di Gioia, S., Sanguinetti, G., Arora, V., and Bortolussi, L.: Graph neural networks based climate emulator for kilometer scale hourly precipitation : a novel hybrid imperfect approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17645,, 2025.

EGU25-17852 | ECS | Posters on site | NP1.3

The impact of the upward trend in the NAO index on precipitation dynamics in the Mediterranean region 

Emma Schultz, Barend Spanjers, and Dim Coumou

The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the dominant pattern of atmospheric variability over the North Atlantic region, having its greatest influence on Europe during the winter months. In winter, positive NAO index values are linked to warmer temperatures and increased precipitation in western and northern Europe, whereas southern Europe tends to experience colder and drier conditions. These drier conditions can pose significant challenges for agriculture and livelihoods. An overall positive trend in the NAO index has been observed in winter in recent decades. However, how precipitation dynamics in the Mediterranean region respond to the shift towards a higher NAO index are largely unknown, partly due to the poor capture of NAO’s upward shift in climate models. 

Here we examine the impact of the shift towards a higher NAO index on precipitation dynamics in the Mediterranean region in winter. We employ a novel statistical model to analyse next-day precipitation conditional on past observations. The analysis focuses on conditioning drought persistence on different NAO states to assess their influence on the distributional characteristics of drought durations across the Mediterranean region. We present preliminary analyses that contribute to the growing body of evidence that long-term positive trends in the NAO index have an impact on rainfall patterns and drought occurrence in Europe. Understanding the role of teleconnections in regional climate variability and long-term trends is essential for robust regional climate projections for improved risk assessment and policy planning.

How to cite: Schultz, E., Spanjers, B., and Coumou, D.: The impact of the upward trend in the NAO index on precipitation dynamics in the Mediterranean region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17852,, 2025.

EGU25-17937 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3

Impact Attribution for Climate Law: The Case of Storm Irene 

Mireia Ginesta, Shirin Ermis, Rupert Stuart-Smith, and Benjamin Franta

People are increasingly turning to courts to combat climate crisis. In the early 2000s, fewer than 10 climate change litigation cases had been filed globally. By 2024, this number has grown to over 2,500, with more than half originating in the United States. Some of these cases rely on extreme weather attribution science to link damages to anthropogenic climate change. Developing rigorous, legally useful assessments of damage attributable to climate change is an increasingly pressing need.

We present a framework for forecast-based impact attribution which can link physically consistent hazards to impacts, providing evidence for legal cases and climate cost recovery laws. As a case study, we analyze the severe impacts of Storm Irene in August 2011 when it was undergoing extratropical transition in the north-eastern USA. In the state of Vermont, Irene caused rainfall of up to 180 mm within a few hours, leading to fluvial and pluvial flooding with catastrophic consequences that caused $850 million in economic damages. By integrating an operational weather forecast model (ECMWF’s IFS) and hydrological models with economic impact assessments, we assess the extent to which these damages can be attributed to anthropogenic climate change.

This research underscores the potential of interdisciplinary attribution methodologies to enhance the scientific basis for judicial adjudication on climate change and climate law-making.

How to cite: Ginesta, M., Ermis, S., Stuart-Smith, R., and Franta, B.: Impact Attribution for Climate Law: The Case of Storm Irene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17937,, 2025.

EGU25-17947 | Orals | NP1.3

Towards an impact-based approach to the detection of analogues: the case study of Emilia-Romagna floods in May 2023 

Valerio Lembo, Mireia Ginesta, Tommaso Alberti, Roberta D'Agostino, and Davide Faranda

The framework of weather analogues is a powerful methodology for the detection of the climate change fingerprint on weather extremes, that has been widely used in several contexts. The procedure has several advantages compared to standard model-based attribution exercises, being fast and not computationally expensive. Here we address whether the detection of analogs based on impacts (e.g., environmental, socio-economic) of a severe weather event can provide added value on the attribution of the event intensity or likelihood to climate change.

As a case study, we analyse the twin Emilia-Romagna flood event of May 2023. It caused a sizable amount of casualties, widespread destruction and substantial economic damage. We detect analogues of the river runoff as an impact-based observable of interest, addressing it in an univariate context, but also jointly with other observables (i.e., in a multivariate framework), such as mean sea-level pressure, total precipitation, and 850 hPa vorticity. We therefore detect the optimal set of variables for performing multivariate analysis and the appropriate analysis domain. We suggest that by combining river runoff with other observables by carefully selecting the spatial domain, we obtain a clearer view of the role played by anthropogenic climate change for this event, also including the additional vulnerability linked to the environmental impact of human activities, such as land-use change and freshwater diversion.

How to cite: Lembo, V., Ginesta, M., Alberti, T., D'Agostino, R., and Faranda, D.: Towards an impact-based approach to the detection of analogues: the case study of Emilia-Romagna floods in May 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17947,, 2025.

EGU25-18710 | Orals | NP1.3

The predictable chaos of rare events in geophysical and complex systems 

Tommaso Alberti, Davide Faranda, and Valerio Lucarini

Many natural systems show emergent phenomena at different scales, leading to scaling regimes with signatures of chaos at large scales and an apparently random behavior at small scales. These features are usually investigated quantitatively by studying the properties of the underlying attractor. This multi-scale nature of natural systems makes it practically impossible to get a clear picture of the attracting set as it spans over a wide range of spatial scales and may even change in time due to non-stationary forcing.

Here we present a review of some recent advancements in characterizing the number of degrees of freedom and the predictability horizon of geophysical and complex systems showing non-hyperbolic chaos, randomness, state-dependent persistence and predictability. We compare classical approaches, based on Lyapunov exponents and correlation dimension, with novel approaches based on combining adaptive decomposition methods with concepts from extreme value theory. We demonstrate that the properties of the invariant set depend on the scale we are focusing on and that the proposed formalism can be generally helpful to investigate the role of multi-scale fluctuations within complex systems, allowing us to deal with the problem of characterizing the role of stochastic fluctuations across a wide range of physical systems as well as the role of different dynamical components in determining the predictability of rare events in complex systems.

How to cite: Alberti, T., Faranda, D., and Lucarini, V.: The predictable chaos of rare events in geophysical and complex systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18710,, 2025.

EGU25-18740 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3

Analyzing the Historical and Projected Evolution of the Global Diurnal Temperature Range (DTR) 

Muskula Sai Bargav Reddy, Vinnarasi Rajendran, and Mukul Tewari

The Diurnal Temperature Range (DTR) serves as a crucial meteorological indicator, reflecting the difference between daily maximum and minimum temperatures and the magnitude of diurnal extremes. The anomalous values of DTR are often linked to the occurrence of various climatic extremes such as droughts, heatwaves, and wet spells, which make it necessary to understand the evolution of DTR both historically and for the future. This study focuses on analyzing the evolution of DTR globally by employing the non-stationary Multidimensional Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (MEEMD) method. To accomplish this, historical temperature data spanning 69 years (1951-2019) and CMIP6 Bias corrected data covering 150 years (1951-2100) were utilized. The non-linear trend characteristics in temperature are computed using CRU 0.50 x 0.50 gridded temperature data for historical trends and five different bias-corrected climate projection datasets of NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP-CMIP6) for the assessment of trends in future DTR by considering two SSP scenarios, i.e., SSP 245 and SSP 585, each corresponding to intermediate and high emissions scenarios. The CMIP6 models that are considered are CanESM5, GFDL CM4, MIROC6, NorESM2-MM, and MPI-ESM1-2-HR. The results from the analysis reveal the decrease in global DTR, with a faster rate of increase in minimum temperature than in maximum temperature. However, the southern regions of Australia and Africa showed an increase in DTR. The CMIP6 simulations showed that CanESM5 and MPI-ESM1-2-HR showed a decreasing trend in global DTR for both scenarios of ssp, with an increase in DTR for South America and the southern part of Africa for CanESM5, while GFDL CM4, MIROC6, and NorESM2-MM showed a decrease in global DTR. The findings underscore the importance of understanding regional climatic variations when assessing global temperature trends. The observed contrasting regional patterns in DTR highlight the influence of localized hydroclimatic factors, including land-use changes, aerosols, and atmospheric feedback mechanisms. These insights are crucial for refining climate models and improving future climate projections under different emission pathways. Overall, the study emphasizes the necessity of incorporating non-linear approaches like MEEMD to capture complex climatic trends and underscores the role of DTR as a key indicator of climate change and its impacts at both global and regional scales.

How to cite: Reddy, M. S. B., Rajendran, V., and Tewari, M.: Analyzing the Historical and Projected Evolution of the Global Diurnal Temperature Range (DTR), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18740,, 2025.

EGU25-19577 * | Orals | NP1.3 | Highlight

Unraveling the Rising Threat of Atmospheric and Marine Heatwaves in the Mediterranean Region 

Samira Khodayar Pardo, Paco Pastor, and Laura Paredes-Fortuny

Heatwaves (HWs) are extreme climate events increasingly magnified under climate change, posing significant risks to both human and environmental systems. The Mediterranean region, recognized as a climate change hotspot, is experiencing a worrying amplification of both atmospheric and marine heatwaves. In this presentation we will discuss the evolution and interplay of these phenomena emphasizing their compounding effects when occurring simultaneously.

Our findings reveal a clear increase in HW frequency, intensity, and duration, with the concurrence of atmospheric and marine heatwaves resulting in a significant local amplification of marine heatwave intensity. While atmospheric heatwaves remain largely unaffected by this interaction. This interaction has become more prominent in recent years, highlighting the increasing complexity of extreme climate phenomena in this region.

The results underscore the urgent need for regionally tailored strategies to mitigate the cascading impacts of compounding heatwaves, as their intensification under climate change exacerbates threats to Mediterranean ecosystems and communities.


How to cite: Khodayar Pardo, S., Pastor, P., and Paredes-Fortuny, L.: Unraveling the Rising Threat of Atmospheric and Marine Heatwaves in the Mediterranean Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19577,, 2025.

EGU25-19698 | Orals | NP1.3

 January 2025 Wildfires in Southern California are attributable to Anthropogenic Global Warming 

Rita Nogherotto, Chen Lu, Greta Cazzaniga, Coppola Erika, and Davide Faranda

Starting January 7, 2025, devastating wildfires have swept through the Los Angeles metropolitan area and nearby regions. By January 10, the fires had caused ten deaths, destroyed thousands of structures, displaced nearly 180,000 residents, and scorched approximately 30,000 acres. This study employs the extended ClimaMeter ( <>) protocol to explore the potential role of climate change in exacerbating the severity of this event. Specifically, we examine whether climate change has modified the atmospheric conditions, represented by the mean sea level pressure, that contribute to wildfire occurrence, represented by the fire weather index, by analyzing historical and current weather patterns similar to those observed during the fires. Our methodology integrates both reanalysis datasets and high-resolution regional climate models to assess observed changes and project future fire risk scenarios. The results indicate a significant increase in the fire weather index across much of California and surrounding regions, which suggests that this event can be ascribed to human-driven climate change. The models show a similar signal in the present climate and project increases in fire weather hazard in the future.

How to cite: Nogherotto, R., Lu, C., Cazzaniga, G., Erika, C., and Faranda, D.:  January 2025 Wildfires in Southern California are attributable to Anthropogenic Global Warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19698,, 2025.

EGU25-20545 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3

Characterizing ENSO Through Topological Analysis of Jin-Timmermann Model's Chaotic Regimes 

Maria Sanchez Muniz, Margaret Brown, and Pushpi Paranamana

The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) represents one of the most significant drivers of global climate variability. This study investigates the chaotic parameter regimes of the Jin-Timmermann model, particularly focusing on the dynamics identified by Guckenheimer et al. where chaotic attractors emerge. We analyze the reduced three-dimensional system with specific attention to the critical parameters δ = 0.225423, ρ = 0.3224, which govern the time-scale interactions between oceanic and atmospheric processes. Using topological data analysis (TDA), we characterize the structural transitions between periodic and chaotic behaviors in the model's parameter space. Our methodology combines persistent homology with dynamical systems theory to identify distinct topological signatures associated with strong El Niño events. We validate these theoretical findings against observational data from the ERA5 reanalysis and NOAA/ERSSTv5 Niño 3.4 index, focusing particularly on the relationship between topological features and prolonged dry conditions in Southeast Asia. This approach provides new insights into the non-systematic relationship between strong El Niño events and regional climate impacts, while establishing a novel framework for comparing theoretical models with observational data. Our results demonstrate the utility of topological methods in understanding complex climate phenomena and suggest new possibilities for improving ENSO prediction capabilities.

How to cite: Sanchez Muniz, M., Brown, M., and Paranamana, P.: Characterizing ENSO Through Topological Analysis of Jin-Timmermann Model's Chaotic Regimes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20545,, 2025.

Extreme rainfall events during the Indian monsoon season pose significant challenges due to their socioeconomic and environmental impacts. Understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of these events requires robust analytical and statistical methods capable of capturing complex relationships within rainfall generating systems. Complex network approaches have emerged as powerful tools for analyzing spatiotemporal patterns in climate data, offering new insights into extreme weather phenomena.

This study compares two methodologies for constructing and analyzing climate networks to study the spatiotemporal structure and dynamics of heavy precipitation events in India during the monsoon season across multiple time scales. Specifically, we introduce a novel combination of Discrete Wavelet Decomposition with Event Coincidence Analysis (ECA), referred to as Multi-Scale Event Coincidence Analysis (MSECA) and compare the results with the existing Multi-Scale Event Synchronisation (MSES). From a conceptual perspective, MSECA appears to be a more reasonable method compared to MSES, as it mitigates certain undesired effects of temporal clustering of rainfall extremes across various timescales.

Our results reveal distinct differences in network properties depending on the methodology used, highlighting the sensitivity of network-based analyses to the choice of construction technique. These differences affect the identification of dominant heavy rainfall patterns and their underlying drivers, such as large-scale atmospheric circulation and/or local feedback mechanisms at daily to monthly temporal scales.

Our work underscores the importance of methodological rigor and the potential of complex network approaches in advancing the understanding of extreme rainfall events in monsoon-dominated regions. This comparison provides a foundation for developing standardized practices for network-based climate studies, enabling more robust assessments of extreme weather phenomena.

How to cite: Bishnoi, G., Dhanya, C. T., and Donner, R. V.: A Comparison of Methodologies for Studying Heavy Precipitation Events during the Summer Monsoon Season in India Using Complex Network Approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21222,, 2025.

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